Historic, archived document

Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices.



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59 Beans, Mammoth Stringless Green Pod. A very

high quality mid-season variety, bearing a heavy crop of large thick round perfectly stringless pods. Ready for picking in about 55 days from planting seed. Plant a row or two, according to your needs, about every three weeks fora steady supply right through the summer and early fall. Pkt., 10 cts.; 4 lb., 25 cts.; 1 lb., 35 cts.; 2 lbs., 60 cts.; 5 lbs. , $1. 45, Postpaid.

Beet, Dreer’s "Rosebud. A new introduction of special merit, forming a root of perfectly round shape, clean smooth skin, with deep red interior flesh showing no light zones. This is an ideal Beet for canning or pickling whole, or for immediate table use, being unequalled for quality if pulled when roots are from 14 to 2 inches (not larger) in diameter. Pkt., 15 cts.; oz., 50 cts.; 1 lb., $1.50; lb., $5.00.



Carrot, Imperator. A new carrot of extra sweet and tender quality, with a tapering root 7 to 8 inches long, easily pulled. Flesh of fine deep orange color with a very faint core. Pkt., 15 cts.; oz., 35 cts.; } lb., $1.00. Onion, Valencia. The best of the large sweet Spanish Onions, growing to an immense size, perfectly round, and it is a better keeper than others of the type. With golden amber skin, the flesh is solid and white, and very sweet and mild. Pkt., 15 cts.; oz., 35 cts.; } lb., $1.00.

Peas, Laxton’s Progress. We still consider this the best of the large podded dwarf, early maturing sorts. Vines average 20 inches high and produce a heavy crop of fine dark 4 to 44 inch pods, full of peas of unsurpassed qual- ity. Pkt., 10 cts.; } lb.,25 cts.; lb.,40 cts. ;2 lbs., 75 cts.;5 ‘lbs. , $1.75, Postpaid.


| |


Henry A. Dreer Piviedelngbia, Pa:

Henry A. Dreer, Inc., gives no warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, productiveness, or any other matter, of any Seeds, Bulbs or Plants they sell, and will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned.

Date. Forward by: MailO; ExpressO; FreightO

RR Nacenihaoneenoeitadicbansnioanbaniion Ss Sa iaheto. y cce Acs, 200% Sa Sea a Una STSy: (OUT Tee | Sat ee eA poi, a ean TEAS FM chen =: 20 naam EI eas LS ae ae be, OO. oe LS Re alee BEE P.O. Money Order [_] Amount Enclosed ano ageatalveneli ge Sy EE AEDs eetenteraca alee epee onseeelon Check or Draft Sa aa aaa ead SS og ie pees jena CT OER IARI EERnen RON) (rte enanerae

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All Flower Seeds are sent Postpaid

They are forwarded on receipt of order unless instructed to the contrary. In ordering Flower Seeds it is only necessary to put down the quantity wanted, the catalogue number of the variety desired, and the price.

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Total for Flower Seeds $

Order Vegetable Seeds, Tools, and Garden Sundries on other side

In ordering Vegetable Seeds it is 9 All Vegetable Seeds are sent post- only necessary to stale the quantity D reer S paid late where noled in vats

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Garden Tools, Fertilizer, Insecticides, etc. These can be sent only by Express or Freight at customers’ expense, except where quoted postpaid in the catalogue.

HENRY A. DREER, 1306 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, Pa.


Henry A. Dreer phitadetphia, Pa.

Henry A. Dreer, Inc., gives no warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, productiveness, or any other matter, of any Seeds, Bulbs, or Plants they sell, and will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned.

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Plants and Roots are Shipped by Express Purchaser Paying for Transportation We will be pleased to forward such plants as can be sent by Parcel Post at the additional cost as noted on first page of the Plant Department of Dreer’s Garden Book. Hardy Shrubs, large size Palms, Pot Roses, etc., can be shipped only by Express.

When shall we ship the Hardy Plants for the Garden?..............

Quantity Wanted | Name of Plants; Roots, or Bulbs pli eee re eri rm

When shall we ship the Hardy Plants for the Garden?

HENRY A. DREER, 1306 Spring Garden St., PHILADELPHIA, PA.

Form No. 6001


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w Dreer’s Selected List 4

of Newer and Better Vegetables

In each class of vegetables we find some that are superior to others in one or another characteristic. It may be extra earliness, particularly attractive appearance, superior flavor, or an ideal combination of many desirable factors. Such vegetables logically become leaders and among such leaders the finest strains are most eagerly sought by the growers.

On this and the following pages we offer what we know to be prize strains of distinctly worth-while leaders among the most useful vegetables. They are not necessarily novelties but rather specialties which have won their way to the top through meritorious performances in gardens of Dreer customers everywhere.

Asparagus —Mary Washington 111 12 This is a special selection from Pedigreed Washington, the Bush Lima original U. S. Dept. of Agriculture introduction, being 5) earlier, larger, and longer with the stalks slightly more oval Dreer = Wonder in form while it is quite as resistant to disease. Produces Very desirable on account

large tender shoots of excellent flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; of its earliness and produc- + lb. 60c; Ib. $2.00. tiveness. The plants are of

strong, upright bush growth. Bean They are completely covered

Black Valentine Stringless | “ith l@rge pods, many of which contain four beans

21 A decided improvement over the old strain in that its fully as large as those of the long, dark green pods are entirely free from strings. It pole limas. The beans are retains its well-known early maturing and heavy cropping} flat and broad, and pro- qualities. Pkt. 15c; 3 lb. 30c; lb. 50c; 2 Ibs. 90c; 5 lbs. | nounced by many as being

$2.00. superior in flavor to the } round, thick-seeded varieties. |

Beet On account of its unusual

Improved Crimson Globe earliness, Dreer’s Wonder

142 A new and much improved strain of this popular Beet: | Bush Lima can be planted True globe in shape with clean smooth skin, and rich | Well on in the season without purplish red flesh of solid color. Fine grained and very | much risk of failure. sweet. Retains its fine quality even when 4 or 5 inches| Pkt. 10c; 3 Ib. 25c; Ib. 40c; in diameter, making it an ideal home garden sort. 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75.

Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 Ib. 60c; lb. $1.75.

179 Sprouting Broccoli *‘Calabrese’’ -

This fine vegetable is now to be seen in all better produce stores and markets, and is always in good demand. It gives a welcome change from the usual ‘‘greens,”’ and its distinctive flavor and high tonic qualities merit for it space in every garden. Of easy culture. Can be grown for an early crop, starting seeds in hotbed or greenhouse in February or March and later transplanting the same as Cabbage, or it succeeds equally well when grown for fall use, sowing seed in the open bed in May and transplanting later thirty inches apart each way. Pkt. 15¢; 3 0z. 50c; © Dreer’s Wonder oz. 90c; + lb. $3.00. Bush Lima Bean

Sprouting Broccoli

All Vegetable Seeds are sent ‘‘Postpaid’’, except where quoted ‘‘Not Prepaid”’


Lyons Swiss Chard

Swiss Chard —Lyons

An excellent and most useful vegetable, a row or two of which should be in every garden. This variety will quickly produce plants from which leaves may be cut all summer. You can cut right down to the ground and new shoots will soon spring up and make a fast growth. Those plants which are allowed to grow will make large crumpled and curly dark green leaves with thick, white mid-ribs which are delicious when cooked and served like asparagus, while the leafy parts make excellent “sreens.”’ Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

Dreer’s Giant Globe Cabbage

Cabbage —Dreer’s Giant Globe


For those of our customers who desire a very large Cabbage we offer this new variety. It forms an immense solid head, and under favorable conditions of soil and sufficient moisture often reaches a weight of 30 pounds. The interior is white and very solid, and we would class it asa second early, much used for late planting. Splendid for sauer-kraut on account of its large size and fine white interior quality. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 75c; + lb. $2.00.


Cabbage —Golden Acre

This excellent variety is the earliest round-headed Cab- bage. It will mature at least 7 days ahead of the earliest strains of Jersey Wakefield, considered the standard Early of the country. The heads of Golden Acre Cabbage are perfectly round, firm, and of exceptionally fine texture, heavy mid-ribs being entirely absent. They average in weight about 4 pounds and produce very few outer leaves, permitting close planting in the row. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 40c; oz. 75c; } lb. $2.00.

Chinese Cabbage —Impr’d Peking


This fine salad vegetable resembles Cos Lettuce. The head is long and compact, and all but the outer leaves blanch a creamy white. Very crisp and tender, and in every way adapted to the home garden. We have re- cently secured a much improved strain and recommend a trial. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; } lb. $1.00.

Cauliflower —Dreer’s Super Strain





This has again been brought to the highest point of per- fection through the most careful reselection of plants by our seed growers in Denmark. It has been tried by our customers in many sections and they all agree that it is the best they ever grew. The plants are compact, with short outer leaves and can be planted as close as 2 feet apart each way. It always makes a fine, large, and exceedingly beautiful snowy white head. Matures much earlier than any other variety and is a sure prize: winner at Fairs or Exhibitions. Pkt. 25c; } oz. $1.75; 3 oz. $3.00; oz. $5.50.

Celery —Golden Plume

A large early Celery of superfine quality and splendid appearance. Large heayy stalks with a full, solid heart of golden yellow. Easy to blanch, a good keeper, and always of the crisp, brittle, and nutty quality so much desired. Shows a marked resistance to blight, so often affecting other early yellow strains. This and our special strain of Easy Blanching, offered on page 18 we consider the two finest Celeries in cultivation.

Pkt. 25c; } oz. $1.00; 4 oz. $1.75; oz. $3.00.

Sugar Corn—Golden Cream

Also known as Golden Country Gentleman. A cross of Country Gentleman and Golden Bantam with irregularly arranged, shoe-peg like kernels of yellow color. The ears are ready for use in 85 to 90 days after sowing. Grains are long and pointed, rich cream color when ready, but turn to an attractive light golden yellow when cooked. Remarkably sweet, tender, and tasty. Stalks make a healthy, rapid growth, producing an average of three ears each. Pkt. 10c; 3 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65.

Cucumber —Longcu

A fancy Cucumber growing 12 or 13 inches in length with rich deep green skin and few spines. It equals in appear- ance the greenhouse product. Longcu is suited well to both outdoor and under glass production, and it is specially valuable outside on account of its surprising earliness. It can be picked along with Early Fortune and other early slicing sorts if the growing conditions are anywhere favorable. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 35c; oz. 50c; } lb. $1.50; Ib. $5.00.

Endive —Dreer’s Giant Fringed


Endive is highly esteemed for table use because of its appetizing flavor and wholesomeness. In some sections can be grown all the year round. The above sort is a strong growing variety witha large white heart and broad stems, good for fall and winter. On account of the beautifully curled and finely cut leaves this variety is used freely for garnishing as well as making a delicious salad. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 65c.

For complete Alphabetical Index, see pages 214 and 215


Dreer’s “All Heart’’ Lettuce

Lettuce —Dreer’s ‘‘All Heart’’

The name of this variety is most descriptive, because the few loose outer leaves enclose a head that is one large solid heart. Now thoroughly tested in all soils and sec- tions, we have yet to hear of an instance where Dreer’s All-Heart Lettuce did not come through with flying colors. While suitable for summer use in cool sections, it is pre- eminently an early spring variety and gives best results in soils holding an abundance of humus or other quickly available plant food. The heads are of delicate yellowish green color, making it a most attractive market variety. The flavor is excellent. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 35c; z lb. $1.00.

Lettuce —Dreer’s Improved Hanson



Although introduced by us over fifty years ago, this Lettuce is still the prize winner among the crisp-heading varieties. The fact that it has been popular for half a century, and that it is still offered by the leading seedsmen of the country is proof of its sterling qualities. It reaches a large size, with light green, curled leaves with fringed edges enclosing a white heart of remarkable solidity. Crisp and brittle all over, and free of the flat watery taste which some crispheads unfortunately have. We recommend it highly for growing during the hot summer months. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; oz. 30c; } lb. 90c.

sii tan


Honey Rock Muskmelon

Muskmelon—Honey Rock

A new salmon-fleshed variety of delicious sweetness and rich aroma. While the almost round melons are only of medium size, this is fully compensated by the remarkably thick flesh and small seed cavity. Skin is roughly netted and of a grey green color. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c; Ib. $1.75.


Hearts of Gold or Imp’d Hoodoo


| 578

The vines make a strong and vigorous growth. They are remarkably disease-resistant and produce a wonderful crop of delightfully flavored fruits. The melons are of medium size, round, and distinctly ribbed. They present a most attractive appearance. The firm rind is thickly netted. The flesh is rich deep orange, fine grained, and moderately firm, enclosing a very small seed cavity. Of remarkable sweetness and spicy flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c; Ib. $1.75.

Onion Prizetaker

The large size and handsome appearance of this Onion make it equally desirable for the home garden or for mar- ket. The true Prizetaker Onion is globe-shaped, has pale yellow skin, and white flesh, which is very mild and of delicate flavor. No sets are required, as the large Onions are grown the first year from seed sown during the spring, thus making it a very desirable Onion for the home garden. It also is a good variety for sowing under glass in February for transplanting. When started in this manner immense bulbs can be raised to perfection. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; ¢ lb. 85c; lb. $3.00.

Dreer’s Dwarf Perfection Parsley

Parsley —Dreer’s Dwarf Perfection



Easily the most perfect strain of this fine dwarf Parsley. The growth is even and compact, and the exquisitely fine and prettily curled leaves are set very close on the plant. The color is a wonderful bright pea-green. This variety combines the quality of a fine culinary herb with that of a beautiful decorative plant, and is equally valuable for garnishing purposes and border. It surpasses all other varieties of Parsley with its rich yet mild flavor.

Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; ¢ lb. 70c; lb. $2.25.

Pea —**The President’’

Here is a new Pea of outstanding quality which we are sure will be well received by our many customers. ‘‘The President’? produces a vine 20 to 22 inches high. The vines are strong and vigorous, and of a rich dark green color. They bear a profusion of straight, dark green pods which measure 4} to 4? inches in length and always are well filled with sweet-flavored peas. Peas are ready for picking in about 68 to 70 days. It is therefore a most valuable sort to plant along with Laxtons Progress, which can be picked 7 or 8 days earlier. A trial pound or two will return a very profitable crop.

Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 75c; 5 Ibs. $1.75.

ALL VEGETABLE SEEDS in quantities offered in this Catalog are FORWARDED, TRANSPORTATION PAID, anywhere in the United States, we reserving the privilege of shipping either by PARCEL POST, EXPRESS, or FREIGHT.


Edward |

Bloomsdale Long-Standing Savoy



Pea —Prince Edward 690

This main crop Pea is somewhat similar to Telephone in height of vine and shape of pod, also in time of maturity but the pods of this sort are much darker green in color adding greatly to their handsome appearance, and we believe the vines carry more Height of vine is about 4 feet and some support insures a heavy growth which is literally loaded down with well-filled pods. Quality, need- less to say, is fully equal to the well known Telephone. Pkt. 10c; lb.

25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 75c; 5 Ibs. $1.75.


Pepper —Early Giant 723

Early Giant fills a distinctive need as it will mature in sections too cold to grow any other large pepper. If you have been restricted to any of the smaller early types because of a short season, you will find Early Giant a remarkable improvement. | The fruits are 4 inches thick and from 4} to 5 inches high. They have very thick flesh of a delightfully mild flavor. The skin turns from a rich green to a beautiful bright red when fully mature. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c; oz. 90c; 4 lb. $3.00.


For pol-grown plants of this

splendid pepper see page 202 940

Bloomsdale Long-Standing Savoy Spinach



An early, hardy, dark glossy green sort; leaves crumpled and heavily savoyed. Combines all of the good qualities of the best Savoy strain with remarkable long-standing properties. The illustration shown above is made from an actual photo and shows clearly the excellent type of plant produced from our superior strain of seed.

Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 30c; lb. 85c.

Cardinal Globe Radish

Radish —Cardinal Globe

Among the small round red Radishes available, this is easily one of the most dependable in that it forms uniformly handsome round globes within 30 days from sowing seeds. The radishes when overgrown show a tendency to become slightly elongated or olive-shaped, but they remain in fit condition for use about a week or ten days longer than the average extra early, round red variety. Brilliant cardinal red skin and pure white flesh of delicate crisp- and delightful flavor. Fine for growing under glass in frames or greenhouses as well as for early outdoor Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 4 lb. 50c; Ib. $1.50.



Tomato —Pritchard (Scarlet Topper)

The introduction of this excellent variety a couple of years ago must be credited to the valuable breeding work performed by the late Dr. F. J. Pritchard of the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. It is a fine early Tomato with large smooth globular fruits, ripening to a clear scarlet right up to the stem. The flesh is rich deep red with few seeds and no core. Vine grows erect and is well foliaged, Like all Tomato varieties this sort amply repays liberal fertilizing, and in our opinion Pritchard is worth a place in any garden. Pkt. 20c; } oz. 40c; oz. 70c; } Ib. $2.00.

For plants of Pritchard, see page 202 tr 4


Pritchard Tomato

We have picked these few specialties to bring them to your special attention, though many leaders are included on pages 8 to 40.

Dreer’s Celebrated 5

Lawn Grass Seed

The special Dreer Brands of Lawn Grass Mixtures are noted for their adaptability to various situations and soil conditions. They are used in every section of the country for making private lawns and also on the grounds of many leading Country Clubs, Athletic Clubs, Schools, Institutions, etc. These mixtures have long enjoyed an enviable reputation for their excellence, and it will always be our aim to maintain the high quality by the use of only the finest recleaned grasses as free from all impurities as the most modern machinery can make them. Dreer’s Grass Seed Mixtures are more than a product of nature. They are the result of selection and cleaning, of experience and integrity. Dreer’s Celebrated Lawn Grass Mixtures never contain any cheap annual grasses, such as Timothy, which give quick but only temporary results. And they never contain a large percentage of worthless chaff, which in some grass seed mixtures sold principally upon ‘‘price’’ runs as high as

50 per cent. Quantity of Lawn Grass Seed to Sow. feet (10 by 20 feet); 6 bushels are required to sow one acre.

these quantities.

One quart is sufficient for 200 square For renovating old lawns use one half of

The Dreer Lawn


An Unequalled Mixture for a Beautiful Lawn

The first and most important requisite for the establishment of a really good lawn is the correct choice of grass seed varieties which make a dwarf compact growth and have a rich deep green color. The Dreer Lawn Grass has been carefully prepared in accordance with our own formula which has proved to give a rich green, smooth, velvety lawn of fine texture altogether free from grasses which are inclined to produce clumps or knots. The grasses included are permanent and of good color. They are all strictly lawn grasses.

Each variety of grass in this composition is included for a special The strong fibrous roots of certain ones take hold of the soil and contribute considerably toward the permanence of the sod. Other grasses in the mixture are of a creeping habit.


They are most essential as they quickly fill up the entire surface And there are others which help the density and protect the lawn against rain damage. The Dreer Lawn Grass is the ideal mixture for small and large lawns.

and weave the sod into a thick carpet of green.

Pt. 25c; qt. 45c; 2 qts. 85c; 4 qts. $1.40; peck $2.50, prepaid. Not prepaid, 4 bu. (10 Ibs.) $4.50; bu. (20 lbs.) $9.00; 100 Ibs. $44.00.

Dreer’s ‘‘Evergreen’’ Lawn Grass A Fine Mixture of Good Permanence

This special mixture, though less expensive than The Dreer Lawn Grass, produces a beautiful and permanent lawn. It is made according to our own formula and is composed of grasses which are adapted for the purpose of producing turf which retains its rich green color and velvety appearance throughout the entire summer and fall. In making up this brand we are careful to use only seed that has been thoroughly recleaned.

Pt 20c qt 35c; 2 qts. 65c; 4 qts. $1.25; peck $2.00, prepaid. Not prepaid, 4 bu. (10 lbs.) $3.50; bu. (20 lbs.) $7.00; 100 lbs. $33.50.

Fairmount Park Lawn Grass Our Popular Low-Priced Mixture

This popular, low-priced mixture is well suited for various soil conditions, giving good results even on small city grass plots, where the soil is frequently stiff and heavy. It will form a thick turf in a very short time and is well suited for lawns and other spaces receiving considerable hard wear. It is also valuable for use on embankments and terraces, also for renovating old, worn-out lawns.

Pt. 15c; qt. 25c; 2 qts. 50c; 4 qts. 95c; peck $1.75, prepaid. Not prepaid, } bu. (10 Ibs.) $3.00; bu. (20 Ibs.) $6.00; 100 Ibs. $28.00.

The Lawn (Dickinson).

A helpful book containing simple, practical directions that everyone

can follow. It gives the latest and most up-to-date information on making the lawn, $1.25, postpaid,

Lawn G

**Seashore’’? Lawn Grass

A rich green lawn is especially desirable at the seashore, but unless the right mixture of grasses and clover is used the result will be disappointing. Our Seashore Lawn Grass is composed of strong-rooting varieties which quickly produce a good turf. In pre- paring the landit should first be top-dressed with about four inches of good soil, as grass will not grow well in pure sand. In order to keep the seaside lawn in good condition it should be watered liberally every evening, and also have an occasional application of ‘‘Bovung” (offered on opposite page) to keep up a vigorous growth. Pt. 25c; qt. 45c; 2 qts. 85c; 4 qts. $1.40; peck $2.50, prepaid. Not prepaid, 3 bu. (10 Ibs.) $4.50; bu. (20 lbs.) $9.00; 100 lbs. $44.00.


**Shady Place’? Lawn Grass

Usually it is quite difficult to obtain a satisfactory growth of

grass under trees and in shady places. The grasses used in this formula are all well adapted for growing in shade. As it blends well with our regular Lawn Grass Mixture it may be used on those portions of the lawn which are shaded by trees, buildings, etc., thus covering the whole area with a rich green sward. In spring give alight reseeding, then a top dressing of finely screened soil or sand, together with ‘“‘Bovung”’ or Bone Meal, to repair the damage done by the winter rains. Pt. 25c; qt. 45c; 2 qts. 85c; 4 qts. $1.40; peck, $2.50, prepaid. Not prepaid, % bu. (10 lbs.) $4.50; bu. (20 lbs.) $9.00; 100 Ibs. $44.00.

ass Seeds


**Southern’’? Lawn Grass

It has heretofore always been a difficult task to keep the lawn in tropical and semi-tropical climates attractive. Much of this difficulty can be overcome by starting with a mixture that con- tains the right kinds of grasses in a properly balanced blend. Dreer’s Southern Lawn Grass mixture has been prepared with the utmost care, and given the usual attention in the way of watering and fertilizing an excellent lawn may be maintained with it. Pt. 25c; qt. 45c; 2 qts. 85c; 4 qts. $1.40; peck, $2.50, prepaid. Not prepaid, } bu. (10 lbs.) $4.50; bu. (20 lbs.) $9.00; 100 lbs. $44.00.

**Terrace’’ Lawn Grass

Ordinary lawn grass will not hold the soil on terraces and embankments which require a thick turf composed of varieties which make long and strong roots to take hold of the soil and prevent washing by heavy rains. Our Terrace Grass is a carefully pre- pared combination of such grasses. It will fill the requirements by making a quick growth of grass which will form a strong mat and present a good appearance. It will grow well anywhere, but it is best to enrich the soil with ‘‘Bovung”’ (offered on opposite page) or with Bone Meal in order to provide nourishment to the young roots and give a vigorous start to their growth. Pt. 25c; qt. 45c; 2 qts. 85c; 4 qts. $1.40; peck, $2.50, 5 prepaid. Not prepaid, } bu. (10 lbs.) $4.50; “) _ bu. (20 lbs.) $9.00; 100 Ibs., $44.00.

White Dutch Clover Seed

Excellent for use on lawns; forms a close very dwarf herbage and will keep green during long periods of hot dry weather. A heavy seeding of White Clover will also help to smother out the objectionable Crab Grass so prevalent throughout the Eastern States. For a light stand use 2 ozs. to each pound of grass seed sowing the clover separately to effect an even distribution. For heavy seeding use 4 to 6 ozs. of seed to each 200 sq. ft. Oz. 10c; 3 Ib. 30c; 4 1b. 45c; lb. 85c; prepaid. Not prepaid, lb. 75c; 5 lbs. $3.50; 10 Ibs. $6.75; bu. (60 lbs.) $39.00; 100 lbs., $63.00.


Dreer’s Leaflet on Lawn Making is free for the asking.

It tells how to make and care for the Lawn.

Write for a copy.

Dreer Putting Green and Golf Links Mixtures are used by many of the principal Golf Clubs of the country.


Dreer’s **‘Golf Links’? Grass

Prepared from a special formula established after a most

*‘Putting Green’’ Mixture

The varieties comprising this mixture are all of the fine-bladed,

careful study and exhaustive tests made with the object to produce a thick turf that will stand the hard usage suffered by the average Fairway. For the Golf Course, Fairway, Teeing Ground, Football and Polo Fields, and other Athletic Grounds, or for the Lawn which has to withstand hard wear, this mixture will give perfect satisfaction. Contains no white clover. Pt. 20c; qt. 35c; 2 qts. 65c; 4 qts. $1.25; peck $2.00, prepaid. Not prepaid, 3 bu. (10 lbs.) $3.50; bu. (20 lbs.) $7.00; 100 lbs. $33.50.

low-growing, and most hardy kinds, including a liberal propor- tion of Bent Grass. They maintain their rich green color through- out the season. Wherever a billiard table smoothness.is necessary, this superfine mixture will give the desired result. It will stand the continuous cutting and intense close trampling of the Putting Green. Pt. 40c; qt. 75c; 2 qts. $1.40; 4 qts. $2.40; peck $4.50, prepaid. Not prepaid, 4 bu. (124 lbs.) $8.25; bu. (25 lbs.) $16.50; 100 lbs. $65.00.

Special Formulas

For tools of lawn maintenance, like Lawn Mowers,

Lawn Trimmers, Lawn Cleaners, Lawn Rakes, Grass Edgers, Lawn Shears, etc., see pages 203 to 216.

The Ideal Fertilizer for New Lawns and for Restoring the old one

In preparing the soil for a new lawn work 50 pounds of Bovung into the top 2 inches of soil for each 200 square feet. To*restore old lawns, use 5 pounds to each 100 square feet of surface, or one ton to the acre. As many as three appli- cations of Bovung may be given your lawn during the season—the first one in early spring;—the second one in mid- summer;—and the third one in the autumn. Work the fertilizer toward the base of the plants using rakes such as the Bamboo, the Lawncomb, or the Gumfinger (see page 205).


This new product is now offered to the Dreer customers after we have carefully tested it under conditions similar to those of the average garden and in the green- house. We are confident that it will give you very splendid results on your lawn, your flower beds, and in your vegetable garden. It also is valuable for shrubs, roses, climbers, and potted plants.

Bovung is packed in 5 and 10 Ib. car- tons and 25 and S50 pound bags. Not Pre- paid, 5 lbs., 35c; 10 Ibs. 60c; 25 Ibs. $1.00; 50 Ibs. $1.50; 100 Ibs. $2.75; 500 Ibs. $12.50; 1000 Ibs. $23.50; 1 ton $42.50.

We shall be pleased at all times to submit prices of,

or to prepare, mixtures for any purpose whatever according to the customers’ own formula. finest recleaned Grasses will be found on page 41.

A complete list of the

A Natural Organic Fertilizer and Soil Improver

Bovung is the rich manure from cows fed upon a high protein diet. Practically all moisture has been removed immediately after it was taken from the barns without affecting the fertilizer value of the product. The special process of dehydration em ployed results in a product that is as nearly clean and odorless as manure can be made. Bovung is absolutely free from live weed seeds, and while a a little goes far it may be used freely without fear of harmful effects, though excessive applications are wasteful. As easily broadcast as grass seed.

a rem nr re

ae Complete List of Dreer’s Reliable


For ninety six years Dreer’s Vegetable Seeds have been the standard for both purity and vitality among the best gardeners in this country. They are grown with the utmost care from superior stock seed gathered from the choicest specimens, and therefore represent the best that modern practice and modern science can produce. Needless to say they are carefully cleaned with modern machinery which eliminates all light seeds thereby insuring unusual high vitality to our stocks. The number of varieties we offer is very complete. It contains both the standard older sorts and the best of the new ones. The cultural directions given in this book are for growing vegetables in

the latitude of Philadelphia and allowance should be made for other sections. Health Value of Fresh Asparagus Asparagus Seed Calories per lb. 100 Vitamins A, B Asperge, FR. Sparagio, ITAL. Esparroges, SP. Spargel, GER. Proteins 1.8% Carbohydrates 3.3%

One ounce of seed will produce about 200 plants and 4 to 5 pounds are needed to sow one acre. Sow early in the spring in well prepared soil allowing no less than 2 feet between the plants. Transplant the one year old seedlings to their permanent bed early the following season. Ask for a free copy of our leaflet “‘Asparagus Culture” mailed free.

Fats .2% Calcium .025% Iron .00096%

14 Pedigreed Washington. A beautiful, very productive Asparagus with attractive thick shoots of a rich dark green color. The shoots are not only very thick but they are straight and have tightly folded, firm tips. A very heavy producer. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 3 lb. 45c; Ib. $1.50.

12 Mary Washington. A very famous, attractive, and productive variety. See Specialties page r. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 60c; lb. $2.00.

8 Dreer’s Eclipse. This variety is the result of “‘breeding up’ to extra large size, light green color, délicious flavor, and tenderness. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 20c; } lb. 50c; Ib. $1.25.

Asparagus Roots

We offer strong, selected one-year-old roots of Asparagus because these are the only logical choice both for market growers and for home gardeners. They are used exten- sively by all experienced growers and are the best size for transplanting. Our leaflet “Asparagus Culture” gives full directions on the care and growing of this delicious vegetable and a copy of it will be sent free upon request.

Mary Washington. This is the well-known rust-resistant variety. 40c per doz.; $1.50 per 100; $10.00 per 1000.

Dreer’s Eclipse and Palmetto. 40c per doz.; $1.25 per 100; $8.00 p2r 1000.


Artichaut, FR. Articiocca, ITAL. Alcachofa, Sp. Artischoke, GER.

1 Large Green Globe. Seeds may be sown indoors and plants potted same as Tomatoes and set out in April or May in rows 3 feet apart and 2 to 3 feet apart in the row; or can be sown outdoors in hills, and thinned out to one plant in hill. Pkt. 15c;

Mary Washington Asparagus 4 oz. 40c; oz. 75c; + lb. $2.50.

Dreer’s Collections of Choice Vegetable Seeds

These collections are particularly helpful to those of our customers who either lack the time to make their own selection or do not care to go over our complete list of varieties. All the sorts included are of the choicest quality and thoroughly reliable. Only standard vegetables which go to make a complete and profitable garden are included. There are three different sizes and prices which permit quite a saving from the cost if they were purchased separately. These collections are ready for mailing and no changes can be made in them.

5100 The ‘‘Bungalow’’ Collection 5104 The ‘‘Villa’’ Collection

This is suitable for a small vegetable garden containing A standard assortment of seeds for the production of about 1800 sq. feet of ground and will give a vegetables for a good size household over the 5 rere) large quantity of produce. Postpaid for entire growing season. Postpaid for S$ e

5102 The ‘‘Cottage’’ Collection 5106 Special Cover Page Collection

This contains a fine selection of useful varieties in liberal quan- Contains one packet each of the 5 choice vegetables illus- tities, enough for a garden 4000 to 5000 sq. feet. trated on the second cover page. $3.00

Contains only standard varieties. Postpaid for. 6Sc sent postpaid for

For complete alphabetical index, see pages 214 and 215


Dwarf or Bush Beans

Haricots, FR. Haba, Sp. Faginoli, ITAL. Bohnen, GER.

One pound will plant about 100 feet of drill.

Culture —Plant any time after the weather has become firmly settled, say around middle of May in the latitude of Philadelphia. Most any soil will bear good crops, but well enriched sandy loam will give biggest returns per square foot. Sow seeds in rows 2 to 24 feet apart, dropping the beans four inches apart in the row, covering about 2 inches deep. Hoe as soon as seedlings appear, and when they begin to form second or third pair of leaves hill the rows slightly to support the plants. Repeat this hilling process as the plants grow larger, bearing in mind, however, that beans should never be cultivated while wet with either dew or rain. For a succession of young, brittle pods, sow every other week up to August 1st. For Bean beetle control, spray or dust with Dustox, see page 213.

Health Value of Fresh Beans

Calories per lb. 184 Vitamins A, B, C Proteins 2.3% Carbohydrates 7.4%

Fats .8% Calcium .046% Tron .00098%

Green-Pod Varieties

20 Black Valentine. The plants produce a handsome crop of long, straight, dark green, nearly round pods. Pkt. 10c; 4]b. 25c; 1b. 35c; 2 lbs. 60c; 5 Ibs. $1.45, prepaid.

21 Black Valentine Stringless. A_ great improvement over the old type offered above. See specialties page r. Pkt. 15c; 4 lb. 30c; Ib. 50c; 2 lbs. 90c; 5 Ibs. $2.00, prepaid.

23 Bountiful. The most productive flat green- podded stringless bush bean in cultivation. Of vigorous growth and disease resistant. Bears the bulk of its crop within 75 days after planting with the first picking being ready in 60 days. The pods average 6 inches long and 3 inch wide. They are attractive, brittle, and very tasty. Pkt. 10c; 4 Ib. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; 5 Ibs. $1.65, prepaid.

28 Dwarf Horticultural. Large green pods splashed with red. Mostly used for shell beans but good as snap beans while young being almost stringless. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 Ibs. $1.65, prepaid.

59 Mammoth Stringless Green Pod. This immense cropper is offered on our second cover page. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 35c; 2 lbs. 60c; 5 lbs. $1.45, prepaid.

41 Masterpiece Forcing. We consider this the best for growing under glass. Grows quickly and matures early. Develops strings when grown outdoors. Pkt. 15c; 4 lb. 30c; lb. 55c; 2 Ibs. $1.00; 5 Ibs. $2.25, prepaid.

50 Red Valentine, Improved Extra Early. A standard early bean with medium size, round, slightly curved pods which are ready for use within 45 days after sowing. It is most reliable and an established favorite with many gardeners. The quality and flavor are excellent. Pkt. 10c; 3 lb. 25c; Ib. 35c; 2 Ibs. 65c; 5 Ibs. $1.55, prepaid.

38 Refugee, Kenney’s Stringless. A late-maturing variety bearing a very heavy crop of large beans. The pods are thick, round, slightly curved, and light green in color, 5 inches long; brittle and tasty. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; Ib. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

57 Stringless Green Pod. The first pods of this splendid bean are ready for picking within 65 days after sowing and they remain tender and crisp a long time after reaching full size. The pods are pale green, long, round, meaty, and of excellent flavor. The bushes are of spreading

Stringless Green Pod habit and produce large quantities of beans. A favorite particularly on medium to heavy soils. Bush Bean Pkt. 10c; $ Ib. 25c; Ib. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 Ibs. $1.55, prepaid. ee ee For heavier crops inoculate beans with ‘‘Legume Culture.’’ See page 203

Bountiful Bean



Dwarf or Bush Beans

Wax or Yellow-Pod Varieties

These Wax Bush Beans are preferred by quite a few gardeners on account of their beautiful light color and their milder flavor. They are grown in the same manner as the green-pod varieties and those with black seeds may be sown considerably earlier than those which have lighter colored seeds. All varieties we list have been proved to produce heavy crops of attractive appearance under most varied conditions of soil and weather. For the control of the bean beetle spray or dust with Dutox. See page 213.

65 Black Wax or Pencil Pod, Improved. An extra fine, early Bean of the highest quality which like others of the black seeded varieties may be planted earlier than seed of other colors, being much hardier. The pods are from 6 to 7 inches long, round, nearly straight, positively string- less, and of a clear yellow. Plants are very strong and bear abundantly. Pkt. 10c; } lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

71 Golden Wax, Improved Rust-proof. The vines grow erect and bear the pods well off the ground, preventing rust and rot. Pods average five inches long, are quite fleshy, straight, broad, flat, and of a rich golden yellow color, stringless at all stages. A sure cropper for the small garden. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 lbs. $1.55, prepaid.

76 Refugee Stringless Wax. A vigorous, hardy, main crop variety, producing large, round, meaty pods which are stringless and of excellent quality. The best yellow-podded canner either commercially or for the home. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

79 Round-Pod Kidney or Brittle Wax. A fine early Bean of very high quality and one that we can unhesitatingly recommend. The pods grow up to 6 inches long. They are thick, perfectly round, and of a clear yellow color. So brittle and stringless are the pods that the variety is often called for under the name of Brittle Wax. Pkt. 10c; } lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

84 Sure-Crop Stringless Wax. Much resembles Bountiful in the sturdy character and disease resistant constitution of its plants. It starts bearing within 60 days after seeds are sown. The pods average 6 to 7 inches long, are very meaty, flat but thick through, and in common with most black- seeded varieties is very hardy and may therefore be planted several days earlier than the light-seeded sorts. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

Round-Pod Kidney or Brittle Wax Beans

Shell Beans

Dwarf or Bush Varieties

Culture —These are grown to maturity, dried, shelled, and stored for winter use, being used exclusively for baking and for soups. Superior in every way to canned beans. No garden should be without a few rows of these every year. Plant when ground is warm in spring and up to July 1st, in rows 2 feet apart and beans 3 inches apart, 1} inches deep. Keep well hoed and draw the earth up to the stems, but only when dry, as working when wet with rain or dew will cause rust and

Unrivaled Wax Beans

86 Unrivaled Wax. Ready for gathering within 65 days after seeds are sown. A robust grower, it withstands considerable

injure the crop.

rainy weather. The pods are light yellow in color, long, flat, Pkt. 4]b. Lb. 2Ibs. 5 Ibs.

slightly curved at the end, very fleshy, tender, and of 93 Boston Pea(Navy)$0 10 $0 25 $0 30 $055 $1 35

excellent quality. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; 95 Red Kidney... 10 25 35° 65 150

5 Ibs. $1.65, prepaid. 97 White Kidney. 10 25 35 65 1 50 88 Wardwell’s Kidney Wax. Most popular market variety 99 White Marrowfat 10 25 35 65 1 50

on account of its handsome appearance and good shipping In addition to the Shell Beans listed here the variety

qualities. Long, flat pods of a delicate waxy yellow; string- Dwarf Horticulture offered on page 9 is also grown

less and brittle. Pkt. 10c, } lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; extensively for shell beans though the young tender pods are

5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid. splendid as snap-shorts. The Pole Horticulture or 90 Webber or Crackerjack Wax. Of first quality, bearing Speckled Cranberry and Lazy Wife’s are splendid climb-

long, flat, broad pods, slightly curved and quite stringless. ing beans for shell purposes. See page 11. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

For heaviest yield of beans inoculate the seed with Legume Culture offered on page 203.

Pole or Running Beans

Culture —These are vigorous growers and consequently require lots of fertility to produce a heavy crop. Do not attempt growing pole beans on poor, thin soil unless the hills are enriched with liberal quantities of well-rotted manure or complemented with a complete fertilizer. One pound of seed will be enough to plant 100 poles or hills. Sow the seed after all danger of frost is past and keep the crop well cultivated.

Green-Pod Varieties

128 Kentucky Wonder or Old Homestead. Combines size and quality in an extraordinary degree. The pods generally are borne in clusters of 2 or 4, each pod measuring 7 or 8incheslong. They are deeply saddle-backed, very fleshy, and develop a slight string. Kentucky Wonder matures the bulk of its crop in from 80 to 100 days. Where poles are not available, wire or heavy string supports should be provided since the vines are rank growers, bearing exceptionally heavy crops. Pkt. 10c; 2 lb. 25c; Ib. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 Ibs. $1.55, prepaid.

129 Lazy Wife’s. A late variety, excellent for snap-shorts or shelled. Pods about 6 inches long. Thick, meaty, and of fine flavor. Pkt. 10c; 3 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

132 White Creaseback or Best of All. Early, productive, and fine quality. Pods about 5 inches long, produced in clusters. Should be gathered while young. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 35c; 2 Ibs. 60c; 5 Ibs. $1.45, prepaid.

127 Horticultural or Speckled Cranberry. Grown for shell beans primarily, for unless used while quite young the pods show strings. Pods 5 inches long, pale green, but become streaked with red when mature. Pkt. 10c; 4 Ib. 25c; lb. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 lbs. $1.55, prepaid.

131 Scarlet Runner. Largely grown as an ornamental for its attractive flower clusters. The young shelled beans are quite palatable and serve the same purpose as shelled Limas. Pkt. 10c; 3 1b. 25c; lb. 45c; 2 Ibs. 80c; 5 Ibs. $1.85, prepaid.

Kentucky Wonder Wax Pole Beans

Wax-Pod Pole or Running Beans

137 Kentucky Wonder Wax. A yellow-pod ‘Kentucky Wonder” bearing a large crop of rich golden yellow beans from the time the plants are half grown until they are killed by frost in the fall. The pods are flat, 7 to 8 inches long, and very fleshy. Attractive, brittle, and tasty, but have slight strings. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

136 Dreer’s Golden Cluster Wax. Handsome waxy yellow pods 6 inches long and ? inch broad, borne in clusters of 4 to 6, hanging on the plants literally by the handfuls. Early, vigorous, hardy, and attractive. Fleshy, fine grained, though showing slight strings. Pods not gathered while young will give beautiful white beans for dry shell purposes. Pkt. 10c; 2 |b. 25c; Ib. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

Pole Lima Beans

Culture —Pole Limas are even more tender than the Bush type and should not be planted until toward end of May or when all danger of frost is passed. Set the poles about 4 feet apart each way and plant 6 to 8 beans, eye downward, around each pole. When plants are up, thin out to 3 plants to a pole. Pinch off the ends when plants overrun the top of the poles. It is well to use a shovelful of rich, light, well-rotted compost to each hill. One pound of seed will plant 75 to 100 hills. |

115 Carpinteria Lima. Vines are vigorous and make strong growth, producing large quantities of pods, usually containing four large beans each, which are thicker than the ordinary Limas and retain their pale green color even when in the dry state. Pkt. 10c; % lb. 25c; Ib. 40c; 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.

117 Dreer’s Improved Pole. In some sections this variety is called Challenger or Potato Lima. Plants strong, medium late, and very productive. Pods contain 4 or 5 thick, light, green beans. Shells out more peans from a given number of pods than any other Pole Lima. Pkt. 10c; z lb. 25c; lb. 45c; 2 lbs. 85c; 5 Ibs. $1.95, prepaid.

121 King of the Garden. An old favorite variety of vigorous growth bearing large dark green pods with four or five large white beans of good quality. An improved Large White Lima. Pkt. 10c; } lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.

122 Leviathan Early. The earliest large-podded Pole variety in cultivation and an enormous cropper. The shelled beans are of excellent quality. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; Ib. 40c; 2 lbs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.

125 Small or Sieva. Poles literally loaded with well filled pods. Small white beans, like the wz Henderson Bush variety and of fine flavor. This is a fine bean for home canning. Pkt. 10c; Dreer’s Improved 2 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; 5 Ibs. $1.65, prepaid. Pole Lima Bean

Grow plenty of Pole Limas to supply you all summer long

Health Value of Fresh Lima Beans Calories per lb. 57 Proteins 7.1%

Fats .7%

Vitamins A, B Carbohydrates 22.0% Tron .0024%

Fordhook Bush Lima Beans


Chou-Brocoli, FR. Brécult, Sp. Cavol Broccolo, ITAL. Spargel Kohl, GER.

Used in the same manner as Cauliflower and the method of culture is the same. It thrives best in rich soil and during cool weather, and is greatly aided in its growth by frequent hoeing and watering. Sow seed in hotbed in January or February and transplant into cold frames, 2 or 3 inches each way. Set out in open ground early in spring, about 2} feet apart. To obtain the best flavor, Broccoli should be cooked soon after being cut. One ounce will produce about 1500 plants.

180 White Cape. An excellent variety, forming heads of a creamy white color and of good flavor. We have obtained an excellent strain of this, many heads being quite equal to Cauliflower. Pkt. 10c; % oz. 40c; oz. 75c; $ lb. $2.50.

179 Calabrese, Sprouting. (See Special- ties, page I.) Pkt. 15c; 4 0z. 50c; 0z. 90c; + lb. $3.00.


Bush Lima Beans

Culture—Lima Beans are very susceptible to cold and seeds should not be planted until the ground has become thoroughly warm. Sow about the same time that late trees, like Oaks, unfold their first leaves. Being gross feeders, they should be sown on well enriched land, with the rows 2% feet apart, placing the beans six inches apart in therow, eye down. Thetwo halves of the Lima Bean seed become its seedling leaves and unless the Beans are placed ‘‘eye down” the young plants

find it most difficult to push through the soil. deep, less on heavier soils.

In light soil, cover about one inch A good fertilizer applied at the rate of 20 pounds to

every hundred feet of row, when the plants begin to bloom, will materially in-

crease the yields. the ground.






Hill plants slightly earlier in the season to hold the pods off One pound will plant 50 feet of row.

Burpee Improved Bush Lima. Strong, vigorous plants producing handsome pods well filled with delicious beans. Pkt. 10c; 3 lb. 25c; lb. 45c; 2 Ibs. 85c; 5 lbs. $2.00, prepaid.

Dreer’s Bush Lima. Comes a week or 10 days later than our Wonder Bush. The beans are packed close together there being usually 4 though sometimes 5 to a pod. They are thick, sweet, and luscious; particularly recommended to home gardeners because they combine productiveness with choice quality. Pkt. 10c; } lb. 25c; lb. 45c; 2 Ibs. 85c; 5 lbs. $2.00, prepaid.

Dreer’s Wonder Bush Lima. The earliest maturing Bush Lima Bean bearing a marvelous crop of extra-large well-filled pods. See Specialties, pager. Pkt. 10c; } 1b. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 Ibs. $1.75, prepaid. Fordhook Bush Lima. This variety is well known wherever Lima Beans can be grown as it combines great productiveness with choice quality. The plants make a vigorous, upright growth so that the pods are held well above the soil surface. This keeps them clean and avoids rust and rot. The pods are borne in clusters which account for the pro- ductiveness of this splendid variety. Each pod is about 5 inches long and contains 4 to 5 large, oval, very thick, light green beans with a rich nut- like flavor. A great seller on all markets. Pkt. 15c; 3 lb. 30c; lb. 50c; 2 lbs. 90c; 5 Ibs. $2.00, prepaid.

Henderson’s Bush Lima. This is the popular Baby Lima, a bush form of the Small or Sieva Pole Lima Bean. Grown by those who prefer small size beans. In great demand for canning. Very productive bushes 20 inches high bearing a magnificent crop of pods 3 inches long, each con- taining 3 or 4 small, thick, white beans of fine quality. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; Ib. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 Ibs. $1.55, prepaid.

Chou de Bruxelles, FR. Cavolo, ITAL.

Culture —Sow seed for plants in frames or open ground. for succession up to July, making rows 3 feet apart and having the plants stand 14 to 2 feet apart in the row.


2500 plants.


182 Long Island Half-Dwarf.

Brussels Sprouts

Rosen Kohl, GER. Bretones de Bruselas, Sp.

Set plants in early spring, and

Cultivate same as Cab- One ounce will produce about

Dreer’s Select Matchless. A se- lected strain of this highly esteemed, hardy vegetable, grown for the sprouts, which are produced along the stem, and are in the form of miniature Savoys. The small spoon-shaped leaves wrap around one another and form solid round heads in large quantities. These heads are tender and of fine flavor. They begin to form at bottom of stem, and when cut away additional heads will form in succession up to the top of stem. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 35c; % lb. $1.00. A thor- oughly acclimated American variety of dwarf, robust habit. Will endure the climatic changes better than the foreign sorts and is much freer from mildew and aphids. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; + lb. 80c.

Long Island Brussels Sprouts

ALL VEGETABLE SEEDS in quantities offered in this Catalog are FORWARDED, TRANSPORTATION PAID, any- where in the United States, we reserving the privilege of shipping by PARCEL POST, EXPRESS, or FREIGHT.


with the seedlings four inches apart in the row.

Betterave, FR. Barbabieiola, ITAL.


Remolacha, Sp. Rube, GER.

One ounce will sow 50 feet of drill; 6 lbs. for an acre.

One of the earliest vegetables the garden yields and one of the first to be sown or planted into the garden. For an extra early supply sow seeds in a hotbed or cold frame by middle of March. Be sure to press the soil in firm contact with the seeds to insure prompt and even germination. By middle of April plants will be 4 inches tall, when they should be set out in the garden in rows 18 inches apart, For a continuous supply throughout the season, make the first sowing outdoors along middle of April and every two weeks up thereafter to August 1st. To

Health Value of Fresh Beets Calories per lb. 209 Vitamins A, B, C Proteins 2.8% Carbohydrates 9.7% Fats BE Calcium .029% Iron .00085%

be most palatable, Beets should be eaten while quite young when the bulbs average two inches in diameter, no more. To secure a good start outdoors, the gardener should always walk over the rows after the seeds are sown. To secure

a uniformly well-shaped product, seedlings should be thinned to stand 3 to 4 inches apart in the row. make good greens or may be transplanted into other rows.








Bassano, Early. An old-time excellent early, growing to a large size without getting ‘‘woody.’’ Flesh is white and rose-colored, but is probably sweeter than any other Beet in our list. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

Bastian’s Half-Long Blood. An excellent variety particularly for fall or winter use. The roots are smooth, tapering to a blunt point. Deep red flesh of very good quality. Itisasplendid keeper, and for winter use the seed should be sown early in July. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; + lb. 60c; Ib. $1.75.

Crimson Globe Improved. Thisisa greatly improved strain of this popular smooth-skinned, slightly oblong, dark red beet. Of delicious flavor, sweet, and tender. See Specialties pager. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 lb. 60c; Ib. $1.75.

Crosby’s Egyptian. Slightly later than the following sort and not quite so dark in color. Ready while small and at all times tender and sweet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; i lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

Crosby’s Egyptian, Dreer’s Special. A beautiful beet with bright red skin and vermilion-red flesh. Fine grained, sweet, tender, and palatable. Our special strain has been selected for uniformity of good shape, extreme earliness, and fine eating qualities. Highly recommended to private and home gardeners. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 Ib. 60c; Ib. $1.75.

Dreer’s Excelsior. Matures fully as early as any

turnip-shaped Beet known and grows to a uniform size and shape. The flesh is deep blood-red, remarkably sweet and tender, retaining all of its good qualities until quite large.

Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; $ Ib. 50c; lb. $1.50.

Detroit Dark Red Beet

Detroit Dark Red. A choice early variety. The tops make a small and upright growth, thus allowing of planting in close rows, a valuable feature where space is limited. The roots are globe shaped. Skin and flesh deep red show- ing no light zones. The beets are sweet when cooked, and it is a splendid variety for canning. Ready for use within 60 days after sowing seeds. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 1 lb. 60c; Ib. $1.75.








Those that are pulled up will

Beet tops are rich in iron.

Eclipse, Early. A well known and reliable early, one of the first to be ready for table, and exceptionally sweet. Bright red. flesh with lighter zones. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

Edmand’s Blood Turnip. This fine second early Beet grows with a short top. Skin dark red, flesh purple, slightly zoned, and very sweet and tender. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; $ lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

Egyptian, Extra Early. A very early sort with roots rounded on top, but flat at bottom end. Very deep red flesh with slightly lighter zoning; of good quality. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; % lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

Lentz. We recommend this variety to those who prefer a light-colored Beet. An extra-early round Beet. Very attractive color, being a rich red with light zones. A good forcer. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; ¢ Ib. 45c; lb., $1.25.

Long Dark Blood. A good late variety. The roots are tapering, about 8 inches long. They have smooth dark red skin and the flesh is of good quality. Deserves wider popularity. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 4 1b. 45c; Ib. $1.25. Dreer’s Rosebud. We consider this new Beet worthy of a place on our second cover page as it is one of the prettiest Beets of high quality that we have ever seen. The roots are perfectly round and have a clear rich red skin. The flesh is a beautiful uniform deep red showing no light zones. It is the ideal type for canning and pickling as well as for home cooking. Most delicious when 14 inches in diameter. Pkt. 15c; oz. 50c; 4 lb. $1.50; Ib. $5.00.

Wonder, Early. An early globe-shaped beet of uniform size. Similar to Crosby’s Egyptian. It has a smooth skin and beautiful deep blood red flesh that cooks sweet and tender. Recommended to market growers and home gardeners for either spring or late summer sowing. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 1b. 60c; lb. $1.75.

Mangel Wurzel—For Stock and Poultry Feed

Sow 6 lbs. to acre, in rich soil in May or June, in rows 2 feet

apart, and thin to 9 inches.




Give the crop good cultivation. Mammoth Long Red. This is a favorite variety with Dairy and Poultrymen. Produces enormous crops of fine solid roots. Splendid keeper. Oz. 10c; } lb. 30c; lb. 75c; 10 lbs. $5.00, prepaid. is Red Globe. A large red oval variety; keeps well and pro- duces better crops on shallow soil than the Long Red. Oz. 10c; ¢ Ib. 30c; Ib. 85c; 10 Ibs. $5.50, prepaid. Golden Tankard. Deep yellow flesh and skin. Very productive and rich in sugar. Oz. 10c; } lb. 30c; Ib. 75c; 10 lbs. $5.00, prepaid.

Sugar Beets

Sow same as Mangels, except thin to 6 to 8 inches in the row.



Klein Wanzleben. The best in cultivation; not the largest in size, but the richest in sugar content. Oz. 10c; } lb. 30c; Ib. 70c; 10 Ibs. $5.00, prepaid.

Lane’s Improved White Sugar. This attains a large size and grows considerably above the ground. Oz. 10c; } Ib. 30c; Ib. 70c; 10 Ibs. $5.00, prepaid.

Sow Beets every 2 weeks to insure a continuous supply of tender roots


Calories per lb. 145 Proteins 1.6%



Health Value of Fresh Cabbage Vitamins A, B, C Carbohydrates 5.6% Calcium .045% Tron .00043%

Fats .2%





es “5 rn a7 S

Jersey Wakefield, Selected Early Cabbage


Early Varieties Charleston or Large Wakefield. A

week later but much larger than Early Jersey Wakefield and has all of the fine qualities of the latter. An excellent, large, early, conical head, and a dependable cropper. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; + Ib. $1.25.

Copenhagen Market. This excéllent variety can be depended upon for making large solid heads at an early season. The heads are grown upon a remarkably short stem. They are solid and large, weighing 7 to 10 pounds each, with light green leaves and of good quality. It is the largest of the early round-headed varieties, and its habit of growth allows of its being planted close together in the garden. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 35c; oz. 60c; 4 lb. $1.75. Golden Acre. The well known, extra early, round headed sort. (See Specialties, page 2.) Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. t lb. $2.00.

Jersey Wakefield, Small Extra- Early. The earliest strain of the type, perfecting shapely; narrow, pointed heads, averaging 5 lbs. each within 90 days after seeds are sown. Of compact growth and very solid. Heads ready for cutting even before Golden Acre and of delicate tender quality. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c;


; Ib: $1.25.


Jersey Wakefield, Selected Early. Disregarding the tendency toward the round heading sorts, this special strain of Jersey Wakefield is still as popular today as ever. We are extremely careful of our stock of this and have full confidence that our strain will produce early, solid, pointed heads of splendid uniformity. Neither quality nor fine texture have been sacrificed for appearance. The small mid-ribs improve their attractiveness and flavor when cooked. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; 0z. 40c; 4 Ib. $1.25.

| Whale Oil Soap.

Chou pomme, FR.

Repotto, Sp. Cavolo, ITAL.

Cabbage Kohl-Kraut, Grr.

Sow one ounce for 2,000 plants, 6 ounces for one acre.

Culture—Cabbage may be enjoyed all the year round. To accomplish this, sow seed of the early varieties toward the end of February. Transplant into flats 4 inches apart each way as they become large enough to be handled. Harden gradually giving more air each day and set into rows 2} feet apart with the plants about 2 feet apart in the row. Cultivate freely and water regularly during the dry weather. When the soil outdoors can be put in good condition for sowing, which will be about April 1, a second sowing of the second-early or main crop varieties like All-Season, Early Summer, or Succession is made outdoors to provide Cabbage from the middle of July until late in the fall, For winter stor- ing sow about middle of April seeds of the late winter sorts. By July 1, these plants should be ready to be set in rows 3 feet apart with 2 feet between the plants. Protect all Cabbage against bugs using Slug Shot, Tobacco Dust, or See page 213 for these and other remedies.

Second-Early and Main Crop

185 All Head Early. The leading second-early sort. Large, uniform, very solid plants of compact growth. It may also be planted late for fall and winter use, as it is a good keeper for a 110 day variety. A good kraut Cabbage. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 40c; + lb. $1.00.

187 All-Season Selected. A mid-season Drumhead with heads of the largest size. As its name implies can be planted either for early or late crop. A remarkably good keeper. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 20c; oz. 40c: t Ib. $1.00.

201 Dreer’s Giant Globe. A new giant-headed Cabbage. (See Specialties, page 2.) Pkt. 15c; } oz. 40c; oz. 75c; } lb. $2.00.

202 Glory of Enkhuizen. An extra-fine, popular, large, round, short stem, second-early sort; solid and of tender quality. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 40c; } lb. $1.25.

212 Succession. A second-early round somewhat flat-headed sort of very fine texture and quality. Matures a few days after Early Summer and is larger. Equally useful for home and market garden.

Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 35c; } Ib. $1.00.

214 Early Summer. A reliable second-early which matures about ten days after All Head Early. It makes a medium size, solid, flat head with short outer leaves which admit of close plant- ing in the field. Isa good keeper. One of the best we offer.

Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 35c; + lb. $1.00. Early Summer Cabbage Late Winter Sorts

195 Danish Ball Head. The leading late tall-stem variety in many sections and a fine sauerkraut Cabbage. Heads average 10 to 12 pounds each. They are round, fine keepers. Its good quality makes it a most valuable Cabbage. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; } lb. $1.25.

196 Danish Roundhead. Another good sauerkraut variety, slightly earlier than Ball Head, with a shorter stalk, and very hard. The interior leaves are pure white and of sweet flavor. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 40c; + Ib. $1.25.

200 ODreer’s Selected Late Flat Dutch. The heads are somewhat

flattened and grow remarkably large, even, and very solid. The quality is unsurpassed. Will keep well until the following spring. Pkt. 10c; % oz. 20c; oz. 35c; ¢ lb. $1.00.

Fertilizers suited to the vegetable garden are offered on page 212





Red Cabbage

Haco Early Red. A small round early sort, ideal for the garden of limited size. Makes a very solid head of delicate texture. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 35c; oz. 60c; } Ib. $1.50.

Large Red Drumhead. A large-heading variety chiefly used for “‘slaw’’ and pickling; solid and crisp. Pkt. 10c; 1 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; $ Ib. $1.25.

Mammoth Rock Red. The largest red Cabbage and a sure-heading sort; round and solid. A favorite home pickling sort. Pkt, 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; % 1b. $1.25.

: Penecton Drumhead ae Cabbasé Savoy Cabbage

Perfection Drumhead Savoy. The largest, solid heading Savoy and our strain is the best procurable. The plants are strong and vigorous, deep green, and heavily savoyed and curled. In flavor, Savoy cabbage is quite distinct, preferred by many to any other Cabbage, and we highly recommend it. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; + Ib. $1.25.

a DES =

Chinese or Gelere Cabbage

Chinese Cabbage really is not a Cabbage but a Mustard, forming a compact, elongated, tightly folded head that is good all the way through. Delicious served as salad with French

dressing, or like cole slaw, with mayonnaise.

The green portion

of the leaves may also be served like Spinach, while the heavy midribs are very palatable cooked like Swiss Chard or Asparagus.

We offer the two best sorts.

Seeds should not be sown before the

middle of July, as early grown plants soon shoot to seed.



Poiree, FR. Bleda, Sp. Bieta, ITAv. Beisskohl, GER. Culture—This wholesome vegetable

belongs to the same class as the beet root but it has been bred and selected to make a large quantity of luscious, rich green foliage. It is a valuable vegetable taking the place of Spinach all during the late summer and early fall months. Sow in drills 1 foot apart as early in the spring as the ground can be worked and cover the seed one inch deep. Thin the young plants to stand 6 inches apart in the row. Make succession sowings 2 weeks apart until the middle of July. The white midribs are splendid creamed. Also highly relished by

chickens. Sow one ounce to 100 feet of row. 167 Giant Lucullus. Start cutting

in about 6 weeks after sowing and continue until frost. Makes large, curly, light green leaves. Thick, light-colored, mid-ribs which are delicious when cooked and served like asparagus, while the leafy parts make excellent ‘‘greens.’’ Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + lb. 45c; lb. $1.25.

Lyons. This produces darker green and more heavily curled leaves than Giant Lucullus. See Specialties, page 2. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.


Health Value of Fresh Swiss Chard Calories per lb. 173

Proteins 3.2% Fats 6%

Giant Lucullus S

Carbohydrates 5.0% Iron .00309%

Wong Bok. This produces a large, broad, solid, and com- pact head. Wong Bok is entirely self folding and the heads need no tying up or blanching of any kind. Pkt. 10c; 2 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; } lb. $1.00.

Improved Peking. Long, narrow, tightly folded heads of fine quality. See Specialties, page 2. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; 4 lb. $1.00.


Chou Coba, FR. Cavolo Verde, ITAL. Cabu, SP. Futterkohl, GER.

Culture —Sow the seed at the same time as late Cabbage, about the middle of May. The crop of greens may be grown directly in the seed rows or the plants may be transplanted to stand 2 feet apart in the row. The flavor of this splendid wholesome green is greatly improved after it has been frosted. One ounce of seed will produce about 2000 plants.

Health Value of Fresh Collards Calories per lb. 225 Vitamins A, B, C Proteins 4.5% Carbohydrates 6.3% Fats .6% Iron .0016%

302 Creole or Southern. Grows 2 to 3 feet high and forms bunches of delicate tender leaves slightly curled at edges. Pkt. 10c; oz. | 20c; + Ib. 40c; Ib. $1.00.

Vitamins A, B

Eat all kinds of greens plentifully because of their rich mineral content








Rubicon Improved Carrot

Carotte, FR. Carota, ITAL.

One ounce will sow 100 feet of drill; 3 to 4 pounds for an acre.

Culture —One of the few crops that will do well in all soils though a good, deep, friable loam will produce the best looking roots. For an early supply, sow seeds of early sorts as soon as the soil can be dug, placing rows 18 to 24 inches apart and thinning out seedlings to stand 2 to 3 inches apart in the row. sow the larger growing firm-fleshed varieties like Danvers, Rubicon, etc., any time during May. The much larger stock varieties should be thinned out to stand 6 to 8 inches apart in rows, 2} to 3 feet apart. marked with a star are the best for stock feeding.

*Long Orange Nichol’s Improved. Of deep orange color. When

Scarlet Horn, Early Carrots

Zanahoria, SP. Moehre, GER.


Make repeated sowings every 2 weeks. For a winter supply,


Chantenay. This is a large, thick, stump-rooted carrot slightly tapering towards the bottom. The orange-red skin is very smooth, making it of very attractive appearance. The quality is most excellent, being very crisp, tender, and of an extra fine flavor. Grow a few rows of this for winter use, as it will store well in a cool, dry place. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } Ib. 65c; lb. $2.00.

Danver’s Half-Long Orange. More extensively grown than any other. Of rich orange-red color, smooth, and handsome. The 6 or 7 inch roots taper to a blunt point and are sweet, crisp, and tender. Produces more bulk to the acre than the larger, longer varieties. This is also a good sort for the home gardener to grow for storing over winter. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } Ib. 65c; Ib. $2.00.

Imperator ( Vew). A splendid home garden Carrot. See second cover page. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; } Ib. $1.00.

small it may be used for the table, but mostly grown to full size for stock feeding. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

Oxheart or Guerande. Good on soils too hard and stiff for longer growing sorts. Short, very thick, heavy roots with small tap-root. Bright orange, fine grained flesh of sweet flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 1 lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

Perfect Forcing, Dreer’s. A most popular early Carrot. Splendid for garden growing as well as for forcing under glass. It is a fine half-long variety of perfectly sym-

Rubicon, Improved. This | 240 beautiful half-long stump-root | Carrot is about the same length as the _ well-known Danvers, but is cylindrical. It is rich dark orange in color, very sweet, and mild. Remark- metrical shape and uniform ably clean-skinned, grows size. Has small tops and evenly, and is easily pulled. attractive bright scarlet roots Grows best in a soft, deep, which are crisp and sweet. and mellow soil which has The small tender core is been well manured. Pkt. 10c; hardly noticeable in the oz. 25c; } lb. 65c; Ib. $2.00. young roots. We recom- mend it highly. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; $ lb. 70c; lb. $2.25.


and of good flavor. i lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.


earliest. flavor. Ib. $1.50.

252 *White Belgian, Large.

Ib. $1.00.

248 *St. Valery.

long varieties.

Short Horn, Earliest (French Forcing). Almost globular roots, about 2 inches long and deep through, of reddish-orange color, and excellent Equally good for forcing under glass and for early or late sowing outdoors. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 20c; } Ib. 50c;

broad tops tapering to a point. stock feeding. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 4 1b. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

Health Value of Fresh Carrots Calories per lb. 204 Vitamins A, B, C Proteins 1.1% Carbohydrates 9.3% Fats .2% Calcium .056% Iron .00064%

Danver's Half-Long Orange Carrot

Raw carrots, finely grated and mixed with mayonnaise make a most delicious, tasty, wholesome, and nu- tritious salad.

Scarlet Horn, Early. May be planted very early in spring and is an excellent summer variety. grow about 2} to 3 inches long. They are reddish orange Has small tops and may be grown either in frames or in the open ground. Pkt 10c; oz. 20c;

The roots

One of the

The roots are thick through, yielding a heavy crop. Reaches a length of 16 inches and is grown only for stock feed. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; 4 lb. 30c;

Intermediate between the half-long and Will grow about 10 inches long with

Good for the table and for

Carrots are most delicious if cooked soon after being pulled.


Chou-fleur, FR. Cavol-fiore, ITAL.

Culture —For earliest Cauliflower, raise plants by sowing in hotbed or greenhouse during January or February, and transplant to flats or cold frames, 2 or 3 inches apart each way. Set in open ground as soon in spring as the land can be put in good order. Soil to be a warm, very rich, fibrous loam, well supplied with humus and moisture. Copious water applications during dry weather, especially when the plants are heading, and light dressings of nitrate of soda and potash are of much help. Set plants 2 to 23 feet apart each way. When the heads are formed and hard, they should be blanched by drawing leaves together and tying with rafha or strips of cloth. For late Cauliflower to mature during the pickling Season, start plants in open ground like late Cabbages, and handle like that crop.

Health Value of Fresh Cauliflower Calories per lb. 139 Vitamins A,B,C Proteins 1.8% Carbohydrates

Calcium .123% Iron .00094%

One ounce of = seed will pro- 2 duce about 2000 plants

Early Snowball Cauliflower

260 Early Snowball. A very early variety, producing a magnificent head of snowy whiteness. Head is very compact, even, ard fine grained, forming very quickly and will keep in condition for a long time without showing dis- coloration. The outer leaves are erect, tending to protect the young head from the hot sun. A most desirable strain of this fine vegetable, succeeding equally well either out- doors or in the hotbed. Pkt. 15c; } oz. $1.00; 4 oz. $1.75; oz. $3.00.

257 ODreer’s Selected Dwarf Erfurt. Suitable for either forcing or open ground. It produces a solid, pure white, medium sized head of excellent quality and is one of the most reliable for the amateur. Pkt. 15c; 2 oz. $1.00;

3 0z. $1.75; oz. $3.00.


Coliflor, Sp. Blumenkohl, GER.

Dry-Weather or Danish Giant Cauliflower

256 Dry-Weather or Danish Giant. A fine variety ot Cauliflower especially adapted for growing in the open ground in sections subjected to long, dry seasons, as it will grow well and produce the finest heads in spite of the lack of moisture. The heads grow to a large size, are very solid, pure white, and of delicious flavor. It is not suited for forcing or growing under glass but it will prove valuable in the Southern States where the climate is hot and dry. One of the safest sorts for the amateur to grow. Pkt. 20c; ¥ 0z. $1.25; 4 oz. $2.00; oz. $3.50.

Dreer’s Early Snowstorm, Super Strain. A sure heading Cauliflower of highest quality. See specialties page 2. Pkt. 25c; 4 oz. $1.75; 4 oz. $3.00; oz. $5.50.

Strong pot grown plants of Early Snowstorm, Super Strain

Cauliflower are offered on page 202.


Late Cauliflower

IRKiGan masOZs) esiO7e Oz 255: Algiers\)). ee ae $0 15 $0 25 $0 40 $0 75 259 Half Early Paris....... 15 30 55 90 262 Veitch’s Autumn Giant 15 25 40 75

Chicoree, FR.

Cicoria, TrAL. Chicory Cichorie, GER.

300 Witloof Chicory or French Endive. Grow the roots in the garden like Parsnips. Dig up be before frost, cut off tops within one inch of the ee crown, and trim the root to within 8 inches. them layer by layer in a tilted box, add sand or soil between the layers. When full stand up straight and heap 6 to 8 inches of dry leaves, shavings, excelsior, or other material of this sort over the tops. Water once a week and keep moder- ately warm. Roots started in this fashion about November 1 will yield beautiful creamy white sprouts that make a delicious salad for Christ- mas dinner. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 3 1b. 75c; lb. $2.25.

299 Large Rooted. Grown for the roots only which after roasting are mixed with coffee or used as a substitute. Sow seed early in spring and grow like carrots. One ounce to 100 feet of drill. Pkt. 10c;

oz. 20c; $ lb. 50c; lb. $1.75.

Achicoria, Sp. ni :

. A Space \

Witloof Chicory


Cardon, FR. Cardo, SP.

Cardo, ITAL. Kardon, GER.

Culture —Sow seeds in open ground in early spring, where the crop is to mature. Have rows 3 to 4 feet apart and plants standing 1 to 2 feet apart in the rows. Cardoon is sometimes grown in trenches in same manner as Celery and must be bleached like Celery. The full-grown leaves are tied together, wrapped in straw, and banked up withearth. The blanched stalks and ribs will become fit for use in 3 to 4 weeks and are a fine winter vegetable. The thick, fleshy main root is tender and of agreeable flavor. Never allow plants to suffer from lack of water, as stalks will turn hollow and pithy. 225 Large Smooth Solid. The best.

Pkt. 10c; # 0z. 20¢; oz. 35c; ; Ib. $1.00.

Vegetable Gardening (Watts). A splendid book covering every phase of this subject. $2.50 per copy postpaid





Golden Self-Blanching Celery

The Early Kinds

Easy Blanching. A very select strain and easily the finest of any of this type. Useful both for early use and for keeping during winter. The plants make a quick, healthy growth to a large size and the thick stalks blanch pure white. brittle, with a rich flavor. Good keeper. This is a Pennsylvania grown stock grown specially

They are very tender and |

for us and must not be confused with the |

cheaper Western seed. oz. $1.70; 4 lb. $5.50.

Golden Plume. (See Specialties, page 2.) Pkt. 25c; 4 oz. $1.00; 4 oz. $1.75; oz. $3.00.

Golden Self-Blanching. variety perfectly suited for culture. Medium-size, stocky plants with thick, solid, crisp stalks of distinct flavor. Compact, clear golden yellow hearts. Pkt. 10c; 3 0z. 30c; oz. 60c; 4 lb. $2.00.

Perfected White Plume. Unsurpassed for fall and early winter use. As the plants grow to maturity the inner-stalks and leaves turn white, thus making very little earthing up necessary. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; < lb. $1.25.

Cerfeuil, FR. Cerfoglio, ITAL. Culture —Easy to grow and very useful.

~ Pertfollo, Sp. Chervil (27/70"

Sow in

well prepared ground at any time during the spring.

Place rows 1 foot apart.

Cultivate like Parsley. The

aromatic leaves are used for seasoning. One ounce to 100 feet of row.


Curled Chervil. Curled and crisp. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; t lb. 75c; Ib. $2.50.

Pkt. 20c; $4 oz. 90c; |

An early, dwarf | home garden |

Celert, FR. A pio, Sp.

Sedano, A pio, ITAL. Celery Bleich Sellerie, GER.

One ounce of seed will produce about 2000 plants.

Culture—For an early supply, sow seeds of early or self-blanching varieties in flats any time during February. Celery seed is of rather stubborn germination and to insure an even germination the surface of the flats should be kept constantly moist. It is also advantageous to cover the seeds with sand rather than soil because sand will not grow hard or bake. When the young seedlings are big enough to be handled, transplant them into other flats, 2 to 3 inches apart each way.

Harden gradually and by middle of April set out in the garden in rows 3 feet apart, plants 6 inches apart in the row. Cultivate freely and water abundantly. The plants should give you Celery beginning middle of October and up to Christmas time. Tor a later supply start seeds of winter keeping varieties in a hotbed about middle of March to April 1st. Transplant as suggested above for the earlier sorts and plant out into the garden about June ist, setting the plants one foot apart because the later varieties are more vigorous growers. To blanch gradually hill up the stalks taking care, however, that no earth falls into the hearts and do not work over Celery while wet. Boards pushed up against the row of both sides will serve the purpose where limited quantities are grown. As cold weather approaches, hill more or mulch with straw or leaves which should be weighted down with more boards or soil. For winter storage dig up the plants with the roots and place upright in well protected frames or store in a cool cellar where they may be packed quite closely.

Health Value of Fresh Celery Calories per lb. 84 Vitamins A, B Proteins 1.1% Carbohydrates 3.3%

Fats .1% Calcium .078% Tron .00062%

The Winter Keepers

Emperor. A very special strain of late keeping Celery for winter use. Of compact growth averaging 18 inches in height, with thick white stalks and large, solid, pale yellow heart. Very crisp, with no stringiness, and of splendid flavor. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c; oz. 60c; } lb. $1.75.

Giant Pascal. Unquestionably the standard of excellence but it requires rich soil. The stalks are very large, thick, and blanch a creamy white. Solid, crisp, and of rich nutty flavor. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 35c; } lb. $1.25.

Dreer’s Monarch. Does well in many soils and section, hence a great favorite throughout the country. Stalks large with bright golden yellow heart; solid and of delicious flavor, and an easy sort to blanch. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 35c; oz. 65c; 3 Ib. $2.00.




Emperor Celery

290 Winter Queen. Thick, broad, pale green stalks with creamy white heart. Keeps well. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; } Ib. $1.25.

Soup or Flavoring Celery. Sown thickly in rows, the young leaves are used for flavoring. The seed, also, is used for flavoring

soups, stews, pickles, etc. Oz. 10c; ¢ lb. 20c; lb. 60c.


Celeriac—Turnip Rooted Celery Celeri-rave, FR. A pio-naba, Sp. Sedano-rapa, ITAL. Knollen Sellerie, GER. Culture Handled like Celery, excepting that no blanching is necessary. Celeriac is grown for the root only which is boiled until quite tender and served cold with a French dressing. A most delicious salad. Also used in stews, soups, and raw salads.

292 Apple-Shaped. Smooth, round, solid, crisp roots. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; + lb. $1.00. ] 294 Giant Smooth Prague. A very large and smooth variety of fine

crisp quality and strong Celery flavor. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c; oz. 40c;

} Ib. $1.00.

Celery is easily blanched by the use of Celery Bleaching Tubes, offered on page 203


Carbohydrates 3.1%










Health Value of Fresh Cucumbers

Calories per lb. 79 Vitamins A, B, C


Concombre, FR. Cetriolo, ITAL.




Pepino, Sp. Gurken, GER.

One ounce will plant fifty hills; two pounds will plant one acre.


from insects is over.

< of : Proteins 8% intervals for a succession.

Fats .2% Calcium .016% Tron .00033%

until the middle of July.


Arlington White Spine Forcing. early sort, bearing a heavy crop of straight, deep green,

A popular

square ended fruits. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 3 1b. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

Chicago Pickle. Small but very uniform in size. Russet skin with a trace of netting. Very productive and ideal for pickling. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + 1b. 50c; Ib. $1.50. Davis Perfect. A fine variety with long and slim fruits, sometimes measuring 12 inches in length and tapering to the ends. The color is a rich, dark, glossy green which they hold until nearly ripe. Tender, brittle, very few seeds, and of fine flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 65c; Ib. $1.65.

Early Cluster. Small, thick fruits, of uniform size. Very prolific and very early. Widely grown for pickling. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + Ib. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

Early Fortune. A splendid Cucumber representing a selection of “White Spine’’ but differing from this old favorite in having larger, more uniform fruits of handsome appearance. They are cylindrical in shape and have a very dark green skin. The flesh is thick and brittle. It is tender, crisp, and has a choice flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; ¥ lb. 50c; 1b. $1.50.

Early Russian. The smallest and earliest pickling Cucumber we offer. Fruit 4 to 5 inches long. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; % lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

Everbearing. Slightly larger than Early Russian, and will bear all season long. A good home garden sort. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + lb. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

Small Gherkin. Small oval fruits covered with spines

and used exclusively for pickles. Pick while young and tender. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 Ib. 65c.

Japanese Climbing. Will cover unsightly outhouses and fences or will shade the rear porch very profitably.

Fine, deep green fruits. A very useful and profitable sort. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 3 Ib. 50c; lb. $1.50.

required or not; if left to ripen on the vines, plants stop bearing. The yellow striped cucumber beetle is the most serious insect enemy of the crop. Bordeaux Arsenate of Lead Mixture is by far the best remedy yet discovered. water, 3 ounces to the gallon, and spray it on the vines. tutes a simple but effective remedy.

| 382 Klondike.


CULTURE -—For very early Cucumbers sow April 1st, in a hotbed upon pieces of sod (grass side down), so that they can be readily transplanted without disturbing the roots. becomes warm, set the pieces of sod holding the seedlings, into well prepared hills and protect with glasses, or Hotkaps until hardened. When the weather has become settled and warm, sow seeds in hills 4 to 6 feet apart each way; thin out to four of the strongest plants to each hill, after all danger They succeed best in a warm, moist, rich, loamy soil. The cucumbers should be gathered when large enough for use, whether

When ground

Continue planting at For pickles, plant them from June

Dilute it with Dusting the vines with Slug Shot also consti- See page 213 for these remedies.

A splendid slicing cucumber. The color is rich dark green, and the fruits grow to a uniform size, measuring about seven inches in length and two inches thick when in condition for use. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 20c; + Ib. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

Longcu. (See Specialties, page 2.) Pkt. 15c; 3 oz. 35c; oz. 50c; + Ib. $1.50; lb. $5.00.

Long Green. Unusually hardy and disease resistant, and an excellent all ’round late Cucumber good for both pickles and slicing. Grows 12 to 14 inches long, slender, and tapering to ends. Dark green skin and pure white flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

Snow’s Perfected Pickle. Very fine, uniform, square ended fruits and now one of the popular pickling sorts. Yields an immense crop. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + lb. 50c; Ib. $1.50.



White Spine, cumered Early Cucumber

392 White Spine, Improved Early (Bennett's). An excel- lent, medium sized variety which produces an early and very abundant crop. The fruits are straight, dark green, and have white spines. Pure white, solid, and crisp flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + Ib. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

English Forcing Cucumbers For growing in hotbed or greenhouse exclusively.

S393.) [Best OffAlls nn sn oserthns ae ntacx Packote nt 394 Covent Garden Favorite.......... eee a. 2 10 Seeds 25c; 395 Duke of Edinburgh.......... shed OO i Seeds 397 Rochford’s Market... . Ss ae SOO me Lolograph est ot ee eee, iced

5028 Dill

We are listing this together with the Cucumbers because the seeds as well as the herbage are essentials in dill pickles. Grows 23 feet high. Sow thinly 4 inch deep in rows 18 inches apart. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 3 Ib. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

Fresh Vegetables are both Wholesome and Nutritious. Eat them plentifully


320 323



coe 4

% % > “= . mm a t ; > 4


Mais, Fr. Grano turco, ITAL.

250 feet of row.

The Early White Sorts




5 Ibs. $1.35, prepaid.

307 ODreer’s Aristocrat. A desirable extra-early Corn. The ears are 8 inches long and have 8 or 10 rows of broad, white grains of tender quality. This variety is very productive, usually bearing two handsome ears to each stalk. Pkt. 10c; 4 1b. 25c; lb. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 lbs. $1.50, prepaid.




310 Black Mexican. Dry seed grains are almost black, but the edible ears are white, slightly tinted pink, and remark- ably sweet. Pkt. 10c; 4 Ib. 25c; Ib. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 Ibs. $1.65, prepaid.

327 ODreer’s Extra-Early ‘‘Independ- ence.’’ A choice early variety with ears 6 to 7 inches long, set with 10 to 12 rows of plump milky grains of sur- prising sweetness. 34 feet high. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; Ib. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

326 Howling Mob. A large-eared second early variety. Ears measure 8 to 9 inches long with 16 rows of pure white grains. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 Ibs. $1.50, prepaid.

332 Mammoth White Cory. One of the best large extra-early varieties usually bearing two large white ears on each stalk, with 10 or 12 rows. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

343 Stabler’s Early. Of large size for an early variety and of most delicious flavor. The grains are broad and very tender. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c;


Dreer’s Aristocrat Sugar Corn 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

The Golden Yellow Kinds

Golden Bantam. Our extra-selected strain produces ears measuring about 6 inches, holding uniformly 8 well-filled rows of broad, tender kernels of deliciously sweet flavor and tender quality. One of the finest for the home garden. Pkt. 10c; 2 Ib. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

Golden Cream. A delicious golden Shoe-Peg Corn. See specialities page 2. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

Golden Gem. A choice golden grained Corn with ears ready 7 or 8 days before Golden Sunshine. Particularly fine for cooler sections. As large as Golden Bantam and as sweet. Has a remarkably short, stout stalk. Pkt. 15c; 4 lb. 30c; lb. 50c; 2 Ibs. 90c; 5 lbs. $2.00, prepaid.

Golden Giant. Choicest of the yellow sugar varieties with ears measuring 8 inches long. Beautiful deep golden yellow, milky grains full of sugary sweetness. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

Golden Sunshine. Beautiful golden yellow ears about an inch longer than Bantam, closely set with 12 rows (instead of 8) of luscious, sweet kernels. Most important, however, is its extreme earliness as it matures 7 or 8 days ahead of Bantam. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.

Mazz, Sr.

CULTURE —‘Seed is liable to rot if planted in cold ground. About middle of May plant in hills 3 feet apart each way, covering about 8 or 10 seeds half an inch and thin out to three plants to a hill, or plant in rows 3 feet apart, and thin out plants to stand 12 inches apart in the rows. For succession plant early sorts every two weeks up to July 15. One pound will plant 100 hills, or about

Corn, Sweet or Sugar

Zucker Mais, GER.

Health Value of |

Fresh Sweet Corn

Calories per lb. 470 Vitamins A, B, G Proteins 3.1% Carbohydrates 19.7% Fats 1.1%

Tron .0008%

304 Adams’ Extra Early. Can be planted earlier than any other but is not a Sugar Corn. Good for the table only when young. Pkt. 1

Oc; 4 lb. 20c; Ib. 30c; 2 Ibs. 55c;

~ hol See ~ ~ we _ ‘“ . ~ ~~ > we Se ae - &.

Pe. ave

Golden Bantam Sugar Corn

Se ALL VEGETABLE SEEDS in quantities offered in this Catalog are FORWARDED, TRANSPORTATION PAID, any- where in the United States, we reserving the privilege of shipping by PARCEL POST, EXPRESS, or FREIGHT.


Country Gentleman Sugar Corn

Corn, Sweet or Sugar—Main Crop Varieties

313 Country Gentleman. The popular Shoe Peg Corn. ) 330 Mammoth Late. This is the largest-eared of all Sweet Ripens about 110 days after sowing—a week later than Corns. It matures about a week earlier than Stowell’s the ever-popular Stowell’s. Medium size ears with deep Evergreen. The ears measure dbout 10 inches in length grains in irregular rows. Deliciously sweet, tender, and and have 16 rows of broad, sweet, tender, and very milky. Pkt. 10c; 4 1b. 25c; lb. 35c; 2 Ibs. 65c; 5 Ibs. $1.50, delicious kernels. Splendid for market and home use. prepaid. Pkt. 10c; 4 1b. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 lbs. $1.65, prepaid.

315 Early Evergreen. Resembles Stowell's Evergreen, with the same deep grain and thin cob, but is ready about | 347 Stowell’s Evergreen, Improved. Always very pro- 10 days earlier, and remains in good condition equally as ductive, bearing fine large ears 8 inches long. Deep grain long. The ears grow to a good size, usually about 8 inches set in straight and even rows on a very thin cob. Remains long with 14 to 20 rows of delicious, sweet, white grains. in good condition suitable for cooking for a long time. Pkt. 10c; 3 Ib. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 70c; 5 Ibs. $1.65, prepaid. Pkt. 10c; 4 1b. 25c; lb. 35c; 21bs. 65c; 5 Ibs. $1.50, prepaid.

Pop Corn Pkt. 1b. 1lb. 2I]bs. 5 lbs.

351 Queens Golden. $0 10 $0 20 $0 30 $055 $1 25

352 White Pearl..... 10 20 30 Sy IS

353 White Rice... 10 20 30 Somat 25

Corn Salad (Fetticus)

Mavhe, Fr. Valeriana, ITAL. Canénigos, Sp. Feldsalat, GER.

Culture —A very fine and distinct salad of which both leaves and stems are used. This forms with the outer stalks of Celery, a delicious mixed salad. Sow in spring in drills 1 foot apart; it will be ready for cutting in six or eight weeks. For winter and early spring use, sow in drills in August and September. Three ounces to 100 feet of drill.

355 Large Seeded. Vigorous grower, producing large healthy plants with oval, light green leaves. Makes excellent salad, and the whole of the plant can be used. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + lb. 50c; Ib. $1.75.


Pissenlit, FR. Petonciano, Ita. Amargon, Sp. Loewenzahn, GER.

One ounce to 100 feet of row.

Culture Plants usually come up small and feebly. Sow seed in good clean loam, in drills 1 foot apart, and thin or transplant to 10 or 12 inches apart in the rows. May be blanched by covering with leaves or other loose litter, or. by placing a large inverted flower pot over each plant.

Health Value of Fresh Dandelion: Calories per lb. 285; Vitamins A, B, C, G; Proteins 2.4%; Carbohydrates 10.6%; Fats 1.0%; Calcium .015%; Iron .000303%.

Broad-Leaved. A vegetable famous on all French markets. Wholesome and rich iniron. Served either raw as salad or cooked like other greens. Broad-Leaved produces large bushy plants with broad, succulent leaves with an appetizing, slightly bitter flavor. For salad, blanch by covering with leaves, boxes, or board up like Celery. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c; oz. 90c; 1 Ib. $3.00.

Common. Similar high quality as above. Pkt. 10c; 2 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; $ Ib. $1.15.



Extra Curled Cress

Berro o Mastuerzo, Sp. Garten Kresse, GER.

Cresson, FR. Agretto, ITAL.


Culture Easily grown during winter on the greenhouse bench, in frames, pots, or boxes. Splendid for salad, garnishing, or as an addition to lettuce. Sow thickly in rows 3 to 6 inches apart under glass, or for summer 1 foot apart in open ground. Sow often for succession, as it soon runs to seed. 1 oz. to 75 ft. row.

357 Extra Curled or Peppergrass. Small, finely curled leaves having a very agreeable flavor. Much used in com- bination with White London Mustard or in salads and sandwiches, also for garnishing. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; < lb. 35c; Ib. $1.00.

358 Upland. Has the flavor of Water Cress and will grow in any good soil. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; } Ib. $1.00. 359 Water Cress (Brunnenkresse). A delicious tasty green

with slightly pungent flavor. Easily grown in a stream of running water, a ditch, or pond, or in a moist shady situation if liberally watered. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 30c; 02. 45c; i Ib. $1.25.

Grow all kinds of Salad Plants plentifully. They are exceedingly wholesome





Aubergine, FR. Berenjena, Sp. Petonciano, ITAL. Everfrucht, GER.

Egg Plant

One ounce will produce about 1000 plants.

Culture —Egg Plant seed requires a higher temperature for germination than any other vegetable and this temperature should be maintained right along in order to maintain strong and healthy growth. Sow the seed in hotbeds early in March. When 3 inches high, pot the young plants, using small pots, and plunge them in the same bed so that the plants may become stocky. They can be planted out from the pots when the season becomes sufficiently warm in May or June. The soil can hardly be made too rich. Set the plants in open ground, allowing 3 feet space between the rows and 2 feet space between the plants in the row. Watch for the potato beetle. This pest, as well as blight, may be controlled by spraying with Bordeaux Arsenate of Lead Mixture or by dusting the plants with Slug Shot.

Health Value of Fresh Egg Plants: Calories per lb. 126; Vitamins A, B; Proteins 1.2%; Carbohydrates 5.1%; Fats .3%; Calcium .011%; Iron .00047%.


Early Black Beauty Egg Plant

404 Early Black Beauty. Spineless, with rich purplish black skin; very attractive and of best quality. This beautiful Egg Plant is exacting in its call for rich, warm soil. The plants are remarkably healthy in their growth and produce an abundance of large fruit, earlier than the New York Improved. The favorite sort for show purposes. Pkt. 15c; 3 oz. 40c; oz. 70c; + lb. $2.00.

407 New York Improved Large Purple. Produces fruits in great quantities, plants averaging from 4 to 6 fruits each. They are large, nearly round, dark purple, free of thorns, and of excellent quality. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 40c; oz. 70c; } lb. $2.00.

406 Early Long Purple. Earliest, hardiest, and very productive. The fruits are long and of good quality, measuring 6 to 10 inches long and best for very early use. Flavor is in the opinion of many, finer than the two large sorts offered above. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 40c; 0z. 70c; % lb. $2.00.

Plants of Egg Plant are offered on page 202

Green Curled Winter Endive


Endibia o Escarola, Sp. Endivie, GER. One ounce of seed to 200 feet of row.

Culture—Endive is one of the best and most wholesome salads for fall and winter use. Sow in shallow drills in April for early use, or for late use in June or July. When 2 or 3 inches high transplant into good ground or thin out to 1 foot apart. When nearly full-grown and before they are fit for the table they must be bleached. This is done by gathering the leaves together and tying with yarn or rafhia to exclude the light and air from the inner leaves which must be done when quite dry or they will rot. Another method is to cover the plants with boards or slats. In three or four weeks they will be blanched. After a shower the boards must be taken off or the plants untied, to allow drying.

Chicoeer, FR. Indivia, ITAL.

Health Value of Fresh Endive: Vitamins A, C; Calcium .104%; Iron .000123%.

410 Broad-Leaved Batavian (Escarolle). A favorite salad variety with wide, wavy leaves and cut, irregular edges. Inner leaves blanch nicely to a creamy white. Tender and of very agreeable flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 65c.

412 Dreer’s Giant Fringed. (Sce Specialties, page 2.) Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 Ib. 65c.

414 Green Curled Winter. A standard sort for fall and winter crop. Very hardy and vigorous. Easy to blanch. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } Ib. 65c.

416 White Curled (Self-Blanching). Plants 14 to 16 inches across; leaves pale green, finely cut, crisp, and very tender. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 65c.

Finnochio or Florence Fennel 418 _ A desirable vegetable ex- aa ) ‘gr, tensively used in Italy as

a salad, or served boiled, with a cream dressing. When the base is about the size of a hen's egg earth up to cover half of it. In about ten days Mee cut for use. Pkt. 10c; & oz. 25c; } Ib. 75c.


Horse Radish Roots are offered on page 202

Sweet, Pot,

Herbs— Medicinal

Culture—Herbs delight in a rich, mellow soil. Sow seeds early in spring in shallow drills 1 foot apart. When up a few inches transplant or thin out to proper distances. Those grown for the foliage should be cut and dried before they have come into full bloom, tied in bunches, and hung up or spread thinly where they can dry quickly, Those marked with a * are perennial.

5010 Anise. Grown for its seed used for garnishing and cordials. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 20c; 0z. 35c.

5012 *Balm. The leaves are used for seasoning and liqueurs. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c; 0z. 50c.

5014 Basil, Sweet. The sweet-scented foliage is used for seasoning. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; oz. 35c.

5016 Bene. Used medicinally and in cookery. Re- quires hot weather. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 20c; 0z. 35c,

5018 Borage (Gurkenkraut). Used for seasoning and cordials. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 20c; oz. 35c.

5020 Caraway (Kuemmel). The seeds are used in breads, cakes, etc. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

5022 *Catnip. Leaves and young shoots used for medicine and seasoning. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 35c; oz. 60c.

5024 Coriander. Aromatic seeds for confectionery and cordials. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

5026 Cumin. Grown foritsseeds. Used for flavor- ing soups, pastry, etc. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

5028 Dill. Indispensable for dill pickles and for dill sauce. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 50c.

5030 *Fennel, Sweet. Used in sauces and liqueurs, or raw as a side dish. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

5032 *Horehound. For seasoning and also for cough medicine. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

5034 *Lavender. The dried flowers have a pleasing perfume. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 30c; oz. 50c; lb. $1.50.

5038 *Pennyroyal. Used medicinally and for sea- soning food. Pkt. 20c; } oz. 45c; oz. 80c.

5042 *Rosemary. The leaves and young tips are used for seasoning. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 35c; oz. 60c.

5044 *Rue. For seasoning and also used to cure roup in fowl. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 35c.

5046 Saffron. (Carthamus tinctorius). For flavor- ing and coloring. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 35c.

5048 *Sage. One of the most popular of all herbs. For seasoning. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 20c; oz. 35c.

5050 Savory, Summer (Bohnenkraut). The leaves and young shoots are used for flavoring. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 20c; oz. 35c.

5052 *Savory, Winter. Used as above for season- ing. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 30c; oz. 50c.

5053 Spearmint. Extensively used for making the popular mint sauce. Pkt. 40c; } oz. $1.10; 3 oz. $2.00; oz. $3.50.

5036 Sweet Marjoram. Leaves used green in summer and dried in winter. For seasoning. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

5054 Tansy. The young leaves are used for season- ing. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c.

5056 Thyme, Broad-leaved English. Very popular for seasoning meat dishes. Pkt. 10c; % 0z. 35c; oz. 60c.

5058 Thyme, French Summer. Used for sea- soning. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 30c; oz. 50c.

5060 Wormwood. For flavoring, medicines, and

liqueurs. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 35c.

5061 Mixed Herbs. varieties for kitchen use. 30c; oz. 50c.

Contains all the popular Pkt. 10c; 4 oz.

Kale or Borecole

<— Chou Vert, FR.

Cavolo Verde, ITAL. Breton, Sp. Blaetterkohl, GER.

Culture—Excellent greens for winter and spring use. Sow from May to June, in drills about 14 feet apart, and culti- vate same as Cabbage. For early spring use, sow in Sep- tember, and protect during winter. The varieties are so - hardy that the green leaves may be dug out from under ij the snow in winter and used ® for greens. Their flavor is im- proved greatly by frost. The 4 plants may be permitted to reach their full size when they will yield a large quantity of delicious, rich green herbage which may be used all winter ong. One ounce of seed will produce about 2000 plants.

Health Value of Fresh Kale Vitamin A | Tron .00254%

Dreer’s Imperial Long Standing Kale

Dreer’s Imperial Long Standing. A beautifully curled sort of vigorous, spreading habit. Hardy, of attractive appearance, bright green color, and very productive. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 60c; Ib. $2.00.

Dwarf Green Curled. Leaves curled, brilliant green. Of compact growth. Pkt., 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch. A hardy strain of strong growth

preducing finely curled foliage with a distinct and beautiful blue tinge. Pkt. 10; oz. 20c; + 1b. 50c; lb. $1.50.

Sea Kale (Crambe maritima). A perennial which should be grown and cultivated like Rhubarb. Edible parts are the young, strong shoots that come up in early spring. After blanching they are cooked and served like Asparagus, or the leaves may be used as greens. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 35c; oz. 60c; 1 Ib. $2.00.

Col de Nabo, Sp.

Kohl-Rabi Kohl-Rabi, GER.

Culture —As early in the spring as the ground can be put in good garden condition, sow it in rows like Radishes, Carrots, or any other root crops. Thin the seedlings to stand 4 inches apart in the row, allowing 18 to 24 inches between the rows. The product is ready for use when the bulbs average 2 to 24 inches in diameter. The thick outer skin should be removed before boiling. Much sweeter and more tasty than Turnips. One ounce of seed will sow a drill of about 300 feet.




Chou Rave, FR. Cavolo rapa, ITAL.

Health Value of Fresh Kohl-Rabi

Calories per lb. 140 Vitamin C Proteins 2.0% Carbohydrates 5.5% Fats . 1% Calcium 017% Iron .00061%

427 Earliest Erfurt. A tender variety with smooth, white root, and very short top. The best variety for outdoor culture as well as excellent for hotbed or greenhouse growing. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; alb. HOG:

431 Early White or Green Vienna. A standard sort for table use. Has a very short top and forms the root quickly. A most dependable variety on all soils with white, tender flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 2 Iba75c:

430 Early Purple Vienna. Skin purple, but flesh white and a good

and more heat resistant, Pkt. 10c;

quality and flavor. As early as the white hence recommended for sections with warm seasons. oz. 25c; 4 lb. 75c.

Plants of various perennial herbs will be found offered on page 202



Health Value of | Laitue, FR. Lattuga, ITAL. Fresh Lettuce

Calories per lb. 87 Vitamins A, B, C, G Proteins 1.2% Carbohydrates 2.9% Fats .8% Calcium .043%

Tron .001%

“‘Loose Leaf’’ Varieties

These do not form heads but produce a thick mass of loose leaves which are brittle, very tasty, and tender. They are particularly excellent early in the season before the heading varieties are available. The leaves are heavily curled and crumpled. They are also fine for growing in the greenhouse during winter.

460 Grand Rapids Forcing. A favorite early Lettuce for under glass or outdoors early in the season. It matures quickly, is of a large size, handsome appearance; crisp and tender. The leaves are bright green and crimped at the edge. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 3 Ib. 70c.

442 Black-Seeded Simpson. One of the most popular ‘Loose Leaf"’ sorts and always dependable. Produces a compact mass of broad, much crumpled, light yellowish green leaves. Extra fine quality. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 1 1b. 70c.

452 Early Curled Simpson (Silesia). One of the oldest and quite familiar in American gardens. Forms a close, com- pact mass of light green, crumpled leaves. Excellent forcer. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 lb. 70c.

The Midseason Butterheads

For a continuous supply of high quality salads any of the following varieties should be sown at the same time as the earlier sorts to be succeeded by another sowing made 2 weeks later in order to lengthen the harvesting season. All of these varieties grow to good size.

450 California Cream Butter. Produces a large, solid head and withstands most adverse weather. The leaves are thick, dark green tinged and spotted with brown. The interior of the head is rich golden yellow and its quality very fine. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 Ib. 70c.

Unrivaled Lettuce

458 Unrivaled. A handsome, early Butterhead of extra choice quality. Will form closely folded heads with golden hearts within sixty days from sowing seeds. An all- season variety for cool sections but best for spring work in the latitude of Philadelphia and sections with similar climate. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 35c; } lb. $1.00.



CULTURE For the earliest supply sow seed of Loose-Leaf and Early Butterhead varieties under glass or indoors in boxes about March 1st. Sow thinly, and when the young seedlings are three inches tall transplant 3 to 4 inches apart each way in another seed flat or box. As soon as the ground can be put in good garden condition, these plants should be set out in rows 18 inches apart, the plants 4 to 6 inches apart in the row. For a succession sow seeds of Midseason Butterheads, Crispheads, and Cos Lettuces right in the open ground around middle of April. All Lettuces must be thinned out to stand from 6 to 10 inches apart in the row to head properly. As the heads develop, every other one should be cut out to give the rest a chance to expand. During July again sow early Butterhead varieties for a fall supply. One ounce will produce about 3000 plants.


Lechuga, Sp. Lattich, Salat, GER.

Early “‘Butterhead’’ Varieties

The varieties under this classification all form good-sized, solid heads with tightly folded hearts which blanch to a beautiful light creamy yellow color. They will withstand a moderate amount of warm weather but are not so resistant to intense heat as the Crisp Heading varieties listed on the following page. Thorough preparation of the land, good fertility, and ample moisture are important factors to success.

440 Dreer’s ‘‘All Heart.’’ A “‘sure header” of fine quality; (See Specialties, page 3.) Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 35c. } lb. $1.00.

Big Boston Lettuce

446 Big Boston. More extensively grown than any other variety in this class. It is early and hardy, of a medium light green with a slight tinge of brown on margins of outer leaves. Very desirable for forcing and also for spring and fall outdoor planting. Of good quality, being crisp, tender, and of fine flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; + lb. 70c.

448 Boston Market (While Sceded Tennisball). A well- known forcing sort, producing crisp, medium sized, light green heads with outer leaves tinged with brown. Good both under glass and outdoors. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 25c; } lb. 70c.

468 May King. Very early, and being hardy will stand con- siderable cold, damp weather. It can be planted out of doors or under glass, and in either case will produce attractive, solid heads. The outer leaves are yellowish green tinged with brown, while the solid heart is rich golden yellow. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 75c.

474 Salamander. One of our most popular and reliable varieties. A medium green, medium sized sort which always heads up well and does well under almost any weather conditions. Leaves crumpled and of fine tender quality. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } Ib. 70c.

Grow Lettuce in abundance and eat it twice a day

Dreer’s Wonderful Lettuce


Crisp Heading Lettuce Varieties

These will withstand more heat than any other type of regular

Lettuce. color. summer weather.

All of them have well blanched hearts of a pure white

They are especially crisp and mild even during the hot

Distinct from the Butterhead varieties and

easily recognized by their crisp texture.




Dreer’s Improved Hanson. A remarkably crisphead Lettuce of choice quality. See specialties page 3. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; ¢ Ib. 90c.

Dreer’s Wonderful. Sometimes called ‘‘New York” or “Los Angeles Market.’’ Withstands heat and forms perfect heads which resemble Cabbage in their solidity. They measure from 12 to 15 inches across and frequently weigh 2 to 3 pounds each. The outer leaves are rich deep green. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; oz. 30c; % lb. 90c.

Iceberg. The outer leaves are light green in color, tinged with brown, and their habit of branching towards the center of head is a great aid to the blanching of the heart. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 lb. 75c.

Mignonette. Small, compact heads. Leaves curled and edges tinted brown. Though not particularly attrac- tive this is one of the surest “‘headers’”’ with solid heart of sweet flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } Ib. 75c.


Romaine or Cos Lettuce


This type of Lettuce will usually succeed well even during hot weather when nearly all other Lettuces ‘‘shoot’’ seed stalks.




Poireau, FR. Porro, ITAL.

Culture For flavoring soups, stews, etc. or as a boiled vege- table. foot apart, inches high transplant in rich soil, in rows 12 4 inches apart and draw the earth to them as they grow. Seed may also be sown in August or September; plants transplanted in the spring. One ounce will sow 100 ft. of drill.


433 437

Kingsholm Cos. Formslong, firm, upright plants with narrow leaves which are crisp and refreshing, withstanding the summer heat. Light green in color and a very reliable variety for late use. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 25c; ¢ lb. 75c.

Paris White Cos. One of the best known. Erect plants with tightly folded, pale green leaves of good quality, which it retains for a long time. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; + Ib. 75c.

Trianon Cos. Sown at the same time as the head Lettuces, this variety perfects compact, upright, tightly folded cones within sixty days from sowing the seeds. It folds of its own accord, no tying being required, and the inside leaves bleach naturally to a most attractive greenish white. It is an ideal Lettuce for sowing again during June for use during August when regular head Lettuces will not form solid plants. Pkt. 10c; 0z.-25c; } lb. 75c.


Puerro, Sp. Lauch, GER.

Health Value of

Sow in April in drills 1 Fresh Leek

and when 6 to 8

Calories per lb. 150 Vitamins A, B, C Proteins 1.2% Carbohydrates 5.0% Fats 0.5% Iron .00048%

inches apart and

Dreer’s Prizetaker. A fine large variety of great merit; very mild and tender. They grow long and thick, and are pure white in color. A very popular exhibition variety. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c; + lb. $1.00.

Giant Carentan. Large thick stem of mild flavor. Quite hardy. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c; + lb. $1.00. Musselburgh. Highly esteemed for exhibition. Of splendid flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c; + lb. $1.00.

Health Value of Fresh Watermelons

Calories per lb. 140



Proteins .4% Carbohydrates 6.7%

Tron .00023%

Melon d'eau, FR. Cocomero, ITAL.

develop a high sugar content.

Fats .2%

Alabama Sweet. Oblong in shape, early in maturing for solarge a melon. Color dark green, irregularly striped. Remarkably firm, bright red flesh of luxuriously sweet flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; 3 lb. 40c; lb. $1.25.

Colorado Preserving Citron. A small, round, pale green melon, marbled with grey. For preserve making only for which purpose it is excellent. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

Cole’s Early. An extra-early, round, dark green, prettily marked melon with solid heart. The deep pink flesh is of fine texture and good flavor. A very suitable variety for our northern States. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; 4 Ib. 40c; Ib. $1.25.

Florida Favorite. An early, oblong melon of medium size, striped alternately light and dark green. Deep red flesh of excellent quality. The melons weigh about 30 Ibs. each. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; + Ib. 40c; Ib. $1.25.

Harris’ Earliest. Large, slightly oval in shape. The skin is mottled light and dark green. Solid, bright red, very tender, sweet flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.


One ounce for 30 hills; four to five pounds for an acre.







Sandia, Sp. Wasser Melone, GER.

CULTURE —These thrive in a light, rich, sandy, warm soil and they need plenty of sunshine to Sow after the middle of May in hills 6 feet apart. in a circle in each hill and cover 4 inch deep. Easily hurt by sprays.

Place 6 to 8 seeds

Irish Grey. A very large, long, light green melon with a very hard shell. The flesh is crisp and sweet. A splendid shipping melon. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; + lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

Improved Kleckley Sweets or Wondermelon. An improved strain with fruits averaging 18 to 20 inches long. Of oblong shape with dark green skin and brilliant scarlet flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 4 Ib. 45c; lb. $1.25. Pride of Muscatine. (New Wilt Resistant.) De- veloped by the Iowa State College. This introduction will be welcomed in many wilt-infested regions. A long, dark green melon with dark red, crisp flesh of very sweet flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; + lb. 70c; Ib. $2.00.

Stone Mountain. A recent introduction and already in good demand. A large, nearly round melon with dark green rind. Sweet, scarlet flesh; very solid; few seeds. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 20c; + lb. 60c; Ib. $1.75.

Tom Watson. A favorite, large, oblong Melon. bright red flesh is of delicious flavor. Weighs as much as 40 lbs. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

Yellow Ice Cream. Beautiful oblong, deep green fruits with bright golden yellow flesh. A welcome change from the red fleshed sorts. Very sweet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 1 Ib. 60¢; Ib. $1.75.


Order vegetable seeds by the number preceding each variety




Delicious Gold Lined Muskmelons

Green Fleshed Varieties

493 Delicious Gold-Lined. This melon is nearly round, without ribs, and the skin is covered with a thick grey netting, adding much to its appearance. The thick flesh is green with golden tint next to the small seed cavity, which makes it very attractive when cut. The flavor is delicious, being remarkably sweet and spicy. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c; } lb. 75c.; lb. $2.00.

503 Hackensack, Extra Early. A flat early melon with prominent ribs and coarse netting. The light green flesh is thick, sweet, and juicy. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c; Ib. $1.75.

508 Honey Dew. The outer skin is smooth, hard, and nearly white, being really of the Casawba type. The melons are large, round to oval in shape. The light green flesh is luscious, juicy, solid, and of honey-like flavor. Not recommended for northern States. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; + lb. 60c; lb. $2.00.

495 Knight, Early. In some sections this melon is called ““Maryland,”’ and in others “Sugar Sweet.’’ It is earlier than Rocky Ford and more oval in shape, with thicker netting. Deep green skin turning golden when ripe. The flesh is bright green blending to light pink near the center. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 3 lb. 50c; lb. $1.75.

518 Montreal Market. Largest of the Nutmeg varieties, with deep ribs and heavy netting. The flesh is green and of good flavor. Largely grown in our northern States and in Canada, and generally recommended for cool sections. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; + lb. 60c; Ib. $1.75.

522 Rocky Ford Improved. This well known Melon is almost round in shape and thickly netted. The fruits average about five inches in length. The light green flesh is smooth-grained and of fine spicy flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 3 lb. 60c; lb. $1.50.






509 524

489 526

Melon Musca, FR. M k l Melén, Sp.

Health Value of Popone, ITAu. us me ons Melone, GER.

Muskmelon One ounce will plant about 50 hills; 6 to 8 lbs. in hills per acre. Calories per Ib. 186 CULTURE ~— Melons thrive best in a light, rich soil, and sunshine is essential for increasing the (nee BG sugar content of the melons. When the ground has become thoroughly warm, generally after middle Praicins 607 of May, sow seeds in hills 5 to 6 feet apart each way. Melon vines are ravenous feeders and for best Carbohydrates 9.8% results a few shovelfuls of well-rotted manure should be incorporated in each hill. Scatter 12 to 15 Ton 00039% seeds on top of each hill and cover about } inch deep. After all danger of bugs is over, thin out to , three or four strongest plants per hill. Early and repeated spraying with Bordeaux Arsenate of Lead

= Mixture is always advisable for these crops.

Salmon Fleshed Varieties

Bender’s Surprise. A remarkably disease-resistant and prolific variety of strong, vigorous growth. The vines produce an abundance of large, nearly round melons with pale green skin which is lightly netted. The deep orange, sweet flesh is fine grained and has a spicy flavor. Very thick flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 Ib. 60c; Ib. $1.75. Burrell’s Gem or Defender. The fruits average 6 inches long by four inches thick through. They are distinctly ribbed and netted. Thick, firm, luscious, salmon- orange flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c; Ib. $1.75. Emerald Gem.. A small, but very early, smooth variety with faint ribs and light netting. Salmon-pink flesh and a very small seed cavity. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c; Ib: $1575:

Fordhook. A high quality, round melon of medium size. Flat at ends, heavily ribbed and netted, and with thick, juicy, aromatic, orange flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } Ib. 60c; lb. $1.75.

Hale’s Best Muskmelon

Hale’s Best. Thisis the Melon now grown so extensive- ly in the Imperial Valley, Cal., for early shipment to the big Eastern markets. Hale's Best is slightly larger and 2 weeks earlier than the standard Rocky Ford and is pink- fleshed clear to the rind. Well ribbed and netted. The flesh is very thick, with only a small seed cavity, and of excellent quality, being sweet and musky. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c; lb. $1.75.

Hearts of Gold or Improved Hoodoo. A splendid home garden melon. See Specialties page 3. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c; lb. $1.75.

Honeyrock. A delicious new melon of superior quality. See Specialties page 3. Pkt. 15c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c; lb. $1.75. Tip Top. A splendid melon maturing ahead of Rocky Ford. The globular or slightly flattened fruits are irregu- larly and indistinctly ribbed and lightly netted. They have an emerald green skin turning, yellow when ripe. Very thick, sweet flesh of a beautiful salmon color sur- rounding a very small seed cavity. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; + lb. 60c; lb. $1.75.

Varieties for Under-Glass Culture Blenheim Orange. Oval shape, flesh deep orange. Pkt. 25c.

Windsor Castle. A reliable green-fleshed variety. Rkta2oc

Profitable crops of quality melons are possible only from quality seed



Culture—A comparatively little known vegetable with large seed pods which when gathered young and tender make excellent pickles. Sow in the open ground in May in hills 3 feet apart each way. Or start in a hotbed and transplant in the open when the weather is warm. If once planted in the garden voluntary plants are likely to spring up the following year from seeds that have “scattered.

485 Proboscidea. Large plants with long curved pods. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c; ¢ lb. $1.50.

Dreer’s Reliable Mushroom Spawn

we EPs ; en. i eee A satisfied customer sends us this evidence of success with Dreer’s Mushroom Spawn

Mushrooms can be grown in almost any building, cellar, or shed which can be darkened. They should be eaten more plentifully because they are wholesome and nutritious. Of course proper care must be taken of the beds and full directions for the growing of these Mush- rooms are given in our circular which will be sent free upon application. Those interested in a complete treatise will find the new Mushroom book listed below most valuable.

Health Value of Fresh Mushroom Calories per lb. 210

Vitamins A, C Proteins 3.5% Carbohydrates 6.8% Fats .4%

Tron .00073%

American Spore Culture Brick Spawn. An American make of spawn which produces mushrooms of excellent quality and large size. We furnish the Cream White No. 8 variety. Per brick, 45c; 5 bricks $2.00; 10 bricks $3.75; 25 bricks $8.75; 100 bricks, $30.00, prepaid.

Pure Culture Sterilized Spawn. Used by all the large commercial producers of mush- rooms and equally as fine for the home gardener. Shipped with full cultural directions. One carton will spawn about 40 square feet of bed and is equal to 5 bricks. Per carton $1.30; 5 cartons $6.00; 10 cartons $11.50, prepaid.

Pure Culture Sterilized Spawn

Modern Mushroom Culture (J. FranklinStyer, Ph.D). 100 instructive pages, well illustrated, and attractive- ly bound. $1.50 postpaid


White London Mustard

Mostaza, Sp. Senf, GER. One ounce will sow 100 feet of drill.

Moutarde, FR. Senapa, ITAL.


Culture—A pungent salad plant; the seed is also used for flavoring pickles, pepper sauce, etc., and the large leaved sorts are excellent boiled and served like Spinach.

558 White London. Leaves dark green, small, and smooth. Splendid for salad and garnishing if cut while young, about 10 to 12 days after sowing the seed. Pkt. 10c;

oz. 15c; + lb. 30c; lb. 90c.

Chinese. Large, light green leaves, frilled at edge. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; % lb. 35; lb. $1.00.

Fordhook Fancy. Beautifully curled and fringed, making it attractive for salads and garnishing; of mild flavor. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; + lb. 35c; lb. $1.00.

Southern Giant Curled. with large crumpled and frilled leaves. + Ib. 35c; Ib. $1.00.

Okra or Gumbo

Gombaud, FR. Gombo, SP. Ibisco, ITAL. Ocher, GER.

Culture—This vegetable is extensively grown for its green pods, which are used in soups, stews, etc., to which they impart a rich flavor and substance. Sow seed thinly in rich ground about the middle of May or when the soil has become warm, in drills 3 feet apart, covering them 1 inch deep. When 4 to 6 inches tall, thin out plants to stand 12 to 18 inches apart in the row. Cultivate like corn. One ounce will sow 100 feet of drill.

Health Value of FreshOkra Calories per 1b. 172 Vitamin B

Proteins 1.6% Carbohydrates 7.4% Fats .2% Calcium .071% Tron .00063%




Strong and upright plants, Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c;

Dreer’s Little Gem Okra

560 Dreer’s Little Gem. Makes a dwarf stocky growth and is very productive. The light green pods are thick, heavy, and solid. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 40c; Ib. $1.25. Improved Long Green. long, bright green pods of good quality. oz. 15c; $ lb. 30c; lb. $1.00.

White Velvet or Creole. Pods free from ridges and very tender. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } Ib. 30c; lb. $1.00.

Perkins’ Long-Pod. Plants are 24 to 30 inches tall. The pods grow 4 to 5 inches long. They are very tender while young and of a beautiful deep green color. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; lb. 30c; lb. $1.00.


Very productive and bears Pkt. 10c;

565 563

All Vegetable Seeds are sent Prepaid in the U. S, or its Possessions



Ognon, FR. Cipolla, ITAL.


dry place.

bulbs of immense size may be produced.

As a class the following may be termed the best general purpose |

Best American Yellow Sorts

Onions for home and market purposes.







Danvers Yellow Globe Onion

Danvers Yellow Globe. out the country prefer this type to all others. ing the importance of getting a true-to-type strain, the bulbs from which our seed is grown are especially and carefully selected as to shape. Of good size and a splendid keeper, while the flesh is very mild flavored. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 lb. 75c; Ib. $2.25.

Home gardeners through-

Gigantic Gibraltar. Light straw-colored skin and white flesh, which is mild and tender. Will produce large round onions five inches in diameter and weighing up to 2 lbs., if seed is sown early under glass. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; oz. 30c; } lb. 90c; lb. $2.75.

Philadelphia Yellow Dutch or Strasburg. A very popular home garden Onion. Well flavored flesh; bright straw-colored skin and somewhat flattened shape. Its excellent keeping qualities make this a favorite sort. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 lb. 75c; lb. $2.25.

Prizetaker. A foremost Onion (See Specialties, page 3.) Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; + lb. 85c; lb. $3.00.

Southport Yellow Globe. A very large, handsome, globular, very productive, yellow variety of mild flavor. The outer skin is pale yellow and the flesh creamy white. This is one of the latest to mature, requiring about 100 days to reach full size. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 lb. 75c; Ib. $2.25.

The largest, mild, sweet Spanish Onion. Pkt. 15c; oz. 35c; 4 Ib. $1.00.

Valencia. See second cover.


Dreer’s Onion Seed

One ounce of Onion seed for 100 feet of drill, 5 to 6 pounds for an acre.

Culture —Large Onions are easily grown from seeds in one season provided the gardener has a rich piece of ground and is willing to do the necessary hand weeding and transplanting of the young Seeds may be sown very early in the spring in rows 18 inches apart, and as soon as seedlings are 3 to 4 inches tall they should be thinned out to stand 3 to 4 inches apart in the row. Several appli- cations of Bovung or wood ashes scattered on both sides of the row and hoed into the soil will benefit the developing roots immensely. Pull when tops begin to die down, cure, and sell, or store in a cool, By sowing seed of the Spanish type, such as Prizetaker and the Southport Globes, under glass in February or March and transplanting in April to open ground 3 to 4 inches apart in the rows

Cebolla, Sp.

Zwiebel, GER. Health Value of

Fresh Onions

Calories per lb. 220 Vitamins A, B, C, G Proteins 1.6% Carbohydrates 9.9% Fats .8% Calcium .034%

Iron .00048 %

The Leading White Sorts

Milder than yellow or red onions but they do not keep so well.






Mammoth Silver King. The largest of the foreign varieties. Produces large, flat bulbs within 120 days from seeds. White skin and pure white, mild, well- flavored flesh. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; } Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.75.

Southport White Globe Onion

Southport White Globe. A well known and popular standard sort of medium size, perfect globe shape, with pure white skin. Flesh is white, fine grained, and of fairly strong flavor. Late in ripening and one of the best keepers among white sorts. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; 4 Ib. 90c; lb. $2.75.

White Bunching. This forms no bulbs and is grown solely for green onions or scallions. Seed is sown thickly in the rows. The young plants should be gradually earthed up to blanch the stalk as far up as possible. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; } lb. 90c; lb. $2.75.

White Portugal or Silver Skin. The bulbs are flat, pure white, and mature within 75 days after seeds are sown. Very widely used for growing sets on account of its fine shape when small, and also for its good keeping qualities. Also fine as a bunching Onion and for pickling. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 35c; } Ib. $1.00; Ib. $3.00.

White Queen or Barletta. An early, flat, mild, white, small Onion for pickling and bunching. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; 4 Ib. 90c; Ib. $2.75.


A new manure, unequalled for the vegetable garden.

Offered on page 212


Southport Red Globe Onion

The Best Red Onions

These are the best for winter storing, keeping in good condition all through the winter until way late in the spring. They are, comparatively speaking, the latest to mature and have the strong- est flavor of all.

580 Large Red Wethersfield. A beautiful Onion of attractive appearance and doing very well in all sections. The onions are very large and of a distinct flat shape. The skin is purplish red and the flesh shows a pink shading nearest the skin. Will keep well all winter long and is particularly resistant to drought. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; + lb. 90c; Ib. $2.75.

Southport Red Globe. Like other Southport varieties the Red Globe enjoys enormous popularity because of its symmetrical and uniform shape. Requires 110 days to reach full size. A splendid keeper of superior quality. The flesh is firm and has a rich, strong onion flavor. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 30c; + lb. 90c; lb. $2.75.


Choice Onion Sets

For the small garden we recommend the use of Onion Sets as the risk of failure is almost eliminated and the crop is ready much earlier. Onion Sets should be planted in rows 12 inches apart, with sets 2 inches apart in the rows. 1 quart will plant a 50 foot row.

Sent ‘‘prepaid’’ in quantities offered below.

Pt Qt. 4qts. Peck White Onion Sets............. $0 20 $0 40 $140 $2 50 Yellow Onion Sets............ 20 OS il 2) 250) Red Onion Sets.4.4.005-0 cose 20 SOM Oe) Egyptian (for Scallions). Sept. to March delivery.............. 15 30 £10) 2500 White Potato (Multiplier)..... 20 Soe 20ee 20 Yellow Potato...... = 20 55m 20) 20 Shallots................2« sate 20 40) sei 40m 2750: Garlic so. oo. oo eee 25 ASeaet eS Onn 270 Chives. See Vegetable Plants,

page 202. Special quotations for larger quantities.


Perejil, Sp. Petersilie, GER.

Persil, FR. Prezzemolo, ITAL.

Culture Used for garnishing and seasoning soups, meats, etc. Succeeds best in a mellow, rich soil. Sow thickly early in April in rows 18 to 24 inches apart and 43-inch deep. Thin out the plants to stand 6 inches apart in the row. The seed germinates slowly, plants taking from three to four weeks to make their appearance and sometimes failing to come up in dry weather. ‘To insure prompt germination, soak the seed a few hours in warm water, or sprout in damp earth, and sow when it swells or sprouts. For winter use, protect in a frame or light cellar. One ounce of seed for 150 feet of drill.

600 Dreer’s Dwarf Perfection. This outstanding Parsley is described under specialties, see page 3. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; + Ib. 70c; lb. $2.25.

For plants, see page 202.


Champion Moss Curled

596 Champion Moss Curled. Whenever a vegetable enjoys popularity all over the country there can be no doubt that it has unusual merits. Champion Moss Curled is such a variety. It forms a dense dwarf growth of curled and crimped leaves of a beautiful rich green color.

Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 4 Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

604 Dreer’s Summer Green. A strong and vigorous grower that resists heat and drought to an unusual degree. Produces large, finely curled leaves of a beautiful dark

green color. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25. 606

Hamburg or Rooted. While the top growth of this is used extensively for flavoring and garnishing, this particu- lar variety also forms a fleshy Parsnip-like root of a yellowish white color. These roots measure 5 to 6 inches long and are about 2 inches thick at the top. They are highly valued by many cooks for the rich and delicious flavor which they impart to soups, stews, etc, The roots may be left outdoors all winter long and they are not affected by frost. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

In order to produce large vegetables of choicest quality it is most important to prepare the soil carefully so as to

encourage a quick and tender growth of the plants. Of

course good fertility is equally asimportant. See page 212 for a complete list of the best fertilizers and plant foods.

Interesting Books on Gardening and kindred subjects offered on page 44


Pois, FR. Pisello, ITAL.

Guisante, Sp. Erbsen, GER.

Garden Peas

One pound will plant 100 feet of drill.

Culture—The first sowing of peas may be made as early in March as the gardener can prepare a piece of Health Value of ground because subsequent frosts do not hurt the young Fresh Green Peas plants of the extra-early smooth-seeded varieties. Sow Calories per lb. 454 in single or double rows, 24 to 26 inches apart, covering Vitamins A, B, C,G seeds about 2 inches deep. All varieties do better with Proteins 7.0% some sort of support. Where brush is lacking, poles and Carbohydrates 16.9% twine may be utilized. By selecting varieties maturing Fats .5% in succession (and it is easy to pick them out from the Calcium .028% following pages because they are listed in about the Tron .0057'% same order as they reach full size), a constant supply of delicious peas may be had from early in June until middle of August. Experience has proved that sowings made after middle of May are not so successful as the earlier ones because hot mid-summer heat is apt to reduce both vines and pods.

Smooth-Seeded Extra-Early Sorts

The hardiest sorts to be planted as soon as the soil can be put in condition.

Alaska. An extra-early round blue pea; height 2 feet. Very uniform and a favorite canning variety. Pkt. 10c; a) Ib: )25G b= (S5c;5 22 lbs) iGoc; 5 lbs. $1.50, prepaid.

635 Dreer’s Eureka Extra Early. One of the earliest and most prolific extra- early varieties which has given good results wherever grown. Vines grow to a height of about 20 inches and are very robust, bearing an abundant crop of pods which measure about 24 inches in length and are well filled with peas of excellent flavor. Height, 20 inches. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 Ibs. $1.50, prepaid.

Large Sugar or Hollow Crown Parsnip


Chirivta, Sp. Pastinake, GER. Health Value of Fresh Parsnips Calories per lb. 294 Vitamins A, B Proteins 1.6% Carbohydrates 13.5% Fats .6% Calcium .059% Iron .00077%

Panais, FR. Pastinaca, ITAL.

630 Dreer’s Electric Extra Early. A highly prolific, round, blue-seeded extra- early sort. The vines grow very uni- form and attain a height of 2} feet, bearing an abundant crop of medium size, dark green pods which are well filled with peas of good flavor.

Culture —Sow as early in the spring as

weather and soil conditions permit in drills 2 feet apart and cover } inch deep in light soil, less in heavy clay. Thin to stand 4 to 6 inches apart in the rows. The roots are eaten boiled and are very sweet and tender, also are often used for flavoring soups and stews. The quality is improved by leaving them in ground over winter for spring use. Store enough in pits or cellars in the fall for winter needs. One ounce will sow 200 feet of drill.

608 Large Sugar or Hollow Crown. This is the best and most productive variety and is largely grown both in the home garden and for market. The roots, which are creamy white, grow 10 or 12 inches long. They are smooth, tender, sweet, and of excellent flavor. Pe al0c oz. 20c; + lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

610 Student or Guernsey. Very similar to the above but some- what shorter. A good half-long variety with smooth white roots. This strain is the result of careful selection of roots growing to an ideal shape and having the distinct hollow crown. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + Ib. 40c; Ib. $1.00.


Pkt. 10c; 3 lb. 25c; lb. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 lbs. $1.50, prepaid.

Early Eight Weeks. For the private gardener who demands a really good, first early, dwarf pea, the Early Eight Weeks is most desirable. The vines are dwarf, growing only 12 to 15 inches in height. They are simply loaded with beautiful, well filled pods which are quite large in size for so early a variety. The peas are exceedingly tender and of a most delicious flavor. It is strictly a quality variety and of good appearance. Pkt. 10c; $ lb. 25c; Ib. 35c; 2 Ibs. 65c; 5 lbs. $1.50, postpaid.

Pilot, Improved

678 Pilot, Improved. A large seeded, extra-early, very prolific, smooth pea; height

about 3 feet. Fine dark green pods 3} to 4 inches long. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c;

Ib. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 lbs. $1.50, prepaid.

Increase the yield by inoculating seed peas with ‘‘LEGUME CULTURE,”’ offered on page 203







Early Wrinkled Seed

Garden Peas

American Wonder. A fine, early variety, well suited for the private garden and quite productive. The flavor and quality are excellent, and its dwarf growth makes it a desirable sort; height, 1 foot. Pkt. 10c; } lb. 25c; Ib. 35c; 2 Ibs. 65c; 5 Ibs. $1.50, prepaid.

Gradus or Prosperity. Combines the finest quality with extreme earliness, besides being fairly productive. Vigor- ous and healthy vines about three feet in height, bearing pods averaging 4 inches long, well filled with 6 to 8 light green peas, which color they retain after being cooked. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.

Laxton’s Progress. “Progress” grows but 18 inches high, but the vines are exceedingly vigorous and produce the largest pods of any extra-early sort. Pods average 43 inches long and are well filled with 8, 9, or 10 deep green, large peas of delightful flavor. Ready for gathering within 60 days from the time seeds aresown. Pkt. 10c; 4b. 25c; Ib. 45c; 2 lbs. 80c; 5 lbs. $1.85, prepaid.

Little Marvel. This is a very desir- able sort. It is dwarf, about 15 inches high, very productive, bearing many tightly filled twin pods which are dark green, containing 7 or 8 large, oval peas packed tightly together. Pkt. 10c; welbwe2ocs Ibs 40c2e 2a bss. 75c: 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.

Sutton’s Excelsior. Dwarf vines, growing about 16 inches high; sturdy and productive. The color of the shelled peas is pleasing light green. Bears the largest pods of any of the low-growing wrinkled Peas with the excep- tion, perhaps, of Laxton’s Progress. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; Ib. 35c; 2 lbs. 65c; 5 lbs. $1.50, prepaid.

Thomas Laxton Pea

Thomas Laxton. A popular and reliable early large- podded Pea. Very hardy and a strong grower, producing pods in abundance. The habit and growth of vine resembles Gradus, although the color is darker and the pods more blunt in shape. Height, 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; 3 lb. 25c; Ib. 40c; 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 Ibs. $1.75, prepaid.

Little Marvel Pea

690 Prince Edward.



Main Crop Garden Peas

Carter’s Daisy or Dwarf Tele- phone. This fine standard sort deserves a greater popularity. The pods arelong, frequently measuring 5 inchesin length, broad, rounded or curved at end, and well filled. The medium green pods are of excellent quality. Height, 18 inches. Pkt. 10c; 4 1b. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.


624 Champion of England. A popular old-time wrinkled variety, about 5 feet high. The vines bear long round pods in great profusion, mostly in pairs with 7 or 8 light green peas in each. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; Ib. 35c; 2 Ibs. 65c;

5 lbs. $1.55, prepaid.

626 Dwarf Champion. A dwarf variety, hardy and productive. The strong vines bear long, broad, dark green pods, containing 7 or 8 large peas of fine quality. Height, 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; Saulbue25Cnlbs Ac; s2. lbssmsooc;

5 Ibs. $1.55, prepaid.

682 Potlatch. The vines grow to about 30 inches and the crop matures in about 80 days. Pods are in pairs, average 44 inches long, dark green, and well filled with large medium-green peas. ‘‘Potlatch’’ will surely please the most critical. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c;

lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 Ibs. $1.75, prepaid.

The President. This remarkable new Pea is described under specialties, see page 3. Pkt. 10c; 3 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 Ibs. $1.75.


Somewhat similar to Telephone in height of vine and shape of pod, and also time of maturity, but pods are darker in color adding to their handsome appearance, and we believe the vines carry considerably more pods. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 lbs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.

Senator. Peas fit to pick in 70 days. Dark green, curved pods about 4 inches long, well filled with medium- size peas. Height, 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.

Telephone. A standard both here and abroad, and im- proved now to its limit. The strong vines average 18 to 20 large pods containing 6 to 8 peas each. Medium green pods borne in pairs. Delicious flavor; height, 4 feet. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; lb. 40c; 2 Ibs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.75, prepaid.

Edible Podded Sugar Peas

The two sorts following are cooked with the pods, like string

beans. dish, and are a welcome change in the menu. will be regularly grown.



They have a very high sugar content, make a delicious Once tried, they Cook when the peas are just forming.

Melting Sugar. Pods grow 4 inches long and are very broad, quite brittle, and with no hard fiber. Very sweet. Height, 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; 3 lb. 25c; Ib. 45c; 2 Ibs. 80c; 5 Ibs. $1.85, prepaid.

Giant Sugar. The tallest edible-podded variety and also the latest in maturing. Light green pods, about 3 inches long, square ended, each containing 6 or 7 very tender and sweet peas. Height, 4 feet. Pkt. 10c; $ lb. 25c; Ib. 45c; 2 Ibs. 80c; 5 Ibs. $1.85, prepaid.

Peas are never as delicious as when cooked and eaten immediately after picking.


Health Value of | Fresh Green Peppers Calories per lb. 109 Vitamins A, B, C Proteins 1.1% Carbohydrates 4.6% Fats .1% Calcium .006% Tron .0004%

Piment, Fr.

Pimiento, Sp. Peperone, ITAL.

Pepper pijoGn One ounce of seed will produce about 1000 plants.

Culture —Sow seed in flats under glass in March; transplant seedlings when 2 to 3 inches high into other flats, 4 incheg.apart each way or into individual pots, either clay or paper, to encourage good root systems. When the weather has become thoroughly settled and danger from belated freezes is over (about corn planting time), transplant to open ground in warm, very rich, and well-prepared soil, placing rows 3 feet apart, with plants 2 feet apart in the rows. The large, sweet sorts have become very popular and are always in demand.

732 Pimiento. The sweetest Pepper grown, with remark- ably thick walls of crisp, tasty flesh. The plants are pro- ductive. The medium-size heart-shaped peppers are par- ticularly desirable for filling, prepared in which manner they are delicious. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 55c; 1b. $1.65.

734 Dreer’s ‘‘Rainbow.’’ A most interesting ornamental and, at the same time, practical addition to the varieties now offered. The strong and vigorous plants have an abundance of glossy, dark green foliage, bearing long, conical fruits, which first are green, but pass through white and golden yellow to a brilliant scarlet when fully mature. Sweet flesh. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 60c; oz. $1.00.

738 Ruby Giant or Worldbeater. A very useful variety for the home garden. A cross between Ruby King and Chinese Giant. The fruits grow to a large size and are very mild. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 35c; oz. 60c; } Ib. $1.75.

740 Ruby King. This popular sort now is a favorite in all sections. The fruits are about five inches long. Thick and mild flesh of a dark green while young, turning to ruby red when ripe. Extremely prolific. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c; } lb. $1.75.


California Wonder Pepper

711 California Wonder. Deservedly popular in all parts of the country. The sturdy, upright plants bear 6, 7, or 8 smooth, blocky fruits of immense size each. They measure about 4} inches in length and 4 inches across. The outstanding feature of the fruits, however, is the remarkable thickness of their sweet walls. Fine for stuffing or salads. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 75c; } lb. $2.50.

Squash or Tomato Pepper 722 Chinese Giant. The very large fruits are bright scar-

let with thick and remarkably sweet flesh. The latest- 741 maturing Pepper, requiring a long season of growth, but widely grown for its heavy cropping qualities. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 75c; 4 Ib. $2.25.

723 Early Giant. A splendid, very early Pepper. (See

See é = g 715 or oS 1p z -1 « ~-1 SELON IST OWA AEN: Tee Me 259 A SBLLE conical, hot fruits ranging in color from purple to brilliant 726 Golden Dawn. A mild and sweet yellow Pepper. red. Quite attractive as a potted plant for indoors. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 40c; oz. 70c; + lb. $2.25. } Pkt. 15c; 4 0z. 30c; oz. 50c; $ lb. $1.75.

Squash or Tomato. Fruits about 2 to 3 inches in diameter, flat, and slightly ribbed. Thick sweet flesh. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c; ¢ Ib. $1.75.

The Small Ornamental Sorts Celestial. Compact plants, literally covered with small,


ERE : Red Cherry. A late variety with erect, scarlet, hot,

709 Large Bell or Bull Nose. A very popular large early ? . : 2 scarlet variety and a favorite pickling sort. The thick small, round fruits. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 205 02. 75¢; 4 Ib. $2.50. flesh has a remarkably mild flavor. Pkt. 10c; ¥ oz. 25c; 728 Red JapanCluster. Very productive. Small, slender, oz. 40c; ¢ Ib. $1.25. upright, hot fruits of bright zed eat or for pickles,

etc. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 75c; +) P2-20~

712 Long Red Cayenne. The long, slender pods are | 77g mall Chili. Red, conical, very hot fruits, about 2 bright red and very nga Used extensively Je Segoe inches long. In demand for pickles and sauce. Produc- and pickles. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c; oz. 50c; } lb., $1.75. tive. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 40c; oz. 75c; $ Ib. $2.25.

742 Long Sweet Spanish. The fruits grow six or seven | 744 Tabasco. Small and very hot. Used as a condiment inches long and two inches in diameter. They are bright either in vinegar or sauce. Pkt. 15c; 3 oz. 30c; 0z. S0c; green, turning to a rich scarlet when matured. Thick, i Ib. $1.75.

SW S <t. - 2 oz. OZ ; 4 Ib. $1.25. a soon bas ea sin aa ; ae ty 2 i 746 Mixed. A useful mixture of small-fruited, hot

730 Neapolitan. Brilliant red fruit growing upright; about ry Pe

34 to 4 inches long and 2 inches thick. Very early. Sweet flesh. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 30c; oz. 55c; } lb. $1.65.

For sauces, pickles, or decorative uses.

Pkt. 15c;.4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c; } lb. $1.75.

We offer pot-grown Pepper plants of a few varieties on page 202


Health Value of | Fresh Potatoes Calories per lb. 385 Vitamins A, B, C Proteins 2.2% Carbohydrates 18.4% Fats .1% Iron .00091%

Certified Seed Potatoes

Pomme de Terre, FR. Patata, ITAL. Patatas, Sp. Kartoffel, GER.

One peck will plant 100 hills; 8 to 10 bushels an acre.

NOTE Potatoes are ready for shipment about March 1st and are forwarded by Express or Freight as may be directed, at customer's expense. They are shipped at purchaser's risk, our responsibility ceasing after delivery to transportation company in good order.

Early Rose. A fine early Potato. Long and of good size with pink skin. It cooks pure white and mealy and is of good flavor.

Green Mountain. A late variety which is suitable for planting in various soils, producing fair crops even in soils which are not of high fertility. Yields good crops and keeps well.

State of Maine. A very reliable standard variety with tubers of large size, round, and flattened. Medium-early, splendid flavor, cooks dry, is a good keeper, and very productive.

Irish Cobbler. One of the first extra-early Potatoes. The skin is creamy white, sometimes netted, which is an indication of good quality. Round smooth tubers with strong and well developed eyes. A heavy cropper in all sections.

Russet Rural. A well-known standard late variety. Excep- tionally heavy cropper with large, solid tubers which cook dry and mealy. It also is practically disease resistant.

At the time of going to press with the Dreer Garden Book, Potato prices were too unsettled to quote. Please write stating kind and quantity wanted, and we shall quote by letter.


One ounce of seed Ruibarbo, Sp. to 125 feet of drill. Rhabarber, GER.

Culture —Good plants are easily grown in any good soil. Sow seed thinly in sooo ae 1 foot apart, thin to 4 or 5 inches. Pick out the strongest and best plants, and in the following fall or spring transplant to the permanent bed, 4 feet apart each way, in deep, warm, rich soil. The more manure the better the stalks.

Rhubarbe, FR. Rabarbaro, ITAL.

Health Value of Fresh Rhubarb

Calories per lb. 105 Vitamin C Proteins .6% Carbohydrates 6.6% Fats .7% Calcium .044% Iron .00056%

For Rhubarb Roots, see page 202.

Victoria Rhubarb

830 Linnaeus. A good early, very large, and a strong grower. Stalks mostly deep green, round, and of good quality. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; + lb. 75c.

832 Victoria. A splendid early sort. Stalks are large, very

thick, of rich red color, and tender quality. Pkt. oz. 25c; } lb. 75c.


Potiron, FR.

Zucca, ITAL. Calabaza, Sp. Grosser-Kuerbis, GER.


One ounce for 25 hills.

Culture —Sow in good soil in May when the ground has become warm, in hills 10 feet apart each way, or in fields of corn about every fourth hill; plant at the same time as the corn. Pumpkin varieties if planted together will mix. There is not much danger of their mixing with Squashes or other vines.

Health Value of Fresh Pumpkin Calories per lb. 117 Vitamins A, B,C | Proteins 1.0% | Carbohydrates 6.2% | Fats .1% Calcium .023Q% Tron .00093%

750 Large Cheese or Kentucky Field. A very hardy, late, large, round-flattened variety with pale yellow skin. Very thick, sweet, yellow flesh. An excellent canner. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; + 1b. 40c; lb. $1.00.

Large Yellow Field or Big Tom. The well-known cornfield Pumpkin, mostly grown for feeding stock. Round flattened sort with smooth, tough, dark orange rind and dry, sweet flesh. Often used for canning. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 40c; lb. $1.00.

Large Yellow Mammoth Potiron ( King of the Mam- moths, Jumbo). Largely grown for fairs and exhibitions. Specimens have been grown weighing over 100 pounds. Rich dark yellow skin and light yellow, sweet, but some- what coarse flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } 1b. 60c; Ib. $2.00

Mammoth Golden Cashaw. A very prolific Crook- neck type of a golden orange color. Thick, solid flesh of good Cee oe 10c; oz. 20c; ¢ lb. 50c; Ib. sf 50.




. SR or England Pie Pumpkins

760 Sugar or New England Pie. For pies this cannot be excelled. Small round fruits with deep yellow, plainly ribbed skin. Fine grained, sweet flesh. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 20c; ¢ lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

764 Winter Luxury. A very good keeper and a splendid pie

netted, russet- Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c;

Pumpkin. Round fruits with finely yellow skin. Thick, deep yellow flesh. ¢ lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

Re-Cleaned Bird Seeds (Prepaid Prices) eb: 5 lbs. 10 lbs. Mixe dtBirdi carn. cocks. skate $0 00 90 Canary, Plain 00 90 00 90

1 1 Rape, Sweet 1 1 00 90 1 I 1 1

Ph Pf) ;

NO ND pee pet pee pet et et


Millets 220. 00 00 Wild Bird Mixture 00 90 Sunflower. 10 00 Lettuce. 20 00

WN NN bh bo be annnnnn


OZz oC

Dreer’s Celebrated Lawn Grass mixtures are offered on pages 5, 6 and 7


r par ; Aaa Radis, Rave, FR bad Rabanito, Sr. | Health Value of Fresh Radishes Ravanello, ITAL. Radish Radies, GER. | Calories per lb. 133 Vitamins A, B, C One ounce of seed will sow 100 feet of drill.

Proteins 1.3% Carbohydrates 5.8%

Fats .1% Calcium .021% spring and one that may be enjoyed all season by a judicious selection

Tron .00083% of varieties suitable for different seasons. In soil rich in humus, the little

ES eee early round and olive-shaped sorts will be ready for use in from 3 to 4

weeks. Earliest sowings may be made as soon as frost is out of the ground.

After May 1st, sow long varieties like White Icicle or Long Scarlet Short

Top. After June ist, select summer varieties like Long White Vienna,

or White Delicacy, and around July 1st, sow the late but also large Winter

Radishes for a fall and winter supply. All radishes, to do their best,

should be thinned out to stand 2 to 6 inches apart in the row, the largest distance given applying to the large growing winter varieties.

| CULTURE-—One of the earliest delicacies to reach our table in the

| 804 Earliest Red May. One of the prettiest radishes of a clear scarlet. Makes a remarkably quick growth and is

ready for the table within 3 weeks after sowing seeds. Of a desirable size and uniform shape, with small tops and

of excellent flavor. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 20c; 4 lb. 45c; lb. $1.50.

816 Earliest White May. A crisp turnip-shaped variety with a very small top. Extremely early and very desirable for both under glass or outdoor culture. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 1 lb. 45c; lb. $1.50.

795 New Perfection. An improvement over the well-known Sparkler and White-Tip Scarlet Radishes. Grows a round solid root quickly and is good for under glass or in the open. A bright scarlet with lower half pure white, making it very attractive. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } Ib. 50c; Ib. $1.75.

The Eariiest Round Sorts

770 Cardinal Globe. Beautiful round red roots. (See Specialties, page 4.) Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; { lb. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

776 Crimson Ball. A dainty little Radish of mild flavor. Bright red skin, flesh tinged with red. It forms the root very rapidly and is ready for use within 25 days. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } Ib. 45c; lb. $1.50.

779 Crimson Giant. Suitable both for forcing or early planting out of doors. In shape it is round to oval, and very attractive. The flesh is mild and tender. Grows to larger size than any in this class, yet retains its crispness and solidity. One of the most dependable red Radishes for both amateur and professional growers. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; t lb. 45c; lb. $1.50.

798 New Ruby. This variety does not attain a large size but is very attractive and quickly forms a root to a condition suitable for eating. The shape is nearly round. Deep red skin and crisp white flesh. The tops are not large and it is a good variety for forcing. Pkt. 10c;,0z. 20c; } lb. 50c; Ib. $1.75.

800 Philadelphia White Box. An old favorite in the Phila- delphia region. A good turnip-shaped white variety, standing remarkably long for an early variety. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 3 lb. 45c; Ib. $1.50.

780 Dreer’s Crystal Forcing. Of remarkably quick growth, | 825 White-Tipped Scarlet Gem. Short leaves and excellent

Dreer’s Crystal Forcing

insuring crisp, solid, perfectly round, pure white roots with for forcing. Bright scarlet with white tip. It is a very small top. Makes a pleasing contrast when served with a handsome variety and exceedingly rapid grower. Also offered red variety. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 45c; lb. $1.50. as “‘Rosy Gem’’. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 45c; lb. $1.50.

Please order Vegetable Seeds by the number preceding each variety


Early Oval and Long Radishes 773 Cincinnati Market. Thisisan{ 818 Dreer’s Earliest White Olive.

improved strain of Long Scarlet. The shape and quick growth make The roots are somewhat larger and } this the most desirable of the white have a very small top. They olive-shaped sorts. Will produce measure 6 to 7 inches long and have roots of a size suitable for use a clear bright red skin. Beautiful within 24 days. The skin is an crisp white flesh which retains its attractive, transparent ivory- crispness and luscious flavor even | white, and the very crisp, tender, when fully developed. The roots and juicy flesh is sparkling icy are ready for use in from 30 to 35 white. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 50c;

days. Our strain is extra choice. Ib. $1.75. Pkt. 10c; oz; 20c;_2 Ib: 45c; : lb, $1.25.

French Breakfast Radish 783 French Breakfast. An old

reliable standard sort ready for use within 25 days after sowing. Oblong shape, mild, and tender. The skin isa lively pink in color on the upper portion, but the lower part is pure white. Does well ee | outside or under glass. Pkt. 10c;

te ft E ~~ Cincinnati Market Radish oz. 20c; t lb. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

Summer Radishes

This class requires longer to perfect the product but the roots have firmer flesh and remain in fit table condition very much longer than any of the early sorts offered.

768 Beckert’s Chartier. An exceedingly handsome deep scarlet sort, 7 or 8 inches long, shading to a clear white at the tip. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25.

814 Dreer’s White Delicacy. Produces a large root, 5 to 6 inches long, thick

at top and tapering to a point. Pure white, of fine flavor, and crisp texture. Pkt. 10c; oz; 20c; = Ib. 50c; Ib. $1.75.

785 Icicle. Makes Radishes from four to five inches long and half to three-quarter inch thick. Matures earlier than any other long white Radish. Pure white, almost transparent, and very tender. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

790 Long White Vienna or Lady Finger. Skin and flesh are pure white. Slightly longer than Icicle; crisp, and of rapid growth. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + lb. 50c; Ib. $1.50.

822 White Strasburg. Grows quite large, 6 or 7 inches long by 2 to 3 inches in diameter at the top. Remains firm and brittle for a long time. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; 3 lb. 45c; lb. $1.25.

824 White Stuttgart. An immense top-shaped Radish of clear white color. Fine for summer and fall use. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; 4 1b. 50c; Ib. $1.50.


White Chinese or Celestial Winter Radish

Winter Radishes

Generally sown around July 1, the same as Turnips. The Chinese type develops most rapidly, while the Spanish sorts re- quire about 3 months to reach full size, but they keep well.





Long Black Spanish. Eight or 9 inches long and 24 or 3 inches thick at the top. Black skin and solid white flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; ¢ lb. 45c; Ib. $1.50.

Round Black Spanish. Good specimens are almost round and measure 3 to 4 inches through. Black skin. White, solid, and pungent flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; t lb. 45c; lb. $1.50.

Scarlet China. Also known as Rose China Winter. The oblong roots grow 4 to 5 inches long and two inches thick at lower end. They are a bright rose color. Flesh white, crisp, and pungent. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.50.

White Chinese or Celestial. Roots cylindrical, and when fully developed are 6 to 7 inches long and 2 inches thick. Solid, crisp, and of a mild flavor. Skin and flesh pure white. Pkise -10c; oz. 20c; + lb. 45c; Ib. $1.50.

Make succession sowings of early Radishes at 2 weeks intervals 30


Health Value of | Espinard, FR. S = h Espinaca, Sp.

Fresh Spinach Spinnacio, ITAL. pimnac Spinat, GER. Calories per lb. 109 CULTURE —For spring and summer use sow in drills 1 foot apart and 1 inch deep as early Vitamins A, B, C, G as the ground can be worked and every two weeks up to May 15th, for a succession. For winter and Proteins 2.1% early spring use, sow in September in well-manured ground. Cover with straw on the approach of Carbohydrates 3.2% severe cold weather. The ground cannot be too rich. No Spinach, with the exception of New Zealand Fats .3% } will ‘‘stand’’ August heat without “shooting” seed stalks. Water liberally with fine spray or sprinkler

Calcium .018% | after sowing seed. One ounce for 100 feet of drill.

Tron .00255% | 849 Bloomsdale Long-Standing Savoy. By far the best of the |e oe ere Savoy strains with dark glossy green heavily crumpled and

savoyed leaves. (See specialties page 4). Pkt. 10c; oz. 15¢; + lb. 30c; Ib. 85c.

851 Savoy, Dreer’s Reselected. An early and hardy Spinach with large, broad leaves, heavily crimped and curled, and of a rich glossy dark green. We offer a special long- standing strain which is very fine. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 25c; lb. 60c.

855 Savoy, Virginia Blight Resistant (Old Dominion). A special new strain of Savoy, bred up to resist disease. Best suited for late summer and fall sowing. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 35c; lb. 90c.

853 Thick-Leaf or Viroflay. Produces large smooth leaves, measuring up to 10 inches in length and 8 inches wide. Plants measure 24 to 30 inches across and well repay liberal manuring. A favorite canning

| sort as its smooth leaves are easily washed

free from sand and grit. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15¢; } lb. 25c; Ib. 60c.

854 Victoria. Leaves of fine texture, deepest green color, heavily crimped, thick, fleshy, on very short stems, and standing for a long time before shooting to seed. Pkt. 10c;

Improved oz. 15c; } Ib. 25c; lb. 60c. Long-Standing

845 Dreer’s Improved Long-Standing. Most varieties of Spinach have the bad habit of shooting to seed before half of the crop can be used, but the outstanding feature of this splendid variety is, as its name implies, its remarkable long-standing qualities. The plants form com- pact thick tufts composed of numerous, rich dark green leaves with are broad, pointed, and much crumpled. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 30c; Ib. 85c.

842 King of Denmark. An ideal variety for spring sowing as the plants are very slow to run to seed. Strong, vigorous plants producing an immense growth of large, dark green, crumpled leaves. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; + Ib. 25c; lb. 60c.

Long Season Spina h New Zealand Spinach 847 New Zealand (Telragonia expansa). Not related to the regular Spinaches but should be more widely grown as it stands all summer and produces a continuous supply of good quality leaves. Formslarge, spreading 844 Long Season. Sowings of this variety made in early spring and plants, five to eight feet across, during followed monthly with further sowings will give a continuous crop summer and early fall, from seeds sown throughout the entire summer. The leaves are a rich dark green color, during April. Soak seed in warm water very thick, crumpled, and of splendid quality. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; 4 lb. 25c; for a few hours before sowing. Pkt. 10c; lb. 60c. oz. 15c; } Ib. 35c; Ib. $1.00.

Study your diet. Note the interesting analyses given for all major vegetables



Courge, FR. Calabaza, Sp.

Salsify Zucca, ITAL. Squash Kuerbis, GER.

or Vegetable Oyster One ounce of seed for 25 hills. Salsifis, FR. Salsifi, Sp. Culture —It has only been recently that scientists | : Barba di becco, Iva. Haferwurzel, GER. | have discovered the presence of remarkable quantities Health Value of One ounce for 50 feet of drill. of vitamines in summer squash and doctors now Fresh Squash Gultureetsncee deepest liehe wells prescribe an abundance of squash for children back- Calories per Ib. 209 | enriched, melldw soil. Sow early in the spring ward in physical development. Sow at Corn planting i itamin A | : drill 45 wee eet tach dco and time, in well-manured hills, the bush varieties 4 feet Proteins 1.4% wie HiBevally with ane spray or Se asvien apart Sep CESS IRE Rh OSS OS) Hoe cack eee Carbohydrates 9.0% manachccan tows. . Uscdlthoeametas and thin out to 2 to 4 plants to the hill. To repel Fats 5% Carrots, or after having been boiled make the Squash vine borer, throw a handful of tobacco Calcium 018% | into cakes and fry like oysters which ae SEE AONE Raine Ue large, SUbOngs Tron .00035% z 2 2 smelling black Squash bug can be kept in check by |

they resemble in flavor. Cultivate the es 5 1 : : : = : . and-picking. r 7-S ed beetle and bligt same as Carrots or Parsnips. Hardy and hand-picking. For yellow-striped beetle and blight,

Sa cenainthoeoud alliwinter Por early. | S2EY early and repeatedly with Bordeaux Arsenate of Lead Mixture. spring use, but the white variety should The Earliest

be taken up before it starts new growth. Bush Varieties

862 Cocozelle Bush. A handsome, ob- long, dark green Italian variety liberally speckled with lighter green. Of compact, bushy growth, and most attractive, hand- some fruits from 2 to 3 pounds each. This variety is un- surpassed in its Extra Early Jersey White Bush Squash rich, distinct, aro- matic flavor. A | §73 Extra Early Jersey White Bush (Paity Pan). dozen plants will A very early Summer Squash with flat and scal- produce 2 to 3 loped fruits of cream-white color measuring 8 dozen fruits. Pkt. inches in diameter. Delicious flavor. Pkt. 10c; 10c; oz. 20c; + Ib. oz. 20c; ¢ lb. 45c; lb. $1.50. 60c; lb. $2.00.

| 867 Giant Summer Crookneck. Very large, deep yellow; curved and heavily

warted. Has thick flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + Ib. 50c; Ib. $1.75.

868 Giant Summer Straightneck. A selection from Crookneck with straight, heavily warted fruits. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 3 lb. 60c; Ib. $2.00.

869 Golden Custard Bush. Similar in shape to Mammoth White Bush but has yellow skin. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + Ib. 60c; Ib. $2.00.

877 Mammoth White Bush. Similar to Jersey Bush but much larger, the fruits measuring 10 to 12 inches across. A very fine home garden Squash. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; Ib. 45c; Ib. $1.50.


The Long-Keeping Vine Varieties 858 Boston Marrow. A good keeper | 872 Hubbard, Improved. A

and of excellent flavor. Splendid standard winter sort with bronze- b oS fess : for pies and canning. Pkt. 10c; green skin. Thick yellow flesh. Mammoth Sandwich Island Salsify oz. 15¢; ¢ lb. 50c; Ib. $1.50. Pkt OGMOZm25C;. ca lb.O0G;

ae : : Ib. $2.00.

837 Mammoth Sandwich Island. on Delicious: Mediven sizeay eee 878 Hubbard, Warted. Heavily \ skinned fruits with sweet, bright : a o.

Grows a large tapering root, 7 to 8 f ; warted, dark green skin. Choice

. : : yellow flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; ; a =

inches long, with almost white, 2 1b. 60c: lb. $2.00 quality. iste OCs OZan ezoGs

smooth skin, resembling a good- 870 3 : ae . i lb. 60c; lb. $2.00.

sized Parsnip. It is very mild and Hubbard, Blue. A quality | 860 Mammoth Chili. Immense

delicately flavored, hence very Hubbard with gray-blue skin. orange fruits. For exhibition and popular. The young leaves may Of extra choice flavor. Pkt. 10c; -stock feeding. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c;

be used as salad. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 02, 25c; 4 Ib. 70c; Ib. $2.00. t lb. 60c; Ib. $2.00. 20c; oz. 30c; 3 Ib. 85c; lb. $3.00. 871 Hubbard, Golden. Beautiful | 879 Table Queen. Acorn-shaped, 834 Long Black or Scorzonera. orange-red fruits. Fine keeper. deep green fruits with sweet, deep Though not a true Salsify this is Dry, deep orange flesh. Pkt. 10c; yellow flesh. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 25c;

oz. 25c; + lb. 60c; lb. $2.00. + lb. 60c; Ib. $2.00.

grown and used in exactly the same

way. Has a long, fleshy taproot with a black skin. The leaves are Vegetable Marrows

broad and the flesh is creamy white. | 875 Long Cream Trailing. A fine sort with oblong-shaped creamy yellow

The roots may be left in the ground fruits and flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c.

till needed for the table, increasing | 876 Long Green Trailing. Similar shape as above but the skin is rich green. in size without losing their fine Creamy yellow flesh. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 25c; 4 lb. 60c.

flavor. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 35c; | 874 Long White Bush. A bush Marrow with light cream fruits 12 inches i lb. $1.00; lb. $3.50. long and 4 inches across. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 60c.

Mammoth Sunflower Seed is offered on page 43



plenty of light for rapid development. or a spent hotbed to stand 4 inches apart each way. properly. Such plants should start bearing middle of June and continue for the best part of 2 months. For the main crop, sow seeds of later varieties in a hotbed or warm cold-frame by April 1st. Around Decoration Day prepare spaces 3 feet apart each way, digging the hole a foot deep and of equal


Tomate, FR. Pomo d’oro, ITAL.

diameter and filling this with well rotted stable manure or humus.








CULTURE —For the first crop sow seeds of very early varieties like Alpha, Avon Early, Red River, or Earliana under glass or in the house about the middle of February, giving the young seedlings When they are 3 to 4 inches high transplant them into flats Give plenty of air on sunny days to harden them

Set the plants into these spaces and to prevent loss from cut worms surround the young plants with a collar of cardboard. the young plants are grown.in paper pots, set them into the ground, pots and all, just tearing out the bottom.

One ounce of seed will produce about 2500 plants. The Earliest Sorts | 919 Alpha. Alpha fruits come very deep and smooth. The | plants are distinct. They have heavy wide foliage and bear | | 940

in abundance bright red fruits which are solid and meaty. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 70c; ¢ lb. $2.00.

Avon Early. An exceedingly early variety maturing a few days before Earliana. Large, round, very solid, deep scarlet fruits. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 40c; oz. 70c; } lb. $2.00.

Bonny Best. An early variety, popular all over the country. Fruits are almost round, scarlet, and are pro- duced in abundance. This is also a good forcing Tomato. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; } lb. $1.25.

Break O’Day Tomato

Break O’Day. A recent introduction from the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture and aptly called ‘‘The Early Mar- globe”’ as it picks about 10 or 12 days ahead of that variety. The fruits are similar, being round, smooth, solid, and of a fine scarlet color. Highly resistant to the usual Tomato diseases. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 35c; oz. 60c; < lb. $2.00.

Earliana, Spark’s. A standard extra early. Fruits bright red, solid, and of fine flavor. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 45c; 3 lb. $1.25.

John Baer. A standard early sort producing large, well-shaped, red fruits of fine flavor. Pkt. 10c; 3 0z. 25c; oz. 45c; + Ib. $1.25.







Tomate, Sp. Liebesapfel, GER.

Health Value of Fresh Tomatoes

Calories per lb. 104 Vitamins A, B, C, G Proteins .9% Carbohydrates 3.9% Fats .4% Calcium .011% Iron .00044%


June Pink. May be called a pink ‘‘Earliana.”’ Identical in all but color, this being a purplish pink. Of mild flavor. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 30c; oz. 50c; } lb. $1.50. Pritchard or Scarlet Topper. (See Specialties, page 4.) Pkt. 20c; 4 0z. 40c; oz. 70c; } lb. $2.00.

Strong pot-grown plants of this are offered on page 202.

936 Red River. A choice variety of extremely early maturity. The fruits are of medium size, good depth, a bright scarlet color, and the flesh is quite solid. The fruits are not only most at- tractive but also of choice quality. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c; oz. 90c; 4 Ib. $2.75.

Red River Tomatoes

Second Early and Main Crop

Beauty. A very productive sort with large smooth fruits of purplish pink. Solid flesh of excellent quality. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; } lb. $1.25.

Crimson Cushion or Beefsteak. Large size, solid, and smooth. Similar to Ponderosa, except in color which is rich crimson. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c; t lb. $1.50.

Dwarf Champion. smooth, solid, purplish pink fruits. oz. 60c; + lb. $1.75. ' Dwarf Stone. Round, very solid, deep scarlet fruits, ripening evenly and of excellent flavor. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 35c; oz. 60c; 4 lb. $1.75.

Dreer’s Superb Salad. Distinctly a salad Tomato, just the right size for serving in halves or quartered with Lettuce or for putting up whole in jars. Very smooth, rich scarlet fruits. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c; oz. 45c; } lb. $1.25. Early Detroit. An early sort of large size. Nearly round fruits with purplish pink skin. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 45c; + Ib. $1.25.

Very strong, dwarf plants, bearing Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 35c;

Strong pot-grown Tomato plants are offered on page 202

Globe, Dreer’s Select Strain. The fruits are perfect

in shape. They average 6 ounces each and are borne in clusters of 4 to 6. It is among the most solid of all tomatoes. The skin is an attractive pink or purple and the flesh has a delightful flavor. Our strain is extra choice. Pkt. 20c; 4 oz. 60c; oz. $1.00; } Ib. $3.50.

912 Golden Ponderosa. Very large fruits of splendid quality. Solid, rich golden yellow flesh of very mild flavor. Most attractive when sliced and served with a

red variety. Pkt. 15c; $ oz. 40c; oz. 75c; % lb. $2.00.

913 Golden Queen. A medium sized, solid, yellow tomato, ripening slightly earlier than the above sort. Extremely

mild and non-acid. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c; 4 Ib. $1.75.

923 Marglobe. This fine second early produces large, smooth, meaty, globular, red fruits which ripen evenly and are free from cracks. An extremely heavy cropper and valuable to those who are in districts troubled with rust and wilt, and particularly in the Southern States, as this strain is immune. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 70c;

t lb. $2.00. Strong pot-grown plants offered on page 202.

Matchless. One of the most dependable scarlet main- crop sorts. Very large, solid, and meaty. One of the best canning varieties for home use. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 45c; ¢ lb. $1.25.


Preserving Tomatoes The list below includes all of the popular miniature fruited

sorts. They are all enormous croppers and without exception make delicious and attractive preserves. Pkt. 4 oz. Oz.

944 Strawberry or Ground Cherry.$0 15 $0 40 $0 70 GS1Ip eRediCherrys. co... eee 15 40 70 O32e 3 RediCurrantsy 6 1608..o.cdoee. 15 45 80 933i. Red Peach.) se su css nee 15 40 70 934: SRed’Pearke rs. 15 40 70 935. ted: Plume. ee eas 15 40 70 953° Yellow Cherry... ....-......- 15 40 70 955)> Wellow Pear i) ee es os 15 40 70 956" WWollow Plumy=35 5-2 is: nanan 15 40 70 958 Preserving, Mixed. A very useful offering for the

garden of limited size. Contains seed of all the above preserving varieties. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 70c.



927 Oxheart. A recent introduction, distinct in every way. A late variety with very large, mostly pink, distinctly heart-shaped fruits. Remarkably solid with very few seeds and of a mild non-acid flavor. The great difference between the parent plants of this hybrid variety is responsible for the few “‘off type” fruits that are found in it. Pkt. 20c; } oz. 45c; oz. 85c; ¢ lbs. $3.00.

930 Ponderosa. The largest tomato grown, and always a popular and profitable sort for the home garden. Large purplish pink of extraordinary solidity. Pkt. 15c; 2 oz. 40c; oz. 75c; % lb. $2.00.

Strong pot-grown plants offered on page 202.

942 Selected Stone. Probably the most widely grown Tomato in the country. Very dependable and will produce a large crop of deep red, solid fruits. A splendid canner. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 40c; ¢ lb. $1.00.

Strong pot-grown plants offered on page 202. Forcing Tomatoes

900 Comet. Medium size, rich scarlet fruits of good quality, Pkt. 15c; 3 oz. 30c; oz. 50c; 4 lb. $1.50.

921 Lorillard. Bright red, smooth, early. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 30c;

oz. 50c; % lb. $1.50.

Oseille, FR. Acetosa, ITAL.

Acedera, SP. Sauerampfer, GER.


Culture —Used for soups and mixed salads on account of its pleasant acid flavor. Also makes delicious boiled greens. Sow seed in any good garden soil, in shallow drills a foot apart. Thin plants to 6 or 7 inches apart and remove seed stalks as soon as they appear. When ready to gather, select only the largest leaves, thus insuring a continuous supply. One planting will last for 3 or 4 years. One ounce for 200 feet of drill.

839 Large-Leaved Garden. The largest leaved and best variety. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 20c; } lb. 60c; 1b. $2.00.

Tomato Culture (Tracy). A complete book on the subject. $1.10 per copy, postpaid



Navet, FR. Navone, ITAL.

apart. May 15. seed thinly in the cornfield at last cultivation.

For fall and winter sow in July and August.

960 Aberdeen Purple-Top Yellow. Very hardy and pro- ductive, good keeper. Of thick, slightly flattened shape and of fine quality. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 35c; Ib. $1.00.

961 All Seasons Foliage Turnip. The tops or greens of

this new Turnip are equal in every way to the best Spinach. They are large and tender, free from lice, and yield The large roots equal the finest Turnips in quality, with pure white skin and flesh, and This variety developed in the Orient and is so resistant to disease and insects that Tops can be cut 25 to 30 days after seed is sown and roots pulled in about

repeated cuttings. without blemish, inside or out. spraying and dusting are not necessary.

5 weeks. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 45c; Ib. $1.25. ; 962

Wiha Pra




970 972


975 976 977


Dreer’s ‘‘All Season’s’’ Foliage Turnip

982 Budlong’s Improved. other sorts. Ib., $1.00.

Dreer’s Improved Purple-Top.

fine quality, and also a splendid keeper.


lb. $1.00.

988 4 Ib. 35c; Ib. $1.00.


One ounce will sow 200 feet of drill, two pounds for an acre.

CULTURE For an early crop sow seed thinly in open ground in spring, in drills 18 to 20 inches Thin out seedlings to stand 3 or 4 inches apart. A good crop may often be grown by scattering Sow Ruta Baga seed in open ground during June and early July. Take up the roots just before winter, top, and store in cool cellar, or pit outdoors.

Ruta Baga

These have firmer Turnips and can therefore be stored until well into the spring. seed the middle of July to make large roots for winter storing. for the table and also highly valued for stock feeding.

White, very sweet; much milder flavor than most Globe-shaped; skin a creamy-yellow. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; 4 lb. 35c;

Remarkable for uniform shape and Smooth skin and beautiful yellow, fine grained flesh. The flavor is very sweet and tender.

Golden Heart. A Danish green-top variety of large size.

Nabo, Sp. Weissrueben, GER.

Health Value of Fresh Turnips

Calories per lb. 178 Vitamins A, B, C, G

Proteins 1.38% Carbohydrates 8.1% Fats 2% Calcium .064% Iron .00052%

For succession sow every two weeks until

ji Purple-Top White Globe Turnips Golden Ball. A rapid grower of excellent flavor. Globe shaped, medium size roots. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 35c; lb. $1.00.

Purple-Top White Globe. The most popular variety. It is round, very handsome, and of superior quality. Skin white with purple at portion which grows above the ground. The flesh is white. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15¢; 4 Ib. 35c; Ib. $1.00.

Purple-Top Milan, Extra Early. Flat white roots, with purple top. A quick grower for spring sowing. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 40c; lb. $1.25. Red-or Purple-Top (Strap-Leaf). One of the earliest and most popular on our list. Roots flat, top purple; flesh fine grained and mild. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 35c; Ib. $1.00.

Seven Top. Grown for its leafy tops only, which make excellent greens. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; 4 lb. 35c; lb. $1.00.

Snow Ball. The roots have a smooth white skin and are nearly round. One of the best to sow very early in the spring. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 35c; Ib. $1.00.

White Egg, Early. Adapted for either spring or fall sowing. The tops are small and roots are of medium size. White skin and flesh. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } Ib. 35c; Ib. $1.00.

White Milan, Early. Of high quality. Roots are of medium size, flat, and pure white all through. Pkt. 10c; 0z. 15c; } lb. 40c; lb. $1.25. White Flat Dutch, Early. Of quick growth and mild flavor. oz. 15c; } Ib. 35c; Ib. $1.00. Yellow Globe (Amber Globe). skin and light yellow flesh, which is firm and sweet. 1 Ib. 35c; lb. $1.00. 3

Pkt. 10c;

Produces globe-shaped roots with smooth Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c;

flesh than Sow


American Purple-Top. Very hardy and productive. The flesh is yellow, solid, and sweet. Good for stock or table use. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; + lb. 30c; Ib. 90c.

Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; 3 Ib. 35c;

Bkiw0csozmdoc a } Dreer's Improved Purple-Top Ruta Baga

Dreer’s Seeds produce Quality Vegetables

Dreer’s Extra-Recleaned Grass Seeds for Lawn and Field

Prices of quantities over one pound are f. o. b. Philadelphia, and subject to market changes

We make a specialty of grass and clover seeds, and send out only the varieties best adapted to this country. Our supplies are secured direct from the best seed-producing districts of the world, and the seeds are of great reliability.

Astoria Bent. Blue Tag Sealed and Certified. 2 lb. and 5 lb. sealed bags @ $1.50 per lb., postpaid. Not prepaid, 50 lb. and 100 Ib. sealed bags @ $1.25 per lb.

2 ~ We offer this high-grade seed with dyes VELVET beak full confidence as we now have a 94% SEED 88% most reliable source of supply. Due “ten million to the pound” to the large number of seeds per pound it is economical to use, 2 lbs. being sufficient for about 1000 square feet. Lb. $5.00, postpaid.

Bent, Colonial (Agrostis tenuis). N.Z. Brown Top. A high- grade super-cleaned seed. Similar to R. I. Bent. Lb. $1.25, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (35 lbs.) $40.00; 100 lbs. $110.00.

Bent, Creeping (Agrostis species or Mixed Bent). For putting greens and fine lawns. Low, compact growth. Lb. $1.25, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (20 lbs.) $23.00; 100 Ibs. $110.00.

Bent, Prince Edward Island. The finest strain of Bent Grass yet offered. Heavy seed of high purity. Lb. $2.00, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (30 lbs.) $45.00; 100 lbs. $145.00.

Blue Grass, Kentucky Fancy Recleaned (Poa pratensis). Rated as one of the best permanent grasses; especially useful for lawns and meadows. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (14 lbs.) $4.40; 100 Ibs. $30.00.

Blue Grass, Canadian (Poa compressa). For poor soil. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (14 Ibs.) $4.40; 100 lbs. $30.00.

Bermuda Grass (Cynodon dactylon). Invaluable for lawns and pastures in the Southern States. Lb. 35c, postpaid.

Not prepaid, bu. (35 lbs.) $10.00; 100 lbs. $25.00.

Carpet Grass (Axonopus compressus). For the lawns and pastures of the Gulf Coast States. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (18 lbs.) $5.25; 100 lbs. $28.00.

Crested Dogstail (Cynosurus cristatus). A very hardy perennial. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (21 lbs.) $6.30; 100 lbs. $28.00.

Fescue, Chewings New Zealand (Festuca Chewings). For fine lawns and putting greens. Lb. 45c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (14 lbs.) $5.00; 100 lbs. $30.00.

Fescue, Hard (Festuca duriuscula). For pastures. Lb. 35c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (12 lbs.) $3.60; 100 lbs. $25.00.

Fescue, Meadow (Festuca pratensis). English Blue Grass or Sweet Grass. A useful perennial for hay and pasture. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (22 lbs.) $4.40; 100 Ibs. $18.00.

Fescue, Genuine Red or Creeping (Festuca rubra). For fine lawns and putting greens. Succeeds on sandy soils. Lb. 50c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (14 lbs.) $5.60; 100 Ibs. $38.00.

Fescue, Sheep’s (Festuca ovina). Valuable for pastures. Lb. 35c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (12 lbs.) $3.60; 100 lbs. $25.00.

Fescue, Fine-Leaved Sheep’s (Festuca ovina tenufolia). Ex- cellent for lawns. Makes a very dwarf, fine leaved growth. Lb. 60c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (14 lbs.) $6.00; 100 lbs. $40.00.

Orchard Grass (Dactylis glomerata). One of the most valuable of the pasture grasses; makes a good hay. Lb. 35c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (14 lbs.) $3.50; 100 lbs. $22.00.

Red-Top Grass, Extra Recleaned Seed (Agrostis alba). Now popular for lawns and golf courses. Heavy, solid seed. Lb. 35c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (32 lbs.) $8.00; 100 lbs. $24.00.

Rough Stalked Meadow Grass (Poa trivialis). Recommended for shady lawns and it also is a rich pasture grass. Lb. 45c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (14 lbs.) $5.00; 100 lbs. $35.00.

Rye Grass, American (Oregon Grown). Extra fine, heavy seed. Lb. 25c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (30 lbs.) $4.80; 100 lbs. $15.00.

Rye Grass, English Perennial (Lolium perenne). For winter lawns in the South and also for permanent pastures. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (24 lbs.) $5.00; 100 lbs. $20.00.

Rye Grass, Italian (Lolium italicum). An annual for hay mix- tures, or for the Southern lawn in fall. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (18 lbs.) $4.00; 100 lbs. $20.00.

Sweet Vernal Grass, True (Anthoxanthum odoratum). parts a sweet odor to hay. Lb. $1.00, postpaid. 10 lbs. $9.00.

Tall Meadow Oat Grass (Avena elatior). For pastures. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (10 lbs.) $3.00; 100 Ibs. $28.00.

Timothy. Lb., 25c, postpaid. Write for price per bushel.

Wood Meadow Grass (Poa nemoralis). The ideal grass for heavily shaded lawns. Lb. 65c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (14 lbs.) $7.70; 100 Ibs. $54.00.

Im- Not prepaid,

<a LO si


wt Fel = = a Atty Se 4a .

Bent Grass. For Fine Lawns

Dreer’s Celebrated Lawn Mixtures are offered on pages 5, 6, and 7


Dreer’ s Permanent Pasture Grace Mixture

An acreage of good grass land is an asset to any farm and a necessity where stock of any kind is raised. Land, too, is properly rested and fertility renewed. Eventually, when the sod is plowed down, this rich

Jand is in condition to return heavy crops.

Permanent Pasture Grass succeeds well after a root crop, such

as Potatoes, Beets, Mangels, or Turnips has been taken off. The land should be fall plowed and left rough over winter and prepared in spring, making the seed bed as fine as possible by repeated harrowing. After

seed is sown a heavy rolling is necessary, as grass requires a firm seed bed.

This special mixture of Re-

cleaned Grass and Clover Seeds is composed of perennial varieties which insure at all times an abundant and nutritious food supply for all kinds of stock. It yields a heavy crop of hay each year and supplies rich

pasture all the year round. We satisfactory results everywhere. for heavy or light soil.


Produces 2 or 3 good hay crops in a season and is unsurpassed as a soil enricher. We offer only North American grown stocks of highest purity.

North Western: ....2 eee Ib. 40c, postpaid. Grimm...... «fs 13130178 oa Gas ete ee Ib. 45c, postpaid. Write for quantity price with sample and instructive circular.


Oderbrucker. A productive and reliable six-rowed bearded variety and an improvement over the old Manchurey. Sow 13 to 2 bu. if drilled; 2 to 2} bu. broadcast. Lb. 25c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck 80c; bu. (48 Ibs.) $2.75.

Broom Corn

Improved Evergreen. Brushis long, fine, straight, and always green; grows 7 feet high. Sow 10 lbs. to the acre in good, deep soil. Lb. 25c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck $1.50; bu. (46 lbs.)

$4.50. Buckwheat

Japanese. Larlier, more prolific, and yields nearly double the weight per acre of other sorts. Makes a high grade flour. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck $1.00; bu. (48 lbs.) $2.75; 10 bu. at $2.50 per bu.

Clover Seed Write for prices per bu. Red Medium (Trifolium pratense). Ibs. per acre. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Red Mammoth or Sapling (Trifolium pratense perenne). 10 to 15 lbs. per acre. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Alsike or Swedish (Trifolium hybridum). other clovers will not thrive. Lb. 40c, postpaid. White Dutch (Trifolium repens). 8 lbs. to the acre alone. Oz. 10c; 4 lb. 30c; 4 Ib. 45c; lb. 85c, postpaid. Not prepaid, lb. 75c; 5 Ibs. $3.50; 10 lbs. $6.75; bu. (60 lbs.) $39.00; 100 lbs. $63.00. Sweet, Bokhara (Melilotus alba). A valuable soil improver and a favorite bee food. 20 lbs. to the acre. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Japan or Korean (Les pedeza striata). 141bs. per acre. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Crimson or Scarlet. Valuable for hay, cover crop, or green manuring. 20 lbs. per acre. Lb. 30c, postpaid.

Sow spring or fall, 10 to 15

Best variety where 8 lbs. to the acre when used alone.

ship out large quantities of this mixture and it has always given most Sow 50 lbs. to the acre. Bu. (20 lbs.), $5.50; 100 Ibs., $25.00.

When ordering, kindly state whether

Ensilage Corn Sow 1 to 1} bu. to the acre in rows 3} feet apart.

Red Cob Ensilage. One of the very best varieties and grows well in all sections. Itis a pure white Corn on a red cob, making a growth of stalk measuring 12 to 14 feet high. Lb. 30c, post- paid. Not prepaid, peck (14 lbs.) 90c; bu. (56 Ibs.) $3.25.

Sweet Fodder Corn. For soiling or ensilage. Sow in drills at the rate of 2 bu. to the acre. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck (124 lbs.) $1.35; bu. (50 Ibs.) $4.75.

Field Corn Sow early in May, 8 quarts to the acre.

Perfected Golden Beauty. An improved strain of Golden Beauty obtained by careful selection. The ears contain from 10 to 14 rows of extremely large, broad grains which are of a rich golden yellow color, and the cob is small. Lb. 35c, post- paid. Not prepaid, peck $1.10; bu. $3.50.

Leaming. A good early variety which ripens in about 110 days. Ears good size, cob red, grains medium in size and deep yellow. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck 90c; bu. $3.00.

Early Yellow Canada Flint. A ninety-day Corn splendid for replanting. Rich yellow ears, 12 to 14 inches long. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck $1.00; bu. $3.50.

Pusey Cloud Yellow Dent. A prize winning variety at many Eastern Corn Shows. It matures in 100 to 110 days and will

yield 75 to 100 bushels of shelled Corn to an acre. The ears measure about 10 inches in length. Lb. 30c, postpaid.

Not prepaid, peck 90c; bu. $3.00.

Early Mastodon Dent. A Dent Corn suitable for Northern sections as it matures in about 110 days. The stalks grow rapidly and to a good size, producing excellent fodder and an abundant crop of corn. Lb. 35c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck $1.00; bu. $3.50.

Early 100-Day Bristol. One of the earliest large Dent varieties. It is productive, and ears are a good size with light yellow grains. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck 90c;’ bu. $3.00.

Johnson County White Dent. A prolific variety which pro- duces large well-filled ears. Grains are long and set close on the cob which measures about 10 inches in length and contains from 18 to 24 rows of grain. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck 90c; bu. $3.00.

Bovung. A new kind of granulated steri-

It is an economical and See page 216.

lized cow manure, efficient fertilizer.

NOTE—Prices for larger quantities than one pound are f. o. b. Philadelphia and subject to market changes. Write for pricvs on larger quantities. All Farm Seeds are packed in 2 bus. grain bags at 35 cents each.



Mangel Wurzel

Excellent for stock or poultry feed. Sow in May or June, 6 lbs. to acre, in rows 2 feet apart, and thin to 9 inches. Give the crop good cultivation.

177 Mammoth Long Red. This is a favorite variety with Dairy and Poultrymen. Produces enormous crops of fine solid roots. Splendid keeper. Oz. 10c; } lb. 30c; lb. 75c; 10 lbs., $5.00, prepaid.

178 Red Globe. A large, red, oval variety. Keeps well and produces better crops on shallow soil than the Long Red. Oz. 10c; } lb. 30c; Ib. 85c; 10 lbs. $5.50, prepaid.

173 Golden Tankard. Indispensable owing to its produc- tiveness and richness in sugar. Deep yellow flesh and skin. Oz. 10c; $1b., 30c; lb. 75c; 10 lbs. $5.00, prepaid.

Sugar Beets Sow same as Mangels, except thin to 6 to 8 inches in the row.

170 Klein Wanzleben. Without question the best in cultivation. Not the largest in size, but the richest in sugar content. Oz. 10c; } 1b. 30c; lb. 70c; 10 lbs. $5.00, prepaid.

171 Lane’s Improved White Sugar. This Beet attains a large size and grows considerably above the ground. Oz. 10c; 4 lb. 30c; lb. 70c; 10 Ibs. $5.00, prepaid.


German or Golden (Panicum germanicum). A valuable early annual hay and fodder crop. Matures within two months. Sow 1 bushel to the acre. Lb. 25c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (50 Ibs.), $3.50.

Hungarian (Panicum hungariensis). An annual forage plant, early and productive, growing 2 to 3 feet high. Sow 1 bushel to the acre. Lb. 25c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (48 lbs.), $3.60.

Egyptian or East India Pearl (Penicillaria spicata). Grows from 8 to 10 feet high. For fodder, sow 5 pounds in drills 3 feet apart, thin out in rows to 1 foot apart. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (50 Ibs.), $7.00.

Japanese Barn-Yard (Panicum crus-galli). An excellent fodder plant; grows 6 to 8 feet high. Sow from middle of May to end of July. Broadcast 12 lbs. to acre, or drill 8 lbs. to acre. Lb. 25c, postpaid. Not prepaid, bu. (35 Ibs.), $5.00.


Storm King. Makes a strong growth of straw with large well-filled heads which have a tendency to be one-sided. Has large, white, heavy grains. ‘‘Storm King’ has yielded from 60 to 70 bushels per acre, and we recommend it strongly. Not prepaid, Peck (8 lbs.), 50c; bu. (32 Ibs.), $1.50; 10 bu. or over, $1.25 per bu.

Swedish Select. Native to northern Europe, this is a splendid variety for all sections and particularly so to our States north of thislatitude. A very productive sort. The straw is heavy and stiff, and the grains plump and attractive in appearance. Not prepaid, Peck (8 lbs.), 45c; bu. (32 lIbs.), $1.40; 10 bu. or over, $1.20 per bu.

Note —The measured bushel of the two sorts offered weighs 42 or 43 lbs. The Pennsylvania standard weight, however, is only 32 lbs. and it is at this latter weight that we quote.

Field and Cow Peas

Canadian Field Peas. Valuable for northern climates for cattle feeding and for green soiling. Sow 3 bu. per acre alone, or 13 bu. with 1 bu. Oats. Lb. 25c, postpaid. Not prepaid, peck $1.20; bu. (60 lbs.), $4.50.

New Era Cow Peas. An upright-growing variety which matures quickly and produces a large crop of peas. The vines are small but cure nicely and make a good forage. Lb. 30c, post- paid. Write for price per bushel.

Whip-Poor-Will Cow Peas. A standard early variety. Grows upright, vigorous, and the crop is easy to harvest. We sell more of this variety than any other, and consider it the best for general purposes. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Write for price per bushel.

Soja or Soy Beans

Wilson. An excellent variety for Middle and Eastern States. Grows 36 to 44 inches high, branches well, holds leaves, and the seeds do not shatter from pods after cutting. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Write for price per bushel.

Manchu. Matures a week or so earlier than Wilson and is an exceptionally heavy cropper. From 2} to 3 tons per acre of high quality hay is an average crop on good land. Very suitable for Penna. and neighboring States. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Write for price per bushel.


Dwarf Essex Rape. A valuable forage plant relished by all kinds of stock, and especially hogs. It can be sown in this latitude in April for early crop, or as late as September for fall crop. Makes a quick and vigorous growth and stock can be turned on it in 7 or 8 weeks. Broadcast at the rate of 10 lbs. to the acre, or 5 lbs. in drills. Finest imported seed. Lb. 25c, postpaid. Not prepaid, 5 lbs. 50c; 10 lbs. 90c; 50 Ibs., $4.25.


Mammoth. Produces immense heads measuring 12 to 20 inches across. An excellent and cheap food for poultry. Sow 5 lbs. per acre in drills 3 feet apart. Extra heavy seed. Lb. 25c; 5 lbs. $1.10; 10 lbs. $2.00 prepaid. Not prepaid, 100 Ibs. $10.00.

Tobacco Tabac, FR. Tabaco, SP. Tabak, Grr. One ounce of seed is sufficient for an acre.

Culture—Sow seed early in spring in frames or seedbed, using soil well enriched with wood ashes, etc. Transplant to open ground when weather has become warm and settled. Set in rows 4 feet apart and give cultivation as for corn.

884 White Burley. The favorite of Kentucky. Light- colored leaves of fine flavor and aroma. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; 4 Ib. $1.25.

881 Connecticut Seed Leaf. One of the best varieties for cigar wrappers. The leaves are of good width and length. They grow closely on stalk. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 25c; oz. 40c; + lb. $1.25.

882 Havana. The seed we offer is the best Vuelta Abajo, known as the finest-flavored tobacco grown. Obtained by us direct from Cuba. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c; 4 1b. $1.50.

883 Pennsylvania Seed Leaf. Produces a very large, hand- some leaf of good quality. Extensively grown in Lancaster County, Pa. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 40c; + Ib. $1.25.

Miscellaneous Farm Seeds Spring Rye. the soil. Sow 14 bushels to the acre. Write for price per bushel. Rye for Fall seeding will be offered in our Autumn Catalogue.

Sudan Grass. A forage plant valuable in the middle West. Grows from 6 to 10 feet high. Sow seed when ground has become warm, 4 to 6 lbs. per acre, in drills 18 to 24 inches apart, and cultivate like Corn. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Not prepaid, 10 Ibs. $1.00; 50 Ibs. $4.50.

Vetch or Tares, Spring (Vicia sativa). Very valuable for soiling or for green manuring. Broadcast 2 or 3 bushels to acre, or 1 to 2 bushels in drills. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Write for price per bushel.

Vetch or Tares, Winter (Vicia villosa). Also called Sand Vetch or Hairy Vetch. A great soil improver and a nutritious green fodder or hay crop. For fall sowing. Sow 1 bu. per acre, together with 1 bu. of Rye. Lb. 40c, postpaid. Write for price per bushel and special leaflet.

Wheat Marquis. An excellent spring variety producing large beardless heads. Extremely hardy. Sow 14 bus. to the acre. Lb. 30c, postpaid. Write for price per bushel.

Wheat for fall seeding will be offered in our Autumn Catalogue.

Grown for grain crop or turning under to improve Lb. 30c, postpaid.

NOTE—Prices for quantities larger than one pound are f. o. b. Philadelphia and subject to market changes. Write for quotations on larger quantities. All Farm Seeds are packed in 2 bu. grain bags at 35 cents each.


on Horticultural and Kindred Subjects


American Rock Gardens (Hamblin). Plain, practical in- structions on how to make a rock garden. A special feature is the many lists of plants for special local conditions

A Woman’s Hardy Garden (Mrs. Ely). One of the most helpful books for the amateur. Beautifully illustrated.... 2 00

Annuals, The Book of (Hottes). A reliable guide to the culture of annual flowers. Over 100 separate species are described with full directions for their culture and uses....

Aquarium, The Modern (Innes). A new book giving full directions for correct aquarium management, 63 pages.

Asparagus. Its culture for home use and for market....

Azaleas and Camellias (Hume). Every point about growing both of these shrubs is carefully explained

Bulbs, Book of (Rockwell). A new book giving complete directions for the growing of all kinds of bulbs

Bush Fruit Production (Van Meter). Deals with rasp- berries, blackberries, dewberries, gooseberries, currants, and blueberries. Very complete.....................-

Chrysanthemum Manual (Smith). A complete and up- to-date guide to the culture of this popular flower

Cyclopedia of Horticulture (Bailey). A monumental work covering every phase of horticulture in a thorough manner. New edition in 3 volumes, per set............ 25 00

Dahlia, The Amateur’s Book of the (Mrs. Stout). Practical, authoritative, and charmingly written........ 2 00

Dahlia Culture, Modern (W. H. Waite). Brief, clear, complete cultural instructions based on the actual opera- tions and results of a practical, experienced grower......

Fertilizers and Crop Production (Van Slyke). Gives practical methods for using fertilizers in crop growing with special emphasis on the reasons underlying their use.....

Fruit Growing, Principles of (Bailey). Revised edi- tion, presenting approved methods of American Growers. .

Garden Guide (Amateur Gardener's Handbook). Tells how to plan, plant, and maintain the home grounds; how

to grow vegetables, fruits, flowers, etc..................

Garden Lilies (I. Preston). Preparation of the soil, plant-

ing the bulbs, and general care are described in detail.... Garden Pools: Large and Small (Ramsey and Law- rence). So complete is its text, so numerous and practical are its illustrations that you can easily find the type of pool that fits your garden and learn all about designing, building, planting, and caring forit.................... Gladiolus, The (A. C. Beal). A good book on their suc- cessful culture in the home garden and under glass. ..... Greenhouses: Their Construction and Equipment (W. J. Wright). An up-to-date treatise on greenhouse con- struction. The most complete work on the subject..... Home Flower-Growing (Prof. Volz). A book about the growing of flowers and decorative plants, at home....... Iris, The (John C. Wister). Presents in a clear, convincing manner the simple requirements of this flower.......... Landscaping the Hom: Grounds (L. W. Ramsey). 175 illustrations. It presents landscaping in such a clear

1 50

1 00

1 10 1 50

2 00

4 00

2 50

1 00

1 25

2 50

and definite way that anyone can apply the lessons...... Lawn, The (Dickinson). The latest and best knowledge on the making of lawns. A helpful reference containing simple, practical directions that everyone can follow...... Manual of Gardening (Bailey). A practical guide to the making of home grounds and the growing of flowers, fruits, ang vegetablesstor homeiuses 2 sce se ore. seca eines Milady’s House Plants (Palmer). Tells of the plants which any woman can successfully grow indoors; 100 RESLEUGELVCs DICLULES HEE Ree eiereiieiaaicl aeeiciecreetenie einen: Modern Mushroom Culture (Styer). The last word on thisisubjects. bracticalcand reliablesir.). iste elem tee One Thousand and One Garden Questions An- swered (Hottes). Copiously illustrated. Gives valuable information and a wealth of garden facts............... Perennial Gardens (Ortloff). Covers in the simplest manner the planning and locating of the garden, prepara- tions planting cultivation |ELC.j(CLCir ciateieiniceeiel-rslaleisnnteohes

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Perennials, The Book of (Hottes). Devoted to the general principles of growing, using, and propagating old- fashioned hardy perennial plants. Revised and enlarged. .$2 00

Planning and Planting the Home Garden (Pauline Murray). A popular handbook containing concise and de- pendable information to help the makers of small gardens.. 3 50

Plant Culture (Oliver). A splendid handbook of everyday practice for the florist and gardener...................

Plant Propagation—Greenhouse and Nursery Practice (Kains). Describing the latest approved methods of plant propagation Nursery, Greenhouse, and Garden Methods. Allin the comparatively small compass of a single volume

Potato Production, The Principles of (E. L. Nixon). A practical guide to the cultivation, harvesting, storing, marketing. and shipping of potatoes...................

Pruning, The Principles and Practice of (Kains). Will meet the requirements of everyone who has plants or trees to prune. Freely illustrated

Rock Gardens (Rockwell).

Tells just where and how to

make a Rock Garden, and what plants to use........... 1 00 Roses, How to Grow (Pyle, McFarland, and Stevens). The latest and best book on the subject................ 2 00

Shrubs, The Book of (Hottes). A complete non-technical description of leading sorts and how to plant effectively... 3 00 Starting Early Vegetable and Flowering Plants Under Glass (Nissley). Including the details of con- struction and heating as well as the operation of small greenhouses, sash houses, hot beds and cold frames, etc. Suitable for the amateur as well as commercial grower.... 3 00 The Garden Notebook (Putz). Illustrated handbook of home gardening for each week of the year. Includes house-plants and every operation in the flower garden. Working drawings show just what to do and how......... The Gardener (Bailey). Giving clear and concise direc- tions for the growing of flowers, fruits, vegetables, etc., in the garden and house. A most valuable book.......... Strawberry, The (Fraser). Very complete. It covers everything for the successful production of this fruit...... Tomato Culture (Tracy). The most complete work on the ‘subject ss 3 Pee sie ce te ecient ie erect nsree eiaiers Trees, The Book of (Hottes). A veritable cyclopedia of deciduous and evergreen trees, covering description, culture, propagation, pruning, diseases and insect pests, uses, desirable and undesirable features, etc............. Vegetable Gardening (Watts). A complete, concise and authentic book covering every phase of the subject......

1 60

2 00 125:

44 We regret that for obvious reasons it is impracticable to permit the exchange or return of books

Novelties and Specialties in

New Giant Peony-Flowered Aster

New Giant Peony-Flowered Asters

This superb strain of Giant Asters has proved one of the most desirable ever introduced. It has extremely double flowers of truly immense size, measuring 6 inches in diameter. They resemble those of the Beauty type and are borne on stout, non- lateral stems 23 to 3 feet long. Blooms at the same time as Giants of California.

1371 Azure Fairy. Clear azure blue....... 1374 Maiden’s Blush. Delicate flesh...... 1376 Rosebud. Clear deep rose............ 1377 Swansdown. Pure white............

1379 Collection.

above 4 New Peony-Flowered 1380 Mixed Colors.

Any of these: Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c

One packet each of the Asters. 60c. Pkt. 15c; sues pkt. 60c.

mf Bt,

gl : 6%) INCHES Los Angeles

New Super Giant Aster 1473 Los Angeles

Los Angeles is the first of a new super-giant race of beautiful

Asters. The color is pure shell pink. The flowers are full petaled, deep, and unusually large, yet artistically graceful in the feathery effect of the interlacing petals. Of magnificent tall growth.

Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.


Flower Seeds for 1934.

Dreer’s Six Famous American Asters ©

The following six sorts embrace several distinct types and colors, which we feel sure will, on account of their free growth, profuse flowering, large size, and general excellence, give entire satisfaction to the most critical growers of this popular flower.

To secure maximum results please read cultural instructions on page 60.

1273 Purple Beauty. Very large double flowers of a rich glittering purple. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 1281 Crego’s Giant White. The finest white Comet Aster,

bearing immense, long stemmed, fluffy flowers. Pkt. 10c; special pkt., 60c. 1346 Rose King. MHandsome, double, quilled flowers of a

brilliant rose color. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

1393 Dreer’s Peerless Pink. The finest shell-pink late Branching Aster. Magnificent blooms measuring 5 inches across by 2% inches in depth. Blooms very profusely. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

1442 Sensation. The reddest of all Red Asters, the color being a rich garnet or ox-blood red. Gives a magnificent display. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

1451 Late Branching Azure Blue. Perfect blooms of a wonderful rich deep lavender or azure-blue color. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 60c.

1338 Collection of one packet each of the above Six Famous Asters for 50c.

Aster, Giant California Sunshine

Giant California Sunshine Aster

1450 Plants of this new race grow three feet high and bear blossoms on long, stiff stems, admirable for cutting. The individual blooms are enormous, four to six inches in diameter.

The color in these new Asters is startlingly beautiful. A dual tone effect is obtained through the contrasting tints of the disc-like center and the outer or guard petals. In color they vary in shades of Enchantress-pink, Apple blossom, deep rose, blue, and lavender, but the disc, some- times light yellow, sometimes blue, adds considerably to the colorful effect of the blooms. In mixture Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.


For general list of Asters see pages 60 to 63


Ageratum, Blue Cap -

Ageratum Blue Cap ®

1070 Blue Cap is the best dwarf Ageratum yet offered. The flowers are larger than those of Little Blue Star and of a deeper and richer color. The foliage is small and the plants have the appearance of miniature domes, making it ideal for pot culture or for edging flower beds or _ borders. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 60c.

For general list of Ageratums, see page 54.


1141 Myosotidifiora. A distinct, dwarf, hardy species, growing but 10 or 12 inches high, producing during April and May sprays of beautiful Forget- me-not-like flowers of a rich blue. An excellent plant for the rock garden; also highly recommended as a ground cover for lilies. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

For other Anchusas, see page 57.

Annual Canterbury Bel.


Aquilegia fi Dreer’s Long Spurred This strain is unquestionably the finest yet produced. The plants are of strong, thrifty growth and the flowers all are of the largest size. They vary in color} through charming tones of cream, laven- x der, blue, white, red, etc. All of them have graceful, long spurs. A vigorous, free

blooming strain of unusual beauty.

1203 Blue and Lavender Shades. 1204 Scarlet and Red Shades.

1205 Pink and Rose Shades.

Any of the above: Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. 1208 Collection. One packet each of the above 3 beautiful colors. 60c.

1206 Dreer's Long Spurred Hybrids

Mixed. A wonderful blend of colors. Pkt. 20c; $4 oz. 75c; } oz. $1.25.

For general list of Aquilegia see page 59. Improved Early-

Flowering Antirrhinum

New Annual

Canterbury Bells © Giant Antirrhinum ®

Campanula Snapdragons After many years of careful selection the Improved introducer has secured an Annual Canter- Early-Flowering

bury Bell which blooms from seed in less A truly remarkable improvement in this than six months. It should now be] very popular flower, the result of many

possible to have this beautiful flower in | years of careful work and selection on the part of the grower. The results obtained

are uniformity and trueness of color. The plant grows from two to two and a half plants grow 2} feet high, start blooming feet tall, each plant having from six to | 3 weeks earlier, and are in full bloom amonth ahead of other varieties. Beautiful spikes

; with an unusually large number of flowers 1715 Angelus Bell. A beautiful shade | open at one time. Apparently quite rust-

of deep rose. resistant because of its earliness. 1717 Liberty Bell. A lovely shade of | 1143 Early Brilliant Rose. Rose-pink. intense violet. 1144 Early Golden King. Bright yellow. Either of the above: 1146 Early Queen Victoria. Pure white. iets 256; special pit 73c- 1147 Early Rose Queen. Soft pink.

1742 Mixed. This contains shades of . blue, pink, and white. Pkt. 20c; 1148 se Sere Pe at:

special pit 75C- Any of the above: Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

bloom at almost any time of the year. The

eight spikes of bloom.

For general list of Campanulas, see page 66.

For general list of Antirrhinum or Snapdragons see page 58





Carnation Enfant de Nice @

Carnation Enfant de Nice is the result of a cross between Carnation Cha- baud’s Giant Improved and Carnation Perpetual. The plants are of robust, upright habit, with long, strong stalks bearing flowers 2} to 3 inches in diam- eter. This strain is magnificent and is, so far, the last word in annual Car- nations. The color comes about 75% true from seed and about 90% of the plants come double.

ToT? oh a ere Fen CEN TROGHIROSO NS en ethic x ok nu: ae eee

1807 Salmon.............. en (oe a ae rs iste White. .-...soMe>< 20k... Sree Dat Se

1809 Collection. A packet each of the 4 colors, $1.00. 1810 Finest Mixed Colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. for general list of Carnations, see page 67.

Dwarf Single Dahlia

2177 Coltness Hybrids. A new type of dwarf single Dahlia as easy to grow as Zinnias. Makes a lovely little dwarf bush which is covered with flowers throughout the late summer and fall. On account of their dwarf compact habit they are very fine for dwarf beds or borders and the blooms have sufficient length of stem to serve as cut flowers.

Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 60c. For general list of Dahlia Seed, see page 73.

Calendula chrysantha

Four Newer Calendulas ®

1675 Chrysantha or Sunshine (Novelty). An entirely new break in Calendulas with flowers that have a striking resemblance to those of a Chrysanthemum. The petals are long, wide, and drooping, giving the flower a globular shape. The color is clear buttercup yellow. Grace- ful, long-stemmed blooms which besides their value in the garden make particularly fine cut flowers. Pkt. 20c; + oz. 75c.

Campfire (Sensation). Extremely large flowers of a rich orange color showing a distinct sheen of scarlet. A charming variety with fine long- stemmed blooms. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 60c.

1680 Radio. This variety is of recent introduction and it is entirely distinct from all other Calendulas. The flowers are perfectly double and the petals, instead of being flat, are beautifully quilled, forming a globular, rich golden orange flower. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

1678 Radio Golden Beam. Identical to Radio excepting that it is a golden yellow color. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 60c.

1691 Collection. For general list of Calendulas see page 65.


One packet each of the above 4 varieties. 50c.

Delphinium Wrexham or Hollyhock-flowered

Delphinium £7 Hardy Perennial Larkspur Wrexham or Hollyhock-Flowered Many consider this the finest Giant-Flowered Delphinium in existence. It has enormous spikes closely set with large single or double blooms in all the glorious shades found only in Delphinium. 2231 Wrexham Art Shades. 2232 Wrexham Deep Blue Shades. 2233 Wrexham Light Blue Shades. 2234 Wrexham Mid-Blue Shades.

Any of the above: Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

2238 Collection. One packet each of the 4 Wrexham colors, $1.50.

2235 Wrexham Mixed. This contains many very fine shades. Pkt. 35c; special pkt. $1.25.

New Delphinium chinense Cambridge Blue. This far surpasses Bella- donna in brilliancy. It is a rich clear blue. Habit of growth about two to three feet high and should make a valuable cut flower. Blooms the first season if sown early. Pkt., 25c; special pkt., 75c.

2226 Blue Butterfly Improved. Rich ultra- marine blue; height one foot, excellent for the rock garden. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.


For general list of Delphiniums, see page 74.

Planning and Planting the Home Garden (Pauline Murray) $3.50 per copy, postpaid



New Eschscholtzia—California Poppy ®

2423 Dazzler. The description ‘‘flame color’ has been applied to many flowers but never has it fitted as aptly as it does for Dazzler which is a real true flame scarlet. The beautiful, large, well formed blooms give a splendid contrast against the peculiar, beautiful, light green foliage. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

For general list of Eschscholtzia, see page 78.

New Hardy Gaillardias Burgundy. Strong, free-flowering bushes, 24 feet tall, covered during the summer with beautiful unique shining wine-red flowers carried on long stems. Fine for borders and for cutting. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Tangerine. Large tangerine-orange colored flowers borne on compact plants. Pkt. 20c; } oz. 75c.

For other Gaillardias, see page 80.

Gerbera—Transvaal Daisy

Jamesoni hybrida. Perfect, daisy like flowers, 2 to 4 inches across, borne on long stems. Greenhouse perennials, splendid as pot plants or for cutting. Also makes a satis- factory garden plant in cold climates if wintered over in cold frames. Contains a wonderful range of colors and




shades, including pale yellow, orange, rose, salmon, cerise, etc.

Pkt. 25c; 100 seeds, 75c.

(A) = Annual (B) = Biennial

HHP] = Half-Hardy Peren-

nial (P| = Hardy Perennial [TP] = Tender Perennial

New Double Hollyhocks i

2792 Imperator. A strik- ing departure from the type which arrests the attention of the be- holder. Bears flowers 54 to 64 inches across. The outer petals are broad, elegantly frilled, and deeply fringed. The center is a very double rosette, the whole sug- gesting a huge crested Begonia. The coloring consists of many charm- ing combinations, such as cerise-salmon with center of cream, delicate pink with center of rose, flushed yellow; and many others. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 60c.

2789 Orange Prince ( New). Strikingly beautiful double flowers of a brilliant shade of orange. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c; 4 oz. $1.00.

2810 Triumph (New). A beautiful, distinct strain of branching habit. The plants grow 4 to 5 feet high and flower 10 days earlier than the regular type. Prettily waved, fringed, double flowers in a wide range of colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

New Double Ipcmoea ®

Rose Marie. We take pleasure in offering this early, free

flowering double form of Ipomoea. The flowers are a

beautiful shade of deep rose of double and semi-double form.

We predict Rose Marie will become as popular as Ipomoea

Heavenly Blue is today. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 30c; 4 oz. 75c. For general list of Ipomoeas, see page 85.

Hollyhock, Triumph

Giant Imperial Annual Larkspurs A new type of the annual Double Larkspur and a wonderful improvement on the old stock-flowered type. Of upright, base branching habit making them of particular value for cutting. SPECIAL PACKET PACKET 4 02. 2941 Blue Spire. Deep Oxford-blue....$0 15 $0 50 $0 75 2942 Carmine King. Rich carmine on

Salmon. 35 Ge sp Wee a One eR ene 15 50 75 2943 Daintiness. Delicate lavender..... 15 50 75 2949 Gloria. Arichtone of deeprose.... 20 60 1 00 2944 Lilac Spire. Beautiful lilac....... 15 50 75 2945 Miss California. Deepsalmon-pink 15 50 75 2947 Peachblossom. A delicate, clear

light pink with no trace of salmon.... 20 60 1 00 2946 White Spire. Dazzling white..... 15 50 75

2948 Collection. One packet each of the above 8 Giant Imperial Larkspurs. $1.00.

For other annual Larkspurs, see page 86.

Lilium philippinense formosanum

Lilium —Hardy Lilies

2987 Philippinense formosanum. A truly remarkable Lily with umbels of large, white, long trumpet-shaped flowers, like an Easter Lily. The plants will bloom in 6 to 8 months

from the time seeds are sown; very fragrant. 2 to 3 feet. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 60c.

2988 Regale. Lilies. Grows 3 to 5 feet high, blooms outdoors in July. Large, trumpet shaped flowers; color ivory-white, shaded pink and tinged with canary yellow at base of petals. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

2989 Tenuifolium (Coral Lily). Easily grown from seed, blooming the second year. Bears in profusion medium-sized flowers of perfect form and of dazzling coral red. Excellent for the rock garden, or for forcing; 1 to 2 feet; May. Perfectly hardy. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 50c; 3 oz. 75c.

Dreer’s Charming

Annual Candytuft

These annual varieties of Candytuft which are shown in the picture on the opposite page are easy to grow in any They are splendid for borders,

ordinary good garden soil. rock gardens, and beds because they grow only 12 inches high. Sow the seed early in the spring where to bloom and thin to stand not less than 6 inches apart. Also fine for cutting. For other varieties of Candytuft, see page 67.

All Flower Seeds are Sent POSTPAID

One of the most beautiful of all hardy garden


sey 1757 Lavender a + Pkt. 10c; 14 oz. 30c; 0z. 50c.

pt a f i Ci


: ¥

_ y y 1751 Carmine Pkt. 10c; 14 oz. 30c; oz. 50c. s. *

758 Rose Cardinal 2.

Pkt. 10c; 4% oz. 40c; oz. 75c.

1756 Flesh Pink

Pkt. 10c; 44 oz. 30c; 0z. 50c. _ 7 - a a ~ 2 4 ss Si , * hd Oy rm des 5s 3 4 * ve i : gt ee ee : eo ¥ } J : an vas é We Pe an } y i _ ¥ >?

‘DREER'S | Charming Ann: CANDYTUF sie

1759 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 colors, 40. 1768 Collection. } ounce each of these 6 colors, $1.50.



Golden [aaa Pr renchMarigol al S


Any of the above 6 varieties (described 3098 Collection. One packet of each of these 6 colors, 40c. on page 88). Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c. 3099 Collection. + ounce each of these 6 colors, $1.25.

Lupinus, Hartwegii Giants

Lupinus—Lupines New Hartwegii Giants ©

A new, improved strain of Annual Lupines which grows three to four feet tall. Of base-branching habit, with four to six long spikes to a plant. Each spike has from twenty-five to fifty more blooms than the regular type. The blooms are a little larger and the leaves about half as large again than those of the old strain.

3035 King Blue. Enormous spikes set with rich Oxford-blue flowers with a pure white stripe through the standard of each. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 60c.

3038 King White. A fine companion to King Blue with all its size and beauty. Glistening clear white and exquisitely scented. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 60c.

3040 King Mixed. Contains dark blue, sky blue, rose, and white. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Regal Hybrid Hardy Lupines 3060 Lupinus polyphyllus hybridus In addition to the usual blue, white, and rose colors, this famous English strain contains many shades of lilac, pink, purple, yellow, and other tints. Received an Award of Merit from the Royal Horti- cultural Society of England. Pkt. 15c; % 0z. 40c; oz. $1.25. For other Lupines see page 87.

Dwarf Marigolds

The beautiful 6 dwarf French Marigolds shown on the opposite

page are easy to grow in any ordi-

nary garden soil. Sow the seed early in the spring outdoors or start in the house.

| 3080 Lemon All-Double.

Marigold ©

New Dwarf French Single

3101 Fire Cross. Similar to Legion of Honor in habit and general effect but has beautiful deep orange petals each with a large crimson-maroon blotch at the base. Pkt. 10c; i oz. 25c.

New African Marigolds

3082 Orange All-Double. Most double Marigolds come only 50 per cent true to the double form but this beautiful orange variety produces plants all with fully double flowers. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 50c; $ oz. 75c.

Similar to

the above but has lovely rich lemon

yellow blooms. Pkt. 20c; special

pkt. 50c; + oz. 75c.

Marigold, Guinea Gold

3078 Guinea Gold. A distinct type of graceful pyramidal growth 2 to 23 feet high. Showy, practically double flowers, 2 to 2% inches across, with broad wavy petals of a brilliant orange flushed with gold. Their faint odor is not in the least objec- tionable. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 50c; Z oz. 75¢c.

3079 Collection. One

packet each of the above 3 New African Marigolds. 40c.

For general list of Marigolds see page 88.

Meconopsis regia

3137 A handsome biennial plant growing from 3 to 5 feet in_ height. Was discovered in 1928 in Eastern Nepal growing at the height of 14,000 feet. Has long, pale green leaves covered with soft silvery hairs forming a rosette, 2 feet across, the center stem arising from this winter rosette. Bears showy, soft yellow, large flowers with orange stamens. Needs dry winter weather. Received the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Merit and first class certificate. It is a plant for the expert. Seed supply is limited. Pkt. 50c; 3 pkts. $1.25.

4 \

Nasturtium, Golden Gleam

Nasturtium Double Sweet Scented Golden Gleam

The Sensational Seed Novelty of 1932

/ 3285 Thousands of gardeners consider this

the finest new flower introduced in recent years. Forms neat, vigorous bushes which throw out short runners, 18 inches long. The entire plant is covered from midsummer until frost with large, double, sweet scented blooms of a most intense golden yellow color. Splendid for the garden and peerless for cutting because of its color and fragrance which will per- meate an entire room within a short period. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c; 1 Ib. $1.25.

For other Nasturtiums, see page 99.

Swiss Giant Pansies

Remarkably robust plants bearing a great profusion of large, heavy textured flowers which are held well above the foliage on long stems.

3523 Alpenglow. Attractive cardinal red with three contrasting blotches.

Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3524 Berna. A rich velvety purple. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3525 Lake of Thun (Ullswater). Rich ultramarine blue with large dark foliage. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3526 Mont Blanc. Flowers of purest white. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3528 Rhinegold. Golden yellow with deep brown blotches. Exceptionally showy. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3527 Yellow Master. Pure yellow.

Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3529 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 Swiss Giant Pansies. $1.00. 3530 Swiss Giant Mixed (Roggli Hybrids).

Contains a wonderful range with rich dark colors predominating. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c; $ oz. $1.50. For other Pansies see page 92.

oe Ee ea eee All Flower Seeds are sent POSTPAID


Nicotiana—Flowering Tobacco ®

3415 Sanderae, Crimson King. The Tuberose-Flowered Tobacco has always been very popular for its long, sweet scented, tubular flowers. This new variety has dark velvety | crimson-red flowers of exceptional beauty. Pkt. 10c; | 4 oz. 30c.

3414 Affinis, Crimson Bedder (New). Compact, pyramidal plants, only 15 inches high, covered with rich deep carmine blooms. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Petunia nana compacta

Petunia nana compacta

A new strain of Petunia with lovely dwarf plants that form

a compact ball and are therefore splendid for pot culture and rock gardens. Also fine for beds and borders.

3544 Pink Gem. Plants 5 to 6 inches high, literally smothered

with deep pink blooms which measure 2 inches in diameter.

Petunia, Dreer’s Superb Double Fringed Pkt. 25c; 5 pkts. $1.00. Petunias ») | 3548 Nana compacta Mixed These grow to 10 inches high P and 12 inches in diameter. A well balanced range of fine Dreer’s Superb Double Fringed colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3590 We have been growing and perfecting this strain for many years and claim without any hesitancy that it is the finest in the world, producing a larger percentage of double flowers, New Double Shirley Poppy @ aa aie ues Sut a “a pore ae aac Rp ssi 3707 Sweet Briar. One of the most popular colors in Shirley ringed lowers in many bright colors. t. 50c; 500 seeds Poppies has been Wild Rose Pink. We now offer this most

$1.25. beautiful color in a double flowering form. Sweet Briar is a

Dreer’s Superb Single Fringed delightful shade of deep rose-pink. The blossoms are full

3580 Our own saving from the finest flowers of largest size and | double, resembling a very large double Begonia. Pkt. 15c; beautiful shape. All of them are deep throated, the best of t oz. 50c; oz. $1.50.

the brilliant colors, and the most beautifully fringed. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. New Iceland Poppies iP) Giant Fringed Single Petunias | 3731 3579 Brilliant Rose. Large, fringed, brilliant rose flowers with a white throat. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Coonara Pink. The original strain of these contained many different colors—but our grower, by very careful selection, has practically eliminated all off shades excepting 3581 Romany Lass. Large, fringed, bright velvety blood-red the beautiful pink tones. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. wee purple throat striped black. Pkt. 35c; special pkt. | 3739 &1 Monte. A new variety from California. Large flowers $1.25. of deep tangerine-orange; strong wiry stems, making an 3582 Scarlet Beauty. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. excellent cut flower. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 7Sc. 3583 Theodosia. Large, fringed, rose-pink blooms with golden | 3737 Gibson’s New Orange. A splendid improvement over center minutely striped. Pkt. 35c; special pkt. $1.50. the old type Iceland Poppies with stronger stems which

3584 White Beauty. Very fine. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. | are 6 inches longer. Extra-large blooms, measuring 4 to 5 3588 Violacea. A specially fine velvety violet-blue with | inches across. A lovely oles Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

an exquisitely fringed edge. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.25. 3735 Sandford’s Giant Strain (New). A new, giant strain

3585 Collection. One packet each of the with flowers of wonderful substance carried on strong stems

2 to 3 feet long. Many of the blooms measure 5 inches in

above 6 Giant Fringed Petunias. $1.50. 5 : 5 5 : diameter. The range of colors is particularly fine, including

Dwarf California Giant Petunia many lovely delicate shades and combinations of tints. ct. es <ts., $1.00. 3573 A new dwarf strain of the well known California Giants. Bit oc; opts eae Large and beautifully colored flowers with open, well marked, 3739 Collection. One packet each and veined throats. Makes an excellent pot plant, also of the above 4 New Iceland Poppies. 75c.

splendid for bedding. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50. > A For other Poppies see pages 96 and 97. Dreer’s Peerless Mixture

Single Bedding Petunias Saintpaulia—Usambara Violet [| 3572 A perfect blending of all the colors found in this most popular | 3997 annual with flowers two to two and one-half inches in diameter. Plants of uniform height, betweea eighteen inches and two feet. The most dazzling combination of colors very free-flowering indoor plants but they commence imaginable. Pkt. 15c; § oz. 60c; % oz. $1.00. blooming while quite young and continue to flower uninter-

For General List of Petunias, see page 93. ruptedly for many months. Pkt. 50c; 3 pkts. $1.25.

Ionantha cordata. This new variety is distinguished by its very dark, cordate leaves, strong growth, and large flowers of a deep lavender color. Not only are Saintpaulias

@ =Annual; ®)=Biennial; [1P|=Hardy Perennial; |HuP|=Half-Hardy Perennial; {1?|=Tender Perennial

Dreer’s America Salvia ® Scarlet Sage

3936 Undoubtedly the earliest, freest, and most continuous bloomer of all Scarlet Sages, and what is still more im- portant, the most uniform in habit of growth. The bushy plants do not grow over 15 inches high, with the spikes of brilliant scarlet flowers thrown well above the plant, making a total height of about 2 feet. The importance of this uniformity will be appreciated by those who use Scarlet Sage for beds or borders. We grow our own stock from cuttings taken from plants specially selected for uniformity of height, color, and free flowering habit. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c; 4 oz. $1.50.

New Salvia farinacea Blue Bedder 7 3927 A more compact form of this popular perennial Salvia, making it more desirable for bedding. Flowers are a deep blue; hardy with protection. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

For general list of Salvia, see page 101. Four Lovely

Giant-Flowering Scabiosas ®

3943 Azure Fairy. This is a great specialty with lovely laven- der-blue flowers of extra-large size and most artistic form. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

3953 Loveliness. A glorious new variety with colors ranging through various tones of delicate salmon-rose. Undoubtedly

the most beautiful Scabiosa ever introduced. Long, stiff stems, and delicately fragrant. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.

3955 Peachblossom. A new, very large, very double va-

riety of a beautiful shade of peachblossom pink. Particu- larly fine for cutting. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 30c.

3957 Shasta. The extra large and fully double blooms are a lovely pure white. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c.

Special Offer. One packet each of these 4 lovely Scabiosas for 35c,

Scabiosa caucasica, Giant Hybridsiz Isaac House Strain 3947 A great improvement over caucasica; more vigorous and producing longer stems with larger, heavier petaled blooms. The flower petals are attractively ruffled and frilled on the edges. The colors range from light to dark blue with lilac predominating. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Scabiosa Columbaria Pink

3946 A new, hardy perennial variety from South Africa, which is superior to the European strain. Has lovely soft pink blooms measuring 2 to 23 inches across. The plants grow 134 to 2 feet high. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

For general list of Scabiosa, see page 102.

aS _

IN FLOWER SEEDS Schizanthus— Butterfly or Fringe Flower ® Giant-Flowering Hybrids 3968 An extra-select strain specially useful as a pot plant for the house or conservatory. Magnificent blooms the size of a silver dollar in a perfect blend of colors. Remarkably

free flowering and presents a beautiful appearance with its myriads of blooms. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.


For general list of Schizanthus, see page 103.

New Hardy Statice {17

3989 Caspia. Bears a multitude of small, tender lilac flowers. Long spikes, 2 to 3 feet high. The best perennial variety. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

flowers. Very showy. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

For general list of Statice, see page 103.

Early Giant Imperial Stock

New Early Giant Imperial Stocks @

mer until frost.

red. Most attractive. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

high. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

double. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

large size. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c. Special Offer. One packet each of the 5 New Early Giant Imperial Stocks for 85c. For general list of Stocks, see page 106.

Dreer’s Flower Seeds are sent POSTPAID to any postoffice in the United States

3991 Dumosa. Produces dense clusters of bright silvery gray

A strain of early-flowering Winter or Brompton Stocks forming much-branched plants about 24 feet high and carrying numerous spikes closely set with very large, double, delightfully fragrant flowers. If sown in February or March will bloom from midsum-

4041 Antique Copper. An entirely new shade—rich Hellebore

4053 Buttercup. A richer and deeper tone of yellow than Golden Ball, throwing long spikes well covered with extra large blooms. The percentage of doubles is exceptionally

4061 Elk’s Pride. A fine clear shade of rich royal purple.

4054 Shasta. A giant, vigorous, robust, glistening white Stock with long stems and very large robust blooms. Comes very

4042 Old Rose. A very beautiful shade of old rose. Of extra

Three Gorgeous Sweet Williams

Few plants are so effective for midsummer blooming as the Sweet William. They are best handled as biennials as the seed- lings raised anew each year bloom more freely than old plants. The three sorts offered below are bewildering in the mass of gorgeous blooms which they produce all summer long.

4282 Newport Pink. A single, watermelon-pink or salmony-



rose. Strikingly brilliant and beautiful; the flowers are borne in massive heads on stems 18 inches high. For mid-season mass bedding it has no equal. It is also very effective for cutting. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 30c; } oz. 50c. Scarlet Beauty. variety, a rare color in hardy plants. Single. special pkt. 30c; } oz. 50c. Holborn Glory. A large-flowered selection of the auricula-eyed section, the most beautiful and admired of all Sweet Williams. The individual flowers and trusses are of extraordinary size, while the range of color, all showing a clear white eye, is truly superb. Single. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c. Special Offer: One packet each of the Three Gorgeous Sweet Williams for 30c.

A very effective, rich deep scarlet Pkt. 15c;

For general list of Sweet Williams see page 107.



Venidium—Monarch of the Veldt

Venidium— Monarch of the Veldt ®

Fastuosum. A magnificent annual from South Africa. Sow the seed in March or April as germination is somewhat difficult if started earlier. Plant them in a sunny position. Has large, daisy like, orange colored flowers marked with black at the base of each petal. Attractive, wooly, grayish green foliage. 24 to 3 feet. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Vinca rosea kermesina ®

A splendid new color in this popular and most satisfactory bedding plant. Forms compact bushes, 20 inches high, covered with large red blooms measuring 2 inches in diameter. Splendid for groups and beds, and also fine for cutting. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

For general list of Vincas see page 108.

Giant-Flowering Verbena

New Giant-Flowering Verbenas ®








Etna. Very large flowers of an intense Geranium-red with small white eye. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c. Cerise Queen. A beautiful and lovely shade of soft salmon cerise. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Beauty of Oxford Hybrids. Large well-rounded flowers in shades varying from clear rose-pink to rich rose-red. Exceptionally bright and very free flowering. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Lavender Glory. This is a true lavender with medium sized, creamy white eye. It is sweetly fragrant. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Spectrum Red. Intense bright red without an eye. Its rich brilliance is most dazzling in bright sunshine. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

4369 Collection. One packet each of the

above 5 New Giant Flowering Verbenas 85c.

New Dwarf Compact Verbena

Fireball. A splendid dwarf variety growing about 6 inches high. Literally covered with bright scarlet blooms. Excellent for the rock garden, beds, borders, or as a pot plant. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

New Verbena Royal Bouquet

A distinct departure in habit of growth as the plants grow strictly upright, 15 to 18 inches high, with their straight stems crowned with large trusses of showy flowers in many brilliant colors. For beds, cutting, and pots. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

For general list of Verbenas see page 109.

Gem Violas

Gem Violas or Tufted Pansies

Wonderful plants of the greatest value for bedding. They are perfectly suited to our climatic conditions and will succeed well in any good garden soil provided the position is sunny. They bloom practically without a break from early May until the end of the season. Also fine for cutting.

4406 Jersey Gem (Blue Gem). Lovely clear rich violet blooms borne on 6 inch stems and produced most abundantly on compact sturdy plants. A really marvelous flower. Pkt. 35c; special pkt. $1.25. 4407 Lavender Gem (New). Pure lavender. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50. 4408 Rosy Gem (New). Deep rose. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.25. 4396 Yellow Gem (New). Pure yellow. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.25. 4397 White Gem (New). Pure white. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.25. 4399 Collection. One packet each of the 5 Gem Violas $1.75. For other Violas see page 109.

You will find all the best worth-while Novelties of flower seeds on this and the preceding pages

Dreer’s Reliable


Flower Seeds

Really fine flowers can be grown only from seed that has been selected from the very choicest true-to- name parent plants, and the world-wide reputation of Dreer’s Flower Seeds is founded upon the infinite care taken to secure the finest strains available in the world. Our strains of Asters, Carnations, Petunias, Verbenas,

Zinnias, etc., are widely known for their excellence.

No time nor expense is spared to provide for your garden

the best in flower seeds, and you will find that the Dreer packets contain a liberal quantity of seeds.

Collections of Flower Seeds

These are made up of the popular easy-to-grow sorts which have proved to do well under the conditions Each collection includes our leaflet ‘‘How to grow Flowers from Seed.”

found in the average garden.

3549 Twelve ‘‘Old-Fashioned’’ Hardy Perennials

You will find many of the old favorites in this splendid collection such as Larkspur, Foxglove, Sweet William, Sweet Rocket, and others equally desirable, for all are of easy culture and will keep a garden gay during many months of the year.

i2epacketsaOraeewel- irl

1129 Dreer’s Dozen Best Annuals This high-grade collection will turn any garden into a bower of colorful flow- ers, lasting from early summer until late

in the fall. 12 packets for $1.00


1133 Twelve Annuals for Cutting

You can cut armfuls of flowers from

this splendid collection of easy to grow cut flowers. 12 packets of the very finest for.... $ 1 -0O0

3550 Twelve ‘‘Extra Choice’’ Hardy Perennials

There are many gardeners who are particularly interested in the newer and choicer perennials. This assortment includes just this kind, such as Long-Spurred Columbine, De Luxe Hybrid Delphinium, new Hybrid Lupinus, Hybrid Oriental Poppy, etc. There are 12 packets for........... $ 1 50

2469 Eight Strawflowers or Everlastings These grand annuals have become very popular and we urge every gardener to include this collection which contains 8 of the finest varieties for winter bouquets. 8 packets for..... 50c

From among the many collections offered on the pages that follow we have picked these 8 to bring to your special attention because they have proven exceptionally popular.

1189 Antirrhinum Dreer’s Large Flowering Giant Snapdragons in 6 separate and distinct col- ors for 50c.

1338 Asters Dreer’s Famous American Asters represented in 6 separate and distinct col- ors for 50c.

1469 Asters Eight packets of Dreer’s Superb Late Branching Asters, every one of a dif- ferent, distinct, and beau- tiful color for 60c.

2948 Larkspur Eight separate and dis- tinct colors of Dreer’s New Giant Imperial Larkspur for $1.00.

3551 Twelve Hardy

Perennial Flower Seeds for the Rock Garden

Nothing adds as much to the Rock Garden as a wide variety of flowers which are strictly suited for this pur-

pose. The 12 varieties in this collection are all typical Rock Garden plants. They will give you a splendid representation of color for the longest period of time. You will find in it such popular kinds as Golden Alyssum, Rock Cress, Columbine, Primula, Aubrietia,


etc. 12 packets for

A Pretty Little Rock Garden

in the summer.

3619 Phlox Seven lovely colors be- longing to the annual Drummondii grandiflora type for 50c.

3959 Scabiosa These 6 beautiful colors will give a very showy display from midsummer until frost. 40c.

4218 Sweet Peas Dreer’s Incomparable in 12 separate and distinct colors. All very beautiful, $1.00.

4479 Zinnias Giant Dahlia Flowered. One packet each of 9 beautiful and distinct col- ors for $1.00.

3890 Twelve Choice

Annuals for the Rock Garden

The beauty of the Rock Garden may be enhanced con- siderably if besides the usual perennial flowers, annuals are called upon to provide color during the summer and fall when few perennials are in bloom. A rock garden containing annuals only is also most interesting. When sown in April or May, they will begin to flower very early

This assortment contains 12 packets of best varieties for $ 1 OO

Rock Gardens (Rockwell). Tells you how to plan and plant a rock garden. $1.00 per copy, postpaid


Abutilon—Flowering Maple

1010 Fine Mixed. Considered indispensable for flowering indoors during the winter and spring months, and useful for bedding out in the summer. Sown indoors any time before April, they will produce plants that will flower the first season; 3 feet. Mixed colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

7. ~

Achillea ptarmica, The Pearl

Achillea—Miloil, or Yarrow {pp

1021 Ptarmica ‘‘The Pearl.’’ One of the best hardy white perennials. Grows about 2 feet high, and from spring to frost is covered with heads of purest white double flowers. Easily grown from seed, flowering the first season if sown early. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

Aconitum—Monk’s Hood or Wolfsbane {nr

1031 Napellus. A hardy perennial, growing in any good garden soil, producing long spikes of blue as well as white flowers. Well adapted for planting among shrubbery or in shady corners; seed is of slow germination; 3 to 5 feet high. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Acroclinium ®

1040 Double Mixed. A pretty annual ‘Everlasting,’ growing about 15 inches high bearing lovely white as well as rosy- pink flowers, which, when cut in the bud state, can be dried and used in winter bouquets. A nice thing to grow in a mixed border aside from its use as an everlasting. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

Adlumia Mountain Fringe or Allegheny Vine

1051 Cirrhosa. A graceful, hardy biennial climber, but as it resows itself year after year, it might be considered perennial. The feathery foliage closely resembles that of the Maiden- hair Fern. The tube-shaped, flesh-colored flowers are some- what like the Bleeding Heart. They completely cover the plant. For covering trellises, stumps of trees, etc., it is very desirable. Flowers the first year from seed. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

Agathea—Blue Daisy

1064 Coelestis (Felicia amelloides). Beautiful sky blue, Daisy- like flowers 13 inches in diameter. Blooms profusely during the summer and fall. Excellent for beds, borders, and rock gardens; also potted for winter blooming. 18 inches. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

‘“‘Growing Flowers from Seed.’’ This is the title of a very interesting four page leaflet which tells you

how to grow annual and perennial flowers from seed. It will help you to secure the finest results from Dreer's seeds. You may have a copy free if you will ask for it.

Ageratum—Floss Flower @

One of the best bedding plants, being literally a sheet of bloom from early summer until frost. Unlike many bedding plants, the flowers are not liable to be spoiled by rain, nor do the colors fade out. The various blue varieties are without doubt the most satis- factory bedding plants of this color for our trying climate. Easily raised from seed which is usually started in a hotbed or window and transferred to the open ground in May. Can also be sown outdoors in May. A sowing in September will give plants to bloom indoors all winter.

1071 Blue Perfection. This is the darkest colored of all large flowering Ageratums. Color deep amethyst-blue; compact growth; fine bedder; 9 inches. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

1073 Cope’s Pet. The best light blue variety for edging; 9 inches. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

1075 Imperial Dwarf White. 8 inches. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

1076 Little Blue Star. A variety of exceedingly dwarf and even growth. The tiny bushes are not over 4 to 5 inches high. They are densely covered with bright blue flowers. A fine variety for edging. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

1078 Princess. A beautiful variety of compact, even growth, rarely exceeding 8 inches in height. The flowers are sky- blue with white center, the contrast being really exquisite. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.


Ageratum, Blue Ball

1072 Blue Ball. The compact, ball-shaped plants grow 6 inches high, bearing over a long season large flossy flowers of a deep Ageratum blue. Makes a wonderful blue line or border because of its uniformity of growth. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c.

1079 Collection. One packet each of above 6 sorts, 50c.

1070 Blue Cap (New). For description, see page 45. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 60c.

Agrostemma Rose of Heaven, Mullein Pink

1090 Coronaria. An attractive free-flowering hardy perennial of easy culture, producing glowing crimson flowers like a single pink, and silvery-white foliage; blooms the first season; fine for cutting. 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1091 alba. A pure white variety. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

Amaranthus—Amaranth ®

Annuals with brilliant foliage, growing from 3 to 5 feet high. They thrive best in a hot, sunny location and in soil that is not too rich. Give them ample room to develop their full beauty.

1113 Sunrise. The most brilliant of this showy family. The foliage is bronzy-crimson, each branch terminating in a tuft of bright scarlet-carmine leaves. It has been used with fine effect in many of the public parks. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

1115 Tricolor splendens (Joseph's Coat). An improvement on the old sort, of more brilliant coloring. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

All Flower Seeds are sent POSTPAID


Ammobium—Winged Everlasting ®

1121 Alatum grandiflorum. A pretty annual ever- lasting; flowers silvery white with yellow disc; grows best in light soil. 18 inches. Easily dried for winter bouquets. Pkt. 10c; { 0z. 25c.

Alyssum, Little Gem as an edging

Alyssum ® & iP) Sweet Alyssum or Mad Wort The annual varieties are pretty little plants for beds, vases, baskets, edging, or rockwork, blooming profusely all summer; useful also for winter flowering. The two

hardy perennial varieties are excellent for the rock |

garden or dwarf borders.

1101 Little Gem, or Carpet of Snow @). dwarf, compact habit, but 4 inches high. It begins to bloom when quite small and the plants are a solid mass of white from spring to late autumn. It is the best white-flowering edging plant in the list. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 30c; oz. $1.00.

1100 Lilac Queen @). A very pretty, deep lavender lilac. Of dwarf compact habit; 6 inches high. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

1102 Sweet Alyssum (A. maritimum) @). Of trailing habit, covered with white flowers all season long. 9 inches. Pkt. 5c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

1103 Tom Thumb (Benthami compactum) @. dwarf, compact growth; excellent for edging; white; 6 inches. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1104 Saxatile compactum (Basket of Gold) HP). Showy bright yellow flowers which cover the plant in June and July so that little of the foliage is visible. Perfectly hardy. Excellent for rock- work and edge of border. 1 foot. Pkt. 10c; ¢ oz. 40c.

1106 Rostratum |HP]. Dense heads of bright golden flowers in June and July. MHardy; 20 inches. Pkt. 15c; ¢ oz. 50c.

Anagallis ® Pimpernel, Poor Man’s Weatherglass 1125 Grandiflora. A very pretty annual of low, spreading growth, 6 to 9 inches high, completely covered during the greater part of the season with small but brilliant flowers in an unusual range of colors, including brilliant blue, scarlet, etc. Ex- cellent for the border and rockery. The flowers close on the approach of bad weather, hence its title of ‘Poor Man’s Weatherglass.”” They grow well even in quite poor soil. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 25c.

Roeniea ® & HP Alkanet, Bugloss Ph " 1136 Capensis, Blue Bird ie (Cape Forget-me-nol) @). eg 2 F

A fine, free growing

annual variety about 15

inches high with sprays

of lovely Forget-me-not

like flowers of a vivid indigo blue. Plants are } compact and of even | habit. Very showy. |e Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c. he

1138 Italica Dropmore ~

Variety [HP]. One of '

the best hardy peren- 5 - nials. Grows 3 to 5 feet high, and bears in abun- : SF ; dance flowers of the ~ richest gentian - blue during May and June. -W#FPo 2

Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c. Anchusa capensis, Blue Bird

1139 Italica Lissadell [HP]. An improved form of the Dropmore variety of strong vigorous growth, growing about 5 feet high with sprays of extra-large, clear gentian-blue flowers. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 40c.

1141 Myosotidifiora HP]. A distinct dwarf hardy species, growing but 10 to 12 inches high, producing during April and May sprays of beauti- ful Forget-me-not like flowers of a rich blue. An excellent plant for the rock garden. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Ampelopsis—Boston, or Japanese Ivy [HP]

1131 Veitchi. A hardy perennial climber with olive-green leaves which turn to scarlet in the autumn. The best and most popular climber for covering brick or stone walls. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c.

Anemone—Windflower [AP

A very pleasing perennial producing large flowers. Sow outdoors in spring, keeping shaded till the plants appear. 18 inches.

1140 Coronaria. Mixed Colors (Poppy Anemone). This contains a wide variety of rich colors. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c.

1142 St. Brigid. A beautiful selection of the above. It comprises semi- double and double flowers in a wonderful array of colors. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Anthemnis —Hardy Marguerite [HE]

1150 Kelwayi. A most satisfactory hardy perennial bearing all summer long daisy-like golden-yellow blossoms; excellent for cutting; 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 25c.

1149 Perry’s Variety. A wonderful improvement, producing its large, well-shaped, bright golden yellow flowers from June until October. Valuable for cutting; 2 feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

Arabis {52 Rock Cress

| 1211 Alpina. A hardy per- ennial and one of the earliest and_ prettiest spring flowers. The spreading tufts are cov- ered with a sheet of pure white flowers as soon as the snow dis appears. Unequalled for rockeries or edging; withstands drought and is always neat and tidy; 6to9inches. Pkt. 10c; Arabis alpina 1 oz. 30c; oz. $1.00.

Armeria-—Sea Pink, or Thrift HP]

1221 Formosa hybrida. A very pretty edging or rock garden plant, bearing rosy-pink flowers throughout the summer sad early fall. Perfectly hardy. 1 foot. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

1222 Bees’ Ruby. Rich deep rose colored flower heads measuring almost an inchin diameter. 14 feet. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

All Flower Seeds are delivered postpaid to any post office in the United States

Antirrhinum.: Snapdragon

One of the most valuable flowers which can readily be Large-Flowering Giant Sorts grown from seed. In our trials the seeds sown out of doors A splendid strain growing about 30 inches tall. The long spikes are the first week of May came into bloom early in closely set with very large, massive flowers. SPECIAL July, remaining in full A flower until November. PACKET PACKET BA 1181 Crimson King. Rich velvety garnet crimson...$0 10 $0 40 ea" 1182 Fire King. Brilliant orangescarlet. Veryshowy. 10 40 , ae 1183 Golden King. Beautiful rich yellow........... 10 30

All Dreer’s Flower nd 1184 Autumn Glow. Beautiful old rose, strongly

shaded with terra cotta. Golden yellow lip....... 15 50 Seeds are sent { 1185 Queen Victoria. Elegant flowers of purest white.. 10 30 POSTPAID 1186 Rose King. Soft silvery rose................-- 10 40

1163 1169




1189 Collection of one pkt. each of the above 6 sorts, 50c.

1190 Finest Mixed. Pkt 10c;7} oz. 30c; oz. $1.00. Large-Flowering Half-Dwarf Sorts

A splendid type, growing about 18 inches high. The best for bedding

purposes, growing into well-rounded, compact plants. SPECIAL

PACKET PACKET 1158 Empress. Rich velvety crimson............... $0 10 $0 40 1162Fawn: Rosevandicold:-2. (o.oo eee ee see 10 40 1164 Golden Queen. Rich yellow.................. 10 40 1165 Flame. Brilliant fiery orange scarlet............ 10 50 1167 Prima Donna. Amber overlaid chamois........ 10 40 1168 Purity. ‘Snowy whitesa.--sn ste seine nae 10 40 1171 Silver Pink. /Softipearlyapinkeeeneee eee 10 40

1179 Collection of one pkt. each of the above 7 sorts, 50c.

1180 Choice Mixed. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c; oz. $1.25. Maximum or Super-Giant Sorts

Tall strong growth producing long spikes with gigantic flowers; 3 feet.

SPECIAL PACKET PACKET 1151 Appleblossom. Soft appleblossom-pink........ $0 15 $0 50 1152 Canary Bird. Canary yellow, deeper yellow lip.. 15 50 1153 Copper King (Indian Summer). Bronzy copper COLON? heater is Fates (oie!) «ovcnls fol sLotereton teem vere Reeties/ aa 15 50 1154 Old Gold. Rose on yellow ground.............. 15 50 1155 Snowflake. Dazzling white................... 15 50 1166 The Rose. Rich rose-pink. 50.05 ode eens 15 50

1159 Collection containing one packet each of the 6 sorts, 75c.

1160 Super-Giant Mixed. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.

- 1157 Salmon Rose (New). A beautiful shade of salmon combined

—— ; We i mas ta : Pd with begonia rose. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Dreer’s Large Flowering Antirrhinums a a

° a © =f Three Beautiful Snapdragons ws ry 4 The sorts offered below belong to the Large-Flowering Half- ¥ : , ee Dwarf section. They are unusually attractive in color. Gloria. Rich glittering deep rose, most effective for bedding or cutting. Beautiful large flowers in massive sprays. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c. Pink Perfection. One of the most beautiful of the many pink Snapdragons —an exquisite Hermosa-pink, suffused salmon. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c. Peerless Pink. The flowers are of immense size, two inches and over =~

across and the color is an even tone of soft shell-pink. The finest clear pink variety yet introduced. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c. SS a oH p . on, ie és 1178 Collection of one pkt. : 4 grad : each of the three sorts for 25c. y: 3

Snapdragons—For the Rock Garden ® Rock Hybrids. Early-flowering hybrids forming small compact bushes covered with small flowers in various shades of rose, pink, purple, mauve, and bicolor. Mixture only. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Arctotis —4frican Daisy @ Grandis. A remarkably handsome annual. It forms much-branched bushes 2 to 3 feet high. The flowers are large and showy, They are pure white on the upper surface and the reverse of petals is pale lilac-blue. It may be started in hotbed, in the house, or in the open ground, and the plants may be expected to come into bloom early in July and continue until quite hard frost. It delights in a sunny situation. As a cut flower it is especially valuable, the blooms lasting a week or ten days in water. Pkt. 10c; 4 02. 25c; oz. 75c. Arctotis grandis—African Daisy

For Novelties and Specialties in Flower Seeds, see pages 45 to 54

Aquilegia—Columbine No hardy plant grown from seed is more easily handled than the

Columbine. The seed may be sown in the open ground early in

spring, or in August or September to bloom during the following

year. Their graceful, airy habit and the showy appearance of their blooms makes them most desirable for garden display and for cutting.

1191 Alpina. A very effective rich blue variety. Splendid for rock gardens; 2 feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

1192 Californica hybrida. Exquisite flowers in yellow and orange shades, all withlong spurs. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

1193 Chrysantha (Golden Spurred). Golden-yellow blooms on plants 3 to 4 feet tall. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

1194 Silver Queen. Long spurred pure white flowers of ex- quisite texture. Very lovely. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

1195 Caerulea (Rocky Mountain Columbine). A charming com- bination of violet-blue and white; 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 60c.

1197 Canadensis. The native rich red and yellow variety, one of the brightest. Blooms very profusely. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

1199 Collection containing one packet each of the above 6 named sorts, 60c.

1200 Long-Spurred Single Mixed. A splendid strain con- taining all colors of the large-flowered and long-spurred forms. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

1207 Double Flowering Mixed. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

1210 Single Flowering Mixed. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

- .

i (Lae i? y

a 5h Long-Spurred Aquilegia or Columbine

my | ay

Dreer’s Long-Spurred Hybrid Columbines

This strain is unquestionably the finest yet produced. The plants are of strong, thrifty growth with flowers of largest size. We offer three distinct color selections in addition to the regular mixture.

1203 Blue and Lavender Shades. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. 1204 Scarlet and Red Shades. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. 1205 Pink and Rose Shades. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. 1208 Collection of one packet each of the above 3 colors for 60c. 1206 Dreer’s Long-Spurred Hybrids, Mixed. A wonder- ful mixture containing beautiful tints, tones, and color com-

binations of cream, pink, lavender, blue, white, red, etc. Pkt. 20c; $ oz. 75c; 4 oz. $1.25.

Argemone hybrida grandiflora

Argemone-—Mexican or Prickly Poppy (A)

1220 Hybrida grandiflora. Sturdy bushes, 2 to 3 feet high, with very ornamental pale green, spiny foliage with clear silvery midrib and veins. Poppy-like flowers of satiny texture, over 3 inches across, in various shades from rich yellow to creamy-white. It comes into bloom early in July and continues without interruption till November. It is best to sow the seed where they are intended to bloom as soon as the ground is warm. Give them a sunny location and a light soil. A very pretty and ornamental plant in or out of bloom. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

Asparagus [7]

1231 Plumosus nanus. This graceful Asparagus is an ex- cellent house plant. Pkt. 15c; 100 seeds 75c.

1232 Sprengeri (Emerald Feather). One of the best plants to grow in suspended baskets, window boxes, vases, etc.; for the greenhouse in winter and outside in summer. Pkt. 10c; 100 seeds 50c.

Aubrietia, Large-Flowering Hybrids

Aubrietia—Rainbow Rock Cress HP]

1486 Rose Queen. A splendid addition to this popular rock plant; growing about 4 inches high with large, clear pink flowers, a distinct new shade. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

1490 Large-Flowering Hybrids. A beautiful dwarf rock plant, covered with sheets of bright flowers in spring and early summer; 6 inches. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Auricula (Primula auricula) {inp} 1500 A well-known favorite of great beauty; seed saved from splendid choice mixed varieties; half hardy perennial; 6 inches. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

These keys will quickly tell you to what class each plant (@®)=Biennial, [HHP] = Half-Hardy

belongs. (@)=Annual, al, Perennial, [HP|=Hardy Perennial, [TP]=Tender Perennial.

Landscaping the Home Grounds (L. W. Ramsey), $2.00 per copy, postpaid

60 Dreer’s Famous American Asters °

Asters prefer a good heavy loam soil enriched with a liberal quantity of bone meal, wood ashes, and a little air-slaked lime. We have received some very favorable comments from our customers who with the aid of Astogen (offered on page 213) have succeeded in raising a perfect crop of flowers.

Your success with Asters depends primarily upon the kind of seed you sow. Dreer’s American Asters are justly famous as they represent the finest, most carefully selected strains of these beautiful annual flowers. Thorough soil preparation and an open, sunny situation are needed to grow Asters to perfection.

Beauty Asters

This is one of the finest American Asters, coming into bloom late in September and lasting way into October. Often the plants produce their finest flowers after we have had some light frost. The plants grow nearly 3 feet high. They are vigorous and strong branching, bearing very large round blooms which are completely double to the very center. The outer petals reflex and the center ones curve gracefully inward. A magnificent Aster for both garden display and for cutting.

1271 American Beauty. Immense, bright cerise blooms. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

1272 Lavender Beauty. A charming soft lavender of huge size. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

1273 Purple Beauty. The rich deep purple blooms are gorgeous. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

1274 September Beauty. A lovely delicate shell- pink color. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

1275 Peachblossom Beauty. Iridescent peach- blossom pink. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

1276 White Beauty. Most attractive with its display of pure white blooms. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

1279 Collection. One packet each of the 6 sorts, 75c.

1278 Finest Mixed Colors. A blend of all of the above and some others. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 60c.

Purple Beauty Aster

California Giant Asters

A splendid midseason to late-flowering strain Plants grow 3 to 34 feet high with long, strong stems 18 to 24 inches in length bearing beauti- fully formed, curled and interlaced flowers 5 or more inches across.


PACKET PACKET 1291 Lavender Blue........$0 20 $075 1292 Peach Blossom........ 20 75 1293 Pure White.......:.... 20 75 1294 Deep Purple........... 20 75 1295 Rich Rose*----...-.-.- 20 75 1296 Parma Violet::........ 20 75

1299 Collection of a packet each of above 6 colors, $1.00.

1300 Finest Mixed Colors. Pkt. 15c; } 0z., 75c.

New Super Giant Aster 1473 Los Angeles

This is the first of a new super giant race. It is a truly gorgeous flower—beautiful in form and excellent in color. The blooms are full petaled, very deep, unusually large yet artis- tically graceful in their feathery effect and in the interlacing of their narrow slender petals. The color is an enchanting shade of pure shell pink. Of robust growth and very free blooming. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. California Giant Aster

Our Leaflet, ‘‘How to Grow Flowers from Seeds,’’ Free on Request

Dreer’s ‘‘Pink Beauty’’ Aster

1396 Few Asters approach but none exceeds in beauty and charm this glorious variety. The plants make a well-rounded bush, 24 to 30 inches high. From early in August until well on into September the plants are covered with magnificent, large, fully double blooms which average 4 inches in diameter. They are almost as deep through as they are broad. The cuter flower petals are reflexed, but the center ones curve inward. The color is a lovely blush-pink that will appeal to all who appreciate delicate shades. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Heart of France Aster

1341 This is the largest flowering of the very dark red sorts. It is a magnificent Aster which never fails to attract favorable attention by the richness of its deep ruby red blooms which are carried on long, strong stems. The plants grow about 2 feet high. They are nicely

branched and give a well rounded bush. Those

who strive for rich color in their garden should not overlook this splendid Aster. It blooms profusely in September.

Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

King Aster

King Asters

The King Asters form a distinct class or type. They have many sterling qualities to recommend them to lovers of fine Asters. They are of strong, sturdy habit, growing fully 18 inches high, and bear from August to October very large double blossoms, the petals of which are attractively quilled.

1346 Rose King. 1343 Crimson King. 1347 Violet King. 1344 Lavender King. 1348 White King. 1345 Pink King.

Any of the above: Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

1349 Collection of one packet each of the above six varieties for 50c.

1350 King Mixed. Contains all the colors. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 50c.

Improved Crego’s ~~ Giant Comet Asters

Improved Crego’s Giant Comet Asters

This type enjoys the greatest popularity with Ameri- can gardeners wherever Asters can be grown. We con- sider it the finest and best of all Comet Asters. The sturdy well-branched plants are about 2 feet high and produce a great quantity of immense flowers which measure 5 inches and over in diameter. The blooms are as fine as any Chrysanthemum. They make a splendid garden display and will last a long time in water.



1281 White. Pure wnite............$0 10 $0 60 1282 Pink. Delicate shell-pink...... 10 60 1283 Purple. Bright purple........ 10 60 1284 Rose. Rich deep rose.......... 10 60 1285 Lavender. Deep lavender..... 10 60 1286 Crimson. Deep rose-crimson. . 10 60

1288 Collection of one packet each of the 6 colors 50c.

1290 Crego’s Mixed. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c.

Early Imbricated Pompon Asters

This is a splendid early-flowering Aster, forming little plants about 14 inches in height. The plants are of straight upright growth which makes them particularly suitable for small or medium sized beds and borders. The flowers are of medium size composed of graceful overlapping petals. Also a fine pot plant.



TSSPECTrIMBON Mesto ae eee em we aeieie serene $0 15 $0 60 TS2SE ip HtBluUere es ne cee ee oe ol ae ee 15 60 SAORI OS Ob Pet een to ask ok ass tae 15 60 TIS PAN AL AH OS SE Ses a i a eee 15 60

1329 Collection of one packe each of the four colors 50c. 1330 Mixed. Containing all colors. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Some of our customers are very enthusiastic about ‘‘Astogen”’ for growing perfect Asters. Offered on page 213

Asters—New Giant Peony-Flowered

This superb strain of giant Asters has proved one of the most desirable ever introduced. It has extremely double flowers of truly immense size, measuring 6 inches in diameter, resembling those of the Beauty type. They are borne on stout, non-lateral stems, 24 to 3 feet long. Blooms at the same time as the Giants of California.


1371 Azure Fairy. Clear azure blue....$0 20 $0 75 1374 Maiden’s Blush. Delicate flesh... 20 75 1376 Rosebud. Clear deep rose......... 20 75 1377 Swansdown. Pure white......... 20 75

1379 Collection of one packet each of the four colors, 60c. 1380 Mixed Colors. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Red Aster ‘‘Sensation’’

1442 This is the reddest of all red Asters, the color being a rich garnet or ox-blood red which glistens in the sun- shine like a live coal. The plants are of free-branch- ing habit, and about 18 inches high. The very double flowers, averaging 3} inches across, are borne freely on stems a foot long from early in August till the close of September. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Dreer’s Late-Branching Aster

Dreer’s Superb Late Branching Asters

This has been the standard Late Branching Aster for many years. The plants grow into strong well- branched bushes, 2 to 24 feet high, always carrying a large number of giant blooms which even under ordinary culture measure 5 inches across. The blooms are supported on long strong flower stems. They are usually at their best during September, and all things considered are the most valuable of all Asters either for cutting or for bedding. All colors offered in this beautiful type are exception- ally bright and clean. SPECIAL


1451 Azure Blue. A deep rich

lavender of great beauty..... $0 10 $0 60 1452 Deep Crimson. A rich and glowing shade of crimson..... 10 60 1453 Deep Rose. Distinct and fine 10 40 1455 Pale Lavender. Exquisite greyish-blue 10 40 1456 Deep Purple. A rich royal shade.... 10 60 1457 Rose-Pink. A lovely shade; very popular particularly for cutting........ 10 40 1461 Shell-Pink. Soft and dainty....... 10 40 1467 Pure White. Perfectinits purity.... 10 40

1469 Collection. One packet each of the above eight colors for 60c.

1470 Finest Mixed. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c.

: Hardy Perennial Asters {7 Dreer’s “‘Peerless Pink” Aster 1476 Alpinus. A dwarf alpine Aster indispensable for

2m 66 © 99 the rockery or as an edge to the hardy borders. The Dreer s ‘Peerless Pink’’ Aster plants grow 6 to 10 inches high. Showy bluish purple

1393 This is conceded to be the finest pink late-branching Aster flowers in May and June. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c. ever offered. The plants are of robust, free-branching habit, | 1480 Mixed (Michaelmas Daisies). Single fall-flowering and about 2 feet high. It is hard to find a flower under four hardy herbaceous plants thriving in any good. garden inches across, forming an almost globular flower. A free and soil. If sown early they will flower the first season; continuous bloomer. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 3 feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

@=Annual; ® =Biennial; [HP] =Hardy Perennial; (TP) =Tender Perennial; {fHP]=Half-Hardy Perennial

Early Branching or Royal Aster

Early Branching or Royal Asters

An early-flowering form, coming into bloom in July or early August and lasting in perfect condition for along time. The habit of the plants and their free-flowering make them very desirable for beds or borders, while their long-stemmed flowers are ideal for cutting. The form of the flower is well shown in the illustration.



1411 Azure Blue or Dark Lavender......... $0 10 $0 60 1412 Lavender. Soft lavender violet.......... 10 50 1413 Purple. Rich, deep violet purple......... 10 60 1414 Rich Rose. A bright color.............. 10 50 1416 Shell-Pink. Very delicate.............. 10 50 1497 Wihitens burest white): 2.15000 ccch.suvs 10 50

1419 Collection. One packet each of the six colors 50c. 1420 Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 60c.

Queen of the Market Asters

1410 Mixed Colors. A first-class early-flowering Aster, coming into flower in July. Of branching habit. Flowers of good size and borne on long stems, making them exceedingly valuable for cutting; 15 inches. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 50c.

Giant Single China Asters

The large single daisy-like flowers are very effective in beds or borders and for cutting. They offer a pleasing change to the innumerable double sorts; 2 feet high.



1431 Appleblossom. Flesh pink............. $0 10 $0 25 $433 Lavender. oe he ae ee eee 10 25 1435 Marechal Joffre. Crimson scarlet....... 10 25 TAS es WOLCC reer op eye sok Cees coe eG 10 25

1439 Collection of one packet each of the four colors, 30c.

1440 Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 30c.

Giant California Sunshine Aster

1450 Mixed Colors. These glorious new Asters represent a decided departure from the others offered here. They have long narrow outer petals and a cushion-like center of dif- ferently colored tubular florets. For full description and illustration see page 45. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.



Balloon Vine—Love-in-a-Puf © (Cardiospermum halicacabum)

1525 A rapid-growing annual climber succeeding best in light soil and in a warm situation. Flowers white. The seed vessels

look like miniature balloons and are of great interest to Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.



Double Camellia-Flowered Balsam

Balsam—Lady Slipper ® Double Camellia-flowered

An old favorite tender annual producing its gorgeous masses of beautiful, brilliant colored, double blooms in the greatest profusion. Of easy culture, succeeding best in a good rich soil; 2 to 3 feet. Start the seed indoors in April or sow out of doors in May. To grow fine specimens they should not stand closer than 18 inches apart.

1532 Salmon Prince. 1533 1534 1535 1536 1537

Exquisite salmon-pink; very double. Light Yellow. A lovely color. Scarlet. Brilliant fiery scarlet blooms. Very double. Solferino. Striped and spotted white, lilac, and scarlet. Violet. Very rich deep violet flowers of large size. White Perfection. Very double, pure white. Any of the above: Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 25c.

1538 Collection of the

6 colors given above, 40c. Finest Mixed Colors. Contains a wide range of beautiful colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 60c.


Baptisia—False Indigo {f?| Australis. Strong growing plants, about 2 feet high. Dark green, deeply-cut foliage and spikes of dark blue, pea-shaped flowers in June. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.


Bocconia—Plume Poppy, or Tree Celandine [iP

1611 Cordata. A splendid hardy perennial for single specimens or groups on lawns. Foliage glaucous green. Bears spikes 2 to 3 feet long of cream-colored flowers; 6 feet tall. Easily raised from seed. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 25c.

Boltonia—False Chamomile {i

One of the showiest of our native hardy perennials, growing 4 to 6 feet high. Daisy-like flowers in countless thousands from July to September. 1615 Asteroides. 1616 Latisquama.

White. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c. Lilac pink. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

All Flower Seeds are sent ‘‘POSTPAID”’



Bellis—English Daisy Bellis—English Daisy @)

This is a favorite biennial which uader favorable conditions may behave like a perennial lasting for more than two years. It is easily raised from seed which may be sown any time from early spring until August. Most gardeners prefer to sow during late summer and carry the plants over the winter in a cold frame for setting out into the garden early the following spring. They bloom throughout the season.

1591 Giant Double Rose. Pkt. 15c; special

pkt. 60c.

1592 Giant Double Red. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

1593 Giant Double White. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

1590 Giant Double Mixed. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

1594 Longfellow. Large double pink flowers.

Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

1598 The Bride, or Improved Snowball. A free-flowering large double pure white. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

1600 Double Mixed. A fine mixture, containing all the colors. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c;

1 ~~ + oz. 75c.

1595 Double Quilled Mixed. Double quilled flowers in mixture, containing red, pink,

and white. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Begonia Tuberous Rooted Blooms the first season from seed if sown in February or March in a temperature of 60 degrees. Should be planted in semi-shaded position. 1581 Double, Finest Mixed. Includes a great number of lovely shades. Pkt. 50c; special

pkt. $1.50.

1582 Single, Finest Mixed. Large flowers in many pretty colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.



Begonia—£verblooming Bedding Varieties

The following are varieties of Begonia semperflorens, and as bedding plants do well in full sunlight, also in positions partially or wholly in the shade. They are of sturdy growth, growing about 1 foot high, and forming dense bushes which

from May until frost are completely hidden with flowers.

As pot plants for

winter flowering they are superb, remaining a sheet of bloom throughout the

entire year. in a hotbed.

1560 1561

1562 1563

1564 1565 1567 1571

1577 1580

Easily raised from seed which should be started either indoors or

Christmas Cheer. A bright crimson scarlet. Splendid for pot culture, and Christmas forcing. Blooms profusely. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Albert Martin. Extra large flowers of a bright crimson scarlet. Splendid for beds, borders, or pots. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Erfordia. Bright rosy-carmine flowers. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Luminosa. Brilliant fiery dark scarlet. Bronze foliage. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Prima Donna. Limpid rose, shading to carmine at the center; ever- blooming. Showy large flowers. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

White Queen. A splendid free-flowering pure white. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Gustav Knaake. Glowing pink with salmon shadings; leaves green, shaded bronze. Excellent for pot culture. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Vernon. Bright orange-scarlet flower; bronze foliage. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Salmon Queen. A brilliant salmon-rose. Semperfiorens, Single Mixed.

Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Brachycome 4)

Swan River Daisy


speciosa major




Mixed. A free- flowering annual of compact growth; 12 inches high. The plants are covered during the greater part of the summer with a profusion of blue and white flow- ers. Fine for edg- ings, small beds, and pot culture.

Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

Browallia—Amethyst @

1637 Speciosa major. A beautiful large-flowering variety of the most brilliant ultramarine blue, a rare color. Does well outside in the border, in hanging-baskets, or in vases, but is especially valuable as a pot plant for winter and early spring flowering. Pkt. 25c; special - pkt. 75c.

Elata, Mixed. A _ profuse blooming annual, covered with flowers during the summer and autumn months. Grows in any rich soil and blooms freely in the winter if the plants are lifted in autumn and cut back; 18 inches. The mixture contains blue and white. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.


Cacalia—tTasse! Flower or Flora’s Paint Brush @ A neat annual of easy culture with tassel-shaped flowers. Blooms from June to September. Fine for borders. Golden yellow and scarlet mixed; 1} feet. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

Calceolaria {7?|

Dreer’s Perfection. An ornamental plant, producing a mass of beau- tiful pocket-like flowers in the spring. It is a universal favorite for decorat- ing the greenhouse or conservatory. This strain was grown for us by a celebrated Scotch specialist and is considered the finest in cultivation. The flowers are beautifully spotted and blotched in exceedingly rich and varied colors. Of perfect form and fine substance. The dwarf, compact plants are very free flowering. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

@ =Annual; (®#) =Biennial; {i'r} = Hardy Perennial; [11P}= Half-Hardy Perennial; = Tender Perennial

Calendula—Pot Marigold © A splendid, showy, free-flowering hardy annual for the garden.

Also valuable for forcing and for pot culture, blooming freely in

winter and early spring.

1682 Orange King. An extra fine strain of this splendid, double, rich orange-red variety, producing flowers over 3 inches in diameter. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

1686 Lemon King. Rich lemon-yellow of large size and good form. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

1684 Golden King. Rich golden-yellow flowers of large size borne on long, strong stems. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 25c; oz. 40c.

1681 Meteor. Orange, striped cream. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c.

1683 Nankeen. Creamy-yellow, slightly flushed apricot.

Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c.

1687 Favorite. The lightest colored sort, the petals are almost

white, margined clear yellow. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c.

1689 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 sorts 35c. 1688 Collection. One ounce each of the above 6 sorts $1.75.

1690 Double Mixed. Pkt. 5c; 4 oz. 15c; oz. 25c.

Calendula Campfire

Calliopsis tinctoria splendens

Calliopsis Beautiful free-flowering annuals of easiest culture doing well in any position and blooming all summer long. Sow where they are to bloom and thin to stand 6 to 12 inches apart. Splendid for garden display and for cutting.

Tall Varieties

| These grow from 24 to 3 feet high with fine feathery foliage and

| hundreds of brilliantly colored blossoms that are most effective in

beds or borders and as cut flowers.

1708 Marmorata. A very showy sort covered with bright golden-yellow flowers, marbled with wall-flower red. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1703 Nigra speciosa. A strong grower with good sized flowers of rich reddish-maroon. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1704 Tinctoriasplendens. Another showy variety. The very

\ = large flowers are bright yellow and maroon: Pkt. 10c;

\ S : 2 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

Te * 1706 Double Tinctoria. Very showy double and semi-double

Four Newer Calendulas flowers of rich maroon, edged with gold. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1679 Campfire (Sensation). Extremely large flowers of a rich 1709 Collection of one packet

orange color with a scarlet sheen, making a very attractive each of the above 4 tall sorts 30c.

flower. Pkt. 15c; 1 oz. 60c. 1710 Tall Varieties Mixed. Pkt. 5c; 3 oz. 20c; oz. 35c. 1675 Chrysantha or Sunshine. An entirely new type of Dwarf or Bedding Varieties

Calendulas. Remarkable for the striking resemblance the Compact bushes, 9 to 12 inches high, completely covered with

flower bears to a Chrysanthemum. The petals are long, gay flowers allsummer. Ideal for the edge of borders, for massing, wide, and drooping, giving the flowers a globular appearance. or the rock garden.

ane ee nis reece yellow. Its long ghee make | 1695 Dazzler. Very large blooms with rich maroon-red center, it an idea! cut flower for any purpose. Pkt. 20c; ¢ 02. 75c. and broad, golden yellow border. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

1680 Radio. Quite distinct from any other Calendula. The | 1696 Bicolor nana. Of dwarf, compact, even growth. Clear

petals of the large, perfectly double flowers, instead of yellow flowers with small garnet eye. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c. being flat, are beautifully quilled, forming an almost globular, | 1698 Nana marmorata. Identical in color to the tall variet y. rich golden-orange flower. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c. Gives an interesting display. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c. 1678 Radio Golden Beam. Identical to Radio excepting color 1701 The Sultan. Rich maroon crimson. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 30c. which is a golden yellow. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 60c. 1699 Collection of one packet 1691 Collection. One packet each of the above 4 dwarf sorts 30c. each of the above four varieties 50c. 1702 Dwarf Varieties Mixed. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c; oz. 50c.

I aa For Perennial Calliopsis see Coreopsis, page 73

Campanula calycanthema

Campanula calycanthema Cup and Saucer Canterbury Bells ®) This is unquestionably the finest type of this

old-fashioned and much prized garden plant. It

differs from the other types in having an extra | large calyx which is of the same color as the flower, giving the appearance of a cup and saucer. They are effective either in the garden or grown in pots for conservatory or table decoration.

1735 Calycanthema, Dark Blue. Very rich

dark blue flowers. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 75c.

1736 RoseePink. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 75c.

1737 Light Blue. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 75c.

1738 White. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 75c.

1739 Collection. One packet each of the above 4 colors 50c.

1740 Finest Mixed Colors. Pkt.

1 oz. 60c.


Campanula medium ® Canterbury Bells

These single Canterbury Bells are highly valued by many gardeners as they will give an exceedingly fine display in the garden and will last quite some time as cut flowers. Cover during the winter with evergreen boughs to protect against severe freezing.

The old-fashioned sort with beautiful, large, bell-shaped blossoms. We offer four distinct colors and mixed, as follows:

1744 Single, Dark Blue.... 1745 Light Blue 1746 Rose

Any color: Pkt. 10c; 1 oz. 25c.

1743 Collection. One packet of each of the above four colors 30c.

1748 Single Mixed Colors. Pkt. 5c; ¢ oz. 20c; oz. 60c.

Canterbury Bells— Campanula Beitfiowers Peach Bens— Blue Bells—Hare Bell

These are interesting garden plants represented by annual, biennial, and per- ennial varieties. The annual Canterbury Bells are the most recent addition to this fine class. Campanula calycanthema, the Cup and Saucer Canterbury Bell; and Campanula medium, the single Canterbury Bell, are both biennial. All the perennial varieties are exceedingly showy and deserve a place in the garden.

New Annual Canterbury Bells ®

After many years of careful selection the introducer has secured an annual Canterbury Bell which blooms from seed in less than six months. It should now

be possible to have these beautiful flowers in bloom at almost any time of the

year. The plants grow from 2 to 2} feet tall, each plant having from 6 to 8 beauti-

ful blooming spikes.

1715 Angelus Bells. A beautiful shade of deep rose. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

1717 Liberty Bell.

1742 Mixture. pkt. 75c.

Intense violet blue. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Contains shades of blue, pink, and also white. Pkt. 20c; special

Beautiful Hardy Campanulas |

Beautiful well-known hardy herbace- ous perennials bearing a great profusion of attractive bell-shaped flowers and thriving best in light, rich soil.

1728 Pyramidalis, Blue (The Chim- ney Bellflower). A beautiful, state- ly, hardy plant either for garden or pot culture; blue salver-shaped flowers borne in great profusion. 4to 5 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 75c.

alba. Same as above, but with white flowers. Pkt. 10c.; } oz. 75c.

Persicifolia grandiflora, Blue (Peach Bell). Undoubtedly one of the finest of the hardy Bellflowers. Grows 2 to 3 feet high and has large blue flowers. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

) 1729


1725 —alba. The white-flowered Peach Bells. Pkt. 15c.; special pkt. 60c. :

1726 —Telham Beauty. Im-

mense bell-shaped flowers of a pale china blue, produced on long stems. Height, 2 feet. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.00.

Rotundifolia (Blue Bells of Scot- land). The true Hare Bell bearing a mass of large, clear blue flowers from June to August. Very showy; 1 foot. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.



1721 Carpatica, Blue 3 (Carpathian Hare®& Bell.) Free-flowering hardy perennial con- F tinuing in bloom the whole season; color clear blue; grows 6 inches high; especial- ly good for edging, and rock garden. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c-

—alba. This is the white flowering §


| form of the above.

Very attractive and

1741 Double Mixed. Double-flowering Medi- um varieties. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c.

a profuse bloomer.

Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 50c. Campanula carpatica

The Book of Perennials (Hottes), revised and enlarged, $2.00 per copy, postpaid.



Canary-Bird Vine © Tropaeolum canariense 1749 A beautiful, rapid growing annual climber with charming little canary-yellow blossoms bearing a fancied resemblance to a bird with its wings half expanded. The sprays of flowers are very artistic and, when cut, keep in good condition for a week. Pkt. 10c; $ 0z. 30c; oz. 50c.

Candytuft—Iberis © Charming for beds, borders, rock gardens, etc., and the larger the mass the better the effect. The plants grow about 12 inches high and will succeed in any light, airy position. Seed may be sown any time during the spring. They bloom in about eight weeks from the time of sowing, and in order to keep up a succession of bloom two sowings should be made at intervals of about two weeks. For best results thin the plants to stand not less than six inches apart. While useful for cutting, it is for their bright effect in the garden that they are mainly grown. See color illustration page 49. 1751 Umbellata, Carmine. Carmine rose.....

1752—Crimson. Rich deepshade.............. seed fret 3 1755—Albida. Purewhite...................5. eotoa. 1756—Flesh Pink. Delicatepink.............. eae

1757—Lavender. Delicaterosy-lavender........ 1758—Rose Cardinal. Brilliant deep rosy-red; one of the most effective for bedding. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 75c.

1759 Collection. Containing one packet each of the above 6 colors, 40c.

1768 Collection of 3 oz. each of above 6 colors, $1.50. 1760—Mixed. A splendid mixture. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 20c; oz. 30c.

Giant Hyacinth-Flowered Candytuft

1753 Giant Hyacinth-Flowered or Improved Empress. A wonderfully improved strain quite distinct from the umbellata sorts offered above, forming much-branched plants about 18 inches high, each branch terminated by an immense spike of very large individual pure white flowers. Makes a very effective white bed or border, and is invaluable for cutting. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; 4 oz. 50c; oz. $1.00.

1770 Tom Thumb, Mixed. A dwarf compact form of this very popular annual. Only 6 inches high; excellent for edging or the rock garden. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c; oz. 50c.

For Hardy Candytuft see Iberis on page 83.

Canna—Indian Shot ® 1790 Dwarf Large-Flowering Mixed. Unquestionably the finest bedding plants for the American climate. Soak the seeds in warm water until they show evidence of swelling, then sow in sandy soil and keep in a hotbed or greenhouse until the proper season for planting out. Pkt. 10c; oz. 50c.

Carnations—Dianthus ®& Carnations are general favorites for their delicious fragrance and richness of colors. They are indispensable both for greenhouse culture in winter and for the garden in summer. The Marguerite and Giant Double type are the best for summer flowering.

Hardy Border Carnation

Hardy Border Carnations

1840 Grenadin Mixed. Dwarf, compact plants with a great profusion of double flowers in various colors. Early flowering and invaluable for cutting. Will bloom first year if seed is sown early. 1 foot. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

1850 Hardy Border, Double Mixed. A good hardy strain for outdoor culture, flowering the second season and pro- ducing a mass of flowers in a great variety of colors.

Pkt. 15c; } oz. 60c.

Chabaud’s Giant Double ©

Blooms in five months after being sown, and produces its nicely fringed, intensely fragrant double flowers in the greatest profusion throughout the season; 18 inches.

ASTM BLOGG ROG: =). 72. Seo eat ce Seen. Motes

STORY OULOW, rie cierto concedes eda tie a eee nea Any of these: TS 1S POS OY oreo eas tee ee et de Pee ea Pkt. 20c; ASTASS CARLO Ger ccr teeter ak elena a ot cere ee special pkt. Asiorelesh Pink: |. aoc es Ses 60c.

AGHA Aaah se o ewes biinh oni oeueecincrct HSS manatee

1818 Collection of one packet each of the above six beautiful colors, $1.00.

1820 Finest Mixed. Pkt. 15c; } 0z. 75c.

Giant Marguerite Carnation ®

1830 The most popular Carnation with the amateur as they begin to flower in a few weeks from time of sowing; 18 inches. An improved strain with flowers of extra large size in a splendid range of colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 60c.

Carnation Enfant de Nice @ These are the result of a cross between Carnation Chabaud’s Giant Improved and Carnation Perpetual. The plants are of robust, upright habit, with long, strong stalks bearing flowers 2} to 3 inches in diameter. This strain is magnificent. The colors comes about 75% true from seed and about 90% of the plants come double.

ITs Ue oh ood eee eo eaniaae Any of these: SSOGPILORGMRE tc. oa... . scbosistenias ©» videhts Pkt. 35c; HCOy, STI OD. ce Rhh 5 Cee a tee eee te special pkt. TSOSRWIIDILO Me. | chic leke capslyotecie Sue cus isis sone $1.25.

1809 Collection. One packet each of the 4 lovely colors, $1.00. 1810 Finest Mixed Colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 7Sc. For Hardy Garden Pinks see Dianthus page 76.

Landscaping the Home Grounds (L. W. Ramsey). 175 Illustrations, 170 Pages. $2.00 per copy, postpaid

Bi vue fp Al ee

Cardinal Climbe

Cardinal Climber @ Ipomoea quamoclit hybrida

2158 We named and introduced this glorious and absolutely distinct climber which is universally considered the most beautiful and brilliant of all annual climbers. It is a strong and rapid grower, attaining a height of 30 feet or more. Beautiful fern-like foliage and literally covered with a blaze of cardinal-red flowers from mid-summer till frost. The flowers are about 1} inches in diameter. They are borne in clusters of from 5 to 7 each. Like other Ipomoeas, it delights in a warm, sunny situation and good soil. The seed may be started indoors in March or April in a temperature of not less than 70 degrees but it is just as well to wait until the weather gets warm and settled and then sow out of doors. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

Cassia—American Senna ji?

1849 Marilandica. A native perennial growing from three to four feet high. Bushy plants with large panicles of bright yellow, curiously-shaped flowers in abundant axillary clusters from July to August. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

Centranthus @ Annual Valerian

1908 Macrosiphon. A splendid annual of easy culture. About 15 inches high with heads of beautiful, deep rose flowers. Very showy in rockeries, borders, and vases. Does well in any soil. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.


Celosia ©

These showy annuals are easy to grow in a moderately light soil which is not too rich. Start the seed indoors in early spring and plant out in May, or sow outdoors in May.

Celosia cristata @ Cockscomb These make a grand border and are also

most attractive in pots. Of massive size

and very colorful. The flower heads last a

long time in water and may be dried for

winter bouquets.

1851 Empress. Colossal combs _ of beautiful rich deep crimson color.

1852 Glasgow Prize. Gorgeous bright crimson combs of truly immense size.

1853 Queen of the Dwarfs. Compact plants with dark rose combs.

1854 Golden Queen. Massive flower heads of rich golden color.

1855 Amaranth. A very popular dark crimson variety. Celosia Childsi

1856 Bright Rose. Lovely bright rose ° = i combs with a glistening sheen. Celosia Childsi ®

Any of the above: Chinese Woolflower Pkt. 10c: special pkt. 50c. A very valuable type with large flower

- P aie heads which have the appearance of a ad Gopecnoten gga silky ball of wool. Splendid for beds and

Chclachaab.’ watiéiel 50c borders, and for cutting. Grows 2 feet tall. 1860 Dwarf Mixed. A lovely blend of | 1865 Crimson. Pkt. 10c; special pkt, 40c. all the dwarf varieties. Pkt. 10c; | 1864 Pink. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c. special pkt. 40c. 1863 Yellow. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

Celosia plumosa—Feathered Cockscomb ®

Fine plants for large beds or groups. The plumes or flowers can be cut and dried for winter bouquets. Should be treated exactly the same as the Cockscombs described above.

1867 Thompson’s Superb (Triomphe de l'Exposition). Of pyramidal growth, attaining a height of 3 feet and producing graceful feathery plumes of the most brilliant crimson. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1868 Thompsoni magnifica, Mixed. Similar to the preceding but ranging in color from the clearest yellow to the darkest blood red. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 40c.

1866 Golden Plume. Bright golden-yellow plumes. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c. 1870 Plumosa, Mixed. Feathered varieties. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

ng Cerastium— Snow in Summer

1911 Tomentosum. A very pretty dwarf white-

J "4 leaved edging or rock plant covered with small

b | eee i “y > white blooms during the spring. Grows 12 to 15 AN he ; inches high. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.


Though these are strictly biennials they can also be grown as annuals blooming freely ) throughout the summer if the seed is sown early in the spring. For spring flowering sow 3 in late summer. They are closely related to the Wallflowers and Stocks.

1915 Allionii (Siberian Wallflower). Bril- liant orange flower trusses on plants 12 inches high. Exceptionally showy; fine for beds and highly valuable for plant- ing in the rock garden. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

1916 Linifolius (Alpine Wallflower). These form compact plants about 9 inches high and bear a great number of small spikes covered with bright mauve

sie , blooms. Of neat habit. Pkt. 15c;

Cheiranthus Allionii 4 oz. 50c.

Ask for our leaflet, ‘‘Hints on the Growing of Flowers from Seeds.’’ Sent free on request

Centaurea ®«=

This is a very interesting class of plants represented by both annuals and perennials. Among the annuals we have such popular kinds as the Royal Sweet Sultan, the double Cornflower, and the white-leaved varieties, widely called Dusty Millers. The perennial varieties go under the popular name of perennial Cornflowers. All of them are great favorites throughout the country because they are easy to grow in almost any kind of soil. 1874 Americana (Basket Flower). @ A splendid hardy annual,

growing 3 feet high and bearing immense thistle-like blooms of a rosy-lavender color. The blooms measure 5 inches

across. Wery showy in the mixed border and splendid for cutting. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 25c.

1901 Suaveolens (Yellow Sweet Sultan or Grecian Cornflower). @ A very showy annual variety with large, bright yellow, sweetly scented flowers. A popular sort for cutting; lasting well; 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c.

Centaurea imperialis (Royal Sweet Sultan)

Centaurea imperialis ® Royal Sweet Sultans

This beautiful class is undoubtedly the finest of all Sweet Sultans for cut-flower purposes. The charming, sweet-scented, artistic-shaped flowers are borne on long, strong stems and when cut will stand for several days in good condition. In this latitude it is best to sow very early in the spring so that they may perfect their flowers before very hot weather comes; 2} feet. We offer the following distinct colors:

1893 Deep Lavender Any of these:

so Gis Mone a Cee Pkt. 10c: 1894>Deop' Purple. = Shes ee deen ‘| ? 1895) Delicate Lilacs panes ee ee special pkt. 25c. 1896. Pure White > so ecebecdee ec eke

1899 Collection. One packet each of the above six fine colors 50c.

1900 Finest Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.




Double Blue Cornflower

Double Cornfiowers ® Centaurea cyanus

These are also known as Bachelor’s Buttons, Blue Bottle, Ragged Sailor, Bluet, and sometimes as Ragged Robin, but it is always best to order by the botanical name. They are well known to every flower lover and always included in old-fashioned gardens.

1882 Double Rose-Pink.................... Any of these: 1883 Double White......................... Pkt. 10c; 1884 Double Maroon....................... 1 oz. 25c; 1885 Double Mauve........................ oz. 75¢.

1886 Double Rosy Red..................... 1889 Collection of one packet each of above 6 colors 40c. 1888 Collection of 1 oz. each of above 6 colors $1.00. 1890 Double Mixed. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; oz. 50c.

White-Leaved Centaureas—Dusty Miller

Fine for bedding, vases, hanging baskets, and pots; also exten- sively used for margins. As an edging to a bed of dark-leaved Cannas or Scarlet Sage these are particularly effective. Sow the seed early indoors, and transplant in May. The white-leaved Cinerarias are also known as Dusty Millers. See page 70.

1871 Candidissima.@ Silvery white leaves with elegantly cut margin. Very showy. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

1872 Gymnocarpa.() Finely cut silvery foliage; 13 feet high. This is a great favorite. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 25c.

Hardy Centaureas

1902 Dealbata. Bright rose colored flowers; July to September; 14 to 2 feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

1903 Macrocephala. Large thistle-like golden yellow flowers; useful for cutting and showy in the border; July and August; 33 feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

1904 Montana (Perennial Cornflower). A showy variety, 2 feet high, bearing large violet-blue flowers from July to September. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 25c.

A good horticultural book makes a very acceptable gift. See list on page 44

Single Annual Chrysanthemum

Shasta Daisy =

Chrysanthemum leucanthemum

1948 Alaska. Magnificent daisy-like flowers seldom less than 5 inches across. Broad, pure glistening white, overlapping petals carried on long strong stems. 3 feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

1950 Shasta Daisy Mixed. A general mixture saved from extra choice hybrids and certain to produce a great variety of free-flowering plants. 3 feet high. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c.

Cineraria maritima

White-Leaved Cineraria Dusty Miller

1971 Maritima candidissima. These, as well as the white-leaved Centaureas offered on page 69, are called ‘‘Dusty Millers.” Fine for bedding, ribbon beds, and margins. Prized for their beautiful downy, silvery foliage; half hardy per- ennials, but should be treated as annuals; 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

\ 1924 Northern Star.



Chrysanthemums o:

Annual Varieties @)

The annual Chrysanthemums or Painted Daisies are showy and effective

garden favorites. They also are splendid for cut flowers. They grow about 2 feet high and bear a profusion of large daisy-like flowers on good stems. They are distinct from the hardy perennial and autumn flowering varieties. ,1921 Burridgeanum. Pure white petals zoned rich brownish red and . yellow. Dark brown disc. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

©1923 Morning Star. Canary yellow petals with halo of deeper yellow;

i disc dark yellow. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

Very large daisy-like flowers, 3 inches across. Pure white, fringed petals with canary-yellow zone around a dark brown eye. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1925 Chameleon (Eclipse). Light yellow to tawny apricot, garnet band with yellow zone around dark disc. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1926 Evening Star (Helios). Rich sunflower yellow, the disc slightly deeper yellow. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1927 Purpureum (W. E. Gladstone). zone. A most attractive variety.

Rich velvety purple with yellow Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

1929 Collection of one packet each of the above 6 varieties, 40c. 1928 Collection of } oz. each of the above 6 varieties, $1.25.

1930 Single Mixed (Painted Daisies). A splendid mixture including many fine colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; oz. 50c.

Coronarium, Double Mixed. Lovely double flowers in shades of yellow and white. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; oz. 50c.

Inodorum plenissimum (Double White Mayweed). Makes a bushy plant about 2 feet high, with fine feathery foliage, and pure white, densely double flowers, which are produced from mid-summer till frost; splendid for cutting. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.



Perennial Varieties |HP}

1944 Japanese Hybrids. This seed is saved from a magnificent collection and is bound to produce satisfactory results. Sown in spring they will bloom by fall. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

1945 Double Early Flowering. A beautiful race which will produce a large number of double-flowering plants in a wide range of rich colors. They are easy to grow from seed and will bloom during the late fall. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. King Edward VII (Moonpenny Daisy). Large single flowers of the purest white produced on sturdy well-rounded plants 2} feet high. The graceful blooms are of perfect form and give a splendid display in the garden, besides yielding many beautiful cut flowers. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 75c. 1947 May Queen (Spring Marguerite). Attractive, well-branched plants about 2 feet high, covered with a great mass of medium-sized white single flowers. Early and quite hardy. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.


Cineraria hybrida "7

Beautiful in the house or conservatory during the spring months. Sow

from May to September. After transplanting place in a cold frame facing

north. When the pots become full of roots shift into larger ones till the

flowering size is reached.

1963 Dreer’s Prize Dwarf. Dwarf compact plants, not over a foot high with immense heads of large flowers in a great range of beautiful colors Our strain is extra fine. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

1964 Dreer’s Prize Tall. Of taller growth than the above, with flowers of extraordinary size. Pkt. 35c; special pkt. $1.25.

1961 Matador. The new large-flowering scarlet which adds considerable life and brilliancy to a collection. Pkt. 50c.; special pkt. $1.50.

1962 Nana multiflora. Compact plants with good heads of small flowers in a wide range of colors. Pkt. 35c; special pkt. $1.25.

1965 Nana multiflora grandiflora maxima. This new hybrid has the

compact habit of nana multiflora, with immense flowers in a complete

range of the best colors. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

Stellata (Star Cineraria). A charming variety with large spreading

panicles of starry flowers in many colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.


You will find some very interesting Novelties and Specialties on pages 45 to 54

Clarkia elegans fl. pl. ® This pretty and easily grown annual has been much improved in recent years and the varieties offered below are now seen as cut flowers in most of the large cities. They do well either in sun or shade, growing 2 to 21 feet high. The large double flowers will last a long time in water. 1981 Alba. Elegant long spikes closely

set with large double white flowers. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 30c.

1984 Brilliant. An exceptionally fine variety with rich crimson-scarlet flowers. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c.

1982 Salmon Queen. This lovely salmon-pink shade is particularly fine. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

1983 Vesuvius. The elegant spikes are closely set with brilliant orange- scarlet flowers. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

1985 Chieftain. This mauve colored variety gives good color contrast. Very double. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

1986 Purple Prince. The very double, rich deep purple blooms are most attractive. Pkt. 10c; 7 oz. 30c.

1989 Collection. One packet each of the six sorts 50c.

1990 Double Mixed. A fine mixture of many beautiful and rich colors. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

Clarkia elegans fl. pl.


2000 Paniculata (Japanese Virgin's Bower). This is one of the best hardy climbers. The leaves are of a bright glossy-green, and when in bloom the plant is completely hidden beneath a blanket of white, hawthorne-scented blossoms. Does equally well in sun- shine or shade. Perfectly hardy, though the young tender shoots will freeze back in winter. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c.

Cleome gigantea

Cleome gigantea ® Giant Spider Flower

2002 Rose Queen. A graceful and im- pressive hardy annual which grows 3} to 5 feet tall. The plants are well branched, each branch terminating in a large head of bright rosy crimson blooms followed by long slender seed pods supported by long wiry stems. Splendid for large beds or background planting. Sow outdoors after the weather is settled. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 25c; oz. 75c.

Cobaea ® Cups and Saucer Vine

Cathedral Bells A climber of rapid growth, attaining a height of 30 to 50 feet during the season; valuable for covering trellises, arbors, trunks of trees, etc. Will cling to any rough sur- face. In sowing, place seeds edgewise and merely cover with light soil. To get early results start the seed indoors in March or April; can also be sown out-of-doors in May. 2021 Scandens, Purple. Large bell- shaped purple flowers. Pkt. 10c;

2 oz. 25c.

2022 Scandens alba. Light green buds and white flowers. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.


-Coleus—Flame Nettle ®™

2040 Dreer’s Hybrids. Our strain of hybrid varieties produces the finest colors. Most attractive and novel foliage plants for house or garden culture. Start the seed indoors in March or April. Plant out in late May. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

2041 Ornatus. A very large-leaved variety with strikingly handsome, variegated foliage. A splendid plant of the greatest value for all decora- tive purposes. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.


Convolvulus ®

Major or Climbing Morning Glories

Deservedly very popular as they are one of the most free-flowering and rapid-grow- ing plants in cultivation, thriving in almost any situation; the beauty and delicacy of their brilliant flowers are unsurpassed. Soaking the seeds in warm water for an hour or two hastens germination; 15 feet.

2060 Major, Mixed. Our mixture in- cludes many beautiful and rich colors. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c; } lb. 60c.

2061 Double Flowering Mixed. About 80 per cent. of the seedlings will pro- duce double flowers. Many fine colors. Pkt. 10c; oz. 40c.

Imperial Japanese or Emperor Morning Glories are offered on page 85.

Dwarf Morning Glories ©

Convolvulus minor

2052 Tricolor, Mixed. Though they are called Dwarf Morning Glories, they remain open all day long in fine weather. Richly colored, handsome dwarf plants, which are not so well known as they should be. They make a fine border or can be grown in masses in beds, producing an un- usually brilliant effect. Includes a very large range of colors from pure white to deep purple. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

The Iris (John C. Wister).

Presents in a clear, convincing manner

the principle requirements of this flower. $1.25 per copy, postpaid

ar enemies a

Cosmos ©

Beautiful summer and autumn blooming plants. They produce thousands of artistic flowers, furnishing an abundance of cut blooms for autumn decorations. Should be sown in spring in the open ground, when danger of frost is past or the seed may be started under cover and afterwards transplanted Plant not less than 18 inches apart in rows or in masses in beds. When the plants are about a foot high the tops should be pinched out to induce a bushy growth. They prefer a rather light, not too rich soil, but do well almost anywhere. North of Philadelphia it is safer’to use the early flowering type.

Extra-Early Express Cosmos 2074 Pink. An extra-early single Cosmos flowering in from forty-five to fifty days from the time seed is sown. The plants grow about two and one-half to three feet high. They are covered with medium- sized bright pink flowers. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c. Early Colossal or Midsummer Giant Single Cosmos Seeds sown in the open ground April 27th produced plants that were covered with bloom July 20th, two months before the late-flowering kinds. By careful selection they now have flowers as large as the late- flowering kinds, and will undoubtedly perfect their blooms in the most

northerly States. Pkt. + Oz. Oz. 2085 Early Crimson. Veryrich........ $0 10 $0 25 $0 75 2086 Early Pink. A pretty shade....... 10 25 75 2087 Early Pure White ................ 10 25 75 2089 Collection of one packet each of the 3 colors for 25¢c. i

2090 Early Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; oz. 60c.

Early Double Cosmos Forms a perfect bush, bearing beautiful double flowers of good size on long stems. A wonderful cut flower. About 60 per cent of the plants

come double from seeds. See picture below. Pkt. Special Packet 2076 Carnelia. Richrosy crimson........... $0 20 $0 60 2077 Peachblossom. Deep rosy pink........ 20 60 2078 Whirlwind. Pure white............... 20 60

2079 Collection of one packet each of the 3 colors 50c.

2080 Early Double Mixed. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c; } oz. 75c.

4 Early Colossal Cosmos

Lady Lenox or Autumn Giant Single Cosmos This popular autumn flower bears gigantic blooms on very long stems. This type produces the largest and finest blooms which are perfect in September and October. North of Philadelphia we recommend the Early Colossal strain offered above. 2092 Giant Crimson. Rich crimson. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

2093 Giant Pink. A beautiful deep rosy-pink of glorious size. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c. 2094 Giant White. The white-flowered form of the above. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c. 2099 Collection of one packet each of the 3 colors 25c.

2100 Autumn Giant Mixed. Contains all three colors. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 60c.

Golden Yellow Cosmos 2101 Klondyke. Golden yellow single flowers borne on long

stems. They measure from 2} to 3} inches across. To get this variety in bloom before frost in the States north of Virginia it should be grown in pots or boxes, so that the roots are confined, thus causing it to flower. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c.

Late Double Cosmes

The flowers are very artistic and stand for a long time when cut. Pkt. Special Packet

2081 Crimson King. Deeprosecrimson........... $0 15 $0 40 2082 Pink Beauty. Soft rosy-pink................. 15 40 2083 White Queen. Pure white.......... PEs METS cr 15 40

2098 Collection of one packet each of the 3 Late Doubles for 35c. 2084 Late Double Mixed. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 30c; } oz. 50c.

Perhaps you have a friend who would appreciate the gift of a few packets of flower seeds

Coreopsis—Perennial Calliopsis \He

Coreopsis lanceolata grandiflora

A most useful class of hardy perennials which gives a wonderful mass of large golden yellow flowers during

the month of June.


Seed may be sown any time from

spring until late summer. Splendid for beds and

for cutting.






Mayfield Giant. A new variety of Australian origin. It is considered the finest strain of this popular perennial yet introduced. The plants are taller and more vigorous than the type and the individual flowers are considerably larger and are carried on long stems. The color is a beautiful deep golden yellow. Pkt. 15c; 1 0z. 50c. Lanceolata grandiflora. An old-fashioned favorite with large, showy, bright yellow flowers produced in the greatest abundance from June until late in the season. Grows 30 inches high. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c.

Lanceolata grandiflora fl. pl. (Double flowering Coreopsis). This double and semi- double form is as easy to grow as the singles, the doubling giving an artistic effect to the flowers. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

Auriculata superba. Golden yellow petals with a serrated band of brownish red encircling the golden disc. A splendid flower for the garden and also very valuable for cutting. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

Cypress Vine ®

Ipomoea Quamoclit Mixed. A most popular vine with delicate fern-like foliage and masses of beautiful small star-shaped flowers in bright scarlet and also white. Sow in May, first soaking the seed in

warm water for a few hours. Grows 15 feet high. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 20c; oz. 50c.

Ipomoea quamoclit hybrida. The Cardinal Climber is offered on page 68.

Cyclamen—Dreer’s Giant Prize Charming house plants with beautiful foliage and rich-colored fragrant flowers; universal favorites for winter and spring blooming. Seed may be

sown any time during the summer or autumn. PACKET 100 SEEDS

2133 Bonfire. Salmon scarlet; early flowering........... $0 50 $3 00 2127 Dark Blood Red. Xmasred.................... 50 2 50 2122 Glory of Wandsbek. Dark salmon.............. 50 2 50 2125 Improved Salmon Rose........................ 50 3 00 2126 Mozarti(Vew): Deep pink.) 450.0) 22 e ee ee 50 3 50 2123 Orange Beauty (New). Orange-vermilion......... 50 3 50 2134 Pink Pearl (New). Salmon-pink................. 50 3 50 2128 Pure Rose. A lovely color....................... 50 2 50 2135 Pure White. Large, well formed flowers.......... 50 2 50 2124 Rose of Marienthal. Soft rose, carmine eye...... 50 2 50 2131 Rose of Zehlendorf. Light salmon.............. 50 2 50 2132 Saffron Red. Very outstanding.................. 50 2 56 2129 Salmon Scarlet (New). A marvelous color........ 50 3 00 2130 Special Mixture. A superior mixture............ 35 2 00 Cynoglossum® Chinese

Forget-me-not 2148 Amabile, Blue. This annual has been introduced from China only recently. It is of the easiest culture, | forming strong plants | 18 to 24 inches high | and producing throughout the sum- mer large graceful sprays of intense blue * forget -me-not-like ¢ | blooms. Delicately | ~ sweet scented. Pkt. | 10c; 3 0z. 25c; oz. 75c. a

2149 Amabile, Pink (New). This re- | sembles the blue va- ~ riety in habit of growth and general appear- ance, but the flowers are a rich deep pink, more striking than the pink Forget-me-not. In moderate climates | this plant will live _ through the winter. | Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

Cynoglossum amabile

Dahlias from Seed

Though most gardeners plant Dahlia roots there is real fascination in grow- ing them from seed which is the way all new varieties are originated. If the seed is sown early, many of the plants will bloom the same year, and all of them the second year if the roots are stored frost-proof during the winter. Our seed has been selected from the finest plants and is bound to please you.

2177 Coltness Hybrids (New). A new form of the dwarf single type which will bloom in 4 months after planting. Splendid for bedding. Includes many fine colors. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 60c.

2182 Giant Perfection. This strain produces single flowers of truly im- mense size, measuring 6 inches in diameter. The coloring is particularly varied and rich. A type of great beauty. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

2196 Double Cactus. Seed saved from the finest exhibition varieties repre- senting many rich colors, all of true Cactus form. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

2197 Double Decorative. Seeds from a superb collection of this beautiful and popular type of Dahlia. You are bound to be pleased with their size and color range. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

A good book on Horticulture makes a very acceptable gift to a flower-loving friend. See list on page 44


Dreer’s Superb Delphiniums =

Seed may be sown any time from spring till autumn. Sow in fine soil and cover not deeper than } inch. thoroughly. Keep shaded and moist. Admit a free circulation of air at all times. When after about 20 days the pointed seed leaves

appear remove the shade, and when the true leaves appear transplant to their permanent places.

h oz. 50c.

pkt. 75c.

For Annual Delphinium, see Larkspur

page 56

Dreer’s De Luxe Hybrid Delphinium

Dreer’s De Luxe Hybrid Delphiniums

Produced from the world’s choicest named varieties, secured without regard to cost from the most noted European and American specialists. The results obtained are really marvelous. The plants are strong and vigorous. The flower spikes are truly enormous. Every conceivable shade of blue, from the palest lavender to the richest oxford-blue, as well as a number of pastel or art shades are represented. Fully one- third are double-flowering and mostly with white center or eye, but with a fair per- centage having the dark or bee center. A really wonderful strain that is sure to produce results to please the most critical grower of this popular favorite.

2241 Deru xe Ie Gy BUC hc aap ie teres om che ieien ssaniets cierto Any of these: 2242 De; Luxe: Mid-Bluers i 8s... ose ee oe wae ais wee wes Pkt. 35c;

Special Pkt. 75c. 2249 Collection. One packet each of the 3 colors, 75c.

2245 De Luxe Hybrids Choicest Mixed. Containing all colors from lightest to deepest blue. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 60c; } oz. $1.00.

Wrexham or Hollyhock-flowered i

Enormous spikes of large single or double blooms in all the glorious shades of blue

found only in Delphiniums. The graceful spire-shaped spikes are not unlike Hollyhocks; a truly magnificent strain that appeals to the lover of the finest in flowers.

S231 MW TOXNAMVATC SM AGOS eyelet ielesicielelcis/cls sisrevnieisisierciot Any of these:

2232 Wrexham Deep Blue Shades.......................-.-- Pkt. 50c: 2233 Wrexham Light Blue Shades.....................-0-. Soe Pkt. $1 ED 2234 Wrexham Mid-Blue Shades........................--- etapa

2238 Collection of one packet each of the 4 colors, $1.50. 2235 Wrexham Mixed. Containing all colors. Pkt. 35c; special pkt. $1.25.

2240 Gold Medal Hybrids.

other good qualities.

2225 Chinense, Blue.

2227 Cambridge Blue ( New). passes Belladonna in brilliance.

to three feet high. A valuable cut flower.

Miscellaneous Delphiniums f?

One of the finest strains of mixed hybrids offered. The plants are of strong, vigorous habit. The large flowers are closely set on spikes two feet long and over, the majority running in the lighter shades of blue. Pkt. 15c; $ oz. 50c; oz. $1.50.

2219 Belladonna, Improved (Cliveden Beauty). agree that this strain is a real improvement on the original. It is the most profuse and most continuous blooming of all the Hardy Larkspurs. The clear turquoise blue of its flowers is not equalled for delicacy and beauty. A generous planting should be included in every hardy border. pkt. 75c; $ oz. $1.25.

2221 Bellamosum. Thisisa rich deep blue form of the popular

light blue Belladonna, having the same free-blooming and

Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c; 4 oz. $1.25.

A distinct variety growing about two

feet high. Has fine feathery foliage and produces freely

large blossoms of intense gentian-blue.

2224 album. The white-flowered form. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c.

2226 Blue Butterfly, Improved. Rich ultramariae blue; height one foot, excellent for the rock garden.

Delphinium Belladonna Improved (Cliveden Beauty)

A complete list of books on Horticulture and Kindred Subjects is offered on page 44

Firm the soil and moisten

All experts

Pkt. 20c; special

Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

Pkt. 15c;

A rich clear blue that sur- Habit of growth about two Pkt. 25c; special


Mix: e


ELE ME LEI EET oe ; Pipe ae af

“he Group of Double Annual Pinks

Double Annual Pinks ®

2250 Chinensis fl. pl. (China or India Pink). Very double flowers of many bright colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

2254 Diadematus fi. pl. (Double Diadem Pink). Large double blooms in tints of lilac, crimson, purple, etc., with fringed white edges. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c.

2256 Fireball. Showy rich fire-red blooms. Often planted together with Snowball for good contrast. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c.

2260 Heddewigii fi. pl. (Double Japan Pink). A colorful mixture including everything from the most delicate rose to the richest velvety crimson imaginable. Pkt. 10c; % 0z. 25c.

2272 Lucifer. Elegantly fringed double blooms measuring 2 inches in diameter. Their color is a dazzling geranium red of great intensity. A universal favorite. Pkt. 15c; + oz. 50c.

2276 Mourning Cloak (White Frill). Deepest velvety crimson margined with white. Always greatly admired for its unusual color contrast. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 40c.

2277 Pink Beauty. A lovely double variety of Pinks with elegantly fringed petals. The color is a clear and most attractive pure pink. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

2281 Salmon King. A very popular variety with large double salmon-rose blooms. Very showy. Pkt. 15c; + oz. 50c.

2282 Snowball. Lovely double balls of purest white. Splendid for cutting or for bedding. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c. 2285 Violet Queen. An unusual shade of rich violet, different from any of the others. Pkt. 15c; + oz. 50c. 2289 Collection. This contains one packet each of 6 of the best double sorts. 50c.

Dianthus or Pinks @ «

A magnificent genus, embracing some of the most popular flowers in cultivation. It includes a great variety of brilliant colors and blooms most profusely. The varieties classed as annuals are really biennials but are treated as annuals and may be sown out of doors when the danger from frost is past. In a few weeks’ time they are a mass of bloom, continuing so until after hard frost. As a rule, they survive the winter if given slight protection, flowering abundantly the following season. They grow about a foot high and can be used in beds or borders of solid or mixed colors. The double flowering sorts are almost as fine as Carnations for cutting. They are not particular as to soil, but should have a sunny location.

Single Annual Pinks ©

There are many beautiful varieties among the single annual Pinks and their display value in the garden is not exceeded by any other annuals. Our list of varieties includes the best, and we are sure you will find them very lovely. They are large flowered with blooms measuring 2 to 3 inches in diameter.

2301 Crimson Belle. Elegant large blooms of well- rounded form. The color is a rich velvety crimson —a shade which gives good color contrast with lighter ones. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 30c.

2302 Eastern Queen. A very lovely single annual Pink with showy large blooms. Exhibits a beautiful marbled effect of rose and mauve upon a lighter background. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c.

2320 Nobilis (Royal Pinks). These are indeed royal in their splendor and size. The blooms are extra large. They include a wide and beautiful range of colors starting with white and running through all shades to deepest red. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 25c.

2310 Heddewigii (Single Japan Pink). Excellent for garden display or for cut flowers. Its large single blooms will always make a splendid impression. Our mixture is noted for its many fine colors. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 30c.

2321 Princess Pinks (Punctatus). A very novel variety with attractively fringed flower petals. They are mottled, flaked, spotted, and striped in the greatest diversity of colors, no two plants producing flowers which are exactly alike. You will find them very attractive and interesting. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c.

2316 Marvelous. This is a very artistic strain of single annual Dianthus. Its large flowers range from pure white to deep purplish red. The flower petals are deeply laminated and cut into fine strips of thread-like fringes. It is an excellent cut flower. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

2324 Salmon Queen. Well formed, nicely fringed flowers of a brilliant salmon changing to a salmon-rose after they have passed their prime. The seeds of this variety are white or yellowish white, while those of other pinks are dark in color. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

2325 Vesuvius. This makes a very attractive bed or border

as the brilliant geranium-red blooms sparkle and glisten

in the sunlight. It is also fine as a cut flower. Pkt. 10c;

+ oz. 40c.

2329 Collection of Single Brilliant Dianthus containing one packet each of the 6 best single sorts. 50c.

Sweet Wivelsfield—Aybrid Dianthus ®

2331 This hardy annual Dianthus resembles a large flowering Sweet William. Itis distinct in habit and freedom of growth. Its flowers are carried more gracefully in loose heads, well above the foliage, and they have a greater variety of coloring. The predominating colors are reds, pinks, and crimsons. Makes an excellent flower for cutting. Grows about 12 inches in height, and if started in heat in February or early March will bloom continuously from June until October. Sown in the open ground in April or later it will flower late in the summer, or can be sown in summer or autumn for flowering early the following spring. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c; } oz. 75c.

The Garden Notebook (Putz). Handbook of home gardening arranged by weeks. Indoor and outdoor growing of all popular plants, and full details about all garden operations. $1.60 per copy, postpaid.

Dianthus—fardy Garden Pinks m7

This hardy perennial enjoys the greatest popularity as the plants lend themselves exceptionally well to a number of purposes. They will give a showy bed or border, and are most attractive in the rock garden.













Also very fine for cutting.

Allwoodii alpinus. These will bloom the first year from seed. Showy single and semi-double fragrant flowers repre- senting all the colors found in Dianthus. The plants grow 4 to 6 inches high and bloom profusely. Fine for rock gardens. Pkt. 35c; 100 seeds $1.00.

Graniticus. Another fine rock garden Dianthus of low growth forming a dense carpet covered in May and June with bright crimson blooms. The plants grow about 4 inches high. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 60c.

Deltoides, Brilliant (Maiden Pink). A charming creep- ing variety with brilliant carmine flowers in June and July. Fine for the rock garden. Pkt. 15c: special pkt. 60c.

Deltoides alba.

as beautiful.

A white-flowering form of the above and Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

Caesius (Cheddar Pink). Attractive dense tufts only a few inches high, studded throughout May and June with rose- pink sweet-scented blooms. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Plumarius semperflorens (Everblooming Hardy Garden

Pinks). Very beautiful semi-double, double, and _ single flowers in a great diversity of colors. Delightfully sweet scented. Pkt. 20c; } oz. 60c.

Plumarius fl. pl. (Double Hardy Garden Pink). and semi-double blooms in many beautiful colors. sweet scented. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.

Double Very |

Plumarius (Grass Pinks, Scotch Pink, or Pheasant-Eye Pink). A beautiful single hardy Pink with fringed edged flowers of various colors. Spicy fragrance. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

Plumarius, Highland Rose Hybrids. flowers having a rich fragrance. with a zone of deeper rosy-red.

Lovely single The blooms are bright rose Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. Latifolius atrococcineus fl. pl. (Everblooming Hybrid Sweet William). This is a cross between an annual Pink and Sweet William, combining the free and continuous blooming qualities of the former with the hardiness of the latter. The flowers are of an intense velvety crimson-scarlet. Will flower the first season if sown early. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.

Latifolius, Double Mixed. This mixture contains various shades of purple, violet, rose, and velvety crimson- scarlet. Makes a fine display. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c.

Rock Garden Species, Mixed. A special mixture of 25 rare varieties of hardy Dianthus suitable for the rock garden. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Home Floriculture (Rexford).

2351 Coeruleus.

gh text All Flower Seeds aad SS are Sent


Didiscus—Blue Lace Flower

Didiscus~— Blue Lace Flower ®

This pretty and interesting annual blooms most profusely from July till November; also used extensively for early spring flowering in a cool greenhouse. Their ex- quisite pale lavender blossoms are excellent for cutting; plants grow about 18 inches high, and have as many as 50 flowers open at one time. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

Dictamnus—<Gas Plant

2348 Fraxinellaalba. A showy hardy border perennial growing about 3 feet in height. Has fragrant foliage and showy spikes of curiously shaped, Spider-Plant-like fragrant white blooms. Flowers pro- fusely in June and July. Perfectly hardy but the seed is somewhat slow in ger- minating. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

2349 Caucasicus rubra. This has the same splendid habit and strong constitution of the above variety but the flowers are rose- pink with deeper veins. Pkt: 25; special pkt. 75c.

A practical guide on flowering and ornamental plants for the amateur.

$1.75 per copy, postpaid

Giant Shirley Foxgloves


Handsome and highly ornamental hardy plants of stately growth, succeeding under almost all conditions, and with but little attention will give a wealth of flowers during June and July. They are now used extensively with good effect for naturalizing in shrubberies, the edge of woods, and other half shady places; 3 to 5 feet. Though they are biennial in character the plants sometimes live for more than two years and they easily self seed.

Gloxiniaeflora. This is a fine strain of the popular Foxglove D. purpurea, with handsome spotted Gloxinia-like flowers on long spikes. Makes a splendid showing.

2356 Purple. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

2357 Rose. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

2358 White. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 40c.

2360 Mixed. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. $1.00.

2361 Giant Shirley Mixed. Unquestionably the greatest im- provement ever made in Foxgloves. The very vigorous plants attain a height of 5 to 7 feet, with spikes of bloom 4 feet in length, closely set with flowers of unusual size, ranging in color from the purest white to dark rose, handsomely spotted and blotched with crimson, maroon, and chocolate. Seed sown this spring will produce plants that will make a glorious show next season. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c; oz. $1.50.

2366 Grandiflora (Ambigua). Elegant graceful spikes closely set with lovely light yellow blooms. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

2368 Lutzii Hybrids. Magnificent plants, 4 feet tall, with lovely salmon flowers. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

2370 Monstrosa (Mammoth Foxglove). A splendid strain bearing a profusion of long showy flower spikes set with large blooms. Mixed colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

(i. Vs SN aS ‘Ait. Dimorphotheca—African Golden Daisy

Dimorphotheca— African Golden Daisy ®

2375 Aurantiaca. An extremely showy annual daisy from South Africa, which suits our climatic conditions perfectly. The bushy plants grow 12 to 15 inches high. The flowers, which are 24 inches and over across, are a unique rich glossy orange-zold with dark disc and halo. These glitter in the sunshine and present a magnificent sight when in full bloom. Seed may be sown in the same way as Asters or Petunias, and should have a dry, sunny position. They bloom the greater part of the summer and fall. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c; 4 oz. 65c.

2374 Aurantiaca hybrida. Beautiful new hybrids of the African Golden Daisy and similar in habit to the parent. The flowers are equally as large, but vary in color from pure white through the various shades of yellow and orange to rich salmon shades, many being zoned with several of these colors around the black disc. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

Dolichos ® Hyacinth Bean

A rapid-growing annual climber with showy pea-shaped flowers followed by ornamental seed pods. Sow in the garden in May where to remain. Grows 10 feet high.

2376 Darkness. Thisis a favorite climber to cover arbors, trellises, etc. Has large heart- shaped leaves and lovely light purple-violet flowers followed by deep purple pods. A fast grower. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

2377 Daylight. Similar to the above but has white blooms followed by bright green seed pods. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

2380 Lablab, Mixed. A mixture of purple and white. Pkt. 5c; oz. 20c.

Dolichos, Darkness

All Flower Seeds are delivered POSTPAID to any Post Office in the United States

Dracaena—Dragon Plant 2386 Indivisa. leaved plant with long, narrow, green | These are used for center |

A beautiful ornamental-

foliage. plants in lawn vases or window boxes; also an excellent house plant. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

TOM oe

Echinocystis—Wild Cucumber Vine

Echinocystis @ Wild Cucumber Vine

2401 Lobata. One of the quickest growing

of all annual vines. Excellent for covering trellises, old trees, fences, etc. Bright green foliage and sprays of white flowers in summer. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

Echinops—Globe Thistle

Echinops—Globe Thistle | 2404 Ritro.

Handsome silvery thistle- like foliage crowned with fine steel-blue flowers arranged in round _ heads. Grows 3 to 5 feet tall. Splendid for the garden and for cutting. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 25c.

Eschscholtzias or California Poppies

Eschscholtzia—California Poppies ®

This beautiful and brilliant annual has been greatly improved in recent years. Seed may be sown at any time during the spring, the earlier the better, where they are to remain, as they do not stand transplanting. When of fair size thin the plants to stand 6 to 8 inches apart in the row. They will grow nicely and bloom profusely from mid- summer until frost. Give them a sunny position and a moderately heavy soil which, however, should not be too rich. As a subject for beds of any size or as a border, their finely cut, blue-green foliage, and glossy flowers of satin-like texture, make them one of the most desirable annuals. As cut flowers they are very artistic, and when used for this purpose, should be cut when in bud. 1 foot.

2421 Aurantiaca (Orange King). Rich golden orange............... 2422 Chrome Queen. Rich chrome yellow...................... 2425 Crimson King. Rich carmine-crimson...................-. 2426 Geisha. Bright scarlet, inside rich golden orange............. 2427 Purple Glow. A bright reddish-purple...................... 2428 Rosy Queen. Soft flesh-pinkes: 0). eee ceie ce eieeecee tare tele

2429 Scarlet Beauty. A vivid deep even scarlet. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c. 2435 Vesuvius. Rich wallflower or coppery red. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

2439 Collection. One packet each of the above 8 sorts 60c.

2440 Single Mixed. Many fine colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; } oz. 40c.

2437 New Hybrids Mixed. The popu- New Eschscholtzia

larity of Eschscholtzia has been on 2423 Dazzler

the increase for many years and this a 5

tendency is no doubt due to the We should like to cial CHER one ye

great improvement made in this | customers include this beautiful new

lovely annual flower. These new | Eschscholtzia in his garden, because we

hybrids are the last word in per- | know that few other flowers can equal it

fection. They have well-formed | ; brilliance and rich effect. ‘‘Dazzler”’

large flowers with a lovely silky ae : Sine Re * :

finish. The blooms are borne | iS 4 rich flame scarlet—brighter, richer,

abundantly throughout the summer | and more fire-like than most other flowers

and fall. Most outstanding are the | described as flame color. The blooms are extra large and stand out beautifully against the rich green foliage. It will

many rich colors such as red, old gold, fiery orange, chestnut-red,

bloom profusely throughout the summer and fall. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.

Any of these: Pkt. 10c; t oz. 25c

cream, and many other rich and unusual colors and color combina- tions. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

Dreer’s Flower Seeds are Sent POSTPAID to any Postoffice in the United States

Eryngium—Sea Holly

Eryngium Sea Holly 5?

2408 Amethystinum. A handsome orna- mental plant growing 2 to 3 feet high. It has beautiful thistle-like heads of amethyst blue flowers and holly-like foliage. Fine for winter bouquets. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Es LE Ee ee oy |


Eupatorium coelestinum

Eupatorium 7 Thorough Wort

2443 Coelestinum. One of the best blue perennicls, 18 to 24 inches high. Lovely deep lavender-blue flowers from August until frost. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

Ageratoides. Dense heads of minute white flowers during the fall. Grows 3 to 4 feet high. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Fraseri. A pretty, dwarf variety, 14 feet high. Has dense clusters of pure white flowers. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.



Euphorbia @

An interesting class of annuals suited for beds and splendid in the mixed border. Also fine for cutting.

2452 Variegata (Snow on the Moun- tain). Attractive bright green foliage veined and margined with white. Grows 2 feet high. Splen- did for cutting but the stem ends require searing in a flame for about 10 seconds before placing in water. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

2451 Heterophylla (Annual Poin- settia). This annual which is a relative to the hothouse Poin- settia grows 2 to 3 feet high. The branching plants have smooth glossy green leaves which about midsummer turn to a rich orange- scarlet color. Of striking appear- ance. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 30c.

Euphorbia variegata—Snow on the Mountain

Ferns for the House

2470 Mixed (Tender Varieties). Should be grown in a peaty, sandy soil and moist shady position in the garden during summer. Sow on the surface in seed pans or pots, keep moist, and in a temperature of 60 degrees. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

Gerbera [TP] Transvaal Daisy

Jamesoni hybrida. A most unusual and very beautiful daisy-like flower from South Africa. The individual flowers meas- ure 2 to 4 inches in diam- eter. They have a small yellow center surrounded by a great number of long graceful flower petals. These petals come in an amazing number of pretty colors. Though a green- house perennial for pot growing or for cutting it is also fine for the garden in cool climates if over- wintered in cold frames. Pkt. 25c; 100 seeds 75c.


Geum —Avens ff)

Splendid hardy plants with compact foliage and large showy flowers carried on ele- gant long stems.

2541 Atrosanguineum fl. pl. Showy, double, dark crimson blooms borne profusely throughout the summer. Grows 18 inches tall. Splendid for the rock garden. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

Mrs. Bradshaw. Large, double, richscarlet blooms


Geranium —Pelargonium [T?

2530 Zonale Mixed. These are valuable for pot plants to bloom during the winter, yet they are equally fine summer blooms if planted in beds or borders. Start the seed indoors early and plant into the open during May or June. Our strain is extra fine. Pkt. 15c; § oz. 40c.

2469 Collection of

Everlasting Flowers To meet the great demand for these showy


which give a_ splendid

effect throughout the summer. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

2543 Lady Stratheden. A new variety with golden yellow blooms. Pkt. 20c;

special pkt. 75c.

flowers to serve as winter bouquets we have made up this special collection containing one packet each of the following 8 varieties; Double mixed; Ammobium alatum; Globe Amaranth; Helichrysum, Mixed; Rhodanthe, Mixed; Statice Bonduelli;

Statice sinuata, True Blue; and Nerntimem Mized Allfor,... QOC


All Flower Seeds are delivered POSTPAID to any post office in the United States


Gaillardia—Blanket Flower

Annual Varieties

Showy annuals, remafkable for the profusion, size, and brilliance of their flowers. They bloom continu- ously from early summer until November. Excellent for beds, borders, and cutting. Sow where to bloom; 1} feet high.

2498 Picta, Indian Chief. Glistening metallic bronzy red petals around a dark brown center. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

2496 Picta (Josephus). Lovely large showy blooms in crimson and orange. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

2500 Picta, Mixed. Singlesorts. Pkt. 10c;}0z. 25c.

2497 Double-Flowering Mixed (Lorenziana). Large

round double blooms in many colors. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c.

Hardy Perennial Gaillardias {HP}

Easy to grow, permanent, and exceptionally colorful. If sown early they begin to bloom in July and continue until frost. Fine for cutting; 2 feet.

2504 Burgundy. Lovely wine-red flowers carried on long stems. Effective in the border and fine for cutting; 2} feet. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

2507 Portola, Giant Hybrids. - Extra large blooms of bright bronzy red tipped with a border of golden yellow; 3 feet. Pkt. 20c; ¢ 0z. 7Sc.

2502 Grandiflora compacta, Mixed. Bushy plants, 12 to 15 inches high. Long-stemmed, colorful blooms. Very showy. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 40c.

2508 Tangerine. Large tangerine-colored flowers of com- pact growth. Pkt. 20c; } oz. 75c.

2510 Grandiflora, Superb Mixed. Crimson and gold in

Double-Flowering Annual Gaillardias many variations. Pkt. 10c; } oz: 25c.

Gilia—Queen Ann’s Thimble ® 2551 Capitata. This is a very graceful annual growing about 2 feet high with fine feathery foliage. Bears freely over a long

season globular heads, about 1 inch across, of rich lavender blue flowers which last well when cut. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

Globe Amaranth—Gomphrena ®

2570 Mixed. Popularly known as ‘‘Bachelor’s Button’. A first- rate bedding plant with flowers that resemble clover heads and can be dried and used in winter bouquets. Cornflowers and a number of other flowers are also known as Bachelor's Buttons, and in ordering it is well to order by number to prevent mistakes; 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; 1 oz. 25c.


2578 Hybrida grandiflora. A superb genus of greenhouse plants, producing magnificent flowers of the richest colors. Thrives best in an equal mixture of peat, loam, and sand. Sow in March, blooms in 5 months after sowing. Our strain is unsurpassed, containing the spotted hybrids as well as the finest self-colored sorts. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

Grevillea—sSilk Oak

2681 Robusta. A very beautiful and graceful decorative plant : with fern-like foliage. Excellent for table decoration; easily Godetia raised from seed; producing good sized plants in a short : r time. Hardy in Florida and California, where it is popular Godetia—Satin Flower ® as an ornamental tree. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c. 2590 Dwarf Mixed. Attractive hardy annuals, deserving more

extensive cultivation, especially in the cooler parts of the

country. The plants bloom profusely and bear showy

All Flower Seeds are forwarded POSTPAID to any Azalea-like flowers of satiny texture in many rich and varied

Post Office in the United States colors. They do best in a rather poor soil; 1 foot. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

Planning and Planting the Home Garden (Pauline Murray), $3.50 per copy, postpaid


Ornamental Gourds ® Rapid growing, interesting annual climbers, with ornamental foliage and singularly shaped fruit; 15 to 20 feet. 2606 African Pipe or Calabash. The fruit stems are much used in making pipes...... 2612, Dipper of Siphon”: .....--...-.-.---- 2613 Egg-Shaped. White fruit like an egg.... 2614 Hercules’ Club. Club-shaped; 4 feet lon 2615 Luffa (Dish-rag, Sponge or Bonnet Gourd). . 2617 Pear-Shaped. Striped; very showy..... 2619 Spoon. A very odd variety. Pkt. 10c; oz. 50c.


Any of these: Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

Knob Kerrie. A very ornamental variety, bearing fruit having a slender stem 3 to 5 feet long, with a round knob or ball on the end. Pkt. 10c; oz. 50c.

2629 Collection of the above 8 varieties 60c. Small and large.

2630 Mixed Varieties. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

Gypsophila elegans alba grandiflora

Gypsophila—Baby’s Breath ® & P| Pretty free-flowering plants, succeeding in any garden soil. Their misty white panicles of bloom are largely used for mixing with other cut flowers.

2687 Elegans alba grandiflora (Paris Market Strain). @ This is an improved large-flowering, pure white form of the annual Baby’s Breath. Of free, easy growth. Several sow- ings should be made during the season to keep up a supply; 18 inches. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; $ lb. 75c.

2688 Elegans, Carmine.() Bright carmine rose. Superb for cutting. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

2690 Elegans rosea. (4) A pretty blush pink form and equally as valuable for cutting. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

2692 Muralis.(@) An annual sort which forms mounds of green, 6 to 8 inches high, thickly studded with little pink flowers from early in the season till frost; fine for edging. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 25c.

2694 Paniculata. [HP] White flowers, fine for bouquets; one of the favorite hardy perennials. Blooms first year if sown early; 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; 4 oz. 40c.

2695 Paniculata, Double Snow White. [HP] The plants grow from 3 to 3} feet high, bearing pretty little double white flowers in much-branched panicles which, when cut, can be used to great advantage with other flowers or by themselyes as they retain their beauty for months.

Pkt. 25c} special pkt. 75c.

2693 Repens. (HP) An elegant hardy trailing plant for the rockery. Has clouds of small white flowers in July and August. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

2697 Repens rosea. [HP] Same habit of growth as above; flowers pale rose. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

Ornamental Grasses © & [AP]

The ornamental Grasses serve the double purpose of rendering the mixed flower-bed or border attractive during the summer and for the use of the spikes or panicles in a dried state in winter bouquets.

Annual Varieties @

These are of the easiest culture. The seed may be sown where they are intended to bloom as soon as danger from frost is passed. 2638 Agrostis nebulosa (Cloud Grass). An airy and graceful

sort, 18 inches high, and looks like a line of mist when in bloom. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 50c.

2644 Coix Lachryma-Jobi (Job’s Tears). Broad, corn-like leaves and hard, shining pearly seeds; 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c.

2645 Eragrostis elegans (Love Grass). Of erect growth about 18 inches high. Showy feathery panicles, nice for cutting. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

2654 Pennisetum longistylum. Extremely graceful greenish-

white plumes. Excellent for bordering beds; 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c. 2655 Ruppelianum (Purple Fountain Grass). Graceful

green foliage and purplish plumes unequalled as an edging to Cannas or other tall plants; 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c. 2659 Tricholaena rosea (Ruby Grass). Attractive pale pink plumes. Two feet in height making it suitable for borders or winter bouquets. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c. 2669 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 Annual Ornamental Grasses 50c.

Perennial Varieties For large beds or groups on lawns nothing gives a finer effect than the Hardy Grasses.

2647 Eulalia zebrina (Zebra Grass). Light green, barred with creamy white across foliage; 6 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

2651 Gynerium argenteum (Pampas Grass). plumes; 5 feet. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 25c.

2652 Lagurus ovatus (Hare's Tail Grass). Beautiful small white heads or spikes of bloom, excellent for bouquets; 8 to 12inches. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

2656 Pennisetum japonicum. One of the most valuable for beds or specimens. Easily grown from seed, making nice plants the first year; 4 feet. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 30c.

2658 Stipa pennata (Feather Grass). Delicate white, feathery bloom; 2 feet. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 60c.

2661 Uniola latifolia (Spike Grass). panicles; 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 25c.

2668 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 Perennial Grasses 50c.

Silvery white

Graceful drooping

ee", Garden Guide. Tells how to plan, plant, and maintain the home grounds. $1.00 per copy, postpaid


—Helen’s Flower

Helenium—Helen’s Flower {|

These are strong-growing perennials which are perfectly hardy. The plants grow 3 to 5 feet tall and within a few years after sowing develop into clumps of considerable size. They do well in almost any kind of soil and are useful in the hardy border, bearing a truly enormous quantity of showy flowers during the late summer and fall. 2711 Autumnale superbum. Golden-yellow flowers arranged

in large heads. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 2713 Riverton Gem. they mature to wallflower red; 3 feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 2714 Riverton Beauty. Rich lemon-yellow purplish-black cone. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

A beautiful variety.

Helianthemum— Rock or Sun Rose

2717 Mutabile. Exceedingly pretty, low growing, evergreen plants about 12 inches high, forming broad clumps, and which during their flowering season, June to July, are quite hidden by a mass of bloom. Well adapted for the front of the border, the rockery, or a dry, sunny bank. Choice mixed varieties. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

Heliotrope—Cherry Pie (|

This is a fine tender perennial flowering during the whole season, Many gardeners, however, use it as an annual bedding plant. Seed started indoors in the spring will make fine plants for summer blooming. Also fine for pots.

2733 Queen Helene. Pale blue. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c. 2734 Roi des Noirs ( King of the Blacks). Deep purple, appear- ing as a rich purple-black. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

2735 White Queen. Pure white. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

2737 Lemoine’s Giant Mixed. Very large and showy flower heads in many colors. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

2736 Regal Mixed. A new variety with gorgeous flower heads. Of dwarf compact growth. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

2740 Mixed. The regular type. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c.

The Garden Notebook (Putz). A new illustrated handbook of home gardening.

Flowers opening old gold, changing as |

with a large |


Helianthus—Sunflowers ® & Remarkable for the stately growth, size, and brilliancy of their flowers, making a very good effect among shrubbery and for

screens. The annual sorts are indispensable for cutting. Sown in a sunny spot in April or May they come into bloom early in summer and keep up a constant supply of flowers until cut down by frost. The small-flowered varieties are extra fine for cutting. 2699 Cucumerifolius, Stella (Improved Miniature Sunflower). (A) Differs from the type by its larger and better formed flowers of the purest golden-yellow, with black disc. The

blooms measure 3 inches across. 5 ft. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

2700 —New Miniature Mixed (). A multitude of new varieties have been raised from the popular Miniature

Sunflower, which we offer in mixture. They all differ from the parent, most of them being larger, and many with curiously twisted petals. The prevailing colors are pale yellow, golden yellow, and creamy white, some with black centers, and all very beautiful. They are indispensable for cutting. 4 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

2702 Red Hybrids (A). The nearest approach to a real red yet introduced. The flowers vary in size and color, running through several shades of tawny yellow to rich brownish red. 4to6 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

2703 Double Chrysanthemum-flowered (). Rich golden- yellow flowers, perfectly double, resembling a Chrysanthe- mum or Dahlia; 7 feet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

2704 Globosus fistulosus () (Globe or Dahlia Sunflower). Large, double flowers of a rich saffron color. Fine for the background. 6 feet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

Hardy Perennial Sunflowers

2710 Mixed {HP}. Contains the finest single-flowering hardy perennial sorts. Seed sown early will produce flowering plants the first year. Splendid for the hardy border as well as for cutting. They grow from 4 to 7 feet high, bloom-

ing in the fall. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

$1.60 per copy, postpaid

Helichrysum Straw Flower ® Monstrosum fi. pl. One of the best of ‘‘Everlastings.’”” Exceed- ingly effective double flowers in rich glittering colors, making a fine display in beds or borders, but especially grown to dry and use in baskets and vases through the winter. When wanted for this purpose they should be cut with as long stems as possible, and when the blooms are about one-third open take off all foliage. Tie in bunches and hang head downwards in some dark, dry place until cured. They succeed in any good garden soil. Give them plenty of room to develop, planting not closer than 12 inches“apart; 2} feet.

2721 Buttercup. Rich buttercup yellow...... |

2722 Finrepall ss Burhtrediss. «25.2. sic c5 bs on 2723 Goldenball. Golden yellow........... 2724 Violet Queen. Rich violet............. 2725 Silver Ball. Glistening white........... 2726 Rose Queen. Rich deep rose.....

2727 Salmon. Effective rosy-salmon.

2728 Silvery Pink. Silvery cameo-pink......

2729 Collection. One packet each of the 8 colors. 60c.

2730 Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

| Any of these: Pkt. 10c; ¢ oz. 30c.

Helichrysum—Straw Flower

Heliopsis—Orange Sunflower P|

2731 Pitcheriana. A very desirable plant, growing from 3 to 4 feet high. Begins to flower early in the season and con- tinues through the entire summer. The flowers are of a beautiful deep golden yellow color. They are 2 inches in diameter. Splendid for the garden and for cutting.

Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 30c.

2732 Scabra zinniaeflora. A new double-flowering form bearing golden yellow Zinnia-like flowers. In addition to being a very showy plant in the hardy border it also is one of the finest perennials for cutting. The plants are perfectly hardy developing into heavy clumps in a short time.

Pkt. 15c; 3 oz. 50c.

Heuchera—Coral Bells or Alum Root [aP|

2761 Sanguinea. One of the finest hardy perennials. flowers are of a rich bright coral-red color. The leaves are light green and slightly hairy. Excellent for cutting; 30 inches. Pkt. 25c.; special pkt. 75c.

Giant-Flowering Hibiscus fp Marshmallow or Rosemallow

A wonderfully improved form of our native Marshmallow or

Rosemallow in which flowers of enormous size, frequently 10 to 12

inches in diameter, have been developed. The plants grow from

5 to 8 feet high and are very floriferous, blooming from early in

July until late in autumn. They are perfectly hardy. The seed we offer has been saved from our own plants.


277167 Dark “Redirect ee ee reins )

2h Mallow Pink =. .7% oc aeeieseo sees | Any of these: 27S Pure White. 3 %..... eee oe Pkt. 10c; DUTALROSC so: septs cae ee ee ce % 0z. 30c 2775 White, Crimson Eye..................

2779 Collection. One packet each of the 5 colors. 35c.

2780 Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c.; $ oz. 25c.; oz. 75c.

Hibiscus—Marshmallow iP] 2773 Giant Yellow or Golden Bowl. Showy ornamental plants for mixed beds or shrubbery borders. Flowers from 6 to 9 inches diameter; of a rich deep cream with a velvety- maroon center. Can be wintered over with protection.

Pkt. 15c; 3 oz. 40c.


Honesty—Moonwort 2801 Lunaria biennis alba. A hardy biennial admired for its silvery seed pouches which are used for house ornaments as they present a beautiful and rather curious appearance. Particularly attractive when combined with the seed pods of Physalis Francheti. Lovely large white flowers. 3 ft. Pkt. 10c; { 0z. 30c.

Hunnemannia Giant Yellow Tulip Poppy, Santa Barbara Poppy, or Bush Eschscholtzia 2821 Fumariaefolia. This is by far the best of the poppy family for cutting, remaining in good condition for several days. Seed sown early in May will, by the middle of July, produce plants covered with large buttercup-yellow poppy- like blossoms, and never out of flower until hard frost. The plants grow about 2 feet high. They are quite bushy and have beautiful, feathery, glaucous foliage. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

For Winter Bouquets the Everlasting Helichrysums and Honesty offered on this page are splendid




2782 2783 2784 2785 2786 2787

Double Hollyhock

Single Hollyhock jy

There are quite a few gardeners who prefer these to the double varieties but of course this They those Hollyhock rust which is } easily prevented with Nursery Volck, Qua-sul, or Bordo.

is entirely a matter of personal taste. usually grow somewhat taller than with double blooms.

(See page 113.)

2793 Chamois..2....-..

2794 Maroon........... stay «ae 2795 Pink............_. US CN A! 2796) Scarlet:)-2. neue f EKE AS 2797 White... SESE SG A 2198) YOllOWseee a

2799 Collection. One packet each of the above six colors, 40c.

2800 Mixed Colors. A well balanced blend. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

Iberis—Hardy Candytuft | 2824 Gibraltarica hybrida. shading to lilac. + oz. 50c. 2825 Sempervirens. Showy white blooms in early spring. Fine for rockeries; 1 foot. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Ice Plant—Mesembryanthemum ®

2831 Crystallinum. appearing as covered with ice.

white flowers Pkt. 10c;

Lovely large Perfectly hardy; 12 inches high.

A dwarf trailing plant with leaves 8 in. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.


Bright Rose...... Bright Red.........

Salmon-Rose Mete Se. Whe. rt eee eee Yellow 2788 Collection.

2790 Extra Choice Double Mixed. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c; 4 oz. 50c.

Hollyhock Imperator

Hollyhock 7

One of the most majestic of hardy plants, 5 to 7 feet high, and a clump or line in any garden gives an effect not attainable with any other plant. among shrubbery or forming a background for other flowers, it is without equal. Seed sown any time before midsummer will produce fine plants for flowering next

For planting

Double Varieties

The seed offered under this heading has been saved from the finest double and is sure to produce strong plants with beautiful double blooms.

Any of these: Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c; Vf oz. 75c.

One packet each of the above 6 colors. 50c.

2781 Allegheny Mixed. Mam- moth single, semi-double, and double flowers, wonderfully formed of loosely arranged fringed petals. The colors vary from the palest shrimp-pink to deep red. ‘The plants are of strong growth, sending up spikes 6 to 7 feet high.

Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

2791 Newport Pink. One of our own introductions and awarded a Certificate of Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society of England, an unusual honor. It is the finest pure pink, an exquisite shade, and flowers always are very double. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c; } oz. 75c. 2789 Orange Prince ( New). Strik-

ingly beautiful, double flowers

of a brilliant orange shade. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c; } oz. $1.00.

2810 ‘Triumph (New). A beauti-

ful and distinct new strain of double Hollyhock, of distinct branching habit and growing 4 to 5 feet high. It comes into bloom fully 10 days earlier than the regular type of Hollyhock. The blooms are not only double but the individual petals are attractively waved and fringed giving the flowers a bright, showy, and attractive appear- ance. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

2792 Imperator (New). A striking departure from the type, which arrests the attention of the beholder. Bears flowers 5} to 64 inches across, outer petals wide, elegantly frilled and deeply fringed, center a very double rosette, the whole suggesting a huge crested Begonia. charming combinations such as cerise-salmon with center of cream, reflecting rose; delicate pink with center of rose-flushed yellow; and many other charm- ing combinations.

The coloring consists of many

Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 60c; 4 oz. $1.00. Impatiens—Suitan’s or Zanzibar Balsam ® Lovely plants for the greenhouse or living room with bright

wax-like blooms borne almost continuously. Fine outdoors in

the semi-shade. Handle the brittle seedlings with care. 18 inches.

2842 Sultani. Lovely large blooms of a brilliant rosy scarlet color of great intensity. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

2845 Holstii, Hybrids. Includes many fine colors from white to richest scarlet. Pkt. 25c: special pkt. 75c.

@ =Annual; ®)=Biennial; [HHP|=Half-Hardy Perennial; |HP|=Hardy Perennial [T?|=Tender Perennial.

Incarvillea—Hardy Gloxinia P|

2848 Delavayi. An interesting and showy plant for the hardy border, producing large gloxinia-like, rose-colored flowers on 15 to 18 inch high stems during June and July. Succeeds either in sun or shade, but should be well protected during the winter. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Ionopsidium— Diamond Flower ®

2850 Acaule. An old-time favorite, again becoming popular for use in rockeries. It is a lovely miniature plant of rapid growth, forming dense tufts of foliage covered with tiny pale lilac flowers. Prefers a damp shady position.

Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Ipomoea—Moon Flowers and Morning Glories ®

Climbers of rapid growth with beautiful and varied flowers. Fine for covering walls, trellises, arbors, or stumps of trees. Soak the seed in warm water over night to assist in rapid germination.

2853 Grandiflora (Moon Flower). At night and on dull days the plants are covered with large, pure white, fragrant flowers, 5 to 6 inches in diameter. It grows very rapidly and will cover a large surface. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 30c; oz. 50c.

2158 Quamoclit hybrida (The Cardinal Climber). The well known climber with scarlet blooms. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.

2854 Rubro-coerulea (Heavenly Blue). Beautiful flowers of bright sky blue. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c; 4 oz. 60c.

2855 Setosa (Brazilian Morning Glory). Flowers of pleasing rose color, borne very freely in large clusters. As a quick growing vine it has no equal, covering an enormous space in a short time. Pkt. 10c; oz. 50c.

2856 Rose Marie (New). An early, free flowering, double

form of Ipomoea. Flowers are a beautiful shade of deep rose of double and semi-double form. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 30c; 4 oz. 75c.

Imperial Japanese Ipomoea

2880 Mixed Imperial Japanese (Emperor Morning Glories). These are beyond question the handsomest of all Morning Glories. Of the easiest culture, can be sown in the open ground in a sunny situation when the weather has become warm and settled. They soon cover a large area, and even before flowering are decidedly interesting on account of the varied forms of the foliage and their markings. The flowers are of gigantic size and their colorings beyond description. The self or solid colors range from snow-white to black- purple with all the possible intermediate shades; there is also an endless number of variegated flowers. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.



Iris—Flowering Flag fy] 2888 Germanica. One of the most popular hardy spring-

flowering plants. Mixed colors. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c.

2890 Kaempferi (Japanese Iris). The seeds we offer have been saved from an unrivalled collection and should produce plants of the highest merit. seed. Pkt. 10c; { oz. 50c.

Blooms the second year from

Kochia—Standing Cypress

Kochia—Standing Cypress or Belvedere ® 2911 Improved Trichophylla (Childsi). An _ easily-grown

annual, which, sown thinly in spring, soon forms a cypress- like hedge of the most lively green and of perfect symmetry. By mid-summer it attains a height of about 3 feet and late in the autumn the whole plant becomes a deep red. Splendid to divide the vegetable from the flower garden, or for forming a hedge for the summer. Pkt. 10c; 1 oz. 20c; oz. 50c.

Lantana fp

One of the most desirable half-hardy perennial greenhouse or bedding plants, constantly in bloom; Verbena-like heads of orange, white, rose, and other colored flowers; 2 to 3 feet. Slow germinating. 2920 Finest Mixed. Includes many colors and blooms very

early. Height 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c. 2919 Dwarf Large Flowering Mixed. Not as tall as the above but as free flowering. Pkt. 10c; 1 oz. 40c.

Lathyrus—Hardy Sweet Peas {iP|

Showy, free-flowering hardy perennial climber for covering old stumps, fences, etc., continually in bloom; fine for cutting. 5 to 6 feet.

2954 Latifolius ‘‘White Pearl.’’ White. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c. 2955 —Pink Beauty. Rosy pink. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c.

2956 Red (Sflendens). Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

2960 Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

Lavatera—Annual Mallow ®

2975 Splendens alba. Beautiful large white flowers with a lovely satiny finish. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c.

2976 Splendens Sunset. A very beautiful and showy annual, 3 to 4 feet high, with large blossoms of satiny rosy carmine. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 25c.

Lavender—Lavandula vera

2971 Well-known, sweet-scented, hardy perennials; should be extensively grown in the mixed border or larger rock garden; 13 feet. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c.

Garden Pools, Large and Small (Ramsey and Lawrence). Practical illustrations. $2.50 per copy, postpaid


Double Stock-Flowered Larkspur

Lilium regale

2988 Regale (Regal Lily). One of the most beautiful of all garden Lilies. Grows 3 to 5 feet high and blooms outdoors in July. Ivory white blooms shaded pink on the outside and with yellow throat. Pkt. 15c; + oz. 50c.

Annual Larkspur-veiphinium ® Double Stock-Flowered

This is one of the best-known of garden flowers. In recent years a vast improvement has been effected by careful selection for size and color of the blossoms and the general habit of the plant. Seeds sown in the open ground before the close of April will produce flowering plants by the beginning of July and give a continuous succession of flowers from then until frost, a record that is not surpassed by any other annual. They make handsome beds or lines, and their free, graceful habit and bright colors are very effective when interspersed in the old-fashioned flower or shrubbery border. They stand well when cut and a vase of one or mixed colors is indeed charming.

3 feet. PKT. YY oz. AS SASL) RE BSI OF ches iore, chon ean ake So ae $0 10 $0 25 2982 Areratum) Blues). hee: es. SL. PR ies 10 25 2933 Lustrous Carmine or Newport Pink.............. 10 25 S9SF,EXOUISICG OSG ye cee ie ayn cat eee ae ate 10 40 2935 Sky Blue..... zt ei Wetanicl spel Saati apataatn ier ie 10 25 2936 Exquisite Pink Improved. A charming soft pink..... 10 50 2987*Pure WHILO). ones ae Lt oes timer 10 25

One packet each of the above 7 colors, 50c. 2940 Finest Mixed. Pkt. 10c; 3

All colors. oz. 20c; oz. 60c.

Giant Imperial Larkspurs

A new type of the annual Double Larkspur and a wonderful improvement on the old stock-flowered type, being of upright base-branching habit which makes

them of particular value for cutting. PKT. SPECIAL PKT. 4 oz. 2941 Blue Spire. Intense deep Oxford-blue....... $0 15 $0 50 $0 75 2942 Carmine King. Rich carmine on salmon... 15 50 75 2943 Daintiness. Delicate lavender............. 15 50 75 2949 Gloria. A rich tone of deep rose............ 20 60 1 00 2944 Lilac Spire. Beautiful lilac color........... 15 50 75 2945 Miss California. Deeppink,shaded salmon. 15 50 75 2947 Peachblossom. A delicate tone of clear light

pink with no trace of salmon................. 0 60 1 00 2946 White Spire. A dazzling pure white........ 15 50 75

2948 Collection. One packet

each of the above 8 colors, $1.00.

2950 Giant Imperial Mixed. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c; oz. $1.50.

Emperor Larkspur 2922 Pink Delight. Of dwarf, pyramidal growth, about 24 inches high, with spikes of flowers that completely cover the plant. The color is an effective yet delicate soft rose-pink. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 75c. For Hardy Larkspurs, see Delphiniums pages 46 and 73

Lilium —Lilies 1) 2987 Philippinense formosanum A truly remarkable lily with large

umbels of beautiful, long, trumpet- |

shaped blooms of immense size. Not Will bloom Fra-

unlike an Easter Lily. 6 to 8 months after sowing.

grant white blooms shaded pink outside. 3 feet. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 60c.

2989 Tenuifolium (Coral Lily). Easy to grow from seed bloom- ing the second year. Bears a profusion of medium - sized dazzling coral-red flowers. It is excellent for the dwarf border, the rock garden, or for forcing. Perfectly hardy; blooms in May. 2 feet high. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 50c.

Special Offer

One packet each of the three Lilies described here for 50c.,

Leptosiphon ®

2980 Hybridus, Mixed. A fine annual rock plant, 3 inches high, forming dense cushions studded with dainty star-like flowers ranging from cream to deep rose-scarlet. Pkt. 10c;

4 oz. 25c.

Leptosyne @ Stillmanii. Blooms 5 weeks after sowing. Cosmos-like golden yellow flowers on plants 14 feet high. Pkt 0c; special pkt. 40c.


Liatris—Blazing Star, Gay Feather

2982 Pycnostachya. A _ showy and attractive hardy perennial with long cat-tail stems covered with fuzzy, rosy purple flowers. It blooms from July to Sep- tember and grows 3 to 4 feet high. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

Bulbs of Hardy Lilies for spring planting offered in plant section, see page 185

Linaria © & HP

Cymbalaria ( Kenilworth Ivy or Mother of Thousands). [HP] A charming neat hardy perennial trailing plant with lavender and purple flowers. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c. Maroccana, Excelsior Hybrids. () A dainty easy-to- grow annual bearing small spikes like miniature Snapdragons in yellow, crimson, pink, purple, etc. Fine for the rock garden. 12 inches. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.



Linum —Flax © & HP] Grandiflorum rubrum (Scarlet Flax).(@) A very showy border plant with large crimson-scarlet flowers. summer long. 15 inches high. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c. Perenne, Blue. [HP] Bright blue flowers during summer. Perfectly hardy. 24 inches high. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c. Flayum. HP] Yellow flowers from June until September. Grows 24 inches high. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.




Lychnis—Rose Campion, Jerusalem Cross P|

3063 Arkwrightii. Beautiful hybrids producing an abundance of large, brilliantly colored flowers ranging from crimson and scarlet to salmon and other shades. Handsome for beds and borders. 14 feet. Pkt. 20c.; special pkt. 50c.

3061 Chalcedonica. Broad heads of brilliant, star-shaped, scarlet blooms. 2 feet high. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

3062 Haageana, Hybrids. etc., in mixture. 1 foot. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

3068 Viscaria splendens. Showy bright rosy red blooms on plants 1 foot high. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c.

Lythrum —Loosestrife

3071 Roseum superbum. A very pretty hardy perennial

growing about 3 feet high, covered with rosy flowers from |

Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 25c.


July to September.

Lobelia © « 3012 Crystal Palace compacta. (A) Rich deep blue flowers: |

dark foliage. 4 inches. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 60c.

Blooms all |

Brilliant orange, scarlet, crimson, |


3015 Blue Stone (New). (@) Dwarf plants; clear blue flowers. |

Very fine for beds. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c. 3016 White Gem. (4) Snow white. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

3018 Mrs. Clibran.(@) Blue with large white eye. Of extra |

dwarf growth. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

3022 Gracilis.(@) Lovely light blue flowers; light green foliage. Trailing; 9 inches. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c.

3023 Speciosa. Rich ultramarine-blue flowers; bronzy foliage. Trailing 9 inches. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c.

3024 Tenuior.() Of upright habit, growing 15 inches high. Bears a profusion of extra large, cobalt blue flowers. Very outstanding. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

3030 Mixed Compacta Varieties.@ Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c.

3031 Cardinalis (Cardinal Flower). HP] A hardy native variety bearing a profusion of fine tall spikes covered with brilliant scarlet blooms. Grows about 3 feet tall and is splendid for the perennial border. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3032 Cardinalis, Queen Victoria. [HP] Dark bronzy foliage contrasting well with the brilliant scarlet flowers. 3 feet high. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.50.

Dreer’s Lovely Lupinus—Lupines ® & fP Hartwegii.(@) These are easily grown, free-flowering annuals with long graceful spikes of richly colored, pea-shaped flowers. They are very valuable for the mixed border, beds, and for cut- ting. The plants grow 2 feet high and bloom profusely through- out the summer and fall. They prefer light shade and a rich soil.

3044 (Rich Blue eos cet st 5.) ee | bis tah these:

30450'Sky Bluse eee ee eRe cee ie Pkt. 10c: SOAGAR Ose...) ees ee % 02. 2Sc; 3087; Whiter. ree ene Se nee. Se yon neste,

3049 Collection. One packet each of the 4 colors 30c.

3050 Annual Mixed. All colors. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

New Hartwegii Giants @

A marvelously improved strain of the annual Hartwegii Lupinus. The plants grow 3 to 4 feet high and branch close to the ground, forming 4 to 6 glorious flower spikes to the plant. Each spike has from 25 to 50 more blooms than the regular type. Of sturdy growth and free blooming.

3035 King Blue. Enormous spikes of rich Oxford Blue en- hanced by a pure white stripe through the standard of each flower. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 60c.

3038 King White. A lovely companion of King Blue. Of the same size and beauty. The flowers are glistening white and exquisitely scented. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 60c.

3040 King Mixed. This contains sky blue, dark blue, rose, and white, in mixture. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.


Pip «a


g a “h & ¥

Polyphyllus. These are perennial Lupinus which succee | well in any good garden soil. They bloom in May and June, and grow about 3 feet high.

3052 Rose. A lovely rich rose. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c. 3053 White. Glorious white blooms. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25Sc. 3054 Blue. An exceptionally fine color. Pkt. 10c; 1 oz. 25c.

3055 Moerheimi. Rose and pink. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 40c. 3056 Sunshine. Clear yellow. Pkt. 15c; + oz. 40c. 3059 Collection. One packet each of the 5 sorts 50c. 3058 Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c. 3060 New Regal Hybrids Mixed. HP] Contains a number of new and unusual colors. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 40c; oz. $1.25.

3051 Subcarnosus (Texas Blue Bonnet). [HP] Strong bushes 15 inches high. Massive flower spikes set with large deep blue blooms. June blooming. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

The Book of Annuals (Hottes). A reliable guide to the culture of annual flowers. $1.50 per copy, postpaid


Marigolds ©

The African and French Marigolds are old favorite free-flowering annuals of easy culture; both are extremely effective and are well adapted to large beds or mixed borders; they succeed best in a light soil, with full exposure to the sun. A vase or bowl of any of the rich yellow sorts in combination with a few blue Larkspurs or Cornflowers is very striking.

| Dwarf Double French Marigolds

Few annuals are as effective as the French Marigolds or flower for so long a period; they all form dense bushes not over 12 inches high and are unequalled for borders or beds.

3091 Gold Striped. Very double golden-yellow, each petal striped with rich mahogany-red. Always greatly admired.

3092 Gold, Edged Brown. Bright golden-yellow center, outer or guard petals rich velvety morocco-red.

3093 Golden Ball. A splendid pure golden yellow. Flowers of good size. Makes a very effective golden line or bed.

3094 Lemon Ball. Similar to the above except in color, which is a bright lemon-yellow. A most effective variety.

3095 Mahogany (Robert Beist). Rich velvety morocco or mahogany-brown. Blooms freely and continuously.

Marigold, Orange Prince

Double African Marigolds

Splendid for beds or borders; the tall varieties grow about 3

feet high, the dwarf sorts 18 to 24 inches.

3084 Orange Prince. A grand variety with large, perfectly double, quilled flowers of a rich deep golden orange color. Blooms most profusely. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.

3085 Lemon Queen. A lovely counterpart of Orange Prince with splendid large double blooms of a soft lemon-yellow color. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.

3081 El Dorado. Large double imbricated flowers in many shades of yellow. 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c.

3083 Pride of the Garden. Double, quilled, golden yellow blooms borne on dwarf compact plants. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

3086 Dwarf Citron. Double, quilled, light citron-yellow flowers on plants 18 inches high. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c.

3087 Dwarf Orange. Double, quilled, deep orange colored flowers. Of dwarf habit. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

3088 Collection. This contains one packet each of the above 6 varieties. 50c.

3090 Double African Mixed. A well-balanced mixture of the |

3096 Spotted. Edge of petals lively orange with a bright morocco-red spot at the base—a brilliant effect.

Any of the above: Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

3098 Collection. This contains one packet each of the above Dwarf Double French Marigolds. 40c.

3099 Collection. +} oz. each of the 6 varieties. $1.25.

3100 Dwarf Double French Mixed. A splendid mixture. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 60c.

3105 Tall Double French Mixed. All the colors available in this tall type. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 60c.

Dwarf Single French Marigolds

3102 Legion of Honor (Little Brownie). A single-flowering Marigold, forming compact bushes 9 inches high. Begins flowering in June, continuing until frost. The flowers are golden yellow, marked with a large spot of velvety crimson

Tall African sorts. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

at the base of each petal. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

3101 Fire Cross. The habit of this splendid dwarf single French Mari- gold is very similar to the popular variety Legion of Honor but more effective and attractive. The ground color is deep orange-yellow and each petal displays a large crimson-maroon blotch. The general effect is very pleasing. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

For Miniature Marigold see Tagetes signata pumila, page 107

New Double African Marigolds

3082 Orange Alldouble. Any strain of African Marigold that will come 50 per cent. double is considered quite good, yet in this variety we find that every plant produces large showy blooms which are all double to the very center.

3080 Lemon Alldouble. Identical in its full double character to the Orange Alldouble, but has clear lemon yellow flowers.

3078 Guinea Gold. A distinct type of Marigold which has become universally popular on account of its beautiful large blooms. Of graceful pyramidal growth, 2 to 2} feet high. The well-rounded blooms are semi-double and double, 2 to 2} inches across, and have broad petals of a brilliant golden orange color.

Any of the above: Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 50c; } oz. 75c.

3079 Collection. One packet each of the 3 new Double African Marigolds for 40c.

Marigold, Guinea Gold

@=Annual; ®)=Biennial; = Half-Hardy Perennial; [HP] =Hardy Perennial; [T?}=Tender Perennial

Marvel of Peru, or

Four O’Clocks © Mirabilis Jalapa

3110 A well-known, handsome, free flower- ing garden favorite. It does well almost anywhere. Allow inches between the plants. many pretty colors. 2 feet

Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

Matthiola ©

Bicornis (Evening Scented Stock). An old-fashioned favorite grown primarily for its entrancing fragrance which it emits during the evening. The plants grow 18 inches tall and bloom pro- fusely during the summer. Pastel purplish-lilac blooms. Pk 0c:

+ oz. 25c.



Matricaria, Golden Ball


3121 Capensis alba plena White Feverfew).

(Double A free-flowering plant producing a great quantity of

fine double white flowers. Splendid | for beds and pots. 18 inches. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c.

3122 Golden Ball. Compact bushy

plants, 8 inches high, covered with bright yellow flowers which are densely double appearing like small buttons. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.


Barclayana. A _ beautiful rapid- growing slender climber blooming pro- fusely during the fall; also fine for indoors. Mixed colors. 10 feet high. Sow early to bloom the first season. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

Meconopsis regia (New). Forthis new flower see page 51.



Mesembryanthemum ©

2831 Crystallinum. The leaves look as if frosted withice. Small inconspicuous blooms. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c.

3140 Tricolor. Splendid little annuals for the rockeries, sunny banks, etc. Has daisy-like flowers of crimson, pink, and white. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

about 18 | §

high. |

All Flower Seeds are sent POSTPAID : Pos a4 ef

P 5 y

Mignonette, Red Goliath

Mignonette—Reseda ®

This old-fashioned favorite is again becoming very popular. Sowings made in April and again in July will keep up a Also fine for growing in pots for winter and

succession of blooms until frost.

spring flowering.

3152 Defiance. The individual florets are of immense size, forming grace- ful, as well as compact spikes. Has extraordinary keeping qualities and is very fragrant. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 25c. Red Goliath. Strong, compact growing with giant trusses of a bright red color. Has a rich sweet fragrance. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c; + oz. 50c.

Golden Goliath.


3153 Similar to the

red variety except the color which is | special |

golden yellow. Pkt. 15c;

pkt. 50c. Giant Machet. midal growth bearing numerous flower’ spikes which are scented. 18 in. Pkt. 10c; 4 Salmon Queen. Bright salmon- red fragrant blooms on strong robust spikes. Fine for out-doors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c. White Goliath. Has the same massive spikes of blooms as the red sort. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c. 3169 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 varieties 50c. 3163 Sweet Scented. The old variety with small spikes. Pkt. 5c; oz. 25c.




Of dwarf, pyra- |

sweet | OZ25¢) |

Mimosa ® Sensitive or Humble Plant 3181 Pudica. Curious and interesting annual with pinkish-white flowers; the leaves close and droop when touched or shaken; 13 feet. Pkt. 10c;

% 0z. 25c.

Mimulus {fii

Showy, profuse flowering plants; fine for greenhouse or moist shady situations; half- hardy perennials, blooming the first year from seed if sown early; 1 foot.

3191 Moschatus (Musk Plant). for hanging baskets, etc.;

Fine small

yellow flowers, musk scented foliage. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c. 3192 Tigrinus (Monkey Flower). mixed spotted varieties. ful.

Fine Very color-

Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

Momordica charantia— Balsam Pear

Momordica ®

An attractive climbing vine with orna- mental foliage and curious fruits which when ripe open showing the seed encased in carmine flesh.

3211 Balsamina (Balsam A pple). Apple- shaped fruits; glossy foliage. 10 feet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 50c. Charantia (Balsam Pear). shaped fruits; heavy foliage. Pkt. 10c 072. 50c:

Musa Ensete [7 Abyssinian Banana

A splendid plant for the open air in summer. Produces a most striking effect. In our hot summer it luxur- iates when freely supplied with manure and water. The seed germinates easily when started in the hotbed or greenhouse. Pkt. of 5 seeds 20c; 25 seeds, 75c.

Pear- 10 feet.



Garden Guide. Tells how to plan, plant and maintain the home grounds. $1.00 per copy, postpaid


Myosotis alpestris, Royal Blue

Myosotis {17 Forget-Me-Not Few spring flowers are more admired than

the lovely Forget-Me-Nots which are espe- cially effective when grown in masses. Per- ennial and hardy if given slight protection through the winter. time from spring till mid-summer. The Alpestris varieties and Dissitiflora come into bloom in April, and are largely used for bedding or borders in connection with spring- The Palustris sorts do not bloom till May, but continue till fall. 9 to 12 inches.

3231 Alpestris, Royal Blue.

flowering bulbs, Pansies, etc.

all dark blue Forget-Me-Not varieties. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 40c; oz. $1.25.

Messidor. Large, rich blue flowers on long stems. A _ splendid variety for cutting. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

rosea. Large rose-colored flowers. Pkt. 10c: } oz. 40c.



3235 Victoria. Fine large heads of clear azure blue flowers. Showy plants of compact growth. Gives a

fine edge to beds. Pkt. 15c; special

pkt. 40c.

Mixed. Blue, rose, and white. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

Dissitiflora. A compact dwarf variety with lovely sprays of extra large, exquisite blue flowers. Par- ticularly adapted for sowing among spring flowering bulbs. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.



Palustris semperflorens. A free- blooming variety beginning to flower in May. Has large clear blue blooms. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c; } oz. 75c.


@®=Annual; @)=Biennial; {HHP|=

Seed may be sown any |

Rich | indigo-blue flowers borne profusely on | plants 9 inches high. It is the finest of |

- Dreer’s Superb Nasturtiums ®

For ease of culture, duration of bloom, brilliancy of coloring, and general excellence, nothing excels Nasturtiums. All they need is a moderately good soil in a well-drained, sunny position, and from within a few weeks from the time they are sown until hard frost comes there is an endless profusion of their gorgeous blossoms. The varieties offered below were selected, after exhaustive trials, from a very large number of sorts as

being the best and most distinct.

Tall or Climbing Varieties—Tropaeolum majus

Elegant and luxurious climbers for verandas, trellises, etc.

May be used to cover unsightly railings and to trail over rough ground with fine effect. The seedpods can be gathered while green and tender for pickling; 6 to 10 feet. 3244 Brilliant or Lucifer. Bright Geranium-scarlet. 3287 King Theodore or Black Prince. 3294 Orange or Sunlight. 3296 Pearl or Moonlight. Creamy white. 3306 Spotted or Gold Garnet. Rich yellow, spotted garnet. 3307 Vesuvius or Salmon Queen. Salmony rose; exquisite. Any of the above: Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; } lb. 75c. 3329 Dreer’s Collection. One packet each of the above 6 tall varieties 40c. 3319 Dreer’s Collection. One ounce each of the above 6 tall sorts $1.00.

3320 Finest Tall Mixed. A splendid mixture of all the best tall or climbing varieties of Nasturtium. Pkt. 10c; oz. 15c; } lb. 50c; lb. $1.50.

Tom Thumb, Dwarf or Bedding Varieties

3336 3338 3341

Crimson maroon; dark foliage. Pure orange, no markings.

Chameleon. Various colors on one plant. Crystal Palace Gem.

Empress of India.

Yellow, maroon blotches.

Fiery crimson, dark foliage.

3343 Golden King. Rich golden yellow.

3346 King Theodore. Deep crimson maroon, dark foliage. | 3347 King of Tom Thumbs. Dark scarlet, dark leaves.

3353 Pearl or Moonlight. Creamy white.

3361 Rose. Soft carmine rose.

3365 Spotted King or Ladybird. Gold, spotted garnet.

3367 Vesuvius or Salmon Queen. Salmony rose, dark foliage. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 4 lb. 75c.

One packet each of 6 dwarf varieties, our selection, 40c.

Any of the above: 3379 Dreer’s Collection. 3369 Dreer’s Collection.

3370 Finest Dwarf Mixed. A well balanced blend of all the above varieties and some other good ones. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; } lb. 60c., lb. $2.00.

One ounce each of 6 dwarf varieties, our selection, $1.25.

Double Sweet-Scented Nasturtium 3285 Golden Gleam

Few new flowers ever have been received with as much enthusiasm by gardeners

everywhere as this new double sweet- scented Nasturtium, which easy to grow

I'S, as

from seed as the old-fashioned single Makes a vigorous large bush and throws out a ‘few short runners, covered withdouble,


large, golden yellow fragrant blooms. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 25c; oz. 40c; } lb. $1.25.

Nasturtium, Golden Gleam

[(tP]|= Tender Perennial

Half-Hardy Perennial; [HP|= Hardy Perennial;

Nemesia ®

A very pretty annual which does best in a cool position. plants are of compact growth and the orchid-like flowers are very varied in color, including rose, yellow, blue, orange, etc.

3396 Blue Gem (Dwarf).

A splendid variety for bedding or edging. 8inches high. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3399 Orange Prince (Dwarf). Brilliant orange blooms on round compact plants. 8 in. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3397 Fire King (Dwarf). Vivid bright red blooms. 8 in. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3401 Dwarf Large-Flowering Hybrids Mixed. A very

12 in. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

fine strain.

Nigella—Love in a Mist or Devil in the Bush@

3430 Damascena, Mixed. A compact free-flowering plant of easy culture. Has finely cut foliage and curious looking flowers and seed pods. Blue and white flowers in mixture. Grows 18 inches high. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

3431 Miss Jekyll. A lovely variety with showy Cornflower-blue blossoms. It is splendid for cutting and beds; 18 inches high. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.


The |

| |



Nepeta—Mauve Catnip iP 3407 Mussini. Neat bushes of small lavender-like foliage covered with terminal spikes of pale mauve flowers, both foliage and flowers aromatic. May-Sept. 1 ft. Splendid for beds, edging, or rock garden. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.


Nicotiana affinis

Nicotiana—Flowering Tobacco ® This is a splendid easy-to-grow plant for beds or borders, giving a wonderful display of showy blooms throughout the summer and early fall. Start the seed indoors in a warm place and set out when the weather is warm. 3411 Affinis (Zuberose-Flowered Tobacco). Delicately sweet- scented, pure white, tubular flowers, blooming throughout the season. Grows 2 to 3 feet high. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c. Affinis Hybrids, Mixed. This is similar to Affinis but the blooms come in a great variety of lovely colors. Of the same stately growth and equally fragrant. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c. Affinis, Crimson Bedder ( New). high. Has lovely, deep crimson flowers. pkt. 75c. 3415 Sanderae, Crimson King. Dark velvety crimson-red flowers, the richest tint yet produced. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c.



Grows only 15 inches Pkt. 25c; special

Oenothera—Evening Primrose

Oenothera—£vening Primrose i 3437 Missouriensis. A splendid hardy perennial for growing in an exposed sunny position either in the border or the rockery. Large yellow flowers, frequently 5 inches in diameter, produced freely from June until August. 12 inches. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

Planning and Planting the Home Garden (Pauline Murray). $3.50 per copy, postpaid


Giant Yellow

Giant Trimardeau Pansies In Separate Colors

These have always been very popular for bedding. They make well-rounded, compact plants and bear a great quantity of large and gracefully formed blooms. Splendid for beds, borders, and for cutting.

3481 Giant Adonis. A splendid large flowered lavender-blue Pansy. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 75c.

3482 Giant Cardinal. This is a most unusual rich red color. ‘Pkt. 10c; } oz. 75c.

3488 Giant Golden Queen. Graceful flowers of a rich pure yellow. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 75c.

3491 Giant Lord Beaconsfield. Deep purple- violet shading to white. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 75c.

3493 Giant Royal Blue. Large, rich royal blue flowers. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 75c.

3496 Giant Snow Queen. Elegant and graceful pure white flowers. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 75c.

3497 Giant White. Attractive white blooms with large purple eye. Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 75c.

3498 Giant Yellow. Rich yellow with a maroon- black center. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 75c.

3499 Collection. One packet each of the above 8 Giant Trimardeau Pansies 60c.

3500 Giant Trimardeau Mixed

This is a splendid mixture of the above and some other excellent colors. All very free flowering. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 60c; oz. $2.00.

F Dreer’s Perfect Pansies

Pansies are too well known to require any description as they are favorites with all. For best results you must start with a good strain. The finest Pansies are, as a rule, shy seeders which accounts for the difference in the piice of the various mixtures offered.

Pansy seed germinates and the plants grow more freely in the cool, early days of spring, and for summer-blooming should be sown by the latter part of April, or early in May, in the vicinity of Philadelphia. A soil containing a proportion of leaf mould, well enriched with well-decayed cow manure, will be the most satisfactory for the growing of this flower, and it should be well dug and made fine and level.

Sow the seed in drills, covering them not more than four times their diameter and firming the soil well above them. The seeds germinate in from eight to twelve days, and should not be allowed to dry out during this period. Covering the seed bed with newspapers will prevent this and hasten somewhat the period of germination.

As soon as the plants are up and large enough to handle, they should be thinned out or transplanted to stand nine inches apart in the rows. Thorough cultivation should be given from the start, as Pansies will not thrive when obliged to share the beds with a mass of weeds.

It is a mistake to plant Pansies in the shade of a tree or buildings. An open exposure, where the wind has a free sweep over the bed is far better, and Pansies so planted are free from the long, straggling branches which produce few and inferior flowers. During dry weather the bed should be watered daily.

Swiss Giants —Roggli Hybrids

These are truly remarkable Pansies of most outstanding robust habit. The flowers are extra large in size. They also are heavy, thick textured, and held well above the rich green foliage. The flower stems are quite long making this strain particularly suitable for cutting. It is equally fine for beds and borders.

3523 Alpenglow. A striking and most attractive shade of cardinal-red with three dark blotches. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3524 Berna. A rich velvety purple. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3525 Lake of Thun (Ul/swater). The bluest of all Pansies—the color being an exquisite tone of rich ultramarine blue accentuated by a darker blotch on each petal. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3526 Mont Blanc. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3528 Rhinegold. Golden yellow, mahogany center. pkt. $1.25.

3527 Yellow Master. Pure yellow. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25. 3529 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 sorts $1.00.

Pure white flowers.

Pkt. 25c; special

3510 Dreer’s Royal Exhibition Mixture

This is our very finest mixture of Pansies. It is a perfect blend that

is not equaled by any other mixture, no matter what its name, as far as range of colors, size of blooms, and their quality is concerned. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. of 2000 seeds, $1.50; § oz. $2.00.

3514 Dreer’s Premium Mixture. Those who want a first class mixture at a medium price will find this an excellent mixture. Contains many fine colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3516 Masterpiece (Frilled Pansy). The petals are most attractively curled or waved. The range of colors is very extensive with rich dark shades predominating. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3511 Giant Peter Pan Mixture. Many bright colors, The flowers are round, flat, and substantial. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25.

3513 Giant Parisian Mixture. Of very large size containing a great many fine colors. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

3515 English Finest Mixed. A good mixture. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

Viola Cornuta or Tufted Pansies are offered on page 109

Petunias ©

Few annuals can equal the Petunia in gorgeous effect for out- door decoration or in porch or window boxes. They start flower- ing early and continue throughout the whole season until killed by frost. They require good soil. The large flowered sorts are best started indoors to be set out in May.

3561 General Dodds. Richcrimson. Pkt. 15c; $ oz. 50c. 3571 Heavenly Blue. Pkt. 15c; } 3562 Howard’s Star Improved. Lovely rose-crimson blooms with a clearly defined five-pointed star of blush white. Very effective. Pkt. 15c: $ oz. 60c.

Rose of Heaven. A very effective rich and brilliant variety with luminous rose blooms. Pkt. 15c; § 0z. 60c. Rosy Morn. Lovely soft rose-pink blooms with white throat. A dainty variety. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 75c. Snowball. Pure satiny white. Pkt. 15c; 4 0z. 60c. Violet Queen. Rich velvety violet. Pkt. 15c; § oz. 75c.

3568 Collection. One packet each of the above 7 Bedding Petunias 75c. 3569 Collection. } oz. of the above Bedding Petunias $3.75.

Striped and Blotched Mixed. Beautifully striped and blotched flowers borne profusely on vigorous plants. Gives a splendid bed or border. Pkt. 10c; $ 0z. 50c; 4 oz. 75c. Fine Mixed. Good fine colors. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 30c. 3572 Dreer’s Peerless Mixture. A perfect blend of all the colors found in this most popular annual. The blooms measure 2 to 2} inches in diameter. The plants are of uniform height, 18 inches to 2 feet high. It contains a most dazzling combination of colors. Pkt. 15c; $ oz. 60c; ¢ oz. $1.00.

Silvery blue. oz. 60c.

3563 3564

3565 3566



Petunia nana compacta

A new strain of dwarf compact Petunias. Each plant forms a perfect ball. For pot culture, the rockery, and beds. 3544 Pink Gem. Plants 5 to 6 inches high literally smothered with deep pink blooms. Pkt. 25c;_5 pkts. $1.00. 3548 Nana compacta, Mixed. Plants 8 to 10 inches high and 12 inches across. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Petunia, Dwarf Giants of California

Petunia Dwarf Giants of California

3573 Animproved new dwarf strain of the well known California Giants; flowers are large and beautifully colored, with open throats well marked and veined; makes an excellent pot plant; also splendid for bedding. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

| 3560 Balcony Mixed Colors.

| 3575 Purple Prince.

Petunia Balcony Blue

Balcony Petunias A splendid large and free flowering type either for window boxes,

vases, hanging baskets, etc. The flowers average 3 inches across and make a very effective display over a long season. 3555 Balcony Blue. Very fine. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c. 3556 Balcony Rose. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 3557 Balcony White. Pure white. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 3558 Balcony Crimson. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

3559 Collection. One packet each of

the above 4 Balcony Petunias for 50c. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c; 4 oz. 75c.

Large-Flowering Single Petunias

These are truly giant-flowering varieties with elegantly formed flowers of good texture with a charming silky finish. Start seed of these indoors.

3580 Dreer’s Superb Large-Flowering Fringed. Our own saving from the finest flowers. Of very large size and beauti- ful form, deep throated, brilliantly colored, and with beauti- ful fringed edges. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

A large-flowering variety of rich velvety purple-violet color. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3576 Giant of California. Very large flowers in many colors with yellow throat. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3578 Fringed Ruffled Giants (Fluffy Ruffles). Very hand-

some large ruffled flowers with very finely fringed edges.

Includes many splendid colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Brilliant Rose. Large, fringed, brilliant rose blooms

with a distinct white throat. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Romany Lass. Large fringed flowers. Velvety blood-red

with purple throat, striped black. Pkt. 35c; special pkt.


Scarlet Beauty. Elegant scarlet blooms with a graceful

fringed edge. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Theodosia. Large fringed rose-pink blooms with clear

golden yellow centers. Very lovely. Pkt. 35c; special pkt.


White Beauty. Graceful large blooms with fringed edges.

Pure white. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Violacea. Elegantly fringed blooms of a rich velvety

violet-blue color. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.25.







Large-Flowering Double Petunias In growing Double Petunias the weaker seedlings should be carefully saved, as these usually produce the finest double flowers

3586 Madonna. Produces mostly perfectly double, pure white, finely fringed flowers. Pkt. 50c; 500 seeds $2.00.

3590 Dreer’s Superb Double Fringed. Saved from our own unrivalled collection; will produce a large percentage of double flowers of the largest fringed varieties in bright colors. Pkt. 50c; 500 seeds $1.25.

The special pkts. offered contain considerably more seeds than the regular pkts., and of the same high quality


Annual Phlox @

The annual Phlox is a native of Texas and is known as ‘‘Texan Pride.’’ One of the most brilliant and at the same time one of the easiest and most satisfactory plants which can readily be grown from seed. Grows and thrives in any kind of soil if given a sunny position, but prefers a light rich loam. Seed may be sown in the open ground any time after danger from frost is past. They may be used in a variety of ways, such as a carpet to beds of Roses, in boxes, vases, etc.; but it is when grown in masses, that they show to best advantage.

Phlox, Choicest Mixed, Large Flowering

Select Large-Flowering Sorts Phlox Drummondii grandiflora This is the finest type, having the largest heads of blooms as

well as the largest individual flowers. attaining a height of 12 to 15 inches. S60LiSnowsWwhiterngc cere eee 3602/(Shell Pink. hee a) ee eee 3603) Deep *Rosen:. ee he ee 3604 Bright) Scarlets. {eee te eee 3605-RichiCrimsone, a7 eee |

Of strong, sturdy growth,

Any of these: Pkt. 10c; 7 oz. 50c.

3619 Collection. One packet each of the above seven varieties for 50c.

3620 Choicest Mixed, Large-Flowering. Contains all of the colors noted above as well as a great many others. It makes a very showy bed or border throughout the summer season. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c; oz. $1.25.

Dwarf Phlox—P. nana compacta 3631 Mixed Colors. This strain is of dwarf, compact habit, making neat symmetrical plants six to eight inches high. Desirable as a pot plant, also excellent for bedding or edging. Contains many showy colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 75c.

Star Phlox—P. cuspidata 3640 Mixed. Of dwarf habit, with very pretty star-shaped flowers. A novel variety; 1 foot. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 50c.

Hardy Perennial Phlox P. decussata

3641 Mixed. This hardy herbaceous perennial is entirely distinct from the varieties of Phlox Drummondi offered on this page, which are annuals. The seed is supplied in mixture only. Seed germinates slowly. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c; } 0z. 75c.

Passiflora—Passion Flower

3440 Coerulea. The beautiful blue Passion Flower, one of the loveliest climbers. It is hardy south of Washington but in

the north it should be wintered in a well protected cold frame or cool greenhouse and planted out when the weather gets warm. Easily grown from seed. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Pentstemon gloxinioides, Sensation

Pentstemon— Beard Tongue

eae Gloxinioides ‘‘Sensation.’’ [HHP] AS a bedding plant

this takes rank with the Petunia, Phlox, etc. It grows about

30 inches high, every branch being a spike of large, Gloxinia- like flowers in a very wide range of bright colors. Includes rose, red, carmine, pink, lilac, purple, etc. Hardy with pro- tection. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

3531 Heterophyllus, Blue Gem. A splendid hardy variety. Grows one to two feet high with flowers of a very bright blue color, June to August. Particularly desirable for rock gardens. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

3533 Barbatus coccineus (Scarlet Bugler). Spikes of scarlet-red borne freely from June to August; 3 to 4 feet. Hardy perennial. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c.

3536 Barbatus hybridus praecox. Early-flowering hybrids in a range of rich colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c.

3540 Grandiflora, Mixed. [iP] A splendid mixture of large- flowering sorts in a good range of colors. Hardy. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 60c.

Phacelia—California Blue Bell ®

3599 Campanularia. A beautiful annual and one of the earliest to bloom. Intense gentian blue flowers with white anthers. Very effective for edgings, etc., also as a pot plant. 9 inches. Pkt. 10c; + 0z. 30c.

Milady’s House Plants (Palmer), 100 instructive pictures, $1.25 per copy, postpaid

Physalis | Chinese Lantern Plant

3646 Francheti. An ormamental plant, forming dense bushes about 2 feet high, with inconspicuous white flowers fol- lowed by bright orange-scarlet lantern- like fruits, which can be cut and dried for winter bouquets; highly interest ing. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

Physostegia virginica

Physostegia False Dragon Head

3651 Virginica. One of the prettiest hardy perennials and gaining in popu- larity as it becomes better known. It forms dense bushes, 3 to 4 feet high, bearing freely during the late summer and fall months spikes of delicate pink, tubular flowers not unlike a gigantic heather. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

A white-flowered form of

Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

alba. the above.


Potentilla Single Hybrids

Potentilla—Cinquefoil Attractive hardy plants for the border producing builliantly colored, single or double flowers mostly in shades of orange, red, and crimson from June to August. Grows 18 inches high. 3775 Double Hybrids Mixed. Many colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. 3776 Single Hybrids Mixed. Very fine. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c.

Rock Gardens (Rockwell).

Platycodon grandiflorum


Balloon Flower or Japanese Bellflower

This is one of our best hardy perennials producing very showy flowers during the entire season, They will form large clumps within a few years after sowing and are ex- cellent for planting in perennial borders or among shrubbery. Easily raised from seed.

3663 Grandiflorum. Large flowers. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 50c.


3664 album. Showy pure white blooms. Pkt. 10c; $ 0z. 60c.

3662 Mariesi. Rich violet-blue flowers. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 7Sc.

er |

Polemonium coeruleum

Polemonium Jacob’s Ladder

3671 Coeruleum. Spikes of small, bell- shaped, bluish purple flowers nearly an inch across borne profusely in May and June; 2 feet high. Pkt. 10c; + 0z. 25c.



Primula polyantha

Showy, spring-flowering plants fine for

either pot or outdoor culture. bloomers.

Profuse 12 inches.

3677 Invincible Giant. Undoubted-




ly the finest strain in cultivation, containing all colors from purest white to the richest crimson.

Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Giant Munstead Strain. Same general characteristics as the In- vincible Giant excepting colors, which are white and yellow.

Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

English Mixed. A fine grade of many beautiful colors. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Pueraria Japanese Kudzu Vine

Thunbergiana. To this must be awarded first place as the fastest growing hardy climbing plant. It will grow 8 to 10 feet the first year from seed, and after it has become established there seems to be no limit to its growth, 50 feet in a single season being not unusual. The vines die down to the ground in our climate but come up with re- newed vigor the following spring. Its foliage is large and covers well. Bears small racemes of rosy purple, pea-shaped blossoms toward the close of August. A splendid sub- ject for covering permanently verandas, dead trees, etc.

Pkt. 10¢; oz. 50c.

Full information on this subject, $1.00 per copy, postpaid



2 4 ee

Dreer’s Select Shirley Poppies

Dreer’s Shirley Poppies @

A very artistic strain of Poppies with lovely, large blooms of

a beautiful crinkled texture. Includes many fine colors in single,

semi-double, and double flowered blooms. Easy to grow.

3684 American Legion. A greatly improved English Scarlet or Flanders Poppy with very large, single flowers of a beauti- ful rich dazzling orange-scarlet color. Grows 2 feet high. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

3691 Apricot. Single deep apricot. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

3692 Blue Shades. Beautiful large single blooms in various shades of blue. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c.

3695 Wild-Rose Pink. This variety is particularly beautiful. The large single blooms are well formed and of asoft wild- Rose pink color. Very appealing. Makes a charming bed besides being of special value for cutting. 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; % 0z. 25c; oz. 75c.

3698 Collection. One packet each of the above 4 single Shirley Poppies. 30c.

3696 Dreer’s Select Shirley Mixed. An unusually choice strain of these charming single poppies. Includes a partic- ularly wide range of beautiful colors with scarcely any two flowers being exactly alike. Of strong growth and very profuse blooming. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; oz. 50c.

3713 Double Shirley Mixed. A very pretty strain. Has double flowers in a wide range of beautiful colors. Blooms

freely and continuously throughout the spring and summer. 30 in. high. Pkt. 10c; 4 0z. 25c; oz. 75c.

Poppies 6«=

Annual Poppies should be sown as early in the spring as possible where they are to remain, as they do not stand transplanting. Sow very thinly, preferably in cloudy weather or after a shower, barely cover the seed, press down firmly and they will come up in a few days. If they come up too thickly they must be thinned out to stand 3 to 4 inches or more apart if you wish best results. It is well to make several sowings at intervals to keep up a succession of bloom.

If picked just before expanding the flowers will last several days. It is also advisable to pick the old flowers when the petals fall, which will lengthen the blooming season quite a while.

Single Annual Poppies ®

3686 Charles Darwin. Remarkable for the unique color of its large, smooth-edged flowers, being a striking rich

} dark purple with a velvety black spot at the base of each

petal. A dense wreath of white anthers produces a fine contrast with the extraordinary color of the flower; 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

3688 Danebrog or Danish Cross. A very showy variety producing flowers of a brilliant scarlet color with a silvery white spot on each petal forming a white cross. 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c.

3693 King Edward. A variety of gorgeous coloring, being a deep scarlet, shaded crimson-red, each petal marked with a large black blotch for half its length from the base, against which the yellow anthers stand out in bold relief. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

| 3700 Single Mixed. A splendid mixture of many different

free-flowering single annual Poppies. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

Shirley Poppy, Sweet Briar

New Double Shirley Poppy ®

3707 Sweet Briar. One of the most popular colors in Shirley Poppies has been Wild-Rose Pink. We are now able to offer this most beautiful color in a double flowering form. Sweet Briar is a delightful shade of deep rose-pink. The blossoms are full double, resembling a very large double Begonia. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 50c; oz. $1.50.

American Rock Gardens (Hamblin). Many lists of plants for special local conditions. $1.25 per copy, postpaid

Double Annual Poppies ©

The same culture as given at the top of the preceding page should be followed in the case of the double-flowering annual sorts. They make a gorgeous showing during their flowering period and are largely used for beds and borders. Because many of these are of stronger growth than the single varieties they must be thinned to stand 6 to 8 inches apart in the row.

3711 American Flag. A beautiful variety. The flowers are very large and double. They are snow white bordered with scarlet; 30 inches. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

$712 Fairy Blush. Very double white flowers, elegantly fringed and tipped with light rose; 30 inches. A lovely

variety. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

3714 Mikado (The Striped Japanese Poppy). This beautiful Poppy is very distinct in character and color. The flowers are brilliant scarlet and white, with elegantly curved petals like a Japanese Chrysanthemum; 30 inches. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

3715 White Swan. Immense double flowers of purest white, beautifully fringed and of the same dwarf habit as Cardinal; 30 inches. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

3716 Cardinal. A splendid dwarf variety of the carnation- flowered type, growing about 30 inches high and bearing large, globular, fringed flowers of an intense cardinal red.

Pkt. 10c; $ oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

Double (ee Bocce Shell-Pink

3717 Shell-Pink. Similar in every way to Cardinal and White Swan, except color, which is a soft sea-shell or chamois-pink, 30 inches. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 40c.

3720 Carnation-Flowered Mixed. Splendid double fringed flowers; mixed colors; 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

3730 Peony-Flowered Mixed. Large, showy, double, globular flowers resembling a double Peony; mixed colors; 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c. 3719 Collection. One packet each of 6 distinct

colors. Double Carnation-Flowered Poppies, 30c. 3729 Collection. One packet each of 6 distinct colors. Double, Peony-Flowered Poppies, 30c.

New Hybrid Iceland Poppy

Iceland Poppies—Papaver nudicaule |

While these are hardy perennials, they flower the first year from seed, blooming almost as quickly as the annual sorts. They are of graceful neat habit with bright green fern-like foliage, formed in tufts from which issue slender stalks about 15 inches high, bearing their brilliant flowers in endless profusion. Most useful for cutting, for which purpose pick when in bud. If the seed pods are picked off, they continue in flower the entire season. They remain evergreen throughout the winter, coming into bloom early the following spring.

3731 Coonara Pink. A true strain of beautiful pink shades. Lovely large flowers. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3732 El Monte. A California introduction. Large flowers of deep tangerine orange; strong wiry stems, making an excellent cut flower. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

3735 Sandford’s Giant Strain (New). A new giant strain with a wonderful petal substance and stems of great strength. 2 to 3 feet long. Many of the flowers are 5 inches in diameter. Represents a wide range of delicate shades and combina- tions, too varied and intriguing to describe. Pkt. 25c¢; 5 pkts. $1.00.

3737 Gibson’s New Orange. A great improvement on the old type Iceland Poppy. The stems are 6 inches longer and much stiffer. Magnificent large blooms 4 to 5 inches across. Fine for garden display and also excellent for cutting. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3739 Collection. One packet each of the above 4 splendid newer sorts. 75c.

3733 Bright Yellow Any of these: 3734 Pure White Pkt. 10c; 3736 Orange-Scarlet + oz. 50c.

3740 Finest Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c. 3738 New Hybrid Iceland Mixed. A great assortment of

colors varying from sulphur yellow through different shades of orange to chamois and salmon rose. All are very beautiful and outstanding. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 75c.

The Hardy Perennial Oriental Poppies are offered on page 98.








we ~

Papaver orientale

Oriental Poppies should be sown in early spring in the open ground as soon as it is fit to work. The plants disappear during July and August appearing again as soon as the weather gets cool. When this fall growth starts is the time they should be transplanted to their perma- nent flowering quarters. It is well to mark the places where planted witha stake to insure the roots against dis- turbance during their annual resting period. Only a small percentage of the seedlings of named varieties come true to color. It is therefore necessary to flower all of the plants produced before dis- carding.

Orientale (The Large Oriental Poppy). A gorgeous plant, 3 feet high, with ample rich green foliage and magnificent large orange-scarlet blooms with a black blotch on each petal. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 40c.

Dawn (Carneum). A lovely soft flesh color. Immense, long stemmed blooms. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c. Oriflamme. This is particularly popular as the gorgeous orange-scarlet blooms give a magnificent effect.

Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Princess Victoria. A beautiful salmon-pink of great size. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

Mahoney. The rich dark crimson- maroon blooms are heavily shaded with lustrous mahogany. Gives a magnificent effect. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

Perry’s White. The large blooms are a fine satiny white with a crimson- maroon blotch at the base of each indi- vidual flower petal. Always greatly ad- mired. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.50. 3749 Collection. One packet

each of the above 6 varieties. 75c. Oriental Hybrids Mixed. This seed has been saved from a large number of extra fine named sorts. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.




Double Portulacas

Portulaca—Sun Plant @

One of our showiest annual plants, of easy culture, thriving best in light loam or sandy soil and in an exposed sunny situa- tion. The flowers are of the richest colors. Fine for massing in beds, edgings, or rock- work, and frequently used to sow broad- cast over sunny banks, etc. Seed should not be sown until the weather is fairly warm and it is well to mix the seed with three or four times its bulk of dry sand or soil, which permits an even and easy dis- tribution of the seed; 6 inches.

3770 Single Mixed. A fine mixture of all colors. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 25c; oz. 75c.

‘44 3760 Double Mixed. A large percentage of the flowers will come double but even the few single ones which usually bloom first are desirable for their rich colors. They may be pulled up to let the bed show double ones only. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c; } oz. 75c.



he = a a Se) { AES , Pyrethrum hybridum, Single Mixed

Pyrethrum—Persian Daisy® &

3841 Aureum (Golden Feather). (@) This is the well-known annual variety for dwarf borders or as an edging to beds. Attractive light yellow foliage. Grows 1 foot high. Pkt. 10c; ¢ oz. 25c.

3843 Hybridum roseum, James Kelway. |HP| Large daisy-like blooms of a rich deep scarlet color. Very showy. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

3844 Hybridum roseum, Rose. [HP] A bright rose. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

3846 Hybridum, Single Mixed. This has large daisy-like flowers ranging in color from white to deep red, with bright yellow centers. Blooms in May and June, and again in the fall. It is one of the most graceful and long-lasting cut flowers; 2 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c.

3847 Hybridum grandiflorum, Mixed. {HP} A large flowering form of the above. Includes many lovely shades. 2 feet. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 75c.

3845 Hybridum fi. pl., Mixed. Seed saved from the finest double flowers. Only a small percentage can be expected to come double the first year; 2 feet. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

For Novelties and Specialties, see pages 45 to 54

‘Chinese Primrose

Chinese Primroses—Primula sinensis

The Dreer Peerless strain of Chinese Primroses is known for its excellence. It is vigorous, free blooming, and large flowered.

PACKET 3784 Peerless Blue (True Blue).........0.000.c0cceeee $0 50 3785 White (Brook's White). Pure white............. 50 S787. Pink (Delicaia)., Soft. Pink). 220 oo occis ce ees e ee 50 3783 Scarlet (Chiswick Red Imp.). Rich scarlet...... 50

3786 Crimson (Crimson King). Richluminouscrimson. 50 3789 Collection. One packet each of the 5 sorts. $2.00.

3790 Peerless Mixed. This mixture contains only the finest fringed large-flowering sorts and cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.00.

3791 Giant Flowering Mixed. This magnificent strain is of more robust growth. It produces immense trusses of extra large, finely fringed flowers in many new and novel colors; as a pot plant it is unequalled. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

Primula malacoides, Snow Queen

Various Primroses

3826 Malacoides (Improved Baby Primrose). delicate lilac. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

3827 Princess Mary (New). Of exceptional vigor with flowers often measuring one inch across. Deep rose-pink with light yellow eye. Very fine. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

3828 rosea superba. A beautiful variety with bright rose blooms. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

3829 Snow Queen (New). A vast improvement over the old malacoides alba. The flowers are considerably larger and they are pure white. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.25.

3824 Kewensis. A splendid house plant with pleasing bright yellow flowers borne profusely on long stems. It has a delightful fragrance. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Large whorls of


The charming and beautiful Chinese Fringed Primrose and Obconica varieties are indispensable for winter or spring decora- tions in the home or conservatory. They are one of the most important winter blooming pot plants. Sow in March, April, or May.

Giant Primula obconica [>|

These are of the easiest culture in greenhouse or in a light window of the house, flowering abundantly and continuously with little care. Should be sown during the spring in good porous loam. They will not germinate well in any compost containing peat or leaf mould. To develop the colors to the highest degree, grow in heavy soil and at a temperature as near 60 degrees as possible.

Primula obconica

3821 Fasbender. Glowing deep red blooms of the largest size. A splendid variety. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

3822 Rhine Pearl. A very striking variety with extra large blooms of a dark salmon-carmine. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

3823 Mueller and Mohnstein. This represents splendid shades of crimson and rose. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50.

3809 Gigantea Appleblossom. Pkt. 30c; special pkt. $1.25.

3811 kermesina. Richcrimson. Pkt. 40c; special pkt. $1.25. 3812 rosea. Pure rose color. Pkt. 40c; special pkt. $1.25. 3813 Salmon Queen. Beautiful salmon. Pkt. 50c; special

pkt. $1.75. 3815 Mixed Colors. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. $1.25, 3820 Grandiflora, Mixed Colors. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

Hardy Primroses

These hardy Primroses are among our most delightful spring flowers. They do best when planted in a partially shaded location and where they have a fair quantity of moisture.

1500 Auricula. A well-known favorite of great beauty. This seed has been saved from extra choice plants of many colors. 6 inches. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3825 Japonica (Japanese Primrose). A fine hardy primrose growing about 18 inches high. Has large showy colorful blooms borne in whorls 6 to 9 inches long. Mixed colors. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

3830 Vulgaris (English Primrose).

Fragrant canary yellow

blossoms. Splendid in the rockery. Pkt. 20c; $ oz. 7Sc. Polyantha. For descriptions and prices, see Polyanthus, page 95.

Dreer’s Flower Seeds are Sent POSTPAID

Ricinus, Red Spire

Ricinus ® Castor Oil Bean

Very ornamental and picturesque plants of stately growth. They give a sub-tropical effect in the garden and have









antly colored fruits. Fine for the and for massing. Cambodgensis. The stems and leaf stalks are shining ebony. The color of the large, richly colored foli- age varies as the plant grows; 5 feet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c. Gibsoni. Deep red foliage. 5 feet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c. Panormitanus. A strong grow- er, 6 feet high, with immense leaves of a rich dark brown color; of rich tropical appearance. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

Sanguineus. The stalks are rich blood-red and so are the clusters of fruits. 7 feet. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c. Red Spire. Bushy plants, 6 feet high, with pretty palmate leaves of a bronzy green with prominent red ribs and veins. Crimson fruits. Very fine. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c.

Zanzibariensis. A_ distinct species of gorgeous splendour. Has gigantic leaves. Includes light and dark green as well as dark colored plants. Pkt. 10c; oz. 30c; } lb. $1.00.

3869 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 varieties, 40c.


Mixed. A general mixture of many fine varieties. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; < Ib. 75c.

Rudbeckia purpurea

Rainbow Corn—Zea japonica variegata ®

2662 As an ornamental foliage plant this is not only highly effective but

also very interesting. The plants grow about 5 feet high. They are quite bushy and have prettily variegated foliage, the leaves being striped with bright green, silvery white, rosy purple, and sulphur yellow. Makes a pretty dividing line between the vegetable and flower garden. Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c.

Rhodanthe—Swan River Everlasting ®

3860 Mixed Colors. A charming annual which succeeds best in a light

rich soil and in a warm sheltered position. Also splendid for pot culture. Valuable for garden display and for winter bouquets. Grows one foot high. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

Rosemary [12

3895 Rosmarinus officinalis. An old favorite aromatic herb with a

delightful fragrance. The flowers are light blue and are borne pro- fusely on plants about 2 feet high. It should be planted in a warm dry situaticn and given a little protection during the severe winter weather. The leaves are also used for seasoning diverse dishes. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

as “7s

Key to the Symbols: @=Annual @)=Biennial {tP]= Tender Perennial

uHP|= Half-Hardy Per- ennial {aP|= Hardy Perennial.

Sanvitalia @ Creeping Zinnia © 3938 Procumbens fl. pl. The popular name Creeping Zinnia refers to the dwarf, creeping growth of the plants which makes them particularly fine for dwarf beds, edges, or for borders. They also are good in vases, baskets, etc. Showy bright yellow, double blooms not unlike small Zinnias, during the summer and early fall. Pkt. 10c; }# oz. 50c.

Rudbeckia ® &

Cone Flower

3901 Bicolor superba. (A) Dense bushy plants 2 feet high covered with golden yellow flowers around a brown disc. Very effective in the garden besides giving a fine lot of showy cut flowers. Pkt. 10c;

i oz. 25c.

3902 Newmani. Bright orange-yellow petals and a large black cone in the center. Grows 3 feet tall and blooms in the autumn. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

3903 Purpurea (Giant Purple Cone Flower). Large, reddish purple flowers 4 inches across. Blooms all summer long. 3 feet high. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 50c.

Sanvitalia procumbens fl. pl.

We offer a number of splendid NOVELTIES and SPECIALTIES in Flower Seeds. See pages 45 to 54

Salvia splendens—Scarlet Sage ®

The Scarlet Sage is an indispensable bedding plant. Its fine qualities and unusually rich color make it the most effective material to bring color into the summer and fall garden. Suited for beds, borders, or as individual specimens. Start the seed indoors or in the hotbed early and set out when the weather has become settled.

3936 Dreer’s America. perfect uniformity of growth, freedom of bloom, and earliness of coming into flower, than Dreer’s America Salvia. The plants are all perfectly uniform; 2 feet high and as broad. The seed we offer has been produced from cuttings taken carefully from superior plants. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c; ¢ oz. $1.50.

3932 Bonfire (Clara Bedman). Lovely round bushes, 2 feet high and as wide. Has brilliant scarlet flower spikes that stand clear above the dark green foliage. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c; ¢ oz. $1.00.

3935 Splendens (Scarlet Sage). Beautiful bright scarlet. 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c; $ oz. 75c.

Salvia azurea grandiflora

Various Salvias

3928 Azurea grandiflora. A hardy perennial with long spikes closely set with sky-blue flowers during August and September. 3 feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. ,

3929 Farinacea. Often grown as an annual. Seed sown in the open ground in May will bloom from July until frost. Long spikes of light blue. 2 to 3 feet. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c; 4 oz. 75c.

3931 Patens (Blue Sage). A splendid Salvia for the border or greenhouse. Has magnificent ultramarine-blue flowers. 2 feet. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3930 Sclarea. Immense, loosely arranged spikes of attractive

floral leaves shading from white to light rose during July and August. Grows 4 feet high. Pkt. 15c; 1 oz. 50c.

How to grow Annuals and Perennials from Seed. Leaflet covering this subject free on request

No other Scarlet Sage exhibits the |


Salpiglossis—Painted Tongue

These are one of the very finest annuals. They are of the easiest culture, succeeding in any good ordinary soil and in a sunny position. The plants grow from 24 to 30 inches high and produce freely from mid-summer until frost their attractive Gloxinia-like blossoms in a very large and unusual range of colors. They are splendid for cutting, lasting well. Seed may be started indoors or in a hotbed about the end of March, or sown outdoors when danger from frost is passed and the ground is in good condition. For best results the plants should not be set closer than 12 inches apart.

Salpiglossis, Improved Large-flowering

Improved Large-Flowering Varieties

3912 Crimson. 3915 Rose and Gold.

3913 Primrose. 3916 Scarlet and Gold.

3914 Purple and Gold. 3917 White and Gold. Any of the above: Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

3919 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 sorts. 50c.

3920 Finest Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c; oz. $1.50.

Saponaria—soapwort &

3939 Ocymoides. [HP] A showy, hardy, rock garden plant covered by small bright rose flowers during the early sum- mer. Grows 9 inches high and is also fine for dwarf beds or borders. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

3940 Vaccaria. @) This is a very pretty and useful annual variety which grows about 2 feet tall and bears masses of satiny pink flowers somewhat like an enlarged Gypsophila. Charming to add grace to flower bouquets. Make successive sowings. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.


Large-flowering Scabiosa


Annual Scabiosa ®

Mourning Bride—Sweet Scabious —Pincushion Flower

These are great favorites with many of our customers. Seed can be sown any time in the spring after danger of frost is past. They grow 2} to 3 feet high and come into bloom early in July, and con- tinue without interruption until hard frost. The beautiful flowers, in exquisite shades, are borne on long stems, and when cut keep in perfect condition for the best part of a week. They make effective borders or beds, and no garden is complete without Scabiosas, espe- cially where flowers are wanted for cutting.



3943 Azure Fairy. Clear lavender-blue...... $0 10 $0 25 3944 Crimson. Rich rosy crimson........... 10 25 3951 Flesh Pink. Delicate tone of pink...... 10 25 3952 King of the Blacks. Velvety black purple 10 25 3955 Peachblossom. Soft peach-blossom pink. 10 30 3957 Shasta. Very large, pure white......... 10 30

3959 Collection. One packet each of the 6 colors. 40c.

3966 Collection. This contains } oz.

each of the above 6 beautiful colors. $1.25.

3953 Loveliness (New). A glorious, new variety in the annual Scabiosa with lovely, large, well-rounded, fully double blooms of varying tones of soft delicate salmon-rose. It is without question the most beautiful Scabiosa ever intro- duced. The plants are vigorous and produce an abundance of long, stiff flower stems which give a splendid display in the garden and which are unsurpassed for cutting. The graceful blooms have a lovely fragrance which adds to their desirability as a cut flower. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 50c.



Hardy Perennial

Scabiosa [fp]

With the introduction of some of the newer varieties of perennial Scabiosa this class of flowers has again come to the foreground. Every perennial border whether large or small should have its due share of these beautiful plants. They are perfectly hardy and give us a great profusion of blooms from June until September. If sown any time from April until early July in special seed beds the young plants can be set into their permanent place in the fall or early the following spring. They will bloom profusely the second year after sowing and increase in size with every succeed- ing year. Besides their attractiveness in the perennial border they are also highly valuable as a cut flower.

3941 Caucasica (Blue Bonnet). One of the handsomest of the hardy perennial Scabiosas, especially valuable for cutting. The soft lavender-blue blooms last a long time in water. 3 feet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

3942 Japonica. This is a Japanese variety forming well- rounded bushes 24 feet high. They bear a great profusion of beautiful, long stemmed, lavender-blue flowers. Splendid for cutting. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

3946 Columbaria Pink. A contribution from South Africa. Has extra-large flowers, 2 to 2} inches across, in a beautiful soft pink color. Grows 1 to 2 feet high. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

Scabiosa, Giant Hybrids

3947 Giant Hybrids (Isaac House Strain). A great improve- ment over the Caucasica, being more vigorous with larger and longer stems and heavier petals, which are ruffled as well as slightly frilled on the edges. Colors range from light to darkest blue, but delicate lilac and mauve pre- dominate. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Scarlet Runner Beans

3595 Phaselous coccineus. A splendid ornamental climbing bean bearing handsome large sprays of bright scarlet, pea- shaped blossoms followed by edible beans of good flavor which, however, should be picked before they reach too large a size. Large, showy, rich green foliage. Pkt. 10c; 4 lb. 25c; Ib. 45c.

Sedum coeruleum-—Stonecrop ®

3975 The demand for annuals suited to the rock garden has made this lovely creeping variety with its dainty racemes of charming pale blue flowers very popular. Sow the small seeds with care where they are to bloom. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

One Thousand and One Garden Questions Answered (Hottes), $2.00 per copy, postpaid

Schizanthus— Butterfly or Fringe Flower ®

This is one of the airiest and daintiest flowers imaginable, es- pecially adapted to bordering beds of taller flowers and those of a heavier growth. The seeds germinate quickly and come into bloom in a few weeks from sowing. The florescence is such as to completely obscure the foliage, making the plant a veritable pyra- mid of the most delicate and charming bloom. The Schizanthus make admirable pot plants for the house in late winter and early spring. For this purpose sow in the autumn.

ae es : (fl EES Schizanthus—Butterfly or Fringe Flower

3968 Giant Flowering Hybrids. An extra-select strain, specially useful as a pot plant for the house or conservatory. Magnificent blooms the size of a silver dollar in a perfect blend of colors. Remarkably free flowering and presents a beautiful appearance with its myriads of bloom. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3970 Mixed. A splendid mixture of the regular type which forms pretty plants about 18 inches high. They have attractive, light green, feathery foliage and are covered with blooms throughout the entire summer. Also fine for cutting. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

3967 Dwarf Large-Flowered Mixed (Dr. Badgers Hybrids). Forms compact pyramidal plants a foot high, literally covered with large beautiful orchid-like flowers in a be- wildering range of color. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 40c.

Sidalcea—Prairie Mallow

3979 Rosy Gem. Bright rose-colored mallow-like flowers pro- duced profusely during July and August on stems 3 feet tall. A splendid hardy perennial for the sunny border. Of graceful growth. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Smilax—Myrsiphyllum asparagoides

3981 In many respects Smilax is the most useful, and it is certainly one of the most graceful climbers which adorns the green- house or conservatory; for bouquets and floral decorations it is indispensable. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

Solanum ~— Jerusalem Cherry [TP

3987 Cleveland Red. A greatly improved form of this very useful pot plant for winter decoration. It is of dwarf, branching habit; leaves small and oval shaped, bearing in the greatest profusion bright scarlet globular berries. Very ornamental; 1 foot. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c.

Statice—Annual Varieties ®

These have become quite popular, the flowers being used ex- tensively in combination with other Everlastings in the making of winter bouquets. The seeds are supplied in the dried flower heads which may be started indoors or sown in the open when the weather gets warm. In order to secure satisfactory germination the flower heads should be somewhat pulled apart and placed in the soil on their sides; 18 inches.

Statice sinuata

3996 Sinuata rosea superba. A lovely bright rose.

3997 Lavender. A clear and lovely color.

3998 True Blue. A shade of great appeal.

3999 alba. Has lovely white blooms.

3995 Bonduelli. The blooms are rich lemon yellow.

Any of the above: Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

3994 Suworowi (Russian Cat-tail Statice). Elegant long tail-like spikes closely set with beautiful small rose-colored blooms. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c.

3993 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 sorts. 40c.

Perennial Statice—Sea Lavender [HP]

Splendid hardy perennials either for the border or rockery, producing all summer panicles of minute flowers which can be dried and used for winter bouquets.

3988 Latifolia. Small, purplish blue flowers borne most pro fusely. 3 feet high. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

3989 Caspia. Bears a multitude of small lilac blooms gracefully arranged on spikes 2 to 3 feet tall. A very pretty variety. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

3991 Dumosa. Dense clusters of closely set, pure silver gray blooms. Splendid for the rock garden and for cutting. 24 ft. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

3990 Incana, Mixed. This contains many sorts of the hardy Statice varieties. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

@ =Annual; ®)=Biennial; HHP|= Half-Hardy Perennial; {i?|=Hardy Perennial; [T?|=Tender Perennial


Dreer’s ‘‘Incomparable” Sweet Peas

Collections of Dreer’s Incomparable Orchid-Flowered Sweet Peas

We have combined in these collections a wide range of beautiful colors which harmonize well. They will give a splendid display in the garden and yield lots of blooms for cutting.

4208 One packet each of 6 varieties, our selection. 4218 One packet each of the 12 starred* varieties. 4228 One packet each of all 34 varieties listed.

50c. $1.00. $2.50. $1.25. $2225: $7.00.

4209 One ounce each of 6 varieties, our selection. 4219 One ounce each of the 12 starred* varieties. 4229 One ounce each of all 34 varieties listed.

Dreer’s Orchid-Flowered Sweet Peas in Mixture Those who wish all colors in a well-balanced proportion will find this special Dreer Mixture superb in every way. It has been care- fully blended to insure a well-balanced range of desirable colors and it would be impossible to get anything of higher quality at any price. Pkt. 10c; oz. 20c; + 1b. 60c; lb. $2.00.

| 4092

Dreer’s ‘‘Incomparable’’ Orchid-Flowered SWEET PEAS ©

Summer Flowering Garden Varieties

These are splendid for flowering in the garden. Sow the seed as early in the spring as the ground can be prepared as they grow most vigorously during the cool spring and early summer season.

Blue and Purple

Blue Bell. Lovely large clear blue flowers. Heavenly Blue. Immense flowers of a real Del- phinium-blue. Well placed on good strong stems.

4073 4128

4175 *Olympia. Very large rich purple blooms. 4193 *Reflection. A clear Cornflower-blue. The flowers are well waved and set on long stems. Lavender and Light Blue 4065 Ambition. Well-formed blooms of rich rosy lavender. 4064 *Austin Frederick Improved. Soft lavender.

4120 Gleneagles. 4188 Powerscourt.

One of the loveliest light blue. Gigantic pure lavender blooms.

Pink and Rose

4076 Bon Bon (New). Glorious rich pink blooms with a fine shading of amber. Pkt. 15c; 4 0z. 60c; oz. $1.00.

4078 *Brilliant Rose. Brilliant, large, tyrian rose blooms.

4081 Charming. Bright cerise flowers of largest size.

4091 Damask Rose. A satiny shade of deep rose.

4124 Hawlmark Pink. A distinct rose-pink shade attractively suffused with clear salmon.

4151 Mary Pickford. Nicely waved petals of a dainty clear pink faintly suffused salmon. Fine four-flowered sprays.

4185 *Picture. Gigantic blooms borne freely. An attractive tint of pink suffused with creamy apricot.

4186 *Pinkie. A strong and vigorous grower with large blooms of a charming rose-pink.

4195 Rosie (New). Deep rose-pink blooms, richer and deeper than Pinkie. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 60c; oz. $1.00.

4205 *Supreme. An exquisite shade of soft pink.

4216 Valentine. Extra large blooms of fine blush-pink.

Crimson and Maroon

4080 Charity. A brilliant crimson which does not fade. 4088 *Crimson King. The finest and richest crimson. 4148 Leviathan. Impressive rich maroon flowers.


Fiery orange-scarlet shaded with cerise. A wonderful bright shade of sun-proof

4112 4185

Flamingo. *Huntsman. scarlet.

Primrose and Light Yellow

Daffodil. Beautifully fringed and waved. Rich cream. 4224 *What Joy. Considered the best cream variety.

Orange and Scarlet Mammoth. Immense blooms of blazing orange-scarlet. *Miss California. A distinct shade of salmon-pink. Mrs. A. Searles. Bright orange-cerise. Strong grower. Pirate Gold (New). Well-formed large blooms of an in- tense golden orange color. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 60c; oz. $1.00.


Avalanche. A glistening white of great substance. *Constance Hinton. A fine black-seeded white.

4149 4155 4158 4187

4066 4084

4157 Model. Another splendid black-seeded white. Mauve 4082 Chieftain. A very attractive pure satiny mauve.

Any of the above except where noted: Pkt. 10c; oz. 25c; 3 lb. 75c.

Portable Sweet Pea and Vine Trellis see page 208,

Stimugerm Culture for Sweet Peas,

Garden Size, 30c,

Dreer’s ‘‘Incomparable’’

Early-Flowering Orchid or Spencer

SWEET PEAS © For the Greenhouse and Early Outdoor Beds

While the early or winter-flowering type of Sweet Peas were primarily developed for the florist for growing during the winter in the greenhouse they, nevertheless, are valuable for outdoor cul- ture particularly in our extreme southern states and in sub-tropical countries. If sown there in September they will bloom by Christ- mas. In our northern gardens they will come into flower about 10

to 14 days ahead of the summer-flowering kinds.

Dreer’s ‘‘Peerless’’ Ten—Newer Varieties

4251 Annie Laurie. The richest pure rose-pink Sweet Pea ever produced. It is several tones richer than either Majestic Rose or Zvolanek’s Rose, representing a marked improvement over these well-known varieties. Pkt. 15c; 3 0z. 60c; oz. $1.00.

4236 Blue Bonnet. An extra-large clear deep blue. stemmed. Pkt. 15c; $ oz. 30c; 0z. 50c.

4241 Exposition Pink (Novelty). A gorgeous rich pink better than any other in this class. A fascinating color. Elegantly long stemmed four-flowered sprays. Pkt. 25c; } oz. $1.25; oz. $2.00.

4245 Grenadier. Brilliant glowing poppy scarlet. and free blooming. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 75c.

4248 Lady Gay. Thisisa soft shrimp pink. Has a most loving appeal. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 30c; oz. 50c.

4255 Lavanda (Novelty). Magnificent, large, well-waved flowers carried in fours on long strong stems. Richly per- fumed flowers of a lovely lavender color. Pkt. 25c; } oz. $1.25; oz. $2.00.

4250 Majestic Rose. pink, Unexcelled in vigor, length of stems, and size. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 75c.

4254 Satin Rose. Large, beautifully formed flowers represent- ing an exquisite blend of rose and amber with a salmon sheen. Pkt. 15c; 3 0z. 30c; oz. 50c.

4260 Valencia. A bright orange which is absolutely sun proof. Vigorous, long stemmed, very large, and exceptionally color- ful. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. 75c.

4275 White Harmony. The finest black-seeded early white Sweet Pea. Pkt. 15c; $ oz. 30c; oz. 50c.

4267 Collection. One packet each of the above 10 Peerless Early-Flowering Sweet Peas. $1.25.

4266 Collection. 4 oz. each of the above 10 Peerless Early-Flowering Sweet Peas. $4.75.


Very large

Immense flowers of a deep brilliant rose- Pkt.

Dreer’s Early Orchid-Flowered Sweet Peas in Mixture

4270 The greatest care has been exercised in blending this superb mixture so as to have a complete and well-balanced color representation. Pkt. 10c; oz. 35c; + lb. $1.25; lb. $4.00.

Cupid, Dwarf, or Bedding

Sweet Peas 4063 Cupid Mixed. These are summer-flowering Sweet

Peas for the garden where they may be used for beds and borders as they grow 6 inches high and about a foot wide.

Our mixture Pkt. 10c;

They bloom from June until late summer. includes a wide range of beautiful colors. oz. 20c; + Ib. 60c; lb. $2.00.


Early-Flowering Orchid Sweet Pea

Twelve Choice Early-Flowering Orchid or Spencer

Sweet Peas

From the long list of early-flowering Sweet Peas we have selected these 12 as the finest standard sorts.

4234 Aviator. 4238 Columbia. Lovely salmon-rose with white wings. 4239 Cream, or Meadow Lark. 4220 Chevalier. Well-formed blooms of a true rose color.

4249 Fascination. This is the salmon rose-pink color of Hawl- mark Pink combined with the strong stems of Jeanne Mamitsch. It is therefore better than either of these well- known varieties.

4243 Glitters.

4246 Harmony. Finest clear lavender.

4247 Imperial Pink. A continuously blooming clear pink.

4261 New Blue. This is the very finest rich deep blue variety. % 0Z. 40c; oz. 75c.

4257 Snowstorm Improved. A white-seeded pure white.

4262 Vulcan. A burning dazzling scarlet-cerise.

4263 Zvolanek’s Rose.

Any of the above except where noted:

Bkty 15¢393)10z) SOc; oz. 50c.

4268 Collection. One packet each of the above

12 choice Early-Flowering Sweet Peas. $1.25.

4269 Collection. 12 choice Early-Flowering Sweet Peas.

Choice blooms of a dazzling crimson scarlet.

Lovely primrose yellow.

A glistening fiery orange. Strong growing.

The standard rich rose variety.

One oz. each of the above $5.00.

Planning and Planting the Home Garden (Pauline Murray). $3.50 per copy postpaid,




Stocks-—Gilliflower ®©

Stocks are one of the most popular annuals either for bedding or pot culture. profusion, and duration of bloom they are unsurpassed.

For brilliance and diversity of color, fragrance,

Early Giant Imperial Stocks

Early Giant Imperial Stocks

A strain of early-flowering Winter or Brompton Stocks, forming much-branched plants about 23 feet high and having numerous spikes of very large, double, delightfully fragrant flowers. If sown in February or March will produce plants that will bloom out of doors from mid-summer till frost.

4041 Antique Copper. A new and very attractive color—rich hellebore red. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

4053 Buttercup (New). A rich deep tone of lovely buttercup yellow. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

4061 Elk’s Pride. Lovely large well-formed flowers of a rich royal purple. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

4944 Fiery Blood Red. This rich and bright color is particular- ly pleasing. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

4047 Lavender. Lovely. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

4042 Old Rose. A very beautiful shade of old rose. fully double. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

4043 Rose Pink. Very pretty. Pkt. 20c; special pkt. 75c.

4054 Shasta (New). A giant, vigorous, robust, glistening white variety with extra long stems. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

4049 Collection. One packet each of the above 8 Early Giant Imperial Stocks. $1.25.

4050 Finest Mixed. This includes all the very finest colors available in this type. Pkt. 15c; $ oz. 75c.


Large Flowering 10-Week Stocks This is the leading class for bedding out for summer blooming, coming into flower quicker than the other types; 12 to 15 inches high. 4015 Purple 4016 Pure White 4017 Canary-Yellow Any of the above: Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 60c. 4018 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 colors. 4020 Mixed. A very fine mixture. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 60c.

Cut-and-Come-Again Stocks Splendid perpetual-blooming class. Sown in March or April they begin flowering in July, continuing till frost. They are es- pecially valuable during September and October, when other flowers are scarce. They throw out numerous side branches, all bearing very double, fragrant flowers; 2 feet.

4011 Blood-Red 4013 Light Blue 4014 Bright Pink


4031 Princess Alice. White..............

40382, La) Frances. Roseseh oi). eek as

4033 Brilliant. Blood-red................ Any of theses 4034 Sapphire. Darkblue............... ERC 13¢;

4035 Creole. Creamy-yellow.............. special pkt. 60c.

4036 May Queen. Delicate lilac 4039 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 Cut-and-Come-Again Stocks. 60c.

4040 Finest Mixed Colors. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 60c.

Stokesia—Cornflower Aster

| 4051 Cyanea. This is a beautiful native hardy perennial. The

plant grows about 24 inches high, each bearing from 20 to 30 handsome lavender-blue Cornflower-like blossoms; in bloom from July till frost. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 75c.

alba. A pure white-flowering form. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 75c. Mixed. A number of colors. Pkt. 15c; } oz. $1.00.


Sweet Rocket—Hesperis

Sweet Rocket—Hesperis 2

4280 Old-fashioned hardy garden plants; also known as Dame's Rocket and Dame's Violet. Grows about 3 feet high and bears spikes of showy white, lilac, and purple fragrant flowers. Excellent for naturalizing among shrubbery or for planting in a permanent border; mixed colors. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 20c; oz. 60c.

Have you perused pages 45 to 54 which offer our Specialties and Novelties.


Sweet William Dianthus barbatus 2]

A well known, attractive, free-flowering hardy perennial, pro- ducing a splendid effect in beds and borders with their rich and varied flowers. It is much better to raise new vigorous young plants from seed every season than to divide the old plants; 18 inches.

4282 Newport Pink. In color it is what florists call water- melon-pink or salmony-rose. Strikingly brilliant and beauti- ful; the flowers are borne in massive heads on stems 18 inches high. Very effective for cutting or midseason mass bedding. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 30c; } oz. 50c. 4281 Scarlet Beauty. A very effective rich deep scarlet. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 30c; + oz. 50c. 4286 Single Velvety Maroon. This is a most unusual color. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 25c; 4 oz. 40c. 4288 Single Pure White. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 25c; } oz. 40c. 4289 Collection. One packet each of the above 4 splendid Sweet Williams. 40c.

Double and Single Sweet William

4290 Single Mixed. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c; oz. 60c. 4297 Double Mixed. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 30c; oz. $1.00.

4291 Holborn Glory Mixed. This strain is a large-flowered selection of the Auricula-eyed section, the most beautiful and admired of all Sweet Williams. The individual flowers and trusses are of extraordinary size, while the range of color, all showing a clear white eye, is superb. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 30c.

4293 Dwarf Compact Single Mixed. A very low growing,

compact form of this popular perennial. Fine for edging or bedding. Pkt. 15c; 4 oz. 40c; oz. $1.25.

Hybrid Sweet Williams

2342 Latifolius atrococcineus fl. pl. (Everblooming Hybrid Sweet William). This is a cross between an annual Pink and Sweet William, combining the free and continuous blooming qualities of the former with the hardiness of the latter; in color an intense velvety crimson scarlet. Pkt. 15c; 3 oz. 50c.

2343 Latifolius, Double Mixed. In addition to crimson

this mixture contains purple, violet, and rose. Pkt. 10c; YY oz. 40c.

Sweet Wivelsfield ©

2331 Dianthus barbatus X Allwoodii. This new hardy annual Dianthus resembles a large flowering Sweet William. It is distinct in habit and freedom of growth. Its flowers are carried more gracefully in loose heads, well above the foliage. Includes a greater variety of coloring, the predomi- nating colors being reds, pinks, and crimsons. Makes an excellent flower for cutting. Grows about 12 inches in height and if started in heat in February or early March will bloom continuously from June until October; sown in the open ground in April or later it will flower late in the summer.

Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c; } 0z. 75c. ee

ewe Me et

eee = fee ie te Tagetes signata pumila

Tagetes—Miniature Marigold ®

4301 Signata pumila. A dwarf compact annual Mar@old of bushy growth with beautiful fern-like foliage and covered with bright golden yellow blooms. Grows 9 inches high and blooms all season long. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c; oz. $1.50.

Thalictrum—Meadow Rue {P| Showy tall perennials pe=== ne

with attractive foliage not |

unlike that of the Maiden |

Hair Fern but of larger

size. The flowers are ©

borne freely during the |


4305 Aquilegifolium | album. A beauti- ful variety with Col- umbine-like foliage and masses. of feathery white flow- ers in June and July. Grows 3 feet high. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

4304 Aquilegifolium purpureum. Sim- ilar to the above but the flowers are bright rosy purple. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

4306 Dipterocarpum. We consider this one of the real gems among hardy plants. Valuable not only for the garden but its dainty, graceful sprays of flowers, elegantly arranged on stems 4 feet high, are invaluable for cutting. The flowers are a charming shade of violet-mauve, which is brightened by a bunch of lemon-yellow stamens and anthers. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.


eae a

An index of the Botanical and the Common or Popular Names of Flowers is given on pages 214 and 215



Thermopsis 4308 Caroliniana. A tall-growing, showy hardy perennial producing during June and July elegant long spikes set with lovely Lupine-like yellow blooms. 3 feet high. Fine

for cutting. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Thunbergia—Black-Eyed Susan ® 4310 Mixed Colors. A beautiful, rapid growing, annual climber preferring a warm, sunny situation. Used extensively in hanging-baskets, vases, low fences, etc. Very pretty flowers in buff, white, orange, etc., with dark eyes; 4 feet. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c; oz. $1.00.

Torenia ® 4322 Fournieri. A very fine annual, splendid for vases, hang- ing-baskets, borders, etc. Covered the entire season with a mass of bloom. Sky-blue, with three spots of dark blue, and bright yellow center. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.

Tritoma—Red-Heot Poker Plant

Tritoma {7 Red-Hot Poker, Flame Flower, Torch Lily

4330 New Early Hybrids Mixed. This new continuous- flowering Tritoma occupies a prominent place among hardy bedding plants. It is readily grown from seed, many flowering the first year if sown early. For immediate results it will be better to get plants, but raising them from seed is highly interesting. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Trollius—Globe Flower 4332 Caucasicus, Orange Globe. A rare variety with large orange blooms which are fine for cutting. Theseeds germi- nate slowly. Blooms during May and June. 18 inches high. Pkt 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Tunica 4335 Saxifraga. A neat, tufted, hardy plant growing but a few inches high. It bears throughout the entire season numerous elegant small pink blooms on slender wire-like stems. Will thrive anywhere and is especially fine in the rock garden or as an edge to the hardy border. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 30c.

Valeriana—Valerian (7) 4340 Rubra, Mixed. Showy large corymbs of red or white flowers. Splendid for garden display and bouquets. Grows 2 feet high. Mixed colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c; oz. $1.00.

Venidium— Monarch of the Veldt ® 4343 Fastuosum. A magnificent new species from South

Africa. The plants grow 2 to 3 feet high and bear numerous rich orange-colored daisy-like blooms which are marked with a purple-black blotch at the base of each petal. The Start

foliage is a wooly gray. Plant in a sunny position. the seed in March. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Veronica Speedwell

The Veronicas are great favor- ites among gardeners on account of the lovely blue shades which dominate in this easy-to-grow, ff perfectly hardy class of peren- + nials.

4374 Maritima. A very pretty hardy Speedwell with long spikes of blue flowers from July to September. 2 feet high. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 50c.

4375 Repens. Light blue flow- ers in May and June. Fine for the rock garden,

Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

4376 Spicata. A lovely border variety with long spikes of bright blue flowers in June and July. 1} feet.

Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c. =

Veronica spicata

Vinca rosea

Vinca—Madagascar Periwinkle or Old Maid ®

Ornamental free-blooming annual with bright green, shiny foliage and one of the most satisfactory and long-flowering bedding plants we have. 12 to 18 inches.

4381 Rosea. Rose with dark eye.............. Any of these: 4382 alba. White with crimson eye......... Pkt. 10c; 4383 alba pura. Pure white............... 4 oz. 50c.

4384 —kermesina. Brilliant crimson-rose with red eye. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

4388 Collection. One packet each of the above 4 colors of Vinca. 40c. 4390 Rosea, Mixed. Contains all colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 40c.

Viscaria oculata © 4412 Mixed Colors. A very pretty annual form of Lychnis, producing freely throughout the summer showy single flowers in red, white, and blue, all of them with dark eyes. Effective for beds and useful for cutting; height 1 foot. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c.

The Special pkts. offered contain considerably more seeds than the regular pkts.


Dreer’s Grandiflora Verbenas

New Dwarf Compact Verbena)


Fireball. A dwarf compact growing Verbena only about 6 inches high. The plants are literally covered with bright scarlet blooms. Fine for the rock gar- den, beds, borders, or for pots.

Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

New Verbena Royal Bouquet




A valuable departure from the usual procumbent growth of other varieties. The plants are upright, 15 to 18 inches tall, and carry large flowers on straight stems. Includes many fine colors. Also good for cutting. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

Various Verbenas

Erinoides (Moss Verbena). @ This lovely annual Verbena produces a mass of lace-like foliage spreading over the ground like a carpet. The fine flower- heads of purplish blue and white are borne in lavish profusion from June until frost. Fine for beds, baskets, and the rock garden. Pkt. 10c; }0z. 50c.

Venosa (Hardy Garden Verbena). [HP] This is used extensively for bedding, growing 1 foot high, and carrying bright purplish heliotrope flowers from early summer until late fall. It is perfectly hardy and does well in beds, borders, and may also be used in the rock garden. It is a strong thrifty grower. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 50c.


Dreer’s Verbenas

This is a favorite class with many gardeners. Those offered here are all annuals except Verbena venosa which is a splendid hardy perennial. Most distinctive are the new Giant-Flowering varieties which have magnificent trusses composed of very large individual blooms. They are splendid for beds, borders, and also excellent as cut flowers.

New Giant Flowering Varieties @ 4362 Etna. Very large, intensive geranium-red blooms with small white eye. Very showy. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

4352 Cerise Queen. A beautiful shade of soft salmon-cerise, very new in Verbenas. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

4353 Beauty of Oxford Hybrids. A most remarkable variety with immense blooms of beautiful well-rounded form. The colors range from rose-pink to deep rose mak- ing this the brightest Verbena ever produced from seed. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

4358 Lavender Glory. A _ lovely, sweetly fragrant Verbena with large blooms of a pure lavender shade accentuated by a medium-sized creamy white eye. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

4363 Spectrum Red. A brilliant variety that dazzles the eye—an intense bright spectrum red without any eye. Large well shaped blooms. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c.

4369 Collection. One packet each of the above 5 New Giant Flowering Verbenas. 85c.

Grandiflora Varieties ©

The trusses are of the largest size, of brilliant colors, free-blooming, and of vigor- ous habit. For best and quickest results seed should be sown early in the house or hotbed and transplanted to flowering quarters in May. If sown outdoors in May, it blooms from the end of July on. 4351 Colossea Rose Shades.

4357 Lucifer. Beautiful deep cardinal scarlet................. 4354 Luminosa. Blooms of luminous coral pink.............. 4356 Royale. Royal blue, creamy yellow eye.................. 4364 Salmon-Pink. Has a small white eye................... 4355 White. Lovely pure paper white blooms................. 4359 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 colors. 50c.

4360 Dreer’s Grandiflora Mixed. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 40c; + oz. 75c.

Various rose shades............

Any of these: Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c.

Violas or Tufted Pansies {7

Though smaller flowered than the Giant Pansies these are very free blooming. They are splendid for beds, borders, and unexcelled for rock plants.

4401 Papilio (Butterfly Violet). Violet lilac. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 4402 Lutea splendens. Rich golden yellow. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 4403 Blue Perfection. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c. 4404 Apricot. Rich apricot, orange center. Pkt. 25c; special pkt. 75c. 4405 White Perfection. Pure white blooms.

4409 Collection. One packet each of the above_5 Tufted Pansies. 60c.

4410 Cornuta Mixed. All the finest varieties. Pkt. 10c; special pkt. 50c; } oz. 75c.

Deep purple blue.

Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 60c.

Gem Violas. The most valuable bedding Violas ever introduced. suited to our climate doing well in good soil and in a sunny position.

4406 Jersey Gem (Blue Gem). Vigorous, compact, sturdy plants covered with blue- violet blooms from May until fall. Pkt. 35c; special pkt. $1.25.

4407 Lavender Gem (New). Fine lavender blooms. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.50. 4408 Rosy Gem (New). Lovely deep rose flowers. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.25. 4396 Yellow Gem (New.) Pure yellow flowers. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.25. 4397 White Gem (New). Pure white flowers. Pkt. 50c; special pkt. $1.25

5: 4399 Collection. each of the 5 Gem Violas.


One packet $1.75.

Garden Guide. Tells how to plan, plant, and maintain the home grounds. $1.00 per copy, postpaid


Single Wallflower

Wallflower ff) Cheiranthus Cheiri

These bloom early in the spring. They have beautiful fragrant flowers in many bright colors. In the north they should be protected by a cold frame during the winter.

4415 Paris Extra Early Mixed. A beautiful single-flowered variety. Sown early it will flower the first season. 13 feet. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c.

Goliath. Rich shining red single flowers with a deep black velvety sheen. Very fragrant. Pkt. 10c; + oz. 25c.

Early Wonder Double Mixed. The plants grow about 2 feet high and form many graceful spikes set with large double fragrant blossoms. Includes many fine colors. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c.

Single Mixed. A good assortment of colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 20c; 0z. 50c. Double Flowering Finest Mixed. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 75c.




Dreer’s Flower Seeds for

Wild Gardens

The mixtures we offer are of the easiest growing kinds that can be sown broadcast over small or large areas, and with little care will produce a bright effect and an abundance of flowers in places that would otherwise be unsightly with weeds.

4550 Mixture of Annuals. A beauti- ful blending of varieties and colors making a wonderful display; also valuable for cutting. Large pkt. 10c; oz. 50c; + Ib. $1.50; Ib. $5.00.

4560 Mixture of Perennials. A splendid combination of easy grow- ing and free flowering sorts, some blooming the same season as sown. Makes a permanent display, and splendid for cutting. Large pkt. 15c; oz. 60c; } lb. $2.00.

4534 Nymphaea,


Water Lily & Lotus

Tender Varieties

Mixed. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c. 4537 Nelumbium (Lotus) Mixed Sorts.

4436 Filamentosa.

Py fe te


Pkt. 15c; 100 seeds for $1.50.

Yucca—Adam’s Needle {i¥|

This is a _ very interesting and showy plant with broad sword-like foliage and _tall- branched spikes growing 5 to 8 feet tall. During June and July the flower stems are covered with large, bell- shaped, drooping, creamy white, fra- grant blooms which open up fully during the night. Easy to grow in any good rich soil. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

hull i

Xeranthemum annuum

Xeranthemum @ Everlasting or Immortelle

Annuum. One of the prettiest and most satisfactory of the everlastings bearing an abundance of bright rose, purple, and white flowers which are showy not only in the garden but also very useful as dried flowers in winter bouquets. The plants grow 2 to 3 feet high. Sow the seed in the open ground early in May where they are to bloom. They will flower continuously from early summer until frost. Mixed colors. Pkt. 10c; 4 oz. 25c.

Dreer’s Choice

ZINNIAS o Youth and Old Age

For showy appearance, brilliance, and satisfaction no annual can compare with the Zinnia. It has long been a great favorite which still is enjoying a wide popularity not only for garden decoration but also for cutting. Sow the seed early in a hotbed or in a light window and transplant when the weather is warm, or sow outdoors when the ground has warmed up.

4490 Single Mixed. Interesting and most effective flowers in many colors. They are most artistic. Pkt. 10c; 3 oz. 25c; oz. 75c.

Zebra Mixed. A very pretty strain with striped flowers. As the colors vary on each plant they present a most curious and interest- ing sight. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c.

Red Riding Hood. This little gem grows but one foot high. Of compact form and covered during the entire season with little button- like, intense scarlet flowers 1 inch across. Pkt. 10c; } 0z. 40c; oz. $1.25.


Zinnia mexicana Perfection

4481 Mexicana, Perfection Mixed. This is an interesting and artistic strain of Zinnia. It is a dwarf variety growing about 18 inches high. The plants are simply covered with small double blooms of unusual colorings. Splendid for borders. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 40c; } oz. 60c.

The Garden Notebook (Putz).

A gardening handbook of 217 pages. 52

pages of illustrations showing how todo things. $1.60 per copy postpaid.

Dreer’s Giant Dahlia-Flowered ZINNIAS

This grand type of Zinnia is very popular with those who demand a large-flowering strain of high quality. The plants are of strong, vigorous habit, fully 3 feet high, producing mammoth flowers averaging 6 inches across by 3 to 4 inches in depth. The range of colors not only includes the usual shades but many unusual tones, such as deep lavender, old rose, orange and gold, deep purple, etc., and as the result of continued careful selection, the size, form, and colorings have again been greatly improved. We offer 9 distinct colors as well as a splendid mixture.

4471 Canary Bird. Bright canary yellow. 4472 Crimson Monarch. Crimson scarlet. 4473 Dream. Deep lavender. Most unusual. 4474 Exquisite. An exquisite rich rose-pink. 4465 Golden Dawn. Beautiful golden yellow. 4475 Old Rose. A sombre shade. Old rose. 4476 Oriole. Scintillating orange and gold. 4478 Purple Prince. A fine deep purple shade. 4477 Scarlet Flame. Fiery scarlet.

Any of the above: Pkt. 15c; $ oz. 75c.

4479 Collection. One packet each of the above 9 Giant Dahlia-Flowered Zinnias, $1.00.

4480 Finest Mixed. Makes a wonderful show. Pkt. 15c; + oz. 50c; oz. $1.50.

Dreer’s California Giant Double Zinnia



Dreer’s Giant Dahlia-Flowered Zinnia

Dreer’s California Giant Double Zinnias

Our special strain of this grand old favorite produces flowers of colossal size, specimens measuring from 5 to 6 inches across being not unusual. The plants are of extremely robust habit, attaining a height of about 3 feet, and should be spaced 18 to 24 inches apart to allow for full development. They bear numerous semi- globular, mostly very double flowers all of the largest size, making them of great value in large beds, borders, etc. Grown under favorable conditions they remain in bloom from early summer to late autumn. Their long stems make them ideal for cutting.

Our stock is the very finest procurable and is greatly superior to the ordinary stocks offered at lower prices.

4516 Crimson. Deep crimson-scarlet blooms.

4515 Lemon Queen. Primrose or canary yellow.

4514 Miss Willmott. Charming pright rose-pink.

4511 Orange King. Rich golden orange.

4513 Purity. Magnificent large white flowers.

4512 Rose Queen. A lovely shade of deep rose.

4517 Salmon. Large rich salmony rose ‘flowers. Any of the above: Pkt. 15c; $ oz. 50c.

4519 Collection. One packet each of the above 7 colors, 7S5c. 4518 Collection. i oz. each of the above 7 colors, $2.50. 4520 California Giant Mixed. A well balanced mixture of many

fine colors. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 35c; oz. $1.00.

Zinnias are continued on the next page


ZINNI AS— Continued

Dreer’s Cut and Come Again Dwarf Double Zinnias

This we consider the best Zinnia for bedding. They form bushy, compact plants not over 2 feet high and bear large perfect double flowers in good clear distinct colors.

BGAN CAaMaryer 28 Asst Eee 4443)'Flesh=Pink..s 52.3. sdaceeae eae Any color: A444 Orange: oo 3). eccyactis teeoee Pkt lOc; 4445 Scarlet .idctgc 33/05 ee eee } oz. 25c; 4446 Salmon-Rose....... oz. 75¢ AEST WIG. oo ies cc es Se EE ee

4459 Collection. One packet each of the above 6 sorts. 40c.

4460 Finest Mixed. This will give a colorful bed or border. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 25c; oz. 60c.

Dreer’s Lilliput or Pompon Double Zinnia

, # F | Dreer’s Lilliput or Pompon Double Zinnias

This very pretty small-flowering Zinnia has become exceedingly popular. Makes a good line or bed and of more than usual value for table decoration. Of compact habit, bearing in lavish pro- fusion, small, densely double flowers on long stems, held well above the foliage.

4522 Canary Yellow

4523 Crimson Gem. A richcrimson....

4524 Flesh-Pink. tae ote ee Any color: 4525 Golden Orange.................. Pkt. 10c; 4526/Salmon-Roseaa- yee eee eee | 3 oz. 40c.

4527 Scarlet 4528 White

4529 Collection. One packet each of the 7 colors. 50c. 4531 Collection. +3 oz. each of the 7 colors. $2.25.

4530 Finest Mixed. Pkt. 10c; } oz. 30c; } oz. 50c; oz. $1.00. |

The Book of Annuals (Hottes). A reliable guide to the

culture of annual flowers, over 100 separate species are de- scribed with full directions for their culture and uses. per copy, postpaid.


The Book of Perennials (Hoties). Devoted to the general principles of growing, using, and propagating old- fashioned hardy perennial plant. New Edition, revised and enlarged. $2.00 per copy, postpaid.

Double Zinnia, Picotee

Four Unusual Zinnias

| 4484 Picotee Mixed. A very pretty mixture producing large,

double, fringed flowers in a wide range of desirable colors. In the lighter shades each petal is distinctively tipped with maroon but the darker ones are tipped with a lighter color. Pkt. 15c; 4} oz. 50c; oz. $1.50.

4483 Picotee Delight, Salmon Beauty. A beautiful color.

Of diversified shape and markings, all blooms carrying the

salmon tone. Pkt. 15c; special pkt. 50c; } oz. 75c.

Double Zinnia Victory

4505 Victory Mixed (Achievement). A very artistic, large, fully double flower with attractively quilled petals. Contains some most unusual colors such as russet, orange, light rose, and some extra fine autumn tones. A strong and free grower. Pkt. 15c; } oz. 60c; oz. $2.00.

4440 Curled and Crested Mixed. The petals of this beauti- ful strain are twisted, curled, and crested into the most fantastic and graceful forms. The colors comprise all the brilliant shades characteristic of the Zinnia. Pkt. 10c; 4, 0z. 30c; oz. $1.00.

For other Garden Books, see page 44.

Plants, Roots, and Bulbs

TIME OF SHIPMENT. -—All plants, whether the stock is seasonable or not, are forwarded as soon after receipt of the order as possible. Many of our customers who have facilities for their care purposely order plants out of season so as to have them on hand when planting conditions are favorable. As we do not know whether you have such facilities, you should specify on the order when you want shipment made, if you do not wish them at once.

RESERVATION OF PLANTS FOR PLANTING TIME.—While we try as far as possible to reserve plants on orders placed in advance, to be sent at planting time, it must be borne in mind that plants are highly perishable and cannot be packed and stored for future shipment like most other kinds of merchandise. Weather conditions frequently interfere with mak- ing such reservations at the time the order is received and when spring opens there is usually such a congestion of orders for immediate shipment that it is impossible to make reservations. Customers may rely on us doing our utmost in making reserva- tions, but if we fail we assume no responsibility and all advance orders are accepted on these conditions only.

SAFE ARRIVAL GUARANTEED.—We guarantee the safe arrival of all goods sent by express or mail to points within the U. S. proper. If a package sent by express or mail is injured or lost we will replace it as soon as informed of the fact. Goods sent in any other way travel at purchaser’s risk. Claims for damages must be made on receipt of goods. We do not hold ourselves re- sponsible for failure after delivery of the goods in good condition.

SHIPMENT BY STEAMBOAT. —Fast lines of steamboats connect Philadelphia with Baltimore, Boston, Jacksonville, Miami, and Savannah. This forms a convenient, cheap, and safe method of transportation, except during severely cold weather.

PLANTS BY RAILROAD FREIGHT.-—Shrubs, Hedge Plants, and other dormant stock can be forwarded safely by fast freight lines, even to distant points.

New and Rare Plants,

In order to keep together the various classes of plants offered on pages 114 to 200 we have not provided special novelty pages. Therefore a word or two, here, about the new and rare plants, roots, and bulbs that are offered this year will help our gardening friends in selecting the new things.

Among the Shrubs and Hardy Climbers are the three pictured in color and described on page 115. They are: Vitex macrophylla—The Rare Large-Leaved Chaste Tree; Buddleia Ile de France—The New Butterfly Bush; and Lonicera sempervivum magnifica—The Brilliant New Everblooming Honeysuckle. And on the following page we show the new berry-bearing shrub, Pyracantha coccinea Lalandi, popularly known as Firethorn or Evergreen Thorn. Its beautiful brilliant orange-red berries are exceedingly showy and last throughout the winter.

While talking about berried shrubs, we wish to call your special attention to page 121 where we give a list of “‘Lovely Berry-Bearing Shrubs’’ marked to show which ones are liked by one or more kinds of birds. These shrubs are highly valued by many gardeners for their showy appearance as well.

Please read these instructions before ordering Plants, Roots, and Bulbs, and be sure to give shipping date on the order sheet.

PAC KING.—We make no charge for boxes or packing on Express, Freight, or steamboat shipments. The extra labor of packing Parcel Post shipments is included in the additional 5, 10, and 15 per cent. cost as noted below.

HOW WE SHIP. —All Plants, Roots, and Bulbs are forwarded by Express, purchaser paying charges. For those of our customers who prefer to receive their goods by Parcel Post, we will be pleased to forward in this manner such Plants, Roots, and Bulbs as can be sent in this way at the following additional cost, to cover postage and special packing, which must be added to the value of each order for Plants, Roots, or Bulbs:

5 per cent. additional to the following States:

Connecticut, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Delaware, New Jersey, Vermont, District of Columbia, New York, Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania, West Virginia. Massachusetts,

10 per cent. additional to the following States:

Alabama, Louisiana, North Dakota, Arkansas, Maine, Ohio,

Florida, Michigan, Oklahoma, Georgia, Minnesota, South Carolina, Illinois, Mississippi, South Dakota, Indiana, Missouri, Tennessee, Towa, Nebraska, Texas,

Kansas, North Carolina, Wisconsin. Kentucky,

15 per cent. additional to the following States: Arizona, Montana, Utah, California, Nevada, Washington, Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming. Idaho, Oregon,

We recommend our customers to have their orders forwarded by express, as our experience shows that this method is usually the most satisfactory, except on small packages.

Roots, and Bulbs

In addition to giving a wide assortment of the best Coniferous Evergreens on page 125, we have grouped together the Hardy Evergreen Flowering Shrubs (pages 123 and 124) as they represent a distinct class by themselves. Garden lovers everywhere are showing a great interest in these for they are attractive at all seasons.

Many fine new and rare things have been added to the list of Perennial Plants and those which we consider of outstanding value have been emphasized by framing them with a border. But we wish to call your special attention to the New Giant Single Chrysanthemums -—Dreer Originations —which are described and pictured on pages 132 and 133. They have been priced so reasonably that every gardener should include a full set of them in his garden,

Mrs. J. D. Eisele, “‘The Perfumed Rose,”’ is shown in color on page 167. Every Rose lover will want to add this wonderful new variety to his garden this year. The new Dahlia varieties are given on pages 176 and 177; Gladioli on page 182; new Montbretias page 186; and the now so popular Succulents on page 197.




NOTE—Shrubs will be shipped on receipt of orders, or as soon as they can be dug, unless instructed to the contrary, but no orders can be accepted for delivery later than

May 1, and they can only be sent by Freight or Express, at purchaser’s expense. are too heavy and large to be sent by mail.

They No charge for boxes, packing, or delivery to

express, freight, or steamship lines in Philadelphia.

Shrubs are as much a part of the well balanced garden as the lawn or flower borders. Many of them are as decorative as any ornamental foliage plant, while others are highly useful as cut flowers, and a well-arranged planting presents an attractive appearance throughout the entire year.

Shrubs have many uses, such as a dividing line between the flower and the vegetable garden, or between the lawn and uncul- tivated land beyond; as a background to a flower border; for hiding an unsightly building, fence or foundation; or they may be planted in a mixed shrubbery border, in which case those of short, dense growth should be planted along the front of the border, graduating to the tall-growing kinds at the back.

Abelia chinensis grandiflora

A choice small shrub of graceful habit, producing through the summer and fall abundant clusters of bell-shaped white flowers flushed with pink. Plants from 4-inch pots, 50c each.

y Shrubs cannot be sent 4 by Parcel Post

Althea, William R. Smith Althea—Rose of Sharon

The Altheas are among the most valuable of our tall, hardy shrubs on account of their late season of blooming, which is from August to October, a period when but few shrubs are in flower. They are also extensively used as hedge plants.

Alba plena. Double { Duchesse de Brabant. white flowers with crim- Dark double red.

son center. Jeanne d’Arc. Double Anemoneflora. Semi- pure white. double blooms of dark rose. | Paeoniflora. Double rosy

Boule de Feu. Double purple flowers borne profuse-

red flowers. ly on the stately tall plants,

William R. Smith. The glistening pure white single flowers are of giant size, fully 4 inches in diameter. They open out flat or salver-shaped quite different from the older types which only partially expand. These are produced in great profusion from early in July until late in September.

Any of the Altheas: 50c each. Set of 7 varieties, $3.00.

Hardy Azaleas

These two sorts are among the hardiest and showiest of the deciduous varieties. Evergreen varieties are offered on page 123. Kaempferi. Brilliant shades of red. Vigorous, tall growing

plants which bloom profusely and are perfectly hardy, 18 to

24 inches high. $2.00 each; $20.00 per dozen.

Yodogawa. A gem, one of the first to bloom in early spring. Large semi-double lavender flowers of a shade entirely distinct from all other varieties. Strong plants, 18 to 24 inches high. $3.00 each; $30.00 per dozen.


Thunbergi (Japanese Barberry). A beautiful variety with small foliage, assuming the most varied tints of coloring in the autumn. Has attractive scarlet berries which remain on the plant the greater part of the winter. Very desirable for grouping, par- ticularly around the base of a porch or veranda to hide the foundation; succeeds in sun or shade, and is the best hedge plant we know. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

New Red-Leaved Japanese Barberry Berberis Thunbergi atropurpurea

Similar in all respects to the green-leaved Japanese Barberry which is so popular for mixing in the shrubbery border, as single specimens, or for planting in clumps on the lawa, as well as for foundation plantings and for hedges, but the foliage of this new variety is of a rich, lustrous, Lronzy red similar to the richest red- leaved Japanese Maples. As the season advances this new Barberry becomes more Lrilliant and gorgeous and in the fall its foliage changes to shades of vivid orange, scarlet, and red.

All that is required to develop its brilliant coloring at all seasons is that it be planted in full exposure to the sun. For other Barberries see pages 122 and 123.

Each Doz. 100 Strong plants, 12 to 15 inches high....$0 35 $3 50 $25 00 Strong plants, 15 to 18 inches high.... 50 500 40 00 Strong plants, 18 to 24 inches high.... 75 750 60 00

114 We will supply all shrubs priced at 50c each for $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per hundred

Four Choice

Hardy Garden Plants

The Brilliant New Everblooming Climbing Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens magnifica This new climbing Honeysuckle has been greatly admired by all the visitors to our Nurseries. The vines have dark green foliage with glaucous reverse. Blooms continuously from early June until late October, every branch bearing a most attractive and showy terminal truss of 15 to 20 flowers. It is the color of the blooms however which gives this new variety its most out-

standing beauty. They are an intense showy orange-scarlet that stands out beautifully from the green foliage. Strong plants: 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

One each

of the Four Choice

Hardy Garden Plants

illustrated on this and the following page namely: The Brilliant New Everblooming Homie ys wie k lies Buddleia, Ile de France; Vitex macro- irylla; and Pyracan- tha coccinea Lalandi. For


Buddleia, Ile de France

New Butterfly Shrub Buddleia, Ile de France

For brilliance of color, grace of its flower spikes, and uniform habit of growth, this new Buddleia greatly surpasses all other varieties in cultivation. The plants develop into well-branched, symmetrical bushes 3 to 4 feet high. The individual flower spikes

| measure 6 to 9 inches in length. They are brilliant rosy purple with a violet suffusion. Their fragrance adds another feature to their beauty. We offer strong thrifty plants from 5 inch pots that will produce an abundance of flowers this summer. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100. Vitex macrophylla


The Brilliant New Everblooming Climbing Honeysuckle Lonicera sempervirens magnifica

Vitex macrophylla The Rare Chaste Tree

Everywhere gardeners are looking for new material to add better contrast and more variety to their shrubbery borders. Vitex macrophylla, the Rare Large-Leaved Chaste Tree, gives such plantings added beauty to a wonderful degree. It is a most desirable hardy shrub of graceful, shapely habit particularly valued for its lavender-blue flowers—a color which is rather rare in hardy shrubs. Blooms in July and continues until frost. Succeeds in almost any position and grows more than 6 feet high. Strong 2-year-old plants: 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Pyracantha (Crataegus) Coccinea Lalandi Firethorn or Evergreen Thorn (Illustrated on page 116) There is no other evergreen shrub that is so attractive throughout the year as this

fiery Thorn which grows more than 6 feet in height. It succeeds well in a fairly sunny position and may be planted as a single specimen, in combination with other shrubs, or trained against a wall where it y give a wonderful effect. Its large trusses of white flowers are followe: ummer by an abundance of bright orange-scarlet berries which remain on the plants during the winter. Field grown plants of Pyracantha are very difficult to transplant and the stock we offer has therefore been grown in pots and can be planted now with perfect success. Strong 6 inch pots: $1.00 each.


7 4




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Pyracantha (Crataegus)

Coccinea Lalandi Firethorn or Evergreen Thorn

This picture will give you a good idea of the beauty of this wonderful evergreen shrub which is attractive throughout the year. Succeeding the large white flower trusses which appear in the summer are bright orange berries which never fail to call forth the greatest admiration during the fall and early winter when the branches are heavily laden with them. Grows well in any sunny position and will reach a height of 6 feet or more. Strong plants in 6-inch pots $1.00 each.

Buddleia—Butterfly Shrub or Summer Lilac

Variabilis magnifica. One of the most desirable summer flowering shrubs. Begins to bloom in July and continues until cut by severe frost. The flowers are of a pleasing violet-mauve. They are borne in dense cylindrical spikes from 12 to 15 inches in length by 3 inches in diameter. Succeeds everywhere and flowers freely the first season planted. Strong plants. 35c each; $3.50 per doz.

Ile de France (New). This splendid new Buddleia is pictured in color and fully described on page 115. Grows into a well- shaped bush 3 to 4 feet tall and carries a mass of brilliant rosy violet-purple, fragrant flower-spikes. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100.

Callicarpa purpurea

Callicarpa—Beauty Berry

Purpurea. A splendid berried shrub for the border or planted in clumps on the lawn. It grows about 3 feet high and its gracefully recurving branches are covered in August with tiny pink- tinted flowers, followed in late September by great masses of violet-purple berries which remain on the plant until mid- winter. All fall-berried plants are useful and attractive, and this is one of the most desirable. Strong plants, 50c each.

Calycanthus—Sweet Shrub

Floridus. An old favorite with double richly fragrant, chocolate- colored flowers in May. 2 to 3 feet. 50c each.

Cercis—Judas Tree or Red Bud

Japonica. A showy tall shrub or small tree. All the branches and twigs are covered with a mass of small rosy-pink flowers early in the spring before the leaves appear. Plants 2 to 3 feet high. 60c each.

Chionanthus—White Fringe

Virginica. A tall growing, native shrub, blooming profusely in June. The singular flowers resemble bunches of white silken fringe hanging gracefully from among the foliage. Strong plants 3 to 4 feet, $1.25 each.

Clethra—White Alder or Sweet Pepper Bush

Alnifolia. One of the best of our native dwarf shrubs, bearing spikes of pure white, deliciously fragrant flowers, during July and August; 2 feet. 60c each.

Japanese Flowering Cherry

Japanese Flowering Cherries

The display of Japanese Flowering Cherries at Washington, D. C., in early spring is one of the great sights of our national capital and annually attracts thousands of visitors.

These Cherries are among the earliest trees to flower coming into bloom early in April. The different single and double varieties extend the flowering season for fully four weeks, the attractive single-flowered varieties coming into bloom first followed by the double sorts. They are perfectly hardy and will succeed in almost any location.

Erect Growing Cherries Kofugen. Fine, double, deep pink; one of the best. Mt. Fuji. Naden. One of the prettiest double pinks, the petals are so numerous as to make the flower a perfect tuft.

Victory or Shirofugen. Very double, up to 2} inches across, borne in racemes of about 3 each on long stems. The flowers open a delicate pink changing to white; late flowering.

Any of the above in strong plants 4 to 5 feet high, $2.50 each. The collection of 4 varieties for $9.00.

Large double pure white flowers.

Weeping Cherries

Double Pink Weeping. A strong grower with deep pink flowers. Gives a splendid effect.

Rosea pendula. One of the most popular of the Japanese Weeping varieties, the earliest to bloom; flowers light pink; single.

Strong 2-year crowns on good stems, $5.00 each.

Corchorus or Kerria—Globe Flower

Japonica fl. pl. A particularly valuable shrub on account of its clean, graceful habit of growth and its free and continuous flowering. Produces attractive double golden yellow flowers continuously from June to October. Attains a height of about 6 feet. 50c each.

We will supply all shrubs priced at 50c. each for $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100. Shrubs cannot be sent by mail.

ES a


Cornus— Dogwood

Florida (White Flowering Dogwood). Theso much admired native white Dogwood. A large spreading ornamental shrub or small tree, producing large white flowers in spring. The attractive foliage turns to brilliant rich crimson early in the autumn. Bears rich red fruits.*Strong plants 3 to4 feet high, $1.50 each.

rubra (Red Flowering Dogwood). A splendid rich rosy red form of the above. When planted near each other the two varieties make a wonderfully pleasing contrast in color. Has bright red berries. Strong plants 3 to 4 feet high, $2.50 each.


Pendulifiorum. A shrub which dies to the ground in winter, but comes up vigorously in spring, throwing up shoots 3 to 4 feet high, which bear during September, when few shrubs are in bloom, attractive sprays of bright rose-colored pea-shaped flowers. 50c each.

Deutzia gracilis Lemoinei


Well-known profuse flowering shrubs, blooming in spring or early summer. Succeed in any sunny position.

Crenata magnifica. A most distinct variety with exceptionally large corymbs of pure white, double flowers, produced in wonder- ful profusion. The finest of the tall growing varieties.

rosea plena (Double-Flowering Deutzia). Double white flowers attractively tinged with pink. A very desirable tall shrub.

Gracilis. A favorite dwarf bush covered with spikes of pure white flowers in early summer.

Lemoinei. Without doubt one of the very best dwarf hardy shrubs. Flowers very large and produced in cone-shaped heads of purest white, which open out very full.

rosea. A rose-tinted form of this favorite species.

Any of the above Deutzias: 50c each.


Stauntoni. A particularly valuable shrub because it flowers in September and October. It grows about four feet high. Of bushy branching habit, each branch terminated by a dense 4 to 8 inch long spike of attractive deep lilac colored flowers. 50c each.

We will supply all shrubs priced at 50c. each for $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100.


| Viridissima (Golden Bell).


Alata (Corkbark). A shrub different in character from others, having an individuality of its own. It is particularly orna- mental and interesting on account of its curious corky bark. The small yellow flowers of the spring are followed by attractive red berries in the fall. It is also valuable on account of its bright scarlet autumn foliage which makes it very conspicuous in the fall. Strong plants, 75c each.

Europaeus (Burning Bush). A conspicuous shrub which in the autumn and winter is loaded with scarlet seed-pods from which orange colored berries hang on slender threads. 75c each.

Forsythia—Golden Bell

Spectabilis. Strong, tall growing with very large flowers com- pletely covering the stems with its golden yellow bloom. Suspensa (Weeping Golden Bell). A tall shrub of willowy growth. Graceful branches arching with golden bells in early spring. Strong erect habit; bright yellow bell-like flowers in early spring. Any of the above Forsythias: 50c each,

Halesia—Silver Bell or Snowdrop Tree Tetraptera. One of the most desirable tall shrubs, with pretty bell-shaped snowdrop-like white flowers in May. 75c each,

Hydrangea—Hardy Shrubby Hydrangea Arborescens grandiflora (Snowball Hydrangea). This mag- nificent, perfectly hardy American shrub has snow-white blos- soms of largest size. One of its most valuable characteristics is its coming into bloom just after the passing of all the early spring-blooming shrubs, flowering from early June until late July. 50c each.

Hydrangea paniculata grandiflora

Paniculata grandiflora. Without doubt the best known and most popular summer-flowering shrub in cultivation. The flowers are borne profusely in dense pyramidal panicles a foot long. They are white when first opening, but gradually change to rose color, and remain in good condition for weeks. Fine bush plants, 50c each.

Standard or Tree-shaped plants which make beauti- ful specimens for the lawn or garden, $1.00 each.

Shrubs cannot be sent by mail.

as : Kolkwitzia amabilis—Beauty Bush

Kolkwitzia amabilis—Beauty Bush

An exceedingly handsome shrub from China, resembling the Weigela to which it is related. Grows 6 to 8 feet high at maturity and has long arching branches. This variety combines all the merits of a perfect shrub—hardiness, year-round beauty of foliage and habit, and profusion of pale pink bell-shaped flowers in June. Strong plants 18 to 24 inches high, 50c each.


Ovalifolium aureum (Golden-leaved Privet), A beautiful golden variegated form and very effective for associating with other dwarf shrubs. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Ovalifolium (California Privet) for Hedge, see page 122

Lilacs, see Syringa, page 121.

Lonicera—Bush Honeysuckle

Grandiflora rosea. Morrowi.

Rosy red flowers, striped white; June.

during the summer and autumn months. Either of the above: 50c each.

For Climbing Honeysuckle, see pages 115 and 156.

Magnolia Soulangeana


Soulangeana. A hardy Chinese species which, while shrub-like in its young growth, attains the size of a tree in time. Its flowers, which are produced early in spring, are cup-shaped, 3

to 5 inches in diameter. They are white inside, flushed with purple outside. Bushy plants, 3 to 4 feet. $4.00 each.

Stellata (Star Magnolia). The earliest to flower. A dwarf species forming a symmetrical rounded bush 8 to 10 feet high producing pure white, delicately scented, semi-double, gracefully formed, attractive flowers about 3 inches in diameter. They appear in very early spring before the foliage develops. Strong plants 2 to 3 feet high. $4.00 each.

A handsome Japanese variety with white flowers | during May, but especially valuable for its bright red fruit |


Malus—Flowering Crab Apple

The Flowering Crabs are among the showiest of the dwarf flower- ing trees in our American gardens. The blossoms open slowly but last for a long time when fully open. Planted as individual speci- mens they make a gorgeous display early in the spring. The three varieties offered are the most popular.

Atrosanguinea (Carmine Crab). A very showy variety of in- formal habit. Has lovely large red buds which open up into showy deep pink flowers. Blooms very profusely.

Ioensis plena (Bechtel Crab). Large double fragrant pinkish flowers resembling miniature roses; neat symmetrical habit; blooms later than most other kinds.

Purpurea (Purple Crab). Reddish purple flowers; open growth.

Any of the above: Strong plants, 3 to 4 ft. high. $1.25 each.

Red-Leaved Japanese Maple

Acer polymorphum atropurpureum. The most conspicu- ous of the medium-sized shrubs or small trees. Their beautiful shape and brilliant red foliage add color and variety to the landscape during spring and early summer. Strong plants, 15 to 18 inches high, $2.00 each.

Nandina domestica—Chinese Bamboo

A very handsome small shrub, hardy as far north as Philadel- phia. Grows about three feet high with graceful, light green foli- age, which turns to a most attractive bronzy red early in the fall. The small white flowers are produced in good sized erect panicles in spring and are followed by crimson berries. 75c each.



Double Flowering Peach

Double Flowering Peaches Prunus (Amygdalus) persica Deservedly popular plants, highly prized on account of the great masses of large double flowers borne in early spring before the leaves appear. We offer strong plants 4 to 6 feet high in the three colors Double Red, Double Pink, and Double White, $1.00 each.

We will supply all shrubs priced at 50c each for $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100.


Philadelphus Virginal

Philadelphus—Mock Orange

Popular old-fashioned shrubs with showy white flowers during May or June. They succeed in almost any location. Conquete. Large single flowers in clusters of 3 to 5, completely

covering the plant.

Girandole (New). Plants of excellent habit of growth, very free flowering with exceptionally well formed, double flowers in dense trusses.

The Banner. A hybrid variety forming a shapely shrub with very large single flowers. One of the most desirable.

Virginal. Flowers 2 inches in diameter, that completely cover the branches in May and early June, slightly fragrant, one of the most desirable.

Any of the four Philadelphus: 50c each

Prunus—Flowering Almond and Plum

Japonica fl. pl. (Double-Flowering Almond). A beautiful dwarf shrub, producing its showy double flowers early in May before the leaves appear. We can supply both white and pink. Plants, 3 to 4 feet high.

Pissardi (Purple-Leaved Plum). A dwarf shrub, covered with single white flowers in spring. When they first appear the leaves are a lustrous crimson, changing to a rich purple. Plants, 3 to 4 feet high.

Triloba (Double-Flowering Plum). An interesting shrub, of medium height, bearing in early spring semi-double, delicate pink flowers over an inch in diameter. Plants, 3 feet high.

Any of the above: 75c each

Rhodotypos—White Kerria

Kerrioides. A very ornamental Japanese shrub of medium size. Succeeds wellin sun orshade. Pretty foliage, large single white flowers the latter part of May, and black berries: 50c each.

We will supply all shrubs priced at 50c. each for $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100.


Pyrus—Japanese Quince

Pyrus— Cydonia or Japanese Quince Japonicus. A very showy and popular shrub growing to medium height and blooming profusely in early spring. Has dazzling scarlet blooms of large size. Makes an excellent hedge. Strong plants 2 feet high. 50c each.

Robinia—Rose Acacia

A quick-growing shrub of great beauty. Has loose Gives a mag-

Hispida. racemes of beautiful large pink flowers in June. nificent effect. 75c each.


Eee ewe. |

Rhus typhina laciniata


Cotinus (Purple Mist or Smoke Tree). It has been almost im- possible for the past ten years to procure this old favorite shrub but we again have a limited supply of strong bushy plants about 18 inches high. It is one of the attractive subjects either planted as a single specimen or in the mixed border, forming a large shrub which in mid-summer is covered with large clusters of feathered flowers giving the appearance of a cloud of smoke or mist.

Typhina laciniata (Cut-Leaved Staghorn Sumac). The leaves are beautifully cut like a delicate Fern and in fall assume the most brilliant colors, this combined with its showy clusters of crimson fruit makes it a most valuable subject either as a single specimen or for mass planting.

Strong plants of either of above: 60c each.

Shrubs cannot be sent by mail.


Nigra aurea (Golden Elder). One of our very finest shrubs with beautiful yellow foliage. The color is remarkably bright, rich, and constant. It gives a splendid contrast in the shrubbery border and is of good strong growth. 50c each.

Pea vee é

Spiraea Van Houttei


Anthony Waterer. A valuable variety; color bright crimson. It is of dwarf, dense growth, never exceeding 30 inches in height; in bloom during the entire summer season.

Billiardi. Tall growing. Pink flowers in late summer.

Prunifolia fl. pl. (Double Flowering Bridal Wreath). A favorite variety and one of the best; it is a beautiful shrub of medium size with double white flowers in May.

Thunbergi. One of the most charming of all low-growing shrubs, with fine delicate foliage, and a profusion of small white flowers in spring.

Van Houttei. The grandest of all the white Spiraeas; it is of compact habit and a beautiful ornament for the lawn at any season, but when in flower it is a complete fountain of white blooms, the foliage hardly showing. Grows 6 feet high.

Any of the above Spiraeas: 50c each.

Symphoricarpos—snowberry Chenaulti. This isthe choicest of the red Snowberries. It is by nature a very graceful shrub growing into a shapely plant about 3 feet high and 5 feet in diameter. Has small foliage. Bears in the fall an abundance of deep pink fruits. 50c each. Racemosus (White Snowberry). A well-known dwarf shrub with small pink blooms and large white berries that hang on the plants the greater part of the winter. 50c each.

Lovely Berry-Bearing Shrubs

Many of our customers will be interested in these splendid berry-bearing shrubs. Those marked with a

star (*) are liked by one or more kinds of birds.

Berberis thunbergi (Barberry), page 114.

atropurpurea (Red-Leaved Barberry), page 114.

Callicarpa purpurea (Beauty Berry), page 117. *Cotoneasters (Rockspray), various, page 124. *Cornus (Dogwood) various, page, 118.

Euonymus alata (Corkbark), page 118.

*_ europaeus (Burning Bush), page 118.

*Lonicera Morrowi (Bush Honeysuckle), page 119. Malus atrosanguinea (Carmine Crab), page 119. purpurea (Purple Crab), page 119. Nandina domestica (Chinese Bamboo), page 119. Pyracantha coccinea Lalandi (Firethorn), page 116. Rhodotypos kerrioides (White Kerria), page 120. *Symphoricarpos (Snowberry) various, page 121. *Viburnum opulus (High Bush Cranberry), page 122. rhytidiphyllum, page 124.

We will supply all Shrubs priced at 50c each for $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100.


Double-flowering Syringa or Lilace—Mme. Marie Lemoine

Syringa—Lilac Common Purple (Syringa vulgaris). The old fashioned fragrant favorite. 50c each.

Common White (S. vulgaris alba). borne profusely on vigorous plants.

Fragrant white flowers 50c each.

Charles X. A strong, rapid growing variety with large shining leaves and rather loose trusses composed of large, reddish purple blooms.

Japonica. An elegant Japanese species eventually growing into a good sized tree. Creamy white blooms in large panicles pro- duced a month later than other varieties.

Josikaea (Hungarian Lilac). A distinct species of stout erect growth with dark shining leaves and beautiful showy purple flowers. The bushes are in bloom in late June.

Mme. Marie Lemoine. The finest double white lilac yet intro- duced. The individual flowers which resemble miniature tuberoses are of immense size. They are delicately scented. The individual flower trusses are exceptionally large yet well proportioned. Spiendid tor garden display and for cutting.

President Grevy. Double purplish blue flowers in massive trusses.

William Robinson. A very double Lilac with crimson-pink buds opening into a beautiful deep violet-mauve.

Any of the above except where noted: 75c each.


Flexuosa. Of graceful fountain-like habit with finely and deli- cately cut leaves which in the autumn assume brilliant reddish tints. The flowers are creamy white. 50c each.


Africana. A tall-growing slender shrub of rather irregular form which adds to its artistic value. Has fine small feathery foliage. The branches are completely covered by a mass of delicate pink blooms during May, before the foliage appears. A very valuable and unique shrub.

Hispida aestivalis. A distinct Tamarix covered with delicate soft pink sprays of flowers during July and August —a time when the shrubbery border is comparatively bare of flowers.

Indica. Pale pink flowers in late summer and autumn. A very strong grower with long, slender racemes.

Any of the above: 50c each.

Shrubs cannot be sent by mail.



Eva Rathke. Flowers continuously throughout the summer and autumn. Rich ruby-carmine blooms.

Rosea. Soft rosy carmine. Very profuse blooming.

nana variegata. Has splendid variegated foliage, a mottling of green, yellow, and pink. Delicate rose colored flowers.

Any of the three Weigelas: 50c each.

Viburnum Carlesi

Viburnum Snowball

Carlesi. The rare Korean Viburnum which is entirely distinct. Salver-shaped sweet-scented flowers of a delicate rose tinted white, passing to white. Produced in terminal sub-globose cymes 2 to 3 inches in diameter. A most desirable shrub. Good bushy specimens, 2 to 3 feet. $1.50 each.

Opulus (High Bush Cranberry). White flowers in June followed | in autumn by bright scarlet berries which are very attractive | until very late in winter. 50c each.

sterilis (Snowball or Guelder Rose). The popular white Snow- ball, filled with large pendant balls of white flowers in May. 50c each.

Plicatum (Japan Snowball). One of the choicest hardy shrubs. Has healthy dark foliage. The perfect balls of pure white flowers are borne in great profusion in May. 50c each.

For Viburnum rhytidophyllum —see page 124.

Vitex macrophylla—Large-Leaved Chaste Tree

Pictured and described on page 115. Strong plants 75c each. Weigela rosea

HEDGE PLANTS—Barberry—Privet—Boxwood

California Privet—Ligustrum ovalifolium

Of all hedge plants this is the most popular, and more of it is planted than all others combined. It is of free growth and suc- ceeds under the most adverse conditions, such as under dense shade of trees, where other plants would not exist. Strong plants, 18 to 24 inches high, $1.00 per doz.; $8.00 per 100; $75.00 per 1000.

Privet —Golden Leaved

Ligustrum ovalifolium aureum

A beautiful golden yellow variegated form of the common California Privet and equally hardy. Valuable as an individual specimen. May be planted in clumps or in the mixed shrub border, its golden foliage forming a desirable color relief.

a Strong Plants, 18 to 24 inches high, $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100; $140.00 per 1000.

Hedge of Berberis Thunbergi

Berberis Thunbergi (Japan Barberry). Where a dwarf

deciduous hedge is wanted, nothing equals this beautiful or Edsing (Buxu i“

; ; : Boxw xus suffruticosa Barberry. Requires but little pruning to keep in shape. The oxwood /f ging ( B ) leaves are small, light green, and towards fall assume rich, Fine bushy plants in following sizes:

brilliant colors, the fruit or berries becoming scarlet. Ab- 5 : .

solutely hardy in all parts of the country. Plant 12 to 15 4 to 6 inches high, $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100; inches apart. $140.00 per 1000.

Extra strong 3-year-old plants, 18 to 24 inches Gitolsuinches hichwesis doz.: $25 100:

high, 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100. goto se Ay oO net Cozi eelo een

For Red-Leaved Barberry —see page 114. $240.00 per 1000.

For Evergreen Barberries —see page 123. For Boxwood specimens—see page 123.

We will supply all shrubs priced at 50c. each for $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100. Shrubs cannot be sent by mail

Hardy Evergreen Flowering Shrubs

Hardy Azalea

Hardy Evergreen Azaleas

The varieties here offered are the hardiest and most desirable for general garden planting. Until thoroughly established it is beneficial to give them a heavy mulch of leaves during the winter and a loose covering of evergreen branches to protect them from the sun and drying winds during freezing weather.

Amoena. A nearly evergreen variety with bright rosy purple flowersiinjgreatsmassessssnpyncets tm os ayntses 6 hac Each Doz. {Oitont2Zinchesanidrameter. 4s se oe eect $1 00 $10 00 iZitoSanches)inidiameteraasceeeyas esos. eee 1°50) 9 5151.00 15\to 18inchesiin diameter/)...... 2.16 2/2 0122 200 20 00 Hinamayo. A meritorious variety, resembling Hinodegiri in

general habit, except in color which is a delicate clear soft shade of rose pink. Also has smaller foliage. Bushy plants 12 to 15 inches in diameter, $2.50 each; $25.00 per doz.

Hinodegiri. The most popular variety with dense clusters of bright fiery-red flowers. Each Doz.

Sito 10)inchestinvdiameter*- 4-0 se. se. se < $1 00 $10 00

10)toit2inches in diameter... s2,4.425-5- ++ 2. J 5015100

12 to 15 inches in diameter................. 200 20 00

Ledifolia alba. foliage and large pure white flowers. $2.50 each; $25.00 per doz.

Pink Pearl. Beautiful salmon-rose flowers in large full trusses.

A robust growing sort with heavy mat green 15 to 18 inches high.

Each Doz. 10 \towl2sinchesidiametery...4552>.0000aeoe $1 50 $15 00 1 2\tomlsjinches\idiameters .--hees oe aes <2 250 25 00 {5)toi 1S inchesidiameters....22-).2 55.0615 300 30 00

For other Azaleas, see pages 114 and 188,

Three Choice Evergreen Barberries

These beautiful rare Barberries are among the best and hardiest of our evergreen shrubs. To the plant lover who is looking for something different whether for single specimens or group plant- ing they cannot be too highly recommended. From the long list of varieties recently introduced we offer these three distinct varieties.

Triacanthophora (Threespine Barberry). An unusual type from China. Has narrow toothed leaves. Very graceful. Julianae. Deep green leaves with black fruits. Very hardy. Verruculosa. Small shiny green leaves. Compact growth; evergreen, and ideal for the rockery. Blue-black fruits. Strong pot grown plants. $1.25 each; $12.50 per dozen.

For other Barberries see pages 114 and 122.

Hardy Evergreen Flowering Shrubs are so named because they hold their rich green foliage throughout the winter. Most va- rieties are shade loving, making them ideal for foundation plantings, while the gorgeous blooms and color mass of many of these species are not equalled in any other outdoor plants. They look well planted by themselves or in combination with Coniferous Evergreens or other shrubs, always adding a touch of winter cheer. Maintain a mulch of peat moss or leaves over their roots at all seasons,

Andromeda-— Pieris

Japonica. An evergreen, compact growing shrub with small dark green foliage and long panicles of dull bronzy-red buds which appear during the summer and are attractive during the entire winter, opening into white flowers in spring. Bushy plants, 15 to 18 inches high, $1.50 each

Globe or Ball Shaped Boxwood

Boxwood—Buxus sempervirens Select Eastern Grown Stock

Very valuable hardy evergreen shrubs with thick, rich green, leathery foliage. Suited for well-drained soil and partial shade. Extensively used for hedges, edgings, etc. Stand pruning well.

Pyramidal-Shaped Boxwood

Each DARITIEAL Bee Ne attic. eA A TCL $2 50 2X3} Tia Shh ig aoe GRO OEE SO eee ee 4 00 SOMIMMMIL Si town stave islets eke reve esi sie cones ie 6 00 SOnMeMb cheery ction: cetaevorers - 7 00 AQH NDI lyase ere voters craccen ci ie slottove.ove 9 00 Globe or Bush Form Ball-Shaped Each Each 12*to L5iinw high. J... ...$1 00 16)in, diameter. ........ $3 50 PSItOM Spine nig hess. ces 1 50 20 in. diameter......... 6/005) 21sto 24:invhigh=o. . ...,. 4 00 24 in. diameter......... 8 00 | 30 to 36 in. high........ 8 00 Boxwood Edging—Buxus suffruticosa Doz. 100 1000 ANCOLONI ie cisteretoee Sch Fe enei eRO Ses $2 00 $15 00 $140 00 OnCOUS HN Ree Ric kee teterets ,G5.0 sini 350 2500 240 00

Hardy Evergreen Shrubs continued on next page


Cotoneaster—Rockspray, Quinceberry

Very ornamental shrubs with decorative fruits remaining usually throughout the winter. The dwarfer varieties are nearly evergreen and while especially adapted for rockery plantings are equally effective planted in clumps in front of the shrubbery border or mixed with the dwarfer broad-leaved evergreens.

Francheti. Tall, upright, densely branched shrub with spread- ing semi-evergreen branches. Orange-red fruit.

Henryana. Half evergreen, tall growing variety with bright red fruits.

Horizontalis. A low growing shrub with almost horizontal branches. Small shiny green leaves and orange-red berries produced in great quantity. One of the most effective evergreen plants for rockery or border planting.

Prostrata. A very neat, dwarf variety with miniature leaves and bright red berries.

Salicifolia floccosa. A large growing shrub of graceful habit and with willow-like foliage. Bright red fruits extending well along the branches.

Pot-grown plants, 75c each; $7.50 per dozen. One each of the 5 varieties for $3.25.

Daphne cneorum— Garland Flower

A pretty, dwarf, spreading shrub from 6 to 8 inches high, valu- able for the rockery or for the front of the border, producing beautiful bright pink, sweet-scented flowers early in May. Strong four-year-old plants, 75c each; $7.50 per doz.


Most of these Heaths are compact, low-growing, and extremely useful for rockeries. The small foliage is densely arranged around the wiry stems, and either in full bloom or in mid-winter they make a very pretty picture. Give some protection the first winter to acclimatize them. Semi-shady location.

Vagans (The Cornish Heath). A compact growing, evergreen shrub with lovely dark green foliage of quite small size. The flowers are pale purplish red. They are borne profusely during August and

September. Splendid for the semi- shaded rock garden. Vulgaris (Calluna vulgaris). This is the

famous Scotch Heather —A dense, low growing shrub reaching a height of 3 feet under favorable conditions. Makes a thick erect growth covered with pretty bell-shaped rosy lavender blooms.

alba. The white Scotch Heather. aurea. A pretty gold-leaved form. —rubra. This has rosy carmine blooms.

Strong plants of any of the above, 60c each. One each of the 5 varieties, $2.50.

Osmanthus Holly Osmanthus

Aquifolium. A beautiful, strong grow- ing, evergreen shrub with holly-like, dark green, shiny, spiny toothed foliage. Very attractive not only in summer but throughout the winter. Grows into a shapely bush usually measuring 5 to 8 feet in height. Strong plants, $1.50 each.


Pyracantha (Crataegus)—Fire Thorn

Coccinea Lalandi. A most remarkable fruiting evergreen shrub growing more than 6 feet high. The large trusses of white flowers are followed in summer by an abundance of brilliant orange-scarlet berries, remaining throughout the winter. Illustrated in color on page 116. Strong 6 inch pots, $1.00 each.

Hardy Evergreen Flowering Shrubs—continued

sheen : Hardy Rhododendron

Hybrid Rhododendrons

The handsomest and most effective of the broad-leaved ever- greens. Rhododendrons will succeed in any light or friable garden soil. If a heavy clay soil must be used, incorporate a liberal amount of leaf mold or well decomposed cow manure, digging the beds about 2 feet deep. Mulch the beds during the summer with any loose material, and protect in winter with 4 or 5 inches of leaves. Evergreen boughs between the tops of the plants during winter is desirable to break cold, driving winds and to protect from the sun's rays in very early spring.

White. Dark red.

Clear pink, white center. White. —grandiflorum. Rosy lavender. Dr. H. C. Dresselhuys. Aniline red. Dr. V. H. Rutgers. Bright red. Everestianum. Rosy pink.

Album elegans. America.

Amphion. Catawbiense album.

Grandiflorum. Mrs. C. 8S. Sargent. President Lincoln.

Purplish red. Deep rose. Lavender-pink.

Roseum elegans. Rosy purple.

Any of the above choice varieties:

First Size. 4-year-old bushy plants, 18 to 24 inches high, set with flower buds, $6.50 each; $65.00 per doz.

Second Size. 3-year-old bushy plants, 12 to 18 inches high, set with flower buds, $4.50 each; $45.00 per doz.

Third Size. 2-year-old plants, 12 to 18 inches high, branched, but without flower

aquifolium buds, $2.00 each; $20.00 per doz.

Evergreen Viburnum

Rhytidophyllum. A rare variety, particularly attractive on account of its large, dark green, nearly evergreen foliage. The yellowish white flowers are followed in September by red berries finally turning black. Specimen plants, $1.50. Strong young plants 75c each.

For other Viburnum varieties, see page 122.

The Evergreen Hardy Flowering Shrubs are particularly desirable.


The Coniferous Evergreens are indispensable in all ornamental plantings. They impart the finish to the landscape by their quaint or symmetrical growth, and whether planted as single specimens on the lawn or grouped together in masses, or for foundation planting, the light green, golden, or silver-blue colors of their foliage is beautiful, winter and summer alike. We offer below a short but select list of the hardiest and easiest grown varieties.

Abies concolor (White Fir). The most beautiful of all the Firs, for all locations. Forms a broad pyramidal tree with gray- green needles. Plants 18 to 24 inches high, $2.50 each.

Biota aurea nana (Berkman’s Golden Arborviiae). A dwarf gem. Compact, oval shape, warm golden yellow foliage; especially good for formal work and edging. Plants 15 to 18 inches high, $1.25 each.

orientalis elegantissima (Yellow Column Arborvitae). A golden pyramidal form of compact habit assuming a rich deep golden bronze during winter. 24 to 3 feet high. $1.50 each.

Chamaecyparis filifera (Thread Cypress). The long thread- like branches are very pendulous, with the lateral shoots of a consistent bright green. Plants 18 to 24 inches high, $1.00 each.

Cryptomeria japonica Lobbii (Cave Cryptomeria). Forms a narrow irregular column. Compact and picturesque with rich bronze winter coloring. Plants 3 to 4 ft. high, $3.00 each.

Juniperus chinensis columnaris (Pyramidalis). Rapid growing; bluish green, mostly needle shaped foliage. Attains height of 15 to 20 ft., giving spire-like effect. Plants 2 to 3 ft. high, $2.00 each.

Pfitzeriana (Pfitzer Juniper). Wide-spreading habit with gray-green foliage; very hardy and adaptable. For exposed positions and foundation plantings. Plants 18 to 24 inches high, $1.50 each.

communis hibernica (Irish Juniper). A slender Ever- green of bluish-green color; useful for its spire-like effect and is also very inexpensive. Plants offered are dense and compact hav- ing been sheared repeatedly. Plants 2 to 3 feet high, $1.00 each.

—depressa plumosa (Plumed Spreading Juniper). Rapid growing, dwarf, very hardy. Rich purple bronze during the winter. Likes fullsun. 18 to 24 inches high. $1.50 each.

sabina (Savin Juniper). Very popular semi-spreading Ever- green forming irregular vase-shaped plants. Frequently used in foundation plantings and considered one of the best varieties. Plants 18 to 24 inches high, $1.25 each.

Schotti (Schott Red Cedar). Similar to the common Red Cedar in habit and form but differs principally in its light yellowish green color which it retains throughout the winter. Stands shearing well. 18 to 24 inches high. $1.50 each.

virginiana glauca (Silver Red Cedar). Dense pointed columns of a beautiful steel blue color. Plants offered are grafted from the original strain and are sure to please. Attains best perfection when sheared frequently. Plants 2 to 3 feet high, $2.50 each.

squamata Meyeri (Meyer's Juniper). A newer Evergreen.of conspicuous merit. Beautiful, deep blue foliage combined with rather irregular and slow growth makes this Evergreen particu- larly suited to the rockery or low foreground planting. Plants 18 to 24 inches high, $2.50 each.

Pinus montana mughus (Dwarf Mugho Pine). Compact dwarf pine, forming a round topped clump; useful for rock plant- ing and foundation work. Its shape was produced by growing for countless ages on the timberline where bleak exposure and snows developed a low, compact, rugged plant. Plants 15 to 18 inches high, $1.50 each.

nigra austriaca (Austrian Pine). A vigorous-growing Pine of dense habit, good for background or as individual specimen; thrives at the seashore. Plants 2 to 3 feet high, $2.00 each.

resinosa (Red Pine). The Red Pine succeeds well in poor soil and is of rapid growth producing a nicely shaped tree. Plants 2 to 3 feet high, $2.00 each.

sylvestris (Scotch Pine). A most rapid growing Pine of a bluer shade than Red Pine; handsome tree, especially when young. Good for wind-breaks. Plants 3 to 4 feet high, $1.50 each.

Picea pungens glauca Kosteri

Picea pungens glauca Kosteri (Kosters Colorado Blue Spruce). The attractive silvery-blue color stands out strongly against all other Evergreens, Plants 18 to 24 inches high, $5.00 each; 24 to 30 inches high, $7.50 each.

excelsa (Norway Spruce). Rapid in growth, this tree is excellent for wind-breaks or hedges, It is the Christmas tree of Europe. Plants 18 to 24 inches high, $1.00 each.

Pseudotsuga Douglasi (Douglas Fir). Hardy tree with dark bluish-green coloring. It makes a tall broad pyramid, preferring well drained soil. Plants 24 to 30 inches high, $1.50 each.

Taxus baccata repandens (Spreading English Yew). A low growing form with wide spreading branches. Leaves dark blue green. Plants 15 to 18 inches high, $1.50 each.

cuspidata (Spreading Japanese Yew). Unquestionably one of the hardiest Evergreens in commerce with very dark green foliage and spreading bushy habit. Valuable for foundation planting and especially adapted for wind-swept locations because of its hardiness. Plants 18 to 24 inches high, $1.50 each.

capitata (Upright Japanese Yew). Very hardy. Foliage similar to cuspidata but upright and pyramidal in shape, mak- ing it useful for formal effect. 18 to 24 inches high, $2.50 each.

nana (Dwarf Japanese Yew). An excellent dwarf Ever- green; foliage similar to preceding but of much slower growth and more compact habit. Plants 12 to 15 inches high, $1.50 each.

Thuja occidentalis (American Arborvitae). Pyramidal type with broad base; green in summer and bronze green in winter. A good accent plant and also well adapted to hedge use; stands trimming well. Plants 2 to 3 feet high, $1.00 each.

globosa (Globe Arborvitae). Natural globe-shaped Ever- green. Hardy and useful for formal and foundation work. Plants 15 to 18 inches high, $1.00 each.

lutea (Geo. Peabody Arborvitae). Similar in form and habit to the American Arborvitae but with conspicuous golden yellow foliage. 2 to 24 feet. $2.00 each.

Wareana (Siberian Arborvitae). Rugged in appearance, broadly pyramidal with light green fleshy foliage. Fine for a foundation planting or asa hedge. 2 to 2} feet high. $1.00 each.

pyramidalis (Pyramidal Arborvitae). Narrow columnar shape; splendid for accents or formal planting. Dark green throughout the winter months. Plants 2 to 3 feet high, $1.25 each.

Standishii (Standish or Japanese Arborvitae). A hand- some ornamental Evergreen of distinct habit, forming a broad pyramid with ascending branches. 2 to 2} feet high, $1.50 each.

Tsuga canadensis (Canada Hemlock). One of our most grace- ful and attractive native Evergreens. Can be clipped or per- mitted to grow naturally as the finely cut foliage makes this tree most adaptable. Plants 2 to 3 feet high, $2.00 each.

oe ee eee eee ee eee | Evergreens are shipped balled and burlapped by express at customers expense.


Dreer’s Select

Hardy Perennial Plants

A Hardy Perennial Border

The growing popularity of the Old-fashioned Hardy Gar- den Flowers is not at all surprising when we consider the many varied and pleasant changes which take place throughout: the entire growing season in a well-arranged hardy border. Every week —yes, every day—brings forth something fresh and new to interest and delight even the most critical. Beginning in April, the early-flowering varieties open their flowers often before the snow has entirely disappeared, and continue, with constant changing variety, throughout the summer until late in the fall when only severe freezing weather will stop such persistent late-blooming kinds as Japanese Anemones, Pompon Chrysanthe- mums, Gaillardias, Eupatoriums, Tritomas, etc.

Size of Plant

Many not thoroughly familiar with this class of plants have an idea that nothing but a large field-grown clump will give satisfac- tory returns the first season. This, as experience has taught us, is in most instances a fallacy. A vigorous plant of proper size will,

in nearly every case, give quicker and better returns than the best |

so-called ‘‘field clumps.’’ The majority of the stock offered in this catalogue is pot-grown. This does not mean that the plants have been altogether pot-grown, but that they have been field-grown and dug and potted up during the fall months. Such stock can be planted even late in the spring with practically no loss, whereas clumps seldom do well when planted late in the season.

Our List is Very Complete

The list of Hardy Perennial Plants which we offer in our Garden Book is admitted to be one of the most complete and up-to-date collections in the country, and we are continually adding all the new, rare, and desirable sorts.

Planting Plans

While we are not in the landscape business and can- not undertake the preparation of plans for planting or laying out of grounds we have had prepared by a competent landscape architect aseries of Plans of Hardy Borders witha list of suitable plants for positions either in sun or shade, Also a list of plants suitable for Rock Gardens with general advice on the construction and care of same. We shall be pleased to send these leaflets free on application.

Books on Perennials and Landscapes

The subject of caring for perennials is such a large one that leaflets can only touch upon the most essential points. On page 44, however, you will find a list of Horticultural Books on the culture of Hardy Perennials. These will give you an opportunity to study them more fully.

Plants are Sent by Express

All plants are forwarded by express, purchaser paying trans- portation charges. If wanted by parcel post please add to the value of your order sufficient to cover postage and special packing. See page 113.

Special Collections

To customers who are not acquainted with the different sorts the two collections are offered below, all in good, strong roots, which when once planted will, with little care, keep the garden and Rock Garden gay with flowers from the time the frost leaves the ground until late in autumn. These collections are made up of species and varieties strictly of our selection, and we are unable to submit list of contents, as the assortment varies at different periods during the planting season.

Dreer’s Collections of Hardy Perennial Plants

Hardy Perennials for Border or Garden Planting

12 Distinct Species, our selection

25 Distinct Species, our selection 50 Distinct Species and varieties, our selection... ..

100 Distinct Species and varieties, our selection.....15 00

Hardy Perennials Suitable for Rock Gardens 12 Distinct Species, our selection 25 Distinct Species, our selection 50 Distinct Species and varieties, our selection..... 100 Distinct Species and varieties, our selection... ..

Achillea—Mitlfoil or Yarrow

Filipendulina (Fern-leaved Yarrow). A showy sort with dense heads of golden yellow flowers. 3 feet. June and July.

| Millefolium roseum (Rosy Milfoil). Finely cut foliage and pink flowers in dense heads; 18 inches high. Flowers all summer.

' Ptarmica fl. pl. The Pearl. Pure white flowers borne in the greatest profusion during the entire summer on strong, erect stems, 2 feet high. As a summer cut flower it is of great value. if Boule de Neige (Ball of Snow). An improvement on The Pearl. The flowers, while not quite so large, are of more perfect | form, with fuller centers which makes them appear purer in color,

Of low growth, with large snow-white flowers in May and June. Very aromatic.


Tomentosa (Wooly Yarrow). Handsome cut foliage and bright yellow flowers in a multitude of flat heads during June. Height about 12 inches.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Aconitum —WMonkshood or Helmet Flower Aconites form bushy clumps and are invaluable for planting under trees, or in shady or semi-shady positions. Fischeri. A dwarf variety growing 18 inches high, with very large pale blue flowers in September and October. Napellus bicolor. Large blue and white flowers from July to September. 3 feet high. Spark’s Variety. The darkest blue of all; Flowers in June. Wilsoni. Violet-blue flowers very late in the fall. feet tall. Very effective. Any of the above: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100 One each of the four varieties $1.00.

Adenophora—Gland Bellflower Potanini. Forms a bushy plant, 2 feet high, with spikes of nodding, light blue bell-shaped flowers, similar to a Campanula. A good border plant flowering in July and August. 30c each; $3.00 per doz. Pee ee

| | 30 inches high. |

Grows 5 to 6 |

Alyssum—Mad Wort

Bright golden yellow flowers in June and July.

25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Saxatile compactum (Basket of Gold, Gold Tuft, Rockmadwort). An indispensable plant for the rockery or border, growing 1 foot high. Covered in May with masses of broad, flat heads of bright yellow flowers. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Rostratum. 1 foot.

Spinosum. One of the best for the rock garden. Woody stemmed with dense, spiny, silvery foliage and very numerous,

| small, white flowers during June and July, 4 to 6 inches. Rare. | 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

} =

Aethionema—Stonecress For the border or rock garden, requiring a gritty or sandy soil.

Coridifolium (Lebanon Candytuft). Produces dense racemes of rosy lilac flowers; May to June; 6 to 8 inches.

Iberideum. A free-flowering trailing plant with gray, glaucous foliage and racemes of white flowers in April and May.

Persicum. Forms a bushy plant about 10 inches high with attractive rose colored flowers in June.

Any of the above: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.

Agrostemma—Rose Campion

Stout, erect-growing plants with silvery foliage which contrasts well with the showy flowers. Blooms during June and July. Coronaria (Mullein Pink). Bright rosy-crimson; 2} to 3 feet. alba. A pure white variety.

Either of the above: 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Ajuga—Buzgle A useful plant for the rockery and for carpeting the ground, particularly in shady positions, as under trees where grass will not grow. Flowersin May and June. 6 to 8 inches. Brockbanki. Bronzy metallic foliage; deep blue flowers. Genevensis. Rich dark green foliage; deep blue flowers. Reptans rubra. Bronzy foliage, blue flowers. Compact.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Pulsatilla (Pasque Flower). Grows from 9 to 12 inches high and produces violet or purple flowers during April or May. An inter- esting plant for the rockery or well-drained border.

—rubra. A dark red form of above.

Sylvestris (Snowdrop Windflower). Large, nodding, sweet scented flowers of a lavender-tinted white. Borne solitary or two together, on stems 6 to 8inches. Pretty drooping buds and finely cut foliage. Prefers a semi-shaded position. April to May.

Any of the above: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Hupehensis. A perfect little gem closely allied to Anemone japonica which it resembles though miniature in size. The plant grows from 18 to 24 inches high and

produces an abundance of pleasing mauve-rose flowers, about 14 inches in diameter, from early in August until late in Autumn.

25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100

Dreer’s Japanese Anemones Anemone japonica

These beautiful Windflowers are one of the most important hardy plants. They begin blooming in August and are most valuable as they retain their full beauty until cut down by severe frost. Besides their value for garden display they are also charming as cut flowers, lasting in good condition for several days. The plants grow 2 to 3 feet high and are perfectly hardy if protected with 2 or 3 inches of leaves during the winter. They respond freely to liberal feeding and do well in any good garden soil.

Alba. Large snowy white flowers of graceful form.

Alice. Thisis on the style of the variety of Queen Charlotte. The flowers when first opening have the form of a Rose. As they expand the shell-like silvery rose petals become suffused with bright carmine.

Buhler Kind. An exceptionally strong growing, large, double

white. Prince Henry. Very free-flowering, double, rich deep pink. Queen Charlotte. Very large, semi-double flowers of a delicate

La France pink. Richard Ahrens. Very large, double, white flowers, tinted pink. Rubra. Grows only 15 to 18 inches high. Semi-double rosy red


Whirlwind. Large semi-double white. Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $ The set of eight varieties for $1.7

0.00 per 100

> 5

If plants are wanted by parcel post, please add to your remittance the cost of postage and special packing as explained on page 113



The Columbines are among the most elegant and beautiful hardy plants, producing their graceful spurred flowers on stems rising 2 feet or more above the beautifully divided foliage. They should be planted wher- ever their presence will serve to lighten up a stiff or formal planting, for no other plant has so airy a grace as the Columbine, is more generous of its blooms, or more effectively adapted for cut flowers.

They do well in almost any soil or location although they prefer a sandy loam and a moist but well drained sunny position. They usually make themselves at home in any hardy border or rockery. Their period of flower- ing covers the late spring and early summer months. Taken as a whole, they are a most important plant of the hardy garden that should be grown in quantity by every lover of old-fashioned garden flowers.

Canadensis. Our native Columbine; bright red and yellow.

Chrysantha. Long-spurred, bright yellow flowers.

* mM 4 Dreer’s Long-Spurred Mixed Hy- brids. This is the most admired type of Columbines. Flowers of largest size vary- ing in color through charming tones of cream, pink, lavender, blue, white, red, etc. Supplied in mixture only.

Dreer’s Long-Spurred Pink Shades. A special selection of the greatly admired pink shades of this most popular type.

Helenae. A very effective rich blue variety.

Skinneri. Yellow petals, long red spurs.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Arabis—Rock Cress

Alpina. One of the most desirable of the very early spring-flowering plants that is especially adapted for edging and for the rock garden. Does equally well in the border, forming a dense carpet of pure white flowers. Lasts a long time in bloom and is nice for cutting. flore-pleno. A distinct double flowering form. 4 rosea. Single, delicate soft - “yp pink. * . Se Any of the above: 25c each; Anchusa italica $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Anchusa—Sea Bugloss, Alkanet Dropmore Variety Italica Dropmore Variety. A grand improvement on the old Italian Alkanet. Grows 5 to 6 feet high and produces its pretty gentian-blue flowers in May and June. One of the best blue perennials. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

. = ia C7...

Dreer’s Long-Spurred Aquilegia or Columbine


Salicifolia. A stout, shrub-like plant, growing about 2 feet high, with terminal spikes of light steel-blue |f flowers in July. Desirable to intersperse in clumps in the front row of the shrubbery border. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Anchusa myosotidiflora Forget-me-not Flowered Bugloss An entirely different and distinct dwarf species from the

Caucasus, growing but 10 to 12 inches high. Covered during April and May with sprays of beautiful Forget-me- not-like flowers of a rich blue color. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Anthemniis tinctoria, Perry’s Variety Improved Golden Marguerite

A wonderful improvement over the well-known Golden Mar- guerite, Anthemis tinctoria. Easily grown in any ordinary border. Produces large, well-shaped flowers nearly 3 inches across, from June to October. The well proportioned bushes are most at- tractive with their Fern-like foliage and are covered with bright golden yellow flowers which are valuable for cutting. 15 to 18 inches. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Anthericum —St. Bruno’s Lily

Liliastrum major. A charming border plant with rush-like foliage and 18 to 24 inch high racemes of small lily-like white flowers during July and August. 35c each; $3.50 per doz. Arabis alpina flore-pleno

Garden Chrysanthemums offered on page 132 will supply an abundance of flowers after everything else has been cut by frost




Montana. A pretty, creeping plant which during June is covered with attractive white flowers. A good edging plant and in- valuable for the rock garden.

Verna caespitosa. A splendid rock plant for a shady position, forming an evergreen mat with small white flowers in early May,

Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Armeria—Sea Pink or Thrift

Attractive dwarf plants, forming evergreen tufts of bright green foliage. Irnumerable flowers clustered together in dense heads carried on stiff wiry stems, from 9 to 12 inches high. They flower more or less continuously from early spring until late in fall. Very useful in the rockery as well as in the border.

Cephalotes Bee’s Ruby. Has stout stems with large globular heads of brilliant ruby-red flowers. 50c each.

rubra. Large heads of crimson-red flowers on stout stems.

Laucheana. Bright rose.

Maritima alba. A pretty pure white.

Except where noted: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Hardy Aster Frikarti (Wonder of Siafa). We consider this the best of the hardy, late summer and fall flowering varieties. It is attractive in its neat, upright, free branching habit of growth, attaining a height of about 30 inches. Its large,

well formed flowers are produced in great profusion from the middle of August until late in October. a lovely lavender-blue color.

They are 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Aster alpinus

Dwarf Asters

Alpinus. Indispensable for the rockery or edge of hardy borders. Grows 6 to 10 inches high, bearing showy bluish purple flowers in May and June.

albus. Identical to the above but with pure white flowers.

Mauve Cushion. An entirely distinct Japanese species. It forms a circular cushion-like plant 2} feet across, rarely exceed- ing 9 inches in height. The flowers are delicate soft mauve with silvery white reflection, measuring over 14 inches in diameter. They are produced in such lavish profusion as to completely cover the plant. The blooms begin to expand early in October but are not at their best until November.

Snowsprite (Snow Fairy). A very dwarf, early fall-flowering variety forming compact clumps about a foot high. These are smothered with large semi-double white flowers. It is a splendid novelty which deserves a place in every garden.

Subcaeruleus. Forms a dense tuft of leaves from which arise many leafless stems 12 inches high, bearing in June and July massive bluish violet flowers 3 inches in diameter.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Hardy Aster, Queen Mary

Fall-Flowering Hardy Asters Michaelmas Daisies or Starworts These are among the showiest of our late flowering, hardy plants

giving a wealth of bloom during September and October. They grow freely in almost any soil. Barr’s Pink. This belongs to the Novae-angliae type. It is a

strong vigorous grower, 4 to 5 feet high, with finest bright pink blooms.

Capitaine. Light lavender-blue. 43 to 5 feet.

Chaterham Gem. Feathery sprays of light lavender blooms. 3 feet.

Ghent. Large, delicate lilac-mauve flowers. Liege. Large blooms of soft rosy pink. 23 feet. Novae-angliae. Very showy bright violet-purple.

Mrs. F. W. Raynor. profuse bloomer. 4 feet.

Novi-belgii Climax. One of the best and showiest with large pyramidal spikes of large lavender-blue flowers. 5 feet.

October Dawn. Stout, branching, pyramidal plants, 2 feet high. Large attractive lilac-mauve flowers.

Queen Mary. The finest of the Novi-belgii type. Graceful pleasing blue flowers tinted lavender; 2% inches across, arranged loosely in branched panicles. 34 feet high.

Sam Banham. Large pure white. One of the earliest. 3 feet. Tataricus. Distinct large bluish violet. Very late. 6 feet. Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Set of the 12 varieties. $2.50.

3 feet.

4 feet. The nearest approach to red. A very

Summer-Flowering Hardy Aster

Amellus elegans. Grows from 12 to 15 inches high and pro- duces large showy flowers of a rich bluish violet during July and August. Its free-flowering habit and compact growth make it a most desirable subject for the front of the border. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Japanese Double White Hardy Aster

This came to us unnamed from a Japanese nurseryman. It is entirely distinct from all other hardy Asters. The plants are of symmetrical habit and grow about 2 feet high, bearing from July to September double white flowers not unlike the double white Feverfew. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Pot Grown hardy perennial plants will give immediate effect,


Artemisia A most useful class of plants either for the border or for filling in among the shrubbery.

Abrotanum (Old Man or Southernwood). Finely cut, dark green foliage with pleasant aromatic odor. 18 inches.

Lactiflora (Hawthorne Scented Mugwort). A most effective plant of strong, free growth, 3} to 4} feet high, terminated by great panicles of Astilbe-like, Hawthorne-scented, creamy white flowers from the latter part of August to the end of September,

Silver Beauty. appearance,

A beautiful new variety of striking The foliage is a perfect silver-gray. The flower stems are splendid for cutting and are very effec- tive in making up baskets of mixed flowers. Easily dried for winter bouquets.

Silver King (Ghost Plant). A very showy white-leaved contrast plant growing 3 feet high and maturing its beautiful silver white foliage early in summer. Long sprays may be cut to mix with winter bouquets.

Stelleriana (Old Woman). 18 inches.

Deeply cut, silvery white foliage.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Asclepias—Butterfly Weed Tuberosa. Very showy native plants, about 2} feet high, pro- ducing flowers of brilliant orange-scarlet during July and August. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


This collection includes the best of the latest novelties, all are varieties of vigorous growth producing many branched, feathered heads of flowers during June and July. They succeed best in a half-shady moist position in any ordinary garden soil.

Amethyst. Deep violet-red flowers on well branched spikes; 3 feet.

Granat. Deep crimson flowers; 3 feet. Kriemhilde. Delicate pleasing salmon-rose; 2% feet.

Professor van der Wielen. Lonz spikes and side shoots show- ing a great profusion of pure white flowers; 4 feet.

Rhineland. Bright crimson, shaded salmon; 23 feet. Vesta. Very graceful spikes of light lilac-rose; 3 feet. Any of the above: 50c each; $5.00 per doz. Set of 6 sorts, $2.50.


| Involucrata.

Asperula—sweet Woodruff

Odorata. A sweetly scented herb growing from 6 to 8 inches high with terminal clusters of white flowers in May. A useful plant for a shady spot in the garden, the rockery, or for carpeting the ground in a shady position. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

Asphodelus—Asphodel, King’s Spear

Luteus. An effective plant for the border with sword-like foliage. Fragrant lily-like yellow flowers on spikes 3 feet high. Blooms in July. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

Aubrieta—Rainbow Rock Cress

Deltoidea. Pretty, dwarf-growing plants for the rockery or edge of border. Masses of silvery-green foliage and sheets of various colored flowers in spring and early summer. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Baptisia—False Indigo

Australis. A strong-growing plant, about 2 feet high, with dark green, deeply-cut foliage and spikes of dark blue flowers in June. Suitable either for the border or wild garden, 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Bellis—£nglish Daisy

Perennis. Improved double flowering in white and pink. 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Bocconia—Plume Poppy or Tree Celandine

Cordata. A stately perennial for planting in the shrubbery border, center of beds, or in bold groups in almost any position. Grows 6 to 8 feet high and has creamy white flowers in terminal panicles during July and August. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Boltonia—False Chamomile

Among the showiest of our native hardy perennial plants with large, single, daisy-like flowers during the summer and fall when thousands of blooms are open at once.

Asteroides. Very effective; pure white. 5 to 7 feet. Latisquama. Pink, tinged lavender. 4 to 6 feet. Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Calimeris—Star Wort Incisa. An attractive, free-flowering plant, 12 to 18 inches high, producing from July to September daisy-like, pale lavender flowers with yellow center. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Callirhoe—Poppy Mallow

An elegant trailing plant with most attractive foliage and large saucer-shaped bright rosy crimson flowers with white centers. Blooms all summer and fall. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


| Alpina. A good rock plant or for the edge of the border. Suc-

ceeds well in a dry sunny position. Small blue flowers in June. 6inches. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Caltha—Marsh Marigold

Palustris. This effective hardy perennial is of much value in marshy places and by the side of streams and ponds; grows about a foot high. Bright yellow single flowers in early spring. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.


Mastacanthus (Blue Spiraea). A handsome hardy perennial. Grows about 3 feet high with its long branches covered with lavender-blue flowers. Blooms profusely from early in Sep- tember until cut by frost.

Tangutica. A Chinese variety of very neat habit and shrubby growth. Slender, arching branches covered from July to Sep- tember with many small, partly concealed flowers of a very pleasing and distinct light blue.

Either of the above: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Japanese Iris (see page 144) make a fine display following directly after the gorgeous Peonies


Campanula or Bellflower

Indispensable hardy garden flowers of much variety of form, some being of tall and imposing habit, whereas others are dwarf compact little plants, suitable for edging, rockwork, etc. They like a good rich soil and last much longer in bloom if planted in a half shady place.

Carpatica (Carpathian Harebell). A pretty species growing in compact tufts, not exceeding 8 inches high. Clear blue flowers held erect on wiry stems. It begins blooming in June, continuing until October. As an edging for a hardy border or for the rockery it is unsurpassed.

—alba. A pure white form of the above.

Garganica. Forms a low, spreading tuft, covered in. June with starry, light blue flowers, each with a white eye. A gem for the rockery.

Glomerata (Clustered Bellflower). Dense clusters of funnel- shaped violet-blue flowers, borne profusely from June to August; 18 inches.

Lactiflora. An attractive flower of milky white, tinged blue. Blooms during July and August; 3 feet.

Latifolia macrantha. Large purplish-blue flowers; May and June. A handsome variety with very large, drooping bells; 3 feet.

Medium (Canterbury Beils). fashioned favorite in blue, white, and pink. June.

calycanthema (Cup and Saucer Canterbury Bells). have in blue, white, and pink. June. 2 to 4 feet.

We can supply this popular old- 2 to 4 feet.

This we

Muralis. Blooms Continuously from June to November. Dense tufts of dark

green foliage and

purple-blue bell- shaped flowers. 6 inches.

Persicifolia (Peach Bells). Blue flowers during June and July. Very showy; 2 feet.

alba. form. Pyramidalis (Chimney Bellflower). The most conspicuous of all, forming a perfect pyramid, 4 to 6 feet high, crowded with large,

salver-like, porcelain-blue flowers in August.

Rotundifolia (Blue Bells of Scotland). The true Harebell. Clear blue flowers from June to August. A fine rock plant. 10 inches.

Trachelium (Coventry Bells). Showy, drooping, light purple bells during June and July; 3 feet.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

A pure white Campanula muralis

Hardy Border Carnation

Choicest Mixed. These are seedlings produced from seed sup- plied by a specialist in this popular flower. They are fine, strong plants. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

See also Pinks on pages 135 and 136.

Centaurea—Hardheads or Knapweed

A lovely perennial of easy culture delighting in an open sunny position. Bears a large quantity of showy blooms. Valuable for either garden display or for cutting.

Dealbata. Bright rose-colored flowers borne profusely from July until September. 18 inches high.

Macrocephala. Large, thistle-like, golden yellow flowers. Useful for cutting and showy in the border. July and August. 3% feet.

Montana (Perennial Cornflower). Grows 2 feet high and bears large violet-blue flowers from June to September.

alba. A pure white form of the Montana species.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. The Set of 4 Centaureas, 85c.

Cassia—American Senna

Marilandica. A bushy plant, growing from 3 to 4 feet high and bearing during July and August large panicles of bright yellow, curiously shaped flowers in abundant axillary clusters. The beautiful, pinnate, light green foliage is also very attractive. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Alpina. Attains a height of 6 feet, bearing in June and July delicate sulphur-yellow flowers not unlike the flowers of Scabiosa. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Cerastium—Snow in Summer

Tomentosum. A desirable low-growing plant with silvery foliage and white flowers in June. Suitable for the rockery or for carpeting dry, sunny spots. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Chelone—tTurtle Head

Lyoni. Stately handsome perennial growing about 2 feet high, bearing during the summer and fall numerous spikes of large flower heads of showy purplish-red bloom. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Hardy Chrysanthemums Shasta Daisies or White Marguerites

Alaska (Shasta Daisy). A decided improvement on the original with pure glistening white blooms 4} to 5 inches across. Very free-flowering and in bloom all summer and fall. 2 feet.

Arcticum (The Arctic Daisy). Among fall-flowering perennials this is a perfect gem. It forms an attractive rosette-like clump, 8 to 10 inches high. Has pretty, dark green foliage and is covered in September with multitudes of flower stems, termi- nated by pure white flowers from 2 to 2% inches in diameter. These begin to develop during the last week in September and continue in good condition throughout October, and frequently into November.

Coreanum (Korean Daisy). A recent introduction from Korea with large white flowers with golden centers, frequently becom- ing tinted pink in frosty weather. An attractive late-flowering very hardy perennial. 2 feet.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

New Korean Hybrid Chrysanthemums for 1934

This entirely new type of Chrysanthemum is bound to become very popular as the plants are a mass of large single flowers in October.

Mercury (Plant Patent No. 58). Bronze-red on opening changing to coppery bronze when maturing. Nicely formed, showy blooms about 3 inches across. Begins blooming about October 5. A splendid well-lasting cut flower. 2 feet.

Daphne. A lovely large flower almost matching the color of Daphne cneorum—a splendid pink with a sheen of lilac- rose. Flowers 3} inches across. Blooms about October 12. Height 2 to 24 feet.

Ceres. Old gold blended with chamois yellow and dusted with coppery bronze. A handsome plant which blooms about October 10. Height 2 to 2% feet.

Apollo. The most profuse bloomer of them all. A sparkling combination of bronze, red, and gold, suffused with glowing salmon. The flowers are 2 inches across. Blooms about October 12, and grows 23 feet high.

Diana. A charming color blend of Chatenay Rose pink mingled with lilac-rose and soft salmon. Has triple rays of petals. Blooms October 12, and grows 2 feet high.


‘Deep amaranth-red changing to wine-red overlaid with a velvety sheen. The latest to flower, about October 15. Height 2 to 2% feet.

Any of the above: 75c each; $7.50 per doz. Set of the 6 varieties, $4.00.

Chrysanthemums are continued on the next two pages

132 Dreer’s Choice Garden Chrysanthemums

These are universally popular for outdoor bedding, and considering their many good qualities there is no cause for surprise to see them cultivated so extensively. They produce a lavish profusion of blooms giving color, life, and beauty to the garden just at a time when other plants have been destroyed by frost and are looking their worst. Frost does not materially affect their flowering and it frequently happens that armfuls of blooms can be cut late in November. They are reasonably hardy if planted in a well drained position and covered with leaves or loose litter during the winter. Or they may be carried over with perfect safety in a cold frame.

Wonderful improvements have been made in Garden Chrysanthemums during the past 20 years. The blooming period has been advanced so we have varieties that begin flowering in September. All of the sorts offered by us come into perfection before the end

of October.

Colors also have been enhanced and we now have them ranging from pure

white through pink, yellow, and red, to deep purple and bronze.

Superior Varieties of Recent Introduction

Recent introductions from prominent growers. We have had them under trial and recommend them as representing the latest developments in the early-flowering class.

Arab. Early bronze; Aster type. Crimson Splendor. Large single crim- son-maroon. Daybreak. Large shell pink; single. Evelyn. Early bronze; Aster type. Ganna. Bright pink; Aster-flowered. Glomero. Very early, free, orange; medium size; Aster-flowered. Grenadier. Bright crimson; single. Hilga. Large bluish magenta; Aster. Jean Treadway. Large pink; Aster. Jewel. Early, free, lilac; Aster. La Somme. Early, mauve-pink; Aster. Lorelei. Large, early, yellow; Aster. Muldoon. Medium-sized purplish ama- ranth; Aster. Red Flare. pompon. Rosy Gem. Early, rose; Aster. Sonoma. Bronze and gold; Aster. Vivid. American Beauty color; Aster. Yellow Gem. Canary yellow; pompon. Any of the above: 35c each; $3.50 per doz. Any six for $1.75.

Medium-sized bright red

Large Double Aster-Flowered

The varieties in this classification nor- mally produce flowers from 2 to 4 inches in diameter resembling China Asters in form.

Carrie. Extra early; yellow. Chrysolora. Large yellow. Fee Parisienne. Early ragged pink. Frances Whittlesey. Garnet-bronze. Globe d’Or. Early, compact, yellow. Isotta. Chestnut-brown. Lilian Doty. Ball-shaped light rose. Mrs. H. E. Kidder. Large yellow. October Gold. Orange-yellow. Petite Louise. Large rose-pink. Pink Dame. Early light pink. Red Doty. Incurved purplish red. Ruth Cumming. Terra-cotta red. Savina. Large rose. Shirley Pride. Lavender-rose. Tasiva. Early white. Tints of Gold. Early golden yellow. Uvalda. Early white. White Doty. Ball-shaped white. Yellow Doty. Ball-shaped yellow.

Any of the above: 25c each;

$2.50 per doz. ; $20.00 per 100.

Any six of the above for $1.25.

Twelve Extra- Early Flowering

Selected for the convenience of custom- ers who would like a collection of early Chrysanthemums in a wide range of color and form.

Barbara Cumming. Yellow. Edmund F. Black. Bronze. Firebrand. Red.

Idolf. Salmon-pink.

La Garonne. Rose and buff.

Lilac. Soft lilac.

Marie duPont. Pure white.

Murillo. Old rose.

October Girl. Deep pink.

Provence. Pale pink.

September Queen. White.

Yellow Normandie. Yellow. Any of the above: 25c each;

$2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Any six of the above for $1.25.

Small-Flowered Double and Button This type of hardy Chrysanthemum is very popular with many gardeners who appreciate the lovely daintiness of their shapely blooms and their exceedingly free Like all others on this page they are reasonably winter hardy if grown in well drained soil. Adironda. Golden bronze. Anna L. Moran. Scarlet-bronze. Annie Fletcher. Early yellow. Bright Eyes. Late pink button, orange center when young. Capt. R. H. Cook. Deep rose. Cometo. Early pink; ball-shaped. Ethel. Bronze button. Irene. White button. Iridescent. Early lilac. Little Dot. Bronze button. Model of Perfection. White button. Mrs. H. Harrison. Early light pink. Nio. Pink button. October Dawn. Early light pink. Ouray. Bronze button. Philadelphia. Deep rose. Rhoda. Pink button. R. Marion Hatton. Early yellow. Rodell. Dwarf yellow button. Ruth. Deep claret. Ruth Hatton. Early white. Skibo. Early yellow button. Tricker. Early yellow. Wm. Sobey. Yellow. Zora. Yellow-bronze. Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Any six of the above for $1.25.

flowering character.

Five Old-Fashioned Hardy Large Flowering Angelo. Light pink.

Comoleta. Yellow. Lucifer. Ox-blood red. Oconto. Pure white. Zelia. Orange-bronze.

Any of the five: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Set of five varieties for $1.00.

Twelve Single Flowering

The single Chrysanthemums are by many considered the most desirable. The flowers possess an unusual grace. All are free blooming.

Alice Howell. Orange-bronze. Attraction. Compact; pale rose. Buff Beauty. Early; pale bronze. Carmine. Carmine-rose. Cosmos. Dark purplish carmine. Dainty. Early; orange.

Dazzler. Very bright red; early. Donald Wells. The best white. Golden Sun. Brilliant yellow. Mrs. Albert Phillips. Large pink. Mrs. Max Behr. Reddish bronze.

Shirley Terra-Cotta. Fine large orange-red. Any of the above: 25c each;

$2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

The set of 12 varieties, $2.50. Any six of the above for $1.25.

New Giant- Flowered Single Dreer Originations for 1934 Shown in color on the opposite page.

These new single and _ semi-double varieties have been selected as the best from among a large number of seedlings and, needless to say, are superb in every way. All have beautiful large flowers. They bloom profusely at a time when the garden is practically bare of other flowers. Besides their remarkable ornamental value in the garden they will provide armfuls of long-lasting cut flowers for the house.

Amber Star. A most attractive buff, suffused scarlet. Of shaggy form. Enchantress. Semi-double rose.

Halo. Deep rose, white at base of petals. Medium-sized single.

Indian Maid. A most attractive deep orange verra-cotta; single.

Moonlight. Large pale blush; single. Persia. Deep rosy carmine. Well formed semi-double blooms. Princess. Very large single white. Redskin. Large single deep orange-scar- let shading to coppery rose with age. Sunbright. Single pure yellow. The Torch. Very bright orange-scarlet with golden reverse. Semi-double. Unique. Deep carmine-rose. Of unique semi-double form. Warrior. Deep crimson-maroon with a beautiful golden reverse. Any of the above: 35c¢ each; $3.50 per doz. Any six of the above for $1.75.

For Korean Chrysanthemums and others, see previous page

Twelve New Single Giant Chrysanthemums—Dreer Originations

1 Amber Star 5 Persia 9 Moonlight

2 Warrior 6 Princess 10 Indian Maid 3 Sunbright 7 Halo 11 Redskin

4 Unique 8 The Torch 12 Enchantress

35c each—One each of these Twelve Beautiful Novelties for $3.50


Set of the above four and Betty (delicate pink with light maroon center), altogether 5 plants, for $1.00



Allioni (Siberian or Fairy Wallflower). An attractive rock plant growing about 12 inches high covered with brilliant orange flowers in June. Very showy.

Cheiri. These old-fashioned sweet-scented Wallflowers which we supply in choicest mixed colors vary from yellow to bronzy reds and browns. May; 12 to 15 inches.

Either of the above: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Convallaria—Lily of the Valley

Majalis. This popular and fragrant subject is often starved and relegated to some poor, out-of-the-way corner, but, like most other plants, repays for being well treated. If the bed is given a liberal topdressing of well-decayed manure in fall or early spring, it will show the effect by increased size, number, and vigor of the flowers. We offer strong clumps, especially suited for outdoor planting. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100.

ah TOE

Dreer’s De Luxe Delphiniums

Delphinium—Hardy Larkspur These are deservedly one of the most popular subjects in the hardy border. They are of easiest culture, perfectly hardy, and they will establish themselves in almost any garden soil, but respond quickly to liberal treatment.

Dreer’s De Luxe Hybrids. Unquestionably the finest strain of mixed Hybrids ever offered. The plants are of strong, vigor- ous habit and have very large flowers.

Belladonna Improved. The freest and most continuous

} blooming of all, never being out of flower from the end of June

until cut down by hard frost. The clear turquoise blue of its

} flowers is not equaled in delicacy and beauty by any other


1! Bellamosum. This is a dark blue form of the popular light blue Belladonna, with which it is identical in habit of growth, freedom of bloom, and other good qualities. The flowers are an intensely rich, deep blue.

Chinense. A very pretty dwarf species, with fine feathery foliage and intense gentian-blue flowers in open panicles.

album. A pure white form of the above. Any of the above? 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. One each of the 5 varieties for $1.10.


Cimicifuga—snakeroot Racemosa. A handsome native species bearing in July and August spikes of pure white flowers. Well suited for planting at the back of the border or for naturalizing at the edge of the woods; 4 to 6 feet. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Shrubby Clematis

Davidiana. A most desirable variety with tubular, bell-shaped, fragrant flowers of deep lavender-blue. Blooms during August and September. 2 to 3 feet.

Recta. Grows from 2 to 3 feet high and produces during June and July fragrant pure white flowers in very large, showy clusters.

Either of the above:

35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.

Coreopsis Lanceolata grandiflora. One of the most popular hardy plants. The flowers are a rich golden yellow of graceful form. Valuable for cutting. Blooms during the entire summer; 2 feet. Rosea. Finely divided, dark green foliage, bearing in August and September numerous small pink flowers. Useful in border or rockery;- 1 foot.

Either of the above: 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Dianthus Allwoodii Perpetual Flowering Hardy Pinks Illustrated in color on opposite page A most valuable and improved type of Hardy Pinks—an im- portant addition to our list of hardy perennial plants. They are perfectly hardy in all latitudes and while the wealth of blooms is produced in May. and June, they also flower intermittently during the summer and fall months. The flowers are larger and more substantial than the old type of Hardy Pinks and they are borne on longer stems. Delicately clove scented.

Betty. Delicate soft pink with a large maroon center.

Robert. Beautiful old rose with light maroon center.

Jean. Pure white, deep crimson center. Very lovely.

Harold. A splendid, large, pure white of symmetrical form.

Mary. Lovely light rose-pink with deep red center.

Thrifty plants of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. The set of 5 Varieties for $1.00.

Botanical Species of Dianthus Arenarius (Sand Pink). Dense low cushions covered with masses of fragrant white flowers in May. Caesius (Cheddar Pink). Forms compact cushions of blue-gray foliage and sweetly scented, rose-pink flowers in May and June; fine for the rock garden.

Deltoides (Maiden Pink).

A charming creeping variety with medium-sized pink flowers in June and July; especially suited for the rock garden.

alba. A pretty white-flowered form.

Neglectus (Glacier Pink). One of the prettiest of the Alpine Pinks, producing deep rose colored flowers in June. 3 to 4 inches.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Dianthus are continued on the next page




Dianthus plumarius Hardy Garden Pinks

Old favorites bearing sweet clove- scented double flowers in the greatest pro-

fusion during May and June.

Her Majesty.

with fringed petal edges.

A splendid pure white

Homer. Juliette.

Variegated Reserve. white laced with crimson.

White Reserve. Lovely

blooms. Free blooming type

Rosy red with dark center. White, laced crimson.

A free-blooming

large white

Any of the above:

25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

New Varieties of Dianthus plumarius

Splendid improvements over the old varieties, particularly so in the forma- tion of the calyx which never splits, producing perfectly shaped, fragrant flowers which are very valuable for garden display and for cutting.

Bristol Jewel. Nicely formed, semi- double white blooms flushed with crimson, Has a distinct crimson eye.

Bristol Maid. Very large, double, well formed flowers of a delightful rose-pink shade.

Bristol Purity. Compact, free, and early flowering plants covered with pure white double blooms.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz. ; $20.00 per 100.

One each of the 3 NewVarieties for 70c.

Garden Hybrids of Dianthus

Strong, compact growing plants with broader dark green foliage than that of Dianthus plumarius. The flowers are carried on stems from 10 to 12 inches high. Of good double form.

Beatrix. Light salmon-pink blooms from May to November.


Etoile de Lyon. Sweetly scented, brilliant crimson flowers borne profusely during May and June.

Fuerst Bismarck. A perpetual-flower- ing bright crimson-pink variety. Blooms from May to November.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. The set of the 3 varieties for 70c.

Dielytra or Dicentra

Spectabilis (Bleeding Heart or Seal Flower). An old-fashioned favorite. Its long racemes of graceful heart-shaped pink flowers in May or June are always attractive. It is at home in any part of the hardy border and especially valuable for planting in shade; 1 to 2 feet. Strong clumps, 40c each; $4.00 per doz.; $30.00 per 100.

Formosa (Plumy Bleeding Heart), A dwarfer-growing species with finely cut, ornamental foliage growing about 15 inches high and producing its showy pink flowers from April till October. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

a = 1


Dictamnus—Gas Plant

Fraxinella caucasicus. A very showy border perennial, forming a bush about 23 feet in height. Fragrant foliage and spikes of rosy pink flowers with deeper veins during June and July. Re- quires a heavy, strong soil, and an open, sunny position. It is not advisable to transplant often as it improves with age, it being one of the most permanent features of the hardy herbaceous border.

—alba. The white flowered variety of above. Either variety: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Gardeners who wish to secure a quick effect with perennials will choose Dreer’s

plants which are just of the right size to give the best results.

They are not just

small seedlings that will require a full year to become full-size blooming plants, neither are they large field-grown clumps because these lack vigor and seldom give well-shaped free-blooming plants in the garden.

Digitalis or Foxglove


Old-fashioned, dignified, and stately plants with strong flower spikes rising from rich and luxuriant masses of leaves. They dominate the garden in June when their glorious spikes are covered with large, bell-shaped, pendant flowers in many rich colors.

Giant Shirley. A magnificent strain of the Gloxinia-flowered type. Of vigorous habit, attaining a height of from 5 to 7 feet, with spikes of bloom which measure 4feetinlength. Includes many splendid colors ranging from pure white to deepest rose. Offered in mixed colors only.

Ambigua or grandiflora. Showy pale yellow blooms, veined brown. Grows 3 feet high.

Either of the above 2 Foxgloves: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Laevigata. A rare and desirable rock plant, forming tufts of glossy dark green foliage covered in early spring with bright pink flowers carried on 2 to 4 inch stems. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz

If plants are wanted by parcel post add postage and packing charges as explained on page 113

NBY A-DREERS NN HILADELPHIA HENRY A-DREERS HARDY PERENNIAL PIANTS , By 137 See eee ey : Soe Erigeron—Fleabane : § as Coulteri. Grows about 15 inches high and bears a profusion of ; attractive single mauve-colored Aster-like flowers during July. Speciosus. Large rosy pink flowers from June to August; 2

feet. Either variety: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Erinus Alpinus. Forms pretty rosettes of foliage and racemes of rosy purple flowers during May and June. A desirable rock plant; 4 inches. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Eriophyllum Caespitosum (Oregon Sunshine). Grows 12 inches high with finely cut, grey foliage, producing masses of yellow Daisy-like flowers from June to August. Delights in poor soil in a sunny position. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

il Erodium & Bz : Chamaedryoides roseum. A tiny Alpine plant in Doronicum—Leopard’s Bane flower throughout the season. Forms tufts of pretty

> ; glossy leaves covered with delicate pink, veined flowers Doronicum Leopard s Bane on 2inchstems. Plant in full sunshine. 50c each; $5.00

Excelsum. Large bright yellow daisy-like flowers very early in per doz. the spring. There are many who have seen this only as a single plant, here or there in a hardy border, and have no idea of the effect it gives when planted in a mass. Also a splendid flower for cutting. It succeeds everywhere; 2 feet. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Eryngium Sea Holly

Handsome ornament- al plants, growing from 2 to 3 feet high. The flower heads, which are pro- duced from July to Sep- tember, are useful to cut for vases or to dry for winter bouquets.

Amethystinum. The finely cut, spiny foli- age and the beautiful thistle-like heads are of glistening ame- thystine-blue; 3 feet.

Maritimum. Has most attractive, large, glaucous-blue, deeply

LP eee toothed foliage and

ee ee pale blue, globular

Enyngium amethystinum flower heads. 1 foot. Either of the above: 30c each; $3.00 per dioz.; $22.50 per 100.

Dracocephalum—Dragon’s Head

Ruyschiana. A neat border or rock plant, bearing attractive blue flowers during July, 2 feet. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

Dryas—Mountain Avens

Suendermanni. One of the most charming of dwarf plants for the rock garden. Gives a splendid low ever- green carpet composed of very small oak-like leaves with medium-sized Anemone-like white flowers during spring and early summer. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Echinops—Globe Thistle Ritro. Deep metallic blue flower heads. 3 feet high. July.

Sphaerocephalus. Thistle-like foliage and large globular heads of bluish white flowers in July. 3 feet.

Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Eupatorium | Mist-Flower Ageratoides(Thoroughwort). A useful border plant of strong, free growth, 3 to 33 feet high. Minute white flowers in dense heads; splendid for cutting. Au- gust and September. Coelestinum. A pretty, hardy plant with light blue flowers similar to the Ager- atum; in flower from Au- gust until frost. 18 to 24 inches. Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Epimedium Euphorbia z : Polychroma. A very beau-

Epimedium—Borrenwort, Bishop’s Hat tiful and effective perennial Corollata (Flowering Spurge). Attractive plants growing 8 to 10 inches high. Showy, leathery, which bears masses of A showy useful native plant, bronzy foliage and panicles of interesting flowers in April and May. chrome-yellow flower-like growing about 18 inches high Fine for the shaded rock garden or border. Nareed ea mn eres ne Beaune oem J uss A eae F . F eet high. Splendid for ugust umbels of pure white eacins. Sofetilae Rive und eo wbite. the rock garden. 25c each; flowers, each with a small green Pinnatum elegans. Yellow. Rubrum. Deep red. $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 eye. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.;

Any of these: 50c each; $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100. per 100. $20.00 per 100.

We supply vigorous young plants of blooming size which are bound to give entire satisfaction

Choice Hardy Ferns Suitable positions for Hardy Ferns are to be found in almost every garden. With few exceptions they do best in a shady or semi-shady position and in rich, well-drained soil. They must be supplied with water during dry weather. Where the soil is stiff or clayey, incorporate a liberal quantity of leaf-mould, peat, or other loose material to make it friable. We give after each variety the average height of growth. Aspidium acrostichoides (Wood Fern). Goldianum (Shield Fern). 24 to 36 in. marginale (Evergreen Wood Fern). 12 to 24 in. spinulosum (Spinulose Wood Fern). 12 to 15 in. Asplenium Filix-femina (Lady Fern). 12 to 15 in. thelypteroides (Silvery Spleenwort). 24 to 26 in. Dicksonia punctilobula (Gossamer Fern). 24 to 36 in. Onoclea sensibilis (Sensitive Fern). 12 to 24 in. Struthiopteris (Ostrich Fern). 24 to 36 in. Osmunda cinnamomea (Cinnamon Fern). 24 in. 50c each. Claytoniana (Interrupted Fern). 24in. 50c each. —regalis (Royal or Flowering Fern). 24 to 36 in. 50c each. Any of the above, except where noted: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100. Set of 12 sorts for $3.50.

12 in.

The Hardy Lace Fern, Polystichum angulare

The Hardy Lace Fern

Polystichum angulare

With careful protection, covering with a liberal amount of leaves in the winter, this graceful variety illustrated

here will prove hardy as far north as Philadelphia. The fronds are from 18 to 24 inches long by 2} to 3 inches wide with finely divided pinnae of a rich dark green color with darker midrib and stem. 75c each.


Little Gem. A most useful border plant and valuable summer cut flower, with large double white flowers; June until October; 18 to 24 inches high. 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Geranium—Crane’s Bill

Sanguineum. A desirable plant with pretty cut foliage and bright crimson flowers. Blooms the entire season; 18 inches. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Funkia—Plantain Lily (Hosta)

The Plantain Lilies are among the easiest plants to manage. Their broad massive foliage makes them attractive subjects for the border even when not in flower. They succeed equally well in sun or shade.

Lanceolata. Valuable by reason of its late-flowering lilac flowers in September; 2 feet.

Subcordata grandiflora (White Plantain Lily). Very large, pure white, lily shaped, fragrant flowers in August and Septem- ber; 2} to 3 feet.

Undulata media picta. Green and white variegated foliage; purple flowers. Makes a fine edging; July; 2 feet.

Any of the three: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Gaillardia—Blanket Flower

Grandiflora. One of the showiest of all hardy plants growing 2 feet high and succeeding in any soil if the position is sunny. They start blooming in June. Shades of red and gold in wonderful combinations. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. ; $15.00 per 100.


Tinctoria flore plena. A dainty, low growing rock garden plant of shrubby growth. Masses of showy double yellow flowers in June. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.


Acaulis (Stemless Gentian). Very large, bell shaped, rich blue flowers marked on the inside with yellow, rising 2 to 4 inches high from rosettes of glossy deep green leaves in May and June. Fine for the rock garden or border in half shade in good moist soil. $1.00 each.

Andrewsi (Blue Closed Gentian). This is our native species, with beautiful deep blue flowers in August and September. Grows about 2 ft. high and requires rich moist soil. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Geum —Avens

Pretty border plants, growing about 15 to 18 inches high, and producing showy, bright-colored flowers from May to July. Lady Stratheden. Large double rich golden yellow.

Mrs. Bradshaw. Large double brilliant scarlet. Either variety: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Geum Borisii One of, if not the finest of this showy genus.

Forms neat foliage tufts with many branched stems, 8 to 12 inches high, covered with large, vivid orange-scarlet flowers from May to October. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

aaa a eee Ask us to send you free with your order our leaflet ‘‘The Making and Care of an Old-Fashioned Hardy Border”’

Hardy Ornamental Grasses

Arrhenatherum bulbosum variegatum. Forms a dense

tuft, 6 to 8 inches high, with prettily variegated green and white

leaves; a splendid edging plant.

Arundo Donax (Great Reed). A magnificent variety, growing to a height of 20 feet. 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.

—variegata. A beautiful variegated form, foliage white and green; 8 to 10 feet. 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.

Elymus glaucus (Blue Lyme Grass). A handsome Grass with narrow glaucous silvery foliage. Well adapted for the border or the edge of beds containing taller sorts; 2 feet.

Eulalia gracillima univittata (Japan Rush). Of graceful habit, with narrow toliage. Of a bright green color, with a silvery midrib; 6 to 7 feet.

japonica variegata. Long narrow leaves, striped green, white, and often pink or yellow; 6 to 7 feet.

zebrina (Zebra Grass). The long blades of this variety are marked with broad yellow bands across the leaf. It makes a very attractive specimen plant for the lawn; 6 to 7 feet.

Festuca glauca (Blue Fescue). A pretty, dwarf, tufted Grass with distinct blue-green foliage; 1 foot.

Pennisetum japonicum (Hardy Fountain Grass). This variety grows about 4 feet high. Narrow foliage of a bright green, while the cylindrical flower heads are tinged with bronzy purple. One of the most valuable hardy Grasses.

Phalaris arundinacea variegata (Variegated Ribbon Grass or Gardener's Garters). Large variegated foliage; an excellent Grass for bordering large beds; 12 to 15 inches.

Except where noted: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

See also Gynerium

Gypsophila, Bristol Fairy Gypsophila—Baby’s Breath

The Gypsophilas will thrive in any soil in a sunny position, and on account of their gracefully arranged large panicles of minute flowers should be in every garden.

Bristol Fairy. An improvement on the well-known double- flowering form Paniculata fl. pl. Strong roots, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Paniculata. This is the favorite old-fashioned single flowering variety, a plant possessing a grace not found in any other perennial. When in bloom during July and August it forms a symmetrical mass 2 to 3 feet in height and as much through covered with minute pure white flowers, having a beautiful gauze-like appearance. When cut it is exquisite in combination with other flowers.

—flore plena. The original double-flowering form. The flowers are not only larger but of a purer white than the single- flowering sort. They may be cut and dried, retaining their beauty for many months. A valuable subject for the hardy border. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Repens. An elegant trailing plant for the rockery with clouds of small white flowers in July and August. Except where noted: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100

Hardy perennial plants do best in a fertile soil.


Gynerium—Pampas Grass

Argenteum. The most effective of all the ornamental Grasses. Its large silvery plumes are produced on stems 8 to 10 feet high during the late summer and fall. This plant is well known to summer visitors to California where it is one of the features in many gardens. It can be grown equally well here and established plants can remain in the open ground if well protected. We offer extra strong plants of flowering size in 7 inch pots, $2.00 each.

- aN

Helleborus—Christmas Rose

Helleborus niger—Christmas Rose Particularly valuable because it is very early flowering, usually coming into bloom in sheltered well drained, partially shaded posi- tions during February or March. White, flushed purple, about 2 inches in diameter. 12 inches high. $1.00 each.

Helenium —Helen’s Flower Desirable border plants, succeeding in any soil in a sunny location. They have showy broad-spreading heads of flowers. Useful for cutting, each species covering a long-blooming season. Autumnale rubrum. Robust growing; 3 to 4 feet high, with bright terra cotta red flowers in August and September. superbum. Golden yellow flowers during the late summer and fall months; 5 to 6 feet. Bruneum coccineo. A dark bronzy brownish red, one of the earliest to flower; erect branching habit; 2} feet. Gaillardiaeflorum. Glowing bronzy red petals with just a tip of golden yellow; 3 feet. Golden Youth. Pure golden yellow; early flowering; 23 feet.

Hoopesi. Pure orange-yellow flowers, 23 inches across. Flowers early and continuously; 2 feet.

Riverton Beauty. Rich lemon-yellow with large purplish black cone; August and September; 4 feet.

Riverton Gem. Old gold changing to wall-flower red; August and September; 33 feet.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Set of 8 varieties, for $2.00.

Two Handsome Dwarf Heleniums

Moerheimi Beauty. A valuable border plant of erect, strong habit. Broad bronzy red ray florets shading to orange at the tips. 2} feet high.

Nanum luteum. Extremely handsome, free flowering variety, 2} feet high. Bears bold masses of golden yellow flowers in early summer.

Either of the above: 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

For plant food and fertilizer see page 212


Helianthemum—Rock or Sun Rose

Exceedingly pretty, low growing, evergreen plants, forming broad clumps which during their flowering season, June to July, are quite hidden by a mass of bloom; well adapted for the front of the border or the rockery. ?

Album plenum. Double white. Ee. Buttercup. Golden yellow, single. : Fireball. Fiery double red. Macranthum. Pure white single. Rhodanthe carneum. Pretty single pink flowers and silvery foliage. Any of the abave: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. <i

Helianthus sparsifolius Helianthus—Hardy Sunflower

Most effective hardy plants for large borders, for planting among shrubbery, or as clumps on the lawn. They are remarkably free-flowering, will succeed in any soil, and are invaluable for decorative purposes or as cut flowers during the summer and autumn.

Maximiliana. The latest of all, perfecting its fine golden yellow flowers in long graceful sprays during October when all others have finished flowering. Invaluable for cutting; 5 to 7 feet.

Mollis. Large, single, lemon-yellow flowers with downy white foliage; blooms in August and September; 4 feet.

Multiflorus fi. pl. Large, double, Dahlia-like golden yellow flowers in great profusion during July and August; 4 feet.

Sparsifolius. Very large, gracefully formed flowers during August and September. One of the best for cutting. 6 feet.

Wolley Dod. The best of the September-flowering varieties with deep yellow flowers; entirely distinct; 6 feet.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. One each of the 5 sorts for $1.10.

Heliopsis—Orange Sunflower

Similar in general habit to Helianthus but commencing to flower in July and August. Of dwarfer habit, rarely exceeding 3 feet in height. Valuable for cutting.

Pitcheriana. A desirable variety. The flowers are of a beauti- ful deep golden orange-yellow, about two inches in diameter, of very thick texture, and a useful cut flower.

Scabra excelsa. Rich chrome-yellow flowers turning to a bright yellow as they mature. They are almost double, having from 4 to 5 rows of petals. Of robust growth about 3 feet high, very free flowering, and makes an effective display.

Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Middendorfi (Dr. Regel's).


Hemerocallis— Yellow Day Lily

Popular hardy plants belong- ing to the Lily family. They succeed well everywhere and should always be included in every border of hardy plants.

Citrina. Large lemon-yellow blooms during June and July. Fragrant. 3 feet.

Dumortieri. Rich cadmium- yellow flowers with bronzy yellow reverse. Blooms in June. 18 inches high.

Flava (Yellow Day Lily). Very fragrant, deep lemon-yellow blooms in June and July. 3 feet.

Florham (Golden Day Lily). Golden yellow with Indian- yellow shadings. June and July. 3 feet.

| Fulva (Tawny Day Lily). Trumpet shaped, rich orange flowers shaded darker. June and July. 4 to 5 feet.

Kwanso fi. pl. ~ Double; bright orange. July. 4 to 5 feet.

| ee

Hemerocallis—Yellow Day Lily The first to bloom; May. large bell-shaped flowers of rich chrome-yellow.

The latest to flower. Funnel shaped, rich Butter- cup-yellow flowers throughout July. 4 feet high.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. The set of 8 varieties, 1 each, $1.75.


New Giant Hybrid Hemerocallis

These new Giant-Flowered Yellow Day Lilies have been selected from the choicest varieties of recent introduction by American and European hybridizers. They are a great im- provement on the older types and should be in every garden. The flowers are not only very large but pure in color. The difference in the blooming period of the varieties offered below provides a flowering season much longer than that of the older sorts. We highly recommend these to every flower lover.

Anna Betscher. Round, deep canary yellow flowers. Dwarf. Late.

George Yeld. The most beautiful and distinct variety with large open flowers. The outer petals are a rich orange, the inner ones flushed orange-bronze. Midseason.

Goldeni. Large quantities of deep golden orange flowers. Vigorous and a most effective garden variety. Midseason.

Iris Perry. The earliest variety to flower. Of tall growth with beautiful deep bronzy orange blooms.

J.A. Crawford. Exceptionally fine flowers of splendid size. A showy and brilliant combination of apricot and cadmium- yellow. Blooms very early and is truly magnificent.

Lemona. An extremely vigorous, upright growing variety producing quantities of pale lemon-yellow flowers. Very early. .

Mrs. Perry. Long, wavy, deep yellow petals. Of tall growth and very free blooming during midseason. Most aristo- cratic.

Mrs. W. H. Wyman. Valuable on account of its extreme late flowering habit. The clear yellow blooms open in August and blend nicely with blue flowering perennials.

Any of these New Giant Hybrids: 75c each. The set of 8 varieties, 1 each, $5.00.

If plants are wanted by parcel post please add to remittance the cost of postage and special packing as explained on page 113

Hepatica—Liver Leaf Triloba. A pretty native spring-flowering plant, with light blue flowers. Useful as a rock plant or for a shady spot in the border. 4 inches. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Heuchera—Coral Bells

Heuchera— Coral Bells or Crimson Bells

At home in any half shaded or sunny position in the mixed border, in the rockery, or for mass planting. The plants grow in rosette-like form and produce numerous slender, many flowered, erect stems about 18 inches high above the light green leaves that last in good condition for along time. These form excellent material for cutting. The plants are hardy and their flowering period covers late May, June, and July.

Sanguinea. Brilliant coral red.

alba. A white form.

Pluie de Feu. Deep coral red. rosea. Rosy pink.

Brizoides. Pale pink. Rosmondi. Soft coral pink.

Any of these 6 Heucheras:

25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Giant-Flowering Hibiscus Marshmallows or Rosemallows

A wonderfully improved form of our greatly admired native Marshmallow or Rosemallow with blooms fre- quently measuring 10 to 12 inches in diameter. Easy to grow blooming from July to September. 5 to 8 feet. We offer 3 distinct colors—Red, Pink, and White in strong 2 yearoldroots. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100. One each of the 3 colors 85c.

Dreer’s Superb Hollyhocks

Stately, majestic, hardy plants from 6 to 8 feet high. They are a necessary part of every old-fashioned garden and should also find a place interspersed with shrubbery, as clumps on the lawn, or in the mixed border where their colossal spikes of bloom produce bold and showy effects which cannot be secured with any other flowering plant.

Hollyhocks require a deeply dug, well-drained soil, enriched with thor- oughly decayed manure. They should be liberally supplied with water dur- ing dry weather. Slight protection through- out the winter will be beneficial. An occasional spraying with Bordeaux mixture, which should be applied early in the growing season, usually prevents rust which is prevalent in some lo- calities.

Allegheny. Mammoth flowers, wonderfully formed of loosely ar- ranged, fringed petals. The colors vary from the palest shrimp- pink to deep red. Mixed colors only.

Single. Many prefer the single-flowering Hollyhocks. They are usually of freer growth than the doubles and present a very hand- some appearance when covered with their artistic blos- soms. We can supply the singles in mixed colors only.

Double Hollyhocks

Stately plants, 5 to 6 feet high, with elegant large double blooms of exquisite texture.

Double Hollyhock

Double Red Double White

Double Rose Double Yellow Any of the Hollyhocks: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100

Double Maroon Double Mixed

Hypericum —st. John’s Wort

Most desirable border plants of free and graceful habit producing long, slender, much branched stems, leafy to the base and all drooping towards the ends, apparently from the weight of the flowers and buds, although the flowers face so none of their beauty is lost.

Moserianum. A marvelously free-flowering variety of large size measuring from 2 to 2} inches in diameter. A rich golden yellow rendered still more effective by the numerous yellow stamens and crimson anthers. Blooms continuously the entire season; 2 feet.

Patulum grandiflorum. A very vigorous growing introduction from China with large, broad petaled flowers of a very bright yellow. 2 feet. August and September.

Henryi. A comparatively new hardy St. John’s Wort of shrubby habit, growing from 2 to 3 feet high. Masses of large, clear yellow flowers during July and August. Retains its neat foliage until late in the autumn.

Any cf the three: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Dreer’s Perennial Plants, set out this spring, will, with few exceptions, bloom profusely this year

nw tiad r=

Tberis—Hardy Candytuft

Iberis—Hardy Candytuft

Sempervirens. Most desirable dwarf plants with ever- green foliage which is completely hidden by dense heads of pure white flowers early in the spring; 8 to 10 inches high.

Little Gem. A perfect gem of very dwarf habit, not over 6 inches high, with masses of white flowers in May. A most valuable rock plant.

Snowflake. A great variety, 6 to 8 inches high, having exceptionally large, pure white flowers borne in great masses during May and June.

Any of these: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Incarvillea—Hardy Gloxinia

Delavayi. Large Gloxinia-like, rose-colored flowers on 15 to 18 inch high stems during June and July. Succeeds either in sun or shade but should be well protected with leaves or litter during the winter. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

Iris cristata—Crested Dwarf Iris A tiny native species growing from 4 to 6 inches high. Delicate, richly marked pale lilac flowers late in May and June. Fine for the rockery or edge of border. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Iris pumila hybrida A cross between J. pumila and I. germanica.

Early flowering. 10 to 12 inches high. Caerulea. Very early light blue. Cyanea. Excelsa. Schneekuppe. Pure white.

25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Very showy.

Rich violet purple. Good pale lemon yellow.

Iris sibirica

Orientalis. Rich violet-blue; very free flowering and one of the best. Blooms in June, 3} feet.

Snow Queen. A variety of great merit. plant with many snow white flowers.

Perry’s Blue. A comparatively new variety large, clear blue flowers on stout, stiff stems. A vigorous free grower and very free bloomer. One of the best for cutting.

25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Forms an attractive

with very

Iris tectorum

The ‘Roof Iris’’ of Japan, grown on many thatched roofs of the cottages. A beautiful species from Japan and China. Hardy as far north as Philadelphia but should be carefully protected with leaves during winter; 12 inches high, flowering during June.

Tectorum. Delicately crested flowers of a beautiful shade of blue. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

—album. A rare white form. 60c each; $6.00 per doz.

Japanese Iris—tiris Kaempferi

Blue Danube. Blue with pure white veins, yellow center; a striking variety of unusual strength. Double. Blue Jay. Six aniline blue petals surrounded by a white halo. Catherine Parry. Double; blue overlaid with rosy violet. Dream. Large, single white, delicately veined with blue. Gold Bound. The finest double creamy white. Mahogany. Velvety crimson-purple. Six large round petals. Paragon. Rich royal purple with many white veins. Six petals. Pyramid. Six large, royal purple petals with a yellow center, radiating into lines. A most brilliant Iris. Quakeress. Single. Broad, wavy petals of great size. dark rich blue, slightly veined and with yellow blotch. Templeton. Light violet, mottled pink and white, six petals. T. S. Ware. Reddish violet, veined white; center white with


lemon yellow markings; double. Silvery white, marbled ultramarine blue. Any of the Japanese Iris: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100. The set of 12 varieties, $3.50 Japanese Iris in Mixture. per 100.

Victor. Six petals,

20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00

Samidare The Japanese Iris of Special Merit

Imperial Japanese Iris Samidare An outstanding distinct variety

We consider Samidare the most distinct of the Japanese Iris —a large, massive flower with six heavy, peculiarly fluted petals which give the flowers their unique formation. The ground color is silvery white, showing just faintly through the pretty violet-blue of the petals which are strongly veined with rich ultramarine blue. The standards are of a rich deep violet-purple, a combination of colors not only rich but at the same time exceedingly soft and pleasing. The finest Japanese Iris grown. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100.

Iris interregna An interesting type, the result of crossing J. germanica with

I. pumila hybrida. They bloom earlier than the German Iris and the flowers combine perfection of form with large size and clear and decided colors. The foliage is dwarf. The flower stems are almost 18 inches high. Fritjof. Lavender standards, satiny violet-blue falls. Helge. Creamy yellow standards, falls darker, veined yellow. Spectabilis. Rich, free-flowering, violet-purple.

Any one: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Japanese Iris are particularly attractive if planted along pools.

Bearded Iris—Iris germanica

The following varieties are the most magnificent newer acquisitions ob- tained up to the present time. Their colorings and form are superb. They _ represent the giants of the family both in size of individual flowers and habit

of growth. Ambassadeur. One of the finest. The stout stems bear flowers of largest size, magnificent form, and unique coloring. Standards, deep lavender ' suffused with bronze; falls, maroon with purplish cast. 2% ft.

«Ann Page. A superb, tall growing variety, 4 feet high, with masses of clear ft lavender-blue flowers with large well rounded petals.

Citronella. A most handsome, rugged, free flowering, brilliant, late yellow with falls beautifully veined and mottled Vandyke-red. 3 ft.

Imperator. A fine large red-toned Iris that makes a striking effect, maroon- J crimson falls. Standards,-bronzy violet red. Tall, free, and effective. 3} ft. *

Lent A. Williamson. Exceptionally large flowers on tall strong stems. Standards, bright Lobelia-blue, shot fawn at the edge; falls, rich velvety purple, suffused blue at the edge; bright golden yellow beard. 23 ft.

Lord of June. One of the best; massive flowers of perfect form. Stand- ards, pale lavender-blue; falls, deep aniline-blue. 3 ft.

Queen Caterina. This superb variety is one of the handsomest of all Iris. A giant in size of flowers as well as in habit of growth, attaining a height of fully 4 feet. The color is an exquisite shade of pure lavender- blue, being uniform in both standards and falls.

Shekinah. A delightful shade of pale yellow with amber shadings. A tall, handsome, conspicuous variety of very uncommon color. 23 ft.

Suzanne Autissier. Individual flowers of heavy texture and spikes of enormous size. Falls, reddish purple; standards, light violet-blue. A very profuse bloomer growing 4 feet high.

Yolande. Large massive flowers of splendid form. A strong upright grower and remarkably free. Falls, rich deep blue; standards, violet-blue. 3% ft.

Any of the above 10 Bearded Iris: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100. The set of 10 varieties, one each, for $3.00.


3 ae Tris germanica Choice Garden Varieties

Archeveque. Standards, a rich shade of reddish purple; falls, Two Superb New

dark velvety purple; very free. 2 ft. Iris O Edouard Michel. One of the finest with flowers of large size, is sermanica

beautifully poised on stems 3 feet high. The standards are The two varieties here described, one a golden yellow, the

broad and frilled, of a distinct shade of reddish violet, the falls other a rich velvety purple, bloom at the same time and are slightly deeper in color. when planted together form a brilliant rich color combi-

Her Majesty. Standards and falls bright mauve. 134 ft. nation:

Honorabilis. Golden yellow standards and rich mahogany- brown falls.

Isoline. Standards, vinaceous-lilac suffused with bronze; falls, light purple overlaid with bronze; base of petals, yellow with

Gold Imperial. The best and most vigorous growing, free-flowering, golden yellow Iris. 23 to 3 ft.

Souv. de Mme. Gaudichan. The largest, darkest, and by far the finest of the dark purple Irises. 23 to 3 ft.

brown reticulations; golden yellow beard; height, 23 feet. Either variety: 35c each; $3.50 per doz. Lohengrin. Foliage and flowers of gigantic size, with petals One of each for 60c. 2 inches wide, of a deep violet-mauve. 23 ft. Loreley. Perfect-shaped flowers. Falls of a deep ultramarine- © © . blue, more or less veined with creamy white and bordered : Iris pallida dalmatica sulphur-yellow, making a beautiful contrast. 23 ft. Princess Beatrice. This is the true type of pallida dalmatica

and still one of the most attractive and satisfactory all-round varieties with flowers of large size. The standards and falls are clear lavender-blue shading to a pale silvery blue at the base. It is of strong vigorous growth over three feet high with unusual- ly heavy glaucous foliage. Sweet scented. 20c each; $2.00 per

Mme. Chereau. Standards and falls pure white, daintily edged with light blue. 2% ft.

Parisiana. Standards, Chinese-violet shot with white at center; falls, white reticulated and spotted with Chinese-violet at edges;

very we height 23 ft. doz.; $15.00 per 100. Red Riding Hood. Falls, reddish purple with white reticulation | pallida dalmatica foliis variegatis. This beautiful variety at base; standards, soft rosy purple. 23 ft. is conspicuous on account of its striking variegated foliage which Rembrandt. Standards, light lavender-blue; falls, of a deeper is glaucous green with broad bands of creamy yellow, every leaf blue. Early flowering. 2 ft. being well marked. It is of free growth, attains a height of 2 Sherwin-Wright. Flowers most profusely. A rich golden feet, and is very attractive even when not in flower. The blooms yellow without markings or shadings. The best and showiest are of a clear lavender-blue. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

yellow for mass planting. 2 ft. =

| Iris pseudacorus

| Any of these: 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100. 4 A

Set oe The common yellow Water Flag, suitable for marshes and water et of the 12, one each, for $2.00. courses. May and June; 4 feet. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00

Mixed Varieties. $1.25 per doz.; $10.00 per 100. per 100.

If plants are wanted by parcel post please add to your remittance the cost of postage and special packing as explained on page 113


EL a




Vera. This is the true Sweet Lavender. Grows about 18 inches high and has delightfully fragrant, blue flowers in July and August. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Columbianum roseum. Flat rosettes of dark ever-

green leaves with masses of medium-sized rosy purple

flowers on 6 to 8 inch stems. Blooms from May to November. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Liatris—Blazing Star or Gay Feather Showy and attractive native plants, succeeding anywhere. duces large spikes of flowers in July and August. Pycnostachya.

Scariosa. Either variety:


Spikes of light rosy purple flowers; 5 feet.

Deep purple flowers; 3 to 4 feet high.

25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Linum—fFlax

Perenne. A desirable plant for the border or rockery, growing 14 feet high. Light graceful foliage and large blue flowers all summer long. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Prostratum, Heavenly Blue. A most desirable evergreen rock |

plant of trailing habit bearing beautiful showy sky-blue flowers

during spring and summer and frequently also in the fall. |

75c each; $7.50 per doz. Lobelia Cardinalis (Cardinal Flower). A handsome border plant with

rich fiery cardinal flowers. Strong plants, often producing 10 to 18 spikes 24 to 30 inches long. They thrive in any ordinary

garden soil but prefer a moist, deep loam where they will not |

suffer from drought. Few plants are more effective at their season of bloom which extends from early in August till late in September.

Syphilitica (Great Lobelia). A choice selection of our native Lobelia with large spikes of blue flowers; July to September. 2 to 3 feet.

Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Lysimachia clethroides

Lysimachia Clethroides (Goose-neck, Loosestrife). A fine hardy variety about

2 feet high. Has long, dense, recurved spikes of pure white flowers from July to September.

Fortunei. A neat plant, growing 18 inches high, with dense upright spikes of white flowers in August. The foliage turns to an attractive brilliant bronzy red in early autumn.

Nummularia (Creeping Jenny or Money-wort). Valuable for planting under trees or shrubs where grass will not grow as it quickly forms a dense carpet. Yellow flowers.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


| |

Lupinus polyphyllus

Lupinus—Lupine Effective plants with large spikes of flowers blooming profusely in May and June. They grow best in a well-prepared garden soil, preferably in a semi-shady location; 3 feet.

Polyphyllus. Clear blue.

albus. A white variety of above.

rosea. A combination of light and dark shades of pink. Any of these: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

fel Lychnis chalcedonica

Lychnis—Campion, Lamp Flower Of the easiest culture, thriving in any soil. In addition to this their brightness has brought them into high favor with lovers of hardy plants. Chalcedonica (Jerusalem Cross). Most .desirable. Brilliant orange-scarlet flower heads in June and July; 2 to 3 feet high. alba. A white-flowered form of above. Haageana. Brilliant orange-scarlet flowers in May and June; 12 inches. Viscaria splendens. Forms a dense tuft of evergreen foliage, and in June sends up spikes of handsome, double, deep red, fragrant flowers; 1 foot.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. The set of four, one each, for 90c.

Our leaflet ‘‘Hardy Perennial Plants suitable for the Rock Garden”’ is free. Ask for it on your order


Lythrum—Rose Loosestrife Roseum superbum. Large spikes of rose-colored flowers from July to September. Vigorous plant, 3 to 4 feet high. Perry’s Variety. A splendid improvement with much larger cherry-red flowers and longer spikes than the type.

Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Reptans. A dainty and interesting Alpine creeper for a semi- shaded position in the rockery. Covered during May and June with white and purple Lobelia-like flowers; 4 inches. 35c each; $3.50 per doz.

Mertensia—Blue Bells

Virginica. An early spring flowering plant growing 1 to 14 feet high. Has drooping panicles of handsome light blue flowers fading to clear pink. Showy and interesting plants for the semi- shaded, moist gar- den spot. May and June. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.;

$20.00 per 100.




a—Blue Bells


Monarda Bergamot

Showy, aromatical- ly scented plants grow- ing 2 to 3 feet high and succeeding in any soil or position, They have bright showy flowers during July and August. grow. Didyma, Cambridge Scarlet (Oswego Tea). A very fine, large

flowered variety with beautiful brilliant crimson-scarlet blooms borne on straight well-formed plants.

rosea (Bee Balm). A pretty rose-colored variety. —violacea. The flowers are bright amaranth-red.

Fistulosa alba (Wild Bergamot). A showy white flowering variety with large heads composed of many elegant blooms.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Easy to ; ; Monarda—Bergamot

i|Monarda, Mrs. Perry The finest of all Monardas with bold heads of brilliant

rosy scarlet blooms. Cambridge Scarlet.

Brighter and more effective than 35c each; $3.50 per doz.

Myosotis Forget-me-not Palustris semperflorens. A variety that is hardly ever out

of flower. Useful in a shady spot in the border. 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Nepeta—Ground Ivy 145

Mussini. An excellent plant for any position but especially

useful in the rock garden. It is of compact habit, forming dense tufts about 12 inches high covered with masses of small light violet-blue flowers during July and August. per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

25c each; $2.50

i . cs =

Nierembergia rivularis


Rivularis. A charming dwarf Alpine plant with large, creamy- white, cup-shaped flowers from June till September. Fine for the rockery but succeeds equally well in the border. 30c each;

$3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Oenothera—Evening Primrose

The Evening Primroses are elegant subjects for growing in a sunny position either in a border or in the rockery. They bloom profusely during the greater part of the summer and always attract by the showy appearance of their large fragile blooms. Missouriensis. Large yellow flowers, often 5 inches in diam-

eter, produced freely from June till August; 12 inches. Speciosa. A pure white variety with large flowers; 18 inches. Youngi. Bright yellow; 18 inches.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Ononis—Thorny Rest Harrow

Spinosus. A shrubby plant growing 1 to 2 feet high, suitable for the mixed border or for the margin of the shrubbery. Has large showy pink flowers during June and July. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Pachysandra—Japanese Spurge

Terminalis. A trailing plant, 6 to 8 inches high, forming

broad mats of bright glossy green foliage and small spikes

of flowers during May and June. Invaluable as a ground cover plant either in sun or shade. 25c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100; $140.00 per 1000.

For Papaver see page 146.

Pardanthus—Belamcanda, Blackberry Lily

Chinensis. Bright orange, lily-like flowers on 2} feet high stems during July and August, followed in September by seeds which resemble Blackberries. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Pentstemon— Beard Tongue

Most useful showy perennials either for the border or rockery. They bloom profusely throughout the summer months.

Barbatus, Pink Beauty. Long spikes of bright clean shell pink flowers on stately spikes 2 to 3 feet long. Torreyi. Spikes of brilliant scarlet flowers; height, 3 to 4 feet.

Digitalis. Large spikes of long, purple-white flowers with purple throats; 2 to 3 feet.

Pubescens. Bright rosy-purple; 13 feet. Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

TE eee

If plants are wanted by parcel post please add to your remittance the cost of postage and special packing as explained on page 113



Papaver nudicaule

Iceland Poppy

Of neat habit, forming a tuft of bright green, Fern-like foliage from which spring throughout the entire season a profusion of slender, leafless stems 1 foot high, each graced with a charming cup-shaped flower. We can supply these in Yellow, Orange, and White, or in Choicest Mixture. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Dreer’s Fragrant Peonies

An important point to observe in the planting of Herbaceous Peonies is not to plant too deep. The roots should be placed so that the crowns are covered with two inches of soil.

Double Peonies in Mixture Double Pink

Papaver orientale Red Oriental Po <a White PPy vd All Colors Mixed

These gorgeous, colorful Poppies are the | regal representatives of this popular genus. They grow 3 to 3} feet high and surpass in f splendor of form and color all other flowers including both annuals and _ perennials. Nothing can equal them during their period

a Any of the above: 35c each; z * $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.


of flowering in May and June. Their rich Double Red colors, silky crinkled texture of their petals,

strong habit, and ease of culture have made Peony them great favorites with gardeners every- (Paeonia officinalis where, rubra)

Beauty of Livermore. dark blotch. Very showy.

May Sadler.


Salmon-pink with black

Mrs. Perry. Salmon-rose.

Olympia. A double flowering variety and the earliest to come into bloom. Of vigor- ous, compact growth. Produces more flowers than any other variety. Brilliant rich flame-scarlet overlaid with glistening golden salmon; 2 to 24 feet high.

Perry’s White Oriental Poppy

Perry’s White. Fine satiny white with a crimson-maroon blotch at the base of each petal.

Wurtembergia. One of the finest rich orange-red varieties.

Any of the above:

25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Set of the above six, one each, $1.25.

Choice Mixed Oriental Poppies. Grown from a select strain. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per 100.

Crimson with }

Albert Crousse (Tull, Late). Very large, rosy white, flecked crimson. Splendid for cutting.

Avalanche (Tall, Midseason). Very large, well-formed, creamy white flowers of superb size.

Baroness Schroeder (Tall, Midseason). Large, globular, flesh-white flowers passing to milky white.

Duchesse de Nemours (Medium, Early). An extra-early cup-shaped free-flowering sulphur white.

Edulis Superba (Tall, Early). Beautiful clear light pink with silvery reflex. Fine for Memorial Day.

Felix Crousse (Medium, Midseason). Large globular flowers of a rich, brilliant, dazzling ruby red.

Festiva Maxima (TJall, Early). The most popular of all white varieties. Center flecked crimson.

Germaine Bigot (Tall, Midseason).

Large, flat, pale lilac rose blooms.

Center prominently flecked crimson.

This is the oldest and still one of the most pop- ular sorts. Very early. free blooming, glorious deep crimson flowers. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Karl Rosenfield (Tall, Midseason) Large, round, dark crimson flowers of a strikingly rich color.

Louis Van Houtte (Dwar/, Late). Rich deep crimson developing silvery tips as the flowers age.

Meissonier (Tall, Laie). Brilliant purple- red guard petals and a deep crimson center.

Mme. Auguste Dessert (Tall, Late). Beautiful large blooms borne profusely on vigorous plants. Rose-pink flowers flecked with crimson.

Mme. Ducel (Dwarf, Midseason). Lovely round blooms of a bright silvery pink with salmon shadings and a silver reflex.

Mme. Emile Galle (Medium, Mia- season). Large, cup-shaped, double flowers of a delicate shell-pink with tips of heliotrope and lavender.

Mons. Jules Elie (Medium, Midseason). Probably the largest of all. Lilac rose with silvery reflex.

Any of the above Fragrant Peonies: 50c each; $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100.

Special Offer.

One strong root each of these 15 sorts for $7.00

Artistic Single Peonies

Beautiful blooms of the highest decorative value. They give a splendid display in the garden and are suitable for cutting.

Emma. Very late; deep rose-pink.

Eva. Rich rosy crimson; late.

Jacqueline. Fine early white.

La Fraicheur. Large early lilac-rose.

L’Etincelante. ver.

Carmine, margined sil-


Othello. early.

A large flesh-white; late. Carmine changing to purple;

Torpilleur. Beautiful rose-pink; very late.

Any of the above 8 Single Peonies: $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz. Set of the 8 varieties, one each, $7.50.

Plant Peonies with the crowns covered only 2 inches deep with soil

Dreer’s Superb Hardy Phlox

Among the hardy perennial plants no class is of more importance than Phlox. The plants succeed in almost any soil and position, and flower through a long season. While they will continue in good condition and flower freely for many years without attention, yet they respond quickly to and are improved by cultivation.

Hardy Phlox

Antonin Mercie. Light ground prettily suffused bluish lilac. Eclaireur. Brilliant rosy magenta with lilac halo. Enchantress. One of the finest salmon-pink varieties. Europa. Pure white with small crimson-carmine eye. Firebrand. Bright vermilion-scarlet with deeper center. Very large, showy trusses borne profusely. Strong, robust plants.

Jules Sandeau. Beautiful large well-formed blooms of a deep salmon-pink. Flowers profusely.

La Vague. Pure mauve with a contrasting amaranth-red eye.

Mrs. Jenkins. The best all-around pure white.

Painted Lady. This delicate colored sort is one of the most pleasing. Of strong, upright growth with large masses of flower heads. Silver-pink with salmon shadings and cherry-red eye.

Pastel Pink. Silver-pink shaded salmon-pink. Tall.

Professor Virchow. Carmine, shaded brilliant orange-scarlet.

Rheinlander. Salmon-pink with claret-red eye.

R. P. Struthers. Bright rosy carmine with claret-red eye.

Thor. Salmon-pink shaded scarlet. Analine-red eye.

Widar. Light reddish violet with a large white center.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. One each of these 15 varieties, $3.00.

Three Newer Phlox

Diplomat. An American variety of sturdy upright growth with enormous trusses of the purest white flowers. Free branching with distinct heavy dark green foliage. The finest white Phlox.

Leo. Schlageter. A newer European introduction with large pyramidal trusses of bright scarlet with dark crimson eye. A strong thrifty grower and free blooming.

Salmon Glow. Originated in New England as a cross be- tween Jules Sandeau and Elizabeth Campbell, two of the most popular in the American market today. A sturdy plant of medium growth with large individual florets of a lively pink shaded with salmon—a color that is always greatly admired.

Any of the above three: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100. Set of the Three Newer Phlox, one each, $1.00.

Early-Flowering Hardy Phlox

Miss Lingard. This grand white variety is one of the most popular sorts grown. It grows about 2 feet high and starts to bloom in May, continuing to flower until late in October. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Various Species of Phiox

Amoena. A useful variety for carpeting the ground and splendid in the rockery or border. Grows but 4 inches high and is a sheet of bright pink flowers in spring.

Arendsi Louise. A cross between divaricata canadensis and one of the decussata varieties. Of vigorous branching habit, about 12 inches high, producing delicate lilac flowers from May to July.

Divaricata canadensis. One of our native species worthy of extensive planting. Begins to bloom early in April and con- tinuing through May. Large, fragrant, lavender flowers on 10 inch stems.

Divaricata Laphami. A great improvement with con- siderably larger flowers and of more robust growth. The 1 foot.

blooms are a pleasing shade of intense lavender-blue. 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.

Ovata caroliniana (Mountain Phlox). Grows 12 to 15 inches high and bears masses of reddish pink flowers in May and June.

Maculata hybrida Alpha. A cross between our native species maculata and some of the showier varieties of decussata. Though its soft amaranth-pink color is not rich the variety is so remarkably free flowering that it should find a place in every collection. Grows about 2% feet high and gives a large panicle of flowers on each branch. Blooms continuously from June until freezing weather.

Any of the above, except where noted:

Rel x We 7g Phlox subulata—Moss Pink

Phlox subulata—wMoss, or Mountain Pink

An early spring-flowering type with pretty, moss-like, evergreen foliage, which during the flowering season is hidden under the masses of bloom. An excellent plant for the rockery or the border, and invaluable for carpeting the ground or covering graves.

Alba. Pure white. Lilacina. Light lilac. Fairy. Pale blue, dark eye. Rosea. Pure rose. Any of these: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Two Distinct Phlox subulata

Brilliant (Atropurpurea). A compact growing variety. A brilliant sport of the same bright crimson-red as the popular Azalea Hinodegiri. Very distinct.

Vivid. A companion sort similar in habit to the above but differing in the color of its flowers which are a pleasing bright salmon-pink.

Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Hardy perennial Phlox is easy to grow and exceedingly showy


Physalis—Chinese Lantern Plant

Francheti. An ornamental variety of the Winter Cherry. Forms dense bushes, about 2 feet high, freely covered with bright orange-scarlet lantern-like fruits, which can be cut and dried, in which shape they are used extensively for floral decora- tion during the winter. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Physostegia—False Dragon-Head

Physostegia—Faise Dragon-Head

One of the most beautiful of our midsummer flowering per- ennials. Forms dense bushes 4 to 6 feet high, bearing spikes of delicate tubular flowers not unlike a gigantic Heather. Virginica. Bright but soft pink.

alba. Pure white; very fine. grandiflora Vivid.

bright violet-mauve. Any of these: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Platycodon Balloon Flower or Japanese Bell Flower

The Platycodons are closely allied to the Campanula and form neat, branched bushes of upright habit, 2 to 24 feet high. At- tractive blue or white flowers from July to October. Grandifiorum. Blue.

—album. White. Either variety: 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Plumbago—Lead Wort

Larpentae. One of the most desirable border and rock plants. It is of dwarf, spreading habit, growing 6 to 8 inches high. Covered with deep blue flowers during the summer and fall months. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Polemonium— Jacob’s Ladder

Reptans. A dwarf variety growing about 12 inches high. Has finely cut, deep green foliage and showy spikes of deep blue flowers in May and June. Does best in a partially shaded position. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Charming plants for the border with brilliant single or double flowers that are produced in profusion from June to August. Cinerea. Compact evergreen creeper with dainty yellow flowers,

almost stemless. Fine for stepping stones.

Macnabiana Hybrids. Seedlings in choicest mixture of colors containing both double and single flowering forms.

Miss Willmott. A pretty single cerise. Any of the three: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

A new variety growing from 18 to 24 inches high with flowers much larger than the type and of a |


Hardy Primulas—Primroses

Most beautiful and interesting early spring flowers. Plant them in rich, well-drained soil in the border or in a sheltered nook in the rockery; if possible, in a half-shady place. . Acaulis caerula. A most novel variety with deep purple-blue

flowers of large size. Early. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Cashmeriana. Large globular heads of a pleasing purplish blue; prefers a moist shaded position. 8 to 12 inches. June.

Veris (English Cowslip). Plants grown from a select strain of seed. They embrace a fine range of mixed colors; 6 to 9 inches.

Munstead. A beautiful strain of large-flowered types in which the white and yellow colors predominate. Of vigorous growth. Free blooming and exceedingly showy.

Vulgaris (English Primrose). An old favorite, and should be found in every garden; one of the earliest spring flowers; of bright canary yellow; very fragrant. 6 to 8 inches.

—lilacina plena. This double-flowering form of the English Primrose is a real gem. The flowers remind one in form of miniature double Roses. Their color is a delicate clear pinkish lavender. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Any of the above, except where neted: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Primula veris superba—Giant Cowslip with measure one to two inches across. yellow with a golden center.

individual flowers which They are a bright canary Perfectly hardy and exceedingly 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

A giant-flowering form

free flowering.


Grandifiora. A low-growing plant suitable for a shady spot in the rockery or border. Round heads of purple flowers all summer.

Incisa rosea. Close tufts of dark green foliage. Forms neat little spikes, 8 to 10 inches tall, which are covered_with bright pink flowers from June to August.

Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Pyrethrum hybridum

These grand old-fashioned Hardy Perennials are easy to grow in any good garden soil where there is good drainage and full exposure to the sun. They prefer to be left undisturbed for two or three years and flower generously if given an annual top dressing of well- rotted manure. Their season of blooming is in June and July; 18 to 24 inches. We offer choicest mixed colors. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Pyrethrum uliginosum— Giant Daisy

Grows 3 to 4 feet high and is covered with large white Daisy- like flowers, 3 inches in diameter, from July to September. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.°

If plants are wanted by parcel post please add to your remittance the cost of postage and special packing as explained on page 113


Officinalis. An old favorite aromatic herb of neat habit. Re- quires protection. 2 feet. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Santolina—Lavender Cotton Chamaecyparissus incana. A dwarf evergreen perennial with attractive silvery white foliage. Useful as a rock or border plant, and largely used for carpet bedding. 20c each; $2.00 per Ranunculus doz.; $15.00 per 100. Bachelor’s Buttons Repens fi. pl. (Trailing Buttercup). Trailing plants covered

with masses of bright golden yellow, double flowers during May and June. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.


Angustifolia azurea (Blue Cowslip or Lungwort). The prettiest of the blue Cowslips. Grows about a foot high and is one of the first to bloom in early spring. Bears attractive, funnel-shaped, deep gentian-blue flowers. Very desirable. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

Scabiosa caucasica

Fe Hardy Scabiosa

Romneya Coulteri Handsome border plants, succeeding in any ordinary soil if well drained and in a sunny location. Should be grown in every garden. They last a long time when picked and placed in water.

3 eS

Romneya Caucasica (Blue Bonnet). A charming soft shade of lavender. California Tree or Matilija Poppy Blooms from June to September; 18 to 24 inches high. Coulteri. This beautiful Poppy is hardy as far north as Phila- | > alba. A white form of caucasica.

delphia but should be planted in a well-drained, sunny, sheltered Japonica. Lavender-blue flowers from July to October; 2 feet. position. It grows 5 to 6 feet high and frequently has from 12 Any of these: 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100. to 15 expanded flowers on a single shoot at one time. The c flowers are white, 5 inches across, delicate and transparent, yet Saponaria—sSoap Wort remain in a good condition for several days. Delightfully fra- | Ocymoides splendens. Masses of attractive bright rose grant. Blooms in late summer and fall. Strong plants, $1.50 flowers from May to August; 8 inches. A fine rock garden and each. border plant. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Rudbeckia—Cone Flower

Indispensable plants for the hardy border. They grow and thrive anywhere, giving a wealth of bloom. Showy in the garden and fine for cutting.

Golden Globe. An improved globular form of the popular Golden

Glow with large double golden yellow flowers. June to September. 5 feet.

Golden Glow. Masses of double golden yellow flowers from July to Sep- tember. Grows 5 to 6 feet high.

Maxima. Bright yellow flowers 5 to 6 inches across with a cone 2 inches high. Flowers continuously from June to September. 5 feet.

Newmani. Dark orange-yellow flowers with deep purple cone; borne on stiff wiry stems. Flowers from July to September. 3 feet high.

Nitida Autumn Sun. An attractive single-flowering variety with long broad primrose-yellow blooms. August to October. 5 to 6 feet.

Purpurea (Giant Purple Cone-Flower). Showy reddish purple flowers about 4 inches across and with a remarkably large, cone-shaped center. Forms bushy plants 3 feet high and blooms from July to October.

Subtomentosa. Pyramidal, densely branched plants, 2} feet high. Masses of brilliant lemon-yellow flowers with purple centers.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. j ay SS The set of 7 Rudbeckias, $1.50. Rudbeckia purpurea

If Plants are wanted by parcel post please add to your remittance the cost of postage and special packing as explained on page 113




Azurea. Grows 3 to 4 feet high, producing during August and September racemes of pretty sky-blue flowers in the greatest profusion.

Greggi. Makes a shapely, bushy plant about two feet high and bears masses of rich and luminous brilliant carmine flow- ers from July to late October. Requires protection in winter.

alba. A pretty white flowered form.

Virgata nemorosa. A most effective plant for the border growing about 2 feet high and producing its dark blue flowers during May and June.

Any of these: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Salvia Pitcheri

Blue Meadow Sage

“Comes from the wilds of Colorado and is one of the most attractive of our native plants. A true blue flower with a long season of bloom, August, September, and October, thriving in any situation and almost without care. The deep indigo- blue flowers are borne with the greatest profusion on long slender stalks 3 to 4 feet high and bloom at a time when blue flowers are not plentiful. A most note- worthy addition to any garden planting. This variety is extremely hardy and winters over in any part of the country without protection. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Set of the five fine Sal- vias, one each, for $1.00.

Saxifraga—Megasea These will thrive in any kind of soil and in any position. They grow about 1 foot high and are admirable for the front of the border or shrubbery, forming masses of handsome, broad, deep green foliage which alone renders them useful, while the pretty rose-pink flowers appear very early in the spring. Cordifolia. Light pink. Crassifolia. Rosy pink. Either one: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.

Saxifraga for the Rock Garden

Decipiens (Crimson Moss). Dwarf mossy plants with white flowers in May and June. The green foliage turns crim- son in winter; splendid rock plants.

Aizoon baleana. Clusters of small white flowers speckled with crimson. They are borne on 12 inch stalks rising from a rosette of silvery leaves.

baldensis. The tiniest of this type, | Umbrosa (London Pride, Nancy Pretty, forming interesting miniature cushions or None-so-Pretty). A low-growing, of small rosettes. spreading sort with stems a foot high.

Has white flowers sometimes suffused

Macnabiana. Splendid for the wall with red. Blooms during June and July.

garden or in crevices in the rockery. Gray green foliage in the form of a rosette with spikes of small white flow- ers speckled with pink. May and June.

Any of these: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.

Umbrosa primuloides. A tiny, com- pact form of umbrosa with pink flowers on 6 inch stems.

Dwarf Varieties of Sedum —Stonecrop

These are splendid for the rock garden and rock walls because they are suited to dry and sunny positions. Quite a few of them are evergreen.

Acre (Golden Moss). Much used for covering purposes and fine in the rock garden. Green foliage; flowers bright yellow. Evergreen; 2 to 3 inch.

Album. Green foliage; white flowers; 2 to 3 inch. Fine evergreen creeping variety. Lydium. Bronzy green foliage, pink flowers; 1 to 2 inch. An evergreen variety. —glaucum. Glaucous green foliage, pink flowers; evergreen; 1 to 2 inch. Pruinatum Forsterianum. Glaucous bluish green leaves; golden yellow flowers;

2to3inch. It is an evergreen variety. Sarmentosum. Strong spreading habit, yellow flowers; 6 inch. Sexangulare. Dark green foliage; yellow flowers; 4 to 6 inch. Evergreen. Sieboldi. Round succulent glaucous foliage and bright pink flowers from August

to October; 8 to 10 inch. A showy Japanese variety. Stoloniferum. One of the most desirable.

flowers during July and August; 6 inches. coccineum.

Flat succulent leaves and purplish pink

A beautiful rosy crimson form; July and August; 6 inches.

25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Set of 10 varieties, $2.00.

Any of the above:

Sedum Erect Growing Varieties

These Sedums are very useful and pretty plants for the border where they give an interesting display of showy flowers during late summer and fall. Also fine for large rockeries.

Maximum atropurpureum. Beautiful dark bronzy purple foliage. Interesting and de- sirable.

Spectabile. One of the prettiest; erect growing species, 18 inches high. Has broad, light green foliage and immense heads of handsome showy rose- colored flowers.

Brilliant. A rich colored form of the preceding, being 4 bright amaranth-red.

Any of these: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. cad

Sedum spectabile

Dwarf Sedums are very desirable for rock gardens


Very interesting Succulents which are perfectly hardy. form attractive rosette-like plants which add a charming character | to the rock garden wedged into the narrow stone fissures.

Arachnoideum. Globiferum. Brauni. Pyrenaicum. Doellianum. Tectorum. Fimbriatum. Triste.

Any of these: 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.


Pulcher. Forms a neat tuft of foliage with clusters of brilliant rosy purple flowers, borne profusely on stems 2 feet high from July until October. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $22.50 per 100.

Sidalcea—Prairie Mallow

Showy, erect growing, and free branching plants 2 to 3 feet high. They have showy mallow-like blooms about 1 inch in diameter during June and July.

Candida. Splendid large white blooms.

Rose Queen. Bright rose flowers, borne profusely. Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Alpestris. A good rock-plant. Grows 4 inches high and has white flowers in July and August.

Maritima. Compact masses of glaucous blue foliage covered with pinkish white flowers from June to August. Suited for hot, dry spots in the rockery, or for rock walls; 2 to 3 inches,

Schafta (Autumn Catchfly). 4 to 6inches high. Bright pink flowers from July to October. Any of these: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Statice—Great Sea Lavender

Latifolia. An attractive and showy plant for borders and beds. Makes tufts of large, long, leathery leaves from which spring large, branched flower stems with candelabra-like heads fre- quently 13 feet high and 2 feet across. They are covered with small purple-blue flowers during July and August. Fine for winter bouquets. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

—elegantissima. A greatly improved form with larger

flowers and more showy heads. Always splendid for winter bouquets. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Stachys—wWoundwort Betonica grandiflora (Betony). Large flowers of purplish-rose; June and July; 15 inches. Lanata. Forms a densely-leaved mass of bright silvery-white,

wooly foliage and clusters of light purple flowers. July. Either variety: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

They |

A charming border or rock-plant |


Solidago—Goiden Rod

Altissima. The giant of the family. Grows 10 to 12 feet high and has large heads of golden yellow flowers which reach perfection late in October.

Golden Wings. The finest of all; 4 feet high. Immense panicles of bright yellow flowers from July to September.

Shorti. Golden yellow flowers in July and August. 3 feet.

Any of these: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Set of 3 sorts, 65c.

Spiraea—Goat’s Beard, Meadow Sweet Elegant border plants with feathery plumes of flowers and attractive foliage. They succeed best in a half shaded location.

Filipendula (Dropwort). Clusters of white flowers during June and July, and pretty fern-like foliage. 15 inches high.

flore plena. Identical with the above, excepting that the flowers are double.

Palmata elegans (Crimson Meadow Sweet). One of the prettiest. The deep purple-red of the stems and branches passes into the crimson-purple of the broad corymbs of flowers, which are produced very freely during June and July; 3 feet.

Ulmaria fl. pl. (Meadow Sweet). Grows about 3 feet high and produces its double white flowers during June and July.

Any of these: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100. One each of the above 4 Spiraeas, $1.25.


Stokesia—The Cornflower or Stokes’ Aster

Cyanea. Handsome lavender-blue Cornflower-like blooms produced freely on plants 18 inches high. They give a fine display from early June until October.

alba. A showy white form of the above. lutea. The flowers are a fine shade of creamy yellow. Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Sweet William—Dianthus barbatus

A well-known, attractive, free-flowering hardy perennial, pro- ducing in early summer a splendid effect in beds and borders with their rich and varied flowers. 12 to 18 inches.

Newport Pink. The prettiest color among Sweet William, a lovely salmon or watermelon-pink.

Pure White. Very large individual flowers and trusses.

Scarlet Beauty. Rich deep scarlet; very effective.

Mixed. Containing all colors.

Any of the above: 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Dreer’s Perennial Plants are well rooted and vigorous.


Teucrium—Germander Chamaedrys. An evergreen plant of dwarf shrub-like habit. Glossy aromatic foliage with spikes of purple flowers in July and August. 12 inches. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Thalictrum— Meadow Rue Very graceful, pretty flowered plants with finely cut foliage. Great favorites for planting in the hardy border. Aquilegifolium album. Elegant Columbine-like foliage and masses of feathery white flowers during June and July. 3 feet. —atropurpureum. A rosy purple form of the above.

Glaucum. Finely cut, glaucous foliage. Bronzy yellow flowers in June; 2 feet high. Intermedium. Pale yellow flowers in July; 2 feet.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


Caroliniana. A showy, tall-growing plant attaining a height of 3 feet. Has long spikes of yellow flowers in June and July. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Tritoma~—kKniphofia Red-Hot Poker, Flame Flower, or Torch Lily

Elegans Hybrids. Seedlings in mixed colors, ranging from pale yellow to deep orange-red. Very showy, early, and free flower- ing. 3to4feet. August to October. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Pfitzeri (The Everblooming Flame Flower). The early, free, and continuous blooming qualities of this variety have made it one of the great bedding plants. Succeeds in any ordinary garden soil but responds quickly to liberal treatment. Hardy if given protection, but the most satisfactory method of wintering is to bury the roots in sand in a cool cellar. In bloom from August to

October with spikes 3 to 4 feet high and heads of bloom of a |

rich orange-scarlet. They give a grand effect either planted singly in the border or in masses. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Royal Standard. A very distinct variety of vigorous growth and remarkably free flowering. Blooms continuously from June to the end of October, producing 3 feet high stems of good sized flower-heads. The flowers on the lower half of the spike are bright yellow, the upper ones a rich rosy scarlet. A most effective and rich color combination. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Tritoma—Red-Hot Poker

| Grandiflorum.


Thymus—Thyme Citriodorusaureus. The golden leaved lemon-scented Thyme. argenteus. Silver leaved, lemon-scented Thyme. Lanuginosus (Wooly-Leaved Thyme). Grayish foliage and rosy lilac flowers. Gives a splendid effect.

Nitidus. Its shrubby habit resembles a silvery Irish Yew. Covered in May and June with rosy lilac flowers.

Serpyllum album (White Mountain Thyme). Dense mats of dark green foliage and clouds of white flowers.

coccineus (Scarlet Thyme). Dark green foliage and bright red flowers. splendens.

Any of these:

Bright purplish red flowers. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Tradescantia—Spider Wort Virginica. Produces blue flowers all summer long; 2 feet. alba. A white-flowered form.

Either one: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Trillium —wWood Lily or Wake Robin

Excellent for shady positions in the hardy border or in a moist position. Large pure white flowers in early spring; 12 to 18 inches. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per 100.

A a Trollius—Globe Flower

Europaeus Hybrids. Desirable, free flowering hybrids with giant Buttercup-like blossoms ranging from pale yellow to deep orange on strong stems; May and June; 2 feet high.

Meteor. Very large, deeprichorange. May and June; 3 feet.

Orange Globe. A rare variety with large orange flowers. Wonderful as cut flowers; May and June; 18 inches.

Superbus. Similar in habit to Orange Globe but has pale yellow blossoms; May and June; 18 inches.

Any of the Trollius: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100. The set of 4 Trollius, one of each, for $1.25.


Saxifraga. A charming little spreading plant growing from 6 to 8 inches high. Has minute, dark green foliage and is covered with tiny flowers varying from pale to dark pink. Attractive in the rockery or on the edge of the border. June to August. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

flore plena rosea. A pretty, new, double flowering form of the above in which the flowers, besides being double, are also considerably larger and of a deeper color. The plants are per- petual flowering. They begin to bloom in June and continue until late in the fall. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Dreer’s Plants are of extra choice quality

Valeriana—Valerian Coccinea. Showy heads of reddish flowers; June to October; 2 feet. alba. A white-flowered form. Officinalis (Hardy Garden Heliotrope). Produces showy heads of rose-tinted white flowers, with delicious, strong heliotrope odor. Blooms during June and July; 3 to 4 feet.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Veronica longifolia subsessilis


Veronica— Speedwell

Amethystina Royal Blue. 2 feet.

True Blue. A splendid rich dark blue; June and July; 2 feet.

Filiformis. Prostrate rock plant with blue flowers in May.

Incana. Silvery foliage, blue flowers; July and August; 1 foot.

Longifolia subsessilis (Japanese Speedwell). The showiest and best. Bushy plants 2 to 3 feet high. Long dense spikes of blue flowers from mid-July to early September. :

Pectinata. A lovely prostrate rock plant with long, man flowered, deep blue racemes during May and June.

Repens. A lovely rock garden variety also fine for carpeting. Showy light blue flowers in May.

Rupestris. Fine rock plant growing 3 to 4 inches high. Thickly matted, deep green foliage hidden under a cloud of bright blue flowers during May.

—nana. Grows 1 inch high, forming a dense carpet of dark green foliage. Deep gentian-blue flowers from late April to early June.

Saxatilis. A rockery plant about 6 inches high with many beautiful bright blue flowers from July to September.

Spicata. Long, broad, blue flower spikes in June and July. 13 feet.

alba. A white-flowered form of the above.

rosea. Lovely spikes of delicate pink flowers.

Trehani. A pretty rock plant forming a golden carpet covered with deep gentian-blue flowers in early May.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Set of 14 sorts, one each. $2.75.

Vinca—Periwinkle or Trailing Myrtle Minor. An excellent dwarf evergreen trailing plant that is used extensively for carpeting the ground under shrubs and trees, or on graves where it is too shady for other plants to thrive. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per 100; $110.00 per 1000.

Gentian blue; June and July;

Three Choice Wincaa

Minor alba. A pure white flowered form of our popular Periwinkle. Showy but scarce, and always in demand.

aurea. Grown for its golden variegated foliage. Useful as plants for carpeting the ground and valuable for use in window boxes during the winter in combina- tion with Boxwoods and other evergreen plants.

Bowles Variety. This new European form is much more desirable in every respect than the common type. The foliage is broader and rich glossy green of strong texture. The flowers are not only larger but of a deeper rich blue color and are borne with a remarkable profusion.

Any of these three: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100. Set of the 3 choice Vincas for $1.00.

Perpetual-Flowering Violas

Apricot Queen. A rich apricot, shading orange toward the center. A most attractive, pleasing color combination.

Jersey Gem. This is the most valuable bedding Viola yet intro- duced. It perfectly suits our climatic conditions and succeeds in any good garden soil as long as the position is sunny. Blooms practically without a break from early May to the end of the season. Compact, sturdy plants with lovely large pure violet blooms showing no foreign hues or shades. They are carried on stems about 6 inches long.

Either of the two: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Violas or Tufted Pansies

Very popular bedding plants. While the flowers are not so large as Pansies, the plants continue in bloom throughout the entire season from early spring until late in the autumn, making them a valuable addition to any garden and especially desirable for mass effect.

Blue Perfection. Deep purplish blue. Lutea splendens. Rich golden yellow. White Perfection. A fine white. Any of the above: 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Hardy Violets

Double Russian. This is not suited for forcing under glass, but is perfectly hardy and a gem for the garden or hardy border. Produces in early spring great masses of fine large double deep purple flowers of exquisite fragrance.

Pedata (Bird's Foot Vio- lel). A native variety with finely cut foliage and showy blue flowers.

Either Violet: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


The old fragrant favor- ite. Mixed colors, in- cluding yellow, brown, etc.; May; 12 to 15 inches, 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

Yucca Adam ’s Needle Filamentosa. Broad sword-like foliage. Large, fragrant, droop- ing, creamy white flow- ers during June and July arranged on branched spikes 5 to 6

feet tall. Makes an effective plant for all positions. 25c each;

$2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.


If plants are wanted by parcel post please add to your remittance the cost of postage and special packing as explained on page 113

* Dreer’s Select Hardy Climbing Plants

Ampelopsis Actinidia Akebia—Akebia Vine Engelmanni. A greatly improved | Arguta (The Silver Vine). Avery desirable | Quinata. One of the most graceful of variety of the Virginia Creeper with hardy Japanese climber of strong vigorous our hardy climbers, producing in early dense foliage of a glossy light green in growth with dark green, shining foliage spring numberless bunches of violet- summer, changing to a brilliant crimson and greenish white flowers with purple brown flowers which have a pleasant in the autumn. On a rough stone sur- centers which are followed by clusters of cinnamon odor. 35c each; $3.50 per doz. face it will cling without support in the edible fruit of fig-like flavor. An excellent same way as the Japanese Ivy. plant for covering arbors, trellises, etc., 35c each; $3.50 per doz; $25.00 per 100. where a rapid and dense growth is desired. Aristolochia Sipho Strong plants, 50c each; $5.00 per doz. Dutchman’s Pipe Vine

Chinensis. A rare climber with large A vigorous and rapid-growing climber, orbicular foliage of dark green on the | bearing singular brownish-colored flowers, upper surface, densely tomentose beneath, | resembling a pipe in shape. Its flowers, and when young thickly covered with | however, are of little value compared to bright red hairs which give it a beautiful | its light-green leaves, which are of very velvety appearance. It bears attractive | large size and retain their color from early yellow flowers which are succeeded by | spring to late fall. Perfectly hardy. edible fruit, the size of a walnut, with | Strong plants, 75c each. gooseberry flavor. Hardy south of Wash- ington. $1.00 each,

Celastrus scandens

7 = Bitter Sweet

: or Wax Work

One of our native climbing plants of rapid growth. Attractive light green foliage and yellow flowers during June which are followed in the au- tumn by bright orange fruits. 35c each; $3.50 “| per doz.

Clematis paniculata

Japanese Virgin’s Bower

Small, dense, cheerful green foliage, and pure white, deliciously fragrant flowers, which appear in the greatest profusion in August and September, followed by attractive silvery feathery seed pods. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Ampelopsis Lowi

Lowi. A splendid variation from the popular Boston or Japanese Ivy, pos- sessing all the merits of the parent, such as perfect hardiness and the ability to cling to the~ smoothest surfaces without support. Has much smaller, deeply cut foliage of a bright green color turning to red in the fall. 50c each; $5.00 per dozen.

Quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper or American Ivy). The well-known climber so effective to cover trees, trellises, arbors, etc., in a thorough manner and in a short time. Deep green foliage changing to rich shades of yellow, crimson, and scarlet in the fall. 35c each; $3.50 per dozen; $25.00

Bignonia or Trumpet Creeper

per 100. is ie Tricolor (Vitis heterophyll iegata). A Bignonia itis heterophylla variegata).

beautiful climber with dark green foliage Trumpet Creeper wonderfully variegated with white and | Grandiflora. This is the beau- pink. Bears small berries of a peculiar tiful large-flowered type of this lustrous metallic peacock-blue color in splendid easy-to-grow hardy late summer and fall. A splendid variety climber. The rich orange-red for trailing over rocks or for a low trellis. flowers are borne profusely 30c each; $3.00 per dozen. throughout the summer and

: early fall. 50c each; $5.00 Veitchi (Boston or Japanese Ivy). The per doz.

most popular climbing plant for covering brick, stone, or wooden walls, trees, etc. | Radicans. For covering un-

When it becomes established it is of sightly places, stumps, rock

very rapid growth and clings to the work, or wherever a showy

smoothest surfaces. The foliage is flowering vine is desiréd, this

rich olive green during the summer will be found very useful.

changing to various shades of crimson Dark red flowers with orange nets

and scarlet in the fall. 35c each; $3.50 throat. Perfectly hardy. 50c Lene ar per doz.; $25.00 per 100. each; $5.00 per doz. Clematis paniculata

For Climbing Roses see pages 170 to 172

Large-Flowering Clematis

No other climbing plant enjoys the widespread popularity as the beauti- ful large-flowering varieties of Clematis. They do well in a fertile light loamy soil which is well drained. They climb with ease and will grow more than ten feet in height. Duchess of Edinburgh. Elegant large double white blooms. Henryi. Lovely, large, creamy white blooms. Jackmani. This is the very popular rich purple Clematis. Mme. Edouard Andre. Large bright rosy carmine blooms.

Any of the above: 75c each.

Clematis montana undulata Anemone-Flowered Clematis

A strong, vigorous, perfectly hardy type that succeeds under the most adverse conditions. The Anemone or Windflower-like flowers are from 13 to 2 inches in diameter and frequently begin to expand as early as the last week in April, just about when Wisterias are finished, continuing well through May and are produced very freely. They are white, flushed mauve. The best of the early spring-flowering climbers, of which there are but few. Strong 2-year old plants 50c each; extra heavy 3-year old plants $1.00 each.

Clematis Jackmani


The trailing varieties of Euonymus are particularly de- sirable for their dense evergreen foliage and extreme hardi- ness. Some varieties are splendid as ground coverings but those of more vigorous growth may be used like Ivy for covering walls,

Radicans acutus. A strong-growing variety with long, narrow, dark green leaves veined with gray. Excellent as a ground cover.

—coloratus. Same as above but with the leaves tinted purplish red particularly on the underside.

—kewensis. A variety with very small, dark green foliage. A valuable plant for the rockery.

—variegatus. A beautiful small-leaved green and white variegated form.

—vegetus (Evergreen Bittersweet). A streng growing variety, with larger leaves than the type. As an absolutely hardy evergreen wall cover this plant is unequaled.

Any of the above varieties: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.

Baltic Ivy Hedera Helix baltica

A variety introduced from the Baltic provinces, Russia, that has proved hardy as far north as Massachusetts, where the generally-grown type of English Ivy rarely stands the winter. 2}-inch pots, 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; 4-inch pots, 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

(eS t English Ivy—Hedera Helix 3. q ba ae Thrifty young plants in 2-inch pots, 15c each; $1.50 per ri = doz.; $12.00 per 100. Large plants, 4-inch pots, 50c each; Clematis Veitchiana—Honeybells $5.00 per doz.; 5-inch pots, 75c each; $7.50 per doz.; 6-inch pots, 5 feet high, $1.50 each. Extra large plants, in 7-inch pots, 6 feet high, $2.50 each.

Clematis Veitchiana—Honeybells te . One of the late Dr. Wilson’s introductions from western China. A Miniature-Leaved English Ivy

graceful climber with attractive dark green foliage, attaining a height of Hedera Helix gracilis

6 to 7 feet and producing freely dainty, creamy white, fragrant, honey Identical in habit with the English Ivy but with dark scented, drooping, bell-shaped flowers in pyramidal panicles during Sep- | green foliage not over one-tenth as large. A most graceful tember and October. A welcome addition to the limited list of climbing | vine. Young plants in 2-inch pots, 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; plants that flower so late in the season. 50c each; $5.00 per doz. 4-inch pots, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

For a complete Alphabetical Index see pages 214 and 215


Latifolius. Either of these:

Polygonum Auberti Silver Lace Vine This is a most desirable vine which is just becoming better known. It will make a strong, vigorous growth attaining a height of 25 feet. The vines pro- duce a great profusion of foamy white flower sprays during the fall and often they also bloom in a limited way earlier in the season. It is perfectly hardy around Phila- delphia and is not troubled by any plant diseases. Does well in either sun or shade. Strong plants, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Pueraria Thunbergiana (Hirsuta)

Kudzu Vine

The most rapid growing vine in cultivation with long vigorous shoots which will reach a length of H : 50 feet or more in a single season.

oneysuckle—Lonicera In our section of the country the Woodbine top growth dies down to the

Chinese Evergreen. Beautiful rich dark | 8tound with pry ea aboaks green foliage and very fragrant, variegated | t? 4PPpear ae 10 iors ean

flowers in red, yellow, and white. ae ee rich green carn a

P : : where the summers are hot bea acer ieee Large ee a ers turning UG || Scull aware tei rosy purple pea- ve ae silage hardy, a most evergreen, shaped blooms toward the close of and very profuse blooming.

August. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Henryi. This was introduced from China where it was found at an altitude of 6000 feet. Has glossy, almost evergreen foliage and beauti- ful distinct flowers of a peculiar bronzy red color.

Japanese Variegated. Beautiful foliage mot- tled in green and yellow. Very showy.


Any of the above: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100. The brilliant new fragrant Climbing Honeysuckle, Lonicera sempervirens magnifica, is illustrated in color and described on page 115.

Hop Vines Humulus Lupuius A useful climber. It is a rapid grower and bears a profusion of seed pods suitable for many domestic purposes. 20c each; $2.00 per doz.

Hardy Jasmine

Nudiflorum. A favorite climber for sheltered positions. Has beautiful fragrant yellow flowers. It is hardy south of Philadelphia but needs protection farther north. 35c each;

$3.50 per doz.

Stephanense. An interesting June-flowering climber giving a novel color in Jasmines. The blooms are deep rose and they are delicately sweet scented. Strong, vigorous, and perfectly hardy around Philadelphia. Strong plants, 75c each.

Wisteria sinensis

Deep rosy red.

Lathyrus—Hardy Everlasting Pea A well-known hardy climber growing to a height of 6 to 8 feet. abundance of blooms throughout the summer and fall.

Produces an

albus. Pure white.

25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Polygonum Auberti


These are highly desirable hardy climbing plants which give a distinct Oriental appear- ance to any trellis or garden house to which they are trained. After once having become established they will produce a great pro- fusion of very showy pendulous clusters of blooms which appear early in the season before the leaves have fully expanded.

Sinensis. This is the most popular of all the Wisterias producing early in the spring thousands of pendulous clusters of delicate violet-blue blossoms. They have a rich perfume and give a most distinct appearance to any garden. Good strong 3-year old plants, $1.00 each; specimen plants, 6 feet high, $5.00 each.

alba. Of the same strong growing habit as sinensis and as free blooming. The flowers, however, are a lovely pure silky white. Strong 3-year old plants,$1.00 each.

Venusta (Silky Wisteria). A free-flowering variety with grand racemes of white flowers. The young growth has a silky pubescent foliage which makes «this variety very attractive. The individual blooms are about one inch long and they combine into racemes which measure 6 inches in length. It is a hardy variety and like most other desirable Wisterias it has come to us from China. Strong 3-year old plants, $1 00 each.

All hardy climbing plants are shipped at the proper time for planting in your locality. If you wish them at any other time please state so plainly on the order sheet.

For Climbing Roses, see page 171


Dreer’s Roses

jor the Garden

Specially Prepared in Pots for Outdoor Pianting

While our old customers are familiar with the high-grade Roses which we send out we wish to direct the attention of those who never have planted Dreer’s Roses to their superior quality due to the manner in which these plants are prepared which most effect-

ively preserves their full strength and vigor, and insures perfect success with them.

Why Dreer’s Roses are Superior

All our Roses are strong, budded, two-year-old, field-grown plants, carefully dug in the fall, planted in pots, and stored in cold greenhouses or cold frames where artificial heat is used only

to exclude the most severe frost. During the latter part of March these potted plants are moved to beds in the open ground where they receive no further protection.

Under this treatment the plants develop in a natural way and are not only superior to stock which has been developed into full growth under glass but also are better for spring planting than plants which have been carried over winter in cellars or in cold storage under any method known to us.

Finest Quality at Reasonable Prices

The prices at which these Roses are offered are as low as first- class stock can be produced. Quality has not been sacrificed to meet the competition of any of the many low-priced offers which are being broadcast.

The stock we offer is the best that it is possible to produce, and

with reasonable handling by the planter will give the kind of results every gardener is looking for. Orders placed with us for dormant Roses for delivery on or before April 1, will be delivered charges prepaid to any address in the United States. These dormant Roses are sent without pots and they are freed from soil.

After April 1, We Supply Potted Plants Only

On these the buyer pays transportation charges. We do not offer dormant plants for delivery after April 1, because we know from many years’ experience that such stock planted after April 1, will rarely give satisfactory results in a normal season. At that time of the year dormant plants are bound to start a quick top growth without the necessary root action with the result that but few ever produce satisfactory plants if they live at all.

Tree-Shaped Roses

These Tree-Shaped Roses are highly valued by many gardeners as they add a most desirable effect to any Rose garden or border. We are pleased to be able to offer a nice assortment of the varieties listed below in real good plants with long straight stems, 42 inches high.

Betty Uprichard.

Dame Fdith Helen. E.G. Hill. Dazzling scarlet, shaded deep red. Etoile de Hollande.

Frau Karl Druschki. This is a free-flowering Hybrid Per- petual Rose with magnificent large white blooms.

Salmon-pink with carmine suffusion.

A beautiful brilliant pink.

Brilliant crimson-red, fragrant blooms.

Kaiserin Augusta Victoria. A fine fragrant white Rose.

Los Angeles. Flame-pink tinted with coral, gold at base. Margaret McGredy. Oriental-red passing into carmine. Mme. Butterfly. Light soft pink, tinted yellow.

Mme. Edouard Herriot (The Daily Mail Rose). Lovely semi- double coral-red blooms shaded with yellow and salmon.

Mme. Jules Bouche. A splendid white shading at its base to a tender tone of flesh-pink.

Mrs. Erskine Pembroke Thom. The best yellow Rose with good sized, fully double, shapely, sweet-scented blooms.

Mrs. Henry Bowles. Intense brilliant pink with lighter salmon-pink shadings. A Rose of exceptionally fine form.

Mrs. Henry Morse. One of the finest light pinks with just a faint sheen of luminous cream.

Ophelia. Delicate salmon-flesh shaded with rose and tinted with light yellow in the center of the flowers.

President Hoover. A splendid well-blended combination of pink, scarlet, flame, coral, and rich yellow.

Radiance. A most popular pink Rose. Red Radiance. Souv. de Claudius Pernet.

Bright cerise-red flowers of fine form. Striking rich Sunflower-yellow. Talisman. Apricot flower shaded with gold and rose-pink.

Any of the above Tree-Shaped Roses: $3.50 each; $35.00 per doz.

Tree-Shaped Roses ST

Dreer’s Roses are famous for their extraordinary quality



New Hybrid-Tea Roses

Novelties and Varieties

Antinea (Pernet-Ducher, 1933). Beautiful copper-orange buds opening into moderately full, cupped, sweet scented, salmon- orange flowers with yellow base. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Autumn (Coddington, 1928). Burnt orange, streaked and marked with red. Bud of medium size, developing into a cupped, double, fragrant, attractive flower.

Betty Sutor (McGredy & Son, 1929). Exquisite both in the long bud and high-centered, large, double, tea-scented flower. Delicate rosy pink. Strong, vigorous, and free flowering. $1.25 each. $12.50 per doz.

Cynthia (Verschuren-Pechtold, 1933). This variety is best described as an improved Charles P. Kilham. The attractive buds develop into splendid full flowers of a rich Oriental red color. Its free flowering habit and attractive color make it very desirable. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Eduard Schill (Kordes, 1931). Large ovoid bud and very large, full, double flowers. The color as the buds first unfold is of a rich coral scarlet overlying a deep old gold ground as they develop, passing to pretty coral rose with satiny golden suffusion. An effective, desirable Rose. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Eulalia (Verschuren, 1933). A splendid addition to the list of pink Roses. Immense buds opening into large flowers of a lovely shade of pink with lighter shadings toward the base of the petals.

$1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

A strong grower and free bloomer. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Federico Casas

Federico Casas (Pedro Dot, 1931). A recent introduction with long, pointed, orange-red buds. Highly colored coppery orange open flowers. Blooms profusely. Valuable for cutting and for bedding. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Frau E. Weigand (Weigand, 1928). Bud ovoid developing to a large, high-centered, globular, shapely, double, very lasting, fragrant Marechal Niel-scented flower; in color a brilliant yellow like Ville de Paris. Vigorous and free. $1.50 each, $15.00 per doz.

of Recent Introduction

Gipsy Lass (Alex. Dickson & Sons, 1932). A splendid novelty among the crimson Roses with exquisitely shaped, rich scarlet- crimson flowers with maroon shading. A strong, vigorous grower. Splendid for cutting purposes. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Golden Dawn (P. Grant, 1929). The ideal yellow garden Rose. The ovoid, lemon yellow bud is heavily splashed with crimson and develops into a well-formed, sweetly scented, large, double, sunflower yellow flower that reminds of the old favorite Marechal Niel. Vigorous and free flowering. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Golden Rapture (Geheimrat Duisberg). (W. Kordes & Sons, 1933). A splendid new yellow Rose of upright growth. The pure yellow buds are of ideal form. Beautiful large double flowers which last without fading. A splendid variety for cutting and for bedding. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Heinrich Wendland (W. Kordes Sons, 1930). Large, long, pointed buds and very large, double, full, high-centered, intense- ly fragrant flowers of unfadiag Nasturtium-red. Reverse of the petals deep golden yellow. Of vigorous growth, flowering inter- mittently throughout the season. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Hinrich Gaede (Kordes, 1931). Long pointed shapely bud of Nasturtium-red color. Large, double, high-centered flowers of ideal shape of a color unusual and unlike any Rose in com- merce —a rich luminous vermilion, shaded golden yellow such as is found in high colored modern Zinnias. Rich, fruity fragrance. A free and continuous bloomer. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Impress (Alex. Dickson & Sons, 1929). Very large, full, abso- lutely perfect blooms that last in perfection a long time. Color salmon-cerise suffused with a luminous golden sheen. ‘The large, ovoid bud is cardinal-red, shaded orange. Of strong growth; a free and continuous bloomer. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Katharine Pechtold (Verschuren-Pechtold, 1933). Lovely, exquisitely pointed, medium sized buds of old gold and bronzy orange opening into moderately filled blooms of a lovely coppery orange flushed with rose and gold. In addition to its showy color it has a delicate sweet fragrance reminiscent of the old- fashioned Clove Pinks. The plants are bushy and bloom both freely and continuously. It isa fine Rose, each flower containing from 28 to 30 petals which is more than any other Rose of similar color. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Kidway (Pernet-Ducher, 1933). Long pointed bud and full, shapely flower. Delicate salmon-rose overlying a creamy yellow ground; the lower halves of the petals are of a goiden yellow. A pleasing color combination. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Lord Lonsdale (Alex. Dickson & Sons, 1933). This is a startling Rose of a brilliant Daffodil color which will not fade even in strong sunlight. The open flowers are very large, fully double, and have a high pointed center. Sweetly scented. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Lucie Marie (Alex. Dickson & Sons, 1930). Very long, pointed deep yellow buds splashed rosy red. The inner face is yellow with coppery venation with the petals lightly tipped with pink; slightly fragrant. Strong, vigorous, healthy habit with dark leathery foliage. A most distinct and interesting bedding variety. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Lydia (Verschuren, 1932). Long pointed buds and moderately large, full, high-centered, perfectly shaped flower of an orange- rose color. Of strong, clean, vigorous habit and free flowering; moderately fragrant. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

MAlar Ros (W. Kordes & Sons, 1932). A new German Rose with large, pointed, oval-shaped buds carried on rigid stems. The large, rich crimson flowers are fully double. They are remarkably sweet scented —the intense old Rose perfume. Itis a first class new variety equally fine for cutting as for bedding. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Roses priced $1.00 each, will be supplied at $80.00 per 100; priced $1.25 each, at $100.00 per 100; priced $1.50 each, at $120.00 per 100 ~

The dormant Roses sent out prepaid before April 1 are not potted and have been freed from soil

McGredy’s Scarlet (McGredy & Son, 1930). A new red Rose of marked superiority on account of its strong vigorous growth, free and continuous habit of flowering, and its brilliant color. The fragrant, full, double flowers are of good size. They are brilliant scarlet, orangy yellow at base of petals, the upper portions of same being lightly touched with crimson, varying some in color under changing weather conditions but always beautiful. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Mme. Jules Guerin (Gaujard, 1931). An exceptionally large, fragrant, well formed, full, double flower frequently measuring over 6 inches in diameter. The long, shapely bud when first expanding is golden yellow passing to creamy yellow as it develops. The plant is very vigorous in growth, free flowering, and the blooms are carried on strong stout stems. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Mme. Nicolas Aussel (Pernet-Ducher, 1930). Was voted an award of a Gold Medal as ‘‘The Most Beautiful Rose in France’’ in a French contest held Sept. 15, 1931. An outstanding intro- duction of the late Mr. Pernet-Ducher. A bright coppery red in the very long, shapely, tapering bud that develops into a large, fragrant, full, double flower of an exquisite opalescent salmon-pink. Vigorous and healthy, free and floriferous. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Mrs. Sam McGredy

Mrs. Sam McGredy (McGredy, 1929). The color of this beautiful variety is quite distinct from anything yet seen in Roses, a wonderful dual combination of vivid shades. A beautiful coppery scarlet-orange is heavily flushed with Lincoln- red on the outside of the petals, and these colors together give a rich and almost dazzling effect. The flowers are of large size and beautiful form. They possess the proper fullness to make them useful for all purposes. They are very freely produced and delicately perfumed. The plant has a vigorous and excep- tionally free habit and is one of the best all-purpose varieties. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.



Olympiad (Mme. Raymond Gaujard) (Pernet-Ducher, 1932).

This brilliant new red Rose first sent out spring of 1932 is now available in strong plants at popular prices. The color of Olympiad is unique—a lustrous dark Oriental scarlet, its depth of color accentuated by the golden base and intensified by a rich velvety sheen. The bud is long and pointed and the flower magnificent in every stage of development. Awarded Gold Medals during 1932 at the Atlantic City, Philadelphia, and New York Flower Shows. $1.25 each; $12.50 per doz.

Portadown Fragrance

Portadown Fragrance (McGredy, 1931). A most pleasing

Rose not only on account of its beautiful form and color but also for its remarkable sweet fragrance. Described by its introducer as surpassing any other variety. The long buds are pointed. The flowers are very large, double, high centered, and will last an unusually long time on the plant as well as after cutting. The color is brilliant orange-scarlet passing to bright rose toward the edge of the petals. It is a vigorous, strong growing Rose produc- ing a very large number of perfectly formed blooms. $1.25 each; $12.50 per doz.

Orders placed with us for dormant Roses for delivery on or before April 1, will be sent charges prepaid to any address in the United States. For planting after April 1, we supply potted Roses only

on which the buyer pays transportation charges.

We do not handle processed Roses.

Roses priced $1.00 each will be supplied at $80.00 per 100; priced $1.25 each, at $100.00 per 100; priced $1.50 each, at $120.00 per 100

160 New Hybrid-Tea Roses


Souv. de Madame C. Chambard

Souv. de Madame C. Chambard (C. Chambard, 1931). A lovely Rose with very large, long, pointed buds opening into perfectly double flowers of a novel and beautiful coloring —coral pink with a satiny peach tint. Delicately fragrant. A strong grower and a free bloomer with the flowers carried on strong, erect, wiry stems. This variety was voted at the Rose contest in Lyons, France, last year “The most beautiful Rose in France."

Schwabenland $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Schwabenland (Piitzer, 1928). There are many pink Roses but none just like this variety either in color or in the splendid forma- tion of its blooms. The moderately fragrant flowers are large, over five inches in diameter, with high spiral center, the petals having a peculiar twist or curl. The color is a luminous rich rose-pink, retaining its brightness until the petals drop. The flowers are carried singly on long stiff stems. A strong, healthy, hardy, vigorous grower and free bloomer. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Sir Henry Segrave (Alex. Dickson & Sons, 1932). Large, long, well shaped buds and very large, full, beautiful, high-centered, double flowers of a deep lemon yellow shading deeper at base. A free, perpetual, sweet scented bloomer. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Swansdown (Alex. Dickson & Sons, 1929). An ideal white which in the autumn has just a tint of cream at the base of the petals. The buds are large, very long, pointed, of perfect shape, composed of large heavy petals, and develop into splendid, full, very sweet-scented flowers of spiral formation. $1.25 each; $12.50 per doz.

Victoria Adelheid (Kordes, 1932). Exceptionally large, well- formed, double flowers of a rich golden yellow suffused with vermilion-red, shading deeper at the edges of the petals. An effective, free flowering variety. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

William Orr (McGredy & Son, 1930). Brilliant deep velvety crimson with a delightful glow and sheen which is retained even under unfavorable weather conditions. Well formed, sweetly scented flowers of good size with reflexed petals. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Tri-O-Gen. Gardeners who wish to spray their Roses with one remedy that will take care of all the usual Rose troubles will find Tri-O-Gen an easily applied, perfectly safe, and effective spray. If applied weekly from early

| Vaterland

Vaterland (Pfitzer, 1928). The most distinct dark-colored variety yet introduced, deeper and richer in effect than the Hybrid-Perpetual variety Prince Camille de Rohan. A rich deep velvety scarlet-maroon and a splendidly formed, high- centered flower of remarkable keeping qualities. The plant is of

season until severe frost it will give remarkable protection against Mildew and Black Spot besides all kinds of insect

pests. It also is a plant stimulant. Trial size, $1.50; A ee Ee ; df d . - i - vigorous, strong, erect habit with healthy foliage, and free an ISAS SISNET AU PERS GNUERN AIVO Coie se Poy Ua perpetual flowering. Unquestionably the best of this type that

has yet come to our notice. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Roses priced $1.00 each, will be supplied at $80.00 per 100; priced $1.25 each at $100.00 per 100; priced $1.50 each at $120.00 per 100.



Dreer’s Select List of Hybrid-Tea Roses

The Roses described on this and the following 5 pages represent a careful selection of the

best and most popular well-tried everblooming Hybrid Tea varieties.

All of them are recom-

mended without any hesitation to the lover of good Roses and our plants are extra fine.

Abol. Delightfully sweet-scented, large, double flowers, fre- quently tinged light blush in the bud stage, but opening to a pure white. Vigorous, free, and perpetual. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Angele Pernet. Rich vivid copper orange-yellow. Long buds, opening to moderately full-cupped, fragrant flowers. 75c each, $7.50 per doz.

Betty. Large, long, pointed bud and large, semi-double, shapely, long-lasting, moderately fragrant flower. Glowing coppery rose with golden suffusion. Particularly attractive in the fall. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Betty Uprichard. Long pointed buds. Large, open, long- lasting, very fragrant flowers of a delicate salmon-pink, reverse carmine with coppery sheen. A lovely color combination. Vigorous, bushy growth; profuse bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Briarcliffe. A fine Rose of the Columbia type producing large, longer buds than that favorite and has large, high pointed, double, very lasting, moderately fragrant flowers of a brilliant rose-pink at center, shading lighter at outer petals. One of the very good garden Roses. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Caledonia. The most desirable white. Exceptionally long, pointed buds opening to very double, high-centered, long-lasting, very large, moderately fragrant flowers. Continuous free bloomer. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Caroline Testout. Long, pointed buds and large, full, double, globular, moderately fragrant flowers. Satiny rose with brighter center. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Charles P. Kilham. Rich brilliant Oriental-red, flushed with orange and glowing scarlet. Long, pointed buds opening to high centered, sweetly tea-scented, perfect blooms. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Chateau de Clos Vougeot. Beautiful flowers of a brilliant scarlet, shaded fiery red and changing to dark velvety crimson as the blooms expand. Very double and intensely fragrant. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Columbia. Bud and flower of perfect form, of a most pleasing shade of rose-pink, delightfully scented; free and vigorous. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Cuba. As a bedding Rose for brilliant effect we know of no variety that compares with this richly colored semi-double ver- milion-scarlet with orange suffusion. A vigorous grower and free flowering. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Dainty Bess. An appropriate name for a daintily colored single Rose of perfect form. A delicate shade of shell-pink with a con- spicuous bunch of crimson stamens. A greatly admired, long- lasting, single flower. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Director Rubio. An outstanding Rose with large fluffy cochineal-pink flowers produced singly on stiff stems. A vigorous grower and abundant bloomer. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Duchess of Atholl. Unusual and delightful in color. Large globular buds of deep bronzy orange; large double flowers of cupped form; intensely fragrant; vivid orange, flushed old-rose. Vigorous and free flowering. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Edel. An enormous, bold, stately, well-built, fragrant flower of great depth, quality, and finish. Color, white with the faintest ivory shading. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

The dormant Roses sent prepaid to you before April 1, are not potted. They have been freed from soil and are

carefully packed so that the roots will keep moist and in good condition until the plants reach you. Unpack prompt- ly after receipt and keep the roots moist until planting.

Dame Edith Helen

Dame Edith Helen. Lovely long pointed buds developing into great flowers of huge size composed of very substantial, broad petals which curl back most attractively. The blooms are fully double, high centered, and delightfully sweet scented. Their color is a brilliant yet soft Rose-du-Barri pink. It is a strong grower and free bloomer. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.


Duchess of Wellington

Duchess of Wellington. Long shapely buds with petals of great substance. Delightfully fragrant blooms of an intense saffron-yellow, stained deep crimson. Very free flowering. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Orders placed with us for dormant Roses for delivery on or before April 1, will be sent charges prepaid to any address in the United States. For planting after April 1, we supply potted Roses only on which the buyer pays transportation charges. We do not handle ‘‘processed’’ Roses as they will not give general satisfaction.



Dreer’s Select List of Hybrid-Tea Roses—continued

Edith Nellie Perkins

Edith Nellie Perkins. An outstanding, vigorous, and free flowering Rose. Long, pointed buds of good size. Long lasting, double, fragrant flowers. Orient-red, shaded cerise-orange; inside salmon-pink. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Editor McFarland. As vigorous as Radiance and of the same habit of growth. Well-shaped buds developing into semi-double, slightly fragrant flowers of a lovely pink, slightly suffused with yellow. Blooms profusely. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

E. G. Hill. Beautiful long buds of perfect form. Full, double, high-centered flowers of dazzling scarlet, shading to a deeper red as they develop. Vigorous, free-flowering. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Elegante. Long sulphur yellow buds developing into large, full, creamy yellow flowers. A strong, vigorous grower and very free bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Ethel James. One of the most artistic singles. The dainty open flowers are of salver form. Deep carmine, flushed orange. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Etoile de Feu. Very attractive, large, substantial, globular buds and full, double, cupped blooms. Salmon-pink and coral red shaded with flame tint. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Etoile de Hollande. The most popular red garden Rose— a brilliant crimson-red. A strong, vigorous grower, free and con- tinuous bloomer. Large, moderately double, fragrant flowers, beautiful in all stages of development. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Fou Joseph Looymans. Remarkable for its long, pointed buds of brilliant Indian-yellow and large, double, cupped, very fragrant flowers. Vigorous; continuous bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

General MacArthur. One of the best all-around bedding Roses. Warm rich crimson-scarlet flowers of good form. Very fragrant. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Hadley. Large flowers of an intense rich dazzling crimson- scarlet shading to velvety crimson. Very attractive, well- shaped blooms. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Hoosier Beauty. Intense rich dazzling crimson-scarlet, full flowers of good size and refined form. Deliciously scented. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Irish Elegance. An elegant single Rose with shapely bronze- pink buds, expanding with delicate apricot and yellow shades. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Irish Fireflame. A gorgeous variety, splendid for cutting in bud form, usually with 5 or more buds on a spray. These are a wonderfully rich deep orange splashed with crimson, expanding to a satiny gold. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Isobel. A daintily colored, large, single, fragrant flower. Delicate rose-pink with apricot shading. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

James Gibson. A free-flowering crimson-scarlet with a velvety sheen. Long and pointed buds; large, double, high- centered, fragrant flowers. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Joanna Hill. A splendid clear yellow with golden heart. The very large, long, pointed buds open to large, full, semi-double, attractive, long-lasting, moderately fragrant flowers. A vigorous, profuse bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

John Russell. A handsome brilliant red Rose—rich deep velvety crimson. Of very large exhibition type, beautiful both in bud as well as in the fully expanded double flower. Strong, vigorous grower. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Jonkheer J. L. Mock. Large, long, pointed, double, high- centered buds. Very lasting, fragrant flowers of a lovely silvery rose-white, reverse carmine-pink. A free and continuous bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

J. Otto Thilow. A glowing rich rose-pink of exceptional merit. Long, pointed buds expanding into beautiful, large, double, high centered flowers with reflexed petals.

75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Kaiserin Augusta Victoria

Kaiserin Augusta Victoria. A favorite old white Rose with shapely, long, pointed buds and good sized, double, fragrant flowers. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Killarney Brilliant. An old favorite with long, pointed, shapely buds and bright sparkling pink, double, lasting, strongly tea-scented flowers. 75c each; $7.50 per doz. ;

Killarney Double White. This is a beautiful sport of Killarney with lovely pure white blooms of moderate fragrance. The long, pointed buds are also most attractive. A vigorous grower and free bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Lady Alice Stanley. Large, long, pointed buds. Very large, double, open, lasting, moderately fragrant flowers of a beautiful shade of coral rose, shading to flesh-pink at center. Always in bloom. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Roses priced 75c each will be supplied at $60.00

per 100; priced $1.00 each, at $80.00 per 100.

Dormant Roses shipped before April 1 are not potted and are freed from soil


Lady Forteviot. Long stems each bearing several, large, double, high centered, lasting blooms of a beautiful golden yellow changing to deep apricot, and flushed with cardinal red. Extremely fragrant, free growing, and floriferous. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Lady Margaret Stewart. A Rose of unique color. The flowers in the young stage are a deep sunflower-yellow heavily veined and splashed with orange-scarlet; reverse of the petals deeply suffused with carmine. As the flowers develop these colors intermingle forming a beautiful cadmium-orange effect. The bud is long and pointed, opening to a full double flower of pleasing decorative form with a delightfully sweet scent. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Leonard Barron. A sturdy variety with mammoth blooms, 5 inches or more in diameter. The color is a blend of salmon, copper, and shell-pink. The fragrance is distinct from any other Rose—a Red Cedar scent. A wonderful bloomer. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Lord Charlemont. Intense crimson-scarlet, deepening to carmine-crimson with almost black shadings. Perfectly shaped, long, pointed buds and large, full, doubles sweetly scented flowers. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz. <

Los Angeles

Los Angeles. The long-stemmed flowers are luminous flame- pink, toned with coral, and shaded with translucent gold at the base of the petals. The buds are long and pointed, and expand to flowers of perfect form and rich fragrance. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Louise Catherine Breslau. Ovoid buds opening to large, double, fragrant, coral pink flowers shaded with coppery orange and yellow. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Lulu. A dainty, nearly single Rose, with long buds which remind one of the miniature Fairy Rose, Cecile Brunner, but much larger in size. Coral red shaded with salmon-pink. Beautiful in bud form. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Margaret McGredy. Buds very large and long pointed. Flowers large, shapely, long lasting, very double, fragrant, brilliantly colored—a rich shade of Oriental-red passing as it ages to carmine-rose. Vigorous and free flowering. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mevrouw G. A. Van Rossem. A marvelously beautiful Rose with a unique color combination—a most striking blend of vivid orange and apricot on a golden yellow ground frequently with touches of bronze on the reverse of the petals. The sweet- scented flowers are very large, of perfect formation both in the bud as well as in the fully developed flower, and are produced very freely. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Miss Rowena Thom

Miss Rowena Thom. Large, long, pointed buds developing to high-centered, well-formed, double, fragrant flowers, 53 inches

across. Brilliant rose-pink with golden suffusion. Growth vigorous, and a free and constant bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mme. Butterfly. Beautiful buds and flowers of light soft pink, tinted yellow at base of petals. Very free flowering and highly scented. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mme. Edouard Herriot (The Daily Mail Rose). The buds are coral red shaded with yellow at the base. The open flowers are of medium size, semi-double, a superb coral red shaded with yellow and bright rosy scarlet passing to salmon-pink. A won- derful color combination. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mme. Jules Bouche. A splendid white, at times slightly tinted with just a touch of tender blush-pink. Long, pointed, shapely buds and full, double, fragrant, well-formed flowers. Of vigorous growth, and a free and continuous bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mrs. Aaron Ward. A remarkably floriferous variety of strong, vigorous, but compact growth. The fragrant, full, double flowers are a distinct Indian-yellow, shading lighter towards the edges. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mrs. A. R. Barraclough. We have in this variety a most distinct and valuable bright, but soft sparkling carmine-pink of even tone that passes to a yellow at the base of the petals. The buds are long, pointed, and develop into full double flowers of model form. Very fragrant. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Free Delivery. Orders placed with us for dormant Roses on or before April 1, will be delivered charges prepaid to any address in the United States. For planting

after April 1, we supply potted Roses only on which the

buyer pays transportation charges. The dormant Roses shipped before April 1, are not potted and are free from soil.


Dreer’s Potted Roses, supplied after April 1, assure success to late planting



Dreer’s Select List of Hybrid Tea Roses—continued

Mrs. Erskine Pembroke Thom

Mrs. Erskine Pembroke Thom, The best yellow bedding Rose we have today. It is of clean, healthy, vigorous growth with abundant, dark bronzy, disease-resisting foliage and a continuous free bloomer throughout the season. The good-sized buds are long and develop into full, double, very shapely flowers of a rich deep lemon yellow; sweetly scented. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mrs. Henry Bowles

Mrs. Henry Bowles. A splendid, large, well-formed, high- centered, very fragrant flower of an intense brilliant or warm shade of pink with salmon shadings. A model Rose, perfect in every stage of development. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mrs. Henry Morse. One of the best light pinks, combining two contrasting tones of pink with an underlying yellow glow. Long, pointed buds; flowers very large, double and high-centered, fragrant and very free flowering. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mrs. Lovell Swisher. A remarkably vigorous grower of branching habit, freely producing perfectly formed, long, shapely buds that develop into good double flowers. The color is a deep coppery salmon at base merging to salmon-pink at the tips. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Mrs. Pierre S. du Pont. Medium-sized, long, pointed buds of a reddish gold opening to semi-double, cupped, very lasting, fragrant flowers of a deep golden yellow. The plant is of strong, vigorous, compact growth. A profuse and continuous bloomer. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Mrs. Wakefield Christie-Miller. As a pink bedding Rose there is none better. The flowers are of large size, remain perfect for a long time, and are produced very freely. They are of a bright pink color with lighter shadings. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Ophelia. Always admired for its long, pointed, shapely buds and its fair sized, double, lasting, fragrant flowers. Salmon-flesh shaded light yellow at the base of the center petals. A free and continuous bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Polly. A pretty flower of the Ophelia type but much larger. Attractive, long, pointed, golden yellow buds flushed delicate pink. Large, very double, high centered flowers of a dainty pink early in the season but later becoming deeply suffused with golden yellow. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

President Hoover. A glorious Rose, wonderfully free in the easy manner in which it grows and charmiopg in its color arrange- ment which is a splendid combination of cerise-pink, flame, scarlet, and yellow. This combination of colors give the most dazzling color effect imaginable. The buds are beautifully pointed, the flowerslarge, composed of broad, thick, heavy petals with moderate fragrance. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Radiance. This is the popular carmine-pink which is bound to succeed everywhere. A strong, vigorous grower with well-shaped large double blooms. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Red Radiance. A sport of Radiance with most attractive bright cerise blooms. As large and vigorous, and as free bloom- ing. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Rev. F. Page Roberts. The long, pointed buds are coppery red stained red on the outside. They open to good, full, double, fragrant flowers of golden yellow par- ticularly high colored in late summer and fall. The plant is of vigorous branching habit with beautiful foliage. A most distinct variety that has deservedly gained great popularity. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Rosella Sweet. Large ovoid buds developing into splendid large well-formed flowers of a luminous Nas- turtium-yellow with a charming salmon-pink suffusion. The graceful fragrant flowers are borne singly on strong stiff stems. The plants are of vigorous upright habit clothed with heavy dark green foliage. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Rose Marie. Pretty, clear rose-pink, large, cupped, double, fragrant flower of good shape. Vigorous and profuse flowering. Attractive globular buds. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Sensation. Splendid large crimson-scarlet, perfect in its long pointed bud as well as in the fully developed, sweetly scented, double flower. A strong vigorous grower. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Souvenir d’Alexandre Bernaix. A beautiful, large, cupped flower, 44 inches or more in diameter. In the half expanded buds the petals are incurved, of an intense deep velvety crimson-red on a maroon ground with touches of scarlet on the outer petals. As the flowers fully develop they become suffused with vermilion- carmine at the edge of the petals. A moderately vigorous grower and a continuous bloomer. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Roses priced 75c each will be supplied at $60.00 per 100; priced $1.00 each, at $80.00 per 100



The dormant Roses shipped before April 1, are not potted, and are freed from soil

Souvenir de Claudius Pernet

Souvenir de Claudius Pernet. Most striking Sunflower- yellow. Long pointed buds of exquisite shape and very large, double, full, fragrant flowers. Vigorous and free growing, and a continuous bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Souvenir de Georges Pernet. Large, full, double, very shape- ly, globular flowers. Oriental-red shaded yellow, passing to cochineal-carmine at ends of petals. A vigorous variety which flowers continuously. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Souvenir de H. A. Verschuren. Beautiful long pointed buds and very large, full, double, shapely, fragrant flowers of a rich apricot-yellow with lighter edges. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.


Talisman. One of the most popular Roses either as a cut flower or for the garden. A remarkable color combination. The long pointed buds are bright yellow. As the petals unfold they develop into fair-sized, double, fragrant, high-centered flowers that combine bright apricot, gold, and deep rose-pink into a glittering mass of color. Perpetual and free flowering. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Special Offer We will supply one strong plant each of the 80 standard varieties of Hybrid-Tea Roses described on pages 161 to 165 inclusive which at single rates amount to $64.50 at the special price of $60.00.

Ville de Paris

Ville de Paris. A very distinct, rich Buttercup-yellow without | a trace of any other color, retaining its richness under all weather conditions. In formation it is somewhat similar to Radiance, fairly double, and splendid for cutting. A tall, upright grower | anda profuse bloomer. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

| W. E. Chaplin. A most meritorious red Rose of the Lord Charlemont type but better on account of being a vigorous grower with healthy, disease-resistant foliage. Every bud develops into a perfect, full, high centered, large flower which will last well and has a moderate sweet scent. The blooms are deep crimson shading to carmine-crimson which does not blue nor burn. They are carried on long, strong stems and are borne continuously. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Wilhelm Kordes. Unique and entirely distinct in coloring—a rich Nasturtium-red with coppery suffusion overlying a golden salmon ground, varying in intensity under different weather con- ditions but always beautiful and particularly high colored early in the season and in the autumn. The buds are long and pointed, opening to double, high-centered, very fragrant flowers. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

William F. Dreer. Similar in shape to Los Angeles with large, high-centered, very lasting, fragrant flowers of a soft silvery shell-pink. A golden suffusion illuminates the entire flower. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Willowmere. Bud long pointed. Full, double, cupped flowers of a coral red-carmine, shaded yellow at center. A strong grower and free flowering. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

_ Orders placed with us for dormant Roses for delivery on or before April 1, will be sent charges prepaid to any address in the United States. For planting after April 1, we supply potted Roses only on which the buyer pays transportation charges. We do not handle ‘‘processed’’ Roses as they will not give general satisfaction.

Four New

Hybrid Tea Roses

Patented under U. S. Patent Laws

Mrs. J.D. Eisele. U.S. Plant Patent No. 67 Countess Vandal. U.S. Plant Patent No. 38 Mary Hart. U.S. Plant Patent No. 8

Souvenir. U.S. Plant Patent No. 25

Countess Vandal

Countess Vandal U. S. Plant Patent No. 38

A vigorous Hybrid Tea Rose with attractive, long, pointed, orange-copper buds. The flowers are large, double, high centered, and have a rich fragrance. Their color is brilliant pink lightened with salmon. The blooms are borne singly on long stems. It has leathery dark green foliage. Winner of the Toronto Rose Society Gold Medal. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Mary Hart U. S. Plant Patent No. 8 The fact that this is a sport of the well-known Talisman is ample guarantee that it is outstanding. Has lovely, long, maroon- red buds. The intensely fragrant flowers are large and full. They are deep velvety blood-red with a glow of amber. It is a solid color without shading. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

Souvenir U. S. Plant Patent No. 25 A golden yellow Talisman with pointed buds and fragrant flowers of medium size. The color is a beautiful and rich deep golden yellow. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz. The dozen prices of these Patented Roses also apply to larger quantities.

Every Rose lover should include these four new Roses in his garden

New Hybrid Tea

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Mrs. J. D. Eisele is the winner of these three beautiful Gold Medals,

The Perfumed Rose

Mrs. J. D. Eisele

U. S. Plant Patent No. 67 (Howard and Smith, 1933)

The buds, the expanding flowers, as well as the fully developed blooms of this Rose are absolutely perfect in every stage of develop- ment. This is due to the unfurling petals of the long, pointed buds which are arranged in spiral form, reflexing as they unfold, giving the fully developed flower, which is from five to six inches in diameter, a most perfect Camellia-like formation. Aside from its beautiful shape it is a Rose of exceptional keeping qualities, the cut blooms lasting fully a week in good condition.

Color: In color it is a luscious shade of cherry-rose overlaid with a scarlet glow. Its brilliance is particularly intense and lustrous under artificial light. An unusual feature in the coloring is that each petal is bordered with a faint but distinct silver edging.

Fragrance: We have in this Rose the most delightful fragrance (an important factor that is lacking in many other good varieties), which is so intense that only a few flowers in a vase will serve to permeate the entire atmosphere of the room with their sweet fruity odor, like that of the old Roses of fifty years ago.

Growth: Strong, vigorous, erect, branching. A very free and a continuous bloomer.

$1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

NEW—The Perfumed Rose Mrs. J. D. EISELE—Winner of Three Gold Medals

Described on the opposite page None genuine without this tag.._,



75c. each 75c. each



Mrs. Henry BowLes


Hardy Everblooming Hybrid Tea Roses

We | ly recommend t collection of Hardy Everblooming Hybrid Tea Roses to the amateur gardener who wishes a limited I ber of rieties that will give him a good display in the gar nd yield a generous supply of choice cut-flowers through

The irietic selected nd illustrated here have been chosen r car in rder t rl yo 1 wide rangé of beautiful colors in strong, vigorous, everblooming varieties which are well i wide range of climate and soil conditions Orders received and shipped before April x are filled with dor- mant stock and sent prepaid. After April 1, we supply potted plants only, on which the customer pays transportation charges. RADIANCE In our opinion this is the only tisfactory method to insure suc- Mme. Jutes Boucué 75c. each cess with Roses planted after April 1 75c. each

One strong, 2- year-old plant of $ 6:00

each of these 12 beautiful Roses

at? 2 ; = - i te Se > ioe


75c. each 75c. each


75c. each 75c. each


The Dreer

Gold Medal Dozen New Hardy Everblooming

Hybrid-Tea Roses


A most novel and distinct coloring combining burnt orange with streaks of rich red. Fragrant. $1.00 each.


Exceptionally long, pointed buds de- veloping into large, high centered, moderately fragrant, pure white blooms. $1.00 each.

Charles P. Kilham

Rich Oriental red flushed with orange and scarlet—a really remarkable and brilliant color. Long pointed buds open- ing into perfect high-centered blooms. $1.00 each. 7

Duchess of Atholl

Large, globular, deep bronzy orange buds and intensely fragrant, cupped, double blooms of a vivid orange shade attractively flushed with rose. $1.00 each,

E. G. Hill

Beautiful long buds and high-centered dazzling scarlet blooms shading deeper as they develop more fully. 75c each.

Golden Dawn

An ideal garden Rose with ovoid buds of lemon yellow, splashed crimson. Beautiful large, double, Sunflower-yellow blooms with sweet fragrance. $1.00 each.

Lucie Marie Very long, pointed, deep yellow buds spotted withred. The inner face of the flowers is marked with coppery veins and tipped with pink. $1.00 each.

McGredy’s Scarlet

Beautiful, large, double, brilliant scarlet blooms shaded orange at the base and with crimson flushed tips. $1.00 each.

Mrs. Sam McGredy

A very distinct copper-orange flushed Lincoln-red. Delicately scented. Al- ways of good form. $1.00 each.

President Hoover

A splendid combination of cerise, pink, flame, scarlet, and yellow. Lovely buds and shapely blooms. 75c each.


A splendid rich luminous rose-pink of wonderful spiral formation. 5 inches in diameter. $1.00 each.

Vaterland Rich deep velvety scarlet-maroon. A splendidly formed, high centered flower of best substance. $1.00 each.

One each of the above 12 varieties for $10.00

This type of Rose is very popular for bedding a) purposes, forming shapely, compact, bushy specimens about 18 inches high, pro- ducing in great profusion from early in the season until severe frost, immense trusses of small flowers.

Gloria Mundi. Most brilliant orange-scarlet imaginable; never fades. Flowers well formed, full, double; very free.

Katherine Zeimet. Very free, full, double, fragrant, pure white.

Lafayette. Very attrac- tive, large, bright crimson- scarlet in sprays of 40 or sf more flowers each. Can be % > ; depended upon for a con- «4 tinuous display throughout A : the season. 5 me

Magnifique. Splendid eae r flowers of clear shell-pink borne : in large trusses. Blooms pro- / fusely. (

Mrs. R. M. Finch. Soft rosy pink flowers, double, fully 2 inches in diameter, freely pro- duced in large clusters. Of vigor- ous growth, 24 feet high.

Orleans. Good size, double flowers. Brilliant Geranium-red with white center. Very free and reliable.

Paris. Vigorous growing. Unfad- ing bright red blooms.

Scarlet Button. The richest and brightest of the Baby type an intense brilliant scarlet. The

Cecile Brunner

Cecile Brunner (The Fairy or Sweetheart Rose). A variety with small, dainty, double, moderately fragrant flowers of perfect form, produced in many flowered, graceful sprays. Soft rosy pink on a rich creamy white ground.

Rotraut. A striking new dwarf Polyantha of brilliant scarlet color which is most persistent

flowers are of medium size. They even in hot weather. This variety will prove a

are produced in many-flowered welcome addition to Roses of the Polyantha

graceful trusses. class. Suitable for bedding.

Any of the above 10 Baby Roses: 75c each; $7.50 per doz. Set of one each, 10 varieties, for $6.50.

Single Hybrid-Polyantha Roses

Unlike all other single Roses, these new hybrids are of very vigorous habit, growing from 2 to 3 feet high. They are a mass of attractive flowers throughout the season. The blooms are about two inches or more across, very substantial, and long lasting. We recom- mend these three varieties; they will not disappoint.

Else Poulsen. A beautiful tone of pure rose-pink, a color always admired.

Kirsten Poulsen. Rich bright scarlet that glistens in bright sunlight.

Salmon Spray. Semi-double, rich salmon-pink flowers with carmine reverse; sweetly scented, very free.

Any of these three: 75c each; $7.50 per doz,

Four Perpetual-Flowering Bedding Roses

Belvedere. A Polyantha Hybrid repre- senting a cross between Polyantha Eblouissant and the richly colored Chateau de Clos Vougeot from which it has inherited its velvety dark red color- ing. A continuous bloomer even during the hottest and most unfavorable sum- mer and fall weather. A most valuable bedding Rose with large flowers for this type. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Gruss an Teplitz. The Rose for every- body, succeeding under all conditions. The color is an intense rich scarlet shading to velvety crimson. Very fragrant. A free and strong grower, and in bloom all the time. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Pink Gruss an Aachen. This desir- able variety has all the good qualities of Gruss an Aachen but is of an even more striking color being quite a shade richer and more intense, particularly in the -pink suffusion. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Gruss an Aachen. A very distinct Polyantha Rose with exceptionally large, flushed pink blooms shaded salmon and yellow. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

One each of the above 4 Roses for $2.50.

Dormant Roses sent prepaid before April 1 are not potted and are freed from soil


Three New American Hardy Climbing Roses

atented Under United States Patent Laws

>. da

New Dawn

The Everblooming V Dr. Van Fleet

U.S. Plant Patent No. 1

The First Plant Patent under the United States Patent Laws has been granted to the originators of ““The New Dawn” Rose, giv- ing them the sole rights for the propagation of this desirable new variety.

A counterpart of the beautiful, popular, flesh-pink Rose Dr. W. Van Fleet, excepting that it is perpetual-flowering throughout the season.

This new Rose is a sport from Dr. Van Fleet which is universally acknowledged as one of the best and most popular American Climbing Roses. It is identical in every way withits parent in size and formation of its long, pointed, flesh-pink buds and dou- ble flowers, but blooms continuously throughout the summer and fall months. Really the first worthwhile Hardy Everbloom- ing Climber introduced.

$1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.


Strong two-year-old plants:

Golden Climber

The hardiness and exceptionally fine color of ““Golden Climber’ are not the only outstanding characteristics of this wonderful

new Rose. The plant does not bloom itself out in a short outburst but the buds continue to appear and bloom in succession for a long season. After the first blooms the plants show a continued floral activity and recurrent blooms come forth. This valuable characteristic is particularly noticeable in plants which have become established in their new location.

Strong two-year-old plants:

P The New Dawn 4

The New Dawn—The Everblooming Dr. Van Fleet. U.S. Plant Patent No.1. Blaze—The Everblooming Paul’s Scarlet Climber. U.S. Plant Patent No. 10. Golden Climber (Mrs. Arthur Curtiss James.) U.S. Plant Patent No. 28.

Blaze The New Hardy Everblooming Scarlet U. S. Plant Patent No. 10

A marvelous new hardy Climbing Rose which inherits the blazing color of Paul’s Scarlet Climber and the everblooming habit of Gruss an Teplitz, thus combining the most attractive features of both its parents. It is a very vigorous climbing variety which will grow to considerable height and produce flowers on both the old and new growth. A Rose that is destined to enormous popularity.

Strong two-year-old plants: $2.00 each; $20.00 per doz.

Golden Climber

(Mrs, Arthur Curtiss James) U. S. Plant Patent No. 28

A wonderful new hardy climbing Rose represent- ing a new departure in this valuable class. It is the first true golden yellow climber with quality blooms able to withstand sub-zero temperatures without injury. Thisis a most valuable and unusual feature, particularly since it is combined with blooms of the Hybrid-Tea type and quality. The flowers are most always solitary on long stems, often 18 inches or longer.

“Golden Climber’’ has buds which are a pure golden yellow with heavy markings of orange-scarlet showing between the sepals. These splashes gradually disappear and the full open blooms are a solid golden yellow with a heavy cushion of nankin-yellow stamens artistically arranged in the center of the semi-double blooms. The petals are gracefully ruffled and beautifully crinkled. As fine a cut flower as a garden Rose with a delightful fragrance. Of extreme vigor with handsome foliage and of rapid growth.

$2.00 each; $20.00 per doz.

On all Patented Roses the dozen rate also applies to all larger quantities


Hardy Climbing and Rambler Roses "!

Albertine. Vermilion buds and large fragrant flowers of cop- pery chamois-yellow passing to coppery rose. Most attractive.

Alida Lovett. Bright shell-pink with light yellow shadings at the base of the petals. Of good size and quality,

American Pillar. A single-flowering variety of great beauty. The flowers are of large size, 3 to 4 inches across, of a lovely shade of pink with a clear white eye and a cluster of yellow stamens. These flowers are borne in immense bunches and a large plant in full bloom is a sight not easily forgotten.

Bess Lovett. Resembles Climbing American Beauty in shape of flower but is brighter in color. A clear bright red of good size and of double form. Strong and very fragrant.

Bonfire. The best of the reds of the Crimson Rambler type— intense crimson-scarlet or fiery red. Many flowered trusses. Chaplin’s Crimson Glow. A strong, vigorous climber of the type of Paul’s Scarlet Climber and like it in every way excepting that it is much larger. The full double crimson flowers have a

white base. A desirable addition to the list of climbing Roses.

Chaplin’s Pink Climber

Chaplin’s Pink Climber. A splendid vigorous climber with good sized, shapely, double flowers of a rich lively pink with just a touch of salmon when first expanding. Makes a most effective display of color unequaled by any other sort of this type,

Climbing American Beauty. The name is somewhat mis- leading, but is one of the best climbing Roses. A strong, healthy, vigorous grower, frequently making shoots from 10 to 12 feet long, and good sized flowers for a climbing Rose that blooms so freely. Deep rose-pinx, of good form and substance.

Daydream. Very distinct, good sized, semi-double, shapely flower, resembling a Water Lily ofa blushing pink shade. A splendid pillar Rose.

Dorothy Perkins. The old favorite soft shell-pink still popular with many gardeners who appreciate its good qualities.

Dr. W. Van Fleet. A Rose which on account of its dainty color and exquisitely shaped buds and flowers has become a great favorite. The long pointed buds are rich flesh pink, carried on stems 12 to 18 inches long. Splendid for cutting. A strong, vigorous grower.

Emily Gray. A real yellow climbing Rose. Long, pointed buds of splendid shape. Beautiful light orange-yellow blooms changing to pale orange as they expand. They are borne on stiff crimson-red stems of sufficient length for cutting. Dark green, holly-like foliage. Requires protection north of Phila- delphia,

Ernestine Cosme. A _ unique, single flowered variety of pretty form and a delicate soft pink color. Blooms profusely in great, pyramidal shaped, many flowered sprays. A vigorous, healthy grower.

Gardenia. Bright yellow buds opening into double flowers of a rich cream color. The incurved petals and its lovely color make it resemble a Gardenia.

Glenn Dale. Dark green, disease-resistant foliage and long, slightly fragrant, lemon-yellow buds of uniform shape which open to creamy white, fairly double blooms borne in clusters of up to 20 flowers on stems long enough for cutting.

Jacotte. Destined to find a place among the most popular when its merits and distinct coloring become better known. A deep orangy yellow, tinted coppery red. Good sized, semi- double, very lasting flowers with moderate fragrance. Borne several together on a long stem. Blooms profusely in May and June.

Marie Gouchault. Just like Dorothy Perkins but deeper in color, a clear Geranium-pink and with healthy foliage.

Mary Wallace. Well formed, semi-double flowers of a bright clear rose-pink with salmon base to the petals. Large flowers, generally exceeding four inches in diameter. Very free flowering.

Mme. Gregoire Staechelin (The Spanish Beauty). A strong, vigorous, healthy grower with good foliage. One of the earliest to bloom with buds and flowers of great Leauty. The buds are shapely, long, pointed, carried on 12 to 14-inch long stems. The base color is an iridescent pearly pink tipped with crimson as the petals first unfold into shapely, semi-double, fragrant flowers.

Paul’s Lemon Pillar. A very beautiful and entirely distinct, showy, large, double, pale sulphur-yellow, perfectly formed, fragrant flower, that has proven hardy in this latitude.

Paul’s Scarlet Climber. The most popular of all climbing Roses. A vivid scarlet, of large size, produced in clusters of from 3 to 20 flowers on long, strong stems.

Phyllis Bide. A dainty, exquisitely formed, small bud and flower with reflexed petals. Pale yellow tinted with tones of pink and deep rosy tips. Blooms intermittently throughout the season, Particularly nice as a pillar Rose.

Primrose. A real hardy yellow rambler. Strong and vigorous. A glowing primrose yellow which is maintained until the petals drop. The moderately fragrant flowers are usually borne 2 or 3 to a spray on long stems, lasting in good condition for a long time. Dark glossy green foliage.

Silver Moon. Different from all other Roses, with beautiful fragrant semi-double flowers four and half inches and over in diameter. Creamy white petals of great substance.

Tausendschoen. A popular, large-flowered Rose with wavy Azalea-like petals. The color is a most delicate shade of soft pink when first opening changing to carmine on the reverse of the petals when fully expanded.

The Beacon. A distinct and effective bright fiery red with white eye in the way of American Pillar. Single and semi-double flowers produced in large clusters. Handsome foliage.

Thelma. Similar in habit of growth to Paul’s Scarlet Climber but of a delicate coral pink suffused with carmine. The flowers usually have three rows of petals. They form clusters of from 3 to 18 blooms, which last a long time.

Wichuraiana (Memorial Rose). Pretty, fragrant, single, pure white flowers with yellow stamens followed in fall by bright red hips or berries. A good climbing Rose where no great height is required, especially valuable where a trailing plant is desired, forming a dense mat of almost evergreen foliage.

Any of the above Hardy Climbing or Rambler Roses: 75c each; $7.50 per dozen. One each of the 28 varieties for $15.00. LL RR A


Climbing Hybrid-Tea and Tender Climbing Roses

Climbing Lady Ashtown

While not as free flowering as the bush type of Hybrid-Tea |

Roses, these climbing forms produce a large crop of flowers in

June, with a liberal scattering of blooms throughout the season. | All of these varieties require protection in the latitude of Phila- |

delphia and are especially desirable in the southern states.

Black Boy. blackish maroon.

Climbing Caroline Testout. Combines all the good points of this popular pink bush Rose in climbing form.

Climbing Golden Emblem. A most beautiful clear yellow, occasionally flaked with crimson on the outer petals.

Climbing Hoosier Beauty. Beautifully shaped buds of large size. Rich dazzling scarlet blooms.

Climbing Kaiserin Augusta Victoria. A climbing form of this popular white Rose.

Climbing Lady Ashtown. The best of the climbing Hybrid- Tea varieties. Very large rose-pink flowers.

Climbing Los Angeles. Beautiful sweet-scented flowers of a luminous flame-pink with golden coral suffusion.

Climbing Mme. Edouard Herriot. A climbing form of the popular coral red Daily Mail Rose.

Climbing Mrs. Aaron Ward. Beautiful Indian yellow flowers.

Climbing Mrs. Lovell Swisher.

Climbing Red Radiance. Identical with its popular parent but of climbing habit. A valuable hardy pillar Rose.

Climbing Rose Marie. A climbing form of this attractive rose-pink bedding variety.

Climbing Souvenir de Claudius Pernet. Beautiful yellow flowers. Makes a fine showing on a trellis or arbor.

Kitty Kininmonth. An attractive, bright, fadeless pink.

Marechal Niel. Superb; bright golden yellow. Tea-scented.

Miss Marion Manifold. A moderately fragrant, brilliant rich crimson; one of the finest climbing Roses yet produced.

$1.25 each; $12.50 per dozen.

Delicate salmon-pink.

Any of the above:

A sweet scented, large, fiery scarlet overlaid with |

Hybrid Perpetual Roses

The varieties of Hardy Perpetual Roses listed below are the best in this popular hardy class which before the development of the Hybrid-Tea Roses was the most popular type for garden planting. Even today with an extensive list of many wonderful varieties of Hybrid-Teas the gardener must not overlook these, particularly in sections where hardiness of the Hybrid-Tea varieties has not been established. All those offered are of strong growth and free blooming. As a general rule they grow taller and branch more freely than the Hybrid-Teas.

American Beauty. Fragrant, rich dark carmine flowers.

Frau Karl Druschki. This is the ideal hardy white Rose.

General Jacqueminot. Brilliant scarlet-crimson, fragrant.

George Arends. A beautiful, sweet-scented, pink variety.

Henry Nevard. Crimson-scarlet of fine large form; very fragrant. One of the freest flowering.

Magna Charta. Bright pink, carmine. Fragrant.

attractively suffused with

Mme. Albert Barbier

Mme. Albert Barbier. This remarkable variety is as free flowering as many of the popular Hybrid-Tea Roses. Long and well formed buds of a pearly white color suffused with soft salmony flesh. Large, full, double, imbricated flowers of splendid form, which as they expand show a golden apricot suffused center. Of vigorous, strong growth. Fragrant.

Mrs. John Laing. Soft pink of splendid form. Moderately fragrant and very free flowering.

Mrs. R. G. Sharman Crawford. Deeprosy pink, outer petals shaded with flesh, one of the freest bloomers and a splendid Rose.

Paul Neyron. Deep rose; fragrant blooms of immense size.

Prince Camille de Rohan. Deep velvety crimson-maroon, The blooms have a delicate fragrance.

Ulrich Brunner. Intensely fragrant, bright cherry red. Any of the above: 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Special Offer: One each of the above 12 Hybrid Perpetual Roses for $7.50.

Roses priced $1.25 each will be supplied at $100.00 per 100; priced 75c each, at $60.00 per 100.


We group under this heading various types and species of Roses that are of strong habit of growth and will be found especially adapted to plant in mixed shrubbery borders, or in separate beds or groupings or as individual specimens in the garden.

Rugosa Roses and their Hybrids

Agnes. Copper-yellow buds and flowers turning to amber yellow as they develop; the only Rugosa of a yellow color. The flowers are of good size for this type, sweetly scented, and produced freely in early summer.

Blanc Double de Coubert. Double pure white.

Conrad Ferdinand Meyer. Clear silvery rose.

Hansa. Attractive double reddish-violet.

Red F. J. Grootendorst. Imagine a shrub-like Rugosa Rose covered with trusses of crimson Baby Rambler Roses and you will have a fair conception of this new hybrid variety. It is valuable to plant as an isolated specimen or in a mass in a bed or in the shrubbery border or may be used as an ever- blooming hedge. Hardy and continues in bloom until late in the fall.

Pink F. J. Grootendorst. Identical with the above variety, except in color, which is a splendid clear pink.

Rugosa. Large single rosy carmine.

—alba. Large single white.

Any of the above: 75c each; $7.50 per doz. Set of 8 varieties for $5.00.

New Hybrid-Rugosa Rose Dr. Eckener

This new Rugosa Hybrid is a welcome addition in this very hardy type of Rose. It will be found particularly valuable to plant in the shrubbery border or as an individual specimen or a clumpin the garden. It is strong, vigorous, and hardy in growth. Has good sized flowers of cupped form and entirely distinct in color, being a silken or luminous buff-pink with golden suffusion. 75c each; $7.50 per doz. -

Rosi Huroals | Trailing Hybrid-Rugosa Rose Max Graf

Makes an excellent pillar or climbing Rose, but will be found Rose Species must valuable as a ground cover for which purpose it is far superior

Rosa Hugonis. A splendid Rose for the shrubbery border with | to any of the Wichuraiana varieties. The foliage resembles Rosa delicate yellow single flowers produced on long arching sprays Rugosa and is retained very late in the season. It is practically early in May; after it has finished flowering it remains an attrac- | !™mune to insects and CSS2Sss Dae is absolutely hardy. The tive decorative bush for the balance of the season; perfectly hardy. single, bright pink flowers are large and have prettily crimped

75c each; $7.50 per doz. petals. For planting on a steep bank or for trailing over a stone Rosa Moyesi. A beautiful species, similar in habit of growth to | Wall, it has no equal. 75¢ cs $7.50 per doz, Rosa Hugonis but growing from 6 to 10 feet high with attractive, Wi,

brilliant, single, deep blood-red flowers, in June. $1.00 each.

Rosa Xanthina. Double bright yellow flowers about two inches across, really a double flowering Hugonis with better foliage and lasts in flower for a much longer period. $1.00 each.

Hybrid Sweet Brier Roses

Anne of Geierstein. Dark crimson; of graceful habit.

Bradwardine. Clear pink flowers of fine form.

Lady Penzance. Beautiful soft tint of copper with metallic lustre. The base of each petal is yellow.

Lord Penzance. Soft shade of fawn or ecru, passing to a lovely lemon-yellow in the center, sometimes toned delicate pink. Any of the above: $1.00 each. One each of the 4 varieties, $3.50.

Austrian Brier Roses Austrian Copper. Bright coppery red; reverse golden yellow. Harison’s Yellow. Fine double golden yellow flowers. Persian Yellow. Medium sized, deep yellow, double flowers. Any of the three: 75c each. Set of 3 varieties for $2.00.

Moss Roses Blanche Moreau. Large pure white. Crested Moss. Rose color, beautifully crested. Henry Martin. Fine crimson, very vigorous. Salet. Large full double, light rose. Any of the four: 75c each. One each of the 4 varieties, $2.75.

Hybrid-Musk Roses

Perpetuai flowering Roses of shrub-like habit, valuable for plant- ing in the shrubbery, being particularly attractive in the fall. Cornelia. Always in bloom, with fragrant rosette shaped three-

inch flowers borne in clusters. Color strawberry, flushed yellow. Penelope. Semi-double shell pink flowers shaded saffron; borne

in branched clusters. Growth vigorous, nearly always in bloom. Either variety: 75c each; $7.50 per doz. an "Trailing Rose, Max Graf

100 Roses, priced 75c each, for $60.00; priced $1.00 each, for $80.00



This is closely related to the Gloxinia and it will grow best under similar cultivation. See cultural notes on Gloxinia in our book ‘“‘Dreer’s Hints on the Growing of Bulbs”’ which will be sent free if requested on your order for bulbs. For best effect the small rhizomes should be planted 3 or more to a pot. weeks.

Dainty Queen. Large, pure white flowers with pink eye. Galatea. Lovely large blooms of a rich deep lavender. Magnifica. The flowers are a charming violet blue. Purity. This white flowered variety has many friends. Purple King. A good rich shade of purple.

Supreme. Lavender, somewhat lighter in the center.

Any of the above: 25c each.



Dreer’s Giant American Hybrids Mixed. No other window garden plant is so easily handled and gives so much enjoyment as the giant-flowered Amaryllis. Our strain is the finest grown. We supply strong bulbs which will throw vigorous stems which produce 4 to 6 perfectly formed, giant blooms. These bulbs are offered in mixture only and we cannot supply separate colors. The flowers range in color from almost pure white to the deepest maroon-red, with a preponderance of the rich scarlets, reds, crimsons, bright red, cherry red in solid colors as well as with varied markings of rose, red, and crimson. In filling an order we cannot select bulbs of a specific color as they are handled in mixture only. 60c. each; $6.00 per doz.; $45.00 per 100.

Amorphophallus—Devil’s Tongue

Rivieri. Curious and interesting when planted as an isolated specimen in the mixed border in a warm sunny position in rich soil. The flower resembles a gigantic black Calla and appears before the leaves on stems rising from 2 to 3 feet high. The flower is soon followed by interesting, massive, tropical-looking foliage which is supported on thick prettily-marbled stems. Not hardy. Strong bulbs, $1.00 each.

Blooms in 10 |


Frilled Tuberous-Rooted Begonia

Dreer’s Superb Tuberous-Rooted Begonias

This charming class of Begonias is perhaps the most handsome of all the summer-flowering tuberous-rooted plants and deserves even greater popularity than it has received during recent years. The improvements made within the last decade in size, texture, and coloring are phenomenal. It is not unusual for the flowers to measure 4 to 6 inches across. They are principally useful for planting in semi-shaded porch or window boxes. Also fine in outdoor beds located in a partially shaded place where they will bloom continuously.

Frilled Tuberous-Rooted Begonias A wonderfully improved strain with flowers of immense size all being beautifully frilled and fringed not unlike giant ruffled Petunias. They will give an interesting and showy display. Orange, Pink, Salmon, Scarlet, White, and Yellow. Any color: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Frilled Mixed. 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Single Tuberous-Rooted Begonias Lovely, large blooms with broadly expanded petals. A very large-flowered strain represented by many tine clean colors. Crimson, Scarlet, Salmon, Pink, and White. Any color: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Single Mixed. 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Double Tuberous-Rooted Begonias These double blooms are particularly attractive. The plants bloom as freely as either the single-flowered or the frilled varieties. Crimson, Scarlet, Salmon, Pink, White, and Yellow. Any color: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Double Mixed. 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Crested Tuberous-Rooted Begonias A distinct, novel, and most interesting’ type with large, sub- stantial flowers. Each petal carries a cockscomb-like crest which extends from the base of the petals to the edge. Crested Mixed Colors. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

Trailing Tuberous-Rooted Begonias Splendid for growing in hanging baskets or as individual speci- mens in pots where the branches droop over the edges producing an effective display with their bright colors. Trailing Mixed Colors. 30c each; $3.00 per dozen.

NOTE—If bulbs are wanted by parcel post, please add to the value of the order to cover special packing and postage, in accordance with rates given on page 113

If bulbs are want- ed by parcel post | please add postage and special pack- ing charge as ex- plained page II3.


Hardy Begonia Evansiana

Hardy Tuberous-Rooted Begonia Evansiana

A handsome and distinct species from Java growing from 2 to 23 feet high. Has large, dark green foliage and produces large, showy pink flowers in the greatest profusion during September and October. Very desirable for planting in front of shrubbery borders or in any semi-shaded situation. A few leaves for pro- tection during the winter months are advisable in this section. Strong bulbs, 35c each; $3.50 per doz. 3 inch growing plants, ready May 10th, 25c each; $2.50 per doz.


baselloides Madeira

or Mignonette Vine

An old-fashioned and still very popular vine covering a large space in a short period of time. Produces a great abun dance of fleshy, heart-shaped leaves of a beautiful light green color and has beautiful racemes of feathery white flowers which have a delicious fragrance. Pro- tect in this latitude with a few leaves or litter during the winter

months. Strong tubers 15c

each; $1.50 per doz. Gloriosa

Superba Rothschildiana. Climbing Lily

A splendid tropical climber, easy to grow in a warm con- servatory. Grows 6 to 10 feet high, producing its gorgeous lily-like flowers which open a bright yellow, but change to a deep scarlet. In bloom through the sum- mer and autumn months. Strong tubers, 50c each.

Calla, Golden Yellow

$64 mental appearance.


Caladium esculentum —Elephant’s Ear

Among the most effective plants in cultivation for beds, borders, or for planting out upon the lawn; they are used extensively in many of the public parks where their decorative value is greatly appreciated. To obtain the best results they should be planted where they will obtain plenty of water and an abundance of rich compost. When full size they stand six to ten feet high, and bear immense light green leaves, three to four feet long by two and a half wide.

Each Per doz. Per 100 ATO BULDS seme os ol < eke asin sss $0 30 $3 00 $22 50 Firstisize BuUIDS: . 25.0. ..0 oc14s 20 2 00 15 00 Second Size Bulbs............ 5 eal 1 50 12 00

Fancy-Leaved Caladiums

Fancy-Leaved Caladiums

No other summer foliage plant equals the Fancy Caladiums in rich and gorgeous, yet soft coloring. All of the varieties are of marvelous beauty for the furnishing of the conservatory during the summer months, for window boxes, or even for outdoor bedding in shady or semi-shady positions. Their culture is fully described in our book, ‘‘Dreer’s Hints on the Growing of Bulbs.” Price, 25c per copy, or will be sent free to customers if asked for at time of ordering.

25 Choice Standard Varieties: 25c each; $2.50 per dozen. Full set of 25 varieties, $5.00.

o, 25 Choice Fancy Varieties: = 35c each; $3.50 per dozen. ; Set of these 25 varieties, $7.00.

25 Supreme Rare Varieties: 50c each; $5.00 per dozen. Set of 25 Supreme Rare Varieties, $10.00.


Golden Yellow (Richardia Elliottiana). This is the best of the yellow Callas. Has rich lustrous golden yellow flowers of velvety texture and dark green foliage with trans- lucent creamy white spots. Strong bulbs, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Spotted Leaf (Richardia alba maculata). Deep green leaves with numerous white spots which give the plant a very orna-

Flowers are white and

have a black center. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

For a complete alphabetical index of both botanical and popular names see pages 214 and 215

at Dreer’s Select Dahlias

One of Our Leading Specialties

All the Dahlias offered in this catalogue will be supplied in dormant field-grown roots or in strong divisions of such roots of proper planting size, excepting the Novelties on this and at the top of the following page.

The novelties can be supplied only in specially pre- pared, strong, vigorous growing, green plants, which will be ready for delivery after May 15th.

Ask for our free leaflet on growing Dahlias.

Paul Pfitzer



Three Exhibition Novelties

These three sensational novelties combine the two outstanding qualities most desired by the Dahlia enthusiast —abundance of bloom to glorify the garden and flowers of such perfect symmetry of form and size as to make them just ideal for exhibition work and blue ribbon winners at the Garden Club's Show.

Paul Pfitzer

Giant-Flowered Cactus Dahlia of Exceptional Beauty

The wonderful giant flowers are freely produced on vigorous | plants and supported by graceful wiry stems. The dainty, grace- | ful petalage lends unusual charm to the plant. Add to this grace | the tender rose color, faintly suffused with lilac, and we find a

Marathon— Giant Hybrid Cactus Dahlia

An outstanding giant yellow, producing on long wiry stems deep, well-formed flowers about ten inches in diameter. Color a clear lively sulphur yellow. A fine vigorous grower and free bloomer.

Plants $2.00 each; $20.00 per doz.

Excelsior—Giant Hybrid Cactus Dahlia

This novelty from Europe will arouse a great deal of attention. The large, substantial, well-formed flowers attain a diameter of 10 to 12 inches. The color is golden orange overlaid with terra- cotta. The bases and the reverse of the broad petals are coppery red, harmonizing pleasingly with the general autumn tone of the whole.

most unusual appeal. The bases of the petals are yellow contrast- img nicely with the coppery red color of the tips of the undeveloped pefals in the center of the flower. All flowers unfold to perfection. This is in our opinion one of the most outstanding introductions

of recent years. Plants $2.50 each; $25.00 per doz.

Plants $2.00 each; $20.00 per doz. One each of these three Exhibition Novelties for $6.00

Three European Novelties

Three beautiful German varieties which are every whit as lovely and bear the same super-abundance of bloom in our American gardens as in their native Fatherland.

Friedensengel (Cacius)

Distinct and novel in color. The flowers which are of absolutely perfect shape are composed of long, creamy- white petals suffused with soft magenta on the reverse and tipped with yellow.

Plants, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Jugendpracht (Cacus)

Originated as a sport of the variety Goldene Sonne and identical in size and formation with that charming variety except in color, which is a soft golden- yellow with a delicate pink suffusion.

Plants, 50c each; $5.00 per doz,

Schwerin’s Wahl ( Shapely blooms of medium size carried on fine long stems. The flower petals are golden yellow at the base shading to salmon on the tips. The reverse is heavily tinted with salmon. Plants, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Of the above novelties we offer vigorous, strong growing, green plants only which will be ready for delivery after May 15

A Dainty Novelty

Nesthaekchen (Nestling)

A New Miniature Hybrid Cactus Dahlia

A genuine novelty certain to meet with quick and universal These are of dainty size and of extremely graceful form. The color is

popularity, even if only for its lavish display of flowers.

creamy chamois, shaded a lovely rosy amethyst.

For table centers and blending with other floral decorations, it will be found invaluable. We look for this little Cactus Dahlia to attain high favor in the eyes of the most critical Dahlia


Plants ready May 15: 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Dreer’s Twelve Giant-Flowering

Exhibition and Garden Dahlias

The 12 varieties offered below have been singled out from the Decorative and Cactus types not only as a selected list of varieties prominent at nearly every Dahlia show of note, but also as among the most desirable for garden decoration or for house decoration. The All varieties not

All of them are strong, vigorous, and very free flowering. blooms are carried on good strong stiff stems. noted as Cactus belong to the Decorative type.

Avalon. Pure clear yellow. The large flowers are very distinct and pleasing, always with a full center. One of the best of its color and a free bloomer. 50c each.

Befreiung (Cactus). A large bold flower on strong stem, very free and differing from all others. The color is a distinct shade of reddish-bronze. 50c each.

Edna Ferber (Semi-Cactus). account of its extreme size and beauty. blooms shading to old gold at base of the petals. curled and twisted, forming an extremely full flower which is held erect on fine stems. A very brilliant variety. 50c each.

Galli-Curci. A strong semi-dwarf grower. Large, unusually deep blooms carried on long, sturdy stems. Petals long, pointed, and wavy. Color brilliant salmon-orange with gold suffusion and an unusual amount of gold sheen or lustre throughout the whole flower. 50c each.

Always attracts attention on

Glory of Monmouth. A new color combination in Dahlias, eosine pink shading to strawberry pink at center of petals, the base of these being a light orange. The flowers are from 6 to 8 inches in diameter and 4 inches deep. 50c each.

Jersey’s Ideal. A deep amaranth pink, very distinct, with the flowers borne face up on the top of stiff stems. 50c each.

Jersey’s Radiant. Very large flower of bittersweet orange color, one of the best exhibition varieties and fine for cutting. A good strong grower. 50c each.

Margaret Woodrow Wilson. An exhibition variety of im- mense size and wondrous beauty. Color an opalescent pink, face of petals creamy-white with a phlox pink reverse. The plants grow about 4% ft. high and carry a large quantity of immense blooms. 50c each.

Marmion. Of such enormous size and depth that it immediately attracts attention. Color a pure golden yellow with bronze suffusion on reverse of petals and a deeper bronzy tone on the high full center with an outline of the same color around each petal. It is a vigorous grower, 6 feet high, holding its huge blooms well above the foliage. 50c each.

Glistening coral | These are

Mrs. Ethel F. T. Smith (Cactus). Creamy white shading to lemon at the center. This is a close counterpart except in color of Gladys Sherwood. The flowers are of the same formation but still larger and not quite so deep in the center. A remarkable Dahlia. 50c each.

Roman Eagle

Roman Eagle. A typical autumn shade, a brilliant, flaming, burnished-copper color. Flowers large, held well above the foliage; a very profuse bloomer. 50c each.

Sagamore. Light saffron-yellow with glowing red-tinted golden suffusion. A good free bloomer with medium sized flowers which are particularly prized for cutting. 50c each.

The set of these 12 for $4.50

We supply planting-size field-grown roots of the Giant Flowering Exhibition and Garden Dahlias 177



Dreer’s Collection of Decorative Dahlias

This has for years been one of the most popular of all types of Dahlias. Its many wonderful varieties have achieved world renown for coloring, size, perfect form, and freedom of flower-


It is in this class that we find such universal favorites as Jane Cowl, Jersey's Beauty,

Kathleen Norris, etc. Their unusual decorative value has made them extreme favorites, not only for exhibition purposes but also for home decoration. As with all Dahlias, these should be grown in a well prepared soil which has been enriched with a complete plant food unless

ample fertility is already abundant in the soil. allow free air circulation between them is important to success.

Proper spacing of the plants which will No matter what your

personal color likings are, you are bound to find your favorites in this list.

Amun Ra or The Sun God. Wonderfully distinct in color and formation. The outer petals of the mammoth flowers are of gorgeous copper and orange tones, shading to gold and amber, deepening in the center toa dark reddish brown, the effect being that of a gorgeous sunset. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Camden Courier. A very large flower of great depth and per- fect form; in color a light cadmium yellow overlaid grenadine red. The blending of these two colors produces a rich bronze effect. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Champagne. Aside from being one of the largest Dahlias this wonderful variety is a model for shape, habit of growth and, above all, its remarkable and distinct color; aptly described by its introducer as ‘“‘golden champagne’’ with chamois shadings. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Couronne d’Or

Couronne d’Or. A French variety which we feel justified in placing in the same class with that most popular of all Decora- tive Dahlias, Jersey’s Beauty, but differs in color; a rich golden apricot with the reverse of golden carmine, reflecting in a lumi- nous manner on the face of the flower. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Elite Glory. A sensational, massive, rich red exhibition variety with heavy, stout stems of sturdy vigorous habit. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Ellinor Vanderveer. An incomparable Dahlia of exquisite beauty and of great size and depth having every desirable quality. Color a rich glowing satiny pink. One of the earliest to come into flower. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.


Fort Washington. A dark mahogany-red that does not fades the best and largest dark red exhibition Decorative. The plants as well as the flowers are giants with long strong stems. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Grace Ricords. Flowers medium to large with many petals well placed giving them unusual depth. Color, white with lavender blush at tips. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Harry Mayer. A most satisfactory and attractive Dahlia. It has size, depth, splendid stem, holds an even full center. A sturdy, healthy grower; of a beautiful silvery pink with rose reverse. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

| Jane Cowl. Deep massive blooms of bronzy buff and old gold blending darker toward the perfect center. The petals are broad with just enough twist to add the refinement often lacking in large Dahlias. A wonderful exhibition flower. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Jersey’s Beauty

Jersey’s Beauty. We have placed particular emphasis upon this variety not only to bring it to your attention as the finest true pink Dahlia in existence but also because our large stock enables us to offer it to you at a special price. It is without question the best all- around Dahlia for all purposes be it for garden display, for cutting, or for exhibition work. The strong, stately plants produce an abundance of mammoth blooms. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Jersey’ s Rose. A splendid companion to the famous Jer- sey’s Beauty, of a luminous Tyrian rose with red suffusion. rates vigorously and blooms freely. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Jersey’s Sweetheart. A dainty attractive pink, shading to white in center. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Judge Marean. A combination of glowing salmon-pink, red, iridescent orange, yellow, and gold, all blending most harmoniously. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Kathleen Norris. A magnificent bright pink. Color a true rose- pink, later deepening to mallow pink, but paler in the young central petals. A bloom of gigantic proportions. Petals broad and overlapping with twisted ends; full, tight center; long, stiff, clean stem. A great bloomer and an excellent keeper. $2.00 each; $20.00 per doz.

Lemonade. A splendidly formed, deep flower of very large size holding its good shape to the end of the season. The color is a clean shade of pale lemon. The flowers are supported on good stems and are produced very freely. Good for all purposes. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Margaret Masson. One of the finest exhibition varieties with very large, full flowers of splendid form. A most pleasing shade of silvery lavender-pink. Has been awarded many prizes and attracted much attention at the shows. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Miss California. A very large, splendidly formed flower carried on long stiff stem; of a striking luminous Tyrian rose— an unusual color in Dahlias. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

The Dahlias offered on this page will be supplied in dormant field-grown roots of proper planting size

Penn Charter. A very attractive, well-formed, deep, massive flower of large size; in color a clear golden yellow, tinted apricot. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Picture. A delicately colored variety that always pleases. The good size flowers are of perfect Decorative form. Color a delicate lemon yellow with a distinct but soft suffusion of capu- cine-buff. A fine cut flower. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Pink Imperial. A very beautiful, large, deep flower, the high center being well finished and carried on unusually strong stem. Petals long and wavy, color bright rose-pink with a small amount of gold at base of petals. Plant tall and vigorous. $1.50 each; $15.00 per doz.

San Francisco

Pride of San Francisco. Of strong, vigorous, but compact habit of growth. Flowers of good size and of most perfect form borne on stiff stems of sufficient length to make them as valuabie for cut flowers as for garden decoration. Its color is difficult to convey. The petals are of a most pleasing shade of salmon- pink, with soft rose suffusion towards the tips of the oater petals, and with golden base; the color effect as a whole being a pleasing brilliant golden salmon-pink. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Pride of Wayne. A large flower of good depth and absolutely perfect form on splendid stems; color rich brilliant French- purple; a fine exhibition variety. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Riverton Giant. One of our own introductions, a good exhibi- tion flower. Deep currant red overlying a carmine base. A perfect flower on stiff wiry stems. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Riverton Snow. For an all around white for the garden or for cutting nothing can be found to surpass this perfectly formed, free flowering white. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Seal’s Californian. A beautiful and large bright golden yellow at the center with a suffusion of red-amber on the reverse and through the outer petals, the yellow being rich and glowing. Shows its color well under artificial light. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Snowdrift. For garden decoration nothing compares with this splendid giant variety with its broad, waxy white petals which form a most perfectly shaped flower. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Special Offer.




Rayonanthe. A pretty, loosely arranged, large flower that al- ways has a good center to the end of the season. Of a good sulphur yellow; a desirable, distinct variety. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

The World. Blooms large, well-formed, and long keeping. Color rich deep rosy magenta with silver shadings. Growth and stem ideal. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Trentonian. A giant Decorative of outstanding merit of a distinct and appealing color, a wonderful shading of old gold, amber, and coppery bronze, with a center of reddish bronze, forming a flower of marvelous brilliance. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

U.S. A. Entirely distinct in color from all others, a pure deep orange, sparkling and glistening. An unusual color in Dahlias, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Valentino. One of the most beautiful of the Bessie Boston Dahlias, a true salmon-pink shading to cream at the center. The flower has enormous size and attractive form. Stem long and upright on bushes of medium height and very free. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Waldheim Sunshine. A favorite of giant size, 10 inches in diameter, over 4 inches deep, but graceful in spite of its size. Color a true deep yellow that will show yellow even in artificial light. The reflexis darker with a rich golden suffusion around the full high center. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

W. OD. Cartwright. A large, perfectly built, substantial flower of a deep orange at center with yellow shadings toward the edges; very free flowering. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

White King. Splendidly formed, pure white with just a tint of cream at center when first opening; very free. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

We will supply one root each of the 35 Decorative Dahlias

offered on these two pages, amounting at single rates to $25.25 for....... $20. 00

Modern Dahlia Culture (W. H. Waite).

Complete cultural instructions

from a practical experienced grower of Dahblias. $1.50 per copy postpaid



Peerless Collection of Cactus Dahlias

vw F | Cactus Dahlia, } Goldene Sonne y v Ambassador. Soft yellow center shading into salmon, amber,

and pink towards the tips which are most colorful. The blend- ing of these colors captivates all. The flowers are of largest size and set just right on perfect stems. 75c each; $7.50 per doz. Andreas Hofer. A lovely, narrow petaled Cactus of ideal form and soft tender coloring. A most delicate shade of pink with salmon suffusion passing to a creamy white center. Its stiff, wiry, long stems and free habit of bloom make it invaluable for cut flowers as well as for garden decoration. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

California Beauty. Probably the nearest approach to a pure copper, a flower of excellent form and dainty appearance, pro- duced most prolifically on long, stiff, wiry stems. A gem in the garden and a splendid cut lower. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Cigarette. Creamy white, heavily edged with pomegranate red, but it varies greatly, no two flowers being exactly alike. The petals are long and inclined to roll, forming a large, deep, well-shaped flower of great substance on a very long stem of best quality. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Elsie Daniels. Very soft lavender-pink shading to pearly white at center. Long, more or less wavy petals forming a most perfect-shaped, large flower on excellent stem. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

¥. W. Fellows. One of the very best Cactus varieties ever raised, with flowers of unusual size for the long narrow petaled type of which this-is one of the finest representatives. In color it is an intense coral-red with deeper suffusion at the center. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Special Offer. We will supply one root each of the above Peerless Collec- tion of Cactus Dahlias, 22 varieties amounting at single rates to $13.50 for

Gladys Bates. Very large perfect flowers with incurved petals of a golden salmon, the reverse of the petals being rose, the two colors giving the effect of a golden old-rose. Itis an early, free, and continuous bloomer. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Gladys Sherwood. A wonderful white. We have seen flowers over 10 inches in diameter composed of long curling petals of glistening white. Of unusual depth. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Goldene Sonne. Andreas Hofer described in first column, is one of the finest and most graceful delicate pink Cactus varieties we know. In Goldene Sonne we have its counterpart with a larger flower and of a rich golden yellow with soft rose suffusion. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Jean Chazot or Gay Paree. This is one of the very best all- around varieties yet produced. A beautiful golden bronze with a faint touch of Nasturtium red and unsurpassed by any of the autumn tints as a cut flower. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

- Lolita Velasco. There are many good white Cactus Dahlias and all of them have some distinctive merit of their own. We should hesitate to designate any one of them as the best white on all points, but if we had to select one individual sort, we would take this splendid variety. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

2 Mariposa. A perfectly formed Hybrid Cactus composed of long, narrow, incurved petals which curl and twist so as to baffle an artist. A delightful shade of true pink which is intensified by a deeper center. A faint violet suffusion adds to the effect. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Mercedes. A gay and entrancing flower of large size, of a creamy yellow suffused with sunset pink. The reverse of the petals is a deeper shade of pink. One of the earliest and freest bloomers. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Mrs. Edna Spencer. One of the best of the narrow petaled Cactus varieties. The large flowers are produced on strong stems and are of a most delicate lavender-pink color with white suf- fusion. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Papillon. One of the largest of this type, a greatly improved Geo. Walters. It is a beautiful blending of old rose with golden lights. A fine exhibition variety. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Pierrot. A unique and striking color, and of unusual grace, being composed of very long, narrow, tubular petals which are of a deep amber color, usually showing white tips. But even when it comes a self color without these tips it possesses an individual refinement. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Siskiyou. A truly sensational Dahlia that grows to immense size. An attractive pink with just a suggestion of mauve in the shadows. $1.00 each; $10.00 per doz.

Springfield. An improvement over the variety Countess of Lonsdale, which for many years was considered one of the very best Cactus varieties for general cultivation. In Springfield we have the same beautiful blending of salmon-pink and amber, possibly more intensified. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Sulphur Queen. A splendid large flower of true Cactus form of a clean sulphur-yellow; early and free. The best of this color yet introduced. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Sunnyside. A rich shade of grenadine-red which is intensified with metallic shadings. Different from all other varieties. A strong, vigorous grower, very free and early. Makes a bright vivid spot in the garden. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Verheissung. A splendid orange-scarlet with golden yellow suffusion at base. The long narrow petals are quilled towards the tips, forming a graceful bloom. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

Wizard of Oz. A great Dahlia from all points of view, size, for- mation, color, habit of growth, and freedom of bloom. Really a wonderful all-around Dahlia, be it for the garden, exhibition, or for cutting. In color it is a rare shade of amber-pink with soft salmon shading or suffusion. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.


The Dahlias offered on this page will be supplied in dormant field-grown roots of proper planting size


Double Show Dahlias

This is the old-fashioned, densely double type that will always have many admirers. They are very free, early, and continuous bloomers.

A. D. Livoni. A splendid clear pink, beautifully quilled, of

perfect form; very free flowering. Maud Adams. White with delicate lavender suffusion. Stradella. Beautiful deep purple-crimson. flowering on good long stems.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Exceptionally free

Pompon Dahlias

Dreer’s Dainty Double

Pompon Dahlias

These dainty little gems are admired by everybody and are de- servedly growing in popular favor. They bloom most profusely from early in the season until frost, furnishing at all times an abundance of perfect flowers on good stems suitable for cutting, for which purpose they are exceptionally well adapted, lending them- selves admirably to house and particularly to table decoration, where larger Dahlias would be out of place. Furthermore, the last- ing qualities of the cut blooms are from two to three times that of the larger flowered types. They do best in soils not too rich. Anna von Schwerin. Delicate light rose. Arthur. A splendid bright red. Daisy. Early, free flowering salmon-rose. Gretchen Heine. A rose-tinted white, tipped carmine. Ideal. A splendid little pure yellow. Joe Fette. A beautiful pure white. Jonkheer von Citters. Yellow, tipped orange. Little Beeswing. Red shading to yellow at tips. Neatness. Creamy yellow with just a dash of blush pink. Nellie Frazer. A beautiful pink. Nerissa. A much admired soft mauve-pink. Sunbeam. Brilliant crimson-scarlet. Tom Thumb. Garnet, a dainty button. Yellow Gem. Very perfect yellow.

Any of the above: 20c each; $2.00 per doz. One each of the 14 Dainty Pompon Dahlias for $2.25.

Miniature Decorative Dahlia

Miniature Decorative Dahlias

Like the Pompon Dahlias these Miniature Decorative varieties of various forms and types are growing in popularity as cut- flowers for decorative purposes.

Bordeau. Deep claret red.

Cupida. Carmine-pink shading to lighter center.

Donau. Soft rose with silvery white shadings.

Goldina. Of water-lily form. Delicate apple-blossom pink. Herbstzeitlose. White with faint lavender-pink at tips. Little Jewel. A dainty peach-blossom pink.

Roeschen. Light rose with silvery suffusion.

Any of the above: 50c each. The set of 7 varieties for $3.00.

Peony-Flowered or Art Dahlias

The artistic flowers are best compared to the semi-double Peonies in general form. They all flower very freely and are borne on long, strong stems, making excellent material for cutting as well as for garden decoration.

Mme. Coissard. The most artistic and most graceful Dahlia of this type. Has large flowers composed of incurving, shell-like, brilliant French purple petals suffused white.

Mme. Paul Aubrey. Beautiful rich deep mauve-pink flowers. The outer petals are flat, the center ones quilled.

Mondscheibe. A very free-flowering Dahlia of most attractive appearance. The large well-shaped blooms are canary yellow.

The Oriole. A very striking combination of burnt orange and yellow. Elegant large flowers on fine long stems.

Vivandiere. Lively cherry-carmine shading lighter toward the tips. Of good size and depth.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

New Century Single Dahlias

Jack. Brilliant fiery scarlet, the base of the petals overlaid with golden-yellow; the freest flowering Dahlia grown.

Rose-Pink Century. A clear rose-pinkf color; a strong grower, with long, stiff stems; fine for cutting.

Snowflake. Very free-flowering; pure white.

Tango Century. Cadmium-yellow shaded orange-scarlet; distinct and novel.

Twentieth Century. Intense rosy crimson, shading gradually to almost white on the edges with a light halo around the disc.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

The Dahlias offered on this page will be supplied in dormant field-grown roots of proper planting size.

iz Dreer’s Select Gladioli

Gladioli hold an ever increasing interest not alone for their rainbow splendor in border

and garden but even more for their value as satisfactory long-lasting cut flowers.

Nor is

the cost at which all this beauty is to be had great in either time or money. Their cultural requirements are exceedingly simple and with little care the number of bulbs may be increased

vastly from season to season.

If Gladioli are want- ed shipped by parcel post, add postage as explained on page 113.

Betty Nuthall

Collections of the Ten Glorious Sorts

1 each of the 10 Gloridus Sorts, 10 bulbs....... $1 25 3 each of the 10 Glorious Sorts, 30 bulbs....... 3 25 6 each of the 10 Glorious Sorts, 60 bulbs....... 6 25 12 each of the 10 Glorious Sorts, 120 bulbs....... 12 00 25 each of the 10 Glorious Sorts, 250 bulbs....... 22 00

No other garden flower gives so much and costs so little.

Three Superb Novelties

Coronado. This sensationally beautiful new white and purple Gladiolus will appeal to all who like the unusual kinds. Even in form the flowers are distinctive, exceedingly wide and delightfully ruffled. The petals are glossy enamel white, with a large feather marking, almost a throat blotch, of purest royal purple. 25c each; $2.00 per doz.; $14.00 per 100.

Picardy. Clear flesh-pink, quite unmarked, shading to soft shrimp pink at the petal edges, the most exquisite shade imaginable. The flowers are unusually wide and well-opened, often six inches or more across, and as many as ten of themin full glory at one time on the tall straight spikes. It cuts well, keeps well, and increases rapidly. No other pink Gladiolus is more charming in color, or more satisfactory in habit. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.; $27.00 per 100.

Tobersun. A new yellow Gladiolus of the highest merit —large flowers, fine placement, heavy substance, and pure deep coloring. The spikes are exceptionally tall and graceful, with so many blooms open at once that they look like golden swords. The name ‘‘Tobersun”’, a contraction of “October Sun”, refers to the fact that beautiful spikes often show well into October. 20c each; $1.75 per doz.; $12.00 per 100.

Collections of the Three Superb Novelties

3 each of the above 3 sorts, 9 bulbs.......... $1 65 6 each of the above 3 sorts, 18 bulbs.......... SP AS 12 each of the above 3 sorts, 36 bulbs.......... 6 25

Ten Glorious Sorts

We have chosen from the recent introductions of American and Euro- pean growers ten sorts of really outstanding quality; kinds that will please and surprise all who appreciate the choice beauty of the newer sorts.

Albatros. A new giant-flowered Gladiolus of purest glistening white without the faintest trace of pink or ivory, not even a shadowed line in the throat. 20c each; $1.75 per dozen; $12.00 per 100.

Betty Nuthall. A sparkling, iridescent orange-pink deepening to coral on the petal reverse. Golden orange, throat lined carmine-rose. Enormous flowers often 6 inches across. 12c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 per 100.

Charlemagne. Very large open flowers on massive spikes. Sunrise red, flaked darker, marked with creamy white blotches, and densely dotted purple-carmine. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100.

Coryphee. The clearest pure pink imaginable. The partly opened blooms are like wax-petalled rose buds. Beautiful large round flowers on graceful tall spikes. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100.

Joerg’s White. Truly a giant in every way. Great creamy white flowers deepening to ivory in the throat. A rugged sort sure to bloom freely. 12c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 per 100.

Kirchhoff’s Violet. Deep rich velvety blue. An exceptionally strong grower of large size with a beautiful solid spike and magnificent large flowers. 10c each; 80c per doz.; $5.25 per 100.

Marmora. A most charming lavender-gray patched with glowing Petunia-purple in the throat. It is an Australian variety with lovely tall and massive spikes. 12c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 per 100.

Mme. Mounet-Sully. A truly graceful variety with splendid large flowers of a milky white color, vividly marked on lower petals with bright red-orange. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100.

Pfitzer’s Triumph. A gorgeous Amaryllis-like flower of brilliant scarlet with salmon shadings. Deepens to cherry velvet in the throat. Of truly sensational size. 12c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 per 100.

Primrose Princess. The lower petals are rich amber, the upper ones lightening to a clear delicate primrose. Stately, strong spikes with immense flaring blooms. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100.

The Gladiolus (A. C. Beal). A splendid book on their successful culture in the home and under glass. $1.25 per copy, postpaid.



Dreer’s Superb Standard Gladioli

Alice Tiplady. A sturdy, upright growing variety with glowing orange- saffron blooms which give a magnificent effect in the garden and are equally fine as cut flowers. 3 for 20c; 60c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

America. This fine old sort is as popular today as it was many years ago. Pro- duces heavy, strong spikes closely set with lovely large lavender-pink blooms. 3 for 20c; 60c. per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

Crimson Glow. Those who admire the richer colors will choose Crimson Glow for the warm glowing effect of its crim- son-scarlet blooms. 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Emile Aubrun. Splendid, heavy, wide open flowers. A combination of rose over a bronzy background showing a bright cherry-red blotch in the throat. 8 to 12 blooms open at one time. 12c each; $1.00 per doz.; $6.50 per 100.

Etendard. Immense orchid-like flowers with the upper petals rich cream, tinted rose, and the lower ones marked with fiery red, margined yellow. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100.

Eugene Lefebvre. A giant Gladiolus with gracefully formed flowers of brightest rose. Marked and spotted in the throat with vivid amaranth-red on cream. A spectacular beauty. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100.

Fay Lamphier. Soft rose-pink with an incomparable coral lustre, a distinctive and attractive coloring found in no other Gladiolus. 12c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 per 100.

Gloriana. Golden salmon, as rich and clear as can be imagined, melting into a rich cream tint in the throat. This combination is exceedingly beautiful. Long, tall, many flowered spikes. 3 for 25c; 75c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Golden Dream. Clear bright golden yellow just a shade deeper than Golden Measure. The stems are slender, tall, and spire-like with many flowers open atonetime. Always robust and healthy. A splendid variety. 3 for 25c; 75c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Halley. Large salmon-pink flowers with cream throat. A very early and entirely dependable variety. 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Jean de Taillis. A lovely bright salmon with large rich maroon blotches. The flowers are of enormous size arranged on handsome spikes. 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100.

Le Marechal Foch. The delightful clear pink color of a newly blown wild rose, without markings of any kind. Well placed on the spikes and of really giant size. One of the finest early sorts. 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Naphthalene Flakes, a storage insecticide.

and |

The varieties listed on this page have been chosen with extra care from among the thousands of varieties that are available to the home gardener and commercial grower. Naturally only the very finest were selected and we priced them so that all gardeners could plant them liberally this year. All the varieties in this list have been thoroughly tested and found perfectly reliable under the most varied conditions of soil and climate. All are

large flowering, sturdy, and vigorous.





Mrs. van Konynenburg


Collections of Dreer’s Super Standard Gladioli 3 each of these 23 sorts, 69 bulbs...$ 4.75

6 each of these 23 sorts, 138 bulbs... 9.00 12 each of these 23 sorts, 276 bulbs... 17.50 25 each of these 23 sorts, 575 bulbs... 29.00

Marnia. A rich radiant orange with just the slightest glow of pink showing through. Considered the best large- flowered orange. 3 for 25c; 75c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Mrs. F. C. Peters. Beautiful orchid- lavender with the throat stained deeply with wine purple. Many flowers open at one time on tall spikes. 3 for 25c; 75c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Mrs. Francis King. Flame scarlet with salmon shadings—a coloring very effective under artificial light. One of the finest for cutting. Is tall and strong. 3 for 20c; 60c per doz.; $3.00 per 100.

Mrs. H. E. Bothin. Lovely ruffled flowers of satiny salmon-pink. Has been referred to as the most beautiful of all Gladioli and it surely ranks as one of the very finest. 3 for 25c; 75c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Mrs. van Konynenburg. A splendid shade of blue ranking as one of the finest in this unusual color. The flowers are of largest size and they are well placed on the tall strong stems. 10c. each; 80c per doz.; $5.25 per 100.

Orange Queen. Pure apricot, shading to a brilliant gleaming orange. Elegant, well opened flowers arranged artistically on along strong spike. 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Paul Pfitzer. Odd rich amaranth-red with a striking velvety sheen. Much more attractive than Anna Eberius, having larger flowers, and the blooms being arranged more artistically on a longer and better spike. 12c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 per 100.

Pink Wonder. A real wonder with im- mense flowers of splendid texture and artistic placement. The color is a lovely La France pink, pale in the throat but increasing in intensity toward the edges of the petals. Gives a wonderful effect. 3 for 20c; 70c per doz.; $3.75 per 100.

Purple Glory. Deepest rich velvety maroon being almost black under certain conditions of soil. Has a rich crimson sheen. Sturdy and large spiked with beautifully ruffled flowers. 3 for 20c; 70c per doz.; $3.75 per 100.

Schwaben. Large heavy-textured petals of a clear citron yellow with just a tiny mahogany-brown blotch in the deep throat. A sturdy, robust, old time favorite that still is in strong demand. 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

War. Its giant flowers are arranged in massive spikes giving a splendid display in the garden or as cut flowers. The color is an intense rich blood-red with a velvety crimson shading in the throat, 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Lb. 15c; 5 Ibs. 65c; 25 Ibs. $2.75



Ten Peerless Gladioli

Those who are interested in a list of the very best Gladioli will find here 10 varieties each of which is in a class by itself. Carmen Sylva. This occupies a universal place as the best pure white Gladiolus. The flowers are extra large. They are well placed on a tall slender stem. 3 for 25c; 80c per doz.; $4.50 per 100.

Dr. F. E. Bennett. A vivid fiery scarlet so bright that one cannot imagine anything more brilliant. Tall, heavy spikes closely set with large massive blooms. 3 for 20c; 65c. per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Golden Measure. The giant flowers are the pure yellow of refined gold. They are slightly ruffled with a petal texture and substance that holds up well under the hottest sun. Forms splendid free blooming spikes. 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Minuet. Clear light lavender with just a hint of opalescent shading. In our opinion this is still the finest of all lavender varieties. 12c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 per 100.

Mrs. Frank Pendleton. Satiny salmon-pink flowers which flare wide open and show a large blotch of velvety crimson in the throat. The combination is most pleasing and harmonious. A very robust variety. 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Mrs. Leon Douglas. This is really a very lovely variety of exception- ally strong growth. A most pleasing luminous coral rose flaked with ruby red. 3 for 25c; 75c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Panama. A deep rich pink free from any markings. It is a very beautiful shade. 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Scarlet Wonder. Immense flowers of glowing brilliant pure scarlet. When well grown it is hard to believe that any variety can be larger or more vividly striking in either flower or spike. 3 for 20c; 65c per doz.; $3.50 per 100.

Veilchenblau. The most rugged of the blues forming a most sturdy, upright spike well filled with fine large flowers. It is a true mid-blue with just a faint suggestion of Iris coloring. A lovely sort. 12c each; $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 per 100.

W.H. Phipps. A really novel Gladiolus with clear pink blooms over- laid with a warm glow of salmon rose. The lower petals are faintly flecked ruby red. Many gardeners consider this the finest of all Gladioli. 3 for 25c; 75c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Collections of Ten Peerless Gladioli

3 each of the above 10 sorts, 30 bulbs....... $2 00 6 each of the above 10 sorts, 60 bulbs....... 3 75 12 each of the above 10 sorts, 120 bulbs....... 7 00 25 each of the above 10 sorts, 250 bulbs....... 11 00

Dreer’s Gold Medal Blends

Mixtures of Gladioli can never represent what the gardener expects from them unless they have been blended from named varieties that have been grown

separately. Only in this way is the gardener sure to receive a well-balanced color representation combined with the size and strong habit as found only in the better sorts offered separately. These Gold Medal blends are therefore just the thing for the gardener who is through with the ordinary general mixtures.

Gold Medal Section No.1. For this we have chosen from a wide range of varieties the warmer colors such as scarlet, bright red, crimson, garnet, maroon, and amaranth to- gether with certain of the deeper shades of tyrian rose. Only large flowered sorts are represented. 3 for 15c; 55c per doz.; $2.75 per 100; $25.00 per 1000.

Gold Medal Section No. 2. This includes lighter colors such as white, cream, yellow, and the many deli- cate shades of pink and salmon-rose. This section is very valuable for cut- ting. 3 for 15c; 55c per doz.; $2.75 per 100; $25.00 per 1000.

Gold Medal Section No. 3. Com-

prises many fine shades of blue, running from light lilac to velvety purple. There are splendid shades of amethyst and mauve besides velvety purple and heliotrope. It represents a complete range of what may be called pansy colors. 3 for 20c; 70c per doz.; $4.00 per 100; $35.00 per 1000.

Gold Medal Blend. And here we

have a carefully composed blend of all colors represented by a good color balance which gives full con- sideration to the marvelous diversity of tints, shades, and markings. 3 for 15c; 55c per doz.; $2.75 per 100; $25.00 per 1000.

Mrs. Frank Pendleton

Primulinus Hybrid Gladioli

For graceful form and brilliance of colors the Primulinus Hybrid Gladioli are in a class by them- selves. They have proved to do well even during the hot and dry weather. The well-shaped blooms are artistically arranged on long, slender, but strong spikes. It is, however, their range of colors that is valued by most gardeners above all other characteristics. It runs from the palest cream, through primrose and saffron, to deep golden yellow; from salmon and apricot to shades of orange, copper, and bronze; and there are also splendid pinks, scarlets, and crimsons. This is made up from named, large flowered varieties and greatly superior to the general mixtures. 3 for 15c; 50c per doz.; $2.75 per 100; $22.50 per 1000.

The Garden Notebook (Putz).

of drawings.

The complete handbook for the home garden. 217 pages with 52 pages $1.60 per copy postpaid.


Hyacinthus candicans Cape Hyacinth

A strong-growing, summer flowering variety of Hyacinth quite distinct from those which bloom in the spring. Makes a strong stately flowerspike, 3 to 5 feet high, which bears from 20 to 30 pure white, bell- shaped blooms during the summer and early fall. It is hardy around Philadelphia.

Lilium—Summer-Flowering Lilies

All herbaceous borders should have a few Lilies scattered through them. The sorts offered below can be planted with excellent results during the early spring months. It is in the hardy border that Lilies do best, as they get the benefit of the shade of the surrounding plants, which is so necessary for their welfare. The varieties that should be planted in the autumn, are offered in our autumn catalogue.

Auratum (Gold Banded Lily of Japan). | Speciosum magnificum. Magnifi-

15c each; $1.50 per doz.

Ismeneé calathina Peruvian Daffodil

Undoubtedly one of the finest. Its large, graceful, fragrant flowers are delicate ivory white, thickly studded with deep crimson spots, and striped through the center with golden yellow.

cent, large, ivory white flowers suffused with rosy crimson and _ attractively spotted with pink. Blooms in August and September. Makes a fine show. 40c each; $4.00 per doz.; $30.00 per 100.

3 to 5 feet high. Blooming during July and September. Extra large flowering bulbs, 35c each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.

Elegans Mixed. This is the most satisfactory Lily for the garden and indoors bearing during June brilliant cup-shaped flowers in upright umbels on stems 2 feet high. Includes shades of apricot, coral, rose, orange, scarlet, and crimson. Sold in mixture only. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Henryi. This beautiful and rare variety has been called the yellow Speciosum. The flowers are rich apricot yellow with a few brown spots. Blooms in August and September. Grows 3 feet high and is perfectly hardy. Extra large bulbs, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.; $40.00 per 100.

Speciosum album.

A grand summer-flowering bulb with large Amaryllis-like, pure white, fragrant blos- soms. Keep the bulbs in a dry warm place

Speciosum rubrum or roseum. A very popular variety of the Show Lily with rosy white blooms heavily spotted with rich crimson. Blooms in August and September. 40c each; $4.00 per doz.; $30.00 per 100.

and plant out in June. Take up in October, rest a few weeks, and then pot for winter flowering in the house. per doz,

25c each; $2.50

Superbum (Swamp or American Turk’s Cap Lily). A beautiful Lily with bright reddish orange flowers, shaded and spotted purplish brown. Blooms in August. Grows from 3 to 6 feet tall. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Tigrinum splendens (Improved Tiger Lily). The most popular of all Lilies with bright orange-red flowers spotted black. Blooms during the summer and grows 4 to 5 feet high. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

This is the White

Show Lily which blooms in August and flore pleno (Double Tiger Lily). The September. The gracefully formed, only double Lily in cultivation. It is a large blooms are pure white with a very attractive variety with large, greenish band running through the double, orange blooms, attractively

spotted with black. Grows 3 to 4 feet tall. Blooms during August and September. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.;

center of each petal. Grows 3 feet high and is robust, permanent, and easy to grow. 50c each; $5.00 per doz.; $40.00

per 100. $22.50 per 100. Regale (Regal Lily). Few Lilies have ever been received with as much

enthusiasm as this mag- nificent Lily that was dis- covered by the late Dr. Wilson in a valley in Indo- China far away from the byways of the traveler. It is admittedly one of the most beautiful of all garden Lilies yet introduced. Makes a stately growth, 3 to 5 feet high, and blooms out-of-doors in July. It is perfectly hardy and flour- ishes under very varied conditions of soils and cli- mate. The large trumpet- shaped, richly scented flow- ers are produced freely. They are ivory white, shaded pink, and tinged canary yellow at the base of the petals.

Strong flowering bulbs, 35c. each; $3.50 per doz.; $25.00 per 100.

Dreer’s Select Gloxinias

Dreer’s Select Gloxinias

The Gloxinia ought to be one of our common plants because of its great beauty, the profusion of its flowers, and itssummer blooming habit. But it is not common, by any means, and this fact is attributable almost entirely to the impression that prevails to a great extent that it is a very difficult plant to grow. Suchis not the case, however, if one goes at it in the right way.

Full cultural directions are given in our book, “‘Dreer’s Hints on the Growing of Bulbs.”’ Price, 25c, or free if asked for at time of ordering.

Separate Colors: Blue, Red, White, and Tigered or Spotted.

Any of these colors: 35c each; $3.50 per doz.

Choicest Mixed Colors. A splendid mixture of many colors. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

Lilium regale

Garden Lilies (I. Preston). Gives full information on the successful growing of all kinds of Lilies. $1.25 per copy, postpaid.


Giant Montbretias

New Giant Montbretias

These magnificent new Hybrid Montbretias are remarkable for their giant size and beautiful rich colors. The flowers are nearly three inches in diameter and are borne on slender branching stems frequently over three feet high. They are gay and attrac- tive n the garden in late summer and fall, and invaluable for cutting. The bulbs or started plants should be set out during April or May and may be wintered out of doors with careful protection, but it is better to lift the bulbs in the fall, pack them away in dry sand, and store in a low temperature just above freezing.

Apricot Queen. A very early-blooming and free-flowering variety with medium-sized flowers of a rich golden apricot color—a shade always very much admired.

Fiery Cross. Large open flowers of good substance with broad petals. Intense glowing fiery orange with large primrose center and small crimson blotch surrounding the eye.

Indian Chief. Fine broad-petaled flowers of a clear glistening orange with the center suffused crimson and blotched maroon. Has clear golden throat and the reverse of the petals are shaded with bright orange-scarlet.

His Majesty. A glorious variety with very large flowers composed of broad petals of a deep velvety scarlet shading down to gold. The reverse of the petals is dark crimson also shaded with gold. Blooms very early.

J. Cross. Very large, fully open flowers with broad, rounded petals of an intense bright golden apricot shade. The center is blotched and suffused with rosy crimson.

Una. Golden apricot flushed orange and blotched with crimson. The reverse of the petals is deep golden orange, flushed crimson. A very free blooming and strong Montbretia.

Any of the above new Giant Montbretias: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100. Set of the 6 varieties, 1 each, $1.25.

If you want your bulbs shipped by parcel post will you please include in your remittance the additional amount as requested on page 113 to cover the cost of the postage and

special packing. Always open packages of bulbs as soon as received. If the bulbs cannot be planted without delay keep them in a cool, frost-proof, and dark place.


Sprekelia formosissima Jacobaean Lily

This is a plant closely related to the Amaryllis. It has as beautiful, showy, and brilliant flowers of richest crimson imagin- able. Dormant bulbs planted in the border early in May will flower in 3 to 4 weeks after planting. Planted in pots they may be flowered in the house during the early spring months. 35c each; $3.50 per doz.


Tigridia—Tiger or Shell Flower

Pavonia grandiflora. A very showy, large, oddly shaped bulbous plant suitable for the mixed border. Can be handled in the same way as Gladioli. Grows about 18 inches high and blooms all summer long. ) The blooms are bright crimson, spotted yellow in the center. 25c each; $2.50 per doz. ; $20.00 per 100.


Double Pearl. One of the most delici- ously fragrant and most beautiful of the summer-flowering bulbs. Plant in the open about the middle of May or as soon as the ground becomes warm.

Strong flowering bulbs, 10c each; 65c

per doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Mexican Everblooming. This is the single Tuberose which many gardeners prefer to the double kind because of its graceful habit. The pretty, white, fragrant blooms begin to appear in July and continue throughout the season. Each bulb develops from 2 to 5 spikes in succession. 10c each; 65c per doz.; $4.00 per 100.


Zephyr Flower or Fairy Lilies

Beautiful dwarf, bulbous plants, very effective for massing in the border, flowering with great profusion during the summer. They are also suitable for pot culture. Alba. Pure white. 10c each; $1.00

per doz.; $8.00 per 100. Rosea. Large rose-colored.

each; $2.00 per doz.


Mexican Everblooming Tuberose

The Book of Bulbs (Rockwell). Gives complete directions for the growing of all kinds of bulbs. $2.00 per copy, postpaid

Plants jor the Garden and Greenhouse

Agapanthus umbellatus

Agapanthus Umbellatus (Blue Lily of the Nile). A splendid ornamental plant, bearing clusters of bright blue flowers on 3 feet long flower stalks lasting a long time in bloom. A most desirable plant for outdoor decoration, planted in large pots or tubs on the lawn or piazza. Strong plants of flowering size from 6-inch pots, $1.00; 8-inch tubs, $3.00; large 12-inch tubs, $6.00 each.

Aglaonema Costatum. A dwarf-growing, pretty foliage plant suitable for the conservatory or window garden. Very compact heart- shaped leaves of shining dark green with white midrib and scattering blotches of white. 75c each.

Allamanda Hendersoni. A strong growing variety well suited to train on the pillars or supports of a conservatory or on a trellis. Large, fragrant, golden yellow flowers. 50c each. Williamsi. Forms a compact bushy plant with large, rich yellow flowers at every point; deliciously scented. 50c each.

Aloysia—Lemon Verbena Citriodora. The well-known popular pot or bedding plant grown for its richly fragrant foliage. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Antigonon—Mountain Rose Leptopus. This pretty pink or rosy red form is one of the most conspicuous and beautiful climbers grown in the southern

states. Verandas or trellises covered with it are extremely

showy and beautiful. In the North the Antigonon makes a

splendid climber for the greenhouse. 50c each. Anthericum

Mandaianum. A splendid variety with narrow foliage.

leaves are green on the edges with creamy white center.

Vittatum picturatum. A most desirable plant for window

boxes, vases, or for growing as a single specimen in pot. Long,

narrow, green foliage with creamy white center. Splendid plants. Either variety: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Anthurium—Flamingo Flower

Pretty greenhouse plants that have many good qualities, not only as decorative plants, but also as cut flowers. Their oddly shaped flowers of rich coloring frequently last on the plant from two to three months. Scherzerianum. Brilliant scarlet flowers. album. Creamy white flowers. atrosanguineum. Rich crimson-scarlet. Rothschildianum. Creamy white, spotted crimson.

4- and 5-inch pots, $3.00 each.



Antirrhinum— Snapdragon Large-Flowering Half-Dwarf

Popular plants for bedding and for cutting. We can supply the following six distinct and beautiful varieties. Ready May 10th.

Empress. Velvety crimson. Golden Queen. Rich yellow. Fawn. Rose and gold. Peerless Pink. Shell pink. Gloria. Deep rose. Purity. Pure white.

15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per 100.

Aralia Elegantissima. Handsome decorative foliage plants for the warm conservatory with very narrow, finely divided foliage of a peculiar metallic green color. 5-inch pots, $1.50 each.

Araucaria—Norfolk Island Pine Excelsa. A beautiful tender evergreen, a favorite plant for house decoration, unequaled in symmetrical habit of growth by any other plant. 4-inch pots, 10 to 12 inches high, $2.00 each. 5-inch pots, 12 to 15 inches high, $2.50 each.

Ardisia Crenulata. A very ornamental greenhouse plant with attractive dark green, glossy foliage, and clusters of very brilliant red berries. A good subject for the window garden. Fine plants in 5-inch pots that will fruit this season. $2.50 each.


Plumosus nanus (Asparagus Fern). There is no better plant for table decoration than this. The foliage is more delicate than that of the finest Fern, being lace-like in its fineness. A plant with half a dozen stalks is a mass of dainty, misty green. 25c and 50c each; $2.50 and $5.00 per doz.

Sprengeri (Emerald Feather). Excellent for hanging-baskets, for bracket use, and for cutting. One of the best plants for the window-box when planted near the edge where it can droop over the side. 25c and 50c each; $2.50 and $5.00 per doz.

For complete alphabetical index, see pages 214 and 215 187


Aspidistra Lurida. One of the easiest decorative plants to grow. A most useful house plant, thriving in a hallway or a comparatively dark place in the room where nothing else will succeed. 5-inch pots, $2.00; 6-inch pots, $2.50, and 7-inch pots, $3.50 each. Specimen plants, 8-inch tubs, $5.00 each. —variegata. The dark green leaves are striped with white. 5-inch pots, $2.50 each; 6-inch pots, $3.50 each.

Dreer’s China Asters

Superb Late Branching. The finest type of China Aster for the amateur. Of strong, robust habit, 24 feet high, and bearing large Chrysanthemum-like flowers from August to October. We can supply nice plants in May and June in the following colors: Azure Blue, Deep Crimson, Deep Purple, Rose-Pink, Shell Pink, Pure White. $1.00 per doz.; $8.00 per 100.


wy fey

Azalea Kurume

Japanese Kurume Azaleas

These are most valuable additions to our limited list of winter |

flowering plants. They are evergreen and must be kept under glass during the winter because they are not hardy in the North. The 6 varieties which we offer here include all the finest varieties in a wide range of beautiful colors. We offer strong, husky plants of these.

Christmas Cheer. The name refers to its brilliant color—a real Christmas red. Large, semi-double blooms. Coral Bells. Coral pink shading to deeper pink in the center. Small hose-in-hose flowers borne most profusely. Orange Beauty. Large orange-pink flowers combined into im- mense clusters. A very beautiful Japanese Azalea. Pink Pearl. The flowers are an attractive shade of salmon-rose with full trusses hose-in-hose. Salmon Beauty. Large, semi-double flowers of brilliant salmon- rose. A free and early flowering variety. Snow. The dainty double blooms are a pure snow white. A very lovely variety that is most desirable. Any of the above in strong bushy plants $1.50 each.

Azalea indica

Deservedly popular plants for the conservatory and window garden. We offer 7 distinct varieties in nice bushy plants. Empress of India. Large double flower of salmon-rose, cur-

mine and white suffusion.

Fred Sander. A beautiful, large, double, deep rose-pink. John Haerens. Double deep rose-pink with white markings. Mme. Vander Cruyssen. Beautiful semi-double carmine-rose. Professor Walters. Large single salmon-pink deepening to the center. The petals are prettily fringed. Vervaeneana. Large double salmon-pink with white margin. alba. Large double pure white, occasionally showing a few red flakes. Bushy plants, 8 to 10 inches in diameter, $1.50 each.

For hardy Azaleas we refer you to page 114 of this cata- logue, where we give a list of the most popular varieties. The Japanese Kurume Azaleas are hardy as far north as Philadelphia and Long Island if well protected.

Beloperone guttata

Beloperone guttata—sShrimp Plant

A singularly attractive novelty. The inflorescence of Beloperone is composed of a series of overlapping bracts or floral leaves. These bracts assume a rich golden bronze tint when the plant is exposed to full light and the two-lipped white flowers are produced successively between these bracts. The lower lip of the flower has a tessellated marking of pale purple, while the upper lip forms a hood over the dark stamens. A most attractive plant for the mixed border or a most desirable house plant. 30c each; $3.00 per doz.

Fibrous-Rooted Begonias

Argentea guttata. Foliage of rich green spotted with silver

Corallina lucerna. Gigantic trusses of bronzy-red flowers, in bloom continuously from April to November.

Haageana. Large trusses of creamy-white flowers suffused with pink. The foliage is bold and attractive, of a bronzy-green above and reddish on the under side. '

35c each. One each of the 3 sorts for $1.00.


Crimson Lake. The flowers are like all other Bougainvilleas, perhaps a trifle larger, but in coloring none compare with it in richness and brilliance. On first opening they are a brilliant crimson-lake, retaining this color for three or four weeks and then gradually passing to a crimson-carmine. An attractive pot plant for the conservatory. Strong plants, 50c each.

NOTE—Plants smaller than 4 inch pot size can be sent by Parcel Post if remittance is made to cover postage and special packing as noted on page 113. Larger plants must be sent by express at purchaser’s expense.



Cannas bloom from early summer until frost in all sections of the country. They succeed in any sunny position and in any kind of soil, though they respond quickly to liberal treatment. For best results prepare the beds about 2 feet deep and include a generous amount of well decayed


They require ample moisture throughout the growing season.

All varieties have green

foliage unless otherwise specified in the descriptions given below.

Twelve Superior Cannas

Here we offer twelve very good Cannas, everyone a leader in its color. All of them are vigorous, large flowered, and free blooming.

Antoine Wintzer. Large trusses of dazzling crimson-scarlet. A really noteworthy acquisition. 4} feet.

Copper Giant. Immense madder-red flowers suffused with rose giving a copper-red effect. Vigorous and floriferous. 4 feet.

Eureka. The best white Canna in existence. The large flowers combine into beautiful large flower trusses. 43 feet.

Favorite. Deepest yellow dotted with red. The faint dots add considerable to the color intensity. 33 feet.

Jersey Rose. A beautiful variety with flower trusses composed of clear old rose florets with a glossy finish. 33 feet.

Louis Cayeux. Giant flowers of a bright rosy scarlet. Different from all others. Very free and effective. 4 feet. Mary Thilow. One of the most admired varieties. pale rosy salmon trusses and bronzy foliage. 4 feet. Mrs. Herbert Hoover. A giant-flowered sort with deep

watermelon-pink florets. Tail and vigorous. 5 feet.

Mrs. Pierre S. duPont. Gorgeously beautiful vivid water- melon-pink. Large florets massed into heavy trusses. 4 feet. Pocahontas. Large, deep crimson flowers freely produced on

beautiful bronzy leaved plants. 4 feet.

Rosamund Coles. Deep reddish orange with a brilliant golden yellow border. Most effective. 5 feet.

Timbuctoo. A very free-flowering, bright yellow Canna whose color does not fade. 4 feet.

Any of the above varieties: $22.50 per 100.

Large Flowering Cannas

in Separate Colors

Carmine, crimson, orange, pink, scarlet, white, yellow, and yellow spotted red. We offer the above colors at this low price if the selection of the varieties is left to us. $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per 100; $110.00 per 1000.


30c. each; $3.00 per doz.; The set of 12 varieties $3.00

Twelve Standard Cannas

This set contains twelve well-tried varieties all of which have been found worthy in their respective types and colors. No plant we know of will produce a better display.

Commander Byrd. Very large, creamy white flowers. Un- usually good. 4 feet.

Golden Eagle. Golden yellow, free-blooming, early. 4 feet. Hungaria. Large trusses of beautiful clear rose flowers. 33 feet. Mrs. Alfred Conard. Avery popularlargesalmon-pink, 4 feet. Rosea Gigantea. Large, rich rose flowers. 4 feet.

San Diego. Chinese-orange flowers of great substance con- trasting well with the bronzy foliage. 4 feet.

Sungold. Orange with scarlet suffusion. 43 feet.

The Ambassador.

Very effective.

A wonderful free-flowering Canna with

brilliant red blooms set off by bronzy foliage. 5 feet.

The Gem. Deep cream with carmine dots. A most unusual combination which is both attractive and striking. 44 feet. The President. The greatest of all red Cannas. Wonderfully

vigorous, free blooming, strong, massive, and effective. 5 feet. Triomphe. Brilliant dark red; free flowering. 4 feet. Uhlberg. Rosy crimson with creamy yellow markings. 33 feet.

Any of the above: 20c. each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100. The set of 12 varieties for $2.00

Four Orchid-Flowered Cannas

These four varieties are among the most popular Cannas. They have large, round flowers of unique form. All of them are vigorous, strong blooming, and will give a splendid display.

King Humbert. Orange-scarlet flowers. Coppery bronze

foliage. 5 feet. Wintzer’s Colossal. Brilliant scarlet color. 5 feet. Wyoming. Rich orange flowers, bronzy foliage. 6 feet.

Yellow King Humbert. Yellow with red dots. 43 feet.

Any of the above 4 variettes: 20c. each; $2.00 per doz. The set of 4 for 70c.

Dreer’s Cannas in the New York Botanical Garden, Bronx Park, New York.

The prices quoted on Cannas are for dormant roots until April 1, green plants thereafter


Camellia japonica

We offer a nice lot of thrifty plants 12 to 15 inches high in 6-inch pots in Double Pink and Double Red, $2.50 each.

We can also supply Double White and Double Blush-Pink variety, bushy plants from 7-inch pots, 24 to 30 inches high, at $5.00 each; 8-inch pots, 36 to 42 inches high, $10.00 each.

Cestrum parquli—Night-Blooming Jessamine

An interesting tender shrub of easy cultivation either for pot culture or for planting in the garden when the weather gets warm. Small greenish white flowers of delightful fragrance, which is dispensed during the night only. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Clerodendron Balfouri

A beautiful greenhouse climber and admirably suited for house culture, flowering most profusely with bright scarlet blooms enveloped in a creamy-white calyx. Strong plants 25c each. Extra large plants 50c each.

Clivia miniata

Clivia miniata—Imantophyllum

A pretty lily-like plant of the easiest culture. It is a most desirable house plant which flowers during the late winter months, remaining in bloom for a long period. The flowers are about 2 inches long. They are borne in dense clusters of from 10 to 20 flowers each. They are a fine orange-red, shading to buff. 4-inch pots, $1.00; 5-inch pots, $2.00; 6-inch pots, $3.00, and 7-inch pots, $5.00 each.


Nothing can excel the beauty and richness of coloring that is found in this class of plants. They are beautiful as pot plants for the conservatory, making handsome specimens for decorative and exhibition purposes. In the latitude of Philadelphia and south- ward they are wonderfully effective for summer bedding, presenting a glorious medley of rich variegated colors not found in any other class of plants.

We offer a choice assortment embracing the best standard varieties:

Plants in 3-inch pots, $1.00 each; collection of 12 varieties, $10.00.

Plants in 4-inch pots, $1.50 each; collection of 12 varieties, $15.00.

Large plants, $2.00, $2.50, and $5.00 each.

Cyperus—Umbrella Plant Alternifolius. An excellent plant for the house, always pre- senting an attractive appearance. It may be grown as a sub- aquatic, and in any case should never lack a liberal supply of water. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.



Fragrans. An excellent house plant with broad, dark green foliage growing 3 feet long and 4 inches across. Does well under most adverse conditions. 3 inch pot plants, 35c¢ each; 4 inch pots, 60c each; 5 inch pots, $1.00 each.

Godseffiana. Different from all other Dracaenas. Of free branching habit presenting a compact graceful specimen. The rich dark green leaves are densely marked with spots of creamy white. Strong textured foliage. 3 inch, pots 50c each.

Massangeana. A _ beautiful variegated form of “‘fragrans”’ with broad green foliage, and a broad golden yellow band run- ning through each leaf center. 4 inch pots, 75c each; 5 inch pots, $1.50 each; 6 inch pots, $2.00 each.

Sanderiana. A distinct and very pretty Dracaena with glaucous green foliage attractively edged with a border of creamy white. The leaves are about 9 inches long and 1} inches across. It is exceptionally showy. 2} inch pots, 25c each; 4 inch pots, $1.00 each.

Dracaena Sanderiana

Erythrina—Coral Plant

Crista-galli. An interesting flowering plant for the garden growing 4 to 6 feet high and producing from late in September until frost 18-inch-long spikes of large, rich crimson, pea-shaped flowers. The roots may be kept in perfect preservation during the winter in a dry cellar covered with a mound of soil. 50c each.

Eucharis amazonica

Eucharis—Amazon Lily

Amazonica. A splendid plant for the warm conservatory, blooming at various seasons. It sends up stalks bearing several pure white, star-shaped flowers, 4 inches across, delightfully fragrant. 75c each; $7.50 per doz.


Argenteum. A rare variety with glaucous green foliage, edged with creamy-white. Very pretty.

Grande (Leopard Plant). This is an extremely ornamental plant with large, circular leaves, thickly spotted with creamy-white and yellow.

Either variety: 75c each.

For Serviceable Palms for House Decoration, see page 195

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Dreer’s Fine Ferns

Adiantum cuneatum. This is the well-known fine-leaved Maiden Hair Fern which is used so extensively in combination with cut flowers. Very showy. 3 inch pots 25c each.

farleyense Gloriosa (The Glory Fern). A beautiful form of this wonderful and showy variety. Good plants in 3 inch pots, 50c each; 4 inch pots, $1.00 each.

Wrighti. This is a comparatively new variety of the Maiden Hair type with beautiful large fronds which are of a particularly pleasing green color. A good hardy variety suitable for the house. 4 inch pots, 75c each,

Asplenium Nidus Avis

Asplenium Nidus Avis (Bird's Nest Fern). We havea splendid lot of these interesting house ferns. 2} inch pots, 50c; 33 inch pots, 75c; 5 inch pots, $1.50 each.

Cibotium Schiedei (Mexican Tree Fern). One of the most desirable and most valuable of all Ferns for room decoration. Beautiful light green foliage. 4 inch pots, $1.00; 6 inch pots, $2.50; 8 inch tubs, $5.00; 10 inch tubs, $7.50 each.

Cyrtomium Rochfordianum com- pactum (Crested Holly Fern). Next to the Boston Ferns the Holly Fern is the most satisfactory for apartment use. The foliage is rich glossy dark green and the pinnae or leaflets besides being wavy on the edges are also deep- ly cut or toothed. 2} inch pots, 15c each; 3 inch pots, 25c each; 4 inch pots, 50c each.

Davallia fijiensis plumosa. This is one of the very best house Ferns as it will withstand the hot and dry at- mosphere of most living rooms. It is a truly beautiful fern of strong growth with fronds of heavy substance. Fine in pots but also widely grown in hang- ing baskets or as Fern balls. Its rhizomes often spread over the soil surface which adds to the interesting features of this plant. 4 inch pot plants $1.00 each.

Davallia fijiensis plumosa

Nephrolepis bostoniensis (Boston Fern). The original type with long graceful fronds. 4 inch pots, 50c; 6 inch pots, $1.00 each. Specimen plants in 8 inch pots, $2.50 each.

Whitmani (The Ostrich-Plumed Boston Fern). A pretty, crested form of the Boston Fern with bright plume-like foliage. 4 inch pots, 75c; 6 inch pots, $1.50 each.

Polypodium Mandaianum, Seedlings. which are wavy or undulated. color.

Attractive fronds They are of a glaucous blue Very hardy. 4 inch pots, 50c each.

& i k t i

Platycerium alcicorne major

Stag Horn Fern

Platycerium alcicorne major (Siag Horn Fern). One of the prettiest of the interesting Stag Horn Ferns. It is a splendid plant for the conservatory. Easy to grow. Strong 7 inch pans, $5.00 each,

Pteris Alexandrae. The crested fronds of this particular vari- ety are attractively variegated with silvery white. A horticul- tural form of ‘‘cretica.”” 21 inch pots, 15c; 4 inch pots, 50c each.

Rivertoniana. This is the most desirable of the taller crested forms of Pteris. A wonderful and most attractive variety. 2} inch pots, 15c; 4 inch pots, 50c each.

Victoriae. Those who like the variegated ferns will be de- lighted with this variety which has graceful deep green foliage, showily marked with silvery white. 2% inch pots, 15c each;

4 inch pots, 50c each.

Wilsoni. The symmetry of this beautiful compact Fern will appeal to many as much as the bright green of the beautiful, graceful foliage. 2} inch pots, 15c; 4 inch pots, 50c each.

Ferns for Fern Dishes

We can supply the most desirable varieties as follows: 2} inch pots, 15c each; $1.50 per dozen; $12.00 per 100.

Milady’s House Plants by Palmer

This is a very interesting book particularly

written for the ladies who are interested in grow- ing all kinds of plants indoors. Contains 100 instructive pic- tures. $1.25 postpaid.

Plants are shipped by Express, at purchaser’s expense

Ficus—Rubber Plant

Elastica. The well-known Rubber Plant. 4-inch pots, 10 inches high, 75c each; 6-inch pots, 20 to 24 inches high, $1.50 each. Repens. Small dark green foliage of trailing or creeping habit,

fine for baskets or covering greenhouse walls. 35c each. Utilis. Entirely distinct and unlike the popular Rubber Plant, yet possessing the same hardiness. The leaves are thick and leathery, of a rich holly-green, with midrib and principal veins of ivory-white. Strong plants, $1.00 and $2.00 each.

Fittonia Verschaffelti

Fittonia Attractive trailing plants with handsome variegated foliage. A splendid plant useful in the conservatory, for planting on the surface of pots or tubs containing large size specimens to cover the earth. Argyroneura. Vivid green with pure white veins. Verschaffelti. Bronzy green with pink veins.

Bither variety: 35c each; $3.50 per dozen,

Gardenia Gardenia—Cape Jessamine Veitchi. A beautiful greenhouse evergreen shrub with fragrant,

pure white, waxy flowers blooming from April to June. Strong plants in 5 and 6 inch pots. $1.00 each.

Genista—Fragrant Broom

Fragrans. A very desirable spring-flowering plant with fragrant bright golden yellow blooms produced in the greatest profusion. Also a fine window plant and desirable for Easter decoration. Fine plants in 4 inch pots, flowering size, 50c each.

Four Best Bedding Geraniums

The varieties which we offer here are all semi-double and they are the best of the many Geraniums in existence.

Alphonse Riccard. Showy blooms of bright vermilion-scarlet. Beaute Poitevine. Gorgeous large salmon-pink blooms. Mme. Recamier. An extra fine pure white.

S. A. Nutt. Rich dark crimson flowers of large size.

Any of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per dozen; $20.00 per 100.

Gerbera Jamesoni

Gerbera Jamesoni Transvaal or Barberton Daisy

This beautiful Daisy from the Transvaal which has been so extensively featured by the florists as a cut flower, particularly in late winter and early spring, has with its graceful flowers of striking beauty quickly established itself in public favor. Its value is not only as a winter cut flower but it is a worthy and novel subject for the mixed border in summer. Planted in a well-drained position where it is fully exposed to the sun it will produce its attractive flowers, 3} inches and over in diameter, throughout the summer and fall months. The plant is of vigorous growth forming a dense tuft of leaves from the crown of which it sends up in constant succession stout stems 12 to 18 inches long which are terminated with attractive daisy-like flowers.

Single-Flowering in Mixture

A great variety of colors including everything from blush white to brilliant scarlet. The lovely soft salmon-pink shades are particularly fine. In mixture only. 35c each; $3.50 per dozen.

Double-Flowering Gerbera

We can furnish the double form in 2 colors, namely a brilliant rosy scarlet and a luminous salmon-pink. You may take your choice. Either color: 50c each; $5.00 per dozen.

For “‘How to Order” Garden and Greenhouse Plants, see page 113

Hydrangea hortensis—French Hydrangeas

Four Hardiest Hydrangeas Hortensis varieties for Outdoor Culture

La Marne. Strong and vigorous, producing immense trusses of very large florets of a glossy rose-pink. The largest flowering; blooms two weeks after the popular Otaksa.

Marechal Foch. A very early variety of dwarf, compact habit. Has large carmine-red flowers produced very early.

Otaksa. This is the beautiful pink Hydrangea used extensively at the Atlantic seashore resorts. In acid soil the flowers turn blue. We offer especially fine plants.

Souvenir de Mme. E. Chautard. An early, free blooming, and hardy variety of a beautiful rose-pink color. Splendid for outdoor planting. Blooms on the new wood made in the spring.

Any of the above four varieties:

3 inch pots, $0 25 each; $2 50 per dozen. Set of 4 sorts, $0 90 5 inch pots, 60 each; 6 00 per dozen. Set of 4 sorts, 2 25 6 inch pots, 1 00 each; 10 00 per dozen. Set of 4 sorts, 3 50 7 inch pots, 1 50 each; 15 00 per dozen.

Twelve Popular Hydrangeas

These 12 varieties have been selected as the best of the intro- ductions of the past 20 years. Elmar. Dark pink almost red, deeply serrated florets. Gen. de Vibraye. A very dependable early rose-pink. Gertrude Glahn. Very large trusses of deep rose. Goliath. Tall and vigorous; very large; deep rose. Helge. An early, compact grower with rich red blooms. Henri Lambert. Very early, large and vigorous; pale rose. Lancelot. Dark pink with deeply fringed flower petals. Liebling. Glossy bright clear pink flowers. Very early. Mile. Rene Gaillard. Magnificently fringed white flowers. My Ideal. A lovely pale pink. Large flower trusses. Parsifal. A deep carmine. Blooms early and freely. Trophee. A free flowering variety with watermelon-red blooms.

Any of the above 12 sorts: 3 inch pots, $0 25 each; $2 50 per dozen. 5 inch pots, 75 each; 7 50 per dozen. 6 inch pots, 1 00 each; 10 00 per dozen.

Set of 12, $2 50 Set of 12, 7 50 Set of 12, 10 00

Heliotrope—Cherry Pie Royal Fragrance. A deliciously sweet-scented and wonderfully improved form of this old garden favorite with large trusses of light violet-blue flowers. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Hibiscus sinensis—Chinese Hibiscus Well-known evergreen tender Shrubs which may be grown either in pots or tubs or planted out during the summer.

Aurantiacus. Grandiflorus. Very large single rose.

Miniatus semi-plenus. The finest and most brilliant semi- double vermilion-scarlet, with flowers 4 inches in diameter.

Peachblow. Large double flowers of a soft pink with deeper center.

Any of the above:

Fine double flowers of pure salmon color.

30c each, Set of 4 sorts for $1.00.

Hoya—Wax Plant Carnosa. An interesting, easily managed house plant of climbing habit suitable to grow on a trellis or other support, producing during the summer months large umbels of fragrant, waxy, white flowers with pink centers. 50c each.

Beautiful Ivy—Hedera

Baltic Ivy (Hedera helix ballica). A variety introduced from the Baltic provinces, Russia, that has proven hardy as far north as Massachusetts, where the generally-grown type of English Ivy rarely stands the winter. 2{-inch pots, 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; 4-inch pots, 75c each; $7.50 per doz.

English Ivy (Hedera helix). Thrifty young plants in 2-inch pots, 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per 100. Large plants, 4-inch pots, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.; 5-inch pots, 75c each; $7.50 per doz.; 6-inch pots, 5 feet high, $1.50 each. Extra- large plants, in 7-inch pots, 6 feet high, $2.50 each.

Miniature-Leaved English Ivy (Hedera helix gracilis). Iden- tical in habit with the English Ivy, but with dark green foliage not over one-tenth as large. A most graceful vine. Young plants in 2 inch pots, 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; 4-inch pots, 50c each; $5.00 per doz.

Large-Leaved Variegated Ivy Large-Leaved Variegated Ivy A most attractive plant for the house with large, deep green leaves prettily edged with creamy-white. Strong young plants, 25c each; $2.50 per dozen; larger plants, 4-inch pots, 75c each; $7.50 per dozen.

You will find a large number of interesting and showy

plants in this section of Garden and Greenhouse plants— all of them of the highest quality.

Please read how to order plants on page 113

Jasminum grandiflorum

Jasminum grandiflorum Catalonian or Star Jasmine This is the old favorite sweet-scented variety, a most desirable plant for the window garden, producing its attractive white flowers almost continuously. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Jasminum primulinum Flowers bright yellow similar to the old favorite hardy Jessamine but double the size and develop early in March. An excellent plant for the window garden when trained on a trellis. 25c each.

Lagerstroemia—Crape Myrtle

This is one of the prettiest shrubs and while hardy south of the Potomac requires protection in this latitude. The graceful flowers appear very freely and are very attractive during August and September. We offer strong 6-inch pots. Indica. Delicate soft pink. alba. A white-flowered form.

Either of the above: $1.00 each.

Maranta Rosea lineata. A pretty ornamental foliage plant for the warm conservatory. Rich deep green leaves, beautifully variegated with many narrow lines of a soft salmon-rose. 75c each.

Olea—Sweet Olive Fragrans. An old favorite greenhouse shrub succeeding ad- mirably as a house plant, producing small creamy white flowers with the most exquisite fragrance. Continues to bloom almost the entire winter. 4-inch pots, $1.00 each.

Double Pink Oleander—Nerium An exceptional lot of fine thrifty young plants of this old favor- ite. 4-inch pot plants, 75c each. Variegated Leaved. Foliage attractively edged with creamy white; single pink flowers; 4-inch pots, 75c each.

How we Ship: All plants, roots, and bulbs are forwarded by express, purchaser paying transportation

charges. Those items which can be forwarded by parcel post will be sent this way if you will remit the cost of postage and special packing. For full details see page 113.

| Princeps.

Ophiopogon Jaburan variegatus

Ophiopogon—Lily Tuft Jaburan variegatus. A pretty variegated foliage plant, useful either as a pot plant for the window or for planting out in sum- mer. The narrow, dark green foliage is prettily striped with gold, and during July and August, spikes of blue flowers add to its beauty. 50c each.

Pandanus— Screw Pine Veitchi. One of the finest decorative plants for the house. Graceful foliage, broadly striped with cream-white on a green ground. 4-inch pots, $1.00 each; 6-inch pots, $2.50 each.

Passiflora—Passion Flower Pfordti. The most interesting and best variety for outdoors as a summer climber. Light blue flowers suffused with rose and borne quite freely. 25c each. This is one of the best greenhouse climbers. and showy variety with bright red flowers. $1.00 each.

A rare

| Pennisetum —Fountain Grass (Ready May 1st) | Rueppelianum (Purple Fountain Grass).

A tender ornamental Grass, valuable either as individual specimens in the garden or for massing, while as border plants for beds of Cannas or Calad- iums nothing equals it. Grows about 3 feet high, producing long, graceful, green foliage and purplish plumes. 20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.

Double Fringed Petunia Petunias (Ready May ist) Double Fringed Mixed.

Selected from the finest double strains. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Dreer’s Single Fringed Mixed. Our own strain of the finest large-flowering single fringed sorts of this useful bedding plant, and invaluable for porch and window boxes, flowering continu- ously from early in the summer till frost. 15c¢ each; $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per 100.

You are cordially invited to visit our greenhouses and nurseries at Riverton, New Jersey



No collection of plants is complete without Palms. Their bold, majestic, yet graceful foliage lends a grandeur and magnificence that cannot be obtained by any other class of plants, and no decoration, whether in the conservatory, hall, or living-room, is complete without them.

Areca lutescens. One of the most graceful and beautiful Palms in cultivation; the foliage is of a bright glossy green, with

yellow stems. Each 3-inch pots, bushy plants, 12 to 15 inches high............ $0 50 4-inch pots, bushy plants, 15 to 18 inches high............ 75 5-inch pots, bushy plants, 18 to 24 inches high............ 1 50 6-inch pots, bushy plants, 24 to 30 inches high............ 2 50 7-inch pots, bushy plants, 36 inches high................. 5 00 Sanchytubss42 inches highy cvcrrere:cfefesterateyaleleleleysteveterelerareleiere 7 50

Phoenix Roebeleni. The most graceful of the Phoenix and a Palm which has become one of the most popular for room deco- ration. The plant is of vigorous growth and its gracefully recurving leaves with very narrow dark green pinnae give it a lightness and airiness not surpassed, if equaled, by Cocos Wed-

deliana; at the same time

it is as hardy as a Kentia,

succeeding admirably as a

house plant. Each

3-inch pots, fine young plants... .$0 50 4-inch pots, fine

Latania borbonica Chinese Fan Palm

Cocos Weddeliana. The most

graceful and elegant of all Palms. Sr eas i ; es 1 3 Its slender, erect stem is freely 6-inch pots........ 2 50 furnished with gracefully arching 7-inch tubs, strong leaves of a rich green color. plants. ......... 5 00 Young plants in 24-inch pots, 35c seats He ta e a each; 3-inch pots, 75c each, Latania borbonica

Chinese Fan Palm 3-inch pots, 35c each. 4-inch pots, 75c each. 6-inch pots, $2.00 each. 7-inch pots, $3.00 each.

Kentia Belmoreana. The Ken- tias are the hardiest Palms in cultivation. They are of slow growth and are less affected by the dust and dry atmosphere of the house than any others. The vari- ety here offered is of dwarf, spreading habit, with fine rich dark green foliage.

Each Phoenix Roebeleni

3-inch pots, 12 inches high... .$0 50 2 . 4-inch pots, 15 inches high.... 1 00 | Kentia Forsteriana (Made-up

5-inch pots, 20 inches high.... 2 50 Plants). These are specimens made : by planting several plants to- gether; very useful and decorative.

Inches high Each

Kentia Forsteriana. This splen- 5-inch pots..... DOM ee ets ctere $2 50 did variety is very similar to K. 6-inch pots..... SON craasntevtiets 4 00 Belmoreana, but of stronger 7-inch tubs..... SOR 7 50 growth. It has broader and 7-inch tubs..... AOS Ae aeons 10 00 heavier foliage. 8-inch tubs. .... AD recite oe 12 50 Each 8-inch tubs. .... AS ios: iStecahare ots 15 00 3-inch pots, 12 inches high....$0 50 | 10-inchtubs..... AG RS x ctoteroued 20 00 4-inch pots, 15 inches high.... 1 00 | 10-inchtubs..... iy. Lie amud 25 00 5-inch pots, 24 inches high.... 2 50 | 12-inchtubs..... 60 Ses 35 00 6-inch pots, 30 inches high.... 4 00 12-inch tubs..... O60 cee 50 00 7-inch pots, 36 inches high.... 5 00 | 14-inch tubs..... HRA nates 75 00 Phoenix canariensis. We have a nice stock Thrinax elegans of this useful decorative Palm. Each This is a beautiful miniature fan 7-inch pots, 22 to 24 inches high......... $3 00 | Palm,highly valued forindoor deco- 8-inch tubs, 36 to 38 inches high......... 7 50 | ration where a small dainty plant is 10-inch tubs, 40 to 42 inches high......... 10 00 | wanted. We have a limited quan- 12-inch tubs, 44 to 48 inches high......... 15 00 | tity of beautiful specimens which

12-inch tubs, very heavy, 54 inches high...20 00 | we know will add considerably to a 12-inch tubs, very heavy, 60 inches high...25 00 | conservatory or plant stand.

14-inch tubs, fine specimens, 6 feet high... .40 00 | 3 inch pot plants $1.00 each. Made-up Plant of Kentia Forsteriana

NOTE—Palms offered on this page, larger than 4-inch pots, can be shipped by express only




Cordatum. A climbing or trailing plant with very substantial, dark green, heart-shaped leaves, 3 to 4 inches in diameter. An excellent plant for the window garden when grown as a trailing basket or pot plant. Strong young plants, 3-inch pots, 35c each.


Capensis. A fine plant for pot culture or the border. pretty, light blue flowers.

Spikes of

alba. A white flowered form of above.

Either of the above: 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Pothos—Ceylon Creeper

Aureus superbus. A real improvement over the old, widely known ‘‘aureus.’”’ The foliage of this new variety is more distinctly variegated, the light yellow variegation extending to the stems which are an ivory color with an occasional tint of pink. 50c each.

Rhynchospermum Trachelospermum—Confederate Jasmine A beautiful greenhouse climber and well adapted for growing as a house plant in pots and trained on a trellis. Dark green, glossy foliage. Masses of fragrant, pure white, Jasmine-like, flowers. Strong plants in 4-inch pots, 75c each.

Salvia—Scarlet Sage

Splendens America. his is the finest of all the Scarlet Sages, being the earliest, freest, and most continuous bloomer. It is also the most uniform in habit of growth. Ready May ist.

20c each; $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per 100.


Zeylanica. The old-fashioned exceptionally good houseplant. pots, 50c each.

—Laurenti. from + to } inch on each edge of the variegated leaves.

pots, 50c; 4-inch pots,

$2.50 each.

cross-variegated sort. An 3-inch pots, 35c each; 4-inch

3-inch 75c; 5-inch pots, $1.50; 6-inch pots,

Saxifraga sarmentosa

Saxifraga—Aaron’s Beard

Sarmentosa. This old favorite is admirable for growing as a pot plant which allows the numerous runners to hang down giving a very pretty effect. 3 inch pot plants 25c each; $2.50 per dozen; 4-inch pot plants 50c each; $5.00 per dozen.

Has a beautiful band of creamy yellow varying |


Floribunda. One of the most charming hothouse climbers. Long, glossy, deep green foliage; pure white, deliciously fragrant flowers. Grows rapidly. $1.50 each.

Stigmaphyllon ciliatum Brazilian Golden or Orchid Vine One of the prettiest tender climbers in cultivation with large, yellow, orchid-like flowers, produced very freely during the summer months. It is especially adapted for training over the pillars or on the wall of a conservatory, but will do equally well in the open air. 50c each.

Strelitzia—Bird of Paradise Flower Regina. A showy conservatory plant with dark green leathery foliage and interesting, orange and purplish blue flowers that always attract attention. 4-inch pots, $1.50 each; larger plants in 7-inch pots, $6.00 each.

Talinum patens variegata A handsome house and garden plant. Makes a compact bush of beautiful green and white foliage. Requires little water in the house. Outdoors it produces an abundance of light pink flowers on tall open panicles. The flowers are followed by yellow seed capsules. Strong plants, 50c each.

Thunbergia Erecta. A greenhouse shrub flowering almost the year round. Large, showy, deep purple flowers with orange-yellow throat. Most satisfactory for the window garden. Harrisi. A splendid winter-flowering greenhouse climber, with showy light-blue flowers with creamy white throat. Either of the above: Strong plants, 50c each: $5.00 per doz.

Vallota—Scarborough Lily Speciosa. An interesting South African bulb closely allied to the Amaryllis with large, funnel-shaped, bright scarlet flowers 3 inches across, produced in clusters of three or more on stout 24 to 3-feet high stems during summer and early autumn. Strong established plants, $1.50 each,

Vitis rhombifolia Vitis—Grape Ivy Rhombifolia. A graceful trailing vine with dark glossy green, trifoliate leaves. An excellent subject for house culture Young

1_inch pots, 25c; 4-inch pots, 75c éach.

Zinnias—Youth and Old Age

Dreer’s Double Dahlia-Flowered. An extra large-flowering strain of this popular summer-flowering annual, growing about 3 feet high. Mixed colors.

Dreer’s Double Pompon. Grow about 15 inches high, pro- ducing splendid small double flowers on long stems suitable for cutting. A full range of colors in mixture.

Either of the above ready May roth: 15c each; $1.50 per doz.; $12.00 per 100.


Succulents for the house and garden are offered on page 197


These are very interesting plants of easy culture.

Splendid Pot Plants. Table and Miniature Rock Gardens.

Most of them are desert plants which will

Also fine for

subsist on an astonishingly small amount of water. They are splendid for house decoration or they

may be planted out-doors in the rock garden during the summer time. assortment of all the better known ones which are really desirable.

Agave—Century Plant An old-time favorite decorative plant useful as an individual specimen on the lawn, in the garden during the summer, or as a house plant during the winter.

Americana. A very showy variety with beautiful dark green glaucous foliage. The glaucous foliage is prettily bordered and marked with creamy yellow. A very showy and most


interesting variety.

Larger plants of either variety, 3 inch pots, 50c; 4 inch pots, 75c; 6 inch pots, real specimens, $2.00 each.


These interesting succulents are easy They need little water

to grow.

—S— <== ~ caer eee

Our list includes a wide

ss ee Kleinia Portulacaria Aloe Crassula Crassula Sedum repens afra arborescens tetragona arborescens dendroideum Cotyledon orbiculata. A free Sedum grower with bright glaucous leaves. Adolphi. A very effective plant with

excepting the periods of active growth.

Arborescens. An attractive house plant which will grow and thrive under most

Has long narrow

pointed leaves of heavy texture about

illustration. Larger plants 3 inch pots, 50c; 4 inch pots, $1.00; 6 inch pots, $2.00 each.

ciliaris. Of same growth as arbor- escens but smaller and more graceful.

adverse conditions.

2 inches wide.

Of green color.

Euphorbia splendens


Splendens (Crown of Thorns). An odd and in- teresting plant, the stems being covered with numerous spikes about an inch long. Showy bright red flower bracts produced at all seasons. Larger plants in 3 inch pots, 50c; 4 inch pots, $1.00 each.



Arborescens. Frequently but errone- ously called Japanese Rubber plant. Larger plants, 3 inch pots, 50c; 4 inch pots, $1.00; 5 inch pots, $1.50; 6 inch pots, $2.00. Large, vigorous specimens $5.00, $6.00, and $7.50 each.

quadrifida. Dark green foliage, vig- orous.

—lycopoides. Compact. Mossy ap- pearance and very free growing.

tetragona. Dark green foliage, pointed leaves. See illustration above.

For prices see below.

Echeveria secunda glauca. Beautiful flat rosettes with fleshy glaucous leaves. Similar to Hen and Chicken.

Weinbergi. Thick leaved rosettes of a rosy tint. This has been given the popular name ‘‘Dream Plant.”

Epiphyllum truncatum. The popular Christmas Cactus with tubular, rosy red blooms. Good plants in 4 inch pots, $1.00 each; trained tree shaped plants with stems or small trunks and bushy crowns. $2.50 each.

Kalanchoe crenata. Large fleshy leaves of a glaucous green color. Yellow flowers.

—flammea. Green foliage tinted red. Orange flowers.

globifera coccinea. Has smaller green foliage and brilliant scarlet red, Bouvardia-like flowers. An ideal winter-flowering house plant. Awarded Gold Medal at 1933 New York Flower Show.

Kleinia repens. Long glaucous leaves. Very showy. See illustration of young plant above.

Mesembryanthemum deltoides. Glaucous foliage and stems. Of graceful mossy appearance.

—echinatum. A creeper with thick fleshy leaves.

edule. Attractive thick glaucous green leaflets.

Oliveranthus elegans. flowers in summer.

Showy red bell-shaped Native of Mexico.

Phyllocactus Ackermani. A hardy day-blooming variety with brilliant scarlet blooms. 50c each.

latifrons (The Queen Cactus). Creamy white flowers 8 inches long. Night blooming. 50c each.

Hybrids. Cactus-like plants with thornless leaf-like stems. Long trumpet-shaped flowers 8 inches across ranging from pure white to deep crimson. We offer a choice selection of 12 varieties. 50c each. Set of 12 for $5.00.

Portulacaria afra. Unique, glossy green leaves. See illustration of small plant in picture above.

thick orange colored leaves. Dendroideum. A very small shrub having bright green leaves of medium size. Linare variegata. A pretty trailing plant with green and white variegated foliage which gives a charming effect. Treleasi. Has small very fleshy leaves resembling white beads. Particularly attractive and therefore very popular.

Sempervivum Haworthi. Shrubby “Hen and Chickens’. and is a free grower. Canaries,

Has green foliage Native of the

Bunny Ear Cactus


Microdasys-Bunny Ear Cactus

A popular and showy cactus with thick heavy joints of elliptical form. Bright green covered with golden yellow bristles which give it the name of Orange Cactus, also known as Bunny Ears on account of the young growth. A good house plant.

Rufida. Similar to microdasys but with brownish bristles.

Basilaris. Similar to microdasys but has blue lobes.

Subulata. Round stems with fleshy leaves at the top.

Monocantha variegata. Also resembles microdasys but the stems are marbled cream and green.

We offer strong young plants of all the above varieties, excepting Epi- phyllum and Phyllocactus, at 25 cents each; $2.50 per dozen—any 6 for


Larger sizes of some can be supplied as noted in descriptions.

1s Dreer’s Water Lilies—Nymphaea

Nymphaea, Mrs. Edwards Whitaker

Day-Blooming Tender Nymphaeas

These day-blooming tender Water Lilies will add greatly to the beauty of your pool. The much desired blue varieties are found in this lovely class. Delivery of these is made after June 1, in strong growing plants from pots. You are bound to succeed with them if you follow the instructions given in the Dreer leaflet.

Daubenyana. Small, fragrant, light blue flowers, valuable for winter blooming in aquariums or small pools. $1.00 each.

Grossherzog Ernst Ludwig. A free-flowering variety of a true violet-blue with a golden yellow center. $2.00 each.

Mrs. C. W. Ward. Deep rosy pink on long stems. $2.00 each.

Mrs. Edwards Whitaker. One of the largest flowered vari- eties, the huge open flowers often exceeding 13 inches in di- ameter. Sky blue in color becoming lighter with age. The plant is very accommodating, flowering when dwarfed from lack of room, or exuberantly filling a 15-feet basin. A splendid specimen plant that should be in every pool. $2.00 each.

Mrs. Geo. H. Pring. Immense snow-white flowers freely borne through the entire summer. The young leaves are blotched with brown, the older ones plain green. The best day-blooming white tropical Water Lily, and a good contrast to the colored varieties. $2.00 each.

Ovalifolia (Tabora Water Lily). Of African origin; flowers of the largest size. Upon opening the flowers are almost white, but as they mature a shade of blue suffuses them. It is very free blooming and sweetly scented. $3.00 each.

Pennsylvania. Rich blue flowers of largest size. Very free and continuous flowering. $2.50 each.

Pulcherrima. This variety flowers continuously winter and summer. Of a fine light blue with yellow center. $2.00 each.

Wm. Stone. Rich violet-blue, shaded amaranth. $2.00 each.

Zanzibariensis. The darkest blue or purple of the genus; very free flowering and exceedingly showy. $1.50 each.

azurea. $1.00 each. rosea. Various shades of rose. $1.00 each.

Clear azure-blue flowers.

DREER’S WATER LILY LEAFLET gives complete directions for the cultivation of both hardy and

tender Water Lilies, Victoria, Aquarium Plants,

and other Aquatics. Copies free on request.

Tropical or Tender Varieties

We make delivery of Tropical or Tender Water Lilies of both the Day and Night Blooming types at the proper planting time which is usually after the first of June, in strong growing plants from pots. They must not be planted until the weather becomes warm and settled. Orders from the warmer Southern States and from the Pacific Coast are filled earlier with tubers.

Night-Blooming Tender Nymphaeas

The night-blooming varieties of Water Lilies have a particular’ charm. The flowers open in the evening and do not close until the following forenoon. Their exotic charm and their night- blooming habit add an interesting feature to every pool. Bissetti. Flowers 8 to 10 inches in diameter, cup-shaped; of a

beautiful glowing shade of rosy pink. $2.00 each. Dentata. White, 8 to 12 inches across. $1.00 each.

magnifica. Large cup-shaped creamy white flowers.

12 inches across. Very desirable. $2.00 each.

superba. The largest white Water Lily grown. Flowers of clear glistening white. $2.00 each.

Devoniensis. This old favorite produces its large pure red flowers in the greatest abundance. $1.00 each.

Frank Trelease. The darkest colored of all tender Water

Lilies. A glowing dark crimson. $1.50 each.

Geo. Huster. Brilliant crimson flowers. $2.00 each.

Kewensis. Medium size, light pink flowers. $2.00 each.

O’Marana. Flowers large and massive. Color pink, suffused with red; very desirable. $1.50 each.

10 to

Rubra rosea

Rubra rosea. One of the best and largest rosy-reds produced with remarkable freedom. $1.00 each.

Sturtevant. An exceedingly beautiful flower 8 to 12 inches across; bright red. One of the very best Nymphaeas; requires liberal treatment and a hot summer to bring it to perfection. $3.00 each.

Victoria—Royal Water Lily

Cruziana. The majestic leaves are from 3 to 5 feet across. They have a saucer-like edge 2 to 3 inches across and are so strong that they will easily bear the weight of a child 30 to 50 pounds. The strongly banana-scented flowers are enormous, from 10 to 12 inches in diameter, opening just at dusk. They are pure white the first night but pink on the second and third night. Culture similar to that of Tender Nymphaeas.

Plants, $10.00 each. Seeds, 3 for $1.50.

Water Lilies are the most lovely plants for all kinds of pools


Nymphaea Hardy Water Lilies

A select list of the most suitable varieties for all hardy water garden purposes. Ready April 15th to June 1st. There is no hardy blue Water Lily. All varieties of that color will be found under Day Blooming Tender Nymphaeas.

Alba candidissima. A very vigorous and desirable variety, requiring ample space; large pure white flowers. $1.00 each.

Attraction. A rare, free-flowering variety with blooms 6 to 8 inches across. Rich deep crimson suffused with amaranth red, center bright orange, sepals white. $3.00 each.

Aurora. Soft rosy yellow changing to deep red on the third day. Stamens orange, also good in tubs. $1.00 each.

Comanche. The largest and finest of the apricot tints. The flowers are a wonderful combination of orange and glowing amber red. A strong grower. It is the earliest and most con- tinuous bloomer in the hardy class. $2.00 each.

Conqueror. Very large flowers of a bright red with the petals shading to white on thé concave part and streaked with deep red on the convex surface; stamens yellow-orange. One of the showiest. $2.50 each.

Escarboucle. Very free flowering, 4 to 6 inches across, of a brilliant crimson-carmine with bright orange center. $3.00 each.

Gladstoniana. Cup-shaped, massive flowers of a pure dazzling white. $1.25 each.

Gloriosa. A superb large flower of a deep carmine-rose, becom- ing a dark red late in the season. Very free and a continuous bloomer. $2.50 each.

Helen Fowler. A natural cross of N. tuberosa type. Strong vigorous growth. Deep pink, very fragrant flowers borne on stout stems making it useful for cut purposes. $1.00 each.

James Brydon. Richrosy crimson. The reverse of petals have a silvery sheen. $2.50 each.

Laydekeri purpurata. Pleasing carmine-rose flowers borne in constant succession. The plant is moderate in growth and suitable for medium-sized pools. The leaves are oval and prettily spotted; a dependable variety. $2.00 each.

Marliacea albida. Large fragrant flowers of sparkling white- ness; stamens light yellow. Blooms profusely. $1.00 each.

—carnea. A delicate soft flesh pink deepening towards the base of the petals. $1.25 each.

chromatella. Petals and stamens bright yellow, 4 to 6 inches across. A free and continuous bloomer. $1.50 each.

rosea. A splendid companion to the above which it resembles

in all particulars except color. Flowers soft rose-pink. $2.00 each. Odorata. The native White Pond Lily. Very desirable for

planting in quantity in natural ponds. 50c each.

gigantea. The native White Lily of the Southeastern States. Flowers pure white, 5 to 7 inches across. A very strong, vigor- ous grower. 50c each.

minor. The native miniature White Water Lily. Very dainty and suitable for tubs and small pools. 50c each.

rosea (Cape Cod Pink Pond Lily). Very fragrant, clear pink flowers, 5 to 6 inches across. $1.00 each.

No. 2, Marliacea chromatella No. 4, Marliacea albida

No. 1, Gloriosa; No. 3, Marliacea rosea;

Odorata, Rose Arey. Very large, fragrant flowers of deep cerise-pink. $1.50 each.

W.B. Shaw. This magnificent Lily has large fragrant flowers of a rich clear rose-pink. $1.25 each.

Paul Hariot. A magnificent light yellow delicately shading to copper-red. Large and free blooming. $2.00 each.

Pink Opal. Medium-sized fragrant flowers of a deep coral pink, held well above the water. Suitable for tub culture. $1.50 each.

Pygmaea. A little gem with small tea-scented white flowers. Suitable for tub and aquarium culture. $1.00 each.

helvola. A charming miniature yellow from Japan. Very desirable for small pools, tubs, and the aquarium. $1.00 each.

Sunrise. A large showy new hardy yellow, flowers 8 to 9 inches across, held well above the water. Blooms from early June to late October. The flowers expand early in the morning and remain open all day long. $2.50 each.

Tuberosa. A native white of very strong growth, flowers 4 to 9 inches across, produced in moderate quantity. The various varieties of tuberosa are suitable for planting in deep water, and should have plenty of room to spread. 50c each.

maxima. A free-flowering variety of the above; 4 to 8 inches across. Pure white, fragrant flowers. 50c each.

Richardsoni. Flowers white and quite double. No variety in our Water Garden is admired more than this immense snow-

ball-like flower, 8 inches in diameter. $1.00 each.

rosea. Flowers an exquisite shade of pink. A vigorous grower of the easiest culture. $1.00 each.

—sulphurea. A strong rampant grower with large sulphur yellow, sweet-scented flowers. $1.00 each.

William Doogue. Beautiful cup-shaped flowers of a delicate pleasing shade of shell pink. $2.50 each.

William Falconer. A brilliant warm red, intensified by the bright yellow stamens. $5.00 each.

Place your order for Water Lilies early and we shall reserve them until planting time 199

200 Miscellaneous Aquatics For Marginal and Shallow Water Planting

Nelumbium or Lotus

Note—Nelumbium can be supplied only as dormant tubers from May 1st to June Ist.

Luteum (American Lotus, Water Chinquepin). A superb vari- ety with yellow flowers measuring to 10 inches across. Indig- enous to the Western and Southern States. $2.00 each.

Pekinensis rubrum plenum. Large double flowers often

12 inches in diameter. Bright rosy carmine; fragrant. $4.00 each.

—Shiroman. Enormous, double, white flowers; very sweet- scented. $4.00 each.

Speciosum (Egyptian Lotus). The best known variety and the easiest to grow. Desirable for naturalizing in ponds where the magnificent foliage and flowers produce a splendid subtropical effect. The flowers are a deep rose color, creamy white at base of petals. $2.00 each.

Aponogeton distachyus in front and Acorus japonicus variegatus in rear

Aponogeton distachyus (Water Hawthorn). This interesting and beautiful aquatic is one of the few water plants which will grow in pools or streams that are fed with cold spring water. The pretty, sweet, Hawthorn-scented center spikes of pure white flowers will be produced the entire year when grown in pools or streams that do not actually freeze over. Has beautiful, oblong, floating leaves. 75c each.

Acorus japonicus variegatus (Variegated Sweet Flag). A hardy plant for shallow water. 25c each.

Cyperus alternifolius (Umbrella Plant). Will grow 4 feet high. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Papyrus (Papyrus antiquorum). The true Egyptian Paper Plant. 50c each; specimen plants in 11 in. tubs, $2.50 each.

Eichhornia azurea. The flowers are lovely shade of lavender- blue. This species of Water Hyacinth requires to be planted in soil in shallow water 4 to 8 inches deep. It makes long, trailing and floating stems. Grows rapidly and flowers profusely all summer. A native of Brazil which is tender in our climate. 50c each. A i Se ee eae -

—crassipes major (Waler Hyacinth). Delicate lilac rose | Pontederia cordata (Pickerel Weed). Blue flowers in lovely

Nelumbium speciosum

flowers arranged in trusses like a Hyacinth. A floating plant, spikes 18 to 24 inches long. 25c each.

just drop it on surface of water. 20c each; $2.00 per doz. Thalia dealbata. A stately hardy aquatic with Canna-like Jussiaea longifolia (Primrose Willow). Yellow flowers in leaves and tall graceful spikes of plum-colored flowers which are

great profusion from June until frost. Grows 3 to 4 feet high. followed by attractive seeds of the same color. It grows from

50c each. 4 to 7 feet high and should be grown in shallow water or wet

Limnocharis Humboldti (Water Poppy). Yellow flowers ground. A good plant for the center of the pool or to plant in produced in the greatest profusion all summer. Leaves and the background, aL tee : 3 flowers floating. One of the best plants for shallow water, 6 to | Typhalatifolia(Ca/Tail). 8 feet high. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

8 inches deep, or for tub cultivation. Requires greenhouse | Vallisneria spiralis (Tape, Eel Grass, or Wild Celery). A well-

protection during winter. 25c each; $2.50 per doz. known aquatic plant. 25c each; $2.50 per doz. Myriophyllum proserpinacoides (Parrot's Feather). Rises Zizania aquatica (Wild Rice). An annual growing 10 feet tall. about 6 inches out of the water. 25c each. Long showy panicles. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Aquatic Plants for the Aquarium

a a

Anacharis (Elodea) canadensis gigantea (Giant Water Weed). A beautiful submerged plant with dark green ovate leaves and light stems. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Cabomba viridifolia (Washington Plant, Fish Grass). A pretty and popular submerged plant. 25c per bunch; $2.50 per doz.

Ludwigia Mulertti. One of the prettiest of the submerged plants. The small ovate leaves are green above and pink on the under side. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Sagittaria natans (Arrowhead). Long, strap-like, green leaves resembling the well-known Vallisneria. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

sinensis (Giant Sagittaria). Leaves dark green; broader than S. natans. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Vallisneria spiralis, Italian Type (Eel Grass). A submerged plant with long ribbon-like leaves. Grows all winter long. 25c each; $2.50 per doz.

Collection of one each of above 6 Aquarium Plants, $1.25.

Fish Food. Reliance Fish Nutrition offers the properly balanced diet that is easily assimilated by all aquarium fishes. Per package of 14 ounces, 25c. A well planted Aquarium

The Modern Aquarium (Innes). Full directions for correct aquarium management. 63 pages. $1.00, postpaid


BE All plants are forwarded at proper planting season unless otherwise instructed to the contrary. They are sent by


express, purchaser paying charges. We can forward most plants by Parcel Post, and if wanted sent in this way add to value of order in accordance with note on page 113.

Hardy Grapes

Two Luscious Hardy Grapes

Champagne. A variety that is being extensively grown in the grape growing districts of New Jersey and which has special merit not only in the quality of its fruit but is also an exception- ally strong grower and very prolific bearer. Its berries are of large size, coppery-red in color, and of delicious flavor.

We can supply strong two-year-old plants of either of the above sorts, 60c each; $6.00 per doz.; $45.00 per 100.

The Caco. A cross between Catawba and Concord, which has inherited the best characteristics of both parents, developing a luscious fruit which ranks close to the greenhouse grown product in high quality and melting texture. In appearance it is one of the most beautiful of all hardy grapes. Berries large, wine-red with abundant bloom, carried in large compact bunches. It ripens in advance of Concord and is a strong vigorous grower.

Six Best Standard Hardy Grapes Catawba. Red, sweet and rich, with pleasant musky flavor. Concord. The most popular black grape; succeeds everywhere. Lucile. Very large red, of exquisite flavor.

Moore’s Diamond. Greenish-white, with rich yellow tinge. Moore’s Early. Niagara. Berries large, light greenish-white; slightly ambered.

Strong selected two-year-old vines, 25c each; $2.50 per doz.; $20.00 per 100.

Large, black; good quality.


Raspberries will succeed in any soil that will grow good corn but respond quickly to liberal treatment. For best results the old wood should be cut out just as soon as the crop has been gathered.

Cuthbert. Large, deep rich crimson. Latham. A standard red variety.

Everbearing Red Raniere. Thisisnot only the earliest red Raspberry, but it is a perpetual fruiting variety. Its main crop is greater than that of any other red variety, but con- tinues to bear until late in August, at which time the berries begin to ripen on the young canes which continue to bear fruit in increasing number until late in fall.

Any of the above: 75c per doz.; $6.00 per 100; $55.00 per 1000.

Strawberry Plants

A selection of fancy, high quality, heavy yielding garden vari- eties, covering the season from early to late.

Aberdeen. Midseason. Dunlap. Early midseason. Beauty. Midseason. Gandy. Late. Bellmar. Medium early. Marshall. Midseason. Big Joe. Midseason. Pearl. Late. Blakemore. Early. Premier. Early. Chesapeake. Late. Success. Very early.

Cooper. Early midseason. William Belt. Late.

Any of the above varieties: 40c per doz.; 65c per 25; $1.00 per 50; $1.50 per 100; $10.00 per 1000.

Two New Early Strawberries Fairfax and Dorsett

These were developed by scientists in the U. S. Dept. of Agr. In the opinion of most of those who have tested them they far surpass in quality any variety known to growersinthis country. The “‘royal’’ flavor of these berries coupled with the fact that the plants of both varieties are unusually vigorous, healthy, pro- ductive, and that the berries average large in size and are of beautiful appearance will make them the leading early berries even displacing Premier in many places. Fairfax berries after they have become fully ripe are dark in color although they stay firm for many days. Dorsett berries are light in color and stay light even when fully ripe.

Either of the above 2 varieties: 75c per doz.; $1.00 per 25; $1.50 per 50; $2.50 per 100.

Mastodon Everbearing Strawberry

Mastcdon—tThe Supreme Everbearing Strawberry Set plants in March or April and enjoy luscious Strawberries all through late summer and fall. Plants productive, berries large, quality fine. You will enjoy them. 75c per doz.; $1.00 per 25; $1.50 per 50; $2.50 per 100; $15.00 per 1000.

Blackberries Blackberries respond generously to good treatment. prefer a deep soil, but will grow and fruit almost anywhere.

El Dorado. hardy.

Snyder. One of the oldest and still one of the most popular. Either variety: 75c per doz.; $6.00 per 100; $55.00 per 1000.


One of the best; large, sweet and tender; very

Plants will be sent by Parcel Post if remittance is made to cover postage and special packing as noted on page 113

22 Wegetable Plants, Roots, and Herbs


Full description of the varieties offered below will be found under their respective heads in the vegetable sec- tion of this catalogue; pages 1 to 40. All plants are sent by express collect unless you request parcel post ship- ment in which case remittance is required to cover postage and special packing as fully explained on page 113.

Asparagus Roots. We can furnish the varieties listed below in selected one-year-old roots. We do not handle two-year or older stock because the one-year-old roots are used by all experienced growers and are the best size for transplanting. Ask for freeleaflet.

Dreer’s Eclipse. The result of a most careful selection and “breeding up,’’ to large size, delicate light green color, and tender quality. 40c per doz; $1.25 per 100; $8.00 per 1000.

Palmetto. An early green variety of good quality. 40c per doz; $1.25 per 100; $8.00 per 1000. —Mary Washington. Large straight dark green shoots

with heavy overtone. open out or begin to branch until well out of the ground, making the finest kind of green Asparagus both for home use and market. It is nearer to being rust-proof than any other variety, and the large, luscious stalks will be greatly appreciated. 50c per doz; $1.50 per 100; $10.00 per 1000.

Caulifiower. Ready in April and May. Per doz. Per 100 Earliest Snowstorm. Super Strain. Pot-grown

The tips are tight and firm and do not |

PLANES 24d 5:56 wre jateisver voles pelican thehers arate Gave a ete $0 75 $6 00 | Chives iini5e each. os cates cee wats ote 150 12 00 Egg Plant, Early Black Beauty. Pot-grown

plants ready in May and June................. 100 8 00 Hopi Vines... :20ceachtis Ghecinsccstsinel. iaerane 200 15 00 Horseradish Sets, Maliner Kren or Bo-

hemian. Produces roots of enormous size.

SLOOO Her OOO va verersretovcleboters tele etek arc tehale tienes A0)) 1.950 Lavender. Pot-grown plants, 25c each......... 2 50 20 00 Mint. Pot-grown plants.

Peppermint.” 2Ucieach’-~. te eesriecie avec. 150 12 00

spearmint. ZOceACh =. me cacer eee sce as 150 12 00 Parsley, Dreer’s Dwarf Perfection. Beauti-

fully curled foliage, pot-grown plants, ready April

LOMPUDLE TM . oinys « hentelaiessy elapse a oraveie = tame let ave ye neve nent ette 100 8 00 Pepper. Pot-grown plants ready May and June.

Early Giant. Large andmild............... 100 8 00

Long Red Cayenne. Hot and pungent...... 1 00 8 00

Per doz. Per 100

Rhubarb. Victoria. Finest cooking variety.

Stronp roots. 15 cleachrp. anes c..c ce meee ee $1 25 $10 00 Rosemary. Pot-grown plants. 25ceach....... 250 20 00 Sage, Holt’s Mammoth. 20ceach.......... 150 12 00 Tansy. Pot-grown plants. 20ceach........... 150 12 00 Tarragon or Estragon. Pot-grown plants. 25c

tol GRASS OCD Sonic arcane su aonodosemortaed 250 20 00 Thyme, Broad-Leaved English. Pot-grown

plants; 2Ocieachirc. << 5. cc. csrsiaveteictam eee 150 12 00

Tomatoes. Strong pot-grown plants ready May and June.

Marglobe. Now very popular everywhere.

Ponderosa. The largest Tomato grown. Always profitable for the home garden.

Pritchard. Early, globe-shaped, scarlet fruits of fine quality.

Stone. Very dependable and will produce a large crop of deep red, solid fruits. Any of the above 4 Tomato varieties: 75c doz; $6.00 per 100.

Asparagus Root

Please Read These Directions

Order Early —We suggest that you send us your order as early as convenient. Please keep a copy of your order for checking purposes.

Always give your Name, Local Address, Post Office as well as the nearest Express Office, and State on every order and letter you send us. Please write plainly.

Cash With Order— Remit by Post Office Money Order, Express Money Order, Draft, or Check. If you send Cash, register your letter. Prices are subject to change without notice.

Packing No charge is made for boxes or packing, nor for cartage to express or freight depot in Philadelphia.

Forwarding —All Vegetable and Flower seed in Packets (Pkt.), Ounces (0z.), and Pounds (lbs.), will be sent ‘‘Postage Paid’ to any post office in the United States and its possessions, or at our option by ‘‘Express Prepaid’’, except where quoted ‘‘Not Prepaid’, which means that customer bears the cost of trans- portation.

Farm Seeds, Implements, Fertilizers, and other heavy and bulky goods are sent ‘‘Not Prepaid’ by Express or Freight, except when quoted “Postpaid’’.

All Plants, Roots, and Bulbs are forwarded ‘‘Not Prepaid’, by Express. If wanted by Parcel Post add sufficient to your remittance to cover postage. See special instructions regarding the forwarding of these on page 113.

Local Delivery—There is no charge for delivery of goods in Philadelphia, even though marked ‘‘Not Prepaid”’.

Canadian Shipments—Flower Seeds and Vegetable Seeds (except Beans, Peas, and Corn) are sent postpaid. All other goods are sent ‘‘Not Prepaid’’ by Express or Freight, purchaser paying all transportation charges as well as custom’s duties. Patrons who wish to purchase Plants or Bulbs must first secure a permit from the Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. Remittances from Canada must be made in U. S. funds.

Foreign Customers will please remit in U.S. funds. Seeds quoted “‘postpaid’’ (excepting Beans, Peas, and Corn) will be prepaid for regular postage but transit and surcharges, as well as any costs for Consular invoices are to be included in the remittance. Custom’s duties cannot be prepaid.

Safe Arrival of Packages—We guarantee the safe arrival of all goods sent by mail or express to points anywhere in the United States. Goods sent any other way travel at purchaser's risk. All claims for damage must be made on receipt of goods. We are not responsible after the goods have been delivered in good condition.

Non-Warranty —Because most failures with Seeds, Plants, and Bulbs are due to causes entirely beyond our control, we cannot guarantee success, and we give no warranty as to description, quality, or productiveness of any of the seeds, plants, or bulbs we send out and will not in any way be responsible for the crop, and every order for articles purchased from this catalogue will be accepted on these conditions only.

Correspondence Your inquiries will have our prompt atten- tion but we ask that all questions be stated clearly and briefly. Give them on a piece of paper separate from the order sheet and always add your full name and address to each.

Garden Tools and Accessories”:

PRICES. —The prices in this catalogue are those in effect January 1, 1934, and are subject to market changes. MAIL SHIPMENTS. —Provided postage is remitted with order, any article permitted by the Postal Authorities will be mailed.

Asparagus Knife

Asparagus Bunchers. Philadelphia No. 1, makes 3 to 33-inch bunch. No. 2, makes 4 to 53-inch bunch. Either size, $3.75.

Asparagus Knife.

Philadelphia Asparagus Buncher Total length 14 inches, 50c, postpaid.

Asparagus Tape. A good, strong cotton tape 54g inch wide, 250 yard spools, green only, $1.50 postpaid; 1000 yard spools, red or green, per spool, $3.50, postpaid.

Axes. The ‘Kelly Perfect’ is quite the equal of the best axe to be had, beveled blade, 34 inch handle, weight 3 pounds, $1.50, each.

Celery Bleaching Tubes. The Ball celery bleaching tubes are made of a specially constructed paper that is resistant to moisture. A free circula- tion of air in the tubes keeps the celery in good condition in hot, dry, or heavy wet weather.

Size Dozen 100 500 1000

6x12 $0.35 $2.40 $11.00 $20.00

Gye .40)- 22260) © 112/700) 22200

Celery Bleaching Tube 7x14 vASI= 2280) 13700) °24500

Handlers for Celery Bleaching Tubes. Through the use of the celery handler, the placing of the tubes is greatly facilitated. Made of tin, $1.00; of brass, $2.00.

Cultivator, Norcross. A light weight, efficient tool, for either deep or shallow cultivation. Fit- ted with a four foot polished hardwood han- dle, 85c; by mail, $1.10.

Cultivator and Weeder Planet Jr. Star Pulverizer. Very effec- tive for working the flower garden, permits of cultivation where the

at plants are close, fitted with a 4 foot

a AN handle, width of cultivation 7} Cultivator and Weeder inches, $2.85.

Cultures or Inoculation for Legumes. Legumes, such as garden peas, sweet peas, lima beans, clovers, etc. will, when inocu- lated with the proper bacteria, show quite an increase in the nitrogen bearing nodules upon their roots. This greatly benefits the crop upon which it appears and future plantings as well.

Garden size, for sweet peas, garden peas, lima and bush beans, 30c, postpaid. Lupine inoculation, 50c, postpaid. Cultures are also available for alfalfa, all of the clovers, etc., and will be quoted upon request.

Dibbles. Useful in setting seedling plants in their permanent beds. Iron point, wood handle, postpaid, 85c; brass point, wood handle, postpaid, $1.10. Medium size dibble, made entirely of brass, postpaid, 85c.

Fertilizers. See page 212. Flower Pots. Flower Holders.

See page 211. When arranging flowers and foliage in bowls or other shallow containers our flower holder permits of the most graceful effect since the stems may be placed at any angle.

ll not rust nor corrode. Will not tilt nor upset. Green Lacquer, Bronze, Silver Plate, Gold Plate, and Black Enamel Finishes. Postpaid No. 1, 54-inch diam., #-inch mesh. .$1 25 No. 2, 4 -inch diam., 4-inch mesh.. 1 00 No. 3, 34-inch diam., 3-inch mesh... 75 No. 4, 24-inch diam., 4-inch mesh.. 60

Flower Holder

Forks. Hand Weeding Fork. A strong serviceable

tool, 50c; with 4 foot handle, 75c.

Manure Fork. D handle, $1.75, with ex- tra heavy tines, $2.50.

Spading Fork. 4 flat, pointed steel tines, $1.75; 5 tines, $2.25; boys’, $1.00.

English Digging Fork. Four pointed solid steel, square

tines, an exceptionally fine tool, $2.75.

Garden Reels. Black iron, capacity 100 ft. of garden line, $1.50.

Garden Line. Braided white cotton, 50 ft. 75c; 100 ft., $1.25.

Garden Tool Sets. For women and chil- dren, consisting of Rake, Hoe, and Shovel. Not toys but sturdily made tools, $2.00.

Grafting Chisel. }

Cutting blade 34 &

inches long, $1.35

postpaid. Grafting Wax. One quarter pound, 25c;

1 pound S55c.

Hand Weeding Fork


Garden Reel Grafting Chisel Gloves, Eezy Wear Garden. Light weight, all leather that is soft and pliable. Will be found entirely satisfactory for any purpose, excepting where very heavy thorns are to be handled. In ordering specify for men, or for women. Per pair, 75c postpaid. Heavy, thornproof gloves to protect against briars, etc., with heavy gauntlets, sizes 8} to 113 inclusive, $2.00.

Grape Bags. The Dreer Grape Bag will withstand practically any weather con- dition throughout an entire season. Fruit should be bagged when it has attained the size of a pea, first spraying as an added protection against blight and fun- gus. Wired complete ready for use, 100 for 60c postpaid; 1000 for $5.25 postpaid.

Grass Edger. The Planet Jr. revolving disc edger is a most convenient lawn edg- ing tool, $1.50; $1.75 postpaid.

Grass Edging Knives. With straight handles, English, $2.50; Domestic, with straight handles, $1.25, or fitted with a ‘“‘D” shaped handle, $1.50.

Grass Hooks or Sickles. Fraser's English, riveted back. The blade is of rather thin steel, reinforced along its back with heavier metal; No. 2, 80c; No. 3, 90c; No. 4, $1.00. Solidsteel blade, 70c.

Little Giant. One of the better known quality sickles

Wired Grape Bag

of domestic manufac- ture, 70c. Dreer Sickle. A _light-

weight, narrow bladedsickle

of excellent quality, 50c.

If Sickles are wanted by parcel post, add 15 cents to the price of each tool. Hanging Baskets.

Wire, painted green,

8 in., 25c each, $2.50 doz.;

10 in., 30c each, $3.00 doz.;

12 in., 45c each, $4.50 doz.;

15 in., 60c each, $6.50 doz.

Wire, galvanised, 8 in., 30c; 10 in., 40c; 12 in., 60c; 14 in., 70c; 16 in., $1.00 each.

Wire Hanging Basket

Planet Junior Grass Edger

Planet Jr. Cultivating and Seeding Equipment is shown on page 210.

Potato Hoe or Manure Drag

Hoes Hoes

Rake and Hoe (Fig. 1), 4 teeth $1.00; 6 teeth $1.10.

Half Moon (Fig. 2) 4 in. 95c; 5 in. $1.00; 6 in. $1.05; 7 in. $1.10.

Warren Hoe (Fig. 3), for furrowing, hoeing, cultivating, etc. 7 in. $1.25; Baby Warren Hoe, 4 in. blade 90c.

Scuffle Hoe (Fig. 4), stamped steel, 4 in. 90c; 6 in. $1.00.

Scuffle Hoe, forged steel, 4 in. $1.25; 6 in. $1.35.

Weeding Hoe (Fig. 5), 1 point, 70c; 2 points (Fig. 7), 75c.

Square Hoe (Fic. 6), 6 in. $1.00; 7 in. $1.05; 8 in. $1.10.

Potato Hoe (Fig. 8), or Manure Drag, 4 tines, $1.50.

Hose, Rubber. Each brand of garden hose offered below has been chosen because of its exceptional construction and will give length of service well beyond that to be had from the average hose.

“Spring Garden,” 3 inch, 12c per foot.

“Riverton,” § inch, 15c per foot.

“Electric,” % inch, 20c per foot.

United States ‘““Royal Cord,” } inch, 174c per foot.

Hose Nozzle. Adjustable nozzle will throw varying streams of water, ranging from a far reaching jet to a wide fan shaped spray, 75c postpaid.

Boston Nozzle. Constructed with a 3} inch diameter face, circular in shape, having either fine or coarse perforations, used in greenhouse syringing andin watering seedlings, $1.35 postpaid.

Hose Nozzle Holder. A device con- structed of heavy wire, well galvanized to

prevent rusting. Used just as shown in the illustration. 25c postpaid.

Siamese Connection, permits the use of two lines of hose from a single outlet, $1.25 postpaid.

x UO


Hose Nozzle Holder

Siamese Connection

Hose Menders. Leaks and breaks in the gar- den or greenhouse hose can be easily remedied with either of the two hose menders pictured. Cooper hose mender, 10c each; $1.00 per doz.

4 Perfection hose mender, 10c each; $1.00

perfeatian per doz., postpaid.

Hose Mender

Hose Couplings. Solid brass, 20c per pair, postpaid.

Perfect Clinching Hose Coupling. A self-fastening coupling that does not require bands, bolts, or wire. Can’t pull off. For 3, §, or $-inch hose, 30c per pair, postpaid.

Rain King Coupler. Fits any regulation hose coupling. Snaps to- gether and apart in- stantly. 60c per pair, postpaid.

Rain King Coupler Hose Clamps, for attaching couplings to hose, 3 in., § in. or fin., galvanized, 4c each, 35c per dozen; brass, 5c each, 50c per doz.

Hotkaps. A scien- tifically constructed wax paper cone that

you place over each New Method of plant permitting the

setting out of seed- tt Protection .

ling plants several weeks earlier than is ordinarily possible. These miniature hothouses will protect your plants from frost, wind, rain, insects, and ground crusting. 50 Hotcaps, $1.00; 100 Hotkaps, $1.75; or with a special garden setter and tamper, $2.40; 250 Hotkaps with a special garden setter and tamper, $3.65; Standard package of 1000 Hotkaps, $10.00.

Hotkap Setters. Special Setter, suitable for the backyard garden, 50c; Steel Setter, $2.25.

Hotbed Heaters, Westinghouse Automatic. Electric heater operating upon either direct or alternating current. Complete with thermostatic temperature control, $10.00. Write for descriptive circular.

Hotbed Mats. Frostproof Burlap, 40 x 76 in., $1.75; double mat, 76 x 76 in., $2.50.

One side waterproof, one side Burlap, 40 x 76 in., $2.50; double mat, 76 x 76 in., $4.50.

Reed Mats, 6 ft. 4 in. square, made of a strawlike reed, tied with five rows of tarred twine, excellent for windbreaks as well as for covering cold frames. $2.50 each; $25.00 per doz.

Hotbed Sash. Made of Cypress. 3 x 6 ft. painted, $3.75; glazed and painted, $7.50.

Hotbed Thermometers. Frame is of hardwood, with a cast aluminum point, $2.50.

Cel-O-glass (Glass Substitute). This has a mesh wire foundation covered with a transparent substance. Light weight, flexible, weatherproof. 36 inches wide, 50c per lineal foot.

Lite-O-Glass (Glass Substitute). A closely woven fabric, that has been impregnated in a manner that renders it water- proof, flexible, and an excellent insulator against cold. Very fine to cover hot beds and cold frames. 36 inches wide, 35c per yard.


Unglazed, not

Leaf Rack. The Key- KKK stone Leaf Rack can be eer used on any wheelbarrow RY with removable _ sides. \)

Made of galvanized wire bolted to a wooden base, with a capacity of 10 bushels, it is quiet con- venient for gathering leaves, cut grass and rub- bish. Price, not including wheelbarrow, $8.00.

Keystone Leaf Rack Attachment

Mole Traps. Traps are set above newly made burrows, the movement of the rodent be- neath releasing the mechanism that results in the capture of the mole. When the Schroeter and Reddick traps are sprung pointed spears are driven through the body of the mole. Acme, $2.00, Schroeter, $2.25; Reddick, $1.25.

Moss, Imported Peat. Practically all soils, whether sandy or clayey, are materially improved through the addition of Imported Peat. 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 Ibs. $1.50. Per bale, sufficient to cover 250 square feet one inch deep, $3.00; five bales, $13.50; ten bales, $25.00.

Mulch Paper. A durable paper impregnated with asphalt, that may be used upon the soil in the garden for the purpose of discouraging weed growth, and for conservation of soil moisture. Type “‘A” for Annuals in 300 yard rolls, Type ‘‘B”’ for perennials or biennials, in 150 yard rolls. Either type, 18 inch wide rolls $3.00; 36 inch wide rolls $6.00.

Trial package, containing 15 yards of type ““B"’ paper, 50c post- paid. Descriptive booklet upon request.

Nails, Wall. For supporting climbing vines, fitted with a soft metal extension which clasps the vine to wall. 1 inch, 35c doz.; $2.50 per 100; 14 inch, 50c doz.; $3.25 per 100; 2 inch, 65c doz.; $4.00 per 100.

Paper. Wax, 24x 36in., white, 24 sheets, 25c; green, 30c. Per ream (500 sheets), white,

$3.00; green, $3.25. Wall Nails

Hotkaps ©

oF ieee


Kneeling Pads. 15 inches long, 8 inches wide, 9% of an inch in thickness. Made of sponge rubber. The use of this pad will protect the clothing and prevent dampness from affecting the knees. 75c postpaid.

Knives, Horticultural. We have a selection of the finest

quality, Budding, Propagating, and Pruning knives, both Domestic and Foreign. A descriptive list will be sent upon request.

Pointed Pot


Plant Labels. Wood, pointed, for pot and garden plants.

Size 100 1000 Size 100 1000 4 xin 60035). 82 25 | Saerin..... $0 85 $6 50 AE EOD oem oiscys AQ) ee2) 504 | el Olxa Gantt .te-rsv0 85 6 50 eet Ve nee #02075 |oeetan <. 1... 1.25.9 00 6. se Bins sees. SOn SOON t2ecttainee eee leon 2) 00 Labels— Wired, Wood, 3} x 3 inches, for trees, shrubs, etc.

40c per 100; $2.75 per 1000. NOTE—TIf labels are to be sent by Parcel Post add toc per 100 and 35c per 1000.

Labels, Copper or Zinc, wired for attaching to shrubs, trees, etc, 3} in., marking is done with a stylus, fu-nished free with each hundred. 25c per doz.; $1.50 per 100.

Simplex Weatherproof Plant Labels. Writing is protected by a transparent cover and will remain legible indefinitely if done with lead pencil or label ink. Fitted with wires for attaching to plants.

No. 1, 3 x 3 in. 50c per doz.; $3.00 per 100. No. 2, 4 x $in. 75c per doz.; $5.00 per 100. No. 3, 5 x 1 in. $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 per 100.

Simplex Garden Labels, 24 inches long, gener- ally used for marking specimen plants, illustrated. No. 10, card 23 x 1} in., 25c each; $2.75 per doz. No. 11, card 3 x2 in., 30c each; $3.25 per doz.

Perfect Garden Label. When marked with an ordinary pencil remains permanently legible in all sorts of weather. When placed in the garden the hori- zontal marking space is quite easily seen, yet at the same time the attractive blue gray color of the label blends with the plant foliage and the soil. Garden Size, Dozen $1.25; 25, $2.00; 100, $7.75.

joo bolt

Perfect i Gardomapel Rock Garden Size, Dozen Sueblex $1.00; 25, $1.75; 100, $6.75. Label

LabelInk. Weatherproof for marking upon Simplex and other celluloid labels, 1 ounce bottle, $1.00.

Label Ink. For inscribing upon zinc labels only, per bottle, 40c. Label Pencils. Special rainproof, 10c each; $1.00 per dozen. Plant Stands. Wire collapsible, each ea:

shelf measures 29 inches in length, 74 '

inches in width; with 2 shelves, $5.00;

three shelves, $6.00.

Pot Brackets. Iron, single arm, with one pot receptacle, 50c; single arm, with two pot receptacles, 65c.

Steel pot brackets, for 5 in. pots, 60c;

6 in. pots, 75c; 7 in. pots, 90c.

Pot Hangers for 5, 6, 7 or 8 in. pots. 6c each; 60c per doz., postpaid.

Collapsible Wire Plant Stand

Pot Hanger Iron Pot Bracket Steel Pot Bracket

Rakes for the Lawn and Garden

Ames. Wood, with 3 steel reinforcing bows, 24 teeth, $1.35.

Automatic. Self-clean- ing, wood, 26 teeth, $1.75; 38 teeth, $2.50.

Bailie Lawn Rake. This tool, fitted with 24 teeth, made from flat spring steel, is so well constructed and of such superior material that we believe it to be the best lawn rake available, $2.00.

Bamboo Broom Rake. Will sweep the lawn of even the finer particles, very light in weight, fitted with polished nard-wood handles, 18 inch head, 75c; 24 inch $1.00.

Garden, or level head rake, steel, 10 teeth, 90c; 12 teeth, 95c; 14 teeth, $1.00; 16 teeth, $1.05.

Garden, bow steel, teeth slightly curved, 12 teeth, $1.10; 14 teeth, $1.15; 16 teeth, $1.25.

Gumfinger Lawn Rake. The teeth are of flexible, durable tubber that adjust themselves to ground irregularity raking clean over rough, uneven surfa* s. Will not uproot nor tear the grass, neither can the teeth become clogged. 16 inch, $1.00; 20 inch, $1.25; 24 inch, $1.50.

Lawncomb. This rake is made with flat steel teeth and a one piece steel frame. Combs the lawn of the smallest particles. Fitted with an 18 inch head, $1.00; with a 24 inch head, $1.25. See

Wire Lawn or Grass =~ Rake. Has curved [E> teeth, heavily galvan- oe ized, 24 teeth, $1.00;

36 teeth, $1.25.

Raffia. This fiber, being tough and pliable, is unsurpasseu for

tying plants. Natural color, pound 40c; dyed green, pound $1.00.

Raffia Tape. A very strong tying tape, nile green, per spool, 250 yards, $1.00, postpaid.

Tape. Cotton fabric, inch wide, dyed green, an excellent tying medium particularly for heavy plants, such as dahlias. 250 yard spool, $1.50 postpaid; 1000 yard spool, postpaid $3.50.

Rollers, Water Ballast. A very easy running roller. Edges rounded preventing tearing of the sod. The special feature of this roller is that it can be adjusted to varying weights with water.

No. 607. 14 in. diameter,

15 in. wide, weighs when empty, 50 lbs.; filled,

: dif Sspoundse ceric $10 00

4 No. 601. Diam., 14 in.,

width, 23 ia., empty, 60 Ibs.; filled, 250 pounds..15 00

No. 602. Diam., 18 in., width, 23 in., empty,

75 Ibs.; filled, 330 pounds 17 00

No. 603. Diam., 23 in., width, 23 in., empty,

100 lbs.; filled,440pounds 20 00

No. 604. Diam., 24 in., width, 32 in., empty, 115 lbs.; filledeRs SOR pOUn dSaerqeiterericicrosieinicioces nis ciws-ceoece e 22 00

Saucers. See page 211.

Scythes. Fraser’s English. Riveted back, 30 and 32 inch, $3.00; 34 and 36 inch, $3.25.

Little Giant Scythes. 28, 30, or 32 inch blades, $2.25 each. Heavy Bush Scythes, $2.50 each.

Scythe Stone. English Talacre, 35c; Darby, 25c; Carborun- dum, 35c.

Scythe Snath or Handle, $2.00.


Ames Rake


Lawn Comb

Water Ballast Roller

Saws, Disston Hand Pruning. $1.50; 20 inch, $1.75.

16 inch, $1.25; 18 inch,

California Pattern Saw. 14-inch curved blade, $1.25.

Pacific Coast Type Saw. $2.25; extra blades, 30c each.

Disston Saw D-27. Has a stiff, narrow blade, similar to a hand saw, a hornless Di "s Saw D-27 handle and long, needle- Peg S Ree point, special-shaped teeth. Blade 6 inches wide at the butt, 1} at the point, 26 inches long. A superior saw in every respect, $3.00.

Pruning Compound. An antiseptic, durable, and elastic dressing recommended for use on pruning wounds and cavities in trees. 1 quart, 75c; 1 gallon $2.25.

Shears, Tree Pruning.

Lopping Shears, 26 inch hardwood handle, $3.50; 36 inch hard- wood handle, $4.00. The Tiffany" all steel Tree Lopping Shears. Forged of crucible steel, blades tempered in oil, and so designed to permit cutting of limbs up to 1} inch diameters with ease. No. 1, Length of handles 20 inches, $3.00. No. 2, Length of handles 24 inches, $3.50. No. 3, Length of handles 30 inches, $4.00. Compound Lever, Pole Pruner. 8 ft. $4.00; 10 ft. $4.50; 12 ft. $5.00; 14 ft. $5.50. Waters, Pole Pruner. Supplied complete with poles. $2.50; 10 ft. $2.75; 12 ft. $3.00.

Hedge Shears, American. The finest quality hedge shear of domestic manufacture to be obtained. 6-inch $1.50; 9-inch $2.50; 10-inch $3.00; 12-inch $3.50.

Hedge Shears, Wilkinson’s English. The Wilkinson is conceded to be the best of the foreign-made tools. 8-inch $3.00; 9-inch $3.25; 10-inch $3.75; 12-inch $4.50.

Hedge Trimmer ‘‘Lit- tle Wonder.’’ For trimming the new growth of privet hedges there isn’t another de- vice at all comparable with the ‘Little Won- der.”” Made in both hand operated and elec- trically driven models. Hand driven, with 30- inch cutting bar $25.00; 40-inch $27.50; 60-inch $35.00.

Electric model, 27-inch cut, $42.50. Descriptive circular upon request.

Similar to the Telegraph pole pruners. 4 ft. $2.00; 6 ft. $2.25; 8 ft.

Simplicity Pruner and Trimmer

Hedge Trimmer and Pruner, Simplicity. Two way hedge trimmers, the blades cutting both with the opening and closing of the handles. Light in weight, requiring but little effort to operate. Made by Disston. Simplicity Trimmer for new growth only, $3.50; Pruner and Trimmer, for old as well as new growth, $4.50.

Hedge Shears, Yeakle. The Yeakle Shear is of the same appearance as the ordinary hedge shear excepting that the blades, which are hand forged and oil tempered, are fitted with a spring tension that keeps them in position on the heaviest work; the finest hedge shear obtainable. $5.50 per pair.

Scissors. Acme Flower Gather- ing. So designed that they retain hold upon the flower stem after the bloom has been cut which greatly facilitates the gathering of cut flowers. 75c pair, postpaid.

ce an - =

The Wiss Flower and Grape Gathering Scissors is just a little more rugged than any other. It is an ideal pruning shear for ladies use, $1.50 postpaid. Shears, ‘‘Clean Cut’’

Pruning. The compound lever action upon the twin cutting blades obtained in this shear combined with

its lightness in weight ; makes it the ideal tool for Clean Cut Pruning Shear ladies’ use. Sufficiently

rugged for moderately heavy work. $1.65 per pair postpaid.

Shears, Hand Pruning. 6 inch, nickel plated, for ladies $1.50.

Dreer's Special. A first quality pruning shear, 9inch. (Wo. 3 in

illustration) $2.00 postpaid.

Perfection. Blades, handles, and spring forged from a single piece of steel. A shear for the more difficult work. (No. 1 in illustra- tion) $3.50 postpaid.

Wiss. 9 inch, heavy. This shear is recommended particularly for heavy work, $3.50, postpaid.

French. Wheel spring, 7 inch, $2.25; 8 inch, $2.50; 84 inch, $2.75; 10 inch ( No. Zin illustration), $3.25, postpaid.

French. Hand forged, hand made; an exceptional shear for care- ful pruning, 8 inch $4.00; 8} inch $4.50 postpaid.

Double Cut. Made especially for rugged work; the curved, pointed, double cutting blades make this tool especially valuable for the separation of dahlia tubers, etc. 9 inch, (No. 4 in illustration), $4.00 postpaid.

Shears, Border, for trimming the over- hanging grass along walks and bordering the garden. Without wheel; domestic, 10 inch blades, $3.50; imported, $6.50.

Border Shears. With wheel, domestic, 10 inch blades $4.00; imported, $6.75.

Lawn Shears. With two wheels; blades lie flat against the ground; for cutting grass beneath trees and under fences, domestic, $3.50; im- ported, $6.00.

No. 90 Grass Shear

Shears, Grass, No. 90. Blades are of razor steel, 54 inches in length, while the handles, which have been designed to fit the contour of the hand, are of malleable iron, neatly japanned, $1.00 per pair, postpaid.

Grass or Sheep Shears. American, 54% inch, $1.10; 7 inch, $1.25. Imported English Sheffield Steel, 54 inch, $1.75; 7 inch $2.50. Imported German, 5} inch, $1.50.

(Grass Shear prices are postpaid.)

Chisels and Gouges for tree Surgery will be quoted upon request.



Sickles. See Grass Hooks, page 203. Compressed Air Sprayer No. 1. A Sieves. Any size mesh. 18 inch diameter, $1.75. four gallon compressed air sprayer. No 12 inch diameter, 4 mesh to the inch, $1.25. tools required to take apart. Fitted

Sod Lifter. Imported, heart shaped blade, $8.00.

Spades, D handled, polished blades, $2.00; small spades for ladies use, either short or long handles, $1.50.

Burbank Spade. Narrow blade, rounded point, $2.25.

Nursery Spade. Handle is reinforced its entire length, both

complete with an automatic nozzle, a 2 foot extension rod, and a wide mouthed hard rubber funnel to facilitate filling the tank. Galvanized metal tank, $6.50; brass tank, $9.50.

front and back with steel straps, $3.00.

eo 2 ee

Compressed Air Sprayer No. 50. 2} gallon capacity. In appearance and con- struction this sprayer is similar to the No. 1. Galvanized, $4.75; brass, $7.00.

Knapsack Sprayers, Deming. Con- structed so as to be carried comfortably across the operator’s back. The mechan- ism of this type pump develops higher pressures, with less effort, than is possible in other than much larger equip- ment. All working parts are readily accessible. Tank capacity 4 gallons. Equipment includes a 3 foot of spray hose, an automatic shut off, extension rod, and spray nozzle. Brass tank, $20.00; gal- vanized tank, $16.50.

Rain King Sprinkl Big Circle Lawn Sprinkler Sprinklers, Lawn. We are listing but three of the many varieties that we carry in stock. A complete list will be sent upon request.

Rain King. The Rain King is different from any other sprinkler. Revolving or stationary spray—coarse or fine, fast or slow. Sturdy and simple in design. Covers an area 8 to 60 feet in diameter, $2.50° postpaid.

The Improved Rain King. ‘The A-1’’, $3.50.

Big Circle Sprinkler. For large lawns and golf courses. Covers an area of 125 feet in diameter and delivers up to 40 gallons of water per minute, $12.75.

Spraying, Whitewashing, and Dusting Equipment

FULL 4 GALLON TANK Compressed Air Sprayer Knapsack Sprayers, Vermorel Eclair, the best of the imported knapsack type sprayers. Brass tank, 5 gallon capacity, $16.50. Bucket Spray Pump. Where limited amount of spraying has to be done, using the heavier spray solutions such as arsenate of lead, the ‘‘Perfect Success’” Bucket Pump performs most satisfactorily. Will also spray whitewash. All working parts are brass. Fitted with four feet of hose and a Bordeaux nozzle, (bucket not included), $8.00.

G.-V. Variable Sprayer

Wheelbarrow Sprayer Wheelbarrow Sprayer, Deming.

Distinctly a “one-man” machine. Hose and discharge pipe are of sufficient length to spray young or low-growing fruit trees.

Pump has 13-inch brass tube cylinder with adjustable strokes, brass plunger, ball valves, and valve seats. Tank holds 10 gallons, and is detachable from frame. Tank is made in brass or galvanized iron.

Ten feet of 2-inch discharge hose with ‘‘Demorel’’ nozzle and 4-ft.. spray pipe are included. With galvanized tank, $30.00; brass tank, $37.50.

Hand Sprayers. a

Atomizer. Well made of heavy tin, single acting and throws a fine misty spray; tin. Capacity 1 pint, 35c¢ postpaid; 1 quart 50c postpaid.

French Hand Sprayer. Quite the finest hand sprayer obtainable. Tank is made of copper and holds about two quarts. Will discharge an extremely fine mist or a long straight stream to a height of 10 or 12 feet. $6.00 each, post- paid.

G-V Variable Sprayer. Of one quart capacity, fitted with a nozzle that will permit spraying with varying degrees of density, from a solid stream to the finest mist. An extremely satisfactory sprayer for applying lacquers. ‘Tin, $1.25; Brass, $1.50, postpaid.

Rubber Sprinklers. Ideal for syringing and spraying house plants. 6 oz. straight or angular neck, 75c; 8 oz. $1.00;

10 oz. $1.15. Delivery prepaid.

Paragon Sprayer No. 3. An ex- tremely satisfactory machine for either cold water painting,

whitewashing, whitecoating the greenhouse glass, or spraying, having a capacity for cover- ing at the rate of 100 square feet a

minute. The narrowness of this outfit is an aid in greenhouse spraying be- cause of the ease with

; Feeney Duster The Feeney Duster. The best small hand duster for applying dry insecticides similar to ‘‘Pomo Green”’ either in the flower or vegetable garden, fitted with a long spout permitting dusting close to the ground and on the under side of foliage without stooping. Model B, capacity about 1 pint, $1.25 postpaid. Model D, capacity two quarts, $3.25 postpaid.

which it can be

moved up and down

the aisles and around

the benches. Equip-

ped with a 12 gal. tank

The Green Hand Duster. Hasa capacity up to 4 pounds. Constructed with a large powerful bellows, and is complete with a 30 inch extension tube and spreader. Light and compact, easy to operate, and will handle any of the dusts that can be used in larger outfits, $6.00.

mounted on a truck, three 2} ft. extension


pipes, 2 and 10 ft. of hose, $22.00.

No. 3 Paragon Sprayer

Customer pays transportation on all Garden Requisites except where quoted postpaid or prepaid


Stakes, Bamboo. Dyed Green. Very fine for staking Delphinium, hardy Chrysanthemums, Gladioli, etc.

Length Doz. 100 1000)Length Doz. 100 1000 18in........$0 10 $0 35 $2 50/36in.......$0 20 $0 60 $4 50 24 in 12 40) S00|48iin=.). 22 oe 25 1.00) 6:50 BO eGpa5 none 15 SOP Sev VOOnn wen cere 30 12519700 Stakes, Bamboo. Heavy, for Dahlias and Roses.

Each Doz. 100 3-inch diameter, 4 ft. long................ $0 08 $0 75 $5 00 § to ?-inch diameter, 6 ft. long............ 10 100 6 50

Stakes, Western Cane. A domestic cane of varying lengths from 6 to 9 feet long. The average diameter at the butt end will be } inch tapering to a point. A decidedly economical stake since they may be easily cut to support a variety of plants. 100, $2.25; 500, $10.00; 1000, $18.50.

Wood Stakes. Light, round, painted green: Doz. by Each Doz. Parcel Post 100 Tift aok cc eiek sateen $0 03 $025 $035 $1 85 VAS) | CPR EO TERI are rch cn ae 05 45 55 3 25 QE it. ok See ee ile 06 65 80 4 75 SEES Bic t pod somonc moe outers 09 85 1 00 6 25 AEE Rs Sore Eatin an ore arene 12 As) 1 45 9 00 BS LEADS eo aitievath petra: ciotrenere 15 150m) kereant i230 Heavy Rose or Dahlia Stakes. Round, painted green. Doz. by Each Doz. ety ieee 100 K ib ceciarinc $0 12 $1 25 $150 $9 50 A Eton 17 Lae 2 10 13 00 LD Gira epee 22 DDS aeene's 16 50 ~~ Gittiase eae 25 Dehn. aera 20 00

Hyacinth Stakes. 12 inch, 30c per 100; $2.00 per 1000.

By parcel post $2.25 per 1000. 18 inch, 40c per 100; $2.75 per 1000. By parcel post $3.25 per 1000. Stakes, Square. Painted green. A substantial stake that in the taller sizes will support the heaviest plants. Doz. by Each Doz. PP. 100 Late $0 03 $025 $035 $1 80 2 okt site 04 40 50 2 DE een 06 60 85 4 00 3) Sitiasha. 09 80 1 00 6 25 A Tt foci 13 1 30 155 9 25 Sy ftesttecres 18 Is (saree ae 13 00 Gite oe 20 1 90 Sicletame 15 50 Stakes, Galvanized Iron Wire $-inch diameter. Doz. 100 1000 Seihiacpecerest tare ors $015 ‘$095 $7750 SSIES ATO HOS 25 1 35 11 00 Bip evel itarer earch Aone 35 170 14 50 Bloom Support fenetthsleus taco avereieys 45 2 00 18 00 a Nea eretonetatage epeuete 55 2255 2000

Tape. ; inch wide, dyed green, fine for tying up heavy plants, such as Dahlias. 250 yard spools, $1.50, postpaid; 1000 yard spools, $3.50 postpaid.

Bloom Support. The arms of this support are designed to stake the individual bloom of flowers such as Delphinium, Lilies, Chrysanthemum, etc. doing away with the bunchy appearance that re- sults where tape or twine is used. The arms are most adaptable, bend or slide them to any position and they remain put.

30 inch stake $1.75 doz.; 42 inch, $2.00 dozen.

Timesaver Plant Supports. Supports are made of cold drawn steel, are pointed and looped. Each stake is complete with a galvanized wire sliding clip and twine for tying plant to be supported. In using this support the twine is looped about the plant then passed into the wire clip—no further tying being necessary.

No. 1—28 inch stake, 95c per doz. No. 2—34 inch stake, $1.15 per doz. No. 3—40 inch stake, $1.60 per doz.

Timesaver Plant Sanart No. 3A —46 inch stake, $2.20 per doz.

Sweet Pea, Garden Pea, and Vine Trellis. Height 4 feet, length 5 feet, frame constructed of } inch, galvan- ized steel, with a green, non-fade rope centre, that will not heat and burn ten- der plants. Quickly assembled without bolts, screws, or any tools. $2.25, each.

Carnation Supports Adjustable. Extremely satisfactory in the flower garden for Snapdragons, Carnations, Pyrethrum, Petunias, etc.; being adjustable to a height of 24 inches; rings measure 7 inches in diameter. $1.00 per doz.; $6.50 per 100.

Adjustable Ring Plant Support. Rings may be adjusted to accommodate any plant having a diameter up to 20 inches, upright supports 34 inches in length. 35c each; $3.50 per dozen.

Adjusto Plant Support. Consists of ahardwood stake together with a wire ring which may be adjusted to varying heights to conform with the growth of the plant.

Each Doz.

3 foot stake, 12 inch ring........ $0.20 $2.00

4 foot stake, 12 inch ring........ 225 2.25 Model Peony or Tomato Trellis. Of heavy

galvanized wire, height adjustable to a maximum of 35 inches. Each ring measures 14 inches in diameter. 35c each; $3.50 per dozen.

Adjustable Car- nation Support


Model Peony or Tomato Trellis

Adjusto Plant Support

Adjustable Ring Plant Support

Trucks. Combination trucks, water or spray barrel and leaf rack, corfiplete with 23-inch tires $40.00.

A very convenient combination, as the units are detachable and easily adjusted. Barrels with trunnions attached can be picked up by merely raising and lowering the truck handles. Weight is evenly balanced on axles. Truck, frame, and wheels only $15.50. ;

Barrel, $9.50; box, $6.25; leaf Rack $11.50!

Combination Truck and Water Barrel


Sun Dials. Cast bronze, beautifully finished, 10 inch diameter, $5.00; 11 inch diameter, $7.50; 12} inch diameter $12.00.

A descriptive circular of sun dials

and pedestals will be sent on request.

Thermometers. We carry but one grade of thermometers, the best procurable.

Greenhouse. Tin case, Japanned. 8 in., $1.75; 10 in. $2.00. Copper case, 10 in. $2.50.

Self Registering. Indicates maximum and minimum degrees of temperature. Polished brass case $5.50.

Hotbed or Mushroom. Iron point $2.50.


= ees TF

Churn or Dairy. Glass, also suitable as a soil thermometer $1.00.

Humidiguide. With the aid of the Humidiguide it becomes possible to properly regulate the humidity of the home, the conservatory, or greenhouse. Neat in appearance. $6.00 postpaid.

Sek Ad RS Pees ree

Hotbed Rene Torches. For burning caterpillars’ Thermometers nests, asbestos, 40c; 50c postpaid. Trowels. American. A reasonably good serviceable tool.

6 inch 25c.

Dreer Trowel. The trowel most liked by professionals. The blade is flat and unusually strong, and is ideal for bulb planting 80c.

English Pattern. Blade and shank forged from one piece of high grade steel. 5 inch, 70c; 6 inch, 75c; 7 inch, 80c.

Steel Shank. Blade and shank forged from a single piece of high grade steel, blade polished and tempered 75c.

Transplanting. Hoe shaped. Useful where considerable trans- planting is necessary 75c.

Transplanting. Narrow steel blade 30c.

Add 10c to the price of trowels to cover postage.

Steel Shank Trowel

Hoe Trowel English Pattern Steel Trowel

Twine. Cotton, Green, 10c per ball; Ib. (12 balls), 90c. Cotton, White, 3 ply, 10c per ball; lb. (6 balls), 50c. Jute, 2 and 3 ply, 20c per ball; Ib. (2 balls), 35c. 5 ply Jute, in one pound balls 35c per ball. Silkaline. A strong green thread for stringing Smilax, Asparagus sprengeri, etc.; fine, medium, and coarse, 35c per spool; lb., of 8 spools, $2.50; $2.65 postpaid.

Window Boxes. 2 Savo. Self - watering and sub-irrigating.

8 inches in height,

94 inches in width, strongly made of steel, finished in a pleas-


ing shade of green,

23 inches long. ....$3 00 29 inches long..... 3 50

Self-Watering Window Box

35 inches long......... $4 00

41 inches long......... 4 50

Success. Self-watering, well made, water-tight, galvanized steel box, finished in dark green enamel, 84 inches wide, 64 inches deep and are furnished in the following lengths:

DAM GHOS yoisrare s siaiess $1 50 42 TNGHES ny .cisyeter a oes $3 50 SOUMCHES: ..4-)a1-(6s.< 2 00 ABMINGHES we arsine e eles 4 00 SOMNCRES yar mar. sag

Descriptive circulars upon the above will be sent upon request

Vases—Galvanized Metal. For cut flowers; will not rust.

Diameter Depth Each Dozen No. 65. 7}inch 8 inch....$0 60 $6 00 No. 66. 84 inch 10 inch... 70 7 00 No. 68. 82 inch 12inche =. - (90 9 00 No. 69. 82 inch 18 inch... 100 10 00 No. 253. 42 inch 92inch... 50 5 00 No. 255. 63inch 12inch.... 60 6 00 No. 257. 64inch 14$inch... 75 7 50

Watering Cans.

The English and French type of watering cans are hand made of exceptionally heavy non- rusting metal, the spouts are extremely long and each can is sup- plied with two roses, one having fine perforations for the watering of seed and seedlings, and the other with more coarse openings

| for general work.

The light round cans are furnished with but a single rose having coarse openings. English Pattern French Pattern

Light Round Heavy Round Heavy Oval

4 qt.. - $4 00 Z -

6 at.. $0 80 4 25 $5 00

8 qt. 85 4 75 5 25

10 qt. 95 5 25 5 50

12 qt. 1 00 5 50 Sao

16 qt. 1 50 6 00 6 50

Window Garden Water- ing Can.

Made of copper with a handle of brass. Spout is of seamless copper tubing. Capacity 1? quarts, $1.35 postpaid.

Window Garden Watering Can ———=—] TR) cee

Eureka Weeders Eureka, 50c; postpaid 60c;

Weeders. with 2-foot handle, 65c; postpaid 75c; 4-ft handle, 75c; postpaid 90c.

Dandelion and Plantain Extractor Dandelion and Plantain Extractor. A most practical and efficient weeder, 25 inches long, $1.25; $1.40 postpaid.

Cleveland Lawn Weeder. postpaid.

Magic Weeder. The fingers are made of tempered wire, flattened out upon the points. A device permits drawing the fingers as closely to- gether as may be desired. 35c each; 45c postpaid.

Lang’s Weeder. An all metal device that = is used in weeding vegetable crops that are sown in drills. 25c each; 35c postpaid.

Excelsior Weeder. Claw is made of malleable iron, galvanized to prevent rusting. 15c each; 25c postpaid.

Cleveland Lawn Weeder



Magic Weeder

Excelsior Weeder Lang’s Weeder

Wheelbarrows. Boys’, $6.50. No. 3 Garden, 3-inch tire, $8.00.

No. 2, Garden, 3-inch tire, $8.50.

Dreer Special Garden Barrow, constructed of hardwood through- out, finished in clear varnish, fitted with a 2}-inch tread wheel, $9.50.

Greenhouse. Narrow in construction so as to pass easily through greenhouse aisles, $10.00.

210 Wheel Hoes, Cultivators, and Seeders

Send for a Planet Jr. Catalogue. It is possible to list only a few of these tools here since the line include a very complete assortment of hand tools and horse tools, both for one horse and two horses.

Planet Jr. Jiffy Hoe. For the small vege- table garden the Jiffy Hoe will prove a most handy tool. Handle is adjustable to varying heights, $2.00.

Plow Attachment for furrowing, hilling, ete. 75c additional.



No. 4 Planet Jr. Combined Hill and Drill Seeder and Single Wheel Hoe


Cahoon Broadcast Seed Sower

For broadcasting grass seed upon fairly large areas. Clovers, millets, and similar farm seeds, too, may beaccurately broadcast, $5.00.

Planet Jr. Jiffy Hoe No. 4. Combined Seeder and

Cultivator. The small grower should select one of the combined machines. As a hill and drill seeder it opens the furrow, deposits the seed, covers it, and rolls it, either in drills or hills. Holds 23 quarts, $16.75.

Planet Jr. Speed Hoe. Weeds, mulches, cultivates. The combination of the saw-toothed blades with the scuffle, or knife blade, or the cultivating | s teeth thoroughly pulverizes the soil, kills Neste Whaat toe and pulls out all weeds, and does a com- plete job of cultivating with but a mini- mum of effort. Made in three sizes: 8 inch, $7.25; 10 inch, $7.75; 12 inch, $8.25.

No. 4D. Seeder only, cultivating tools not included, $13.50.

No. 25 Planet Jr. Com- bined Hill and Drill Seeder and Double Wheel Hoe

#6 9)99

No.16. Planet Jr. Single Wheel Hoe. Designed to do all work required in the VIN small garden, plowing, cultivating, hoe- P ing, and raking. It is very light, and xX can therefore be easily carried about, $8.50. =

| No. 17. Single Wheel Hoe. Identical with No. 16, excepting that the two rakes | and leaf guard are not supplied, $7.35.

Planet Jr. Speed Hoe

No. 19. Planet Jr. Garden Plow ¢ and Cultivator. Equipment: One garden plow, one 10-inch sweep, and one cultivator tooth. Fitted with a 15-inch steel wheel. The complete assortment of cultivating attachments enables you to do the garden plowing, open and close furrows for seeds, and hill up plants, $4.75.

No. 119 Planet Jr. No. 25. Combined Seeder and Garden Plow and Cultivator. Many users call this the Cultivator “Complete Gardener.’ Sows all seeds as explained under No. 4. Used as a double wheel hoe it straddles the row, cultivating both sides at one time till plants are 20 inches high. It can then be used as a single wheel hoe between the rows. The equipment of one pair of garden plows, 4 cultivator teeth, 1 pair of 6-inch hoes, and leaf lifters, enables you to do practically all the garden work. Capacity of seed hopper, 24 quarts, $21.00.

No. 19 Planet Jr. Garden Cultivator

No.119. Planet Jr. Garden Plow and

Cultivator. Equipment: One garden Planet Jr. No. 210 Fertilizer plow, one 4-inch cultivating tooth, one Distributor

2-inch cultivator tooth, one scuffle blade cultivating attachment. This complete assortment of cultivating attachments takes care of plowing, hilling, opening furrows, and general cultivation, $3.60.


Natural Organic Fertilizer

By the proper use of the various fertilizers offered in the catalog a beautiful lawn is readily obtained. This Planet Jr. Fertilizer Spreader will Planet iNo!2100 ee

Fertilizer Distributor i0 Properly applying such

Bovung is simply cow Bovung will build up manure, rich jn plant food, your soil, and because of its and dehydrated so that perfect mechanical condi-

practically all moisture has A natural organic fertil- tion may be used in side

been removed from it im- izer for the vegetable or dressing the growing plants. mediately after the manure flower garden. 100 pounds It is entirely free from plant food, and will do this work much was taken from the barns. are equivalent to 500 live weed seeds. easier and quicker than by any other

pounds of fresh manure. : method. Adjustable feed allows for small

5 Ibs. 35c; 10 Ibs., 60c; 25 Ibs. $1.00; 50 Ibs. $1.50; 100 or liberal application. The spreader is 14

Ibs. $2.75; 500 Ibs., $12.50; 1000 Ibs., $23.50; ton, $42.50. inches wide and holds from 25 to 30 pounds of fertilizer. $5.50.

Additional fertilizer distributors are available and descriptive information will be sent upon request

Standard Earthenware Flower Pots

Full inside measurement. No charge for packing. Six at dozen rates; 50 at 100 rates; 500 at 1000 rates. Flower Pots and Bulb Pans cannot be sent by mail, but only by express or freight at customer’s expense.

SoS eee ares Each Doz. 100 1000 Sizes Each Doz. 100 1000 Ipin......... 26... PO OSE SO: 25 $1: 15) PLO BUS Gam Ve RLS: $0 12 $120 $810 $72 90 >, ela a8 Deel 15° ee me 207 2.00) © 13'50 - Se eelnee = SOMA OEL 20 | AES a teen teres eet”! ae 275. 9850 a eee 05 S5p AL 50° =eiGHs0 : BMS. 06 404 95) Pxlesap eaeant easiest peed = Oe OR00 ik Ue ee ee 06 45 240 2160] 10 “............. 50, 550 40 50 oh ee 07 SOMuner3 OOo Be TROON Nel 2iecwar sont. 100 1100 8250 By 3 10 75 5 40 48 60 ea See S Sere 1 50 L750) 135200 Earthenware Round Bulb or Lily Pans Width Depth Each Doz. 100 | Width Depth Each Doz. 100 6 in. AMT yates. cae $0112) 1$10208 $8 10) | 10iin. AWMITNs Marta coteitrecshs $0 50 $5 50 $40 50 TG ry) ee ee ees 20 2 00 13 50 1 es A Se fazeythoieretassvede 1 00 11 00 82 50 Sue Ce an tein Rie 25 2S 19 50 14° ORS ith seitiedae 1 50 17 50 135 00 Du Aa pO as 35 400 3000 **Aerated’’ Cyclamen Pots Routich Bulb or Lily Pan

The five holes in the bottom give four times as much drainage as the standard pot while the feet permit a free passage of air that prevents souring of the roots. Recommended for Cyclamen, Poinsettia, Begonias, Primrose, etc. Dimensions similar to standard pots.

The ‘‘Aerated’’ Bulb Pans make ideal containers in which to sow seed

when starting plants in the home. Each Doz. 100 1000

4 in...$0 08 $0 55 $3 30 $29 50 pet in..

43 tis 7 09 65 445 4000] » he

Sy eed $9) 9). 95) 53:50) ||| 8

Neponset Black Waterproof Paper Flower Pots Made of a tough, specially treated paper that retains moisture very satisfactorily. Testing under actual growing conditions has proven that this container may be used suc- cessfully when seedling plants are grown therein over the full growing period. Send for circular and sample. Doz. 100 1000 2 in. pots...$0 15 $0 60 $5 25

2g eee. gal S, OS SAW) Rt Se yD 1) 16525 Sit ee eo e228 lOO) 50 ree ons, ml elle 91,00 a Seale 30. 140 11 50 Sw E 30) 1 85) 15°50

cc ae Coe we est a

Earthenware Flower Pot Saucers

Sizes Each Doz. 100 BAM sex cscs syc oc $0 03 $0 30 $2 25 ii peers 04 40 300 6. 06 65 4 50 Lene ara 08 80 600 Vian RARE 10 1 LON 8525: Oress Sos i, SO" all DS ORS: 20 Ther) els STO) rh 25 225 16 50 1} ORE ee ts Sh) ATS VG. 2S

i oN aes 40 400 33 75

Rubber Flower Pot Saucers Neat in appearance, waterproof. The sizes listed indicate the size standard flower pot each saucer will accommodate.

Each Doz. 2 EELS Sopa SER ees $0 15 $1 50 Se eee 20 200 GR is soa eoe Be 2s) oe?) KY) goats Nr oa Aa a 30) -3°00 (0) er che ee 35 400 2) Rie ae oe dee 45 500 RO ee cctqinnreiat eee toe 1001-50 WDE ess reteees 85 900

**Aerated’’ Azalea Pots Constructed like Cyclamen pots. Each Doz. 100 1000 .. $0 11 $0 85 $5 95 $53 50 13 130 900 80 00 22 2 20 14 85 es 3 28 3 00 21 50 **Aerated’’ Bulb Pans 13 130 900 8000 Each Doz. 100 222 2048S PAN eee eee $0 22 $2 20 $14 85 28 3 00 21 50 Bie aS anes. « Ze) 300" 21 50


Each Doz. 100 1000 .$0 12 $1 10 $7 40 $66 50

Riverton Special Cedar Plant Tubs Manufactured for us Exclusively

This tub is unquestionably the neatest plant tub obtainable. Its adoption as the Dreer standard was the result of countless experiments at our Nursery. Comparisons will show the Riverton tub to be at least one inch deeper than others being offered. Made of cedar, with electrically welded hoops, painted green. The four largest sizes are supplied with drop handles.

Outside Inside Length of

Diam. in. Diam. in, Stavein. Each Dozen

: Now 0n eee Bava, oe eee ‘Oe Gee $0 60 $7 00

SIR OL No. 60 i ae ee 10 eat 75 850

No. 50 Ge ame eae it eae ise es. 110 13 00

NowdGeeemet se. lien Aare. Stee 165 1900

Additional handles for yo) 39.47 Fie eae ihe ear 200 23 00

Riverton tubs can be No 99, 1c ea eee eee O! || 275 «32 00

supplied at 25¢ per No 49......, Tle ain it a BO ae 375 4400 pair.

Heavy Tree and Plant Tubs Made of white cedar, painted green, and bound with extra heavy iron hoops; drop handles and iron feet supplied with all sizes. Removable bottom.

ri TL Outside Inside Length of eee Diam. in. Diam. in. Stave in. Each Wa Nols? oe for ee oy ia eh $3 50 No. 7 1am re ee eee TO ae 4 00 Nocore ©, fale Cees 1 ee ae eee a 4 50 INO MO seis Orci ce os ee eae 1 A here 5 50 No. 4 1S ei Ete Gy eke ie Ge kon) oa 6 25 =z Fi IN OPS gees DS eS eahsusts lS eee Lee cas (eos) Heavy T Tree and Nowe iT MA ae Thane 20% tee 9 25 eee ome 25. cs oe Ci ome Th cease 10 25 INOMOKiists de tics acres DD ea se8 echo 7): ge ae 11 25

Wood Fiber Saucers

Extremely neat in appearance, finished Square Seed Pans

in mahogany brown. Each Doz. Earthenware

8-inch diameter......... $0 55 $6 00 Each Doz. a ig . 0.2. OID DoT 65 ee) Obra Onlntarayctere'ersre ovarsiem sere $0 80 §=6$9 00 ye a 9 RRA a Dae aa a re 110 12 00 (Giese Coe ie EE | Soy Gy PO sO Mae Gironoo doco an 135, 13300 fy Ge Se AR ORE 1 75 19 25 UEKWLa e mrtetatrc rs eters cceieete 1 60 18 00

212 Fertilizers for Lawn and Garden

Dreer’s ‘‘Peerless’’ Plant Food. This Cattle Manure. Not pulverized, but

fertilizer contains the correct proportions rather shredded making it a desirable of plant food elements that assure vigor- fertilizer upon heavy clay or loose sand ous, sturdy plant growth. Excellent for soils. 25 lbs. $1.25; 50 lbs. $2.00; 100 pot plants as well as in the flower and Ibs. $3.25; 500 lbs. $16.00; 1000 lbs. vegetable garden. The lawn will thrive $30.00; ton $55.00.

luxuriantly when dressed with Peerless Cotton Seed Meal. Rich in ammonia Plant Food. 41b. 25c; lb. 40c, postpaid. and potash, making an excellent organic Not prepaid, 4 i Ib. 15c; lb. 25c; 5 Ibs. 50c; fertilizer for lawns and golf greens. 5 lbs. 10 lbs. 85c; 25 Ibs. $1.75; 50 lbs. $3.00; 50c; 10 Ibs. 75c; 25 Ibs. $1.50; 50 lbs. 100 lbs. $5.00. $2.50; 100 lbs. $4.00.

Adco. The addition of Adco to the com- Driconure. A combination of about 35 post pile or to other vegetable refuse, per cent. peat moss with 65 per cent. cow grass clippings, leaves, etc., using two manure. Sterile, weedless, and odorless. pounds to each wheelbarrow load of Equally good as a lawn dressing, as a refuse, will produce a clean, odorless garden fertilizer, or as a mulch. 50 manure within three or four months. pound bag (contains about three bushels) 25 lbs. $2.00; 150 lbs. $10.50. $2.75.

Aluminum Sulphate. A material used ‘‘Fairway Food.’’ An odorless, organic in creating acid soils, in which Azaleas, food for the lawn or flower garden, that Rhododendrons, and similar plantsareto may be applied at any time. Applica- be grown. Use one pound to 10 square tions of one pound to 100 square feet is feet of surface. 5 lbs. 50c; 10 Ibs. 85c; 25 sufficient for the average grass plot. Ibs. $1.50; 50 Ibs. $2.50; 100 lbs. $4.00. 25 Ibs. $1.50; 50 lbs. $2.75; 100 Ibs. $5.00.

Ammo Phos. A fertilizer for golf greens Humus. Humus is organic matter that

and fine, bent grass lawns, containing 20 per cent. ammonia and 20 per cent. phosphate, all quickly available. 5 lbs. 75c; 10 lbs. $1.25; 25 lbs. $2.25; 50 lbs. $3.50; 100 Ibs. $6.50. Ammonia Sulphate. A readily soluble nitrogenous fertilizer analysing about 25% ammonia. 5 Ibs. 50c; 10 Ibs. 75c; 25 Ibs. $1.25, 50 lbs. $2.00; 100 lbs. $3.50. Ashes, Canadian Hardwood. A good potash fertilizer for Delphinium, Lilies and similar plants requiring an alkaline soil condition. 25 lbs. $1.25; 50 Ibs. $2.00. Per bag of about 100 Ibs. $3.00. Blood Meal, Dried. A quickly avail- able, yet long lasting organic fertilizer. 5 lbs. 50c; 10 lbs. 75c; 25 Ibs. $1.50; 50 Ibs. $2.75; 100 lbs. $5.00. Bone Flour. Very finely pulverized bone. Excellent where an immediate effect is wanted. 5 lbs. 40c; 10 lbs. 75c; 25 lbs. $1.25; 50 Ibs. $2.00; 100 Ibs. $3.50. Bone Meal. The fertilizer for all pur- poses; safe and effective. Especially good for use in the Rose garden and upon flowering Shrubs. 5 lbs. 40c: 10 lbs. 65c; 25 Ibs. $1.25; 50 lbs. $2.00; 100 lbs. $3.50; 5001bs. $16.50; 1000 lbs. $30.00; ton, $57.50. OVU is plain, dried cow AY manure, in a well pul- Bo G: verized condition. It Pn is entirely free of dirt fertilizer and live weed seeds, and has much less odor than any similar fertilizer. Bovung is in ideal condition for use upon the lawn, while our experi- ments with it upon flowering plants have proved it superior to any other manure. 5 lbs. 35c; 10 lbs. 60c; 25 Ibs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.50; 100 Ibs. $2.75; 500 Ibs.

in the passing of time has reverted to a soil-like condition. It will lighten heavy soils, wherea, sandy soils are benefited through their added ability to retain moisture. 50 lbs. $1.25; 100 lbs. $2.00; 500 Ibs. $9.50; 1000 lbs. $15.00; ton $25.00.

Soil Testing Equipment

La Motte Soil Testkit, for the de- termination of acidity and alkalinity, $2.00.

La Motte Nitrate Set, furnishes an accurate reading of Nitrogen or Am-

monia within the soil, $10.00.

La Motte-Truog Phosphorus Outfit, giving a precise report upon phosphorus deficiency or excess, and indicating the correct amount of fertilizer necessary with which to bring the garden up to par, $12.50.

Lawn Fertilizer. A special mixture that has been prepared primarily for fine lawns and greens. The analysis, 6—7— 3, indicates the proper balancing of fer- tilizing units that will economically pro- duce the utmost in the growth of grasses. 25 lbs. $1.75; 50 lbs. $3.00; 100 Ibs. $5.00; 500 lbs. $22.50.

Lime, Hydrated. For lawn or garden use. Very finely pulverized. 10 lbs. 25c; 50 Ibs. 75c; 100 lbs. $1.25; 500 lbs. $5.50; 1000 Ibs. $10.00; ton $18.50.

Limestone. Pulverized. For the creat- ing of alkalinity in soils. For the growing of Delphinium and similar plants no other material is more effective nor safer to use than pulverized limestone. 50 Ibs. 65c; 100 lbs. $1.00; 500 Ibs. $4.50; 1000 Ibs. $8.00; ton $15.00.

$12.50; 1000 lbs. $23.50; ton $42.50. Loma. A scientifically prepared plant

Clay’s Fertilizer, Imported. Recog- food for the lawn, flower garden, and nized to be the outstanding fertilizer for vegetable garden. Rich in nitrogen, pot- greenhouse use. Bag of 28 lbs. $3.50; ash, and phosphates. 25 lbs. $1.50; 50 56 lbs. $6.00; 112 lbs. $11.50. Ibs. $2.50; 100 lbs. $4.00.

Peat Moss. An excellent medium with which to improve the texture of your soil. Through its use heavy clays are lightened and made more porous while those soils that are sandy are aided in their ability to retain moisture. Peat moss also makes a

splendid mulching material that is particularly good when used about Evergreens, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, and similar plants. 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.50; bale of 20 bushels (sufficient to cover an area of 250 square feet one inch deep) $3.00; 5 bales $13.50; 10 bales $25.00.

Muriate of Potash. The essential ele- ment for the proper development of all root crops. 5 lbs. 45c; 10 lbs. 75c; 25 lbs. $1.25; 100 Ibs. $4.00.

Nitrate of Soda. Where quick, succu- lent growth is desired, such as with Lettuce, Spinach, etc., Nitrate of Soda is particularly valuable. 5 Ibs. 40c; 25 Ibs. $1.25; 50 Ibs. $2.00; 100 Ibs. $3.50.

Phosphate, Superphosphate (16% Acid Phosphate). The rapid develop- ment of plants with a corresponding stimulation of flower production are

qualities that may be attributed to phosphates. 25 lbs. 85c; 50 lbs. $1.25; 100 lbs. $2.00; 500 Ibs. $7.50.

Plantabbs. A widely advertised fertil- izer and stimulant in tablet form made especially for potted plants. Package of 30 tablets 25c; 75 tablets 50c; 200 tablets $1.00; 1000 tablets $3.50.

Salt, Agricultural. Used upon the as- paragus bed, chiefly for keeping down weeds. 100 Ibs. $1.75; 500 lbs. $7.50; 1000 lbs. $13.50; ton, $25.00.

Sheep Manure, Pulverized. Oneof the most used ‘animal manures in the growing of flowers. 5 lbs. 40c; 10 Ibs. 65c; 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.75; 100 lbs. $3.00; 500 lbs. $14.00; 1000 lbs. $26.50; ton, $50.00.

Soot, Imported Scotch. Used prin- cipally to produce good color in green- house plants. Effective against grubs, worms, and other soil insects. 10 lbs. 75c; 25 lbs. $1.50; 50 lbs. $2.75; 100 Ibs. $5.00.

Stim-U-Plant. A fertilizer in tablet form, containing the essential plant foods in highly concentrated form. Very convenient for use upon pot grown plants. Package of 30 tablets, 25c; 100 tablets, 75c; 1000 tablets, $3.50.

Tankage. Very similar to blood but not so high in fertilizer content. 25 lbs. $1.25; 50 lbs. $2.00; 100 lbs. $3.50.

Tobacco Stems (Shredded). A fertil- izer and an insecticide, while as a mulch for the rose garden nothing will be found that is superior. 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.75; 100 lbs. $3.00; 1000 Ibs. $25.00. Uncut stems for poultry nests, in bales of 100 lbs. $3.00.

Tobacco Stem Meal (Sterilized). Supplies organic potash and nitrogen. Since it adds humus to the soil tobacco stem meal will increase the value of any chemical fertilizer when used in equal parts. 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.75; 100 Ibs. $3.00.

Tree Food, ‘‘Davey.’’ A concentrated fertilizer prepared especially for trees by the Davey Institute of Tree Surgery. This food is not a cure-all, but rather a carefully balanced ration that will give your trees an immediate impulse toward higher vitality. Supplied in 50 lb. bag only; bag, $3.50.

Vegetable Garden Fertilizer. A properly balanced fertilizer that may be used with excellent results throughout the entire vegetable garden. 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 lbs. $1.75; 100 lbs. $3.00; 500 Ibs. $12.50; 1000 lbs. $22.50; ton, $40.00.

Vigoro. A specially prepared food for lawns, vegetable and flower gardens, shrubbery, trees, etc. 25 lbs. $1.50; 50 lbs. $2.50; 100 lbs. $4.00.

Fertilizer distributors are Ty any yl IESE zete hits rd ci beara ce lam eae sed ne elles ened nese eect and described on page 210


Parcel Post. Only those insecticides marked * can be shipped through the mails. post provided sufficient postage is included with your order. Those not marked will be forwarded freight or express charges collect.

*Ansul Colloidal Sulphur. A fungi- cide for the control of plant diseases, also effective against red spider, red mite, and scale insects. Readily soluble, remaining in suspension indefinitely. 8 ounce tube 90c; 3 lbs. $2.00.

*Ansul Formald2hyde Dust. A seed and soil treating material controlling seed borne disease as well as damping off of seedlings and cuttings. Lb. 75c; 5 lbs. $2.00; 25 lbs. $5.50.

Antrol. An effective control for the honey-dew loving species of ants. Antrol ready-filled set containing 4 filled feeders, 50c; Regular set of 4 containers and 4 ounces of Syrup 75c; Antrol Syrup, 4 ozs. 35c; pt. 85c; gallon $3.50. (Not mailable.)

*Ant Destroyer. An effective remedy for Ants. i lb. 30c; % lb. 50c; lb. 75c; 5 lbs. $2.00.

Arsenate of Lead. The standard insecticide for the control of chewing insects. Lb. 35c; 4 lbs. $1.00; 24 lbs. $4.75; 100 Ibs. $17.00. (Not mailable.)

*Astogen. A control for soil insects attacking Asters, Calendulas, Colum- bine, etc. It also assists in preventing stem rot and yellows. 2 lbs. 75c; 5 lbs. $1.50; 10 Ibs. $2.75; 25 lbs. $5.00.

Black Leaf 40. A concentrated nicotine solution for aphis, thrips, and red spider. Oz. 35c; 5 ozs. $1.00; Ib. $2.25; 2 lbs. $3.25; 5 Ibs. $5.85; 10 lbs. $9.85. (Not mailable.)

Bordeaux Mixture. The recognized preventive for most fungus diseases. Lb. 35c; 4 Ibs. $1.00; 24 lbs. $4.50; 100 Ibs. $16.00. (Not mailable.)

Bordeaux Arsenate of Lead. An insecticide and fungicide for the control of fungus diseases and leaf eating insects. Lb. 40c; 4 lbs. $1.25; 24 lbs. $5.50; 100 Ibs. $20.00. (Not mailable.)

Bor-Tox. (Wilson’s). Kills boring in- sects such as the Carpenter Worm, Leopard Moth, Maple Borer, and others of similar habit. 2 oz. tube 75c.

Cyanogas, ‘Calcium Cyanide,” Grade A, for the destruction of ground moles, wood chucks, rats, and other rodents. Lb. 75c; 5 lbs. $3.00. (Not mailable.)

Dutox (Barium Fluosilicate), A safe and efficient material that may be either sprayed or dusted for the control of the Mexican Bean Beetle, Potato Beetle, Cucumber Beetle, etc., without danger of burning. - Lb. 35c; 6 Ibs. $1.50.

*New Evergreen. A _ non-poisonous pyrethrum insecticide that destroys a great number of both chewing and sucking insects. Does not require a spreader. Oz. bottle 35c; 6 oz. bottle $1.00; pt. $2.00; qt. $3.50; gallon $11.50.

*Insect Spray, ‘‘Red Arrow.’’ A contact insecticide that may be used upon tender foliage and flowers without burning or staining. Economical to use, being decidedly effective at dilutions of one to five hundred. Oz. 35c; 3} pt. $1.00; % pt. $1.75; pt. $3.25; qt. $6.00; gallon $17.50.

Fungtrogen. A most effective control for Mildew, Black Spot, and other fungus diseases of roses. Will not dis- color the foliage. Half pint 75c; pt. $1.25; qt. $2.00; half gallon $3.50; gallon $6.00. (Not mailable.)

*Grape and Rose Dust. Powder. An effective preventive for mildew and other fungus diseases in the garden or green- house. Lb. 35c; 5 Ibs. $1.00; 25 Ibs. $4.50.

Insectrogen. Offers the maximum of protection against all leaf eating insects and beetles. Does not wash off readily. 2 pt. $1.00; pt. $1.75; qt. $2.75; half gallon $4.50; gallon $8.00. (Not mailable.)

*K.R. O. ‘‘Kills Rats Only.’’ May be used with entire safety about the home, the barn, or poultry house, since it is not a poison and is harmless to human beings, live stock, pets, or poultry. 2 oz. package 75c.

*Lemon Oil. Effective against scale and aphids. % pt. 30c; pt. 50c; qt. 75c; gallon $2.50; 5 gallons $10.00.

Lime Sulphur Solution. An insecti- cide and fungicide for spraying fruit trees to control San Jose scale and fungus diseases. Qt. 50c; gal. $1.20; 5 gal. $4.00; 10 gal. $6.00; 30 gal. barrel $9.00; 50 gals. $12.50. (Not mailable.)

*Lime Sulphur Powder. A summer spray for apples, pears, cherries, and plums. Lb. 35c; 5 lbs. $1.50; 10 lbs. $2.50; 25 lbs. $4.50; 501bs. $8.00; 100 lbs. $14.00.

Mologen. A non-poisonous material that will eliminate moles from your lawn in several days. 4% lb. 50c; 13 lbs. $1.25; 5 lbs. $4.00.

*Napthalene Flakes. Useful in con- trolling Gladiolus Thrips, Cyclamen Thrips, together with certain soil insects. Lb. 15c; 5 lbs. 65c; 25 lbs. $2.75; 100 Ibs. $10.00.

Nico Fume. Liquid. An effective vaporizing liquid. Lb. $2.25; 4 Ibs. $6.00; 8 lbs. $10.75. (Not mailable.)

Fumigating Lamp. Metal for vapor- izing Nico Fume 75c.

*Nico Fume. Paper. A nicotine prepa- ration. Furnishes easy method of fumi- gating the greenhouse. Box of 24 sheets $1.35; 144 sheets $4.75; 288 sheets $8.50.

Nico Fume. Powder. A fumigant less likely to damage plants than any other, contains 124 per cent. nicotine. Lb. $1.15; 5 Ibs. $3.50; 10 Ibs. $6.25. (Not mailable.)

Nikoteen (30% Solution). For spraying or fumigating. 3 lb. $1.25; lb. $2.00; 4 Ibs. $6.00; 8 Ibs. $10.50.

Pomo-Green with Nicotine. The leaf-green all-in-one Dust or Spray. A combination material which controls fungus diseases, and kills both leaf- eating insects and aphids. Leaf-green in color and never unsightly on plants. May be used for dusting or spraying. (Not mailable.) Lb. can 75c; 5 lb. can $3.00.

Pomo-Green without Nicotine. (For use as dust only) is highly recommended where aphids or other sucking insects are not present. (Not mailable.) Lb. 50c; 5 Ibs. $1.75.

*Qua-Sul. A very effective fungicide for the control of mildew, blackspot, Delphinium blights and Antirrhinum rust, damping off fungus, etc. Qt. $1.25; gallon $4.00.

*Scalecide. A complete dormant spray for San Jose scale, and other orchard pests. Qt. 65c; gal. $1.50; 5 gals. $5.75; 10 gals. $9.50; 15 gallon drum $14.00; 30 gals. $22.50; 50 gals. $30.00.

Articles so marked will be shipped by parcel

Semesan. A disinfectant for the control of seed, plant, and soil diseases. It in- creases seed germination and prevents damping off fungus. 2 ozs. 50c; Ib. $2.50; 5 Ibs. $11.75. (Not mailable.)

*Slug Shot. One of the best known remedies for Cabbage and Currant Worms as well as other leaf eating insects. Harmless to humans. Lb. 25c; 5 Ibs. 75c; 25 lbs. $3.50.

Snarol. An effective bait for controlling Cutworms, Grasshoppers, Snails, Slugs, and Sow Bugs. Not injurious to plants. Lb. 25c; 4 lbs. 85c; 15-lb. bag $3.00. (Not mailable.)

*Soap, Fish Oil.

*Soap, Caustic Potash Fish Oil.

*Soap, Rosin Fish Oil.

Any of the above soaps: Lb. 30c; 5 lbs. $1.25; 10 lbs. $2.25; 25 lbs. $4.00.

*Sulphur. Powdered. For mildew. Lb. 15c; 5 Ibs. 50c; 10 lbs. 85c; 25 lbs. $2.00; 100 lbs. $7.50.

Sunoco Spray Oil. Control for scale insects on trees and shrubs, and those pests attacking coniferous evergreens. Gallon $1.25; 5 gals. $5.00; 15 gals. $8.50; 30 gals. $14.00; 50 gals. $20.00.

*Tobacco Dust. Finely ground for dusting. Lb. 15c; 5 lbs. 50c; 25 Ibs. $1.50; 100 lbs. $3.50.

*Tree Tanglefoot. A paste prepara- tion painted around the trunks to keep caterpillars, etc., from crawling into the trees. One pound makes from 12 to 15 lineal feet of band. Lb. 60c; 5 lbs. $2.75; 10 Ibs. $5.25; 25 lbs. $11.00.

Tri-O-Gen.—RoseGardenSpray. Affords definite protection against practically all insects and fungus dis-

eases in the rose garden. Trial size $1.50; Standard size $4.00; Large Outfit $6.00; Estate kit $20.00.

*Volck, Nursery. Effectually controls aphis, mealy bug, white fly, thrips, etc., while for red spider and scale insects upon evergreens it is unequalled. Does not discolor foliage. 4 pt. 35c; pt. 55c; qt. 80c; gallon $2.50; 5 gallons $7.50; 28 gal. drum $28.00.

*Garden Volck. Containing both nico- tine and soap, resulting in practically a complete spray, insecticide, fungicide and ovacide. Effective against aphis, cyclamen mite, white fly, chrysanthe- mum midge, rust, and mildew. 3 oz. bottle 35c; 1 pt. $1.00; 1 qt. $1.50; 1 gallon $4.25; 5 gallons $16.00.

*Weed Killer (Non-Poisonous). Deadly to vegetation but harmless to humans, birds, and other animals. One pound, in sifter can 50c; 34 pounds, in sifter can $1.50; 15 lb. drum $3.50; 50 Ib. drum $8.50.

Weed Killer. Kills all plant growth. Dilute 1 part with 40 parts of water. Applied with an ordinary watering can. Qt. 50c; 4 gal. 85c; 1 gal. $1.50; 5 gals. $6.00; 30 gal. drum $30.00; 50 gal. drum $40.00. (Not mailable.)

Wilson’s O. K. Plant Spray. Will destroy aphis, red spider, lace wing fly, currant worm, and other soft bodied insects. 4 pt. 40c; qt. $1.00; gal. $3.00; § gals. $12.00; 10 gals. $22.00. (Not mailable.)

The Sherwin Williams Spray Guide illustrates in color many garden and orchard pests and suggests the proper method for their control, per copy, 10c. 213

General Index

Plants, Seeds Bulbs as 8 BOard = cleo. 196 bella. so sd jeanne 114 Abutiion Secrost oc 56 Achilieasere ese BB zrceiete 127 yet BBodobaCa sono 174 Aconitum, te OG eer 127 ACORUS aye ciety evoe ee eee 200 Acroclinium. - 56 Actinidia. J... 2-5... 154 Adam's Needle..110..... 153 Adenophora...........- 127 Adiantinmiieires cee ee ce 191 Adlumia......... 56 Aethionema. . ealareteoy) African Daisy. 58, 7

Agapanthus.. Sanne ey!

Allamanda.. Allegheny Vine. ..56

DB etetetotata eieisialeie isa iaisle 197 AIO GSI Baenieys aicis ete ctatecere teas 187 TAC snip mgE cares 114 Alum Root...... 83 Alyssum SOM vistas 127 Amaranth, . . .56, 80 VAMOS GIS sities cients Seeger 174 Amazon Lily...........- 190 Amethyst....... 64 Ammobium...... 57 Amorphophallus......... 174 Ampelopsis......57..... 154 PATRON Ae sa miele elete talent 128 Amygdalus............< 119 AMSCDAYIB 66.525 ik nes era's 200 Anagallis........57 Anchusa. ....46, 57..... 128 Andromeda...........-+ 123 Anemone.......- Sie ere 127 ATSC Ma acere sete ae 23 Anthemls........ Sees 128 Anthericum,........ 128, 187 Anthurium. ............ 187 Antigonon.......... Ba aeyy Antirrhinum. .46, 58..... 187 Aponogeton..........--- 200 Aquarium Plants........ 200 AQUA CSr erie ieee ato pas a00 Aquilegia.... .46, 59 128 ATADIS e's oes. ci 57. Aralia..... me

Araucaria. Arborvitae. .

rg Aristolochia.........--+- Armeria. Arrhenatherum.........- Artemisiaice: ss). sence = ee Artichoke....... 8

Agcleplas: sos ce or oe om 130 Asparagus1, 8, 59..8

Asparagus Fern........- MEPEQULaetat cisicis crave eteielars Aspidistra PO SMa Gtce seta ABphodelus: < occ. cc cai. 130 Asplenium.......... pa le Ue Mae ace 138 Aster... .45, 60-63. .129, 188 Agtlibo\.3. eee 130 Aubrietia........ DO erate 130 Auricula........ 59 TAN GH Saco 5 ayo 1G xc koe Azalea... ......114, 123, 188 Baby's Breath. ..81..... 139 Bachelor's Button....... 149 Balloon Flower...95..... 148 MSV WARC Ls «2508 Patter cis teins co Balsam. .. 63, 84 Balsam Apple 89 Pearse Bamboo, Suit Paavoces 119 Banana. 50 ! Baptisia........- Ne cone 130 Barberry.......114, 122, 123 Barberton Dalsy.......- 192 Barleyiiniiis 22ers 42 Barrenwort..o. 0225s ec5 137 Basil, Sweet. .... 23

Basket of Gold...57 Beans, -....: ue » Soja or Soy. 43 Beard-Tongue....94..... 145 Beauty Berry..........- 117 z as Acted pao D eS 119 Beets... 5.

13, 43 Begonias. . 64. .174, 175, Hee Belamcanda............ Bellflower 66, 95, 127, 131, is IBeluUst pee cee B4.eh on 130

Blackberries. Blackberry Lily. . Black-Eyeéd Susan 108


Plants, Plants, Plants, Seeds Bulbs Seeds Bulbs Seeds Bulbs Blanket Flower...80..... EOS Basemiscatoroc oa .----190 | Epiphyllum............. 197 Blazing Star..... SG reer 144 | Clover.......... 42 LO (WRG Se dibaconaoncooca 124 Bleeding Heart.........- 136 | Cobaea.......... 71 LOWES SAG dnondooos. 137 Blue Bell... .66, 94. 18s a Cockscomb...... 68 loi aes OG Onan Ou 137 Blue Bonnet. 87, 102.. EBC OCOR Sere otaiere setae eietersteinye 195 | Eriophyllum,........... 137 Blue Cowslip........... 1149} |(Ccleus=siseaeecee 71 OP LH NOES Sh ocomaaacahc 137 Blue Daisy...... 56 Collards.........15 eeneLunts Gannod (IPRS SS 137 Blue Lace Fower..76 Collections, EP VENEING sree wes ee wi 190 Blue Lily of the Nile. .... 187 FPlowers....... 55 Pschscholizia. 48, 78, 83 Blue Spirea.......:.-..; 130 Vegetables..... 8 POSIRAR ONE nies aiainie)steiele nie 202 Bocconta 130 | Columbine.......59..... ADS AUCHALIN aie teteisteserc)cce cists ioe 190 Boltonia......... aa Coneflower..... INOS ee 4 149 | Bulalia..........81..... 139 Books, Hort. . 44 Confederate Jasmine..... 196 | Euonymus..........118, 155 Borage. Convallaria. . 135 | Eupatorium.....79..... 137 Borecole. ... Convolvulus : Euphorbia...... 79. .137, 197 Bougainvillea. s Coral Bells : Evening Primrose. 91.. Boussingaultia Meo! he » Plant Evening Scented Stock. 89 Boxwood... Corchorus 2 2 Evergreens. mab de coe Brachycome..... Coreopsis Everlasting Brazilian Golden Vine... . Coriander 2 Bridal Wreath say Corkbark. 2 . 156 Broccolil...... 1,12 Corn, Ensilag } Winged. 57 room..... =) Biel fi Broom Corn AE; Pop 2 RIE Y TAY sates tiaia) claiaieiarsia 186 Browallia. . .64 Rainbow. . False Chamomile .63..... 130 Brussels Sprouts.. 12 » Sweet 2, 20, 21 » Dragonhead.95. ....148 Buckwheat. ..... 42 Corn Salad...... 21 J ee AES 63..... 130 Buddlelas oie... 35. 115, 117 Cornflower Sorin Boers 181) | arfoelum:. sos: ce cease 190 1ihils CPE SASSY SS SS ease 127 Aster..106..... 151 | Farm Seeds. ..41—43 BURIORS eee al Be ogee at 28 COMMUS tae reais UU rT (a os 56 Bulbs, Summer Fl... . 174-186 Cos J Lettuce eialeneds 25 Fennel....... 22, 23 Burning Bush........... 118 | Cosmos......... 72 lahat © 9508 Ge eee 79. .138, 191 Bush Escholtzia. .83 Cotoneaster............. 124 Festuca......... MEK ere 139 Butterfly Flower..53, 103 Cotyledoniy.cisiiens <1 sles 197 | Feverfew........ toe 138 Shrub..... 115, 117 | Coventry Bells.......... WHY fu ea SAR oR A A 192 - WWOGC Se oes cne 130 | Cow Peas.......43 Field Corn....... 42 BXUEEUIN craveiatn siete craaie 122, 123. | \Cowslip. 2 ......0.....5. 148, 149 rod (vee 43 a Bush... . a an cho. * oe ‘abbage. . .2, ane’s Bill.......-..--- nnochio....... eee 3 S ae a ee ci 200 | Crape Myrtle........... aR Sievsjaln/s(eleia:srorasm 2 yale ae 125 Cacalla 64 CLABBUIB. 2.0) ee vercses ea 197 Firethora. -115, 116, 124 CRCEOR heen 197 | Crataegus...... Bish gRO0d (wit osha 200 Caladium...............175 | Creeping ae G4" | AE CONUB Ie ete oecre viene oe 192 Calamintha= 6. 2c. 2 130 Pp a..100 IRR ie ce eee ee 85... 200 Calceolaria..._ |. 64° COGS» wij: nin s 21, 57, Flame Flower. ..108..... 152 Calendula. . “4 ; "47, 65 Crimson Belin eee cee 14 Nettle. 71 California Blue Bell 94 VLORS Sys roretetararnir a 159 | Flamingo Flower ava esecaleyete 187 Poppy 48, 78 Lo yu) Senin asenuo aac fe 1 BS Ree An ctins 87....- 144 Privet... 122 | Cryptomeria............ 125 | Fleabane............... 137 Tree Poppy. ..149 | Crown of Thorns........ 197 | Flora’s Paint Brush . 64 Calimeris 2130 Cucumber a pe Floss Flower... .. 56 CalacE so" Ue. ae 175 Vine. .78 Flower Novelties. 45-54 Cs alllcyeia ee Bse7see a Comin ete ee 23 Flower Seed Coll. . 55. Callirhoe..... f 130 | Cup Flower............. 145 | Flowering Almond Somes 120 Calllearpa’ © <2.222221111117 | Cups and Saucer Vine 71 2 Crab. 1 Gallumaganes sos eee 124 | Cyclamen. 73 74 Calthasytee Seo 130 | Cydonla..........,-.... 120 : Calycanthus.....2..1.2: 117 | Cynoglossum 190, 200 55 Camelins.29 opis bic ck 190 | Cyperus. , = 7 1 Campanula. . 46, 66... .- 13] | GYDTESS. | «5 noe ae ee aS 9 Campion 144 Cypress Vine 73 Forget-me-not. 7, 73, 90. .145 Canary Bird Vine..67 ""~ Cypress, Standing. 85 Forsythia 118 Candytuft.49, 67, 84 .142 | Cyrtomium............. 191 | Fountain Grass. 81, “139. .194 Canna... ... 67... ..189 Four O'Clocks. . .89 Canterbury Bells. 46, 66. .131 | Daffodil, Peruvian. Seta 185 eee loxe Pot 1 eee wae Cape Forget-me-not. .57 Dahila...... 47, 78) 171618 | eae ee Oe tt 2) Hyacinth: <6 21). . a> 185 | Daisy Arctic............ 131 | Sinee Flo 1. 83, 103 Mp TeSSAMHING -(9-67 «iso's 192 African. 58, 77 Rule ee 201 Caraway........ 23 (7 A A A isan ys 138 Cardinal Climber..68 Baciccwsceuas rors ya x Flower, .87..... 144 m Cardiospermum . » Kore: : Gaillardia....48,80..... 138 Cardoon. . Faled ~ Michaelinas: 62.... Garden Books... .44 Carnation Moonpenny.70 » Hellotrope Caryopteri Painted....70 Gardenlia...... arrot.. Persian Garland Flower. Cassia. Shasta. . Garlie Sets Castor Oil Bean ioo » Swan River. 64 Gas Plant. . Catchfly. . Transyaal.48, 79...192 5 PBB Rahs 144 Cathedral Bells.. .71 Dandelion....... 21 Genista si). 2 sce. 138, 192 Catnip....... - 23, 9 91 Daphne........ qenscdad Upy AW eC ARN RRS Sha Ranma 138 a Ower:. 22, L722 202 Davellia pated eta rere eereyete 191 | Gerbera...... 48,79..... 192 BR acon Goon nae 125 | Day L JOR ees eee Geranium. .....79. .138, we Gelastrns SA acs 154 Sane 47, 74, 86....135 See SO Amat ori 152 Celerlac......... 18 Desmodium.,........... 7118\|(Geumee..).!,.. es WQienee 138 Celery. otc 2,18 IDeUte as cae tae ess 118 Ghost BANS oy oe OI 130 Cabbage. .15 Deyil-in-the-bush. 91 Giant Daisy............ 148 Celosia.......:.: 68 Devil's Tongue.......... Wee We Wemanacctas 80 Centaurea....... OOo 131 | Diamond Be ae ae Gilliflower...... 106 Centranthus..... 68 Dianthus. GIsdIOi er cer ee 182-184 Century Plant.......... 197 76, 107. “138, 138, 136 oo Gland Bellflower........ 127 Cephalaria ce aoe aie 131 | Dicentra. | ...---.2c+ 0s: 136 | Globe Amaranth..80 Cerastium....... (heacoe ASS DIGksonis eyes eee eer 138 » Flower.. 108. .117, 152 (Gems tiaeco teeters «stele 117 | Dictamnus...... A Sie ie 136 ». Thistle. . =: 78:0%<- 137 (Cestr mt sneten eden seats 190 | Didiscus......... Gloriog asec cece. Ceylon Creeper......... 196 | Dielytra..........5....- 126 )}'Gloxinta...-..1... SOL. ea 185 Chamaecypris.......... T25 | DO lervillaccvacecietcteeaee 122 ay ere EOD yells 142 Chard, Swiss...2, 15 Digitalis.........77.....136 | Goat’ fs poeta eh oer eater Chaste Tree. ..........- LS ON eee ane. 19, 23 Godetia......... 80 Cheiranthus..68, 110..... 135 | Dimorphotheca.. .77 Golden. Afr. Daisy. 77 Gheloneieence-nn ne --131 | Dogwood........... sale LAS 1 A eae 118 Cherry, Jerusalem.103 Dolichos........ 77 Se Mer snere nie ccte -121 Cherry Pie...... 82.....193 | Doronicum.:........... 137 » Feather. ..98 Chervil}..i).. 22. .18 DOugISsIRG |S stst keener 136 ts Marguerite. few Glee Ghicoryee See 17 Dracaena.......- (ie ates 190 z (0s 9s doy ech 50 Chinese IBAMDOO) tetas... 0 119 | Dracocephalum......... 137 Oe ROMs stra )co vient 151 Cabbage 2, 15 Dragon Head, False.95...148 | Gomphrena......80 me WanuP alm aie ac 195 | Dragon’s Head.......... 137 | Goose Neck........... . 144 Forget-me-not 73> ee AAP anecoeces 151 | Gourds, Ornamental. 81 3" ELA DISCUIA <)palece/oie TORN Moree een Semresnenopaes 137 Grape we ABD OG eno 196 » lantern. .95.....148 Dusty. Miller..69, 70 Nes ae aero ae 201 » Primrose. 99 Dutchman's Pipe Vine. ..154 | Grass Seed . 41, 42 Woolflower.68 Grasses, Lawn. .5, 6, 7 Chionanthus 1 Micheveriatisesie.- === wes el OT >” Ornamental.81...139 Chives assess 2 Echinocystis. ....78 Great Reednicaies cite “139 Christmas Rose. Echinops. . 2 -137 Sea Lavender.....151 Chrysanthemum..70. 3i- 133 Egg Plant. - 202 Grevillea, 80 Cibotium. -200 | Gromwell. . .144 Cimicifug .121 | Ground Ivy 145 Cineraria. -175 | Groundsel... 151 .200 | Guelder Rose 122 118 | Gumbo... 139 | Gynerium .139 . 187 | Gypsophila 139 Cle English, Daisy... ae OU) | WELSIORI A: ik opus siainaers pare 118 Climbing EA eis Semen Ensilage Corn.... Hare Bell........ 66" 131 Plants, Hardy. eat ESPIMEGIUM 5), <o<; cine aire LOL.) ERAT OMOS OB snip ian loteiatayersce se 131

Directions for ordering, page 202

See Hardy Gloxinia ..85.

Plants, ds Bulbs

-142 Larkspur. 47, 74. BEE Sweet Pea.85....2156

DEL@ ath. )-( ccouetolece meereteraterrees Heather ayuvate test eke yeqeveee Hedera cies. cnn 155, 193 Hedge Plants. ....... 455 Helen's Flower. ..82..... 139 Helenfumivy. «5 coe scae 139 Helianthemum,...82.....140 Helianthus...... 82.....140 Helichrysum... ..83 Hellopsis........ 83.....140 Hellotrope.......82.....193 Helleborus... . 139 Helmet Flow 127 Hemerocallis -140 Hemlock -125 Hemp.. Hepatic .141 Herbs.. -202 Hesperis Heucher 83 141 Hibiscus. . 83. 114i, 193 High Bush Cr: unberry. 122 Hippeastrum. . Hollyhocks. ..48, 84... 2! Holly Osmanthus..... e124 Beats cn 79 ELOMESt Yar eriererere 83 Honeybells . .155 Honeysuckle... .115, 119, 156 Hop\vineter 2 amen 156, 202 Horehound...... 23 ETOrReracishis cies cite ater 202 ELOStAa:/.).5. bleh. Comverse 138 Fiouseleek: OG Sonor Tete 151 Dyna eres . 193 Humble ‘Plant....89 Humulus........... «.. 156 Hunnemannia....83 Hyacinthus........... . 185 Hyacinth Bean...77 Hydranges........- 118, 193 Hypericum......... Seen! DORI) ota aise 67, 84 .142 Iceland Poppy52, 97.....146 Ice Plants... i. 84 Imantophyllum....... ..190 Immortelle..... 110 Impatiens....... 84 Incarvillea....... 85.....142 Indian Shot...... 67 Tonopsidium,.... 8 Tpomoea.....48, 68, 73, 85 Un SR Ree oi c! 1 ies ee Sao osopa au Soc 185

vy... .57..154, 155, 193, 196

i acob's Ladder. . sabe -148 Jacobean Mily..........- 186 Japanese Barberry... 114, 122

Bellflower. .95. . 148 ~ Cherrles)). Sees 117 a Wielas ier OF ietaene = Maples sccces 119 bd Quince... piapte Speedwell...... 153 “4 Apurges ic. tas 145 Japan Rush......... Popout) Snowball......... 122 Jasmine........ 156, 194, 196 Jerusalem Cherry. ...103 oniiaiatd 144 Jessamine Sole... sen 190, 192 Job's Tears...... 81

Joseph's Coat... .56 JUdSS' Tre sis vee eee

DUMPED. sicyarele ciermaremetente 125 UUSSIRER. eee ces ns 2s «200 ns bosoonis cic Bdoot hy Kenilworth Ivy. .87

Be es pee oc 195 iy Seo o8 so Jou 117, 120 Kine’s| Spear... oes e oie 130 Tein a Fey. lacie teehee oes: XOCHIB a s'erasieiniaiens 8 7 Kohl Rabl....... 23 Kolkwitzia...........0 119 KMnapweed .. 25... crepes 131 Kniphofia........... +. 152 Kudzu Vine..... 95.....156 Lace Flower. .... 76 Lady Slipper..... 63 Lagerstroemia........... 194 Lamp Flower........ ... 144 Lantana......... ae Lantern Plant....95..... 148 Larkspur. .48, 74, 36 Betrare 135 ESGCANIA Sys sieiels eee eee ee 195 Lathyrus..:..... ae .-156 Lavatera....... Lavender..... aa ot 144, 202

‘ott: einai

Lawn Grasses. 3. 6,7 ORG GW Ofte) ents eles +. 148 TES an Geis casi 25 Lemon Verbena. ...... . .187 Leopard Plant .\:.- isomer 190 Leopard's Bane...... ce eenod Leptosiphon..... 86

Leptosyne....... 86 Lettuce. ...3, 24

Lily, Amazon

Blackberry... Climbing. .

run 28 Water. . 440: .198, 199 GOs ekeew ans

Seeds s Lily of the Nile......... LEV. COC ENS Enohodedgecondn 138 DG vetevatetetere 3,43 Stoke's Aster........... 151 » of the Valley....... TSS Onionis es eere « clelerarees acre 145) |RUASDDEITICS i sc 1. < c-1~ oe 201 | Stokesia........ LOGI or a: 151 BM GRO Gree es. asi 194 | Ophiopogon............. TOSS MR EGIBUG cieietciein es siete e ies ULU7s);Stone Cressy... scree acys.s 127 y p Lima Beans. 1,°11, 12 Qpiumtlawnc.. ccc 197 Ged aracmierciare terete TG 125 | Stone Crop..... 102 2 Aisa meerite. .... 131 Limnocharis......... os 200) Osmanthus i. -/sisa-cicin 4% = = 124/|_*” Hot Poker. LOS rs 152 | Strawberries............ 201 Wild Caeamber. .78 Linariasy..2..... 87 Osmunda..............- 138 | Reseda.......... 89 Strawflower...... 83 Garden... "110 oi See ST 144 | Oswego Tea............ 145 Rhodanthe S10 8S 100 Streligzia oes. 196 Pr RICEg LY.» << 200 Lithospermum.......... 144 | Orange Sunflower.83..... 140 | Rhododendron.......... 24s Suceulents ences cere ceiis 197 | Windflower..... BY (eee 127 ESN Sans Seaor 1445) Orchid’ Vines os. ois. ce. 196 | Rhodotypus............ 120 | Sudan Grass..... 43 Winged Everlasting. 57 Mobelia..........87..... 144 | Oregon Sunshine........ 137 | Rhubarb........ BS qeeag 202 | Sugar Beets... 13, 43 WAR Gis Diacn Ooones AGantG 156 London Pride........... 150 | Ornamental Gourds.. .81 ISITE S SiG ain Gor BTS ODOO 120 | Sultan’s Balsam. 84 Witloof Chicory. .17 Lonicera..:.... 115, ee 156 Grasses. .81..139 | Rynchospermum........ NGSy | StIMACA ester conic tae 120 | Wolfsbane....... 56 Loosestrife...... ie 44, 145 Richardiae we dere. cc . 175 | Summer Flowering WWOOG DING ssfercleys)-12)apeiere >= 156 ae iio. 200 | Pachysandra............ 145 | Ricinus........ 100 IBWIDSSe a: dose 174-186" || Wood Wily, ii ....c2n.6e0s 152 Paint Brush..... 64 Ran inlan peer cis ane 120 | Summer Lilac........... aunt Wioodruity "ements 130 Painted Daisy....70 Rock Cress. .57, 59. . 128, “ae Sunflower . 33, 43, eee 83. Woolflower...... 68 Tongue. 101 Rockmadwort........... Sun Plante ce Wormwood...... 23 Palms... SoS OCS C Betec Beieyab ain 1% 2 aoe phage ate ..140 | Woundwort. . Somoacolayl ampas Grass. oc. EA Veaisislatalutelat=tate ciple swan ver Dalsy Pandanus.............. ioe |tRommne: saa, 25 Swan River Everlasting. 100 Xeranthemum. 110 i) See Romney Aleem se 149 | Sweet Alyssum. . .57 Yet sla lsi<jaistall« Osaono 127 b By ae 109 Roots, Vegetable ee eas 202 2 g : ellow Day Lily 140 apaver... PEAS Saag eGo cen PAU) ee EO Ta PAUSE | BOSC Papyrus eae Campion. eS teste: 127 » Youth and Old Age. .110..196 Pardanthus . » Loosestrife.........145] Yucca.........- is Boe 153 Parrot’s Feather » of Heaven. .56 te VAD en | cee 100 Parsley... : Zepir: vnthus. ... 186 a1 | Bars ower at a oi is 104. RB Zinnia. . : .). THOT sae 196 Passiflora.. Ree enTO44 | iRoses hae. » ‘Pepper Bush...... 117 VALS EEGs cea eOnnOSOnore 200 Passion Flower. . . 94. 4 Roundheads. Rocket. . .106 SUNDRIES Peach Bells...... 6 Royal Water o Scabious. . 102 Asparagus Bunchers D: & a nie se ion 8 | Peas, Sone Seep Oe a POE Po ore 192 e abana Soa nygiieat 117 Asparagus Knite. Pug aS spara, ape Marjoram. |...” 23 Peraraatden. ..3, 4, Res See a 3. 107 peed uta pt 107,151 | ax fe beara apie ra Marrow, Vegetable. .... 37 elargonium..... Ruta Baga... 0c: velsfield.... . 5, Marsh Mallow... .83.....141 | Pennisetum... 189,194) ve. occa: oss. 43 » Woodruff... 130 | Books, Horticultural. ... ..44 Marsh Marigold......... 130 | Pennyroyal...... 3 Swiss Chard.. 2,15 Celery Bleaching "Tubes. “203 eroynipcsc sn. ss 27 Pentstemon...... 94 Stas 145 Saft 23 Symphoricarpos......... 121) Cultivators. oc) =.. a 203, 210 Marvel of Peru. .89 POON S Merche crcierstete saieies 146 Sa, asta. wale e eis 53. oon | Sytinga...-.........055 121 | pippies 203 Matilija Poppy.......... 149 | Pepper........ AnSaarelare 202 BES Flow. e538 101. “150, OGL ee gone en ee ee has Matricaria....... Ove ce 138 | Peppergrass...... 21 Sagit 200 Tagetes........ 107 Fertilizers..........-... 212 Matthiola....... 39 Peppermint a5 saios 2 202 ae pete HOG 0.0 0G Ree ETI NU Mrs sroponasyciseere ars aha, 196 | Fish Food. ee oe OO Maurandia...... 89 Perennial Plants. .... 126-153 pen eoen ia..... Ah PIS MATIX Samet ies cpetcors es 121 | Flower Holders.......... 203 Mauve Catnip. ..91 Periwinkle...... LOSeas Desh 7 enleasis ee a MATEY Sac aae eB eas 202) Hlower Pots) stleree. ai. er 211 Werks 552.6 Shae ee 145 | Persian Daisy... .98 Satein ss ‘33, “i061. .150, 196 | Hates: ---- <---> 43 IRORKS nyc eppweets ote teses are 203 Meadow Rue....107..... 152 | Peruvian Daffodil....... 185 | § Le oto. 35) | Larragon............... 202 | Fungicides..............213 Bugs Savair $22 f52 150 | Petunia...... am bucus Tassel Flower... .64 BO .Sweet: 2.6: sos be 151 | Phacelia.........94 Vort . PAKUSe Ce eee 125 | Garden poche cone ee 4d Meconopsis... 51, 89 Halas er, 1a. see P Teucrium. . -...,152 | Garden Line. 203 Medicinal Herbs... 23 Philadelphus............ F 83 Texas Blue Bonnet. .87 Garden Reels. 203 WIGE RHA SP oot 5 150 | Philodendron........... lina. oe Texan Pride. .... 94 cnet Substitut - 204 Melons... ..3, 25, 26 Phlox Boats ne 94 i : THAT a wee er me hae 200 | Gloves....... 203 Mertensia.............. 145; | PHOenixGesce she oan 195 ) . Thalictrum..... Wvfeaode 152 Grafting Chisel 203 Mesembryanthe- Phyllocactus............ ae: Thermopsis.... . 1082 ee 152 | Grafting Wax. 203 mum...... RAGR0 a e197) Physalisces: oaa40 95 ( » 23 Thorny Rest Harrow... ,145 | Grape Bags. . . - 203 Mexican Poppy. .59° Physostegia...... Seabi 5a @horough 10) « ee 4 137 | Grass Edgers - 203 Michelmas Daisies 62... .129 IS WEDS GAA po coanoe nee Seablosa. ALi 57 99 | Grass Hooks. . 203 Mignorette...... 89 Pleris. cos. 2st sane eee SGableb Lae hy Hanging Baskets 203 Mignonette Vine. ....... 175 | Pimpernel. ..... 57 carle Save 53, “401 ESAS uiciT ion eee 506 IUUSL COIS einige 56... ..127 | Pincushion Flower. . Schidaneee bo tea Geen 504 ae SE “75, 76..134, 135, Scorzonera... .37 Toure Hose Accessories........204 Plantain Lily... Seotch Heather......... iori i Tae acta S| Hose, pepper Soa ONe stn Plant Collections Screw Pine............- : RIGEREMatee eee 204 Plants, Garden... Sea Bugloss....... a ebed Miats eae even elses ane ene Pee 33 Higtran ia oe 204 ae erennial....126-153| | Kale........ Cn Beanen HOOObENOE Mist Flower. Vegetable. 2 Bink -103..... tee Trachelospermum Humidieuide...........- 209 Mock Orange Platyeodon...... = annie eames 57..-.- 29 | Tradescantia....... a Inoculation, Seed........203 Momordica. 89° Platycerium............ 191 peal Flower. . 4037 1186, ane Trailing Myrtile......... 15 Insecticides............. 213 Monarch of the Veldt. 54, Ae Oe Sees Sareea 0 14g | Dtansvaal Daisy. 48, 79...192 | Kneeling Pads......... 205 WMODARGA aici <'ase cise 145 | Plume Poppy....63..... 130 | gf 2) BESO ooo ea 1 8 | Tree Celandine. ..63 -130 | Knives 905 Money Wort............ 144 | Pole Beans... ._- 11 ee ae Ka TE Graithitianes sane nasnane 3 Laer Viera Re POC Monkey Flower. _89 Polemonium..... O5ese se TES} || Ree ac poten cence 151 | Tritoma........ 1OSsenee 152 | Labels................- 205 Monkshood..... pes el) 127 | Polyanthus...... 95 Renna, rte an eee -++-131 | Trollius... 1... HOSS sone 152 | Label Ink.............. 205 Wongtera........--.. 22: 196 | Polygonum............. 156 SEU lant... .89 131 Tropaeolum. .67, 90 Label Pencils. solgacaeg on 205 Montbretia............. 186 | Polypodium. ........... 191 | St asta Daisy....70..... Trumpet Creeper........ 154 | Lawn Cleaners..........216 Moonflower...... 85 Polystichum............ 138 ee INIOW EE sie\e/e)sjeje'n i= « ASGi Preiga tte Me at eters ae 125 | Lawn Mowers. wees eee 216 Moonpenny Daisy.70 Pontederlatiee.cscehoscse 200 | Shrimp a die waar < .- ---188)|\Muberoses. 00.02. e i 0 os 186 | Leaf Racks............ 204 Moon Wort..... .83 Poor Man's ubs, Bee earing pe ae Tufted Pansies.54, 109...153 | Mole Traps............. 204 Morning Glory..71, 85 Weather Glass. ee i THe eee aaanoe Tulip Poppy..... 83 Moss, Imported ‘Peat... 204 Mons Pinktite ce seiersisie 303 147 | Pop Corn........ Sidal EE TGA: 5) (Ssunitcal anise 108..... 152 | Mulch Paper........... 204 Mother of Thousands. .87 Poppy. 52, 96, 97, $8... 146 | Sidalcea........ 03..... 15 1S enurntp sees ernie 40 Nails, Wall Mountain Avens........ 137 | Poppy Anemone... 57 pyeaes qittesete se aeee -.451 | -qurtle Head: 3.72... 422 IU ENGST ee Fringe..56 Poppy Mallow.......... 130 at Oak. ...... 80 Typha-nick eee ee B20) |] NPE Son OOOO Cam AOOME et Pink.seer ee. 147 | Poppy, California.48, 78 Ses BOM nab 118 Paper, Wax 29 ep SROSEL AS en ae 187 California Tree. . .149 Bee Lace Vine.........156 | Umbrella Plant..... 190, 200 | Peat Moss... 2 Mourning Bride. 102 Peep Mcelari 5 297s 31467 et ay esr 154 | Usambara Violet..52 Plant Stands............ 205 Whurworts in eee 130 Matilija. Recta cate A 149 mall Fruits PO ee Opa Gb 201 Plant Supports... ....... 208 Mullein Pink.. || 56 Mexican. .59 Silla etecions 103 Valerian 68, 108 153 | Pot Brackets...........- 205 WMuUsae eso 89 » Oriental. .98..... 146 | Smoke Tree............. TAD ns coe oe 200 | Bot Hangers........... 205 ema |e oe etna eee aa. gac ee | Wang 199 | Prunus Compound’. 208 San Sen TeRIEY, PeAgubsaee 1g 77|)Wallotan 20 sae tes x Musk Plant....-. 89 $n inta Barbara..83 Snowball... ...122 Vegetable a ac a ae Lawn and Garden.2 ae Mustard........27 PR WIRE ELS shin ist 200 | Snowberry 121 BN Ore aa Peteup on barby not ane Myosotis....... 90..... DN eee eu Bult: 88 BEOUGH DEE -118 OAC Ee Galina cube oS Myriophyllum.......... 200 | Portulaca. . . 98 owen Summer. 131 DAS 202 | Saucers. Sposacweer ta Mprsiphyllum,. .103 Portulacaria. ..-. arttte SEOUL OD Uae Mountain. 79 WEBER OOtSSt aie =. 202 | Saws, Pruning. :. 1.2... 206 Myrtle, Crape.......... 194 | Potatoes........ 3 ‘oap Wort......101..... 149 pa Geadsial400 wae Sclssominenice Mascon 206 Bie Trailing:,.ors ot 153 | Potentilla... 2... Soja Beans......43 Senate anisasat 8 SCVtRES Sh Soe he eee 205 Eot Herbs. ...... Roanum: -103 151 | Verbena... . 54, 109 Scythe Stone. ... 2/2. .1.205 Nandina............... 11D) op wearizaids 68 Sorrelis-asvss: 300 gg. | Weronlea. 3.2... Tia se ont} (EG SHe Bap Booponuaact ane Nasturtium... oR: 90 Prairie Mallow... 103.. Southernwood.... 1g0 | Vetch. -......... 4 Pe age reR CN hcg crack a8 Nelumbium. .. 11... ..200 Prleklevabopee: BO aa Giyineiny cn ce aes Viburnum. -........ 122, 124 Bigsles CMICSIAT So cea. j WOO ES Sev arn pe oO oD J Nepeta.......... 91 eb rae Bbeedwen oe nae ake pion 54, 108... 153 | Sod Lifters. . += BOE EE TOesas pie eects Spider Flower....71. °°" Widlai a nto. ee Th): Geae 153 | Soil Testing Outfits... ..- 212 Nerigmre i. i2c ai 2 eee es IP Gagne 152)| Violet..... 2.2... 5D teas 153 | Spades. ................ 207 Nicotiana. . | 152, 91 Spinach Bey Cade de Virginia Creeper......... 154 | Sprinklers, Lawn... 207 Nierembergia...’.... a Spirea.. 0/212! 121. 130, 151 | Virgin's Bower...71..... 154 | Spraying and Dusting S07 Bela L As. oe Sprekeila....... 136 | Viscaria........ 108 Equipment....... 20 ape re tty cae ee ee Sr Ouisea ee ani ee Vitex Sh Senne Osea fab: 115 Saal and Pine. ine Broccol i EB G5 Gopnhoguduaa ees C8 - Novelties, Flower. . 45-54 33 Spruce et? 95 Sun Dials........ Roveltes, Vegetable. 1081199 Purple Mist. .120 | Spurge, Japanese........ 145 | Wake Robin............ 152 | Thermometers...... 204, 209 “0G Pyracintha. ....115, 116, ioe Squash..........37 Wallflower..68, 110. /135, 153 | Torches.......--.---- Oats Pyrethrum...... 98 ek 148 | St. Bruno's Lily......... 128 | Water Cress. .’... 21 SPO WEIS eh sich i cleie Gaeta) = 309 BUS es ee 43 yr Si A sok oe aan “120 | St. John’s Wort......... 141 » ~~ Hawthorn........ 200 | Trucks. A Booonee of «ee LAB Stachys. Goren RE 151 » Hyacinth... .. -200 Tubs, Plant 3 Old Maid... !. 108 Quest Annes Thinble,.30 Seaware. nioe 80 TICE WAG ee ont | ea A RR 5 DMI oe bondet adobe 130 | Quinceberry. ... 124 Statice...” BIeLOseseoelD || ees Poppyeaeccccs on 200 | Vases. - Old Woman............ 130 Stephanandra........... 121 | Watermelon. .... 25 Watering 209 Olea (Oleander)..... ....194 | Radishes. . .4, 34, 35 Stephanotis............. DOS WAS PLaNtin sw ccecinels cis = 193 | Weevers.... 208 Oliveranthus......... :197 | Rainbow Corn. . 100 Stigmaphyllon.......... MOGI AWAX WORK... elec cceens 154 | Wheelbarrows 209 Onion...... 3, 28, 29 Rainbow Rock Cress. 59. Be Stocks. ..53, 106 Wreigelas<e.ick cde seee. 122 | Wheel Hoes,............210 Onion Sets.... .. 29 Ranunculgs: os... ssc "Five. Scented 89 WIHEAG ic sities: 43 | Window Boxes. ...... . 209 dc cm Special instructions for ordering Plants, Roots, and Bulbs, page 113 215


Lawn Mowers and Accessories

The‘‘Dreer’’ Lawn Mower There is no better mower made. Designed throughout to make grass cutting easier, quicker, better. And built

only of materials that will give years tenance. The

of service with a minimum expense for main- “‘Dreer'’ Mower guarantees many years of

efficient, trouble-free grass cutting.

Equipped w hardened, and

ith five extra wide blades of crucible steel, oil water tempered. Bottom knife has a raised

edge over which the blades of the revolving cylinder must pass. As a result, the grass is actually cut and not merely crushed ortorn. A triple set of gears on each side results in an extra long wheel base, which insures a smooth, velvety cut on uneven as well as even surfaces.

The Dreer

Mower is adjustable to cut as close as one

quarter of an inch from the ground or as high as 135s inches.

**Dreer’’ High Wheel Mower

“Dreer” Lawn Mower

The New Penna - lite Aluminum Mower

A real high-grade featherweight lawn mower weighing but 29 pounds. Con- structed of tough aluminum alloy cast- ings, making it 14 pounds lighter in weight than the regulation lawn mower. It runs so easily that a child can handle

it. The blades, the vital parts of any mower, are made of crucible tool steel, oil hardened, and tempered. Fitted with 10-inch drive wheels, 5 cutting blades, and has ball bearings. The Penna-lite holds close to theground in cutting even the thickest grass, and

is unexcelled for terraces. 17-inch cut, $15.50

One size only,

**Spring Garden’’ Ball-Bearing Mower

15-inch cut, wheels 10 in. high $20 00

17-inch cut, wheels 10 in. high 19-inch cut, wheels 10 in. 21-inch cut, wheels 10 in.

*‘Dreer’’ Low Wheel Mower

12-inch cut, wheels 8 in. high..$14 14-inch cut, wheels 8 in. high.. 16 16-inch cut, wheels 8 in. high.. 18 18-inch cut, wheels 8 ia. high.. 21

The Coldwell Imperial Roller- Bearing Mower

The Coldwell Imperial Roller- Bearing Mower has embodied in it the same high grade materials and workman- ship that are a feature of their power mowers. Specifications include, 10-inch wheels, 5 cutting blades, and Hyatt self- oiling roller bearings.

LG-inehis:. joe ec seers $17 50 PS-in Ghia ia.cisrdheescteh ss 18 50 20=Gh ee enieheoe Go 19 50

Lawn Mower Oil

Quanity eyes. cote ORSD 1 00

A Natural

Penna Trimmer and Edger

Lawn Trimmers Penna Trimmer and Edger. Sim- ilar to the standard type trimmer with the additional advantage of a disc wheel turf edger, $9.00

Coldwell. A high quality tool for trim- ming along walks, walls, or flower bed, out of reach of the regular lawn mower. Width of cut, 8 inches, $10.00.

Pennsylvania Undercut. Constructed with a slanting side plate and a conical cylinder making it possible to cut all grass left by the regular mower in places hereto- fore accessible only to hand shears. It will pay for itself in labor saved even ona small place. Width of cut 6 inches, $10.50.

Lawn Cleaners

The Pennsylvania Lawn Cleaner will remove from the lawn not only the cut grass, but all sorts of litter, leaves, and trash. The suction created by the three rapidly revolving brushes (or rakes) cleans the lawn on the same principle as the vacuum cleaner operates on carpet. It is easy to operate, and with it one man will do more and better work than four men with hand rakes. The brushes are recommended for remov- ing worm-casts from putting greens and tennis courts where a smooth surface is essential. Always specify ‘Rakes’ “Brushes’’ when ordering. 24-inch cleaner........$30 00

Extra brushes or rakes, per set of three,$7.50.


A rich manure from cows—the ideal fertilizer for New Lawns and for restoring the worn-out grass plot to its original vigor.

Through a _ special process

To those among our customers who insist upon a ball bearing machine we can recom- mend without reservation our ‘‘Spring Garden” Ball Bearing Mower.

practically all moisture is re- moved from Bovung soon after it has been taken from the baras.

Bovung is absolutely free of all live weed seeds, it can not bring plant diseases to your garden, and while a little goes far, no harm will occur through fertilizing your lawn or garden freely.

Organic Fertilizer

Made only in the high wheel type, with 10-inch wheel, five blades of oil hardened and water tempered crucible tool steel; double gears, one in each drive wheel. Has a seltf- sharpening, raised edge, tool steel bottom knife, and perfect fitting ball cups and cones, all insuring the best all-around, easy- running machine of its type made.

Bovung broadcasts as readily as grass seed and we suggest three applications upon your lawn throughout the year, in the early spring, again in midsummer, and finally early in the autumn.

Bovung, too, is an excellent fertilizer for the flower and vegetable garden, being of an organic nature it brings to the soil just those materials in which the average garden soil is lacking. 5 lbs. 35c; 10 lbs. 60c; 25 lbs. $1.00; 50 Ibs. $1.50; 100 15-inch cut........... $15 00 Ibs. $2.75; 500 Ibs. $12.50; 1000 Ibs. $23.50; ton, $42.50, not prepaid. 17-Inchcutave sarees 17 00 19-inchicutensme rast. 19 00

We are prepared to supply ‘‘Horse Drawn’’ and Gasoline Powered

216 Lawn Mowers and will furnish quotations upon request

4 Reasons Why “THE DREER” Lawn Grass Mixture

1 “THE DREER” Lawn Grass Mixture ° is not merely a product of Nature—but also of selection and cleaning, as well as of

experience and integrity. 2 Like all other Dreer’s grass seeds, ¢ “THE DREER” mixture contains no cheap annuals, such as Timothy, that give quick but temporary results; and never con- tains a large percentage of worthless chaff. Some grass seeds, sold peoelly on “‘price’’, contain as high as 50% of chaff.


It PAYS to Use

3 “THE DREER” Lawn Grass Mixture * is noted for its complete adaptability to many variations in soil, climate and other conditions.

4 “THE DREER” mixture is dependable

* and substitutes certainty for chance. That has been proved over a long period of years on every type of lawn—from the smallest grass plot to the largest lawns on private estates.

Per pt., 25 cts.; per qt., 45 cts.; 2 qts., 85 cts.; 4 qts., $1.40; peck, $2.50, prepaid. By express or freight at purchaser’s

expense, 14 bushel (10 Ibs.), $4.50; bushel (20 Ibs.), $9.00; 100 Ibs., $44.00.