FIELDIANA Anthropology NEW SERIES, NO. 34 Early Intermediate and Middle Horizon Ceramic Styles of the Cuzco Valley Brian S. Bauer Bradford M. Jones March 31, 2003 Publication 1521 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Information for Contributors to Fieldiana General: Fieldiana is primarily a journal for Field Museum staff members and research associates, although manuscripts from nonaffiliated authors may be considered as space permits. The Journal carries a page charge of $65.00 per printed page or fraction thereof. Payment of at least 50 charges qualifies a paper for expedited processing, which reduces the publication time. Contributions from stall, research associates, and united authors will be considered for publication regardless of ability to pay page charges, however, the full charge is mandatory for nonaffiliated authors of unsolicited manuscripts. 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Author-generated changes in page proofs can only be made if the author agrees in advance to pay for them. © This paper meets the requirements of ANSI/NISO Z39.48-1992 (Permanence of Paper). FIELDIANA Anthropology NEW SERIES, NO. 34 Early Intermediate and Middle Horizon Ceramic Styles of the Cuzco Valley Brian S. Bauer Department of Anthropology (MC 027) University of Illinois at Chicago 1007 West Harrison Street Chicago, Illinois 60607-7139 Bradford M. Jones Department of Anthropology University of Illinois 607 South Mathews Urbana, Illinois 61810 Accepted November 1, 2002 Published March 31, 2003 Publication 1521 PUBLISHED BY FIELD MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY © 2003 Field Museum of Natural History ISSN 0071-4739 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Table of Contents Abstract 1 Introduction 1 Early Intermediate and Middle Horizon Ceramic Styles of the Cuzco Region 1 The 1999 Excavation Program 3 pukacancha 5 Inca Component at Pukacancha 6 Middle Horizon Component at Pukacan- cha 8 Tankarpata 9 Early Intermediate Period Component at Tankarpata 9 Middle Horizon Component at Tankarpata 10 Peqokaypata 11 Early Horizon Component at Peqokaypata 12 Early Intermediate Period Component at Peqokaypata 12 Killke and Inca Components at Peqokay- pata 13 Summary and Conclusions 13 Early Intermediate Period in the Cuzco Valley 14 Middle Horizon in the Cuzco Valley 14 Acknowledgments 17 Literature Cited 17 Appendix 1: Radiocarbon Dates 35 Appendix 2: Arahu ay Ceramics 38 Appendix 3: Qotakalli Ceramics 45 Appendix 4: Incised Incensarios 57 Appendix 5: Muyu Orco Ceramics 63 List of Maps 1 . Location of sites selected for test exca- vations in 1999 4 2. Site of Pukacancha 7 3. Site of Tankarpata 9 4. Site of Peqokaypata 11 List of Illustrations 1. Arahuay ceramic example from Tan- karpata 19 2. Qotakalli polychrome (black-and-red- on-cream) from Peqokaypata 19 3. Incised incensarios from Peqokaypata 20 4. Muyu Orco ceramic examples from Peqokaypata 20 5. Site of Pukacancha 6 6. Inca pottery from Pukacancha 21 7. Bronze "celt" from Pukacancha 21 8. Ground stone knives from Pukacancha 22 9. Arahuay ceramics from Pukacancha 23 10. Bichrome Qotakalli from Pukacancha 23 1 1 . Huamanga ceramic fragment from Pukacancha 24 12. Ground stone knives from Tankarpata 24 13. Arahuay bowl with wing design from Tankarpata 25 14. Bichrome Qotakalli ceramics from Tankarpata 25 15. Vinaque rim fragments from Tankarpa- ta 26 16. Bichrome Qotakalli ceramics from Peqokaypata 26 17. Qotakalli polychrome from Peqokaypata 27 18. Puma head, incised incensario frag- ments from Peqokaypata 18 19. Qotakalli polychrome fragments from Peqokaypata 29 20. Qotakalli vessel with modeled face from Peqokaypata 30 21. Qotakalli vessels with modeled faces from Peqokaypata 31 22. Small figurine from an offering at Peqokaypata 32 23. Miniature Killke jar from an offering at Peqokaypata 33 24. Carved stone from an offering at Peqokaypata 34 25. Calibrated radiocarbon dates from Wari and Wari-related contexts in the Cuzco region 16 Appendix Illustrations 2.1. Straight-sided, flaring Arahuay bowls from Tankarpata 39 2.2. Straight-sided, flaring Arahuay bowls from Pukacancha 40 2.3. Incurving Arahuay bowls from Tankarpata 41 111 2.4. Straight-sided, flaring Arahuay bowls and incurving Arahuay bowls from Pukacancha 42 2.5. Vertical, rectangular panels on bowls from Tankarpata 43 2.6. Arahuay ceramics from Tankarpata .... 44 3.1. Bichrome Qotakalli bowls from Pukacancha 46 3.2. Bichrome Qotakalli bowls from Tankarpata 47 3.3. Bichrome Qotakalli bowls from Tankarpata 48 3.4. Bichrome Qotakalli bowls from Peqokaypata 49 3.5. Bichrome Qotakalli bowls from Peqokaypata 50 3.6. Qotakalli polychrome vessels from Peqokaypata 51 3.7. Qotakalli polychrome vessels from Peqokaypata 52 3.8. Tripodal Qotakalli bowls from Peqokaypata 53 3.9. Qotakalli polychrome vessels from Peqokaypata 54 3.10. Qotakalli polychrome jar fragments from Peqokaypata 55 3.1 1. Qotakalli vessels with modeled faces 56 4.1. Incised incensario fragments with puma motifs from Peqokaypata 58 4.2. Incised puma heads from Peqokaypata 59 4.3. Incised incensahos from Peqokaypata 60 4.4. Rim scallops of incised incensarios from Peqokaypata 61 4.5. Incised incensario fragments from Peqokaypata 62 5.1. Muyu Oreo ceramics from Peqokaypata 64 5.2. Muyu Oreo rim forms from Peqokaypata 64 5.3. Fragments of Muyu Oreo pedestal bases from Peqokaypata 65 5.4. Rim scallops on Muyu Oreo ceram- ics from Peqokaypata 65 Above and back cover: Incised puma heads from Peqokaypata. Early Intermediate and Middle Horizon Ceramic Styles of the Cuzco Valley Brian S. Bauer1 and Bradford M. Jones2 Abstract This study presents new information on the ceramic styles of the Cuzco region during the Early Intermediate period and the Middle Horizon. The results of excavations in 1999 and 2000 at three sites in the Cuzco Valley afford better definition of the ceramic styles and dating of these two time periods. New information is presented on the Wari occupation of the Cuzco region and the influence that Altiplano (i.e., Lake Titicaca) cultures had on the Cuzco region during these time periods. Introduction The Middle Horizon encompassed a broad span of time during which much of the central and south-central Andean highlands came under the influence of two great states, Wari and Tiwanaku. Current research suggests that the Wari began to expand from their traditional power base in the Ayacucho region of Peru sometime after a.d. 550 and that state expansion continued through at least a.d. 900, after which the state appears to have suddenly collapsed (Williams 2001). Though less is known concerning the development of Tiwa- naku, it seems that by a.d. 300 the city of Tiwa- naku, near the southwestern shore of Lake Titi- caca in Bolivia, was of considerable importance. Expansion of Tiwanaku may have begun around a.d. 500 and waned, like Wari, near the end of the first millennium (Kolata 1993). During the Middle Horizon the Cuzco region, which lies between the highland centers of Wari and Tiwanaku, came under the sway of the Wari empire. Archaeologically this situation is reflected in changes in the use and production of local ceramic styles as well as in the importation of various foreign styles into the region. One of the major goals of our 1999 field season was to improve our understanding of the ceramic se- quence for the Early Intermediate period and the Middle Horizon in the Cuzco Valley. By investi- gating the ceramic styles of these periods in light of a series of new radiocarbon dates on materials recovered during our excavations (Appendix 1), we are better able to date the period of Wari oc- cupation in the region and to evaluate its impact on the material practices of the inhabitants of the Cuzco Valley. Early Intermediate and Middle Horizon Ceramic Styles of the Cuzco Region The development of a ceramic sequence for the Cuzco region was begun by John H. Rowe (1943, 1944, 1956) during his early, groundbreaking re- search in the Cuzco region. Since that time, nu- merous other researchers have helped to define the general ceramic chronology for the area 1 Brian S. Bauer, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois at Chicago, 1007 West Harrison Street, Room 2102, Chicago IL 60607-7139 ( 2 Bradford Jones, Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Davenport Hall, 607 S. Mathews, Urbana, IL 61801 ( FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY, N.S., NO. 34, MARCH 31, 2003, PP. 1-65 (Bauer 1999, 2001). The ceramic styles of the Early Intermediate period and the Middle Horizon in the Cuzco area have proved to be some of the most challenging to date and to understand. It is clear that several different styles of ceramics were being produced in the Cuzco region during these periods and that others were being imported from areas to the west and southeast of Cuzco. This work, discusses a number of different ce- ramic styles of the Early Intermediate period and the Middle Horizon found in the Cuzco region. Many of these styles have been poorly described and little illustrated. Furthermore, most of the styles have been dated through relative dating techniques rather than with the aid of radiocarbon samples found in direct association with the pot- tery styles. It is our hope that through a chrono- logical refinement of the ceramic styles associated with the Early Intermediate period and the Middle Horizon in the Cuzco region, researchers will be able to make more grounded interpretations about these important periods of Andean prehistory. Among the various styles discussed in this report are (1) styles that were produced in the Cuzco region but imitate or were greatly influenced by Wari pottery traditions of the Ayacucho region, (2) styles that were produced in other regions but were imported to Cuzco, and (3) styles that were indigenous to the Cuzco region. We present brief discussions of these styles below and provide more detailed descriptions and illustrations in the appendices. Among the various important styles are a series of styles that were actually produced in the Aya- cucho area and later imported into the Cuzco re- gion.1 These include the Ayacucho styles of Chakipampa, Okros, Vinaque, Huamanga, and Robles Moco (Knobloch 1991; Glowacki 1996, 2002). Various examples of possible imported Wari ceramics have been found in excavations at Pikillacta and other sites in the Cuzco region. Neutron activation analysis by Glowacki and her associates of selected pieces indicate that they were in fact produced in the Wari heartland and then imported into the Cuzco region (Montoya et al. 2000). There are, however, a number of other ceramic styles in the Cuzco region that appear to be lo- 1 The terminology used in this paper differs slightly from that used in earlier works discussing the ceramic styles of the Cuzco region (Bauer 1999, 2001). The re- finement is based on our increased understanding of the local and imported ceramics of the Cuzco region over several additional years of research. cally produced but that closely imitate ceramics of the Wari heartland. For example, the finer wares recovered at Pikillacta resemble the Okros ceramics of the Wari homeland but were produced in the Cuzco region (Knobloch 1991:253-254; Glowacki 1996; Montoya et al. 2000). Another example is the recently defined style of Arahuay (Torres Poblete 1989; Glowacki 1996; Bauer 1999, 2001). Arahuay ceramics are characterized by the use of broad red bands, outlined with nar- row black lines, over a buff slip (Fig. 1) (photo- graphs of the artifacts discussed in this report ap- pear on pp. 19-34). Glowacki (1996) has dem- onstrated that Arahuay pottery closely imitates the Huamanga ceramics of the Ayacucho region. Through neutron activation, she and her col- leagues have also shown that Arahuay ceramics were made from local clays (Montoya et al. 2000). Surveys have found that Arahuay ceramics are widespread in the Cuzco region, and we cur- rently use them as a marker for Wari influence in the area. It has also been suggested that Arahuay ceramics influenced or were the direct antecedents of Killke pottery, a major ceramic style of the Cuzco Valley during the Late Intermediate period (Bauer 1999, 2001). Although Arahuay ceramics represented one of the dominant ceramic styles of the Cuzco region during the Middle Horizon, its period of production was little understood before our 1999 excavation season (Appendix 2). Qotakalli is a distinct style of ceramics with a cream slip and elaborate geometric designs (Fig. 2). Major subtypes of this pottery include bi- chromes (black-on-cream, or more rarely red-on- cream) and polychromes (black-and-red-on- cream) (Appendix 3). First identified in the Cuzco Valley in the 1970s (Barreda Murillo 1982), Qo- takalli pottery is now known to be relatively widespread (Espinoza Martinez 1983; Valencia Zegarra 1984; McEwan 1984; Torres Poblete 1989; Glowacki 1996; Zapata 1998). Before our 1999 field season there was just one radiocarbon date for Qotakalli materials. Excavations by Ann Kendall (1996:153) at the site of Huillca Raccay in the Cusichaca Valley recovered Qotakalli pot- tery in a midden that yielded a radiocarbon date of 1580 ± 60 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 340-a.d. 620; sample Q3091; see Appendix 1). These data suggested that the production of Qotakalli ceramics began in the Early Intermedi- ate period. However, the results of investigations conducted by other researchers elsewhere in the Cuzco region have indicated that certain kinds of Qotakalli vessels continued to be produced during FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY the Middle Horizon. For example, excavations at Pikillacta and Batan Oreo have generated bi- chrome Qotakalli (black-on-cream) pottery in as- sociation with Middle Horizon ceramic styles, in- dicating that this ceramic style was used during the time of Wari influence (Barreda 1982; Mc- Ewan 1984, 1991; Glowacki 1996; Zapata 1997).2 While Qotakalli and Arahuay represent the two dominant ceramic styles of the Cuzco Valley for the Early Intermediate period and the Middle Ho- rizon, respectively, they were not the only ceram- ics being used. Surface collections conducted by Karen Chavez (1985) have documented the dis- tribution of incised incensarios between Cuzco and Lake Titicaca. Survey work by Bauer (1999, 2001) has also shown that these vessels can be found directly south of Cuzco. Although neutron activation work by Montoya et al. (2000) suggests that incised incensarios were produced with local clays, their distribution south and southeast of Cuzco and their similarity to incised early Tiwa- naku vessels suggest an Altiplano influence (K. Chavez 1985). Because all of the examples of in- cised incensarios in the Cuzco region had been recovered in surface collections, the timing of this influence was not well known, and the range of its vessel forms was little understood. Our exca- vations, however, have provided additional ex- amples of this intriguing ceramic style (Fig. 3) and new information on its production dates (Ap- pendix 4). Another ceramic style, called Muyu Oreo, may also reflect Altiplano influence in the Cuzco re- gion. First identified in the province of Paruro (Bauer 1989, 1999, 2001), it has now been found at various sites in the Cuzco Valley and surround- ing areas (Espinoza Martinez 1983; Torres Poblete 1989; Zapata 1997). The proposed Altiplano con- nection is based on two observations. First, Muyu Oreo ceramics are decorated with bright white, black, and orange colors painted over a polished, dark red background (Fig. 4). These colors are also used in the Altiplano ceramic traditions of Pucara and Tiwanaku. Second, various vessel forms (i.e., annulated bowls) and vessel attributes (i.e., rim scallops and pedestal bases) found in the Muyu Oreo collections are frequently seen in Al- tiplano collections of this time period (Appendix 5). The timing of this influence, however, was not well understood before we began our excavation project.3 The 1999 Excavation Program In 1994, Brian Bauer began the first systematic regional survey of the Cuzco Valley to examine the long-term developmental processes that oc- curred in the valley from the time of the first hunt- ing and gathering groups, ca. 7000 B.C., until the arrival of European forces in a.d. 1532 (Bauer in press; Bauer and Covey 2002). The study, which covered some 350 square kilometers, was com- pleted by Bauer and R. Alan Covey between 1997 and 1999. In the course of the survey, surface collections were made at more than 1 ,200 archae- ological sites. In 1998 and 1999, many of these sites were revisited for second collections. In 1999, building on the results of our system- atic survey of the Cuzco Valley, we selected for test excavations three small to medium-sized sites that contained different combinations of Early In- termediate and Middle Horizon ceramic styles (Map l).4 In other words, rather than excavating a single, large, multicomponent site, we used our survey results to select sites that had the specific combinations of pottery styles that we wanted to study. By conducting test excavations at multiple small sites, we were able to isolate and date the various ceramic styles used in the Cuzco Valley during the Early Intermediate period and Middle Horizon. We were also able to address a series of interrelated questions concerning the pre-Inca cul- tures of the Cuzco Valley. Most important, we wanted an answer to the question, When did the Altiplano and Wari influences on ceramic produc- tion in the Cuzco Valley begin and end? The sites chosen for test excavations included the follow- ing: 2 Because of this, Qotakalli has been classified as a Middle Horizon style (Bauer 1999). The research pre- sented in this report, however, indicates that most Qo- takalli production took place during the Early Interme- diate period. 3 In an earlier, report Bauer (1999) proposed that Muyu Oreo ceramics post-dated incised incensarios. Based on the excavation data from Peqokaypata, we now believe that they were both produced during the Early Intermediate period. 4 In 1999, test excavations were also dug at the small site of Cruz Pata, above the village of Huilcarpay, to gain information on the Late Intermediate period ceram- ic style of Killke. Unfortunately, the site proved to be poorly preserved. In 2000, excavations were also con- ducted at the site of Kasapata, the first preceramic site to be found in the region. The results of those excava- tions are currently being analyzed. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Pukacancha (Co. 141): A medium-sized site on the western slope of Taucaray Hill, with a small cluster of Inca buildings. Numerous Inca and Arahuay ceramic fragments as well as a few Qotakalli sherds were recovered from the sur- face of the site. The large number of Arahuay sherds at Pukacancha suggested that its major pre-Inca occupation dated to the Middle Hori- zon. By excavating this site we hoped to better understand the timing of Wari influence in the Cuzco region. Tankarpata (Co. 195): A medium-sized site beside the village of Tankarpata with no visible archi- tectural remains. It is located one ridge to the west of the original type site of Qotakalli. Sur- face collections from the site of Tankarpata yielded numerous fragments of Qotakalli and Arahuay ceramics and minor amounts of many other styles. From the surface collection we be- lieved that the site was continually occupied during the Early Intermediate period and Mid- dle Horizon. Peqokaypata (Co. 31): A small site with no visible architectural remains. The dominant ceramic styles within the surface collections were Qo- takalli and Chanapata-derived (also known as Late Formative) pottery. Some Muyu Oreo and incised incensario sherds were recovered, along with a few later (Killke and Inca) styles. The complete absence of known Middle Horizon ceramics, including imported Wari styles and Arahuay vessels, at Peqokaypata suggested that this site would yield important information on the immediately pre-Wari occupation of the Cuzco Valley. In sum, in order to investigate the Early Inter- mediate and Middle Horizon cultures and asso- ciated ceramic styles of the Cuzco Valley, we se- lected Peqokaypata, an immediately pre-Wari site; Tankarpata, a site that had been occupied during both the Early Intermediate period and Middle Horizon; and Pukacancha, a site that manifested a clear Wari occupation with little evidence of earlier remains. The excavations began in June 1999 and con- tinued for two months. We spent approximately two weeks at each of the selected sites. We re- turned to Peqokaypata in June of 2000 to spend an additional two weeks of fieldwork at the site. The excavations were conducted with picks, shov- els, and trowels and followed both arbitrary (10 cm) and natural (stratigraphic) levels. All the ex- cavated soil was screened through ^-inch wire mesh. Attempts were made in all units to reach sterile sediments before terminating excavation. Standardized excavation forms were completed for each level and photographs taken. Ceramic, bone, metal, and stone artifacts were bagged sep- arately in the field. Carbon samples were collected separately and recorded on special inventory forms. All artifacts recovered in the course of this fieldwork were transported to Cuzco for analysis. Laboratory work on the artifacts recovered at the sites was conducted throughout the 1 999 field sea- son and was continued in June and July of 2000 and 2001. Pukacancha The archaeological site of Pukacancha is locat- ed at the end of a steep-sided ridge that juts out from Taucaray Hill between Cuzco and the com- munity of Huilcarpay (Fig. 5). The site covers an area approximately 100 by 100 meters and con- tains significant Late Horizon as well as Middle Horizon occupations. Densely scattered pottery and the crumbling foundations of a small Inca ar- chitectural complex, composed of three rectan- gular structures around a nearly square plaza, tes- tify to the pre-Hispanic use of the site (Map 2). Pukacancha is currently used for cultivating wheat, corn, and potatoes and is owned by a sin- gle family living in Tankarpata and San Sebastian. Some of the Inca walls have been dismantled to enlarge the size of the fields. Short-term corrals and temporary shelters have also been constructed at the site using material from the Inca structures. Several months before our excavations at the site, a tractor plowed an area to the northeast of the Inca structures near the hill slope and damaged the corner of the eastern structure. The other parts of the site continue to be worked with traditional scratch plows. Two surface collections at the site recovered fragments of Inca, Killke, Arahuay, and Qotakalli pottery. (Fewer than five Killke fragments were recovered at the site, suggesting that Pukacancha was uninhabited during the Late Intermediate pe- riod.) Excavations at Pukacancha involved six test units, three of which were subsequently expanded to better clarify features that were encountered. Unit 1 was dug outside and slightly upslope from the Inca buildings to examine a dense sheet mid- den with a high concentration of Arahuay pottery. Units 2, 4, and 6 were placed within the buildings BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY Fig. 5. Site photograph, Pukacancha. to examine their construction techniques, evaluate the Inca occupation at the site, and test for Middle Horizon materials beneath the structures. Unit 3 was located in the plaza, and Unit 5 was posi- tioned on a southern terrace of the site to test for additional structures and middens. Inca Component at Pukacancha The name of the site (Pukacancha = Red En- closure) comes from the three rectangular build- ings, clustered around an open courtyard, that once stood on this ridge. The cancha or courtyard layout of the buildings is a typical feature of Inca architecture found in the Cuzco region and throughout the empire. The excavations revealed that Building 2 rested above a Middle Horizon occupation, whereas Building 1 had been con- structed through excavations into sterile subsoil. Inca artifacts recovered in the course of the ex- cavation included fine and domestic vessel frag- ments (Fig. 6), animal bones, and a bronze "celt" (Fig. 7). The excavations within the buildings produced a relatively low quantity of Inca artifacts when compared with deposits outside, and downslope, from them, although some Inca sherds and a few bone fragments were found in association with a prepared red clay floor. In Building 2 (Units 2 and 6) and on the natural clay floor of Building 1 (Unit 4), the Inca structures appear to have been kept relatively clean. During the excavations, no clear activity areas were defined, and the manner in which the structures were used remains un- known. Carbon recovered from the Inca floor in Unit 4 generated a date of 440 ± 45 b.p. (cali- brated 95.4% probability: a.d. 1400 [85.3%] a.d. 1530, a.d. 1570 [10.1%] a.d. 1630; sample num- ber AA 34936 [wood carbon]). The most detailed information on how the Inca constructed the buildings at Pukacancha came from Units 2, 4 and 6. The excavation of Units 2 and 6 indicated that Building 2 was constructed by first digging a wall trench over half a meter in depth and several centimeters wider than the base of the wall. Into this trench the outer structure wall, approximately 80 centimeters wide and composed of large stones with mortar, was set. The trench was then filled with alternating layers of different-colored clays from the hillsides sur- rounding the site. A small clay mound, apparently used to provide extra support, was constructed abutting the wall. A fill of contay, a soft chalky white stone that is the underlying bedrock of the ridge, was then used to raise and level the interior FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY of the building. In the case of Building 2, this contay fill capped and protected an underlying Middle Horizon occupation. The excavation of Unit 4 in Building 1 revealed that unlike Build- ings 2 and 3, this structure was built in part by excavating and leveling the hill slope and using the underlying clay as a floor surface. Finally, a thin coating of sterile red clay, roughly 5 centi- meters thick, was laid down over the contay fill to create a floor, and the walls were plastered. The interiors of Buildings 1 and 2 were both subdi- vided down the long axis by low courses of small and medium-sized unmodified stones placed di- rectly on the floor. The function of these stones is not known. Middle Horizon Component at Pukacancha The Middle Horizon component of Pukacancha is defined by the recovery of Arahuay ceramics from both the site surface and in all the excava- tion units. The excavation of Units 2 and 6 re- vealed that intact Middle Horizon components were preserved under the floor of Building 2, and excavation of Unit 1 uncovered a stratified Middle Horizon midden deposit in a natural depression. The excavations also revealed, however, that the Middle Horizon artifacts recovered in Units 3, 4, and 5 were in secondary contexts as a result of redeposition related to the Inca construction and natural erosional processes. The intact Middle Horizon deposits at Pukacancha held a wide va- riety of artifacts, including decorated and undec- orated ceramics, metal pins, animal bones, ground stone knives (Fig. 8), obsidian flakes, and other lithic debitage of andesite. The majority of the decorated pottery sherds recovered from the pre-Inca deposits at Pukacan- cha fall comfortably within the definition of the Arahuay style (Fig. 9). Nevertheless, some bi- chrome examples of Qotakalli, the variant of the Early Intermediate period ceramic style of the Cuzco region that continued to be produced after the arrival of the Wari in the valley, were also recovered. For example, Unit 1, which sampled a midden resulting from the gradual accumulation of refuse within a small natural depression, yield- ed various strata with Arahuay pottery mixed with a small number of bichrome Qotakalli sherds (Fig. 10). In one level, a few bichrome Qotakalli sherds were found with Arahuay fragments as well as a single piece of Incised Black Ware.5 This level provided a date of 1167 ± 39 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 770-a.d. 980; sample AA 39793 [wood carbon]). In another deposit, Ara- huay and bichrome Qotakalli fragments were found and dated to 1322 ± 40 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 650-a.d. 780; sample AA 39791 [wood carbon]). The lowest level of a trash pit in Unit 1 contained bichrome Qotakalli pottery and yielded a date of 1435 ± 65 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 430-a.d. 720; sample AA 34934 [wood carbon]). This date may mark the founding date for the site by people who were using both bichrome Qotakalli and Arahuay pot- tery. In this regard, it is important to note that all examples of Qotakalli pottery recovered at the site, from the two surface collections as well as from the excavation units, were bichromes (black- on-cream). More rarely still, samples of what appear to be imported Wari fine wares were found in the same contexts as Arahuay pottery. For example, in Unit 2, well beneath the Inca floor, we recovered a fragment of Huamanga-style (Fig. 1 1 ) pottery along with Arahuay ceramics in a deposit that was dated to 1210 ± 45 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% prob- ability: a.d. 680 [89.7%] a.d. 900, a.d. 920 [5.7%] a.d. 960; sample AA 34935 [wood car- bon]). Together, this information suggests that Ar- ahuay, Qotakalli (black-on-cream), Incised Black Ware, and Huamanga ceramics were in use con- currently during the Middle Horizon. The use of several different ceramic styles during the Middle Horizon is also supported by our excavations at Tankarpata as well as by earlier work in the prov- ince of Paruro immediately south of Cuzco (Bauer 1999, 2001). It should also be noted that below the red clay floor and contay fill of the Inca building in Unit 6, a thick lens of burned material was found overlying an occupation surface on which numerous large sherds of Arahuay pottery and domestic wares, along with a few Qotakalli sherds, were recovered. The nature of the ash and carbon lens is uncertain, although it appears to represent a single burning episode that covered the ground surface in this area, perhaps the result of the burning and subse- s Numerous Incised Black Ware vessels have been found at a Wari offering at the site of Muyu Roqo in the Province of Paruro. A carbon sample (sample AA 35003 [bone]) from that site dated to 1 135 ± 50 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 770-a.d. 1000). For additional information and for illustrations of Incised Black Ware, see Bauer (1999, 2001). FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY 3* 2* 5 ' house fg 1999 Excavation Unit ^J Approximate Site Size 0 10 20m canal datum north Map 3. The site of Tankarpata. quent collapse of a roof. Carbon collected from this context provided a date of 1 100 ± 45 b.p. (cali- brated 95.4% probability: a.d. 780 [1.3%] a.d. 800, a.d. 820 [94.1%] a.d. 1030; sample AA 34937 [wood carbon]). It is possible that this date marks the abandonment date for Pukacancha. on the southern half of the site. This area of Tan- karpata is divided into three large parcels by ir- rigation canals (Map 3). At the time of our work, the site was under both ox-plow and tractor-based cultivation. All landowners are members of the adjacent Tankarpata community. Tankarpata The archaeological site of Tankarpata (Co. 195) is located in agricultural fields along the northern edge of the modern village of Tankarpata. Situ- ated on a broad ridge abruptly terminating in a steep-sided bluff, the site overlooks the modern airport. The site was identified in 1997 as a high- density sherd scatter covering an area approxi- mately 300 by 100 meters. An analysis of the ar- tifacts collected during two surface collections in- dicated that the majority of the diagnostic sherds belonged to the Qotakalli and Arahuay styles. Other minor styles recovered at the site included Inca, Killke, and Muyu Oreo. The site of Tankarpata was selected for exca- vation with the hope that it would contain intact Early Intermediate period and Middle Horizon re- mains. Seven test units of varying sizes were dug Early Intermediate Period Component at Tankarpata The Early Intermediate period component of Tankarpata was defined by the presence of cultur- al strata or features that contained only Qotakalli or Muyu Oreo ceramics (or both). Such deposits were identified in Units 4 and 7. Both of these units are worth describing in some detail. Unit 4 was located near the center of the site. The unit proved to be the deepest of the site, reaching sterile red clay at a depth of 1.5 meters. The excavation yielded a large number of Qo- takalli and Arahuay fragments, several Muyu Oreo sherds, and two possible imported Wari (Okros) sherds. Although several burial features made the integrity of the components suspect, be- cause of the depth of the deposit and the range of ceramics found within this unit, we submitted five carbon samples to help date its deposits. The re- BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY suits of the carbon dating confirmed that a Late Intermediate period burial (dated to 640 ± 50 b.p.; 95.4% probability: a.d. 1280-a.d. 1410; sample AA 34940 [wood carbon]) had been dug through part of the unit, disturbing its deposits. This burial compromised the stratigraphy of deposits in the southeastern quadrant of the unit, where two of our carbon samples, which provided dates of 1 250 ± 45 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 670- a.d. 890; sample AA 34941 [wood carbon]) and 1275 ± 50 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 660-a.d. 890; sample AA 34939 [wood carbon]) had been collected. Other areas of the unit, how- ever, were unaffected. One level, approximately halfway down, which contained pure Qotakalli (bichrome and polychrome) materials, yielded a date of 1 148 ± 39 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% proba- bility: a.d. 770-a.d. 990; sample AA 39785 [wood carbon]). A level near the bottom of the unit, again with only Qotakalli (bichrome and polychrome) ceramics, provided a date of 1404 ± 47 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 540- a.d. 710; sample AA 39787 [wood carbon]). Unit 7 was located parallel to Unit 4 but 12 meters further west. The upper deposits in the unit provided numerous examples of Arahuay ceram- ics and a few Qotakalli sherds. Excavations re- vealed a large trash pit cut into the sterile clay that contained only bichrome Qotakalli fragments. Two bones from this bichrome Qotakalli-bearing feature were submitted for dating. The higher bone yielded an age of 1 1 89 ± 40 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 710 [5.2%] a.d. 750; a.d. 760 [90.2%] a.d. 980; sample AA 39790), while the lower was dated to 1345 ± 49 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 600-a.d. 780; sample AA 39789). In sum, it appears that the site of Tankarpata was founded late in the Early Intermediate period and that Qotakalli pottery continued to be used at the site for a considerable period of time. The Early Intermediate period occupation was not nearly as large as the Middle Horizon settlement and was found undisturbed in only two units. Fu- ture excavations in the area of Unit 4, where deep strata were found, should provide additional in- formation on the occupation of the site during this time period. Middle Horizon Component at Tankarpata The Middle Horizon occupation at Tankarpata is defined by the predominance of Arahuay ce- ramics as well as the recovery of likely imported Wari sherds. Common artifact types recovered from Middle Horizon contexts included bones, ground stone knives (Fig. 12), lithic debitage, un- derrated pottery, decorated Arahuay pottery, burned and unburned stones, and a surprisingly high number of metal artifacts. Two of the test excavations, in Units 2 and 3, encountered Middle Horizon structures. Unit 2, which was positioned near the southern end of the fields, exposed a north/south-running wall. On the western side of the wall was a dense gravelly matrix that con- tained many broken tupu pin shafts. The east side contained a floor level of red clay and various large Arahuay pottery fragments. Carbon from the floor level yielded a date of 1 192 ± 40 b.p. (cal- ibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 710 [6.0%] a.d. 750; a.d. 760 [89.4%] a.d. 980; sample AA 39788 [wood carbon]). On the east side of the fields, Unit 3 revealed several additional walls and a paved area. Two shallow pits were also found cut into the basal sediments, both of which contained an ashy ma- trix that yielded bones, lithics, and large ceramic fragments. One of the pits contained Arahuay (Fig. 13) and bichrome Qotakalli ceramics (Fig. 14). Carbon from this feature provided a date of 1 127 ± 40 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 780-a.d. 1000; sample AA 39786 [wood car- bon]). The other pit held several Arahuay pieces as well as single fragments of bichrome Qotakalli and likely imported Wari (Vinaque) pottery (Fig. 15). Carbon from this feature yielded a date of 1290 ± 50 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability a.d. 650-a.d. 880; sample AA 34938 [wood carbon]). Since Arahuay pottery was recovered in large numbers from all of the excavation units at Tan- karpata, it is clear that the site reached its maxi- mum size during the Middle Horizon. As was the case with Pukacancha, excavations indicate that during the Middle Horizon, bichrome Qotakalli ceramics continued to be produced and used alongside the more abundant polychrome Ara- huay ceramics as well as rare imported Wari piec- es. Ultimately, sometime during the Wari occu- pation of the Cuzco region, the site of Tankarpata was abandoned and was not reoccupied, although burials were later placed there. (The few Killke and Inca fragments found on the surface most likely represent scatter from the many nearby Late Intermediate period and Late Horizon occupa- tions.) 10 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY irrigation canal 14 13 2 6 4 15 10 1 6 12 9 H CO 31 Peqoykaykata 7 Excavation unit Site area i Grid north ( ) 10m Map 4. The site of Peqokaypata. Peqokaypata The archaeological site of Peqokaypata is lo- cated on a ridge immediately west of the hill called Tuino Oreo (District of San Jeronimo), on the south slope of the Cuzco Valley. Looking north from the site, the communities of Chimpa- waylla and San Jeronimo can be seen in the valley below, and to the east is the village of Kayra. The Peqokaypata site is defined by a dense scatter of ceramics, approximately 60 by 100 meters in size, in an agricultural field that belongs to a family in Chimpawaylla. The site was first found in 1994 during the pilot project for the valley-wide survey. Subsequent surface collections at Peqokaypata in 1997 and 1998 yielded ceramics and modified stones. Iden- tified within the surface collections were numer- ous examples of Chanapata-derived and Qotakalli ceramics as well as a few Muyu Oreo and incised BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 11 incensario sherds. (There were also a few Inca sherds. These, however, most likely came from the large nearby Inca site on Tuino Oreo.) The site was excavated to gain information on the transition from the Early Horizon to Early Inter- mediate period ceramics as well as information on the production of the apparently Altiplano-influ- enced styles of Muyu Oreo and incised incensa- rios. The complete absence of any imported Wari ceramics or locally produced Middle Horizon styles such as Arahuay on the surface indicated that Peqokaypata represented a rare Early Inter- mediate period site that was abandoned before the arrival of the Wari in the Cuzco Valley. Excava- tions at the site took place over two field seasons in 1999 and 2000, during which 16 units of vary- ing sizes and depths were studied. Results of the excavations indicate a substantial Early Interme- diate period occupation and a smaller Early Ho- rizon component. The surface collections and ex- cavations provided no evidence of site occupation after the Early Intermediate period, although an isolated Late Intermediate period, Killke offering was found at the site. Early Horizon Component at Peqokaypata A significant percentage (30%) of the diagnos- tic sherds recovered from the surface of the site can be classified as Chanapata-derived pottery (Rowe 1956), a finely made red earthenware dat- ing the late Early Horizon and early Early Inter- mediate period in the Cuzco Valley. Numerous examples of Chanapata-derived pottery were re- covered from almost all levels of the excavation. Several units, however, contained a dark brown to black sediment, which overlies the basal sediment of the site. The lowest levels of this deposit, rich in organic materials, contain pure Chanapata-de- rived materials. Two carbon samples from these deposits provided dates of 1881 ±42 b.p. (cali- brated 95.4% probability: a.d. 20 [2.1%] a.d. 40; a.d. 50 [93.3%] a.d. 240; sample AA 39792 [wood carbon]) and 1985 ± 43 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: 100 b.c.-a.d. 130; sample AA 39782 [wood carbon]). With the exception of seg- ments of single-course stone "foundations" found in Units 7, 9 and 10, no clear features of the Chanapata-derived occupation were identified other than this darker sediment. (A much older date, 3395 ± 55 b.p. [sample AA 34932, wood carbon], was provided by an additional carbon sample from the site. However, laboratory work indicated that the sample came from a disturbed context.) It appears that the substantial construc- tion activities carried on at the site by its inhabi- tants during the Early Intermediate period de- stroyed or irreversibly altered much of the earlier occupation. Early Intermediate Period Component at Peqokaypata The Early Intermediate period component of the site is defined by the presence of Qotakalli (Figs. 16 and 17) and Muyu Oreo ceramics, as well as by incised incensarios (Fig. 18). Muyu Oreo ceramics and incised incensarios were re- covered in highest percentages in the upper levels of the units across Peqokaypata, although always in close association with the vastly more numer- ous Qotakalli sherds. Qotakalli pottery, however, continued to be found in abundance in deposits below those in which the Muyu Oreo ceramics and incised incensarios were present and above the darker stratum with high percentages of Chan- apata-derived materials (Figs. 19-21). These find- ings suggest that the Qotakalli style predates any Lake Titicaca influence in the Cuzco region and may have been produced during much of the Ear- ly Intermediate period. The excavations indicated two distinct phases of occupation for the site of Peqokaypata during the Early Intermediate period. The first occupa- tional episode relates to an intensive domestic oc- cupation of the site, and artifacts recovered during the excavation include large samples of both dec- orated and undecorated pottery, animal bone and bone tools, lithic tools and manufacturing debris, and modified and unmodified stone. However, with the exception of a pit feature excavated in Unit 7, no clear architectural features or activity areas could be associated within this initial Early Intermediate period occupation. A carbon sample retrieved from the Unit 7 pit feature dug into the Chanapata-derived-bearing deposit generated a date of 1615 ± 50 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% proba- bility: a.d. 260 [2.0%] a.d. 280; a.d. 320 [93.4%] a.d. 570; sample AA 34931 [wood carbon]), which may mark the beginning of the Early In- termediate period occupation. It is interesting to note that this date was recovered in association with several large fragments of an unknown ce- ramic style with wide but opaque orange lines over a dull buff surface. We felt that this new style 12 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY might be a transitional style between the Chana- pata-derived and Qotakalli ceramics of the region. The site takes on a distinct character in the lat- ter Early Intermediate period occupation with the apparent termination of the domestic use of the site, and the construction around a small plaza of at least two low mounds in Units 3 and 9/12 and a large retaining wall (Units 2/4/6/13/15/16), with a circular structure built at the southwest corner (Units 2/15). While the particularities of construc- tion varied among the structures, all cases adhered to a similar tradition of construction that entailed placing fill behind retaining walls of fieldstone in order to create an elevated occupation surface. Artifacts associated with this latter occupation include large quantities of both decorated and un- decorated ceramics, animal bone, and lithic ma- terials. A small piece of gold foil recovered in a midden context on the backside of the platform mound in Unit 12 was the only piece of metal recovered during the excavations. Three radiocar- bon dates submitted from Qotakalli-bearing strata associated with this second phase of occupation greatly aid in dating this latter component of the Early Intermediate occupation. Two samples were from deposits that yielded only Qotakalli ceram- ics. These provide dates of 1439 ± 39 b.p. (cali- brated 95.4% probability: a.d. 540-a.d. 670; sam- ple AA 39781 [wood carbon]); and 1527 ± 40 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 430-a.d. 620; sample AA 39783 [wood carbon]). A third sample, taken from the surface of one of the plat- forms that yielded a shattered incised incensario as well as various fragments of Qotakalli and Muyu Oreo ceramics, resulted in a date of 1422 ± 51 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 530- a.d. 700; sample AA 39783 [wood carbon]). Giv- en the location of this sample, we believe that it dates the last occupation period for Peqokaypata. These radiocarbon dates suggest that between the fourth and fifth centuries a.d., the function and layout of the site were transformed before the site was abandoned in the seventh century a.d. Fur- thermore, they suggest that Altiplano influence in the Cuzco region was strongest during the later part of the Early Intermediate period. Killke and Inca Components at Peqokaypata The Killke and Inca components of the site consist of two burials to the south of the main structures and a small offering placed on the sur- face of the Early Intermediate platform in Unit 12. The offering comprised a small llama figurine of Spondylus shell, a miniature Killke jar, and a carved stone (Figs. 22-24). Nearby we also re- covered a small fragment of unworked Spondylus shell in association with a small crystal. Recent excavations at the site of Choquepukio in the Lu- cre Basin have shown that these items are com- mon features of Late Intermediate period offer- ings in the Cuzco region (McEwan et al. 2002). An intact burial of an individual placed in a small pit in a tightly flexed position with a tupu pin as the only grave good was found in Unit 8. The tupu pin and the excellent preservation of the burial suggest that it dates to Killke or Inca times. A second, larger, more elaborate burial was found looted in Unit 10. This burial feature was asso- ciated with both Killke and Inca ceramics. Al- though these data indicate that the site was known and visited during Killke and Inca times, there is no evidence of significant Killke or Inca period occupation at it. Summary and Conclusions We began the 1999 field season with the goal of better understanding the complex ceramic se- quence of the Cuzco Valley during the Early In- termediate period and the Middle Horizon, as well as wishing to gain additional information on the cultures that occupied the valley during these pe- riods. It was of critical importance to better doc- ument the influence that the Ayacucho region, and perhaps the Altiplano, had on the indigenous cul- tures of the Cuzco Valley. The information gained from our excavations at Pukacancha, Tankarpata, and Peqokaypata allows us to draw some firm conclusions about some of these issues and to speculate about others. Early Intermediate Period in the Cuzco Valley The Early Intermediate period is one of the least understood eras of the Cuzco region. There have been no major projects dedicated to under- standing this period, and even its basic ceramic styles are still being defined and debated. For about half a century the name "Huaro" has ap- peared on ceramic sequences in association with the Early Intermediate period (Rowe 1956). How- ever, the Huaro ceramic style remains virtually BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 13 unknown, because few illustrations or descrip- tions of it have been published. Although the specific characteristics of Huaro ceramics continue to be debated, there has been significant progress in recent years in identifying and describing several other ceramic styles of the Early Intermediate period. It is currently recog- nized that when the Wari began the eastward ex- pansion of their state from the Ayacucho area, the dominant local ceramic style of the Cuzco Valley was a cream-slip ware called Qotakalli (Bauer 2001). The origins of this local style are unclear; however, excavations suggest that there was a rap- id transformation in local ceramic production from the burnished earthen Chanapata and Chan- apata-derived styles to the distinctly different, painted Qotakalli style some time after the begin- ning of the modern era. More specifically, exca- vations at Peqokaypata have yielded Chanapata- derived ceramics that date to around a.d. 100, and our earliest Qotakalli ceramics came from a se- cure context that dated to about a.d. 500. (We also identified a possible transitional style between Chanapata-derived and Qotakalli that dated to around a.d. 450 [sample AA 34931].) Thus the transition appears to have occurred between the second and fourth century a.d. (This date is also supported by a date recovered at the site of Huill- ca Raccay [sample Q 3091].) Researchers have noted that there are several variations of Qotakalli ceramics (Barreda Murillo 1982; Glowacki 1996; Zapata 1997; Bauer 1999, 2001). By far the most common substyles are black-on-cream and black-and-red-on-cream. In general, the polychromes tend to be of a higher quality than the bichromes. Our research has shown that there is a temporal element to the Qo- takalli subtypes of black-on-cream and red-and- black-on-cream. This is best illustrated by com- paring the Qotakalli sherds found in surface col- lections and excavations at Peqokaypata with those recovered at Pukacancha. Peqokaypata is primarily an Early Intermediate period site, aban- doned just before the Wari entered the Cuzco Val- ley. At this site, approximately 33% of all Qota- kalli sherds found were classified as red-and- black-on-cream. Pukacancha, on the other hand, is a Middle Horizon site established about the time that the Wari entered the Cuzco Valley and was occupied for some three hundred years after- ward. A small percentage of this site's total ce- ramic collection was classified as Qotakalli, all of which fell into the black-on-cream category. This is to say, not a single example of Qotakalli red- and-black-on-cream ceramics was recovered dur- ing the two surface collections made at Pukacan- cha or during our excavations there. It appears that the production of the slightly less fine, Qo- takalli black-on-cream pottery began early and continued throughout much of the Early Inter- mediate period and the Middle Horizon, although the quantity of its production diminished greatly after the Wari arrived. Qotakalli red-and-black-on- cream wares were also produced during the Early Intermediate period, but this finer version of pot- tery was shorter-lived, and its production ended around the time of the Wari occupation in the val- ley. These findings are consistent with the fact that only Qotakalli black-on-cream vessels have been found in Pikillacta (Barreda 1982; McEwan 1984, 1991; Glowacki 1996) as well as in Wari period tombs at Baton Oreo (Zapata 1997). Our research has also provided information on two other ceramic styles, Muyu Oreo (Bauer 1989, 1999, 2001) and incised incensarios (K. Chavez 1985), which were in use in the Cuzco Valley during the Early Intermediate period and are currently believed to reflect a southerly, Alti- plano influence. The most important information on these two styles comes from the site of Peqo- kaypata, which contained numerous Chanapata- derived, Muyu Oreo, Qotakalli, and incised incen- sario fragments, but no imported Wari or Arahuay ceramics. Extensive excavations at the site re- vealed several structures as well as stratified mid- dens. Carbon extracted from the top of a small platform in direct contact with a shattered incised incensario provided a date of 1422 ± 51 b.p. (cal- ibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 530-a.d. 700; sample AA 39783). Soon after this date the site was abandoned. Furthermore, it should be noted that no examples of these two ceramics styles have been recovered in secure cultural contexts that yielded imported Wari or Arahuay ceramics. In other words, current data suggest that Muyu Oreo ceramics and incised incensarios reflect an Altiplano influence on the Cuzco region that dates to the late Early Intermediate period and that end- ed as a result of the Wari occupation of the Cuzco Valley. Middle Horizon in the Cuzco Valley Researchers have long noted the presence of Wari influence in the Cuzco region, and it is rec- ognized that the Ayacucho empire held sway over the thriving polities of the region for several cen- 14 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY turies. Thus the Middle Horizon is a fascinating period for the Cuzco region. It is a time of both foreign occupation and indigenous development. Fortunately, it is also one of the better studied periods of the region's history. Changes in Material Cultural as a Result of the Wari Occupation in the Cuzco Region. Dur- ing the Middle Horizon, a relatively small number of vessels were imported from the Wari heartland to the Cuzco region. For example, various pieces of imported Wari vessels have been recovered in excavations at Pikillacta (Glowacki 1996, 2002; Montoya et al. 2000). A few other exotic vessels appear to have been imported from Nazca and Ca- jamarca (Knobloch 1991:253; Glowacki 1996). During our excavations in the Cuzco Valley, we found various pieces of likely imported Wari ce- ramics as well. Carbon from a trash pit at the site of Tankarpata that contained a fragment of Vi- naque-style pottery provided a date of 1290 b.p. (calibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 650 [95.4%] a.d. 880; sample AA 34938). In addition, a mid- den at the site of Pukacancha with a piece of Hua- manga-style pottery dated to 1210 ± 45 b.p. cal- ibrated 95.4% probability: a.d. 680-a.d. 960; sample AA 34935). These dates fall within the time traditionally believed to frame the Wari ex- pansion outside its Ayacucho heartland. More significant changes were occurring, how- ever, at the level of local ceramic production. Dur- ing the Middle Horizon the ceramic style now called Arahuay, which imitates Huamanga pottery of the Wari heartland, began to be produced in the Cuzco Valley. At the same time Qotakalli black- and-red-on-cream pottery disappears from the ar- chaeological record and the quantity of Qotakalli black-on-cream vessels greatly diminishes. Be- cause the clay used in the production of Arahuay pottery is very similar to that used in the manu- facture of Qotakalli vessels (Montoya et al. 2000), we believe that many of the local potters who pro- duced Qotakalli wares before the arrival of the Wari gradually accepted and began production of Arahuay vessels as the Cuzco region was drawn into the cultural orbit of the Ayacucho state. It is interesting to note that in this process, it appeared to be the local, finer polychrome Qotakalli black- and-red-on-cream ceramics that were first re- placed by the even better manufactured poly- chrome Arahuay vessels. These changes in ceramic styles and manufac- ture correlate with other changes in the material culture of the region as well. Burger et al. (2000) have documented an important shift in obsidian procurement patterns. For more than a thousand years, the peoples of the Cuzco region obtained their obsidian from sources located in the south- erly region of Alca. However, during the Middle Horizon, when Wari occupied the Cuzco region, the obsidian flow from this source stopped. For this relatively brief period of time, obsidian was imported into the region from the Quispisisa area, which, like the Cuzco Valley, was under Wari control (Burger et al. 2000). We also noted a possible change in the avail- ability of metal. In our excavations of the Early Intermediate period site of Peqokaypata and in Early Intermediate period contexts at Tankarpata, we recovered no copper or bronze artifacts; the only metal recovered was a piece of gold lami- nate. This contrasts greatly with the results of our excavations of Middle Horizon contexts at Tan- karpata and Pukacancha, where fragmented and discarded copper or bronze objects were relatively common. Although speculative, this trend sug- gests that with the Wari occupation of the Cuzco region came trade links (or possibly technology) that brought a far greater number of metal objects into the Cuzco area than had been available dur- ing the Early Intermediate period. Dating the Wari Occupation of the Cuzco Region. The timing of the Wari impact on the Cuzco region has long been debated. With the completion of our excavations, we currently have two independent data sets to date the arrival and withdrawal of the Wari from the Cuzco region (Fig. 25). (See Williams (2001) for a discussion of Wari dates from across the Andes.) The first set consists of nine dates extracted from Pikillacta (McEwan 1948, 1996) (samples Beta 43230, Beta 43231, Beta 43232, Beta 43233, Beta 43234, TX 3996, TX 4247, TX 4750, and TX 4751; see Ap- pendix 1. Sample TX 4747 was not used in this study because of its large (± 370) sigma range). The earliest dates are derived from excavated floor levels in the complex that suggest a foun- dation date after a.d. 530 (samples TX 4750 and TX 4751. See also Appendix 1). The concentra- tion of dates between a.d. 640 and a.d. 700 in- dicates that the Wari were active in the region during this period. The latest samples from Pikil- lacta come from the wooden beams charred in the fire that destroyed the central sector of the site and provide a broad spread of dates that overlap in the range of a.d. 780 and a.d. 980 (samples Beta 43230, Beta 43232 and Beta 43233; see also Appendix 1 ). It should be noted that because these later samples come from construction materials BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 15 AD 1200 AD 1100 AD 1000 AD 900 AD 800 AD 700 AD 600 AD 500 | calibrated 68.2% probability □ calibrated 95.4% probability Fig. 25. Calibrated radiocarbon dates from Wari and Wari-related contexts in the Cuzco region. within Pikillacta, they do not date the destruction of the site by fire but instead date what appears to have been the last building phase (see Appen- dix 1). The second, independent data set for dating the Wari impact on the Cuzco Valley comes from our excavation program in the Cuzco region that fo- cused on Pukacancha, Tankarpata, and Peqokay- pata. In all, eight carbon samples have been dated from clearly defined Middle Horizon contexts (i.e., strata or features that contain imported Wari — Vinaque and Huamanga — or Arahuay ce- ramics) (samples AA 34935, AA 34938, AA 39786, AA 34937, AA 39788, AA 39791, AA 16 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY 39793. See also Appendix 1. For this study we have also added sample AA 35003, which comes from Muyu Roqo, a Middle Horizon site in the Province of Paruro [Bauer 2001]). The earliest of these eight samples, sample AA 39791, dates to between a.d. 650 and a.d. 780, while the latest, sample AA 34937, falls between a.d. 780 and a.d. 1030. This suite of dates, taken from a series of small Middle Horizon sites in the Cuzco region, is very similar to that from the Wari center of Pikillacta. The combined data sets from Pikillacta and our excavations at smaller sites in the Cuzco region support the traditional dates of Wari expansion, with some modifications. Our research suggests that the Wari were certainly active in the Cuzco region after a.d. 640 and remained in the region until at least a.d. 900, and perhaps even into the new millennium. Finally, it is worth noting that the beginning date of Wari influence in the region also meshes well with the final appearance of Al- tiplano-influenced materials (Muyu Oreo and in- cised incensarios) recovered at the site of Peqo- kaypata. This suggests that ties within the Lake Titicaca region that had been established centuries earlier were dramatically transformed with the ar- rival of the Wari in the Cuzco region. Acknowledgments Excavation project members included R. Alan Covey, Miriam Araoz, Rene Pilco, Silvia Flores, Richardo Huaullani, Reynaldo Bustinza, and Car- los Arriola. We thank Silvia Flores for creating the ceramic drawings, as well as Mary Glowacki for her help in identifying the Wari (Huamanga, Okros, and Vinaque) ceramics. 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Arquitectura y contextos funerarios Wari en Batan Urqu, Cusco, pp. 165-206. In Boletin de Ar- queologia PUCP, Vol. 1 . La Muerte en el Antiguo Peru: Contextos y Conceptos Funerarios. Peter Kaulicke, ed. Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima. . 1998. Los cerros sagrados: Panorama del Per- Peru, 1954-1955. American Antiquity, 22(2): 135- 150. iodo Formativo en la cuenca del Vilcanota, Cuzco, pp. 307-336. In Boletin de Arqueologia PUCP, Vol. 2. Perspectivas Regionales del Periodo Formativo en el Peru. Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Lima. 18 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 1 . Arahuay ceramics are characterized by the use of broad red bands, outlined with narrow black lines, over a buff slip. This example is from Tankarpata. Fig. 2. Qotakalli polychrome (black-and-red-on-cream) from Peqokaypata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 19 Fig. 3. Incised incensarios from Peqokaypata. Fig. 4. Muyu Oreo ceramics are decorated with bright white, black, and orange colors painted over a polished, dark red background. These examples are from Peqokaypata. 20 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 6. Inca pottery recovered in Building 1 at Pukacancha. Fig. 7. Bronze "celt" from Pukacancha. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 21 Fig. 8. Ground stone knives from Pukacancha. 22 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 9. Arahuay ceramics from Pukacancha. Fig. 10. Bichrome Qotakalli (black-on-cream) from Pukacancha. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 23 Fig. 11. A fragment of Huamanga ceramics from Pukacancha. Fig. 12. Ground stone knives from Tankarpata. 24 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 13. Arahuay bowl with wing design from Tankarpata. Fig. 14. Bichrome (black-on-cream) Qotakalli ceramics from Tankarpata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 25 Fig. 15. Vinaque rim fragments from Tankarpata. Fig. 16. Bichrome (black-on-cream) Qotakalli ceramics from Peqokaypata. 26 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 17. Qotakalli polychrome (black-and-red-on-cream) ceramics from Peqokaypata. These examples are the bases of drinking vessels. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 27 Fig. 18. Puma head, incised incensario fragments from Peqokaypata. 28 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 19. Qotakalli polychrome (black-and-red-on-cream) ceramics from Peqokaypata. These are tripodal bowl fragments. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 29 Fig. 20. Qotakalli vessel with modeled face from Peqokaypata. 30 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 21. Qotakalli vessels with modeled faces from Peqokaypata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 31 Fig. 22. Small llama figurine of Spondylus shell found in an offering at Peqokaypata. 32 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 23. Miniature Killke jar found in an offering at Peqokaypata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 33 Fig. 24. Carved stone found in an offering at Peqokaypata. 34 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY 1 9 i •n 5 e ■o u SB ■ 06 U e o 8 DC I "2 8 11 o ;_ inoooino OOMmna- OOOO © © O © o o o o ^irnor, «TfOr^,^^0 — C*OOC\OnO> qqqqqq °° t-» oo . .oooo . r~ . r~ oo jjjj^^oaaoaaa .qqqqq . . q q . . q . q . .qqqqqqqqqq ^1„^„ <<<<<<< Q. <<<<££tt &&&&&&&£&&&&&££&&££&£&££&&& &&&&&&& oo -*t so >o rj- nooo — cn^On^'coc^ — — 'vocor*l-'sC? . cni iri ""! ~". oo ~~ '. Tt^^o^wSooirisC) — v-i vi cn u-i O Q O ""! "0 O w w"~^© O www^~~-'^-'w~~-'~~'WWWN-'wwww'wl— - w w w w w (NOr-OTfOOOOOON-^-OiriOOOOU-lCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -tTtintNf^DOMnoOO-ONMOOfSCO^-MCOOOfOt^t^OONOMt^OOfNVOI^COOOMfNM^NOO „_„___ooonoo oooNr^oooor-oor---r^oooot^t-~oooor^r^r-oooor--r^Ncr~ONr~r--ONNO dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd <■<<"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^^ ^^ ^ NTt (N "^tfN Tf CN Tf CN -i- CN Tf CN ^l; <"i ^ oo vi oo >/o oo iriod >o oo /o oo iriod «/S vO On so On NO On NO On vO On NO On nO On NO On nO 0\*O0"O On nO On 4 4 PQ I Cfi «« B 5 00 ON c o i-^ Q >-> - 3 © CN S X % l. tM £ •— pa a 3 m 3 CO CO © © <* © -t- + 1 +1 + 1 + 1 + 1 o VO © NO © § © © r- CN i 2 o O 3 73 .O O" o> * .„ cos 'C o ca ca ca >^ —r 4— 1 Arahu Qotak Arahu Wari ( Black ca ca 3s M * i =c s r- vO CO »o co On NO ON 8 00 -t ON ON W) c^ — -~ a - *J B S3 * Ix * - oor--«Nr-oono oooooooooooooooo r- — no J-- — NOrot--oo ^Dinvo^>nir)TtO't'*0^tTfvDO^f m^m^m^m^^coi'Cm^o^vovovo NONONor--NONor--NONor--NONor^inNOi/-> QQQdDDD DDDDDQDDQD DDQQDQQDQDDQQDOQ <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ rjTt (N^t; On 5* On *■* i— i •~ s r3 4 a * U * LU BJ 11 o 00 o t en C"> ON r- r- ON On o^ ON r-> On On -r ■t ^ ^t rf On CO m co ro CO ro 8 r'". < < < < < < < < < < < < < QQ < a a a 4 pq 3 " o STr^ X> 'C .„ (3 f\ ca >-.3: ca co rt 3 w^i +- 3 _*: H— .* -W- # Cfl /— s 2 j* O 1 2 o 1 l 4 22 o -t O in o O O NO o -1- O NO ON +1 + 1 +1 + 1 +1 + 1 +1 +1 +1 + 1 +1 +l NO 00 o o o NO O NO NO o NO NO 00 (N NO o (N NO IT! o NO o o NO NO 1/1 D 6 Q 6 Q Q a Q Q Q Q Q < < < < < < < < < < < < IT) IT) O in O IT) O o O NO On O NO + 1 + 1 +1 + 1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 + 1 o (N O V~i (N i/~> r- (N o (N o ON (N n^^cn^r^inod«nCNiinino6>nocPror"'': — _ ^ s'i «ri \OOv\DO\MO\OOv — vOOwOOND^OwOOvvDriONvO— . tn 00 » wwwwwwwwww^wwwwwwwwwwi,-) ^-"(N ON ^D >- ' oo^oinoinooooo . •, ©©oo©o©©w©WWw.t (On^^^ooo^MM^nO yrorom — t(-o>ONOWOO .; y inTfinininininin^j-in'^-CM as^vrt'tfi^Nmh-Nifl y oa CD DDQQQQQQDQQQ§QQQQDqQDDDQQ0§ <<<<<<<< <<<<•**<<<<<< <<<<<n od mi od mi od mi od mi od in! od mi od mi od mi VO On VO On NO On n© On NO ON NO Ov VO ^ O On NO On >C On o%j c$ <$j oa pa vC m +1 + i ON en CO +1 +1 — — (N X3 « * fr © NO © +1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 © en © rn CM ■n © 00 in >n oo 00 03 5 E ° t. a u 03 o«2 C sj — £ .. 15 £ S 3 •= OS O .— e3 U * *^ 03 S II 8 B o W < X) 03 (U a. o E too g=s BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 37 Appendix 2. Arahuay Ceramics Arahuay ceramics take their name from the site of Arahuay, located approximately 2 kilometers south of Cuzco on the valley slope. The site was excavated by Nilo Torres Poblete in 1989, and the style was defined in his Licenciado thesis. Further examples of Arahuay ceramics have been identi- fied in the ceramic collections from Pikillacta (McEwan 1990; Glowacki 1996), Batan Oreo (Zapata 1997), Huaro (Glowacki 2002) as well as the Province of Paruro (Bauer 1999, 2001). A variety of vessel forms have been identified in Arahuay collections, but the most common fragments are from straight-sided, flaring bowls (Figs. 2.1 and 2.2) and incurving bowls (Figs. 2.3 and 2.4). Some of the bowls are decorated with broad, horizontal red bands, outlined with black lines, running several centimeters below the rim. Areas between the horizontal red band and the rim have been marked off with vertical red bands, out- lined with black lines. Others have sets of vertical, rectangular panels that contain curving lines (Fig. 2.5). Others contain a wing motif. Small decora- tive motifs can also be found on Arahuay ceram- ics. Checks are common; however, curving lines, X's and quartered circles have also been noted (Fig. 2.6). Glowacki (1996) has documented that the de- sign compositions found on Arahuay ceramics as well as their vessel shapes are very similar to those of Huamanga ceramics in the Ayacucho re- gion. (Glowacki [1996] prefers to call this style Arahuay AVamanga.) She has also demonstrated that while Arahuay ceramics reflect a strong Aya- cucho (i.e., Wari) influence in the Cuzco region, they are made from local clays (Montoya et al. 2000). Our recent survey of the Cuzco Valley found numerous sites with Arahuay ceramics and we currently use them to track Wari influence in the Cuzco region. Our excavations at the sites of Pukacancha and Tankarpata yielded seven radio- carbon dates from secure contexts which con- tained Arahuay ceramics. These samples, each of which falls between 1100 ± 45 b.p. (sample AA34937) and 1322 ± 40 b.p. (sample AA39791), date to the period traditionally asso- ciated with Wari control of the Cuzco region. It is also important to note that there are some similarities between Arahuay and Killke ceramics. One of the most notable characteristics of Killke ceramics is the use of broad red bands outlined with black lines (Bauer 1999, 2001). This same feature is also a distinctive characteristic of Ara- huay ceramics. Outlined bands are found on both Arahuay jars and bowls. Like their counterparts in Killke vessels, these bands run horizontally and vertically and are at times used to define panels that are filled with geometric designs. Based on these observations, Bauer has proposed that the production of Arahuay ceramics began after the establishment of Wari presence in the Cuzco re- gion, and that Arahuay ceramics influenced, or may prove to be the direct antecedent of, Killke ceramics. If Killke ceramics did develop from Ar- ahuay traditions, then the transition between Ar- ahuay and Killke ceramics most likely occurred after the abandonment of Pikillacta at the end of the Middle Horizon. 38 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY 1 — I Gfl BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 39 40 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY CM Fig. 2.3. Incurving Arahuay bowls from Tankarpata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 41 ^ 7 r CM Fig. 2.4. Straight-sided, flaring Arahuay bowls and incurving Arahuay bowls from Pukacancha. 42 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY CM Fig. 2.5. Sets of vertical, rectangular panels are common designs in straight-sided, flaring Arahuay bowls. These examples are from Tankarpata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 43 o | PS i- F 44 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Appendix 3. Qotakalli Ceramics Luis Barreda Murillo (1982) published the first description of Qotakalli ceramics. Since that time, Qotakalli ceramics have been found at numerous sites in the Cuzco region (see Bauer 1999, 2001). The vessels are generally composed of a fully ox- idized, pale pinkish cream fabric. A cream-col- ored (ranging from yellow-cream to pink) self-slip made from the body clay covers their exteriors. The vessels have a matt, rather sandy surface that is wiped but not normally compacted or polished (pers. commun., Sara Lunt 2001). The walls of the pots are generally very thin (average 4-5 mm). The lip is pinched from the topmost coil to a thin, rounded profile. This is pulled out to form a very characteristic flaring shape, or pushed in for the small, incurving bowls (pers. commun., Sara Lunt 2001). Qotakalli ceramics exhibit a limited variety of geometric decorations. The most common ele- ments are straight horizontal and vertical lines, zigzagging lines, diamonds, triangles, and dots. Two major substyles, black-on-cream and black- and-red-on-cream, dominate the collections. In general, the polychromes tend to be of higher quality than the bichromes. Recent studies suggest that Qotakalli was the primary ceramic style in the Cuzco Valley at the time of the Wari arrival. As such it represents the indigenous style that was produced during the Early Intermediate period in the Cuzco region. Excavation data suggest, however, that the pro- duction of the finer polychromes ended around the time of the Wari occupation of the Cuzco valley, while the bichromes continued to be made for some time, although in diminishing quantities, into the Middle Horizon. The major designs are defined in black, while the minor ones are executed in either red or black. The straight and zigzagging lines tend not to ap- pear singularly but in parallel groups of two to five lines. In the polychrome vessels, these lines alternate between black and red. The interior of the diamonds is commonly cross-hatched, or con- tains nested diamonds. The interior of the trian- gles is at times painted solid, or filled with nested triangles or dots. In general, the polychrome ex- amples tend to have thinner lines than the bi- chrome ones and are more extensively burnished. There is a wide variety of bichrome and poly- chrome Qotakalli vessels. Bowls are especially common within the bichrome collections. They include incurving, curved-sided and straight-sided bowl forms (Figs. 3.1-3.5). These vessels have small, flat or slightly curved bases. The exterior Qotakalli incurving bowls frequently are decorat- ed on the upper half, while the interiors are not decorated. Bowls are also found within the poly- chrome collections; however, they tend to be straight-sided (Figs. 3.6 and 3.7). Perhaps the most distinct, if not unique, poly- chrome vessel form is a steep-sided, tripodal bowl with legs varying in length from 1 to 3 cm (Fig. 3.8). The base of these steep-sided bowls is rounded and the sides are slightly flared. The in- terior rims are frequently decorated with nested or cross-hatched triangles, which may alternate in color. Rarely, the entire interior surface of the steep-sided bowls is covered with geometric de- signs. Another common vessel has a flat base and stands on a rim that is approximately 0.5 cm high (Fig. 3.9). These appear to be the bases of keros, tall, flaring, straight-sided drinking vessels. Our excavations have also yielded the remains of jars (Fig. 3.10). Qotakalli ceramic inventories can also include large face-neck vessels with modeled and applied faces, which are painted with straight or curving lines (Fig. 3.11). BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 45 p o 46 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY CM Fig. 3.2. Bichrome Qotakalli bowls from Tankarpata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 47 CM Fig. 3.3. Bichrome Qotakalli bowls from Tankarpata. 48 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 3.4. Bichrome Qotakalli bowls from Peqokaypata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 49 Fig. 3.5. Bichrome Qotakalli bowls from Peqokaypata. 50 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 3.6. Qotakalli polychrome, straight-sided vessels from Peqokaypata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 51 Fig. 3.7. Qotakalli polychrome vessels from Peqokaypata. 52 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 3.8. Tripodal Qotakalli bowls from Peqokaypata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 53 Fig. 3.9. Qotakalli polychrome vessels with flat bottoms and rim bases from Peqokaypata. 34 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Fig. 3.10. Qotakalli polychrome jar fragments from Peqokaypata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 55 CM Fig. 3.1 1. Qotakalli vessels with modeled faces. 56 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Appendix 4. Incised Incensarios In 1985 K. Chavez noted the widespread distri- bution of incised incensarios (ceremonial burners) at sites between the Cuzco Valley and Lake Titi- caca. Later systematic surface collections and ex- cavations in the Province of Paruro, directly south of the Cuzco Valley, yielded fragments of incised incensarios at four additional sites (Bauer 2001). A more recent survey of the Cuzco Valley itself also identified several more sites with incised in- censarios. Excavations at the site of Peqokaypata provided a carbon sample, recovered in associa- tion with a large fragment of an incised incensa- rio, which yielded a date of 1422-51 b.p. (95.4% probability: a.d. 530 [95.4%] a.d. 700; sample AA 39784. All fragments shown in this report are from the site of Peqokaypata). It is currently be- lieved that the use of these vessels in the Cuzco region ended with the arrival of Wari influence. The designs on incised incensarios tend to be geometric, although examples that contain styl- ized puma motifs have also been noted (Fig. 4.1). Our excavations at the site of Peqokaypata also recovered various examples of incised puma heads which were once attached to the vessels (Fig. 4.2). Most incised incensarios appear to have stood on pedestal bases (Fig. 4.3) and had rim scallops (Fig. 4.4). Circles are made with a hollow tool, which leaves a raised, solid area in their centers (K. Cha- vez 1985: 138). The lines are made by dragging a U-shaped tool across the vessel's surface (Fig. 4.5). Their exteriors are roughly burnished, while the interiors have simply been smoothed. The faint remains of red and yellow postfiring pig- ments can still be seen in the grooves of a few examples, suggesting that the vessel were once painted. While recent research by Montoya et al. (2000) suggests that incised incensarios were pro- duced with local clays, their distribution south and southeast of Cuzco appears to reflect an Altiplano influence. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 57 58 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY CM Fig. 4.2. Incised puma heads from Peqokaypata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 59 J CM Fig. 4.3. Most of the incised incensarios recovered at Peqokaypata once stood on pedestal bases. 60 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY / CM Fig. 4.4. Rim scallops are distinctive features of incised incensarios (from Peqokaypata). BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 61 / [7 / CM Fig. 4.5. Incised incensario fragments from Peqokaypata. 62 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY Appendix 5. Muyu Oreo Ceramics Muyu Oreo ceramics were first identified in the Province of Paruro, south of Cuzco, in the late 1980s (Bauer 1989, 1999, 2001). Muyu Oreo (Round Hill) is a common Quechua toponym. This ceramic style is named for a site near the town of Yaursique in the Province of Paruro (Bauer 1999, 2001). During our more recent sur- vey work in the Cuzco Valley we found Muyu Oreo pottery at 17 additional sites. It has also been recovered in significant quantities during ex- cavations at Batan Oreo (Zapata 1997, 1998) and Raqchi (Bill Sillar, pers. commun. 1999). For oth- er examples for Muyu Oreo ceramics found in the Cuzco Valley, see Espinoza Martinez (1983) and Torres Poblete (1989). Muyu Oreo ceramics contain a distinct range of colors, including dark red, black, white, and or- ange (Fig. 5.1). The dark red is used as a back- ground to which other colors are applied (Fig. 5.2). The black, white, and orange pigments are relatively thick, and occasionally fall off the ves- sel surface in flexes. The vessels tend to be me- dium- to thin-walled and are composed of a dark terra cotta fabric that contains abundant small in- clusions of varied colors (pers. commun., Sara Lunt 2001). Few recovered fragments of this style were large enough to suggest specific vessel forms. The vessel forms that have been reconstructed includ- ed straight-sided drinking vessels, steep-sided bowls, and annulated bowls. Some vessels have pedestal bases (Fig. 5.3) and rim scallops (Fig. 5.4). Recent excavation data suggest that Muyu Oreo ceramics were used in the Cuzco Valley to- ward the end of the Early Intermediate period. It is also suggested that Muyu Oreo ceramics reflect an Altiplano influence in the Cuzco region that ended when the Wari established their administra- tive control of the area. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 63 CM I CM Fig. 5.2. Selected Muyu Oreo rim forms from Pe- qokaypata. Fig. 5.1. Muyu Oreo ceramics from Peqokaypata. 64 FIELDIANA: ANTHROPOLOGY CM Fig. 5.3. Fragments of Muyu Oreo pedestal bases from Peqokaypata. Fig. 5.4. Rim scallops on Muyu Oreo ceramics from Peqokaypata. BAUER & JONES: CERAMIC STYLES OF THE CUZCO VALLEY 65 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA Field Museum of Natural History 1400 South Lake Shore Drive Chicago, Illinois 60605-2496 Telephone: (312) 665-7055