S'-A^r THE EDINBURGH NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL, EXHIBITING A VIEW OF THE PROGRESSIVE DISCOVERIES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SCIENCES AND THE ARTS. CONDUCTED BY ^ : . ,;;*j1ROBERT JAMESON, Kfmp^^ftMiVXJ^R^V NATURAL HISTORY, LECTURER ON MINERALOGY, AND KBBPBR Of ^^*^^'l!V-*^" " THE MUSEUM IN THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH; Fellow of the Royal Societies of London and Edinburgh ; of the Antiquarian, Wemerian and Horti- cultural Societies of Edinburgh ; Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy, and of the Royal Dublin Society ; Fellow of the Royal Linnean and Royal Geological Societies of London ; Ho- norary Member of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta ; of the Royal Geological Society of Cornwall, and of the Cambridge Philosophical Society ; of the York, Bristol, Cambrian, Whitby, Northern,, and Cork Institutions; of the Natural History Society of Northumberland, Durham, and New- castle ; of the Royal Society of Sciences of Denmark ; of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Berlin ; of the Royal Academy of Naples ; of the Imi)erial Natural History Society of Moscow ; of the Imperial Pharmaceutical Society of St Petersburgh ; of the Natural History Society of Wetterau ; of the Mineralogical Society of Jena; of the Royal Mineralogical Society of Dresden; of the Natural History Society of Paris; of the Philomathic Society of Paris; of the Natural History Society of Calvados; of the Senkenberg Society of Natural History ; of the Society of Natural Sciences and Medicine of Heidelberg; Honorary Member of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York ; of the New York Historical Society ; of the American Antiquarian Society ; of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia; of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York; of the Natural History Society of Montreal; of the Geolc^ical Society of France; of the South African Institution of the Cape of Good Hope ; of the Franklin Institution of the SUte of Pennsylvania for the Promotion of the Mechanic Arts, S^c. S^c. APRIL... OCTOBER 1833. VOL. XV. TO BE. CONTINUED QUARTERLY, EDINBURGH : ADAM & CHARLES BLACK, EDINHURGH ; AND r.ONGMAN, REES, ORME, CROWN, (;REEN, & LONGMAN, LONDON. 1833. Ai iv 'X\W PRIKTED BY KEILL & COMPANY, OLD FISH MARKET. CONTENTS. Page Art. I. Biographical Memoir of Sir Humphry Davy. By Baron Cuvier, - - - . i II. Facts relating to Diluvial Action in America. By the Hon. William Thompson, - , 26 III. On a Gradual Elevation of the Land in Scandi- navia. By James F. W. Johnston, A. M., F. R. S. E., &c. &c. Communicated by the Author, ----- 34. IV. Some Observations on Phosphorus. By John Davy, M. D., F. R. S., Assistant Inspector of Army Hospitals. Communicated by Sir James Macgrigor, Director-General of the Array Me- dical Board, - - - - 43 V. On the Characters and Affinities of the Genus Codon. By David Don, Esq. Librarian of the Linnean Society. Communicated by the Author, 53 VI. On American Steam-Boats. By Mr C. Redfield of New York, - - - _ 55 VII. Lion-Hunting in South Africa. By Lewis Leslie, Esq, 45th Regiment. Communicated by the Author, - - - _ _ g2 VIII. On the Connexion which subsists between the Calyx and Ovarium in certain Plants of the Order Melastomaceae. By David Don, Esq. Libr. L. S. &c. &c. Communicated by the Author, - 68 IX. Experiments upon the Solidification of Raw Gypsum. By John P. Emmet, Professor of Chemistry in the University of Virginia, 69 CONTENTS. Page Art. X. On the Physiognomy of Scandinavia. By Pro- fessor Hausmann, - - _ 73 XI. Life of Linn^us. By A. L. A. Fee, - 85 XII. Tables of the Sun's Mean Right Ascension. By William Galbraith, A. M. Communicated by the Author, - - - > 97 XIII, Summary of the Rain, &c. at Geneva, and at the Elevated Station of the Pass ^of Great St Ber- nard, for a series of Years. From the Biblio- theque Universelle for March 1828. With Ob- servations on the same. By John Dalton, F. R. S. - - - - - 101 XIV. Observations on Competitions among Working Tradesmen. By William Grierson, Esq. of Garrock, W. S., Member of the Society of Arts. Abridged from a Paper read before the Society 10th April 1833, and by their Committee recom- mended to be printed. Communicated by the Society, - - - - - 105 XV. Some Account of the Northern Light-houses. Communicated by the Author, - - 108 XVI. On the Ground-Ice or the Pieces of Floating Ice observed in Rivers during Winter. By M. AitAGo, ----- 123 XVII. On the Advantages of a Short Arc of Vibration for the Clock Pendulum. By Mr Edward Sang. Read before the Society for the Encouragement of the Useful Arts in Scotland, 6th February 1833. Communicated by the Society, - 137 XVIII. On Dwarfs and Giants. By M. Geoffroy St HiLAIRE, - - - - - 142 XIX. On the Hot Springs of the Cordilleras of the Andes, _ - - - . 151 XX. Proceedings of the late Dr Alexander Turn- bull Christie in India, — as stated in a letter dated Madras, September 1832, - - 153 XXI. Results of Experiments on the Economical and Medical Uses of the Oxides and Salts of Chrome. By Professor Jacobson of Copenhagen. Com- municated to the Editor, - - - 157 CONTENTS. Ill Page Art. XXII. On the Specific Gravity of Different Solid Parts of the Human Body, - - - 159 XXIII. Eloge of Baron George Cuvier, delivered in the Chamber of Peers on the 17th December 1832. By Baron Pasquier, President of the Chamber of Peers. (Concluded from former volume, p. 358.) - - - - - 164 XXIV. Characters of New or little known Genera of Plants. By Robert Wight, Esq. M. D. F. L. S. Hon. E. I. C. S., and G. A. Walker Arnott, Esq. A. M. F. R. S. E. and L. S. Communicated by the Authors, - - - - 176 XXV. Description of several New or Rare Plants which have lately flowered in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, and chiefly in the Royal Botanic Garden. By Dr Graham, Professor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh, - - 181 XXVI. Celestial Phenomena from July 1. to October 1. 1833, calculated for the Meridian of Edinburgh, Mean Time. By IMr Geo. Innes, Astronomical Calculator, Aberdeen, - .. - 185 XXVII. Scientific Intelligence, - - _ 189 meteorology. 1. Influence of the Moon on Rain. 2. The supposed Influence of the Moon on Vegetation. 3. Influ- ence of the Moon on Diseases, - 189-192 HYDROGRAPHY. 4. Instances of Ground Ice. 5. Avalanches in Grusia (Grusien), - - - 192-194 GEOLOGY. 6. Hoffmann's Discovery in regard to Carrara Marble. 7. Fish-bones and Scales in the Coal Formation. 8. Specific Gravity of some British Rocks. 9- Chemical Composition of some Secon- dary Rocks. 10. Inflammable Matter in Carne- lian. 11. Fossils in Granite. 12. Geological Maps. 13. Plan in Relief of Wurtemberg, 194-198 ZOOLOGY. 14. Hermaphrodism. 15. Vomiting in Ruminant Animals, - - - - 198-201 IV CONTENTS. Page ARTS. 1 6. Clay for Sculptors, 1 7. Lute for Bottling Wine, &c. 18. Method of Cleansing Wool from its Grease, and economising the residue. 19. Stucco for Walls. 20. Preservation of Substances by means of Alkalies. 21. On the Prevention of Dry-Rot, - - - - 201-203 XXVIII. Proceedings of the Society for the Encouragement of the Useful Arts in Scotland, - - 204 List of Prizes offered by that Society for the Ses- sion 1833-34, - - - - 205 XXIX. List of Patents granted in Scotland from 22d March to 31st May 1833, - - - 207 TkeNotkes dftheifnpo^Mf Gedhpicdtldnd other Works sent to us, are unamidahh/ delayed, owing to icaM of room ; and several Com- T/litnicatiofus are in the same predicamenf. — Edit. $_-.cc8r tf CONTENTS. Art. I. Historical Eluge of Louis Nicolas Vauquklin. By Baroii CuviER. - - _ Piiee 209 II. The Numerical Rolutions of AiiiniaJs from Linnjeus to the present time, - - - _ 221 III. The Rock of Gibraltar. By Professor Hausmann, 227 IV. Biographical Sketch of Anthony Scarpa, the cele- brated Anatomist and Surgeon, - - 283 y. Report of a Lecture on the Chemistry of Geology de- livered at one of the Evening Meetings at the Uni- versity of London. By Edward Turner, M. D. F. R. S. L. E., Sec. G. S. - „ 246 VI. Dr Oppenhbiw on the State of Medicine in European and Asiatic Turkey, - - . 255 VII. Observations on the Hygrometer. Communicated by the Author, - _ _ . ' 2*73 VIII. An Account of Professor Ehrenberg's more Recent Researches on the Infusoria. By William Sharpey, M. D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology. Com- municated by the Author. With a Plate, - 287 IX. Abstract of a Comparative Revieiv of Philological and Physical Researches, as applied to the History of the Human Species. By J. C. Prichard, M. D., F. R. S. 308 X. I. i\Ieteorological Observations made at Edinburgh during the great Solar Eclipse of July I7. 1833.— -2. A Method of Freeing the Determination of the Lati- tude of an Observatory, and of the Declination of a I CONTKNTS. Star, from the (Consideration of Atmospheric Refrac- tion, By Edward Sano, S. M. A. S., Teaclier of Mathematics, Edinburgh. Communicated by the Author, - ^- ^ , - - - 320* XI. On the Longevity of Trees and the INIeans of Ascer- taining it. By Professor De Candolle, - 330 XII. On the Colour of the Atmosphere and Deep Water. Colour of the Atmosphere ; Colour of Deep Water ; Colour of the Rhone ; different Colours of the Sea •, Account of the Azure Grotto of the Islandj of^Capri, &c. By the Count XavIer DE Maistrrj r T^rwv J 348 XIII. Notice of Botanical Excursions into the Highlands of Scotland from Edittburgb^this, Sgasojj^ 1;833. . By Dr Graham, - (^^aocpQ Tiiiiii^T-oJ 358 XIV. Notice on the Osteology of the Hippopotamus. By Walter Adam, M.D,, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, M. W. S. &:c. Commu- nicated by the Author, - c* : - - 361 XV. A Sketch of the Tertiary Formation in the Province of Granada. By C. Silvertop, Retired Brigadier in the Service of H. C M., K. of the R. and O. of Charles III., and F. G. S. With Plates. Commu- -•nicated by the Author, ^^^^ "-^^ ^'^ {-- ,u. ' ud . 3^4 •^XVI. Characters of New or Lit^&%^#¥l5^te of Plants. ^» By Robert Wight, Esq. M. D., F. L. S., Hon. E. 1. C. S., and G. A. Walker Arnott, Esq. A. M. F. R. S. E. L. S. and M. W: S. Communicated by th6 AtiUioi^. - . mmuX^imisi.. 3^^ XVII. Description of several Netv or Rare Plants wbich have lately Flowered in Gardens in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, but chiefly iii the Royal Botanic Garden. By Dr Graham, Prbfessoi' of Botany in the University of Edinburgh, - - L' ^^ - 381 XVIIf.' Chemical Analyses of Stratified Rocks altered by Plu- * torietm Agency ; and Analysis of Largo Law Basaltic Rock and Wollastonite from Corstorphine Hill, 386 XIX.' Celestial Phenomena from October 1. 18.33 to January '1. 1834, (Calculated for the Meridian of Edinburgh, Mean Time. By INIr George Innes, Astronomical Ca!cnlator, Aberdeen, - - - 389 CONTENT& 111 XX. Proceeding*) of the Society for the Kiicoumeement of the Useful Arts in Scotland, - r , 393 XXL Scientific Intelligence, Ui^fi^v^ - - 395 BIETEOROLOGY. 1. Absolute Weight of th^ Atmosphere dtiring Cholera greater than at othv^r times, - - 395 2. Wei||ht of 'the Atmp&phere at New ^nd Full Mopn^, 396 ■ . .Ti;.,i{'^') GfiOLOGY. '■ SP'Fossil To^tfe^dn-Shndstone of the Coal Formation, 397 4. Living Trilobite discovered, ' - - ib. iiJ»'FaradAy on Carbonate of Lime, •>r">ii . ;i^ ib. Oi^'Prevost on the Geological Transitiftfr'^ijm tohtfJk- to Tertiary Deposits, - - - 398 y-'^AntediluVian xVmbei*gris. at JBumtislandi &c. '-"*"" - - 4b. 8.' Belemnites in Talc-slate,&cM M jf / ^> P^ w ?rT t* W ib. 9,' Geological Map of $J)aiii5tudniba lo . ib. 10. Geology of Greece, - - ttoAittK sti^^. , .r^ 399 XXIL New Publications, - , . ^ - . - r - 399 ,,.fc "^^^^ Principles of Ge^Jpg^ jjBy^ q^lj^S^ j|iY»LL, ^OIXl S?^' ^' ^' S., &C. &C.3 ry ^^^^^ ,j^ ^1^^ ib. 2. The Geology of the South-East of England. By Gideon Mantell, Esq. F. R. S., &c. &c. - ib. 31, Barometric Tables for the use of Engin^iers, Geolo- gists, and Scientific Tr^ij^ll^s.'^) gy WjLLf am Gal- BRAITH, A. M., &C. j/; j ^, -^^ j -y. ^ r. - 400 4. Naturalist's Library. Vol. I. Humming Birds, with Thirty-four Coloured Plates, and Portrait of Lin- N-Eus. Vol. IL Monkeys, with Twenty-eight Colour- ed Plates, and Portrait of Buffon. Descriptions by Sir W, Jardine ; the EngraY^iiii^ §^4 rftr^fyings by William H. LizARS, - .h^,^- jects of superstition to the common people. In many other countries, indications of a change in the relative level of the land and water are to be met with, but in none, ex- cept Sweden and Finland, am I aware of its having been found to be still in progress. A whole coast has been observed to be sensibly elevated by a sudden convulsion, as was the case a iew years ago in South America ; but in Scandinavia, there are no convulsions nor traces of volcanic action, and the apparent change of level takes place, not by starts, but by a succession of small and individually imperceptible alterations. Towards the head of the Bothnian Gulf, this change is sufficiently conspicu- ous to attract the notice of the common people, — at Lulea a mile of land being gained in twenty-eight years, and at Pitea half a mile in forty-five years ; and it is more or less observable along the Finland and Swedish coasts, till we approach the southern provinces of the latter kingdom, where it ceases to be sensible. This latter fact is not only curious in itself, but of considerable importance, as a test of the manner in which the phenomena are produced. The attention of the Swedish philosophers having been drawn to this subject early in the last century, a series of accurate ob- servations was made, the mean height of the waters of the Bal- tic carefully determintd, and lines representing the true eleva- tion chiseled out upon the rocks at different favourable posi- tions along the coast. Similar observations have since been re- peated at various intervals, the most recent and extensive ha- iJie Land in Scandinavicu jRjf ving been made in 1821, under the joint direction of the Swedish Academy and the Russian Minister of Marine. The result of these comparative admoasurements is, that, along the greater part of the Baltic, the mean height of the water appears to fall from three to five feet in a century, or about one foot every twenty-five years. From a mere local observation of the phenomena along the Swedish coast, we should conclude with Celsius, Linnaeus, and the other early observers, that the waters of the Baltic are gradual- ly retiring. But when we consider that, though an inland sea, it communicates by the Sound and the Belts with the German ocean, it will be evident that the mean level of the Atlantic ocean itself must have fallen at an equal rate, if the change ob- servable on the shores of the Baltic be due to a depression of the waters of that sea. Now, supposing such a fall of the level of the great seas to be physically possible, none such has at least ever been observed, and therefore, the apparent change of level of the waters on the coast of Scandinavia, must be due to a gra- dual elevation of the land itself. This conclusion is confirmed by the remarkable fact already adverted to, that, below a cer- tain latitude, the change ceases to be sensible even on the Swedish coast ; while there is sufficient evidence to shew that none has taken place on those of Pomerania, Holstein, and the Danish islands, during the last 500 or 600 years ; whereas, were the level of the sea actually sinking, traces of it should be observ- able on every part of the shores of the Baltic. That the land is slowly and insensible rising, is the general persuasion in Sweden, and it has been adopted by almost every geologist who has visited that country. Haussman and Von Buch, both of whom are intimately acquainted with the Scan- dinavian peninsula, have advanced and advocated this opi- nion ; but there are other geologists who decidedly reject it. Among these is Professor Lyell, who characterizes the opinion of Von Buch as " an extraordinary notion,'' (Geology, vol. i. p. ^65.) and attributes many of the phenomena to the " gra- dual filling up of the Baltic by fluviatile and marine sedi- ment." (Ibid. p. 46.) That many examples of such filling up are to be met with is very probable, but they are wholly in- dependent of the phenomena on which the proof of the change of S8 Mr Johnston on the Elevation of levfel of the coasts of Sweden rest. Whatever can be accounted for on the principle of depositions, is clearly no evidence of the upraising of the land. Though, therefore, it has been argued that some of the phenomena formerly quoted in support of the change of level, such as the shallowing of harbours, the growth of land, and the increasing elevation of certain islands, may be accounted for by the supposed action of currents and rivers, the fact itself remains untouched, in so far as it depends on the apparent rising of rocks from the sea, or the change of the mean level of the Baltic waters, in reference to the scarped granite walls which confine them. The level of the sea is the only ele- ment involved in this investigation, which we can regard as un- changeable. If it can be made out, therefore, that the living rocks on the coast, while they retain their relative position in regard to each other, yet alter their level in regard to that of the water, we can ascribe the change only to an elevation of the land. Nor must we be deterred, as geologists too long were in regard to the bay of Baiae, by any supposed stability even of a whole peninsula, resting assured that nature, quiescent as she now is, has still power enough to effect changes of a far more extensive character. It occurs at once as an objection to the measurements of the mean level of the Baltic, that though there are in that sea no tides, yet the prevalence of easterly or westerly winds, by caus- ing the current through the Sound and the Belts to set from the east or the west, effects a change of the level of the whole sea of several feet. This source of error did not escape the sur- veyors in 1821, but by observations of the maximum and mi- nimum very near approximations were made to the truth. If we can obtain tolerably accurate determinations of the mean level of the sea, on shores where the ebb and flow of the tide present additional obstacles, the difficulty of determining that level in the Baltic, cannot be fairly advanced as a reason for rejecting the measurements obtained under the direction of the Swedish Aca- demy. In the Gulf, and on the coast of Finland, proofs of a change of level have also been observed, but they appear hitherto to be less satisfactorily established, than on the west and northern coasts of the Bothnian Gulf. It has even been proved, by the tliC Land in Scandinavia. -K Sill growth of ancient pines close to the sea on the coast of Finland, and by the similar position of the walls of the Castle of Abo, that in those spots at least no sensible change of the respective level of the land and water has for a long period taken place. This is decisive as to the permanence of the water's level, but it in no degree weakens the positive evidence of a rise of the land in many parts of Scandinavia. hit is only on the coasts that the rate at which the land rises can be determined by a reference to the level of the sea ; but that it does rise, is proved by very many phenomena which present themselves within the coasts, and even in the very interior dC Sweden. I shall advert to a few of these which are seen on the Lake Maeler, and some of the inland waters around Stockholm. This city stands at the head of an arm of the sea, about thirty miles within the shores of the Baltic, and at the junction of its waters with those of the lake Maeler. A small part of the lower city, chiefly about the Skipsbro, is built upon piles. The se- curity of the buildings thus supported depends upon the piles being constantly under water ; but after a lapse of a term of years some of them were observed to be giving way, and oa searching for the cause, it was found that the sinking of the waters had gradually left the tops of the piles bare, and exposed them to decay. It is well known also, that several of the small peninsulas on which the city or suburbs stand were formerly islands, and du- ring the past summer two canals were in progress across two narrow necks of land, for the purpose of reviving the communi- cation which the gradual elevation of the land had long ago in- terrupted. The Jlsketorp or fishing hut of Charles XI ? which in former times stood close by the deep water, is still preserved as a memorial of that monarch, though no longer near any spot where his favourite amusement can be enjoyed. But one of the most interesting examples, is presented by the beautiful lake which skirts the woods and pleasure grounds of the palace of Haga, in the northern suburbs of Stockholm. The position of this lake shews that it has formerly communicated with the sea, though now it is considerably above it, and entirely inland* As the sea retired, this sheet of water would also have been drained oflF, had it not been dammed up at the only outlet^ to 40 Mr Johnston on the Elevation of preserve the beauty of the promenade, one of the finest in the neighbourhood of the city. At present it is dammed up to the height of four or five feet, and the character of all the land around shews, that in ancient times it has been very much higher, and more extensive. The upper parts of the Maeler, and its many arms and inlets, exhibit similar evidence of a rise of the land. Wherever the nature of its shores admits of it, it is girt by a rich belt of land gained from the waters, and beyond the present limits of its nu- merous branches extend large tracts of land already recover- ed and cultivated, small reedy lakes cut off by banks or marshes from the main body of the lake, or patches of flat land which seem to be still undergoing a gradual drainage. Whoever has sailed along the Maeler, made accessible like our own lakes by the introduction of the steam-boat, must have observed many instances of the recession of its waters, but they are still better seen on exploring by land the upper limits, where no boat can any longer penetrate. Near the palace of Ekolsund, the pro- perty of Dr Seton, at a distance of about thirty miles from Stockholm, an arm of the lake, from which it derives its name, has been shortened several miles by this natural drainage ; and the long narrow canal which still admits vessels within a short distance of Upsala, is evidently the relic of a branch of the lake, at one period of great extent. The countless islands also sprinkled over the bosom of the Maeler, and which present so many varying beauties to the eye of the voyager, direct the mind back to that remote period, when they constituted only so many hidden rocks or sandbanks beneath the surface of a body of water much more vast than the lake now presents. In many other parts of the North and Middle of Sweden, a similar drainage is observable, and that not only in the flatter districts, as around Cronstad, at the head of the lake Wener, but also in the mountainous and hilly country extending over Wermeland, Smoland, Dalecarlia, and part of several other provinces. The neighbourhood of Norkoping also, and part of the line traversed by the great canal, afford of themselves, evi- dence of a lifting up of the land, sufficient to satifsy any un- biassed mind. the Land in Scandinavia. •' 41 In the present state of our knowledge, therefore, there is every reason to believe that certain parts of the Scandinavian Penin- sula are gradually rising, at a rate probably variable, but which recent admeasurements shew may at present be estimated at one foot in twenty-five years. Adopting this fact, we naturally in- quire into its probable cause. Among the ordinary phenomena of volcanic action, we find nothing at all parallel to the case be- fore us. They afford many examples of elevation even to a great extent, but these are all the result of a single impulse, or of a succession of violent impulses, applied within a short space of time. The elevation in Scandinavia is gradual and insensi- ble. The country also, within the historical period, has been re- markably free from what is commonly understood by volcanic action ; there is, consequently, no ground for attributing it to the causes usually assigned for that action. If, however, we define volcanic action, with Humboldt, to be the influence exer- cised by the interior of a planet on its exterior covering, during the different stages of refrigeration, we shall find, in such action, a cause sufficient to account for all the great changes of level which the several parts of our planet have successively under- gone. But this is an extension of the meaning of such action, which is not generally received, and which, indeed, cannot be ad- mitted, until it be more clearly shewn that the true volcanoes have their origin in the high temperature of the interior of the globe. ;Kj^ Taking for granted, therefore, what many geological phe'no- mena render highly probable, that the temperature of the globe was in early limes much higher than at present, we shall find, in its secular refrigeration, a cause not only for the elevation of ancient mountain-chains, but of the gradual elevation going on in Scandinavia in our own time. To obtain a general idea of the effects of such refrigeration, let us go back to the remote period, when the crust of the earth, even at the poles, was com- paratively slight. In this state the polar, receiving from the sun less heat, would cool more rapidly than the'equatorial re- gions. The contraction consequent upon cooling, would cause a depression parallel to, and an expansion at right angles to, the earth's axis ; in other words, the force of contraction would aid tlie centrifugal, in gradually flattening the earth towards the 4J8 Mr Johnston ofi tlte Elevation of poles and dilating it around the equator, where the resistance of the crust to the pressure from within would be least. This process continuing, a time would at length arrive, when the polar regions would no longer throw off any sensible quantity of heat ; when their temperature would be constant, the caloric de- rived from the sun in summer being nearly equal to that lost by radiation in the winter, and when all sensible contraction coHsequently would cease. But it is obvious that such a term would arrive long before the equatorial parts of the earth had reached their maximum of cooling, — while they were still con- tinuing to give off heat and to contract. The whole compress- ing force consequent upon contraction, would now be exerted in the equatorial regions, and the earth in this state may be repre- sented by a globe encircled by a broad belt, compressing it at right angles to the axis. The effect of such a compressing force on the inner mass must be to displace it, and to produce a ten- dency to dilate in directions where the resistance is least. Now, the compressing force, under the circumstances stated, being in- sensible at the poles, all other things being equal, the eruption or displacement, whether violent and of short duration, or gra- dual and of long continuance, is most likely to take place in high northern latitudes. But there might occur in lower lati- tudes, weak points in the crust of the globe, which would be the first to yield ; and wherever the point of minimum resistance occurred, there the convulsion would naturally take place. Where a point of small resistance occurred, an isolated moun- tain would be thrown up ; a line would give direction to a moun- tain-chain ; and, where neither occurred, it is easy to conceive that a large tract of country might be elevated either at once, if the resistance were at once overcome, or gradually, — the resistance of the crust and the compressing force at the equator, remaining uniform and nearly balanced. If, therefore, we admit the theory of the gradual cooling of the globe, we recognise the existence, at every point on its sur* face, of a compressing force which, at the equator, is now a maximum, and in the elevation of the northern part of Scandi- navia, an effort of the internal mass to liberate itself from that pressure, by displacing the crust of the earth at a point of mi- {umuin resistance. tlie Land in Scandinavia. ^ i$ If such be the cause of the elevation in question, it is plain that we cannot a priori prescribe to it any peculiar mode of ac- tion. A whole district may be elevated equally, so that all parts of it may retain the same relative level. A level plain, for ex- ample, may be elevated throughout, so as to be still level. The plain of Quito among the Andes, the table-land of Thibet, and the interior of Spain, may have been thus raised. Or the eleva- tion may be greater in any given direction, so as to produce an inclination, and consequent draining of the surface ; or it may be greater on two, or three, or all sides, than it is in the centre, and thus may constitute a basin. Suppose Scandinavia to have been a plain on which the up- lifting force from within was exerted, the effect might either have been equal over the whole surface, which it evidently was not, or greatest towards the North Cape, so as to produce a con- tinued slope towards the Sound ; or the greatest rise might have been on the west, in Norway and Sweden, or on the east in Fin- land, or there might have been an elevation on the N.E. and W. while the central portion remained nearly at its original level. The last of these seems to have been the true mode of action. Sweden, Finland, and Lapland have been all more or less ele~ vated, while the central part, the bed of the Baltic Sea, has re- mained nearer its original level. Nor is such an elevation towards three cardinal points desti- tute of probability on purely physical grounds. It is a result of observation, that cooling bodies, where the surfaces are suffi- ciently extensive, have a tendency to crack at right angles to the surface of greatest cooling ; that is, at right angles to the direction of the greatest contractile force. To this tendency the origin of basaltic columns is traced. Now, the force of contrac tion in the equatorial regions acts powerfully at right angles ta the earth''s axis, and consequently tends to rend the brittle rocky crust by cracks or fissures running towards the poles. Certain lines of small resistance are thus generated, which, in former periods, have afforded a comparatively easy outlet to the fluid matter within, giving rise to ranges of mountains of greater or smaller extent. If two such fissures approach near each other Qt any point, it is consistent with observation that they should either run into each other spontaneously, or that the force from 4-4! Mr Johnston on the Elevation of beneath, elevating the narrow neck which divides them, should thus produce a junction. Now, such appears to be what has actually taken place in Scandinavia. We have one great chain of mountains running nearly the whole length of Norway and Sweden, till it termi- nates in the North Cape. Another smaller range, in a similar direction, through Finland, and beyond the head of the Both- nian Gulf, we find the latter inclining to the west, till it joins the former. A line of elevation is thus traced surrounding the basin of this inland sea, and embracing the entire country in which any rise of the land has been recently observed. We need not rest satisfied, therefore, with simply considering the rising of these northern countries to be a compensation for the depression at the equator, but we may safely, I think, refer the rise to the line traced out by the ranges of mountains just described. It is probably due not only to the same force by which these mountain-chains were at first thrown up, but to this force exerted in precisely the same lines of direction. The cen- tral action is upon the mountain-chain, and the lower land rises gradually along with it. There are two circumstances, independent of theory, which chiefly incline me to adopt this view. The first is, that when we go south beyond a certain latitude, where we may suppose that the elevation of the distant mountains ceases sensibly to affect the general level, we find no rise observable along the coast. The second is, that the rise is strikingly observable to- wards the head of the Bothnian Gulf, where the crossing of the Finland to the Norwegian range may not be without influence in increasing the efi^ect. The same view also accounts for the less sensible and general rising on the Finland coast, for the moun- tains in that country cannot compare in altitude with the Scan- dinavian range. Besides, if the central action of the elevating force lie upon the mountains, these should rise more than the low country, and there should be a considerable drainage towards the coast. Now, the interior of Sweden^ in many provinces, exhibits, al- most at every step, the results of drainage. In numerous places, the only spots of arable land are narrow strips gained from the lakes ; and land long cultivated presents very frequently the Land in Scaiidinavia. 46 a bed of moss, a few inches or feet beneath the surface, shewing it to have been the seat of ancient waters. Some of the finest estates in Sweden have evidently been gained from the retiring lakes ; and the appearances of drainage in the lake Maeler, seem to imply that the elevation of the land, now in progress, is greater as we approach the hilly country, than it has been found by ad- measurement on the shores of the Baltic. The indications of a lifting up of the scarped rocks at Udde- valla, on the west coast of Sweden, and of various places on the coast of Norway, within the present geological era, may also in- dicate a greater rise of Scandinavia towards the west and north, in the line of the mountains. The observations yet made on that coast, however, are not sufficiently numerous to prove that the phenomena on record are not the result of mere local con- vulsions. If the views advanced in this paper be correct, it will appear, that though we may, in many cases, account for geological phe- nomena, by reference to causes still in operation, we cannot, with any degree of probability, conclude that they are now capable of producing effects as powerful as they seem to have done in ancient times. The cause which now raises the land in Scandi- navia, four feet in a century, is the same, if we are correct in stating it, which, in remote periods, elevated a ridge of moun- tains to the mean height of 3000, and several of its peaks to upwards of 7000 feet. But how vast a period must elapse be- fore such mountains could be raised at the present rate of ele- vation ? Suppose it proved that the rising now in progress is greater at the mountains than on the coast, and allow it to be ten times greater — that the mountains now rise at the rate of forty feet in a century — still the action must have continued 7500 years to elevate the present range of Norwegian Alps to its mean height, and 17,500 to [)roduce the highest elevations. But the general character of this, as of most other high moun- tain ranges, the great difference in height of the several culmi- nating points, and the rapid decline of the whole range towards the east, shew that they have not been elevated by any action so slow and gradual as that now observed. Admitting the cause to be the same, it must in former times have acted with a jliuch higher intensity. 46 Mr Johnston o?i the Elevation of Now, the theory we have advanced accounts for this higher intensity in the most satisfactory manner. The higher the tem- perature of the globe, the more rapid must the cooHng have been, and the greater the contraction. In remote periods, there- fore, the convulsions caused, wherever the compressed matter of the globe found a vent, must have been exceedingly powerful ; and to such periods we must look for that intense action from which the highest mountain ranges have resulted. The earth is now approaching its minimum of temperature, and its mass con- sequently to a state of rest. It is contrary to the most certain physical laws, therefore, to suppose that, from the cause we have assigned, similar elevations could now result. That the era when the expansive energy of the interior of the globe was powerful enough to produce such mighty results, must have been very remote, is proved by phenomena which present themselves over the entire surface of the globe. Within the limits of authentic record also, no very striking changes have been produced on the earth's surface, if we except such as are due to true volcanic action. In Sweden, we can define one period of eleven hundred years at least, within which the rais- ing of the land now observable has been little more rapid than recent admeasurements prove it still to" be. To advert to one proof only, the Church of Gammel, (Old) Upsala, about two English miles from the celebrated seat of learning, stands on the limits of the lower part of the plain of Upsala, and at a height, I should suppose, of not more than 100 feet above the present level of the Maeler. It bears marks of great antiquity, and is known to have been a temple of Thor, before the introduction of Christianity, a thousand years ago. At the present rate of ele- vation, the plain should rise about 50 feet in a thousand years. There cannot, therefore, have been a much more rapid eleva- tion since the Pagan ritual was abolished. In whatever way we explain it, there is, in my mind, no doubt of the fact, that a gradual elevation of the land in Scan- dinavia is now, and probably has long been, in progress. From this fact we derive a new principle to assist us in accounting for evidences of elevation on the coasts, and drainings on a large scale, occasionally observable in mountainous countries. Where- ever ranges of mountains occur, especially in northern latitudes. the Land m Scandinavia. 4*7 we might, from analogy, expect to meet with some traces of elevation still in progress. In inland districts, supposing eleva- tions to take place, the relative height of all objects must remain the same, all being equally uplifted. In such cases, barometri- cal measurements are the only means of determining the fact. But it is obvious, that gradual though slow elevations may take place for a long time, without being made sensible by this mode of admeasurement. It is only, therefore, where the chain of mountains has its course near the sea that we can easily deter- mine whether the relative levels of the sea and land undergo any change. Series of observations, where circumstances are favour- able, might lead to very interesting results ; and, at all events, would prove whether or not the phenomena observed in Scandi- navia have their counterpart in any other country. Italy is placed in circumstances such as would justify the ex- pectation that a gradual elevation of the whole peninsula may possibly be still detected ; and, girt as it is on either shore by the ddeless waves of the Mediterranean, the difficulty of making ac- curate observations cannot be great. It requires only that, on the rocks along the coast, a series of lines should be drawn as near as may be to the mean level of the sea, and the time of observa- tion recorded. Ten, twenty, or thirty years after, the line of mean level, taken anew, would indicate if any, or how much, change had taken place. We know that, since the time of the Romans, parts at least of the Italian shore have been raised above their ancient level. Lines of mean level, drawn at diffe- rent places along the whole coast, would shew how far these ob- served elevations are partial, and the result of local causes, or the indications of a general uplifting due to a cause operating along the whole range of the Appenines. Qn the southern shore of the Bay of Biscay, from Bayonne to Corunna, along which the continuation of the Pyrenees ex- tends itself, is another locality, where change of level may pos- sibly be still observable. In America, almost the whole west coast maybe expected to undergo a gradual rise. In Scotland, and especially in the mountainous districts, we have evidence of the existence, in remote times, of a system of drainage similar to that still going on in Sweden. The cause was probably the same, though, whether that cause still operates 48 Dr Davy's Observations on Phosphorus. on any part of our island, we have as yet no means of determin- ing. Whether or not all elevation has ceased along those ranges of mountains which cross the country in a north-easterly direc- tion, or diffuse themselves in partial ridges midway between both seas, it would be extremely difficult to ascertain. On the north and north-west coast only, is it likely that any very accu- rate observations could be made. And chiefly on the coasts of Ross-shire and Sutherland, from the proximity of the mountains to the standard level of the sea, might we expect to ascertain if any traces are observable of a still existing action of that force which the whole character of the country shews to have, in early times, so widely convulsed the highland districts of Scotland. PouTOBELLo, April 1833. SOME OBSERVATIONS ON PHOSPHORUS. Bl/ JOHN DAVY, M. D. F. R. S., Assistant Inspector of Army Hospitals, Communicated by Sir James Macgbigor, Director-Gene- ral of the Army Medical Board. In the Number of the Quarterly Journal of Science for July and December 1829, is a paper by Mr Thomas Graham on the slow combustion of Phosphorus, in which he has given an ab- stract of what was previously known on the subject ; and has, besides, added several curious particulars, ascertained by himself. Before I was acquainted with Mr Graham's paper, I had been engaged in a similar inquiry, the results of which I now propose to give. Although the greater number of them accord sufficiently with his, some of them are different, and a few of them I believe are new. It is considered as a well estabUshed fact, that phosphorus does not shine in oxygen gas at a temperature below 64>°. This is stated by Mr Graham, and by Dr Thomson in his System of Chemistry ; it is also stated, that phosphorus does not combine with oxygen below the point of fusion. The results of my ex- periments have been different. In some instances, in which I have introduced phosphorus into oxygen obtained from chlorate of potash, it has not shone in the dark between 60° and 80". In others, it has shone very feebly, even more feebly than in com- mon air ; the oxygen not having sensibly diminished in a volume Dr Davy's Ohservatimis on Phosphorus. 4i^ in the course of several hours. In others, it has shone very brightly, sometimes by fits, flashes of light appearing and disap. pearing ; and sometimes without interruption, with an intensity, though infinitely below the violent combustion of phosphorus, so much above its very slow one, that the heat produced fused the phosphorus, and the ascent of the water or mercury in the tube was visible in progress, and occasionally rapid, and yet never breaking out into vivid inflammation. To what these differences of eff^ect have been owing, I have not been able to ascertain ; only this far, that they were not concerned with the purity of the gas, at least, in relation to the presence of small variable proportions of atmospheric air, or in- deed any appreciable adulteration ; or with the degrees of tem- perature. The most probable mode of explanation of the lu- minous appearances in different degrees is, that they are connect- ed with the formation of different compounds of phosphorus and oxygen, according to the analogy of the degrees of light emitted by sulphur in combustion ; but of the truth of this I have not been able to satisfy myself by experiment. In accordance with the observations of others, I have found that when oxygen gas is rarefied, phosphorus shines in it ; and that when condensed, it ceases to shine. With an augmented pressure of a column of mercury of 16 inches, when heated with a spirit-lamp in this gas, it emitted no light, till it fused ; then it burst into flame and burnt explosively, and the oxygen was condensed in an instant. Dr Ure states in his Dictionary of Chemistry, that phospho- rus soon ceases to be luminous in dry atmospheric air, on ac- count of the acid coat formed on it, which protects the surface from the farther action of the air. This I have not found to be the case.. A stick of phosphorus suspended over strong sul- phuric acid in a limited portion of atmospheric air, continued shining many hours, till, there was reason to suppose, all the oxygen was consumed ; and the result has been the same when phosphorus has been introduced into air confined over mercury, and previously dried by the same acid ; when its light ceased, a fresh portion of phosphorus thrown up did not kindle. In both instances, the luminous appearance was as bright as in common air that had not been artificially dried. VOL. XV. NO. XXIX. JULY 1833. D 60 Dr Davy^s Observations on Phosphorus. Compression and rarefaction, in the instance of common air, has an effect analogous to that mentioned when speaking of oxy- gen. In a bent tube, under an increased pressure of 90 inches of mercury, phosphorus did not shine. When the experiment was reversed, it became luminous, and more so than under ofdinary atmospheric pressure. The volume of atmospheric air compressed in one instance and rarefied in the other, was about one cubic inch. The same effect is displayed in a striking manner by heat- ing phosphorus in a retort securely closed. The compression from the intense heat produced when the phosphorus inflames, presently extinguishes the flame, which may be rekindled by al- lowing a portion of the confined air to escape. When phosphorus is placed on the plate of an air-pump, un- der a receiver, and the air exhausted, the brightness of its light in the dark rather increases with the exhaustion, and, in the nearly |x^nlct vacuum formed by a good pump, its light was not diminished. When the air has been suddenly readmitted, its light has been extinguished, and for a few seconds it has ceased to .slune. When phosphorus has been placed in distilled water under thp receivei' of an air-pump, and the air dissolved in the water has been exhausted, or taking it into the open air out of the water by a thread attached to it, it has shone with rather increased brightness. If now immersed in common water, and suddenly taken into the atmosphere, it has emitted no light. Many other effects similar to this might be mentioned, showing how circum- stanjces, apparently very trifling, exercise an influence on phos- phorus, and promote or impede, in a manner that could not have been expected a priof-i, its union with oxygen, and its luminous appearance depending on this union. In accordance with the results of Mr Graham's experiments, I have found that the vapour of ether, oil of turpentine, aild every other essential oil that I have tried, extinguished the light of phosphorus shining iti common air. The vapour of alcohol, of camphor, and even of assafcetida at ordinary temperatures, has had the sdme effect. Phosphorus even fuses in the vapour of camphor without becoming luminous ; arid may even be sublim- ed with camphor without inflaming. The mixed sublimate of Dr Davy's Observations on Phosphorus, 51 phosphorus and camphor exposed to the air on the warm hand, did not shine till rubbed, when it became brilliantly luminous. Phosphorus may also be boiled in and distilled from oil of tur- pentine without inflaming. Though phosphorus inflames in pure chlorine gas, its light is extinguished when it is exposed to the vapour of chlorine, as when it is held over an aqueous solution of this substance. The same happens when it is exposed to the vapour of Iodine and Bromine. It does not shine in nitrous oxide, though mixed with common air. When heated in this gas it melts, and at the subliming point decomposes the gas explosively with a bright flash. Its light is extinguished by nitrous acid gas or vapour, even when so much diluted with common air as hardly to be perceptible by the sense of smell. The vapour of ammonia, of muriatic acid, of distilled vinegar- and of hydrocyanic acid, do not appear to prevent phosphorus from shining ; they rather increase the brightness of its light. It shines in carbonic acid gas, and muriatic acid gas, when the minutest quantity of atmospheric air is present. It appears to be soluble, or capable of rising in vapour in muriatic acid gas, carbonic acid gas, and hydrogen gas ; for when these gases perfectly pure have been kept some time over mercury with phosphorus in them, a luminous appearance has been produced (bright flashes of diffused light), when they have been passed alone into a jar of common air. The same eff*ect takes place, when the azote of atmospheric air, deprived of its oxygen by the slow action of phosphorus, is thrown into the at- mosphere, or into oxygen gas. But the reverse is the case, when the oxygen of the atmospheric air has been separated by intense combustion ; however much the phosphorus has been in excess, and though it has been a second time sublimed in the azote, it has not acquired the power of shining on admixture with com- mon air, although from its smell there was no reason to suppose that the gas did not contain phosphorus in solution. Mr Graham has pointed out the remarkable effect of diff'erent varieties of carburetted hydrogen in extinguishing the light of phosphorus. The results of my experiments with these gases perfectly agreed with his. I have also found that hydrogen gas obtained from iron-filings and dilute sulphuric acid (the former d2 52 l)r Davy's Observations on Phosphorus. from the blacksmith's shop) has had a similar extinguishing ef- fect, though in a less degree. One volume of it, mixed with fifty-nine of common air, has prevented phosphorus immersed from shining ; diluted more than this, it lost its preventive power. This result is probably owing either to the presence of a little vapour somewhat analogous to that of naphtha, on which the odour of hydrogen gas thus procured depends (and the odour of this gas was strong) ; or, on the presence of a little car- buretted hydrogen formed by the union of the nascent hydrogen and the carbon of the cast-iron or steel at the instant of separa- tion. The result of the analysis of the gas by the explosion with oxygen by means of the electric spark, has been rather favourable to the first supposition ; but the quantity of carbonic acid gas formed was so extremely small, that it was impossible to decide positively. The fact that hydrogen gas procured by means of very pure steel, such as piano-forte wire, does not, when mixed with atmospheiic air, extinguish the light of phosphorus, is favourable to the same conclusion. Some of the results described are not without interest in rela- tion to practical chemistry. Mr Graham has pointed out the applicability of phosphorus to detect in mixed gases the pre- sence of very minute quantities of carburetted hydrogen. It is equally applicable as a test of the purity of muriatic acid gas and carbonic acid, and hydrogen gas. If they contain the slightest trace of common air, phosphorus will shine in these gases, pro- vided they are otherwise unadulterated. It has been shewn how it is capable of detecting an adulteration of hydrogen, which had hitherto, I believe, escaped detection ; and, it may also be employed to detect similar impurities in other gases, in which, with an admixture of common air, phosphorus usually shines. I need not point out the caution that is required in deciding on the absence of oxygen, in any mixed gas in which phosphorus does not become luminous. In relation to the results in general, they are not without some interest theoretically considered, as belonging to the more obscure phenomena of chemistry, somewhat analogous to what we wit- ness in the animal and vegetable kingdoms, in which notable changes during life and after death are taking place, owing to the action of causes which we are not able to appreciate, or per- haps of substances which have hit^ierto eluded detection, Malta, March 1833. ( 53 ) ON THE CHARACTERS AND AFFINITIES OF THE GENUS COLON, By David Don, Esq. Libr, L. S. Communicated by the Author, The present genus is one of those whose characters are con- <;ealed under a peculiar habit, which renders it often difficult, if not impossible, to determine with certainty their natural affi- nities. I was at first inclined to consider Codon as belong- ing to the Solanece, and indeed the curved embryo, and the striking resemblance in habit, appeared strongly to favour that arrangement ; but a more intimate examination has shewn these views to be untenable, and that its affinities must be looked for among other families. In Codon the flowers are symmetrical, the stamens epipetalous, the anthers incumbent, with parallel cells, the style duplicate, and the capsule com- posed of two valves, with the septum formed by the ap- proximation of the two prominent placentae, the ovula erect, and the seeds albuminous, with the embryo about equal its length. On comparing these characters with those of the Hy^ droleacece, we shall find that they accord in a very remarkable degree ; and although in Codon the stamens and divisions of the calyx and corolla are doubled in number, the symmetry of the flower is preserved, and the mere increase of those parts are of comparatively little importance, when the number of points of agreement are taken into account. In Codon, and in some of the Hydroleaccw, particularly in Wigandia, the leaves have a lobed margin, and are clothed with bristly points, which, in the former genus, are developed into prickles. The stamina and pistilla entirely coincide in both genera, but the albumen is more copious, and the stigmata less developed in Codon, whose affi- nity, however, to the Hydroleacece, may be considered as com- pletely established. Cordia decandra may be instanced as an example of increase in the number of stamina in a family very, nearly related to Hydroleacece, The Cordiaceoe appear to con- stitute a group intermediate between that family, Convolvulacea^ and BaraginecB ; and, by means of the smal^ group of HydrO' phyllecB, which is distinguished by a completely unilocular ova- rium, and by a minute embryo placed at the extremity of a 54 Mr Don on the genus Codon. copious albumen, these families are connected with Polemon'u acea, and Priinulacea, CODON, L. Syst. Linn, DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ord. Nat. HYDROLEACE.E, Nobis. Calyx multi (10-12)- partitus: laciniis subulatis, erectis ; altemis minoribus. Corolla tubulosa, calyce longior, basi torulosa, costis lobis numero sequji- libus peragrata: limbo 10 v. 12-fido: lobis oblongis, obtusis, carinatis, zes- tivatione imbricatis; altemis parum minoribus. Stamina 10 v. 12, laci- niis coroUae alternantia, fomicibus totidem compresso-tetragonis h fundo ortum ducentibus inserta : Jilamenta subulata, glabra : antherce medio ad- natae,incumbentes, biloculares: loculis parallelis, longitudinaliter dehiscen- tibus, nisi ad utramque extremitatem, omnino connatis. Pollen f arinaceum. Pistillum 1 : ovarium biloculare : ovulis erectis : stt/lus semibifidus, basi pUosus : stigmata simplicia, obtusa. Capsula ovata, acuminata, bilocularis, valvis 2, apice dehiscens, polysperma. Dissepimsntum duplicatum, mar- ginibus revolutis, seminiferis. Semina numerosa, angulata, copiose pa- pillosa : testa simplici, cartilagine^ : albumen copiosum, carnosum. Em~ hryo erectus, axilis, modic^ arcuatus; cotyledones brevissimae: radiculd longissim^ filiformi, obtusa, umbilicum spectanti. Herba (Capensis) annua, aculeis subulatis, rectis, albis undiqvs copiose ornata. Radix /im/brwiis? Caulis erectus^ ramosus, teres, flexuosiis, robu^ius, calamo scriptorio vix crassior, pedalis v. sesquipedalis. Folia altema, petiolata, ovato- oblonga, apicem versics parum attenuata, sed obtusa, substantia crassiuscula camosa, subtiis costata, margine recurva et subrepanda, pilis setosis brevissimis' utrinque copiose vestita, scabra, 2~3'pollicaria, ad marginem et infra ad cos~ tarn prcecipue aculeata. Petioli sesqui v. bipollicares, supra planiuscuU, levi ter canaliculati, subtiis convexi. Flores magni, solitarii, pedunculati, extra ~ alares, in caulis apice subracemosi, basi foliis 2 angustioribus scepe bracteati. Corolla alba, purpureo-variegata. 1. C RoyenL Codon Royeni, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 13. p. 292 Thunb. Prodr, p. 80 WUld. Sp. PI. 2. p. 540 — Andr. Rep. t. 325 Persoon, Synops. p. 466. Had. ad Promontorium Bonae SpeL Thunberg. Niven. 0. (V. s. sp. in Herb. Linn, et Lamb.) The SibthorpiacecE may be adduced as affording also an ex- ample of increase in the number of the parts of the flower, in the genus Disandra, whose flowers are most frequently 7-cleft and heptandrous. This small group is very nearly related to the PrimulacecB, with which it agrees in its symmetrical flowers, capitate stigma, and large, globular, central placenta, but dif- fers in having the stamina alternating with the lobes of the co- rolla, and a bilocular ovarium. ( 55 ) ON AMERICAN STEAM-BOATS. By Mr C. ReDFIELD of New York. 'The increase in the number of steani-boals in the waters of the United States within the last fifteen years, which has not failed to excite both surprise and gratulation, is hardly greater than the improvements which have been made in their structure and efficiency. Before the commencement of the period alluded to, the steam-engine had been brought nearly to the maximum of its efficiency as a moving power, and the adaptation of its energies to the purposes of navigation, though less advanced, was- supposed to have nearly reached the same stage of perfec- tion. About ten years since, the steam-boats which navigated the river Hudson, and which were doubtless superior to any others of that period, performed the passage between New York and Albany in from eighteen to thirty hours, according to the favour of circumstances : five years later, and from one to four deeply laden vessels, each of more than two hundred tons' bur- then, were towed through the same route, by a single steam- boat, in an equal range of time. The power and speed of the Hudson River steam-boats, as well as those employed on the Mississippi and elsewhere, have continued to be annually increased up to the present time. In the year 1827, the passage between New York and Albany, which is supposed to be equal to 150 statute miles*, had been performed under favourable circumstances, in about twelve hours. In 1829 this passage had been accomplished in ten hours and thirty minutes, and in 1831 in ten hours and fif- teen minutes, all the stoppages on the river being included in these statements. But the giant offi»pring of science and the arts had not yet attained its full strength and maturity, and during the present season (1832) the passage has been perform- ed in nine hours and eighteen minutes, including the time spent at the different landings. Claims to this rate of speed have also been set up by more than one competitor. It appears highly • The distance between the two points by the river-road is reputed to be equal to 1G2 miles. The direction or course of the channel of the river, though generally favourable, ranges betiveen south-west and north-east. O 56 Mr Redfield wi American Steam-Boats. probable, that, with the means now possessed or in preparation, the passage may yet be performed in something less than nine hours, notwithstanding the obstacles presented by the shallow- ness of the river, and the intricacies of the navigation, in the thirty miles nearest to Albany. It may be remarked here, that the length of the route, as above given, is not supposed to be overrated, as is usually the fact with inland navigable routes ; nor can the assistance of the tides in ascending the river be fairly estimated at more than one mile per hour, on an average of the whole distance ; while, in the descending passage, little or no advantage can be derived from this source, because the ebb and flood are then made to alternate in three hours, or even in a shorter period. Twelve landings are usually made on each passage, and at six of these places the steam-boats are commonly brought to, and fastened to the wharfs. Those who are conversant with the difficulties which attend the attainment of high velocities in navigating a medium whose re- sistance accumulates in a ratio exceeding the squares of the ve- locities, by means of an artificial power, the reaction for which is obtained from the medium itself, will justly consider the above rates of speed as extraordinary. Nor will this view of the subject be weakened by statements, which may chance to gain currency of the attainment of greater speed in more open waters, by steam- vessels, possessing less comparative efficiency, on routes either overrated in their extent, or affording greater occasional advan- tages, from the strength and rapidity of the tides. It some- times happens, that, owing to the inadvertence of a compositor, or some other cause, a mistake of an hour finds its way into the published accounts of the passage made by a favourite steam- boat. In addition to twelve steam-boats which are employed on this river in the various lines of transportation, and on short routes, there are ten boats of the first class, which have been employed in daily trips for the conveyance of passengers between New York and Albany, viz. the North America, Albany, Novelty, Erie, Champlain, Ohio, New Philadelphia, De Wit Clinton, Constitution, and Constellation. Of these the five first named depart in the morning at seven oVlock, and perform the passage in nine and a quarter to thirteen hours ; the latter five depart Mr Redfield on American Steam-Boats. 57 usually at five in the evening, and accomplish the passage in nearly the same time. Passengers in the former may enjoy airy accommodations, and the interesting scenery of the Hudson, to- gether with their accustomed repose at night ; and by means of the latter, men of active and provident habits are able to trans- act their daily business at will, either in our commercial metro- polis, or in one of the flourishing cities at the head of naviga- tion ; the intervening space of 150 miles being passed over du- ring the hours of relaxation and repose, with no other discom- fort than attends the occupation of a good mattrass with clean linen, in a steam-boat usually loaded with passengers. The price of passage is commonly fixed at three dollars. Most of these boats have undergone a material change in their size, form, and general outfit, since their first construction, in order to maintain a successful competition for the business of this noble river. It will not be necessary to give an account of the various efforts of professional skill, by means of which these boats have attained to their present degree of perfection and efficiency, but a general, and somewhat definite description of one of the number may prove acceptable to the readers of the Journal. The De Wit Clinton having been twice enlarged, is now of the following dimensions, viz. entire length on deck 233 feet, breadth of the hull at the water-hne 28 feet ; projection of the deck or wheel-guards on each side, 18 feet; maximum width of deck, including guards, 64 feet; depth of hold JO fe^U height of the upper deck 11 feet; length of the great cabin 175 feet ; draft of water, not exceeding 4 feet 6 inches ; diameter of the water-wheels 22 feet ; length of the same, measured on the buckets, each wheel 15 feet; depth of the bucket or paddles 37 inches; diameter of the iron water-wheel shafts 14 inches; length of the crank 5 feet ; length of the stroke made by the piston 10 feet; diameter of the piston QQ inches, its superficies being equal to 3421 square inches. The gross length of the working cylinder, which is placed in a vertical position, is 11 feet 10 inches ; its lateral apertures, by which the steam is re- ceived and discharged, are 42 by 10 and f th inches. The engine is worked by means of four circular receiving-valves, each of 17 inches diameter (two at either end of the cylinder), and 58 Mr Redfield on American Steam-Boats. four exhausting valves of the same dimensions. The diameter of the main steam-pipe and side-pipes is 25 inches. The entire capacity of the cylinder, deducting the space oc- cupied by the piston, and including one of the side apertures extending to the valves, is equal to 252 cubic feet, which is equal to 1890 standard wine gallons, or sixty-three barrels of thirty gallons each. Should the engine perform twenly-six re- volutions or double strokes per minute *, there will be exhausted 13,104 cubic feet = 3276 barrels per minute, and 786,240 cubic feet of steam, or 196,560 barrels will be exhausted every hour, during the time in which the engine is in full motion ! But the steam is allowed to enter freely from the boiler, only during a part of each stroke, the throttle- valve being then closed, and the steam which has previously entered the cylinder is al- lowed to expand during the remainder of the stroke. If the pressure of steam maintained in the boilers be equal to twenty pounds per square inch above the mean pressure of the atmo- sphere (and greater pressure is frequently employed in these boats), the average effective pressure on the piston may be safely estimated, even with less pressure, at about ten pounds for each square inch of its superficies. To this must be added the net pressure of the atmosphere, obtained by the use of the condenser and air-pump, which is fully equal to ten pounds to the inch, the vacuum in the condenser varying generally from twelve and a half to thirteen and a half pounds to the inch, by the barometrical guage. This estimate, which is obtained by near approximations, will give an average pressure on the piston equal to twenty pounds to the square inch ; but, lest we should be charged with overrating, we will reduce it to sixteen pounds effective pressure to the square inch, or 3421 inches of piston, running fifty-two single strokes of ten feet each per minute. Estimating now the full powers of a horse as equal to 150 pounds, moving at two and a half miles an hour, or to raising 33,000 pounds 1 foot per minute, we have the following formula : 3421 X 16 X 52 X 10 28462720 33.000 " 33 000 862 • The engines of some of the Hudson River boats are often seen running at the rate of twenty-eight double stroke? per minutej the velocity of the piston being 560 feet per minute. Mr liedfield on American Steam-Boats. 59 showing a force exerted upon the engine which is equal to the power of eight hundred and sixty-two horses. From this re- sult we are to deduct the power necessary for moving the en- gine, or that required for overcoming the friction and resistance of its parts, which is comparatively less in engines of this mag- nitude, working on such an extended crank, than in the average of smaller engines. We will estimate it, however, as equal to one-third of the force applied, which gives the effective work- ing-power of the engine as equal to that of five hundred and se- venty-five horses. An engineer with whom I have conferred, and under whose direction several of the engines in these boats have been constructed, estimates the net effective pressure, ea^dusive of all deduction Jbrjriction, &c. as equal to twelve pounds for every square inch of the piston. This may be nearer the truth, and gives the working-power of this engine as equal to six hundred and forty-six horses. Such results may at first view appear to be of a startling character, even to pro- fessional readers, but having been arrived at by gradual ap- proximations, they seem hardly to have attracted the attention, either of men of science or practical engineers. The following may be given as a summary statement of the principal dimensions of the other boats which have been named, and which, if not minutely correct in all its particulars, is suffi- ciently so for purposes of general information. The Cham- plain, a new boat, is 180 feet in length, 28 feet beam on the water line, and has two engines of 42 inches cylinder, and 10 feet stroke, which, with wheels of 22 feet, run from 26 to 28 revolutions per minute. Tlie Erie, also a new boat, is of the same size, and somewhat greater power, her cylinders being of 44 inches diameter*. The North America is 218 feet in length, including a cut-water bow (which has also been affixed to most of the other boats), 30 feet beam, and has also two engines, with cylinders of 44 inches diameter, and 8 feet stroke. • These two boats run to the City of Troy, a prosperous and beautiful town, situated six miles above Albany. A large lithographic drawing of these steam-boats, including also a sketch of the scenery in the Highlands of the Hudson, near the mountain called Anihonj/'s Nose, has been published by the company owning the boats. 60 Mr Redfield on American Steam- Boats. The Albany is 207 feet in length, 26 feet beam, and has one engine of Q5 inches cylinder, and 9 feet stroke. The Ohio is 192 feet in length, 30 feet beam, and has one engine, with cylinder of 60 inches diameter, and 9 feet stroke. The New Philadelphia is 170 feet in length, 24 in breadth, and car- ries one engine of 55 inches cylinder, and 10 feet stroke. The Constitution is 145 feet in length, 27 feet beam, and has one engine of 42 inch cylinder, and 9 feet stroke. The Constel- lation is about 149 feet in length, 27 feet beam, and car- ries one engine of 44 inches cylinder, and 10 feet stroke. The Novelty is about 220 feet in length, 25 feet beam, and has two engines, with cylinders of 30 inches in diameter, and 6 feet stroke, working horizontally, using steam of higher elasticity, and dispensing also with the use of a condenser and air-pump. Most of the above steam-boats carry their boilers on the wheel-guards, entirely without the body of the boat. The Erie and Champlain carry each four boilers, and the same number of chimney pipes. The Novelty has four sets of boil- ers, of about forty inches in diameter, three in each set, and carries also four chimneys. Little apprehension in regard to personal safety is now enter- tained by persons travelling in steam-boats. At a former pe- riod, two commodious safety barges were employed on the Hudson, which, in order to obviate all danger arising from this source, were devoted exclusively to passengers, and towed at the stern of a steam-boat. These barges, which were run during the summer season from 1825 to 1829, had attained to a speed of eight to nine miles per hour ; but the increase which, during the same period, was given to the speed and size of the steam- boats, tended to discourage this mode of conveyance, and it has since been discontinued, to the regret of those who love quiet enjoyment, and whose nerves have not been inured to confusion by frequent proximity with the moving power. It has been frequently remarked, that the exposure to fatal accidents on board of steam-boats, is much less than attends the use of the ordinary means of conveyance, either by land or wa- ter ; and it has been suggested, that the average loss of life by steam-boat explosions, is even less than is annually occasioned by lightning. In order to test the accuracy of this suggestion. Mr Redfield on American Steam-Boats. 61 I have noted, during the present year, such accidents by light- ning as were attended with fatal results, so far as the same have come to my knowledge. The whole number of cases thus as- certained is twenty-six, which were distributed as follows. In New Hampshire 1 ; Massachusetts 1 ; Rhode Island 1 ; Con- necticut 2 ; New York 7 ; Pennsylvania 5 ; Delaware 3 ; Vir- ginia 1 ; South Carolina 2; Louisiana 2; and Illinois 1. It is hardly to be supposed that this statement comprises one moiety of the whole number of fatal casualties of this kind, which have occurred in the United States during the past years, and it com- prises but a single accident, in the four great States of Virginia, North CaroHna, Kentucky, and Tenessee. In recurring to the list of steam-boat accidents, which was recently published in this Journal *, it will be seen, that the entire mortality from this cause, is estimated at three hundred in a period of twenty years, which amount to an average of fifteen for each year. The loss of lives by the bursting of steam-boat boilers, during the present year, I have recorded as follows : Steam-boat post- boy, on the Mississippi, 1 killed ; Ohio, on the Hudson, 5 killed and drowned; Adam Duncan, on the Connecticut, 1 drowned ; Connecticut, in Boston Harbour, I killed ; Monti- cello, on the Mississippi, 2 killed : Total 10. Of this last number, as far as I have been able to ascertain, three were pas- sengers, and the remainder persons who were employed about the engine, showing that the risk to passengers is extremely small. What further improvement in safety, or speed, are yet to be elicited in the art or science of locomotion, time only can shew us. The steam-boat, a short time ago, appeared to our view, as the ne plus ultra of human efforts, but the successful appli- cation of steam-power on rail-roads, has already rivalled, if not greatly surpassed, our achievements in steam-navigation. It is however probable, that the maximum of useful effect, has been nearly attained in both these departments, which, when practi- cally considered, will be found auxiliaries rather than rivals to each other. The art of obtaining the full power of steam, and of applying it to the purpose of locomotion, on a fluid which • Vol. XX. pp. 336— 33a 6S Mr Red field on American Steam-Boats. sustains the load, and affords sufficient reaction for the moving- power, is now well understood ; and in regard to rail-roads, it is doubtless true, that a level metallic surface, not 07ily sustains the vehicle, in the most perfect manner, but affords the least possible resistance, with the best possible reaction for the pro- pelling power, and combines, therefore, the greater conceivable Jacilities for the transit of persons arid property *. Other ex- pectations, which are often entertained without due considera- tion, will doubtless end in disappointment. It is to the esta- blishment and extension of these unequalled means of convey- ance, that the enterprise of our growing country should be di- rected. It has been truly said, that the career of improvement in our age is too impetuous to be stayed, were it wise to attempt it, and " though it would a futile attempt to oppose such an impulse, it may not be unworthy our ambition to guide its pro- gress, and direct its course/' — Amer. Journ. of Science and Arts, vol. xxiii. No. % Jan. 1833, p. 311. LION-HUNTING IN SOUTH AFRICA. By LEWIS LeSLIE^ Esq., Aibth Regiment. Communicated by the Author. Some years ago it was my fortune to be attached to a party of the Cape Cavalry encamped on the banks of Orange River in South Africa, for the protection of the boors on that extreme boundary, against a tribe of savages who were then supposed to threaten an invasion of the Colony. That portion of our African territory extending from the Fish River, formerly the north eastern limit to the banks of the Gariep or Orange River, had been but a few years in our possesion, and then only a scanty population of Dutchmen was scattered over a space of some hundred miles. The occupation, I believe, was not • It may be noticed, that the power employed for propelling a single steam-boat of the first class, is equal to that of fifty locomotive engines, of the power of twelve horses each. These would probably be adequate to the conveyance of all the passengers and property now transported upon the Hudson River, if the same were transferred to a level rail-way of equal ex- tent. Mr Leslie on Lion-kuntiiig in South Africa. 68 recognised at that time by Grovernment. The character of tl^ scenery was somewhat pecuHar : vast plains or flats extended in all directions, bare and sandy, rarely presenting a green blade of verdure to the weary eye; these plains were enriched or in- tersected by ranges of low table mountains, whose sides and summits were equally divested of all vegetation ; and in passing over the country, as you crossed the lower ridge of some of these hills, a prospect of the same monotonous and barren ex- tent was presented to the view. It was seldom we met with a human habitation, and nought enlivened the dreary scene, save the various species of antelope and quagga abounding in these plains, who, frightened at the appearance of man, ran widely off in every direction. At a distance they might have been sometimes taken for vast herds of sheep, and droves of cattle. If a boor's dwelling happened to be in the neighbourhood, these dwellings were always erected on the banks of some rivulet or spring, where there might be a sufficient supply of water for their flocks, and to irrigate a few limited roods of land to grow vegetables and tobacco for themselves. In the drier seasons, however, these almost pastoral farmers were obliged to forsake their more permanent abodes, and something like the Israelites in the desert, betake themselves to tents, and with their flocks, wander over the sandy waste in search of pasturage for their sheep and cattle. While encamped in these open plains, their craals or folds were frequently disturbed by the midnight visit of the lion ; and their only escape from his attacks was in the discovery of his retreat and his destruction. His usual prey was the quagga or the antelope ; but the fleetness of tliese ani- mals, or their instinctive precautions perhaps, gave them more security than the feeble defences of a crowded craal. It was on these occasions that I witnessed the mode in which the Boor discovered and rid himself of his troublesome neio-h- o hour, as the officer commanding was applied to, and most willingly granted the assistance of a few men, whom we were delighted to accompany. It has been frequently asserted that the lion is not the magnanimous and courageous animal that he was formerly described to be, and I see that Dr Philip, in his researches, has related the facility with which the Bosjcsmans, 64 Mr Leslie 07i Lioii-hunting in South Africa. (Bushmen) with their poisoned arrows, destroy the Monarch of these Wilds. From a tolerably long acquaintance and experi- ence on the African Frontier, I am inclined positively to deny both these opinions. I have seen the Lion on several occasions hunted and slain, and heard the relations of many (on which I could place more credit, than on those of the credulous Boor), which bear ample testimony of his courage and noble bearing when at bay. The Bushmen I have frequently seen practise with their bows, but I have very little faith in the correctness of their aim or the strength of their poison. The most authen- tic relations I could obtain of their shooting even the smallest species of the antelope, prove that the poison is not at all im- mediate in its effect ; the wounded animal, with the barbed and poisoned arrow in his side, will bound along the plain, where he is traced by the Bushman'^s eagle eye until he staggers and falls when the poison has been absorbed. If such is the case with a weak and timid animal, what would it be with the powerful, bold, and fiery lion .? destruction of the daring Bushman who would attempt to meet him. I am well aware that they assert their being able to kill the lion, but am confident it is for the purpose of imposing on the credulous boor to magnify the power of their favourite weapon. In nine months that we were en- camped within a mile of a numerous craal of Bushmen, they appeared to live almost wholly on roots, locusts, and ants, and what they obtained from the neighbouring farmers, or from our station. Those who have denied the noble daring of the lion, have never seen him in his native desert. I have heard an individual who was engaged in the hunt, of which Mr Pringle gives so vivid a description, bear ample testimony of his high and fear- less bearing in many a future encounter. My own experience is in every instance in his favour. He has nothing of the cun- ning, cowardice, or treachery ascribed to the tiger. In his con- duct there appeared no pusillanimity. Before man he retreats with coolness and deliberation. He avoids because he hates, not because he fears him ; once confront him, convince him that he is the object of your pursuit, and he retreats no longer. Whatever may be the number of his enemies he will no longer Mr Leslie 07i Lion-hunting in South Africa, ^Q5 shun you. He seats himself on some ridge, which he will never leave, and from thence growls inimitable defiance till loss of blood or some well-aimed bullet lays him prostrate on the earth. Often have I seen him roll, when wounded, from the ridge where he was seated, but on his recovery, his sole object ap- peared to be to regain it, as if it alone was the object of the contest, and he would only yield it with his life. The method by which the boors pursue the lion, will be shewn by describing the last hunt at which I was present. In every instance it was the same, and in three successful, without injury to any individual of the parties. The north-east bank of Orange River, opposite our encampment, was totally unin- habited save by a few wandering Bushmen. Vast numbers of antelopes and quaggas grazed upon the plains ; and in the rugged and bare hills which intersect them, the lion dwelt during the day, and at night descended after considerable in- tervals in search of food. I have seldom seen him in the plain during the day, save when, in the extreme heat of the summer, he might be found on the wooded banks of the river; but often during the night, when we bivouacked in the open plain, and the terror of the cattle and horses bore evidence of his approach ; at dawn he would be seen winding slowly his way to the loftier summit of some neighbouring mountain. One might hear the thunder of his voice at miles' distance, while every animal shook with fear. A lion of huge dimensions passed the river, which at that season was low, and carried off a horse, the property of a neigh- bouring boor. For some nights previous he had been heard in a hill close to the banks of the river, to which it was supposed he had again retreated on destroying his prey. The boors assert that the flesh of the horse is highly prized by the palate of the lion, but perhaps it is because that animal is their own most valuable property. It was proposed to cross the river the following morning and trace him to his den, with the few boors we could collect, and a party of our men. We mounted imme- diately after sunrise, and with a large number of dogs, proceed- ed to the mountain, every crevice and ravine of which we ex- amined without finding him. Gorged with his late meal, he had, perhaps, we thought, remained in the thick cover on the steep banks of the river, to which we then returned, and m VOL. XV. NO. XXIX. JULY 1833. E 66 Mr Leslie on Lion-hunting in South Africa, passing over a narrow plain, a spot of ground was pointed out to MS by an eye-witness, where he had been seen to seize and devour a quagga some days before. The hard and arid soil was actually hollowed by the violence of the mortal struggle. The dogs had scarcely entered the thick bushy banks of the river ere they gave tongue, and they appeared to advance in the pursuit, as if the lion was slowly retreating. At times it would seem that he turned and rushed upon the dogs. We, however, could not dare to enter farther than the skirts of the iungle with a finger on the trigger, and the carbine half at the present. One single clutch of his tremendous paw unquestion- ably would have been fatal. For a considerable time the dogs remained silent, and we fancied we had irrecoverably lost him. With more and more confidence we examined the thicket, but without success, and were about giving up the pursuit in despair, when a Hottentot and boor observed his footsteps in the sand. The word was again to horse. The lion's course appeared to be towards the mountain, which we had left. R , with a party of boors and soldiers, galloped strait up the nearest decli- vity, while I, with a smaller number, rode round a projecting edge of the hill, into a deep ravine, to which he might have re- treated. With my party I had been too late ; he had been ju^t brought to bay, as he was commencing his descent on the op- posite declivity of the hill, but R delayed the attack until we should arrive to witness the encounter ; meanwhile the dogs amused him. The ascent by which we could reach the summit was steep and rugged, but our horses were accustomed to such, and with whip and spur we urged them on. Whoever has seen the African lion at bay, would assuredly say the sports- man could never behold a more stirring scene in the chase. There he was, seated on his hind quarters, his eye glaring on a swarm of curs yelping around him ; his dark shaggy mane he shook around his gigantic shoulders, or with his paw tossed in the air the nearest dog, more apparently in sport than anger. We arranged preliminaries. The horses were tied together in a line, taking care to turn their heads from the direction where the lion was at bay, and likewise that they were to the wind- ward of him, lest his very scent should scare them into flight. The retreat behind this living wall is the boors' last resource if Mr Leslie 07i Lion-hunting hi South Africa. 67 he should advance upon them, that his indiscriminate fury may fall upon the horses. Some of the boors are excellent marks- men, and the Hottentot soldiers is far from being despicable : yet many a bullet was sent ere he was slain. Fired by the wounds he received, his claw was no longer harmless ; one dog he almost tore to pieces, and two more were destroyed ere he fell. At each shot he rushed forward as if with the intent of singling out the man who fired, but his rage was always vented on the dogs, and he again retired to the station he had left. The ground appeared to be bathed with his blood. Every suc- ceeding attempt to rush forward, displayed less vigour and fury, and at last, totally exhausted, he fell ; but still the approach was dangerous. In the last struggle of his expiring agony, he might have inflicted a mortal wound ; cautiously approaching, he was shot through the heart ; twelve wounds were counted in his head, body, and limbs. He was of the largest size, and allied in appearance to the species which the boors call the black lion. We claimed the skin and skull ; the Bushmen the carcass, which to them is a delicious morsel ; and the boors were satisfied with knowing that he would commit no farther depredations on them. On another occasion we roused two on the summit of a low stony hill. They were deliberately descending one side as we reached the top, and amid a shower of bullets, they quietly crossed a plain to ascend another. We followed, and they separated ; we brought them to bay in succession, and slew both. It appears to me from what I have seen and heard, that a lion once wound- ed will immediately turn upon his pursuers ; but I am of opi- nion that he seldom attacks man, generally shuns his vicinity, and that he has none of the reported partiality for human flesh. In the district I described, and of which a description was ne- cessary to show that we encountered him upon clear and open ground, the various kinds of lion were originally very nu- merous. The boors enumerated three, — the yellow, grey, and black. Their numbers were much diminished, principally, per- haps, from their retreating beyond Orange River, to an unoccu- pied country, although many also were destroyed by the boors. It has been said that the lion dwells in the plains. The African 68 Mr Leslie on Lion-hunting in South Africa. hunters almost always seek him in the mountains, and occasion- ally one or two will not shun the encounter, if armed with their long and sure rifles, which on almost all occasions they carry. One instance more and I have done. A party of officers a few years previous, along with some boors, discovered a lion, lioness, and two cubs, within a short distance of Hernianus Craal on the frontier. The lion dashed forward to protect his mate and young ones, and attempted to defend them by shielding them with his body, until the officers, moved by his magnanimity of conduct, entreated that he might not be destroyed, but the Dutchmen were inexorable, and they killed him ; the cubs fled and the lioness followed ; but all were found dead of their wounds the succeeding day. The above anecdote was related to me by an officer who was an eye-witness. MOELMYNE TeNNASSERIM, 2bth December 1831. ON THE CONNEXION WHICH SUBSISTS BETWEEN THE CALYX A^D OVARIUM IN CERTAIN PLANTS OF THE ORDER ME- LASTOMACE^. By David Don, Esq. Lihr. L. 5., ^c. It is remarkable, that although the MelastomacecB have been a frequent subject of investigation with botanists, no one, with the exception of Mr Brown, appears to have been aware of the peculiar nature of the union which subsists between the calyx and ovarium in most of the plants belonging to that family. The ovarium in these plants is connected with the tube of the calyx by thin, longitudinal plates of cellu- lar tissue, disposed on each side of the depression formed by the insertion of the septa, leaving a tubular space free for the reception of the anthers in the early stage of the flow- er. The number of these plates, however, appears to de- pend more upon the number of the stamina than of the valves of the capsule. This curious arrangement of the sta- mioa in aestivation, appears only to take place in thosa ge- Mr D. Don on the Melastomacew. 69 nera whose anthers terminate in a tubular process, as Melas- toma, Osbeckia, Rhexia, Arthrostemma^ &c. in which the cells of the anthers are attached along the inner surface of an elongated connectivum, and are plaited and wrinkled, so that when the anthers issue from their receptacle (being forced out by the development of the pollen swelling the cells), the pollen is thrown out with an elastic force, the transverse rugae materially assisting in its discharge. In Melastoma, the alternate anthers, which are also the largest, and placed opposite the septa, are attached by means of the elongated base of the connectivum to the filaments, as it were to a pivot, which gives additional force to the emission of the pollen. In BlaJcea, Cremanium, and other genera, which have their anthers truncate, and opening by two terminal pores, the hollow spaces are entirely wanting, the tube of the calyx and ovarium being completely united, and the sta- mina in the unexpanded flower being arranged in the free space between the summit of the ovarium and limb of the calyx. The union of these two organs is still more complete in Cha- rianthus, in which, as the dehiscence of the anthers is longitu- dinal, and no force is required for the emission of the pollen, the anthers are found to be merely bent downwards in aestiva- tion, to prevent their being pressed upon by the sides of the pe- tals. I take this opportunity of correcting an error {first pointed out to me some years ago by Mr Brown) into which Ruiz, Pa- von, and myself have fallen, in considering the two protube- rances at the base of the leaves of Aa:lnaa glandulosa as glands, while in fact they are merely callosities, originating in the fold- ing backwards of a portion of the leaf. EXPERIMENTS UPON THE SOLIDIFICATION OF RAW GYPSUM. By John P. Emmet, Professor of Chemistry in the Uni- versity of Virginia. The facility with which burnt gypsum sets, when made into a paste with water, has rendered it not only conspicuous among minerals, but highly useful in the arts ; hitherto, however, as 70 Mr Emmet on the Solidificatian of Raw Gypsum. far as I am aware, it has not been supposed that the raw or na- tural production is capable of exhibiting the same property. The following experiments, although resulting from an inquiry not confessedly connected with the subject of the present com- munication, and therefore not, perhaps, carried so far as they might have been with advantage, are considered of sufficient importance to receive a distinct notice. They satisfactorily show, that native gypsum may be rendered capable of perfect solidification, without having undergone the operation of burn- ing, and may perhaps contribute to illustrate or render more available the setting property of this valuable natural production. Raw gypsum, finely pulverized, is capable of undergoing immediate and perfect solidification, when mixed with certain solutions of the alkali potassa. Among those that answer best, may be enumerated caustic potassa, carbonate and bi-carbonate, sulphate and supersulphate, silicate and double tartrate or Rochelle salt. In all these cases, the process may be easily rendered more expeditious than when burnt plaster alone is employed, and the resulting solid, after having been properly dried, does not seem to differ essentially from that usually obtained, except in com- position. There does not appear to be any exact point of sa- turation ; for the solid masses, when broken up and worked with fresh portions of the solutions, constantly recover their tendency to set, even when the saline matter is in very great excess ; yet, no doubt, each case requires a specific amount, in order to pro- duce the maximum of solidity. When water alone is employed, after the first mixture, the paste rarely exhibits any remarkable tendency to become hard ; but a fresh application of one of the foregoing solutions never failed to develope it promptly. There is also a marked difference as to the time required for the operation ; solutions of carbonate and sulphate of potassa, if sufficiently dilute, produce their effects so slowly, as to admit of complete incorporation, whereas Rochelle salt acts as soon as the powder touches the fluid, and all subsequent motion neces- sarily weakens the cohesion. If crystals of Rochelle salt be tri- turated with raw gypsum and water, and then brought in con- tact with the mixture, there will be no apparent interval of Mr Emmet ofi tlie Solidification (yfRaw Gypsum. 71 time between contact and solidification. This extreme rapidity effectually prevents incorporation by the ordinary mode, and would induce one to imagine that Rochelle salt docs not pos- sess the power ; for when the gypsum and solution are worked together with a spatula, although the particles feel hard and harsh, they readily crumble, and, by continuing the operation, actually assume a semi-fluid condition. No other salts but those holding potassa were found to ren- der raw gypsum capable of solidification. Those of soda, as far as they were examined, invariably produced a contrary ef- fect, if we except Rochelle salt, wbich, however, seems to ope- rate by its potassa. Yet it is remarkable, that several neutral salts of the latter alkali, as the nitrate and chlorate, did not oc- casion the slightest alteration. The bi- carbonate of potassa inva- riably produced a brisk effervescence, which considerably impair- ed, although it did not prevent, solidification. The same dis- advantage characterizes the action of super-sulphate of potassa, whenever the mineral contains an admixture of carbonate of lime, as was found to be the case with the specimen of gypsum under examination. As the idea has been advanced that the setting property of ordinary burnt plaster, depends upon the presence of carbonate of lime, most of these experiments were repeated, with equal success, upon pure sulphate of lime ob- tained by precipitation. The opinion, that carbonate of lime facilitates or causes soli- dification in the ordinary case, seems but little entitled to belief, when it is considered that the heat, necessary for the burning of plaster, falls far short of that required for bringing limestone to its caustic state, or even to that half-calcined condition which renders it capable of hardening under water ; but, whatever may be its agency subsequent to the application of heat, the operation must be totally different in the present case, since the supersulphate of potassa completely decomposes all the carbo- nate of lime in the gypsum. It is probable, as Gay-Lussac^has observed, in his examina- tion of this singular property of burnt plaster *, that we should refer the fact to an inherent property of the mineral ; yet I can- %Annales de Chimie et de Physique, torn. xi. p. 43(5. 72 Mr Emmet on the Solidification of Raw Gypsum, not but think the foregoing experiment abundantly proves that it does not always depend upon the simple union with water, and subsequent aggregation of the saturated particles, as seems to be the fact with burnt plaster. These cases may not, indeed, be parallel, as some of the saline solutions, added partiality, af- fect the composition of the gypsum ; yet I have satisfied myself that the alteration is neither uniform nor essential to the result, although it is extremely difficult to ascribe the solidification, in the foregoing instances, to the proper cause. Both potassa and its carbonate are extremely deliquescent, and do not, therefore, act by rapidity of crystallization ; sulphate of potassa cannot effect the composition of sulphate of lime, and although the former salt may possibly be formed in all the cases of mix- ture enumerated^ it does not seem to form any permanent combination with the gypsum, since the latter, in two experi- ments, was found to lose one-twelfth of its weight by the mixture of the substances, and subsequent washing with warm-water. The only uniformity observable in all the saline solutions ca- pable of producing solidification, is the necessity of the presence of potassa, and the rapidity with which the operation takes place, seems greatly opposed to the supposition that the result depends upon double decomposition. If we take the pulverised gypsum, and saturate it by the solution of carbonate of potassa, all subsequent chemical action, from the same substances, should be prevented, and yet when the solidified mass thus formed, is worked up again with a fresh portion of the same saline solution, it sets with equal facility. This property ap- pears but little diminished by three or four repetitions. As plain water does not answer until after the evaporation of the fluid, it seems more probable that the saline solutions exert a kind of repulsion towards the particles of gypsum, and thus tend to promote that solidification which is so very characteristic of it in the burnt state. The experiment which first exhibited the solidifying property of raw gypsum, was well calculated to give the impression that chemical decomposition was necessary for the result. I wished to determine how far fresh precipitated carbonate of lime was capable of improving gypsum, (intending subsequently to burn the mixture). With this view, pulverised raw gypsum was Mr Emmet on the Solidifivatioii of Raw Gypsum. 73 placed on a filter, and a cold solution of carbonate of potassa poured over it. The result was the rapid solidification of the crude mineral, and an evident diminution of the alkali. Upon repeatedly returning the same solution through the filter, turmeric paper ceased to indicate the presence of potassa, and re-agents showed that sulphate of potassa had taken its place. In this manner, a saturated solution of the latter salt may be soon obtained, yet, as has been already stated, a further exami- nation proves, that the sulphate of potassa is not capable of con- tracting a permanent union with the gypsum. Further inquiry will, no doubt, lead to the detection of salts better adapted to the development of this property than those here noticed, but the cheapness of carbonate of potassa seems more likely to recommend its use for practical purposes, pro- vided it shall be found that the sohdification of raw or effete plaster, by the process here indicated, equals, in durability, that which has been recently burnt. Gypsum, it is well known, requires judicious treatment, in order to fit it for taking casts, and unless carefully defended from moisture, will soon lose its valuable property. The process of burning may, moreover, not always be convenient, and, in this case, a solution of carbonate of potassa, or, for common purposes, the ley from wood ashes, will always enable the operator to effect rapid solidification, and as far as I have observed, it is perfect. — Amer. Journ. of Science ^ Arts, vol. yxiii. No 2. p. 210, ON THE PHYSIOGNOMY OF SCANDINAVIA*. By ProfcSSOT Hausmann. The united impression which the mountains and valleys, the woods and meadows, the river and lakes, and all other parts of a country, make upon our feelings, may be called its charac- ter or physiognomy. We feel a greater attraction for one coun- try, and a less attraction for another, just as regards the physio- gnomy of men; and are equally unable to account for these sensations. As in the aspect of countenances, it is not the regu- larity and harmony among the several features which invariably • Translated from the German original by George F. Hay, Esq. 74 Prof. Hausmann on the Physiognomy of Scandinavia. make them pleasing ; so a district in which there is a mountain, a rock, a soHtary group of trees, or a waterfall in a prominent situation, often interests more than another in which the out- line of mountain and wood is marked out by gently undulating lines. Inasmuch as the striking attachment of the inhabitants of mountains to their native homes, has assuredly various sources ; so we can ascribe this, partly at least, to the form of the countries which surround them. But we can proceed still farther ; we can even concede to the different shapes of coun- tries no inconsiderable influence over the character and tempera- ment of the inhabitants of entire regions and provinces. Must not the dweller amidst the heaths of Luneburg, who is obliged to plough up sand all day-long, and seldom sees any thing more than the heath plant and the sky, must he not have an usually sluggish gait, and heavy closing of his eye-lids ? From the sameness of the external nature around him, can we suppose him to possess a rich store of ideas, and a lively interest in what is taking place around him ? On the contrary, compare with him the native of the Hartz, who, now in deep valleys, and soon again on highly elevated lands, from which are stretched out before his view the low country ; who, in the mines, surround- ed with darkness and constant danger, raises to the surface the treasures which the earth conceals in its bosom ; who is necessi- tated, by the form of the ground, to carry manure for his fields up the ridges of the steepest mountains, and then to carry back the produce of the sweat of his brow into the valley. We find that this person possesses a lively temperament, and a higher feeling of self-gratification ; and that he partakes of these qualities with the inhabitants of mountains in general. Lastly, it might be shewn, that, in the above respects, the inha- bitant of the hilly country occupies a place intermediate between that of the mountaineer, and the peasant of the heath land. May the above few remarks suffice to shew, that reflections upon the various forms of the earth's surface cannot fail to possess a va- ried and general interest. The circumstances by which the physiognomy of a country is distinguished from that of other countries, constitute the character of the same. And as certain resemblances can be tra- ced among the countenances of the individuals of a nation ; so Ptof. Hausmann on the Physiogjiomy of Scandinavia. 75 we derive the general character of the physiognomy of a coun- try, out of the agreement among the features of its individual districts. As the impression which the countenances of men make upon our feelings can frequently be modified, in no inconsiderable degree, by means of art, such as the arrangement of the hair, an ornamental head-dress, and many other circumstances ; so undoubtedly works of art have a great influence on the impres- sion which a country naturally makes upon us. Houses, bridges, fields, gardens and the like, are instances. Perhaps we would not know a land again, were these additions to it removed. By cutting down forests, or draining marshes, art de- stroys to a greater or less extent the impressions which nature has stamped upon individual regions, or entire countries. But Nature will never entirely lay aside the chissel, with which she shaped out the crust of the globe. When thousands of years have, Jby their lapse, occasioned a remarkable change in the con- struction of any feature of a land, we are not aware of the con- tinual operation of the hand of Nature. Beds of shells situated high above the present level of the sea ; eruptions and streams of lava from volcanoes ; layers of soil upon solid rocks bearing luxuriant vegetation ; debris at the foot of mountains ; mounds of debris formed and carried along by the descent of the gla- ciers : the constant reforming of the surface of the earth by means of water ; these are all eloquent proofs of the same acti- vity of Nature. She guides her chissel slowly, but with firm- ness and constancy ; and she seldom effaces, by means of any sudden or violent commotion, any feature which she has been at pains to express. When a person travels from the southern mountainous part of lower Saxony towards the north, the hills of the northern bound- ary of the Hartz, which are characterized by gently waving fines, first sink out of view: Next, those mountains of the Hartz, which suri-ound the foot of the venerable Brocken, and which are marked out by a more angular outline, disap- pear : At last the Brocken conceals his bald head beneath the horizon. And wherever the traveller turns his eye, he sees a boundless plain covered with sand, moor, and heath, upon which he. sees at one place a miserable juniper bush, at another 76 Prof. Hausniann on the Physiognomy of Scandinavia, place a crooked fir tree, creeping into view. It is but seldom that the wearied gaze is enlivened by a friendly thicket of birch, still seldomer by a clear brook, accompanied with green meadows, or a village concealed by overshadowing oak trees. In the neigh- bourhood of the Elbe, the sandy heaths become more hilly ; and this increases the farther we advance into Holstein and Schles- wig. The sand now becomes more mixed with clay, and con- sequently more favourable for the growth of corn and large leaved timber, particularly the beech. The hills which, ar- ranged in waving lines, wind through the country, here and there enclose lakes ; these, surrounded by beautiful beech-woods, form the great charm of the districts of Plon and Eutin. In Jutland, particularly in its western and northern parts, sand and heath again obtain the superiority. On Fyen, Seeland, and the smaller Danish islands, vegetation succeeds wonderfully, and delights the eye, during the greater part of summer, with a fresh bright green, which may be ascribed to the greater humidity of the atmosphere and of the soil. The most beautiful beech- woods, together with fruitful fields and luxuriant meadows, vary the scene in this part of Denmark. Small lakes, likewise, as well as prospects of the sea, which burst on the sight, com- municate variety and life to the landscape. The southern part of Shonen, in its relation to the neighbour- ing countries, shows a great resemblance to Zealand, and with which it was probably at one time united. But when we reach the 56th degree of north latitude, behind an elevated land still covered with large-leaved timber, and which traverses Schonen from south-east towards north-west, the country then acquires an entirely new appearance, and assumes the character which it retains more or less throughout the whole of Sweden. We see solid rocks, clothed partly with innumerable lichens, and partly covered by a shght layer of earth, which permits the growth only of pine timber with horizontal roots, or of birch trees, which are in abundance. These rocks form either plains, hilly country, or high mountain ranges. The valleys situated between the rocky hills, are watered by numberless smaller and larger lakes, which are generally united with each other and with the sea, by means of rivers. The lakes are to be con- ^ered as expansions of the rivers ; and some of them, as the Prof. Hausmann on the Physiognomy of Scandinavia, TT lakes of Wener and Wetter, are fifty or more miles in length. They are hence, almost without exception, longer than they are broad. The principal direction of the inclined strata of the fundamental mountain-rock, which is here crystalline, in ge- neral corresponds to the length of the lakes ; and the length of the lakes has a similar direction with the course of the rivers, of which the lakes are but a widening. Likewise the breadth of the lakes, as well as their frequency, increases in proportion to their distance from the principal mountain chains. Hence southern Sweden, as far as the 60th degree of latitude, is sin- gularly full of lakes. The solid rock, which so often bursts through the layer of vegetable soil, gives a character to the Swedish hilly plains very different from ours. The above characters prevail in the greater part of east and west Gothland, a part of Nerike, Westmanland, Sudermanland and Bleking. In the whole of the middle and southern part of Europe, solid bare rock and plain rarely occur together. But in the Swedish plains, on the contrary, we very often see a naked cliff arising amidst corn fields and meadows, a rock, too, which will not give sustenance to a blade of grass. While we see our plains intersected by streams, which run quietly on their course; we will be, on the contrary, frequently surprised by the noise of a foaming river, enclosed in a deep rocky bed, and mak- ing its way over fragments of rocks, in the^ countries above alluded to. In imagining to myself the celebrated cataract of Trollhatta in Westgothland, there was immediately associated with it in my mind the idea of a considerable mountain range. How much was I surprised, when an extensive plain, covered with corn fields, which bordered the seemingly boundless mirror of the Wener lake, brought me opposite to the thrice renewed fall of the broad Gotha Elbe, which, at a great distance, pro- claimed its presence by its thundering noise. The above plain has some isolated hills which are more distinguished by their flattened form above, than by their height. Such contrasts, unfruitful rocks amidst rich corn fields ; a raging, never rest- ing waterfall, which swallows up what is within its reach, and gradually wastes away the firmest rocks;— such contrasts make 78 Prof. Hausmann 07i the Physiognomy of Scandinavia. the Swedish plains not only more beautiful than ours, but un- questionably much more interesting. The mountainous country in Sweden, likewise, is remarkably distinguished from that in Northern Germany. In the former we do not see the beeches and oaks which so adorn our Elm *, our Deister •[•, and our Soiling J ; there we find no river, which, like our Weser, gives animation to a long, gently curved val- ley. The greatest part of the mountainous land in Sweden — and by far the greater part of Sweden is mountainous — is inter- sected by mountain chains in the most various directions, which at one time extend their branches around greater or less caul- dron-shaped valleys, at another time they enclose narrow ravines. The bottom of the above broad valleys generally contains the reflecting surface of a lake ; while, on the contrary, the ravines are watered by forest streams which tumble tumultuously over the rocky masses. Rugged walls of rock rise from their banks ; while the more gentle acchvities of the mountains which en- close the broader valleys, are covered with dense pine forests, which pass over the mountain ridges, and extend into other valleys. Sometimes this gloomy forest is supplanted by more agreeable birch wood, or it retires and encloses a group of fields and meadows, which surround the neat cottage of a pea- sant. More rarely a small village, with its picturesque church spire, varies the scene. The remarkable height and beauty of the (Pinus Abies) spruce fir, and of the (Pinus sylvestris) Scots fir, in most parts of Sweden, leads us very soon to the conviction, — that nature has appointed these two species of evergreen trees to flourish in the north as their peculiar country. Whether it is, that the care of the forests is there committed entirely to nature, their ex- tent is in general far more remarkable than in our regions, where they are so much taken care of by art. The darker, but more pure green of the spruce fir, is varied in the forests by the lighter and more bluish green o'f the Scots fir. This latter tree, which in the sand plains of Northern Germany is generally found on- • Elm, a mountain ridge in the neighbourhood of Brunswick. f Deister, a mountain ridge in the neighbourhood of Hanover. X Soiling, a mountainous district between the Weser and the Leine. Prof. Hausmann on the Pht/siognomt/ of Scandinavia. 79 \y in a crooked form, in the above countries surpasses the spruce fir by its height, straightness of its growth, as vvell as the firm- ness of the timber. It is hence the tree most highly prized in Sweden and Norway, and in the latter country is the most powerful support of its prosperity. '/ The meadows which are enclosed by the Swedish forests rival these latter in beauty. Although the meadows want the variety of flowers, and the height of the grass by which those of southern regions are distinguished, we find in them, on the con- trary, the plants closer together. Among these the Arnica mon- tana and Linnea borealis particularly delight the eye. The green, likewise, of the grass is brighter and fresher, and of more lasting duration. The want of underwood and copse, which circumstance in Sweden is so new to the eye accustomed to German scenery, is as striking as the enclosures of fields, meadows, and kinds of barn-yards here in use. In no part of Sweden do we see live hedges, but only fences invariably formed of the stems of young pines placed together, and horizontal rows of wood to keep them firm. Where they know how to make a better use of their timber, these fences are supplanted by stone walls. Although nearly all Sweden is, in a peculiar sense, a great rocky mass, still, even in the towns, with the exception of Stock- holm and Gottenburg, it is but seldom that we find houses built of stone. The greater warmth of the wooden houses, scarcity of clay for bricks, and of good mortar, are the prin- cipal causes of this. Most of the Swedish houses, as well the cottages of poor peasants as the dwellings of the rich, are constructed of the trunks of trees, laid lengthwise over one an- other, and dove-tailed together at their extremities. The inter- stices are stopped up with moss ; the roofing is various, but is generally of wood, and covered over with earth. It is not only by the above style of architecture, which at most permits only one method of construction, but likewise from the brownish-red colour * which they almost universally give them, that the houses have quite a singular appearance ; and this is not without its • This colouring matter, which conduces very much to preserve the wood, is prepared from the washed residue of roasted alum-slate, which contains much iron-pyrites scattered through it ; or it is prepared by bummg weather- ed pyrites. 80 Prof. Hausmann on the Physiognomy of Scandinavia. influence upon the peculiar character of the Swedish landscapes. The uniformity which these acquire from the widely spread pine forests, is varied by the numerous lakes which these enclose. But sincere and happy tranquillity reigns in those valleys, in which the deep blue lakes are surrounded by dark green woods, out of which there occasionally rises a pillar of smoke from some solitary cottage : And amidst the hollow forest murmurs, we hear the harmonious tinkling of the distant bells of the cattle grazing upon the mountain meadows. Journeying in the swift rolling karra, * along the excellently formed roads which lead down the declivities of the moun- tains, and then along the winding margin of a lake, the tra- veller finds himself transported into a quite different scene. The lake, which before had a considerable breadth, gradually contracts itself. The lately gentle declivities become more steep. Out of thick woods we see rocky masses burst into view ; always increasing in height, and overhanging the way, which they confine more and more. At last the lake withdraws itself entirely from view ; and a narrow rocky valley, in which a forest stream foams along, guides the traveller on his course. Now, at intervals, the hollow sound of a large hammer, moved by water-power for working iron, reaches his ear. Soon after this the fire of a forge shines through the dark fir boughs ; and, amidst the rushing sound of the water, which moves the wheel, is heard the thundering blow of the hammer, which works the iron. In this workshop of Tubalcain, all is life, ac- tivity, and restlessness ; the impression of which contrasts pow- erfully with that produced by the scene which had shortly preceded it. Sweden so abounds in similar contrasts, that a journey through this country must necessarily be very interesting. Although nature there in individual scenes may^ appear uni- form, and but seldom with lovely features ; still, on the con- trary, her general exterior is in the highest degree impressive and noble, -f* The beauty and sublimity of nature are found • A ligbt, two wheeled carriage, in which it is usual to travel In Sweden. f If the nature of the Equatorial Regions is distinguished by grandeur and variety of formation, the nature of the Polar liegions, on the contrary, unites greatness and simplicity. This uniformity does not appear, in an equal de- Prof. Hausmann on the Physiognomy of Scandinavia. 81 more in union in the regions of Southern Norway. If the greater part of Sweden is represented as a hilly country ; so again, nearly all Norway may be termed a high mountain-chain. The arms of this mountain land enclose valleys, which are long, and sometimes broad. Considerable rivers, sometimes expand- ed into lakes, water the deeper parts. Rich corn-fields and lux- uriant meadows, occasionally varied with the houses and offices of substantial farmers, and the country-seats of rich merchants —extend themselves as far as the gentle acclivities of the chain of mountains. Where these acclivities become steeper, the bright green tapestry of the meadows is supplanted by the blu- ish-green leaves of the Scotch fir ; this, with its golden-coloured stem, raises its proud head among the inaccessible cliffs, which, destitute of all vegetation, conceal their pointed summits among snow and clouds. The bays of the sea — which run far into the land, and unite the rivers with the ocean — are crowded with masts ; and upon their shores are situated smiling towns, the abodes of wealth. The nearer the rivers are to the mountain- chain, to which they owe their origin, so much the more have they to struggle with the rocks through which they must force gree, in the whole series of natural objects, but appears to diminish with their perfection. The north, in comparison with the regions near the equa- tor, is astonishingly poor in quadrupeds. It is richer in birds as to their spe- cies ; but it is proportionally richest in insects ; although the Insect Fauna of the north, as to the number of species, is far inferior to that of our countries. In like manner, the north is poor in phsenogamic plants ; but very rich in the cryptogamic species; and, among these, plants of the nature of lichens are dis- tinguished for variety of species, although they are among the lowest in the scale of organized bodies. Likewise, in inanimate nature we observe a simi* lar relation. The north is, in general, poor in crystallizations ; but, on the contrary, is rich in various uncrystallized mineral substances. But the sim- plicity of the nature of the north is expressed likewise in the forms, colours, and delineation of objects, which, as regards their variety and beauty of structure, are far behind those of the regions of the south. The nature of the north shews its greatness, particularly in the multitude of individuals, which is far more considerable than what it is in our re- gions. Legions of rats and mice people Norway and Sweden. In Lapland the swarms of gnats are so great, that he who travels in that country during summer, must filter the air through a veil. Thick pine-forests cover the greater part of the habitable north. Rein-deer moss overspreads the largest flat districts of Lapland ; and lichens are in such abundance, that Norway and Sweden send whole shiploads of some of the species to England, where they are used in dyeing. VOL. XV. NO. XXIX. JULY 1833. F 82 Prof. Hausmann on the Physiognomy of Scandinavia. their way. Where they are unable to overpower these, becom- ing impatient of their barriers, they throw themselves head- *long, with a frightful crash, from a high precipice, and often still maintain their entire breadth. Upon the rocks which border, these powerful waterfalls, a host of saw-mills are boldly placed, in order that their wheels may be driven more swiftly round, by the increased force which the water gains by its descent. During the more severa season of the year, the regions of the north are clothed in a very different, but not for that reason less beautiful, vesture. Unmeasurable fields of ice, covered with crystals, are in the room of the lakes. Their margins are then contrasted by the dark-green colour of the never-fading pine trees. The snowy pinnacles of tjie higher mountain range glancing in $jje sun ; and the aqua-marine tint of the icicles which fringe the glittering rocky masses, — and produce views of indescribable beauty, which are greatly enhanced by the al- most constant serenity of the dark-blue sky. But the magnifi- cent splendour of the north, when arrayed in its winter garb, appears to most advantage when, during the star-light night, the bright, or bluish, or fire-red r^ys of the aurora borealis, arise above the northern horizon, and shoot forth with the swiftness of an arrow towards the zenith. Then their incessantly vary- ing brightness is reflected once more to the eye of the observer, by the bright phosphorescent fields of snow. Hitherto this brief representation of the characteristics of the north of Europe, has entirely overlooked the regions which could leave only unpleasant impressions, and neither is Scandinavia en- tirely without such regions, any morelhan other large countries. There are in Norway, as well as in Svyeden, very extensive tracts, nay entire provinces, which are marked with the stamp of the greatest wildness and unfruitfulness, in the midst of which a per- son may almost forget the agreeable impressions produced by the scenes before described. To the above regions belong the ridges "and declivities of the principal mountain-chain of Scan- dinavia ; this extends^n its principal direction from south-south- west towards the north-north-east, and for about two-thirds of its extent forms the boundary between Sweden and Norway. The higher parts of this mountain-range — which, in Southern Prof. Hausraann on the Physiognomy of Scandinavia, 83 Norway, according to Naumann, attain a height of about 8000 feet above the level of the sea— are covered with perpetual snow. On the western side, where the mountain-range be- comes remarkably precipitous towards the sea, the snow extends downwards along the deep fiords which cut into the mountain- chain, the snow here and there terminating in glaciers. The lower parts of the range are no doubt, in mid-summer, free from snow. But their rocky foundations, deprived of earth, and their high situations, prevent the growth of the flowers of phaenogamous plants *. It is only the numerous family of the lichens and mosses which are here in their place, among which the reindeer-moss (Lichen rangiferinuSy Linn.) is particularly distinguished : this often clothes boundless plains, with a white elastic carpet. In somewhat lower re- gions, and particularly in marshy places, are found chiefly some dwarf-willows, also dwarf-birches (Betiila nana)^ and we likewise see rugged dwarf juniper bushes. At a somewhat greater dis- tance below the mountain heights, particularly in valleys which are somewhat sheltered, there grow white-stemmed birches, but of a humble, nearly shrub-like, growth. It is then that the Scots-fir first begins; and somewhat later, we find the spruce-fir appearing in crooked shapes. These appear in solitary trees, with distorted branches, which are often entirely deprived of leaves, and having suspended from them long pendulous para- sitical lichens, and afford a sorry shelter to the rein-deer and elks upon the unmeasurable mountain plains, which, under the name of Kolen, form the boundaries of Dalekarlia and Norway. A person may travel for some days over these plains, withoUit lindipg ^jingle human habitation •(-. • Among all the phaenogamic plants of Norway, according to Wahlenberg, Diapensia iapponica flourishes the nearest to the limits of the snow. •j- There is an error in most of the geographical works, even the latest of them with which I am acquainted, viz. that the K51en mountains form the boundary between Sweden and Norway. No doubt, beginning from JSnitland, there is a mountain-chain which constitutes the boundary between Sweden and Norway, but which has no general name to denote it. And under the name of Kblen, as already mentioned, are implied large mountain plains, which are here and there marshy, or covered with forests. They are such as are termed platforms, plateaus, or table-lands, and extend along the limits be- tween Dalekarlia and Norway. But after a person has passed these limits, he begins to ascend the greater heights of the mountain-range. F 2 84 Prof. Hausmann 07i the Physiognomy of Scandinavia. Some low-lying parts of Sweden are not much better than the above desert tracts, viz. certain districts in Smaland. This pro- vince, which is of pretty considerable extent, consists partly of hills formed of boulder stones ; these no doubt have been borne along and heaped up there by means of floods, and perhaps with the aid of ice. They oppose vegetation in a great degree. Scots- firs, spruce-firs, and birches, of inconsiderable growth, press themselves forward, here and there, between the masses of rock. But not a blade of grass can thrive on account of the want of soil. When the industrious peasant of Smaland wishes to cul- tivate for himself a field, this often can only be done by means of the sacrifice which he makes of his timber. He cuts down the woods, and burns the branches, or even the trunks likewise, that he may afterwards sow among the ashes. This produces for him, twice in succession, a tolerably rich harvest, after which he resigns the desert spot to kind nature again, which gradually sows it with birches *. If both Sweden and Norway, especially in their high northern latitudes, possess wide tracts, in which Nature loses all her charms, still, however, this want is much counterbalanced by the great attractions of the remaining parts of those countries. It can be justly asserted that northern Europe, no less than the southern parts of the same, affords us much occasion to admire the varied beauties with which the Creator has clothed our earth. The vesture of the north is in general indeed simple ; but it is from this very circumstance that its peculiar physiognomy is given to it, the most prominent features of which are severity and^dignity. • This practice, so wasteful of timber, and which can be employed only in a land which is so blessed with forests, is found in other parts, especially in the more northern regions of Sweden, as well as here and there in Norway. A field which is thus cultivated — over which the corn does not grow equally, but rather in heaps, where the ashes have been collected between blocks of stone — is called in Sweden Svedjelandy and the operation by means of which this waste land is cultivated, is called Svedjande. ( 85 ) LIFE OF LiNNJEus By A. L, A. Fee * Much has been written concerning Linnaeus, and the eminent station which he has occupied, the prodigious influence which he exercised over natural history, easily account for it : but of the many biographical accounts of this remarkable man, which are to be found in the French language, some were either so barren of details as to prevent us being thoroughly acquainted with his history, or were published too recently after his death to enable his influence to be impartially appreciated. Men in fact are like edifices : viewed near one cannot j udge correctly except of the details, and even of those chiefly, if the structure be not very lofty ; but as to temples and towering obelisks, a correct notion may be formed by surveying them at a distance ; — it is the same with men who stand pre-eminent in their own age and impel it in a new direction. We cannot form a correct opinion of them till the fruits of their works have been reaped and pre- judices have been overthrown. M. Fee has rendered a great service to the history of science by carefully collecting and ar- ranging what is authentic, either in works that were published in Sweden and Germany, or in manuscripts that he procured, respecting the life of the reformer of natural history. His work consists, \st^ of a translation of the life of Lin- Dseus, written by himself, and published by his disciple Afzelius;t 2rf, of extracts from his correspondence with the naturalists of his time ; 3c?, of a collection of anecdotes relating to him and his writings ; ^th, of a bibliographical note of his works. Linnaeus himself has related his life on many occasions, and the account which forms the first part of the work of M. Fee is the most complete of these various autobiographies. The peculiar style of Linnaeus is recognised even in the translation ; it is a hasty yet concise recital pregnant with facts, and in which the flashes of a poetical imagination occasionally break forth. • Vie de Linn6, par A. L. A. Fee, 1 vol. 8vo. 1832. -f- This interesting autobiography of Linnaeus has been translated from the original Swedish into German, under the title " Linnes Eigenhandige Anzeichnungen Uber sich selbst, mit Anmerkungen und Zusiitzen Von Af. zelius." Berlin, 1 820. 86 M. Fee's Life ofLinnam. Charles Linnaeus was born at Stenbrohult on the 1st of May 1707. His father was a country clergyman of a mild disposi- tion and an equal temper. His mother, he said, had a great deal of wit, a sound judgment, and a very lively manner ; he is an instance which tends to strengthen those who maintain the opinion that all distinguished men have had witty mothers, and who concluded from thence that the influence of early years on the intellectual development of children is considerable. Young Charles, however, having contracted a taste for botany, from look- ing at the flowers in his father's little garden, his mother, not- withstanding her intelligence, conceived such a dislike to the di- rection which his studies took, that she absolutely prohibited his brother Samuel from going among the flowers. The success of Charles in his college studies did not correspond with the ex- pectations which his intelligence had predicated. Throughout his life he was by no means ready in the acquisition of languages, which were too exclusively made the test of success in the col- leges, and he went to the University of Lund with the reputa- tion of a very indifferent scholar. There he resolved to study medicine, and his poverty exposed him to great difficulties: Stobaeus the naturalist received him into his house, which ena- bled him to see his little museum and strengthen his taste for natural history. He afterwards went to Upsal, where Olaus Celsus, having discovered his talents and his indigence, took him to live with him, that he might assist him in his work on •biblical botany, and gave him access to a valuable library. By teaching a few students he procured a little money, and aspired to the place of Rosen, at that time professor extraordinary. As a guide in his study of plants he took Tournefort, whom he knew, especially by the abridgment published by Johrenius, under the title of Hodegus Botanicus, and shortly afterwards the treatise of Vaillant on the sexes of the plants opened his eyes to a new view. Rudbeck encouraged him to follow it, and it was at this period, when he was t\yenty-two years of age, that he commenced writing the Bihliotheca Botanica, the Classes Plantarum^ and even the Genera Plantarum. Incited by the advice of Rudbeck, he at that time undertook a journey to Lapland, a painful one, either owing to the climate and the rugged nature of the country, or because the scantiness M. Fee's Life (yf Linnaus. 87 of his means obliged him to travel alone, destitute of all the con- veniences of life. He transmitted an account of his journey to the Royal Society of Science at Upsal, and with difficulty pro- cured a trifling sum from that body ; he was more successful in giving private lectures on mineralogy and botany ; and when desirous of visiting Dalecarlia in 1734, he was accompanied by many pupils. One of them, Browall, afterwards bishop of Abo, advised him to endeavour to marry a lady whose wealth m'ight render him independent : he paid his addresses to the daugh- ter of Dr Moraeus, who was considered rich, and, to his great astonishment, as he himself said, it was arranged that their mar- riage should take place in three years, and that he should spend the interval in traveUing. He then proceeded to Holland, where he received the degree of M. D., and became connected with the most distinguished na- turalistsof the age, — Gronovius, Van-Royen, Burman, and Boer- haave : he astonished them by his information, and the ease with which he named the plants which were laid before him. Clif- fort, who had the finest garden in Holland, induced him to live with him in order to procure his assistance in its management, and it was in that magnificent establishment that his ideas re- garding vegetation were enlarged. He there published many important works, Hortus CliffbrtianuSf &c. Assisted by the generosity of his protector, he went to England, where he be- came acquainted with Dillenius. On his return to Holland, at the close of 1736, his reputation was already so great, that the Academie des Curieux de la Nature, on receiving him into their body, conferred on him the title of Dioscorides the Second. His method was already adopted by the botanists of Holland and publicly taught at Leyden. He afterwards travelled to Paris, and formed an acquaintance with the brothers Antony and Bernard Jussieu, where it appears that some attempts were made to induce him to settle ; but he preferred returning to Sweden> and the great difficulty which he experienced in speak- ing foreign languages seems to have affected this resolution in no inconsiderable degree. On his return home he was treated as a stranger, and the per- son who was already considered by one part of Europe as the Prince of Botanists, could not at first either find a chair in the 88 M. Fee's Life of L%nna.us. university, or practice as a physician. He at last obtained, al- most accidentally, a petty place in the school of Mines, and af- terwards was appointed physician to the admiralty : his practice became so great, that it yielded him 9000 crowns per annum. He married ; was appointed joint professor with Walerius, and, placed from that moment in a sphere which was worthy of him, prosecuted the study of natural history with renewed zeal. His Systema NaturcB, of which there were so many editions, at- tracted the attention of Europe. The academies wrangled about his name ; his pupils traversed the world, and sent him their collections. The favours of his sovereign succeeded; he was en- nobled, though it is said that this was owing to his discovery of the generation of pearls in the My a margaritifera ;* he received a pension and estates for himself and his posterity, and he who, in his youth, had been obliged, through poverty, to patch his shoes, found himself in his old age, in consequence of the eclat arising from his distinguished works, in a state of great comfort and high distinction in society. The concluding years of his age were spent in publishing new editions of his works, and many frequent dissertations, in the form of theses, collected under the title of AmcBnitates ; in gi- ving private lessons (often for eight hours a-day) to select pu- pils ; in watching over the interests of the academy and public collections; and in arranging his own herbal. In 1773 he was attacked by a severe angina; in 1774 he was struck, while teaching in the Botanical Garden, with paralysis, which termi- nated in a tertian ague. He ceased writing his own life in 1776 ; his intellectual faculties fell into a state of decay — the more dis- tressing as he was aware of it. His writing became illegible ; he sometimes blended Greek and Latin characters in the same word. At last, he forgot his own name. In this state, the only thing which seemed to revive him was the sight of his col- lections in his country-house at Hammarby. He died on the 10th of January 1778, aged seventy years and seven months. • It was at this period that he received the name of Von Linne, instead of LinncBus, which he had always borne, not with the view of latinizing it, as has been said, but in consequence of its being the correct famUy name. That of Linnte^ which has often been given to him in French, is erroneous, and merely belongs to the plant which has been dedicated to him. M. Fee's Life of' Lihnaus. 89 The second part of M, Fee's work contains extracts from the correspondence of Linnaeus with the naturalists of his own time. It was unusually voluminous ; and Linnaeus himself told the Abbe Duvernoy, that ten persons could not have answered all the letters which were addressed to him. More than a thou- sand of his letters, to one hundred and sixty correspondents, are preserved, almost entirely written in Latin ; the oldest in date is addressed to Rudbeck, his benefactor, 29th July 1731, and the last is to Masson, an English collector of plants, in 1776. They, of course, comprehend a period of forty-five years. It should be observed, that, notwithstanding the intellectual decay of his latter years, the literary life of Linnaeus was longer than that of any other individual. His first work, Hortus Uplandicus,* bears date 1731, and the last, Planta Aphyteia^ 1776, embraces a pe- riod of forty-five years, during which the publications of this indefatigable author rapidly succeeded each other. Of these M. Fee has given a very accurate chronological list. Shortly after the same epoch, Mr Wickstrom, a learned Swedish bota- nist, published in his Conspectus Litteraturce BotaniccB in Sue- cia (one volume 8vo, Holunae 1831), a list and review of the botanical manuscripts of Linnaeus. The portion of M. Fee's work relating to the correspondence of Linnaeus being only of itself an extract, it is unnecessary to notice it; but we must pay more attention to the third part, which contains some curious anecdotes of this eminent person. His connexion with Artedi exhibits him in the most amiable point of view. On arriving at Upsal in 1728, Linnasus made inquiries respecting the student who exhibited the greatest ta- lents,— Artedi was his name ; with whom he soon contracted a very intimate friendship : they laboured together in the differ- ent branches of natural history, and, after a trial of some months, each yielded to the other the departments in which he was supe- rior; Linnaeus to Artedi in Chemistry and Ichthyology, and Ar- tedi to Linnaeus in plants, birds, and insects ; both the friends continued to study together on mineralogy and quadrupeds, in which departments their talents seemed to be equally powerful. • This work is very rare, and is not mentioned either in the Ccdaiogxte of Holier^ nor in the later, and very accurate, Tableau of Wikstrtfm. It is men- tioned here on the authority of M. Fee. 90 M. Fee's Life of Linnaus. This intimacy was interrupted by their travels; they met in Holland in 1735. Linnaeus presented Artedi to Seba, to assist him in the publication of his hirge work, and their meeting re- estabhshed the practice of their early days, in trusting and con- sulting each other in their labours. Unfortunately Artedi fell into a canal in Amsterdam, and was drowned. Linnaeus in- duced Mr ClifFort to purchase his manuscripts, and published, under the name of his friend, the remarkable works which he had left on the classification of fishes. The connexion between Linnaeus and'Dillenius commenced hi a manner which was by no means friendly. This botanist, who, at the appearance of Linnaeus, was doubtless the most able of his age, was distinguished for great minuteness of details, but never seemed to have occupied himself seriously with classifica- tion on a great scale, and, accordingly, ill appreciated that which was truly eminent in the innovations of Linnaeus ; but, on the other hand, was particularly alive to the embarrassment which a new nomenclature introduced into the science. " This is the person zvho will embroil the whole of botany^'' said Diilenius to his friend Sherard, on seeing the debut of Linnaeus. In many respects, however, his prejudices gave way. Linnaeus, during the time he lived in England, and in the course of his corres- pondence, astonished him with his knowledge, and by his ur- banity increased their intimacy Another rival of Linnaeus, who would have been the most dangerous of them all had he closely followed in the same pur- suit, was Haller. This astonishing man, at once poet, physi- cian, anatomist, physiologist and bibliopolist, had very peculiar ideas respecting the natural system, and would have made im- mense improvements had botany been the sole object of his re- $earches. He applied his attention to a very limited subject, the Flora of Switzerland, and he aff'ected the popularity of his work by not adopting the nomenclature of Linnaeus in his classifica- tion, and rejecting the first part, which was excellent, on ac- count of his, antipathy to the second. These celebrated men were on an intimate and confidential footing for a long time, and proved, that notwithstanding the diversity of -their opinions, tliey mutually did jtistice to esach other. A slight misunderstanding. occurred occasionally, owing M. Fee's Life ofLmnaus, 91 to some mutual criticisms : but a kind of quarrel unexpectedly happened between them, in some respects well founded, as Hal- ler was so indiscreet as to publish a few old letters of Linnaeus, containing some private details of his life, and especially of his marriage. It must be said, in justice to Linnaeus, that during his life he completely abstained from answering the critiques, often very caustic, on himself and his writings, either because he despised them, or conceived that he had a more extensive and brilliant object in view; he allowed Siegesbeck, Browall, &c. to pour out the vial of their wrath upon him, and enjoyed in peace the admiration of the age in which he lived. The only petite malice which has been noticed is against Browall, who in his youth was, as to poverty, on a level with himself: he dedicated to him a genus which only contained one species, BrowalUa demissa. Having succeeded to the Bishoprick of Abs, Browall behaved with great hauteur, and Linnaeus named a second species which he had found, BrowaUia exaltata. The bishop, becoming ex- asperated, wrote some severe pamphlets against Linnaeus; he presented him with a third species, not very closely connected with the genus, and called it BrowalUa alienata, M. Fee has been at some trouble to vindicate Linnaeus from a paltry act of which he has been accused towards Buffon. The genus which bears the name of that distinguished natura- list, is written in Linnaeus with a single Jy Bu/bnia, which was done, it is said, with the intention of calling it the plante des crapauds. Ventenat, desirous of exculpating Linnaeus, sayf5 that he gave it this name because the plant grows in moist places, though, on the contrary, it exists on the most barren rocks. The fact is, that it was not Linnaeus who made this fatal orthographical error. The genus had received this name from Sauvages, in his System of Leaves, and with a dedication so highly honourable to Buffon, that it is obvious it was purely a mistake. Linnaeus admitted it without further examination, and was indignant that he could be supposed to condescend to such an aspersion. The error of the public arose from .the circumstance, that many of the names established by Linnaeus bore allusions tO'the persons to whom the genera were dedicated. Thus he named 92 M. Fee's Life of LinncBus, a genus BauMnia, in honour of the ilhistrious brothers Bauhin, all the species of zvhich have leaves consisting of two foliola. Having received another genus from India, collected by sur- geon Dal berg, sent by him to his brother, a banker in Copen- hagen, and transmitted by him to Linneeus, he called it Dal- hergia. One of the species having the fruit pointed, was named the D. lanceolaris, in honour of the surgeon ; the other, ha- ving the fruit rounded, was the D. monetaria, in honour of the banker. The collections of Linnaeus were very considerable, consider- ing the age in which he lived, and his herbarium was the pecu- liar object of his care and affection. He himself mentions, in one of his own notes, the origin of the plants which composed it, and which were obtained from the most distant countries, at a period when voyages were far from being so easily accom- plished or so frequent as at present ; and when the voyagers, too much swayed by the idea that the same plants were to be found in countries of various climates, frequently neglected to collect them. " My herbarium," says Linnaeus, " is indis- putably the greatest that has ever been seen ;"" but although this assertion may not have been very correct (as the herba- riums of Vaillant and Tournefort of the same epoch seemed very considerable), if it is admitted to have been so, it is evi^ dent that this herbarium ought to contain about 8000 speci- mens, for the works of Linnaeus contain in all a description of 7982 plants ; and if he procured some after their publication, it is certain that there are also some mentioned in his works not to be found in his herbarium. The progress which bo- tany made in half a century may be imagined, and chiefly owing to his influence, if we calculate the increase of the exist- ing collections. There are many herbariums which contain 30,000 or 40,000 specimens, and at present there is one em- bracing no less than 55,000 ! Sir J. Smith has sometimes received more specimens in one year than Linnaeus did during his whole life. The globe is explored with an activity which astonishes the imagination ; and it may be justly supposed that, after fifty years, a thousand species will be discovered annually. Although the herbarium of Linnaeus is no longer one of the largest in existence, it is not the less valuable, whether on account M. Fee's Life of Lmnceus, • 93 of the feeling of admiration which is attached to its founder, or because it is the type and basis of the whole of the nomenclature. On the death of Linnaeus, it came into the possession of his son; but he only survived him a couple of years. It is said that his mother, who was very wealthy, wished to dispose of it to ad- vantage ; afraid lest the Swedish Governmeni might be desirous of retaining or purchasing it at a price unequal to its value. She offered it to Sir Joseph Banks. M. Fee states, that the baronet having no intention of purchasing it, mentioned the circumstance to Mr Smith. The anecdote, as I heard it from the lips of this gentleman, redounds to the honour of both, and deserves to be preserved. Mr J. Edward Smith, at that time very young, and a passionate admirer of Linnaeus, showed, in a very lively manner at a public dinner, the value which he put on the herbarium of Linnaeus, and his regret that his whole fortune did not permit him to set apart L. 1000 Sterling, which was demanded for it, the library, and the manuscripts, of this distinguished man. Banks being made aware of his enthusiasm, sent for Smith, engaged him to go over, and offered to lend him a sum of money which would enable him to procure them. The transaction was completed, and, thanks to this generous interference, and the attention of the English consul, the her- barium was sent to England. It is said that the Swedish Go- vernment, irritated at its removal, dispatched a frigate in pur- suit of the vessel which contained it, and this fact has been men- tioned as a mark of distinguished respect to his memory : there is even a portrait of Smith, with a vignette, which represents the frigate in pursuit of the vessel \^ hich bore away the precious herbarium. I regret throwing any doubts on an account so pleasing, and so honourable to science, but I am bound to add, that Sir J. E. Smith told me, that there was not the shghtest grounds for it. We may subjoin in this place, that this learned individual made use of these collections in a manner worthy of their origin. He has published many works in which, in consequence of ha^ ving seen the original specimens, he has smoothed away difficul- ties, which the laconicism of Linnaeus frequently created ; he frequently had the complaisance to clear away the doubts which other naturalists might have had respecting the meaning of the 94 M. Fee's Life of LinnceiLS, writings of Linnaeus ; in short, he has allowed those who were engaged in certain departments to consult this herbarium, and heightened the obligation by the courtesy and kindness with which he conferred it. I cannot remember without emotion the hours which I spent with him, busied in surveying this precious depot, or mention this fact without rendering homage to his memory. On the death of Smith, the Linnean Society of Lon- don, of which he was President, and whose foundation is dated from the acquisition of the herbarium of Linnaeus, obtained the collections of Linnaeus, increased by those of Smith ; which herbariums being deposited in a place dedicated to science, are thus preserved for the future researches of botanists. Having thus extracted both from the work of Mr Fee and our own recollections the most important facts in the life of Lin- naeus, this might perhaps be the place for appreciating his la- bours ; but it would be too extensive an undertaking, and is worthy of a specific work. Let us confine ourselves to the re- mark, that the eminent and indisputable service which he has rendered to natural history, was the creation of a language pe- culiar to it, as well in terminology as in nomenclature. Be- fore his appearance, the former had no precise meaning, and €very person in describing animals, and vegetables especially, -either employed vague terms or a circumlocution which render- ■ed their writings tedious, obscure, and difficult of comparison. Linnaeus fixed the meaning of the terms, and introduced many, especially in botany, which were clear and elegant; he employed this new language with remarkable skill and address, and thus entirely changed the form of every descriptive work. We must certainly admit, that in proportion to the progress made in the detailed knowledge of natural objects, it has become necessary to modify the meaning of some terms and to add others; but this has been done according to the principles of Linnaeus, so that it is not without good reason, that, even at present, there is a disposition to attribute to him all the fortunate additions which have been made to the Linnean language, which has rendered natural history, so clear, so concise, and so popular. The nomenclature of animals, and especially that of plants, was in a greater state of disorder and anarchy and embar- rassment than even terminology. Each name consisted of a M. Fee's Life ofLinnceus. Of long phrase, so that the mere catalogue of a garden became a quarto volume ; and as no individual knew them by heart, they were mentioned loosely and inaccurately. It was Linnseus'^s contrivance to apply to the nomenclature of natural productions the same system which is allowed in that of individuals of the human race ; each animal, each plant, had a generic name which corresponds to our family name, and a specific one which resem- bles our baptismal one. Thus the names became short, clear and precise, they could be retained by the memory, which allows us to expect that they will one day be universally used. These two great basis, the terminology and the nomenclature, being fixed, Linnaeus had the courage to apply them to every department of natural history : he traced the tableau of the three kingdoms according to these principles, and astonished the world both by the variety and accuracy of his knowledge, and the care which he took in the introduction of a crowd of new objects and striking remarks into this vast picture ; he mentioned under each article the ancient names which were not in use, the best figures, and the most certain localities which he could discover. He supported his general works by a mass of interesting an4 original memoirs, in which he explained such points as could not be satisfactorily unfolded in his usual concise manner, &c. Ought we, then, to wonder at the learned world being astonished at such immense works, and at the same time that changes so complete as to forms and terms should embarrass those who had spent their lives in teaching others, and thus divided naturalists into enthusiastic admirers, and sometimes unjust detractors of Linnajus? Having thus considered the form of Linnaeus's works, if we now cast a glance at his classification, we will, in analyzing it, m^t with a curious exemplification of this twofold proposition; some writers admiring what Linnaeus himself regarded as pre- carious and provisionary, and others blaming those parts of his Vt'Orks which are the most deserving of praise. I shall explain what I mean. Linnaeus appears to have been the first natural- ist who clearly comprehended the difference between the natural and the artificial systems ; he was especially, notwithstanding the vivacity of his genius and his desire to sway the whole of science, he, I say, was perfectly aware that the number of ob- 96 M. Fee's Life of LinrnBus. jects known during his time, and the manner in which they were described, did not as yet admit of any attempt at a classi- fication according to the natural system ; he was satisfied with one purely artificial as to practice, and with a few small fractions of the former order for the purposes of study. He has said very plainly, and on many occasions, that the artificial system was temporary, and only useful in finding out the names of plants, &c. ; but the natural one was the legitimate object of science, and that thither all the labours of the natural historian should be directed. He gave private lessons to select pupils, on the natural system, and allowed no opportunity to escape of enabling them to ap- preciate it. But the learned world has, in this respect, commit- ted two blunders, which are singular on account of their incon- sistency ; some, like Buffbn, have censured him severely, because in his sexual system, objects very unlike are often brought to- gether, as if this juxtaposition was not inherent in every artifi- cial method, which can only be compared to a mere dictionary, and as if Linnaeus had not corrected these casual juxtapositions in his fragments on the natural system : others, who are exclu- sively termed Linnoeans, have considered the artificial system as comprehending the whole of the science ; they have taken for a permanent arrangement what their master laid down as tempo- rary, and have abandoned with contempt the examination of the natural system, which Linnaeus declared to be the true end of science : thus, as it were, depreciating their great leader, in or- der to accommodate their narrow conceptions, they are opposed to the principles which he professed, and, in retaining the ex- ternal form of his writings, they have misconceived their mean- ing. Linnaeus is a far greater man than these pretended Lin- naeans would induce us to believe, and I doubt not, that, were he again to appear, he would be their strongest opponent. Truth, moreover, pierces the clouds on all sides; the artificial methods are reduced to their real value, their true sphere, the art of finding names ; and every one is sensible at present, that the natural system, properly understood, is the true expression of the whole science. D. C. ( 97 ) TABLES OF THE SUNN'S MEAN RIGHT ASCENSION. By WlL" LiAM Galbraith, A.M. Communicated hy the Author, The following Tables, adapted to the meridian of Greenwich, have been computed by me, for the purpose of performing a problem, of frequent occurrence in practical astronomy. They are founded on late investigations, are more accurate than any with which I am acquainted, and are applied in the following manner. Let m be the mean solar time at the place of observation, s the corresponding sidereal time, r the mean right ascension of the meridian, equivalent to the mean longitude of the sun, converted into time for the preceding mean noon at the place of observation. a the acceleration of the fixed stars for the sidereal time s — r, from a table for converting sidereal into mean solar time. See XXXI. of my Mathematical Tables. « the acceleration for the mean solar time m, by a table for converting mean solar into sidereal time. Table XXX. of my Mathematical Tables. Then»n = (« — r)— a (I) And « = r + m+« (2) Now, by Tables I. and II. for years, months, and days, find the mean right ascension of the meridian at mean noon on the given day of any pro« posed year, reckoned from the mean equinox. To this apply the equations firom Tables III. and IV., of which the arguments are S3, O, and ]), and the result will be the right ascension reckoned from the apparent equinox. In the Nautical Almanac for 1834, and succeeding years, the sun's right ascension at mean noon will be given, which will facilitate this problem. Example 1. — An eclipse of the first satellite of Jupiter was observed at Greenwich on the 17th January 1825, at 2'' 19"* 49.0* sidereal time by a clock, which was 69M4 fast. Required the corresponding mean solar time ? Sidereal time by the clock, . The error of the clock fast, . Correct sidereal time, VOL. XV. NO. XXIX. — JULY 1833. h m 2 19 8 49.00 59.14 2 18 G 49.86 98 Tables of the Stm's Mean Right Ascension. h m s Year, 1825, Table I. ... 0 3 24.502 Table I. Q, 251 Month, Jan. 10. Table II. ... 19 15 25.553 II. 1 Day, 7 II. ... 27 35.887 II. 1 S3, Lunar Nutation III. ... 1.058 Sum, 253 0, Solar Nutation IV. ... 0.0C2 0 = 297°.5 D, Lunar Equation IV. ... 0.005 ^ = 281 .6 r = 19 46 27.067 s = 2 18 49.860 ,_-r = . , 6 32 22.793 By my Mathematical Tables, XXXI. h m s m 6 0 0 give 0 58.977 32 0 ... 5.242 23 ... 0063 jf_r = 6 32 23 give a=l 4.282 — 1 4.282 »n = mean solar time, 6 31 18.511 Example 2 Suppose the observation had been made at &* 31" 18».511 mean solar time, and the corresponding sidereal time were required, the ope- ration would have been performed as follows : h m s m= 6 31 18.511 r = . • 19 46 27.067 h m s By Mathematical Tables XXX. 6 0 0/- 69.139 31 0 -| 5.092 18.5 I 0.051 s = sidereal time, . . . 2 18 49.860 Since the tables of the sun's mean right ascension are adapted to the meri- dian of Greenwich, a correction must be applied when the computations are made for any other meridian. This correction may be conveniently taken from Table XXX. of my Tables. Example 3 Required the correction necessary to adapt these tables to the meridian of Paramatta, in longitude 10** 4™ 5s E. li m 8 m 8 By Table XXX . . 10 0 0 give 1 38.565 4 0 ... 0.658 5 ... 0.014 Total correction for . . 10 4 5 = — 1 39.237 which is negative or — because the longitude is east. Ex. 4. — Required the correction for Edinburgh, in longitude 12" 42 .5 W. m 8 By Table XXX 12 0 gives 1.972 42.5 ... 0.118 Total correction for .... 12 42.5 = + 2.090 which is additive, because the longitude is west. Tables of the SuiCs Mean Right Ascensiofi. 99 Example 5 August 14. 1830. On the meridian of Paris, in longitude 9" 21*.34 E., at 22^ 22"» 13".4 mean solar time, what was the sidereal time? h m s Year, 1830, Table I. ... 0 2 34.569 S . . 519 Month, Aug. 10. ... II. ... 9 11 16.287 .... 33 Day, 4. ... 15 46.221 .... 1 Long. 9 21.34 E. cor. ... — 1.638 663 Q Lunar Nutation, ... — 0.338 © b 142* O Solar Nutation, ... + 0.076 ]) = 105 }) Lunar Equation, ... + 0.006 r « 9 29 34.283 m s= 22 22 13.400 22 0 0 Table XXX. 3 3&844 22 0 . . « 3.614 13.4 . . . 0.037 « = sidereal time, . . . 7 55 28.178 Example 6.— July 20. 1830. On the meridian of Paris, the sidereal time was 16*» 15™ 408.8 by a clock 198.7 slow, — required the corresponding mean solar time ? h m 8 Sidereal time by clock, . . . . . . 16 15 40.8 Error of clock slow, + 19.7 Correct sidereal time, 16 16 0.5 Year, 1830. Table L . . .02 34.569 S 619 Month, July 20. ... II. . .' 7 48 27.625 . . 30 Sum = 7 51 2.194 649 Correction for longitude 9m 21« E. . — 1.538 O = 117* Difference, 7 51 0.656 ]) =s 129 Q Lunar Nutation, , . . — 0.319 0 Solar Nutation, , . , ^ 0.062 ]) Lunar Equation . . . + 0.013 r «= 7 51 0.412 « s= sidereal time, . . . 16 16 0.600 » — r =:: 8 25 0.088 8 0 0 Table XXXL ra 8 gives 1 18.636 25 0 ... 4.096 » — r = 8 25 0 ... 1 22.732 — 1 22.732 m s= Mean solar time, . . . = 8 23 37.356 These examples are sufficient to show the general method of making the necessary -computations, which are frequently required in an active observa- tory where a sidereal clock is indispensable. NoTB.— In the months of January and February of bissextile years, take the day precedlx^g that given. G 2 100 Tables of the SurCs Mean Right Ascension, Right Ascension of the Mean Sun at Mean Noon on the Meridian of Greenwich. TABLE I. TABLE IL TABLE in. Year. R. A. Q> Month. Day. R.A. 9> 9, Equa. Q> Equa. M. S. H. M. S, s. s. C1800 3 37.627 908 Jan. 0 18 36 0.000 0 0 0.000 500 0.000 1801 2 40.329 961 10 19 15 25.553 1 10 0.068 510 0.065 1802 1 43 031 15 20 19 54 51.107 3 20 0.136 520 a. 129 1803 0 45.732 69 30 20 34 16.660 5 30 0.203 530 0.193 B1804 3 44 989 123 Feb. 0 20 38 13.216 5 40 0.269 540 0.257 1805 2 47.691 176 10 21 17 38.769 6 50 0.334 550 0319 1806 1 50.392 230 20 21 57 4.323 7 60 0.398 560 0.381 1807 0 53.094 284 Mar. 0 22 28 36.766 9 70 0.460 570 0.441 B1808 3 52.351 338 10 23 8 2.319 11 80 0.520 580 0.499 1809 2 55.052 391 20 23 47 27.872 12 90 0.578 590 0.555 1810 1 57.755 445 30 0 26 53.426 13 100 0.634 600 0.610 1811 1 0.456 499 April 0 0 30 49.981 13 110 0.087 610 0.662 B1812 3 59.713 552 10 1 10 15.535 15 120 0.737 620 0.711 1813 3 2.415 606 20 1 49 41.088 16 130 0.784 630 0.758 1814 2 5.116 660 May 0 2 29 6.642 18 140 0.828 640 0.8C3 1815 1 7.818 713 10 3 8 32.195 19 150 0.868 650 0.844 B1816 4 7.075 767 20 3 47 57.749 21 160 0.905 660 0.882 1817 3 9.776 821 30 4 27 23.302 22 170 0.938 670 0.916 1818 2 12.478 875 June 0 4 31 19.858 22 180 0967 680 0.947 1819 1 15.181 928 10 5 10 45.411 24 190 0.992 690 0 975 B1820 4 14.439 982 20 5 50 10.965 25 200 1.014 700 0.999 1821 3 17.140 37 July 0 6 29 36.518 27 210 1.031 710 1.019 1822 2 19.842 90 10 7 9 2.071 28 220 1.044 720 1034 1823 1 22.543 144 20 7 48 27.625 30 230 1.053 730 1.046 B1824 4 21.800 198 30 8 27 53.178 31 240 1.057 740 1.054 1825 3 24-502 251 Aug. 0 8 31 49.734 32 250 1.058 750 1.058 1826 2 27-203 305 & 10 9 11 15.287 33 260 1.057 760 1-054 1827 1 29-905 359 20 9 50 40.841 34 270 1.053 770 1046 B1828 4 29 162 413 30 10 30 6.394 35 280 1.044 780 1.034 1829 3 31 866 466 Sept. 0 10 34 2.950 36 290 1.031 790 1-019 1830 2 34.569 519 10 11 13 28.503 37 300 1014 800 0-999 1831 1 37.270 573 20 11 52 54 057 39 310 0.992 810 0-975 R1832 4 36.527 627 Oct. 0 12 32 19.610 40 320 0.967 820 0-947 1833 3 39.229 681 10 13 11 45.163 42 330 0.938 830 0916 1834 2 41.930 734 20 13 51 10.717 43 340 0.905 840 0-882 1835 1 44.632 788 30 14 30 36.270 44 350 0.868 850 0-844 B1836 4 43.889 842 Nov. 0 14 34 32-826 45 360 0.828 860 0-803 1837 3 46.592 895 10 15 13 58.879 46 370 0.784 870 0-758 1838 2 49.296 949 20 15 53 23. 933 48 380 0.737 880 0-711 1839 1 51.999 3 Dec. 0 16 32 49.486 49 390 0.687 890 0662 B1840 4 51.256 56 10 17 12 15.040 51 400 0634 900 0610 1841 3 53.958 110 20 17 51 40.593 52 410 0578 910 0-555 1842 2 56.659 164 30 18 31 6-147 53 420 0.520 920 0499 1843 B1844 1 59.362 4 58.620 218 272 430 440 0.460 0.398 930 940 0-441 0-381 Day. M. S. 1845 4 1.323 325 1 3 56.555 0 450 0-334 950 0-319 1846 3 4.025 379 2 7 53.111 0 460 0.269 960 0-?57 1847 2 6.727 433 3 11 49.666 0 470 0-203 970 0193 B1848 5 5.985 487 4 15 46.221 480 0-136 980 0129 1849 4 8.687 540 5 19 42.777 490 0.068 990 0-065 1850 3 11.390 594 6 23 39.332 1500 0-000 1000 0 000 1851 2 14.092 648 7 27 35.887 + B1852 5 13.350 701 8 31 32.443 1853 4 16.052 755 9 35 28.998 1854 3 18.755 809 10 39 25.55348 Summary irfihe Rain, Sfc, at Geneva. 101 TABLE IV. Arg. o D Arg. Arg. 100 0 D Arg. 0 —0000+ — aooo4- 360 +0.026— +o!oo4— 260 10 0.026 0.004 350 110 0.049 0.008 250 20 0.049 0.008 340 120 0.067 0.011 240 30 0.067 0.01 1 330 130 0.076 0.013 230 40 0.076 0.013 320 140 0.076 0.013 220 50 0.076 0.013 310 150 0.067 0.011 210 60 0.067 0.011 300 160 0.049 0.008 200 70 0.049 0.008 290 170 0.026 0.004 190 80 —0.026+ —0.004+ 280 180 +0.000— +0.000— 180 90 0.000 0.000 270 SUMMARY OF THE RAIN, &C. AT GENEVA, AND AT THE ELE- VATED STATION OF THE PASS OF GREAT ST BERNARD, FOR A SERIES OF YEARS. FroM the BibHotJieque Universelle for March 1828. with observations on the same. By John Dalton, F.R.S. ■ ^- Geneva is situated in latitude 46° \9! N. and about 6° E. longitude from London ; its elevation is 450 yards above the sea ; its distance from the Atlantic is 360 miles, and from the Mediterranean 160 miles. The high mountains of the Alps form an immense amphitheatre from Geneva, extending more than 100 miles to the eastward. The mountain Great St Bernard is one of the higher Alps, over which is a public road or pass into Italy. It is about sixty miles to the south-east of Geneva. There is an inn or convent at the pass for tlie conve- nience of travellers ; in summer the road is practicable without much danger; in winter it is impassible; in spring and autumn the traveller is oft^n in danger, and sometimes perishes by the sudden and unexpected falls of snow, by the descent of masses of ice and snow from the sides of the mountains, or by extreme cold. The height of the pass above the level of the sea is 2720 yards, which is between two and three times the height of Snowdon. The scientific gentlemen of Geneva have very laudably availed themselves of the opportunity which the situation at St Bernard afforded them, of ascertaining the meteorological phenomena at 103 Summary of the Rain, ^c. at Geneva, the latter place. A series of daily observations of the barometer, thermometer, hygrometer, quantity of rain, &c. at the convent, has been made for the last ten years ; and a summary of the ob- servations was given in the Bibliotheque Universelle for March last, together with those of the like kind made at Geneva for thirty-two years. The observations at Geneva do not appear to present any thing of peculiar interest. The annual means and the general means for the period of thirty-two years are all that are given in the summary; the mean temperature is 49 1°: this is low considering the latitude, but the elevation of the place, its inland situation, and its proximity to the Alps, conspire to reduce the temperature. The annual rain is 30.7 inches (English measure). The observations on St Bernard are given much more in de- tail. The monthly means for each year are given, and the ave- rages for each month, for the barometer, thermometer, hygro- meter, and rain ; from which general averages for the whole ten years are obtained. It appears that the mean height of the barometer at St Ber- nard is nearly 22 English inches ; the mean temperature is SOJ" Fahrenheit ; the mean quantity of rain and snow is 60 inches annually; and the mean state of the hygrometer (Saussure's) is 83 1°, only half of a degree more moist than at Geneva. From the accounts furnished, 1 have calculated the mean monthly averages of rain at St Bernard for twelve years *, and find them as under : Ra&r, January, .... 5.95 April . . . . . 5.65 May, 2.76 July? : : : : : tie ^ ^^^'^- August, . . . . 4.31 September, . . . . 4.79 Sretber. : ! ! ! Jf l" ^--ge period. December, .... 5.42 60.05 • Since the paper was read, I have incorporated two more years' rain, namely 1828 and 1829, into the averages for St Bernard; so that the table here presented is for twelve years. and at the Pass of Great St Bernard. 103 The most striking circumstance with regard to the rain is the great excess of it, compared with that at Geneva. Though the average rain at Geneva for the thirty-two years was SO inches annually, yet the average quantity for the same ten years as those which were observed at St Bernard was only 26 inches annually ; so that the rain at St Bernard is nearly two and a half times as much as that at Geneva. From the observations made in great Britain, it appears to be an established fact that more rain falls in the hilly parts of the country than the plains ; but it also appears, that the quantity of rain in a low situation, is greater than that in an elevated situation in the vicinity. Hence it might have been imagined, that the great elevation of St Bernard would reduce the quantity of rain below that of the plain of Geneva. The fact, however, appears to be far other- wise ; and it may demand a little consideration. High mountains produce rain, I think, unquestionably from their obstructing the horizontal currents of the air, and causing them to ascend into the higher regions of the atmosphere, by which airs of dif- ferent temperatures are mixed together. Now, it is well known, that two portions of air, saturated with vapour at their respec- tive temperatures, when mixed together, are incapable of retain- ing the whole of the vapour ; a part of it is precipitated in the form of a cloud or rain. This is the case, too, if the portions of air be under saturation, within certain limits. The physical principles on which the above statement is sup- ported, are, 1*^, When two portions of air of different tempera- tures are mixed, the temperature of the mixture is the arithme- tical mean of the two temperatures,, ^d, When two portions of air saturated with vapour are mixed together, the quantity of the vapour found in the mixture must also be the arithmetical mean of the quantities found in each ; but it is only a quantity proportional to the geometrical mean that can be supported in the state of vapour, by the mean temperature; and as the geo- metrical mean is always less than the arithmetical mean, the ex- cess must needs be precipitated. This accounts for more rain falling in mountainous countries than in plains ; but the question at present is. How does it hap- pen that more falls on great elevations amongst the Alps tlwin on the plains below ? 104 Summary of the Rain^ ^c. at Geneva. To this it may be answered, that the pass on St Bernard is not the highest point of land in the vicinity, but rather the lowest, at least of the ridge over which the road passes. Hence the fall of rain, even in that elevated station, is still under the influence of superior currents of air over the higher summits, and may still exceed in quantity what falls on the distant plains. The quantity of rain which falls at the Jbot of the mountain, either on the Swiss or Italian side, I have little doubt, will be found to be still greater than that which falls at the Hospital, as related above. It would be very desirable, however, to ascer- tain the fact ; and more especially on the side of Italy, where the greatest quantity may be expected from the west winds. How far a ridge of hills extends its influence over a plain, in regard to the weight of water precipitated, it is not easy to form a decided opinion. It can scarcely be doubted, that the greatest influence will be confined to two or three miles from the ridge ; but some influence may be found, in all probability, at the dis- tance of ten or even twenty miles or more, according to the greater or less elevation of the mountains. It is a matter of curious observation, that the falls at St Ber- nard for the four first months of the year, are all greater than for any other months, and that the falls for the next four months are all less than for any other, thus leaving the four last months to yield about the average monthly quantity. A series of twelve years can scarcely leave a doubt as to the general ac- curacy of the fact. Possibly there may be some uncertainty as to the quantity in regard to the snow ; the observers estimate one foot in depth to be equa^ to one inch in depth of rain ; and the weight of the falls for six or eight months in the year is snow. Remark on the Barometrical Observations at St Bernard, The author of the summary in the Bibliotheque Universelle, remarks, with surprise, that the barometer at St Bernard gives the highest mean for August, and the hottest months, and the lowest in the coldest months. This observation must have been made without due reflection, as the cause is evident ; the stra- tum of air from the height of St Bernard to the surface of the earth must be lighter in summer than winter, on account of the Mr Grierson on Competitions among Tradesmen. 105 higher temperature; consequently, the superior atmosphere must then be heavier, the sum of both being considered a constant quantity in summer and winter. — Manchester Memoirs, vol. v. p. 233. •! OBSERVATIONS ON COMPETITIONS AMONG WORKING TRADES- MEN. By William Griebson, Esq. of Garrock, W. S. Member of the Society of Arts, Abridged from a Paper read before the Society lOth April 1833, and by their Com^ mittee recommended to be printed. All of the useful arts admit of two distinct kinds of im- provement. The one is by new inventions, the other by ren- dering workmen more expert. The encouragement of invention has long been a favourite object with the public, and every one is also sensible of the im- portance of having operative tradesmen properly instructed ; yet hardly any thing has ever been done towards attaining this last end, however desirable. Indeed, if we except the case of ploughmen, scarcely one class of the members who are employed in providing us with the necessaries of life, have ever had the stimulus of a prize for superior excellence held out to them, though there is not one among them to whom it might not be applied with perfect ease, and with incalculable effect. However varied and complicated a man's employment may be, a very few simple operations will suffice to shew his merits. Thus from the formation of a mortice and tenon, from the con- struction of a pannelled door, from the fitting of a drawer, the jointing of the leaf of a table, and one or two other such works, a perfect idea may be formed of the qualifications of all the va- rious denominations of square-men, in every stage of their pro- gress. Each of these works might accordingly be assigned to a separate class of competitors, as the test of their advancement ; and in every other trade a similar selection might be made, adapted to the various degrees of |)roficiency of its members. By these means some object of ambition might be placed within the reach of the youngest apprentice, while the most expert workman would not find himself without rivals ; and to pre- 106 Mr Grierson on Competitions amofiff Tradesmen* serve his pre-eminence, would be compelled to continue his exertions. The details of such a system must of course be left to prac- tical men ; but there are one or two general principles which appear to apply universally, and which, indeed, seem quite ne- cessary to the success of any attempt of the kind. 1. No class should be so large as not to afford a fair chance of success to every individual comprised in it ; but, that superior merit may obtain a corresponding distinction, the successful competitors in the first class should be brought again into competition with one another for an additional prize, just as in a coursing match. 2. That every one may know with whom he is to contend, the name of each competitor should be entered in a public list, a considerable time before the day of trial. S. The work by which the merit of each class is to be ascertained, should, as far as possible, be executed in the same place, and at the same time, both to insure that no one shall produce any thing but what he has himself executed, and also for the purpose of com- paring the different modes of doing the same thing, practised by different workmen. 4. That the competitors may have com- plete assurance of perfect impartiality, they ought, in every case, to have the choice of their own judges. 5. It maybe mentioned, in the last place, that books appear by far the best prizes that can be given, both on account of the valuable infor- mation which may be thus communicated, and also because a suitable inscription can be put upon them at no expense. These principles of competition have already been tried with great success by the Glenkens Society, an institution which was formed about two years ago in a retired district of the stewartry of Kirkcudbright, for a similar purpose with that now under consideration ; and there can be no doubt that competitions thus conducted, would be still more beneficial under the in- fluence of the condensed population of a large town. It has long been a very general complaint among masters, that they find it next to impossible to fix the attention of their apprentices : that even their journeymen can hardly be pre- vailed upon to take an interest in their work beyond what is necessary to provide themselves with bread, and that the idle hours of both are grossly misspent. Indeed, so long as their ut- Mr Grierson on Coinpetitions among Tradesmen. 107 most dexterity and skill can do so little towards raising them into public notice, we can hardly wonder that their work should hang heavy on their hands, and that their relaxations should be of a kind of which we cannot approve. But were a ladder af- forded to a working tradesman^ by which he might raise him- self step by step from his obscurity, to such a station as his ta- lents and acquirements enable him to fill with credit to himself and benefit to the public ; and were it made plain to him that, whatever step he may at present occupy on this ladder, no great exertion would be required to gain one step higher, there cannot be a doubt that the emulation which has, by similar means, been excited among ploughmen, would be excited in him also, and in a much greater degree. The ordinary occu- pations of the workshop would become interesting to him as pre- parations for his public exhibitions ; and the time during which he is not thus engaged, would be employed by him in gaining some acquaintance with such branches of science as may be con- nected with his trade. This would unquestionably be the ef- fect of these competitions on all the ablest men among these classes ; and as it is from them that the whole take their tone, their example would be speedily followed. The community at large would become industrious and economical, and men who now sink through all the gradations of idleness and want, till they end in crime, would become active and useful members of society. This would necessarily produce no inconsiderable diminution on the number of paupers, while it would at the same time tend to lessen the expense of all the necessaries of life. Every hand being improved to the utmost, and employed in the best pos- sible way, would be rendered proportionally more productive, and as the most important inventions have almost all been made by working tradesmen, a very rapid addition to them might be confidently anticipated, from the prodigious force of talent thus brought into operation, which is at present altogether dor- mant- To these considerations it must be added, that the proposed competitions would do much towards re-establishing the connec-. tion between the higher and lower classes, which, of late years, has been almost entirely done away, very much to the injury of 108 Mr Grierson 07* Competitions among Tradesmen. both. Indeed, however anxious a rich man may now be to make himself useful to his poorer neighbours, he has it not in his power. He comes seldom into contact with any of them, but such as have already reduced themselves to beggary by idleness and dissipation, and, finding ariy thing he may give them to be worse than thrown away, he either abstains from charity altoge- ther, or commits his contributions to some of the benevolent so- cieties with which this country abounds. By them he is sure that his donations will be judiciously administered ; but, when thus made, they will do nothing towards securing him a place in the affections of the persons relieved, who, being unacquaint- ed with their benefactor, cannot, of course, make to him any return of gratitude. But were the stamp of merit fixed on the really deserving by these competitions, a class of persons would be offered to the notice of the higher ranks, who would be every way deserving of their countenance. To them it would be given willingly and liberally. It would not fail to produce corresponding feelings of attachment and respect, and the va- rious ranks would thus gradually become bound together by all those sympathies which enhance the joys and soothe the sorrows of life. SOME ACCOUNT OF THE NORTHERN LIGHT-HOUSES. *' Pharos loquitur, ** Far in the bosom of the deep O'er these wild shelves my watch I keep, A ruddy gem of changeful light, Bound in the dusky brow of night. The seaman bids my lustre hail, And scorns to strike his timorous sail *." From the important nature of the experiments and trials late- ly made with various lights at Gullan Hill, 12 miles east from Edinburgh, by order of the Commissioners of the Northern Light-houses, which we saw from the Calton-Hill, we have been led to a perusal of Stevenson'*s splendid and interesting work, entitled " Account of the Bell Rock Light-house,*^' for informa- • Lines written by Sir Walter Scott in the Album of the Bell Rock Light-house, when he visited it in 1814. Some Account of the Northern Light-houses. 109 tion with regard to the Light-house Board, and its extensive operations ; and we have also sought information from other authentic sources. After adverting to the early state of navigation, the voyage of James V. round the north of Scotland, and the early charts of the coast, the subject of a Scottish Light-house Board is men- tioned by Mr Stevenson as having originated with the Con- vention of Royal Burghs, and its constitution by act of Par- liament he refers to the year 1786. The Board consists of his Majesty's Advocate and Solicitor-General, the Chief Magis- trates of the principal burghs, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aber- deen, Inverness and Campbelton, and the Sheriffs or Judges Ordinary of maritime counties. When we look at the extent to which the operations of this Board have been carried, it is not a little surprising to remark, that the preamble of the original act states, " that it would conduce greatly to the security of navigation and the fisheries, ii Jour light-houses were erected in the north part of Great Britain."" Such, it would seem, was the limited state of trade about fifty years ago in Scotland, that the erection oi Jour light-houses was all that was contemplated at that time, although the coast, extending to about 2000 miles of circuit, is perhaps the most dangerous of any in Europe. But no sooner were these four lights exhibited to the mariner, than the facilities which they afforded to navigation were cheerfully acknowledged, and applications were received from the shipping interest of the country for the erection of others ; and now, in 1833, there are twenty-five lights on our coast, including double or leading lights. The funds of this Board arise from a duty of 2d. per register ton on all vessels passing any of them. In addition to this, the trade of the Frith of Forth formerly paid three half- pence per ton for the Isle of May light, by a Scotch act, to the family of Scotstarvit ; but when this light, by act of Parliament, became one of the Board's lights, the additional duty of three halfpence was reduced to one halfpenny per ton, and the odious distinction of making English and Irish vessels pay double, as foreigners, ceased. Vessels also may now pass the three lights of the Isle of Man, belonging to the Scotch Board, by paying the small sura of one farthing per ton, which was considered to be sufficient by the Board, on account of the great traffic 3 110 Some Account of the Northern Light-houses. in the Irish sea with Liverpool and Dublin, &c. ; but if, from the nature of their voyage, they incur the general duty of the Northern Lights, they pay nothing exclusively for the Isle of Man. These we believe to be all the peculiarities of the duties payable for the Northern Lights, and they are certainly of a very liberal description. After making allowance for some change in the rate of the duties, the sum annually collected for these lights forms a striking proof of the advanced state of the trade of the country. In 1790, it was L. 1477 : 5 : 1; in the year 1802, L. 4386 : 7 : 5 ; and, in 1824, it amounted to L. 24,000 : the debt of the Board at this time being L. 60,000, and the yearly expence of management about L.900. Having noticed these particulars, we now proceed to detail the operations of the Northern Lights Board, and our narra- tive will convincingly shew, that the country was never more for- tunate in the appointment of a public board. At the first meeting of the Commissioners, held in the month of August 1786, Sir James Hunter Blair, then Lord Provost of Edinburgh, and Member of Parhament for the city, was elected Chairman*. At this period, the chief lights on the coast of Scotland were the Isle of May in the Frith of Forth, and the C umbrae Isle in the Frith of Clyde ; and at both of these stations open coal fires, placed in elevated choffers, were exhibited to the mariner. Sir James stated to the meeting, that after corresponding with the Port of Liverpool, where reflectors with oil had been substituted for the open coal fire, he recommended that this system should at once be adopted by the Board. The plan brought forward by the late Mr Thomas Smith, engineer to the Board, being approved of, the works were ordered to be proceeded with, by the erection of the four light-houses referred to in the act. " These works,*" we are told, were " necessarily executed on the smallest, plainest, and most simple plan that could be devised, and with such materials as could be easily transported, and most speedily erect > ed, so as to meet the urgent calls of shipping, and answer the very limited state of the funds."*' By the year 1794, in addition to the four original northern lighthouses, two had been erected on the island of Pladda in the Clyde, and two on the Pentland * The only Member present at the first Board who still survives, is Sir William Macleod Bannatyne, lately one of the Lords of Session, and then Sheriff of Bute. Some Account of the Northern Light-liouses. Ill Skerries in Orkney ; being additional to the four sanctioned by the Act. About the year 1800, the funds of the Board were getting into a more flourishing state, its operations were conducted upon a more extended scale, and other two light-houses were erected, one upon Inchkeith in the Frith of Forth, and another on the Start Point of Sanday in Orkney. The Commissioners were now also in a condition to listen to applications for a light upon the fatal reef called the Bell Rock, which lies twelve miles off the shore, in the direct track of navigation, and was much dread- ed by the mariner as the source of the greatest danger on the eastern coast of Scotland. It has been calculated, that not a year passed without the loss of several vessels, either upon the Bell Rock'or in consequence of the dread of it ; but since the light- house was erected, not a single wreck has occurred on the rock^ and comparatively few upon that line of coast. Hitherto the accommodation at the light-houses was only cal- culated for one family, but it was now resolved to have two ef- fective light-keepers. The change of the watch, and other as- sistance for the light-keepers, had heretofore depended upon the family of the light-keeper. Over these, however, the Board could have no control. The keeper might be single or mar- ried ; his wife, children or servant might be unfit for the duty ; and in case of sickness or death in these insular and remote si- tuations, the consequences to a fleet of ships whose course de- pended upon the regular appearance of the light might be dread- ful. On the whole, the Board properly resolved that there should be two responsible persons, a principal and an assistant keeper, at each station, who should mount guard throughout the night, as on ship-board. So specially is this now attended to, that the keeper is liable to immediate dismissal if he leave the light-room before being regularly relieved by his colleague ; and for secu- ring order and regularity in this respect, a time-piece is placed in each hght-room, and bells are hung in the bed-rooms of the dwelling-houses. At some of the stations, instead of slender wires, these bells are connected by tubes leading down the walls of those lofty towers, with a mouth-piece in the light-room, into which the man on watch blows, and immediately the alarm-bell is sounded, which arouses the keeper below to mount guard. We have been more particular in noticing this, both on account of the science displayed in the apparatus, and also as a proof of llJE Some Account of the Northern Light-houses, the importance attached by the Board to the unremitting con- stancy of the watch, and of its regard for that punctuality which we believe regulates all the details of this establishment. The dwelling-houses now constructed are calculated for the accommodation of two families. The walls are lined with brick instead of laths, and a space of two and a-half inches is left be- tween to render them water-tight. They are covered with a leaden-platform, defended by a parapet-wall, instead of a slated roof with garrets. The slated roof was found constantly liable to injury from high winds, in situations exposed, as the Light- houses generally are, to the rage of every storm, and not unfre- quently to the sprays of the sea, even in situations much above its level. Formerly, when the attic apartments were occupied, the premises became liable to accident by fire. The early light- rooms were chiefly constructed of timber, lined with fire proof plates ; now they are built wholly of incombustible materials. The dormant sides, should there be any in the light-room, are made double, with a space between, to prevent the effects of condensation and moisture. For the same reason, its cupola- roof consists of two shells of copper. The windows are now glazed with polished plate-glass, each pane measuring about 18 by 30 inches, and a quarter of an inch in thickness, instead of the common sash -panes of crown glass, formerly in use, which, from the number of interposing astragals, obstructed the passage of the light. The reflectors originally employed were casts in plaster of Paris, from a mould formed to the parabolic curve, upon prin- ciples susceptible of considerable accuracy, and were lined with facetles of mirror-glass. The power of these reflectors, however, was comparatively small, from the reflecting surface being com- posed of numerous pieces, in each of which only one point coincided with the curve of the parabola. This description of reflector was, at the time of its introduction, brought under the notice of the late eminent Professor Robison, who expressed a doubt that, from the nature of the parabola, the beam of light from the reflector would be too direct to be generally useful to the mariner. But in practice they were found to be sufficiently dispersive. The Trinity House having been at great pains to improve the reflecting apparatus on the coast of England, with the advice Some Account of' the Northern Light-Iiotises. 113 and assistance of persons eminent in science, adopted parabolic reflectors made of silvered copper; and these, from their supe- rior effects, have ultimately been introduced into all the light- houses of the United Kingdom. The reflectors which have for many years been employed in the Northern Light-houses consist of copper coated with silver, in the proportion of six ounces of silver to one pound avoirdupois of copper, which are rolled at the mills of Messrs Bolton and Watt, and, with much la- bour and great nicety, by a process of hammering and polish- ing, formed to the parabolic curve of a mould made with ma- thematical precision. The diagram for the Bell Rock reflectors was drawn by Professor Leshe, and the mould was made by Mr Adie the optician. The powers of this elegant production of the mechanical art are quite astonishing ; and when these re- flectors were examined by the late Professor Playfair, he ex- pressed his unqualified admiration of the accuracy with which the curve was formed. If, for a moment, we compare the highly polished and regularly curved surface of the silvered copper re- flector with the few corresponding points of the parabola formed hy Jacettes of glass, the superiority of the former seems to be quite infinite. But what can be more authoritative than the fact that their influence completely extends to the horizon form- ed by the height of the light-house tower and the earth's cur- vature ? The lights, for example, of Sumburgh Head and Cape Wrath are seen from a ship's deck at the distance of nine leagues at sea. Both the light of the natural appearance and that which is coloured red at the Bell Rock are seen at the distance of thirty-five miles from an elevated situation. Ob- servations have also been made across the Frith of Clyde from Wigtonshire to the ]\lull of Kintyre, a distance of thirty miles, from which Corsewell hght is seen, though it presents only three reflectors to the eye of the observer ; and Inchkeith light, with only one reflector upon a face, is seen as a good sea-light at the distance of twelve or fourteen miles. In the early state of the Northern Light-houses, whale-oil and the common lamp were in use ; but, in their improved condition, spermaceti oil and the Argand lamp have been introduced. We believe it has been proposed by some to introduce oil-gas in a portable form for hght-house purposes; but we take leave VOL. XV. NO. XXIX. JULY 1833. H 114 Some Account qfilie Northern Light-houses, to say that there is no mode of producing oU-gas either so effec- tive or so economical as by means of the Argand burner. The same arguments which hold good for the use of gas for domestic purposes do not apply to light-houses. Here there is a com- plete arrangement, — the keepers are professionally adepts in the management of lamps, and should a drop of oil be spilt, the floor is covered with painted floor-cloth to receive it. Nor must we omit to notice the great attention paid to the construction of the Argand light-house burners: they are tipped with silver, to prevent the waste and imperfection to which copper is subject from the excessive heat of the burner *. In speaking of the humane and proper arrangements of the Light-house Board, we may notice that a pilots' guard-room is provided at the several light-house stations, where these useful men have their rendezvous. In the event also of shipwreck near any of the light-house stations, the unfortunate seamen are not only lodged, but have been supplied with clothes and money to carry them to their respective .homes. In this way it has occa- sionally fallen to the lot of the keepers of the Northern Light- houses to save the lives of perishing seamen, and not unfrequently to succour exhausted fishermen and pilots when driven by stress of weather to these lone places of abode for safety and shelter. In these varied forms, it will not be too much to suppose that the practice of protecting the navigator in distress, which is said to have formed a chief part of the design of the Fire Towers and Nautical Colleges of the Ancients, is thus in some measure restored. In our account of the progress of improvements upon the lights of the Scotch coast, it is not perhaps necessary for us to do more than simply to have mentioned the great undertaking of the Bell Rock Light-house, the details of which occupy the large volume now before us. This is a structure, the erection of which should ever be coupled with the highest eulogium on the Commissioners of the Northern Light-houses, for their pub- lic spirit and patriotic energies, and which will be a lasting mo- nument of fame to all who were in any way engaged in its exe- cution. Like the Eddystone, it is built upon a sunk rock twelve miles at sea ; but it may be noticed as a difference in the situa- • May we not hence conclude, that the silver lamps of the Jewish Temple were substantially for use as well as ornament ? Some Account of the Northern Light-houses. 115 tion of these celebrated edifices, that while the water rises in spring-tides about twelve feet over the Bell Rock, the top of the Eddystone rock is never entirely covered by the tide. Mr Stevenson, however, taking a liberal view of the subject, con- cludes, that, from the smallness of the Eddystone rock, the diffi- culties experienced by Mr Smeaton were even greater than his own in the erection of the Bell Rock Light-house. The execu- tion of this last work occupied about four years ; but such were the difficulties anticipated, that the arrangements of the work- yard, &c. were made upon a scale of seven years' duration. The cost was L. 61,331 : 9 : 2, toward which Government, at five per cent interest, lent the sum of L. 30,000. But the Board did not yet rest upon its oars ; it completed an important transac- tion with the heirs of the Scotstarvit family, and, under the sanc- tion of Government, paid L. 60,000 as a compensation for the light-duties of the Isle of May, by which (as already men- tioned), the trade was relieved of the heavy duty of three-half- pence per ton, and the toll reduced to one halfpenny. Upon completing this transaction, measures were immediately taken for the erection of a new light-house, with all the modern improve- ments, and the old tower was converted into a pilot's guard- room. The new light was exhibited upon the 1st of February 1816, and upon the same night the open coal fire was extin- guished, after having been continued one hundred and eighty- one years. From the celebrity of the works of the Northern Lights' Commission, and the confidence reposed in that Board, the trade of Liverpool applied to it to erect light-houses upon the Isle of Man for the protection of their shipping in the Irish sea. An act of Parliament was accordingly procured; and three light-houses were erected, two upon the Calf of Man and one at the Point of Ayre. The attention of the Board was next directed to the Shetland Islands, where a light-house was placed upon the lofty pinnacle of Sumburgh Head, forming the southern extremity of that group of islands. It may here be proper to notice, that no ad- ditional duty is levied for any new light-houses erected by the Board on the coast of Scotland, the whole being now maintained from the surplus duties. Since 1821, when the fight of Sum- burgh was exhibited, lights have been erected upon the Island of H 2 116 Some Account of tJte Northern Light-houses. Islay, Buchanness, Tarbetness, Mull of Galloway, Cape Wrathy Dunnet Head, Bara Head, Girdleness, and Lismore. Some of these stations form the principal forelands of the coast, and their erection has been attended with very considerable expense, from the difficulties of access both by sea and land. At Cape Wrath, for example, landing-places had to be formed, and 10 miles of road to be made, chiefly through a deep morass. Till of late when this district became the property of the Duke of Suther- land, the light-house was about 70 miles from a post-office; but there is now a post established at the small hamlet of Durness, about 12 miles from Cape Wrath. Bara-head station, however, forming the southern termination of the Lewis, Harris, and Bara Isles, is exposed to still greater difficulties in this respect than Cape Wrath, even in its former state. The light-house stores and coal, where peat-fuel cannot be had, for the use of the light- keepers, are carried by the general Light-house Tender of 140 tons, assisted by the Pharos Bell Rock Tender of 50 tons, be- longing to the Board. In these vessels the visiting officers and artificers for repairs are also transported to the several stations ; and the engineer makes his inspection in the former vessel, ac- companied occasionally by some of the members of the Board. It is part of the arrangement in conducting this system, that the light-keepers, agreeably to printed forms, make monthly re- turns, containing in particular the quantity of oil nightly used, the precise moment of hghting and extinguishing the lights, the order in which the respective keepers mount watch, the prevail- ing state of the weather, the height of the barometer and ther- mometer, and state of the rain-gauge, with which instruments each station is supplied. As the keepers at the Bell Rock have rations of provisions, their returns, which will be seen at page 433 of the Account of the Bell Rock Light-house, are necessarily more complicated than at ordinary stations. The keepers are also furnished with Shipwreck-returns, as at page 436, which are filled up and dispatched to the engineer in case of ship- wreck in the neighbourhood. They state the circumstances at- tending any shipwreck, and have been occasionally called for at Lloyd's. The Light-house Board has also a report from the coast-guard, and the cruisers, in the event of any defect being observed in the appearance of the lights as seen at sea. Upon the whole, the completely effective state of the Northern Lights, Some Account of the Northern Light-houses. 117 and the regular system of the Board, are most satisfactorily esta- blished. With regard to the characteristic appearance of the Northern Lights, they may be classed as stationary/, revolving; flashing, and intermittent lights. In the first, as its name implies, the light has a steady and uniform appearance, and the reflectors are ranged in circular zones upon a chandelier or piece of iron frame-work, which is either supported upon a pedestal, or sus- pended by truss-work from the roof of the light-room. The revolving light consists of a frame built upon a perpendicular shaft, and the reflectors are ranged on perpendicular planes or faces, which are made to revolve in periodic times, by means of a train of machinery kept in motion by a weight. When one of those illuminated planes or faces is brought round toward the eye of the observer, the light gradually increases to full strength, and again diminishes in the same gradual manner. When, on the contrary, the angle between two of these faces comes round, the observer is in darkness. By these alternate changes, the characteristic of the light-house is as distinctly marked to the eye of the mariner as the opposite extremes of light and dark- ness can make it. The flashi^ig light is a modification of the revolving light, and is practically a beautiful example of the infinite celerity of the passage of light. The reflectors are here also ranged upon a frame, with faces which are made to revolve with considerable rapidity ; and the light thus emerging from a partial state of darkness, exhibits a momentary flash, resembling a star of the first magnitude, and thereby produces a very striking effect. The King of the Netherlands having applied to the Light-house Board for a description of this light, as ap- plicable to some part of the coast of Holland, was graciously pleased, on receiving it, along with a copy of the book now be- fore us, to present the Engineer of the Board with a massive gold medal, bearing his Majesty's effigy, with a suitable inscrip- tion upon the reverse. Similar applications with regard to the flashing light have been more recently made from other quar- ters. The intermittent light suddenly appears like a star of the first magnitude, and contmues as a stationary light a minute and a half, when it is as suddenly eclipsed for half a minute, and, by this simple arrangement, a strongly marked distinction in the lights of the coast is introduced. This is accomplished by 118 Some Account of the Northern Light-houses. the perpendicular motion of shades before the lights. A variety of all these lights is introduced by interposing before the re- flectors plates of red glass, which produce the beautiful red light alluded to in the lines of Sir Walter Scott, when he notices the " ruddy gem of changeful light.*" Nothing, in our opinion, can exceed the marked and charac- teristic description of the appearance of the several lights allud- ed to. It would be most hazardous to tamper with such a sys- tem, or to adopt speculative alterations. The French, it is be- lieved, are attempting to distinguish their lights by classing them in orders according to the intensity and duration of the light, as described by M. De Rossel, Amiral de France. But we con- fess we are at a loss to conceive how such a system can be mo- dified to the various atmospheric changes to which a French or even an Italian sky is subject ; and still less is it possible that the distinctions can be sufficiently obvious to observers at diffe- rent distances. We fear there is more of theory than practice in this projected system. In concluding the notice of the works of the Northern Lights' Board, we cannot help observing the proof which they afford of the rapid extent and importance of the shipping interest of the united kingdom. According to the circumscribed scale of the original light-house act for Scotland, only four stations were contem- plated, leaving an immense hiatus between each, and it is sur- prising to think that in half a century there are now twenty-two stations, the distances between which are so modified, that, with the erection of two or three additional light-houses, vessels may go round the mainland of Scotland, from the Frith of Forth to the Frith of Clyde, with a light always in view. One of the lights still wanted, and which is recognised in the act of Parlia- ment, is for the rock Skerry-vore, which lies far at sea, between the Islar\^s of Tyree and lona, in the direct line between Bara Head and Islay, and forms the seaward termination of a great mass of foul ground on the coast of Argyleshire ; which is highly dangerous to West Indiamen falling in with the land. Two or three lights on a small scale are also wanted for the Sounds of Islay, Mull, and Skye; and the Shetland Islands require at least another light, to complete the entire district of the Commis- sioners of the Northern Light-houses. The clause in the Light- house Act will then come into operation, which provides, that Some Account ofi}ie Northern LigfU housea. 119 when a sufficient number of lights shall have been erected on the coast, and an adequate sum provided for their maintenance, the duty is ultimately to cease. There is perhaps nothing which more strongly marks that elevation of mind and character which one would expect from the Northern Lights Board, constituted as it is of men of edu- cation and habits of business, than its assiduous attention to the improvement of the lights of the coast. This, we think, is suf- ficiently manifest in the change made from open coal-li res to glazed light-rooms, with reflectors. Nor do they seem to be at all stationary in this respect : their engineer has lately visited the coast of France, and brought with him a new lens appa- ratus from Paris. The Board has farther procured an ap- paratus from London, for the exhibition of the lime-ball light, with oxygen and hydrogen gases, as employed by Lieutenant Drummond. In order to enable the engineer to try these and other experiments which he has in view more fully than could be done at his temporary observatory near Inchkeith Light- house, the Board have not only extended his apparatus, but also the means of applying it, by the erection of three light-room cabins on Gullan Hill, a place admirably adapted for such a purpose, and affording such practical opportunities of trial as to prevent all danger of being misled by theoretical hypotheses. This splendid apparatus, after much "detention from various causes, to which it would here be out of place to allude, was ready for exhibition in the month of February last, and its ex- hibition was continued till the day had lengthened out too much for such observations. We shall, however, mention the results as far as the experiments have been proceeded in, and we hope hereafter to be able to give further details, as we understand they will again be resumed next winter. We have already noticed that the light-houses are now fur- nished with reflectors of silvered copper, raised to moulds made with accuracy to a parabolic curve, whose focal distance is 4 inches. These reflectors measure over the tips 21 inches as ap- plicable to stationary^ and 25 inches for revolving lights, and are illuminated by means of Argand burners, with an effect, which we may safely say is not surpassed on any coast in Europe. In the much neglected state of the coast of France during the long 120 Some Account of the Northern Light-houses. ni^ht of terror, when its commerce was ruined, and its ships were disabled, even if we did not know the fact, we should con- clude that it was unlikely that any attention would be paid to the improvementof the French light-houses. Accordingly, only about ten or twelve years since, when the Corps Royal des Pouts et Chaussees, et des Mines, under which the light-houses and har- bours of France are placed, began to improve their lights, they resolved upon laying aside the very imperfect and insignificant reflectors then in use. They adopted a modification of the fa- mous Buffon's burning-glass, as prepared by the late celebrated M. Fresnel, and which we believe to be similar or identical with the burning-glass of Dr (now Sir David) Brewster, who, in 1811 or 1812, had described a lens of this description, in the Edinburgh Encyclopaedia. In the application of this instrument to light-houses, Fresnel, with that liberality of character which greatly endeared him to all who knew him, disclaims any merit as the first who had suggested its application to light-house pur- poses. Such a proposal had been made by an optician of Lon- don to Mr Smeaton in 1759, as mentioned in his Narrative, page 156, for illuminating the Eddystone light-house, but was not adopted by that eminent engineer. M. Fresnel mentions that lenses had been used in England so far back as 1789, in the lower light-room at Portland Island, but, from whatever cause, they have since been laid aside. In the year 1820, in the course of some investigations connected with the Trigonome- trical Survey of Great Britain, and conducted by a deputation of persons eminent in science from London and Paris, M. Fres- nel, from the French side of the Channel, exhibited, by means of his lens and a large lamp, a powerful light, which was ob- served by the English across the Channel. The brilliancy of this light so struck Lieut.-Colonel Colby of the Royal Engineers, who was engaged in these observations, that, with his usual kindness, and zeal for the advancement of science, he immediately corresponded with Mr Stevenson, en- gineer for the Northern Light-houses, as to its probable use upon the Scottish coast. Mr Stevenson, no less zealous for im- provement, communicated with Mr Adie, the principal optician in Edinburgh, and with Dr Brewster, then engaged in optical researches, but without coming to any practical result. In Some Account oftlie Nortliern Light-liouses. 121 1824, however, in consequence of Colonel Colby's having in- formed him that the Tour de Corduan was just fitted up with lenses, he visited that light-house; and in 1825, two of the lenses, and the lamp employed for illuminating them, were re- ceived from Paris, where they had been ordered by Mr Steven- son. In 1826, Colonel Colby made arrangements for exhibiting the lens and reflector, and Lieutenant Drummond's apparatus, in one of the long rooms of the Tower of London. To this exhibition the Master^ and Elder Brethren of the Trinity- house, Sir Wilham Rae the Lord Advocate of Scotland, and other members of the Northern Lights Board then attending Parliament, were invited, together with a number of the mem- bers of the Royal Society, including Sir William Herschel, Dr Olinthus Gregory and Mr Barlow, as also Messrs Gilbert, the opticians, and other artists of eminence. On this occasion a train of very interesting experiments were made. From London the lens was sent to Messrs Bolton and Watt of Soho, where Mr Stevenson had a consultation with some of the members of that scientific and highly respectable house, regarding the construc- tion of lenses for light-house purposes; but it appeared that Sheffield was rather the place for that manufacture. The French lens was considered by Sir David Brewster as of an inferior quality, from its being made of greenish glass, and he stated to the Light-house Board, that if a lens were prepared under his direction by Messrs Gilbert of London, its effect would be much more powerful in penetrating fogs than that of the French lens. The Light-house Board, therefore, though they considered their lights adequate for every purpose, ex- cepting penetrating fogs, upon the recommendation of Sir David Brewster, readily gave him a carte blanche to prepare a lens. The comparative trial of this lens with the French lens, the re- flected light at present in use and the lime-ball light, and the ascertaining of their respective powers in penetrating fog, were the primary objects of the late experiments at GuUan Hill. In the comparison of the French and British lenses, the first of which is of greenish glass, and that prepared under the direc- tions of Sir David Brewster of flint glass, there was no percep- tible advantage on either side, as observed from the Calton Hill, which is distant about 12 miles from Gullan. This result, 122 Some Account of the Northern Light-hmises, though contrary to the expectation of some, is yet easily ac- counted for, by considering that the quantity of liglit absorbed by glass of a greenish colour, is too trifling to make any appre- ciable difference in the intensity of the refracted beam. In re- gard to the comparative trial of the lens light with the reflectors at present in use on the coast, it appeared that the lens, illumi- nated with a lamp consuming the oil of 14 Argand burners, was fully equal in appearance to the light of 6 or 7 reflectors, each having an Argand burner ; but it is to be noticed, that the French lamp consuming the oil of 14 Argand burners if placed in the centre of a system of lenses, would give a light in every direction equal to that of 6 or 7 Keflectors. This, however, is chiefly applicable to revolving lights, in some of which only 7 reflectors are employed, in others 12, or at most 20, according to their situation. When the Bell Rock light was first exhibited, 24 reflectors were in use. The light produced by the flame of oxygen and hydrogen gases- passing over a lime-ball when exhibited in the focus of a single reflector, was much more powerful than either the lens or reflector when illuminated by lamps. But it also deserves no- tice, that a single reflector very far surpassed the lens in brilliancy and effect when the lime-ball light was exhibited at the same time in the face of both. It had farther been suggested that distinguishing lights, simi- lar to those used by the Bengal pilots, might be introduced with good effect into light- houses. Bengal-lights were accordingly procured from his Majesty's stores at Woolwich, on the applica- tion of the Light-house Board. At the same time, Mr Steven- son commissioned from London a supply of the nitrates of stron- tia and baryta, by the combustion of which red and green lights were produced. These were also exhibited from Gullan Hill ; but the red light, in so far as the experiments have yet been carried, was chiefly worthy of notice. When this substance was burned in great quantity, it afforded a beautiful flash of light resembling the red light of the Bell Rock light. It is to be re- gretted, that during these trials, the weather did not afford an opportunity of making observations during fog ; but, as before noticed, the experiments are again to be resumed, when we hope to give precise information as to the anomalies of some of these appearances. ( 123 ) ON THE GROUND-ICE OR THE PIECES OF FLOATING ICE OB- SERVED IN RIVERS DURING WINTER. BY M. ARAGO. The severe winter of 1829-30 has attracted the attention of natural philosophers to the phenomena of congelation in running waters. They have examined how, and in what manner, im- mense quantities of ice are formed which some rivers carry down to the sea, and which, on being piled up against the arches of a bridge, often cause fatal accidents. I confess that, in a theore- tical point of view, the question does not yet seem, in my opi- nion, to be exhausted. Is it not a strong reason, then, for my presenting as complete an analysis as possible of the observations to which it has given rise ? For want of a definitive solution of so curious a problem, I shall at least have placed before the eyes of meteorologists a complete tabular view of all the data with which it is indispensable that the explanation shall agree. Every one knows that in a lake, a pond, in every sheet of stagnant water, congelation proceeds from the exterior to the interior. It is the upper part of the surface of the water which is primarily affected. The thickness of the ice afterwards in- creases in proceeding from above downwards. Is this the case with running waters ? Natural philosophers are of this opinion. On the other hand, millers, fishermen, and watermen, maintain that the masses of ice with which rivers are crowded in the winter season, proceed from the bottom. They pretend that they have seen them rise, and have often borne them up with their hooks. They say, in order to strengthen their opinion, that the inferior surfaces of large flakes of ice is impregnated with mud ; that it is encrusted with gravel ; that, in short, it bears the most unequivocal marks of the ground on which it rested ; that, in Germany, the sailors have a peculiar and characteristic term to designate floating ice which they call grundeis, i. e. ground-ice. Such arguments make little impression on prejudiced minds. It would require nothing less than the evidence of many experienced philosophers to cause a belief in the reality of a phenomenon which seems di- 124 On the Ground-ice observed in rectly opposed to the laws of the propagation of heat. But it is so. This evidence is not awanting ; and if the phenomenon of ice in the bottom of water has only appeared recently as an established fact in treatises on physics and meteorology, the reason is, because their authors generally copy from each other, because every one neglects what his predecessor neglected, and because academical collections, in which many treasures remain concealed, are very seldom consulted. In 1730, at an atmospherical temperature of — 9° centigr. (15°8 Fahr.), Hales saw at Teddington, the surface of the Thames, near the banks, covered with a layer of ice one-third of an inch in thickness. There was also at the same time a se- cond layer below, of greater thickness, which followed the depth of the river, as it adhered to the bottom. This sheet was united to the upper one even on the water-side ; but it was gradually separated in proportion, as, in proceeding into the river, the depth of the water increased. It was not so solid as the first, and was mixed with sand, and even stones, which the flakes sometimes carry with them in their movement upwards. This observation is defective, inasmuch as it was made too near the bank. Those who do not know how imperfectly every kind of soil transmits heat, might suppose that the cold was communicated from the dry ground of the bank to that which formed the bed of the river by means of conductibility. It is unnecessary to discuss this difficult point, as it has no con- nexion with many of the cases which are about to occupy our attention. It is really surprising that those writers who have lately con- sidered the subject of floating ice in a historical point of view, have not alluded to some observations which were made in France a good many years ago. At the close of December 1780, the temperature was very sud- denly increased in the southern parts of France by a very strong northerly wind. The thermometer sunk to 8° or 7° centigr. below zero. Desmarest, member of the Academic des Sciences, who, at that time, happened to be at Annonay, saw the bed of the Deome covered with spongy ice. The frost commenced at first on the margin of the river, where there was a depth of wa- Rivers dit/ring Winter. 125 ter to the extent of two or three feet. The cold continuing, the ice soon shewed itself in the deepest parts. In places where the water flowed over the hare rocJcs^ Des- marest saw no vestige of ice. On the contrary, it was rapidly formed in great abundance, especially where there was any quantity of gravel : in some parts it was two feet thick. According to Desmarest, " it was from the lower part which touched the bottom, that the flakes of ice successively increased. The ice already formed was continually raised up by the expansive force of that which was in the act of formation. In watching its motion, I have seen," said he, " that certain flakes of ice zvere raised up five or six inches in a single night. Some of them were, in consequence of the daily and to- lerably equal mider-additions, believed to form, in this manner, islands of ice, which appeared above the running water."*' No one has hitherto corroborated this mode of increase of ice under water. It is to be regretted that Desmarest did not ex- plain the nature of the observation which induced him to come to such a singular result. Had he, for example, deposited on the flakes of the ice at the bottom objects which always remained visible, while, in rising, all the twenty-four hours, the flakes actually approached the surface of the water, it certainly would have been worth while giving an explanation. When, in consequence of a cloudy sky, the atmovspherical temperature experiences little variation throughout the day and night, the ice at the bottom of the water, according to Desmarest, uniformly increases every twent}'-four hours. On the contrary, when the sun shews itself, the ice does not increase during the day. The difl\?rent layers which are produced during the night after an interval of five or six hours of repose, form distinct beds, which are easily disunited. The current then detaches each layer of ice from the lower one, to which it adheres but feebly, and the river begins to carry it along. M. Beaun, a bailiff" at Weld Wilhelmsbourg, on the Elbe, published many dissertations in 1788, in which the existence of ice on the bottom of a river is established, either by his own obser- vations or the unanimous declarations of fishermen, procured after a most anxious investigation. 1^ On the Ground-Ice observed in The fishermen asserted that, during the cold days in autumn, long before the appearance of ice on the surface of the river, the nets which were at the bottom of the water were covered with such a quantity o{ grundeis that they drew them up with great difficulty ; that the baskets which were used for catching eels also often on being brought to the surface were encrusted with ice; that anchors which had been lost during the summer again appeared in th6 following winter, being raised up by the ascend- ing force of the ice at the bottom which had covered them ; that this ice raised up the large stones to which the buoys were attached by chains, and occasioned the greatest inconvenience by displacing these useful signals, &c. &c. These various observations were confirmed by Beaun on his own authority. He says that he discovered, by means of expe- riment, that hemp, wool, hair, the boiled hair of horses, moss in particular and the bark of trees, are bodies which, on being placed at the bottom of water, are very speedily co- vered with ice. He declares that various metals do not possess this property in the same degree. According to him, tin occupies the first rank, — iron the last. Mr Knight, the celebrated botanist, has related an observation in the 106th volume of the Philosophical Transactions, which is the more valuable, as it seems in some respects to afford a clue to the secret of the formation of ice on the bottom of rivers. " In a morning which succeeded an intensely cold night, the stones in the rocky bed of the river appeared to be covered with frozen matter, which reflected a kind of silvery whiteness, and which, upon examination, I found to consist of numerous frozen spicula crossing each other in every direction, as in snow, but not having anywhere except very near the shore assumed the state of firm compact ice. The river was not at this time frozen over in any part ; but the temperature of the water was obvi- ously at the freezing point, for small pieces of ice had every- where formed upon it in its more stagnant parts near the shores ; and upon a mill-pond, just above the shallow streams (in the bottom of which I had observed the ice), I noticed millions of little frozen spicula floating upon the water. At the end of this mill-pond the water fell over a low weir and entered a narrow Rivers during Winter. 127 channel, where its course was obstructed by points of rock and large stones. By these^ numerous eddies and gyrations were occasioned, which apparently drew the floating spicula under water ; and I found the frozen matter to accumulate much more abundantly upon such parts of the stones as stood opposed to the current, where that was not very rapid below the little falls or very rapid parts of the river. I have reason to believe that it would have accumulated in very large quantities if the wea- ther had continued sufiiciently cold ; for I had been informed on good evidence, that, some years before, the whole bed of the river in the part above mentioned had been covered over with a thick coat of ice. " On some large stones near the shore, of which parts were out of the water, and upon pieces of native rock, under similar circumstances, the ice beneath the water had acquired a firmer texture, but appeared from its whiteness to have been first formed of congregated spicula, and to have subsequently frozen into a firm mass, owing to the lower extremity of the stone or rock. Ice of this kind extended in a few places eighteen inches from the shore, and lay three or four inches below the level of the surface of the water, and did not dissolve so rapidly as that which was deposited upon stones more distant from the shores.*" On the 11th of February 1816, the engineers of bridges and roads residing at Strasburg, saw above the bridge of Kehl that many parts of the channel of the Rhine were covered with ice. About ten o'clock a. m. this ice became loose, rose to the sur- face, and floated. The thermometer in the open air stood at — 12° centigr. The water in the river at every depth was at zero cent. The ice at the bottom was only formed in places, however, where there were stones and angular stuff*. It was spongy, and formed of icy spicula. The overseers of the bridge stated that it never appeared on the surface until after 10 or 11 o'clock in the morning. P The canal of Saint- Alban conveys the waters of the Birse through the town of Bale. It is very limpid, and flows with great rapidity. During the winter of 1823, Professor Merian carefully examined the bed of the canal, which, in general, is covered with pebbles, and saw that wherever the bottom exhi- 128 On the Ground-Ice observed in bited any projection, there was a small piece of ice, which might have been supposed, at a distance, to be a reuniting of tufts of cotton. This ice became disengaged from the bottom from time to time, and floated on the surface. It had all the appearance of the /rnind-eis of the German watermen. M. Hugi, president of the Societe d^'Histoire Naturelle de Soleure, is the philosopher who, in my opinion, has seeji the phe- nomena of the formation of ice at the bottom of water displayed on the greatest scale. His first observations were made in 1827. From the 2d to the 3d February of that year, the river Aar, at Soleure, was breaking up the ice ; on the 15th it was com- pletely open. It flowed slowly on the 16th, and the water was perfectly pure. On this day, in consequence of a westerly wind, a multitude of large icy tables were continually rising from the bottom about 60 or 70 feet below the bridge, and over a surface of upwards of 450 square feet. I ought to add, as this cir- cumstance confirms what Hales was told by the fishermen of the Thames, that the great proportion of the flakes of ice mounted vertically, till 5 or 6 decimetres above the surface of the water, and after remaining a few minutes in this position, they sunk down, and floated horizontally. After a certain time, the flakes of ice became more scarce ; but they had increased to such an extent, that many, though almost vertically raised above the water, still rested in the bed of the river on one of their sides, and in which position they remained stationary for a long time. The phenomenon lasted for about a couple of hours. Below the bridge, the Jar flows with rapidity over an inclined channel of 20 or 30 degrees, and in many places is quite stony. Beyond the place where the flakes of ice arose, the water, al- ready more tranquil, always exhibited a sort of eddy. The temperature of the air was — 5°.7 centig. ; near the wa- ter — 4°.9; close to the surface of the river, -f 2°.l. The water near the arches, where there was no ice, was at -f-3°.0 ; at the bottom, where the ice ascended, 0°.0. There is one circumstance which lessens the importance of Rivers during Winter, 129 these observations as to the temperature ; it is not established that the ice at the bottom of the river on the 16th February wa» formed on that day, and these ices might again cover the bed of the river for many days afterwards. The second series of the observations of Mr Hugi were made in the month of February 18:29!' On the 11th of this month, the Aar near Soleure was quite free from ice. For many days the temperature of the atmo- sphere was from +4° to +6° centigr. During the night of the llth-12th, it suddenly fell to — 14° centigr. On the 12th at sunrise, the river began to exhibit numerous floating pieces of ice. We must by no means omit to add, that the water, either near the banks, or in the shady places where it was per- fectly calm, as yet bore no trace of congelation on its surface. It therefore could not be said that the floating masses were de- tached from the banks. It would have been as unfounded to have supposed that they had proceeded from any large sheet of ice situated farther up the river, as at Altrey, a league and a half above Soleure, the river hardly exhibited any ice. Besides, flakes of ice commenced soon to rise up above the bridge, in the place where they had been seen in 1827. Towards mid-day, islands of ice were seen formintj in the centre of the river. On the 13th February these were 23 in number. The largest was upwards of 200 feet in diameter. They were surrounded with open water, resisted a current which almost ran at the rate of 200 feet in a minute, and extended over a space of one-eighth of a league. M. Hugi visited them in a small boat. He landed, examined them in every direction, and discovered that there was a layer of compact ice on their surface of 5 or 10 centimetres in thickness, resting on a mass having the shape of a cone reversed, of a vertical height of 3 or 4 metres, and fixed to the bottom of the bed of the river. These cones consisted of half-melted ice, gelatinous, and very like the spawn of a frog. It was softer at the bottom than at the top, and was easily pierced in all direc- tions with poles. Exposed to the open air, the substance of the cones became quickly granulated like the ice that is formed at the bottom of rivers. When these observations were being, made, the temperature of the air, at 9 metres above the Aar, was, — 11°.2 centigr.; at VOL. XV. NO. XXIX. — .lULY 1833. I 13d On ifie Ground Ice observed in 1".3, — .9°.4. That of the water, at 5 centimetres deep, 0^0 ; at 1°».8, +1°.0 ; at 0"^.5 from the bottom, +1°.5 ; at the bottom, +2°.4; at 1°*. in the ground, +8°.0. These determinations of the temperature of the water were obtained in a part of the river which had no ice at the bottom. M. Fargeau, a distinguished professor of natural philosophy in Strasbourgh, has made some observations on the Rhine, which have been communicated to the Academy. Notwith- standing what we have read, they are very deserving of notice. On the 25th of January 1829, at 7 o'clock a. m., the tempe- rature of the air, near the bridge of Kehl, was at 13°.71 centigr. At the same moment, in that part of the Rhine, which, owing to the situation of its sand-banks, formed, on the French side, a sort of lake witJiout currents^ the water of which was at zerOy but at the depth of | metre it was -|-4°.4 This place had only a few plates of ice near the banks. Beyond the banks of sand, in a little creek where the shal- low water was co7itiguoits to a very rapid current, all the peb- bles seemed covered with a sort of transparent mass of from 3 to 4 centimetres in thickness, and which, on examination, was found to consist of icy spicula crossing each other in every di- rection. In this creek the thermometer stood at zero cent, both at the surface and at the bottom of the water. It was the same even in the most rapid part of the current. There was also seen, either in the channel of the Rhine, or on some pieces of wood on the side opposite to the current, at a depth of 2 metres, large masses of spongy ice, into which the pole of a waterman entered with ease. This ice, on being borne to the surface of the water, was found closely to resemble the innumerable flakes which were at that time floating on the surface. M. Fargeau states, that he saw ice on many occasions with his own eyes, in the greater Rhine, separate from the bottom, and rise to the surface. M, Fargeau has added an important observation to his own remarks, which was communicated to him, and from whence the result is derived, that the nature of the bed of the river has the same influence on the phenomena of congelation in small and in large currents of water. In the Vosges, a superintendant of forges, informed him, that, to prevent the formation of ice at the bottom of the rivulet which supplied his establishment, he Rivers durmg Winter. 131 was obliged once a year to remove the stones and other foreign bodies with which the channel became accidentally covered. In the beginning of February 1830, M. Duhamel, on, breaking the ice which covered the surface of the Seine, a short way below the bridge at Grenelle, about 10 feet from the banks, found a layer of continuous ice 4 centimetres thick. He even, procured many fragments. At this spot the water was upward* of one yard deep. At every depth the thermometer stood at zero centigr. The current was tolerably rapid. The experiment of M. Duhamel had this defect, like that of Hales formerly mentioned, of having been made too close to the bank. I could not, however, omit quoting it, as I am not aware of any observation to be found elsewhere by a man of science respecting the congelation at the bottom of the Seine. It has been mentioned already, that natural philosophers did not believe in the formation of floating ice at the bottom of wa- ter ; they ought, therefore, not to expect that any thing very important will be found in the sketch I am about to present of the theoretical speculations to which this theory has given rise. Sailors for the most part believe that the flakes of ice are formed at night on the bottom of rivers, by the action of the moon, and that it is the sun which attracts them to the surface on the following day. Popular prejudices are generally ground- ed on some imperfect observation. By recollecting what we said concerning the red moon *, we shall easily discover how the strange notion of which I have spoken arose. The theory of the sailors was not succeeded by an explica- tion in any degree better. It was said that heat arises from the rapid movement of the parts of bodies. The running water flows less rapidly at the bottom than at the top, the maximum of temperature is, of course, found at the surface ; it is at the bottom, where there is the least agitation, that the congelation ought to begin. To complete this theory, the ascension of the flakes of ice was attributed to the elasticity which the air dis- solved in the water resumes when it disengages itself during the process of congelation, and to the formation, in the midst of the icy mass, of bubbles of considerable size. • In the Scientific Intelligence of this Number, the reader will find some account of the red moon mentioned above. 532 0)1 tlie Ground fee observed in In 1742, when this strange theory saw the light {Observa- tions sur les Ecrits modernes^ t. xxxi.), the thermometer was in the hand of every person, and of course it could have been easily ascertained that, during a hard frost, river water is in general colder at the surface than at the bottom. But, as Mon- taigne says, even in the facts which are laid before them, men willingly amuse themselves in seeking for reasons rather than truth ; they abandon things and fly to causes. To reconcile the theoretical objection which Nollet has made to the popular opinion respecting ice at the bottom of water, with the observations which incontestibly establish that the greater part of the flakes which have been broken up have been immersed for a longer or shorter period, and that their inferior surface rests on a muddy bottom, it has been thought that the origin will be found in the small streams which run into large rivers. There, it is said, the water being shallow, the ice should soon find itself in contact with the ground or mud with which the bed is covered. As to the flakes of ice which rise beneath the water, which sailors bring up with their hooks from a depth of some feet, their existence is explained by remarking, that, after a sharp frost followed by the commencement of a thaw, there is sometimes a great increase, to which a new frost suc- ceeds, so that there is in the river, but especially near the banks, two layers of ice superimposed at a distance ; the one at the height of the first level of the water, the other at the height which this level has attained on the rise of the water. This theory, which refers to a peculiar case, does not explain, in any point of view, the observations just made, and in which natu- ral philosophers have actually seen ice formed on the surface of pebbles placed at the bottom of the water in the beds of certain rivers. We now come to Mr M'Keever, who, confining himself closely to the most subtle principles of the theory of heat, has not, on this account, been more fortunate than his predecessors. According to this author, the rocks, stones, and gravel which generally cover the bottom of rivers, have powers of radiation superior to those of mud, perhaps on account of their peculiar nature, but chiefly because they have rough surfaces. Thus rocks, in large or small masses, will become much cooler in consequence Rivers during' Winter, 133 of radiation : when the atmospherical temperature is very low, they will, of course, freeze the water which touches them. It is unnecessary to examine here, whether heat radiates through a thick layer of water, as Mr M'Keever supposes, as the most simple observation is sufficient to overthrow it. Where is the person who has not observed, that the strong radiation which the Irish philosopher admits, would be more plainly manifested, or as completely, in still water than in run- ning water ; but no one has seen a piece of still water frozen at the bottom ? Let us throw aside all these absurd explanations, and, for want of better, analyze perspicuously the physical condition of the question. If liquids of different densities are thrown into a vessel, the heavy will sink to the bottom, the light keep at the top. This principle in hydrostatics is general. It applies as well to liquids possessing different chemical properties, as to portions of one and the same liquid whose densities are dissimilar, in consequence of inequalities in the temperature. Liquids, like all other bodies, solid or gaseous, increase in density as their temperature diminishes. Water alone, in a certain small extent of' the thermometric scale, presents a singular exception to this rule. Suppose wa- ter is taken at -|- 10° centigr. and gradually cooled, at 9° we shall find it denser than at 10°, at 8° more than 9°, at T more than 8°, and so on till 4° ; at this point condensation will cease. In going from 4° to 3° for example, there is a manifest diminu- tion of density. This diminution will go on till the temperature falls from 3 to 2, from 2 to 1, and from 1 to zero. To con- clude, water has a maximum of density, which does not coin- cide with its term of congelation. At 4° above zero is the maximum of density. There is nothing so simple as to point out in what manner the congelation of stagnant water takes place. Let us suppose, as is always the case, that at the moment when the wind blowing from the north produces ice, the water throughout to be at -f- 10°. The cooling of the hquid, by coming in contact with the glacial air, will be affected from the exterior to the interior. The surface which, hypothetical ly 134 07h the Ground Ice observed in speaking, was at 10° will soon be at 9° ; but at 9° the water will possess more density than at 10° ; then, in consequence of the principle of hydrostatics formerly mentioned, it will sink to the bottom of the mass, and be replaced by a layer not yet cooled, whose temperature is 10°. That, in its turn, will be affected like the first layer, and so on of the rest. In a greater or less time the whole mass will then be at -f- 9°. Water at + 9° will become cool in the same way as at 10° by consecutive layers. Each in its turn, on coming to the surface, will lose one degreee of temperature. The same phenomenon will reappear, with similar circumstances, at 8°, 7°, 6°, and 5° ; but, on sinking to 4°, every thing will be changed. At + 4° (39°.2 Fahr.) water will actually reach its maximum of density. Should the action of the atmosphere take away a degree of heat from the superficial layer, or descend to 3°, the layer will be less dense than the portion of fluid which it co- vers ; it will never sink into it. An additional diminution in the heat will not cause it to sink more, as water at -f 2° is light- er than at + 3°, &c. It is quite obvious, however, that the layer in question, by remaining always on the surface, incessantly exposed to the cooling influence of the atmosphere, will at length lose the first 4° of its heat. It will end by falling to zero, and freezing. The superficial sheet of ice, however singular the phenomenon may be, is then found resting on a liquid mass, whose tempera- ture, at least at the bottom, is 4° above zero. The congelation of stagnant water could not evidently take place in any other manner. I repeat, that no person has ever seen the formation of ice beginning at the bottom of a lake or a pond. Let us briefly examine the modifications which the motion of the liquid should produce. The effect of this motion, when it is rather rapid, when it forms eddies, and flows over a rocky or unequal channel, is per- petually to mix all the layers. The hydrostatic order on which we have insisted so much is overthrown. The water, then, which is lightest does not always float on the surface. The currents are precipitated into the general mass, which is thereby cooled, and whose temperature soon becomes equal throughout. To repeat, in a deep mass of stagnant water, the temperature * Rivers during Winler. 135 of the bottom can never descend below -h 4° cent. When this mass is in a state of agitation, the surface, the middle, and the bottom, may be found at zero simultaneously. We have only now to examine, why, when this uniformity of temperature exists, and when the entire liquid mass is at zero, that congelation commences at the bottom, and not at the surface. But where is the person who does not know, that to produce a speedy formation of crystals in a saline solution, it is merely necessary to introduce a pointed body, or an unequal surface into it ; that it is around the asperities of such a body that crys- tals originate and are promptly increased ? Be it so, every one may be assured that this is the case with crystals of ice ; that if the mud in which the congelation occurs presents a rent or pro- jection, or solution of continuity of any kind, it will become as so many centres, around which the filaments of frozen water will prefer to arrange themselves. But is not what we have said exactly the history of the freez- ing of rivers ? This cannot be doubted, if we recollect, that it never takes place in the channel, unless where there are rocks, stones, pebbles, pieces of wood, herbs, &c. There is another circumstance which seems to have a certain share in this phenomenon, viz. the motion of the water. At the surface this motion is very rapid and irregular ; it ought of course to put a stop to the symmetrical grouping of needles; to that polar arrangement, without which crystals, whatever be their nature, can neither acquire regularity of form, nor solidity ; it should of course frequently break the crystalline groups, even in their rudimentary state. This motion, which is the principal obstacle to crystalliza- tion, if it exists at the bottom as well as the surface of the wa- ter, is at least greatly diminished at the former. It may be supposed, therefore, that its action will merely oppose the for- mation of regular or compact ice, but will not eventually pre- vent a multitude of little filaments becoming irregularly blend- ed, and thus produce that kind of spongy ice through which M. Hugi so easily drove the oars of his boat. Having proceeded thus far, the reader may probably ask why I did not present what preceded, as a complete explana- tion of the formation of the grund-eis of Germany, of the glaces defond of our sailors. — This is my answer. 136 On the Ground Ice observed in We have no observations which prove that this kind of ice is seen, until the temperature of the whole of the water is at zero. It is not certain that the little icy particles floating On the water, mentioned by Mr Knight, and which may have acquired, by coming into contact with the air, at least on their upper surface, a temperature considerably below zero, do not play an important part in this phenomenon, which I have en- tirely overlooked ; that, viz. of cooling the stones covering the bed of the river, when dragged thither by currents. Is it not possible that these floating filaments were the principal elements of the spongy ice which was afterwards to be formed ? Our theory does not explain in what manner this ice, once formed, only increases in a downward direction. If the remark of Desmarest be correct, there is something wanting to com- plete it. During the congelation of the bottom of the Aar, at the place where the ice was formed, M. Hugi immersed pitchers filled with hot and cold water. The^r^^, he says, on being brought up, was covered with a layer of ice of one inch thick, the other had no marks of congelation. Bullets covered with cloth, warm as well as cold, afforded similar results. These remarkable experiments cannot be kept out of view. They ought to be repeated in a variety of ways : we should be sure whether these two bodies, on being immersed, do not differ but in temperature; that their surfaces are equally polished ; and if, after all the minute precautions with which an able phi- losopher is sure to avail himself, it be found that the body, ori- ginally hot at the moment of immersion^ is covered, as we are assured by M. Hugi, with more ice than the cold one, it will perhaps be necessary to attribute this singular phenomenon to the internal movement of the liquid ; to currents which, being caused at first by the presence of a hot body, still conti- nued after it became cold ; to currents which incessantly conti- nued to throw over this cold body filaments frozen on the sur- face. Before coming to the conclusion, that the question which we have been discussing is completely solved, it would be necessary to subject the texture of the ices at the bottom to additional ex- periments ; we must ascertain accurately whether the vesicular cavities, which traverse it in every direction, contain any air, — Elvers during Winter. 137 or if they are completely empty, — for this circumstance is very necessary, in order to enlighten us as to the place where they originate. I am expatiating, however, beyond my plan. I at first merely wished to examine, whether the floating ice was produced at the bottom or the surface of a river. This question can no longer be doubted. The theory is far from being so far ad- vanced. I have pointed out the chasms which it still exhibits. If the recital of these cases can in any way contribute towards their being speedily filled up, I shall be amply recompensed for my trouble. — Annuaire pour VAn 1833. ON THE ADVANTAGES OF A SHORT ARC OF VIBRATION FOR THE CLOCK PENDULUM. By Mv Edifard Sang. Read before the Society for the Encouragement of the Useful Arts in Scotland, 6th February 1833. A LONG intercourse with persons engaged in all the depart- ments of machine-making has brought before me many erroneous ideas. At first I contented myself with exhibiting their fallacy as I met with them, but continued experience has convinced me that a systematic and public exposure of their nature would be of advantage to engine-makers. Following up that conviction, I have projected a series of papers, two of which are already be- fore the Society of Arts. In this, the third one, it is intended to exhibit the impolicy of long sweeps for clock pendulums, and to correct that taste which renders such movements more saleable. In these papers, of course, I do not offer my remarks to those who, with laudable zeal, have possessed themselves of a com- plete knowledge of the subjects. Intended for those only whose inattention, or whose want of opportunity, has prevented the ac- quisition of such knowledge, these remarks can hardly claim the notice of the initiated, unless, on the simple ground, that they tend to remove that barrier which separates scientific from prac- tical men. Prevenied from employing the refined and power- ful methods of modern analysis, or even from adverting to the truths presented by the simple sciences, I am reluctantly com- 138 Mr Sang on the Advantages of a pel led to combat error by assertion, and to attempt the removal of one prejudice through the agency of another. In the present case, it would be vain to introduce an investi- gation of the law of motion in circular arcs, since no horologist who is able to follow that investigation can be partial to the long sweep. Among those who are unable to follow it, an in- distinct belief prevails that the motions of the pendulum may be subjected to calculation : neither that calculation indeed, nor the principles on which it is founded, have they subjected to exami- nation ; but then the idea of applying the pendulum to the measurement of time was first entertained by one profoundly skilled in science, — the balance- spring, the fusee, and the com- pensations for thermal expansion, were all results of scientific re- search ; and it may not be impossible, say they, that, from the same mysterious source, an exact knowledge of the influence of long and short arcs on the going of a clock, may be obtained. And thus, although they do not fully appreciate the force of theoretical results, they are yet not prepared to contradict them. Such is the kind of argument to which I must appeal in support of the statements I am about to make. If, when the pendulum of a clock is making exceedingly minute vibrations, it be adjusted to true time, and if the arc be then lengthened, the duration of the beat will be increased also. At first, this increase will be exceedingly minute, but as the arc en- larges itself, the interval between two beats will augment more and more rapidly, until the slightest change on the arc of vibra- tion will produce a sensible effect on the clock's going. I have computed and arranged, in the annexed tables, the exact amounts of the changes corresponding to each of the first twenty hun- dredth parts of the semicircle ; by the help of these tables, we are enabled readily to compare the performances of pendulums with long or short sweeps. Suppose that we had a clock regulated to true time when its pendulum swept an arc of twenty centesimal degrees on each side of the vertical line, and then let the maintaining power, on account of the thickening of the oil, or from any other cause, be reduced by one-twentieth part, the pendulum will, keeping no ac- count of the resistance of the air, vibrate only 19 degrees on each side, and its daily rate will therefore be accelerated 52''^35. Short Arc of Vibration Jbr Pendulums. 139 Conceive now, that, by an augmentation of the weight of the pendulum, and a consequent increase of friction on the knife edge, the maintaining power becomes sufficient for a sweep of only one degree on each side of the vertical Hne ; and, having again adjusted the clock to go in true time, let the same dimi- nution take place in the maintaining power, the arc of vibration will then be contracted to 19-20ths of a degree on each side, while the daily rate will experience an acceleration of (y'130, or rather less than the 400th part of the former. When we consider, then, the mere action of gravity, the su- periority of the heavy pendulum with the small arc of vibration, over the light pendulum with the long sweep, is obvious ; the variation in the state of the oil, and the other inequalities of the escapement exerting less influence on the former in a ratio du- plicate of that of the arcs of vibration. That part of the error of a clock's going which arises from variations in the buoyancy of the air, attaches alike to all pen- dulums of the same material; but that part which arises from the variable resistance of the atmosphere is much less felt on the heavy pendulum. Returning to our former case, the velocity of the heavy pendulum will be twenty times less than that of the light one, so that the resistance of the air on a given extent of surface will be 400 times less ; the quantity of surface, however, is 7368 times greater, while the distance through which the re- sistance acts is 20 times less, so that, in all, the influence which that resistance exerts in counteracting the maintaining power is lessened 1085 times ; and hence that irregularity in the going of the clock, which arises from the variable resistance of the air, will be less 400 times 1085, or upwards of 400,000 times. On account of the increased weight, the friction on the knife- edge is increased twenty times, while the distance through which it acts is diminished as often, so that, in the case of the heavy pendulum, the friction on the knife-edge interferes with the maintaining power just as much as in the case of the light one; variations, then, in this friction, will only produce the 400th part of the disturbance on the clock's rate when the heavy pen- dulum is used ; the edge, however, will require to be somewhat strengthened, so that this circumstance will interfere a little with these proportions. 140 Mr Sang on the Advantages of a The retardation of a clock, when the arc of vibration of its pendulum is increased, is by no means so trifling as is generally imagined ; the table, I am convinced, presents results much greater than were anticipated by many, even of those who are conversant with the subject. In the formation of the table, I have taken every precaution to insure accuracy, having carried the logarithms to ten decimal places, so long as I adhered to the decimal division, and employed the ordinary tables to seven places only, in passing from that to the ordinary division of time. These circumstances, joined to that of its being new, will render it acceptable to men of science. These statements may be confirmed by a very simple but beautiful experiment. Having suspended a leaden ball by means of a slender thread, let this simple pendulum be put in motion, so that the ball may describe a curve known to bear a considerable resemblance to the ellipse. If the times of vibration along the two axes of this curve were exactly equal to each other, the ball would repeatedly retrace the same orbit ; but these times of vibration are different, and, during the passage from end to end of the long axis, the ball has more than returned to its position in reference to the short one, so that the axes of the orbit are gradually displaced in the direction of the movement of the ball. This displacement will be found to be most rapid when the orbit is large ; as that orbit gradually contracts, the displacement of the axes becomes more and more retarded, until, when the evagations do not exceed three or four degrees, it ceases to be perceptible. To these remarks on the advantages of pendulums with short arcs of vibration, it must be added, that great practical objec- tions lie against their being made very small; these objections, however, are founded on the peculiar natures of the escapements generally used, and, perhaps, derive additional strength from the reluctance to depart from long established, although arbitrary, rules. The beautiful escapement which lately gained the So- ciety's highest prize, when applied, with proper precautions, low down on the pendulum rod, obviates all these objections, and offers the prospect of immense improvements in time-keeping. A movement on this plan is already in a state of forwardness, and I shall take pleasure in reporting to the Society the results of experiments made with it. II Short Arc of Vibration for Pendulums. 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Boussingault read a memoir on the tem- perature of the hot springs of the Cordilleras of the Andes. The theory originally proposed by Laplace to account for the heat of those springs, and which is grounded on the supposed exist- ence of a high temperature in the interior of the earth, seems confirmed by a multitude of phenomena presented at various points of the Cordilleras. Thus, on the coast chain of Vene- zuela, the temperature of the hot springs diminishes as the ab- solute height increases. For instance, the hot spring of Las Trincheras, near Puerto Cabello, and which is situated nearly at the level of the sea, has a temperature of 97° cent. ; that of Mariara, at a height of 4?76 metres, has only a temperature of 64° cent. ; and that of Onato, which has an elevation of 702 metres, has only a temperature of 44°.5 cent. But in the trachytic formation, especially in the vicinity of volcanoes, this regular decrease in the temperature of hot springs does not present itself ; and it seems that in such cases the local cause producing the volcanic action has a marked influence on the temperature of the waters. It becomes, then, extremely in- teresting to determine if these hot springs have their origin near the seats of volcanic action. In order to solve this question, it is necessary to submit to chemical examination the hot waters occurring near volcanos, particular attention being paid to the nature of the gases they may contain. If these gases should prove to be the same which are recognised in active craters, we would obtain a strong argument for believing, that the water of hot springs has been in contact with the substances occurring in the sources of volcanic eruption. The determination of the sa- line substances contained in mineral waters would thus gain a 152 On the Hot Springs of the Cordilleras of the Andes. new degree of importance, as these salts must then be considered as the soluble products which exist or are formed in the interior of volcanos. Such are the various considerations which induced M. Boussingault to undertake the analysis of the hot springs he has met with during his travels, and the memoir read to the Academy presents the results. The conclusion drawn from the numerous analyses performed is, that the gases accompanying the hot springs, which have their sources near volcanos, are identical with those of the craters of the same volcanos, viz. car- bonic acid and sulphuretted hydrogen gases. It is then pro- bable that the hot waters of the trachytic formation of the equator owe their elevated temperature to subterranean fire, and it is equally natural to believe, that the salts dissolved in these waters are derived from the interior of volcanos. Before terminating this memoir, the author examines the question as to the varia- tion of temperature of the hot springs he investigated. In 1800, M. de Humboldt found the temperature of the Mariara spring to be59°.3cent. In 1823, M. Boussingault and M. Rivero found the thermometer in the same spring rise to 64j° cent, A difference so considerable, viz. of 5°.3 cent., cannot be attributed to an error in the instrument, especially as the thermometrical observations made by those gentlemen at La Guayra and Ca- raccas accord perfectly with those made in the same towns by M. de Humboldt. It is more to be feared that as the spring of Mariara forms a considerable stream, the observations may not have been made precisely at the same point, although in general an observer who determines the temperature of a hot spring en- deavours to find the spot where the hot water is hottest. But the objections which can be raised to the observations made at the Mariara spring are quite inapplicable to those made at the spring of Las Triricheras, near Puerto Cahello. At Las Trin- cheras, the water issues from two basins which lie close one to the other, and are hollowed in granite. The larger basin has a capacity of about two cubic feet. M. de Humboldt gives 90° cent, as the temperature of the water of Las Trincheras. Twenty-three years later, Messrs Boussingault and Rivero found the temperature of the water in one basin to be 92°.2 cent., and that of the water of the other 97° cent. Their ob- servations, like those of M. de Humboldt, were made in the On the Hot Springs of the Cordilleras of the Aiules. 15S month of February. It appears, therefore, that in the short period of twenty-three years, the springs of Mariara and Las ■< Trincheras have received an addition of several degrees to their temperature. It is remarkable that during the interval between the travels of M. de Humboldt and Messrs Boussingault and Rivero, Venezuela was visited by the earthquake of the 26th March 1812, which destroyed the town of Caraccas, and indeed all the towns situated on the eastern Cordillera, and caused the death of upwards of 30,000 individuals. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LATE DR ALEXANDER TURNBULL CHRISTIE IN INDIA, — 05 stated in a Letter dated Madras Septem- ber 1832. I SHALL now give you an outline of my proceedings since I left Bombay. I went by sea down the coast to Mangalore, end thence by way of Cannanoro, Tillicherry, and the Wynaad, to the Neilgherry Hills, through a most beautiful country, where I made a fine collection of birds, reptiles, and fishes, and observed some interesting geological phenomena. The Neilgherries be;- tween the latitudes of 11° and 12°, and rising to the height of nearly 9000 feel above the level of the sea, enjoy every variety of climate, from that of the plain of India to that of England. The climate of the higher pares resembles that of the great in- tertropical cities of America, which have become the centres of civilization in the new world ; but is superior in one point of view, being never subject to those sudden changes and cold pier- cing winds, which are occasioned by the vicinity of lofty moun- tains, some of which are capped with snow. The mean tempera- ture of Ootacamund, the principal station on the upper part of the hills, is rather more than that of London, but its annual range of temperature is very small. It may be said, that the season of spring reigns throughout the year, yet though there be no winter, the heat is never sufficiently great to bring the more de- licate European fruits to perfection, and at this height we can only expect the successful cultivation of corn and of vegetables. The valleys, which have a height of from 5000 to 6000 feet, enjoy the climate of Italy, the climate of the vine, the orange and the mulberry. The tea tree is cultivated in China between the la- titudes of 27° and 31°, generally in a hilly country, and conse. 154 Proceedings of the late Dr Christie in India, quently in a climate probably of 70° to 73° of mean temperature. Such is nearly the mean temperature of the valleys in the neigh- bourhood of Kotagherry, and of many others along the Eastern and Northern faces of the hills. The cultivation of this valuable plant might therefore be attempted here, and with a much better chance of success than in almost any country beyond the limits of China. A little lower down than this, coffee might be produced, its native habitation being on the sides of the lofty mountains of Yemen, and nearly in the same latitude as the Neilgherries. In these delightful regions I am going to esta- blish my head quarters, and shall only make excursions to the low country during the cool and healthy season. After having remained four or five weeks^ on the Neilgherries, where I met with much attention from the Governor, I came to Madras by way of Trichinopoly, Tanjore, (where I saw my friend George BelFs brother), Cuddalore, and Pondicherry. The geology of that tract of country is not very interesting, and for some time I have been principally engaged with meteorology. Since I came here, I have had an unpleasant attack of my old enemy the diarrhoea ; I am now, however, quite well, and anxious to get out of this hot place, and back to the fine climate of the mountains. The Governor has offered me a grant of land there, and I believe I shall take a few acres, to be increased hereafter if I choose. I intend to try the cultivation of coffee, which is now produced equal to Mocha coffee, in considerable quantity in Mysore, and affords a very large return, notwith- standing it has to pay a duty, on account of being the produce of a foreign state. But do not suppose I am going to enter into any speculation, for I intend to run no risk, and my farming operations will be an amusement to me while on the hills. I intend to begin on a very small scale, and while my coffee trees are coming up, I intend to raise vegetables, and particularly potatoes, from the same ground, which I expect will prevent me^sustaining any loss by those agricultural experiments. I may only mention, that the expenses of cultivation on the Neilgherries will not amount to 10 rupees per acre, carriage of potatoes to Madras or Bombay will cost about from 6 to 8 rupees a candy of 500 pounds ; and at these places they sell for 2f rupees a maund of 25 lb. An acre will produce, I suppose, from 15,000 to 20,000 tb. A common gardener, who had a few Proceedings of the late Dr Christie in India. 155 acres of ground on the hills, went home a few years ago, after a residence there of six or eight years, with L. 6000. I have written some instructions for making meteorological observations which the Government are now publishing, and intend to distribute at the principal stations throughout this presidency. They have also written home for twenty-five sets -of meteorological instruments which I recommended, and I hope, that, in less than another year, an extensive series of observa- tions will be instituted, according to my plan, over the whole of this vast country. The same thing will be done in the Bom- bay territories, and I intend to communicate my plan to the So- ciety of Calcutta. A friend of mine, Mr Thorburn, will make similar observations, and with instruments of the same kind, at Alexandria in Egypt, and thus, in a few years, we may expect to obtain more extensive, complete, and precise, information than has ever yet been contributed to this interesting and useful branch of science. I will send you a copy of my instructions. I lately sent a report to Government, giving an outline of my researches since I arrived in the Madras territories, to which I have had the following reply : " Extract from the Minutes of Consultation, dated 11th September 1832. Head the following letter from Dr Alexander Turnbull Christie, dated 5th Septem- ber 1832. " Ordered that the foregoing highly interesting paper be brought to the notice of the Honourable the Court of Directors, and that a specimen of the porcelain clay, procured by Dr Christie at Mangalore, be likewise transmitted to the Court." The porcelain clay alluded to I discovered on the coast near Mangalore. It is very fine, and closely resembles that of which the beautiful Sevres ware is made, viz. the porcelain earth of Li- moges in France. I also found it on the Neilgherries. I am to have the allowance of an officer in charge of a sur- vey, which, with my ordinary pay and allowances, will give me rather more than 700 rupees a month. This will do more than cover my expenses. I am also to have a subassistant survey- or, who draws tolerably well, and an apprentice, detached on my account from the survey department, &c. I am sorry to say that the allowances granted to me by the Government must be sanctioned by the Court of Directors who 156 Proceedings of the late Dr Christie in India, may retrench them if they chuse. I shall therefore be in a state of suspense for at least a year. I intend to write immediately to some of my friends in London to plead my cause. i In the approaching cold season I intend to prosecute my geological researches as far south as Cape Comorin. [We deeply regret to add, that our excellent and highly ac- complished friend and pupil is now no more, having died on the 3d November last, of Jungle fever, caught on crossing to the Neilgherries, before he had well begun his natural history sur- vey. Dr Christie's enthusiasm in the cause of science was of the purest and most disinterested nature ; and his acquirements in Natural History were never surpassed by any British naturalist who visited India. He was master of the practical and theore- tical details and views of Meteorology, Hydrology, Geology, Mineralogy, and Zoology ; and, in Botany, had all that practical skill required for collecting the species, and tracing them with a view of their physical and geographical distribution and econo- mical uses in the vast countries which we trusted would have been explored by him. Dr Hardie *, an intelligent naturalist, now again in Europe from India, with the view of recovering his health, and adding to his stores of knowledge the new views and facts to be ac- quired by stud)'ing under the Professors in Edinburgh, Paris, and Berhn, and visiting the most important geological districts in Britain and the continent of Europe, will, we trust, be select- ed by the India Company (which has for so long a series of years munificently fostered and encouraged science), to take up and continue the investigations of Dr Christie. Mere collectors of plants or rocks will no longer satisfy either the India Company or the demands of science : plants may be collected by a well instructed gardener, and rock specimens by a skilful lapidary. The naturalists sent to India ought to be of a different stamp : they should be armed at all points with the powers of general science — with a perfect knowledge of the use of those instruments employed in investigating the natural his- tory of the atmosphere, the waters of the globe, and the gene- • Dr Hardie is already well known by his geological memoirs published in this country and also in India. Proceedings of the late Dr Christie in India. 167 ral physical constitution of the earth ; with an extensive and ac- curate practical acquaintance with the present state of the most important of the natural sciences, both in a general and economi- cal view, viz. Geology and Mineralogy. And it will be very desirable, indeed indispensable, that those entrusted with the natural history surveys in India, should be able to collect with judgment, and investigate with accuracy, the phenomena ex- hibited by the animal and vegetable kingdoms. — Edit.] RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS ON THE ECONOMICAL AND MEDI^ CAL USES OF THE OXIDES AND SALTS OF CHROME. By Professor Jacobson of Copenhagen. Communicated to the Editor. ' Professor Jacobson has laid before the Medical Society of Copenhagen, the results of a series of experiments, relating to the oxides and salts of chrome, originally made by him with a view to physiology and therapeutics. Chrome, which was discovered about thirty-five years ago by Vauquelin, has hitherto been employed solely in the preparation of pigments and enamels, in the dyeing of stuffs, and printing of calico. It is found at many places in Europe, in greater quantity in Siberia, but most abundantly in North America. It is, as is well known, susceptible of different degrees of oxida- tion, and is therefore capable of entering into combination, both HI the state of acid and oxide. Professor Jacobson has made the former of these the subject of particular investigation, and has discovered qualities in one of them, namely, the chromate of potash, which hitherto have been unobserved, and which may be useful as well in the science of medicine as in the arts. He has found, to-wit, that this salt, which neither is, nor from its nature can be, inflammable, increases in a great degree the combustibility of animal and vegetable bodies. If, for example, hemp, flax, cotton, linen, or paper, be saturated with a solution of this salt, and suff^ered to dry, there is produced, whenever any part of it is ignited, an active, steady, and continued com- bustion, without flame, which spreads on every side, and con- sumes all that portion of the substance that has been saturated. 158 Experiments on the Oxides and Salts of Chrome. This property the chromate of potash possesses in a higher de- gree than any other metallic salt, besides being still farther dis- tinguished by its susceptibility of combination with an excess of alkali, as well as of combination with bodies of very different natures without losing said property. Professor Jacobson has submitted the following theory of this process. He is of opinion, that the combustion above men- tioned is not occasioned only by the decomposition of the chro- mic acid by the carbon, but that it is the result likewise of the decomposition of the alkali,, which is produced by the mutual influence of the alkali and the chrome. Among other useful purposes to which this property may be applied in medicine, may be mentioned the preparation of moxas. Prepared with this salt, they burn without being blown on, and their operation is rendered more certain. Professor Jacobson is likewise of opinion, that it may be ap- plied to pyrotechnic purposes. The oxides of chrome in like manner possess this quality, particularly when combined with alkali. Among the chromates, of which they constitute the basis, are found some that possess it, but none in so high a degree as the chromate of potash. Another important property which Professor Jacobson has found to be possessed by the salt is this, that notwithstanding its facility of reduction, it is susceptible of combination with most animal and vegetable substances without undergoing de- composition. This property, and the great affinity of the salt for water,gby reason of which it is prevented from being im- bibed by the organic substances, render the chromate of potash highly important as a means of resisting fermentation and pu- trefaction. Nor does it indeed only resist putrefaction, but also checks it when already commenced, and removes the effluvia thereby occasioned. It is, of consequence, a disinfecting agent. Of this highly important quality many uses may be made, as well in medicine as in technology. To the anatomist and naturalist it is important, inasmuch as in a weak solution of this salt one may preserve specimens in- tended for experiment, or for preservation in the cabinet. The vegetation produced by fermentation and putrefaction, called mildew, may likewise, as Professor Jacobson has ascer- tained in his experiments, be prevented by means of this salt ; Experiments on the Oxides and Salts of Chrome. 159 and he is further of opinion, that the dry. rot, so injurious and even destructive to buildings, may by means of it be wholly prevented or removed. As to his physiological experiments connected with this agent, Professor Jacobson has communicated but this principal result, that chrome is one of those metals which in a particular manner acts on the nervous system, and that its topical action is partly resolvent, partly corrosive, though in a manner different from that of the action of the other metallic salts. The chrome salts are calculated, therefore, to become highly important as medicaments. Professor Jacobson has tried them with success in the treat- ment of various sorts of ulcers, which application of them he has promised to make the subject of a future communication to the society. ON THE SPECIFIC GRAVITY OF DIFFERENT SOLID PARTS OF THE HUMAN BODY. Our attention has lately been directed to this subject, from receiving an inaugural dissertation by Dr Joseph Frick, pub- lished at Freiburg in the Breisgau, in 1832, in which a consider- able number of original experiments are related. Experiments of this kind, in order that they ma}^ be consi- dered worthy of credit, must be performed upon a very great number of different bodies, as soon as possible after death, and as much as possible in a similar and healthy condition of the or- gans ; for it is obvious that putrefaction, for a very few hours, diseased alteration of any kind, and even a greater or less quan- tity of fluids, or of fat, in the healthy state, must cause a very considerable variation in the relative weights of the organs. The specific gravity of a few parts of the body has been men- tioned by Soemmering and Meckel, their information being pro- bably derived from Musschenbroek. Some of the numbers as- signed by these authorities are quoted by Dr Frick ; but this author seems not to have known of the researches of Dr John Davy " On the Specific gravity of different parts of the Human Body,'' which appeared in 1829, in the 3d volume of the 160 Specific Gravity of different parts of the Human Body. Transactions of the Medico-Chirurgical Society of Edinburgh, and are the most complete of the kind with which we are ac- quainted. Dr Davy's experiments were performed much sooner after death, and on a greater variety of bodies, than those of Dr Frick, and are on the whole more suitable for the establishment of the average natural result, as they were made principally on soldiers, or adult males between the ages of 20 and 40; while Dr Frick's experiments were performed on two males, one of 25, the other 6Q^ on a female of 79, and on a child dying at birth. A considerable part of Dr Frick's essay is occupied with a description of the kinds of balance he employed in weighing the parts, the specific gravity of which was to be ascertained, and with the construction of a formula for the reduction of the resulting specific weights to one temperature, viz. 16° R. or 68" F. Many of his experiments were made with the view of ascer- taining whether there exists any difference in the specific gravity of corresponding parts, taken from opposite sides of the same body. The results show that some such difference does exist, but they are by no means sufficiently constant to entitle us to found upon them any general conclusion. We shall not at present follow the author through these de- tails, but arrange in a Table, which we think may be interest- ing to general readers, the more important results obtained by Davy and Frick. In this Table, those results only which cor- respond most nearly are stated, and many are omitted in which the differences are such that they must be attributed to acciden- tal circumstances, the consideration of which would be foreign to the immediate and important object of the investigation. Specific Gravity of different Parts of the Human Body, 161 Author's Name. Part weighed. Body from which taken. Specific Gravity. Teeth. Davy. Front tooth, undecayed, Male, aged 34 2.240 ... ... Root, ... 1.950 ... ... Crown, . First molar tooth, sHghtly ... 2.380 carious. Male, 40 2.142 ... ... Roots, . 2.113 ... ... Crown, . 2.313 ... ... Enamel, ... 2.620 BoneSy Cartilages, and Liga- ments. ... Petrous portion of temporal bone. Male, 41 1.852 ... Parietal bone, Male, 34 1-772 Frick. Frontal bone. Female, 79 1.407 ..> Fifth rib ... 1.164 ... Fourth rib, Child at birth. 1.300 Davy. Eighth rib, Male, 34 1.383 Frick. Os pubis, Female, 79 1.060 ... Clavicle, . 1.220 ... Ditto, Child,"* 1.284 ... Head of humerus. Female, 79 1.005 ... Body of humerus. ... 1.238 ... Ditto, Child, 1.426 ... Second phaL of middle finger. Female, 79 1.158 ... Ditto, Child, 1.100 ... Body of femur. Female, 79 1.253 ... Ditto, Child, 1.420 ... Lower end of ditto. Female, 79 1.086 Body of tibia, ... 1.417 ... Ditto, Child, 1.416 Cartilaginous heads of fe- mur and humerus. ... 1.043 to 1.051 Davy. Cartilage of knee joint, Intervertebral substance. Adult male, 1.073 outer part, Male, 23 1.104 .. Central soft part, 1.062 ... Ligament of patella, . Male, 22 1.104 ... Tendo Achillis, . Skin, Hair, .Vat&, Fat, ^c. Male, 28 1.080 Davy. Cuticle, sole of foot, . Skin and cuticle, back of Male, 39 1.190 thumb. ... 1.100 Fat, abdom. integuments. Male, 34 0.942 nail of thumb. Male, 39 L197 ... Light and dark brown fine > hair, . . . / 3 English fe- \ males, 30 to 40 j 1.27» to 1.293 ... Grey fine hair, . . | Female, 66, \ Corfu, j 1.290 ... ... white fine, f Male, 77, do. Male Ipsa- ) 1.275 ... Ditto, bleached, . . 4 Ditto, black, coarse, and riot, exposed v 2 years, j 1.345 ... woolly. Hottentot fem- 1.323 VOL. XV. NO. XXIX. JULY 1833. 16^ Spiscific Gravity of different Parts of the Human Body. Author's Name. Part weighed. Body from which taken. Specific Gravity. Davy. Grey reddish-brown, ex- \ posed to sun, . / Young fern. ) Pitcaim'sIsL j 1.300 Muscles. ... Left Ventricle of heart, Male, 34 1048 Frick. Ventricles of heart. Child, 1.028 Davy & Fr. Biceps brach., Pectoral, "j Child, and ) maj., Sartorius, Soleus, V males of > 1.053 to 1.058 Gastrocnem., Glut. max. \ 20 and 34, ) Brain and Nerves. Soemmering. Brain, mean. 1.031 Frick. Cerebrum, . Male, 25 1.031 Davy. Do. cortical and medullary \ matter, . . .. j Male,28,fluid ) in ventricles, j 1.040 Frick. Medullary matter. Male, 25 1.030 ... Cortical substance, 1.021 ... Whole brain, Calf, ".* 1.016 ... Ditto, Ox, . 1.036 ... Corpus striatum. Male, 25 1.036 ... Thalami nerv. opt. ... 1.037 ... Cerebellum, 1.037 Davy. Ditto, Male, 28 1.043 Pons varolii, Male, 34 1.033 Frick. Ditto, Male, 25 1.031 ... Medulla oblongata. ... 1.017 Davy. Ditto, Male, 34 1.037 ... Upper part of spinal cord, Male, 27 1.035 Dura mater, ... 1.090 Frick. Ditto, Male, 25 1.069 ... Sciatic nerve and Crural do. ... 1.047 ... Ditto, Child, ' 1.080 Davy. Ditto, Arteries and Veins- Male, 22 1.111 Frick. Ext. coat of abdom. aorta, Male, 56 1.111 ... Fibrous coat, ... 1.078 Davy Ditto, Male, 20 1.077 Thoracic aorta, Male, 34 1.086 Frick.* Ditto, Male, 56 1.075 ... Arch of aorta. ... 1.078 Davy. Ditto, Male, 22 1.080 Abdominal aorta, Male, 20 1.074 Frick! Ditto, Male, 56 1.081 Soemmerinff. Arteries, Mean, 1.080 Frick. Iliac, popliteal, and ulnar. Male, 56 1.048 ... Right femoral, . ... 1.063 Left ditto, . ... 1.080 Davy. Upper part of ditto. JMale, 22 1.071 Mitldle part of ditto, . ... 1.061 Soemmering. Veins, ... 1.050 to 1.100 Davy. Abdominal Vena cava, Male, 26 1.061 Frick. Superior Vena cava, . Viscera, S[C. : Male, 56 1.055 to 1.065 Davy. Lung, destitute of air, Male, 2,9 1.054 ... Ditto, hepatized. Male, 28 1.043 Specific Gravity of different Part6 qftfie Human Body. 163 Author's Name. Part weighed. Body from which' taken. Specific Gravity. Davy. Pancreas, . Male, 28 1.047 ... Thyroid gland, . Male, 25 L060 ... Liver, healthy, . Male, 27 1.069 ... Do. colour of yellow wax, Male, 34 1.035 Frick. Liver, healthy, . • Child, 1.042 ... Ditto, surface. 1.065 ' Kidney, ... 1.034 Ditto, cortical substance. 1.033 ... Ditto, medullary substance, "... 1.036 Davy. Kidney, Male, 26 1.050 ... Supra-renal capsule, . Male, 25 1.048 Frick. Ditto, right. Ditto, left. ChUd, 1.022 ... 1.034 ... Thymus, . ... 1.036 ... Spleen, ... 1.052 Soemmering. Ditto, Mean, 1.060 Davy. Ditto, healthy, . . i Males, 25, 26, ■> 34 and 41 1.060 to 1.070 ... Spleen, bright red and hard, -I Males, 22 and' 28 1.044 to 1.048 Do. very large, soft, and putrid. Male, 20 1.058 ... (Esophagus and intestine, 1.040 to 1.044 inflamed and ulcerated. Male, 39 ... Cardiac portion of stomach. ... 1.048 ... Pyloric ditto. ... 1.052 ... Duodenum, ... 1,047 ... Corpora cavernosa penis, cellular part, . Male, 26 1.086 ... Do. ligamentous covering. 1.097 ... Testicle, . 1.041 Frick. Ditto, Child,*" 1.040 Davy. Tunica albugmea, T. Eye. ^c Male, 26 1.088 Frick. Whole eye, Male, 25 1.021 ... Sclerotic coat of eye, . | Female, 79, ) and male, 25, j 1.090 Davy. Ditto, Male, 23 1.091 ... Cornea, 1.076 Frick. Ditto, ... 1 Female, 79, f and male, 25 \ 1.049 to 1.103 1.140 to 1.176 ... Choroid, ... 1.047 to 1.049 1.110 to 1.174 ' ... Aqueous humour, 1.005 to 1.024 Vitreous humour, 1.002 to 1.006 Davy. Frick. Lens, soft, . Male, 23, 1.100 Nucleus of lens, hard and yellow, . Female, 79 1.112 ... Aqueous humour, Calf, 1.003 to 1.006 ... Ditto, Ox, . 1.006 to 1.008 ... liCns, Calf, 1.002 to 1.005 ... Ditto, Ox,' . 1.080 ( 164 ) ELOGE OF BARON GEORGE cuviER, delivered in the Chamber of Peers on the \lth December 1832. By Barmi PASQUiERy President of the Chamber of Peers, (Concluded from for- mer Volume, p. S5S.) As President of the Committee of the Interior, an office which he held during the last thirteen years of his life, the extent of the business which he transacted, and the number of cases examined, discussed, and despatched by his care and agency, startle the imagination. It is known that they sometimes amounted to 10,000 in the year. The art of dividing the work to be performed among his fellow-labourers — a talent for manag- ing discussion — a memory always ready to bring former deci- sions seasonably to recollection — a profound knowledge of the principles requisite for determining every case, and of the just method of applying them, — such is a brief outline of the quali- ties which rendered him so valuable in this office, and which will perpetuate the remembrance of his labours in it, among all who have had for an instant the opportunity of knowing and reaping the advantages which flowed from them. To question the great utility resulting from the labours of the Committee of the Interior, would argue an entire ignorance of the form of government in France, as well as to what extent the Council of State proved to be the most valuable barrier against the encroach- ments of arbitrary power. This truth he often demonstrated du- ring the discussions which took place in the Chambers on the ex- istence of this Council, and the importance of its duties. The rules of government are not so determinate as those of the civil or criminal law,and the personal integrity of those who administer them is consequently of the first importance. But is not equity the truth in all things ? And who was ever a greater or more devoted friend of truth than M. Cuvier r* He could not be fully known unless seen and heard at one of the sittings of Council, or Committee, when business was transacting. Instead of show- ing any eagerness to deliver his opinion, he appeared somewhat absent, as if his mind was engaged with some other subject than Ehge of Baron Cuvier. 165 that under consideration, and not unfrequently he was employed in writing out the result to which the discussions were intended to lead. His turn to speak did not arrive till reasons had been interchanged by both parties, and fruitless words were well nigh exhausted ; then a new light broke upon the minds of all ; facts resumed their proper places; ideas, previously confused, be- came distinct ; the necessary deductions were made, and the dis- cussion had terminated when he ceased to speak. In what, then, consisted the power which M. Cuvier exer- cised ? It cannot assuredly be ascribed to his style ; for his ex- pressions were simple, and occasionally negligent, unadorned with imagery, and destitute of every thing that addressed itself to the imagination. No recourse was had to the illusions of art, but all was order and perspicuity, those first of requisites, which are the sources of the purest pleasure to the mind. Let us re- gard him on a more extended theatre, as taking part in the preparation of the laws, and in the discussions to which they were subjected, either in private committees, in the councils of state, or in the councils of the cabinet, to which he was often called. I should reproach myself for not having spoken, in the first place, (for I know it is one of the services which he most congratulated himself for having performed), of the use which he made of his talents and influence, to obtain certain modifi- cations in the constitution and jurisdiction of the cours pre- votales, which have principally contributed to diminish their dangerous effects. He took pleasure in recalling his success, but he never did so without mentioning at the same time the assistance which he had derived from the good sense and ho- nourable character (I use his own expressions) of the Due de Richelieu, as well as from M. Royer Collard, and M. de Serre, the one in the Council of State, the other in the Chamber of Depu^ ties. If we pass on to other subjects, which, without being of a more important, are perhaps of a more elevated character, we will see him applying the same instinct of vigorous observation, which made him acquainted with the form and organization of beings emanating from the present and preceding creations, to the constitution of political bodies, and acquiring with equid facility a knowledge of their most secret springs, and the causes of their strength or weakness. 166 EU>ge of Baron Cumer. The extent of his historical knowledge supplied inexhaustible information on this vast subject ; and his scrutinizing mind had treasured up a multitude of practical maxims, which were of value on all occasions. A very brief visit to London enabled him to obtain such an accurate knowledge of the mechanism of the English government, that he was able, on his return, to overthrow, by irresistible demonstration, the false notions which had been formed respecting it, by those who pretended to be best acquainted with it. With such an aptitude to acquire knowledge, and always founding his mode of proceeding on the most exact knowledge of facts, whose province it is so often to confirm or confute principles, he must needs be led occasionally to differ in opinion from those who shew less regard to facts and the results that flow from them, and who are often forced, sometimes in very opposite senses, to incline the balance of legis- lature towards the opinions with which their minds were pre- occupied. If M. Cuvier's opinions were not at all times tri- umphant in the struggles in which he was so often engaged on many great and difficult questions, no one, at least, can deny that he brought to the discussion much useful knowledge, which had often the effect of improving even those plans which did not obtain his entire approbation. And you know how the bril- liant and solid qualities of his mind were always displayed, in the speeches which he delivered before the Chambers in behalf of the schemes whose defence he had undertaken. Such of his auditors as were not convinced, did not fail to render homage to the suitableness, the elevation, and dignity of his address, and were always delighted to hear him, even when they opposed his suggestions. Among the most remarkable of these discourses^ I do not hesitate to mention that which he delivered in 1820, in the Chamber of Deputies, on the law of elections. I am greatly deceived if his powerful reasoning was not supported by elo- quence of the noblest kind. And here, gentlemen, a reflection occurs to me : M. Cuvier, throughout the whole course of his political life, never appeared as a supporter of the governments under which he lived ; and this, it must be confessed, would be a sufficient reason, in the eyes of some, to regard him with Jess consideration. Ehge of' Baron Ctevter. 167 Hut this matter requires a short consideration. On entering into life, all men have not the same destination assigned them, and the diversified nature of their intellectual powers leads them into very different paths. There are some whose inces- sant exertions are directed to the improvement of society, and who prosecute their attempts in opposition to all the suggestions of experience. The good to which they aspire leads them to de- spise the advantages they possess, and to obtain this they willingly hazard all. We do not live in an age when this assertion call be treated as chimerical. Others, on the contrary, more struck with the danger of the evils which too often originate in great political commotions, never cease to contemplate the picture of misfortune which, in such cases, history presents ; and having come to the conclusion, that the pursuit of the desired good, unless managed with prudence and caution, may lead to the diminution of the benefits positively enjoyed, they invariably resist any encroachments on the existing state of things, as a high degree of imprudence and rashness ; under the impression that is requisite to preserve, at all risks, the conditions which afford protection even to their adversaries. The knowledge of history which he possessed, and the severe trials to which his youth had been subjected, would have sufficed to incline M^ Cuvier to this line of opinion and conduct ; and the habits of his mind, as well as the nature of the labours to which his life was devoted, connected this bias into strong and decided con- viction. The study of nature, and the incessant admiration of the or- der which prevails in her minutest parts, — of that order which produces, vivifies, and preserves all, had impressed him with the necessity of establishing and maintaining the same principle in political and social organization ; and as governments are every where the natural guardians of order, they were on that account alone the objects of his particular interest. May I re- mind you, that the same dispositions in favour of established governments, were produced by similar causes in the mind of one of the most illustrious individuals of our age ? The eminent author of the Mkanique Celeste had derived them from the study of the laws which regulate the movements of the planets, 168 Eloge of Baron Cuvier. as M. Cuvier had done from those which regulate the organi- zation of living beings. This explanation of his views and po- litical conduct, has been often given, I am well assured, by M. Laplace himself, and especially by one of those individuals who occupies a high place in the empire of science, and whom the Chamber may now congratulate on reckoning among its members. It will not be supposed that M. Cuvier, although influenced by the motives which I have mentioned to defend the pro- ceedings of the governments under which he enjoyed the pro- tection of the laws, was on that account hostile to the useful and progressive improvements which are necessary to the welfare of every institution ; but it was his wish that these should result from patient and enlightened observation ; that they should not be adopted in a state of passionate excitement, but undergo a calm and deliberate discussion, after a careful study of sound principles, and a conscientious inquiry into what was really needed. Need I mention, gentlemen, how valuable this dis- position would have rendered him, in the rank to which he had been recently raised among you, joined as it was to such var ried and profound knowledge, and such extensive experience in the affairs of Government ? His name was necessary to com- plete the series of illustrious men whom I previously recalled to your recollection ; and it was not possible that he could fail to be the choice of an enlightened prince, when occupied in filling up part of the void left in this Assembly, and seeking for names capable of maintaining the order of the peerage, in that degree of power and celebrity, of which it cannot be deprived without striking a blow at one of the strongest pillars of the state. M. Cuvier was particularly sensible of the honour which had been conferred on him : he regarded it as a flattering reward of his labours and services ; and he rejoiced at the same time to find himself in a situation which gave him the right of express- ing his sentiments without restraint, in a place which secured to them a favourable hearing, and increased the respect which could not be withheld from their intrinsic worth. The discussions which took place in this Chamber, afforded him advantages on which he must have placed the highest value. He was certain Eloge of Baron Cuvier. 169 of finding here the calmness and courtesy which are so favour- able to the proper management of debate, when reasons are propounded and listened to on both sides, with that candour which belongs to men whose whole views are turned towards the public good, and who are in the habitual practice of mutually honouring the purity of each other's motives. On this tranquil arena, M. Cuvier found the parliamentary debates characterized by the same tone, and nearly the same methodical arrangement, as had been familiar to him in his scientific discussions, and his knowledge would not have been less available than it had been in the latter. Having been a member of many commissions during the few days he spent among us, his colleagues can bear testi- mony to his assiduity, and the scrupulous attention which he de- voted to the business in which they were engaged. No record re- mains of his participating in our labours, except a report on a law relating to corn ; the time was pressing, and the report was drawn up, I believe, in the course of a day. It is well known that the subject is arduous and delicate; yet the few hours which I have mentioned, were sufficient to enable him to bring forward an exact and sufficiently extensive statement of facts bearing upon the case, of the general principles which ought to regulate it, of the laws which had applied to it for a certain number of years, and finally of the considerations favourable to the measure proposed, and which was adopted by the Cham- ber. It would have been difficult for him to have done better, even had he been allowed a greater length of time. But for this little work, which to him was so easy, we should have had nothing belonging to him in our collections. I am anxious before reaching the melancholy termination of my task, to which, gentlemen, you will perceive I am now ap- proaching, to endeavour to make you acquainted in some de- gree with the private life of the illustrious individual, of whonv I have hitherto spoken chiefly as a man of science and a politi- cian ; — to shew him to you in a situation where his many amiable qualities secured him the attachment of those who might other- wise have felt awe in the presence of one possessed of such vast capacity and universal knowledge. He has himself said, in speaking of the interest excited by the elogiums of Fontenelle and Condorcet, that it is not extracts from works of celebrated men. 170 Eloge of Baron Cuvier. nor notices, almost always incomplete, of their discoveries; but it is the intimate knowledge of their individuality, the pleasure of being admitted, so to speak, into their society, of contemplat- ing their qualities, their virtues, and even their defects, which render these elogiums the most interesting, and at the same time the most useful, kind of reading. These few lines point out to me a duty which I ought to endeavour to fulfil, although as- sured how far short I shall fall of the models which he cites, or those which he has himself supplied. Let us contemplate him in the Jardin des Plantes, where he was established for nearly forty years, and to which he attached, so to speak, his very existence, near the Museum of Natural History, and the Cabinet of Comparative Anatomy, the latter of which owed its existence to his exertions ; in the centre of this esta- blishment, which is without its equal in the world, where the most enlightened and those most desirous to learn may find equal enjoyment and instruction ; in the midst of a series of libraries arranged so as to facilitate the researches which the as- tonishing variety of his occupations obliged him to pursue ; in this extensive cabinet, were to be found, on the Saturday of each week, during a period of so many years, not only the men whose works have done honour to France, but the most illus- trious names which Europe possessed, as well as travellers from every quarter of the globe, — from the Indies, the Ohio, the banks of the Amazon, New Holland, and the icy seas — who never failed, even when on the most cursory visit to our capital, to visit the great naturalist, with whom for the most part they had previously been in terms of correspondence. How much intellectual enjoyment must have resulted from such an assemblage, where the free interchange of sentiment among men of kindred inclinations, and who could appreciate each other's worth, formed a bond of connection which every one wished more strongly to confirm. In this meeting of cele- brated men, which brought together young and old, masters and scholars, from every corner of the earth, how unaffectedly and becomingly did M. Cuvier fill the place he occupied ? His grave, but not severe aspect, — his obliging attention in hearing those who would willingly have listened to him, — that incredible variety of knowledge, which not only enabled him to take part Eloge lyf' Baron Cuvier. 171 in conversations of the most different character, but even to open new views on every subject brought to his notice, — are qua- lities of which all of us have had opportunities of witnessing and admiring up to the close of his brilliant career. But this part of M. Cuvier's private hfe still partakes a little of a public character. In following him into his more retired and familiar habits, we will find reason to admire, in the first instance, the equality of his temper, and unassuming deportment in all his social relations, combined with a gentleness which could be best appreciated by those who were continually in his company, and which was generally ascribed to a very remark- able and characteristic feature of his character, — the absence of all vanity, a commendation of the higher value, as it can so seldom be bestowed. Not only did he avoid the indulgence of hatred to any one, but he never felt the least displeasure towards his opponents, notwithstanding the obstacles which they threw in the way of his scientific and political pursuits. In general, it was his belief that ignorance is productive of greater evils than hu- man passions, and he was accustomed to say of those whose words and actions, especially in political matters, he found reason to reprove ; — they are more to be pitied than blamed, for they know not what they do. His disposition was so generous and charitable, that he could never refuse an application for pecuniary aid, even when his circumstances were such as to require rigid economy. Although his time was of such value, and so many different occupations claimed his attention, yet he never refused to receive persons who wished to consult him on their own affairs. When one re- mains, he said, in the Jardin des Plantes, at such a distance from solicitors, one has no right to shut the door against them. His time was distributed in such a manner that not a moment was left without its special object ; in this way he rendered it suffi- cient for all his avocations, and even found leisure to attend So- cieties, the proceedings of which were so familiar to him, and the duties devolved on him so much matters merely of form, that he might easily have been excused for neglecting them. For each of the works in which he was engaged, he allotted a department of his library, in which he arranged all the books which he might require to consult. He read and wrote even in 172 Eloge of Baron Cuvier. the carriage which conveyed him from one place to another, and when he returned home, either from his lectures, or from a meet- ing of Council, or of the Academy, he crossed the apartment which was occupied by his family, and, after some words of courtesy and friendship, ran in haste to shut himself up in that particular cabinet set apart for the occupation he had at the time in view. This he did not leave till the hour of dinner, and generally entered the dining-room with the book he had been reading in his hand, which he seldom laid aside till he had finished the page or article begun. A few minutes after dinner he returned to his cabinet, and, if no other avocation interfered, he remained there till eleven o'clock. He then went to the apartment of Madame Cuvier, where he listened for an hour to the reading I have already mentioned, — of some work of ancient or modern literature, either of a light or serious kind. This re- laxation he enjoyed much, as it afforded him the most refreshing repose after the labours of the day. During the last year of his life, he had in this way caused to be read to him nearly all the works of Cicero. What, then, could be wanting to render such a man as happy as our nature admits of in this world ? His greatest distress, alas ! had its origin in what ought to have been the source of his greatest happiness. In the enjoyment of a companion whose qualities were most calculated to excite his esteem and love, he had become the father of four children. These he loved with the warmest affection, and they were successively taken from him. We witnessed the agony of his distress during the illness of the last that died, and have seen him under the pressure of his sore bereavement. It was a daughter, endowed with all the gifts which Nature could bestow ; worthy, in short, of such parents. She was on the point of forming an alliance which promised future happiness, when she was carried off by one of those diseases of the breast, whose ravages are so terrible. Two days after this event, he who has the honour to address you entered the gallery to which M. Cuvier had retired, and the spectacle which presented itself, was one of the most affect- ing which can be witnessed by any one, who is in a condition to understand and admire the scenes in which human nature re- veals itself in all the energy of which it is susceptible. His Eloge of Baron Cuvier. 17S whole appearance presented marks of the deepest grief which a father can feel, and so poignant had been his sufferings, that, as he himself confessed to me, he had come to seek, in the most as- siduous labour which he could impose on himself, the means of dis- tracting his attention, and rendering his sorrow more tolerable. I can scarcely persuade myself but that I see him still, in that noble gallery, surrounded with monuments of human skill, and the wonders of nature, seeking to avoid the image of his beloved child, and perseveringly demanding of science, not to administer consolation, but to absorb his thoughts. Pascal at- tempted by energetic application to overcome only physical pain ; but I had before me a struggle between the heart and the genius of man, between the powerful wish of the one, and the deepest suffering to which the other could be subjected. M. Cuvier could never be consoled, but he continued, notwithstand- ing, to prosecute with equal vigour of intellect, the various pur- suits in which he never ceased to be engaged to the end of his life. We now approach, gentlemen, the fatal moment to which I am to direct your thoughts. The scourge (Cholera) which afflicted our great city, and which made so many victims, had interrupted none of M. Cuvier's labours; it may even be imagined that it had incited him to additional exertion, for he is found to have written nearly two volumes of his Comparative Anatomy, a work which, as I have already mentioned, he wished entirely to remodel. Could he regard so great a calamity as a warning to terminate speedily all the undertakings which he had begun ? On the 18th of May he opened, in the College of France, the Course which he had continued for three years with so much success, on the History of the Natural Sciences. Those who were present at the last lecture of this great master, retain an impression which can never be imparted to such as have not ex- perienced it, and of which I can convey but a very feeble no- tion. Seldom had he risen to such an elevation ; but his auditors were particularly struck with the last phrases which he used, to express his intention of taking a view of the actual state of the study of creation — that sublime study, which, while it enlightens and strengthens the human mind, ought to preserve it from the deceptive habit of regarding things apart from their relation to 174 Eloge of Baron Cuvier. each other, and distorting them, that they may be subjected to the laws of a system ; which ought, in short, to lead the thoughts in- cessantly to that supreme Intelligence, who governs, enlightens, • and vivifies all, who reveals all things, and whom all things re- veal. At this part of his lecture he displayed a calmness and just- ness of perception, combined with a depth and seriousness of thought, which led his auditors to think of that book which speaks of the creation to all mankind. This was the result of his ideas rather than his expressions, for every thing in the free exposition which he made, breathed the feehng of the omnipo- tence of a supreme cause, and of an infinite wisdom. He seemed, as it were, by the examination of the visible world, to be led to the precincts of that which is invisible, and the examination of the creature evoked the Creator. At last these words fell from him, in which it is easy to see a presentiment : " Such, gentle- men, will be the objects of our investigation, if time, my own strength, and the state of my health, permit me to continue and finish them." The closing scene of M. Cuvier's life, as a public teacher, appears to me to be impressed with peculiar beauty. Who could fail to be deeply affected at the last accents of so pure an intelligence, disengaged from the vanities and the interests of systems ? Who could remain cold and insensible before the last look thrown on creation by him who had revealed so many of its mysteries ? Who could resist the feelings excited by the view of science revealing eternal wisdom ? How noble, now affecting, and how prophetic ! So soon to appear before the supreme tri- bunal, what conviction could he express, what words could he pronounce, which would have formed a more suitable prepara- tion ? After this lecture the first symptoms appeared of the disorder, which, in less than eight days, brought him to the grave. He presided, notwithstanding, on the following day, in the Committee of the Interior. Soon, however, paralysis of a pecnihar kind destroyed in succession the nerves which produce voluntary motion, leaving uninjured those which form the seat of sensation ; the members affected thus became completely in- ert, and yet retained their sensibility. M. Cuvier had, a short time before, read to the Academy of Sciences, a memoir sent by an Italian anatomist on the existence of this little known affec- Eloge of' Baron Cuvier. 175 tion of the nervous system. It may be supposed that the ex- tent of his labours, during the latter years of his hfe, had con- tributed to produce it. All the assistance of art, lavished upon him by men of the greatest skill, was ineffectual, and it soon became apparent that his end was drawing near. Every one knows with what courage and serenity he saw it approach. The unremitting care and attention which were be- stowed on him affected him deeply, but did not diminish his courage. Even to the last he permitted those to approach who had been on terms of intimacy with him, and it was thus that I was a witness of his dying moments. Four hours be- fore his death, I was in that memorable cabinet where the happiest hours of his life had been spent, and where I had seen him surrounded with so much homage, enjoying his well merit- ed success ; he caused himself to be carried thither, and wished that his last breath should be drawn there. His countenance was in a state of perfect repose, and never did his noble head appear to me more beautiful, or worthy of admiration ; no alter- ation of a too sensible or painful kind had yet taken place, only a little weakness and difficulty in supporting himself were ob- servable. I held the hand which he had extended to me, while he said in a voice scarcely articulate : — " You see what a difference there is between the man of Tuesday (we had met on that day), and the man of Sunday; yet so many things remain to be done ! Three important works to be published, the materials of which are prepared, and nothing remains for me but to write them."" I made an effort to find some words to express to him the general interest which he excited. '* I love to believe it,"" he replied, " I have long endeavoured to render myself worthy of it.'' It will be seen, that his last thoughts were towards the fu- ture, and aspiring after glory, — a noble desire of immortality ! At nine o'clock on the evening of the 1 3th May, he had ceased to live, having reached only the age of sixty-two, although be- longing to a family remarkable for longevity. Shall I mention the profound grief which immediately environed this vast sanc- tuary of science, in the bosom of which his mortal remains re- pose .'' shall I describe his funeral obsequies, which neither the 176 Eloge of Baron Cuvier. increasing ravages of a frightful malady, nor any other cause, could prevent all ranks and all classes from attending, and carrying their last homage even to his tomb ? But has not the most honourable homage which has been paid to him, arisen out of the void which was immediately felt in every situation where he was engaged ? I honour, as I ought, the indisputable merit of those who have been called upon to succeed him in the different stations which he filled, the number of which has astonished every one ; but however well they may be filled, who would doubt, that if M. Cuvier could again appear, they would be restored to him with acclamation ? In this acclamation, do you not recognise, gentlemen, the infallible voice of posterity, which has already caused itself to be heard ? To it I leave the completion of the task which I have so imperfectly commenced, happy if your atten- tion has hitherto followed me without fatigue, and if you have not found me too unequal for the task which has been assigned me. CHARACTERS OF NEW OR LITTLE KNOWN GENERA OF PLANTS. By Robert Wight, Esq. M.D, F, L. S. Hon. E.I. C.S., and G. A. Walker Arnott, Esq. A, M. F. R. S.E. and L, S. Communicated by the Authors. The simple generic character of Millingtonia given by Rox- burgh, in his Flora Ind. vol. i. p. 102., although sufficiently ex- act for the Linnean classification, in which those parts only are accounted stamens that have pollen, conveys little information as to the real structure of parts. The nectarial bodies opposite the petals, are of a very singular shape. The apex (which Rox- burgh erroneously represents free) is incurved, and attached in front, similar to the petals of some umbelliferous plants, leaving two large hollows, one on each side, as if for the reception of the cells of an anther. Indeed, their whole appearance is that of abortive stamens, in which light we feel disposed to view them. The bifid scales, at the back of the fertile stamens, are of a very different texture, and these, we believe, are abortive petals. Thus, we have both stamens and petals heteromor- Characters of some little Icnozvn Genera of Plants. 177 phous ; the imperfect forms of the one set of organs opposite to the perfect ones of the other. The calyx we hav€ always found to consist of two interior sepals, and three exterior, one of which, and sometimes, but rarely all, are similar in size to the interior, and alternating with them : there are in some species in addition, small close-pressed bracteolae. The mode in which the calyx is placed is well figured by De Candolle (Organ. Veg. t. 37. f. 12. p.) We have, then, a calyx, a corolla, and andrce- cium, each of five parts, placed apparently in a double series ; the one dissimilar to the other, and alternate with it ; thus ana- logically shewing, that the hypogynous disk must be viewed as an outer series of the gymnoecium, the bidentate angles alternating with the two cells of the ovary. At first also, it would appear that the two outer parts of each organ alternate with the inner of the next, but this is only in appearance ; for, if that were the case, the angles of the hypogynous scale would be opposite to the three larger petals, whereas they alternate with them. The real disposition of parts, therefore, will be better under- stood, if we suppose each organ to be of only one series, and of five parts ; the petals alternating with the calyx, the stamens opposite to the petals, and the pistilla alternating with both sta- mens and petals. That this is the true explanation, is confirm- ed by the fact, that, in no known plant, where any organ con- sists of a double series of parts, do the component parts of one series differ in number from those of the other. The aestiva- tion will thus be imbricate and quincuncial ; and in such, two or three (as may happen) parts of the same organ are interior. It is, however, remarkable to find them of so very different a struc- ture as occurs in tliis genus. The affinities of MiUingtonia have not, so far as we know, been pointed out. The habit is much that of Semecarpus mangifera, and Buchanania; and, like the Terehinthacece, the embryo is campulitropal. The genus Sabia, also, has the sta- mens opposite the petals, the ovarium bilocular, two ovules in each cell, the one placed above the other ; but the petals are likewise opposite to the sepals, and the habit is different : more- over, it is by no means certain that Sahia ought to be referred to the Terebinthacea ; and the characters of all the other ge- VOL. XV. NO. XXIX. JULY 1833. M 178 Messrs Wight and Arnott on some New or nera of the order present little in common with Millingtonia. Our friend Dr Hooker has suggested an affinity with Sapin- dacea ; and with different genera of that order, it has several points in common, — as the fleshy disk, the two superposed ovules in each cell, the indehiscent fruit, with part of it abor- tive; the absence of albumen, and the curved embryo ; but that order has usually stamens twice as numerous as the petals, and, in addition, scales or tufts of hair at the base of the petals ; so that if, as in Millingtonia, these scales were to be viewed as abor- tive stamens, the whole number of stamens would much ex- ceed that of the petals. In Sapindacece, too, the hypogynous disk is fleshy, and is, we believe, the torus : here it is quite free from the receptacle, except at the point of attachment, and ap- pears to be formed by the union of an outer series of styles. Although, therefore, we cannot agree to place it among the true SapindacecB, we can see but little objection to its forming the type of a new order next them. Gen. 5. MILLINGTONIA, Boxb, Linn. Syst. DIANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ord. Nat. SAPINDACEIS affinis. Calyx persistens, quandoque 1-3-bracteatus, 6-sepalus; sepala insequalia; 2 interiora, aequalia ; 3 exteriora, saepe insequalia : cestivatio imbricata. Pe- tala 5, ad marginem receptaculi inserta, decidua, sepalis alternantia, hete- romorpha ; tria exteriora, orbicularia, Integra, sepalis interioribus alter- nantia ; cBstivatio imbricata : duo (spuria) interiora, staminibus fertilibus opposita, minora, acute bifida. Stamina 5, petalis opposita, iisdemque ima basi subunita ; tria sterilia ante petala majora ; duo fertilia ante pe- Jala minora : filamenta (fertilium) plana : connectiviim terminale, trans- verse ellipticum, antrorsum patelliforme, camosum, margine membrana- ceum, antheram loculis juxta positis globosis transverse dehiscentibus in patellula continens. Pollen globosum, laevissimum. Ovarium ova- tum, supra discum planum, tenue, liberum, triangulatum, angulis bi- dentatis, cum petals majoribus altemantibus, insidens, triloculare; loculis biovulatis : ovula dissepimento affixa, superposita. Stylus sim- plex, brevis, crassus. Stigma subbilobatum. Drupa unilocularis, mono- spermaj loculo altero abortiente ; dissepimento supra evanido, ad basin indurato persistente. Semen subrotundum, hinc prope basin, ad hilum, intrusum ; integumentum membranaceum. Albumen nullum, (vel par- cissimura, RoxL) Embryo campulitropus, curvatus, conduplicatus. Co- tyledones oblongae. Radicula curvata, ad hilum versa. Arbores. Folia altema, exstipulata, integra, vel rarius pinnata, integerrima, vel dentato-serrata. Paniculae terminales, et versus apices ramorum axillares. riores scepius minuti, subspicati, in ramulos perbreves secus ramos horizori- tales dispositos. 1. M. pungens (Wall.); foliis simplicibus, coriaceis, lanceolatis, basi acutis, integerrimis, utrinque glabris, nervis subtus rufo-pubescentibus ; panicula rigida, dense ferrugineo-pubescenti ; rachi tereti; fioribus in ramulos ulti- little known Geiiera qfPlcmts, 179 BIOS aggregatis ; calyce tribracteato, sepalis subaequalibus, margine glandu- loso-cuiatis ; petalis tribus exterioribus rotundatis concavis, interioribus ul- tra medium bifidis filamenta 8equantibu8.--M. pungens. Wall. ! in Herb. Hook.; Wight et Am. in Prodr. Fl. Pen. Ind. Or. (ined.); Wight. Cat. No. 945. M. congesta, W. et Am. M S. Hab. In montibus " Neelgherries" dictis. 2. M. dilleniifoUa * (Wall.) ; foliis simplicibus, elliptico-oblongis, basi at- tenuatis, subtus pubescentibus ; nervis secundariis parallelis, rectiusculis, in denticulos patentes spinuliformes excurrentibus ; panicula gracili, laxa, pu- bescent!; rachi angulato; floribus in ramulos ultimos subdiscretis ; calyce ebracteato, sepalis 5 subaequalibus, margine ciliatis ; petalis exterioribus ro- tundatis, concavis, interioribus ad basin fere bifidis iilamentum perbreve ae- quantibus M. dilleniifolia, Wall.! in Herb. Hook. Hab 3. M. simplicifolia {Roxh.) i foliis simplicibus, membranaceis, oblongo-lan- ceolatis, in petiolum longe attenuatis, integerrimis, utrinque glabris; nervis secundariis prope marginem incurvis, confluentibus ; panicula gracili, laxa, pubescent! ; rachi angulato ; floribus in ramulos ultimos subdiscretis ; calyce ebracteato, sepalis tribus majoribus margine ciliatis; petalis exterioribus ro- tundatis, concavis, interioribus ad basin fere bifidis filameuto plus dimidio brevioribus M. simplicifoKa, lioxb. Fl. Ind. 1. p. 103; Spr. Sgst. 1. p. 3C; W. et A. Fl. Pen. Ind. Or. (ined.) ; Wight. Cat. N. 946 — M. laxa, W. et A. MS. Hab. In montosis provinciae Madurae. — Silhet, Roxburgh. 4. M. pwwMtto (Roxb.) ; foliis abrupte pinnatis; pinnis 6-12 jugis; foliolis elliptico-lanceolatis, utrinque glabris, denticulato-serratis, denticuUs incurvis, nervis secundariis ante marginem incurvis, confluentibus ; panicula laxa, pu- berula ; rachi angulato ; sepalis inaequalibus ; 2 bracteiformibus ; petalis ex- terioribus rotundatis, interioribus ad medium fere bifidis filamentum aequan- tibus. M. pinnata, Roxb. Fl. Ind. 1. p. 104. ; Wail. ! in Herb. Hook. ; Spr. Syst. 1. p. 36. Hab. In Silhet ; Roxbur^. We have in the last species taken the part of the character referring to the number of the leaflets from Roxburgh's descrip- tion, the specimen before us being imperfect in that respect. Gen. 6. PLATYNEMA, mh. Syst Linn. DECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ord. Nat. MALPIGHIACEiE, Juss. Calyx 6-partitus, basi eglandulosus. Petala 5, subaequalia, plana, unguicu- lata, margine integerrima. Stamina 10^ altemis brevioribus ; //am^/ita basi dilatata, plana, persistentia : antherce lineari-oblongae, deciduse. Sty- lus filiformis, stamina superans: ovarium 3-loculare, apice 3-carinato- alatum — Folia opposita, stipuiata, elliptical obtusa, glabra. Flores termi- nalesy racemosi. 1. P. laurifolium, Nob. in Prodr. Penins. Ind. Or. (ined.); Wight. Cat. N. 947 — Gsertnera laurifolia. Wall. List of E. I. Plants, N. 7265. Hab. In insula Zeylana ; Herb, mission. This plant is, as Dr Wallich and the missionaries point out, closely allied to GtRrtnera of Schreber, the Hiptage of Gaert- * We insert this species and M. pinnata, although not found ki the peninsula, in order to complete our account ot the genus. M 2 180 Messrs Wight and Arnott on some New or ner and De CandoUe ; but imperfect as our specimen is, we do not think that it can be actually united to that genus. Gen. 7. SPH^ROCARYA, WalL Unn, Spst. PENTANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ord. Nat. SANTALACE^ ? R. Br. Perxanthii tubus clavatus, ovario adhserens, limbus S-partitus. Petala nulla. GlanduleB biseriales ; 6 exteriores petaloideae, fauci caljcis insertae, sta- minibus alternantes : 5 interiores minutissimae, ciliatae, inter stamina et perianthii lacinias. Stamina 5 ; filamenta brevia, glabra, ad basin pe- rianthii lacinias inserta, iisdemque opposita : antherce bUoculares. Stylus simplex. Stigma subbilobum. Drupa pyriformis, monosperma. Albu- men magnum carnosum ; Embryo brevis, in apice albuminis : radicula supera — Arbores. Folia alternantia, Integra, penninervia. Flores race- most : pedicellis brevibus, crassis, ebracteolatis. 1. S. eduHs (WalL); foliis subtus ad nervos pilosis — S. edulis, Wall, in Roxb. et Wall. Fl. Ind. 2. p. 371. ; Spr. Syst. Veg. Supp. p. 101. ; G. Don, in Mill. Diet. 2. p. 27. Hab. In sylvis Nepalensibus, in valle seque ac in montibus ; Clariss. Wallich. 2. S. Wallichiana (Nob.) ; foliis subtus glaberrimis S. Wallichiana, Wight et Am. in Prodr. Fl. Penins. Or. (ined.) ; Wight, Cat. N. 948. Hab. In dumetis montium provincise Madurse. We have not had it in our power to examine the structure of the ovarium of this genus. Dr Wallich states that " the ovu- lum is erect, supported by a fleshy subdiaphanous spirally twisted cord, which rises from the bottom of the ovary, and is conducted into the oblong cell by means of a proper tube or ca- nal,*" which is slightly at variance with the natural order San- talacese. Gen. 8. BRAGANTIA, Lour. Linn, Syst. GYNANDRIA HEXANDRIA. Ord. Nat. ARISTOLOCHI^, Juss. Perianthium tube globoso, limbo aequaliter 3-fido. Filamenta nulla. An- therce 6-9, circa stylum medium, seu ejus rudimentum insertae, extror- sum dehiscentes. Fru^tus siliquaeformis, indehiscens, plurilocularis, po- lyspermus. — Frutices erecti, ramosi. Folia lanceolata, integerrima, venosa, magna, alterna. Flores fusco-rubri : rucemi, breves, pauciflori, axillares. 1. "R. racemosa (Loun); hermaphrodita ; foliis late lanceolatis ; perianthii tubo 10-sulcato, limbi laciniis obtusis; antheris 6, omnibus juxtapositis ; stig- matibus in discum concavum integrum coalitis. — B. racemosa, Lour. Fl. Coch. (ed. Willd.) 2. p. 645. ; Spr. Syst. 3. p. 755. Hab. In montis Cochinchinae. 2. B. tcmentosa (Blum.) ; hermaphrodita ; foliis ovali-oblongis, coriaceis, supra glabris, subtus reticulatis, arachnoideo-tomentosis ; racemis lateralibus, cemuis, bracteatis, tomentosis ; antheris 6 ; stylo subquadrifido, stigmatibus little known Genera of Plants. 181 obtusiusculis.— B. tomentosa, Blum. en. PI. Jav. fasc. 1. p. 82 — Ceramium to- mentosum, Blum. Bydr. p. 1134. Hab. In sylvas montanis humidis insularum Javae et Nusae Kambangae. 3. B. Wallichii (R. Br.) ; dioica ; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis, basi triner- viis ; perianthii tubo laevi, limbi laciniis acutiusculis ; antheris 9, triadelphis, per tria connatis ; pistillo (maris j brevissimo ; stigmatibus 9, radiantibus, ad basin unitis, tribus bifidis ; fructu tereti — B. Wallichii, R. Brcwn, in Wall. List of E. I. Plants, N. 74 1 4. ; Wight et Am. in Prodr. Fl. Pen. Ind. Or. (ined.) ; Wight. Cat. N. 949 Apama siliquosa, Lam. Enc. Meth. 1. p. 91.; ill. tab. 640. ; Rheed. Mai G. tab. 28. Hab. In dumetis montium prope Courtallum. In arenosis et apricis " in Aregatti et Mondabelle, aliisque locis** Malabariae, copiose ; Rheede. {To be continued.) Descriptio7i of several New or Rare Plants which have lately flowered in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh, and chiefly in the Royal Botanic Garden, By Dr Graham, Profes- sor of Botany in the University of Edinburgh. June 10. 1833. Alstrcemeria aurea. A. aurea ; caule stricto, glabro ; foliis lineare-ellipticis, sparsis, glabris, pallidis, margine scabriusculis, supra nervosis glaucis ; pedunculis um- bellatis, bifloris, erectis, foliis superioribus duplo brevioribus ; corollae laciniis patentibus, subaequalibus, mucronatis, exterioribiis obovatis serratis concoloribus, interioribus lanceolatis integerrimis striatis. Description Sterna (1^ foot high, exclusive of the terminal umbel) nu- merous, erect, simple, glabrous. Leaves (4^ inches long, fth inch broad) very numerous, linear-elliptical, scattered, glabrous, light green, glau- cous, and many-nerved on the surface, which, by the twisting of the long attenuated base, becomes the lower, slightly rough on the edges, callous at the apex, as is best seen in dry native specimens. Peduncles umbel- late, erect, about half the length of the leaves which surround their base like an involucre, 2-flowered, the lateral flower springing from the axil of a leaf-like bractea, bearing another similar but smaller bractea on its side, and in general below its middle ; and here probably in a very luxuriant state of the plant another flower would arise. Corolla orange- coloured, segments nearly equal in length, spreading, mucronate, the three outer segments obovate, serrated, the three inner lanceolate, the lower as well as the three outer segments of nearly uniform colour, and occasionally with one or two deep orange-coloured streaks, the two others more yellow below the apex, and having many such streaks down even to their channelled nectariferous bases. Stamens declined, rather longer than the lowest segment of the corolla, orange-coloured ; pollen granules small, oblong, yellow. Stigma trifid, with short pubescence on the sur- face. Style ascending, angular, of uniform orange colour. Germen green, ribbed. This sjjecies, imported by Mr Anderson, was received at the Botanic Gar- den from Mr Low of Clapton, under the specific name here adopted, and is now in flower in the greenhouse. I am afraid that in this, as in many other South American genera, we are unwarrantably multiplying speci- fic names; but this is probably rightly considered distinct from any of the plants previously described. In habit it approaches nearly to Alstrce. meria pukhella, but probably will always be a much smaller plant. 182 Br Graliani''s Description of New or Rare Plants. Begonia radiata. B* radiata ; acaulis ; foliis palmatis, utrinque, cumque petiolis et scapo elato, pilosis, lobis lanceolato-oblongis, undulatis, sinuatis ; floribus di- petalis, filamentis basi solummodo cohserentihus, germine S^lato (alia rotundatis ?) Description — Leaves (7 inches across") bright green above, paler below, all radical, subpeltate, cordato-palmate, hairy above and below, with se- ven strong radiating nerves, very prominent below, lobes lanceolate, ob- long, undulate, sinuated, dentate, unequal, the central (4 inches from the insertion of the petiol to its apex) being the longest, the others gra- dually smaller to the sinus ; petiole rather shorter than the middle lobe, densely covered with long coarse entangled crystalline hairs, which, in . fading, resemble yellow wool. Scape (2 feet high) tapering upwards, straight, pretty closely covered with oblong red streaks, from which spring long tortuous, acute, crystalline hairs. Bractece in opposite pairs at each division of the flower-stalk, serrated, ovate, hairy, dentato-ci- liate, nerved, smaller in every succeeding pair. Peduncles dicliotomo- deliquescent, streaked like the scape, and somewhat hispid. Flowers rose-coloured, dipetalous, petals rotund, entire; male flowers in the cleft of the peduncles, expanding before the female. Stamens yellow, ascend- ing ; filaments cohering only at the base ; anthers spathulate, connec- tive extending beyond the loculaments. Germen 3-winged (wings roimded ?) We received this plant at the Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, from Berlin, in 1832, having the name Begonia tanacetifolia attached to it ; but the leaves are so very peculiar, and so unlike a species of Tanacetum^ that I cannot help suspecting our plant may have been put up by mistake, in- stead of another, and therefore I have ventured to apply to it another specific designation. When in a very vigorous state, it unfortunately damped off just before the flowers were fully expanded. The scape was cut and stuck into damp sand, but a few of the male flowers only ex- panded. The habit of the species is very singular. Calceolaria crenatiflora. C. crenatiflora ; herbacea ; foliis ovatis, suhlobatis, dentatis, inferioribus prsecipue petiolatis, utrinque caulique pubescentibus, subobliquis, flo- ribus corymbosis, labio superiore minimo, inferiore amplo maculato crenalo, laciniis calycinis late ovatis nervosis. Calceolaria crenatiflora, Cavanilles, Icones PI. 5. 28. t. 446. — Sprengel, Syst. Veg. 1. 44. Calceolaria anomala, Pers. Synops. 1. 16. Calceolaria pendula, Sweet, Brit. Fl. Garden, 155. Description Herbaceous. Stem {\\ foot high) erect, purple towards the base, abundantly covered with soft spreading hairs, some of which are long and acute, a greater number half their length, and glandular. Lower leaves ovate, petioled (with the petiole 7 inches long, 34 broad) decurrent along the petioles, slightly undulate, sublobate, dentate, sub- oblique, rugose, pubescent on both sides, dark green above, much paler below, and there purple towards the lip. Stem-leaves ovate, subacute, on much shorter petioles, smaller and more sessile upwards. Floivers co- rymbose, primary division in two or three branches, branches dichotomous with two flowers in the cleft. Peduncles (1^ inch long) as well as the branches having the same pubescence as on the stem. Calyx segments broadly ovate, subacute, spreading, densely covered with both kinds of pubescence on the outside, with the glandular only on the inner, entire nerved, nerves generally 5. Corolla with short glandular pubescence over the whole of the outer surface, most conspicuous on the upper lip, glabrous within, except at the insertion of the stamens, where there are a few hairs, yellow, sprinkled with orange-brown spots on the upper part tS I^f Graham's Description of New or Bare Plants. 183 of the lower lip, and on its inner side near the throat, the spots being there larger and round, in the former situation smaller and oblong, while in that part of the lower lip which is inflected in the throat they become streaks. Upper lip small semilunar, compressed upon the calyx, cucul- late in the centre ; lower lip very large, inflated, about a third of its lower surface parallel to the calyx, the remainder at right angles to this, and the upper surface forming an inclined i)lane from the throat, crenate at its lower part, the number of crenatures varying from three to five, and each frequently emarginate, inflected portion of the lower lip flat at right angles to its upper surface. Stamens erect, subexserted, filaments conical, slightly curved downwards, somewhat compressed, and having upon their surface a few erect, short, glandular hairs ; anthers large, pale yellow, lobes divaricated, equal, deeply furrowed on their outsides ; pollen cream-coloured. Pistil longer than the stamens ; stigma small, glandular, capitate ; style glabrous, slightly curved downwards ; germen glanduloso-pubescent, shape and structure as in the genus, placenta large, ovules very numerous. There is no species of this beautiful genus which forms so striking an ob- ject in the green-house as this. How far it will bear cultivation in the open air, we have yet to ascertain. I can see no reason whatever for the specific distinction between Calceolaria creimtijlora and C. pendula at- tempted to be drawn in the British Flower Garden. The chief distinc- tion stated is the difference of the number of the crenatures in the lower lip, and the flowers being pendulous or suberect. The former charac- ter I find to vary continually in the flowers even on the same corymb ; and the latter seems to me to depend solely on the degree of unnatu - ral luxuriance produced by cultivation. I have both plants from Mr Low, who first raised them from seeds gathered in Chiloe by Mr Ander- son, and who furnished the plant figured as Calceolaria pendula in the British Flower Garden, and I cannot see a shade of difference between them. The impropriety of unnecessarily changing names is absolutely caiicatured by Persoon, who, knowing the plant only through the bad fi- gure of Cavanilles, imagined the lower lip to be flat, not inflated, as in the genus, and therefore rejecting the name of Cavanilles, descriptive of a form found in, though not peculiar to the species^ he gave a name ap- plicable only to the figure. Epacris nivalis. E. nivalis ; foliis ovato-lanceolatis, patentissimis, nudiusculis, infra ner- vosis, apice attenuatis, mucronaiis, marginibus scabris ; floribus axil- laribus, solitariis, secundis, in pseudo-spicis longis aggregatis, corollae tubo campanulato, calycibus acutis ciliatis multo longiore. Description — Shrub evergreen, with many long, slender, tomentous branches. Leaves scattered, spreading, ovato-lanceolate, attenuated at the apex, and mucronate, dark green above, slightly paler and 3-nerved below, nearly glabrous, edges slightly scabrous. Flowers solitary, axil- lary, peduncled, secund, cernuous, collected into long pseudo-spikes on the upper part of the branches, peduncles shorter than the leaves, tomen- tous, scaly. Calyx coloured, segments very acute, ciliated. Corolla white, glabrous ; tube campanulate, 5-sided, pitted on the outside towards its base, so as to close it over the germen, about thrice as long as the calyx ; limb of 5 reflected, cordato-ovate segments. Stamens alternate with the segments of the limb ; filaments adhering to the tube ; anthers nearly sessile in the throat, red, linear, incumbent. Stigma of five lobes, yellow. Style glabrous, white, attenuated towards its apex. Germen globular, green. Hypogynous scales semicircular, closely applied to the lower half of the germen. This exceedingly beautiful species was introtluced into the garden of Messrs Loddiges, by H. M. Dyer, Esq. in 1829. The specimens now described form pretty large bushes, and most attractive ornaments to the green- 184 Dr Graham's Description of New or Rare Plants. house in the extensive collection of Mr Cunningham at Comely Bank Nursery, near Edinburgh, where they were profusely covered with blos- soms in April. It is extremely difficult to get written characters to dis- tinguish E. cercBflora^ E. nivalis^ and E. impressa, though obviously very different species. The difficulties are increased by each seeming to vary considerably, and that in parts of structure which were considered dia- gnostic of the species. In the reformed characters which I have attempt- ed here, I am forced, in distinguishing these three from each other, to re- ly chiefly on the tube of the corolla. There is a variety of E. nivalis cultivated by Mr Cunningham, and ob- tained from Mr Low under the name of E. variabilis, in which the buds are suberect, the peduncle as long as the calyx, the tube of the corolla three times longer than this, twice as long as the leaves, and the sides grooved nearly along their whole length, the throat being slightly con- tracted ; in all of which there is a departure from what has been consi- dered the type of E. nivalis, and the flowers are larger than in this, the plant is more robust, slightly different in habit, and is rather less easily propagated by cuttings. Epacris cercejlora is a much smaller plant than either of the others, the wood is much more slender, the leaves more crowded, and the flowers little more than half the size of theirs. Epacris impressa, — Foliis lanceolatis, patentissimis, nudiusculis, infra ner- vosis, apice attenuatis, mucronatis, marginibus scabris, petiolis brevis- simis ; floribus pendulis, axillaribus, solitariis, in pseudo-spicis congestis, corollse tubis prismaticis, calyce acuto ciliato multo longioribus. Epacris cer^flora, — Foliis lanceolatis, patentissimis, nudiusculis, sub- aveniis, apice attenuato-mucronatis, marginibus scabris ; floribus patulis, axillaribus, solitariis, secundis ; corollse tubo ovato, calycem acutum ci- liatura bis superanti. Eucalyptus amygdalina. E. amygdalina; operculo hemisphaerico, submutico, cupula, breviore; pe- dunculis axillaribus et lateralibus, teretiusculis, petioli longitudine; umbellis 6-8-floris, subcapitatis ; foliis lineari-lanceolatis, basi attenu- atis, apice acuminato-mucronatis — Decand. Eucalyptus amygdalina, Labill. Nov. HoU. 2. 14. t. 154 — Spreng. Syst' Veget. 2. 501 Decand. Prodr. 3. 219. Metrosideros salicifolia, Gcertner, Fruct. et Sem. 1. 171. a, t. 34. fig. 3. ? Description. — With us a rather slender-wooded shrub. Branches pendu- lous. Leaves (3-4 inches long) petiolate, linear-lanceolate, acuminato- mucronate, sometimes falcate or subsessile, ovato-elliptical and mucro- nate ; glaucous, especially when young ; distantly sprinkled with minute transparent dots ; middle rib strong, veins and marginal callosity scarcely visible till dry. Flowers in axillary 5-8 (or more) flowered corymbs ; pe- duncles scarcely longer than the petiole, stouter than it, nearly round, or obscurely furrowed ; pedicels resembling the peduncle, and not much more slender. Calyx, including the cohering segments of its limb (oper- culum) scarcely so long as the pedicel; operculum hemispherical, mi- nutely pointed, shorter than the tube (cupula). Stamens numerous, white, longer than the cupula. Style longer than the cupula, but shorter than the stamens. This species, native of Van Diemen's Land, flowered at the Botanic Gar- den in the beginning of this month, when trained against the wall. We have not yet ascertained whether, like the Eucalyptus pulverulenta, it will thrive without this protection. The descriptions of Fritillaria minor, Leontice Altaica, Libertia crassa and formosa, the new species Syringa Jacquinii, Oxylobium ellipticum, and Pri- mula amcena, from want of room are delayed until our next publication. ( 185 ) Celestial Phenomena fiom July 1. to October 1. 1833, calculated for the Meridian of Edinburgh^ Mean Time. By Mr Geo. Innes, Astronomical Calculator, Aberdeen. The times are inserted according to the CivU reckoning, the day beginning at midnight. — The Conjunctions of the Moon with the Stars are given in Right Ascention. JULY. D. H- / // D. ^* / // 1. 7 5 15 61)if^ t 13. 22 32 16 ]) very near $ 2. 0 24 54 O Full Moon. 14. 22 18 44 d })o d 2. 1 4 51 dDi' r 15. 2 20 1 dK tt 2. 1 30 0 d])2v t 17. 7 3 36 0 New Moon. 2. 6 50 8 6Don 19. 1 59 48 Im. I. sat. y. 4. 13 24 31 6D^n 19. 3 66 38 6D^ 6. 2 26 1 Em. III. sat. y. 19. 15 35 17 6 D6 6. 6 56 13 6Dyn 21. 1 3 45 Em. IL sat. 1/ 5. 10 14 13 6D^n 21. 3 24 14 dDvTlJ 5. 10 32 8 6])¥ 21. 5 9 43 dD h 6. 14 34 - c?0i 23. 3 47 29 O enters ^ 7. 9 32 37 61)^^—^ 23. 21 27 48 I First Quarter. 7. 10 6 5 6D^^^ 24. 6 27 - d?«^ 8. 9 13 37 6DrK 24. 19 13 48 d D 2 1 :^ . . 8. 11 3 29 c^ D^K 25. 13 14 16 6Dy^ 9. 12 47 25 f$ ))m Ceti. 25. 17 11 31 d ]) "^ 10. 4 0 30 ( Last Quarter. 25. 21 40 0 d )) ^zf^ [elong. 10. 14 26 16 d DvK 26. 0 29 - ^ greatest E. 11. 6 56 43 61) V 26. 22 54 - § greatest W. 11. 6 39 25 6 ]) U Ceti. 27. 13 21 43 6))^Opii.[elong. 11. 14 17 42 d ]) 2 i Ceti. 27. 23 29 52 d D I> Oph. 11. 18 44 - 6?i^ a 28. 1 14 23 Im. II. sat. H 11. 22 32 46 6))f- Ceti. 28. 13 10 46 61)1 f- t 13. 11 12 - 6?» a 29. 7 21 13 dDi' :r 13. 19 31 22 dDi^ « 29. 7 46 38 61)2. t 13. 20 1 40 d D2S a 29. 12 9 7 61)0 t 13. 20 36 54 d D35 a 31. 14 56 24 O Full Moon. 13. 21 55 23 d D« « AUG 31. CJST. 20 2 27 6Dr,n D. H. / ,/ D. H- , // 1. 13 36 53 6Dyn 5. 19 44 15 c/ ]) TO Ceti. 1. 15 37 2 d])¥ 6. 21 42 58 d ])vK 1. 17 4 4 dD^n 7. 14 13 37 d }) U CetL 3. 16 13 41 d ))2r/.SS5 7. 18 51 8 d])^ 3. 16 47 11 d])3^^C^ 7. 22 11 17 Oph. 12. 8 38 12 d))? 24. 18 51 0 6 Di^ t 13. 4 12 5 d])^n 25. 13 3 58 6^1^ t 13. 15 4 - y^ 31. 22 4 45 6])rK 21. 22 25 38 Im. 11 sat. li 31. 23 55 1 6])sH SEPTE MBER. D. H. / // D. H- / // 2. 3 63 15 6i>^yi 8. 12 18 - § greatest W. 2. 20 4 17 6 6h. 8. 12 47 - 6 6»^ [elong. 3. 2 18 11 Im. I. sat. y. 8. 14 59 24 6D f^U 3. 20 30 35 d D 1| CetL 9. 13 40 58 dHn 4. 1 67 32 dDy 10. 4 13 9 Im. I. sat. 1/ 4. 4 22 54 d D 2 1 Ceti. 10. 11 13 - d ? ^2Z5 4. 12 54 48 d D ^ Ceti. 10. 23 36 14 dD? 5. 3 39 57 Im. II. sat. If. 11. 22 41 41 Im. I. sat. y. 6. 11 56 46 d D 1^ d 12. 7 44 - d^e^ 6. 12 27 35 d ])2^ d 12. 15 42 8 6D^ 6. 13 4 41 (^ D3S d 13. 22 0 18 % New Moon. 6. 14 27 19 dD« « 14. 10 30 32 dDh 7. 6 41 24 ( Last Quarter. 14. 20 29 35 6DS 7. 16 10 17 dDo « 17. 10 35 7 d])2|- 7. 20 24 52 d D ? d 18. 3 39 48 d3)y=^ 8. 7 4- 6^-Sl 18. 7 25 44 dD"^ & 7 19 0 d D Hn 18. 11 41 47 6 D^^ 8. 11 43 52 d J 'jH 19. 0 35 46 Im. I. sat. y Celestial Phenomena from July 1. to Oct. 1. 18S3. 187 SEPTEMBER— conrtmitfd. D. H. , „ D. H. , ,, 20. 1 58 7 6 D e Oph. 25. 11 40 34 6])^ 20. 11 52 5 c5 ]) D Oph. 26. 2 29 58 Im. I. sat. 11 20. 18 56 42 }) First Quarter. 27. 4 18 58 d])2^^<^ 20. 21 38 - 6^<^^ 27. 5 2 41 6^^^'>^ 21. 19 8 0 dD Iv ^ 27. 20 58 32 Im. I. sat 7/ 21. 19 43 14 c5M' :r 28. 4 11 3 d DrK 21. 20 9 30 Im. III. sat. 11 28. 6 0 59 c5 D* K 21. 22 27 3 Em. III. sat % 28. 9 17 - d?« ^ 22. 0 4 14 61)0 t 28. 23 4 30 O FuU Moon. 22. 22 12 3 Im. II. sat. y 29. 0 10 34 Im. III. sat % 23. 7 2 20 0 enters di^ 29. 2 27 29 Em. III. sat If. 24. 8 4 31 6T>'V% 29. 14 38 - 6^h 24. 13 7 - dOh 30. 0 48 54 Im. II. sat. U 25. 1 43 31 dD^n 30. 9 45 6 6D^K 25. 5 13 4 dD^n The MooMT will be Eclipsed, July 1. and 2, Visible to all Europe — The following are the times for the Edinburgh Observatory : The Eclipse begins, . . . July 1. 22 52 17,6 Middle, 2. 0 30 21,2 End of the Eclipse, 2 8 24,8 Digits Eclipsed, lO^g- 18' 45",4 on the South part of the Moon*s Disc. There will be a great Eclipse of the Sun * on I7th July, Visible to all Eu- rope The following are the times for the Observatories of Edinburgh, Greenwich, and Aberdeen : Edinburgh. The Eclipse begins, . . July 17. 4 57 7,8 Greatest Obscuration, 6 49 17,9 Visible Conjunction, 5 51 15,1 End of the Eclipse, 6 44 38,9 Digits Eclipsed at Greatest Obscu- \^^ ration, f ^" The Moon will enter the Sun's j^ Limb at J from his Vertex, towards the right hand, as seen with a Telescope which does not invert 0 31,9 46M1 18 Greenwich. | H. / 4 5 55 5 58 6 49 5,8 4,2 16,6 21,9 8 47 48,3 37° 12 20 Aberdeen. H- / // 5 2 42,1 5 55 21,5 5 57 11,0 6 51 2,2 dig. 10 9 29,9 48° 19 4 On 20th August, at'O'' 37" 44*, it is probable that the Planet Venus may come in contact with C n ; but the Pldnet and Star will not be risen at the time of nearest approach. * An account of this eclipse waa formerly Inserted in this Journal fbr October->December 1898« the reader will also find a Projection of it for Edinburgh Observatory. 188 Celestial Phenomena from July 1. to Oct. 1. 1833. ' ^ss:Sox-p CD w to to ►- ►- o Ox © Ox © Ox t— • o ^gs:©ox.-? ^ ^ ^© © ^* •>4 to © 09 09 to g ^ N' to to 09 bU 09 * CO •-' it^ -^ 09 )»^ © H-03 rf^ OS .l^^ 09 09 00 09 09 09 ^ 1 _< i_4 h-< 1^ 09 -a© to to ^0 Ox to to H- 09 Ox © OS itk. Ox*4 tO^ 03 © OX OX ©*4o O^ 09 N- to ©«-4 09 to ^ ©^ 23 4N. 21 26 18 51 16 15 13 26 10 43 o «o «o «o «o ;d" 1 © © 03 03 03 03* Ox Ox Ox Ox Ox I— CO Ox 09 tO^ < § OD 03 03 03 © ©? Ox Ox Ox Ox >— K) 09 © © »&-^ 1 c W O^ OS CO O COo SiliSSoxoxSS^ 20 5N. 20 27 20 45 20 52 20 48 20 30 © ©-^"-l © OXg 1-^ 09 )l^ H^ )(^ ©;^^© ox tO^ to to to to 09 09 • 09 tt^ Ox Ct •— ' OS OS.-»-4 05^ p ^- 1-1 H- h- h-. !_ tl! OS 09 09 09 09 *>.• to 09 09 *>. Ox •(^ to © 03 © to^ 1 ;^ ;^ 1^ rfx ^ *.w i-i to 09 09 rf^ Ox OS to ©"^ Ox •— ^ g 1 20 N. 0 18 N. 1 3S. 2 23 3 43 5 2 09 *. Ox*4 00 ©g ^ © Ox to © Ox^ © to o: 1*^ Ox ©o Ox 1— h- to rf^ Ox tO^ © ©^ •- to to to 09 OOW Oi 1— 09 Ox H- 09 O-x OS 03 © © *^^ JX rf^ rf^ *- OX Ox Ox ? 09 to to © 5 00^ c J1 ox © © ©-4^? Ox H- OS Ox to © © OS h- © H-^ 1' 12 2N. 11 59 11 53 11 46 11 38 11 28 11 51 N. 11 56 12 0 12 3 12 5 12 5 10 42 N. 10 54 11 7 11 19 11 30 11 40 H- » to to W 09 •* Ox K- to 4i>. I— 09 © *4 Ot to © ^ 1 l-a ^ ^ H- ^ H-ia 09 09 i(^ )(^ 1^ Ox ■ *>. Ox H- 09 OX 1— 00 Ox *^ to Ox^ 3 ox Ox © © © ©? 09 )U> to ri^ Ox © W © OX 09 ©X 1— I-" I— to to tOo to 09 09 09 09 OJq 5^ *.4^^^rf.Ox, K- to 09 *». O' *- 0« Ox OX © H-^ o ISS^©©©« ^ 09 Ox ^ *^ Ox Ox © O CO •— "-Jv n 8 t ^ H- to to to 09* © © © © © 00^ 1 t (yx Ox ox Ox O" OXq ^ )^ ,^ 4^ CjO 09 (».^ rfi. H- 03 ©^ Ox 0"x Ox Ox Ox OXq © © w © o^ to^ Ox Ox Ox *>. *» t*»-o Ox Ox Ox •^ 09 © © 09 ^^ { 189 ) SCIENTIFIC INTELLIGENCE. METEOROLOGY. 1. Influence of the Moon on Rain. — From the comparison of a series of observations, continued for twenty-eight years at Munich, Stuttgard, and Augsburg, by Professor Schubler, it appears that the maximum number of rainy days takes place be- tween the first quarter and the new moon. The number of Vdiiuy, days in the last of these intervals, is to that in the first as 696 to 845, or in round numbers, as 5 to 6. And this propor- tion is not only true of the twenty years taken together, but al- so of the separate groups of four years, which give analogous numbers ; we therefore conclude that it rains more frequently during the increase than during the wane of the moon. The results obtained by Schubler receive support from a series of observations made by Pilgram at Vienna. On 100 repetitions of the same phase, Pilgram found the falls of rain to be as follows : New moon 26, mean of the two quarters 25, full moon 29 ; consequently, at Vienna, as well as at Augsburg and Stutgard, it rains more frequently on the day of the full, than on that of the new moon. Arago remarks in regard to the observations, " confining ourselves to the principal results^ it seems dijfflcult to resist the conclusion that the vioon exercises an iiifiuence on our atmosphere; that in virtue of this influence rain falls more frequently towards the second octant, than ai any other epoch of the lunar month ; and, lastly, that the chances of rain are fewest between the last quarter and the fourth oc- tantr 2. The supposed Influence of the Moon on Vegetation. — It is generally believed, says Arago, especially in the neighbourhood of Paris, that the moon, in certain months, has a great influence on the phenomena of vegetation. The gardeners give the name of red moon (lune rousse) to the moon, which, beginning in April, becomes full either about the end of that month, or more usually in the course of May. In the months of April and May, the moon, according to them, exercises a pernicious in- 190 Scientific Intelligence. — Meteorology. fluence on the young shoots of plants. They maintain that they have observed during the night, when the sky is clear, the leaves and buds exposed to this light, to become red, that is to say, to be frozen, although the thermometer in the free atmosphere stood several degrees above the freezing point. They also as- sert, that if the rays of the moon are intercepted by clouds, and thereby prevented from reaching the plants, the same effects do not take place, under circumstances perfectly similar in other respects with regard to temperature. These phenomena seem to indicate that the light of our satellite is endowed with a certain frigorific influence ; yet, on directing the most powerful burning- glasses, or the largest reflectors towards the moon, and placing the most delicate thermometers in their foci, no eff^ect has ever been observed which could justify so singular a conclusion. Hence with philosophers the eff*ects of the April moon are now referred to the class of vulgar prejudices, while the gardeners remain convinced of the accuracy of their observations. A beautiful discovery made some years ago by Dr Wells, will enable us, I think, to reconcile two opinions in appearance so contradictory. No one had supposed, before Dr Wells, that terrestrial sub- stances, excepting in the case of a very rapid evaporation, may acquire during the night a different temperature from that of the surrounding air. This important fact is now well ascer- tained. On placing little masses of cotton, down, &c. in the open air, it is frequently observed that they acquire a tempera- ture of six, seven, or even eight centigrade degrees below that of the surrounding atmosphere. The same is the case with vegetables. We cannot therefore judge of the degree of cold with which a plant is aff*ected during the night, by the indica- tions of a thermometer suspended in the free atmosphere : the plant may he strongly frozen^ although the air remains constant- ly several degi-ees above the freezing point. These differences of temperature between solid bodies and the atmosphere only rise to six, seven, or eight degrees of the centesimal thermome- ter, when the sky is perfectly clear. If the sky is clouded they become insensible. Is it now necessary to point out the con- nexion between these phenomena, and the opinions of the coun- try people regarding the April moon ? In the nights of April and May, the temperature of the atmosphere is frequently only Scientific InteUtgence. — Meteorology. 199 four, five or six centigrade degrees above zero. When this hap- pens, plants exposed to the light of the moon, that is to say^ to a clear sky^ may be frozen, notwithstanding the indications of the thermometer. If the moon, on the contrary, does not shine — in short, if the sky is cloudy, the temperature of the plants does not fall below that of the atmosphere ; and they will consequently not be frozen, unless the thermometer indicates zero. It is therefore quite true, as the gardeners pretend, that under ther- mometrical circumstances precisely alike, a plant may be frozen or not, according as the moon may be visible or concealed be- hind clouds. If they are deceived, it is only in their conclu- sion in attributing the effect to the light of the moon. The moon^s light is, in this case, only the index of a clear atmo- sphere ; it is only in consequence of the clearness of the sky that the nocturnal congelation of plants takes place, the moon con- tributes to the effect in no way whatever ; although she were hid under the horizon, the effect would not be different. 3. Influence of the Moon on Diseases, — Hippocrates, says Arago, had so lively a faith in the influence of the stars on ani- mated beings, and on their maladies, that he very expressly re- commends not to trust to physicians who are ignorant of astro- nomy. The moon, however, according to him, only acted a secon- dary part, the preponderating stars were the Pleiades, Arcturus and Procyon. Galen shewed himself, in this respect, a zealous disciple of Hippocrates ; but it was the moon to which he as- signed the chief influence. Thus the famous critical days in diseases — that is to say, the 7th, the 14th, and the 21st, were connected with the duration of the principal phases of our satel- lite, and the lunar influence became the principal pivot of the system of C7ises. With regard to the theory of lunar influence on disease, it still counts a goodly number of partisans. In truth, I know not if the circumstance ought to astonish us. Is it not something to have on our side the authority of the two great physicians of antiquity ; and among the moderns, that of Mead, Hoffman, and Sauvage ? Authorities, I admit, are of little weight in matters of science, in the face of positive facts ; but it is necessary that these facts exist, that they have been subjected to severe examination, that they have been skilfully 192 Scientific Intelligence. -^Hydrography. grouped, with a view to extract from them the truths they con* ceal. Now, has this procedure been adopted with regard to the lunar influence ? Where do we find them refuted by such ar- guments as science would acknowledge ? He who ventures to treat a priori a fact as absurd, wants prudence. He has not reflected on the numerous errors he would have committed with regard to modern discoveries. I ask, for example, if there can be any thing in the world more bizarre, more incredible, more inadmissible than the discovery of Jenner ? Well ' the bizarre, the incredible, the inadmissible, is found to be true ; and the preservative against the smallpox is, by unanimous consent, to be sought for in the little pustule that appears in the udder of the cow. I address these short reflections to those who may think that the subject of lunat influence is unworthy of any no- tice. PIYDROGRAPHY. 4. Instances of Ground Ice. — A striking example of the forma- tion of ground-ice is mentioned by the Commander Steenk of Pillau. On the 9th February 1806, during a' strong south- east wind, and a temperature of -|- 34°.2 Fahrenheit, a long iron chain, to which the buoys of the fair-way are fastened, and •which had been lost sight of at Schappelts- wrack in a depth of from 15 to 18 feet, suddenly made its appearance at the surface of the water, and swam there ; it was, however, completely en- crusted with ice to the thickness of several feet. Stones, also, of from three to six pounds weight, rose to the surface ; they were surrounded with a thick coat of ice. A cable also, 3^ inches thick, and about 30 fathoms long, which had been lost the pre- ceding summer in a depth of 30 feet, again made its appearance and swam on the surface ; but it was enveloped in ice to the thickness of 2 feet. On the same day it was necessary to warp the ship into harbour in face of an east wind ; the anchor used for the purpose, after it had lain an hour at the bottom, became so encrusted with ice, that it required not more than half of the usual power to heave it up. 5. Avalaiiches in Grusia (Grusien). — By information lately received from Grusia, it appears that a frightful and fortunately Scientijic Intelligence. — Hydrography. 193 rare occurrence had taken place and caused considerable sensa- tion. On the morning of the 25th August 1832, an enormous avalanche descended suddenly from the mountain of Kasbek in- to a valley, through which the military road from Tiflis passes, and covered it for a distance of two wersts in length. The mass of snow extended across the entire ravine, which has a breadth of forty fathoms, and its thickness amounted to about forty faden (fathoms), so that the communication was interrupt- ed by about a million and a half cubic fathoms of snow, ice, and masses of rock rolled down by the avalanche from above. The river Terek, which flows through the ravine, had its course so completely blocked up, that it burst through its banks at the upper end of the defile, tore away several bridges, destroyed a part of the road, and flooded the lower parts of the country, before it formed a new passage for itself. The inhabitants were saved by their own sagacity and their thorough acquaintance with the mountains, foi* 6ven a week before the avalanche was precipitated, they had remarked signs which indicated with cer- tainty the approaching catastrophe, and had accordingly remov- ed to a considerable distance with their herds and moveable pro- perty. The forerunners of a great and dangerous avalanche are more or less frequent small avalanches of snow and loose earth from the Kasbeck, a mountain which rises to the height of 2500 toises above the level of the Black Sea. When the yearly aug- menting masses of snow which lie on this mountain and its de- clivities, are increased to such an extent as to lose the power of coherence, they slide gradually downwards, carrying along with them large masses of rock, and giving rise to a thundering noise. It is at the same time remarked, that the mountain tributary streams of the Terek become considerably swollen and bring down earth and stones. As the Kasbek is seventeen wersts distant from the place where the avalanches are precipitated into the ravine, some time must necessarily elapse before the descending snow accumulates to such an extent as to roll over all Uie pro- jecting cliff's which give protection to the road, and it is easy for the mountaineers to take to fligrht before the danger reaches them. Only two similar avalanches are known to have taken place in Grusia since it belonged to Russia; of which one hap- pened in the year 1808, and the other in 1817; and notwith- VOL. XV. NO. XXIX. — JDLY 1833. N 194) Scientific Intelligence. — Geology. standing the great and incessant labour employed for the pur- pose of clearing away the snow, yet in one of these instances- five years elapsed ere it was entirely removed. GEOLOGY. 6. Hoffmann'' s Discovery in regard to Carrara Marble. — According to the late investigations of Hoffmann, the famed marble of Carrara belongs to the Jura limestone formation, and even corresponds to the upper part of that deposit which affords at Solenhof and Pappenheim the well known lithographic stone» The limestone is observed rising from under the quader sand- stone, at first but little changed, and in this state abounding in petrifactions the same as those that occur in the Jura hmestone. With increased inclination of the strata, they become more gra- nular, and often alternate with large masses of dolomite : at length, in an immense wall, which, in a length of six German miles, scarcely sinks to a lower level than 4000 feet above the sea, the limestone becomes throughout granular, and loses every appearance of a common Jura limestone. But, in descending towards Carrara, the Jura petrifactions appear again in the deeper beds, below MisegHa, in a road which leads to the mar- ble quarries, and thus, according to Hoffmann, shewing that the beds of granular Mmestone or marble have been formed out of compact limestone, through subterranean agency The marble rests on clay-slate, which reposes on a mica-slate, sup- ported by gneiss. Hoffman endeavours to shew that the mica- slate and gneiss have been formed from the clay-slate, through the agency of subterranean heat. 7. Fish-bones and Scales in the Coal Formation. — Many years ago, we pointed out to our pupils the bones and scales of fishes in the shale of the coal formation, in the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Very lately my friend Mr Trevelyan has dis- covered some specimens of nearly whole fossil fish, at Wardie, near to Leith. 8. Specific Gravity of some British Rocks. — Compact hyper- stbene rock. Isle of Skye, 3.051. Trap vein in red sandstone, Isle of Lamlash, Arran, 3.0 J 4. Rock of the pillars of FingaPs Cave, 2.957. Anamesite or greenstone from Tobermory, in Isle of Mull, 2.905. Summit of Arthur Seat^ with traces of Scientific Intelligence. — Geology. 195 olivin, 2.886. West wall of Longraw, Arthur Seat, 2.801. Trap vein in the coal formation at CaroHne Park, near New- haven, 2.764. Rock of the Gallon Hill, Edinburgh, 2.754. Trap vein in clay-slate, Rothsay, Isle of Bute, 2.746. — Von Dechen, 9. Chemical Composition of some Secondary Rocks. — The following analyses by two of our young friends will afford a good general idea of the chemical nature of several rocks con- nected with the coal formation near to Edinburgh. (1.) Analysis of Slate-clay , from Wardie, near Newhaven. by Mr Robert Walker : It does not effervesce with acids, nei- ther does it form a jelly with them. When exposed to a red heat, it loses interstitial water, and splits into fragments. It is found alternating with sandstone and bituminous shale of the coal formation in the above mentioned neighbourhood. Its con- stituents are. Silica, 60.00 ; alumina, 17.60; oxide of iron, 15.21 ; lime, 2.36 ; loss by heat 4.41 : = 99,58. (2. ) Analysis of Compact Felspar from the Pentlands ; by Mr John Drysdale. Specific gravity 2.53. Chemical characters: Effervesces slightly, and does not gelatinize with acids. Before the blowpipe, infusible per se. Heated on platinum-wire, with an excess of the salt of phosphorus, it forms a transparent and colourless glass. Constituent parts : Silica, 73.5 ; alumina, with a trace of iron, 11.23 ; carbonate of lime, 2.5 ; potash, 3.55 ; soda, 3.8 ; water, 4.6 : = 99.20. (3.) Analysis of Greenstone from Wardie, near Newhaven, by Mr John Drysdale. — Effervesces, and does not gelatinize with acids. Before the blowpipe, heated per se, it melts into a black glass ; with the salt of phosphorus it melts into a trans- parent glass, yellow when hot, and colourless when cold. Spe- cific gravity 2.873. Constituent parts: — Silica, 44.00; alumi- na, 11.4; iron (protoxide), 22.32; lime, 8.8; magnesia, 25; water and carbonic acid, 10.5 : =: 99.52. (4.) Felspar Rock of Wardie, near Newhaven, by Mr Robert Walker. — The following is the analysis of an ash-grey rock, bearing a strong resemblance to compact Labrador felspar, but differing materially in chemical composition. It is found rising up among the strata of sandstone, slate-clay, and other rocks of the coal formation, and indeed at first sight might be taken for a Neptunian rock, were it not that it is distinctly seen N 2 296 Scientific Intelligence. — Geology. passing into greenstone. Its igneous origin is beautifully seen in one part, where it has torn off a part of the slate-clay (now imbedded in it), and which has evidently undergone a sort of semifusion. From the following analysis it will easily be seen that it has a very different constitution from any felspar. It effervesces violently with acids, and does not gelatinize : its con- stituents are, silica, 37.20 ; alumina, 9.75 ; iron, 20.00 ; lime, 8.57; magnesia, 3.78; carbonic acid and water; 20.80, = 100.10. 10. Inflammahle Matter in Carnelian. — In consequence of some remarks contained in a memoir of Dufay, published in 1732, relative to the decoloration of carnelian, Gaultier de Claubry heated, in a porcelain retort, some fragments of carnelian with deutoxide of copper. There was a sensible emission of gas, which appeared to be carbonic acid, and the fragments were de- prived of their colour at the surface. In another experiment with pulverized carnelian, the development of gas was much greater, viz. 29 cubic centimetres from 100 grammes of carne- lian. This appears to leave no doubt of the existence of organic matter in carnelian quartz, and to the presence of which it owes its colour. At the recommendation of Thenard, the experimen- ter calcined alone 100 grammes of carnelian, which lost in the operation 1.169 grammes, and furnished carbonic acid and some inflammable gas, besides an acrid liquor, which strongly red* dened turnsol ; no ammonia was disengaged from the liquid when treated with lime ; the residue was of a greyish-white. It follows, that the colour of carnelian is owing to inflammable matter. A portion of the loss may be occasioned by the escape of water contained in the stone. 11. Fossils in Granite. — M. de Seckendorf has found in the Hartz, in the midst of a quarry situated near the causeway which leads to Ilartzberg, fragments of greywacke, containing petrifactions imbedded (empates) in granite. M. Hartmann, author of the Mineralogical Dictionary, confirms this statement. 12. Geological Maps. — In the year 1826 aGeognostical Map of Germany, in forty -two sheets, was published in Berlin by Simon Schropp & Co., which has become well known to the geologists of this country and the continent. Since that time a corrected edition has appeared, and it is with much pleasure we learn that a third, and very much improved, edition is nearly Scientific Intelligence. — Geology. 197 ready, and will immediately be given to the public. This map is partly compiled from various geognostical maps already exist- ing of some of the districts of Germany, and partly founded on original information communicated by some of the most distin- guished geologists of the day. The names of the contributors are not given in the title, but we understand that the materials have been chiefly furnished by Von Buch, Alex, von Humboldt, Fre- derick Hoffmann, Von Dechen, and Von Oeynhausen. Besides the various scattered observations on the geognosy of Germany which have been made known since the publication of the last edition, the maps communicated to the great Vienna meeting of naturalists will also be made use of, and especially those of Partch and Rosthorn. The observations of Zobel and Carnall in Silesia, of Klipstein in the Vogelsgebirge, of Stift in the Westerwald and Lahn, and of Merian on the Black Forest, have caused material alterations in the dehneation of those districts. The progress lately made in the knowledge of the geognostical structure and relations of Germany, has simplified considerably the series of colours employed to indicate the formations ; for, in some cases, by the comparisons instituted, deposits beheved to be distinct have been identified and united. Thus, while the table of colours employed in the former editions amounted to forty-eight shades, forty-one have been, in the present instance, found sufficient. The publishers of the above mentioned map have also the intention to prepare, immediately, a small general geognostical map of Middle Europe, which will be about 2 feet long, by 2 feet 8 inches broad, and include England, France, Germany, Prussia, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, and Upper Italy. The same materials will be employed for this map as for the other ; and for those districts to which the latter does not ex- tend, the best sources of infonnation will be had recourse to. This map, which is intended for general circulation, and will appear about the end of the present year^ will be very moderate in price, not more than three or four dollars. The well known spirit and liberality of Messrs Schropp & Co. ensure the good execution of the interesting undertaking we have announced. 13. Flan in Relic/ of Wurtemberg. — M. Bath, conservator of the Museum of Natural History at Tubingen, has for some time been occupied with the preparation of a plan in relief of 198 Scientific Intelligence. — Zoology. Wiirtemberg, including the principalities of Heicliingen, Sig- manigen, and Fiirstemberg, and the neighbouring portion of the Duchy of Baden. This plan in relief is 26 Parisian inches by 20, and is formed upon the same scale as the section published by M. Alberto in 1826, in his work on the Mountains of Wiir- temberg. The proportion of the horizontal distances to the heights is as 1 to 18, and in this the higher portion of the Swabian Alps has, in the plan, the height of one inch and a half, and so on in proportion the other mountains. Professor Schiibler of Tubingen, who has superintended and assisted in the work, will contribute a treatise on the heights and on the geognosy of Wiirtemberg. The colouring may, according to the wish of the purchaser, be made to express either the leading geognostical features of the country, or the natural appearances of the sur- face. The price of a copy of either kind is 20 florins 24 kreutzers; and of both kinds if the two are taken by the same per- son, 44 florins. Geognostical Maps of Wiirtemberg, coloured by M. Rath after the original map by Professor Schiibler, are also to be had at Tlibingen. ZOOLOGY. 14. Hermaphrodis7n.' — M. Isidore Geoflroy Saint-Hilaire con- siders the generative apparatus altogether as formed of six prin- cipal segments, which in several circumstances are independent of each other, to- wit, of the right and left side; these are, 1st and 2d, deep-seated organs (ovaries, or testicles and their ap- pendage) ; 3d and 4th, the intermediate organs (the womb or prostate, and the vesiculae seminales and their appendages) ; 5th and 6th, external organs (clitoris and vulva, or penis and scrotum). The facts which the author states, establish the in- dependence of these six segments, and shew, that there is not one of them which may not present sexual characters, the re- verse of those of all the rest. These six segments correspond to six orders of diff*erent vessels ; the deep-seated to the sperma- tic arteries, the intermediate to the branches of the hypogas- trius, and the deep-seated (les profonds *) to branches of the ex- ternal iliacs. M. Geoff*roy divides the numerous cases of her- • Quaere externes ? the externals — Edit. Scientific Intelligence. — Zoology. 199 tnaphrodism into two grand classes, hermaphrodism without ex- cess, and hermaphrodism with excess. He subdivides the first class into four groups, to-wit, 1st, Masculine hermaphrodism, the generative apparatus being essentially male ; 2d, Feminine hermaphrodism, the generative apparatus essentially female; Neuter hermaphrodism, apparatus without determinate sex ; 4th, Mixed hermaphrodism, apparatus presenting a real mix- ture of the two sexes. He admits these subdivisons in the se- cond class; 1st, Masculine hermaphrodism complicated; 2d, Feminine hermaphrodism complicated; 3d, Bisexual herma- phrodism. M. GeofFroy then passes these several genera in re- view. From the facts and observations contained in his papers, the author draws the following conclusions. Perfect herma- phrodism in the anatomical sense of the term, has never been ob- served. The most complex cases are those where there exists double organs deep-seated and intermediate, the one male, and the other female ; and, in fact, the penis and clitoris, by reason of their connexions with the several bones of the pelvis^ could not co-exist without a serious disturbance of all the connexions. As to perfect hermaphrodism, in the physiological sense of the word, its possibility is incontestible in animals, as in fishes, which have the two halves of the sexual apparatus quite sepa- rated from each other in the normal state, and in which there is no copulation. The frequency of hermaphrodism in general, and of each kind of hermaphrodism in particular, is very different, according to the groups of animals. Thus, in man, masculine and feminine hermaphrodisms, particularly the first, are very rare. " With reference to legal medicine, it is sufficient for me to point out here," continues the author, " the insufficiency of the precepts given by authors for the determination of the sex in doubtful cases, precepts which have appeared exact only be- cause there had been but a very few of the combinations dis- tinguished which nature presents. This difficulty in distinguish- ing the sex is the consequence of this general fact, that whilst the internal organs vary almost to infinity in number, structure, and arrangement, the external ones preserve their normal num- ber, and the modifications which they present in other respects being intermediate between the male and female sexes, are in- cluded within limits sufficiently narrow. It is then impossible 200 Scientific Intelligence, — Zoology. that a particular arrangement of the external organs could cor- respond to each of the special combinations of the internal or- gans." Lastly, the author remarks, that legislation admitting only two grand classes of individuals on whom it imposes du- ties, and grants different, and almost opposite rights, according to their sex, does not truly embrace the entire of the cases ; for there are subjects who have really no sex ; such are neuter her- maphrodites, and hermaphrodites mixed by superposition ; and on the other side, certain individuals, the bisexual hermaphro- dites, who present the two sexes united in the same degree. — Dub. Journ. of Med, and Chevi. Science, No. viii. vol. iii. p. 277. 15. Vomiting in Ruminant Animals. — M. Flourens lately read to the French Academy a paper entitled, " Experiments regarding the action of Tartar Emetic on Ruminant Animals.'*' In a preceding memoir the author established, by means of numerous experiments, that the vomiting proper to ruminant animals differs essentially from the vomiting of other animals in this, that instead of being, as the latter, a confused rejec- tion in a mass, it constitutes, on the contrary, a rejection which is affected only in regulated and detached portions. The new paper of M. Flourens is intended to show, that these two sorts of vomiting depend on different stomachs ; and thence to arrive at the explanation of this extraordinary fact, that ani- mals which regurgitate with most facility, do not vomit un- less with extreme difficulty, or even do not vomit at all. Af- ter having instanced the experiments of Daubenton, Gilbert, and Huzard, he details his own. We cannot dweW on them here. We shall confine ourselves to repeating the conclusions which he has drawn from them. From the facts and observa- tions contained in his paper, the author concludes, 1st, That tartar emetic produces on sheep the same general effect, that is, the same excitation of all the powers which provoke or deter- mine the vomiting which it produces in ordinary animals; 2d, That among the different stomachs of ruminating animals, it is on the rennet bag, to say on that alone, which, by its functions, as by its structure, corresponds with the simple stomach of other animals, that the emetic displays its action ; 3d, That it is to the particular, and altogether opposite, disposition of Scientific Intdl'tgence. — Zoology* 201 this stomach, in reference to those for regurgitation, that is to be ascribed on one hand the facility which ruminant animals have of regurgitating, that is to say, by the throwing up into the mouth the substances contained in the first two stomachs, and, on the other hand, the difficulty which they have in vomiting, i. e. in rejecting and bringing back into the mouth the substance con- tained in the fourth stomach. If it be recollected, that this fourth stomach is that where the definite conversion of the ali- ment into chyme takes place, that which contains the ruminated substances, the substances which consequently must no longer return to the mouth, whilst the first two stomachs, on the con- trary, are those where the aliment undergoes only a certain pre- paration, those which contain only the substances not ruminat- ed, the substances which consequently must return into the mouth, we shall soon see why every thing must be disposed to render easy the rejection of the two first stomachs, and that of the fourth very difficult. Without this arrangement in fact, the ruminated substances contained in the fourth stomach would be constantly mixed together, confounded and brought back into the mouth, with the substances not ruminated, a con- fusion which must be an obstacle to the accomplishment of the end which nature proposed to herself to attain by the act of ru mination. — Dublin Journ. of' Med. and Chem. Science^ May 1833. ARTS. 16. Clay for Sculptors, — Sculptors who prepare their models in clay, have frequently occasion to leave their work for a long time unfinished ; and, in such cases, often experience much dif- ficulty from the drying and shrinking of the material. It is well to know, that, by the addition of 10 to 15 per cent, of mu- riate of lime, well worked or kneaded into this clay, it will be preserved for almost any length of time in a moist state, and fit for a renewal of the work without any preparation. 17. Lutefoyr Bottling Wine^ ^c. — One part resin, one-fourth part yellow-wax, one-sixteenth part tallow ; add one-half part yellow ochre, or red or black ochre, or coal. Keep these ingre- dients melted over a chafing-dish; and, whch the bottle is >vcll corked, dip the neck into the melted rtiasS.^^'i <»J jK»n'jmo«»fk| S02 Scientific Intelligence. — Arts. 18. MetJiod of cleansing Wool from its Grease^ and econo- mis'ing the residue. — M. Darcet, who has long been consulted by manufacturers, advised the following method, which was tried with complete success. Immerse the wool, well washed from dirt, in a vessel containing spirits of turpentine, and let it remain from thirty -six to forty-eight hours. Withdraw, and immerse a fresh quantity. By means of a press, force out all the adhering spirit, spread the wool out to dry, and, when it is to be used, wash it in warm water containing a little alkali. When the spirits of turpentine will no longer act upon or re- move the grease, distil it for fresh use, and the matter remain- ing in the still, treated with soda, will make good soap. 19. Stucco for Walls, — In Italy great use is made of a stucco which gives to the walls the brilliancy, the cleanliness, and al- most the hardness, of marble. It may be variously coloured, to suit the taste of the employer.. This stucco is made very easily, by mixing lime and pulverized marble, in nearly equal proportions, according to the meagerness or richness of the mar- ble. A paste or mortar is made of this mixture, and applied to the wall in the thickness of a five-franc piece, with a trowel wet with soap-suds, and in such a way, that the whole of the wall may be finished in the same day. None but mineral colours should be mixed with the stucco, as the lime would destroy those derived from the vegetable kingdom. To obtain the greatest brilliancy, the mortar should be applied with a cold trowel. Workmen, for the sake of ease and expedition, usually employ it warm. Chips and fragments of marble may be ad- vantageously employed for this purpose. In cases where the appearance of a marbled wall would be objectionable, on account of its coldness, any portion of it may be covered with paper. 20. Preservation of Substances by means of Alkalies, — M. Payen has preserved, during many months, polished instruments of iron and steel, by keeping them in solutions of potash or so- lutions of potash or soda — saturated solutions, diluted with one, two, or three, times their weight of water. He at first thought that the preserving power depended upon the disappearance of the air and carbonic acid in the alkaline mixture, but he after- wards concluded that alkalinity acted an essential part in the phenomenon. In fact, a very small quantity of alkali is suffi- Scientific Intelligence. — Arts. 203 cient : thus, gg'gg and even ^^^^ of caustic potash in water, will preserve from oxidation bars of iron, &c. immersed in it. Lime-water, diluted with its own weight of water, or, of course, without dilution, answers the same purpose. Alkaline carbonates and borax have the same effect, but they must ne- cessarily be stronger. 21. On the Prevention of Dry-Rot, — At a meeting of the Royal Institution, after adverting to the extensive decay of wood in ships, houses, and other structures of that material, involving a loss of such magnitude, as to have excited almost universal search after a remedy, Mr Faraday said he should pass by all propositions for its prevention, except that one ab- solutely introduced by Mr Kyan, and to which Mr Faraday had paid particular attention. The process is now largely in use. The wood, prior to its application, is immersed in a solution of corrosive sublimate ; in the course of a week, a load of it is found to have absorbed five gallons of solution ; at the end of that time it is removed, and shortly after becomes fit for building. The preservative powers of corrosive sublimate in furs, stuffed birds, anatomical specimens, &c. are well known ; and those which it exerts over wood seem to be not less decisive, and far more useful. Pieces of timber thus prepared were put into a fungus-pit at Woolwich for three years, and at the end of that time taken out perfectly sound. Canvass and calico, treated in a similar manner, were also found to be preserved from mildew and decay. Mr Faraday's suspicions appear to have been excited, not so much as regarded the preservative power of the process, but the healthiness of the wood, canvas, 8ec. impregnated by it ; and he required that such prepared ma- terials should be thoroughly washed, and then submitted to a test for proving the power of resisting decay. He found, after calico and canvass had been washed in water until all the solution which that fluid could remove had disappeared (mercury was still present), such prepared materials were preserved in a damp cellar, while the unprepared went rapidly to decay. Having ascertained this combined state of the mercurial preparation, Mr Faraday expressed his opinion, that the organic substances could be well preserved by it without deriving any unwholesome quality to deteriorate their ordinary application. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT OF THE USEFUL ARTS IN SCOTLAND. The following articles and communications were laid before the Society during the months of February and March 183^ : — Feb. 6. — 1. Model and description of the lower part of a Lime Kiln with Double Grates and Doors. By C. G. S. JMenteath, Esq. of Closeburn. 2. Model of a Railroad, or_ Wheel Track, for all sorts of Carriages. By the same. 3. Model of a Carriage or Waggon Drag, used in France, and applied with great advantage to loaded waggons, in the south of Scot- land. By the same. 4. On the advantages of a Short Arc of Vibration for Clock Pen- dulums. By Mr Edward Sang, teacher of Mathematics, Edinburgh. Feb. 20. — 1. Model, Drawing, and description of a Chimney Top or Can for Curing Smoke. By Mr Alexander Grant, surgeon and druggist, 11 Broughton Street, Edinburgh. 2. Donation. — Model of a Cast-iron Chimney Top, which effec- tually cured a smoky vent in the Castle of Edinburgh. Invented by the late IMajor Straton, Royal Engineers. Presented by General Sir William Maxwell, 125 George Street, Edinburgh. 3. Models and Description of improvement in the Construction of Joiners' Moulding Planes, calculated to supersede the use of so great a number of Planes as are now in use. By Mr John Smart (son qf Mrs John Smart), High Street, Brechin. 4. Model, Description, and Drawings of an Improved Safety Lock for Bankejs' Safes, &c. By William Crawfurd, Esq. of Carts- burn. "^ 5. Notice of a Prize given by the Board of Trustees, " of L. 2f5 for the best and most useful invention of Machinery, applicable to Manufactures, to be judged of, in the first instance, by the Society of Arts, and afterwards by them submitted to the Board of Trustees for its approval or rejection." The following Candidates were balloted for and duly admitted Or- dinary Members, viz : — , , ' ' Air David Bryce, architect, Edinburgh. . Mr Wilkinson Steele, merchant, Edinburgh. Wilfiam Brown, Esq. M. D. Eclinburght Proceedings of the Society of Arts in Scotland. S05 March 6. — 1. Model and Description of a Safety Lamp for Coal Mines. By INfr John Henderson, 3 Mayfield Loan, Edinburgh. 2. JModel and Description of Ventilating Bellows for Churches, Coal Mines, &c. By the same. 3. Specimens of Transfer Lithography. By Mr David Allan, lithographer, 187 Trongate, Glasgow. 4. An Alphabet for the use of the Blind. By Mr James Panal Walker, mariner. Post Office, Glasgow. 5. An Alphabet and Description, with Specimens of a mode of Printing for the Blind. By Miss Margartt Bancks, Midttleby Street, Newington, Edinburgh. Montgomery Robertson, Esq. M. D. Edinburgh, was admitted an Ordi- nary Member. J. C Loudon, Esq. Bayswater, London, author of the Encyclopsedia of Cottage Architecture, &c. &c. was elected an Honorary Member. March 20. — \. Model and description of an improved Windlass for Vessels. By Mr John Henderson, 3 Mayfield Loan, Edinburgh. 2. Model and description of improved Inside Windows for Shops ; to keep the goods free from dust, smoke, and gas. By Mr Thomas Johnston, 137 George Street, Glasgow. 3. Drawing and description of an Instrument for taking the di- mensions of the human body with anatomical and mathematical pre- cision, for the purpose of fitting it to absolute nicety, with clothes. By Mr James M'Donald, tailor, 46 West Register Street, Edinburgh. The instrument was exhibited. Mr Alexander Gilkie, surveyor, Edinburgh, was admitted an Ordinary Member. (To he continued.) List of Prizes offered by the Society for the Session 1833-34. The Society for the Encouragement of the tJ^eful Arts in Scotland, have announced the following Prizes for the Session 1833-^4 : 1. For the best and most useful Invention of Machinery appli-' cable to MamifdchireSy to be judged of, in the first instance, by the Society of Arts, and afterwards by them submitted to the Board of Trustees for its approval or rejection ; — The Board of Trusleex li a ve offered (i Prize of Twenty-five So- vereigns. 206 Proceedings of the Society Jbr the 2. For the best Paper on the Conslruclion of Public Buildirigs, in relation to the Theory of Sounds, so as to ensure the voice of the speaker being distinctly heard, so great a desideratum in such build- ings:— keeping in view the two cases, 1st, Where the voice proceeds from one place, as in a Church 5 and, 2d, Where the speakers may be situated in different parts of the hall j — The Society's Gold Me- dal, value Ten Sovereigns. 3. For the best Specimen of Lithographic Drawing and Printing, by Lithographic Artists resident in Scotland, of subjects in Civil and Naval Arcldiecture^ Landscape, Machinery, and Maps, from Trans- fer Drawings ; the size of each to be not less than 2 feet, by 1 foot 6 inches. Three impressions of each of these subjects to be sent ; — The Society's Gold Medal, value Twelve Sovereigns. 4. For the best ditto, ditto, of subjects in Portrait, Historical and Laiidscape, from Chalk Drawings ; the size to be not less than 9 inches by 6. Three impressions of each of these subjects to be sent : — The Society s Silver Medal, value Eight Sovereigns. N. B. The two Prizes last mentioned aie from a Fund furnished by the Association for the Improvement of Lithography in Scotland. Specimens in- tended to compete for either of these two Prizes must be lodged on or before the 1st cf March 1834. The successful Candidates shall be bound to furnish, if re- quired, 50 impressions of each subject which shall be found entitled to either of the above Prizes, — for which they shall be paid an extra sum, to cover the outlay for paper and printing. The Society of Arts retain to themselves the power of withholding the whole or any part of the above Prizes till a future time, if there be not more than three competitors, or if the Specimens pro- duced do not appear to be of sufficient merit. 5. For the best Specimens of Busts and other Jlne Ornamental Cast- itigs in Iron, moulded and cast in Scotland by native Founders : — The Society's Gold Medal, value Ten Sovereigns. 6. For other Inventions, discoveries, or Improvements in the Me- chanical or Chemical Arts ; or by which the Natural Productions of Scotland could be made more available to the Useful Arts than at present, — the Society will be ready to expend a further sum, in Pre- miums and Honorary Medals, of Fifteen Sovereigns. General Observations. — The attention of Candidates is particularly directed to the following subjects, as a specimen of what the Society would desire to be brought before them ; but candidates are by no means limited to these subjects, viz — Best construction of Screw-plates, Taps and Dies, &c. — Means by which the expense of Diagrams, &c. for Books of Science, &c. may be lessened — Economizing Fuel, Gas, &c — Observations on correct repre- sentations of Natural Objects, for the ornamenting of Ceilings and Walls of Rooms, in the printing of Cloth, Painting of China and Stone-ware, &c Selecting, Working and Tempering of Steel, or any Compound Metal, for Edge and other Tools, Dies, Springs, Plates for Engraving, &c— Improve- Encouragement of the Useful Arts in Scotland. Wl inenU in Balance or Pendulum Timekeepers. — On the best Composition for Hollers employed in applying Ink to the Types in Letter-press Printing, especially with a view to preserving their adhesive and elastic projjerties in as uniform a condition as possible during damp and other variable states of the atmosphere, &c. &c. The Society shall be at liberty to publisli in their. Transactions copies or abstracts of all Papers submitted to them. In the event of any Communication not being considered of sufficient merit to entitle it to the whole Prize for which it competes, the Society reserve the power of lessening the Prize. The Society particularly request, that all communications intended to com- pete for the above Prizes (except the 3d and 4th Prizes) may be forwarded to the Secretary during November arid December 1833, and, if possible, early in November, in order to insure their being read and reported on during the Ses- Communications, Inventions, and Models, to be forwarded to James Tod, Esq. W. S. 21 Dublin Street, Edinburgh, Secretary to the Society ; and it is requested, that, in all cases, full descriptions of the Inventions may be sent ; and, where the nature of the communication requires it, that there be also sent relative Drawings, Sketches or Models, so as to enable the Society fully to judge of the merits of the communications. Royal Institution, Edinburgh, 29th May 1833. LIST OF PATENTS GRANTED IN SCOTLAND FROM 22d MARCH TO 3 1st may 1833. 1833. March 22. To John Obadias Newell Rutter of Lymington, in the county Southampton, wine merchant, for " an improved process for generating heat, applicable to the heating of boilers and retorts, and to other purposes for which heat is required." 26. To Samuel Hall of Basford, in the county of Notts, cotton manu. facturer, for " an improved method of lubricating the pistons, piston-rods and valves, or cocks of steam-engines, and of con» densing the steam of such engines as are worked by a vacuum produced by condensation, which method of condensation is ap- plicable to other useful purposes." April 2. To Thomas Moore Evans, of Birmingham, in the county of War- wick, merchant, in consequence of a communication from a cer- tain foreigner residing abroad, for " certain improvements in machinery for preparing and dressing flax, hemp, and other fi- brous materials. 24. To George Rodgers of Sheffield, in the county of York, merchant, and John Tatam of Hilton, in the county of Derby, gardener, for " an improved button." ^08 List of Scotch Patents, 1833. April 24. To Claude Marie Hilaire Molinard, of Bury Street, Saint Mary Axe, in the city of London, merchant, in consequence of a com- niunication made to him by a certain foreigner resident abroad, for " certain improvements on looms or machinery for weaving fabrics." To James Brown, of Margaret Street, Commercial Road, in the county of Middlesex, rigger, for " certain improvements in capstans, and apparatus to be used therewith." 26. To Thomas Spinney of Cheltenham, in the county of Gloucester, gas-engineer, for " an improved earthen-ware retort for gene- rating gas for the purpose of illumination." May 16. To William Graham junior, of the city of Glasgow, cotton-spin- ner and power-loom manufacturer, in consequence of a commu- nication made to him by a certain foreigner, for " an invention of a self-acting temple, to be used in the operations of weaving by power or hand loom. To George Harris of East Woolwich, in the county of Surry, Esq., a captain in his Majesty's Royal Navy, for " a method for the reducing and preparing various vegetable substances (not hitherto in use for like purposes), and for the manufactu- ring them into articles in general use heretofore usually made from hemp and flax." 16. To Robert Stein of Edinburgh, Esq., for "an improved steam- engine on the rotatory principle." To George Frederick Muntz of Birmingham, metal-roller, for " an improved manufacture of metal plates for sheathing the bottoms of ships or other such vessels, and also of bolts and other the like ship's fastenings." 21. To William Harrold of Birmingham, in the county of Warwick, merchant, in consequence of a communication he had from a certain foreigner residing abroad, for " an improvement or im- provements in machinery for making or manufacturing paper." To Christopher Robinson of Athlone, in tne county of Roscom- mon, Ireland, distiller, for " certain new or improved machinery for transferring caloric from aeriform or fluid bodies to other bodies of the like description, and applicable to other useful purposes." 31. To Archibald Douglas of Manchester, in the county of Lancas- ter, manufacturer, for " certain improvements on power-looms and the shuttles used therein." 'to Thomas Spinney of Cheltenham, in the county of Gloucester, gas-ei'igineer, for " a new combination of materials for the ma. riufacture of crucibles, melting-pots, and fire-bricks." THE EDINBURGH NEW PHILOSOPHICAL JOURNAL. HISTORICAL ELOGE OF LOUIS NICOLAS VAUQUELIN. By Baron CuviER *. The respect which the members of the Academy entertain for the memory of their illustrious associate, the late M. Vau- quelin, obliges me again to bring forward his historical eloge, which formed part of our business at the public meeting of last year, and which ought to have been read, had time permitted, along with that of Sir Humphry Davy. The patience and perseverance which we had occasion to admire in the latter, and which raised him from the most unpromising station to the en- joyment of all the honours society can confer on its benefactors, were not less conspicuous in M. VauqueHn, who had still greater difficulties to overcome, as his parents were in a poorer condi- tion, and he had fewer opportunities of instruction, Louis Nicolas VAuauELiN was born on the 16th of May 1763, in a cottage of the village of St Andre d'Hebertat, a league and a half from Pont TEveque (Calvados) ; and an idea may be formed of the condition of his family, from the circum- • This eloge of the celebrated chemist Vauqiielin, not yet published, was sent in proof-sheet, through the kindness and attention of our friend Mr Pentland of Paris. — Edit. VOL. XV. NO. XXX. OCT. 1833. o 210 Historical Eloge of M. Vauquelin. stance of his mother, when he was first sent to school, ofFering him as an inducement to diligent learning, the fine livery dresses which he had sometimes seen in a neighbouring castle. Being naturally inclined to diligence, he speedily acquired all that could be learned in a village school ; and, without further pre- paration, at the age of thirteen or fourteen, committed himself to the world, and went to push his fortune at Rouen. An apo- thecary of that town, pleased with his appearance, took him in- to his laboratory ; that is to say, he employed him in blowing his fire, and washing his retorts — a situation scarcely superior to that which had first been the object of his ambition, and in which he certainly was not so well clothed. But this apothecary gave lessons in chemistry to some ap- prentices, and the young rustic, standing humbly behind the seats, listened with emotion. The operations in which he had taken such an humble part, had, from the first, attracted his attention : he was astonished to see them connected together by theory, and form a consistent whole. He proceeded to take notes, which he subsequently perused and meditated upon; experiencing even then, in his unhappy circumstances, the most certain consolation granted to man, that of study. His master one day found him thus employed, and what would have interested a generous heart, threw him into a violent passion ; he snatched the paper from the poor child, tore it, and forbade him continuing such practices, under pain of dismissal. M. Vauquelin has often said that he never expe- rienced such poignant distress ; he shed bitter tears, and, un- able to bear the sight of this unjust man, he went to Paris on foot, with a small bundle on his back, and six francs in his poc- ket, which had been given him by a charitable individual. Two apothecaries employed him successively, but so little were they sensible of what he was capable, that when he became unwell, he had no other asylum than the Hotel-Dieu ; and when he left it, and wished to find employment, his paleness and weak- ness caused him to be everywhere rejected. Destitute of all resource, and not knowing how to prolong his existence for another day, he walked along the street St Denis, weeping bitterlj, and ready to give himself up to de- spair ; but he at last made another trial, and found some com- Historical Eloge of M. VaiiqtieUn. 211 paBsion. An apothecary named Cheradarae (for it is just to preserve the name of the individual whose humanity procured him the good fortune to preserve a Vauqueiin), aff'ected by his destitute condition, received him into his Iiouse, and treated him as a man ought to be treated. With the improvement of his circumstances, his ardour for learning returned ; what he had written in the papers torn by his master at Rouen was not ef» faced from his memory ; to that he added the phenomena which he had daily opportunities of witnessing, and even attempted to make experiments with the few materials which he occasionally found at his disposal. He was sometimes found in a kind of ecstasy at observing the precipitations which he had produced : he was already a chemist almost before he knew precisely what chemistry was. But chemistry was not his sole occupation : he felt that a knowledge of Latin was necessary to enable him to continue his studies ; and to attain this more readily, he tore the leaves from an old dictionary, and always held some of them in his hand, when traversing the streets with medicines, or exe- cuting other commissions, till he had learned the words by heart. He likewise accompanied the young pupils when they went to gather herbs, and surprised them by the facility with which he retained the names and even the characters of plants. So much application and rapid advancement in a scholar pos- sessing so few advantages, was often a subject of conversation with M. Cheradame. He mentioned him to our late associate, the celebrated M. Fourcroy, his relation, who having likewise in his youth been oppressed with poverty, would naturally feel sympathy for a youth whose situation bore so much resemblance to his own. The modest offers which alone he was in a condi- tion at that period to make, were joyfully accepted, and hence- forth a career opened to M. Vauqueiin, as brilliant as it had previously been the reverse. Become by degrees the assistant and the pupil of Fourcroy, the assiduous companion of all hh labours, and his intimate friend, their names are united in so many memoirs of experiments and discoveries, that they will remain inseparable in the history of science ; and what is per- haps still more remarkable, and confers equal honour on them bQth,,is the fact)J;hat,.^uring. upwards of tMentyr^Vii ycars} lio- 212 i Historical Elosce of M. Vauquelin. ■"■:" '^'^^ ^\ . ■ M.03 10 di^b thing ever cooled for a moment their mutual attachment, the effects of which were observable long after M. Fourcroy's death.' M. Fourcroy neglected nothing to complete the education of his pupil : he became his preceptor, and almost every thing had yet to be taught him. When he had made him acquainted with some good ancient and modern authors, and formed his language and style, he gradually introduced him into the world, and pre- sented him to men occupied with science. He procured his ad- mission into that society which undertook to reform the theory of chemistry and even of language, and used every exertion to have him appointed a member of the Academy of Sciences. The influence which political events had conferred on M. Foutcroy was incessantly employed to ameliorate Vauquelin's circumstances. The offices of Inspector of Mines, of Profes- sor of the School of Mines, and to the Ecole Poly technique, and that of Essayer of gold and silver articles, were due to his intercession ; and even when the reputation of his el^ve might have rendered his protection less necessary, he ceased not to avail himself of every opportunity of advancing his fortune. It was thus that M. Vauquelin was raised to the Chair of Che- mistry in the College of France, and to a place in the Council of Arts and Commerces that he was nominated one of the Com- missioners for the law relating to Pharmacy, and one of the Exa- minators of the Ecole Polytechnique, and that he at last be- came the colleague of Fourcroy himself in the Museum of Na- tural History. In these promotions, the Director of Public Instruction was no doubt seconded by the wishes of all the admirers of Vauque- lin's works, who were generally attracted by the gentleness of his character ; but if he had not been influenced by feelings of a per- sonal nature, how many other uses might have been made of his power without any being able to find fault? The gratitude, too, of M. Vauquelin, was great and unreserved. Never did he decline any investigation required by Fourc.f*oy ; and no divi- sion of glory, even when the degree of labour was unequal, ever appeared to him unjust. It was not always Fourcroy who had made the experiment, but it was he who had formed the expe- rimenter; all belonged to him, and what belonged to his bene- factor was equally the property of Vauquelin. Long after the Historical Eloge of M. Vauquelin. 213 death of Fourcroy, he took charge of his sisters, who were poor, aged, and diseased, as he would havfe ddne of his own mother. For their sakes, he renounced the pleasure of having a family of hisoWHi^^'d^ they remained till their death in his nouse, the objects of Ills most tender and anxious care. After what has been said, it will be perceived that a great part of M. Vauquelin''s eloge must be that of M. Fourcroy ^ ; arid accordingly we have there spoken of their great experiment J^ur la Composition de TEmi par la Combustion du Gaz Hydros ghie^ ; of their united labours Sur rUrk^ ; on the Diff^ rents Esphes de Calculs*; and ConcrStions Animates et Veg^* tales ^ ; of their Analyse des Os ^ ; of their Recherches sur le^ Combinaisons de VAcide Sulfureux '^; Sur la Strontiane ^ ; Sur les Metaux unis an Platine^; Sur V Arragonite^^ ; and nume- rous other substances belonging to the three kingdoms : and, finally, the numerous experiments by which they sought to esta- blish the new theory of Chemistry ; of all of these we have al- ready spoken in such a manner as to preclude the necessity of reverting to them. In these writings, upwards of sixty in number, the reader at once recognises the extended views of Fourcroy, and that de- sire to attempt and know every thing which formed one of the characteristics of his mind, combined with the coolness and un- ostentatious but always ingenious activity by which Vauquelin assisted him in attaining his object. * M(^m de I'lnstitut, vol. xi. p. 97.— Guv. EL Hist. v. U. p. 3. « Ann. de Chimie, t. viiL p. 230, et t. ix. p. 30. 'lOJslil kiDJ ' M^m. de I'lnstitut, t. ii. p. 431 ; t. iv. p. 363, et 402 — Ann. de (jhini. t xixi p. 48, et xxxii. p. 30, et 113.— Ann. du Mus. t. ii. p. 226. * Me'm de I'lnstitut, t. iv. p. 1 12 — Ann. de Chim. t. xxxii. p. 213. ■ '^^ ^ Ann. du M us. t iv. p. 329. ^'^^ . iOJotiifttia ' '* Bulletin de la Soc. Philom. 1803, p. -261 Ann. dn'ifasi t. 1ffl.^p.'t36, *t t. xiii. p. 267. — Journ. de Phys. t. Ixx. p, 135 — Ann. de Chim. t. Ixxii. 7 Ann, dfiCM»!-^Wiy.|i»j2>e»'iM .-..j, ,-<.,;tf.^i:-: /.Ti .uj; Dnibob « M^in^;4e'i'J;iwt^^HVt.iy. ,B^g7^ e^ iW^hr+Mfwlea, d^ ClJi^.t^jfj^i. ^,. » M^m. de I'lnstituJ^^f. vi. d. 366, 588, et 593 — Ann. du Mua.l.'iii. p: 149, et t iv. p. 77, et t. y'&. ^'4dllilAnn. de Chim. t. xlix! ^jM'kihy ''^'Umi. dii Muft't.'W^ft 4^5: iq Oil* If H ^14? Historical Eloge o/'M. VauqiieUn, But even without taking into account the shar6 which the latter had in these common labours, the rank which he occupies among chemists will not be materially changed ; the works ex- clusively his own are amply sufficient to place him on an equa- lity witti the most distinguished. The amount of these works is rather surprising. We are assured that there exist more than 80, some of them on pure chemistry, and others on such ^iranches of natural science as chemistry is fitted to illustrate.*'' In the year 1791 some of them appeared in the Annates de JOhimie, and from that period every scientific periodical publish- ec( in Paris contained several ; affording a striking instance of what an individual caji do for science, when he devotes to it all his time and faculties. So entirely was M. Vauquelin engrossed with chemistry, that K'toay b6 said to have formed the business of every day of his life, ahd of every hour of the day; no labour or inquiry was ever considered an inconvenience, provided it related to chemis- try ;"and iio greater pleasure could be conferred on him than to ask him to engage in some new investigation. He seldom vo- luntarily proposed to himself problems which affected the great doctrines of science : it was in some measure for the sake of analysis that he analysed ; — salts, stones, minerals, the produce of plants and animals, — whatever afforded scope for analysis was his peculiar province. The results, whatever they hap- pened to be, were usually submitted to the public, without iiiuch solicitude about the consequences; but as every thing is consistent in Natpre, there was scarcely one of them, however insulated it might at first appear, which did not conduce to the improvement of some process in art, to complete some theory, to rectify some received opinions, or even to evolve some gene- ral truth. It was thus that he threw a great and unexpected light on mineralogy, animal and vegetable physiology, and on subjects connected with mediciife and pharmacy. In animal chemistry, for example, the experiments which he laid before the Academy in 3791, proved that the respiration of insects, and other white-blooded animals, is of the same na- ture, and produces the same effects on atmospheric air, as that of the higher animals ^ 1 Ann. de Chim. t. xii. p. 273 Bulletin de la Soo. Philom. 1792, p. 2',i. Historical Eloge of M. Vmiquelin, 215 Mofe recently, the comparative examination which he under- took, De la Coquille de VCEuf^ des Excremem de la Poule et de la sulistance dont elle se nourrit '^y went to overthrow the hypo- theses which assumed that the production of the calcareous shell was owing to the vital power of animals. Mr Brande had .proved that the blood does not acquire its colour from any com- bination of irpn, but from a pecuhar animal principle^; and M. Vauquelin pointed out the most direct method of obtaining this principle in a separate state ^ Physiology is indebted to him for an analysis of hair, and the very complicated principles which enter into its composition, and occasion its different colours ^ ; and likewise for an analysis of chyle, in which he detected a part of the principle to the sup- port of which this liquid is subservient in the animal economy ^ The singular relations which he discovered along with Four- fjroy between the composition of the sperm of animals and the fecundating pollen of plants, gave rise to considerations not destitute of interest ; and the same may be said of his researches Sur h Mucus Animal ^. During his extensive researches on Urine and Calculi, of which we have already spoken in the eloge of Fourcroy, M. Vauquelin discovered the remarkable fact, that the acid of ben- ispin, the produce of a foreign tree, exists perfectly formed in the urine of the herbivorous quadrupeds of our own country. Thus the intestines, and a circulation through the kidneys, are employed in an animal to combine the gaseous elements, in the same order, and in the same proportion, as the roots, the trunk, and the fruit of a tree. At the time of his admission into the medical faculty as doc- tor of medicine, he selected as the subject of his thesis an ana- ' Ann. du Mus. t. xviii. p. 1G4 — Ann. de Chim. t. Ixxxi. p. 304. ,* Ann. de Chim. t. xxix. p. 3. — Bulletin de la Soc. Philom. 1798, p. 164, ' Chemical Researches on the Blood, and some other Animal Fluids, Fhilos. Trans, of Lond. v. cii. p. 90. • Ann. de Chim. et de Physique, t. i. p. 9. * M^m. de Tlnstitut, t. viii. p. 214 — Ann. de Chim. t. Iviii. p. 41. ^ Ann. du Mus. t. xviii. p. 240 Ann. de Chim. t. Ixxxi. p. 113. ^ Jounial de Phys. t. xxxix. p. 38 Ann. de Chim. t. ix. p. e4, et t. Ixiv. p. 6 — Ann. du Mus. t. v. p. 417, et t. x. p. 169 — M^m. de 4^Institut, t. viii. p. 42. *tfs Historical Eli)ge of M, Vauqudirt: lysbpf.the substance which is subservient to the most myste^^ rious functions of the animal economy, that, namely, which » composes the brain, the marrow of the spine, and the nerves *. He doubtless did not expect to discover how these functions ope- rate, for neither chemistry nor anatomy will ever teach us this ; but it was not without advantage to inquire what this substance possessed that was peculiar to itself, to determine its differences m different parts of the system, and the resemblances which it' presented in different kinds of animals. All these particulars i^^re successfully ascertained by M. Vauquelin. I, Vegetable chemistry is still more indebted to him*';— the sap peculiar to some trees ''; the medicines most in use obtained fi:pm the vegetable kingdom ^ the different farinaceous^ and other alimentary .substances procured from the same kingdom, and others employed in the arts, were submitted to his analysis ^. His chemical examinations of Cassia \ the Tamarind s, of Hel- lebore^, of Belladonna 10, of Quinquina 11, the different Kalis i^, Daphnes ^^, Solanumsi^, and Ipecacuanha i\ are models of pa- ^ Mem. de I'lnstitut, t. ix. p. 236 — Ann. du Mus. t. xii. p. 61.-_Ann.^ de Chim. t. Ixvii. p. 26. - ' 'J * Journal de la Soc. des Pharm. 1797, p. 46, et 1799, p. 338 Ann. de Chim. t. xxxi, p. 20 — Journ. de Phys. xlix. p. 38. ^ Mem. de l'I^stitut,. t- vii. p. 5Q; t. viii. p. 154 — Ann. de Chim. t. xUii. p. 267.; t. xli^.^^ 295,^ ^^. li^^^^,. ^t t. Ivii. p. 88.^Ann. du Mus. t. ix. p. 301. ', ^' * Bulletin de la Soc. Philom. .793, p. 44 — Ann. de Chim. t. Ixxii. p. 191 ; fllxxx. p. 314, et 318 — Ann. de Chim. et de Physlt iii. p. 337 M^m. du Mus. t. iiL p. 198 — Journ. de Pharm. t. i. p. 481. ; t. iii. p. 164. ; t. iv. p. 93. * Journal de Pharmacie, t. iii. p. 315, et 481 ; t. viii. p. 353 M^m. du ]y[u8. t. iii. p. 229, et 241 — Journ. de fhys. t. Ixxxv. p. 113, e| a24.^Aim, de,Chim. t. Ixxxv. p. 5. j^^^^^^ n^^ooaib adj odi 'b^"* ^" ^"'' *• '^^^' ^' ^^•"~W*?n^ ^"^ t-ii- P- '^32; t. vi,,p. \^ ^ '' Ann. de Chim. t. vi. p. 275. » Ibid. t. v. d. 92. ' mo-Jl i"^""- ^' "^^ '■ '""'• P- **• " '"^' *• ''^- P- I'^Jba orfj " Ann. de Chim. t. xviii. p. 65 — Ann. du. Mus. t. viii. p. 7. v , Sfj ;, ^ ^ ' yfii " Ann. du Mus. t. xix. p. 177 — Ann. de Chim. t. Ixxxiv. p. 172 J^uj^, Mde Pharm. t. X. p. 419. ' \ -' '* Mem. du Mus. t. xii. p. 198. «a -^ « ' -'^l Ann. de Chim. et de Phys. t. xxxviii. p. 155.— JoUrn. de Pharm. t. xiv. p. 304. Historical Elogd of J/. VauqueUii^ STT^ tience and sagacity; and yet the peculiar alkalies which' fdmi the active principle in a great number of these medicinal sub^- stances — Morphine, discovered by M. SertUner — Quinine, more important still, first observed by MM. Pelletier and Caventou, and others besides, were not the fruits of his laborious investi- gations; so true is it that the most unremitting assiduity, and greatest discrimination, are not always sufficient to attain to'tfi^ truth, if not seconded by chance. ' '" But it is in the mineral kingdom, above all others, that tfii^ labours of M. Vauquelin have led to results most important ^8S' science. At the request of the Council for Mines, and aided by the skilful assistants attached to that branch of the admini- stration, he undertook a chemical analysis of minerals, at the same time that M. Haiiy was occupied with the examination of their crystalline structure, and other physical properties, for his great work on mineralogy, which this same Council had asked him to . undertake. On this occasion, M. Vauquelin co-ope- rated with M. Haiiy as he had previously done with M. Four- croy, and his name appears as often on the pages of that im- mortal work as those of Kiaproth, Bergmann, and other ana- lysts of highest name. ^l ,\M^^ tv-a^vi :.■•; j^^o »; , .... It was by his labours thai the %r6em'€iltrl5e?tweett the crys- tallization of minerals and their composition was most satisfac- torily exhibited. The similarity in composition which he often observed between bodies of apparently different form, led Haiiy to examine them anew, and to detect analogies of structure which had escaped his notice ; and more frequently stilly a re- semblance or difference in structure, was confirmed by the ap- pearances presented by analysis. This was well exemplified by the discovery of the earth named Glaucine by Vauquelin, who was one of the first, according to Kiaproth, who have had the honour to discover new elementary substances. The name of this new earth is expressive of the saccharine taste possessed by the salts which it forms with acids. Our chemist obtained it from the beryl, or aigiie mar'me^y a kind of stone having the same crystallization as the emerald. He had not at first remarked it in the latter, owing, there can be qo doubt, to the sraalluess of * Journal des Mines, t. viii. p. 553.— Ann. de Chim. t. xxvl p. 166, et 170. 218 HutorkalElogeofM. Vanquelin, {the quantity submitted to analysis; but, at the request of Haiiy, he renewed the examination, and was rewarded by the disco- very of glaucine, which thus heQ&xm.JkJS^XtsS.Qf tiivuDoph for crystallography. rtf^nl^ r mom ^ bCfio-. sno orr . A still more briUiant discovery was that of the substance called Chr,o?7ie, — ^a name bestowed on it in consequence of the -beautiful colours it assumes at different degrees of oxidation, and which it imparts to the minerals with which it is associated. rXhe bright scarlet of the red lead of Siberia, the rose colour of 4he spinelle ruby, and the pure green of the emerald, are pro- duced by the acid and oxide of this metal ^ An orange-yellow is produced from it, which forms one of the clearest and most durable colours which painters can employ, and an enamel of the only pure and deep green which admits of being applied to hard porcelain. M. Laugier likewise detected this substance in stones which had fallen from the atmosphere. - The late M. Delille, to whom the singular property of this new metal was explained, inspired by phenomena of so remark- able a character, composed almost extemporaneously some beau- tiful verses, in which he has expressed them with much feli- city: ^ Jf we compare him with the extraordinary genius whose life I- have related at the commencement of this sitting, it cannot .|^ said that M. Vauquelin, notwithstanding his innumerable wj- searches, and the interesting and singular discoveries with which he has enriched science, is to be considered equal to Sir H. Davy. At the same time science owes him scarely a less en- during gratitude. The former has soared like an eagle over the vast extent of physics and chemistry, and on each he has thrown from on high a dazzling light, shewing to view their doctrines disposed in an order altogether new. Vauquelin, more modest, has illustrated their most secret details, and penetrated into their more obscure recesses. If the name of the one is writ- ten at the head of every chapter, that of the other will bex^r peated in every paragraph. The genius of the first has created brilliant theories, the sagacity of the second has established a multitude of particular facts ; but it is known that the micros- cope is not less fruitful in wonders than the telescope ; and the history of science, especially as exhibited in Sir Humphry Davy, will teach us that theories pass rapidly away, but that facts are eternal. mirl b&Jiviuodv/ bns m^ii^\i^^^ numerical relations of animals. ^^ 1. mammalia. * Year. No. of Specle«liw Linnwus enumerates *, . . . 1767 221 tt Humboldt t, 500 ^ - DesmarestJ, 1822 850 Temminck ||, 1827 860 • Sy sterna Naturae, edit. 12. Holmiae, 1767 ;— the last edition si^Dper- "iiitended by Linnaeus. i'" • • '' f Ann. de Chim. et de t*hy8, xvl. X Mammalogie ; Paris, 1020 et 1822. 4to. I| Monographies de Mammalogie, vol. ii. ; Paris, 1827. I-:, ':} M 2S« The Nimerical RelcUiofis of Animcds. Year. I ^0. of Species 1827 1124 1829 1230 1830 1126 1831 1138 Lesson*, Minding t, Fischer:):, Bonaparte ||, If we take into account the discoveries of these few last years, we may reckon in round numbers the living species at 1100. Lesson enumerates many species which are doubtful ; and Tem- minck mentions those only which have been well determined. 2. BIRDS. 4o*'g, LinnseuSj Buffon, Lesson, Bonaparte, 3. AMPHIBIA. Linnseus, Lacepede, Merrem §, Humboldt, Bonaparte, Linnseus, Bonaterre IT, Lacepede, Cnvier **, Bonaparte, 4. FISHES Year. 1767 1830 1831 1767 1802 1820 1831 1767 1788 1802 1827 1831 No. of Species. 904 1700 6500 4099 204 500 679 700 1500 376 746 1300 5000 7000 S^5i 5. MOLLUSC A (including THE CEPHALOPODA). ,- iv.Linneeus, 1767 832 Lamarck ft, .... 1822 3028 Schmidt H, .... 1830 4548 • Manuel de Mammalogie ; Paris, 1827. f Ueber die Geographische Verbreitung der Saugethiere ; Berlin, 1820. X Synopsis Mamraalium ; Stuttgardt, 1 830. II Isis, 1832, Heft 3. Linnaeus, Humboldt, Temminck, and Minding, enumerate only the living Mammalia, the others also the fossil, of which we know 120 species. Fischer enumerates, besides the 11 2C well determined spe- cies, also 200 dubious. ,;>5 m'imh^i R^l> f^iimmouoiii * ')% Systema Amphibioruxa, ■ < - ^.>^.ia ad riolrfw 'to bna ^imaqsa sd rioirfw , T ^ Encyclopedic, 4ta ik jjbhirfoBfA »fi90iJi8in9 "io ladmun sriT f ^ *• Histoke Naturelle des Poissons. ' iaa ^euionu ++ Animaux sans Vertebres. $$ The number in Schmidt's cpll^f,ti, i .oon¥^^®^^+' iJ.Sil^WiH^* f.mW^' 25j»uyf y' ~nioT f>i 8. ARACHNIDA. >1 LinnseuSj 1767 ..„.W7 .m Fabricius, . . . 1793 9. INSECTS. 138 Linnceus, . . . 1767 2616 Fabricius, 1800 to 1805 12,513 According to the different Orders, the numbers ar^ as fol- lows: Fabricius. LinnaDUs. Coleoptera^ 4330 903 Diptera, 1224 262 Hymenoptera, 2101 314 Neuroptera, 170 83 Aptera, . 123 62 Orthoptera, 236 ... Lepidoptera, . 2919 780 Hemiptera, 1384 253 Myriopoda, 27 19 It may not be uninteresting, as regards insects, to compare the progress of the classes and species with the number of ge- nera, between Linnaeus in 1767, Fabricius from 1794 to 1805, and Latreille, in the 2d edition of Cuvier's Regne Animal, in 1829: Number of Genera- Cnistacea, Arachnida, Insecta, Coleoptcra, Ortlioptera, Hemiptcra, Latreille. Fabricius. 209 12 66 11 1423 431 700 181 36 46/ 84 Linnaeus. ft • 4 30 12 * Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles, torn, xlvii. vcrg. : the Leech, which he separates, and of which he enumerates 39 species, is here included. -f- The number of Crustacea, Arachnida, and Lepidoptera, are from Fa- bricius, Entomologia Systematica, 1793 and 1794; the other orders of Insects are according to his Systema Antliatorum, llhyngotorum, &c Humboldt enumerates 44,000 species of Insects ; Sachs in the Berlin Zeitung 50,000 Insects, 26,000 Arachnida? 1500 Crustacea. 2^4 The Numerical Relations of Animals. Number of Genera. Neuroptera, Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, Myriopoda, Thysanura, Parasita, Suctoria^, Rhipiptera, 10 Latreille. 27 207 87 268 8 4 9 1 2 [ Fabricius. 12 83 15 81 2 KNTHBLMINTHA. Linnseus, Zeder^ Rudolphi *, Year. 1767 1803 1819 Linnaeus, Blainville t Linnaeus, Eschscholtz :|:, 11. RADIARIA OR ECHINODEBMATA. 1769 12. MEDUSA. 1830 1767 1829 LinnseuSj Blainville, Linnaeus, Ehrenberg §, 13. ZOOPHYTA OR POLYPI ||. 1767 1830 14. ROTATORIA. 1767 1832 15. INFUSORIA. POLYGASTRICA. Linnaeus, 1767 Ehrenberg, 1832 Linnapu* 7 10 3 10 2 No. of species. 15 390 1100 46 280 11 208 134 536 8 291 8 291 The total number of known living species of animals thus appears to be : • Sjmopsis Entozoorum; Berolini, 1819. 8vo. At present, probably the number of known species of Vermes may amount to 1500. -j- Diet, des Sciences Naturelles, torn. Ix. X Sytem der Acalephen. Berlin. II The Actiniae and Spongiae are included imder this head. § Zur Erkentniss der Organisation im kleinsten raum. Berlin. The Numerical Relations of Aniinah. ns 0) Ml oee oon Mammalia^ Amphibia, ii'ishes, Mollusca, Annelides, Crustacea, Arachnida, Fnsecta, Enthelmintha, Radiaria, Medusaria^ _ ,»^, Polypi or Zoophyta, Rotat^pa, Infiusgiia, 1,100 ^>^^ iHitniireVl 60,000 1,500 280 208 636 119 291 *^'^^ Total Number, 78,849 The number of Fossil animals may be stated as under MamiBLjiUa, Birds, Amphibia, Fishes, . Mollusca, Crustacea, - Insecta, '''' " Radiaria, "i Annelides, / Zoo'phyta, Total, 120 26 60 250 3,100 100 150 350 500 4,645 ,t»iii5ra4i=U' In order to compare the numerical relations of the animals of single lands, we shall place together the Fauna of Greenland, that of Wurtemberg^ and that of the vicinity of Nice, or of the Maritime Alps. The animals of the Fauna of Greenland are according to Fabricius's Fauna Gronlandica^ Hafniae, 1780 ; the Wurtemberg animals are from a small work entitled, " Uber Wurtemburgs Fauna^ Stuttgard, 1830 ; the animals of the Nice district are from Risso's Hlstoire Naturelle des priticipales Productions du Midi de l Europe, Paris, 1827. These three may be considered as the representatives of the middle and sou- tlfern parts of Europe ; and although Greenland does not be- voL. XV. No.,xXjj^.;jr79cGT. 1833. v ^m Tlie Numerical Relations of Animals. long to Europe, it may be considered as a general representative of the polar Fauna : Gr«enland, Wurtemberg, Nice, Lat. 60°— 70° N. Lat 47° 30r— 43» 30' N Lat. 43° N. Mammalia, 31 41 69 Birds, 64 213 306 Amphibia, 1 18 40 Fishes, 44 47 400 Crustacea, Arachnida, Insecta, 64J (with Ler- " nsea), 4000 200 100 1600 MoUusca, 61 100 1085 Annelides, 62 13 82 Enthelmintha, 26 48 70 Radiaria, 14 ... 100 Zoophyta, 68 11 200 Infusoria, ... 12 ... 467 4603 4242 It may here be observed, that the Infusoria and Enthelmin- tha are but slightly noticed : there may be in Wurtemberg 300 or upwards of Infusoria, and even more of Enthelmintha ; the marine and other Infusoria of Greenland and Nice are not mentioned ; and it is evident that the number of insects is too small for the maritime Alps. Even more interesting than the numerical relations are those connected with colour, which, however, can only be studied with effect in great collections, and with the assistance of good coloured drawings and engravings. On this subject, we have the following, among other questions, to answer. How are the colours related in the animal kingdom in general, and also in the separate classes, orders, and genera ? Do we find particu- lar colours predominating in certain genera, orders, &c. or are they peculiar to them ? What are the relations of the dorsal and abdominal colours, and latero-dorsal and latero. abdominal colours ? What influence has light ? How are the colours re- lated in warm and cold countries ? How are the colours in the animal kingdom disposed, according to latitude and longitude, and height above the level of the sea ? Has the sea, and fresh- water lakes, &c. determinate influences on differences of colour ? Investigations of this kind belong to general natural history, and the characteristic of the animal kingdom. Unfortunately, The Mwh: of Gibraltar. m these general physiognoipicai relations in zoology \\aL\^ hitherto been much neglected. Botanists are further advanced in their representations in the delineation of the physiognoniy of plants. It is exceedingly to be regretted, that, with the pxcpption of some partly antiquated, partly unsatisfactory, or, when good, il- lustrative only of particular classes, treatises on the geographi- cal distribution of animals, such as those of Zimmerman, La- treille, Prichard, Ferusac, Minding, we have no general classi- cal work on this beautiful branch of zoology. — Professor Ru- dolph Wagner^ Erlangen. THE ROCK OF GIBRALTAR. By ProfeSSOT HaUSMANNJ* The Rock of Gibraltar undoubtedly claims a distinguished rank among the most remarkable appearances which the south of Europe offers for our consideration. Powerful changes on the earth's surface have probably separated it from the rest of Spain. And the boldness of man has, in another sense, follow- ed the example of physical forces, by founding and rendering impregnable the above situation upon a foreign soil ; and thus insuring the continuance of the intercourse of the most power- ful insular empire in the world with the coasts of the Mediter- ranean. This wonderful rock rises with singular steepness from amidst the waves which break against it ; and only a narrow neck of land, consisting of sand, forms the loose band by which it is connected with the continent -f*. Is the present the ori- ginal one, or was the now completely isolated rocky colossus once united with the much smaller height of San-Roque ? Was the separation between the two effected by the rush of water, occasioned by the higher level of the sea, in earlier times, threatening destruction to the whole of the southern promontory of Spain, or was the rocky wall elevated suddenly out of the sea, through some hidden force, or from a partial sinking down of the • Translated by George F. Hay, Esq. t Such is the apparent connection ; but it has been well ascertained that the *and is only a superficial covering' of the rocky masses, which, deeper down, form a firmer union. 1-2 2J28 . The Rock of Gibraltar. strata, by which they were changed froui a horizontal into the perpendicular situation ? ^.^ Many may imagine that an answer is easily to be found to J^ese questions. But I would rather at once confess, that this ■problem appears )to Wjto belong Jtp jthj?, innumerable geological mysteries, the proper time for the explanation of which has not yet arrived. Supposing that it be undetermined in what way the rock of Gibraltar obtained its present remarkable shape, still we cannot be mistaken in saying, that the mass of the rock acted as a powerful obstacle during the resistance which the southern promontory of Spain made to the waters which attempted to rush across or through it. The almost perpendicular strata of flinty slate of the basis, and of the compact limestone of the principal mass, would form with their whole surface a barrier at right angles to the rush of water, and thus a stronger barrier would be formed than by the soft sandstone strata of the neigh- bouring districts. We have existing proofs upon the faces of the rock, which cannot be mistaken, of the powerful workings of the sea, and the influence which it has had in shaping the rock all around. And we can see that the heaving up of the strata, or their overthrow, in no way belonged to the period of the con- vulsions by which the union of the Atlantic and Mediterranean seas was effected. And in unison with the above facts, there are deposits at the southern promontory, which shew the various heights of the tides at periods before the bursting through of the waters. The celebrated breccia containing bones, (knochen- brekcie *) which fills up the crevices of the rock, and which first drew the attention of naturalists to the rock of Gibraltar, occurs likewise in many other parts of the Mediterranean. And this circumstance is a proof that the Rock of Gibraltar was particu- larly affected by the same revolutions which occasioned a re-for- mation of the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea. The different sides of the narrow rock vary in form. On the north and east side, the rock is in general so precipitous as to be almost perpendicular ; while at particular places there are for- midable overhanging masses. Upon the west side, on the con- • Vid. J. Frill, Blumenbachii Specimen Archseologije Telluris. 1803, § 4. p. 0. The Rock of Gibraltar. 229 trary, it is upon the whole more continuously flattened, while there are likewise here isolated perpendicular cliffs entering into the formation of the rock. The far projecting foot of the rock towards the south, consists of two interrupted divisions, having cliffs which are partly perpendicular. The under part, which is called Europa Point, is about 105 English feet above the sea ; the second, Windmill Hill, is about 330 feet above the sea. From here the rock rises steep to its liighest southern point, which is named St George's tower, to which a narrow steep pathway conducts, called Mediterranean Stairs. The above, like the northern pinnacle, possesses a height of about 1400 feet*. The crest of rock which unites the two, and which is in some places extremely narrow, is upon the whole somewhat lower in height upon the western declivity. Not very far from the Signal house, which is placed upon the highest point of the rocky crest, at an elevation of 1276 feet, there is the opening of a spacious cave, which is covered with long calcareous stalactites. Around the western, northern, and eastern borders of the rock, there is a continued flat land, which, towards the north, runs into the small neck of land that unites Gibraltar with the neigh- bouring country. The town is situated on the west side of the rock, upon the above flat, and the higher part of the town has the declivity of the rock as a shelter. The flat space of the eastern border is very narrow. Few houses are situated on this part, and these are more threatened than protected by the over- hanging cliffs. This shore runs southward towards a steep in- clined plane, consisting of sand, and against which the waves dash to a considerable height. This part is entirely cut off by a perpendicular rocky wall projecting into the sea, and is thus separated from the border of the under southern division of the rock. On the east side of the rock, nature has rendered fortification unnecessary, but the other sides are protected by art. The works of the fortress not only surround the entire border of the rock, but they extend in the most varied lines to the highest pinnacle of the same. And they cover not only the surface of • The highest pinnacle, called the Sugar Loaf, has a height of 1439 Eng- lish feet above the sea. ted The Rock of Gibraltar. £ne K)ck, But al-e carried into its interior by blasting the rocky mass. The organised nature which clothes the rock, is no less un- usual than its mineral formation. The vegetation is a rare mixture of productions originally European, as well as African arid Arnerican. And thus th^re is, in its way, as animated a picture of the intimate union which the isolated rock forms betwfeen distant lands, as is afforded to us by the narrow flat space at the foot of thie rock ; where we see men stirring about in the inost lively intercourse, whose various constumes and lan- guages enable us to distinguish the different nations to which they belong. The plants growing wild on the rock, are in general the same as those which clothe the flat hills on the coast between Malaga and Gibraltar.* The dwarf palm^ which is predomi- nant, mounts up as high as the crest of the rock, taking root in the clefts of the limestone ; and, upon the western declivity, the situation is so favourable, that it is found with stems of from four to six feet high. Between these palm bushes, and in the wide crevices of the rocks ; a species of ape (Simia Inuus, Lin.) takes up its abode. Gibraltar possesses these animals as well as many amphibia and insects, in common with the opposite coast of Africa. Succulent plants, as the agave or aloe, and various species of cactus, bound the under margin of the above wild vegetation. In the neighbourhood of the gardens, the succulent plants, intermingled with the various plants in cultivation, form a very variegated scene. The efl^ect is greatly heightened by a pleasure plantation •[- which has been fornted of late years upon what was formerly a wild part of the western flat land, near the Alameda, which is shaded with trees. This spot is adorned by red-flowering \\\^\xx\ani Pelargonia, and roses ; and jessamine and orange blossom likewise exhale the most delightful fra- grance. The rock, which thus in a small space unites the most re- • These are enumerated in Professor Hausmann's View of Spain, in a previous volume of this J.ourtial— Edit. •f Gibraltar owes to its present worthy and meritorious Governor, Sir George Don, the above delightful spot, as well as many other ornamental improvements. Tfi£ Rock of Gibraltar. 231 nmrkable mixture of the productions of different countries and parts of the earth, hkewise exhibits the most striking changes of meteorological phenomena. Now we observe its summit dear, in an instant afterwards it is enveloped in mist and clouds. These may hang upon the cliffs for a whole day, while perhaps the foot of the rock and the sea are enlightened by clear sun- shine ; while a sudden change of the wind suffices to separate or elevate the covering of clouds. It also sometimes happens that the opposite sides of the rocky wall have quite different kinds of weather. A thick wet fog may settle on the east side, while the west side enjoys and reflects back the most agreeable sunshine. There may be a storm on the eastern declivity of the rock, while it is calm on the west side. Thus, therefore, it is not only the waves which are broken against the rock of Gibral- tar ; but the weather likewise is interrupted by its vast mass of wall ; it is, in a peculiar sense, a screen both of the wind and of the weather. The variety of remarkable objects, and the changes in the appearances of the neighbourhood, are not the only circum- stances by which the eye is intensely fixed upon Gibraltar. The viewS; likewise, which are afforded there in the distance, are of the most extraordinary nature which any headland can afford ; and every side of the rock, in this respect, imparts particular delight. The narrow ridge of the summit, at the border of the perpendicular precipice, towards the east, unfolds to view the unmeasurable expanse of the sea, which is bounded only by the Spanish coast upon^the west. The unassisted eye traces this line of coast as far as beyond Marbella ; and along the green encompassing border of the higher range of moun- tains, insulated bright white villages are discovered, and which may easily* be distinguished from the comparatively dull look- ing watch-towers. Towards the west, we behold the broad* bay, and the beautifully formed mountain range, which rises behind Algesiras, and declines towards the hill of San Roque. That town, with its long aqueduct, constructed by the Moors, appears no less clearly marked than this elevated fortification. The bay is animated with the masts of vessels; and every change of the wind occasions a variety in this lively picture, ^2 The Rock of Gibraltar. from the departure and arrival of ships. Although these ob- jects are so attractive and amusing, they are still far surpassed by the views commanded by the station on the southern terrace. We behold the coast of Africa extended before us, from Tan- gier as far as beyond Ceuta. The great transparency of the atmosphere makes the distant objects appear so near to the spectator, that he sees not only the outline and indentures of the mountain range with the greatest exactness, but can even distinguish a part of Ceuta. The observer learns to decide ac- curately, that the mountains at the eastern extremity of the wide inlet behind the. projection of the coast upon which Ceuta is si- tuated, are only apparently continuous with the mountain range which rises behind them ; and is led, from the form of these, to conjecture, that, according to their constitution, they agree with the transition-slate formation which constitutes the fundamental strata of the rock of Gibraltar ; and that they are not composed of the limestone which forms the principal mass of the latter rock. The observer, musing on the surrounding phenomena, inquires. What power was it which broke through the mighty opposing rock ? In^what period of the primitive world did the astounding catastrophe take place, which has paved the way for the liveliest intercourse among late generations ? The answer to this and many other questions remains engraven in hieroglyphics upon the pillars of Hercules; and the most ingenious combination of these symbols will permit only a few interpretations to be derived from them with certainty. But the rock, which withstands the shock of the elements, declares, in writing which has no ambiguous meaning, that, with its existence, there are connected a series of the most remarkable events which have taken place at the most different periods, — from the voyages of the Phoenicians, until the * contest against the floating batteries. Thus an exact knowledge of the formation of the southern promontory of Europe would be highly interesting ; and the fact, that there is a firm and in- timate union between the nature of a country and the history of its inhabitants, would give additional countenance to the inquiry. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF ANTHONY SCARPA. ( Scarpa, in modern times, is in all probability the man who^'as a physiologist and surgeon, has acquired the greatest and most e>^- tensive reputation. His name was not merely European ; it was spread over the world : his discoveries in anatomy and surgery have been every where viewed with admiration ; they have been every where useful. His works have been translated into, and commented upon, in every language. He has left the most pro4 found sentiments of love and veneration in the hearts of his nu- merous disciples, and, at the same time, seeds which have every where produced good fruit. There is hardly a society, literary or scientific, who have not regarded it as an honour to be con- nected with him, and on the death of Sir Humphry Davy, he was named one of the eight learned foreign associates of the French Institute. Honours, titles, and rewards of cirowned heads, were transmitted to him in his retreat. The necessity of repose, the diminution of his physical powers, especially of sight, induced him to renounce practice, and retire to nis magnificent country-house, where, surrounded by one of the finest collections of pictures, objects of art, and antiquities, he portioned out his time among the muses, fine arts, agricul- ture, anatomy, and surgery, which he never ceased, even at his great age, to enrich with some original idea or some new dis- covery. ' Till the last moment of his life, he retained a perfect sefeiiiy, and that astonishing intellectual vigour which had been so' ad- vantageous to him during his life ; he died at the age of S5, in the arms of ||iis pupils, — of the illustrious professors whom his scientific knowledge had connected with the University of Pavia. The heirs of his talents never quitted him for an instant during the malady which carried him "off; they paid their master, friend, and adopted father, the most assiduous and affectionate atten- tion ; by their anxiety and gratitude they adorned the latter mo- ments of the man to whom they were indebted for their acquire- ments, and the honourable situations they occupy in the Ticinian 231 Biographical Sketch of Anthony Scarpa, School. Happy are they who have run a long career so useful to humanity, — who die full of days, — whose death is bewailed, and who are surrounded with friends who close their eyes ! Scarpa was born at the commencement of the year 1748, at La Motta, a little village of Friouli, of worthy but poor and obscure parents. An uncle, rector of the village, who doubt- less had a presentiment of the reputation of his illustrious ne- phew, sent him to Padua, where he defrayed the expenses of his education. It was not long before he had reason to congra- tulate himself on his foresight. Young Scarpa soon shewed what he would become one day, by the immense and rapid progress which he made in his studies. A great man could not find himself incessantly opposite another distinguished individual without say- ing to himself, " ed io anche^ io son pittore,'''' Scarpa at first had Morgagni as a master, who was not tardy in discovering in his pupil, all the genius of his future eminence ; he soon made him his friend and fellow-labourer. At this age, Scarpa refreshed himself from his labours by devoting himself to Hterature ; during the long soirees of the carnival, which he spent in the society of Morgagni, they enlivened their scientific conversa- tions by reading the comedies of Plautus in a loud voice. The Duke of Modena having occasion for an anatomical dissector for his University, apphed to Morgagni to fill up this chair. The latter having solely in view the advancement of science, and forgetting his interest and his affection, proposed his favourite pupil, who was gratefully received. Scarpa quitted Padua for Modena, when he was twenty-two or twenty-three years old, and gave his first lessons in anatomy in 1772. It was there that he composed and dedicated his first work on anatomy, to Fran- cis III., his Maecenas, under the title of De structurd fenestra auriset de tympano secundario, anatomicce observationes ; Mu- tinae 1772, in 8vo. During the same season, the Grand Duke conferred on him the situation of chief surgeon to the hospital of Modena. The more his occupations multiplied, the more time he found to do them all. Notv/ithstanding his anatomical lessons, the increase of his medical practice, the daily attention which the hospital required, he found time for anatomical researches, for preserving Biographical Sketch of Antlwny Scarpa. 235 these by means of the very beautiful designs which he made, and of writing his observations in the purest and most elegant Latin. His second work, which appeared soon after the first, was entitled, Anatorfticarum annotationum liber primus^ de gan- giiis et plexibus nervorum ; Mutinae 1779, in 4to. After Scarpa had been established nine years at Modena, the Duke, for reasons which are unknown, thought proper to diminish the salaries of the whole of the professors ; Scarpa then requested permission to travel to Paris and London, which it was impossible to refuse. It was in this excursion that he became acquainted at Paris, London, and in Holland, with the most distinguished physi- cians and surgeons, such as Vicq d'Azyr, Pott, John Hunter, &c. At Paris he shewed Vicq d'Azyr his beautiful drawing of the olfactory nerve, who wrote these words on its margin, " I have, for the first time, seen the ramifications of the olfactory nerve." John Hunter said in his memoir on this nerve, that the ramifications in the engraving of Scarpa were too small ; and the professors of Pavia, who are in possession of this monu- ment of the early labours of their master, admit that the criti- cism of the illustrious English surgeon is well-founded. Scarpa was at Paris at the same time with the philosophical Joseph the Second, who was then traversing Europe incog. The celebrated Brambilla, physician to the em.peror, was aston- ished at seeing Scarpa there ; he expressed his surprise, and said that he did not think that he could have quitted Modena ; S^atpii replied, ** You ^te aware that when a distinguished nobleman is in disgrace at court, he is invited to travel for his health : this at present has befallen me." Brambilla felt directly, that he ought to take advantage of this unique opportunity, to try and attach to the University of Pavia, a professor who he foresaw would confer on it the greatest eclat ; he mentioned it to the Emperor, who was extremely anxious to adopt the happy idea of Brambilla, and made the most honourable proposals to the pupil of Morgagni ; but the latter, more affected by the feelings of gratitude which he thought were due to the Duke 236 Biographical Shttch of Anthony Scarpa. of Modena than his interest and his convenience, did not accept the chair in Pavia in the year 1783, till he had been invited by the Duke himself, in the most formal manner. The accession of Scarpa to the chair at Pavia, was certainly of immense benefit to this University, and there is no doubt it was owing to the fortunate suggestion of Brambilla. As a benefactor rarely forgets the objects of his kindness, Brambilla from that moment eagerly embraced every favourable oppor- tunity of augmenting the lustre of the University of Pavia. It is necessary to state that he was born there. But how often are many people living at a court surrounded with every kind of distinction and honour, seen forgetting their country ! This was not the case with Brambilla ; he always shewed himself an excellent citizen, and he has left an honourable monument in his native city. Scarpa, during the same year, made the inauguration of his entry into the University, in a Latin discourse, of which the title was, De promovendis anatomicarum adminisiraiionum ratio- nibusy oratio ad tirones. Ticini, 1783, in 4to. In 1785, at the opening of the new. anatomical theatre, he pronounced an eloquent discourse, under the title, Theatri ana- tomici Ticinensis dedicatione, oratio habita pridie calend. No- vembris, ann. 1785. It was then that he yielded to his favourite passion with in- credible ardour, viz. to anatomical researches and studies, for which, it must be agreed, he had a wonderful disposition. He was endowed with a patience which the longest and most labo- rious toil could not fatigue ; he had an eagle-eye, which enabled him to detect the most minute object ; he possessed a manual dexterity which rendered the most delicate and difficult dissec- tion easy ; in fine, he was fendowed with an admirable spirit for observation and induction, which- conferred an inestimable value on the discoveries which he made with the scalpel. One of the first works which he printed at Pavia, was a conti- nuation of that which he had already published at Modena, Ana- tomicarum annotationum liber secundus, de organo olfactiis prcB- cipuo, deque nervis nasalibus e pari quinto nervorum cerebri. Ticini, ann. 1785, in 4to. Biographical Sketch of ' Anthony Scarpa. 237 He soon after presented a memoir in the first volume of the Public Disputations of the Medico-Chirufgical Academy of Vienna, De nervo splnali ad octavum cerebri accessorio commen- iaritis, Vindobana^, ann. 1788. Two years afterwards, the following memoir appeared, Ana- tomicae disqumtiones de auditu et olfactu. Ticini, 1790, in fol. max. An English anatomist having stated in the Royal Society of London, that the heart had no nerves, cor nervis carere, Scarpa accepted the challenge, and some months had hardly elapsed, when he threw himself into the arena with this motto, Regia Societati Lcnidinensi sacrum, the famous work in folio, entitled Tabula neurologiceE ad illustrandam historiam cardmcorum nervorum, noni nervorum cerebri, ghsso-pharyngei et pharyn- gei ex octavo cerebri. Ticini, 1794. ^ H In glancing at this work, which cost him so many nights of toil, and which was composed during short intervals, which he did not steal, however, from his duties in teaching anatomy and chemistry, we may easily conceive the enthusiasm with which it was received by the learned in every country ; from this time Scarpa led the van in his science, and, more happy than many others, he never descended from this eminent situa- tion, to which he was raised with such rapidity. In 1799, he presented the learned with a valuable work, a true model for analytical observation, on the formation and in- ternal structure of bones, with the title De penitiori ossium structura commentarius, Lipsiae, ann. 1799, in 4to. An accidental circumstance favoured this work, and per- haps inspired him with the idea ; it was the discovery of an an- tique cemetry, in the ruins of which he f6und bones, which seemed to have been prepared for displaying their organisation. Long afterwards, new experiments, and some valuable observa- tions on the pathology of the bones, induced Scarpa to publish a second edition, enriched with six tables from the admirable pencil of Anderloni, by the title De anatomid et pathologia os- sium commentarii. Ticini, 1827. He published soon after, in the Memoirs of the Italian So- ciety, which was then sitting at Verona, his researches on a J238 Biographical Sketch of Anthony Scarpa. monstrosity, which he named a tauro^vaccUy called Free martin in England. At this period Scarpa renounced his anatomical labours, to devote himself entirely to the practice of surgery. The works which he had published had already acquired for him, not only in Italy, but throughout Europe, a renown well worthy of envy, and .which has never been surpassed. As great an anatomist as physiologist, it was during the eighteenth cen- tury that he encircled his forehead with a glorious crown, and the present age had hardly commenced, when he had reaped a glorious immortality in the plains of surgery. Scarpa could not have made a more prudent division at the epoch of his labours. When in his panegyric on Carcano Leone, he said, " The his- tory of surgery gives us one useful hint, viz. that the most clever and celebrated surgeons have always commenced their career by studying anatomy deeply ;"" does he not seem to speak of him- self, and partially to refer to the history of his life? It is cer- tain, that during early life, when the feelings are most vigorous, when the body has the greatest power to undergo great fatigue, and withstand the deleterious influence of the emanations from subjects, it is the moment which is favourable to the consecra- tion of the day, and often the night, to delicate dissections, to examinations which always call forth new researches ; it is thus that the eye and the hand become qualified for the prac- tice of the healing art, it is thus that, rich in consequence of his observations and his experience, the anatomist of Pavia soon acquired the reputation of the most adroit and skilful sur- geon. He began his new career in 1801, by publishing his work on the Diseases of the Eye. * This remarkable work, which im- mediately had an immense success, which passed through five editions in Italy, and was repeatedly translated into the French, English, and German languages, was the harbinger of all that could be expected from a scholar, who was at this time consi- dered as the first surgeon in Italy, and probably in Europe. He did not disappoint the world : in 1803 he presented the schools of surgery with a smaller work, but of great importance, • Saggio di osservazioni e di esperienze suite principali malattie degli occhi. Pa- via, 1801. 4to. 1 Biographieal Sketch of' Anthony Scarpa. 239 on the congenital disease called the Clubfoot *. Before the works of the Professor of Pavia on this disease, its treatment was em- pirical ; now that we know the causes of it, and the nume- rous dissections that Scarpa has made of club-feet, have ex- plained the true nature of the disease, its treatment has assum- ed a more rational, sure, and methodical character. The very ingenious apparatus which Scarpa contrived to remedy this disease, generally cures it in the space of two or three months. Since that time, it has been simplified and rendered more perfect, but tlie improvements are principally the result of his labours. When the French invaded Italy in 1796, the Cisalpine re- publican government bound all its employes by an oath of a formula perfectly new, which contained an expression of hatred to kings. Scarpa refused to take it, and declared he would ra- ther give up his chair : the government, had the good sense to keep him in his situation, and allow him to act according to his own feelings. About the year 1804, Scarpa obtained leave to retire ; but, in the ensuing year, Napoleon having arrived at Milan for the purpose of being crowned, said to Scarpa, in the presence of the whole of the Professors, " You have quitted ypur chair — you should resume it : so valiant a soldier should die on the field of battle." At this invitation Scarpa returned, and again took tlie chair of Clinical Surgery. It was at this time that Napoleon assigned him a pension of 5000 francs, out of the bishoprick of Ferrara. One of the strongest claims to the gratitude of his contempo- raries and posterity, was his great work on Aneurism, which was published in 1804. The subject was suggested' by the question which the Society of Medicine in Paris proposed in 1798, to throw light on the controversy as to the different modes of operating in this disease of the arteries. It was not a mere theory — the result of meditations in the silence of the study — but the consequence of numerous and varied experiments made • Sid piedi torti congeniti esalea maniera di corregere guesta deformita. It is with pleasure that I notice here the orthopaidean establishment of Orbe, in which Mr Martin, successor of Venets and Jaquards, has obtained the great, est success in the treatment of the congenital deformities. 240 Biographical Sketch of Anthony Scarpa. on all kinds of animals, in which he was enabled to compare the reciprocal value of the different modes of tying the arteries. It cannot be too frequently noticed, that the name of Ander- loni is intimately connected with that of Scarpa. The engrav- ings which enrich the treatise on Aneurism will never be sur- passed in beauty or perfection, and will with difficulty be equal- led. These engravings, like those of all the other works of Scarpa, are always faithfully copied after the designs of their great master.^ * A new subject of meditation soon prepared him for a new work. A disease of too common occurrence, the protruding of a portion of the intestines from its natural position, and which is known by the generic term Hernia, seemed to him worthy of attention. The work which he shortly afterwards published on this important subject procured the eulogiums and the gratitude of all the academies and every great master of the art. This,^ eminently classical work soon appeared in every European lan- guage. •(• Every page exhibits the profound anatomist and the able surgeon : not only has he thrown a light on the me- chanism hitherto unknown or unexplained, by means of which every hernia is produced, but he has also fully explained, in every kind of descent, the dispositions of the ring of the ^funiculus spermaticiis, the epigastric, crural and obturatrix ar- teries. He has given excellent rules on the cutting of the ring,^ and has wisely based his preference for the multiple cutting on grounds which have been confirmed by experience. His modern works on the cicatrisation and obliteration of the pre- ternatural anus, consecutive on gangrenous hernia, are the fruits and the complete result of his researches on the funnel- shaped contraction of the peritoneal sac, and the changes suf- | fered by the intestine inclosed in it. This work, which was .^ * SulV aTieurisma, ri/lessioni ed osservazioni anatomico-cJiirurgiche. Pavia, 1804. •^ Sulle Ernie, memorie anatomicO'Chh'urgicke. Due edizioni, la prima alia stamperia reale a MilanOy nel 1809 ,• e la seconda in Pavia, 1819. Infol. max. Shall I be forgiven for staling here, that Scarpa in his work mentions me honourably, by making, in a few lines, an extract from a memoir which I have published on the fatty Herniae rf the Unea alba. Biographical Sketch of Anthony Scarpa. J^41 translated into the French language by Mr Cayol in 1812, has been considerably augmented in a new Italian edition, in which the various memoirs published separately have been re-written. He published a supplement to his Treatise on Hernia two or three years afterwards, to which he added his researches on that of the perineum. These works, which were translated into the French language by Mr Olivier, form the completion of the translation by Mr Cayol.* From that time his reputation became so great that he was afterwards regarded as the oracle of surgery. Napoleon, as king of Italy, named him successively, ChevaHer of the Iron Crown, and Member of the Legion of Honour. The Emperor Francis I., who succeeded Napoleon in these States, decorated him with that of the Cross. Thus did every sovereign and every government express the regard and esteem which they had for this great man. In concurrence with the desire of Joseph II., and by way of showing his gratitude to his Maecenas, he, with his friend and colleague Volta, undertook a journey to Vienna. This prince received Scarpa and his illustrious companion with that courtesy and affability which are the peculiar characteristics of the present family ; — to aid science, he induced these learned men to extend their journey through the whole of northern Ger- many, and besides furnished them munificently with all the pe- cuniary assistance which could favour such a project. In 1820 he undertook a journey through southern Italy, but merely with the intention of travelling as an amateur of science and the fine arts, as an admirer of the beauties of nature, which were about to develope themselves before his eyes ; and it must be admitted, that he required the strongest discretion to escape the continual solicitations of those who wished to consult him. In this manner he traversed Tuscany, the Papal States, and the kingdom of Naples ; it was in this classic land that he ap- peased, as it were, the inextinguishable thirst which he had for acquiring additional knowledge, and perfected the admirable • I cannot avoid noticing here, that Dr Wishart of Edinburgh is the faith- ful and elegant translator into the English language of Scarpa's works, and that he was also his iriend. VOL. XV. NO. XXX.— OCT. 1833. Q 242 Biographical Sketch of Anthony Scarpa. tact with which he was endowed for criticising the chefs doewvres ^of the fine arts. \^ Scarpa withdrew entirely from instruction in the year 1812 ; [he was at that time appointed Professor emeritus of Anatomy, Chnical and Operative Surgery. Soon afterwards he was pro- claimed Director of Medical Studies, a duty very honourable in itself, which he raised to a higher degree of splendour by the eclat of his name, as well as by the numerous services which he rendered to the Faculty of Medicine. It was a delightful sight to see the three Faculties, of which the University of Pavia is composed, directed at the same time by as many men, equally distinguished in their respective sciences, — Tamburini, Scarpa, and Volta. Of these three great men it may be said that they died on duty, still in the exercise of their function as directors of learned institutions. Scarpa survived his illustrious colleagues many years : this third torch, on being extinguished, left the University of Pavia covered with funebral crape, — with him disappeared the last trace of the illustrious triumvirate. In 1814 Scarpa was appointed Director of the Medical Fa- culty,. The principal duties were carefully to observe that the studies were regular and complete, to preside at conferring de- grees ; in short, to carry into effect the course of medical studies which had been recently sent from Vienna. Scarpa, however, goon perceived that it was not in keeping with the existing state of knowledge ; that it was defective in many respects, especially in what regarded the study of surgery. He wrote frequently on the subject to the Government : he transmitted many observa- tions to them pregnant with wisdom and energy, that a revision of the plan might be attained, but it was to no purpose. He pleaded the cause of comparative anatomy which the Government had proscribed ; he proposed the disjunction of zoology from mineralogy, by showing that it was impossible for one professor to give a complete and perfect course of both sciences in the same year : — his remonstrances and his writings were not ap- proved of. Tired of preaching in the desert, he renounced his situation of Director. The Government of Milan, who saw this determination of Scarpa with deep displeasure, nevertheless ac- cepted his resignation, but never contemplated the appointment of a successor. Biographical Sketch of Anthony Scarpa. 243 Though he had withdrawn from the practice of surgery, he still continued to promote its advancement. In operating for the stone he preferred the lateral operation with the gorget of Hawkins, on which he made an improvement, which rendered the incision of the prostate parallel with that of the teguments : he energetically and successfully opposed the recto-vesical opera- tion. He always applied the ligature according to the plan of Anel, that had been neglected, but which was revived and perfected by Hunter, which consisted in leaving the aneuris- matic bag untouched, and obliterating the artery in the place where it is healthy, and at a point between this bag and the heart, leaving the employment of replacing the principal ar- terial trunk, and supporting the life of the organ below, to the collateral vessels. He explained a new kind of aneurism, to which he gave the appellation of aneurism by anastomosis of the bone, which consists in the anomalous dilatation of the many small arterial vessels in these hard parts, and which never occurs without the total disappearance of all the hard part of the bone. Scirrhus and cancer, neuralgy, perinaeal hernia, the artificial pupil, the sanguineous varicose tumours, complicated ascites, dropsy of the spermatic cord, the functions of the nerves, which proceed from the brain and spinal marrow, of which some are destined for the organs of sense, and the others for those of motion, and many other matters in medicine and physiology, re- ceived from him a new light, and are collected ii^ three tliick volumes *. '^^^i'* '^^^ rvyj.\uii io 'ihuxr. mU bob siiiyj ixijU/, A We have already seen Scarpa undertake his journey to Southern Italy in 1820, loaded with years. His love for the fine arts, especially painting, was the principal motive for this excursion. It was whilst surveying the rich rooms of Tableaux in Florence, that he made a magnificent collection of original pictures of all the Italian Schools, at a great expense. In this department of the fine arts he acquired so elegant a taste, and so perfect a judgment, that his opinion was often requested re- garding pictures whose origin was dubious : every one knows the judgment which he passed on a magnificent picture, the • Opuscoli de Chirurgia di ArUonio Scarpa^ 3. vols. Pavia 1825 and 18.'{2. q2 244 Biographical Sketch of Antliony Scarpa\ property of Count Suardi of Bergamo, and which he declared was the portrait of Guido Baldo, Duke of Urbani, the work of the divine Raphael ; his decision may be seen in, a letter which Scarpa published in the i?iWio^/i^5'M^ /ia/ii^ww^, . lo noitqriogeb In this journey he discovered a casque of antique? iroil, admirably sculptured, which he made known by publishing an account of it, enriched with superb engravings *.| // alqosq ^nooy It was in this manner that, surrounded with the varidus ob- jects of his affections, he spent days worthy of emulation in his beautiful mansion on the banks of the Po ; he was very fond of agriculture, and though he did not publish any thing on this sub- ject, he invented and practised new methods of cultivation which have been frequently mentioned in different works, and adopted with success by a great many farmers. It is difficult to find any branch of the great tree of science which was not a source of en^- joyment to him, and which he did not cultivate with success. . K The Anatomical Museum of Pavia, begun by Rezia, received an augmentation from Scarpa, particularly of his own prepara- tions-j-. Proceeding in his footsteps, Jacopi J, Fattori, and latter- ly the celebrated Panizza, at present Professor of Anatomy, have successfully enriched it, so that at present it may be fearlessly designated as one of ..the^mqslf beautiful ,^n(J u§efvi) .pp^o^fti^al museums in Europe ^^h <^b FrnfT^vbi? tpom '^dt ntmW *^^ The dignified and gentlemanly manner with which he filled the chair of Professor, captivated the respect and the attention of his audience. He may, perhaps, some day be equalled, — he will never be surpassed. He had an admirable arrangement and method : his discourse was as charming as it was perspicuous f, his voice was sonorous and animated, and his eloquence com-r't manded the most profound silence among his audience : his beb%YJf)ify{)Ji£^J f^^.fWt^ji^yaM^tQrUy, tempered by an amiability • Sopra un elmo diferro squisitamente lavorate a cesello, lettera del Prof. An- tonio Scarpa all Cav. J^ossl Pavia ; tipografia Bizzoni in giau. fogl. Velin tlipag3txUicoat3dyoliiJds*iil<#Atte^:^f"9ftuB eid m bsbrriJis auw sH f Index Jlerum Ariathmicarum Musai Ticml^ts:'^i:i^ir\i*'lW4!' '^'''^BtOYSa XTuMarcellus eris. — The premature death of this young profes^f-who*' gave promise of all the genius of his master, was the source of the most acute gi^ef;.wbicJY&^I^.ey^ep,q^^^^ ffilT/ DOil^r Bif)g¥aphiml Sketch of Aniliony ScarpSl 2#5 and sweetness full of attraction. These rare qualities easily s^,' cured him every heart, and surrounded him with venferation. His an&tomy"wa& rtdt reisitricted to a shanple and uninteresting description of the organs; he khew^ Bow'tO' embellish it with physiological and surgical reflections of the greatest interest. Thus, not only were his lectures resorted to by a crowd of young people who studied the medical scienct's',' b«t-he also enu- merated among his auditors, physicians aild distinguished sur- geons, as well as learned men quite- unconnected with the healil ing affti ^i9V a«w ari ; o*£ odj to eimid sdj no uoigntirri iu'tiiunsd Scarpa was taTl, well'nfia'd^, eirtd' might have been considefecT handsome. His manner was full of grace : in society he was extremely agreeable when he chose ; but when he was not called upon to do the honours of his house, and found himself in a company which was indifferent to him, then absorbed in his thoughts, sitting apart, his chin resting on the head of his cane, his legs across, silent, and immoveable ^hfe'ibright have been taken for a statue. '»„.,;; He was ardently attached tb the pleasures of the chase, W which he acquired unusual address: In all pr6bability it was to this exercise that he was indebted for part of his strength, and of that suppleness, of that activity in his limbs, which he retain- ed even to the most advanced age. His place of retirement and living in the country, were his great passion : he was in the habit of spending his autumnal vacations in his charming man- sion of Bonasco, situated on a delightful hill on the other side of the Po ; there he appropriated his mornings to the composition' of his chirurgical works, the rest of the day he devoted to his' friends, the chase, and rural matters ; the evenings were passed in reading and literary conversations. He died after suffering for many years from an affection of the bladder, accompanied with violent spasms, and a disposition to spitting blood, which degenerated into an incurable ulcer. He was attended in his sufferings with a tenderness and per- severance altogether filial by some pupils and intimate friends, at the head of whom we ought to enumerate Professors Panizza, Cadroli, and Rusconi. Let us be satisfied with having rendered this feeble mark of 246 Biographical Sketch of Anthony Scarpa. respect to the memory of the venerable Nestor of modern sur- gery, to this benefactor of humanity, whose name is spoken of with regret by all his fellow-citizens, and will be proudly re- peated by posterity. Let us hope that within a short time, friendship and gratitude will furnish us with the memoirs of this illustrious man, of which he himself has left the principal materials in his papers. ' <^^*ei*^;^ j, p, ^jn P. S, It is right to render to Caesar what belongs to Caesar. I think it is my duty to say that this biographical notice is principally extracted from one which has just been published by Mr Chiappa, and that of Mr Carron de Villards. I owe much also to a letter from my friend Professor Rusconi. Bihliotheque Universelle, 1832. REPORT OF A LECTURE ON THE CHEMISTRY OF GEOLOGY DE- LIVERED AT ONE OF THE EVENING MEETINGS AT THE UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, by EDWARD TuRNUM, M, D. F.R.S.L.E.,Sec. G.S. The lecturer began by explaining, that, under the title " Che- mistry of Geology," he included all those geological phenomena to the elucidation of which chemical principles were applicable. The subject, he said, was one of great extent. He might pro- ceed to consider the affinities which operated in forming the crystalline rocks^of the non-fossiliferous series, — to develope the several theories by which it is attempted to account for volcanic action, — to show by what means the soft materials of aqueous deposits were converted into solid rocks, — to trace the effects of heat in modifying the appearance and nature of previously con- solidated masses, — to endeavour to explain the origin of mine- ral waters, — and speculate on the obscure subject of the forma- tion of veins. But he would not then venture to discuss any of those topics, the rather as some of them were then under in- vestigation. He meant to confine his remarks to two parts of the subject : First, to the causes which give rise to the disinte- gration of rocks, thereby providing the materials for new, by the destruction of pre-existing geological formations ; and, second- Lecture oti the Chemistry of Geology. 247 ly, to the productioD, by means of aqueous solution, of sili- ceous and other deposites, which were commonly regarded as in- soluble. He would touch cursorily on the former, chiefly with a view to.|ajal^f^t<^^^^<;^^gr^|}eDsion of the latter. y^\jr^ Disintegration of Rocks. — The principal agents concerned in the disintegration of rocks, might, it was said, be conveniently arranged, under three heads : — ^R^ Mechanical agents ; such as rain, rivers, and torrent8> or, generally, water in motion. This subject, the lecturer said, did not require comment on that occasion, as it was not only fami- liar to the geologists, but foreign to the plan of his lecture. ^ 2. The alternate congelation and liquefaction of water. In all situations liable to alternate frost and thaw, this was a most fertile source of destruction to rocks. Water, insinuating itself into fissures, or between the strata of rocks, and congealing there, tore asunder the firmest masses by the immensely expansive force which water exerts in freez- ing, kept together the disjointed parts as by cement while it remained solid, and, on thawing, left them to fall asunder by the mere force of gravity. This was perhaps the most influen- tial cause of the vast ruin daily witnessed in the valleys of Swit- zerland, and in all countries where high mountain-chains are inter- sected by deep narrow gorges, bounded by bare precipitous and irregularly-fissured escarpments. By the operation of the same cause, buildings were defaced and destroyed. When water froze within the cavities of porous stones, the particles were fre- quently more or less disunited from each other, and crumbled into dust at the first thaw. Building materials differed in their destructibility by frost. The compact tenacious sandstdrte of Edinburgh suffered little, while some of the handsome Colleges of Oxford gave melancholy proof '6f*i1i6 iiijufy^ Mii6h it nVight occasion in the more porous and less tenacious oolite of that country. The lecturer observed, that a scientific knowledge of the cause of such decay had led to the suggestion of a ready mode of estimating the durability, as far as froSt was concerned, of different building materials. The freezing of water was a process of crystallization attended, as in most other cases, with 248 Report ofDr Turner's Lecture on forcible increase of volume. The crystallization of salts was a similar pkenomenon, and gave rise to a similar effect. When a stone was dipped into a saline solution, and then suspended in the air to dry, the crystallization of the salt produced a certain amount of injury ; and the effect due to one operation might be multiplied to any extent by the repetition of the same process. The experiment of a few days might thus be made to imitate the effect of numerous winters, and the relative durability of different materials be ascertained prior to their selection for building. The salt most applicable to such substances was found to be the sulphate of soda *. 3. Chemical Action. — The affinities which principally contri- bute to affect the integrity of rocks, were stated to be thoseof water and carbonic acid for potash and soda, and that of oxygen for iron. The changes referred to were frequent in felspathic rocks, and were exemplified in a very striking manner in the formation of porcelain clay from granite and other allied rocks rich in felspar. All granitic regions presented examples of this nature, and in none were they more remarkable than in Cornwall and Au- vergne. It was probable that the long-continued action of pure water might produce decomposition ; but the effect of its affinity for the alkalies of the rock was materially aided by that of car- bonic acid for the same bases. This was shown by the increased decomposing power of water when charged with carbonic acid, and by the action of moist carbonic acid gas on granite, as ex- emplified in the volcanic districts of Auvergne. Basaltic rocks were likewise prone to decomposition, partly in consequence of containing felspar, and partly from the protoxide of iron of the augite or hornblende which enters into their composition. TliiA passage of the iron into a higher degree of oxidation was du^^ to atmospheric oxygen applied in a liquid state to the rodk'^ through the medium of water. It was probable that carboni^ acid likewise co-operated ; — that, as in the rusting of iron, a ca^iX* bonate of the protoxide was first generated, which subsequefitl^* passed into the hydraled peroxide of iron. iiv/<>rf« t^^he'TOcks in which these changes occurred, underwent a totaP' , ^, M* I^r4Jin4|iit4'^iJhiiiVi[}frrhjs. vol. xxxviii. p. IW*!? V qfi-^ the Chemistry Gf>Geolog^.x s v 249 alteration both in their mecbanica I state and chemical constitution. Their tenacity Jiwwhaoiyeetirely .destroyed, that the sjiglitest force, a shower, or- the breeze, HufTiced to ovtTcome thecohesioft: of their particles. The alkali of the i"eU})ar was entirely washed^ away, and an earthy mixture combined witli water remained* The ochreous tint of decomposed basalt and greenstone, 8uffi« ciently indicated that their iron luid passed into a higher stajtf* of oxidation ; but felspar often left a perfectly white earth, tbc^t small portions of iron and manganese contained in the origim^l) rock having been removed, probably in the state of carbonate, during the progress of disintegration. These changes consti- tuted one of the great sources of the alkalies present in springs and in the soil ; and the alkaline matter of the nitrates of pot- ash and soda, generated so abundantly in parts of India and America, had probably the same origin. They likewise accounted for the connexion observed between the agricultu- ral character of the soil of certain districts, and the rocks from which it was derived. The decomposition of granitic rocks led to deposites of clay and sand, which were too entirely free from each other, and from lime, to be suitable for the growth of plants ; while the earth derived from most basaltic rocks was an intimate mixture of argillaceous, siliceous, and calcareous mat-?'^ t^in proportions peculiarly favourable to vegetation. i,iOij uinod ^p Deposites Jrom Aqueous Solution of Substances commot^^, ly considered insoluble, — The lecturer next discussed the sQia cond branch of this subject, referring more especially to siliw ceous depositions, such as flint, calcedony, and rock.crystal»'> Mapy circumstances, he remarked, proved the fact that silica very frequently existed in solution. Mineral waters, he said, commonly contained silica. Chemists, indeed, frequently over- looked} tH Will their analyses; but whea carefully sought for, ilfj might in most instances be detected. It was constantly cob»£ tained ip, tlje sap of certain plants, if not in all. For it wa»T shown by the late Sir Humphry Davy, that silex is contained in grass, and in the epidermis of reeds, corn, canes, and of hollow plants in general. The existence of silex in the sap of the bamboo, was not only attested by its flinty epider- 250 Report ofDr Turner's Lecture on mis, but by the siliceous concretions called tahasheer. Si- milar evidence was afforded by some fossils, which contained silex in such a form as to indicate that it was deposited from a solution. In proof of his position, the lecturer exhibited samples of shells having their form preserved in silex, some beautiful specimens of silicified coral, and a suite of chalk flints which displayed the structure of sponges and other zoophytes. For the opportunity of exhibiting such specimens, he was in- debted to the indulgence of the President and Council of the Geological Society. Traces of organization might, by careful examination, be so frequently detected in chalk flints, that he was disposed to the opinion of those geologists who considered flints in general as zoophytes fossilized by silica. The lecturer next adverted to the formation of calcedony, and shewed speci- mens which, though found in igneous rocks, had their aqueous origin clearly established by the stalactitic form which they possessed. Similar masses of calcedony existed in some flints, and passed into the substance of flint by insensible gradations. The hollow balls of crystals called geodes, afforded similar testi- mony, by presenting both calcedony and rock-crystal, under circumstances indicative of pre-existing solution. The fact being established, — that siliceous minerals are fre- quently formed from aqueous solution^ the lecturer went on to state the principles by which he thought the solution of silice- ous matter, and its subsequent deposition, might be explained. The first observation he would make related to the meaning of the term insoluble. Chemists, he said, apply it to substances which are not found to lose any appreciable weight when sub- jected to the action of water. It was not afiirmed -that abso- lutely nothing was dissolved in such cases, but that the quantities were too small to be appreciated. This was true even of the most insoluble substance known to chemists; namely sulphate of baryta. But though the weight of such bodies was not perceptibly di- minished by trials conducted in the laboratory during a short interval of time, and with small quantities of water, the effect of the same operation, as performed on a great scale in the mine- ral kingdom, during hundreds and thousands of years, and with unhmited quantities of the menstruum, might be, and the Chemistry of Geology. 251 doubtless was, very different. It was not necessary, however, to have recourse to this mode of reasoning. Substances, he said, which are inappreciably soluble in one state, may be freely dissolved in another. Silex in the finest powder may be boiled in water without perceptible solution ; but if presented to that solvent while in the nascent state, it was freely dissolved. Sub- stances in the act of being formed from their elements, or of se- parating from previously existing combinations, do not possess that force of aggregation which properly belongs to them, and in such states of transition they have a peculiar aptitude to com- bine with other bodies. This property is observed more or less in all bodies, but silica offers one of the most striking illustra- tions of it. Siliceous earth, in its nascent state, is freely soluble in water, and in various acid and saline solutions, which do not perceptibly dissolve ordinary flint, however finely it may be pulverized ; and the alkalies and alkaline carbonates, which dis- solve silex even in its solid condition, take it up while nascent in far greater quantity. Now, in the decomposition of felspathic rocks, which had been referred to in the first part of the lecture expressly with a view to that subject, the silex was exposed to the united action of water and alkali at the moment of passing from the state of combination which constitutes felspar, and would be expected to be freely dissolved. That it was so, might be proved by a comparative view of the constitution of porcelain clay and felspar. He would represent their compo- sition, he said, by a formula expressive of the number of equi- valents of each element ; though, in doing so, he did not mean to assert that porcelain clay was strictly an atomic compound. Thus: Felspar. Porcelain Clay. (p o + 3 s i),+ (Ai.t,?!') ; (A/ + 3 i S i). The lecturer stated, that the porcelain clay referred to was a sample from Villarica, which he had analyzed during the course of the winter. -Besides aluminous and siliceous earth, it con- tained 21.3 percent, of water. Mr Rogers of Philadelphia had obligingly analyzed for him some porcelain clay from the vici- nity of Mont Dor in Auvergne, which had a similar constitu- 252 Report of' Dr Twncr'it Lectw^ on tion. Berthier and Rose had likewise analyzed porcelain x-kly from other localities, and each found the ratio of the two earths to be nearly two equivalents of alumina to three of silica. Its constitution, accordingly, ap]:)eared subject to very slight varia- tion. The formulae shewed that every two equivalents of alu- mina, present in porcelain clay along with three and a half of sihca, corresponded in the original felspar, from which it was de- rived, to twelve equivalents of silica and one of potash. Hence the quantity of silica carried off in solution was enormousiio now The lecturer then went on to explain how it happened that silica, existing in solution, was deposited so as to constitute mi- nerals. One obvious principle, he stated, was the molecular at- traction which exists between similar particles of matter, as was proved by facts without number. Its existence was attested by the globular form assumed by water, oil, mercury, and other liquids ; by the separation from one another of salts in crystal- lizing out of mixed solutions ; by the formation of crystals du- ring the slow deposition of vapour, as when camphor was sub- liming slowly in a glass bottle, the particles attaching themselves to one another, rather than spreading uniformly over the sur- face on which they collect ; and by the tendency of like mole- cules to get together and cohere while intermixed with a mass of dissimilar matter, rendered liquid by heat, as when particles of titanium diffused in a furnace, through a mass of iron, seek out each other and form regular crystals, or when minerals crys- tallize out of melted lava or basalt : so from solutions of silex, whether strong or dilute, the particles are disposed to adhere together whenever they cease to remain in solution. Another principle applicable to this question, was the follow- ing : Whenever substances, insoluble in their ordinary state, were dissolved by the force of favourable circumstances, such so- lutions were very prone to decomposition. They formed in- stances of peculiarly unstable equilibrium. The slightest dis- turbing causes, as agitation, change of temperature, or the affi- nity, though slight, of some other body for the solvent, — would in such cases put an end to the solution. Illustrative examples of this principle were afforded by solutions of tin, titanium, and peroxide of iron, in a neutral state. He might probably quote »^' 4he^Cft€mktry of' Geology."'- ' 253 olbkimbious 9oIUl)ou& ^8 an instance from the anima! kingdom. Water cooled carefully below its usual point of congelation, and saturated solutions of Glauber''s salts, were liquids in which a similar instability of equilibrium was conspicuous. The lectu- rer, in illustration, here showed two solutions of Glauber'*s salt, 4«>he explained that the mere pressure of the atmosphere, on re- mbving the cork, or the slightest agitation, often caused such so- lutions to become solid ; and that when these failed, the introduc- tion of « solid body, especially a crystal of Glauber's^ salt, or of any substance having even a feeble affinity for the salt or its sol- vent, such as a globule of air or carbonic acid gas, generally de- termined immediate crystallization. The solutions on the lecttire table, retained their form after removal of the cork, and after gentle agitation : one of them instantly became solid on the intro-. duction of a glass tube ; and the other bore the introduction of the' tube, but crystallised instantly when a globule of air from the lungs was blown through the tube. The principle elucidated by these facts was, he said, directly applicable to his argument. A' solution of silica oozing slowly into the cavities of a porous or' cellular rock might yield a deposite as a consequence of evapo- ration, of a slight affinity between the silica and some substance with which it accidentally came into contact, or of the solvent power of an alkali which had contributed to its solution being lessened by passing from the state of a simple carbonate to that of a bicarbonate, or by entering into some other mode of combi- nation. The siliceous matter, being once solid, would most pro- bably be insoluble in the menstruum by which it had been origi- nally dissolved, and in that state would promote the increase of the deposit by its molecular attraction for the silex still remain- ing in solution. In this manner, might cavities of considerable size be gradually filled up with calcedony, flint, or rock-crystal. It was difficult, he said, to indicate the precise circumstances which determined the form assumed by the silex ; but it was proba- ble, agreeably to the laws of crystallization, that the development of regular crystals was owing to the extremely slow progress of the same process, which, when less slow, might cause the deposit to be amorphous. In the formation of calcedony and flint, it was most likely as Brongniart supposed, that the silica, as in \ 254 Report of Dr Turner's Lecture on operations in the laboratory, was deposited in a gelatinous form, hardening gradually by evaporation, and the cohesive attraction of its particles. The regularly disposed lines which were so beautifully displayed in some varieties of calcedony, seemed owing to successive deposition; one layer succeeding another, each assuming the form and irregularities of the preceding, and differing in tint, according to the absence or presence of small varying quantities of foreign matter, such as iron and manga- nese. In the case of flint, it was necessary, he said, to account for that remarkable tendency which silica possessed, to occupy the place of organic matter, as exemplified by the specimens of flint, silicified wood and coral, on the lecture-table. This phe- nomenon, the lecturer thought, might be explained on the prin- ciples which had been developed that evening. Siliceous solutions, infiltrating through organic masses in progress of decay, might readily be decomposed by the affinity of gases, or other compounds, generated during slow putrefac- tion, either for the silica itself, or for its solvent. In either case a deposit of silex would result. Consistently with this view, it was well known that flints contained traces of bitumen, or some similar substance of organic origin. To it the dark colour of flints was owing, and to its destruction the whiteness of roasted and bleached flints was attributable. The lecturer, in conclusion, briefly referred to the formation of some other minerals. He explained that the production of crystals of selenite, celestine, and heavy spar, obviously re- sulted, in many cases, from the sulphuric acid arising one while from burned sulphur in volcanic districts, and at another from oxidizing pyrites, acting upon contiguous masses containing lime, strontian, and baryta. He showed a specimen of red oxide of iron, possessed of a stalactitic form, decisive of aqueous ori- gin ; and oxide of manganese, he smd, sometimes occurred in a similar state. He considered such specimens to have been ori- ginally deposited in the state of carbonates, out of solutions of carbonic acid, and to have been subsequently still farther oxi- dized— a change which he illustrated by a specimen of carbo- nate of manganese, kindly given to him by Mr Philips, in which the progress of conversion was distinctly exhibited. He also the Chemistry of Geology, 255 suggested a possible explanation of the origin of* the pyrites so often found in fossil shells, imbedded in clay, which abounds in nodular pyrites. It had been observed that sulphates un- dergo gradual decomposition by the action of organic matter ; and he thought it, therefore, far from improbable that sulphate of iron, generated from oxidized pyrites, might, by the deox- idizing agency of animal remains, be reconverted into sulphuret. — Armals of Philosophy ^ July 1833. DR OPPENHEIM ON THE STATE OF MEDICINE IN EUROPEAN AND ASIATIC TURKEY. The father of medicine in Turkey was an Ambian, named Lochmann, appointed in the seventeenth century by Mahom- med, to discharge the sacred functions of physician. The mi- racles performed by Lochmann were numerous, and tradition has recorded them in glowing colours : he was a wandering dervise, and taught his art to the brethren of his order, who, retaining to this day the precious secrets he revealed, continue by birth-right the practitioners of Turkey *. As might be ex- pected, this religious order of physicians are greater proficients in superstition than in practical medicine, and exceJ3t being ac- quainted with the virtues of a few plants, they absolutely know nothing. It is true, indeed, that they attempt to acquire confi- dence by appealing to supernatural agency, divination, astrology, tahsmans, and cabalistic figures. Sometimes they attribute the origin of disease to the special wrath of God, in others to the interference of devils, but never perform the ceremony of deprecation or exorcism, without a multiplicity of rites and sufficient pay. Where money is given in the expected quantity, their prayers are endless, their beads are told ad hifiyiitum, picked sentences of the Koran are sewn together, and given to the patient lo swallow ; or, when a fluid • The Turks, with a happy knack of distorting Frankish names, have confounded Hoffman with Lochmann. Thus Hoffman's liquor they call Loclmiann-llouch. ^56 On the State of Medicine in menstriuim is preferred, the holy words are written with chalk upon a piece of board, this is washed, and the water with which the ablution is performed, forms a draught potent in proportion to its impurity. Amulets, however, form the favourite charm of the Turks; and, over the whole of the east, Mahammedans*, Jews, and Christians, appeal to their protection, when threatened or overtaken by misfortune. Hence, few die without wearing two or three amulets, to whose safe guardianship they had in- trusted their lives. They generally consist of a scrap of paper, containing a sentence from the Koran or Bible, embellished with cabalistic figures, and folded in a triangular shape, enclosed carefully in a little bag, and w^orn next the skin, either by means of a string hanging from the neck, or by being stitched inside the turban. Some amulets, supposed to possess a spell capable of protecting from ball and dagger, are sold at an enormous price. Thus, says Dr Oppenheim : — "^ iiB^u. " After the defeat and death of Wihli-Begin Monastir, an amulet (Nusko) was found on his body, which he had purchased for sixty thousand piastres. The Selictar (sword-bearer) of the grand Vizier, had its virtues renewed by a dervise, and then wore it himself. I asked him how it happened that the fate of its late possessor had not rendered him sceptical concerning its protective powers. He answered that nought, save the holy will of the Sultan, exceeded this Nusko in power, and that so long as he who wears it refrains from provoking the displeasure of his sovereign, he is secure against the hottest fire of the enemy of' the poniard of the assassin." The unsuccessful Turkish suitor invokes his amulet to soften the obdurate heart of his mistress, and those who are afflicted with ophthalmia, ague, and various other diseases, often place their whole reliance upon the virtues of a scrap of consecrated paper. As the dervises who practise the healing art, can alone infuse power into these amulets, they foster the public credulity, and by selling them at an enormous price, contrive to lose no- thing by the confidence of their patients being transferred from themselves to the amulets they manufacture. This is silly and melancholy enough ; but after all, while the newspapers of Great • The name of the prophet is pronounced Mahammed. European and Asiatic Turkey, 267 Britain^^Vj^Ct^. every day hundreds of specifics; while there a^ purchasers in abundance for quack medicines, such as Mor-^ rison's pills, which heal every disease ; while the aristocracy of the country besiege the door of St John I^ong ; when a noble- man and a member of parliament, still considered sane by his constituents, has sworn in a court of justice, that St John Long's frictions caused globules of quicksilver to exude from his skull ; when a barrister of reputation in Dublin believes and as- serts that the same hniment drew a pint of water from his own brain ; when half the community of Dublin believed the miracles of Hohenlohe ; when a commission, appointed by a grave and learned society of physicians in Paris, has reported favourably of the miraculous effects of animal magnetism ; when we recollect all this, I say, ought we to indulge too freely in ridiculing the Mahammedans for their trust in amulets, or the Turkish ma- trons for their dread of the evil eye of the stranger, and their belief that all the maladies of their offspring spring from its blasting influence ? Another superstition of the Turks is, an observance of lucky and unlucky days for prescribing or taking medicine, and it is singular enough, that they consider Friday, the most unlucky day of the week with ignorant Christians, as the most propitious, while Tuesday is regarded as peculiarly unlucky, and no one thinks either of the exhibition of drugs or the performance of operations, even in the most urgent cases,, upon a Tuesday. It was on a Friday that the memorable flight of Mahammed took place, by which his life was saved. Every^, one in gociety who can afford to pay for such useful information^ takes care to purchase from the astrologers an intei-pretation of his destinies, as fixed by the stars that presided over his nativi*^ ty, and each person has his own lucky and unlucky day of the week. It is well known, that even the mighty genius of Napo- leon|Was enslaved by somewhat a similar superstition. The to- tal ignorance and incompetence of the native practitioners have not altogether escaped the observation of their countrymen, for it has been long ago remarked, that a foreign physician, parti- cularly if a Frank, is supposed by tlie Turks in general, to be, {>ossessed of far superior knowledge, and accordingly they ai'e, foflowed with avidity. Whoever appears in any part of Turkey dressed like a Frenchman^ an Englishman, or a German, in fact, VOL. XV. NO. XXX. OCT. 1833. K ^58 On the State of Medicine in whoever wears a hat and not a turban, is immediately looked on as the possessor of medical knowledge, and is at once called " Hekim Baschi,'' and must, 7iolens volens, immediately enter upon practice, for the Turks crowd round him, and hold out their hands that he may feel their pulse, which, in their opi- nion, is all that is necessary to enable the physician to form a correct diagnosis, and they believe, therefore, that when the pulse has been felt, nothing more is required to give an insight into the nature of their disease, and the proper method of treat- ment. Others of the crowd, thinking themselves sufficiently ac- quainted with the nature of their own maladies, seek in the phy- sician only a person to supply them with the remedies they themselves indicate, and accordingly, one applies to him for a vomit, another for a purgative, a third for a medicine to pro-* duce wind, another for one to expel it; for the ancient patho- logy, that diseases are caused by an excess or deficiency of wind in the various organs and cavities of the body, is still common ; thus, a headach is caused by wind in the head, dyspnoea by wind in the chest. The physiology of respiration is thus rendered very simple, and the trachea becomes the air pipe not merely of the lungs, but of the whole body. The encouragement thus given to foreign practitioners, has generated the greatest abuses, for as there are no means of as- certaining the acquirements of strangers, many, induced by sor- j,j4id views, embark on a system of barefaced quackery, and thus persons who have followed other employments at home, are sud- „denly physicians in Tifrkey. Dr Oppenheim was invited to at- ,j tend a consultation with an eminent French physician at Smyrna, ,,iwho candidly told him, that the only preparation he had for ,,the profession was, service in the army as drum-major ! Among !, the staft-surgeons of the Turkish army, was a Maltese, who had been a letter-carrier at Corfu, and an Italian captain of a mer- _ j^jjhant vessel, who had been shipwrecked on the coast of Asia ^,lJtfinor. A Genoese gentleman, implicated in the late revolu- ^j^donary attempts in Piedmont, and who had long served in the army, applied to Dr Oppenheim, who gave him sixteen recipes, by means of which he was set up in the world, being soon after- wards appointed physician to the governor of Jambul ! No- thing can exceed the heterogeneous materials of which the mass European and Asiatic Turkey. 259 of practitioners is composed ; foreigners from all countries, and of all trades, but chiefly Greeks, Jews, and Armenians, the re- ligious orders of all the different forms of worship that are pro- fessed in Turkey, besides gypsies, barbers, and old women. Of the foreigners some are well educated, and a few, whose names Dr O. mentions, are excellent surgeons and experienced physi- cians, but such are " few and far between." It is a pity that the state of medicine is so low in a country, where the inhabi- tants esteem so highly the medical art, and where all are in- clined to respect physicians ; by the Turks, a skilful physician is almost ranked as a saint, and the appellation " Hekim," is the surest protection against either religious or political persecu- tion. In the last campaign against the Russians, often, says Dr O., was the uplifted sword of the half barbarous Turk ar- rested on the cry of " Hekim" being uttered by his vanquished foe. The modern Greeks give the title of Excellency to the physician, and old Homer estimated the value of a good surgeon and physician very precisely, in saying that he was worth half- a-dozen colonels * ! It may be here mentioned as a cunous fact, that the formation of the immense empire of Great Britain in the East Indies, was, in its infancy, greatly aided by the re- spect entertained for the acquirements of an English physician named Boughton, the successful exertion of whose medical skill enabled him to obtain from the native princes, what the East India Company had for forty years in vain struggled to possess, the liberty to make a permanent settlement and build a factory. There is a particular district of Greece called Sagor, in the Paschalick of Janina, where the profession of medicine is, as it were, the national characteristic and the chief occupation of the inhabitants, whose right to practise is hereditary, and whose knowledge consists in recipes and rules of treatment, handed down from generation to generation. Three or four villages in this district are complete medical hives, sending forth their an- nual swarms of physicians, who spread themselves over the whole of Macedonia, Albania, and Rumelia, and, in short, over the whole Turkish empire. They follow the good old Greek fa- * It is difficult to assign tlieir proper rank to many of the chiefs and minor heroes of the Iliad. In calling them colonels, I mean no offence to the dead. '''''"^ S60 On the State i^ Medicine in shion, which sanctioned this lazy sort of hereditary diploma, and looked on the descendants of Esculapius as accomplished physi- cians from their very birth. In other states, it is not rare to find a predilection for certain trades and manual occupations, which are cultivated almost exclusively by the inhabitants of certain districts, who migrate in multitudes ovei' the whole of Europe in search of employment. Thus, Bavaria supplies broom girls, Savoy organ-players and bear-dancers, Lombardy her workers in plaster of Paris and makers of images, Ifd'aK neighbouring and even many distant countries; while in France, every shoe-black is a native of Auvergne, every gate-porter is from Switzerland ; and in Spain, every water-carrier comes from Gallicia ; formerly Ireland supplied London with sedan chair- men, and now with coal-heavers *. It was reserved, however, for Sagor to stand forth as the productive mother of doctors, an offspring scarcely less dangerous than that which the soil of Bceotia yielded, when the crop of armed men sprung up before the astonished eyes of Cadmus. ' '^ Jewish physicians abound in Turkey, and are not a whit better informed than the Albanians. They wander about the counti'y, with their apothecary's shop upon their back, and are, in fact, perfect medical pedlars. Their traffic is not con|' fined to the sale of medicines alone, for they vend cosmetics of all sorts, soaps, oil of roses, charms, and colours. The poorest of this class carry wallets, and walk the streets and bazaars, at every pace uttering the shrill cry " ei Hekim !" " ei Hekim 1** (a physician, a physician,) Now and then you may see theiii stopped in the street by some unhealthy looking Turk, whose pulse they feel, and instantly roar out, " bilirim senin hastalik," (I know thy disease,) and without asking the patient a single question, they open their wallets, give him a pill or a powder, which he swallows on the spot, after bestowing on the physi- cian two or three half farthings (paras) for his advice and me- dicine ! Knowledge came from the East ; it has travelled slowly to be sure, but here it has arrived at last, and lo, our fees, for- merly paid in gold, are changed into silver, and undergoing • In the reign of Charles the Second of England, the number of Scotch- men who carried on the trade of pedlars in Poland, amounted to 25,000[! Vide article Pedlar, Encyclopedia Britannica. European and Asiatic Turkey, 261 the rapid process of depreciation, the distant tiii^hng of brass may be heard even now by the ear, practised in the sounds of coming events ! ^ As long as the fates permit, let the profession struggle against the adoption of this oriental custom, let it in this instance prefer the usages of the West to the wisdom of the East, let it not be said of us, that we are " avari, ambitiosi, quos oriens non occidens satiaverit." "I- Strange as it may appear, the Turkish physicians are almost exceeded in singularity by their patients, who require the most extraordi- nary qualifications on the part of their medical attendants. Thus, nothing so enhances in their eyes the value of a physi- cian, as his being able to tell every thing after feeling the pulse. By the pulse alone, he must know not merely the na- ture of the disease, but must be able to say whether the patient slept well the night before, what he ate during the day, whe- ther the bowels are open, &c. &c. After having once felt the pulse, the physician must put no question to his patient, for it is considered as a sign of ignorance ; at his very first visit, he must declare, from the pulse, at what precise time the patient will die or recover. The governor of Adrianople, Halish Pl^- cha, once visited the tent of the Russian general, Paulin, where Dr Oppenheim and two other physician* were attending at levee. Each of the three successively was presented to the Pascha, who made them feel his pulse ; and when the ceremony was over, he immediately declared, that one of them was in- comparably a better physician than the others, for said this wise Pascha, he felt my pulse much better ! tV\ .^' ^ \ " Often, says Dr Oppenheim, *' on presenting my passport to a Turkish officer, the moment he read the words ' Hekim Baschi,' has he turned out the guard and drawn thenri up. in order that I might feel the pulse of each. This, of course, I used to do with vast gravity and apparent attention, and the men were quite pleased upon being informed that they were ip excellent health !"" Many of the knavish Greek physicians pay the domestics to give them private intelligence, concerning the diet, eva- cuations, &c. of their patients, whom they afterwards impose • Coming events have shadows, why not sounds ? t Tacitus— ^^ricote vita. 262 On the State of Medicine in on, by making them believe that their sole source of infor- mation was the state of the pulse. When the physician, by means of the pulse, has declared the precise nature of the disease, and the exact moment of its termination, the Mussul- man requires him to give a certain medicine, to have some par- ticular effect in determining some evacuation, which is to prove critical. No medicine gets the least credit, or in their eyes can be the least effectual, unless it produce sweat, urine, or purging. The Turk is fond of large doses, too, in order to pro- duce a more decided crisis, and he always prefers medicine in the shape of a draught, or rather drink, (sherbet.) He disliked emetics, and nothing will induce him to allow the exhibition uf an enema. It is quite vain to endeavour to make him alter his diet ; of this he cannot conceive the use. In the month of May, it is not unusual for them to submit to what is termed the spring cure. An active purgative is first taken, and afterwards the expressed juice of various plants, such as Taraxacum^ ¥4^ rious grasses, &c. are taken daily, along with a drink of whey. The most favourite purifier of the blood, however, is viper broth. The most esteemed vipers are caught in the neigh- bourbood of Adrianople, and are sent thence in great numbers to Constantinople, and other parts of the empire. They are kept in wooden vessels, and when wanted for use they are drawn out through the bung-holfc ft 'is needless to remark, that this operation requires much caution and skill, in spite of which, a9 happened in an instance which Dr O. himself wit- nes^, tiii^ pbo|: ajpothecary is sometimes bitten. The bite often, but not always, proves troublesome, or even fatal. When this dangerous article of the materia medica has been safeJy ex- tracted from the vessel, his head and skin are instantly taken off, and the animal is cut into thin slices, which are boiled with water to make broth. The most effectual of the means employed either for the prevention or cure of diseases by the Orientals, is the bath (Hamam.) The long continued frictions employed, the stretching, drawing, kneading of the limbs and flesh; the pulling and working of the joints, &c , all tend to ex- ercise a healthful influence^ it is astonishing, what a command over the joints an experienced attendant at the baths possesses. He twists them in every direction, and you almost feel, as if he European and Asiatic Turkey. 263 had performed on you a number of successive dislocations and reductions, following each other with surprising rapidity. In chronic diseases of the skin, gout and rheumatism, these baths are invaluable. I'he public baths are very handsome, capacious buildings, of which there are several in each town. The bather undresses in a large and spacious hall, provided with benches, and having a fountain playing in the centre. He ties a silken girdle round his loins, and puts on a pair of wooden sandals, and is then introduced into the first chamber ; which like the rest is lighted from above, and is flagged with marble. Its heat is moderate, and is intended to prepare the bather for the higher tempera- ture (99°i) of the second chamber, which is arclied, and has the flags all heated from below. In the centre of the second chamber, is an extensive platform of marble, elevated about a foot above the floor, on which you stretch yourself at full length, while the attendant goes through the various manipulations on your body already spoken of. This finished, you proceed to one of the numerous alcoves or recesses with which this chani- ber is provided, and here the process of bathing, properly so called, begins ; warm water flows from a pipe into a marble basin, the bather sits down naked on the warm floor, and his attendant, with a piece of cloth made of camel's or horse's hair, which he dips frequently into the water, forms a lather of a sweet-scented soap, and with this rubs every part of the body, and finally, pouring warm water over the bather, completes his purification. He is then covered with warm cotton cloths, and conducted into the outer hall, when he lies down for half an hour on a bench, takes a cup of coff*ee or a glass of sherbet, and then dresses himself. . ;, ^ The expense of such a bath, is so trifling, that it is in the power of even the poorest Turks to make use of them. Every where the baths for the different sexes are in different parts of the town. To the women they afford not merely the luxury of bathing, but the opportunity of meeting their friends and ac- quaintances. They have been described by Lady Wortley Montague, in colours more glowing than might appear seemly in the pages of a scientific Journal, and, therefore, it may be prudent to omit the subject altogether, merely observing, that. ^64- On the Staie of Medicine in as is natural, they are the chief strongholds of gossip and ^ndal, and afford the anxious mothers ample opportunities ^pt merely of shewing their daughters to other matrons, but of seeking wives for their sons. In Turkey, the practice of letting blood in &pnqg, formerly common, in Great Britain, is still jircvalent. e taiA moil ai^do bnfi ^nwol o^ibI s "ii 4!i\ssvv j. With regai'd to the manner in which the 'more respectable part of the medical profession is paid, it evidently evinces a great want of confidence, or rather extreme distrust. In Eng^ Wd, it is commonly believed, that the word of a Turkish gevi- Oeman or nobleman, once given, may be implicitly relied on ; but it is too clear, from the narrative of Dr Oppenheim, that a most lamentable want of principle prevails even amongst the upper ranks. Wo to such a nation, for mutual distrust among individuals prevents all unity and energy of action on the part of the rulers ; private corruption inevitably portends the public downfall. v .f > *is^ " There is,"' as Burke beautifully refe«Ffcs,^^ii confidence necessary to human intercourse, and without which men are often more injured by their own suspicions, than they could be by the perfidy of others." The sick Turk, says Dr Oppenheim, makes promises,- WiW convalescent Turk breaks them. In consequence of this dispo-' sition, the physician is often obliged to draw up a specific con- tract in writing, and according to a legal form, before he under-i'^ takes the treatment of a case or the performance of an opera- tion. The contract is deposited in the hands of a magistrate, who can enforce payment, and whose zeal in the discharge of this duty is quickened by the legal fee of ten per cent., to be deducted from the stipulated sum. It is not very rare, how- ever, for the patient to evade the ends of justice, by paying th^- magistrate twenty per cent. ; when this is done, the physician's contract too often turns out to be waste paper. These contracts^^ however, in general afford the physician tolerable security, anrf- are especially necessary when capital operations are performed, as without th^m he may lose not merely his fee, but his life, irt'- case his patient dies, for the Turk considers the knife of the*' surgeon in the light of a weapon wielded b^, an ^fneray, and thinks himself called oil to avenge th^ cjle^t;i)j,o4a.7l'Ql«tive after European and Asiatic Turkey. 265 ^ opcratipn.. This is hard enough upon the poor surgeon, who, to avoid more fatal consequences, is often obliged to pay blood-money to appease the death of relativec. To ayoid these consequences, the surgeon and one of the nearest relatives of t}}e patient repair together to the cadi^ if it be a small, or to the mufti if a large town, and obtain from him a protection (fetwa), by which the surgeon is secured against all prosecu- tion if the patient dies. Dr Oppenheim, himself, felt the force Qi^j,t]pi^ iTurkish antipathy to the performers of unsuccessfcrf operations. After the battle of Monastir, on the 24th August 1830, he amputated the leg of a wounded Deli*: the Delt died. In a few months, Dr Oppenheim was sent by the Grand' Vizier to inspect recruits at Pristina, and was invited to the Iji/tpusc of the Cadi. ■^'.-. " After the customary compliments, he asked me, ' Are you physician to the Grand Vizier ? Did you operate on the Deli, Soliman-Aga ?** I answered in the affirmative. ' Then,"* said the Cadi, ' you behold here the father of Soliman-Aga, who claims blood-money from you, which money it is most just yott^ should pay him.'" ' Dr Oppenheim being sufficiently acquainted with the usages" and manners of the Turks, and depending upon the protection of the Vizier, was no way intimidated, and soon brought both the Cadi and A^i^s^J^^^ UKJ^S^^hy^voewa&^oi^Jk^few some threats, \ .rrno"} is!?,'^' n^.i ^yaibioooft brm t"^«i-^i'*« «i hn't^ When a physician has treated a patient who dies of internal disease, he incurs no risk, unless the deceased held some import- ant and lucrative government post ; in such eases, the relatives and dependants of the deceased, being deprived by his death of their station and emoluments, are apt to wreak their ven- geance on the physician, who, however, generally takes care to be ou|;jQ|f) the way on such occasions. At other times, medical men are employed to give opinions, concerning not the living but the dead I This may appear strange, but it is the fact, and it is for such opinions that they are sure to be best paid, for they have it in their power to make what conditions they please with their employ^.,/ I»,!Twrkey„ wheoeveF a governor of a pro- • t'ho BelJs form the flower of the Turlcish cavalry, and their name means . madman. They are so called from their frantic impetuosity in battle. 266 On the State of Medicine hi vince, or mufti, or any other employe of the government dies, the whole of the treasure in his possession immediately finds its way into the coffers of the state ; therefore, it becomes an object of paramount importance for the family, to conceal, if possible, the death of their relative, until they have either made off with his money, or what is a safer method of proceeding, until they,,! have used one portion of it to bribe the members of the divati into conniving at their keeping the remainder. The father of the present Pascha of Uskup, it is now ascertained, was buried four years before his death was announced. During the inter- val, his son had carried on all the public business in the father's name, and the signature of the latter was affixed to all official documents. During this period, medical advice was sought for in all quarters, and eminent physicians were even brought from Constantinople. They were consulted, but for very evident reasons, were never permitted to see the patient, a matter esteemed of little consequence in Turkey, provided the state pf ,. the pulse is accurately described. ajf I must confess," says Dr Oppenheim, " that being at the time but little acquainted with Turkish manners, 1 was any thing but pleased upon being sent for by Abduraman, the Pascha of Kalkandehl, to treat some patients in his harem. I was re- ceived by the Pascha with all those marks of distinction, which the Turk of consequence bestows on a Christian physician, when he has occasion for his services. After he had complimented to excess myself individually, and had extolled the wisdom of the Franks generally, he informed me, that his whole harem was sick, but that with my aid, he had little doubt that his three wives would be speedily cured. The first lady I visited; Wi^ about twenty-four years of age, who laboured under a catarrhal fever. I promised to cure her in a few days. The second was nearly twenty years old, and of a well marked strumous diathe- sis. She laboured under a chronic ophthalmia and herpetic erup- tion. My prognosis was, in her case, more cautious, but fa- vourable ; but I specified no fixed period for her recovery. In the third apartment, lay a lady about thirty years old, who had anasarca and ascites, and was also in the last month of pregnancy; her breathing was so much affected, that I feared also the exist- ence of hydrothorax. As I afterwards learned, three months European and Asiatic Turkey. 267 previously she had used tlie strongest medicines to produce abortion, but in vain. In addition, she had, for the last year, been afflicted with a badly treated ague; these circumstances led me to suspect organic disease of some of the abdominal vis- cera ; I say suspect, for no examination of the abdomen would be permitted. I told the Pascha, that she would be probably delivered of a still-bom child, and that she would not survive its birth many days. Bakkalom ! Allah Kaertm ! Insch Allah ! (^ shall see; Grod is great — God be merciful) exclaimed he, ' and inexperienced as I was, I little dreamed that these were mere stereotype ♦ expressions. The Pascha appeared to take the liveliest interest in this lady's state, and required me to feel her pulse four times a-day, and to send him, as often, a report csoU^ cerning her health. Whenever I spoke to him on the subject, his uniform reply was, ' Give her, I beg you, the best medicines you have; right strong medicines, and she will yet tecovet^St.^ God is great !' The dreaded day came at last ; she was de- livered of a dead child, and in two hours the harem resounded with the cries of the female slaves. In the east, the females are the first to announce either joy or sorrow. If any thing happy occurs, they utter a cry of joy, modulated by a rapid and qui- vering motion of the tongue against the palate and teeth. When sorrow is to be expressed, the cry is longer and sharper ; the shrieks of the slaves in question were decorously loud and pro- tracted, and they rent their garments and tore their hair. I sought not to be the first bearer of the news to the Pascha, whose anger I dreaded ; when I arrived at his apartment, I found that he had already learned the sad news, and I felt greatly astonished at finding the man, who had beer* all anxiety^ and alarm at my former visits, now quite composed and tran- quil. When I entered, he exclaimed * Alla?i Kaerim f '"* In the course of a short tiitie, all the courtiers and principal officers had come in successively, each, fes he entered, using the same invariable phrase addressed to the Pascha, " she is dead, thou shalt live."' ^<'» «' ' '^" "The mother is sufficient to saturate is so chosen as to render « = 1, under the presure of 30 inches, and gif—^-gn' (1) But the dryness of the air, ^when the temperature is reduced to ^5 being also proportional to fi — fl'-i the elastic force of va- pour at the dew-point, may, in like manner, be found by means of the formula /.-§=/.' (2) Mr H. Meikle * has deduced from the same theory the follow- ing approximate formula for finding the value of t"-. which is remarkable both for its convenience in calculation, and the ease with which it may be remembered. These formulas agree well, in general, with observation when t does not differ much from the value it had in the experiment by means of which the coefficient a or h was determined. For example, if the value of 6 in eq. (2), have been ascertained when t = 67.2, the formula will give the dew-point with considerable correctness when the temperature of the air is neither much above nor below 67.2 ; but when it greatly exceeds or falls short of that temperature, the theoretical dew-point will, in the former case, be too low, and in the latter too high. This obser- • Edinburgh Phil. Journal. ^ Obsen^ations on tfte Hygiomtter. Tt'7 vation has suggested a modification of Professor Leslie's theory, which will afterwards be. proposed. Dr Anderson, taking a different view of the subject from Professor Leslie, considers D as nearly proportional to the quan- tity of water evaporated under the same circumstances, which quantity varies as^-^f, where/' = ^^^'^ ^ ^/ X ff = the ac- tually existing force of vapour. Dr Anderson's formula de- duced from his theory is »^* ~~ 36 — tS D ~*^ ^^^ This equation, like those derived from Professor Leslie's theory, seems to deviate most from experiment at high tem- peratures; but the error is of an opposite kind, the calculated being often much above the observed dew-point. Indeed, when t is large, it will be found, upon calculation, that Dr Anderson's equation frequently gives t — i" .^^ t — if, which is impossible. There are also one or two points in Dr Anderson's reasoning re- specting this formula, on which the writer would venture, with deference, to make a few observations. Having stated that the equation D =: ni (^ — jf') requires a correction depending upon D, Dr Anderson * introduces the consideration of it with the following -remarks : " It must be evident, however, from the view we have taken of the cooling process, that a thermometer with a moistened bulb ought to be reduced through the same number of degrees in equal times, and thus reach the maximum in a sudden and abrupt manner, — a supposition which is neither consistent with the law of con- tinuity nor conformable to observation ; for, although the di- minution of temperature is, at first, nearly uniform, the effect gradually diminishes as the process advances, and the differences becoming every instant smaller and smaller, are at last altogether evanescent. The cause of this deviation from the state of things we at first supposed, is to be ascribed to the diminished evaporation arising from the cooling of the moistened surface." Now, although the evaporation is doubtless diminished from the cause which Dr Anderson assigns, yet the continual retardation of the cooling process seems to arise in but a slight degree from this source ; for, suppose d = the small jx)rtion of heat which • Alt. Hygrometry, para. 6«. 278 Observations an the Hygrometer. the vapour rising from the wet surface carried off in equal suc- cessive instants of time, and that in each of the same times, the surrounding bodies restored to the evaporating surface a portion of heat =1 {t — t') where f is variable, then it follows that, du- ring the 1st, 2d, 3d, ... nth. instants of time, the actual decre- ments of temperature would be (1 — l)d^{\ — ly d, (1 — lY d, ... (1 — lY d; and that the temperature of the evaporating surface would constantly approach, while it never attained, the limit t — (9 — 1) d. It therefore appears, even on the supposi- tion that d suffered no diminution, that t — t^ would not reach its maximum suddenly. Immediately after the passage to which the above remarks re- fer, Dr Anderson proceeds to apply the proposed correction to the equation D = tw (^ — jf') by substituting (P -\ for m, P and r being constant quantities to be determined by experi- ment. Then, from two experiments, conducted apparently with admirable care and ingenuity, he deduces the following equations: P = 3466 + — r P = 35.34 -f — r Now Dr Anderson's theory evidently requires, that the value of r, deduced from experiment, should be positive ; but had it not been for one oversight in calculating the first of the above values of P, it would have appeared that r was negative, and therefore that the theory of his correction was, in some way, defective. Upon repeating the calculation, it will be found, that, in the first equation, the quantity .22723 =r^/ had inad- vertently been used for .24223 =y, and that by correcting this, the equations became P = 35.89 + — - T P=: 35.34 -I- ^' where'r is evidently negative. It was before remarked, that the relation between the calcu- lated and observed values of^r, suggested a modification of Professor Leslie's theory. This consists simply in adding one limitation to his former enunciation of that theory, and may be thus expressed. The degree of cold is proportional to the dry- ness of the air at the temperature of the evaporating surface. Observations on the Hygrometer. ^9 B (and t) being constant. This limitation respecting the tem- perature of the air, which is marked above, by being enclosed within brackets, is the only modification proposed. The neces- sity for its introduction is grounded upon the observation, that the ratio of D to ft, -—ft", seemed evidently, though slowly, to increase with t or J]. Having been unable theoretically to determine the law ac- cording to which the ratio of D to /;' —fi', increased with the temperature of the air, it was assumed that or yj' — C7i -f'^' ^^) and the constant quantity C was found by means of the first of Dr Anderson's experiments- Although this formula did not correspond in a satisfactory manner with experiment, yet the relation which was accidental- ly observed to subsist between its results and those of equation (2), suggested what appears to be either accurately, or very nearly, the law according to which the ratio of D to ^ — Jt' varies. Having found the values of b and c, in formulas (2) and (5), by means of Dr Anderson's experiment, it was remarked that both equations erred when t was either much greater or less than 67.2, and, what was of most importance, that the errors, which then were nearly equal, were always of opposite kinds. The evident inference was, that the arithmetical mean between the corresponding sides of the two equations, that is, the formula would represent very nearly the manner in which the ratio of D to/t' — Jl' varies with the temperature of the air. The writer has accordingly found that, under a considerable range in the values of t and D, the differences between the results of this equation and experiment, are not greater than may be ascribed to errors of observation. The values of b and c will afterwards be introduced into the above formula, along with the correction for pressure ; and, in the first of the accompanying tables, the results of equations (1), (3), (4), and (6), will be found compared with obsenation in fifteen instances. It may be remarked, that, in all the calcula- 280 Observations on the Hygrometer. tions, the elasticity of vapour was ascertained by means of Dr Anderson's table, except in temperatures below zero, or greater than 100°, when the elasticity was calculated, like the table, by means of Biot's formula. Professor Leslie'*s formula was calcu- lated according to the directions, and with the assistance of the tables, contained in the article Meteorology, in the Supplement to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Correction for Pressure. In the preceding observations, B has been supposed = 30 inches. When the pressure exceeds or falls short of this, the co-efficients of L and D require a correction. Regarding the theory of this correction, however, and the exact amount of it, there seems to be some difference of opinion. According to Professor Leslie, when the place of observation is above the level of the sea, it must be increased by a quantity 30 proportioned to the altitude ; that is, proportional to log. — nearly. So that, on this theory, the same value of L indicates, under a less pressure, a less -degree of dryness. Dr Anderson being of opinion that D is proportional to the 30 quantity of water evaporated, that is, generally, to — (ft-—f'\ proposes, as the correction for pressure, to multiply D by — -' and consequently he conceives the same value of D to indicate, under a less pressure, a greater degree of dryness. Dr Ander- son's formula, corrected for pressure, is Mr Meikle appears to agree with Dr Anderson as to the na- ture, though not as to the amount, of the correction. Mr Meikle's experiments seemed to shew that D is nearly propor- tional to ^ ^'^--, It does not appear, however, whether Mr B + 27 Meikle considers ^' = < ~ D, or ^ = t —- D ; that is, whether the value of D only is to be corrected, or whether both D and/ are to ho. corrected for pressure. It will be observed that it is the object, both of Dr Ander- son s and Mr Meikle's experiments, to ascertain how D varies Observational on the Hygrometer. 281 with B ; t and f being supposed constant : but if, 'as Mr Meikle allows^ when X varies only with B, then surely the true object of en- quiry is not how D, but how . — —^ varies with B; and the cor- rection for pressure ought not to affect the value of f, but only of (^ — ^). The practical determination of the correction for pressure, must be attended with considerable difficulty, whether the ex- periments be conducted in the open air at different altitudes, or, like those of Dr Anderson and Mr Meikle, in the receiver of an air-pump. In the latter case the air is exposed to the ac- tion of sulphuric acid, and ff reckoned =: o, or, at least, it is supposed to be constant ; but this supposition cannot be veri- fied beyond a certain temperature, even by means of Mr Da- niell's hygrometer. When the former method of ascertaining the influence of pressure is adopted, it is necessary to assume that the formula for finding the dew-point is correct under a pressure of 30 inches. On this principle, the writer compared, in a variety of instances, the indications of Leslie's and DanielPs hygrometers at different altitudes, and found that when D was multiplied by — — — , as suggested by Mr Meikle, the calculat- ed agreed better with the observed dew-point than any other hypothesis. He therefore proposes to adopt this as the correc- tion for pressure in equation (6), which, accordingly, after the substitution of 87.719 for b, and 132.17 for c, becomes ^ (ft + .66372) (B + 27) D _ ^ .gy ^^ 10000/f ~*^*" ^ ^ But, as before stated, there is a diversity of opinion respect- ing the cause as well as the degree of the variation of D with the pressure. It has occurred to the writer that some light may be thrown upon this subject, by considering whence the heat is derived which is dissipated during evaporation. Professor Leslie regards the heat in question as contributed entirely by the portion of air which dissolves and carries off the moisture; while Dr Anderson thinks it is exclusively derived from the moist bulb. 282 Observations on the Hygrometer. That neither of these opinions singly is correct, seems appa- rent from the following considerations : — If, as Professor Leslie supposes, the heat is derived entirely from the air, what reason can be assigned for the temperature of the evaporating surface continuing steadily so much below that of the surrounding me- dium, from which it must necessarily be constantly receiving heat ? surely this can only be caused by its imparting to the dis- solved moisture as much heat as it receives. Again, if the moist surface supplied the whole heat which becomes latent in the va- pour, as maintained by Dr Anderson, then, when the evapora- tion is greatly increased by a current of air, the degree of cold should be proportionally increased, which is contrary to obser- vation and experiment. 'Hence it seems necessarily to follow, that the heat employed in converting the water into vapour is derived both from the air and from the moist surface of the hy- grometer. Further, when the pressure is diminished, the capacity of the vapour for heat is augmented, and the increased quantity of ca- loric required for its formation must be derived from the same sources as before, namely, the moist bulb and the contiguous air, and probably in the same relative proportions. But the capa- city of the air being also augmented, it evolves, when its tem- perature is reduced by contact with the wet surface, a quantity of heat corresponding to the increased absorbing power of the vapour, or at least to that part which is exerted on itself; so that, had the vapour been supplied with all its heat by the air, it is possible that the cold might not have varied with the pres- sure. As has been shown, however, a portion of the heat which becomes latent in the vapour is derived from the wet bulb of the hygrometer ; and since, unlike the air and vapour, this un- elastic body has not its capacity augmented by the diminution of pressure, the whole additional efflux of heat from it must be sensible, and be indicated by the descent of the liquid in the stem. Such, perhaps, may be the cause of the variation of D with the pressure. According to this theory, when t and t" are constant, ff _f>, ought to be proportional to (i-^)B + n30 ^^ ^^ '^^~, since n appears to be nearly = ,4. %> I Observations on the Hygrometer, W H ^> H « H M 03 33 SCO S < c e u la 6 V ^ |5 HO H ■vinnuoj pasodaid aq j. •S-aptPW JK ■s.oosispav JQ -saq aossajojd ©1 + + + + + I++ I j I I I in (N © (N © + + O (N «0 CO OS ©©-Ht^Oi-H©»a;DW 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO © CO CO «6 + 1 © c4 + I © t^ + 1 pasodoid aqi o-\ Suxpicoav •H JIV o; SujpaooDv i.aosjspuy iQ 0» ifU[P-l039V t^»>»o©:Dictt»-^t^'.i<<»osw©t^ cO'«teQt^cow;D»«o.Tf«iocoTj<'5'0-^ coi-iinotAifSeoect^^eooicoeicts co-*ect^«oi»«Do»ocoo^^S« «OO^CO'*©Nt<*CJ©WCO©©© wc5io»^©»6>-*-5©eoc6'«*Tii,j;».o^c4 283 o a< i3 '*-> a> ? ^ C * "t« C S •§ " 2-3 ^ ^© g-o tJ ••)Ul0d-M3a paAjasqo «jn)«J9dm3X JO aauajayia •aDBuns SuiiBi -OQBA3 aqi JO 3in;vj3duux t^'-'5'^©©»0©i5»0©©©©io© oc^O'»fco:oco©(N-^-«3.^©w'^©^ .t-.t>.COCOI>.t>.;OOiJo^^ ••nvfqijo 'ia)3UHUVH »0 O O iO lO ©J"^©©©W3t^»00»OC^t-»©t>.|>» ©io»ooeocof.os©cot>»cc»cocalb ©o©»>»©©©c;c5t>»c>io — r-c: otNoeoMecoMMO-^-viM — © t-j©Mt^cct--cc»>»t--ccwc:c:cict (•s <*% /^ r^ -^ ^ f^ rf^ pA t*A -^ f%.\ «%« a« ^i « © C5 ™ p- ® .SJ -S -" -ra H ? , Jj ^ /S'^ 2 ° s a Observations on the Hygrometer. % % c3 1 1 1 s5 i 4) ^ « rt ^ w^ ;&s ^ 3 S ?? r-l CO S s s SJ CO s 55 S o ^ s ^^ CO O O CO ^_ 00 O (N 1— 1 .(N'00005OC0l^ i—i COt^C0COC0^O'^:0CCC0C0C0i0".»tO (N O <£)' W5 I— 1 i-H C0~ I— 1 •^COCO'-H(MOCO. 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O^ t>. 35 t^ CO CO O CO ^ CO pH CO O '^ CO ^ -* t^ O (M «5 t^ OS .-< CO *0 CO «0 O f-i (M"" *o 'f-i CO t^r^.OCOCO CO.-H(MiOCOCOO.r>." .c>i»o TO ^ ^ S -1 05 O O OS t>.»C OO O CC .rJ •OO't00'-HA0t>.«C0»0C0OCf S| CI t>.0 (Tl CC OQ -M r^ CO CO CI Ci TJ- O ^ O ^ C5 C-l CO O 5«^ :C O CI O t>.0 CI -^ CO CO o Ol^ClCCCOOOOCO-O-* — l^C«^C:l<05-1.0 CI ^ « 03 O t1<'*«O^C©'Cr^l^CJ03CH-.-H^OSCJCOOlC5 -0^ W5 to CD CC O p^ co'-^^u-vo 11 •S ^ l^iO d O O r-1 t>.(N CO-H*r205C<5COOlCl«;CO^CO'nOOO(N^»« t^O: O CI i^~^-'^-t>.^'^ cioi'0-.i^cii--^^Ofc;oo«o:oeo--^CDCooeo'*cocoo5 — c)^«5«:i^oooSS Table— CO between the Dry an 1—1 -«5lC COCH^p-H'OOD-(Tt. 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F £: G H 0) nT'^^o m 3 01 '-'•s •> w^ « Ss&.^g'^o^tSbg g'§a 2i w S^-^ S 2 2 § *^ 2 '^'^^ ^^ ^^ O) be CO ►^.t:®3"f"-Sg'^-:Sp-So 5^o :gi^ 5.2.2 §^5<3^^5Sc I^^S ( 287 ) AN ACCOUNT OF PROFESSOR EHRENBERG's MORE RECENT RE- SEARCHES ON THE INFUSORIA. By WiLLIAM SHARPEYy M. Z)., Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology. Communis cated by the Author, With a Plate. In a former number of this Journal an able analysis was given by Dr M. Gairdner of the discoveries which had been re- cently made by Professor Ehrenberg of Berlin, respecting the structure and economy of Infusory Animalcules, and of a new method adopted by that naturalist for their systematic classifica- tion. Since the period to which that paper refers, Professor Ehrenberg has published the results of additional researches made by him on the same subject, of which I purpose now to give a short account. By referring to Dr Gairdner's paper, it will be seen that Pro- fessor Ehrenberg"'s discoveries are calculated to bring about a complete revolution in the views entertained by scientific men in regard to the infusoria ; and they serve more especially to prove that these animals have hitherto been assigned too low a place in the scale of organized beings. Previously to his researches, it was, with few exceptions, very generally believed, that the in- fusoria were totally devoid of internal organs, that, in short, they were little more than mere animated masses of gelatinous matter ; they were supposed to be destitute of a stomach or in- ternal alimentary cavity, the possession of which is regarded as the most universal characteristic of animals; and though a mouth or sucking orifice had been observed in some species, yet in the greater number, the process of nutrition was believed to consist simply in an imbibition of the surrounding fluid by the surface of their bodies. Our imperfect acquaintance wilh the struc- ture of these animals, has been due chiefly to their smallness, and to the transparency and want of colour of their principal internal organs. Dr Ehrenberg endeavoured to overcome the difficulties thence arising, by the use of a microscope of a very superior construction, and by the ingenious device of feeding the animals with diff*erent colouring substances, which, when swallowed, render apparent the stomachs or alimentary cavi- ties previously hidden from view by their want of colour and 288 Account of Professor Ehrenberg's opacity. In this manner he has demonstrated the existence of one or more stomachs and an alimentary canal, with a mouth and teeth, or masticating organs, of a wonderfully perfect de- scription ; he has farther discovered in these animals, a system of muscles, special organs of generation, and other structures which he considers, not without probability, as constituting a vascular and a nervous system. Professor Ehrenberg pointed out to me, when in Berlin in 1831, the anatomical structure of some of the infusoria, such as he had made it out, more particularly that of the Hydatlna senta. In that animal it is easy to perceive the different organs which he has described and figured, and their characters are, for the most part, so well marked as scarcely to admit of doubt as to their nature. With regard, however, to those structures which he considers as the vascular and nervous systems, more especially the latter, it may be observed, that though his des- criptions and drawings of these parts are very exact, his opi- nion regarding their nature and functions, though not improba- ble, must yet be allowed to be somewhat doubtful, and to stand in need of further confirmation. The more recent researches of Dr Ehrenberg embrace seve- ral different subjects of inquiry relative to the infusoria. l^^Of the Ditraiioji of Life and of the Development of the Infusoria. This part of Professor Ehrenberg's inquiries is of interest, not only in relation to the natural history of the animals in ques- tion, but also because the results he has obtained are, in his opinion, calculated to correct the views entertained regarding the constitution and production of organic bodies by those philoso^^^ phers who have adopted the theories of spontaneous generatioii ^^^ and of an indestructible living organized matter. While it i^^^^^ universally admitted that all the more perfectly organized beings, whether animals or vegetables, are propagated from parent beings similar to themselves, the phenomena which attend the production of some of the simplest tribes, led many physiolo- gists to believe that they might take their rise from various ani- mal and vegetable matters independently of pre-existing parents, by a process which has been named spontaneous or equivocal; ^^^ Recent Researches on the Irifusoria. 289 generation. In regard to the infusory animals, in particular, though it was known that when once existing they could propa- gate their species by ova, or by the separation of the parent into two or more new individuals, yet their appearance in infusions of animal and vegetable substances, so circumstanced that the pre- sence of parent animals or ova could with difficulty be conceived, has induced many eminent physiologists to have recourse to the hypothesis of spontaneous generation to account for their origin in such circumstances. It will be seen as we proceed, how far Pro- fessor Ehrenberg's observations tend to confirm or to invalidate this theory. According to another general view of the constitutioii of organized beings, it is maintained that the material particles of which every plant or animal consists, are themselves efndowed with an inherent vitality possessed by them independently of the life of the individual plant or animal of which they forin part. Accordingly when a plant or animal dies, its constituent particles still retain their vitality, and may be employed again in the for- mation of new organized bodies, which can be formed only from such organic particles. There are, therefore, two sorts of matter in the universe, organic and inorganic ; and organic matter may exist in two states, either as forming a part of individual orga- nized bodies or not, in both of which states it retains its vitality, though in the latter state this property is possessed only in its lowest degree or most simple condition, being the property of life in general without the special modifications which it exhibits in individual organized bodies. By the partizans of this theory, the simplest forms of infusory animalcules, or monads as they are termed, were regarded as nothing more than mere organic particles or molecules, which being separated from one another, were impressed with movements and exhibited other phenomena indicative of their inherent vitality. Hence they were some- times named simple vital bodies, in contradistinction to animals and plants which were conceived to be formed by the aggregation of them in a number and manner depending on the size and per- fection of the individual which they constituted. This is nearly what is meant by the theory of an universally diffused vital mat- ter, or of living organic molecules. Without meaning to combat this theory, it must be admitted that Professor Ehrenberg's observations have overthrown one VOL. XV. NO. XXX.— OCTOBER 1833. T 290 Account of Professor Ehrenberg^s great argument adduced in its favour, tliat which was drawn from the supposed identity of the simplest infusoria with mere organic molecules, since these infusoria have been shown to pos- sess a much more complex structure than had previously been imagined, differing only in degree from that of the more perfect animals, and totally inconsistent with the notion of their identi- ty with simple organic molecules, an opinion founded on imper- fect and erroneous observation. The method of observation adopted by Professor Ehrenberg, in conducting the present part of his inquiry, was the follow- ing. He poured into a watch-glass a small quantity of water containing some of the larger kinds of infusoria, which, by a little practice, may be perceived with the naked eye. Of these he took out a single one with the end of a feather, cut into a convenient shape, and placed it under the microscope, in order to ascertain whether it contained perfect eggs, and, if any were present, to note their number. This being done, he put the animal into a narrow glass-tube, closed at one end like a small test-tube, and tilled with water, in which he had previously sa- tisfied himself, by careful examination with the microscope, that no similar animals were present. A blade of the lemna was laid on the top of the water, to preserve it from dust, and pre- vent it from becoming putrid by stagnation. By this contrivance he was enabled to carry on his observations on several separate individuals at the same time. He first made choice of the Hydatina senta, which he selected as an example of the infusory animalcules belonging to the class of Rotatoria ; this animal being about one-sixth of a line in length, and therefore well fitted for examination. In the month of November 1830, twelve different individuals of the Hydatina senta were subjected to observation in the manner described, and the following were the results : 1. One individual survived eighteen days. As it was full grown when put into the tube, and then probably two or three days old, and as it did not die a natural death, but was destroyed by accident, the duration of life in this individual may, with great probability, be estimated at more than twenty days. % The hydatina is propagated by eggs : they were observed first within the body of the parent animal ; then deposited in Recent Researches oti ifie Iiifmoria. 291 the water ; lastly, tliey were repeatedly seen after the young had been excluded from them, and when nothing remained but the outer covering or shell. 3. The rate of increase is very rapid, but varies according as the animals are sparingly or abundantly supplied with food* Dr Ehrenberg put into some of the vessels in which the animals were kept, a small quantity of the green matter which collects in stagnant water, and which itself consists of a species of infu- soria {Manas pulvisctdus), having satisfied himself that it con- tained none of the hydatinae. This substance was readily eaten by the hydatinae, and produced a marked increase in their fe- cundity. In one glass, for example, the original animal had, in the course of nine days, produced only one young one and one egg ; but on adding some of the green matter, the number in- creased, in about twenty-four hours, to nine animals, besides one egg. From this and similar instances, he reckons that, on the most moderate computation, a single individual may, in twenty days, increase to a million, and in twenty-four days, very nearly to the enormous number of seventeen millions ; a rate of increase far exceeding any thing observed in the rest of the ani- mal creation. The remarkable effect of food which was observed in these cases, affords a striking illustration of the general law, that the propagation and increase of the lower tribes of animals are greatly influenced by external circumstances. Another remark- able instance of the same truth is furnished by the history of the fresh- water polypi, in which animals Trembley found the rapidity of propagation to be greatly dependent on the supply of food, and on the degree of temperature to which they were exposed. Cold invariably diminished their fecundity, and heat, within certain limits, as constantly increased it. It is to be regretted, that Dr Ehrenberg did not direct his attention to the ; .fifiect of temperatMre on the propagation of the infusoria, rjii He next proceeded to make similar observations on the class . « ^f Poly gastric infusoria, of which he selected Paramecium «w- ' relia and Stylonychia Mytilus as examples. The vaults pb- tained with these species are as follows : - 1. Propagation took place by a transverse division of the pa- rent animal into two. He did not meet with instances of longi- t2 Account of Professor Ehrenherg's tudinal division, or of propagation by gemmae, which he had observed in the same species of animals in other circumstances. The animals remained a few days without change ; their bodies then appeared somewhat contracted in the middle, which ap- pearance was an indication of commencing division ; when this had once begun, they increased very rapidly, so that, in one case, a three-fold division was observed to have taken place in the course of twenty-four hours, a single animal having multi- plied to eight. 2. Individuals, after undergoing division several times, were observed alive for ten days, to which time, at least, the duration of their life must therefore extend. Dr Ehrenberg lastly infers, as a general result of his inquiry, that the origin of infusory animalcules can be, in all cases, satis- factorily accounted for without the necessity of having recourse to the doctrine of spontaneous generation, which he regards as a mere hypothesis, not required to account for known facts, and unsupported by any trustworthy observations. Without undertaking to advocate the theory of spontaneous generation, we may be permitted to remark, in opposition to his conclusion, first, that the supporters of the doctrine by no means deny that animals which owe their origin to spontaneous generation may and do afterwards continue their species by propagation, whether by ova or otherwise ; that the fact of the increase of existing infusoria by propagation, which is the chief argument furnished by Dr Ehrenberg's observations, was pre» viously known, and therefore forms no new argument against the doctrine. 2c%, It might be objected, that the animals submitted to observation in the cases related, belong to the larger and more perfect species of infusoria, and are therefore less likely to be produced by spontaneous generation. 3JZz/, That although Dr Ehrenberg, in refuting the notion of the extreme simplicity of these animals, has overthrown one great argument in favour of their spontaneous origin, yet he has oflPered no explanation of their production in infu- sions which have been subjected to a heat sufficient to destroy any parent animals, or even ova, supposed to be present. In these cases, as is well known, the adversaries of the theory Recent Researches on the Infusoria. ^93 ascrib^^th'e'bVfgm'of infusoria to ova conveyed hfih^ air; an assumption which the supporters of the doctrine regard as highly improbable, and which, if admitted as true, they con- sider inadequate to explain the production of infusoria in all the conditions under which it is reported to have taken place by observers worthy of credit. It is true, that Dr Ehrenberg never witnessed the spontaneous origin of infusoria ; but before deny- ing the possibility of its occurrence, and discarding the theory of spontaneous generation, as unnecessary to account for the facts, it was incumbent on him to have subjected anew to a ri- gid examination the observations of those .who have arrived at an opposite conclusion from himself, and either exposed the fal- lacy of their experiments, or shown how they were to be ex- plained on a different view from that adopted by their authors. It is the more to be regretted that he has not favoured us with such a critical examination, as, from his extensive knowledge of the different species of the animals in question, his intimate acquaintance with their mode of life, and his superior methods of observation, he is singularly well fitted for the task. II. On the Eyes of the Infusoria. Many of the infusoria have one or more coloured spots on the surface of their bodies, which Dr Ehrenberg regards as their eyes. These spots, which are mostly of a red colour, were no- ticed in a few of the infusoria by preceding observers, by some of whom they were even designated by the name of eyes ; but it seems probable that that term was used merely by way of comparison, and was not intended to imply that such spots were really the eyes or organs of vision of the animals in which they were observed. Professor Njtsch of Halle, however, who had discovered them in some species of Cercaria, endeavoured to prove that they were eyes in a real sense ; and he has there- fore the merit of first pointing out in a distinct arid explicit manner the existence of such organs in the infusoria. Dr Eh- renberg, in his former memoirs, described the eyes in several of the Rotatoria. He has since found them in two-thirds of the known genera belonging to that class, and in all the species of these genera without exception ; and what is more remarkable, Ke has discovered them in many The eyes of the Rotatoria appear as one, t\vo, often three, or even more spots, usually of a red colour, placed at the fore-part of the animal, either before the rotatory organs on what might be named the forehead, or immediately behind them, on a part of the body which might be compared to the nucha or nape of the neck in other animals ; or they may occupy both these situations (Plate I. Fig. 11.) They appear, according to Dr Ehrenberg, to be immediately connected with the nervous system ; for the pos- terior one is always placed either at the point where the summit of the nervous arch or loop, arising from the cerebral ganglion, touches the skin, or, when the loop is wanting, directly over the ganglion itself, and the anterior or frontal eyes always occupy a situation which corresponds with the points where, as is seen in the Hydatina senta, two filaments proceeding from the nervous loop in the neck reach the region of the forehead. That these organs are in reality the eyes of the infusorraV W rendered extremely probable by the fact of their being so ex- tensively prevalent among those animals, — by their great regula- rity and constancy, — and by their obvious connexion with what appears to be a nervous apparatus. This opinion is corro- borated by the fact that, in most cases, they contain a very highly coloured pigment, which, on crushing the little animals between two plates of glass, is effused in the form of a finely granulated mass, bearing miich resemblance to the pigment iri the eyes of other animals. "^ As a further proof that the infusoria are provided with atr oi*-* gan of vision, Dr Ehrenberg adduces the great precision witfi which they execute their movements, seize on their prey, or otherwise direct themselves towards particular objects; nay, these actions seem so decidedly to require the aid of vision for their performance, that he is induced to think that faculty may be probably possessed by those species which are destitute of coloured eyes, and that the function may in such cases be exer- Recent Researches on the Infusoria cised by points of the skin, which, though not exhibiting any colour, are furnished with nerves corresponding in origin and distribution with those which supply the coloured eyes of other species. Lastly, he conceives that all doubt as to the nature of these organs is removed on attending to the analogy which subsists between them and the eyes of the Entomostraca. No one has any doubt as to the nature of the organs named eyes in the larger crustacea, and there is little doubt that the analogous or- gans in the Entomostraca are also eyes. But these exactly cor- respond in substance, colour, and position, with the supposed eyes of the Rotatoria. He mentions a singular peculiarity which he has observed in regard to the eyes of Melicerta ringens and Megalotrocha alba. The young of these animals possess distinct red eyes, which are not observable in the adult animals; they seem to be absorbed or otherwise removed during the growth and extension of the rotatory apparatus, which is very large in these animals. Dr Ehrenberg was no less successful in discovering the exist- ence of eyes in several infusoria of the class Polygastrica. The animals of this class, in which he first discovered them, belong to the family of Astasiaea, and constitute the genera Euglena^ Amhlyophis^ and Distigma. The first of these consists of seven species, all distinguished by a single dark red eye placed on the fore part of the body. They formerly belonged to the genus Cercaria of Miiller, and it was in these animals that Nitsch, as already mentioned, discovered the presence of eyes. The Am- blyophis^ of which he knows but one species, has a large bright red eye in the same position as Euglena, from which it differs, in being destitute of a tail. The eyes of Distigma^ of which he has discovered three species, consist of two small black points, (Fig. 16. ) He next found one animal belonging to the family of Kolpodea, which possesses a distinct eye, and he has formed it into a separate genus, under the name of Ophryoglenajlavkans. Further, in the family of Epitricha he has discovered an eye in a very singular animal, which seems to have been confounded by previous writers with the Volvox morum of Miiller, but which Dr Ehrenberg names Eiidorina argus (elegans ?).. It is re- markable that in this genus the eye is perceptible only in the 296 Ai^count of pKofe^sor: JO^r^nberg's young animals ; the body of the parent consists of a transparent sac or capsule, in which several young ones are inclosed, and each of these is provided with a single red eye and a long bristle, which it exserts through the transparent envelope (Fig. 12.) In further prosecuting his researches on the eyes of the Poly- gastric Infusoria, Dr Ehrenberg, who had naturally expected to meet with these organs chiefly among the larger kinds of infu- soria, found to his surprise that they are a far more general at- tribute of the smallest sort. For instance, in the family of the Monads, he discovered two genera with evident eyes. One of these, Microglena, consists of two species, the smallest individuals of which do not exceied j J ^ of a line in diameter (Fig. 13 and 14.) The other belongs to the Loricated Monads. Its body is bright green, contained in a transparent shell, and furnished with a large bright red eye. He has named this genus Lagenula, from its shell, which is shaped like a bottle (Fig. 15)*. The pre- sence of eyes, both in the naked monads, and those provided with a shell, serves as an additional proof of the correctness of the view which induced Dr Ehrenberg to arrange the infusoria in two parallel series, the Niida and Loricata, the latter of which differ from the former chiefly, and in many cases solely, in pos- sessing a shell. III. Of the External Parts of the Body, and External Organs of the Infusoria. In order to obtain appropriate characters for the systematic arrangement of the numerous forms of infusoria, which, chiefly through his own researches, are now known to exist, Dr Ehren- berg has found it necessary to examine, with greater care than has hitherto been done, the external parts of these animals, and to define them with greater accuracy. I shall endeavour to give some connected account of the more interesting results of his in- vestigation, without entering into details, which rather belong to the terminology of the subject, and possess no general interest. • By means of an improvement in his microscope, he has lately disco- vered two additional loricated monads with eyes, which he names Cryptogkna pigra, and Cryptoglena agilis, the former ^'^ of a line in diameter, the latter not exceeding 5^5 of a line, being little more than half the diameter of a glo- bule of human blood. Recent ResearcJies on tfie Infusoria. 297 ^^^^^ Af, General coverings of the body. ^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^.^ The body, in many infusoria, is naked ; in others it is jwo- tected by a covering or lorica, of which there are several varie- ties, differing from each other in form and substance. Some- times it resembles the shell of a tortoise, surrounding the animal completely in the middle, with an opening before and behind, through which the head and tail project. This form is named a testa or shell. In other cases, it covers only the back of the animal, being open below ; it is then named scutellum, Tho urceolus is a covering or case, shaped like a bell or like a cylin- der closed at one end, within which the animal can withdraw it^ self at will. The lacerna, or mantle, is a very curious provi- sion. It is a sort of dense gelatinous covering, which would seem to be formed out of the most external layer of the animal's body. Within it the substance of the animal separates into several young ones, which are for a time enclosed, but at length escape by the bursting of the envelope (Fig, 1^.) The parent animal would therefore seem to lose its individual existence, and to be at length converted into a mere capsule, containing the young. This form is found in Volvox, Eudorina, Pandorina, and Gonimrt. Lastly, the covering sometimes consists of two pieces, when it is named Lorica hivalvis. B. Exterior divisions of the body. In the greater number of infusoria, the body presents a pretty obvious division into heg^l, trunk, and tail. There is seldom any well-marked indication of a neck. The head is very obvious in the Rotatoria, it is that part of the body which bears the rotatory organs and the eyes. Within it are contained the large cerebral ganglions, the cavity of the mouth, and masticating apparatus. The limit between the head and trunk, which is sometimes marked by a slight constriction, is named the nucha, or nape of the neck ; its position is further marked by the attachment of the nervous loop to the skin, and often more conspicuously by an eye here situated. In the Po- lygastric Infusoria, the head is seldom capable of being pointed out as a distinct part. The trunk is well defined in those infusoria which possess a 298 Account of Professor Ehrenherg's distinct head. In the Rotatoria it may be defined the part of the body placed between the head and anus. The part named the tail is an elongation of the body behind the anus ; it differs from the tail of other animals in being as it were a prolongation of the ventral and not of the dorsal part of the body, so that the anus is placed above its base, and not be- low as usual. It is sometimes truncated, at other times forked at its extremity, and is, in most cases, furnished with one or more suckers, by which the animals can fix themselves to sur- rounding objects. C. External org-ans or appendages of the infusoria. These Dr Ehrenberg classes under three heads, viz. 1. Simple; and, 2. Compound organs of motion ; and, 3. Other appendages and organs which do not serve for motion. Of the first sort, there are none more remarkable than what are called variable processes, which are observed in some of the Polygastric infuso- ria, and which are altogether temporary and transient in their existence. They are the result of a faculty which the animals possess of elongating the substance of their bodies at one or more points, in the form of a tube or lobe-like process, and con- sequently of giving rise to many proteus-like changes of figure, for which preceding observers have often been puzzled to ac- count. The mode in which this phenomenon takes place may be well seen in the Amoeba : the animal allows a small part of the parietes of its body to become relaxed, while it contracts them forcibly in the rest of their extent ; by this means the in- ternal contents, or viscera, are urged against the relaxed part and distend it into a bag or hollow process of variable form, the cavity of which they occupy. In this manner, the whole gra- nular substance within the body and the stomachs, with their con- tained food, are sometimes forced into such a protrusion, which, in its mode of formation, might not inaptly be compared to a hernia. In the Amoeba such variable processes may be formed at any point ; in other cases, as in Arcellina, they are observed to occur only on the fore part of the body, and do not receive any part of the alimentary canal, but seem to be protruded by means of a pellucid fluid. The next kind of simple organs of motion arc the setae or bristles. These appendages arc im- Recent Researches on the Ijifusoria. 299 planted in the substance of the body by their base, which is not jointed. They, therefore, never perform any rapid movements, but they are capable of being slowly erected and depressed, and seem to assist in the progressive motion of the animal, somewhat in the same manner as the prickles of the sea-urchin. They are found in but a few species. 8f/, The ci/ta, or hair-like organs : these, either separate or combined together into a special appa- ratus, form the principal instruments of motion in the infusoria. By an attentive examination of the larger forms of them, Dr Ehrenberg has discovered that they are furnished with a bulb at the root, to which minute muscles are attached. A slight degree of rotation impressed on the bulb causes a much more extensive motion in the rest of the organ, which, in its revolution, is made to describe a cone whose apex corresponds with the bulb. In the Rotatoria, the cilia are always combined to form the compound rotatory organs peculiar to that class, to be afterwards described. In the Polygastrica, they are in a few instances entirely absent, or at least not observable ; in other instances they are placed round the mouth, or spread over the body generally, in which case they are usually disposed in regular rows. Uncini, or hooks, are setaceous appendages, curved at the point, which, serve for seizing or clinging to surrounding objects. Stt^li, or styles, are articulated at their base, and more moveable than the setae or bristles ; they differ from cilia in being destitute of a bulb, and in not performing a revolving motion. The compound organs of motion are found only in the Rotato- ria, in which they constitute the very singular rotatory apparatus peculiar to these animals which we have next to consider. The structure of the simple cilia, and the mechanism and manner of their movement, have been already described ; but in the ani- mals of the class Rotatoria, the cilia are always combined to form one or more organs of a more complex structure, which are named the rotatory or wheel-like organs. Dr Eh/'enberg has established the primary systematic divisions of that class of infusoria on differences observed in these organs, of which he reckons four different forms. In the most simple form the cilia are disposed round the mouth in the figure of a horse shoe, or of a circle interrupted at one part of its circumference, the mouth occupying the interruption, and the cilia being not set in 300 Account of Professor Ehrenherg's single file but several deep. The animals possessing this form of organ are subdivided into two groups, in one of which the margin of the circle formed by the rotatory organ, though inter- rupted by the mouth, is otherwise entire ; in the other the margin is indented or divided into lobes, the first are named Monotrocha, the second Schizotrocha. In its third form the rotatory organ is double, consisting of two circles of cilia, between which the mouth is placed (Fig. 1.) The animals with this form constitute the group of Zygotrocha, to which the common wheel animal {Rotifer vulgaris) belongs. In its fourth and last form, the rotatory apparatus consists of several small wheel-like organs set near to one another, the group in which it so exists are named Polytrocha. The rotatory apparatus of the Hydatina senta affords a good example of this form of organ, and a good representation of it will be found in the plate accompanying Dr Gairdner's paper. Since his first account of the hydatina, how. ever, Dr Ehrenberg has discovered a thickly set circle of curved cilia surrounding the whole rotatory apparatus, also delicate muscular bands which connect the small rotatory organs with each other. Such are the chief varieties in the form of these singular or- gans, but by far the most remarkable circumstance in regard to them, is the appearance which they present when in motion. The single and double rotatory organs when set in motion re- semble a toothed wheel turned rapidly round on its axis, first in one direction, then in the opposite, and currents are at the same time produced in the surrounding water, in a regular and determinate direction. In the polytrocha, the wheel-like mo} tion is not obvious, and the currents are excited in no regular or fixed direction, which circumstance serves to distinguish the animals belonging to this group, in cases where, from their smallness, the form of the rotatory apparatus can with difficulty be determined. . It has been often a question what actually takes place during this apparent rotation. Baker* supposed that the organ was really constructed like a wheel, and moved freely round on an , axis which formed its sole connection with the rest of the body ; * Of Microscopes and the discoveries made thereby. London, 1785; vol. ii. p. 284. Recent Researches on the Inftcsoria. 301 a view which few adopted, from the difficulty of conceiving such a mode of connexion to subsist between the parts of organized beings. Nevertheless, the distinction which he was led by this view t« establish between the motion in question, which he named Rota- tion, and that of simple cilia which he called Vibration, has pre- vailed till now, and the animals exhibiting these two mptions have been distinguished from each other by the names of In- fusoria Rotatoria, and Vibratoria. Dr Ehrenberg considers thait there is no essential difference between the two motions, being both, produced by cilia which move individually in the same manner, but from their diflf'erent arrangement in the two cases produce a different general effect. The apparent rotation or turning round of the whole circle, is obviously an optical decep- tion which he endeavours to explain thus : The ciha composing the rotatory organ have the same structure, and move in the same manner as the single cilia already mentioned, that is, they are moved round. by minute muscles attached to their bulbous roots, in such a way as at each revolution to circumscribe a co- nical space. When viewed sideways in performing this revolu- tion, they must necessarily pass at one moment a little nearer, at another a little more distant, from the eye, or in other words, al- ternately become more and less distinct to the view at very short intervals, and this alternation occurring over the whole circle, gives rise to a seeming change of place in every point of its cir- cumference and a consequent appearance of rotation. Other ex- planations of this singular phenomenon have been offered, of ■which I may refer, on account of its ingenuity rather than its probability, to that suggested by Dutrochet, in the Annales du Micseum (THistoire Naturette, tom. xx. In regard to the use of these organs, Dr Ehrenberg observes, that they are chiefly employed by the animals in catching their food by the currents which they occasion, and in swimming ; they therefore serve as organs of prehension and of locomotion. He supposes also that the currents which they produce must be subservient to the respiratory function, by constantly bringing a new portion of water into contact with the surface of the ani- mal, a supposition which appears to me highly probable, when we compare these currents with those which I have elsewhere shewn to take place along the surface of the respiratory organs 302 Account of Professor Ehrenherg's in many of the higher aquatic animals, in which their purpose is no ways doubtful. ♦ The remaining external appendages of the infusoria are such as are not employed as organs of motion ; they possess but little interest, except as affording distinctive characters to the systema- tologist. They consist of Cornicula; Cirrhi; PatellcBf or suckers, which are placed at the extremity of the simple or forked tail, and serve for fixing the animal ; the Proboscis or trunk, which not unfrequently projects from the fore part of the head ; last- ly, the Calcar or spur (Fig 1.) This last organ is a retractile process, which projects from the neck in some of the Rotatoria, especially the two-wheeled species. It resembles much in ap- pearance the male exciting organ of the hermaphrodite mollusca ; Dr Ehrenberg has, however, satisfied himself that in the infu- soria, mutual impregnation by the concurrence of two indivi- duals, is not necessary to the generative act, as is the case with the mollusca alluded to ; and he is therefore of -opinion that the organ in question must serve some different purpose which has not yet been found out. IV. On the Alimentary (^anal of the Infusoria. The Digestive apparatus of the infusoria presents two princi- pal forms. In the Rotatoria it consists of a simple canal, as in insects ; in the Polygastrica, on the other hand, there is either a canal with numerous sacs or stomachs opening into it, or several stomachs unconnected by a canal. Again, the simple alimentary canal of the Rotatoria exists under four subordinate forms (Fig. 2-6.) In the firsty it is desti- tute of masticating organs, with a very long oesophagus, and a simple or undivided great intestine (Fig 2.), as in the genera Ichtfiydium, Chcetonottts, and Enteroplea. In the second, it is furnished with masticating organs, with a very short oesopha- gus, and a simple great intestine (Fig. 3.), as in Hydatina and SynchcBta. In the third form, there are masticating organs, a very short oesophagus, and a great intestine, divided by a con- striction into an anterior or gastric portion, and a posterior por- tion, or proper great intestine (Fig. 4, 5.), as in Enchlanis, Bra- chicmuSy &c. Lastly, in the fourth form, there is a pharynx with masticating organs, behind which the alimentary canal Recent Researches on the Ififusoria. 303 continues narrow till near the anus, where it is dilated into a sort of cloacal enlargement, being surrounded through most of its length by a cellular apparatus, composed of a number of small recesses or pouches, which probably serve for absorption (Fig. 6) ; they are not stomachs, for stomachs receive the food immediately after it is swallowed, whereas these recesses are never filled in the first instance. This form is found in the naked Zygotrocha, the Rotifer^ Actinurus, Philodina, and others. These differences in the alimentary canal of the Rotatoria are so constant and so well defined, that they might afford characters for subdividing the class, and the four principal divisions thence resulting might be designated, from the peculiarities of their alimentary canal, by the terms, 1. Trachelogastrica, 2. Ccelogas- trica, 3. Gasterodela, and, 4. Trachelocystica. Such a mode of arrangement is, however, objectionable on two grounds, first, because, as a general rule in arranging organized bodies, it is preferable fo take the characters of the more subordinate divi- sions from external and not from internal parts ; and, secondly, because, in adopting the form of the alimentary canal as a principal ground of subdivision, animals are brought together which differ widely from each other in their general structure and habit. The above is therefore given merely as a physiolo- gical view of the alimentary organs, and is not brought forward as a principle of arrangement. The Polygastric infusoria might also be divided into four groups, distinguished by the peculiar form of their alimentary organs, and designated accordingly, namely, 1. Anentera, 2. Cycloccela, 3. Orthoccela, 4. Campy locoela (Fig. 7-10)* In the Anentera the several sacs or stomachs, the plurality of which characterizes the class, are unconnected by a canal, they all open by a common orifice or mouth, and there is no anus (Fig. 7). In the Cyclocwla, the alimentary canal, into which the stomachs open, forms a circle or loop, having both an entrance and an exit, or a mouth and anus, but these open externally by a com- mon orifice (Fig. 8). The union of the mouth and anus into a common orifice at the anterior part of the body, forms an exter- nal character by which the Cychcaela may be always distin- guished. The Orthocwla have a straight alimentary canal, with a mouth and anus placed at opposite ends of the body (Fig. 9). 304 Account of Professor Ehrenherg's In the Campyhcoda the canal is serpentine, with two separate orifices, which are seldom placed opposite to each other in the .axis of the body (Fig. 10). This circumstance will generally serve to distinguish the Campyhcoda^ which have, moreover, a certain want of regularity in their external form. It is difficult to trace the course of the canal itself. V. — On Glands and other Appendages of the Alimentary Canal in the Rotatoria. In his former memoirs, Dr Ehrenberg took notice of two glandular bodies attached to the oesophagus in some of the ro- tatoria, which he considered analogous to the pancreas of higher animals, and he gave a particular description and repre- sentation of them, as they are seen in the Hydatina senta. He has subsequently found them in all the rotatoria which he has examined, except the genera Ichthydium and Chcetonotus. Having frequently observed these organs to be muc4i smaller in those animals which had laid a considerable number of eggs, and which were therefore older, he imagined that they might be testicles ; but not being able to trace any anatomical connection between them and the generative apparatus, he is still inclined to his former opinion, that they are glands subservient to the process of digestion. Besides these pancreas-like bodies, he has in certain species discovered organs resembling biliary vessels, and in others coe- cal appendages connected with the alimentary canal. In the Enteroplea Hydatina, several deHcate vessels are connected with a dilated portion of the oesophagus not far from the stomach, (Fig. 4). They are transparent and colourless, but in other re- spects bear much resemblance to the biliary vessels of insects. The ccecal appendages are found in several species ; in the Me- galotrocha alba they are two in number, short, and situated near the bottom of the stomach. In the Notommata clavulata, there are four, which are long and filiform, equalling in length the elongated pancreas, and are attached to th^ middle of the sto- mach. In Diglena lacustris (Fig. 5), they are also long and filiform, and are connected with the middle of the stomach ; they are in some instances four in number, in others five. These cceca are all transparent ; their function is still doubtful. Recent Researches on the Infusoria, 'S06 p, ,. VI. Of the Dental System of the Rotatoria. The discovery of the teeth in the infusoria, affords a striking proof that the smallest organized beings are not necessarily also the most simple in structure. This truth becomes still more manifest when we learn that these organs exist under several forms, which are so constant and regular, that the infusoria might almost, like quadrupeds, be arranged according to their teeth. However, in giving a systematic view of the principal varieties in the form and structure of the teeth, Dr Ehrenberg does not propose to found on it a system of arrangement, to which he admits there would be serious practical objections. The pharynx of the Rotatoria is surrounded by four hemi- spherical muscular masses, placed opposite one another like the limbs of a cross, which become very obvious when in motion. Two of these are armed with the maxillae and teeth, which be- ing formed of a hard substance, may be disengaged from the soft parts, and rendered distinctly visible, by crushing the animal between two plates of glass. In the greater number of Rotatoria, each maxilla consists of an anterior and a posterior portion or process, which are joined together at an angle (Fig. 17, 19). The posterior process is sunk in the muscular sub- stance, and thus fixed, the anterior is directed towards the opposite maxilla, and at its free extremity bears one or more teeth. In a smaller number of genera the structure is somewhat dif- ferent. Each maxilla is shaped like a stirrup or like a bow with a double string, and the teeth are laid across it in the same po- sition as arrows across a bow, being fixed at both ends (Fig. 21, 23). The bow is directed outwards and placed horizontally ; the pieces representing the strings are situated inwardly next to thie opposite maxilla ; they are not straight, but form two arches cotinected by their extremities, and placed in the same vertical plane. The lower arch gives insertion to the muscles, the up- per one supports the teeth, which are fixed to it at their in- ner extremity, the outer resting on the bow. According to these two principal forms of the teeth and jaws, the Rotatoria might be divided into two groups, distinguished VoiL. XV. NO. XXX,— OCTOBER 18S3. U 306 Account of Professor Ehrenlerg's by the names of Gymnogompbia, or those in which the teeth are free, and Desmogomphia, in which they are fixed. Each of these groups is again divisible into two. The two subdivisions of the Gyranogomphia are the Mono- gomphia and Polygomphia. The first (Fig. 19, 20.) have only one long tooth in each jaw, which they can push out a consi- derable way, the teeth of the opposite sides then appearing like a pair of nippers. The animals with this form of teeth are for the most part very rapacious, and prey on other infusoria ; they form, as it were, the ferae and carnivora of the tribe ; they are more lively and quick in their movements than other rotatoria, and, with one exception, they all possess eyes. The Polygom- phia (Fig. 17, 18.) have more than one tooth in each jaw, some have two, others from three to six. When there are several, they, along with the maxilla, form the figure of a hand. The animals of this division are less rapacious in their habits than the former, and live chiefly on vegetable substances, or the smaller infusoria which they attract by the currents which they excite in the water ; they are never seen to attack the larger Rotatoria, or to show other signs of a ravenous disposition. The group of Desmogomphia is less numerous than the fore- going, but includes, as would appear, the most highly developed Rotatoria. Its two subdivisions are the Zygogomphia and Logogomphia. The animals of the first division (Fig. 21, 22.) have in each of their stirrup-shaped jaws two teeth, alongside of which the surface of the jaw is finely streaked in a parallel direc- tion, as if it contained more teeth not perfectly formed. The Logogomphia (Fig. 23, 24.) have always more than two teeth in each jaw, which in other respects resemble those of the Zi/gogom- phia, the collateral streaks on the jaw being well marked. In respect of their mode of life, the animals of both these divisions agree with the Polygomphia, living on vegetable matter. Lastly, a few of the Rotatoria are destitute of teeth. These might be named Agomphia. Besides the proper jaws and teeth just described, some of the Rotatoria are provided with an additional masticating apparatus, which consists of indurated folds or ridges on the inner surface of the pharynx, of a firmer consistence than the surrounding substance, but yet not hard like the true teeth. PLATE 1 T.dtnrnewJ'htUear: M.Xyu2& -—U ' , -i^'qe If:- ^:iso^5iii> bsrasir set^oo'tr; iistBtb •S^os^W'^' moil sJ^aoaei ^j^^,.,,-t - .;.. .:s^^.j^^ ihotI &i930'' Yiiohsifffi J393Blq aldga lis? sairii aidtl bflfi ^bmd sdfj la iisq eiol ad J no ^axsd m^ -v^ »u -^^ .4oqa bei b sb ^nhasq if as ,ttKs\so«o«s sim^m^M »8i ,6^9 bat ef^gnia bxJB Recent Researches on the Infusoria. 307 Such are the principal forms of the teeth of the Rotatoria, to which class of Infusoria, until lately, Dr Ehrent)erg supposed them to be confined. By a recent improvement of his micros- cope, however, he has succeeded in discovering a distinct pha- rynx and teeth in the Loocodes CucuUtdtts, which belongs to the Polygastrica. Explanation of Plate I. ; the figures are all much magnified. Fig, 1, Philodina eryihrophthalma^ showing thg double rotatory organ^ behind which is the process named calcar or spur, and the two eyes. 2-6. Show the forms of the alimentary canal in the Rotatoria, viz. 2. Trachelogastrica from Chaetonotus maximus. 3. Coeldgastrica from Euchlanis macrura. 4. 5. Gasterodela, viz. 4. From Enteroplea Ht/datina, showing the supposed biliary vessels connected with the oesophagus. 5. From Diglena lacustrisy a. oesophagus, bb. two pancreas- like bodies, ccccc, five coeca connected with the stomach. 6. Trachelocystica from Philodina roseola, 7-10. Show the forms of the alimentaiy canal in the Polygas- trica, viz. 7. Anentera from Monas Atomus. 8. Cyclocoela ft-om Vorticella citrina, 9. Orthocela from Enchelys Pupa, 10. Campylocoela from Leucophrys patula. 11. Eosphora Najas, The three red spots placed anteriorly are the eyes, two being on the fore part of the head, and one in the neck. The alimentary canal is filled with carmine. 12. Eudorina elegans, with the young inclosed, their eyes ap- pearing as a red spot. 13. Microglena monadina, and 14. Microglena volvocinOi showing the eye, which appears like a red spot. 15. Lagenula euchlora, with its transparent covering or lorica, and single red eye. 16. Distigma viride, seen in three different shapes ; its eyes re- semble two black points. u 2 308 Dr Prichard on the Varieties 17-24. Show the principal varieties in the form of the teeth of the Rotatoria. 17-20. Gymnogomphia. ,.,r 17, 18. Polygomphia ; 17. jaws and teeth separate ; 18. i^l pharynx and teeth of Hydatina senta, ')fU lo aioijii^^' ^^' ^onogomphia ; 19. jaws and teeth ; 20. pharynx, jaws and teeth of Diglenaforcipata, 21-24. Desmogomphia. ., . 21, 22, Zygogomphia ; 21. jaws and teeth ; 22. ditto with pharynx ot Rotifer macrurus. 23, 24. Logogomphia ; 23. jaws and teeth ; 24. pharynx, ^ ' jaws, and teeth of Megalotrocha atha. ^STRACT OF A COMPARATIVE REVIEW OF PmLOLOGICAL AND PHYSICAL RESEARCHES, AS APPLIED TO THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN SPECIES. By J, C. PRICHARDy M. Z)., F, R. S, The object of this essay is to furnish a survey of the progress of knowledge in relation to ethnography, with a critical account of the attempts which have been made to distribute the human species into departments constituting what are termed Families of Nations, and especially of that classification of races which has been adopted by Baron Cuvier, and is now very generally received. The author commences with preliminary remarks on the resources of knowledge available in researches of this kind, and states it to be his principal design to consider and estimate the means of information respecting the history of mankind which are furnished by two different methods of inquiry, viz. by philological and physical investigations ; the former including those researches into the structure and affinity of languages which have been undertaken with a view to elucidate the rela- tions of tribes and races to each other ; the latter, the attempts which have been made to classify nations by their mutual re- semblances in figure, complexion, and other physical peculiari- ties* • 'X\M'ilVll:\ U--^-.1^,M-- " Philology, 4n ' this point of. view an important study, dates 'its origin from an era glorious in the history of modern disco- very and the achievements of science. It begins with the voyage of Malgalhaens, who first led the way in the circumnavigation of the Human Species. 309 of the globe, and whose fame has been recorded by the gratitude of posterity upon the heavens as well as upon the earth. While Malgalhaens was employed in tracing in the sky nebulae, and new seas and oceans on the globe, his companion Pigafetta be- thought himself of acquiring the means of rendering intelligible, and of comparing with each other, the various dialects of the new races of men, whose existence this voyage was destined to make known. He began the practice of collecting vocabularies which might furnish specimens of the idioms spoken in distant islands of the ocean. His example has been followed by suc- ceeding navigators, and has led by degrees to results of great interest. The native tribes found in remote groups of islands in the great southern ocean, looked upon themselves as the off- spring of the sun and moon, or of the soil ; they knew nothing of other branches of the human family ; their whole world and sphere of existence was limited by their shores, or by the small circle of their imperfect navigation. Accordingly, by some writers it has been confidently assumed that these tribes of men, like the bread-fruit and cocoa-nut trees by which they are fed, are the indigenous produce of the coralline or volcanic soil on which they exist. This notion might have been stre- nuously maintained, if researches into the structure and affinity of languages had not furnished its refutation, and displayed, in the idioms of these insular tribes, sufficient evidence of their mu- tual relationship, and of the derivation of the whole stock of people from a common centre." The author proceeds to give a brief survey of the history of philological inquiries, and of the various collections exempli- fying the diversity and affinity of languages which have been made since the year 1555. " In 1555 was published the first general essay on this subject, — the Mithrklates of the learned Conrad Gessner, which may be considered, however, as an abortive attempt, the author having aimed at more than it was possible to attain in his age. The Mithridates of Adelung and Vater, which followed ISO years afterwards, is the last general history of languages which has appeared. Particular portions, however, of the field of philology have been cultivated with great success, either by private individuals or by societies of 'learned men. 310 Dr Prichard on the Varieties "1. Much light has been thrown on the languages of Asia^ their affinities and relations, by M. Julius Klaproth, who, in various journeys in Caucasus, Siberia, and the provinces of the Russian Empire bordering on China, has enjoyed extensive op- portunities of acquiring information : he is likewise acquainted with the Chinese and Mongolian languages, and has made dili- gent use of the historical information extant in the works of Chinese annalists and literary compilers. The principal results of his studies are contained in his great work, entitled Asia Polyglotta, to which is appended a Sprach-atlas^ containing comparative tables of vocabularies. " S. A great mass of information was collected by Dr Seet^ zen, in reference to the languages of the African nations. On the geographical discoveries of this traveller in Palestine, the • eastern parts of which he was the first among modern travellers to explore, I have no occasion for remark. The principal thea- tre of Seetzen's researches was Africa, where he spent a long time in collecting vocabularies and historical and geographical information from intelligent men whom he met with among the woolly-haired races. Such of his papers as reached Europe were either put into the hands of Professor Vater of Konigsberg, or were published by Baron Von Zach, in the Monatliche Cor-- respondenz. I shall briefly advert to one point, in reference to which he has illustrated the ethnography of Africa. The ori- gin of the Felatabs, in the interior of that continent, — a red or copper-coloured race, who have lately made extensive conquests over the Negro nations, — was, for some time after that people became known, a matter of uncertain conjecture. It is now known that the Felatahs are a branch of the same race who have for many centuries inhabited the high lands of Guinea, where the Gambia and the Rio Grande have their sources, and who have been visited in their mountainous capital of Teembo by more than one European adventurer. They are the Foulahs of English travellers, and the Red Poules of M. Mollien. Seetzen obtained a vocabulary of the Felatah language, which was published in the Konisherg Archivs fur Philosophie ; and this led to a discovery of the real origin of the people. " 3. In reference to the languages of America, which are known to be very numerous and complex in their structure, of the Human Species. 811 much information was collected by Hervas, the result of his own personal researches, and those of other Jesuits. Baron Alexander Von Humboldt brought back with him from America a large collection of vocabularies, dictionaries, and devotional offices, and other books, prepared by the Catholic instructors, in different parts of that Continent, for the use of the native tribes who came under their spiritual jurisdiction. These were put into the hands of Professor Vater, the continuator of the Mithridates. Since the publication of that work, the Historical Committee of the Philosophical Society of the United States have devoted their attention to the languages and history of the aborigines of the Western Continent. The names of Hecklwelder and Zeis- berger, and that of Mr Duponceau, the learned Secretary of the Committee, stand highly distinguished among tl^ose^of^coa-^ tributors to this department of human knowledge." Hit pry m'^fp?^^ The author then states the most important results in reference to the history of languages, which he considers as established by these inquiries. : •* 1. It appears that the number of human idioms, widely differing from each other, is very great — much greater than many persons supposed. Mr Jefferson, President of the United States, used to argue, from the great number of distinct lan- guages found in America, and the comparatively small number existing, as he supposed, in the Old Continent, that America was the most anciently peopled. Most persons will be of opinion that this conclusion requires further proof ; but the fact is un- doubted, that a great variety of languages are spoken in America. According to Hervas, who relied on the information given him by Lopez, 1500 languages, which are said to be ' iiotabUmente diverse^"* are spoken in different parts of America. According to Dr Seetzen, the number of distinct languages in Africa amount to 100 or 150. If these calculations are nearly correct, we may, without much danger of exceeding the truth, consider the pro- bable number of languages spoken in all the world to be not less than 2000. " 2. We may observe, in the second place, that a comparison of various languages displays two different relations subsisting between them. These relations may be termed those of Affinity and of Analogy. I shall give a few examples of each. 312 Dr Pi'ichard on the Varieties " (1.) The relation of affinity, or, as it has been termed by German writers, the Stammverwandschaft, or family relation of languages, subsists between idioms which have a great propor- tion of their elements or roots common to all of them, together with a general resemblance in grammatical structure. It is gene- rally allowed that nations, whose idioms have this sort of affinity, are allied in origin. Groups of idioms thus related are termed Families of Languages. " One strongly marked family of languages consists of the dialects termed collectively the Semitic. To this belongs the Hebrew, the Chaldee, the Aramean or Syriac, and the Geez or Ethiopic. " Another family of languages is the Indo-European, in whicb are included various idioms both of Europe and Asia, whose near affinity has been thought to prove a kindred origin in na- tions long ago separated from each other. It has been chiefly during the last twenty years that the near affinity of this class of languages has been discovered. They form a most extensive group, including, 1*^, tlie Sanskrit and all its dialects in India ; ^d^ the ancient Zend or Medo- Persian language, and all the idioms now spoken in Persia and Arminea ; 3J, the Greek and Latin languages, and all the dialects sprung from them ; 4^A, the Sclavonic, the origin of the Russian, Polish, and Bohemian lan- guages ; 6th, the Teutonic languages ; Qth, the Celtic dialects, which belong, if I am not mistaken, to the same family, though on this subject there is some dispute. " We have next to consider analogy between languages. Many idioms which are entirely distinct from each other, being completely different in their vocabularies, and having i^yt or perhaps no words in common, are yet found to bear to each other a striking resemblance in their grammatical structure. This resemblance is such as to admit of no other term than that of analogy, and such languages cannot be said to belong to the ■ same family ; they constitute particular classes of languages. I '^ shall mention some examples of this relation. " 1. A strongly-marked class of languages are those termed monosyllabic, the words belonging to which are monosyllables, uttered without any inflection of termination, and with merely a sort of intonation to express the relations of words to each other. of the Human Species. 313 Idioms of this description are spoken by the Chinese, Tibetans, Burmans, Cochin-Chinese, Siamese, and nearly all the nations of the further Indian Peninsula. The particular languages I have now mentioned are quite distinct from each other ; even their numerals and their most familiar and common elements of speech are different, i.u -iuoioi ji^n ** I shall now terminate what I have to say on this branch of my subject, viz. on philological researches, by one remark, of which the application will hereafter be very obvious. It is, that although we may not \y. authorised in a positive conclusion, that all nations whose languages belong to the same class^ are of one race, as, for example, all the nations of the New World, the re- semblance between their respective idioms being only analogy, and not amounting to affinity, yet we may determine upon re- garding such nations as more nearly connected than those whose idioms belong to different classes; and we may assert, that afyy pretence for incluJing in one race or lineage, nations whose idioms belong to classes totally different, must be arbitrary, and ia opposition to all probability. Such, for example, would be an attempt to include some of the American nations whose idioms are polysynthetic, in the same race,or«tock with tribes who speak monosyllabic languages. »f« -i)! ^t* From the survey I have now taken of the progress of phi- lological information, and from the conception which this survey is calculated to produce of the nature and extent of such infor- mation, we are entitled to conclude that it is a department of knowledge which ought by no means to be neglected by those who wish to elucidate the history and affinity of nations, or of different races of men ; and that any conclusions which may be drawn by such writers from.other sources, as, for example, from 314 Dr Prichard on the Varieties anatomical and physical inquiries, pursued separately, will be liable to error if reference is not occasionally made to the results deduced from philology. Notwithstanding this almost palpable fact, we shall presently perceive that the most popular systems with respect to the history of mankind, and the classifications of nations, are not only built on premises altogether distinct from those which depend on affinity in languages^ but are completely at variance with the most obvious conclusions derivable from this source of information." The author, after these general remarks on the application of philology, proceeds to give an account of the attempts which have been made to distinguish and classify the races of men by their physical characters. *' Many late writers on the history of mankind, have attempted to distribute the human species into several races, distinguished from each other by peculiarities in the form, structure, and colour of their bodies. Varieties of form have generally been thought to afford a better groundwork for this division than those of com- plexion ; and since it has been known that there exist national diversities in the shape of the skull, this circumstance has been generally selected as furnishing the most permanent distinctions, and those which admit of the most extensive comparison and classification. Several writers, both French and German, have differed from each other as to the number of human races which they constitute ; but the most generally received system is that which has been adopted by Baron Cuvier, though it did not ori- ginate with that celebrated writer. Professor Camper had thrown out the first hint of a triple division of the forms of the skull. He distinguished the facial angles as found by his mea- surement in European, Kalmuc, and African skulls. But a more important view of the diversities of form in the human skull seems also to have originated with Camper ; for we are in- formed by Soemmering, that in his unpublished commentaries. Camper remarked the dijfference in breadth which exists between the three classes of skulls above mentioned, and observed that the skulls of the Kalmucs have the greatest breadth, those of Europeans a middle degree, and that the skulls of African Ne- groes are the narrowest of all, '' Nobody ever possessed means of observation and comparison of the Human Species. 315 sufficient for establishing any conclusions of importance as to the different forms of the human cranium, until Blumenbach had made his admirable collection of skulls. The results of his long continued study of this collection have been published by himself at different times. " Blumenbach distinguished, in the first place, three princi- pal varieties of form in the human skull, — the ovaljbrm, which is that of Europeans ; the narrow arid compressed, which is that of Negroes ; and the broad faced skull, with laterally projecting cheek-bones, belonging to Kalmucs and Mongoles. It happen- ed, as I think, unfortunately, that Blumenbach named these va- rieties of the skull, not from their characteristic forms, but from some nations, in whom they in a conspicuous manner occur, or from the supposed primitive abode of such nations. Thus the ^ broad faced form is termed by him Mongolian ; the compressed, jEthiopic, meaning African; and the oval form, Caiccasian. The inconvenience which has arisen from the terms thus used is the hypothesis to which it has given rise, that these three varie- ties of form are characteristic of three distinct races of mankind. This is Jiot Blumenbach's opinion, but it appears to be that of Cuvier, who, in his Regne Animal and other works, has adopt- ed Blumenbach's terms and divisions. Relying on the diversity of physical characters, which yet he does not consider sufficient- ly marked to constitute differences of species, Cuvier proposes to divide mankind into three distinct races. One of these races had, according to his hypothesis, its original seat on Mount Atlas, and its branches are spread over Africa. These are the narrow-skulled, woolly-haired African nations. But there are woolly-haired tribes of men, equally black with the Negroes of Guinea, and resembling them in form and general appearance, in other equatorial countries besides Africa. Such are the black savages who inhabit the mountains behind Malacca, termed Sa- mang ; the woolly-haired Papuas of New Guinea, and nearly all the larger islands of the Indian Archipelago ; and the natives of Mallicollo, and some other isles in the Pacific Ocean. These must belong to the same race as the African Negroes, if races are constituted on the principle of physical analogy ; and Cu- vier accordingly resorts to the hypothesis, that some Negroes from Africa lost their way — se sont Sgares — in the great South- B16 Dr Prichard 07i the Varieties em Ocean, in order to account for the existence of woolly-haired people in the countries above mentioned. A second human race in his system are the Mongolians or Kalmucs, whose origin he thinks may be deduced from the high mountains of Altai. The other great division of mankind, consisting of men with oval and symmetrical skulls, to which European nations belong, are in like manner supposed to have drawn their first breath on Mount Caucasus, and are hence termed the Caucasian race. " On surveying the manner in which nations are distributed and associated together in these three departments, we met with some facts which are staggering anomalies to those who judge of the affinity of races by that of languages. We shall take, for example, the enumeration of tribes reckoned by Baron Cuvier as belonging to the Mongolian race. He says : — *' ' To the eastward of what has been termed the Tartar branch of the Caucasian race; that is, to the northward of the Caspian, is found the commencement of the Mongolian stock, which prevails from thence as far as the Eastern Ocean. Its branches, still nomadic, the Kalmucs and the Kalkas, wander over vast deserts. Their ancestors three times — under Attila, under Genghis, and under Tamerlane — carried far the terror of their name. The Chinese are the branch, the most anciently ci- vilized, not only of this race, but of all nations that are known. A third branch, the Mantschoos, have lately conquered China, and still govern it. The Japanese and the Coreans, and most of the hordes reaching to the north-east of Siberia under the do- mination of the Russians, belong, in great part, to this stock : except some of the Chinese literati, the whole Mongolian race is addicted to the worship of Fo.' " Here we find two classes of nations, identified and repre- sented as branches of one stock, who differ from each other in the most decided and remarkable manner, in every respect in which one nation can differ from another, with the single excep- tion, that they bear a degree of resemblance in the shape of their skulls. The Mongoles and Kalmucs are tribes of nomades or wandering shepherds, who roam about the lofty saline plains of Central Asia, living in waggons and under moveable tents, as their ancestors are said to have lived in the time of ^schylus. They are incapable of changing their habits for those of settled of the Human Species. 317 and agricultural people. They are all one nation, strictly so termed, and have one language, which is polysyllabic in its structure, admitting inflections and conjugations of nouns and verbs. On the other hand, the Chinese arc ever known as a people of settled, uniform, and changeless habits ; their histori- cal records deduce them as a separate nation from the earhest ages of antiquity, and especially establish their perpetual enmity and discordance with the Mongolian Nomades, who are the very people to exclude whom from their borders the famous Chinese wall was erected in a remote age. The Chinese and the Indo- Chinese nations appropriate to themselves, as we have before ob- served, one entire class of languages, constituting one of the most strongly marked examples of a distinct assemblage of hu- man idioms, widely differing from all others. It is to these na- tions that i\\Q -monosyllabic languages belong, consisting of mo- nosyllables, incapable of reflection or variation, in which a mere change of intonation and juxtaposition alone serves to indicate the relations of words to each other. Before we can admit of an hypothesis which derives one of these nations from the other, we must resolve to shut our eyes against all the evidence that can be brought to bear upon such a subject, excepting merely that afforded by physical resemblances, which, if we are not mistaken, will admit of a different explanation. " The only other connective link between the Mongolian and Chinese nations, is the circumstance that they are all worshippers of Fo. This can scarcely be thought an argument for their unity of race. The religion of Buddha, indeed, called in China Fo, is well known to have taken its rise in India, among the Hindoos, who belong to the division of nations termed by Cuvier the Caucasian race. It was established at a remote period in Tibet, and thence propagated to China, where, however, it is but one of the several prevailing superstitions. The Mongoles and Kalmucs received it not until a. d. 1250. It is not, there- fore, a peculiar and ancient distinction of the Mongolian race. " Many writers have thought fit to associate the native Ame- rican tribes with the Mongolian race. Cuvier hesitates on this subject ; but the excellent naturahsts Von Spix and Martius, who soine years ago visited South America, were struck by the great resemblance between ,the,»Chinese, in the form of their 318 Dr Prichard 07i the Varieties skulls and features, and the American tribes near Brazil, Many tribes in the Western World have flatter features, more approaching to the Mongolian, than the nations of North Ame- rica ; and if we were to adhere to a classification founded en- tirely on the principle of physical peculiarities, it would be dif- ficult to discover a precise line of discrimination, by which all the native tribes of Americans are to be distinguished from the groups of nations which constitute Cuvier*s ' race MongoUque.'' If the triple division of skulls is maintained, those of the Ame- rican nations must be referred to the Mongolian form. Here, then, we have a wide extension of this family, which thus comes to include a greater assemblage of nations beyond the limits of Asia, whose languages, though multiplied, have some common characters ; and it is worthy of notice, that those common cha- racters are the very reverse of the peculiarities, which, as above mentioned, distinguish the Chinese and Indo-Chinese languages from all others. The latter are monosyllabic, and hardly in- flected ; the American languages, as we have observed, abound in long polysyllables, and in their modes of inflection are re- fined and elaborate, admitting almost infinite variety of termi- nation and change of structure. As a class of languages, they have obtained the distinguishing term polysinthetic. " The Malays, a people whose original seat, or, as I would rather say, earliest known position, is the island of Sumatra, and from whom were descended, as it appears, all the Poly- nesian tribes of the great Southern Ocean, associate themselves more nearly with this department of nations than any other ; and if referable to either of the three divisions, must be in- cluded in the Mongolian department. The history of these tribes will present us with many physical phenomena very ad- verse to the fundamental principle on which the tripartite di- vision of races can alone be maintained. This principle is the assumption that all physical characters are permanent and im- mutable. Now, we have reason to believe that some of the tribes of Polynesian islanders have deviated in a most remark- able manner from the physical character most generally pre- valent in their stock. Individuals are seen among the natives of the Society Islands of fair and sanguine complexion, and the Marquesans are among the finest races of men existing ; their of the Human Species, 819 skulls have the oval, or, as it is termed, Caucasian form. We thus find that the division of mankind termed the Mongolian race, includes several groups or classes of nations distinguished by the most permanent and indelible characters which are known to separate the great families of the human race from each other. They are associated by no common circumstance whatever, except a resemblance in physical characters, and these are plainly subject to great varieties. " We now come to Baron Cuvier''s Caucasian race, of which he gives the following account : — * The stock from which we are descended has been termed the Caucasian race, because the traditions and filiations of tribes seem to carry it to that group of mountains situated between the Caspian and the Black Sea. He goes on to say, that ' the principal branches of the Cauca^ sian race may he distinguished by the analogy of their lan- guages? Here he enters upon the ground of philological in- vestigation, and it is important to observe how far it affords a firm basis for his conclusions. The branches of the Caucasian race are thus mentioned : — ' l.y^. The Aramean branch, or that of Syria, directed its progress southward ; it produced the As- syrians, the Chaldeans, the Arabs, always unconquered, who, after Mohammed, expected to have become lords of the world ; the Phoenicians, the Jews, and the Abyssinians, colonies of the Arabs ; it is very probable,' he adds, ' that the Egyptians be- longed to the same division.' Before we proceed to the account which is given of other branches of the Caucasian stock, we may take an opportunity to observe, that some historical paradoxes have been already brought under our view. Both Jews and Arabs are allowed to have ancient traditions ; yet none of these, written or oral, represent either people as descended from Mount Caucasus. Again, it is not a little startling to find the red or copper-coloured Egyptians considered as Caucasians, and as be- longing to the Semitic stock of nations. How is this to be re- conciled with the statement of Herodotus and Manetho, and all the historians who so strongly contrast the Egyptians with the Jews, and even of Moses, who represented them as speaking different languages as early as the time of the patriarch Joseph ? And how, indeed, are we to get over the fact, that the Egyp- tian language which remains to our time, is entirely of a dif- 320 Dr Prichard on the Varieties ferent structure, and has a totally different vocabulary, from the Hebrew ? We shall pass on to the next branch of the Cauca- sian race. " ' The Indian, German, and Pelasgic branch,' says Cuvier, * is much more extended, and was more anciently divided. We can, however, recognise a multitude of affinities between the following four languages. 1. The Sanskrit, which is now the sacred language of lndia> the mother of all the idioms of Hindostan. 2. The ancient language of the Pelasgi, the com- mon mother of the Greek, the Latin, and many of the extinct languages, and of all our idioms of the south of Europe. 3. The Gothic or Tudesque, from which are derived all the lan- guages of the north and north-west, — the German, the Dutch, •the English, the Danish, the Swedish, and their dialects. 4. Lastly, The language called Sclavonian, from which are de- rived all the languages of the north-east, — the Russian, the Polonese, the Bohemian, the Wendish. It is this grand branch of the Caucasian race which has carried to the highest pitch philosophy, science, and the arts, and which has for more than thirty ages been the depositories of them."' . :" There is indisputable proof in support of the assertion, that the nations now enumerated may be identified by means of their languages. But how far are they to be connected with the Arabs, Jews, and Egyptians, already referred to the same race, or with the third branch of the Caucasian race, who yet remain to be mentioned ? . ^f? offt oifoii mrlS' «« The Scythian and Tartarian branch,' it is added, * ex- tend towards the north and north-east, ever wandering forth ^through the immense deserts of these regions, and only return- ing to overthrow the more happy settlements of their brethren. The Scythians, who so early made an irruption into the higher parts of Asia; the Parthians, who destroyed the Greek and Roman empires ; the Turks, who overthrew that of the Arabs, and subdued in Europe the miserable remains of the Grecian nation, were swarms from this horde. The Finlapd^r^ and Hungarians were a colony of them, wandering among the na- tions of the Sclavonic and Teutonic races. Their original coun- try to the northward and eastward of the Caspian Sea, preserves yet traces of people of the same.stoek; ,but,ii,h^y^p.interjnixed nfthe Human Species. 321 Avlth an infinite number of other small tribes, of different ori- gin and languages. The Tartar people have remained more un- mixed in all this space. They long menaced Russia, and have at length been subjugated by her from the mouths of the Danube as far as those of the Irtisch. " We are here, in the first place, struck with the circum- stance, that the Tartar race is joined with the Finlanders and the Hungarians. Now, the nations last mentioned are two branches of a stock spread through the northern parts of Europe and some regions of Asia from very early times, and are strongly distinguished by physical character and by manners from the Tartar or Scythian race. What is still more important, the Finnish nations are always to be identified among themselves, and clearly distinguishable from the Tartars by their dialects. The Fenni and Scritifenni, belonging to the stock of the Finns and Laplanders, are described by the Roman writers Tacitus and Pliny, as inhabitants of the north of Europe. They are mentioned by King' Alfred in his curious transcript of the Voyage of Ocher the Northvian ; and, according to the most learned investigators of northern antiquities, the Finns are the people who, under the name of Jotuni, or Giants, had occu- pied Scandinavia and the shores of the Baltic before the arrival of Odin and his Teutonic followers from the east. It is said, indeed, that some of the noble families among the Northmen or Normans, were descended from these aborigines of Scandinavia. Even Rollo, the conqueror of Normandy, and the ancestor of the royal dynasty of England, claimed his descent from a Jo- tune family, who had dwelt from time immemorial near Dron- theim in Norway. The history of the Finns has been traced among all the writers of the middle ages. It has long been known that all the Finnish and Hungarian tribes are allied by t!ie Resemblance of their dialects; but a few years ago this sub- ject'was profoundly investigated by a learned native of Hun- gary, Gyarmathi, who availed himself of his intimate acquaint- ance'with one of those diflleots — his own mother tongue^— and applied hiniseir to the investigation of the cognat languages. The result has been to establish a connection in speech, and therefore iii rncekiid origin, between the Laplanders, the Finns, the Hungarians, the Ostiaks in Asia, and niany tribes scattered VOL. XV. NO. XXX. OCTOBER 18*53. X 32^ Dr Prichard on the Varieties on both sides of the great Ouralian chain, which separates the north of Europe from that of Asia. Many of these nations are distinguished for flat faces and red hairs, in which characters they are contrasted with the Tartars. Their language unequi- vocally separates them from that people. "But still less can the Tartar or Turkish nation itself be identified with the other members of the supposed Caucasian 'race. It has never been pretended that any affinity subsists be- tween the language of the Tartars and the Indo-European na^ tions. The dialects of the Tartar tribes are not much varied ; all the clans belonging to this great nation, though spread far and wide, and reaching from Constantinople to the Irtisch and Lena, speak one language. " Every thing that we can collect as to the ancient history of the Tartar nation, seems to run counter to such an hypothesis. The only ground, indeed, on which it is pretended to associate the Tartars with the European, or, as they are termed, Cauca- sian nations, is the fact that the skulls of the Turks have a form which belongs to the European type. But even this is by no means universal. Many of the Tartar nations approach nearly to the Mongoles and Kalmucs in their features, and in the shape of their heads ; and this is particularly the case with those branches of the Turkish stock who have long been settled in the north of Asia, in climates inhabited of old by people to whom the Mongolian characters were, from early periods^ ap- propriate. These deviations from the more general traits of the Turkish race, and approximations to those of the Mongoles, are attributed by writers who maintain the permanent transmission of physical characters to intermixtures of race. But this is alto- gether gratuitous. If we may judge of the purity of race by purity of language, the Yakuts, who inhabit the shores of the Lena, must be considered as of unmixed Turkish race. Their speech, as M. Julius Klaproth has proved, is nearly that of the Osmanli themselves; and it has been said that a Turk of Stam- boul would be understood among the Yakuts on the Lena. Probability is in favour of the opinion of Blumenbach, that a long residence in the chmate of North-eastern Africa has changed the features of the race. The language of the Yakuts, being unmixed, we may be allowed to infer from this circumstance of the Human Species. 323 the purity of their stock, though their features are those of the Mongoles and Kalmucs. -'^t '■'" -r " Before I take leave of the Caucasian race, I shall offer some further remarks on this designation. It is applied, as.we are informed, to nations of this class, because their traditions deduce them from Mount Caucasus. But is this really a fact ? The mountains of Asia Minor, of Thrace, and of Hellas, are all famous in Grecian story. Mountains were of old, in the simple and primitive age, which long preceded the erection of temples consecrated to the worship of the unseen powers, which all nations venerated. The tops of Olympus and Mount Mem, in the poetry of Greece and India, were the resting-places where Father Zeus and Indra descended from the clouds to con- verse with mortals. Caucasus came in for its share in the gene- ral respect paid to high places. According to a story, of which it is difficult to conjecture the meaning, it was the dwelling-place of Prometheus, where that ambiguous personage, by turns a Titan, a teacher of mechanical arts, and a maker of man, and then a natural philosopher,- is said to have watched the move- ments of the heavenly bodies. I cannot remember any tradition among the fabulists or historians of Greece, which admits of a construction answering to the hypothesis of M. Cuvier, or de- ducing the human race from Mount Caucasus. Nor can any thing more to the purpose be traced in the m)rthology of the oriental nations. The authentic narrative of the Hebrews lead us certainly to Mount Ararat, in Armenia, for the resting-place of the ark ; but that is far from Caucasus. " Another objection to the term Caucasian, as applied to an assemblage of nations consisting principally of the Indo-European and Semitic tribes, arises from the fact, that the chain of Cau- casus has been from immemorial time the seat of nations who are proved by their languages to be entirely distinct from both of these celebrated races. V< The' Idioms of the real Caucasian nations have been carefdlly 'examined by Julius Klaproth. The result has been a reduction of these numerous dialects to a 'fd<^ bri^nal languages, all of which, except that of the Ossetes, "aVe destitute of any analogy to the Indo-European idioms. The Ossetes, indeed, speak a dialect resembling some of the Jknguf^gek of that st6ck ; fhey ai*e an inconsiderable tribe, who X 2 SJJ4 Dr Prichard on the Varieties appear to have found their way incidentally into the midst of races foreign to their lineage ; and it would be absurd to regard them as the ancestral stock of so many great and anciently civi- lized nations. " 3. The Negroes of Africa, and the woolly-haired natives of the Malayan Mountains, and of New Guinea, and many islands in the Pacific, at no great distance from New Holland, are re- ferred by M. Cuvier to his third race, which he supposes to have originated in Mount Atlas. The languages of these tribes are multifarious, and the migration of one part of them to the Eastern Ocean is improbable and difficult to imagine. It is evi- dent, that the attempt to identify the African Negroes with the Papuas of the Eastern Ocean, rests on the physical peculiarities of these tribes, and that every other species of evidence is against it. But it is certain, that no other principle can be found to account for the existence of nations resembling the Africans in New Guinea and the Eastern Islands. Are not the torrid climes of these countries similar to that of Old Guinea ? and do not all the other productions of nature likewise resemble those of Africa ? It is not to be wondered at that the human species should as- similate in these parallel latitudes and analogous situations. The black and woolly-haired variety of the human species is that which has ever thrivea best in equatorial countries ; and there is probably something in the nature of the torrid clime which favours its rise and propagation. If physical agencies produced it once, similar agencies may have produced it where- ever their influence has been exerted with a certain degree of in- tensity, and under favourable circumstances.'' The following are the general inferences which the author has deduced from the preceding statement : ** It appears, on the whole, that the attempt to constitute particular families of nations, or to divide the human species into several distinct races, upon the principle of a permanent and constant transmission of physical characters, is altogether im- practicable. In the first place, such divisions of races do not coincide with the divisions of languages. We shall find one class of men as distinguished by physical character, in- cluding several races entirely distinct from each other, when reference is made to their languages. Thus, the Turkish or of the Human Species. 825 Tartar race are separated by their languages from the Indo- European nations, and the distinction is not less when we go back to the earliest ages. How distant, indeed, must have been the period when the Celtae and the German nations, and the Greeks, Latins, and Sclavonians, were separated from the Hin- doos ! Yet all these nations have preserved from that period strong proofs of the identity of their speech ! Nor can we ima- gine why the Tartars alone should have lost all traces of their former language, if they had once partaken of the same idiom with the nations just mentioned, or had a dialect allied to it ! The distinction of races, according to the same principle, will, besides, separate nations who are shewn to be connected by their language, when they happen to have acquired a different cha- racter, diversities of figure and complexion. I have already al- luded to particular instances which exemplify this remark. " 2dly, A second objection to the distributing of men into different races on the ground of physical diversities^ is, that it is contradictory to the very principle which has been always pro- fessed by the most enlightened writers on the philosophy of na- tural history, and which, it may be added, had been admirably maintained and illustrated by Cuvier himself, in regard to the nature and distinction of species. The clear and broad line which he lays down as constituting the distinction of species in natural history, is that of permanent and constant difference. We are under the necessity of admitting the existence of certain forms which have perpetuated themselves from the beginning of the world without exceeding the limits first prescribed. All the individuals belonging to one of these forms constitute what is termed a species. ' Varieties," he adds, * are the accidental sub- divisions of species.' This is his own account of the laws con- stituting species. By himself the diversities found between different races of men are clearly laid down as varieties. To regard these afterward as permanent, is to contradict what has previously been established. In fact, we must either concede at once that there are several distinct human species, — an hypo- thesis which would be immediately opposed by a number of in- superable objections,---or we must allow that no permanently distinct races, as constituted by physical characters, exist in the one human species. 3J26 Mr Sarig's Meteorological Observations on " If these general observations are allowed to be well founded, they will lead towards the conclusion — that the various tribes of men are of one origin. The diversities of language carry us, indeed, very far back towards the infancy of our race, and are, perhaps, much more ancient distinctions than the varieties of fomi and colour. But these diversities require no such ex- planation as that of a separate origin, or a distinct creation of the several races who are so characterised.'"' — Trans, of British Association, Second Report, p. 529. METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS MADE AT EDINBURGH DURING THE GREAT SOLAR ECLIPSE OF JULY 17. 1833. 2. A METHOD OF FREEING THE DETERMINATION OF THE LA- TITUDE OF AN OBSERVATORY, AND OF THE DECLINATION OF A STAR, FROM THE CONSIDERATION OF ATMOSPHERIC REFRACTION. By Edward Saxg, M, S. A. S., Teacher of Mathematics, Edinburgh. Communicated by the Author. 1. Meteorological Observations made at Edinburgh during the Great Solar Eclipse of July 17. 1833. The clouded state of the atmosphere, which completely pre- vented any astronomical observations at Edinburgh, gave, per- haps, additional interest to photometric experiments made du- ring the eclipse. After rising through a narrow belt of cloud, the sun entered upon a horizontal zone of perhaps two degrees in breadth, entirely free from interruption, and thus afforded me an opportunity of de- termining the error of the clock : he then disappeared behind the superior mass of dense cloud, and remained totally invisible till nearly the conclusion of the experiments ; at that time his disc became faintly visible, and, as the clock had only been erected the previous evening, opportunity was again taken to determine her rate. The altitudes of the sun were observed by means of a ten-inch Theodolite and Troughton, divided to every tenth- second, and having three horizontal wires in the field-bar of the telescope, so that the corrected times may be depended on to a degree of accuracy far beyond the necessity of the case. During the eclipse, and for some time before and after it. the Solar Eclipse of July 1833. ^17 the indications of an excellent Leslie's Photometer, prepared by Lindsay, were noted at apparent intervals of five minutes. The corrected times with the corresponding indications of the pho- tometer are given in the following table. N. P. , D. 34 02 40 Long. West 12 44 July 17- 1833. Mean Time. Photom. h m s Q 4 06 43 19.8 Clear sunshine. 16 39 10.2 Sun just concealed. 26 36 4.6 Sun entirely concealed. 31 34 4.6 36 32 6.5 41 30 6.9 46 29 7.3 51 25 Commencement of eclipse. 51 27 7.4 56 25 7.8 5 01 23 8.6 06 21 9.1 11 20 9.2 16 18 8.9 21 16 8.7 26 14 8.6 31 12 73 36 11 6.1 41 09 4.4 43 35 Greatest lunar obscuration. 46 07 .3.9 51 05 3.5 56 03 4.0 6 01 02 5.3 06 00 6.3 10 58 8.2 15 56 10.5 20 64 14.1 25 53 16.8 30 51 19.2 35 49 22.3 Clouds becoming thinner. 38 46 End of eclipse. 40 47 23.8 45 45 2- g f Bright spots seen iii the clouds near to the \ sun's place. 50 44 30.7 55 42 32.6 7 00 40 36.5 Sun's disc barely visible. The times of the commencement, middle, and end of the eclipse are put down from Mr Innes's determination given in a former number of this Journal. The remarkable steadiness of the clouds in the eastern hemi- sphere, to which alone the photometer was exposed, favoured very much the experiments. As the sun rose behind the mass of clouds, his rays, traver- sing a thinner atmosphere, acquired a greater illuminating power'; 328 Mr Sang on the Determination of and this increase, even after the commencement of the eclipse, was greater than the diminution arising from the concealment of his disc by the moon ; speedily, however, the lunal obscura- tion acquired the ascendancy, and the photometer rapidly sunk to reach its minimum 7™ 30% after the computed time of great- est obscuration. Under such unfavourable circumstances the fidelity of the instrument was more than could have been antici- pated, and may, perhaps, induce other meteorologists to give this hitherto neglected instrument a place among their apparatus. Convinced of its extreme precision, I have projected a complete course of experiment for the purpose of comparing its indica- tions with the degree of illumination as computed astronomically, the above is the meagre substitute which circumstances have compelled me to give instead. \st August 1833. 2. A Method of freeing the determination of the Latitude of an Obser- vatory^ and of the Declination of a Star^ from the consideration of Atmospheric Refraction. That element which enters most frequently into astronotiiical calculations, is the latitude of the place ; next, indeed, to the taking up of the meridian line, comes the determination of the latitude of the observatory. Let us conceive ourselves to be de- prived of all astronomical data, and to be bent on determining them all anew, and we will then be able to view the determina- tion of the latitude in all its bearings. The fixing of the transit instrument, and the regulation of the clock, are easily accomplished ; tables of the differences of right ascension of the fixed stars are of simple though laborious construction ; but when we seek their declinations, a new and complicated difficulty meets us; for, without a knowledge of terrestrial refraction, we cannot determine, by any of the hitherto known methods, the latitude of the place, while, without a knowledge of that latitude, we cannot settle the declination of a single star. And, to add to the difficulty, the refraction is sub- jected to continual variations, arising from changes in the tem- perature, humidity, and pressure of the atmosphere. Santini, in his elaborate Ricerche sulla Latitudine dell 'Osservatorio in Padova, has endeavoured to free his computation from the ele- the Latitude of' an Observatory. 329 ments of refraction and the star's altitude ; but^his success in that attempt is only ideal. The north polar distances of the stars were extracted from astronomical tables; and thus, though his determination was freed from the errors of his own instrument of altitude, and from a knowledge of refraction at the instant of his observations, it yet involved the errors of other instruments, and the knowledge of refraction at other places. His method, in fact, can only be adopted at secondary observatories. Where- ever the normal instrument exists, a method entirely indepen- dent of the labours of other astronomers must be followed, since, to adopt any determination made by means of instruments of inferior delicacy, would be to reject all the advantages which the possession of the superior instrument confers. I submit the following method to those astronomers who are possessed of good altitude and azimuth circles, as a means of rectifying the determination of their altitudes, and of ascertain- ing, by a direct procedure, the actual amount of refraction. ■ Using merely the azimuthal part of the instrument, let the azimuths a, a, &c. and the corresponding hour-angle ^, A, &c. 12 12 of a star be observed : Denote by O the N. P. D. of the observa- tory, by S that of the star, then have we cot a. sin h = cot S. sin 0 — cos K cos O 1 2 1 cot a. sin h = cot S. sin O — cos h. cos O. 2 2 2 Whence (cG% h — cos h\ cos O = cot a. sin h — cot a sin h. ^2 l/ 11 2 2 Or 2 sin. a, sin a, cos 0 = sin (a + a\ cot. f "'' J gin (^ — "V 12 ^12^ 2 ^ *^ cot X a; 2 cot a. sin h If we put — — ' — -. — ^ = cos " 0 1 to 10 years. 54 10 18 48 16 41 8 10... 20 ... 62 16 33 61 44 54 II5 20».. 30 ... 54 22^ 39| 58 58^ 52 12 30 ... 40 ... 60 12 38 72 72 45 lOi 40 ... 5o ... 48 13^ 23 46 88 35^ 2 7 50... 60 .. 44 14 12^ 57 74 36 12i 60 .„ 70 ... 6Q 10§ 9 46 78. 18 8^ 70... 80 ... 44 11 n 29 6Q' 17 80... 90 ... 32 H H 30 59 13 90... 100 , 32 n 8 24 45 13 100... 110 ... 30 H 7| 32 30 22 110 ... 120 ... 36 9 8^ 26 30 22 120 ... 130 ... 30 9 8 20| 24 130... 140 ... 9^ 10 22 24 140 .. 150 ... lo' 8 23 18 150.. 160 ... H 83 21 19 160 .. 170 ... 9' 9 20 17^ 170.. 180 ... 10 8 19 23' 180 .. 190 ... 9 8 18 30 190.. 200 ... 9 7 21 34 200 .. 210 ... 9 8 22 34 210.. 220 ... 7 22^ 26 220.. 230 ... 6 21 36 230 .. 240 ... 8 22 28 240.. 250 ... 8 20^ 26 250.. 260 ... n 24 260.. 270 ... 8 in 270 .. . 280 ... 8 26' 280 .. 290 ... H 28 290.. 300 ... 8^ 29 300 .. 210 ... 9 16 310 .. . 320 ... 8 16^ 320 .. 330 ... 8 21 On an inspection of these figures, we will find, that trees at ad- vanced periods of life continue to form layers which do not yield in thickness to those of a moderate age ; that each species, after increasing rapidly in youth, seems at a certain age to grow at a regular rate ; that, in short, we can give a tolerable explanation of such a difference, by supposing that at an early period, i. e. before fifty or sixty years, the roots and branches of forest-trees 336 Prof. De Candolle on the Longevitij of Trees ^ not being embarrassed by those near them, increase at liberty, but on exceeding this age, that they do not grow so much, be- cause they encounter the roots or branches of their neighbours; that the cause of inequalities in growth, is generally owing, either to the middle root of the tree meeting layers of good or bad soil, or because at certain periods the tree, being disincumbered of its neighbours, is able to grow at more liberty. Similar tables of a great many species, and of individuals of each species, would aiford excellent evidence of the progress of vegetation. First, we might be enabled to establish in every species its average increase annually, and thus, on finding out the circumference of an exogenous tree, we might discover its age almost to a certainty ; and it should be observed that the principal differences occur during the first century ; and that af- terwards its growth is more uniform. Secondly, A knowledge of the average growth and solidity of one kind of wood being attained, we could form an opinion of the layers of each trunk by their thickness, if it depart less or more from the qualities peculiar to its species. We may thus be certain, that the oak No. 1. in the table is very inferior to those of Nos. 2. and 3, because the thickness of its layers is too great for the wood to have acquired its proper degree of hardness. Thirdly, If the law which I suggest be correct, that at a certain age (sixty to eighty years in oak-trees), every tree ceases to grow so rapidly, and progresses more regularly, we might deduce precise rules as to the period when we should fell certain trees. I therefore presume to believe, that tables of horizontal cuts would be of peculiar advantage, and I recommend their preparation to tra- vellers, and those who live near extensive clearings of woods or dock-yards, 2. If we are unable to get a transverse section of trunks, there is another mode of judging of their growth, viz. to find out old individuals of each species, the date of which is known, to measure their circumference, to deduct from that, their aver- age increase, and make use of it in calculating the age of other trees of the same species, always keeping in view, that, local circumstances excepted, the average taken of a younger tree always gives a result too great for the increase, or too small for the age of old trees. I read in Evelyn, that a Dane, called and the Means of ascertaining it. 337 Henry Ranjovius, planted a certain number of trees in 1580, in Ditmarsen, of various kinds, and placed stones near them, on which he engraved their dates, that posterity, as he said, might be aware of theii- age. It would be curious to know whether these trees are still in existence, and, in such a case, tp get their circumference. It is a question that I address to Danes who are fond of science, and, in general, it would be curious to have the circumference of every tree whose date is known, and is upwards of a century old. I would even venture to invite all those who have similar documents, either to publish them, or communicate them to me, as these facts are very useful by their comparison with others. 3. As to trees 100 years old, it is useful to get their circum- ference at various known periods, in order to compare them with each other, or with other raeasureinents of the same tree, which may have been made at an earlier or a later period. These compa- risons would afford means for a more accurate calculation of the law of the growth, and appreciating the influence of the difference of age. Thus the cedar, in the Jardin de Paris, for example, measured when eighty-three years old, was 106 inches in cir- cumference, which would indicate a mean increase of five lines annually ; but it had been measured at the age of forty years, and at that time was above 79 inches round. We are thus aware that, during the first forty years, it increased 7^ lines annually, and only 2J for the succeeding forty-three ; consequently, if we were going to calculate the age of a very old cedar, we should not be very far wrong did we take the latter as the multiplier. Thus the cedars measured at Lebanon in 1660 by Maundrel and Pococke, which were 12 yards and 6 inches round, English mea- sure (it may be about 1527 lines in diameter royal measure), should be about 609 y^ars old, and nearly 800 in 1787, when they were revisited by Mr Labillardiere. This calculation is doubtful, however, as it is founded on a single example ; it would be much more certain were the number of examples in- creased. 4. It would also be useful to take the circumference of some very old trees which we may meet, even though we are igno- rant of the time when they were planted. Such measurements repeated at stated intervals, would inform us of the law of the 'i^i.. XV. NO. XXX. OCTOBKR 1833. Y S38 Prof. De CandoUe (wi the Longevity of Trees, diametrical increase of old trunks, and, compared with other measurements, would give approximate averages for estimating their ages. Thus, in Evelyn, we find, that in 1660 there was an immense oak in Wellbeck Lane, which was 33 feet 1 inch round, about 11 feet perhaps in diameter. The same oak, though greatly mutilated, existed in 1 775, and was 12 feet in diameter ; of course, it had increased about 144 lines in 120 years, a little more than one line annually. From this we may conjecture that the law of increase indicated by the oak of 333 years in my Table, is followed by this one, though evidently older. If, therefore, we calculate the age of the oak in Wellbeck Lane, we see by the thickness of that of 333 years, that it must have been about 1300 years old when Evelyn lived, and more than 1400 in the year 1775. 5. Lastly, in cases where it is impossible to obtain a trans- versal cut of an old tree, it may happen that we may have an opportunity of making a lateral cut in the tree, in order to ascertain how much it has increased in a given number of years, and in this way find out the minimum of its mean increase. It was by this process that AdanBon discovered the age of the Baobabs ; he saw the extent of the growth of these trees in three centuries, and also knowing the growth of young trees, he was enabled, by striking an average, to establish the general law. The age of the Taxodium of Chapultepec in Mexico should be carefully investigated by this plan. By means of the five plans, either singly or connected, which I have just pointed out, we may arrive at a knowledge of the age of old exogenous trees in a manner sufficiently accurate for the object of this inquiry. Let us now point out the trees to which it is principally to be directed. The greatest longevity in the vegetable kingdom ought to be found, 1^^, In trees which, by their hardness, incorruptibility, or size, should most power- fully resist inclement seasons; ^d, In countries which are not exposed to ice, or to other causes which too frequently tend to destroy large plants. Among European trees we may mention the following : 1 . It is well known that the elm (Ormeaii) attains a great size, although it grows very quick. The individual in which I have ob- served the greatest increase, is near Morges. A note of its layers and on the Means of ascertaining it. 339 and the account of its fall was obligingly communicated by Mr Alexis Forel. Its cut indicated 335 years of age ; at its fall it Was perfectly sound, and had grown in a light moist soil; its trunk, at the neck, was 17 feet 7 inches diameter, Swiss mea- sure (the foot being equal to 3 decim.), 30 feet in circum- ference below the branches, 12 feet from the ground, and one of the five thick branches was 16 feet in circumference : the tree fell during a calm season, the soil having been probably washed away by the waters of the Lake Leman. Its mean increase was 34 lines annually ; but on a division by centuries, it was observed, that it had grown 6 lines annually in the first, 2J in the second, and 2| in the third century; these figures agreed with those which are generally found in the elms which were planted by order of Sully before the churches in France. We ought carefully to distinguish between the rate of increase in large and small-leaved elms ; the latter is longer lived, and seems to grow more slowly *. 2. I saw an ivy (Lierre) in 1814 at Gigeau, near Montpellier, whose trunk near the base was 6 feet in circumference, which as- tonished by its immense size: another ivy of forty-five years old was only 7| inches in circumference. If this is to be taken as a model, the ivy of Gigeau should have been 433 years old in 1814, and about 450 at present, if, as I hope, it is still in exist- ence. It is probable, that if there be a mistake in this, as also in the following examples, it is owing to my having calculated the age of the individuals at the very lowest rate. 3. Above I have given the measurement o^a\3Xch-iree( Meleze) of 255 years old. Assuming this example to be a law of nature, we may believe that there are some between 500 and 600 years old, but it is of consequence to multiply the measurements of their layers. 4. The lime (TilleulJ is the European tree which, in a given time, seems capable of acquiring the greatest diameter; that which was planted at Fribourg in 1476, on account of the battle • The treaty which William Penn made with the natives in 1682, was ne- gotiated under a large (American) elm, which grew on the spot now called Kensington, just above Philadelphia. It was prostrated by a storm in 1 810, at which time its stem measured 24 feet in circumference. — Memoirs 0/ Hist. Soc, Pen. Y U S40 Prof. De CandoUe on the Longevity of Trees, of Morat, is actually 13 feet 9 inches diameter, which gives an an- nual increase of about 2 lines. This quantity, equal to that of the oak, seems, in ray opinion, to indicate that it was not in a favourable soil ; and I should be induced to believe, that it would be more correct to admit an average increase of 4 lines annually. As there are a good many large lime-trees in Europe, it would be important to have the circumference of those whose dates are known. I may mention, on account of their thickness, that of the Castle of Chaille, near Melles, in the department of the Deux-Sevres, which, in 1804, was 15 metres in circumference, at that time, I imagine, 538 years old : that of Trons in the Grisons, famous even in 1424, which, in 1798, was 51 feet in circumference, and, I suppose, 583 years of age ; that of Depe- ham, near Norwich, which, in 1664, was 8J yards mean circum- ference ; that of Neustadt in Wurtemberg, which, in 1580, was so thick as to require props, and in 1664 was 37 feet 4 inches in circumference. In studying the lime-tree more minutely, we ought carefully to distinguish between those of large and small leaves ; the former seem to increase more quickly than the latter. 5. The evergreen cypresses are certainly among the trees of Southern Europe which reach the greatest age, and the custom of planting them in church-yards has rendered them an object of respect, and afforded means of measuring them. Hunter says that, in 1776, there were a few in the garden of the palace at Grenada, which had some celebrity at the time of the Moorish kings, and which were still called Citpressos de la Regna Sultana, because a Sultana was found there with Abencerrages. I can find no precise information, however, respecting the increase of these trees, which I point out to naturalists *. 6. The chestnut-trees appear capable of attaining a great age, but I do not found this opinion on the famous tree of a hundred horses on Mount Etna. Messrs Simond and Durby have com- municated details respecting it, which seem to establish that this tree, which is 70 feet in circumference, is an amalgamation of many. We ought, indeed, to estimate the growth of this tree by trunks of extraordinary size ; there are many very large ones on Mount Etna. Poederle mentions having seen one 50 feet in circumference in Gloucestershire, which was believed to be 900 • Cypress, mentioned about 350 years o\(\.—Organographie. and on the Means of ascertaining it. Stt years old. Bosc cites one which is near Sancerre, 30 feet in circumference, and was known, it is said, by the name of the great chestnut-tree, for 600 years. It would be desirable to have precise information as to the growth of this species. 7. The oriental plane-tree (Platane), (if it can be numbered among European trees), is certainly one of the largest, but we are ignorant of the law of its growth. There is a plane-tree in the valley of Bujukdere, three leagues from Constantinople, which reminds us of the one which Pliny has rendered so celebrated; it is 160 feet round, and has formed a cavity of 80 feet in fcir- cumference. I should wish travellers to ascertain, — 1. If it be a single tree, or the amalgamation of many ; % How much it has increased in a given time, which might be discovered by a lateral nick, which would enable us to count the layers ; and, 3. By what law the growth of plane-trees of a century old is regulated*.. 8. I would also direct the attention of observers to the walnut- tree (Noyer). Scammozzi, the architect, says that he saw, at St Nicholas, in Lorraine, a table of a small piece of walnut-tree of 25 feet in size, on which Frederick III. gave a celebrated re- past. We cannot determine the ages of similar trees, as we do not know the rate of their increase : when they are aged, it would be easy to ascertain it. • :')^]cn 9. The orange and citron trees which are cultivafeS in Europe increase most slowly, and become the oldest. It is as- serted that the orange-tree of St Sabine at Rome was planted by St Dominick in 1200, and that of Fondi by St Thomas of Aquinus in 1278. The measurement of these trees, and the verification of these traditions, might give an approximation of the annual increase of the Jgrumi (bitter orange trees) of Italy. 9. The cedars of which I formerly spoke, though they ap- pear to me less aged than they are supposed to be, merit the at- tention of observers •(•, it? 10. The oak is undoubtedly one of the most long-lived trees of Europe ; but its study is involved in great ambiguity, either be- cause it is a tree which, by the admission of foresters, is princi- pally modified by soil, or because the wood of the Quercus pe~ 'MM? n* • Oriental Plane, 720 years and upwards.— Or^an. f Cedars of Lebanon, abo^lt 800 years old.— Or^a/t. d4S Prof. De CandoUe on the Longevity of Trees ^ dunculata, which grows quickly, and to a great height, has been very generally confounded with the Quercus sessilijlora, which grows more slowly, becomes harder, and is more tortuous ; in consequence of this confusion, it is impossible to compart the documents which have been obtained. There are many in- stances to be seen of the thickness which oak-trees may attain, in the Sylva of Evelyn, a valuable work, from which I have frequently obtained useful information. I have reason to be- lieve that there are oaks, even in France, of 1500 or 1600 years of age, but it would be proper to verify these dates by more careful investigations. 11. The olive-tree is also capable of attaining an astonishing age, in countries where it is not exposed to the axe. M. Cha- teaubriand mentions, in his Itinerary, that the eight olive-trees in the olive garden in Jerusalem, only pay a rnedin each, 5^5 of a piastre, to the Grand Seignor, which proves that they existed at the invasion of the Turks, because, of those planted since, the half of their fruit is paid. The largest olive-tree in Italy, mentioned by Picconi, is at Pescio ; it is 7696 metres in circumference. If the calculation of Moschcttini is to be relied on, that the olive-tree grows a line and a half annually, it would be about 700 years old; but this estimation, compared with younger trees, must be below the truth. 12. Of all the European trees, the yew (If) appears to have reached the most advanced age. I measured the layers of one of 71, Oelhafen one of 150, and Veillard one of 280 years old : these three measurements agree in proving that this tree grows a little more than one line annually in the first 150 years, and a little less from 150 to 250 years. If we admit an average of a line annually for very old yews, it is probably within the truth, and that in reckoning the number of their years as equal to that of the lines of their diameter, they are younger than they actually are. Now, I find four measurements of celebrated yew trees in Great Britain. Those of the ancient Abbey of Fontaine near Rippon, in Yorkshire, known in 1133, were in 1770, according to Pennant, 1214 lines in diameter, or upwards of 1200 years old. Those in the church-yard of Crow-hurst, in the corinty of Surrey, were, according to Evelyn, 1287 lines in diameter in a7id ati the Means of ascertainmg it. 343 1660. If, as we are informed, they are still in existence, they ought to be fourteen centuries and a half old. That of Fotheringall in Scotland * was, in 1770, 2588 lines in diameter, and therefore, twenty-five or twenty-six centuries old. That in the churchyard of Braburn, county of Kent, was, in 1660, nearly 2880 lines in diameter, and if it be existing at present, should be 8000 years old. I venture to point out these trees to the foresters and bota- nists of England, that they may verify them, ^nd if possible ascertain the law of their growth, for it is very probable that the oldest specimens of European vegetation are to be found there +. For the same reasons, I recommend to those who may have it in their power, to study the law of the growth and dimensions of the CeUis or nettle-tree, box-tree, carob-tree, beech-tree, phillyrea J, • The yew-tree here alluded to, stands in the church-yard of Fortingal, at the entrance to Glenlyon in Perthshire. It was described by the Hon. Dames Barrington in 1769, (Phil. Trans, vol. lix.) : he mentions that, at that period, on one side of the trunk the outward bark only remained, the centre having decayed ; that the fresh portion was then 34 feet in circumference ; but that he could then measure the entire bole, and had in fact measured it twice over, and ascertained it to be 52 feet. This ancient tree still lives, and was visited, in July 1833, by Mr Neill, Secretary to the Caledonian Horticultural Society. From him we learn, that considerable spoliations have evidently been committed on the tree since 1769; large arms have been removed, and masses of the trunk itself carried off by the country people, with the view of forming quechs or drinking-cups and other relics, which vi. sitors were in the habit of demanding. The remains of the trunk now pre- sent the appearance of a semicircular wall, exclusive of traces of decayed wood which scarcely rise above the ground. Great quantities of new spray have issued from the firmer parts of the bark, and a few young branches spring upwards to the height perhaps of 20 feet. The side of the trunk now existing gives a diameter of more than 15 feet, so that it is easy to conceive that the circumference of the bole when entii'e should have exceeded 50 feet. Happil)', farther depredations have been prevented by means of an iron-rail, which now surroundsi the sacred spot ; and this venerable yew^ which in all probability was a flourishing tree at the commencement of the Christian era, may yet survive for centuries to come. —Ed. •f- A Ficm IndicCf on the banks of the Nerbudda, is celebrated throughout India, on account of its vast size and great antiquity. It answers to the tree described by Nearchus, and therefore cannot be less than 2500 years old Ed. X There are some specimens of Phillyrea laHfolia in the garden of Mont- pellier, planted in all probability in the year 1 598. {^^ Prof. De CandoUe ori the Longevity of Trees, Cercis or Judas-tree*, Juniper -f-, &c. respecting which there is a want of information. ^iijAmong the exogenous trees in countries between the tropics, •the Cheirostenion lias been cited (because there is a tree at To- luca known since 1553), and the Ceiba, which astonishes by its .thickness ; but it is improbable that trees, the wood of which is so soft, should be among the number of those that are very old. I confess, however, that the example of the Baobab, which, with- out being very hard, attains, according to Adanson^ more than 5000 years of age, ought, in this respect, to render me circum- ■spect. I shall rather call the attention of travellers to large trees of hard wood ; such as the mahogany, which is generally >Beven feet thick ; the Courbaril, which it is said attains, in the Antilles, a diameter of twenty feet, and whose hardness is such tliat its growth is very slow ; the various trees known under the name of Iron- wood ; the Pinus lamhertiana of California, which is said to be from 150 to 200 feet high, and from 20 to 60 feet in circumference ; the fig-tree of the pagodas of India, &c. I shall advise them, especially, to verify what is connected with the Taxodiums of Mexico, Cup?'essus disticha, L. Is the immense tree of Chapultepec, which is said to have attained a circumfe- rence of 117 feet, 10 inches, really a single tree, or the amalga- mation of many ? Has it a hollow cave at its base like those of Louisiana, said to belong to the same species ? I venture to recommend another examination of this gigantic tree : it may be the most ancient vegetable production in the globe, mtj mu io It is more difficult to find out the age of endogenous th^n of exogenous trees, either because their native country has not been so thoroughly examined, or because the absence of woody lay- ers, and the preservation of the same diameter at different stages of existence, actually render this investigation more difficult. Endogenous trees generally present themselves under two as- pects; the first, such as the palm-trees, have almost the whole • In the same garden at Montpellier, there is the largest Judas-ttee which is in Europe, and perhaps in the world. Its exact measurement should te registered. •f- I have seen a gigantic juniper tree at Draguignan, which possesses this peculiarity, that it is at the side of an ancient monument, called a Druidical stone ; but from what I know of the increase of this tree, I doubt whethei^ it be more than 380 years old. ^ — and on the Means of ascertaining it. S45 of the trunk bare, and marked with circular rings, nearly at re- gular distances, at least during the greater period of their life ; the others, like the Dracaena, have the trunk branching, with- out rings. The age of the palm-trees may be estimated in two ways, very analogous to one another: — 1. By the height to which they reach, compared with the empiric knowledge of the time which each species requires in growing ; 2. By the nume- rous rings and their mean distance, compared with the height of the trunk. Both of these modes are principally based on a knowledge of the height of the trees, just in the same way as the study of the age of exogenous trees is founded on their thickness. It is therefore of essential importance, to advise tra- vellers to take a correct note of the extreme length of the trunk of every kind of palm-tree. They should also be requested to measure the height of every tree whose age is known, and to as- certain, by an examination, if the rings seen on the outside real- ly indicate, as it is said, the annual growth, or any other pe- riod. The first method, on being applied to the date-tree, seems to afford results in conformity with truth. There was a date- tree in 1709 at Cavalaire, in Provence, 50 feet in height, which had been planted in 1709. The greatest height of those in Egypt and Barbary. is 60 feet, and the Arabians reckon that their age rarely exceeds two or three centuries. It is unneces- sary to ascertain in what proportions the rapidity of the growth of the date-tree decreases at diflPerent periods. Assuming that the external rings of the trunk indicate the years, we may estimate the approximate age of the Brazil palm- trees, according to the principles laid down by M. de Marti us, i^ his magnificent work, as follows : o-ni vjbmi r'-jyio Height of Diameter of Distance of Probable the trunk. the trunk. the rings. age. Feet. Inches. Inches. Years. (Enocarpus Botaua 80 12 7 134 Euterpe oleracea 120 8 to 9 4 to 5 300 1- Euterpe edulis . 100 6 to 7 4 to 5 300 Iriartea exorhiza 80 to 100 12 4toe 250 to 30G Guilielma speciosa . 80 to 90 6 to 8 4 to 5 250 to .^00 Cocos oleracea . . CO to 80 12 1 to 2 600 to 700 Cocos nucifera . . CO to 80 4 to 12 3 to 12 80 to 330 346 Prof. De CandoUe on the Longevity of Trees, I give these approximations to travellers, as indications, and to induce them to verify the data on which they are founded. As to endogenous trees branching, and without regular rings, we are not aware of any plan for establishing their age, and the problem ought to be laid before observers without limitation. We know that some of the trees belonging to this class reach an extreme longevity, such as the famous dragon-tree (Dractiena draco) of the garden of Franchi, at Orotava, island of Teneriffe, which was a celebrated tree in 1402, at the discovery of the island, and at that time an object of veneration among the peo- ple. Mr Berthelot *, who has published an accurate descrip- tion of it, says, that on comparing the young dragon-trees which are in the vicinity of this gigantic tree, the calculations which he has made as to the age of the last have more than once asto- nished his imagination. In 1796, according to Mr Ledru, it was 20 metres in height, 13 in circumference at the middle, and 24 at the base ; since that time, the hurricane of 21st July 1819 has destroyed a great portion of the top of it. I am induced to think that, among perennial plants and small shrubs, there are some which are older than we are accustomed to beheve, but on this point there have been no inquiries. I shall here mention some incomplete facts, which may encourage observers to direct their attention to the .duration of these hum- ble vegetables. In vegetable organography, I have taken notice of the singular willow, called herbaceous, which, when it grows on the mossy ground of the Alps, in places below the declivities, the soil of which moves away slowly, is gradually covered, and stretches itself out to an extent absolutely necessary to reach the surface, in such a manner that it presents the appearance of a green turf many yards in extent, and is in reality the top of a subterraneous tree. I have attempted to uproot this singular kind of tree, but never could reach its inferior extremity, though the length which I dug out, compared with the extreme slow- ness of its spreading, indicated a very advanced age. It would be curious to reach the lower end of this tree, which, owing to its subterranean existence, escapes the inclemencies of the atmo- sphere. I have seen Eryngiums and Echinophoras in the downs of the , , * Mem. Cur. Nat. vol. xiii. p. 781. ajid on the Means of ascertaining it. S4^ south of France, whose crawling stem extends itself as the downs rise ; I attempted to tear them up, but never'could reach the genuine root; i. e. the descending portion. I should almost think that these vegetables are sometimes cotemporary with the downs themselves. The rhizomas of the Nymphasa, Equisetum, and ferns, should also afford examples of extreme longevity, though I am not aware of any mode of discovering it with ac- curacy. 'I shall even descend to vegetables still more humble.*^ Mr Vaucher has traced a lichen for forty years, without seeing any apparent change in its size. For aught I know, it may be po^ sible that, among the specks which cover the rocks, there may be some whose origin goes back to the period when this rock was first exposed to the air. It may be possible that, among the mosses which line the bottom of certain rivers, some of thera may have been in existence when ihey began to flow. If we set aside these plants, too obscure perhaps to attract general attention, and confine ourselves to trees, the history of which is an object of universal interest, we shall find the solu- tion of a truly curious problem in the inquiries which I propose. Let us hasten to solve it while there is time. On the one hand, the progress of industry, the calculations of the art of forestry, which are now thoroughly understood, the frequent change of owners, the general spread of civilization, have caused the de- struction of trees a hundred years old, in the most remote dis- tricts ; whilst, on the other, changes in religious opinions, and the decay of some notions worthy of respect, though supersti- tious, tend to diminish the veneration which certain trees formerly inspired in the people. Let us hasten to ascertain the dimen- sions of those which do exist, and if possible to preserve those monuments of ages now no more. If my isolated voice could reach the proprietors of such trees, the municipal governments of the districts where they are, I should like to induce them to take measures which might tend to their preservation. Where is the town which does not take an interest in the preservation of coins, which refer to ages that are gone ? Old trees are coins of a different kind, which deserve to be saved from destruction. I should wish the oldest tree in each district to be recognised as public property, that it should be preserved from injury, either 348 On the Colour of the Atmosphere and Deep Water as an historical monument, or to gratify the imagination of those who are fond of referring to antiquity. osl address these reflections to foresters, naturalists, painters of rural scenery, the local authorities of every nation. I request them to measure the old trees with which they may be sur- rounded, by the plans which I have proposed. All those who have any means of publishing their results will act wisely in printing them immediately, the only kind of register which at present is destined to endure indefinitely. As to those who have no facility in publishing, I offer to receive their observations, and to register them in their names, either in this collection, or in a particular work on the age of trees, materials for which I have already collected. Those travellers who may not h^ix^' ficiently acquainted with botany, so as to designate the tree by the correct name, will do well to join to their measurements a dried specimen of a branch in flower, which will serve as a label. Those people who could send some specimens of the wood along with them, which might aid in ascertaining the rate of their growth, would afford means which might be of use in verifying and comparing them. — Bib. Un.'MaS. 1831. ON THE COLOUR OF THE ATMOSPHERE AND DEEP WATER, BH, the Count Xavier de Mmstbe, The blue colour of the heavens is usually explained on the supposition that the light of the sun, when reflected from the surface of the. earth, is not entirely transmitted by the atmo- sphere and lost in space, but that the molecules of the air reflect and disperse the blue ray ; but no reason is assigned for this ray being reflected in preference to the indigo or violet rays, whicH^^ are more refrangible, and appear to be more easily reflected. '^:^ The same blue reflection is observed in the deep waters of the ' sea ; and in those of lakes and rivers when in a limpid state. But these fluids are not the only substances which present this singular phenomenon ; it is also found in bodies of a differei(i^^* nature, and which appear to have no analogy to each other^.jf OpaHne substances have generally a blue reflection *, and the < • The reflected colours which confer so tntich value on precious opal, have On the Colour of the Atmosphere and Deep Water, 349 same thing is observed in some other siliceous stones, although it is still more remarkable in opaline glasses ; a weak solution of soap produces the same appearance, and it is more striking in the jelly of the fish of Astracan, while an infusion of the bark of the chestnut is perfectly opaline. Newton mentions a kiad of wood which he calls nephritic, an infusion of which is opaline. Lastly, the amber found in the Sicilian sea, at the mouth of the Giarreta (the ancient Simcethus) is greatly prized on ac- count of the opaline property, which it possesses in the highest perfection *. A blue reflection is observed in certain bodies which are white and opaque, when they are reduced to a sufficient thinness to transmit the light ^ a familiar example of this occurs in the skin that covers the veins, which is blue, although neither the skin nor the blood are of that colour. Finally, the mixture of white with black, and with transpa- rent colouring substances in painting, present numerous exam- ples of the pi;o4uction of opaline blue, which shall be afterwards described, .^r .>.i, .djwoi^ This blue colour is the only one which admits of being ex- plained on the theory of thin plates, supposing that the particles of opaline bodies are of the size requisite for reflecting blue. This explanation becomes probable when it is considered that, the colour transmitted by these bodies is the yellow comple- mentary of the reflected blue ; but the object of this essay is only to point out the phenomenon in the substances which produce it, and to describe the effects, without admitting the truth of this theory, to which there are considerable objections. The examination of opaline substances, and their action on the light that is reflected and transmitted, will shew clearly the analogy which exists between their colours and those observed in the air and in water^ and will prove that the same cause pro- duces the phenomenon in all bodies where it occurs. , mmr, -ni i In preparing opaline glass, the powder of calcined bones is •' been attributed to natural iissures. This was the opinion of the celebrated Hatty. ,. ,, . • One oi^ the tributaries of the Giarreta flows at the fh«t of Etna; and - this modification of amber, which does not occur elsewhere, is no doubt owing to the influence of the volcano. It is likewise found in this place of a ruby red colour, as well as green and black. 350 On th£ Cdcnir of the Atmosphere and Deep Water, mixed in the ordinary paste of white glass, in such quantity as to produce in the mass a shght bluish tinge, without altering materially its transparency ; this powder appears in a state of extreme division, or as if it had undergone a slight degree of so- lution, which does not disperse the transmitted light. The colour of the light transmitted by opahne bodies, varies according to their size ; it is yellow if the body is thin, and be- comes successively orange and red as the thickness is increased. The analogy between the air and opaline substances is not only shewn by the blue reflection, but also by their action on the transmitted light, which becomes successively yellow, orange, and red, according to the volume of air that transmits it, and the nature of the aqueous vapours with which it is impregnated. When the sun is risen above the horizon, and his light traverses the purest and least dense part of the air, the rays are white, with a slight tinge of yellow ; as he sinks by degrees, they some- times appear yellow and orange ; and when the light falls aslant on the earth, and is transmitted by air of the greatest density, and charged with the vapours of the evening, they are perceived to be of a red colour, or even purple. But it often happens, that the colours are not observed, and the sun sets without producing them. It is not, therefore, to pure air alone that we must attribute the opaline property of the atmosphere, but to the mixture of air and aqueous vapour in a particular state which produces an effect analogous to that of the powder of calcined bones in opaline glass. Neither is it the quantity of water which the air contains that occasions these colours, for when it is very humid it is more transparent than it is in an opposite state, the distant mountains then appearing more distinct — a well known prognostic of rain — and the sun then sets without producing colours ; in the fogs and vapours of the morning, the light of the sun is white, but the red colour of the clouds at sunset is generally regarded as the forerunner of a fine day, because these colours are a proof of the dryness of the air, which then contains nothing more than the particular dis- seminated vapours to which it owes its opaline property. In this state of the air, the disk of the sun sometimes appears like a globe of fire, and deprived of rays. According to the nature of the vapours disseminated through 1 On the Colour of the Atmosphere and Deep Water. 351 the air, the sky is of a very variable blue, although the volume of air be always the same ; and what renders it certain that its blue colour is caused by these vapours is, that it appears black when seen from the high eminences of the globe, above which there is not sufficient vapour to reflect the blue. Limpid waters of sufficient depth reflect, like the air, a blue colour from their interior ; it is of a darker shade, because it is not intermingled with white rays ; frequently, indeed, it is not perceptible, the reflection of the surface, in which the sky and surrounding objects are painted as in a mirror, usually conceal- ing the interior colour, or forming composite tints by combining with it. We have seen that the property of producing colours pos- sessed by the air, is owing to the presence of aqueous vapour; and analogy may lead us to suppose, that the same property in water is to be ascribed to its mixture with the air which it con- tains. Although many causes, in general, conceal tlic blue colour of waters, it is occasionally displayed in all its intensity ; of this an example may be seen in the Rhone under the bridges of Geneva, where the river seems to be composed of ultramarine. The spectator is then in the most favourable situation for ob- serving the colours of water, free from the reflection at its sur- face, as far as is possible under an open sky. The agitation of the water, and the difference in the form of the waves, produce a change in its colour ; sometimes the tran- quil sea is seen to reflect the warm colours of the horizon, and to represent all the tints of a bright sky so exactly, that the sea and the sky seem to be confounded with each other ; . but if a slight breeze ruffle the surface, the blue tints immediately suc- ceed the brilliant tints in the places agitated ; all the inclined surfaces of the small waves, which no longer reflect the heaven to the eye of the spectator, permitting the interior colour of the water to be seen through them. It is this which causes the water of the Rhone to be distin- guished from those of the lake Leman ; the motion of the river in the still waters of the lake must necessarily produce some de- gree of agitation, and consequently diminish the brilliant reflec- tion of the sky, and render the colour of the water more appa» 352 On the Colour of the Atmosphere and Deep Water. rent. The green tint often assumed by the waters of the sea, may seem to render it doubtful whether the property of reflect- ing blue is inherent in the nature of water ; but this green hue is never observed but when the sea is not of sufficient depth, that is to say, when the bottom reflects the transmitted light. On looking at the sea from an eminence of about fifty toises, on the shore of the island of Capri, I observed some portions which were of a more beautiful green and greater briUiancy than the surrounding water ; to ascertain the cause, I went to the spot in a boat. On reaching the margin of the sea, these portions were no longer distinguishable, but they soon reap- peared, and I perceived that the colour was produced by white rocks, which were easily seen notwithstanding the great depth, as they lay on a bed of dark sand ; the rocks, thus seen in a ver- tical direction, were of a less intense green than they appeared to be from above, but I could not doubt that they were the cause of the phenomenon in question. In order to assure myself of this by direct experiment, I pre- pated a square plate of white-iron, 14 English inches on the side, painted with white lead. Having suspended this horizon- tally to a line, I sunk it in a deep part of the sea where the water under my boat was blue without any mixture of green, following it with my eyes under the shade of an umbrella held over my head. At the depth of 25 feet, it had taken a very perceptible tinge of green ; this colour gradually became darker to the depth of 40 feet, when it was of a beautiful green inclin- ing to yellow ; at 60 feet the tint was the same, but of a deeper shade ; the form of the plate was now no longer distinguishable, and at 80 feet I saw only a greenish glimmer which soon disap- peared. We see, therefore, that the light of the sun, transmitted by the water of the sea and reflected by a white surface, produces a green colour. The cause of this is easily perceived, by ad- mitting the existence of the same opaline property in deep water that is found in the air. The light, after having penetrated a mass of water of 100 feet to reach the plate and return to the surface, must appear yellow like that transmitted by an opaline liquor ; this colour reflected by the plate, mingling with the blue of the interior, produces the green colour. If the bottom On the Colour of the Atrnoftphere and Deep Water. 353 of the sea was white, the waters near the margin would present the same green tint which the white plate produced at different depths ; but the bottom is usually of a dark grey which reflects the light imperfectly, and can give rise only to dark and inde- terminate shades of green ; it is therefore to the reflection of the bottom that the green colour of the sea near the shores is to be ascribed. In order to leave no doubt on this matter, and to confirm an observation often made before, I took a boat and proceeded from the shore, during a fine sunshine in July, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon, with the view of examining at- tentively the changes which should take place in the colour of the water, while looking under the boat on the side opposite the sun. At about fifty toises from the shore, the water was of a de- cided green, and this tint continued for a quarter of an hour; it then became of a bluish-green ; as we advanced the blue gradu- ally predominated ; and after sailing an hour the water under the boat was of a fine blue, without the least mixture of green. While returning, I was careful to observe the reappearanci^ of the green, and when I found the tint well defined, I ascer- tained the depth, by sounding, to be 150 feet; the light of the sun which produced the green colour- had thus to traverse 300 feet of water. But in this part of the gulf, another cause contributes to produce the green colour, viz. the impurity of the water for several miles along the shore. This will not excite surprise when it is considered that the sea of Naples receives no river that can give rise to any motion in its waters, and that all the filth of this populous town is thrown into it. On the shores of the island of Capri the sea is perfectly blue at the depth of 80 feet, because it is always pure ; while near Naples it was green at 150 feet — a difference which can only be attributed to the im- purity of the water near the town at the time the. observation was made. Water, however, may be blue at a much smaller depth than 80 feet, provided the bottom be black or of a very sombre hue, so as not to reflect the transmitted light. If some obstacle intercept the direct rays of the sun, in such a manner that the bottom is thrown into the shade, while the water itself continues exposed to the light, the latter will be VOL. XV. KO. XXX. OCTOBER 1833. Z 354 On the Colour qf the Atmosphere and Deep Water. blue, because its colour will not be affected by the yellow reflec- tion from the bottom ; this may take place in deep rivers^ when their banks throw a shade on the bottom. Thus, the depth of the bottom, and its colour, may occasion variations in the colour of the sea ; and it may be regarded as an established fact, that when the light of the sun, transmitted by the waters, is not lost in their depth, but reflected from the bottom, the sea will assume a tint of green. In the high seas this effect may be produced by beds of sub- marine plants, or by those myriads of microscopic molluscae which often cover a vast Space, and which may act on the lighty or even possess in the mass a slight permanent colour. ->- ^^ ' Colours transmitted by deep waters cannot be observed di- rectly, like those of the air, which are depicted in the clouds. !A single observation is recorded on this subject. The learned Halley, having descended into the sea in a diving-bell, observed that a ray of the sun which penetrated to him across an opening, closed with glass, tinged the back of his hand with rose-colour. The experiment would have been more conclusive for the prob- lem to be solved, had the ray fallen on a white surface ; the red- ^dish hue of the hand must necessarily have had an influence on the observed colour. It is not probable that he had descended inore than 30 or 40 feet ; but at this depth the colour of the transmitted light could only be a scarcely perceptible shade of yellow, mingled with shades of white, and this, in connexion with the colour of the hand, might appear to be a rose tint. Halley observed that the under side of his hand was of a green colour, which was rib doubt owing to the reflexion of the bottom. The contrast of this green light, with which he was surround- ed, with the colour produced by the isolated ray on his hands, , might contribute to th^ illusion which I suppose^ hirti to have ^^'been under. ^'^*- The cause of the greenish-blue colour of the crevices in the "^^Ia6ieirs'id the same as that which renders the waters green near •'*^the shore. If the mass of the glacier were as large and homo- ' igeneous as that of the sea^ the interior of the crevices would be blue ; but the ice contains bubbles of air, particles of snow, and fissures, which reflect the light, and throw it from one face to another of the crevice, till it is transmitted to the opening; these On the Colour of the Attnosphere and Deep Water. 355 epaque particles produce the same effect in the glacier as the white plate and the bottom of the sea. On the shore of the island of Capri, there is a grotto which Nature seems to have constructed to shew the blue colour of the sea in all its beauty, and which, for that reason, bears the name oi grotte d'azur ; it i? situate under a rock, on the north side pf the island. As it cannot be entered by a boat of ordi- nary dimensions, it remained unknown till the month of August 1826, when two Prussian artists, MM, Kopitch and Frisi, swam into it, and examined it. Their description having excited the curiosity of the public, boats of suitable dimensions were con- structed, for conveying amateurs into the interior. The entrance to the grotto is four feet five inches English in height, and about the same width, nearly in the shape of an equilateral triangle, one of the sides of which is formed by the sea. The summit is rounded, and by no means wide, so that it is passed by a slight inclination of the head, when we enter into a spacious grotto, the roof of which is remarkably regular, as well as the wall which supports it. Its extent, measured from the entrance to the landing-place opposite, is 125 English feet in the direction from north to so^uih, while it is 145 feet from east to west. The depth of the water under the entrance is 67 feet, in the middle of the grotto it is 62^ and near the landing- place 58 feet^33^3^ yhoik^s^ ^ ylno bfro id: . The rock is calcareous, of a light grey colour in the fracture, and there is no appearance of stratification. On entering all appears pbscure, except the water, which is bright and of a brilliant blue, contrasted with the general ob- scurity. Our constant experience of seeing the light come from the sky, is no doubt one of the causes of surprise produced by this pacu'liar blue light issuing from the depths of the sea. Advancing towards the end of the cave, while the boat is still in the direction of the entrance, the end of the white oars shines in the water with a bright blue light, which disappears as soon as they are raised. This is the most remarkable phenomenon which the azure grotto presents; for it is not easy to understand ^hy objects are fio brightly illuminated in the water, and no longer so immediately above tlie surface. When the hand or a cloth is plunged into the water, one would believe that it was 356 On the Colour of the Atmosphere and Deep Water. dipt into a blue tincture ; the immersed part is bright and co- loured, while that out of the water is obscure and retains its lo- cal colour. The landing-place is at the end of the grotto, on a small space level with the water, formed by the rock ; it is the only spot in the grotto that could be supposed to be the work of hu- man hands. The spectator then ascends to a second ledge of rock, about three feet in elevation, and forming a commodious station for several persons : it is from this point that the pheno- mena presented by the azure grotto are best observed *. The small entrance admits a stream of white light, which re- sembles the reflection of the rising moon from the surface of the sea, and reaches to the middle of the sheet of water; all the rest of the surface is blue up to the feet of the spectator. This co- lour gradually diminishes on the right, where the walls of the grotto are most distant from the entrance. The white light al- luded to illuminates the roof sufficiently to shew its natural co- lour ; but when the entrance is obstructed by a boat, or what is better still, when it is wholly covered up by a dark curtain, the roof itself is bluish ; the effect is similar to that produced by the flame of spirits of wine in a dark room : there is then no other light than that which issues from the water. The experiment with the curtain, which is very easily performed, ought to be omitted by none who wish to see the spectacle in all its beauty. When a spectator sees from the landing-place a boat pass be- fore him, it causes no reflexion, and throws no shade on the water. If he then put his hand upon his eyes in such a manner that he sees nothing but the water and the boat, the latter will appear suspended in the air, like a black silhouette, traversing the sky. This efi^ect is so striking when seen for the first time, that one cannot avoid experiencing a feeling ^<^f^ uneasiness for the indi- viduals who afford the spectacle. , .,;, In the dark place towards the right, whith I have already mentioned, the water is not blue, but is remarkably transpa- rent. The rock under the water is seen by a feeble light, • Beyond this landing-place the grotto communicates with a natural gal- lery, about 100 feet in length before it becomes too narrow to admit of pass- ing. From the entrance to this gallery a view of the blue water is obtained across two arcades separated by a pillar ; it is from this point that many ar- tists have taken views of the grotto. On the Colour of the Atmosphere and Deep Water. 357 sufficient, however, to shew the inequalities of its surface to a considerable depth, while above the water it is very obscure. The line of the level of the sea in contact with the rock is like- wise well marked, and bears some resemblance to the phenome- non of the oars, which were luminous when in the water and dark above its surface ; but here the feeble light has a yellowish tinge, instead of being bright and blue as in that instance. The depth seems to increase according to the degree of attention with which it is observed, and the bottom is soon discovered, al- though in this place it is at the depth of forty feet. The white plate which I sank was easily distinguishable on the dark sand. Its colour, instead of being green, as in the experiment made in the sunshine, was slightly yellow. The feeble yellow light which illuminates the submarine wall, in this part pf the grotto, is derived from the reflexion of the bottom, and from that part of the opposite wall which receives the light from without. This light, which has traversed a great mass of water, must be yellow, like that which is transmitted by opaline liquors ; thus the opaline property of the sea explains, in a satisfactory manner, the principal phenomena to which the particular construction of the grotto gives rise. I have attempt- ed to give an idea of this construction, by means of the subjoined figure, which represents the exterior rock in the sea, and above the surface. '"^ ^'"'"^ ' '^^ "[ '^^''^''' ''^'''''^^''^ ^'^^ '^^* ' i i ar\ h h r-f^p^iftei on ? 1 \ I nini i ^ The small entrance is at a, above the level of the water, which is represented by the line bhb- The eastern side of this entrance is continued almost perpendicularly downwards" for SO or^40 feet; there it appears to be cut horizontally 2X d\d^ and sus- pended in the dark blue waters of the sea; c^ ^ c is the supposed continuation of the eastern side of the entrance to the bottom, which, as has been seen, is 67 feet in depth. The western side of the entrance yyy* forms an angle of 10 or 1^ feet deep; it then continues in a horizontal direction for 20 or 25 feet, af- 358 On the Colour of the Atmosphere and Deep Water. ter which it descends obliquelyj probably to the bottom of the sea, where the eyes cannot follow it beyond 30 or 40 feet. This construction gives an immense opening for the light to penetrate into the grotto across the water, even when the small opening above the level of the water is closed, and thus occa- sions, in a great mass of water, that dispersion of the blue ray which always takes place in deep and limpid waters, and which appears most conspicuously in the azure grotto, because it is not mingled with any other light.* After having considered the opaline property of the air and waters, let us make some inquiries into the production of opa- Hne blue in opaque bodies. We have formerly mentioned the blue tint observed in the fine skin with which the veins are covered. Leonard de Vinci alludes to this phenomenon, which is entirely owing to the opa- line property of the skin. Let us examine the conditions neces- sary to produce it. ( To be concluded in next Number. ) NOTICE OF BOTANICAL EXCURSIONS INTO THE HIGHLANDS OF SCOTLAND FROM EDINBURGH THIS SEASON, 1833. By Br GrabjM.,^ ' ' ' " In the end of June, Mr Brand, Mr Munby, and Mr James Macnab, spent a few days in Clova, and found, in addition to the plants already known as natives of that interesting district, Arbutus alpina, on the top of the mountain opposite to the vil- lao-e of Kirkton. This is an unexpected addition to the Flora of that range, and shews still further the impropriety of hastily discarding from the natives of a particular district, plants which have not recently been found in it ; for I feel convinced, that I, and others, have passed within a few yards of the station where these gentlemen found the Arbutus, yet never saw it there. Favoured with the company of a number of friends, devoted to various branches of natural history, and some of them emi- • It may be recommended to travellers to examine the colour of the wa- ter in our sea-caves, particularly those on the coast of Sutherland, some of which have the situation, form and dimensions of the azure grotto of Capri. — Edit. Botanical Excursions into the Highlands in 1833. 359 nent in such pursuits, I left Newhaven on board the steam-boat on the morning of the 30th of July, and landed at Invergordon on the evening of the 31st. From Invergordon we walked to Bonar Bridge, the place of rendezvous for those whose avocations or inclinations had carried them' by different routes. Thence we proceeded by Oikel, Inchandamf, Kylestrome, Scourie, Bad- nam Bay, Laxford, Riconich, Durness, Erribol, Casheldhu, Tongue, and Farr ; returning through Strath Naver to Aultna- harrow, Lairg, Golspie, Tain, Invergordon, and Inverness. The following are among the plants which we observed as most rare in the district we visited— omitting many of those which I have already noticed in this Journal (1825 and 1827) as found on former excursions. Arenaria rubella. — I found a single specimen of this plant somewhere on Ben Hope in 1827, and again in tolerable quantity on the point of one cliff this season. Calluna vulgaris — The hoary variety of this plant' is most abundant on the hills between Invergordon and Bonar Bridge. The variety with white blossoms occurred occasionally throughout the whole route, but not more commonly than on other heaths. Carex filiformis — we found frequent in the subalpine bogs, especially at Oikel, Laxford, Riconich, Loch Naver, and on the moor south of Aultnahar. row. Carex paniceay var. phcBostachpa I found this plant on Specanconich, and think there is no doubt of its specific identity with C. panicea. Carex pulla — I found at a considerable elevation on the east side of Ben More, Assynt, of its usual form, very different in size from the giant speci- mens of Clova. Carex rari/lora This Carex, hitherto confined to Clova, Mr Macnab first ob- served near Oikel. I afterwards found it by the road opposite the west side of Ben Hope ; and Mr Tyacke found it at the base of Ben LoyaL In 1825, Mr Home and I found it in Batcall Moss, between Riconich and Old Shore. I then considered it to be C. limosa, and I still am in- clined to agree with those botanists who can see no good specific distinc- tions between C. rarijloraj C. limosa, and C. irrigua. Cladium Mariscus — The late Mr John Mackay found this plant in Galloway; and Mr Don found it many years ago in the Bog of Restennet, near For- far ; but it has not been known to exist in any other station in Scotland, till we found it in large quantity, but very sparingly in flower, in a marsh by the road-side, about half-way between Kylestrome and Batcall Church. CraUeffus oxyacantha. — ^Woody plants are rare in the west of Sutherland, and I only saw one bush of this on a rock at Loch Assynt. Cytisus scoparius — We did not see this plant in the western parts of Suther- land, nor at all along the north coast, till we reached Borgie Bridge, 360 Botanical Excursions into t/ie Highlands in 1883. above which we saw one patch. We found it again scattered sparingly through Strath Naver. It is plentiful upon the east coast. Draha rupestris — This plant, hitherto confined to Cairngorum and Ben Lawers, was found by Mr Macnab on Ben Hope. Erica cinerea, flor. alb — This variety we met with occasionally, but not more commonly fhan on other heaths. • d bogs throughout the route. , Vtricularia minor. — Much less common tl^'^ last species, but existing oc- casionally in the lakes, l^ound in flower only once in a small pool near the base of Speckanconich, Assynt, by Mr PamelL Vicia sylvatica — This was picked by Mr Campbell and Mr Stables in Free Vater, north of Ross-shire, the only station in which it was observed. Among the rare plants of the north and west of Sutherlandshire, I ought not to omit the mention of common winter Wheat. The first experiment in the cultivation of this grain has been tried this year at Balnakiel, the farm of the late Mr Dunlop, in the parish of Durness, upon the shore, ten miles east of Cape Wrath. The field was sown during last winter, is an excellent crop, and will,.! suppose,, be reaped about the middle of September. A Vi^'-im ir/< *tn f<7>^'j oril to ni'/Kc.t'qSw mm moil 6" B b b' B h // 6" p" ^JE b" 0 ( 364 ) A SKETCH OF THE TERTIARY FORMATION IN THE PROVINCE OF GRANADA. By C. SiLVERTOP, Retired Brigadier in the Service of H. C. M., K. of the R, and D. O. of Charles III., and F, G. S. With Plates, Communicated by the Author,* The tertiary deposits discontinuously spread over the province of Granada, are naturally and geographically divided into two portions, — the littoral, and the inland, — by the intervening moun- tainous district of primary and secondary rocks, which I have termed the Sierra Nevada Chain. At the southern base of this chain, along the line of the Me- diterranean coast from Malaga to Cartagena, wherever the older rocks that compose it do not descend to the shore, as well as in some transversal valleys that terminate in this inland sea, nume- rous patches and little tracts belonging to the tertiary formation may be seen. These constitute the littoral position of the de- posit The inland position will embrace the different tracts to the north of the same Sierra Nevada chain, or in the interior of the province of Granada, where beds of similar origin have been ob- served, and will be subsequently noticed in the same order. Littoral Portion of the Tertiary Deposit in the Province of Granada^ or Line of Coast frcmi Malaga to Cartagena, Various beds full of tertiary organic remains are observed in the immediate vicinity, and in the neighbourhood of Malaga ; 1^^, contiguous to the higher part of the town ; ^dly.^ between three and four miles up a mountain stream, called the Guada- medina, which separates Malaga from its suburb, and then enters the Mediterranean ; and, Sdly, up a transversal valley or estuary, which I shall call the Valley of Malaga, that terminates in the Mediterranean between this city and the village of Churiana, about eight miles distant towards the south west. For the sake of perspicuity, I shdldividjs. these beds jtnto. two • This memoir was read before the Geological Society of London, but withdrawn, by permission of the President and Council^ ff]^,jp^bJU(£»tion in this Journal ,a,;T9li!>i.;.. Tertiary Formation in the Province of Granada, 365 groups; 1^^, or lowest group; 2d!, or superior group. (See sec- tion 1. Plate II.) 1. Lowest group : consists of a brownish yellow and dark bluish-grey coloured tenacious clay. 2. Superior group : consists of alternating horizontal beds of sand, coarse sandstone, sandy loam, marl, and conglomerate. 1. Lowest Group. — Contiguous to the northern higher part of Malaga, and confined towaids the east and north by the moun- tainous district which borders the Mediterranean, and towards the west by the Rio Guadamedina, there is a small open tract, in a portion of which, near the convent of La Vittoria, exten- sive excavations for brick-earth have been made in the argillace- ous deposit belonging to this group. The upper part of the deposit consists of a light- coloured brownish-yellow argillace- ous marl, from 12 to 16 feet thick, the lower portion of a dark- ish bluish-grey coloured tenacious clay, which has been pene- trated to the depth of 50 feet. There is an admixture of fine sand throughout the deposit, in the lower part of which it is in a small, but in the upper in a considerable quantity. A waving irregular line, distinguishable from the different shades of colour of the upper and lower part of the deposit, may be distinctly followed by the eye ; but at other points near Malaga, where this argillaceous group is seen, the upper portion is of variable thickness, and sometimes entirely wanting, so that the subjacent dark- coloured clayey mass is exposed at the surface. Irregular veins of selenite, from two inches to half an inch thick, are occa- sionally seen passing in straight or undulating lines through both portions of the deposit, from the base to the top of the escarp- ments formed by the workings. The most abundant and characteristic shell of this argillaceous mass, is the Pecten Pleurenectes *, of various sizes of from three inches to half an inch in diameter. One resembling P. corneus, but longer, Dentalia natica, Triton nodiferum, identical with • Mr Deshayes, who did me the favour to examine some of the fossils from this bed, identified Pecten pleurenectes, Dentalium sexangulare, Natica can- rina, Natica llillwgrii-payr. ■ ' Mr Sowerby identified, amongst other specimens, Pecten cornus, varietas, and Triton nodiferum. /f^^^"^ ^ 366 Brigadier Silvertop's Sketch of the Tertiary Formation that now existing in the Mediterranean, and many fragments of Ostrea. No vegetable or animal remains could be discovered, nor, as I was informed, had any such been found at this loca- lity. Part of the town of Malaga is built upon this argillaceous deposit, through which wells are sunk into a subjacent bed of sand, where water is found. This member of the tertiary may also be seen in some escarp- ments on the left bank of the Guadamedina, which, as above stated, bounds the little tract under consideration towards the west ; and two miles up this stream from Malaga, there is a con- siderable patch of it, in which vertebral bones (probably of the Delphinus, as will afterwards be seen) were discovered in making an excavation for a pond. On the left bank of the Guadamedina, I have not observed this argillaceous bed at any other point. The remaining higher un- dulating ground of the little tract immediately under considera- tion, belongs to the tertiary beds of group 2d, (see sect. 1. PL II.) But, on the opposite or western bank of this stream, it is exten- sively developed over an open, hilly, ravined tract that borders the mountainous country towards the north, and terminates southwards in a large horizontal flat, along the Mediterranean shore, between Malaga and Churiana. From this tract, which may be stated to be enclosed by the Guadamedina and Guadal- horce rivers, it may be followed, in an irregular manner, for six- teen miles up the estuary or Valley of Malaga, to a village called Alaurin el Grande, where, in consequence of its being worked for brick-earth, another fine opportunity is presented of observ- ing the organic remains that have been entombed in its mass. (See sect. % PI. II.) Alaurin el Grande, a remarkably neat clean little village, sur- rounded by orchards of fruit-trees, is situated at the base of the Sierra de Mijas, which bounds the Valley of Malaga towards the W. S. W., and contiguous to the village, which is about eighteen miles distant from Malaga, and, between 900 and 1000 feet above the level of the Mediterranean, there is a small tract on the slope of the adjoining mountain-ridge to the valley, where the excavations for brick-earth, just alluded to, have been made. The workings are carried on by perpendicular shafts, generally tJ^VOf.f-il) 9(f F)IuOJ ■=- Tf, K>[ Bid^ fa bnuoi (isiiff .■-r,dj ij-gcIeM l.aoJT rrrjtjjij^ 'iff J .jfj :■■' 'T98cJoion ovfiff I ^rafbe>ffi£h/jrj ' ^.Tf V. >trt..J ibienoD T3bna /f^^tiiibomm' JOBit ebjil tn.j lo bnuoig gnbu'i 'nffr!'.3t bar t .fiR'ncjliboM 4dr "^ n\l>i ^.^r ;0 9di V. "^ 9d oj *.';;;. ?r -*;; v V u oJ ^j^gfilfiM "to ^ITji V ^TBjjias adj ' "^•^ h^jnoPS'K} «f ^(^Jinoiioqqo snB i9d:toixe ;dj.. ^ iv^ioifjas a99d S^bK lcd.t Mr, fBrri9ixi^n*VQn« )di*to o>^H or!? tB bM?jiu3:8 gi\8s*yiJ-)iijill[o rfbiBrif*io {<) i rtM 'to ^(siIbV sriJ ebnuod rfoiftw ^B\iM. oh ^r\ n : j^ jisoui. ci djfdw jSgRifivsdi qteuoD^E^hnoobdB^///^ .fe W >^'0i 0I1J5 OOG flo^^J'KJ ^baB cBi^BbM moi; Jiiij^arh - *1 ^> iMin5 lining s ^i Qiadi ,nBi^aA.n9jfb^M 3dJ lo fevsLo' ' .dt o1 9gbri umtnuoiti giiintoj^bfi sdi lo yqcle 'ni* »:> cSvtlfida ifiluoibflsqidv-} yd i.o b^mso snfi b^ijTiow id'" PLATE 11 . IldinrnewFhU.Jour. Vol.XVj). syy. South. Medit^Sea. Cementerie. Seen en 1. Detris. IT^ortk. ,{^.n. fc (ruada Medina E . Malaga Group. 1 Guaddl y^^^a de Tertiary r^ — v , JffreeJi. Carlama. •■'" i :?• • :>:n :,^^^-« f Serpentine. \ Seel. 5. '>f^8 OJ Of god i Tertiary. . . , v* ^, , ., .Ormp. i T-sTjrntr lino'job daijixty* iliiw bsuti p^nj^do sib ^.biuoju Grcnp. TIT" G XI7" TJ' 3? e Mj^Vt/ , .» # ^^__^ (_Q ; y_ Tertiarj. '^ J S. Medil?Sea Li o'iB gakfns'i ainsgio onnBCff yTijIjiot ,kg' Cerrc de \ Zc^ Ca.vlptes. i> - Tx *; a Convent of S.Ant . Cerro de \ \ ^L^ltcirL ,yfJfI9/ to ^jnofrlrjiqc TJ-i^ San Anion. \ ^ i'>u ■ ',fj^r^^'7'fr^''p -"^ Itedii'^Sea. Jlnnl, I'lvm 3fa/i/f/0 To Vfli'i. Malaga 1/k Mdil^Sea. Tertiary Sea. 7. Gairifts. Sierra de | J'ran-^ritiojt Idine Slene . \ EiyS SanFedrff. \ t f, T^^tfr^tfov ofi /'// \ in the F^rovhice of Granada. 369 evtfr, appeftr« ta be distinguislied by |>eculiar or characteristic or- gai>ic remains. The shelly conglomerate masses that belong to this group are often seen in the form of short intcrrii})ted projecting banks, one of which may be observed near a path road that leads from Malaga to a high hill called El Cerro de los Angeles, about a mile from the town. But the principal conglomerate beds exist several miles up the valley of Malaga, firsts near the village of Alauriaejo) op the road to Alaurin el Grande, and secondly, in the vicinity of the villages of La Pirrara and Arola. A hilly baspd of this conglomerate, in which tertiary shells are met with, extend^ frooi n^i jAlaurinejo to the south-eastern end of the Sierra de Cartama (a short insulated ridge of transition rocks in the central longitudinal course of the estuar^^ of Malaga) About a uiile distant from it, the argillaceous deposit of group 1. forms the banks of a deep ravine at a much lower level than this con- glomerate band, and thus brings nearly into contact the two groups of the tertiary formation, so as to prove their order of superposition. In the high insulated hills of conglomerate near La Pirrara and Arola, I did not observe any organic remains, but the superposition of these beds to the argillaceous deposit of group 1, which may l?e seen near La Pirrara, countenances the belief that they belong to the suj^ei-ior portion of the tertiary formation in the neighbourhood of Malaga. (See Section 4. PI IL) The argillaceous deposit, or group 1. of the tertiary beds, has been noticed at Alaurin el Grande. Zoological evidence ex- ists to prove that the superior beds of this formation, or those belonging to group % have also extended as far as this village. Ostrese in great abundance, of the same extraordinary size, and with similar long hinges as those stated to be found in the upper tertiary beds near Malaga, are met with close to Alaurin el Grande on the slope from the base of the Sierra di Mijos to the valley. They are seen in groups in the superior stratum of al- luviun^ about a mile to the east of the village, and it is evident, from their high state of preservation and their position, that they belong to a deposit superior to, and more modern, than that in which the varipus mariae remains described were disco- vered at about an equal distance to the west of Alaurin. In se- VOL. XV. NO. XXX, OCTOBER 1833. A a 370 Brigadier Silvertop> Sketch of the Tertiary Formaticyn veral of the small islets along the coast to the east of Malaga, as well as on the banks of some of the ravines by which torrents in the rainy season xiescend to the Mediterranean from the conti- guous mountainous district, small patches belonging to the su- perior portion of the tertiary formation, or to group 2, may be observed. About a mile from Malaga, on the Velez-Malaga road, there is a little inlet or ravine called La Caleta, which forms the bed of a stream that descends from the mountainous country towards the north, and here enters the shingle of the Mediterranean shore. Proceeding up this ravine for a few hundred yards, its low banks being first of all composed of detritus, with an occa- sional projecting rock of greywacke, a path leads from it to an old fort constructed on a hill at a short distance from its left bank. The bank at this point, little elevated above the bed of the ravine, is formed of gravelly sandy marl, containing pectens. Fifty yards up the ascent "towards the fort, a mass of sandy marl is observed full of pectens, balani, and fragments of ostreae. This mass takes in places a conglomerate character, from an ad- mixture of fragments of different rocks consolidated in the for- mer by a ferruginous cement, and contains similar shells, but they are generally broken. Tertiary beds were not observed higher up than this point, the path in the ascent beyond the fort getting upon secondary red sandstone crowned by nummulite limestone. Descending to and proceeding higher up the ravine, a little cir- cular basin is soon reached, filled up with a deposit of yellow- ish sandy marl full of tertiary organic remains, bounded on one side by the high hill upon which the castle of Malaga stands, and on the other by a still higher hill termed El Cerro de San Cristobal. In an escarpment this low tract forms to the ravine testaceous remains in abundant, and in an excellent state of pre- servation, some of them partially retaining their colour. The predominating shells are small pectens, but a Dentalium^ a Tro- chus, and some fragments of ostreae were also collected. . The road from Malaga to tlie point where this ravine was entered, is bounded towards the north by the hill upon which its old castle stands, and towards the south by the beach of the Mediterranean. In passing this road, which leads to Velez- Malaga, and for the next two miles is confined towards the north in the Province of Granada. 371 by a hill composed of red sandstone, containing a thick bed of gypsum, resting upon greywacke, and capped by secondary nummulite limestone, a considerable semicircular open space is crossed that slopes down from the more retired mountainous district to a horizontal flat contiguous to the shore. In the higher part of this open tract several patches were observed, composed of beds of soft marly sandstone, and of arenaceous marl, full of pectens ; but they are insulated, and without continuity for more than twenty or thirty yards. Another patch of the upper tertiary deposit was observed in ascending from this tract to the Convento San Anton, situated at the base of a high hill of nummulite limestone, characterised by two projecting peaks. This is the most elevated patch of the tertiary formation I have met with in the immediate neighbourhood of Malaga, and it contains many perfectly preserved shells of the Cardium genus, identical with those now found in the land of the Port of Malaga. The sec- tion 5. Pi. -II. will give an idea of the situation of this fragment of tertiary origin, the line of section being nearly from south to north, and intersecting, in the first part of its course, a group of hills called Los Cantales, formed of nummulite limestone, resting upon red sandstone, in which the open tract above alluded to terminates towards the east. In this patch-like manner httle fragments of the tertiary order continue to be seen along the line of coast between Malaga and Velez-Malaga, on the slope of the mountainous district to the Mediterranean shore ; but, before reaching the latter town, which is twenty miles distant from Malaga, there is a more con- tinuous little tract belonging to this formation which will soon be noticed. The last locality in the vicinity of Malaga I shall cite, where beds belonging to this superior part of the tertiary formation, or to group 2, hav6 been observed, is about two miles from the town, up the Rio Guadamedena, and they may be traced for a couple of miles farther into the mountainous district towards the north. They appear to be the discontinuous prolongation of those stated to form the higher part of the tract contiguous to Malaga, where excavations have been made in the subjacent ar- gillaceous deposit for brick -earth, and contain ostrcre, balani, and pectens, like the former. A a2 S12 Brigadier Silvertop's Sketch of tJte Tertiart/ Formation In terminating this slight notice of the tertiary formation iiv the vicinity of Malaga, it is important to mention, that the sea, for many years, has been retiring from the line of coast. Within the memory of men now Uving, vessels anchored where a por- tion of the town of Malaga, and its beautiful Alameda, bordered by two lines of splendid houses, are situated. The site of the old sea-gate, El Puerto del Mar, and parts or fragments of the Moorish wall, formerly washed by the waters of the Mediterra- nean, are still more retired from the present shore. Velez-Malaga, — In following the coast-road easterly from Malaga, this is the first little town met with, at the distance of about twenty miles from the former. Five miles before reach- ing Velez-Malaga, the road passes a fort called El Castillo del Marquez, built upon the beach, between which and the moun- tainous district towards the north, there is a httle low interven- ing tract belonging to the tertiary formation. The beds that form it consist of a hard quartzose sandstone, often taking a conglomerate character, and abounding in pectens, fragments of ostreae, balani, and some other shells, which is quarried, and sup- plied the material for building the great mole at Malaga. Other tertiary beds iiear Velez-Malaga are made up of sand and com- minuted shells loosely consolidated together, shelly conglomerate and sandy loam. Pursuing the road to A^elez-Malaga, a group of mica-slate hills, which here come down to the beach, is crossed, after which the latter is bordered for some distance by a considerable and high eminence, formed of tertiary beds, from whose summit there is a long gradual slope inland, or towards the north. Along a sort of hollow, consequently, formed between this ter- tiary eminence towards the south, and the mountainous district of mica-slate, progressively increasing in elevation towards the north, the road proceeds towards Velez-Malaga, and at a point where it makes a bend, and commences its descent to the Rio de Velez, a curious instance of the immediate contact of two va- rieties of conglomerate rocks of very different ages and composi- tion was observed, which seems to argue the very modern date of the uppermost or superior tertiary beds, or of group 2, along this line of coast. in the Province of Granada. Ji73 The under portion of the escarpment consists of an in- ilurated earthy argillaceous conglomerate, made up of fra^i^ ments of mica-slate, talcose and other slates and quartz, in which there is not a single shell ; while the upper part of, the escarpment rests upon the conglomerate of old rocks, com- posed of a loamy mass, with rounded pieces of tertiary sand- stone, pebbles, and numerous tertiary shells, mostly Pectens, Chamae, Balani, and fragments of Ostreae. To the righi, or towards the south, is the last part of the slope of the high ter- tiary hill alluded to. This hill, which occupies a considerable area, and stands in- sulated along the coast line, rises to the height of about 250 feet above the level of the sea, and is something less than a mile dis- tant from the shore, to which it presents a high and singularly water-worn escarpment, worked out into recesses, caverns, and overpending rocks, of the most grotesque and capricious forms. It is composed of thick horizontal beds of comminuted shells, mixed with quartz-sand, occasionally passing into conglomerate, and alternating with others of sandstone conglomerate. The quantity of shells that have entered into the composition of this mass is immense, but they have been so triturated that few en- tire ones can be collected. Those I was able to obtain are a large Chama, small Pectens of various sizes, a Cardium edule, Balani, and fragments of Oslrea?. The slope of the hill terminates towards the north in a waving and gradually rising district of primary slate, upon which, in- land, no further vestige of these tertiary deposits is observed. — (See Sect. 6. PI. II.) Towards the east, it also presents consi- derable escarpments, from the base of which there is a rapid slope to a cultivated flat along the right bank of the Rio de Velez. On the opposite or left bank of this stream, there is a low open undulating tract, which has the appearance of having been, at some ancient epoch, a semicircular port or bay, surround- ed by an amphitheatre of primary mountains. In this tract is situated the ancient town of Velez-Malaga, about one mile from the Rio de Velez, and three miles from the Mediterranean. The general cover of this open area is composed of allu- vium, but the subjacent mica-slate occasionally projects into little hillocks, and a few small patches of tertiary origin were 374 Brigadier Silvertop's*9toc/A o/'^^^; Tertiary Formation observed. The tract is termed the Vega or Valley of Velez, and it is one of the favoured spots along the southern Mediter- ranean coast of Spain. Protected from the winds by its amphi- theatre of mountains, which gradually rise towards the north to the height of 8000 feet above the level of the sea, and irrigated by the waters of the rivulet above alluded to, vegetation a&sumes all the rapidity and luxuriance of meridional climates; and little woods of olive trees and fields of the finest wheat, alternate over its undulating surface with groves of the orange-tree and plan- tations of the sugar-cane, surrounded by fences of the bamboo, the aloe, and the nopal. The harvest of the sugar-cane was about to commence on my passing through Velez-Malaga in the month of February 1832 — the Sierra de Tejeda, not twenty miles distant towards the north, but the highest mountain in tbi& portion of the Sierra Nevada chain, was clothed in snow, and presented a singular and interesting contrast *. In following the Mediterranean coast from Velez-Malaga east- ward, few or no well characterized tertiary beds are observed until we arrive in the neighbourhood of Almeria, primary or transition slates immediately bordering the shore as far as Adra, with the exception of two little alluvial inlets or creeks cultivated with the sugar-cane, in which the seaport villages of Nerja and Almunejar are situated, and a more extensive flat surrounding the town of Motril. The large low horizontal tract or bend near Motril is formed of a sandy loam, cultivated principally with the cotton plant, with a few interspersed sugar-cane planta- tions. This deposit may perhaps be partially of tertiary origin, but no regular beds nor shells were observed. In all these in- stances, the immediate subjacent rock is mica-slate, or some va- riety of transition slate. It may be remarked here, that the mica-slate in all the inter- val between Velez-Malaga and Almunejar is characterized by the presence of andalusite, generally imbedded in highly crys- talline glassy quartz. I collected some beautiful crystals of this mineral, as well as a few of kyanite, in the neighbourhood of Almunejar. * Mr Deshayes identified Pecten benedictus and a Pecten, nov. spec, which is also found at Perpignan, among the fossils from Velez-Malaga. in the Province qf Granada. 375 Fromi the little seaport of Adra, in the centre of which a group of highly inclined mica^slate may be observed, celebrated in the day for its extensive establishments connected with the lead trade, to the village of Roquetas, twenty-five miles distant, the McditeiTanean is bounded by an open flat tract, between^ three and four miles broad, which terminates, to the north, in the bold escarpments of the Sierra de Gador, formed of transi- tion limestone, containing the richest veins of lead-ore in Spain, It was an incessant rain when this barren tract was crossed, and the atmosphere so thick and foggy that no satisfactory observa- tion could be made. Irregular beds of conglomerate, forming a sort of superficial incrustation, and sandy argillaceous loam, generally constitutes the superstratum ; and on once approach- ing the coast, in consequence of having lost the road, some sand- stones, which appeared modern, but in which I could perceive no shells, were remarked. Roquetas is a very wretched little fishing viljage, possessing but one good house, in which I was fortunately lodged, and most hospitably received. My landlord informed me that a month rarely passed without some slight shock of an earthquake being experienced ; tlie sea being often so violently agitated in consequence that boats ready to sail for Almeria were obliged to delay their voyage for several hours. The road from Roquetas to Almeria crosses the soutli-east portion of the Sierra de Gador, to which it ascends by a pass or puerto, from the easterly termination of the open tract just no- ticed. In some little escarpments of the dark blue semicrystai- line limestone of this mountain, at the base of the puerto, the strata run nearly from east to west, and dip to the north at 23^. Hence to Almeria is about ten miles, for eight of which the road is continually upon the limestone rock that forms the Sierra de Gador; but about two miles before reaching this pretty little seaport town, at a point where a bridge is crossed and there is a redoubt perched on a rock overhanging the sea, the tertiary formation again appears with the character of a whitish earthy coarse limestone, or fine calcareous conglomerate, containing mi- nute rounded fragments of the subjacent dark-blue transition limestone. The organic remains collected in this tertiary calca- reous deposit, which appears to form an unstratified mass, are 376 Brigadier Silvertop's Sketch of the Tertiary Formation large and small pectens, cardia, balani, and fragments of ostrea?. From this point it may be followed continuously to Almeria, whose ancient extensive castle is built upon an eminence it forms within the walls of the town on its northern side ; but it does ^not extend inland above two or three miles, constituting a hilly broken tract, two or three hundred feet above the level of the sea, along the eastern slope and base of the Sierra de Gador. In a long subsequent descent to Almeria, an older conglomerate rock, of a dark brown colour, with numerous large and small fragments of transition limestone, is observed to come out from under the tertiary deposit, and shortly after the fundamental limestone of Gador makes its appearance from under the con- glomerate. The fundamental limestone is much decomposed, and of an ochreous tinge ; but a few undecomposed strata of a dark grey colouf alternate with the former in a little escarpment bordering the road, and dip to the north at 30°. It would appear from the above fact, analogous to what was noticed near Velez-Malaga, that an alluvion had been formed upon the surface of the tran- sition limestone of the Sierra de Gador, previous to the epoch when the tertiary deposit took place. Almeria. — This is one of the most agreeable, cheerful, little seaport towns along the southern Mediterranean coast of Spain, containing about 12,000 inhabitants. To the east of Almeria there is an extensive flat bordering the Mediterranean as far as the Cabo de Gata, distant about eighteen miles, when the coast line, winding round towards the north, is bounded as far as the village of La Carbonera by a ridge of volcanic rocks, partially concealed in the latter part of its course under tertiary -deposits. This open tract, contiguous to Almeria (see section 7. PL II.), rises gradually and in step-like manner towards the north, termi- nating at the southern base of a mountainous district termed La Sierra de Alhamilla, composed of mica-slate. Towards the west it is bounded by the Sierra de Gador. Probably the whole of this tract, which chiefly consists of sandy, marly, argillaceous loam, capped irregularly, as it approaches the mountainous dis- trict, by thin beds of conglomerate, are of modern origin : how- ever this may be, indisputable proofs of the epoch to which a in (he Province of Granada. 377 portion of it at least belongs, may be seen near the base of tK« Sierra de Gador, and on the road from Almeria to Guadiz, k city in the province of Granada about fifty miles inland towards the north from the former seaport. This western part of the tract is filled up variously with a coarse quartzose reddish sandi- stone, often taking a conglomerate character ; loose and sertn- indurated gravel ; and earthy and indurated argillaceous marl-; in all of ^hich, except the last, the usual tertiary shells are ob- served ; pectens*, balani, fragments of ostreae, and echinital spines, existing in great abundance in the gravelly beds. The argillaceous and superjacent gravelly beds dip towards the west south-west at an angle of about 20% which would apparently carry them under the unstratified tertiary calcareous deposit noticed on approaching Almeria from the west, and upon an eminence of which its old castle is situated. How far these ter- tiary beds may be traced inland, up a sort of fissure or irregular valley in the chain of mountains that border the Mediterranean, extending from Almeria to Guadiz, or from S.S.E. to N.N.W., will be ascertained by future inquirers; I followed them about four miles inland on this line. Before leaving Almeria, I may perhaps be allowed to observe, that the Mediterranean Sea has apparently, at some remote epoch, washed the base of the primary Sierra de Alhamilla, in which the low tract to the east of this town terminates towards the north, as to the west of Almeria the same sea has advanced to the foot of the bold escarpment of the transition limestone of the Sierra de Gador, which confines towards the north the long open tract along the Mediterranean shore from Adra to Roquetas. These two tracts have probably been elevated and added to the mainland by some of those subterranean agencies, whose power has been manifested from immemorial time, arid is so frequently felt at the present day, in this part of Spain. (To be continued,) '**' ''' Mr Deshayes identified, Pecten benedictus Pecten dubius V from Almeria. Pecten striatus } ( S78 ) CHARACTERS OF NEW OR LITTLE KNOWN GENERA OF PLANTS. By Robert Wight, Esq, M. D.F. L. S, Hon. E, I. C. S., and G. A. Walker Arnott, Esq. A, M. F. R. S. E. and L. S. Communicated by the Authors, (Continued from p. \Q\.) [The following communication on Lepidadenia and Horyg^ ryza is from our friend Professor Nees von Esenbeck of Bres- law, April 8. 1833. We prefer publishing it in the original Latin, although our wish is in general to give the remarks in English :] "In Wallichii viri clarissimi Catalogo, p. 79, n. 2587, Lauri species enumeratur Macrantha nomine appellata, eidem- que in Supplemento, p. 239, sub eodem numero lit. B adscribi- tur arbor, quam ill. Wightius in Neelgherry legit. lUam autem Laurum macranfham, primo loco relatam, quam in eadem cum Wightiana E. Notan invenit regione, Wallichiusque noster Lauro semecarpifolicB similem esse docet, 1. c, inter plantans Laurineas curis meis olim ab amico commissas non inveni, quo factum est, ut in Synopsi Laurinearum Indicarum, ' Plantarum rariorum' se- cundo volumini insertae, silentio praeterire istam speciem necesse esset. Hunc autem clariss. Wightir benevolentia specimen vi- dere contigit ex illorum saltem numero, quae posteriori loco, littera B inscripta, adnotavit Wallichius. Quod cum accuratius observarem, non solum sui juris esse speciem didici eamque ab omnibus, quotquot vidi> characteribus luculentissimis diversam, sed et alia quaedam in eadem deprehendi, quae generis proprii altiora discrimina nisi omnino probare, indiciis saltem prodere baud spernendis videbantur. Quae vidi, fideliter jam enarrabo ; imponam nomen genericum ; rem omnem autem dijudicandum lis relinquam, quibus meliora completioraque aliquando videndi specimina et fructuum naturam explorandi oblata fuerit occasio. Nomen ' Macranthce^ Notanianis illis speciminibus ab illust. Wallichio impositum, donee Wightiano quod coram est, illorum aliquod componere liceat, in re tam difficili suspendere, quam incautius, si forsitan haec atque ilia diversae fuerint arbores, trans- ferre in alterum malui. On some New or little kiwmn Genera in Plants. 379 Gen. 9. LEPIDADENIA, Nees ab Esenb, lAn,^st. DODECANDRIA MONOGYNIA. Ord. Nat. LAURINEJE, Juss. Hennaphrodita (?) Perian^AiMm 6-partitum. Stamina \2, (iuorum'6 inte- riora a tergo laminis geminis sessilibus obvallata. Fnictus non notus. — Inflorescentia umbellata ; umbellis involiicratis, pedunculaiis. Est genus, inter Dodecadeniam et Tetrantheram versans, flore pro familia eximio, diversum ab utroque illorum generum laminis petaloideis planis obtusis subsessilibus, loco glandularum terga staminura interiorum sti- pantibus, ita ut seriem quasi exhibeant petalorum, stamina 6 exteriora ab interioribus separantium. Quod ad partium numerum proxima igi- tur accidit Dodecadenia, sed quod ad inflorescentiam, Tetrantherts est propinquior; haec autem, ubicunque perfecto hexasepaloque guadet flore, nunquam pluribus quam novem staminibus est praedita, glan. dulisque senis. Accedit florum amplitudo quredam, et foliorum singu- laris in hoc ordine obliquitas, plure forsan et alia, quae tempora futura docebunt. 1. L.. WigMana, N. ah E. in Prod. Fl. Penins. Ind. Or. (ined.); Wight. Cat. n. 944 Tetranthera macrantha. Wall. List of E. I. Plants, p. 239, N. 2587, b. Hab. In montibus ' Neelgherries ' dictis ; D. Wight. Folia adsunt et ramuli particula cum racemulo umbellularum. Cortex fus- cus, pubescentia subtUissima rarissimaque conspersus. Gemma inter fo- lium et pedunculum stipitata, capitulo ovato acuto angulato subtiliter strigiloso. Folium majus 10 polUces longum ; minus 64 poUicum est; unum 3, alterum 3i poUices latum, utrumque ex ovato oblongum, ob- tusum cum mucrone, basi cuneatim acutum, obliquum, altero latere infra medium production et quasi in angulum obtusum elev^ato, reliquo ambitu leniter repando. Supra laevissima sunt folia et nitida, subtus a pubescentia subtilissima appressaque veluti sericantia et opaca ; sub- stantia chartaceo-coriacea. Kami costales plures (12-16) tenues, sub- simplices, reti interjecto obsoleto ; costa media subtus prominens, lata, sulcata. Petiolm brevis, crassus ; supra depresso-canaliculatus, subtili- ter puberulus. Pedunculus axillaris, 1 \ poll, longus, erectus, crassus, tomentoso-strigilosus, angulosus, inferne subquadrangulus, prope a basi florens. Umbellulat racemosae, brevissime pedicellatae, 6-florae; alabas- trum globosum, pisi magnitudine. Involucri foliola (4 ?) subrotundal strigiloso -tomentosa, grisea. Flores breve-pedicellati, 3 lineas lati, pa- tentissimi ; laciniae subsequales, ovales, obtuste, obsolete trinerves, con- fertim minutimque pellucido-punctatoe, extus pubescenti - strigilosae. Faux hirsuta. Stamina 12, quatruplici serie, centrum versus decres- centia; exteriora 6 perianthio duplo fere longiora; filamenta linearia, hirsuta ; antherae lineari-oblongae, quadriloculatae, omnes introrsum de- hiscentes, loculis oblongis, duobus superis pauUo minoribus, inferioribus raagis lat«:alibu8. Intimi circuli antherae duplo minores reliquis, siib- ovatae, uno alterove loculo saepe abortiente. GUmduite I2>l9, per paria 380 Messrs Wight and Arnott on some New or circa basin staminum interiorum dispositjE, intimisque saltern eorum evidenter a tergo incumbentes ; exteiiores autem modo minus regulari distributae, filamenta interiora longitudine subcequantes, ovales, com- pressae, oblique truncatae et rotundatae, pleraeque sessiles, nonnullae bre- ^'issime unguiculatae, glabrae. Pistillum longitudine staminum interio- rum, glabrum ; ovarium lanceolatum, in stylum crassum brevemque abiens; stigma latum, irregulariter lobatum (?) Forsan abortivum ex- stat in nostris speciminibus pistillum. Fructus latet. — Quod ad habi- tum in universum accedit haec species TetranthercB semicarjnfolite, et si sui generis novi typus non arrideat, hie eam illi vicinam ponat, necesse est. DifFert autem Tetradenia ilia semicarpifolia a Lepidadenia nostra, floris structuram ut taceam : foliis non obliquis, evidenter venuloso- reticulatis magisque hirtulis, pedunculis umbellularum longis peduncu- ioque communi gracilibus, umbellulis minoribus nutantibus. HYGRORYZA, iV: ab E. Lin. St/St. TRIANDRIA DIGYNIA. Ord. Nat. GRAMINE^, Jms. SjpiculoB uniflorae, hermaphroditae ; superiores ramificationum inflorescen- tiae saepe abortivae, Glumce duae subaequales, chartaceo-membranaceae ; interior caudato-setigera ; superior acuta (nervis raucioribus, quam in- fera, praedita). Flosculus unus univalvis ; valvula brevissima tenerrima, apice dentata, genitalia amplectens. Lodicidce nullae. Stamina 3, fila- mentis capillaribus ; antheris linearibus, utrinque bifidis. Ovarium li- neari-oblongum, stipitatum, compressiusculum : stylus ad basin fere bi- fidus ; stigmata crassa, plumosa, ramulis pinnatis. Caryopsis subcylindrica, compressiuscula, laevis, altero margine sulcato angustissimo insculpta, pedicellata, mucronata. Inflorescentia : racemuli aliquot approximati, subfastigiati et quasi digitati, a basi Jlorentes, oligostacfiT/i. Spiculoe solitaries, pedicellata}, quam pro statura planta grandiores, pallidce. Genus proximum sane Zizaniw, ejusdemque tribus, ac ista, sed notis allatis evidenter distinctum, multoque magis etiam habitu proprio. Valvulam .fiosculi, sive glumellam, nee lodiculus esse involucrum illud florale in- terius exiguum, inde patet, quod stamina intra fines ejus, nee extra nas- cuntur. M onendum autem, hoc singulari casu transitum quendam ab involucris floralibus e vaginarum brdine (glumellis ''a3 'jperiatntlila ru- dimenta (lodiculas) palam fieri. ,.>u .. - 1. H. aristata, N. ab E. in Prod. Fl. Penins. Ind. Or. (ined.)— Pharus aris- latus, Retz Obs. 6. p. 23 (descr. opt.) ; Willd. Sp. PI. 4. p. 397 ; Kunth Syn. p. 10; Wight Cat. Gram. n. 2\Q. ^ Gramen vix semipedale, basi repens natansve, radiculis pinnatis; Rami adscendentes, ad inflorescentiam usque vaginati. Folia pollicem ununi lonf»a, 34-4 lineas lata, basi rotundata vel subcordata, oblongo-lanceolata, obtusa cum mucrone obsoleto, striata, gla\ica, rigidula, in anibitu paginae superioris tuberculis exasperata, in sicco nostro exemplo apice ssepe fissa. little known Genera of Plants. 3^8 1 Uacemuli in apice culmi vaginato 4-5, \~\ polL longi, graciles, patuli scabriusculi. Spicula 3-4, alternre, cum caudis 7-8 lineas longae, ob- longae, compressse, altero margine rectiusculo. Glumas cum pedicello, \-\\ lineas longo, basi confluentes; inferior major, in caudam rigidam. rectam, ipsa glumali parte longiorem, extenuata, alte et curvatim cari- riaita, 5.nervis, nervis in carinas elevatis et setoso-hirsutis ; superior glu- ma 3 lineas longa, lanceolata, acuta, 3- nervis, 3-carinata, carinis simili modo hirsutis. • Valvula florem a latere, glumae superiori ojiposito, cin. gens, altitudine fere ovarii, tenerrima, apice truncata et emarginato- angulata, enervis (?). Filamenta pistillum aequantia, capillaria ; antheras pro filamentorum proceritate breves. Stigmata valida, valde plumosa, ramulis iterum plumulosis, superiora versus confluentibus. Caryopsis 2 lin. longa, distincte pedicellata, fere teres et subcylindrica, mucrone a styli basi residuo bidentato coronata, leviter substriata, fusca, latere latere linea depressiuscula pallida inscripta.* (To be conlimied.) Description of several New or Rare Plants which have lately flowered in Gardens in the neighbourhood (f Edinburgh, but chiefly in the Royal Botanic Garden, By Dr Graham, Professor of Botany in the University ,of Edinburgh. lOfA »Sep/. 1833. Fritillaria minor. i^- /. r. F. minor ; caule inferne nudo, subunifloro ; foliis sparsis, lineavibus, ca- naliculatis ; flore subtesselato, petalis exterioribus oblongis, iiiteriori- bu8 latioribus obovatis. — Ledehour. Fritillaria minor, Ledeb. Ic. PI. Fl. Ross. Alt. 2. 12. t. 130 — Ibid, Fl- Altaica, 2. 34. Fritiilaria meleagroides, Patrin, in Schult. Syst. Veget. 7« 395. DEScniPTioN — Bulb subrotund, white, about the size of a small hazel nut, with many slender roots from its base. Stem (in my native 8j)eci- mens from 7 inches to 1 foot high, in the cultivated specimen 1 foot 10 inches) erect, simple, single- flowered in my native specimens, and almost always so in such, according to Ledebour, in the cultivated 3-flowered, pruinoso-glaucous, brown and speckled towards its base, obscurely three- sided, naked for a considerable way above the base. Leaves scattered, smaller upwards (in native specimens 4-5, the lower 3 inches long, in the cultivated 7, the lower 6 inches long), lanceolato-iinear, channelled along the upper surface, blunt, suberect, pruinoso-glaucous, half stem- clasping. Flowers (13 lines long, 10^ lines broad) generally solitary in the wild plant, 1-3 in the cultivated, springing from a common point at the top of the stem bt'tweeA two subopposite leaves, and provided with • E Panicearum tribu novum genus prodiit, CoridocMoa ampellatum, cuju« typus est Pani- cum cimicinum Relz. Proximum hoc est genui Anthenanthia P. de B., 8cd distlnctum spJcula biflora et floscula fertili sctifiera. Neutro flosculo valvula superior deest, vel potius transitu In lodiculas e.r tratisvento oppo.titas lancewlato-arumliiatas compHcatOMrarinatas. De quo alio tem- iwre secrsim acturiis sum. 382 Dr Graham's Description of New or Rare Hants. peduncles (above 2 inches long), nodding, dark blood-red, obscurely tes- selated, pale, more yellow and more distinctly variegated within, nec- taria linear ; outer petals oblong slightly spreading at the apices, inner broader obovate connivent at the apex. Stamens subequal, about half the length of the corolla ; filaments subulate, slightly dilated at the base, and very sjiaringly glanduloso-pubescent ; anthers oblong, yellow ; pol- len granules small, oblong, yellow. Pistil rather longer than the sta- mens ; stigma tripartite, erecto-patent, green ; style triangular, cleft to about its middle, the stigmatic surface extending along the inside of the segments ; germen of uniform diameter from end to end, distinctly grooved along the angles, and more obscurely along the sides ; ovules very numerous, 2-rowed in each cell. This plant was obtained by David Falconar, Esq. from Mr Goldie, who brought it from Russia. It flowered in the garden at Carlowrie, in the beginning of May, the same season in which it was found by Ledebour to flower in its native stations in Altai. It varies a little in the wild state. I have native specimens both from Dr Fischer of St Petersburg and from Ledebour. The former are smaller, but the flower is larger, and the leaves, which are longer and narrower, are collected nearer to the flower. Even in a wild state, it appears from Ledebour that occa- sionally, though rarely, there are more flowers than one on the stem, and the two lowest leaves are sometimes subopposite. I cannot but think that this plant scarcely differs more from F. meleagris than some of the acknowledged varieties of this species. The great length of the pendulous part of the stem or peduncle, which Ledebour considers charac- teristic, and which is figured in his beautiful illustrations of the Flora Altaica, is not possessed by my native specimens, nor by Mr Falconar^s plant, and the flower in the figure is much less lurid, and longer in pro- portion to its breadth, than in any of these. Leontice altaica. L. altaica ; folio caulino solitario, petioli a basi tripartiti ramulis seg- menta 5 oblonga Integra subpetiolulata palmatim disposita gerentibus — Ledebour. Leontice altaica, Pall. Act. Petrop. 1770» p. 257. t. viii. f. 1, 2, 3 — Willd. Spec. PI. 2. 149 — Pers. Svnops. 1. 386 — De Cand. Syst, Nat. ii. 26 Ibid. Prodr. 1. 110 Spreng. Syst. Veget. 2. 121 — Schult. Syst. Veget. 2. 22 — Ledebour, Fl. Altaica, 2. 52 Bot. Mag. 3245. Description- — Root tuberous. Stem erect, succulent, green, purple at the base. Leaf solitary, petioled, petiole 3-paitite, segments spreading, each bearing upon its summit five elliptical, glaucous, unequal leafets, on partial petioles, particularly the largest, and those adjoining it. Raceme terminal, deflected, about 12-flowered ; bractece large, obovate, the lowest rotundato-reniform, pedicels spreading, single-flowered, twice the length of the bracteae, farther elongated and cernuous when bearing the fruit. Flowers yellow. Calyx of six spreading elliptical leafets. Pe- tals 6, yellow, opposite to the leafets of the calyx, erect, semicylindri- cal, truncated, bi-aristate at the apex, about half the length of the ca- lyx. Stamens 6, yellow, opposite to the petals, and longer than them ; anthers bilocular, opening by the sides folding upwards to the apex, where they adhere to the connective. Stigma small, simple. Style short, angular. Germen inflated, membranous, unilocular. Ovules four, ob- ovate, green, erect from the base of the germen, and afterwards exposed by the rupture of its apex. This very pretty plant was received by Mr Falconar from Mr Goldie, and flowered very freely in a cold frame at Carlowrie in April. It is a native of the Altai Mountains, towards the western part of which, it ap- pears from Ledebour, it is most abundant, flowering early in spring, while, in the eastern part, it was not observed. According to liedebour, it does not differ from Leontice Odessana. Dr Grahanrs Description of New ot- Hare Plants. S83 In a most valuable collection of Ledebour's plants which I possess through the inexhaustible kindness of my friend Mr Hunneman, I have a 8])eci- nien illustrating the singular appearance occasioned by the protmsion of the unripe seeds through the ruptured membranous capsule. While this sheet was in the press, the excellent figure by Mr James Mac- nab of the specimen described, with dissections by Dr Hooker, appeared in the* Botanical Magazine. Libertia crassa. L. crassa ; caule subcompresso, flexuoso, pruinoso ; floribus capitatis, ca- (titulis multifloris, terminalibus lateralibusque, inferioribus peduncu- atis, superioribus sessilibus ; perianthii segmentis exterioribus ovato- ellipticis subherbaceis subcarinatis, interioribus subemarginatis cor- datis; staminibus monadelphis ; foliis margine exteriore minutissime serrulatis. Description. — Root throwing up many crowns and fiowering-stems. Leaves (6-14 inches long, half an inch broad at the base) sword-shaped, strongly nerved, the inner edge towards the base sheathing membranous and glabrous, above this sBghlly scabrous, the outer edge very minutely ser- rulate, the serratures being only visible under a pretty high magnifying power. Stem (1 foot 9 inches high) suberect, fiexuose, stout, subcom- pressed, pruinose, each angle bearing a sheathing leaf-like spathe, which contains a single many- flowered capitulum, peduncled at the lower part of the stem, sessile above, external spathes gradually diminishing up- wards, till they pass into the form of the internal, which are numerous, membranous, withering. Flowers on short pedicels. Perianth rotate, the three external segments subherbaceous, sessile, ovato-ellipticaL, blunt, the three internal (9 lines long, 74 broad) twice the length of the exter- nal, and more than three times their breadth, pure white, cordate at the base, clawed, blunt or emarginate at the apex, with a conspicuous dia- phanous middle rib, and faint diverging lateral veins. Stamens mona- delphous ; filaments white, diverging a little, shorter than the inner, longer than the outer segments of the perianth ; anthers large, incum- bent, yellow, cleft at the lower end, lobes parallel, bursting along their sides; pollen granules very minute, oblong, yellow. Stigmata minute, terminal. Style trifid for about two-thirds of its length, the lower part' round, and insheathed by the cohering portion of the filaments, segments diverging between the stamens, angular, and each larger than the united portion. Germen green, glabrous, 3 sided, equal in length to the pedicel, and shorter than the outer segments of the perianth. This was received, like the other species of the genus here described, at the Comely Bank Nursery from Mr Low of Clapton, and was, like it, imported from near Cape Horn by Mr Anderson. It is a much stronger plant than any of the other species w ith which I am acquainted, and flowered very abundantly in the open air. The flowers are larger, but in the present state of the plants, at least, this is less elegant than the next species. Bermudiana Narcisso-Leucoii flore of Feuillee, vol. ii. p. 9. t. iv. belongs to this genus, and is this, if either of the species now described ; But I think it is different from both. Libertia formosa. la.formosa; caule folioso; foliis radicalibus caule brevioribus, margine laevibus; laciniis perianthii exterioribus ovatis, apice subherbaceis, carinatis, interioribus unguiculatis, cordatis, retusL<<, filamentis basi cohserentibus, fructibus flore minoribus. DESCRirxioN. — Root-leaves (6 inches to 1 foot long, 2 lo A^ lines broad) equitant, every where glabrous, membranous at the edges of the sheath, Uiiear-swordshaped, acute, nervetl, the central nerve thicker and stronger than the rest ; stem-leaves few (about 3) sheathing, smaller upwards (the uppermost IJ^ inch long) in form and structure like the root-leaves, 384 Dr Graham's Descfiption of' New or Rare Plants. Stem (1 foot 4 inches high) simple, very slightly coiiiiiresscd, glabroiis, light green, jointed at the origin of the leaves. Flowers capitate, pedi- cels light green, round, glabrous, outer sjmthe bivalvular, longer than the pedicels, membranous, repeated on the inner flowers, which expand in succession. Perianth superior, G partite, glabrous, rotate, tube none, outer segments small, narrow ovate and colourless at the base, concave, keeled and subherbaceous at the apex ; inner segments (7 lines long, 6 lines broad) about twice the length of the outer, unguiculate, cordate, entire, very slightly crisped, retuse at the apex, somewhat fleshy or like white wax, with a distinct somewhat diaphanous middle rib, and very faint di- verging lateral nerves. Stamens three, inserted into the base of the co- rolla, opposite to the outer segments, about as long as the inner; filaments like these segments pure white, erect, cohering for about a quarter of their length, above which they diverge a little ; anthers yellow, incum- bent, oblong, cleft at both ends, but especially at the lower, opening along the sides. Stigmata minute, terminal, capitate, colourless. Style white, single, shorter than the stamens, cleft into three to the point where the filaments cohere, segments diverging between the filaments, each thicker than the cohering part included within the sheath of the filaments. Germen inferior, oblong, triquetrous, green, glabrous, 3-locu- lar. Ovules numerous, oblong, mutually impressed, fixed into a central placenta. This species flowered beautifully in Mr Cunningham's nursery at Comely Bank, Edinburgh, in May, having been received from Mr Low at Clap- ton, W'ho raised ic from seeds imported from near the southern extre- mity of the continent of America by Mr Anderson. Its root forms a number of crowns, by which it no doubt may be propagated, and it pro- bably will ripen seeds in the. greenhouse. This genus was separated from Sisyrinchium by Mr Brown, and the name of Renealmia. for a time suppressed by Smith, given to it ; but as the genus lienealmia has been restored upon good grounds by lloscoe, it be- comes necessary to adopt from Sprengel the appellation of Libertia for the genus of Brown, which is a most natural one. Oxylobium elliplicum. O. ellipticum ; fbliis ovali-oblongis, mucronatis, subverticillatis ; bracteis infra apicem pedicelli caducis ; capitulis terminalibus, racemosis, (legu- miuibus calyce duplo longioribus.— £r.) Oxylobium ellipticum, Br. in Kort. Kew. 3. 10. — De Cand. Prodr. 2. 104 Spreng, Syst. Veget. 2. 349- Gompholobium ellipticum, Labillard. Nov. Holl. 1. 106 t. 135. Callistachys elliptica, Vent. Malmais. 115. Description.— S'/imi erect ; bark, on the stem brown, greenish and some- what silky on the twigs. Leaves (1 inch long, A\ lines broad) elliptical, mucronate, coriaceous, shortly petioled, dark green, reticulate, and gla- brous above, somewhat silky below, reflected in the edges, subverticiilate, four in each whorl. Flowers yellow, in terminal capitate spikes. Bractece single below the origin of each pedicel, and opposite a little above its middle, linear-subulate, caducous, silky. Pedicels spreading wide, silky. Calyj^ equal in length to the pedicel, bilabiate, u])per lip of two approxi- mated acute segments, lower of three spreading acute segments. Petals 5, nearly of equal length ; standard concave, seniicircular, crenate, sligli tly marked with orange in the throat, claw short ; aloe elliptical, truncated at the -base, claw very slender; keel of 2 petals, united in the mii.ldle, subinflated, each petal shaped like one of the ahe, but with rather a longer claw, and with a pouch ])rojecting outwards and backwards near its base. Stamens hypogynous, included, Irce, fil iments slightly compressed, anthers inserted by their backs, ))ollon yellow. Style ascending, ex- serted. Stigma small, blunt. Germen pedicelled, siiorter than the sta- mens, silkv. Ovules about 8. Dr Graham's Description of New or Rare Plants. 385. Seeds of this plant were received at the Botanic Garden, Edinbui^h, from Van Diemen's Land, through William Henderson, Esq. in Fe- bruary 1829, marked Prussian Shrub. The plant has been treated in the greenhouse in the usual way of New Holland shrubs, and in April last, when about three feet high, it flowered for the first time, every subdivision of its numerous branches bearing upon its apex a crowded bunch of flowers. It appears from the Hortus Kewensis that the species was introduced from Van Diemen's Land by Mr Brown in 1805, but it seems to have been afterwards lost. The profusion of flowers with which it is covered, and the continued succession of these during a long while, renders it a very desirable species for cultivation. Primula amoeiia. P. amoena; foliis spathulato-ublongis, rugosia, crenato-denticulatis, hir- sutiusculis, subtus incano-lanatis ; umbellis multifloris, tomentoso- villosis, involucris subulatis ; calycibus ovato-oblongis, angulatis ; co- roUae limbo piano glabro, tubo calyce vix longiore, coUo hemisphaerico. Primula amoena, M. Bieberst. Fl. Taurico.Caucas. 1. 138. — Lehman. IVIon. Prim. p. 39. t. 3 Roem. et Schult. Syst. Veget. 4. 13?. — Spreng. Syst. Veget. 1. 574. Description, — Leaves (3^ inches long, \\ broad) spathulato-oblong, much attenuated towards the base, but scarcely petioled, crenate and denti- culate, slightly hirsute and bright green above, densely covered with white wool below, neatly and regularly rugose ; middle rib and veins very prominent behind, primary veins nearly at right angles to the middle rib and secondary veins, which latter are nearly equidistant, reti- culated at the edge of the leaf. Scape (with the flowers 7 inches high) lateral, erect, tomentoso-villous ; umbel many -flowered, involucre awl- shaped, pedicels erect, unequal (from half an inch to an inch long) pu- bescent. Calyx {A\ lines long) gland uloso- pubescent, pentagonal, ovato- oblong, 5-toothed, angles prominent and green, interstices membranous, diaphanous and purplish. Corolla very handsome, purplish-lilac in bud or recently expanded, more blue after a few days ; tube scarcely longer than the calyx, purple, glabrous, wrinkled ; faux hemispherical, slightly glanduloso-pubescent, and purple on the outside, yellow within ; limb spreading, nearly flat, segments elliptical, emarginate. Anthers nearly sessile in the throat, yellow. Pollen yellow. Germen globular, glabrous, lobed. Style (in the 8j)eciraen described, but, as in allied species, its length probably varies) twice the length of the germen. Stigma large, hemispherical. This most desirable addition to the cultivated species of a universally ad- mired genus, was obtained by Mr Neill from Mr Goldie, who brought it from St Petersburgh. It flowered beautifully in the cold-frame at Canonmills in April last, producing an umbel of eighteen perfect flowers. In its native station, the Caucasian Alps, it is described by Marschall Bieberstein, its discoverer, as having an umbel of from three to ten flowers; and a variety is noticed by him, m which the scape is awanting, the pedicels being all radical and single-flowered, — another analogy, if any were wanting, to confirm the opinion that there is no specific distinction between Primula vulgaris and P. ekUioT^ our common Primrose and Ox- lip. Syringa Josika?a. S, Josikaa ; foliis elliptico-lanccolatis, acutis, ciliatis, rngosis, utrinque glabris, supra iuridis, subtus albidis. Syringa Josikcea, Jacquin, in Bot. Zeitung, 1831. Description — Shrub erect ; branches spreading, very slightly warted, twigs purple. Leaves (3 inches long, 1^ inch luDiih t'lliptioo-Uiuoolate, VOL. XV. NO. XXX. OCTOBER 1833. i: !) 386 Dr Graham^s Description of Netv or Rare Plants. attenuated at both extremities, shining and lurid above, white and veined below, wrinkled, glabrous on both sides, ciliated, ciliae short. Panicle termi- nal, erect. Calyx\ like the pedicels, peduncles, rachis, petiole, middle rib of the leaf, and the branches, pretty closely covered with short glandular pubescence, 4-toothed, teeth blunt, and much shorter than the tube. Corolla (half an inch long) clavato-funnelshaped, deep lilac, glabrous, wrinkled; tube sliglitly compressed ; limb erect, 4-parted, segments in- volute in their edges. Stamens adhering to about the middle of the tube ; anthers incumbent, oblong, yellow. PisHl much shorter than the tube ; stigmata large, cohering ; style filiform, glabrous ; germen green, gla- brous, bilocular ; ovules four. This plant was received at the Botanic Garden from Mr Booth of Ham- burgh in the end of October 1832, and flowered in the open border in the end of May and beginning of June. It seems therefore to flower later, and to remain longer in blossom than any of the species previously in cultivation, but does not equal any of them in beauty. As the name under which we received it was not legible, and as I had not seen it any where described, I proposed that it should receive the name of S. Jacquinii, from the botanist who first noticed it ; but I have since re- ceived the above quotation from Dr Hooker. CHEMICAL ANALYSES OF STRATIFIED ROCKS ALTERED BY PLU- TONEAN agency; AND ANALYSIS OF LARGO LAW BASALTIC ROCK AND WOLLASTONITE FROM CORSTORPHINE HILL. I. The interesting displays of changed strati/led rocJcs observed at the line of junction of stratified and unstratified formations, pointed out long ago by Hutton, abound all around Edinburgh. An examination of these changed neptunian masses, shews that, in some instances, they have been simply hardened, in others softened, to such a degree as to allow a movement of the particles, and consequently a new arrangement of these on cool- ing, thus giving to the altered rock a series of external charac- ters different from that possessed by the unchanged rock. As the external characters of minerals are intimately connected with their chemical composition, it seemed probable that these sof- tened rocks had, in all probability, acquired a new chemical composition ; a conjecture illustrated by the following analyses. Lochend. — At Lochend, near to Edinburgh, there is a fine display of the changes produced on some of the rocks of the coal formation by the greenstone of this district. The greenstone crag which rises immediately from the side of the Loch, rests upon, and is partially covered by slate-clay and sandstone of the Chemical Anal^es qf Hochn. .3SY coal formation, and in the body of the greenstone itself there are numerous fragments of those rocks, esj^cially of the slate- clay. The slate-clay, upon which the greenstone rests, and the fragments of that rock contained in the greenstone, is so much changed as to resemble some varieties of compact felspar. I gave Mr Walker a specimen of slate-clay, taken from a bed at a distance from the greenstone, and another from the upper part of a bed of the same rock, in immediate contact with the green- stone, with the view of being analyzed. The following re- sults were obtained : 1. Unaltered slate-clay from Lochend. Heated per se before the blowpipe, it fuses with difficulty: with ammoniacal phosphate of soda, it forms a white enamel ; with phosphate of soda, an ena- mel yellowish-green when hot, and yellowish when cold ; with bo- rax it forms a greenish glass. Its constituents are : Silica, 58.22 ; Alumina, 17.50; Protoxide of Iron, 10.53; Lime, trace; Mag- nesia, 4.62 ; Soda, 2.02; Water, 6.70; =: 99-59. 2. Altered slate-clay from Lochend. This specimen, which very much resembled some varieties of compact felspar, afforded the following constituent parts: Silica, 53.25 ; Alumina, 17.56; Oxide of Iron, 8.64 ; Lime, 6.62 ; Magnesia, 2.70 ; Soda, 7.85 ; Water, 2.23 ; = 98.85. This analysis shews that the altered slate has received a notable quantity of lime and alkali, thus giving it a composition different from that of the unaltered va- riety. Understanding, from the communication of a chemist, that common alluvial clays contain alkali, I directed my young friend's attention to this point, and he ascertained, as stated above, that the unaltered slate-clay also contains alkali. The importance of this fact as connected with soils is too evident to require any particular consideration. Altered or Changed Slate^ Clay from a mass imbedded in the Green- stone of Salisbury Craigs. Specific Gravity ^.52. Chemical Characters : Effervesces, and does not gelatinise with acids. Before the blowpipe, heated per se^ it melts into a transparent greenish glass ; witli salt of phos- phorus into a transparent and colourless glass. Constituent Parts: Sijica, 66.100; Alumina, 19-5 ; Oxide of Iron, trace; 388 Chemical Analyses of' Rocks, Lime, 6 A ; Soda, 4.45; Water and Carbonic Acid, 3.3; =99.65. The above analysis by Mr J. Drysdale, affords another inte- resting example of the chemical change induced in neptunian rocks by plutonean agency. II. 1. Analysis of the Basaltic Rock of Largo Law in Fifeshire. The beautiful hill named Largo Law, which rises 938 feet above the level of the sea, is composed of a greyish-black com- pact basaltic rock, belonging to the greenstone or dolerite se- ries. It rises through the surrounding rocks of the coal-forma- tion, in which it has occasioned changes of position, structure, and probably also in composition. The rock, although gene- rally massive, in some parts of the hill appears disposed in ele- gant columns. As it had not been analyzed, I put a specimen of it into the hands of Mr J. Drysdale, who returned the fol- lowing account of his examination of it : Specific gravity %Jdl\. Chemical Characters : It neither ef- fervesces nor gelatinizes with acids. Before the blowpipe per se, it melts easily into a black mass ; with the salt of phosphorus into a transparent and colourless glass ; with borax ditto, &c. Constituent Parts : Silica, 45.2; Alumina, 14.4 ; Protoxide of Iron, 14.0; Lime, 12.7; Magnesia, 6.55 ; Soda, 5.22; Water, 2.4; = 100.47. 2. Analysis of the Zeolite named Wollastonitey by Thomson, Fine specimens of this mineral were found in the greenstone cliffs of Corstorphine Hill, by one of our best geological ob- servers. General Lord Greenock. The following is Mr Wal- ker's analysis of the Wollastonite from this new locality : It phosphoresces when heated, giving out a feeble white light. It does not effervesce nor afford a perfect jelly with acids. Heated per se before the blowpipe, it fuses with effervescence into a very hard white enamel. Its constituents are : Silica, 54.00 ; Lime, 30.79; Soda, 5.55 \ Water, 5.43; Magnesia, 2.59; Alu- mina and Oxide of Iron, 1.18; =99.54 ( 389 ) CELESTIAL PHENOMENA FROM OCTOBER 1. 1833 TO JANUARY 1. 1834, CALCULATED FOR THE MERIDIAN OF EDINBURGH, MEAN TIME. By Mr George Innes, Astronomical Calcu- lator, Aberdeen. The times are inserted according to the Civil reclionlng, the day beginning at midnight. — Tbe Conjunctions of the Moon with tlie Stars are given in Right A$cetuUm. OCTOBER. D. H. , /, D. H. , ,. 1. 2 17 32 d D U Ceti. 15. 21 28 39 dD^:^ 3. 4 24 21 Im. I. sat. 11 16. 10 23 27 6])^ Oph. 3. 17 43 - 69i^ 17. 10 41 14 d }) e Oph. 3. 17 44 37 d D 13 b 17. 19 11 2 Im. II. sat. y 3. 18 16 41 d ))2J b 17. 20 18 42 d }) I> Oph. . 3. 18 54 7 d D3S « 19. 2 42 9 Im. I. sat. ^ 3. 20 17 28 d D ^ « 19. 2 57 32 dM' t 4. 11 39 42 d })' « 19. 3 22 16 d])2v t 4. 20 7 - Sup.d05 19. 7 37 43 61)0 t 4. 22 20 20 d Do « 20. 11 37 30 ]) First Quarter. 4. 22 52 66 Im. I. sat. y. 20. 20 17 - d?/3TT5 6. 2 39 20 d D ? d 20. 21 10 52 Im. I. sat. y 6. 13 46 29 d D H n 21. 14 52 4 dD'.n 5. 18 17 35 d D »> n 22. 5 43 0 d])¥ 6. 21 37 57 d })/«n 22. 8 26 34 dD^n 6. 4 11 34 Im. III. sat. 7/ 22. 10 55 18 dD^n 6. 15 45 36 ( Last Quarter. 23. 15 6 44 O enters n\. 6. 20 57 11 dD^n 24. 4 10 16 c?0V 7. 3 25 44 Im. II. sat. 1/ 24. 10 43 10 d ))^^^ 8. 6 18 52 d ]) 7 OS 24. 11 46 45 d ^ 3^;^yi 12. 2 36 16 6]>h 28. 1 13 46 Em. I. sat. 11 13. 6 41 0 0 New Moon. 28. 3 23 43 6))'il 13. 13 45 - 9 near S 28. 8 46 28 d }) U Ceil. 13. 14 7 27 6))6 28. 15 20 0 O FuU Moon. 13. 14 8 23 dD^ 29. 18 10 7 d $h 13. 19 16 9 Im. I. sat. y 29. 19 42 39 Km. I. sat. % 14. 6 38 - d?'^ 31. 0 37 64 d ])S3 « 15. 13 38 46 dDv^ 31. 2 0 19 dD. « 15. 17 19 7 dDn:^ 31. 17 13 15 d D U Cetk 390 Celestial Phenomena from Oct. 1. 1833 to Jan, 1. 1834. NOVEMBER D. H. . /, D. H. ^ II 1. 2 55 19 Em. II. sat. n 18. 13 46 7 d])¥ 3 38 57 (5 Do tt 18. 16 10 23 dDr n 1. 8 6 30 dK b 18. 19 37 16 6i)^ys 1. 18 57 50 60)6 18. 21 25 44 Em. II. sat. y 1. 19 2 1 6} Hn 19. 7 37 0 }) First Quarter. 23 41 45 d ]) " n 20. 1 28 10 Em. I. sat. y 2. 3 22 2 d D^n 20. 3 52 - ^ greatest E. 3. 2 27 35 dD^n 20. 18 47 50 dD24':c55[elong 3. 22 32 21 Em. III. sat. y. 20. 19 21 26 61)^^^ 4. 3 8 49 Em. I. sat. 11 21. 18 36 52 6 })»-K 4. 12 20 14 6 D y25 21. 19 57 4 Em. I. sat. y 5. 0 21 24 ( Last Quarter. 21. 20 27 22 c^ D^K 5. 21 37 32 Em. I. sat. 7/ 21. 23 47 - 6 ?xT1}? 5. 23 27 35 6D»^ 22. 11 37 17 ©enters ^ 7. 9 4- 69^m 23. 5 24 - dbyTTJ 7. 18 23 56 dD^W 24. 0 15 11 6^^^ 8. 1 4 11 d D ^Tije 24. 3 23 30 6])y 8. 16 46 43 dD b 24. 16 39 17 P Oph. 28. 0 10 49 d])-d 12. 23 32 47 Em. I. sat. y 28. 10 33 45 6])o ^ 13. 7 0 43 6D^ 28. 14 45 58 61)1 6 13. 20 34 39 6 }) e Oph. 28. 21 52 38 Em. I. sat, 7/ 14. 6 1 22 d ]) D Oph. 29. 1 36 42 d DHn 14. 12 50 29 dDb ^ 29. 4 28 - dc^A — 14. 18 1 40 Em. I. sat. y. 29. 6 1 31 d 1) ^n 15. 12 1 8 6li^ t 29. 9 17 41 61)/*n 15. 12 25 11 dD2v t 30. 8 5 43 6D^u 17. 22 47 44 6D»n DEC£: MBER. T>. "• / // D. n. 1. 17 41 15 d D yso 6. 3 40 14 dDh 3. 2 37 69 Em. II. sat. y 7. 0 17 - d?4?- 3. 4 46 24 d ]) « ^ 7. 18 17 43 Em. I. sat. y 4. 9 8 24 ( Last Quarter. 8. 15 45 31 d])2|- 4. 14 26 18 dD'^ 9. 6 20 - Inf. d 0 ^ 5. 0 6 34 6])nw 9. 8 52 10 6D^^ 5. 0 23 2 dD'TlJ 9. 12 87 26 dr'»=^ 5. T 13 14 dD^Tije 9. 13 21 38 c^ 3)? 5. 23 48 19 Em. I. sat. 2/ 9. 16 28 58 Im. III. sat. y Celestial Phenomena from Oct. 1 . 1 833 to Jan. 1. 1 834. 391 DECEMBER— ^xm/inwrf. u. H. ^ „ D. H. , /, 9. 16 50 38 c^ ))^^ 21. 22 8 55 Em. I. sat 11 10. 7 14 8 6))S 22. 0 22 1 0 enters J^ 10. 23 5 48 ]) very near 5 22. 1 33 31 d ]) U CetL 11. 7 52 54 % New Moon. 23. 16 37 56 Em. I. sat V 12. 21 22 6 6))^* t 24. 17 5 44 6 ))3J « 12. 21 39 5 dD2v t 24. 18 26 24 d D» « 13. 1 44 6 Em. I. sat v. 25. 9 16 2 6D' a 13. 18 32 4 Em. I[. sat. "2/ 25. 19 31 28 61)0 b 14. 20 13 2 Em. I. sat. y 25. 23 40 16 A 26. 10 20 16 d )) H n 15. 20 15 - 69S 26. 14 39 52 d D »» n 15. 23 39 56 d})^ 26. 17 52 8 dD^n 16. 0 36 7 6Dyn 26. 21 9 18 O Full Moon. 18. 2 55 43 C5 J) 2 r/. «5 27. 15 18 34 69<^ 18. . 3 29 20 6 D 3^^a5 27. 16 17 43 d D ^ n 19. 2 53 52 61)rK 27. 21 25 30 Im. 11. sat 11 19. 4 38 43 6])sH 27. 23 44 4 Em. II. sat. 1/ 19. 6 15 36 ]) First Quarter. 29. 0 4 51 Em. I. sat. 1/ 19. 23 39 - 6^9 29. 0 46 50 d ]) y 2s 20. 18 49 16 Im. II. sat. y. 29. 1 36 - 9 greatest W. 20. 2) 8 5 Era. II. sat. y 30. 10 55 27 d D « ^ [elong 21. 8 58 5 c^ DvK 31. 19 57 21 6))'^ 21. 11 16 42 d J) V . The Moon will be Totally Eclipsed, December 26, Fisible to all Europe. The following are the times for the Edinburgh Observatory : D. H. / „ The Eclipse begins, .... Dec 26. 19 30 5,6 Beginning of Total Darkness, .... 20 30 31,7 Middle, 21 19 42,2 End of Total Darkness, 22 8 62,7 End of the Eclipse, 23 9 18,8 392 Celestial Phenomena from Oct. 1. 1833 to Jan, 1. 1834. pi g s s i<5 lo kO W5 O lO oiO >C O O O kO 1 1 oifi >o lO »o lo »n S3 f O ■^ -H t>,CO © •* -^ Tf CO CO (M 0 kO tO kC kO kO kO - »« CS a 05 Ci 05 . O O O OJ OJ Ci a 3^ (N (N -^ -< "-^ a CO CO CO t^ t«. !>. ♦ .. a CO CO © kO ID o i S5 °F-* o © o o o 03 1 ^co CO c: (N © — --^ (N CO »0 p^ °© © © © ^ -• la oj -— CO © C^ CO fM -0 CO kO Tj< (M -^ (N j£ t-. t-» t>» t>. © © 1 3 0^ ^ O O © O .1 §■ °Ci Ci CS CS C5 CO 1 •'a. 3 5^ •^© © CO 0^ fM -* kO -^ -^ ■'t -^ x* °eo CO CO 00 CO CO ^.^,^©©©.^ - CO © CO «0 Ttt (N ^: CO (M d (M -iH ,-( "^ (N (M !M CI S^I (M ^t>»,-, -- © o © kO Tjt (M "* (N J© © © © © Ci * (N (N (N ft CO tx CO o> o Q ' j5 (N (N 0 Tf ° (N © CO O -^ ,-< >• 1 29 S. 3 22 5 41 8 3 10 18 12 27 3 C > CO ^ CO . kO t- k« (N C^ CO kO ^rn CD CS CO CS CO CO CO CO Tf Tf Tt< ^ OS 05 C5 05 CJ Ci ^CO »C CO (M © © O «C O '^ . Ci 05 Ci © © © ^ kO O kO f-H t^ (M ^ p^ -^ — « to CO Ol c^ 1 02 > 1 24 13 S. 22 49 21 41 19 13 18 58 19 49 0© CO t^— Tt- t-.- ^ ^ -, »© CO © © kfS (N '^ CO (N .(N (N ^ -• © © a; Fi 1-1 -^ f-H F^ F-i o-'-'SSiS . -H kc © »n © o Q -, ^ (N (^, .— lO © kO © kO O ^ -N (N Hot Springs of the Cordilleras, observations on, 151 Human species, on the varieties of, 308 Human body, specific gravity of different solid parts of, 159 Hygrometer, observations on, 273 Infusoria, account of, by|Dr Sharpey, of Ehrenberg'slate discoveriea^ 287 Influence of the moon on rain, 189 — on vegetation, ib. — on diseases, 191 Innes, George, his Tables of Celestial Phenomena from July 1. to Oc- tober 1. 1833, 185; and from October 1. 1833 to January 1, 1834,389 Jacobson, Professor, his experiments on the economical and medical uses of the oxide and salts of chrome, 1 57 Johnston, J. F. W., on elevation of the land in Scandinavia, 34 Largo Law, basaltic rock of, analyzed, 388 Linnaeus, life of, by L. A. Fee, 85 Lion-hunting in South Africa, account of, by Mr Leslie, 62 Lochend, near Edinburgh, the altered and unaltered slate-clay of, ana- lyzed, 387 Lute for bottling wine, &c. 201 Lyell's Principles of Geology, vol. 3d, noticed, 400 Mammalia, numerical relations of, 221 Mantell's Geology of the South-East of England, noticed, 400 Maps, mineralogical, of Germany, 196 — of Spain, 398 Medicine, on the state of, in Turkey, 255 Melastomacese, observations on, by David Don, F. L. S., 68 Models in relief of Wurtemberg, 197, 198 Moon, influence of, on rain, 189 , supposed influence on vegetation, 189 , on diseases, 19 Naturalist's Library by Jardine and Lizars, noticed, 401 Natural History books publishing in France, 41)2 Northern Lighthouses, some account of, 108 Oppenheim, Dr, on the state of medicine in Turkey, 255 Pasquier, Baron, his fcloge of Cuvier concluded, 164 Patents granted in Scotland from 22d March to 3l8t May 1833, Phosphorus, Dr Davy's observations on, 48 Preservation of substances by means of alkalies, 202 Prevost on the geological transition from chalk to tertiAry deposits, 399 Prichard, Dr, on the varieties of the Human Species, 308 Redfield, C. on American steam-bouts, 55 Rocks, British, specific gravity of, 194. — Chemical composition of rocks < J 408 INDEX. near Edinburgh, by Messrs Drysdale and Walker, 195 of cbang- ed stratified rocks, 387 Ruminating animals, observations on tlieir vomiting, 200 Salisbury Craigs, the altered slate-clay of, analyzed, 387 Sang, Edward, on the advantages of a short arc of vibration for the clock pendulum, 137 — his meteorological observations made at Edinburgh during the great solar eclipse of July 17. 1833 also his method of freeing the determination of the latitude of an ob- servatory, and of the declination of a star, from the consideration of atmospheric refraction, 32S Scandinavia, its physiognomy described by Professor Hausmann, 73 , its gradual elevation or rise, considered by W. Johnston, A. M., 34 Scarpa, Anthony, biographical memoir of, 233 Secondary rocks, chemical analysis of, from Wardie, near Newhaven, and the Pentlands, 193 Sharpey, Dr, his account of Ehrenberg's late discoveries, 287 Silvertop, Brigadier, on the tertiary formation in the province of Gra- nada, 364 Slate-clay of Wardie, analysis of, 195 — of Lochend, 387 Society of Arts of Scotland, proceedings of, 204, 393 Spain, geological map of, noticed, 398 Specific gravity of different solid parts of the human body, 159 — of gome British rocks, 194 Steam-Boats, American, observations on, by Mr C. Redfield, 55 Stucco for walls, 202 Sun's mean right ascension, tables of, by W. Galbraith, 97 Tooth, fossil, in red sandstone, account of, 397 Trees, on the longevity of, 330 Trilobite, living species of, discovered, 398 Turkey, on the state of medicine in, 255 Turner, Dr Edward, his lecture on the chemistry of geology, 246 Varieties of the human species, observations on, by Dr Prichard, 308 Vauquelin, L. N., his eloge by Baron Cuvier, 209 Vomiting in ruminating animals, experiments on, 200 < Water, deep, on the colour of, 348 Wight, Robert, M. D., his characters of new or little known genera of plants, 176, 378 Witham, H., his new work on fossil trees, noticed, 402 Wollastonite of Corstorphine Hill, analyzed, 388 Wool, method of cleansing it of its grease, and economizing the resi- due, 202 Working classes, on competition among, 105 Xavier de Maistre, Count, on the colour of the atmosphere and deep water, 348 X^ U