YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY T1 13 +rir> 3R4 3 9002 06584 6066 MUDD LIBRARY Medical M % ; j fxfl # & If YALE MEDICAL LIBRARY Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from Arcadia Fund https://archive.org/details/effectofamphoterOOklee THE EFFECT OF AMPHOTERICIN B ON THE PROXIMAL TUBULE OF THE RAT KIDNEY by Stuart R. Kleeman A. B. Brown University 1967 A thesis submitted to the Department of Internal Medicine Yale University School of Medicine in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Medicine April 1971 New Haven, Connecticut oib9i. lo '"j'oJ'oo ACKNOWLEDGMENT To Dr. John P. Hayslett, for his guidance, patience and advice in many matters for the past four years . To Dr. Michael Kashgarian, for his instruction, both technical and theoretical, and the demonstration that mastery of the machinery is possible. To Dr. Edward J. Weinman, for his constant encouragement. To Dr. Franklin H. Epstein, for his inspiration and the intro¬ duction to my other mentors. To Mr. Richard Whittaker and Mrs. Dorothy Smith, for their valuable technical instruction and assistance. To Mrs. Lena DelCorte, for her secretarial assistance. And finally, to my wife, Terry, for her devotion, confidence and an uncanny ability to help me past my minor disasters. <■ ^J'sIayjsH .'I nrfoL . nG oT ■ srtl bne 'Leoilsrsoadl briB . 9lcfiasoq si "so^ c riBffirriaW . L bnswbG . nG oT sq3 ,H nil>fn£q-‘l . na oT . a^otasm n-srfqo Ym ot noitonb e-lsjlidVl bvsriui} I .aM oT iBoixrioel eldsulsv e^xw Ym o-i eYllBni| bn A TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction . 1 Materials . 2 Methods . 5 Results . 15 Discussion . 21 Summary . 41 References . 42 al-cj as je,M arMuasH ao.' 28i;oeici asone^s^sH INTRODUCTION In the field of renal physiology, many investigators have recently been attempting to evaluate and clarify the mechanisms which control the reabsorption and the ultimate urinary excretion of sodium. These mech¬ anisms are vital to fluid and electrolyte homeostasis, for by varying the excretion of sodium, the principle cation of the extracellular fluid, the organism is able to influence the volume of this fluid compartment and control for differing levels of sodium intake. Among the parameters under investigation in the control of sodium reabsorption are circulating hormones, changes in peritubular physical factors and the distribution of renal blood flow to functionally dif¬ ferent parts of the renal cortex. In order to be accessible to the influence of these factors, however, sodium must cross the luminal mem¬ brane into the epithelial cell and be available to the sodium pumping apparatus. The effect of possible variations in luminal membrane perme¬ ability has been, thusfar, relatively neglected. -This study was an attempt to clarify the role of this barrier in sodium reabsorption by altering its permeability. Using micropuncture techniques , the lumen of the proximal tubule of the rat kidney was per¬ fused with amphotericin B, a polyene antibiotic known to increase the permeability of membranes in many in vitro systems , and the changes in sodium and fluid reabsorntion were measured. oloxsyrfq lErrs-x blsi.d srfj- nl " jSflxdcjjneddB ns • i E/rrittln srfd : is nox dq’xosdss'i .vbos do nc \i tsxroxs srfj - r v v srfd s o iT9n f d n x oj • side ax nra insgnro srft I r •'xsddxb nod londnoo bnB bnu snsdsmsnEq sxfd gnomA mnon gnx delironio sns noilqnosdfig . xi srfd ;o sdnsq dnsnsd 3tf cS'ioJobt sasrfi- lo sonsxrldnx b r r b II90 iBilsrflxCTS arid- odnx snsnd ’oj o joed: j ©rfT , &x/f errBqqB r ^XEdanrfd enxsd serf ytilxdE Od tq«i9tiB ns SEW yJbjxJs sxriT- sdBen rmxxbos xo rrsmnl srfd ( ssirpxmlDSj T'w noxtaxcoc (Ben bifxll bnB ninxbos 2 MATERIALS 1 . Experimental Animals . Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats weighing 220-410 gm were obtained from Camm Research, Wayne, N.J., and Charles River, No. Wilmington, Mass. They were maintained in individual cages on Purina Chow and tapwater, ad libitum. Food and water were not re¬ stricted prior to the induction of anesthesia at the time of each experimental study. 2. Construction of micropipettes. Double-barreled micropipettes were prepared from glass capillary tubing, approximately 1 mm in external diameter that had been washed in concentrated sulfuric acid and air dried. Two 15-20 cm lengths of tubing were manually pulled and twisted over a small flame resulting in union of the two in a pattern of 2-4 tight spirals. The tubing was heated at the point of union and pulled apart by an automatic micropipette puller (Industrial Science Associates, Inc., Ridgewood, N.Y.). In this way, a double-barreled micropipette was obtained with a common, tapered tip. At the mid-point of the micro¬ pipette, one barrel was gently heated and manually bent to an angle of 80°, so that each barrel could be individually filled. The tip of each micropipette was viewed at 100 X under a monocular microscope fitted with a filar eyepiece micrometer and manually broken off with a forceps to an outside diameter of 7-10 y. The micropipettes were held in a pipette holder on a micromanipulator (Model 5003, Brinkmann Instruments, Inc., Great Neck, N.Y.), and the tips were beveled against a carbor¬ undum grinding wheel (Model 37C 320 LIIV, Norton Abrasives, Teterboro, N.Y.) to an angle of approximately 30 . Each micropipette was examined microscopically to guarantee a smooth, patent, beveled tip of appropriate dimensions . snow rftg 0 if-1 -022 t9w y9ffT . 3ebM t aolgniirrliW .oK tn9vi.':i . ."Lftidii f •• (.nelBWqBl bfiE worfD Bnintdl no :n cioidouDni odd oi ooioq b& loin Is . ybnla Islrrsmineqxs .as 1 j 9 c x qon o x m 1c no : doir'l Is no 0 . i " 1 idol ynsiliqBO asslg moor bsnBqonq anew ' ■ nlneonoo ni bod-’Bw n osd bsrf lerfl oslamsib : Ii io srftgngl mo OS-21 ovT .feeirrb oxrrn ns gnilliresn smBll Ilsttrs b nevo 1b bsdBarf 3BW gnidirl rdl .o. -niqs Irfgjcl fn ) o 'j liner 9l 'qonoim oiismolifB no yd Iocbcb -y bvt sirfi r:T . ( . Y . H jboow&gbiK t.onI • n.'l bensqBl tnomtrroo b rfdiw bsnisido i; ' ns b9iBon yllnfe.y anw Isnotsd 9no {9ld9qiq vl 'Bi'bivxbni ed blnoo Isnnsd dose 1 Bill os e °08 L ’ . 3BW £ itsqxqon ilff b *T9l£rroo'0 ;n *.••;. -b bcbT. si e rfliw .i ( -V :o BOlemBib sbiedno r on oIbI no cnBinonoim s no n9b.Coff 9 1 j’sqicr " : t ci+ tr.B t ( . Y . V , doeW IbsoO f . on! r 99di7 ni bn. log .mnbnn 'I91 BftiixooqqB Io 9lgnB ns oi (.Y.VT >q t oomo c e9lnBT£ng ol yi LBoiqooao'Toim . - noinn odii: b 3 3. Solutions and Routes of Administration A. Anesthesia. Inactin (Chem. Fabrik. Promonta, Hamburg, Germany) was made up daily in 154 mMNaCl at a concentration of 80 mg/ml. Rats were injected intraperitoneally at a dosage of 160 mg/kg, body weight. This agent produced a stable state of general anesthesia which was maintained for the duration of the acute experiments (2 to 4 hours). Additional increments of anesthetic were not required. B. Infusion Solutions Intravenous solutions were administered via indwelling poly¬ ethylene catheters placed in the external jugular veins. i. 154 mMNaCl was made up in distilled water and used to replace surgical losses and provide maintenance hydration during the entire course of each experiment. ii. 10% Lissamine green was made up in distilled water and in¬ jected periodically to measure proximal tubule transit times. Intratubular- The double-barreled micropipettes were filled just prior to use with an aqueous test solution in the bent arm and a filtered suspension of Sudan black (for photographic contrast) in castor oil in the straight arm. The test solutions consisted of: i. 154 mMNaCl ii. Amphotericin B, as the solubilized Fungizone preparation (E.R. Squibb and Sons, New York, N.Y.), was dissolved in 154 mMNaCl to final concentrations of: amphotericin B, 50 yg/ml sodium desoxycholate , 41 yg/ml sodium phosphate buffers, 25 yg/ml. These amounts resulted in an addition of 0.97 mOsm/Liter to the isotonic saline (a 0.32% increase in osmolarity). nx bsoslc anelsriJBD 909lYrits it nr •/ ebsm sbvj t ObMMiit ^cl . i a 2 sol Isoxgaijs . jrrs.'i'xerp.s rfoBS do bs'xx'OO t ax/oei.T'B ns idJw 9sli od Troika I i aod) ;-tOBld ns6r/2 do rroxsjTsqsi/s +ex+ix-onoo isni'i oj iOsHMm 4 iii. A third solution containing all the constituents of Fungi¬ zone with the exception of amphotericin B was made up in 154 mMNaCl to the same concentration as in the amphotericin B test solution (ii). Solutions ii. and iii. were prepared weekly and refrigerated at 4°C until used. W 9 C’L 5 METHODS 1. Surgical Preparation After the induction of anesthesia with Inactin, the neck, abdo¬ men, and left flank were shaved. The animal was placed supine on an electrically heated board with the temperature controlled by a type 116 Powerstat (Fisher Scientific, New York, N.Y. ) and body temperature mon¬ itored with an esophageal temperature probe (Tele-thermometer, VS1, Yellow Springs Co., Inc., Yellow Springs, Ohio) and maintained at 37°- 38°C . A tracheostomy was performed with a 3-4 cm segment of tapered Clay Adams PE 260 polyethylene tubing inserted in the trachea, secured with 3-0 surgical silk and cut as short as practicable to limit respiratory dead space. One external jugular vein was cannulated with Clay Adams PE20 polyethylene tubing filled with 154 mMNaCl and secured with 4-0 surgical silk. The urinary bladder was exposed through a suprapubic incision, and a short length of Clay Adams PE50 polyethylene tubing with a heat-flanged tip was secured in the bladder with 3-0 surgical silk . A vertical midline incision was made in the abdominal skin and the recti divided from approximately 1 cm cephalad to the bladder incision to the xiphoid process. A left subcostal incision was carried from the midline to the posterior axillary line, and the animal was moved onto its right side. Overlying loops of bowel were gently retracted from the left upper quadrant, and the left kidney was visualized. Using two pairs of small forceps, the perinephric fat and fibrous renal capsule were carefully stripped away from the superficial paren¬ chyma leaving the entire cortical surface exposed (1). The kidney was placed in a small rectangular plexiglas cup which contained a broad ioi*£TB7sri^ LBobgrwQ .1' . bsvx 3 errs1:" ''i’rrsX'i j^-sX bn& en9irr 1 7firs ~ 9jlX [tiw bri£c b9t£9ff yXXBoxTtoeXs t ’r £±nexo3 tror'scl) XbXst91wocI :q C' t xX Fxre q/ri9 X lx bgBXqoa9 rrB rfx iw b9Tojx <. .on I t . oO sgrxTqS woXXeY i Jxw 5s tag sew yrrroXsosriofi'iX A T TEXoSl i L5nT9XX9 srO . eoeqs bsob XXx^ grrxdnj eneXyrfXsyXoq OSH'S “'bold yiBri jtu aXT . XXxs XfioxgTjJS to ilxgn'al XTorfs b 5hb eaox8xonx SB’ qxJ begnsXX- XesX s .-'Xxw rxXbxnr XsdxJtsv A - ; bivib xXost oTq biorfqxx erij ot 3CTBO r Bfi ' Xns “-lx §ni VB9r smyrfo xlBfnp b ax b9DBXq 6 notch on one side to accomodate the renal pedicle in order to avoid vascular embarassment to the kidney. The cup was lined with cotton fluff soaked with mineral oil to immobilize the kidney and reduce respiratory movement and vascular pulsations. A brass handle attached to the cup was secured in a thumb-screw holder on the animal board, and the angle of the handle and the cotton packing were adjusted so as to leave the surface of the kidney as close to horizontal as possible. The skin and muscle edges were retracted with modified safety pins anchored to the cork surface of the animal board, and the kidney was covered with mineral oil, at room temperature, which was replenished at ten minute intervals. 154 mMNaCl, in an amount equal to 1% of the animal's body weight, was infused over an 8-12 minute period by a Compact Infusion Pump (Model 975, Harvard Apparatus Co., Inc., Dover, Mass.) to replace sur¬ gical fluid losses. A 1.2 ml per hour infusion was maintained for the remainder of the experiment . The animal, lying on the heated animal board, was placed on an adjustable stage (Big Jack, Precision Scientific Co., Chicago, Ill.) under a stereomicroscope (Model 570, 0.7-4. 2 X, American Optical Co., Buffalo, N.Y.). The entire exposed surface of the kidney was visual¬ ized at 84 X with illumination from a 100 watt zirconium arc lamp with heat reflecting glass filters (Paul Rosenthal, Inc., Great Neck, N.Y.), and individual surface tubules could be clearly visualized. 2. Experimental Design Experiments lasted from 2-4 hours, including the time required for surgical preparation. During the course of each experiment, prox¬ imal tubule transit times were estimated at 20-30 minute intervals to assess the viability of the preparation. From one to six proximal ©ift c: rn©pes^feM5ras 'ibIuobev -rfira/rfl e al bsiuoss 3£W quo sifit ot * r .slevx^tri Btirnim nsf tiTUorrrs n& nx , 1 ^sWMfn £■?.£ cj ;rn . .T f. 1' - P itb 'rove bs-snmx SBW e. rsH , cVf IsboM) - . tYrsinx'xsqxs srit ^to 'isbnxBfrsi i no errxYl , IsniiffB ©r.T B V.O ,0V? IsboM'' Bqoo3ortoxi'tCfirX3?s b 'xebnu ntrrs . . Y . Td ,o r iu5 cl noxXsni Lli . 4*8 te c . ‘ * . . 19 so) IjjfT) S'XSt r x'z SSBlg yaxloell.s'x T£9fl ;.Trixf£ Isubxvxbnx bns 1b Xnsinxri9^y.3 . $ 1 box gnus nol ufj'ij’ sluduq Ibutx 7 tubules were selected on the basis of criteria for length, shape, and accessibility by the micropipette, and each tubule was blocked with castor oil, perfused with an aqueous solution and photographed no more than twice. During the course of the reabsorption of each aqueous droplet, from three to six photomicrographs were taken at three second intervals, and at the conclusion of each experiment, the film was developed, enlarged, and printed under controlled conditions. All prints were grouped into ordered sequences of individual droplets, and each sequence received a random code number. All droplets were measured and reabsorptive half-times (t%) were calculated without the observer knowing the composition of the droplet under consideration. After the calculation of all t%s , the code was revealed and the droplets were grouped according to the nature of the test solution. Statistical analysis was performed, and the differences in the calculated mean t^s were compared using Student's t test. 3. Proximal Tubule transit times. In order to evaluate the condition of the preparation as a whole and test the patency of individual proximal tubules, a modification of Steinhausen' s (2) method for distinguishing proximal from distal tubules on the kidney surface was employed . When viewed through the microscope with proper illumination, prox¬ imal tubular loops can be distinguished from the much rarer distal tubular loops by the bright band, representing the brush border, on the luminal surface of cells of the proximal convolution, which is virtually absent in the distal tubule. Only the middle third of the proximal convoluted tubule is present on the kidney surface, and the terminal superficial segments of this portion of several proximal tubules are seen to converge in groups surrounding single efferent ■ c b-^vieosrx sonsnpss rio£.o : V . :• "V- bqloaCiBS'T fcnfi dq e P^~t I Lb 10 rroxtBluoXso 't ot 'mH ' ’ 'XOOE bsqUOTg .. b i . : rra' q 8 sw s’ce vl sne grrisu bsTFCTToo st:9w • Ii/cuT lernxxo'i? .6 [£ ‘ e ~ srfq lead bfiB arterioles in a series of "star" or "rosette" conformations. This con¬ formation represents the point at which tubular fluid has traversed 55- 60% of the proximal tubule and is about to desend into the cortex in the pars recta (3). To estimate proximal tubule transit time, the surface was observed while 0.5 ml of 10% Lissamine green was rapidly injected intravenously with a gastight syringe (#1002, Hamilton Co., Whittier, California). According to the modification of Gertz, et al. (4), the transit time was measured from the occurrence of the initial "green blush" of the renal surface, resulting from the filling of surface vasculature and Bowman’s capsule and indicating the entrance of dye into the proximal tubule, to the time when the filtered dye had filled the last of a group of tubules form¬ ing a "rosette". These intervals which were usually 9-11 seconds were used as the index of viability of the kidney. If and when this transit time became grossly prolonged (greater than 15 seconds), the experiment was terminated. 4. Stationary Microperfusion. Purpose. The technique of stationary microperfusion of proximal tubule segments, also known as the "split oil droplet" method, was used to evaluate net fluid efflux under control and experimental conditions. Theoretical Formulation. In the original description of this method, Gertz (5) demonstrated that when a column of oil filling the proximal tubular lumen was split by a droplet of saline, the progressive net reabsorption of the saline was accompanied by the convergence of the ends of the oil columns. The regression in the length of the droplet, therefore, was considered to be directly proportional to the rate of fluid reabsorption. The radius of any given droplet was considered to be constant all along the droplet and constant during the period of ■ • . oJn ' -»b C* Ji/ods .J t -» leniixonq si) to #08 .(6) aJowrr B'xsq 'i&JL, 10 noxdBoidxbor: 9ffl ot gmbrioooA 9/lt mcri bswaBsm v>rr.' teoibiii bn£ elB-eqso i/o- £ ‘ odd be fix* fed 9\;b be-retl-cd srf* nsrfw sirul ■ j ! S cO'l" £ 2ft X ■ j 'cf£i.v V X9bni aril as b93tr i m-fb rx3i6S'xg) b^r 'olo^q yleae'xg omsosd 9 raid . ■-’•erf rrrrTii-4 ?cu . rrcxELrHsqo'iD.BM Y'XBncxdsdS .I1 srb sc n -'on>f oeIb t atrromgGS slirdi/t .■•Ix'Je bxuli dsn elsulB' .- . aoxt&Iuwrtol lB0.1tsiO9rfT ro ■ . . on £ rr s dvr j-sfid b b r^dsnomsb (6) sb'XBr) h £ v ' j-ilqa acv.’ esptuI 'xeludsb f- otfino" 6 ebw onxles sdi do nox ta'icadEsn m ?i:! ’ n 1 to' ,rr- 9I . o. tiloo Iro e d do abns 1 berrobistroo ebv .. ©‘xodsrrsrid yi i do ELfibp.'i 9p":’ .noxdq'xoadse'x bruld c 9 droplet shrinkage. The relationship between the length of the droplet and time was demonstrated to be semilogarithmic and can be expressed as: (1) In / 1 (t ) \ = mt \1 (o) ) where 1 (t) = the droplet length at time, t, 1 (o) = the initial droplet length, m = the slope of the semilogarithmic regression, t = time. by rearranging (1), (2) In = m. t Procedure. The double barreled micropipettes were filled to the tips with castor oil and an aqueous test solution and placed in a Leitz micromanipulator. A compressed air line was connected to the straight arm containing the castor oil, and a 50 ml glass syringe was attached via, polyethylene tubing to the bent arm with the aqueous solution. The kidney surface was scanned in order to locate a segment of proximal tubule which appeared to be grossly straight, with paralled sides, totally on the surface, approximately 3-5 tubular diameters in length, and aligned approximately in the orientation of the micropipette. The micropipette tip was moved as close to the end of a length of tubule as possible, and lowered at an angle between 15° and 40° to the horizontal, far enough to barely depress the tubular epithelium. The tubule was punctured with a short, brisk motion along the axis of the micropipette leaving the openings of both barrels entirely within the lumen of the tubule. Castor oil was injected in amounts sufficient to block tubular flow, and the oil was followed by the infusion of the test solution drop¬ let. It was usually necessary to move the aqueous droplet away from the pipette tip by injecting more oil. at ( l) I sxeriw oxb xsiXxnx snl - (o) 1 9ffX = TT emiX r(i) gnxanB'r-tBscc vd ( fx) r\ nl (S) tsttJ ; j09f . . flB fjnB Ixo XOXEBO ritiw 3qiJ . r i< xqXsbo srfl yninictnoo i . edx oX pnidrrJ ~Biv n b s j Bool oX xe^xo nx bsrrrrfioe sew 90Bdxus ysnb.cd fXiw jXiI^'bxX ylssoxg ed oX bs'iesqqe rfoxrfw 9ixjduX vxqqs , eofcdxfJE srh r:o yll.BXoX do no. i sine ' .o arfl nx ylsJsmxxcxqqB bengxlE bn 5 qxX sllsqxqoxoxm r n^-vtfed r-.r mb i s Xb fcgri'ol bite . x Cdxcsoq 5exqsb visaed oX rfguons xsd !0:'JonT lerid t Xxods 6 dXxw bsxnlonnq rfXo l do asninaqo :■»» . • xvj si .el, ’ txX exom cerrrx yd qxX alloqiq 10 The sequential decrease in the length of the droplet, as reabsorp¬ tion progressed, was recorded by time-sequence photomicrography, per¬ formed on Tri-X film (El 1200, Eastman Kodak, Rochester, N.Y.) with a Nikon F 35 mm camera with electric motor drive (Model F-36) mounted on the ocular of the microscope. The camera and a home-made flash illu¬ minator, powered by a battery pack, were triggered at three second intervals by a Nikon intervalometer (Model NCI) until manually terminated when the droplet was reabsorbed. The exposed film was developed in Acu-1 film developer (Acufine, Chicago, Ill.), diluted 1:5 in water, for eight minutes at 75°F, enlarged and printed on Kodabromide F-4 paper (Eastman Kodak, Rochester, N.Y.). All prints were made at the same magnification (Fig. 1). 5. Droplet Measurement. In order to reduce observer bias , the prints were grouped as sequences of individual droplets, and each sequence given a randomly selected code number. The photographs were saved until all the drop¬ lets could be measured at a single sitting, without the observer having the knowledge of the composition of the droplets. The measurements were performed using a pair of drafting dividers. The shortest distance between the menisci of the oil columns was measured, compared with an arbitrary scale, and recorded as the droplet length, 1, for each time, t, (0, 3, 6, 9, 12 seconds, etc.) as seen in Table 1. The slope of the regression of length for each time interval was calculated with the Programma 101 digital computor (Underwood Olivetti, New York, N.Y.) using formula (2). The slopes for all time intervals were averaged, yielding the mean slope of each droplet sequence. When the original droplet has shrunken to one-half its initial length, is equal to 0.5. The time required for this degree of reabsorption is .«****•*•*■*• . . . aorj-Boi^tingBrn smfee . tne merfusBoM telqo'iG .? noitieoqmoo ‘ ) <* . a 3 4 18.5 /(fi n Droplet Length Un / tb H5 13 /3 85 11.5 (c 9 11.5 6>.5 9.5 9 1Z (o JO 4.5 8 3 6.5 Slope. -6.122.(0 -6. 0592 -0.6953 ■ 0.0733 iZeabsooptl/e part -time Seconds 7.3 9.5 13 defined as the reabsorptive half-time, t^. By rearranging formula (1), and substituting the appropriate values, (3 ) In (0.5) = m and since In (0.5) = -0.693 (4) th = -0.693 . m Using formula (4), a t% for each droplet was calculated. The code was broken at the conclusion of the droplet measurements and calcu¬ lations, and the droplets were grouped according to their composition. 6. Statistical Calculations. The t^s were plotted against the initial droplet lengths, 1 (o) to determine whether there was a correlation between these factors which might bias the results. A coefficient of correlation was calculated for the saline control data and recalculated after arbitrary limits had been placed on 1 (o) to provide similar distributions of 1 (o) for all experi¬ mental groups. The mean, standard deviation and standard error of each revised group (with limits on 1 (o)) were calculated, and the mean th for each group was compared with the other two groups using Student’s t test to determine the significance of calculated differences. In order to express the reabsorptive capacities in more quantita¬ tively descriptive terms than t^, the net flux of water was calculated (6). Water flux (Jv) is equal to the change in volume per unit surface area per unit time. If the droplet is considered a regular cylinder with its radius expressed as r: (5) Jv = (ur^) dl , (2 Trr lo) dt where lo = initial length of droplet t = time (seconds). . ' qf. 9ri? 5.1 ittftitedus bn© & = (5.C) nl (6) 603.0- = (5.0) nl 9onis bn© * ffd (+0 m *tsJ rolBO asw tsXc does nod gf? b t(V) BXi/mnod gfliaU L'ai-,‘ it i cjo"'' off? d no p\'Lolioo ed 1 _ s nedond sbw •1 o? st if cc b c qv rg 9ri9w stsXqonb erf? bn£ tanox?£X .Sf/oilBluoIeO Ibox?3x?b?2 .3 .1 -»*• £ onb Mini atfv :< anixsgB battolq enow Sr 1 sd? ■ . .. mewted noiJ’Blfmoo b sew sneri? nsdteriw srrimnsteb o? : roi JbI ?tio' tneioidieoo A . stXuaen 9(1? sfiid trfgim ■ ? " :tt " f ynx'fiidnx retd© betx.! jjoXeoen ins ©deb Xontnoo enilea ed? no"1 (o) E iio snoitudintaib rtjsllmis 9 bxvG*iq o? (o) J no beoslq bnebn r ins rroxtfix* eb bffsbnB??. ?cB9fn sriT ...qxio'Xg Xfidfrom 9d? bns t bsf bIt/oXbo eno- .• C ) I r;o -• imiX d?iw) qnong baaiven r o-~'T3 ov t odto sd? dt’cw benBcoiv.'^ zb\j qu ong do£9 no", r -fc. ?.;b : ; b [ no I no to ©onBcilirgig rri? snlnmstsb o? tee? XifnrjBo 9vi?qnosds9n erf? aaonqxe o? nob no nl ‘ . ten orb and? ?.mx ? evitqxnoseb yXsvi? gfTBd:. odj ot Xsupo si (vb) xnXd netfiW .(0) ...i :!••• >nf ri nl . 91 ■ : ran neq sen© :n SB besssnqxs anibrn sti ritiw ib ( ^nu ) - vb (?.) in Mini = oX ensdw . (sbrroosf) emit = t 14 Integration of expression (5) gives: (6) Jv = In / 1_\ . r_ \ lo ) 2t If ts th9 In = In (0.5) = -0.693 and substituting in (6): (7) Jv = -0 . 347r . t^ The actual tubular radius was established by measuring oil filled tubules with a stage micrometer photographed at the same magnification as the droplets. By substituting the calculated mean tubular radius and t^ for each group into formula (7), the net water flux for each 3 2 experimental group was obtained and expressed as mm /mm" per second. - ( A rrj ^ :(3) ni gaidu: j-.dsdus biiB sat errq;<9 bns JbeniBldo asw cuc0.1 (Fig. 3). This set of limits was imposed on each experimental group to reduce the influence of initial length on reabsorptive half¬ time, and it reduced the number of droplets in the desoxycholate group from 47 to 33 in 12 animals and in the amphotericin B group from 39 to 23 in 11 animals. a . JU25H ’ 1 ; "f ro or ’.t icy'- - Y'tstiox t £ j ^ onj to axaYX.BnA . X i . «mx t-tXfixf svx tqwBdBsn: X.t .n.I r-.rrE ,q e trfgxs'xt ■) atsXqonb e.r BtqeooB sdt to IIA ' 9ruj?ii9nT snow ( •=- de^ws 6x11 no ^Xstl; j t eoluduf I&mi - cnong iBtrrsr. . -qx© exit XIb not bxtslnolso i, ' / v' , snoxlsl nqinsm I Bins. . ic: ' .. tax .ot &rft Bed qucxg -tx r o ?£w tx f t: Eqoab sdt to noxtxaoqmoo er.t oiXqfmxa . cjcc-t -f a;: sfrrxl-tleri 9vxtqnoadE9n no dtgneX XextXflX to toetts srit r . r.ios .' o) I tarrlsgE bsttol snsw aj*t sseril nsriW ’ lone' i69rx be- '-.luoIjBr it nc rftgnol tsXqonb Isxtxnx to ; , nextoeganx y d ylonsM .(X .gxl) trrenEqqs yXibfisi ssmoosd ;'a dorm to ed ot sbrrst gft t(o) I nstnorfa t£ tErft betEioengqB r_q essrft not rroxtBlenaoo to tnexoxttsoo A . noils nub rx to o^nr-n b novo si . [Etns'TTC'xsqxo trrsnsitib dX mont f H.O = n 9d ot bsTB I ncX bo ebw atlcrn c.GX ot 8 to ssnrlt dt to doso nx eonxo . X0.0>q Jb Bvxtxsoq •he 9 nss’.; tscf 'dtgnsX XBxtxrrx to no i ti/dintaxb 'xbXx _n I telqonb J.Bxtxnx to egnen srit no bscBXq vXinBntidnE srisw ‘ t ‘ jc, vl ^nBoxt : n|i3 ten aev rfoxnw ££'2,0 = n jb stsXqortb 68 s rfxBB no beaoqrri ssw ati/rrxl to tea exriT . (£ .git) X.0it£i9YwD $ a ~f {fedbscrjjtr/c Half-fin ic (seconds) 17 fom re 3 Correlation of initial droplet length <3nd feahsorptlvz v l saline control droplefs (only droplets with, initial Icrflfh between 20 Initial length (Units) Coefficient of Correlation: r= 0.2755, p>o.i i Him c s',c«nb ylno) ^{iws \2$cwp>) 18 2. Effect of the droplet composition on reabsorptive half-times. When t%s were calculated in each group within the aforementioned limits, the saline control t% was 10.90 ± 0.56 seconds (mean + S.E.), the desoxycholate mixture was 9.44 ± 0.60 seconds and the amphotericin B was 7.54 ± 0.61 seconds (Table 2). A comparison of the calculated mean reabsorptive half-times demonstrates that with amphotericin B in the drop¬ let, the t^ was significantly shorter than with saline (p<0.001) or desoxycholate (p<0.02) in the droplets. It also appeared that the desoxycholate mixture alone may have caused more rapid reabsorption than the saline, although the difference was of borderline significance (p<0.05). Nevertheless, amphotericin B definitely appears to have an effect on tubular reabsorption when this agent is in contact with the luminal membrane of the rat proximal tubule . 3. Calculation of net water flux. When measured with the stage micrometer, the average internal radius of the oil filled tubule was 17.8 ± 0.3 y. Net water fluxes for each experimental group were calculated, based on this average value, -432 -4 and were found to be: -5.67 x 10 mm /mm /sec. for saline, -6.54 x 10 3 2 “4 3 2 mm /mm /sec. for the desoxycholate, and -8.19 x 10 mm /mm /sec. for the amphotericin B group (Table 3). The negative values indicate net water efflux. w sbao0aB m.O ± W* ^BW vwtetm *««*»** OE9& -qonb rfXiw irsriX 'xal'iorfe ylXneDHxnsi'- ssv t j 9d* « ^ PX£.' jaF c f -f i XI . stslqo'xb erfX ni (S0.0>q) ©d-filotfoyxossb 9VBrf YEfn if )I.B swXxim sJBlorfoyxoesb ^jairisb ■ aiox'xeXoffqfnE tzzai:- rfX'XSVsW . (c().0>q) . eLtrduX Isirixxonq l&: 9 1; . 8 - has c oXL-Corfoyxossb erfX rio± .oe&\ mm\ nrrri . XL'IXlS xsXsw n Table 2 Effect of amphotericin & and JesoKycho/afe on reabsorptive half time. Sal/he. Desoxycho/ate AmpnettridnB Number cfAnur&is Number of Droplets Reshsorptiuts H&it-t/me (Seconds)* 14 33 10.10 -t 0.5b u S3 9.44+ 0-&0 11 23 7- 54 - O. ! Significance of differences: ^Saline- Amphotericin 3, p ri 0.00/ Saline - Ocsoxychoiate , p <^0.05 Desoxychofa fc -Ampho fericin B, p • v,. 'v^tvh ** 21 DISCUSSION Reabsorption of sodium in the proximal tubule. The experiments were designed to evaluate the influence of per¬ meability characteristics of the plasma membrane of the proximal tubular epithelial cell on net sodium efflux. In particular, the role of the luminal membrane as a rate limiting factor in sodium entry into the cell was studied. Amphotericin B was used in this in vivo preparation to effect an increase in the permeability of the luminal membrane, since recent studies have demonstrated that when this agent is applied to the mucosal surface of many epithelial structures in in vitro preparations, there is an increase in permeability of the affected membrane. The importance of such cellular factors as membrane permeability in the regulation of net sodium reabsorption is best understood when studied in relationship to other factors which are known or thought to influence sodium reabsorption in the proximal segment of the nephron and in the kidney as a whole. From the early work of pioneers in micropuncture technique. Walker and his associates (7), it can be seen that approximately two-thirds of the glomerular filtrate is absorbed along the course of the mammalian proximal convolution. This process occurs while there are no osmotic or sodium concentration gradients between the tubular fluid and plasma. These basic findings have been repeated by several investigators and are now accepted principles upon which the understanding of renal function is based (8,9,10). The mode of transfer of this large per¬ centage of glomerular filtrate is widely believed to be based on the active transport of ionic sodium with the water following passively along the osmotic gradient produced by this solute shift. From K0I33U02IQ .©Cxrcfc/d iBrrrixoTq ©rid ai rn/xboa do noxdqdoadBsd 8da©rnxfx9qx9 ©di . . lTB* ; ra b&doeddE ©rid do ydxlidEomoeq ai ssb' oofix a© ex ©asrfd TOjOE^ aBixfIlso rfoi/s do soaBdaoqfx f ©; • - d ax aoidqxcoadEoa: oruxbos dsn do noidGlug©' ,.9lorfw b 26 yerrbitf ©rid ni r.t 1 1 d ocxvc ' ,rio x nr ai sxrsonoxc io daow yoBS ©ri; nroa ■ x id gaol .6 bodacsds 3X sdx dl " OB-ilix ■ i s/ticj, g ©r. J aaxro do s$#ooaq ?■ f riT • . nox dxrlovnoo Ismixodq wd©d sd a© ib sag noxdsodasoaoo nuxxboe do v r L9dB©a©a c©-: ©vsrf sgnxbn’d oxEBd ©S9rf: r' yd bsoxrborrq driexbfircg o/domEo ©rid gaols 22 electrochemical determinations across the proximal tubule, it has been shown that sodium is actively pumped out of the tubule since it can be demonstrated that sodium passes from lumen to peritubular fluid against an electrochemical gradient even when a poorly reabsorbable solute re¬ mains in the tubular lumen as during mannitol diuresis (8,10,11). It is further known that renal sodium reabsorption and oxygen consumption are linearly related, so that each mole of oxygen used is associated with the reabsorption of 20-30 mEq of sodium, thus establishing the energy dependent nature of sodium extrusion (12,13). For purposes of highlighting reabsorptive mechanisms, different experimental conditions can be imposed which vary the amount of sodium that is reabsorbed by the proximal tubule and ultimately excreted in the urine. It is important to understand what factors have been delin¬ eated which mediate this control of proximal tubular fluid reabsorption. The first variable to be investigated is the glomerular filtration rate, a parameter which controls the amount of solute presented to the prox¬ imal tubule. Lindheimer, et a^L. (14) demonstrated that an increase in glomerular filtration, independent of a change in extracellular volume, was related to only minimal increases in sodium excretion. This finding is consistent with the concept of glomerulotubular balance established by Homer Smith (15), wherein the nephron maintains a balance between glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption. It was felt that the proximal tubule compensated for an increased sodium load by increasing its absolute reabsorption so that at any point along the tubule, the percentage of glomerular filtrate remaining was unchanged from the con¬ trol situation (16). But other studies have shown that this proximal tubular compensation is not perfect under all conditions (4,17), and that glomerulotubular balance is not an unvarying, inherent property r eludui le ortoc :-rTortf.rrxrnf9t9b Ifiointsrf&O-rtO.slS ^ai'XLh se rreiTTiji xts-Lix i/t srft ni snxsiii . ( f. e o j: > rroisx/rrj-xs mxrxbos do exfudEfl dnebnsaeb v^rtans tfv foxri x b- soqrrtx nso snoxd ibrroo .[£Jn9iui:ri9qx9 : t sLudvi [erfixxoxcq srfj yd bsdxcoedeexf ax d£dd no iBmxxoTq do loxrdrroo sidd s'j'Bxbsm rfoxriw b9l£9 r i uxbos rrx sesBoxforri iBmxnxm ylno od bedE-texf sew ■XEl.xdiij oIuFcenroIg do dqsono: on i c dn ; eft fiOTriqsrr 9ri J niexsrfw t(c'.C) rfdxmS ocernoH yd ' bns9rronx ns acd bsdEsnsqnoo sludud lEnxxo'xq Oc no ’ rh.rrosdBS'x exuloeds sj 23 of the nephron. This compensatory mechanism seems totally absent when the proximal tubule is perfused in situ by a pump, bypassing the glomer¬ ulus (18). In this case absolute sodium reabsorption remains the same over wide variations in perfusion. These studies tend to indicate that glomerulotubular balance does exist under non-diuretic conditions in the intact nephron, but alterations in extracellular volume or renal blood flow and changes in filtration independent of the peritubular environment can upset their relationship. The second factor classically considered to control sodium reabsorp¬ tion is the effect of adrenal mineralocorticoids . If the composition of the urine is examined before and after administration of aldosterone, it becomes apparent that the changes occurring in electrolyte excretion are primarily a result of increased exchange of sodium for potassium in the distal tubule (19). It has been shown, however, that aldosterone also exerts some effect on proximal tubular function as, in adrenalectomized animals, proximal tubular reabsorption is decreased from control levels, but returns to normal after the animals receive aldosterone (20,21). Recently, micropuncture methods have been extensively used to elucidate other factors involved in the control of sodium reabsorption. Tubular volume and geometry have been investigated in several situations. Gertz, et_ al. (4) presented evidence that total transtubular reabsorp¬ tion is a function of the square of the tubular radius. The influence of tubular geometry was further reinforced by the studies of Rector and associates (22) who found proximal tubular reabsorption proportional to 2 cross-sectional area (it r ) under stopped flow conditions. Schnermann and his colleagues (23) demonstrated that even under conditions of water diuresis, the reabsorptive rate is linearly related to tubular volume, which is also a function of the square of the tubular radius. nr,it s^orbni od f-:s* tsibuiz s^rlT .noiau^sa al snoitsl^v sbi w wo csb isnoo ^IlsoiesBio 4e«** bnoo^E t-rfT ti 4 oncyrstscblB lo cioHs^saimbs *9*6 bne noite-DX, odvloidosls rri gni^ooc aegnsrio odd **dl *ned sqqe asmoosd • worf efrwofTs need serf II .. r-.sd ?v. Fd aborfdem s'xutsncjqo'iolm , vldnsoe* emi/Iov iBluduT sdd nor. 24 Lewy and Windhager (24), however, found that by increasing the peritubular capillary pressure via partial constriction of the renal vein, they pro¬ duced a decrease in sodium reabsorption which was not accompanied by a proportional decrease in the square of the tubular radius. These experi¬ ments indicate that tubular volume is not the sole determinant of reabsorptive rate, and that under certain experimental conditions, such as those dealing with alterations in renal hemodynamics, there may be changes in reabsorption independent of variations in tubular geometry. In the studies of Earley and his associates (25,26,27), it was shown that sodium excretion is increased by induced renal vasodilatation, varies in the same direction as renal perfusion pressure, and is decreased by infusion of hyperoncotic albumin. When the factor of peritubular capillary hydrostatic pressure was evaluated in micropuncture studies, it was shown that increased pressure was associated with decreased fluid reabsorption (24). Experiments in which hypertension was acutely induced by carotid artery ligation and bilateral vagotomy, demonstrated that the elevation in systemic blood pressure was associated with increased urine flow and sodium excretion (28). Micropuncture techniques demonstrated definitely decreased fluid reabsorption in the proximal tubules assoc¬ iated with increased hydrostatic pressure within the tubular lumen. The authors assumed that there was an equivalent increase in peritubular capillary pressure which was felt to mediate the reduced reabsorption from the tubule. The factor of colloid oncotic pressure was investigated by per¬ fusing peritubular capillaries with solutions of varying colloid concen¬ trations and performing free-flow and stationary perfusion micropuncture on the accompanying proximal tubules (29). With this technique, Spitzer and Windhager demonstrated that fluid reabsorption from the proximal ... -Beetle rilxw snxlssb ssorfl ss K : anoxd'B -T£-v j-aobneqofcirx noij-qqo2arseT: ax eagnfcr:: x r.rf bns yelrrEH xo ssilurta ;..ft a I bsessTionx ei rrcxds-xoxs nwxbot ‘Jad? nworis . nxmircLLe oxtoonoxsTv'd 3x> rrocsuinx yd •-■j'BiJIr.vs 8bw sausaeaq o rJ'B.' aoT’.'V*1 \rx»xxin£0 J,. r tfXj;w betBJ 00886 8SW 9*108 397q b9369TT0nX ^Bfft nWOfiS • 2EW t& .sn9 tn-T-.'jyrf rfoirfw nx alnemxrrsqxS f < PS ) nox j q\fu'Kd6sa le'Xod’Blxd bnB rro - XBgi 1 y'xsJ'xe biioaxo y.f-f '■.■1 ana j'oayqoaoxM .(8S: noiXenox© muxbos bns voxl oo-q oxj-BJ-eoxbyrf bsessxoax /ilxw bedsi Crfrfr'H* ex rl fttr'b r xbX. ' xqBO L'. oq gnxaf/d eq yrx6noH6i,6 bn.& woI^-sst! gnxfrrxoJ.asq bne snoxtB'rb . « pq) esii'daq IsiTtixc'xo gniynfxr.oo.De srfd no • uul'i JBri-t bsXBnrf snouts b *xeg£rfbnxW bns 25 tubule varies directly with peritubular oncotic pressure. These studies all tend to lend credence to Earley’s stress on peritubular determinants of sodium reabsorption and excretion, but the relative importance of hydrostatic pressure and colloid oncotic pressure to one another in the control of reabsorption is still subject to question. The mode of action of these influences on reabsorption is also hypothetical at this point, although both Koch, et al. (28) and Windhager's group (24,29) have suggested increased back diffusion of sodium across the peritubular membrane or an indirect inhibition of active sodium transport as possible mechanisms . Another area involving control of sodium reabsorption which has aroused some interest is the possibility of a circulating natriuretic hormone produced during volume expansion. This notion was first sug¬ gested by deWardener, et al. (30) on the basis of experiments in which dogs, treated with large amounts of mineralocorticoids and vasopressin, responded to saline infusion with a rise in urinary sodium excretion despite the deliberate depression of glomerular filtration rate. Whole sera and fractions of sera from such volume expanded animals were tested on rats with micropuncture techniques, and initially Rector, et_ al_ . (31) proposed that a hormone had been found which would inhibit sodium reabsorp¬ tion when infused intravenously into a non-volume-expanded test animal or placed directly in the proximal tubular lumen. Other investigators using similar methods, however, have failed to duplicate these findings (32,33). The controversy over whether such a hormone exists or whether the effects of volume expansion on sodium reabsorption are entirely mediated by peri¬ tubular factors is still unsettled. Other possible mechanisms of control of sodium reabsorption have been suggested. An attractive hypothesis defended by convincing experi- . . lOT ***** 9. (E+^oqiKi vltr'vt tnd .noidsnoxe bn* noitqroed*** rrajxfuj? io . , t ,*r -no or ,-otw ? =Momo ti*JUo» be* ■'»*»-«» TO -ben erfT .. •J25KP OJ Uil* ai noiJqmee'tEsi to Ion-moo ; soxdoritocYrf oeX* si noxrrqoosdSso no Bssitwltai *»'-» 1° norXrf -SEribnxtt h.T. (8S) . I* is .rlooM '»od itJUetl: tie ,«ricq n ndurUnr-’ T'f rsres nruxbos to nolBoWlb *»*■ r bOBOoi-crx bstsoggira sv*tf oldi too B* MC46.ic.nJ- mnxhoe otxIde to noxJxdirfni tovilbai m no MTEndniso .smainfficem iBll a ; fe iK :tq b mtriboe vrrsrrxrfu rrx ©sii £ xJiw noxsudnx ©niles ox bsbnoqaen .x,'--. noifBtfLtt iBliriemoIa To noiaae^qxb 9*#ttK£i td et: ©rtfjqaab -,. cnxm bo I: :pqx9 arnulov rfous morri fibres Tr crtoxdosrc.i j-nB frr"'' - ^xolosH yllextxnx bns e asupx* oaf arUTdonuqorrDxm riTiw sdtfa no -crcoedB'vr muxboj Ixcinx bluow rfoirfw bnuol Read bsrf see.. x-.r! £ ' -cv." f o v -non s odni ylaucrrevBrtdfrx &®a*rt*i ft#rfW no id . ■ , .. g £ : *•. ■■; £B(fri^O«* ■ i ; re ilqub oJ bslisri svsrf .rtgvswcrl dm. • : sno^no/ e rfous xrsrf Jorfw rtavo yerravoT < nro .of, r rnui - .belt-'esnu Hide ax grrodcsT TcBludfirt -,vf. : rror q*oB.' -vs nu*xbo8 rto JorrJ-noo srraxnsrfoern 0J.di.e8oq rrarfdO . ** nr si /n r\ U -.CL 26 ments was set forth by Horst er and Thurau (34). They demonstrated that in addition to mechanisms which regulate sodium reabsorption in different segments of the nephron, alterations in the function of different portions of the population of cortical nephrons could also exert a controlling influence. In this analysis, they distinguished two separate populations of cortical nephrons, superficial and jux tame dullary. By calculating single nephron glomerular filtration rates, they found that on a low sodium diet, individual superficial tubules had filtration rates that were less than one-half those of jux tame dull ary tubules. However, when rats were maintained on extremely high sodium diets with saline for drinking water, the superficial, short-looped nephrons filtered fluid at greater than twice the rate of the juxtamedullary , long-looped group although there was only a minimal increase in the total kidney glomerular filtration rate. It was felt that by altering renal hemodynamics (possibly via the renin-angiotensin system), the organism was able to cope with states demanding sodium excretion or sodium retention by adjusting the distribution of flow to either the sodium wasting (super¬ ficial) or sodium retaining (juxtamedullary) nephrons. Therefore, with¬ out altering the inherent reabsorptive capacities of the proximal tubules, total kidney tubular reabsorption could be varied by the distribution of renal blood flow. This concept is supported by the finding that, in clinical states associated with sodium and fluid retention, superficial cortical blood flow is depressed to a greater extent than is flow to the rest of the cortex and medulla (35). The description of the events of sodium and water reabsorption at the cellular level has been approached with many different techniques by the morphologist, the histochemist , the electrophysiologist and the enzyme biochemist. Recent reviews have incorporated much of this data e) USWlfT baB *»**»« Snilloitn- J mexe or-r£ bXuoo snoirfqefl Issxdccoo aoxdeXuqpq v-> ,YasI4Lubein*3-xuc bne L&ioftrtequa fsno(Xnd srfd dErfd nworfs nsscf zed f I orrsbE bstEvxdofi irruxtaBdoq-muxbos ..msdsvs emysne ns ' ■ . ( £ ’) ?li.dsIxidsoq (£+0 bnofiiB-fd eXXso XfixXoddxq© ?nci:','xrIo;: srfd n bn* rnlbcs ei *1 . dn9mfrortxvfr9 'TBXudxrdin'sq 9rid ^dd brX£wod -X9d6w bns 9duXoa do flciai/xrdxs 28 From this brief review it can be seen that many factors are known to exert some control over net sodium efflux in the proximal tubule. The relationships of these factors of filtration rate, hormones, tubular geometry, peritubular forces and functional heterogeneity of the nephron population to one another and to the minute-to-minute control of proximal tubular reabsorption are not well comprehended. Other aspects, involved in control of the active and passive phases of sodium transport at the cellular level, are appreciated, but not well understood. The studies described in this presentation were performed in an attempt to evaluate the nature and influence of an aspect which has been largely neglected thusfar, the permeability of the luminal membrane. The experiments were designed to examine what effect alterations in this barrier would have on sodium transport. This change in permeability was mediated by ampho¬ tericin B, an agent which has been shown to be effective in increasing plasma membrane permeability in several in_ vitro systems. The effect of amphotericin B. Amphotericin B is a polyene antibiotic which was originally pro¬ duced by the actinomycete , Streptomyces nodosus . It is the drug of choice for treatment of any deep-seated mycoses, but it has an unfor¬ tunately large number of toxicities, including reasonably frequent renal damage (44). This renal toxicity has been extensively investigated both clinically and experimentally, and it is felt that most of the damage is attributable to a vasoconstrictive effect of the antibiotic causing depression of perfusion and subsequent lowered glomerular filtration rate (45,46). More recently, the pathological picture of nephrocalcinosis and the occurrence of hypokalemia and hyposthenuria occasionally preceeding azotemia was investigated by McCurdy, et_ al. (47). They found that patients fix xuldde mux bos fert nter xeludut f c^rronno^ (9t£X rortBXtXxd rto'ifi a " rXx9fTsr>. X9t9f. Ififiox^ onu^ bns ssoxxd xsludu.i xrceq t -{x.j srriosg Jr-i * vox-* do I ox trios stunin-c t-9tnn in* erft of ba& xsritcaH eno of aoitsluqoq . £ &bt rsrl xqmoo Her; ton ?xb noi tar oscfssx xeXudut •••;. o [T . -ootcxebnu II&w ton tud bstBXoexqqB sxb ..Isvsl xeXuXXso < -[ >v • ot tr tts - "B nx be xodxoq- enow rro r tstire^exq sxrft nr bsdxxrss') • t ssd rfox f i tosqsB ab io eoneuldcrx bns ©istfsti Q&f . ofTBXifmonT lEnxmuX 9dt o \*tx£rdEBinx9q si j r ' snoxtsxedls xxr*9 tBriw 9flXfliBX9 ot bengxesb c . rtxXidssmTbq ni sgrrsdo ?.ir!T . ixocsr-x ; x’dbos no ••90 * ffj- . y r to S't i 9 9rf Ot HWOffS XOCf SBli HOI ’ t il9g£ ITB tS BXOXXBt .or' 'eve a xt.rv u Xsxsves nx yj xX id£9nxeq 9n£xdrtiern BfliSfiXq .3 n x o x X9 1 o ri qm£ do tosdds oriT -oxq vXXb ' xxo sew 'oxrfw o' toxaxJ s 9fr©yXoq b si 8 nxoxx9torfqmA >o t ;xb erf" si tl . susobon x9DVfnctq9Xt3 e 9t9oymonxtO£ srit vd bsovb ■frd. i . nr serf tx tud eB?30oynr betBss-qosb yns do tnoirtBext xod soxorfo • r CdsnccBox gnxbulonx t Bsxtxsxxot do xedmun 9gxsX vXstsaut t-vn ’ I&vxsn t' * nose ori ytrroixot Xeitex sxr . • +*+0 9gBflti6b -ierft tXsd e r. tx 5ns , yX X£tn9mxxoqx9 bne yXXBOxniXo tDOdds 9V X tO X Xt 3B0003B V £ Ot BXdBtudXXttB 'v f f uxoric * g box&vio.'. j!.ebr'9r due bne noxstrdxoq do noi3S9xqeb > ’ - j ■ iq XBOXgoIorftBq e :t t yitnoosx exoK . (objS-i-O &tBX i . ( v ' . Xe t? tybxuOoM yd b9tBgxt£9vnx sbw BxnratosE 29 being treated with amphotericin B frequently demonstrated the clinical findings of distal renal tubular acidosis. In the experiments described in this presentation, the dose of amphotericin B used was based on the work done with the toad urinary bladder by Lichtenstein and Leaf (48), who found maximal effects of amphotericin B at 13 yg/ml. In an attempt to guarantee an effect in the perfused, intact, renal proximal tubule, the initial in vivo dose was increased to 50 yg/ml, a level which did produce some effect. In their study, Lichtenstein and Leaf state that sodium desoxycholate , the solubilizing agent for amphotericin B, produced no significant effect in their preparation. It was felt that this agent should also be tested in a mammalian system. Consequently, following experiments on the first group of rats used both for learning of technique and acquiring control data, the effects of intratubular injections of two experimental sub¬ stances, amphotericin B and desoxycholate, were evaluated. The action of amphotericin B was assessed under stop-flow conditions to diminish the influence of possible systemic effects of this agent. Therefore, the changes occurring with intratubular application of this drug can probably be attributed to its local activity. From Table 2, it can be seen that when amphotericin B was added to the tubular lumen, net transport increased as evidence by a change in t^ from 10.90 to 7.54 seconds, a significant decrease of greater than 30%. When expressed as -4 3 2 net water flux, an increase in magnitude from -5.67 x 10 mm /mm per -4 3 2 second to -8.19 x 10 mm /mm per second was demonstrated. There is also an apparent decrease in t% from control values associated with desoxycholate, although amphotericin B produced a further significant decrease in t^ of approximately 20% from the desoxycholate value. The difference between the saline control and desoxycholate may, in fact, be influenced by the improvement in technical ability of the novice izobioB X£fjj u* Xfirrsx Ifilsxfe lo sgnxbrtil yrrriTi , bBot eft-; .r*’v enofe *»v srf* no beesd n.rw bm* a atD*#*> «*» h-cxxio^ orfw t(8-M) ?seJ bne nie^snatrfoxJ yd xeb^Xd .e •- . -rt rrc -t smixsc wwollol * YltneupesncO .-jnsiSY# ne r r.£mnt6.ii 6 m ovrt lo anoiJoerni xsludirtexlni lo alpslle ed* e£-Jnb ■rv6, oxew (9lfiXor{:>Y.:o8.vb bn 6 nxoixo jo':qnr£ t ?.:■ on£j e l : nxoixelorfqrapB lo noxlSB sriT if''1 moxl £0£ y IsJb^'xkoxc qs '.to a.'. 30 investigator, and its significance is therefore subject to question. In summary, there is evidence that by the action of amphotericin B on the luminal membrane of the proximal tubular epithelium, this drug increased sodium and fluid reabsorption in an isolated segment of mammalian proximal tubule . The results in this mammalian system were duplicated and elaborated upon in experimentation with the proximal tubule of Necturus (49). Stroup and Kashgarian have found that at concentrations of both 10 yg/ml and 50 yg/ml, amphotericin B reduced the t% to approximately 50% of control values. It was also found that solute influx into an intraluminal, isotonic raffinose droplet was significantly increased by amphotericin B. Finally, in measuring equilibrium concentrations, they found that the concentration of sodium was unchanged but that of potassium was distinctly increased. They interpreted this data as an effect of amphotericin B causing increased passive permeability and depolarization of the luminal membrane which was associated with increased net transport of solute and water . The only other work with this agent in altering membrane permeability has been in in vitro systems, particularly the toad bladder. Lichtenstein and Leaf (48) originally used amphotericin B with vasopressin to demon¬ strate the double series permeability barrier originally postulated by Andersen and Ussing (50) in the toad skin. The membrane, according to this concept, consists of an outer homogeneous diffusion barrier with low permeability to most hydrophilic solutes and a deeper porous barrier which resists bulk water flow, the latter being particularly sensitive to ampho¬ tericin B in Lichtenstein and Leaf’s experiments. Their results were challenged by Mendoza, et_ al_. (51), using similar techniques, who found that the effect of amphotericin B on the toad bladder was not limited to r. :,t no 9 nxoi'ietc:iqi*B do noitor id sorubiva ax s*wtt tfairiisrfix§s -xeIu^uI- iBmr.y.r-'tc zdf tv iBnxmuI . aludnt Ismlxonq arft rftxw next EtrramxTaqxa (if. noqu ylat 6#n xxonqqE ot rt sidl beoubei S rrxox'xatorfqmB f .rm\§i4 ronx yltrTBoMxagxa sew tslgoab seonxlfs** oxnotos.;: ,:[x j -!■■<'■ f ilo’I - srit eanc tnaonoo fnxr x udi I. :.yp 9 §rr innsssxrf err fyI£Bct.:rr mvf pj-oq to tsrft lud be-gnsrto: x sbw mux boa lo iTOXtB'rJ-riBOfioo ox-Xf todomB do t bells riE sb EtEb a .reft batsaqistni: veriT .beeBatoax rf ■ Jr no.'r'-ssx'XElo oeb bus Ytxlxdeem'ieq ©vcessq basEsaorfi gnxsuE: oaeaET-J tan ba season x rftxw bstBXOceEB sbw rfoxdw onB'xdmsm i jnx'xetlB rrx tns§£ airft rftxw rfww *isrfts> vino an p • j y .••rabf'B/d bn t j ft vI'XBluoit'Xsq e sm©t3ye otjxv ni nx naa^ esrf -nr: nab ot rx.fssi ••"•••'EBV rft ' vr f. nfof 'xetorfqmB baex; yllBnigicro (S'-1) dead bnp , r, r x.?ocr ,• f f.Enxpx'xo nai'S'XBd ytxIxdBamtaq aairraa sldnox arid stetta i ■ - u lb slaiarrou , tq-? ocroo eMl dqr'E ot rds©il bxiB rrxs^Enatdo id nx 3 (ixo/nat 31 only one of the barriers. They cautioned that the assumption that ampho¬ tericin B acts only at a single site was not proven, and that the actions of other agents should not be interpreted on this basis. Finn (52), also using the toad bladder, determined that amphotericin B was active at both serosal and mucosal membranes, causing increased passive movement of sodium ions across the membrane facing the medium to which amphotericin B had been added. Singer, et al. (53) have evaluated many of the variables affecting the toad bladder preparation including season of the year, time after dis¬ section, initial short-circuit current and initial potential difference across the membrane. They found that under certain conditions, the orig¬ inal observations of Lichtenstein and Leaf (48) could be consistently reproduced and reaffirmed the double barrier membrane hypothesis. The effects of amphotericin B on the toad bladder were elegantly studied by Saladino, et al. (54), who correlated the electrophysiological and ultra- structural changes in mucosal cells during exposure to this agent over various periods of time. They found that amphotericin B reduced the capacity of apical plasma membranes to maintain intracellular gradients. After a few hours of incubation with the antibiotic, structural and functional disintegration occurred, with intracellular swelling and mito¬ chondrial matrix condensation. Ultimately, there was necrosis with swelling of intracellular ground substance and disruption of many organ¬ elles. In the early phases, at two and eight minutes, before demonstrable morphological cell disruption could be demonstrated, there was a persistent increase in short-circuit current implying increased transport by a still competent, unsaturated sodium pump. This parameter fell in concordance with the demonstrated breakdown of cellular integrity during more prolonged incubations . Other in vitro systems have been examined with amphotericin B. -oifqme *o. * nobanr.s **rf* bsno-xso YerfT .e*®i*»wl erf* do eno znoifOB srf* *Erf* blie .fISVO *q *o a SEW 9ti3 siguis E f& vino e*OB a rrxoxxe* -., eBV € rr.i - -• e-or[qnTB dfirf* berrxnr-xedeb e -xebl bIg bso* sd:' jcrueu . faHff a niDxastorfqiHB rfoxiiw o* mutbm erf* 3*1^ ®rtB*dnre* erf* aecrttofi saox •f* 70 YfTEra b@*BJJlBY9 evert (£5) -X* it ctr.fts nrr e TtBsy srf* d- no'.B93 yai bulorrx nox**«6qs‘*j aebbald beo* erf* lBi*iTe*oq XBxtrrrx bna fc&v'wo titfo'xxo-d'iorfs iBxXxnx enox*3£S Brf* f r.oldxbnoo r:B*-ceo ^ebnu dsrf* bxruod Y©rfT • eflBfrefasflT srf* sed'XOE Vl*nr*sx3noo ed bluoo (8b) ds&J bns nxe*3n9*rfoxd do enoxtB-xesdo Xsnx rp • • Pr -y r ?iiBT:cfraern 0:0 iwf • eid/job erf* berct'xx/.xss'x ! -e> b90Lff.'O,*s©T: • w ••ebbsXrf Stood erf* no 5 nxoi«xe*orfqra© do adoedds - : ' • . -ovc tr-r.-e pr * o* &fxvsoqx9 %ni~M sXXeo Ibcoduoi nx s.e§n£rfo Xfi'xbdow’xds sotrbe'i 2 rixoi'xsdorfqnrB *b I* brrxro- YsrfT -^rox* *0 &bor:eq auoirrfv -. Cjlt X90ET:*rfi xisdnxBrrr o* sorrsrrdm&tn BflTSBXq XBoiqB do vdicBqBO j v,j j , jxdoxdld.TS erf* rftxv noxdfiduc nx do arruorf wed & oreddA :s-- e-ortr. x 1 : e berrajDoo no'::!xxg dnlsd iBnoidoni'71 sew enerf* F YX9*BflfX*XU .noxdBsnsbnoo xxi*eoj I <■ i'j.unod-) eorn ■) ? fws bni/cag 'xslixl .r©06,x*nx do gnxXXsvB drfgxe bne cvd *s c3esB.rfq Y X'xco od* .eali® oxonx q'TxylqaTx Jrfexxifo : : ;joxho--*xoris nx erB£rvonx T' . "r.rci’rT 87 . (TO.. 1 IXTXbc - '• *- X.-' "! r: OCTU * H 3 SqmOX . * "rxp: r XBlnXXeo to nwordfexd bedEX' .(it nob end .'*•• . anoxdBdjxonx •■■■. hoe *< ,irn/ rf 1 • u.'.inf.xo need evcrf c.xetfgya 00 * r.v nx "SiJdO 32 Lippe and Giordana (55) exposed the small and large intestines of the tortoise to various concentrations of amphotericin B and found that at the same dosage of drug, permeability to thiourea was increased far more in the large intestine. They also noted that permeability changes seemed to affect the transport of smaller molecules much more than that of mole¬ cules which were the size of creatinine or larger, and that there was no change in the permeability to lipid soluble molecules. Steinmetz and Lawson (56) found that in the turtle bladder, amphotericin B caused a defect in urinary acidification due to increased passive permeability of the luminal membrane resulting in increased back diffusion of hydrogen ion. It was also shown that there were larger increases in permeability to potassium than to sodium and chloride, and the authors suggested that this model might be analogous to the clinically described renal tubular acidosis found in some patients being treated with amphotericin B (47). These in_ vitro studies generally tend to support a consistent action of amphotericin B of increasing the passive permeability of most membranes facing media containing this drug, rather than any direct influence on active transport in the system being examined. The mode of action of this agent in altering membrane permeability has been studied for several years. The susceptibility of fungi, but not bacteria, to the polyene type of antibiotic suggested that some difference in the composition of the plasma membrane was the basis of differential sensitivity to these drugs. Working with nystatin, a polyene with a mode of action similar to that of amphotericin B, and fungal protoplasts, Lampen, et_ al . (57) suggested that antibiotic binding by the plasma membrane was the critical event in cell damage and that the binding site contained sterols, types of lipids which are not found in bacteria. Furthermore, studies comparing mammalian erythrocytes with fungal protoplasts demon¬ strated that, at low concentrations of polyenes, there was a rapid lysis csniXsoXii ©sir- f ■ nre IL&rn efit bseoqxs (23> snsbTSDx© bnB egqiJ JB tBrft bnuod bn£ a oxoineXorfqme to anoiXBiXnsonoo suoiiBv ©X ssxgXioX f ron ‘is* hi, f »n onx et-.f Bsuxoirfx oX vltlMfiarnsq ,S^f> 9S62cb swise 9ril _eiOf? O Xfirf ' nsrfX ©lOIR tfOUfiT 89lU09.Com rcellBtnS TC dlOqEfTSlX SrfX doeddfi O? w , . r-t j,.( f n£ f ra- rr&S no snxnxXBsio do ©sis sdX stsw doiriw ss.Cuo » , 6 s.t. >Trf • . . seluosXom • Ldulos MqxX oX yXxlxad69«Wsq 9#1 nx egnerfo ■: nioxo ■ o dome ensbbE.Cc[ siding odd rrx XsdX fexri/ot (32-) ncswsJ \ - pi =>r ..•' '•.oni oX ©xl j rex XBoidtx bios yiBol'in nx tosXsb r do no ' °.x" ‘ dosd 59®69«ioo.r. n.c gaxXli/.ssi .ensidmem iBfixmul sdX Y ‘-J J 'jF'-i, q fX 398B0'I0nX O'OglBl 919W f '19 i"' X XsrfX F VOrfS 0-8 X6 3BW dl • BOX 3t f " bsXssggUE c :.o >• £ i'j- bnB .9b.rioXrfo -bnB rauxboe ©X flSBrfX mxxt3£Xoq cX r --I k r. Bn'. ■ x bsdixosc yllBoirrilo srfx oX suoxe CbiTE sd Xrfgim Isbom sxrfX nxo.risxc dq;. b dr' 7 t ©Xb '9:X gni.ee’ sXnexXxq Mioe n.c bnuoi gisobxOB XnsXsi r.- oo .6 Xioaqua oX brroX vIlB'Xsns.g B©xbuXs onXx v n c ©ssrfT C. .isxdic m derm do •-. Mb* :r:sq svieseq sdX gnxsBetEc&nx do 3 nioiooXc dqms ■rj r+a.'c Xosrrxb yob nsdX inrfXBX eguab slriX gnxn.cBXnco eibom grrioBd .bsniriiBxs gnisd rrrsXrvs sriX r.x XioqsnBiX svxxob ■ o ©rrooedmem .niisXJj rrx Xrregs sidd do rroiXoB do ©bom srP “o yXxXidx j qsosus obY .cissy Xbisvss rxod bsxfet/Xs nssef ssri - us oxXo.rdxXrT do sqyX snsyloq sdx oX , bx xsXosa >b p : cod X ebw ...rrB x.lmsm snreBXq sriX do noxXxaoqmoo sdX n' o i- r.w c- :\ I©q i? ^nxXfXevn dx.r.-: cni dioW . sguib snsriX oX yXxv : tianse t • kb*" :oX . ri- i es.nud bnB , fl rrio j.isXonqriB do XfiriX oX iBlimxe nox+os do . idol IcThb dr, ' : bodes, ygns ( V5 ) . rr ds ,neqni£j i: aid rfx "r 'It bns gBnrBb X Iso fix Xnsvr rcoxXx«xo orfX sbw •'■i 'd ^sXoisds X'"- '■ 9 fx • *d iri'/j 89XyrorjriXvT& hbxXf/ .t>t gnxusqmoo esibuXe jnoxXBrt n9onoo wol xb c XerfX beXfiiXa 33 of both types of cells, indicating that mammalian membranes, too, were susceptible to these drugs and that the induced changes caused greatly increased membrane permeability (58). Using the physical chemical con¬ cept of "lipid monolayer penetration", Demel and his associates (59) found that the sterol moiety, rather than the phospholipid component, of plasma membranes was most sensitive to the amphotericin B and proposed that the mode of action was one of "reorientation" of the sterols in membranes leading to increased permeability and leakage of intracellular components. More recent work has indicated that the maximal effect of amphotericin B on artificial phospholipid-cholesterol structures was found in certain combinations of phospholipid and sterol, rather than in pure cholesterol monolayers (60,61). These findings, regarding both real plasma membranes and lipid analogues, indicate that some sort of binding of polyene to sterol occurs, leading to a reorientation of the sterol molecules, resulting in increased permeability of the involved membrane. The binding aspect of this concept is further supported by the finding of Mendoza, et al. (51) that ergosterol inhibits the action of amphotericin B in the toad bladder preparation, presumably by com¬ peting with membrane binding sites for the free antibiotic. In light of the findings of the many workers who used amphotericin B in in vitro or chemical systems, some explanation can be put forth for the increased reabsorption in the mammalian proximal tubule which has been exposed to this agent. It appears that amphotericin B, from the intratubular tubular perfusate bathing the luminal membrane , interacted with this mammalian, sterol-containing membrane for a short period of time and caused increased permeability without intracellular disruption. With this relative barrier to solute penetration somewhat attenuated, increased ionic sodium and water crossed into the cell. Since larger 'lo aeqyp rtf orf 1© :o S5W noitoE to efcom aril isrfl DSBWoeil of galbeel ssnETcfmsHi . ! tdt Od ' eorovElonom cxs jr if© sxifq nx osri fr o:t L.aihBel f e 10000 Icvrata oJ snsyloq 5o gnxbnxd ' ' : 'A a-afi?. grrxbrrid sat idmsm cldiw gnifso ■ iow srid l:o sgnxbnxl: End Ito f rf§ -r ^ ^ ' sdulcs o:*- fiexrrrEd ©vxtEl©*i Ridf ritiW 34 amounts of sodium were presented to the sodium pump, this mechanism was able to move the sodium out of the cell at a rate which was more rapid than normal. Whether this altered capacity for ionic transport was due to lack of substrate saturation under control conditions or, possible, to increased ability of an already saturated pump, is subject to question. The results of Stroup and Kashgarian (49) of unchanged equilibrium con¬ centration of intratubular sodium during amphotericin B exposure, indicate that active transport is unchanged in the amphibian kidney. Furthermore, the findings of Sharp and his associates (62) in the toad bladder, demonstrate that the increased active transport of sodium due to incubation of the tissue in aldosterone is augmented by treatment with amphotericin B. This finding can be interpreted as an indication that a more potent active transport system can be even further respon¬ sive to an increase in substrate level, if that level remains below the saturation limit of the pump. The experimental results and this formulation suggest that crossing the luminal membrane is a rate limiting step in net sodium outflux. Therefore, altering the permeability characteristics of this barrier may be an important mechanism in regulating sodium movement across the proximal tubule, independent of filtration rate, hormones, physical factors and other postulated influences on sodium transport. The practical importance of the ability to manipulate this barrier is that it should be considered a potentially dynamic structure, possibly capable of both response to and control of altered conditions of solute transport, rather than a non-variable portal for delivery solute to the pump. The Split-Droplet Method The method used in these experiments was the split-droplet technique, moi dibrroo lo'iJ'noo Tisbiiii xioxdEni/dBS sdEOdadi/s d© .IobI od 'ii 'si yfaE9rrlE rr£ do ydilids bs859T:onx od srfon u do (P+0 nBxrrB§ri3BX brrB qxroxrdc? do aJlusen srfT nxox.'xs dorfq > rmxxboa 'XBludiidB'idnx do raoxdB'tdnso nr bs^nBffonu si d'roqarTE'Td 9vxdnfi dsrfd adBoxbrrx o’ if bnr q-TEdS do sgrrxbrrxd erid , s-xonnsrit-xad *i-i- s OdoB b98B9rfonx sdd TBffd sdETdanonrob ^ebbeld ox e oxcedaoblB ni sjxfox i- ©rid do noxdBduorrx od sd rrso gnxbnxd axrfT .8 nr x o x T3 d oriqmB rfdxw -3d ibo :Ts;: ays d'roqariB'Xd ovrdoE dnedoq errom s dsrfd s £ i-srfd dx e level oJsocdsdus nx ssBexconx ns od 9 via . qmx/q erfd do dxrrixl noxdBTixdBa 9rid noxd Bdi/mnod airfd bnE sdlussm I&drr9rn:,T9qx9 ©ri~ 9 it rx da gnxdxmxl edenr e sx 9n6'Tdm©m I box mix J. erfd ob'xbi 0 ydxIxdB9i-7'X9q arid gniocf dlB e e'xoda'xsrfT gn del xr ■ Tisxxii ©m dnEdiogmi ns 9d y£nr T9 ’ irn f airfd odsl: jinan: od vdxlxdfi arid :‘o 9onBd'Xoqmi xbnoo b9rrsdl£ do loTdnoo bnB od 9?.noqa9'i y'TovxIsb °rod Isdncq aldBXTBv-non e nsrid borfdsM d9lqoTQ-dxIq3 srfT 35 originally developed by Gertz (5). It is an attempt to measure the in¬ trinsic reabsorptive capacities of the proximal and distal tubules, independent of the effect of filtration rate, and it also affords an opportunity to manipulate the composition of the perfusate in order to locally, rather than systemically , affect the reabsorptive apparatus. In many studies where both free-flow and stop-flow micropuncture techniques were employed under the same experimental conditions, there has been excellent correspondence between the results of the two methods (4,6,24,29). Several investigators, however, have recently questioned the reliability of this method, and, therefore, attempts were made to control many of the variables in the experimental technique. The initial droplet length was standardized? the oil block was adequate to prevent flow but not exces¬ sively long, and observer bias was limited by the measurement of coded photographs and the statistical regression approach to calculation. The considerations to be described are included to explain the reasons why standardization of these variables may be crucial to the reproduc¬ ibility and reliability of this method. In the presentation of the results of this experimentation, it was indicated that certain limits were set on the initial length of the drop¬ let. The rationale behind such setting of limits is, in part, based on the realities of droplet geometry. The concept of considering the inter- meniscal length to be proportional to volume is based on the assumption that the droplet shape approaches a regular cylinder with plane bases. From the pictures of the reabsorption sequence (Fig. 1), it is obvious that this is an oversimplification. In the photographs, the menisci appear to approximate semicircles; these would be equivalent to hemispheres of oil in three dimensions since the radius of the tubule is felt to remain constant. An expression for the actual volume of the droplet can be rre sbrf:zre os.Cje ; . , M's noidETdlxl lo do 11s ©rid dnsbnsqsbiyx •-- rices. 9rid "ho noxdx oqrnoo srid v'£luqxnsm od ^1j nulrzoqqc f ^lIsoxmr-xt’SY? dBrfd • -p rrp lo "Inoo o ; eb£flr r-'vsw sriqrnsdds t a'dole'xs. d « brt£- f boride £_f J ri-^ael --I vo' ■ lExdxrrx erf? .supxrrrfoed l£dfisflrl'dsqx9 erft ni seldEXTEV srid :1ns -- - c 9teup9bs '£• Isold Ixo srid cbssxbTfd a : c < sw i:ehoo do ■ ^©wRjsem erfd vd bod." ixl asw ssxd asvTsedo -bns fgnoI Ybsvxs (j .loo. oiqcr nox2&9'xgs'x iBpxdsxdBds arid bflB sriqB'xgodoriq ~[j- (’■ £1 Iq::s ?xrfd lo sdiires-r srid lo noxdfidnsssTg srid al 9 rid no d92 9T9M 3dxmxX niBdvso d&ri f bsdBoxbnx ; ni c s Edxmxl lo 3i;8B9rxqx9 nA . drrEdsnoo 36 derived based upon this description of the shape of the meniscus (Fig. 4). The actual volume (v) is equal to the volume of a cylinder, with length equal to the intermeniscal length (1) plus the radii of both hemispheres (2r), minus the volume occupied by the two hemispheres: (8) v = Trr^ (1 + 2r) - 2 • 2/3 Trr^ - mr" (L = 2/3r). It can be readily seen, therefore, that as an approximation of 2 volume, nr 1 becomes a smaller proportion of the actual droplet volume as 1 decreases, approaching r. Steinhausen (63) originally described this phenomenon, noting that at initial lengths less than 90 y, a distance approximately equal to five tubular radii (5r), there was a definite correlation between initial length and t^. In recent experiments performed in this laboratory, a lower limit of initial length equal to 4r has been set for acceptable droplets. This is based on Weinman's (64) finding that a plot of initial length against t^ disclosed a region from 60 y to 90 y (approximately 4r to 6r) over which there was no significant cor¬ relation between these variables, but, above and below these limits, there seemed to be an effect of initial droplet length on calculated reabsorption. If these criteria had been used for the data in these experiments, too small a sample size would have resulted, and I therefore, compromised and used approximately 3r as my lower limit (tubular radii equaled 3-3^ units). This value was consistent with the minimal droplet length cri¬ terion of approximately 2%p originally established by Naka j ima , et al. (65) in canine proximal tubules. It was, however, far short of the 100 y minimum (approximately 7r) recently used by Bank's group (66). The upper limit of 20 units is approximately 6r which was consistent with limits suggested by Weinman (64), and it provided an overall range of 3-6r which produced a control distribution of t^ that was sufficiently random between the limits so that there was no significant correlation ?idi no qis basBd bevxnsb rilod 9 o iibE'i odd eulc (X) rfXgnel Iso o' -m" co'tqqs ns as XsrfX «, enol-ensdl tn99e ylifcss'T ITB0 :i - o 9o box tnoqo'iq nsllsms s asmooed I 'mr , smulov gnxnosorrcqs , ssessnosb - --'S dXgnel IsxXxnx Jb tsdt gnxXon f norromonsrfq axrfX :o d t(n3) xxbs'i msludul ev'cd oX Isap9 ylsXEmixo'xqqB fj-pn I isrXxn.r ~c Xxrrrxl nswol s e yrtbtB'xo- si sxrfd ax ;r ^ rpn) E’nsmxnW no baaed ex sxdT .zdeLqo'tb eldsXqeoos aoX dee o.r o xb Xenxsgs iXgns - B x jX rr x _o Joxq s '■£<■' ' ingte on esw sax dd doxrfw nsvo ( i3 ot yl sXBffilxo'xqqfi) tf .'t . asrfd nss.wXsd noxXsIsn ' ' e' nob a ns dt J bns eb9tXxrs9n ovs.d bXxrow ssxe sXqinse s XXsnia cldsdas yllsfligxno ylelBirrxxongqs bo noxnsX . ^ In lift X smxxo^q onxnso n'~ (56) been ylXnsos • ;voa:q Xx bns C(-P9) nsnmceW yd bsX ?!9ggua stxraxl rfXxw 37 figure 4 Approximation of actual droplet Volu/'Vie. 4 - L - ► j i - L + Zf- - ►! V =■ trr£ Cu2r)~ 2 • §trr 3 - it r* (u-§r) i ♦* ^ . 38 with initial length (Fig. 3). Furthermore, even if one accepted the claim of Levinsky, et al. (67) that in their hands, there is no range within which is not affected by initial length, my setting of limits within which there were reasonably similar distributions of initial lengths for all experimental groups would tend to control for this effect. There have recently been other criticisms of the split-droplet technique and attempts to revise it by altering methods of measurement, calculation and the injection of the intratubular oil block. Many tech¬ niques have been devised for measuring the lengths of droplets which may not be totally straight. Among these are the projection of colored trans¬ parencies or black and white negatives of photographs of droplets, with the intermeniscal distances determined by several means. These include the use of planimeters or mapreaders (28,31), paper cut-outs of the outlines of tubules with the estimation of the percent decrease in volume based on weight change (29), and division of the projected droplets into roughly rectangular midplane, cross sectional areas with the summation of these areas as the representation of tubular volume (68). Bentzel, et al. (69) have used formula (8), with direct measurements of intermeniscal length and tubular diameter to better approximate actual tubular volume. To calculate t^, all of these methods involve a semilogarithmic plotting of percent change in the parameter representing volume against time, with a best-fit line drawn by eye. In the experience in this lab¬ oratory, attempts to draw this line have often been complicated by the lack of colinearity of all points and decisions were made whether to neglect the aberrant point (s) or to try to adjust the best-fit line. For these experiments, in order to give adequate consideration to all data collected on each droplet , the changes in intermeniscal distance were calculated into a statistical regression. In this computation, the miBlD erf* bs+qoooB eno dx neve .enom nsdlmfl • (? -8«) rf^X XBitini rid'"W nxrftxw atxmx i do scrim? vm e rf*?nel Isx*xrrx yd be*oedd£ *oa ex doxrfw 9*Ib yd *x ssxvs'i of zfqmeffB bas etfplndbsf l‘o n£lxrdLr*£ *»Id *0 sexonsnBq eqisq ? ( i£\ r ai essenoeb Xneoneq sri* do nox dfimx *se erfd rfJxw ssluduf ;oxJ-BffimoB erf* rf*xw ssenB lenoxtoss Beorro « enBlqtxm nsIusnsJoen •XBladxr* do noi*B*nesenqe- ,_r fu* Ib0*ob e*BirrxxonqqB ne**sd o* nedemExb ■ 1 bn£ vlovn r 3 bod * ? ' .•'Wei rt9*£>'TBrfBt erf* nx eynfirfo dneonsg do gnid'O-iq .eye yd rrwBrb enxl *xd-*sed £ ri*xw ,.snT£ 1 VBd ©nil sirf* wE*b n* o* no (s)*nxoq *n£nn&dB erf* doelssn o*nx bo*BluolBO enew 39 slope of each point from the initial point was weighted equally, thus eliminating another possible source of observer bias. Most investigators continue to calculate t^g based on some parameter representative of tubular volume. In their study, Nakajima, et_ al. (65), concluded that the factor actually being varied in the split-droplet technique was the reabsorptive surface area exposed to the droplet. In recalculating their data, they found no effect of initial length on t?g, if the regression of the total length of tubule exposed to the droplet (including the area behind each meniscus) was calculated. Although this was not Gertz's (4,5) original formulation, it may well be that their rationale, which seemed to evolve from a mathematical manipulation per¬ formed to eliminate the influence of initial length on t^g, is correct. Some attention has recently been paid to the nature of the oil block. Levinsky, et_ al_ . (67) found that the length of the distal oil block had no effect on control studies, but, after volume expansion, the large oil block was associated with much less of an increase in t^g than the smaller block. Nakajima, et_ al_. (65) found a difference in t^g when the composition of the oil was. altered and also raised the possibility that there were different frictional resistances to movement affecting the proximal and distal oil blocks. Finally, they suggested that there might be adverse effects of the oil on reabsorption. This criticism can be refuted in part, by the correlation of ultrastructural and physiological observations on the effect of oil on the reabsorptive epithelium performed by Wiederholt and his associates (70). They demonstrated that contact with castor oil and tubular dilatation with the oil block do not damage the epithelium to any measurable degree, as judged morphologically and functionally, even after several applications of the technique to the same segment. d^xtos Bids 3ZOQ 'T9iifo®B gtlifsaim} lb ■Vo'rb-di r-"8 r.d+ fix barrtEV ,ni >d yXXBudoB tccGd od ©rid dsrfd bsbulonoo rsoqxe bb'tb 90B .iLr3 9 vxdqr’ oaris©*! ©rid sbw 9xrpxnrio©d ■rid e£dBb TiieriJ- grrXdBXyoJ soeo erf j cl -©eoqxs sXudud do rid3n©X Xsdod ©rid do noiseeassTC ©rfd li IIsw ysm dx e noxdeXtim-dod Isrxgirco (3e¥) oxriw feLBnoiJ£7: ■ no ridgrr©!. Xjsxdi I dc conei-d--:. ■ -Jr ■ .do - lo eaud'Err arid od Lx eg need yXdn9D9r; bbh reoxdnsdds 9mo? old rfo Ig'j ridgn©X odd dBrid bnuod (V3) .Lb de «y?fgreiv BftiJjIov xedds e dud t srixbiids i.oTcdn.'O r ' <’ do©-i© -xsXXB/na . rid. nsrfd dd ni i res do as©X rfoxrar ridiw bsdex sos as asv «rid rrsrfw d-t nx ©onsTteddxb b bnwod (33) .It ts , emi csMbU encow -"•arid dsrfd ydxXJ fixsoq ©rid beexsre osIb bns bs'isdX.B ebw r to - .-Be ooXo csyrfq box XBTttfdoxndssctjXix ..o noxdfii. x'xoo - y< bs 9ViJqo:o3d6£fi sr:+ Xio do ' i, • - 1 orfcyroin b g btr f; sb .©©^©b 9Xd£xnJ3Bem yiis sm cdeoxXqqB Ib'isvbs netts 40 It can be seen that there are several possibilities for intro¬ ducing methodological artifacts into the assessment of reabsorption by the split-droplet technique. I believe, however, that the limitations placed on this basically reliable method in these experiments have per¬ mitted the generation of data which represent actual physiological alterations and demonstrate a real effect of amphotericin B on the mammalian proximal tubule . no ineme^easB srfJ otni atoBii^E iBoigoIoborflstn $nioub saqe'T ii-.».hfw slsb 3:o noils a 9 ns? eii* ba#$ I® " '1: forfCjVTlE l Of 1 S .f.BSrl B 9lBnlBnOlTI&b bflE 3CIOlJ^r- J.^.6 - oludul iBorixoTq neilBrnrasm 41 SUMMARY The effect of the intratubular injection of amphotericin B on proximal tubular reabsorption was examined using the split-droplet micropuncture method. Under these conditions, reabsorptive half-time was significantly decreased, indicating an increase in the rate of proximal tubular reabsorption. This was interpreted as being due to a more permeable luminal membrane allowing increase passive efflux of sodium and water. 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