DUATE SCHOOL •340 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MOWTFREY CA 93943-5101 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRAE NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL MONTEREY CA 93943-5101 THE EFFECT OF A SINGLE RESONANT EXPANSION CHAMBER ON THE PROPAGATION OF LONG WAVES IN A CHANNEL by ROBERT TURNER HUDSPETH A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON 1966 Approved by Department Date \4 I SCHOOL )40 TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter List of Figures Acknowledgments Preface Page 111 IV Abstract VI Introduction Wave Reflection by an Abrupt Expansion The Resonant Expansion Chamber The Solution Formulation of the Boundary Value Problem Using the Boundary Conditions to Obtain a Solution Evaluating the Geometric Parameters Presentation of Wave Data Recording Wave Data The Wave Spectrum The Bretschneider Continuous Spectrum A Functional Design An Example of a Functional Design A Linear Analysis Wave Data and a Linear Analysis Discussion 3 7 14 14 20 ZZ 26 27 28 29 30 33 33 34 39 Bibliography 40 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1. 1 Three conventional methods used to protect breakwater entrances 2 1. 2 Partial wave reflection by an abrupt expansion in a channel 4 1. 3 Action of a resonator on the propagation of a gravity wave (after Valembois, 1953) 9 2. 1 The wave systems considered in evaluating the effect of the resonator on long waves 15 4. 1 Proposed harbor entrance design 35 4. 2 Determination of the effective frequency band-width of the resonator 37 4. 3 Determination of the effective frequency band-width of the resonator 38 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS For assistance in the preparation of this thesis, I wish to acknowledge the following: The Bureau of Yards and Docks, U. S. Navy, who made the research and study possible by assigning me to the University of Washington for advanced postgraduate duty during the past two years. Professor Martin I. Ekse, who served as my advisor during my graduate study and who assisted me in the selection of the topic for this thesis. I am grateful to him for his encouragement and stimulation during the study. Professor Robert G. Dean, who formulated the problem state- ment and proposed methods for its solution. My sincere appreciation to Professor Dean for the copious hours which he contributed by patiently reviewing my work cannot be adequately or fully expressed here. Mr. T. John Conomos for editing the manuscript and for translating into words many of the results expressed by the equations. Misses Linda Goodnight and Cherie Cooper for editing and preparing the manuscript. PR EF ACE The study of the effect of resonant expansion systems on the propagation of long waves is presented in this thesis as a design problem in coastal hydraulics. Two previous studies which have been made on similar systems are presented in Chapter I to provide back- ground material on the subject. The first study presented was made by Lamb (1916); and it demonstrates that reflection of long waves can be obtained by an expansion system and that the amount of wave energy that is reflected is a function of the geometry of the system. The second study presented was made by Valembois (1953) and is based on a hydrodynamic impedance theory. An important point to note in Chapter I is that both of these studies use a scalar equation of pressure continuity and a vector equation for the conservation of mass to obtain a solution. A new solution is derived in Chapter 2 by formulating a boundary value problem which incorporates the same type of boundary condition equations noted earlier. The problem is formulated in con- siderable detail to demonstrate the type of problem solution technique which is required to solve problems arising in coastal hydraulics. The details given in the problem statement become important later when the effect of geometrical changes of the resonant system are evaluated. Chapter 3 discusses the interdependance required between Civil Engineering and Oceanography to effect a complete solution to a design problem in coastal hydraulics. Several methods for presenting wave data are given, and one of these methods is selected for the design problem being considered. Finally, a linear analysis is employed in Chapter 4 to evaluate the effect of the resonator on the propagation of long waves by combining the solution derived in Chapter 2 with the spectral method of wave data presentation selected in Chapter 3. The results of the linear analysis are presented in graphical form as a measure of the amount of wave energy that is reflected and transmitted by the resonator. ABSTRACT The response of a single resonant expansion chamber to the periodic pressure fluctuations of ocean waves is to act as a rigid vertical reflecting surface. The effective frequency band-width over which reflection is significant may be determined for a given harbor geometry by means of a graphical linear analysis incorporating the reflection or transmission coefficient and wave data presented by a Bretschneider Power Sprectrum. The most critical dimension of the resonator was determined to be the length of the expansion, I , R measured transverse to the centerline of the channel; the effect of the resonator was maximized when this dimension was either one- quarter or three-quarters of the design wavelength, L . The influ- ence of the width of the resonator, b , measured parallel to the R centerline of the channel was determined to be maximal when this dimension was one-half of the design wavelength, la . The effective- ness of the resonator is also a function of the width of the main channel, b„ ,, and this parameter was incorporated in the expressions M for the coefficients. Because of its analogy to electrical band- stop filters, the possibility for improving the effect of the resonator by constructing several resonators in cascade appears good and offers an opportunity for extending the results obtained here. 1. INT RODUC TION As the logistical requirements of nations grow and expand, new techniques for designing harbors will be required to accomodate the expansion of littoral ports of communications. The port areas which are sheltered naturally from the ocean forces and which require little or no additional protective structures have already been exploited. Designers, therefore, must address themselves to the problems of the less protected areas where this expansion must occur. One of the major concerns in an unsheltered area is the design of breakwaters. The purpose of breakwaters is to cause a reduction of wave heights in its lee (Wiegel, 1964). The conventional methods used for sheltering the entrance of a harbor between breakwaters may be divided into three general types (Figure 1. 1). All three methods shown require shipping vessels to maneuver in order to enter or to leave the harbor. This required maneuvering is both expensive and inconvenient to the user. In addition, the third method shown requires a deep shipping channel close to the shore, and may require the addi- tional expense of periodic dredging. The alternatives which have been considered to provide a direct access to the shipping channels from the harbor have included pneumatic and hydraulic devices as well as resonant expansion chambers (Wiegel, 1964). The development of the latter is considered here. (I) iD IRECTION OF WAVE PROPAGATION izzzzzzzzzzzzz&za \ HARBOR (2) I DIRECTION OF WAVE PROPAGATION 1 HARBOR DIRECTION OF WAVE PROPAGATION I (3) HARBOR Figure I.I. Three conventional methods used to protect breakwater entrances. Wave Reflection by an Abrupt Expansion Lamb (1916) investigated the partial reflection of a wave resulting from an abrupt change in the cross section of a channel. His results were based on a linear solution to the wave equation. (A linear solution is presented in Chapter 2). A right-handed cartesian coordinate system (z-axis positive upwards) is oriented along the centerline of a channel at the mean- water surface with the origin located at the discontinuity (Figure 1. 2). The wave amplitudes and relative velocities to the left of the discon- tinuity are given by t,. = F(t--^) + f (t+ -—- ) (1.1) 1 cx c2 r = ■*- • [F(t - — ) - f (t + — )] (i.2) 1 cx Cj Cj and to the right of the discontinuity by x :2 r\z = 0(t - — ) (1.3) ^2 =f~ ' * ; (1-4) 2 2 where F is an arbitrary periodic function representing the incident wave; f and 0 are arbitrary periodic functions representing the reflected and transmitted wave, respectively; and c and c are the wave celerities of the wave systems to the left and to the right of the discontinuity, respectively. The linear superposition theory is ti U, — -> f'ss'^^s's^s'"' sss ^ . B, + oo PLAN — oo ^- A ^^ 2 ■X-L- > + 00 ELEVATION Figure 1.2. Partial wave reflection by an abrupt expansion in a channel. valid provided that the small amplitude assumption holds; i. e. , 1i « 1 for i = 1, 2. (1.5) h The assumption that the waves are propagating in shallow water requires that hi ^ ™; (i-6) L, - 20 ' d where L is the wavelength in deepwater (Kinsman, 1965). By invoking d the shallow water wave assumption given in Eq. (1. 6), the wave celerities may be approximated by c. = gh. for i = 1, 2. (1. 7) There are two boundary conditions which must be satisfied at the origin (x=y=0). The conservation of mass requires that Blhiri= B2h2r2; I1"8' where B , B are the breadths of the channel measured at the mean- water surface, and h , h are the mean-water depths. The assumption that the fluid motion will be sensibly uniform along and parallel to the center line of the channel for small distances (compared to a wajye length) on either side of the discontinuity requires that there be no sensible change in the mean-water surface across the discontinuity. This con- dition requires that the continuity of pressure across the abrupt change be rij = v (1,9) Substituting Eqs. ( 1 . 2) and ( 1 . 4) into ( 1 . 8) gives Blhl B2h2 g ~ [F (t) - f(t)] = g • 0 (t) at x = 0 ; (1. 10) 1 2 and the substitution of Eqs. (1.1) and (1.3) into (1.9) yields F (t) + f (t) =

///////////////////////// — a> UM, . i • > uMt • — > 77777 7777 7 UM, -> X + 00 I t ' URi / / / J I r J7T7T7TT7T7TTT7 V //////////A////////// PLAN + oo /7777777777777777777777r777777777777777777777777777 ELEVATION Figure 2.1. The wave systems considered in evaluating the effect of the resonator on long waves. 16 (2) The channel is of uniform depth. (3) The fluid is inviscid and irrotational. (4) The fluid is incompressible and homogeneous. (5) Coriolis acceleration may be neglected. (6) Surface tension may be neglected. (7) The rigid boundaries are smooth and impermeable. (8) The atmospheric pressure along the water surface is constant and uniform. The solution to Eq.(2. 1) for one dimensional space may be expressed in functional notation by ti = T,(X, t) . (2. 3) The most general solution is given by D'Alembert's Theory and is of the form r\ (x, t) = F (kx - 0~t) + G (kx + Ct) ; (2. 4) where F is an arbitrary periodic surface disturbance propagating in the positive x direction and G is an arbitrary periodic surface dis- turbance propagating in the negative x direction. One simple-harmonic function which satisfies Eq. (2. 4) is a cosine function; i. e. , n (x , t) = A, cos ( k x. ± 0"t + e, ) ; (2. 5) k j k j k where k has a range from unity to five corresponding to the com- ponents shown in Figure 2. 1 and j has a range from unity to two. The numerical indices for k are now replaced by alphabetical 17 indices shown in Figure 2. 1 in the following manner; 1 = Mi 2 = Mr 3 = Mt 4 = Ri 5 = Rr; where the upper case letters M, R correspond to the main channel and to the resonator components, respectively; and the lower case letters i, r, t correspond to the incident, reflected, and transmitted wave components, respectively. The x. components are replaced by x and y for the coordinate system shown in Figure 2. 1. Equation (2. 5) is a set of five wave component equations containing ten unknown constants: viz. , the five values for the wave amplitudes A,,., A,, , Mi Mr A,, ,'A^., A^ and their associated phase angles e,,., e„, , €,, , Mt Ri Rr PS Ml» Mr> Mt» e , e . The set of equations expressed in Eq. (2. 5) are the following: ^a*- = A™- cos ( k x - Ct + c ) (2. 6:1) Mi Mi Mi Tlw = A,, c°s ( k x + 0"t + c ) (2.6:2) Mr Mr Mr *1 w = Aw cos ( k x - 0~t + e ) (2.6:3) 1 Mt Mt v Mt' v 11 Ri = ARi COs(ky" fft + £Ri} (2' 6: 4) 71 Rr = ARr cos ( k y + (It + 6Rr). (2. 6: 5) In a well- stated boundard-value problem, the unknowns contained in Eqs. (2. 6: i) may be evaluated by a given set of boundary and initial 18 conditions (Tikhonov and Samarskii, 1963). In the stating of the con- ditions required by the above to comply with the criteria for a well- stated boundary-value problem, the following assumptions are made: (9) The fluid medium of propagation is at rest (i. e. , all velocities are absolute). (10) The terminal boundaries of the centerline of the main channel are sufficiently removed from the proximity of the resonator and, there- fore, are not required boundary conditions. (11) Steady state conditions exist. (12) All geometric dimensions considered are small compared to wavelengths (i. e. , long waves). (13) The cross sectional area of the channel and of the resonator consists of a horizontal bottom and parallel, vertical sides. (14) Shallow water conditions exist. Assumption (11) negates the requirement that the initial conditions be stated. Assumption (14) permits the use of the shallow water approximation for the wave celerity; i. e. , c2 = gh. (2.7) The relative velocities shown in Figure 2.1 are related to Eqs. (2. 6: i ) in the following manner: A c U„. = — t11 M * cos (kx - (Tt + c .) (2. 8: 1) Mi h , Mi M A c — Mr M Uw = ? — ' cos ( k x + 0~t + e w ) (2. 8: 2) Mr h , Mr M UMt TT A c Mt M M Ri R URi " h 19 cos (k x - 0"t + e ) (2. 8: 3) cos (k y - 0~t +'€_.) (2. 8: 4) Ri R A c U = Rr • cos ( k y + Ct + e„ ) . (2. 8: 5) Rr h v ' Rr7 x ' R The boundary conditions will be prescribed along the free surface in terms of Eqs. (2. 6: i ) and along the vertical boundaries in terms of Eqs. (2. 8: i ). The free surface boundary condition prescribes the instantaneous continuity of pressure at the origin for all time: ?lC:+n*fcrr T1Mt= ^Ri^Rr* (2' 9) The vertical boundary conditions require two statements. The first is that the continuity of flow into tne domain is expressed by [Uw+Uw " Uw ] t> h -+ [Ul . + U^ ] bh = 0; (2.10) L Mi Mr MtJ M M L Ri RrJ R R v ' and the second is that the no flow condition across the rigid terminal boundary of the resonator is given by [T? . + U„ ] b^ h^ = 0. (2. 11) L Ri RrJ R R v ' The above three boundary conditions are evaluated at the following coordinates: Eq. (2. 9) at the origin (i. e. , x = y = 0); Eq. (2.10) atx = ±— , y ="-^- ; and Eq. (2. 11) at y = -i , x = 0. R 20 Using the Boundary Conditions to Obtain a Solution The main channel incident wave may be arbitrarily selected as the reference wave profile by assumption (11) without any loss in generality; therefore, its associated phase angle is defined as Eight independent boundary equations will result by the substitution of Eqs. (2. 6: i) and (2. 8: i ) into the three boundary conditions prescribed in Eqs. (2. 9), (2. 10) and (2. 11) when the expressions obtained after substitution are expanded by means of the trignometric identities for the sine and cosine of the sums and differences of angles. The time dependence of the boundary conditions may be eliminated by equating the sine and cosine terms which result from the above expansion. The ten equations which result from the preceding algebra are the following: A,,. +A,, cose,, =AW cosew (2.13:1) Mi Mr Mr Mt Mt -A,, sine,, = A,, sine,, (2.13:2) Mr Mr Mt Mt A,,. + A,, cos e,, = A„. cos e- + A_ cos e^ (2. 13: 3) Mi Mr Mr Ri Ri Rr Rr v - A, , sin e, , = + A^. sin e_. - A_ sin e_ (2. 1 3: 4) Mr Mr Ri Ri Rr Rr v A,, cos e,, = A„. cos e^. + A^ cos e^ (2. 13: 5) Mt Mt Ri Ri Rr Rr v AMtSin6Mt = ARi Sin 6Ri - ARr Sin 6Rr (2" ^ b) ARiCOS(kV£Ri> =ARrC°S(k,E-!Rr» <2'13:7) 21 -ARiSin,WR-eRi) = ARrsLn(1%- ,Rr> ,2.0:8) b b b c„bfA,,cos(k— )-A, cos(k-r--£w )-Aw cos(k-r-+ ew )] (2.13:9) M ML Mi 2 ' Mr v 2 Mr' Mt v 2 Mt/J v ' b bM = CRbR["AR,COS(k — " «Rl>-+ ARr cos 0~ R 4 o and if I > — ^— , then 0"< 0" ; R 4 o where 0" is the tuned resonant frequency for maximum reflection. It may be seen from Eq. (2. 16) that the resonator wave amplitude would become infinite at resonance for any finite value of the transmitted wave height, A„ , . Since an infinite wave amplitude does not Mt r seem to be physically valid, the transmitted wave height, Aw Mt 24 must be identically zero. The influence of the width of the resonator, b , on the value R of the coefficients is most easily evaluated by means of Eq. (2. 19). Minimizing the transmission coefficient requires that the value of the cosine function in the numerator approach zero. The cosine function approaches zero when its argument approaches (2n -1) — , where n is any positive integer. Therefore, the value of the width of the resonator must be L bR ^ (2n -1) — y- ; (2. 22) where n must be unity by assumption (12). If assumption (12) is valid, the value of b determined by Eq. (2. 22) is a maximum; R hence, b may only decrease from this maximum value. The argu- R ment containing b may be expressed in terms of the angular frequency R as before by Ir bR °" bR #9 *\\ k — = — — . (^. 23) Decreasing b from its maximum value given by Eq. (2. 22) increases R the tuned resonant frequency 0" . o Finally, a critical value for the width of the main channel, b , M is not easily evaluated by means of the equations for the coefficients; however, because the preceding derivation was based on the assumption that all -dimensions were small compared to a wavelength, it may be determined that the width of the main channel must be a small per cent 25 of the tuned wavelength, L . The evaluation of the geometry of the resonator system has been discussed by considering the effect of a geometrical change on the ability of the resonator to reflect an incident wave of a single fre- quency. Assumption (11) does not allow the application of the coeffi- cients to a constantly varying input inducing a transitory response. However, the experimental results obtained by Valembois (1953) indicate that appreciable reflection does occur over a range of fre- quencies. In fact, the response curves obtained by Valembois are similar to the response curves for electrical filter circuits (Olson, 1958). The analogy of these two oscillatory systems introduces the possibility of determining an effective frequency band-width for which reflection may be significant. 3. PRESENTATION OF WAVE DATA The derivation of the reflection and transmission coefficients in Chapter 2 and their subsequent discussions dealt with an incident wave of a single frequency and wavelength. An analysis of an incident wave record reveals that waves in nature are composed of an infinite and continuous number of frequencies resulting from a complex phenomenon. Since the resonant structure is static, some means of determining a single frequency which is a characteristic measure of the complicated group phenomenon contained in the waves must be made as well as some means for evaluating the effect of the resonator when subjected to an input composed of an infinite series of incident frequencies. Fortunately, the solution to the first problem provides a means for resolving the second. The problems encountered in recording and in analyzing surface waves are currently under research by the discipline of Oceanography. A complete or even adequate treatment of these complex problems is beyond the scope of this thesis. The design and construction of the resonant breakwater serves to illustrate the interdependance required between Civil Engineering and Oceanography in oceanographic con- struction. The following discussion is intended only to provide some background and continuity for the use of the oceanographic data required 11 to effect a complete solution to the design problem posed. The refer- ences found in the Bibliography will provide a means for initiating a more detailed study concerning spectral analysis of ocean waves. Recording Wave Data The answer to the rhetorical question of how to extract a characteristic frequency from those occurring in a natural phenomenon is affected by the methods available for recording the actual physical profile of the surface disturbance. The various recording devices currently in use all have the common failure of a lack of a standard measurement and of distortions inherent in the recording apparatus. The effect of the recording distortions becomes more pronounced if small non-linear components must be recorded accurately; but the presence of these inherent distortions will influence the shape of any wave profile recorded and will, therefore, be incorporated in the data for a nonlinear analysis as well. Because the recording process is quite complicated, the author can only refer to oceanographic literature and follow Kinsman (1965) by assuming that for the case in question an adequate and representative wave record is available to the designer from the oceanographer. 28 The Wave Spectrum The assumed wave record obtained from the oceanographer may also provide an answer to the again rhetorical question of how to extrapolate a characteristic design frequency from the natural wave phenomenon. The continuous distribution of the frequencies in a wave train suggest that a statistical technique may be employed to extract the characteristic frequency. The Sverdrup and Munk Theory, for example, describes the sea surface by a single sinusoidal component called the "significant wave" (Kinsman, 1965). The next level of complexity involves a Fourier analysis. In a Fourier or harmonic analysis, the wave record is mechani- cally transformed into a spectrogram (McLellan, 1965). If the charac- teristic solutions to Eq. (2. 1) are orthogonal with respect to the weighting function (which arises from the Sturm -Liouville problem generated by the separation of variables) and are piecewise differenti- ate in the recording interval T (Hildebrand, 1962), the solutions may be represented by a product series of the form 00 Mt) = ) n (t). (3. 1) L-i n n = 1 The solution determined in Chapter 2 was a cosine function. Since this function is symmetrical with respect to the z-axis, it may be expressed in a Fourier series for an even function; i. e. , 29 00 V H n (t) = ) —2— cos ( a t - € ) . (3. 2) n l_j 2 n n ri= 1 The coefficients H are determined by multiplying each side of Eq. th (3. 2) by the weighting function and by the k solution, n , given in Eq. 3. 1, and then integrating over the truncated recording interval, T. H oo _2 T ou \ ri(t) • cos (d t- € ). (3. 3) *J „ n n 0 The value given by Eq. (3. 3) is equal to twice the average value of the product n (t) * cos ( 0" t - e ) over the recording interval T. The wave energy spectrum may also be derived from Eq. (3. 2) by squaring both sides of the equation and integrating over the recording interval T. The harmonic analysis of the wave record does not pro- vide any information regarding the shape of the surface disturbance when | t| >T (Kinsman, 1965).. (3.4) The next logical progression from this discrete spectrum is a repre- sentation of the wave record by a continuous spectrum. The Bretschneider Continuous Spectrum The purpose of this discussion on the methods of presentation of wave data is to enable the designer either to .request wave data in a particular form or to transform a wave record available from the 30 oceanographer. One such method of wave data presentation currently in use is the Bretschneider Power Spectrum. This spectrum requires that the average height of the highest one-third waves, H / , as determined from a Rayleigh probability distribution of wave heights, be known (Dean, 1966). From the value of the significant wave height, H / , a parameter which is equal to twice the total energy contained in the waves is defined by Hl/3 = 2.83 nTE£ . (3.5) Bretschneider determined that the spectral distribution of the wave energy, S £, as a function of frequency (7 could be represented by S„2( (4.2) H l K l H l Mr Mi ! 2 (GT ) = K" ( (T ) ' S 2 (0\ ). (4.3) H^ i T l H <- 1 Mt Mi Wave Data and a Linear Analysis As an illustrative example of a linear analysis, it is assumed that a previously undeveloped coastal area has been selected for the construction of a new harbor facility. The harbor has been designed to accomodate large commercial vessels (Hennes and Ekse, 1955). The proposed entrance to the harbor between the breakwaters is to have a depth of fifty (50) feet and a width at the mean-water level of two- hundred (200) feet (Figure 4. 1). The effectiveness of the construction of a single resonator on the local wave conditions is to be measured. The preliminary engineering report includes the collection of extensive oceanographic data on the proposed location. From this report, the significant wave height and period were determined to be the following: 35 q: O on cc < o ID It ii 002 c o> '55 Q> "D 0) O c o w c o n \- o (0 o a o a> o LU 0_ Q_ I CO <1 I o 36 H / = 12 feet T , = 12.7 sec The total energy contained in the waves is determined from Eq. (3. 5) to be E = 18 sq. ft. The significant wave period, T , , determines the value of 0" in Eq. (3. 7) from which the spectral distribution of the incident wave energy, S 2 » may be determined by means of Eq. (3. 6) (Figures HMi 4. 2 and 4. 3). By satisfying the requirement of Eq. (1. 6), the shallow water approximation for the wave celerity is determined to be forty (40) feet per second through the breakwater entrance. By means of Eq. (2. 2) and the value of the wave celerity, the significant wave length, L , is found to be six-hundred (600) feet. Utilizing the design parameters from Eq. s (2. 20) and (2. 22), the dimensions of the resonator are as follows: I =150 feet b = 300 feet The values of the reflection and transmission coefficients may now be determined as a function of frequency from Eqs. (2. 18) and (2. 19), respectively. The frequency dependence of the square of these coefficients is also shown in Figures 4. 2 and 4. 3. 1.0 37 T (sec) 20 17 15 13 12 cvi oc 0.5 0.0 1R= 150ft bR=300ft bM = 200ft TTTT 0.2 0"0 0.6 CJ (rod /sec) SQUARE OF THE REFLECTION COEFFICIENT 75 CVI I 50[-n I 25 Ef=l8fr H,/, = 12 ft Tl/3=l2.7ft 0.2 Q0 0.6 0" (rod /sec) MAIN CHANNEL INCIDENT WAVE ENERGY SPECTRUM CM CVI 2 I (/) 0~0 0.6 0" (rod /sec) MAIN CHANNEL REFLECTED WAVE ENERGY SPECTRUM Figure 4.2. Determination of the effective frequency band -width of the resonator. 1.0 38 T(sec) 20 17 15 13 12 0.5- 0.0 iR= 150ft bR = 300ft bM= 200 ft 0.2 0" (rod /sec) SQUARE OF THE TRANSMISSION COEFFICIENT 0.2 0*o 0.6 (J (rod /sec) MAIN CHANNEL INCIDENT WAVE ENERGY SPECTRUM 3 M 2 X 0.2 0.6 Co 0" (rad/sec) MAIN CHANNEL TRANSMITTED WAVE ENERGY SPECTRUM Figure 4.3. Determination of the effective frequency band-width of the resonator. 39 The reflective and transmissive effectiveness of the resonator at a given frequency is determined from the product of the ordinate of the incident wave spectrum and the ordinate of the transfer coefficient. The resulting spectral distributions of these two linear analyses are shown on Figures 4. 2 and 4. 3. Discussion The resonator appears to have a frequency band- width ranging from 13 to 17 seconds in which reflection is approximately 100%. The effectiveness of the resonator is determined from the amount of energy which it reflects and transmits. This amount of energy is measured from the area under the power spectrum curves for the reflected and transmitted waves, S £ an<^ S £ » shown in Figures 4. 2 and H Mr H Mt 4.3, respectively. The narrow spike occurring between the periods of 13 and 14 seconds prevents the resonator from being greater than 85% effective in reflecting the incident wave energy. The proposed design for the given wave conditions is approximately 75% effective for reflecting the energy contained in the incident wave spectrum between the periods from 10 to 17 seconds. BIBLIOGRAPHY Dean, Robert G. Unpublished Lecture Notes, Coastal Hydraulics CE 544. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington, May, 1966. Defant, Albert. Physical Oceanography, Vol II. New York: MacMillan Co. , 1961. p. 179. Hennes, Robert G. and Ekse, Martin I. Fundamentals of Transportation Engineering. New York; McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. , 1955. pp. 393-394. Hildebrand, Francis B. Advanced Calculus for Applications. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1962. p. 217. Kinsman, Blair. Wind Waves. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1965. 676pp. Lamb, Horace. Hydrodynamics. Third Edition. Cambridge, England: University Press, 1916. p. 253. McLellan, Hugh J. Elements of Physical Oceanography. London: Pergamon Press, 1965. pp. 95-102. Olson, Harry F. Dynamical Analogies. Second Edition. Princeton, New Jersey: D. Van Nostrand, Inc. , 1958. Tikhonov, A. N. and Samarskii, A. A. Equations of Mathematical Physics. New York: The MacMillan Co. , 1963. 765 pp. Valembois, J. Study of the Effect of Resonant Structures on Wave Propagation. Translation No. 57.6, U.S. Army, Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Wiegel, Robert L. Oceanographic Engineering. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1964. 532 pp. University of Washington Department of Printing Seattle, Washington 96105