THE EFFECTS OF JUVENILE HORMONE ON MITROCHONDRIAL METABOLISM IN THE__INDIAN MEAL MOTH, Plodia interpunctella (HUBNER) By DONALD ELLIOTT FIRSTENBERG A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1975 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to express his deep appre- ciation to the members of his committee for their guidance and assistance in this study. Appreciation is expressed to Dr. Herbert Ober lander; Dr. Harvey L. Coraroy; Dr. David S. Anthony; Dr. James L. Nation, who served as Cochairman of the Supervisory Committee; and, particularly, to Dr. Donald L. Silhacek, who served as Chairman of the Super- visory Comjnittee and under whose direction this study was carried out, and whose encouragement, advice and interest in this study provided a great deal of inspiration and V7ho aided in developing and molding the author's rf^search philosophy. The amthor also v/ishes to express his appreciation to Dr. W.G. Eden, Chairman of the Department of Entomology and Nematology, for providing financial assistance during the study and to the Insect Attractanfcs, Behavior and Basic Biology Laboratory, Agriculture Research Service, United States Department of Agriculture, for providing finan- cial assistance and the facilities to carry out the neces- sary research. Finally, the author wishes to express his gratitude to his wife, Ilene, for her help, patience and encourage- ment throughout the course of this investigation. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii LIST OF TABLES V LIST OF FIGURES vi ABSTRACT viii INTRODUCTION 1 LITERATURE REVIEW 3 Juvenile Hormone 7 Metabolic Effects of Juvenile Hormone 12 Mitochondrial Oxidations 15 Hormonal Control of Mitochondrial Oxidative Activities 25 Conclusion 27 MATERIALS AND METHODS 29 Insect Rearing Methods 29 Test Diet Preparation 30 Selection of Insects 31 Isolation of Mitochondria ." 32 Polargraphic Enzyme Activity Determination 33 Paqe Assay of NADH Dehydrogenase Activity 35 Mitochondrial Nitrogen Determinations .... 35 Assay of Mitochondrial Cytochromes 36 Assay of Mitochondrial Hemes 37 Assay of De Novo Heme Synthesis 39 Electron Microscope Studies 39 RESULTS 41 Electron Microscopy 41 Effects of In Vivo JH Treatment of Mito- chondrial Enzyme Activity 41 Effects of In Vitro JH Treatment on Mito- chondrial Enzyme Activities 51 Cytochrome Analyses 62 Assay of Mitochondrial Hemes 74 Assay of De^ Novo Synthesis 80 DISCUSSION 82 CONCLUSIONS 92 LITERATURE CITATIONS 94 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 109 LIST OF TABLES Table Page A Comparison of Mitochondria in Midguts of Control and JH-Fed Larvae 46 Rates of Pyruvate-Malate Oxidation in Isolated Mitochondria from Plodia inter- punctella treated in vivo with Juvenile Hormone 48 Rates of Succinate Oxidation in Isolated Mitochondria from Plodia interpunctella treated in vivo with Juvenile Hormone 50 Effect of Juvenile Hormone on the Rates of Substrate Oxidation by Isolated Mito- chondria from Plodia interpunctella 52 Effect of Inhibitors and Aging on NADH Oxidation by Mitochondria from Plodia interpunctella 55 Comparison of Mitochondrial Cytochrome Concentrations of 7-day-old JH-fed Larvae which had undergone a Supernumerary Molt with those from Larvae which had not molted 69 Ratios of Cytochrome A+A3 , B and C Con- centrations to Cytochrome A+A3 Concen- tration for Mitochondria isolated from Control and JH-treated Larvae 73 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page The sequence of reactions in the elec- tron transport chain (Hansford and Sacktor, 1971) . 19 The sequence of reactions in the citrate cycle showing the points of origin of NADH and succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) (Lehninger, 1965) . ^^ Electron micrograph of midgut tissue from control larvae (magnification, 15,000 X) . ^^ Electron micrograph of midgut tissue from JH-fed larvae (magnification, 15,000 X) . ^^ The relationship between NADH dehydro- genase activity and time of aging of isolated mitochondria from larvae of Plodia interpunctella. ^^ The relationship of juvenile hormone concentration to the percent inhibition of NADH and pyruvate-malate oxidations. 59 Plot of (S)/V versus (S) ( (S) is the _ NADH concentration and V is the reaction rate) . The substrate constant (Kg) , in- hibitor constant (Ki) and the maximum velocity of the reaction (V ) are max ci shown. "-^ The relationship of larval age and age at initiation of JH treatment to the mitochondrial cytochrome content. 65 The relationship of larval age to cyto- chromes a, b and c concentration per insect for JH-treated and control in- sects. ^2 Figure Page 10 The relationship of larval age to cytochromes a, b and c concentration per gram tissue for JH-treated and ^^ control insects. 11 The relationship of larval age to hemes a, b (protoheme) and c concen- tration per insect for JH-treated and ^^ control insects. 12 The relationship of larval age to hemes a, b (protoheme) and c concentration per gram tissue for JH-treated and con- trol insects. Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate Council of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy THE EFFECTS OF JUVENILE HORT^ONE ON MITOCHONDRlAL metabolism in THE INDIAN MEAL MOTH, Plodia interpunctella (HUBNER) By Donald Elliott Firstenberg March, 1975 Chairman: Donald L. Silhacek Cochairman: James L. Nation Major Department: Entomology and Nematology Investigation into the effects of synthetic H. cecropia juvenile hormone (methyl-10, ll-epoxy-7-ethyl-3 , 11-dime thy 1- trans 2, trans 6-tridecadienoate) on mito- chondrial metabolism in larvae of the Indian Meal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hiibner) revealed that juvenile hor- mone affected citrate cycle oxidations, electron trans- port, heme synthesis and cytochrome synthesis. Juvenile hormone inhibited all NAD-linked oxida- tions in the citrate cycle of isolated mitochondria. How- ever, the f lavoprotein-linked oxidation of a-glycerophos- phate was not affected by juvenile hormone while succinate oxidation was stimulated. NADH oxidation in vitro by aged and uncoupled mito- chondria was also inhibited by juvenile hormone. Experiments using ferricyanide to artificially accept electrons from NADH dehydrogenase indicated that juvenile hormone pre- vented electron transport at the nonheme iron level of complex I in the electron transport chain. Further exper- iments revealed that the inhibition was noncompetitive. These results indicated that the inhibition of NAD-linked oxidations in the citrate cycle was due to the effects of juvenile hormone in the electron transport chain. Inhibition of NAD-linked substrate oxidations in the citrate cycle could result in an increase in cyto- chrome synthesis by a mechanism involving synthesis of malats from pyruvate and the reversal of reactions in the citrate cycle. Inclusion of juvenile hormone in the diet of the larvae resulted in an increase in the concentration of mitochondrial cytochrome. However, this stimulation was dependent upon some factor associated with the larval- larval molt. The concentration of juvenile hormone at the beginning of an instar affects the mitochondrial cytochrome concentration v^7ithin that instar. The results of the cytochrome analyses indicated that the hypothetical mechanism of control of cytochrome synthesis had a second level of control associated with the molt. Since cytochromes are composed of heme and apopro- tein, the effects of juvenile hormone on the synthesis of just the heme portion of the molecule was investigated. Inclusion of juvenile hormone in the diet stimulated de novo heme synthesis, but this effect was immediate and there- fore presumably direct. The data suggest a metabolic mechanism for juve- nile hormone controlling insect growth and development by determining the maximum capacity of cellular energy produc- tion. Energy production levels may be limited by the con- centration of electron transport chain components. INTRODUCTION Insect growth and metamorphosis are characterized by a series of sequential changes. These stepwise changes are necessitated by limits imposed by the insect's rigid exoskeleton. A number of reviews are available which dis- cuss growth and give descriptions of development (Agrell, 1964; Whitten, 1968) , the physiology of grov/th and meta- morphosis (Wigglesworth, 1954, 1957, 1959a, 1965) and the histological and biochemical aspect of insect growth (Williams, 1951; Wigglesworth, 1959b; Wyatt, 1968) . The growth and development of insects are under hormonal control. During the growth and development of insects, characteristic changes occur in the quantity (Silhacek, 1967), morphology (Brosomer et al. , 1963, Willis, 1966; V'Jatanabe and Williams, 1953), phospholipid composi- tion (Silhacek, 1967) and oxidative activities (Silhacek, 1967; Brosomer et al . , 1963; Michejda, 1964) of mitochon- dria. Some investigators have linked these changes in mitochondrial metabolism with endocrine control. In an earlier study, DeWilde and Stegwee (1958) demonstrated that corpora allata, endocrine glands v;hich produce juvenile hormone (JH) , exerted a direct effect on the respiration of LeptijTotarGa decemlineata. A subsequent study (Stegwee, 19 60) revealed that a JH-active extract from Hyalophora cecrqpia stimulated succinate oxidation in isolated mito- chondria from L. decemlineata. Clarke and Baldwin (1960) also concluded that JH preparations affected the oxida- tive activity of isolated mitochondria from Locusta migra- toria and Schistocerca gregaria. In contrast, the oxidative activities of mitochondria isolated from allatectomized L. migratoria (Minks, 1967) and Blaberus discoidalis (Keeley, 19 71) were found to be similar to those of normal insects. The recent identification and synthesis of juve- nile hormone permitted the direct testing of the effects of JH on isolated insect mitochondria in a defined medium. It is evident that mitochondrial activities could play a central role in the processes responsible for growth and development in insects. However, our current knowl- edge is very limited and much data is contradictory. More inform.ation on the role of mitochondrial activities and juve- nile hormone action and the relationship of these to other aspects of metabolism is required. The purpose of the present study is to elucidate the effects of juvenile hor- mone on mitochondria in vitro and in vivo, to determine the biochemical m.echanism of action of "JH in mitochondria and to determine the significance of the primary action of the hormone to other aspects of insect metabolism. LITERATURE REVIEW Hormonal Control of Growth and Development The growth and development of insects is under hor- monal control. The three hormones that appear to be impor- tant in this developmental regulation are prothoracico- tropic hormone (brain hormone) , ecdysone (molting hormone) and juvenile hormone (Neotenin) . Prothoracicotropic hor- mone is produced by the median neurosecretory cells in the pars intercerebralis of the insect brain. It was shown that the prothoracicotropic hormone has no direct effect on m.olting but stimulates the prothoracic (ecdysial) glands to secrete ecdysone (Fukuda, 1944). Ecdysone, v;hich ini- tiates the molting process, is secreted shortly before each m.olt and disappears shortly afteirward (Burdette, 1961; Karlson and Shaaya, 1964; Shaaya and Karlson, 1965). The crystalline hormone first prepared by Butenandt and Karl- son (1954) was used in experiments on Chironomus tentans by Clever and Karlson (1960) and Clever (1961, 1964, 1965). These experiments indicated that injections of ecdysone in- duce a pattern of puffing at chromosome loci identical to that which occurs in normal metamorphosing last instar larvae. The puffing of the chromosomes is thought to be a mechanism of exposing the DNA which is normally covered by protein and making it available to participate in RNA synthesis. Beermann and Clever (19 6 4) found that the puffs induced by ecdysone were associated with rapid RNA synthesis. This resulted in the hypothesis (Karlson et al., 1964) that ecdysone acts directly on the genome and activates specific gene loci which results in the produc- tion of specific messenger RNAs and, consequently, specific proteins necessary for the physiological events of meta- morphosis . Kroeger (196 3a) proposed a second hypothesis that ecdysone acts directly on the nuclear membrane causing an altered ionic balance of sodium and potassium which causes the activity described in the genome. Ito and Lowenstein (1965) found that nuclear membrane permeability to ions does change during development and that the changes in mem- brane permeability could be induced by ecdysone. Lezzi and Gilbert (1970) found that the chromosome puffs could be induced by altering sodium and potassium concentrations alone without ecdysone. However, work by Congote et al . (1969) indicates that ecdysone can stimulate RNA synthesis in a preparation of isolated nuclei in the presence of ec- dysone without sodium or potassium ions. Congote et al. (1970) also show that in isolated nuclei the hormone- induced RNA differs from RNA isolated from control insects. The third hormone, juvenile hormone (JH) , is pro- duced by the corpora allata. During development juvenile hormone titer is minimal at each molt but increases rapid- ly during the early part of the instar and decreases to- ward the end of the instar (Gilbert and Schneiderman , 1961b; Williams, 1963; Stephen and Gilbert, 1970). Juve- nile hormone titer at the beginning of an instar is thought to affect the phenotype which will occur after the next molt (Wigglesworth, 1940; Clever, 1963; Kroeger, 1968), and may also affect the sequence of morphological changes in insect development (Gilbert, 1964). Juvenile hormone is thought to affect genetic regulation in such a way as to cause a larval- larval molt at high concentration, a larval-pupal molt at lower concentrations and a pupal-adult molt when it is absent (Bounhiol, 1938; Piepho, 1942, 1946, 1951; Fukuda, 1944; Nayar, 1954; Gilbert and Schneiderman, 1961b; Williams, 1961; Gilbert, 1963; Williams and Kafatos, 1971) . However, the specific response to JH is modified by the ability of the specific tissues to react with JH (Piepho, 1942; Wigglesworth, 1948; Gilbert and Schneider- man, 1960). Secretion of JH by the corpora allata may be under the control of nervous stimulation from the brain (Luscher and Englemann, 1960) . Juvenile hormone titer decreases as larval age increases with the previously described cyclic variation occurring during each instar (Fukuda, 1944; Piepho, 1950b, 1951, 1952; Rehm, 1951; Williams, 1961; Johnson and Hill, 1973). The decrease in JH titer has been attributed to several different causes. One hypothesis states that because larval volume increases more rapidly than corpora allata volume there is a dilu- tion of the hormone (Kaiser, 1949; Beljaeva, 1960; Novak and Cervenkova, 1960; Novak and Slama, 1962). A second hypothesis is that inactivation or degradation of JH be- comes more intense in older larvae (Gilbert and Schneider- man, 1960) . In support of the latter hypothesis, Weirich et al. (1973) has found the activity of esterase (an en- zyme which inactivates JH) is higher in the fifth-larval instar in Manduca sexta than in the fourth-larval instar. Williams and Kafatos (1971) have recently pro- posed a model which predicts three separate sets of genes, one set coding for larval characteristics, another set coding for pupal characteristics and a third set coding for adult characteristics. Only one of the three gene sets could be active at any one time and the titer of juve- nile hormone would determine which one was active. Insect growth and development is characterized by stepwise changes that are necessitated by limits imposed by the insect's rigid exoskeleton. In order to increase in size the insect must molt, shedding its exoskeleton and reforming another of a larger size. Insects may develop toward the adult form gradually or by distinct stages. Insects that undergo gradual development (Heinimetabola) have immature stages (larvae) that are morphologically similar to the adult. Some structures show a gradual progression from the immature to the imaginal form as the molts progress. Immature insects that undergo complete metamorphosis (Holometabola) undergo extensive morpholog- ical alterations in transforming from the larvae to the adult stages. In holometabolous insects the larval molts permit increases in body size. An intermediate pupal stage is then required for the transition of larva to adult. During the pupal stage many larval tissues disap- pear, others are modified and new tissues are formed. The degree of tissue reorganization is dependent on the species of insect. Many of the imaginal tissues are derived from embryonic tissue (imaginal discs) which does not develop until the pupal stage. Juvenile Hormone Juvenile hormone was first demonstrated by VJiggles- worth (1935, 1940) who showed by the use of parabiosis ex- periments that a substance carried in the hemolymph of Rhodnius prolixus was responsible for the retention of immature characteristics. An extract with strong juvenile hormone activity was prepared from abdomens of adult male Hyalophora cecropia moths by Williams (19 56) and a purified preparation of juvenile hormone v/as obtained by Williams and Law (1965) . Several other procedures have been de- veloped for the isolation and purification of juvenile hormone (Meyer and Ax, 1965; Roller et al. , 1965, 1969). The amount of JH per abdomen in the adult male H. cecropia moth has been determined to be between 6.0 yg (Metzler e_t ajL. , 1971) and 0.5 yg (Meyer et al . , 1965). Roller et al. (1967) identified the structure of juvenile hormone as methyl-10, ll-epoxy-7-ethyl-3 , 11-dimethyl- trans 2, trans 6-tridecadienoate . This structural isomer of JK was also found to have the greatest effect of the eight possible isom.ers of juvenile hormone on several species (Roller and Dahm, 1968; Rose et al. , 1968; Wester- mann e_t al., 1969; Wigglesworth, 1969; Pfiffner, 1971; Schweiter-Poyer , 1973). Several synthetic schemes have been developed for the production of juvenile hormone (Roller and Dahm, 1968b; Berkoff, 1969; Findlay and Mac- Kay, 19 69) . Two other naturally occuring juvenile hormones have been found. A second JH , methyl-10, ll-epoxy-3, 7, ll-trimethyl-2, 6-dodecadienoate has been found in H. cecropia by Meyer et al. (1968) . Judy et al. (1973) found this JH along with a third juvenile hormone, methyl- 10, ll-epoxy-3, 7, ll-trimethyl-2, 6-tridecadienoate, in Manduca sexta organ cultures. Schooley et a^^. (1973) , using corpora allata cultured from M. sexta, found that the biosynthesis of these juvenile hormones proceeds by a terpenoid pathway with biosynthesis of the carbon skele- ton initiated through homomevalonate arising from propion- ate and acetate. Prior to the extraction of juvenile hormone from H. cecropia, many investigators sought to correlate the molecular structures of a variety of substances with juve- nilizing activity. These studies quantitate JH activity by correlating dosage to retention of juvenile morphological characteristics. Wigglesworth (1969b) discussed the corre- lation of 42 different compounds in relation to natural H. cecropia juvenile hormone. Other juvenilizing agents which have been studied include isoprenoid and straight chain al- cohols (Bowers and Thomson, 1963; Schneiderman et al. , 1965) , other terpenoids (Schwarz et al . , 1970), aromatic terpenoid ethers (Bowers, 1969; Kiouchi et al. , 1974), terpenoid amines (Cruickshank and Palmere, 1971), acetals applied as a vapor (McGovern et al. , 1971) and long chain fatty acids including oleic and linoleic acids (Slama, 1961, 1962). Although juvenilizing agents are generally nonspecific, one juvenile hormone analog, p-(l, 5-dimethyl-hexyl) ben- zoic acid v;as selective on Dysdercus sp. (Suchy et al. , 1968) . Farnesol and its derivatives have been the subject of many studies of JH activity (Karlson and Schmialek, 1959; Schmialek, 1961; Williams, 1961; Wigglesworth, 1961, 1962, 1963, 1969a, 1969b; Yamamoto and Jacobson, 1962; 10 Karlson, 1963; Schneiderman and Gilbert, 1964; Braun et al. , 1968; Schv/arz et al . , 1969; Sonnet et aJ . , 1969). A study conducted by Slade and Wilkinson (1973) in which the enzymatic degradation of JH was quantitatively determined in the presence or absence of JH analogs indi- cated that the ana.-ogs prevented the inactivation of the natural hormone. his study casts some doubt as to whether the JH analogs have any juvenilizing effect or whether they only have a synergistic effect with the natural hormone. Many of the studies to determine the physiological effects of juvenile hormone prior to the availability of isolated or synthetic JH were done by removal or implanta- tion of the corpora allata, the glands which produce the hormone. It was shown that implantation of corpora allata would cause supernumerary molts and extend the immature life span of insects (Pflugf elder , 1937; Bodenstein, 1943; Srivastava and Gilbert, 1969) . Other physiological effects attributed to JH include enhancing the regenerative abili- ties in Carausius morosus (Pf lugfelder , 1939) , induction of green coloration in larvae of Locusta under environmental conditions which would normally produce the brown, gregar- ious phase (phase polymorphism) (Staal , 1959, 1961) and in- fluencing determination of caste polymorphism in social insects (Kaiser, 1955; Luscher, 1961; Rembold, 1974). Juvenile hormone is required for the maturation of the fe- male reproductive organs and oocytes in adult insects 11 (Ichikawa and Nishiitsutsuj i-Iwo, 1959; Williams, 1959; Gilbert, 1964; Ilighnam, 1964; Wigglesworth , 1964; Postle- thwait and Weiser, 197 3; Sroka and Gilbert, 19 72; Kamby- sellis et al. , 1974). Although JH is required for egg maturation, application of exogenous JH to insect eggs can interrupt development (Riddiford and Williams, 1967; Riddi- ford, 1970). Implantation of corpora allata was also found to influence insect behavior in that it affects larval-lar- val premolt cocoon spinning in Galleria mellonella (Piepho, 1950) and the hormone induced mating behavior in giant supernumerary larvae or adultoids of Pyrrhocoris apterus (Zdarek and Slaraa, 1968). Juvenile hormone also stimulates sex pheromone production in Ips confusus (Borden et al. , 1969) and Tonebrj^ molitor (Menon, 1970) . Adult diapause in Leptinotarsa decemlineata appears to be due to a deficiency in JH (DeWilde and Stegwee, 195 8; DeWilde, 1959). However, larval diapause in Dia_traea grandiosella appears to be induced by JH (Chippendale and Yin, 1973; Yin and Chippendale, 1973, 1974). The physio- logical functions of juvenile hormone have been reviewed by Scharrer (1953) Gilbert and Schneiderman (1961) , Gilmour (1961), Wigglesworth (1962, 1964), Gilbert (1964), Novak (19 66) , and Slama et al_. (1974) . 12 Metabolic Effects of Juvenile Hormone^ Although DNA synthesis in immature tissues is probably not stimulated by juvenile hormone (Novak, 1971) , in the adult insects of some species DNA synthesis must be simulated by JH in order for the reproductive organs to develop (Hodkova, 1974). In larval insects juvenile hor- mone may play a role in determining which molecular species of RNA are synthesized (Williams and Kafatos, 1971) , but may not have any effect on the overall quantity of RNA synthesized. Oberlander and Schneiderman (19 66) found no stimulation of RNA synthesis in isolated pupal abdomens which lacked prothoracic glands during JH treatment. This was interpreted to mean that juvenile hormone does not have a direct motabolic regulatory role except on the prothor- acic glands. More recent studies have shown that JH did stimulate RNA synthesis in silkworm wing disks (Patel and Madhavan, 1969) and in isolated fat body cell nuclei (Con- gote et al., 1969). However, in these systems simultaneous application of JH and ecdysone did not result in stimulation of RNA synthesis. Because new proteins appear at different times during insect development, the production of different spe- cies of RNA must be under the control of JH . In some cases the effect may be stimulatory while in others inhibitory (Williams and Kafatos, 1971) . Experiments by Ilan et al. 13 (1970) suggest that the synthesis of new species of trans- fer RNA and their activating enzymes (amino acyl-tRNA syn- thetases) which also require RNA synthesis are under the control of juvenile hormone. An increase in purine syn- thesis as an effect of JH is reliant on RNA synthesis and this increased purine synthesis results in a reduced uric acid excretion (L'Helias, 1956). Following allatectomy (removal of the corpora allata) L'Helias (1956) found increases in uric acid ex- cretion and free amino acids in the tissues with a decrease in tissue protein in larvae of Dixippus morosus. Allatec- tomy also caused an increase in hemolymph levels of amino acid (iMinks, 19 67) . Drastic decreases in protein synthe- sis were found in all tissues, following allatectomy by Vandenberg (1963) . Patel and Madhavan (1969) found that injection of JH induced protein synthesis. The opposite effect was found for hemolymph pro- tein concentrations in adult females. Allatectomy in adult females caused an increase in hemolymph protein (Hill, 1962, 1963; Highnam and Hill, 1963; Slama, 1964; Minks, 1963) . This effect may be due to the continued synthesis of vitellogenic proteins without incorporation into the oocyte whose development is controlled by juvenile hormone. Specific proteins under juvenile hormone control include vitellogenic proteins (Englemann, 1969) , which may be the same proteins found by Minks (1967) in L. migratoria. 14 tRNA acylases and cuticular proteins (Ilan et al^. , 1970) and esterases (Whitmore et al. , 1972; Weirich et al . , 1973) . The induction of esterases is apparently a mech- anism to deactivate the JH which can be degraded by hydroly- sis of the methyl ester, hydrolysis of the epoxide group or conjugation with polar groups (Ajarai and Riddiford, 1971; Siddall, et al. , 1971; Slade and Zibitt, 1971a, 1971b; White, 1972) . Another protein which binds and transports juvenile hormone (Trautmann, 197 2; Whitmore and Gilbert, 1972; Emmerich and Hartmann, 1973) apparently secves to protect the hormone from degradation (Ferkovich, personal communication) . Both lipid and carbohydrate content undergo changes after the; removal or implantation of corpora allata. In larvae of Dixxipus allatectomy caused an increase in gly- cogen concentration (L'Helias, 1955, 1964) and Sehnal and Slama (1956) and Sehnal {1971) found that implantation of corpora allata into last instar G. mellonella prevented accumulation of lipids but glycogen content increased. Studies relating the rate of lipid synthesis to JH during development (Stephen and Gilbert, 1969, 1970) indicate that high juvenile hormone titer may serve to inhibit lipid synthesis. The metabolic effects of JH on adult insects is apparently due to stimulation of the reproductive system. These effects include stimulation of DNA synthesis in 15 developing ovarian tissue (Hodkova, 1974) , increasing lipid and glycogen synthesis (Minks, 1967; Liu, 1973) and stimulation of incorporation of yolk precursors into oocytes (Janda and Slama, 1965; Minks, 1967; Lanzrein, 1974) . A recent review by Slama et al. (19 74) comprehen- sively discussed the morphological, physiological, and bio- chemical effects of the neuroendocrine system and the chem- istry of juvenile hormone and other insect growth regulators in insects. Other recent surveys of the effects and chem- istry of JH have been made by Novak (19 66) , Wyatt (196 8) , Slama (1971) and Pfiffner (1971) . Mitochondrial Oxidations Mitochondria are subcellular organelles composed of two membranes, an outer relatively smooth membrane and an inner membrane which has many invaginations, called cristae (Lehninger, 1965) , Mitochondria have some degree of autonomy from the control of the cell nucleus in that they can synthesize some of their own proteins under the direction of mitochondrial DNA (Beatie, 1971) and the bio- genesis of mitochondria doesn't appear -to be controlled by the nucleus (Ashwell and Work, 1970) . Insect flight muscle mitochondria have been studied because of an enormous increase in oxygen consumption above 16 the basal rate in actively flying insects (Davis and Fraenkel, 1940). In the flight muscles of Phormia re- Q gina there are approximately 1.1 x 10 mitochondria per mg tissue v/hich comprise 40% of the total muscle mass (Levenbook and Williams, 1956) . Lehninger (1970) has cal- culated that active flight muscle mitochondria may have 10-tiraes the inner membrane surface area of less active mammalian mitochondria - There is a space between the inner and outer mem- branes and another space internal to and bounded by the inner membrane (matrix) resulting in four enzymatically distinct compartments; the outer membrane, the intermem- brane space, the inner membrane and the matrix. Enzymes associated with the outer membrane include monoamine oxidase and rotenone-insensitive KADH : cytochrome c reduc- tase (Reed and Sacktor, 1971) . Adenylate kinase is lo- cated in the intermembrane space (Reed and Sacktor, 1971) . The inner membrane is thought to contain the en- zymes for coupled ATP synthesis (Hansford and Sacktor, 1971) , f lavoprotein-linked a-glycerophosphate dehydro- genase (Zebe and McShan, 1957; Reed and Sacktor, 1971) , succinic dehydrogenase (Greville et^ a_l. , 1965) , proline dehydrogenase (Brosomer and Veerabhadrappa , 19 65; Sacktor and Childress, 1967) , trehalase (Reed and Sacktor, 1971) , a-keto acid dehydrogenases and the enzymes of the elec- tron transport chain (Hansford and Sacktor, 1971). 17 Enzymes found as soluble matrix proteins include citrate synthetase (Beenakkers et a]^. , 1967), NAD and NAD) - linked isocitrate dehydrogenases (Goebell and Klingenberg, 1963, 1972), malate dehydrogenase (Delbruck et_ aJ . , 1959; Reed and Sacktor, 1971) , alanine and aspartate aminotrans- ferases (Brosomer et al. , 1963) , 3-hydroxylacyl-CoA de- hydrogenase (Beenakkers et aA. , 1967) and palmitoyl and carnitine ace tyltransf erase (Beenakkers and Henderson, 1967; Beenakkers et al. , 1967; Childress et al . , 1967). Oxidative phosphorylation is defined as the addi- tion of a terminal phosphate group to ADP to form ATP as a result of: reactions coupled to the electron transport chain (Figure 1) . The significance is that elec- trons derived from the oxidation of organic acids are passed to the electron transport chain which results finally in the reduction of oxygen to form water and the production of ATP, a form of chemically utilizable energy. The existence of oxidative phosphorylation in insects was first confirmed by Sacktor (1954) and Lewis and Slater (1954) . Oxidative phosphorylation in insect mitochondria has been found to be coupled to the oxidation of pyruvate, citrate cycle intermediates (Sacktor, 1954; Gregg et. al . , 1960; Birt, 1961), a-glycerophosphate (Sacktor and Cochran, 1958; Van Der Bergh and Slater, 1960), amino acids (Rees, 1954; Sacktor and Childress, 1967) and fatty acids (Meyer et al., 1960; Beenakkers, 1963, 1965; Beenakkers and Figure 1. The sequence of reactions in the electron transport chain (Hansford and Sacktor, 1971) 19 SUCCINATE SUCCINATE DEHYDROGENASE NADH NADH DEHYDROGENASE NONHEME IRON NONHEME IRON COENZYME Q CYTOCHROME b CYTOCHROME c CYTOCHROME c CYTOCHROMES a + a. H^O 20 Klinaenberq, 1964; Beenakkers and Henderson, 1967). The conditions necessary for oxidative phosphory- lation have been discussed by Sacktor (1953) . Free fatty acids may uncouple oxidative phosphorylation (Wojtczak and Wojtczak, 1960; Wojtczak, et al^. , 1968) but serum albumin may afford some functional and structural protection. The electron transport chain accepts electrons from NADH and various flavoprotein dehydrogenases. NADH is formed in the oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA, the oxi- dation of L-6 -hydroxy lacy 1-CoA to L-3-ketoacyl-CoA in the B -oxidation of fatty acids and in several oxidative reac- tions of tJio citrate cycle (Kreb's cycle, tricarboxylic acid cycle) (Figure 2) . The introduction of electrons into the electron transport chain through reduced flavoprotein dehydrogenases is the result of the oxidations of succi- nate, a-glycerophosphate and fatty acyl-CoA. Electrons from NADH enter electron transport at NADH dehydrogenase and those from flavoprotein dehydrogenases enter at coen- zyme Q. The rate of substrate oxidation depends upon the permeability of the mitochondrial membrane to the substrate (Childress and Sacktor, 1966; Tulp et al. , 1971) which ap- pears to be facilitated by substrate ion translocators (Tulp and Van Dam, 1969; Tulp et al. , 1971). Mitochondrial enzyme activities as well as mito- chondrial mass changed as development proceeded from one week prior to the imaginal molt to one week after in Figure 2. The sequence of reactions in the citrate cycle showing the points of origin of NADH and suc- cinate dehydrogenase (SDH) (Lehninger, 1965). Acetyl~CoA 22 CITRATE OXALACETATE ->- NADH MALATE FUMARATE cis-ACONITATE NADH-^ ISOCITRATE NADH-H ->-C0, a-KETOGLUTARATE -V SDH (FADH) ■>-C0, 'SUCCINATE -e -SUCCINYL-CoA 23 L. miqraborla (Brosomer et al. , 1963). Michejda (1964) found similar results in developing flight muscles of H. cecropia. In adult flight muscle mitochondrial size in- creases as a function of age directly after adult emergence in Drosophila funebris and Phormia regina (Watanabe and Williams, 1953). Silhacek (1966) found changes in oxygen consumption correlated to age in the last two larvel instars of G. mellonella. Similar effects have been found in iso- lated mitochondria from Plodia interpunctella (Silhacek et al., 1974) . Leenders and Berendes (1972) and Leenders and Beck- ers (1972) found that inhibition of respiratory enzymes which increased the metabolic demand for the enzymes can activate certain gene loci in polytene chromosomes. The same effect is seen in dinitrophenol-treated larvae or larvae recovering from anaerobiosis (Berendes et al^. , 1965; Van Brenzel, 1966; Ashburner, 1970). Keilin (1925) studied 40 species of insects and found light absorption bands in flight muscle. Three of the bands at approximately 605, 563, and 550 nm were desig- nated to correspond to three hemochromagens , cytochromes a, b and c, respectively. Williams (1951) found high con- centrations of the cytochromes in flight muscle and Sacktor (19 5 3) found that within the muscle the cytochromes were restricted to the mitochondria. Individual cytochromes ranged from 0.5 to 1.5 ymoles/g protein in flight muscle 24 of several insects (Barron and Tahmisian, 1948; Levenbook and Williams, 1956; Chance and Sacktor, 1958; Bucher and Klingenberg, 1958; Klingenberg and Bucher, 1959; Stegwee and van Kammen-Wertheim, 1962; Slack and Bursell, 1972). The ratios of cytochromes are approximately 1:1.5:0.5 (a:c:b) (Chance and Sacktor, 1958; Bucher and Klingenberg, 1958; Stegwee and van Kammen-Wertheim, 1962). Very little work has been done on the biosynthesis of cytochromes in insects. Soslau et al. (1971) found that exogenous 6 -aminolevulinic acid would stimulate the synthe- sis of heme, a precursor of cytochrome. Hamdy et al. (1974) found incorporation of ^'^C-glycine into heme. These studies indicated that heme biosynthesis proceeded as de- scribed for vertebrate systems (Burnham, 1969) . Chan and Margoliash (1966) demonstrated the de novo synthesis of cytochrome c in Samia cynthia. Stimulation of the synthe- sis of cytochrome c was not inhibited by actinomycin D indicating that the stimulation of apoprotein synthesis was not a direct effect on the genome (Soslau et al. , 1971; Williams et al. , 1972) . Mitochondrial metabolism in insects has been re- viewed by Sacktor (1965, 1970, 1974) and Hansford and Sack- tor (1971). 25 Hormonal Control of Mitochondrial Oxidative Activities Implantation of corpora allata increased the oxy- gen consumption of the recipient insect. The degree of stimulation was directly proportional to the activity of the implanted gland (Novak et al. , 1959, 1962; Slaraa and Hrubesova, 1963) . Allatectomy produced a decrease in oxy- gen consumption (Thomsen, 1949), however, these effects were weak and temporary. Others found that JH stimulated oxygen consumption only in female insects but had no ef- fect on males (DeWilde and Stegwee, 19 58; Sagesser, 196 0; Novak and Slama, 1962; Slama, 1964). This effect on fe- males has been attributed to the ability of JH to stimulate developmeTil: of the female reproductive system and not due to a direct stimulation of respiratory activity (Pflug- felder, 1952; Thomsen, 1955). Sehnal and Slama (1966) implanted corpora allata into larvae of G. me Hone 11a and monitored the oxygen consumption of the intact insects through supernumerary larval instars. They concluded that the stimulatory ef- fect on oxygen consumption is indirect and due to the increased mass of the insects. Clarke and Baldwin (1960) found that extracts of corpora allata stimulated oxygen consumption in tissue homogenates of L. migratoria but depressed oxygen consumption under the same conditions in Schistocerca gregaria. Stegwee (1960) found that oxygen 26 consumption by mitochondria isolated from diapausing L. decemlineata were stimulated by juvenile hormone. DeWilde (1961) confirmed this in vitro and found similar effects in vivo with implanted corpora allata. Both used sodium succinate as a substrate for in vitro mitochondrial oxida- tions. Stegwee (19 59) has demonstrated that adult diapause is due to a deficiency in JH secretion. Diapause is char- acterized by low rates of oxygen consumption and very low cytochrome concentrations (Shappirio and Williams, 1957a, 1957b) . This was detected in pupae of H. cecropia which undergo a pupal diapause. Cytochrome concentrations de- clined rapidly within hours of the larval-pupal molt. In contrast, nondiapausing pupae show little decline in cyto- chrome contents. Minks (1967) found no effect on oxygen consumption of mitochondria isolated from flight muscles following al- latectomy or implantation of corpora allata into adult L. migratoria. In addition, extracts or corpora allata had no effect on isolated mitochondria. However, an effect on oxidative phosphorylation was detected when "cecropia oil" V7as added to the mitochondria. At concentrations approaching 10~^ (v/v) and above pyruvate-malate oxidation was inhibited and P/0 ratio decreased (Minks, 1967). Keeley (1970, 1971) also found hormonal control of insect mitochondrial oxidative activity, but the control was exerted by the corpora cardiaca and no effect was noted 27 after allatectomy in adult Blaberus discoidalis . He found that cardiatectoray resulted in reduced oxygen consumption and lowered cytochrome c reductase and cytochrome oxidase activities. However, the addition of corpora cardiaca to isolated mitochondria had no effect (Keeley, 1971; Keeley and Wadill, 1971). Treatment of cardiatectomized insects in vivo with an extract of the corpora cardiaca for several days resulted in restoring oxidative enzyme activities (Keeley and Wadill, 1971). The effects of cardiatectomy were duplic^"lted by severing the nerves from the brain to the corpora cardiaca. The factor appears to be a poly- peptide and appears to be produced in the brain and released by the corpora cardiaca (Keeley and Wadill, 1971). Keeley (19 72) found that the corpora cardiaca hormone is a control- ling factor in the biogensis of mitochondria in the adult cockroach. Conclusion The preceding literature review has dealt primarily with the endocrine control of growth and development, the physiological and biochemical effects of juvenile hormone and the biochemistry of insect mitochondria. It is evident that mitochondrial activities could play a central role in the processes responsible for growth and development in insects. However, our current knowledge is very limited 28 and much data is contradictory. More information on the role of mitochondrial activity and juvenile hormone action and the relationship of these to other aspects of metabo- lism is required. MATERIALS AND METHODS Insect Rearing Methods Successive generations of the Indian-naeal luoth, Plodia interpunctella , were reared by the standardized method of Silhacek and Miller (1972) ina2.4mx2.4inx 2.4 m walk-in incubator (American Instrument Company, Silver Springs, Md.) maintained at 30° C + 1/2°C and 70% R.H. + 1%. A photoperiod consishing of sixteen hours light and eight hours dark was supplied by four Westing- house high output daylight lamps (Westinghouse , 9 6tl2) controlled by an electric time clock. For egg collection, 23-day-old adult insects were first anesthetized with carbon dioxide and placed in a container with an 18-mesh screened bottom. The container of moths was returned to the incubator and set on a piece of black construction paper at the onset of the dark pe- riod. The eggs which accumulated on the construction paper were removed after one hour and cleaned. Forty- four mg of cleaned eggs and 450 g of loosely packed growth medium were placed in each of twelve 12.7 cm x 17.8 cm x 10.2 cm polystyrene plastic pans with plastic lids having 29 30 a 6.4 cm diameter screened hole. The eggs were thoroughly mixed into the rearing medium and the pans were then in- cubated as previously described for the required time. The medium for rearing P. interpunctella was essen- tially the same as that described by Silhacek and Miller (1972) . Medixim components were refrigerated at 4°C to prevent insect contamination. The medium was prepared by mixing 620 g ground Gaines Dog Pellets, 255 g ground rolled oats, 1,665 g white corn meal, 1,480 g whole wheat flour, 160 g wheat germ and 325 g of brewers yeast. The dry com- ponents were first mixed and then a mixture of 1,000 g glycerol and 900 g of honey was added. The fresh medium was placed in sealed containers and allowed to stand 24 hours. It was then ground in a Viking hammer mill to give a particle size which passed through an American Standard 8-mesh sieve and stored at room temperature until it was used. Test Diet Preparation Test diets were prepared by adding 0.5 ml of an acetone (Mallinckrodt , A.R.) solution of the hormone to 7 00 mg of the mixture of dry food components. The ace- tone was removed under a stream of dry nitrogen while stirring in order to uniformly distribute the hormone throughout the food. Three hundred milligrams of 31 honey : glycerol (1:1 v/v) were then thoroughly mixed into each 700-rag portion of test food. Acetone solutions of 0.2 and 1.0 mg/ml of Cecropia JH (methyl cis-10, 11-epoxy- 7-ethyl-3, 11-dimethyl-trans , trans-2, 6-tridecadienoate) v/ere used to provide final hormone concentrations of 0.10 and 0.50 mg/g of food, respectively. After adding the honey : glycerol the diets were routinely held at room tem- perature overnight and stirred the next day before use to break any clumps of food. Selection of Insects Small amounts of food containing larvae were placed on a brown paper towel and larvae were removed v;ith mosquito forceps. Fourth- and fifth-instar larvae could be recognized by the relative sizes of the head capsules . Larval ages are presented as -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4 and +7 days with respect to days prior to (minus) or following (plus) the molt into the fifth larval instar which occurred just prior to collection of 0-day insects. Minus-two-day larvae were early-f our-instar larvae approx- imately two days prior to the larval- larval molt. For in vivo JH treatment, -2-, 0- and +2-day larvae were ob- tained from pans which were seeded with eggs eight, ten and twelve days earlier, respectively. As they were 32 collected, two hundred to one-thousand larvae were placed on approximately 100 g of test diet in a 12.5 cm x 6.6 cm X 6.6 cm polystyrene plastic pan with a plastic lid having a 5.7 cm screened hole. The pans containing JH diet and larvae were then placed in the incubator at standard rear- ing conditions. After holding on test diets for appropriate inter- vals, the insects were collected from the test diets and used for mitochondrial isolation. Control insects were collected from stock culture pans. Isolation of Mitochondria Mitochondria were isolated by differential centri- fugation in a refrigerated centrifuge fitted with a 3.6 x spindle speed attachment (Model PR-6, International Equip- ment Co., Needham, Mass. Rotor #859) (Firstenberg and Sil- hacek, 1973) . Larvae were placed in a small breaker on ice prior to mitochondrial isolation. One to two grams of larvae were required for isolation of mitochondria. A 5% homogenate was prepared by grinding a group of test insects of known weight in a ground glass homogenizer with an isolation medium containing 0.5 M recrystallized man- nitol, 10~^M triethanolamine (TEA), 10 M EDTA and suf- ficient HCl to give a pH of 7.4 (Silhacek, 1967). 33 Mitochondria are defined as that fraction which sedimented betv/een 500 x g for 10 minutes and 600 x g^ for 10 minutes. Mitochondria were resuspended in fresh isolation medium and resedimented to provide a twice- washed mitochondrial pellet. Mitochondria were then re- suspended in a volume equal to the original tissue weight (1,0 ml/g tissue) in a suspension mediiom consisting of 0.45M mannitol, 10"\ MgSO^ , 6 x 10~\ ATP (pH 7.4 with TEA) and 5 mg/ml bovine serum albumin (BSA) . All pro- cedures during isolation were carried out at 0-4°C. Polarographic Enzyme Activity Determinations Mitochondrial oxidative activities v;ere determined using an oxygraph (Model KM, Gilson Medical Electronics Inc., Middleton, Wise.) equipped with a vibrating platinum electrode emd a jacketed cell maintained at 30°C to deter- mine oxygen uptake. The basic incubation medium contained 600 ymoles recrystallized mannitol, 15 umoles MgSO^ , 6 ymoles ADP and 0.25 mg cytochrome c in 1.55 ml of water. To this medium was added either 0 . 5 ml BSA (25 mg/ml) or 0.5 ml BSA-JH (BSA containing 250 yg Cecropia JH (a mix- ture of isomers of methyl-10, ll-epoxy77-ethyl-3 , 11-di- methyl-2, 6-tridecadienoate/ml) . The BSA-JH was prepared by mixing 25 yl of JH solution (10 mg JH/ml of acetone) per 25 mg of dry BSA, drying under nitrogen and making up 34 to volume (1.0 ml) with water. Lower concentrations of JH in the cell were obtained by substituting equivalent volumes of BSA for BSA-JH. One-tenth of a ml of mito- chondrial suspension was then added to the cell and al- lowed to preincubate for 5 minutes. After the preincuba- tion period 30 ymoles of each substrate being tested in a total volume of 0.2 ml were added to the cell contents. The substrate systems used were: pyruvate-malate , pyru- vate-glutamate, pyruvate, malate, glutamate, a-keto- glutarate, succinate, a-glycerophosphate , ascorbate and NADH. Oxygen consumption was monitored for 3 to 6 min- utes. After the addition of 50 ymoles of inorganic phos- phate (P.) in 0.05 ml (pH adjusted to 7.8 with TEA), a second rate of oxygen consumption was measured. Respira- tory control ratios (RC) V7ere calculated by dividing the rate of oxygen consumption after addition of P^ by the rate prior to the addition. -3 One-tenth milliliter volumes of 10 M antimycm _ -) _ c A, 10 M oligomycin and 1.5 x 10 M rotenone were used in ethanol solution to inhibit mitochondrial reactions in some experiments. The effects of ethanol were deter- mined prior to the use of inhibitors. Three experiments consisting of duplicate enzyme assays were run with different mitochondrial preparations, For some experiments it was necessary to maximize the permeability of the mitochondrial membranes to NADH by 35 aging the mitochondrial suspension at 30°C for 45 minutes prior to storage on ice for experimentation. Assay of NADH Dehydrogenase Activity NADH dehydrogenase was assayed in a system using ferricyanide as an electron acceptor. For the assay 0,1 -3 -2 ml volumes of 10 M antimycin A, 0 . 5M P., 5 x 10 M K_Fe (CN) ,"^"^, 0.04M NADH and aged mitochondria were added to 0.5 ml BSA or BSA-JH plus 1.55 ml basic incubation medium in a 3.0 ml cuvette. The rate of ferricyanide re- duction at 30°C v^^as monitored at 420 nm on a Gilford re- cording spectophotometer (Model 2000, Gilford Laboratories Inc., Oberlin, Ohio) with a Beckman monochromator (Model DU, Beckman Instruments Inc., Fullerton, Calif.). The initial rate of decrease in the optical density (O.D.) is a measure of the NADH dehydrogenase activity. Mitochondrial Nitrogen Determinations Mitochondrial nitrogen content was determined by micro-Nesslerization (Minari and Zilversmit, 1962). Du- plicate 0.05 and 0.10 ml samples of each mitochondrial preparation and 0.10 ml samples of the .suspension medium were put into 50 ml Nessler's tubes. One milliliter of dilute sulfuric acid (1:4, H2SO^:H20) was added to each tube. Tubes were covered with parafilm and stored at 36 -18 °C for later determination. Tubes were warmed to room temperature and placed in a Kjeldahl digestion apparatus to char organic residue. Two to three drops of H^O^ v/ere then added to the tubes and the contents were allowed to reflux until all of the peroxide was removed. After cool- ing, approximately 35 ml of water was added to each tube. After mixing, 7.5 ml of Nessler's reagent (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.) was added, the volume adjusted to 50 ml with water, and the contents were mixed by inversion, The O.D. at 490 nm was read against a blank on a Bausch and Lomb colorimeter (Spectronic 20, Bausch and Lomb Inc., Rochester, N.Y.). The O.D. for the suspension medium was subtracted from the mitochondrial sample O.D.s and the re- sulting value was compared to a standard curve to give nitrogen concentrations of the mitochondrial suspensions. The standard curve was prepared each day Nessler's tests were run from duplicate tubes containing 0, 150 and 300 mg nitrogen (0.0, 0.75' and 1.5 ml of a 571.4 yg/ml NH NO^ solution, respectively) . Assay of Mitochondrial Mitochondrial cytochrome concentrations were de- termined using a variation of the Chance and V7illiams method (1955) . Isolated mitochondria were suspended in approximately 10 ml of suspension medium and 1 . 0 ml ali- quots were placed in each of two 1.0 cm light path, 1.0 37 ml black wall cuvettes. Analysis was accomplished with a two-wavelength double beam scanning spectrophotometer (model 356, Perkin Elmer Corp., Norwalk, Conn.) operated in the split beam mode. A baseline was established by scanning the cuvettes from 650 nm to 500 nm. A difference spectrum was then obtained by adding 10 yl 10 M K Fe(CN) "^^ to the reference cuvette to fully oxidize the 3 6 sample and 10 yl 0.05 M Na2S20^ to the sample cuvette in order to fully reduce the sample. The cuvettes were then rescanned from 650 nm to 500 nm and maxima at 605 nm, 564 nm and 551 nm corresponding to cytochromes a, b and c, respectively were revealed. Corresponding minima occurred at 630 nm, 575 nm and 540 nm. Subtraction of minimal O.D.s from maximal O.D.s yielded a measure of cytochrome concentration. Millimolar extinction coefficients for cytochromes a, b, and c are 16.0, 20.0, and 19.0, re- spectively (Chance and Williams, 1955) . Assay of Mitochondrial Hemes Mitochondrial hemes were extracted from mitochon- • dria and analyzed using the method of Reiske (1963) . In this procedure mitochondria were extracted with acetone, centrifuged at 6000 x g for 15 minutes (International PR-6 centrifuge, rotor #859) , extracted with chloroform- methanol (2:1 v/v) , and then with acetone to remove lipids. The supernatants were discarded. Three extractions with acetone-HCl (2.5 ml 36% KCl in 100 ml acetone) removed hemes a and b from the protein precipitate and left heme c in the precipitate. The precipitate was dissolved in approximately 10 ml alkaline pyridine (50 ml 1 . OM NaOH in 50 ml pyridine) and a difference spectrum for heme c was obtained as described for cytochrome analysis. The pooled extracts from the acetone-HCl extractions were flash evaporated to near dryness in a rotary vacuum evap- orator at 0°C and alkaline pyridine was added. All pro- cedures during the isolation of hemes were carried out at 0-4 °C in subdued light. A difference spectrum for heme b was obtained as described earlier. A difference spec- trum for heme a was obtained by scanning dithionite re- duced alkaline pyridine extract against water. Maxima of 587 nm, 556 nm, and 550 nm were obtained for hemes a, b and c, respectively. Millimolar extinction coeffi- cients for hemes a, b, and c are 24.0, 30.0, and 19.1, respectively (Reiske, 1953) . A quantity of hemoglobin from a hemolysate of human blood was determined spectrophotometrically by the method of Hainline (1958) and was used as a standard to determine extraction efficiency. Admixing hemoglobin to a mitochondrial suspension (100 mg hemoglobin/ml mito- chondria yielded about a 50% recovery of the added heme) . Quantitative mitrochondrial heme determinations were ad- justed for extraction efficiency. 39 Assay of De Novo Heme Synthesis De novo synthesis of hemes was determined iso- topically. Early-fourth- in star insects 2 days before the last larval-larval molt were placed on either a control or JH-treated diet prepared to give a uniform distribu- tion of 2-''"'^C-glycine (specific activity in the diet 2.0 yCi/g diet) . The 2-"*" C- glycine (Schwarz Mann Radiochem- icals, Orangeburg, N.Y.) was added to the diet in acetone solution. The acetone was removed by drying under a stream of nitrogen. Insects were removed from the diet after four days, and mitochondria were isolated and hemes a and b were extracted from the mitochondria. The hemes were solubilized in soluene 100 (Packard Instrument Co.) and were assayed by scintillation counting in a toluene based scintillation fluid in a refrigerated scintillation coun- ter (model Tri-Carb #3003, Packard Instrument Co., Downers Grove, 111.). The difference in radioactivity between the control and JH-treated tests was proportional to the quan- tity of JH-stimulated de^ novo heme synthesis. Electron Microscope Studies Early-fifth-instar larvae placed on either a con- trol diet or a 0.1 mg/g JH test diet for four days were dissected and their midguts were removed. The midguts were fixed with glutaraldehyde and osmium tetroxide 40 (Venable and Coggeshall, 1965) . The fixation required sequential dehydration in ethanol-water solutions of increasing concentrations and finally acetone. Embedding was in an Epon-Araldite mixture (Mollenhauer , 1965). Sectioning was performed on a Sorvall ultramicrotome (model MT-2B, Ivan Sorvall Inc., Norwalk, Conn.). Only silver or gray sections were placed on the 200 mesh grids. Specimens were viewed on a Hitachi electron microscope (model HU-125E, Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Photomicro- graphs were analyzed for mitochondrial size, number, shape, dispersion, surface aroei, volume and general condition. RESULTS Electron Microscopy As a basis for subsequent biochemical studies, I examined the ultrastructure of midgut mitochondria from control and JH-fed larvae. Midgut mitochondria of control larvae were relatively small, roughly spherical and were concentrated on the hemocoel side of the midgut (Figure 3) . In JH-fed larvae (Figure 4) the mitochondria were more irregular, twice as large as control mitochondria and there were only half as many as in the control. Also, they were more dispersed through the cytoplasm than mito- chondria in midguts of control larvae (Table 1) . Mito- chondria in control larvae had a higher surface area to volume ratio than mitochondria in JH-fed larvae. How- ever, the total mitochondrial volum.e within the midguts were essentially equal for JH-fed and control larvae. Effects of In Vivo JH Treatment on Enzyme Activities of Mitochondria Isolated from JH-fed Insects' These cytological differences in mitochondria suggested altered metabolism. Experiments to test this hypothesis established that the rate of pyruvate-malate 41 Figure 3. Electron micrograph of midgut tissue from control larvae (magnification, 15,000 X) . 4 3 Figure 4. Electron micrograph of midgut tissue from JH- fed Icirvae (magnification, 15,000 X). 45 'M ^9: ' 46 Table 1. A Comparison of Mitochondria in Midguts of Control and JH-Fed Larvae JH-Treated Control o -3 -3 Mean volume (um ) 7.8 x 10 3.0 x 10 2 Mean surface area (ym ) .203 .093 Surface area to volume ratio 23.66 34.96 Mean concentration in midgut columnar epithelium cells (mitochondria/vim3) * .522 1.33 Per cent of mitochondria within 10 ym of the midgut wall (hemocoel) 48.4 62.1 *Mitochondria v/ere counted in one sagittal section from each of three midgut columnar epithelium cells. 47 oxidation by mitochondria isolated from +4-day larvae treated in vivo for four days with JH (treatment ini- tiated on 0-day) was higher than the rate by mitochon- dria isolated from the same age control larvae (Table 2) . Rates of pyruvate-malate oxidation by mitochondria isolated from +4-day control larvae and +4-day JH-treated larvae were lower than that of 0-day control larvae. The rate of pyruvate-malate oxidation by mitochondria isolated from larvae fed a diet containing 0 . 5 mg JH/g for 4 days was not significantly different from the rate observed for mitochondria from larvae fed a diet containing 0.1 mg JH/g for 4 days. The +4-day control larvae may not offer a good comparison with JH-treated insects because these insects had stopped feeding while the JH-treated insects were still actively feeding (Firstenberg and Sil- hacek, in press) . Mitochondria from insects fed on the diet containing 0 . 1 mg JH/g for 7 days oxidized pyruvate- malate at a lower rate than those from insects similarly treated for 4 days. Mitochondria from insects fed on 0.5 mg/g diet for 7 days oxidized pyruvate-malate at a lower rate than mitochondria from larvae fed on the 0.1 mg/g diet for 7 days. In all cases mitochondria from larvae treated in vivo with JH were inhibited more by JH treat- ment (1.77 x 10~ M) in vitro than control insects. In addition, mitochondria from JH-treated larvae had slightly lower respiratory control ratio values than mitochondria 48 Table 2. Rates of Pyruvate-Malate Oxidation in Isolated Mitochondria from Plodia interpunctella treated in vivo with Juvenile Hormone Duration of in vivo Hormone Treatment* Days Hormone Mean Concentration Additions Q MG/G O2 m Mean 0 (Control) 4 (Control) 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 None 335.6** 5.27 JH 11.5 0.74 None 87.1 2.37 JH 3.3 - None 171.0 3.92 JH 1.8 - None 163.9 4.42 JH 0.8 - None 104.0 3.91 JH 1.6 - None 62.4 4.25 JH 0.5 - *Treatment began with 0-day larvae **Values represent duplicate runs on each of three replicates ***Units of Q, I . are yatoms oxygen consumed/hour/mg 2 ^ ' mitochondrial nitrogen. 49 from the 0-day control larvae but higher values than from +4-day control larvae. Since control insects stopped feed- ing by the 4th day and pupated by the 7th day there were no suitable mitochondria to serve as controls. The results of the tests for succinate oxidation by mitochondria (Table 3) indicated that there was a small decrease in their ability to oxidize succinate in +4-day control larvae as compared to 0-day control larvae. Mito- chondria isolated from both 0-day and +4-day control lar- vae had higher rates of succinate oxidation when treated with JH (1.77 X 10~ M) in vitro. Mitochondria isolated from larvae fed on either the 0.1 mg/g or the 0.5 mg/g JH diets for 4 days had greater rates of succinate oxida- tion than either of the control mitochondrial preparations, Mitochondria from insects fed the 0.1 mg/g JH diet for 7 days had a lower rate of succinate oxidation than those mitochondria from larvae fed for 4 days on the same diet. Mitochondria from larvae fed on the 0.5 mg/g JH diet for 7 days had an even lower rate of succinate oxidation. None of the mitochondrial preparations from larvae treated -4 with JH responded appreciably to JH (1.77 x 10 M) in vitro. These results indicated that the mitochondria in JH-treated larvae differ from the controls in their c£ipacity to be stimulated by JH in vitro. The only appar- ent effect of in vitro JH treatment of isolated mitochon- dria from JH-treated larvae was a small decrease in 50 Table 3. Reites of Succinate Oxidation in Isolated Mitochondria from Plodia interpunctella treated in vivo with Juvenile Hormone Duration of in vivo treatment* Days Hormone Concentration Additions MG/G Mean Mean ^0^{l^f** ^-^^ 0 (Control) 4 (Control) 0.1 0.5 0.1 0.5 None 121 4** 1 23 JH 160 8 1 20 None 94 1 1 39 JH 130 9 1 29 None 157 1 1 43 JH 137 4 1 12 None 136 6 1 62 JH 137 .7 1 14 None 110 .0 1 .59 JH 119 .9 1 .08 None 61 .6 1 .36 JH 53 .2 1 .04 *Treatment began with 0-day larvae **Values represent duplicate runs on each of three replicates ***Units of Q„ , > are yatoms oxygen consumed/hour/mg mitochondrial nitrogen, 51 respiratory control ratios when succinate was used as the substrate. The +4-day controls in the succinate tests had the same deficiencies as noted in the pyruvate-malate experiments. More recent results indicated that the stim- ulation of succinate oxidation in mitochondria from +4-day control larvae by JH treatment in vitro may be erroneous and that the capacity of JH to stimulate succinate oxida- tion may be lost as a consequence of larvae aging (Silhacek and Kohl, unpublished data). Effects of In Vitro JH Treatment on Mitochondrial Enzyme Activities The iji vivo data demonstrated an inhibitory effect by JH on both pyruvate-malate and succinate oxidation. The inhibition of pyruvate-malate oxidation and the stimu- lation of succinate oxidation by JH in vitro in mitochon- dria isolated from untreated larvae suggested that JH may have a direct effect on mitochondrial metabolism. This was tested by determining the oxidative activities of iso- lated mitochondria v/ith various citrate cycle intermediates in the presence and absence of JH. Inhibition of pyruvate-malate, pyruvate-glutamate, malate, a-ketoglutarate , and glutamate oxidations occurred in mitochondria isolated from 6 to 8 mg larvae treated in vitro with 1.77 x 10~ M JH (Table 4) . Ascorbate and a- glycerophosphate oxidations were not affected, while 52 Table 4 TOffect of Juvenile Hormone on the Rates of Substrate Oxidation by Isolated Mitochondria from Plodia interpunctella Q 02(N)** Substrate Additions None JH' Pyruvate -Ma late Pyruvate -Glutamate Ma late a-Ketoglutarate Glutamate Succinate a- Glycerophosphate Ascorbate 335.6 303.2 55.7 100.0 64.1 121.4 314.4 69.9 11.5 20.6 7.6 23.2 10.2 160.8 295.7 72.0 ~4 *JH concentration during incubation = 1.77 x 10 M **Units of Q„ /„> are y atoms oxygen consumed/hour/mg mito- chondrial nitrogen. 53 succinate oxidation was stimulated. It was noted that only those substrates requiring NAD as a cof actor for oxidation were inhibited. These results indicated that the inhibi- tion probably occurred in the NADH dehydrogenase complex, complex I, of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. NADH was used as a substrate to localize the site of JH action in the electron transport chain. Fresh mito- chondria oxidized NADH very slowly due to low permeability of the mitochondrial membrane to NADH. The mitochondrial membrane was rendered permeable to NADH by aging the mito- chondria at 30°C. Mitochondria aged for 45 minutes and then placed on ice gave almost maximal NADH dehydrogenase activity which was realtively stable for 2.0 hours (Figure 5) . Mitochondria aged less than 45 minutes did not reach maximal oxidative activity. Those aged more than 45 minutes were unstable with a marked decrease in oxidative activity occurring between 100 and 12 0 minutes of aging. Aged mitochondria were less susceptible than fresh mitochondria to inhibition by oligomycin, an inhibitor of oxidative phosphorylation (2 4.1% versus 71.0%), indicating that aging uncoupled oxidative phosphorylation (Table 5) . Since JH v;as effective inhibiting NADH oxidation in both fresh and aged mitochondria then it must be acting in the electron transport chain. Inhibition of pyruvate-malate oxidation in fresh mitochondria and inhibition of NADH oxidation in aged 1 (tJ 0) O H to +J (I) frt -H +J C S U Q) c tp^ 3 O (1) Ci U 4J M ri (rt fl) >irH -»-) Si 0 a 0) w ■H ^ •H m K ^ -H P O Ti <; o ^ tP>H a CM c •rH (1) trm-i CI) m O ^ 4-1 m fl) G) () ra rQ > fl) M ae fd ■H ■H rH ^ 4-> CQ b C Tl C) 0 C Sh -rH (0 M-i -p res >i 05 ■H -P -H 0) •H >H M >T1 -H c fl) +J C) ^ O ^ H (IS u U Cn ■H P4 o < <5 Z UJ kiJ ' O O O iflZ u < < * o f f. JT .^t' Cf > Cf *^ "^/. (jnoM/ M Sui/^ suiojeh) AIIAIIDV aSWN330daAH3a HQVN 56 Table 5. Effect of Inhibitors and Aging on NADH Oxidation l)y Mitochondria from Plodia interpunctella Mitochondrial Qq (v[^i./ Aging Time (min) Inhibitor 2 0 None 107.2 30 None 288.0 45 None 414.5 60 None 448.6 0 Oligomycin— 31.1 45 Oligomycin 315.0 0 JH-/ 55.9 45 JH 120.7 45 Oligomycin + JH 43.3 45 Rotenone -'^ 21.5 —Oligomycin concentration during incubation = 4.10 x 10 M 2/ -4 — JH concentration during incubation = 1.77 x 10 M 3/ -8 —Rotenone concentration during incubation = 6.25 x 10 M 4^/Units of Q„ , , are yatoms oxygen consumed/hour/mg mitochondrial nitrogen. 57 mitochondria were related to the concentration of JH in the sarae wfiy (Figure 6) . Minimal inhibition was detected by a JH concentration of approximately 3 x 10 M. Maxi- -4 mal inhibition v/as reached by 1.41 x 10 M JH . A plot of NADH concentration divided by reaction rate versus sub- strate concentration at JH concentrations of 0, 7.1 x -5 -4 -4 10 M, 1.06 X 10 M and 1.77 x 10 M (Figure 7) revealed that NADH oxidation was noncompetitively inhibited (K. = 0.10 6 9 mM) . These results indicated that the inhibition defi- nitely did occur in the electron transport chain. Since electrons from succinate and a-glycerophosphate oxidations enter the electron transport chain at coenzyme Q and since these oxidations v/ere not inhibited by JH, then the inhi- bition must occur between NADH and coenzyme Q in the elec- tron transport chain. Sodium ferricyanide was used as an electron accep- tor from NADH dehydrogenase to assay the activity of NADH -3 dehydrogenase. The rate of reduction of Fe (CN) , by aged mitochondria was not significantly altered by the presence of 1.77 X 10~ M JH. When JH was present at a rate of 742.6 -3 ymoles Fe (CN) , /hour per mg mitochondrxal nxtrogen was obtained compared to 762.8 ymoles/hour "per mg mitochondrial nitrogen when JH was absent. These rates accounted for 92% of the oxygen uptake observed in polarographic experi- ments and indicated that juvenile hormone did not inhibit Figure 6. The relationship of juvenile hormone con- centration to the percent inhibition of NADH and pyruvate-malate oxidations. 100 59 Pyr-Mal *. 50 c 0) w km 4) Q. 0 0.0 NADH 0.1 JH Concentration (mM) 0.2 1 c; o Q) 0 D ^ 4J ■rH tH c 4J ffi (U u P -p (0 fl^ • m Q) 2 'aj 0 u l 10 o x; -p ~-' tti c ■H ^ — 0) ■H O 0 ,-^ K .H w 0) ^^ 0) ^ w> -P ^ w g 3 w 3 m ■rH -p i^ s^ d ■H QJ > rO X c > +J fC & 'd w g o > a C x\ \ (C 0 Q) U) o x: CO c ■P Q) o CD M -H -P n3 rO m -p m C 0 (d M TCi ^-^ M +J X -p -P to ^■^ (3 0 C X! -rH e rH (U ^ « > ^ u CO ~ ~-' Q) tn -H 61 62 at the love 1 of NADH dehydrogenase. This experiment local- ized the inhibition by JH to the nonheme iron protein re- gion of the electron transport chain (Figure 1) . The mechanism of this inhibition was not investigated. Cytochrome Analyses Mitochondria isolated from larvae treated in vivo with JH were red to purple, while mitochondria from con- trol insects were tan. Such coloration may be the result of differences in cytochrome content. Therefore, I in- vestigated the cytochrome content of mitochondria from control and JH-fed larvae. Newly molted 5th-instar larvae (0-day) had a mito- chondrial cytochrome content of approximately 88.7 pmoles/ insect. The cytochrome content increased to 158.2 pmoles/ insect in +4-day larvae. When 0-day larvae were fed JH for 4 days the m.itochondrial cytochrome content increased to approximately 418.6 pmoles/insect. Preliminary experi- ments indicated that the amount of stimulated cytochrome synthesis was identical with either 0.1 mg/g or 0.5 mg/g JH diet so all subsequent tests utilized the 0.1 mg/g diet. Mitochondrial cytochrome concentration (nmoles/g tissue) was higher in 0-day insects than in older larvae. These observations conclusively demonstrated that JH participated in the stimulation of cytochrome synthesis. 63 but did iiol: oliminate the possibility that some other event associated with the molt v/as also necessary. 0-, -2- and -1-2-day larvae were placed on Jll-treated diet, removed at one day intervals and assayed for mitochondrial cytochrome. The mitochondrial cytochrome content (pmoles/ insect) of both the control and JH-fed larvae increased throughout the test (Figure 8) . However, juvenile hormone treatment did not stimulate cytochrome synthesis until after the last larval-larval molt. At +l-day the JH-fed larvae had a significantly higher cytochrome content than the controls. The mitochondrial cytochrome contents for larvae which were placed on JH diet at -2- days were iden- tical to those for larvae which were placed on JH diet at 0-days. Compared with comparably aged control insects, the tvro JH-fed larval groups showed approximately a 40% increase over controls in mitochondrial cytochrome content (pmoles/insect) by +l-days, a 113% increase by +2-days, a 200% increase by +3-days with no additional increase ]3y +4-days. The mitochondrial cytochrome content of the larvae which were placed on JH diet at -f2-days did not differ significantly from the controls. These results indicated that JH stimulated cytochrome synthesis, but the stimulation was dependent upon some event associated with the molt. Figure 9 shows a comparison of the changes in mitochondrial cytochrome contents (pmoles/insect) from -2- to -t-4-days of larvae fed JH starting at -2-days and of control larvae. Cytochrome synthesis in control larvae +) rt 0) 0 fr4J nj •H T) c (U Iti ^ Q) tn 0 • fO -p rH -p fl) fO a +j > QJ a U h () (d +J c; rH tri 0) 0) m M R O +J o u OiE ^ -rH 1-1 o -C o U) in -p C O >1 C) C) ■H SH +J C) rH (0 -H rri iH +J •H (1) frt U V^ -H TJ A-> a (U •rH () x: d x^ H •H U ■H 65 : o V / /' ./' * 0 < < c< in 6 (pdSUf SdjOUJU) INaiNOD IWOUHDOIAD 66 procoedoil from -2- to +4-days with most of the synthesis occurrinq bc^fore +l-day. The mitochondrial cytochrome con- tent of Jll-fed larvae also increased throughout the test period at a rate of 6 times faster after the molt. This resulted in a total cytochrome content per insect 3 times greater in JH-fed as control insects by +4-days. Figure 9 shows cytochrome concentrations as nmoles/g tissue. Cytochrome concentration in control larvae was highest in -2-day larvae, decreased in -1-day larvae, in- creased in 0-day larvae and then decreased to the end of the experiment (+4-days) . Again there was no difference in cytochrome content of JH-fed larvae and control larvae until after the last larval-larval molt. After the molt cytochrome concentrations of the controls dropped sharply while that of the JH-fed larvae remained high and dropped more slowly. Approximately 30% of the larvae fed JH diet had undergone a supernumerary molt by the seventh day on the diet (treatment began with 0-day larvae) . The larvae which molted an additional time had a higher mitochondrial cytochrome concentration than non-molting JH-fed larvae (Table 6) . Cytochrome a, b and c concentrations (pmoles/ insect) of JH-treated and control larvae are shown in Figure 9. In mitochondria from control larvae cytochrome a + a-, concentration increased 10-fold, cytochrome b (0 (I) g 1 O X U I-) Xi o u o 0 +J IH >1 o -p 0 o 0) 4J CO (1) •H tn 01 >H • a) in rH a.-p rfl CJ > c Q) Vh C) tn n1 •H c iH -P fd -H m M rH o ■P o C M 04 cu -p -H C) c ^ C O to () O c C) C) Tl •H C) C 4J to m T3 .H a T) 0) fO (I) U -p X! ta 0) 0) ;c - M H (0 ■p 0 •H 68 f-m-irmmm! fr w u e o u u Hnn ^^r-^ liiitltltililililili^B^JiiHH - « (pasuj/saioiud) NOIiVMlNaONOO 3W0)IH301A3 69 'd T3 rH 0 a 0 W A-> 1 0 fd >ix; G) 0) fO +J ::5 S-l T! w +j 1 ^ tn 1 r^ 4J -H m •iH 4-1 1-3 in S: O Cn +J \ W M CO C 0 o 0 s rH ■H 0 rH •+J >i g '^ (0 M c u M fd 4-> +J u c c o o 0) g u O 3 c c o u u o a (U ID g w o "XJ S-l (C CD ^ 4J U 0) ro 0 C nci Q) 4-1 0 i Cn+J 4J 4-1 U M ,H U 1 (U 0 0 n^ H no g w Id n3 C c •H 3 4-> •r^ ^^ o \ 'O T3 c U3 C fd QJ ox:^ rH ^ fd 0 u ^ x; g 0 o a, r-4 4-1 -H ^ 1 0 ■H ^ u M S 5 H +J x; r, U-) 0) ^ 0 O (3 u > Q) C M rO 0 Hi > in ^q U -iH rd U Ti ^q ta Q) Ch^ g B 1 0 0 K U U t^ M-l 1 0) g u ^4 rd ^ o x: CIJ QJ 0) () g g g 4J o CJ o > M h 54 u x: ^ ^ CJ u U H C) o o d 4J +J 4-) 4J >i >1 >t O u u u H 70 concentration increased 4-fold and cytochrome c concentra- tion increased 3-fold during the period from -2- to +4- days. In Jll-treated larvae the corresponding increases were 30-fold for cytochrome a + a^ , 11-fold for cytochrome b and 4- fold for cytochrome c. Cytochromes a + a^, b and c concentrations (nmoles/ g tissue) are shown in Figure 10. The concentration of the individual cytochromes followed the same general trend as noted for total cytochrome content. There was no dif- ference between control and JH-fed insects in cytochromes a + a^ and c concentrations prior to the last larval-larval molt but after the molt the concentrations of these cyto- chromes decreased rapidly in control larvae while the con- centration was maintained at a level 3-times higher in JH- treated larvae. On the other hand, cytochrome c concen- tration was essentially identical in control and JH-treated larvae throughout the experiment. The concentrations of cytochromes a + a-, b and c were higher in insects which under\-/ent a supernumerary molt than in corresponding non- molting larvae (Table 6) . The ratios of cytochrome b to cytochromes a + a^ decreased throughout the experiment and were essentially the same for control and JH-fed insects (Table 7) . The ratio of cytochrome c to cytochromes a + a^ decreased throughout the experiment in both control and JH-fed in- sects but the decrease in the ratio was greater in JH-fed w (1) !-l g 0 n IH u ^ 0) C) 3 () CO +J w >i-H U -p 0 Fi -p , (1) tn w in +J fi5 5-1 0 0) (U .H Qa W fO a > c •H J-i 0 trt •H H rH -P 0 n3 M IH !-< -P o +J d C 0 a iwii!i!m^ I 1 (anssi; 8 /sa|ouiu) N0liVillN33N03 3MOiiH301A3 73 < ^ + 0) < -P f3 Q) OJ F. M O +J u 1 X m C) t-5 0 -p Ti >, c u td o .H 4-) o M tn +J C C 0 0 •H CJ 4J d H >-i O 4J U C i« (U O Ti c Q) o ■P CJ r3 iH o O to TJ -H c fd tC •H m M nr) •- G no < x: + U < 0 4J CD •rH e s 0 u 5-1 jC C) U U-< o •p C >i o C) •H ■P m lu o M +J tn C 0) O Q) (l! -rH C) > 4J C ^1 a o fd Pi U yA >i Q) c; (Tl > M trt ^ ^-1 T! +j 0) >i -P u (d fi) S-j l-t r' 1 (Ti K + 1-3 (d ■P >i u >1 u (1) fd > .Q S-i fd p-1 -P >i rH n O i^l 4J C r' C) fd o + fd -P >i u o tr. rt: U) rH >1 fd rd > Q u fd H-l vD [^ in ^ rn CN CTl 00 ^^ ro (~0 CM \X) iH ^ U3 IT) kD in ^ n (^ CTl •^ O in o 00 r- ■<3* ^ VD c M >-: 0) •P (0 O d rH a () o D m u 0 Ti u C a, (li ■H ^ ^ c -■0 m fO Ci) C -P o -. rd •H (U 0) ■p e U f3 (U -P rH ^ 1 CD 0 K U -P I-) O QJ S-i S-l ^ &4 0 tH -- m 76 "'•^^^^L yg^jT^rx nm I (pasuj s3|oiud) N0liVUlN33N03 3M3H 77 increase approached 2 30% by the termination of the experi- ment at +4-days. The concentration per insect increased linearly after a short lag bewteen -2- and -1-days in both control and JH-fed insects. Heme concentrations per gram tissue for control larvae decreased initially but rose to a peak just after the molt (Figure 12) . It decreased to a low level in +2-day larvae and remained stable to the conclusion of the experiment. Heme concentrations of the JH-fed larvae increased immediately reaching a peak in 0-day larvae and then decreased to a level 2- fold the control concentration until the termination of the experiment at +4-days. Concentrations of hemes a, b and c per insect are shown in Figure 11. In control insects heme a increased 2.5-fold, heme b increased 12-fold and heme c increased 2- fold during the period from -2- to +4-days. In JH-fed lar- vae the corresponding increases were 12.5-fold for heme a, 50-fold for henie b and 6-fold for heme c. Hemes b and c were synthesized at a linear rate after a short lag be- tween -2- and -1-days. However, the rate of heme a synthe- sis was higher in younger larvae and decreased toward the end of the experiment. In control larvae the ratios of concentrations of heme a to heme b to heme c at the beginning of the experi- ment were 1.00:0.49:1.25 but by the end of the experiment the ratios were 1.00:1.36:0.70. The same ratios at the I Xi en -H -+> a g to rt Q) U to tn4J U -H d O H O (0 > 4-) (13 -P M C +J O C O e "^ rH ^ ^ (U o o M 4-> M-l o CU M (D H — CO 0) -H 7 9 M 5 (»nss!» 8/sa|ouiu) N0I1V)I1N33N03 3IIII3H 80 end of the experiment in JH-fed larvae were 1.00:1.89:0.63 indicating a shift in heme synthesis toward heme b and away from hemes a and c. Assay of De Novo Synthesis of Hemes I could not determine from the heme analyses whether the increase in mitochondrial hemes was due to de novo syn- thesis, to a sequestering of hemes by mitochondria or to a partial synthesis from sequestered intermediates in heme synthesis. Incorporation of a carbon-14 labeled glycine was used to determine if de novo synthesis of hemes did oc- cur. 14 Insects placed on a medium containing 2- C-glycine (2.0 uCi/g diet) from -2- to +2-days incorporated the ■'"^C-label into hemes. During that period control larvae incorporated 213 cpm/hr. /insect into 6.9 nmoles of hemes a and b. The corresponding values for JH-fed larvae were 1,14 0 cpm/hr. /insect incorporated into 2 3.9 nmoles hemes a and b per insect. Com.paring the rates of heme synthe- sis indicates that JH-fed larvae accumulated 3.46-times as much heme as control larvae during the period from -2- to +2-days. During the same period, the incorporation of radiolabeled glycine into hemes was 3.58-times greater in JH-fed larvae than in the controls. The similarity of these two ratios indicated that hemes a and b were synthesized de novo in both control and JH-fed larvae and that the sequestering of preformed hemes or heme precursors did not play an important role in the increased concentra- tion of mitochondrial heme. DISCUSSION The results presented in this dissertation estab- lish that juvenile hormone (JH) acts directly on the mito- chondria of Indian meal moth larvae. Juvenile hormone affects citrate cycle oxidations, electron transport, heme synthesis and cytochrome synthesis. Juvenile inhi- bits electron transport by the nonheme iron protein in com- plex I of the m.itochondria which results in lov/er oxidation rates for citrate cycle interxnedxates requiring NAD as a cofactor for oxidation. Minks (1967) found that relatively high concentrations of a crude extract of Hyalophora cecro- -3 pi a, a potent source of JH, (10 %) depressed pyruvate- malate oxidation in mitochondria from adult Locusta migra- toria. The effect was very weak and was attributed to "toxic effects" at high concentrations of hormone. Firsten- berg and Silhacek (unpublished observations) have shown that inhibition by JH of oxidation of NAD-linked substrates in isolated mitochondria did not change throughout the last larval instar. Silhacek and Kohl (unpublished observations) have also shown that the response to H. cecropia JH (JH-1, Roller et al. , 1967) is greater than the response to the other two known insect juvenile hormones (JH-II, Meyer 82 83 et al,. , 3 96B, and JH-III, Judy et al . , 1973) indicating that the inhibition is probably physiological and not pharmacological. It may be noted that several substances with insecticidal properties, rotenone , amytal and pieri- cidin A, also inhibit electron transport by the noneheme iron protein (Hatefi, 1968; Horgan and Singer, 1968). How- ever, none of the other effects of JH on isolated mitochon- dria reported in this dissertation have been reported for rotenone, amytal or piericidin A. This dissertation also establishes that juvenile hormone stimulates succinate oxidation in isolated mito- chondria from P. interpunctella larvae. Clarke and Baldwin (19 60) noted stimulated succinate oxidation with mitochon- dria isolated from adult L. migratoria when incubated with preparations of corpora allata. However, the JH stimula- tion of succinate oxidation did not occur when the same procedure was done with larvae of Schistocerca gregaria and, in fact, a slight inhibition was noted. Their experiments were unreplicated experiments and the effects were weak. DeWilde and Stegwee (1958) demonstrated that removal of the corpora allata from diapausing Leptinotarsa decem- lineata adults resulted in reduced succinate dehydrogenase activity when oxygen consumption was measured in tissue homogenates. DeWilde (1959) subsequently demonstrated that both corpora allata and extracts of Hyalophora cecro- pia stimulated succinate oxidation in tissue homogenates 84 from diapiausing L. decemlineata. Stegwee (19 60) confirmed results of c^^rlier studies by treating isolated thoracic muscle mitochondria from L. decemlineata with H. cecropia extract. Keeley (1970, 1972, 1973) and Keeley and Wadill (1971) found that neither allatectomy nor corpora allata extract affected succinate oxidation in isolated mitochondria from adult Dlaberus discoidalis fat body. Interpretations of previous studies are difficult because the adult tissues studied may not be targets of JH action, JH degradation may occur in crude tissue prep- arations and the active principle in crude hormone prep- arations may not be JH. Early studies on the effects of corpora allata or juvenile hormone indicated that JH stimulation of oxygen consumption in adult insects was due to the stimulation of ovarian development. Since that time investigators have placed their research empha- sis on either male or ovariectomized female adult insect, thereby avoiding tissues which are sensitive to juvenile hormone. The overall result of this emphasis was that JH was tested on mitochondria from tissues or insects in which no function for JH is known. The exception to this is the research on diapausing adult L. decemlineata in which diapavise appears to be a result of deficiency in JH secretion. Recent work by Silhacek and Kohl (unpublished observations) indicates that stimulation of succinate de- hydrogenase is dependent on larval age. Their experiments demonstratod that the ability of JH to stimulate succinate dehydrogenase is lost in older larvae. These results em- phasize the need to study juvenile hormone effects in tis- sues v;hich are responsive to JH . The present study utilized a twice-washed mitochon- drial preparation isolated from larval tissues which are re- sponsive to juvenile hormone and a chemically defined juve- nile hormone preparation. The titer of juvenile hormone in P. interpunctella has not been determined and it is not known whether the concentrations of JH used in this study are physiological; however, the JH concentrations used are similar to those determined in vivo in H. cecropia adults by Meyer et al . (1965, 1968) and Bieber et al. (1972). The results of in vivo JH treatment on mitochon- drial enzyme activities presented in this dissertation are inconclusive because the controls stopped feeding. How- ever, the results do not disagree with the effects of in vitro JH treatment of isolated mitochondria. The evidence presented here shows that heme synthe- sis, a topic having received little attention in insects, is immediately and therefore presumably directly stimulated by juvenile hormone. Since the occurrence of hemes is general in nature a similar biosynthetic pathway is assumed. Shemin and his coworkers (1952, 1953), Dresel and Falk (1956a, 1956b, 1956c) , Granick and Mauzerall (1958) , Mauzerall and Granick (19 58) and Granick (1958) have 86 studied porphyrin and heme biosynthesis in duck and chick- en erythrocytes. They found that the initial reaction in heme biosynthesis is associated with citrate cycle enzymes in mitochondria and involves an enzymatic condensation of succinyl CoA and glycine to form 6-am.inolevulinic acid. The next series of reactions involving cytosol enzymes begins with the condensation of two molecules of 6-amino- levulinic acid to form porphobilinogen which condenses to form coproporphyrinogen, a cyclic tetrapyrrole . The third enzyme group located in the mitochondria converts copropor- phyrinogen to protoporphyrin. The final enzyme in heme biosynthesis, ferrochelatase , is located on the inner sur- face of the mitochondrial inner membrane and participates in the insertion of iron into the protoporphyrin ring (Jones and Jones, 1969). Hamdy et al. (1973) have demon- strated incorporation of radiolabeled glycine and succinate into hemes in a tick, Dermacentor andcrsoni , lending sup- port to the occurrence of this pathway in arthropods. The 14 incorporation of C-glycine into hemes m the present study indicates that the mechanism of heme biosynthesis in P. interpunctella is similar to that found in duck and chicken erythrocytes and in D. andersoni . Two mechanisms are known for controlling the early reactions of heme biosynthesis. Granick (1966) proposed that induction of 6-aminolevulinic acid synthetase controls heme synthesis in chickens by resulting in increased levels of (S-aniinolovulinic acid which disturbs the steady-state equilibrium to favor increased heme synthesis. Granick (1966) demonstrated that 6-aminolevulinic acid synthetase is inducible by several substances. Muthukrishnan et al . (19 72) have shown that a mold, Neurospora crassa, the second en- zyme in heme biosynthesis, 6-aminolevulinic acid dehydrase, is inducable by iron. Its induction results in increased heme biosynthesis. A further level of control in the heme biosynthetic pathway involves end-product feedback inhibi- tion. Muthukrishnan et al^. (1972) and Burnham and Las- celles (1962) have demonstrated that 6-aminolevulinic acid dehydrase is inhibited by coproporphyrinogen III. Burnham and Lascelles (1962) , Scholnick et aJ. (1971) and V.'hiting and Elliott (1972) demonstrated that 6-aminolevulinic acid synthetase is inhibited by hemin. In P. interpunctella the increase in heme synthe- sis may be a result of the effects of JH on electron trans- port and succinate dehydrogenase. As a result of my ex- periments, I have proposed tliat inhibition of complex I of electron transport could affect the citrate cycle and related metabolism which would result in the production of succinyl-CoA by a conversion of pyruvate to malatc and a reversal of the citrate cycle (Silhacek, Firstenberg and Kohl, in press). Malic enzyme, the enzyme v/hich catalyzes the conversion of pyruvate to malate is active during the early part of the last larval instar in P. interpunctella (Silliacek, unpublished data) v/hen juvenile hormone titer is thought to be high. Another explanation is that JH could induce either 6-aminolevulinic acid synthetase or dehydrase resulting in increased heme synthesis. One or both of these mechanisms may contribute to the stimulation of heme synthesis in P. interpunctella larvae. High con- centrations of the end-product, hematin, could exert a feedback inhibition on succinate dehydrogenase (Keilin and Hartree, 1947) and/or 6-aminolevulinic acid synthe- tase (Burnheim and Lascelles, 1963) . Another possible function of the juvenile hormone inhibition in electron transport is to provide a reducing environment for conversion of ferric (Fe ) to ferrous ion +2 (Fe ) by increasing intramitochondrial concentrations of NADH. Barnes et al. (19 72) confirmed that the conversion + 3 +2 of Fe to Fe is facilitated by NADH. Porra and Jones (1963) earlier determined that the enzyme, ferrochelatase, which participates in the insertion of iron into porphyrins, utilizes iron only in the ferrous form. The synthesis of cytochromes depends on the coor- dination of heme and cytochrome apoprotein syntheses. My results indicate that cytochrome apoprotein synthesis is stimulated by JH. This stimulation depends upon an event associated v;ith larval molting. Therefore, the stimulation of cytochrome apoprotein synthesis may be due in part to ecdysone. Indeed, Patel and Madhavan (1969) have 89 demonstraLed a general stimulation of protein synthesis associated with ecdysone titer in imaginal wing disks of Samia cynbhia ricini. The same study also indicated that JH had a stimulatory effect on protein synthesis. How- ever, ecdysone is not the only factor that may be involved. Recently, Keeley and Wadill (1971) found a corpora cardiaca factor which stimulates cytochrome oxidase activity. Se- cretion of this corpora cardiaca factor could also be the event associated with the molt which stimulates cytochrome synthesis . Soslau et al. (1971) found that cytochrome c syn- thesis was stimulated in developing adult Antheraea poly- phcmus following injection of pupae 24 hours earlier with 6 -aminolevulinic acid. It was also found that actinomycin D an inhibitor of RNA synthesis, had no effect on the stim- ulation of cytochrome c synthesis indicating formation of the m.essenger RNA for cytochrome c apoprotein prior to the administration of the inhibitor. An interesting correlation occurs in the case of diapause. DeWilde (1959) demonstrated that diapause was a result of JH deficiency in L. decemlineata. If diapause v/ere caused by the lack of JH , one would expect diapausing insects to have low cytochrome concentrations. This is exactly what was found in induced diapausing Antheraea pernyi by Shappirio (1965) who also found that non-dia- pausing insects had little decrease in cytochrome content. 90 The current information (Kiese et^ al. , 1958; Sinclair e_t al., 1967) indicates that hemes a and c are the product of a conversion from heme b. The data pre- sented in this dissertation indicates that this mechanism is probably operative in P. interpunctella since the ratios of the individual hemes follow the same pattern in JH-fed larvae as in control insects. This result would be ex- pected if heme b were the precursor of the other two hemes and the enzymes controlling the conversion were unaffected by JH. It must be emphasized that my experiments do not preclude a direct interaction of juvenile hormone with the genome. However, the results do indicate that JH can af- fect development under certain conditions by altering meta- bolic reactions v/ithout interacting directly with the genome . My results also indicate that the titer of juvenile hormone at the beginning of an instar can affect the metab- olism of the insect within the same instar. This is con- trary to the classical view which states that JH titer within an instar will control the morphology (Wigglesworth, 1940; Clever, 1963) and metabolism (Kroeger, 1968) of the insect in the following instar. Since cytochrome levels are regulated by JH titer and cytochrome concentrations could be rate limiting in energy (ATP) production, juvenile hormone can control 91 cellular enetrgy levels. It is therefore possible that JH, through the mechanisms presented in this dissertation, determines the levels of metabolic processes in develop- ing insect tissues. These experiments provide a basis for a hypothe- sis of metabolic control of insect development. I hope that the information provided can be useful in designing further experiments to elucidate the metabolic mechanisms of insect hormones during growth and development. CONCLUSIONS It can be concluded from the results presented in this dissertation that juvenile hormone directly inhibits the NADH dehydrogenase complex of the electron transport chain and stimulates succinate dehydrogenase activity in mitochondria from larvae of Plodia interpunctella . Juve- nile also stimulates the de novo synthesis of hemes. However, the incorporation of hem.e into cytochrome requires the intervention of the molt, suggesting the par- ticipation oJ ecdysone in cytochrome apoprotein synthesis as a second level of control. The increase in heme synthesis may be a result of the inhibition of NAD-linked oxidation and stimulation of succinate dehydrogenase activity. The inhibition of NAD- linked oxidatir: "J could result in the production of succinyl-CoA from m.:;late. The malate is generated by con- verting pyruvate to malate in the cytosol and reversing the citrate cycle (Silhacek, Firstenberg and Kohl, in press) . 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J. Gen. Physiol. 40, 779. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Donald Elliott Firstenberg was born September 13, 1946 at New Brunswick, New Jersey. He is married to the former Iletxe Lois Sager. They have one child, Michael Harrison Firstenberg. Donald Elliott Firstenberg graduated from Scotch Plains-Fanwood High School in June, 1964. In May, 1968, he received the degree of Bachelor of Science with a major in biochemistry from Rutgers University. In September, 1968, he enrolled in the Graduate School of the University of Florida. From January, 1969, until December, 1974, he worked as a graduate assistant in the Department of Ento- mology and Nematology while pursuing his work toward the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy. In August, 1971, he received the degree of Master of Science. Donald Elliot Firstenberg is a member of the Ento- mological Society of America, The American Chemical Society and Phi Sigma National Biological Honorary Society. 109 I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Donald L. Silhacek, Chairman Assistant Professor, USDA Insect Attractants, Behavior, and Basic Biology Research Laboratory I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertat:ion for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. J Jewries L. Nation, Co-^-^-^-^ 4 De CUl^ avid S . Anthony Professor of Botany This dissertation was submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the College of Agriculture and to the Graduate Council, and was accepted as partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. March, 1975 Agriculture Dean, Graduate School UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08553 0565