EFFECTS OF MINERAL LEVELS ON PHYSIOLOGY AND MORPHOLOGY OF PLANTS By JOHANNES BERNARDUS BALTHASAR BROLMANN A DISSEKTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE COUNCIL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 1968 AQHU CULTURAL UBRARV UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 3 1262 08552 2547 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his deep appreciation and sincere gratitude to Dr. Henry C. Harris and Dr. Sherly H. West for their advice, criticism and encouragement in the preparation and completion of this manuscript. The author also wishes to thank Dr. Richard C. Smith for serving as a member of the supervisory committee and reviewing the manuscript. Appreciation is also extended to the Department of Agronomy for their very generous support which made it possible to conduct graduate studies at the University of Florida. Gratitude is similarly extended to the Department of Entomology and Nematology for use of their laboratory faci- lities. Deepest appreciation must go to his wife Antoinette, and his mother for their help and moral support during the years of graduate study. IX TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi INTRODUCTION 1 REVIEW OF LITERATURE 2 Accumulation of Elements 2 Effect on Uptake and Distribution of Other Ions.. 3 Toxic Effects 5 Cytological Effects 6 Effects on the Germination of Different Seeds.... 7 Tolerance and Adaptation to Heavy Metals 8 Plasmatic Resistance 11 Long-Term Effects 13 Effects on Chromosome Aberrations and Plant Mutations 14 Interaction with Chelates 19 The Mode of Action on Chromosomal and Cellular Behavior 21 EXPERIMENTAL AND RESULTS 24 Part One 25 Experiment 1: Effect of Copper and Manganese Deficiencies on Soybeans 25 Part Two 30 Experiment 2: Effect of Concentrated Solutions of Copper, Manganese and Zinc Salts on Seeds of Soybean, Rye, Sorghum and Oats... 30 Experiment 3: Effect of Copper, Manganese and Zinc Solutions on Germination of Sorghum Seeds 36 Experiment 4: The Effect of Soaking Oat Seeds in Concentrated Solutions of Copper, Zinc and Manganese 38 Experiment 5: Effect of the Anions NO3", Cl~, S0/^"~ on the Germination of Portulaca oleracea Seeds 39 Experiment 6: Effect of Various Concentrations of Copper and Zinc Solutions on Germina- tion and Further Development of Portulaca oleracea Seeds 41 111. TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Page EXPERIMENTAL AND RESULTS (continued) Experiment 7: Effect of Lithium Chloride on Portulaca oleracea 44 Experiment 8: Effect of Various Levels of Mineral Elements on Plants and Progeny Seeds of Portulaca oleracea 70 Part Three 78 Experiment 9: Inducing Metal Tolerance in Portulaca oleracea 78 Experiment 10: Inducing Plasmatic Resistance in Portulaca oleracea 80 DISCUSSION 82 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 91 BIBLIOGRAPHY 93 LV LIST OF TABLES Page TABLE 1. YIELD DATA FOR SOYBEAN PLANTS DERIVED FROM ABNORMAL SEEDS DUE TO COPPER DEFICIENT TREATMENT AND NORMAL SEEDS 32 2. GERMINATION OF SOYBEANS, RYE, SORGHUM AND OAT SEEDS AFTER SOAKING IN VARIOUS CONCEN- TRATIONS OF COPPER, MANGANESE AND ZINC FOR 24 HOURS 34 3. GERMINATION OF SOYBEANS, RYE, SORGHUM AND OAT SEEDS AFTER SOAKING IN VARIOUS CONCENTRATIONS OF COPPER, MANGANESE AND ZINC FOR 24 HOURS, FOLLOWED BY DRYING 35 4. EFFECT OF STRONG SOLUTIONS OF COPPER, ZINC AND MANGANESE ON GERMINATION AND EARLY DEVELOP- MENT OF SORGHUM SEEDS 37 5. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF POTASSIUM NITRATE, POTASSIUM CHLORIDE AND POTASSIUM SULFATE SOLUTIONS ON THE GERMINATION OF PORTULACA OLERACEA SEEDS 40 6. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS OF COPPER SULFATE ON GERMINATION, SHOOT LENGTH AND ROOT LENGTH OF PORTULACA OLERACEA 43 7. EFFECT OF DIFFERENT CONCENTRATIONS OF ZINC SULFATE ON GERMINATION, SHOOT LENGTH AND ROOT LENGTH OF PORTULACA OLERACEA 45 8. EFFECT OF TREATMENT WITH DIFFERENT IONS IN VARIOUS CONCENTRATIONS ON RATE OF SURVIVAL OF PORTULACA OLERACEA CUTTINGS 71 9. EFFECT OF TREATMENT WITH DIFFERENT IONS IN VARIOUS CONCENTRATIONS ON RATE OF SURVIVAL OF PORTULACA OLERACEA SEEDLINGS 73 LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Photomicrograph of longitudinal section through cotyledon of soybean seed (normal seeds) 27 2. Photomicrograph of longitudinal section through cotyledon of soybean seed from manganese deficient plants 28 3. Forked stems in soybean as a result of manganese deficiency 29 4. Twin plants in soybean as a result of copper deficiency 31 5. Portulaca oleracea plant derived after seed treatment with 1 °U lithiimi chloride 47 6. Flowers of wild and mutated types of Portulaca oleracea 48 7. Flower of mutated type of Portulaca oleracea produced after seed treatment with 1 7„ lithiiom chloride 49 8. Mutated branch of Portulaca oleracea 50 9. Cutting of mutated branch of Portulaca oleracea, showing reversion to wild type at base 52 10. Cutting of mutated branch of Portulaca oleracea, showing young wild shoot at base 53 11. Percent reversion from mutated to wild types in four generations of clones of Portulaca oleracea 54 12. Photomicrograph of stomata of lower leaf epidermis of mutated type of Portulaca oleracea 60 13. Photomicrograph of stomata of upper leaf epidermis from wild type of Portulaca oleracea 61 VI LIST OF FIGURES (continued) Figure Page 14. Photomicrograph of stomata of lower leaf epidermis from wild type of Portulaca oleracca 62 15. Photomicrograph of stomata of upper epidermis from mutated type of Portulaca oleracca 63 16. Photomicrograph of cross section through wild shoot of Portulaca oleracca 66 17. Photomicrograph of cross section through mutated shoot of Portulaca oleracca 68 18. Photomicrograph of cross section of half mutated (left) and half wild (right) stem tissues of Portulaca oleracea 69 19. Effect of pretreatment of boric acid on percent germination of Portulaca oleracca seeds 74 20. Effect of pretreatment of copper chelate on percent germination of Portulaca oleracea seeds 75 21. Effect of pretreatment of iron chelate on percent germination of Portulaca oleracea seeds 76 22. Effect of pretreatment of zinc chelate on percent germination of Portulaca oleracea seeds 77 via. INTRODUCTION The influence of certain mineral deficiencies on the progeny seed from peanut plants has been described (44) . The results of those experiments, together with reports in the literature on mutagenic effects of deficient and excessive mineral levels, prompted a study of these mineral effects on other plants in more detail. The effect of mineral deficiencies on seed formation, seed characteristics and phenotype of subsequent generations in soybeans was studied here, because earlier reports (43) showed a very strong response of this plant to mineral deficient treatments. Furthermore it seemed desirable to conduct experiments in which many elements were tested to induce mutations, especially in Portulaca oleracea, a plant especially suitable for such experi- ments because of its short life cycle. The pronounced tolerance of certain plants to high levels of heavy metals (9, 11, 38), suggested the possibility of inducing metal tolerance in Portulaca oleracea. It seemed desirable therefore to treat cuttings of Portulaca oleracea with high levels of heavy metals and to study the adaptation to these high metal levels. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Many aspects of the effects of mineral elements on physiology and morphology of plants have been brought together. Most of the literature discussed here deals with the effect of high levels of elements. Accumulation, interaction with other ions and toxic action are reviewed. Effects on germination and tolerance to heavy metals are discussed. Most of the literature available on long- term effects and mutagenic action of elements has been cited. A short review on the mode of action of various elements on chromosome and cellular behavior concludes this literature survey. Accumulation of Elements Uptake and accxomulation of various elements is strongly dependent upon the environment and is, furthermore, largely genetic- ally controlled. Bertrand (4) showed that seeds of monocotyledons contained less lithium than those from the dicotyledons. The vege- tative parts were in general four times richer in lithium than the seeds. Large differences existed also between the various plant families. Plants in the Papaveracea family, for example, were very high in lithium while those in the Rubiacea family were very low. It has been shown by Zimmerman e_t a_l. (Ill) that several species in the family of Theaceae do accumulate fluoride in large amounts. In other species fluoride content could only be increased through additional amounts of fluorides as was shown in celery and several other legumes (32) . Robinson and Edington (86) reported an extreme variation in selenium content (from 0.1-15,000 ppm) in plants. Astralasus species were able to accumulate up to 4,000 ppm Se from a soil that contained only 2 ppm Se. Seeds of Neptunia from plants grown on soils rich in selenium contained 123 pg Se per seed (80) . When these seeds were planted on normal soil the next generation seeds had only 0.45 mg Se per seed. However, analysis showed that the total amount of selenium in one plant was + 0.100 mg. This could have come from entirely mobilized selenium in the seed. Thomas and Baker (102) provided evidence that the level of chemical element accumulation in corn is under partial genetic control. Through plant breeding it is possible to obtain low accumulating genotypes for some elements. This may be of importance when varieties are required which accumulate less of a toxic or radioactive element as with strontium fallout. Effect on Uptake and Distribution of Other Ions A mineral excess or deficiency would be expected to affect the uptake, distribution and metabolism of other ions. Also the inter- relationship with other ions probably would differ with the metal tolerant species. Under copper deficiency young citrus plants accumulated very small amounts of phosphorus as was shown in auto- 32 radiographic studies with P (79). Excess copper was accompanied by an almost normal distribution of phosphorus. However, a slight reduction in uptake of radioactive phosphorus was observed. Excess boron (22 ppm) also reduced considerably the uptake of phosphorus. A lead-mine population of Agrosiiis was treated with different 4 levels of calcium and phosphorus (55). The lead-mine population did not respond to this higher level of fertility, whereas a pasture population (non-lead tolerant) responded favorably. Cu in concentra- tion of 5 to 10 ppm had a lethal effect on young citrus roots but when used in combination with an Fe-EDTA treatment the toxic effect was reduced (95). Analysis showed that less copper had been taken up in the latter case. The manganese and a luminum tolerance of certain alfalfa varieties was related to the calcium metabolism (77). Results indicated that toxicity symptoms in both tolerant and non- tolerant plants started at the same level of toxic concentration in the aerial organs. Ca ions were found to be particularly high in the roots of the tolerant species. It was believed that calcium lowered the uptake of manganese and aluminum or immobilized them within the roots. In strontium- adapted plants a correlation was found between the amount of strontium and calcium (21). Relatively low amounts of strontium in the plant corresponded to high amounts of calcium and vice versa. Ion substitution did take place within certain plants. Calcium partially antagonized the toxic effect of lithium chloride (31). When 0.3 percent calcium nitrate was added to toxic lithium chloride solutions of 0.1 and 0.3 percent, plants survived for a longer period of time. A high heavy metal concentration in a nutrient medium in general reduced the uptake of iron, resulting in chlorosis (30). This was shown for oats when Co or Cu was given in excess and for barley when high amounts of Cu and Ni were applied. With a high cobalt treatment the uptake of Ca and Mg in oats was higher than in the controls. Toxic Effects High levels of many metals and other elements are well known to be toxic to plants. Otto (76) in 1891 did probably one of the earliest experiments to prove the toxicity of a CuSO, solution on corn seedlings. The author worked with a concentration of 5 and 10 ppm Cu. Plant growth was greatly reduced. Analysis showed that the leaves had taken up only minute amounts of copper. As early as 1896 Haselhoff (46) reported the toxic effect of copper on plants. Solutions of 5 mg CuO per liter were toxic to Zea mays . Phaseolus vulgaris grew in a concentration as high as 10 mg CuO per liter before toxicity symptoms occurred. The effect of 74 different acids and metal salts on root growth of Lupinus albus was tested (56). When different salts of the same element were used, the same concentration of the element in all cases caused injury. The metal ion action was independent of the salt used and was only determined by its actual molecular concen- tration. The same molecular concentration of cobalt, nickel, and iron gave the same toxic effects. The authors concluded that this was related to their atomic weights which were the same. Von Rosen's findings were similar (105). Heald (47) provided further evidence of the toxic action of nickel, cobalt, and copper on the seedlings of Pisum sativum and Zea mays . Partial recovery occurred when the plants were transferred from the toxic solution to distilled water. It was reported (45) that galvanized iron netting had a toxic effect on plants. From almost new wire 50 mg Zn per 100 g could be extracted by immersing the wire for 24 hours in water. Soils rich in nickel (100 to 400 ppm Ni) caused a considerable reduction in growth of oats and the plants had a high amount of necrosis and chlorosis (50). A considerable concentration of nickel occurred in all parts of the plant, being higher in the young leaves and flowers. Moderately affected plants contained about 35 ppm Ni in dry matter. Severely affected plants contained 110 ppm Ni. When J»or_on,was supplied in supra-optimal quantities to plants, it was transported directly to the site of injury (74). Boron, in this case, probably moves mainly with the transpiration stream. Carnations were very tolerant and lemons very sensitive to high boron supplies. In general, necrosis may be expected when boron concentration in the leaves exceeds 1,500 ppm (dry wt.). Zinc in concentrations of 1 to 10 ppm in polluted river water is a potential danger to vegetation on the side of rivers (71). Zinc from mine dumps was carried into the rivers as zinc sulphate. Terrestrial vegetation was severely damaged by smelter ftmies which contained high amounts of sulfur (36) . In some regions one million tons of sulfur per year were released into the air. Atmospheric fluoride in the form of cryolite particles produced no visible injury to plants (65). Physiologically, cryolite is a rather in- effective form of fluoride. Gaseous forms of fluoride are much more toxic (67) . Cytological Effects A few studies have dealt with the effect of a mineral stress on fine structure of particular cell components. It was shown (103) that the absence of zinc blocked the full development of the grana fret\Q CC CO • U3 -U C 00 T3 C ty > O O (U < £1. U pq >^ CO 0^ T-* J2 (0 CO 00 c CO o in % >■ p a I— 1 w iJ 4J o (U CO c 4J •r^ o O y-i CO •r-l (T! B o O CO J^ •r^ c o T) •o 00 r-H g o c a O w •o -u 4J -u E s £ ^ u P 3 S-i 14-1 o o 14-1 a; 1.-I 4-1 o H-l W tn U3 4J (a 4J CO 4J u 4J c C c c c c c •1-1 •i-l •H CO CO CO CO Pk 33 and zinc were applied as sulfate, manganese was added as a chloride. Concentrations used were: for copper 36 and 288 ppm, for manganese 888 and 7104 ppm, and for zinc 188 and 1500 ppm. Half of the seeds from each treatment were transferred to Petri dishes on wet filter paper (series A) and germinated, while the other portion (series B) was dried without a preliminary washing and germinated at a later date. Germination was evaluated after 7 days. Criterion for germination in all cases was a distinct development of the radicle and appearance of the shoot. Results Percent germination after 7 days for each treatment is indicated in Tables 2 and 3. After 7 days no further increase in germination took place. The results indicate clearly that the sorghum seeds are very tolerant to high metal concentrations, especially in the series A, An SO to 100 percent germination was found in these strong metal solutions. The oats in these series for all the treatments, gave a zero percent germination. Comparison of the two series showed that drying the seeds after soaking with the toxic solutions had a favorable effect on the germination, especially in the case of oats and rye (compare Tables 2 and 3) . Since drying took place on filter paper it is possible that a part of the toxic solution was drawn out. This could explain the differences between the two series. Highest percentage of germin- ation for oats was found in the series B for the manganese treatment. It is possible that manganese is removed more easily from the oats than the copper and zinc. This confirms earlier reports (60) where absorbed manganese could be completely removed from peas and wheat seeds by wash- ing. Absorbed zinc and copper ions could only be removed to a certain extent. 34 Cd pq >< < N (0 •i-i O TO -a 00 u o CO c TO CJ >, O 00 c CJ w c o o o o o o o o o 00 o 00 o 00 o o CJ o o o o O o UO oi CO in -3- O m CN u-i in •r-\ c c 4-1 3 i c Nl TO 3 O M !-i U e E •U e e a. 6 a. c e Cl. Ci. (X (X Cl- G g CU a. a. D. O Cu c ^ o C/3 e I— I w c o u •u C (U o c o o o o o o o o o o 00 o 00 00 00 o CO o o o o o o o o o CO o o o o 3 ^ s c p O M u g g e e ft g ft e ft ft ft ft ft g ft ft ft ft 0. ft w Q CO Q 1-1 M Pi CO Q < o M H < M 2 O o o CO to TO 13 E ex. Cu vt O c Csl e O O 3 o E P- CO CM c o E CD o 00 (U Q CM E o CO 1^ CM CN <1- <1- CM C .-1 1—1 O 1 1 •H CM TD CM c ■U ~~^ o ^-, 00 o nj 1— 1 &I-I c •H C o •H ■u •r-l CNI t-l t-H oo TO s o ^ c ;-! -u > -u a •H (l) o o o E E 00 o -a o a J-J j:: Si 70 treatments (4.5 and 9 ppm Cu) was not different from those of the check (see Table 6) . However at 18 ppm Cu considerable reduction in root growth was observed. Increasing the amount of copper further reduced the root growth and at 36 ppm the shoot growth was affected. The germination percentage remained high until a concentration of 576 ppm Cu was reached. Higher concentrations inhibited strongly. After washing, all seedlings developed in the 72 ppm Cu treat- ment died within a few days. This was also true for the seedlings grown in the 144 ppm Cu and 288 ppm Cu treatments. After washing a further germination took place of the seeds not germinated before. In the 576 ppm Cu treatment 70 percent of the seeds germinated and produced viable seedlings. These data showed that concentrated solutions of copper were able to inhibit strongly the germination of Portulaca oleracea seeds. No apparent damage was done to the seeds. Inhibition was removed as soon as the seeds were thoroughly washed in water. The seedlings treated with lower concentrations of copper (4.5, 9, 18, and 36 ppm Cu) all survived after being washed with water. Most damage was done in the middle concentrations 43 w pa w Pi w o o o o h-l H W H O o Pi IS w o o o H w M M °§ o o H o w s < w u ^J < iJ H h-J O H o -v ffi o CO p^ s: o o M H < o ^-^ o )-< ^ -u • CO 00 c > 0) < .-1 o g o ^^ x: w J= •u • to M C > cu < ^A c w o >. •r^ C3 4-1 'U ta r-* O •r-l I— 1 e 'H M q; 0) o 4-1 c o •H 4J CO S-1 4-1 c e o ex u a. c o ^ o o in in u-i in o vO ON 00 O o 00 ^ r~. CM CTi r~- r^ 00 CO 00 00 a^ CM 00 vO CM 0.) < ^ C w o >^ •H CC 4-1 -a TO c o e O (1) o •H 4-1 CO J-l 4-1 C E o o. o Cu c o c u ISl 00 o LA o o o o 00 m 7o directions. The only case in which it is possible to obtain seeds from the mutated 52 Figure 9. -- Cutting of mutated branch of Portulaca oleracea, showing reversion to wild type at base. Left branch with obovate leaves. (Approximately natural size.) 53 Figure 10, -- Cutting of mutated branch of Portulaca oleracea, showing young wild shoot at base. The young shoot developed in the axil of the third pair of leaves is from the mutated type. (Approximately natural size.) 54 7o REVERSION 50 2326 2 3 GENERATION 02210 ..0^328 iiO Figure 11. -- Percent reversion from mutated to wild types in four generations of clones of Portulaca oleracea. Code number for each clone is indicated at left of curve. 55 tissue will be when tunica cells are given off to the corpus cells. Usually this does not occur. Rooting of leaves . -- Leaves can also be rooted easily by sticking them in coarse gravel moistened with nutrient solution in a tray covered with plastic. If the petiole is left on the leaf it will root much better. Cutting off the petiole and the lower part of the leaf makes the chimera type leaves more difficult to root than the wild ones. However, an addition of 15 ppm indole acetic acid (lAA) to the nutrient solution will considerably promote the rooting of both types. It is not necessary to dissolve the lAA in alcohol as is usually done. When added directly to the concentrated nutrient stock solution (ten times Hoagland's solution) it is easily dissolved by stirring with a magnetic rod. Results indicated that roots were formed at the base of the leaf from the vascular bundles. In three weeks these leaves grew much larger and increased their fresh and dry weight five times or more. Sometimes new sprouts developed at the base of the leaf. These sprouts usually had the same leaf type as the mother leaf. Seeds were collected from such branches and the progeny studied. It was found that seeds obtained from the mutated leaf sprouts reproduced only the wild types. This indicates that two different cell tissues, wild and mutated, must be present in these leaves. The periclinal chimera type continued in the structure of the leaves. Virus studies and grafting. -- When making clones from the chimera and wild form an occasional infection showed up in the new growth. This was probably caused by a virus or bacterium. The new leaves were considerably reduced in size and typically elongated. 56 Infection could have taken place by a contaminated razor blade or directly from outside into the cut surface. In order to check the possibility of a viral or bacterial in- fection being responsible for the formation of the pointed leaf type in Portulaca, several plants of the wild type were mechanically infected with a leaf sap extract. The diseased leaves were ground in a porcelain mortar together with a few milliliters of 0.05 M 1':'«i.iii-!i,; flvv:!r ivciatmont with i por- cciit lir.hiim chliride, indi-catcd a t.ii.iil.jr mutagenic action on cells in the tunica. 87 Dermen (17) in studies on periclinal cytochimeras in cranberry could clearly distinguish between the different polyploid types which were obtained from treatment with colchicine. Histological studies on the apical dome and tissues of the stem showed the various differences in structural make-up of the cell layers of the chimeras. In the experiments with Portulaca a similar attempt was made to identify the various tissues in young growing buds. Comparisons were made between the wild and mutated types. If the Portulaca chimera was the result of polyploidy then distinct histogenic layers must be found. The polyploid layers have in general larger cells than the diploid cell layers (18). The same is true for stomata of the leaf epidermis (17). If this cell layer was derived from polyploid cell tissue then the stomata should have been larger than normal. The results of microscopic examinations of different tissues and epidermis cells in Portulaca showed no difference in cell size, when similar cells were compared in wild and mutated types. This leads to the conclusion that the Portulaca chimera type is not the result of polyploidy. The action of lithium chloride was rather specific. That is, besides some chlorophyll mutations, only one type of somatic mutation namely an eliptical leaf type, was produced. Since polyploidy is probably not involved here, the mutagenic action must have been on a specific gene. There are a few instances in which spontaneous mutations have been found in the Portulacea. Somatic mutations in Portulaca 88 Rrandi flora have been described by Faberge and Beale (28) . That mutation was caused by an unstable gene which was responsible for production of colored spots on stems and petals. The mutation rate was considerably reduced with rising temperatures. Spontaneous mutations in epidermis cells of adult leaves of Portulaca grandiflora have also been described by Czeika (16). Mutations produced were of polyploid nature and occurred during mitosis of adult epidermis cells. The effect of an excess mineral element treatment can sometimes be related to a deficiency of certain elements. It was found that chlorosis often occurs as a result of toxic action of a high metal concentration (30). Heavy metals interfered with the uptake of iron. It was found in the experiments of part two (the second ap- proach) that percentage germination of Portulaca seeds grown from plants treated with high concentrations of copper, zinc, iron and boron was considerably reduced. The effect was specific for each ion. The time required for germination seemed much more prolonged than in control treatment. It took about seven days for normal treated Portulaca seeds to reach a germination percentage of ninety. After 14 days a 30 - 40 percent germination was found for seeds from plants treated with different iron chelate solutions. There was a retardation which could also be observed in the other treat- ments. It is not known how much of the different elements had been taken up by the seeds. But it seems likely that some accumulation took place. Seeds of Ncptunia grown on soils rich in selenium contained 89 123 itig selenium per seed (80). The normal amount is only 0.45 ug per seed. It was found that Portulaca seeds derived from the plants treated with high levels of selenium produced a high percentage of empty seeds. Many seeds which did germinate died in an early stage of growth. It seems that a heavy accumulation of selenium by the young seed must be responsible for the early death of the seedling. Selenivim is extremely mobile in plants. The effect of its uptake is very pronounced. In only a few hours after intro- duction of selenium into plants, the leaves are discolored and pro- duce the typical odor of a selenium solution. It must be emphasi- zed that under very toxic conditions fertilization could be arrested. Incompletely developed embryos may also be produced. In the experiments conducted in part three a particular metal tolerance could be built up by the plant cell if plants were grown in high levels of mineral solutions. It should be emphasized that this induction is not an alteration of the genetic consti- tution of the cell. The greater resistance of the cell to certain metals is probably due to a protoplasmic reorganization. This build up of tolerance to a certain metal under excess metal conditions can be compared with the effect of other environmental factors resulting in a structural reorganization of the cell. Since high tolerance to metals corresponds to high metal content in the plant (87) , we may assume that the mechanism for tolerance probably involves a precipitation or adsorption of the toxic ions. Where adsorption takes place, special organic chelates are probably involved. It was also found that the presence of anthocyanin 90 increased the metal tolerance in plants (87). Anthocyanin may act as a metal binding agent. High osmotic pressure in ccllsap could also be partly responsible for the increased metal tolerance. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The effect of various mineral levels on physiology and morpho- logy of different plants was studied. In a copper and manganese deficient nutrient meditmi, soybean plants produced seeds which were typically affected. Syncotyledons and tricotyledons were produced. A' high percentage of twin plants developed from these abnormalities in the copper deficient treatment. In the manganese deficient treatment many so called "forked stems" developed from these seeds. Effect of the manganese deficient treatment could be related to the destruction of certain cell tissues in the young embryo. Effect of the copper deficient treat- ment may inhibit cell wall formation resulting in an early cleavage of the zygote and formation of twin plants. The effect of various salt solutions on germination of seeds, particularly on seeds of Portulaca oleracea, was studied. It was found that high concentrations of salt solutions inhibited the germination without destroying the vitality of the seed. Sorghum seeds were able to germinate in much higher concentrations of metal salts than rye, oats or soybean seeds. Soaking oat seeds in concentrated solutions of zinc and mangan- ese retarded the blooming in the zinc treatment and advanced the blooming in the manganese treatment. When Portulaca oleracea seeds were treated with a 1 percent lithium chloride solution, mutations were produced with eliptical 91 92 leaves and incised petals. Reversion to the wild type in the cuttings indicated a chimera characteristic. The mutation was shown not to be a result of polyploidy. At certain stages of development marked his tological differences could be shown in the cortical cells of both the mutated and wild types. Grafting experiments performed between the two types of Portulaca, also showed that the modifica- tion found in the leaves and flowers of Portulaca, was not a result of virus or bacterium infection. Plants which had grown in high concentrations of metal ions produced seeds that showed a characteristic reduction and retard- ation in germination. No mutation effects were observed. It was found that a tolerance for zinc can be built up in the cells of Portulaca oleracea, when growing these plants in concen- trated zinc solutions. Plasmo lysis technique was used to measure the viability of the cells. Pretreatment of Portulaca oleracea cuttings with concentrated solutions of heavy metals increased the resistance of the cuttings to high metal concentrations in some cases. Cuttings from plants having grown in 24 ppm Cu were able to form complete roots in a solution of 150 ppm Cu. Control plants did not develop any roots in this concentration. In conclusion, when plants are grown under excessive or deficient levels of mineral elements, abnormalities in the progeny seed may result. As another alternative, mutations may occur, especially after treatment of seeds with high levels of mineral elements. The induction of tolerance to high levels of heavy metals is probably due to protoplasmic reorganization. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Bari, Ghulam. 1963. 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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Johannes Bernardus Balthasar Brolmann was born November 20, 1920, in Hilversum, The Netherlands. He was graduated from High School in Hilversxim in 1939, and received States Diploma for Physics and Mathematics in 1941 at the Hague, the Netherlands, entering the University of Wageningen, the Netherlands, in 1941. His studies were interrupted during World War II and he reentered the University of Wageningen in 1945, receiving the Master of Science degree in Tropical Agriculture with a major in plant breeding and soil chemistry in 1952. From 1952 until 1960 he worked as plant breeder and chemist at the Agricultural Experiment- al Station near Aries, Southern France. He entered the University of Florida in 1962, while being employed as Senior Laboratory Assistant at the Agricultural Experiment Station and has been employed in this capacity to the present time. Mr. Brolmann was married to the former Antoinette Van Rhyn in 1952, and is the father of four sons. This dissertation was prepared under the direction of the chairman of the candidate's supervisory committee and has been approved by all members of that committee. It was submitted to the Dean of the College of Agriculture and to the Graduate Council, and was approved as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. August 1968 ^< /Dean, College of Agriculture Dean, Graduate School Supervisory Committee Chairman A. ^^n^ 5 973'^<^