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DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Agricultural Marketing Service Market Quality Research Division, in cooperation with UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN Agricultural Experiment Station PREFACE In attempts to develop methods by which food products can be marketed free from contamination by insects, the Stored-Product Insects Branch of the Market Quality Research Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, has established several labora- tories where insect preventive and control studies are conducted on many commodities, The mite studies on cheese are carried out at the Madison, Wis., field station. Much of the research conducted to date has involved the use of insecticides, including fumi- gants, However, there is an ever-increasing demand by the general public for the safer use--or even the elimination--of insecticides on or near food. The purpose of this study was to investigate in the laboratory the effects of some nonchemical treatments on mites infesting cheese. The studies show that the two environmental factors of temperature and humidity can be regulated so as to be effective against mites. However, these same conditions that kill the mites also hinder proper flavor development or aging, and may cause cracking and loss of weight in cheddar cheese, For these reasons, controlled tempera- ture and relative humidity may not be practical in storage warehouses or curing rooms, but they may be useful in other areas in processing and marketing channels. Followup studies need to be conducted on a larger scale before any recommendations can be made, CONTENTS Page SUMIMALY «6 ede Seay SSS CE Skee. Rotman ei is wean ch scesteeoern ee SOC MeINs eis feeb is (cl om 3 Introduction 21% Wc c Xs sere, 1s sie pero ke Gis sooner ot elles 6. oe. he, 1s 5 Temperature control, suc cies so) eueencl sfel <) s/o erosion mel meme om el oleic elle iolo ems 5 Humidity; Controls =... aire ous) s emeueisen vi iwics 61:00 syete) a/isifeleiemeMemoitenict «1 «il olicins noneere 5 Confinement- cylinders: s37...c cucnsstetel eine 0... ©. Ss ee\ el auger ol or chou eeireiial ones) =) Sones 6 SPECIES OL MTNITES Way a tel cereesges slacken monet enias 1 4:(016.cs To! alvo dela te MetteMemel Molle Tomei oie taste us 7 Experiments On SUPVIVAaL cf. 2: 5 o,.c1~ leikeilssnete ©) « © e-d6.e wi cts! wikeMeNwirette@e te) (eile) olte! ol oie 9 PTOCSGUTe |r. cies! silo) Suerte eriel ee) GMomteiisue ws cis! «/ «0 sete Meme MeMelinel © feirel + reute’t=/7 =) 9 FLEISUIES: avo. celeh obo cay ehelonoticl ave deh oMomeMeils colts sce ss) e (shel tctioMieiteMeMeMei siekelie (siete olle 10 Experiments.on, eepiviability; (2.5 a\sveietobsue. © 0 0. © ¢ © ©) 9ielie KeMiniieitevie/ sii «\¥el\s \» 6 'sreile 10 PROCEAUES (ess a 6 whine af eh hb keite) i seltemebiniel © Tele 6 6) «0:4 sels CMMMECMOMeMeelnef scsi sie; shells 10 RS SUICS e cursvtiebc) epenie aero) chie! one aethemeneite: s\ -0\"< teive.(a ie. ome heise Me MOMCMe nde i's! < fiero! oun itallle 10 Experiments on control, with lowered humidity ... . «o's. «© ejsiese we) s.0, 0 oucrokss ra PHOCCAUTE [iis chleleua) aitopecevel Seem MMeiies(s) 0.5! \e calte ve eo: vole MoMclite! ie delirelse fe Kol fone eite ae] RSS ULES iy oe 5. etes ei ely oie Woheaes) eve ole eeNieite: ©: eile lo. 0..0) oN wale elon le Memon elie ge) ‘ SUMMARY Life history studies with Acarus siro L. and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schr.) on cheese showed that no eggs of either species of cheese mites hatched at 32°F., regard- less of the relative humidity (r.h.). At 38° F., eggs that were incubated ata r.h, of 84, 92, or 100 percent hatched and developed to maturity. The average development time at 38° F, and 100 percent r.h. was 137 days for A. siro and 169 days for T. putrescentiae. Some eggs hatched at r.h, of 68 and 76 percent, but the larvae failed to develop to maturity. Tests at 44°, 50°, and 56° F. showed that, as the temperature was raised, the length of time required for a mite to complete its life cycle was reduced. At 56°F. and 100 percent r.h,, A. siro required only 26 days and T. putrescentiae 38 days. As the relative humidity at each temperature was decreased, the length of the life cycle of the mites was increased, Although a few eggs sometimes hatched ata r.h. as low as 48 percent, the resulting larvae seldom reached adulthood at a r.h, of less than 61 percent, The rate of development of different individuals under the same conditions varied considerably. Mold growth also seemed to influence the rate of development to some extent. Typical approximate percentages of time spent in each stage of development were: Egg, 37 percent; larva, 16; resting larva, 7; protonymph, 12; resting proto- nymph, 7; deutonymph, 14; and resting deutonymph, 8 percent. A hypopus stage in the species studied was never encountered in any of the low-temperature tests and probably is very rare. Survival tests with A, siro and T. putrescentiae on wood, wax, and cheese showed that, as the temperature was increased or the relative humidity decreased, the survival time was shortened. Relative humidities of 61 percent or less were definitely detri- mental to cheese mite survival on wood or wax, even at the lower temperatures. On cheese, however, ar.h, of 43 percent or lower was necessary to cause complete mor- tality. T. putrescentiae was better able to survive under adverse conditions than was A. siro, The egg-hatching tests showed that a decrease in temperature or in relative humidity reduced the viability and delayed the hatching of the eggs of A. siro. The same was true with T, putrescentiae, except that a r.h, of 84 percent, instead of 100 percent, was optimum for this species. A final test conducted in large chambers in the laboratory to investigate the practica- bility of cheese mite control by lowering the relative humidity showed thata r.h, of 61 percent or lower was effective in killing exposed mites within 4 weeks. At these humidi- ties, the mites could survive only in cracks beneath the waxed surface. Weight loss by the cheese at the lowest humidities was less than 1/2 of 1 percent in 4 weeks, indicating that moisture loss during this short period of storage would not be a serious problem in well-waxed cheese kept at these lower humidities. 1 Dr. Hilsenhoff was formerly with the Dairy-Product Insects Laboratory, Madison, Wis., a station of the Stored-Product Insects Branch, Market Quality Research Division, Agricultural Marketing Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, operated in cooperation with the University of Wisconsin. He is now an assistant professor, and Dr. Dicke is a professor, both with the Depart- ment of Entomology, University of Wisconsin, at Madison. 3 Since storage at low temperatures impairs flavor development of some cheese, and low humidities may cause cracking and some loss in weight, control of mites in ware- houses by regulating these two environmental factors should not be attempted without further research, This does not preclude the possibility of their use as control meas- ures under some circumstances, however, as they may be of some benefit in other areas in the processing and marketing channels, INTRODUCTION Cheese mites are the most important arthropod pests of stored cheese. Most of the important species are in the families Acaridae, Glycyphagidae, and Carpoglyphidae. These mites attack all types of cheese that require aging or curing, Although the mites are very tiny, the tremendous numbers that are often present under conditions favorable to them can consume a considerable quantity of cheese. Infested cheese becomes un- sightly and unsalable, and is subject to condemnation and confiscation by government inspectors, Control of cheese mites is essential to prevent such losses. Prevention of mite infestation should be the first step in any mite control program, This is not easy, because cheese mites live not only on cheese, but on many other ma- terials, Many species are important pests of stored grain, They have been found in the soil, in grain fields, in stable litter, in bird nests, on rodents, birds, and insects, and in almost any place that is moist enough to prevent their desiccation. They are carried into cheese warehouses on cheese, old cheese boxes, human clothing, and even other insects. Their entry would be difficult to detect because of their almost microscopic size. Some may even migrate unaided into the warehouse from a nearby grain field, bird nest, or rodent nest, Sanitation is essential to any effective control program. Elimination of conditions under which mites might breed rapidly, and precautions to prevent mites from entering the warehouse will help keep down the mite population. Cheese mites may be controlled in several ways, but so far no entirely satisfactory method has been found, The use of waxes or films on cheese in storage is standard, but it does not protect completely. Wax is the most commonly used covering, but it cracks easily, and this permits mites to enter and become established. Even a perfectly waxed cheese is not completely safe. Mites feed on the mold that grows on the surface of the wax. Given enough time, they can chew their way through the wax to the cheese. Fumigation with methyl bromide is the only effective method of mite control presently used, An experienced fumigator can eliminate mites by this method, but often a warehouse is quickly reinfested and the fumigation must be repeated after only a few weeks, The main objection to fumigation is the sizable expense, Insecticides provide many possibilities for control, but they have several drawbacks, An insecticide applied to shelves, floors, and walls of a warehouse could give effective, long-lasting, and inexpensive control. A rapidly detoxified insecticide applied to the waxed cheese could be very effective and inexpensive to apply. Perhaps an insecticide incorporated into the wax could be used. However, any insecticide used in mite control must give virtually 100-percent control, leave no toxic residues in the cheese, and im- part no odors, off-flavors, or off-colors to the product. Considerable research is needed on this problem. Environmental control has been considered as another possibility. At present, low-temperature storage of cheese is being used to give some measure of mite control, but no attempt is being made to control mites by lowering the relative humidity. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of temperature and relative humidity on cheese and cheese mites. In this study, only Acarus siro L. and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schr.), the two most important cheese pest species in Wisconsin, were used. Only cheddar cheese was used in the experiments, because it is by far the most widely produced, and it is the type on which mite infestations are most common, MATERIALS AND METHODS Temperature Control The temperature-control equipment consisted mostly of refrigerators. The main unit was a walk-in refrigerator, about 250 cubic feet in capacity. Any desired tempera- ture below 60° F. could be maintained in this unit. A regular fluctuation every 50 minutes of + 19°F, was caused by the cooling cycle, but the mean temperature remained nearly constant, The temperature fluctuation in the tightly closed humidity chambers was less than + 1/2° F, from the mean, due to the rapidity of the temperature fluctuation in the circulating air outside the chambers, A refrigerated fumigation chamber about 100 cubic feet in capacity also was used. This chamber had a fluctuation of + 2° F., caused by a 15-minute cooling cycle. Because of the very rapid cycle, the temperature within the humidity chambers probably remained almost constant. To supplement the larger units, three ordinary household refrigerators were used, These held a fairly constant temperature, but were not as reliable as the larger units. For experiments involving temperatures near or above room temperature, an elec- tric oven was placed in the refrigerated fumigation chamber, This oven maintained a temperature within t1/2° F. of the desired mean. Humidity Control Dilutions of sulfuric acid with water were used to control humidity, This method of humidity control is described quite thoroughly by Wilson (45)*, Buxton (3), Buxton and Mellanby (4), Stokes and Robinson (43), and Solomon (40), Humidity chambers were con- structed from 1/2-gallon ice cream cartons, 115 mm, in diameter. The top half of each carton was sawed off to leave a carton 115 mm. in height. This carton was then thoroughly waxed with paraffin, A crystallizing dish, 50 mm. high and 90 mm. in diameter, was embedded in wax in the bottom of each carton. This dish was filled with about 100 ml. of sulfuric acid solution calculated to give the desired relative humidity. The dish was cov- ered with a piece of 1/4-inch mesh wire screen, on which the experimental material was placed, The top for the humidity chamber consisted of a clear plastic dish that fitted very tightly over the top of the carton, This plastic cover permitted observation of the experimental material without opening the humidity chamber. Much larger humidity chambers were similarly constructed from 2-1/2-gallon ice cream cartons, waxed with paraffin. A larger crystallizing dish, 75 mm. high and 150mm, in diameter, was embedded in wax in the bottom along one edge of each carton, Instead of a wire screen to support the experimental material, each large chamber had two pieces of 1/4-inch plywood. A piece 204 mm. long and 51 mm. wide was placed over the side of the crystallizing dish opposite the point that was in contact with the side of the cartan, Another strip of plywood 140 mm, long and 32 mm. wide ran from the center of the first piece to the point where the dish contacted the side of the carton, The waxed lid of the carton served as the top for this larger humidity chamber. 2 Underlined numbers in parentheses refer to items in Literature Cited, p. 42. Confinement Cylinders To confine the mites to a test surface and yet allow air to reach the surface, small glass cylinders 19 mm. in height were used. These cylinders were cut from pyrex glass tubing of an inside diameter of 12 mm. The inner surface of each cylinder was ground with emery cloth until it was opaque and completely covered with very tiny particles of glass. The confinement cylinder was secured to the test surface with wax. Mites attempt- ing to crawl out of such a cylinder would slip on the tiny glass particles and fall back onto the test surface. After use, each cylinder was thoroughly cleaned and reground before being used again, These cylinders were ground with an electric motor turning a shaft covered with very coarse emery cloth, 3 Species of Mites Cultures of A. siro and T. putrescentiae were maintained on small cubes of cheddar cheese in the walk-in refrigerator. The high humidity in this refrigerator was ideal for mite rearing. All cultures were confined in ice cream cartons, the upper, inner edges of which were liberally coated with ''Tangle foot''* to prevent escape of the mites. Flat 1/2-gallon cartons were used because of the ease with which blocks of cheese containing mites could be removed. To prevent mites from escaping through the bottom, the cartons were heavily waxed with cheese wax. EXPERIMENTS ON LIFE HISTORY The effects of temperature and relative humidity on the life history of A. siro and T. putrescentiae were studied over a wide range of the temperatures and humidities that could occur in cheese warehouses. Procedure A series of humidity chambers ranging from 22 to 100 percent r.h. was prepared and placed in refrigeration units of the desired temperatures. At least 2 days were allowed for the humidity in these chambers to come to equilibrium before any experimental ma- terial was placed in them, Pieces of cheddar cheese, 83 mm. long, 51 mm. wide, and 25 mm, thick, were coated with cheese wax at 230-240° F. Eight circles of wax, 2 mm. in diameter, were cut from the top surface of each block of cheese. The wax was scored with a very small cork borer, and the wax within the circle was removed with a scalpel. Great care was taken not to cut the surface of the cheese, as this would cause cracks to develop in the cheese later on in the experiment. A confinement cylinder was attached around each circle of exposed cheese by heating one end of the cylinder for a few seconds, setting it in its proper place, and allowing it to cool. The wax was melted by the heat of the cylin- der, and when it hardened again, it held the cylinder very securely. For convenience, the circles of exposed cheese were arranged in two rows of four, In one row, 20 adult female A. siro were placed in each cylinder, and in the other, 20 adult female T, putrescentiae. This work was done in the walk-in refrigerator to prevent "oiling" of the cheese. Oiling occurs when natural oils exude from the cheese at tempera- tures in excess of about 60° F, Mites from a culture were picked up individually on the point of an insect pin and transferred to the cylinders, Care was taken not to transfer 3 This method was developed by Hamilton Laudani, H. T. Vanderford, and C. D, Wooten at the Stored-Product Insects Laboratory in Savannah, Ga, 4 Use of trade names is for identification purposes only and does not constitute endorsement by the U.S, Department of Agriculture, eggs along with the mites. The mites were then held in the cylinders for 24 hours at 56° F. and 92 percent r.h, and allowed to lay eggs. After the egg-laying period, all mites were removed from the cylinders, Each block of cheese containing eggs was placed in a humidity chamber and incubated at the desired temperature and humidity. All cylinders were observed daily, and the number of mites in each life stage was re- corded, Observations were continued until all mites had reached the adult stage or died. Results The effects of temperature and relative humidity on the life history of A. siro and T. putrescentiae were pronounced. Lowering of either the temperature or the relative humidity tended to slow down or stop development in both species tested. No eggs of either species hatched at any humidity at 32°F, (data not shown in table), Eggs were incubated at this temperature for 180 days; when they were removed to a warmer tem- perature, they proved to be no longer viable. Ata r.h. of about 45 percent or less and temperatures of 56° and 50° F., no eggs of either species hatched, At ar.h. of about 65 percent or less, the eggs of neither species hatched at temperatures of 44° and 38° F, When eggs did hatch at the lower humidities, the mites often did not survive, but died in the larval, larval resting, or protonymphal stage. The results of the life history studies of A. siro and T, putrescentiae are sum - marized in tables 1 and 2 in the appendix, pages 15 to 18. Data for the 10 percent of the mite population that developed most slowly were excluded because abnormal mites often would fall into this group. Individual mites varied considerably in rate of development. Sometimes there was a noticeable difference in development time from one replicate to another. In tables 1 and 2, the average length of time spent in each stage was calculated for the mites that de- veloped most rapidly at each combination of temperature and humidity. Among the active feeding stages, the larval stage was usually longest and the protonymphal stage the short- est. The resting stages all required less time than any of the active feeding stages, and all appeared to last about the same length of time. In calculations of average development time, the results from the four replicates at each combination of temperature and humidity were totaled to give the number of mites in each stage of development each day from the time the first egg hatched until all had become adults, The percent of mites in each stage, with respect to the total mites in all stages, was calculated for each day of development, The first day on which 90 percent of the mites reached a given stage of development was recorded for each life stage. This was also recorded for each 5-percent interval down to 5 percent, The amount of time spent in a given stage was found by subtracting the first day a given percentage of that stage was reached from the day the same percentage of the next succeeding stage was reached. The average development period for the first 90 percent of the mites is an . average of the development periods at each 5-percent level up to and including the 90- percent level, An example is the calculation of the average length of time the first 50 percent of A. siro spent in the deutonymph stage at 56°F. and 92 percent r.h, Table 3, on page 19, gives the percent of mites in each life stage on each day; this table shows that the first day on which 5 percent of the mites had reached the deutonymph stage was the 23rd day. Ten percent, as well as 15, 20, 25, and 30 percent, had reached this stage by the 24th day. On the 26th day, 5 percent of the mites had reached or passed the resting deuto- nymph stage, since, in these calculations, the percent of mites in any succeeding stage was added to the percent in the stage being determined, Thus, after 27 days, 10 percent were resting deutonymphs, and after 28 days, 15 and 20 percent had reached or passed the resting deutonymph stage. The same data presented under other circumstances are shown in table 4 on page 19. The average for the first 10 percent would be the average of the 5- and 10-percent levels, or 3 days, The average for the first 50 percent would be the average of all the levels up to and including the 50-percent level, or 4.2 days. The average amount of time spent in each life stage also was calculated for the first 50 percent and for the first 10 percent of the mites reaching each stage, The 50-percent level is probably the best indication of the proportionate amount of time spent in each stage. The 10-percent level is a measure of the potential speed of development at each combination of temperature and relative humidity. A special procedure was used to calculate the length of time in the egg stage. Gen- erally, between 25 and 75 eggs were laid in each cylinder, but many of these became hidden with mold, especially at the three higher relative humidities. Consequently, it was impossible to determine the total number of eggs or how many failed to hatch in each cylinder, The number of larvae present was recorded daily, and when there was no longer an increase in this number, all of the viable eggs were assumed to be hatched. The number of larvae present at this time was determined to be equal to the number of eggs that hatched, The number of eggs yet to hatch could then be calculated for each pre- ceding day by subtracting the number of larvae present at that time from the number of eggs that eventually hatched. Other corrections were necessary in the calculation of the time spent in the egg stage. Since the eggs were laid over a 24-hour period, they differed as much as 1 day in their age. The first 50 percent of the eggs that hatched were said to have been laid on day 0, andthe latter 50 percent were said to have been laid on day 1, Another correction for the length of time spent in the egg stage had to be made at combinations of temperature and relative humidity other than 56° F. and 92 percent r.h, Since all eggs were laid over a 24-hour period at this temperature and humidity, some of the eggs were incubated for up to 1 day before they were placed in the test temperature and relative humidity. The correction was often insignificant, and it was applied only when it amounted to more than half a day. To calculate this correction, the following formulas were used: correction = X - b a ebay = eo where X = corrected period of development for the egg at the test temperature and humidity a = average development time for the egg at 56°F. and 92 percent r.h, b = most rapid observed development time for the egg at the test temperature and humidity This correction applied completely only to those eggs that had developed for 1 day at 56° F, and 92 percent r.h, It applied to a varying extent to all eggs except those that had just been laid at the end of the oviposition period. If the correction were 3 days, 20 per- cent of the eggs would be said to have been laid on day -3, 20 percent on day -2, 20 per- cent on day -l, 20 percent on day 0, and 20 percent on day 1. In the development cycle, the greatest percentage of time was spent in the egg stage. After incubation of the eggs, the tiny hexapod larvae emerged through a longitudinal slit. These larvae fed actively. As they increased in size, they became more and more rounded in appearance, and their backs became increasingly more strongly arched, Then feeding ceased and the larvae went into the quiescent larval resting stage. In this stage, these very much rounded forms were often found lying on their backs or sides, making abso- lutely no movement, and with the legs somewhat contracted. Upon ecdysis, a flattened, 8 octopod protonymph appeared and immediately began active feeding. Upon feeding, this form also became more and more arched until it, too, went into a resting stage. Ecdysis of this stage produced a deutonymph. No hypopial stages were ever encountered in any of these experiments, and only one A. siro hypopus was ever found in the cultures. The development of the deutonymph closely paralleled that of the protonymph, Small deutonymphs could be distinguished from large protonymphs at this early stage of development only because the deutonymphs were still somewhat more flattened than the large protonymphs, which had become quite arched, Adults, emerging from resting deutonymphs upon the final molt, could be easily dis- tinguished from the other stages by the presence of genital organs. At all temperatures studied, copulation was noted in both species within 24 hours after the final molt, EXPERIMENTS ON SURVIVAL These tests were to determine the ability of mites to survive under a wide range of combinations of temperature and relative humidity. Procedure Experiments were set up on three different substrates--wood, wax, and cheese, These were conducted at 17 relative humidities, ranging from 6 to 100, at temperature intervals of 6° F. from 32°F, to 98°F, Because oiling takes place on cheese at about 60° F, and above, survival of mites on wax and cheese could be tested only at tempera- tures of 56°F, and lower. A. siro and T. putrescentiae were checked simultaneously in these experiments, Four confinement cylinders, each containing five mites, were used for each species at each temperature and humidity combination. Only adults and a few deutonymphs were used in these tests, The number of mites surviving was recorded daily for 12 days and after 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks. A mite was considered dead only when incapable of any movement, In the tests for survival on cheese, the blocks of cheese were exactly like those in the life history studies, except that a larger circle of wax, 4mm. indiameter, was re- moved before attaching the confinement cylinder. Cheese blocks for tests of survival on wax also were prepared exactly like those used in the life history studies, with one exception. No circle of wax was removed; the cylinders were attached to the unbroken waxed surface, In this test, no cheese was avail- able to the mites as food. Attaching confinement cylinders to wood needed a different technique. In tests at 62° F, and above, two rows of four cylinders were placed ona block of white pine wood, 76mm. long, 51 mm. wide, and 19 mm, thick. A second block, of similar size and covered with felt, was placed on top of the cylinders, sandwiching them between the two blocks, This cylinder sandwich was held together by a rubber band, The bottom or test block was dipped briefly in paraffin at about 200° F., so that all the wood and just the bottom of the cylinders became coated with wax. After the wax had hardened for a few seconds, the rubber band was removed and the test block was ready for use. If wax seeped into any of the cylinders, the test block was rejected. At temperatures of 56° F. and lower, the survival studies on wood were run at the same time and in the same humidity chambers as the survival studies on wax. Two small blocks, 60 mm. long, 19 mm. wide, and 25 mm. thick, were used instead of a larger block, The confinement cylinders were attached by the same method as they were to the larger blocks of wood, but only four cylinders were attached to each of the small blocks, A small block with attached cylinders was then placed on each side of the waxed cheese block in the humidity chamber. Results The results of these tests are contained in tables 5 through 11, on pages 20to 34. An increase in temperature or a decrease in relative humidity decreased the survival of the cheese mites. The mites withstood lower humidities when in direct contact with the cheese than when placed on either wood or wax. Relative humidities of 61 percent or less, at cheese storage temperatures, were definitely detrimental to survival of cheese mites on wood or wax. Humidities of 43 percent or less caused complete mortality of mites in contact with the cheese, T. putrescentiae survived adverse conditions better than A. siro did, EXPERIMENTS ON EGG VIABILITY To determine the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the viability of mite eggs, tests were set up at those combinations of temperature and relative humidity at which egg hatching was recorded in the life history studies, Procedure Forty eggs of each species were incubated at each combination of temperature and relative humidity. Blocks of cheese of the same size as those used in the life history studies were waxed with black wax, which was prepared by adding finely divided carbon to regular cheese wax, Eggs deposited were readily visible against the black background. Two rows of four cylinders each were attached to the wax. In one row, 10 adult female A. siro were placed in each cylinder, and in the other, 10 adult female T. putrescentiae. These mites were allowed to lay eggs for 24 hours at 56° F. and 92 percent r.h, After this egg-laying period, all adult mites and all eggs except 10 were removed from each cylinder. The eggs on each cheese block were then incubated at the temperature and rela- tive humidity to be tested. The cylinders were checked daily and the number of unhatched eggs recorded, Results The results of this test are contained in table 12, page 35. Unfortunately, when this experiment was set up, tests could not be run simultaneously at 50°F. and 56°F, Tests at 38°, 44°, and 56°F, were set up at the same time, and the one at 50° F. was set up about a month later. The results of the tests set up at the same time showed that a de- crease in temperature caused a decrease in egg viability and a delay in hatching, A de- crease in relative humidity caused a delay in hatching and a decrease in viability in the eggs of A, siro., Relative humidities of 84 and 76 percent seemed to be optimum for T. putrescentiae, As in the life history studies, a correction factor was calculated to compensate for partial incubation of the eggs at the oviposition temperature and humidity. In these ex- periments, the correction was calculated to be the average increase in incubation time. The formula used in the life history studies was altered to read: correction = X-b (b-1/2) (2a 2S Qa where X = the corrected average incubation period for the test temperature and humidity 10 a = the average incubation period for the oviposition temperature and humidity b = the observed average incubation period for the test temperature and humidity The correction factor has not been applied to the figures in table 12, but is listed for each combination of temperature and relative humidity. EXPERIMENTS ON CONTROL WITH LOWERED HUMIDITY This test was set up to determine whether cheese mites could be controlled by low- ering the humidity. Procedure In this test, small cheddars weighing about 500 grams each were cut from a larger cheddar, using a sharpened tin can, These small cheddars fit snugly, after waxing, ina pint ice cream carton, The small cheddars were waxed with black wax and double dipped at 230° to 240° F. Any cracks or holes in the wax coat were repaired with a small drop of wax and a spatula. The weight of each cheddar was recorded. One-half of the cheddars were placed in pint ice cream cartons, used to simulate cheese boxes. Twenty-six holes, made with a dissecting needle, were distributed evenly over the surface of each carton, The holes permitted some air circulation and also allowed mites to enter the carton as they could a cheese box, The rest of the cheddars were not put into the simulated cheese boxes. The large humidity chambers were used in this experiment, About 500 ml. of sul- furic acid solution, calculated to give the desired humidity, was given 2 days to come to equilibrium with the air in the chamber. Relative humidities of 38 to 100 percent were tested at 56° F, A small unboxed cheddar was placed on one arm of the T made by the two strips of wood resting on the crystallizing dish, and a boxed cheddar on the other arm. A small cube of cheese on which were several thousand A, siro was placed at the base of the T, along with a similar cube on which were several thousand T, putrescentiae. After 4 weeks, the cheddars were removed, weighed, and checked for mite infestation, Results The results of this test are shown in table 13, page 36. Relative humidities of 84 percent or more were highly favorable for the development of both species of cheese mites tested, At r.h, of 61 percent or less, mites survived only in cracks under the wax. Weight loss by the cheese, due to moisture loss, was negligible during the 4-week test period, even at the lower humidities. No correlation was apparent between weight loss and whether or not the cheese was in a carton during the experiment, DISCUSSION In the life history studies of T. putrescentiae, the development times at the various humidities were almost the same at 44° F, and 50° F. A comparison with the development times of A, siro at various temperatures indicates that the development times for T. _putrescentiae at 50° F. are somewhat longer than would be expected. This effect could not be caused, however, by incorrectly measured temperature or by an abnormal cheese substrate, since the tests with T. putrescentiae were run at the same time and on the same block of cheese as were those with A. siro, which behaved as anticipated, It is difficult to determine just what factor could have caused the results obtained. Perhaps a different strain of T. putrescentiae was used in the tests at 50°F, Another possibility Vt is that an adverse strain of mold was present in the tests at 50°F. A contributing factor to ERE situation was undoubtedly the fact that the tests involving T. putrescentiae at 50° F. were conducted in two parts. The egg-to-deutonymph development was checked at the same time as A, siro, but the deutonymph-to-adult development was checked ina different test. The substrate onto which these deutonymphs emerged was apparently not exactly to their liking, since the deutonymph part of the development cycle was abnor- mally long. This, however, would account for only part of the apparent discrepancy. It is possible that no discrepancy exists, but that T. putrescentiae reacts similarly to both 44° and 50°F, 7 Mold appears to affect the rate of development of mites. It was evident that the mites did eat mold when it was present, but that they could get along without it. At 68 percent r.h,, no mold growth occurred, yet mites were able to complete their development cycle. Just the right amount of mold seemed to enhance the development of mites. Too much mold retarded the development of mites, probably because it prevented them from reach- ing the cheese, their main food source. Another condition of the substrate that apparently affected the rate of development of mites was that caused by mites' previously having fed on it. A cheese surface that had been fed on before seemed more desirable than a freshly cut cheese surface. Perhaps for the same reason, several mites feeding in a given area tended to develop more rapidly than one or two isolated mites. A comparison of results of the life history studies with those of other workers will not be attempted because of insufficient data on temperature and relative humidity in the literature, Another factor that makes comparison difficult is that most tests conducted by others were at higher temperatures and on grain or flour and not on cheese, It is generally agreed, however, that the lowering of temperature or relative humidity is un- favorable to mites and slows their rate of development. Although mites of A. siro and T. putrescentiae were subjected to a wide range of combinations of temperature 1re and humidity in the life history studies, not one hypopus was observed. Thousands of mites, perhaps even millions, were observed in the general cultures, yet only one hypopus was ever found in these cultures. This was a hypopus of A, siro. This form was extremely active and was constantly moving about through the other mites in the colony. The literature on hypopus formation and the reasons for their formation is quite contradictory. Some species of mites are much more prone to hypopus formation than others, A. siro and T putrescentiae are not noted for abundant hypopus formation, Polezhaev (24) subjected A. siro to many combinations of humidity and temperature and was unable to produce any hypopi. A. siro hypopi, as well as the hypopi of other species, seem to be generally associated with high temperatures and humidities, Cheese cannot be stored at high temperatures, and this probably accounts for the absence of hypopi on cheese, The results of the egg- -hatching tests conducted with T, putrescentiae showd that no eggs hatched at 44° or 38°F. Eggs of this species, at these temperatures, hatched at the four highest humidities tested in the life history studies. Eggs of both species hatched at some lower humidities in the life history studies than in the egg hatching studies, In the life history studies, a few of the eggs were deposited and incubated directly on cheese, while in the egg hatching tests all eggs were on wax. The higher humidity of the micro- climate at the surface of the cheese could cause eggs deposited there to hatch when the general humidity in the chamber was lower. To explain why no eggs of T, putrescentiae hatched at 44° or 38° F. is rather difficult. Perhaps the black waxed cheese used in the egg hatching tests had some slight detrimental effect on the eggs, This, when combined with lowered temperatures or humidities, could have prevented the eggs from hatching. This would help to explain why the percentage of eggs hatching was lower than the 93 to 94 percent reported by Ihde (12), The fact that most of the eggs in the egg-hatching tests 12 were moved with an insect pin, while those in the life history studies were not touched, might also contribute to the differences in hatchability. The use of more than one strain of T. putrescentiae, or the physiological condition of the culture used, might help to explain the differences. The egg-hatching tests show that the highest rate of hatching in A. siro takes place at 100 percent r.h., and decreases as the humidity is lowered. In T. putrescentiae, the greatest egg hatch occurred at 84 percent r.h, The lowest r.h, at which the eggs of either species hatched was 61 percent, These results closely parallel the findings of Kozulina (15). The survival studies show that a r.h, of 68 percent or less is not conducive to mite survival, The reason for this is probably moisture loss through the integument, All of these mites respire through their integument, and drying of the integument would inter- fere with normal gas exchange and cause suffocation and death, As the temperature in- creases, so does the vapor pressure of water, This would cause more rapid dessication at higher temperatures, accounting for the fact that mites are better able to survive low humidity at lower temperatures. As the temperature decreases, the rate of metabolism in these cold-blooded creatures decreases, and this would explain the longer survival at lower temperatures, even at optimum humidities. In the survival tests, mites were better able to survive low humidities on cheese than on wax or wood, This was probably the result of a higher humidity in the microclimate above the cheese, or a result of addi- tional moisture that was picked up from cheese eaten, There was undoubtedly no starva- tion effect, since the mites on wood or wax were able to survive a considerable period of time under optimum environmental conditions, In the survival studies, only adult mites and a few deutonymphs were used, Except for the egg stage, these forms appeared to be the most hardy. The smaller forms were less resistant to adverse conditions. Resting stages seemed even more susceptible to adversity than were the active forms, but it was difficult to be certain of this since it was impossible to tell by observation just when a resting form was actually dead. The results of these studies may have some interesting practical applications, It is thought that cheese warehouses may become mite infested through used cheese boxes that still contain mites. The results of the survival studies show this would be very unlikely if these empty boxes had been stored for even a short time at a low humidity. Almost any heated building in the winter time would have a relative humidity low enough to kill all of the mites in a few days. Daytime summer humidities also would be generally low enough to kill any exposed mites. Only where used cheese boxes had been stored in a humid enough place could mites from that source become a problem. The survival studies showed that cheese mites were well able to survive on wood in the absence of food for a fairly long time, providing the temperature and relative humidity were favorable. The results of the experiments show that two environmental factors, low temperature and low humidity, might be useful in controlling mites in cheddar cheese, but both have undesirable features that might outweigh their ability to control mites. Also, since these methods have not been given a positive trial under actual cheese storage conditions, they might not be as effective as in the laboratory, so recommendations cannot be made at this time. As the temperature is lowered, the rate of cheese mite development becomes slower and slower, Thus, the lower the temperature at which cheese is stored, the longer the period before the number of mites will make fumigation necessary. Life history studies show that at some temperatures between 38° and 32° F., none of the mite eggs hatch. A temperature of 32° F., therefore, would prevent any increase in mite population and should offer excellent control, but might affect the quality of the cheese. Only mites brought in from outside would be present in such a warehouse. They would survive a long time, but would produce no larvae as long as the cheese was held at 32° F. Fumigation probably would not be needed. 13 On the other hand, storage at low temperature impairs flavor development of the cheese. Practically no flavor development or aging takes place in cheddar cheese stored at 32°F. Also, at such low temperatures, evaporationis so slow that itis almostnegligible. Thus, cheese stored at 32° F. would remain moist after a long period of storage. Main- taining a cheese warehouse at 32° F. would be more expensive than maintaining it at some higher temperature, especially during the heat of summer. This would be partly offset by the lower cost of maintaining a 32° F. temperature during the winter. Such costs would be more than compensated for if the need for fumigation were eliminated. As relative humidity is lowered, the rate of development of the mites is decreased, This was indicated by the results of the survival studies and the life history studies. To further support these studies, the test with the very small cheddars showed that low hu- midities could kill mites. In this test, tremendous numbers of mites were placed next to the test cheese, but after 4 weeks, the only mites present on cheese at 61 percent r.h, or less were in cracks. Normal cheddars, especially younger ones, would not be nearly so likely to crack as the unbandaged small cheddars were, A warehouse or curing room maintained at a r.h. of 60 percent or less would probably remain free from significant mite infestations, During the winter, a r.h, of 60 percent is normal in shelf-curing rooms maintained at 56° F. Relative humidities between 70 and 80 percent were most common in storage warehouses where the temperature ranged from 40° to 45° F. During the summer, the r.h, in the curing rooms and warehouses was generally between 80 and 90 percent. Low humidity might cause an undesirable checking of the cheese. The question is, would a r.h, of 60 percent be so low as to cause serious checking, especially if the cheese had been well waxed? The test with the small cheddars showed that moisture loss was negligible during 4 weeks at humidities even less than 60 percent, and these ched- dars had a much greater surface-to-volume ratio than a normal-sized cheddar. Before control by low humidity can be recommended, one must consider whether the possibility of damage to the cheese, plus the cost of buying and operating equipment to maintain low humidity to control mites, would be offset by the elimination of fumigation costs, In a shelf-curing room, humidity would probably not be hard to control, butina cheese warehouse, where cheeses are packed close together and stacked to the ceiling, it might be difficult to lower the humidity among the piles of cheese. To test the assumption that mite control is possible in a cheese curing room by maintaining a r.h. of 60 percent, observations of mite populations and r,h,. readings were made in cheese warehouses at 4-month intervals, Mite populations on cheddars being shelf-cured at 56° F. had reached a point in mid-November where fumigation was necessary. In mid-March, 4 months after fumigation, no mites were found on cheese in this curing room. The r.h. was about 60 percent. By mid-July, a very large mite population was again present, making fumigation necessary. The r.h,. was about 80 per- cent, This seasonal fluctuation in humidity was as might be expected, since during the winter the absolute humidity of the outside air is much lower than in the summer, If the disadvantages can be overcome, two possibilities for effective control of mites are indicated--a temperature of 32°F. or ar.h. of 60 percent or less. Control with temperature would apply only to cheese warehouses. It is possible that mite control with low humidities could be used in both warehouses and shelf-curing rooms, but would prob- ably be most effective in the latter. Studies on a larger scale must be conducted before recommendations can be made. 14 APPENDIX Tables Acarus TABLE 1.--Average number of days spent in each stage of development by the first 10, 50, and 90 percent of siro that showed the maximum growth rate Avere”~- aumber of days in each stage Mites Maximum number humidity | of mites 4 g Total Resting deutonymph Deuto- nymph Resting protonymph Proto- nymph I Resting = ES 4.5 a given stage of deve lopment observed Relative Days Days Days Percent Number Number Percent 2.0 1.5 3.5 1.0 1.5 54 30 10 11.0 100 114 114 92 33 57 84 27 87 76 36 54 19 61 died --- 19.0 10 54 48 and below - no eggs hatched -- 50° F. 67 73 100 84 85 92 55 58 33 77 76 46 66 68 61 18 54 48 43 and below - no eggs hatched -- 15 TABLE 1.--Average number of days spent in each stage of development by the first 10, 50, and 90 percent of Acarus siro that showed the maximum growth rate--Continued Maximum aes Average number of days in each stage Relative | number b A Pe ng humidity | of mites CCT | paecoe Ehaonval stage of Resting ie Resting eee aes Total development larva protonymph eee aes 2 Percent Number Number Percent Days Days Days Days Days Days Days 44° F, 100 78 56 10 25.0 10.5 4.5 6.5 3.0 6.5 5.0 61.0 50 25.0 12.0 4.4 6.4 Siow) 6.0 Dial 63.2 90 26.4 12.2 4.9 6.6 3.2 6.9 \7/ 65.9 92 72 70 10 29.5 12.5 4.5 Bye) 4.0 6.5 6.5 69.0 50 31.8 V5 4.9 5.9 3.5 8.3 INS) TLs5 90 34.2 10.8 4.6 a7 4.1 9.0 Diatt: 74.1 84 160 159 10 29.0 13.0 4.0 6.5 Sine) 6.5 6.0 68.5 50 30.7 125 4.2 6.2 353 7.8 5.8 70.5 90 32.6 11.6 4.4 yal 3.9 8.6 Goi: TEIGS) 76 88 50 10 26.5 16.0 7/0) 9.0 4.5 15.0 6.0 84.0 50 27.8 18.3 6.4 9.0 6.6 14.3 6.1 88.6 90 28.8 9 6.1 10.3 7.2 14.8 ¢/oe} 95.4 68 6 O 10 33:50 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 50 34.3 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 90 35.2 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 61 and below - no eggs hatched -- --- --- --- --- tees --- --- --- 38° F 100 48 2 (40) 10 58.5 21.5 8.0 10.0 4.0 W7S5. 11.0 130.5 + (40) 50 59.1 230: 8.0 9.8 5.6 20.9 10.4 136.9 90 61.5 24.6 8.6 9.9 D2 23.6 a val 144.5 92 58 2 (43) 10 62.0 21.0 8.5 12.0 DED 1925 a ESS} 140.0 + (40) 34 50 65.2 Pll 9.6 10.8 ot 22.9 10.3 147.2 90 65.4 23.6 10.8 alas / 59 24.8 10.2 152.4 84 79 2 (64) 10 70.0 Ae) 9.0 ala A(o) 7.5 36.0 7.3 158.5 + (40) 24 50 70.3 18.6 8.9 13.3 6.5 41.1 9.8 168.5 90 71.6 PSY 10.3 14.1 6.5 46.0 8.7 178.9 76 34 0 10 72.0 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 50 Pls died --- --- --- --- --- --- 90 70.4 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 68 3 O 10 79.0 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 50 77.8 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 90 7174 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 61 and below - no eggs hatched -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1 The lengths of the deutonymph and resting deutonymph stages were determined separately. The figure in parentheses represents the number of resting protonymphs used for this determination. 2 Represents the number of mites reaching the deutonymph stage. 16 TABLE 2.--Average number of days spent in each stage of development by the first 10, 50, and 90 percent of Tyrophagus putrescentiae that showed the maximum growth rate Maximum ie apt Average number of days in each stage Relative | number ae humidity] of mites stage of = : . observed ‘ K Resting] Proto- Resting Deuto- Resting Total evelopmen larva | nymph |protonymph | nymph | deutonymph Percent Number Number Percent Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days 56; Wi 100 28 15 10 12.5 6.0 2.5 4.0 2.5 6.0 3.0 36.5 50 13.4 7.6 2.2 5.4 1.6 5.8 2.3 38.3 90 13.3 9.9 1.8 5.3 ZL 7.8 Bent 42.9 92 74 46 10 12.5 6.0 2.0 4.0 1.5 6.0 325 35.5 50 1375 i 6.6 2.1 4.7 2.3 7.3 2.6 38.7 90 13.6 Tel 2.1 5.8 2.4 7.6 Zo) 41.1 84 117 60 10 13.5 7.0 2.0 5.0 2:5 7.0 3.0 40.0 50 13.9 7.6 2.6 Sol 265 7.5 32 42.4 90 14.2 8.6 2.9 5.8 2.9 8.2 2.9 45.5 76 104 29 10 13.0 8.0 4.0 335 2.0 5.0 2.5 38.0 50 13.7 10.2 3.2 3.7 2.2 5.3 Bal 41.0 90 13.7 12.2 3.5 3.9 2.0 5-13 2.9 43.5 68 53 18 10 13.0 10.5 2.5 5.0 135 6.0 3.0 41.5 50 13.5 12.1 207 4.8 1.9 5.4 332 43.6 90 13.7 14.0 2.6 461 2a 5.6 3.3 45.4 61 81 14 10 1345 9.5 2.5 4.0 2.0 4.5 2-5 38.5 50 14.1 11.2 3.8 3.4 2.0 4.8 2.8 42.1 90 14.3 13.4 4.8 Sab 2.0 4.7 2.9 45.2 54 30 O 10 15.5 18.5 4.0 died --- --- --- --- 50 16.5 17.5 4.0 died --- --- --- --- 90 Ae / i al ta 2.2 died --- --- --- --- 48 10 ) 10 16.0 12.0 died --- --- --- --- --- | 50 16.4 15.7 died --- --- --- --- --- | 90 17.1 16.3 died --- --- --- --- --- 43 and below - no eggs hatched -- --- --- --- --- an --- --- --- | 50° F. | | 100 47 2 (39) 10 27.5 15.0 7.0 10.5 6.5 17.0 8.0 91.5 +..(38) 22 50 2139: 6.7 6.3 11.4 54 19.1 8.0 94.8 90 28.4 17.8 6.2 12.1 4.6 22.2 8.9 100.2 | 92 72 2 (25) 10 28.0 15.5 6.5 12.0 5.0 17D 6.5 91.0 | + (39) 24 50 28.9 16.1 7.9 10.8 4.4 19.0 6.6 93.7 90 29.7 17.4 eve) 10.7 4.5 21.69, Dish 97.8 | 84 81 2 (10) 10 26.0: 15.5 8.0 a5 4.0 17.0 11.0 95.0 + (41) a bah 50 28.4 18.0 9.5 12.4 5.8 18.7 es: LO5.1 90 29.2 21.4 9.0 11.8 6.4 22.4 12a 112.3: 76 90 Zils) 10 29.5 14.0 6.5 9.5 6.5 15.0 20 88.0 + (40) 10 50 30.2 15.3 9.4 8.6 5A 17.0 12.6 98.5 90 30.5 20.1 8.9 6.6 Dee 24.6 11.3 107.2 68 73 2 (17) 10 31.0 14.5 6.0 10.0 4.5 16.0 11.0 93.0 1 (40) 9 50 31.8 16.7 TED 10.0 6.4 20.0 12.2 104.6 90 32.1 18.7 7.6 9.9 7.4 28.0 9.9 113.6 61 27 6) 10 31.0 28.0 died --- --- --- --- --- 50 3159 (2687 died --- --- --- --- --- 90 3250 2753 died --- --- --- --- --- 54 31 ¢) 10 30.0 22.0 died --- --- --- --- --- 50 30.55 . 23.3 died --- --- --- --+ --- 90 30.7 25.6 died --- --- --- --- --- 48 49 0 10 30.0 13.0 died --- --- --- --- --- 50 30.2 18.6 died --- --- --- --- --- 90 30.4 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 43 and below - no eggs hatched -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 17 TABLE 2.--Average number of days spent in each stage of development by the first 10, 50, and 90 percent of Tyrophagus putrescentiae that showed the maximum growth rate--Continued Mites completing Maximum Average number of days in each stage Relative | number E humidity | of mites = erven : : Speed stage of Resting | Proto- Resting | Deuto- Resting Total development protonymph | nymph | deutonymph e Percent Number Number Percent Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days 44° F. 100 14 8 10 25.0 19.0 9.0 11.0 5.0 12.0 3.5 84.5 50 30.2 19.3 6.3 13.9 py alo 5.6 91.6 90 30.9 22.2 6.4 13.3 4.7 13.4 5.4 96.3 92 14 10 10 33.0 13.0 6.0 8.5 4.5 9.0 7.0 83.0 50 33.6 15.3 59 Ted 5.8 12.3 7.8 88.2 90 33'sD 17.6 4.8 12.0 4.9 13/30 7.8 93.6 84 10 4 10 33.0 17.0 3.0 12.0 5.0 14.0 6.0 90.0 50 33.1 18.5 2.2 13.0 del: 13.8 6.9 92.6 90 34.2 19.8 3.4 13.0 Dal: 10.9 7.4 94.4 76 10 3 10 33.0 21.0 9.0 14.0 7.0 13).0 7.0 104.0 50 32.9 22.0 13.5 9.0 5.8 21.4 6.6 134.2 90 34.2 25.4 39 13.9 6.9 18.0 W/d/ 120.0 68 and below - no eggs hatched -- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 38° F. 100 35 2 (26) 10 63.0 28.5 7.0 15D 7.0 26.0 nly ee) 164.5 1 (40) 18 50 63.7 28.9 8.9 1533 5.8 29.2 16.9 168.7 90 63.8 30.7 8.7 14.8 7.6 saben 16.3 173.0 92 59 Ai.(7.) 10 72.0 30.0 8.0 14.5 B.D 42.0 17.0 187.0 (38) 16 50 72.6 33.4 9.8 20.5 9.5 36.5 16.6 198.9 90 Tel 36.3 9.4 23.6 8.4 36.8 16.2 204.4 84 52 2 (30) 10 76.5 PALES: WES) 15.0 11.0 46.0 14.0 197.5 +.-(41) 4 50 76.7 29.9 9.2 18.7 8.8 46.1 aks jaa 202.5 90 78.1 31.6 8.8 20.4 8.6 46.2 12.6 206.3 76 4 6) 10 79.0 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 50 77.8 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 90 77.4 died --- --- --- --- --- --- 68 and below - no eggs hatched -- -=- = —— rim =s= ooo === === + The lengths of the deutonymph and resting deutonymph stages were determined separately. The figure in parentheses represents the number of resting protonymphs used for this determination. * Represents the number of mites reaching the deutonymph stage. 18 TABLE 3.--Proportion of Acarus siro in each of several life stages on a given number of days after hatching Percentage in life stage Days Resting deutonymph Boe Deutonymph Percent Percent Percent TABLE 4.--Time taken for given percentages of Acarus siro to reach the deutonymphal and resting deutonymphal stages, and time spent in the deutonymphal stage Time taken-- Mites ‘ To reach In deutonymphal To reach resting deutonymphal stage stage deutonymphal stage Percent Days Days Days 5 23 3 26 10 24 3 21 LS 24 4 28 20 24 4 28 25 24 5 29 30 24 > 29 35 25 4 29 40 25 5 30 45 25 5 30 50 26 4 30 19 TABLE 5.--Mortality of Acarus siro on wood exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity Mortality at temperature of-- Relative humidity | 32°F.|38°F.| 44°F.| 50°F.| 56°F.| 62°F.| 68°F.| 74°F. | 80°F. | 86°F.| 92°F. | 98°F. After 1 day Pet Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet Pet. Pet. Pet.) Ret. Pet. Pct. Pct. 100 O 0) 0 5 0 10 0 0 0 O 60 100 22 9 O e) O 0 2 0 20 10 35 95 100 84 O O 5 O O 22 10 80 65 100 100 100 76 O O O O 10 42 9) 100 61 100 100 100 68 O 0 O 16 2) 83 100 100 100 100 100 100 61 0 O 0) 0 80 68 100 100 100 100 100 100 54 0 O O O 35 76 100 100 100 100 100 100 48 0 0 10 14 10 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 43 0 0 O e) 10 92 100 100 100 100 100 100 38 5 O 10 20 24 96 100 100 100 100 100 100 Be 5 0 2 15 fae) -100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 LOO (2.00 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 #100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 22 TABLE 6.--Mortality of Acarus siro on waxed cheese exposed to various combinations of Relative humidity temperature and relative humidity Mortality at temperature of-- c+ 0) O 5 5 e) O e) 5 0 ) 5 5) 0 5 5 0 O 'U fe) ‘J fe) | oe Ww OoOOOWNO ae hee ‘J Q cot oOO0O00 eee OOONO WH After 1 day 23 Relative humidity Mortality at temperature of-- After 5 days Pet. Pet. 0 O 6 5 5 30 40 47 80 68 95 78 100 95 95 100 74 100 100 100 95 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 After 7 days 0) 0 18 10 5 30 40 68 90 100 100 87 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 56°F. TABLE 6.--Mortality of Acarus siro on waxed cheese exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity--Continued Mortality at temperature of-- Mortality at temperature of-- Relative = ° O O° 0 Relative O ° fo) humidity | 32 F. | 38°F. 56°F «|| humidity 38-F. WeA4eF. |s5008. After 14 days After 35 days 24 TABLE '7.--Mortality of Acarus siro on unwaxed cheese exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity Mortality at temperature of-- Mortality at temperature of-- Relative oO O fe) O fe) Relative O fe) (e) fe) humidity BOO PR ESSe Fe! 'ly 24° RN £500 Be 56c Be. humid ty 32°R? | 36°R. 1:44°RS | 50°RS| 56°Rr. After 1 day After 5 days Pet Pet. Pet. Pet. Pct. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet Pet. Pet. Pet. 100 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 0 5 6 5 92 0 0 0 0 0 92 5 @) 0 0 5 84, 0 0 0 0 @ 84, 9 0 5 @ 0 76 0 0 5 O 0 76 0 0 5 10 10 68 0 0 0 O 0 68 0 5 AT 45 14 61 0 0 5 @) 0 61 25 10 85 10 24 54, 0 0 5 @) 0 54 28 45 90 100 10 48 0 0 37 @ 0 48 13 38 100 100 38 43 @) @) @) 5 0 43 (*) 77 90 100 95 38 0 0 5 O 0 38 30 79 100 100 100 32 0 0 10 0 6 32 60 75 100 100 100 27, 5 0 16 0 0 27 27 7d, 100 100 100 22 0 0 15 5 5 oy 60 75 100 100 100 ay 0 0 7 5 0 17 87 70 100 100 100 13 @) 0 25 0 @) 13 73 75 100 100 100 9 @) 0 30 5 @) 9 (+) 100 100 100 100 6 9) 5 46 5 0 6 50 80 100 100 100 After 3 days After 7 days 100 0 0 O 6 5 100 0 0 10 6 10 92 5 0 0 0 0 92 5 5 5 4 10 84, 9 0 @) 0 0 84, 9 0 5 5 6 76 0 © 5 10 5 76 @) @) 5 10 20 68 @) 0 15 35 0 68 5 10 67 50 19 61 10 @ 45 5 5 61 40 45 95 14 29 54, 5 0 60 45 5 54, 43 86 90 100 nl 48 0 58 66 24, 48 33 94, 100 100 43 43 (7) 9 40 90 80 43 4 100 90 100 95 38 20 5 50 70 70 38 90 100 100 100 100 32 40 5 79 100 94, 32 80 100 100 100 100 BF @) 0 68 80 100 27 67 100 100 100 100 22 20 10 55 100 100 22 80 100 100 100 100 7, 20 15 73 93 100 17 100 100 100 100 100 13 20 0 85 100 100 13 100 100 100 100 100 9 0 15 100 1060.. 2100 9 Ce) 100 100 100 100 6 10 15 85 100 95 6 100 100 100 100 100 See footnote at end of table. 25 TABLE '7.--Mortality of Acarus siro on unwaxed cheese exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity--Continued Mortality at temperature of-- Mortality at temperature of-- humidity humidity After 14 days After 35 days Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pct. Pet. Pet. Peibe.P us Pete sj GPCbe se wPebes _Peite 100 15 @) 26 sky ie (>) 100 25 15 90 83 (3) 92 15 5 15 I, Peace) 92 20 10 75 4.3 (7) 84. 19 10 5 20 al 84 43 32 55 55 (7) 76 0 @) 5 10 25 76 30 ee) 53 35 (=) 68 30 15 80 55 29 68 75 55 93 70 62 61 95 75 100 33 52 61 100 80 100 62 76 54, 100 90 100 100 16 54 100 90 100 100 21 48 100 100 100 100 52 48 100 100 100 100 62 43 (*) 100 100 100 100 43 GG) 100 100 100 100 38 100 100 100 100 100 38 100 100 100 100 100 32 100 100 100 100) »--160 Be 100 100 100 100 100 27 100 100 100 100 100 27 100 100 100 100 100 22 100 100 100 100 100 22 100 100 100 100 100 17 100 100 100 100 100 17 100 100 100 100 100 13 100 100 100 100 100 13 100 100 100 100 100 9 (*) 100 100 100 100 9 (4) 100 100 100 100 6 100 100 100 100 100 6 100 100 100 100 100 + No data; cracks had developed in cheese in all replicates and observations were dis- continued. 2 Mites not visible because of heavy mold growth. 3 Large colony of mites. TABLE 8.--Mortality of Tyrophagus putrescentiae on wood exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity Mortality at temperature of-- Relative | 350m | 3g°r,|44°r. | 50°r. |56°r. | 62°r. | 680r.| 74°Fr.| so°r. | ger. | 92°r.| 98°F. humidity After 1 day Pet. | Pet. Pct. Pct. Pet. Pct. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 100 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 19 0 0 0 100 92 5 Z 0 0 0 0 5 38 15 5 55-100 84 Z 0 0 0 0 9 15 55 26 4 65-100 76 0 y 0 0 0 0 55 65 45 65 100 100 68 0 fe) 5 0 0 ay, 59 30 80 40 80 100 Al 0 0 0 0 0 5 90 55 95 85 100 100 54 0 0 5 0 0 50 85 55 52 85 100 100 48 0 0 5 0 5 55 95 85 40 95 100 100 43 0 0. i 0 0 1g 80 90 38 100 100 #100 38 0 0 0 5 4 9 90 100 45 90 100 100 92 5 0 0 0 5 48 30 95 55 100 100 #100 27 5 0 15 0 0 23 90 95 62 100 100 °&# 100 22 fe) 5 5 0 0 55 95 80 79 100 100 #100 17 0 5 5 0 0 48 100 95 73 100 100 #100 13 0 5 5 5 0 86 85 95 95 100 100 #100 9 5 0 0 0 0 29° WO0ee - TOO 43 100 100 #100 6 0 0 5 0 0 50 100 100 76 100 100 #100 27 TABLE 8.--Mortality of Tyrophagus putrescentiae on wood exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity--Continued ; Mortality at temperature of-- Relative Oo O O° O° O° O ° Oo Oo O° ° re) humidity 50° Fa| 5645) 625F5) 682F al '74°R2 | SOLE. 86°F. } 92 Fe 98°F. After 5 days Pet. | Pet. (Pot. Pet, Pot.) Pet. Petes Pet. | Pete Beta eret. apeeets were. 100 10 19 10 O O 23 3) 29 O @) O 100 92 5 46 25 O 6 AL} 5) Dili 30 ale) 70 100 84 12 9 10 30 2) 19 30 95 79 WD 100 100 76 O 48 14 25 27 91 95 100 100 100 100 100 68 5 30 35 40 30 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 61 16 19 15 80 81 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 54 2) 2) 48 50 65 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 48 30 40 55 86 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 43 “19 48 40 60 Al 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 38 10 20 10 85 92 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 32 9 67 15 85 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 27 9 Cals 60 9572 A100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 22 > py) 35 85 89 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 / 9 60 60 95 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 13 24 60 BD 95 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9 10 52 40 90 95 100 100 100 100 LOO 100 100 6 19 15) 50 95 79 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 28 TABLE 8.--Mortality of Tyrophagus putrescentiae on wood exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity--Continued Mortality at temperature of-- humidity After 14 days 100 2D Vial 10 5 25 50 15 48 43 67 vee) 100 92 9 92 30 5 7 5D) 5) 71 65 50 85 100 84 12 48 15 30 15 33 50 90 95 85 100 100 76 10 95 76 30 5D 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 68 24 95 95 65 40 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 61 63 85 95 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 5A 62 95 95 100 87 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 48 90 95 90 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 43 95 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 38 90 90 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 32 95 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 aL 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 22 7D 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ayy: 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 13 95 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9 90 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 6 100 nkele) LOO LOO 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 29 TABLE 9.--Mortality of Tyrophagus putrescentiae on waxed cheese exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity Mortality at temperature of-- Relative | 320p,| 38°F, | 44°F. | 50°F. | 56°F. humidity Mortality at temperature of-- After 1 day After 5 days Pet. Pe Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet Pet Pct. Pet Pet. 100 O O O O O 6 O O 92 O O O O O O 10 O 84 0 O O O O 30 O 5 76 O e) O O 21 lS) O 5 68 O O O O 1:5 9 10 50 61 O O O 6 SH 10 40 94 54 O O O D 58 45 20 65 48 O O O O 68 31/ 20 76 43 O O O 5 90 25 a) 80 38 O O O 23 78 70 40 92 32 0 O 5 O 90 63 52 65 27 O 5 O 5 95 85 47 Di 22 O 5 O 4 90 yale 20 78 LZ O O O O 82 87 48 90 13 O O O 13 100 85 53 100 9 O 10 O O 100 80 79 86 6 O O O 100 90 71 80 After 7 days 100 6 O O O O 100 ay 5 12 O 12 92 5 O O 10 O 92 5 O O ls O 84 O O 10 0 5 84 O O 50 O 5 76 5 12 10 O O 76 24 33 30 O 15 68 O O 5 5 10 68 35 50 18 25 70 61 10 5) 5 15 12 61 55 90 42 Be: 100 54, 30 8 15 5 10 54 80 100 65 80 85 48 43 9 Pak O 48 48 95 100 58 65 95 43 20 25 5 O ales) 43 90 100 1) 80 100 38 10 39 35 O 54 38 90 100 90 100 100 32 35 21 zl 5 35 32 90 100 95 90 90 27 26 40 30 O 24 Aili 90 100 90 100 100 22 14 38 29 O 43 22 86 100 100 95 100 17 22 15 22 5 45 ake 89 100 96 100 95 13 24 40 27 16 52 13 100 100 96 90 100 9 15 40 45 th 29 9 100 100 90 100 100 6 21 50 20 19 40 6 90 100 100 95 100 30 TABLE 9.--Mortality of Tyrophagus putrescentiae on waxed cheese exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity--Continued Mortality at temperature of-- humidity After 14 days Mortality at temperature of-- After 35 days Relative humidity Pet. Bets: (Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. Pet. 100 28 5 35 15 59 30 88 100 100 92 5 0 10 20 +50 35 100 100 89 84 5 19 50 O 35 90 90 95 95 76 62 83 45 10 50 100 95 100 100 68 95 95 45 55 90 100 64 100 95 61 100 100 Tt, 75 100 100-100 §200)-- “100 54 100 100 95 100 100 100 100 100 ~~ 100 48 100 100 100 90 100 100 100 100 ~~ 100 43 100 100 100 100° 100 100 100 100 ~~ 100 38 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 #100 32 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 ~~ 100 27 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 4100 ~~ °# 4100 22 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 °# 100 17 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 °# 100 13 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 9 100 100 100 100 100 100. «100 +100) 100 6 100:1. iO 100 100 100 100 100 100 #100 31 TABLE 10.--Mortality of Tyrophagus putrescentiae on unwaxed cheese exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity Mortality at temperature of-- Mortality at temperature of-- Relative fe) fo) fo) fe) Relative fe) Oo fo) fe) Oo After 1 day After 5 days Pet. Pet. .' Pet. Pot. / Pet. ict. et Pet, Pet. Ret) Pet 100 5 0 O 0 @) 5 0) 0 6) 0 92 O 0 0 O 0 ) fe) 9) fe) ) 84 O 0 5 e) 6 fe) fe) 5 @) Tal 76 O O O 0 0 6) fe) fe) @) 0 68 5 0 0 ) 0) 5 5 7 0 0 61 5 e) ) 0 0) 9 1) 25 0) 6 54, s) 5 9) 0 > 0 5 24 10 5 48 0 0 0 0 0 ) 5 45 27 5 43 e) O 0 0 0 9 20 70 47 5 38 5 e) 0 0 0 13 O 47 45 5 ae 0 0 0) 0 0 0) 4 53 50 0 Call 0 e) 5 0) 0 9 4 85 50 12 22 0 0 O e) 5 7 0) 67 92 23 any 5 e) e) 0 e) 5 0) 100 29 9 a) 0 e) 0 5 0 O @) 100 95 10 9 fe) 9) ) 0 0 G 6 100 85 12 6 0 5 0 0 0 0) 24 100 75 18 After 3 days After 7 days 100 5 @) 0 O fe) 100 5 0 6) ) 0) 92 ) 0 ) 0) ) 92 ) 0 ) 10 4 84 0 0) 5 @) ala 84 0 ) 5 ) ot 76 @) ) 0 o) 6) 76 O ) 5 ) ) 68 5 0 0 ) 0 68 5 5 7 fe) @) 61 5 0 5 ) ) 61 9 25 40 5 6 54, 0 5 ) 0 5 54, 4 5 62 30 5 48 0 5 0 0 5 48 G2) 5 90 50 5 43 9 @) 20 18 0 43 20 35 70 88 5 38 fe 0 7 15 0) 38 13 33 100 70 15 32 @) ) 20 10 6) 32 ) 18 93 65 23 27 6 0 15 10 ) 27 18 17 100 90 12 22 0 @) 0 uly 14 22 5 5 100 100 45 17 5 0 20 ) 4 17 10 38 100 64 7 13 @) ) 40 67 5 13 ) 33 100 100 10 9 0) 4 43 40 31 9 Ge) 25 100 95 48 6 e) 14 25 45 ) 6 20 57 100 95 53 See footnote at end of table. 32 TABLE 10.--Mortality of Tyrophagus putrescentiae on unwaxed cheese exposed to various combinations of temperature and relative humidity--Continued Mortality at temperature of-- Mortality at temperature of-- umidity After 14 days After 35 days 1 No data; cracks had developed in cheese in all replicates, and observations were dis- continued. 2 Mites not visible because of heavy mold growth. ? Large colony of mites. 33 TABLE 11.--Number of days required to produce 100-percent mortality of Acarus siro and Tyrophagus putrescentiae on various surfaces exposed to different combinations of temperature and relative humidity p> p od d [os Pp % fe} & ~ g o oO iS oO Ay ! je) oO qd o Oo 3 ue} Oo & Py fe) Pp 2 QA On cheese at temperature of-- On waxed cheese at Relative On wood at temperature of-- temperature of-- humidity Acarus siro Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days Days dl 34 utrescentiae rophagus t the end of 35 days. iving a ites still 1 1 ‘kVp YSATZ Tey, Jo qaed ros AGTPTUMY eAT}BTOA puw oINjetedwe, yey, 4B PeyBqnoUT eZeM sny} puB ‘sanoy +z Jo potued B ZeAO queored 7 JO "Yr puB *Y O9S ZB PTBT Stem SBZo9 oy, yeYyR YORI oYyz Loy oyesuedwod 04 ele seLNnsTJ eseuy, z ‘UBATS GINS YSBT ey} JO suotzT{eder exe serndTs ey, MOTeq sesequeoued [Te {9 ere ueATZ seun3zJ oy, eaoge sesvjueored TTy t 650}, 520" 9"0). “FO” -S$80) G80) | -T*o." © ) fe) ) fo) 6'T tt O'T O'T 60 SO s*O0 ¥'0 60. -€°0 €°0 =6—¥°0 6'O° "0, TO 40 (o) ztopoRs uoF}POSILOO skep ppy a gio Gre ae oes aed gt 7 Ska See eee Berd set Care) ol Genk eas aor eee 7S _ ae a ; Senta ss eee ner, Saee Yara gacseeblion™ es ean meen eee piecek sz Haan ser tng) 01 Sree) see er eet. 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