ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY GREGORY AND SIMMONS FIRST STAGE HIST QC 23 M32 1905 Bk.1 EL v-'o storage - Item EDUCATION LP6 - J35B UBC Library Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from University of Britisii Columbia Library http://www.archive.org/details/elementaryphysicOOgreg A > ni ,^a/uta>AJ (J- oujyuuy^^taJ HISTORICAL COLLECTION EDUCATION LIBRARyu^ ttt ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY t^ ^ ELEMENTARY t^p,x PHYSICS AND chemistry';"/!,^ FIRST STAGE BY R. A. GREGORY PROFESSOR OF ASTRONOMY, QUEEN's COLLEGE, LONDON ; OXFORD UNIVERSITY EXTENSION LECTURER AND A. T. SIMMONS, B.Sc. (Lond.) ASSOCIATE OF THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SCIENCE, LONDON 'Ronton MACMILLAN AND CO., Limited NEW YORK : THE MACMILLAN COMPANY 1906 A/i rights reserved First Edition 1890. Reprinted 1900, 1902 (twice). Reprinted witli corrections, 1905, 1900, GLASGOW : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY BOBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD, PREFACE. The course of elementary physics and chemistry commenced in this book is based upon a syllabus of work approved se\eral years aj^o by the Board of Education as suitable for the upper standards of elementary schools. The syllabus was divided into three parts, and the first of these is here dealt with. The course is well adapted for experimental work by indi- vidual children, and, as it forms a satisfactory introduction to the study of science, it is suitable for the lower forms of secondary schools as well as for pupils in the upper standards of elementary schools. Every teacher now understands the importance of practical exercises in all scientific instruction, however elementary. Unfortunately, it is not as yet always possible to provide accommodation and apparatus sufficient to enable individual pupils to experiment. This difficulty has been borne in mind in designing the form of the following lessons, each of which is divided into two parts — the first consisting of instructions for the performance of simple experiments, the second of explanations of the principles taught by the practical work. When circumstances permit, every child should perform the experiments, but when this is impossible the teacher should vi PREFACE. use the practical work as demonstrations before the class. The descriptive text will provide suitable reading lessons in class, or can be studied by the pupil at home. Our object has been to arrange a practicable and instruc- tive first course of science based upon sound educational principles. Most of the illustrations are new, and all of them have been inserted with the object of simplifying the text. For the advice readily given us, before we decided upon the plan of the lessons, by the late Mr. T. G. Rooper, M.A., one of His Majesty's Inspectors of Schools, Mr. J. A. Humphris, and Mr. Chas. Davis, we gladly take this opportunity of record- mg our thanks. R. A. GREGORY. A. T. SIMMONS. CONTENTS. LESSON PAGE / ^ I. The Senses, i J X II- Matter and Hardness, ..... 6 \,l \/ III. Solids, Liquids, and Gases, . . . . iq I s/ IV. Properties of some Common Things, - - 13 V V. Properties of some Common Things — Continued, 16 VI. Measurement of Length, 20 VII. Measurement of Area, 24 VIII. Measurement of Volume, 28 y IX. Mass and Weight, 33 /\ X. Measurement of Mass, 37 . V'^ XI. The Principle of the Balance,- - . - 42 XII. Density, 46 XIII. Density — Continued, 51 XIV. Determination of Density, - - - - 54 XV. Things which sink in Water, - - • - 56 XVI. Things which float in Water, - - - - 60 XVII. Principle of Archimedes, 6d I QCVIII. Determination of the Density of a Solid, ■ 68 '' vii viii CONTENTS. LESSON PAGE XIX. The Air around us, 71 XX. The Pressure of the Air, - - - - 75 XXI. Barometers, - - 79 XXII. Why the Height of the Barometer alters, S3 XXIII. Effects of Heat, 88 . XXIV. Thermometers, - - 93 XXV. Graduation of Thermometers. Fixed Points, 98 XXVI. Soluble and Insoluble Solids, - - - 102 XXVII. Soluble Liquids and Gases, - . . . 107 XXVIII. There is no Loss during Solution. Evaporation, no XXIX. Saturated Solutions, 114 XXX. Solubility of Things in Acids, - - - 116 XXXI. Changes of Mass when Chemical Action i accompanies Solution, 120 XXX H. Crystals and Crystallisation, - - - 124 XXXIII. Crystals and Crystallisation— C(7«/m«ea', - 128 XXXIV. Graphic Representation, ----- 133 XXXV. Graphic Representation— C(7«//««t't/, - - 142 r^ LESSON I. THE SENSES. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — A book. School bell. Bunch of flowers. Piece of sugar or salt. Smelling salts, or bottle of ammonia solution. A peeled onion, or any convenient substance with a strong smell. What to do. Notice the things on the table. You know they are there because you can see them. You could not see them in the dark. Eyes and light are necessary to see. Shut your eyes. You can now tell the things are on the table by feeling or touch. Stand away from the table and shut your eyes. You can now neither see nor feel the things, but you can smell some of, them, and therefore know they are in the room. Shut your eyes and let someone ring the bell. You cannot see or feel the bell, and cannot smell it, but you hear the sound and know that it comes from a bell. Taste the sugar and salt. You could tell one from the other by this means even if both looked and felt the same. REASONS AND RESULTS. How Science is Studied. — Before beginning any piece of work it is always best to find out all the things there are which we can use to help us in our task. If we neglect to do this it is quite possible we may find, when we have half finished our I. A e ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. labour, that had we remembered something which has escaped our notice, our task would have been easier and the result more satisfactory. It will be best for us, then, before we begin our study of this new subject, science, to make sure that we know all the ways of learning which it is possible to use. This may seem at first very difficult ; but, really, it is nothing of the kind, as we shall soon find out. Every boy or girl in the class will notice that there are several things on the table. How do you know that this is so ? Everyone of you has learned the fact in the same way. You say that you know there are things on the table because you see them, or, as some of you said, by seeing. But you must go a little farther. Seeing. — When can you see ? You are able to see when it is light and when your eyes are open. Even if it is light and your eyes are shut you cannot see. Or, if your eyes are open and it is dark you cannot see. Seeing is only possible when there is light and you have open eyes. But your eyes must be in a healthy condition. Some people with open eyes cannot see, because their eyes are unsound or diseased. They are called blind people. Feeling. — But though blind people cannot see they could still tell there were things on the table. Even when your eyes are shut you can quite easily find out the things you can no longer see. How do you manage it ? By feeling them or touching them. It would take you very much longer to learn all there is to be learnt about one of the substances on the table by feeling it than it does by seeing it. But if you were to practise this way of learning what a thing is like you would after a time become very clever at it. Blind people are clever enough to recog- nise their friends by feehng all over their faces. Though you generally feel with your fingers, the skin of all parts of your body is able to tell you when an object touches it. Smelling.— There are still other ways of learning about things. Fig. I. — Blind people can find tlieir way by feeling. THE SENSES. 3 Even when you are in )-our places, away from the table, and not looking at it, you know that there is something unusual near you. You say there is a smell in the room. Two or three things on the table have a strong smell or odour, and by means of this you could be quite sure of their presence. Smelling' is another power you have which you will use in your studies of science. When you want to learn exactly what a smell is like you sniff the air up your noses from near the object which gives rise to Fig. 2.-Bloodhounds are very •' ... clever in nnding people by smell. the smell, and evidently it is by means of your noses that you are able to smell. Some animals, like the bloodhound, have this power to a great degree, and are very clever in finding the whereabouts of objects from their smell. In this way they used to be employed to find runaway slaves. Hearing. — If the bell on the table is struck you become aware of its presence through your ears. You hear the sound to which the bell gives rise. Or, if you drop the piece of sugar, or one of the other objects, after raising them from the table, the noise which results when the object strikes the table is quite enough to tell you that something is there. Hearing, a power which all people have who are not deaf, is another way of learning facts. Every day of your lives you make use of hearing in this way. Perhaps you know it is time to get up, because you hear the milkman shouting in the street, or because the alarum clock goes off, or someone calls you. You know a letter has arrived because of the postman's knock. You are sure there are birds in the trees because you hear them singing. You will be able to think of many other ways for yourself. Tasting. — Even yet you have not found all the ways by which you learn facts about the objects around you. A boy, who could neithw see, nor feel, nor smell, nor hear an object, might still be able to tell there was such a thing. This last power is very popular with boys and girls. Though you may shut your eyes and not be able to see, smell, or hear a lump of sugar, you could taste the sugar. 4 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. It is difificult to imagine anyone tasting- the sugar without feehng it, for while you taste the sugar you would also feel it on your tongue. But if you consider a httle you will think of cases where tasting is possible without feeling. In some towns, near factories or gasworks, it is often possible to taste things in the air though you cannot feel them. Some of you have tasted the salt in the air at the seaside. If you are very careful you may be able to taste the something in the air which causes the smell when the bottle of ammonia upon the table is opened. Often tasting and smelling go together ; many substances which have a taste also make themselves known by their smell. Seeing, Feeling, Hearing, Smelling, and Tasting are called " Senses." — These five ways of gaining knowledge, or of getting to know things, are called the senses. All ordinary persons possess them, and you must be sure to learn what they are. The first depends upon the eye, feeling upon the skin, hearing upon the ear, smelling upon the nose, and tasting upon the tongue. FIVE SENSES. 1. Seeing depends upon the Eye. 2. Feeling depends upon the Skin. 3. Hearing depends upon the Ear. 4. Smelling depends upon the Nose. 5. Tasting depends upon the Tongue. The senses are sometimes called the five gateways of know- ledge ; and this is a very good name, for everything which you know has been learnt through one or other of these gateways. All the facts of science are learnt in the same way, and you cannot understand too soon that there is no difference between ordinary knowledge and science. In learning science you are only successful when you use your five senses very carefully, and this is only possible after they have been practised a great deal or trained sufficiently. You must learn to see properly or accurately, and to use each of your other senses without making mistakes. You Jiave, perhaps, when somebody has asked you how you know a certain thing, answered "By common sense." You have meant by this that you knew the thing by the use of your senses. THE SENSES. 5 When you use your senses properly, without mistakes, what you learn is a fact of science. Or, as a great man once said, " Science is organised common sense." To BE Remembered. How Facts about Things are learnt. 1. By Seeing. Eyes and light are necessary to see. 2. By Feeling. Blind people can examine things by touch. 3. By Hearing. When a boy hears the school bell he knows that there is a bell, though he may not see it. 4. By Smelling. Smelling is assisted by sniffing. Bloodhounds can find men by following their scent. 5. By Tasting. Usually accompanied by feeling ; often by smelling. These Powers are called "Senses." The parts of the body they depend upon are: (i) Eyes, (2) Skin, (3) Ear, (4) Nose, (5) Tongue. They are sometimes called "gateways of knowledge." There is no difference between science and ordinary knowledge. Everyone should train his senses carefully. Organised common sense is science. Exercise I. 1. Name the five senses and the part of the body upon which each depends. 2. Write down five things you can see, five things you can feel, five things you can smell, five things you can hear, and five things you can taste. 3. What thing do you know ot which you can feel but not see ? 4. Name some things you can see but which you can neither hear, feel, smell, nor taste. 6 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. LESSON II. MATTER AND HARDNESS. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Pieces of flint, rock-crystal, a tumbler, chalk, lead, pocket-knife, iron, copper, brass, wood, soap, wax, a turnip, carrot, potato, or apple. What to do. Notice that the things upon the table differ fram one another, and consider in what ways they are different. They differ in hardness, shape, size, and colour. Select one of the things, and notice that it will scratch some substances but not others. Test the things which the knife will scratch or cut and the things it will not cut. Test in the same way the things the finger-nail will scratch and those it will not scratch. Arrange the substances in pairs as below, so that one is scratched by the other. In this way a continuous table in which the substances are arranged according to their hardness can be drawn up thus : Fhnt scratches glass. Copper scratches lead. Glass „ iron. Lead „ chalk. Iron „ copper. Chalk „ wax. REASONS AND RESULTS. What is meant by Matter? — You must notice again to-day that there are several things on the table. You now know that you are sure of this fact by the help of your senses. Some of these things are recognised by more than one sense ; indeed some appeal to all of them. Many names are given to things which are studied by the help of the senses. Besides the name things, you can use the word substances, or the word which is perhaps most commonly employed, namely, matter. MATTER AND HARDNESS. 7 You must not confuse this meaning of the word 'matter' with other meanings you have learnt. Most children, when the word is used, first think of the yellow fluid which pours out of a boil or gathering, but you must in these lessons, when the word matter is used, say to yourselves, that is the name given to all those things which are studied by means of the senses. There are many Kinds of Things. — There are many kinds of things about which you know through your senses. You would have no trouble in naming a great many of them. There are desks, books, wall-maps, slates, apples, bricks, and so on. When you begin to think about these things, it soon occurs to you that they are very different from one another, and that it would be much easier to study them if they were arranged in classes, putting those together which are alike and separating those which differ from one another. This is just what the headmaster does with the children who come to school. Because the boys who come differ from one another in many important ways, he cannot teach them altogether. Some can read very nicely, while others scarcely know their letters. Some can work out difficult sums, but others hardly know their tables. For these reasons, among others, the boys are arranged in classes or standards. So, if you wish to study all the kinds of things about you, you will find it best to learn how things differ from one another. You want, in fact, to learn the properties or qualities of at least the common things about you Then, when it becomes necessary, you will be able to imitate the headmaster and arrange things into classes in the manner already spoken about. This plan is called classifying things. You must, therefore, try to learn some of the properties of very common things. Things differ in Hardness. — If you were asked to say how the things on the table differ from one another, you would probably say that they differ in size, shape, colour, hardness, and in other ways. Now consider exactly what you mean by the property of hardness. A stone is hard, so is a piece of wood, and so is a piece of iron, but they are not of the same hardness. Some things, then, are harder than others. 8 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. Fig. 3. — The things on the table differ in hardness as well as in other ways. It is often easy to decide which is the harder of two things. For instance, you know that a knife is harder than a piece of wood ; for you can often dig your thumb- or finger-nail into the wood, but you cannot dig your nail into a steel knife. Also, you can cut wood with a knife, but you cannot cut it with a piece of india-rubber, because the india-rubber is softer than the wood. All things which a knife will cut or scratch are softer than the knife, and all things which it will not cut or scratch are harder than it. In the same way, things like potatoes, some woods, chalk, bread, blotting paper, and soap can be scratched by the finger-nail, and are therefore softer than the finger- nail. Things like iron, glass, and flint cannot be scratched or cut by the finger-nail, and are therefore harder than it. The Test of Hardness. — You will now understand the way to find out which is the harder of two things. What has to be done is to test which will scratch or cut the other. If you were asked whether glass or flint was the harder, you should try it the flint will scratch the glass. It does. Will the glass scratch the flint ? It will not. Which is the harder then ? The flint, of course. In the same way, if you were given a large number of different things and told to arrange them in the order of their hardness, you would take any one of the substances and find which of the others it would scratch and which it would not scratch. Then another would be taken, and the same tests made, and so a list like the one below would be made. This is the method always adopted to find out if one thing is harder than another. 1. Diamond. 5. Iron. 2. Rock-crystal. 6. Copper. 3. Glass. 7- Lead. 4. Steel. 8. Wax, MATTER AND HARDNESS. 9 The hardest substance is first in the list, the next hardest is second, and the softest is last. Any of the substances will scratch a substance lower in the list, and can be scratched by substances higher in the list. Diamond is seen to be the hardest substance ; it will scratch every other thing. Emery is also very hard, and is therefore used for polishing many things. The arrangement of things in the order of their hardness is similar to the arrangement of boys in a class. The top boy can beat all the other boys of the class in school-work ; and a boy in any position in the class can beat those below him, but can be beaten by those above him. To BE Remembered. Matter is the same as substances or things, and we learn about it by means of our senses. There are many kinds of things, but the same properties are possessed in a different degree by different things. TMngs differ in {a) hardness, {^) shape, (<) size, (' important questions, and you must try to answer them. What a Yard is. — In the strong room of the Board of Trade in London there is a fire-proof iron chest which contains a bar of bronze. Into this bar, near each end, are sunk two golden studs, and across each stud fine lines are drawn. The distance between these marks (when the bar is at a certain temperature, called sixty-two degrees Fahrenheit, which you will understand before you get to the end of your book) is what is called the Imperial Standard Yard. Several exact copies of this bar have been made and are securely kept in different places. There is consequently very little danger of all the bars being burnt or lost at the same time. All yard measures should be the same length as the distance between these marks. The yard is divided into three equal parts, and each of these is called a foot. A foot is divided into twelve equal parts, and each part is called an inch. The Metre. — Lengths are not measured in yards, feet, and inches in all countries. In France, and most other countries, the standard length is what is called a metre. In Sevres, a bar of a similar kind to that kept by our Board of Trade is carefully preserved. The distance between the two marks in the golden studs is the standard known as the metre. The metre is longer than the yard. You know there are thirty-six inches in the ya.d, but the metre measures about thirty-nine and one third inches, or three feet, three and one-third inches (3 feet 3^ inches). This number is easily remembered because it only contains the figure 3. Divisions of the Metre. — The metre is not divided in the same way as the yard. A much better plan is adopted. First the metre is divided into ten equal parts, each of which is called a decimetre, so that you may write : 10 decimetres make one metre. 22 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. The distance from one end to the other of Fig. lo is a decimetre. Next, each of these decimetres is divided into ten equal parts, each of which is a centimetre, and it takes one hundred of them to make a metre, consequently you may say : lo centimetres make i decimetre. ICO centimetres „ i metre. The distance from one number to the next in Fig. lo is a centimetre. Then, each centimetre is divided into ten equal parts, and each of these is called a millimetre, and it takes one thousand of them to make a metre. The smallest divisions in Fig. lo are millimetres. Thus, you see that you may write a table for the sub-divisions of the metre which you will have no trouble in remembering : lo millimetres make i centimetre ID centimetres „ i decimetre, lo decimetres „ I metre. For lengths greater than a metre the same simple plan is used. A length which contains exactly ten metres is called a dekametre ; one which just con- tains a hundred metres is called a hektometre ; and one which is exactly a thousand times as long as a metre is called a kilometre. These can be put to- gether in another little table : lo metres make i dekametre. lo dekametres „ i hektometre. lo hektometres ' „ i kilometre. Comparison of British and Metric Measures. — On the Continent the metric system of measurement is used almost entirely. The sign posts on the roads do not show how many miles it is to the next village or town, but the number of kilometres. Linen and silks and such materials are not sold by the yard, but by the metre, and shorter lengths are measured in centimetres. You will find it useful to remember ihat about 2^ or 2-5 centimetres MEASUREMENT OF LENGTH. 23 are equal to i inch, 3o"5 centimetres are equal to i foot, and eight kilometres are about five miles. Inches. 2 3 1 , , 1 1 it, , ! . , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 II nil 12 3 4 5 6 7 Millimetres. Centimetres. Fig. II. — An inch is very slightly longer than zj centimetres. To BE Remembered. A Standaxd Lengrth is required before lengths can be measured. The table of Long Measure shows how Britisli standards of length are related to one another. The Standard Yard is the distance between two lines upon a bronze bar kept by the Board of Trade. One tl.ird (^) of a yard is i foot, and one twelfth (xV) of a foot is i inch. The Metre is the French or metric standard of length. It is divided into tenths or decimetres, hundredths or centimetres, and thousandths or millimetres. The length of a metre is roughly 3 feet 3^ inches. Exercise VI. 1. What is meant by the Imperial Standard Yard? Name the parts into which it is divided. 2. What is a metre ? Compare its length with that of a yard. 3. Explain how the metre is divided and write down the names which are given to these parts. 4. What are some of the advantages of dividing the standard of length according to the metric system ? 5. How many millimetres are there in each of the following :— centimetre, decimetre, and metre ? 6. How many dekametres are there in a kilometre ? And how many netres in the same length ? 24 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. LESSON VII. MEASUREMENT OF AREA. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Square foot cut out of cardboard, and having square inches marked upon it. Square inch cut out of cardboard. Square decimetre of cardboard, having square centimetres marked upon it. Square centimetre of cardboard. What to do. Compare the square inch with the square foot. Count the number of square inches in one row marked upon the scjuare foot; there are 12. Count the number of rows; there are 12. The total number of square inches is there- fore 12 X 12 = 144. Compare the square centimetre with the square decimetre in the same way, and find the number of square centimetres there are in a square decimetre. Notice the difference of size of the square inch and the square centimetre. Find, by measurement, the number of square inches in any rectangular surface (such as a drawing board), and also tho number of square centimetres. This is done by multiplying the length of one side by the length of the side at right angles to it By comparing the two results, determine roughly the number of square centimetres in a scjuare inch. REASONS AND RESULTS. Measurement of Area. — Most of the boys who read this book will probably already know the difference between lengths and areas. But to make quite certain we will take a few simple examples. Provided with a rule, it would be easy to measure the length of the room and its breadth or width. If we had a ladder MEASUREMENT OF AREA. 25 we could, in the same way, measure its height. Now, if we were going to have a carpet put down, we should give the upholsterer the order, and he would pay us a visit to measure the floor. You know very well it would not be enough for him to measure the length of the room only, or its width only, because both of these are measures of length. To know how much carpet he wants the workman must find out the amount of surface the floor has, or what is called its area. To do this he measures both the length and width of the floor, and when he multiplies them together he gets the area, if the room is a square or oblong one. If he measures the length and width in feet, then by multiplying them together he gets the area of the floor in square feet ; if the measurement of the length and width were taken in inches, the area in square inches would be obtained by multiplying them together. Whenever areas are measured in this country, square inches, square feet, square miles, or some other unit from square Fig. 12. — This shows how a square yard can be divided into square inches. Each small square represents a square inch, and the large squares bounded by thick lines represent square feet. measure is employed. 'Square measure' is obtained from 'long measure' by multiplying. Thus, as there are 12 inches in a 26 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. foot, there are 12x12 square inches in a square foot. You will understand this by examining Fig. 12. Each of the large squares bounded by thick lines represents a square foot, but it is of course smaller than a real square foot. Square Measure.— By referring to Fig. 12, which illustrates how a square yard may be divided into square feet and square inches, and examining the squares of cardboard divided into square inches or square centimetres, it is easy to see how square measure is obtained from long measure. We will write what we have learnt in the form of a table : 144 ( = 12 X 12) square inches make i square foot. 9 (= 3x 3) „ feet ,, i „ yard. 3oH = 5*x5i) „ y-ii-ds „ I „ pole. How many square inches are there in a square yard ? You can find out by counting the squares in Fig. 12, or by counting the squares in one of the areas representing a foot and multiplying the number by nine. Square Metric Measures.— If instead of measuring the length and breadth of the floor in feet the workman had measured them in metres or decimetres, what would the area obtained by multiplying be measured in ? Not in square feet, but in what is called square metres, square decimetres, etc. Square measure in the metric system is obtained from long measure in just the same way as we used in the case of inches. All we mean by the metric system is the plan of using metres, etc., instead of yards, etc., in measurements of all kinds. We can now write down the measures of area or surface in the metric system : 100 (= lox 10) square millimetres make i square centimetre. 100 (=10x10) „ centimetres „ i „ decimetre. 100 ( = 10x10) „ decimetres „ i „ metre. A square decimetre is too large to be shown on this page. Fig. 13 shows two complete rows of square centimetres, but there are ten rows of this kind in a square decimetre. The square centimetre AGFE in the top left-hand corner is divided into square millimetres. As i square centimetre contains 100 square millimetres, i square decimetre or 100 square centi- metres contains 100 x 100 square millimetres, that is 10,000 square millimetres. MEASUREMENT OF AREA. 27 The size of a square centimetre is compared with the size of a square inch in Fig. 14. You will see that a square inch is much larger than a square centimetre. Each A E B side of the square inch is 2 '54 centi- metres in length, so the number of square centimetres in a square inch _^ is 2'54 X 2"54 — 6'45 or nearly 6h square centimetres. To BE Remembered. Area is found by measuring length in two directions. A foot square is a square which has each side one foot in length. Square Measure is derived from Long Measure ; it tells the standards which nnist be used in measuring areas. Square Inches and Square Centimetres. — As 2 '54 cm. = I inch, the number of square centimetres in i square inch is 2'54 X 2"54 = 6'45, or -\-ery nearly 6i square centimetres. Exercise VII. I. Wbat measurements of a wall must we know before we can tell how much paper will be required to cover it ? F Fig. 14. — A sciu.ire incli conuiins 6"45 square centimetres. Fig. 13. — Square centimetres and square millimetres. Ten rows of ten square centimetres make one square decimetre. 2. How many square inches are there in a square foot, and how many in a square yard ? 3. How many square centimetres in a square metre, and how many in a square decimetre ? 4. How many square millimetres in a square decimetre? How n..iny square millimetres in a square metre ? 28 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS ^ySID CHEMISTRY. LESSON vni. MEASUREMENT OF VOLUME. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — A box one cubic foot in size, and having a lid one inch thick. The box should be a cubic foot with the lid closed. The top of the lid should be divided into square inches, and lines round the edge should mark off cubic inches (Fig. 15). Lines should be drawn round the box at every inch from the bottom edges. Cubic inch of wood. Cubic centimetre of wood. Slab of wood 10 x 10 x i cm. Rod of wood i x i x 10 cm. A box measuring inside exactly i decimetre high, i decimetre wide, and I decimetre long, that is, i cubic decimetre internal volume (Fig. 16). Litre and half-htre measures ; also pint and half-pint. What to do. Notice that the area of each face of the cubic foot is one square foot. Count the number of square inches marked on the top of the lid. Notice that the cubic inch has the same thickness as the lid, and that 144 cubic inches could be cut out of the lid. Shut the lid and stand the box upside down on the table. You know how many cubic inches there are in the slab which forms the lid. How many slabs of the same thickness are marked upon the box, and how many cubic inches are there altogether in a foot cube ? How many cubic centimetres are there in the rod of v/ood? How many such rods would be required to make a slab of wood the same size as that supphed ? How many cubic centimetres, therefore, does the slab contain? How many slabs would be required to fill the box? How many cubic centimetres would go into the box ? Compare the cubic centimetre with the cubic inch and the cubic decimetre with the cubic foot. Knowing that 2"54 cm. = I inch, calculate the number of cubic centimetres in one cubic inch. MEASUREMENT OF VOLUME. 29 Notice the difference between one litre (the capacity of one cubic decimetre) and one pint, and determine roughly the number of pints in one litre. REASONS AND RESULTS. Measurement of Volume. — If we examine Fig. 15, which repre- sents a cubic foot, and bear in mind what we have already Fig. 15.— Each little cube at the top may be imagined to be i cubic inch. There are 144 of them. Twelve such layers of cubic inches make I cubic foot. learnt, we shall easily understand that each edge of the solid there represented is measured as a length. Each of its faces has an area, which can be obtained by multiplying together the lengths of two of the edges which meet at a corner. But the size of the solid, or the amount of room it takes up, or the space it occupies, is quite a different thing. This new measurement is what is called its volume. The volume of a solid body is obtained by measuring in three directions. Just as to find the area of a surface we measure its length and breadth, so to measure the volume of 3° ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. a solid we must find in addition to measurements of length and breadth, another distance called the thickness. If we multiply length, breadth, and thickness together we obtain a volume or cubical content. Returning to our cubic foot for a moment, let us find how many cubic inches it contains. We know already that any one of its faces covers 144 square inches of surface. In the cube we can think of a layer of 144 cubic inches, or little cubes each edge of which is an inch, and each face of which is a square inch. How many such layers are there in the whole cubic foot? Evidently there are twelve layers. Consequently, in the whole cube we have 144x12 = 1728 little cubes whose edges are one inch long and whose faces are each one square inch in area. Or one cubic foot contains 1728 cubic inches. We could reason in the same way to find out how many cubic feet are required to build up a cubic yard. We may write down, therefore, 1728 ( = 12 X 12 X 12) cubic inches make i cubic foot. 27(= 3x 3X 3) „ feet „ i „ yard. Metric Measures of Volume. ^ — We proceed in a similar way when we wish to measure volumes by the metric system. Ten Fig. 16. — Ten cubes like A would make a rod like B. Ten rods like B would make a slab like C, and ten such slabs would go into the box D. cubic centimetres in a row would make a rod as at B in Fig. 16. Ten such rods would make a slab as at C, which would therefore contain 10x10 cubic centimetres, that is, 100 cubic MEASUREMENT OF VOLUME. 31 centimetres. Ten such slabs would go into a box such as is shown at D ; so the number of cubic centimetres in a box this size would be 100x10 cubic centimetres, that is 1000 cubic centimetres. The box measures 10 centimetres each way, and its volume is a cubic decimetre. You know there are 10 centimetres in a decimetre, so you may say the edge of the decimetre box is 10 centimetres in length ; the area of one of its faces IS 10 X 10=100 square centimetres ; its volume is lox lox 10 = 100 X 10= 1000 cubic centimetres. The Litre. — If a hollow cube is made i decimetre long, I decimetre broad, and i decimetre deep, it will hold 1000 Litre. Pint. Fig. 17. — A litre bottle will hold ij pints. These two bottles look nearly the same size, but the glass of the litre bottle is much thinner than that of the pint bottle. cubic centimetres of liquid. This capacity is called a litre. All liquids are measured in litres in countries where the metric system is adopted. Thus in France, wine, milk, and such liquids are sold by litres instead of by pints. A litre is equal to about one and three-quarters English pints. A litre bottle and a pint bottle are shown side by side in Fig. 17. 32 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. We may now write some of the measures of volume in the metric system : ID centihtres make i decilitre. lo decihtres „ i litre (looo cubic centimetres). lo Htres „ i dekahtre. lo dekahtres „ i hektolitre. lo hektohtres „ i kilolitre or i cubic metre. Cubic Centimetres and Cubic Inches. — It has already been found that one inch is 2*54 centimetres long. The area of one Fig. 18. — It takes i6J cubic centimetre? to make i cubic inch. square inch, that is of a surface i inch long and i inch broad, is therefore 2*54 x 2*54 or 6'45 square centimetres. The volume of a cubic inch, if the measurements are made in centimetres, is 2"54X2'54X 2-54 cubic centimetres, that is i6-38 cubic centi- metres. It would thus take i6"38 cubic centimetres, or roughly 16^ cubic centimetres, to make one cubic inch. Sixty-one cubic inches are about equal to the volume of one decimetre. To BE Remembered. Volume is cubical content. Length, breadth, and thickness have to be measured in determining volume. Cubic Measure is derived from Long Measure. A Litre is a volume or capacity of I cubic decimetre, that is, 1000 cubic centimetres ; i litre = if pints. As 2'54 centimetres = I inch, the number of culiic centimetres in I cubic inch is 2-54 x 2-54 x 2*54= 16*38. MEASUREMENT OF VOLUME. Exercise VIII. 33 1. If you were told the number of inches in a foot, how would you calculate the number of cubic inches in a cubic foot ? 2. What is meant by a litre? What would be the length of the side of a cube which contained looo litres ? 3. Write down the names given to the parts of a litre. 4. Which would hold more water, a litre jug or a pint bottle ? LESSON IX. MASS AND WEIGHT. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required.— The two pieces of iron or brass which in ordinary language are called a " pound " and a " half-pound " weights ; or a " pound " and a " two-pound " will do. Also set of ounce " weights." Pair of scales. Spring balance. A yard of thin iron wire. Strong magnet. Equal masses of lead and cotton wool. What to do. Lift the two pieces of metal. One feels heavier than the other, that is, the masses are different. Place a certain amount of lead in one pan of a balance, and counter- poise it with cotton-wool in the other pan. The masses are equal but the volumes are different (Fig. 19). Drop one of the pieces of metal ; it falls to the ground on account of the earth's pull upon it. I. lib or COTTONWOOL Fig. 19. — I lb. of lead has the same ma.^s as I lb. of cotton wool. If the attractive force were 34 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. doubled when you held the ]iiece of metal, what difference would you feel ? If the attraction suddenly ceased, what would happen when you released your hold of the piece of metal ? Wind a piece of iron wire round a smooth walking stick or a round ruler, and so make a coil. Hang one end of the coil on a support, and to the other attach the iron pound. Observe that the spring is made longer by the downward pull of the iron (Fig. 20). Examine the parts of (^% a spring balance (Fig. jx 21). Attach one ounce to the balance and show that the marker is pulled down to the division i. The pull of the spring upwards and of the ounce downwards are equal. If possible, using a delicate spring balance, such as is used for weighing letters, show that the downward pull of a mass of iron can Fig. 20. — The coiled spring is pulled out by tne mass hung from it. Fig. 21. — To show the spring inside a spring be increased by holding balance. a strong magnet beneath it (Fig. 22). REASONS AND RESULTS. What Mass is. — Before we attempt to learn how mass is measured we must know what is meant by this word. When we say that the mass of one piece of metal is twice as great as the other, we mean that one of them contains twice as much iron, brass, or other material as the other. And always when we speak of the mass of a body we mean the amount of stuff or matter, of whatever kind, it contains. Though the masses of two lumps of material may be equal, as can be shown by making one balance the other in a pair of scales, their volumes MASS AND WEIGHT. 35 may he very unequal. This is very well seen by comparing equal masses of lead and cotton-wool. The mass of a thing is not the same as its weight, though one is often confused with the other. Keeping in mind what is meant by mass, we can, by doing one or two experiments, find out exactly what should be meant when tlie word weight is used. Mass is not Weight. — If the mass of a pound is dropped from the hand it falls to the ground. If the same mass is hung upon the end of a coil of iron wire, the coil is made longer by the downward pull of the mass fixed to its end. The amount by which a steel spring is lengthened, as the result of such downward pull of masses attached to its end, is used to measure their weights in the in- stiaiment called a spring balance. If we use a ver)^ delicate balance of this kind, like those used in weighing letters, we can make the weight of a small piece of iron hung on to the balance appear greater by holding a strong magnet beneath it. But though the weight may appear greater, the mass or quantity of matter is, of course, the same whether the magnet is under the iron or not. If you have understood these ex- periments you will have no trouble in seeing clearly what exactly is meant by the weight of a body. Unsupported things fall to the ground ; a fact which can also be expressed by saying that they are attracted to the earth. Now, even when they are supported, like the objects on the table, the earth attracts them just as much, only the table prevents them from falling, Tir,. 22. — The piece of iron may be made to appear heavier by a magnet, but the mass does not change. 36 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. as they would do if there were no table there. The force with which a body is attracted by the earth is its weight. But it must be remembered that this force is just the same whether they actually fall to the ground or not. You become aware of the weight of a heavy thing when you hold it on the out- stretched hand. You feel that it is only by using your strength, or as it is sometimes said, by exerting force, that you prevent it from falling. This force which you exert is equal to the weight of the heavy object. If you have understood this, and it is necessary that you should, you will never confuse mass and weight, for while mass is the amount of substance in a thing, weight is the force with which the thing tries to get to the earth. To BE Remembered. The mass of a thing and its weight are not the same. The mass of a thing is the quantity of matter in it, and this remains the same wherever the body is placed. The weight of a thing is the strength of the earth's pull upon it. In other words, it is the force with which the thing is attracted by the earth. Exercise IX. 1. What do you mean by the mass of a thing? Is there any differ- ence between the mass of a pound of cotton-wool and the mass of a pound of iron ? 2. Which is larger in size, the mass of a pound of cotton-wool or the mass of a pound of iron ? 3. What experiments would you perform to show that masses are attracted by the earth ? 4. What do you mean by the weight of a mass? Write down the difference in the meaning of {a) the mass of a book ; (3) the weight of a book. 5. It is possible to make the weight of a piece of iron appear greater than it really is. How would you do it ? MEASUREMENT OF MASS. 37 LESSON X. MEASUREMENT OF MASS. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Examples of British masses, e.g. an ounce, a pound, a half-hundredweight. Box of metric masses, generally spoken of as a box of " weights." A kilogram. Spring balance. What to do. Compare the pound and the kilogram. Hang the 100 gram mass from a spring balance, and notice that the downward pull or its weight is equal to the weight of 3^ ounces. What then is the British equivalent of the weight of a kilogram ? It is evidently equal to the weight of 3^ ounces X 10= weight of 35 ounces = the weight of 2\ lbs. (roughly). REASONS AND RESULTS. Measurement of Mass. — Just as in measuring lengths we found it was necessary to have a standard with which to com- pare, so in measuring mass we must also have a standard or unit. Then we can say how many times the mass of a given body is greater or smaller than our unit. In this country the standard of mass is the amount of matter in a lump of platinum which is kept with the standard yard by the Board of Tiade. This lump of platinum is called the imperial standard pound avoirdupois (Fig. 23). The divisions, etc., of the imperial pound you have already learnt in your arithmetic lessons, under the name of "avoirdupois weight." A mass of i lb. avoirdupois is kept at a weights and measures office in every city, so as to test the lb. 'weights' used by trades- men, and see whether they really have the mass of i lb. or are too light. A local standard lb. used for this purpose is shown in Fig. 24. 38 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. AVOIRDUPOIS WEIGHT.i 1 6 drams i6 ounces 28 pounds 4 quarters 20 hundredweights make i ounce. „ I pound. „ I quarter. „ I hundredweight. I ton. The Kilogram and Gram. — The standard of mass which is adopted in France, and in other countries where they use the Fig. 23.— Exact size and shape of the British standard pound, made of platinum. From Aldous's Course of Physics (Macmilian). metric system, is called the kilogram. The kilogram is the amount of matter in a lump of platinum which is kept in safety at Sevres. This standard is bigger than the British pound ; indeed it is equal to about two and one-fifth of our pounds. It is very interesting to know how the mass of a kilogram was obtained. It was agreed to give the name gram to the mass of water which a little vessel holding one cubic centimetre would contain.^ The lump of platinum was made equal to the mass 1 Remember this is a wrong use of the word weight. What ought it to be? 2 The temperature being 4° C. But it is unnecessary for the beginner at this stage to consider why the temperature must be mentioned. MEASUREMENT OF MASS. 39 of one thousand cubic centimetres of water ; it would therefore have the same mass as one thousand cubic centimetres of water, or, as you know this amount is called, a litre of water. The Fig. 24.— Size and shape of the avoirdupois i lb. kept by In- spectors of Weights and Measures. Made of brass. From Aldous's Course of Physics (Macmillan). names used for the divisions, etc., of the gram are obtained in the same way as in the case of the metre, thus : METRIC MEASUREMENT OF MASSES. 10 milligrams = i centigram. 10 grams = i dekagram. 10 centigrams = i decigram. 10 dekagrams = i hektogram. 10 decigrams = i gram. 10 hektograms= i kilogram. 40 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. How to remember Metric Measures. — As we have now described the metric measures of length, volume, and mass, this is the place to explain how they can all be easily remembered. Fig. 25. — Exact size and shape of the metric standard of mass — the kilogram — made of platinum. From Aldous's Course 0/ P/i_yszcs {Ma.c- millan). You should bear in mind that in metric measures milli- means thousandth. centi- hundredth. deci- tenth. deka- ten times. hekto- a hundred times. kilo- a thousand times. By putting these words in front of the words metre, litre, and gram, all the metric measures of length, volume, and mass are obtained, as shown in the following table : MEASUREMENT OF MASS. 41 Length. Volume. Mass. Milli-metre Milli-litre Milli-gram T(i^ Centi-metre Centi-litre Centi-gram A Deci-metre Deci-litre Deci-gram I Metre Litre Gram 10 Deka-metre Deka-litre Deka-gram 100 Hekto-metre Hekto-litre Hekto-gram 1000 Kilo-metre Kilo-litre Kilo-gram You see from this that what you have learnt to call the metric system of weights and measures is much simpler than ours, and the boys in countries where it is used have not to learn so many different tables as they have in England when they begin " weights and measures " sums. To BE Remembered. The British standard of mass is the imperial pound avoirdupois. The metric standard of mass is the kilogram ( = 2^ lbs.), or the mass of 1000 cubic centimetres of water at a certain degree of tem- perature. A gram is the mass of i cubic centimetre of water. To remember metric measures bear in mind the words milli (thousandth), centi (hundredth), deci (tenth), deka (ten), hekto (hundred), kilo (thousand). Exercise X. 1. ^Miat is the standard of mass in British countries and what in France ? 2. Write out "avoirdupois weight." 3. State exactly what a kilogram is. How much water by volume has a mass of a kilogram ? 4. Write down the table you have learnt of the metric system of masses. 42 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. LESSON XI. THE PRINCIPLE OF THE BALANCE. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Lath with a ring or eye screwed into one edge, above the centre, and a similar ring at each end ; the lath should be marked in equal divisions of about i centimetre, starting from the centre. Two pill boxes, or shallow trays, having threads for suspending them from the lath, i lb. of very small nails. Set of " weights." What to do. Hang the lath from a smooth round nail by means of the ring above its centre, so that it turns easily about the nail and hangs horizontally, as it will do if properly sus- pended. Hang a mass by means of thread upon the lath at any convenient distance on one side of the nail, and balance it with a mass of the same amount on the other side. Measure and prove that the distance of the masses from the middle division is the same in each case. .•I ni 1 I I I iVi I I I I I rT-n-r>y «j 1X11, \ur 1 iic^ ^\ii\.. 7y To BE Remembered. The pressure of air is due to its weight, and is shown by the use of a sucker as well as in other ways. When air is removed by suction from the inside of a tube dipping into a liquid, the pressure of the air outside forces the liquid up the lube. The reason why the pressure of air is not felt is that it is equal in all directions around us as well as inside our bodies. Exercise XX. 1. What is meant by saying that air exerts pressure? 2. Why cannot a baby get his food from a feeding bottle, if the stopper contains no hole and is tightly screwed down ? 3. Why is it so difficult to pull off a leathern sucker from a damp stone ? 4. Explain the action of a pair of bellows. 5. How does a squirt act? 6. Would a squirt act if there were no air around it? Give reasons for your answer. LESSON XXI. BAROMETERS. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required.— A barometer tube about 36 inches long. Piece of glass tubing about 6 inches long, and the same width as the barometer tube. Thick india-rubber tubing to connect barometer tube and short tube. Board having two linesj 28 inches apart, drawn upon it, and a strip of paper divided into tenths of inches, gummed to the top, as shown in Fig. 58. Mercury. Cup to hold mercury. What to do. Tie a short piece of thick india-rubber tubing upon the open end of a barometer tube. Tie the free end of the tubing to a glass tube about six inches long, open at both ends. Rest the barometer tube with its closed end down- wards, and pour mercury into it (being careful to remove all air bubbles) until the liquid reaches the short tube. Then fix the arrangement upright as in Fig. 58. 8o ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. The air pressing upon the surface of the mercury in the short open arm of the U-tube balances a long column of mercury in the closed arm. REASONS AND RESULTS. How the Pressure of the Air is measured. — It is very important that we should find a way of measuring how much the air presses upon things on the earth's surface. The instrument shown in Fig. 58 enables us to do this. The top of the long tube is sealed so that the air cannot press upon the mer- cury in it, but the small tube is open and the air can therefore press upon the mercury in it. Balancing Columns of Air and Mercury.— The instrument just mentioned is evidently very much like the U-tube used in Lesson XIV. Now look at Fig. 58, it is clear that there is a column of mercury supported by some means which is not at first plain. If this were not so, the mercury would sink to the same level in the long and the short tubes, for liquids always find their own level. If a hole were made in the closed end of the tube this would immediately happen. There should be no difficulty, from what has been already said, in understanding that the column of mer- cury is kept in its position by the downward force of the weight of the atmosphere pressing upon the surface of the mercury in the short open tube. The weight of the column of mercury, and the weight of a column of the atmosphere of the same size through, or of the same area, is exactly the same. Both the column of mercury and the column of air must be reckoned from the level of the mercury in the short stem of the barometer shown in Fig. 58— the mercury column to the top in the long Fig. 58.— The pres- sure of the air on the mercury in the small tube is able to keep up the column of mer- cury in the long tube. BAROIMETERS. 8i cube ; the air to its upper limit, which is at a great distance from the surface of the earth. Air Pressure shown by a Barometer. — The height must, m every case, be measured above the level of the mercury in the tube or cistern open to the atmosphere ; just as, in the case of the U-tube in Lesson XIV., the heights of the liquid columns had to be measured from a fixed line. In the arrangement shown in the accompanying illustration (Fig. 58), a line is drawn at a fixed point O, and the short tube is shifted up or down until the top of the mercury in it is on a level with the line. For an instrument of this kind to be accurate, great care has to be taken that no air enters the space at the top of the long tube. If air does enter, it will press upon the surface of the mercury in the long- tube, and the height of the mercury will be less than thirty inches. In such a case, instead of measuring the whole pressure of the atmosphere, what we should really be measuring would be the difference between the pressure of the whole atmosphere and. that of the air enclosed in the longer tube. In a -properly constructed barometer, therefore; there is nothing above the mercury in the longer tube except a little mercury vapour. An arrangement like that described constitutes a barometer A barometer is an instrument for measuring the pressure exerted by the atmosphere. A Common Form of Barometer. — You have probably seen a barometer, or weather-glass as it is called, of the kind shown in Fig. 59. In the inside of an instrument of this form there is a bent tube of exactly the same kind as has been described in this lesson. The only addition is a little weight which rests upon the mercury in the small tube, and therefore moves up and down as the mercury rises and falls. A cord attached to this float passes over a pulley connected with a hand which can turn like the hand of a clock. When, therefore, the mercury moves in the tube, the float moves up or down and the hand moves round. Marked upon the dial of the instrument are numbers corre- sponding to the number of inches in length of the long mercury column, measured from the level of the mercury in the small open tube. The length of the mercury column, or heio;ht of the barometer as it is termed, can thus be seen by noticing the I- F 82 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. number on the dial to which the hand points. The way in which the instrument works can easily be understood by an examination of Fig. 59- Fig. 59.— Front and back of a barometer or weather-glass used to show changes in the pressure of the air, and therefore changes of weather. The short hand shown is useful for mdicating how much the height of the barometer has changed. It can be turned to point to any part of the dial. Suppose it is turned to point to the same number as the large hand on any day; then on looking again next day you could see how much the large hand of the barometer had moved from the place in which it was the day before. To BE Remembered A barometer is an instrument for measuring the pressure of the air. The principle of a barometer is that a column of mercury in a tube containing no air is balanced by the pressure ot the atmosphere outside the tube. BAROMETERS. 83 The height of the mercury in a barometer is, on the average, 30 inches at sea-level. The height changes slightly from day to day on account of alterations in the pressure of the atmosphere. Exercise XXI. 1. How is the pressure of the air measured ? 2. Describe fully and carefully how a barometer is made. 3. Make a drawing of a barometer and name its parts. 4. If a hole were made in the top of a barometer what would happen ? 5. What is a barometer, and what is it used to measure ? LESSON XXII. WHY THE HEIGHT OF THE BAROMETER ALTERS. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — The barometers made in the last lesson. Another barometer tube, some mercury, and a small basin. What to do. Slip a piece of india-rubber tubing upon the open end of the barometer, and notice what happens when you blow vigorously down it. Suck air out of the tube, and observe the result. Fill a barometer tube with mercury ; place your thumb over the open end ; invert the tube ; place the open end in a cup of mercury, and take away your thumb. The mercury in the tube will be seen to fall, so as to leave a space of a few inches between it and the closed end. Measure the distance between the top of the mercury column and the level of the mercury in the cup. It will be found to be about thirty inches. If a tube less than thirty inches (76 centimetres) long is used, there is no space at the top. Tilt the barometer tube, and notice that by and by the mercury fills the tube. 84 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. REASONS AND RESULTS. When the Height of the Mercury in a Barometer alters — If, for any cause, the pressure upon the surface of the mercury in the open tube increases, the mercury in the long tube will evidently rise. If, however, the pressure becomes less, the mercury column will get shorter. The effect of an increase of pressure can be shown by blowing into the small tube, and the effect of a decrease of pressure by sucking the air out of the small tube. When you blow down the short tube of the barometer, you are helping the atmos- phere to press upon the mercury ; and the atmosphere and your breath both together press more, and the mercury is pushed higher. When you suck, you are acting against the atmosphere, and there- fore reducing the pressure upon the mercury ; so that, both together, there is not so much pressing done as when the atmosphere acts alone ; this is why the mercury does not stand so high in the long tube. Another Form of Mercury Barometer — Instead of using a barometer of the U-tube Fig. 6o.— The tube is first iilled with mercury, and then placed with the open end in a cup of mercury. A colunin of mercury about 30 inches long remains in the tube. form, a straight tube sealed at one end may be filled with mer- cury, and inverted in a small cup of mercury, as shown in Fig. 60. A column of mercury will then be supported in the tube bv the pressure of the atmosphere. The distance between WHY THE HEIGHT OF THE BAROMETER ALTERS. 85 the top of the column and the surface of the mercury m the cup will be about 30 inches, or 76 cm., when the tube is vertical, or in the position A in Fig. 61. If the tube is inclined to the position B, so that the closed end of it is less than this height above the mercury in the cup, the mercury fills the tube completely, showing that the space C above the mercury, when the tube was in the posi- tion A, did not contain air. It will be clear from this that if the tube were less than 30 inches long, it would be en- tirely filled by the mercury. On an average, the atmosphere at the sea -level will balance a column ot >3olN. Fig. 61 — The tilted glass tube is full of mercury, but if it is placed upright in the position A the mercury will not fill it, and there will be nothing visible in the part C. mercury 30 inches in length. No matter if the closed tube is 30 feet long, the top of the mercury column will only be about 30 inches above the level of the mer- cury' in the cistern. Weight of a Column of the Atmosphere.— If the tube had an area of exactly one square inch, there would be 30 cubic inches of mercury in a column 30 inches long ; and since the mass of a cubic inch of mercury is about half a pound, the whole column would have a mass of 1 5 lbs. This column would balance a column of air of the same area, so that we find that the weight of a column of air upon an area of one square inch, and extending upwards to the top of our atmosphere, is equal to the weight of 1 5 lbs. when the barometer stands at 30 inches. Mercury is a Convenient Liquid for Barometers. — Mercury Fig. 62. — The mass of a cubic inch of mercurv' is i lb. ; therefore, that of 30 cubic inches is 15 lbs. 86 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. is used for barometers for convenience. Since the column of mercury which the atmosphere is able to support is 30 inches high, it is clear that if a lighter hquid is used, a longer column of it would be supported. For example, water is 13! (i3'6) times as light as mercury, therefore the column of water which could be supported would be 30x131 = 408 inches = 34 feet, which would not be a convenient length for a barometer. The length of the column of glycerine which can be similarly sup- ported is 27 feet. But in ihe case of lighter liquids like these, any small variation in the weight of the atmosphere is accom- panied by a much greater alteration in the level of the column of liquid, and, in consequence, it is possible to measure such variations with much greater accuracy. For this reason baro- meters are sometimes made of glycerine. Pressure of the Atmosphere at Different Altitudes. — Because the atmosphere has weight, the longer the column of it there is above the barometer, the greater will be the weight of that column, and the more it will press upon the meixury in the barometer. Hence, as we ascend through the atmosphere with a barometer, we reduce the amount of air above it pressing down upon it, and, in consequence, the column of mercury the air is able to support will be less and less as we ascend. On the contrary, if we can descend from any position, e.^^, down the shaft of a mine, the mercury column will be pushed higher and higher as we gradually increase the length of the column of air above it. Since the height of the column of mercury varies thus with the position of the barometer, it is clear that the alteration in its readings supplies a ready means of telling the height of the place of observation above the sea-level, provided we know the rate at which the height of the barometer varies with an alteration in the altitude of the place. At a height of 35 miles from the sea-level, the mercury column only stands 1 5 inches high instead of thirty inches, thus showing that by rising to that height half the atmosphere is left behind. This does not mean that the atmosphere is only 7 miles high, for really there is air, though very thin or rarefied, at a height of 100 or 1 50 miles above the earth's surface. But the air below a height of 3^ miles is so much denser than that above this height, on account of its being compressed by the air above it. WHY THE HEIGHT OF THE BAROMETER ALTERS. 87 that it produces the same effect as the much greater thickness cf hghter air. To BE Remembered. The pressure of the atmosphere at sea-level is equal to a weight of 15 lbs. on ever}' square inch. The higher we rise above sea-level the less is the pressure. At a height of 33 miles, the mercury column in a barometer stands at 15 inches instead of 30 inches. The pressure is, therefore, equal to the weight of 75 lbs. per square inch instead of the weight of 15 lbs. per square inch. Mercury is used for barometers because it is a very dense liquidj does not leave a mark upon the tube, and can easily be seen. Exercise XXH. 1. Why does the height of the mercury in a barometer change {a) From day to day ; (6) When the instrument is taken up a mountain or down a mine ? 2. What would happen if you were to blow down the small open tube of a barometer like that described in the last lesson ? 3. What is generally about the length of the column of mercury in a barometer? If the area of the bore of the barometer tube were one square inch, what would be the weight of the column of the mercury supported by the air? 4. Would a barometer made with water as the liquid have to be longer or shorter than a mercury barometer? Give reasons for your answer. 5. If you took a barometer up a mountain, what effect would the change of level have upon the length of the mercury column? Why should there be any effect ? ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY- LESSON XXIIL EFFECTS OF HEAT. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — An iron or brass rod about 6 inches long, fitting into a " gauge " cut out of brass, as shown in Fig. 63. Spirit lamp or laboratory burner. Flat bar of iron about I foot long. Two wooden blocks. Heavy mass. A straw about 9 inches long, fixed at right angles to a sewing needle by means of sealing wax. 4 oz. flask fitted with stopper and glass tube. Jug of hot water. Air ball or paper bag. Ice. Porcelain dish or beaker. Tripod stand. Iron spoon. Wax (a piece of a wax candle will do) or butter. What to do. Show that the metal rod just fits the gauge. Then heat the rod by a spirit lamp or laboratory iDurner. Show that it will not now go into the gauge. Fig. 63 - -The rod A B will fit into the gauge CD when it is cold, but it is too large when hot. Fig. 64.— a flat bar of metal having one end kept from moving by a heavy mass is heated, and the other end moves the pointer, because the bar gets longer. EFFECTS OF HEAT. 89 Place the heavy mass on one end of the iron bar resting upon one of the blocks, as in Fig. 64. Let the other end bear upon the needle placed upon the other block and having the straw pointer fixed to it. Heat the bar with a flame, and notice that the pointer moves on account of the expansion of the iron. Procure a 4 oz. flask and fit it with a cork. Bore a hole through the cork and pass through it a long glass tube which fits tightly. Fill the glass with water coloured with red ink. Push the cork into the neck of the flask and so cause the coloured water to rise up in the tube (Fig. 65). See that there is no air between the cork and the water. Now dip the flask in warm water, and notice that the liquid gets larger and rises up the tube. Take the flask out of the warm water, and see that the coloured water gets smaller as it cools and that it sinks in the tube. Select an air ball or a well-made paper bag and tightly tie a piece of tape round the open end. Hold the ball or bag in front of the fire, and notice that the air inside gets larger and in- flates the bag. Or, obtain the flask with a cork and tube, as in Fig. 66. Remove the cork and tube, and, by suction, draw a little red ink into the end of the tube near the cork. Re-insert the cork and gently warm the flask by clasping it in your hands. Notice that the air in the flask gets larger and pushes the red ink along the tube. Melt wax or butter in an iron spoon. Procure a lump of ice, and notice that it has a particular Fig. 65. — An arrange- ment for showing that liquids get larger when heated. Fig. 66. —When the flask is warmed, the air in it gets larger and pushes up the drop of liquid in the tube. 90 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. shape of its own, which, as long as the day is sufhciently cold, remains fixed. With a sharp brad-awl, or the point of a knife, break the ice into pieces, and put a convenient quantity of them into a beaker. Place the beaker in a warm room, or apply heat from a laboratory burner or spirit lamp. The ice disappears, and its place is taken by what we call water. Notice the characters of the water. It has no definite shape, for by tilting the beaker the water can be made to flow about. Replace the beaker over the burner and go on warming it. Soon the water boils, and is converted into vapour, which spreads itself throughout the air in the room and seems to disappear. The vapour can only be made visible by blowing cold air at it, when it becomes white and visible, but is really no longer vapour, but has condensed into small drops of water, or, as it is sometimes called, " water-dust '"' REASONS AND RESULTS. Effects of Heat. — If we make a thing hotter and hotter, we are able to notice several changes in it. These changes are of three kinds, which we may call : ( 1 ) Change of size ; (2) Change of state ; (3) Change of temperature. Change of Size. — As a rule, all bodies, whether solid, liquid, or gaseous, get larger when heated and smaller when cooled. The change of size which a body undergoes is spoken of as the amount it expands or contracts ; or heat is said to cause ex- pansion in the body. This expansion is regarded in three ways. When we are dealing with solids, we find we obtain expansion in length or linear expansion, expansion in area or superficial expansion, and expansion in volume or cubical expansion. In the case of liquids and gases, we have only cubical expansion. Jhe same terms can be used with reference to contraction. The expansion which substances undergo when heated has often to be taken into account. Railway lines, for instance, are EFFECTS OF HEAT. 91 not placed close together, but a little space is allowed between the ends of each length of the rails, so that the rails can expand in summer without meeting. Steam pipes used for heating rooms are also not firmly fixed to the walls at both ends, but left slightly loose or are loosely jointed, so that they can expand or contract without doing any damage. For the same reason the ends of iron bridges are not fixed to the supports upon which they rest. Iron tyres are put on carriage wheels by first heating the tyre and, while it is hot, slipping it over the wheel. As it cools it contracts and clasps the wheel very tightly. Change of State. — It has been explained in Lesson III. that substances exist in three states, namely, solid, liquid, and gaseous. By the action of heat a substance may be changed from one state to another. Wax, for instance, is usually a solid, but by heating it it becomes a liquid. Butter can in the same way easily have its state altered from solid to liquid. Lead and zinc are also melted when heated, but they require a hotter flame than wax or butter, A good example'of the changes of state produced by heat is obtained by heating a piece of ice until it becomes water, and then heating the water until it passes off into steam or water vapour. Here the same form of matter is by heat made to assume three states ; in other words, ice, water, and steam are the same form of matter in the sohd, liquid, and gaseous state respectively. Change of state includes changes in the physical condition known as liquefaction or becoming fiquid, and vaporisation or becoming converted into vapour. Thus, if we heat ice it first liquefies or becomes water, and is then vaporised or becomes steam. Change of Temperature. — Change of temperature is only another way of saying that the body gets hotter and hotter. If the body is made colder and colder the same changes occur, but in the reverse order. We must learn more about each of these changes. Measurement of Change of Temperature. — The change of size which takes place when a thing is heated gives us a good way of measuring the change of temperature which it undergoes. Think of the experiment with the coloured water in the flask 92 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. with a long tube attached to it. Supposing we notice that the coloured water in the tube rises through a certain number of inches after the water has been heated somewhat ; and that we then place the flask mto some other Hquid or some more water, and find the water rises up the tube to just the same place, we shall have every right to say that the second liquid is exactly as hot as the first was. This is measuring its tem- perature. The flask and tube with the water have become a " temperature measurer, ' or, as we always say, a thermometer. To BE Remembered. Efifects of Heat. — (i) Change of size, shown by expansion and con- traction of solids, liquids, and gases when heated or cooled. (2) Change of state, as when ice is converted into water, and water into vapour or gas by heat. (3) Change of temperature, which means the condition of bodies as regards heat, a hot body being at a higher temperature than a cold one. Expansion means increase of size. Contraction means decrease of size. Vaporisation means the change of a liquid into a state of vapour. Liquefaction means the change of a solid into the liquid state. Exercise XXIII. 1. Write down the effects which can be noticed when a thing is made hotter and hotter. 2. Describe experiments which prove that things alter in size when heated. 3. What changes do you observe when a piece of ice is placed in a glass vessel and heated over a flame ? 4. How would you show that a bar of iron gets longer when it is heated ? 5. How would you show that liquids expand when heated ? 6. Describe an experiment which proves that air expands when heated. THERMOMETERS. 93 LESSON XXIV. THERMOMETERS. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required.— Three basins, containing hot, luke-Avarm, and cold water. Flask fitted with stopper and tube (Fig. 68). THE WATER FEELS COLD TO THIS HAND THE WATER FEELS HOT TO THIS HAND HOT WATER LUKEWARM WATER COLD WATER Fig. 67. — The sense of feeling cannot be depended upon to tell the temperature of anything. Empty thermometer tube, with bulb. Small cup of mercury. Spirit lamp or laboratory burner. Beaker. Flask. What to do. Arrange three basins in a row (Fig. 67) ; into the first put water as hot as the hand can bear, into the second put luke-warm water, and fill the third with cold water. Place the right hand into the cold water and the left into the hot. and after half a minute put both quickly into the luke-warm water. The left hand feels cold and the right hand warm while in the same water. Place the flask of water, with fitted tube, used in the last lesson, in hot water (Fig. 68), and notice the height of the liquid in the tube. Transfer it to cold water, and observe that the liquid m the tube sinks. Fig. 68. — When the flask is put into warm water the liquid in it rises in the tube. 94 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. Procure an empty thermometer tube, with a bulb at one end. (If a blow-pipe is available, a bulb can easily be blown upon one end of the tube by melting- the glass in the flame, and blowing down the open end while the other end is molten.) Heat the bulb, and while it is hot dip the open end in mercury. As the bulb cools, mercury will rise in the tube to take the place of the air driven out by the heat. Fig. 69. — After heating the bulb as shown, the open end of the tube is placed in mercury, which rusnes in and fills the bulb and tube. Repeat the operation until the mercury fills the bulb and part of the stem. Place in hot water the bulb of the instrument just constructed, and make a mark at the level of the mercury in the tube. Now place the instrument in cold water, and notice that the mercury sinks in the tube. The mercury is thus seen to expand when heated and contract when cooled, and if the glass were marked the degree of hotness or coldness could be shown by the position of the top of the mercury. Examine the thermometer supplied. Notice that it is similar to the simple instrument already described, but the top is sealed up, and divisions or gradu- ations are marked upon it, so that the height of the mercury in the tube can be easily seen. I Fig. 70. — Sealed tubes with mercurj' in the bulbs and part of the stem, to indicate temperature by expansion. THERMOMETERS. 95 REASONS AND RESULTS. Feeling- of Heat and Cold. — Some people feel cold at the same time that others feel warm. For instance, when a native of India, or any other hot part of the earth, comes to England he feels cold in ordinai-y weather, while an Eskimo who is here at the same time finds the weather warm. You can imagine an Indian and an Eskimo meeting an Enghshman. The former says, "It is cold to-day," and the latter says, "It is hot to-day," while the Englishman thinks the weather is neither cold nor hot, but moderate. You can therefore easily under- stand that the sense of feeling cannot be depended upon to tell us accurately whether the air or any substance is hot or cold. Some instrument is needed which does not depend upon feeling and cannot be deceived in the way that our senses can. Such an instrument is called a thermometer. How Expansion may indicate Temperature. — You have already learned that substances usually expand when heated and con- tract when cooled.- A flask filled with water, for instance, and having a stopper through which a glass tube passes, can be used to show the expansion produced by heat and the contraction by cold. But this flask and tube make but a very rough tem- perature measurer. The w^ater does not get larger to the same amount for every equal addition of heat. Neither is it very sensitive, that ie to say, it does not show very small increases in the degree of hotness or coldness, or, as we must now learn to say, it does not record verj^ small differences of temperature, and for a thermometer to be any good it must do this. Then, too, as everyone knows, if we make water very cold it becomes ice, which, being larger than the water from which it is made, would crack the tube. For many reasons, therefore, water is not a good thing to use in a thermometer. Choice of Things to be used in a Thermometer. I. We Tvant a thins; which expa,ids a great deal for a small increase of temperature. Gases expand most, and solids least, for a given increase of temperature. Liquids occupy a middle place. The most delicate thermometers are therefore those where a gas, such as air, is the thing that expands. But in common thermometers a liquid. 96 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, either quicksilver or spirits of wine, is used. Both these things expand a fair amount for a given increase of temperature, and to make this amount of expansion as great as possible they are used in fine threads by making them expand in a tube with a very fine bore. 2. JVc want a liquid which does not change into a solid unless cooled very jntich, nor into a gas unless heated very much. We cannot be sure of both these things in the same thermo- meter. When we want to use our thermometer for measuring great degrees of cold we use one containing spirits of wine, be- cause this liquid has to be cooled a very great deal before it is solidified, that is made into a solid. But we cannot use this thermometer for any great degree of temperature, because it changes into a vapour when heated to only a comparatively small extent. If we wish to measure higher temperatures we use a quicksilver or mercury thermometer, because mercury can be warmed a good deal, or, as it is better to say, raised to a high temperature, without being changed into a gas, 3. We must liave our liquid in a fitie tube of equal bore with a comparatively large bulb at the end. We all know that liquids have to be contained in some sort of vessel or else we cannot keep them together. We know, too, that we must have a fine bore, so that the liquid may appear to expand very much for a small change of temperature. The bore must be equal all the way along, that is the width or diameter of the inside of the tube must be the same all the way along, so that a given amount of expansion in any part of the tube shall mean the same change of temperature, and, lastly, there must be a large bulb, so that there is a large surface to take the same temperature as that of the body the temperature of which we wish to measure. The Marks on a Thermometer.— We will suppose an instru- ment has been made according to the rules just described. Before it is of any use it must have divisions marked upon it, or be graduated. Sometimes these divisions are marked upon the glass of the thermometer, and sometimes upon the wood or other material to which the glass is fixed. By graduating a thermometer we mean obtaining marks upon it to which we can give numbers, so that we can refer to the hot- THERMOMETERS. 97 ness or coldness, that is, the temperature of any substance, b\- means of these numbers or degrees on our thermometer. If when a thermometer is plunged into water it makes the mercury thread rise up to the number 30 on the thermometer, we say the water had a temperature of thirty degrees, which we should write thus, 30^. We shall learn in the next lesson how these marks are obtained in different kinds of thermometers. To BE Remembered. The sense of feeling does not tell us accurately how hot or cold a substance is. A thermometer is an instrument for measuring the degree of temperature of a substance. The liquid in a thermometer should (i) expand a great deal for a small increase of temperature, (2) not easily change into a solid or gaseous state, (3) be in a tube of equal bore having a comparatively large bulb at one end. Fig. 71. — A therir.o- meter with tempera- ture divisions marked upon the stem. Exercise XXIV. 1. What is a thermometer, and what is it used to measure? 2. If you were going to make a thermometer, which liquid should you use, and why ? 3. What kind of tube would you select in making a thermometer, and why ? 4. I low would you get mercury into a narrow glass tube having a bulb at one end ? 5. Describe a simple instrument used to measure temperature. 6. What is the use of a thermometer ? 7. Why is it not accurate to judge temperature by the sense of feeling? 98 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. LESSON XXV. GRADUATION OF THERMOMETERS. POINTS. FIXED observe that as Ions PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Beaker. Flask. Test-tube fitted with stopper and exit tube, as in Fig. 72. Ice. Salt. Unmounted thermometers, with Centigrade and Fahrenheit graduations. What to do. Take some pieces of clean ice in a beaker or test-tube and plunge a thermometer amongst them. Notice the reading of the thermometer ; it will be either no degrees (0°) or very near it.' Warm the beaker or test-tube, and { as there is any ice unmelted the reading of the thermometer re- mains the same. Repeat the experiment with some other pieces of ice, and observe the important fact that \ the temperature of clean melting ice is the same in all your tests. Add salt to the melting ice, and notice that the mercury in- dicates a lower degree of tem- perature. Boil some distilled water in a flask, test-tube, or beaker, and plunge a thermometer in the boiling water. Notice the tem- perature. Raise the themometer until the bulb is just out of the water and only warmed by the steam. Again record the temperature. In both cases lA Centigrade thermometer is supposed to be used. If a Fahrenheit thermometer is used the reading will be 32°. Pig. 72. — The water in the test- tube is boiling. Steam is coming out of the tulie, and the thermo- meter is being heated by it. GRADUATION OF THERMOMETERS. FIXED POINTS 99 the reading is the same. It is either one hundred degrees (100°), or very near it, if you use a thermometer with Centigrade divisions. Repeat the experiment with a second lot of pure water, and note that the temperature of boihng water is again 100°. Add salt to the water. Hold a thermometer in the steam of the boiling water, and notice that the temperature is the same as before, namely 100°. Push the thermometer into the water, and notice that a higher degree of tem- perature is indicated. Again place the thermometer in clean ice in a test-tube or flask. Gently heat the vessel, and notice the following changes : (i) The mercury remains at 0° until the ice is all melted. (2) When the ice is melted, the mercury rises gradu- ally until it reaches 100°. (3) The mercury remains stationary at 100° until all the water is boiled away. Arrange three basins of cold, luke-warm, and hot water side by side. Place the thermometer in the cold water and then in the luke-warm water. Notice the temperature indicated in the luke-warm water. Now place the ther- mometer in the hot water, and when it has been there a minute or two put it into the luke-warm water. Notice that the temperature indicated is practically the same as before. It is thus seen that, unlike our sense of feeling, a thermometer is not deceived by being made hot or cold before using it to indicate temperature. Notice the temperature of the room indicated by the thermometer. Place the thermometer in your mouth, and notice the temperature indicated by it at the moment it is removed. REASONS AND RESULTS. The Fixed Points on a Thermometer. — It has been proved by numerous experiments that the mercur>-, or other liquid, in a thermometer always indicates the same temperature when placed in ice which is just melting. This temperature, then, 100 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. is fixed, and provides us with a fixed point from which the divisions upon a thermometer can commence. A second fixed temperature, or fixed point, is the temperature of the steam of boihng water. The steam of boiling water always has the same temperature when the water is boiling, and the height of the barometer is 30 inches. It is important to remember that this temperature depends upon the pressure of the atmosphere, though you may not yet understand why this is the case. It is sufficient for the present to know that the temperature of the steam of boiling water is a fixed tem- perature, and provides the second fixed point upon a ther- mometer. How the Numbers on a Thermometer are arranged. — It has now been explained how two fixed marks, or points, are obtained upon a thermometer. The place where the mark near to the bulb must be made is found by putting the thermometer into melting ice. The mark nearer the other end is got by plunging the thermometer into the steam from boiling water. Any numbers could be given to these marks. But so that everyone shall understand the readings of the temperatures of different things, it is best to make the numbering according to an agreed plan. Centigrade Thermometers. — In scientific work the ther- mometer used is called the Centigrade thermometer. This name refers to the way in which the fixed points are spoken of and the distance between these marks divided. The plan in thermometers like these is to call the temperature at which ice melts, no dei^rees Centigrade (written 0° C), and the tempera- ture at which water boils, one hundred degrees Centigrade (written 100° C). The space between the fixed points is then divided into one hundred equal parts, and each division called a Centigrade degree. Fahrenheit Thermometers. — Thermometers in this country are generally divided in a different fashion, and so that we may know exactly what their readings mean, we must learn how the numbers on them are got. The mark obtained by putting the thermometer into melting ice is called thirty-twc degrees Fahrenheit (written 32° F.), and the mark found by plung- ing it into the steam from boiling water, t7vo hinidred and twelve CtRADUATION of thermometers, fixed points. loi degrees Fahrenheit (212° F.). The space between these fixed points is divided into one hundred and eighty (180) parts. The illustration (Fig. 73) shows a thermometer having Fahrenheit divisions on one side and Centigrade divisions on the other, so that the two scales can be compared. More Remarks on the Boiling Point of Water. — We have up to the present pur- posely said very little about an important fact which must be taken into account when marking the boiling point of water upon the thermometer. Before water or any other liquid can boil when heated in a vessel ex- posed to the air, it must give off vapour which presses upwards strongly enough to overcome the pressure of the atmosphere. But as we have learned, the air presses down at one time more than at another, and more in a valley than up a' mountain. Consequently, we shall have to heat a liquid more when the atmosphere presses down very much than when it is not so heavy, in order to make it boil. Water boils at the temperature mentioned in our lesson only when the mer- cury in a barometer is standing 30 inches high. If the barometer shows a higher reading than this, water will boil at a higher tempera- ture than 100° C, and if the reading is less, the water will boil at a temperature less than 100° C. Fig. 73. — The num- bers on the left of the thermometer are Fahrenheit degrees of temperature, and those on the right are Centigrade degrees. To BE Remembered. The fixed points on a thermometer are (i) the temperature at which ice melts or water freezes ; (2) the temperature of the steam issuing from boiling water when the barometer stands at 30 inches. Two common kinds of thermometers are (i) the Centigrade and (2) the Fahrenheit thernionietcr.s, the different graduations being : Centigrade. Fahrenheit. Boiling point, 100° 212° Freezing point, 0° 32° I02 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. Exercise XXV. 1. What marks do you find on a thermometer, and how are they obtained ? 2. What do you mean by a " fixed point " on a thermometer ? How many are there? 3. Explain how the numbers on a thermometer are obtained. Write down the temperature at which ice melts, and that at which water boils. 4. Some salt water is boiled. What temperature will a thermometer, placed in the steam given off, register? Will there be any difference in the reading if the thermometer is placed in the liquid ? 5. What do you know about the temperature of a mixture of ice and salt? LESSON XXVI. . SOLUBLE AND INSOLUBLE SOLIDS. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Sugar. Salt. Washing-soda. Flasks or tumblers with water in them. Spoon. Sand. Camphor. Shellac. Spirits of wine. Flowers of sulphur. Carbon bi- sulphide. What to do. Place a piece of sugar in water ; note that it soon dis- appears and gives a sweet taste to the whole of the water, so that in some way the sugar must have spread throughout the water. Repeat the experiment with salt, and similarly notice that the salt can be recognised everywhere in the water by its taste. Add sand to water and stir it up with the water. Let the water stand for a short time, and notice that the sand sinks to the bottom. Stir up camphor with water. Notice that the camphor does not disappear ; it is insoluble in water. Shake up a small lump of camphor with some spirits of wine in a small SOLUBLE AND INSOLUBLE SOLIDS. 103 bottle. It gradually disappears just like sugar does in water. Shake up flowers of sulphur with carbon bisulphide, and notice that it disappears. Be careful to keep the stopper in the bottle of carbon bisulphide, and do not bring the bottle near a light. Fold a piece of clean white blotting paper or a filter paper in the manner already explained (Fig. 8). Insert the folded paper into a glass funnel and place the funnel into a flask. Make some muddy water by stirring mud into a tumbler of water, or by putting po\sdered charcoal into it. The mud or charcoal remains suspended in the water for a long time. Fig. 74.— How to pour water into a paper filter in a glass funnel. Pour the muddy water carefully on to the filter paper in the funnel in the manner shown in Fig. 74, and observe I04 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. that the water which drops through is quite clear. The mud is left on the paper. Similarly, filter a solution of sugar or salt, and observe that the solution is unaltered by passing through the paper. REASONS AND RESULTS. What Soluble and Solution mean. — When you put sugar into a cup of tea and stir it, you know that the sugar disappears. How would you find out whether sugar had been put in a cup of tea or not ? By tasting the tea. Every child knows that sugar gives a sweet taste to tea, water, or milk. If salt is added instead of sugar, a salt taste is given to the tea, milk, or water. Whenever a substance disappears in a Hquid in this way, and yet can be recognised by suitable means everywhere in the liquid, it is said to dissolve or to form a solution. Those substances which disappear in this way are said to be soluble. Many things besides salt and sugar are soluble in water. For instance, washing-soda, borax, and nitre (saltpetre) easily dissolve, or are soluble in water. Many other things, on the contrary, will not dissolve in water, and these are spoken of as insoluble substances. Substances insoluble in Water. — Among many substances insoluble in water are sand, gravel, coal, camphor, and sulphur. If you try to dissolve sand, camphor, and sulphur in succession in water, you will find that they do not disappear ; hence they are insoluble. But though camphor will not dissolve in water, yet it dis- appears when skaken up in spirits of wine. We consequently say that camphor is soluble in spirits of wine, or that we can make a solution of camphor in spirits of wine. Another sub- stance which will dissolve in spirits of wine and not in water is shellac. In fact, some of the varnish which is used for our furniture consists of shellac dissolved in spirits of wine. Again, if powdered sulphur is shaken up with the bad-smelling liquid called carbon bisulphide it dissolves. Though sulphur will not dissolve in water, and to only a small extent in alcohol, it forms a solution very easily in carbon Iji sulphide. SOLUBLE AND INSOLUBLE SOLIDS. 105 Substances held in Suspension in Water. — Substances which are insoluble in water will, if they are very finely powdered and stirred up with some water, often take a very long time to settle. Or, as it is more commonly expressed, such fine particles remain suspended in the water for a long time. The lighter the par- ticles are, of course, the longer time it takes for them to settle down and for the water to become clear. If on a rainy day you take a glassful of muddy water from the gutter, and then place it on one side, you will be able to watch the particles settling down. Those substances which, like the mud, are spread throughout the water without being dissolved in it are said to be held in suspension. The rate at which these sus- pended particles settle down on the bottom of the tumbler or other vessel to form a sediment depends upon their density. Light particles take a long time, heavy particles only a short time to sink. We get rid of Suspended Substances by Filtering. — It is easy to separate suspended impurities from water. The process by which this is done' is called filtration, or filtering. Many sub- stances are used through which to filter water containing particles in suspension. Chemists most commonly use paper which has not been glazed. As you have learnt, such paper is porous. The holes thnjugh it are large enough to let water pass, but not large enough to let the suspended substances through. In consequence, these particles are left on the paper in the funnel, and the water which trickles through is quite clear. It must be carefully remembered, however, that it is impossible to get rid of substances in solution by filtering the liquid. Dissolved material passes through the holes in the paper with the liquid in which it is held in solution. Other substances besides unglazed paper are sometimes used in filtering. Thus the water supply of a town is often filtered through beds of sand. Household filters are made with pieces of charcoal for the water to trickle through, and in some others a particular kind of porous iron or porcelain is employed. Even,' filter requires to be cleaned frequently, or it gets clogged with impurities from the water which has filtered through it. io6 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. To BE Remembered. Solution is the process by which some substances, when placed in water or other liquids, disappear, and their particles spread through the entire mass of the liquid. A substance Is said to be soluble in a liquid when it disappears in the liquid and forms a solution. Examples : supar, salt, and soda are soluble in water. A substance is said to be insoluble in a liquid when it will not dissolve in the liquid. Examples : sand, gravel, camphor, sulphur are insoluble in water. Substances which will not dissolve in water will often dissolve in other liquids. Examples : camphor and shellac are soluble in spirits of wine ; sulphur is soluble in carbon bisulphide. Insoluble substances may be spread throughout water or held in suspension. Suspended impurities can be got rid of by filtering. Exercise XXVI. 1. What do you mean by a soluble thing? Give examples. 2. Explain how you would proceed to make a solution of table salt. 3. Give a list of as many things as you can which will dissolve in spirits of wine and not in water. 4. How would you obtain clear water from muddy water? 5. What do you mean by substances being held in suspension in water ? 6. What kind of impurities cannot be got rid of by filtration ? 7. Explain the terms — soluble, insoluble, filtration, and " held in suspension." SOLUBLE LIQUIDS AND GASES. 107 LESSON XXVII SOLUBLE LIQUIDS AND GASES. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required.— Alcohol, oli\e oil, mercury, ether. Bottle of soda-water or other aerated water. Taper. Test-tubes. What to do. Pour some water into a bottle and then some alcohol,' and shake them up together. Observe that the alcohol disappears in the water or dissolves in it. The same experiment can be performed with oil of vitriol. Great care must be taken to pour a small qiianlity of the vitriol into water and not water into the acid. The acid is dissolved in the water. Shake up together some olive oil and water, and allow the mixture to stand for a short time. Notice that the liquids separate into two layers, the lighter being on the top. Which is the lighter ? Repeat the experiment with quicksilver and water, and if possible with ether and water. Examine a bottle of soda-water. Notice that it appears clear and bright, and seems to have nothing dissolved in it. Uncork, or otherwise open it. Bubbles of gas escape (Fig. 75). A lighted taper held to the mouth of the bottle has its flame put out by the gas which is given off. ' Ordinary methylated spirit will not do, as it forms a niilkiness with water. If pure alcohol cannot be obtained, whisky or brandy will do. Fig. 75. — Bubbles of gas escape from a bottle of aerated water when the cork comes out. io8 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. REASONS AND RESULTS. Solution of one Liquid in another. — The commonest cases of solution are when solid substances are dissolved in liquids. In addition to this, many liquids will dissolve in other liquids. Alcohol and oil of vitriol are examples of liquids which dissolve in water. When a liquid dissolves in water, like alcohol and oil of vitriol do, we say, in ordinary language, that the two liquids mix. This is only another way of saying that they form a solution. In the one case, we have a solution of alcohol in water ; in the other, a solution of sulphuric acid in water. There is still another way of speaking about these cases. It is very common to say that we have diluted the acid with water or the alcohol with water. Liquids insoluble in one another. — If, however, oil, water, and mercury, for example, are shaken up together, and then left to stand for a time, they will be found to separate from one another and lie in different layers — the mercury at the bottom, oil at the top, and water between the two (Fig. 76). Here, then, we have examples of liquids which do not dissolve in one another or do not mix. Oil does not dissolve or form a solution with water, neither does mercury. While some other liquids, like ether, dissolve to a small extent only in water. Or, we can say, oil and water will not mix, quicksilver and water will not mix, but ether and water partly mix. How to separate Liquids which do not mix. — Since liquids which do not mix will, if allowed to stand, separate from one another, and arrange themselves in layers with the densest liquid at the bottom and the least dense on the top, it is easy to separate them. All we have to do is to very gently tilt the vessel containing them and pour off the top layer. This plan is called decanting. Or, we could pour the liquids into a funnel supplied with a stop-cock at the bottom. Fig. 76. — The liquids in the bottle do not mix, and if undisturbed they separate into layers — the densest at the bottom and the lightest at the top. SOLUBLE LIQUIDS AND GASES. 109 Fig. 77. — A funnel with a tap, for drawing off the liquids in it one after the other. as shown in Fig. -JT, and allow the liquids to arrange them- selves in it. Then by turning the stop-cock gently we could allow the liquids to run out, one after the other, into different vessels ; the lowest first, then the next, and so on until all the liquids have been drained out. Some Gases dissolve in Liquids. — When a bottle of lemonade, ginger-beer, or soda-water is opened, a lot of bubbles of gas rise out of it. The gas has evidently been dissolved in the liquid. This is only one of many instances of gases which will dis solve in liquids. There is a large amount of this gas, which ex- tinguishes a flame, dissolved in soda-water. The drink is called "soda-water" because the gas dissolved in the water can be made from washing-soda. When you get to know more of the science of chemistry, you will learn of m^any other gases which will dissolve in water. The liquid sold by chemists as liquid ammonia is a solution of ammonia gas in water. Importance of Air dissolved in Water. — Rain in falling through the air dissolves some of it in its passage to the earth. The air which thus becomes dissolved in the water serves a very im- portant purpose. Both animals and plants must have air to breathe. As 3'ou know ver}' well some animals and plants live in water, and these, like those living on land, require air to breathe. These water plants and animals depend upon the air which is dissolved in the water. When water is boiled, the dis- solved air which it contains is driven out of it by the heat. If a goldfish were taken out of its bowl and placed in some water which had been boiled and allowed to cool out of contact with the air, it would die because there would be no air in the water for it to breathe. no ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. To BE Remembered. Some liquids mix or dissolve other liquids. Examples : alcohol (whisky or brandy) dissolves in water; so does vinegar. Some liquids do not mix, or are insoluble, in one another. Ex- amples: oil, water, and mercury. Some gases dissolve in liquids. Examples : the gas in soda-water, and ammonia gas in the so-called liquid ammonia. The air dissolved in water is necessary for the life of water animals and plants. Exercise XXVII. 1 . What is really meant when we say two liquids will not mix ? 2. Give instances of (i) liquids which mix, (2) liquids which do not mix. 3. Will gases dissolve in water? Give reasons for your answer. 4. How do water animals, like fishes, manage to breathe? 5. What would you notice if you were to shake (i) some ink and water together, (2) some oil and water ? LESSON XXVIII. THERE IS NO LOSS DURING SOLUTION EVAPORATION. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Salt. Warm water. Balance and box or' weights. Flasks. Evaporating basin. Sand-bath or water- bath. Tripod stand. Laboratory burner or spirit lamp. What to do. Put some warm water in a flask, and some sah in a piece of paper. Counterpoise the flask of water and the paper of salt together, and then dissolve the salt in the water. The total mass remains unaltered (Fig. 78). Find the mass of a flask of water. Now weigh several lumps of loaf sugar, and put this known mass of sugar NO LOSS DURING SOLUTION. EVAPORATION, in into the water. When the sugar has all dissolved, weigh again. Notice that the flask and solution of sugar together have a mass exactly as much as the flask of water and sugar added together. Fig. 78, — There i> no change of mass when s;ilt is dissolved in «ater. Dissolve some salt in water, as in previous experiments, and place the solution so formed in an evaporating basin, and gradually warm the basin on a piece C-^ ^'^ 'V, of wire gauze, or over a sand-bath (Fig. 79), until the solution boils. (In- stead of placing the evaporating basin in hot sand, it can be heated by the steam rising from boiling water, as in Fig. 80.) Allow the water to slowly boil away. When all the water has been changed into steam, the salt will be found left behind in the bdsin. Repeat the experiment in the following manner. Weigh Fig. 79.— The shallow basin of water rests upon sand kept hot by a burner. The water is drying up or evaporating. 112 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. out a certain mass of salt in an evaporating basin, and dissolve it in water. Heat gently as before. Note that by and by a white solid remains in the basin. Again weigh. By weigh- ing it, we can show that its mass is equal to the mass of the basin and salt before solution, and it is easy to prove that the solid left is still salt. REASONS AND RESULTS. Substances do not lose in Mass Fig 8o.-The sh.-xiiow basin has when dissolved. -When a substance water in it and is kept hot by the simply dissolves in a liquid, and steam rising from the water in the ' -^ • i_ • i glass beaker. SO disappears from sight, it almost seems as if it is lost altogether. But this is not the case. There is no loss whatever. If a cup of tea and a few lumps of sugar are weighed separately, and then the sugar is put into the tea, their total mass is the same as the mass of the tea with the sugar dissolved in it. It is very important to remember that there is no change of mass when a substance dissolves in water. Though sugar, for example, when dissolved in tea or water, disappears from sight, it is still in the tea or water as sugar, and we shall see later that it can be obtained from the water by proper means. The same fact is true of salt and other soluble solids. Evaporation.— If a saucer of water is left for a few days, the water disappears, or, as is generally said, dries up. The water can be made to disappear more quickly by gently heating it. When a solution containing salt or sugar is made to dry up in this way, the salt or sugar does not disappear, but remains in the saucer. The name given to this process of turning a liquid into a vapour is evaporation. The solid left behind is spoken of as a residue. Because we can recover the solid again by evapora- tion, and because there is no change of mass when solution takes place, we say that solution is only a physical change Salt is not changed into a new substance with new properties when it is dissolved in water. When a new substance with NO LOSS DURING SOLUTION. EVAPORATION. 113 new properties is formed by bringing two substances together, we have what is called a chemical change. In our later lessons we shall have several instances of chemical changes. A Practical Application of Evaporation. — In some countries where salt does not occur as a mineral as it does in England, it is obtained from sea-water. Sea-water contains a large quantity of common salt dissolved in it. The sea-water is exposed to the heat of the sun's rays in shallow vessels and is consequently slowly evaporated. But only pure water passes off in the form of a vapour. The common salt and other substances in solution in the sea-water are left behind on the floor of the shallow vessel, and can be scraped off and collected for use. In salt-mining, both solution and evaporation are sometimes made use of Instead of bringing the salt to the surface in lumps, the plan adopted is to flood the mine with water, and leave it in the mine for a sufficient length of time for the water to dissolve as much of the salt as it can. The solution thus formed is then pumped to the surface, and evaporated, when the salt is obtained in the same way as in our experiment. To BE Remembered. Matter is not lost when a substance is dissolved. A solid and liquid when separate have the same mass as when the solid is dissolved in the liquid. Mass of Solid -f- Mass of Solvent = Mass of Solution. Evaporation is the process of slowly changing a liquid into a vapour by heat. Dissolved substances can be recovered by evapoiaiinp the lifuid con- taining them. Exercise XXVIII. 1. How would you prove that there is no loss of mass during solution? 2. How would you obtain the salt from a solution of the salt in water ? 3. What do you know about evaporation ? 4. Describe some practical applications of the processes of solution and evaporation. L H 114 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. LESSON XXIX. SATURATED SOLUTIONS. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Alum and nitre. Flasks. Sand-bath. Laboratory burner or spirit lamp. Tripod stand. What to do. Procure a supply of alum or nitre and powder it. Put some of the powdered solid into a flask and add water. Shake them up together for some time, and if aJl the powder dissolves add more and shake again. Continue this addition of the powder and the shaking until some powder remains undissolved, however much it is shaken. You will thus make a cold saturated solution, that is, a solution containing as much of the solid as it will hold. Now warm the cold saturated solution. The powder which before remained at the bottom of the flask dissolves. Continue to add more alum or nitre, and notice that a great deal must be added before you obtain a hot saturated solution. Place the hot saturated solution on one side to cool. As cooling proceeds, some of the alum or nitre separates out in clear, well-formed crystals, because as the solution cools it cannot dissolve as much alum as before. REASONS AND RESULTS. Saturated Solutions. — When any given amount of water has dissolved as much of a solid as it can be made to, without warming or assisting it in any other way, it is said to be saturated. But though cold water, for instance, may be saturated with any particular solid, such as sugar, it can, if we warm it, iDe made to dissolve more sugar. Though there are some excep- tions, it can be regarded as the general rule, that water and other liquids will dissolve more of a solid when they are warm than when they are cold. In some cases the amount SATURATED SOLUTIONS. 115 of solid which will dissolve goes on increasing as the \\ater is made warmer and warmer. In general, therefore, the cooler the water the less will it dissolve of a solid. Now suppose warm water is given as much sugar, salt, alum, or any substance of this kind as it will hold, and is then cooled, what would you expect to happen ? It has to give up some of the substance, for it cannot hold as much as when it was warm. You may have noticed that when your tea has been very sweet, some of the sugar is left on the bottom of the cup when the tea cools. This is because, though the tea was able to dissolve a certain amount of sugar when hot, it could not hold so much when cold, and therefore a little of it was deposited upon the bottom of the cup. Water as a Solvent. — Water dissolves more solids than any other liquid which is known. This makes it very useful to chemists and others. Water is such a good solvent that it is impossible to find pure water anywhere in nature, that is, in any stream or lake which we may find in any country. As you have learnt, water will not only dissolve solids, but liquids and gases as well. As soon as rain is formed from a cloud it begins to dissolve some of the gases of the atmosphere, and no sooner has it reached the earth than it dissolves all sorts of things out of the ground. Of those substances in the soil and rocks which are very soluble it dissolves a great deal, while of the insoluble things it dissolves either very little, or scarcely anything at all, for you must bear in mind that very few things are actually quite insoluble. The purest water which can be got in nature is that collected in a vessel, after it has been raining some time, before the rain has reached the ground. In countries where the rocks are very hard and insoluble, and are Fig. 8i.-The ''fur' inside ' a kettle consists of solids once covered by nothing in the way of soil, dissolved in water, and left , , . , . 1-1 behind when the water boiled the water which is collected is always away. very pure compared with ordinary water. That many substances are dissolved in ordinary water you can see for yourselves if you will examine the inside of the kettle at home. There you will find a crust formed by the ii6 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. substances which were dissolved in the water, and have been left behind as the water evaporated or boiled away. To BE Remembered. A solution is saturated with a substance when it contains as much of that substance as it will hold at the temperature of the solution. The effect of increase of temperature on saturation is usually to increase the amount of a substance which can be held in solution. The solubility of a substance usually decreases as the temperature is lowered. Water dissolves most substances, but in different degrees. Salt is more soluble in water than sugar, and sugar is more soluble than chalk. Exercise XXIX. 1. What is a saturated solution? Describe how to make one. 2. Which will dissolve more sugar, warm or cold water? What is the general rule about the effect of an increase of temperature on the dissolving power of water? 3. What do you know about water as a solvent? 4. Describe fully what happens if you gradually cool a hot saturated solution of alum. LESSON XXX. SOLUBILITY OF THINGS IN ACIDS. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Copper turnings, granulated zinc, pieces of marble. Nitric, sulphuric, and hydrochloric acids. Test- tubes. Evaporating basin, sand-bath, tripod stand, and labora- tory burner or spirit lamp. What to do. Take a few small pieces of copper ; observe their colour, and put them into a test-tube and shake up in water. They will not dissolve. Now boil the water, and notice the copper is still insoluble. SOLUBILITY OF THINGS IN ACIDS. 117 Throw away the water, and substitute some fairly strong nitric acid. {Use the acid with great care, as it is very destructive to clothing, and burns the skin.) Observe that the copper rapidly dissolves, and eventually disappears. Reddish-brown fumes are given off in large quantities. When breathed, these fumes are distressing and injurious. The liquid changes in colour. At first, owing to the solution of some of the reddish-brown gas in the liquid, it appears green, but when more water is added, the liquid is seen to be of a beautiful blue colour. Evaporate some of the blue solution formed in the last experiment in an evaporating basin. When it is nearly dry,* remove the basin from the source of heat, and set it on one side. Carefully notice the blue solid which is left behind. It is quite unHke the copper. Take some pieces of zinc, and, as in the case of the copper, notice their colour, and prove that they are in- soluble in water. Now pour a -little dilute oil of vitriol (sulphuric acid) on them in a test-tube, and notice what happens. The zinc rapidly dissolves. Bubbles of gas are given off. The solution feels very warm. Hold your forefinger over the mouth of the tube for a minute, and then, after removing your finger, bring a lighted taper to the tube. There is a slight ex- plosion, and the gas which comes off burns. {Caution — hold the tube with the top pointing away from your face. ) After the zinc has all dissolved, pour off some of the clear liquid, and, as before, evaporate it to dry- ness in an evaporating basin. A white solid is left behind. Procure a lump of marble, and break it into small frag- ' It is not wise to evaporate to complete dryness, as the substance which is left behind is easily decomposed by heat. Fig. 82. — Dilute oil of vitriol and pieces of zinc are in the tube. A gas is produced and kept in by means of the finger. When a light is brought to the tube and the finger is taken away, the gas burns with a slight explosion. ii8 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. ments. Observe that it is very hard. Prove that it will dissolve neither in cold nor hot water. Pour a few drops of strong muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) into the water, and observe the effervescing, or fizzing, which immediately begins. Large quantities of gas are given ofF, and the marble gradually dissolves. Place a lighted match at the mouth of the test-tube in which the experiment is performed. The flame is put out or ex- tinguished. When all the marble has dissolved, evaporate some of the clear liquid left, and examine the white solid which remains. It is not marble because it is so soft. Place the basin on one side for a time, and observe that this white solid takes water out of the air and becomes wet. Notice that marble does not do this. REASONS AND RESULTS. Solution of Another Kind. — In all the instances of solution which we have studied before this lesson, there has never been a permanent change in the properties of the soluble substance, nor has there been any change in mass when the thing has dissolved. But these conditions are not always so, as we have now to learn. When copper is acted upon by moderately strong nitric acid in a test-tube or other glass vessel, it rapidly dissolves, and by and by disappears. At the same time large quantities of reddish-brown fumes are given off. These fumes are very unpleasant to breathe, and, what is more, they are very injurious, and should not be allowed to escape into a room in any quantity. As the copper dissolves, the acid changes colour, and soon appears quite green. But this is not the natural colour of the liquid formed as the copper dissolves. It is really blue, and appears green because some of the fumes get dissolved. If you add some water to the green liquid, the blue colour becomes very easily seen. If some of this blue solution is slowly evaporated in a basin, you obtain a blue residue which is not a bit like the copper you started with. This Kind of Solution is a Chemical Change. — This example of solution is evidently of quite a different kind from that of SOLUBILITY OF THINGS IN ACIDS. 119 the solution of salt or sugar in water. When sugar is dissolved in water, there is no gas given off, and there is no change in colour, and, most important of all, we can recover the sugar by evaporating the water. The change which occurs when the nitric acid is poured on the copper is a chemical change, and it is so called because it results in the formation of new substances with quite new properties. Copper and nitric acid are not at all like the nasty smelling red fumes and the blue solid left in the basin. Another Instance of the Solution of a Metal where Chemical Change occurs. — Though pieces of zinc will not dissolve in water, yet if you place them in dilute sulphuric acid they dissolve very quickh', and bubbles of a gas which will burn are given off. After the zinc has all dissolved, a colourless solution is obtained ; and if some of it is evaporated in a basin, a white residue is left behind which is in no way like the zinc we started with. This, too, is a chemical change, and, as before, it is so called, because the solution results in the formation of a new substance with new properties. Here, using another metal — for copper and zinc are both metals — and another acid, you again have a chemical change taking place when solution occurs. You know it is a chemical change, because the gas which comes off, and burns when a lighted taper is put to it, and the white solid left in the basin are not at all like the zinc and the acid with which you started. Other Substances besides Metals will dissolve in Acids. — Metals are not the only things which will dissolve in acids. Though marble, like copper and zinc, is insoluble in water, it will dissolve in some acids, for instance muriatic or hydrochloric acid. This is another example of solution. The acid is the solvent and the marble the soluble substance. And this solution also has been accompanied by a chemical change, because the white soft solid which becomes wet in the air, and the gas which is given off and puts out a flame, are quite unlike the hard marble and the liquid acid. I20 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. To BE Remembered. Certain Metals dissolve in Acids. — In this case the process is accom- panied by the formation of new substances with new properties. It is therefore an example of a chemical change. In this way copper dissolves in nitric acid, and zinc in dilute sulphuric acid. Other substances besides metals will dissolve in acids. The solution of marble in hydrochloric acid is an example. This is also an instance of a chemical change. Exercise XXX. 1. Describe the appearance of copper and zinc. 2. How would you prove that copper is insoluble in water ? 3. Describe fully what takes place when moderately dilute nitric acid is poured upon copper. 4. What do you know about the gas which is given off when dilute sulphuric acid is poured upon zinc ? 5. How would you show that a new substance is formed when hydrochloric acid dissolves marble ? LESSON XXXI. CHANGES OF MASS WHEN CHEMICAL ACTION ACCOMPANIES SOLUTION. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — As in the last lesson, with balance and box of weights. What to do. Repeat the experiments with copper and nitric acid described in the last lesson ; but before adding the acid determine the mass of the copper used. Evaporate to dryness the whole of the coloured liquid obtained by dis- solving the copper in an evaporating basin, the mass of CHANGES OF MASS. I2I which has been determined by previous weighing. When the basin is cool, weigh again, and, allowing for the mass of the basin, observe that the mass of the blue residue is greater than that of the copper taken. Similarly repeat the experiment with the zinc and dilute sulphuric acid. In the same way show that the mass of the white residue obtained is greater than that of the zinc with which the experiment was started. Repeat the experiment with marble and hydrochloric acid. Show that the mass of the white residue left in the basin is greater than that of the marble acted upon by the acid. [A few hours before the next lesson a warm saturated solution of alum should be made and put by to cool. The reason for this will be seen on p. 124.] REASONS AND RESULTS. Changes in Mass when a Chemical Change accompanies Solution. — You have already learnt that one of the reasons for saying that a physical change occurs when a solid is dis- solved in water, is because there is no change of mass. But whenever a chemical change takes place at the same time as the solid dissolves in a liquid, as in all the experiments we have had in this lesson, there is a most decided change of mass. This is a very important difference between physical and chemical changes, and it is very necessary that you should thoroughly understand it. The Case of Copper and Nitric Acid. — If a piece of copper, the mass of which has been found by weighing to be one gram, is dissolved in moderately dilute nitric acid, and then the whole of the blue solution obtained is evaporated very carefully, so that none of it is lost, the mass of the blue residue left behind will be found as nearly as possible three grams. It is quite clear that all this cannot be copper. Indeed its appearance is quite enough to tell you that it is not copper. But it contains copper, and when you have learnt more about chemistry you will know the way in which the copper can be obtained from it. What has really happened is that the copper has combined 122 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, or united with a part of the acid to form a new substance. The blue residue is made up of the copper you started with and a part of the acid as well. This explains why the mass of the residue is greater than that of the copper alone. The Case of Zinc and Sulphuric Acid. — The experiment with zinc and sulphuric acid teaches just the same important lesson. If a piece of zinc, the mass of which is one gram, be completely dissolved in dilute sulphuric acid, and the whole of the solution thus obtained be evaporated to dryness, and the mass of the residue determined, it is found that just about two and a half grams of the white solid have been obtained. In this case, too, the metal combines or unites with a part of the acid to form the new substance left behind in the basin. By proper means it would be easy to again obtain the zinc from the white residue. The Case of Marble and Hydrochloric Acid. — What you have now learnt about these changes in mass when metals are dissolved in acids is also true when things which are not metals are dissolved in acids. Marble is not a metal, but it easily dissolves in acids, for instance, hydrochloric acid. If, as before, one gram of marble is dissolved in as much hydrochloric acid as is necessary, and the whole of the solution is evaporated in a basin, it is found by weighing that the mass of the white residue left behind in the basin is more than one gram, but not so much more as in the case of the copper or the zinc. 1 he mass of the white residue left behind when the solution obtained by dissolving the marble in hydrochloric acid is evaporated is about one and one-tenth grams (i^\j grams). The Total Mass is unaltered. — Returning to the consideration of the solution of copper in nitric acid, and taking other things into account, there are more facts to be learnt from it. If, in addition to ascertaining the mass of the copper by weighing, that of the nitric acid is also found, and these two masses are added together, a certain mass is obtained. Now, chemists discovered a long time ago that the total mass obtained in this way is the same as is got by adding together the masses of the blue residue left in the basin, all the gas which is given off, and all the steam which escapes when the blue solution is evaporated. CHANGES OF MASS. 123 These facts can be put down in the form of addition sums as below : Examples ok Chemicai, CitANOE. Before, After. Mass of Copper. 1 J Mass of Blue Residue. Mass of Nitric Acid. f \ J^^' °J ^^e gas given off. ) \ Mass 01 hteam. Total Mass is equal to Total Mass. Mass of Zinc. ) J Mass of White Residue. Mass of Sulphuric Acid. \ \ ^?^^^ °J ^^ ^^^^^ b"™«- ^ ) \ Mass of hteam. Total Mass is equal to Total Mass. Mass of Marble ) f Mass of White Residue. w^^c „f i-r.,^,„Ai-.„-„ \„;a r "! Mass of Gas which puts out flame. Mass of Hydrochloric Acid. [ ) 5^^ ^f gteam. Tqtal Mass is equal to Total Mass. To be Remembered. When chemical action accompanies solution, changes in mass occur. Thus, the blue residue in your experiment weighs more than the copper, and the white residue more than the zinc, when these metals are dissolved in acids. The total mass of the new substances oVjtained when a chemical change lakes place is the same as that of those originally taken. Thus, if the masses of the copper and nitric acid be added together, the same result is obtained as by adding the masses of the blue residue, the gas given off, and the steam. Exercise XXXI. 1. Will the Vjlue residue obtained by evaporating a solution of copper in nitric acid have the same mass as that of the copper ? Give reasons for your answer. 2. WTiat amount of white residue can be got by dissolving one gram of zinc in dilute sulphuric aci'l and evaporating the solution obtained ? Why is its mass greater than that of the zinc ? 3. What changes in mass do you know of which occur when marble is dissolved in hydrochloric acid ? 4. How would you show that there is no loss in the total mass when a chemical change occurs ? 124 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. LESSON XXXIL CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALLISATION. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Crystals of washing-soda, sugar candy, borax, rock-crystal, blue vitriol, rock-salt, and alum. Flasks. Sand-bath. Laboratory burner. Tripod stand. Blotting paper. Test-tubes. What to do. Examine as many crystals as you can and draw them. Write down the number of faces each has. Make a warm saturated solution of alum as described in Lesson XXIX. While it is still hot shut the mouth of the flask with a cork, or cover it with a piece of suitably folded paper, and set it on one side to cool. After a few hours, crystals of alum will be found to have separated out. When the solution of alum, described in the last ex- periment, has become quite cold, and the crystals there referred to have separated out, carefully pour off the liquid from the crystals, and allow these to gently slide on to a piece of clean white blotting paper. Shake them on the blotting paper, and, if possible, dry them without handling. Now take a small crystal and heat it gently in a clean, dry test-tube. Notice that it melts and gives off steam which condenses on the sides of the tube near the top in the form of water. When cold, the alum is seen to have lost its shape. Heat a crystal of blue vitriol in a test-tube, and show that the shape and colour are lost as the water is driven out of the crystal. It regains its blue colour if water is dropped upon the powdery lump. Inspect some clear crystals of soda (sodium carbonate), and also some which have been exposed to the air and become white and powdery. CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALLISATION. 125 REASONS AND RESULTS. Crystals. — When substances are found in lumps hav regular shape, which is always the same for the same kind of thing, it is said to be found in crystals, or to be crystalline. Generally the shapes which crystals have are well- known forms in geometry. Thus some crystals are known which are perfect cubes (Fig. 88), such as crystals of rock-salt, fluorspar, iron pyrites. Sometimes the crystal has eight sides, like the solid known as the octahedron (Fig. 85). The diamond is sometimes found having this shape. Rock-crystal has gene- rally six sides, and a si.x-sided pyra- mid at one or both ends (Fig. 84). When you get on farther with your study of science, you will learn that crystals can all be divided into six classes, every member of each class or family having something about ^no^nc^^ys^aUineSbstance.' its shape the same. ?, photograph by Mr. '^ Hadley.) a com- (PVom H. E. Fig. 84.— Group of rock-cri'Stals Museum. From a Report of the U.S. National 126 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY, Fig. 85. — An eight-sided crystal of alum. (From a photograph by Mr. H. E. Hadley.) How Crystals can be made. — Warm water when saturated with any soluble substance, as you learnt in a previous lesson, often contains more of the solid dissolved than an equal quantity of a cold saturated solution. The con- sequence of this is, that if you allow a warm saturated solution to get cold, the water can no longer keep all the substance in solution, and it separates out in the solid state, which, under these cir- cumstances, always takes a crystalline character. The crystals of alum, formed in this way, generally have eight sides, or the shape of the crystal is the same as the solid called the octahedron, shown in Fig. 85. But in some cir- cumstances the crystals only have six sides, or are cubes. Some Crystals contain V/ater. — By heating a crystal of alum or iDlue vitriol in a clean dry test-tube, it is easy to show that they both contain water. This water is given off in the form of steam, which condenses into drops of water on the cold upper part of the tube. There are many other crystals besides those of alum and blue vitriol which also contain water. This water, which is contained in some crystals, is known as ■water of crystallisation. It is necessary for these crystals to have this water in them to form the regular shape of which you have learnt. If the water of crystallisation is got rid of they become powdery. Some coloured crystals not only lose their shape but also their colour when the water of crystallisation is driven out. Other crystals again, if simply exposed to the air, lose this water and become powdery. Such crystals are said to be efflorescent, and crystals of soda are a good example (Figs. 86 and 87). Other substances do just the opposite thing and take up more water from the air, becoming very moist. These are called deliquescent. The white residue obtained by evaporating the solution formed when marble is dissolved in hydrochloric acid is a deliquescent substance. CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALLISATION. 127 To BE Remembered. Crystals are naturally formed lumps of certain substances having a regular shape, which is always the same for the same kind of thing. Rock-salt and some other substances form crystals which are perfect cubes. The diamond crystals have the shape of the octahedron. Crystals can be made by allowing a warm saturated solution to cool. Water of crystallisation is the water contained in some crystals. It has something to do with their shape and sometimes with their colour. Efflorescent crystals easily give up their water of crystallisation to the air. Deliquescent substances readily take up moisture and become wet. Exercise XXXIT. 1. Name six crystalline solids. 2. Give the name of a crystal which has six sides, and one which has eight sides. Make a drawing of each kind. 3. If you were given some powdered alum, explain how you would proceed to make a crystal of alum. 4. How would you show that crystals of alum contain water ? What is the water called ? 5. What do you mean by an efflorescent crystal ? Name one. 6. What happens to a crystal of blue vitriol if it is heated in a test-tube ? 7. Write down all you know about a crystal of rock-salt. Draw such a crystal. ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. LESSON XXXIII. CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALLISATION— Continued. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Crystals of washing-soda, sugar candy, borax, rock-crystal, blue vitriol, rock-salt, and alum. Flasks. Sand-bath. Laboratory burner. Tripod stand. Blotting paper. Magnify- ing glass. Evaporating basin. Sulphur. Iron spoon. Test-tubes. What to do. Evaporate a solu- tion of common salt by gently heating it, and, when the basin is dry, examine a little of the residue. Care- ful inspection will discover small cubes, the shape of some of which can be recognised by the unaided eye. The cubical shape of the others can be easily made out under a magnifying glass. Heat some of the dry powder in a test- tube. Notice the crackling and the absence of water on the side of the tube. Fk;. 86. --A group of fresh crystals of washing-soda. Notice how clear the crystals are. (From a photograph by Mr. H. E. Hadley.) Make a hot satur- ated solution of soda, just as you did in the case of the alum in Fir.. 87. — The .same croup of crystals as in Fig. 86, which have effloresced after exposure to the air for a short time. Notice the changed appearance. (From a photograph by Mr. H. E. H.-idley.) CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALLISATION. 129 Lesson XXIX. Put the solution, when you have made quite sure that it will dissolve no more, on one side to cool. Large clear crystals will be formed. Make a similar saturated solution of soda, and having poured some into an evaporating basin, float the latter on cold water in a bucket so that it shall cool more rapidly. Observe that the crystals formed are much smaller than in the last experiment. Take one of the large, clear crystals previously obtained, and dry it on clean, white blotting paper, and heat it in a tube, if necessary breaking the crystal to get it in. Observe the steam given off, the water which collects, and also the white powder left behind. Melt some powdered sulphur in an iron spoon or cup, and then allow it to cool slowly. When a solid crust has been formed over the top, make two or three holes in it, and pour off the remaining liquid sulphur. When the sulphur is cool, examine the inside of the spoon or cup, and notice the fine needle-like crystals of sulphur (Fig. 89). Having melted some sulphur as in the last experiment, pour the liquid sulphur into some cold water. Examine the product formed, and observe it has still a crystalline appearance ; the crystals are so small that individual crystals cannot be distinguished. REASONS AND RESULTS. Crystals of Common Salt. — Salt crystallises in six-sided solids, or cubes (Fig. 88). When the crystallisation is brought about by evaporating a solution of salt, the crystals are very small. Some natural crystals, known as rock- salt, are however of quite a large size. There is no water of crystal- lisation in crystals of common salt, and when they are heated no steam /""• ^^--^ ^iy^ided crystal •' of common salt. (iTom a photo- is given off. The crackling which s'^ph ty Mr. H. E. Hadley.) I. I I30 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. is noticed when crystals of salt are heated in a tube is spoken of as decrepitation, and is due to the breaking-up of the crystal into fragments. Crystallisation of Soda. — Soda, as it is called in ordinary language, or sodium carbonate, as it is known to the chemist, is a common substance, both in the crystalline condition or in the form of white powder, as the carbonate of soda, which is Fig. 89.— Needle-shaped crystals of sulphur. (From a photograph by Mr. H. E. Hadley.) used for various purposes in our houses. The difference between the white powder which is perhaps best known, and the crystalline form, is the water of crystallisation which the crystals contain. We can easily obtain crystals if we have a supply of the powder, by making a warm saturated solution of CRYSTALS AND CRYSTALLISATION. 131 the powder and allowing it gradually to cool, for then large crystals will separate out. If, however, the warm saturated solution is cooled quickly, by placing the vessel containing it into cold water, the crystals rapidly separate, but are of much smaller size. This difference is true of most saturated solutions ; indeed, whenever crystals are formed by cooling, we may expect them to be of a large size only when the cooling takes place slowly; if heat is given up rapidly the crystals formed are always small. Some Crystals can be made in Another Way. — Other crystals besides those of common salt have no water in them. Many of these can be made in another way. One kind of sulphur crystals is a good example. When some powdered sulphur (milk of sulphur) is melted in a large iron spoon, or ladle, over a gas flame, and the melted sulphur is allowed to cool slowly, a solid crust is gradually formed on the top. If, as soon as this happens, two or three holes are made in the crust and the remaining, still liquid, sulphur is poured off, it will be found on examining the inside of the ladle that fine needle-like crystals of sulphur have been left behind. These, like all crystals, have smooth flat sides and sharp straight edges. In this case, too, there is a difference when the melted sulphur cools very rapidly. The quick cooling can be conveniently brought about by pouring the melted sulphur into cold water. If this is done, the crystals formed are so small that individual examples cannot be distinguished, though the solid sulphur is seen to have a crystalline appearance. To BE Remembered. Crystals of common salt have the form of cubes. Decrepitation is the crackling sound produced by the breaking up into fragments of waterless crystals. Soda crystals can be obtained from ordinary washing-soda by making a saturated solution of the powder and allowing it to cool. Two examples of waterless crystals are common salt and sulphur. Sulphur crystals can be obtained by melting sulphur and pouring out the liquid sulphur from the interior after a crust has been formed. 132 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. Exercise XXXIII. 1. What differences would you observe if you heated salt crystals and crystals of soda in different test-tubes ? 2. Explain how you would make some crystals of sulphur. 3. Describe how to make soda crystals from powdered carbonate of soda. 4. How does a crystal of salt differ in shape from a crystal of soda? 5. Explain how to obtain a crystal which has no water in it. 6. Why is steam given off when crystals of soda are heated, but nor when crystals of sulphur are heated ? GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. 133 LESSON XXXIV. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Squared paper, or chequer drawing book such as is used for Kindergarten drawing. Ruler and pencil. What to do.» Draw in pencil, upon chequer or squared paper, or upon Fig. 90, hues to represent the densities of the substances named in this figure. The line to represent the density of water, that is, i, is already drawn. Starting from the up- — n n ■ — — — — — (^npPFR Iron Mmubii WAT£ft 1 2 3 4- 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 14- 15 re 17 18 19 20 21 22 || Fig. 90 — Copy this figure and draw lines upon your sketch to repre- sent the numbers given in the table of densities. right line at the end of each name, draw a horizontal line for each substance, making the lines of the lengths given in the following table : Tablk of Densities. Marble, - - 2|. Silver, - - lo^. Diamond, - - 3^. Lead,- - - ii|. Iron, - - - l\- Gold, - - - I9- Copper, ■ - 8f. Platinum, - - 22. Find the number of boys present in the class on the last twenty times the register of attendance has been marked. 1 Before doing these exercises it is advisable to read through the lesson. 134 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. Write down the numbers. You should now plot these upon the squared paper in Fig. 91. The numbers at the feet of the upright Hnes refer to the days of the register, and the numbers at the ends of the horizontal lines refer razr 29 28 27 ZB 2S 24 23 22 21 20 19 la 17 16 15 I'h 13 12 II K) 9 a 7 € S * 3 2 7 ■ 1 2 3 ^5 6 7 S 9 10 II IZ 13 /f /5 /6 17 /8 13 ZO 21 22 11 Fig. qi. — A sheet upon which the attendances of pupils at different times can be plotted. to the number of boys present. If 15 were present at the first time selected, put a dot at the number 15 upon the first upright line; if 21 were present at the second time, put a dot on the same level as 21, upon the second upright line ; and so on for all the twenty times the register was marked. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. 135 Upon Fig. 92 and Fig. 93, or on a sheet of squared paper marked in the same way, represent the following readings of a certain barometer and thermometer in the month of March : Date. Barometer. Inchej Thermometer. Fahrenheit Degrees larch I, 29-5, 437- 2, 297, 39-5- 3, - 287, 38-6. 4, 29-3, - - 42-8. 5. 29-2, 427. 6, 29-6, 39-I- 7, 29-9, - - 367. 8, 30 'O, 40-8. 9. 30-0, 41-4. 10, 29-9, 45-I- II, 30-0, 46-2. 12, 29-5, 43'4- To do this for the readings of the barometer, look at the left-hand side of the squared paper for the corresponding Jh -_ - - - - -1 r- - - - r - - - - ^ - -■ - - - ^ 3 J UJ H J S 2 J h 2sL u LLI L U u L Ll L L L -U u u L u -Li U u h JJ LL UJ DAYS OF THE MONTH. Fig. 92. — A sheet upon which the rise and fall of the mercury in a barometer can be shown. height of the barometer, and, when you have found it, make a dot at that particular height upon the line corresponding to the day of the month. Repeat the operation for every day, and connect consecutive dots with a straight line. 136 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. The irregular line or curve thus produced shows at a glance the variations of atmospheric pressure. 3I0I 1 1 1 M 1 1 ill M 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 III 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 III 1 1 III 1 1 III 1 1 III 1 1 , 1 DAYS OF THE MONTH. Fig. 93. — A sheet upon which the rise and fall of temperature during a month can be shown. In the case of the thermometer the degrees are shown at the left-hand ends of the horizontal lines of the squared paper, and the days of the month are shown at the bottom of the vertical lines. REASONS AND RESULTS. Representation of Quantities by Numbers. — Up to the present all quantities have been represented by numbers. Thus, in one lesson, in recording the volumes of different solids, these quan- tities were expressed by saying how many cubic centimetres or cubic inches each solid contained. In another lesson the number of times heavier a certain volume of a substance was than an equal volume of water, that is, the relative density of the substance, was similarly expressed by a number, and in this way a table such as the following was obtained : Water at 4° C. = 1. Wood (Oak), - 0-85 or hi Copper, - - 875 or 8f Glass, 275 or 2f. Silver, - - 10-5 or io| Diamond, 3'5 or 3*. Lead, - 1 1-5 or iii Zinc, 7-0 or 7- Gold, - - l9'o or 19. Iron, 7-5 or 7i- GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. 137 Other instances where quantities have been expressed by numbers you will remember for yourselves. Now the question arises, Is there no other way in which quantities like these could be compared more easily ? There is. We can represent them by hnes of different lengths. 19- " n ~ C^-r-k-f :r . c^ i.' > ►jpec 11 ii - tjlciy]^ Lit :iS 16 13- 1 Water Zioc Iron Copper Silver Lead Gold Fig. 94. — (From Gordon's Practical Science.) The lengths of the thick upright lines show the relative densities or specific gravities of the substances named at the bottom. Representation of Quantities by Lines of Different Lengths. — Suppose you want to represent the numbers in the table on p. 136, 138 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. which tells us how many times heavier several substances are than an equal volume of water, by using lines of different lengths, you would proceed like this. Fix upon some convenient length to represent the standard density, namely that of water. Suppose you take the lengths of the sides of two adjoining squares on a piece of squared paper to represent the density of water, and then thicken the sides of these squares as in Fig. 94. All you have to do now is to make a mark, at a distance above the bottom line of the piece of squared paper shown in the diagram, equal to the number of sides of squares which are necessary to represent the numbers in the table when the sides of two squares equal the number i. To make this very easy the numbers arranged on this plan are placed on the left-hand side of the piece of squared paper. Thick lines are drawn from the points so obtained to the bottom of the paper. The relative densities of zinc, iron, copper, silver, lead, and gold are shown in the diagram. You should read off the numbers which the lengths of these lines represent and compare them with those in the table. Graphic Representation. — A plan such as that described in the last paragraph is a simple case of what is known as graphic representation. This way of representing quantities which we wish to compare is often very much simpler than only using numbers. We are able to see the relation which the numbers bear to one another at a glance. Graphic representation is always employed to record the readings of the barometer and thermometer. Daily Weather Records. — Most sharp boys and girls have noticed, either when at the sea-side or in some public park or other, that there is often a collection of instruments of different kinds for observing facts about the weather. Among these instruments there is always a barometer and a thermometer. It is very important to know what the weight of the atmosphere, or, as we have learnt to call it, the pressure of the atmosphere, has been every day and throughout each day ; and also what the temperature has been, that is, how cold or how warm the air has been. It is becoming more and more common in all sorts of places to make arrangements for observing these facts every day, and also for having a careful account kept of them. The records can be kept in various ways. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. 139 How Records of Pressure and Temperature can be kept. — The first plan for keeping a record of these pressures and temperatures which would occur to anybody would probably be to make some sort of diar}^, and to write down each day, say at nine o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening : Pressure ... so many inches on the barometer ; Temperature ... so many degrees on the thermometer. Thus : October 26th, 1898. Pressure. Temperature. 9 a.m. - - inches. 9 a.m. ° C. ° F. 6 p.m. - inches. 6 p.m. " C. ° F. But at the end of a week or month, when )ou wished to compare the readings of the diffe- rent days, it would take too much time and thought to make such a comparison. Though at the time of observation the pressure and temperature may. be written down in the diary form, it is best to arrange the readings in a different manner when they have to be compared. The plan adopted will now be explained. Graphic Plan of showing Tem- peratures.— You know that the mer- cury in a thermometer expands with heat and contracts with cold. The number against which the top of the mercury in a thermometer stands depends, therefore, upon the condition of the weather as regards warmth or cold. The seven illustrations of a thermo- meter in Fig. 95 show the tem- perature indicated by a certain thermometer at 8 a.m. on the first seven days of a certain month I I J I J I I I J I , . y ' 60 — h- \ 1 Z 3 4- 5 6 7 \ Fig. 95. — To show the position of the mercury in a certain thermo- meter on seven different days. A dotted line has been drawn from the point at which the top of the mercury I40 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. 90 SO 10 60 50 ^ 30 20 10 ^- v^ ,-' ' \ y 1 2 3 ^ 5 6 7 \ Fig. 96. — The upright lines re- present the mercury in a thermo- meter on seven different days. Notice the broken line connecting the tops of the mercury columns. Stood on each day to that which it occupied the next day, so that you can see at once whether there was a fall or a rise of temperature from one day to another. The line is, in fact, a graphic representation of the changes of temperature from day to day. Now, it is easy to understand that if you wish to represent temperatures by a line it is not necessary to draw a thermo- meter for each day. You 'can take a sheet of paper similar to that shown in Fig. 96, and mark at the side numbers like those upon the thermometer, while along the bottom the days of the week or month can be put. The thick vertical lines in this diagram may thus be imagined to represent the mercury in the thermometer on the same days as before, and the line joining the tops is, therefore, just like that shown in Fig. 95- But it is not necessary even to draw the thick upright lines. A simpler plan is to put a dot at the point where the top of the mercury stands day by day, and then the dots can after- wards be connected, as shown in Fig. 97. We thus obtain a wavy line showing the rise and fall of temperature, and a line of this kind is called a tem- perature curve. Graphic Plan of showing Rise or Fall of the Barometer.— The plan by which the readings of a thermometer can be shown do 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 / \ > y f \ \ ^ \ y \ t 2 3 ^ 5 6 7 \ Fig. 97.— The zig-zag line repre- sents the rise and fall of tempera- ture during seven days. It is called a temperature curve. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. 141 MON. 28. TUE. ». •WED. 30. THU. 1. a 3 1 N.W. N. S.W. S. 5 30 5 2$ 5 6 30 5 29 5 — 5 30 6 29 5 — 5 30 S 29 6 — — — -^ ^ ^= ^ ^.^ Fig. 98.— The Daily News weather chart. The thick upright lines represent the top part of the mercury in a barometer. graphically is also used to exhibit the readings of a barometer, and it is adopted in many newspapers. The thick upright lines in Fig. 98 represent the mercury near the top of a barometer, as shown by the Daily News. The numbers 29 and 30 at the side of these lines mean inches, and the di\i- sions between the num- bers are tenths of inches. The height of the mercur)^ upon the dates marked upon the chart can thus be seen at once. The dotted lines indicate the highest and lowest readings of the baro- meter observed upon each of the days re- ferred to. Now look at Fig. 99, which shows the Daily Chronicle charts for the same days as the Daily News. There are no thick upright lines in the Daily Chronicle's charts, but the position of the top of the mercury is shown by a thick line running across the chart. This line shows very clearly how the mercury rose and fell on the four days in- cluded in the charts. The barometer is ob- served at the Daily Chronicle office four times a day instead of once a day, so the diagram differs a little from that of the Daily News. The thin line shows how the temperature varied on the same days, the g )iONDA r. 1 TVESDd Y. WEDS'ESDAY \ THORSDAY i s .*.'•-/. "-J."-,'. ,',,=0. ,'.»,..,'.«<-./., k X _J 1 — ^ 1= p— 1 ^ — 50 zr — ^ ^ nd \^' "^ - ZI — 1 ' i^ 1 — — y — ' — ' I) ^ . / 1 1 ' .^ ^^ __ Fig. 99. — The Daily Chronicle weather chart for the same days as in Fig. 08. The thick wavy line represents how the top of the mercury in a baro- meter varied in height during four successive days. 142 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. numbers which refer to temperatures being printed at the right side of the chart. To BE Remembered. It is sometimes more useful to represent quantities by the length of lines than by numbers. Comparison is made easier by this means. This and similar methods are known as graphic representation. Graphic representation is very convenient for recording readings of the barometer and thermometer. Exercise XXXIV. 1 . Can quantities be represented in any other way than by numbers ? 2. Give a description of how to represent relative densities or volumes graphically. 3. What do you understand by a temperature curve ? 4. How is squared paper used to record temperatures and pressures ? 5. Make a sketch of a temperature curve, marking the divisions necessary to understand it. LESSON XXXV. GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION— Continued. PRACTICAL WORK. Things required. — Squared paper, or chequer drawing book such as is used for Kindergarten drawing. Ruler and pencil. What to do. Using squared paper, practise representing graphically by making diagrams for the following cases : I. The number of 3rd class passengers by a certain popular train throughout a week : Passengers. Passengers. Monday, - 250 Thursday, - - 220 Tuesday, - 215 Friday, - .85 Wednesday, 190 Saturday, - 235 GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. 143 2. The number of visitors to an exhibition throughout a fortnight. Suppose the returns to be as follows : No . of Visitors. No. of Visitor Ia> ' 2, - - 10,500 May 9, - ■ 9,650 3, - - 10,100 10, - - 9,700 4, - - 9.850 II, - - 8,340 Si - - 10,200 12, - • 9,870 6, - - 9,900 13, - - 6,520 7, - - 12,500 14, - - 9,970 In this exercise mark the days of the month at the bottom of the vertical lines. Let the bottom horizontal line represent 6000, the tenth horizontal line 7000, and so on up to 11,000. 3. The amounts of the collection in pence at a church on every .Sunday throughout a quarter : £ s. D. £ S. D. 1st Sunday, 6 7 5 7th Sunday, 6 211 2nd „ 7 10 3 8th 5 18 I 3rd „ 5 5 9 9th 7 17 0 4th „ 6 13 7 loth 812 5th „ 7 5 4 nth 923 6th 8 9 0 I2th 13 I 8 All the amounts should be reduced to pence before com- mencing this exercise. REASONS AND RESULTS. Cases in which Graphic Representation is useful. — Graphic representation can be usefully employed in very many other cases besides those named in the last lesson. In fact, it is the most satisfactory' way of representing any two quantities which vary together. A graphic diagram can thus be constructed from the record of a cricketer's scores during a season's batting. Let us suppose that some particular batsman plays his first match on Saturday, May 13th, and that he is fortunate enough 144 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. to get an innings every Saturday until ttie end of August, and that he makes the following scores : May June Score. 13, - - 10 20, - - 15 27, - - 5 J, - - 23 10, - 0 17, - 2 24, - - 9 July August Score. I, - 16 8, - - 5 15, - - II 22, - - 30 29, - 0 5, - - 17 12, - - 5 19, - - 19 26, - - 4 He could make a graphic representation of his scores as in the illustration, in which the marks at the left-hand ends of t/J- ZD a: 30 CO '0 Is j 1 ; / \ 1 / \ t \ 1 \ \ 1 / \ / 1 \ 1 \ \ -^ ' 1 i3 50 J/ 3 10 i-j lA. 1 e If 2i SJ f li i() 1 MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST 1 DATES b'F INNINGS Fig. 100. — A graphic diagram of a cricketer's score on different dates. the horizontal lines represent scores, and those at the bottom of the vertical lines stand for the dates of innings. Other Graphic Diagrams. — It is often very convenient and instructive to construct diagrams similar to those already ex- plained, to show at a glance how prices have varied from time to time. The diagram here shown, for instance (Fig. loi), re- presents clearly how the price of india-rubber has altered from year to year since 1877. The years are numbered at the top of the diagram. In the vertical column for every year is a dot to show the price of india-rubber per pound in that year. The prices are printed at the left hand ends of the horizontal lines. Beginning with 1877 it will be seen that the price per pound GRAPHIC KErKESENTATION. 145 was then between 2'i and 2/3. In 1878 the price was i/ii per pound, in 1879 between 2/7 and 2/9, and so on for other years. The diagram shows at once that india-rubber was cheapest in PHlCt YEARS. 1 W7 «78 r879 1880 1881 1682 1881 188* esi 1886 1887 i88B|iae9 1890 I89J 1892 18931894 1895 1896 1897 ,C3.| — — — r" Y — — — -^ — — — ^ -^ - - — — h 4- — — - - - - 7 - / J , , , -^ , A _ 1 -t /• K Z^ ' h ~P\ S h — i t- s; ;z — — -f — r^ ^^ — V ■v^ ^— 1 1 .._^ , /_ [1 , 2. 1 1 .11 -j — — — — ' H — — ■ — J Fig. ioi. — To show how the price of india-rubber per lb. rose and fell between 1877 and 1898. (From the Keiv Bulletirt.) 1878, for the price per pound was then at the lowest point. The highest price was obtained in 1883 and 1898. Diagrams of this kind can be used to represent graphically the rise and fall in price of anything. A rise of the line shows a rise in price, and a fall shows a fall in price. Solubility Curves. — An interesting and important application of graphic representation is to show easily how the solubility of a soHd in a liquid varies with the temperature. Thus, Fig. 102 shows the number of grams of the three solids, nitre, common salt, and chlorate of potash, which will dissolve in 100 grams of water at different temperatures. The degrees on a Centigrade thermometer are marked along the bottom horizontal line, and the length of the side of one square represents five degrees. The number of grams of solid which the 100 grams of water contain is read off from the scale on the left-hand of the diagram. The length of the side of one square represents five grams of dissolved solid. Thus, a reference to Fig. 102 shows that 100 grams of water dissolve at 0° C. \i\ grams of nitre. I. K 146 ELEMENTARY PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY. At 5° C. 100 grams of water dissolve 1 5 grams of nitre. 10° C. „ „ 20 15° C. „ „ 25 20° C. „ „ 32 25° C. „ „ 37i 30° C- » » 45 35° C. „ „ 55 40° C. „ „ 64 45° C. „ „ 75 50° C. „ „ 87* 55° C. „ „ 100 We could read off the amounts of common salt and chlorate of potash dissolved in 100 grams of water at different tem- peratures in just the same manner. E'oo 1- — — — — — — — — u. i 0) 80 S 1 § TO 0 2 60 z > f.^ / Q K.n / ^j / a -'O r * / 8 *o / / •t^ — L— Q ~ / — Co m vo 7- b'a t- / r — ~ CO / Jr.^' < a 20 0 / ^ kr / -d V IL 0 10 a \i^ ^ -"5 lfiV> Ul (0 r. <— ■"" "■ L. L L- 30° 40'* So" 60° 7cr bo" 90° 100°C ^ DEGREES OF TEMPERATURE. Fig. 102. — The number of grams of nitre, common salt, and chlorate of potash which can be dissolved in loo grams of water at any tempera- ture from 0° to 100° C. is shown in this diagram. But when we have several solubility cur\^es together in this way, we can very easily compare the solubility of the different solids together. We see, for instance, that the amourtt of nitre which will dissolve in 100 grams of water increases very rapidly GRAPHIC REPRESENTATION. 147 as the temperature rises, as the steepness of this particular curve shows. The amount of common salt which 100 grams of water will dissolve increases very little as the temperature rises. The curve is almost a horizontal line, for while at 0° C. about 36 grams are dissolved by 100 grams of water, at 100° C. the amount in solution is only 38 grams. To BE Remembered. Graphic representation is very convenient wherever we have two sets of quantities varying together. Solubility curves show the amounts of solids which will dissolve in liquids at different temperatures. Exercise XXXV. 1. How could a cricketer represent his scores for a whole season graphically ? 2. Explain how graphic representation is useful in recording regular variations in the price of any article. 3. What is a solubility curve ? Draw the solubility curve for nitre and common salt. 4. A boy counted his marbles every night for ten days, and found he {Kjssessed the following numbers : Jays. Marbles I 50 2 65 3 78 4 49 5 43 Days. Marbles 6 36 7 24 8 43 9 59 10 71 Try to represent these numbers on a piece of squared paper. 5. Represent by a diagram the following number of horse chestnuts which a boy possessed during the first fortnight of October : Date. Oct. Chestnuts I 7 2 25 3 40 4 76 5 130 6 151 7 •97 Date. Chestnuts Oct. 8 142 „ 9 127 ,, ID 109 ■,, II 97 5> 12 54 M 13 19 ,. 14 * INDEX. Air, around us, 71-75 ; has mass, 74 ; exerts pressure, tj ; presses in all directions, 77 ; dissolved in water, 109. Amorphous, 17, 18. Archimedes, principle of, 64-68. Area, measurement of, 24. Balance, 44 ; principle of, 42-45 ; used for comparing masses, 45. Balloon, 67. Barometer, 79-83; definition of, 81; air pressure shown by, 81 ; when height of mercury in alters, 84 ; another form of, 84. Bellows, 78. Boiling point of water, loi. Brittle, 14. Buoyancy, 66. Camphor, 104. Cane, 17. Carbon bisulphide, 104. Centigrade thermometers, 100. Centimetre, 22. Chemical change, 113, 119. Combustible, 17, 19. Crystalline, 17, 18. Crystallisation of soda, 130. Crystals, 18, 125, and crystallisa- tion, 124 ; how made, 126 ; of alum, 126 ; of common salt, 130 ; of sulphur, 131. Cube, 125. Cubic measurements, 28, 30-32. Decanting, 108. Decimetre, 21. Decrepitation, 130. Dekametre, 22. Deliquescent, 126. Density, 46-49 ; meaning of, 47 ; high and low, 48 ; standard of, 49 ; how measured, 51 : experi- mental determination of, 52 ; of solids, 69. Density bottle, 53. Diamond, 9. Dissolve, 17, 18. Efflorescent, 126. Elastic, 15. Elasticity, 15. Emery, 9. Evaporation, no- 114; a practical application of, 113. Expansion, 95. Fahrenheit thermometers, 100. Feeling, 2. Filter, 18. Filtering, 105. Fixed points, 98- 102 ; on a thermo- meter, 99. Flexible, 15. Foot, 21. 148 INDEX. I4Q Gases, 12; dissolved in liquids, 109. Glass, 14. Graduation of thermometers, 98-102. Gram, 39. Graphic representation, 133-147. Hardness, 7, 8 ; table of, 8. Hearing, 3. Height of barometer, 81. Hektometre, 22. Impervious, 17. Inch, 21. Incombustible, 17, 19. India-rubber, 15. Insoluble, 17, 18, and soluble solids, 102-105 ; liquids, 108. Kilogram, 39. Kilometre, 22. Lactometer, 62. Lead, 14. Length, measurement of, 20. Liquids, 11. Litre, 31. Loss of vk^eight, of things in water, 66. Malleable, 14. Mass and weight, 33-37 ; measure- ment of, 37-41 ; what mass is, 34; mass is not weight, 35 ; metric measurement of, 40. Matter, 6. Mercury, a convenient liquid for barometers, 85. Metre, 21 ; square, 26. Metric, 22, 26 ; masses, how to re- member, 40. Millimetre, 22. Octahedron, 125. Opaque, 14. Physical change, 112. Pint, 31. Pliable, 15. Porous, 16, 17. Pound, imperial standard pound avoirdupois, 39. Pressure of air, how measured, 80 ; at different altitudes, 86. Residue, 112. Rock-crystal, 125. Salt, 18. Saturated solution, 114-116. Science, how studied, i. Seeing, 2. See-saw, 43. Senses, 1-5 ; five, 4. Size, change of, 90. Smelling, 3. .Soda crystals, 128, 129. Soda-water, 109. Solids, II. Solubility curves, 145. .Solubility of things in acids, 116- 119. Soluble, 17, 19, and insoluble solids, 102-105. Solution, 104 ; of liquids, 108 ; another kind of, 118. Solvent, water as a, 115. Sponge, 17. Spring balance, 35. Square measure, 26. State, change of, 91. Substances, 6 ; soluble, 104 ; in- soluble, 104; in suspension, 105. Sucker, 78. Sugar, 18. Tasting, 3. Temperature, change of, 91. Thermometer, 92, 93- 97 ; marks on, 96. I50 INDEX. Things, 6; many kinds of, 7 ; differ, 7- Transparent, 14. U-tube, 55, 80. Varnish, 104. Volume, measurement of, 29 ; metric measure of, 30. Volume, of water displaced, 57 ; of an irregular solid, 58. Washing-soda, 128. Vv^ater, displaced by solids which float, 61; as a solvent, 115; of crystallisation, 126. Water-dust, 90. Weather glass, 82. Weather records, 138. Weight, 36 ; avoirdupois, 39. Weight of air, vk'hy not felt, 78. Yard, 21. GLASGOW : i'RINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD. WORKS BY PROF. R. A.. GREGORY AND A. T. SIMMONS, B.Sc. EXERCISES IN PRACTICAL PHYSICS. Adapted to First and Second Year's Work of Schools of Science. lu two vols. Globe 8vo. 2s. each. SDUCA TIONAL NEWS.—" This book is neither of too advanced a type for the scholars in a higher grade school nor too elementary for students beginning their course in a Technical Institute or College. The experiments ai-e sufficiently detailed, and sufficiently illustrated by diagrams to allow of correct working. Its bulk is not needlessly increased by theoretical explanations ; it professes to be not a scientific treatise, but a practical text-book, and as such we can recom- mend it. 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