FROM THE LIBRARY OF (i. BEYHQ Medical Director, U. S. Navy Washington, TD. G. . — '- . 4 ' 1 • • • I ' - • • . r . I m • H : • 1 ; - ELEMENTS OF THE COMPARATIVE ANATOMY VERTEBRATES. ELEMENTS OF THE COMPAEATIVE ANATOMY OF VERTEBRATES. ADAPTED FROM THE (JEKMAN OK ROBERT WIEDERSHEIM, PKOFESSOR OF ANATOMY, AND PIRITCTOR OF THE INSTITUTE OF HUMAN AND COJU'ARATIVE ANATOMY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF FKEIBURQ-IN-BADEN, BY W. NEWTON PARKER, PROFESSOR OF BIOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF SOUTH WALES AND MONMOUTHSHIRE. WITH ADDITIONS BY THE AUTHOR AND TRANSLATOR. TWO HUNDRED AND SEVENTY WOODCUTS. MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK. 1886. The Right of Translation and Reproduction is Reserved. KICIIARD CLAV & SONS, BKEAD STREET HILL, LONDON", Bunguy, Suffolk. PEEFACE. PROFESSOR WIEDERSHEIM'S Grundriss der vergleichcnden Anatomic der Wirlelthicre, published at Jena in 1884, was written to supply a need which had been felt for some time past for a short text-book on Vertebrate Anatomy embodying some of the more recent views on the subject. The present book is a modified translation of the Grundriss, and it is hoped that it will serve to render Professor Wiedersheim's work more widely known amongst English students. «/ o o The plan of the original has been retained throughout, though numerous additions and modifications have been made to the work ; for many of these I have to thank Professor Wiedersheim, — for others I am myself responsible. I must also express my indebtedness to Professor Wiedersheim for revising the whole translation with me last summer, and for much help while the work was in progress. Within the limits of a short text-book like the present, much of the matter is of necessity greatly condensed : more detailed accounts of the various parts and organs will be found in the new edition of Professor Wiedersheim's Lehrlucfi der vergl. Anatomic, der Wirbelthiere, which is to appear shortly, and on the first edition of which the Grundriss was founded. vi PlIKFAT'E. The 1m '\ity of the descriptions is, however, to some extent made up for by the number of woodcuts. .Most of these aie taken from the German edition, but several new figures have been added. The arrangement of tin- book according to organs, and not according t» ^mnps of animals, is likely to render it more difficult for a beginner, and a general knowledge of zoology will be of great assistance. The pages on which the different groups are described are, however, collected together in the index, so that the sections relating to any one group can be easily referred to. The present arrangement seems to be the only possible one if the book is to be founded on a scientific basis, for it is most important that the student should grasp the fact that there has been an evolution of organs, as well as of animals. The more theoretical and detailed matter is printed in small type, and in the form of notes : the student should in most cases pass this over when reading the book for the first time. A black and a spaced type have been used to render prominent important word.- or sentences. A bibliography is appended at the end of each chapter. This in no case presumes to be anything like a complete list of the literature of the subject.: our object has been more particularly to mention the recent and the more important works, though many of these have doubtless been omitted. References to other researches Can he I'oiind 1>\ consulting the works mentioned. At Professor "\Yiedershei m'a suggestion, I have not insert,,] :i translation <»f the preface to the original, as it seemed unnecessary so to do. I may, however, mention that the book was written for .-Indents of Medicine, as \\ell as for those of < 'oinparat i\ <• Anatomy: the intimate connection of the two subjects renders it PREFACE. vii most important that medical students should have a general scientific basis for their special anatomical knowledge. My sincerest thanks are due to my friends Professors F. Jeffrey Bell and G. B. Howes, who have kindly read through the proof-sheets. To them I am indebted for numerous valuable suggestions, as well as for correcting many faults of style and expression which had escaped my notice. I must also express my thanks to my father, Professor W. K. Parker, and to Dr. Gadow, for many special details in connection with the skeleton, as well as to Mr. E. Radford for help in making the index. W. N. PARKER. UNIVERSITY COLLKGE, CARDIFF, May 1886. ERRATA AND ADDENDA. 10, 9lh liue,/or "centra" read "centre." ,, 83, 5th line, for " when " read "where." ,, 136, in Fig. 109, SR sliould indicate the space below DXf, and the line from A should point to the layer indicated by SR. ,, 249, Fig. 203, for " Siluris " read " Silurus." Insert under Bibliography : — On p. 160 :— GHAAF, HENRI W. UK. — Zur Anatomic und Eiitiricki:lnn'r Kpi]->lnin(. bei Amphibien und Rcptilien. Zool. Anzeigcr, IX. Jahrgang, No. 219, 1886. :, W. BALDWIN. — The Parietal Eye of Hatteria. Nature, May 13th, 1886. (Do Graaf shows that the epiphysis really corresponds to an un- bus ' si-nsi'-organ, and i\[r. Sprnn-r bus 1'uuinl a well-developed nu-dian in Hatteria and other Lixanls. Compare p. 133 of this book. > JOHNSON, Auric, and S]ir.u>»N, LILIAN. — <>n . th- ]>• /•»•/"/»/«• nt <>f the Cr-- in the Newt. Proc. Hoy. Soc. 1886. On p. 2!» I : I'AKKKH, T. JKI -KKKV. — 0,1 the Blood- Vessels of Mustnlns antarcticus. A Con- trihiitioii tn //!>• Mi>,-fi/in/,i:/!/ of the Vaxculnr .SV/,-//i in the Vertebrate. Abstract in Proc. ROIJ. >'»-. 1886. (Not yet published in full.) CONTENTS. PAGE Preface v Errata and Addenda . . ... viii List of Woodcuts . . xv List of General Works on Comparative Anatomy and Embryology xxv INTRODUCTION 1 I. On the Nature and Meaning of Comparative Anatomy 1 II. Development and Structural Plan of the Vertebrate Body 2 III. Classified List of the Principal Vertebrate Groups 13 IV. Table showing the Gradual Distribution of the Vertebrata in Time ... 15 SPECIAL PART. A. INTEGUMENT 16 of Fishes . . 17 of Amphibians of Reptiles .... .20 of Birds .... 20 of Mammals Mammary Glands 27 Bibliography • 28 B. SKELETON - - - 30 I. DERMAL SKELETON . . 30 II. ENDOSKELETON . 33 I. VERTEBRAL COLUMN . 33 of Fishes .34 of Amphibians . 39 of Reptiles . 4-J of Birds ... 44 of Mammals 46 Bibliography .... . 47 II. RIBS 48 of Fishes and Dipnoans 48 of Amphibians .48 of Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals 4y • ONTENTS. PAOB ill. -n:i:M M Bibliography IV. 1 HI. ,-K.VLL Theory of the Segmentation of the Skull .... . . 54 1.1. ] '.rain-case (cranium) 57 b. The Yiv.-eral Skeleton (gum-nil description and develop- ment 59 c. The Boiies of the Skull (.1:. nnal ih-scriptiou and develop- ment) 61 Anatomy of the Skull (special part) 63 A. The Skull of Fishes 63 B. ,, of Amphibians 70 c. ,, of Reptiles 74 D. ,, of Birds • 78 E. ,, of Mammals Bibliography v. LIMBS a. Unpaired Limbs 1. Paired Limbs Pectoral Arch .87 of Fishes of Amphibians and Reptiles 87 of Birds 90 of Mammals Pelvic Arch ..... &2 of Fishes of Amphibians of Keptih-s and Birds 94 .Mammals Free Limbs (,r l-'Mie.-, :md Dipnoans .... C.-n.-ral Considerations on the Limbs of the higher Yertebrata . 101 Limb-; of Amphibians . . . of l;. ptil - 105 of Birds of Mammals Bibliography . . . C. MUSCULAR SYSTEM DKII.MAL Ml'ScrLATriiK . MUSCULATURE OF TIIK 8KELETOK • n3 118 MI-.-i I 1 .- OP mi- TKTNK ,,f Ki-ln--. an 1 of i.vprr ,,| Birds . . of Mammal- 117 CONTENTS. xi PAGE MUSCLES OF THE VISCERAL SKELETON AND HEAD 118 of Fishes 118 of Amphibia 119 of Amuiota 120 MUSCLES OF THE APPENDAGES 121 DIAPHRAGM 122 Bibliography 122 D. ELECTRIC ORGANS 124 Bibliography 128 E. NERVOUS SYSTEM 129 I. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 129 1. THE SPINAL CORD 129 2. THE BRAIN (general description and development) 131 MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD 135 The Brain of Cyclostomi 136 of Elasmobranchii 137 of Teleostei 139 of Ganoidei, Dipnoi, and Amphibia 142 of Reptiles 144 of Birds 147 of Mammals 148 II. PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 151 SPINAL NERVES 152 CRANIAL NERVES 153 SYMPATHETIC 160 SUPRARENAL BODIES 161 Bibliography 162 III. SENSORY ORGANS (general description) 162 SENSE-ORGANS OF THE INTEGUMENT 163 Rod-shaped Organs of Fishes, Dipnoi, and Amphibia, — Segmental Sense-Organs 163 End-Bulbs 166 Terminal Ganglion-Cells 167 Bibliography 169 OLFACTORY ORGAN (general description and development) 170 of Fishes 171 of Dipnoi and Amphibia 172 of Reptiles 174 of Birds 175 of Mammals 176 JACOBSON'S ORGAN 177 THE SPOUTING APPARATUS OF GYMNOPHIONA 179 Bibliography 180 xii «< >NTENTS. PACE K-, d description and development) . 181 of 184 of Amphibians ... ' Vl" of Krptilcs and Bilds . 186 of Mammals ... • 188 K.-tina . . 189 Accessory Organs in Connection with the Eyi . I'.'l a. Eye-Mu-rlrs ...... l'.»l 6. Fvelids I'.'l c. Glands . . 192 Bibliography ........ 194 AUDITUIIY ORGAN (general description and development) of Fishes ..... 198 of Amphibians ..... of Reptiles and Biuls 199 of Mammals ....... 201 Histology of the Mammalian Cochlea . . Relation of the Auditory Organ to the Air-Bladder in Fi>ln s 207 Bibliography ............ -"' F. ORGANS OF NUTRITION AUMF.NTAUY CANAL AND ITS Al'l'KXDACKS (-m.-ral description) 208 I. M»nn .......... -1- Teeth (general description) . . . of Fishes and Ainpliil-ians . . of Rcptil.-s .... 215 of Mammals .... 216 elands of the Mouth . . '-'-" o-f Amphibians . . of Reptiles ... 221 ,,M!inls . . . of Mammals . . Tongue . . . Thyroid Claud Thy urns Cland . 226 OOB II. U>"|-|| Mil B, M'>M.\« II, AMI IN'IKSTINK . of Fisln-s and Amjiliibians of i:,-i.til.-s of Birds . of Mammals . . lli.stol.'.u'.v of thr MUCOUS Mrmbran.- of tlir Alinifiitary Canal \ITIM.\I.IS i.r TIM: AI.IMIMAUV OANA1 l.iv,, Pancreou 243 . -Ji:; Bibliography CONTENTS. xiii PAGE G. ORGANS OF RESPIRATION 245 I. GILLS .... 245 of Amphioxus ... 246 of Cyclostomi .... 246 of Fishes 248 of Dipnoi 250 of Amphibia 250 II. AIR-BLADDER AND LUNGS . . 251 1. THE AIR-BLADDER ... 251 2. THE LUNGS 252 A iv- Passages 253 of Amphibians 253 of Reptiles .... 254 of Birds 255 of Mammals " 255 The Lungs in a more Restricted Sense ... 257 The Lungs of Dipnoi 237 of Amphibia 257 of Reptiles 258 The Lungs and Air-Sacs of Birds 259 The Lungs of Mammals 263 ABDOMINAL PORES 265 Bibliography ... 267 H. ORGANS OF CIRCULATION 268 (VASCULAR SYSTEM) 268 Development of the Heart and Blood- Vessels 268 The Foetal Circulation v 270 The Heart and its Vessels 277 of Fishes . . 277 of Dipnoi 280 of Amphibia 281 of Reptiles 284 of Birds and Mammals 286 Arterial System Venous System Retia Mirabilia . . 292 Lymphatic System Bibliography 294 I. URINOGENITAL ORGANS 296 Development URINARY ORGANS .302 of Fishes and Dipuoans of Amphibians of Reptiles and Birds 307 of Mammals . 308 xiv CONTENTS. PAliF. GENERATIVE ORGANS 310 of Amphioxus 310 of Fishes 310 of Amphibians 314 of Reptiles and Birds 317 of Mammals 320 COPULATORY ORGANS 327 Bibliography 330 INDEX 335 LIST OF WOODCUTS. KIG. PAGE 1. Diagram of the Unimpregnated Ovum 3 2. Diagrams of the Segmentation of the Ovum 4 3. Diagram of a Segmented Meroblastic Ovum ... 5 4. Blastosphere 5 5. Gastrula 6 6. Early Stage in the Differentiation of the Embryo 7 7. A and B. Diagrammatic Transverse Sections through a Developing Verte- brate Embryo 8 8. Diagrammatic Transverse Section through the Body of an Adult Vertebrate 9 9. A, B, and C. Diagrams illustrating the Formation of the Auinion, Allantois, and Yolk-Sac. A and B, in Longitudinal Section ; C, in Transverse Section 11 10. Diagrammatic Transverse Section illustrating the Structure of the Skin in Fishes 17 HA. Skin of Larva of Salamander (Salamandra maculosa) 19 HB. Section through the Skin of Adult Salamander (S. maculosa) 19 12. Six Stages in the Development of the Feather. (Mainly after Th. Studer. ) 21 13. Six Stages in the Development of Hair 23 14. Longitudinal Section through a Hair. (Diagrammatic.) 25 15. Section through the. Human Skin 26 16. A, True (Secondary) Teat ; and B, Pseudo- (Primary) Teat 27 17. a, Dermal Armature of Hypostoma commune (a Siluroid) ; b, Denticles from the Skin of the Abdomen of Calliclithys ; c, Plates from the Tail-fin of Hypostoma. (After 0. Hertwig.) 30 18. Dermal Denticles of Protopterus 31 19. Dermal Armature of Callic.Mhys 31 20. Transverse Section of the Vertebral Column of Ammoccetes 34 21. Portion of the Vertebral Column of Spatularia. (Side view.) 35 22. Transverse Section of the Vertebral Column of Ac.ipenser ruthcm/s (in the anterior part of the body) 35 23. Portion of the Vertebral Column of Protopterus. (Side view.) 35 24. Portion of the Vertebral Column of Polypterus 36 xvi LIST <>[• \V(.KJDCUTS. FI«i. PAUK •_!">. Dingrtun showing the Interrertebral Bemaios of the Notocbord :x. 26. Portion of the Vertebral Column of />;i,{'«i'iii f, Amblyatoma tigrinum ; < ', Gfyrinophilus por- j>/iin-ilicus ; D, Salamandrina pi-rxpi<-il//nj/:uti ji//<'< /•//.< . . 68 55. Cranial Skeleton of Trout 69 56. Skull of Young Axolotl. (Ventral view.) .... 71 57. Skull of X,il.iniandra nlrn (Adult). •; Dorsal view.) 71 LIST OF WOODCUTS. xvii VIO. PA G E 58. Skull of Salamandra atra (Adult). (Ventral view.) 71 59. Skull of Rana csculcnta. (Ventral view.) (After Ecker.) 72 60. Hyobranchial Apparatus of Urodeles. A, Axolotl (Siredon pisciformis) ; B, Salamandra maculata ; C, Triton cristatus ; D, Spdcrpes fuscus . . 73 61. Skull of Lizard (Lacerta agilis). (Dorsal view.) 76 62. A and B. Skull of Snake (Tropidotwtus natrix) 76 63. Skull of Young Water-Tortoise (Emys -curopcea). (Side view.) 77 64. Skull of a Young Crocodile. (Ventral view. ) 77 65. Skull of a Wild Duck (Anas boschas). (A, from above ; B, from below ; C, from tbe side.) 79 66A. Longitudinal Vertical Sections through the Skulls of— A, Salamandra maculosa, B, Tcstudo grceca, and C, Corvus corone, to show the Relations between the Cranial and Visceral Portions 81 66B. Longitudinal Vertical Sections through the Skulls of — A, Deer, B, Baboon, and C, Man, to show the Eelations between the Cranial and Visceral Portions 82 67. Skull of Embryo of Armadillo (Tatusia hybrida). (Modified from a drawing by W. K. Parker.) 83 68. Diagram showing (A) the Undifferentiated Condition of the Paired and Unpaired Fins in the Embryo, and (B) the Manner in which the Perma- nent Fins are formed from the Continuous Folds 85 69. Pectoral Arch and Fin of Heptanchus 88 70. Left Pectoral Arch and Fin of the Trout. (From the outer side.) .... 88 71. Diagram of the Ground-Type of Pectoral Arch met with in all Vertebrata, frora the Amphibia up to Mammalia 89 72. Semidiagrammatic Figure of the Pectoral Arch and Sternum of Urodela . . 89 73. Pectoral Arch of a Chelonian. (Ventral view. ) 89 74. Pectoral Arch and Sternum of Bombinator igncus 90 75. Pectoral Arch of Ornithorhynchus paradoxus 91 76. Pelvis of Protopterus. (From the ventral side. ) 92 77. Pelvis of Salamander (Salamandra maculosa). (Ventral view.) 93 78. Pelvic Arch of Frog (Eana esculenta). (A, from below ; B, from the side.) 94 79. Pelvis of Lacerta muralis. (Ventral view. ) 94 80. Pelvis of a Young Alligator lucius. (A, ventral, and B, side view.) ... 95 81. Pelvis of Iguanodon bcrnissartensis. (After Dollo.) 96 82. Pelvis of Aptcryx australis. (Lateral view.) (After Marsh.) 96 83A. Pelvis of a Six-Days' Chick. (After A. Johnson.) 97 83B. Diagram showing the Relations of the Pelvic Bones to the Acetabulum . 97 84. Pelvis of Echidna. (From the left side.) (After Gegenbaur. ) 97 85. Pectoral Fin of Ceratodus fostcri 100 86. Diagram of the Predominant Uuiserial Type of the Anterior Extremity of Elasmobranchs 10° 87. Diagrammatic Figures to show the Relations of the Free Extremity to the Trunk in Fishes (A), and the Higher Vertebrates (B) 102 88. Posterior Extremity of Eanodon sibcricus 1°3 b *T OK \VOOJX! UTs Hii. PAGE 89. lliulii Aim. <':u-pus, and Hand of Sain nm mlm mnculisa. (From above. ) 103 90. Right Tarsus of /• /-,V///s. (From above.) 104 fl. Right Carpus of a Young .4 Wigrotor Zwcitw. (From :iliove. ) 105 !'2. Anterior F.xtreiniiy of .•//•<•/,, .,.//,'/•/•//./•. (After C. Vogt.) 106 !':'.. Anterior I-Aiivniity <.f Blackbird. (Turdus merula) 107 !M. Posterior Extremity of Blackbird {Tttnftwmerwfo) 108 !'.". 1 •'« re- !•"•, ot of An.vstral Fnriiis of the Horse. 1. Orohippus (Eoccii' . •2. .Mesohi]'].u-; !']>i> i- !•'. sne). 3. Miohippus (Miocene). 4. Protoliii>i>us i I'pper Plio.-eiie}. 5. Pliohippus (Uppermost Pliocene). 6. Equus . . 110 96. Skeleton of the Left Fore-Limb of A, Pig ; B, Hyomoschus ; C, Tra^ulus : /), RoeVmek; /;. She.-p ; /•', c.-imel. (From Bell, after Garrod.) .... 110 (»7. Lateral Muscles of Amphioxus 114 98. The Entire Musculature of S'iredo?! j»sc(/brmM 114 99. The Musculature of iSiri ,7'<>/-//i/.<. (From the ventral side.) . . 115 100. Ti'i'i'-'lo iii'irni", -nt'i, \\ith tin: Kleetric Organ (K) exposed 1-! li'l, A :ind I!. Tin- Kli^-tiii- (h-'^ni «f '//-,» //..///\ <•!> rf,-i>-us. (B, from a piviur;!- liy A. Iv I..-1-.) I-"1 102. Klrrin'.' I'riftins of T«if«>« marmorata. (Semidiagrammatic. ) !_''> I Sy.-.lnii . . i:!'J ]n.;. I,.>ni;itii.'t<'*. (Dorsal view.) 137 111. Bi&ui of Qaleus canis, in situ, i Dorsal view.) (After Rohon.) 138 111'. I'.rain of .)/////.//»///.v m/ni/'i, in .-:itit. (Fr.nn tli.- ventral ride.) \Alter Rohon 139 11.", \. Longitudinal Vertical Section through the Anterior Part of the Teleostean Brain, i Founded ..n a figure of the Trout's brain by Rabl-Rflckhard. ) . 140 IlSa. Transverse Section through the Foro- Part of the Teleostuan I'.iain ... 141 ill. J'.rain of Ptrtih (Perca schraetser). (Side view.) 141 11.".. r.i.-iin ..f Perea sehraetser. I »..ix-il view.) Ml 111!, lira in of /'. l>ii-l,i'r. Sid.- view.1 . 11- 1)7. I'.i'ain of .^iiiiHKtiuii-ii uin-iil,*,,. (A, dorsal, B, ventral view) M;5 M -. I'.rain of Rana csculcnta. (From the dorsal side.) l-i:i 119. I'.i.dn of r.lindwonu (Anguis fragiliit). (A, from the dor.sal. I'., fnnn the ventral si. I.-.) Ill 120. P.iain of /.'• \. aide, H. ventral view.) 145 121. Brain of Alligator. Prom the dorsal side.) Alt. i Kabl-Kuekhard.) . . 140 I'J'J. IJiaiii of l',L'r..n. A, I'I.MII ab..\ : K. fi.un the side.) 117 LIRT OF WOODCUTS. xix FIG. PAGE 123. Human Brain. (Median longitudinal vertical section.) (Mainly after Reichert.) 148 1 24. Convolutions of the Human Brain. (After A. Ecker.) 149 125. Diagrammatic Figure of the Principal Bands of Nerve-Fibres of the Mam- malian Brain. (From a drawing by A. Ecker. ) 149 126. Casts of the Brain-Cases of Eocene Mammals. (After Marsh.) 150 127. Cranial Nerves and Brachial Plexus of Salamandra atra 153 128. Chiasma of the Optic Nerves. (Semidiagrammatic. ) A, chiasma as seen in the greater number of Teleostei ; B, in Herring ; C, in Lacerta agilis ; D, in an Agama ; E, in a higher Mammal 156 129. Cranial Nerves of Angiris fragilis 157 130. Cranial Nerves and Brachial Plexus of Scyllium canicu la 159 131. A, peripheral nerve-ending, as seen in all the higher sensory nerves ; B, rod-shaped end-cell of a sensory organ of the integument of a Fish or Amphibian, or a taste-cell ; C, free, and D, ganglionated nerve-ending of the integumentary sensory organs of terrestrial Vertebrates 163 132. Transverse Section of a Freely-Projecting Segmental Sense-Organ .... 164 133. Distribution of the Lateral Sense-Organs in a Salamander Larva .... 164 134. Diagram showing the Distribution of the Sensory Organs of the Lateral Line in Fishes 165 135. Organ of the Lateral Line of a Urodele. (Semidiagrammatic.) 165 136. A Tactile Spot from the Skin of the Frog. (Modified from Merkel.) ... 167 137.- Tactile Corpuscle -from the Tongue of a Bird 167 138. A Tactile Corpuscle (End-Bulb) from the Conjunctiva of a Mammal ... 168 139. A Pacinian Corpuscle from the Beak of the Duck. (After J. Carriere.) . 168 140. Epithelium of the Olfactory Mucous Membrane. A, of Petromyzon planeri ; B, of Salamandra atra 170 141. Anterior Portion of Head of Acfpenser sturio 171 142. Anterior Portion of the Head of Polyptcrus .' 172 143. Olfactory Organ of Menobranchus lateralis. (From the dorsal side.) . . . 173 144. Transverse Section through the Olfactory Cavities of Plethodon glutinosus (Mydodera) 173 145. Diagram of the Olfactory Organ of a Lizard. (Longitudinal vertical sec- tion.) 174 146. Transverse Section through the Eight Nasal Cavity of a Shrike (Lanius minor) 175 147. Transverse Vertical Section through the Nasal Cavity of Man 177 148. Dissection of the Head of Epicrium ghitinosvm. (Dorsal view.) .... 178 149. The Left So-called "Tentacle" of Cwcilia oxyurn. (Opened from the dorsal side.) 179 150. Diagrams showing the Mode of Formation of the Eye in Invertebrates (A) and Vertebrates (B) • 131 151 A. Diagram showing the Mode of Formation of the Primary Optic Vesicles (AB1) 182 151 B. Semidiagrammatic Figure of the Secondary Optic ATesicle, and of the Lens becoTning separated off from the Epiblast 182 xx 1. 1ST OF WOODCUTS. M... 15± I 'i LI mi "I I Horizontal Section through tla- Kight Human E\--. S.-,-n from above.) 188 153. Eye of a T.-1.. -Km 1-:. 151. Eye of Xoeerto muroZu, showing the Ring of Bony Sclerotic Platea . . . 187 155. Eye of au Owl 187 i;.-j. K.-tina. (After Merkcl.) 189 l.~«7. llarderian i -i Mum i; i> • Transverse Section of the Cochlea of a Mammal 204 170. The Organ <.f Coiti. (After Lav.l..\ ^"o 171. Diagrams of tlie Oral Cavities of a Fish (\j, Ami>hil'ian I'. >, K ^tile i>r l;nd(('), and Man (D) 210 172. Diagram of the Entire Alimentary Tract of Man 211 17:;. Semidiagrammatic Figure of a Longitudinal Section through a Tooth . . 213 174. Skull of Batraehoseps <>n< iiiialtiy. (From the ventral side, showing the terth (iii tli-- parasphenoid.) _ 214 175. A, Jiiagrams of Trans vi i-.- Suctions through the .laws nl' K. ptil.s, showing Pleurodont (a), Acrodont (6), and Thecodont (c) Dentitions. IJ. «, Lower Jaw of y.Hiiloi-ii i -ii-ijiurn ; b, of AH\<< ','••>-. (After Le\dig. ) . . . 215 176. PigOieB of the Poison Fangs of a Yip. -i-ine Snake 216 177. Dentition of the ll,-.l-,-hog (E, ,). (Tlie t.etli of Koth jaws from the M'le, and tlio.-e of the upper jaw from lielow.) 217 178. Dentition of the Dog (Ciinis/omiZiarM) 21.H 171.'. Dentitionof the Porcupine (fi > 218 IMI. Dentition c.f SI, 219 1-1. Dentition of a Catarrhine Monki 219 i--j. The Poison- Apparatus of the Battlesuake -j-ji , II. :'l iif .\ , \Sltll the Tollglle extended 223 A, Tongue, llyoid A|i|iaratns, and I'.ronehi of ' . : rii>i]l»l,i,-t . /.sj ; \\, 'I'oiigii.- of Lactrta; (', of .!/•.,<.'/«/• im/i,-iis; D, of K,^ '2-1 i-:.. Thymus and Thyroid of a Yi - ak 227 186. Int.- timl Tia. t o| :i Shark . 229 LIST OF WOODCUTS. xxi FIG. PAGE 187. Alimentary Viscera and Air-Bladder of Lepidostcus, in situ. (After Balfour and Parker.) 230 188. Intestinal Tract of Perch 231 189. Intestinal Tract of Siren laccrtina 232 190. Intestinal Tract of Rana csculcnta 232 191. Diagram of the (Esophagus and Stomach of a Bird 233 192. Different Forms of Mammalian Stomachs 235 193. Diagram of the Structure of a Ccelenterate 237 194. Semidiagrammatic Transverse Section of a Portion of the "Wall of the Intestine. (Combined from the condition seen in both Lower and Higher Vertebrates.) 238 195. Semidiagrammatic Figures of the Mucous Membrane of the Intestine of Fishes, showing Intermediate Forms between Longitudinal Folds and Bound Crypts 240 196. Liver of Eana csculenta. (From the ventral side. ) 241 197. Pancreas and Liver of Frog, to show the Arrangement of their Ducts . . 241 198. Viscera of Lacerta agilis, in situ 242 199. Amphioxus lanccolatus, x 2|. (From Gegenbaur, after Quatrefages. ) . . 247 200. Diagram of a Longitudinal Section through the Head of Ammocostes (A) and Petromyzon (B) 248 201. Longitudinal Section through the Head of Ammoccetcs 248 202. Horizontal Section through the Ventral Side of the Head of a Selachian. (Semidiagrammatic.) The floor of the mouth is exposed 249 203. Horizontal Section through the Ventral Side of the Head oiSilurus glanis. (Semidiagrammatic.) 249 204. A, B, C, Diagrams showing the Mode of Development of the Lungs . . . 252 205. Diagram Illustrating the Phylogenetic Development of the Lungs .... 253 206. Cartilaginous Skeleton of the Laryngo-Tracheal Chamber of Eana cscu- lenta. (A, from above ; B, from the side.) 254 207. Larynx of Phyllodactylus curopccus. (A, skeleton, and B, musculature of larynx.) 254 208. Larynges of Various Mammals 256 209. Abdominal Viscera and Air-Sacs of a Duck after the Eemoval of the Ventral Body-Wall. (From an original drawing by H. Strasser.) . . . 260 210. Left Lung of the Duck, in situ. (From an original drawing by H. Strasser.) 261 211. Diagram of the Arrangement of the Bronchi in Mammals. (From the ventral side.) 26 1 212. Diagram of the Pleural and Pericardial Cavities of Mammals, founded on the relations of these parts in Man. (A, horizontal section ; B, transverse section.) 265 213. Abdominal Pores of Various Vertebrates. (A, Cyclostome ; B, Elasmo- branch ; C, Protopterus ; D, Spatularia.) 266 214. Diagram showing the Primitive Relations of the Different Chambers of the Heart 269 215. Diagram of the Embryonic Vascular System 271 \\ii M.sT « 'I-' \VoolMTTS PAUE Di igraiii of tiit- <'iivul:iti.-. •of Incubation in the Chick. (Aftei ) -17. 1'. kg] iin iif the Venous ('in illation in tin- I'liick :it tin- Coinineiu-enunt of tl..- Fifth Uiy. After Balfour. 218. Diagram i-f the Venous <.' in the t'hick during tin- Liter 1 t:r Ineul.ation. (Afi'-r Billotir.) -JD A. B, ('. ])i:iL(i mi- c.T tin- li.-vc-l,,], mi-lit of the 1'aiivd V- - a of .Manimal> Mini. i. From C, g.-nbanr. ) •_•;.". 219, D. Diagram of the Chief Venous Trunks of Man. From- ;iir.) . . --". Diagrammatic Section through the Human Gravid Uterus •Ji'l. Diagram showing the TraiiMoi maiiou, of tin- Am-iii-. Arches— A, in a l.i.-.-ml ; JJ, in a Snake ; C, in a Uinl : aiid 1), ina .Mammal. (At li'aihkc.) (Se.-n t'rom liclow.) -J77 222. Hearts of Various Fishes— A, of tin- Elammer-headed Shark Z/';/i,i>tr-i i. . sh'-wii s|.ivad out. (Aft.T. I. K. V. Boas.) 284 229. A, Heart of Lacerta , and i:, of a laig.- Varanus, >ho\\n eui o|..-n : i . l>iagram of the !.'• \<\ ilian Ili.-irt ~^'' 230A. Heart of the Swan, with the Bight Ventricle cut open 280 230B. Transverse Section through the Right :/',/) and Left ( I'g) Vent riele of <;,-nx MTU /•"> 286 l-i\e liiir.-n-nt Modes of Origin nf the Civ. -it Vessels fiom the Aivli <>[' the Aoita in Mammals 287 232. The Arterial s\^i^m of & ,il,»m 289 233. The Arterial System of .Emya «m»p>»i 290 •j.: ; \. I >i i Mm of tli : n y ) < 'onn.-etioii of tin- Me-oiK-jilii-ie Ti.iniles with tin- S,-gm,-ntal Dud ' •j:;ii-.. Horizontal S.^tion through an of /. .. (After M. I': .nii.i •J'.«7 Tie Kul ire Fxeretory S\.-iem of the KinLrvo of // (3 inillimeiiv, long . ' Afiei E. S 298 235. I p t MI ma tie Tianv\,-rse s-,-ti.,ns of tin- liody of a I ...\M-I- Vertebrate, to sho\v tin- l;--l.ition- of tie- Segnieiiial Organs. Al'!,-r HI-IIM-D.) The i lit ,-ide of the tiguie r,-],i. later stage than the left 'jf»? : ' iiiiiitinu' the Delation- of tin- l-'.-male A). aid of the I; jirodueti IB to the G< . U of Ue.-- iiig. m-, in the High i • \ ta 301 LIST OF WOODCUTS. xxiii FIG. PAGE 237. Diagram of the Primitive Condition of the Kidney in an Elasmobranch Embryo. ( After "Balfour.) 303 238A. Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Organs in an Adult Female Elasmobranch. (After Balfour.) 303 238 B. Diagram of the Arrangement of the Urinogenital Organs in an Adult Male Elasmobranch. (After Balfour. ) 303 239. The Entire Viscera of Siplionops annulatus ( ? ), in situ 305 ' 240. Diagram of the Urinogenital System of a Male (A) and Female (B) Uro- dele ; founded on a preparation of Triton tccniatus. (After J. W. Spengel.) 306 241. Excretory Apparatus of Monitor indicus 308 •2 4 '2. Male Uriuogenital Apparatus of Heron (Ardea cinerea] 309 243. Diagrammatic Longitudinal Section through the Kidney of a Mammal . . 310 244. Male Urinogenital Apparatus of the Sturgeon 312 245. Female Urinogeuital Apparatus of Protopterus annectens. (From the ventral side, natural size. ) (After H. Ayers.) , 313 246. Diagram of a Portion of the Male Generative Apparatus of the Gyrnno- phiona 315 247. Testis and Anterior End of Kidney of Bana csculcnta. (Senridiagram- matie.) 315 248. Uriuogenital Organs of a Female Rana csculcnta 317 249. Female Urinogeuital Apparatus of Laccrta muralis 318 250. Male Urinogenital Organs of Anguis fragilis. (After F. Leydig. ) . . . 319 251. A, Male Urinogenital Organs of OrnitJiorhynchus paradoxus ; B, Female Uriuogenital Organs of Echidna hystrix , 321 252. Female Generative Apparatus of Certain Marsupials. A, DidelpTvys dorsigera (juv.) ; B, Phalangista vulpina ; C, Phascolomys wombat. (After A. Brass.) 323 253. Various Forms of Uteri. A, B, C, D, diagrams showing the different stages in the fusion of the Mullerian ducts : A, uterus bicomis ; B, uterus simplex ; C, uterus duplex ; D, uterus bipartitus. E, female Urinogenital apparatus of Mustdina, with embryos in the uterus ; F, ditto of Hedgehog (Erinaceus) 324 254. Section through a Portion of the Ovary of a Mammal, showing the Mode of Development of the Graafian Follicles 325 255. Diagrammatic Section of the Testis of a Mammal 325 256. Male Urinogenital Apparatus of the Hedgehog (Erinaceus} 326 257. Semidiagrammatic Figure of the Human Penis. (A, transverse section ; B, side view ; C, from below.) 329 LIST OF GENERAL WORKS ON COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND EMBRYOLOGY. BALFOUR, F. M. — A Treatise on Comparative Embryology. 2 vols. London, 1881- 1882. A Monograph on the Development of Elasmobranch Fishes. London, 1878. BELL, F. JEFFREY. — Comparative Anatomy and Physiology. London, 1885. BRONK, H. G. — Die Classen und Ordnungcn dcs Thiemiches. Leipzig and Heidel- berg, 1873 and onwards. (The volumes on Amphibia, Reptilia, and Aves have appeared up to the present time.) CHAUVEAU, A. — L' Anatomic comparee dcs Animaux domcstiques. Paris, 1883. Earlier Edition translated by Fleming. London, 1873. CUVIER, G. — Lcfons d' 'Anatomic comparee. 5 vols. Paris, 1799-1805. 2nd Ed. 1835-1845. ECKER, A. — Iconcs Physiologiccc. Leipzig, 1852-1859. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Edinburgh, 1875 and onwards. (20 vols. have appeared up to the present time. ) (See articles on Amphibia, Anatomy, Ape, Biology, Birds, Embryology, Evolution, Histology, Ichthyology, Mammalia, Physiology, Reproduction, Reptiles, &c. ) FOL, H. — Lehrbuch dcr vergleichcndcn microscopischen Anatomic mit Einschluss der vergleichcndcn Histologie und Histogcnic. Leipzig, 1884. Now appearing in parts. FOSTER, M., and BALFOUR, F. M. — T/ie Elements of Embryology. 2nd Ed. edited by Sedgwick and Heape. London, 1883. GEGENBAUR, C. — Elements of Comparative Anatomy (translated by F. Jeffrey Bell). London, 1878. GOTTE, A. — Entwickclungsgcschichlc der Unke. Leipzig, 1875. HAECKEL, E. — Generellc Morphologic der Organismen. 2 Bde. Berlin, 1866. HERTWIG, 0. — Die Coclomthcoric. Jena, 1881. HOWES, G. B. — Atlas of Practical Elementary Biology. London, 1885. (Contains numerous figures of the anatomy, histology, and development of the Frog.) HUXLEY, T. H. — Anatomy of Vcrtebrated Animals. London, 1871. Reprinted 1882. KOLLIKER, A. — Grundriss der Entwickclungsgcschichtc dcs Mensehen und der hohcrcn Thierc. Leipzig, 1880. LEYDIG, F. — Lchrbuch der Histologie des Mcnschcn und dcr Thicre. Frankfort, 1857. MACALISTER, A. — Introduction to Animal Morplwlogy. 2nd Vol. (Vertebrates.) London, 1878. MARTIN, H. N., and MOALE, W. A. — Handbook of Vertebrate Dissection. (Three parts have appeared up to the present time : these contain descriptions of the Turtle, Pigeon, and Rat.) Macmillan & Co., 1884. xxvi LIST or GENERAL \Y<»I;KS. MECKEL, •'• It.— System •'• -• vergl. .im'tn,,,^-. r, i;,|,-. Hall,-, is-21-1833. Mll.NI'.-F.I'WAKI'S, II.- /- • "// . 20 Paris, 1 -."'7-1 "-SO. M'>M:I>, A. — T! - / . Edinburgh, 1785. Mi in::, I-'.. — /'• ••<•'. ./' . I'li-rlin. l-'-'\ l-t.'i. (i\vrs, ][.--. 1,,»' I...H.1.UI, ix'.i; 1868. I'Ai.Ki.n, T. J. — A Course of . Vertebrates). London, lx~l. Roi.ii-i"\, G. — Forms of A nil, . O.\l'i>r«l, 1- S< iiMii'T, 0. — IliiinHiHi-li . .' oa, 1882. SIANMI^. II. ffandbucl .' WirbeUhiere. li'-rliu, !>.". 1. (Contains ili-iiiil.-il .li-si-riptions <,|' Fi-ln-, Aiuuliiliaiis, and l!<-ntil VOGT, C., ami .Irv:. }'..-- /./. ,-!•!',•'/ der .• . 1 '•! i nnsrliwci;:, 1885. TfiHi d? Anatomic • . Paris, 1884 ;nnl i.uwaiJ-. (Onlyj'aits i-i-latiiifj to Invertebrates !• 1.) AVr.i;i:i:. MAX.— N//'"' Saiigethiere. Ein Bevtrag ewr Fragi nachdemD dcr < en. Jena, 1886. WIEDEIISHEIM, R. — L>],rlii'-li KI:, r.fin- ('., ami GAGE, s. IT. — Anatomical Technology. \<'\v York and Chicago, 1882. ELEMENTS UF THE COMPARATIVE ANATOMY VERTEBRATES, COMPAKATIVE ANATOMY. INTRODUCTION. I. ON THE NATURE AND MEANING OF COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. A THOROUGH knowledge of the animal body cannot be gained by Comparative Anatomy alone, and it is therefore necessary to call in the aid of other branches of science also, viz. : — 1. Ontogeny; 2. Palaeontology; 3. Histology; and 4. Physiology. The first of these treats of the developmental history of the individual, while the second has to do with the development of the races of animals in time (Phylogeny). As the different phases of development of the race are usually repeated to a greater or less extent in those of the individual, these two subjects help to complete one another. Thus the object of both alike is to enable us to ascertain the past by observing the present. The third-mentioned branch, Histology, teaches us about the structural elements — the building-stones of the organism. It shows how these elements are combined to form tissues, and how organs are constructed out of the latter. The organs again combine to form systems of organs. The structural elements consist primarily of cells and second- arily of cells and fibres, and the different tissues may be divided into four principal groups :— 1. Epithelium, and its derivative, glandular tissue. 2. Supporting-tissue (connective-tissue, cartilage, bone). 3. Muscular tissue. 4. Nervous tissue. In accordance with their physiological character, epithelium and supporting-tissue maybe described as passive, and muscular and nervous tissue as active. E i' COMPAKATIVK ANATOMY. ]5v an organ \\c underhand an a]i|iarai us constructed to perform a definite physiological function, as, for instance-, — tlio liver, which gecrefes bile, the gills and lungs, in which an exchange of gases is rffrcti-il with the .surrounding medium, and tin- heart, which pumps blood through the hody. The origan-systems, which will he treated of in order in this O */ book, are as follows: — 1. The outer covering of the body, or integument; 2. The skeleton; 3. The muscles, together with electric organs; 4. The nervous system and sense-organs; 5. The organs of nutrition, respiration, circulation, excretion, and reproduction. The closely-allied branches of science defined above are united together as Morphology, as opposed to Physiology, which concerns the functions of organs, apart from their morphological relations. Morphology alone leads us to a satisfactory explanation of the structural phenomena of the animal body, for it not only reveals to us the law of heredity and the consequent relationship of animals to one another, but it also helps to explain certain de- graded and rudimentary forms, which, considered as isola1' i adult animals, would always remain absolutely incomprehensible. Further, it shows us on the one hand how the animal organism is acted upon by the influence of its surroundings, and how it, is apt to change gradually and more or less continuously ; and on the other hand how the capacity of adaptation resulting from these changes varies inversely with the persistence of inherited qualities. These two important opposing factors, adaptation and heredity, constitute the formative principle of the animal bodv. II. 1)K\ Ll.oj'MF.NT AM) STRUCTURAL PLAN ol Till-: VI.KTKtJKATK !!(>]> Y. The structural elements described in the preceding sectlOD as the building-stones of the organism, i.<\ the cells, all arise from a single primitive cell, the egg-cell or ovum. This forms the .-tart ing-point for the entire animal-body, and a somewhat full aec.nint of its structure and relations mu>t therefore be given here. The stages in its development will only be described in a \ci \ general manner. The mi impregnated ovum consists of a rounded vesicle (Fig. 1), in the interior of which the following parts can be distinguished:— Tin \itellus (D\ the germinal vesicle (£8), and one or more germinal spots (K^}. Of these, the germinal vesicle is the most important physiologically (comp. p. 3). The outer-covering of the . \ n m is -poken of as the vitel line membrane. INTRODUCTION. Since the ovum in its primitive form as above described represents a single cell, we may speak of the vitellus l as the protoplasm of the egg-cell, the. germinal vesicle as its nucleus, and the germinal spot as its nucleolus. An outer limiting membrane, corresponding- to the vitelline membrane, is not an JM-- FlG. 1. — DlAGliAM OF THE UNIMPIIF.GXATED OVU.M. 1), vitellus ; KB, germinal vesicle ; KF, germinal spot. integral part of the cell, but may be developed as a hardening of the peripheral protoplasm, consequent on a process of differen- tiation. In all Vertebrates, the contact of the generative products of the male, the sperm-cells (spermatozoa) is an absolute necessity for the development of the ova. A spermatozoon makes its way into the interior of the ovum, and a portion of it finally unites in a definite manner with the modified germinal vesicle to form a single body — the first segmentation nucleus. This modification of the germinal vesicle takes place as follows. Before fertilisation occurs, two polar cells2 are constricted off from the ovum, part of the germinal vesicle passing into each, and the remainder being spoken of as the female pronucleus. The polar bodies are given off at different times in different animals : they may be formed while the ovum is still within the ovary, or, on the other hand, they may arise at the time of fertilisation. 1 The vitellus consists of two different substances — protoplasm and deutero- plasm (yolk) — in varying proportions in different animals. 2 The two most important views as to the meaning of the polar cells are those of (1) Bal four and van Beneden, and (2) Weismann. The first-named authors suppose that the egg, being a product of both sexes, is primitively hermaphrodite. By the extrusion of the polar bodies, the male portion of the egg is thrown out, and the remainder thus becomes unisexual (female), and ready for the entrance of the spermatozoon. This process would thus be a contrivance for the prevention of parthenogenesis. Weismann distinguishes in every animal body two kinds of cells, somatic and generative cells. As all the cells arise as products of the segmentation of the ovum, they are originally quite similar morphologically, and each would thus consist of a "somatic" and of a "generative" portion. In order that certain of them should give rise to definite generative cells, it is necessary that the somatic portion should be got rid of, and this is effected by the extrusion of the polar bodies. The first hypothesis -presupposes that in parthenogenesis no polar bodies are formed. Weismann has lately, however, proved their existence in the partheuo- genetic summer eggs of Daphnidse, and this view is consequently rendered impro- bable. In the development of the male generative cells, a certain portion of each primitive seminal cell also remains passive, not giving rise to spermatozoa. B 2 4 < o.Ml'ARATIYK ANATn.MY. The head of tin- sj»crniatn fiilcrin;_' the ovum, is trails!.. nii.-.l int.. llir male pronucleua,1 which fusi-s with the IVinale pn.nii.-lcn- to form tin- first segmentation nucleus. Impregnation then consists in a material fusion of tin- generative products of both sexes, and hence in the new individual we naturally find inherited qualities. The essential cause of inheritance consists in the molecular structure of the nuclei of both male and female germinal cells. This structure (idioplasm) is the morphological expression of the characters of the species and individual. -/J/v C I) Fid. 2.— DlAul: \MS OK THK SKfi.MKM A I I' i.\ OF THE Ovi.M. A, first stage (two segments) : A'A', ]>..lar hr.di.'s. ]?, second stage (four si-gnn-nt.-. . ('. Further stage. D, morula stage. The next stages (Fig. '2) are as follows. The first segmentation nucleus divides into two equal parts, each of which forms a new centre for the division of the ovum int.. t \\ .. halves. This division. the beginning of the process of segmentation, takes place- 1>\- the formation of a furrow round the egg, which becom..* deeper and deeper, until the division is complete. The first stage in the process of segmentation is thus completed : the second takes place in e\;K tly the same way, and results in a It til.' .-;•- is In I..- Ii.irin:ill\ .li'Vclnjii'd. lint .T. Tho latter may either pass through a di-tinitc its way through the viti-Hin.. m. mluHin-. tliaii nil.' sjM'rniiltn/noli must (mirropylf), or else INTRODUCTION. 5 division of the ovum into four parts, and by a similar process are formed eight, then sixteen, then thirty-two spheres, and so on, the spheres becoming smaller and smaller, and each being provided with a nucleus. In short, out of the original ovum, corresponding Fio. 3. — DIAGRAM OP A SBGMENTRD MEIIOBLASTIO OVUM. Bin, blastoderm ; T>n, yolk. to a single cell, a mass of cells is formed, which represents the building-material of the animal body, and which, from its likeness in appearance to a mulberry, is spoken of as a morula.1 .-FH ;. 4. — BLASTOSPHEUK. 7?/>, blastoderm : FH, segmentation cavity. In the interior of this morula a cavity (segmentation cavity) filled with fluid is formed, and the morula is now spoken of as the blastosphere or blastula. The peripheral cells enclosing this cavity form the germinal membrane or blastoderm (Fig. 4, 1 A segmentation of the entire ovum occurs in Amphioxns, Cyclostomes, Stur- geon, Lepidosteus, Amphibians, and Mammals (with the exception of Monotremes). In Elasmobranchs, Teleosteans, Reptiles, Birds, and Monotremes, in which a very large amount of food -yolk (deuteroplasm) is present in the protoplasm, the egg under- goes only a partial segmentation, the main mass of the yolk remaining undivided and serving merely as nutritive material for the developing embryo. The former are spoken of as holoblastic (Figs. 1 and 2), the latter as meroblastic (Fig. 3). The eggs of the Sturgeon, Lepidosteus, and in a less degree those of Cyclostomes and Amphibians, though holoblastic, approach the meroblastic type. COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. BJ)).1 Consisting at first «»t a single layer of cells, the blastoderm lain- on becomes t\vi>- and tlien three -layered. From the relative positions of these, they are spoken of respectively as the outer, middle, and inner germinal layers, or as epiblast, mesoblast, and hypoblast.-' The <|iie.-tioii as to the origin of tin- germinal layers, on account of its im- portant signification, is one of the most burning problems in Morphology, and ;ii yet we, cannot arrive at any full and satisfactory conclusion on tin- subject. 1 1 may, however, !»• allinned with certainty that in all Vertebrates the blast<>- sphere passes — or did so in earlier times — into a stage called the Gastrula/ One mu.-t imagine this form as being derived primitively from the blastula by .-ui.iH.sing thai the wall of the latter : Fig. 4, Bl>) became pushed in, or Sip ZX/ Fn;. 5. — GASTIU i. \. Kid, cpil.lnst ; Ent, hypohlast ; Blp, blastopoiv ; f, ai-ehi-ntemii. invaginateil, at uue part, thus giving rise to a double-walled sac ( Fig. ">). The nutiT wall then represents the epiblasl (/•,'/•/), which functions as an organ of ]ii-otectinii and sensation, while the inner, or liypolilast ( l-'.nl . encloses a central space, the primitive inte.-tinal easily (a rcheiit eron), and represent the as.-imilating and digestive ].rimary alimentary canal. The opening . f the to the exterior, where the two germinal layers are continuous, ivpn-.-ents primitive mouth, and is called the blastopore (Fig. 5, ////<). Out of the c]iiltlast arise later the epidermis and its derivatives, as well as the entire nervous system. The latter is t'ormeil as an 1 In men. Mastic Vi-rtrlmiti- ova the l.laMoilcnn only cxtciiils part nf tin- \vay tie- pi-iiphcry nt' the nviini IML,'. 3). The tiTins ectoderm, mesoderm, .'"id endoderm •"'• apj.lic.i to th ...... rre- ^' l.-iy.-r- in an adult animal. 3 Tip' ],s of the formation df the g.-i. ." and of Amphibia, and the saiiH- process essentially occurs in the meroblastic ova of other Fishes, though it is h"iv lie. iv liillicnlt to recognise. In the case "I the Amniofa the difficulty is still greater, but although we ha\c no direct proof nf tli.- existence of a gastmlfl S\ tge, tin' intimat.' coiin.-e! i,,n of (lie developmental process,'- tliroii^lh.iit the animal kingdom render.- it '/ /t' tin- iiLi.Tiit.-i in dif- ferent, .Mamm ,ils. The mo.-t, primitive arrangement is most probably mie in which tin- allaiitnis beCOIU68 alla.-lic-d al«nur a discoidal re^ii.n uf the wall of tin- uterus, and the various modifications seen in the different groups may be looked up. .it a- having arisen in ..rder to increase the absorptive surface. This may !>.• ell'ected cither l,y the area of that part of the allantois which is covered bv placenta! villi hecumin;_' extended, in- by the increase in complexity of the villi and crypts. In the latter case, the interlocking between |',rtal and maternal part- i- SO d"~e that tin- mnc.ui-, membrane of ihe nieriis is turn away witli the t'ctal part uf the placenta at birth, and the latter is then said to be deciduate. In the furmer ca-c, the discoid.-il placenta may extend so as to ' In tin- Inw.-st Yi-rU'hrat'^, the segmentation of the body is indicated mtiinly l.y -> i in it rs. INTRODUCTION. 1? 11 JtF—S- Al \ -~ A B 0 FIG. 9, A, B, AND C. — DIAGRAMS ILLUSTRATING THE FORMATION OF THE AMNION, ALLANTOIS, AND YOLK-SAC. A AND B, IN LONGITUDINAL SECTION ; C, IN TRANSVERSE SECTION. E, embryo ; Dh, alimentary tract ; Do, yolk-sac ; t, vitello-intestinal duct ; PP, body-cavity; Ah, amniotic cavity; AF, amniotic fold; A, amnion ; Al, allantois ; a, somatopleure ; b, splanchnopleure ; AT, medullary cord ; C, notochord. lii mMPAKATlVK ANATOMY. occupy a zonary area, or even so as to completely surround the fietus, when it is spoken of as diffused. By the concentration of the villi of the diffused placenta intc definite patches, <>r cotyledons, a polycotyledonary form is produced. Rodents, lnsectivoiv<, and Bats possess a discoidal deciduate placenta, and that of Sloths, Armadilloes, and Mynnecophaga approaches the same type. In ( lamivores, Elephants, Hyrax, and Orycteropua, it is deciduate and zonary. In all other Mammals the placenta is non-deciduate, the maternal and I'irtal part- simplv separating from one another at birth. Amongst these the P"ly- cotyledonary form is found in the Ruminants proper, and the diffused form in Simla?, Hippopotamus, Perissodactyla, Tylopoda, Tragulido?, Man is, Lemuridso, Sirenia, and Cetacea. The mode of development of the meta- discoidal placenta of Primates shows that it has been derived from a diffused placenta, the villi becoming restricted in the course of development to a disk-shaped area, and their complexity increasing at the same time (Balfour). In the course of development the embryo becomes more and more folded off from the yolk-sac (umbilical vesicle) (Fig. 9, Do), the stalk of which latter, and that of the allantois, enveloped by the base of the amnion, together form the umbilical cord. At birth, the fcetal membranes are shed, the intra- alidominal portion of the allantois persisting as the urinary bladder and the n radius (cp. the chapter on the vascular system). Amongst Elasmobranchs, Mustelus laevis and Carcharias possess a kind of placenta formed by the yolk-sac, which becomes raised into folds fitting into the. vascular walls of the oviduct. Indications of such an umbilical placenta are also seen in the early stages of Insectivora, Cheiroptera, and Rodentia. Further investigations on the umbilical sac and allantois in Marsupials mid Monotremes are necessary. Indications of an umbilical placenta have been observed in the former group. INTRODUCTION. 13 SYSTEMATIC ZOOLOGY. On the ground of their relationship to one another, animals have been classified into certain divisions and subdivisions, which are designated as Classes, Orders, Suborders, Families, Genera, and Species. A general classification of the principal existing Vertebrate groups is given in the following table. A. Acrania. Amphioxtis. B. Craniata. I. CYCLOSTOMATA (Suctorial Fishes). 1. Petromyzontidse. 2. Myxinoidae. II. GNATHOSTOMATA (Animals provided with jaws), (a.) ANAMNIA (without amnion). 1. PISCES (True Fishes). a. Elasmobranchii (Sharks and Rays). ft. Holocephali (Chimsera and Callorhynchus). y. Ganoidei. 1. Selachoidei (Cartilaginous Ganoids — Aci- penser, Polyodon, &c.). 2. Teleostoidei (Bony Ganoids — Polypterus, Lepidosteus, Amia, &c.). 3. Teleostei. 1. Physostomi (with open pneumatic duct between the air-bladder and pharynx, e.g. Cyprinu.s, Salmo, Silurus, Mormyrus). 2. Physoclisti (air-bladder, when present, with closed pneumatic duct, e.g. Perca, Gad us, Lophius). 2. DIPNOI. 1. Monopneumones (Ceratodus). 2. Dipneumones (Protopterus). 3. AMPHIBIA. a. Urodela. 1. Perennibranchiata (Proteus, Siren, Monobran- chus). 2. Caducibranchiata. Derotremata (Amphiunia, Menopoma). Myctodera (Salamandra, Triton, Ambly- stoma). ^. Anura (Frogs and Toads), y. Gymnophiona (Footless Ciecilians). Ichthyopsida. H CO.Ml'AK. \TIVK ANATO.MY. (b.) AM x IOTA (Vertebrates which de\vln]> :m ;minii>n durini: fcetal life). 1. KKITII.IA. a. Crocodilia (Crocodiles and Alligators). ft. Lacertilia (Lizards). y. Chelonia (Turtles and Tortoises). Sauropsicla. 8. Ophidia (Snakes). •1. Avi:s. a. Ratitic (Cursorial Birds— Ostrich, Rhea, Emeu, Ac.). ft. Carinatae (Birds of Hiyht). 3. MAMMALIA. o. 1'rot'otheria or Ornithodelphia (Monotremata — Ornitliorliyuchus and Echidna). ft. Metatheria or Didelphia (Marsupialia — Kan- garoos, Phalangers, Opossums, &c.). y. Eutheria or Monodelphia (Placentalia). Edentata. Sirenia. Cetacea. Ungulate. Hyracoidea, Proboscidea. Rodent ia. Cheiroptera. I uscctivora. Carnivora. Lemuroidea. Primates. INTRODUCTION 15 SPECIAL PART. A. INTEGUMENT. THE skin consists of a superficial ectodermal and a deeper mesodermal layer. The former is called the epidermis (scarf- skin) and the latter the derma (corium, cutis). The subcu- taneous connective tissue is usually not sharply marked off from the derma, but either passes gradually into the other. The epidermis always consists of cells only, while the derma is made up principally of connective-tissue fibres, as well as those of an elastic and contractile nature. Nerves, glands, pigment-cells (chromatophores), bony-structures, and vessels occur principally in the derma, the last two being found in this part of the integument only. Thedennaisalso permeated throughout by leucocytes (white blood-corpuscles), and this is especially the case in Fishes. These leucocytes penetrate to the superficial layer of the epidermis, and carry pigment granules.1 Here they take on amoeboid movements, and break up into numerous small pigment- containing particles, which are taken up by the epithelial cells. From what has been said above, it is clear that the skin pre- sents much variety both in form and function, and this cannot be wondered at when one considers how accessible its outer surface is to external modifying influences. In the epidermis two layers may always be distinguished : — an outer, r. imposed of horny cells (stratum corneum, horny layer), and a deeper, made up of soft protoplasmic cells ('stratum Malpighii, mucous layer). The latter serves as a matrix for tin- regi'neratii !' tin- horny la\n-. tin- supcrt'n-iiil part of \\liidi is nuitiimalh scaling oil'. Kn>iu tin- epidermis all the glands of tin- skin, ami all otlicr parts spoken ..f as epidermic structures take their origin. Such arc hairs, bristles, trailers, nails, claws, hoofs, \-c. The peripheral sensory end-organs of the ekin are to be con- sidered as arising by a differentiation of epidermic cells : the definite relation •uliirh many of these organs have with the derma must be looked upon as a secondary acquirement. 1 Pigment is never formed in the epithelial e.'lls tlicinsc lv. ,, Imt always originates in U INTEGUMENT. 17 Animals living in the water mostly possess a thinner horny layer which is more capable of imbibition than that of land animals, which latter are usually exposed to more mechanical dangers than the former. It may also be mentioned that the connective-tissue bundles in the derma of Fishesj Amphibians, and Reptiles show a typical arrangement in alternating horizontal and vertical strands. Their disposition in Birds and Mammals is irregular, that is, the ribres are more thoroughly felted. Fishes. — In Amphioxus, the surface of the epidermis is covered with cilia in the larval (gastrula) condition, and this Jf Jt Co FIG. 10. — DIAGRAMMATIC TRANSVERSE SECTION ILLUSTRATING THE STRUCTURE OF THE SKIN IN FISHES. Ep, epidermis ; Co, derma ; F, subcutaneous fat ; OS, cuticular margin ; B, B, slime- cells (goblet-cells which open on the surface) ; Ko, goblet-cells ; Ko, granular cells present in Petromyzon ; G, vessels which pass upwards in the vertical con- nective-tissue bundles of the derma ; W, horizontal connective-tissue bundles. must undoubtedly be considered as inherited from Invertebrate ancestors. The striated cuticular border of the outer epidermic layer in many fishes (e.g. Cyclostomes, Teleostei, and Dipnoi), and, as will be mentioned presently, in Amphibian larvee, is perhaps to be explained in the same wav, the striation possibly corresponding to coalesced cilia (Figs. 10 and llA, CS}. In Amphioxus and the Cyclostomes long cylindrical cells provided with stiff bristle-like processes appear amongst the ordinary epithelial cells. These, C 18 C'O.MPAKATIYK ANATOMY. a~ well ae similar element •= c..nnectephr\ IM- tile (iperellllllll is ]in>- vi'lcd \\ith a hnlliiw spine, a I (lie has,- .if which a poison-sac is sitnateil, and in Syirilieeia there are also a s.-ijes of " pnisnn-liau's " at the hases .if tli. uTuoVed nines H iniith. r . \'«\ ..... ..i-'ans appear to lie present in certain ..( h. r Fi-hes (many Si hi n. ids, ,\,-tnl,atis| hut the exist, m •.• ..(' act ual glands is not certainly known. 'flu- ]...i-i,ii has I,,, , .(]',., t mi . .1 her individuals ol i he same spei i.-s ; hut it aeta Verj jioweifnlly mi ch.sely allied I'm ins. as \\ell as on the higher animals. INTEGUMENT. 19 This richness in glands is a characteristic of the skin of Amphibia, and to it they owe their moist and slippery nature. Frequently, as for instance in Toads, the skin is not smooth, but has a rough, warty appearance, caused by local proliferations of the epidermis. cs1 Co FIG. HA. — SKIN OF LAIIVA OF SALAMANDER (,SW"///r a I'lirlluT ivl'm-nr.- 1.. llir rin;_<-likr M-uti-.- and scales fumnl in ( ';irili;m>, tllr iv.-i'lt T !.- ivfi-nvtl In tin- rh;i]iti-r nil tin- (liTlnal ,-krli'to]], allil it is only necessary 1<> stair ln-iv ilial tin- rin^s ai-i-uratrly ri.nv.-iiniiil in numlu-r with tin- \ rrtrl'rav a vrry ran- occurrence. The same is true of certain Ampliis- ii;i_-nian< (e.g. lilnmi.* cinen //.-•). Reptilia. — In contrast to the skin of Amphibians, that of Reptiles is very deficient in glands. In Lizards, a series • if " femoral glands" occur alon^ the ventral side of the thigh, tli-' seeretinn from \vliicli, as it passes out of the a pertures, hardens so as to form a series of pnpillu; or warts, which ap])ear to serve as clasping organs during copulation. In Ampbisbsenians integu- mentary glands are also present: they lie anteriorly to the cloaca. and open into the "pre-anal pores." The characteristic peculiarity of the skin of Reptiles is its capacity of producing scales, warts, prickles, shields {e.g. the " tortoises!) ell" of Chelonians), claws, rattles (of Rattle- snake), and suchlike structures. All these integumentary organs, as already mentioned (p. 1C), are to be included in tin- same category as the feathers of Birds and the hairs of Mammals: that is, all arise at lirst by a proliferation of the epidermic cells, a portion <>f the dermal tissue taking part in their formation later on. Certain special differences are, however, always to be observed in the development of these different structures, as will be mentioned presently. As in Amphibia, calcifications or ossifications may occur in the derma. The horny layer of the epidermis may be either periodically cast off entire (Snakes), or in shreds from time to time: it is renewed from the Malpighian layer. Pigment-cells also occur, rendering possible in many eases a change of colour (e.g. Chameleon Birds. — IJinls possess a thinner derma than do any other Vertebrates, and it is not \er\ plentifully supplied with blood- JSels, although, as will lie mentioned in another chapter, sensory organ> (tactile corpuscles; are abundant. In the deeper layers theivi> a stroiivjv developed network of muscle-til >res, \\ hich a iv inserted into the feather-sacs, and serve to ereci the feathers. Tin- feathers, arranged in so-called " teat hei-t racts " (jiteryla?) separated 1>\ naked regions (apteria), 1'orm the nm^t marked peculiarity of the body of P>irds, and their development IS very in>t 1'iict i\ e. In the region \\heiv a feather is to lie formed, the dermal tissue becomes raised up to\\anls the ectoderm i Fig. 1 :?. A. I'n. >'<•, N.)/';. and tlni's -ives rise to a papilla (J'«]>\ As this papilla grows out to form an elon-ated com' with a pointed ape\, the feather-germ Fi-. 1_ I'. /V\'i. its base sinks^pradually deeper and INTEGUMENT. deeper into the derma, and thus becomes surrounded by a sort of pocket — the feather-follicle (F, F1}. The horny, as well as the Malpighian layer of the epidermis (Fc, SM) extends into the base of the follicle, and thence into the feather-germ (Scl, SAP-}, the interior of which is throughout filled by cells of the derma, which give rise to the pulp (P). As the feather-germ keeps on growing, the cells of the Malpighian layer c". I). IIS IS c1 I Fin. 12. — Six STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE FEATHER. (Mainly after Th. Stucler.) On, derma ; SM, stratum Malpighii ; Se, stratum corneum ; S'M1, Scl, extensions of these tissues into the feather-papilla, Pap ; FK, feather-germ ; F, Fi, feather- follicle ; P, pulp ; Fal (SM1), folds of the Malpighian layer extending into the feather-germ, and enclosed externally by the horny layer, HS (Sc^) : both layers are seen in the transverse section (0) ; FSp, quill of feather, which breaks up above into a tuft of rays or barbs (HSt) ; sec, sec, secondary rays (barbules) arising from the latter ; R, rachis ; V, vexillurn. For further details as to the different stages A-F, compare text. If one supposes that in Fig. A the papilla grows and becomes flattened and bent downwards posteriorly, and that ossification occurs in the dermal portion, the essential mode of development of a scale would be arrived at. begin to proliferate rapidly, giving rise to a series of radial folds arranged along a central axis, which extend inwards towards the pulp, and are immediately bounded by the horny layev (Fig. 12, C, Fed (SM1) and HS (Scl). These folds then become comified and separated from the surrounding cells, and, by a gradual drying of the •2-2 ('OMI'AKATIVK ANATOMY. central pulp-substance. give rise to a tuft of horny rays, which aiv, however, at lii-st bound together by the mi-losing stratum cor- neum. Most Birds are hatched when the feathers are in this stage of development, and they thus appear as it' covered with pencil-like hairs. By the shedding "f the surrounding horny layer the rays or b.u-bs become free (Fig. 12, 1), //N/'. and if they are all similar to ono another, an embryonic down-feather (phi m a) is formed. Tin- \vhole feather-germ, however, does not become divided up into barbs in this manner: its lower portion, embedded in the skin, r. tains a more uniform character and forms the quill (calamus) (FSp). The embryonic down-feathers (Fig. 12, E), on the individual barbs of which smaller secondary rays or barbules ' become developed (sec, scr), may retain their character as such throughout lite or may be replaced by definitive feathers. In this case a second follicle early arises from the base of the follicle of the down-feather, with which it is connected by a cellular cord, and which it closely resembles in structure (Fig. 12, D, F1}. The papilla developing within the interior of this new follicle grows rapidly, gradually pushes the base of the down-feather out of its follicle, and conns to the surface. Each definitive feather at first closely resembles a down-feather in structure, and consists of a tuft of similar rays or barbs provided with barbules. In the course of further growth. however, one of the rays becomes rapidly thickened, and forms a main axis or stem ('sea pus), to which the barbs are attached on • •ach side. The proximal or basal portion of the scapus which bears no barbs is called the quill (calamus), and the distal part, to which the barbs are attached, the shaft (rachis). The barbs together constitute the vane (vexillum) (Fig. 12, K. /i', //N/. sec). The secondary rays or barbules are so arranged on each barb (7/«S/) as to make the latter resemble an entire feather in appearance. In many Birds, each quill el1 tin- ordinary feathers of the Imdy hears t\\o \ .•\ill.-i, tin- second lieinx spoken of a- (In- a f t e r.-ha ft (hyporachis). In this manner the contour feathers (pennaO are formed, such, for instance, as those on the wings and tail. The individual portions of the \e\illnm usually become verj closely united together, so thai an extremely strong and re-i-tant though pliant structure is (brined. A periodic casting of feathers, or "moulting." takes place in all Ilinls, and corresponds (() the similar process of the castingof I he ou tei- skin in Ueptiles ; in Mammals there is a continual scaling off of the epidermic cells of a similar nature. The feather-covering »!' Ilinls must have limi :n'(|iiiivcl in vrrv rarlv geological pi-ri. ,U, l,.r A r<-li;rn|i| cry x, I'mnnl in Ilic .1 IHVI-HC >ti'ala ..)' l'.a\ari:i. \> ------ JSCcl \\rll-lnnin-cl 1'eallnT- \\illi a \cry delicate shaft and vaiie. INTEGUMENT. 23 Palseontological researches have not yet brought to light any definite inter- mediate stages between scales and feathers, but that they must once have existed is shown by the development of these structures (comp. Fig. 12 and description). There is no trace of proper dermal bones (derinostoses) l or calcifications in the skin of Birds, and the glands are reduced to a single mass — the uropygial gland: this is situated at the base of the tail (uropygium), and its secretion serves to oil the feathers. Epidermic structures, such as claws, spurs, foot-scales, and beak-sheaths, are strongly developed. A < i~ B G 13._six STAGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF HAIR. St., stratum corneum ; SM, stratum Malpighii ; C, derma ; F, follicle ; I)r sebaceous c-land ; CZ, central, and PZ, peripheral zone of the hair-germ ; HK, hair-knob ; P, beginning of the formation of the hair-papilla ; P>, the same in a later stage of development, when it has become vascular. Mammals.— The hair-like structures possessed by certain Reptiles and Birds are historically quite distinct from the true hairs of Mammals. The possession of hairs characterises Mammals quite as much as feathers distinguish Birds from all other animals. 1 See note on p. 62. L'l- CO.ML'Al;. \TIYK ANATn.MY Kaoh hair arises first as a proliferation of the epidermic cells in the region of the Malpighian layer, which projects inwards towards the derma (Fig. 13, A and B, Se, SM, C). In this manner the hair-germ is formed. The thickening of the epidermis then grows out into the form of a papilla, and becomes surrounded by the cells of the derma, so that, as in the case of the feather, if (Dint's to lie within akind of pocket, the hair-follicle (Fig. 13, C, D, F). The originally uniform mass of cells of the hair-germ later becomes differentiated into a peripheral and a central portion (Fig. 13, E, Y,PZ, GZ}. The latter consists of more elong- ated cells, and gives rise later to the hair-shaft with its medulla or pith, and to the cortex, as well as to the cuticle of the shaft, and to the so-called inner root-sheath ; the former gives rise to the outer root-sheath (eomp. Fig. 14, which represents the fully-formed hair). The base of the hair-shaft which tills up the bottom of the follicle is broadened out to form the hair-knob (Fig. IS.E.F.^AT). an<1 tllc richly vascular hair-papilla (Fig. 13, E, F, P, P1), which arises comparatively late, extends into it from below. At Dr, in Fig. 13, the sebaceous glands are seen arising by a proliferation of the Malpighian cells. The hair usually breaks through the skin in an oblique direction. The character of the medulla varies so much that upon it principally depend the differences observable in the hair of Mammals.1 The colour of the hair is due to three causes : — Firstly, to the ^router or less accumula- tion of pigment in the cells of the cortical layer; secondly, to th. air contained in the intercellular spaces of the medulla; and lastly, to the nature of the surface of the hair. i.e. whether it is rough or smooth. The hair-sheaths consist of an outer, or dermic coat (Fig. 14-, F, F1}, and of an inner or epidermic coat, the so-called root- sheath (WX, WSV). The first of these is formed entirely from the connective-tissue of the derma — that is, from the above- mentioned hair-sac or follicle, — while the latter is a product of the Malpighian la\er, with which it remains in connection. I let \veen the two hair-sheaths lies a homogeneous and thin hyaline-layer (Gil). The follicular tissue, which is richly provided \\itli Mood- vessels, extends into the knob-like base or root of the hair-shaft (bulbus . and ijves rise to the hair-papilla (Fig. 14, IIP}. The latter is the real matrix of the hair, and from this region a new hair-.-haft may develop when the hair is shed, periodi.-ally or non-periodically as the case may be, by the formation of a ne\\ papilla. Whether new hairs arise in the same manner as in the embryo ("primary hair-formation") cannot be stated with certainty. Smooth muscles ^arrectores pili) and nerves, as well as soba- 1 In P.ii>. lib' hairs aro usually distinguished l>y se;i]e like ].n>j,-, tiui^ oi their INTEGUMENT. 25 ceous glands (Fig. 14, HBD], are in connection with each hair-sac, the latter serving to oil the hair.1 SA , w ' v ' ''/'i, ( '' -' ' •- -' * "•-,' ',*' i // ;• •jj v;:.;F/ <; . . Igl m>-rt 1 I Hi • ""'-:.?-?": '.•• ';v/'^v^/i- FIG. 14. — LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH A HAIR. (Diagrammatic.) »SV, stratum corneum ; ^J/, stratum Malpighii ; Co, derma ; Ap, arrectores pili ; Ft, adipose tissue ; F, outer longitudinal layer, and F1, inner transverse layer of dermic coat (both composed of connective-tissue) ; Seh, hair-shaft ; Af, medulla ; R, cortex ; 0, cuticle of shaft ; irS, JI'S1, external and internal root-sheath, — the latter reaches above only as far as the point of entrance of the ducts of the sebaceous glands (HJ3D) ; HP, hair-papilla, containing vessels ; Gil, hyaline layer, which lies between the inner and outer hair-sheaths, i e. , between the root-sheath and the follicle (dermic coat). As feathers are arranged in definite tracts, so also hairs are disposed more abundantly on some parts of the body than on others. 1 The arrectores pili have also the function of compressing the glands, though the latter are provided with muscles of their own, the development of which is in inverse proportion to that of the proper hair-muscles. 26 m.Ml'Al; \T1YK A N AT< >.\1 V. A richer hairy r, .\.-rinu lanu^n j< nfii-n m>-t with in tin- enil>rv"iii.- "•"inlitioii -- ;i~. r<>r instance, in tin- human i'lrtu- — ilian occurs latiT ; ami this fad, t..;_'eth'T with the- appearance nf al'imi in. illy liairy individuals, indicate- that at <>ne linn- man wa- distinguished hy a 1'ar iii"iv al'tuidant clothing "t' hair than at the piv-eiit day. In the ii'Tinal c<>nditi"n tin- and tin- An.-tralian- an- the nn-.-t hairy race-. When pigment is jn-csrnt. it is always situated in cells of tin- Mal]>ii;liian layer; ]>articular parts, as, l^r inr:i and scrotum \ tlicanu-. t he teats, and the skin «i the axilla' in Man, atv especially \\x-ll ]>rovit.lecl with it. T|R- outer layer <>i' the derma, as may be seen by a glance at Fix'. !;">, may be divided into an outer papillary and an imi'T ivtirular portion. The former contains both nerves and blood- and Fin. 15. — Tin;iin:n TIM: HTMAN SKIN. X.-, .stratum cnrm'iim : N.I/, -tr.-itmn Malpighii; ('», derma: /•'. /•'. 31 Cat ; A'/', nerve-papilla- ; ','/'. Vascular papill.-e ; A' ami '/. nerves ami vessels (.!' the il. Tina : X/>, .v/', -w, ai udands, \\itli their .luets (•^'/'l. xy't : //, liair \vitli glands ( /' . lytnph-capillaries; tlie latter, on the other hand, becomes lost \\ithoiit, any sharp boundary line in the sub di nnal connect ivc- tissue, :ind in the ni.ire or less strongly-developed l'att\ la\i-r fpannicnlus adip-isus . Si >th inn-de cl^incnts are dist I'ilnited througl ' the derma; they are particularly abundant in the BCTOl HIM fdartOE > and in t In- teats. The int canine n I a r\ glands are tnlie-shajied or else berry- shaped or globular. The fnnner kind, which \\ e must consider as the HIM- t -iii i pie and prii n it ive, include the su ea t -- la n ds and their modifications • 7. ceruminous glands : while the latter, which are more highly de\e!.ipi d bistologically, aie spoken of as sebaceous '_: I amis. To i he lat i ' r - 1 i>up belong the already-mentioned glands INTEGUMENT. L'T of the hair-sacs, the glands of the prepuce, the perineal glands present in many Mammals, the glandular dorsal grooves of the neck of the Chamois, the Meibomian glands of the eyelids, and many others. Epidermic structures play a very important part in Mammals : such are — claws, nails, liairs, bristles, and spines (Hedgehog, Porcupine) ; the so-called whale-bone (baleen) of the Mystaceti, the nasal horns of the Rhinoceros, the scales of Manis, and the palatal plates of Sirenia, belong to the same category. MAMMARY GLANDS. — The mammary glands, which stand in such a close relation to reproduction, are entirely confined to the Mammalia, which owe their name to the possession of these organs. Their phylogenetic relations are by no means clear; they must, however, be considered as modified integumentary glands (sebaceous glands). The so-called mammary pouch of Echidna l may be taken as a point of origin of the different forms of teats. It consists of a pocket-like in-sinking of the skin of the abdomen, which is possibly only formed periodically ; in it the eggs or unripe young appear to be protected. How the latter, in the absence of true teats, take in the milk is not at present known. !<-,,;_ 16. _A, TRUE (SECONDARY) TEAT; AND B, PSEUDO- (PRIMARY) TEAT. This pouched condition repeats itself ontogenetically in every Mammal by the epidermis extending inwards towards the derma, and cylindrical more or less branched processes arising from the base of the pouch thus formed. These processes only are the proper glands, the mammary pouch being simply a part of the outer surface of the skin which has sunk inwards, and thus it may give rise to hairs and other integumentary structures. The teats may become developed in one of two ways. In the first of these, the skin surrounding the pouch becomes raised up, and so forms a teat perforated by a canal, into the base of which the proper ducts of the gland open (Fig. 16, B). In the second case, the gland surface itself becomes elevated into a papilla, while the surrounding skin remains almost on a level with the rest of the integument (Fig. 16, A). In the latter 1 Whether the absence of a pouch in Ornithorhynchus is the more primitive or secondary condition is not certain : possibly one is formed periodically during "heat." COMPARATIVE ANAT<>MY. the teat may be described as true <>r secondary (Mar- su ]»i:ils, Rod i 'ii is (? all), Lemurs, Monkeys, and Man), and m the former as a pseudo- or primary teat (Carnivora, Pigs, Horses, and Ruminants). The latter condition is already sketched out in certain Marsupials rinilr i-»]i.-idnvil as an atavism tn a charaeteristie primitive 1'nrm which possessed numerous teats, and which produced a number nl' young at a time. Surh a transition I'mm polymastisiu to bimastism may be seen plainly at the piv-eiit day in the Lemurs : in them the inguinal and abdominal teats are under- going a retmgresM\ e met.-imiirjihnsis, while a single pair of tlmraeir teals n-main well develnped.' This ace. .rds with the fact that nm-t Lemurs bear only a pair of youn.L' "lies at a time, which they carry with them :it the breast. The glands, which are at first solid, become secondarily hollowed out and differentiated into acini, mammary ducts, milk sinuses, and excretory ducts. The whole intermediate tissue during lactation is filled with white blood-corpuscles (leucocytes), and possibly the well-known structural elements of milk, known as colostrums and milk-spheres, owe their origin to these corpuscles, which have passed through the walls of the acini. BIBLIOGRAPHY. < ' \l:l:lf i:K, .T. — !>!• ;»..••.•/. •m/ifi.rm"/- l:'n/ »•;,•/.; li/,i•,• A///"'' 'I'mix foi Ai'i-liirf. i/ii'/.-ru.i. .I/nit. 1'xl. .\.\I\'. l*sl. l)«Mi:i:"i\\ SK i. I;, vox. — > ;• ,r, ;/,, // . i ;, liiini' . A""//'/-//-/>x. Studie, Wicii, 18S.". (With in I.I.H. I-VKI.I , A.. HIM! \\'i nu i;-n M M, \\.~--lii' .liiii/i>iiii'<- i/.-.v /•'/•K.SV//.-.S-. ]'.r;iuns,-li\vi'i", 1864—82. QROBNBAUB, C. --/"/• .v<>i-/iii»t. ii-* -V./././v. .i/< -/-/'/I. ./"/(/•/-(/.//, i;.i. x. 1885. '/m- •-/..,, Kenntnw der Ziteen der S&ugelhiere. Mnr/i/n.l. ,1«1>rl>. M. I. 1876. IFfXi.i:v, T. II. — '/'• >juni' nt'irii iii-iin iix. Toild's i.'iii-ln/i n/.'-i nt' AiKi/. Hint 1'liiixinl. l\ i 1:1:1 i: i . I '. — U'l"i- ili'- ll'int der H'/ttiU'ii Hii'! niuli-,1- //"//•/„///,/.,•,, .//•,•//. 7'. ///./. r. .IIHI/II in,'--, l!i|. Mil. Ki \\i-' II, II. — /.in- .\//iii/ii. Li'.vi'i'.. I ' ber '//•• •. .l,i,it. 1!<1. XV. 1885, mnl '/.""I. Anzeiger, \». i:^, \'II. 1 III HilfHll. mil I' (/,-/.>•. »/\ till- sj|iU'l.- ]i:ij| nf teatfl 1- ,1 nil till' MIlll INTEGUMENT. 29 PAULICKI. — Ucbcr die Haul dcs Axolotls. Archiv f. mikros. Anat. Bd. XXIV. 1884. PFITZNER, W. — Die Epidermis der Amphilien. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. VI. 1880. RAUBER, A. — Ueber den Ursprung der Milch und die Erndhrung der Frucht im Allgemcincn. Leipzig, 1879. REIN, G. — Untersuch. iiber die embr. Entw.-Gcschichte der Mikhdriise. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XX. und XXI. 1882. SCHULZE, F. E. — Epithcl. und Driisensfdlen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. III. STUDER, TH. — Die Entwicklung der Federn. Inaug.-Diss. Bern, 1873. Beitrdge zur Entwicklungsgcschichte der Feder. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XXX. UNNA, P. — Beitr. zur Histologie und Entiv.-Gcschichte der menschl. Obcrhaut und ihrer Anhangsgcbilde. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XII. 1876. WAI.DEYER, W. — Atlas der menschl. und thier. Haare, d-c. Lahr, 1884. WIEDERSHEIM, R. — Die Kopfdrii&en der gcschu-dnzten Amphibien, d-c. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie, Bd. XXVII. ZANDER, R. — Die friihestcn Stadicn der Nagelentwicklung und ihre Bczichungcn zu den Digitalnerven. Arch. f. Anat. u. Entw.-Gcsch. 1884. B. SKELETON. I. DERMAL SKELETON THE dermal skeleton, ;is jiliylogenotically the older, is best considered before the endoskeleton. Its relative age is shown a FIG. 17 (.-il'tiT ". H'Ttuii,').— ". ]>II:\IM, AI:\IAIM;I OF //< /<"*/",//" communt Silurni.l) : l>. DENTICLES M:M\I 1111. SKIN oi'TJM-: A i:]>"\i I s "!• ' W//.7/////« ; c, PtATBe 1 l:"\| I II I 'I'M I, -KIN 111 /.. .li-iiii. il .l.'iili'-li's, sin. \\ it liioki-n nil' I'rnm (ln-ir luisrs ;it 7S ; 1:1'. l.;i-;il ]il:itr. in.! milv l>v PalflBOntology,1 but :dsn b\ ( hitii^cny. inasnuicli us (•.•ilcitir.-iiii.ns :md (tssilifiitions in tlic derma <>r perichondrmm 1 A.a examples of oncieul fuiin- \\hirli VM-V^ ].ruirrtni i.\- well-developed ilcrnml skclrtuli-. ln;iy !"• ini-lit ii .ln-il lln- :il innUI n| I''i--lii-.s of lln- I )r\ i.n l:i n ami Silurian .liatii, :ui' I tin- in ii 1 1 ill n -il Amj'liil'i.m "^ the ' ,1 1 i - MII I. n ,us. Trins, ami . DERMAL SKELETON. 31 appear much earlier in the developing animal than do definite ossifications within particular parts of the cartilaginous skeleton. The condition which obtains in Fishes and Amphibia well illustrates FIG. 18. — DERMAL DENTICLES OF Protoptents. D, the _ apical portion of the denticle. ; S, S, the base of the denticle, the cavity of which is seen in optical section through the transparent apical portion at S.I and S.2. this. To take a single example : the young File-fish (Balistes) is provided with a complete dermal armour at the time when the ossification of the primordial cranium has hardly begun. FIG. 19.— DERMAL ARMATURE OF Callichtliys. B, barbules ; BrF, pectoral fin ; BF, pelvic fin ; RF, dorsal fin ; DS and VS, dorsal and ventral bony shields ; f, lateral line. / The exoskeleton originates by the formation of small denticles (Figs. 17 and 18) attached to basal plates, which lie scattered over :;L> mMl'AKATIVK ANATn.MY. the whole .skin, and which exhibit exactly the same structure as the teeth proper, which will be described later. Such dermal ili'nt jclc- are found in the skin of Elasmobranchs, Ganoids, Siluroids. and I )i pnoa us : the large shields, which, in the armoured idsand Siluroids (Fig. 19), Lophobranchii and Plectognathi, heroine united to form a strong bony cuirass, may be derived from tin- gradual i'usion of the above-mentioned basal- plates to form bands and networks. One may even extend this still further, and dcri\«- phylogmet ically all the scales of Fishes, as well as the investing bones of the pectoral arch (e.g. Teleostei) and of the primordial skull in the same manner (cp. Fig. 53).1 Fossil genera of Amphibia have bequeathed but slight traces of this strong dermal armour to the existing forms of the group: as examples may be mentioned the bony plates in the skin of the back of certain Anura (Ceratophrys dorsata and Ephippifer auran- tiacus), as well as the scales lying between the ring-like scutes of the footless Amphibia (Gymnophiona) (comp. p. 20). The latter maybe derived from such a scaly covering as that of the ancient Salamander (Discosaurus) of the Carboniferous formation. The dermal skeleton of fossil Reptilian genera, as, for instance, of many Ornithoscelida (Stegosaurus), was still more highly developed. In these, enormous bony plates and spines, sometimes as much as G'> centimetres long, were present in the dorsal region. Teleosaurus also, as Avell as the Triassic Aetosaurus ferratus. possessed a strong exoskeleton. Amongst existing Reptiles, the Crocodiles, many Lizards (Anguis, Cyclodus, Scincus), and more '•specially the Chelonia, exhibit a well-developed dermal skeleton. In the latter group a dorsal and ventral shield (carapace and pla-troii) consisting of numerous pieces and completely enclosing the body must be noticed. Both arise independently of the endo- skeleton, which is preformed in cartilage, that is to say, they are true exoskeletal membrane bones (cp. note on p. (>-) ; the exoskeletmi. however, comes into the closest relation with the endoskeleton, and may supplant it here and there : thus, in Testudo, for instance, the thoracic ami lumbar vertem-;e and ril>s become quite rudimentan . Birds have no dermal skeleton, as already mentioned in the chapter mi the integument. It is uncertain wheth'-r the dermal skeleton present in Arma- dillos (Loricata)1 only among .Maininals is to l>e derived l thus Imtli epidermis and aenna take i>art in ihrir I'nnii.iiiiui. Smm- Kislics (..-/. Klc.'trir \i-.\\, Sjiatlllaiia. snlii'- I In!!.!- iln- .l.rinil .-K-.-l.-toii .-..n a scries of transverse l>ony BCUtM, wlii.-li a iv IIP i\ a Mr mi -rinal |.lai- - were linnly uniti-'l to^-tlii-r t» I'ITIII .1 lar^' -lii'-M. which I tli- \vh"I'- i ENDOSKELETON. 33 from that of Reptiles, or whether it is to be considered as formed independently, that is, as a new acquisition or " neomorph " (Gaclow). Thus it will be seen that the exoskeleton tends gradually to disappear as we ascend in the scale of the Animal Kingdom, while, on the other hand, the endoskeleton becomes of greater and greater importance. BIBLIOGRAPHY. CREDNER, H. — Die Stegocephalen (Labyrinthodonteri) aus dcm Rothlirgcnden drs Plauen'schcn Grundes lei Dresden. Zeitschr. der deutsch. gcolog. Gesellsehaft, 1881, 1882, 1883. FRITSCH, A. — Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Permformation Bohmens. Prag. (not yet completed). HERTWIG, 0. — Ueber Bau und Entwickclung der Plaeoidschuppen und der Zdhne der Selachicr. Jenaische Zeitschr. Bd. VIII. N.F. I. Ueber das Hautskclct der Fischc (3 Essays). Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. II. 1876 ; Bd. V. 1879 ; Bd. VII. 1881. MARSH, 0. C. — Numerous papers in the American Journal of Science and Arts. WIEDERSHEIM, R. — Die Anatomic der Gymnopliionen. Jena, 1879. Z-ur Histologie der Dipnoerschuppcn. Arch. f. mikr. Anatomie, Bd. XVIII. 1880. II. ENDOSKELETON. I. VERTEBRAL COLUMN. An elastic rod, the notochord (chorda dorsalis), lying in the long axis of the embryo, between the neural and visceral tubes (see Fig. 7, B), is to be considered as the foundation of the axial skeleton. Consisting of a meshwork of cells, which are early vacuolated, the outer protoplasmic part of the notochord becomes differentiated into a structureless cuticular sheath (the sheath of the notochord, or elastica limitans inter na), which, however, disappears almost entirely after the notochord has ceased to grow (Fig. 20, Cs). Outside this inner sheath, a skeletogenous layer is formed round the notochord from that part of the mesoblast which is distinguished as the mesoblastic somites or protovertebrse. Round the outer periphery of this layer another sheath is formed, the outer sheath of the notochord, or elastica limitans externa (Fig. 20, Ee). The skeletogenous layer, consisting of fibrous tissue, now extends dorsally over the spinal cord on each side, and thus gives rise to a continuous membranous tube, which is only broken through at the points of exit of the spinal nerves. No proper segmentation, — like that seen in the muscular system, — is to be noticed in this membranous stage. The first indication of segmentation is the formation of cartilaginous areas in the mem- brano-fibrous mass of the skeletogenous tissue, in the immediate neighbourhood of the notochord : these show a segmental ar- rangement (formation of metameres), and represent the first D COMPARATIVE ANATo.MV. traces of the \ettebral bodies and arches. This is the second or cartilaginous stage of the vertebral column, and now ossification may occur (bony stage). Those parts of the fibrous tissue which do not become consolidated in this manner give rise to certain ligaments of the vertebral column. During these differentiations of the skeletogenous tissue, the notochord suffers a very different fate in the various Vertebrate j' Fie.. 20. — TRA\"-vr.i:sr, Sr.rTmx OF TIIK VKI:TKI:]:AI. CULI'MN OF Ammoa C, Dotochonl ; C'.v, inner sheath, and 7>-, outer sheatli, of the notochord; SS, skele- togeiions lavi-r ; f>/>, upper arch ; Ub, lo\\er arch ; I<] fatty tissue ; M, spinal cord ; I', ]>i;i mater. groups ; it may increase in size and persist as a regular cylindrical rod, or it may become constricted at definite intervals by the for- mation of vertebral bodies, or even entirely disappear. During the cartilaginous and bony stages tin- various processes 1 raii-\ rise, artirnlar processes, &C.) arc I'linm-if: and llir individual inav si'iiirtimrs li.'i'inni- t'li.-rd (n^i'tlicr, as for in.-tancr, in the regions <>f the iir.-k, .-ai-rnni. and All these ontogenetic stages find their exact |»arallel in the ]»h\ Log^net ic dcvelo|iinent. of \'ci-tehrates, as the following JKI-VS will show. Fishes. — The vertebral column of all Fishes is distinguished by a very uniform character of its elements, so that one can only distinguish between trunk and caudal vertebrae. The mo-;t, eniliryonic type of notochord is seen in Amphioxus, Amnioro'tes, ;md M\ \tnoids, in which it is entirely unseginenti', lower arch ; Ao, aorta ; Fo, median parts of the lower arches, which enclose the aorta ventrally ; Z, basal processes of the lower arches. The strong, concentrically-layered notochordal sheath (Fig. 22, Cs) here plays the part of vertebras, and is surrounded by a fibrous skeletogenous layer (Fig. 22, S3), in which paired dorsal and ventral cartilages become developed. The former give rise to the above-mentioned upper or neural arches, the latter to the lower or hsemal arches (Figs. 21,22, Ob, Ufy. In the caudal region C FIG. 23. — PORTION OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF Protoptcrus. (Side view.) C, notochord ; DF, spinous process ; FT, interspinous bone ; FS, fin-ray. the latter enclose the aorta and caudal vein ; further forwards the cartilages do not meet in the middle line below, and consequently the lower arches end on either side in a laterally-directed cartila- ginous projection, or "basal process," which may develop an D 2 36 COMPARATIVE AN ATOM V. articulat:on at its base, and thus give rise to a rib (cp. p. 4S). Tin' relations of these parts in Elasmobranehs and Teleostcans is similar to that above described. For the further strengthening of the \vrtebral column so-called "intercalary pieces" (Figs. 21,22, Ic) appear between the upper and luwer arches in Cartilaginous Ganoids and Elasmobranehs. The vertebral column of Bony Ganoids reaches a much higher stage of development. Paired dorsal and ventral cartilages arise above and below the notochord, M" FIG. 24.— PORTION OF THE VERTKBRAL COLUMN OF //"A", centra ; HF, basal processes ; Oft, upper a relies ; Ps, spinous processes. but in the course of development so extend at the base as to com- pletely surround it. From the dorsal cartilages the upper arcln-- take their origin, and from the ventral the lower, while the car- tilage surrounding the notochord gives rise to the vertebral bodies or centra. The whole vertebral column also becomes strongly ossified (Fig. 24). The notochord is now no longer equal in diameter throughout, but becomes constricted or actually divided Zi f" • Y . //A \< I'l... -jr..— In M.I: \M MiowiM: mi [NTEBVEUTEBRAL I;I:M\IV> a}- mr. NOTOCHORD. (7, C*1, expanded and constricted portions of notocliord ; //'A', centra; /./, intcr- in the et\veen two contiguous vertebraB (Figs. -~> and '11, (', C1). The same thing takes place in other Fi.-lies — ElasmobrancWi and Teleostei — and thus deeply biconcave (amphicoelous) lentra are formed. < >in' nf I li.' l',..n\ ( !an nil 1<, Lrji id 1 1- ! r n >, forms a m.ii \,< <\ .•\ci-pl i. in to other I'i-lH :\ regard rtebral ix-lumn, inasmuch as definite articulations are liet \vee|| tile \ i •! t c •] ,] ie. A eolna\il\ i< I'oniieil at tlie llill']']' i)i(l of VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 37 each centrum (Fig. 26, A, en1), which articulates with a convexity (en) on the next vertebra behind (opisthocoelous vertebra). The notochord (except in the caudal region) entirely disappears in the adult ; in the larva it is seen to be expanded vertebrally, and constricted intervertebrally, a condition of things which appears again in the higher types, as, for instance, in Reptiles. In a still earlier larval stage, however, the constrictions are vertebral, as in other Fishes (see Fig. 27). The primitive character of the vertebral column of Fishes is shown by the fact that the arches only meet dorsally in rare in- stances. As a rule, the closing in of the arch is effected by special FIG. 26. — PORTION OF THE VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF Lcpidostous. (After Balfour and Parker.) A, a vertebra from anterior surface ; B, two vertebra from the side ; en, anterior convex face, and en1, [posterior concave face of centrum ; 7i. a, basal process ; n. a, upper arch; i.c, intercalary cartilages; LI, longitudinal ligament; i.s, interspinous bone. pieces of cartilage and by an elastic longitudinal band (Figs. 22, 2G, i.c, LI) which is always present. This description of the upper arches applies also to the lower ones present in the caudal region. Elasmobranchs and Ganoids possess a greater number of vertebrae * than Teleosteans, in which we seldom meet with more than 70 : the Eel, however, possesses more than 200. In Rays and Chimserse only amongst Fishes are definite articulations formed between the skull and vertebral column. 1 In Alopecias vulpes there are 365; in Carcliarias glaucus, 240 ; in Lamna, 150; in Pristiurus, 140; in Scyllium, about 124; inSquatina, 117. 38 < < >M 1'ARATIVE ANA'H >M Y. The caudal region of the vertebral column deserves particular attention in Fishes, and the primitive condition of this region iu Amphioxus, Cyclostomi, and Dipnoi, may be taken as a starting- point. In these, the notochord extends straight backwards to the hinder end of the body, and is surrounded quite symmetrically FK FIG. 27. — PORTION OF THE VERTF.I:I:AL COLUMN OF A YOUNG DOGFISH caniculn). (After Cartier.) Q notochord ; Kn, outer, and A"//1, inner, zone of cartilage ; FK, the filim-enrti- lugiimus muss lying between these zones, which is undergoing calcification; Li, intorvcrtrliral ligament. by the tail-fin, which is therefore spoken of as protocercal or diphycercal (see Fig. 29). This condition is met with also in ninny Fishes of the Devonian strata, as well as in young stages of Teleostei. In the latter, however, the ventral half of the tail-fin with its supporting skeleton becomes, as a result of unequal growth, KM:. "J.X. --I'r.KTlDN UK Tlir. V I i: I I I'.i: \ I. COLUMN OF ScyiMVUA, ll'/\, ••• nii.i ; 1 1/'. upper arches ; /••, int. ivalary pi^-cs. The apertures fyr the spinal ii.Tvr.-, ;uv sin ii in the arches and intercalary pieces. more stnin.Jv developed tli;m the dorsal, and thus the vertebral rcliimn is limt ii]> dorsally, giving rise to a heterocercal tail. Tins I'.M-III ..(' lull maybe rccogniseti cxttM-n.-illy, as in many Eliismo- branchs, C:ui.)ids. ;md numerous fossil Fishes, or may be masked by ;, moreor less symmetric! tail-tin, \vln-ii it is only visible internally rL«-pi.l..>t.-u^ l''u. :in and Amia to some extent, but more particu- larly in in.-i Teleosteans,3 <•.;/. Salmo, Esox). i Tli.'t.nii li<>i ..... :ercal |A sometimes nsei the masked hotorocercaJ nf tin- n VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 39 Amphibia. — The vertebral column of Urodeles may be divided into cervical, thoraco-lumbar, sacral, and caudal regions, and these regions can be recognised, except in certain modified forms such as Snakes, from Urodeles up to the Mam- malia. On account of the absence of extremities in Chilians, the vertebral column can only be divided into three regions, cervical, FIG. 29.' — TAIL OF Protopterus. thoracic, and a very short caudal. In Anura, no special lumbar region can be recognised, and the caudal portion is modified to form a " urostyle " (see p. 42). The notochord of Urodele Iarva3, like that of most Fishes, undergoes vertebral constrictions, while intervertebrally it grows thicker, and accordingly appears expanded. Thus the vertebrae here FIG. 30. —TAIL or Lcpidostcus. also are am phic colons. Later, intervertebral masses of cartilage become developed, which, together with the bone which is formed at the same time in the surrounding connective-tissue, extend in- wards towards the centre, gradually constricting the notochord so that eventually it may become entirely obliterated. Finally a dif- ferentiation, as well as a resorption, extending inwards from the 40 ( ( ».M 1'AILVTIVE AXATOM V. periphery occurs in these cartilaginous parts: in the interior of each an articular cavity is formed, so that in the vertebrae of tin- ner Urodeles (Salamandrina perspicillata and certain Tritons) an anterior convexity a ad a posterior concavity may be distin- guished, buth covered with cartilage ; they are, therefore, opisthoccelous. A glance at Fig. 31,' A to D, will make this clear. l'\f.. ".I. Ll\ \l, Si,< ilnx TIIIIOM.I' 'ilir. VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF VAEIOTT8 URODBLES. A. RarwSon sibcricus ; I'., Awtblystoma tigrinum ; (', , (tin- i!nv,. iimM anterior vertebrae, /. 11, III) ; I', picillata. I'll, jKitncliMi-d ; ./(•/'. iliti-rvrrti-l.i-;il cal ! i l:i.i,'i- : <'l\~, Vi-rtcl)r:il cai t il:i;,'.' and I'ul-rclls : K, ]>iTij>liiT:il luiiiy rdvi-riii'^ nf ci-iitnini ; /.', fil>s and tnm*vrrsi- jirm'i •»!•-; ; ,V, vertebral constricnon nf imtin'iiorcl in Awblystoma tigrinum, \viihiuit rartila^c and fat-crlls ; **, int. r\ ei \> lual rarlila.uiiicuis tracts ; M/i, Mli, marrow ca\ i i.'ji, f the vrrtcliral column then of Urodi •!< 's \\«- can distinguish three stages: — (1) A connection of the indi- vidual vertebrae by means of the intervertebraUy expanded notoohord; (2) a connection by means of inier\ertebra! masses of cartilage; and finally ('.\) an arlicular connect ion. These three VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 41 different stages of development find a complete parallel in the phylogeny of tailed Amphibians, inasmuch as all fossil forms, e.g. the Stegocephala of the Carboniferous Period and the Labyrintho- donts, as well as the Perennibranchiata, Derotremata, and many Salamanders, possess simple biconcave vertebras, without differen- tiation into definite articulations. The bony parts of the vertebrae of Urodeles are not formed from the cartilaginous sheath of the notochord, but in the surrounding connective-tissue, there being only an intervertebral cartilaginous FIG. 32. — VERTEBRAL COLUMN OF Discoglossus pictus. Pa, articular processes ; Ps, spinous processes ; Pt, transverse processes of trunk vertebra ; Ptc, transverse processes of caudal vertebrae (urostyle, Oc] ; S W, sacral vertebra ; Ob, upper arch of first vertebra ; Sg, its lateral articular . surfaces ; Po, its anterior process ; E, ribs. zone, extending into the ends of the centra. In the Anura, on the other hand, as well as in Elasmobranchs, bony Ganoids, and the higher Vertebrata, the vertebrae are preformed in cartilage. In the Amira true articulations are always formed between the Vertebras, and, as a rule, the convexity is posterior, and the concavity / anterioT~(proccelous). A further difference is seen in the rela- /ty lions of the notoQho_rd,_which persists vertebrally longer than intervertobrally, a condition which leads towards the Reptiles. The configuration of the caudal region of the vertebral column must 42 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. also be remarked upon, as it differs in tailed and tailless Amphi- bians. Thr long caudal portion of the tadpole's vertebral column, which is very similar to that of TTrodeles, undergoes during metamorphosis a gradual retrogressive change, and the vertebra; of its proximal end become fused together and ossified to form a long unsegrnented dagger-like bone, the urostyle (Fig. 32, Or}. The upper :is well as the lower arches of the vertebra; are in direct connection with the centra. Lo\\er arches are present only in tin- caudal region of Urodelcs, and evidently correspond to tin-, already-mentioned liasal ]>rocesses of tin- vertebnu of Ganoids. The most anterior in some CUM-S function as supports for the ribs, and this circumstance is sufficient to render untenable the earlier view that tin- lower arches are modified transverse processes1 or fused ribs, as is the case in some Fishes. The neural spines, as well as the transverse processes, which are as a rule bifurcated at the base and are present from the second vertebra onwards, s]n>\\- the greatest variety as regards shape and size, differing in the several regions of the body. The transverse processes of the single sacral vertebra, which give attachment to the pelvis, are particularly strongly developed, especially in the Anura. Articular processes (zygapophyses) which are usually present in Fishes that possess a bony vertebral column, are well developed in all Vertebrates from the Urodela onwards, and consist of two pairs of projections arising respectively from the anterior and posterior edges of the base of the neural arch. Their surfaces are covered with cartilage, and overlap one another from vertebra to vertebra like tiles on a roof: not unfrequently the neural spines also articulate with one another, and thus a well- articulated and mobile chain-like vertebral column results. From the Amphibia ».m wards the first vertebra, or so-called atlas (and this is the only cervical vertebra of Amphibia), becomes differentiated from the others. In Amphibians it consists of a simple ring which articulates with the two condyles and the basis cranii. As numerous researches have shown, however, the first ver- tebra of Amphibians does not correspond to that (i.e. the atlas) of the higher Vertebrates, but is much more nearly homologous with the. second cervical vertebra of the latter — the axis (epistropheus). This is demonstrated by a study of its development, which shoAvs that the real atlas loses its individuality as a separate mass, and becomes united \\ith the oeripital re-i f the skuil. Reptilia. — In contrast to the numerous fossil forms, only a few existing Reptiles, vi/.., 1 1 a t t e r i a and the (leckos (Ascala- hota; nt'iin throughout lifeTTTe" primitive biconcave character of their vertebrae, \\ith the notodiord expanded intervertebrally. In all the others, the notodiord remains expanded longer in the vertebral regions than i nt ervert e'irally, but in the adult it becomes entirely aborted and replaced by bony tissue. This stronger and more solid ossification of the whole skeleton forms a characteristic of til" tr.msverse processes niv piv.,.'nt n< ulv to tli- i-ml of tin- t,iil. VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 43 difference between the skeleton of Ichthyopsida on the one hand and Amniota on the other. As a rule the vertebras of Reptiles become definitely articulated with one another, and are of the proccelous type: the above-named genera, with intervertebral remains of the notocbord, form an exception to this rule, as do also Crocodiles and Birds, in which intervertebral disks or menisci exist ; in the latter, however, they are not present in the cervical region.1 What has been said as to the classification of the vertebras into different regions in Amphibia, as well as to the presence of processes, applies here also, though there are always several cervical vertebras instead of a single one : there are also always at least two sacral vertebras. An. atlas, usually consisting of thr^p pieces, and an axis, with an oofontoid bone, are always well developed.2 The spinous processes of the upper arches vary in size, and transverse processes arise from the centra themselves or close to them. Lower arches (chevron bones) are present in the tail in Lizards, Chelonians, and Crocodiles; and besides these, median or paired inferior processes of the centra themselves are seen in many of the vertebras of Lizards and Snakes, as well as in Birds, and to some extent in the lumbar region of certain Mammals. In consequence of the absence of a pectoral arch, the vertebral column of Snakes and Amphisbsmians, like that of Caecilians, can only be divided into ^trunk and caudal vertebrae. The vertebral column" of Chelonians deserves 'particular notice as a large portion of it becomes anchylosed with the dermal bones of the carapace, and it is thus rendered immovable in a certain region. In Snakes and some Lizards (Iguana) extra articular processes (zygosphenes and zygautra) are developed on the vertebrae. In Lizards small separate ossifi- cations or subvertebral wedge-bones are often present on the ventral side of the vertebral column between the centra ; and in the caudal region, an unossified septum remains in the middle of each centrum, so that the tail easily breaks off at these points. When this happens the tail grows again, but proper vertebrae are not formed. In fossil Reptiles, which, both as regards size and number of species, usually surpassed the existing representatives of the group, the sacrum, which gives attachment to the pelvis, often consists of more than two vertebrae, the number being four or five (Ornithoscelida). The following facts will give some idea of the monstrous proportions of these old genera of Reptiles : — Atlantosaurus immanis, a North American Dinosaur, reached a length of about 80 feet, and its femur was 8 feet long and 25 inches thick at its proximal end. The transverse dia- meter of the individual vertebrae amounted to 16 inches, and Apatosaurus laticollis, found in the same strata, possessed cervical vertebrae which reached a diameter of 3£ feet. A knowledge of fossil genera of Reptiles is of the greatest interest, as wre can see, in many groups, important points of cou- 1 In Crocodiles the vertebrae are mostly procoelous, an exception being seen in the two sacrals and first caudal ; and in Chelouiaus there is great variation in the form of the individual centra of the cervical vertebras, while the thoracic and lumbar have flattened faces, and are firmly united together by cartilage. 2 The os odontoideum, corresponds morphologically to a part of a centrum of the atlas. U COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. nection with Birds. At the present day it cannot appear doubtful to any morphologist that the latter are descended from Reptilian ancestors. Birds. — In Archaeopteryx, found in the Solenhofen slates of the Bavarian Jurassic, and already mentioned on p. 22, many of the special peculiarities of Reptiles and Birds are united. The hinder extremities are distinctly Reptilian, as is also the tail, which, like that of a Lizard, is composed of numerous elongated free vertebra?. A covering of true feathers, on the other hand, characterises it as a Bird : the biserial arrangement of the tail-feathers is seen in Fig. 33. Fie. 33. — TAII, OF AreliKOptcryx. The vertebral column of Birds corresponds with that of Reptiles not only in its phylogenetic relations, but also ontogenetically. In both groups the notochord eventually disappears entirely, and the "whole skeleton becomes strongly ossified.1 The pelvis of Bird- embrvos, like that of existing adult Reptiles, is attached to the vertebral column by 1w<> vertebra' only ; during further develop- ment, however, a number of oilier vertebra; (thoracic, lumbar, and caudal) become fused with the sacrum (Fig. 34). A further difference between the vertebral column of Reptiles and I'.irds is seen in the character of the caudal region in the latter grfiup, which always remains apparently rudimentary. In this peculiarity existing Birds stand in sharp contrast to their Jurassic ancestors (sec above). It must, however, be well understood that the J>ygo style of Birds may be made up of six or more fused caudal vertebra', and in 1 ] ch t li yrn is (from the Ann rirun Cretaceous), as well as Archeeopteryx, pos- sessed biconciivr vertebrae. Tin- samr tyi»' of vnirhni is to be nirt \\iih in many : ',.,/. in tin- Kn:i]i'iv:mii;i), ami in MOIIC existing ll<-|itilrs I A^' alalmta ;unl Satti i i;ij, ay well as in iimni nf tli IV. . i .nulal \ . il. ITJ in < I'.irds. VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 45 the sacrum even a greater number may be included (cp. the chapter on the pelvis, p. 9(3) : thus in the common Duck (Anas boschas), seven become united with the pelvis, eight remain free, and the pygostyle is composed of ten separately ossified and fused segments, making in all twenty-five vertebras originally present in the caudal region of this Bird. In Archseopteryx the pelvis was much shorter than in existing Birds, and much fewer vertebrae were united with it. Moreover, in embryos of an Australian parrot (Psittacus undu- latus) more vertebrae are formed in the embryo than are seen in the adult. The original type is well preserved to the present day in FIG. 34.— PELVIS OF OWL (Strixbubo). (Ventral view.) W, position of the primary sacral vertebra? : between 11 and //, and behind IV, are seen the secondary sacral vertebras, fused with the primary ; 11, ilium ; Is, isehium ; P, pubis ; t, foramen between ilium and pubis ; JK, last pair of ribs. the Ratitae, in which the posterior caudal vertebrae remain free, instead of uniting to form a pygostyle, and the secondary sacral vertebrae remain longer distinct. Thus the chasm between Archaeopteryx and existing Birds is in this respect essentially lessened. The arches always become united into a single mass with the corresponding centra, and are no longer separated from them for life by sutures, as seen e.g. in Crocodiles, and exceptionally in Chelo- nians. The same may be said of the atlas and axis, in which also no sutures persist between the different parts. In the cervical region, where by means of saddle-shaped articulations the vertebras are able to move easily on one another, the bifurcated transverse m.MI'AKATIVi: ANATOMY. processes may unite with the corresponding ribs (Fig. 35). In the thoracic region, more or fewer of the vertebra- usually become immovably united together. 06 Ft . / /; rt vPsi IMC. 35. — THIKII CKKVK \i, \"Ki:Ti:ni:.\ OF "VYoonrKcicKi: (/'•). (Viewed anteriorly.) >'«, articular surface of centrum ; Ob, upper arch ; TV/., articular process ; Pi, I'/, tin- two bars of tlic transverse process, shown on one side :incliylo"--e-:sc'9 8 — 9, and Tamandiia bivittata 8, while in Manalu- and ( 'Imhrjnis there are .,n|y 6. The tran-vei-e proceaeee "f the cervical verlel. r;c usually unite with the rudimentary ril>-\ aa in I'.irds. 1 In certain K.leniaia c •/. .Mynii.-co]iha.i,'iii e\tra articular processes are \« the ordinary /y^,ipo|iliy-e> on the- jiostcrior thoracic and lumhar VERTEBRAL COLUMN. 47 In Mammals, as in Reptiles and Birds, two primary sacral vertebrae are present, but as a rule a few caudal become later included in the sacrum, and are usually more or less closely united with it. In Anthropoids, as in Man, the first sacral vertebra is . plainly marked off from the last lumbar by the appearance of the so-called promontory. The caudal vertebra? vary extremely in their development, and excepting in most long-tailed Mammals — more particularly the Sirenia and Cetacea — no longer develop lower arches. When present these "chevron bones" are intervertebral in position. ~ In the higheTTrimates the tail forms a stump-like appendage, the coccyx consisting of few (3 — 6) vertebra?. In the embryo, however, the aiotochord extends beyond the point corresponding to the apex of the coccyx, and thus a longer caudal region must formerly have been present. The greatest number of caudal vertebra? is found in Microgale longicauda (48), Manis macrura (46 — 49), Paradoxurus (about 36), and in certain Monkeys (Semnopithecus, Ateles, 32 — 33). In human embryos of 9 — 10 millimetres long (5th week) 38 vertebrse are present, and these all consist of a cartilage-like tissue with the exception of the two posterior caudals. In embryos 12mm. long (6th week) the three posterior caudal vertebrae (36th, 37th, and 38th) fuse together, and the 35th also loses its sharp contour. In embryos of 19mm. there are only 34 ver- tebrae, the number present in the adult. In the stage with 38 vertebrae, the spinal cord and notochord extend to the extreme apex of the tail, almost reaching to the skin, but a reduction of these parts takes place later. BIBLIOGRAPHY. AGASSIZ, L. — Rech. sur Us poissoiisfossiles. Neuchatel, 1833 to 1843. CARTIER, 0. — Beitr. sur Entw.-Gcschiclde der Wirbelsdulc. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XXV. Suppl. 1875. DAMES, "W., and KAISER, E. — Palccontol, Abhandlungcn, Bd. II. Heft 3. Berlin, 1884. (Monograph on Archceopteryx.) FLOWER, "W. H. — Osteology of the Mammalia. London, 1885. FOL, H. — Sur la queue de Vembryonhumain. Comptes rcndus, 1885. GEGENBAUR, C. — Unters. z. vergl. Anatomic der JFirbelsaule der Amphibien und Rcptilicn. Leipzig, 1862. Beitr. zur Kcnntniss des Beckens der Vogcl, &c. Jenaische Zeitschr. Bd. VI. GERLACH, L. — Ein Fall von Schwanzbildung bei eincm mcnschl. Embryo. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. VI. GOTTE, A. — Beitr. zur vergl. Morphologic des Skeletsystems der Wirbclthicre. Arch. f. mikr. Anatomic, Bd. XV. 1878. GUNTHER, A. — Description of Ceratodus Forsteri. Phil. Trans, of the Royal Society. London, 1871. HASSE, C. — Das natiirl. System der Elasmobranchier, <&c. Jena, 1879-82. HOFFMANN, C. K. — Beitr. z. vergl. Anatomie der Wirbelthiere. Nicderl. Arch. /. Zool. Bd. IV. MARSH, 0. C. — Odontornitlics, a Monograph on the Extinct Toothed Birds of North America. "Washington, 1880. MAYER, P. — Die unpaaren Flosscn der Selachier. Mittheilungen der Zoolog. Station zu Neapel. Bd. VI. 1885. MIVART. ST. G. — On Various Axial Skeletons. Proc. and Trans. Zool. Soc. 1865, 1869, 1873. ROSENBERG, C. — Ueber die Occipital -region des Selacliicr-schadcls. Dorpat, 1884. Ufbcr die Entwicklung der Wirbelsdule und das Centrale carpi des Mcnschen. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. I. 1876. 48 ro.MI'AKATIYK AXAToMV. SV;KMKHT,, M. — B.//TV>>- ~.ur Anat. '/•/•/•'/.•,•,•/„•. Mnrplio!. J«lirl>. IX., 1884. WiKiiKusiiKiM, K. — Salamandrina pc/-.^>/.-,7,'./' Salamandrinen. (lonua, 1875. (Annali •/••/ .)///.<• .• civico. V.>1. VII.) Die tfomi« der Gymnophionen. Jcim, is?1.'. . '<•! m»l I 4'/n von Lepidosiren awnectens. Morphol. Sfa . I left I. Joiia, 1880. II. RIBS. The ribs, standing in the closest connection with the rnyocom- mata (myotomes) of the great Literal muscles of the body, are arranged segmentally, and onto- as well as phylogerietically^pass tlirough a membranous, a cartilaginous, and a bony stage. Tlieir development, \\liidi ;is a rule takes place first in the anti-rim1 part of the body and then extends gradually backwards, is usually entirely independent of the veitebral column, their connection with it being a .secondary one.1 Fishes and Dipnoi.— The cartilaginous or bony ribs are attached to the basal processes already described, and extend Yentro-Iaterally from the corresponding vertelmei The ribs of Fishes show a very primitive condition, usually^cxtending almig the whole length of the vertebral column (Lophobranchii, Spatularia). In rare cases they are absent, though many Fishes only possess rudimentary ribs (many bony Fishes, Elasmobranchs). In others, as in numerous Teleosteans and Ganoids, they are very well developed, and encircle the body-cavity like the hoops of a cask ; but they never unite together in the mid-ventral line. The relations of the anterior portion of the vertebral column to the auditory organ in certain Teleosteans will be described later (see p. 207). Amphibia. — In the ribs of Amphibia there are evident signs of degeneration ; as a rule they are confined to the region of the trunk, or at most they extend in certain Urodeles in a very rudimentary form as far as the first two caudal vertebrae ; in other cases, as in the tailless Batrachia, they are so remarkably short that they can no longer be said to encircle the body-cavity. In many An ura the ribs are not distinctly articulated, as they become fused with the broad transverse processes (Fig. .S2, 7?). Tlio rili- 1. 1 I'rodeles are forked at their pn>xiiiinl ends, and articulate with the bifuivated t ran^vt-rse processes of tin- \crtclii1;!1. The ventral linil> only .>[' the transverse pru.-e.-s rurrespmiils t<> the basal pn.ress nf ( iaimids : the dorsal one i- t" !»• l<>"keil ii]i»]i as a iieonnirph. The liil'mvated ends of the ribs in Kept ilea and I'.irds as well as the double art irular facets "I' the ribs of Mammals an- to be explained in the same manner. 1 The lil^ of < I.-lHiijils, MMil ]inssili'y IlKii thnse nf Ilj|i||iii. ^eelll to I'nlh.W ;IU y dillelTIlt ]'hlll of development, 111 that tlnV hi-enliie seelllrllti il nil' tlelll |)](> In WIT ;irrhrN B8 liii-litiniieil in tin- rli:i|>ti-r nil thr Vel'ti-hnil cnllllllll. KIBS. 49 Excepting the first, all the trunk vertebrae are usually provided with ribs in Urodeles : ribless (lumbar) vertebra? are met with very rarely (Spelerpes). f ' Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals. -^-In these, well-developed ribs are always present, and more or fewer of them almost always unite ventrally with a breast-bone or sternum.. Those which unite with the sternum are sometimes spoken of as " true," the others as " false " ribs. FIG. 36. — SKELETON OF THE TRUNK OF A FALCON. S, scapula ; G, glenoid cavity for liumerus ; Ca, coracoid, which articulates with the sternum (Si) at t ; Fu(Cl), furcula (clavicles) ; Or, keel of sternum ; V, vertebral, and Sp, sternal, portion of rib ; Un, uncinate process. The ribs of Snakes show the least amount of differentiation for, without giving rise to a sternum, they extend along the whole trunk from the third cervical vertebra to the anus, and retain throughout a similar form and size. In Lizards, where a dorsal bony and a ventral cartilaginous portion can be distinguished, three E 50 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. or four ribs reach to the sternum,1 and are not always completely segmented off from it. The ribs of Birds exhibit a much more marked segmentation into vertebral a'id sternal portions, and this evidently stands in relation to respiration; they moreover develop so-called unei- nate processes Kiv; Mli. i'n . In t his latter, as in many other ]ioints they show n relation to eeriain Reptiles \ i;:. 1 i a t t ma ami Crocodiles). Tin' ill'- of Areha'opteryx are of special interest, as they are more simi- lar to those of lleptih-s than to those of Birds, though they do not closely res,.]nhh' tin' former. Thc-ir structure is delicate, their ends aiv pointed. and no nneinate processes liavi- been ob-,-1 ved : in transverse section they arc ellip-oidal, and m>t llattened like those of Birds. Whether a eonneetion with a brra-t-bone existed is not certainly proved, as nothing is known of a st< mum or of Menial ribs. The breast-bone must at any rate have been very small, as the '• abdominal ribs" extend far forwards; it was probably provided with a keel, for the quills of the wing are well developed. FIG. 37.— COSTAL AKCII OF MAN. U'A', centrum of vertebra ; Ft, transverse process ; Ps, neural spine ; Cp. body of rib; Ca, capitulum ; Co, neck; Tb, tuberculum ; Kn, cartilaginous (sternal) rib ; St, sternum. It has already been mentioned that the cervical ribs and transverse processes may become united together in representatives of all the Amniota, and the fusion between the ribs and dermal plates in Chelonians may In- here noted. In the true ribs of Mammals, and especially in those of Man. a capitulum, a neck, a tuberculum, and a body may be distinguished (Fig. 37). The capitulum articulates with the centrum, and tin- tuberculum with the transverse process of the vertebra. The number of ribs which reach the sternum varies considerably. 1 In Crocodiles, ei;,'ht to nine ribs react tlie 1'ivast -luine ; iii 1'iivils, i L'M. An osMiiention nf the inscriptionee temlineje ni' the reetus abdominis takes jdafie in Crocodile.-, ami II at t eri.t. and similar struotureB (so-called "alid"inin;il nlis '') (ir.'ur in numerous fns-il llcjitiles ( Nut Imsaiirns of the Trias, |-'.iialio>;uii us nf the Jurassj. . I'll rudaetyiiis. &C.). ArchftOpteiyX alsn pOSSCSSed t \\elve t" third in well-developnl " al n 1< MM inal ril 's. " must iM't !„• r, , lit, unided with the remains of true abdominal ribs, \vhieh persist without the convspoinliii;,' vertebral portion in the Chameleiiii niid ivrtnin Birds (W. K. 1'arki-rV STERNUM. 51 Development teaches us that in the cervical, lumbar, and sacral regions, where no ribs are apparent in the adult, they are present in the embryo, even in Man, and this points back to primitive conditions. The rudimentary character and variety in size of the eleventh and twelfth ribs of Man shows that they are gradually disappearing (cp. p. 53) : a gradual shortening of the thoracic portion of the vertebral column and a corresponding lengthening of the cervical and lumbar regions is also taking place in Mammals generally, and thus the following general rule may be stated: — The reduction in the number of ribs is correlated with a higher stasre O O in development of the Vertebrate body. It has already been mentioned that sacral ribs are developed, and it is only necessary to add that this statement holds good for all Vertebrates. In other words: the pelvis is always sup- ported by sacral ribs, whether these remain differentiated throughout life (Urodeles), or whether they fuse with the corre- sponding transverse processes of the sacral vertebras (Amniota). III. STERNUM. Never present in Fishes, the sternum appears for the first time in Amphibians in the form of a small variously-shaped plate of cartilage situated in the middle line of the chest (Figs. 38 and 74, St). It originates, from two cartilaginous rods lying in the inscriptiones tendinese of the thoracic region, with which the coracoids, or rather the epicoracoid plates of the pectoral arch come into more or less dose connection (Fig. 88, St, Co1}. In many tailless Batrachians (e.g. Rana), the ventral portion of the pectoral arch is continued forwards in the middle line as a slender bone tipped with cartilage — the " omo-sternum " (Parker) (Fig. 38, Ep). The phylogenesis of the Amphibian sternum is still entirely unknown, and it is doubtful whether it ought to be placed in the same category with the simi- larly named structure in the Amniota. In the latter, the sternum has a costal origin, and is due to a number of ribs on either side of the middle line running together to form a continuous cartilaginous tract. An unpaired cartilaginous sternal plate is formed by the tract of either side becoming more or less completely fused with its fellow, and from this plate the ribs become secondarily segmented off by the formation of true articulations. Later it may become calcined (Reptiles), or converted into true bone (Birds, Mammals). In Reptiles, Birds, and Monotremes the coracoids (Fig. 75, Go, Co1) always come into direct connection with the upper or the lateral edges of the sternum (comp. Fig. 36, St, and Ca, and Figs. 38 and 39, St, Co). The sternum is greatly developed in Birds, and consists of a broad plate, usually (" Carinate Birds") provided with a projecting keel (crista sterni), which forms a point of origin for the wing- E 2 52 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. FIG. 38. — VENTRAL PORTION OF THE PECTORAL ARCH OF Rana St, bony, and A"n, cartilaginous sternum (xipliistemum) ; S, scapula; KC, carti- laginous portion between the latter and the clavicle (Cl) ; Co, coracoid; Co1, epicoracoid ; m, line of junction K-twpen the two epicoracoids ; fl, glenoid cavity for the humerus ; Fe, fenestra between the coracoid and clavicle ; Ep, omosternum. FIG. 39. — PECTORAL ARCH AND STKIINUM OF A GECKO (Hemidactylus verrucosus). >SV, sternum ; 7?, ril>s ; Si, cartilaginous cornua to which tho ]-.\>{ p;tir of ribs is attached; ,s'.s', suprascfipula ; S, scapul.-i : Co, rora'-mM : Co*, cartilaginous epicoraeoM ; Ep, iiiti-n-liivii-li- : n, A, c, iiii'inbrniKni 1" nrsln^ in the coracoid ; < 'I, clavicle : '/. glrnoid Cavity for «h STERNUM. 53 muscles. In contrast to these, the Ratitae (" Cursorial Birds ") are characterised by a broad, slightly-arched, shield-like sternum without a keel. In both cases the sternum arises in two bands connected with ribs, a greater number often taking part in its formation than are present in the adult. According to Lindsay, the two parts of this costal sternum, corresponding to the breast-bone of Reptiles and Mammals, become connected by a portion, the in etasternuin, which gives rise to the median and posterior portion of the sternum of the adult. In the Ratitee, the inetasternum, which probably arises from the fused edges of the costal portion, remains partly cartilaginous in the adult. In the Cariuatse, it gives rise to a median ventral outgrowth, the keel. This generally arises at the time of the fusion of the two halves, but in some cases there appears to be a tendency for it to become differentiated from the rest of the sternum. It is either ossified by the fusion of a pair of lateral bony centres, or else by means of a separate endosteal (see p. 63) centre. Thus the keel of the Bird's sternum is probably of late phylogenetic development, arising in correlation with the large development of the pectoral muscles, and having no relationship to the interclavicle of Reptiles, as is often asserted. A far greater number of ribs are as a rule concerned in the formation of the breast-bone of Mammals than is the case in ABC FIG. 40.— A, STERNUM OF Fox ; B, OF WALRUS ; AND C, OF MAN. Mb, manubrium ; C, body ; Pe, xiphoid process ; E, ribs. Reptiles and Birds. Consisting at first of a simple cartilaginous plate, it later becomes segmented into definite bony regions, the number of which originally corresponds to the affixed ribs (Fig. 40, A, B). But in other cases, as, for instance, in Primates, the individual bony segments usually run together to form a long plate (corpus sterni), of which the proximal end becomes differen- tiated into the so-called manubrium, and the distal end into the xiphoid process (processus ensiformis). The latter (Fig. 40, C, Pe) owes its origin in the embryo to the ventral fusion of a true pair of ribs, arising independently or as a direct continuation of the primary sternal tracts, from which it later becomes segmented 54 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. off, and, like the manubrium, ossified from a special centre. Thus, in Man, an embryonic stage exists in which the eighth pair of ribs are connected with the xiphoid process. BIBLIOGRAPHY. GOTTE, A. — Bcitrage zur vergl. Morphologic dcs Skclctsystcms dcr ]l'irbdti. Arch.f. mikr. Anal. Bd. XIV. HASSE, C., arid BOKX, G. — Ucmcrkui»j''ii «/>. d. Morphologic d. liippen. Zool. Anx. 1879. HOFFMANN*, C. K. — Seitrage eur vergl. Anatomic dcr WirbeUhiere. Niederl. .//•>•//. /. Zooloyit, Bd. IV., V. LINDSAY, BKATKKT.. — Un the Avian Sternum. /'/•<«•. Zool. Soc. 1885, p. 0>1. I'AUKER, W. K. — A M«n{>h on the Structure and Development of tlte .s/," Girdle and the Sternum. Hay Xoc. 1867. RUGE, G. — Untcrsuch. ub. Entivick. am Uruslbeinc d. Menschcn. Morphol. Jahrbuch, Vol. VI. 1880. IV. THE SKULL. Theory of the Segmentation of the Skull. In the skull, as in the vertebral column, three stages may be distinguished ontogenetically as well as phylogenetically, viz., a membranous, a cartilaginous, and a bony stage. There is thus an important correspondence between these t\vo parts of the vertebral axis, which is considerably increased by the following facts. The notochord always extends for a certain distance into the base of the skull, so that the latter has a similar origin to, and is developed as a direct continuation of, the vertebral axis. Still more important is the fact that a series of mesoblastic somites (protovertebrte) give origin to the greater part of the head as well as to the main dorsal section of the trunk in the embryo, so that both show a metameric mode of origin. Out of these somites, each of which encloses a cavity originating from the ccelome, are formed the muscles of this region as well as the foundation of the proper cranial capsule. As development advances, the original segmented arrangement gradually disappears, and thus the cranium, especially in the lowest Vertebrates, as, for instance, in Cartilaginous Fishes, forms a continuous structure. A cartilaginous system of arches, which often later become ossified, arises in serial order on the ventral side of the brain-case : these encircle the anterior part of the alimentary tract like hoops, and are distinguished from the cranial region as the viscera 1 skeleton. The latter stands in important relation to gill-breathing, inasmuch as each consecutive pair of arches enclose a passa-e (gill-slit) communicating between the pharynx and the exterior; this is lined by end"derm, and through it the water pas.-es. The foremost visceral arch bounds the aperture of the mouth, and THE SKULL. 55 forming thus a firm support for it, gives rise to the skeleton of the jaws, as well as, in higher types, to the main part of the facial skeleton. The arches lying posterior to this function primarily as gill-supports. JtnV FIG. 41. — DIAGRAM SHOWING THE PRIMITIVE METAMEKIC CONDITION OF THE HEAD. E, E, epiblast, which at N is invaginated to form the primitive olfactory pit, the epithelium of which is supplied by the olfactory nerve (Olf); JI, oral involu- tion ; /, first somite, from which arise the superior, internal, and inferior rectus, and inferior oblique muscles ; II, second somite, from which the superior oblique muscle originates ; III, third somite, which gives rise to the external rectus ; IV. V, VI, fourth, fifth, and sixth somites : only the sixth gives rise to muscle-rudiments ; VII, VIII, IX, seventh, eighth, and ninth somites, from which the muscles extending from the skull to the pectoral arch arise : the anterior part of the sterno-hyoid is also formed in this region ; a and b indicate the first somites of the trunk ; ///, oculomotor, IV, trochlear, VI, abducent, and XII1 to XII3, hypoglossal nerves. All the above-named nerves correspond to ventral roots of the nerves belonging to the head-somites, /, II, III, VII, VIII, and IX. The ventral nerves belonging to somites IV, V, and VI are not known : they probably lie in the territory of the tri- geminal. UpV, ramus ophthalmicus profundus of the trigeminal, the dorsal nerve of the first somite ; V, the rest of the trigeminal, the dorsal nerve of the second somite, supplying the maxillary and mandibular regions ; VII, VIII, the acustico-facialis, the dorsal nerve of the third and fourth somites, supplying the first primitive gill-cleft (spiracle) (1) ; IX, glossopharyugeal, the dorsal nerve of the fifth somite, supplying the second gill-cleft (2) ; X1 to A'4, vagus, the dorsal nerves of the sixth to the ninth somites, supplying the third to the sixth gill-clefts (3 to 6) ; So\ Sv^, ventral, and Sdl, ScP, dorsal, roots of the two first spinal nerves; m, first (mandibular) visceral arch; Ji, second (hyrdd) arch; b1 to b5, the five branchial arches ; II1, fi~, first and second ribs. On viewing the serial arrangement of the visceral arches, one might be tempted to explain them as being homodynamous with ribs, and to consider this, as well as the corresponding distribu- tion of the branchial nerves as a further support for supposing 56 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. for the head a metameric origin of the same nature as that of the body. This, however, is not admissible, inasmuch as the above- described segmentation of the visceral section of the skull by the formation of gill-slits does not correspond to a segmentation of the same nature as that seen in the body, but arises quite independently. To express it briefly — Metamerism does not correspond to branchiomerism. It follows that a direct parallelism of the branchial nerves to the intercostal nerves — which correspond with trmik-metameres — does not exist, and the attempt to solve the problem of the Vertebrate skull by indirect methods, i.e. those of Comparative Anatomy, must lead to crude theories and false conclusions. The result of the above considerations may be shortly expressed as follows :— 1. The Vertebrate skull is not a structure sui generis, but has been derived by a metamorphosis of the most anterior section of the skeleton of the body. 2. The proof of this lies in the common origin of both the cranial and vertebral skeleton out of the protovertebrse (somites, metameres). 3. The skull is divided into two main sections, a dorsal and a ventral. The former encloses the brain, and is spoken of as the cranium, whi'e the latter lies in the region of the fore-part of the alimentary tube, has primitively to do with branchial respiration, and is called the visceral skeleton. 4. The cranial section alone is to be looked upon as made up of a series of mesoblastic somites : the segmentation of the visceral skeleton must be regarded as a secondary acquisition, for the gill- arches are developed as secondary supports for the hypoblastic gill-clefts. 5. The attempt to explain the adult skull as a series ot vertebrae1 fails completely; it is a question of protovertebra? (somites) only, and thus is one that can only be solved along the lines of Embryology, and not those of Comparative Anatomy. 6. The number of mesoblastic somites concerned in the formation of the skull maybe fixed at nine,'2 according to researches up to the present time on Cyclostomes, Elasmobranchs, and Am- phibians. In no case are there fewer, — in many instances possibly more. 1 Rosenberg has, however, shown that in Carcharias glancus, hut apparently not in other Selachians, the portion of thr cranium lying hctwee-n the exit of the, vagus and the vertehral column is clearly composed of three vertebne, which gra- dually fuse with, and constitute a part of, the occipital region of the skull tt cases ;i iiii'iliaii cartilaginous liar (i n t i/rt ra bee ul a is formed between tlie tralieeuhu in front, fusing with theiii. and formim: tin- ellnuu-ii;i>ul septum. It ocea.-ionally pr 'ji-cts forwards to i'orin a rostrum. We must now follow further the processes of growth, taking as a foundation the primary condition of things described above, in which the trabecula- havt- unii'-d together in the middle line. The Fl«:. 43. — DIAGRAMMATIC TlIANS V KKSF. SECTIONS, OF TIIK HEAD IN E.MIiRYO— (A) STURGEONS, KF-ASMOBUAXCHS, ANUIIA, AND MAMMALS ; (B) UHODELES AXD SxAKF.s; AND ((.') C'EKTAIN TjELEOSTEAXS, LlZAKDS, CllOCODILKS, < 'll KI.oXI ANS, AXD Tr, trabeculu? crauii ; G, brain : J, C}-es ; I'n, parasphenoid ; /,S', iuterovbital septum ; F, frontal ; Off, olfactory nerve. cartilaginous basal plate now comes into relations with the olfactory, optic, and auditory organs by the formation of processes which serve — particularly in the case of the olfactory and auditory YJL Fie. 44.- SECOKD STACK IN Tin: I >r.\ i i .OI-MI \ r OF 1111: I'lUMoiiinAi. C, notochord : 11, li;i>il;u- jilatc : '!'•', lr:il.n-iil:i, \\liii-li has >mitril with its fellow in front of thr pituitary space \« fnini the cthninnasal sejitnni \N): ''/, cornu trahi'i-uhe. Mini .//•', aiiturbilal pri»'i-s. \\hieh sn|i]»nis thr nlfartcry organ (.\l\) in front ami bchiml : »/, foramina lor exit of tlie olfai-tory nerves from the cranium; /'/•', postorbilal pro. . >> of tialirciila ; A' A', Dasal eapsiile ; .-1 , eye; ", MUditolV ea].slllc. a]i])avatns — to connect the skull \\ith the cart ilaginous sulcs, and thus to act as sujtjtorts lor them. Thus an olfactorv, an orbital, and an auditory region are early differentiated. THE SKULL. 59 While the first and the last of these are gradually surrounded by cartilage, and, especially in higher types, more and more drawn in to the skull proper, the lateral walls of the basal plate become raised up, and begin to grow round the brain on both sides, eventually extending even to the dorsal region. Thus a con- tinuous cartilaginous capsule is formed, such as persists through- out life in Elasmobranchs for example. But in by far the greater number of Vertebrates, the cartilage does not play so great a part, and is, as a rule, confined to the base and lower parts of the sides of the skull and to the sense-capsules, except in the occipital region, where it always extends over the brain. The rest of the skull, more particularly the roof, becomes directly converted from membrane into bone. Thus it may be stated generally, that the higher the systematic position of the animal, the less extensive are the cartilaginous constituents and the more important the bony. I. The Visceral Skeleton. The skeletal parts of the visceral arches, always formed in hyaline cartilage, encircle the anterior section of the alimentary canal, lying embedded in the inner part of the walls of the throat FIG. 45. — DIAGRAMMATIC TRANSVERSE SECTION OF THE THIRD STAGE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PRIMORDIAL SKULL. 0, notochord ; Tr, trabeculoe, which enclose the brain (C) ventrally and laterally ; 0, auditory capsule ; RH, the cavity of the pharynx, enclosed by the visceral skeleton ; 1 to 4, the individual elements composing each visceral arch, which latter is united with its fellow by a basal piece (Cp). (Figs. 45 and 46, B,B). Always present in a greater number (up to as many as nine) in gill-breathing animals than in higher types, they gradually become reduced, so that in the Amniota the remains of the three or four anterior at most are seen : they further undergo a change of function, for all but the first of these take on definite relations to the auditory organ and larynx. The most anterior arch, serving as a support for the walls of the mouth and receiving its nerve supply from the trigeminal, 60 CO .MP AR ATI V K ANATOMY . arises first, and is distinguished from the other or post-oral arches as the mandibular arch. The post-oral arches only, function as ^ill- bearers in the- adult lisli : even the first of these, the hyoid, which j\r FIG. -i'3.— DIAGRAM SHOWING TIIK UF.LATIONS OF THE KMI;KY<>MI- SKELETON. A", nasal capsule; A, eye; 0, auditory capsule ; Tr, trabeculie, which, from bent down anteriorly (t), a^ain extend forwards in a line with tin- vertebral axis; M, Meckel's cartilage; Qx, quadrate; //»/, hyoid nn-h : /•'. /•', branchial arches, between which are seen the gill-clefts; S, spiracle; (.'•'. i.'o, basi-liy.'id and basi-branchials. i.s supplied by the facial nerve, becomes modified from those lying behind it: the latter, <>r branchial arches proper, an- supplied by the glossopharyngeal and vagus. Nevertheless, I'TTTJTX |M;;. 47.— SKMI-IU \<;I;AMMATIC Ficrr.r. HF AX ELASMOBRANCH SKULL, SHOWING TIM. RELATIONS OJ nn: SKG.MF.NTAI. CKANIAL XKKVK.S. J\', nasal capsu^r : ./, eye ; O. nudifory capsule : Tr, tralirruli : Q and /''.'. ami palatopterygoid, whic-h an; bound to tlic trabecula by li.'.vun.'iit at i : i/. Meckel's cartilage; t, i1, labial cartilages ; 27, hyomandibular ; f , hynid arch; a to e, branchial arches, between \\hi.di tin- u'ill-r].-l'ts (/ to /") are seen : X, spiracle : <', : //', //", vertebra : /', tn.-cminal nerve, and 1, 2, 3, its tlnvr main divisions : /.',-'. its palatine brancli ; /'//, facial DCTVe ; /,'/', its palatine br.uieli ; IX, gloBBOphAryngeal ; A', va-us. everything goes to prove that formerly a time existed in \vliidi all the visceral inches must have borne gills, and in the enil>i\..sof Elasmobranclis they even still do so. Originally unsegmented in most cases, the individual arches may become br< k«-u up into ditfeivnt (as many as four) pieces, of THE SKULL. 61 which the uppermost becomes inserted under the base of the skull, while the lowermost comes to lie ventrally, and is connected with its fellow by a median piece, or basi-branchial (Fig. 45, 1 to 4, (7/7). The two anterior visceral arches also undergo a segmentation. Thus the first becomes divided into a short proximal piece, the quadrate, and into a long distal Meckel's cartilage (Fig. 46, Qu, J/). The quadrate grows out anteriorly into a process, the palatoquadrate or palatopterygoid (Figs. 47 and 48, A to C, PQ), which becomes fixed to the base of the skull, and thus forms a sort of primary upper jaw. The quadrate, which serves as a support (suspensorium) for the lower jaw, either remains separated from the skull by an articu- lation, that is, is only united to it by connective-tissue, or it forms one mass with it. The hyoid arch, — which always stands in close relations to the mandibular, and may also take part in its suspensorial apparatus,1 E C, FIG. 48. — SEMI-DIAGRAMMATIC FIGURES OF THE SUSPENSORIAL APPARATUS IN VARIOUS VERTEBRATES. (Mainly after Gegenbaur.) A, NOTIDANUS'; B, OTHER ELASMOBRANCHS ; C, TORPEDO ; D, TELEOSTEANS ; E, AMPHIBIANS, REPTILES, AND BIRDS ; F, MAMMALS. M, Meckel's cartilage ; PQ, palato-quadrate ; Hm, hyomandibular ; ky, hyoid arch ; 8y, symplectic ; Q (in Band E), quadrate ; Q (in F), articular (malleus), and Q1, quadrate (incus), both of which lie in the tympanic cavity (P) ; hl, styloid process, connected with the anterior (lesser) corner of the hyoil (h) by the stylohyoid ligament, indicated by 'the dotted lines ; b, the posterior (greater) cornn, and c, the body of the hyoid in Mammals. -becomes divided, as do the true branchial arches, into a great number of pieces (Fishes), which are distinguished from above downwards as hyomandibular, symplectic, and hyoid in a narrower senselTig. 48, A to D, Hm, /ty, Ity). In the mid-ventral line there is a basi-hyal connecting the arch of each side, and this becomes ossified, and is embedded in the tongue as the entoglossal or glossohyal. c. The Bones of the Skull. Two kinds of bone, genetically distinct, may be distinguished, one arising within cartilage, the other in connective-tissue, in those 1 According to Dohrn, Meckel's cartilage and the palatopterygoid are separate in origin, as are also the hyomandibular and hyoid proper, and thus the so-called mandibular and hyoid arches each represents two. 62 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. regions of the skull which are only membranous.1 Again in other cases, true bones are not formed at all, there being only a calcareous incrustation of the cartilage (calcified cartilage). The bones arising in the membranous regions of the skull come under the category of the dermal skeleton ami, as already men- tioned with regard to the latter, aiv to be looked upon as originat- ing genetically (Amphibia, Fishes) or phylogenetically (Amniota) in connection with tooth-structures. In this manner, the boin > of the mouth-cavity of Fishes and Amphibians, for instance, still arise, and this will not surprise us when we remember that the epithelium of the oral cavity is formed by iovagination of the outer skin. This mode of origin of the first skull-bones appears to be the oldest or most primitive, and it is most apparent in the lower Vertebrates (Fishes). This holds good also for those cases in which bones are formed merely by deposition of cal- careous matter directly in the connective-tissue layer, without giving rise to tooth-structures (e.y. in all investing bones, — those, for instance, of the roof of the skull of all Vertebrates from the Amphibia to the Mammalia) : this may be looked upon as an abbreviated development. The phylogmctieally younger endochondral bodies appear first in the Annra and onwards, though in Urmleles e entirely suppressed, and not repeated again ontogenetically. The following lists give a summary of the most important bones according to their different relations to the skull. I. Bones of the Mouth Cavity (partly lying within it, partly bounding it on the outer side). 1. Parasphenoid. 2. Vomer. 3. Premaxilla. 4. Maxilla. INVESTING 5. .Tugal. BONKS. 6. Quadratojugal (in part). 7. Dcntavy. 8. Splenial. 9. Angular. To. Supra-angular. 11. Coronoid. 12. Palatine. 13. Pterygoid. 1 The diili-iviit varieties of ossification may !»• conveniently classified as follows : — '• Membrane Bpnes. («) Dcrmpstoscs — os.-iilieatious of the derma; (It) 1'n i us I uses — ossifications of the looser subcutaneous tissue : (c) Ectostoses OSSifi cut ions of Die inner layer of the lilmnis investment ( |ierirhomlriinn'i of a tract of '•.i! lilage : these may extend into the latter, replacing it. and thus <,'ive rise to II. Cartilage Bones, which may, however, also i.r formed independently, a lioiiy dojiosit taking place within (he cartilage it-' If : e n d «>s t <>six). THE SKULL. 63 II. Bones of the Outer Surface (enumerated from before backwards). 1. Premaxilla. 2. Maxilla. 3. Nasal. 4. Lacrymal. 5. Frontal. INVESTING BONES. 6. Prefrontal (of Reptiles). 7. Postfrontal or postorbital. 8. Supraorbital. 9. Parietal. 10. Temporal or squamosal. 11. Supraoccipital (in part). III. Cartilage Bones. 1. Basioccipital | p t , . Amniota (forming the base of the 2. Basisphenoid > .1 m 3. Presphenoid J 4. Exoccipital (supraoccipital, in part). 5. Pro-, epi-, and opisthotic, also sphenotic and pterotic (in Teleostei), (forming the bony auditory capsule). *•' A I''1 '" ( sPnen°id, developed in the trabecular region. 8. Ethmoid, together with the rest of the cartilaginous skeleton of the nose (septum, turbinals, &c.). 9. Quadrate. 10. Articular. 11. Visceral skeleton (in part). ANATOMY OF THE SKULL. SPECIAL PART. A. Fishes. The skulls of Fishes vary so greatly in their details that only a general outline can be given here. In the suctorial Fishes, or Cyclostomes, the skull is deve- loped essentially in the manner described already for all Verte- brates. Later, however, the form of the skull shows so many peculiarities, probably in consequence of the suctorial (Petromyzon) or parasitic (Myxine) mode of life of these animals, that it becomes quite abnormal The most important peculiarity is the absence of proper jaws such as those of other Vertebrates ; for this reason these Fishes are called Cyclostomata to distinguish them from the other Vertebrates or Gnathostoniata. Their visceral skeleton, consisting of a delicate cartilaginous basketwork', also shows many peculiarities (Fig. 49), such as, for instance, its very superficial position ; we may accordingly speak of these cartilages as " extra- branchials." 61 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. The skull of Elasmobranchs presents the simplest conditions and most easily comprehensible relations, so that it may be taken ns the starting-point for the study of the skull of all other Vertebrates. It consists of a simple cartilaginous and fibrous Tr **• OB 01 KO FIG. 49. — SKULL AND BRANCHIAL BASKET OF Pctromyzon planeri. Lb, labial cartilage : /.', cartilaginous ring-shaped support of the svctorial moutli : A, B, C, three other supporting plates of the suctorial mouth; ZB, lingual cartilage ; Na, external nostril ; N, nasal sac ; Tr, trabeculaj ; PQ, palato- quadrate ; SS, fibrous cranial tube, which is cut through behind at MC (medul- lary i\inal) ; OB, auditory capsule ; Hy, hyoid : Ko, gill-openings ; t, posterior (pericardia!) cartilage of the branchial basket ; *,*, transverse bars of the branchial basket ; C, notochord. capsule either immovably united with the vertebral column (Squalidse) or connected with it by articulations (Rays and Chimserae). MtZ FIG. 50. — SKULL OF HcptancJivs. Ji'S, vertebral column; GK, auditory capsule; PF, AF, postorbital and ant- orbital processes; Orb, orbit; R, rostrum; NK, nasal capsule; +, region of articulation of the palatoquadrate (PQ) with the skull ; G, articulation of lower jaw : Mil, mandible ; Z, teeth. True bones are never developed, the cartilage being merely calcified; tin- |i:ila.t<»!|ii:i(lrate and the lower jaw arc nevertheless richly provided with teeth (Fig. 50, Z}. TIM<: SKULL. G5 The olfactory sacs lie in the ventro-lateral parts of the nasal region, which is often elongated to form a long cut- water or rostrum (intertrabecula). Behind this are seen the deep orbital hollows (Figs. 50 and 51), which are bounded posteriorly by the strongly projecting auditory regions (GK]. The palatoquadrate is usually only united to the basis cranii by ligaments, but in the Chimaorae it becomes immovably fused with it, whence their name of Holocephali. In some forms, the palatoquadrate is not directly united to the skull, but is suspended from it by the upper segment of the hyoid arch or hyomandibular (Fig. 51, Hm). In this case the skull may be described as hyostylic, to distinguish it from autostylic skulls, in which the hyoid takes no part in the suspensorium.' ~A cleft, the spiracle, lies on the anterior border of the hyomandibular, and leads into the cavity of the mouth, and on its walls may be found remnants of the embryonic spiracular ( mandibular) gill. The branchial skeleton is always richly developed, owing to secondary segmentation and fusion of its parts, and exhibits characteristic modifications. On the outer circumference of each branchial arch radially-arranged cartilaginous rays are developed, 7? 2.K FIG. 51. — CRANIAL SKELETON OF Raja oxyrhyncha. OK, auditory capsule ; Orb, orbit ; NK, nasal capsule ; It, rostrum ; LK, ZA'1, labial cartilages ; Sp, spiracular cartilage ; SP[, spiracle ; PQ, palatoquadrate ; Mel, mandible ; Hm, hyomandibular ; hy, hyoid ; 1 to /', first to fifth branchial arches ; a, b, c, d, the individual segments of the branchial arches, viz. the pha- ryngo-, epi-, cerato-, and hypobranchials ; t, point of union of the fourth and fifth branchial arches ; Cp, basibram-hials. which serve as supports for the gill-sacs. They are present also on the hyomandibular and hyoid, and rudiments of mandibular rays are present in Sharks. While in Elasmobranchs the gill-slits open freely on to the sur- face of the body, in Chimasrse a fold of skin arising from the hinder border of the hyomandibular, lies over them. This is the first indication of a gill-cover or operculurn, such as we shall meet with again in Teleosteans and Ganoids. 66 ( < iMPARATIVK AN AT( )MY. Amongst the Ganoids, tin- lowest condition is met with in those forms in \vhirh the hyaline primordial skull, immovably fixed to the vertebral column, is still retained. These forms are spoken of as Cartilaginous Ganoids. The appearance of definite bones, however, divides them sharply off from the Elas- m.>l,ranchs, and pn.ycs tlu-ir skull 1.. be at a much high-T stage of development. These bones ha\e the form of richly sculptured plates and shields, and are developed partly from the mucous membrane «>f the mouth (as f..r instance the parasphenoid, which lies alone; the base of the skull), and partly from the outer skin (compare the ehapter on the dermal skeleton, p. 3'1). 7? Me/ Fi<:. 52. — CRANIAL SKELETON OF STUIIC;EO\ (.-1,-ipenser) AFTER REMOVAL OF THE EX( 'SKELETAL I'.MtTS. //',s', vertebral cohinni : ,S'/^V, apertures for spinal nerves : /'•/<, spinous processes ; »/i, neural arches ; C, notocliord ; UK, auditory capsule : /'/•', AF, postorbital mill ;inti.rl)it.;il processes; Orb, orbit ; Jf, optic foramen ; ./•, A'agus t'oranicn ; Ait, nasiil cavity; li, rostrum; *, prominent riil^e on the kisis .-ranii ; /\-, /'.sj, 7V, paraspheimiil ; PQ, palatoqnadrute ; >.jn, quadrate; Mil, mandible; DC, dentary; .//•, articular; /////, hyomandibular ; A'//, symplectic ; ///, intcrhyal ; /"/, liy'iiid ; / to /', first to fifth branchial arches, with their segments — the jiharyn^o-branehial (ft}, tin- epilii-ancliial (/<), the cerato-branchial (<•), and r.incliial ('/) ; <.'op, basal elements of the visceral skeleton ; Hi, ribs. the liypii This dermal skeleton attains to a much more considerable development in a second group of these Fishes — the bony ( !;moids — and gives rise to a strong armour composed of numerous pieces lying on the roof of the skull (Fig. 53). The ossifications are not restricted to the outer surface, but extend into all parts of the skull, as, for instance, the trabecular regions and the lower jaw ; the cartilage thus becomes -reatly reduced. The branchial skeleton in Ganoids consists of four or five mon- or le.-s strongly ossified gill-arches, decreasing in size antero- p isteriorly. In bony Ganoids the surface which looks towards the throat is beset with teeth. A gill-cover, often supported by several bony pieces, is alwa\s present. In the form of their skull, the Dipnoi show many points of con- nection with Elasmobranchs, Ganoids, Tel« osteans, and Urodeles. THE SKULL. In other points, however, they differ considerably from all these ; and it is clear that the last-named group cannot have been directly derived from them. The suspensorium, as well as the very massive palatoquadrate bar, fuses with the skull, and, as in Amia calva (a J'/llJO Va A: ':> • W« FIG. 53. — SKULL OF Polypterus bichir FROM THE DORSAL SIDE. Pmx, premaxilla ; Na, external nostril ; N, nasal ; Sb, Sbl, anterior and posterior suborbital ; Orb, orbit ; M, maxilla; Sp, spiracular bones; PO, preoperculum ('() ; SO, suboperculum ; Op, operculum ; F, frontal ; P, parietal ; a, b, c, d, supra- occipital shields. The two arrows pointing downwards under the spiracular shields show the position of the openings of the spiracles on to the outer surface of the skull. bony Ganoid), even some of the anterior vertebrae with distinct neural arches and transverse processes are united with the occipital region of the cranium (Fig. ~>4>, W, IV1). (Cp. note on p. 56.) Posterior in addition to anterior nasal apertures appear in the Dipnoi for the first time : this is an indication of air-breathing. Cranial bones are not nearly so numerous as in Ganoids, and F 2 COMPARATIVE ANATn.MY. the underlying hyaline primordial skull persists entirely v< Vra- todus), or to a large extent. Gill-covers and branchiostegal rays Fi<;. 54. — CKAMAI. SKKI.KTON. PKCTOK.U. AKCH, AND ANTKIIUUI EXTKKMITY Protopterus. 11', Jf"1, the vertehr.e which are fused with tin- skull, with their spinous (Psp, Pup1) ; 0y a fibrous band (Ji) ; D, external dentary ; ft, Meckel's cartilage, which is freely exposed, and grows out into prominences ; SL, ena- melled ridge ; ft, b, teeth ; Op, Op}, rudimentary opeivular liones ; / to /'/, tlie six branchial arches ; KR, cranial ribs ; LK, M k'. lateral and median bony lamella', which cnslieathe the cartilage of the ] toral arch (A'n, A"//.1) ; co, fibrous band. which binds the upper end of the pectoral arch with the skull; X, articular head of the pectoral arch, with which the basal segment (l>) of the five extremity articulates ; *,*, rudimentary lateral rays nf the extremity biscrial type) ; 1, 2, 3, the three next segments of the free extremity. ure present, though greatly reduced, and even the five or six car- tilaginous gill-arches are in a very rudimentary condition. The sharp, blade-like teeth, covered with enamel, deserve notice Teleostei. — In this group, the skull presents a large amount of variation ; its ground-plan, however, may alwavs lie derived from that of the bony Ganoids, and more particularly from Amia calva. On the other hand, no relations with the Amphibia, are observable, and we must, consider the whole group of the IMMIV Fishes as a side branch of the piscine phylum. THE SKULL. 69 Much of the cartilaginous primordial skull persists in most Teleostei ; the cranial cavity, in all skulls described up to the present time, may either reach between the eyes as far as the ethmoidal region, or it may become narrowed and arrested in the orbital region (Fig. 43, C). The palatoquadrate bar becomes differentiated into a perfect row of bony plates, which are described as quadrate, meso- and metapterygoid, pterygoid, and palatine. In the occipital and auditory regions, as well as on the dorsal surface of the skull, numerous groups of bone are developed, which cannot be further described here. A canal, lying in the axis of the base of the skull of many Teleosteans, must be mentioned : it encloses the eye-muscles, and opens on each side into the orbits. Jlfl FIG. f>5. — CRANIAL SKELETON OF TROUT. Ep, epiotic ; Ptr, pterotic ; Sph, sphenotic ; Os, supraoccipital ; P, parietal ; F, frontal ; Sp.ctk, supra-etlimoid ; Can, aperture of the canal for the olfactory nerve; Nl, nasal; Pmx, premaxilla ; M, Ml, maxilla; /.">. lie}. The others are the articular (Fig. 55, Ar), angular, and < onmoid. The last, howe\er. is as a rule absent, and the angular may also he wanting. A curious asymmetry is seen in tin- head of adult Pleuroncct i(l;i\ AYhen hatched, these Fishes are quite symmetrical, but later i.n the eye of one side lier. lines rotated, so that eventually lioili eyes come to lie on the same >ide : in consequence of this, the skull also becomes asymmetrical. jj. Amphibia. Urodela. — The skull of tailed Amphibians is distinguished from that of Fishes principally by negative characters, — on the one hand by the presence of less cartilage in the adult, and on the other by a reduction in the number of hones. In short, it presents altogether a much simpler plan, reminding us of that of Ganoids and Elasmobranchs. This is seen, for instance, in the larval con- dition (Fig. 50), in which the chondrocranium still plays a great part, its auditory, nasal, and orbital regions having the relations described in the introduction to this chapter. The auditory cap- sules (Figs. ."><; to 5,s, oil-, — which are bound together by cartila- ginous basi- and supraoccipital tracts,1 and generally become strongly ossified later, — show a new and important arrangement as compared with those of Fishes in the presence of an aperture, the fenestra ovalis, which looks outwards and downwards (Figs. .">('» and 5S, F«c}. This fenestra is closed by a cartilaginous or bony plug, the stapes, and will be spoken of again in connection with the anatomy of the auditory organ. In all Amphibians t\vo condyles for articulation with the lirst vertebra are developed on the ventral periphery of the foramen magnum (Figs. 56 to 5is, O'r). The large nasal capsules, consisting throughout life of consider- able cartilaginous tracts (Fig. 57, No), are connected with the auditory capsules by means of the t rabeculse,2 which form tin- side walls of the skull, and enclose a large cavity. This cranial cavity becomes closed dorsally by the f rentals and pariefals (Fig. 57, F, P], and ventrally by the parasphenoid (Figs. 5ii and 58, Ps), which is sometimes provided with teeth similar to those of many Teleostci. In front of it lie the vomers (Figs. 5G and 5S, Vo), which bound the posk-rior nostrils, and in adults each 1 Tin- re are novcr nmiv tlcm rudiments of a supra- and basioccipitaJ in Auura, •and not even rudiments of these lnuics in ('rodeles. -' The tralierii],r become more or less entirely o^Mied HN the s ]>li en et linio id and ]H'oo1 ies. THE SKULL. 71 Pm.r To S. Fa, Cvcc Fin. 56. — SKULL OF A YOUNG .AxuLOTL. (Ventral view. ) T, face Osp FIG. 57. — SKULL OF Salamandra atra (ADULT.) (Dorsal view.) ft fore FIG. 58. — SKULL OF Salamandra atra (ADULT). (Ventral view.) Irabecula ; OB, auditory capsule ; For, fenestra ovalis, closed on one side by the stapes (St) ; Lett, ligament between the stapes and suspensorium ; Cocc, occi- pital condyles ; Bp, cartilaginous basilar plate between the auditory capsules ; Osp, dorsal tract of the occipital cartilage ; IN, internasal plate, which extends laterally to form processes (TF and AF) bounding the posterior nostrils (Ch); NK, nasal capsule ; Can, nasal cavity ; Na, external nostrils ; 1*1, foramen for the olfactory nerve ; Z, tongue-like outgrowth (intertrabecula) of the internasal plate, which forms a roof for the internasal cavity (Fig. 57) ; Qti-, quadrate ; Ptc, cartilaginous pterygoid ; Pot, otic process, ped, pedicle, and Pa, ascending process, of the quadrate ; Ps, parasphenoid ; Pt, bony pterygoid ; Vo, vomer ; PI, palatine ; Pp, palatine process of maxilla ; I'op, vomero-palatine ; Pni->\ prcmaxilla ; M, maxilla ; Os, sphenethmoid ; As, prooiic ; N, nasal ; Pf, pre- frontal, perforated at D for the lacrymal duct ; F, frontal ; P, parietal ; 8qu, squamosal ; //, optic, V, trigrminal, and VII, facial foramen ; II', point of entrance of the nasal branch of the fifth nerve into the nasal capsule. 72 ( '( )M PAR ATI V K A N ATI )M V . becomes fused with the corresponding palatine (Fig. .">S. I'// which forms a delicate bar lying on the ventral surface of the paraspheuoid. These relations are secondaiy, fur in the larval condition a typical palatoquadrate or pterygo-palatine bar is present (Fig. 56, Pt,Ptc, 7V). On the outer side of the vomer lies the maxilla (Figs. oG to .">s. IT), and in front of this a premaxilla (/'///;/•) which usually encloses, or at least bounds a cavity. The latter bone extends on to the dorsal surface of the skull, and abuts against the nasal, behind which usually follows a prefrontal (Fig. 57. N, Pf). The suspensorium is much more simple than that of Fishes, as a glance at the diagrammatic Fig. 4S, E, will show. It con- sists of the quadrate only, which secondarily becomes fused with the skull, and on the outer surface of which an investing bone, the squamosal, becomes developed (Figs. 5G to oS, #///). The skull of the Gymnophiona, which is characterised by its extreme strength and solidity, reminds ns of that of the fossil genera of Amphibia of the Carboniferous period. It shows in many points a certain reluti m.-liip to the skull of Anura, and is of great interest mi account of the very complicated structure of the nasal capsule (compare the chapter on the olfactory organ . PP f'ot-c Fit;. 59.- SKI i.i. OK /in, in fx'iilfiilu. i Ventral view. i After Kcker.) The investing bones are removed on tlie right side. geminal, and abducent nerves. Anura. — The skull of the tailless Batrachia is at first sight very similar to that of Urodeles. It undergoes, however, an essentially different and much more complicated development, reminding THE SKULL. one iu certain points of that of Petromyzon, and it cannot there- fore be derived in any way directly from that of Urodeles. A suctorial mouth, provided with labial cartilages and horny teeth, is present in the larva. Far more important, however, is the librl Mrl'JKff KiJC KIT FIG. 60. — HYOBRANCHIAL APPARATUS OF URODELES. A, Axolotl (tiiredon pisci- formis] ; B, Kalamandra maculata ; C, Triton •cristatus; T>, Spelerpes fuscus. L'br I, II, first and second basibranchial ; KcH, ceratohyal ; HpH, hypohyal ; Kebr I, II, first and second ceratcbranchial ; EpbrltoIV, first to fourth cpi- branchial ; KU, KH1, small anterior and posterior pairs of cornua ;, thyroid bone;, thyroid gland. formation of membranous and cartilaginous walls to the tympanic cavity, which is closed externally by a tympanic membrane, while internally it opens into the mouth by a Eustachian aperture. The palatoquadrate bar unites anteriorly with the lateral part of 74 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. the cartilaginous nasal capsule (compare the chapter on the auditory organ, p. 199). With the exception of certain small regions on the dorsal side, the skull of Anura consists of a complete cartilaginous box : in the adult the bones are not so numerous as in Urodeles, and the frontal and parietal of either side as a rule fuse together, thus giving rise to a fron to-parietal. The maxillary bar grows backwards much further than in Urodeles, and becomes connected with the suspen- sorium by means of a small intermediate bone, the quadratojugal (Fig. 59, Qj;i). For the relations of the bones bounding the mouth- cavity, compare Fig. 59. With the exception of the lower jaw, the visceral skeleton of Urodeles undergoes various modifications in the different types. We may consider the ground -form, as present in the larva, to consist of five pairs of bars. The anterior pair, or hyoid, consists of two pieces (Fig. 60, A, HpH, KcH), as do also the two first branchial arches (Kebr I, II, JSpbr I, II). The third and fourth branchial arches are much smaller, and each is composed of a single segment (JSpbr III, /J7). All the above-named arches are connected with their fellows the other side by means of a single or double basal piece (Fig. 60, L'hr I&ndJSbr II}. At the close of larval life, when the lungs conic into use, the two hinder pairs of arches disappear entirely, while the two anterior pairs undergo changes as regards form and position, and become more or less strongly ossified (Fig. 60, B, C). In the genus Spelerpes, which possesses a sling-like tongue, the lateral (dorsal) segment of the first true gill-arch (epibranchial I) grows out into a long cartila- ginous filament, which extends far back under the skin of the back (Fig. 60, D). In the Anura there is a much greater reduction of the branchial skeleton at the close of larval life than in Urodeles. In the larva, the main skeletal part consists of superficial branchial cartilages (extra-branchials), which form a continuous structure comparable to the branchial basket-work of the Lamprey. A hyoid and small rudiments of the four proper internal branchial arches are, however, present behind the mandible. 0. Reptilia. The relationship between the skulls of Reptiles and Birds is very close, while both are widely separated from those of Amphibians and Mammals. Excepting in the ethmoidal region, the whole chondrocranium becomes almost obliterated by ;in extensive process of ossilic;itioii. In Snakes, Amphisbjenians, and ( 'rocodilc.s, the cranial ca,\itv extends forwards between the orbits us far as tin- ethmoidal region, while in Lacertilia and ('helonia — in which a fibro-cartilasiuous THE SKULL. 75 interorbital septum perforated by the olfactory nerve is present, — it is arrested in the orbital region (compare p. 57). The parasphenoid, which plays so important a part as an investing bone of the roof of the mouth in Fishes and Amphibians, begins to disappear ; amongst Reptiles it only attains to any im- portant development in Snakes, where the anterior part remains, and forms the base of the interorbital region. Its place is taken by two cartilage bones, the basioccipital and basisphenoid, situated along the basis cranii. In contradistinction to the Amphibia, only a single condyle connects the skull with the vertebral column ; this, on close examination, is seen to be formed of three parts (basioccipital and exoccipitals). The roofing bones of the skull are well developed, as* in Teleostei, while the trabecular region (ali- and orbitosphenoids) becomes of secondary importance, its place being taken by processes growing downwards from the frontal and parietal, especially in Snakes. The parietals are usually confluent in the adult, and in Lacertilia are perforated by an aperture (parietal foramen). For the topographical relations of the several bones to one another compare Figs. 61 to 64. It will be seen in them that the ground-plan of the Urodele skull, already somewhat fully explained, is here fundamentally retained. A new element, the transverse bone (Figs. 61, 62. and 64, 5V)> extending from the maxilla to the pterygoid, appears, except in Chelonia and Typlilopidae. An imperfect circumorbital ring of bones present in Lizards is also worthy of mention. The dentition is stronger than in the forms as yet described, and may be borne, as in Amphibians, on the palatines and pterygoids as well as on the proper jaw-bones (Fig. 62, PI, Pt). Rasp-like sphenoidal teeth are not present in Reptiles, and the Chelonia are altogether toothless, the free edge of the jaws being covered by sharp horny sheaths. The skull of Crocodiles is of particular interest, owing to the fact that the palatine processes of the maxilla (Fig. 64, J/), as well as the palatines and pterygoids further behind (PI and PC), meet together in the middle line, and thus form a secondary roof to the mouth-cavity, separate from the proper (sphenoidal) base of the skull. The cavity thus formed closes in the posterior prolongation of the nasal chambers, in consequence of which the latter become sharply differentiated from the mouth, and open far back into the pharynx (Fig. 64, 67?). Thus the skull reaches a higher stage of development, which, only indicated in Chelonia, is characteristic of Mammals. In all Reptiles the suspensorium consists mainly of the quadrate, which may be loosely attached to the skull (Snakes,1 Lacertilia), or firmly fixed to it (Hatteria, Chelonia, 1 In Snakes (Fig. 62, Qu) (except Tortrix), the quadrate is only indirectly con- nected with the skull by means of the squamosal (Squ), which extends backwards, and thus throws the articulation of the lower jaw far backwards, giving rise to a very < !OMPARATIVE ANATOMY. A'rc Jm/ Cocc FIG. 61.— SKULL OF Liz.vitn (Laccrta ayilis}, (Dorsal view.) JEthFrn-r A U Fie. 62, A and P>. — SKULL OF SNAKK (Tropidonoi/us nnlri.r}. Cocc, orci]iit;il roinlyli' ; f>x, and Cixp, supraoccipital ; (>l. exoccipital ; /•""(• ovalis ; /'»', puiotk' ; /', ]>arictal ; /'/>. parietal ioranirii ; /', frontal ; /•'', frontal ; 1'f, jurfidiital ; /•;>//, ethnioitl ; .\', nasal ; Xn, external nostril ; jn-i'inaxilla ; .17, maxilla; U, 0, orbital rin^ ; lip, basioccipital : 7.\, sjilifnoiil ; /'//, posterior nostrils ; Vo, vonirr ; /'/. ]i;ilatinr ; /'/, ptrry^nid ti'ansvi'i-M' lionc : (,'/>, i|iiailrntc : S, FUprateraporal ; jii^'al ; ,-//7, articular : . hi. an^nlar : N. /. ^npi ;i -angular ; /.'/, driitary : //, foramen. jiost- /'///.;•, liasi- ; Tit, THE SKULL. />> FIG. 63. — SKULL OF YOUNG WATER-TORTOISE (Emys europcea). (Side view.) Osp, supraoccipital, which gives rise to a crest ; Pf, prefrontal, which forms a great part of the anterior boundary of the orbit ; /, point of entrance of the olfactory nerve into the nasal capsule ; Si, interorbital septum ; HK, horny sheaths of jaws ; Qjg, quadratojugal ; Alt, tympanic membrane ; BP, carti- laginous interval between basioecipital and basisphenoid ; Md, mandible. Other letters as before. Cote FIG. 64. — SKULL OF A YOUNG CROCODILE. (Ventral view j Cocc, occipital condyles ; Ob, basioecipital ; C'h, internal nostrils ; Pi, pterygoid : Orb, orbit ; PI, palatine ; J/, palatine process of maxilla ; Pmx, premaxilla ; Ts, transverse bone ; Jg, jugal ; Qj, quadratojugal ; Qu, quadrate. 7S COMPARATIVE AN. ATo.MY. Chameleontidae, ( 'rocodilia). In most Lizards there is in addition a rod-like bone, the epipterygoid, which extends from the hind part of the pterygoid 1" tlie parietals. A number of bones arise in connection with the lower jaw, viz. a di-ntarv, angular, supra-angular, splenial, coronoid, and articular (Fig. 02, Dt, Ag, SA, Art}. In correspondence .with the absence of branchial respiration dining development, the branchial apparatus plays no great part in Reptiles, and often only the slightest traces of it are seen : thus in Snakes, for instance, only the hyoid remains, and this not always. In Chelonians a basal piece (basi-hyo-branchial) as well as the first branchial arch persist in addition. D. Birds. The skull of Birds is formed on the same plan as that of Reptiles, and more particularly of Lizards, although it exhibits a gn-ater proportional development of the brain-case (Fig. 65). The skull of Arcluropteryx was essentially similar to that of existing Birds, and the bones were firmly united together. Teeth were, however, present in both upper and lower jaws, and the fact that the premaxillse were toothed probably indicates that no horny beak was present (compare the chapter on teeth). All the bones have a tendency to run together by the obliter- ation of the sutures originally present between them, and they thus give rise to a united mass largely formed of endochondral bones. It is only in the region of the nose that the cartilage persists throughout life to any extent, and even here not always. In contrast to all the Vertebrata as yet considered, the unpaired occipital condyle no longer lies at the posterior boundary of the skull, but becomes moved downwards and forwards along the base of the skull, so that the axis of the latter lies at an angle with tho,t of the vertebral column. The basis cranii is formed by a basioccipital and a basisphenoid, from which latter a bony rostrum, the remains of the anterior part of the parasphenoid, extends forwards. The posterior part of the parasphenoid persists as a large plate, the basitemporal, which underlies the basisphenoid and part of the basioccipital. Above the rostrum a small presphenoid is present in the embryo. All the bones are delicate and spongy, and thus contrast greatly with those of Reptiles, in which they are often of an ivory-like structure. (With regard to the pneuinaticity of the bones, already referred to in < 'rocodiles and certain fossil Reptiles, consult \vMe uape. lii must Snakes. and particularly ki the Yiprriin1 forms (r]>. Fi^. 17". A), tin- faeial liniirs arc eapalile c if movement Upon One another, liilt ill TV I ih In] is they HIV immovably connected \\iih tin; .skull. The two rami of the mandible an- runnrrti il liy :i more or less clastic' li-'aiiieiit. THE SKULL. TO , II. G Fto. 05. — SKULL OF A AViLD DUCK (Anas baschas). A, from above; B, from below ; C, from the side. «.Z.s, alisphenoid ; ay, angular ; ar, articular ; a.p.f, anterior palatine foramen ; b.t, basitemporal ; b.o, basioccijiital ;, basipterygoid ; b.s, basisphenoid ; d, dentary ; e.n, external nostrils ; eth, ethmoid ; c.o, exoccipital ; e.u, Eustachian aperture ; fr, frontal ; f.m, foramen magnum ; i.c, foramen for internal carotid artery ; j, jugal ; Ic, lacrymal ; mx.p, maxillopalatine process ; mx, maxilla ; n, nasal ; n.px, nasal process of the premaxilla ; px, premaxilla ; p, parietal ; ps, presphenoid ; pg, pterygoid ; pi, palatine ; p.n, internnl nostrils ; q, quadrate ; q.j, quadratojugal ; sq, squamosal ; s.o, supraoccipital ; ty, tympanic cavity; v, vomer ; //, foramen for optic nerve ; V, for trigeminal ; IX, X, for glosso- pharyngeal and vagus ; XII, for hypoglossal. .so COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. tli..- chapter on the respiratory system.) A complete boiiv palate like that of Crocodiles is never present, so that the Bird's skull here manifests a decidedly lower stage of development than that of the higher Reptiles. The quadrate is nearly always movable upon the skull, as is also the whole maxillopalatine apparatus, the palatopterygoid l>ar sliding on the rostrum of the basisphenoid, and so allowing the beak to be raised or lowi red to a greater or less extent. This mobility of the upper jaw is most marked in Parrots, in which the frontonasal joint forms a regular hinge. Teeth are no longer developed in existing Birds, their place being taken functionally by horny sheaths covering the bones of the jaw, and forming a beak. As in Reptiles, a fenestra ovalis and fenestra rotunda are present, as well as a tympanic cavity opening into the mouth. The visceral skeleton is greatly reduced, though the first branchial arch not only persists, but may, as in the Woodpecker, grow out into a pair of very long jointed rods extending far over the skull. (For other details, compare Fig. 65, A, B, C.) K. Mammals. In Mammals there is a much closer connection between the cranial and visceral regions of the skull than is the case in the Vertebrates already described (comp. Figs. 60'A and B). In the fully-developed skull both maxillary and palatopterygoid regions are united to the cranium, though even in Man a facial and a cranial region can be distinguished. The higher we pass in the Mammalian series, the more does the former come to lie below the latter; so that, in the highest types, their mutual relations to one another can no longer be so \\ell expressed as being before and behind, as by under and above. Thus in Man the facial skeleton is proportionately small when contrasted with the great cranial portion, and the reduction of the angle between the basi- cranial and vertebral axes is carried still further than in Birds. The base of the skull is preformed in cartilage, as in Reptiles and Birds: the parasphenoid has disappeared almost entirely, the anterior part of the basis cranii being formed by the ossification of the basal cartilage, which may be distinct, as a presphenoid ('Marsupials, Rodents, and some Insectivores), or result from a union of the basal parts of the two orbito-sphenoids : a basi- sphi-noid and basioccipital are always present. Most of the bones of the roof of the skull are developed directly in the subcutaneous li ln'o us membrane. The cranial cavity is closed in anteriorly by the cribriform plate of the ethmoid, which is perforated by the olfactory nerves. THE SKULL. 81 Turbinals are present in the nasal cavity, but are never more than rudimentary in Oetacea. For further details as to the olfactory and auditory capsules and their mode of ossification, as well as the formation of the auditory ossicles, consult the chapters on the Fir;. 66A. — LONGITUDINAL VERTICAL SECTIONS THROUGH THE SKULLS OF— A, Salamandra maculosa, B, Tcstudo grara, AND C, Corrus coronr, TO SH<>\V THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CRANIAL AND VISCERAL PORTIONS. olfactory and auditory organs. Remains of the primitive cartilage are seen in the nasal region in adult Mammalian skulls. It has already been stated that, as regards the hard palate, Mammals essentially agree with Crocodiles, but the pterygoids G 82 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. (except in Anteaters and some Cetacea) do not take part in its formation. 4 ' '\\ I'M:. 66n. — LONCI i rniNAi, VERTICAL SECTIONS Tinmrrm THE SKULLS OF— A, DI:I;K, I'., I!AI:C>UN, AND (', MAN, TO snow THE RELATIONS I:KT\VF.I:N •I HE Cl:.\NIAL AND VlSt'KUAL 1'uKTIONS. According to recent researches the premaxilla appears to originate primitively by a double ossification on each side. In the middle line it bounds a canal which forms a communication between THE SKULL. 83 the nasal and oral cavities (incisive or naso-palatine canal). In the lateral parts of the face of most Mammals, the jugal or malar connects the maxilla with a process of the squamosal instead of with the quadrate, as in Amphibia and Sauropsida: in Ungulata c.n FIG. 67. — SKULL OF EMBRYO OF ARMADILLO (Tatusia hybrida). (Modified from a drawing by W. K. Parker.) a.ty, tympanic annulus ; au, auditory capsule; b.hy, hasihyal ; c.hy, ceratohyal ; cr, cricoid ; d, dentary ; c.hy, epihyal ; e.n, external nostril ; co, excceipital ; /, frontal; h.hy, hypohyal ; ?', jugal; in, incus; Ic, lacrymal ; mk, Meckel's cartilage; ml, malleus; mx, maxilla; n, nasal; oc.c, occipital condyle ; p, parietal ; pa, palatine ; ?v, premaxilla ; so, supraoccipital ; st, stapes ; s.(, superior turbinal ; st.m, stapedius muscle ; sq, squamosal ; th, thyroid ; tr, trachea ; V1, foramen for first, and V2 for second, division of the trigeminal ; //, optic foramen. and Primates, when the jugal is also connected with a process of the frontal,1 the orbit becomes almost completely separated from the temporal fossa. 1 Most of the true Ruminants are provided with horns projecting from the frontal bones : these are of three kinds : — 1, hollow horns (in the Cavicoruin) ; 2, solid horns (antlers of Cervidre) ; and 3, horns of the Giraffe. In the Cavicornia (Boviiire, Antelopinse, Caprinse, Ovinaj) bony processes are developed from the frontals, which become enveloped by horn formed from the epi- dermis. In the Cervida?, a membrane bone becomes developed in the derma round each process of the frontal, with which it fuses. This grows out to form the antler, and after attaining its full development, the skin covering it dries up owing to the develop- ment of the "burr" at its base ; this constricts the vessels, and the antler, being deprived of nutriment, falls off. This occurs periodically at the close of the breeding season. In the young animal, the antlers are simple, but year by year they become more complicated and branched. Giraffes possess persistent antlers covered by hair without any process from the frontal, which do not become anchylosed to the latter bone. The differentiation into "horn-" and "antler-bearers" first began in the Miocene epocn. G 2 84 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. The lower ja\v, eacli minus of which is composed of a single piece, corresponds to the anterior portion only (dentary, splenial, and coronoid) of tin- mandible of Sauropsida, and it articulates secondarily with the squamosal. Concerning the primary relations of the>e parts, rompaiv the ehapter on the auditory organ and Fi-. d7. 'I'll.- hyuid areh is often reduced to a fibrous band, the styl')-hy»id ligament . ami is connected proximallv- with the base of ih.- auditory eapsule and di-tally with the third visceral (that is, th.' first trur branchial) arch. The latter forms the proper body of the hvuid with its Lrreai.T e<>nma. llemains of the fourth visceral « O (second branchial; arch are present in some cases, as in the Porpoise 1'hocsena), for example. For the air-sinuses of the skull compare the chapter on the air-sacs of Birds. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Ain.i;i'i:\, F. — Ucber die Segmentation des IFirbclthicrkdrpers. ZeitscJir. f. v/s?. Zool. Bd. XL. 1884. CALLEXDER, G. \V. — Forma/ton, <(r., Human Face. Phil. Trans. 1869. I' \MKS, "W. — Ucb. den Ban, des Kopfes von Archceopteryx. Sitz. d. k. preuss. Ak-ji;tl, ,/,n/ Linumn Societies for the lnnt twenty years. PARKKU, \V. K., airl 15r. ITAXV, G. T. — -The Morphology of the Skull. London, 1877. STOHR, P. — Zur Entwick. des Koj'i'. •.•/.•.•/••'• .s- /•'?• des 300 Jdhrigen Bestetena der Jul. Max. L'nii-. ;», //"//,-:/.///•;/. Lcijixig, 1882. Zur Entwick, des Urodelen- und Anur /x. /{••ilxrh r.fur //"/.«. Zool. Bd. 33 und 36. \ViEiiK.usiiKiM, IJ — Vuli >icillata, d • r vergl. Anatomie der Salamandrinen. Genua, 1*7">. />•'••< A". Morphol. Jahrb. IM. III. 1S77. /'/ ^lini'n,i).>>- il •/• ,fn. Jena, 1879. \Vviir,. .1. \v. vAV.—Ueber die Mesoder lie Enkwicklung d /• Nerven -/••* *• /r InconiotiMii. and may be divided into two groups, LIMBS. 85 the paired and the unpaired limbs. Both arise in Fishes as linear proliferations of the epiblast, which form four folds or ridges —a dorsal and a ventral, extending from the head backwards to the tail, and two lateral (Fig. 68, A, D, S, >S'1).1 Mesoblastic elements extend into them later. a. UNPAIRED LIMBS. The unpaired limbs, which are characteristic of Fishes, are developed from the dorsal and ventral ridges. They either remain continuous in their further development, as in some Fishes and tailed Amphibians, or else certain parts undergo degeneration, so that Br*' BV An FIG. 68.— DIAGRAM SHOWING (A) THE UNDIFFERENTIATED CONDITION OF THE PAIRED AND UNPAIRED FINS IN THE EMBRYO, AND (B) THE MANNER IN WHICH THE PERMANENT FINS ARE FORMED FROM THE CONTINUOUS FOLDS. D, dorsal fin-fold ; S, S, lateral folds, which unite together at S: to form the ventral fold ; IIP, FF, dorsal fins ; SF, tail-fin ; AF, anal fin ; BrF, pectoral fin ; BF, pelvic fin ; An, anus. they only persist in certain regions, which are spoken of as dorsal, caudal/ and anal fins (Fig. 68, A, B) : in these regions muscles and skeletal parts (fin-rays) become formed. After the formation of the epiblastic fin-folds, the next parts of the unpaired fins which appear are the muscles, and then follow the supporting cartilages ; these latter arise, like the skeletal parts of the paired fins, entirely independently of the axial skeleton. The connection between the latter and the unpaired fins is only secondary. This holds good also for the caudal fin, in which the relation between the axial skeleton and that of the fin is a very close one. The caudal fin is the principal organ of locomotion in most Fishes, and it acts in a horizontal direction : the paired fins play only a sei.-ondavy part, and are principally concerned in rising and sinking in the water. - 1 See also p. 86. 2 The curious suctorial disk on the dorsal side of the head of the Remora (Echeneis), by means of which it attaches itself to foreign objects, arises in the embryo from the anterior portion of the dorsal unpaired fin, and this is indicated throughout life by the arrangement of the blood-vessels, nerves, and skeletal parts. K6 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. In many tailed Amphibians and Amphibian larvse (including those of Csecilians), the unpaiivd fins are represented by a fold of the skin extending along the dorsal and ventral sides of the tail. In some cases this fold extends along the back right up to the head, but it never giv<-s rise to bony or cartilaginous supporting elements. In the male Triton it becomes much enlarged during the breeding season. b. PAIRED LIMBS. No other morphological problem has given rise during the last twenty years to such extensive researches and to such varied solutions as the question of the origin of the paired limbs. Two very opposite views exist. According to one of these (Gegenbaur's view), the proximal parts of the extremities, that is, the pectoral and pelvic arches, are regarded as being derived from branchial arches, and the distal or free portions as metamorphosed fin-rays. According to this theory, the pelvis is to be looked upon as a visceral arch which has changed its position so as to lie far back along the body. According to the other view (that of Dohrn), the origin of the paired limbs has nothing to do with the visceral skeleton, but, like the latter, they are to be looked upon as the localised remains in definite regions of the body (thoracic and pelvic regions) of a series of cartilaginous bars originally extending along the whole trunk, and having a metanieric arrangement. In other words, just as each body-segment of an Annulate may be looked upon as being provided with a pair of limbs, so also was each primitive segment of the Vertebrate body : recent researches seem to support this. These researches were made on Elasniobranch embryos, and in these each somite gives rise to a fin-element, each of Avhich consists of two dorsal and two ventral bundles of muscle, two rods of cartilage, and a corresponding spinal nerve. Both pectoral and pelvic fins are made up of a considerable number of these fin-elements. It is interesting to note that these outgrowths from the somites are present along the entire length of the lateral epiblaslic folds, that is, they exist at first between the pectoral and pelvic fins, as wdl as behind the latter, but in these regions they soon become aborted. The lateral epiblastic folds do not run parallel to one another, as was supposed by Thatcher, Mivart, and Balfour, but converge towards the anus (Fig. 68, A) : the presence of outgrowths 1 it-land the anus, however, points to the possibility of the ventral unpaired fin having been originally paired. This probably was the case when tin- palatial gul. of the embryo, as well as tin- ccclome, extended through the whole caudal region. After the formation of the definitive anus and the disappearance of the postanal gut, the two lateral halves of each primordial fin-fold fused together to form a median fin. Possibly the dorsal tin was also originally paired, for it arises by paired outgrowths from the dorsal part of the myotoiiies, BO that in ihis case, it was not situated in the middle line, but along each side of it.1 On the closure of the lamina; dorsales in the formation 1 I lulu n lias lately attempted to prove t hat t lie impaired tins of ]'etn>iiiy/on arise in a paired manner, :mi formerly have possessed paired pectoral and [pelvic lins. wliich have gradually lireoine lost. PECTORAL ARCH. 87 of the cerebro-spinal axis, these two folds fused together iii the median dorsal line. Thus all the four longitudinal epiblastic folds (of Thatcher, Mivart, and Balfour) are possibly to be considered as arising originally from separate metameric outgrowths of the body-segments, that is, from parapodia, which have thus become gradually transformed into the fins existing at the present time. Paul Meyer supports this hypothesis by finding parapodia-like outgrowths arranged in four rows along the caudal region in embryos of Pristiurus and Scyllium. Later investigators in this subject no longer even accept the homodynamy (i.e. the serial homology) of the pectoral and pelvic arches and limbs, but suppose that even ontogenetically the two arches can in no way be compared with one another, for, arising in an entirely different manner, they can only be regarded as "apparently similar" structures. Which of these attempts at an explanation of the problem comes nearer to the truth cannot yet be definitely stated, and the relative merits of the views just put forward cannot be discussed here. Pectoral Arch. Fishes. — Owing to the absence of paired fins in Amphioxus and Cyclostomi, pectoral and pelvic arches are also wanting. In Elasrnobranchs the pectoral arch consists of an extremely simple cartilaginous bar, the two halves of which are united ventrally by cartilage or fibrous tissue (Fig. 69, SB) ; and it has at first a similar structure in embryos of Ganoids and Teleostei. Later, however, in both the last-named groups, a row of bony structures arising in the perichondrium becomes developed in this region ; so that one can distinguish between a secondary or bony pectoral arch, and a primary or cartilaginous one. The free extremity, or fin, is connected with the hinder and outer circumference of the (primary) arch, and its point of attachment may be taken as separating an upper dorsal and a lower ventral section. The former, which is often connected with the vertebral column, corresponds to a scapula, and the latter to a coracoid plus precoracoid (clavicle) of the higher Vertebrata.1 In Teleosteans and bony Ganoids, the bony (secondary) arch forms the principal support of the fin in the adult, the main element being a large clavicle (Fig. 70, D). The primitive rela- tions are thus much altered. The arch becomes secondarily connected with the skull (Cm). For further details, compare T71 • ^T A Fig. {0. Amphibia and Reptilia, — In these types, the secondary bony apparatus is of less importance, for the primary arch is more 1 The pectoral arch of Dipnoi is intermediate in character between that of Elasrno- branchs and Ganoids. It shows so many special peculiarities as regards form and position, that it cannot be fully described here. 88 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Sit' Fio. 69. — PECTORAL ARCH AND FIN OF Hcptanchus. XL', SB1, pectoral arch, with a nerve-aperture at NL ; Pr, J/.y, 1/7, the tliree basal elements of the fin — pro-, meso-, and metapterygium ; Ea, cartilaginous fin-rays ; a, b, the main fin-ray, lying in the axis of the metapterygium ; +, single ray on the other side of the axis (indication of a bi.senal type) ; FS, horny rays, cut through. ,,z CotCf) Fi<;. /<».- -I,r.i-r PECTOEAl AJJCH AND FIN OF Tin: TROUT. r'nn>i the outer side. ) /'. /'', Z?3, chain of secondary bones of the pectoral arch, (clavicle and supraclavicle), wliicli is (.••iiiiicrtnl \\iili tlii- skull by mraiis of ihr post-temporal ' '/// ; .v iind Co(<.'h, IPCIIIV M-;i]iiil,'i and curacoid, which havi- bccdin.- dry, •],.]„ d in tin' rartilag.- A'.( ; /., loraiiifii in scapula ; J/1. mct:i]iti ry^iuni : A'", J!n, tlic and third, and 4, tin1 fourth basal rlrninit ui' ilir tin ; A'./1, the second cartilaginous low (if radii ; IIS, bmiy ray OD I In- bi>rdMPABATIYE ANATOMY. Pelvic Arch. Fishes. — The Dipnoi have probably retained the most primi- tive form of pelvis amongst existing animals. It consists of a cartilaginous plate lying in the mid-ventral line, from which two pairs of processes, an anterior and posterior, arise. The hinder extremities articulate with the posterior (Fig. 76, &), while the anterior pair are to be interpreted as iliac processes (Fig. 76, «)• The latter vary 'much both in form and size, and, as in young specimens of Protopterus, may extend widely outwards, embedded in the intermuscular septa (I/"1). A delicate rod-like process FIG. 76. — PELVIS OF Protopterus. (From the ventral side.) a, iliac process, which may become forked at its distal end ; b, process to which the hinder extremity (HE] is attached ; Gr, sharp ridge, for attachment of muscles ; c, median process ; J/, J/, myotoines ; If1, Ml, intermuscular septa. arises between them from the anterior border of the plate and extends far forwards in the middle line (Fig. 76, c). The pelvis of Elasmobranchs may be derived from that of Dipnoi, although it must be looked upon as a degenerate form. It consists of an unpaired or paired plate of cartilage, on which processes corresponding to those described in Dipnoi may be seen, though these are often very rudimentary. In Chimsera an iliac tract is much more plainly marked. Amongst all other Fishes, the existence of a pelvic rudiment has been proved with certainty only in the case of Polypterus. Amphibia. — In Amphibia, as in all the remaining higher Vertebrata, a dorsal and two ventral pelvic elements may be The former, or ilium, is connected with the sacral distinguished. PELVIC ARCH. 93 vertebra?, and corresponds to the iliac process mentioned above as being present in some Fishes; of the latter, the anterior ventral element is spoken of as the pubis, the posterior as the ischium. The articular cavity for the thigh-bone (acetabulum) is situated at the point of junction of the pelvic elements. Thus we meet here with a ground-form essentially similar to that of the pectoral arch (Fig. 71). In the pelvis of Urodela and Anura a single ventral plate is seen on each side, which comes into contact with its fellow to form FIG. 77. — PELVIS OF SALAMANDEE (Salamandra maculosa). (Ventral view. ) II, ilium ; Is, ischium ; P, pubis (?) (pars acetabularis ?) ; Fo, obturator foramen ; Sy, ischio-pubic symphysis ; t, two protuberances, present in many Urodeles ; Ep, epipubic cartilage, with its forked ends (a, b] ; G, acetabulum. a symphysis (Fig. 77, Si/}, and the anterior part of which usually remains cartilaginous throughout life. It cannot, at present, be stated with certainty whether this part corresponds to the pubis, or to a fourth element, the pars acetabularis (Fig. 77, P, and 78, AV),which is present in many Amniota, inserted between the pubis and the acetabulum (comp. Fig. 83 A). The posterior part, which always becomes ossified, is without doubt an ischium (Is). In some Urodeles a delicate rod of cartilage arises from the middle line of the anterior border of the pelvis, and becomes bifurcated distally (Fig. 77, Ep, a, b"). Amongst the Anura, this epipubis (" ypsiloid cartilage") is only present in Dactylethra capensis, where its form is somewhat different, reminding one of the delicate median process of the pelvis of Dipnoi (Fig. 76, c). The so-called " marsupial bones " of Monotremes and Marsupials have probably been developed from the representative of the epipubis. In correspondence with the mode of progression in Anura, the ilium of each side becomes extended so as to form a long rod Q (Fig. 78, //), and the two ventral plates, which in Urodeles lie 94 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. in the plane of the abdominal walls, become closely pressed together in the middle line, and so give rise to a well-marked keel (Fig. 78). II A B FIG. 78. — PELVIC ARCH OF FROG (Rana esculenta). (A, from below ; B, from the side. ) II, P, ilium ; 7.9, ischium ; Kn, pubis (?) (pars acetabularis ?) ; Cr, the median ventral ischio-pubic crest ; G, acetabuluin ; Oc, urostyle ; Pt, transverse process of sacral vertebra. FIG. 79. — PELVIS OF Laecrta mural ix. (Ventral view.) Jl, ilium ; 7s, isc-hium ; Fo, foramen in the pubis for the obturator nerve ; Kn, AV, eartila, iilirous band connecting these cartilages ; Fc, foramen cordi- fonne ; t, tubercle of ilium ; G, acetabulum. Reptiles and Birds. — In these, the well-ossified elements of the pelvis are sharply differentiated, and, as the pubis in PELVIC ARCH. 95 Reptiles usually extends forwards for some distance in the middle line, a large space (foramen cordiforme) is present between it and the ischium : in Lizards, Crocodiles, and Turtles, this space is divided into two halves by a median fibre-cartilaginous band (Fig. 79, Kn, Knl, B}. In land and fresh -water Tortoises, in place of this band, the median ends of the pubis and ischium extend towards one another and meet in the mid-ventral line, and thus the space (obturator foramen) between them becomes entirely surrounded by bone. FIG. 80. — PELVIS OF A YOUNG Alligator Indus. (A, ventral, and B, side view.) II, ilium ; Is, ischium ; P, pubis ; Sy, symphysis of ischium ; F, foramen cordiforme + obturatum ; B, fibrous band between the symphyses pubis and ischii ; f, carti- laginous apophysis of the ventral acetabular process of the ischium, which is interposed between the process a of the ilium and the pubis ; b, foramen in the acetabulum, bounded posteriorly by the two processes, a and b, of the ilium and ischium respectively, which here meet one another ; *, indication of a for- ward growth of the ilium, such as is met with in Dinosaurians and Birds ; G, acetabulum ; /, //, first and second sacral vertebrae ; M, fibrous membrane ex- tending between the anterior margin of the pubis and the last pair of "abdominal ribs " (SS). In Crocodiles we meet for the first time with a considerable extension of the ilium (Fig. 80, B, 77), so that now a longer posterior, and a shorter anterior process may be distinguished. In 96 COMPAKATIVE ANATOMY. Dinosaurians the latter (Fig. 81,*) is more strongly developed, and plainly leads towards the form of pelvis seen in Birds. FIG. 81. — PELVIS OF Igiianodon bernissartensis. (After Dollo.) *, preacetabolar, and Jl, postacctabular process of the ilium ; a, acetabutnm (per- forated) ; P, pars acetabularis (pectineal process of pubis) ; Pl, pubis ; Js, ischium. Fir.. 82.— PELVIS OF Apleryx auslralis. (Lateral view.) (After Marsh.) ?7, ilium ; is, ischium : p, pectineal process of pubis ; p1, pubis ; a, acetabulum. In Birds (Fig. ///) arise from the anterior LIMBS. 99 border of the pubes, right and left of the middle line, and extend forwards in a straight or oblique direction. At present no satis- factory morphological explanation has been given of them, and we can only compare them with the epipubic cartilage of Dipnoi and Amphibia, which has the same relations to the pyramidalis muscle (comp. p. 117). Fibrous rudiments of them are to be seen among Dogs. Before leaving the pelvic arch it may be pointed out that, like the pectoral, it is not restricted to any particular body- segment, but that both present much variety as to position, phylogenetically as well as outogenetically. FREE LIMBS. Fishes and Dipnoi. — In the Dipnoi, taking Ceratodus more particularly into consideration, both pectoral and pelvic fins are supported by a cartilaginous axis, made up of a great number of small segments which are movable upon one another. Numerous small jointed cartilaginous rods or radii are disposed serially along the dorsal and ventral sides of this axis, and these gradually decrease in size towards its distal end. Towards the periphery of the fin the place of these cartilages is taken by fine horny rays, which are covered by fibrous tissue as well as by the skin; thus a broad paddle-like fin is formed. Both pectoral and pelvic fins have a similar form and structure, and in their natural position a lateral (external) and a medial (internal) surface can be distinguished. The dorsal radii are much more numerous than the ventral, which have undergone reduction. Thus the biserial type of fin is already modified in Ceratodus, and this modification is carried still further in Elasrnobranchs (cornp. Fig. 86), until eventually on]y a single series of radii (Fig. 69, 2>a') remains. This series corresponds to the dorsal row of Ceratodus, but in consequence of its position in the adult fin, where it divides a dorsal from a ventral surface, it is spoken of as lateral.1 The radii are much jointed, the segments being arranged in a mosaic, and closely bound together by fibrous tissue. They are covered over by the shagreen-like skin, and are continued out- wards towards the periphery of the fin by a large number of horny rays (Fig. 69, Fty, so that the size of the fin is thus considerably in- creased. Three larger cartilaginous basal elements lie proximally to the small radii, and are spoken of as pro-, meso-, and meta- pterygium respectively (Fig. 69, Pr, Ms, Mf). They are connected with the pectoral arch (SIT), and the metapterygium (Mt] together with the distal elements lying along the same axis (a, 1} represents 1 Fig. 54 shows how much reduction the skeleton of the fins has undergone in Frotopterus, the lateral rays having almost entirely disappeared. The whole ex- tremity consists simply of a long segmented cartilaginous iilanient, which no longer serves as an organ of locomotion. H 2 100 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY FIG. 85. — PECTORAL FIN OF Ceratodus fosleri. «, b, the two first segments of the main axial ray ; t, t, lateral rays, or radii ; FS, horny rays, shown only on one side. FIG. 86.— DIAGRAM OF THE PREDOMINANT UNISKUIAI, TYIT. OF THE ANTERIOR EXTREMITY OF ELASMOHRANCHS. ffS, the axis passing through the main ray ; * **, numerous lateral rays of one side ; ttt, few lateral rays of the other side. the main ray of the fin (basipterygium). This serves as the chief support for all the other rays, and is to be considered as the homologue of the axial ray of Ceratodus. The above LIMBS. 101 description holds good for the pectoral fin only of Elasmo- branchs ; the pelvic fin, however, is formed on a similar plan, but remains in a lower stage of development, which is mainly expressed by a limitation in the number of its basal segments. Thus a meso- pterygium is not developed, and the propteiygium is more or less rudimentary, the metapterygium being in this case also the most important element. In male Elasmobranchs, a cartilaginous ap- paratus— the skeleton of the " claspers " —is connected with the metapterygium (comp. p. 327). In Ganoids, and still more in Teleosteans, the essential plan of the cartilaginous portions of the fins may be derived from that of Elasmobranchs ; the primary skeleton of the fins, however, undergoes a considerable reduction, and, in consequence of the appearance of membrane-bones in connection with it, a primary and a secondary skeleton may be distinguished. The skeleton of the fins of Siluroids, Cyprinoids, and Gymno- tidse, amongst the Teleostei, comes nearest to that of Ganoidei, that of the Gymnotidas being the most primitive of the three. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS ON THE LIMBS OF THE HIGHER VERTEBRATA. Though it is easy to derive the skeleton of the fin of all the orders of Fishes from a single ground-type, it is far more difficult to trace the connection of the latter with the extremities of Amphibia. Between these two types of limb there appears to be a wide gap, in consequence of the different conditions of life existing between Fishes and Amphibians ; and the question thus arises — In what manner has the limb of an air-breathing Verte- brate, adapted for progression upon land, become derived from the fin, only fitted for use in the water ? Palaeontology furnishes no answer to this question ; we know of no fossil intermediate forms of limb, and it is at present, therefore, only possible to suggest a hypothesis on the subject. We may suppose that when the primitive Amphibian first began to take on a terrestrial mode of life, its fin, which we may look upon as a single-jointed lever, and which amply sufficed for the movement of the body in a fluid medium, became gradually transformed into a many-jointed system of levers. In other words, as the function of the limb was no longer simply to propel the body forwards, but also at the same time to lift it up from the ground, the firmly connected elements of the skeleton of the fin gradually became loosened from, and placed at an angle to, one another (knee, elbow), definite articu- lations being formed between them in a proximo -distal direction. Moreover, the extremity must have changed its position with regard to the body, so that, instead of projecting horizontally outwards, it 102 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. became bent downwards, and thus the angle between it and the median plane of the trunk was gradually reduced, until in Mammals eventually, the longitudinal axis of the limb, when at rest, came to lie parallel with the median plane of the body. In the higher types this is more particularly the case as regards the posterior extremities, the anterior undergoing the most varied adaptations and modifications, and giving rise to tactile, prehensile, or flying organs, or, as in aquatic Mammals, becoming once more converted into rowing organs. Thus we may also reduce the limbs of all the higher Vertebrata to a single ground-type, and we may further connect the latter with the fin of Fishes by taking the ground-plan of the fin of Ceratodus and Elasmobranchs, consisting of a main axis and lateral rays, as a starting-point. Figs. 87 and 88 will render this statement clear. In Fig. 88, a thick line is seen beinnin at //, and passing through F, i, c, c, 2, to //. This is the main Fiu. 87. — DIAGRAMMATIC FIGURES TO snow THE DELATIONS OF THE FREE EXTREMITY TO THE TRUNK IN FISHES (A), AND THE HIGHER VKTEBRATES (B). S, pectoral arch ; Mt, metapterygium, which corresponds to the main uluar ray (Ui) ; lid, secondary radial ray. axis, and from its proximal end (at //) a lateral ray passes off through T, t, to /. A second series of lateral rays arises from the other side of the axis. Thus we have here also the primitive biserial form, with a marked preponderance of one row of radii. At the same time it must be borne in mind that this arrange- ment of radii on an axis is less plainly seen in the embryonic con- dition than in the adult limb, and we must therefore speak of the relations of these parts as similar rather than as strictly homologous. The fore- and hind-limbs show a great similarity as regards the form and position of their various parts. A division into four princi- pal sections can always be recognised : in the case of the fore-limb these are spoken of as upper arm (brachium), fore-arm (anti- brachium), wrist (carpus), and hand (manus); and in the hind-limb as thigh (femur), shank (crus), ankle (tarsus), and foot (pes). While the bone of the upper arm (humerus) and of the thigh (femur), corresponding probably to the meta- LIMBS. 103 HS-- K FIG. 88. — POSTERIOR EXTREMITY OF Ranodon sibrricus. II, hnmerus ; IIS, axial ray ; F, fibula ; T, tibia ; i, intermedium ; t, tibiale ; f, tibulare ; c, c, the two centralia ; 1 to 6, distal tarsalia ; t, traces of a sixth ray within the proximal row of the tarsus ; / to V, the rive metatarsals. FIG. 89. — RIGHT FORE-ARM, CARPUS, AND HAND OF Salamandra maculosa. (From above.) R, radius ; U, ulna ; r, radiale ; i, u, intermedio-ulnare ; c, centrale ; 1 to 4, first to fourth carpalia ; Me, Me, metacarpals ; Ph, phalanges ; / to IV, first to fourth fingers. 104 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. pterygium, is always unpaired, two bones are present in the fore-arm and shank. The former are called radius and ulna, and the latter tibia and fibula. The hand and foot may also be respectively divided into two sections, a proximal metacarpus and metatarsus, and a distal series of phalanges, which form the skeleton of the fingers and toes (digits). Both manus and pes are made up of several series of cylin- drical bones. There are never more than five complete series, which, except as regards number, present essentially similar primary relations throughout the higher Vertebrates. The skeleton of the carpus and tarsus, each of which always consists of a series of small cartilages or bones, shows much variation, but the following may be taken as a ground-type. Round a centrale, which may be double, is arranged a series of other elements, in which three proximal, and a varying number (four to six) of distal, may be dis- tinguished. The proximal, in correspondence with their relations to the bones of the fore-arm and shank respectively, are spoken of as radiale or tibiale, ulnare or fibulare, and intermedium; while the distal are called carpalia or tarsalia / to VI (in the narrower sense). They are counted beginning from the radial or tibial (pre-axial, Huxley) side (Figs. 88 and 89). FIG. 90. — RIGHT TARSUS OF Disc-oglossus pidus. (From above.) An, astragalus ; C'ri, calcaneum ; 1 to 4, the four separate (cartilaginous) tarsalia on the tibial side, in relation with the rudimentary extra finger (/) and digits 1 to 3 (// to IV) ; 5 + 6, fibrous band representing the tarsals of digits 7" and VI ; I, rudimentary extra digit on tibial side ; // to VI, metatarsals of digits 1 to 5 ; t, single phalanx of the extra tibial digit. Amphibia. — Whilst the anterior and posterior extremities of Urodeles are formed essentially on the ground -plan described above (Figs. 87 to 89),1 in the case of the Anura the' radius and ulna be- 1 Numerous secondary fusions of the individual elements of both carpus and tarsus may, however, occur ; this applies also to the Anura. As a rule the anterior extremity is only provided with four lingers, though there are reasons for supposing that it at or.e time, like the posterior, possessed five complete fingers. The number of phalanges varies in different Amphibians. LIMBS. 105 come fused together, and the intermedium is wanting. The proximal row of the tarsus, moreover, consists of only two cylindrical bones, which are usually united together by an envelope of cartilage. One' of these corresponds to a tibiale plus intermedium, and is called the astragalus; the other or calcaneum answers to a fibulare (Fig. 90, Aa, Co). In the distal row there are as a rule four separate elements. Rudiments of a fifth carpal, as well as of an extra digit on the radial side, are usually present, and traces of an extra toe are also seen on the tibial side of the tarsus. In Anura, the metatarsals and phalanges, between which the web of the foot is stretched, are very long and slender. The femur, as well as the bones of the shank, which are fused together, are also exceedingly long, in correspondence with the mode of progression of these animals. The skeleton of the extremities is more strongly ossified in Anura than in Urodeles, in which many of the elements remain cartilaginous. Reptiles. — Chelonians and Lizards closely resemble Urodeles in the structure of the carpus, and here also traces of the Ji if FIG. 91. — RIGHT CARPUS OF A YOUNG Alligator Indus. (From above.) R, radius ; U, ulna ; r, radiale ; u, ulnare ; C, centrale ; 1 to 5, the five carpalia, a« yet unossified, of which 1 and 2, as well as 3, 4, and 5, have become fused together ; f, pisiform ; / to V, the five metacarpals. former possession of an extra finger on the radial side are to be seen. The tibia and fibula always remain separate.1 In Crocodiles, which possess no trace of an intermedium, the proximal row of the carpus consists of two hour-glass-shaped bones — a larger radiale, and a smaller ulnare (Fig. 91). A rudiment of a sixth ray is present on the outer side of the latter, and this 1 In Hatteria alone, amongst existing Reptiles, a double centrale is present in the young animal. 106 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. corresponds to the so-called pisiform bone of Mammals. The distal row of carpals is much less developed than the proximal. In the fossil Flying Reptiles (Pterorlactylus, Rliamphorhynchus) the fourth finger was produced into a long jointed rod, which supported a wing-like expansion of the integument. In all Reptiles, the tarsus undergoes considerable fusion, especially in its proximal portion, and leads gradually on to the type seen in Birds. Thus in Chelonians and Lizards the proximal tarsals all run together into a single mass, which corresponds to tibiale, intermedium, fibulare, and centrale. Traces of an extra radial ray are also present here. In the distal row five separate tarsals are developed, but these may unite partly with one another (Chelonians), and partly with the corresponding metatarsals (Lizards), and thus there is an increas- ing tendency for the movement of the foot to take place by means of an intertarsal articulation, as in Birds. In Crocodiles, there are two bones in the proximal row of the tarsus, one of which corresponds to a tibiale, intermedium, and centrale, the other to a fibulare. The former is spoken of as the astragalus, the latter as the calcaneum, and on it a definite heel (calcaneal process) is seen for the first time in the animal series. The distal row consists originally of four small cartilages, but these later undergo a partial reduction. Birds. — While the skeleton of the mantis of Archa30pteryx (Fig. 92) agrees in many points with that of Reptiles, that of existing FIG. 92. — ANTEKIOU EXTREMITY OF Archwoptcryx. (After C. Vogt. ) Birds has become considerably modified by adaptation for flight, and correspondingly reduced. Of the five carpals of the embryo, the three distal become fused with the corresponding meta- carpals (Fig. 93, Me, Me), while the two proximal remain separate as a radiale and an ulnare. The metacarpals themselves become in part united together, and only bear a very limited number of phalanges at their free ends. The small size of the head of the humerus, as well as the absence of a ridge for the insertion <>f the pectoral is major, and the probable small size of the sternum, prove that Archaeopteryx could not have boon a good ilier. In LIMBS. 107 other points the humerus, radius, and ulna correspond closely with those of existing Birds. There was only one carpal (radiale), and the manus consisted of three free metacarpals and digits, of which the first possessed two, the second three, and the third four phalanges : all the digits were provided with claws (Fig. 92). Ten families of existing Carinate Birds possess the same number (two) of phalanges on the first finger as Archieopteryx, the distal one bearing a claw. Four families of Carinatse also possess three phalanges on the second finger, like Archreopteryx, but in only two of these families is there a claw on this digit. The third finger in all existing Carinates has only one phalanx,1 as compared with four in Archfeopteryx, and this never bears a claw. Amongst the Ratitoe, Apteryx and Casuarius possess only a single digit (the second), and it, like the first finger of Struthio and Khea, is provided with a claw. The strongly-developed and pneumatic2 bones of the arm and fore -arm stand out in sharp contrast with the greatly reduced skeleton of the manus ; and the anterior extremities in most Birds of flight, as the principal organs of locomotion, greatly exceed the posterior in size (Fig. 93, ff, Ji., U\ FIG. 93. — ANTERIOR EXTREMITY OF BLACKBIRD (Turdux merula). H, humerus ; R, radius ; U, ulna ; r, radiale ; u, ulnare ; Me, Me, the three meta- carpals, with which the distal row of carpals has united ; / to ///, the three digits. *&' The tarsus of Birds consists in the embryo of three elements, two small proximal and a broader distal. The former (tibiale and fibulare) unite later with the distal end of the tibia, thus forming a tibio-tarsus, while the latter, which corresponds to tarsalia 1 to V, becomes included in the base of the metatarsus. Thus the foot of adult Birds no longer possesses any distinct tarsal elements, though, as in Chelonians and Lizards, the foot really moves by an intertarsal articulation. Of the original five meta- tarsals, the fifth soon disappears, while the second, third, and fourth become united with one another and with the distal element of the tarsus to form a single bone, the tarso-metatarsus (Fig. 94, Mt). The first metatarsal remains to a greater or less extent independent. 1 In embryos of the Duck a cartilaginous rudiment of a second phalanx is pre- sent in the third finger of the manus. The Ostrich alone amongst existing Birds possesses a second phalanx on the third finger. 3 See p. 262, concerning the pneumatic character of the bones. 108 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. The number of toes varies between two and four ; that of the phalanges is normally 2, 3, 4, 5, reckoning from the first to the fourth digit. The tibia, even from the first, greatly exceeds the fibula in size. Palseontological discoveries prove clearly that the form of the Bird's tarsus has been gradually evolved from that of Dinosauriau-like forms. The foot of Archaaopteryx was very similar to that of existing Birds, though the primitive separation of the tarsal elements is 3T „ Fiu. 04. — POSTERIOR EXTREMITY UF BLACKBIRD (Tu.rdusmcru1a). /'">', femur ; T, tibia, united with the fibula (F) ; t,*, apophyses of the tibia and meta- tarsus, corresponding respectively with the, proximal and distal tarsal-plate : the original division of the metatarsus (Aft) into separate bones is indicated at its distal end at t ; / to IV, first to fourth digits. much clearer, and marked by deeper furrows. The first metatarsal was turned slightly outwards, and the toe itself backwards, like that of most existing Birds. Mammals. — In Mammals the anterior extremity either remains in the condition of a simple organ of locomotion, or it gives rise to a prehensile organ.1 In the latter case the radius and ulna, instead of being firmly connected together, remain separate, and articulate with one another. The movements of rotation which nre thus rendered possible are spoken of as pronation and supination. 1 In Bats, by the elongation of the fingers, lu'hvpon \vliirli n wing-inenibr.ini' is , it serves for flight. LIMBS. 109 The carpus and tarsus correspond essentially with those of Urodeles and Chelonians, and, as in them, certain of the elements may become fused together. Thus the intermedium and tibiale as a rule unite to form an astragalus,1 while the fourth and fifth carpals become fused to form the so-called unciform bone, and the corresponding tarsals give rise to the cuboid. A centrale is always present at an early stage in all five-fingered Mammals, but as a rule it becomes fused later with the radiale, as in the case of the Gorilla, the Chimpanzee, and Man, though it may persist (in 4 cases per cent.) in the human subject throughout life. In the tarsus the centrale (navicular) remains distinct, and usually lies on the inner border of the foot. (Compare p. 106 and small type below for mention of the pisiform bone.) A considerable modification of the homologies of the carpal and tarsal elements described above must be expected shortly. The results of recent researches (Bardeleben, Banr, Albrecht) on this subject are briefly as follows : — The astragalus corresponds to an intermedium as well as to another element which remains independent in Marsupials, but in other forms (e.g. Man) exists only in the embryo, and unites later with the intermedium. This second element is either to be looked upon as a first centrale, or perhaps as a second inter- medium, and is represented in the carpus by the cuneiform (ulnare). The navicular corresponds to the scaphoid of the Mammalian carpus, that is, to a navicular proper plus a second centrale. The pisiform corresponds to the whole calcaneum. In human embryos of the second month a distinct cartilage is present on the tibial side of the tarsus, and this probably answers to a small bone on the tibial border of the foot of Monotremes, American Marsupials, Edentates, Carnivores, Rodents, Insectivores, and Monkeys. This most likely corresponds to an extra (first) toe (" prehallux," Bardeleben). In the animals mentioned above, with the exception of Monotremes and the addition of Cheiroptera, a " prepollex " is also present in the manus, consist- ing of a carpal and a rudimentary ruetacarpal. The distal rows of the carpus and tarsus correspond as regards their individual elements. That the unciform and cuboid originally each represent two elements2 (Bardeleben) is shown by the fact that two digits are attached distally to each, and that in Marsupials, Kodents, and Hyperoodon, an indication of a division into two parts persists throughout life. Centetes madagascariensis alone has a double centrale in the carpus.3 It is interesting to note the reduction which has taken place in the feet of Ungulates in the course of time. In Fig. 95 sketches of the stages in the phylogenetic development of the fore-foot of the Horse are given, showing how it has been gradually derived from a tetra- or pentadactyle ancestor. While in this case the third digit becomes greatly enlarged relatively (per- issodactyle f«rm), and eventually is the only one remaining, in cloven-footed Ungulates the third and fourth digits are both functional, and equally strongly developed (artiodactyle form), and may be united together to form a 1 In Marsupials only does the intermedium remain as an independent bone. In the human embryo it exists as an independent cartilage, but later almost always becomes fused with the tibiale. 2 According to Baur, the cuboid and unciform arise each as a single mass, their double condition being secondary. 3 Baur states that a double centrale is never present in any Mammaliau embryo. 110 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. " cannon-bone," while the others are gradually reduced. A similar reduction takes place in the hind-foot, and is here as a rule more rapid. As far back as the Eocene period Ungulates were separated into Perisso- and Artiodactyles ; a long series of ancestors is hereby indicated. IV1? 0 FIG. 95.— FORE-FOOT OF ANCESTRAL FORMS OF THE HORSE. 1. OROHIPPUS ' (Eocene). 2. MESOIIIPPUS (Upper Eocene). 3. MIOHIPPUS (Miocene). 4. PROTO- HIPPUS (Upper Pliocene). 5. PLIOHIPPUS (Uppermost Pliocene). 6. EQUUS--. 3\i D F F FKJ. 96. — SKELETON OF THE LEFT FORE-LIMB OF A, PIG ; B, HYOMOSCHUS ; C, TKAGULUS ; D, ROEHUCK ; E, SUEEP ; F, CAMEL. (From Bell, after Garrod.) The tibia is the most important bone of the shank, just as the radius is of the fore-arm, and the thigh is usually shorter than the shank. A sesamoid bone developed in the distal tendons of the great extensor muscles of the shank is known as the knee-cap or patella, This is already present in Lizards arid Birds. LIMBS. Ill The number of phalanges is similar in both hand and foot : in the first digit there are only two, while in the others there are three. An exception to this rule is seen in Cetacea, in which the phalanges are numerous. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BARDELEBEN, K. — Das Os intermedium tarsi dcr Sailgcthiere. Zool. Anz. VI. Jahrgang, 1883. Bcitrdgc z. Morphol. des Hand- u. Fussskelctes. Sitz. Ber. d. Jen. Gcsellsch. f. Medic, u. Naturwiss. 1885. BAUR, G. — Zur Morphologic dcs Carpus und Tarsus der Wirbelthiere. Zool. Anz. YIH Jahrgang, 1885. Z'ur Morph. d. Carpus und Tarsus der Ecptilien. Zool. Anz. VI11 Jahrgang, 1885. Ueb. das Archiptcryyium und die Entwick. des Chciroptcryyium aus dem Ichthyopterygium. Zool. Anz. VIII Jahrgang, 1885. On the Centrale Carpi of Mammals. American Naturalist, Vol. XIX. p. 195, and Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. X. Heft 3. On the Morphology of the Tarsus in Mammals. American Naturalist, Vol. XIX. p. 86, and Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. X. Heft 3. The Trapezium of the Camelidce. American Naturalist, Vol. XIX. p. 196, and Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. XI. Heft 1. Bcmerk. iib. d. "Astragalus" u. d. "Inter- medium tarsi" der Saiigethiere. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. XI. Heft 3. BORN. — Die sechste Zehe der Anuren. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. I. 1875. DAVIDOFF, M. v. — Beitrdge z. vergl. Anat. d. hintercn Gleichmassen d. Fische, I. Morphol. Jahrb. Vol. V. 1879. DOHKN, A. — Studien zur Urgcschichte des Wirbelthierkorpers. VI. Die paariyen und unpaariqen Flossen dcr Selachier. MittJieil. aus der zoolog. Station zu Ncapcl, Bd. V. Heft. 1, 1884. GEGENBAUR, G. — Unters. zur vergl. Anatomic der Wirbelthiere : Schultergiirtel der Wirbelthiere. Carpus und Tarsus und Brustflosse dcr Fische. Leipzig, 1864, 1865. Ueber das Archipterygium. Jen. Zeitschr. Bd. VII. GOTTE, A. — Beitr. zur vergl. Morphologic dcs Skcletsystems der Wirbelthiere : Brust- bein und Schulteryiirtel. Arch.f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XIV. 1877. HOFFMANN, (J. K. — Beitr. z. Kenntniss des Beckcns der Amphibien und Ecptilien. Nicderl. Archivfur Zool. Bd. 111. HUXLEY, T. H. — The Characters of the Pelvis in the Mammalia, &c. Proc. Hoy. Soc. Vol. XXVIII. 1879. On Ceratodus fostcri, with some Observations on the Classi- fication of Fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876. JOHNSON, ALICE. — On the Development of the Pelvic Girdle and Hind Limbs in the Chick. Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, 1883, and Studies from the Morphol. Lab. of the University of Cambridge, Vol. II. Part I. 1884. LEBOUCQ, H. — Presume d'un memoire sur la morphologic du carpechez Ics mammifercs. Bull, de I'aead. r. de medecine d& Bclgique. 3 Ser. T. XVIII. Nro. 2 ; and Archiv de Biologie, T. V. 1884. LECIIE, W. — Zur Anatomie der Becke.nregion bei Insectivoren, !,) ; at Re the oblique fibres of the latter pass into longitudinal fibres, indicating the beginning of the differentiation of a rectns ahdominis ; at //• ' the reetns-system is seen passing to tin- visceral skeleton ; Me, fibrous partitions between the myo- tomes of the dorsal portion of the lateral museh-s ; 7\ temporal : J/\ external ceratnhynid muscle; Lv, levator arcuum branchialium ; fH-, Irvator branchiarum ; < '/>//, cervical origin of the constrictor of the. pharynx ; Th, tliymus gland latissimus dorsi ; !>*, dorsalis scapulae ; i'n, cucullaris ; procoraco-humeralis. /./, 1, snprascapula ; /'//, The cranio-visceral musculature is to be looked upon as having been derived out of the lateral muscles in consequence of the development of the visceral skeleton. It may be asserted as a general rule that the dorsal portion of the lateral muscles of the trunk,-1— except in the caudal region, MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 115 where the uniform character persists both dorsally and ventrally, — retains throughout more primitive relations than does the ventral, FIG. 99. — THE MUSCULATURE OF Sircdoii ji/^'/f>rmis. (From the ventral side.) 0, outermost layer of the external oblique, passing into the fascia, which is shown cut through at F ; Ob, second layer of the same muscle ; Re, rectus abdominis, passing into the visceral musculature (sternohyoid) at He1, and into the pector- alis major at P ; JIh, J/A1, anterior and posterior portions of the mylohyoid, which is cut through in the middle line, and removed on the left side, so as to show the proper visceral musculature ; '''', Ci, Ci{. external and internal ceratohyoid : the former is inserted on to the hyoid (Hy) ; Add, adductor arcuum branchialium ; C, constrictor arcuum branchial ium ; ('pli, portion of the constrictor of the pharynx arising from the posterior branchial arch ; Dp, depressores branchiarum ; Gh, genio-hyoid : P/i, prouoraco-humeralis ; »S//f, supracoracoideus ; Cbb, coraco- brachialis brevis ; Clo, cloaca ; La, liuea alba. the latter becoming greatly modified in order to form the walls of the body-cavity. I 2 116 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Thus, even in many Fishes, differentiations occur on the ventral side which biing about the formation of straight and oblique abdominal muscles (rectus et obliqui abdominis). This differentiation is carried further in certain Dipnoi, and is still more marked in tailed Amphibians. In the latter the ventral muscles of the trunk become split into four layers, and in the higher types, — such as the sexually-mature Salamander and Triton, — a rectus abdominis lying right and left of the median line is plainly differentiated (Fig. 99, Re, He). The outermost layer of the lateral muscles of the abdomen does not appear to be retained in the higher types ; the other three layers however remain, and are distinguished from without in- wards, according to the direction of their fibres, as external and internal oblique, and transversalis (Figs. 98, 99, 0, Ql>}. The external and internal obliques extend from the visceral skeleton, that is, from the floor of the mouth, to the pelvic arch, the former even being directly continuous with the musculature of the tail (Fig. 98) ; the transversalis ceases in the region of the heart, and stands in the closest relation with the fascia transversalis and the peritoneum, on the outer side of which it lies. A similar arrangement is seen in all Vertebrates from the Urodeles onwards. The muscular system of the trunk of Anura shows a negative condition as compared with that of Urodeles as above described : the lateral muscles of the abdomen consist of two layers only, and their metameric arrangement seen in the larva becomes later more and more obliterated. The rectus abdominis is always well differentiated, and possesses a varying number of myocommata. Reptiles. — In Reptiles, the lateral muscles of the trunk attain a much higher grade of development. This is to be accounted for by the more perfect form of the skeleton, more especially of the ribs and pectoral arch. The ribs and intercostal muscles now play an important part in respiration, and changes, necessitated by the more important development of the lungs, are thus brought about. The distinction between thoracic and abdominal regions becomes gradually more plainly marked, and distinct external and inter- nal intercostal muscles are now differentiated. In the lumbar region the ribs become gradually withdrawn from the muscles lying between them ; the muscles thus lose their intercostal charac- ter, and form connected sheets, extending between the last pair of ribs and the pelvic arch (e.g. the quadratus lumborurn, which lies close against the vertebral column, and the obliqui). The rectus abdominis, which is always well developed, be- comes divided into three portions, — a ventral, an internal (a subdivision of the latter), and a lateral. While no important differentiation is noticeable in the dorsal portion of the lateral body-muscles in Urodeles, a great sub- division of these muscles is seen in Reptiles. In them may be distinguished a longissimus, an ileocostalis, interspinales, semispinales, multifidi, splenii, and levatores costarum, MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 117 together with the scaleni, which belong to the last-mentioned group. The muscles of the main part of the tail retain primitive rela- tions similar to those seen in Fishes : at the root of the tail, however, new muscles become differentiated. Birds. — In Birds the primitive character of the trunk-muscles has disappeared far more than in Reptiles. This is mainly to be accounted for by the excessive develop- ment of the muscles of the anterior extremity, — the pectoralis major more particularly, — and the corresponding backward extension of the breast-bone. External and internal oblique muscles are present, but only slightly developed : this is more particularly true of the inter- nal, which appears to be undergoing degeneration. No trace of a trans versalis can be distinguished, but on the other hand, a paired, unsegmented rectus is present. External and internal iritercostals are well developed, and a triangularis sterni appears for the first time on the inner surface of the sternal ends of the ribs. The dorsal portion of the trunk musculature is only slightly developed in the region of the body, though very strongly marked in the neck. All these modifications in Birds seem to be accounted for by the great specialisation of the mechanisms for flight and respira- tion, to assist which the greatest possible number of muscles are brought into play, and which thus greatly influence the whole organism : an essential difference is thus brought about between Birds and Reptiles. Mammals. — Three lateral abdominal muscles are present in Mammals, an external and internal oblique and a trans- versalis. Except in a single instance (Tupaia), they are entirely unsegmented, and consist of broad uniform plates of muscle. To- wards the middle line, they pass into strong aponeuroses, which en- sheath the rectns abdominis. The latter consists of a single band on each side, and possesses a varying number of myocommata; it is no longer connected with the axial muscles of the neck belong- ing to the same system (sternohyoid, sternothyroid, &c.), as is the case in Urodeles, for the sternum is always interposed between them, as it is in Sauropsida, In Monotremes and Marsupials, a strong pyramidalis mus- cle lies on the ventral side of the rectus abdomnis. It arises from the inner border of the "marsupial bones" (epipubes), stands in important relation to the pouch (marsupium), and may extend forwards as far as the sternum. In the higher Mammals, where the epipubes are absent, the pyramidalis becomes greatly reduced or entirely lost. Traces of it are, however, commonly to be met 118 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. with as far as the Primates, always arising from the anterior border of the puhis, right and left of the middle line. The external and internal oblique muscles are to be met with in the thoracic region in Mammals, as in Sauropsida, in the form of external and internal intercostals. What has been said above as to the differentiation of the dorsal portion of the trunk-muscles in Reptiles, applies also in its essentials for Mammals. MUSCLES OF THE VISCERAL SKELETON AND HEAD. The common origin of the muscles of the visceral skeleton and the ventral trunk musculature may be much more easily proved than that of the cranial muscles with the latter system. The muscles of the head may be divided into two sections, viz. facial muscles and muscles of the jaws. Fishes. — Leaving out of consideration the Cyclostomes, which show a remarkable transformation of the cranio-visceral muscula- ture in correspondence with their peculiar cranial skeleton (sucto- rial apparatus) and branchial basket, these muscles in Elasmo- branchs may all be regarded from the same standpoint. They may be divided into the following four groups or systems :— 1 . Superficial circular muscles. 2. Upper adductors of the arches. 3. Middle flexors of the arches. 4. Ventral longitudinal muscles. The latter group occupies a more independent position than the other three, which are more closely connected together. The superficial circular muscle, receiving its nerve-supply from the vagus, glossopharyngeal, facial, and trigeminal (third division) acts essentially as a constrictor; it narrows the entire oral and pharyngeal cavities, closes the gill-clefts, and elevates the whole visceral skeleton, together with the floor of the mouth and pharynx. The main mass of the upper and middle flexors is supplied by th<.- vagus and glossopharyngeal. and their muscles act essentially as adductors of the branchial arches, bringing them nearer to one another. The ventral longitudinal muscles, supplied by the first and second spinal nerves, are to be looked upon as a direct con- tinuation of the ventral portion of the trunk-muscles, that is, of the rectus-system, which is to a certain extent undifferentiated in Fishes. Like the rectus, these muscles possess tendinous inter- sections, and they extend from, the anterior border of the pectoral arch forwards to the lower jaw, or only to the hyoid arch (coraco- mandibular and coraco-hyoid muscles). MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 119 The structure of the cranio-visceral musculature of Teleostei differs considerably from that roughly sketched out above, so that the different groups of muscles must be arranged in an entirely different manner. Thus the following divisions may be distin- guished : — (1) Muscles of the jaws ; (2) muscles of the dorsal, and (3) muscles of the ventral ends of the visceral arches. Each of these groups may again be subdivided, but further details about their arrangement, which is often very complicated, cannot be given here. Amphibia. — It is to be expected, a priori, that the muscula- ture of the visceral skeleton should be more highly developed in gill-breathing than in lung-breathing Amphibians; we thus find that in the former, more primitive relations are met with, connecting them with lower forms, while in the latter a greater modification, or rather reduction, of these muscles takes place. Between the two rami of the lower jaw there lies a muscle with transverse fibres (the mylohyoid), supplied by the third division of the trigeminal and the facial ; this represents the last remnants of the constrictor muscle of Fishes. As the elevator of the floor of the mouth, it stands in important relation to respira- tion and deglutition, and is retained throughout the rest of the Vertebrata up to Man (Fig. 98, 99, Mh, Mh1}. A continuation of the trunk-musculature (the omo-, sterno-, and genio-hyoid) provided with tendinous intersections, lies above the mylohyoid (Fig. 99, Rcl, Gli). These muscles, which serve to pull the visceral skeleton forwards and backwards, are supplied by the first and second spinal nerves. In contrast to Fishes, there is in Amphibia a definite differen- tiation into muscles of the tongue, that is, into a hyoglossus and a genioglossus, but these also must be considered as having been derived from the anterior end of the ventral muscles of the trunk ; they are present in all Vertebrates, from the Amphibia onwards, and are supplied by the hypoglossal (the first spinal nerve of Amphibians). In the Perennibranchiata and in Salamander larvas the muscles of the hyoid and of the visceral arches may, by analogy with Fishes, be divided into a ventral and a dorsal group : the latter disappears in adult Salamanders and Anura, only the ventral persisting. Their function is to raise and depress the branchial arches, as well as to draw them forwards and backwards. To these may be added constrictors of the pharynx as well as (in gill- breathing animals) levators, depressors, and adductors of the external gill filaments (Figs. 98 and 99). They are innervated by the vagus and glossopharyngeal. The jaw-muscles may be divided into a depressor (digastric, or biventer mandibulse, Fig. 98, Dg), supplied by the facial, and into elevators of the lower jaw (masseter, temporal, and pterygoid 120 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. muscles, Fig. 98, Ma, T], supplied by the third division of the trigeminal. All these muscles, which may be derived from the adductor of the mandible of Elasmobranchs and Ganoids, arise from the auditory region of the skull. Amniota. — -With the simplification of the visceral skeleton in Amniota, there is a considerable reduction of the musculature belonging to it. All muscles connected with branchial respiration are of course wanting, and the ventral trunk-muscles, as men- tioned above, are always interrupted in their forward extension by the sternum and pectoral arch. At the same time, the muscles along the neck and on the floor of the mouth met with in Amphibia are present here also ; they are the mylo-, sterno-, orno-, and genio-hyoid, as well as the hyoglossus and genio- glossus. To these may be also added a sterno-thyroid, and a thyro-hyoid, continued forwards as a prolongation of the former. The stylo-hyoid, stylo-glossus, and stylo-pharyngeus of Mammals, arising from the styloid process and stylo-hyoid ligament, and undergoing numerous variations, are neomorphs. They are supplied partly by the facial, partly by the glossopharyngeal, and act as retractors of the tongue and levators of the pharynx and hyoid. The muscles of the jaws resemble those of Amphibia, although, especially in the case of the pterygoids, they are much more sharply differentiated, and are throughout more strongly developed. (A secondary subdivision of the muscles may occur in Birds and Reptiles, as for instance in the case of the temporal muscle.) The facial muscles, forming a marked feature for the first time in Mammals, arise originally in the neighbourhood of the eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, around which they are principally grouped throughout life ; they are thus connected with the most important organs of sense. They are supplied by the facial nerve, and attain their greatest development in Primates. Following in the lines laid down by (legenbaur in his Lelirbuclt drr Anatomic des Mcnschen 011 the origin of the facial muscles, G. Huge has made detailed researches on the facial musculature of Lemurs, from which he arrives at the following results. The fact that all the muscles supplied by the facial nerve belong to the same series indicates that those related to the visceral skeleton, and having originally nothing to do with the face, which are supplied by the same nerve, must have shifted upwards from the region of the lower jaw and neck, su as to come into clo-r relation with the soft parts surrounding the apertures of the ear and mouth, that is, to the secondarily-formed lips and external ear. From there points they extended further, taking on new relations to the eye, nasal aperture, and frontal and temporal regions. The muscu- lature further extended to the parietal region, the parts of it in front of the aperture of the ear arising fioni the frontal and temporal regions, those behind it from the occipital region. The upward change of position of the musculature thus took place along two lines, — in front of, and behind the ear, as is proved by its iuuervation, to be describe'l directly. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 121 Into all these regions the facial nerve extended, forming divergent branches and plexuses : a posterior (occipital) and four anterior (temporal, maxil- lary, niandibular, and a branch to the posterior belly of the biventer muscle) main branches may be distinguished. The complexity of the branching of the facial nerve is thus proportionate to that of the facial muscles, and is most marked in Primates, in which the musculature gradually takes on new origins corresponding to the more and more highly differentiated cranial skeleton. The platysma myoides thus forms the matrix for the facial muscles, and it represents the remnant of a musculatiire continued forwards to the head, which has retained (e.g. in Man) an undifferentiated form in the neck (Gegenbaur). Besides the formation of new independent muscle^, modifications of certain of the facial muscles also took place, which resulted in their more or less complete degeneration. Thus they have become replaced by tendinous aponeurotic regions (viz. the fascia temporalis, parotideo-masseterica, and the galea aponeurotica of Man), or even entirely obliterated. Besides the platysma myoides there is a second deeper dermal system of muscles of the neck, the sphincter colli. This, like the platysma, also takes on secondary relations to the head, and gives origin to the levator labii superi- oris proprius, levator anguli oris, sphincter oris, depressor tarsi, buccinatorius, and the proper muscles of the nose. The facial muscles not mentioned here arise from the system of the platysma, MUSCLES OF THE APPENDAGES. The following important factors must be taken into consi- deration with regard to the muscles of the appendages : (1) the homologies of the parts of the skeleton ; (2) the relative positions of the neighbouring soft parts ; and (3) the nerve-supply. The most primitive condition of the muscles of the extremities is met with in Dipnoi, more particularly in Ceratodus. In this case, the musculature of each surface of the fm forms a uniform mass, there being hardly any indication of a separation into definite layers and groups. Every thing goes to prove that all the muscles of the appendages are to be looked upon as derivatives of the lateral muscles of the trunk. Two principal groups of appendicular muscles may always be distinguished ; one lying in the region of the pectoral and pelvic arches, the other in the free extremity. In the tins of Fishes, very simple conditions of the muscles are met with ; in Amphibia, on the other hand, in correspondence with the more highly-differentiated organs of locomotion, con- siderable complication is seen, and there is a much more marked separation into individual muscles, corresponding with the different sections of the extremity. In Fishes, only simple elevators, depressors, and adductors, for moving the extremity as a whole, are present, while from Amphibia onwards there are added rotators, flexors, extensors, and adductors of the upper arm and thigh, of the fore-arm and shank, and of the hand and foot. The digits are also moved by a highly-differentiated musculature. 122 ( '( LMPAKATIVE ANATOMY. In cases where, as in Primates, the anterior extremity is con- verted into a prehensile organ, new groups of muscles appear, known as pronators and sup in a tors. The former are derived from flexors, the latter from extensors. On account of the relatively small amount of movement of the pelvic arch as compared with the pectoral arch, one would naturally not expect similar groups of muscles connected with these two regions: entirely different relations are here frequently to be met with. DIAPHRAGM. The first traces of a muscular partition-Avail between the thoracic and abdominal cavities are to be met with in Urodeles. In them we find circular and semicircular fibres of the transversalis muscle passing inwards between the pericardium and the liver. In Chelonians, and more particularly in Crocodiles and Birds, where the muscular fibres concerned in the formation of the partition arise from the ribs,1 the indications of a diaphragm are much plainer, but there is not a complete separation into thoracic and abdominal cavities. A complete dome-shaped diaphragm, arising from the vertebral column, ribs, and sternum, appears first in Mammals, and is of great importance in respiration, as it allows of a lengthening of the thoracic cavity in a longitudinal direc- tion. It is supplied by the phrenic nerve, which arises from one (4th to Oth) of the cervical nerves, and usually consists of two parts, a pericardia! and a pleural, arising independently of one another. The former is fibrous, and forms the central tendon, while the latter is muscular. In some cases (e.g. Echidna, Pho- crena) the diaphragm is entirely muscular. The Mammalian dia- phragm is probably not the homologue of the so-called diaphragm of other Vertebrates. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BAKDELKCKX, (,'.- -Miixkclii vnit(i?f> oelopment of the Stispensory Ligament of the Fetlock in ///••• Horse. Amcri<'i/n Naturalist, Vol. A" IX. ).. 127. Doissds, (I. E. — On /A- Jti'i/ifiti-ii- .l/i'.v.7.. Trans. I. inn. .sv. V,.]. 11. 1'art r>. Monograph on tin Inseetivora, 1882. .//«///«/<»/,'. •* »t' tin /,«//// Flexor Mn-^'i ••*. Junrn. of Aii"l. mill I'liiixiol. Vol. XVII. ]*s:'.. <>n ///. /!•!•/ it* Abdominis . tin' diajitrr mi (lie air-sacs o!' Uinls. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. 123 ECKER, A., and WIEDEKSHEIM, E. — Die Anatomic des Froschcs. Braunschweig, 1864-1882. FURBRINGER, M. — DicKnochcn und Mu^l-'Li dcr Estrcmitaten beiden sehlancjcndhnl . Xauriern. Leipzig, 1870. Zur veryl. Anat. d. Schultertnuskeln. 1st and 2nd parts in Jenaisehe Zcitschr. Bd. Vll. und VIII., 3rd part in Morphol. Juhrl*. Bd. I. 1S76. GADOW, H. — Observation* cm Comparative My ology. Joxcii. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. XVI. See also Papers on the Munclcs of Reptiles. Mo-rptiol. Jalirb. Bd. VII. GOTTE. — EntwAMumj der Unke. Leipzig, 1875. HENLE, J. — Handbuch dcr systemat. A/niknuir dcs Mcnsdic/i. Braunschweig, 1868. HUMPHRY, G.M. — Numerous Papers in the Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, Vols. III. and VI. HUXLEY, T. H. — On the llcspimtory Organs of Apteryx. Proc. Zool. tioc. 1882. LECHE, W. — Zur Anat. dcr Bcckenrcgion bei Insectiwra, &c. K. tichwcd. Acad, dcr Jt'isufiixi-lt.. Bd. XX. No. 4, 1882. MARSHALL, A. M. — On the Head Cavities and Associated Serves in Elasmobranchs. Quart. Journ. Micros. Science, Vol. XXI. 1881. MULLER, J. — Vcrgl. Anat. d. M-i/.riiividcn. Berlin, 1S34-1845. EUGE, G. — Uebcr die Gcsichtsmuskulatur der Halba/cn. MorplioL Jahrb. Bd. XL Heft 2. SCHNEIDER, A. — Beitr. z. vergl. Anat. u. Entw.-Gcscli. dcr Wirbelthicre. Berlin, 1879. SMALIAN, C. — Beitrdge zur Anatomic der Amphisbaenen, Zcitschr. fur iviss. Zool. BandXLlI. TESTUT, -L.- — Los anomalies musculaires chez I'homme cxpliquecs par I 'anatomic com- paree : leur importance en Anthropologie. Paris, 1884. VETTER, B. — Untcrs. z. vergl. Anat. der Kiemcn- u. Kwfcrmuskulatur der Finche. Jenaisehe Zcitschr. Bd. VIII. und XII. N.F. I. Bd. D. ELECTRIC ORGANS. ELECTRIC organs are present in certain Fishes, and are most strongly developed in a Ray (Torpedo marmorata), found in the southern seas, in a South American Eel (Gymnotus electricus) and in an African Siluroid (Malapterurus electricus). Gymnotus, the electric Eel, possesses by far the strongest electric FIG IQQ.— Torpedo marmorata, WITH -nir. Ki,r.n IMC OKGAK (E) EXI-OSKD. S, skull ; ,S>, spiracle ; KK, gills; An, eye. power, next to it comes Malapterurus, and then Torpedo. The electric batteries of these three Fishes are situated in different, parts of the body ; in Torpedo they have the form of a broad mass, extending throughout the substance of that part of the boilv lying bet\vmi the gill-sacs and the prqpterygium on each ELECTRIC ORGANS. 125 side of the head (Fig. 100, E] ; in Gymnotus they lie in the ventral portions of the enormously long tail (Fig. 101, E] that is, in the position usually occupied by the ventral portions of the great lateral muscles; and finally, in Malapterurus, the electric organ extends between the skin and muscles round almost the entire circumference of the body, thus enclosing the Fish like a mantle : it is especially strongly developed along the sides. FIG. 101, A anil B.— THE ELECTRIC ORGAN OF Gymnotus clectricus. (B, from a preparation by A. Ecker. ) H, skin ; Fl, fin ; DM, DM1, dorsal portions of the, great lateral muscles, seen partly in transverse section, partly in longitudinal ; VM, VM1, ventral portions of ditto ; E, the electric organ, seen in transverse section at J£ (B), and from the side at El ; Jl'S, vertebral column, from the side, showing the spinal nerves, and }VSl, in transverse section ; LH, posterior end of" body-cavity ; Scp, median longitudinal fibrous septum, which divides the electric oro-an and the lateral trunk-muscles into two equal halves : A, anus. The electric power of those Fishes which were formerly known as " pseudo-electric " has now been fully demonstrated, though it is much feebler than in the forms described above. To this category belong all the Rays, with the exception of Torpedo, the various species of Mormyrus, and Gymnarchus (both belonging to the Teleostei). In all these, the electric organs lie on either side 126 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. of the cud of the tail, and have a metameric arrangement like that of the caudal muscles ; in the Mormyridae, for example, there is on each side an upper and an under row of electric organs. The electric apparatus in all the above-named Fishes is to be regarded from the same point of view both as concerns its mode of development and anatomical relations: all electric organs are to be looked upon as metamorphosed muscular tracts, .and the nerve-endings belonging to them as homologues o o o o of the motor end-plates which are ordinarily found on m uscles. As regards the minute structure of the electric organs, the same essential arrangements are met with in all. The framework is fornii'd of fibrous tissue, which, running partly longitudinally, partly transversely through the organ, gives rise to numerous polygonal or more or less rounded chambers or compartments. These latter are arranged in rows, either along the longitudinal axis of the body (Gymnotus, Malapterurus) or in a dorso-ventral direction (Torpedo), forming definite prismatic columns (Fig. 102). FIG. 102. — KLEeTiiic I'IMSMS UK '/'"/•/' "'" in'trnu i,-itt/i. (Semidiagrammatic. ) Numerous vessels and nerves ramify in the connective-tissue lying between these compartments, the nerves being enclosed in very thick sheaths, and having a great variety of origin accord- ing to the species of Fish under consideration. In Torpedo, they arise from the " electric lobe " of the medulla oblongata, a single branch coming also from the trigeminal ; in all pseudo- electric Fishes, as well as in Gyinnotus, in which over two hundred nerves pass to the electric organ, they arise from the spinal cord, and most probably are in the closest relation with the ventral cornua of the latter, which are particularly well developed in the last-named Fish. It is very remarkable that the electric nerves of Malapterurus arise on each side from a single enormous nerve-cell, which, lying in the neighbourhood of the second spinal nerve, is continued into a very lar^o primitive-fibre, which pa-ses towards the, end of the tail, dividing as it goes. The latter is invested by a thick sheath. On continuing our examination into the more minute his- tological structure of the peripheral nerve-endings, it becomes necessary to give a definition of those structures which are usually ELECTRIC ORGANS. 127 called " electric-' or " end-plates." These can be summarily described, as they are essentially the same in all electric Fishes. After the nerve, running in the septum between the compart- ments, has by degrees lost its thick sheath and thus has almost ceased to show a double contour, it suddenly gives rise to a club- shaped swelling, and then divides up into a number of primitive fibres, which branch out in a tree-like manner, without, however, giving rise to definite meshes, so that we cannot speak of a proper nervous network. In Torpedo the nerve spreads out on the ventral side of the structure known as an electric plate (Fig. 103, EP\ while in Gynmotus it passes to the posterior surface, that is to the one turned towards the tail. Finally in Malapterurus, the nerve, as in Gymnotus, passes on to the posterior surface of the electric plate ; it does not stop here, however, but perforates the plate, so £&<&&. /T 301 «W— ^r-.. T~~- :. '-.-*^J=-r^f=^-- - . ^JW^^ tj£zrJ&. Jr I tfio. 103 — SECTION THROUGH THE ELECTRIC CHAMBERS. (Greatly enlarged, and semidiagrammatic. ) BG, framework of connective-tissue, forming walls of compartments ; EP, electric plates ; N, nerves entering into the septa between the compartments ; NN, terminal fibres of the nerve, passing to the posterior (Gymnotus) or under (Torpedo) surface of each compartment ; G, gelatinous tissue ; the arrow points towards the head (Gymnotus), or towards the dorsal side of the animal (Torpedo). as to spread out on the anterior surface, turned towards the head.1 This difference must be borne in mind on account of the direction taken by the electric current, to be described later on. Each electric plate consists of a homogeneous disk, transparent in the fresh condition, and surrounded by a special membrane, within which star-like cells with long processes are present. Both surfaces of the plate exhibit irregular protuberances, separated from one another by shallower or deeper notches, and giving the whole an irregular appearance. 1 Babuchin, who had the opportunity of examining Malapterurus in the fresh condition, disputes strongly the. perforation of the plate by the nerve ; whether rightly or not, new researches must show. 128 COMPARATIVE AN ATOM Y. As this disk, which, as already mentioned, is to be looked upon as metamorphosed muscle-substance, becomes inseparably fused with the nerve- plate lying close to it, it follows that the electric plate is not a uniform structure, as was formerly believed, but is to be regarded as having arisen out o! two tissue-elements. The com- partments are not entirely filled by the electric plates; a space tilled by gelatinous tissue (Fig. 103, G), or sometimes only by a fluid, always remains in the upper (Torpedo) or anterior (Gymnotus, Malapterurus) side of each compartment along the wall separating it from the next. The side of the electric plate on which the nerve branches out is negative at the moment of discharge, while the opposite side is positive, and thus the different arrangements of the parts in Gymnotus and Malapterurus render it clear that the electric shock must pass in different directions in these Fishes : thus in Malapterurus it passes from the head to the tail, but in the contrary direction in Gymnotus. In Torpedo the discharge passes from below upwards. Experiments have shown that all electric Fishes are proof against the electric current, with the limitation that muscles and nerves — even the electric nerves themselves — separated out from the body, are capable of being excited by the current. " The last and most important question with regard to the electric Fishes is naturally concerning the mechanism whereby the electric plates become temporarily charged with electricity. The reply to this question, although probably not so difficult a one as that relating to the mechanism of muscular contraction, is still far from being answered " (Du Bois-Reymond). The only thing that can be stated with certainty is, that the electromotive force is under the influence of the will. BlBLIOURAI'HY. BABUCHINV — Ucbers. der neucren Untersuchungen iibcr Entwicklung, d-c., der clcktri- selwn und Organs. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1876. KrivER, A. — Eiitwickl. dfit- Ncrven dcs elektr. Organs von Torpedo Galv. Zcitschr. fur wiss. Zonl. Bd. I. 1848. U liters, zur Ichtliyologie. Freiburg, 1857. KF.YMOXD, E Du Bois. — Gcsammelte Abhandlungen zur allg. Musket- und Nerven- jilnjsik. Bd. II. E. NERVOUS SYSTEM. THE following elements, which are all derived from the epiblast, may be distinguished in nervous tissues: — (1) Ganglion cells, provided with processes, and supported by a connective-tissue framework, the neuroglia; and (2) Fibres, entering into or aris- ing from the former, and serving as conductors of sensory or motor impulses. Each fibre maybe invested by a delicate cover- ing or sheath, the neurilemma (primitive sheath, or sheath of Schwann). The nervous system may be divided into three main parts, the central (brain and spinal cord), peripheral, and sympathetic systems. The central part is the first to arise, and is formed as a direct product of the epiblast; the other two become established later. I. THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. 1. THE SPINAL CORD. The first indication of the central nervous system is a furrow (medullary groove) which appears on the dorsal side of the embryo, and which gradually becomes converted into a tube by the meeting of its edges : this tube then becomes separated from the epiblast and gives rise to the hollow medullary cord (cp. p. 7), the walls of which are at first comparatively thin ; it consists of a more expanded anterior, and a longer and more slender posterior section. From the former arises the brain, from the latter the spinal cord. In an early stage of development the lumen of the medullary cord is as a rule continuous posteriorly with that of the primitive intestine (neurenteric canal). This connection, however, soon dis- appears, and the spinal cord then consists of a cylindrical or more or less flattened hollow cord, by no means filling the neural canal : its walls become gradually more and more thickened, until finally only a very narrow lumen, the central canal, remains; this is lined by ciliated epithelium. K 130 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. FIG. 104.— THE ENTIKE Nr.uvors SYSTEM OK TIIK Fi:m;. i After A. Ki-kn-.) (From the ventral side.) Hi', cereliral hemispheres (jirosencephalon) ; Lop, optic lobes (mesencephalon) ; J/, spinal cord ; Ml to M in, spiiuil nerves, which are connected at ]»• lirrnmes divided into two parts, and indications of a similar division aivsi-i-n in some Lizards (SIM- Fijj;. 119, A). 2 Traces of a fornix arc seen in certain Reptiles (e.g. Psammosaurus). THE BRAIN. 133 infundibulum (/), formed asa funnel-like extension of the floor, together with a part (the posterior lobe) of the pituitary body (hypophysis) (Z/).1 The other part (anterior ]obe) of the pituitary body arises by a gradual pinching off of the epithelium of the primary oral involution, and gives rise later to a gland- like structure. The cerebellum, in the higher types, becomes differentiated into two lateral portions (lateral lobes), which may again be sub- divided, and a median unpaired portion (superior vermis), which TH Z ZimCJIKS'J) JtEL 7TJT FIG. 106.— LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE SKULL AND BRAIN OF AN (IDEAL) VERTEBRATE EMBRYO. (In part after Huxley.) lie, basis cranii ; C'h, uotocliord ; SD, roof of skull ; NH1, nasal cavity; VH, secondary lore-brain (prosencephalon), showing the corpus striatum (Gs) at the base, and the olfactory lobe (Off) anteriorly ; ZH, thal.imeneephalon (primary fore-brain), which has given rise dorsally to the pineal gland (epiphysis) (Z), and ventrally to the infundibulum (/), to which the pituitary body (hypophysis) (ff) is attached : anterior to this is seen the optic nerve (O/>(.), arising from the optic, thalamus (T/io) ; H(J, posterior commissure; Mff, mid-brain (niesen- cephalon) ; HH, cerebellum (metencephalon, secondary hind- brain) ; Nff, primary hind-brain (myeleucephalon) ; C<; central canal of spinal cord. connects these two. The other two portions of the brain (mid-brain and medulla oblongata) do not become so greatly modified as the fore-brain. It is therefore only necessary to mention that the medulla oblongata, the roof of which undergoes a retrogressive metamorphosis, gives origin to the greater number of the cranial nerves, so that its physiological importance is very great. The following important changes take place in the further development of the brain. The walls of the cerebral vesicles become more and more thickened, so that their cavities, transformed into the ventricles of the brain, undergo a gradual constriction. 1 Opinions are much divided as to the meaning of the epiphysis and hypophysis. Some observers consider the epiphysis to be the homologue of the anterior neuropore of embryos of Amphioxus and Tunicata, lhat is, as the remains of a last connection of the brain with the epiblast : this opinion, however, is not tenable according to numerous later researches, all of which agree that it arises secondarily from the roof of the thalamencephalon. Others imagine it to be the last rudiment of a sense-organ, and from the fact that it arises in a similar manner to the optic vesicles it has been explained as an unpaired eye. The hypophysis, as it seems to arise as a paired structure, is thought by Dohrn to correspond to a pre-oral gill-cleft : this is the latest of the many hypotheses which have been put forward on the subject. 134 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. A series of unpaired ventricles, lying in the longitudinal axis of the brain, as well as paired ventricles can always be distinguished. The principal paired cavities lie within the cerebral hemispheres, and are known as the lateral ventricles (Ventricnlus 1 and 2) (Fig. 107, SV) ; each of these communicates with the unpaired sys- tem by means of an opening, the foramen of Monro (Fig. 107, FM~). In Teleostei, certain Amphibia, and Sauropsida, each optic lobe also contains an optic ventricle, communicating with the unpaired system of ventricles. The latter consists of a third (within the thalamencephalon) and a fourth ventricle (in the medulla oblongata), as well as of the aqueduct of Sylvius, FIG. 107. — DIAGRAM OF THE VENTRICLES OF THE VERTEBRATE BRAIN. Vff, cerebral hemispheres, containing the lateral ventricles (>S7*) ; ZR, thalamen- cephalon, with the third ventricle (III) ; in Mammals the paired septum lucidum, lying anteriorly to the thalamencephalon, encloses the "fifth ventricle " ; each lateral ventricle communicates with the third ventricle by a small aperture, the foramen of Monro (FM) ; A/77, mid-brain, which encloses the aqueduct of Sylvius (Aq], communicating between the third and fourth ventricles ; HR, cerebellum ; Nff, medulla oblongata, enclosing the fourth ventricle (//") ; Cc, central canal of the spinal cord (R], ^ which passes through the mid-brain and connects these two. For further details, such as the relations of the different ventricles to particular parts of the brain, compare Figs. 106 and 107. A so- called fifth ventricle, lying between corpus callosum and fornix, is found in Mammals, but morphologically it is quite different from the others. All five cerebral vesicles lie at first in the same horizontal plane, but in the course of development the axis of the vesicles be- comes bent downwards, so that at a certain stage the mesencephalon forms the apparent apex of the brain (Fig. 1 08, SB\ In Mammals, the parts of the brain become still further folded on one another, so THE BKAIN. 135 that a parietal (Fig. 108, &#),a Varolian (BH), and a cervical (NB} bend may be distinguished. While in Fishes and Amphibia the cerebral flexure later be- comes practically obliterated, it persists more or less markedly in the higher types, more particularly in Mammals. In the latter, moreover, the original relation of the parts becomes still further complicated by the large development of the cerebral hemispheres, which grow backwards, and thus gradually come to overlie all the other parts of the brain. This condition of things attains its greatest perfection in Man. Thus from the primitive relations of the various sections of the brain one behind another, they come /> II ff (^^M H BB ! I n FIG. 108. — CI:I;F.!;I:AL FLEXUI;E OF A MAMMAL. VH, prosencephalon ; ZH, thalamencephaloii, with the pituitary body (H) at its base ; A/77, meseneephalon, which at KB forms the most projecting portion of the brain, representing the so-called "parietal bend"; HH, metencephalon ; NIT, myelencephalon. forming the "cervical bend " (NB) : the " Varolian bend" (BB) arises on the ventral circumference, at the junction between HH and NH ; II, spinal cord. to lie eventually more upon one another, the thalamencephalon, mid-brain, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata, becoming covered over by the hemispheres. MEMBRANES OF THE BRAIN AND SPINAL CORD. The enveloping membranes of the brain and spinal cord arise by a differentiation of a connective-tissue layer lying between the central organs of the nervous system and the surrounding skeletal parts. In Fishes, only two membranes are distinguishable, one, the dura mater, lining the inner surface of the cerebro-spinal canal, and the other, pia mater, investing the brain and spinal cord. The latter represents also the arachnoid of higher Verte- brates, which is not here differentiated as a separate membrane. The dura mater conveys vessels to the walls of the cerebro-spinal canal, that is, to the perichondrium or periosteum, while the pia mater, which is much richer in blood-vessels, has to do with the nutrition of the cerebro-spinal axis. The dura mater consists of two lamellse, which, however, only remain distinct along the whole 136 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. central nervous system in the lower Vertebra ta. In higher Verte- brates, its double nature persists only in the region of the vertebral column, the two layers becoming fused in the cranial portion. As the brain of Fishes by no means fills up the cranial cavity, a large lymph-space lies between the dura and pia mater; this cor- responds to the so-called sub-dural space of the higher Vertebrata. A differentiation of the primary vascular membrane of the brain and spinal cord into pia mater and arachnoid takes place in the higher Vertebrates, and these two layers become separated in those places where there are deep depressions be- tween the individual parts of the brain ; the deeper of these (pia) FIG. 109. — BBAIN-MEMBRANES OF MAN. (After Schwalbe.) DM, dura inater ; SR, sub-dural cavity ; A, arachnoid ; PM, pia mater ; GR, gray cortical substance of the brain. adheres closely to the brain, and also penetrates into the ventricles in the forzn of telre choroidese and plexus choroidei, while the superficial one (arachnoid) simply bridges over the depressions. No certain explanation can as yet be given of the morphological meaning of the hollow anterior end of the spinal cord in Amphi- oxus, nor of the diverticulum connected with it which opens freely to the exterior on the dorsal surface. Fishes, The Cyclostomi show a very low condition of the brain, which in many points remains in an embryonic condition. This is particularly the case in the larval condition (Ammocoetes, Fig. 110), in which the brain possesses a narrow and elongated form. The individual vesicles Jie in an almost horizontal direction one behind the other, and it is of great important^ to note that THE BRAIN. 137 the part described on page 132 as the peripheral region (pallium) of the prosencephalon consists of a single layer of epithelial cells. This is covered on its dorsal surface by the pia mater, and thus here, as is also the case with the secondary fore-brain of Teleostei (see Fig. 113), there is a persistence of that low stage of development in which tlTe prosencephalon is re- presented by a thin-walled and dorsally unpaired vesicle; that is, there is no separation into two hemispheres by a cleft in the peripheral region. In Fig. 110 the peripheral region is not in- dicated, and thus the central portion of the prosencepha'.on is seen, the floor of the latter, or corpora striata, being exposed. The olfactory lobes '(Lot) are connected with the corpora striata anteriorly. Lo7 VJI Mod Fi<;. 11U. — ISliAlX UK Aiiiiituctetes. (Dorsal view.) Lol, olfactory lobes and nerves (/) ; VH, basal portion of the prosencephalon ; ZH, thalamencephalon, with the pineal gland (Z) ; MH, mesencephalon ; HH, meteu- cephalon, on each side of which is seen the origin of the trigeminal (V] ; NH, myelencephalon ; Fr, fourth ventricle ; VII, VIII, the points of origin of the facial and auditory nerves ; Mcd, spinal cord. The meten- and myelencephalon of Ammoccetes are remark- ably long, while in Petromyzon and Myxine, the individual portions of the brain are broader and more closely approximated. The epiphysis never breaks through the roof of the skull in Cyclostomes, as it does in many Fishes. Elasmobranchii. — The brain of these Fishes, like that of Cyclostomes, is of a specialised form, characteristic of, and confined to, the group, though the particular regions are much more highly developed than in the Cyclostomi. According to their external form two main types of Elasmobranch brains can be distinguished. One of these, seen in Spinax, Scymnus, and Notidanus, is character- ised by its very narrow and elongated form, while in the rest of the Elasmobranchii the individual parts are more closely compressed 138 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. and approximated together. In almost all Sharks the prosen- cephalon is relatively much longer than any of the other regions. The olfactory tracts, the length of which varies much, are con- nected with the anterior end of the prosencephalon; and pass forwards into the large olfactory lobes, from which the olfactory nerves arise (Fig. Ill, Tro, Lol}. The thalamencephalon, appearing like a small commissure wedged in between the prosencephalon and mid-brain, grows out on its dorsal surface to form a chimney- or tube-like epiphysis; X.ol JTr FIG. 111. — BiiAix OF Galeus canis, in situ. (Dorsal view.) (After Rohon.) Lol, olfactory lobe ; Tro, olfactory tract ; VII, prosericeplialon, showing at f/i a foramen for Wood-vessels ; ZH, thalamencephalon ; MH, meseneephalon ; HFT, metencephalon ; NH, myelencephalon ; R, spinal cord ; //, optic nerve ; ///, oculomotor ; IV, trochlear nerve ; V, trigemhml ; L, Trig, trigeminal lobe ; C,rcst, restiform body ; IX, glossopharyngeal ; A', vagus ; E.t, eminentire teretes, between which is the calamus scriptorius. this may reach to such a length as to extend beyond the anter- ior end of the brain for a considerable distance, and pass dis tally into the roof of the skull. Two pairs of small folds, spoken of as lobi inferiores and sacci vasculosi or processus infundibuli (Fi^r. 112, J~L\ are present on the floor of the thalamencephalon. They probably arise in connection with the inftmclibulum, or perhaps with the hypophysis also. The cerebellum is always very large, overlapping the medulla oblongata to a greater or less extent : it is divided up into seve- ral folds lying one behind the other (Fig. Ill, HIT). In Sharks the medulla oblongata is an elongated cylindrical body (Fig. Ill, NH}, while in Rays it is more compressed and triangu- lar. In electric Rays a pair of lobi electric! arise from the gnu matter of the floor of the fourth ventricle, and these enclose a mass of giant nerve-cells. For further details concerning, e.g., the r« stiform bodies and trigeminal lobes, compare Figs. 1 1 1 and 1 12. THE BRAIN. 139 In the Angler (Lophius piscatorius, a Teleostean) there is also a superficial layer of enormous nerve-cells (about 200 in number) behind the calamus scrip- torius of the sinus rhomboidalis, filling up the dorsal fissure of the spinal cord for a certain distance : their discoverer, G. Fritsch, calls them"lobi nervi lateralis." The axis fibres arising from these cells accompany the trigeminal and vagus, but do not go to electric organs, which are entirely wanting in Lophius, but to the integumentary sense-organs, which are enormously developed in this Fish, and also to the " lure/' The similarity in position of these nerve centres to the electric lobes of Torpedo, however, deserves notice. Fir;. 112. — BRAIN OF Myliobatts aquila, in situ. (From the ventral side. ) (After Bohon.) /, olfactory, //, optic, ///, oculomotor, IV, trochlear, J~, trigeminal, VI, abducent, VII, facial, VIII, auditory, IX, glossopharyngeal, and X, vagus nerves ; VH, prosencephalon ; H, HS, hypophysis and infumlibulum ; UL, lobi inferiores ; 8v, saccus vasculosus ; Ctr, transverse commissure ; GcJi, auditory capsule ; Jl~, vertebral column ; A', spinal cord. Teleostei. — The type of brain found in Teleosteans is also specialised, and restricted to the members of this order. As is the case in nearly all Fishes, the brain by no means fills the cranial cavity, as already mentioned in the description of the brain-membranes, and as a rule it is separated from the roof of the skull by a greater or less amount of a lymph-like fluid. The form of the brain in Teleostei varies greatly, more by far than in any other Vertebrate group. It is therefore difficult to give a general description of it, and only the following essential points can be mentioned here. It never attains to so large a relative size as does that of Elas- mobranchs. The peripheral region, as already mentioned (p. 137), 140 COMPARATIVE AN ATOM v. remains in an embryonic condition, and can hardly be said to have a physiological function ; the brain of those Fishes in which this con- dition is retained probably acts mainly as a reflex machine, and there is little doubt that the mental processes ol FIG 113A. — LONGITUDINAL VERTICAL SECTION THROUGH THE ANTERIOR PART OF THE TELEOSTEAN BRAIN. (Founded on a figure of the Trout's brain by Rabl- Riickhard.) 2Vo, roof of the optic lobes ; Tl, torus longitiulinalis ; Cp, posterior commissure ; Op, pineal gland, with a cavity (Gfp1) in its interior ; Ep, Ep, the ependyma, which lines the walls of the ventricles ; t, point at which the epithelial roof of the secondary fore-brain (pallium. Pn) becomes continuous with the lining of the anterior wall of the pineal tube: the former is folded inwards at / ; J'.cm, common ventricle of the secondary fore-brain ; V.t, third ventricle ; B.ol, N.ol, olfactory bulb and nerve ;, corpus striatum, which was formerly taken to represent the whole of the prosencephalon, and which lies on either side of the middle line; Ch. n.opt, optic chiasma ; Ci, inferior commissure (Gadden) ; ''//, liorizontal commissure (Fritsch) : J, infundilmlnm ; If, II1, hypophysis; Sv, siicciis vaseulosus : Li, lobi infcriores ; Aq, aqueduct of Sylvius; tr, trochlear nrrvc ; 1'itl, \':il villa ccrebclli. which take jilacc in the cortical gray substance of the brains of higher Vertebrates do not obtain in them. The mid -brain r.nd cerebellum arc by far the largest portions of Ihc brain (Figs. 114 and llo, MIT, ////), while the thalamencepnalon is depressed between Ihe prosencephalon and THE BRAIN. 141 FIG. 113n. — TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE FORE-PART OF THE TELEOSTEAN BRAIN. /;•, frontal bone, underneath which the pineal tube, Gp, is visible in transverse sec- tion, and below this the pia mater, Pm ; Pa, the pallium, or roof of the secondary fore-brain, formed of a simple epithelial layer; I'.cm, common ventricle ; Ep, ependyma ; T, T, olfactory tracts at the base of the corpora striata ( Lol r L. FIG. 114. — BRAIN OF PERCH (Perm srhractser) . (Side view.) Jt I FIG. 115. — BRAIN OF Perca schractser. (Dorsal view.) Lol, olfactory lobe ; VH, basal part of prosencephalon ; ZH, thalamencephalon ; MH, mesencephalon ; HH, metencephalon ; NH, myelencephalon ; R, spinal cord ; /, olfactory nerve ; //, optic chiasma ; V, trigeminal ; UL, lobi inferiores ; Se, central sulcus at the bottom of the sinus rhomboidalis ; Lp, lateral elevations of the cerebellum (lobi posteriores). H2 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. mid-brain, and thus may be easily overlooked (Figs'. 11-i and 115, Zll The prob .Cation <>t' tin- ecivUdlum into tin- ventricle of tlie mid-brain, seen only exceptionally in Kla-niol.ram-lis, is jnesmi a.- a rule in Td.-M>UMns, IMI! the extent of its development varies much. Tin- pineal gland does not dili'er essentially from iliai of Elasmobrancha ami (Jam ads, tliou-h it never extends int.. tin- roof of tin- skull, ami ii.-ually remains within tin- brain- membranes. A,- in Elasmobranchs, lol.i inferiores and a saccus vasculosus are pre>ent in connection \\itli tin- infumlibnlmu. Tin- saccus vasculosus is both L'lamlular ami vascular in structure, and its duct passes into the infundibulum ; hence ii is sometimes called tin- " infundibular ^laud." Ganoidei, Dipnoi, and Amphibia. — Even apart from the brains of Lepidosteus and Amia, which are formed on the Teleostean type, a common ground-plan cannot be laid down for the brains of other Ganoids, Dipnoaus, and Urodcles; in a certain tnea- suiv they may be said to form one group, but in many points they resemble thr"l»rain of Petromyzon. They are all distinguished by Jl JWeCs Jfif Jf FIG. 116. — BIIAIN OF Polypteras biehir. Si>K' vii-\\. /, olfactory nerve ; II, optic nerve ; Lol, olfactory lobe ; VII, prosencephalon, with a lateral cleft at N, and the cerebral peduncles (Pcdc) at its base, wliich I'.uliate into the hemispheres at ''.•>• ; Zll, thalamencephalon, at the base of which is the iufuiidibulnni (In/) with the pituitary body (//) ; ME, mid-brain : IIH, cere- bellum ; NH, medulla oblongata ; I!, spinal cord. a marked development uf the ci.'i-eb]-um, while the cei'ebellum is only represented hy~i~sinall "Transversi • 1'nld uf nervous matter on the anterior end of tin- medulla oblongata (Figs. 11G and 1 I 7, HH}. Tin- mid-brain is always paired; it encloses the narrow aimeduct of Sylvius, and extends laterally outwards into the optic tract. The extremity of the epiphysis sometimes extends into the roof of the skull (Acipenser, (Jeratodus), and the thalam- encephalon is not visible to any great extent on the dorsal side, though much more of it i< exposed in Vmdela limn in Gvm- nophioiia and Anura, in which the individual regions, (specially the largely devcloj^ed hemispheres and the broadened mid-brain (Fig. 1 IN, I'//, Mil], are much more closely approximated than in Urodeles and Ganoids.' 1 As in Elasmobranchs, the epiphysis of Aimra is produced into a luni; tube, the distnl end of \vliieli not, only passes into the roofuf I lie skull, hut (in tin? embryo) extends even to the skin. Jt becomes reduced later on. THE BRAIN. 1 143 Jt FIG. 117. — BRAIN OF Salamandra maculosa. (A, dorsal, B, ventral view.) VH, cerebral hemispheres, marked off by a furrow (F) from the olfactory lobes (Lol) ; ZH, thalamencephalon, with the pineal gland (Z) and the ingrowth of the choroid plexus on the dorsal side, the infundibulum (/??/), and the pituitary body (H) ; ME, optic lobes ; HH, cerebellum ; NH, medulla oblongata ; Frh, fourth ventricle ; R, spinal cord ; /, olfactory nerve ; //, optic nerve, with its chiasma ; HI, oculomotor ; I7"1, I7"1, V3, first, second, and third divisions of the trigeminal, which arise from the Gasserian ganglion (G) ; Co, commissure between the roots of the trigeminal and facial nerves ; VI, abducent nerve ; VII and VIII, facial and auditory nerves, arising from a common root ; Oh, auditory capsule ; XI, X, glossopharyngeal and vagus group ; Gl, ganglion of vagus ; I Sp, II Sp, first (hypoglossal) and second spinal nerves. VJ£ FIG. 118. — BRAIN OF liana cuculenta. (From the dorsal side.) Vff, cerebral hemispheres marked off from the olfactory lobes (L,ol) by a furrow (/) ; I, olfactory nerve ; ZH, thalamencephalon, with the pineal gland (Z) ; MH, mid- brain ; HH, cerebellum ; NH, medulla oblongata ; Frh, fourth ventricle. 144 ( '( )MPA i; ATI VE AX ATOM V. The brain of Anura, and still more that of Gymnophiona, reaches a much higher stage than that of Urodeles, which retains to a greater extent a resemblance to the brain of Fishes. In Rana, moreover, the fore-parts of the hemispheres in the region of the oll-irtnry lobi-s an- fused together in the middle line; in Urodeles and Protopterus they remain distinct throughout. In < Vratodus the hemispheres are fused together dorsally, and in Ganoids ventrally. Olfactory lobes may be largely (Amphibia, Polypterus, Ceratodus), only moderately (Sturgeons), or not at all (Protopterus)- developed. Reptiles. The brain of Reptiles reaches a considerably higher stage of development than that of the forms already described, and this is -71 \\ Fn:. 110. — J Pii.ixmvoitM (yi//;/jm-//w;////- i. P», from tin- ventral side.) A, from the dorsal. /'//. ccivlir;il hemispheres, narrowing anteriorly to pa^s into the olfactory tracts (7V") and the olfactory lobes (Lol) ; ZII, thalaniencepbalon, with the hypophysis (H) ; .I///, oiitic lohes, eni'iri'Ii'il In-hind liy t lie roots of the optic, tracts i T/-»p) ; HH, cerebellum; X7I, nifdulln. ohlon^nta ; /•'/•//, I'mnth vinti'icle; A', spinal cord; /, olfactory nerve ; //. optic nerve, with cliiasnia \/'/i/', ; III, oculomotor; //', tro'-hle;ir nerve ; i'\ tipsi division, of the trigeminal, with its special ganglion (6?1); /"-', r3, second and tliird divisions of the trk'eniin.'il, arising from a common root (V) mid ganglion (G-) ; VI, aliduccnt ; /'//, /"///, facial and auditory nerves, arising from a common root ; IX, X, XI, elossopharyngeal, vagus, and spinal accessory: />'/<, // .v/<, lirst and second spinal nerves; BK, Varolian bend. most pronounced by another to a greater the individual parts extent, and coming to overlie one of both the peripheral and basal poi by the larger development •tions of the hemispheres. THE BRAIN. 145 The former character is seen most plainly in the Agamse and Ascalabotne (Geckos), the latter in Snakes, Chelonians, and Crocodiles. A knowledge of the anatomy of the skull will help us as regards the external form of the brain of Reptiles, and FIG. 120. — BRAIN OF Emys europoea. (A, side, B, ventral view.) VH, cerebral hemispheres ; Lol. olfactory lobe ; T, temporal lobe ; Inf, infundi- buluin ; //, hypophysis ; Mff, optic lobes ; HH, cerebellum ; NH, medulla oblongata ; R, spinal cord ; /, olfactory, and 77, optic nerves ; Tro, optic tract ; Chi, optic chiasma ; ///, oculomotor; IV, trochlear ; V1 —Vs, first, second, and third divisions of the trigeminal, all of which arise from the Gasserian gang- lion, GG ; VI, abducent, VII, facial, VIII, auditory, IX, glossopharyngeal, X, vagus, and XI, spinal accessory nerves; I Sp, IIXp, first and second spinal nerves. the reader is referred to that section of the introduction to the chapter on the skull in which the interorbital narrowing of the cranial cavity is described (p. 57). The brain of Lizards and Blindworms (Anguis) exhibits a far L 146 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. lower organisation than that of other Reptiles. The hemispheres are small and pyritV.rrn, and all the different parts are narrower and more extended longitudinally; the brain thus bears a closer resemblance to that of Urodeles (compare Figs. 119, 120, A and B, and 121). OUaetory lobes seem to be wanting in Crocodiles only. An olfactory ventricle is usually present in each lobe. Kn;. 121. — liitAix OF ALLIGATOR. (From the dorsal side.) (After Rabl-Riickhard.) TIT, cerebral hrniis|ihnvs ; Z, pineal gland ; MTf, optic lobes ; 7/77 and 77771, median and lateral portions of the cerebellum ; Frli, sinus rhomboidalis, boinnii'd l>v tin- cininriiii;!' acustica: (K>/, 1 1 Xji, lirst and srruiid spinal nerves. The thalamenceghalon is always depressed, and is hardly, or nut (\\ ;dl, \isilile iVum the dorsal side. It gives rise to a distinct infundibulum as well as to an epiphysig, which in the embryos of l/i/;irds, as in those of Annra, extends into the roof of the skull, but which becomes narrowed and reduced later. The mid -bra in always consists of a well-marked paired portion, ;ind from it, the optic tracts pass downwards and forwards to the chiasma. the fibres of the optic nerve taking on a secondary THE BRAIN. 147 connection with the mid-brain. The cerebellum usually consists of a thicker median, and two fold- or wing-like lateral portions. It generally overlies the sinus rhomboidalis for some distance, and attains its greatest development in the Crocodilia (Fig. 121, HH}. Judging from the casts of the cranial cavity, the brain of Dinosaurians must have been very lowly organised, and much more nearly related to that of Lizards than to that of Birds. The genus Stegosaurus possessed the smallest brain of any terrestrial Vertebrate relatively to its size. Birds. In Birds, the hemispheres are so largely developed that they overlie the anterior part of the mid-brain, bending back the pineal gland, and only leaving the cerebellum uncovered (Fig. 122, A and B, VH, HH}. Sff ft A B FIG. 122. — BRAIN OF FIOEON. (A, from above ; B, from the side.) VII, cerebral hemispheres ; Z, pineal gland ; MH, optic lobes ; HH, HH1, cerebel- lum (vermis and flocculi) ; NH, medulla oblongata ; It, spinal cord ; H, pituitary body ; /, olfactory nerve ; Lol, olfactory lobe. The cerebellum consists of a well-developed and folded median lobe, and of two lateral portions (flocculi), which vary much both in form and size. Posteriorly it completely covers the fourth ventricle. The two optic lobes are separated from one another and pressed downwards, so as to lie on the sides of the brain in the angle between the hemispheres, cerebellum, and medulla oblongata (Fig. 122, MH}, and they are connected by a broad commissure. Olfactory lobes are always present, but only slightly developed. The corpora striata (basal portion of the cerebrum) lying within the hemispheres are so largely developed that they form by far the greater part of this region of the brain. The toothed Birds of the Cretaceous period, with Hesperornis at their head, possessed a very lowly organised Reptilian-like brain, with small hemispheres and large olfactory lobes. The brain of Archaeopteryx was highly developed, nearly resembling that of existing Birds. ( '< SEPARATIVE ANATOMY. Mammals. While in many cases (e.g. Marsupials, Rodents, and Insecti- vores) the mid-brain lies more or less freely exposed, in the series of the Primates the hemispheres gradually come to cover all the other parts of the brain. The presence of large commissures be- tween the hemispheres — the corpus callosum1 and fornix— is very characteristic of Mammals: the hemispheres are also differ- entiated into lobes, which are usually more or less convoluted, to gyri separated by sulci, which serve to increase gvng rse —IfJT Jl Fto. 123. — HUMAN BRAIN. (Median longitudinal vertical section.) (Mainly after Reichert. )<. J'ff, cerebrum ; To, optic thalamus (thalamenceplialon), with the middle commissure (''//>); Z, pineal gland; T, infundibulum ; H, pituitary body; MH, corpora bigemina, with the aqueduct of Sylvius (Aq), anterior to which is seen the posterior commissure (Uji) ; HH, cerebellum ; NH, medulla oblongata, with the lions Yarolii (P) ; R, spinal coi-d ; B, corpus callosum ; G, fornix, which extends antero-ventrally to the lamina terminalis (Co!), in the upper part of which is seen the antcri'ii- commissure (Ca), and between the latter and the optic thalarni (To) the foramen of Mouro (FM) ; Teh, tela choroidea ; /, olfactory nerve ; //, optic nerve. the superficial area, The amount of convolution varies much in the different orders: thus in the brain of Primates frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, and central lobes may be dis- tinguished.2 The central lobes correspond to the region described above as the basal portion of the prosencephalon. 1 The corpus callosum is very small in Monolivnn^ and Marsupials, only the part corresponding to the anterior geini of higher types being developed, and this is the purl which is the lirst to appear in the embryo ol' the hit lev. The relative size of the aMierinr commissure is in inverse proportion to that of the corpus callo>mn. '-' i ''i] -responding with this division into definite lobes there is also a mark id dilleren fiat inn of t lie I ii.-r.-il ventricles, so tint an anterior, a posterior, and an in ferior eornu ean be distinguished in each. THE BRAIN. 149 The division of the cerebellum into a median and two lateral portions, already indicated in Reptiles, but much more plainly marked in Birds, is carried to a still further extent in Mammals. FIG. 124. — CONVOLUTIONS OF THE HUMAN BKAIX. (After A. Eckor. ) Lf, frontal lobe ; Lp, parietal lobe ; Lo, occipital lobe ; T, temporal lobe ; «, b, c, superior, middle, and inferior frontal gyri ; X, ft, anterior and posterior central convolutions, separated from one another by the fissure of Eolando (R) ; em, the calloso-marginal sulcus, on the dorsal surface ; P, Pl, superior and inferior parietal gyri, separated from one another by the interparietal fissure (/) ; Po, parieto-occipital fissure ; FX, Sylvian fissure ; 1 to 3, superior, middle, and inferior temporal convolutions ; HH, cerebellum ; NH, medulla oblongata : E, spinal cord. The median portion gives rise to the so-called superior verm is, while the lateral parts form the lateral lobes and flocculi. Cs 27* LCae Illf Cad FIG. 125. — DIAGRAMMATIC FIGUKE or THE PRINCIPAL BANDS OF NERVE-FIBRES OF THE MAMMALIAN BRAIN. (From a drawing by A. Ecker.) Cacb, crura medullas ad cerebellum ; Cap, crura cerebelli ad pontem ; Car, crura cerebelli ad corpora bigemina ; C.C., crura cerebri ; HM, hemispheres ; Cs, corpus striatum ; Th, optic thalamus ; L, lemniscus ; P, pons Varolii ; HH, cere- bellum. The two lateral lobes are connected by a large commissure, the pons Varolii (Fig. 123, P} : this extends round the medulla oblongata ventrally, and is more largely developed the higher we pass in the Mammalian series. 150 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Other bands of nerve-fibres connecting parts of the brain are spoken of as peduncles of the cerebellum (crura medullaa ad cerebellum, crura cerebelli ad pontem, and crura cerebelli ad corpora bigemina) and cerebrum (crura cerebri) (Fig. 125). In Mammals the mid-brain is of smaller relative size than in other Vertebrates (Fig. 123, Mil]. A transverse furrow across its dorsal surface divides it into four lobes (corpora bigemina). FIG. 126. — CASTS F THE CRAXIAL NERVES, •WITH THEIR RELATION TO THE METAMEKES OF THE HEAD. 1st Met am ere (superior, inferior, and internal rec- tus, and inferior obliijue muscle). 2nd Me tain ere (superior oblique). Ventral branch. Dorsal branch. 3rd Metainere rectus). (external 4th Metamere (muscles which are early aborted). 5 th Metamere (muscles which are early aborted). 6th Metamere (very rudi- mentary muscles). 7th to 9th Metameres (muscles extending from the skull to the pectoral arch, including the an- terior portion of the sterno-hyoid). Oculomotor (///). Troehlear (//'). Abducent ( VI}. Wanting. Wanting. Appears to be want- ing. Hypoglossal (XII). Ramus ophthalmicus pro- fundus of the trigemin il Trigeminal (with the excep- tion of its ram us ophthal micus profundus). Facial (VII}, and audi- tory ( VIII). Glossopharyngeal (IX). Vagus (A'). The cranial nerves may be divided into four main groups,1 quite apart from their metameric signification. The first consists of the olfactory, or first, and the optic, or second cranial nerve; the second of the nerves of the eye-muscles, i.e. the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducent nerves, the third of the trigeminal with the auditory and facial,and the fourth of the glossopharyn- geal and vagus. The eleventh cranial nerve, or spinal accessory, as well as the twelfth, or hypoglossal, although they occasionally (in Mammals for instance) are included within the cranial cavity, come under the category of spinal nerves. Olfactory Nerve. — The olfactory, when compared with the other cranial nerves, possesses many peculiarities, which seem to give it an isolated position. It grows out secondarily from the 1 No satisfactory morphological explanation has yet been given of the two pairs of nerves branching out to supply the anterior end of the body in Amphioxus. CRANIAL NERVES. 155 olfactory lobe or from a part of the brain developed from it, and does not at first consist, like the ordinary cranial and spinal nerves, of a series of non-nucleated axis fibres, but has the form of nucleated bundles, which arise from a network of star-shaped cells of the olfactory lobe. These nuclei are therefore identical with the nuclei of nerve-cells.1 These observations were made on the human subject, and it is very desirable that similar researches should be extended to the lower Vertebrates." It might then be possible to explain the fact that the roots of the olfactory nerve are usually double. The roots either eventually unite on either side to form a common trunk, or else (less commonly) remain entirely separate, so that two olfactory nerves perforate the ethmoid on each side (Gymnophiona). A definite cribriform plate is riot always present ; far more commonly the whole undivided trunk of the olfactory nerve ex- tends into the nasal cavity, and only then begins to break up. This holds good for by far the greater number of Vertebrates below Mammals, as well as for Monotremes. It appears very probable that the olfactory nerve, in spite of its peculiarities in the human subject, arises primitively, that is, phylogenetically, in a similar manner to the ordinary cranial nerves. The important circumstance that in Fishes it arises from the primi- tive ridge of the medullary tube, from which all the other nerves take their origin, is in favour of this supposition. Optic Nerve. — As already mentioned, the optic nerve arises from the stalk of that outgrowth of the primary fore-brain which is spoken of as the primary optic vesicle. Inasmuch, therefore, as it represents a part of the brain, it cannot be compared with any of the other nerves. It remains for further researches to show whether it is possible, on phylogenetic grounds, to consider it as originally a segrnental nerve. Three more or less sharply differentiated portions may in most cases be distinguished in the optic nerve ; these are spoken of from the proximal to the distal end respectively as the optic tract) chiasma, and nerve. The chiasma, that is, the crossing of the two optic nerves, is always present, though not always freely exposed, for it may re- tain a primitive position deeply embedded in the base of the brain, as in Cyclostomes. While in most Teleosteans the optic nerves simply overlie one another (Fig. 128, A), in some of these Fishes (Harengus, Engraulis, 1 The olfactory lobes, which are closely united with the hemispheres, are originally directly applied to the olfactory mucous membrane, which is perforated by numerous fine fibres from them. This condition persists throughout life in. Cyclostomes : in other Fishes, in correspondence with the separation of the olfactory organs and brain by the secondary growth of the head, each olfactory lobe becomes drawn out into an olfactory tract, the main mass of the lobe remaining in connection with the olfactory organ, and thus being widely separated from the brain. In Elasmobranehs the olfactory lobes are usually short and thick, while in Teleosteans they are long and slender. 156 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Fig. 128, B), one nerve passes through a slit in the other, and this condition of things is gradually carried still further in Reptiles, until finally the fibres of the two nerves intercross in a very complicated manner (Fig. 128, C, D), giving rise to a sort of basket-work ; this is finest and most delicate in Mammals, where its structure can only be analysed by comparing a series of sections. FIG. 128. — CHIASMA OF THE OPTIC NERVES. (Seuiidiagrammatic. ) A, chiasma as seen in the greater number of Teleostei ; B, in Herring ; C, in Lacerta agilis ; D, in an Agama ; E, in a higher Mammal. ('hi, chiasma of the bundle of nerves lying centrally ; Ce, Ce1, S, S\ lateral fibres ; Co, commissure. Nerves of the Eye-muscles. — The nerves of the eye-muscles, that is, the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducent, supply the muscles which move the bulb of the eye, as already mentioned in the table showing the metameric distribution of the cranial nerves (see p. 154). The so-called ciliary ganglion belongs to the ramus ciliaris, or, what comes to the same thing, to the ramus profundus of the trigeminal, and it thus represents the most anterior ganglion of the head. Its relations to the oculomotor are secondary. Trigeminal. — This is one of the largest of the cerebral nerves. As its name implies, it divides up on each side into three main branches, — an ophthalmic (1st division) consisting of a super- CRANIAL NERVES. 157 ficial and a deep1 branch, a maxillary (2nd division), and a mandibular (3rd division). The first of these arises separately, like a dorsal root of a spinal nerve, while the other two represent primitively a single branch, corresponding to the mandibular, from which the maxillary grows out secondarily. O Jyffir,KT ,3 4 .5 6 FIG. 129. — CRANIAL NERVES OF Anguis ft- G, Gasserian ganglion, from which proceed the three branches of the trigeminal, V", Vb, and Vc : behind it is seen a sling-like commissure of the sympathetic (Sy and Co), which connects the trigeminal with the vagus-group (IX, X) : from this commissure arises a sympathetic ganglion (Gg), as well as a long cord (Sym) passing to the second sympathetic ganglion, Ggl ; VIIa, VIIb, the facial nerve appearing through two separate apertures ; f> connection between the palatine branch of the facial and the maxillary division of the trigeminal ; *t, points of entrance of the maxillary and ophthalmic divisions respectively of the trigeminal into the nasal capsule ; Mm, Mm, branches of the mandibular branch to the masticatory muscles ; GX, ganglion of the vagus ; Li, inferior laryngeal nerve ; p, superior laryngeal ; Hi, intestinal branch of the vagus ; XII, hj'poglossal (the two first spinal nerves) ; 3 to 6, third to sixth spinal nerves ; 0, auditory capsule ; Seap, scapula ; A, eye ; 7), Dl. lacrymal and posterior part of Harderian gland. The fact that in many Vertebrates the trigeminal arises by two separate roots indicates its double nature, as does also the fact that, contrary to the general rule, all three divisions do not unite in a single ganglion (the Gasserian), but each main branch may be provided with an independent ganglion. In all Vertebrates, the first division of the trigeminal, with its deep (naso-ciliary) and superficial branch, supplies the integument of the forehead and snout, as well as the inteeni- o * o mentary coverings of the orbit and certain parts of the eye- ball. It is entirely sensory. The second division of the trigeminal, which is also a sensory nerve, is connected with the facial, and extends first along the floor of the orbit, then passes to the upper jaw, supplying the teeth, and finally, as the infraorbital branch, perforates the 1 In Fishes and Amphibia the deep branch forms an independent twig ; in higher forms it is bound up with the superficial branch as the naso-ciliary nerve. 158 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. skull to reach the integument in the region of the upper jaw, snout, and upper lip. The third division of the trigeminal is of a mixed nature ; it supplies on the one hand the masticatory muscles, and also gives rise to the great sensor}7 nerve of the tongue (lingual or gustatory nerve), while another branch, passing through the inferior dental canal, supplies the teeth of the lower jaw, and then gives off one or more branches to the integument of the latter and of the lower lip. It is usually connected with the chorda tympani branch of the facial. Facial and Auditory Nerves. — Both arise from a common ganglion, the former, as we have seen, coming into close relation with the trigeminal. The facial, which is originally a mixed nerve, divides into three branches, a hyomandibular, a palatine, and abuccal. The first, which is connected with the glossopharyngeal by means of the so-called anastomosis of Jacobson, is distributed, as its name im- plies, mainly to the region of the first and second visceral arches ; thus in Fishes it goes to the parts around the spiracle and to the muscles of the operculum and branchiostegal membrane. A small remnant of this branch in the higher Vertebrates supplies the stylo- hyoid muscle and the posterior belly of the digastric. In Mammals the facial is a purely motor nerve, supplying mainly the facial muscles, as well as the platysma myoides, which has the closest relations to them (comp. p. 121). The auditory is always a very large nerve, and soon after its origin from the brain it divides into a cochlear and a vestibular branch. The former passes to the cochlea, while the latter supplies the rest of the auditory labyrinth. Glossopharyngeal and Vagus.— These, which are of a mixed nature, have not, like the other cranial nerves, their distribution limited to the head. In Fishes and gill-breathing Amphibians the vagus branches out to the region of the visceral and branchial apparatus, as well as to the muscles of the shoulder arid anterior extremity (Protopterus). It then extends backwards along the sides of the body under the skin to the tail as one or more lateral nerves, supplying sensory organs.1 Further, in all Vertebrates it is distributed to the anterior part of the alimentary canal, giving rise to a pharyngeul, an oesophageal, and a gastric plexus, besides giving off branches to the heart and to the whole respiratory system, from the larynx to the lungs (air-bladder). Thus cephalic, cervical, thoracic, and abdominal por- tions of the vagus can be distinguishes in the higher Vertebrate?." 1 Compare the disinter on .sens ,ry organs. i>. ]t!.">. CRANIAL NERVES. 159 Both vagus and glossopharyngeal are always closely connected with the sympathetic system by anastomoses : in Fishes the glosso- pharyngeal supplies the region of the first (hyobranchial) cleft, while in the higher Vertebrates it passes to the tongue as the nerve of taste, and, like the vagus, gives rise to a pharyngeal plexus. Ulat FICJ. 130. — CRANIAL NERVES AND BHACHIAL PLEXUS OF Scyllium canicula. II, optic nerve ; ///, oculomotor ; IV, trochlear ; Va (upper), superficial branch, and Va (lower), deep branch of the first division of the trigeminal (the two branches anastomose at * within the nasal capsule) ; Vbe, maxillo-niandibular branch ; Vb, maxillary branch ; Vc, mandibular branch ; VI, abducent ; VII, facial ; VIIa, its hyomandibular branch ; VIP, its palatine branch ; /A', glossopharyn- geal ; -X", vagus ; Rial, its lateral branch ; ttt, gill-clefts ; 1 to 14, the first fourteen spinal nerves, forming the brachial plexus (Pl.lrach] ; 0, auditory capsule ; Sp, spiracle ; Or, orbit ; AfS, cleft of mouth. Spinal Accessory. — This nerve arises some distance back along the cervical portion of the spinal cord, in the region from which the fourth to fifth cervical nerves come off; from this point it passes forwards, taking up fibres from the cervical nerves as it goes. It extends along the side of the medulla oblongata into the cranial cavity, there becomes associated with the root of the vagus, and leaves the skull through the same foramen as the latter. It appears plainly for the first time in Chelonia, and supplies certain of the muscles related to the pectoral arch, c.y. the sternocleidomastoid and the trapezius. Hypoglossal. — This purely motor nerve closely resembles a spinal nerve, and is distributed (having here and there anastomoses with the cervical plexus) to certain muscles lying on the floor of the mouth, and to others extending between the pectoral arch (sternum) and hyoid (which morphologically are trunk-muscles and not vis- ceral muscles), as well as to the muscles of the tongue proper, which are differentiated from the latter. (Compare p. 119). In the Ichthyopsida it is not included within the skull, and is there 160 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. represented by the first and sometimes also the second spinal nerve. Both, to a greater or less degree, take part in forming the brachial plexus.1 SYMPATHETIC. The sympathetic nervous system is derived from the ganglia of the cranial and spinal nerves, and, as already mentioned, is distributed mainly to the intestinal tract (in the widest sense), the vascular system, and the glandular organs of the body. From each spinal ganglion of the embryo, a nerve grows out, which has been a I ready referred to as an "intestinal" nerve (p. 152). After extending a short distance, dorsal to the cardinal vein, each nerve passes into a small, irregularly-shaped mass of nerve-cells, and these ganglia, like those of the spinal nerves, show originally a segmental arrangement. As they become united together by longitudinal commissures, a chain-like paired sympathetic cord is formed (Fig. 104, S, SI to S10~). From its ganglia nerves pass off to the above-mentioned systems of organs, and its original connection with the central nervous system persists. The sympathetic extends not only along the vertebral column, but passes anteriorly into the skull, where it comes into relations with a series of the cranial nerves similiar to those which it forms further back with the spinal nerves. In the Frog, where it becomes connected with the ganglion of the vagus, a considerable number of its fibres pass together with the latter nerve to the heart, and thus the nerve which is generally known as the vagus stem is in reality vagus plus sympathetic. The original segmental character usually disappears later on, and this is especially the case in those regions where marked modifications of the earlier metameric arrangement of the body have taken place, e.g. in the neck. In Crocodiles and Birds a part of the sjnupathetic cord runs within the vertebrarterial canal alongside the vertebral artery, while in all other Vertebrates the whole cord lies along the ventral side of the vertebral column : it is generally situated close to the latter, and overli(js the vertebral ends of the ribs. BlBLIOGJlAniY. \iiM!ui:N, F. — Unti'i'K. i/hard. Gchirn dcr Pctromy^m ' //. '/••','xdi . f. //•/.«. Zn;>l. 1'ni XXXIX. 1883. DOHRN, A. — Wnd. z. Urgwch. d. Wirbelthierlc'drpcrs. Miflhl. l. Xtnl. z. XrapcL 15,1. III. 1881 uml 1'xl. IV. 1S82. EcKKK, A. — Zm- Knlir. '/'•-,•,•//. ///<<•/// /.v»//u'/r;? im J-'i'i/iix '/ - M'-ii-.i-h-n. Arch. f. Anthropologie, l'»l. 111. Die Hirnwindungen des Mensck n. Braunsclnvi-ig, ISO1.* (\^:\}. Km KKS, K. — Die /•'jii/>/ii/n>' i/, n Gfchirn der Plagiootomen. Zi'.il.wl. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. X X X . 1 Traces of 'l"i-s-il routs uf tin- liypoglossal have bceu found in Mammalian embryos. SUPRARENAL BODIES. 161 GASKELL, W. H., and GADOW, H. — On the Anatomy of the Cardiac Nerves in certain Cold-blooded Vertebrates. Jo-urn, of Physiol. Vol. V. No. 4. KUPFEE, C. — Uebcr primare Melamcrie des Neuralrohres der Vcrtebratcn. Sitz- ungsb. d. K. Baierische Acadcmie der Wissenschaften, Dec. 1885. LENHOSSEK, M. V. — Vntersuch. ub. die Spinalganglien des Froschcs. Arehiv f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXVI. 1886. MARSHALL, A. MILNES.- — Various Papers on the Development of the Nerves in the Journ. of Anat. and Physiol, Vol. XI. and XVI., and in the Quart. Journ. of Micros. "Science, Vols. XVIII., XIX., and XXI. MIHALKOVICS, V. v. — Entw.-Gcsch. des Gchirns. Leipzig, 1877. OSBORN, H. F. — Preliminary Notes on the Brain of Menopoma and liana. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1884. FiABL-RiicKHAKD, H. — Die gegenseit. Verhdltnisse der Chorda, Hypophysis, &c., bei Haifischcmbryonen. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. VI. 1880. (See also the further works of this author in the Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XXX., and Arehiv f. Anat. und Physiol. 1882 and 1883, as well as in the Biolog. Ccntralb. 1883, No. 1.) REICHERT, C. B. — Der Bau des menschl. Gchirns. Leipzig, 1859 und 1861. SCHWALBE, G. — Lchrb. d. Neurologic. Erlangen, 1880. STIEDA, L. — Cp. the works of this author in the Zeitsch. f. Zool. Bd. XVIII. , XIX., XXIII., und XXV. WIEDERSHEIM, R. — Skclct und Nervensystcm von Lepidosiren annedcns. Morph. Studien, Heft 1. Jena, 1880. WILDER, BURT G. — Encephalic Nomenclature. N. Y. Med. Journ., March 21 and 28, 1885. WYHE, J. W. VAN. — Ucber das Visceralskelct und die Nerven des Kopfes der Ganoidcn und von Ceratodus. Niederl. Arch. f. Zool. Bd. V. 3. Ucber die Mesoderm- segmente und die Entiuicklung der Nerven des Selachierkopfes. Verhdl. der R. Acad. der W. zu Amsterdam, 1882. SUPRARENAL BODIES. These bodies, which owe their name to the position which they occupy in Mammals in front of the kidneys, orginate from the mesoblastic tissue lying between the mesonephros and the aorta as well as from the sympathetic. In Elasmobranchs they are represented by a double row of bodies lying right and left of the vertebral column (that is, arranged segmentally) ; in these, a mesoblastic portion, consisting of richly nucleated lobules, and a part arising from the sympathetic may be recognised. In Teleostei the suprarenals are often wanting, but when present they sometimes represent the metamorphosed anterior (lymphoid) part of the kidney. In other cases, they are closely united with the kidneys. It is probable that in all Vertebrates they arise in connection with the pro- or meso-nephros. In Amphibia, they either lie on the ventral side (Anura) or on the inner border (Urodela) of the kidneys, receiving their blood-supply both in Amphibians and Reptiles from the renal-portal vein. In the latter group, as well as in Birds, they are of a bright yellow colour, of an elongated or lobulated form, and lie in close contact with the genital glands. In Amniota, and especially in Mammals, the suprarenal of each side forms a definite and uniform mass, lying close to the corresponding kidney, and in it an ectodermal (i.e. sympathetic) medullary, and a mesodermal cortical substance can always be recognised, the two elements here being closely united together. M 162 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Their extraordinary richness in blood-vessels, which is seen throughout life, points to the important function of these organs ; but it is impossible to say at present what this function is. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BALFOUR, F. M. — Elasmobranch Fishes. London, 1878. BRAUN, M. — Ui-brr Bau und Entwickl. d. Nebennieren bei Ecptilien. Arb. d. zool. Inst. zu JFilrzburg, Bd. V. GOTTSCHAU, M. — Ucbcr Nebennieren der Sdugethiere spec, uber die des Menschen. H'i/rzb. phys. mcd. Gesellsch. 1882. Structur und embr. Entwicklung dtr Nebennieren bei Sdugcthiercn. Arch. f. Anat. und Physiol. 1883. JANOSIK. — Bemerkungen ub. die Entwick. der Nebennieren. Archiv f. mikr. Anat. 1883. MITSUKURI. — On the Development of the Suprarenal Bodies in Mammalia, Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, 1882. ONODI, A. D. — Ueber die Entwick. des sympatischcn Ncrvensystems. Archiv f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXVI. Heft 1. WELDOX, "VV. F. R. — On the Head-Kidney of Bdellostoma, with a Suggestion as to the Origin of the Suprarenal Bodies. Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, 1884. Cn the Suprarenal Bodies of Verte'brala. Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, 1885. III. SENSORY ORGANS. The specific sensory end-organs originate, like the nervous system in general, from the epiblast. The peripheral terminations of the sensory nerves are thus always to be found in cells of epithelial origin, while mesoblastic elements (as investments, for instance) are secondarily added to them. The individual sense-organs, e.g. those of sight, smell, taste, and hearing, are to be regarded as secondary differentiations of a diffused sense, as will be mentioned later on. This is not only indicated in many Invertebrates, but numerous facts in the development of Fishes and Amphibia and in the structure of Amphioxus point to the same conclusion. From the Cyclostomi onwards this differentiation has already taken place, and we find in them and in all Vertebrates above them, that the olfactory, optic, and auditory organs are always closely connected with the head. They are enclosed within certain cavities and hollows of the skull (sense-capsules), and thus differ somewhat from the second main group of sensory organs, which are the means whereby the sensations of taste and temper- ature, as well as other sensory impressions, are appreciated. These, for the greater part, extend over the whole surface of the body, and thus have a diffused distribution; more- over, they remain throughout life near the ectoderm, from which they originate. In the higher organs of sense two kinds of cells are to be distinguished, although they are genetically identical with one another. The first of these are the proper rod -shaped sensory SENSE-ORGANS OF THE INTEGUMENT. 163 cells, connected by nerves with the central nervous system, and the second are the supporting cells, which lie between the former and serve as a connecting and isolating material. In all the higher sensory organs the medium surrounding the end-organ is always moist, and as this is also the case with the sensory organs of the integument of Fishes, we find to a certain extent similar nerve-endings in both. Thus in both cases, we meet with rod-shaped sensory cells, but in the latter, the nerves coming from them do not pass through ganglion cells, as they always do in the higher sensory organs. This indicates a lower stage of development. S CD FIG. 131. — A, peripheral nerve-ending, as seen in all the higher sensory nerves; B, rod-shaped end-cell of a sensory organ of the integument of a Fish or Amphi- bian, or a taste-cell ; C, free, and D, ganglionated nerve-ending of the integu- mentary sensory organs of terrestrial Vertebrates. jV1, first, and N, second portion of the nerve-fibre in connection with the epithelial end-cell, 6?1 ; G, ganglion cell interposed between these portions ; CS, cuticular process of end-cell. All the figures are diagrammatic, and are based upon a figure by Merkel. In those animals which in the course of development give up an aquatic life and come on land, the end-organs of the nerves pass further inwards from the surface, undergoing at the same time changes of form. The rod-shaped end-cell now once for all disappears, and two kinds of nerve-endings are seen in the skin — terminal ganglion-cells and free nerve-endings. SENSE-ORGANS OF THE INTEGUMENT. I. ROD-SHAPED ORGANS OF FISHES, DIPNOI, AND AMPHIBIA. a. Segmental Sense-Organs. These organs show considerable similarity to certain structures in Chsetopods and marine Rhipidoglossa (e.g. Fissurella). They always consist of a central mass of cells, arranged in the form of a rounded and depressed pyramid, and of a peripheral M 2 164 COMPARATIVE AXATOMY. mass grouped around the former. The central cells are in connection with nerve-fibres ; each of them bears at its free end a stiff cuticular hair, and they are to be looked upon as the proper sensory cells (Fig. 132, CZ}. The others (J/Z, MZ1} function only as a supporting mass (Fig. 135, a, b, c] C7. 2BZ* FIG. 132. — TRANSVERSE SECTION OF A FREELY PROJECTING SEGMENTAL SENSE- ORGAN. The cuticular tube and the surrounding epidermic cells are removed. CZ, central (sensory) cells ; MZ, JfZ1, peripheral cells. FIG. 133. — DISTRIBUTION OF THE LATERAL SENSE-ORGANS IN A SALAMANDER LARVA. In cases where these organs project freely from the epidermis —and this is always the case in the embryo — a delicate protective hyaline tube arises from the summit ; into it the terminal hairs of the sensory cells project, and the tube opens distally into the surrounding water (Fig. 135, .R). While in aquatic Amphibia these organs retain throughout life their peripheral free position, on a level with the epidermis,1 in Fishes they may in post-embryonic time become enclosed in depressions or complete canals, which are formed either by the epidermis only, or, as is more usually the case, by the scales, and bones of the head, and which open externally. The organs are thus protected, and the hyaline tube is no longer seen. These sensory organs are distributed over the whole body, but as a general rule they are most abundant along certain tracts, the position of which is very constant. Thus in the head, their course is usually similar to that shown in Fig. 134. From this point 1 At the tiinr when an Arni>hil>5:ui undergoes metamorphosis, and gives up its :ii|ii;ilie life, these sensory organs sink downwards into the deeper layer of the skin, and, as the epidermis grows together over them, they uppiiivntly become shut off from the exterior and reduced, and may finally disappear. According to other authors, however, they persist, :nnl reinnin open, being connected with tile outer surface of the skin by a tube. SENSE-ORGANS OF THE INTEGUMENT. 165 backwards the organs are arranged in metameric order, and, always connected by longitudinal nerves, extend along the sides of the body to the caudal fin in one or more "lateral lines" (Fig. 133); they are thus often spoken of as organs of the FIG. 134. — DIAGRAM SHOWING THE DISTRIBUTION OP THE SENSORY ORGANS OF THE LATERAL LINE IN FISHES. a, supra-orbital," and &, infra-orbital, portion ; c, mandibular, d, occipital, and e lateral portions, the latter extending backwards along the sides of the trunk and tail. 7? FIG. 135. — ORGAN OF THE LATERAL LINE OF A URODELE. (Semidiagramrnatic. a, a, cells of the epidermis, through which the neuro-epithelium, b, b, can be seen ; c, the terminal hairs of the latter (the peripheral cells are not represented) ; H, the hyaline tube ; N, the nerve-fibres passing to the sensory cells. lateral line. The portions lying in the region of the head are innervated by the trigeminal, while the lateral line is supplied by the vagus.1 (Compare p. 158.) 1 The development of the lateral branch of the vagus has not yet been satisfactorily made out : it either grows backwards from the vagus ganglion, or, as most authors maintain, it arises by a proliferation or differentiation of the deeper layer of the epidermis in situ. In Anguilla, Gymnotus, and Ceratodus, the lateral nerve is represented by a branch of the facial. 166 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. The sensory sacs of Ganoids,1 which are confined to the head, and the sensory tubes of Elasmobranchs represent peculiar modifications of the sensory organs in question. The former are sac-like imaginations of the epidermis, while the latter have the form of delicate tubes, which give rise at th>'ir base to one or more swellings or "ampullae." Both are lined by a sensory epithelium of the same structure as that described on p. 164. As regards the function of these sensory organs, it can only be affirmed that they must have to do with the percep- tion of mechanical irritations from the surrounding water : o in what manner the impulses give rise to perception cannot be definitely stated. In many cases they are thought to be con- cerned with the perception of sound, and we shall see that this is not improbable when we come to consider the auditory organ. The following is known with regard to the development of the lateral segrnen- tal organs. The dorsal roots of the cranial nerves ( V, VII, VIII, IX, and X) are during a certain embryonic period connected with the cells of the epiblast, with which they become completely fused. Each of these masses then grows and proliferates very rapidly, and the epiblastic thickenings thus resulting represent the rudiments of the ganglia of the dorsal roots of the cranial nerves as well as the first indications of the segmental sense-organs. Later, eacli ganglion becomes separated from the skin, though it remains connected with the corresponding sense-organ by means of a delicate nerve-fibre. A similar mode of development also obtains in the segmental sense-organs of the trunk. It is a very interesting fact that in embryos of the sheep and cow, 8 to 10 mm. long, the ganglia of the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus are fused with the epiblast, and thus indications of segmental sense-organs are still present, though they disappear or become modified later. Beard has also found rudiments of these organs in chicks of the third day.2 //. End-Bulbs. In the organs described above (Fig. 132) great differences in size and form between the central and peripheral cells may be recognised : similar organs, however, exist near them in which both kinds of cells are quite similar to one another in these respects. These are the so-called end-bulbs. In all Fishes they are scattered irregularly over the whole body, but especially over the head ; from the Amphibia onwards, they are present in the mouth-cavity only, and are no longer seen outside it.3 In Amphibians they occur on the palate and on the fungiform papillaB of the tongue, and in Lizards and Blind- worms they are also present on the inner sides of the upper and lower jaws. In Mammals they are found on the soft palate, on the wiills of the pharynx, and on the epiglottis, and even extend into the In mix ; but here also they are most constant and numerous on the tongue, where they occur on the circumvallate and fungiform papilla;, as well as on the papilla foliatn. 1 Similar organs are present in Aniiurns rattns. 2 l'.e:inl proposes the name of branchial sense-organs for these structures, as he non-Oilers them to be primitively the special sensory organs of the gill-clefts. 3 They have also been fomi'l in tin- mouth and pharynx of Dipnoi. SENSE-ORGANS OF THE INTEGUMENT. 167 These structures function from the Amphibia onwards as organs of taste, while in Fishes they probably serve as tactile organs. This latter function is naturally impossible in those cases where they become somewhat withdrawn inwards from the free surface of the epithelium, as is the case with those situated on the tongue, where they can only be reached by fluid passing in to them. II. TERMINAL GANGLION CELLS. These structures are not directly connected with the surface of the epidermis, and supporting cells are wanting. " Tactile spots," consisting of groups of " tactile cells," are met "with for the first time in tailless Amphibians, where, situated mainly on small elevations, they are distributed over the skin of the whole body (Fig. 136, a, a). In Reptiles they are FIG -JV 136. — A TACTILE SPOT FROM THE SKIN OF THE FROG. (Modified from Merkel.) A7", nerve, which loses its medullary sheath at N* ; a, a, nemo-epithelium ; b, epidermis. EH- FIG. 137. — TACTILE CORPUSCLE FROM THE TONGUE OF A BIRD. N, nerve ; H, outer investment, with nuclei (KH] ; S, S, septa. found chiefly in the region of the head, on the lips and sides of the face, and on the snout, but in some cases (as in Blindworms and Geckos), they extend over the whole body.1 In Snakes and Birds the tactile cells are confined to the mouth-cavity (tongue) 1 Similar structures are also present in Crocodiles, and in the skin of the back of Trionyx cellular bodies exist, which most probably are to be regarded as tactile organs. 168 ( < ).MPARATIVE ANATOMY. and to the beak (cere), and lie much more closely together, form- ing definite masses, or "tactile corpuscles." Each of these is surrounded by a nucleated connective-tissue investment, from which septa extend into the interior, partially separating the individual tactile cells from one another. FIG. 138. — A TACTILE CORPUSCLE (END-BULB) FROM THE CONJUNCTIVA OF A MAMMAL. , nerve (the neurilemma of which at t becomes continuous with the investment of the tactile corpuscle ; K, K, nuclei in the investment ; Nt the coiled termination of the nerve (axis-fibre) passing to the tactile cells (T, T). Nl FIG. 139. — A PACINIAN CORPUSCLE FI:HM THK DKAK OF THE DUCK. (After J. Carriere.) ZZ, cells of tin; nerve-sheath ; L, longitudinal, nnd Q, circular layers of the in- vesting lamellae ; JK, central knob, with the two pillars of cells ; A, axis-film'. with pn>t<>plasmic investment, entering the corpuscle at A1 ; !/>>', medullarv sheath ; JW, iirurilrmmu, which becomes continuous with the investment of the corpuscle at f, f. In Mammals the tactile cells are either isolated, as, for instance, on the hairless portions of the body, or they give rise to oval corpus- cles, each consisting of a many-layered and nucleated investment. into which a nerve passes, becomes twisted up, and ends in one or more terminal ganglion cells (Fig. 138). SENSE-ORGANS OF THE INTEGUMENT. 169 From the Reptilia onwards, so-called Pacinian corpuscles are present in addition to the above-described tactile organs. They undergo very numerous modifications, but each consists essentially of numerous concentric lamellae (Fig. 139, Q, Z), enclosing the termination of the axis-fibre with its protoplasmic sheath, which dilates at the distal end into a sort of knob surrounded by a double row of cells (Fig. 139, JK]. Thus the axis-fibre receives the external impressions indirectly, that is, by means of the cells in- vesting the knob-like end-organ. Organs of this kind are uni- versally present in the skin of Mammals, and differ from the tactile spots and tactile corpuscles in position: they are found in the deeper layer of the derma, as well as in the panniculus adiposus, the interstitial connective-tissue, and in the various organs of the abdominal cavity (e.g. the mesentery, mesocolon, pancreas, and portal fissure of the liver of the Cat), the fascia3, tendons, vas deferens, periosteum, pericardium, pleura, corpora cavernosum and spongiosum, the wing-membrane of Bats, &c. These organs are not entirely wanting in any part of the skin of Birds, but are particularly abundant on the beak, and at the bases of the contour- wing- and tail-feathers. So-called corpuscles of Grandry are also present in the beak. In all the tactile cells and tactile and Pacinian corpuscles we have to do with organs of touch, or, expressed generally, with means for the appreciation of sensations in the skin. It is impossible to say definitely which nerve-endings have to do with the perception of temperature; it is not improbable that the tactile cells, as well as the nerve-fibres with knob-like swellings ending freely in the epidermis, are concerned in this (Fig. 131, <7). BIBLIOGRAPHY. BEARD, J. — On the Segmented Sense-organs, and on the Morphology of the Vertebrate Auditory Organ. Zool. Anz. Nos. 161 and 162, 1884. On the Cranial Ganglia and Segmental Sense-organs. Zool. Anz. No. 192, 1885. The System of Bran- chial Sense-organs, and their Associated Ganglia in Ichthyopsida. Quart. Journ. Micros. Science, 1885. GOLDSCHEIDER, A. — Nc'iic Thatsaclien iib. die Hautsinnesnerven. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1885. KOLLIKER, A. — Stiftchcnzellen in der Epidermis von Froschlarven. Zool. Anz. 1885. LEYDIG, F. — Ueber die Sfhleimcandle der Knochenfische. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1850. Ueber Organe eines sechsten Sinncs. Nova acta aead. Caes. Leopold. Carol. Germ. nat. curios. Bd. XXXIV. 1868. Stiftchenzellen in der Oberhaut -von Batrac.hicrlarvcn. Zool. Anz. No. 212, 1885. MALBRANC, M. — Sinnesorgane der Seitenlinie bei Amphibien. Zcitsch. f. iviss. Zool. Bd. XXVI. 1875. MERKEL, FR. — Ueber die Endigungen der sensiblen Nerven in der Haut der Wirbcl- thiere. Rostock, 1880. SCHULTZE, F. E. — Ueber die becherform. Organe der Fische. Zeitsch. f. ivfss. Zool. Bd. XII. 1863. Ueber die Sinnesorgane der Seitenlinie bei Fischcn und Amphibien. Arch. f. mikr, Anat. Bd. VI. 1870. SCHWALBE, G. — Lehrb. der Anatomic der Sinnesorgane. Erlangen, 1883. SOLGER, B. — Seitenorgane der Fische. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XVII. und XVIII. 170 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. OLFACTORY ORGAN. The olfactory organ, in its simplest form, consists of a paired, pit-like depression of the integument above the cleft of the mouth. A nerve passes to the base of this pit, and becoming enlarged in the form of a ganglion sends off nerves to the sensory cells (olfactory cells). The latter must be regarded as phylo- genetic derivatives of the end-bulbs of that part of the integu- ment which becomes pushed in to form the primitive olfactory pit ("olfactory bulbs "), and therefore come under the same morphological category as the taste-bulbs. At first (that is in Fishes and Urodeles), they are only separated from one another by interstitial epithelial tissue, but from the Anura onwards this tissue gradually disappears in order to allow of an increased surface for the olfactory epithelium. The ciliated cells lying amongst the sensory cells serve to continually renew the outer medium — whether that be water or air — by which the odoriferous particles are conveyed (Fig. 140,-R,^). FIG. 140. — EPITHELIUM OF THE OLFACTORY Mucous MEMBRANE. Petromyzon planer i ; B, of Salamandra atra. R, olfactory cells ; E, interstitial epithelial cells. A, of While the olfactory organs of all the true Fishes exhibit the above-described simple sac-like form, from the Dipnoi onwards they come to communicate with the cavity of the mouth as well as with the exterior. In consequence of this, anterior or external, and posterior or internal nostrils (choanse) can be distin- guished, and as a free passage is thus formed through which the external medium can pass, the olfactory organ takes on an important relation to the respiratory apparatus. OLFACTORY ORGAN. 171 These facts in the structure and development of the olfactory organ and nerve have caused an attempt to be made to draw a parallel between the olfactory pit and a primitive preoral gill-cleft,1 and this is further supported by the general structure and histological relations of the olfactory mucous membrane, which corresponds with that of the gills of Fishes in the possession of end-bulbs. In a recent paper, however, Beard has put forward the view that "the nose is really a branchial (segmental) sense-organ, i.e. the sense- organ of a non-existent gill-cleft, and not a gill-cleft itself." Fishes. — In Petromyzon (Fig. 49, N, Net) and Myxin- oids the olfactory organ consists of a sac, unpaired externally, lying close in front of the cranial cavity, and opening on the dorsal surface of the anterior part of the head by a longer or shorter chimney-like tube. Its mode of development and internal structure, however, as well as the double olfactory nerve, seem to prove that the olfactory organ of Cyclostomes must also have been primitively a paired structure.2 The position of the olfactory organ in Elasmobranchs differs from that of Cyclostomes in lying on the under instead of the FIG. 141. — ANTERIOR PORTION OF HEAD OF Acipenser sturio. a, anterior, b, posterior opening of external nostrils ; o, isolated rosette of olfactory folds. upper surface of the snout. From these Fishes onwards throughout all Vertebrates the organ is always paired, and is more or less completely enclosed by a cartilaginous or bony investment, which forms an outwork of the skull. CFrom the Ganoid son wards it always has a similar position with regard to the skull, being situated between the eye and the end of the snout, either laterally or more or less dorsally. , In the course of development each external nostril of Ganoids and Teleostei becomes divided into two portions, an anterior and a posterior (Fig. 141, a, b, and Fig. 142, AN, AN1}, by a fold of skin. The anterior often lies at the summit of a longer or shorter tube, lined with ciliated cells, and the distance between it and the posterior aperture varies 1 According to this view, the condition which is seen in Myxinoids and Dipnoans is to be looked upon as the more primitive, and that of all other Fishes as secondary. 2 It is improbable that the naso-palatine duct, which opens into the oral cavity in Myxinoids, but ends blindly in Petromyzon, is directly comparable to the posterior nares of higher Vertebrates. 172 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. greatly, according to the width of the fold of skin which separates them. The olfactory organ of Polypterus is more highly developed than that of any other Fish. It is not a 'simple sac-like involution, but consists of six radially arranged compartments1 separated from one another by complicated septa, and lying round a central spindle. A transverse section has_ somewhat tin' appearance of a cut orange. A short and distinct oval sac lies against the oll'aetory organ towards the middle line, and is entirely shut off from the rest of the apparatus ; it receives a special branch of the olfactory nerve. r FIG. 142. — ANTERIOR PORTION OF THE HEAD OF Polyptertix. A, eye ; AN, AN}, anterior and posterior openings of the external nostril : t, t, t, apertures of the sensory tubes. The mucous membrane of the nasal organ of Fishes is always raised up into a more or less complicated system of folds, which may have a transverse, radial, rosette-like, or longitudinal (in re- spect to the cranial axis) arrangement. The branches of the olfac- tory nerve are distributed on them, and they serve to increase the olfactory surface. Dipnoi and Amphibia. — The olfactory organ of Dipnoi and Pereniiibranchiata is always enclosed within a complete or perforated cartilaginous capsule lying without the cranium proper (Figs. 54, NK, 143, and N), and its mucous membrane is raised into folds like those of Fishes. In all the other Am- phibia it becomes included within the cranial skeleton, and lies directly in the longitudinal axis of the skull in front of the cranial cavity. In Amphibia, turbinals appear for the first time (Fig. 144, C, S, E] : they are processes of the cranial skeleton projecting into the nasal cavity, and thus giving rise to an extension of the olfactory surface. These structures, slight traces only of which are present in tailed Amphibians, attain to a very considerable development in Anura and Gymnophiona, especially in the latter, where the nasal chamber is converted into a complicated system of spaces and cavities. A main and an accessory cavity can in all cases be distinguished, but more especially in the Derotremata and Myctodera ; the accessory cavity, as it lies in the maxillary bone, m,i y be described as the maxillary cavity. In certain Gymno- phiona this becomes entirely shut off from the main cavity, and 1 Each compartment resembles in structure the entire olfactory sac of other Fishes. OLFACTORY ORGAN. 173 receives a special branch of the olfactory nerve, so that in these cases two separate nasal cavities may be distinguished. This will be referred to again later on (p. 178). A further neomorph are the internal nostrils (choanae) already mentioned, as well as the glands lying under the olfactory mucous membrane ; these are either diffused, or united to form FIG. 143.— OLFACTORY ORGAN OF Menobranchus lateralis. (From the dorsal side. ) N, olfactory sac ; 01, olfactory nerve ; Pmz, premaxilla ; F, frontal ; P, process of the parietal ; PP, palato-pterygoid ; AF, antorbital process. FIG. 144. — TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE OLFACTORY CAVITIES OF Plethodon glutinosus (Myctodera). S, S, olfactory mucous membrane ; N, main nasal cavity ; K, maxillary cavity ; C, cartilaginous, and S1, fibrous portion of the turbinal, which causes the olfactory epithelium (E] to project far into the nasal cavity ; ID, intermaxillary gland, shut off from the cavity of the mouth by the oral mucous membrane (MS) : F, frontal ; Pf, prefrontal ; M, maxilla ; Vop, vomero-palatine ; Sp, nasal septum. definite organs. They either open directly into the nasal cavity, their secretion serving for the necessary moistening of the mucous membrane (which is effected in Fishes and Dipnoi by the exter- nal medium), or they pour their secretion into the pharynx or posterior nostrils. The latter always lie tolerably far forwards on the palate, and are for the most part enclosed by the vomer, and sometimes by the palatine also. 174 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Finally, the naso-lacrymal duct of Amphibia must be mentioned: it "passes out from the anterior angle of the orbit, goes through the lateral wall of the nose, and opens into the nasal cavity on the side of the upper jaw. It conducts the lacrymal secretion from the conjunct! val sac of the eye into the nasal cavity, and arises in all Vertebrates, from the Myctodera onwards, as an epithelial cord which is separated off from the epidermis, and, growing down into the derma, becomes secondarily hollowed. Reptilia. — The Lacertilia and Ophidia possess the sim- plest olfactory organs amongst Eeptiles. The nasal cavity of the former group is divided into two portions, a smaller outer (anterior), and a larger inner (posterior), or olfactory chamber proper. The latter only is provided with sensory cells, the for- mer being lined by ordinary stratified epithelium continuous with the epidermis, and glands being entirely absent in it. A large turbinal, slightly rolled on itself, arises from the outer Avail of the inner nasal chamber, and extends far into its lumen ; this is also well developed in Ophidia, in which a distinct outer FIG. 145. — DIAGRAM OF THE OLFACTORY ORGAN OF A LIZARD. (Longitudinal vertical section. ) A .V, IN, outer and inner nasal chambers ; t, tube-like connection between them ; Ch, internal nostrils ; P, papilla of Jacobson's organ ; Ca, aperture of com- munication of the latter with the mouth ; MS, oral mucous membrane. nasal chamber is wanting ; it may be derived from that of the Amphibia. A large gland which opens in the boundary between the inner and outer nasal cavities lies within the turbinal. Below the latter is the aperture of the lacrymal duct, though this in some cases opens on the roof of the pharynx (Ascalabota), and in others into the internal nostrils (Ophidia). The structure of the nose in Chelonians is very complicated and varied. In marine Chelonians it is divided into two passages, one of which lies above tin' other, l>nt they are connected by means of a perforation of the septum. The comparative paucity of glands in the olfactory organ of Lizards ;ni'l Snake.- forms a marked contrast to the condition seen in Chelonians, the nasal organ of which is characterised by a great abundance of them. From the Crocodilia onwards the olfactory organ, which n]> to this point lies entirely in front of the brain, gradually OLFACTOEY ORGAX. 175 extends further and further backwards, in correspondence with the PTOwth forwards of the facial region and the formation of O C7 the palate ; its posterior part thus comes to lie below the brain and base of the skull. In Crocodiles, as in other Reptiles, there is only a single true turbinal, but externally to it lies a second prominence, which is spoken of as a pseudo- turbinal.1 Each nasal chamber of the Crocodile is divided posteriorly into two superimposed cavities, the upper of which represents the proper olfactory chamber, and is lined by sensory epithelium, while the lower functions as a respiratory portion only. Certain accessory chambers are con- nected with the nasal cavity, which, however, serve only as air- chambers. A large gland, similar to that of Lizards and Snakes, lies in the cavity of the upper jaw, and opens into the nasal cavity. Birds. — In all Birds, as in Lizards, there is an outer chamber, lined by stratified epithelium, and a proper olfactory chamber, which lies above the former. Birds also possess only a single FIG. 146. — TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH THE EIGHT NASAL CAVITY OF A SHRIKE (Lanius minor). OM, J/J/, superior (pseudo) and middle (true) turbinal ; a, upper, and b, lower nasal passage ; LR, air-chamber, which extends into a hollow of the superior turbinal. true turbinal, if by this term is understood a free independent projection into the nasal cavity supported by skeletal parts. Two other prominences (pseudo-turbinals) are, however, present, one of which - lies like the true turbinal in the proper olfactory chamber, while the other, like the pseudo-turbinal of the Crocodile, is situated in the outer portion : these are simply incurved portions of the whole nasal wall (Fig. 146, MM, 031). The form of the true turbinal, which is usually supported by cartilage, more rarely by bone, varies greatly. It is either represented by a moderate-sized prominence, or else it becomes more or less rolled on itself (forming as many as three turns). The lacrymal duct opens below and anteriorly to it. There 1 The meaning of the pseudo-turbiual will be discussed in the description of the olfactory organ of Birds. 2 Its cavity communicates with an air-sinus lying in the anterior orbital space. 176 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. is no doubt that this turbinal is comparable to that of Urodeles and Reptiles. The so-called external nasal gland of Birds does not lie in the region of the upper jaw, but on the frontal or nasal bones. Mammals. — Corresponding to the much more marked de- velopment of the facial portion of the skull, the nasal cavity of Mammals is proportionately much larger than in the forms yet described, and consequently there is much more room for the extension of the turbinals : these give rise to a spongy labyrinth, the cell-like compartments of which are lined by mucous membrane, and thus variously shaped projections, supported partly by car- tilage and partly by bone, are seen extending into the nasal cavity. The normal number of these "olfactory scrolls" is five. In Marsupials they have a very typical arrangement ; they are situated obliquely, slanting from the postero-dorsal to the antero-ventral side : the inferior is no longer covered by olfactory epithelium, and it becomes connected with the maxilla. The four other typical (ethmoidal) scrolls may persist as such, or the two upper and two lower become united together, in which case they are called respectively the superior and middle turbinals. Usually, however, the two upper primary turbinals remain separate throughout life, so that in this case there are two upper turbinals. The middle turbinal may also remain partially or entirely separated into its two primitive component parts. While the superior and middle turbinals of Man, that is the four primitive upper olfactory scrolls of Mammals, are to be regarded as neomorphs, the inferior turbinal, below which the lacrymal duct always opens, must be looked upon as derived genetically from that of the lower Vertebrates. It corresponds to the single true turbinal of Urodeles, Reptiles, and Birds, and in Mammals is represented by an independent bone lying at the entrance of the antrum maxillare s. Highmori (Fig. 147, 7).1 In Man each nasal cavity is divided by the three turbinals into three superimposed passages ; of these the two upper alone (Fig. 147, I, c) conduct the air containing the odoriferous particles to the ethmoidal labyrinth, that is to the proper olfactory region of the nose, while the lower passage serves only as a respiratory tract (Fig. 147, a). The nasal chamber of Mammals not only communicates with the maxillary sinus as in the lower Vertebrates, but also with the neighbouring cavities, such as, in Man for instance, the frontal, ethmoidal, and sphenoidal sinuses. These cavities arise in part after birth, and often do not attain their maximum development till the body is fully grown.2 1 In Cetacea the tnrliiiials are never more than rudimentary. - Compare the eh;ijiter on air-sacs of Birds, p. i>r»Ji. OLFACTORY ORGAN. 177 Their lining of mucous membrane is in direct connection with that of the nasal cavity ; this is also the case with the glandular organs of the nose, which are divided into two sets, — numerous small diffuse Bowman's glands, and a large gland of Stenson. The early appearance of the latter in the embryo indicates that it is an ancient structure (comp. nasal glands of Amphibia, Reptiles and Birds, pp. 173-175). It lies inthelateral walls of the nasal cavity (Carnivora M FIG. 147. — TRANSVERSE VERTICAL SECTION THROUGH THE NASAL CAVITY OF MAN. /, //, ///, inferior, middle, and superior turbinal ; a, b, c, inferior, middle, and superior nasal passage ; 8, septum nasi ; J, J, remains of septal gland (cp. p. 179) ; *, point at which the uaso-lacrymal duct opens ; f, entrance into the maxillary sinus (C.m) ; SL, ethmoidal labyrinth ; HG, hard palate ;, cranial cavity ; M, maxilla ; Or, wall of orbit. Rodentia, &c), and in cases where a maxillary sinus is well developed (e.g. Man), it extends into the latter, and lies in its inner wall, close to the aperture into the nasal cavity. The duct opens at the anterior end of the middle turbinal. The appearance of an external nose is very characteristic of the olfactory organ of Mammals ; we must regard it as a derivative of the outer chamber of the nose of Reptiles and Birds. It is formed by an extension outwards of the nasal bones, and by a special cartilaginous support which arises from the ethmoid. The outer nose undergoes the most varied functional adaptations ; it may give rise to a trunk-like organ, or even grow out to form a definite trunk, and, by means of its abundant nerve-supply, serve as a delicate organ of touch, and even as a prehensile apparatus. It is always provided with muscles, which are sometimes very largely developed. JACOBSON'S ORGAN. By Jacobson's organ is understood a paired accessory nasal cavity, which in an early embryonic stage becomes entirely sepa rated off from the nasal chamber, and which is supplied by the olfactory and trigeminal nerves; it communicates with the mouth by a special aperture. N 178 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. This definition applies accurately to the accessory nasal cham- ber of Csecilians already mentioned, which is enclosed within the maxillary cavity, and there can be no doubt that the latter is homologous with the* maxillary sinus of all Vertebrates. In no other Vertebrates, however, does it retain the character of a kind of separate nasal chamber, but on the contrary, the higher we pass in the Vertebrate series, the more does the maxillary cavity become cee . FIG. 148. — DISSECTION OF THE HEAD OF Epici-imn /jlutinosum. (Dorsal view. ) VH, cerebral hemispheres, separated by a furrow (F) from the olfactory lobos (Lol) > Z, pineal gland ; J/77, mid-brain ; 7/77, cerebellum ; NH, medulla oblongata > R, spinal cord ; fie, septum nasi ; /<*, dorsal pair of olfactory nerves j fa, Vb, Vc, first, second, and third division of the trigeminal ; J'al and P'2, lateral branches of the first division, one of which goes to the olfactory mucous membrane, and the other to the sheath of the " tentacle" (TtS) : the constrictor muscle of the tentacular gland (C' physiological function of this apparatus, which occurs quite isolated in the Animal Kingdom, cannot at present be explained with certainty. It probably acts as a spouting apparatus, and (if the secretion of the glands be poisonous) as a weapon of offence ; and thus, together with the remarkably developed olfactory organ, it would serve in some measure to make up for the non-functional, or partly non-functional eyes and auditory organ. It is improbable that it serves as a "tentacle," or organ of touch, as was formerly supposed, us the necessary nerves and sensory epithelium are not known to be present. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BLAUE, J. — Untersuch. ub. d. Bau dcr Nasenschleimhaut bai Fischcn und Amphibicn, namentl. ub. Endknospcn als Emlapparatcdes Ncrv. olfactories, Arch.f. Anat. u. Physiol. 1884. BOKN, G. — Numerous Papers on the structure of the nasal cavity of Amphibia, and on the naso-lacrymal duct of all the chief Vertebrate groups, in the Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. II., V., VIII. GEGENBAUR, C. — Uebcr die Nasenmuschcln der Vbgcl. Jen. Zcitschr. Bd. VII. 1873. Ucber das Rudiment ciner septalen Nascndrusc beim Menschcn. MorpJwl. Jahrb. Bd. XI. Heft 3, 1885. KANGRO, C. — Ueber Entwick. u. Bau dcr Steno'schen Nascndriise der Saitgethicrc. Liaurj. Dissert. Dorpat, 1884. KLEIN, E. — Contributions to i/ie Minute Anatomy of the Nasal Mucous Membrane, and of Jacobson's Organ in the Guinea-pig. Quart. Journ. Micros. Science, Vol. XXI. 1881. KOLLIKER, A. — Uebcr die Jakobson' schen Organs, des Menschen. Grat.-Schrift der jrarzburger med. Facultdt fur Rinecker, 1877. Zur Entwickl. d. Augcs und Gcruchsoryancs menschl. Embryoncn. Grat.-Schrift fur die Ziirichcr Uni- versitat, 1883. LEYDIG, F. — Die in Deutschlaml lebenden Arlen dcr Sauricr. Tubingen, 1872. SCHWALBE, G. — Ueber die Nasenmuschcln der SdutjcUiiere und dcs Menschcn. Sitz.- JiiT. d IT •ji/it/xir.-fiYi.iti. d't'!H'flM-/t. ZH Kii/tiiT', larryinal sac ; D, naso-lacrymal duct. T 1 1 e ^ I e i b o m i a n glands, belonging to the grou p of sebaceous glands, are confined to the Mammalia, and lie embedded in the substance of the eyelids in the form of branched tree-like tubes or clustered masses. They open on the free edge of the lid, and produce a, fatty secretion. BIBLIOGRAPHY., I".. — I'x'itrii'jezwr Anatomie des Schonjanes der Fischc. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. VIII. 1882. BOLL, F. — Zitr Anatomic und Physiologic de.r Retina. Arch. f. Anal. u. Physiol. -. Physiol. Al.thl. CARRIEKE, J. — l>i ^>/i"i;iane der Thierc. Miinoheu und Leipzig, 1885. II i IMM \xx, C. — Beitrage zur Anatomie der Retina, Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XIV. 1877. Kr>-i,!.n, L. — Zur Entwicklung des Auges. Leijizig, 1877. l.i i i K.VUT, It. — Organologie des Auges. In A. Gra>'fe und Th. Saemisch, Handbuch dcr ZooL Am. 1884. Siiii'LZE, M. — Die H'liiiti. Sti-ifi,-- v'.v J[,i nillnii'li ,!,--,• L'-Jirc von drn Cffurbni. Li-ip/ig, 1871. S •(• nisi .lir/iir far niil.-r. Jit'i/minr, Bd. II., 111., IV., V., VI., & VII. a:. (i. /, ////-. f ilie lateral line). The AUDITORY ORGAN. 195 original form of both auditory and lateral line organs is a vesicle derived from the epiblast. from which it later becomes separated off; it is lined by elongated cells of sensory epithelium provided with hair-like processes (auditory hairs), and by supporting cells. Moreover, both structures are supplied by cranial nerves (VIII, JT) which correspond to dorsal roots. Like the other higher sense-organs, the paired auditory organ of Vertebrates is situated in the region of the head, and it always lies between the origins of the trigeminal and vagus nerves. The first truces of it in the embryo are seen to the right and left of the hind brain (Fig. 160, LB], and after the vesicle of each side has be- c< >me separated off from the epiblast and connected with the auditory nerve which grows out towards it from the brain, it sinks deeper and deeper into the mesoblastic tissue of the skull : it then loses its original pyriform or rounded shape, and becomes divided into two FIG. 160.— HEAD AND ANTERIOR PORTION OF BODY OF A CHICK. (In part after Moldenhauer. ) EG, olfactory pit ; A, eye ; I to IV, first to fourth visceral arches ; +, point at which the external auditory passage begins to be formed ; LB, primitive auditory vesicle seen through the wall of the head. parts, called respectively the utriculus and sacculus (Fig. 161, Ut, S), From the former the semicircular canals become differen- tiated, while from the latter the tube-like recessus vestibuli (aquyeductus vestibuli s. ductus endolymphaticus) and the cochlea are formed (Fig. 161, S.B., F.B., H.B.,D.e, C}. This whole, very complicated, apparatus constitutes the mem- branous auditory organ or membranous labyrinth. It becomes surrounded secondarily by mesoblastic tissue, which is at first in close contact with it ; later, however, a process of absorption takes place in the innermost layers of the mesoblast, thus giving rise to a space, which closely repeats the form of the membranous labyrinth, as does also the mesoblast which encloses this space, and which later becomes chondrified, and often also ossified. We thus o -2 196 ( 'COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. get a membranous and a bony labyrinth, and between them a cavity (cavum perilymphaticum) tilled with a lymph-like fluid (peri lymph). The cavity within the membranous labyrinth, which 'also contains a tin id (endolymph), is spoken of as the cavum endolymphaticum. With the exception of the Cyclostomi, three semicircular canals are always present, and these lie in planes at right angles to one another. They are distinguished as the anterior vertical, the posterior vertical, and the horizontal (external) canals. The first and lust-named (Fig. 161, &£., II. B) arise from the portion of the utriculus known as recessus utriculi (lic.ut.'), and earh has a vesicle-like swelling or ampulla (8. A., If. A.} at its *e s.n. F.B. --F.A. FIG. 161. — SEMIDIAGRAMMATIC FIGURE OF THE AUDITORY ORGAN OF A TELEU.STEAN. (Modified from a figure of that of Murccna anyuilla by Hasse.) UL, utriculus ; Re.ut., recessus utriculi ; V.E., connecting-tube of the posterior ampulla. (l'\A.)\ **, wide connecting-duct between the pars superior and pars inferior ; »S', sacculus ; O, cochlea; S.£., F.B,, H.B., anterior and posterior vertical, and horizontal canals; Co., canal commissure, with its apex ; S.A., H.A., F.A., ampulla1, of the anterior, horizontal, and posterior canals ; D.f, ductus endo- lymphati.-us. which arises from the point where the two tubes of the pars superior of the labyrinth ai;d the opening of the horizontal canal ( x ) join one another. origin. The posterior canal (F.B^) also arises with an ampulla (F.A.} from a prolongation of the utriculus, described in Fig. 101 as the " connecting-tube " ( VM.'). The other end of the horizontal canal opens by a funnel-shaped enlargement (Fig. 161, x) into the utriculus, while those of the posterior and anterior canals fuse tube, the so-called canal commissure whii'-h also opens into the utriculus. The distribution of the branches of the auditory nerve and the position of the sensory epithelium in the following parts of together to form a common (sinus superior) (Co.~), the membianous labyrinth must now be considered:1 (1) the 1 Concretions composed mainly t>f earhnnate of lime are present in the regions of the various nerve nid-plates uf the auditory oi<_an in all Vertebrates, as well as in many Invertebrates. Tin sr "otoliths" presi-nt the greatest variety both in AUDITORY ORGAN. 197 three ampullae of the canals, in each of which the auditory cells are situated on a ridge (crista acustica) projecting into the lumen ; (2) the utriculus, in which a large " macula acustica " is present; this is continued into the recessus utriculi as well as into the sacculus and the rudiment of the cochlea (the recessus cochleae), which arises from the sacculus. The several portions of the sensory plate or macula acustica, which are originally continuous, become later disconnected from one another, and from the Teleostei onwards are seen as separate maculae acusticse.1 FIG. 162. — LONGITUDINAL SECTION OF AN AMPULLA OF GOBIUS. (The exact form of the epithelium of the crista is not indicated.) (After Hensen. ) 11, the nerve passing into the connective-tissue of the crista ; a, base of semicircular canal ; b, point of opening of the ampulla into the alveus communis ; c, the somewhat cylindrical epithelium on the free wall of the ampulla ; d, the auditory hairs. The higher we pass in the Vertebrate series, the greater share does the mesoblast take in the formation of the auditory organ. At first, that is, in Fishes, the ear lies close under the roof of the skull, and is thus easily accessible to the waves of sound, which are conducted partly through the operculum (when present), and partly through the gill-slits or spiracle : 2 as we pass to the higher animals, form and size. The largest and most massive ones are seen in Teleosteans. They either consist of a single mass, or are arranged in groups in different regions of the labyrinth. Nothing certain is known as to their physiological function. 1 Besides the above-mentioned areas of distribution of the auditory nerve, there is still another independent one : it lies in Fishes on the floor of the utriculus, close to the duetus sacculo-utricularis, to be described present!}', and is called the macula neglecta. It is present from Fishes up to Birds, lying in Amphibia on the inner side of the sacculus, and in Keptiles and Birds in the utriciilus, as in Fishes : in Mammals it undergoes a gradual reduction, and finally becomes obliterated. In all Vertebrates except Mammals, all the auditory nerve-endings are characterised by only two forms of celJs (auditory and supporting cells) : in the Mammalian cochlea the cells of the sensory epithelium possess a peculiar form. '-' Howes has shown that in the Skate the structure known as the "fenestra vestibuli cartilaginei " corresponds physiologically to a kind of tympanum. 198 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. however, the auditory organ gradually sinks further and further inwards from the surface. Thus a new method for conducting the sound-waves is necessitated, and the following structures become developed : — a canal passing inwards from the surface, the external auditory passage or meatus ; this opens into a spacious cham- ber, the tympanic cavity, in which are situated the auditory ossicles, and which is connected by the Eustachian tube with the pharynx. The whole of this canal, which is divided into an outer and an inner portion at the junction of the external auditory passage and tympanic cavity by a vibratory membrane, the tym- panic membrane, lies in .the position of the first embryonic visceral (hyomandibular) cleft, or, what comes to the same thing, in the position of the spiracle present in many Fishes. From Rep- tiles and Birds onwards the first indications of a pinna (that is, the part of the external ear which projects from the head) are seen, though it only reaches a full development in Mammals. The pinna arises from a series of swellings which surround the external aperture of the hyomandibular cleft. These appear at an early stage in the region of the mandible and hyoid, and soon fuse together to form a sort of ring, from wlu'ch are formed later those characteristic protuberances of the pinna which arc known as tragus, antitragus, antihelix, &c. Fishes. — Apart from Cyclostomes, the peculiarities of whose auditory organ it is difficult to explain, that of all other Fishes follows the general plan given above, and the same may be said for all the higher Vertebrates. Everywhere we meet with a division into a pars superior, — represented by the utriculus and semicircular canals, — which remains essentially much in the condition already described, and a pars inferior, — constituted by the sacculus and cochlea, — which gradually becomes more differentiated, and attains to a higher and higher degree of develop- ment and functional perfection (Fig. 161). In Fishes the cochlea consists simply of a small knob-like appendage ("lagena") of the sacculus, which opens freely into the main cavity of the latter by means of the sacculo-cochlear canal (Fig. 161, 0}. The utriculus and sacculus also communicate with one another by the sacculo- utricular canal. Amphibia. — Here all the parts remain much as described above, with the exception of the cochlea, which, especially in the Anura, points to a higher stage of development, in that it shows an indication of a pars basilaris with another patch of nerve- endings, the papilla acustica basilaris: it becomes further constricted off from the lumen of the sacculus, with which it is connected only by a very minute canal. A further advance in structure as compared with FisKes is the appearance of a cartilaginous plate which fits into the feriestra ovalis of the auditory capsule, and corresponds to the base of the stirrup-bom- ('stupes) of the higher Vertebrata (Figs. 56 and 58, AUDITORY ORGAN. 199 St, Fo'V\ In several Urodeles (e.g. Cryptobranchus, Menopoma, Spelerpes) the stapedial plate becomes elongated by the addition of a distal element, and thus forms a "columella." A tympanic cavity, with a tympanic membrane lying on a level with the skin, and a Eustachian tube opening into the pharynx, are met with first in the Anura, in which also the columella is more perfect, con- sisting of a bony and cartilaginous chain, expanded distally to fit against the tympanic membrane. The whole columella probably corresponds to the upper element of the hyoicl arch (pharyngo- liyal) : the fact that it is sometimes continuous with the wall of the auditory capsule at an early stage may probably be explained as a secondary modification. Reptiles and Birds. — In the Chelonia, the auditory organ shows many points of resemblance to that of Urodeles, and in all Reptiles and Birds, the chief modifications are confined to the cochlea, which shows gradually a higher condition of development as we pass from Chelonians and Snakes to Lizards and Crocodiles. In the Chelonia, where, as already mentioned, the auditory organ remains in a lower stage of development, the cochlea grows out in the form of a short canal (ductus cochlearis, lagena) ; in Croco- diles and Birds this canal is considerably longer, and at the same time it becomes slightly coiled (Figs. 163 — 165). A more marked differentiation also gradually takes place in the mein- brana basilaris and the papilla acustica basilaris. Both become more and more elongated, and, at the same time, distinct indications of a scala tympani and vestibuli are seen. (Compare the description of these parts on p. 204.) In the Lacertilia the most varied types of auditory organ are met with ; in many (Phrynosoma, Pseudopus, Anguis), the membrana basilaris is hardly more highly developed than in Ophidia. In Iguana, an advance towards Lacerta and the other higher Lizards is to be noticed ; the membrana basilaris is longer, though the lagena with its papilla is not so much marked. In Acantias and Platydactylus this state of things is carried still further, and finally the more highly developed auditory organ of Plestiodon and Egerina leads up to that of Crocodilia. Thus there is a continuous and unbroken series from the lower forms to the higher. The structure of the auditory organ of Hatteria shows many striking peculiarities : it thus, like that of Chamseleo, occupies an isolated position. Whilst the cochlea gradually becomes more independent of the sacculus, the latter shows the greatest variety both as to form and size in the different types (Figs. 163, 164, $). Thus, for instance, it is usually very small in Birds, while in Lizards (Lacerta) it is of considerable size. The aperture of communication between the utriculus and sacculus persists, though it gradually becomes narrowed, as does also that between the sacculus and cochlea. The connection between the latter may be drawn out to form a canal (canalis reuniens), and this is particularly the case in Birds (Fig. 165) ; 200 « < t.MPAEATIYE ANATOMY. in Crocodiles an intermediate condition between Birds and Lizards is seen. The membranous labyrinth of Birds, however, is always specially characterised by the peculiar arrangement of the JTS Y\c.. IK?,. — MKMHRAXOT-S LABYRINTH OF L(n-r,-/ii. SB Fn;. liU. -Mr.Mr.KAxnrs LAr.Yinxxn OF THE CROCODILE. (Both from the outer side.) (After C. Hassc.) ,s', sacculus ; >it, utriculus ; Pr.nt, recessus utri?uli ; TTv, connecting-duct of tlio postorior ampulla : .S'/>, FB, HP,, anterior and posterior vertical, and horizontal canals, with their ampulla (SA, FA, and JFA] ; Co. commissure of the vertical canals : pb, pars basilaris cochlea1 : pi, macula acustica neglecta ; Ing, lagena ; A', auditory nerve. anterior and posterior canals, which are greatly arched, and the position of the openings of which into the sinus superior (canal commissure) is reversed. In lower types (Swimming Birds) this peculiarity is less marked than in the highpr forms, and it would be very interesting to ascertain the condition of these parts in the Strnthionidrc, as one would expect to find in them important points of connection with "Reptiles. In spite of this higher stage of development of the auditory organ in Crocodiles and Birds, we cannot speak of the presence AUDITORY ORGAN. 201 in them of an organ of Corti in the cochlea. A tympanic mem- brane is present in most Reptiles (with the exception of Ophidia, Hatteria, and Chamasleo) and in all Birds. The osseo-cartilaginous columella is well developed, and varies much in the different forms. FIG. 165. — MEMBRANOUS LABYRINTH OF THE PIGEON. (After C. Hasse.) X tlllvc ami a halt", ill the 1 i^ almost I'Ull, ami ill tin- I 'at three mils in tin- cuchlca. Ill other types tin- cochh -a. as well as th" sacculus ami all pails «( tin- pars superior of the nieml'i'aiiMiis laliyi int h. van • onsid irably Imtli in t'..rni ami arrant im nl. - ('|'. the chapter .,i, the skull, ami Ki^. i'.7, in which tin.- niocle of development of th">" p. u la ia >hu\vn. AUDITORY ORGAN. 203 appears to be cut out of the substance of the periotic capsule, is taken by some observers (Kolliker, Moldenhauer) to prove that it has not a visceral origin, but this fusion is probably a secondary condition (cp. columella of Amphibia, p. 198). In Monotremes, several Marsupials, and some Edentates, the stapes is imperforate and columelliform ; in all other Mammals it is stirrup-shaped, and encloses the stapedial artery. \ -Con1 Ma* Mt FIG. 167. — DIAGRAM OF THE ENTIRE AUDITORY ORGAN OF MAX. External Ear. — M, M, pinna ; Mae, external auditory meatus ; 0, wall of latter ; Mt, tympanic membrane. Middle Ear. — Ct, Ct, tympanic cavity ; Ol, wall of same; S'Ap, sound-conducting apparatus, drawn in the form of a rod, representing the auditory ossicles ; the point t corresponds to the stapes which closes up the fenestra ovalis ; M, fenestra rotunda ; Tb, Eustachian tube ; Tbl, its opening into the pharynx ; 0", its wall. Internal Ear, with the greater part of the bony labyrinth (KL, KL1) removed.— S, sacculus ; a, b, the two vertical canals, one of which (b) is shown cut through ; c, Co, commissure of the' canals of the membranous and bony labyrinths re- spectively ; S.e, D.e, saccus and ductus eudolymphaticus ; the latter bifur- cates at 2 ; Cp, cavum perilymphatieum ; Or, caualis reuniens ; Con, mem- branous cochlea, which gives rise to a blind sac at + ; Con1, bony cochlea ; Sv and St, scala vestibuli and scala tympani, which at * pass into one another at the cupula terminalis (Cl) ; D.p, ductus perilymphaticus, which arises from the scala tympani at d, and opens at D.p1. The horizontal canal is seen between 2 and S. To understand the auditory organ, and more particularly the membranous cochlea, of Mammals, it is necessary to examine the bony cochlea. The axis of the latter lessens in size from base to apex (Fig. 168, A} and round it a bony lamella (lamina spiralis ossea) winds in a spiral manner ; this extends into the cavity of the coils of the cochlea without quite reaching as far as the 204 (OMTAIIATLVK ANATOMY. opposite wall (Figs. 168, Lso, Lso\ and 169, Lo, Xo1). This is continued outwards by two laterals-diverging lamellae (Fig. 160,-ff, 7?), mentioned above as the in. -ml) ran a basilaris and mem- bi-'ana Rei^neri; these lie at an angle to one another and correspond to the inner walls of the membranous cochlea. The outer w.-dl of the latter is completed by a portion of the peripheral part ,,f the b.,ny c ichlea the region between L* and the peripheral end of // in Fig. Hi!' . The membranous cochton. which thus appears V\>;. 168.— Boirz COCHLEA <>K M \s. i After A. Ecker.) /, axis : I.*", 1-^, lamina spivalis ossea, the free edge of which, perforated by the tihivs of tli- iimlitory nervo, is visiM" nt < : //". hamuliis. JTJ -._ Kii;. lt;:i.- IMA.. I:\MMATIC TKANSYEIISF, Sr.< i i»\ UK THE COCHLEA OF ,v .MAMMAL. A'.s', bony cochlea ; Lo, Lo1, the two layers of tin- lamina spiralis ossea, between which at N the auditory nerve (together with the ganglion, left of L) is seen ; L, linibus lamin;r spiralis ; 11, membrana basilaris, on which tho neuro-epithelium lies; /,', bvissner's membrane : >Y, scala vestibnla ; ,S7, scala tympani; Sm, s -ala media ( membranous cochlea); C, membrane of Corti ; is, ligamentum spirale. approximately triangular in transverse section, is called the ductus cochlcaris or scala media. It is apparent that the scala media does not liv any means till up the lumen of the bony cochlea, but that a cavity is left on either side of it, corresponding to those wo have alreadv met with in the auditory organ of Hirds, and known as the scala vestibuli an1, Figs. 169, 170, JV, between L« and /."' . On the free border of the latter, these pass out, and k up into terminal iibrilhe on the inner surface of the basilar membrane I . ITo. .V, .V. .V-',. | 1 g . ; Lo •• Lo1 FIG. 170. — THE ORGAN OF CORTI. (After Lavdowsky.) Lo, Lo1, the t\vo plates of the lamina spiralis ossea ; N, auditory nerve with ganglion ; N1, N'2, the nerve branching up into fibrillne and passing to the auditory cells (G,G) ; Ba, Ba, bacilli, or supporting cells ; Mz, niembrana reticularis ; C, mem- braue of Corti ; Ls, ligaim-ntum spirals, passing into the basilar membrane ; >'/«, seala media ; K, membrane of Reissner ; B, B, basilar membrane. The fibrillfc extend to the sensory or auditory cells (G, G), and these are * in a frame between the firm supporting and isolating cells or bacilli (Ba, Bo}. From the surface of the bacilli a resistant net-like mem- brane iii'-nibraiia reticiilaris; extend- laterally, and through the. meshes of the latter the hairs of the auditory cells project (Fig. 170, ;!/;•). The number of lie- outer hair-cells may be estimated at about 12,000. The auditory cells are covered by a thick and firm membrane — the niembrana tectoria s. Corti (Tig. 170, C) — which probably arts as a damper, and which arises from the labium ve-tibulare ,,f the lamina spiralis ossea. The whole extent of the basilar membrane mn-ists of clear thread-like and very elastic fibres, of which about in,oO<» to 2<>,000 can be made out in Man. These are capable of vibrating freely, and, as their length varies definitely in different regions of the cochlea, they might lie looked upon (were it, not that they are absent from Kirds) as forming a sorl of ke\!n.ard or harp, that is, as a definite apparatus of strings rapable of analysing the dilferent waves of sound, the vibrations of which are communicated to tip- auditory cells, and t hener by means of the nerves to the brain. AUDITORY ORGAN. 207 RELATION OF THE AUDITORY ORGAN TO THE AIR-BLADDER IN FISHES. A relation between the auditory organ and air-bladder is observable in four families of Toleosteans (Siluroidei, Cyprinoidei, Characini, and Gymnoti). The apparatus is formed on the same plan in all these Fishes.1 A chain of bones extends between the anterior end of the air-bladder and the auditory organ, by means of which the relative fulness of the air-bladder can be appreciated by the Fish. This chain arises by the metamorphosis of certain parts of the four anterior vertebrae (upper arches and spines and transverse processes), and four segments may be distinguished. In many cases processes of the air-bladder are produced outwards to the side-walls of the body, where the skin becomes very thin, forming a sort of tympanic membrane. (For further details, such as the relation of the whole apparatus to the saccus endolymphaticus, the reader is referred to Wiedersheim's Lelirbuch rfer vergl. Analomie.) BIBLIOGRAPHY. HADDON, A. C. — On the. Stridulating Apparatus of Callomystax gagala. Jo-urn, of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. XV. HASSK, C. — The numerous Papers of this Author, which refer to all the chief Vertebrate groups, are published partly iu the Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. (Bd. XVII. und XVIII.), and partly in " Anatomischen Studicn." Leipzig, 1870-1873. HENSEN, V. — Physiologic dcs Gehb'rs. In the Handbuch dcr Physiologic by L. Hermann. Abthl. Sinncsorga-nc 2. Leipzig, 1880. His, W. — Anatomic mcnsch. Embryonal. Leipzig, 1880-1885. HOWES, G. B. — On the Presence of a Tympanum in the Genus Raia. Joicrn. of A /nil. and Physiol. Vol. XVII., 1883. KUHN. — See the works of this Author on the auditory organ of Fishes, Amphibia, and Reptiles in the Arch.f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XIV., XVII., XX. MOLPEXHAUER, "VV. — Die Rnticicklunrj dcs mittlcrcn und ausscrcn Ohres. Morph. Jahrb. Bd. 111., 1878. PARKER, T. J. — On the Connection of the Air-Bladder and the Auditory Organ in the tied Cod (Lotclla bacchus). Trans. N. Z. Institute, 1883. RETZIUS, G. — Das Gfehororgan dcr irirbclthicrc. I. Das Gclidrorgan dcr Fische imd Amphibicn. Stockholm, 1881. //. Das Gchororgan dcr lit-ptilun, dcr Voijd, imd dcr Sdugethicrc. Stockholm, 1884. "\VKBER, E. H. — DC aure ct auditti Jtominis et animalium. Lipsiae, 1820. AViEDERSHEiM, R.- — Zur Anatwnic und Physiologic dcs Phyllodactylus curopaius, Ac. M.n-ph. Jahrb. Bd. I., 1876. 1 T. J. Parker has also described a connection between the auditory organ, air- bladder, and skin in the Red Cod (Lotella bacchus). F. ORGANS OF NUTRITION. ALIMENTAIiY CANAL AND ITS APPENDAGES. THE alimentary canal (tractus intestinalis) consists of a tube A\hich begins at the aperture of the mouth, passes through the body cavity (ccelome), and ends at the anus. Its walls consist essentially of three layers; an inner epithelial, a middle con- nective-tissue, and an outer muscular layer. The first, which corresponds to the hypoblast of the embryo, forms the lining of the canal (Fig. 8, Ej)}, and gives rise to numerous glandular structures which have a secretory as well as a resorptive nature; the second (Sub-in), consisting of connective and adenoid tissue, serves chiefly to conduct the blood and lymph vessels ; while the third (JAr) which, together with the second, corresponds to the splanchnic layer of mesoblast of the embryo, is, as a rule, divided into two layers, and consists of smooth muscular elements, the inner being constituted by circular fibres, and the outer by longitudinal ones. These serve for the contraction of the wall of the gut, and thus fulfil the double function of bringing its nutritive contents o o into the closest possible relation with the whole epithelial surface, and at the same time of removing from the body the substances which have not been absorbed. A fourth accessory serous coat, enclosing the gut externally in the region of the ccelome, must be added to these three layers. It is covered on its free surface by pavement epithelium, and is reflected round the entire body-cavity, converting the latter into a large lymph-sinus. Its abdominal portion is spoken of as the peritoneum, and its thoracic portion as the pleura, the heart being invested }>y a special serous mem- brane, the. pericardium. In the cranial and cervical portions of the alimentary tract the serosa is not developed. A parietal layer, lining the body-cavity, and a visceral layer reflected over the viscera, ran then be distinguished in the peritoneum (Fig. i: Ilinn (( !), AND .MAX (D). .Y. c\li-in;il iK'siiils; I'll, internal nostrils: D, alimentary canal; K, gill-slits; L, liin^' ; T, trarln-a; a, fi'siniha^iis: the:i]Tn\\ marked A indicates the respiratory i^'c, tliat niarked /.' the nutritive jinssa^e ; t, the point where the two rs cross illle illiother. ALIMENTARY CANAL. 211 the elevation of the mucous membrane to form folds, villi, and papillae. A diagram of the human intestinal tract and its appendages is given in Fig. 172. All the appendages of the canal arise in the FIG. 172. — DIAGRAM OF THE ENTIRE ALIMENTARY TRACT OF MAN. Gls, salivary glands ; Ph, pharynx ;, thyroid gland ; Gl.thy, thymus gland ; Lg, lung ; Oe, oesophagus ; Z, diaphragm ; Mg, stomach ; Lb, liver ; Pa, pancreas ; ltd, small intestine ; Vic, ileo-colic valve ; Pv, vermiform process of caecum ; Ca, ascending colon ; Ct, transverse colon ; Cd, descending colon ; E, rectum ; A, anus. embryo as outgrowths from the hypoblast, and are thus of epithelial origin : they either remain throughout life as glandular organs, or at r 2 212 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. any rate they are formed on the same type as glands (lungs, thyroid, tliymus). Mesoblastic elements are added to them secondarily. Beginning from the mouth the following appendicular organs of the alimentary canal may be distinguished : — (1) Salivary glands (Fig. 172, Gls). (2) Mucous glands. (3) The thyroid gland (GUJi). (4) The tliymus gland (Gl.thy). (5) The lungs (pulmones) (air-bladder) (Lg). (6) The liver (U). (7) The pancreas (Pa). To these may be added the gastric and intestinal glands peptic glands, glands of Lieberkiilm, &c.), which are embedded in the wall of the gut. I. MOUTH.1 In Amphioxus the entrance to the mouth is provided with cirrhi, and in C yclos tomes it is surrounded by a ring of cartilage : all other Vertebrates are provided with jaws. Definite lips provided with muscles first appear in Mammals,2 ;i in 1 are most strongly developed in Monkeys, especially Anthropoids : the space between them and the jaws is spoken of as the vestibulum oris. This may become extended on either side to form cheek -pouches, which serve as food reservoirs (many Monkeys and Rodents). The organs of the oral cavity may be divided into three Croups, viz. the teeth, the glands, and the tongue. Teeth. Both epiblast and mesoblast take part in the formation of the teeth. The epithelium of the mouth grows inwards so as to give rise to the so-called enamel-organ, which meets with dome- shaped elevations of the underlying connective-tissue, the tooth- germs or tooth -papillae. Both these tissues come into the closest relations with one another, and, by very complicated pro- cesses of differentiation, give rise to the different substances of \\liirh the teeth are composed. These substances are, the enamel, den tine (ivory), which is permeated by a fine system of canals, and ceni e i, I (Fig. 17:5, XX, Zll, ZC}. 1 Tlio month of (In- I.:mi]nvy serves us a suctorial organ for attaching the animal tn foreign objects. The larva- of Lcpidostciis ami Anura arc temporarily provided with suctorial organs. AII exeepiion isseru, however, in l)i|iiiui, thi1 lips of which are provided with Wcll-deVclnp •'! TEETH. 213 The root of the tooth embedded in the gums is provided at its lower end with a small opening, and this leads into the pulp- cavity (Fig. 173, PH1, PH). Into its interior, vessels and nerves extend. Zf FIG. 173. — SEMIDIAGRAMMATIC FIGURE OF A LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH A TOOTH. ZS, enamel ; ZB, dentine (ivory) ; ZC, cement ; PH\ aperture of the pulp-cavity (PH). While in Vertebrates below Mammals a succession of teeth takes place throughout life, in the latter group this as a rule occurs only once, that is, the first or so-called milk dentition is only replaced once by a second stronger and more fully-developed permanent dentition. In certain Mammals, such as the Cetacea and Edentata (with the exception of Dasypus peba), there is no succession, and they are therefore distinguished as Monophyodonts from other Mammals, or Diphyodonts. The teeth of Edentates are without enamel. In Rliinoloplms (Cheiroptera), some Rodents, and Sirenia, the milk-teeth never cut the gum, and become entirely absorbed before birth. In Rodents various conditions of the milk dentition are seen : in the Rabbit they cor- respond in number with their successors,1 though the incisors disappear before birth, the outer upper and the lower one being quite rudimentary. In others, and in some Insectivores, no milk teeth at all are known : the Hedgehog has a complete milk dentition, while no milk-teeth are known in the Shrew. In Marsupials and Guinea-pigs only one milk molar is present. All these facts indicate that a gradual reduction of the milk dentition is taking place. In those cases where the teeth are similar in foim throughout, as, for instance, in existing toothed Whales, we have ahomodont as opposed toaheterodont dentition. In the latter case the teeth 1 That is, with the incisors and premolars of the adult. 214 0 >MPARATIVK ANATOMY. become differentiate. I into incisors, canines, and grinders (premolars and molars). Fishes and Amphibia. —The dermal denticles already de- scribed in tlir chapter on the skeleton are structures homologous \\ith teeth, t'.>r both are developed in a similar manner. In 'IVlrostei all the bones bounding the mouth may bear teeth, as may also the hyoid and branchial arches (pharyngeal bones). On the latter, and also on the parasphenoid, they are arranged in a single series, or in masses ; numerous teeth are also met with on the" parasphenoid in certain Urodeles (Fig. 174). In general, however, there is in Amphibia a considerable diminution in the number of teeth as compared with those of Fishes ; and at the s:une time a much more uniform character is noticeable in their form throughout.1 In Amphibia they are enlarged conically below, and rest on a definite base, while above they become narrower, and slightly curved, and end either in a double (Myctodera, Anura), or a single Kx:. 17k — SKn.i, up Batrachoseps attenuatus. (From the ventral side, showing the teeth on the parasphenoid.) apex (Perennibranchiata, Derotremata, Gymnophiona) ; the latter is the more primitive condition. The teeth lie deeply embedded in the mucous membrane, and are present, as a rule, on the pre- maxilla, maxilla, and mandible, as well as on the vomer and palatine, but rarely on the parasphenoid ; in the larvas of Salamanders and in Proteus the splennl of (he lower jaw is also toothed. Horny jaws and horny teeth are present in larval Anura.2 1 In Fishes the teeth may 1m cylindrical, conical, or hooked ; or in some cases (Scams and tin- Sarginse) they may be chisel-shaped, resembling the incisors of Mammals, and working together like scissors ; in others they give rise to a definite iit, are rounded in form, and serve to crush the food. Again, they may he and 1 n 1st le-sha ] MM 1 M li ;>• I o d o n), or sahro-slmped (Chauliodns). " The Imniv structures on the upper jaw in young stages of Polypterus, in the iniiutli \ V as these. TEETH. 215 Reptilia. — Corresponding with the great firmness and solidity of the skull in Reptiles, the dentition is usually strongly developed, and occasionally at the same time it is more highly differentiated than in Amphibians. The teeth are either situated upon a ledge on the inner side of the lower jaw, with which they become fused basally (pleurodont dentition, — Skinks, Amphisbsenians, and others), or they lie on the free upper border of the jaw (acrodont dentition), or finally, as in Crocodiles and numerous fossil Reptiles, they are lodged in alveoli (thecodont dentition) (comp. Fig. 175, A, a, I), c). Both upper and lower jaws, and occasionally the palate also, are toothed ; the teeth have a single apex, except in Lizards, in which the apex is double.1 In many Reptiles, however (e.g. Hatteria, Uromastix spinipes, Agamse, and numerous fossil forms, especially those of the Trias of South Africa), a heterodont dentition, consisting of incisor- canine- and molar-like teeth, is already seen. FIG. 175. — A, DIAGRAMS OF TRANSVERSE SECTIONS THROUGH THE JAWS or REPTILES, SHOWING PLEURODONT (a), ACRODONT (b), AND THECODONT (c) DENTITIONS. B, a, LOWER JAW OF Zootoca vivipara ; b, OF Anguis fragilis. (After Leydig. ) The dentition of poisonous snakes deserves special attention, for in them a varying number of maxillary teeth are differentiated to form poison- fangs. Thus in the common Viper (Pelias berus and P. prester) there are on each side nine poison- fangs arranged in transverse rows ; the stronger ones project freely, while the lesser, reserve teeth, lie within the gum (Fig. 176, A) ; only one of these teeth, however, is firmly fixed to the maxilla at a time. Each fang is perforated by a poison-canal, which is in- completely surrounded by the pulp-cavity, the latter having the form of a half-ring in transverse section (Fig. 176, B, C, GC, PIT) : the duct of the poison-gland passes into an aperture at the base of the tooth which leads into the poison-canal, and the latter opens 1 A peculiar tooth is present in the embryos of Lizards, Blindworms, and some Snakes. It projects considerably beyond its neighbours, and lies in the median line of the lower jaw extending vertically towards the snout, and serving the young as a means of breaking through the egg-shell. 216 < < >-M PAR ATI V K A X AT( ).M Y. at a short distance from the apex of the tooth (see the course of the arrow in Fig. 176, A). Bet\vrrn the ordinary teeth of Snakes and the poison-fangs with closed • •anal.-, tln-iv an- numerous in! erinei 1 i;it c forms in which certain of the teeth are -iin]il\ grooved along their anterior side, A similar condition is also seen in tin- teeth of the lower jaw of a poisonous Mexican Lizard (Helodermu). Comp. p. 222.) Chelo],iaiis, like Birds, are provided with horny sheaths to the jaws in- stt-ud dt teeth. The presence of teeth in embryos of Trionyx, however, proves that tliis is only a secondary condition. The teeth of the fossil Birds of America (Odontornithes) were either .-i mated in definite alveoli (Ich thy ornis), or simply in grooves (Hesperornis). The pivmaxilhv were toothless, and seem to have possessed a horny beak. The Millie-pointed smooth teeth of Aivh;iopteryx were 1 mm. long, and all of -imilar si/e and form. Most probably they were situated in alveoli. All existing Birds, as well as those of the Tertiary and Post-Tertiary strata, are toothless. fl/ FlG. 17''-. — Fl'.l RES "I MM. I'olsoN-FANUS OK A YlPKUINK SNAKK. A. skull of Rattlesnake ; B, transverse section through about the middle of the |Miisi>n-faii<,' of Vipera ammodytes ; C, transverse section through the poison-fang of Vipera ammodytes near its distal end. (B and C after Leydig. ) 20 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. glance. Thus the dental formula of those animals the teeth of which are represented in Figs. 177 to 181, would be— Fig. 177. Hed-elm-, /. •;, C. [[, ]>m. 4., m. §. „ 178. Dog, i. ||, e. \.IHH. J, ///. H. „ 17!). Porcupine, /. }, c. g, m. £. „ 180. Sheep, i. g, r. ?, p»n. jj, //,. }. „ 181. Catarrhine Monkey, i. f , c. }, JJ?H. |, m. The variations in the dentition of the different groups of Mammals are so exceedingly numerous that it is impossible to describe them in detail here, and only the following points will be briefly remarked upon.1 The essential arrangement of the teeth is such that there is an alternation between those of the upper and lower jaw ; thus the teeth of one jaw do not correspond in position with those of the other, but with the interspaces between them. A consideration of the rudimentary, functionless teeth which are commonly present renders it probable that in the course of genealogical development the teeth have undergone a decrease in number.2 An increase in number, on the other hand, must be always considered as an atavism. Finally, attention must be called to the commonly-existing sexual differ- ences in dentition, as, for instance, in the Wild Boar, in the Narwhal (Monodon), in the Dugong (Halicore), and in the Musk-deer. In the males of these animals a modification of certain of the teeth (usually the canines) to form tusks occurs, and these serve as fighting weapons. In the Elephant and Walrus tusks are present in both sexes : in the former they correspond to incisors, and in the latter to canines. Glands of the Mouth. The glands of the mouth, like those of the orbit and integument, appear first in terrestrial animals, that is, from Amphibians on- wards. They have the function of keeping moist the mucous membrane which comes into contact with the outer air. From being at first almost entirely uuspecialised, and giving rise simply to a slimy fluid, they become differentiated later into structures the secretions of which take on a very important relation to digestion ; they may also, as in the case of poisonous Snakes and Lizards, constitute dangerous weapons of offence. With their gradually increasing physiological importance a greater morphological complication both in number mid arrange- ment takes place. Their histological character also becomes changed in such a manner that the three ordinary forms of glands, i.e. tubular, compound-tubular, and acinous, may be recognised. In the lower Vertebrata the two first forms preponderate, and 1 These variations not only consist in the various positions and forms of the teeth, .but also in the typical arrangement of the enamel on the crowns. Thus in the non-Kuminant Bunodontia tin- molars are tubercular, while in the Kuniinant, Selenodon tia the surface of (lie grimier* {single up of crescent-shaped elevations. ' The last molar of Man, or so-called " wisdom-tooth," seems to be gradually dis- appearing. It appears last and is lost first, and often does not reach the, grinding surface. GLANDS OF THE MOUTH. 221 the glands are mostly arranged in groups; in the higher types, on the contrary, the last- mentioned form, which is considerably higher from a developmental point of view, is the more usual. Amphibia. — With the exception of the Perennibranchiata, Derotremata, and Gymiiophiona, a tubular gland becomes developed in all Amphibia from the anterior portion of the roof of the mouth (comp. Fig. 144, ID], the main mass of which lies, in Urodeles, in the cavity of the nasal septum or premaxilla (intermaxillary or internasal gland). In Anura its position is more anterior than in Urodeles, and it is more largely developed ; but in both cases the ducts open on to the anterior part of the palate. In Anura there is a second gland (pharyngeal gland) present in the region of the internal nostrils, the secretion of which passes partly into the latter and partly into the pharynx. Numerous gland-tubes are also present in the tongue of Amphibia. Reptiles. — The mouth-glands in Reptilia show an advance on those of Amphibia, inasmuch as they are separated into groups. Thus not only is there a palatine gland, homologous with the in- termaxillary gland, but lingual and sublingual, as well as upper and lower labial glands are present. Chameleons and Snakes FIG. 182. — THE POISON-APPARATUS OF THE RATTLESNAKE. S, the fibrous poison-sac, which is surrounded by the constrictor-muscle, Me ; at an extension of the latter towards the lower jaw can be seen ; Gc, the duct arising from the poison-gland, which passes into the poison-fang at t ; the latter is embedded in a large sac of the mucous membrane, zf ; Km, masticatory muscles, some of which are seen cut through at * ; posterior to this the cut edge of the scaly integument is seen ; N, external nostril ; A, eye displaced towards the antero-dorsal aspect ; s, tongue ; za, aperture of the poison-fang. are distinguished by a remarkable richness in glands, which become most specialised into definite groups in the latter. In poisonous Snakes the poison-gland (glandula venenata) becomes differentiated from a portion of the labial gland in the upper lip. It is enclosed in a strong fibrous sheath, and is acted upon 222 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. by powerful muscles, so that its secretion can be poured with great force into the duct (Fig. 182, Gc), and thence into the poison-fang (t). The sublingual gland of a Mexican Lizard, Heloderina, has a somewhat similar poisonous nature. Its secretion passes out through four ducts, which perforate the bones of the lower jaw in front of the grooved teeth. In marine Chelonians and Crocodiles there are no large glands united into groups connected with tin- mouth. Birds. — In Birds, and more especially in climbing Birds (Scansores), well-developed lingual glands are present, opening on the floor of the mouth. There is no doubt that they are homologous with those of Lizards, and they probably correspond with the posterior upper labial gland which opens into the angle of the mouth, that is, to the poison-gland of Snakes. The palatine glands of Birds have also their homologues in Reptiles7 Mammals. — Three glands may be distinguished in connection with the mouth in Mammals, which are called, according to their position: (1) parotid, (2) submaxillary, and (3) sublingual (Fig. 172, Gls). Each opens by means of a well-defined duct (ducts of Steno, W liar ton, and Bartholini respectively) into the mouth. The former corresponds to the gland opening into the angle of the mouth in Birds, and consequently also to the poison- gland of Snakes. As the last-mentioned is to be looked upon as a differentiation of labial glands, the same origin must be supposed for the parotid, — and this is confirmed by a study of its development. The fact that both the other . salivary glands are homologous with the sublinguals of lower Vertebrates needs no special proof, and the numerous mucous glands lying at the sides of the tongue and opening into the mouth come under the same category. Concerning the tonsils of Mammals, which lie at the junction of the mouth and pharynx, compare pp. 239 and 293. Tongue. In Fishes and Dipnoi the tongue is, as a rule, rudimentary, usually consisting simply of a covering of mucous membrane ex- tending over the basal part of the hyoid, which in all the higher Vertebrates serves as the main point of origin for the tongue- muscles. The tongue is not capable of movement apart from the visceral skeleton in Fishes, and, except in Cyclostomes (where it has to do with the suctorial apparatus), is wanting in a proper muscula- ture ; it is covered with papilla;, and serves only as a tactile organ, or, when covered with teeth, as a prehensile organ also. In the Perennibranchiata it remains in a similar condi- tion to that seen in Fishes, but in all other Amphibia except the Aglossa (Pipa and Dactylethra) it reaches a higher stage TONGUE. 223 and becomes larger in size by the development of definite muscles in connection with it. Its mobility varies greatly in the different groups of Amphibia in accordance with the manner in which it is fixed to the floor of the mouth. It is usually attached only by the anterior end or by a portion of its ventral surface ; in other cases it is free all round, and in Spelerpes (Fig. 183) is capable of being extended far out of the mouth by means of a complicated mechanism. FIG. 183. — HEAD OF Spelerpes fuscus, WITH THE TONGUE EXTENDED. In most Reptiles and Birds the tongue is freely moveable, but its form and relative size varies greatly in the different families (see Fig. 184, A to D). It is least mobile in Chelonians and Crocodiles : l in Chameleons, on the other hand, it is very long and protrusible. The tongue of Birds which is usually poorly provided with muscles, may be looked upon as having been derived from a similar form to that of Lizards, and its shape as a rule corresponds more or less to the form of the beak. It possesses a horny cover- ing, usually provided with papilla and pointed recurved processes ; as in many Reptiles, it may be split up at its distal end, being either bifurcated (Colibris) or having a brush-like form. In Wood- peckers (the extraordinarily developed epibranchials of which have already been mentioned in the chapter on the skull), the tongue may be thrown far out from the mouth by means of a complicated system of muscles, and it thus serves as a prehensile organ ; in this Bird and in the Duck it is richly provided with Pacinian corpuscles. The tongue is largest in predatory Birds (Rapaces) and Parrots, but its size is here not due so much to the special development of muscles as to the presence of fat, vessels, and glands. The tongue reaches its most complete development in Mammals, and, as elsewhere, undergoes the most various modifications as regards size, mobility, and function, according to the method of taking in food. It is as a rule flat, and rounded anteriorly, having a band-like form, and being extensile. A fold, the so-called sub- lingua (plica fimbriata and mediana), is present on its lower surface. This represents a primitive organ which must be regarded as the predecessor of the structure which we now speak of as the tongue. In spite of the various functional modifications of the tongue 1 The relative importance and degree of development of the tongue does not run parallel with the systematic position of the animal. 224 ( < LMPARATIVE ANATOMY Fi<;. 184. — A, TOMM-K, Ilvnir> AITAKA rrs, AND P.I;ON< HI OK A CKCKO ,1,11-1 ii/n.-i , nriil ^laml ; T, trachea ; //, bronchi ; L :nvhes, the first x^'i",^ i'ise to the hyomandibular, ami tin- seeond to the hyoid nivli proper, and the thyroid represents the renman' of a lust ^'ill-cleft between the li v< >ni;mdiluilar Mini hyoid. Dnlini supports this liy the relations of the thyroid to the vascular system; fhe thyroid artery urisrs like a true lir.ineli i;il vessel from the hyoid ;irler\. THYMUS GLAND. 227 of the second visceral clefts, which extends inwards from the integument, as well as from the covering of the corresponding visceral swellings. All these parts Tm FIG. 185. — THYMUS AND THYROID OF A YOUNG STOEK. T, trachea ; B, bronchi ; Oe, oesophagus ; H, heart ; Tin, thymus ; Tr, thyroid. are gradually withdrawn inwards and separated from the surface at the boundary between head and neck.1 1 His states that in human embryos the gill-clefts never become perforated, but simply blind slits are formed from both epiblast and hypoblast. The same holds good also for the tyinpano-Eustachian passage. Q 2 228 OOMPAHA.TIVE ANATOMY. In post-embryonic time the organ always shows a lymphoid structure, and, on account of its richness in white blood-corpuscles, certainly has important physiological relations to the organism as a whole. This is probably especially the case in Mammals, as it here attains a large development, extending in the embryo back- wards from the region of the larynx above the sternum as far as the diaphragm. Later it undergoes a retrogressive metamorphosis, and finally becomes more or less completely obliterated, though it persists for a considerable time in Man, often for many years after birth. In all other Vertebrates it persists throughout life, and lies as a lobulated or cord-like organ in the anterior or lateral region of the neck ; thus in bony Fishes, for instance, it is situated behind the gills in the neighbourhood of the fibrous band which connects the gill-cover with the pectoral arch, and in Amphibians it lies behind and above the articulation of the lower jaw (comp. also Fig. 185, Tm). II. (ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, AND INTESTINE. Fishes and Amphibia. — While in Amphioxus a widened section of the alimentary canal is probably to be looked upon as a sort of stomach, in Cycles to mi, Dipnoi, Chimserae, certain Teleosteans, and many branchiate Amphibians, a stomach is not plainly marked off from the rest of the gut, which usually has a more or less straight course. In this case the only externally visible boundary between the stomach and intestine is, as already mentioned, the point where the bile-duct (ductus choledochus) perforates the wall of the latter. In other Fishes, as, for instance, in Squalid as, all Ganoidei, numerous Teleostei, as well as in the Derotremata, Myctodera, and Anura, the stomach appears more or less dilated and sac-like ; it may also be curved on itself, so that one can distinguish between a part running backwards (descending portion) (Fig. 186, J/), and another extending forwards (ascending portion), the two lying parallel to one another (PR). In general, it becomes adapted to the form of the body : — thus Rays and Anurans possess a far wider stomach than do most other Fishes and Amphibians (cp. Figs. 189 and 190) — and this rule holds good also for Reptiles. The stomach of Teleosteans varies considerably in form. The oesophagus is short, and usually not distinctly marked off from the stomach, though exceptions to this often occur, as, for instance, in many Teleostei, and in Siren lacertina amongst the Amphibia (Fig. 189, Oe}. A longitudinal fold extending into the lumen of the intestine, the first traces of which are seen in Ammoccetes, is to be looked upon as a structure designed for increasing the digestive surface: this is also present in Elasinobranchs, Di pnoi, and Ganoidei, (ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, AND INTESTINE. 229 in which it has a spiral form, and is therefore called the spiral valve. In the last-named Fishes, it begins to undergo degeneration (Fig. 187, sp.v), and is no longer met with in other Vertebrates.1 The pyloric caeca (appendices pyloricse), which are charac- teristic of the intestine of many Fishes, belong to the same physio- logical category as the above. They are met with in Ganoids and numerous Teleosteans, and consist of longer or shorter finger- shaped processes of the small intestine, which are situated posteriorly PC MD... Pa Pa, FIG. 186. — INTESTINAL TRACT OF A SHAKK. H, heart ; PC, pericardium cut through ; Sv, sinus venosus ; L, L, the two lobes of the liver, separated from one another so that the stomach (M), with its pyloric tube (PR), and the region of the pylorus (P) are visible ; MD, small intestine, in'which the spiral valve lies ; ED, large intestine ; Gsp, rectal gland ; A T, cloacal pockets ; Pa, Pa, abdominal pores j Pn, pancreas. to the pylorus in the region of the bile-duct (Figs. 187, c, and 188, Ap). Their number varies from 1 (Polypterus and Ammodytes) to 191 (Scomber scombrus). The pyloric caeca and the spiral valve seem to be developed in inverse proportion to one another, for, 1 Amongst the Teleostei a spiral valve is present in Cheirocentr us, and pro- bably also in Butirinus. An intestinal valve exists also amongst the Salmonidse. 230 COMPAE ATI Y 1 1 A N ATOMY. to a certain extent, the more one is developed, the less important is the other. .—st FIG. 187. — AU.MENTAUY YISIT.KA AMI A in- Hi, ADDER OF Lcpidosteus, in situ. (After Ball'our ami 1'aikrr.) «, anus; a.b, air-bladder; a. A1, its aperture into tin- throat; b.d1, aperture of bile- duct into intestinr ; c, pyloric cu-ca : . uall-liladili-r ; hp.d, hepatic duct; Ir, liver ; py, pyloric valve : 5, spleen ; xp.r, spiral valve ; st, stomach. In the narrow-bodied Gyrnnophiona, the intestine is only slightly coiled, while in Anura it becomes considerably folded on itself. Its form in Salamanders is about mid-way between these two extremes. SOPHAGUS, STOMACH, AND INTESTINE. 231 With the exception of the Cyclostomi,Holocephali, Ganoid ei, and Teleostei, in which there is a separate anus, the large intestine of all other Fishes, and of Dipnoi and Amphibia, opens into a cloaca, common to it and to the urinogenital ducts. The large intestine takes a straight course, and in Amphibia, as well as to some extent in certain Ganoids and Teleosteans, is plainly marked off from Go FIG. 188. — INTESTINAL TRACT OF PERCH. Oe, oesophagus ; M, stomach; t, caecal process of latter ; P, P, short pyloric region ; Ap, pyloric caeca (appendices pyloricse) ; MD, small intestine ; ED, rectum ; A, anus. the small intestine : in some cases it is considerably swollen, even exceeding the stomach in capacity (Fig. 190, R). An out- growth of the ventral wall of the cloaca in Amphibia gives rise to the urinary bladder, and represents the rudiment of the allantois. Reptiles. — Corresponding with the more definitely differen- tiated neck, we find that Reptiles have a longer oesophagus than the animals as yet considered, and this is always plainly marked off from the much wider stomach, which is usually sac-like, or bent upon itself, when it lies transversely (Chelonians).1 The stomach of Crocodiles is more specialised than that of other Reptiles, and approaches that of Birds in structure. Snakes, Snake-like Lizards, and Amphisbsenians pos- sess a narrow, spindle-shaped stomach which lies in the long axis of the body ; in correspondence with the large size of the masses of 1 The oesophagus of marine Chelonians, like that of many Birds, is lined by horny papillae. ( < >MPAtt ATI V i: A N ATOMY. food, which are swallowed whole, it is capable of great distension. Iii these forms the intestine is only slightly coiled ; in Lizards the Oe —M Oc FIG. 189. FIG. 190. FIG. 189. — INTESTINAL Tit ACT OF Siren laccrtina, Oe, oesophagus, marked off from the stomach (.17) by a constriction, t ; P, pyloric region ; Ml), small intestine ; El), large intestine. FIG. 190. — INIIMINAL THACT OF En na cscuhnta. Oc, o snjiliagus ; M, stomach ; Py, pyloric region ; J)u, duodenum ; D, ileum : t, boundary between the latter and thr lai-.Lre inti'stim- (fi) ; A, opening of the rectum into the cloaca (01) ; Hb, urinary bladder ; J/;, spleen. coils are more marked, and in the nthrr forms, with broad bodies, the folding is carried still further. (ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, AND INTESTINE. 233 The large intestine has a straight course, is often consider- ably swollen, and opens into a cloaca. An account of the allan- tois of the Amniota will be found in a subsequent chapter (p. 273). From the Eeptilia onwards a process (generally asymmetrical) of the anterior portion of the large intestine is usually formed, giving rise to a caecum or blind -gut. The function of the bursse anales of Chelonia, which consist of paired csecal outgrowths of the cloacal wall, is not understood. Birds. — In correspondence with the kind of nutriment, the mode of life, and the absence of teeth, a division of labour occurs in the stomach of Birds, which, instead of remaining simple, generally becomes divided into two portions, an anterior and a Oe — FIG. 191. — DIAGRAM OF THE (ESOPHAGUS AND STOMACH OF A BIRD. Or, Oe1, oesophagus ; Ig, crop ; DM, glandular stomach ; MM, muscular stomach ; MD, duodenum. posterior. The former (Fig. 191, DM), which, on account of its richness in glands, is called the glandular stomach (proventri- culus), alone takes part in dissolving the food; while the latter (Fig. 191, MM], which is lined by a horny layer consisting of a hardened glandular secretion, has simply a mechanical function, in correlation with which a very thick muscular wall provided with two tendinous disks is developed. The latter portion is for this reason spoken of as the muscular stomach, or gizzard, and the degree of its development stands 234 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. in direct proportion to the consistency of the food. In gramini- vorous Birds we find the strongest muscular layer and the thickest horny lining, while in the series of insectivorous Birds, up to the Birds of prey, this condition becomes gradually less marked, and the division of labour is less noticeable. Thus in the series of existing Birds wt_- can see the line along which the differentiation of the organ has taken place phylogenetically. Finally the dilatation of the gullet of Birds, which is known as the crop (ingluvies), must be mentioned (Fig. 1U1, Ig). A false crop serving only as a food reservoir, and entirely wanting in glands, and a true crop, rich in glands, which have a chemical function, can be distinguished. The former is seen, e.g., in many Ducks, in the Cassowary, Haliseus, and Otis, and the latter in R a so res, Columbida3, and others. The small intestine i usually of a considerable length, and becomes folded on itself to a greater or less degree ; it varies, however, both in form, length, and diameter. At about the middle of its extent there is a small caecum-like structure, the remains of the vitello-intestinal duct, or diverticulum caecum. The straight large intestine opens into a cloaca, and varies as to its relative diameter. The csecum is usually paired, and may reach an enormous length (Lamellirostres, Rasores, Ratitse). All kinds of intermediate stages between this and an entire absence of a csecum are to be met with. In those cases where the csecum is largely developed, it has an important relation to digestion, as an increase of surface of the mucous membrane is thus effected ; this increase may even be carried further by each csecum being provided with a spiral fold consisting of numerous turns, as in the Ostrich. The so-called bursa Fabricii is a structure peculiar to Birds. It arises as a small solid epithelial structure, which later becomes excavated to form a vesicle, and lies freely in the pelvic cavity between the vertebral column and the posterior portion of the intestine ; it extends to the outer section of the cloaca, into which it opens, posteriorly to the urinogenital ducts. It is probably present in all Birds, but becomes atrophied more or less completely in the adult; its physiological function is quite unknown. Mammals. — The oesophagus, like that of Birds, is sharply marked off from the stomach, and is differentiated at its proximal end to form a pharynx, which is regulated by strong muscles. Under the influence of the food the stomach here undergoes much more numerous modifications than are met with in any other Vertebrate class. As a rule it takes a more or less transverse position and hits a sac-like form, the portion into which the ceso- pli.-igus opens being called the cardiac, and the part between tin's and the duodenum the pyloric portion. (ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, AND INTESTINE. 235 Oe E Die FIG. 192. — DIFFERENT FORMS OF MAMMALIAN STOMACHS. A, Dog. B, Mus dccumanus. C, Mus musculus. D, Weasel. E, diagram of the Ruminant stomach, the arrow showing the direction which the food takes; R, E, rumen and reticuluin ; 0, psalterium ; A, abomasum. F, human stomach inverted and prepared to show the muscles, a, b, c, on the inner side. G, sto- mach of Camel ; E, H, rumen and reticulum ; A, abomasum ; WZ, water cells. H, stomach of Echidna hystrix; Cmi, lesser curvature ; Cma, greater curvature. I, stomach of Bradypus tridactylus ; ft, the portion corresponding to the rumen ; t, that corresponding to the reticulum of the Ruminant's stomach ; the former is produced to form a csecal process at MB : **, pouches of the duodenum. Oc, oesophagus ; P, pylorus ; Sc, cardiac sac ; Sp, pyloric sac ; Cct, cardia. (Fig. G after Gegenbaur. ) 236 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Herbivorous Mammals, as a rule, possess a larger and more complicated stomach than do Carnivorous Mammals (comp. Fig. 1 !»:?, A to G),1 and it may become divided into two or more chambers. Thus in Ruminants (Fig. 192, E) there are four chambers, which are called respectively, rumen (paunch), reticulum, psal- terium,2 and abomasum. The two first simply serve as storage cavities, the food returning from them into the mouth, once more to undergo mastication. It then passes into the psalterium, and finally into the abomasum, the latter alone being provided with rennet (gastric) glands, and serving as the true digestive stomach. (The dotted arrow in Fig. 192, E, shows the course which the food takes.) The small intestine is usually long, and varies more as to length and diameter in domesticated than in wild forms. Commonly, as in the human subject, the relative length of the small intestine is less in the foetus than in the adult. The large intestine, which is made up of a varying number of coils, usually reaches a great length in Mammals, and its diameter is much greater than that of the small intestine : these two por- tions are thus sharply marked off from one another, and the distinction between them is rendered still more marked by the sacculations of the anterior part of the large intestine. Only the posterior portion of the latter, or rectum, which passes into the pelvic cavity, corresponds to the large intestine of lower Vertebrates ; the remaining and far larger part, must be looked upon as a neomorph, and is called the colon. In this, further subdivisions may often be distinguished, e.g. in Man. The caecum, which is almost always present, undergoes the most various modifications both as to form and size, according to the kind of nutriment. Thus in Carnivora, Odontoceti, Insectivora, and Cheiroptera, it is very small or even entirely wanting, while in Herbivora, it may exceed the whole body in length. An inverse development in size is usually noticeable between it and the rest of the large intestine. In many cases (many Monkeys, Rodents, and Man) an arrest of a portion of the ca3cum takes place in the course of individual development (Fig. 172, Pv), giving rise to a processus vermiformis. In Lepus, the enormous cascum is provided with a spiral valve, and in Hyrax, besides a large sacculated cascum at the junction of the small and large intestines, there is a pair of large simple conical caBca further back. Monotremes only amongst Mammals possess a proper cloaca, 1 In Cetacea and Bradypus (Fig. 192, I) however, the stomach is divided into several chambers, and in some Rodents and the Horse a distinct cardiac and a pyloric division can he recognised : some Marsupials (r., an Elasmobranch ; C to E, various Teleosteans. The finger-like outgrowths of the mucosa (villi intestinales) (Fig. 194, A, Zo, Z(i} are to be looked at from the same physio- logical point of view, that is, they have to do with increasing the absorptive surface. They may be derived through numerous intermediate forms from ordinary folds, and appear as distinct papillae from the Sauropsida onwards, reaching their greatest development in Mammals. APPENDAGES OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. Liver. The liver, the form of which is always closely adapted to that of the body, underlies to a greater or less extent the ventral side of the intestinal tract, and is present in every Vertebrate (Amphioxus ?). It is united to the body-wall by a fold of the peritoneum, and varies considerably in the number of its lobes. We may nevertheless fix upon a ground-form consisting of two lobes (Myxinoids) as the precedessor of the organ in all Vertebrates. It always arises from the commencement of the small intestine, and develops into a lai^e vaseular ami glandular organ. (Figs. 196 to 1!)S) which gives rise to bile, and remains in com- 241 Tin FIG. 196. — LIVER OF JRana esculcnta. (From the ventral side.) L, L1. L*, the different lobes of the liver ; M, stomach ; Du, duodenum ; H, heart. FIG. 197. — PANCREAS AND LIVER OF FROG, TO SHOW THE ARRANGEMENT OF THEIR DTJCTS. L, L1 to L3, the lobes of the liver turned forwards ; G, gall-bladder ; Dcy, cystic ducts, which, together with, the hepatic ducts (Dli), form a network from which thr collecting ducts arise, and these unite to form the common bile-duct (Dc) : the latter passes through the substance of the pancreas (P), receiving further hepatic ducts (Dhl), and the pancreatic ducts (P1) ; at Dc1 it becomes free from the pancreas, and passes back to open into the duodenum (Du) at Dc1 ; Lhp, duodeno-hepatic omentnm ; M, stomach ; Py, pylorus. R 242 COMPAIIATIYK ANATOMY. munication with the intestine by means of one or more ducts dUCtUS rliulnlufluis) l (Fig. l'.>7, -A')- A gall-bladder (vesica fellea) may or may not be present, and in the former case it is connected with the system of hepatic ducts by means of a cystic duct (comp. Fig. 197, G, Dcy, Uh) Oe ED Bi lis, iusilil. . — Ylsri;i; \ .i Oe, oesophagus ; .If, stomach ; JfP, small intestine : ED, larjje intestine ; L, liv.-i- : illi, ^ill-bladder ; /'/;., pancreas: HI. iiiinary M.-uldiT ; Lt;i. ( 'anii\uK.ns (fat-eating) animals generally possess a larger liver than Herbivores. shiL,rlr lotir.i livrr of the 1/unjivc'v uiiclcr^ocs a histologica] retrogressioTi (falty metamorphosis) after Irau-t'oi'nritii.n. Tin- tnhnli disappear, and the cells become filled with fat, and the. #ill-ld.-id'ici- and hile-diii-t hoeonie atmphii-d. PANCREAS. 243 In Mammals the liver may always be derived from a ground- form consisting of two lobes, but in most cases it becomes further subdivided, so that in some cases there may be as many as six or seven lobes (e.g. Dog, Weasel). The right primary lobe is always the longest, and in it the gall-bladder, when present, lies partially embedded. Pancreas. As already mentioned, this organ also arises from the proximal portion of the small intestine, and comes into close relation with the liver. Its point of origin from the intestine corresponds to the aperture of the pancreatic duct, which penetrates the entire organ. With the exception of certain Fishes (e.g. Cyclostomi and many Teleostei) and Perennibranchiates (Siren and Proteus), a pancreas is always present in Vertebrates. Varying much in form and size, it early gives rise to a band-shaped or more or less tabulated organ, usually lying in the fold of the duodenum. Its duct frequently becomes united with that of the liver (Fig. 197, P1, Dcl, Z)c2), or there may be several independent ducts opening into the intestine (e.g. Birds, Crocodilia, Emydse, and some Mammalia). BIBLIOGRAPHY. AYERS, H. — Beitrage zur Anat. u. Physiol. der Dipnocr. Jcnaischc Zcitsclir. f, Naturwissenschaft. Bd. XVIII. (N.F. Bd. XL), 1885. BAUME. — Odontologischc Forschungcn, I. Leipzig, 1882. BORN, G. — Ucber die Derivate der cmbryonalen Schlundbogen, d-c. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXII. 1883. CATTANEO, G. — Istologia e sviluppo dell' apparato gastrico dcgli uecelli. Milano, 1884. DOBSON, G. E. — On Peyer's Patches. Journ. Anat. 1884. DOHRN, A. — Studien zur UrgeschicMe dcs Wirbdthicrkorjjcrs. Mitthl. aus d. zool. Station zu Ncapcl. Bd. V. Heft 1. Bd. VI. Heft 1, 1884. (These include an account of the thyroid gland of Elasmobranchs, Petromyzon, Amphioxus, and Tunieata. ) EDINGER, L. — Ueber die Schlcimhaut dcs Fischdarmcs, Ac. Arch. f. milcr, Anat. Bd. XIII. 1877. FISCHELIS, PH. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Glandula thyrcoidca u. Glandula thymus. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XXV. 1885. FLOWER, W. H. — Lectures on Odontology. Med. Times and Gazette, 1871. Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy of the Organs of Digestion of the Mammalia. Ibid. Feb. to Dec., 1872. FORBES, W. A. — On theBursa Fabricii in Birds. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875. GADOW, H. — -Versuch einer vergl. Anatomic dcs Verdauungssystemes der Vogel. Jcnaischc Zeitschr. Bd. XIII. N.F. VI. HENSEL, K.— Ueber Homologiccn und Varianten in den Zahnformen einigcr Sauge- thiere. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. V. 1879. HERTWIG, 0. — Ueber das Zahnsystem dcr AmphiMcn und seine Bedcutungfur die Genesc dcs Skelcts dcr Mundhohlc. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. XI. 1874. His, W.- — Anatomic mcnschlichcr Embryoncn. Leipzig, 1880-1885. HUXLEY, T. H. — Tcgumcntary Organs. Encycl. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. V. (See also Quart. Journ. Micros. Science, 1853.) LEYDIG, T. — Ueber die Kopfdrusen einheimischcr Opliidier. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Bd. IX. 1873. R 2 244 COMPAKATIYK ANATOMY. Lumvii'i, Fr.nniN.VNi>, K<"mi;_']. Prinz v. ISaycni. — Zur An'toiiilc il-r Zungc. ..MiiiK-lii'ii, 1884. Ueber /.'.'•'••/•;/i//ie '/<•/• .v //.•>• //•/< AV/-n/< /« (/<.'?• Zungc der >//:/'//;///. .••/ i> r. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. XI. 1885. .MiN"i, ('ii. S. — stHiHi.t mi tin- T":i'i>>'. Anniversary Memoirs of tfte Boston Society of S'ltnml Ilixt'Tii. liuston, 1880. Xi'NN. K.Mii.Y A. — i in Hi'' !>• >•• 1'ijnif 'nt i if the, Eiiiniicl of the Teeth of Vertebrates. r -. R . v>c. 1882. o\\ I.N. K.— "'/" '. (With Atlas.) 1840-45. I'AUKI.I:, '!'. .Ii ,-FI:I:Y. — On ///•• Jit/'xt,. in tic- <.!> -,iux llnin. Tnnm. / ifoc. V,>1. XI. 1880. HAIIIKK, II. — 2fur Anatomie der Fische (two l'a[»Ts . .in-li. f. Anal. umt. l'lii/>ti<>l. 1887. REICHKL, P. — J!i-i'tr<"/ -i/r M<>i-^hiiln>ii-' h. STIEDA, L. — Untfr$. iiber die Glnmlnlii tlniinns, thii,-i-'i'i'/«jii/icnt of Teeth. (Jmn-t. Juu.rn. Miems. Science, Vol. XVI. 1876, and I'lnl. Tro,!*. 1875-76. VATNKV, H. — The Minute Anatomy of the Thymus. Phil. Trans. PMIJ. Soc. p. Ill, -2. Wir.iT.KNiir.iM, K. — Die feineren Structurverhaltnisse der Driiscn im Muskelmagcn der Vogel. Arch. f. mi/cr. Anat. Bd. VIII. 1872. Ueber die mechan. Aufnahme, der X"l/ rn ii'i^in ill'1! in der Darmschleimhaut. Frciburycr Festschrift zur 56 / "i rxiini inlnn'i ii> iit*<-lnT Xntn rforschcr und Aerztc, 1883. AV<"n KI.KI:, A. — Ucber >/<- Entwicklung der Schilddrilae. Berlin, 1880. G. ORGANS OP RESPIRATION. THE respiratory organs are closely connected with the ali- mentary canal, both in position and development, and are of two kinds, gills and lungs. The former, as the phylogenetically older organs, are adapted for aquatic respiration, and are con- nected with the pharynx in the region of the visceral or branchial arches : the latter always arise as sac-like outgrowths of the primi- tive oesophagus, which grow backwards so as to lie within the body-cavity. Both gills and lungs may be developed in the same individual, but with few exceptions (Dipnoi, and possibly Siren amongst the Perennibranchiata) they are not functional at the same time.1 Which of these are to serve as respiratory organs depends upon the condition of the circulation, for respiration can only take place where venous trunks, — the blood in which is laden with car- bonic acid, — come into close relation with the surrounding medium; the carbonic acid is then given off, oxygen being taken up in its place. The venous blood is thus converted into arterial blood, which is again distributed over the body. As long as these conditions for the oxidation of the blood are not fulfilled, we cannot speak of a respiratory organ. Thus the air-bladder of Fishes, which arises in a very similar manner to a lung, that is, as an outgrowth of the fore-part of the alimentary tract, has in no period of life the arrangement of the blood-vessels described above: it receives arterial blood only, from the aorta, and venous blood passes from it; it is therefore morpho- logically, but not physiologically, a lung. I. GILLS. The gills arise as a series of laterally-arranged outgrowths of the throat lying one behind the other, and, in the course of their development, they become open to the exterior. A passage is thus formed for the water entering by the mouth, and in order that 1 Comp. air-bladder of Lepidosteus, p. 257. 246 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. then' in. 'iv be every means for its contained oxygen to become absorbed, leaf-like or thread-like vascular processes, or gills, become developed in the region of each gill-cleft. These are internal or external according to their position.1 "While Fishes possess gills throughout life, this is only the case in a small section of the Amphibia, viz. in the Perenni- branchiata; all the others simply pass through a gilled stage, and later come to breathe by means of lungs, so that the study of this one group of animals furnishes us with an excellent representa- tion of the course of phylogenetic development through which all the higher Vertebrates must have passed. The best proof of this, as well as of the important meaning of the branchial apparatus of animals in general, lies in the appear- ance of gill-clefts and gill-arches throughout the entire series of the Amuiota up to Man, that is, in forms in which they no longer possess a respiratory function. They are thus repeated ontogenetically, but have undergone a change of function, coming into relation with the auditory organ and tongue, as already described in connection with the skull and auditory organ (see pp. 78, 80, 8-i, and 198). Amphioxus. — The numerous (80, 100, or more) gill-clefts of Amphioxus, which are supported by elastic rods, extend back- wards nearly to the middle of the body. At first they open freely to the exterior, but in a later period of development they become covered by two lateral folds of the skin. The water passing through the gill-slits is conducted backwards by means of the peribranchial chamber thus formed, and passes out through an aperture, the atrial pore, which lies somewhat behind the middle of the body (Fig. 199, c). This extension of the branchial apparatus over such a large section of the body, which points back to a very primitive condition, becomes considerably limited even in the Cyclostomi. Cyclostomi. — In Ammocoetes the oesophagus is continued directly backwards from the branchial cavity (Fig. 200, A), and at the entrance of the latter there is a muscular fold covered by the mucous membrane, the velum (Fig. 201, T7). The seven2 gill-sacs provided with leaf-like folds of mucous membrane which are present in Ammoccetes, persist in Petro- myzon ; but, with the formation of a suctorial mouth, the portion of the ' tympano-Eustachian passage, does not perforate the skin. GILLS. 247 forwards above the latter, and joins the mouth-cavity at the velum. The anterior part of the oesophagus of the adult is thus a neo- inorph : it is at first solid, but becomes hollowed secondarily. FIG. 199. — Amphioxus lanceolatus, x 2J. (From Gegenbaur, after Quatrefages. ) «, aperture of month, surrounded by cirrhi ; b, anus ; c, atrial pore ; d, branchial sac ; e, stomach-like section of the intestine ; /, cascal process (? liver) ; g, intestine ; h, general body-cavity ; i, notochord, and under it the aorta ; k, aortic arches ; I, aortic heart ; in, swellings on the branchial arteries ; n, contractile postcaval vein ; o, contractile, portal vein. Thus two canals pass backwards from the mouth, a ventral branchial or respiratory tube, and a dorsal oesophagus (Fig. 200, B). 2-48 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. In Petromyzon the individual branchial sacs open freely to the exterior; but in Myxine this original condition becomes modified F£G. 200. — DIAGRAM <>F A LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE HEAD OF Ammoccetcs (A) AND Petromyzon (B). T.n JnffflML 1 J o r fit Ji N FIG. 201. — LONGITUDINAL SECTION THROUGH THE HEAD OF Animocu-/i'x. /', velum ; P, papilhe of mucous membrane ; K,K,K, three, anterior gills ; Th, tliymid gland (hypobranchial furrow) ; N, nasal sac ; *, communication between the ventricle of the olfactory lobe and that of the prosencephalon ; Ep, epiphysis ; Jtif, infundibulum ; HH, metencephalon ; ML, medulla oblongata ; b, c, ventricles of the mid- and hind-brain ; o, subdural cavity ; Ch, notochord ; R, spinal cord. by the external gill-passages growing out into long tubes, which unite to form a common duct on either side ; this opens far behind the branchial apparatus on the ventral side of the body. Fishes. — From the Elasmobranchii onwards the gills conic into close relation with the skeletal part of the visceral arches, and in these Fishes they consist of closely-approximated transverse lamina? (Fig. 202), which are firmly attached to both sides of the septa which separate the individual gill-sacs from one another, so that each septum bears gill-laminae on both its anterior and pos- terior surface. The gill-sacs, of which there are usually five (six or seven in Notidanus), usually open separately to the exterior. GILLS. 249 In the Holocephali, however, an opercular membrane is present, and traces of a similar structure are seen in Chlamydoselache. \LH FIG. 202. — HORIZONTAL SECTION THROUGH THE VENTRAL SIDE OF THE HEAD OF A SELACHIAN. (Semidiagrammatic.) The floor of the mouth is exposed. KM, muscles of jaw ; Z, tongue ; Hy, hyoid arch cut through, behind which are seen the five branchial arches, also cut through ; EM, mucous membrane of the mouth ; Oe, oesophagus ; S, S, pectoral arch, cut through ; LH, body-cavity ; KI), body-walls ; the arrows indicate the external apertures of the five branchial sacs. FIG. 203. — HORIZONTAL SECTION THROUGH THE VENTRAL SIDE OF THE HEAD OF Siluris ylanis. (Semidiagrammatic. ) T, T, tentacles ; Zp, Zp1, teeth of the lower jaw ; BM, mucous membrane of the. floor of the mouth ; Oe, oesophagus ; KM, muscles of jaw ; KD, gill-cover, behind which (at the arrow) the common branchial cavity opens. Tn Ganoids and Teleosteans there are no longer chambered gill- sacs. The septa on which the gill-lamina3 are borne become greatly 250 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. reduced, so that the apices of the latter extend freely outwards ; the whole branchial region is moreover covered over by the operculum and branchiostegal membrane (comp. pp. 66 and 69), and thus the gill-slits open into a common branchial chamber, which com- municates with the exterior by a single slit-like aperture on either side (Fig. 203). A< a rule, the Telcostei possess only four gill -bearing visceral arches,1 and this holds g 1 for all Ganoids. A rudimentary gill or pseudobranch is present on both mandihular and hyoid arches of m<>.-t Klasmobruiichs, on the mandibular arch of all Cartilaginous Ganoids (spiracular gills), and on the hyoid of Teleostei, and a more complete hyoidean gill is seen in Acipenser and Lepidosteus: this indicates that all these Fishes formerly possessed a more extensive branchial apparatus than at present. In many Teleostei certain accessory structures are developed in the region of the branchial chamber by a modification of the branchial arches or cavity. These serve to retain the water, and thus the Fish is able to live for some time out of the water (Anabas, Saecobranchus, lleterobranchus, (,'larias, £<•.). External gills are met with in young stages of Elasmobranchii, Holo- cephali, Polypterus, and Cobitis ; these possibly have a nutritive function in connection with the absorption of the yolk. Fishes breathe by taking in water through the mouth, and, by the contraction of the latter, forcing it out again through the gill- slits.2 In this process the gill-arches rise and fall, separating from one another during inspiration, and approximating during expiration. Dipnoi. — These, as their name implies, breathe both by gills and lungs. The branchial apparatus deserves particular attention, inas- much as, in Protopterus (Fig. 54, K\ besides the internal gills situated on the branchial arches, there are also three ex- ternal gills. These are situated on the posterior and upper border of the pectoral arch, to which they are fixed by connective- tissue and vessels, which latter pass to them from the third and fourth arterial arches. As in Ganoids and Teleosteans there is only a single external branchial opening on either side, covered by a somewhat rudimentary operculum. Amphibia. — In all Urodele larva? as well as in the Perenni- branchiata there are three gill-tufts, lying one over the other, and decreasing in size from the dorsal to the ventral side ; these extend backwards, projecting freely to the exterior, and are composed of connective-tissue, unsupported by cartilage. They either have the form of tufts, or they may be delicately branched, showing the most varied arrangements for increasing the respiratory surface. 1 They niiiy 1"' reduced to three, or to two, and even these may liecmne moiv or !<'.>s ruilimriitai \ . 2 In I'rtrniiiy/on, when holding on by its suctorial mouth, inspiration as well da expinit ion takes place tlirnii^li tlie gill-apertures. AIR-BLADDER. 251 These external gills are acted on by a complicated system of muscles, and are covered by ciliated epithelium, which serves to keep up a continual current in the surrounding medium. In the Axolotl and in the larva) of Salamanders there are four, and in Menobranchus and Proteus only two gill-clefts perforating the pharynx. The former thus show a more primitive condition, while in the latter these structures have become reduced. There is always only a single external opening covered over by an opercular-like fold of skin. In the Derotremata the gills disappear entirely, but the gill-aperture between the third and fourth branchial arches persists. The external gills present at first in Anura soon disappear, and their place is taken by internal gills. By the growth of the opercular folds, the external respiratory aperture of either side becomes gradually reduced in size, and the two branchial chambers come eventually to open by a single aperture, which is situated either in the median ventral line, or laterally. In the larvae of Notodelphys and of Caecilia compressicauda bran- chial vesicles are developed, covered over by a vascular respiratory network ; in the former these are bell-shaped, and in the latter they have an irregular sac-like form. In the embryo of Epicrium glutinosum, a feather-like and highly-vascular gill-tuft arises on either side ; these are of unequal length, and they move continually backwards and forwards in the egg-albumen. In certain Batrachia, the broad and richly vascular swimming-tail lying against the egg-membrane may serve as a larval respiratory organ. Thus we arrive at the result that the gills of Vertebrates may be divided into four groups, which show no direct connection with one another. The first kind is seen in Amphioxus, the second in Cyclostomes, the third in the adults of other Fishes, and the fourth in Amphibians. II. AIR-BLADDER AND LUNGS. 1. THE AIR-BLADDEE, As has already been mentioned, the lungs and air-bladder are developed in a similar manner, and differ only from one another in the fact that the lungs always arise from the ventral side of the primary oesophagus, while this is an exceptional case as regards the air-bladder (Poly pterus, Erythrina) ; that organ is usually formed on the dorsal side. The exact point of origin of the air-bladder from the oesophagus varies, and its duct (duet us pneumaticus) may either remain open throughout life, as in all Ganoids and some Teleosteans (Physostomi), or it may later become reduced to a solid fibrous cord, or even entirely obliterated, as in other Teleostei (Physoclisti). In the latter case there is no communication between the air-bladder and the 262 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. external air, and it is probable that the contained gas is given off from the walls of the air-bladder itself. The air-bladder always lies above the peritoneum on the dorsal side of the body-cavity, between the vertebral column, aorta, and kidneys on the one hand, and the alimentary canal on the other : it is invested by the peritoneum on the ventral side only. It is more or less sac-shaped in form, and is only exceptionally paired (Polypterus) ; it usually extends along the whole length of the body-cavity, and has walls composed of connective, elastic, and muscular tissue. In some Teleostei it is transversely constricted so as to form several successive divisions ; in other cases it may give rise to a more or less numerous series of caecal processes. Its internal surface may be either smooth or spongy, owing to the formation of a meshwork of trabeculaB, the structure of which reminds one of the lungs of Dipnoi and Amphibia. Attention has already been directed to the relations which often exist between the air-bladder and the auditory organ (see p. 207). 2. THE LUNGS. The further development of the primitive lung-sacs is essen- tially similar to that of a branched gland. They gradually increase in size, and the part which connects them with the oesophagus becomes drawn out into a tube, the windpipe or trachea; this bifurcates to form two bronchi, one of which goes to either lung f'D .*•-- Fi<;. 204. — A, B, C, DIAGRAMS SHOWIXC TIIK MODE OF DEVEMITMICXT OK TIM. LUNGS. ]']>, primitive alimentary tube ; S, S1, the lung-sacs, which are at first unpaired : t, trachea ; //, lu-midius. (Fig. 204, S, S1, t, b). In their further growth, the bronchi branch out into finer and finer tubes, and finally end in small vesicles or infundibula, which are made up of a number of alveoli, and are surrounded by blood capillaries, through the thin walls of which the interchange of respiratory gases takes place (com p. Fig. 205). In the course of further development, annular cartilages become developed in this system of tubes : the nibst anterior of these, that AIR-PASSAGES. 253 is, those lying round the glottis or entrance to the trachea (which are phylogenetically the oldest cartilages of the whole apparatus), become differentiated to form a special apparatus, the larynx ; this is regulated by muscles, and has to do with the production of the voice. A 15 (' I) FIG. 205.— DIAGRAM ILLUSTRATING THE PHYLOGENETIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE LUNGS ; A GRADUAL INCREASE OF THE BESPIRATORY SURFACE is SEEN IN PASSING FROM A TO D. The trachea, bronchi, and larynx thus constitute a kind of hollow skeleton for the whole respiratory apparatus, and, as they are formed secondarily, we should naturally expect them to be most developed in the higher types. Air-Passages. Amphibia. — The first traces of cartilaginous supports to the glottis are seen in Urodeles, there being no skeletal elements in this region in Dipnoans (Protopterus). At the same time, dilator and constrictor muscles appear round the glottis. In Dipnoi, Salamandridse, and An ur a, there is no proper trachea, but only a short laryngo-tracheal chamber leading from the larynx to the lungs ; in the two last-mentioned groups this is supported by cartilages. A definite trachea is, however, present in Siren, Amphiuma, and the Gymnophiona ; it reaches a length of 4 to 5 or more centimetres, and its wall is strengthened by a series of small irregular cartilages, which usually tend to unite into bands : only in the Gymnophiona, however, do these bands begin to take on the form of half-rings, and to surround the trachea more or less completely. In Anura a considerable advance is noticeable, as a highly differentiated larynx is present in them. This is regulated by a well-developed series of muscles, and is provided with vocal cords, the sound produced by which is often intensified by the presence of vocal sacs developed from the floor of the mouth. The laryngo- tracheal chamber of Rana esculenta lies between the posterior cornua of the hyoid (thyro-hyals), and is supported by a thin car- tilage on either side of the glottis (Fig. 206, Co), as well as by a ring-shaped cartilage, from which delicate processes pass backwards to the roots of the lungs (Fig. 206, Cll — C74). The former correspond 254 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. to the arytenoids, and the latter to the cricoid cartilage of higher Vertebrates. These are all firmly united to one another by FIG. 200. — CARTILAGINOUS SKELETON OF THE LARYNOO-TRACHEAL CHAMBER OF Ranaesculenta. (A, from above ; P>, from the side.) Ca, Ca, arytenoid cartilage ; (7.7.1 to C.I.4, cricoid cartilage ; Sp, process of tLe latter ; P, plate-like broadening out of the ventral part of the cricoid ; SP, glottis ; ***, three tooth-like prominences of the aryteuoid.s. connective-tissue, the vocal cords being situated on the inner surfaces of the arytenoids. Reptiles. — The larynx of Reptiles is supported by cartilaginous elements comparable to those of Anura, there being two sets of J) Fi<:. 207. — LARYNX OF Phyllodactylus europceus. (A, skeleton, and 15, musculature of larynx.) Ar, arytenoids; Cc, cricoid; S, anterior median process of cricoid ; S\ sphincter; D, dilator ; T, trachea ; Of,, basi-hyal. cartilages, a paired arytenoid, and a ring-shaped cricoid (Fig. 207, Ar, Cc). AIR-PASSAGES. 255 No considerable advance in structure is, however, seen ; there is even a reduction noticeable as regards the musculature, for as a rule, only a single dilator and constrictor are present (Fig. 207, D, Sl), instead of several, as in the Frog. One point, however, must be specially noticed, viz., the close connection which obtains between the larynx and the hyoidean apparatus — more particularly the dorsal surface of the basi-hyal. In Crocodiles and Chelonians, for instance, the larynx is firmly embedded in a shallow depression of the latter, and it seems probable that the thyroid cartilage of Mammals has been derived from a part of the body of the hyoid. A well-developed trachea, always supported by enclosing cartilages, is present in all Reptiles, but the cartilages are not in all cases fused together to form complete rings. The walls of the bronchi are also usually provided with cartilaginous supports. Birds. — In Birds there are two larynges, an upper and a lower. The former lies in the usual position behind the tongue on the floor of the pharynx, and is plainly homologous with that of other Vertebrates, though it is incapable of producing sound. This is owing to the fact that both its skeleton and muscles are obviously undergoing a retrogressive metamorphosis. The lower larynx, or syrinx, is of much greater interest ; it is usually situated at the junction of the trachea and bronchi, or more seldom at the lower end of the trachea alone or on the bronchi alone. It functions as the organ of voice, and appears first in, and is restricted to, Birds, no traces of a syrinx, which might be expected, being found in Reptiles. In the most usual form, or broncho-tracheal syrinx, there is a moveable connection between the most anterior bronchial rings, with which a compli- cated system of muscles is connected ; these, by their contraction, cause a stretching or relaxing of certain vibratory membranes (membrana tympaniformis interna and externa). The lower specially modified end of the trachea also plays an impor- tant part as a " tympanum," which attains a relatively enormous development in some Water-Birds (e.g., the male Duck), where it gives rise to a bony vesicle which serves as a resonance cavity. The length of the trachea in Birds varies greatly, and its complete cartila- ginous rings show a great tendency to become ossified. In some cases (e.g. the Swan and Crane) it extends into the hollow keel of the sternum, where it becomes more or less coiled, and then again passes out close to its point of entrance, and enters the body-cavity. In certain representatives of the family of Sturnidse it extends between the skin and the muscles of the thorax, and there gives rise to numerous spiral coils. Mammals. — The larynx of Mammals is distinguished from that of all other Vertebrates by the following characters : there is always a very marked differentiation of the muscles, the constrictors always exceeding the dilators in number; and an epiglottis and a thyroid cartilage are constantly present. 256 COMPAK ATI YE AN ATOM Y. A B -7V Tr FIG. 208. — LARYNGES OF VARIOUS MAMMALS. A, larynx of Deer, seen from the left side ; B, longitudinal section through the larynx of the Fox ; C, larynx of the Howling Monkey (Mycctes ursinits), from the left side ; D, larynx of Chimpanzee (Simia troglodytes), from the ventral side. Tr, trachea ; Ctr, cartilaginous rings of the trachea ; S, mucous membrane of the trachea and tongue ; Or, ventral, and CV1, dorsal plate of the cricoid ; Ct, Ct\ thyroid cartilage ; oh, uh, anterior and posterior cornua of the latter ; Oa, ary- tenoid cartilage ; pm, processus muscularis of the latter ; Ep, epiglottis ; H, body of hyoid ; It, lesser, A1, greater cornua of the hyoid ; Lt, crico-thyroid ligament ; AffJi, thyro-hyoid ligament ; M, laryngeal pouch, which shows ail enlargement att ; /, ;?, 3, the three resonance-cavities of Simia troglodytes : uni. suhmucous tissue with muscles ;, genioglossus muscle ; Z, tongue. LUNGS. 257 The epiglottis serves as a protection to the aperture of the glottis, and its form varies much ; occasionally it may undergo degeneration. The thyroid cartilage, which, as already mentioned (see p. 255), is probably to be derived from the visceral skeleton, is originally paired (Monotremes). In higher types, it forms a cartilaginous capsule which encloses the cricoid and arytenoids l on the ventral side. The thyroid serves as a point of origin and insertion for important muscles which stretch the vocal cords. The vocal cords extend between the thyroid and the ary- tenoids, and the mucous membrane above them becomes in- voluted to form the laryngeal pouches. In Anthropoids, and certain other Monkeys, these may reach such a large size that they serve as resonance cavities, and come to lie partially within the body of the hyoid, which is swollen to form a large bony chamber (Fig. 208, D, 1, 2, 3}?- The folds of mucous membrane bounding the pouches of the larynx anteriorly are spoken of as false vocal cords ; these are not present in all Mammals. An interesting adaptation for the method of lactation is seen in the larynx of Marsupial embryos, in which it becomes elongated so as to extend up- wards into the internal nostrils, where it is firmly embraced by the soft palate. Thus respiration can go on freely while the milk passes down the oesophagus on either side of the larynx. In Cetacea (e.g. Phocoana) a similar arrangement is observable, and is here adapted for the aquatic life of the animal. In many other Mammals the epiglottis is embraced by the soft palate, so that feeding and respiration can go on without interfering with one another. The Lungs in a more Restricted Sense. Dipnoi. — In Ceratodus, the lungs form a wide unpaired sac, without any trace of a dividing septum, while in other Dipnoi they are distinctly paired posteriorly, though single anteriorly. They extend through the whole length of the body-cavity, and are covered by the peritoneum only on the ventral surface : the mucous membrane lining them forms bands and networks similar to those seen in the air-bladders of many Fishes (e.g. Lepidosteus).3 Amphibia. — The lungs of Menobranchus and Proteus remain at a lower stage of development than those of the Dipnoi, 1 The cricoid may be complete or incomplete ventrally, and its dorsal portion usually becomes raised to form a broad plate which articulates with the arytenoids (Fig. 208, Cr, Crl, Co). Each of the latter often gives rise to an outgrowth an- teriorly, which, becoming separated from it, forms a cartilage of Santorini. A further independent cartilage (cartilage of Wrisberg) is sometimes present in the aryepiglottidean fold. 2 In the Gorilla the resonance vesicle extends above the sterno-cleido-mastoideus, and reaches backwards as far as the shoulder and pectoralis major. 3 It is worthy of remark that Lepidosteus, like many other Fishes, comes to the surface and appears to swallow air, but it cannot be stated whether its air-bladder has any important respiratory function until the relations of the blood-vessels are known. S 238 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. inasmuch as their internal surface is perfectly smooth, and has, therefore, a much smaller superficial extent. They consist of two delicate elongated sacs, of unequal length, and constricted in their middle ; in Proteus they extend much further backwards than in Meuobranctms. A difference in length between the two lungs is seen also in other Amphibia, such as Amphiuma and Siren lacertina, in which the two cylindrical lungs lie near together, close to the aorta. Their internal surface is raised into a net- work, corresponding with the distribution of the blood-vessels, the meshes of which are much finer in Amphiuma, and still more so in Menopoma, than in Siren. In Salamanders the lungs as a rule are equal in size, and have the form of cylindrical tubes extending backwards as far as the end of the stomach ; their internal surface is more or less smooth. The lungs of Gymnophiona are similar to those of Sala- manders, but the right alone is fully developed, and this shows in its interior a complicated trabecular network : the left is only a few millimetres long. A similar abortion of one lung is also seen in Snakes, and in both cases has to do with the elongated form of the body (cp. the note below). The wide, elliptical lungs of Anura are quite symmetrical. Their internal surface, which is partly lined by ciliated epithelium, is raised up into a rich respiratory network of trabeculae, and numerous smooth muscular fibres are present in their walls. Reptiles. — In Reptiles, as in all other air-breathing Verte- brates, the form of the lungs is to a great extent regulated by that of the body. In the higher types, such as the Chelonia and Crocodilia, their structure is much more complicated than in Amphibia; this complication finds expression in a very con- siderable enlargement of the respiratory surface. With the ex- ception of the thin-walled lungs of Lizards, which retain a very primitive condition, we no longer meet with a large central cavity, but the organ becomes penetrated by a branched system of bronchi, giving it the character of a tubular and sponge-like mesh- work.1 Thus the phylogenetic stages of development are here again repeated ontogenetically. The lungs of the Chameleon present a very curious modification. Tho anterior portion is much UK ire compart and spongy lh;m ihr posterior, which grows out into numerous sac-like processes, some of which reach as fur hack as the pelvic region ; their form is very variable, being spindle-shaped, dub- shaped, or tabulated, and their walls are very thin ; they extend in amongst the viscera wherever there is room. If these processes have any respiratory function. it is at most only a very slight one. An indication of a .similar arrangement 1 The lung of Snakes exhibits an internie.liaie form, for, in spite nf (lie linely- nieshed tissue arising fnmi the periphery, it Mill ivt:iins a narrow mitral cavity. As already mentioned, only the right lung ia a> a rule fully developed in Snakes and Ampii isbjen i a us, ownc.; to the elongated form of tlio body, while tin- left remain-; in a rudimentary eomliiion. or even disappears entirely. LUNGS. 259 is seen in the lungs of Testudo, in which a single thin-walled process extends backwards to the pelvic region. These processes seem to foreshadow a con- dition which reaches its highest development in Birds. A uniform ground-plan is to be observed in the arrangement of the intra-pulmonary bronchial system through the whole series of the Amniota, from Crocodiles onwards. A continuation of the bronchus, which is almost straight, always passes through the lang to its posterior end. This may be called the main bronchus; from it a series of lateral bronchi arise. The important and typical relations of the latter to the main trunk of the pulmonary artery and vein in Mammals, will be described later (p. 263) : it is not yet known whether a similar arrangement obtains in Chelonians, Crocodiles, and Birds. Birds. — The respiratory apparatus of Birds presents so many remarkable peculiarities, both in the structure of the lungs and the presence of air-sacs, that it must be considered in some detail.1 LUNGS AND AIR-SACS OF BIRDS. "When the ventral body-walls of a Bird are removed, the heart, stomach, liver, and intestines, are seen pressed towards the mid-line, and on either side of them a tightly-stretched fascia, the oblique septum, is observable, which shuts them off from a paired lateral sub-pulmonary chamber (Fig. 209, Other chambers are situated in the anterior thoracic region, ventral to the lungs, which latter lie close against the vertebral column and the heads of the ribs, by which they are impressed : others, again, are seen in the region of the heart and in the posterior part of the abdominal cavity. These chambers are occupied by the air-sacs, the development and physiological function of which will be described later on. The most posterior chamber on either side encloses an abdominal (posterior) air-sac (Fig. 209, r.Abrf.S., l.Abd.S). In Apteryx, this is completely closed in by the oblique septum, but in other Birds it gives rise to a large diverticulum which extends between the corresponding kidney and the body-walls, and even into the latter, as well as between the pelvic muscles. Its volume is naturally dependent upon the state of distension of the viscera at the time. In front of this there are two air-sacs lying above and externally to the oblique septum, and constituting the main part of the sub-pulmonary chamber ; these may be called the anterior and posterior intermediate sacs (Fig. 209, f, ft)- A transverse dividing- wall (s1) lies between these two, at the level of the coeliac artery, and a second septum (s) shuts off the anterior intermediate sac from the one lying in front of it, to be described presently. The posterior intermediate air-sac presents the simplest and most constant relations, and never communicates with any of the neighbouring chambers, as is often the case with the anterior intermediate. A pair of prebronchial air sacs lies on either side of the oesophagus above the bronchus, anterior to the hi him of the lung (Fig. 209, C, C), and below this a sub-bronchial sac is situated, which is separated behind from tEe anterior intermediate sac by a septum (Fig. 209, s). This is usually 1 For Figs. 209 and 210, as well as for many of the details in the above description, we are indebted to Professor H. Strasser of Freiburg in Baden, who has kindly allowed ns to make use of the manuscript of a paper which is not yet published. The terms used are those of Professor Huxley. s 2 260 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. T Ifcd Cd Aa r.AM.S. Fie. 209. — ABDOMINAL VISCERA AND A HI-SACS OF A DUCK AFTER THE REMOVAL OF THE VENTRAL BODY- WALL. (From an original drawing by H. Strasser.) T, trachea ; II, heart, enclosed within the pericardium ; rL, IL, right and left lohes of liver ; hit, suspensory (falciform) ligament, ;md /<•'/, /<•*, right and left coronary ligament of the liver ; D, intestine ; /', pedoralis major ; pa, pv, pectoral artery and vein ; S, subclavius muscle ; Cd, coraeoid ; /'', furcula ; Ifcd, coraco-fureular ligament ; Ly, Lg^-, lung ; r.Abd.S, l.Abd.S, right and left abdominal (posterior) aii -sac;, the fibrous oblique septum ; ft, posterior intermediate air-sac ; t, anterior intermediate air-sac ; s1, s1, partition-walls between these sacs ; s, s, partition-walls between the anterior intermediate air-sacs and the unpaired sub-broiiehial sac-, lying in the anterior part of the body-cavity; r, portion of anterior wall of latter; p, axillary sac lying between the coraeoid, scapula, and the anterior ribs, and communicating with the sub-bronchial air-sac; (', 0, prebronchial sacs; *, point of entrance of the bronchi into the lung; Ap, pulmonary artery ; ../•' and /', }>). The lower surface of each lung is closely invested by a thin fibrous membrane, the pulmonary aponeurosis,1 into which arc inserted a variable number of muscular bands (costo-pulmonary muscles). These arise from the vertebral ribs, and are supplied by the intercostal nerves (Fig. 210). The main bronchus (mesobronchium) runs close to the ventral surface of the lung surrounded by the lung parenchyma, ami extends to its posterior end, win-re, as a rule, it open- directly into the al>d<>minal air-sac (Fig. 210, au). From it a large lateral bronchus branches oif, which opens int. i the posterior intermediate sac by oneortwn <., «.), and, as a rule, even the left of these disappears, only the right remaining. This eparterial bronchus, whether developed on one or on both sides, may change its position on the main bronchus so as to arise from the trachea.3 In by far the greater number of Mammals then, the left epar- terial bronchus has disappeared, while the right is retained ; this 1 The pneumaticity of the bones is not a special peculiarity of Birds : amongst Mammals, frontal, maxillary, and sphenoidal sinuses are present in Anthropoids, Elephants, and Marsupials for instance ; the skull of Crocodiles is also strongly pneumatic. All these sinuses communicate with one another, and also with the tym- panic cavity. They are in many cases developed in order to give a greater surface for the attachment of muscles, and also to effect a saving of material and a lightening of the skull. 2 The pulmonary artery passes backwards between the roots of the hyparterial bronchi, while the corresponding vein runs along the ventral side of the main bronchus (Fig. 211, A, V). 3 The left eparterial bronchus may also disappear (Hystrix), and thus the ter- minal stage of a process begun in Birds is reached. It is difficult to find an explana- tion for 'these facts ; they may possibly have something to do with the gradual disappearance of the cervical and lumbar ribs, in connection with the shortening of the thorax (comp. p. 51). 264 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. is the case, for instance, in Man. It leads to the following conclusions. As the anterior lobe of the right lung belongs to the eparterial and that of the left lung to the first hyparterial bronchus, these lobes ce FIG. 211. — DIAGRAM OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE BRONCHI IN MAMMALS. (From the ventral side. ) a, a, eparterial bronchus of either side ; b, series of ventral, and c, of dorsal hyparterial bronchi ; A and V, pulmonary artery and vein. are evidently not homologous, the middle right lobe corresponding much more nearly to the anterior lobe of the left side. Thus there is a want of symmetry between the right and left sides, the right lung retaining one element more than the left. The formation of lobes, which always begins at the anterior end of the lung, is of less fundamental importance as regards the structure of the lung than is the arrangement of the bronchial system, as a single lateral bronchus is present to each lobe. Thus it follows that what has hitherto been known in human anatomy as the inferior (posterior) lobe does not correspond to a true lobe, but represents the main axis of the lung, enclosing the main bronchus. In the description of the peritoneum (p. 208), attention has already been directed to the fact that the thoracic cavity is lined by a serous membrane, the pleura. As in the case of the peritoneum, a parietal and a visceral layer may be distinguished ABDOMINAL PORES. 265 (Fig. 212, P, P1) : the latter is spoken of as the pulmonary ple°ura, the former as the costal pleura. Towards the middle line, the pulmonary pleura of either side is reflected so as to form a septum between the right and left thoracic cavities. This septum tn - FIG. 212. — DIAGRAM OF THE PLETJRAL AND PERICARDIAL CAVITIES OF MAMMALS, FOUNDED ON THE RELATIONS OF THESE PARTS IN MAN. (A, horizontal section ; B, transverse section. ) Tr, trachea ; Br, bronchi ; L, L, lungs ; H, heart ; W, vertebral column ; P, parietal, and P1, visceral layer of the pleura ; t t, points at which these pass into one another at the hilum pulraonalis (Hi) ; m, mediastinum ; PC, Psl, parietal and visceral layers of the pericardium ; _ff, ribs (wall of thorax) ; S, sternum. is called the mediastinum (Fig. 212, m), and the space between its two layers the mediastinal space: through this, the aorta, oesophagus, and postcaval vein run, and in the region of the heart, the mediastinum is reflected over the parietal layer of the peri- cardium (see p. 268, and Fig. 212, PC). There is a lymphatic fluid between the two layers of the pleura, which renders the movements of the lungs smooth and easy. ABDOMINAL PORES. By the term abdominal pores is understood a perforation — almost always paired — of the posterior end of the peritoneal cavity, which puts the coelome into direct communication with the exterior.1 These pores are present in Cyclostomi, Elasmo- branchii, certain Teleostei, Dipnoi, Chelonia, and Croco- dilia. The perforations always take place through the ectoderm, close to the apertures of the urinogenital organs and intestine ; each is either situated on a papilla, or in the walls of the cloaca. It can only be stated positively as regards the function of the abdominal pores, that in Cyclostomes and a few other Fishes they serve to conduct the generative products to the exterior. As in the rest of the Vertebrata special ducts are present for this purpose, 1 Other connections of the ccelome with the exterior (nephrostomes of Anamnia and oviducts of all Vertebrata) will be mentioned later on (see pp. 297, 300, and 302). 260 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. B DI:D RF C Fn;. 213. — ABDOMINAL I'OKKS or VAKIOVS VF.KTKBKATKS. (A, C}-clostome ; B, Elasraobranch ; C, Protopterus ; D, Spatularia.) A, anus ; Pa, /X PC, abdominal pores ; Pp, papilla ; AT, cloacal pockets ; UG and ,/, urinogeniiid apertures ; L, L, lip-like margin of cloaral aperture; <'/;, cloaca ; DED, longitudinal folds of the rectum, which end sharply at /,'/': i. point at which the n-ctal gland opens; /;/•', pelvic fin; ft, claspers. The arrow in A points towards the he. id, and all the figures are placed similarly to A. In Fig. G, 67 indicates the blind sac of the cloaca, the dorsal wall of which is visihle at D II' ; t, the unpaired apeitnre of the generative ducts ; ED, ED\ the rectum, cut open. The arrow indicates the aperture of the ureters. ABDOMINAL PORES. 267 the persistence of the abdominal pores is difficult to account for ; they must have undergone a change of function. It is as difficult to say what this function is as to explain the fact that they have disappeared in the Amphibia, which are certainly a very ancient group, while they are again met with amongst Reptiles. In Protopterus the abdominal pores open in front of, and in Ceratodus behind the cloaca. In Ceratodus their arrangement is similar to that seen in Elasmobranchs, and they are always paired : in Protopterus, on the contrary, they undergo numerous individual variations ; as a rule only one is developed, and this lies on the same side as the vent — sometimes to the right, sometimes to the left of the middle line, and opens either within or without the sphincter of the cloaca. If both pores are present, they always open within the cloaca, on its dorsal wall, behind the aperture of the rectum. Gegenbaur considers that the abdominal pores are not homolo- gous throughout the series of the Vertebrata, and that they must be considered in relation with other structures — more particularly the generative organs. Rathke and Huxley have pointed out that in the series of the Salmoniclse a gradual disappearance of the oviducts is observable, their function being undertaken by abdominal pores. This would seem to indicate that the abdominal pores present in female Salmonidse are not homologous with those of other Fishes (e.g. Cyclostomi, Elasmobranchii, Dipnoi). BIBLIOGRAPHY. AEBY, CH. — Der Bronchialbaum der Sdugethiere und des Menschen. Leipzig, 1880. AYERS, H. — Untersuchungen iibcr die Pori abdominales. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. IX. 1884. BRIDGE, T. W. — Port Abdominales of Vertebrata. Journ. of Anat. and Physiol. Vol. XIV. FISCHER, J. G. — Anatom. Abhandlungenuber eliePerennibranchiatcnundDerotremen. Hamburg, 1864. FURBRINGER, M. — Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Kchlkopfmuskulatur. Jena, 1875. (Contains also a copious bibliography of the larynx in general.) GEGENBAUR, C. — Bcmerk. ub. die Pori abdominalev. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. X. 1885. HENLE, J. — Vergl. anatom. Besehreibung des Kehlkopfcs. Leipzig, 1839. HUXLEY, T. H.- — On the Respiratory Organs of Apteryx. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1882. On the Oviducts of Osmerus, with remarks on the relations of the Teleostcan to the Ganoid Fishes. Ibid. 1883. KOLLIKER, A.- — Zur Xcnntniss des Baucs der Lungen des Menschen. Verhandl. der mcd. Gesellscli. z. Wurzburg. JST. F. Bd. XVI. (Compare also the text-books of Anatomy of Quain, Aeby, Henle, Krause, &c.) MULLER, J. — On Certain Variations in the Vocal Organs of Passer es. Konig. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin, 1846, 1848. Eng. trans. (Bell), Oxford, 1878. PARKER, T. J. — On some Embryos of Callorhynchus antarcticus. New Zealand Journ. of Science, 1883, and Nature, Vol. XXIX. p. 46. RATHKE, H. — Zur Anatomic der Fische. Arch. f. Anat. ^i,nd Physiol. 1838. SAGEMEHL, M. — Beitrage zur vergl. Anat. der Fische. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. X. 1884. (This includes an account of the anatomy and physiology of the air-bladder.) STRASSER, H. — Die Luftsdcke der Vogel. Morphol. Jahrb. Bd. III. 1877. WIEDERSHKIM, R. — Das Respirations-system der Chamceleoniden. Berichte der Katurforsch. Gcsdhchnft zu Freiburg i/B. Bd. I. Heft III. 1886. H. ORGANS OF CIRCULATION. (VASCULAR SYSTEM.) THE organs of circulation consist of a central organ, the heart, peripheral organs, the vessels, and nutritive fluids, composed of plasma and structural elements (cells),1 the blood and lymph. The latter, which occurs partly within closed canals, partly in various spaces and cavities of the body, and which penetrates all the tissues, will be spoken of later, and the blood- vascular system in its more restricted sense will be treated of first. This consists of a series of completely closed tubes (vessels), which, according as they contain oxygenated or impure blood, are spoken of as arteries or veins. This, however, is not an abso- lute rule, for setting aside the chemical condition of the blood, all vessels which empty their contents into the heart are called veins, while those which arise from the heart are spoken of as arteries. The heart, which is enclosed within the pericardium,2 serves as thefcentral organ of the circulation, and acts both as a suction- pump and a force-pump. It arises, like the entire vascular system, from the mesoblast, either as a single or as a paired tubular cavity ; it originates in the splanchnic layer along the ventral 1 The blood- and lymph-corpuscles are the last results of segmentation in the mesoblast. The first to be formed are white corpuscles, which are nucleated and ama-boid (these are the only kind present rflLlmphioxus) ; the rrd appear secondarily ; whether they originate from the white corpuscles or independently is not known, though the former mode of development seems the most probable. Both primitive red and primitive white corpuscles possess a nucleus, which in the case of the latter persists throughout life, though it is often only visible by means of reagents. In the case of the red corpuscles the nucleus persists, and the whole cell is biconvex in all Vertebrates below Mammals, and, even in these, nucleated red cells may be seen in the marrow of the bones, in the blood of the spleen, and often in that of the portal vein. In all other parts of the body of Mammals they lose their nuclei and become biconcave. In all Mammals, except tin ( 'amelidie, the red corpuscles have the form of circular disks ; in the last-mentioned group and in all other Vertebrates except Cyclostomes they are oval. Siren possesses the largest red corpuscles, then comes Proteus, and then Salamandra ; the smallest are found in the Tragu 1 idee. • The pericardium consists of a parietal and a visceral layer: the former is invested by the mediastinum (see p. 265), and the latter is closely applied to the In-art. VASCULAR SYSTEM. 269 region of the throat, close behind the gill-clefts.1 Thus it is formed from the same blastema as the muscular coat of the alimentary canal, and its wall becomes differentiated into three layers, an outer serous (pericardial), a middle muscular, and an inner epithelial. In this it essentially corresponds in structure with the larger vessels, in the walls of which three layers can also be distinguished.2 By a study of its development we thus see that the heart represents essentially a strongly deve- loped blood-vessel, which at first lies more or less in the longi- tudinal axis of the body ; later, however, it becomes much more complicated by the formation of various folds and swellings. In this manner the folded tubular heart becomes divided into two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle. Between these, valvular structures arise, which only allow the blood to flow in a definite direction on the contraction of the walls of the heart, viz. from the atrium to the ventricle ; any backward flow is thus prevented. ~~J3a. FIG. 214. — DIAGRAM SHOWING THE PRIMITIVE RELATIONS OF THE DIFFERENT CHAMBERS OF THE HEART. Sv, sinus venosus, into which the veins from the body open ; A, atrium ; V, ventricle ; Cn, conus arteriosus ; Ha, bulbus arteriosus. The valves are formed by a process of differentiation of the mus- cular trabeculse of the walls of the heart, as will be explained later on. The atrium, into which the blood enters, represents primi- tively the venous portion of the heart, while the ventricle, from which the blood flows out, corresponds to the arterial portion. The venous end further becomes differentiated to form another chamber, the sinus venosus (Fig. 214, Sv), and the arterial end gives rise distally to a conus or truncus arteriosus; this is provided with more or less numerous valves, and is continued forwards into the arterial vessel, the enlarged base of which is spoken of as the bulbus art eriosus (Ca, Ba). 1 The primitive aortfe arise independently of the heart : they are formed by peripheral (segmentally arranged ?) vascular processes, which pass towards the middle line, and there turn forwards and backwards and become confluent, so as to form longitudinal trunks. '• The walls of the smallest blood-vessels, the capillaries, consist of a single cellular layer, which corresponds to the inner epithelial layer (intima) of the larger vessels. 270 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. This condition of tilings persists throughout life in many Fishes, and is at any rate passed through in the individual development of all Vertebrates. \Vith the appearance of pulmonary respiration, important changes take place in the primitively simple heart, which finally result in the formation of a septum in both atrium and ventricle, and thus lead to the presence of two atria or auricles, and two ventricles : the conus arteriosus and sinus venosus become even- tually incorporated in the ventricles and right auricle respectively. Thus a right (venous) and a left (arterial) half can be distin- guished, and a new vessel, the pulmonary artery, arises from the right ventricle ; this conveys venous blood to the lungs, while special vessels (pulmonary veins) return the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left side of the heart, from which it passes into the general circulation of the body. The gradually increasing complications which occur in passing from the lower tu the higher Vertebrates; will be more easily understood after 1 lie- condition of the circulatiun in the embryo has been considered. THE FCETAL CIRCULATION. In an early stage, the bulbus arteriosus (Fig. 215, B] is continued forwards towards the head by a long unpaired vessel (branchial artery), which gives off right and left a series of symmetrical transverse branches or arches (Al>], each of which runs between two consecutive gill-clefts (KL}. After the first pair has given off branches to the head (carotids), they all unite above the clefts to form a longitudinal trunk on either side (S, S1). These branchial veins give rise further back to the right and left roots of the aorta (RA, RA}. In all Vertebrates the aorta (A) is throughout life the most important artery of the body; it extends backwards along the ventral side of the vertebral axis as a large unpaired trunk, which gives off numerous branches, and forms the caudal artery in the tail (Acd). The vitelline or omphalo-mesenteric arteries (Fig. 215, Am, and Fig. 21 G, R.Of.A, L.Of.A), which are very important up to a certain stage in development, arise from the aorta, and carry blood to the surface of the yolk, whence it is returned by rneansof t he vitelline or omphalo-mesenteric veins (Fig. 210, /;.<>/', L.Of}. In embryos of Fishes these open into a subintes- 1 i na.l vei n, lying on the ventral side of the alimentary tract, and opening into the heart: in the higher forms this vein is repre- sented bv 1 lie caudal vein and the d n ct n s venosus (Figs. ~l\l and 21S, /> D ; the latter passes tl irony, h the liver on its way to the heart, but disappears on the formation of the portal circulation. Before passing into the sinus venosus the blood becomes mixed THE FCETAL CIRCULATION. 271 with the venous blood of the cluctus Cuvieri or precaval sinus (Figs. 215 to 218, Si, S. V, 'DC, D). FIG. 215. —DIAGRAM OF THE EMBRYONIC VASCCLAR SYSTEM. A, A, dorsal aorta ; RA, RA, right and left roots of the aorta, which arise from the branchial vessels, Ab, by means of the collecting trunks (branchial veins), S, /S'1 ; c, c1, the carotid.3 ; Sb, subclavian artery ; KL, gill-clefts ; Si, sinus venosus ; A, atrium ; V, ventricle ; B, bnlbus arteriosns ; Vm, vitelline veins ; Am, vitelline arteries ; Ic, Ic, common iliac arteries ; E, E, external iliac arteries ; All, allantoic (hypogastric) arteries ; Acd, caudal artery ; VC, HC, anterior and posterior cardinal veins ; jS'61, subclavian vein ; D, Cuvierian duct (precaval veins), into which the anterior and posterior cardinals open. The ductus Cuvieri, which runs transversely, is formed on either side by the fusion of the anterior and posterior cardinal veins — two larsfe vessels which bringf back the blood from the 272 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. l. inrsonr-phros (see p. 296), and body-walls (Fig. 215, VC, EC alld Fig. 21G,£0/.r, F.Ca). The antrriiir cardinal ruins, \\ hi< h ivturn UK- blood from the head and .int'TicT portion of the body persist, and ;-i\f ri.-i- 1" the large jugular veins of the adult (coni]>. FL's. -17 t<> L'J'.t1: tin- posterior cardinals soon become largely oblrti-ratrd. and are re-placed by thr a/. v;4»s and vertebral vein:-, and more especially by the postcaval (vma cava posteriory inferior) l-'i':s. :.' 17 to lii'.i . For farther details as to the venous circulation, e.<7. the portal system (which becomes ot.-ibli-hed in Fi.-ljr-; b\- tin- subintestinal v.-iu;. tin- jvadi-r is n-r.-nvd to \'"\£<. 217 to 219. AA FIG. 216. — DIACIIAM OF TIIK rincri.ATioN ov TIIF, Yoi,K-S.\c AT THE END OF Tin: TIIIIMI D\v UK Ixcrr.ATiox IN TIIK CHICK. (After Balfour.) If, heart: AA, the second, third, and fourth aortic arclu-s: the first has become oltliti-ratrd in its nu-dian iiortion, but is cuntiinu-d at its proximal end as the external run.tid, and at its distal md as tin- ind-nial carotid ; Ao, dorsal a black. Tin- \vhnh- i to In- viewed from below. has i.rcn removed tnuii the c<^, and is supposed Hence the left is seen mi the ri^ht, and r/i-yos of all Mammals except Monotremes ;md Marsu]iia Is rcacli this high stage of specialisation. The allantois then no longrr has a, simple sai'-like form, hut becomes solid. The part outside the body of the f'n-tus disappears THE F(ETAL CIRCULATION. J B C 275 FIG. 219, A, B, C. — DIAGRAM OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE PAIRED VENOUS SYSTEM OF MAMMALS (MAN). (From Gegeubaur.) A. — Stage in which the cardinal veins have already disappeared. Their position is indicated by dotted lines. B. — Later stage, when the blood from the left jugular vein is carried into the right to form the single preeaval ; a remnant of the left precaval however still remains. C. — Stage after the left vertebral vein has disappeared, the right vertebral remaining as the azygos vein. The coronary vein remains as the last remnant of the left precaval. /, jugular vein ; cs, precaval, s, subclaviau veins ; c, posterior cardinal vein ; r, vertebral vein ; «:, azygos vein ; cor, coronary vein. FIG. 219, D.— DIAGRAM OF THE CHIEF VENOUS TRUNKS OF MAN. (From Gegenbaur. ) cs, precaval ; s, subclavian vein ; ji, internal jugular ; jc, external jugular ; ax, azygos vein ; ha, hemiazygos vein ; c, dotted line showing previous position of cardinal veins ; ci, postcaval ; r, renal veins ; il, iliac ; liy, hypogastric veins ; h, hepatic veins. The dotted lines show the position of embryonic vessels aborted in the adult. entirely at birth, while the intra-abdominal remains of it give rise in part to a solid fibrous cord, the u radius, and in part to the T 2 276 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. definitive urinary bladder and urethra. Indications of the point of exit of the allantois and vitcllo-intestinal duct (umbilical cord) from the body-cavity can be seen in the adult at the navel, or umbilicus, Avhich represents the last point at which the body-walls become united. PC(CLf) FIG. 220.— DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION THROUGH THE HUMAN GUAVID UTERUS. U, uterus ; T/>, Tb, Fallopian tubes ; UIT, uterine cavity ; Dv, cleeidua vera, which at Pu passes into the uterine portion of the placenta ; 7V, decidna rellcxa ; Pf, f*Y FIG. 223. — DIAGRAM OF THE ARTERIAL SYSTEM OF FISHES. H, heart ; c, c1, anterior and posterior cardinal veins ; a, branchial arteries ; H, capillaries of the branchial vessels ; b, branchial veins ; ce, circulus cephalicns ; ca, carotids ; EA, root of the aorta ; A, dorsal aorta ; E, artery to viscera (cffiliaco-mesenteric) ; N, renal arteries. The heart of Fishes contains venous blood only, which it forces through the branchial arteries (Fig. 223, «•) into the capillaries 280 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. of the gills (72), where it becomes oxygenated, to pass thence into the branchial veins (Fig. 223, 1). The manner in which the aortic roots become formed from the latter has already been described. Dipnoi. — In the Dipnoi, as in Fishes proper, the heart lies far forwards, near the head. In correspondence with the double mode of respiration, by lungs as well as by gills, it reaches a stage of development mid-way between that seen in Fishes and in Amphi- bians. The atrium becomes divided into two chambers by a septum, as does also the ventricle to some extent. The conus arteriosus is FIG. 221.— DIAGRAM OF THE HF.AHT AND BRANCHIAL VESSELS OF CERATODUS. (.Mainly after J. E. V. Boas.) V, ventricle ; A, A1, atria ; Co, conns arteriosns ; Ca and Cp, anterior and posterior cardinal veins ; DC, duetus Cuvicri ; /to IV, branchial arteries ; 1 to 4, branchial veins ; Ca, carotid ; Ap, pulmonary artery ; RE, capillaries of lung ; J'p, pul- monary vein ; RA, roots of the aorta, beginning at t ; Ao, dorsal aorta. 1 \vistrd spirally on itself (Fig. 224, Cu) : in Ceratodus it is pro- vided with c'k'ht transverse rows of valves, and begins to be divided O O into two chambers. In Protopterus this division is complete, so that two currents of blood, an arterial and a venous, pass out from the heart side by side (Fig. 22o, a, I}. (The former comes from the pulmonary vein, from which it passes into the left atrium, thence into the left ventricle, and so to the two anterior THE HEART AND ITS VESSELS. 281 branchial arteries (Fig. 225, /, 77). The venous current, on the other hand, passes from the right ventricle into the third and fourth branchial arteries and thence to the corresponding gills, where it becomes purified ; it reaches the aortic arches by means of the branchial veins (///, IV, 3, 4, RA}~^ The pulmonary artery (Ap) arises from the fourth branchial vein, so that the blood is thus Ao FIG. 225. — DIAGRAM OF THE BRANCHIAL CIRCULATION OF PROTOPTERUS. Co, conns arteriosus, which consists of two divisions, a and b : through 5 pure arterial blood passes to the two anterior branchial arteries (7 and //) ; through a venous blood passes to the two posterior branchial arteries (/// and IV); 3 and 4 indicate the branchial veins and capillaries of the gills ; Ap, the pulmonary artery, present only on the left side (?) ; RA, arch of the aorta ; Ao, aorta ; Ca, carotid. once more purified before it passes by means of the pulmonary vein into the left ventricle. In Ceratodus the lung is supplied with blood from the cceliac artery, and owing to the fact that the longitudinal valve of the conus is incomplete, the blood passing to the two anterior branchial arteries is of a mixed nature (comp. Fig. 224, /, II}. Amphibia. — With the exception of the Gyninophiona, in which it is situated some distance back, the heart in all Amphi- bians lies far forwards, below the anterior vertebras. As in the Dipnoi, there is a more or less complete septum atriorum (that is, the septum is either entire or fenestrated). There are always two fibrous pocket-like atrio-ventrieular valves, which are con- nected with the walls of the ventricle by cords. The cavity of the ventricle is unpaired, and neither in Urodela nor Anura shows any trace of a septum, so that the blood passing out from it must have a mixed character (Fig. 226). The ventricle is usually of a short and compressed form, but is more 282 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. elongated in A m p h i u m a, Proteus, and the Gy mn ophiona. It is continued anteriorly into a conus arteriosus, as in Elasmo- branchs, Ganoids, and Dipnoans; this has usually a slight spiral twist, and possesses a transverse row of valves at either end, as well as a spiral fold extending into its lumen.1 This holds good for the Axolotl, Amblystoma, Salamandra, Amphiuma, and Siren. In others (e.g. Menobranchus, Proteus, Gymno- ]>hiona), retrogression is seen in a lengthening of the conus, the disappearance of the spiral fold, and the presence of only a single row of valves. In Anura, the fold lying within the conus extends so far back that no undivided portion of the cavity is left. The conse- quence of this is that the blood in one section of the branchial J-'K;. -22G. — DIACUAM SIIUWIM; THE CornsK OF THK lii.ooM THROUGH THK HEAUI IN Urodda (A) AND Anura (P>). A, right atrium; A1, left atrium; /', ventricle; tr, uonns arteriosus, divided in Anura (P>) into two portions, tr, tr1 : through tr venous lilnod passes into the pulmonary arteries, Apl, Apl, while through to*1 mixed blood goes to the carotids, ci — cc, aiid to tlic roots of the aorta, KA ; h; lr, pulmonary veins ; ?•, r, pre- and postcavals (only one precaval is indieated) opening into the right atrium. vessels — that from which the pulmonary artery arises — is mainly venous, while the others contain mixed blood (Fig. 226, B) ; for, owing to the spongy nature of the ventricle, there is no time for its contained blood to get thoroughly mixed before it is forced into the conus. As in the Dipnoi, four branchial arteries arise on either side from the short conus in the Amphibia, which — taking as a good type the larva of Salamandra — have the following relations. The three anterior branchial arteries pass to numerous external gill-tufts, where they break up into capillaries (Fig. 227, /, 2, 3}. From the latter three branchial veins (/to //Z) arise, which pass to the dorsal side, and there unite on either side to form the aortic roots. The fourth branchial artery, which is smaller than the others (4}, does not pass to a gill, but to the pulmonary artery, which arises 1 This spiral fold is to be looked upon as derived from a series of fused valves. THE HEART AND ITS VESSELS. 283 from the third branchial vein (Fig. 227, 4, Ap}. The pulmonary artery therefore contains far more arterial than venous blood, and thus the lungs of the Salamander larva, like the air-bladder of Fishes, can have no important respiratory function. The internal carotid (ci) arises from the first branchial vein, towards the middle line, the external carotid (c'c) coming off further outwards. The latter, as it passes forwards, becomes connected with the first branchial arch (1) by net-like anastomoses (t), and these give rise later to the so-called carotid gland1 of the adult, which functions as an accessory heart. Direct connections exist between the second and third branchial arteries and the corresponding veins (see 227, a, a). t . KJC. 227. — THE ARTERIAL AKCHE.S OF THE LARVA OF A SALAMANDER. (Sliglitlj diagrammatic. (After J. E. V. Boas.) tr, conns arteriosns ; 1 to 3, the three liranchial arteries ; / to III, the corresponding •branchial veins ; 4> the fourth arterial arch, which becomes connected with the pulmonary artery (Ap) ; a, a, direct anastomoses between the second and third branchial arteries and branchial veins; ce, external carotid ; ci, internal carotid : t, net-like anastomoses between the external carotid and the first branchial artery, which give rise later to the carotid gland ; UA, aortic roots ; Ao, dorsal aorta. The arrows show the course which the blood takes. Towards the end of the larval period, the second branchial vein increases considerably in relative size, and the fourth arterial arch also becomes larger. By a reduction of the anastomosis with the third branchial vein, the fourth arterial arch furnishes the main amount of blood for the pulmonary artery, and the latter thus contains far more arterial than venous blood. When branchial respiration ceases, the anastomoses between the branchial arteries and veins no longer consist of capillaries, but a direct connection between them becomes established (Fig. 228, 2, 3, 4}- Finally, the connection between the first and second branchial arches disappears, 1 The " carotid gland " loses its character as a rete mirabile (comp. p. 292), and in the adult consists simply of a muscular vesicle with septa in its interior. 284 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. the former giving rise to the carotids and the latter forming the large aortic root (Fig. 228, cc, ci, HA) ; an anastomosis remains throughout life, however, between the fourth arch, which forms the pulmonary artery, and the second and third (Fig. 228). This is the ductus Botalli. The third arch varies greatly in its development ; it may be present on one side only, or even may be entirely wanting. Cl FIG. 228. — ARTERIAL ARCHES OF AN ADULT Salamandra maculosa, SHOWN SPREAD OUT. (After J. E. V. Boas. ) co, tr, conns (truncus) arteriosus ; 1 to 4, the four arterial arches ; cc, external caro- tid ; cd, carotid gland ; ci, internal carotid ; the fourth arterial arch, which gives rise to the pulmonary artery (Ap], has increased considerably in size rela- tively, and is only connected by a delicate ductus Botalli (t) with the second and third arches ; RA, root of the aorta ; ce, cesophageal vessels. In the larva? of Anura there arc also four branchial arteries present on either side, but these are connected with the correspond- ing veins by capillaries only, there being no direct anastomoses (compare Fig. 227, a, ci). The consequence of this is that all the blood becomes oxygenated. In the adult Frog the third arterial arch becomes entirely obliterated, and the first is completely separated from the second. In other points the arrangement is similar to that seen in the Salamander. Reptiles. — As in all Amniota, the heart of Reptiles arises far forwards in the neighbourhood of the gill-clefts, but on the forma- tion of a neck it comes to lie much further back than is the case in the Anamnia.1 The vagus nerve, which supplies the heart, is thus correspondingly elongated, and the carotid arteries and jugular veins also become increased in length. The principal advance in structure as compared with the 1 It lies furthest forwards in most Lizards and in Chcloniuns, while in Ainphis- Iwenians, Snakes, nnd Crocodiles it is situated much further back. THE HEART AND ITS VESSELS. 285 Amphibian heart is seen in the appearance of a ventricular septum, which may be incomplete, as in Lizards, Snakes, and Chelonians, or complete, as in Crocodiles.1 A right and left aortic root or arch (Fig. 229, 0, t and *) are always present, and unite to form the dorsal aorta. Each B FIG. 229. — A, HEART OF Laccrta muralis, AND B, OF A LARGE Varanus, SHOWN CUT OPEN ; C, DIAGRAM OF THE REPTILIAN HEART. V, y1, ventricles ; A, A1, atria ; tr, Trcn, innonii- nl i nate trunk ; 1, 2, first and second arterial arch ; Ap, Ap1, pulmonary artery ; Vp, pulmonary vein ; t and *, right and left aortic arch ; RA, root of aorta ; Ao, dorsal aorta ; Ca, Ca1, carotids ; Asc, As, subclavian arteries ; J, jugular vein ; Vs, subclavian vein ; Ci, postcaval. These three veins open into the sinus venosus, which lies on the dorsal side of the heart, above the point indicated by the letter S. In the diagram C the pre- and postcavals are indicated by Vc, Vc, only one precaval being represented. aortic root may be made up at its origin of two arches, anas- tomosing with one another (Lacerta) (Fig. 229, A, 1, 2), or of one only (certain Lizards, Snakes, Chelonians, and Crocodiles) (Fig. 229, B, HA, RA}. The most posterior arterial arch gives rise to the pulmonary artery (Ap) (comp. also Fig. 221, A, B). 1 A small aperture of communication between the ventricles, the foramen Panizzae, exists in Crocodiles. Near it, between the origin of the left aorta and the pulmonary artery, there is a small cartilage, as in Chelonians. 286 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. The blood from the right ventricle passes into the latter as well as into the left aortic arch, and, according as the septum ventricu- lorum is complete or incomplete, is either entirely venous (Croco- diles) or mixed (other Reptiles, Fig. 229, C). The valves of the heart have undergone a considerable reduction in Reptiles : at the origin both of the aorta and of the pulmonary artery there is only a single row ; this is also the case in all other Aimiiota. Birds and Mammals. — In these, the atrial and ventricular septa are always complete, and there is no longer any mixture of the arterial and venous blood. The ventricles are much larger than -V FIG. 230.\. — HEART OF THE SWAN, WITH THE KIUHT VENTRICLE err OPEN Vw, ventral wall of right ventricle turned on one side, thus putting the atrio-ven- tricular valve — which arises by two muscular folds, a and b — on the stretch ; t, point of insertion of these folds on the ventral wall of the ventricle : above r is the atrio-ventricukr aperture ; ,V, septum ventrieulorum ; *, *, *, the three semilunar valves of the pulmonary artery ; V, left ventricle. Fie 2:'fn;. — Tr.AxsvEitsE SECTION THKornii THE l!n;irr (/'i'j»iocr. Jena'sche Zeiischrift jar NaturwissenschotfUn, lid. XVIII. N. Folge, Bd. XL 1885. BKDHAKH. !•'. K. — Note on the Prw/i/v />/' n,i AntiTior Abdominal r/n of /•'/.•.•//••* mul Ain/iliHiin in tin: Morphol. Jahrb. lid. VI. 1880, lid. VII. 1881, 'and I'.d. VIII. 1882. (i'lMi-KUTZ, ('. — Ui'lirr Her:: tnul T>litt!.-r/,i,/i,' (Physiologische Alithi-ilun^\ 1.SS1. i'riiis ronlains a niasti'rly dt/sc-.ri|itiuii uf tlii' . \iialniny and I'liysinln^y nt- llii- Heart of Anura.) 1,. \VKKSTEK, K. RAY. — OIL /I/' /'.'/••; //; Hi- //<•'/•/ .//" Omithorhynchus '/i,ru . compnrrif //•//// tinw uf Mini mul ///•• HnMiii. //•//// *o»ir Observations mi //*<• /-'w.^' Ovalis. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1882. On the Right Cunlin,- I'nlr,- <>f l-'.<-liii!• ri/x. Ibid. 1885. On tin I!iry< s. "\Ye may hope for confirmation of these views in further researches. URINOGEN1TAL OEGAKS. 297 and only secondarily communicate with the segmental duct (Fig. 23-iA to c, and Fig. 235). Each pronephric and mesonephric tubule is made up of the following portions (see Fig. 234hros\ of Amniota (c.oiup. Fig. 238). UBINOGENITAL OKGANS. U'J'J kidney proper (metanephros1), together with its special duct, the ureter.2 The generative cells, that is, the ova and seminal cells, have a similar origin throughout Vertebrates. They become dif- ferentiated from the peritoneal epithelium. This germinal epithelium arises 011 the dorsal side of the body-cavity, on either FIG. 235.— DIAGRAMMATIC TRANSVERSE SECTIONS OF THE BODY OF A LOWEI: VERTEBRATE, TO SHOW THE RELATIONS OF THE SEGMENTAL ORGANS. (After Hensen. ) The right side of the figure represents a later stage than the left. m, spinal cord ; Sp, ganglion of a spinal nerve ; MP, muscle-plate ; D, wall of intes- tine ; Ch, notochord ; WG, Wolf Han duct ; A, aorta ; K, germinal epithelium ; above K on the left side is seen the peritoneal aperture of a segmental tubule ; Gl, Malpighian capsule, shown on the left side arising as an expansion of a urinary tubule, and on the right in a fully-formed condition, containing a glomerulus, and communicating with the segmental duct by means of the convo- luted tubule ; M, Mullerian duct in process of formation ; X , cellular trabeculae growing out from the Malpighian capsule into the generative gland (K). side of the mesentery, and the adjacent mesoblastic stroma pene- trates into it (comp. Fig. 235, /t). The primitive germinal cells are at first entirely undifferentiated, so that it is impossible to 1 According to the researches of Mikalovics the mesonephros does not disappear, as such, suddenly, but its greater part remains functional together with the metanephros for some time : in Lizards, for instance, it only becomes reduced after the first winter's sleep, that is, in the second year. Thus, to a certain extent, inter- mediate stages exist between the condition of things seen in the Anamnia and Amniota respectively. At one time Amniota must have existed in which the meso- nephros served as the main excretory organ throughout life, but on the appearance of the metanephros it became no longer needed, and was gradually reduced. 2 The metanephric duct arises in the form of a paired canal, which grows out from the Wolffian duct at the point where the latter opens into the cloaca. Its anterior end then comes into relation with a series of segmental tubules, provided with glomeruli, and the posterior end loses its connection with the Wolffian duct, and comes to communicate with the allantois (urinary bladder). 300 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. say which will give rise to spermatozoa, and which to ova, In the course of further development, this differentiation takes place, and the germinal epithelium comes into relation with the meso- nephros, as already mentioned. The final result is the formation of a male or a female generative gland, i.e. a testis or an ovary. The mode of development of the ova and spermato/oa i.s briefly as follows :— Ova. — The cells of the germinal epithelium grow inwards amount the stroma of the ovary in the form of clustered masses: some of these increase in size more than the others, and give rise to the primitive ova, while the smaller cells form an investment or follicle round them, and serve as a nutritive material. The investing cells multiply, and in Mammals a cavity containing ailuid is formed in the middle of each follicle (Graafian follicle) (see Fig. 254) : the main mass of the follicular cells which enclose the ovum ] project, as the discus proligerus (Fig. 254, D), into the cavity of the follicle. When ripe, the ovum, surrounded by its vitelline membrane, comes to the surface of the ovary and breaks through its walls into the abdominal cavity ; it then passes into the Fallopian tube by means of the cilia on the fimbriated aperture of the latter. A certain amount of blood is poured out. through the broken ends of the vessels in the stroma of the ovary into the cavity of the Graafian follicle in which the ovum lay: this " wound " then closes up, and its contained blood undergoes fatty degeneration, and gives rise to a body of a yellow colour, known as the corpus luteum. Spermatozoa. — As in the case of the female, primitive germinal cells can be at first distinguished in the development of the male generative elements. The nucleus of the larger of these gives rise to the main part of the .-o-called "head" of the spermatozoon, while the surrounding protoplasm becomes differentiated to form the motile" tail," which serves as an organ of propulsion. Either each of the primitive germinal cells forms one spermatozoon only, or a division of its nucleus into several portions takes place, and the cell divides up into several spermatozoa. But there is no important difference between these two modes of development, for in both cases we have to do with a simple cell-division. Thus each spermatozoon is really the mor- phological equivalent of an ovum, so that an absolutely similar and equal portion from either parent is concerned in tin- production of the embryo.1 In order to understand the general relations of the urinogenital organs as a whole, we must now consider briefly the canals which carry off the generative products. In Cycles to mi and a very few other Fishes the generative products are simply shed from the ovary or testis into the body- cavity, whence they pass to the exterior by means of the abdo- minal pores (see p. 265). This is probably to be looked upon as the most primitive condition. In all other Vertebrates except bony Fishes, a canal, called the Miillerian duct, is formed in the female. This either becomes split off from the segmental duct (Elasmobranchs, Amphibia), or jiriscs independently as an involution of the peritoneum near the latter (Amniota).2 1 It must lie ]•( •iiii'inl.rivil thitt the process of fertilisation has to do essentially with tin- fusion of tin; nuclei only of the male .-md female cells (Weismann and Van lleneden). (Comp. pp. 3 and 4.) - According to Mikakmcs, the Miillerian duet a rises in the Lizard, Duck, and ('hick ns a solid in* .Midermal rod, and thu- ha.- m igin.-illy no \\itli tin coelome. URINOGEN1TAL ORGANS. 301 In the first case the other product of the segmental duct, or so-called secondary mesonephric duct, serves primarily in the male as the urinogenital duct (Ley dig's duct), and in the female simply as the urinary duct (Figs. 237, 238A and B. w.d, vd, and 240, A, B, If/, linachia vnl-aiis) is made are funned as a secretion uf the urinary tulmles, which undergo a change of function at the Ipivcdin.^-sca.-on. The secretion is mucin, which ergo become.', hard in water URINARY ORGANS. division of the mesoiiephros into an anterior and a posterior section may be observed (comp. Figs. 237, pd, and 238, m.d, w.d, s.t). In FlG. 237. — DlAGKAM OF THE PRIMITIVE CONDITION OF THE KlDNEY IN AN ELASMOBRANCH EMBRYO. (After Balfour. ) , segmental duct : it opens at o into the body-cavity, and its other extremity com- municates with the cloaca ; x, line along which the division appears which separates the segmental duct into Leydig's (Wolffian) duct above, and the Mullerian duct below ; s.t, segmental tubes : they open at one end in the body- cavity, and at the other into the segmental duct. ov FIG. 238A. — DIAGRAM OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS IN AN ADULT FEMALE ELASMOBRANCH. (After Balfour.) m.d, Mullerian duct; w.d, Leydig's (Wolffian) duct; d, ureter ; s.t, segmental tubes : five of them are represented with openings into the body-cavity : the posterior segmental tubes form the mesonephros ; or, ovary. s.f FIG. 238u. — DIAGRAM OF THE ARRANGEMENT OF THE URINOGENITAL ORGANS ix AN ADULT MALE ELASMOBRANCH. (After Balfour.) m.d, rudiments of Mullerian duct ; w.d, Leydig's (Wolffian) duct, marked vd in front, and serving as vas deferens ; s.t, segmental tubes : two of them are represented with openings into the body-cavity ; d, ureter ; t, testis ; nt, canal at the base of the testis ; VE, vasa efferentia ; Ic, longitudinal canal of the Wolffian body. the male, the former comes into connection with the genital gland (Fig. 238B, VE, nt, £), and its tubules open directly into the 304 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Wolffian duct ; while the latter, which persists as the permanent kiduey (comp. note on p. 298), empties its secretion by means of separate ducts into the Wolffian duct, which thus serves to conduct both urinary and genital products. In the female (Fig. 238A) the genital gland has no connection with the Wolffian duct, and the ova pass to the exterior by means of the Mullerian duct. A narrower anterior, and a broader middle and posterior portion can usually be distinguished in the kidneys of Elasniobranchs. The outer border is usually notched, and this, together with the arrangement of the nephro- st macs in the embryo, points to the original segmental arrangement of the organ. The segmental character, however, disappears later on ; in the adult the nephrostonies are without exception much less numerous than the vertebra* of this region, but their number and size varies much in different genera and even in individuals. The kidneys of Sturgeons appear to show many points of similarity to those of Elasniobranchs ; further investigations are, however, necessary before their relations can be fully explained, and the same may be said with regard to the kidneys of Dipnoans and bony Ganoids. In the Dipnoi, the existence of nephrostomes, although not proved, is very probable ; the urinary organ of these animals corresponds to the mesonephros. In Ceratodus, the duct lies freely in a peritoneal fold, while in Protopterus it is embedded in the substance of the kidney. In both forms the kiduey is lobulated ; it is relatively much smaller in Ceratodus than in Protopterus. The lobes do not correspond to the segmentation of the vertebral column. A close examination of the organ which has usually been spoken of as the kidney in Teleostei and Ganoids shows that a larger or smaller portion of it —more particularly the anterior part — consists of an adenoid or lymphoid substance. Amphibia. — In these, the most primitive condition is met with in the Gymnophiona, in which the kidneys (Fig. 239, Ni) consist of long narrow varicose bands, usually extending from the heart to the anterior part of the cloaca, which latter is often much elongated. In the embryo they consist of definite masses, which are arranged segmentally (that is, correspond with the segmentation of the vertebral column), and in each of them a glomerulus, a nephrostome, and an excretory duct can be distinguished (compare Fig. 234A). This condition sometimes persists in the anterior portion of the kidney, while, owing to secondary processes of growth, as many as twenty nephrostomes are later on met with in a single body- segment. The number of nephrostomes in the entire kidney may amount to a thousand or more. As regards the urinary duct and the relations of the entire renal ;ip] to the generative org.-ms. the Gymnophiona in all essential points resemble other Amphibians. URINARY ORGANS. 305 The kidneys of Urodela and Anura lie in the usual position on the dorsal side of the body-cavity ; in the former they are band- like and more extended longitudinally than in the latter, in which f? FIG. 239. — THE ENTIRE VISCERA OF Siphonops annulatus ( ? ) in situ. (The body- wall is slit up along the median ventral line, and its two halves reflected.) Intestinal tract. — Oes, oesophagus ; J/gr, stomach; Dd, Ddl, small intestine; Dda, large intestine ; C7, cloaca ; Bl, BV-, the anterior larger and posterior smaller end of tlie urinary bladder ; Leb, liver ; Bis, gall-bladder ; Pan, pan- creas ; M, spleen ; Per, peritoneum (gastro-hepatic omentum). Urinogenital organs. — Oi\ Ov, ovaries; Mg, Mg, Miillerian ducts (oviducts); Ni, Ni, kidneys ; Ur. ureter. Respiratory organs. — L, well-developed right lung ; Ll, rudimentary left lung ; Tra, trachea. Organs of circulation. — J'e, ventricle; At, atrium; Ba, conus arteriosus ; Ao, aorta ascendens of left side : that of the right is not specially indicated ; -Aod, aorta descendens of left side ; Ap, Ap, pulmonary artery ; Vp, pulmonary vein ; Vn, vein receiving blood from the urinogenital organs, the muscles of the back, and the vertebral canal ; J, jugular vein ; Ci, postcaval ; DC, ductus Cuvieri ; 1"cp, Vep, hepatic portal veins. they are shorter and more compact, and confined to the middle portion of the coelome. In Uro deles they always consist of a narrow anterior, and a x 306 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. broader and more compact posterior portion. The latter gives rise to the functional kidney (Fig. 240, N) while the former becomes connected in the male with the generative organs. Delicate ducts, B FIG. 240. — DIAGRAM OF THE URINOGENITAL SYSTEM OF A MALE (A) AND FEMALE (B) UKODKLE ; FOUNDED ON A PREPARATION OF Triton tceniatus. (After J. W. Spengcl.) Ho, tcstis ; Vc, Vc, vasa efferentia of tcstis, which fall into the longitudinal canal of the Wolftian body, t ; n, collecting tubes of the mcsonephros, which fall into the Wolftian (urinogcnital or Leydig's) duct (lg, / I'd2, vas deferens ; -Ho, testis : Ve, Ve, network of the vasa efferentia ; MG, Mullovian duct, which nnjte.s .with the collecting duct of the kidneys at MG1 ; t, point at which the two collecting - ducts of the kidneys iinite." development.1 Posteriorly, the oviducts open into the cloaca somewhat behind the apertures of the ureters — either separately, or by a common canal. 1 The greater number of Sharks are viviparous. (Concerning the umbilical placenta found in Mu.stelus laevis and Carcharias, comp. p. 12.) The embryos of Mustolus antarcticus are provided with membranes which bear GENERATIVE ORGANS. 313 The test is of Elasmobranchs is always paired and sym- metrical, and usually lies, supported by the mesorchium, towards a -F-iG. 245. — FEMALE URINOGENITAL APPARATUS OF Protoptcrus annedcns. (From the ventral side, natural sue.) (After H. Ayers.) a,, vent ; h.d, rectum ; ffg, apertures of ureters into cloaca ; L, L, lymphoid tissue ; Mg, Miillerian duct ;, abdominal aperture of latter ; N, kidney ; 0, ovary ; pi lung ; V.c.a, postcaval vein ; V.u, urinary bladder. the anterior portion of the body-cavity. The relations of the vasa efferentia to the mesonephros have been already mentioned (comp. pp. 298 and 303, and Fig. 238s), and a somewhat similar arrangement is seen in Lepidosteus. Amongst Ganoids, the female organs of Lepidosteus 1 are formed on the same type as those of the Teleostei, while in cartilaginous Ganoids a more or less incomplete splitting of the segmental duct into a Miillerian and a a^ superficial resemblance to the amnion and chorion of Mammals, but these are both formed from the maternal tissues (T. J. Parker). 1 The cavity within the ovary of Lepidosteus is formed by a fold of peritoneum on either border of the -gland growing towards its fellow, and meeting in the middle line ; into this cavity the ova are shed3 and are carried to the exterior by an oviduct which is probably formed by continuations of these peritoneal folds behind the ovary. A similar mode of development of the oviduct possibly also obtains in Teleostei. 314 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Wolf fian duct takes place (Fig. 244. MG}. The latter probably serves in the male as a urinogenital duct, and in the female as a urinary duct only. Should more complete histological examination confirm these statements, the mode of development of the generative organs of cartilaginous Ganoids will be seen to resemble closely those of Elasmobranchs and Amphibian?. Hermaphrodite structures have been observed in certain Fishes : in the different species of S err an us, for instance, they are constantly present. Hennaphroditism also occasionally occurs in Sargus, Gadus morrhua, and many others. In the Dipnoi, the gonads and their ducts lie along the outer border of the kidneys. During the breeding-season they become greatly enlarged, and extend round the entire gut. The oviducts are long and slightly coiled, reminding us in many points of those of Amphibia : each communicates with the body-cavity by a funnel- shaped aperture near the pericardium, and is provided with a well- developed albumen gland. The ovaries undergo the greatest variations according to age and the time of year. In the unripe condition they have the form of long and narrow bands, which extend along the whole body-cavity. In the young Ceratodus they are distinctly lobulated, and in both Ceratodus and Proto- pterus each ovary of the adult has the form of a thin-walled sac, in the inner walls of which the ova are developed. The eggs are shed into the body-cavity by the bursting of the walls of the sac, and they pass thence into the oviducts. In the male, the manner in which the sperm is conducted to the exterior is not certainly known : it may possibly pass out through the abdominal pores. The Mullerian ducts, although less developed than in the female, are clearly present in the male. The structure of the testis requires further investigation. Amphibia. — The gonads of Amphibia are usually situated in about the middle of the body-cavity : they are paired and symme- trical, and lie right and left of the vertebral column ; their form is usually modified by the shape of the body. Thus in the Gymno- phiona (Fig. 239, Ov), the ovary has the form of a long and narrow band, while the testis is made up of a long chain of small bodies united together by a collecting duct (Fig. 246, Ho, Sg}. Each individual portion of the testis of Caecilians is made up of a double row of rounded capsules (Fig. 246, K], in which the sperm is formed, and from which it is passed into a collecting duct (Sg), which perforates each portion of the organ. A transverse canal (Q) is given off from the free portion of the collecting duct lying between every pair of testis lobes; this passes towards the kidneys (N,N], and opens into a longitudinal canal (Z). From the latter the sperm passes through a second system of transverse canals (Ql, Q1} to the Malpighian capsules, and thence through the urinary tubules into the urinogenital duct (HS). The male generative apparatus of all Urodela and certain Anura (Bufonidoe), corresponds in the main with the arrange- GENERATIVE ORGANS. 315 -ES FIG. 246. — DIAGRAM OF A PORTION OF THE MALE GENERATIVE APPARATUS OF THE GYMNOPHIONA. Ho, Ho. testis ; Sg, collecting duct of testis ; K, K, testicular capsules ; Q, Q, transverse canals connecting the collecting duct with the longitudinal canal (L, L) ; Ql, Q1, second series of transverse canals ; M, M, Malpighian capsules ; N, N, kidney ; ST, nephrostome ; S, convoluted portion of urinary tubule ; Hti, urinogenital duct. Ur FIG. 247. — TESTIS AND ANTERIOR END OF KIDNEY OF Eana, csculcnta. (Seiuidiagramruatic. ) t testis ; q, q, transverse canals of the testicular network, which give rise to blind processes at ft ; L, longitudinal canal of the testicular network, from which the inter-renal network (C, C) arises ; N, kidney ; Ur, urinogenital duct. 316 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. ment which has already been described iu the chapter on the urinary organs (see p. 306). The external form of the testis, however, varies greatly, and is either pointed at one or both ends (Fig. 240, A, Ho), or more or less round or oval (Anura). In Rana, Bombinafor, and Alytes the vasa ell'eivntia of the testis become gradually separated from the kidney, that is, they either open directly into the urinogenital duct, without becoming connected with the urinary tubnles (Rana) (Fig. 247, C, £>), or the greater number of tin- posterior canals end blindly, while only thr anterior ones are directly connected with the urinogenital duct (Bombinator). In Alytes, those vasa efferent ia at the anterior end of the kidney which possess a lumen open into the Miillerian duct: this is a very special condition, and is not known to occur in anv other animal. The urinary duct, which comes off from the posterior end of the kidney also opens into the Miillerian duct, the portion of which anterior to this point serves as a vas deferens, while its posterior part functions as a urinogenital duct. In all Other Amphibians, Miillerian ducts are always present, but in the male they always remain in a more or less rudimentary condition, and lie along the outer border of the kidneys in a similar position to those of the female. They may or may not be provided with a lumen and apertures of communication with the body-cavity and cloaca. Hermaphroditism occasionally occurs amongst the Anura. In the males of Rana temporaria " ova" are at times developed, embedded within the sub- stance of the testis (Hermaphrodite gland, or ovotestis), and one testis may even be replaced by a rudimentary ovary. In these cases, the Miillerian duct may be as well developed as in the female. A body attached to the anterior end of the testis in various species of Toads (" Bidder's organ ") also apparently represents a rudimentary ovary. The ovaries of Urodela are always formed on a common plan. Each consists of an elongated closed tube, with a con- tinuous lumen. In Anura, on the contrary, the ovarian sac (Fig. 248, 0-v) is divided up into a longitudinal row of (3 to 20) separate pockets or chambers. In both cases a mesoarium is always well developed, and there is no direct connection between the ovaries and oviducts. The latter open far forwards into the body-cavity by funnel-shaped apertures (Od, Ot}, and at a con- siderable distance from the anterior ends of the kidneys: they take a tolerably straight course along the outer borders of the kidneys to the cloaca in young animals, but become greatly coiled and convoluted in the adult (Fig. 248, Od}. A short dis- tance from their termination each oviduct becomes dilated to form a thin-walled sac, and, after becoming again narrowed, usually opens separately on a papilla on the dorsal wall of the cloaca (Fig. 248, Ut, P}. In the genera Bufo and Alytes alone, the two oviducts fuse together into a posterior unpaired canal. After receiving a gelatinous coat ing from the glandsin the wall of the middle p;trt of the oviduct, the eggs pass into the dilated portion of the duct, and become united together into irregular masses (Frog) or chains (Toad).1 1 Acomling to P. B. and C. F. Sarasin, Epic i i u m gl u I iiiosum (tiymnonhiona) is oviparous. The eggs are very similar to those of Sauropsida : they arc exception- ally large (9mm. long), of an oval shape, ami possess a large yolk, which is light- GENERATIVE ORGANS. 317 Finally, the so-called fat- bodies (corpora adiposa) must be mentioned : these are present in all Amphibia in connection with the generative glands, and are formed of adenoid substance, fat, and leucocytes, and contain numerous blood-vessels. They are apparently formed by the degeneration of the anterior part of the genital ridge, and " Bidder's organ " (see p. 316) in the Toad seems to represent a part of the ridge which has not become degenerated so far. The corpora adiposa probably have an important physiological (nutritive) relation to the generative glands ; this gives an explanation of the fact that Amphibians, after remaining for months, throughout their winter sleep, with- out food, are able as soon as spring arrives to give rise to thousands of offspring. The curious lymphoid organs of many Fishes and Eeptiles have probably a similar function (comp. pp. 304 and 320, and Fig. 24n). FIG. 248. — URINOGENITAL OKGANS OF A FEMALE liana esculcnta. Ov, left ovary (that of the right side is removed) ; Od, oviduct ; Of, abdominal aperture of oviduct ; Ut, the dilated posterior end of the oviduct ; P, opening of latter into the cloaca ; N, kidneys ; S, Sl, apertures of ureters into the cloaca, sur- rounded by longitudinal folds (*), which are separated by a deep depression (t). Reptiles and Birds. — In these, as in other animals, the form of the gonads becomes modified by that of the body. Thus in yellow in colour, and consists of both yellow and white granules. They are coated with a tough albumen in the oviduct, and this becomes drawn out at the poles into chalazae, by means of which the eggs are connected together like the beads of a necklace. The}' are laid in the earth, and the mother coils herself round them. 318 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Chelonians they are broad, while in Snakes and snake-like Lizards they are more elongated. In the latter cases, as well as in other Lizards, they are asymmetrical, so that the organ of one side comes B- OdJ FIG. 249. — FEMALE UKINOGF..XITAL APPARATUS OF Laccrta muralis. N, kidneys ; Ur^, apertures of the ureters into the cloaca (Cl) ; B, urinary Madder ; B1, neck of the latter (cut open) ; 7', ivctnin ; fil, opening <>f r itnin into the cloaca ; Ov, ovaries ; t, remains of mcsoncphros : (>d, oviducts, which open into the cloaca at Odl ; Ot, abdominal openings of oviducts. to lie in front of that of the other. More room is thus obtained for the development of the ovaries, and, in cases where the eggs are very large, the organ of one side tends to disappear; in Birds, GENERATIVE ORGANS. 319 for instance, the left ovary only is completely developed and functional. In Reptiles the ovaries lie near the vertebral column, and are covered by peritoneum ; their lumen is penetrated by a highly vas- cular network of trabeculse, enclosing the ova. In the lymph- cavities thus formed the formation of ovarian follicles takes place. The develoDinent of follicles occurs throughout life in Reptiles, as FIG. 250. — MALE UKINOGENITAL ORGANS OF Anguis frayilis. (After F. Leydig.) Ho, testis ; f, the so-called "yellow body" (suprarenal); Ep, parorchis ; Vd, vas deferens ; p, p, common aperture of the ureter (Ur, Url) and vas deferens on a papilla on the dorsal wall of the cloaca (Cl) ; B, urinary bladder ; r, rectum ; N, kidney ; ing, rudiment of the Mullerian duct. in the Anamnia, while in other Amniota it takes place only in the embryo, or at any rate for only a short time after birth. The oviducts (Fig. 249, Od, Ot) possess wide funnel-shaped abdominal apertures, and are usually much folded transversely ; their walls are provided with numerous muscular elements and glands for the formation of the albumen and egg-shell. They increase in size in the breeding-season. In Birds they are con- siderably coiled. 320 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. Only slight remnants of the mesonephros and Wolffian duct remain in the female in Reptiles, and these undergo fatty degeneration. They lie asym- metrically, arranged in a single row on either side, between the oviduct and vertebral column. The remains of the Wolffian duct are more marked in female Snakes, Chelonians, ami in Geckos than in other Lizards. The testes of Sauropsida correspond in position with the ovaries, and, like them, increase in size in the breeding-season, They have ;ui oval, round, or pyrilonn shape (Figs. 242 and 2.~>l), JT(". and are made up of greatly convoluted seminal tubules, held together by fibrous tissue. In Reptiles (Lacerta, Anguis), " yellow bodies," which correspond to suprarenals, lie along the outer bonier of the testes, and at this point transverse canals pass out from the testis to the parorchis (Figs. 242 and 250, Ep\ The latter consists of greatly convoluted canals, and from it arises the vas deferens (Wolfn'an duct), which either takes a straight course, or is more or less coiled (Figs. 242 and 250, Vd). In Birds it opens by an independent aperture (Fig. 242, Vd1) into the cloaca, while in Lizards it fuses with the ureter shortly before entering the latter. Remains of the anterior portions of the Mullerian ducts are present in the male, their position corresponding with those of the female. Their lumen is nut continuous throughout, but the abdominal aperture may remain open (Emys europsea). Lymph oid organs are present in many Reptiles, and probably have a physiological relation to the generative organs (comp. p. 317). In many Lizards they are large and variously coloured, and lie within the pelvic region ; in Snakes they extend along almost the entire body-cavity. Mammals. — In Mammals the generative apparatus no longer extends along the entire body-cavity, as in the lower groups of Vertebrates, but is confined to the lumbar and pelvic regions. Moreover, in correspondence with the close relations which take place between mother and embryo, there is a much greater differ- entiation of the generative organs than occurs in lower types. The transition is not, however, a sudden one, for in the lowest Mammals, viz. the Monotremes1 and Marsupials, these organs show many points of resemblance with those of Reptiles and Birds (comp. Figs. 251 and 252). Thus in Monotremes the left ovary is more strongly developed than the right, and each has the appear- ance of a bunch of grapes; the cloaca persists, and the Mullerian ducts (oviducts) remain distinct from one another. A more or less complete separation of the oviducts is also seen in Marsupials, and this point deserves special attention on account of its important morphological significance. In order to explain the gradual differentiation of these parts, their condition in the Didelphida- (Opossums), — which come 1 It Las been recently proved that l><>th Omithorhynclius and Echidna lay eggs '(Mihvrll and Haacke) (oomp. p. f>). Further details on these points are to !»' expected shortly. GENERATIVE ORGANS. 321 nearest to the Monotremes, — must now be described in greater detail. A dilated portion of each oviduct (Fig. 252, A, Ocfy, giving rise to a uterus (U£), is plainly distinguishable from the rest, and its A FIG. 251. — A, MALE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF Ornithorliynclms paradoxus ; B, FEMALE URINOGENITAL ORGANS OF Echidna hystrix. N, kidneys ; Ur, ureter ; B, urinary bladder ; Sug, urinogenital sinus ; Ho, testis ; Ve, vas efferens ; Ep, epididymis ; Vd, vasdeferens ; Od, oviduct ; r, rectum ; Cl, cloaca, opening to the exterior at C71; m to m3, muscles of the cloaca and pen is ; Gp, glans penis, enclosed within its fibrous tube ; Pp, prepuce ; Cli, clitoris ; *, *, aperture through which the copulatory organ extends into the cloaca. narrowed posterior end comes into close contact with its fellow in the middle line. At this point (~j~) each uterus is connected with 322 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. the portion of the oviduct lying more posteriorly, or vagina (Vg\ by a distinct os uteri. The vagina then curves sharply outwards, ami, [Kissing backwards, opens close to its fellow into the elongated urinogenital sinus (Sug). The ureters, as in all other Marsupials iu which the vaginse have a similar arrangement, pass between the curved portions of the vagina to the bladder (H). From the condition of the female generative organs in Didel- phys that seen in other Marsupials can be easily explained. In Phalangista vulpina and Phascolomys wombat (Fig. 252, B and C) the anterior ends of the knee-shaped bends of the vaginas (comp. Fig. 252, A, f) come to lie closer and closer together, and begin to extend backwards towards the urinogenital sinus, the septum between them disappearing at the same time. A vaginal ca3cum is thus formed (Fig. 252, B, C, VgB},^oA this may become more elongated, and finally extend backwards so as to meet the upper (anterior) wall of the urinogenital sinus, into which it may open by the formation of a so-called third vagina. This is known to occur in seven species of Halmaturus, two of Petrogale and Osphranter respectively, and in Onychogalea frrenata. In all other Mammals the posterior portions of the Miillerian ducts become fused together to form an unpaired vagina; and a cloaca exists only in the embryo (comp. p. 23G). A fusion may also take place more anteriorly, and, according to its extent, the most various forms of uteri result (uterus duplex, bi corn is, b i p a r t i t u s, and s i mp 1 e x), as is shown in Fig. 253, A to D. The Primates possess a simple uterus1 (Fig. 253, B), and in this case the primitively paired condition of the Miillerian ducts is seen only in the Fallopian tubes. The latter vary much in form, and their abdominal apertures are usually provided with fringe-like append- ages (nmbrise). The ureters, unlike those of Marsupials, always pass to the outer sides of the genital passage, the vagina being single. The ovaries are usually small, and rounded or oval in shape, their surface being either smooth, irregular, or furrowed. The point at which the nerves and vessels enter is not covered by peritoneum, and is called the hilum. The reader is referred to p. 300 and Fig. 254 for further details as to the more minute histological structure of the ovary and the formation of the ova. Remains of the niesonephros, known as the parovarium, are present in the neighbourhood of the ovary, oviduct, and uterus. These usually consist of small cascal tubes, forming a network, which are connected together by a collecting duct. In cases where the Wolffian duct persists in the female, it passes from the parovarium to the urinogenital sinus, and is spoken of as Gartner's duct (Fig. 236, A, Gff), as already mentioned on p. 301. 1 The abnormalities which sometimes omir in the human utrms nnrl vagina can be often explained as atavisms. FIG. 252. — FEMALE GENERATIVE APPARATUS OF CERTAIN MARSUPIALS. A, Didel- pJiys dorsigera (juv.) ; B, Phalangista vulpina ; C, Phascolomys wombat, (After A. Brass.) NN, kidneys ; Ur, ureters ; Ov, ovary ; Ot (Fim), abdominal opening of Fallopian tube ; Od, oviduct ; Ut, uterus ; Ut\ openings of uteri into the vaginal cfecum, VgB ; t, bend between uterus and vagina, Vg ; Vgl, apertures of vaginae into the nrinogenital sinus (Sug) ; B, urinary bladder ; r, rectum, which opens into the cloacal region (Cl) at r1 ; g, clitoris ; *, t, rectal glands. Y 2 324 COMPARATIVE ANATOMY. A curious fold of the skin of the abdomen is present to a greater or less degree in Marsupials and in Echidna. This pouch or marsupium serves to protect the young, which are born in a very unripe condition, and thus renders possible Otl Of V. IMI;. 2f)3. — -YAUiors JMIUMS OF UTERI. A, B, ( ', 1), diagrams showing the dilfeivjit stages in the fusion of the Miillerian ducts: A, uterus bicornis ; B, nliTus sinijilrx ; (', uterus duplex ; D, uterus bipartitus. E, female urinogenital :i]i|>;ivatus of J///.s7,'//W, with embryos (*, *) in the uterus. F, ditto of Hedgehog ( Erinaceus). Od, Fallopian tube ; Ut, uterus ; Jri/, vagina ; Ce, cervix uteri ; Ot, abdominal aper- tmv nf l'';i]]n]ii:in tube ; t, t, accessory si-xual glands ; ?•, rectum; Xi3 ; blood-corpuscles, 268 ; allantois and placenta, 274 ; heart and its vessels, 286 ; arterial system, 288 ; venous system, 291; rctia mirabilia, 292; lymphatic system, 293; tonsils, 293; lymphatic glands, 294 ; urinary organs, 296, 308 ; generative organs, 300, 320 ; copulatory organs, 328 A. Abdominal pores, 265 Abomasum, 236 Acetabulum, 93—98 Acrodout dentition, 215 Acromion, 91 Adrenals, 161 Aeto.saurus, exoskeleton, 32 Air-bladder, 245, 251 Air-passages, 253 Air-sacs, 259 Alimentary canal, 208 — 237 development of, 7 appendages of, 240 — 243 mucous membrane of, 237 Allantois, 10, 231, 273, 274 Alopecias, number of vertebras, 37 Alveoli of lung, 252 Amblyopsis, abortion of eyes, 186 Ainblystoma, development of vertebral column, 40 Amia, fusion of anterior vertebra- with skull, 67 Amiurus, sensory sacs, 166 Ammoccetes : — notochord, 34 ; brain. 137 ; eye, 185 ; thyroid, 225 ; alimentary epithelium, 237 ; gills, 246 Ammodytes, pyloric caecum, 229 Amnion, 10, 276 Amphicd'lous vertebra3, 36 Amphiuma, trachea, 253 AmpulLe of semicircular canals, 196 Anabas, branchial chamber, 250 Anastomosis of Jacobsou, 158 Anguilla, lateral nerve, 165 Anguis : — embryonic limbs, 90 ; brain, 144; teeth, 215 Anfeater, palate, 82 Antibrachium, 102 Antihelix, 198 Antitragus, 198 Antlers, 83 Antrum maxillare, 176 Apatosauma, dimensions of vertebra3, 43 Apnneiirosis, pulmonary, 262 Appendices auricula1, 278 Apteivx : pelvis, 96; manus, 107 Aqueduct of Sylvius, 134, 142 Aijneductus cochlea;, 205 Ai|iiedtictns vcstiliuli, 205 Arachnoid, 135 Archentcron, 6, 2^7 Arches, neural and luemal, 85 INDEX. 337 Archseopteryx : — vertebrae, 44; ribs, 50; skull, 78 ; scapula, 91 ; pelvis, 45, 98 ; wing, 106; foot, 108; brain, 147; teeth, 216 Argentea of choroid, 186 Armadillo : — dermal skeleton, 32 ; skull, 83 Arteries, development of, 268, 270 Arteries : — allaatoic, 272, 276, 289 ; aorta (dorsal), 270, 277—290 ; aorta (ventral), 278 ; aortic arches or roots, 270, 276 — 290 ; arterial arches, 270, 283—285 ; axillary, 288 ; brachiocephalic, 287 ; branchial, 270, 279—283 ; carotid, 270, 277, 288, 290; caudal, 270, 288—290; coeliac, 288, 290 ; coeliaco-mesenteric, 279, 288—290 ; crural, 288—290 ; cu- taneous, 289 ; digital, 288 ; epigastric, 289, 290 ; genital, 288 ; hepatic, 289 ; hyaloid, 183 ; hypogastric, 288—290 ; iliac, 288, 289, 291 ; intercostal, 288 ; intestinal, 288, 289 ; lumbar, 288 ; median sacral, 288 ; mesenteric, 288 ; cesophageal, 284, 290 ; omphalo-mesen- teric, 270 ; ovarian, 289 ; palmar arches, 288 ; pulmonary, 270, 277—287, 290 ; radial, 288 ; rectal, 289, 290 ; renal, 279, 288, 289 ; sciatic, 290, 291 ; stapedial, 203 ; subclavian, 276—288, 290 ; urinogenital, 290 ; ulnar, 288 ; vertebral, 277, 290 ; vesical, 289 ; vitel- line, 270 Artiodactyle foot, 109 Arytenoid cartilages, 254 Ascalabota, vertebra?, 42 ; ductus endolym- phaticus, 205 Ascidians, thyroid, 225 Ateles, caudal vertebrae, 47 Atlantosaurus, dimensions, 43 Atlas : — of Amphibians, 42 ; of Reptiles, 43 ; of Birds, 45 ; of Mammals, 46 Atrial pore of Amphioxus, 246 Atrio-ventrieular aperture, 279, 287 Atrium, 269 Auditory organ, 194 — 207 : — development of, 195 ; relations with air-bladder, 207 Auditory ossicles, 198, 202 • Auditory region of skull, 58 Autostylic skulls, 65 B. Bacilli of basement membrane of cochlea, 206 Baleen, 27 Balistes, exoskeleton, 31 Basal processes of vertebra, 35, 42 Basilar plate, 57 Basipterygium, 99 Bidder's organ, 316, 317 Bile-duct, 242 Blastoderm, 5 Blastopore, 6 Blastosphere, 5 Blastula, 5 Blood-corpuscles, development and form of, 268 Boar, tusks of, 220 Body-cavity, 9 Bones, cartilage-, membrane-, and invest- ing-, 62 Brachium, 102 Bradypus, cervical vertebra3, 46 Brain, 131 — 151 :— development of, 131 ; membranes of, 135; cerebellum, 132,133; cerebrum, 132; con volutions, 132; corpora bigemina, 132 ; corpora restiformia, 138 ; corpus callosum, 132, 148 ; crura cerebri et cerebelli, 150; epiphysis, 133; foramen ofMonro, 134 ; fornix, 132 ; hypophysis, 133 ; infundibulnm, 133 ; lobi electrici, 138 ; lobi inferiores, 138, 142 ; lobi nervi lateralis, 139 ; lobes, central, of prosencephalon, 148 ; medulla oblongata, 132 ; mesencephalon, 132 ; meten- cephalon, 132 ; myelencephalon, 132 ; optic chiasma, 155 ; optic lobes, 132 ; optic thalami, 132; optic vesicles (primary), 132, (secondary), 182 ; pallium, 132, 137 ; peripheral portion of prosencephalon, 132 — 137 ; pineal gland, 132, 142 ; pituitary body, 133 ; processus infundibuli, 138, 142 ; pros- encephalon, 132, 137 — -150 ; sacci vasculosi, 138, 142 ; thalamencephalon, 132; ventricles, 131, 133, 134; vermis, 133 Brain-case, 57 Branchial arches, 60, 65—68, 74, 78, 80, 84, 248 Branchial clefts, 54, 159, 198, 245 Bninchiomerism, 56 Branchiostegal membrane and rays, 69 Bronchi, 252 : — main and lateral, 259. 262, 263 ; eparterial and hyparterial, 263 Bulbus arteriosus, 269, 279 Bursa Fabricii, 234 Bursre anales, 233 Butirinus, spiral Valve, 229 C. O.cum, 209, 233, 236 Calamus, of feather, 22 Calcaneum, 105, 106, 109 Calyces, 308 Campanula Halleri, 185 Canalis reunions, 199 Canine teeth, 214, 216 Can is : — teeth, 218 ; stomach, 235 Cannon-bone, 110 Capillaries, 269 Carapace, 32 Carcharias : — placenta, 12 ; number of vertebras, 37 Cardiac portion of stomach, i'3 I Carina sterni, 51 Y, 338 INDEX. Carpus, 102—109 Cartilages :— Meckel's, 61, 202 ; plough- share, of Huschke, ITU ; of AVrisbcrg and Santorini, 257 Cartilage-bones, 62 Cauda equiua, 131 Cavicornia, horns of, 83 Cavuin endolymphaticum, 196 maxillare, 172, 17'i. 1 73 Larynx, 253, 257 Lateral line, sciisoiy organs of, 165, 194 Lemurs, teats of, 28 Lens, 183, 185 Lepidosteus : — vertebra?, 37 ; tail, 38 ; de- velopment of oviduct, 313 Leucocytes, 28, 239, 293 Ligaments, intervertebral, 34 Ligamentum nucha1, 46 Limbs : — unpaired, 85 ; paired, 86 — 111 Limitans externaand interna of retina, 189 Liver, 209 Lizards: — suhvertebral wedge-bones, 43; caudal Vertebra-, 13 INDEX. 341 Lobes of lung, 264 Lophius, lure of, 139 Lophobrancliii, ribs, 48 Lungs, 252—265 Lymph, 268, 293 Lymph-hearts, 293 sinuses, 293 Lymphatic glands, 294 system, 292 trunks, 205, 293 Lymphoid substance in relation with urinogenital organs : — of Teleostei ami Ganoidei, 304 ; of Amphibia, 217 ; of Reptilia, 320 Lytta, 225 M. Macula lutea, 190 acustica, 197 neglecta, 197 Malapterurus, electric organs, 124 Manatus, cervical vertebrae, 46 Mandible, 64—84 Mandibular arch, 60 Manis : — scales, 27 ; number of caudal vertebras, 47 Manubrium sterni, 53 Mantis, 102 Marsupial bones, 93, 98, 117 Marsupium, 324 Meatus, external auditory, 198 Meckel's cartilage, 61, 202 Mediastinum, 265 Medullary plate, 7 cord, 7, 129 groove, 129 Membrana basilaris, 199, 202, 204 Reissneri, 202, 204 reticularis, 206 tectorias. Corti, 206 tympani, 73, 198, 199 tympaniformis, 255 Membranous labyrinth, 195 Menisci of vertebra, 43 Meroblastic ova, 5, 6 Mesentery, 208 Mesoarium, 311 Mesoblast, 6 Mesoblastic somites, 9 Mesobronchium, 262 Mesodcrm, 6 Mesonephros, 296—299, 302—304, 322 Mesopterygiurn, 99 Mesorchium, 311 Metacarpus, 104 Metamerism of head and body, 54 Metanephric duct, 301, 307, 309 Metanephros, 299, 307—310 Metapterygium, 99 Metasternum, 53 Metatarsus, 104 Microgale, number of caudal vertebra, 47 Micropyle, 4 Milk dentition, 213 Molars, 214, 216 Monitor, tongue, 224 Monophyodonts, 213 Morphology, 2 Morula, 5 Moulting, 22 Mouth, 212 Miillerian duct, 300—304, 316, 320 Mus, stomach, 235 Muscles, 112 — 122 :— of appendages, 121 ; arrectores pili, 24 ; of branchial arches, 118 ; buccinatorius, 121 ; bursalis, 191 ; ciliary, 184 ; constrictor of iris, 184 ; constrictor of glottis, 253, 255 ; coraco- hyoid, 118 ; coraco-mandibular, 118 ; costo-pulmonary, 262 ; Crampton's, 187 ; cranio-visceral, 118 ; cremaster, 326 ; depressor of eyelid, 192 ; de- pressor tarsi, 121 ; dermal, 112, 113 ; diaphragmatic, 122 ; digastric, 119, 158 ; dilator of glottis, 253, 255 ; dila- tor of iris, 184 ; of eye (recti, obliqui, and retractor bulbi), 191 ; facial, 120 ; genio-hyoid, 119, 120; genioglossus, 119, 120; hyoglossus, 119, 120; ileo- costalis, 116"; intercostal, 116, 118; interspinales, 116 ; lateral, 113 ; levator anguli oris, 121 ; levatores costarum, 116 ; levator of eyelid, 192 ; levator labii superioris propriue, 121 ; longissi- mus, 116 ; masseter, 119 ; masticatory, 112 ; multifidi, 116 ; mylohyoid, 110, 120 ; obliquus abdominis, 116, 117 ; otnohyoid, 119, 120 ; pectoralis major, 117;, 113, 121 ; pro- nators, 122 ; pterygoid, 120 ; pyramid- alis abdominis, 99, 117 ; pyramidalis of eye, 191 ; quadratus of eye, 191 ; quad- ratus lumborum, 116; rectus abdominis, 116, 117 ; scaleni, 116 ; semispinales, 116 ; sphincter oris, 121 ; sphincter collis, 121 ; splenii, 116 ; stapedius, 202 ; sternocleidomastoid, 159 ; sterno- hyoid, 117, 119, 120 ; sternothyroid, 117, 120 ; stylohyoid, 120, 158 ; styloglossus, 120; stylopharyngeus, 120 ; supinators, 122; temporal, 119, 120; thyro-hyoid, 120 ; transversalis abdominis, 116, 117, 122 ; trapezius, 159 ; triangularis sterni, 117; of trunk, 113 ; of visceral skele- ton and head, 118 Musk-deer, teeth, 220 Mustelus : — umbilical placenta, 12 ; foetal membranes, 312 Mycetes : — larynx, 256 Myocommata or myotomes, 48, 113 Nares, external and internal, 67, 170, 173 Narwhal, teeth, 220 342 INDEX. Xasalis, teeth, 219 Naso-palatine duct of ( 'yclostonies, 171 Naso-lacrymal duct, 17-4, 194 Navicular, 109 Neomorph, 33, 48, 236 Nephridia, 296 Xephrostomes, 297, 302, 304, 307 Nerve, lateral, 158, 165 phrenic, 122 Nerve-roots, 151, 1.V2 Nerves: — cranial, 153— 1GO; olfactory, 151; optic, 132, 155 ; oculomotor, trochlear, and abducent, 156; tiigeminn), 118—120, 126, 156, 165, 193; facial, 60, 118—120, 158 ; auditory, 158 ; glossopharyngeal, 60, 118—120, 158 ; vagus, 60, 118, 119, 158, 160, 165, 284 ; spinal accessory, 159 ; hypoglossal, 119, 159 Xi-rves : — spinal, 152 Nervous system : — central, 129 — 151; peri- pheral, 151— 160; sympathetic, 129, 152, 160 Neural tube, 9 Neurenteric canal, 129 Neurilemma, 129 Neuroglia, 129 Nfiiropore, of Tunicata and Amphioxus, 133 Nictitating-memhrane, 192 Nose, external, 177 Nothosaurus, abdominal ribs, 50 Notochord, 10, 33—47 Notodelphys, external gills, 251 Nucleus, 3 O. Obturator foramen, 95 Odontoid bone, 43 Odontornithes, teeth, 216 (Esophagus, 209, 228, 23 I Olfactory organ, 170 — 177 Olfactory region of skull, 5S Olfactory scrolls, 176 Omosternum, 5-1 Ontogeny, 1 Opercular bones, 69 Operculum, 65, 158, 249, 250 Orbicular apophysis, 202 Orbital region of skull, 58 Orbital ring, 69 Organ of Corti, 201, 202, 206 Organs, 1 : — electric, 128 ; sensory, 162 — 207 ; of nutrition, 208 — 243 ; of respira- tion, 245 — 265 ; of circulation, 268 — 294 ; urinogcnital, 296—330 Ornithorhynrhus : — eggs, 5, 320; pectoral arch, 91 ; urinogcnital organs, 321 Ornithoscelida, sacral vertebra;, 43 Orthagoriscus, spinal cord, 131 Os penis and clitoridis, 329 Ossification, 62 Otoliths, 196 Ovary, 311—320, 322, 325 Oviducal gland, 311 Oviduct, 302, 311—32 Ovipositor, 311 Ovotestis, 316 Ovum, 2 r. Palaeontology, 1 I'alate, 75, 81, 209 Palpebra, 184 Pancreas, 243 Pannicnlus adiposus, 26 Papilla acustica, 198, 199, 202 Papilla:, of tongue, 166, 222 Parabronchia, 262 Parachordal cartilages, 57 Paradoxurus, number of caudal vertebra1, 47 Parorchis, 298, 306, 320 Parostosis, 62 Parovarium, 298, 322 Parrot : — number of vertebra1, 45; fronto- nasal joint, 80 Pars acetabularis, 93—98 Pars basilaris, 198 Pars superior and inferior of membranous labyrinth, 198 Patella, 110 Pecten, 188 Pectineal process of pubis, 98 Pectoral arch, 86—91 Pelvic arch, 86, 92 Pelvis of kidney, 309 Penis, 328 Penna?, 22 Pericardium, 208, 265, 268 Perilymph, 196 Perissodactyle feet, 109 Peritoneal funnels, 297, 302 Peritoneum, 208 Pes, 102 Phalanges, 104 Plialangista, urinogenital organs, 322 Phagocytes, 239 Phascolomys, urinogenital organs, 322 Pharynx, 209 Phyllodactylus : — tongue, 224; larynx, 2.">l Phylogeny, 1 Physoclisti, 251 Physostomi, 251 Pia mater, 135 Pigment of retina, 183 Pigment of skin, 19 Pineal gland, 132, 142 Pinna of ear, 198 Pisiform bone, 106, 109 Pituitary body, 133 Pituitary space, 57 Placenta, 10, 274 Placenta, umbilical, 12 INDEX. 343 Plastron, 32 Pleura, 208, 264 ; Pleurodont dentition, 215 Pleuronectidae, asyinnictry of head, 70 Plexus choroidei, 136 Plica semiluuaris, 192 Pluma, 22 Pneumatic bones, 107, 262 Poison-fangs, 215 Polar cells, 3 Polymastism, 28' Polypterus : — olfactory organ, 172 ; horny teeth, 214 ; external gills, 250 ; air- bladder, 251, 252 Polythelism, 28 Precoracoid, 87, 89 Prehallux, 109 Premolars, 214, 216 Prepollex, 109 Prepuce, 330 Pristiurus :— number of vertebrae, 37 ; de- velopment of tins, 87 Processus falciformis, 185 Processus vermiformis, 236 Prochordal cartilages, 57 Pronation, 108 Pronephric duct, 296, 303 Pronephros, 296, 298, 302 Pronucleus, male and female, 3, 4 Proteus, eyes, 186 Protocercal tail, 38 Protoplasm, 3 Protopterus : — dermal denticles, 31 ; ver- tebral column, 35 ; skull and pectoral fin, 68 ; pelvis, 92 ; abdominal pores, 267 ; urinogenital organs, 313, 314 Protovertebrai, 9, 56 Proventriculus, 233 Psalterium, 236 Pseudobranch, 250 Pseudo-turbinal, 175 Pterodactylns: — abdominal ribs, 50; maims, 106 Pterygopodium, 327 Pubis, 93—99 Pulp-cavity, 213 Pupil, 183, 188 Purple, visual, 190 Pyloric cseca, 229 Pyloric portion of stomach, 234 Pyramids of kidney, 308, 310 Quill, 22 Q. It. Radiale, 104 Radii, of fins, 99 Radius, 104 liana : — alimentary canal, 232 ; liver and pancreas, 241 ; kryngo- trachea! cartilages, Ranodon : — development of vertebral column, 40 Rattlesnake, poison-apparatus, 221 Reeeptaculum chyli, 293 Recessus cochleae, 197 utricnli, 196 vestibuli, 195 Rectum, 209, 228—236 Reproduction of tail in Lizards, 43, 292 Resonance-cavities, 257 Respiratory organs, 245 — 265 Respiratory tube, 246 Rete Halleri, 327 Retia mirabilia, 292 Retina, 182, 189 Rhamphorhynehus, manus, 106 | Rliinolophus, milk-teeth, 213 Rilis, 48—51 Ribs, abdominal, 50 Rodentia, milk-teeth, 213 Rods of retina, 190, 191 Root-sheaths of hair, 24 Rostrum of skull, 58, 65 ' ; Ruminant stomach, 235, 236 S. Sacci vasculosi, 138, 142 Saeculo-cochlear canal, 198 Sacculus, 195 Saccus endolymphaticus, 205 Salamandrina, development of vertebral column, 40 Salmonidae : — intestinal valve, 229; ab- dominal pores, 267 Sarginse, teeth, 214 Scala vestibuli, tympani, and media, 193 204 Scales, 18, 32 Scapula, 87—94 - Scapus, 22 Scarf skin, 16 Scarus, teeth, 214 Schizocceles, 9 Sclerotic, 184 Scrotal sacs, 326 Scyllium, number of vertebne, 37 Segmental duct, 296, 303 Segmental sense-organs, 163 Segmentation of ovum, 4 Semicircular canals, 195 Seminal duct, 301 Seminal tubes, 327 Semnopithecus, number of caudal vertebrae, 47 Sense-capsules, 58 Sensory organs, 162 — 207 of integument, 163, 194 Sensory tubes and sacs, 166 Septum, interorbital, 57, 75 Septum, oblique, 259 Sesamoids, 110, 113 Shark, iuteatinal tract, 229 34-i INDEX. Sheath of Sehwann, 129 Shrew, milk-te -th of, 213 Sinus : — frontal, cthmoidal, and sphe- noidal, 176; maxillary, 172, 176, 178 Sinus superior of membranous labyrinth, 196 Simis venosus, 269 Siphonops, viscera, 305 Siren: — horny teeth, 214; intestinal tract, '232 ; trachea, -'.V1. Sin-nia : — palatal plates. -27 ; milk-teeth, 213 Skeli-togenous layer of vertebral column, 33 Skeleton, 30—111 Skin, 16 Skinks, prrt<>ral arch of, 90 Skull, 54—84 bones of, 61 : — alisphenoid, 75, 79 ; iMsioeripital, 75, 76 ; basisplienoid, 75, 76, 79 ; basitemporal, 78. 79 ; epipterygoid, 78 ; ethmoid, 80 ; ex- occipital, 72 — 77 ; frontal, 70, 75 ; frontoparietal, 74 ; jugal, 83 ; maxilla, 69 — 79 ; mesopterygoid, 69 ; metapterygoid, 69 ; orbito- sphenoid, 75 ; palatine, 69 — 79 ; palatopterygoid, 61 — 72; palato- quadrate, 61 — 72 ; parasphenoid. f>7, 66—72, 80 ; parietal, 70—79 ; premaxilla, 69 — 82 ; prefvontal. 76, 77 ; presphenoid, 78, 80 : ptervgoid, 69—81 ; quadrate, 61, 70—79^ 202 ; quadratojugal, 72, 74; squainosil, 71_83 ; supraoecipital, 68, 69, 76, 77, 79 ; symplectic, 61, 66, 69, 70; transverse, 75 — -77 ; turbinals, 81, 172, 175—177 ; vonu-r, 69—79 bones of mandible : — angular, 70, 76, 79 ; arti'-nlar, 70, 76, 79, 202 ; core- noid, 70, 84, 87 ; 79, 84; splenial, angular, 78, 79 Somatopleure, 9 Somites, 9, 54 Spatularia: — vertebral column, 35; ribs, 48 Spelerpes, tOUgUe, 74, 22-'! Spc-rmatoxoa, •">. 300 Spliinetcrs of intestine, 209 Spina seapuhe, 91 Spiuacliia, nost of, 302 Spinal cord, 1_!!> Spinal nerves. 1 .">•_' Spiracle. 65, 198, 216 Spiral valve of intestine, 229 Splanchnopleure, 9 Spleen, 294 Spots, blind and yellow, of retina, 189, I'.HI Spouting apparatus of Oyninophiona, 179 Sqiialiche, i-oiinectinn of skull with Ver- tebral eolnnin, '• I Sonatina, number of vertcbr.e, 37 dcntary, 70, 76, 78, 84; supra- Stapes, 70, 198, 202 Stegosaurus : — dermal skeleton, 32 ; brain, 147 Stomach, 209, 228—236 Stork, thymiis and thyroid, 227 Stylo-hyoid ligament, 84 Stratum c'orneum and Malpighii, 16 Structural elements, 1 Snbdnral space, 136 Suhlingua, 223 Sub-pulmonary chamber, 259 Suctorial organs, 85, 212 Sulci, 132 Supination, 108 Suprarenal bodies, 161, 320 Suspeusorium, 65, 70 Sympathetic, 160 Symphysis pubis, 98 Syrinx, 255 T. Tactile cells, 167 corpuscles, 168 Tamandua, cervical vertebrae, 46 Tapetum, 186 Tarsus, 102, 105—109 Taste, organ of, 167 Teats, 27 Teeth, 212—220 Teeth, horny, 214 Telaj choroidere, 136 Temporal fossa, 83 "Tentacle," of Gyninophioua, 179 Testis, 311—326 Testudo : — dermal skeleton, 32 Thecodont dentition, 215 Thoracic duct, 293 Tliymus gland, 226 Thyroid cartilage, 255 — 257 Thyroid gland, 225 Tibia, lot Tihiale, 104 Tiliio-tarsus, 107 'I'JSSUeS, ] Tongue, 222 muscles of, 119 Tonsils, 239, -J'.i:; Tooth-structures, H2 Torpedo, electric- organ, 124 Trabecula- cranii, 57, 70 Trachea, -J52 Tragus, 198 Trigla : spinal cord, 131 Triton, dorsal tin, 85 Truncus arteriosus, 269, 279, 280, 282 Tiilicivulum impar, 2-J5 Tubules, of kidney, 29J 'I'uiiii'a vaginalis, 326 Tupaia, abdominal muscles, 117 Turbinals: — of Amphibians, 172 tiles, 1 7 1 81, 176 of Rep of Birds, 175 ; of Mammals, INDEX. 345 Tusks, 220 Tympanic membrane and cavity, 73, 198 Tympano-Eustachian passage, 227, 246 Typhlops, skull, 78 U. Ulna, 104 Ulnave, 104 Umbilical cord, 276 vesicle, 12 Umbilicus, 276 Unciform bone, 109 Uncinate processes, 50 Ungulata : — cervical vertebrae, 46 ; orbit, 83 ; brain of Eocene forms, 151 Uraclms, 275 Ureter, 299, 301, 322 Urethra, 276, 309 Urinary bladder, 231, 276, 307, 308 ; of Fishes, 302 duct, 302, 314 organs, 302—310 Urinogenital duct, 301, 307, 314, 316 organs, 296—330 sinus, 322 Urostyle, 42 Uterus, 276, 302, 311, 321, 322 masculinus, 195 V. Vagina, 302, 322 Valves, atrio-ventricular, 279, 287 of conus arteriosus, 279 ileo-colic, 209 pyloric, 209 semilunar, 286, 287 of veins, 292 of lymphatics, 293 Vane, 22 Vas deferens, 301, 327 epididymis, 327 Vasa ceutralia nervi optici, 183 efl'erentia, 306, 316, 327 Vascular system, 268 — 294 Veins : — allantoic, 273, 274, 291 ; anterior abdominal, 291 ; azygos, 272, 275 ; branchial, 270, 279—283 ; cardinal, anterior and posterior, 271, 272, 275, 280, 291 ; caudal, 35, 270, 291 ; coro- nary, 275, 287 ; ductus Cuvieri, 271, 273, 280 ; ductus venosus, 270, 273, 274; hepatic, 274, 275, 291; hypo-, gastric, 275 ; iliac, 275 ; jugular, 272 — 275, 285, 292 ; lateral, 291 ; omphalo- mesenteric, 270, 273, 274 ; portal (hepatic), 272, 274, 291, (renal) 161, 291 ; postcaval, 272—275, 291 ; precaval, 274, 275, 282, 292 ; pulmonary, 270 ; renal, 275 ; subclavian, 274, 275, 285 ; subintestinal, 270, 272 ; umbilical, 276 ; vertebral, 272—275 ; vitelline, 270, 273, 274 Velum, 246 Velum palati, 209 Venous system, 291 Ventricles of heart, 269, 277, 285—287 Vertebral column, 33 — 47 Vertebrarterial canal, 46 Vesicles, cerebral, 131 Vesicula seminalis, 307, 327 Vestibulum oris, 212 Villi of intestine, 211, 240 of placenta, 10, 274 Viper, teeth, 216 Vitelline membrane, 2 Vitellus, 2 Vocal chords, 253, 257 Vocal sacs of Anura, 253 W. Weasel, stomach, 235 Wolffian body, 296 Wolffian duct, 301, 303, 304, 322 Woodpecker: — cervical vertebrae 46; tongue, 223 X. Xiphoid process, 53 Yolk-sac, 12 Ypsiloid cartilage, 93 Zootoca, teeth, 215 Zygantra, 43 Zygosphenes, 43 A A UiciiAKD CLAY & SONS, DREAD STREET HILL, LONDON, Lungay, Suffolk. Tofjns IJopfcins JBnHimorr. I y ^ ^% V^y L^j-^ ex'' .'