“gs Ss coe hee r< & SEES , —_— ~ " oo re aL. ®. EX Xa {, { 7 4 (4 ” 4 - p - a pats < SN, —sS ~_ NN % A CE ( ¢ “CC iA ee bs KG be Wa, i Git oa Cee = ; ; r¢ \ , A ( 7 4 mm ‘ . Sul SS te , a x » > * = = as, cl ae ‘ . a ee Ng go eX a === es ee f ( Mae A » ete 2 > : i yg J ¥ pi: Pg i ~ f oe it ak & \ 4 «| \ ‘ os Baas Ye Ting ~~ mg zs fms ws " : es hy we x b i | 3 ft ear a ce y a CE © « at C CC $ j ff - (it ss i : 3 \ xy 2 mw + it 3 Se OC ; v Bees Ge Sse ae oa _ CC i a r. : = a= qe \ ’ is. . Ga = + . ~S A } ——— t , Se a ee | CK CE an aA ; oth = C7CCE rac @ i a \ iff a CECE CRE CCE CG es « ee G Cs MC CECE CAC Ge CC, FE an My %, Sout tha) (William Healey Dall.) ibaa el alah pi eed 8 US ! f Si, Seaay tay, ey M sn | ¥ H ves x libris 4 ef NG ‘ q \ Ne Gi “ Por [ENTS OF CONCHOLOGY, INCLUDING “THE FOSSIL GENER A ae & THE ANIMALS. . By T. EDWARD BOWDICH, Eso. ° HONORARY MEMBER OF THE CAMBRIDGE PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY AND OF THE WETTERAVIAN SOCIETY OF HANAU. MkMprR OF THE GEOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY OF PARIS. CONDUCTOR OF THE.MISSION TO ASHANTEE. P ART I. UNIV ALVES. Pc: WITH UPWARDS OF 500 FIGURES. So PF) - Emenee PARIS, PRINTED BY J. SMITH, ‘AND SOLD BY TREUTTEL AND wuRTZz, SOHO-SQUARE, LONDON. 1822, (Price Twenty Shillings.) Gi MoH rel PREFACE. a Manual, like those of the Mammalia and the Orni-- thology already published, originated in the notes and drawings collected during a study of the subject, prepa- ratory to a second travel in Africa. I had intended to arrange the similar materials for the publication of the Reptiles and Fish before the Mollusca, until a further progress in the study of Geology convinced me that the present Manual was not wanting to the Zoologist alone. M. Brongniart has shown that the Formations containing the remains of marine shells, very rarely, and then under peculiar and evident local causes, present those of fresh- water shells; and that the contrary had been alleged, be- cause Genera containing both marie and _ fresh-water shells, differmg not merely in specific but in generic cha- racters, had not been reformed or subdivided. M. Lamarck acknowledged the justice of the observation, and resumed his labours, which had previously advanced this branch of Natural History considerably towards perfection, by es- tablishing separations of marine, fresh-water, and ter- restrial shells; but, unfortunately, his Extrait du Cours de Zoologie, published in 1812, contains the mere outline of-his system, without the descriptions of the genera; and the lst and only part (which appeared two years ago) of the 6th volume of his Histoire Naturelle des’ Animaux sans Vertebres, without figures, contains merely the three or four first genera of the Univalves, and reminds us so frequently of the melancholy affliction which has now compelled this illustrious Naturalist to depend entirely on the eye-sight of others, that the appearance of the remain- 6 iV PREFACE, ing parts, if they should appear, must be hailed by the friends of science with much less confidence, although with equal admiration and gratitude. The system of classification desirable to the Geologist, is that by which a shell may be readily and accurately determined, without considering the animal which has inhabited it. Such a system is equally convenient to the Conchologist, when each genus is followed by a reference | to the place which the animal occupies in the Natural System, which should always be adjoined. To be unable to determine the shell, unless we found the animal, would be like having no other aid than Crystallography for the study of Minerals. These elements are principally compiled from Cuvier’s ‘¢ Mémoires pour servir al Histoire et a l Anatomie des Mollusques,” and the 2d vol. of the “‘ Régne Animal” of the same author; M. Lamarck’s Mémoires sur les Fos- siles des Environs de Paris ;” M. Brongniart’s “ Mémoires sur des Terrains qui paroissent avoir été formés sous ? Hau Douce,” and others on the same subjects, scattered through the 22 quarto volumes of the “Annales du Mu- seum ;” M. Blainville’s and M. Defrance’s articles in the < Dictionnaire des Sciences Naturelles ;” M. de Ferussac’s ‘“ Histoire Naturelle, générale et particuliere, des Mol- lusques Terrestres et Fluviatiles ;” and many other rare and costly works, collected in the splendid library of Baron Cuvier, to which I have had access at all hours, with the liberty of taking home whatever I pleased, for the last two years. The figures which illustrate the system of M. de Ferussac have been copied from those which accompany his work, with the exception of such as were to be found in the Museum. Almost all the other figures of the recent, and some few of the fossil shells, have been drawn from the. objects themselves ; which I have invariably been per- mitted to take home from the Museum for that purpose, without being limited either to time or number. I have occasionally been favoured with such specimens as were not to be found there, from the cabinets of MM. Lamarck and Dufresne. . i PREFACE. ; Vv The remaining part will contain the Bwalves, Multi- valves, and the Suwb-Coronalia and Vermicularia of La- marck (the Brachiopoda and Tubicole of Cuvier): a figure of the entire shell, of each valve, and of the hinges and teeth, when at all complicated, will be given. The_ Animals and Fossil Genera will also be included. I beg to repeat that this Manual, as well as the others, has been compiled for those of my countrymen, whose remote situations in our colonies do not permit of their acquiring so desirable a species of knowledge, by the study of collections; as well as for those who, like myself, may cultivate Natural History, as the most agreeable delasse- ment to mathematical studies. Paris, November &, 1821. INTRODUCTION. VUVAVUVBAULUVUVY oe shells, being necessarily without brilliance, colours, or beauty, and frequently imperfect, were formerly rejected from collections as destitute of interest; but since it has been observed that these fossils are precious monuments for the study of the revolutions undergone by different points on the surface of the globe, they have become objects of the greatest interest to the Naturalist (1). . ? It appears to have been proved that the shells, testaceous ver- micularia, echini, and different species of polypt which are found so profusely in the fossil state beneath the soil or on its surface, even in the middle of continents and on the highest mountains (2), are the remains of multitudes of marine animals which lived in these places, and that several of the species are analogous to those now inhabiting the seas (3). For, as the quantity of these remains is enormous, since we know of masses nearly a hundred miles in extent, and as shells of an extreme thinness and fragility — are found entire amongst them, we cannot but conclude that their animals have really lived in these parts of the globe, and, consequently, that the sea has formerly been stationary there (*). (4) Conchology, when rendered subservient to geognostic investigations. assumes the rank of an useful science, and then becomes a subject of the highest importance. Bulimus trifasciatus, a very common West Indian shell, occurs imbedded in the same limestone which incloses the fossil human ske- leton, lately sent to the British Museum, from the grande terre of Guadaloupe, by Sir A. Cochrane, proving that rock to be of modern date, and contempo- raneous with the existing creation of animals.—Leach’s Zoological Miscel- lany. Vol.i, p. 42. (2) eecord ile to Ulloa, shells have been found at the height of 14,220 feet above the sea, on a mountain in Peru. (3) M. Defrance has discovered at least 500 species of fossil shells in the calcaire grossier at Grignon, the equivalent of the London clay. (4) Les terrains les plus bas, les plus unis, excavés jusqu’a de trés-grandes profondeurs, ne montrent que des couches horizontales de matiéres varices, enyeloppant presque toutes dinnombrables produits de la mer. Des couches » VIL INTRODUCTION. The shells whose analogous species do not live in our seas, but in those of warm climates, form a part of the fossils found in the north of Europe. The Nautilus Pompitius found at Courtagnon, and the remains of which are not uncommon at Grignon, is one of the peal des produits semblables, composent les collines jusqu’aux plus grandes auteurs. Quelquefois les coquilles sont si nombreuses, cqiellag forment 4 elles seules toute la masse du sol. Presque partout elles sont si bien conservées, que les plus petites d’entre elles gardent leurs parties les plus délicates, leurs crétes les plus subtiles, leurs pointes les plus dchées. Elles s’élévent 4 des hauteurs supérieures au niveau de toutes les mers, et ou nulle mer ne pourroit étre portée aujourd'hui par des causes existantes. Elles ne sont pas seulement en- veloppées dans des sables mobiles, mais les pierres les plus dures les incrustent souvent et en sont pénétrées de toute part. Toutes les parties du monde, tous les hémisphéres, tous les continens, toutes les fles un peu considérables pré- sentent leméme phénoméne. On est donc bientédt disposé a croire, non seule- ment que la mer a envahi toutes nos plaines, mais qu'elle y a séjourné long- temps et paisiblement pour y former des dépéts si étendus, si épais, en partie si solides, et contenant des dépouilles si bien conservées: Le temps n’est plus ou Tignorance pouvoit soutenir que ces restes de corps organisés étoient de simples jeux de la nature, des produits concus dans le sein de la terre par ses forces créatrices. Une comparaison scrupuleuse de leurs formes, de leur tissu, souvent méme de leur composition chimique, ne montre pas la moindre diffé— rence entre ces coquilles et celles que la mer nourrit ; elles ont donc vécu dans la mer ; elles ont été déposées par la mer: la mer existoit donc dans les lieux ot elle les a laissées; le bassin des mers a donc éprouvé au moins un change- ment, soit en étendue, soit en situation. Voila ce qui résulte dé}a des premiéres fouilles, et de observation la plus superficielle. Les traces de révolutions deviennent plus imposantes quand on s’éléve un peu plus haut, quand on se rapproche davantage du pied des grandes chaines. Il y abien encore des bancs coquilliers; on en apercoit méme de plus épais, de plus solides: les coquilles y sont fout aussi nombreuses, tout aussi bien conservées; mais ce ne sont ali les mémes espéces ; les couches qui les con- tiennent ne sont plus aussi généralement horizontales. Elles se redressent obliquement, quelquefois presque verticalement. Au lieu que, dans les plaines et les collines plates, il falloit creuser profondément pour connoitre la suc- cession des bancs, on les voit ici par leur flanc, en suivant les vallées produites par leurs déchiremens. D’immenses amas de leurs débris forment au pied de leurs escarpemens des collines arrondies, dont chaque dégel et chaque orage augmentent la hauteur. Kt ces bancs redressés, qui forment les crétes des montagnes secondaireés, ne sont pas posés sur les bancs horizontaux des collines qui leur servent de pre- miers échelons; ils s’enfoncent au contraire sous eux. Ces collines sont ap- puyées sur leurs pentes. Quand on perce les couches horizontales dans le voisinage des couches obliques, on retrouve celles-ci dans la profondeur : quelquefois méme, quand les couches obliques ne sont pas trop élevées, leur sommet est couronné par des couches horizontales. Les couches obliques sont donc plus anciennes que les couches horizontales ; et, comme il. est impossible quelles n’aient pas été formées horizontalement, il est évident qu’elles ont été relevées, qu elles ont été avant que les autres s'appuyassent sur elles. Ainsi la mer, avant de former les couches horizontales, en avoit formé dautres, qu'une cause quelconque avoit brisées, redressées, bouleversées de mille maniéres. Il y a done eu aussi au moins un changement dans le sein de INTRODUCTION. | 1X numerous instances (1). The fragments of palm-trees; the fossil masses of gum-elastic; the impressions of exotic ferns in slate and coal; and the fossil bones of the Elephant, Crocodile, etc. found in England, France, Germany, and other parts of Europe, seem to attest a mutation of climate (2); Cuvier and Brongniart were the first who announced the exist- ence of formations, anterior to history, composed in the same manner and presenting the same characters, although situated at great distances from each other, and containing Terrestial and Fresh-W ater instead of Marine productions (3). It is impossible to admit the hypothesis of the transport of these terrestrial produc- lions to the sea by means of rivers. They might have carried into the sea some remains of vegetables andsome fluviatick and terrestrial shells, but then the formations which are composed of them ought e cette mer qui avoit précédé la ndtre; elle a éprouvé aussi au moins une catastrophe ; et comme plusieurs de ces bancs obliques qu elle avoit formés les premiers s’élévent au-dessus de ces couches horizontales qui leur ont succédé, et qui les entourent, cette catastrophe, en rendant ces bancs obliques, les avoit aussi fait saillir au-dessus du niveau de la mer, et en avoit fait des tles, ou au moins des écueils et des inégalités, soit quils eussent été relevés par une extrémité, ou que l’affaissement de lextrémité opposée eit fait baisser les eaux; second résultat non moins clair, non moins demontré que le premier, pour quiconque se donnera la peine d’étudier les monumens qui l’appuient.— Cuvier, Discours sur la Théorie de la Terre. Paris, 18214. () See the note on that singular shell the Zrochus agglutinans, p. 35. The Zerebellum perditum (the analogous living species of which is not known) is found in great numbers and of all ages at Grignon, which M. La- marck considers would not have been the case unless the enormous quantity of marine shells had lived in that region, instead of being accumulated there by some great catastrophe. At Courtagnon, near Rheims, an enormous bed of fossil shells discovers itself in several points ; it proceeds from east to west, appears again at Grignon and:some other places, and from M. Lamarck’s comparison of the species with those found in Hampshire, appears to have extended to that part of England. If so, there is reason to believe that this bed has been divided by the Channel since its formation ; and, consequently, that its formation was anterior to the last invasion of the sea. (2) The rocks of the western coasts of France are interlarded with Gry- phites, Ammonites and other shells (coquilles pelagiennes) known to inhabit the sea only at great depths. Recent littoral shells have been found fixed on these fossil deep-water shells, which are also common in the hills called Vaches-~ Noires. There isa pottery in that neighbourhood which is supplied with clay from that part of the beach which is uncovered at low water: this clay, which is said to be yery superior, contains quantities of deep-water fossil shells. Tt would seem, therefore, that these parts are not now subjected to the sea for the first time. Again, the fossil marine shells found more than 60 feet deep in the earth, probably were not deposited during the last invasion or passage of the sea.—Hydrogeologie, par J.B. Lamarck. Pages 85, 86. (3) Lamanon is said to have observed immense beds of fresh-water shells on beds of marine shells in the mountains of Provence. ¥* eile INTRODUCTION. to present the forms and all the characters of alluvium; that is to say, a mixture of all sorts of heterogeneous matters, more fragments than entire bodies, coarse sands, unequal and irregular strata. We find nothing of this kind in the Fresh-Water Formations; the limestone is almost pure, every thing is in its place and perfectly entire, the most delicate shells present themselves in complete preservation; indeed, fragments of them are scarcely to be found in this formation, whilst, in the marine, fragments are met with in _ large quantities. We must, therefore, suppose a great trahquillity in the waters wherein these shells have lived. They are deposited in beds, often very thin and perfectly horizontal, like the masses of limestone and the zones of silex which they contain ; the silex is in beds, frequently continuous, and never in rolled pieces. The disengagements of gas, indicated by the tubulures, have almost always been made vertically, and have often proceeded from the same plane, which is a further proof of the tranquillity of the liquid and the homogeneity of the Formation. Lastly, the immense extent of these deposits, which occupy spaces of more than 1200 square leagues, and which in so great a surface do not present any trace of disorder, renders this hypothesis perfectly admissible (1). The extent of these masses of Fresh-Water Formation ought not to astonish us; we know of others at least as vast in North America. If the lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie, and Ontario de- posited stony layers on their beds and became dry, they would leave Fresh-Water Formations more extensive than any of those just described (2). : Among the different stages of alteration in which we find fossil shells, the most frequent is that in which only the animal part has (1) M. Brongniart remarks that marine and fresh-water shells have in no instance been found mixed together, except in the quarries of Grés at Beauchamp near Pierrelaie, where the cause 4s local ; for the fresh-water limestone, which forms the surface of the soil, reposes immediately on the marine sand which forms the bed or fond ; the mixture of the two, therefore, in this point of contact is natural. M.Defrance has since adduced and explained another instance ; see note on the Genus Helix. At Montmartre the Calcaire Marin forms a kind of mamelon or small hummock, and the gypsum in depositing itself on these beds, which are porous and friable, has enveloped the marine shells which they contain. Indeed, there is no proof that gypsum may not be a salt-water deposit; the upper marine formation contains small beds of gypsum at inter- vals, and the oysters are often covered with chrystals of selenite. There are ~ only 3 fresh-water genera of bivalve shells, and it is remarkable that no species of either has been found in the Fresh Water Formation. Y) Fresh-water deposits must not be determined by the presence of doubé- ful shells, but, like that of the environs of Paris, on the constant presence of a considerable majority of shells not found elsewhere, and on the constant absence of all marine bodies. See PI. 4. ‘ ~ INTRODUCTION. Xi been destroyed, that is to say, the gelatinous or membraneous portion which is mixed with the cretaceous part ; so that after its destruction the shell is almost exclusively composed of calcareous matter. It has lost its brilliance, its colours, and often evenits mother of pearl, if it had any, for it owed all these to the presence of the animal part. It has generally become quite white, but sometimes, having been long buried in a slime containing coloured particles, it has acquired a peculiar hue, not its own. Other fossils have not only lost the animal part, but even their substance has been transformed into siliceous matter; in this case, the closer approximation of the component parts leaves a small void space around the shell, in the stone wherein it is imbedded, more or less interrupted by lateral adherences. Shells have sometimes been so peculiarly disposed by volcanic eruptions, as to preserve their natural colours even in the fossil state. ‘ “We scarcely condescend to examine microscopic shells, from their insignificant size ; but when we reflect that it is by means of the smallest objects that Nature every where produces the most astonishing and remarkable phenomena, they become highly in- teresting, from their multiplication or abundance, and their conse- quent influence on the composition and extent of the masses com- posing the exterior crust of the globe. Whatever Nature may seem to lose in point of volume in the production of such bodies, is amply made up by the number of the individuals, which she mul- tiplies with admirable promptitude to infinity. The remains of these minute animals, therefore, have much more influence on the “ose of the globe than those of Elephants, Hippopotami, or ales. A Lt Be Dhaiee UNIVALVE SHELLS. DIVISIONS. MGLCONGaVemdutI = 6 Se ee ell Se ea, nf = flatzy .. discous . spheroid straight or almost straight. . Symmetrical... . volute; with whorls Concave. . . - « « « « » woluté 2% gyc7 2 Se: monolocular.. ...../arched....:...... straight ; in the form of a. very large,, 2... envire.. 27.93 elliptical . 4 moderate round . . conical or spiral; mouth angular. . P hannelled. . : } ea € AEN i ghee tae Not Sy Ea notched... + io es a imvelule, orentioly-flat. Po.) kk og ia, ° e ° e e e semi-round . adhering 6 ° multilocular. ..... .{ partly straight... . 2.2... se adhering SVs, wD, touching. penetrating Nautilacee. .. . ...... Argonautacex.. . p. sheath. . shield. . Sepiacee. .. .. p Nummulacee. . . p. 15. Spherulacez,. . . p. 16. Orthoceracer. . . p. 17 Lituaceer. .... p Spirulacee. .. . p. 21. Ammonacee. . . p P Carinacer.. . . . p. 2 Vaginacez. ...\. ps2 Clypeacer. *. . . po 2 Megastomata. . . p. 2 Ellipsostomata.. . p. 2 Pp be gy Cag DIVISION 1. SEPIACER. GENERA. 4. Lotico. Lam. CGALMAR. A plate of horn on the VY. Animal, p. 54. back, instead of a shell, in the form of a sword or lancet. Pl. 4, fig. 2. 2. Sepia. Lan. Shell oval, thick, gib- V. Animal, p. 54. bous ; composed of an in- finity of very thin cal- careous plates, parallel, joined together by innu- merable little hollow co- lumns. Pl. 4, fig. 41 (1). (1) Being friable, from its structure, it is employed to polish various substances; it is also given to young birds to sharpen their beaks, (i: ) DIVISION If. NUMMULACEA. GENERA. 4. Nummura. Lam. Ca- MERINA. Brug. Exterior form lenticu- _No siphon. Marine. lar, without any apparent opening ; a spiral cavity divided by septa into an infinity of small chambers (1). a. Perfectly discous, Only one row of cham- Fossil and living. Pl. 4, fig 3,4. (2) bers to each turn of the spire. = b. (Siderolites, Lam.) The edge with blunt or — Microscopic. sharp rays. PI. 1, fig. 23. ec. (Renulites, Lam.) Several rows of cham- ......... 77 ++ isle wle ee es bers to each turn of the spire. 2. Discorbires. (3) Lam. Spiral, all the turns vi- No siphon. sible and exposed. (4). PI. 1, fig. 5 (1) The Nummulites are amongst the most widely-spread fossils, forming, al- most exclusively, entire chains of calcareous hills and immense beds of building stone. The Pierre de Laon is composed of Nummulites; the pyramids of Egypt were constructed with stone of this nature, and are raised upon the rocks which supplied it. They were formerly considered, by some, to be Lusus Nature, b which portions of calcareous matter assumed the form of organised bodies; By others, as petrified seeds, opercula, bivalve shells, etc. etc. Breynius, in 1732 ‘dnd Gesner, in 1758, concluded them to be univalve shells, very analogous to the Am- monites. Bruguiere thought that the animal was contained in the last chamber of the shell. Cuvier considers them to be interior sheils. To observe the chambers more distinctly, let a drop of ink fall on the worn face, and when it is quite dr rub the Nummulite delicately on a stone to take off the exterior black, after which all the points which have retained the ink become evident on a white ‘eround and the interior organization is perfectly discovered. This practice is useful for recog- nising several other delicate fossil shells. ; (2) These are the most common and the largest amongst the fossil species, but the living species are very small. : _ (3) The termination tles distinguishes the Genera exclusively fossil, no analogous living species having been yet discovered. (4) This character distinguishes them from the Spiroliné siphon from the Nautili. e Spirolinctes, the absence of the ar ( 16 ) “DIVISION Il. SPHERULACEK. 4. Mrtrona. Lam. Oval, globulous, or ob- long ; subtrigonal ; the spi- ral turning around an axis perpendicular tothe planes of the turns; divided into 2 or 3 chambers, the last pierced by a lateral hole, which is the only aperture. Pl-4, fig. 6. 2. Pottontes. Monif. Resembling the Miliola, , but the chambers pierced alternately towards both ends of ‘the shell, and the last open the whole breadth. Pl. 3, fig. 16. 3. ARETHUSA. Monif. Chambers rolled ob- liquely (making the shell turreted) and only the last perforated. Pl. 3, fig. 17. 4, MeEtonires. Lam. No apparent mouth; consisting of numerous tubes or siphons united in a plane rolled on_ itself. Pies die, 4. ; 5. Gyroconitrs. Lam. Hollow spheroids, com- posed of several linear pieces, curved, joined at the sides, the extremities terminating in the poles; the surface furrowed in transversal circles (2). Pl. 4, fig. 14. (1) The fossil species have formed, exclusivel cially in the quarries of the environs of Paris. (2) Only one species known, the size of a pin’s head, G, medicaginula, Lam. GENERA. With chambers. Oe (eee Sy We, Oe, haere ae, YP Without chambers. y, immense beds of stone, espe- Marine. Some species found on Fuci, in the neighbourhood of Cor- sica (1). On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean. Microscopic. On the shores of the Adriatic. * Scattered throughout | the masses of silex be- — longing to the First and ~ Second Fresh Water — Formation of the envi- — rons of Paris. IL \ cr } DIVISION IV. ORTHOCERACEZ. 4. Betemnitrs. Boet. de Boot. A thin double case,. composed of two cones united at their bases ; the interior cone much ‘shorter than the other, divided within by paral- lel septa, concave towards the base ; only one cham- ber (conical) apparent, the older ones being succes- sively effaced by the piling up and contiguity of the septa. Pl. 1, fig. 9, 22, etc. GENERA. A siphon extending from the summit of the exterior to the same part of the interior cone, whence it continues ei- ther along the edge or through the centre of the septa. Very abundant, es~ pecially in strata of Chalk and Compact Limestone. a. Elongated in cylinders, sharpened at the end only. — 6. Narrowed towards the base, like a distaff or lance. 2. ORTHOCERATITES. Brey- nius .. Straight or slightly bent; chambered; margins of the septa even, or with 1 or 2 small undulations. Pl. 1, fig. 25. Pl. 2, fig. #1. 3. Conutaritres. Miller. Concave, hollow, mouth half closed by an inflexion ofthe lip. Pl. 3, fig. 19,24. 4, AMPLEXITES. Sowerby. Nearly cylindrical; di- vided into chambers by numerous transverse sep- ta embracing each other with their reflected mar- gins. Pl. 2, fig. 10. 5. Noposarra. Lam. Straight, chambered, slender, with a contrac- tion at each septum. A siphon central or lateral. Septa imperforate. Said to characterise the Transition Rocks of Werner. In Transition Lime- stone, in Ironstone, in Schale, with marine shells. In the Limestone of the Black Rock at Lime- PICK. Akin to the Raphanis- ter (Pl. 2, fig.15), Echid- nus (PL. 2, fig. 14), and Telebois (Pl. 3, fig. 22) * of Montfort ? B ( 18 ) (Orthoceracece.) a, Contractions moderate. PI, 2, fig. 9. 6. Contractions sa deep that the septa are united by the siph 1 " pear as if strung together. Pl. 2, fig. 12. y iphon only and ap 6. Hippunires. Lam. Cor- nu-copiz. Thomson. . : Thick, cylindrical or A siphon, a gutter in- _ Several large species conical, with irregular sep- stead ofasiphon,orboth. in the older Secondary ta traversing two longitu- Mountains: : dinal cylindrical projec- tions adhering to one of the sides; mouth closed by an operculum. Pl. 4, fig. 24, 26, 28, 31,33. Pl. 2, fig. 18. a. Conical, more or less arched. Pl. 4, fig, 24. 6. Batholites, Montf. Straight, cylindrical. 7. Bacunites. Faujas. Ha- MITES. Parkinson. Straight, cylindrical, a ~ Maestricht. In the litttle conical, fusiform, clay at Folkstone. In hooked or bent, com- | the chalk at Hamsey and pressed : septa transverse, at Horton. undulated at the mar- gins. Pl. 1, fig. 17, 419. Pl. 2, fig. 16. Pl. 3, fig. 18, 23. a. With a siphon at the outer edge of the chambers. 6. Without es oe ws 8. Turriites. Montf. Spiral, turreted: with — Septa pierced in their | St. Catherine’s Mount chambers divided by si- disks. near Rouen. In the nuous septa: the turns green sand at Horning- contiguous, all visible : sham, Wilts. Hamsey mee round. Pl. 4, fig. Marl Pit. Belemnites. According to M. Beudant, they have never been found in transition limestone, or grey wacke, but first appear in the argillaccous tron stone which alternates with bituminous slate. The internal of the two testaceous cones is filled with a solid substance, presenting either radiating fibres or conical beds enveloping each other, and their bases corresponding with the edges of the septa of the interior cone: | this solid part is sometimes found alone; at others, the kernels of the chambers of | the interior cone or the alveoli are also met with. PI.1, fig.9. Most frequently the al- veoliand the chambers themselves have left no other traces than some projecting cir- cles within the interior cone; but we sometimes meet with the alveoli still piled on one another, but detached from the double conical case which envelopes them. | The exterior cone has generally a notch on one side of the base continued in a Jongitu- _ dinal furrow. Klein, in 1734, was the first who considered the fusiform Belemnitesto _ be spines of Echin‘, from the similar exterior form, and the radiation presented in (19) both on fracture, PI. 1, fig. 8. pl. 2, fig. 7 : it does not appear, however, that he thought of making alongitudinal section of the Echinus, such as M. Beudant has submitted, pl. 4, fig. 8. pl. 2, fig.8. A Belemnite, in the collection of the Conseil des Mines, which has not entirely passed into the calcareous state, presents in some of its parts the same spongy and radiated tissue which we observe in the spines of the Echinus. This Belem- nite also offers the peculiarity of a nipple at the base, with projecting sides, striated transversely, and diverging from the centre to the circumference ; the centre is per- forated by a small shallow round hole: the summit sometimes terminates in folds. Pl. 4, fig. 10,11,12. Some present alarge conical cavity at the base, which has been often considered as the last chamber or dwelling of the animal; others have none, or at least a very small cavity. Theophrastus’s description of the lynx stone is not applicable to the Belemnitc : it would seem that we owe the first notice of it to Pliny, but it is not quite clear whether his dactylus idwus (1. 37, c. 10) which he clearly distinguishes from the lynx stone (1. 8, c. 38) was a fossil species of Echinus or Belemnite. In the 15th century they were considered to be meteoric stones, and marvellous medicinal virtues were ascribed to them. Boetius de Boot, in his Treatise on Stones, pronounces them to be petrified darts, and it was not until the end of the 16th century that they were first regarded as natural organised bodies. Erhart, in 1724, appears to have been the first who concluded them to be shells akin to the Nautilus. Deluc insisted that the Belemnite was an organised bone, like that of the Sepia; and they have been concluded by other authors to be sta- lactites; petrified wood; the teeth or the back bones of fish; the tusks of the Narwal ; Crocodile’s teeth ; tubulites, etc. etc. Cuvier, Réegne Animal, t. 2. p. 371. Sage, Jour. de Phys. ventose. an- x. Beudant, Observations sur les Belemnites. Ann. du Mus. t-16.-p.77. Faure Biguet. Considerations sur les Belemnites, etc. Lyon, 4819. t ; : Orthoceratites. Mr. Farey ‘‘ finds them referable to twenty different places in the British series of strata; extending from (1st) the London clay above the chalk, to (20th) the lime- stone resting on slate.” According to Spallanzani, the islands of the coasts of Dal- matia are masses of orthoceratites. M. Sage thinks, from the sections he has made pi. 4, fig. 24, that the Orthoceratites are alveoli of different species of Belemnites and contained within the funnel, pl. 4, fig. 29, which, however, according to M. Ben- dant, does not always exist. This opinion has not been generally adopted. Deluc, in particular, combated it (Journ. de Phys. vent. an. 12.), asserting that the alveoli of the Belemnites have no siphon. M. Sage considers the organization of the siphon to be evident in pl. 4, fig. 27, and in the centre of fig. 25, which is confirmed by Platt and Beudant : Montfort seems to have viewed the alveoli as the envelope ofa parasite. Breynius submits fig. 30 as an orthoceratite, with the siphon passing through the axis; fig. 35, as the convex front of the last articulation, with the siphon, of a species found most frequently in the marble of Oeland, on the coast of Sweden, four feet long, and only two inches in diameter at the base: fig. 34, or the same part of another species, whose diameter is three inches, whence he infers ‘its length to be more than five feet ; fig, 11, p.2, isthat of a species from Gothland with a large siphon at the circumference, and remarkable for the projecting ra s, sometimes filled with crystals of fluor, the proportion between the leneth and ite diameter appeared to be 10:4. Dissertatio Physica de Polythalmiis. Gedani 1732, Some are smooth, others have circular sides; both kinds are found in the greyish marble of Norway ; they are of a whitish calcareous spar, with a case or envelope of a reddish brown; the chambers are separated by hemispherical yellowish lines. iT ippi rites. Some consider what we call the operculum to be the last septum, in which case the shell may be interior, unless it is hereafter discovered to be a bivalve: fie. 26 pl. 1, shows the gutter or canal, c. which replaces the siphon ; fig. 28 is the under part of a convex operculum, with two prolongations having the appearance of a ( 20 ) hinge ; whether this is natural or accidental to the petrifaction cannot be decided, for no other example is known amonst the various species which have been found ; fig. 31 isa Hippurite, with a gutter, a, and a siphon, b; its surface is smooth and the septa are concave: fig. 33 is one of the most singular species which have yet been discovered ; the operculum is entire, and pierced with two eyes; it is onl six lines in depth and fifteen in diameter: fig. 18, pl. 2, found in a considerable bed on the mountain of Montferrand is sometimes a foot and a half long, the diameter not exceeding an inch; the operculum has been destroyed by long exposure; M. de la Peyrouse observes, that their situation in the rock clearly indicates that they have been petrified in the same position and in the same place in which they had originated. De novis quibusdam Orthoceratitum et Ostracitum spectebus Dissertatiun- cula, Erlange, 1700. Dr. Thomson, formerly Professor of Anatomy at Oxford, saw _several species in the cabinet of M. Chiarelli, at Palermo, in 1789, in the form of the femur of a cow or. horse, which had been found entire at Cape Passora (the ancient Pachynus), with no bones whatever in their neighbourhood. Dr. Thomson, on visiting the spot expressly, could only meet with species in the form of a case or sheath, and equal in dimension to the horn of a bull about three years old; the interior hollow, and containing two cylindrical bodies, like two candles. The base of this cone is closed by a speeies of lid, similar to that of a powder horn. The internal structure resembles a heap of egg shells, broken transversely, and piled up so as to touch each other, but leaving a void space in the middle. These plates are so flexible that they allow the concave part of the horn to bend inwards when squeezed. Their disposition has some resemblance to the diaphragm of the human body. The Hippurite, therefore, is not entirely divided into concamerations, and has no tubes of communication, or siphons, as we find in the Ammonites, Belemnites, and Orthoceratites. The texture of this case, as it exists in a fossil state, is scaly lengthwise and across. The transversal fracture, when it is fresh, appears to be strong, and composed of concentric layers; but after having been some time ex- posed to the air, this fracture appears rotten and spongy, so that in the part changed by the air, it becomes ramified like an animal substance, which gives it the appearance of a bone. This fossil case is closed by an operculum, the internal surface of which is imbricated in converging rays, like the shell of the Pecten. The thickness of the operculum led Dr. Thomson to conclude that this case was inhabited by one animal only, and that it was not the nest of several. DIVISION V. LITUACE. GENERA, 4. Lrruus. Breynius. The last turn elongated. a. Lituites, Montf. Turns contiguous. Pl. 4, fig. 7. 4. Hortolus, Montf. Turns separated. Pl. 1, China: Foss. in the fig. 32, red limestone of Oeland ; Meudon ; in the limestone at Namur. 2. Scapnires. Parkinson. i | The last turn (after being In the London ICay ; enlarged and elongated) Crag Marl; Melbury. diminished and reflected Marble. Oe: inwards. Pl. 2, fig. 6. | | | DIVISION VI. SPIRULACE/. GENERA. 4. Sprruza. (1) Lam. ’ The turns of the spire Siphonoccupying the Austral Seas. Gulph not touching ; divided middle of each chamber of Florida. V. Animal, transversally into cham- and continued to the ex- p. 54. bers. Pl. 4, fig. 18. tremity of the shell. ! 2. Serrorinitzs. Lam. ees The turns of the spire Siphon traversing the —_ Grignon. (2) touching; the septa pro- septa and chambers. jecting ina small degree, so as to divide the exterior surface of the spire by a or striz. Pl. 1, fig. 3. AmMonocErAtiTEs. (3) Lam_ Septa numerous, undu- Siphon marginal, in- Rolled on itself in the lated at the margins. Pl. 3, terior. same plane? fig. 14. (1) Peron’s discovery of the animal of the Spirula, so nearly akin to the Nautili that Linnzus placed it amongst them, has thrown much light on all the multilocular univalves : thitherto, it was a question whether the animal inhabited the last chamber of the shell; whether it was contained entirely or partly within it; or whether the shell was enveloped more or less completely by the animal. The animal of the Spirula is perfectly analogous to the Sepia, and its shell is enchased in the posterior extremity of the body, and only visible in part. There is now very little, or no doubt, therefore, that the Rotalites, Belemnites, Hippurites, etc. etc. were more or less enchased in the posterior extremity of the animal, a portion of whose body was enveloped in the last chamber and connected, probably, bya tendinous filament inserted at the extremity of the siphon, similar to that of the Nautilus. Breynius, on the authority of Woodward (Catalogue of English Fossils. Part I, p. 143), says, that the shells of the Spirula abound on the shores of Jamaica, Barbadoes and the Bahamas: he adds, “‘de figura autem animalculi domicilium hoc testaceum curiosissimum inhabitantis, altum apud omnes silentium.” p. 22. (2) Lamarck has mentioned the genus Cristeltaria (Pl. 5, fig. 13), but without defining it, and there are none in the Museum. These shells are cretaceous, and almost microscopic. Fossil species, pyritous or ferruginous, are found in Tuscany ; and M. Defrance possesses others, which are said to have been brought up with the soundings off Teneriffe. (3) The locality is unknown. M. Lamarck purchased it by accident: he kindly allowed me to take it home. in order that the figure, which is the first that has been made, might be as accurate as possible. ( 22 ) DIVISION VII. AMMONACEZ. GENERA. 4. Ammonites. Brug. Septa of the chambers A siphon, generally | Abounding in the Se- undulated at the mar- marginal. | condar Mountains, gins. (1) | from ‘the size of a pin to that of a coach-wheel. a. Ammonites, Lam. All the turns visible. Pl. 4, fig. 45. 6. Orbulites, Lam. The last turn enveloping all the others. Pl. 3, fig. 44, 42. (1) According to Spallanzani, there are vast beds of Ammonites in the environs of Nevers. They have been found in England, in all the formations from the 1st or alluvium, to the 8th or first sand stone, inclusive. DIVISION VII. NAUTILACES. GENERA. 1. Naurizus. \ The last turns of the Septa numerous, sim- —_-V. Animal, p. 54. spire not only touch but ple, transverse, siphun- envelope the preceding. culated. Pl. 2, fig. 2,3, 4. a Navriurtes. (1) § Microscopic. a Lenticulina, (2) Lam. The last turn, as in the existing species, pl. 2, fig. 47. § in the middle of the septa. \ towards the anterior edge. towards the edge. scattered. ranged in a longitudinal line. ranged in a transversal line. A slit, instead of a siphon .. 1 phe cust : & Rotalites. (3) Lam. The mouth placed more on one side than the other, | or entirely on one side, pl. 2, fig. 13. y Discorbites. (3) Lam. Allihe turns visible, pl. 1, fig. 5, o +-—-——_ — —-——— The last turn very large in comparison with the | rest of the spire. aK) Large or moderate. a Angulites.(4) Monif. One siphon. B Bisiphites. Ment. Two siphons. One siphon. . Several siphons... y Planulites. Lam. Siphon towards the edge. § Ellipsolites.(5) Montf. Spire elliptic, pl. 3, fig. 45 v Amaltes. Mont f- Siphon in the middle. (1) Foss. in the London Clay; Crag Marl; Chalk Marl; Green Sand ; Under © Oolite ; Blue Lias; Derbyshire Peak or Mountain Lime Stone. i (2) Foss. at Senlis; Soisson; Grignon; Meudon. Lamarck possesses Lenticu- | line in the recent state which were found in 125 fathoms off Teneriffe. (3) Foss. Grignon. (4) Foss. Grignon. Defrance has received specimens in the recent state from — New-Hoiland and the Red-Sea. (5) Foss. in the Derbyshire Peak Lime Stone. (25) DIVISION IX. ARGONAUTACE/. GENERA. 1. ARGONAUTA. a Very thin ; the last turn Mediterranean. At- so disproportionately large | lantic. Fossil species -as to give the spire the ap- between Rouen and St. pearance of the poop ofa Ouen (Pl. 3, fig. 9), ship. Pl. 13, fig. 4. and at D'Anvers. Y. Animal, p. 55. DIVISION X. CARINACEZ. GENERA. 1. Canaria. Lam. Conical, flattened at the Mouth entire, oval, Mediterranean, At- sides. The summit an oblong, narrowed to- lantic, Indian Seas. involute and very small wards the angle of the V. Animal, p. 72. spire; the back with a keel. dentated keel: very thin. Pl. 5, fig. 16. DIVISION XI. VAGINACE/. GENERA. 4. VacineiirKs. Daudin. Tubular, oblong; thin A superior but no la- _In the interior of the and pointed at one end, teral aperture. Jossil shells of the envi- and an enlarged mouth at rons of Bourdeaux. the other. Pl. 3, fig. 10. 2. CLeopora. Peron. Cartilo-gelatinous; like .....--....., Seas of warm climates. a reversed truncated py- V. Animal, p. 56. ramid. Pl. 5, fig. 2. ‘ | 3. CympuLia. Peron. Cartilo-gelatinous, very | Aperture lateral and =~ Mediterranean, near transparent, crystalline, anterior. Nice. ‘ oblong, like a truncated V. Animal, p. 56. sabot or boat. Pl. 5, fig. 3. 4. Hyara. Lam. Horny, oval-globulous ; es 3 a Mediterranean, At- tridentated posteriorly. PI. lantic, etc. VY. Animal, 5, fig. 1. p. 5 ( 24 ) DIVISION XII. CLYPEACEE. GENERA. 4. Parewya. (1) Lin. | _Oval or almost orbicular, Mostly marine, ad- in dilated cones, more or hering to the rocks and -less obtuse and concave - other hard substances beneath. Pl. 5, fig. 5, 6. bordering the sea. VY. Animal, p. 73. 2. Fissuretra. (2) Lam. A small hole at the Marine. VY. Animal, summit. Pl. 5, fig. 10. p. 72. 3. Emarernura. (3) Lam. A notch at the poste- Marine. Y. Animal, rior edge. »Ph...5, tig. 1h. ip. 42, 4. Scutus. Montf. Par- MAPHORA. Blainv. Elongated, flattened ; Marine. New Zea- summit apparent towards land. Fossil species at the posterior part, which Grignon. . Animal un- is rounded; the anterior known. truncated. PI. 5, fig. 4. 5. Sepranra. Feruss. NAvICELLA. Lam. _ Summit symmetrical , A horizontal plate _ In the rivers of warm inclined towards the pos- within. climates. terior edge : an opercu- V. Animal, p. 72. lum. Pl. 5. fie. 23. 6 AncyLus. Geoff, Conical. VY. Animal, p. 63. de Pls 5, fig, 7, Fresh-water. 6. Plectrophorus, Fer. With an interior winding Terrestrial. impression. P1,6, fig.2,3. Teneriffe. Maldives. (1) The animal of the fresh-water Patella differs from that of the marine, although the shell has scarcely any distinguishing character. The fossil species P. cornucopie (pl. 5. fig. 6.) resembles a cap, and is of considerable thickness. Foss. in Alluvia; Crag Marl; Chalk Marl; Clunch Clay; Alum Shale of Whitby ; Forest Marble.—Grignon ; Houdan; Pontoise. shi (2) Foss. in the beds of coarse marine limestone at Grignon, and in the marl-pits of Touraine. (3) Foss. in Limestone analogous to that at Grignon. ( 25 ) DIVISION XII]. MEGASTOMATA. GENERA. A. In the form of a shield or cap. 4. Caputus. Montf. Conical, the summit curving spirally. Pl. 5, fig. 13. 2. Hrpponyx. (1) De France. Conical, summit in- Support adherent and clined backwards. Pl. 6, bearing (as well as the shell) a muscular impres- sion in the shape of a horse-shoe. fig. 1. 3. Creprpura. Lam. Oval or oblong, the summit obtuse, inclined towards the edge. Pl. 5, Half closed by a ho- rizontal plate. fig. 12. 4, CatypTReA. (2) Lam. Conical, the summit ver- tical and pointed. Marine. Mediterranean. badoes.. Y. Animal, p.i 71. Bar- Marine. Marine. On the rocks of the Caribbean Sea. Mediter- ranean. VY. Animal, p. 72. Marine. Atlantic, Indian Seas. a The plate (adhering to the bottom of the cone) folded, and descending vertically. Pl. 5, fig. 8. 6 Infundibulum, Montf. The plate simple, almost horizontal, adhering fo the sides of tbe cone, which has a spiral line on the exterior. Pl. 5, fig. 20. 5. Umprecza. Lam. Orbicular, slightly con- A callous, colored disk, vex above, a small apex within. near the summit. Pl. 5, fig. 15. Marine. Mediterranean, dian Seas. - In- _ (A) Several valves of different sizes having been found at Grignon, in the marl- pits of Hauteville, Montmirail, etc. they were considered by some naturalists as the type of the genus Acardo. M. Defrance having remarked a similar support adhering to a recent shell (Patella mitrata, Gm. ), foresaw that some other Patella were to be separated from that Genus to form the present. His conjectures were afterwards realised by finding one of the fossil species on its support. (2) Foss. Grignon. (3) Foss, in the London Clay; Crag Marl; Weelwich Loam; Green Sand. ( 26 ) (Megastomata.) | B. In the form of an ear. oP 7. Haryotis. Lam. Spire or spiral apex flat- Marine. tened, excedingly small. a, Halyotis, Lam, Pierced by a series of | Adhere to the rocks like holes. Pl. 5, fig, 24. limpets, but inhabit deep water, generally ata short distance from the shore (1). V. Animal, p.7!. 6. Padolla, Montf. ‘Adeep furrow with- — Almostall the holesob- Coasts of Africa. Ani- in, forming a_ ridge literated. mal unknown. without. PI. 6, fig. 4. c. Stomatia, Lam. Spire more promi- — No holes. nent; shell deeper. Pl. 5, fig, 21. Animal unknown. d, Stomatella, Lam. Whorls carinated. = ....-- ofa: se Se RSE Pl. 5, fig. 22. 8. Sicaretus. Adans. Ditto; mouthverydeep; No holes. Seas of warm cli- shell hidden within a spon- gy buckler. PI. 5, fig. 25. 9. Trstacerta. Lam. Oval, spire very small ; semi-corneous, transpar- ent. Pl. 5, fig. 9. PI. 6, fig. 7, 8,9. 10. ParmMacerna. Cuv. Oblong, flat, with a slight commencement of a spire behind. PI1.6. fig. 10. 44. Virrina. Draparn. HeLico-timax. Feruss. Very thin, transparent, The mouth (diminish- mates. VY. Animal, p. 74. Terrestrial. South of France. Teneriffe. V. Animal, p. 61. Terrestial, Mesopo- tamia. Y. Animal, p. 61. Terrestial. Those of | flattened. Pl. 5, fig. 44. ed by the projection of Europe live in humid | _ the penultimate whorlof places and are very | the spire) in the formof small; those of warm a crescent, broader than climates are larger. deep. s (4) They are found on the coasts of Brittany, Asia Minor, Barbary, Western Africa, India, New Holland, New Zealand, and California. Luid and Scheuchyer report that they have found the Halyotis in a fossil state. Bertrand, in his Dic- tionnaire Orictologique, says that he possesses a shell of this Genus, brought from Vir- ginia, resembling a ferruginous stone, (27 ) DIVISION XIV. ELLIPSOSTOMATA. GENERA. A. Longitudinally volute; the last whorl considerably larger than the preceding. . 4. Lymneus. (1) Lam. Spire oblon thin; no Columella* with alon- In stagnant waters lum. PI.6, fig. 142. gitudinal fold entermg and marshes. Coe ie Shliquély intothemouth. V. Animal, p. 63. 2. Puysa. Drap. Spire short Pecaderate; Columella simple. In springs. very thin; no operculum. V. Animal, p. 63. Pl. 6, fig. 13. 3. Metanza. (2) Outer lip advancing and ie ero aaa Marine and Fresh narrowing the mouth ; an Water. — operculum. VY. Animal, p. 67. a. Melania, Lam. RY Peristoma complete, Turreted. Fluviatic. Isle of France. effusive (3) at the base Madagascar, East Indies. of the columella; black. Pl. 6, fig. 14. 6. Melantho. Peristoma incom- Sub-globular. Marine. plete, not effusive; very thick: white, Pl. 6, fig. 15. c. Melanopsis, Lam. Peristoma incom- Turreted. Fluviatie., plete, inner lip very broad, reflected, effu- sive; black. Pl. 6, fig. 18. d, Melanella, Dufresne. ‘ Semi-transparent, Turreted;spirecurved. Marine. mouth invaded by the last whorl; white. Pl. | 6, fig. 47. (1) Foss. in the Cowes Roch of Limestone; Grignon; 4st and 2nd Fresh Water Formations of the environs of Paris. * See the section Pl. 42, fig. 16. _ (2) Ihave ventured to separate the marine Melanix, under the name of Melantho, the Melanella (in the cabinet of M. Dufresne), and the Meclanamona; adding the name of Melanatria to Lamarck’s Pyrene, in order to indicate its connexion with the others. Foss. in the London Clay; Purbeck Limestone; Coral Rag; Blue Lias; at Grignon, Courtagnon, Houdan, Parnes and Ponchartrain. The fossil species of Me- lania found at Grignon differ remarkably from the fresh water species. In the M. castellata, pl. 13, fig. 14, the peristoma is continuous, but the mouth is not circu- lar, and it is entirely detached from the columella towards the upper part of the lip. In the M. cochlearclla, pl. 13, fig. 13, the lip is prolonged like a spoon; in the - marginata, pl. 43, fig. 10, the peristoma is margined or thickened. The fluviatic Melanie brought by Olivier from the East are very distinct in appearance from all other species: see PI, 8, fig. 144, 17. This Genus is, probably, entirely foreign to Europe. (3) Versante is the French term, which they explain by saying if the shell were laid on its back and filled with water, it would run out at this part of the mouth: this has been concluded to be the meaning of Linnzus’s term E/fusus, but it appears improbable that he should take a perfect instead of a present participle, when we consider his Latinity. | (28: ) (Ellipsostomata.) ce. Melanamona. Effusive, with one Turreted. Fluviatie. very deep sinus ; black. Pl. 6, fig. 19. f- Melanatria. Pyrene. Lam. With 3 undulating... . «0 2%. eh B+ Saver ie © 6 8 ee ce) ae phe ole ee sinuses: black. Pl. 6, fig. 20. 4. Puastanesa. (1) Lam. Oblong : operculum, Columellasimple, flat- Marine. Indian Seas. calcareous. Pl. 6, fig. 21, tened at the base. Shores of New Holland. V. Animal, p. 67. 5. Auricuna. (2) Oval or oblong, outer — Columella, with large Mostly Fresh Water, lip thickened. Pl. 6, fig. oblique channellings or but some Marine. ee. folds ; no umbilicus. VY. Animal, p. 63. 6. Scariszus. Montf. Oblong-oval, spire a- Innerliptoothed,with | On herbs in the Mo- cute ; ouder lip thickened, a hollow below the mid- luccas. The marshes, dentated. Pl. 6, fig. 23. dle. woods, and mountains : of Asia. Animal unknown. 7. Carycurum. Muller. Oval or oblong, spire Inner lipplicatewitha The /oodsof Europe, obtuse; outer lip thicken- hollow belowthe middle, under moss. St. Vin- ed, margined ; penulti- the upper part wanting. cent’s. mate whorl much larger than the preceding, but considerably less than the Jast ; no operculum. Pl. 6, fig. 24. 8. Conovutus. Lam. Merampus. Montf. An inverted cone; lip Columella with pro- — Rivers of the West finely striated; no opercu- jecting folds. Indies. lum. Pl. 6, fig. 25. \. Animal, p. 63. 9. Acuatina. (3) Lam. AGATHINA. Oval or oblong. Columella truncated Zrees and sands of at the end. warm climates. VY. Animal, p. 62. (1) Foss. in the Cowes Rock of Limestone. . (2) Foss. in the London Clay; Green Sand; at Grignon. (3) A smooth, thin, globulous shell is found in the marme deposits of Plaisantin, approaching very nearly to the Achatina, but without the columella being trun- cated at the base, pl. 8, fig. 22. Brocchi calls it Bulla Hclicoides. ( 29) a. Liguus, Montf. A callosity within the last whorl. Pl. 6, fig. 26. b. Polyphemus, Montf. The end of the colu- mella curving inwards. Pl, 12, fig. 41. 40. Butimus. (1) ; blong. Columella smooth. On rocks and trees in ae? 8 cool shady places. Large species in warm climates. V. Animal, p. 62. a Bulimus, Lam. Outer lip thick, blunt, pl. 6, fig. 27. 6 Bulimopsis, Lam. Outer lip thin, sharp, pl. 4, fig. 19. 5 c Bulimulus, Leach. Outer lip thin, sharp ; inner lip inflected, pl. 6, fig. 26. 44. Ampniputima. Lam. SuccinEA. Drap. { Elongated or oval ; spire, _ ¥. Animal, p. 62. short, of 2-4 whorls, the last forming almost the whole of the shell. Pl. 6, fig. 5,6. Pl. 7, fig. 5, 6. 42. TorRNATELLA. Lam. Acton. Montf. Spire projecting but lit- Columellawith oneor = Marine. tle; mouth elongated, en- two large folds. Coasts of Africa. larged below. PI. 6, fig. VY. Animal, p. 63. 29. . , B. Longitudinally volute ; the last whorl very little larger, or less, than the preceding. 43. Crausmia. Drap. Slim, long, pointed; With orwithoutteeth In mosses at the feet the last whorl contracted, or projecting plates. of trees. _ compressed ; mouth edged V. Animal, p. 62. with a callous pad. Pl. 6, fig. 36. (1) Fossil species have been found in the 2d Fresh Water Formations of the en- virons of Paris. The marine species at Grignon have not the same generic cha- racter as the Bulimi, according to Brongniart, and ought to be referred to the Phasianellz. Lamarck has observed that only terrestrial shells have the lip reflected. The Bulimus dombeyanus , B, octronus, and B. terebraster, pl. 13, fig, 15, and many other species which inhabit Asia, Africa, or America, are turreted with numerous whorls ; others are of a conical form, as the Bulimus trochoides of Bruguiere, See the singular species, and its monstrosity, Pl. 6, fig. 35, 34. ( 30 ) (Ellipsostomata.) 14. Onosromia. Fleming. Spire produced; mouth With teeth or plates. The greater number ee s eure . terrestrial; under stones, istinct fr i ot a rom the body on rocks, and in mosses. orl. Animal unknown. a, Spire destral. Pl. 8, fig. 28. 6. .. sinistral, Pl. 8, fig, 23. - 15. Pura. (1) Lam. Summit obtuse; mouth With or without teeth Marine and Terres- narrowed byacallous pad, or plates. trial. - and ne hitied on the side Y. Animal, p. 62. of the spire by the prece- ding whorl. Pl. 6, fig. 37, 34. a Without a tooth, pl. 8, fig. 29. 6 A tooth in the part of the mouth invaded by the penulti- timate whorl, pl. 8, fig. 32. ¢ Teeth within the outer lip, pl. 6, fig. 37. Oval. § 2 Chondrus, Cuv. Teeth at the lip, or plates within the mouth, ) pl. 8, fig. 24. Cylindrical. C. Horizontally volute ; mouth transyersally elliptical. 16. Pranorsrs. (2) Brug. Rolled almost in the Stagnant waters. same plan ; the whorls in- V. Animal, p. 63. creasing gradually ; no operculum, PI. 6, fig. 32. 47, Hetrx. (2) Globulous or subconical, Lorrestsiak spire depressed ; mouth V. Animal, p. 62. somewhat diminished by the projection of the pen- ultimate whorl. Pl. 7. (1) The shells of the marine and terrestrial Pupe are similar, but an experienced Conchologist may always distinguish them : the animal of the former is not known. Lamarck doubts the Pupa mumia to be marine. Foss. in the 2d Fresh Water Formation. (2) Fossil species have been found in the Limestone of Fontainebleau (2d Fresh Water Formation) ; in the Silex near Paliseau (2nd Fresh Water Formation); in the Marne Blanche covering the Gypsum at Pantin and Chaumont (1st Fresh Water For- mation); in the Cowes Rock of Limestone ; London Clay ; Green Sand ; Under Oolite ; Derbyshire Peak Limestone. Neither of the three Planorbes cited at Grignon can be exactly referred to this Genus; the Carinata resembles the Delphinata. (3) The distinction of fresh water formations, so precisely established by Geo- | logists, has made it indispensably necessary to study this Genus attentively. Anar- | rangement with a view of easily distinguishing the species is difficult, from the great accumulation, for whilst the shells present the greatest varieties of form, the. animals offer no differences of any importance. As M. de Ferussac appears to have studied the excessively numerous species of this Genus more completely than any other author, accompanying the eipliratee of his system, which comprebends all the known species, with accurate and beautiful engravings, I shall adjoin his (31) a Helix, Lam. Globulous, pl. 7, fig. 9 Lam. 6 Caracolla, ma, Lam. c Anostoma, 48. Hericrna. (1) Lam. Subglobulous or coni- cal ; spire a little depress- ed; inner lip enlarged at the base in a callous pad entirely covering the um- bilicus ; a small blunt an- le at the base of the right ip. Pl. 12, fig 6. 49, Hetcanton. Ferruss. Very thin, transparent. 20. Ampuntaria. (2) Lam. Round and ventricose, spire short; umbilicate ; operculum horny. a. Mouth narrower, more elliptical, thinner. Pl, 9, fic. 1. 6, Ampullina. Considerably. thick- er. Pl. 9, fig. 2 Carinated, coficals pl. 7, ae, 9 Mouth dorsal, toothed, pl. Columella callous. Columella spiral, solid, formed by the inner lip and confounded with the whorl of the mouth. Columella umbilical. Inner lip sharp. 22. fig. 20. : Terrestrial. VY. Animal, p. 66. Marine. Australasia. VY. Animal, p. 62. Fresh Waters of warm climates. Marine. ; V. Animal, p.2% method of distribution, impressing that it is purely artificial. The Helices being terrestrial shells, it appears extraordinary that we should meet with them in the fossil state in marine deposits; but when that happens they have been brought there by floods or rivers, or by some irruption of the sea, attesting that previously to these deposits there had been dry land in the same places, whereon the animals lived which formed the sh ells. The Marl Pit of Touraine is the only place on record where they thus occur, and there they are frequeutly filled with the remains of Polypi and marine shells. Fossil Helices are generally found in Fresh Water Formations, and often accompanied by Lymnzi and Planorbes. We meet with them in breccia, and sometimes in the districts which have been overthrown by volcanoes. the Green Sand, and in the Derbyshire Peak Limestone. (1) Foss. Blue Lias Limestone. (2) Their opercula, being horny, are never found, although these shells are very common in beds of coarse, calcareous, shelly matter ; whilst the opercula of the Naticw, to which some authors would refer them, are very frequently met with from their being calcareous. Fossil Ampullarize are also found in the extinct vol- canoes of the valley of Ronca, where they have been so disposed by the eruptions M. Faujas found a species of Ampullaria, with a very thick shell,at St. Paulet, near Pont St. Esprit, in bituminous marl, above a mine of fossil coal; the ree edge of cach whorl bears an ascending keel, and it differs as to preserve their colours. from all that are In England they have been found in the Cowes Rock of Limestone, in nown, by an oval mouth, pl. 12, fig 12,43, 14. ( 52) DIVISION XV. HEMICYCLOSTOMATA. GENERA. Nenita, Liz. Semi-globulous ; mouth — Columellainastraight semi-circular or semi-el- line. liptical, closed entirely by an operculum ; spire al- most effaced. a. Natica, (14) Lam. Operculum horny. | Columella umbilicate. Marine. Pl. 9, fig. 24. V. Animal, p. 67. 6. Nerita, (2) Lam. Operculum stony, | Columella umbilicate, — Marine. shell thick, Pl. 9, fig. dentated. V. Animal, p. 67. 20. e. Neritina, Lam. Operculum horny, Columella rarely den- — Fluviatic. shell thin. Pl. 9, fig. tated. (3) V. Animal, p. 67. 4. (41) In the fossil state, in the London Clay and Crag Marl; at Grignon. (2) In the fossil state, at Retheuil, Courtagnon, Houdan, Grignon. (3) Those with the columella dentated form the genus Clithon of Montfort, whose Clithon corona, pl. 9, fig. 23, differs from the Clithon coronata of Leach. é 5 DIVISION XVI. CRICOSTOMATA. GENERA. 4. Turso. (1) Lam. Round 1; thick. Mouth completed by Marine. ey. the penultimate whorl. V. Animal, p. 65. a. Meleager, Montf. Umbilicate. Pl. 9, fig. 3. 6. Turbo, Montf. Not umbilicate, Pl. 42, fig. 45. _ 2. Turriteria. (2) Lam. Spire elongated like an Mouth completed by = Marine. obelisk ; thin : operculum the penultimate whorl. V. Animal, p. 65. horny or cartilaginous. PI. 9, fig. 12. Pl. 42, fig. 17. 3. VERMICULARIA. 4dan- son. 3 Whorls not touching, Ditto. Marine. irregularly curved. Pl. 9, V. Animal, p. 65. fig. 17. 4, DELpHINULA. (3) Lam. Thick; rolled almostin Mouthentirelyformed Marine. a same plane. Pl. 9. fig. by the last whorl. V. Animal, p. 65. 5. Scauanra (4) Zam. Turreted, with pro- Ditto; but margined. Marine. jecting sharp longitudinal VY. Animal, p. 65. vhs. P1.9, fig. 6. 6. Acton. (5) Leach. WENDLETRAP. Ditto, but whorls dis- Mouthentireandmar- Marine. tinct and distant ; no co- gined. Animal unknown. lumella. Pl. 9, fig. 5, (1) Foss. in the Crag Marl; at Presles; Grignon. No fossil species of this genus has been discovered in the Fresh Water Formations; the little shell: of the ponds of Havre and Magentone have been erroneously referred to it. (2) Foss. in the London Clay; Crag Marl; at Grignon, Chaumont. (3) Foss. Grignon, Courtagnon. (4) Foss.in the London Clay; Crag Marl; at Grignon, Presles. (5) ** The museum of Mr. Bullock contains the largest known specimen of the Aciona Scalaris, which was purchased at a sale for twenty-seven pounds; but it is now estimated at worth more than double that sum.”—Leach’s Zoological Mis- cellany, vol. 2, 1815. é C r 7 ( 34 ) (Cricostomata.) 7. Cyciostoma. (1) Lam. Oval -spiral, mouth Mouth bordered by a — Terrestrial and aqua- round or nearly round, callous pad. lic. closed entirely by a round, V. Animal, p. 66. thin, calcareous opercu- lum : peristoma complete. Pl. 9, fig. 13, 14. 8. Vatvata. Muller. Rolled almost in the Fresh waters. same plane. Pl. 9, fig. 22. Y. Animal, p. 66. 9. Patupina. (2) Lam. Vivieara. Montfort. Oval-spiral; opercu- Mouth with a small Marine, and in siag- lum with an angle like angle towards the upper nant waters. that of the mouth. PI.9, part. V. Animal, p. 66. fig. 15. 10. Monoponta. Lam. Oval, or conical ; oper- A blunt and slightly Marine. culum round, horny. Pl. projecting tooth at the V. Animal, p. 66. 9,. ig, 25. base of the columella. Base flat or concave. (1) Young Cyclostome may sometimes be confounded with the shell of the genus Turbo; forthe upper part of the peristoma is not completed, that is to say,. the lips do not join, before the adult state; in the Turbo they always remain separated. The Missenau chain of hills near Mayence is composed of fossil Cyclostomz, not of Bulimi, and of two species which, according to M. de Ferussac, are again found in Quercy, Agenois, and in Silesia. M. Brongniart expects that the Cyclostome will hereafter be divided into two genera; the one aquaiic, the other terrestrial. The C. mumia, Lam. pl. 4, fig. 1, belongs to the latter ; it has only been found as yet in the 4st ox Lower Fresh Water Formation in the environs of Paris; M. Brongniart conceives that on further investigation it may be found to characterise it: the enlargement or projection of the upper part of the peristoma is uot unfrequent in the living species. All those indicated at Grignon differ from true Cyclostome, The Cyclostoma carinata of the canals of Egypt, Pl. 43, fig. 9; C. bulimoides of the environs of Alexandria, Pl. 8, fig. 13; C. unicolor, Pl. 8, fig. 15; and the Helix ecre- neluta, Pl, 12, fig.10; brought by Olivier, differ in form from all the other fresh- water shells yet known, and, as M. Brongniart justly observes, if found in the fossil tate, would certainly have been considered as marine. (2) Foss. in Gravel and Alluvial Clay; London Clay ; Crag Marl. (08 do DIVISION XVII. GONYOSTOMATA. GENERA. 4. Trocuus. (1) Lam. Conical; mouth moreor Base flat or concave. —- Marine, or inhabiting less quadrangular, in an the brackish ponts com= oblique plane to the axis municating with the sea. of the shell; operculum Y. Animal, p. 66. thin, horny, orbicular. a The columella, in the form of a concave arch, continued with the outer lip. Pl. 9, fig. 7. = 6 Soe Montf. Flattened; lip sharp, like the rowel of a spur, Pl. 9, ° fiz. 40. " 3 c With a small prominence, or vestige of a tooth, towards the base of g the columella. 5 § d Mouth much broader than long; base concave. Pl. 9, fig. 9. ff e¢ Mouth much broader than long; and the columella in the form of a a spiral canal. f Turreted. o ( g No projection to the columella. 5 h Flattened; the exterior angle edged. = ( ¢ Flattened; the lips rounded. -& }) k Columella with a prominence towards the base. ‘= { Columella embattled lengthwise. 2. Cirzites. Sowerby, Conical ; whorls united. No columella: umbi- In the Chalk Marle, Pl. 9, fig. 4. licus funnel-shaped. under Oolite, and Der: byshire - Peak Lime- 7 Stone. 3. Soxarium. (2) Lam. Spirelikeadilatedcone. A very large umbili- Marine. a9; fig, 14: cus, hollowimg out the V. Animal, p. 66. base. 4. Evompnauites. Sow- erby. Rolled almost m the Concave or largely um- © In the LimestoneShale - same plane, depressed bilicate underneath. in the 4st or Upper above. PI. 9, fig. 18, 19. Grey and in the Peak Limestone of Derby shire. 5. Tanruina. Lam. Subglobulous, horizon- Columella prolonged Marine. . tally volute; no opercu- beyond the mouth. Mediterranean. Aus- lum. Pl. 9, fig. 26. tralasia. A floating shell. VY. Animal, p. 67. (1) Foss in the London Clay ; Crag Marl; Under Oolite; Blue Lias ; near Pont Chartrain; Longjumeau. The Trochus agglutinaus, Pl. 9, fig. 8, is re- markable for its habit of agglutinating to, and even of incorporating with, its shell, during the growth, small pebbles, fragments of other shells, sand, etc. etc It often covers the umbilicus with a testaceous plate. A fossil variety of this cu- rious shell, which inhabits the_seas of South America, is found at Grignon (2) Foss, in the London Clay; Purbeck Limestone ; at Grignon. es at Grignon 3. ( 36 ) DIVISION XVIII. SYPHONOSTOMATA. GENERA. A. With varices. (1) 4. Munex. (2) Lam. Oval or oblong; turbi- Varicesintwoopposite Marine. nated, canal projecting rows. V. Animal, p. 70. and straight; operculum horny. a Murex, Montf. Canal long and slim ; varices spinous. PI. 10; fig. 3. 6 Brontes, Montf. Canal long and slim; varices knotty. e Typhis, Montf. Canal moderate ; varices spinous, with projecting tubes between, penetrating the shell. Pl. 12, fig. 7. d Chicoracex, Montf. Canal moderate or long, with folded leaves notched or divided. Pl. 10, fig. 5. e Aquila, Montf. Canal moderate or short; varices knotty; umbilicate. f ay eres , Montf. Canal moderate or short ; varices knotty; not umbi- icate. g Tritonium, Montf. Canal moderate or short; varices simple; spire ele- vated ; mouth generally wrinkled transversely on both lips. Pl. 40, fig. 4, h Trophones, Montf. Canal moderate or short; varices numerous, com- pressed, almost membranous. t Canal moderate or short; varices few, very much compressed, projecting considerably. 2. RaAnewtta. Lam. Turbinated; canalshort; Varicesborderigboth Marine. surface armed with tuber- sides. ~ V. Animal, p. 70. cles; lips of the mouth wrinkled. Pl. 10, fig. 6. a. Apollo, Montf. Umbilicate. B. Without varices. 3. Fusus. (3) Lam. Fusiform, peristoma en- Columella simple. Marine. tire ; spire elevated. VY. Animal, p. 70. a. Fusus, Montf. Umbilicate. 6. Lathires, Montf. Not umbilicate. Pl. 40, fig. 7. (1) Varices are projecting callous pads with which the animal edges the mouth | or aperture of its shell, each time that it suspends the growth. V¥. Pl. 10, fig. 2, a.b.c.d.e. : (2) Foss. in the London Clay; Crag Marl; Woolwich Loam; Green Sand; at Grignon, Courtagnon. The Muresx tripteris, living in the Indian Seas, near Batavia, | is very common at Grignon. | (3) Foss. in the London Clay. In France they are found in the newest Shelly Lime= stone, and are much more abundant in that than in any other formation. Although: the fossil species are numerous, we meet with scarcely any which are perfectly analogous to those now found in the recent state. These remarks also apply to. the Fasciolaria, 4..FasctouanyA. Lam. - _ Subfusiform. Pl. 40, Columella with oblique Marine. fig. 14, folds at the base. VY. Animal, p. 70. a. Fulgur, Montf. Whorls of spire flattened at top ; striated within the mouth. 4 5. Turpinetya. Lam. ~Turbinated or subfusi- | Columella with large — Marine. form. PI. 40, fig. 15. transverse folds. V. Animal, p. 70. 6. Pyruta. (1) Lam. Subpyriform : spire flat- Columella simple. Marine. tened or rounded. Generally in warm climates, Y. Animal, p. 70. a. Umbilicate. Pl. 40, fig. 8. 6. Not umbilicate. 7. Preuroroma. (2) Lam. Fusiform; a notch in Ditto. ~ Marine. the right lip towards the V. Animal, p. 70. spire ; canal long : opercu- lum horny. Pl. 40, fig. 13. 8. Cuavatuta. (3) Lam. Subturreted; a notch Columella toothed. Marine. in the right lip towards Coasts of Africa. the spire ; left lip excavat- Animal unknown. ed; spire pointed. PI. 13, ig. 8. (1) Foss. at Grignon; Courtagnon; Houdan; Parnes. (2) Foss. in the London Clay ; Green Sand; at Grignon ; Betz, near Crepy ; Parnes. (3) There is no Clavatula in the Museum ; I was therefore compelled to copy the obscure figure of Seba, : ( 55 ) DIVISION XIX. ENTOMOSTOMATA. A. Turreted. 41. Esurna. Lane. Shell smooth. Pl. 10, ig 2. Awcrtrarta. (1) Lam. ANCILLA. Oblong, spire short. PL. 10, fig. 10. 3. Mirra. (2) Lam. Turreted or sub-fu- siform; spire pointed , mouth oblong. Pl. 40, figs 4. Pyramipenta. Lam. Mouth broad, crescent shaped. PI. 10, fig. 12. 5. ‘Terepra. (3) Brug. Spire atleast double the greater diameter of the mouth : no operculum. Pl. 40, fig 20. 6. Crriruium. (4) Brug. Mouth oval, curved to the left at the notch: oper- culum round and horny. GENERA. Columella deeply and broadly umbilicate. A callous pad ‘on the base of the columella. Columella with large folds, the largest nearest the spire. Columella with the base twisted obliquely in sharp, spiral folds. Columella convex or naked, the visible part very short. A gutter in the upper part of the right lip. a. With varices, but no fold on the columella. 6. With folds on the columella, Pl. 43, fig. 2. ce. No folds on the columella; no varices. Pl. 10, fig. 19. Marine. VY. Animal, p. 69. Marine. Marine. Warm climates. VY. Animal, p. 69. Marine. V. Animal, p. 63. Marine. V. Animal, p. 70. Marine. V. Animal, p. 70. (4) Foss.in the London Clay; at Grignon; Courtagnon; Environs of Paris. (2) Foss. at Grignon; Parnes near Magny. (3) Foss. at Grignon; Parnes. (4) This genus of univalves presents more species in the fossil state than any | other. There are already upwards of a hundred in the cabinet of M. De France: | they are almost all found in the newest formations. M. de Gerville, however, re- ports that he has found four species in the bed of Ammonites and Belemnites, in the environs of Bayeux.—Journal de Physique, October, 1813. They have been found in England, in the London Clay and in the Chalk Marl. The Cerithium Gigas, pl. 43, fig. 2, is sometimes from fifteen to sixteen inches long, and four in diameter at the last whorl. (59 ) 7. Poramipss. (1) Brongn. ‘ent, No gutter. _ Salt-water marshes, ri oe qs Pe 10, ‘ or the brackish waters fig. 18. : ry of the mouths of rivers. 8. RosTeviaria. (2) Lam. Fusiform ; a second Marine. canal, ascending along V. Animal, p. 70. the spire, formed by the outer lip and by the con- tinuation of the columella. Pl. 10, fig. 16. B. Oval, sub-conieal, or sub-globulous. 9. Buccinum. (3) Lam. Oval or elongated ; Columella convex, na- Marine, mouth notched below ; ked. Y. Animal, p. 69. lips simple : operculum cartilaginous. Pl. 10, fig. 21. 40. Dotium. Lam. -Ventricose ; sub-globu- Columella twisted or = Marine. lous ; outer lip undulated, sharp at the base. VY. Animal, p. 69. notched below. Pl. 40, ihe, 22. 41. Harpa. (4) Lam. Oval or gibbous; with | Columella smooth. Marine. longitudinal or oblique Generally in warm sharp ribs, the last form- climates. ing a Callous pad at the VY. Animal, p. 69. lip; mouth oblong, sim- ple, notched below. PI, 44, fig. 4. * (1) This Genus is founded on the habits of the animal, rather than on the im- portance of the character of the shell. Fossil species are found in formations pre- senting only terrestrial and fresh-water shells. P. Lamarckii, pl 4, fig. 6, is found in the opaque silea which covers the sand at Longjumeau ; in the forests of Mont- morency ; above St. Cloud; mixed with Lymnzi, Planorbes, and stalks of reeds in the Limestone, east of Aurillac, in Cantal; in the compact limestone beds (with the Helix Cocquii, pl. 4, fig. 20) , at Nonette, near Issois, in Puy de Dome. It re- sembles the Cerithium radula, figured by Lister as a fresh-water shell; and, ina lesser degree, the Bulimus auritus of Bruguierc, from the interior of Africa. (2) Foss. in the London Clay; at Courtagnon; St. Germain en Laye; Parnes. (3) Foss. at Grignon. (4) Although the Harpzx are by no means rare in the seas of warm climates, only two species have as yet been found in the fossil statc, and those in the coarse Shelly Limestone at Grignon and Haateville, ( 40 ) (Entomostomata.) 42. Nassa. Lam. Oval; mouthterminated (Columellacoveredwith Marine. below by a deep notch. a plate. Y. Animal, p. 69. PI. 40, fig.'23. ¥ 13. Purpura. (1) Lam. Oval. Pl. 41, fig. 2. Columella naked, flat- Marine. tened. V. Animal, p. 69. a. Purpura. 6. Monoceros, Montf. A spine projecting from the base of the outer lip. Pied, fig. 3. . Ricinella, Lam. Lip of the columella toothed. Pl. 11, fig. 4. 44, Concnotepas. (2) Lam. Patelliform ; outer lip A furrow from the Marine. dentated ; spire very cavity ofthesummit ter- Coast of Peru. small : operculum ea minating between the Animal unknown. horny. Pl. 10, fig. 17. two anterior teeth of the mouth. 45. Cassrparra. Lam. Morio: Montfort. Conical; mouth effu- Columella covered by Marine. sive; notch terminating asimpleplateformedby V. Animal, p. 70. in a small canal reflected the left lip. to the left at the base. Pl. A1, fig. 6. 16. Cancetrart, (3) Lam. Oval], last whorl ven- Columella with com=- Marine. tricose, right lip furrow- pressed folds anda plate VY. Animal, p. 69. ed within the mouth; formed by the inner lip. almost entire at the base. Pl. 14, fig. 6. (4) Foss. at Couriagnon. (2) Lamarck placed the Concholcpas with the Patella, but most zoologists seem now to agree with Bruguiere in approaching it to the Buccinum, since, according to Dombey’s report, the animal is furnished with a tendinous operculum, which only partly closes the shell. The muscular impression, like a large horse-shoe open in front, has some resemblance to that of the Calyptrea. (3) Foss. at Grignon; Piedmont ; Environs of Florence. Gah ) DIVISION XX. ANGYOSTOMATA. : ; GENERA. A. With folds, platts, or wrinkles, on the columella. 4. Cassis. (1) Brug. . Oval ; mouth oblong or Columellacoveredwith Marine. narrow ; the notch termi- a plate formed bytheleft | Generally mm warm nating ina short canal re- lip, wrinkled transver- climates, at some dis- flected towards the left at sally. tance from the shore, in the base; right lip wrinkled sandy bottoms. transversally. : V. Animal, p. 70. a. The callous pad of the lip dentated extericrly towards the notch, Pl. 41, 12. -@ b. The haloes pad of the lip not dentated exteriorly towards the notch. 2. Cyprma. (2) Lam. Oval, gibbous in the Mouth long, narrow, Marine. middle, and narrowed at wrinkled transversally YY. Animal, p. 68. both ends; lip rolled in- on both sides. wards: no epidermis. PI. 11, fig. 7, 9. a,b, e. 3. Oxiva. (3) Lam. Sub-cylindrical; notch- _ Columellastriated ob- = Marine. | ed at the base; mouth nar- liquely. In warm climates. row; channels between . VY. Animal, p. 68. the whorls of the spire. Pat fie, 13) 4. Conoriix. Swainson. Coniform ; spire very Columella plaited. Marine. short; mouth linear, nar- Pellew Islands, Ota- row. Pl. 12, fig. 1. heite. 5. Votuta. (4) Lam. Oval; spire varyingin Columella with folds, = Marine. projection, summit obtuse the lowest the largest. Generally in warm or nippled. Pl. 12, fig. 2, climates. 3,4, 5. V. Animal, p. 68. a Cymbium, Montf. The last whorl ventricose. 6 Voluta, Montf. The last whorl conical, narrowing at the ends. (4) The fossil species (and amongst them the Cassis Harpaformis, pl. 11, fig. 12) are found only in the newest formations, and it is remarkable that they are very small, compared with the living ones, which are sometimes of a considerable size. They have been found in England in the London Clay and in the Crag Marl. (2) In the infant state, the Cypraa resembles a small thin Ancillaria, curved and truncated at the base, pl. 11, fig.9, a; in the middle age, it is thin, with a project- ing spire, pl. 11, fig. 9, 6; when adult, it is thicker, and the spire is covered, pl. 11, fig 9,c. Foss. in the London Clay; at Grignon. (3) Foss. at Grignon; Aumont, near Monimorency. (4) Foss. in the London Clay ; in the Crag Marl; at Grignon ; Courtagnon ; Chaumont; Beauvais, ° ( 42 ) ( Ingyostomata.) 6. Marcinena. (1) Lam. Oblong-oval ; a project- | Columella with folds. Marine. ing callous pad on the * Seas of warm climates, outer lip ; mouth scarcely principally in the neigh- notched at the base: no bourhood of the Senegal. operculum. VY. Animal, p. 69. a Spire conical. Pl 414, fig. 20. b Spire obscure. Pl. 11, fig. 19. ¢ Colombella, Lam, The callous pad of the right lip swelled in the middle; folds of the columella numerous, Pl. 11, fig. 47. 7. Vouvarta. (2) Lam. Cylindrical, no appa- Columella with one or ~ Marine. rent spire; mouthnarrow, several folds at the base. as long as the shell. Pl. 14, fig. 18. B. Columella simple. §. Sraurnrorarta. (3) Lam. Turreted : 3 undulating . Columella covered with Marine. sinuses. Pl. 12, fig. 9. a plate formed bythe left = Animal unknown. lip. 9. Srromsus. (4) Lam. Ventricose, withashort | Columella truncated Marine. canal; notched or trun- below. Generally in warm cated at the base ; right climates. lip dilated in a wing (in VY. Animal, p. 70. the adult), with a sinus to- wards the base: opercu- lum horny, long, narrow. PL 44, fig. 45. 410. Terrseiium. (5) Lam. Oblong or sub-cylin- — Ditto. Marine. drical ; mouth narrow V. Animal, p. 68. above, simple, enlarzed towards the base, notch- ed. Pl. 14, fig. 14. (1) Foss. at Grignon. (2) Foss. at Grignon. Bee (3) The Museum gave 100 francs for the type of this new genus, which is now figured for the first time. (4) Foss. in the London Clay; at Grignon. ; (5) Foss. at Grignon; Environs of Paris. The Terebellum perditum (the analo- gous living species is not known) is found in great numbers, and of all ages, at Grignon. 41. Prerocera. Lam. Ventricose, with an elongated canal; right lip dilated in a wing (in the adult) divided into long, narrow digitations. Pl. 11, fig. 16. 12. Conus. (4) Lam. Like inverted cones, or cylindrical ; mouth longi- tudinal, narrow, simple, effusive at the base : oper- culum small, horny. Marine. V. Animal, p. 70. Marine. Generally within the tropics, at ten or twelve fathoms deep, near sandy coasts. V. Animal, p. 68. a Conical spire, crowned with tubercles. Pl. 41, fig. 21. 6 Conical spire, not crowned with tubercles. Pl. 11, fig. 22. c Sub-cylindrical spire, not crowned with tubercles. 43. Ovuta. Brug. Gibbous, elongated in a point at eachend; mouth longitudinal. Pl. 44, fig. O10. 14. Axera. Muller. Oval-oblong or oval- concave; more or less rolled on itself; no pro- jecting spire; mouth as long or almost as long as the shell, without notch or canal. Both lips rolled in- Y. Animal, p. 68. wards. Right lip sharp. Marine. - In the muddy bottoms of the seas of all climates. V. Animal, p. 61. a Bullea, Lam. Contained within the mantle, too small to hold the animal, Pl. 5, fi 18. 6 Bulla (5), Lam. Covered with a thin epidermis, large enough to contain the animal, and turned more than the Butiwa, Pl. 5, fig. 17. C. Almost flat. 45. Apztysra. Lin. La- PLISIA. Lam. A little convex within, obliquely conical ; base thin, summit thickened and obscurely spiral. PI. 13, fig, 5 (4) Foss. at Courtagnon; Horny. Marine. V. Animal, p. 60. Grignon. The Conus deperditus, Lam. found in the calcareous shelly matter in the environs of Paris, is, according to Bruguiere, the analogous fossil of the Cone treillisée, which lives in the Pacific Ocean, in the neigh- bourhood of Otaheite. (5) Foss. at Grignon. ( 44 ) (Angyostomata.) 46. Dowanetta. Lam. Pl. * ‘ 13, fig. 6. Ditto, but base more Calcareous. Marine. enlarged in proportion ; ’ Mediterranean, In- summit more prolonged dian Seas. and curved. V. Animal, p. 60. 47. PLEUROBRANCHUS. Cuv. An oval plate. - Marine. V. Animal, p. 60. 48. Pranosprrires. (1 ) Faujas. — Sub-orbicular; a spiral _ Maestricht. cord-like ridge on the in- ferior surface. Pl. 4, fig. 20. (1) This is one of the rarest and most singular shells found at Maestricht, only three having as yet been met with. It seems impossible to determine whether it is an univalve or a bivalve; for although it resembles the valve of an oyster in form and thickness, it wants the little hollow found at the summit of that shell and serving to lodge the ligament which characterises the genus; neither has it any apparent muscular impression. If it be a bivalve, it is nearest to the genus Acardo of Lamark, but its spiral cord or ridge, with the absence of the hollow and muscular impression, lead us to conclude that it is an univalve. (45%) GENUS HELIX. (1) FERUSSAC. SUB-GENERA. A. Horizontally volute, 4. Hericocena. Fer. Globulous or elliptical; | Umbilicus masked. peristoma simple. a Collumellate. Columella solid and twisted. Pl. 7, fig. 7,8. b Acave. Umbilicus entirely covered by an expansion of the columella. wie, ag. 14, 14. c Perforate. Umbilicus appearing in part, like a cleft, behind the expan- sion of the columella. Pl. 7, fig. 9, 10. d Imperforate. Depressed, umbilicus closed. Pl. 7, fig. 15, 16, 18. 2. Heticoponra. Fer. More or less globulous Mouth generally tooth- and depressed ; peristoma ed in the perfect state. reflected or thickened. a Personate. Peristoma sinuous and thick; or reflected with teeth, plates, or folds. Pl. 7, fig. 17. 6 Lamellate. Mouth with one or more elongated internal plates. Pl. 7, hie. 19, a, 6, c; d,¢. c Maxillate. Peristoma with large teeth; a gutter at the base of the co- lumella. Pl. 7, fig. 21. d Anostome., Tomogeres, Montf. Mouth reversed or dorsal, with elevated folds or teeth. Pl. 7, fig. 20. e Impresse. Inner lip with longitudinal elevated folds. Pl. 7, fig. 23. _3. Hetrcicona. Fer. Ca- RACOLLA. Lam. Carinated, sometimes conical. a Caracollz. Umbilicus covered. Pl. 7, fig. 22; pl. 8, fig. 1, 2. b Vortices, Ocken. Umbilicus masked or visible. Pl. 8, fig. 3. 4, HUrricenia.’ Fer. Vor- TEX. Ocken. Elliptical or flattened. Umbilicus exposed. a Lomastome, Peristoma reflected. Pl. 8, fig. 8. 6 Aplostome. Peristoma simple. Pl. 8, fig. 4. c Marginatex. Peristoma margined, Pl. 8, fig. 5, 7,18. (1) Vide p. 30. | | ( 46.) (Helix, Fer.) 5. Hewicostyia. Fer. Elliptical or trochiform. — Columella solid. a Aplostome. Columella straight; peristoma simple PI. 8, fig. 6. b-Lamellate. Columella straight, round 5. peristoma simple; an internal plate on the last whorl. Pl. 8, fig. 9, 10. ce Canaliculate. Columella twisted, as if truncated at the:base, or with an internal spiral rib forming a gutter, under the form of a tooth or cal- losity. Pl. 43, fig. 4. d Marginata. Columella flattened, without teeth or plates; peristoma reflected. Pl, 8, fig. 41. 6. Hericopnanra. Fer. Spire depressed; volu- Perforated or umbili- tions rapidly increasing cate. horizontally ; mouth very large and oblique; only three to three and a half whorls; the last enormous. a Vitrinoides. Peristoma simple. Pl. 7, fig. 2. 6 Vesicule. Peristoma thickened and sub-reflected. Pl. 7, fig. 3, 4. B. Longitudinally volute. 7. Cocutonypra. Fer. AMPHIBULIMA. Lam. Suc- CINEA. Drap. Elongated, oval ; volu- —_ Peristoma simple. tions rapidly increasing vertically ; spire short, with 2 to 4 whorls, the last forming almost the whole of the shell; mouth very large. Pl. 6, fig. 5. Pl. 7, fig.-5, 6. 8. CocutostyLa. Fer. Elongated or ventricose ; Columella solid, not spire elevated : whorls in- truncated at the base. creasing rapidly. a Lomastome. Peristoma reflected. Pl. 8, fig. 27. b Aplostome. (1) Peristoma simple. 9. Cocutroma. Fer. AcwATina. Lam. Conical or very ventri- Columella solid, flat, cose , solid, little transpa- and truncatedat the base. rent. a Ligne, Montf. Base conical; mouth short; outer lip advanced. Pl. 8, ig. 20. i b Ache Ue Ventrical; mouth very large; outer lip vertical. PI. , fig. 3. (1) The Sultana (Helix Gallina Sultana, Chem.) was sold, at the sale of the Count de Latour d’Auvergne, for 560 francs. MC) 40. Cocnticora. Fer. (AcHATINA. Lam.) Oviform or turreted ; Columella solid, flat, thin, transparent ; mouth truncated, and arched at narrow. the base. a Polyphemus, Montf. Oviform ; mouth long; outer lip vertical, Pl. 8, fig. 22. 6 Styloides. Columna, Per ry. Turreted; mouth short ; outer lip a little advanced. PI. 8, fig. 19. 44. Cocuricetta. Fer. ‘ (Butimus. Brug.) Conical or turreted; Columella twisted and perforated ; whorls nearly hollow. equal, or the last shorter . than all the others toge- ther. PI. 6, fig. 38. 12. Cocunocena. Fer. (Auricuta. Lam. Bunt- mus. Lam.) Oblong or oviform ; last Columella hollow, whorl of the spire gene- twisted, straight, perfo- rally longer and larger rated, umbilicate. than all the others toge- ther; mouth elongated. a Umbilicate. Columella straight. Pl). 8, fig. 20. Perforate. A b { Eatiaclas, Leach. \ Columella twisted. Pl. 6, fig. 28. ce Lomastome. Bulimus, Lam. Columella twisted; peristoma reflected. Pl. 6, fig. 27. d Helicteres. Turbo, Chemn. Mouth short, crescent-shaped. Pl. 42, fig. 15. e Stomotoides. Auricula, Lam. Mouth elongated, angular at its extremi- ties, or effusive in the upper part ; peristoma thickened and reflected ; columella large, more or less spiral, sometimes forming a fold in ' the mouth. Pl. 6, fig. 22, 34. f Dontostome. Mouth crescent-shaped ; peristoma margined, a little re- flected; columella twisted, hollowed, flattened at the base, or forming a protuberance ; often perforated. Pl, 8, fig. 23. 43. Cocutoponta. Fer. (Pura. Lam. Oposio- mia. Fleming.) Cylindrical orfusiform ; Columella solid or whorls equal, numerous, nearly hollow. - narrow; mouth short, al- most as broad as deep in the direction of the axis: several inner teeth or thin plates; peristoma reflected. a Pupa, Lam. Cylindrical, Pl. 6, fig. 34, 37 ; pl. 8, fig. 32. 6 Chondrus, Cuv, Fusiform, Pl. 8, fig. 25; pl. 13, fig, 12, ? ( 48 ) (Helix, Fer.) 44,.- CocuLopina. Fer. Cravusitia. Drap. Voi- yuLus. Ocken. Cylindricalor fusiform; | Columella solid, often | A pedunculated elas- ‘whorls equal, numerous, with plates. - ~ tic operculum. narrow; mouth generally with elevated plates, and always wth one or two gutters. a Pupoides. Mouth without teeth or plates; peristoma not continuous. b Rees \ Peristoma continuous. Pl. 8, fig. 34. A les. i c ; Papa, Des De \ Mouth without plates. Pl. 8, fig. 29. d Clausilia, Drap. Mouth with plates. Pl. 6, fig. 36. 45, Vertico. Muller. Cylindrical, very spi- Peristoma often sinuous ral ; volute increasing and reflected. gradually ; mouth narrow, short in the direction of the axis, often dentated. a Mouth not dentated. Pl. 8, fig. 34. 6 Mouth dentated. Pl. 8, fig. 35, 36. 46. Partuna. Fer. Oval, pointed; spire Columellarside callous conical ; last whorl gib- at base. bous and longer than all the others together ; mouth short in the direction of the axis, sometimes den- tated or with elevated pers ; peristoma general- much reflected. Pl. 8, fe. 30. } : (49 ) SHELLS. ri Shells are envelopes, formed by a calcareous aulsignice, of a foliated texture, and almost as heavy and hard as marble. They form ws ings a great number of animals of the class of Mollusca ; and every ae ae a the variety of their forms, their more or less vivid colours, an the bri ise of their mother of pearl, constitute some of the finest pisses ) : cabinets of virtuosi. We have sufficiently explamed these forms, and we sha presently show their relation with the Orders and Genera of the animals which inhabit them : at present we have only to consider their aie their growth, andthe manner in which they are united to the rest of the body. They are composed, like bones, of a calcareous matter 5 ante y shi nected with a gelatinous substance, and which may bee in e Spel separated by means of acids; but this matter 1s not cispstee * a or fibres ; it is uniformly extended throughout the whole body of t : s a oma It is only in some species that we find strata easy or an i were, agglutinated to each other like the leaves of paper im the formation ¢ -vati ; do not all exist in pasteboard. We know, from observation, that these pager aang tare young animals; they have only the most external, mie are, a surge time, the smallest. In proportion as the animal increases m ae vee new stratum on the internal surface of the shell, which ape anes (a ve edges of all the preceding strata, so that each operation of th.'s kind adds to the size of the shell, in length, breadth, and thickness. These ce certain facts ; to prove them it is only necessary to compare some shells of y.\ es species that have belonged to individuals of different ages; the fewest ». ceil will always be found in the shells of the young. Muscles, which may bv observed when very young, and even before they quit the matrix of their mother, have, at that period, shells consisting of one stratum only; but the shell is not therefore soft and gelatinous; it possesses the same firmness as the adult shell, and its greater fragility is merely owing to its thinness. But are the strata which thus aegis augment the dimensions of shells, produced by developement, or by a simple juxta-position? Do the nutritive vessels deposit the calcareous juice at different points, or does it only transude through the skin of the animal, and attach itself to the pre-existing strata ? These are questions with respect to which physiologists are not agreed. The body of the snail appears to adhere to its shell only where the muscles are attached ; but Reaumur having placed thin pellicles between the body and parts of the shell, which he purposely broke, these fractures were not repaired ; but when this, or any other obstacle, no longer prevented the juices flowing from the surface of the skin, the injured part was speedily regenerated. ; These facts favour the idea of the simple juxta-position of a transuded matter : we observe, however, on the other hand, that the oyster and muscle adhere to the shell not only by their muscles, but by the whole border of their mantle ; besides, the oyster has always between the two last strata of the conyex valve, a considerable vacuity, which is filled with a foetid acrid liquor, and which communicates with the interior of the body by a particular aperture. How is this vacuity produced? and, above all, how is it removed upon the formation of each new stratum, if the arterial and absorbent vessels do not penetrate into the centre ‘of the strata, to regulate its position, and to remove, from time to time, the particles of the shell ? Some observations seem to prove that. there are testaceous animals, which, D ( 50 ) at certain periods, cast their old shells entirely off, and acquire new ones ; but this re-production may also take place by development, as in the horns of the Deer. If the internal strata of those shells which are not cast off, be produced bya developement of this kind, it may be compared to that which forms the internal laminze of the hollow horns of the Ox, Sheep, and other Ruminating Mammalia, and even to that by which the epidermis is produced - in all animals; that isto say, there must take place a withering, or, as it were, the death of a membrane, which seems to preserve a sort of organization while it remains unexposed to external elements, or while it has not acquired its proper degree of solidity. In this manner, it appears, are Pence all the hard parts which may be regarded as the bones of animals that have no vertebre. In cray-fish, for example, the calcareous crust which, in them, is at once skin and skeleton, grows no more after it is completely indurated. The animal, however, con~ tinues to increase in all its soft parts; and when these become too much confined by the envelope, the latter splits and is detached : but a new covering is found below.the old one, which is formed while the latter loses its con- nection with the body, and as it were dies. The new envelope is at first soft, sensible, and even provided with vessels : but a quantity of calcareous par- ticles, previously accumulated in the stomach, is soon deposited in this covering, hardens it, obstructs the pores and the vessels, and renders it in every respect similar te, the shell it has replaced. . The induration of the covering of insects is not completed until they acquire their last form, ater which they have no longer any occasion to change their skin : but all their skins they previously cast, though soft, are dead, and already Ter ,zaced. by others, which develope themselves underneath that which is dest” ed to fall off. 7 ailthe hard parts, therefore, of white blooded animals, whatever may be .neir consistence and chemical nature, ought to be compared with respect to the manner of their growth to the epidermis, to nails, and to hollow horns, rather than to real bones. 'The same remark should perhaps be applied to certain external parts of fishes, though their substance is strictly osseous; for instance, to the bucklers of the Sturgeon and Cyclopterus, and the spimous tubercles of the Ray. Some white leaded animals have also hard parts internally; but they are not articulated in such a manner as to form the bases of moveable members, and their texture differs considerably from that of ordinary bones. The most remarkable of these hard parts are the teeth in the stomach of the lobster. The common Cuttle-fish (Sepia officinalis) contains in the flesh of the back an oval substance, convex before and behind, white, solid, friable, and of a calcareous nature. This substance is not attached to the flesh, but has the appearance of a foreign body introduced into it. 'There is no indication of any vessel or nerve penetrating it, nor is any tendon affixed to it. It is composed of thin parallel lamelle, which are not in immediate contact with each other. ‘The intervals are occupied by an infinite number of small hollow columns standing perpendicular between one lamella and another, and arranged in a very regular guincunx. . As the superfices of the lamellz are plane, and those of the bone itself convex, they necessarily intersect each other: the points of intersection are marked on the surfaces of the bone by regular cuvilinear striz. ‘lhese bones have a kind of wings which are of a less opaque nature, less brittle, and have greater resemblance to thinelastic horn, than the body of the bone. | To this last substance the parts called the bone in the Calmar (Sepia loligo) bear a resemblance ; they are transparent, elastic, and yery brittle ; ( 51 ) their shape is sometimes that of a leaf, and sometimes it is similar to a sword blade. Their connection with the soft parts is the same as the bone of the Cuttle-fish. We also find a small semi-corneous and semi-friable plate in the body of the fleshy lobe which covers the branchiz of the Aplysia, and there is ‘one still smaller in the cloak of the Slug. Every thing tends to convince us that those hard parts which are found within Mollusca, grow by strata, like their external envelope, and {that they are a kind of internal shells. Motuvsca. Cuvier. (4) Without vertebre or articulated members; with blood vessels and nerves (2); a simple spinal marrow ; lymph, chyle and blood of the same color (a bluish white) ; generally with salivary glands; a voluminous liver furnishing a great quantity of bile; no pancreas or mesentery ; muscles (3) attached to the skin, which forms a soft envelope, contractile, engendering (in several species) stony plates or shells; the viscera and nervous system within this envelope, the latter composed of scattered masses united by nervous filaments, the principal of which, placed on the cesophagus, are called the brain; a com- plete system of circulation; respiratory organs; organs of digestion and se- ™cretion almost as complicated as in vertebrated animals (4). (1) Before Cuvier, naturalists divided all the invertebral animals into two classes, Insects and Worms. (2) Humboldt has adopted an ingenious method of distinguishing the nerves from the arteries, or other parts, in the smallest animals. He uses two needles, one gold, the other silver : a point of one is applied to the muscles, and a point of the other to the filament, the nature of which he wishes to discover, while the other extremities of these instruments are brought in contact. If the filament bea nerve, contractions immediately take place in the muscular fibre. _ (3) The Mollusca with an exterior shell, as Helices, Bulimi, Volutz, etc. have but one muscle which attaches their body to the shell, by a small part of the back and nearly in the middle of its length. This muscle forms a considerable tendon, similar to a thin ribband, which divides itself into two or three principal ribbands. Each of these subdivides itself into several smaller, which disperse and distribute themselves into all parts of the body. The Mollusca witha univalve shell furnished with an operculum, have two muscles of attachment : one of these muscles unites the animal to its shell and resembles that just described in the univalves without opercula; the other, which adheres to the operculum, is generally round very wide, but not thick. ai? (4) The Mollusca with a trunk, as the Buccini, Voluta, etc. are carnivorous: they make use of their trunk as a gimblet, and even bore through other shells aud suck the flesh of the animals within. Those which have strong horny jaws and a beak like a parrot, are also carnivorous or nourish themselves with animal sub- stances, like the Cephalopoda. The Mollusca which have a muffle and two jaws one of which at least is furnished with small teeth, are herbivorous or frugivorous, suchas the Limaces, Helices, Bulimié, etc. ' : \ ( 52) . MOLLUSCA. CLASSES. A. With univalve shells, or none. wo 4. (CEPHALoropa. Body in the form of a A head covered with Sexes separate. bag, open before, con- large, long, fleshy pro- taining the branchiz. ductions, serving for lo- comotion and prehen- sion. 2. PTEROPODA. Body entirely closed. Appendages of the Hermaphrodite. head small or none; or- gans of movement two ‘wings or membranous fins on the side of the neck, and frequently bearing the branchial tissue. 3. GASTEROPODA. Creep on the fleshy disk A head distinct and Hermaphrodite and of the belly, sometimes anterior, or none. sexes separate. compressed into a fin (2). (1) These are the only Mollusca in which organs of hearing have béen disco- vered, and which have the brain (sending forth innumerable optic nerves from the two ganglions) within a cartilaginous box: they are called Cephalopoda because they have the feet on the head. They have three hearts; they respire in water by branchiz ; their mouth is placed in the centre of their feet, and resembles a beak; the head is also distinguished by very large eyes, and has the ears placed inter- nally; the stomach is muscular like a gizzard, the liver very voluminous. A par- ticular gland secretes a black liquor, which they throw out, and which darkens the water around them whenever they wish to conceal themselves. They swim with their head behind; and walk in all directions with the head below and the body above. Aristotle remarked, that certain herbs, which have a strong odour, were avoided by cutile-fishes and the octopus. (2) They are so called because they crawl on their bellies; the head is move- able, and frequently provided with tentacula ; the heart is single. When the name of the genus appears in the following tables without any cha- racteristic particulars, the animal is very imperfectly known, ( 53 ) B. With bivalve shells, or none. 4. ACEPHALA. No apparent head ; mouth hidden in the bot- tom or between the folds of a two-lobed mantle containing the branchie and viscera. 5. Bracuropopa. Mantle lobed: mouth exterior, between the ba- ses of two long fleshy arms supplying the place of a foot and with nume- rous filaments. 6. Cirnnopopa. With numerous hairy filaments, in pairs, com- posed of small articula- lions representing feet or fins, towards the orifice of the shell; mouth at the bottom of the shell. Branchize composed of large leaves covered with vasculary net- work, upon or between which the water passes. Branchiz composed Hermaphrodite. Fixed, without the of small leaves, ranged power of lecomotion. round the edge of the inner face of each lobe. Ditto. ( 54) CLASS |. CEPHALOPODA. GENERA. A. No exterior shell. 1. Ocropus. Lam. (Poly- pus of the Ancients. (1). Pl. 14,-fig: 44, Bag oval, without fins. 8 Feet, very large in { 2 Small conical horny proportion to the body, grains on each side of and united by a mem- the back. brane at their base. 2. Louco. Lam. Bag with two fins to- 8 Feet with little A horny plate within wards the point. Pl. 14, suckers (or short pedi- the back. fig. 4, 10/ cles), and two arms to the head, much longer than the feet, with suck- ers at the end only (2). 3. SEPIA. (3) Lam. A fleshy fin along each _ Ditto. Shell oval, thick, gib- side of the bag. bous. B. Shells interior ; chambered. 4. Sprruta. Lam. Ditto. Pl. 14, fig. 3. 5. Navutius. | Ditto. Mouth with several A ligament from the circles of numerous back passing through- small.tentacula without out the syphon, and at- suckers. taching the animal. (4) (1) The reservoir for the ink is enchased in the liver. Some believe that the Sepia rugosa is the species which furnishes the Indian ink. The Mediterranean produces a species remarkable for its musky odour. (2) They make use of these as anchors. (3) They lay their eggs attached to one another like bunches of grapes, which has given rise to the vulgar name of Sea-grapes. (4) According to Rumphius; who says that the animal of the Nautilus Pompilius is partly lodged in the last chamber of the shell, and has the bag, eyes, parrot-beak and funnel of the other Cephalopoda. \t is also probable that the epidermis is prolonged on the exterior of the shell. i (55°) C. Shells exterior ; not chambered. 6. Arconauta. (1) ‘ Ditto. Two of the tentacula with a membranous en- largement. (14) The animal uses its shell as a boat, and when the sea is calm it is seen navi- gating on the surface, employing six of its tentacula as oars, and raising two, which, from the considerable membranous enlargement, serve as sails, Pl. 15, fig. 4. If the waves are agitated, or any danger appears, the Argonaut draws its tentacula or arms within the shell, concentrates itself, and sinks to the bottom. The ancients were acquainted with this singular animal and its manceuvre; it is their Nautilus and Pompilus.—Plin. IX, cap. 29. Blainville and Dr. Leach consider the animal found in the 4. argo (PI..15, fig. 2) to be parasitical, and allied to the Octopus, | under the name of Ocythoé. a x CLASS II. ( 96 ) GENERA. A. Head distinct. 4. Ciro. > Lin. No mouth; head form- ed by two rounded lobes; tentacula small. PI. 45, fig. 3. 2. Cxiropora. Peron. Two wing, with the mouth between, having a small lip. 3. Cympuuia. Peron. A large fin with three lobes, two tubercles and a small fleshy beard at the base of the smallest. 4. Limacrna. (1) Cuv. Head and wings resem- bling those of the Clio: body terminated by a spi- ral tail lodged in a very thin shell. 5. PyrumopErRMon. Cuv. Branchize on the sur- face of the body ; fins small; a small ie or fleshy tentaculum beneath the mouth. Pl. 15, fig. Ne membranous — Fins with a vasculary net-work branchie. No mantle. B. Head indistinct. 6. Hyarea. Lam. Two large wings ; man- tle cleft at the sides, bran- chie within the clefts. Pl. 14, fig. 8. PTEROPODA. instead of No shell. An envelope. Ph. 5. fig. 2. Envelope cartilagi~ nous or gelatinous. PI. 5, fig. 3. A shell. No shell. A shell. (1) This animal also uses its shell as a boat, and its wings as oars, when it swims on the surface of the sea. The species known (Clio Helicina of Phipps. Gmel. Ar- gonauta arctica, Fabric Faun, Greenl, 387) is scarcely less abundant in the northern seas than the Clio borealis, and, like it, is said to be one of the principal aliments of the whale. (97 ) CLASS Ill. GASTEROPODA. 4. Nuprrancur. (4) No shell. PI. 15, fig. 7, 8, 9. 2. INFEROBRANCHI. Ditto. Pl. 15, fig. 10, 44, 12. 3. TEcTIBRANCHI. Shell more or less de- veloped, within the man- tle. Pl. 16, fig. 4, 2, 3. 4, PuLMOBRANCHI. A great number with turbinated shells, always without opercula. 5. PErcrinIBRANCHI. Shells completely tur- binated, and generally more or less closed by an operculum attached to the posterior part of the foot. 6. Scurrprancul. (2) Shells very open, often in the form of a shield, without opercula. Pl. 14, foe. 20. 7. CYcLOBRANCHI. Shells of one or several pieces, never turbinated, foot, under the edges of without opercula. ORDERS. Branchie naked, dor- sal. Branchiz naked, un- der the edges of the mantle. Branchiz covered by the mantle. A cavity for respira- tion, opened and shut at will. Branchiz hidden in a dorsal cavity open above the head. PI. 13, fig. 18. Ditto. Branchiz around the the mantle. Pl. 14, fig. 5, 6. Hermaphrodite. Sexes separate. Hermaphrodite, (1) The greater number swim reversed, the foot (concave like a boat) on the surface, aiding themselves with the edges of their mantle and using their tentacula as oars. (2) The heart is traversed by the rectum, and receives the blood by two auricles, as in the greater number of Bivalves. (98 ) ORDER I. NUDIBRANCHI. - GENERA. 1. Doris. (1) Cuv. Branchie posterior, 2 Small conical ten- Mouth a small trunk ranged in qed, tacula to the mouth, onthe fore part of the and 2 club-shaped from mantle. the upper part of the mantle. 2. Potycera. Cuv. Branchie as in Doris, 2 Club-shaped tenta- but more simple and with cula before; 4 or 6 two membranous plates others simply pointed. covering them in the mo- ment of danger. 3. Trironta. (2) Cuv. Branchiz ranged along _ Ditto. _ Mouth with large the two sides of the back. membranous lips. 4. Tueruys. Lin. Two rows of branchie 2 Compressed tenta- | Mouth amembranous the whole length of the cula, with a small coni- trunk without jaws. back, like bunches of fea- cal point on the edge. thers; a large, membra- nous, fringed veil on the head. 5. Scyir#a. (3) Lin. Body compressed; foot _ Ditto. Mouth like a small narrow, with a furrow trunk. for seizing the stems of fuci : two pair of mem- branous crests on the back. Pl. 45, fig.7, 8, 9: 6. Graucus. (4) Body long, slim; three | 4 Very small conical Swim on their back. or four branchiz on each tentacula. side, formed of long thongs, disposed like fans and serving as fins. (1) A peculiar liquor issues from a gland interlaced with the liver. They are _ found in allseas. Their spawn is spread like gelatinous bands onstones, varecs, etc. (2) The orifice for the liquor is pierced to the right, and their mouth is armed within by two lateral jaws, horny and sharp, and resembling shears. — (3) The middle of the stomach is furnished with a fleshy ring, armed with sharp ~ horny blades like knives. (4) They are beautiful little animals inhabiting the Mediterranean and the Ocean, agreeably coloured with azure and mother of pearl, and swim on their back with great swiftness. They have not yet been dissected, and the species are not very clearly distinguished. . (99 ) 7. Eos. Branchie like plates or leaves, in transversalrows on the two sides of the back. Pl. 15, fig. 6. 8. Tercrprs. Cuv. A row of branchie (1) 2 Tentacula. Walk on their back. _ along each side of the back. ; ORDER IJ. INFEROBRANCHI. GENERA. 1. Puyuurpra. (2) Cuv. Mantle naked, general- 1 Tentaculumon each Mouth a small trunk. ly coriaceous. Pl. 15, fig. side of the mouth, and 10,41, 12. 2 from above the two small cavities of the mantle. 2. DIpHYLLIpIA. | Mantle more pointed ~ 4 Pointed tentaculum behind : head semicircu- and a slight tubercle on lar. | each side of the head. (1) These are each terminated by a little sucker, and serve as feet for walking on the back. (2) Their heart is towards the middle of the back, the stomach is simple and membranous, and the intestine short. : ORDER III. 4. PLevRoBRANcHUS. (1) Cuv. Body as if between two shields formed by the foot and the mantle; the lat- ter sometimes containing an oval calcareous plate. 2. Aptysta. (2) Lin. Edges of the foot turn- ed up, flexible, encircling the back in every part: head borne on a_ neck. PL. 14, fig. 2, 11,14. 3. Doxabetta. Lam. ( 60 ) GENERA. 2 Tubulous and cleft tentacula on the mouth (a small trunk), sur- mounted by a lip. 2 Superior tentacula, hollowed like the ears of a quadruped, with the eyes at the hase ; 2 others flattened and at the edge of thelower lip. TECTIBRANCHI. Branchiz along the left side, in the furrow between the mouth and the foot. Branchiz on the back and attached to a stem covered by asmall mem- branous mantle, con- taming a hollow _ flat shell. Body dager | atrun- _ Ditto. Branchiz at the pos- cated cone; shell calca- terior extremity of the reous. hody. 4. Norarcuus. Cuv. Mantle with an oblique _Ditto. Branchiz as in Aply- cleft above the neck com- municating with the bran- — chiz. SId. (1) They have four stomachs; the second is fleshy, sometimes armed with bony pieces, and the third furnished interiorly with longitudinal projecting plates ; the intestine is short. (2) An enormous membranous crop conducts to a muscular gizzard, armed with- in by pyramidal, cartilaginous corpuscles, followed by a third stomach sown with sharp crooks, and a fourth in the form of a coecum: the intestine is voluminous. These animals feed on fucus. A peculiar gland furnishes, by an orifice situated near the womb, a limpid humour, which is said to be sour in some species; a deep purple liquor issues abundantly from the edges of the mantle, with which the animal colors the water to a considerable distance on the approach of danger. When Apuleius was accused of magic and poisoning, it was reported as a principal evidence that he had engaged some fishermen to procure him an Aplysia (Sea- Hare) ; and it is to the following part of his description that we owe the only cha- racteristic which has enabled us to recognise so celebrated an animal. ‘¢ It has an extraordinary property, of which my predecessors have been ignorant, which is, that being otherwise destitute of bone, it has twelve small ones in its belly, similar to the astragali of the hog, attached and tied together.” The form of the Aplysia explains the name of Sca-Hare ; and their smell, and the liquor which they produce, account for the pernicious propertics attributed to them. ( GF ) ; 5. Axera. (1) Muller. . Tentacula so short and broad as to appear wanting or replaced by a fleshy rectangular shield. Pl. 16, fig. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. ORDER IV. PULMONACEE. GENERA. A. Terrestrial ; shell interior ; almost all with 4 tentacula; 4. Limax. (2) Lin. Body elongated ; a Orifice of respiration fleshy disk instead of a on the right side towards mantle, anterior. and co- the front. vering the pulmonary ca- vity only. Pl. 13, fig. 48. Pie ¥5, hig. 13. 2. Trsraceita. (3) Lan. Mantle very small, pos- Orifice of respiration terior. Pl. 16, fig. 18. posterior. 3. PARMACELLA. Cup. Mantle membranous, Orifice of respiration with the edges flaccid. under the right side of Pl. 14, fig. 9. Pl. 16, fig. the middle part of the 9. mantle. B. Terrestrial 3 shell exterior ; almost all with 4 tentacula. 4, Virrina. Drap. He- tLco-Limax. Ferus. (4) Body protected in front Body too large to en- by a sort of cuirass, and ter entirely within the oe behind by a thin shell shell. which may be partly co- vered by the lobes of the collar or mantle. Pl. 14, fig. 12. (1) Their hermaphroditism, the position of their two sexes, _ and armour of their stomach, the purple liquor produced by se _ cies, approach them to the Aplysia. (2) Their mouth has only an upper jaw, which enables them to gnaw herbs and fruits, _ _ (3) The T. haliotidea lives under ground _ de Ferussac has observed, that its mantle _ too dry a place, affording it a sort of shelter. __ (4) The mantle has a double edge ; the upper, lobes, can extend far beyond the shell, and fold back the complication veral of their spe- in the form of a dentated crescent, » and feeds principally on worms. M. expands extraordinarily when it is in which is divided into several to rub and polish it, 5. Henicarnion. Ferus. Body truncated behind, with a cuirass in front, under the anterior edge of which it retires its head : shell posterior ; foot separated from the body by a furrow and with a mucous pore at its extremity. Pl. 14, fig. 7. Pl. 16, fig. 6. 6. Henrx. (1) Lin. Body with a muscular disk or foot, sometimes ediculated, more or less gibbous and spiral above. a. Bulimus, Lam. (2) 6. Pupa, Lam. . Scarabeus, Montf. Chondrus, Cuv. eS Clausilia, Drap. (4) d. e. f. g. Achatina, Zam. (5) (1) V. p. 74. ( 62 ) Mantle forming a kind of ring or collar (at the point of junction of the two parts of the body), in which is pierced the round orifice of the re- spiratory cavity. ~ (Pulmonacee.) Head indistinct, with two pair of retractile tentacula, the posterior the larger, and bearing the eyes at the summit ; mouth with a pair of short appendages. Amphibulima, Lam. (3) Inferior tentacula very small. (2) Large and beautiful species are found in warm countries : some are remark- able for the size of their eggs, the shell of which is stony ; and others for their sinis- tral shell. The Helix decollata has the singular habit of breaking the whorls at the top of its spire, proving that the muscles of the animal can detach themselves from the shell without injury, and that they adhere to different points of the shell suc- cessively. How is it that they thus effect the separation of the vessels from one part to implant them in another? for it sometimes Happens that this Helix or Bu- limus has but one of the original whorls of its spire left. Some species of Pupa, Clausilia, and Melania are found in the same state. The Kambeul of Adanson ap- ears to pass the dry season in a deep trance, like the Limax of Europe, for he Ponad several half buried after the month of September. Some had even already began to close the mouth of their shell with a whitish plastery matter, to defend themselves from the long drought, which continues at Senegal from October to the following June. : (3) This animal may perhaps be considered as a Testacella with a large shell. Its inferior tentacula are very small, and it lives on herbs and bushes by the side of streams, which has caused it to be thought an amphibious genus. (4) In the narrow part of the last whorl we generally find a small plate, slightly curved like an S: its use to the animal is unknown. “i (5) At the extremity of the truncated columella we find the first indication of the notches in the shells of the marine Gasteropoda, 7 ( 63 ) C. Aquatic ; 2 tentacula. Without a shell. 5. Oncniprum. (4) Bu- } chanan. A broad fleshy mantle. 2 Long retractile ten- Orifice of respiration Pl. 16, fig. 8. tacula, and two triangu- under the posterior part : lar lips. of the mantle. With shells. 6. Ancytus. Geoff: Eyes at the inner base of the tentacula. 7. Pranonsis. (2) Brug. Pl. 16, fig. 10. | Tentacula thin, fili- Ditto. form. 7. Lymna&us. (3) Lam. Tentacula compress- _ Eyes near the base of ed, broad, triangular. the inner edge. 8. Puysa. (4) Drap. Two dentated lobes to Tentacula thin, point- _-Eyes at the inner base, the mantle. - ed, which is much enlarged. 9. AuricuLa. Lam. 10. Conovura. Lam. 41. Tornaterta. Lam. Animals unknown, but (from the form of the shell and the absence of the operculum) approximating : to the Auricula, 42. PyrampELLa. Lam. Auricuta $e _ (1) The,mollusca, destitute of jaws, have a muscular gizzard, followed by two membranous stomachs, (2) A red and abundant liquor exudes from the edges of its mantle, but it is not their blood ; they are the constant companions of the Lymnzi in all stagnant waters. (3) We find them floating on the surface of the water with the foot turned up- wards, and very rarely creeping on hard substances ; when disturbed they fall or _ sink, and remain a long time immoveable before they reappear at the surface. (4) This animal, when it swims or creeps, covers its shell with the two dentated lobes of its mantle. ( 64 ) ORDER V. PECTINIBRANCHI. FAMILIES. 4. Trocnoiba. Shell spiral, mouth en- — An operculum. tire, without notch or ca- nal. PI. 9, fig. 7. 2. BuccrinoiDA. Shell spiral, with a notch or canal for the passage of the siphon, which is a prolonged fold of the mantle. Pl. 10, fig. aa: 3. SIGARETOIDA. Shell flattened, hidden during life within a spon- y buckler which is the true mantle. Pl. 5, fig. 25. Pl. 14, fig. 15, 16. (.65 ) FAMILY I. TROCHOIDA. ~ GENERA. 4; ‘Torso, Lin. Shell turbinated. mouth round. a. Turbo, Lam. (1) Membranous wings ; on the side of the foot. Peis, ig. 6; 1. Br 9, 110. 2 Long tentacula, G Delphinula, Lam. c. Vermicularia. Pi. 19, fie, 5.9 Marine. 2 Triangular, flattened, small tentacula. d. Turritella, Lam. e. Scalaria, Lam, (2) Bl. 47, fig... 2 Long, slim tentacula. Fa Eyes on stems at the outer bases of the tenta- cula, Ditto. Ditto. (1) To these belong the thick, strong opercula, so frequently found in collections. which were formerly employed in medicine under the name of unguis odoratus. (2) The mouth is encircled by a callous pad, which the animal repeats from space to space as its shell increases, so as to give the appearance of ladders. oe ( 66 ) (Pectinibranchi. Trochoida.) f. Cyclostoma, Lam. A vascular net-work 2Tentaculaterminated Eyes on two tubercles. on the partitions of the by blunt tubercles. near the base of the ten- pectoral cavity, instead tacula, of branchiz ; respira- tory cavity communi- cating with the exte- rior air by a lateral cleft. g- Helicina, Lam. (1) Head proboscidi- 2 Filiform tentacula. Eyes at the outer base. form, bilabiate ; respi- ratory cavity as in Cy- clostoma. h, Valvata, Muller. (2) With branchiz. 2 Slim tentacula. Eyes at the superior bases Fresh-water and Terrestral. i. Paludina, Lam. (3) With branchie; a 2 Pointed tentacula. Eyes at the outer base. very short trunk. PI. 14, fig. 19. Pl. 17, fig. 2 Je Monodonta, Lam. Animal more orna- namented, generally with three filaments on each side as long as the tentacula. 2. Trocuus. Lin. Mouth of the shell an- Three filaments at gular, more or less quad- each edge of the man- rangular, oblique to the tle, or appendages to axis. the foot. Pl. 17, fig. 3, 4, 12*, 13. a. Trochus. 6. Solarium. (1) M. Blainville is convinced that this is the place of the Felicina; but M. de Ferussac says that it has a collar, with the respiratory hole pierced to the left. (2) In the V. cristata the branchie, formed like a feather, proceed from under- neath the mantle, and float beyond it with a vibratory motion when the animal wishes to breathe ; on the right side of the body is a filament resembling a third tentaculum. (3) The female of the P. vivipara produces living young, which are found in her oviductus, in the spring, in all the stages of developement. Spallanzani asserts that these young separated at the moment of their birth, and nourished apart, repro- duce without fecundation like those of the Vine-fretter. The P. cristata one of the small species found in salt water ponds, and described by M. Beudant, moves its tentacula incessantly as oars when it sails on the surface of the water. q ( 67 ) 3. Concuyiium. Cuy. Entirely aquatic or breathing by branchiz. a. Ampullaria. Animal not yet de- scribed, but probably re- sembling the Paludina. 56. Melania. Animal not wellknown. ec. Phasianella. Double lips notched —_2. Long tentacula, Eyes on two tubercles and fringed, each wing at the outer base of the with three filaments. tentacula. - d. Janthina. (1) A vesicular organ un- der the foot, like a fro- thy ball but solid, which admits of floating but not of creeping; head like a cylindrical trunk, mouth with little fangs. Pl. 14, fig. 13. 4. Nerita. Lin. Shells with the colu- mella straight, the mouth semi-circular or semi-el- liptic, and closed entirely by an operculum. a. Natica, Lam. . Foot large; opercu- _Tentacula simple. lum horny. Pl. 17, fig. b Eyes at the base of the tentacula. 6. Nerita, Lam. (2) oe ee es oer: Eyes on stems at the culum stony. 41 de GRe fig. 11, 12, ? side of the tentacula. c. Neritina. Foot moderate ; oper- culum horny. (1) The common species (Helix Ianthina, Lin.) List. 572, 24 oured shell, abounding in the Mediterranean. When the tsheds a thick liquor of a deep violet colour, which tints the se » is a pretty violet- animal is touched, a around it. (2) The opercula of some univalve shells, particularly of the Nerita, are articu- ed by ginglymus, PAMILY I. 4. Conus. Lin. Trunk elongating con- siderably ; | operculum placed obliquely on the foot, narrow, too short to close the mouth of the shell; a long respiratory tube; Ply 46; fig. 42: 2. Cyprma. (1): Lin. Mantle large enough to curl up and envelope the shell: foot thin; no oper- culum. Pl. 46, fig. 41. 3. Ovura. Brug. La —_ . LTerupertum. Lei. Vonura. Liv. Oe Shell terminated by a notch, with projecting and oblique folds on the columella. Pl. 18, fig. 1,2. ‘a. Oliva, Brug. A tube above the head for respiration. b. Voluta. An elongated trunk, cylindrical and retrac- tile, with small crook- ed teeth; a respiratory tube projecting ob- liquely behind the head ; foot very large ; no operculum. Pl, 18, fig. 2. c. Cymbium. A very large foot; no operculum. Pl. 48, fig. i ( 68 ) (Pectinibranchi.) BUCCINOIDA. GENERA. Tentacula elongating Eyes near the points considerably. on the outer side of the tentacula. ‘Tentacula moderate. Eyes at the outer base. 2 Long pointed tenta- cula. _ Eyes towards the mid- dle of the tentacula, 2 Pointed tentacula, Eyes at the outer base. from a veil on the head. ~ 2 Tentacula, from a veil Eyes on the veil outside on the head. the tentacula. (4) The mantle is sufficiently large to turn back upon the shell and envelope it; at a certain age it covers the shell with a layer of another colour, so that this di ence, added to the form assumed by the aperture, might cause the adult to taken for another species, V.p. 41. ( 69 ) d, Marginella. Foot very large, part- * Eyes on the outer base ly covers the shell by of the tentacula. raising the lobes of the mantle ; a_retractile trunk, a _ respiratory tube above the head ; no operculum. e. Mitra. f: Cancellaria. 6. Buccinum. Shells without folds on the columella; with a notch ‘or short canal in- flected towards the left. for the passage of the re- spiratory tube. PI. 40, fig. 21. a. Buccinum. No veil to the head ; 2 Conical tentacula far Eyes on the outer side a trunk; a respiratory apart. of the tentacula, tube formed by the mantle ; operculum horny. Pl. 47, fig, 45, bb Pits, fig. 205149, 2), 6. Eburna, Lam. ec. Dolium, Lam. d. Harpa, Lam. e. Nassa, Lam. Ventral disk en- 2 Pointed tentacula, larged, truncated an- teriorly, prolonged be- yond the head; a tube above the head formed by the mantle. Eyes in the middle part of the tentacula. f. Purpura, Brug. (1) Foot elliptical; re- Ditto. Eyes in the middle of spiratory tube prolong- the outer part of the ten- ed above the head ; tacula. operculum _ cartilagi- nous. Pl. 47, fig. 14, t (1) The animal furnishes a matter fit for dying red, which the ancients used, and which is still employed in the north of Europe, g: Cassis. Brug. Animal resembling the Buccinum, but the operculum horny and dentated in order to pass between the wrin:, kles of the outer lip. Pl. 18, fig. 7. h. Cassidaria, Lam. Animal resembling the Buccinum. i. Terebra, Lam. 7. CERITHIUM. Shell with a turreted spire, mouth oval, canal short, curved to the left or backwards ; operculum round and horny. Pl. 13, fig. 17. Pl. 18, fig. 3. 8. Murex. Lin. Canal of the shell pro- jecting, straight ; opercu- lum horny. PI. 10, fig. 2. a. Murex, Lam. ( 70 ) ‘(Pectinibranchi. Buccinoida.) A veil on the head. No veil. A retractile trunk; a tubu- lous prolongation of the man- tle ; operculum small, horny. PI. 18, fig. 4, 6. Pl. 19, fig. 2. 6. Ranella, Lam. c. Fusus, Lam. Pl. 18, fig. 5. d. Turbinella, Lam, e. Pleurotoma, Lam. f. Pyrula, Lam. g. Fasciolaria, Lam. 9. Srromsus. Lin. Canal straight or in- flected towards the right ; hip dilating with age but preserving a sinus near the canal, under which the animal passes its head. a, Strombus, Lam. Operculum horny, long, nar- - row; foot small. Pl. 19, fig. 1. 5. Pterocera, Lam. ce. Rostellaria, Lam. Two tentacula, far apart, with the eyes at the side. 2 Long tentacula, near to each other, with the eyes at the exterior side. CSA FAMILY If]. SIGARETOIDA. GENERA. 1. SIGARETUS. Cuv. A notch and semi-canal _Tentacula conical. Eyes at outer base of in front, conducting the the tentacula. water into the branchial cawity. Pl. 14, fig. 15, 16. 2. Cryprostoma. Blainv. Foot enormous, four or Tentacula short, co- five times larger than the nical, with appendages body; mouth hidden un- at the base. der the anterior edge of the shell. ORDER VI. SCUTIBRANCHT, GENERA. 1. Hanyoris. Lin. Shell turbinated. Pl. 5. fig. 24 a. Halyotis. Lam. (1) Mouth a short trunk. Tentacula long, some Eyes on two cylindrical Pl. 43, fig. 21. Pl. 14, at the edges of the cavity stems. fig. 20, Pl. 19, fig. 3, of the branchie, and pass- 4,5, ing through the last holes of the shell. { 6. Padolla. c. Stomatia. (2) 2. Caputus. Montf. Shell conical ; branchiz 2 Conical tentacula. on the anterior edge of the cavity: trunk rather long; a folded membra- nous veil under the neck. PL. 46, fig. 7. _ Eyes on the outer base of the tentacula. x (1) The mantle is deeply cleft on the right side, and the water which passes through the holes of the shell, proceeds by this cleft intoehe branchial cavity. Mhere are three or four filaments along the edges of the mantle, which the animal has the power of pushing out through the holes, (2) The animal is got known: it may possibly belong to the Pectinibranchi. ( 72) (Scutibrancht.) 3. CREPIDULA. Lam. Shell with an oval base ; the abdominal bag) con- taining the viscera) on the plate of the shell ; the foot beneath; the head and branchize in front. Pl. 16, fig. 15, 16, #7. Shells, and the position of the heart and branchice, symmetrical. 4. Fissuretta. Lam. A conical shell on the 2 Conical tentacula. Eyes at the outer base middle of the back, with of the tentacula. a small hole at the sum- mit (for the passage of the water for respiration) ex- tending to the cavity of the branchiz on the fore part of the back; a bran- chial comb on each side; with filaments on the sides of the foot. Pl. 16, fig. 44.27 A9, fie26; 7. 5. Emancinuta. Lan. A fissure instead of a Eyes on a tubercle at hole, for the same pur- the outer base of the ten- - p pose ; edges of the mantle tacula. covering a great part of the shell. PI. 16, fig. 13. 6. Srerania. Fer. Navi- CELEA. Lam. 7 A moveable, angular,tes- taceous plate (besides the ‘ shell) hidden in the back of the abdominal bag. 7. CARINARIA. Ch) Lam. A compressed, muscu- 2 Tentacula. Eyes at the base, of jar portion under the bel- ihe tentacula. ly, serving as a fin; shell attached on the branchiz : a trunk; head furnished with tubercles. Pl. 14, fig. i? %y 8. Caryerrma. Lam. (1) The skin of these animals is almost gelatinous, and has a layer of fibres under — it, which, when they are taken, contracts 50 much as to tear the body and let out the intestines, ( 735 ) ~ ORDER VIY. CYCLOBRANCHE. GENERA. 1. Parenia. (1) Lin. Shell of a single piece; 2 Pointed tentacula. Eyes at the outer a cord of small branchial base of the tentacula. leaves under the edges of the mantle; a thick, short trunk. Pl. 14, fig. 5, 6. 2. Curron. (2) Lin. A range of testaceous, A membranous veil symmetrical scales along on the mouth instead of the back of the mantle. tentacula. (1) The mouth is fleshy, and contains a spiny tongue, lengthened posteriorly, and folded deeply- within. (2) The shell of the Chiton will be figured and described with the Multivalves. (74 ) HELIX. The eggs of the Helices are generally round, white, and moderately large ; they are at first rather glutinous, and especially in those species which de- posit them in series or in the form of a chaplet. The are frequently deposited one by one, or in an irregular mass, in holes hollowed in soft ground by the animal; but generally in natural excavations, cracks in the ground, trees, rocks, or old walls, where there is a constant humidity. At the end of a period, which varies according to the species, and perhaps according to circumstances, the eggs hatch, and a small snail comes out, clothed with a shell (Pl. 7, fig. 3) so extremely thin and so nearly mem- branous, that, fearful of the effect of the air and sun, they only quit the holes wherein they were born, during the night. They at first grow very _ rapidly, and afterwards so gradually that the growth may be judged of by the striz of the shell: they probably live very long, but this is a part of their history not very well known. The increase of their bodies necessarily re- quires a proportionate increase of the shell, and at the period when this takes place, the Helices assemble in numbers: the animal remains in a state of repose, buries itself in some cavity, and there produces from every part of its mantle, and especially from the edge (thickened into a pad), a layer of a glutinous, calcareous matter, which lies within the preceding, projecting a little beyond its edge ; it is this point of junction with the new_layer which forms the stria marking its growth, and it is as much wider as the animal is better nourished and more vigorous. When the shell has attained its full growth, it merely thickens, and in the greater number of species forms a callous pad, more or less thick; it also deposes, on the part of the spire which invades the mouth of the shell, a thin calcareous matter, which joins the two lips, and is called a callosity. (Pl. 7, fig. 3.) Although this is termed the complete or finished shell, the animal becomes adult, or has the power of reproduction, long before: but it is important to remark, that the shell of the same individual differs considerably according to the age of the animal. The spire is less elevated as the animal is younger, and the last whorl is consequently much greater in proportion; the umbilicus js more exposed, the mouth wider, the lip sharper, and the shell thinner. When it is completed, the last whorl swerves from the spiral line which renders the mouth narrower. We also find anomalies which we cannot account for. (V. Pl. 7, fig. 12,13, 14. Pl. 6, fig. 13.) It appears that the larger species serve as food in several countries. Ac- cording to Pliny, the Romans consumed a great many, and sought them for their tables, and he gives the name of the person who first thought of raising them in a sort of park and fattening thein with choice food. L. 8, c. 39. Some authors assert that they are still eaten in different countries, and amongst others in Si'esia, Brabant, Liége, Switzerland, Italy, and several provinces in France, [n the neighbourhood of Rochelle they are said to be parked by putting them one alsove another in layers, moss or other plants being strewed between each. It is admitted that those which live in elevated spots are the best, and that they partake a little of the taste of the plants on which they feed. The Ashantees eat snails after they have been smoke-dried, and the Tamou] people eat the animal of the Ampullaria (Pl. 9, fig. 1), which they Call Netté. A great many are sold in the markets of Paris and other great cities, not as food, but to make mucilaginous broths for those who are attacked with certain disorders of the lungs. One would be still more inclined to doubt the efficacy of snails in curing hernia in its earliest stage, : : ° oi, eae Y producing the contraction of the inguinal ring; yet M. Georges Ta- (75 ) renne, the author of a little treatise called Cochliopérie, assures us of this. He employs the blood of the animal, which he obtains by pricking it with a sharp-pointed instrument, and puts it in the shape of a cataplasm on the cushion of the bandage. Physiologists have made use of these animals to prove that reproduction does not confine itself to unimportant parts, or to animals of a very low rank. The beautiful experiments of Trembley, on green hydre or fresh water po- lypi, had put it beyond doubt, that in this degree of organisation an animal could not only reproduce the different parts of its body, but that, if it were cut in pieces, each piece would become a perfect animal: he even caused six and seven heads to spring from a simple body, by dividing the animal into as many longitudinal shreds. The following year (in 1745), Bonnet, wishing to repeat the experiments of Trembley, and being unable to procure the green hydre, tried if fresh water worms, a species of Nats, could not also reproduce the parts which were cut off. He cut the body into 26 parts, and each part reproduced a complete animal. This faculty of reproduction when mutilated, was also demonstrated in the Actinie, by the Abbé Dicque- mare; who shewed that their bodies might be divided into a considerable number of parts, if a part of the mouth were left on each shred. . In 1764 Boscoyisch announced, in a letter to Lacondamine, that snails, when their heads were cut off, could reproduce others entirely similar, as the experi- ments of the Abbé Spallanzani had proved. Some experiments on the same subject, even more conclusive than those of Lavoisier, Schcefter, Bonnet, Muller, etc. were made by M. G. Tarenne, who published them in 1808. They proved that snails can reproduce their entire head, since he assures us that the piece which he cut suddenly with very sharp scissars, placing them perpendicularly a little behind the great tentacula and under the foot, con- tained not only the tentacula, the jaw, and the upper lip, but the brain and anterior part of the foot. The snails thus mutilated reproduced a complete head at the end of a year or more; and if other observers, adds M. Tarenne, have not witnessed this fact, it is because they have not enabled the mutilated Helix to nourish itself. Spallanzani, however, does not speak of this circum- stance, and positively says that the head is regenerated whether the section is made above or below the brain. The new head only differs from the old by having a whiter and smoother skin; sometimes there is a sort of fur- row at its junclion with the trunk. According to Spallanzani, it would seem that the manner in which this reproduction is made is variable, and that sometimes it remains incomplete; but M. Tarenne says, that having cut off the heads of 200 Helices, and thrown them into a damp grove at the end of a garden, (that they might find their proper nourishment the more easily,) at the end of the fine weather he perceived a new head, resembling a grain of coffee, on all the individuals which he could again meet with: this head had four small horns, a mouth, and lips. At the end of the following sum-_ mer the heads were perfectly reproduced, with the difference only of the skin being smooth or cicatrised. Although Spallanzani has given fewer de- tails than M. Tarenne, it is clear that he had already obtained the same re- sults. Still it is diflicuit to conceive how the nervous filaments, the muscles, the vessels which have been cut in the m‘ddle of their length, reaccord with the portions which shoot forth from the head, which has become a sort of bud; or, admitting that the regeneration proceeds from the nervous and musculary filaments themselyes, how the former can shoot forth and give birth to the brain. For entire conviction, it is necessary to have a careful dissection made of the head thus reproduced, and to compare it with that which has been cut off. : PTENOPODAs,....0555 mes GASTEROPODAs 66 0 i +.0.6 2 00% \ TRACHELPODA.. ....2605. A CEPHALOPODA.:.. cesoee (AER ( ss] Greater part of the body 4 ,Lower part of the body : SYNOPTIC TABLE No foot for crawling; no arms for dragging orf seizing prey. Two fins,( Shell ensheathing; of one alike and opposite, for| swimming............ Body straight, never spiral or with a shell capable : of containing it ; 2 mus- Shell without columella or cular foot united to the? °Perculum; not ae body in its. whole} 2 complete spire, unless length, placed under rolled: 220i" inated the belly, fer crawling. twisted in a spire, sepa- ¥ rate from the foot, and {Shell always spiral, whort!s always enveloped in a/ _ generally numerous, with spirivalve shell; foot\ either a columella or an free, flat, attached tof’ operculum.........-.. the inferior base of the } neck, for crawling....§ contained in a mantle } 4 formed like a bag ; head ‘Shell regularly multilocu- gtd , lar ; or, if unilocular, projecting, from, thas whorled in the same bag, crowned by arms : a ae An dat artienlated farnise planes, the epitecalering éd/i with-. suckers Sgn eee. the mouth or in- rounding the mouth; 2 § clining towards it,...... horny jaws.........-- : OF LAMARCK’S SYSTEM. i piece, never spiral, always exterior.......++- orate WEEN IDNs sae etape lee NP sitelw 12 A's Shell exterior, covering: in one piece in the form of a shield, cap, or sandal; or in several imbricated pieces: imperfectly or not at all} 2. MMM os asic a sion: wiry? mete ayl Snel e 4 Bee Mob sie: «,-5, sia stan say alnsicgies _ ae Shell partly or completely interior ; cavity simple or none; only forming, 3 a spire when the whorls completely cover each other.............. ; : Shell exterior ; not capable of entirely containing the animal; the spire 4 imperfectly formed of two whorls.............+. sb aNpe aerate eeereheta ; Mouth of the shell entire ; no notch or canal at the base.............. 5. A channel more or less long at the base of the shell ;) 6 : ; : : ), CANALIFERS, outer lip not changing with age ............0065- A channel more or less long at the base of the shell; Shell channelled Cuter SCE ERS its form with age and havinga$ 7, Avatz, ‘ hed. or}, Sunus Belov re 3 5s eben eee eee ences Sisk Sunde Orne ».. ., JA short channel ascending towards the back, or an poe Ri Mueine” at ats oblique notch sub-ascending at the base of the shell. \ apis ieee i BaRee.- WENO, No channel, a notch at the base of the mouth; folds{ gq ¢ ; on the columella......... PROS. a ee Ae =f eer arena : No channel, the base of the mouth notched or effu-} qe Tene 1 sive; the whorls large, rolled round the axis......§ °° A ae la Shell straight or almost straight; \ 44, Canes eenk cll, partially. spiral, last_ whorl} | She artia spiral, 210r1 ? Multilocular, Septa simple at fertaitatie int straight line... jt Lamar cin. with septa. .. the edges, su-§ Shell semi-discoid, spire eccentric 413. Cristacex. tures — neither | Shell globulous spheroidal or oval ; notched or un-! whorls of the spire enveloping, 1 i dulated on the’ or cells united within a covering } internal parti- | Shell discoid, spire central, cells { tion of the tes- | radiating from the centre to the $45. Rapiare. \ taceous cover- circumference............6... q TOF soe Shell discoid, spire central, cells, in a spiral line, not extendingt4¢ Nyyrpacer from the centre to the on ; A PELOM CE, i: ofexerenahera tres oa © ° ; Septa notched at the edges, united against the inter- | nal partition of the testaceous covering and arti- 47 A yaonacer culated in sinuated sutures notched like parsley; * ~ meas IBAVES! «..: ai cipeMMen sty viel us, «cot open tot Sepa 6 rosa ae Unilocalar, univalve, involute; spire entering the mouth or tending) 18 towards it..... Wace: = vitye 9) gate east a hat ine b eiaoke ein eia © veval aurea oe * F., Note, p. 27. SYNOPTIC TABLE a for dragging orf 1 hetidgrores? Teo ins, Shell ensheathing; of one Hi foot for crawling; no Sa eae alike and opposite, for| swWimming...-+++-+-7° Body straight, never spiral or with a shell capable Shell without columella or of containing it; a ae operculum ; not forming GASTENOPODAr s+ vere rere ee foot united ioe 4 complete spire, unless (¢ tae length, placed underf "°° the belly, fer crawling. ’ Greater part of the body twisted in a spire, sepa- : rate from the foot, and }Shell always spiral, whorls L always enveloped in a generally numerous, with TRACHELPODA,. «. +--+ +1 spirivalve shell; foot either a columella or an free, flat, attached to operculum .....+ sees. the inferior base of the neck, for crawling...- iN Lower part of the body contained in a mantle Sh ‘ velaeee : ell regularly multilocu formed like a bag ; bead lar; or, if unilocular, projecting from this} horled in the same CEPHALOPODA,,.. «++ aa bag, crowned by arms, plane; the spire entering into the mouth or in clining towards ity... not articulated, furnish- ed with suckers sur- rounding the mouth; 2 horny jaws | OF LAMARCK’S SYSTEM. piece, never spiral, always exterior......-6+- se steerer ener eee sandal; or in several imbricated pieces: imperfectly or not at all spiral ? 30 Shell partly or completely interior ; cavity simple or none ; only forming a spire when the whorls completely cover each other Shell exterior ; not capable of entirely containing the animal; the spire} imperfectly formed of two whorls..........+..+- : Mouth of the shell entire ; no notch or canal at the base.............- 5. A channel more or less long at the base of the shell ;) outer lip not changing with age A channel more or less long at the base of the shell; outer lip changing its form with age and having a sinus below A short channel ascending towards the back, or an oblique notch sub-ascending at the base of the shell. ' No channel, a notch at the base of the mouth; folds) Onithe;coltimel lat... sjatarerarerereretsta ee veiel stpleleleleie reir 5 No channel, the base of the mouth notched or effu-} 10 sive; the whorls large, rolled round the axis...... j “I Shell channelled or notched, or Is exterior, covering: in one piece in the form of a shield, cap, or effusive” at its ' base; i t Xo} Shell straight or almost straight; ) 4, NO SPITE sorte eee cece eee Shell partially spiral, last whorl) 45 Multilocular, : Septa simple at with septa, .. the edges, su- tures neither notched or un- dulated on the internal parti- tion of the tes- taceous cover- whorls of the spire enveloping, or cells united within a covering Shell globulous spheroidal or oval , 414 Shell discoid, spire central, cells ses i , ~ circumferences... (eine sles Shell discoid, spire central, cells in a spiral line, not extending | 4¢ from the centre to the pe | ference : Septa notched at the edges, united against the inter- nal partition of the testaceous covering and arti-' 47 culated in sinuated sutures notched like parsley ; leaves .... Unilocalar, univalve, involute; spire entering the mouth or tending) 48 towards it * F, Note, p. 27. wo terminating in a straight line... 4 ~~" Shell semi-discoid, spire eccentric 413. radiating from the centre to the $15, . CANALIFERE. . Atatz, 8. Porrunirerz, . Coivmectatrez, - Ixvorurx. LitvoLacrs. Cnisracer.— Raprare. . Navrinacez. 7. AMMONACEE, . OntTHoceracta, LAMARCK’S DIVISIONS. Page Page. Page 1. AVPICUIA sy oe esa 28 Clavatula.......... 37. Hyalea ........... 23 Lymneus.......... 27 Turbinella......... 37 Cleodora..... ....- 23. Physa.....-...0.:. 27 Fasciolaria......... 37 Cymbrulia......... 23 Planorbis........ ~.. 30. Piypalange sas. 37 Melania....... ... 27 Fusus...... eta iike we 36 = ” Melanopsis......... 27 > Miurex,. ci. cack ee 36 GENO ae eee Ze yrange. ibe oe 28. Ranclia.!. eee 36 Patella... . asa asi ME @eonovdlais cutie 28. rcttamecs |e ees 36 Ancylus........-.-. 49. Palndinas::...i+++4 34 Struthiolaria....... 42 Umbrella.......-.- 24 Valvata......... oo 2B Scutinas 22... 06o os 24 Ampullaria......... 34 PR Lye Fissurella iP aC OLR aC 24 Navicella LU heehee ik 94 Rostellaian tee 39 Eicrargenie ce gore Nerimatnn 32 Pterocera.......... 43 Calyptrea.......... Done Necihan .. 32 Strobes fo ie Crepidula ........- 25. Natieas...ciseck ss 320 i, en ee 3. Ampullina . .. .s.) 34 8. PoRPuRIFERE. Ianthina........... 35 erase tei hs i 25 Purputa 23 06050..0 40 See ead amet riedsene ee 29 Goncholepas......s. Av Pyramidella........ 38 Hassan wate = ag Bulla............+. e Vermicularia....... 33 rape iv geen 39 4. Pealarta ovearenae | tele ae 33 Buccinaneen ae 39 Testacella.......... 26 ae we so Se ea | a Terebra ys «os .ch hs 38 Vittins 0.)..2 eee 26 FONE ine thee Cassidaria......... 40 Stomatiaes 2 ier.’ - 4 40 Clausilia.... 5 $350.4 29 Solarium........... 35 Colombella ........ 42 Bulimus........... 29 6. Ciivistae WEDMEAN. aft ore.ciave, oleh 38 Amphibulima...... 29 : b) | PM 44 Achatinaws. 6...) bc% 28° Cerithium.......... 38 Marginella......... 42 i nee 37. -Volvaria........... 42 Page 40. InvoLUTz. Ovula.....--.--++-: 43 Cyprea...-+-+++->> 41 Terebellum........ 49, Ancillaria........-- 38 GUE. cence ee 41 PAGIUS Ss oie'. ve oe ewes 43 44, OntHoceracks. Belemnites......... 17 Orthoceratites...... 47 Nodosaria.........- 17 Hippurites......... 18 42. LirvoLacez. Spirula..... abehed the: ohe 24 LAMARCK’S DIVISIONS. Page. Spirolinites ...... nee L Lituolites.. ...... oe 20 43. Cristacsz. Renulites.......... 15 Cristellaria......... 21 Melonites.......... 16 14, Miliolites.......... 16 Gyrogonites........ 16 45. Raptatz. Rotalites............ 99 Lenticulinites ...... De PUN ES, Page. 16. Navrinaces. Discorbites......... 15 Siderolites ......... 15 Nummulites ....... 15 Nautilites.......... 22 17. AmMMonACcEx. Ammonites........ 22, Orbulites.......3.. 27, Tarrilitésn. 2 ao. . 18 Ammonoceratites... 24 Baculites..... ..... 18 18. Argonauta....... eee Page. Acephala. ........ 93 Achatina........... 28 eee 46 rn ee 47 Be eis 62 PRION A acs oe acne seus 33 PECTEOD 64,0. 6 care ces 29 Migathina..... 00,6054 28 PURCTR eo 5 oc ao ntedes 43 eek awash bawe 64 Amaltes.«,..3or. ies 22. Ammonaceratites... 24 Ammonites........ 22 Amphibulima...... 29 a ee 46 ene 62 Amplexites ........ 17 _ Ampullaria ........ 34 Et —— ...,.... 67 Ampullina. ....... 34 Anastoma.......... 31 mca c. ow ke os sc 38 Aneillaria....<. os 4s 38 MEGCVIUS,. 6. ss 24 tee eee 63 A MPS. s. » isan 22 Mplysia sf aks weelian 43 a 60 LO) 36 J 36 Arethusa........... 16 Argonauta......... 23 ae 55 Auricula .......... 28 22 CST eee Oe 47 ee 63 Baculites ........., 18 Batholites ......... 18 Belemnites....... oo 47 Disiphites..... 3.6.4... 22 Brachiopoda ...... 53 Brontes....... ete 36 Buccinoida......... 64 ————— ‘ats Rondtieh ates: 68 Buccinum.......... 39 ee toes inagnitl pve G9 Bulimopsis......... 29 Bulimulus.......... 29 INDEX, Page Bulimus-sso.: 6 ics 0s 29 eee 47 Ss oe ele 62 Bullayer noses 43 Balleeais ces. 0.23.8 43 Galmar.......%. eee A: Calyptrea.........5 ee 79 Camerina.......... 415 Cancellaria......... 40 ee 69 Capulus.is 0. cee 25 ee 71 Caracolla .......... 31 eee tio Gartaaria..ss.. 6 ose 23 i en 72 Carychium......... 28 Cassidaria.......... 40 or 70 Cassis. 5.0 0's ARR 41 Smasebowhe we tant 70 Cephalopoda....... 52 Cerithium.......... 38 aa a ee eee * 70 Chicoracez,........ 36 CAT 73 Chondrus...,..,... 30 oo 62 Cirrhopoda......... 53 ——— ——_ 54 Cirtltessecs-c ic 35 Clavatula.......... ae Clausilia 2.450.480. 29 me eee 48 ae ee eee 62 Cleodora........66. 23 re 56 Glios Gut, cemnercr ee. 56 Cochlicella......,.. 47 Cochlicopa......... i Cochlitoma......... 46 Cochlodina...... wing 48 Cochlodonta,...... 47 Cochlogena........, 47 Cochlohvdra..;.... 46° Cochlostyla........ 46 Columbella ........ 49 Concholepas ......, 40 Conchylium.....,., 69 Conoelix ern? | ae 44 Conovalus ......... 28 ————— . 63 Conulantes......... 47 Conus) aoe 43 fm ea ce date 68 Cornucopia ........ 48 Grepidala SoA gad ate 25 eel 72 Cristellaria. ......., 24 Cryptostoma....... 74 Cyclostoma......,, 34 ms — 66 Cyclobranchi....... 57 ————-— ...,.., 3 Cymbium.......... 44 Seniesa ee 68 Cymbulia.......... 23 a el 56 Oypreaes haste 41 ra eee 68 Delphinula......... 23 Spt a ee eee EN Cie ue sl or gp 65 Diphyllidia,,......) 59 Discorbites......... 45 i , 22 Dolabella.......... 44 a 60 Doli 6 ce0.do vies ck 39 eee rn 69 DOTS 66 vtee cine ek! 58 Eb urgta pees cece fh Se 38 a el. 69 Ellipsolites......... 22 Emarginula....., -. 24 —————— .....,.. 72 Wolidias ioc eceece 53 59 Euomphalites ...... 35 Fasciolaria....., Heerlen yf eee es 70 Fissurella..... Sepa: § ~————— ee ~ 72 PSUS. s 6. PROD: 36 Page Gasteropoda........ 52 LEC aos 6 OF ‘Glaucus...... Ca 58 Gyrogonites........ 16 Halyotis ......+-+.> 26 ES ay ena 74 Hamites..........- 18 Parpa.aaicc ese. ss me: 39 eo See ae 69 Helicarion........-+ 34 ae ee i =; 4:62 Helicella........... 45 Flelicina........... 31 PS EE Ee ee fava: -agOO Helicigona...... tages AO Helicodonta........ 45 Helicogena......... 45 Helico-Limax ...... 26 Ba) es ee Helicophanta....... 46 Helicostyla.......... 46 Peli Kec c.0.c. sesso’ 30 a ee re rT 45 cere aug ase Sassi ae i gel ela nana es 74 Hipponjx.........- 25 Hippurites......... 18 Hirtolus....... Heer geO Hyalea ......eereus 23 ES ce Ea, ee 56 lanthina.......... e259 Bete, elias re hea he 67 Inferobranchi...... 57 ——_——— EU SY coe teni 6°) Infundibulum...... 25 Baaplysia ... 006 ee 43 fo kues et tr; 36 Lenticulina........ 2D MASUUS...~,0580:8,9.4 aysi0it 28 Limacina ....0.s.6. 56 MAMMA R Sars os aye ase 64 Bituites. ose ss 20 DACuUsS:... «<5. ds eceuees 20 BOZO, 5 > acs .opecdrgoie tose 14 Bee, he ies n,, SCALAR 54 Lotorium .... 65,65 36 Lymneus.......... 27 tS fee EE eh eens 63 Marginella ......... 42 eae ane 69 Meiampus.......... 28 Melanamona....... 28 _ Melanatria......... 28 Melanella.... ..... a7 Melanin. «és... ssa e+. 27 a eT 67 INDEX. Page Melanopsis......... 27 Melantho .......... 27 Meleager.;...% Jf. 33 Melonites.......... 16 Mialtola. ....e.e eden 16 Mittracs ook cece bene 38 Be re eR 9-21 69 Monoceros......... 40 Monodonta......... 34 a... ee, 66 ILOTIO, i oso oe. 0 0 wktcies 40 BENTO R's «i've qo eters 36 Fer ee ie cad boa 70 NASSAR Uae. uk ae 40 gs Seesaw oun 6 Oi 69 Naticds 05586 oe 5 ahs 32 me eee cas caw cy 67 Nautilites.......... 22 Nautilus .3.. 2. ssid. 22 ——— ...... line Bh Navicella .......... 25 a eee 72 INGLIGE foe ces oigiie sores 32 Se Rereen oy 4 Neritina.... .....: 32 Seal 2. ata SRE 67 Nodosaria.......... 17 Notarchus........-. 60 Nudibranchi........ 57 nee 58 Nummula.......... 45 Octopus . ,. esses 54 Odostomia......... 30 Oliva 25 hence cis. 6 reer 44 Be 5s dale, nae ate 47 eH nee nelod oe valet 68 Onchidium........- 63 Orbulites. . .. 2. se 02 58 -Tornatella...2..... 29 ee 63 Tritonia.... ative «cet 58 Tritonium ......... 36 Trochoida......... 64. — bos a os oe 65 Trochus’. (28... ...3 35 cee 66 Trophones......... 36 Turbinella......... 37 —— ode 70 Turboreerec es. a. Yami Yo: mre eer e pauses 65 Wurrilites): <= ...c5. 18 Tarritella;; >. 622.2: 33 a ee 65 PRIS. Wee aa eh ae 36 Voluta..... ee SS “4 pbk _ BY THE AUTHOR. Au ANALYSIS of the NATURAL CLASSIFICATIONS of MAMMALIA, includ- ing the Systems of Cuvier and Illiger, and illustrated by upwards of 200 ee (comprehending the Extinct or Fossil Genera and Species), principally eae he objets themselves in the Gallery and Cabinet of Comparative Anatomy of the Jardin des Plantes, Price 15s. An INTRODUCTION to the ORNITHOLOGY of CUVIER, illustrated by 261 figurés (including several anatomical), principally from the objects themselves, and drawn off on tint. Price 15s. ; These two works have been adopted as text books by Professor Jamieson of the Edinburgh University. An ESSAY on the SUPERSTITIONS, CUSTOMS, and ARTS common to the Ancient EGYPTIANS, ABYSSINIANS and ASHANTEES: with coloured figures of part of the objects of manufacture presented by the Author to the British Museum. 4to. Price 8s. It is presumed that this little Essay will prove, by a variety of curious Evidence, that Abyssinia is not the only part of Africa which has been partly civilised by am intercourse with colonists and emigrants from ancient Egypt, and that much light may be reflected on Antiquity as well as Natural History and Physical Science, by pursuing the British Discoveries in the interior of Africa, gradually and in detail. An ENQUIRY into the BRITISH and FRENCH EXPEDITIONS to TEEMBO, with remarks on Civilisation in Africa. Price 2s. An ESSAY on the GEOGRAPHY of NORTH WESTERN AFRICA, with a 2-sheet lithographic map, constructed by the Author from original Itineraries, and detailing the Arabic Itinerary from Ashantee to Mecca, which was mislaid at the time of the publication of the Mission to Ashantee. Price 10s. 6d. ‘¢ M. Bowdich a donné a part une carte speciale du pays des Aschantis, basce ‘* sur ses propres observations, sur des itinéraires détaillés et sur la comparaison ‘* qu’il en a faite avec les cartes de d’Anville et les relations des autres voyageurs. ‘* Cette partie de son travail, ainsi que ce qu’il a donné sur les environs de Gaboon, “* sont des acquisitions précieuses pour la géographie. Le reste de la carte de . “* M, Bowdich est beaucoup plus hypothétique, et se fonde sur des documents plus “¢ incertains.——Malgré tant de causes d’imperfection, la carte de M. Bowdich ** sera utile, parce qu’a beaucoup de sagacité l’auteur a joint une profonde étude “« de son sujet, et qu’elle offre des recherches, des rapprochements curieux, et des ‘* conjectures probables, présentés d’une manicére claire et méthodique. Tout ce ‘¢ que M. Bowdich écrira sur lintérieure de 1’Afrique, sera toujours un objet *¢ d’attention pour tout homme instruit.”—Walckenaer (Président de Académie des Inscrip. et des Belles Lettres) Recherches sur 1’Afrique, p. 326, 330, 344. The CONTRADICTIONS in PARK’S LAST JOURNAL EXPLAINED, and his, Astronomical Observations in 1796 re-established, by the corrections necessitated: by his having reckoned on the 34st of April. The ELEMENTS of ALGEBRA, with Historical and Explanatory Notes, and a upplementary Volume containing calculations and notes for the aid of Students (who are out of the reach of a Tutor) in reading Le Gendre’s Trigonometry, Biot’s Analytical Geometry, La Groix’s Caleul Differentiel ct Integral, and Pois- son’s Mechanics. During a residence of tyyo years and a half at Paris, with the view of perfecting himself in Mathematics and Physical Science, as necessary for the greater scientific results of a second travel in Africa, the Author has had occasion to read the greater number of the French works on the Clem ea parts of mathematics, and to com- pare them with our own. ‘He was astonished to find that England, which has produced Harriot, Wallis, Barrow, and Newton who may be considered as the father of analysis; that England, possessing at the present moment so many illus- trious men of science, does not afford elementary books enabling students to read the works of Euler, Lagrange, Laplace, Legendre, Poisson, and the later English publications, without being arrested by difficulties every moment. - hk He is aware that the illustrious Professors of Mathematics at our Universities, supply that in their lectures which is wanting in their books; but he recollects also, from experience, that there are a great number of students throughout the three kingdoms, and especially in our colonies, who are denied the enviable advantages of attending University lectures. ; In the hope of remedying this inconvenience in some degree, that is as far as his limited means permit, the Author is induced to publish acourse of Algebra, assem-, bling and connecting the materials scattered through the works of La Croix, Bour- don, Boisbertrand, Garnier, etc. etc. 2 - He is not so presumptuous as to believe that this Essay is the best the subject admits of, but he will feel grateful for every candid critic, sufficiently recom- pensed if it leads to the production of a better work on the same subject; his sole object being to offer something useful to his countrymen, 4 ple d-stexs oOo en HD Ct W WD wa = mm Co ee er ee CO S226) —- Cc PLATE I. . Shell of the Sepia rugosa. . Shell of the Calmar. Loligo sagitiata, Lam. . 4. Nummulites, with sections. . Discorbite. . Miliolite ceeur de Serpent. . Lituolite. . Transverse and longitudinal sections of a Belemnite. 410. 44. 12. Belemnites. » . Spirolinites. . Upper and under view, with a section, of the Gyrogonites medicagi- nula. . Simplegades colubrinus. . Turrilites compressus. . Baculites vertebralis. . a. Spirula fragilis seu australis. b. The siphon traversing the chambers. , c. Section magnified. . Baculites gigas. . Planospirites ostracinus. . Hippurites cornu-copiw. . Belemnite. . Siderolites calcitrapoides. . Section of a Belemnite. . Orthoceratite. . Hippurite with a gutter, c. . Hippurite with a siphon. . Under view of the operculum of a Hippurite, shewing the two prolonga- tions resembling a hinge. . Belemnite. . Section of an Orthoceratite with a siphon passing through the axis. . Hippurite with a gutter, a. and a siphon, 6. . Lituites Breynii, found in the marble of OEland: the shaft or straight part extends in a length equal to the depth of the Plate, gradually enlarging towards the base. . Hippurite, the operculum pierced with two eyes. . 35. Orthoceraiites with a siphon towards the edge or periphery. PLATE rE 19. Baculites gigas. 20. Planospirites ostracinus. 21. Hippurites cornu-copia. 92, Belemnite. 23. Siderolites calcitrapoides. R 24. Section of a Belemnite. 4. Shell of the Sepia rugosa. 25. Orthoceratite. 9, Shell of the Calmar. Loligo sagittata, Lam. 26. Hippurite with a gutter, c. 3, 4. Nummulites, with sections. | 97. Hippurite with a siphon. 5. Discorbite. 28. Under view of the operculum of a Hippurite, shewing the two prolonga- 6. Miliolite coeur de Serpent. tions resembling a hinge. 7. Lituolite. | 29. Belemnite. ; 8. Transverse and longitudinal sections of a Belemnite. 4 30. Section of an Orthoceratite with a siphon passing through the axis. : 9.10. 41. 12. Belemnites. 34. Hippurite with a gutter, a. and a siphon, 6. 43. Spirolinites. 32. Lituites Breynit, found in the marble of OEland: the shaft or straight 14, Upper and under view, with a section, of the Gyrogonites medicag- } parlegiends age length equal to the depth of the Plate, gradually Aula. } enlarging towards the base. 15. Simplegades colubrinus. 33. Hippurite, the operculum pierced with two eyes. 16. Turrilites compressus. 34. 35. Orthoceratites with a siphon towards the edge or periphery. 47. Baculites vertebralis. 18. a. Spirula fragilis seu australis. b. The siphon traversing the chambers by c. Section magnified. > ae i ee harnehe is. 4 » > r Sees ee ‘ See =e ORE? ae PLATE It. @ . a. b. c. d. Nautilus melo, with sections. . Section of Nautilus flammatus, shewing the siphon. 3. Section of Nautilus caudatus, Lister (N. major seu crassus, Kumph.) IHAHG oN Ss shewing the siphon passing through the chambers. 1-4th. . Nautilus Pompilius. . Nautilus auricula. ‘ . Scaphites Defrancii. a. b. c. d. Scaphites equalis. . 8. Transverse and logitudinal sections of the spine of the Zchinus ci- daris. ! | ; 9. Nodosaria (Nautilus raphanus). 10. Amplexus coralloides. 41. Orthoceratites Gothlandiw, 1-2. 12. Molossus gracilis. 43. Rotalite. 44. Echidnis diluvianus. 45. Raphanister campanulatum. 16. Hamites gibbosus. 47. Lenticulite. 18. Hippurites organicus. PLATE Il, eae 9, Nodosaria (Nautilus raphanus). 40, Amplexus coralloides. | 41, Orthoceratites Gothlandie, 1-2. 42, Molossus gracilis. ? 43, Rotalite. 4. a. b. c. d. Nautilus melo, with sections. 14, Echidnis diluvianus. 2. Section of Nautilus flammatus, shewing the siphon. 3. Section of Nautilus caudatus, Lister (N. major seu crassus, Rumph.) shewing the siphon passing through the chambers. 4-4th. 15, Raphanister campanulatum, 46, Hamites gibbosus. 47. Lenticulite. 4. Nautilus Pompilius. 18, Hippurites organicus. 5. Nautilus auricula. z r 6. Scaphites Defrancii. 6. a. b. c. d. Scaphites wqualis. 7. 8. Transverse and logitudinal sections of the spine of the Zchinus ci- davis. f PLATE IU. 4. Helix Lemani, in the 2d Fresh-Water Formation. . Helix Menardi, in the limestone near Mans. Second Fresh-Water Formation. 3. Oval grain found in the silex at Longjumeau. . Cylindrical, channelled grains, found in opaque silex at Longjumeau. They have no resemblance to any genus now known. . 6. Small cylindrical stems, with a channel in the centre, and divided by transverse partitions. . A body in the form of a date, with sinuous channels. . The ear of a plant (which may be compared to certain species of Paspa- lum) found in the silex at Longjumeau. . Argonautites levis. . Vaginella depressa. . 12. Orbulites. > CRESEGUICTIE: 0 ev io say's . Ammonaceratités Lamarckii, 1-3d. s. siphon. . Ellipsolites compressus. 4 Pollontes vesicularis. . Arethusa corymbosa. . Baculites veriebralis. Montf. . Conularia quadrisulcata. * teres. ” quadrisulcata, . Lelebois annulatus. - Ltranites gigas. PLATE I. 4, Helix Lemani, in the 2d Fresh-Water Formation. 2. Helix Menardi, in the limestone near Mans. Second Fresh-Water Formation. 3. Oval grain found in the silex at Longjumeau. 4, Cylindrical, chamnelled grains, found in opaque silex at Longjumeau, They have no resemblance to any genus now known. 5. 6. Small cylindrical stems, with a channel in the centre, and divided by transverse partitions. 7. A body in the form of a date, with sinuous channels. 8. The ear of aplant (which may be compared to certain species of Paspa- lum) found in the silex at Longjumeau. _ Argonauliles levis. . Vaginella depressa- 412, Orbulites. Gristellaria se es _ Ammonaceratites Lamarckii, 1-3d. s. siphon. . Ellipsolites compressus. . Pollontes vesicularis. 7, Arethusa corymbosa. . Baculites vertebralis. Montt. 9. Conularia quadrisulcata. leres. v quadrisulcat 29, Telebois annulatus. 3, Tiranites gigas. . PLATE IV. én, bs First Fresh-Water Formation. 1. Cyclostoma mumia. 2. Lymneus strigosus. 2 3... ~~ dongiscatus. _ 4, ee acuminatus. ” i €e 5. Planorbis lens. : 6. An articulated stem (with projecting papille), resembling the root of an Equisetum. Second Fresh-Water Formation. 1.2. Lymneeus ovum. 3. Bulimus pusillus. 4 - atomus. 5. Cyclostoma elegans antiquum. 6. Potamides Lamarckit. 7. 8. Planorbis rotundatus. 9 cornu. 40. si Prevostinus. 41. Lymneus corneus. 42. oe Fabulum. 13. mS ventricosus. — 44, A enflatus. 45. Bulimus pygmeus. 45. .. terebra. 16. Lymneeus palustris antiquus. 17. Pupa Defrancii. 48. Helix Ramondi. 49... Desmarestina. 20... . Cocquit. 21. .. Moroguesi. es». Lristani, » PLATE IY. First Fresh-Water Formation. 4. Cyclostoma mumia. 2. Lymneus strigosus. iad 3... ~~ longiscatus. a A. ++ acuminatus. ‘. € 5. Planorbis lens. 6. An articulated stem (with projecting papille), resembling the root of an Equisetum. Second Fresh-Water Formation. . 2, Lymnaus ovum. . Bulimus pusillus. atomus. . Cyclostoma elegans antiquum. . Potamides Lamarckii. . 8. Planorbis rotundatus. cornu. Prevostinus. . Lymneus corneus. Fabulum. ventricosus. enflatus. . Bulimus pygmaeus. terebra. - Lymneeus palustris antiquus. . Pupa Defrancii. . Helix Ramondi. Desmarestina. Cocquit. Moroguesi. Tristani. oe ne ee ich Lar yy Ss 10. V4. AD 13. 14, CoN Ro fF WWD > PLATE ¥: . Hyalea tricuspidata. . Cleodora pyramidalis. . Cymbulia proboscidea. . Parmaphora elongata. . Patella elongata. i. cornucopia. x . Ancylus fluviatilis. . Upper and under view of the Calyptrwa equestra. ier of the Testacella haliotidea. Fissurella (Patella Greeca, List.). Emarginula clypeata. Under and side view of the Crepidula porcellana. of the Capulus torlus. Vitrina pellucida. 45. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Umbrella Indica. Carinaria witrea. Dolabella. Bullea. Bulla aperta. Infundibulum echinulatum. Stomatia phymotis Stomatella imbricata. Septaria seu Navicella (Patella Borbonica). a. Back view. b. Under .. c. Side d. Operculum. Halyotis vulgaris. Sigaretus concavus. — Some of the figures in this Plate are inadvertently reversed. ap ae A ee er ee ee ve Si a sae. ©) ei a ae 2 SS ee ee ae PLATE VY. 4, Hyalea tricuspidata. 2. Cleodora pyramidalis. 3, Cymbulia proboscidea. 4, Parmaphora elongata. 5. Patella elongata. 6... cornucopia. 7. Ancylus fluviatilis. 8. Upper and under view of the Calypire@a equestra. 9. on .. of the Zestacella haliotidea. 40. Fissurella (Patella Greca, List.). 4. Emarginula clypeata. 42. Under and side view of the Crepidula porcellana. 13. i .. of the Capulus torlus, 14. Vitrina pellucida. = 5, Umbrella Indica. ;. Carinaria vilrea. . Dolabella. . Bullea. . Bulla aperta. . Infundibulum echinulatum. . Slomatia phymotis . Stomatella imbricata. , Septaria seu Navicella (Patella Borbonica). a. Back view. b. Under .. c. Side d. Operculum. 4. Halyotis vulgaris. . Sigaretus concavus. Some of the figures in this Plate are inadvertently reversed. <“~4 $<2eke appro BREW cee ceed th . Lymneus stagnalis. . Physa N. Hollandica. PLATE VI. . Hipponyx cornucopie. Defr. a. In profile, 1-2. 6. Shewing the support within, 1-2. c. In profile, without the support, 41-2. | d. Seen within. | e. On its support, as it was found. J. The support seen within. g. Hipponyx mitrata, Defr. a recent shell, with its support. h. Hipponyx cornucopie, shewing the mouth. . Plectrophorus costatus, Yeruss. orbignii, Feruss. . Padollus scalaris, Leach. | . Ambrette Succinea, Drap. (Amphibulima, Lam.) . Amphibulima, Lam. . Testacellus ambiguus, Feruss. haliotideus, Feruss. Maugei, Veruss. . Parmacella Olivierii, Feruss. . Helicarion Cuvierii, Feruss. . Melania. . Melantho. . Melania amarula. . Melanella Dufresnii. - Melanopsis. . Melanamona. . Pyrene, Lam. Melanatria. . Phasianella picta. . Auricula Judea. . Scarabus imbrium, Leach. - Carychium undulatum. Leach. - Conovula coniformis. » Achatina Virginiana. - Bulimus radiatus. . Bulimulus trifasciatus. . Lornatella fasciata. . Helicina neritella. . Bulimus auris-leporis (monst.). . Planorbis. . Bulimus ovularis. . Pupa modiolinus. . Bulimus auris-leporis. 4 . Clausilia. . Pupa. . Bulimus decollatus. S| = wow ne © Ooms nn Sw nv PLATE VI. . Hipponyx coinucopie. Defr. a. In profile, 1-2. b. Shewing the support within, 1-2. c. In profile, without the support, 1-2. | d. Seen within. e. Onits support, as it was found. Ff. The support seen within, g. Hipponyx mitrata, Defr. a recent shell, with its support. h. Hipponyx cornucopie, shewing the mouth. . Plectrophorus costatus, Teruss. orbignit, Feruss. . Padollus scalaris, Leach. . Ambrette Succinea, Drap. (Amphibulima, Lam.) . Amphibulima, Lam. . Testacellus ambiguus, Feruss. haliotideus, Feruss. Maugei, Feruss. . Parmacella Olivierit, Feruss. . Helicarion Cuvierti, Feruss. . Lymneus stagnalis. . Physa N. Hollandica. | , Melania. . Melantho. |. Melania amarula. | Melanella Dufresnit. . Melanopsis. , Melanamona. . Pyrene, Lam. Melanatria. . Phasianella picta. , Auricula Judea. . Scarabus imbrium, Leach. . Carychium undulatum. Leach. . Conovula coniformis. 26. Achatina Virginiana. . Bulimus radiatus. . Bulimulus trifasciatus. . Tornatella fasciata. . Helicina neritella. . Bulimus auris-leporis (moust.). 32. Planorbis. 33. Bulimus ovularis. . Pupa modiolinus. . Bulimus auris-leporis. Clausilia. » Pupa. Bulimus decollatus. COONAN PLATE VII. . Helico-Limax elongata, Feruss. . Helix brevipes, Drap. . 4. Cornu giganteum, Chemn. in the young and in the adult state ; one of the smaller figures represents the egg entire, and the other the animal in its shell coming out of the egg: 1-2 the natural size. . Bulimus patulus, Brug. (Amphibulima cucullata, Lam.) in the young state. . Helix naticordes, Drap. Listeri, Feruss. ligata, Muller. deformis, Feruss. 1. 12. 45. 16. 47. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23, Helix aspersa, Muller. Ret ke (monstrosities). Pouchet Adans (Turbo variegatus, List.) Helix alonensis, Feruss. Helix plicata, Lin. . aspersa, List. carabinata, Feruss. ringens (Tomigeres ringens, Leach. Anostoma, Lam.). imperator (Polydontes imperator, Montf.). . carocolla, Chemn. (Carocolla, Lam.) sorora, Feruss. PLATE VU. 4, Helico-Limax elongata, Feruss. 2. Helix brevipes, Drap. 3. 4, Cornu giganteum, Chemn. in the young and in the adult state; one of the smaller figures represents the egg entire, and the other the animal in its shell coming out of the egg : 1-2 the natural size. 5. Bulimus patulus, Brug. (Amphibulima cucullata, Lam.) 6. in the young state. 7. Helix naticordes, Drap. 8. 9. 40. Listeri, Feruss. ligata, Muller. deformis, Feruss. —— — _ Helix aspersa, Muller. 43. 44.0% ate (monstrosities) - . Pouchet Adans (Turbo variegatus, List.) | Helix alonensis, Teruss. . Helix plicata, Lin. aspersa, List. carabinata, Feruss. ringens (Tomigeres ringens, Leach. Anostoma, Lam.). imperator (1 ‘Polydontes imperator, Montf.). - carocolla, Chemn. (Carocolla, Lam.) sorora, Feruss. PLATE VIII. 2. Helix pyrostoma, Feruss. Madagascariensis, Lam. . Helicella lavipes, Feruss. Helix spadicea, Gmel. . Helix sub-dentata, Feruss. albella, Chemn. side view. planata, Chemn. . Helicella sepulcralis, Feruss. . Helix ochroleuca, Feruss. Helix albella, Chemn. epistylium, Gmel. strobilus, Feruss. nitida, Drap. . Cyclostoma bulimoides, Oliv. . Melania buccinoidea. . Cyclostoma unicolor, Oliv. . Bulimus labrosus, Oliv. . Melania costata, Oliv. . Helix villosa, Drap. 49. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. eo 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. Bulimus acicula, Drap. Buccinum majus, List. (Kambeul, Adanson.) Bulimus Dufresnii, Leach. Bulla helicoides, Brocchi. Bulimus montanus, Drap. Pupa quadridentata, Drap. granum, Drap. Helix regina, Feruss. Achatina, Lam. - . frater, Feruss. Cyclostoma Odostomia. (Auris Mide, ete. Chem.) Pupa fragilis, Drap. Partula australis, Feruss. (Auris Mide fasciata, etc. Chemn.) Cochlodina Blainvilliana, Feruss. (Cyclostoma, Lam.) Pupa modiolus. Clausilia plicata, Drap. Pupa edentula, Drap. . vertigo, Drap. . antivertigo, Drap. mae Nak a Vs ane! ie al aE a PLATE VIII. 19, Bulimus acicula, Drap. + 9, Buccinum majus, List. (Kambeul, Adauson.) 9|, Bulimus Dufresnii, Leach. 92, Bulla helicoides, Brocchi. Sw 23, Bulimus montanus, Drap. 24. Pupa quadridentata, Drap. 4. 2. Helix pyrostoma, Feruss. 9%, sracunDiao. 3. Madagascariensis, Lam. 26, Helix regina, Feruss. Achatina, Lam. 4, Helicella levipes, Feruss. Helix spadicea, Gmel. _ +. frater, Feruss. 28, Cyclostoma Odostomia. (Auris Mide, etc. Chem.) wo a 5. Helix sub-dentata, Feruss. 6. .. albella, Chemn. side view. 29. Pupa fragilis, Drap. 30, Partula australis, Feruss. (Auris Mide fasciata, etc. Chemn.) 7. .. planata, Chemn. 8. Helicella sepulcralis, Feruss. > 31, Cocklodina Blainvilliana, Feruss. (Cyclostoma, Lam.) 9, Helix ochroleuca, Feruss. Helix albella, Chemn. 32. Pupa modiolus. 40... epistylium, Gmel. 33, Clausilia plicata, Drap. 4, .. strobilus, Feruss. 34, Pupa edentula, Drap. 42, .. nitida, Drap. 35... vertigo, Drap. 13. Cyclostoma bulimoides, Oliv. 36... antivertigo, Drap. 44. Melania buccinoidea. P 45. Cyclostoma unicolor, Oliy. 46. Bulimus labrosus, Oliv. 47. Melania costata, Oliv. 48. Helix villosa, Drap. F woh Bowlin Lithog SET PLY, PLATE IX, Ampullaria. . Ampullina. {Rk re beadt, OW, Labe edd pr . Turbo picta, with its operculum. . Cirrus acutus, Sowerby. As, 2 3 4 5. Aciona scalaria (Wendletrap), Leach. 6. Scalaria clatrata. 7. Trochus crenularis. 8 agglutinans, with and without the adhering substances. 9 imperator (Imperator coronatus, Montf.) MOS fou calcar. 41. Solarium perspectivum. 42. Turritella. aa 44. 45. 16. a7. 48. 49, 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Cyclostoma mumia. elegans. Paludina fasciata (Helix vivipara, Lin.) Delphinula. Vermetus, Adans. oo pentangulatus, catillus, \ Sowerby. | Nerita Malaccensis, and its operculum. Neritina zebra. Valvata spirorbis, Drap. Clithon coronata. Natica. Monodonia. Ignthina fragilis. PLATE IX. 4, Ampullaria. 2. Ampullina. | f Y, Zep 3. Turbo picta, with its operculum. 4. Cirrus acutus, Sowerby. 5. Aciona scalaria (Wendletrap), Leach. 6. Scalaria clatrata. 2h 8. 9 . Trochus ecrenularis. agglutinans, with and without the adhering substances. imperator (Imperator coronatus, Montt,) 402 -\; » calcar. 41, Solarium perspectivum. 42. Turriiella. me , Euomphalus pentangulatus, \ Cyelostoma mumia. elegans. . Paludina fasciata (Helix vivipara, Lin.) , Delphinula. . Vermetus, Adans. catillus, Sowerby. . Nerita Malaccensis, and its operculum. . Neritina zebra. . Valvata spirorbis, Drap. 93. Clithon coronata. . Natica. . Monodonta. , Janthina fragilis. So —_ — pK) O ON A TO » oO PLATE X. . Murex lampas. Tritonia. Brandaris. . Tritonia Atlantica, Montf. Murex frondescens. . Ranella Buffonia. . Fusus. . Pyrula melongena. . Eburna areolata. . Ancillaria cinamomea. . Mitra. . Pyramidelta dolabrata. . Pleurotoma tigrina. Fasciolaria tulipa. . Turbinella scolyma. . Rostellaria subulata. - Concholepas Peruviana. . Potamides Lamarkii. . Cerithium. . Terebra lanceolata. . Buccinum undatum. - Dolium variegatum. . Nassa Thersita. PLATE X. 12. Py yamidella dolabrata. 13. Pleurotoma tigrina. } Md. Fasciolaria tulipa. SS Se 15. Turbinella scolyma. 16, Rostellaria subulata. 4. Murex lampas. 17. Concholepas Peruviana. 9. .. Tritonia. 18. Potamides Lamarkii. O 5... Brandaris. 19. Cerithium. 4. Tritonia Allantica, Mont. } 90. Terebra lanceolata. 5. Murex frondescens. iF 9, Buccinum undatum. P 6. Ranella Buffonia. 2. Dolium variegalum. 3, Nassa Therstta. 7. Fusus. 8. Pyrula melongena. 9. Eburna areolata. 40. Ancillaria cinamomea. 41. Mitra. Mo ona mtr wn 10 PLATE XI. . Harpa mutica. . Purpura patula. . Monoceros. . Ricinula horrida. © . Cassidaria echinophora. . Cancellaria reticulata. . Cyprea moneta. . Ovula gibbosa. . a. Cyprea in the infant state. bi a we eld dle si Gees «adult . Ovula oviformis. . Cassis glauca. harpeeformis. . Oliva litterata. . Terebellum punctatum. . Strombus pugilis. . Pterocera lambis. : Colombella hilaris. . Volvaria monilis. - Marginella bimarginata. sub-ceerulea. - Conus nocturnus. beiulinus. PLATE XI. 11. Cassis glauca. 42... harpeformis. 13. Oliva litterata. —_—_—<—$<—$——$——————— 14, Terebellum punctatum. * 15. Strombus pugilis. 16. Pterocera lambis. 17. Colombella hilaris. 4. Harpa mutica. . 2. Purpura patula. é Maen 3. Monoceros. 19. Marginella bimargii 4. Ricinula horrida. © arginata. A A 20. oa sub-cerulea. 5. Cassidaria echinophora. ois eee oe Urnus. 6. Cancellaria reticulata. H £0) ven ? a CLD TIO US. y 7. Cyprea moneta. 8. Ovula gibbosa. 9. a. Cyprea in the infant state. b. ws =e ~smiddde -- Ge oo oo eeulG 10. Ovula oviformis. PLATE XIE. 4. Conelix lineatus, Swainson. 2. Voluta rugifera seu musica. 3. .. wolvacea. 4 .. wvespertilio. f .. olla. 6. Helicina neritella. 7. Murex tubsfer. 8. Bulimus zebra, Oliv. 9. Struthiolaria Lamarcki. 10. Helix crenelata, Oliv. 41, Polyphemus Bruguireus. 42. Ampullaria (found im bituminous marl above a mine of fossil coal. 43. So compressed laterally ; giving it an accidental, elongated form. 44. Bes aie vertically ; changing the form of the mouth, and giving it the appearance of another species. “45. Turbo lugubris, Chemn. 16. Section of a Pyramidella, to shew the columella. 47. Turritella. (au jour). 18. Cyclostoma bulimoides, Oliv. PLATE XIE 4. Conelix lineatus, Swainson. 2. Voluta rugifera seu musica. 3. .. volvacea. 4 . . vespertilio. 52... alla. 6. Helicina neritella. 7. Murex tubifer. 8. Bulimus zebra, Oliv. 9, Struthiolaria Lamarckic. OF (0, Helix crenclata, Oliv. 1, Polyphemus Bruguireus. 12. Ampullaria (found in bituminous marl above a mine of fossil coal. io compressed laterally ; giving it an accidental, elongated form. Ww oo 36 vertically ; changing the form of the mouth, and giving it the appearance of another species. 15. Turbo lugubris, Chemn. {6, Section of a Pyramidella, to shew the columella. 47. Turritella. (au jour). 18. Cyclostoma bulimoides, Oliv. ~— a Ch Gk me Co NS ee SS COCO ... feet. g. d. arms. mantle coming out from the interstice between the valves, close The retracting muscles. liver. lungs. .. auricle. heart. intestine. mantle turned back. e. The funnel. abdomen. fins. 41. Brain of the Polypus; a. The ring round the ceso-, dd. The lateral ganglions. phagus. e. .. abdominal ‘plexus. By .. brain. 7 ce. .. optical ganglions. 41.* Brain of the Aplysia.’ a. The ring round the oesophagus. . Oe. .) PEaL. e. .. abdominal ganglion. 42. The animal and shell of the Helico-Limax elongata. _ 413. Janthina penicephala, with its vesicular appendage (spuma cariila- _ginea) attached to the posterior part of the foot. 14. Aplysia. a. The head. b. inferior tentacula. Cen superior d. eyes. e. mantle. J. operculum of the branchie. 45. The female Sigaretus seen underneath: the head and foot a little bent, to shew the entrance of the branchial cavity. a. The notch. , | &. The anus. 46. The male Sigaretus seen underneath. *.@. Thenotch. d. The anterior part of the foot cleft bb... tentacula. transversely. Ge. Sot. e. .. organs of generation: i .. edges of the mantle. 17. Carinaria Mediterranea. 18. -Plectophorus with its shell. ~ 19, The female Vivipara taken out of its shell. a. The foot partly folded in two. b. operculum attached to the posterior part. os head with the tentacula and trunk. d. little siphon prolonged under the right tentaculum. é. lateral membrane of the left side. fe edge of the mantle. 4 A small portion of the branchiz shewing itself from underneath. . The orifice of the womb and anus. 20. Ee. tts, drawn from the living animal, with all its ornaments. PLATE XIV. 1. The hearts. of the Calmar. a. The hollow vein. bb. lateral hearts. Ch pulmonary arteries. 2. The heart of the Aplysia. a. The hollow vein. d._.. branchie. 3. Spirula fragilis with its shell. 4. Tapada putris, with its shell. dd. The place of the branchiz. ee... pulmonary veins. J. middle heart. ' ge. aorta. e. The auricle and pulmonary yein, See wo" heart: d g. .. arteries. 5. The under side of a Patella, the head bent towards the foot. a. The foot. 6... mouth. ec. .. tentacula. d... anus and orifice of ge- neration. 6. A Patella of the species in which a. The mouth. bb. tentacula. ce... fleshy mass. d.__.. nervous collar. J. ovarium. 7. Helix brevipes, with its shell. e. The pericardium. af: .. trunk of the branchial vein. ggg. circular part of. the aboye vein. hh. branchiz, uw... branchial artery. the branchi are interrupted. gg- The intestines. h. — .. branchiz. i... branchial yeins, 97q- +. oviductus. 8. Hyalea australis, with its shell scen on the side of the projecting valye. a. b. c. The projecting points of d. The dorsal valve: Sf- to which are the branch im. .. fins. n. .. mouth. 9. Parmacella Olivieri, Cuy. opened. a. The mouth. bb. great horns. co brain. d._.._ salivary glands. e.ff .. organs of generation. g- bag for the colouring liquid. h. stomach. 10. Calmar (Sepia Loligo). a. The head. 6) b. .. eyes. C-.. feck. d. ., ams. the flat or -yentral valve. mantle coming out from the interstice between the valves, close ie. vi. The retracting muscles. kk. liver. 1. .. lungs. m. ., auricle. n. .. heart. o. .. intestine. z. .. mantle turned hack. e. The funnel. J... abdomen. g. .. fins. i oe {{. Brain of the Polypus; a. The cits round the o@so-| dd, The lateral ganglions. phagus. e. abdominal plexus. b. °.. brain. ce. .. optical ganglions. j1.* Brain of the Aplysia.’ a. The ring round the cesophagus. b. .. brain. e. .. abdominal ganglion. 12. The animal and shell of the Helico-Limax elongata. 13. Janthina penicephala, with its yesicular appendage (spuma cartila- ginea) attached to the posterior part of the foot. 14, Aplysia. a. The head. b. .. inferior tentacula. c. «superior d. .. ~eyes. e, .. mantle, f. «= operculum of the branchiz. on . The female Sigaretus seen underneath; the head and foot a little bent, to shew the entrance of the branchial cavity. a. The notch. | &. The anus. 46. The male Sigaretus seen underneath. a. The notch. d. The anterior part of the foot cleft bb... tentacula. transversely. CC: -entOOt. e. organs of generation: JG .. edges of the mantle. 17. Carinavia Mediterranea. 18. Plectophorus with its shell. > 19. The female Vivipara taken out of its shell. a. The foot partly folded in two. b. .. operculum attached to the posterior part. ec... head with the tentacula and trunk. 1... little siphon prolonged under the right tentaculum. ¢. .. lateral membrane of the left side. J... edge of the mantle. g- Asmall portion of the branchia shewing itself from underneath. h. The orifice of the womb and anus. 20. Halyotis, drawn from the living animal, with all its ornaments. PLATE XY. . The Argonauta argo sailing. . Ocythoé Cranchii, Leach, sitting within the shell. . Clio Borealis. a. The body. b. .. viscera seen through the common coverings. cc. .. tubercles of the head, and the holes into which the three tenta- cula on each side retire. dd. .. branchis and fins. . Pneumodermon, front view: a. The body. e. The chin or pointed fleshy appen~ O: > 42> head: dage. @.. > «a maouth: iis 95 “ESE dd. .. “lips. g. _.. branchie. fh... trunk of the branchial vein. . Pneumodermon, with the skin divided to shew the position of the peri- cardium and fleshy tunic. i. The auricle. k. .. pericardium. Ul... fleshy tunic with its longitudinal fibres. . The Zolis, placed obliquely, shewing the belly and right side. . Scyllea pelagica, on the right side. HH. The under surface of the foot hollowed into a deep furrow, by which it suspends itself. G. .. mouth. AA. .. two tentacula. : BC. Two pair of membranous flexible These and the back bear the wings. branchiz in the form of little fi- D. A crest on the tail. brous tufts. E. The orifice of generation. ~ J orifice of the anus. 13. . Seyllea pelagica secn on the side of the belly. . Scyllea pelagica suspended to a branch of the Fucus naians. : Phyllidia trilineata seen on the upper side. aa. The indentations for the upper tentacula. Bs. a: of the anus. . An upper tentaculum magnified. . Phyllidia trilineata seen underneath. aa. The inferior tentacula, between which is the mouth. b. .. branchie of the left side. Cc. .. orifice of generation. A. Limax seen on the right side, the tentacula half developed. aa. The great tentacula. bb... smaller c. .. mouth, between which and the small tentacula are seen the papilla of the upper lip. dd. .. foot e. .. posterior point of the back, whence issues the mucosity by which it suspends itself. Es mantle. g. orifice for respiration. Aer. generation. 1. The Argonauta argo sailing. g, suylleca pelagica seen on the side of the belly. PLATE XY. 9, seyllea pelagica suspended to a branch of the Fucus natans. 10. Phyllidia trilineata seen on the upper side. qq. The indentations for the upper tentacula, es By oo be of the anus. {{, An upper tentaculum magnified. : r 42, Phyllidia trilineata seen underneath. qa. The inferior tentacula, between which is the mouth. b. .» branchie of the left side. . Ocythoe Cranchii, Leach, sitting within the shell. : Clio Borealis. c. «orifice of generation. a. The body. b. .. viscera seen through the common coverings. 13, A Limax seen on the right side, the tentacula half developed. aa. The great tentacula. cc. .. tubercles of the head, and the holes into which the three tenta- bb. .. smaller cula on each side retire. c. . mouth, between which and the small tentacula are seen the dd. .. branchie and fins. it papilla of the upper lip. , Pneumodermon, front view: ee sont 4 F a. The body. e. The chin or pointed fleshy appen- 4 aed point of the back, whence isnes the mucosity by i eehead: dage. which it suspends itself. e $0 quout Jib fa +g y f. «mantle. : +. lips. g. . branchie. i ri . erat Ge ee RRR Tec’ TO Respiration. | 1by 50 ro generation. . Pneumodermon, with the skin divided to shew the position of the perl | cardium and fleshy tunic. | i. The auricle. k. .. pericardium. Wl... fleshy tunic with its longitudinal fibres. . The Eolis, placed obliquely, shewing the belly and right side. . Scyllea pelagica, on the right side. HH. The under surface of the foot hollowed into a deep furrow, by which it suspends itself. G..._ mouth. b AA. .. two tentacula. v BC. Two pair of membranous flexibley These and the back bear the wings. Povanchie in the form of little fi- D. A crest on the tail. brous tufts. E. The orifice of generation. FP... orifice of the anus. | Ww ee) s PLATE: XVEL . Bulla aperta entire, seen on the back. a. The fleshy plate which covers the front of the body, or the tentacular disk i Cc... part containing the shell. . Bulla aperta on the right side, with the ventral fleshy plate separated from the dorsal, to shew what is between them. a. The tentacular disk. e. The anus. b. .. plate serving as afoot. | f. .. common orifice of the male . | organ and oviductus. . Bulla aperta, seen underneath. b. The plate serving as a foot. c. .. part containing the shell. d. A part of the branchiz. . Bulla aperta, partly dissected. a. The stomach. e. The heart. b. .. cesophagus. Uf sex LIVER, d. .. branchie. g. .. intestine. h. .. testicle. The tongue of the Bulla aperta greatly magnified. . Helix pomatia, taken from its shell, and seen on the left side: a large portion of the eos of the pulmonary cavity has been taken away to shew its position; also the teguments of the remainder of the spire, to shew the situation of the heart, the bag of viscous matter, etc. a. The large right tentaculum}| & The hole for respiration seen half developed. within the pulmonary ca- b. .. hole whence the left vity. tentaculum issues. L. .. diaphragm. c. .. hole for the small tenta- ‘led culum of the same| 7% -- heart and auricle in their ea proper place in the open dd. .._ two lobes of the veil or Peveueniae: upper lip. 0. .. commencement of the great eee... edges of the foot. artery of the spire. ff Two of the lobes placed un- | p. bag of viscous matter. der the collar. aa Yat tha’ ete gg. The pad of the collar. Dai irt rst part oi the intestine. hh. .. place where the cover-| 7. ..__ second part. ing of the pulmonary |} ss, lobes of the liver. cavily has been cut away. i. .. rectum. - Testacellus halyotideus, animal and shell. - Capulus, Mont. (Patella Hungarica, Lin.) detached from its shell, and seen on one side. a. The foot. d. The trunk. 6. A sort of ruff which this foot | ee. .. tentacula. has in front. J: .._ liver and apart of the viscera, c. The muscle which attaches which occupy the bottom the foot to the shell. of the shell. . Onchidium, wonder view. - Parmacella, seen on the back: the shell has been taken eel and only its impression remains. . The horned Planorbis, with its shell. . The animal of the Cyprea. Conus. . Emarginula entire. . Neryous system of the Fissurella. . Animal of the Crepidula, detached from its shell, seen above; the ab- domen and branchial cavity in their natural position. . Shell of the Crepidula seen underneath. a. Plate which retains the point of the abdomen. . Animal of the Crepidula, detached from its shell, and the upper parti: tion of its branchial cavity turned back to shew the branchiz. e w wo PLATE XVI Bulla aperta entire, seen on the back. a. The fleshy plate which covers the front of the body, or the tentacular disk c. .. part containing the shell. Bulla aperta on the right side, with the ventral fleshy plate separated from the dorsal, to shew what is between them. a. The tentacular disk. e. The anus. - b. .. plate serving as afoot. | f. common orifice of the male 9 organ and oyiductus. . Bulla aperta, seen underneath. b. The plate serving as a foot. ce. «part containing the shell. d. A part of the branchiz. . Bulla aperta, partly dissected. a. The stomach. e. The heart. b. .. cesophagus. Si liver. d. .. branchie. §- :. intestine. h testicle. . The tongue of the Bulla aperta greatly magnified. . Helix pomatia, taken from its shell, and seen on the left side: a large portion of the covering of the pulmonary cavity has been taken away to shew its position; also the teguments of the remainder of the spire, to shew the situation of the heart, the bag of viscous matter, etc. a. The large right tentaculum}| 4. The hole for respiration seen half developed. within the pulmonary ca- b. .. hole whence the left vity. tentaculum issues. L diaphrag c. .. hole for the small tenta- soe : tulumeof the! aeame) (72> heart and auricle in their ala, proper place in the open dd, .. two lobes of the veil or pericardium. upper ae o. .. Commencement ofthe great —— eee. .._ edges of the foot. artery of the spire. Two of the lobes placed un- p bag of viscous matter. der the collar. es = ae gg. The pad of the collar. q- first part of the intestine. hh. place where the cover- | 7 second part. ing of the pulmonary | ,,. cavily has been cut away. i -. rectum. lobes of the liver. | ss |. Capulus Mont. (Patella Hungarica, Lin.) detached from its shell, and seen on one side. a. The foot. }. A sort of ruff which this foot has in front. c. The muscle which attaches the foot to the shell. d. The trunk. ee. tentacula. liver and a part of the viscera, which occupy the bottom of the shell. . Onchidium, under view. Parmacella, seen on the back: the shell has been taken away, and only its impression remains. , The horned Planorbis, with its shell. . The animal of the Cypreea. Conus. , Emarginula entire. . Nervous system of the Fissurella. . Animal of the Crepidula, detached from its shell, scen aboye; the ab- domen and branchial cavity in their natural position. . Shell of the Crepidula seen underneath. a. Plate which retains the point of the abdomen. . Animal of the Crepidula, detached from its shell, and the upper parti-: tion of its branchial cavity turned back to shew the branchie. Testacellus halyotideus, animal and shell. & 8 o 4A, roll Ld. PLATE XVII. a & 1 4. Scalaria. 2. The female Vivipara taken out of its shell, and the branchial cavity opened. a. The foot folded in two. h. The orifice of the womb. b. operculum attached to its | 7 part situated under the spire. posterior part. : Cc. head, with the tentacula | ?: anus. and trunk. . canal of viscous matter. d. Sane he EH tone m. «projecting line, forming a se mi-canal, which terminate e icc aanade of the at The sipieen a left side. n. heart and its auricle. J edge of the mantle. 0. parts of the liver and intestine. g. branchie. qj A. womb swelled by the foe- ‘ 5 culum. (SRS a Turbo littoreus. 8.9.40. . Turbo chrysostomus.— 44. 42. Nerita eauvia, with its operculum. 13. Trochus, Gualt. tus within. Trochus. (Cochlea sublivida, Lis.) h. The head. tt. ee. Do. tentacula. eyes. seen underneath.. SF. The foot. Nerita canrena, taken out af its shell. p: P Oo. | . Animal of the Zrochus pharonius, taken out of its shell, with ils oper- The languette. foot. operculum. « m. The mouth. 13. 14. £5. 16 a]. 18. Trochus levis, List. h. 'The head. P. The foot. ee. (4 eyes. f. .? filaments. tt. .. tentacula. o. .. operculum. p. . male organ. Purpura. | h. The head. T. The trunk. ce. 4 eyes. Pe oe £0. tt. .. tentacula. o. .. operculum. Buccinum undatum, half the natural size, seen on the left “side; the trunk drawn in, and the male organ turned back, and hidden in the branchial cavity. a. The male organ. e. The position of the heart, c. .. siphon. f. .. mucous plates placed to the dd... position of the branchiz. | right of the branchie. Buccinum undatum, with the trunk and male organ extended, a. The male organ. b. .. trunk. c. .. siphon. Natica ». Fossar, Adan. magnified. h. The head. tt. The tentacula. 62j50.) eyes. Oo. .. operculum, il... fleshy appendages at the base of each tentacu- lum. Natica m. The mouth. “af =... foot. PLATE XVII. Scalaria. 2. The female Vivipara taken out of its shell, and the branchial Cavity opened. a. The foot folded in two. h. The orifice of the womb. b. .. operculumattached toits | 7, part situated under the spire posterior part. ‘ i .. anus. c. .. head, with the tentaeula : ee ane ak 2... canal of viscous matter. Co woe ANS STUN Tea oae gS m projecting line, formin, x “i oe | ig a se under. the right tenta raha eal) z at the siphon d. which terminate | oa | | ' e. .. lateral membrane of the 3 g left side. n, .. heart and its auricle, fi .. edge of the mantle. 0. parts of the liver and intestine g- . branchie. h. .. womb swelled by the fee- N tus within. 3. Trochus. (Cochlea sublivida, Lis.) h. The head. p. The languette. tt. tentacula. P. .. foot. ee. .. eyes. o. operculum. 4. Do. seen underneath. JF: The foot. | m. The mouth. 5. Animal of the Zrochus pharonius, taken out of its shell, with ils ope culum. 6. 7. Turbo littoreus. | 8.9.10. .. Turbo chrysostomus. Lue Nervita canrena, taken out af its shell. 12. Nerita eauvia, with its operculum. 13. Trochus, Gualt. | — Trochus levis, List. A. The head. P. The foot. ec. .. eyes. WR filaments. wt... tentacula. o. .. @operculum. p. » male organ. . Purpura. h. The head. T. The trunk. ce. ., eyes. p- foot. ut... tentacula. o. .. operculum. . Buccinum undatum, half the natural size, seen on the left side; the . Buccinum undatum, with the trunk and male organ extended b. .. trunk. a ec... siphon. . Nalica Fossar, Adan. magnified. . Natica i. wlool; trunk drawn in, and the male organ turned back, and hidden in the branchial cavity. a. The male organ. e. The position of the heart, c. siphon. 2 mucous plates placed to the dd... position of the branchie. right of the branchiz. a. The male organ. h. The head. tt. The tentacula. ee. .. eyes. f 0. operculum, 1... fleshy appendages at the base of each tentacu- lum. m. The mouth. OTD Lathes: wo on aw wD = ‘Ve PLATE XVII. . Voluta Ethiopica, 1-2. . Voluta. . Cerithium. Aquila. . Fusus. . Murex decussatus. - Cassis glaucus. Voluta Ethiopica, Voluta. . Cerithium. . Aquila. Fusus. . Murex decussatus. . Cassis glaucus. PLATE XVUI. 1-2. PLATE XIX. , . Strombus pugilts. 2. Murex saxatilis. . Halyotis vulgaris, its shell taken away, seen on the back, and the edges of the branchial cavity put asunder. A. The large muscle which attaches the animal to the shell. a. The anus. | c. The viscous organ. bb. .. branchie. | d. .. heart in its pericardium. . Halyotis, etc. the pericardium and branchial cavity opened. A. The large muscles above. d. The heart. Gs, ES? e. .. right auricle. bb. .. branchiz. Sf... left auricle. c. .. viscous organ. g. .. heartsurrounding the rectum. wz. .. branchial arteries. . The heart and large vessels magnified. a.i. As the preceding figure. h. The right branchial vein. “1 _ Fissurella entire, covered with is which is set in the edges of its mantle. " open. a. The disk of the foot. g. The heart. bb. .. circular muscle which | ;, joins it to the shell, | .. ~ j 7 and which has been | 24 -. Imtestine. cut. | &. .. cesophagus. b. A portion .of this muscle re- | 7, pharynx. maining with the man- ; ie mm. .. salivary glands. cc. The mantle thrown back,and | nn... lateral ganglions ofthe brain. seen on the under side. auricles. : : ee Oe .. extremity of the tongue. d. .. hole with which it is ; J 6 pierced. | pp. «liver. ee. .. branchiz. q: .. ovarium. J. 3s. aus. . Vermeius, Adanson. c. The tentacula: o. Operculum. Y. ... eyes. M. Manile. Po ve foot. A. Aperture by which the animal F. Cylindrical filaments. breathes. . The same animal seen underneath. p. The foot put on one side, to make it more apparent. B. The mouth. ; ce PLATE XIX » Slrombus pugils. . Murex saxatilis. . Halyotis vulgaris, its shell taken away, seen on the back, and the edges of the branchial cavity put asunder. A. The large muscle which attaches the animal to the shell. a. The anus. | c¢. The viscous organ. bb... branchiw. | dd... heart in its pericardium. . Halyotis, ete. the pericardium and branchial cavity opened. A. The large muscles above. d. The heart. a. anus. — e. .. right auricle. bb... branchiz. SF... left auricle. ec... viscous organ. [Fee v00 heart surrounding the rectum. a. .. branchial arteries. . The heart and large vessels magnified. a.i. As the preceding figure. h. The right branchial yein. 6, Fissure mantle. cit aan open. a. The disk of the foot. : 6b. .. circular muscle which joins it to the shell, and which has been cut. b. A portion of this muscle re- maining with the man- tle. cc. The mantle thrown back, and seen on the under side. d. .. hole with which it is pierced. ee. .. branchiw. f+ anus, 8, Vermeius, Adanson. c. The tentacula: Y. .. eyes. P. .. foot. F. Cylindrical filaments. 9, The same animal seen underneath. lla entire, covered with its ‘shell, which is set in the edges of its g- The heart. hh... auricles. wi... intestine. k. —.. cesophagus. 1. .. pharynx. mm. .. salivary glands. nn... lateralganglions ofthe brain. 0. .. extremity of the tongue. pp.» liver. q- +. ovarium. o. Operculum. M. Mantle. A. Aperture by which the animal breathes. p. The foot put on one side, to make it more apparent. B. The mouth. z EGA OOO Ge veeied: 4 RES .. MULTIVALVES. ‘TUBICOLA. Ws a Y ay aber + A) ra Py i A Sidhieeans sMiTH, es Nan BY Bh cicutiy , 33, KING sneer, corniinagllli y fg og * ae st ITC puny, 3, Dove counr, “OLD JEWRY, LONDON. ™ oO me ij by t . Bivatvgs... Mo tivaLves Tonicouz... (1) See Fig. 15, 6. with accessory pieces..-........- 4. without -- Soe oly seperereas beaks (!) scarcely perceptible. ... a large tooth like a spoon, on one or both valves, for receiving the ligament: no other tooth... ... ligament inserted in a hollow in each valve; lateral teeth...... diverging teeth, or none.......-- rude and irregular teeth. .......- many teeth.........0ees ee eeees lamelliform, striated teeth....... no teeth, and crenated; or with 4. large cardinal, and 4 elongated lateral tooth. ......- eee eee ee exterior; valves gaping at the lateral extremity... ee seee cee eeeeeeereeces interior; valves gaping or not......-... equivalved; ligament(2) with 2 muscular im- exterior, valves not gaping; hinge with... pressions, separate and lateral; (3)... Neyer, sectoyee! fan - ‘ : : OXLETION¢» oo 0.) cvs cc ad pele oso oe 8 wiejers oe o te Wiha ees state Sree RO Sm oo Sle oe 41. ineguivalvedstigament| Coreg’. ct. oS ea Aloe: hens Seen ee 42. marginal, very long, simple and linear / Shel! solid, upper edge undulated 13. occupying a large ) -- -+ withoutteeth....... 44. space ........... (sub-linear, sometimes divided by undulations, or teeth 15. not marginal, con- h ligament.....-..+-- tracted into ashort { interior or semi-interior, always known.....--.---+-- 16. awith 1 muscular im- space, sometimes known.. 47. } pression, sub-cen- unknown, but ne-\_ -- -- sometimes unknowné unknown } 49 Fo tral. (4).....005% ver forming a tube ornone j} under the shell... * shells adhering, either immediately or by tendinous tubes.....+---++sseeeeeeeresceretserssse ss 19. valves adhering to the opening of a tunic. ....:2.+..sesere eee e eee ects ese ecnew eter ec cr nesses es: 20. On Re ie Se Ps Si a rw ee Oe Be ha po a ee 24. PediOleli es le cade perieretrs Cas we omethliee ens s Rete 8 sve tai as Soe eet et TU Ee eee 22. Se ee cee eee ra Pea Cana a a ker dee i age 23. with accessory pieces distinct from the tubes....--+ss+sscerrecseseceenctsessseseccsseesess pe nbin Selene eS eee without -- -- -- -- and variously twisted.......eceeecer eer eeee eer eesscen ees easeces se essees 25. almost regular ; either twisted in a spire, simply arched, or conical .....-++++e+eseesecsersesetreceecnseere sess see” 26. (3) See Fig. 30, a. b.c. (2) See Fig. 8, /. (4), See Fig, 66, a. Pholadarie..p. Lithophagt. .p- Solenacea@...p- Myaria.....p. Mactracce. .p- Conche...- Cardiacee .. Arcace@...- P P P Trigone@..-Pp- Naiades...-p P Camacce...p. Corbulacee .p. Tridacne@. .p- Mytilacee ..p. Malleacee...p- Pectinides...p. Ostrace@ ...Pp- Rudistes....P- Lingulacce..p. Corniformes. p- Seriales ....P+ Pediculate..p- Sessiles...-- Annexe «+. Contort@..- Subreguilares. P- P: p- Pp: (4) DIVISION I. PHOLADARLE. GENERA. (1) 4. Puoras. Lin. T. Transverse, gaping at A plate from each Ligament exterior, eachend; generally white valve, projecting imto with accessory pieces and striated, Fig. 4. the other valve. distinct from the valves. (2) DIVISION Hi. LITHOPHAGI. GENERA. 4. Gastrocumna, Spen- glerT. : Gaping at both ends, Hinge linear, mare Ligament exterior. but at one much more ginal. than the other: very fra- gile. (3) Fig. 2. 2. Byssomia. Cuv. M. Oblong, opening oppo- _— Hinge without teeth. Ligament exterior : site’'to the beaks. Fig. 43. with a byssus. (4) 3. Perricotra. Lam. M. Subtrigonal, inequilate- § Hinge with2teethon Ligament exterior. ral; one end rounded, one valve, and 4 on the the other gaping. Fig. 5. other, or 2 on each. (5) (4) Where the habitat is not mentioned, the genus is found in the seas and dif- ferent climates of both hemispheres : T. indicates that it is terrestrial ; M. marine; F. fluviatic. (2) Some of these accessory pieces are attached to the hinge, and cover the liga- ment exteriorly; others are within, fixed under the beaks. The animals pierce | stone or wood, or bury themselves in the sand; they are generally stationary in the holes which they have bored, and the shell is very fragile. They have been much sought for on account of their agreeable flavour; some species are found on the coasts of France. Fess. in Crag Marl, London Clay. (3) They pierce and live within madrepores. The animals of this Division bury themselves, with their anterior extremity always near the mouth of the hole which contains them, ready to receive the water. (4) One species is very abundant in the Northern Seas, and is provided with a byssus. (5) Lamarck formerly divided this genus into Petricola and Rupellaria; but the variations he has subsequently discovered in their hinges, have induced him to reunite them. They inhabit stones, Foss. in Italy, at Pont Levots. (5 ) 4. Saxicava- Bellevue. M. Transverse, inequilate- | Hinge with only 2 Ligament exterior. yal, gaping at the upper dentiform tuberosities, ‘part. Fig. 3. © wide apart. 5. Veneniruris. (VENE- ruPIs. Lam.) M. Inequilateral, gaping at — Hinge with 2 teeth on Ligament exterior. one end. Fig. 4. one valve, and 3 on the other, or 3 on each, - small, near together, and parallel. DIVISION Ill. SOLENACE/: . GENERA. 4. Sottn. Lin. M. Equivalved, transverse- Hinge lateral, with 2 —‘ Ligament exterior . ly elongated; gaping at or 3 little teeth, joining eachend,sometimesalittle each other laterally curved. Beaks very small, when shut. not projecting. Fig. 6. a. Cardinal teeth contiguous to the anterior edge. k. ae .. distant from y- nF ~. nearly in the middle. (1) 2.Sancurnovaria. Lam.M. Sub-elliptic, gaping a little at the lateral extre- 9 contiguous cardinal _—_ Ligament exterior. (2) Sa upper edgearched. teeth on each valve. ig. 8. ] 3. Grycreris. Lam. M. Shell gaping widely on each side: the second’ Hinge callous, no Ligament exterior,on edges * (interior and cal- teeth. the shortest side of the lous) projecting without. shell. (3) Fig. 7. (1) They live in the sand on the sea-shore, and bury themselves even two feet below the surface, in a vertical position; consequently, when the animal is living, the shell is always placed perpendicularly on one of its sides, the gaping part uppermost for the passage of itsttubes, Its movements are confined to leaving the bottom of itshole, coming to the surface, and re-entering by means of the exten- sions and contractions of its muscular foot, whichis at the lowest end of the shell. Foss. at Grignon, Bourdeaux, Italy, and in the London Clay. oi Jamaica, New Holland, American and Indian Seas, Foss. in the London ay. * Apud Gallos, Nympha. v. Fig. 30. a. (3) Northern Seas, Foss. at Grignon. 4. Panop#a. Menard. M. Equivalved, transverse, unequally gaping at the sides. Fig. g. 5. Psammosis. Lam. M. Oblong-oval, rather fiat, a little gaping on each side. Beaks more projecting. Fig. 10. 6. Psammorea. Lam. M. Oblong-oval, a_ little gaping at the sides. Beaks more projecting. The in- ner, Callous, edges project- ing alittle. (2) Fig. 11. \ C36) One conical cardinal tooth on each valve, and a compressed callosity at the side, not project- ing without. Hinge with 2 teeth on one valve, and / on the opposite valve, entering between the other two when cloged. “4 cardinal tooth on each valve, or on one valve only. Ligament exterior, on. the longest side of the shell; fixed on the cal- losities. (41) Ligament exterior. Ligament. exterior, attached to the inner, callous, edges. DIVISION TV. MYARLE. - 4. Mya. Lin. M. Shell gaping at each _ end. Pig. 12: 2. Anatina. Lam. M. Sub-equivalved, gaping at both ends, or at one only, Fig. 13. GENERA. A. large compressed, rounded, cardinal tooth, projecting almost verti- cally, and hollowed like a spoon. A cardinal hol- low on the other. A tooth like that of the AZya on each valve, the teeth supported ei- ther by a rib or a plate running obliquely into the shell, and frequently © a decurrent fissure giving the appearance of a se- cond plate. Ligament interior, in- serted on the tooth and in the hollow. (3) Ligament interior, at- tached to each tooth. (1) Mediterranean. Foss.at Parma. The species found at the foot of the Appe- nines is in such good preservation that itappears as if justtaken from the sea. (2) Lamarck supposes this genus to be composed of degenerated Psammobia, Foss. at Grignon. (3) Foss. in the London Faller’s-carth Rock. Clay, Crag Mar!, Woolwich Loam, and Green Sand, —— | | | | DIVISION V. 4. Lurraria. Lam. M. Inequilateral; gaping at the lateral extremities. Fig. 14. (C7) GENERA. Hinge either with 1 tooth folded in two, or 2 teeth, one of which is simple, with a deltoid hollow close to it: no lateral teeth. he Shell transversely oblong. pe 2. Mactra. Gmel. M. Tnequilateral, subtrigo- nal; alittle gaping at the sides: beaks protuberant. Pig. 15. 3. CRASSATELLA. Lam. M. ‘ Inequilateral, suborbi- cular, valves close. Fig. 16. 4. Uncurma. Daud. Shell transverse, round- ed above, almost equilate- ral: valves close, fur- rowed. Fig, 19. 5. Erycina. Lam. M. Sub-inequilateral, equi- valved, rarely gaping. Fig. 20. : orbicular or sub-trigonal. 1 compressed cardi- nal tooth, folded in a furrow on each valve, with a hollow close to it ; or 2 lateral compressed teeth. 2 sub-diverging car- dinal teeth, with a hol- low at the side: lateral teeth none, or obscure. A short sub-bifid car- dinal tooth on each valve, with an oblong marginal hollow by its side, divided in two by a contraction. 2 unequal cardinal teeth, diverging, with an intervening hollow : 2 lateral oblong teeth, compressed, short. MACTRACE. Ligament interior, fixed in the cardinal hol- lows. (1) Ligament interior, in- serted in the cardinal hollow. (2) Ligament interior, in- serted in the hollow of each valve. (3) , Ligament interior, in- serted in the hollows and seen without. (4) Ligament interior, fixed in the hollows. (5) (1) This shell is sometimes found in the sand at the mouths of the rivers of rance, Foss. in the Marl Pits of Touraine. (2) Foss. in Great Odlite, Crag Marl, at Grignon. L (3) The greater number of species become very thick with age. Atlantic, Coast of Guinea, East and West-Indies, New-Holland, Southern Seas. Foss at Grignon, Bourdeaux, St, Brieux, Courtagnon, Magnitot, Vaucluse, Beauvais, Houdan. (4) There is only one species; habitat unknown. . (5) The only living species known, comes from New-Holland. Foss. at Houdan, Parnes, Pontchartrain, Grignon, Ecouen, 6. Sorenmya. (SoLEMYA. Lam.) Mi.» i} Inequilateral, equival- ved, obtuse .at the extre- mities ; a shining epider- mis, projecting beyond the shell; beaks scarcely perceptible, a little gaping on one side. Fig. 47. 7. AmpHIpDESMA. Lam. M.- Tnequilatefal, sub-oval or rounded, sometimes a little gaping at the sides. Fig. 18. (8) 4 cardinal tooth on— each valve, dilated, com- pressed, very oblique, slightly concave above, receiving the ligament. Hinge with 4 or 2 teeth and a narrow hol- low for the inner liga- ment; sometimes with lateral teeth. Ligament partly in- terior and partly exte- rior, (4). epee Ligament double, the external short, the in- ternal fixed in the hol- lows. (2) DIVISION VI. CONCH. 4. MecaprsmMA. PotaAmo- PHILA Sowerby. GALATEA. Lam. F. Equivalved, sub-trigo- nal, covered with a green- ish epidermis : inner edges prominent. Fig. Day 2. Crcuas. Lam. F. Equivalved, ventricose, oval, beaks protuberant, very fragile. Colour ge- nerally grey or greenish. Fig. 22. GENERA. 2 furrowed cardinal teeth, approaching at base on one valve, 3 on the other, the middle projecting and separa- ted, lateral teeth wide apart. Cardinal teeth very small, sometimes scarce- ly any, sometimes 2 on each valve, one of which is folded in two; some-= times only 4 (folded or lobed) on the one valve, and2 onthe other. La+ teral teeth transversely elongated, compressed, lamelliform. Ligament exterior, short, projecting and swelling considerably. Muscular impressions appearing doubled. (3) , Ligament exterior. (4) (1) This ligament is pressed between the tooth and edge of each valve, and shows itself without, enveloping the edge. (2) This genus forms a link from the Mactracez to the Dimyariz, with an exte- rior ligament. (3) The only species known, comes from Ceylon and the East-Indies. Mr. Sowerby has lately substituted the name of Potamophila, because that of Galatea had already been applied by Fabricius toa Crab; but, unfortunately, Latreille, had established a genus of Crustacew, under the name of Potamophila, upwards of five years ago. W. Regne animal, tome 3, p. 18. I have therefore presumed to propose the name of Megadesma (yeye great, deoyos a ligament). The name of Galatea, being that of a Seca Nymph, was, moreover, by no means well chosen for a Fluviatic shell. Aaah (4) The exotic Cyclas becomes very large, especially that from Asia. Foss. in Crag Mari at Betz; the species foundat Betz, resembles the exotic Cyclades more than these of Europe. ; t 3. Crrena. Lam. F. -.. Reunded, triangular, swelled or ventricose, so- lid, inequilateral ; with an epidermis, but the beaks naked. Fig. 23. (9) _ 3teeth on each valve, - generally two lateral teeth, one of which is often close to the car- dinal teeth. : a. Lateral teeth dentated. Pas 2 .. entire. 4, Carsa. Lam. M. Equivalved. Fig. 24. 2 cardinal teeth on the right valve, 4 bifid entering tooth on the _ other. No lateral teeth. 5. Loriprs. Poli. M. Lenticular. (3) Fig. 37. 6. Livers. Brug. M. Sub-orbicular, inequi- lateral ; beaks small, point- ed, oblique. Fig. 25. 7. Corsis. Cuv. M. Equivalved, without fold or anterior edge, beaks curved within, op- posed. Fig. 26, (1) There are none found Cardinal teeth almost effaced. 2 diverging cardinal teeth, 1 bifid, all vary- ing or disappearing -with age; 2 lateral teeth (1 close io the cardinal) or none. 2 cardinal and 2 late- ral teeth. in Europe. only in habitation, but in lateral teeth. (2) From Brazil and the Indian Ocean. (3) Lamarck only sees a specific difference in these shells, ‘Poli and Cuvier. Ligament exterior, on the largest side. (4) Ligament exterior, on the shortest side. (2) Ligament exterior, in a simple furrow. Be- sides the usual impres- sion, a line from that of the anterior muscle to- wards the beaks. Ligament exterior, the muscular impressions (one of which is pro- longed into a_ streak) very wide apart. (4) Ligament exterior, muscular impressions simple. (5) Fluviatic and Marine Conche differ not adopted as a genus by (4) Foss. Grignon, environs of Paris, Chaumont, Longjumeau. (5) Indian Ocean. The Grignon, Marl-pits of Granville. fossil species of this genus are very flat, Foss, at (10 ) 8. Trnuna. Lin. M. Orbicular, generally 1 or 2 cardinal teeth Ligament exterior, on flattish, anteriorsideangu- on the same valve: 2 the ot side. (1) lar, presenting an undulat- lateral teeth. ing irregular fold. Fig. 51. e. Shell transversely oblong. f. .. orbicular or a rounded oval. 9. Tevirnormes. Lam. M. Inequilateral, flattish, 2 diverging cardinal Ligament exterior. slightly gaping atthesides, teeth on each valve: 2 beaks small, not swelled, lateral teeth, almost ef- without fold. Fig. 36. faced onone valve, 1 of them very near the car- dinals. 40. Donax. Lin. L. M. Equivalved, imequila- 2 cardinal teeth, ei- Ligament exterior, teral, anterior side very theron each valveoron short. (2) short, and very obtuse. one only, 4 or 2 lateral Fig. 27. teeth, a. Internal edge of the valves entire. ee ry oa ae .. distinctly crenated or dentated. 44. Cytuerea. Lam. M. A eet danl teeth son Equivalved, inequila- the right valve (4),3 of Ligament exterior.(3) teral, sub-orbicular, tri- which are diverging, gonal, Fig. 28. but near tegether at the base; and 1 (isola- ted under the 3 diver- ging cardinal teeth) on the other valve, which has a hollow parallel to the edge: no lateral teeth. _y Anterior cardinal tooth with a striated channel ora dentated a. Internal edge of valvesentire. edge. Anterior cardinal tooth neither channelled nor dentated. 6. Internal edge of valves crenated or den- tated. - (1) Austral Ocean. They arg frequently found at a small depth in the sand on the sea-shore. Foss. in Crag Marl; at Grignon, Parnes, Daw, Bourdeaux, Environs of Troyes. (2) These are also found in the sands of the sea-shore. Foss. at Parnes, Beynes, Houdan, Grignon. (3) Foss. at Bourdcaux, Mont-Marius, Turin, Beauvais, Grignon, Courtagnon, — Houdan, Pontchartrain. (4) The valve on the right hand, when you hold. the shell with its hinges down- wards, and the side with the ligament farthest from you. A2. Venus. Lin. M. Equivalved, inequila- (1) 3 cardinal teeth close Ligament exterior, co- teral, suborbicular. Fig. together on each valve, vering the furrow. (1) 29 and 30. lateral teeth diverging at the summit. a. Internal edge of valves crenated or den- Siriz scaly. Striz not scaly. tated. 6. Internal edge of valves entire. 43. Venernicarpia. Lam. M. Foss. _ Equivalved, inequilate- ral, sub-orbicular, with longitudinal radiating ribs. Fig. 32. 44. Crassina. Lam. M. Astarte. Sowerby. Sub-orbicular, equival- ved, sub - inequilateral, close. Fig 34, 35. 45. Cyprina. Lam. M. Equivalved, inequilate- ral, like an oblique heart ; beaks obliquely curved. Fig. 33. ) 2 oblique cardinal teeth, directed to the same side. Hinge with 2 strong diverging teeth on the right valve, and 2 very unequal on the other valve. 3 unequal cardinal teeth, close together at their base, a little di- verging at the top: 1 lateral tooth, distant from the hinge, on the anterior side, some- times obscure. Ligament exterior. (2) Ligament exterior, on the longest side; gene- rally a third muscular impression, very small. (3) Ligament exterior, partly sunk under the beaks: callosities of the inner edge large, arched, terminated near the beaks by a hollow. (4) (4) There are a few species which have their teeth almost straight; they gene- rally live in the sand at a moderate distance from the water’s edge; they are more numerous and varied in warm climates. Foss. in Crag Marl, Green Sand, London Clay; at Grignon, Pontchartain. (2) Foss. in the London Clay, at Grignon, Beauvais, Courtagnon, Cambray, Oise, Essanville, Italy, Piedmont, Angers, Paris, Marl pits of Touraine, Chaumont. (3) Foss. Crag Marl, Portiand-rock, Oak-tree Clay, Under Oidlite. (4) By their lateral tooth (sometimes obscure) and their persisting epidermis, the Cyprine approach the fluviatic Conche, and it is probable that many live in the sea, atthe mouths of rivers, Foss. at Sienna, Turin, Italy, Bourdcaux, England, Piedmont, DIVISION VII. 4. Carprum. Lin. Equivalved, ‘sub-cordi- form, beaks protuberant, valves dentated or folded on their internal edge ; longitudinal ribs, thorny or scaly. Fig. 38. often ( 12 ) GENERA. 4 cardinal teeth on each valve, close toge- ther, oblique, joining in across with the corres- ponding teeth: 2 lateral teeth, wide apart. CARDIACEA. Ligament exterior, very short : muscular impressions not very aps parent. (4) a. No peculiar angle on the beaks; the anterior side at least as large as the posterior. f. Beaks keeled or with an angle; the posterior side often larger than the anterior. 2. IsocarpiA. Lam. M. Equivalved, cordiform, ventricose; beaks wide apart, diverging, rolled in a spire. Fig. 39. Daud. M. Equivalved, very ine- quilateral, gaping at the upper edge. Fig; 40. 3. Hirarewa. 4, Cypricarpi. Lam. M. Equivalved, inequilate- ral, obliquely elongated. Pig:A2.) . (4) They are found in ail seas. may be recognized which now live in the Asiatic Ocean. 2 flattened cardinal teeth, one of which curves and enters under the beak: 1 elongated lateral tooth. 4 small cardinal tooth on the right valve, and 2 oblique teeth a little larger on the left valve. 3 cardinal teeth under the beaks: 4. lateral tooth. Ligament exterior, forked on one side. Ligament exterior. (2) Ligament exterior.(3) Amongst the fossil Cardia of Europe, species They bury themselves in the sands of the coasts. Foss. in London Clay, Crag Marl, Woolwich Loam and Green Sand, Limestone Rock, Derbyshire Peak Rock, at Grignon, Bourdcaux, Plai- sance, Touraine, Sienna, St. Jean d’Assé, Chaujfour, Ban, Paris, Pontchartrain, Montfort-Lomori, Cherbourg. The fossil species Cardium Hibernicum, is so sin- gular in form, that notwithstanding its affinity to the Cardia in other respects,, M. Lamarck thinks, were its hinge known, it would form a distinct genus. (2) This shell is generally found amongst the fucus in the sand of the Northern Seas. (3) New-Hoiland, Coast of Guinea, St. Domingo. Foss, Italy, Caen, Moutiers. (13 ) 5. Canpita. Brug. M. Equivalved, regular, in- 2 unequal cardinal Ligament exterior.(1) equilateral. Fig. 41. teeth, one short and. _ straightunder the beaks, the other oblique, and ! marginal. a. Shell sub-cordiform or oval, more transverse than longitudinal. @. .. more longitudinal than transverse. DIVISION VIII. ARCACE/E. GENERA. 4. Cucurr#a. Lam. M. Equivalved, inequilate- Hinge linear, straight, Ligament exterior ; ral, trapeziform, yventri- with little transverse muscular impression cose; beaks wide apart, teeth: the extremities forming a projecting an= separated by the area of with from 2 to 5 ribs. gular edge. the ligament. Fig, 47. (2) o. ARCA... Lim»-.M. Sub-equivalved, inequi- | Hinge in a straight Ligament exterior.(3) lateral ; beaks wide apart, line, with numerous pa- separated by the area of rallel teeth; no ribs to the ligament: shell fre- the sides. quently gaping. Fig. 44. #. Upper edge not crenated within. Bist he a .. crenated within. (1) The exterior sides very long, and the posterior very short : some are said to attach themselves to marine bodies by threads, like the Mytili and Arce. Foss. in Great Odlite, Green Sand, Kelloway Stone, Bedford Limestone, Under Odlite Blue Lias, at Grignon, Touraine, Sienna, Angers. i (2) The greater number of the Arcacce live under the sand, at a little distance from the water’s edge. The fossil species of the Cucullea prove that it thickens as it grows older, and the lateral ribs of the hinge are proportionally more nu- merous; the area of the ligament also enlarges and acquires more furrows. Foss. in Green Sand, at Beauvais. (3) Several Arca are covered with a scaly or hairy epidermis, and some have one valve larger than the other at the upper edge. One species is found at Timor in a semi-fossil state. Foss. in Chalk Marl, Green Sand; at Houdan, Marl pits of Touraine, Bourdcaux, Grignon, Parnes, Angers, Paris, Plaisance, Turin. Ge) 3. PrcruncuLus. Lam. M. Orbicular, almost len- Hinge arched, with Ligament exterior. (1) ticular, equivalved, sub- numerous serial oblique e, equilateral, close: beaks teeth, the middle ob- apart, with an area forthe scure or none. ligament. Fig. 45. a, Furrows jongitudinal, distant, with fine stria, either longitudinal or transverse. &. Furrows longitudinal, projecting and radiating, with or without trans- verse striz. 4, Nucura. Lam. M. Oval, trigonal or ob- Hinge in a_ broken Ligament marginal, long, equivalved, mequi- line, multi-dentated, in- partly interior, inserted lateral; beaks contiguous, terrupted in the middle in the hollow or spoon. without an area. Fig.46. by a hollow or a lit- (2) meh ile oblique projecting | spoon ; teeth often ad- vancing and pectini- form. ee (1) Several species become very thick with age, and frequently change their form, which makes them difficult to recognise ; they are generally found in mud. Foss. in London Clay, Woolwich Loam and Green Sand ; at Grignon, Courtagnon, Beauvais, Bourdeaux, Dax, Piedmont, Sienna, Cassel, Pontchartrain, Soueurs, Plai- sance, Mans, Touraine. (2) Foss. in London Clay, Crag Marl, Chalk Marl, at Grignon, Courtagnon, Parnes, Bourdeaux, Bourgogne, Plaisance, Mont-Marius. ( 15 ) DIVISION IX. TRIGONEZ. \ i. Tarconta, Brug. M. Equivalved, inequilate- GENERA. Cardinal teeth oblong, ral, trigonal, sometimes flattened on the sides, sub-orbicular. Fig. 48. 2. Casrarra. Lam. F. Equivalved, inequilate- ral, trigonal; beaks na- ked, curved back. diverging and furrowed transversely ; the 2 on the right valve furrowed on each side, and the 4 on the other valve furrowed on ong side only. ! Hinge with 2 lamelli- form teeth, transversely striated ; one posterior, distant, shortened, sub- trilamellate ; the other, anterior, elongated, la- teral, Ligament exterior, marginal. (4) Ligament exterior. (2) (4) The only living species was found by Peron at King’s Island, New-Holland. Itis covered with mother of pearl within; is a shell of singular beauty, and valued at a high price. Foss. in Crag Marl, Green Sand, Upper Odlite, Under Qdlite; at Puy-de-Déme, Mans, Coulaines, Courtagnon, Gundershofen, Havre, Caen, (2) This shell seems to form a link between the Trigonia and Naiades; it is im- perfectly known from there being but one of the kind, in the Cabinet of M, le Marquis de Dree, which is not at present accessible. Habitat unknown. Sa (16). DIVISION X. NAIADES. — GENERA. 4. Unio. Brug. F. Equivalved, imequila- 2 teeth on each valve; Ligament exterior, teral ; beaksnaked, worn: one cardinal, short, irre- posterior, muscular im- epidermis ~greenish or gular, simple or divided pression composite. (1) brown ; sometimes a.little in two, sub-striated ; “ gaping. Fig. 55. _ the other elongated, . _ compressed, lateral. #. Cardinal tooth short, thick, neither crested nor sub-striated. E. » 1. «+ compressed, projecting, and frequently crested. 2. Hyrw. Lam. F. Equivalved, obliquely Hinge with2creeping Ligament exterior, hi- trigonal, auriculated, base teeth; 4 cardinal, divid- near. (2) truncated and straight. ed into numerous di- Fig. 54. verging parts, the inte- rior the smallest; the (2 ptuk other lateral, very long, and lamellar. 3. Anopon. Brug. F. Equivalved, inequilate- ral, beaks naked. Fig. 53. Hinge linear; no _ Ligament exterior, li- tooth; a cardinal plate, near, entering at one smooth, truncated or end into the sinus of the forming a sinus at the cardinal plate; muscu- anterior extremity, ter- lar impressions wide minating the base of the apart, sub-geminate.(3) shell. a. No distinct angle at the posterior extremity of the cardinal line. Ba We es Bae ” - ak a 4, Inpina. Lam. I’. ae , Equivalved, inequilate- Hinge long, linear, Ligament exterior,: ral; beaks small, almost lessened in the middle, marginal ; muscular .im- Fig. 52. tuberculous, almost sub- pressions like those of crenated ; tubercles nu- the Anodon. (4). merous and unegual. (1) These shells exist in the rivers of Europe and both Indies ; they are buried in the mud, with their beaks downwards: many of them furnish good pearls. Foss.in Gravel, Alluvial Clay, Sand, Coal-shale, Crag Marl, Portland Rock, Blue Lias, Yellow Limestone. The plate should be turned to view the figure of the Unio. Having received a better specimen after the first was engraved, I could only enlarge the characters to give them more force, which I fear has produced confusion, by making the figure too large for the space it occupies in the plate. The lower part of the valve Fig. 55, fits into the upper part of the valve, Fig. 55a- (2) The babitat is unknown. (3) They live in fresh-water lakes and ponds, under the mud at the bottom; they are not eaten on account of their insipid taste. There is a genus of serpents named Anodon (v. Dictionaire des Sciences Naturelles), but as the shell appears to have the prior claim, I have not altered the name but merely corrected it, the French Conchologists having, unaccountably, written it in the accusative Anodonta. i (4) It lives in the rivers of warm climates, and when it is deprived of its epi- dermis, both the inner and outer surfaces present a beautiful appearance, the mother of pearl being of a reddish hue and reflecting the colors of the rainbows ( \ (17) DIVISION XI. CAMACE/. GENERA. 4. Dicrrnas. (1) Lam. Inequivalved, adherent; 4 very large, thick, — beaks large, diverging, concave, sub-auricular conical, turned in irregu- tooth, projecting into lar spires. Fig. 56. the largest valve. 2. Cuama. Lin. M. Irregular, inequivalved, 1 thick, oblique, sub- Ligament exterior, adherent ; beaks curved, crenated tooth, fitting deeply inserted. (2) unequal. Fig. 60. into a hollow on the op- So posite valve. 2. Beaks turning from left to right. ( r | Mee : .. right to left. 3. Eruenima. Lam. M. Irregular, inequivalved, | No tooth; hinges un+ Ligament exterior, adherent; beaks short, as dulated, sub-sinuated, twisted, partly penetra- if sunk into the base of unequal. ting the shell: muscular the valves; shell foliated, impressions distant, la- with irregular blisters (ap- teral, oblong. (3) parently accidental) with- in. Fig. 59. a. An oblong callosity in the base of the shell. f. No callosity a fe _ (4) Ihave only been able to procure the mould of a Diceras to draw from ; there is but one species known, and that in a fossil state. Cuvier does not see any essential difference between it and the Chame. It is found at Mount Saléve, and in the environs of St. Mihiel in Lorraine. ‘Interior moulds of a smaller size have been found at Clévre, near Ferte-Benard, in the department of Sarthe, and in that of Calvados. (2) Almost all the Camacee adhere to rocks, corallines, and frequently to each je Foss.in the Green Sand, Kelloway Stone, at Piedmont, Angers, Plaisance, rignon. (3) This is a very rare shell, and is sold at a considerable price : the blisters found on its inner surface, have never been satisfactorily explained. East- Indies and Madagascar, DIVISION XI. CORBULACE. 4. Corsura. Lam. M. F. Shell regular, inequi- valved, inequilateral ; not, or scarcely gaping. Fig.57. 2. Pannora. Lam. M. Shell regular, inequival- _ ved, inequilateral, trans- versely oblong; one valve flattened, the other con- vex. Fig.-58. 3. Propuctus. Sowerby. ‘Foss. Equilateral, inequival- ved, margin reflexed; the one valve convex, the other flat or concave ex- ternally ; frequently fur- nished with spines. Fig. 61. 62. 63. (1) Some of these live within stones. M. de Ferussac has a fresh-water spe- cimen in his splendid collection of terrestrial and fluviatic shells. ( 18") GENERA. 4 cardinal tooth on each valve, conical and curved; a hollow onthe side: no lateral teeth. 2 oblong cardinal teeth, diverging and un- equal, on the flat valve, 2 oblong hollows on the other. Hinge transverse, li- near. Grignon, Bourdcaux, Italy, Courtagnon. (2) Mediterranean and British Ocean. Foss, in the Limestone Rock, Derbyshire- Peak Rock. fixed in the hollows. (4) Ligament interior. (2) oem —_— a) ~~ S DIVISION XIII. TRIDACNE. GENERA. 4. Trwacna. Brug. M. Shell regular, equival- | 2compressedcardinal § Ligament marginal, ved, inequilateral, gaping, teeth, unequal,anterior. exterior: muscular im- upper edge always undu- pression elongated, at- Jated; with a byssus. tached. (4) Fig. 54. 2. Hirporus. Lam. M. Equivalved, regular,in- | 2 compressed, une- Ligament marginal, equilateral. Fig. 49. qual, cardinal teeth. exterior. (2) _(4) These shells sometimes attain an enormous size, and are the largest and heaviest known. Those which contain the holy water in the Church of St. Sulpice, at Paris, were presented to Francis the First, by the Republic of Venice. The tendinous byssus, which suspends. them to the rock, is so thick and tenacious, that it is only to be separated by a hatchet; the flesh of the animal is eatable, but very hard. Foss. Normandy, in the environs of Dives, . (2) There is but one species known. ( 20 ) DIVISION XIV. MYTILACEE. GENERA. (1) 4. Mopiora. Lam. M. Shell sub-transverse, Noteeth; hinge late- Ligament almost in-— equivalved, regular, pos- ral and linear. terior, received in a terior side very short: marginal furrow: mus- beaks almost lateral, in- cular impression sub- clined on the short side. lateral, elongated. (2) Fig. 64. 2. Lirnopomus. Cuv. M. Almost equally rounded at both ends: beaks near the posterior end. (3) Fig. 65. 3. Myritus. (4) Zin.M.F. Equivalved, regular, -- -- pointed at the base; fixed by a byssus; beaks al- iwnost straight, terminal, pointed. Fig. 66. ¢. Shell furrowed longitudinally. 2. No longitudinal furrews. 4. Pinna. Lin. M. Longitudinal, wedge- -- -- Ligament marginal, shaped, equivalved, ga- linear, very long, almost ping at the summit, point- interior. (5) ed at the base; beaks straight : byssus extreme- ly fine and silky. Fig. 67. (1) The greater number of Mytilacee attach themselves to marine bodies, by a byssus. (2) These do not attach themselves by a byssus. Foss. in the London Clay, Green Sand, Upper Oodlite, Clunch Clay, Alum Shale, Blue Lias, at Grignon, Plaisance, Vaches-Nowres, St.Jean d’Assé, Chauffour, Domfront, Tanrie. (3) Lamarck does not admit this as a distinct genus. They have a byssus, which does not grow after they have lodged themselves in stone. ‘Ihe manner in which the Lithodomi, Pholades, and some others, hollow out the stones which they inhabit, has given place to much discussion: some believe it to be effected by the mechanical action of the valves; others by dissolution. One of the Lithodomé is very common in the Mediterranean, where it is esteemed from its agreeably pungent taste. (4) Towards the end of autumn, we frequently find small crabs, who take shelter in the shells of the Mytili, without injuring the animal. M. de Ferussac has shewn me what is supposed to be a fresh-water Mytilus. They are frequently _ . eaten, but are dangerous in any quantity. Besides the cardinal, they have a thinner ligament, fixed within, towards their superior extremity. Dr. Leach first determined its use to be that of moderating the effects of the elasticity of the cardinal ligament, without obliging the muscle of attachment to contract itself : there is another at the base of the shell, which probably strengthens the cardinal attachment. The Mytiloides found in white chalkand chalk tufau, is so thin and fragile, and adheres so closely to the rock in which it is found, that the hinge is unknown, and it is merely placed temporarily with the Mytili, from its apparent resemblance. It varies considerably in form and size, and the folds are sometimes very delicate. Vide fig. 68. (5) The byssus of the Prana is long, fine, lustrous, silky, and full; it takes DIVISION XY. 4. Crenatuta. Lam. M. - Sub-equivalved, flatten- ed, foliated, somewhat ir- regular. Fig. 69. 2. Perna. Lam. M. Sub-equivalved, flatten- ed, irregular; substance scaly ; beaks small, at one end of the hinge. Fig. 72. 3. Inocenamus. Sowerby. Foss. Inequivalved, one beak curved inwards; substance scaly. Fig. 74. 75. 4. Matteus. Lam. M. Sub - equivalved, rug- ged, irregular, sub-lobed at the base; beaks small and diverging. Fig. 73. ( 21) GENERA. Hinge lateral, crena- ted, callous. Hinge linear, margin- al, composed of trans- verse, parallel, sulciform teeth. Hinge straight, with teeth like the Perna. Hinge without teeth : an elongated conical hol-. low, situated under the beaks, traversing the area of .the ligament obliquely. MALLEACE.®. ~ Ligament linear, inar- ginal, received in the hollows of the crenaied hinge ; no passage. for a byssus. (1) Ligament inserted be- tween the teeth: a pos- terior sinus, gaping un~ der the extremity of the hinge, for the byssus. (2) ox } A, Ligament like that of the Perna ; no passage for a byssus. (3) Ligament almost ex- terior, imserted on the short area and slope of each valve : with a bys-~ sus. (4) every kind of dye, and is frequently woven, in Italy, into borders for shawls, etc.. The shells are found half buried in the sand. Foss. at Parma, Grignon. The species found at the latter place, is distinct from all others; it is rather narrow, three inches and a half long, and slightly rounded at its upper edge, covered within and witbout with mother-of-pearl, and longitudinally furrowed, without offering any traces of scales or projection ; the striz of growth only forming some - faint wrinkles on the upper part. (1) They are very rare, little known, and principally found in warm climates, enveloped insponges, (2) Foss. in Blue Marl, Alum Shale, Virginia, Alsace, Vaches-Noires, Bur- gundy. (3) Foss. in Blue Marl, Chalk, Clay, M. Brongniart wishes to separate the Catillus (fig. 84) from the Inoceramus ; both are found in cha/k, but in beds distant from each other. An entire specimen of the Catillus, which certainly differs from the Inoceramus, has not yet been discovered. Its hinges, from their fragments (fig. 84. a. b.), resemble those of the Perna. (4) These shells are very rude in appearance ;. the animal occupies but a smal? space, which is covered with mother-of-pearl, 5. Avicuta. Lam. M. Inequivalved, fragile, base transverse, straight, its extremities advanced and the anterior cau- diform; a slope on the left valve: beaks small. Fig. 70. 6. Mereacrina. Lam. M. - Sub-equivalved, almost a round cornered square ; scaly ; without cardinal edge; straight; without _anterior tail. Fig. 74. (1) Foss. in the London Clay, at Grignon, Bourdeaux. ( 22 ) Hinge linear, 1 car- Area of ligament mar- dinal tooth oneachvalye ginal, narrowed like a under the beak. Hinge linear, without teeth. channel, not crossed by the byssus. (1) Area of ligament mar- ginal, long, almost ex- terior, dilated in the middle: A sinus at the posterior base for the byssus, the left valve being narrow and slo- ped. (2) (2) The most celebrated species, is the Mytilus margaritiferus of Linneus; the inside is covered with the most beautiful mother-of-pearl, which is employed for ornamental purposes, and its pearls, so celebrated in the East, are dived for on the coasts of Ceylon, Cape Cormorin, and the Persian Gulph. in New-Holland and the Gulph of Mexico, It is also found ( 25 ) DIVISION XVI. PECTINIDES. GENERA. 4, Prpum. Lam. M. Inequivalved, a little | Hinge without teeth. Ligament partly exte- auricular, gaping and rior, inserted in an ob- sloped at its inferior valve : long channelled hollow, beaks unequal, wide apart. sunk in the interior of Fig. 78. the beaks. (1) 2. Lma. Brug. M. Longitudinal, sub-equi- == =< Ligament partly ex- valved, auricular, a little terior, received in a car- gaping on one side, beaks dinal hollow. (2) wide apart. Fig. 79. 3. PiaciostomMa. Sower- by. Foss. Sub - equivalved, sub- -- -- Ligament received in auricular; base, trans- a conical cardinal hol- verse, straight; beaks low below the beaks, somewhat distant, their partly interior, opening interior sides in transverse without. (3) furrows flattened exter- nally, one straight, the other inclined obliquely : shell thin. Fig. 82. 4. Prctren. Lam. M. Regular, inequivalved, -- -- Ligament received in apricular, lower edge a triangular, interior, transverse, straight ; beaks cardinal hollow. (4) contiguous. Fig. 80. ; a, Ears equal or almost equal. Pf. .. unequal. (1) There is but one species known, which comes from the Isle of France, and the Indian Seas; it is very rare and precious. (2) There is a beautiful species in the Mediterranean, the animal of which is eaten. Foss. in the Under Odlite ; Grignon, Italy, Marl-pits of Touraine. (3) These shells are difficult to recognise, from the hard stone which fills them ; they are only known ina fossil state, and are found in the Upper Chalk, Lower Chalk, Blue Lias, White Lias, Portland Rock, Kelloway Stone, Upper Oilite, Fuller’s-carth Rock, and at Carantan, Mamert, Chateau de Loir, Bourdcaux. (4) The greater number are ornamented with brilliant and various colors; one species, the Ostrea maxima of Linnzus, is eaten. Foss. in the Lower Cha’‘k, reen Sand, Chalk Marl, Kelloway Stone, Bedford Limestone, Upper Oolite, Under (24 ) 5. Prucaruta. Lam. M. Inequivaived, narrowed _ 2 strong teeth on each Ligament interior, re- at the base, upper edge valve. ceived in a cardinal hol- rounded, sub-folded; | | low, between the teeth. beaks unequal, without (1) external furrows. Fig. 76. 6. Sponpytus. Lin. M. Inequivalved, adherent, 4 strong © cardinal Ligament interior, its auricular, with thorns or teeth.on each valve; an remains seen in the fur- rugged; beaks unequal; intermediate hollow row without. (2) inferior valve with an ex- Communicating at the ternal cardinal area or base with the external lieel, flattened and divided furrow. by a furrow, and enlar- ging with age. Fig. 77. 7. Popopsis. Lam. Foss. Inequivalved, sub-regu- Hinge without teeth. Ligament interior. (3) lar, adhering by its infe- rior beak; the inferior valve the largest and most convex, and its beak more advanced. Fig. 81. 8. Hipropopium. Sower- by. Foss. Equivalved ; valves sub- 1 rugged tooth. Ligament exterior. (4) bilobed: a heart-shaped cavity behind each beak. ra Fig. 83. ~ Oélite, at Grignon, Parnes, Bourdeaux, Doué, Bailleul, Pera ass pani Venice, Ferté-Benard, Perpignan, Mans, Coulaines, Décize, Chauffour, Boutonnet, Sienna, Marsigni. (1) America, Jamaica. Foss. Paris, Daw. (2) Spondyli are frequently eaten; their shells are often tinted with the liveliest colors, and adhere to all sorts of substances. Several species abound in tem- perate climates, but they are principally found in the seas of warm countries. Foss. at Turin, Grignon, Havre. : (3) Known only in the fossil state, and is found in England, in France, at~ Touraine, Meudon, Dax, and in Jialy. (4) Known only in the fossil state, and found in England at Colebrook Dale, at Toddenham in Gloucesiershire, at Fenny Compton, and at Cheltenham in upper beds. of Litas. ( 25 ) DIVISION XVII. OSTRACEE. GENERA. 1. Gryeu#a. Lam. M. Inequivalved ; inferior | Hinge without teeth; | One muscular impres- valve large, concave, ter- a cardinal hollow, ob- sion on each valve. (1) minated by a projecting long, arched. beak, curved in a spire; upper valve small, smooth, like an operculum. Fig.86. 2. Osrrea. Lin. M. Shell adherent, inequi- Hinge without teeth, Ligament partly inte- valved, irregular, beaks hollow of the inferior rior, imserted in the ‘wide apart, becoming very valve increasing with cardinal hollow of the unequal with age, the up- age. valves. per valve displacing itself during the life of the ani- mal. Fig. 85. ad a. Edges of the valves simple or undulated, but not folded. [eh CO ae a ane .. distinctly folded. (2) (1) With the exception of one species (G. angulata) all those known are fossil, and are found in Alluvia, Crag Marl, Portland Roch, Kelloway Stone, Under Oélite, Blue Lias, Derbyshire Peak Limestone, and at Mans, Breuiile, Nevers, Champagne, Gazonfier, La Rochelle, Rochefort. (2) The most remarkable circumstance attending the Oyster, (whose functions seem to be very limited), and which we only observe in it and the Spondylus, is, that in proportion as it grows older and larger, it displaces itself in its shell, and gradually leaves the base of its lower or convex valve, displacing the upper valve at the same time, as well as its ligainent; consequently, the lower valve fre- quently forms a beak or heel of considerable length. The hollow in which the ligament has been successively placed, elongates as the shell increases and becomes a gutter, transversely striated, whilst the ligamental hollow of the upper valve scarcely grows at all. Its fecundity is astonishing. The Ostrca edults is that which is most frequently eaten. Foss. in the London Clay, Bedford Limestone, Chalk, Green Sand, Blue Marl, Clay, Coral Rag, Clay in Upper Odlite, Oak-tree Clay, at Mans, Grignon, Angers, Cany, Champagne, Neuville, Maestricht, Mont- Marius, Bourdeaux, Boutonnet, Sceaux, Montmartre, Roquencourt, Longjumeau, Piedmont, Houdan, Meudon, St. Saturnin, Valogne. 3. Vurseria. Lam. M. Shell longitudinal, sub- equivalved, irregular ; beaks equal. Fig. 89. ( 26 ) Hinge with a pro- jecting callosity on each valve, depressed above, bearing the impression of a conical obliquely _ arched hollow. 4. Pruacuna. Lam. M. Irregular, flattened, sub-equivalved, of a thin foliated substance and al- most transparent. Fig. 87. 5. Anomra. Lin. M. Inequivalved, irregular, adhering by the oper- culum; one valve perfo- rated, generally flattened, with a hole or slope at its beak; the other a little larger, concave and en- tire. Fig. 90. Hinge presenting two longitudinal sharp ribs in the form of an in- verted V on one valve, and two corresponding impressions on _ the other. Operculum small, el- liptic, bony, with the interior muscle of the animal attached. Ligament inserted in the hollow. (4) Ligament attached to the impressions. (2) Ligament interior and cardinal. (3) (1) They are frequently found in the sponges of the Indian Ocean and New- Holland. Foss. at Grignon. (2) M. Leschenault found pearls in the Placuna sella, which differ in shape and appearance from those generally found, fig. 88. Indian Ocean, Red Sea. (3) The Anomie, like the Ostree, always remain in the same place, and are found in all seas, ( 27 ) DIVISION XVIII. RUDISTES. GENERA. 4. Speue#roucites. Lam. Foss. Shell inequivalved, or- , Hinge unknown. (1) bicularly globulous, a lit- tle depressed above, armed exteriorly with large sub- angular horizontal scales : upper valve smaller, flat, like an operculum, with two unequal sub-conical tuberosities (curved and projecting) within; infe- rior valve larger, a little swelled ; radiating scales outside the edge forming a crest or projecting keel by a fold of the inner ‘edge. Fig. 93. | 2. Raproures. Lam. Foss. _ Inequivalved, striated * Hinge unknown, (2) exteriorly, striz longitu- dinal, radiating : lower | valve turbinated, largest ; | upper valve convex, or conical, like an opercu- Jum. Wig. 92° °: | 3. Catcrora. Lam: Foss. Inequivalved, triangu- | lar, turbinated, flattened | underneath : the large _ valve hollowed lke a | hood, obliquely truncated at the opening, with its cardinal edge straight. transversal, a little sloped and sub-dentated in the middle, and its upper edge arched; the small valve flattened, semi-orbicular, in the form of a lid, | having a tubercle on each side of its cardinal edge, ‘and; in the middle, a hollow with a small scale. Fig. 94. — (1) There is but one species known, from the Isle of Aw. (2) These shells are only found in beds of antient formation; the Pyrenees con- | tain a considerable number. They are the same as the Ostracites of La Peyrouse, | and the Acardines of Cuvier. The Acardo of Bruguicre, adopted by Lamarck, is a double epiphysis of the vertebra of a Cetacea, | i (3) In the environs of Juliers, 4. Brrosrrires. Lam. | Foss. Interior of shell un- Inequivalved, valves known. (1) elevated at their disk, un- equal, diverging, almost straight, like horns, one enveloping the other at the base. Fig. 95. 5. Discina. Lam. Foss.(2) A ronnded oval, a little depressed ; valves of equal size, each with a very dis- tinct, central, orbicular disk: disk of upper valve not pierced, with a protu- berance in the middle; that of the lower, very white, divided by a trans- versal cleft. a 6. Cranta. Brug. (3) Tnequivalved, sub-orbi- cular, inferior valve smooth, pierced internally by three unequal oblique holes, upper valve very | convex, with two pro- | jecting callosities within. His. O4- 7. Draycnors. Sowerby. Foss. J Inequivalved, adhe- Hinge without teeth. — rent; the attached valve with an opening instead of a beak, the Rive valve beaked and eared. (4) Hig. 96. (1) The valves diverge like a very open V, appearing as if one proceeded from | the base of the other; it is always the shortest which is enveloped. (2) It is found on the coasts of Great-Britain. There is no trace of a hinge or ligament, or any distinct muscular impression. (3) The Crania personata is said to be the only species living. The fossils are found in Sweden; at Meudon, Nehou. (4) Found in Lower Chalh and Green Sand. ( 29 ) DIVISION XIX. LINGULACE. GENERA. 4? Orsicuta. Lam. M. Sub-orbicular, -inequi- Hinge not apparent. valyed, lower valve very (1) thin and flat, adhering to marine bodies, upper valve sub-conical, beak more or less_ elevated. Fig. 97. 2. TerEsraTuta. Brug.M. Inequivalved, regular, sub-trigonal, attached to marine bodies by a short tendinous pedicle; the largest valve with the beak advanced, frequently curved, pierced at the summit by a round hole or slope ; 2 ramifying and almost bony appendages within, slender, forked, and differently branched, springing from the disk of the small valve, and serving as a support to the animal, (2) Fig. 98. a. Shell smooth, without striz or longitudinal furrows. {. .. longitudinally furrowed. (2) (1) The lower valve, which I have not been able to procure or figure, is some- times so thin that it is scarcely perceptible. The Huropean seas are said to produce a small species. Is it a bivalve, or a Hipponyx? - (2) They appear to inhabit deep seas, for the fossil species exist in secondary formations, with Ammonites, Gryphites, Belemnites, etc. Many, however, have been found in a recent state. M. Valenciennes has observed, that the hole of the béak of the larger valve is generally round, and when it offers only a longi- tudinal notch, it is from the absence of two small lateral and accessory pieces, which, when united, complete the opening; this hole is alsosometimes completed by the edge of the smaller valve. ‘The little tendinous cord which proceeds from the hole of the 7. Caput-serpentis, divides at the end into a bunch of byssiform filaments, which serve to fix the animal to bodies under the water. . Foss. in Gravel and Alluvial Clay, Sand, Crag Marl or Soft Limestone, Upper and Lower Chalk, Chalk Marl, Green Sand, Bedford Limestone, Clay under Limestone, Great Oodlite, Under Ooélite, Fuller’s-earth Rock, Blue Murl, Marston Marble, Blue Lias, Coal Shale, Limestone Rock, Mountain Limestone, Derbyshire Peak. Limestone, at Meudon, Trowre, St. Saturnin, Mans, Domfront, Valogne, Plaisance, Bourges, Grignon, Turin, Cologne, Havre, Coulaines, Mont-Marius, Maestricht, 3. Lincura, Lam. M. Sub - equivalved, flai- Hinge without teeth. tened, oblong-oval, trun- u4 cated at the summit, a little pointed at the base, raised on a fleshy ten- dinous pedicle affixed to marine bodies. Fig. 99. 4. Spinirer. Sowerby. Foss. Equilateral, inequival- Hinge transverse, long ved, one valve with a large and straight, two spirally angular sinus along the in- coiled linear appendages side of the beak. Fig. 404 A to the hinge, nearly file ling the shell. (2) - 5. Macas. Sowerby. Foss. Equilateral, inequival- Line of hinge straight, ved, one valve with an a partial longitudinal angular sinus along an in- septum with appenda- curved beak; back of the ges attached to the hinge other valve straight, with within. (3) two projections near the middle. Fig. 100. 6. Penramenus. Sowerby. Foss. Equilateral, inequival - ved; one valve divided u by a longitudinal internal septum into two parts, the other by two septa into three parts or valves ; beaks incurved, imper- forate. (4) Fig. 103, 104. (1) There is but one species known; from the Indian Seas. Foss. in the London Clay, Crag Marl, Coal Shale. (2) The Terebratula spirifera of Lamarck, which is only known in a fossil state, and is found in the Derbyshire Peak Limestone. (3) In Chalk. (4) I have hesitated in putting this shell amongst the Bivalves, suspecting that the septa mentioned by Mr. Sowerby, may prove to be a number of valves soldered together; but until it is perfectly known, it may be premature to alter his classification of it as a Bivalve. Itis found in the Derbyshire Peak Rock. J add Mr. Sowerby’s figure and description of the Axinus (fig. 102), being too imperfect to admit of its classification, as memoranda for the geologist. “¢ A free, equivalved, transverse, bivalve; anterior side very short ; posterior ‘¢ side produced, truncated, witha lunette near the beaks: hinge with a long ¢¢ oblique ligament placed in a furrow. It is muchto be regretted that there is very little probability of discovering the interior structure of the hinge, ‘¢ but I suspect it has no teeth. The shell appears to be thin, but I can trace neither the cicatrices of the muscles, nor of the edge of the mantle in the ‘© Angulatus, which I consider the type of the genus,” Glee. DIVISION XX. CORNIFORMES. GENERA. 4. Orton. Lam. M. A membranous tunic ‘ with an opening, at the - summit of which are two small triangular testaceous valves. separated, but ad- hering to the tunic. (4) Big f17 2. DIVISION XXI. SERIALES. GENERA. 4. Curron. Lin. M. (2) f A series of longitudi- nal, imbricated, trans- . verse moveable valves, < varying in number from 6 to 8, held together by a coriaceous ligament, sometimes _shagreened, hairy, and eyen thorny. Fig. 105 2. CurronEtivus. Lam. M. A series. of longitudi- nal valves, disposed like a narrow ribbon on the middle of the back, not held together by a liga- 2 ment. Fig. 106. < (1) Northern Seas. (2) The valves have been found separated in a fossil state at Grignon, but the ‘ligament which held them together having been destroyed, it is difficult to determine the species. Cape of Good Hope, America, European and Southern Seas. (3) New-Holland. ( 92 ) DIVISION, XXII. PEDICULAT EE. GENERA. 3. ANATIFERA (ANATIFA). Lam. Five unequal valves, two on each side, and one dorsal, like a keel; valves united by a membrane, like a flattened cone sup- ported on a tubular pe- dicle. (1) Fig. 148. A. Pouricrers. Leach. M. Valves thirteen or more, the lower marginal, much smaller, compressed, and ' supported on a wrinkled, or aed pedicle. (2) Fig. 419. 5. Crnernas. Leach. M. Five valves, oblong and separated, two at the side of the opening of the membranous tunic, and the others dorsal. (3) Fig. 420. (1) The species most numerous in our seas, was called Lepas anatifera by Linneus, from the fable of the Barnacles and Scoters being born from them ; it attaches itself to rocks, stones, and keels of vessels, etc. According to Cuvier, it varies in the number of its valves. (2) European and Indian Seas. (3) British Ocean. (33 ) DIVISION XXIIL 6. Baranus. Lam. M. Fixed, conical, trnn- cated at summit, closed at the bottom by a testaceous adhering plate, open at the top, sub-trigonal or elliptic. Fig. 107, 1410. 7. Cornonuta. Lam. M. Valves altogether ap- pearing sub - orbicular, coniform, truncated at the ‘extremities; divisions or artitions very thick, hol- rg. 541. ANZ. 8. Acasta. Leach. M. Sub-conical ; cone formed of six lateral une- qual valves, having an orbicular plate at the bot- tom, concaye internally, resembling a goblet or patella. Fig. 116. 9. CreustaA. Leach. M. A convex cone, com- posed of four unequal valves, distinct by the sutresu. Fig. 414. 40. TuprcineLta, Leach. M. Valves forming a tubu- Jous straight shell, attenua- ted towards the base, truncated at both ends, open at the top, and the base closed by a mem- brane, furnished with transverse callous pads. Fig. 4115. owed by radiating cells. GENERA. SESSILES. Operculum interior, 4-yalved, valves move- able, inserted near the internal base of the shell. (1) Operculum of 4 ob- tuse yalves. (2) cy Operculum of 4 valves. Operculum interior, bivalved. (4) Operculum of 4 ob- tuse valves. (5) (4) They abound in almost all seas, and attach themselves to all sorts of sub- stances. ‘They are found in a fossil state in Italy, and in England in Crag Marl. (2) They live in the bodies of marine animals, and have even been found, with the Tubicinella, within the fat of whales; they also adhere to shells. (3) They are found in sponges, and never fix on hard or solid bodies. (4) These and the Pyrgome@ are generally affixed to Madrepores: the Creusia are from the Northern and Indian Seas. (5) There is but one species knoyn, found on the South American whales, Cc ( 54 ) 41. Pyrcoma. Savigny. M. Valves united, having Operculum biyalyed. the appearance of an uu- valve, sub-globulous, ven- tricose, pierced at the summit, opening small, and elliptic. Fig. 443, DIVISION XXIV. ANNEXE. GENERA, 4. Terepo. Lin. M. A testaceous, cylindri=- 2 operculiferous ho= cal, twisted tube, open dies, adhering to thesides at each end. Shell bival- of the tubes of the ani- ved, situated posteriorly mal. (1) withoutthetube Fig.421. 2. AsprrcittuM. Lam. M. Tube insensibly nar= rowing towards its ante~ rior part, where it is open, and widening into a club at the other end, which has two valves in= crusted into its side; the ierminal disk is pierced with scatle:ed sub-tubu- lar holes, having a fissure in the centre. (2) Fig. 426. e (1) They are found in wood which has been sunk in the sea. The Popan of Adanson belongs to them ; their shell is enclosed in a thin sheath, which remains attached to the stony bodies in which they are buried. They do much mischief to vessels and piles driven into the sea. They are cannaeee to bury themselves deeper as they grow bigger, and to hollow out the wood with their valves; their tubes always. remaining at the opening, for water and food; their passage is lined with a calcareous crust, which exudes from them and forms a sort of tubulous shell. They are said to have been brought from the Torrid Zone to Holland, and more than once to have threatened that country with destruction, by destroying the wood of the dykes. Foss. in the London Clay. oh (2) The common species is from 8 to 10 inches long, and is said to be found attached by its smaller end to the rocks of the Indian seas; which M.- Lamarck denies by asserting that this end is necessarily open, The Red Sea, Indian Seas, New Holland. OF Tami PR 3. CxavacertaA. Lam. Foss. Tube attenuated and open anteriorly, termina- ted at the other end by an oval club, compressed, armed with spiniform tubes. Club presenting one valve enchased into the side, and the other free in the tube. (1) Fig. 134. 4. Fistutana. Lam. M. Tube swelled and clo- sed posteriorly, attenuated towards the anterior ex- tremity, opening at the top and containing a free, equivalved, bivalved, ga- ping shell. (2) Fig. 125. 5. Seprarra. Lam. M. Tube very long, insen- sibly attenuated towards the anterior part, and di- vided interiorly by arched cells, mostly incomplete ; shell unknown, but sup- posed to be bivalved. (3) Fig. 122. 6. Tereprna. Lam. Foss. Tube cylindrical, pos- terlor extremity closed, shewing the two valves of the shell; anterior end open. (4) Fig. 124. Italy. (2) They live in wood, sand stones, and in the shells which they have pierced; the valves of certain species resemble Modiole. They are found in the Indian Ocean; and, ina fossil state, at Grignon, Beynes, Courtagnon, and Sienna, .(3) In the sands of the Indian Ocean, (4) At Courtagnon, Plaisance, 3 ) (1) These are only known in the fossil state, and are found at Grignon and in ( 356 ) DIVISION XXV. CONTORT. GENERA. 4. Smrguarra. Brug. M.- ' Tube attenuated pos- teriorly, sometimes twist- ed in a spire at the base, open at the anterior end, with a longitudinal cleft throughout _ its whole tength. (1) Fig. 432. 2. SerpuLa. Lin. M. Tubes grouped or so- itary, adherent, with a round, simple, terminal opening. (2) Fig. 120. 3. Vermiuia, Lan. M. Tube cylindrical, atte- nuated at the posterior end, more or less twisted, and affixed to marine bodies; opening round, furnished with a_ beak, and frequently with from one to three teeth. (3) Fig. 129. An orbicular, calca reous, simple operculum 4. Ciymene. Savigny. M. Tube thin, open at each end, incrusted with- out with sand and frag- ments of sheils. (4) (1) Nyhan the animal has left iis shell, we sometimes find transverse septa; the ateral cleft is sometimes very indistinct. Indian Seas. Foss. -a wea 5 fa Plaie, Grignon, t St. Clément. de (2) Foss. in the London Clay, Woolwich Loam and G : Dax, Grignon, Bayonne, Montbart, Mans, Séez, "TS Hea ates Sand, in Italy, at (3) Foss. in Chalk Marl, Green Sand, Upper Oolite. . (4) The only known species is from the Red Sea. The tube of th , Savigny, found in the sands of the European seas, is but imperious ae fae ( 37 ) DIVISON XXVI. SUBREGULARES. GENERA. 4. Dentatium. Lin. M. Tube almost regular, slightly curved, insensibly attenuated at the posterior end, open at each extre- mity. Fig. 134. a. Tubes with ribs or longitudinal striz. B. .. perfectly smooth and simple. (1) 2, PecrinarntA. Lam. M. Tube membranous, like areyersed cone. Fig. 435. 3. SaBELLARIA, Lam. M. - Tubes numerous, uni- ted in a common mass, alveolar above, composed of grains of sand and fragments of shells; ori- fices of tubes hollowed like cups. 4. Terepetta. Cuv. M. _ Tube long, cylindrical, attenuated and pointed at the base, membranous. (3) Fig. 138. 5. Ampuitrite. Brug. M. Tube long, cylindrical, narrowing at base, mem- branous or coriaceous, penny naked. (4) Fig. Grignon, Sarthe, Plaisantin, Sienna, Piedmont, Dax, Mons. (2) European Seas. isolated, (1) Foss. in London Clay, Crag Mart, Chath Marl, Green Sand, Blue Marl, at (3) There is one species found onthe European coasts, very remarkable from the appearance of its tubes, which are formed of large fragments of shells ; and the openings of the edges are prolonged into several branches, formed of the same materials: they are chiefly from Norway, Holland, and Carolina. (4) European and American Seas. There is a large species in the Southern Seas, the tube of which, thin and polished, appears to be transversely fibrous, and to be formed of some soft filamentous substance dried. The tubes of another species, when in acompact mass, are so symmetrically arranged that they appear like honeycombs. They are generally very small, found affixed to Fuci, shells, and other marine bodies, in great numbers on the same body, but always _ 6 Sprrorsis, Lam. M. Tube turned in an or- bicular spire, discoid, flat- tened, and adherent un- derneath. (1) Fig. 123, 7. GALFOLARIA. Lam. M. Tubes numerous, cylin- drical, sub-angular, un- dulated, collected in tufts, fixed at base; openin superior, orbicular. (25 Fig. 133. 8. Maarus, Montf. M. Tube convex above, ca- rinated underneath, twist- edina short oval, with a heliciform spire, re turns contiguous, the last pro longed i in a straightly un- dulating line ; scaly folds on the outside, thicker on one side than the other. (3) Fig. 128. 9. SABetta. Cuv. M. Tube composed of fine poe of clay and sand. Fig. 127. 40. Nereis. Cuv. M. Tube long, horny or membranous. (4) Fig. 137. (1) Foss. at Grignon. (2) New-Holland. (3) The tube is sometimes 3 feet in length. Lamarck supposes the Serpe gigantea of Pallas, to be a species of this genus. (4) Several of the smaller spécies contribute to the luminous appearance dl of the sea. ( 58 ) - galeiform, armed to the edge of one side Isle of France. Operculum orbicular ! from 5 to 9 various. taceous pieces, the mid dle one of which is trun cated, and all attache o ta) Page Page Page. PMpardOds aca scrs. 2 Gorbula.. 2.2... as 48 Inoceramus....... is), DP IN CASES a dis ghee vee ds Se. "Cormifories’ 0.) ode Teidina, . 2083 528 e 16 Amphidesma....... 8 Corbulacee......-- 48 Isocardia........+-- 12 Amphitrite......... af. 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PL, ») ee, >») 2 » ELBE AE : * : ee A Loe | m >. a SN : \ ~ » ) \ Y »)) } Y oP) } } } ) y a e p a, LLP = ee ne y| y al SS y wife ¥ a Se - ae ee = ~ < my 3) & ; # \ ~ SS ’ . Vy, } yi> 5 ; \ iy a, LY f : 5 ba Ne ee : os i | ; %, a - eee : ———— p ay 1 ? Nan Ae \ Sea \ ie »» ) ae, , 7 u Yo b Bag