COLUMBIA LIBRARIES OFFSITE HX64089460 IM QP34 .St22 1907 Elements ol human pti RECAP ColumtJia ®[nitlergitp^'^^K in tije Citp of ^eto l^orfe COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS r Reference Library Given by ELEMENTS OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY BY BENE ST H. STARLING, M.D.Lond., F.K.C.P., F.E.S. JODRKLL PROFESSOR OP PHYSIOLOGY, DSIVKRSITY COLLEGE, LONDON EIGHTH EDITION CHICAGO W. T. KEENEK & CO. 90 WABASH AVENUE 1907 Printed in Great Britain PKEFACE In this book I have endeavoured to present m the shortest possible compass the essentials of the science of Phj-siology, such as every medical student should be more or less acquainted with. Although a few histological illustrations are introduced, the descriptions have been kept as short as possible, their object being merely to remind the senior student, or to give a bare idea to the junior student of the structure of the organs in question, and they cannot in any way replace the study of some special work in connection with a practical course in Histology. In the present edition only such alterations have been introduced as have been rendered necessary by recent advances in Physiology. ERNEST H. STARLING. Ilt07. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 witii funding from Columbia University Libraries CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE Introduction . . . . 1 CHAPTEK II The Material Basis of the Body SECT. 1. The Sources of the Energy of the Body .... 25 2. The Proteins . . . . . . . . 30 3. The Fats ........ 4S 4. The Carbohydrates . . . . . . . . 51 CHAPTER III The Blood 1. The Formed Elements of the Blood . . . . .57 2. The Coaeulation of the Blood . . . . . . 75 CHAPTER IV The Conteactile Tissues 1. General Characters of Muscle ..... 2. Excitation of Muscle ...... 3. The Mechanical Changes that a Muscle undergoes when it Contracts 4. The Production of Work and Heat by Voluntary Muscle . 5. The Electrical Changes in Muscle .... 6. The Chemistry of Muscle ..... 7. Conditions modifying the Irritability and Contraction of Muscular Tissue ........ 8. Voluntary Contraction ...... 9. Other Forms of Contractile Tissue .... 87 95 102 113 119 131 140 145 149 vi PHYSIOLOGY CHAPTER V Nerve-fibees (Conddcting Tissues) sect. page 159 1C2 167 177 182 187 1. General Properties of Nerve-fibres 2. Propagation along Nerve-fibres 8. Excitation of Nerves .... i. The Conditions aiifecting the Activity of Nerve 5. Polarisation Phenomena in Nerve