“Leol Insecta THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE _ HONEY BEE BY ~ JAMES ALLEN NELSON, Ph.D., Expert, Bee Culture Investigations, Bureau of Entomology U. S. Department of Agriculture 4 ) v6 Vv. [ 7 PRINCETON UNIVERSITY PRESS | K | Ku y| PRINCETON LONDON: HUMPHREY MILFORD OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 1915 PREFACE The good bee keeper is he who is interested not only in those things which have to do directly with the production of honey | but to whom everything pertaining to honey bees has a deep interest. This is shown by the fact that the anatomy of the adult bee has been much studied by practical bee keepers. Aside from the fact that from the egg there emerges in three days a small white larva, no knowledge of the wonderful changes which occur in that small compass is available, while in comparison with the changes which occur, the rather fixed structure of the adult insect seems simple. In this paper is presented to the beekeeping pub- lic, as well as to those whose interests are more scientific, the most thorough account of the complex development of the bee egg yet published and to those interested in bees no apology for investigations of this kind is needed. It is of interest to the bee enthusiast, for, while possibly he may not fully appreciate all the details discussed, he will assuredly want to take such facts as his training will permit. From another standpoint work of this kind is needed. All practical work with bees rests on a foundation of bee activities, to an extent usually not recognized. This is because with few other animals with which man deals is it so imperative that the normal behavior be followed. A study of bee behavior can progress no farther than our knowledge of the structure of the bee has gone and anatomy therefore becomes indirectly a vital thing to the bee keeper. Adult structure cannot be adequately understood without a study of comparative anatomy and espe- cially of development. While the developmental studies are therefore several stages removed from the practices of the apiary, they are nevertheless of importance and the bee keeper will welcome this addition to the foundations of his chosen in- dustry. E. F. PHI.ips, In Charge, Bee Culture Investigations. yi ‘ fh, ; 4 t te’ { i ‘ i i ; ay z | ett _ 228 Geer 1 at nye * 7 a} “ - ae > 7 ‘Fa i e eyed ' Ae B eevee ne . sah Sob! (2 x ¥ ah i , http://www.archive.org/details/embryologyofhone00 A TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE PREFACE ili Be I IROVIEW 6 oso oe 58s bs ce ds bo alew etnies I Di; WOORGAEIZATION OF THE EGG... oe ce eee 4 III. CLEAVAGE BEES Re Pa ira ao Ghar etarbrs aye ath ated opp ees 16 IV. FoRMATION AND COMPLETION OF THE BLASTODERM... 27 se MEME SAVERS cai ocig cose eles ode ees bea oeeas 43 I. Formation of the Mesoderm................ 43 2. Formation of the Rudiments of the Mid-intestine 56 VI. Tue AMNION AND THE CEPHALO-DORSAL Bopy...... 82 SMMC TTATAIOES cig. 8 oS SL eva Moen ek bas eemahe 82 @. the Cephalo-dorsal Body............5..-08- 88 VII. GENERAL ACCOUNT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE EMBRYO, WITH ESPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE Ex- EMOTE 03.5.) ti gis Liat h aig Medial dio ip 08-9 9 alaee 4 95 1. Changes in the Form of the Egg up to Stage Reg Oa ee OURS CANIS Sis Ao eaten 95 2. The Development of the Embryo........... 97 EIMORTACION <5 5) 600 vic ss le has ok bo ble «aie curate 105 ee UeEMRRVOUS SYSTEM o.oo. 65 eect ene els owe eaialei 113 Prrrmemiyenatched Larval. .is.c6s.sise sie e osebs 113 ao. cons od Be eis Ghia d Gk SiMte we aiel¥ 124 Bo be Ventral ord ir a 63h ws 5 00 8 ace 127 TX. B: The Brags aoc ty we tate het eet ee 142 C. The Stomatogastric System..... Benn 157 D... Neurilemimay 020.0 sale eerie sak 160 EL. Cotpata (ARG sie eae awa aca 161 F.. Degeneratingr ) Cells: 35)... eck eas 164. TRACHEAL SYSTEM, ENDOSKELETON AND Hypo- DERMIS: 60:5 (cc¢sScsrec 0S co +. ¢)el arse Pier eeinie xe Wee 167 1. Tracheal Systems (av arodis ve vies a eed eas 167 2. Tentorium and Mandibular Apodemes...... 175 @ Hypoderimias 6903 64 wld iia eae es 179 THE OENOCYTES «sy <5. so eeeeeak, + ke ee eee 181 Muscies, Fat Bopy AND CircuLATORY SySTEM.. 189 SEX , ORGANS—OVARIES ¢:0!5 64/6 5,sr0 6 does yee esas ou 213 ATAMBNTARY (CANAD wisi, 2 ds ation 0 bnlenie idee ae ates 220 Your AND Youn CEELS:. 4 ne nees Haieitcan es wee 230 DURATION AND RATE OF DEVELOPMENT........... 245 TECHNIQUE « a9 ey Eds Vindin-w cian Wi aeess SiMe tele 251 DUMMARY 6 | 5 iiy's die da soca eteen She aie w MIR ee meets eee 253 Last...oF ABBREVIATIONS 5 <5. « :\s cc me 'o 2 @,.6 of pages *-¢@ 26° Le oe5 : A ° ‘Fic. 5. Anterior half of a sagittal section of an egg, Stage I, showing the polar protoplasm (PP), the cortical layer (CL) and portions of sev- eral cleavage cells (CC), x 243. dition, the deep staining meshwork is readily identified as proto- plasm (3), the cavities between the meshes representing the spaces formerly filled by the vitelline spheres. These cavities were of course originally spherical, but have become more or less distorted by the action of the reagents with which the eggs were treated. These spaces are however not invariably empty. In many preparations, more particularly those treated with acetic alcohol or Gilson’s fluid, a pale granular precipitate partly or en- tirely fills these spaces. The small rounded deeply staining bodies are evidently to be identified with the vitelline bodies (2). They are, however, not always present, or rather are present in varying number in different preparations. The natural inference is that they are more or less soluble in the reagents with which the eggs are treated preliminary to sectioning, since they are al- ways visible in fresh material. These bodies are always found in sections of ova fixed with picro-formol—although much more abundant in some preparations than in others—but are sparse THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 13 and scattered in sections of ova fixed in acetic alcohol, and absent in those fixed in Petrunkewitsch’s fluid. So far all the elements seen ‘in the fresh egg have been accounted for except the tiny greenish bodies embedded in the protoplasm (4). These seem to be represented by deeply stained minute granules, which indeed appear to lend to the protoplasmic network its dark appearance. In addition to the structural elements above mentioned, there are visible in the anterior end of the egg one or more irregular island-like masses composed of the same granular protoplasm as the network, the cleavage cells (Figs. I and 5 CC). Each of these possesses a clear spherical nucleus. At the close of the process of fertilization there is of course but one nucleated cell, whose nucleus (first segmentation nucleus) arose by the union— in the fertilized egg,—of the nuclei of the egg and the sperm (male and female pronuclei).t This cell soon gives rise by mitotic division to a group of daughter cells, four of which are more or less plainly visible in the figure. The form of the cleav- age cells is highly irregular, or amoeboid, their outlines indented by concavities which represent the imprint of the vitelline spheres. Between the indentations arise processes of irregular shapes which stretch out into the surrounding cytoplasmic network and are continuous with it. These cells will be considered at greater length in the next section. An extended review of the various accounts of the organiza- tion of the eggs of other insects is not possible here; moreover a survey of these accounts, as well as of the statements in the text- books, suffices to show that they quite uniformly agree in de- scribing the contents of the insect egg as composed of the following morphological elements: (1) A protoplasmic mesh- work, which in many insects is extended over the periphery of the egg to form a cortical layer; in others this layer is absent. Inthe protoplasm are also included the segmentation nucleus or its products. (2) Yolk bodies, generally in the form of balls or spheres, enclosed in the meshes of the protoplasm. (3) Fat globules. (4) Minute rod-like or rounded bodies embedded in the substance of the protoplasm, and present only in certain insect eggs. These bodies were discovered and described by Bloch- *For an account of this process in the honey bee, see Blochmann (1889), Petrunkewitsch (1¢0i, 1902), and Nachtskeim (1913). 14 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE mann (1884, 1886, 1887, 1892) for the eggs of Phyllodromia (Blatta), Periplaneta, Blabera, Lasius, Pieris, Musca, and Vespa. In the first four genera named these bodies were rod- shaped, and strikingly resembled certain bacilli. Moreover, this resemblance was enhanced by the fact that these bodies multi- plied by transverse fission. They were found to be especially abundant in the cortical layer, and also present in the fat body of the imago. In the three genera last named, these bodies were rounded or granular in shape and only tentatively identified with the bacillar form. Wheeler (1889) has also found and described these bodies in Blatta, and gave them the name “Blochmann’s corpuscles.” Mercier (1906) has demonstrated that these are independent organisms, probably bacteria, and capable of culti- vation in artificial media. Friederichs (1906) has recently de- scribed similar bodies, which he terms “Blochmann’s corpuscles” (““Blochmannische Korperschen”), embedded in the protoplasmic meshwork and cortical layer of certain chrysomelid beetles (Chrysomela, Rhagonycha), and Tanquary (1913) finds similar bodies in the eggs of an ant, Camponotus. In the case of the honey bee the minute bodies to which has been given the term “Blochmann’s corpuscles” are of course comparable only to the rounded form, and only provisionally identified with these, since in the honey bee so little is known concerning these bodies that final identification would be premature. Turning to the accounts of the hymenopterous egg in particu- lar, there are available the accounts of Henking (1892) for Lasius, Carriére and Burger (1897) for the mason bee (Chali- codoma) and Anthophora, Marshall and Dernhehl (1905) for Polistes and Tanquary (1913) for Camponotus; for the honey bee Butschli (1870), and Grassi (1884). Henking’s observa- tions contain little of interest here, except that the egg of Lastus possesses a well developed cortical layer. In the case of Chali- codoma the account is brief, essentially contained in the state- ment that the contents of the egg “very fluid, consists of an emulsion of a considerable amount of deutoplasm (food yolk) in a small amount of protoplasm.” The cortical protoplasmic layer is wanting, but present in Anthophora. The data given by Marshall and Dernhehl regarding Polistes are brief and relate principally to the cortical layer. This is very similar to that of THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 15 the honey bee but is thicker on the ventral than on the dorsal side. In Camponotus Tanquary mentions a well developed corti- cal layer, containing a large number of Blochmann’s corpuscles, and having also embedded in it numerous yolk granules. Vacu- oles, so called, are present at the center of the egg, more espe- cially near its anterior end. Possibly these correspond to the yolk spheres of the honey bee. In the descriptions of both Biitschli and Gras are noted the protoplasmic network, the vitelline spheres, the vitelline bodies and Blochmann’s corpuscles. The latter, it is true are not specifically mentioned, but the protoplasm is spoken of in both instances as “granular,” an appearance referable to the presence of these bodies. These investigators also observed the cortical layer, describing it also as “granular.” As regards the chemical make-up of the deutoplasmic portion of the insect egg, very little is known. It is commonly described as consisting of yolk and oil globules. This paucity of informa- tion is no doubt due to the fact that embryologists usually have not the training requisite to enter the difficult field of micro- chemistry. It is true that Tichomiroff (1885) made an elabo- rate chemical analysis of the silkworm egg, but this work has apparently stood alone. Friederichs (1906) subjected the con- tents of the egg of Rhagonycha and Chrysomela to a few simple reagents: water, normal salt solution, an aqueous solution of osmic acid and mercuric chloride, and diluted hydrochloric and acetic acids combined. The results convey but little information concerning the real nature of the deutoplasm except to demon- strate the presence of oil droplets. The presence of these ap- pears to be quite general in insect eggs. Grassi assumed that the vitelline spheres in the egg of the honey bee are of an oily nature; a natural supposition, suggested by their appearance. Repeated tests with osmic acid, however, failed to yield the well known blackening reaction characteristic of fat, nor did other elements in the egg show it. The egg of the bee therefore is presumably totally devoid of fat or oil, as such. A few tests with other reagents were applied to the vitelline spheres, but with inconclusive results, except that they appear to indicate that the vitelline spheres in the bee are similar to those in the eggs ex- amined by Friederichs. Kit CLEAVAGE The group of cleavage cells? formed by the division of the segmentation nucleus is at first nearly spherical in outline, and situated in the middle of the anterior end of the egg about equi- distant from the cephalic pole and the ventral, dorsal and lateral surfaces. By rapid multiplication and migration of its compo- nent cells, this group elongates in a caudad direction until at Stage II (4-6 hours) it extends some two-thirds of the length of the egg toward the caudal pole. The cleavage cells are now arranged in the form of a one-layered meshwork forming a hollow figure whose outline is long conical or pyriform, the slender pointed end directed caudad, the larger rounded end close to the surface at the anterior pole (Fig. Il). A cross section through the anterior portion of an egg at this stage is shown in figure 6. The cleavage cells are here seen arranged in a circle whose position is slightly eccentric with respect to the median axis of the egg, being displaced a trifle toward the ventral (lower) side. The cells are still situated at some distance from one another, as well as from the periphery of the egg. With the change in the form of the group of cleavage cells from spherical to elongate there arises a difference between the cells composing its anterior and posterior portions. The differ- ence consists in this: that the cells in the anterior portion of the cleavage figure are more numerous, more compact in form and *Blochmann (1887a) has called attention to the fact that the complex made up of the cleavage nuclei, together the protoplasm immediately surrounding them, and the protoplasmic meshwork, including the cortical layer, is a syncitium. It is therefore not strictly correct to use the term “cleavage cells” as applied to the cleavage nuclei and the protoplasm im- mediately surrounding them. The employment of this term may however be justified both on the ground of convenience, and because the cell terri- tory appertaining to each nucleus is always distinguishable, except for a very brief period during the formation of the blastoderm. This position is held by Heider (1889), Heymons (1895), Lecaillon (1897),. ete. 16 en) fata — THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 17 Fic. 6. Tranverse section of anterior end of egg of Stage II, showing cleavage cells (CC) x 243. joined more closely together than those situated further caudad ; the latter present by comparison a scattered and somewhat at- tenuated appearance. This difference is plainly evident in figures IT and III (cf. also Figs. 7A and 7B). Moreover, although all the cells in the egg are of the same age those in the posterior portion are retarded in development in proportion to their dis- tance from the anterior end, and since they reach their destina- tion in the cortical layer later than those situated anterior to them, a handicap, so to speak is placed on the posterior region of the egg, from which it is slow to recover. This condition has also been noted by Carriére and Birger for Chalicodoma, but is entirely ignored in Dickel’s account (1904). Marshall and Dernhehl also make no mention of it in the case of Polistes, nor does it appear in Lasius (Henking). As the number of cells continues to increase the pyriform figure grows both in length and diameter until it finally touches the cortical layer of the egg at one or more points. The point where the cleavage cells first actually come into contact with the periphery of the egg is usually situated on the ventral side, one- Fic. 7. Transverse sections of egg of Stage III. A, from anterior half, showing cleavage cells (CC) near the periphery, and yolk cells (YC) near the center. B, from posterior end. showing cleavage cells (CC), x 243. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 19 fourth to one-third of the length of the egg from the cephalic pole. In some cases the cells appear as though concentrated on this point, but its location is probably subject to considerable individual variation. Soon after the first cells reach the surface the anterior half of the egg becomes rapidly invested with a covering of cells, yet the ventral surface is, as figures III and 7A show, generally attained a little before the dorsal. The attain- ment of the periphery of the egg by the cleavage cells now pro- gresses slowly caudad, the caudal pole itself E hente the last to receive a cellular investment. By far the greater number of cells advance toward the peri- phery in a single row, eventually attaining the cortical layer and then forming blastoderm, nevertheless, a few linger behind within the yolk and become the yolk cells. Three of these are clearly seen in figure 7A, YC. At this period they are not dis- tinguishable from the other cells by any visible characteristics. Their origin has already been correctly described by Dickel (1904) for the honey bee, and conforms to that of the higher insects in general. The further history of these cells will be considered later. The varied and highly irregular amoeboid contour of the in- dividual cleavage cells is illustrated by figures II, III, 6, 7A and B, as well as by the series represented in figures 8A-F. As the figures show, the outline of the cell is indented by concavities ; these concavities represent the spaces occupied by the vitelline spheres. Between these concavities irregular slender processes extend out from the cell; these either merge with the protoplas- mic network or unite with corresponding processes of adjacent cells, so that the cleavage cells, together with the other proto- plasm of the egg—protoplasmic meshwork, cortical layer—form a single continuous whole, and in fact constitute a true syncitium.® As the cells move toward the surface they become more numer- ous by repeated divisions, and more closely crowded together, their connecting processes become correspondingly more numer- ous, shorter, stouter and more regular in outline. Figure 9 il- lustrates a tangential section through the layer of cleavage cells near the anterior end of an egg between Stages II and III show- ing the manner in which the cells are linked together at this time. “See footnote p. 16. 20 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE : 2 Fic. 8. Cleavage cells, showing stages of cell division. A and B, prophases; C and D, metaphases; E and F, telephases; G, multipolar spindle, x 1107. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 21 The nuclei of the cleavage cells, during the resting stage, are circular to broad elliptical in outline. Each contains a network of achromatic material bearing on it a number of small rounded granules of chromatin. No nucleoli—karyosomes or plasmo- somes—were observed. The size of the nuclei is, in a given egg, quite uniform, from the beginning to the end of the period under consideration, but varies considerably in different eggs, ranging from 9-14 microns. The position of the nucleus within the cell is very variable, but it can be stated that in general the nuclei during the earlier Stages (I-I1) occupy a position near the center of the cell body (Fig. 7B). As cleavage progresses, however, the nuclei evi- dence a tendency to take up a position near the margin, and this tendency becomes more and more marked as the cells approach the periphery of the egg (Figs. 6 and 7A). Nachtsheim has recently (1913) published a detailed account of mitosis in the cleavage cells of both the fertilized and un- fertilized eggs of the honey bee. Prior to the appearance of this account the writer had also studied this subject and pre- pared figures 8A-F, illustrating the different phases of mitosis. The writer’s observations agree with those of Nachtsheim ex- cept in one or two minor details. A clearly defined spireme was never observed, although in the prophases (Figs. 8A and B) the chromosomes are seen to be united in short strings, which in many preparations, as in that from which figure 8B was drawn, give the effect of a relatively small number of curved rod-shaped chromosomes, and it is only by the use of the highest magnifica- tion available that these resolve themselves into the minute spher- oidal chromosomes of which they are composed. No special effort was made to determine the number of these. It seems probable that Nachtsheim is right in estimating the number as thirty-two. There are certainly more than sixteen. The centro- somes,* densely staining minute spherical bodies, are readily seen. at all stages. In figure 8A they have taken positions at opposite sides of the nucleus preparatory to division. Soon after this the nuclear membrane breaks down, usually disappearing first at the *Nachtsheim, following Boveri, prefers to call these the centrioles, and the surrounding zone the centrosome. The latter the writer regards as the attraction-sphere. Bo THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Fic. 9. Tangential section through cone of cleavage cells, Stage II-III, showing arrangement of cells and their relation to one another, x 534. points opposite the centrosomes, when the astral rays may fre- quently be seen attached to the chromosomes and traversing the nucleus. These fibres are plainly evident in preparations fixed in Petrunkewitsch’s fluid, but less so in those fixed in picro- formol, as were those from which the series of drawings were made. In figure 8B an attraction-sphere surrounds each centro- some. Figures 8C and D show the metaphases of division. One of the centrosomes is seen to have divided, and this division be- comes even more evident in the anaphases and telophases (Figs. SE and F). Nachtsheim describes a division of the centrosomes at both poles, which would naturally be expected, but the numer- ous preparations studied by the writer for some reason showed 2 division at only one pole. During the anaphases (Fig. 8E) the centrosomes increase in size and the nuclei frequently have a bi- lobed appearance. This division of the nuclei into two lobes is not uncommon in the early stages of development of other ani- mal forms, as for example Cyclops (Riickert 1895) and Crepi- dula (Conklin 1897). One of the two lobes in such cases is supposed to represent the maternal half of the nucleus, the other THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 23 the paternal, corresponding to the two pronuclei which unite to form the first cleavage nucleus. A prominent and deeply stained mid-body is frequently ob- servable between newly divided daughter nuclei (Fig. 8F). A peculiarity of mitosis, confined to the cleavage cells, at once evident in glancing over the series represented in figs. 8A-H, is the small size of the spindle as compared with that of the resting nucleus. This disparity ceases to appear after the cells have attained the cortical layer and commenced to form blastoderm. Multipolar spindles, as described by Lecaillon (18972) were not observed during cleavage, but in certain preparations, irregu- lar mitotic figures were visible of the type represented by figure 8G. These are so rare, however, that it would not be permissible to conclude that they are normal phenomena. In a number of insect eggs,’ it has been observed that the division. of the cleavage cells take place in a definite direction, that is, at right angles to the egg’s surface. Examination of sections of the bee’s egg during Stages I and III, shows in di- viding cells mitotic spindles turned in various directions and apparently not conforming to any rule, except when the cells are approaching the periphery of the egg. In this case the spindles are more frequently parallel to the surface, indicating that the resulting division plane will be normal to the surface. Never- theless, a consideration of the relation of the cleavage cells to one another will make it evident that the majority of the di- visions must be in effect at right angles to the egg’s surface, since the cleavage cells—with the exception of those few destined to form yolk cells,—are arranged in a single layer, and this for- mation is maintained throughout the period of cleavage. The products of every division—with the exception just noted—must therefore eventually come to lie in this layer, so that whatever the directions of the mitotic spindle may be, the plane ultimately separating the daughter cells will be normal to the egg’s surface. In figures 5, 6, and 7B there is observable a marked contrast be- tween the structure of the egg within the zone of cleavage cells and that outside of it. This difference concerns the protoplasmic meshwork. On the outside of the zone it is evident that the *E.g., Aphis, Musca, Blochmann (1887); Blatta, Wheeler (1889) ; Forficula, Heymons (1895) ; Clytra, Lecaillon (1897a). 24 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE strands composing the network present the same appearance as in the unsegmented egg; within the zone they are scarcely visible. On examination of the interior region with high powers it is seen that the network has now all but disappeared, of it there remains only a cobweb-like remnant, with tiny polyhedral thick- enings marking the nodes (Fig. 10). Since the network periphe- ' a mex o A L a mi @ Fic. 10, Protoplasmic reticulum from center of egg, Stage II, showing diminution of reticulum subsequent to the peripherad migration of cleav- age cells, x I107. rad of the zone of cells is not altered, it is evident that what was lost from the interior of the egg has been drawn into the cleavage cells. This process of absorption continues as the cells advance until they reach the cortical layer, when the condition formerly seen only within the line of cleavage cells now prevails: throughout the entire egg, except in the immediate neighborhood of the yolk cells. By far the greater portion of the protoplasm originally present in the ovum is drawn to its surface to furnish material for the building up of the future embryo. A similar process of absorption of protoplasm by the cleavage cells doubt- less exists in most insect eggs, but is much more strikingly evi- dent in certain of the Hymenoptera than elsewhere. Carriere and Birger have described and figured it for both Chalicodoma and Anthophora; in both of these forms it is identical with that seen in the honey bee. Grassi and Dickel have also represented THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 25 in their figures the lack of protoplasm within the line of cleav- age cells, without specifically mentioning it in the text. Omitting an extended review of the results of other investi- gators who have dealt with this stage of insect development? it may be said that speaking broadly, the cleavage process in the bee is fairly typical for the higher insects, and offers but few peculiarities worthy of extended comment. Such differences as exist relate principally to details. Taking up some of these, it may be mentioned first, that while the formation by the cleavage cells of a hollow one-layered figure is common to most of the higher insects, yet this figure in most cases conforms more closely to the outline of the egg than in the case of the bee. This is illustrated by the Coleoptera (Hydrophilus, Clytra), Diptera (Musca), Lepidoptera (Zygaena) and some Hymenoptera (Lasius, Polistes). Second, that part on the egg’s surface first reached by the cleavage cells may be located near the middle of the egg, or near one of the two poles. be FUE 0 8D ogn a op AX. oo 2S x Ww nw tet ie PB) og hc es asa 8&4 Goa ~S 3 Vo Sa rt tere 2 Due > no = = MA og OND Msc. PSE Sy SS y Oey ge ae 6 w 3 & Bosses EEsS.o Te a | Pe ee age a ee a ae 42 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE stricted base. There is however, this difference: that in Hydro- philus the blastoderm cells maintain continuously their connec- tion with the inner cortical layer, and are never separated from it by a basement membrane. In Musca, however, in certain parts of the egg, the inner cortical layer is separated from the blasto- derm cells by a layer of yolk granules. By the inward (centrad) extension of the blastoderm cells, this layer of yolk, as well as the inner cortical layer, is taken up into the bases of the cells. This process seems to take place much more slowly and at a later period than in Hydrophilus. In this respect, as well as in the separation of the inner cortical layer from the blastoderm cells, Musca may be said to approach the honey bee more closely than Hydrophilus. Another feature of interest is the long duration of the blasto- dermal period—16 to 18 hours, approximately, or nearly one quarter of the total length of time required for complete de- velopment in the egg. In Hydrophilus (Heider 1889), the only insect concerning which full and accurate data are given of the duration of each stage, the period required for the formation and completion of the blastoderm (from the close of cleavage to the first appearance of the lateral plates) is about 27 hours. The total time required for development in the egg is 11 days, or 274 hours. The blastodermal period then occupies a trifle more than one-tenth of the entire time, as compared with one-fourth in the honey bee. This comparison, however, is perhaps a little unfair, since the larva of Hydrophilus at hatching is fitted for an active existence and probably therefore more highly differ- entiated than the larva of the bee at a corresponding stage; nevertheless, the comparison is a striking one. The significance of the long sojourn of the bee’s egg in the blastodermal period can only be guessed at; its importance can only be estimated by its duration. Compared with the changes cccurring within the egg in any other equal space of time the morphological changes during this period are insignificant. This leads naturally to the surmise that the nature of the changes undergone by the egg at this time may be principally physiologi- cal, and therefore not made evident by the ordinary methods of the embryologist. | V THe GERM LAYERS 1. Formation of the mesoderm At the time when the germ layers begin to be formed, (32-34 hours) the blastoderm presents three more or less distinct di- visions: (1) a median dorsal strip, (2) the blastoderm of the ventral and lateral surfaces, (3) two bands, one on each side of the dorsal strip (1), between the latter and (2). The median dorsal strip (Fig. 18A, DS) extends to the caudal pole, from a point slightly ventral of the cephalic pole. It is widest near the cephalic pole, attaining here a width of about one-third of the circumference of the egg in this region, caudad of this point it narrows gradually and over the remaining distance continues quite narrow (Fig. 18B). It is composed of a relatively small number of extremely thin and flat cells, and also differs from the remainder of the blastoderm in its close relation to the protoplasm surrounding and permeating the yolk. As may be readily determined in most preparations the yolk is enclosed in a pellicle of protoplasm, derived from the inner cortical layer, forming a part of the interstitial protoplasmic meshwork and continuous with it. This pellicle is commonly separated from the basement membrane of the blastoderm by a narrow space. This relation, however, ceases at the lateral edges of the dorsal strip, since here the protoplasmic pellicle unites and becomes continu- ous with the lateral edges of the cells composing the strip. This connection becomes especially evident during the formation of the germ layers and the amnion. As a result of the disappear- ance of the pellicle under the dorsal strip the latter supplies the place of the pellicle and thus comes into close relation with the yolk and the meshwork of protoplasm within it. The fate of the dorsal strip will be dealt with later, but it may be said in advance that it takes part neither in the formation of the embryo nor its covering (amnion), and is therefore strictly non-embryonic. 43 44 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE The blastoderm covering the ventral and lateral faces of the egg, as already described (p. 40), is a thick single layered epi- thelium composed of slender prismatic cells. Its average thick- ness is greatest in the anterior region of the egg and decreases slightly and gradually toward the caudal pole. This division, composing the major portion of the blastoderm, is the distinctly embryonic portion, since it alone contributes directly to the for- mation of the embryo. On each side of the dorsal strip is a band comprising some four to six longitudinal rows of cells whose central ends are very clear and transparent (Fig. 19, Adm). Those cells next to the MP (Meso) Fic. 19. Transverse section through the anterior region of an egg, Stage IV, showing dorsal strip of blastoderm (DS), amnion forming cells (Am), middle plate (MP) and lateral plates (LP), x 243. dorsal strip are triangular in outline when seen in transverse sec- tion, and in contact with the dorsal strip at one corner; all the cells of this strip are less slender than the cells of the embryonic blastoderm (2), many of them approaching the cubical form. Those lying nearest the embryonic blastoderm intergrade with the cells of the latter, so that the lateral limits of this division of the blastoderm cannot be determined with precision until the formation of the germ layers is well under way. These two ; THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 45 bands, which will later form the amnion together with the strictly embryonic division, may be conveniently considered as together constituting the ventral plate. Later, when the amnion begins to be more clearly differentiated, the embryonic portion of the ventral plate, which now constitutes the embryonic rudi- ment, is commonly known as the germ band. This stage is introduced by the appearance, on the ventral surface of the blastoderm, of two narrow longitudinal ridges, sharply defined on their inner margins, less so on the outer. As seen in surface view, they appear as shown in figure IV, where they have the appearance of gently curved and slightly irregular dark lines with their convex sides facing one another, like re- versed parentheses, )(, and separated from each other at the point of closest approximation by a distance of about one-eighth of the total circumference of the egg at this point: The distance between their anterior ends and the cephalic pole of the egg, is about equivalent to the egg’s diameter here; their length when first visible from the exterior is, as shown in the figure, about one-fourth of the total length of the egg. As development pro- ceeds these ridges extend rapidly caudad, diverging slightly at first and then pursuing a course nearly parallel to one another as far as the caudal pole of the egg, embracing between them a strip of blastoderm whose average width is almost one-sixth of the circumference of the egg at any given point (Fig. V). This strip is the middle plate, and constitutes the future mesoderm, while the embryonic blastoderm laterad of it on each side forms the lateral plates, whose mesial edges are the Jateral folds. Simultaneous with the caudad extension of the lateral folds (Stages IV-V) is a movement of their anterior portions toward the mid-line. This movement begins first at about that point where the folds originally approached one another most closely, that is, about one-fourth of the length of the egg from its cep- halic pole. The anterior ends of the folds meanwhile remain stationary. The outline of the folds in consequence of their movement toward one another near their anterior ends, forms a figure more or less resembling an elongated flask (Fig. V). In the corresponding stages of Hydrophilus (Kowalevski, 1871), and Chalicodoma (Carriere and Birger, 1897), the resemblance between the outline of the folds and that of a flask also occurs 46 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE and is much closer. The lateral folds continue to approach one another until they meet, their first point of juncture being natur- ally that of most rapid movement, a short distance caudad of their anterior ends, which up to this time remain nearly station- ary. The process of meeting and fusion now progresses both forward and backward from the first point of juncture, the anterior portions of the lateral plates being very quickly united, while the posterior come together rather slowly. Figures V and VI illustrate two stages in the completion of the process of clos- ing; in the former figure a narrow cleft extending nearly one- half of the length of the germ band separates the lateral plates; in the latter figure this cleft is insignificant. With the final clos- ure of this cleft the formation of the germ layers may be con- sidered complete. Examination of sections of the stages described shows that the process just described consists essentially in the depression of a median area of the ventral plate—the middle plate,—and its overgrowth by the lateral portions of the ventral plate—the Jat- eral plates;—which have broken away from its edges along the line indicated by the lateral folds at the time of their first ap- pearance. In respect to the manner of formation of the meso- derm the observations recorded above are in complete agreement with those of Kowalevski (1871) and Grassi (1884). As al- ready mentioned (p. 40) the beginning of the process of meso- derm formation (“gastrulation,” so-called) is indicated in figure 18B. In this figure a median section of the ventral blastoderm is seen to be in process of separation from the lateral portions by the mere displacement of the cells on each side of the bound- ary line. That is, the cells forming the margin of the nascent middle plate appear to be sliding inward over those forming the edges of the future lateral places. This stage is the earliest ob- served. Figure 19 represents a transverse section through the anterior end of an egg at Stage IV. Here the middle plate has become still more depressed, while the edge of the lateral plate on the left side of the figure has already overlapped the cor- rsponding edge of the lateral plate; on the right side of the figure the relation between the middle and lateral plates is much the same as in figure 18B. In sections like that represented by figure 19 it is evident that the middle plate has been actually de- SQ LS See 2 ee om —— Sr Se THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE ini pressed, especially at its lateral margins, as the corresponding deformation of the yolk shows, while the lateral plates are not perceptibly lifted up from the yolk. Figures 20, A and B, il- lustrate the stage next following. Figure 20A is a cross section through the egg near the point when the lateral folds are closest together; figure 20B is near their posterior ends. The middle plate has at this stage changed somewhat in structure in its anterior portions. The marginal cells, formerly like the remain- der of the ventral blastoderm, slender and prismatic, with their long axes directed radially, have turned laterad under the lateral plates, becoming irregularly polyhedral in form. Corresponding with this change the middle plate becomes much broader and thinner, especially at its edges. Figure 20B illustrates the for- mation of the middle plate in the posterior half of the egg. It is evident at a glance that the process is identical with that in the more anterior regions of the egg. There is, however, this difference: that before the middle plate shows any signs of separation from the lateral plates it is distinguishable by being thinner than the lateral portions of the blastoderm, and its cells are correspondingly shortened and widened. This is evident in figure 20B. It is also evident that the initial width of the middle plate is greater in the posterior than in the anterior regions of the egg. This is probably correlated with the thinning of the incipient ventral plate which brings about a corresponding ex- tension of its surface. The final stages in the formation of the mesoderm are shown in figure 21, which is a transverse section through the middle of an egg a trifle younger than Stage VI, showing the lateral folds about to unite in the mid-line, the middle plate being now vir- tually completely covered. Its width is—at this point—fully equivalent to one quarter of the circumference of the egg; near the ventral mid-line its thickness is approximately that of the overlying lateral plates (ectoderm), it thins out rapidly to one- half of this thickness at the lateral margins. Here it is composed of but one cell layer; near the ventral mid-line it can be distinctly seen to be made up of two layers. This arrangement of the - mesoderm cells into two layers is more evident in sagittal sec- tions passing somewhat laterad of the median plane (Fig. 23B). It is also more evident in the posterior than in the anterior half (Meso) Fic. 20. Tranverse sections through egg, Stage V. A, near anterior, B, near posterior end. The middle place (MP), lateral plates (LP), amnion-forming cells (Am) and dorsal strip are shown, x 243. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 49 of the mesoderm. In the rearrangement of the cells which are to form the mesoderm, cell division plays an important part, since cells in division are very abundant in the middle plate dur- ing Stages V and VI. In the formation of the mesoderm Apis differs somewhat from (Meso) Fic. 21. Transverse section through egg. Stage V-VI, near anterior end, showing the middle plate (MP) virtually covered by the lateral plates (LP), x 243. most of the insects studied. Following Korschelt and Heider’s classification (1891-3) the different modes of formation of the mesoderm in pterygote insects may be distinguished as follows: 1. The formation of a tube by invagination of a median strip of the ventral blastoderm. This tube, constituting the mesoderm, may be thick-walled and round in section and consequently pos- sessing only a narrow lumen, as in many Coleoptera, or thin- walled and compressed in a dorso-ventral direction, as in Chali- codoma (Carriére 1890). This type is probably the commonest and best known of the three. It is found in representatives of widely separated orders, for example: Hydrophilus (Kowalev- 50 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE ski 1871) Musca (Kowalevsky 1886), Pyrrhocoris (Graber 1888a), Chalicodoma® (Carriére 1890). 2. The middle plate remains nearly flat and is overgrown by the edges of the lateral plates, which become free. This type is relatively uncommon but is also found in representatives of widely separated orders, as in Apis, Sphinx (Kowalevski 1871), Pieris (Bobretsky 1878), Gasteroidea (Gasterophysa) (Lecail- lon, 1897),° and, in a slightly modified form in Forficula (Hey- mons 1895). | : 3. The mesoderm arises by proliferation and immigration from a median area of the ventral blastoderm. A median groove is often also present. This type approaches the conditions obtain- ing in the Apterygota (Heymons 1897, Uzel 1898) and appears to be especially characteristic of the Orthoptera, being found, for example in Gryllotalpa (Korotneff 1885), Phyllodromia (Cholodkowsky 1891b), Gryllus, Periplaneta (Heymons 1895). It is accordingly evident that Apis, in the manner in which it forms the mesoderm, while agreeing with representatives of remotely allied groups, differs from its near relative Chalicodoima. Very little systematic importance can therefore be accorded to these differences. Carriére and Biirger, however, took the op- posite view and on the basis of their observations in Chalicodoma, declared their belief that the observations of Kowalevski and Grassi in regard to the formation of the mesoderm were in- correct on account of imperfect technique, and that a reinvesti- gation of Apis with modern methods would show that the meso- derm was formed in the same manner as in Chalicodoma. It is now sufficiently evident that this assumption was unfounded, at least so far as the eggs destined to form workers or queens are *Carriére (1890, 1897) regards as the middle plate only the inner layer of the two layers of cells which form the mesoderm, the outer layer being considered as formed by the infolding of the mesial portions of the lateral plates. Comparison with the corresponding stages of other insects in which the mesoderm is found by a median invagination, as Hydrophilus for example, indicates that this distinction is hardly justified, and that in all cases the term middle plate may properly be considered as including all of the infolded median portion of the ventral plate, and therefore all of the material for the mesoderm. * According to Hirschler (1909a) the mesoderm in Gasteroidea is formed by infolding, as in Hydrophilus. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 51 concerned. Petrunkewitsch (1902) has published a figure il- lustrating a transverse section through a drone egg during the stage of mesoderm formation in which is shown a distinct roll- ing up of the edges of the middle plate while still attached to the lateral plates. This condition tends to approach the type found in Chalicodoma, and if it normally exists in the drone could be readily interpreted as intermediate, connecting types 1 and 2, as illustrated by Chalicodoma and Apis respectively. Fic. 22. Longitudinal (sagittal) sections through the anterior region of the germ band, Stage V, showing segmentation. A is a section along the mid-line, and includes only the middle plate; B is lateral of the mid-line. The mesoderm is here now divided into two layers, x 387. 52 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE The writer has so far not studied the drone egg, and can there- fore not make any statements in regard to it; a rolling up of the edges of the middle plate was however not observed in any of the preparations of the worker eggs. Coincident with the process of mesoderm formation is another phenomenon, that of segmentation or metamerism. ‘This is ob- servable as early as Stage V, and on surface view is evident in the form of alternating transverse light and dark bands or zones extending across the ventral plate and appearing first in its anterior region just behind the anterior mesenteron rudiment. Three of these bands are to be seen in figure V. They make their appearance in rapid succession from in front backwards until at Stage VII they have reached the posterior region of the egg, when at least fourteen of them can be counted. A glance at the next stage, VIII, when the rudiments of the ap- pendages and stigmata make their appearance, suffices to show that the darker zones undoubtedly correspond to the definitive segments of the embryo. Longitudinal sections of Stage VI show that the alternating darker and lighter zones are only the optical expression of alternating thinner and thicker zones in both the middle and lateral plates; in other words the segmen- tation affects both the future mesoderm and ectoderm (Figs. 22A and B, and 23A and B). The segmentation of the middle plate is at best rather ill defined, and most marked in the mid-line of those portions about to be covered by the lateral plates (Fig. 22A). The latter show a segmentation corresponding to that of the middle plate and ex- pressed in the same manner, namely by a wavy contour of their inner boundaries when seen in longitudinal section (Fig. 22B). In figure V, where three dark zones are faintly visible at the anterior end of the middle plate, the free edges of the lateral plates at their anterior ends are lobed or scalloped in such a way as to suggest segmentation, the lobes of the two opposite sides corresponding to one another and also to the dark zones of the middle part. The same is true of the lateral plates near their posterior ends at the following Stage, VI. Segmentation (metamerism) thus appears simultaneously in the lateral plates before their union, in the flask stage, and is accompanied by a corresponding segmentation of the middle plate. It begins first - THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 53 .MP LP — 2 ARB eee Fic. 23. Longitudinal (saggittal) sections, through the anterior region of the germ band, Stage VI, showing segmentation. A is a section along the mid-line, B is laterad of the mid-line. The mesoderm is here now divided into two layers, x 387. at the anterior end of the germ band and progresses backward, following the rule for arthropods in general. Figure 22A il- lustrates a median sagittal section of Stage V through that por- tion of the middle plate lying just behind the anterior mesenteron rudiment. Four segments are very plainly visible, much more so than is usual. Figure 22B is taken from the same series and passes laterad of the median plane through one of the lateral plates. It shows very distinctly the segmentation of the future ectoderm, four segments being also represented. The segments are not however always sharply marked off from one another in either the lateral or median plates and are frequently somewhat irregular. After the middle plate becomes overlaid by ectoderm its lateral 54 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE regions display a sort of secondary segmentation induced by that of the ectoderm. The mesoderm is here of nearly uniform thickness, in the later stage (V1) double-layered (Fig. 23B), and thrown into a series of low transverse folds by the segmental swellings of the overlying ectoderm. Near the mid-ventral line the segmental swellings of the mesoderm are intact although in- conspicuous, but instead of corresponding with those of the ecto- derm they fit into the intersegmental depressions. In general it may be'said that up to Stage VIII the segments are not uniformly well defined, and their boundaries not sharp, especially at the two ends of the germ band, so that certain identification of individual segments is difficult if not impossible. Those segments chosen for illustration were unusually well de- fined. All that can be safely affirmed is the presence of seg- mentation at this stage. Biitschli (1870) observed and correctly interpreted these early evidences of segmentation, although neither Kowalevski nor Grassi appear to have noticed them. Bittschli’s account is of sufficient interest to quote, and is as follows: “In addition to these primary rudiments of the germinal ridges there are also found the first indication of the segments. I had long overlooked this precocious process, until I investigated the finer structure of the germ band with a high magnification. In contrast to earlier stages this shows no longer the regular cellular structure, but transverse bands, in which the cells are pressed closely together, alternating with the others which are elongated and with their long axis placed in a transverse plane. On closer examination one notices that this condition on the surface harmonizes with the image seen in optical section, which shows swellings alter- nately with thinner portions, where it is one layered, as well as where it is many layered. Frequently in the contracted portion between two swellings there appears a dark transverse line, which seems to indicate a cleft through the entire thickness of the germ band. The bands described, composed of closely packed cells, form the median portions of the segments, the somewhat larger, more elongated cells lie in the boundary between two _ neighboring segments. By raising and lowering the microscope tube, I have often persuaded myself that the first bands lie at a higher level than the part lying between them so that ac- THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 55 cordingly the external surface of the germ band must also dis- play evidences of segmentation in the form of a faintly wavy contour” (p. 530). It is not clear whether the difference just mentioned between the superficial aspect of the intersegmental and intrasegmental cells of the germ band applies to the ventral or lateral plates. Both were examined in the most favorable preparations, but no differences could be noted. In longitudinal sections of the ven- tral plate, however, such as that represented by figure 22A, a considerable difference between the form of intersegmental and intrasegmental cells is noticeable, the latter being much nar- rower at their outer ends than the former. Both Kowalevski (1871) and Heider (1889) described a precocious segmentation in the egg of Hydrophilus, the latter investigator finding it expressed in the form of transverse folds which appear even before the middle glate is found. Both Kowalveski and Heider interpreted these as corresponding with the future definitive segments. Carriére (1890) found that the egg of the mason bee (Chalicodoma) also showed a precocious segmentation essentially the same as that just described for the honey bee. At the “flask” stage, or even earlier, segmentation makes its appearance on the ventral plate, in surface views of the egg, as dark transverse bands, alternating with lighter ones, accompanied by a corresponding lobing of the lateral folds. The anterior segments appear first, afterward those lying caudad, in rapid succession. According to Birger’s statement (1897) seg- mentation appears first in the lateral plates, and only later in the middle plate. The individual segments become very sharply marked out, much more so than in the honey bee. Since the first rudiments of the embryo (antennae, mouth parts, etc.) appear very early in Chalicodoma—as early as the “flask’”’ stage,— and therefore long before the completion of the union of the lateral folds, the early identification of the individual segments is made possible. In both Chalicodoma and Apis it is important to note that the segments appearing thus precociously are the definitive segments of the insect (the so-called microsomites) and that there is no previous separation of the germ band into the larger divisions seen first by Ayers (1884) in Oecanthus, afterwards by Graber (1888) in the representatives of several 56 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE orders, and termed by him “macrosomites,” on the occurrence of which Graber has attempted to construct an elaborate theory of segmentation applicable to the entire arthropod phylum. 2. Formation of the rudiments of the mid-intestine.’® The mesenteron or mid-intestine in the honey bee is derived from two rudiments, arising at the anterior and posterior ends of the germ band respectively. The anterior mesenteron rudi- ment, owing to its position, is much more readily observed and studied than the posterior mesenteron rudiment, and therefore will be described first. It will be remembered that the lateral folds end abruptly toward the cephalic pole, leaving vacant an area of the ventral plate about as long as the egg’s diameter at this point, corre- sponding to the anterior field of Chalicodoma (Carriére and Birger 1897). At a stage a trifle older than Stage IV, on surface view there may be observed a darker area along the mid-line in this field. This darker area, narrow and rather vaguely outlined at first, rapidly increases in size, density and definiteness until at Stage VI it presents the appearance shown in the figure (VI, AMR). Cf. also Figs. 24A and B). Its out- line is that of a short ellipse, with its longer axis directed length- wise of the egg; in stained preparations it is deeply stained and very conspicuous. Its width approximates that of the anterior end of the middle plate, with which, at this time, it has come into contact. This is the anterior mesenteron rudiment. Fig- ures 25A to D represent transverse sections through the middle of this rudiment at four successive stages of its development. The first of the series, A, is taken from Stage IV, just before the anterior mesenteron rudiment becomes visible from the ex- terior, and at its earliest recognizable stage. In the mid-line, over an area whose breadth is about one-eighth of the circumfer- ence of the egg at this point the blastoderm cells, hitherto long ” These have been very widely identified by embryologists as entoderm, and accordingly termed such. Since however there is some doubt as to the correctness of the homology of these rudiments with the entoderm in other classes of animals it has seemed preferable to avoid the use of the term “entoderm” in connection with the development of pterygote insects and, for the present at least, to simply use the term “mesenteron rudi- ments.” See discussion at end of this section. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 57 at teats ering, ? my a0, . ots Pd * ace -. AMR Fic. 24. Transverse sections through the anterior ends of two eggs of Stage IV, intersecting the anterior mesenteron rudiment (AMR), illus- trating the movement of the lateral blastoderm toward the mid-line during the growth of this rudiment. The development of the amnion in this region is also shown. In A the anterior mesenteron rudiment is barely visible, in B, a slightly older stage, it forms an evident swelling, x 243. 58 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Fic. 25. Transverse sections through the anterior mesenteron rudiments of four eggs, showing four stages in the development of the rudiment. A is from an egg of Stage IV, B and C are from eggs of Stage IV-V, C is from an egg of Stage V-VI, x 290. prismatic in form, are now seen to be broader, more irregular in form, and loosely arranged. Comparison of sections of a series through the anterior end of an egg at this stage shows that the area involved in the production of the anterior mesenteron rudi- ment has the form of a narrow triangle lying in the mid-line; a a ee ee ‘ Sr a Pe eS ae. _— eee FR i a erect i ~ ee Retype eS ee THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 59 its apex is near the anterior limits of the ventral plate, while its base joins the anterior end of the middle plate. In the next figure, 25B, taken from an egg intermediate be- tween Stages IV and V the mesenteron cells are seen to have increased greatly in number, now forming collectively a low rounded swelling on the inner side of the blastoderm in the mid-line. It is at this stage that the anterior mesenteron rudi- ment first becomes visible from the exterior. The arrangement of the component cells is still loose, numerous interstices re- maining between them. In form the cells are, generally speak- ing, ovoid or rounded, although somewhat irregular. On one side of the nucleus a vacuole is frequently to be seen, as in the adjacent blastoderm cells, which they closely resemble in all respects except that of form. As the cells of the anterior mesenteron rudiment continue to increase rapidly in number (Fig. 25C), the rudiment increases correspondingly in thickness and breadth, so that it spreads out laterally. At the same time, its cells become compactly arranged and polyhedral in form, due to mutual pressure doubtless caused by the necessary dis- placement of the underlying yolk. Figure 26A represents a longitudinal section through the anterior mesenteron rudiment at about this period (Stage IV-V). The rudiment extends cep- halad to within three or four cells of the anterior end of the ventral plate, where it ends abruptly, its cephalic face perpen- dicular to the surface of the blastoderm, leaving in front of the rudiment a cavity bounded on its inner side by the yolk, on its outer by the amnion (Am) and by the short stretch of unmodi- fied blastoderm cephalad of the mesenteron rudiment. Caudad the latter diminishes gradually in thickness to join the middle plate (MP). Figure 25D shows the rudiment after the lateral folds have commenced to unite (Stage V-VI) being drawn from the same preparation as figure 21. The anterior mesenteron rudiment has now increased considerably in the number of its cells and in its lateral extent, coming into close contact with the inner sur- face of the lateral blastoderm on both sides of the mid-line. In addition to its increase in size another change is becoming evi- dent, which has the appearance of an encroachment of the lateral unmodified blastoderm (ectoderm) on the external layers 60 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Fic. 26. Median sagittal sections through the anterior mesenteron rudi- ments of two eggs, illustrating the development of the rudiment and its relations to the adjacent ectoderm (Ect) and mesoderm (Meso). The formation of the amnion (Am) in this region is also shown. A is from an ege of Stage IV-V, B from an egg of Stage VI, x 290. of the anterior mesenteron rudiment, thereby gradually restrict- ing its superficial area, and leading finally to the complete cover- ing of its external surface by ectoderm, with the exception of a circular area near its posterior border (Fig. 26B). The precise nature of this process is uncertain. Carriére (1890, 1897) has stated that in the mason bee it consists in a centripetal differen- tiation of the superficial cells of the rudiment into prismatic ectoderm cells, but in the honey bee there are certain concomit- ant phenomena not evident in the mason bee, which make it seem possible that the covering of the anterior mesenteron rudi- ment is brought about by a simultaneous mesiad movement of the two halves of the ventral plate separated by the rudiment. This covering by the ectoderm is completed first at the anterior THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 61 narrow end of the superficial part of the rudiment; it then progresses rapidly both caudad and mesiad at the same time. This process occupies the interval between Stages V and. VII. It is important to note that the mesiad progress of the lateral ectoderm over the anterior mesenteron rudiment and the ap- proximation of the anterior ends of the lateral plates over the middle plate takes place at the same time and goes on at about the same rate. The nuclei of the mesenteron cells, spherical in form from the inception of the rudiment, now begins to be more clearly distin- guishable from those of the surrounding tissues, being dis- tinguished not only by their circular outline but also by their somewhat greater size and paleness. These differences serve as useful means of identification during the succeeding stages of embryonic development. The form and relations of the anterior mesenteron rudiment to the adjacent parts at Stage VI when the ectoderm is completely formed over the anterior half of the germ band is shown in figure 26B, which represents a median longitudinal section through the anterior end of the germ band. The anterior mes- enteron rudiment is here seen to be thick lenticular in form, its anterior edge projecting out from beneath the anterior margin of the overlying ectoderm. Betweeen the latter and the ecto- derm (Ect) which overlies the mesoderm (Meso) is a rather wide gap representing a rounded break in the continuity of the ectodermal covering of the germ band. This marks the place of origin of the future mouth. Through this gap or orifice, cells of the posterior edge of the anterior mesenteron rudiment are seen to come to the external surface, filling the space with a plug of cells. A similar relation between the anterior mesenteron rudi- ment and the overlying ectoderm occurs in Chalicodoma (Car- riere and Birger 1897, and between both mesenteron rudiments and ectoderm in Gasteroidea (Hirschler 1909a). This plug however is not composed exclusively of the cells of the anterior mesenteron rudiment, since a few mesoderm cells, distinguished by their smaller nuclei, are seen in its posterior portions. Pos- teriorly the anterior mesenteron rudiment is very closely united with the anterior end of the mesoderm, no sharp line of separa- 62 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE tion being visible, the only distinguishing character being the differing size of the nuclei. The source and manner of origin of the anterior mesenteron rudiment remain to be considered. The possibility of its deriva- tion from yolk cells is excluded by the simple fact that yolk cells are never present in this region in sufficient numbers to form such a structure, moreover, the close relation of the rudi- ment with the blastoderm and the similarity of its cells to the cells of the blastoderm make the assumption of any other source than the blastoderm impossible. Carriére (1890) and Carriére and Burger (1897) state that the mesenteron rudiments in the mason bee arise from the blasto- derm by proliferation. In the honey bee however during the earlier stages, comprising the period of its most rapid growth, when the greater portion of its mass is formed, cell divisions are virtually absent in that part of the ventral plate from which the mesenteron rudiment arises. This is particularly significant, when it is considered that this period is very brief, extending from Stages IV to V. Since, therefore, the anterior mesoderm rudiment does not arise by proliferation it must be assumed that it arises by immigration. This is strongly suggested by the ap- pearance seen in sections like that represented in figure 25B. At this stage the cells bordering the anterior mesenteron rudiment laterally are plainly seen to intergrade with those of the blasto- derm. This is also true of the section represented in figure 25C, but is perhaps less evident. Two phenomena coincident with the formation of the anterior mesenteron rudiment take on a special significance when con- sidered in association with the facts just mentioned. These are: first, that the appearance of the anterior mesenteron rudiment and the depression of the middle plate are contemporaneous ; second, that the two lateral halves of the ventral plate bounding the mesenteron rudiment appear to move mesiad during the period when the lateral plates are coming together to cover the middle plate, or, to express it in a different way, the lateral halves of the ventral plate bounding the anterior mesenteron rudiment behave toward the latter much as the lateral plates behave toward the middle plate. Figures 24A and B illustrate this point. Figure 24A is drawn from a section through the THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 63 anterior end of an egg at Stage IV; figure 24B is drawn from a section through the same region at a stage about half way be- tween Stages IV and V. The mesiad movement of the two lateral halves of the ventral plate in this region during the inter- vening period becomes at once evident, since the area covered by the dorsal strip and the amnion-forming cells has become greatly extended transversely, accompanied by a flattening of the amnion-forming cells. The possibility that this movement is only an apparent one, and caused by a contraction of the lateral blastoderm is excluded, since the blastoderm cells are not perceptibly lengthened in the section taken at the later stage, as would be the case if an actual contraction had taken place. It appears then, in view of the facts outlined above, that the anterior mesenteron rudiment is derived from the cells of the ventral blastoderm by immigration, and that this rudiment is continuous with, and comparable to, the ventral plate, in so far as both are formed contemporaneously from the. middle section of the ventral plate, accompanied by a mesiad movement of its lateral sections. Moreover, the anterior mesenteron rudiment and the ventral plate are directly continuous with one another, the chief differences between them being that the former arises as a heap of cells not sharply marked off from the remainder of the blastoderm, while the latter arises as a solid flat section of the blastoderm, discontinuous with the lateral blastoderm and separated from it by a sharp break. Cell division, although apparently playing no part in the forma- tion of the anterior mesenteron rudiment during its earlier stages, steps in during the later stages, when mitotic figures are frequently seen, being most abundant in the posterior part of the rudiment. Two mitotic figures are evident in this region in figure 26B. The manner in which the ectoderm finally closes over the an- terior mesenteron rudiment is, as before mentioned (p. 60), ob- scure, and repeated efforts finally to decide this question were without definite result, nevertheless, since it is certain that the lateral blastoderm bounding the anterior mesenteron rudiment moves mesiad during the early stages of the rudiment it seems possible that the final covering of the external surface is brought 64 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE about in this manner, Sections like that represented in figure 25D lend color to this supposition, since here the mesial edges of the lateral blastoderm are marked off from the mesenteron cells with a considerable degree of sharpness. The posterior mesenteron rudiment is much more difficult to study than the anterior rudiment, for two reasons; first, being formed near the posterior pole, in the course of its development the lengthening of the germ band carries the rudiment over the rounded posterior end towards the dorsal side, so that sections normal to the surface of the germ band at this point are seldom obtained, and second, the posterior end of the egg, being the one by which it is attached to the floor of the cell of the comb, is frequently damaged. For the first of these reasons, longitudi- nal sections are more informing and more useful than transverse sections, which are commonly cut at right angles to the long axis of the egg, and therefore only rarely intersect the posterior mesenteron rudiment at right angles to its own long axis. Asa matter of fact, scarcely an satisfactory transverse sections through this rudiment were obtained. The development of the posterior mesenteron rudiment is fundamentally identical with that of the anterior mesenteron rudi- ment, but differs greatly in details. Unlike the anterior mesente- ron rudiment, the posterior mesenteron rudiment is ordinarily not ° evident on preparations of entire eggs, except during the conclud- ing stages of its development, when it appears as a deeply stained discoid mass at or dorsal to the caudal pole. Prior to Stage V the ventral plate extends over the caudal pole to the dorsal sur- face as a single layer of low cells, rather irregular in form, and rounded on their external surface. This layer is frequently in- terrupted by short gaps which leave bare the yolk beneath. At Stage V the first indication of the posterior mesenteron rudiment becomes visible as a slightly thickened area of the blastoderm just cephalad of the caudal pole, on the ventral surface (Fig. 27A, PMR). The cells composing this thickening are now long prismatic in form, instead of low and rounded as before. The posterior portion of the ventral plate has apparently meanwhile contracted, at least in a longitudinal direction, since it now ex- tends only a short distance dorsad to the caudal pole. At the stage following, Stage VI (Fig. 27B), the posterior mesenteron Fic. 27. Median sagittal sections through the posterior ends of three eggs, to illustrate the formation of the posterior mesenteron rudiments _ (PMR). A is from an egg of Stage V, B from an egg of Stage VI, C _ from an egg of Stage VII, x 290. 66 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE rudiment is seen to have increased greatly in thickness. It now forms a discoid mass lying on the ventral surface of the egg, its posterior boundary lying almost precisely at the caudal pole. Its extent is approximately the same as that of the anterior mesenteron rudiment. As the illustration shows the posterior mesenteron rudiment is now composed of long irregularly bent and curved fusiform cells, some of which at least extend through- out the entire thickness of the layer. At the next stage, Stage VII (Fig. 27C), four changes are seen to have taken place. (1) The rudiment, by a lengthening of the germ band, has been shifted around the caudal pole of the egg to the dorsal surface. (2) It is no longer composed of long fusiform cells, but of polyhedral cells precisely like those of the anterior mesenteron rudiment. (3) The ectoderm now covers its anterior half. (4) It has increased greatly in thickness, which approximates one- half its diameter. The question as to the manner in which the posterior mesenteron rudiment becomes covered by ectoderm is even more difficult to answer than in the case of its counterpart at the anterior end. That this covering is brought about by ex- tension of the ectoderm at the expense of the superficial cells of the rudiment is strongly suggested by the section represented in figure 27C. It is certain at least that the extension takes place in an antero-posterior direction with regard to the embryo itself,—and that the ectodermal covering of the rudiment is absolutely continuous with that of the lateral plates, since in one series (that from which Fig. 28 was drawn) the cleft still separating the lateral plates can be followed around the caudal end of the egg to the posterior limit of the ectoderm. Figure 28 represents a transverse section through the posterior end of an embryo of Stage VII, and intersects the posterior mesenteron rudiment about midway of its length. On the ventral side are seen the lateral plates (LP) still separated by a narrow cleft, and lying above them, the middle plate (MP), or mesoderm. The dorsal half of the section is occupied by the massive posterior mesenteron rudiment (PMR), connected on each side with the lateral plates by a thin sheet of cells, the amnion. This figure illustrates an important difference between the anterior and posterior mesenteron rudiments. While the former is produced only by a relatively narrow median strip of blastoderm, the lat- THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 67 Fic. 28. Transverse section through the posterior end of an egg of Stage VII, showing the posterior mesenteron rudiment (PMR), and also the relations of this rudiment and of the lateral plates (LP), middle plate (MP), and amnion (Am), to each other, x 290. ter demands for its production the entire posterior end of the ventral plate, leaving at the sides no undifferentiated blastoderm (ectoderm). In the case of the anterior mesenteron rudiment the ectodermal covering progresses mesiad from the mesial edges of the two halves of the ventral plate bounding the rudiment laterally. In the case of the posterior mesenteron rudiment the ectodermal covering progresses caudad from the posterior limits of the lateral plates, appearing as if they were extended back- ward to cover the posterior mesenteron rudiment. The external surface of the latter is, however, never entirely covered, its posterior end (relative to the embryo) apparently always re- maining uncovered. Moreover the ectodermal covering forms @ continuous and unbroken sheet to its caudal limits. There is no break in its continuity corresponding to the future proctodaeal invagination and comparable to the uncovered area of the an- terior rudiment. This difference is of importance, since it fore- shadows the differing relations of the fore- and the hind-intestine 68 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE to the mid-intestine in the larva, when communication. between the mesenteron (mid-intestine) and hind-intestine is completely cut off. . The source of the posterior mesenteron rudiment is obviously the posterior end of the ventral plate; its mode of origin is much more clear than in the case of its counterpart at the an- terior end. In the earlier stages of the formation of the pos- terior mesenteron rudiment, as in the anterior rudiment, mitotic figures are rare, so that cell division cannot be regarded as an important factor in the earlier stages of its formation. The posterior end of the ventral plate shares in the general de- crease in breadth associated with the formation of the germ layers, moreover, it also contracts in a longitudinal direction. Decrease in the length and breadth of the ventral plate at its posterior end together with a corresponding elongation of its component cells may then be safely set down as the factors first concerned in the formation of the posterior mesenteron rudi- ment. During the later stages (VI-VII) cell division becomes an increasingly important factor in its growth, as in the anterior rudiment. At Stage VII mitotic figures are exceedingly abund- ant, as figures 27C and 28 show. In conclusion then it may be said that both the anterior and the posterior mesenteron rudiments are formed from the blasto- derm of the ventral plate by a movement inward of its cells. In the case of the anterior rudiment the migration takes place by the detachment of cells from a limited area in the mid-line. The rudiment is afterward covered over either by a movement of the lateral halves of the remaining blastoderm toward the mid- line, or by additions to their mesial borders from the superficial cells of the rudiment itself. In the case of the posterior rudi- ment the entire posterior end of the ventral plate is involved, being moulded by changes, first in the form and next in the arrangement of its cells, to form the posterior mesenteron rudi- ment. The ectoderm, which later covers it, is continuous with the posterior ends of the lateral plates, and appears as a caudad extension of them, although it cannot be stated with certainty whether they are formed by an actual caudad extension or by the addition of new material from the external surface of the rudiment. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 69 It cannot fail to be noticed that there is a fundamental simi- larity between the formation of the mesenteron rudiments and of the mesoderm, since all three arise by an inward movement of cells of the ventral plate. Moreover, the latter is continuous cephalad and caudad with the mesenteron rudiments during the period of their formation. The origin of the mesenteron in the honey bee was first dis- cussed by Biitschli (1870). Biitschli believed it to be produced like the blastoderm by the so-called “free cell formation.”* Re- ferring to a stage nearly corresponding to that numbered VIII in this paper he says (pp. 540-541) “the formation of the mid- intestine has already commenced, yet, as I often observed in much more advanced embryos, only on the dorsal side of the yolk ; seen in optical section, it is a single layer of close pressed, yellowish cells. It appears to me that this cell layer takes its origin near the ends of the germ band, since its thickness is here greater than in the middle region. I have not succeeded in observing its beginning, but in regard to it must conclude with Zaddach and Weismann that the mid-intestinal wall develops by free cell formation and not by delamination of an inner cell layer.” It is interesting however to find that Biitschli both noted and figured the anterior mesenteron rudiment, although without recognizing it as such. He says concerning it (p. 529): “In connection with the regression of the germ band at the anterior pole is a thickening found there, concerning the true significance of which I am not sure; seen en face it appears rounded, in profile, it projects inward, yet I believe that the hemispherical swelling represented in figure 10B is not in reality such, but that the lateral extension of the thickening has produced an optical illusion.” The figure referred to corresponds to a stage about midway between Stages V and VI. Kowalevski (1871) believed that the mesenteron in the bee owed its origin to the inner or splanchnic layer of the mesoderm. He was evidently led to this belief by the fact that in sections the “ This consists in the spontaneous formation of nuclei within a proto- plasmic matrix. It is hardly necessary to say that such a process does not exist, every cell arising by division from a preexisting cell. The belief was due to the imperfect technique employed by the investigators. 70 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE mesenteron at later stages is seen lying close beneath the lateral portions of the mesoderm. Grassi (1884) gave an essentially correct account of the origin of the mesenteron in the honey bee, and one which has been generally accepted as such. His observations of the development of the anterior mesenteron rudiment were much more satisfac- tory and complete than those of the posterior rudiment. The substance of his statement in regard to it is as follows: After the formation of the mesoderm (middle-plate) has begun, the median part of that area of the blastoderm anterior to the fur- rows (lateral folds) becomes many layered, with the exception of its anterior margin. Later, beginning at the lateral margin ef the many-layered portion, and perhaps also at its anterior margin, the superficial layer is separated from the deeper layers. This superficial layer is continuous with the one-layered blasto- derm at the anterior pole, and is also continuous caudad with . the ectoderm and is itself ectoderm. The deeper layers are con- tinuous caudad with the mesoderm and are themselves meso- derm. The formation of the posterior mesenteron rudiment was supposed to be similar to that of the anterior rudiment. One entire plate (Pl. VI) containing thirty-six figures of sections is devoted to the development of the mesenteron rudiments. It is to be noted, however, that Grassi makes no statement as to the manner in which these rudiments are produced, and also failed to note the break in the ectoderm covering the anterior mesenteron rudiment, where the mouth is formed later. More- over, his belief that these rudiments are to be interpreted as mesoderm is, in view of subsequent investigation, scarcely justi- fied; nevertheless his account of the origin of the mesenteron rudiment is probably the most important part of Grassi’s paper, and also the one which attracted most attention. Carriere and Buirger’s (1897) account of the formation of the mesenteron rudiments of the mason bee is substantially the same as that of Grassi, differing from it principally in interpretation. According to these investigators the anterior and posterior me- senteron rudiments arise from proliferating areas of the un- differentiated blastoderm at the two ends of the ventral plate, respectively cephalad and caudad to the middle plate and in- dependent of it. These rudiments constitute two large hemi- ~ THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 71 spherical cell masses of which the posterior is the larger, their convex surfaces directed inward. Later the superficial layer of these rudiments is modified to form ectoderm, with the ex- ception of a small area situated over the center of the anterior rudiment, which remains unmodified and actively proliferating, and which is to form the floor of the stomodaeal invagination. This area corresponds to a similar area over the anterior mesenteron rudiment of the honey bee, described above. Car- riére and Burger, in opposition to Grassi, insist strongly on the independence of the mesenteron rudiments from the mesoderm, and consider those parts of the ventral plate from which the mesenteron rudiments take their rise as purely blastodermal. Only one other paper in the social Hymenoptera remains to be mentioned in this connection, that of Dickel (1904) on the honey bee. This is unique in that it seeks the origin of the “entoderm” in a peculiar discoid cell mass appearing at the anterior end of the egg during the earlier stages in the formation of the germ layers, and derived from yolk cells, and therefore turned “‘yolk plug” or “yolk syncitium.” A corresponding “yolk plug’ was assumed by Dickel to exist at the posterior end of the egg. These cell masses are supposed to be later carried inward by invagination and to constitute the anterior and posterior mesen- teron rudiments. In a succeeding section the origin and fate of the “yolk plug” of Dickel will be discussed in detail; it is suffi- cient to state here that it has no connection with the mesenteron rudiments. The invagination figured by Dickel at the anterior end of the egg can readily be construed as an artifact, since such infoldings are very common in eggs of the bee which have not been properly handled and are frequently produced by the os- motic pressure of a clearing agent, such as cedar oil, when incautiously used. The origin of the mesenteron of insects has for the past forty years been the subject of numerous investigations and also a prolific source of discussion, from which the partisan spirit has not been altogether absent. In the history of embryological re- search there is perhaps no problem about which there has been a greater diversity of opinion, and it is a regrettable fact that even at the present day investigators of this subject are still arrayed against one another in opposing camps. This is still more regret- 72 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY’ BEE table since it is a recognized fact that much of this want of agree- ment rests on differences of interpretation. These various obser- vations and interpretations have been frequently discussed, often at great length, in the various textbooks and the papers which have dealt with this phase of insect embryology, so that a pro- longed review of the individual papers appears superfluous, but in order to gain an insight into this perplexing subject another means has suggested itself, which is embodied in the following classified list or table of the different investigators who have dealt with the origin of the mesenteron. It shows (1) the particular view adopted, (2) its adherents in order of the dates of publica- tion of their papers, (3) The genus or genera of insects on which the observations were made. It is realized that such a table fails in many instances to represent the differences as re- gards details, but on the other hand these could not be brought out except in a prolonged discussion, and in any event should be sought in the original paper. It is also realized that this table may not be altogether wanting in inaccuracies and oniis- sions, but a conscientious effort has been made to reduce these | to a minimum by consulting the original papers wherever pos- sible. If this table does nothing more it will serve at least to throw into relief the opposing views and interpretations, and also to illustrate their diversity. (I) Mesenteron derived from yolk cells. Dohrn (1866, 1876). Butschli (1870) Apis. Mayer (1876). Bobretzsky (1878) Pontia (Pieris). Graber (1878). Balfour (1880). Hertwig (1881). Weismann (1882) Rhodites. Tichomiroff (1882) Bombyx. Ayers (1884) Oecanthus, Telias. Patten (1884) Neophalax. Korotneff (1885) Gryllotalpa.” ” Korotnefft believed that only the embryonic mesenteron was formed by yolk cells, the functional or larval mesenteron owing its origin to blood cells. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE sie, Will (1888, 1888a) Aphis. Tichomirowa (1890) Chrysopa.. Tichomiroff (1890) Calandra. (1892) Bombyx and Calandra. Tichomirowa (1892) Pulex. Heymons (1897) Lepisma and Campodea. Claypole (1898) Anurida. Tschuproff (1903) Epitheca and Calopteryx (Median section of mesenteron only.) Dickel (1904) Apis. (II) Mesenteron derived from the lower layer (mesoderm, en- tomesoderm, primary entoderm). 1. Derived solely from anterior and posterior sections. Grassi (1884) Apis. Kowalevsky (1886) Calliphora (Musca). Graber (1889) Lucilia, Calliphora (anterior rudiment only) Lina. Wheeler (1889) Blatta, Leptinotarsa (Doryphora). Ritter (1890) Chironomus. Heider (1888) Hydrophilus. Karawaiew (1893) Pyrrhocoris. Kulagin (1897) Platygaster. Escherisch (1900) Calliphora. Petrunkewitsch (1902) Apis. Schwangart (1904) Endromis, Zygaena. Nusbaum and Fulinski (1909) Gryllotalpa. 2. Derived from anterior and posterior sections and also from a median section. Nusbaum (1886) Periplaneta. Nusbaum and Fulinski (1906) Phyllodromia. Hirschler (1905) Catocala. (1909) Donacia. (1909a) Gasteroidea (Gasterophysa). 3. Derived from anterior and posterior sections of mesoderm and also from splanchnic (inner) layer. Heider (1885) Hydrophilus. Cholodkowsky (1891c) Phyllodromia (Blatta). 4. Derived from splanchnic layer of mesoderm by delamina- tion of two lateral bands. 74. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Kowalevski (1871) Apis, Hydrophilus. Tichomiroff (1879) Bombyx. Cholodkowsky (1888) Phyllodromia (Blatta). Graber (1888a) Stenobothrus, Lina. 5. Derived from splanchnic layer of mesoderm by delamina- tion and also from a median section. Nusbaum 1888) Meloé. 6. Derived from median section of mesoderm only. Hammerschmidt (1910) Dixippus. (III) Mesenteron derived from proliferations of the blind inner ends of the stomodaeal and proctodaeal invaginations. Ganin (1874). Witlaczil (1884) Drepanosiphum (Aphis). Voeltzkow (1888, 1889, 1889a) Calliphora (Musca), Melo- lontha. Graber (1889) Lucilia, Calliphora (posterior rudiment only). Graber (1891) Stenobothrus.'* Graber (1891b) Gryllotalpa, Meloé. Korotneff (1894) Gryllotalpa. Heymons (1894, 1895) Forficula, Gryllus, Gryllotalpa, Peri- planeta, Phyllodromia (Blatta), Ectobia. Heymons (1897a) Bacillus. Lecaillon (1898) Clytra, Gasterophysa, Chrysomela, Lina, Agelastica. Rabito (1898) Mantis. Schwartze (1899) Lasiocampa. Toyama (1902) Bombyx. Pratt (1900) Melophagus. Deegener (1900) Hydrophilus. Tschuproff (1903) Epitheca and Calopteryx (anterior and posterior sections of mesenteron only). Czerski (1904) Meloe. Hirschler (1905) Catocala.** Saling (1907) Tenebrio. * Graber believed that cells were also added to the mesenteron from the splanchnic layer of the mesodern. “* Hirschler believes that in Catocala a median section of the lower layer also contributes cells to the mesenteron. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 75 Friederichs (1906) Donacia. (IV) Mesenteron derived, independent of the mesoderm, from two proliferating areas of the blastoderm, one at each end of the germ band, corresponding to the future location of the stomodaeum and proctodaeum, respectively. Carriere and Burger (1897) Chalicodoma, Tenebrio. Noack (1901) Calliphora. | (V) Mesenteron derived from cells migrating inward from thickenings or islands of the blastoderm. Uzel (1897, 1898) Lepisma, Campodea. The importance accorded by all investigators of insect embry- ology to the question of the origin of the mesenteron is due of course to its relation to the germ layer theory. According to this theory, which is based on a large number of observations on the development of various animals, the material from which the mesenteron is formed should correspond to entoderm and the efforts of practically all investigators of this prob- lem have been bent toward establishing this homology, and to derive the conditions found in the insect egg from the typical gastrula. This has proved to be an exceedingly difficult task. Thirty years ago Weismann (1882) wrote (p. 81): “It be- comes more and more evident, that nowhere in the entire animal kingdom is the ontogeny so distorted and coenogenetically de- generate, as in the insects, so that scarcely anywhere are the germ layers so difficult to recognize as here.” Time has proved the truth of these statements. Prior to 1884 nearly all of the investigators of insect embry- ology were divided into two camps; either they followed Dohrn (1866) in deriving the mesenteron from the cells remaining in the yolk, or followed Kowalevski in deriving the mesenteron from the inner wall (splanchnic layer) of the mesodermic so- mites. Only one exception is to be noted: Ganin (1874) de- scribed the mesenteron as derived from the inner ends of the ectodermal proctodaeal and stomodaeal invaginations. In these three views are contained the germs of all the later theories of the origin of the mesenteron. In 1884 Grassi’s paper on the development of the honey bee appeared, in which the bipolar origin of the mesenteron from the lower layer (mesoderm) was first demonstrated. Kowal- 76 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE evsky in 1886 published a brief paper on the origin of the mesen- teron rudiments in Musca. In this insect the mesenteron rudiments were formed, much as Grassi had described them in Apis, from the anterior and posterior ends of the middle plate (mesoderm). Kowalevsky constructed an ingenious theory to account for the origin of the germ layers in insects, comparing the conditions which he found in the insect embryo with those occurring in a marine invertebrate, Sagitta. He regarded the insect egg, at the time of the formation of the germ layers, as comparable to a gastrula so much stretched out or elongated that the entoderm (mesenteron rudiments) was pulled into two halves. The views of Grassi (see above p. 70) and Kowalevsky were later accepted by Wheeler (1889), Cholodkowsky (1891), and by Heider in Korschelt and Heider’s textbook, and re- cently in a modified form, by Nusbaum and his pupils (II. 2). These results did not however find universal acceptance, since Witlaczil, Voeltzkow and Graber, like Ganin, contended that the mesenteron arose from the blind inner ends of the proctodaeum and stomodaeum. In 1895 Heymons, in his handsome mono- graph on the development of the Orthoptera and Dermaptera, devoted especial attention to the development of the mesenteron, and also found that it was derived from the blind inner ends of the stomodaeal and proctodaeal invaginations. This work has had a wide influence and Heymons’ results have been confirmed by a number of investigators in the Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Orthoptera. Heymons recognized more fully than his predecessors the theoretical difficulty involved in deriving the mesenteron from ectoderm, since identification of the mesenteron of insects with entoderm is thereby precluded. Heymons boldly met the diffi- culty by supposing that the functional mesenteron of pterygote insects is of comparatively recent origin, and that the original entoderm is now represented by the yolk cells, which therefore may be considered as constituting a vestigial or degenerate mesenteron. This view received support by Heymons’ discovery (1897) that in Lepisma, a primitive apterygote insect, the func- tional mesenteron is actually formed from yolk cells and by Madame Tschuproff-Heymons’ discovery (1903) that in the Odonata the mesenteron is formed in part by yolk cells and in THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 77 part by ectoderm derived from the stomodaeal and proctodaeal invaginations, a condition which could readily be interpreted as constituting a transitional stage between Lepisma and the higher pterygote insects. Recently Nusbaum and Fulinski (1906, 1909) have reinvestigated the origin of the mesenteron in two of the forms studied by Heymons, Phyllodromia (Blatta) and Gryllo- talpa, and have obtained a different result, namely that the me- senteron is formed from the two ends and also from the median portion of the lower layer. Similar results were obtained by Hirschler (1906, 1909) in the Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. Hey- mons’ conclusions and interpretations have also been contested. by Escherisch (1900) in his paper on Calliphora (Musca). Car- riére and Biirger’s (1897) observations on the development of the mesenteron rudiments in the mason bee have already been mentioned (p. 71) ; Noack (1901) arrived at similar conclusions in the case of Calliphora (Musca). In contrast to the results of Heymons and all the other investigators of this subject Ham- merschmidt (1910) finds that in the orthopteron Dixippus the mesenteron is formed exclusively from the median section of the lower layer, which in most insects produces the blood cells. The conditions existing in the honey bee, as they have been described in this paper, obviously lend little support to the views of those who regard the mesenteron of insects as arising from the ectoderm of the stomodaeum and proctodaeum (III), since its rudiments are already formed long before the stomodaeal and proctodaeal invaginations appear; much less do they harmonize with the theory of the origin of the mesenteron from yolk cells (1). The relation of the mesenteron rudiments in the honey bee may be interpreted in either of two ways, and the one chosen will probably depend largely on the theoretical bias of the in- terpreter. First, the mesenteron rudiments may be referred to the mesoderm (Il). Several facts can be cited in support of this view, for example: the continuity of the middle plate and the mesenteron rudiments during the earlier stages in their for- mation, and the fundamental similarity in the manner of for- mation of both the mesenteron rudiments and the mesoderm, all being formed by a contemporaneous inward migration of ele- ments of the blastoderm. Second, the mesenteron rudiments may be considered, with Carriére (IV) as purely blastodermal 78 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE in origin, since their manner of formation, although essentially — ‘similar to that of the mesoderm, differs much from it in detail, moreover the cells composing the mesenteron rudiments are from the first distinguishable from those of the mesoderm. A final decision between these two interpretations seems premature. The honey bee is a highly specialized member of a specialized order, and therefore an unsuitable form on which to base generaliza- tions, since its development certainly presents many modifica- tions of the type, moreover generalizations based on the study of one form are always unsafe. It is sufficiently evident that in spite of the numerous papers dealing with the origin of the mesenteron in insect embryos, there is much need of further investigation, particularly of the more generalized types. Superficial study, however, would be worse than useless; the type of investigation demanded is the highest, requiring the delicate and precise methods of the cytol- ogist, the best fixation and staining possible, a complete series of stages, a study of the origin of the rudiments cell by cell, and finally an eye single to the facts and regardless of preconceived theoretical considerations. Before leaving the subject of the germ layers it will be neces- sary, in order to discuss the stages following, to describe briefly the structure of an embryo at the final stage of this period, Stage VII. This stage is illustrated by a series of transverse sections, represented by figures 29, 30, 31 and 32. Figure 29 shows a section passing through the extreme an- terior end of the embryo. The ectoderm here extends over about two-thirds of the circumference of the yolk and is much thick- ened in its lateral portions. Within the ectoderm is a crescentic mass of cells, the anterior mesenteron rudiment, which has grown both cephalad and laterad to form a cap-like mass cover- ing the ventral side of the cephalic end of the yolk. In this and also in the next section the amnion (Am) is seen covering the exterior of the embryo as a thin sheet of flattened cells. This membrane will be discussed at length later. | Figure 30 also shows a section passing through the cephalic end of the embryo, intersecting it just caudad of the posterior limits of the anterior mesenteron rudiment. The opening in the ectoderm through which the anterior mesenteron rudiment reaches THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 79 Fic. 29. Transverse section through the anterior end of an egg, Stage VII, passing in front of the rudiment of the stomodaeum, showing the procephalic lobes (ProL), anterior mesenteron rudiment (AMR), and amnion (Am), x 243. Fic. 30. Transverse section through the anterior end of an egg, Stage VII, passing just caudad of the rudiment of the stomodaeum, showing the procephalic lobes (ProL), anterior mesenteron rudiment (AMR), mesoderm (Meso) and amnion (Am), also the remains of the cephalo- dorsal body (CB), x 243. 80 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE the external surface is seen, but the cells filling it belong to the mesoderm (compare Fig. 26B), as the small size of their nuclei demonstrates. The mesoderm (Meso) extends also a short dis- tance laterad on both sides of the opening. The anterior mesen- teron rudiment (AMRF) is represented in this section by a layer of cells two or three deep lying on each side against the inner surface of the lateral ectoderm, above the mesoderm. The ectoderm has the same thickness and relative extent as in the preceding section. Figure 31 represents a third section passing through the ceph- Fic, 31. Transverse section through the anterior end of an egg. Stage VII, intersecting the posterior margin of the procephalic lobes (ProL) The middle cord (VC) is shown, on each side of which is the neurogenous ectoderm from which the ventral cord is to be formed. The mesoderm (Meso) the amnion (Am) and two or three cells of the anterior mesen- teron rudiment ( AMR) are also shown, x 243. alic end of the embryo, a few sections caudad of the last. The ectoderm here is seen to be diminishing slightly in both extent and thickness. In the ventral mid-line is a strip of cells (MC) whose transverse section has somewhat the outline of an hour glass, and represents the point of juncture of the lateral folds. The significance and.fate of this strip will be described in the section devoted to the nervous system. Lining the ectoderm is a single layer of mesoderm, broken at two points. High up, THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 81 on the right hand side of the section, in place of mesoderm, two cells belonging to the anterior mesenteron rudiment are seen (AMR). Figure 32 shows a section taken through the mid-region of the << Meso Sees, sie Rte Css Seri as Fic. 32. Transverse section through the future thoracic region of an embryo, Stage VII-VIII, showing the form and relations of the ectoderm (Ect) and mesoderm (Meso), x 243. trunk, and is representative of the condition existing through- out its extent, including the future thorax and abdomen. The ectoderm covers somewhat less than the ventral half of the egg, and is composed of a single layer of closely packed columnar cells. Within the ectoderm is the mesoderm (Meso), whose lateral extent is somewhat less than that of the ectoderm. The mesoderm, near the mid-line, is somewhat thinner than the ec- toderm, but towards its lateral margins, which are rounded, its thickness approaches that of the ectoderm. It is clearly com- posed of two layers, continuous with one another at the lateral margins. Near the mid-line in its thinner portions the cells composing the two layers are flat and the line of separation be- tween the layers is somewhat indistinct. Toward the lateral margins of the mesoderm, however, the cells composing the two layers become columnar, and the line of separation between the layers is sharp. This line of separation represents the cavity of the mesodermal somites. A section through the caudal end of an embryo of Stage VII has already been represented in figure 28, and described in the part of this section relating to the posterior mesenteron rudiment. VI THE AMNION AND THE CEPHALO-DORSAL Bopy 1. The Amnion The cells destined to form the amnion, as described on p. 44, constitute the marginal portions of the ventral plate, and cover the dorso-lateral regions of the egg, bounding the median dorsal strip laterally (Figs. 19 and 24A, Am). At first the amnion-form- ing cells are not sharply demarcated from the remainder of the ventral plate, and seem to intergrade with the cells of the latter, but as the differentiation of the germ layers progresses the amnion cells also become differentiated, appearing more or less shortened or flattened as contrasted with the long prismatic form of the cells of the embryonic portion of the ventral plate. As soon as the amnion cells become distinguishable as such, it becomes evident that the amnion cells at the anterior end of the egg differ some- what from those of the other regions. Over the entire cephalic end of the egg, the amnion cells are rounded in form, closely ar- ranged and relatively numerous, in sections resembling a string of beads (Fig. 24A and 26A, Am). The characteristic transpar- ency of the inner ends of the amnion cells, noted by Petrunke- witsch (1903) is especially evident.. Caudad of the cephalic region the amnion cells become relatively fewer and their form also becomes more flattened (Figs. 20A and B and 21, Am). These differences are, however, merely temporary and disappear as the amnion increases in extent. Prior to Stage V the amnion therefore consists of two longitudinal bands of epithelial cells, separated by the median dorsal strip and joining the ventral plate laterad. These amniotic bands are widest at their anterior ends, which cover the cephalic end of the egg, and their component cells are here more numerous and less flattened than elsewhere, as just mentioned. At Stage V the two bands begin gradually to widen, the cells of their inner margins creeping up over the dorsal 82 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 83 strip, which becomes submerged in the yolk (Figs. 20A and B, 21, 24B, 34B and C, Am). Subsequently then is a fusion of the amniotic bands along the dorsal mid-line of the egg, beginning first at the cephalic end, and occurring somewhat later over the remaining extent of the egg, being completed at Stage VI. While the amnion is thus covering the dorsal side of the yolk it commences also to cover the ventral side. This process can best be observed in fresh material, in which the outlines of the amnion are beautifully clear. In fixed material, whether examined in alcohol or stained and cleared, the outlines of the amnion are frequently invisible, except in actual or optical sections. At Stage V or a little earlier, on the ventral side of the egg, the amnion together with the anterior end of the germ band separate from the yolk (Fig. 26A). This is not primarily due to the depression of the yolk caused by the development of the anterior mesenteron rudiment as the figure might suggest, since the separation is al- ready evident when this rudiment is in its earliest stages; it is probably first brought about by an increase in the superficial extent of the amnion in this region, as indicated by its convex or arched form. Soon after, the amnion separates from the yolk over the entire cephalic pole of the egg, rising up in the shape of a hemi- spherical cap (Fig. V). Next—at Stage VI—it severs its con- nection with the germ band around the anterior end of the latter and slides over it in the form of a hood or cowl, thus forming the cephalic fold (Fig. 32, tam, and 26B Am). This separation of the amnion from the germ band progresses caudad along its lateral margins, accompanied by the caudad extension of the ceph- alic fold over the ventral face of the germ band in such a way that the free edge of the cephalic fold forms a semicircular curve with its concave side directed caudad (Fig. 32, A-C, ram). When the cephalic fold has covered about one-half of the ventral face of the embryo, a second amniotic fold, the caudal fold (Fig. 32 B, 2am), appears at the extreme caudal end of the germ band. This fold is formed like the head fold, by separation of the am- nion from the caudal end of the germ band, and first appears as a crescentic membrane. Since the caudal end of the germ band is now curved completely around the caudal pole of the egg, so that the former lies on the dorsal side of the egg, the caudal fold also 84 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE lies on the dorsal side of the egg with its concave edge directed toward the caudal pole. The caudal fold increases in extent in the same manner as the cephalic fold, progressing slowly toward the caudal pole of the egg, the lines of rupture of the caudal fold and the germ band extending to meet those of the cephalic fold (Fig. 32C). The two folds thus approach one another, the ceph- alic fold moving at a much more rapid rate than its counter. part; soon the two meet and fuse near the caudal pole of the egg (Fig. 32C and D). This occurs slightly prior to Stage VIII. While the amnion is thus covering the ventral side of the egg, and consequent to its severance from the edges of the germ band, it also separates from the yolk on the dorsal side of the egg. This separation is directly connected with the separation of the amnion from the edges of the germ band, since it must at the same time also separate from the yolk at this point. The separa- tion thus initiated is continued dorsad, the amnion being, so to speak, peeled off from the yolk, which is thus left bare except for the thin protoplasmic pellicle surrounding it (cf. Figs. 29 and 30). When the formation of the amnion is completed, or shortly afterwards, the amnion therefore forms a complete envelope sur- rounding the embryo, and free from the embryo at the two ends of the egg, but closely applied to the embryo elsewhere. Its outline is similar to that of the chorion, except that it is shorter, leaving a considerable space vacant between amnion and chorion at the ends of the egg. Since the space surrounding the egg, between — the latter and the chorion, is filled with a watery fluid, it follows that the space between the embryo and amnion is also filled by this same fluid. The cephalic fold of the amnion, as described above, is at first composed of cells which are rounded in form (Figs. 24B, 26A). As this fold progresses over the surface of the germ band its cells become gradually thinner and flatter (Figs. 26B, 29, 30 and 31, Am). At its completion, at Stage VIII, its average thickness is scarcely greater than that of the chorion. At the ends of the. ege the amnion is somewhat thicker than elsewhere, and in these regions the nuclei are oval in outline, forming lenticular swellings (Fig. 29). Elsewhere, over the body of the embryo, the amnion is scarcely thicker than the chorion, its nuclei being flattened to : } ¢ | 8 LS ee eS ee 4 ~~“ an ee a THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 85 such an extent that in sections they frequently appear as short dark lines (Fig. 30). Comparing the extreme tenuity of the am- nion, when completed, and the superficial extent of each of its- component cells as compared with the thickness and slight super- ficial extent of the amnion cells, at earlier stages, particularly those of the head fold, it is apparent that the development of the amnion is due principally, if not exclusively, to a mere extension or spreading out of the original cells present at least as early as Stage IV. This was essentially the view taken by both Biitschli (1870) and Grassi (1884). Neither of these investigators saw any division of the amnion cells, nor has the writer observed them. Biitschli (1870), Kowalevski (1871) and Grassi (1884) have described and figured the formation of the amnion in the honey bee. Biitschli’s account, based exclusively on observations of fresh eggs, is full and substantially correct, recording, among other details, the covering of the dorsal surface of the egg by the amnion cells. Kowalevski’s account is less extended than that of Biitschli, and while correct as regards the topographical relations of amnion and germ band, erroneously describes the amnion as originally composed of two layers, which subsequently fuse to form one. This error was possibly due to Kowalevski’s contemporaneous studies on Hydrophilus, in which, as is well known, there are two embryonic membranes. Grassi’s account, although based in part on actual sections, adds but little to that of Biitschli. Grassi incorrectly describes the meeting of the ceph- alic and caudal folds as taking place on the ventral surface of the egg midway of its length, whereas it normally takes place at or near the caudal pole of the egg. Before entering upon a comparison of the embryonic envelope (amnion) of the bee with the embryonic envelopes of the other pterygote insects, it will not be out of place to recall the manner in which these are formed. Briefly stated, it consists essentially in the elevation, around the embryonic rudiment, of a fold of the extra-embryonic blastoderm, which then extends over the embryo from all sides, its edges finally meeting and fusing (see Kors- chelt and Heider, Fig. 133). Contemporaneous with this fusion is the separation of the two layers composing the fold, so that 86 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE a: tee - ° _ = arto: . . ee 4 cel ter ae tdi ecee? Fic. 33. Side views of four embryos, drawn in diagrammatic form, show- ing four stages in the development of the amnion. Outlines drawn with a camera lucida from living eggs. The amnion (14m, 2Am) is stippled, with dotted outline, except when it adheres to the embryo or yolk. In B, C and D the amnion is represented for the sake of clearness, as standing off from the embryo further than is actually the case. A corresponds to Stage VI, B to Stage VII, C to Stage VII-VIII, D to Stage VIII-IX, x AI. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 87 the embryo thus becomes covered by two separate layers, one enclosing the entire egg, the serosa, and one covering only the embryo, the amnion. The amniotic fold, the common rudiment of the amnion and serosa, does not usually develop simultaneously around the entire margin of the embryo, but appears commonly first at its anterior and posterior ends, thus forming a cephalic and a caudal fold. These conditions may be considered typical of the majority of pterygote insects. There are, however, some exceptions of which the honey bee is an example. Here, as is al- ready apparent, but one envelope is present, which, since it covers the entire egg inclusive of the germ band, is therefore comparable to the serosa rather than to the amnion. This is the opinion held by Heider (1891). The term amnion nevertheless has been ap- plied by both Biitschli and Grassi to the single embryonic envelope of the honey bee, and it therefore seemed inadvisable to change it. In addition to the honey bee, embryonic envelopes have been observed in the following representatives of the non-parasitic Hymenoptera: Formica, Myrmica (Ganin 1869), Polistes, Form- ica (Graber 1888), Hylotoma (Graber 1890), Chalicodoma. Polistes (Carriére 1890, and Carriére and Burger 1897), and Camponotus (Tanquary 1913). Graber states that two embryon- ic membrances were found in all the three forms studied by him. On the contrary Carriére and Biirger (1897) explicitly state that in one of the forms studied by Graber, Polistes, only one embryon- ic membrane is present. This is also the case in Chalicodoma. In the ants but one membrane is found, according to both Ganin (1869) and Tanquary (1913). In some of the parasitic Hymenoptera, for example Biorhiza, Rhodites (Weismann 1882) Platygaster (Kiulagin 1897), an embryonic membrane is formed which is also single, but the forma- tion of this—at least in the case of Platygaster,—is so peculiar and so different from that found in other insects that its homology with the embryonic membrane of non-parasitic insects is perhaps open to question. Concerning the fate of the amnion in the honey bee the only data given by previous observers are those of Buitschli (1870) who says (pp. 533-534): “This envelope persists during the entire development of the embryo, and like the egg envelopes 88 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE is finally torn by the active movement of the young larva.’’ The writer has not observed this process in the living larva, but a study of sections confirms Bitschli’s statements. Up to Stage XIV the amnion is intact, but at Stage XV, when the young larva has become flexed ventrad, and has ruptured the chor- ion, the amniotic membrane is evident only in fragments, usually clinging to the chorion. These fragments or shreds are very much thicker than was the amnion before its rupture, and always contain a number of ovoid nuclei, closely grouped to- gether, indicating that the fragments had contracted and sug- gesting that the amnion had been under tension previous to its rupture. In Chalicodoma, according to Carriére (1890, 1897) some time before the hatching of the larva the embryonic envelope becomes torn into fragments, which become thickened to form narrow twisted bands of polygonal cells. These disappear before hatching, being apparently absorbed. In the pterygote insects of other orders,—Orthoptera, Coleoptera—the later history of the embryonic envelopes is very varied, and usually associated with a shifting in the position of the embryo relative to the yolk (blastokinesis, Wheeler 1893). The fate of these envelopes, briefly stated, is as follows: The serosa is either cast off or ab- sorbed by the egg; the amnion is usually also absorbed, but in some cases has been described as contributing to the formation of the dorsal body wall, as in Meloé (Nusbaum 1890). 2. The Cephalo-dorsal Body Associated with the formation of the amnion and contempor- aneous with that of the germ layers, is a peculiar structure to which the writer (1912) gave the name “cephalo-dorsal disk.” This structure (Fig. 34 A-C), which attains its maximum size about Stage V, is extremely variable in location, form and size. On account of its variability in ‘size it would be better to term this structure the “cephalo-dorsal body.’ It is situated on the dorsal side of the egg usually near the cephalic pole and opposite to the anterior mesenteron rudiment (Fig. 34A), but in one egg, which | appeared to be normal in every other respect, the cephalo-dorsal body was found situated almost precisely at the cephalic pole it- self. The form of this body, while very variable, usually ap- THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 89 Fic. 34. Parts of sections showing the cephalo-dorsal body. ‘A, cepha- lic part of a median sagittal section of an egg, Stage V, showing the cephalo-dorsal body at the time when it is best developed and most con- spicuous. B, dorsal part of a transverse section of an egg, Stage V, showing the amnion (Am) advancing over the cephalo-dorsal body toward the dorsal mid-line. C, the cephalo-dorsal body covered by the amnion, x 387. go THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE proaches that of an ellipsoid, flattened dorso-ventrally, with its long axis lying in the sagittal plane. In many cases in its form and longitudinal extent it approximates the one illustrated in figure 34A, in some it is smaller, while in two cases the cephalo- dorsal body was tongue or club-shaped, its smaller end extending back in the dorsal mid-line for approximately one-third of the entire length of the egg. Its external surface, in the earlier stages forms a part of the external surface of the egg, in later stages it is partly or entirely covered by amnion cells. Its inner surface; usually strongly convex, is indented by the alveolar spaces repre- senting the yolk spheres, while extending out between the inden- tations are delicate protoplasmic processes continuous with the interstitial protoplasmic meshwork (Fig. 34A and C). The ceph- alo-dorsal body is therefore, like the dorsal strip, closely asso- ciated with the yolk. In structure the cephalo-dorsal body appears to be a syncitium, composed of rather clear and somewhat vacuo- lated cytoplasm, within the inner half of which numerous nuclet are embedded. At its posterior edge it becomes continuous with the dorsal strip, as shown in the figure (Fig. 34A). In origin the cephalo-dorsal body appears to be little more than a localised swelling of the dorsal strip. At Stage IV and the stages intervening between Stages IV and V the cephalo- dorsal body, as compared with its condition at Stage V, is located somewhat closer to the cephalic pole, is flatter and contains fewer nuclei, being plainly nothing more than the slightly thickened anterior end of the dorsal strip. At about Stage V it increases rapidly in size and in the number of nuclei contained within it, until it attains its maximum size, as shown in the figure, but its connection with the dorsal strip is never lost and is always readily apparent. Moreover, in many cases smaller but similar swellings of the dorsal strip exist at various points on the dorsal mid-line in the anterior half of the egg. One of these is illustrated in figure 20A. The rapid increase of the cephalo-dorsal body in size and more particularly in the number of nuclei contained within it, is difficult to explain. While it is not impossible that it owes its origin in part to cells derived from the yolk, there is no satisfactory evi- dence that this is the case. The nuclei seen in the yolk during a se THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE QI the formation of this body are usually larger and rounder than those contained within the latter, moreover they are not present in sufficient numbers in the immediate neighborhood of the ceph- alo-dorsal body to make it seem probable that they contribute largely to its formation or growth. It is also possible that the number of nuclei may be increased by either direct division or fragmentation of the nuclei originally present, but this could not be demonstrated to be the case, although in many instances this was suggested by the appearance of the nuclei. The latter are so small and so frequently crowded closely together that it was found impossible satisfactorily to decide this question. It is, however, certain that the nuclei differ among themselves in size, and that they are also very frequently lobed or constricted. Soon after reaching its maximum size the cephalo-dorsal body during Stage VI breaks up into amoeboid cells or small syncitia containing one to several nuclei. Some of these wander ventrad towards the center of the egg (Fig. 30), but many remain near the dorsal surface of the yolk. At Stage VII the remnants of the: cephalo-dorsal body are still recognizable at the cephalic end of the egg as irregular branching islands of rather pale granular cytoplasm enclosing one or more small nuclei. The outlines of the nuclei are always irregular and often faint, and when grouped closely together as is frequently the case, many of the nuclei ap- year to be in process of fusing with one another (Fig. 34C). At Stage VIII the remains of the cephalo-dorsal body are evident, lying close beneath the anterior mesenteron rudiment, near its posterior end (Fig. 87A,CB). From this point they travel. to- ward the caudal pole of the egg as if drawn by the rudiment until they reach the point of junction of the anterior and posterior mesenteron rudiments. During this period the vestiges of the cephalo-dorsal body usually present the appearance of a thin layer of slightly yellowish protoplasm, containing a few nuclei which are situated near its inner surface, as shown in figure 87A, CB. In some preparations, however, the cephalo-dorsal body seems to have remained undiminished in size up to Stage VIII or IX. It is then quite conspicuous and plainly evident even at a low mag- nification. In these cases the appearance is almost precisely like that figured by Petrunkewitsch (1902, Fig. 8) for the drone egg, 92 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE the cephalo-dorsal body being here represented by the “Rz” cells.™ At Stage X the vestiges of the cephalo-dorsal body may still be seen lying beneath the dorsal wall of the mesenteron, but they soon become indistinguishable from the elements of the yolk, and unquestionably like them suffer ultimate absorption. The cephalo- dorsal body was first seen by Grassi (1884), who has represented it in figure 1 of Plate X, but did not mention it in the text. Dickel (1903) was the first to describe this body, which he named the “yolk plug,’ since he regarded it as derived from yolk cells which migrated to its point of origin, this point being designated as the blastopore. The “yolk plug” was regarded by Dickel as the an- terior mesenteron rudiment. This assumption was founded on the circumstance that the ‘‘yolk plug’ had disappeared at the time when the anterior mesenteron rudiment came into prominence. It will hardly be necessary to say that this assumption is wholly wrong, and must have been due to defective observation, since any series of sections showing the “yolk plug” should also show the true anterior mesenteron rudiment, since in fact the “yolk plug’ becomes evident only after the anterior mesenteron rudi- ment has begun to be formed. Moreover, the remnants of the cephalo-dorsal body (“yolk plug’) are plainly evident long after the anterior mesenteron rudiment is fully formed. Petrunkewitsch (1902), in a paper on the fate of the polar bodies in the drone egg, describes and figures a body formed in the cephalo-dorsal region of the egg by cells—termed for brevity “Re-cells”—which owe their origin to a single cell formed by the union of the second polar body with the inner half of the first. This structure formed by the “Re-cells” apparently agrees closely in form, structure and position with the cephalo-dorsal body of the worker egg. Petrunkewitsch, however, states that he did not find this body in worker eggs, and gives a figure to illustrate this statement, but this figure (4) is obviously of an earlier stage than those in which is found either the cephalo-dorsal body or that formed by the “Rez-cells.” The fate of the latter according to Petrunkewitsch’s account, is as follows: It first sinks below the * Petrunkewitsch (loc. cit.) states that mitotic figures were found in this cell mass. The writer has never seen them in the cephalo-dorsal body at any stage. ee eT a i = .. “a oes torn ; eS EE : ese = Gass Saas SS Ol Ge NESS ul 2 Hyp | : ] )- §F-TraCom LS Fic. 37. Sections illustrating the structure of the ventral cord of a ~ . newly hatched larva (Stage XV), x 900. A, transverse section through the second thoracic ganglion, showing the lateral nerves (Nw), neurilemma 4 (Nim), commissure (Com), and neuroblasts (Nbl). B, transverse section } through the connectives between the second and third thoracic ganglia, showing nerve fibres (NvF) and neurilemma (Nim). C, sagittal section ; of the third thoracic ganglion. D, coronal (horizontal) section through : the third thoracic ganglion. a a ee | THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 115 twice as broad as long, with a slight median depression on its ven- tral surface. From its anterior and posterior ends arise thick connectives joining it to the ganglia of the adjacent segments. Each ganglion also sends out laterally a large nerve trunk (Fig. 37A, Nv) which soon breaks up into smaller branches and these are distributed to various parts of the internal organs and to the body wall. Histologically each ganglion is composed of a mass of cells, the ganglion cells, each of which sends off a slender nerve fibre. These fibres unite in the upper half of each ganglion with the nerve fibres from other ganglia to form bundles or strands (Fig. 37A). A large longitudinal strand traverses the lateral halves of the ganglia and passes through the center of the connectives ; these two strands thus serve to link together all of the ganglia of the nervous system, including those of the brain (Fig. 37B and D). Two other smaller strands, the transverse commissures (Fig. 37A and D, Com) pass close together side by side from one side of each ganglion to the other thus joining its lateral halves. The nerve fibres in a ganglion consequently form a figure like the letter H, the cross bar of the H, however, being double (Fig. 37C). Each ganglion is thus incompletely divided into five regions ; two situated laterad of the longitudinal fibres, and three in the mid-line. These Wheeler (1893) following Graber, has named the Jateral, the anterior, the central and the posterior gang- liomeres. Other nerve fibres also pass out from each ganglion laterally, forming the core of the lateral nerves (Fig. 37A). An exceedingly thin and delicate cellular layer, the neurilemma, (Fig. 37, Nim) covers the exterior of the ventral cord and also of the brain. The brain of an insect (Fig. 38) is to be regarded as composed essentially of three double (paired) ganglia: the protocerebrum (rBr), the deutocerebrum (2Br), and the tritocerebrum (3Br), corresponding respectively to the protocerebral, deutocerebral, and tritocerebral segments. These brain divisions consist of pairs of more or less evident swellings, each of which is made up of a mass of ganglion cells traversed by a thick central core of nerve fibres continuous with those of the longitudinal connectives of the ventral nerve cord. The protocerebrum of the young bee larva 116 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE “ss om! £- ide See Se A D oes Ne > ke ae mM ‘ StgNv- %, '2Br(AntL) 4 ‘3B SoeCom* / ac “*SoeGng ye Ps Fic. 38. Diagram of the nervous system of an embryo of Mantis, showing the head and first three trunk segments. From Viallanes. includes the greater portion of the brain and is made up of a pair of large lobes (Figs. 39-44, 7Br) situated in the upper part of the head capsule. These lobes are somewhat ovoid in form, their larger ends directed caudad and slightly laterad; their smaller anterior ends lie close to the anterior wall of the head. Each lobe is somewhat compressed at right angles to the external sur- face. At their anterior ends the lobes are closely apposed to each other and are here united by a thin bridge of nerve fibres, the supraoesophageal commissure (Figs. 43 and 44, SupCom). Prob- ably some fibres from the second brain division, the deutocere- brum, also enter into this commissure. Each half of the protocerebrum of insects is typically divided into three lobes, which in many cases, as in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera (Fig. 38) are marked off from one another by thick- enings of the ectoderm forming the wall of the head capsule. OO ee ee i ale ta Ro —_—— eS ee. ee te ee THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 117 Moreover, as well be seen by consulting the diagram represented in figure 38 the halves of the protocerebrum are typically directed laterad as well as cephalad. In the larva of the bee the halves of the protocerebrum are, as mentioned above, directed caudad and laterad (Fig. 55). This difference is due to the bending of the anterior end of the germ band and of the resulting embryo around the cephalic pole of the egg and must be constantly kept in mind in comparing the development of the brain of the bee with that of other insects. Those forms in which the development of the brain has been most thoroughly worked out belong princi- pally to the order Orthoptera, and in comparing the embryonic development of the brain of the bee with that of those insects, another important point of difference must be also considered. In the Orthoptera, for example, the development is without the intervention of a larval stage, that is, direct from the embryo to a form completely equipped for active life, and provided, like the mature insect, with functional eyes, antennae and appendages. In the bee, on the other hand, the embryonic development termin- ates in a larva, a form not adapted to an independent existence, and very different structurally from the imago. Many parts of the larva are correspondingly but slightly developed, and may be said to linger in a more or less latent or embryonic condition until near the time of pupation. This is especially true of the brain. At the time of hatching, the brain of the bee is, generally speaking, only comparable to the brain of the embryo of those insects with a direct development. The three lobes of the protocerebrum of the insect brain have . the following fate, as determined by Viallanes (1891), Wheeler (1893) and Heymons (1895) for the Orthoptera and Dermap- tera. The first (outermost or anterior) forms the optic lobe, the second the optic tract, while the third lobe forms those parts of the imaginal brain included in the protocerebral lobes. On account of its relatively undeveloped condition and the absence of ectodermal thickenings these three divisions of the protocerebrum of the bee are not marked off with the same clearness as in the Orthoptera and Dermaptera, nevertheless three lobes are distin- guishable, both on surface view (Fig. 39) and in longitudinal section (Figs. 43 and 44). The first lobe (rBr,), morphologically 118 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Br, (OpL) i Br, 7 IBr3 x Ne _2Br(AntL) PhyGng i ----FtGng tity Fic. 39. Cephalic portion of the nervous system of a newly hatched larva (Stage XV), lateral aspect, drawn with the camera lucida from an entire preparation, and corrected with the aid of sections, x 243. the anteriormost (Fig 38), but in the bee the posteriormost, is the broadest of the three, and subspherical in form. Its posterior half, separated from the rest of the brain by a groove, is com- Fic, 40. Transverse section through the head of a newly hatched embryo (Stage XV), passing just in front of the mouth, showing part of the protocerebrum (zBr) and the frontal ganglion (FtGng), x 337. ee THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE = 119 posed of a thick plate of cells whose cytoplasm in many prepara- tions stains more deeply than the remainder of the brain, and whose nuclei are unusually large, clear, and sharply stained (Figs. 39 and 44 4). The second or middle lobe of the protocerebrum (zBr,) is very short, its length being about one-half its width. The third lobe (zBr,) is about one-third the length of the cor- responding lateral half of the protocerebrum and at its anterior end meets its mate of the opposite side and is here united to it by the supraoesophagael commissure (Fig. 43, SupCom). The deutocerebrum, or antennal lobes, the second division of the brain (Figs. 39, 40 and 41, 2Br [AntL] manifests itself ex- ternally as a pair of conspicuous rounded swellings of the antero- lateral face of the brain just above the oesophagus and below the protocerebral lobes. From the fibrous core of each of the StgNv BOE TR 1 Ten---- 2. ; SlkDO Fic. 41. Transverse section through the head of a newly hatched larva (Stage XV) intersecting the circumoesophageal commissure and showing part of the protocerebrum (Br), the deutocerebrum (2Br), the tritocere- brum (3Br), and the anterior end of the suboesophageal ganglion (SoeGng), x 337. 120 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE deutocerebral lobes is given off a thin strand of nerve fibres, the rudiment of the antennal nerve (Fig. 41, AntNv) which passes laterad to the antennal rudiment (Antik). The tritocerebrum is in the larva, as in the adult, a rather ill- defined region of the brain; its two halves are virtually continuous ventrad with the halves of the circumoesophageal commissures, dorsad they are fused with the antennal lobes or deutocerebrum. Each is united to its mate of the opposite side by a long and thin band of nerve fibres, the suboesophageal commissure (Figs. 41 coe SIkDO SoeGng Fic. 42. Transverse section through the posterior region of the head of a newly hatched embryo (Stage XV), intersecting the optic lobes (1Br, OpL), the suwboesophageal ganglion (SoeGng), and the corpora allata (CorAll), x 337. and 45, SoeCom), which passes beneath the oesophagus and in-— tersects the median plane between the oesophagus and the anterior end of the suboesophageal ganglion. The two halves of the trito- cerebrum are in addition connected with one another and with THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE J tai the frontal ganglion (Figs. 39 and 40, FtGng) lying between them, by short thick cords of nerve fibres covered on the exterior by a layer of ganglion cells, the frontal nerves (Fig. 40, FtNv). The two nerves composing this commissure arise on each side from the anterior face of the tritocerebrum and at their point of origin from the latter is the root of a nerve which passes cephalad to the labrum, the Jabral nerve (Figs. 39 and 40 LmNv). The histological structure of the brain is simple and essentially similar to that of the ganglia. Each lateral half consists of a ~ mass of ganglion cells covered by the neurolemma and surrounding a central mass of nerve fibres continuous with that of the cir- cumoesophageal commissures. ; The stomatogastric system of the newly hatched larva consists of the following parts: the frontal ganglion, the stomatogastric Fic. 43. ‘Coronal (horizontal) section through the right half of the protocerebrum of a newly hatched larva (Stage XV), x 337. 122 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 1Bro 'Bry (OpL) Fic. 44. Sagittal section of the head of a newly hatched embryo (Stage XV), passing laterad of the median plane and intersecting the right half of the brain (Br), the circumoesophageal commissure (OeCom) and the suboesophageal ganglion (SoeGng), x 337. nerve or nervus recurrens, and a pair of ganglion lying against the sides of the posterior region of the oesophagus, the pharyngeal — ganglia. To these may be added, for the sake of convenience, the so-called ganglia or corpora allata of Heymons, which in fact are probably not ganglia at all, according to Heymon’s own state- ment (1897), (Figs. 39 and 42, CorAll). The frontal ganglion (Figs. 39, 40 and 45, FtGng) is a large and conspicuous pyriform ganglion with its blunt end directed ceph- alad, lying in the median plane at the base of the labrum and just above the oesophagus. It consists of a compact mass of ganglion cells surrounding a core of nerve fibres. From its anterior end nerve fibres, accompanied by a few scattered ganglion cells, run to the tip of the labrum. At its posterior end the frontal ganglion becomes continuous with the stomatogastric or recurrent nerve (Figs. 41, 42 and 45, StgNv) which runs backward in the median KS THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE = 123 Oc ( Flint) _StgNv 4 _-ssupCom Fig. 45. Median sagittal section through the head of a newly hatched larva (Stage XV), intersecting the supraoesophageal commissure (SupCom), the frontal ganglion (FiGng), the stomatogastric nerve (StgNv), the oesophagus (Oes), and the suboesophageal ganglion (SoeGng), xX 243. Fic. 46. Transverse section of the oesophagus, showing the pharyngeal ganglia (PhyGng), x 534. plane between the two halves of the brain just above the oesopha- gus. This nerve consists, near its point of origin, of a thick bundle of nerve fibres surrounded by a sheath of ganglion cells, 124 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE but diminishes rapidly in calibre as it passes caudad. At a point slightly cephalad of the junction of the oesophagus and the mid- intestine the recurrent nerve divides to form two small and rela- tively insignificant ganglia, the pharyngeal ganglia (Figs. 39 and 46, PhyGng). These are flat and lie closely applied to the lateral faces of the oesophagus. The corpora allata (Figs. 39, and 42, CorAll) are two conspicu- ous spherical masses of cells which most resemble ganglion cells, but lack nerve fibres. These bodies lie some distance apart in the posterior part of the cavity of the head, just below the level of the lower edge of the oesophagus. These bodies are attached dorsally to the thin walled sacs which constitute the coelomic sacs of the antennal segment. 2. Development Before entering upon a description of the development of the nervous system of the honey bee it will be profitable and in fact almost necessary first briefly to describe the course of develop- ment of the nervous system in the Orthoptera, a relatively primi- tive group, in which the intimate details of the process reveal themselves sharply and distinctly. The broader features of the development of the nervous system in the honey bee are simple and readily understood; the minuter details of the origin of the development of the nervous system, in other words its histogenesis, is on the other hand much more difficult to follow and relatively obscure, in fact so much so that it would be decidedly difficult of interpretation without the assistance afforded by previous work on this subject. The nervous system of the insect arises, as was first shown by Hatschek (1877), from two longitudinal thickenings or ridges extending along the ventral side of the germ band, one on each side of the mid-line. These ridges, the neural ridges (Fig. 47, NIR) enclose betwen them a narrow median groove, the neural groove (NIG), the internal infolded portion of which forms the median cord. From the intrasegmental portion of the median cord and the neural ridges the ganglia are formed by a process of splitting off or delamination, the outer portion of the ectoderm remaining as the ventral hypodermis; in the interganglionic re- eT Pe eee Se a ee eS i i A i a THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 125 Fic. 47. Transverse sections through the ventral ectoderm of embryos of the grasshopper, Xiphidium. A, early stage, showing segregation of the neuroblasts (NbI); B, late stage, showing the neuroblasts and their pro- ducts, the ganglion cells (GngC). From Wheeler (1893). gions the neural groove remains intact as hypodermis, the neural ridges here forming the connectives. The histogenesis of the neurogenic tissue constituting the neural ridges and neural groove has been studied by several investigators, but Wheeler (1891, 1893) was the first to give a complete and consistent account of this process, as observed in the grasshopper Xiphidium. The essential features of Wheeler’s results have since been confirmed by a number of investigators of the Orthop- tera and also of other orders, among these are Heymons (1895) for the Dermaptera and Orthoptera, Carriére and Biirger (1897) for the mason bee, and Lecaillon (1898) for the beetle Clytra. Wheeler’s account is briefly as follows: At a stage soon after the completion of the formation of the germ layers the ventral ectoderm of the embryo is seen to consist of two different kinds of cells; a small number of large pale cells with vesicular nuclei, and a large number of smaller cells 1246 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE with small dark nuclei. The former will give rise to the nervous system and are therefore termed neuroblasts (Fig. 47A, Nodl), the latter form only the hypodermis and the structures associated with it; these cells as therefore termed dermatoblasts (Dbl). A little later, when the neural ridges and neural groove make their appearance, the neuroblasts become arranged in four or five rows on either side of the mid-line, lying next to the inner surface of the ectoderm. The neuroblasts next begin to bud off by mito- tic division smaller and darker cells from their inner surface. Fig. 47B). These constitute the ganglion cells (GngC). Each neuroblast thus gives off by division a number of ganglion cells which together form a colum placed at right angles to the outer surface of the embryo, each column having at its base the parent neuroblast. Besides these neuroblasts lying on either side of the mid-line there is another set, the median cord neuroblasts, which are situated in the mid-line, at the bottom of the neural groove (Fig. 47B.) These neuroblasts are intersegmental in their arrange- ment, one neuroblast being placed between every two segments. Each median cord neuroblast gives rise to a heap of ganglion cells lying on its inner surface. These latter become displaced cephalad and form the posterior median portion of each ganglion. The remainder of the ganglion is formed from the invaginated ectoderm of the neural groove. From this portion, Wheeler be- lieves, arise the cells which form the inner and outer neurolemma. The ganglion cells are the functional nerve cells of the ganglia and send off delicate processes which branch and thus form the nerve fibres or fibrillar substance which constitutes the connectives and the commissures. The two divisions of the nervous system, the brain and the ventral nerve cord form a continuous whole from their inception, but for convenience they will be treated separately, following the usual custom. The development of the brain is slightly in ad- vance of that of the ventral cord and, in the latter, following the general rule among arthropods, development progresses from the cephalic to the caudal end. In the bee, however, the de- velopment of the ventral cord is almost simultaneous in all of the segments, the anterior being but slightly in advance of the posterior. eee ee ee ee : — ‘ = 5 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 127 A. The Ventral Cord At Stage VII, when the formation of the germ layers is vir- -tually completed the ectoderm of the germ band caudad of the procephalic lobes forms a uniform and rather thick layer com- posed of prismatic cells and covers the ventral half of the egg (Figs. 32, 48A). The cells of the ectoderm are not, however, all alike, those comprising its middle third having nuclei consid- erably larger and somewhat clearer than those of its lateral por- tions ; this median area may be termed the neurogenic area, since it includes the cells from which the ventrad cord will arise. In the mid-ventral line there is a narrow strip, three to five cells wide, which is quite well defined in the anterior region of the germ band, less so in the posterior regions, the median cord (Fig. 48A, MC). With this exception the cells comprised within the neurogenic area are at this stage precisely similar as regards form, size, or staining reaction. At the next Stage, VIII (Figs. 46B and C) several notable changes are evident. The ectoderm is greatly reduced in thick- ness laterad of the neurogenic area and also along the ventral mid-line. The neurogenic area therefore comprises two longi- tudinal thickenings, the primitive swellings (Fig. 48B, PriSw) which are separated by a median furrow, the meural groove (NIG.) The primitive swellings do not owe their formation to cell proliferation, but to changes in the form of the cells of differ- ent areas, the primitive swellings alone preserving the thickness of the ectoderm and the primatic form of its cells existing at Stage VII. The primitive swellings, also shown in figures VIII, IX and X, are highest in the gnathal region, and diminish rapidly in height caudad, becoming scarcely distinguishable in the abdominal re- gion. Moreover they are broader and slightly higher in the intra- segmental than in the intersegmental regions, as a comparison of figures 48B and C, and 48D and 49A will show, being thus divided into a series of segmental ganglionic swellings corresponding to the future ganglia. The median cord can now be readily identified; its cells form the floor of the neural groove. At this stage the median cord is much broader and thinner than either at the stage preceding, or NbI Fic. 48. Transverse sections through the ventral ectoderm of embryos of the honey bee, showing segregation of the neuroblasts (NVI) and the dermatoblasts (Dbl), and the formation of the ganglion cells (GngC) by the granddaughter cells of the neuroblasts. A, thoracic region, Stage — VII; B, middle of second thoracic segment, Stage VIII; \C, anterior half of second thoracic segment, Stage VIII; D, second thoracic segment, Stage IX. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE - tag at subsequent stages, and has the appearance of being stretched laterally. This is especially marked in the preparation from which figures 48B and C were drawn. The cells of the primitive swellings only in part retain the prismatic form seen at Stage VII; many of them are now seen to be either in the act of division or to have recently divided. These cells, fall into two classes, according to their position or to their mode of division. First there are those in which the division is equal, the mitotic spindle lying near and parallel to the external surface and the resulting daughter cells occupying a superficial position. These cells (Dbl) correspond to the “dermatoblasts’ of Wheeler and are destined to form hypodermis only. Second, there are cells in which the division is unequal, the spindle lying near the internal surface and usually directed at right angles to it, the products of division consisting of a smaller central and a larger peripheral cell. The larger cells in these pairs corres- pond to the “neuroblasts” (Fig. 48B and C, Nb/) the smaller to the “ganglion cells” of Wheeler. A difference in the arrangement of the products of the dermatoblasts and neuroblasts becomes at once evident; those of the dermablasts form ordinary epithelial cells lying side by side; on the other hand each neuroblast to- ‘gether with its daughter cells form a compact and more or less ovoid nest or mass of cells (Fig. 48B and C). At Stage IX, (Fig. 48D and 49A) the neural groove is both narrower and shallower than at the preceding stage, while at the same time the median cord has become correspondingly narrower and deeper, its cells resuming their characteristic long prismatic form. In cross section the median cord now presents somewhat the form of the letter V, its outer end forming the point, although in fact it is more or less truncate or flattened and constitutes the floor of the neural groove. The cells of the median cord are therefore long tapering in form, their inner ends always being wider than their outer. At this stage the neuroblasts and dermatoblasts have become completely segregated from one another, so that each primitive swelling is divided into an inner neurogenic layer composed of cell nests, the lateral cord, made up of the neuroblasts and the gang- lion cells, and an outer dermatogenic layer made up of the pro- 130 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE ducts of the dermatoblasts. The latter constitutes a single tier of cells which are growing progressively smaller by division, as evidenced by the diminishing size of their nuclei. The form of these cells ranges from cubical, near the mid-line, to long prismatic at the lateral edges of the primitive swellings. The neuroblasts, which are frequently to be observed in division (Fig. 49A) are true teloblasts and suffer no diminution in size and are becoming increasingly conspicuous owing to the reduction in size of the dermatogenic cells. The outermost row of neuro- blasts of each side is now seen to differ from the remainder in giving off its daughter cells mesiad instead of centrad. In the honey bee the arrangement of the neuroblasts is not quite so regular as in many other insects, the Orthoptera for example, but as a rule there are from three to five rows of neuroblasts in each lateral cord. The number of rows is greatest in the middle of each segment, as may be seen by comparing figures 48D and 49A. This difference exists in Forficula (Heymons 1895) and Donacia (Hirschler 1909), and is quite probably of frequent occurrence. The number of ganglion cells has now increased, but not uni- formly, since some cell nests possess as many as four, others only one. At Stage X (Figs. 49B, C, and D) several changes are notice; able. One of the most evident is the flattening of the ventral surface of the embryo, resulting in the almost complete disap- pearance of the external evidences of both the primitive swellings and neural groove except in the gnathal region (Fig. X). Asa result of the flattening of the external surface of the ventral ectoderm the lateral cords are, so to speak, thrust inward and project into the body cavity, especially in the intrasegmental regions. This change in the contour of the ventral ectoderm is probably brought about by the absorption of yolk and the con- sequent diminution of its mass, causing its withdrawal from the ventral ectoderm and a lowering of pressure upon the latter from within. The mesial edges of the two halves of the mesoderm now extend up to the lateral boundaries of the lateral cords and about as closely against them (Fig. 49C) that it is frequently not easy to distinguish the neurogenic from the mesodermai tissue, THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 131 i Renet FY NbI R f Fic. 49. Transverse sections through developing ventral cord. A, | region between the first and second thoracic segments, Stage IX; B, first 7 mandibular segment, Stage X; C, first thoracic segment, Stage X; D, posterior region of second thoracic segment, Stage X, x 600. especially since the ganglion cells are very similar to those of the mesoderm. 132 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE The separation between the lateral cords and the hypodermal (dermatogenic) layer is more evident than before, being marked in many sections by irregular clefts (Fig. 49C). The cells of the hypodermal layer are still diminishing in size and now begin to form an evident and well defined epithelium. The cell nests of the lateral cords on the other hand, are becoming compacted together to form the definitive ganglia. This is particularly noticeable in the gnathal region (Fig. 50A) and at the anterior and posterior ends of the thoracic segments (Fig. 49D). In addition to the mitotic figures of the neuroblasts it is not unusual at this stage to find other mitotic figures within the cell nests of the lateral cords. Two of these mitotic figures are to be seen in the section illustrated by figure 49D. Both the size of these mitotic spindles and their relation to the adjacent cells make it clear that they belong to the daughter cells of the neuroblasts. It is not clear whether all of the daughter cells thus undergo mitotic division but it is at least certain that many of them do. Wheeler, in his earlier paper on the histogenesis of the nervous system of the grasshopper (1891), believed that the daughter cells of the neuroblasts did undergo division. This opinion was re- linquished in his later paper (1893) on the same subject, as regards the grasshopper, but not as regards Doryphora, in which form, Wheeler expressly states, the daughter cells of the neuro- blasts divide. On the other hand Heymons (1895) for Forficula and Orthoptera, Lecaillon (1898) and Hirschler (1909), for the chrysomelid beetles, and Escherisch (1902) for Musca, deny the division of the neuroblast daughter cells. At the stage next illustrated, Stage XI-XII, the entire ventral cord—with the exception of its extreme posterior end—becomes completely severed from the ectoderm and the ganglia begin to assume their final shape. The separation of the lateral cords from the overlying hypodermis was already evident at Stage X, but at that stage the median cord was still embedded in the hypodermis, the distal ends of the component cells of the cord - forming the bottom of the neural groove. These cells have mean- while been increasing slowly by mitotic division. These divisions are equal, no evidences of median cord neuroblasts having been observed. Meanwhile the median cord has also separated from ae. ox Ke) DESERT DE Om Fic. 50. Sections through the embryonic ventral cord, x 600. A, gang- lion and lateral nerves of the mandibular segment, Stage XI; B, ganglion of second thoracic segment, Stage XI; C, connectives between the second and third thoracic ganglia, Stage XI-XII; D, ganglion and lateral nerves of second thoracic segment, Stage XIV; E, median sagittal section through the ganglia of the first and second thoracic segments. 134 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE the hypodermis in the intrasegmental regions and now constitutes the median portion of each ganglion. This separation of the median cord from the hypodermis takes place by a progressive attenuation of the already narrow outer ends of the cells of the median cord until the external portion of the latter becomes re- duced to thin strands, the hypodermis meanwhile closing in from both sides until its lateral halves meet and unite in the mid-line. The hypodermis along the ventral mid-line therefore owes its origin—in the intrasegmental regions, at least,—to hypodermal cells lying originally laterad of this region, as first noted by Grassi (1884). Similar conditions also exist in many other in- sect embryos, Melolontha (Graber 1890) for example. The median cord, after its separation from the hypodermis moves inward, frequently leaving behind it a temporary median notch or groove on the inner surface of the hypodermis, as shown in Fig. 50A. In this figure also are to be seen the delicate strands of protoplasm connecting the median cord and the hypodermis. This separation does not occur simultaneously throughout the length of each segment, but appears to take place first in its posterior half (Fig. 50E). In the intersegmental regions the median cord remains an integral part of the hypodermis (Fig. 50C, (MC) ; the lateral cords here separate from both the median cord and the hypodermis proper and constitute the connectives Con). In the lateral cords the number of ganglion cells has greatly increased. In every segment a conical group of these lies along each side of the lateral cord, laterad of the neuroblasts, while a well defined single layer covers them on the ventral side. The lateral cell groups apparently furnish the material for the forma- tion of the lateral nerves, while the ventral layer provides the material of the neurilemma. In the dorsal region of the lateral cords a cleft is apparent, separating the uppermost tier of cells from the remainder. These clefts are, so to speak, the forerun- ners of the nerve fibres, which during the succeeding stages traverse these spaces. Laterad of each ganglionic rudiment the mesoderm (Fig. 50B, Meso) presses close against it in the middle region of each segment, frequently, as at Stage X, making it difficult to accurately determine the lateral limits of the ganglion cells. —————— 7 ee ee a er ; oF a : ty, i i ‘ 4 i" THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 135 The final changes leading to the functional larval ganglion are illustrated by figure 50D, Stage XIV. The most important changes are: the development of nerve fibres, the development of the lateral nerves, and the final incorporation into the ganglia of the intraganglionic portions of the median cord. The development of the nerve fibres corresponds essentially to the accounts of Wheeler (1893) and Heymons (1895). The ganglion cells of both the median and the lateral cords at about Stage XII become pyriform; the smaller pointed ends of the ganglion cells of the lateral cords being directed toward the clefts already described, while the smaller ends of the cells of the median cord are directed more or less dorsad. The smaller ends of the ganglion cells now become more and more attenuated and finally elongate into delicate protoplasmic fibres, the nerve fibres. Dur- ing this process, in those regions where the commissures are formed, a vacant space also appears in the dorsal half of the median cord, in line with the spaces in the lateral cords, with which it unites. These spaces are traversed from side to side by the cell processes which are to constitute the nerve fibres of the transverse commissures (Fig. 50D, NvF). These commis- sural nerve fibres appear to arise from both the cells of the median and lateral cords, but mainly from pyramidal groups of cells situated immediately laterad of the median cord (see also Fig. 37A). The lateral nerves are apparently formed from the aggregations of ganglion cells which at Stage XI-XII (Fig. 50B) constitute the extreme lateral portions of the ganglionic rudiments. These lateral cell groups are presumably derived by migration of gan- glion cells which formerly lay within the semicircle formed on each side by the neuroblasts, since there is no evidence that cells are ever budded off from the neuroblasts in a laterad direction. Moreover both the arrangement of these lateral cells, and the fact that the number of ganglion cells lying immediately dorsad to the neuroblasts is perceptibly diminished when the lateral cell groups appear, tend to confirm this conclusion. The fate of the lateral cell masses is clearest in the gnathal segments, since in these the lateral nerves are short and straight, so that the entire nerve together with the ganglion from which it arises may be 136 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE observed in a single cross section. Such a section, through the mandibular segment at Stage XI-XII, is represented in figure 50A. Here the laterad extensions of the ganglia—composed of ganglion cells—are seen in process of being directly transformed into the lateral nerves innervating the mandibles. It will also be noted that the clefts in the lateral cords, later filled by nerve fibres, are in this section continuous with hollow spaces traversing the centre of the lateral nerves, which spaces are also, at later stages, filled by nerve fibres. Caudad of the gnathal region the lateral nerves are much longer and relatively more attenuated, and their development consequently more difficult to follow. The median cord, up to Stage XI-XII (Figs. 49A and B), has altered little histologically from its condition at Stage VII, being for the most part still composed of rather long prismatic cells with large and clear nuclei. Its cells nevertheless are slowly in- creasing in number by mitotic division and decreasing in size. These divisions are equal, and appear rather inconstant in direc- tion. In figure 50B a mitotic spindle is seen, directed obliquely. The size of the nuclei of the intraganglionic portions of the me- dian cord, after their severance from the hypodermis, continues to decrease, while at the same time they lose their characteristic elongated form, until at Stage XIV their appearance is the same as that of the ganglion cells of the lateral cords, having undergone a similar differentiation into functional ganglion cells. The intersegmental sections of the median cord, as already stated, remain united to the hypodermis, except in the gnathal segments and in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth segments (Fig. 51B). In these the median cord is taken up entire, the inter- segmental portion being also severed from the hypodermis and contributing to the formation of the ganglia of these segments, which are fused to form compound ganglia prior to hatching. In the gnathal region, however, a slight thickening of the ventral hypodermis marks the boundary between the rudiments of the mandibular and first maxillary ganglia. In the remainder of the trunk region the intersegmental sections of the median cord separ-_ ate from the rest and form processes of the hypodermis, whose form, prior to hatching, is illustrated by figures 50C and E. At the time of hatching (Stage XV) the larva elongates, involving a THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE — 137 Fic. 51. Median sagittal sections through the last three ganglia of the ventral cord, corresponding to the 9th, roth, and 11th (true) abdom- inal segment. A, Stage XI-XII, showing the ganglia separating from the hypodermis of the oth, roth, and 11th abdominal segments. B, Stage XV, showing two evident ganglia and the vestiges of a third, fused into a compound ganlion, x 600. stretching in the longitudinal axis of all parts of the trunk. The effect of this process upon the intersegmental sections of the median cord is a decrease in their height. At Stage XV they have consequently the appearance of being mere transverse folds of the ventral hypodermis (Figs. 37B and D). The number of ganglia (or pairs of ganglia) in the ventral chain of the honey bee is seventeen. Of these the first three are fused to constitute the suboesophageal ganglion, and the last three similarly united to form a compound ganglion, which in the young larva (Fig. XV) is an oblong mass lying beneath the hind-intestine. This mass, in sagittal section (Fig. 51B) is seen to be subdivided by con- strictions into three successive swellings, the anterior two of which are of nearly equal size while the third is much smaller. 138 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE The first two of the three swellings each possess two evident ‘commissures, clearly demonstrating that these two swellings represent distinct ganglia, the third swelling on the other hand, shows no evidence of commissures. In favorable trans- verse sections, however, evidences of a few commissural fibres may be seen in this swelling also. The best evidence for its title to be considered as representing a pair of ganglia is obtained in sagittal sections of Stage XI-XII (Fig. 51A). Here the ter- minal swelling, like the two preceding it, is plainly seen to be derived from a distinct trunk segment, the seventeenth (the eleventh of the trunk), which is marked off by a well defined constriction. There are therefore three pairs of ganglia repre- sented in the terminal swelling of the ventral cord, the last pair being rudimentary. In the embryos of insects generally either sixteen or seventeen pairs of ganglia are recognizable; in the latter case the last pair is more or less rudimentary. Among the Hymenoptera Grassi (1884) in the honey bee found sixteen pairs; Graber (1890) in Hylotoma found sixteen pairs and the evident rudiments of a seventeenth pair; Carriére and Burger (1897) in the embryo of Chalicodoma found the rudiments of seventeen pairs of ganglia. The investigators last named state that the rudiment of the last (seventeenth) pair of ganglia is somewhat shorter than the others. In figure XLV of their paper is a representation of the posterior end of an extremely young larva, showing clearly the last three pairs of ganglia of the ventral cord. These are here seen to be subequal in size, the seventeenth pair appearing to be nearly if not quite as large as the other two pairs. The origin of the lateral cords in insects is fairly well estab- lished. In every insect embryo thus far studied they arise, as Hatschek (1877) discovered, from the inner layers of the primi- tive swellings. Wheeler (1891, 1893) called attention to the role played by the neuroblasts in the development of the lateral cords. Subsequent investigators of the development of the nervous system of insects have uniformly observed similar telo- blastic cells whose behavior corresponds, with the exception of minor differences, to the account given by Wheeler. At the end of the embryonic period the neuroblasts undergo THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 139 degeneration in the Orthoptera (Viallanes 1891, Wheeler 1893, Heymons 1895) and also in the Dermaptera (Heymons 1895). In Donacia, according to Lecaillon (1898), they simply disappear. Birger (Carriére and Biirger 1897), says (p. 370) in regard to Chalicodoma: “I do not think that the cells I have designated neuroblasts degenerate. Later they can not be distinguished from the cells which they have produced.” In the honey bee the neuroblasts do not degenerate before hatching, since at Stage XV they are conspicuously visible at the periphery of the ganglia (and brain as well) and are frequently dividing mitotically (Figs. 37A, 37C, Ndi, see also Fig. 41). The development of the median cord, unlike that of the lateral cords, appears to differ considerably in different insects. That it is derived from a median strip of the ventral ectoderm, forming the floor of the neural groove, seems to be at least certain. The ultimate fate of this strip is less uniform. All investigators of the subject—with the exception of Wheeler—agree with Hatschek (1877) that the intraganglionic sections of the median cord con- tribute at least a large part—if not all—of the median portions of the ganglia, including the transverse commissures. To this opinion, however, Wheeler (1893) takes exception. This in- ‘vestigator, while admitting that in Xiphidium the intersegmental regions of the median cord—the progeny of the median neuro- blasts—are taken up into the central portions of the ganglia to form functional ganglion cells, does not believe that the median cord cells in the intrasegmental regions became ganglion cells, but believes that they are used up in the formation of neurilemma. In the same group to which Xiphidium belongs, the Orthoptera, Heymons (1895) later found that the anterior and central median | gangliomeres were actually formed by the median cord, much as in other insects. With this exception, the differences in regard to the development of the median cord center principally about the fate of the intersegmental (interganglionic) sections. Hat- schek (1877) stated that these remained in connection with the ectoderm and contributed nothing to the ganglia. Graber (1890) found that in Melolontha the median cord was separated from the hypodermis throughout its entire length, but that the intersegmental portions later divide transversely, each 1430 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE half being then drawn cephalad and caudad respectively into the ganglia adjoining. In Hydrophilus, Lina and Stenobothrus on the other hand the median cord was not observed to separate inter- segmentally from the hypodermis. Wheeler’s account of the development of the nerve cord of the grasshopper Xiphidium has already been outlined at the be- ginning of this section. The interganglionic sections of the median cord were each represented by a deep invagination, forming a part of the floor of the neural groove, and also by a median neuroblast, the median cord neuroblast. The former, the ecto- dermal invagination, produced no nerve tissue, but remained in connection with the hypodermis and later formed, in the thoracic region, the furcae, apodemes for the attachment of muscles; in the abdomen these invaginations also occurred but persisted only for a short time and then disappeared. The products of the median cord neuroblasts on the other hand become displaced cephalad and contributed to the formation of the posterior me- dian neuromere. Heymons (1895) in his researches on the Dermaptera and Orthoptera has virtually confirmed Wheeler’s results, as concerns the interganglionic portions of the median cord. Heymons however found instead of one interganglionic neuroblast, several of these cells. In Lepisma Heymons (1897) found that a con- tinuous median cord was set free from the hypodermis and present in the newly hatched nymph, extending the entire length of the ventral cord. Carriére and Biirger’s (1897) statements concerning the fate of the median cord in Chalicodoma are contained in the following paragraphs (pp. 371-372): “My investigations essentially con- firm the account given by Heymons (1895). Nevertheless I have not been able to determine, that the floor of the neural groove becomes split up into a dermatogenic and neurogenic layer. According to my observations all of its cell material goes to form the median cord, while its covering is produced by the union of the hypodermis formed in the region of the primitive swellings. — “The complete sundering of the median cord from the hypo- dermis takes place about the end of development. Its intragan- glionic portions separate from the hypodermis at about the same THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE = 1q1 time as the delamination of the lateral cords, its interganglionic portions remain in connection with it, after the nerve fibres have become evident in the lateral cords.” Escherisch (1902, 1902a) has given a very complete and in- teresting account of the development of the median cord in Jfusca, in which the conditions recall those found in Lepisma. In Musca a continuous median cord is separated from the ectoderm. Within the limits of the ganglia the median cord contributes their median portions, as in other insects; in the interganglionic re- gions it presents swellings of considerable size, one being situated directly caudad of each ganglion. From each of these swellings, near its posterior end, a pair of lateral processes are given off which extend to the neighborhood of the stigmata. These pro- cesses are regarded as nerves. Escherisch points out the close resemblance which the median cord bears to the unpaired median nerve described by several investigators of the anatomy of insects. This discovery, as well as that of Heymons (1897), shows that in some insects the median cord may form a more or less continuous median nerve. The presence of such a nerve in Lepisma suggests that its occurrence represents a primitive condition. Hirschler (1909) in the chrysomelid beetle Donacia, has in part confirmed Graber’s statements regarding Melolontha, since he finds that the median cord is at first completely severed, through- out its extent, from the hypodermis, but that afterward the inter- segmental sections are added to the ganglia, forming in each the posterior median gangliomere. In their fate these interganglionic sections correspond to the median cord neuroblasts and their products in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera. In the development of the lateral cords it is evident that the honey bee conforms to the general rule and that such differences as it presents are of relatively minor importance. In the origin and fate of the median cord it conforms to Grassi’s account and is also similar to many of the Coleoptera, as, for example, Hydro- philus (Graber 1890), in so far as the median cord is not de- veloped in the interganglionic regions, but remains here united with the hypodermis. These interganglionic spaces nevertheless are, up to the time of hatching, of very slight extent in an antero- posterior direction, as figure 50E shows; moreover the anterior 142 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE and posterior commissures are close together, so that it is obvious that the anterior and posterior median gangliomeres, as well as the central gangliomere, are formed from the median cord. B. The Brain The rudiments of the brain, the procephalic lobes (see p. 100), appear at Stages VI-VII. These together form a heart-shaped expansion of the anterior end of the germ band which at its widest part embraces a trifle over two-thirds of the diameter of the egg. The antero-lateral margin of each lobe is rounded, and the two lobes are separated from one another at the anterior end of the germ band, by a median notch or indentation. Caudad the lobes narrow rather gradually to join the remainder of the germ band. The anterior limit of the procephalic lobes is at this stage slightly ventrad of the cephalic pole of the egg. The structure of the procephalic lobes at Stage VII is shown in figures 29, 30, and 31. As these show, the lobes (ProL) are composed of a single thick layer of long prismatic cells which rises slightly above the level of the surrounding blastoderm, (Fig. VII). On comparing the ectoderm of the procephalic lobes with that of the neurogenic area of the trunk it,is at once evident that the ectoderm of the lobes is of much greater thick- ness, particularly in their anterior half (Figs. 30, 31). The nuclei of the cells composing the procephalic lobes are similar to those of the neurogenic area of the trunk ectoderm both in size and clear appearance. In cross sections through the posterior region of the proto- cerebral lobes, caudad of the point where the anterior mesenteron rudiment comes to the external surface, there is seen on each side a group of cells (Fig. 31, Hyp) whose nuclei have the small size and dense appearance characteristic of the dermatogenic ecto- derm bordering the neurogenic area of the trunk. By following this group caudad it is found to be actually continuous with this portion of the ectoderm, which may therefore be conceived as sending a tongue-like prolongation forward on each side into the neurogenic portion of the protocerebral lobes. The fate of this group of cells is uncertain, but its position suggests that it may represent the antennal rudiment, which at the following stage THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE = 143 (VIII) is actually composed of cells of just this character (Fig. 52, Ant). If these groups of small cells represent the antennal rudiments, then the antennae originate caudad of the future mouth, since its location on the germ band is marked by the point Fic. 52. Transverse section through the head of an embryo, Stage IX, showing the three principal divisions of the brain (1Br, 2Br, 3Br). and the antennal rudiment (Ant), x 387. where the cells of the anterior mesenteron rudiment come to the surface. | ‘At Stage VIII the procephalic lobes have undergone considera- ble change both in position and form. The entire germ band has increased in length, thereby bringing its anterior end around the cephalic pole of the egg, so that the procephalic lobes are now curved in a semicircle, their anterior ends lying on the dorsal side of the egg and directed toward the caudal pole. The procephalic lobes have meanwhile become subdivided into three lobes, the three pairs constituting respectively the proto- cerebrum, deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum, each of which rises 144 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE above the external surface of the egg as a more or less evident swelling. Of these the protocerebral lobes (Figs. VIII, VIIa, rBr) are the largest. They are relatively flat with a rounded external margin and have previously been described as resembling a saddle in shape. The deutocerebral lobes (2Br) are more con- vex, do not extend so far laterad, and are each tipped by a small papilliform projection, the antennal rudiment (Ant). The trito- cerebral lobes (3Br) are small hemispherical elevations situated on a line with the posterior border of the stomodael depression and somewhat farther apart than are the neural ridges to which they are joined. They are in fact nothing more or less than the much discussed “second antennae” of Biitschli and the “transitory anterior appendage” of Grassi (see p. 109). A section transverse to the long axis of the egg and passing through these three pairs of lobes are shown in figure 52. On each side are seen the papilliform antennae (Ant), imme- diately dorsad of which are the deutocerebral lobes (2Br). Above these and divided from them by a slight depression are the anter- ior ends of the protocerebral lobes (zBr) which extend almost to the mid-dorsal line, being here joined together by a bridge of small dermatoblastic cells (Hyp). Ventrad of the antennae are the tritocerebral lobes (3?Br), which are clearly seen to be essen- tially similar to the remainder of the ganglionic swellings of the neural ridges. Between these lobes, on the ventral side, is a pair of high rounded elevations separated by a rather shallow median depression. These elevations are merely the extreme anterior ends of the neural ridges, which, at this and the stage next suc- ceeding terminate anteriorly in a pair of rounded swellings situa- ted just behind the mouth, and which are very evident in figures IX and X. During Stage X the external elevations marking the two anter- ior divisions of the brain become less evident, the outer surface of the head becoming relatively smooth in contour. The swellings forming the tritocerebrum tend to lose their prominence and at Stage X (Fig. X) have almost disappeared. This flattening out of the external evidences of the rudiments of the neuromeres of the brain takes place at the same stage and corresponds with the flattening out of the neural ridges in the trunk, the rudiments of THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE = 145 all of the neuromeres now rising above the internal instead of the external surface of the ectoderm. The lateral aspect of the head at Stage X shows little evidence of the two anterior brain neuromeres. Its surface appears hemi- spherical, smooth and unbroken except for the button-like anten- nae. The dorsal aspect of the head however enables one to gain a conception of the general form of the protocerebral lobes at this stage. This is illustrated by Fig. 53, taken from a camera draw- Lm Fic. 53. Dorsal view of embryo, Stage XII, showing outlines of proto- ‘cerebrum (r1Br), x 112. ing. The protocerebral lobes are now seen to be oval in outline, their smaller ends directed backward and outward, their long axis diverging at any angle of about fifty degrees, The prismatic cells composing the ectodermal thickening which constitutes the future brain, at Stage VIII are precisely similar to those of the corresponding neurogenic area of the trunk. Dur- ing Stage IX and X the brain rudiment undergoes a differentiation corresponding with that of the ventral cord. Near the inner sur- face of the ectoderm of all three segments of the brain appear the clear and rounded nuclei of neuroblasts (Fig. 54, A and B, NO/). The future history of these cells appears to be essentially similar to those of the ventral cord, although their study in the brain is much more difficult than in the ventral cord because of the way in which the brain is bent about the anterior end of the egg. Never- theless, in favorable sections the same phenomena may be observed. Figure 54A shows the unequal teloblastic division of a neuroblast in the rudiment of the deutocerebral segment, and also two ad- 146 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE jacent neuroblasts, one of which is seen accompanied by two of its progeny. Figure 54B taken from the tritocerebrum shows three parallel rows formed by the neuroblasts and their descendants. Fic. 54. Parts of sections through the brain of embryos, to show the neuroblasts (Nbl) and their products. A is from a transverse section of Stage IX, passing through the antennal rudiment (Ant), and shows the rudiment of the deutocerebrum (2Br). B is from a sagittal section of Stage IX, passing through the tritocerebrum. ‘C. includes a portion of the dorsolateral surface of the head of an embryo of Stage X-XI, and shows small spindles of two different sizes, x 600. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE = 147 Figure 54C taken from the protocerebrum shows three spindles, the two larger being plainly those of neuroblasts, while the smaller is that of a daughter cell of the first generation. A minor point in which the histogenesis of the brain differs from that of the ventral cord is the greater irregularity of the groups formed by the neuroblasts and their progeny. In the ventral cord these form more or less regular rows, lying for the most part in the transverse plane of the embryo, while in the brain the different neuroblasts and their progeny often appear to form a confused mass. This is especially true of the earlier stages, and is at least in part to be ascribed to the varying planes, with regard to the morphological long axis of the embryo, in which the brain is intersected. In the later stages more or less regular pyramidal groups with a neuroblast at their outer and larger ends are frequently seen. Some of these are shown in figure 56. Like the neuroblasts of the ventral cord, those of the brain persist until after the hatching of the young larva. Probably they remain active much longer than this. Sections through the brain of a larva about two days old show cells with large clear nuclei situated about the periphery of the brain and having all the ap- pearance of the embryonic neuroblasts, except that they are larger. Two of these larval cells were observed undergoing an unequal and tangential division precisely like that of the embryonic neuroblasts. At Stage X, when the brain has nearly reached its ‘ultimate embryonic dimensions, it begins to separate from the hypodermis. This takes place in the same way as in the ventral cord, and the hypodermis has for the most part the same character, being thin and made up of flat cells. The deutocerebrum and tritocerebrum separate from the hypodermis first. The protocerebrum separates from the hypodermis more slowly, the separation beginning at the mesial border of these lobes at Stage XI, and slowly progress- ing laterad, being completed as Stage XII (Figs. 52 and 55). The nerve fibres make their appearance at Stage XI (Fig. 55), appearing simultaneously in the three divisions of the brain. Their mode of development is precisely the same as in the ganglia of the ventral chain, the formation of the nerve fibres being preceded by the appearance of clefts beneath the innermost row of cells of 148 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Fic. 55. Transverse section through head of embryo, Stage XI-XII, showing the formation of the suboesophageal commissure (SoeCom) and the stomatogastric ganglion (StgGng), x 387. the brain rudiment (Fig. 55). These clefts then widen out and. become occupied by the fibres (Fig. 56). While the greater portion of the brain is formed by neuroblasts, parts of both the deuto- and protocerebrum are not formed in this way. ‘These exceptions include the optic lobes, whose develop- ment will be described later, and a pair of small groups of pris- matic cells, situated, when first seen, one on each side, just above the base of the antennal rudiment. These groups of cells becomé plainly noticeable at Stage XI as a subspherical cluster of large prismatic cells (Figs. 55, and 57, y). They apparently do not divide, at least up to the time of the hatching of the larva, but are covered over by the hypodermis derived from the base of the antennal rudiment as shown in figure 57. At Stage XV they are readily recognizable as a spherical group of relatively large cells lying embedded in the deutocerebrum close to its outer sur- face (Fig. 41, y). The optic lobes of the insect brain constitute the first, and with THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 149 Fic. 56. Transverse section through head of an embryo, Stage XIII- XIV. This section passes just caudad of the antennal rudiments, x 387. reference to the rest of the brain, the outermost of the three divisions of the protocerebral lobes (see pp. 116-117). Since in the honey bee these lobes are, with reference to the poles of the egg, directed caudad and laterad, the optic lobes may be similarly described as derived from the lower and posterior border of the protocerebral lobes, although this is actually their upper (dorsal) and anterior border. As in other insects then development differs from that of the remainder of the brain. At Stages VIII and IX the ectoderm destined to form the optic lobes is not distinguishable from the other neurogenic ectoderm of the brain rudiment. During the succeeding stages the greater part of the latter becomes transformed into neuroblasts and gang- lion cells and the regular palisade-like arrangement of its cells altogether disappears. This does not occur in the region of the 150 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Fic. 57. Part of a transverse section of Stage XI-XII, passing through the antennal rudiment (Ant), showing one of the pair of spherical cell groups of unknown significance (Y), which enter the deutocerebrum (2Br), x 600. future optic lobes. Here the regular palisade-like arrangement characteristic of the neurogenic epithelium at earlier stages is preserved, the rudiment of the optic lobes appearing as a thick epithelial plate composed of slender prismatic cells with large nuclei (Fig. 58A, OpL). Only a limited number of neuroblasts are produced from this area. These, together with the progeny of adjacent neuroblasts form a mass of cells underlying all but the extreme lateral borders of the epithelial plate. On its ex- ternal rounded margin the epithelial plate is sharply demarcated from the dematogenic ectoderm immediately adjacent, which equals the epithelial plate in thickness and is composed of narrow prismatic cells of the smaller size characteristic of the dermato- genic ectoderm (Fig. 58A, OpP1l). This dermatogenic layer be- comes thin at its edges where it meets the optic lobes, the thin edge overlapping and covering their margins. The epithelial plate destined to form the optic lobes is at Stages a, io Piece D + i ~ Ree eae ee ee ee et ee SS THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE J itsr XI and XII plainly seen to be marked off into two nearly equal parts by a narrow furrow which runs parallel to the outer margin of the protocerebral lobes. A similar furrow or depression on the opposite side of the epithelial plate combines with the. first to form a constriction which separates the plate into two nearly equal parts, one of which is central, lying next to the second division of the protocerebrum, while the other is marginal or peripheral (Fig. 58A). This half projects laterad nearly free from the mass of cells constituting the adjacent parts of the protocerebrum. During Stages XII-XIII the superficial furrow deepens into a cleft, the two halves of the epithelial plate simultaneously bending inward in such a way as to form an invagination of which the cleft is the lumen (Fig. 58B). The cells at the bottom of this invagination are considerably deformed, the lateral two-thirds of the epithelial plate being, so to speak, doubled up into a form resembling that of the letter U (Fig. 58C). The peripheral half of the epithelial plate together with the adjacent dematogenic ecto- derm, forms a double fold constituting the lateral boundary of the invagination. During Stage XIII, the two layers of this double fold separate from one another, the outer dermatogenic layer gliding over the optic lobe to join the thin hypodermis formed from the adjacent parts of the brain by delamination (Fig. 58C). This thicker hypodermis overlying the optic lobes now constitutes the optic plate, from which the receptive portion of the compound eye is derived (Fig. 58A, B, and C, OpP/). The optic lobe of each side now appears in either transverse or coronal sections as an oval mass composed of a double layer of large columnar cells, and retains this appearance at least well into the larval period. A conception of the superficial extent and direction of the in- vagination concerned in the formation of the optic lobes may be obtained from certain favorable tangential sections of the head. Such a section is represented in figure 58D. The double fold of neurogenic ectoderm forming the optic lobe (OpL) is at Stage XV seem to extend across the head at approximately right angles to the long axis of the protocerebral lobes. These two folds are continuous with one another at both ends of the slit-like lumen of the invagination, so that each optic lobe may be compared to Fic. 58. Sections through the otic lobe of embryos. A and B, trans+ verse sections intersecting the left optic lobe of two embryos of Stage XII; C, of Stage XIII-XIV. D, tangential section through one of the optic lobes of a newly hatched embryo (Stage XV), x 290. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 153 an ordinary cup-like invagination greatly drawn out and flattened. At stages prior to hatching the long axis of the invagination is oblique to the long axis of the embryo, so that both coronal and transverse (Fig. 58A-C) sections intersect the long axis of the invagination. At hatching the dorsal flexure of the embryo is exchanged for a ventral flexure, and the head becomes turned ventrad, so that the long axis of the invagination is brought to a position approximately at right angles to the long axis of the young larva (Fig. 39). | The accounts of the formation of the optic ganglion and optic plates of insects differ to a considerable extent. In Mantis (Vial- lanes 1891) the optic ganglion is produced by “Cellules ganglio- genes” or neuroblasts like the remainder of the brain, the over- lying hypodermis splitting off from the optic ganglion to constitute the optic plate. In Xiphidiwm (Wheeler 1893) the optic ganglion and optic plate are formed by a simple separation of two cell layers, as is Mantis, but the inner layer is single and contains no neuroblasts. In Forficula (Heymons 1895) the pro- cess is much the same, but Heymons reports having observed a few neuroblasts in the layer forming the optic ganglion. In none of these forms is there any invagination of the ectoderm forming the optic plate. There is present however, an ectodermal invagin- ation or proliferation just posterior to the embryonic optic lobe (Fig. 38, Jgl), but this is outside of the limits of the latter and situated between it and the second protocerebral lobe, and is moreover purely hypodermal in character, so that—as will appear later—there seems to be no good ground for comparing this in- vagination, the intergangionic thickening of Wheeler (1893), with the invaginations of the optic lobe described by Patten (1889), as Viallanes (1891) and Wheeler (1893) have done. In the re- maining accounts, which relate exclusively to the orders Coleop- tera and Hymenoptera a conspicuous ectodermal invagination is: concerned in the development of the optic lobe. Patten (1887) was the first to observe this in the case of the wasp Vespa. Here the rudiments of the eye are formed somewhat as in the honey bee, the optic plate lying at first laterad of the rudiment of the optic plate, and later extending mesiad over it. The separation of the optic plate from the optic lobe however takes place early, 154 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE and the ectoderm forming the optic lobe is not folded to any extent, being merely bent inward to form a cup-shaped cavity. At the beginning of the process, the optic plate is connected with the optic lobe by a strand of cells which is said later to constitute the optic nerve. Nothing of this kind was seen in the honey bee. In Patten’s next paper (1889), on the eyes of the beetle Acilius a long curved slit-like invagination, or rather three such invagina- tions, almost continuous, were described as concerned in the formation of the optic lobe. One of these invaginations was considered as rudimentary. The other two seem together to correspond very closely to the invaginations forming the optic lobes of the bee in their form, situation and relation to the sur- rounding parts. As in the honey bee, the ectoderm destined to form the optic plate lies at first external to the future optic lobe. Heider (1889) described a similar condition in Hydrophilus. Heider’s text figure 5 representing a transverse section shows an infolding strikingly similar to 58B. All the relations are apparently the same as in the honey bee. Moreover the ectoderm from which the optic lobe is formed appears to also consist of a single layer of columnar cells. All the cases thus far studied fall broadly into two classes: those in which the optic lobe is formed by delamination, and those in which it is formed by infolding. To the first class belong representatives of the order Orthoptera and the nearly related order Dermaptera. To the second class belong representatives of the Coleoptera and Hymenoptera. In this class the optic plate is formed from ectoderm lying outside of and immediately sur- rounding that destined to form the optic lobes, in other words the optic lobe and optic plate are formed from separate areas of the ectoderm, while in the first class they are formed from the same area. In the first class (Orthoptera, Dermaptera) the optic lobes undergo rather a complex series of changes in order to arrive at their ultimate or imaginal form. The postembryonic changes undergone by the optic lobes in insects belonging to the second class are unknown so that a basis for a definite comparison is lacking, and only a guess is possible as to the meaning of the different parts. A comparison of the optic lobes of the bee at Stage XV with those of Mantis or Xiphidium at a stage shortly THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 155 prior to hatching suggests that the folding of the optic lobe in the bee—and in the Coleoptera—may correspond to the subdivision of the optic lobe in the forms first mentioned into the ganglionic layer and the external medullary mass. This is however only a surmise. Both the supra- and suboesophageal commissures have been compared by writers on the insect brain to the commissures of the ventral cord, and are supposed to be formed in the same way, that is, by a median ingrowth of the ectoderm comparable to the median cord. Heymons has observed this in both commissures in Forficula. In the honey bee the cellular portion of the supra- oesophageal commissure is formed from a median thickening of the ectoderm of the head. Figure 59B, taken from a transverse SoeCom Fic. 59. A,median sagittal section through the mouth of an embryo, Stage X, showing the suboesophageal commissure (SoeCom). B, part of a transverse section of an embryo, Stage XIII-XIV, showing the formation of the supraoesophageal commissure, x 600. section of Stage XIII-XIV sufficiently illustrates this point. As in the commissures of the ventral cord it is the cellular portion principally which is furnished by the median ingrowth, the bridge of nerve fibres arising principally from the ganglion cells of the paired ganglia lying on each side of the mid-line. The origin of the suboesophageal commissure, or even a part of it, from the ectoderm of the mid-line, is much less clear. As figure 41, Stage XV, shows, the commissure (SoeCom) consists principally of an extremely thin band of nerve fibres connecting 156 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE together the two halves of the tritocerebrum, and is accompanied by a few small cells, apparently ganglion cells. This band of fibres is formed at Stage X-XI by processes of the ganglion cells of the tritocerebral lobes (Fig. 55, SoeCom). These fibres lie in a minute channel at the bottom of the reentrant angle formed by the junction of the hinder wall of the oesophagus and the ventral ectoderm and lie immediately above the extreme anterior end of the median cord (Fig. 59A, SoeCom). During Stage XI after the suboesophageal ganglion separates from the ventral hypoder- mis the suboesophageal commissure also leaves the ventral body wall, although remaining in contact with that of the oesophagus. During the stages succeeding, the hypodermis directly caudad of the mouth grows out to form the lower lip or hypopharynx, in- creasing the space below the oesophagus and consequently the distance of the circumoesophageal commissure from the ventral surface. Up to Stage X the nerve fibres of the suboesophageal commissure and the anterior end of the median cord, now an integral part of the suboesophageal ganglion, remain in close ap- position (Fig. 59A). At Stage XITI-XIV (Fig 45) these become separated by a slight cleft traversed by a few muscle fibres (dila- tors of the pharynx) which pass from the median part of the tentorium to the posterior or lower wall of the pharynx. In view of the close apposition of the fibres of the circumoeso- phageal commissure and the anterior end of the median cord, and of the serial homology of the commissures of the ventral cord with those of the brain, it is not impossible that the cells accom- panying the fibres of the suboesophageal commissure are derived from the ventral cord. This point could not however be definitely determined, in spite of repeated efforts. While it may be true that these cells are actually derived from the median cord, they have rather the appearance of having migrated mesiad from the two lobes of the tritocerebrum. Summary In summing up the foregoing observations on the development of the brain of the honey bee, with reference to their bearing on the development of the brain of other insects, it may be said, first, that in a broad sense they confirm the results of Viallanes, THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 157 Wheeler, Heymons and others, especially with regard to the division of the insect brain into three segments or neuromeres. Second, with regard to details, the brain of the bee shows several points of difference when compared with the few accounts avail- able. These accounts relate principally to the development of the brain in Orthoptera, and the nearly allied Dermaptera, as exem- plified by Forficula. In fact since the publication, in 1895, of Heymons’ monograph, there has appeared no detailed account of the embryonic development of the insect brain. Even Carriére and Burger (1897), in their otherwise quite complete account of the development of the mason bee, give a disappointingly brief account of the brain, concluding with the statement that “An extended account of the development of the brain may be omitted, since it would only serve to confirm the more recent investigations on this subject.” The points in regard to which the development of the brain of the bee differs from the Orthoptera and Dermaptera may be summed up as follows: 3 (1) The brain is flexed around the cephalic pole of the egg in such a way that the morphological anterior ends of the proto- cerebral lobes are directed toward the caudad pole of the egg. (2) The cells of the second generation from the neuroblasts, instead of the first, form the definitive nerve cells. This is the same as in the ventral cord. (3) The three subdivisions of the protocerebrum are not at first plainly marked off from one another and are never separated by hypodermal ingrowths. (4) The optic lobes are formed, apparently independent of the agency of neuroblasts, by a deep invagination of the neurogenic ectoderm, which has no counterpart in the Dermaptera or Orthop- tera, but seems to correspond more or less closely with an invagin-. ation of the optic lobe described by Patten (1889) in Acilius and Heider (1889) in Hydrophilus. Patten (1887) has also described an invagination concerned in the formation of the optic lobe in Vespa which seems to be similar to that in the honey bee. C. The Stomatogastric System The stomatogastric system, as in other insects is formed from the dorsal wall of the stomadaeal invagination. The rudiments 58 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE of this system first make their appearance at Stage IX, but are more sharply marked at Stage X. At this stage three evaginations of the dorsal wall of the stomodeaum wall are visible (Fig. 60). Meso f = ‘ i eee —— Ze os : EGS : aw: a Fic. 60. Median sagittal section through the stomodaeum of an embryo, Stage X, showing the three evaginations of the dorsal wall of the stomo- daeum which form the stomatogastric system, x 387. On the lower surface of this wall these appear as sharply pointed clefts, on the upper surface as rounded swellings (Fig. 55, FtGng). The first (anteriormost) of these is relatively insignificant, while the other two are very noticeable. The first is situated not far from the end of the labrum, the second close behind the first, while the third is halfway between the second and the point where the oesophagus joins the mid-intestine. The first evagination lib- erates a few scattered ganglion cells which later are found ac- companying the labral nerve, and then quickly disappears. The second forms a large ovoid mass of nerve cells lying just above the oesophagus and between the two halves of the brain, and is easily recognized as the frontal ganglion (Fig. 55, FtGng). This mass is at first hollow, with the cavity of the evagination extend- ing up through it, but soon becomes solid. The third mass of oo Se ee THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 159 nerve tissue thus formed is lower and longer in an antero-poster- ior direction than the rudiment of the frontal ganglion, and is in contact with the latter. This third mass forms the pharyngeal ganglia of the stomatogastric system and possibly a part of the frontal nerve connecting these ganglia with the frontal ganglion. The frontal ganglion is known to arise from a median evagina- tion of the dorsal wall of the stomodaeum in Orthoptera (Vial- lanes 1891, Wheeler 1893, Heymons), Forficula (Heymons 1895), Coleoptera (Heider 1899), Hymenoptera (Carriére 1890) so that it is safe to assume that this mode of origin is typical for the insects. The accounts of Heymons and of Carriere and Burger of the origin of the frontal ganglia and its associated structures are the most complete and circumstantial. In Forficula and sev- eral of the Orthoptera the stomatogastric system consists of the frontal ganglion, close behind which is the elongate occipital ganglion connected with the frontal ganglion by the short nervus recurrens (stomatogastric nerve). From the occipital ganglia two nerves run dorsad and caudad for a short distance to the paired ganglia pharangea (pharyngeal ganglia), and these in turn send out nerves which run to the posterior termination of the oesophagus. The stomatogastric system in Chalicodoma (Carriére and Bur- ger (1897) is essentially similar to that of the honey bee, consist- ing simply of a frontal ganglion, a recurrent (stomatogastric nerve) and a pair of pharyngeal ganglia. On comparing the stomatogastric system of these two repre- sentatives of the Hymenoptera with that of Forficula and Gryllus it becomes evident that the principal difference between them lies in the apparent absence of the occipital ganglion in the repre- sentatives of the Hymenoptera. In both the mason bee and the honey bee the stomatogastric nerve is surrounded by ganglion cells for some distance caudad of the frontal ganglia, and this part of the nerve may therefore readily be homologized with the occipital ganglion, as Carriére and Biirger have already stated. The mode of origin of the stomatogastric system in Forficula and Gryllus differs slightly from that in the honey bee. Three evaginations are found on the dorsal wall of the stomodaeum. From the first of these is formed the frontal and occipital ganglia, 160 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE from the second the pharyngeal ganglion, and from the third the nerves passing caudad from the pharyngeal ganglia. The first evagination in Forficula therefore corresponds apparently to the second in the honey bee, the second to the third, while the last is wanting. D. Neurilemma The neurilemma, which at Stage XV constitutes a thin cellular membrane covering the external surface of the nervous system (Fig. 37A, B and C, Nim), first becomes evident in the ventral cord at Stage XI-XII. At this stage, it will be remembered that a considerable shifting and rearrangement of the cells of the lateral cord takes place as shown in figure 50A and B. A large number of the daughter cells of the neuroblasts have, in the intra- ganglionic regions, shifted laterad, while others appear on the ventral surface of the lateral cords where they form a single layer. A similar layer is already present at the dorsal surface. From these superficial cells the neurilemma is evidently derived. In figures 50A and B, on the ventral side of the lateral cords, the neurilemma may be seen to be in process of formation, certain of the superficial cells having already assumed a flattened form (Nim). The development of the neurilemma on the dorsal side of the ventral cord is less readily observed, owing to the number of small cells crowded together in this region, but it seems reason- able to assume that its origin is the same here as on the ventral surface. The cells of the neurilemma at later stages (XI-XV) vary much in size, indicating division subsequent to their assump- tion of a superficial position. In regard to the origin of the neurilemma in insects there has been a considerable difference in opinion. Nusbaum (1883, 1886) and Korotneff (1885) traced its origin to wandering blood cells. Wheeler (1893) believed that it arose from the intragan- glionic sections of the median cord. Heymons (1895, p. 45) states that in Forficula “The outer neurilemma apparently arises from cells which during the segregation of the neuroblasts from the dermatogenous layer were separated off from the latter.” In the honey bee it seems highly improbable that the neuri- lemma arises from blood cells, since the cells which are destined to form the neurilemma are when first evident—at Stages XI-XIIJ— TEE Sy a ee ab a er ge eS ee ee a a eo ee ae THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 161 so closely associated with the ganglion cells of the ventral cord and so like them in appearance. It is still less probable that they owe their origin to the median cord since at the time they are first evident the median cord is just separating from the hypo- dermis, and moreover its cells are still relatively large and pre- serve their original elongate form. ‘There accordingly remain two possibilities; either the neurilemma cells are, as Heymons suggests, split off from the dermatogenous layer; or else they are merely transformed ganglion cells. The former view has much to commend it, from a theoretical standpoint and, as far as the ‘writer’s observations go, can not be totally excluded. The evi- dence at hand however seems to favor the latter view. Prior to Stages XI-XII the line of separation between the lateral cords and the future hypodermis is coincident with the outer boundary of the neuroblasts, in other words there is no direct evidence that any considerable number of dermatogenous cells are split off from the peripheral layer; on the other hand at the time the lateral cords are definitely split off a rearrangement of the cells takes place in the intraganglionic regions of the lateral cords, at which time a number of small cells appear on their ventral sur- faces. These cells closely resemble the ganglion cells. It seems probable therefore that in the honey bee the neurilemma owes its origin to the ganglion cells themselves. E. Corpora Allata The origin and development of the corpora or ganglia allata in the honey bee corresponds very closely to the account given by Heymons (1895) for Forficula. In both insects these bodies arise as ectodermal ingrowths located in front of the bases of the first maxillae. In the honey bee this is also the location of the tubular invaginations which form the apodemes, of the adductor muscles of the mandibles. Each of these ingrowths at Stage X has already become a long hollow finger-like structure curving dorsad and caudad. The mouth of this invagination is wide, invading the base of the maxilla on its anterior and lateral sides. At Stage X there may be found near the outer and caudal end of each of these openings a small tubular invagination extending mesiad into the base of the maxilla. These invaginations are the rudi- 162 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 4 CorAll” C Fic. 61. Transverse sections through the head of three embryos of dif- ferent stages, to illustrate the development of the corpora allata, (CorAll). A, Stage X; B, Stage XI; 'C, Stage XITI-XIV, x 387. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE _ 163 ments of the corpora allata (Fig. 61A, CorAll). At the next stage (XI) the lumen of these invaginations has nearly disap- peared and the corpora allata now appear as irregular cellular outgrowths springing from the mesial side of the mandibular apodemes (Fig. 61B). These cell masses are next constricted off from the apodemes, but still remain in close contact with them. Meanwhile the corpora allata are carried dorsad by the growth of the mandibular apodemes and at Stage XII lie between the latter and the inner ends of the posterior arms of the tentorium where these join the anterior arms to form the central body. At Stage XIII the corpora allata become attached to the ventro- lateral angles of the antennal somites (Fig. 61C) and soon after lose their attachment to the mandibular apodemes. This is their position at the time of hatching and for at least a considerable period of the life of the larva. The corpora allata acquire their characteristic globular and compact form during the final stages of embryonic development. Heymons (1895) was the first to call attention to the bodies named by him “ganglia allata,” describing their development in some detail in Forficula, and more briefly in Gryllus. Three years later Carriére and Birger (1897) found that in the mason bee (Chalicodoma) the ganglia allata have the same origin as in Forficula, but these bodies do not, however, later fuse to form a median body as they do in Forficula but remain attached to the ventro-lateral margins of the antennal coelomic sacs, as in the honey bee. These investigators expressed a doubt as to the ner- vous nature of the “ganglia allata,”’ since no nerve fibres could be observed within them. In 1899 Heymons published a brief paper on the structure and development of the corpora allata of a walking stick (Bacillus). In this form these bodies lie one behind the other, above the oesophagus and caudad of the pharyn- geal ganglia, from which they receive nerves. In this insect the corpora allata have the form of capsules within each of which is a concentric layer of chitin secreted by the capsular wall. Their development was found to be the same as in Forficula. The function and homology of these bodies is unknown. Hey- mons (1899) surmised that they had a static function, but exci- sion of the corpora failed to produce any disturbance in the loco- motion of the insect (Bacillus). Janet (1899a, 1900) discusses at 1644 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE . some length the probable homology of the “corpora incerta” and arrives at the conclusion that these bodies probably represent the tracheal rudiments of one of the cephalic segments and that they furnish material for the tracheae of the head. No evidence to support this view has been seen in the honey bee. On the con- trary the corpora allata and the tracheae develop independently of one another. In the honey bee the tracheae supplying the head are derived from tracheal invaginations located on the second maxillary segment (see p. 172). A possible clue to the homology of the corpora allata appears in an interesting observation, apparently hitherto unnoticed, by Toyama (1900) on the embryo of the silkworm (Bombyx). In the section devoted to the endoskeleton of the head Toyama states : “In the mandibular segment three pairs of invaginations take place; the most anterior (between the labrum and the mandible) becomes the first tentorium, the second pair gives rise to the seat of the extensor mandibulae, while the last becomes the flexor mandibulae and salivary gland.’’* The flexor mandibulae and salivary gland therefore arise from a common invagination, which Toyama’s figure (woodcut Fig..1) shows to be situated at the posterior margin of the base of the mandible, corresponding quite closely to the point of origin of the flexor mandibulae and corpora allata in the honey bee. This suggests that the corpora allata may represent glands, vestigial in the honey bee and many other insects, but functional in at least some of the Lepidoptera. Further research in this direction is much needed. F. Degenerating Cells A phenomenon apparently peculiar to the bee, since it is not mentioned by the investigators of other insects, is the frequent occurrence of degenerating cells within the embryonic nerve tis- sue. These cells occur isolated and in small number within the ventral cord but in the brain they are abundant and to a certain extent localized in definite regions. The largest, most conspicu-_ ous and most constant of these include a pair of wedge-shaped sections of the brain, one on each side, situated near the juncture between the proto- and deutocerebrum, and including a part of Poe DOF. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 165 “each (Fig. 55, DegCl). Degenerating cells become evident in these regions as early as Stage IX, and are easily recognizable at low magnifications by the presence among the brain cells of deeply stained granules. Under a high magnification these gran- ules prove to be the remains of the chromatic contents of the nuclei of degenerating cells (Fig. 62). Such nuclei are spherical Fic. 62. Part of the section represented by fig. 56, showing degenerat- ing cells in the protocerebrum, x 600. in form and smaller than the adjacent nuclei, the nuclear mem- brane often faint. The chromatin generally appears to be con- - densed into one or more relatively large granules, and large and deeply-stained spherical nucleoli are also commonly present. Janet (1907) has observed very similar nuclei in the degenerating wing muscles of an ant (Lasius). The cytoplasm of the degen- erating cells becomes broken up into a number of minute spherules, producing an appearance suggestive of an emulsion (Fig. 62). This process of cell degeneration continues up to the time of hatching, and probably even later, but the number of degenerating cells present in the brain reaches its maximum at Stages XIII and XIV (Figs. 56 and 62). At this time not only do the regions referred to appear to be crammed with degenerating cells, but a large number of the superficial cells of the protocerebral lobes, as far back as the optic lobes, are also in a state of degeneration. ; 166 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE A considerable number of the degenerating cells are not re- tained within the brain tissue; as early as Stage X the debris of degenerating cells, consisting of the shrunken nuclei and the spherules just described, may be seen on the dorso-lateral surface of the brain, and this debris remains here beneath the amnion apparently unaltered up to the time of hatching, as figure 62 shows. Degenerating cells continue to be extruded from the brain up to Stage XV and possibly even later. At Stages XIII and XIV, when the maximum number of degenerating cells are found in the brain, the characteristic debris of these cells is visible within the space between the hypodermis and the brain in almost every section, and is especially abundant over the dorso-lateral region between the proto- and deutocerebrum, where degenerating cells are most abundant (Fig. 62). At Stage XV, that is, just subsequent to the hatching of the larva, the number of degenerating cells has greatly diminished, these having either been expelled or absorbed by the brain. A few, however, are still visible. The debris lying on the outside of the brain, within the head capsule, has also disappeared, having probably been washed away by the blood current. The significance of this extensive cell degeneration is not appar- ent. That these cells are not artifacts is shown by the uniformity with which they occur, being present in all series of sections examined of embryos which were older than Stage IX. Their presence may accordingly safely be considered as normal. Vial- lanes (1891), Wheeler (1893) and Heymons (1895) state that the neuroblasts, or at least the major part of them, degenerate at the close of embryonic development—a kind of senile degeneration of the cell. This, as already stated, is not the case in the honey bee. Moreover the degenerating cells begin to appear at a period when the neuroblasts are just beginning to be differentiated. The possibility that some of the neuroblasts degenerate is however by no means excluded. At Stages XIII and XIV, many of the superficial cells on the dorsal side of the protocerebrum are in a state of degeneration, but these are in most cases at least, peri- pheread of the neuroblasts. This seems to indicate that these degenerating cells are derivatives of the neuroblasts, which have wandered peripherad of the latter, as do the neurilemma cells (p. 160), but their precise origin is unknown. — e ee ae i a Ss os = _ IX TRACHEAL SYSTEM, ENDOSKELETON AND HypopERMIS 1. Tracheal System The essential features of both the structure and development of the tracheal system have been correctly described by both Butschli (1870) and Grassi (1884). The tracheal system of the larva consists of a pair of longitudinal trunks (Figs. 63, 64 and 75, TraTr, Fig. XV, LTraT), each of which traverses virtually the entire length of the trunk close beneath the lateral hypoder- mis. These trunks are connected to the ten spiracles (Sp) of each side by slender short branches. At their anterior and pos- terior ends, respectively, the two lateral trunks are united by semicircular loops or commissures, one of which is situated ceph- alad of the mid-intestine, above the oesophagus (Figs. 63 and 64, ATraL, Fig. XV), the other caudad of the mid-intestine, just ventrad of its juncture with the hind-intestine (Fig. 63 PTraL, Fig. XV). The tracheal trunks are also united between these points by eleven other commissures, segmentally arranged. These commissures arise from the ventral side of the lateral trunks, nearly opposite the point of origin of the branches to the stigmata, thence they pass downward, close to the hypoder- mis and beneath the ventral cord (Figs. 63 and 64, TraCom, Fig. XV). The first and second of these loops join the main trunk close to the anterior boundary of the second and third trunk segments, and intersect the ventral mid-line between the first and second trunk segments. The third and fourth loops are united at their bases, joining the main trunk in the anterior half of the fourth trunk segment. These loops intersect the ventral mid-line near the posterior margin of the third and fourth trunk segments. The remaining seven loops are con- tained entirely within the limits of the corresponding segments. Just in front of each of the spiracles the tracheal trunk sends off one or more branches which pass dorsad, breaking up into finer branches supplying the dorsal region of the trunk. Small 167 168 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE aN S SH \ iS T om £ BBS Foil Sn Fenton i TI /N\\\ au mts 43 s 2 > SR Fic. 63. Side view of larva about two and one-half days old, treated with caustic potash, showing tracheal system. branches are also sent off by the ventral commissures. At the anterior end of each of the lateral trunks a large branch arises which passes cephalad and breaks up into two smaller branches, both of which run cephalad, one in contact with the inner sur- face of the optic lobe, the other parallel to the mandibular apo- deme and close to it. Mesiad of this large branch is a smaller branch which is sent off by the anterior tracheal commissure. This also extends cephalad supplying the dorsal part of the head. A third branch arises from the ventral side of each of the lateral trunks just cephalad of the first pair of stigmata and dividing, supplies both the base of the labrum and the ventral portion of the first trunk (thoracic) segment (Fig. 64). The tracheae are simple in structure, being merely tubes com- posed of a single layer of epithelial cells continuous with those of the hypodermis at the spiracles and lined by chitin thickened in the form of fine transverse threads, more or less spirally ar- ranged, the taenidia (Fig. 65, Tae). THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE _ 169 TraTr. Fic. 64. Side view of anterior end of larva about two and one-half days old, treated with caustic potash, showing the tracheae and the endoskelleton of the head. Fic. 65. Section through a spiracle (Sp), spiracular branch (SpBr) and tracheal trunk (TraTr), of a newly hatched larva (Stage XV), x 600 The spiracles are twenty in number, ten on each side, ranged wy in a row along the lateral surface of the trunk, and correspond to a the second to the eleventh trunk segments, inclusive. All of the spiracles are situated in the anterior half of the segment to which they belong, the first three pairs lying close to the an- terior margin of the corresponding segments. The form and Structure of a spiracle, together with the branch connecting it - 170 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE with the main trunk is illustrated by figure 65, taken from a larva just hatched. The spiracle is seen to be minute, in fact scarcely perceptible. In older larvae it is relatively much larger. This opening leads into a spherical chamber, as shown in the illustration, and this in turn into a contracted passageway, the spiracular branch (SpPBr), which widens out just before reaching the main trunk (TraTr). The taenidia (Tae) are evident in the main trunk and at the inner end of the connecting branch, but are replaced by a smooth chitinous cuticle for the remainder of the course. This chitin becomes thickened as it approaches the spherical chamber and is continuous with the cuticle of the body at the external opening. Surrounding the cavity leading inward from the spiracle is a single layer of long prismatic cells, continuous with those of the adjacent hypodermis, and forming a conical mass which may be considered as the stigma, and which passes imperceptibly into the cellular portion of the con- necting branch, the cells becoming progressively shorter up to the junction with the main trunk. The rudiments of the tracheal system make their appearance at Stage VIII (Figs. VIII, VIIla) as two rows of pit-like in- vaginations of the ectoderm, each row being situated about half way between the lateral edges of the germ band and the ventral mid-line. There are on the trunk ten pairs of these invaginations, corresponding to the second to the eleventh trunk segments. The two or three most anterior pairs appear first, the remainder in rapid succession. The mouths of these invaginations are at first irregular, the first pair being slightly larger than the others. At Stage IX (Fig. IX) these have acquired the form of transverse slits, the first pair however being turned obliquely to the long axis of the embryo. Shortly after this—at Stage X (Fig. X)— they have contracted to minute circular apertures which persist as the spiracles. The invaginations themselves, at first shallow depressions of the ectoderm, increase rapidly in extent and at Stage IX assume the form of flat sacs wedged in between the mesoderm and ectoderm (Fig. 67, Trlmv). At Stage X, each ~ of these sacs, with the exception of those of the second and eleventh trunk segments, sends out four outgrowths or diverti- cula, one of which is anterior, one posterior, one dorsal, and one THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 171 ventral. The anterior and posterior outgrowths of the sacs of the same side meet and fuse with one another to constitute the longitudinal trunk (Fig. 66, TraTr), while the ventral outgrowth {TraCom) of each sac continues to extend ventrad until it meets with the corresponding one of the opposite side. These then fuse to form the transverse commissures (compare Figs. XI and XII). The dorsal outgrowths continue to extend in the same direction, at the same time breaking up into ramifying twigs, and form the dorsal branches (Fig. 66). The anterior outgrowths Fic. 66. Sagittal section through the rudiments of the tracheal system of one side in trunk segments 2-4, of an embryo Stage X-XI. Developing oenocytes (Oen) also shown, x 387. of the first pair of tracheal sacs take a course cephalad and dorsad over the mid-intestine and meet and fuse at the dorsal mid-line to form the anterior tracheal loop. The posterior out- 172 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE growths of the last pair of tracheal sacs similarly unite and fuse with each other beneath the hind-intestine to form the posterior tracheal loop. The outgrowths forming the various parts of the tracheal system are at first stout and thick-walled, but as they lengthen they decrease rapidly in diameter until they attain their final form and distribution. The chitinous lining of the tracheae is formed between Stages XIII and XIV. In addition to the ten pairs of tracheal invaginations found in the trunk, a pair of tracheal invaginations occur also on the first maxillary segment. These make their appearance at the same time—Stage VIII—as the other tracheal invaginations, and are situated on the lateral surface of the anterior half of the segment, above the base of the rudiment of the second maxilla of each side, and only a few sections caudad of the boundary between the first and second maxillary segments. The location on the segment of this pair of tracheal invaginations is therefore the same as that of the remaining ten. Like the other tracheal invaginations, those of the second maxillary segment are at first shallow and cup- shaped depressions. They soon lose this form and, developing with surprising rapidity, become sacs with a narrow mouth, directed obliquely caudad. The bottom of the sac quickly spreads between the ectoderm and yolk (Fig. 67, TrInv) and at the same time sends off four branches or diverticula. One of these is directed caudad, one dorsad and the other two cephalad. Of these last two branches one passes above the mouth of the invagi- nation and one below it. All of these changes take place between Stages VIII and IX. Even before the close of Stage IX the posterior branch of each of these tracheal sacs may be traced back to a juncture with the anterior prolongation of the tracheal sac of the corresponding side of the second trunk (thoracic) seg- ment. The anterior ends of the tracheal trunks therefore owe their origin to the tracheal invaginations of the second maxillary segment. The mouths of the invaginations have by this time con- tracted to narrow ducts while over them (Fig. 67) on each side is seen a well marked fold of ectoderm obviously caused by the formation of the tracheal sac, which raises the overlying ectoderm, on account of the resistance offered by the yolk. This fold is THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE = 173 ; ie ‘s cooteee-eMint ge, - - - Fic. 67. Transverse section through the anterior half of the second maxillary segment of an embryo, Stage X, showing one of the pair of tracheal invaginations (Tr/nv) and the mesoderm (Meso) belonging to this segment, x 387. clearly shown in figure Xa, but not labeled. At the beginning of Stage X the opening of the tracheal sac to the exterior has already become contracted, and by the end of this stage or the beginning of the next (XI) is completely closed, leaving behind no trace of its existence. At the same time the ectodermal folds also disap- pear, their disappearance being in part at least due to the shrink- age and withdrawal of the yolk from this region. The further history of the three remaining diverticula of each of the tracheal sacs remains to be considered. All of these elon- gate rapidly, assuming a tubular form. The dorsal diverticulum, which is the largest of the three (Fig. 68, ATraL), continues to extend dorsad, taking a slightly cephalad course, skirting the posterior margin of the cerebral lobes, along the line of junction of the head and trunk. At Stage XIII the distal ends of these branches reach the dorsal mid-line, when they unite to form the anterior tracheal loop or commissure (Figs. 63 and 64, ATraL). Of the two remaining diverticula the ventralmost forms the larger 174 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Fic. 68. Anterior end of a sagittal section laterad of the median plane, from an embryo of Stage XI-XII, showing the development of the deriva- tives of the tracheal invaginations of the second maxillary segment. Hypodermis and brain represented in outline only. Drawn from two sections, X 243. of the two branches previously described (p. 168), supplying the brain and first maxillae, the other forms the smaller branch supplying the dorsal part of the head (Fig. 64). Hatschek (1877) described what he thought were tracheal invaginations on the gnathal segments of embryos of Bombyx, but examinations of Hatschek’s plates show that these invaginations are merely those of the tentorium and mandibular apodemes, and this is the interpretation of subsequent embryologists. With this exception there is no record in the literature of the insect embry- ology of tracheal rudiments existing in the gnathal region. It may therefore be inferred either that this phenomenon is peculiar to the honey bee, or else that it is of more or less general occur- rence, but up to the present time has been overlooked. Of these two inferences the latter seems the more probable. If it were not so, it would be difficult to understand why the honey bee, a specialized member of a group generally regarded as highly ‘ ee Sa Se et! Nee I ge } ‘vil A a Ms hi a en i 5 {Oy = S. a 3 s S25 D Cy VDph Gng — Hyp Fic. 75. Transverse section through the 6th trunk segment of a newly hatched larva, x 387. in the middle of each segment its lateral walls are sharply infolded, reducing the lumen at these points to a narrow vertical slit. These folds evidently correspond to the ostia, or lateral valvular openings (see Snodgrass, 1910, p. 107), although no opening in the lateral walls was observed at Stage XV. In tranverse sections an exceedingly delicate membrane is seen to extend right and left from the ventral wall of the heart, the dorsal diaphragm (Figs. 75 and 76, DDph). This ends free in the THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 195 body cavity, except in the intersegmental regions, where it extends laterad to the hypodermis, to which it is attached (Fig. 76, Fic. 76. Transverse section through the dorsal region of the trunk, between the 5th and 6th trunk segments, showing the attachment of the dorsal diaphragm (DDph) to the hypodermis, x 600. DDph). This relation is clearest in the third to the ninth trunk segments inclusive, but undoubtedly also exists in the first two (thoracic), although masked here by the crowded condition of the parts and the large number of pericardial fat cells. The muscle fibres constituting the dorsal diaphragm of most insects, includ- ing the honey bee (imago), are commonly described as radiating fanwise from the points of origin to their attachment on the heart (vide Snodgrass, 1910, p. 108), but in the young larvae no muscle fibres could be seen in the dorsal diaphragm, which appears in both longitudinal and tranverse sections as a continuous and extremely thin membrane. The cells constituting the dorsal diaphragm are of two kinds; numerous flat cells with minute nuclei (Fig. 70), appearing to be the diaphragm cells proper, and pale lenticular cells whose size approximates that of the fat cells (Fig. 76 ParC). An examina- tion of the text and figures of Carriére and Biirger’s (1897) account of the dorsal diaphragm of Chalicodoma makes it evident that the cells just described are identical with those constituting the “paracardial cellular cord” (paracardiale Zellstrang). This term was first used by Heymons (1895) to designate segmentally 196 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE arranged groups of cells lying laterad to the heart among the fibres of the dorsal diaphragm of Forficula. Although at first sight it may seem somewhat doubtful whether the scattered cells of the dorsal diaphragm in the larvae of the honey bee are to be regarded as the homologues of the segmentally arranged cells -composing the “paracardiale Zellstrang” of Forficula and Chali- codoma, nevertheless—as will appear later—they have precisely the same origin in all three insects, so that their homology can scarcely be open to question. In view of the scattered distribu- tion of these cells in the honey bee it will be more convenient to refer to them simply as the paracardial cells. The aorta into which the anterior end of the heart opens, is merely the space around the oesophagus bounded externally by the inner walls of the coelomic sacs of the antennal segment (Fig. 42, Ao). It opens cephalad and ventrad into the cavity of the head. The ventral diaphragm is composed of a layer of transversely arranged muscle fibres which combine to form a more or less con- tinuous membrane (Fig. 75, VDph) overarching a space just dorsad of the ventral cord, the ventral sinus. The ventral dia- phragm extends from the first to the neighborhood of the twelfth trunk segments, its lateral margins being attached to the mesial margins of the ventral longitudinal muscles and also to the silk glands. In the mid-line its dorsal surface is in contact with the ventral wall of the mid-intestine. The blood corpuscles are large rounded cells which at Stage XV are for the most part confined to the lumen of the heart. In size they approach the oenocytes, but their general appearance is quite different. Both nucleus and cytoplasm are pale, the latter being much vacuolated and frequently enclosing deeply stained granules. A group of blood corpuscles are shown within the heart in figure 75. Since the organs and tissues which form the subject of this section are all derived from the mesoderm, a consideration of the development of this germ layer naturally comes next in order. The development of the mesoderm in the head, including the enathal segments, differs from that of the trunk, and since the latter may be regarded as representing a less modified and there- fore more typical condition, it will be considered first. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 197 At Stage VII a tranverse section through the middle of the trunk shows the mesoderm (Fig. 32, Meso) as a double layer of cells lying close beneath the ectoderm, between the latter and the yolk. This condition is typical of the mesoderm from the gnathal region at least as far as the end of the eleventh trunk segment. The inner of the two layers is the visceral, the outer the somatic layer. In the neighborhood of the ventral mid-line the cells of the mesoderm are rather irregular in form and arranged in but a single layer. At the lateral margins of the mesoderm where the two layers are continuous with one another, they are relatively thick, well defined and separated from one another by a narrow slit-like space, while the component cells of both layers are col- umnar in form. A similar condition obtains in Chalicodoma, and to these lateral regions, composed of columnar cells, Carriére and Burger (1897) applied the name “mesodermal tubes” (Mesoderm- rohre) as descriptive of their form and since these sections of the mesoderm are marked off rather sharply from the remainder both in their form and their behavior, this term will for convenience be adopted in the following description. Between the mesodermal tubes and the single-layered median strip the mesoderm cells are flattened and somewhat irregular in form, particularly those of the visceral layer. In Chalicodoma, Biirger (1897) found that the mesodermal tubes were divided intersegmentally by thin parti- tions, moreover, the mesoderm mesiad of the mesodermal tubes is divided into pairs of flat sacs (mesodermal sacs), a pair to each segment, and communicating only intrasegmentally with the mesodermal tubes of the corresponding side. No well marked evidence of segmentation of the mesoderm could be found in the honey bee. The two layers of the mesoderm on each side of the mid-line are virtually continuous from the second maxillary seg- ment to the eleventh trunk segment, although a careful exami- nation of sagittal sections of Stages VIII and IX seems to indicate that the mesoderm mesiad of the mesodermal tubes is slightly constricted intersegmentally. At Stage VIII-IX (Fig. 77, Meso) while the mesoderm has changed but little in its general appear- ance, it may be noted that the cells in the immediate vicinity of the mid-line have increased in size, and assumed a rounded form. These (BIC) are to form the blood corpuscles. At Stage IX (Fig. 78) the mesoderm begins to show important 198 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Mc Fic. 77. Transverse section through the future basal region of the abdomen of an embryo, Stage VIII-IX; showing the structure of the mesoderm (Meso), x 387. Fic. 78. Transverse section through the fourth trunk segment of an embryo, Stage IX, intersecting one of the tracheal vaginations (TrInv), showing the formation of blood cells (BIC), x 387. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE gg changes in form. The cells of the mesodermal tubes have lost their columnar shape and from the inner layer a ridge now pro- jects abutting against the yolk, directed mesiad and ventrad, the splanchnic layer or rudiment of the enteric muscles (MclEnt). Near the mid-line the yolk has receded a trifle and the mesoderm as such has disappeared, leaving a narrow space between the ectoderm and yolk, the epineural sinus (Heymons 1895) which is partially filled with large loose cells, the blood corpuscles (BIC). At Stage X (Fig. 79) the rudiments of all the mesodermal Fic. 79. Transverse section through the third trunk segment of an embryo, Stage X, x 387. organs and tissues may readily be identified. The splanchnopleure or rudiment of the enteric muscles (MclEnt) has changed from a mere ridge to a well defined layer pressed close against the yolk. The cells of the remainder of the visceral layer have for the most part lost thir epithelial character and show a looser arrangement, in anticipation of their destiny, which is to form the two main divisions of the fat body (rF, 2F). Moreover a break in the visceral layer is seen opposite the rudiment of the tracheal trunk (TraTr). At the mesial edge of the mesoderm, close to the ganglion of this segment (Gug), two groups of extremely small cells are seen; these are the rudiments of the ventral longitudinal 200 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE muscles (VLMcl). The somatic layer of the mesodermal tubes now appears wedge-shaped in section, its broader end directed mesiad and ventrad, and is moreover split longitudinally into an inner thin single layer of cells, the rudiment of the dorsal dia- phragm (DDph), and an outer portion composed of several layers of cells, which are to form dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMcl). The yolk has continued to contract, drawing away from the mesoderm over its entire extent so that the epineural sinus is extended by the addition of two lateral cavities, which in turn are in connection with the coelomic cavity by means of the break in its visceral wall. These spaces together represent the rudiment of the definitive body cavity. The process of differentiation goes steadily forward during the : “Gh SG oe WS Hyp Fic. 80. Transverse section through the third trunk segment of an embryo, Stage XI, x 58o. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE - 2or - next stage (XI). The rudiment of the enteric muscles (Fig. 80. MclEnt) increases in extent and decreases in thickness. The rudiments of the first and second sections of the fat body become more clearly defined, the first section almost losing its connection with the splanchnopleure (Mc/Ent), while the second breaks up into its constituent cells. The rudiment of the dorsal diaphragm now finally parts company with the remainder of the somatic layer of the mesodermal tubes, and together with the rudiment of the enteric muscles, forms in section a figure comparable to an inverted V. The apex of the V is formed by a group of small cells, the cardioblasts (Cbl), whose fate is that of forming the two halves of the heart. In the section figured the rudiments of three sets of muscles are plainly evident by reason of their pale appearance and small nuclei. The dorsalmost and largest of these is that of the dorsal longitudinal muscles (DLMcl), below this, lying between the tracheal trunk (TraTr) and the hypo- dermis, is the rudiment of the oblique muscles (OMcl), while next to this, ventrad of the silk gland (S/kG/) is the rudiment of the ventral longitudinal muscles (VLMcl). Between this last and the hypodermis, laterad of the ganglion of this segment is a small group of pale cells, which constitute the mesodermal portion of the leg rudiments (Meso3L). The yolk continues to contract and its ventral half assumes a three-sided form, and the future body cavity becomes greatly increased in extent. The rudiments of all the mesodermal tissues and organs are now well differentiated from one another and during this stage and the one following (XII), they increase in size and together with the hypodermis extend rapidly dorsad, this movement leading finally to the com- plete enclosure of the yolk by the germ band at Stage XIV. The most noticeable change at Stage XI is seen in the rudiment of the enteric muscles (MclEnt). At the preceding stage this rudi- ment covered only an insignificant part of the yolk. The rudi- ment of the mesenteron (M/Jnt) has, since Stage IX (Fig. 78) covered the dorsal side of the yolk, but not until Stage XI does it come into contact with the rudiment of the enteric muscles. At this stage however it begins to extend rapidly ventrad over the yolk—which now is cylindrical in form—insinuating itself between the latter and the muscle rudiment. At Stage XII (Fig. 81, 202 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Meso3L Fic. 81. Transverse section through the third trunk segment of an embryo; Stage XII, x 387. MInt) it covers the lateral face of the yolk and has now reached the ventral surface. The rudiment of the enteric muscles has followed this ventrad growth, but only imperfectly so. A short distance back from the ventral edge of the rudiment of the mesen- teron are four scattered muscle nuclei, while dorsad of this the forming muscle cells form a continuous layer which is joined to the cardioblasts. The appearance of the section suggests that the cells of the rudiment of the enteric muscles had been forcibly dragged apart by the rapidly growing epithelium of the mid- intestine. } A section through an embryo of Stage XIII-XIV (Fig. 82) shows the process of differentiation nearly completed. The hypo- dermis extends on each side up to the dorsal mid-line. The THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 203 F Cb | Mint - 3 a \ = ie bs ae SST Pitan DDph, A “ues is Ds : (yy = ip CS (Ea) : TENS =e < sy & ie ee S > te AS rete So):) Ped OMel....-| NE S oe i je Sa + a co SEE ‘ ' Gr Fic. 82. Transverse section through the third trunk segment of an embryo, Stage XIII-X1V, x 387. cardioblasts (Cb/) however are still some distance laterad of this point, but have lost their connection with the rudiment of the enteric muscles, which now uniformly cover the lateral surface of the mid-intestine (M/nt). Above the dorsal diaphragm and laterad of the cardioblasts are two small cells evidently not muscle cells; these are fat cells belonging to the third section of the fat body (3F) or pericardial fat cells. These are derived from the dorsal margin of the somatic layer of the mesoderm. The other tissues and organs derived from the mesoderm have vir- tually attained their final form, and may be recognized without difficulty. 204. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE The final stages leading to the completion of the heart are shown in figure 83A and B, representing cross sections of the region Sy ie. SCY iF aN =a: if 3 Va SRS MclEnt ty : Mlnt Fic. 83. Transverse sections through the dorsal region of the fourth trunk segment of late embryos, illustrating the final stages in the develop- ment of the heart. A, Stage XIII-XIV; B, XIV, x 600. of the heart in the fourth trunk segment of Stages XIII-XIV and XIV. In the first figure (83A), the cardioblasts (Cbl) form two strips or strands of cells, each situated a short distance laterad of the mid-line, and with their mesial edges directed slightly dorsad. The rudiment of the dorsal diaphragm (DDph), consist- ing of a single layer of cells, projects on each side from the lateral border of the cardioblasts. On the right hand side of this figure, a narrow ridge projects out from the cardioblasts, just below the dorsal diaphragm. This is the last vestige of the former union of the cardioblasts and the remainder of the splanch- nopleure. In the next figure (83B) the mesial edges of the cardio- blasts of each side have approached one another until they are on the point of meeting. The former lateral margins of the cardioblasts have meanwhile also moved rapidly mesiad and have been turned about or “tucked under,” so that they also are now directed mesiad and almost in contact with one another. In transverse sections therefore the cardioblast strand of each side is THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE — 205 crescentic in outline. The formation of the heart is obviously completed by the fusion of the two cardioblast strands (see Fig. 76). The two rudiments of the dorsal diaphragm (DDph) are seen to be formed from a single layer of more or less rounded cells, originally of uniform size. These, at Stages XIII and XIV (Figs. 83A and B, DDph) are seen to have lost this uniformity, cells of two sizes being now present, some of them having nuclei whose size approaches that of the fat cells, while others have nuclei only about half as large. The larger cells moreover have a rounded contour, the smaller on the contrary are thin and flat. These are to be considered as constituting, in a strict sense, the diaphragm, while the larger rounded cells are the paracardial cells. This is in harmony with the results of both Heymons (1895) and Carriére and Biirger (1897) and justifies the statement made on a previous page in regard to the homology of these cells. The ventral diaphragm is formed from muscle fibres arising near the ventral longitudinal muscles, which extend out toward the mid-line to join those of the opposite side. The structure and mode of development of the mesoderm just described obtains throughout the region of the trunk, extending from the middle of the second maxillary segment to the thirteenth trunk segment. As has already been said, it is less modified than in the head or in the extreme posterior abdominal region. In the anterior region of the head, at Stages VIII and IX, there is found a mass of somewhat loosely arranged mesoderm cells filling the head cavity, the more central of which are applied to the surface of the stomodaeal invagination (see Fig. 52 Meso). Caudad of this region the mesoderm cells divide into two lateral groups, and these in turn give place in the antennal region to a pair of thin-walled sacs, each composed of a single layer of flat cells. These are the coelomic (mesodermal) sacs of the antennal segment (Fig. 84, AntMeso). Each of these coelomic sacs sends off laterad a solid prolongation into the cavity of the antennal rudiment, filling the latter like a plug. The antennal coleomic sacs diminish in size caudad and each finally terminates in a flattened strand of mesoderm which traverses the mandibular and first maxillary segment and in the second maxillary segment becomes 206 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Fic. 84. Transverse section through the cephalic region of an embryo, Stage IX, intersecting the antennal rudiments (Ant) and their mesodermal sacs (AntMesa). Ectoderm shown in outline only, x 243. continuous with the mesodermal tubes. The cavities of all of the rudiments of the gnathal appendages are stuffed full of meso- dermal cells, which in the first and second maxillary segments are joined to the lateral strand on each side by a thin bridge of cells (Fig. 67, Meso). The fate of the mesodermal elements of the head is briefly as follows: The central part of the anterior mass of mesoderm enveloping the stomadaeum becomes the layer of oesophageal muscles. The remainder of this mass is consumed in the produc- tion of those muscle strands which traverse the labrum and adja- cent parts of the head capsule. The coelomic sacs of the antennal segment, at first quite small (Fig. 84, AntMeso) expand rapidly as the yolk is withdrawn from the head region and at Stage X become thin walled sacs which nearly fill the posterior half of the head capsule. Their mesial walls are however thicker than the lateral walls. As these sacs expand they acquire, in tranverse section, a more or less crescentic outline, their concave sides being turned towards one another and enclosing the future oesophagus (Fig. 58A and B, AntMeso). At Stage XIII the extreme mesial edges of these coelomic sacs, corresponding to the dorsal points of THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 207 the crescents, meet and coalesce in the posterior region of the head, forming here an annular blood lacuna around the oesopha- gus (Fig. 42). On the dorsal side the line of coalescence extends back to and joins the dorsal wall of the heart, so that the latter empties into the annular lacuna, which now constitutes the aorta. This condition obtains only in the extreme posterior region of the head, since the ventral line-of coalescence is short, so that the aorta soon comes to open on its ventral side into the general cavity of the head (Fig. 58C). The history of the remainder of the cephalic mesoderm offers little of interest. The mesoderm cells increase by division and arrange themselves gradually into masses corresponding in form to the various muscles of the head, which they are destined to produce. The mesodermal mass which constitutes the principal adductor muscle of the mandible is seen in figure 52 Meso. With the exception therefore of the antennal coelomic sacs, the mesoderm of the entire head, includ- ing the gnathal region, is consumed in the production of muscu- lar tissue. The mesoderm of the posterior trunk segments, that is beyond the eleventh trunk segment, has not been studied in detail, owing to the difficulty presented by the flexure of the posterior end of the embryo about the caudal pole of the egg. A flattened mass of mesoderm cells was however observed lying close to the anter- ior side of the proctodaeum (with reference to the axis of the embryo), at the time of appearance of the latter. This mass probably belongs to the terminal or fifteenth trunk segment. At a slightly later stage the proctodaeum is enveloped by mesoderm cells, evidently derived from this mass, and this envelope of mesoderm obviously represents the rudiment of the muscular layer of the proctodaeum. This is in agreement with the observa- tions of Heymons (1895) on Forficula. The successive phases of development undergone by the meso- derm, differ to a considerable degree among the representatives of the different orders of insects, nevertheless a fundamental simi- larity exists, and in the development of the mesoderm of the major- ity of insects, subsequent to its establishment asa germ layer, a common type is discernible, more or less modified, according as the insect—speaking generally—is specialized or primitive. In the myriopods, which probably stand as close to the ancestors of 208 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE the insects as any existing group of the arthropods, the mesoderm, shortly after its formation, becomes broken up into segments, the mesodermal somites, and these in turn give rise to a series of paired sacs, the coelomic sacs, a pair of these corresponding typi- cally to each segment. Each of these sacs sends out a hollow prolongation into the appendage of the corresponding side of the segment. The presence of paired coelomic sacs is probably primi- tive since it is also characteristic of the annelid worms. A pre- cisely similar condition is found in the trunk region (thorax and abdomen) of Lepsima (Heymons 1897) and several members of the Orthoptera (see Heymons 1895). In all these forms the walls of the mesodermal sacs are thin and the various derivatives of the mesoderm are not formed im situ, as in the honey bee and many other forms, but from infoldings of the walls of the sacs. In Forficula (Heymons 1895) the coelomic sacs have thicker walls than in the forms previously mentioned and their deriva- tives are formed directly from them, without the intervention of folds. In the Coleoptera (e.g. Hydrophilus Heider 1889) a still more modified condition exists. Here the coelomic sacs of the trunk are thick-walled, and their lumen is relatively small, being restricted to the extreme lateral region of the mesoderm, a condition recalling that found in the honey bee, except that in the latter the cavities are continuous longitudinally, constituting the mesodermal tubes. In the muscids (Graber 188q) the cavi- ties of the mesodermal somites are entirely absent, the mesoderm being solid throughout. This is without question a highly special- ized condition. In the majority of instances the cavities of the coelom are formed secondarily by clefts which appear in the previously solid mesoderm. Heider (1889) however has maintained that the coelomic cavities are produced by a separation of the two layers of mesoderm previously formed by the longitudinal folding of the blastoderm (see p. 49). This view was strongly opposed by Graber (1891) and has since not been confirmed by other investi- gations on the development of the Coleoptera; on the other hand Carriere (1890) has found that the coelomic cavities in Chali- codoma are formed in precisely this manner. In all cases there is a median layer of mesodermal cells connect- ing the two lateral rows of mesodermal somites. THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE — 209 In the honey bee, the mesoderm, as described by Kowalevski (1871), Grassi (1884) and the writer, the coelomic cavity is represented by a narrow cleft, near the lateral margins of the mesoderm. Here the splanchnic and visceral layers are well defined and thick, being composed of long epithelial cells, but mesiad of this point these layers become rapidly thinner and are poorly defined. In Chalicodoma (Carriére and Birger 1897) this distinction is even more sharply marked (see p. 197). In the honey bee no coelomic sacs, as such, are distinguishable, the two mesodermal layers on each side being continuous, longitudinally, as well as the cavity bounded by them. In Chalicodoma the thin- walled portion of the mesoderm, lying mesiad of the mesodermal tubes is distinctly divided into segmentally arranged sacs (‘“‘meso- dermal sacs”), while Biirger (1897) found that the mesodermal tubes were at a certain stage divided by faint partitions into chambers corresponding to the “mesodermal sacs.” In the case of this insect therefore well developed coelomic sacs are present, ‘although flattened dorso-ventrally so that the somatic and vis- ceral layers are in contact with one another, except at their lateral margins. Here the cavities of the coelomic sacs are best developed but are on the other hand virtually fused in a longitudinal direc- tion. In the honey bee this fusion has progressed to such an extent that the adjoining walls of the coelomic sacs of each side have been completely lost and their dorsal and ventral walls have become continuous throughout the entire length of the trunk. As regards the fate of the different parts of the trunk meso- derm, modern investigators are in fairly substantial agreement. From the outer or somatic layer of the coelomic sacs are pro- duced the trunk muscles and the major portion of the fat body, from the inner or visceral layer are produced the muscles of the mid-intestine and the genital ridges. The heart is formed from cells situated at the external margin of the coelomic sacs, where an angle is formed by the junction of the somatic and visceral layers. The median layer of mesoderm forms the blood cells.?+ *Nusbaum (1886, 1888), Nusbaum and Fulinski (1906) and Hirschler (1905, 1909, 1909a) claim that a portion of the mid-intestine is formed from this median strip, which is therefore regarded by these investigators as entoderm (see pp. 73). 210 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE The formation of the definitive or secondary body cavity is inaugurated by the appearance of the epineural sinus, which is produced mainly by a withdrawal of the yolk from the embryo along the ventral mid-line. As the yolk continues to withdraw from the embryo the epineural sinus becomes extended laterally. Next the dorsal or visceral wall of the coelomic sacs becomes broken through so that their cavities become continuous with the epineural sinus, thus forming the definitive body cavity. The development of the mesoderm in the honey bee conforms to the above ideal scheme quite well, except in one rather important particular: the fat body—with the exception of the pericardial fat cells—is formed, not from the somatic wall of the coelomic sacs, but from their visceral wall, or rather that part of it not used up in the production of the enteric muscles. This peculiarity is also shared by the mason bee, Chalicodoma, so that it seems probable that it may be peculiar to the Hymenoptera in general. There appears to be no evident reason for this divergence and it would | be futile to speculate concerning it. In that region of the insect embryo which is to constitute the definitive head, the segments in this region are naturally much more modified than in the trunk. In Forficula (Heymons 1895) besides a paired mass of mesoderm in front of the stomodaeum, there is a well developed pair of coelomic sacs in the antennal and the three gnathal segments, and in addition a pair of unmistakable, although reduced coelomic sacs in the premandibular segment. In other Orthoptera (see Heymons 1895) a similar condition obtains, except that the coelomic sacs of the premandibular segment are reduced to mere groups of cells. In the embryos of the Coleoptera the accounts of the mesoderm of the head are somewhat con- flicting. Heider (1889) states that in Hydrophilus the coelomic sacs are wanting in the cephalic region, but appear suppressed in the mandibular segment, and their development is delayed in the first maxillary segment. In the most recent account of the devel- ‘opment of a Coleopterous insect (Donacia), Hirschler (1909) finds, in the cephalic region, coelomic sacs only in the intercalary (premandibular) and second maxillary segments. In the Hymen- optera, according to Carriére and Biirger’s (1897) description of the head mesoderm of Chalicodoma (pp. 392-393) : Sa ae %e _——_—_ 4, et salle ~ _ ~ , oe o “Oe tow a SS 6 ao a =F “ —- Ae Ee . Se i x s « : = 5 ae ~_————- Ss = a Os ee a ee THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE ait “Tn an embryo, in which the mesoderm tubes are present we can generally follow the mesoderm forward into the antennal segment. We can determine, that it fills the antennae and all the jaw rudi- ments, inclusive of the premandibular rudiment, forming their cores. Its greatest development is attained by the mesoderm in the sides of the head segments, where it is represented by sev- eral cell layers, it is wanting in the middle or only forms, as in the antennal and premandibular segments, a small bridge con- sisting of a single sheet of scattered cells. Possibly even before the appearance of the cavities which rep- resent the beginnings of the primitive body cavities, a cleft becomes evident in the head region of the germ band, between ectoderm and yolk (precisely between the rudiments of the ventral ganglionic chain and the yolk), in this cleft the mesoderm cells are much scattered. This space later is continuous with the epineural sinus, and the mesoderm cells scattered, that is floating in it, are to be regarded as blood cells. It later extends greatly, although the mesoderm contained within it can scarcely be said to increase and in general remains limited to the appendages and their bases. Therefore in the head section of Chalicodoma there is no formation of coelom. The antennal segment however is an exception. A little later coelomic cavities appear in the antennal segment. This condition is virtually paralleled in the honey bee. The fate of the head mesoderm as gleaned from the various accounts, is briefly as follows: In Forficula (Heymons 1895) the mesodermal mass anterior to the antennal segment forms the muscular coat of the fore-intestine. The antennal coelomic sacs become greatly extended, particularly in a longitudinal direction, while their mesial walls become thickened, and finally join in such a way as to form a tube, the aorta, continuous with the heart at its caudal end. The mesoderm in the remaining segments is consumed in the production of muscles, except in the premandi- bular segment. Here the mesoderm forms the “suboesophageal body” described by Wheeler (1893). In the Coleoptera as repre- sented by Donacia (Hirschler 1909) the muscular coat of the fore-intestine is apparently formed by the mesoderm situated in the anterior head region, judging by the figures. The aorta is formed by coelomic sacs in much the same way as in Forficula, except that Hirschler confidently asserts that these belong not to the antennal, but to the premandibular segment. In Chalicodoma the course of events is much like that in Forficula, except that no 212 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE suboesophageal body is formed in the premandibular segment. To this the behavior of the head mesoderm of the honey bee cor- responds closely. The only difference of any consequence is in the formation of the aorta. In Chalicodoma, as in Forficula, late in the development the walls of each coelomic sac become apposed, obliterating the lumen. It is not clear however that a tubular lumen is formed, but from the figures given it appears that this is not the case, but that the aorta is simply a lacuna or blood space bounded above by the walls of the antennal coelomic sacs, but opening below into the cavity of the head. XII SEx ORGANS—THE OVARIES The rudiments of the ovaries, in the newly hatched larva consist of two elongate masses of cells, situated close to the dorsal sur- face of the mid-intestine, near the mid-line, and extend through the seventh to the ninth trunk segments inclusive. In their gen- eral form the ovarian rudiments are elongate fusiform, compress- ed in a direction at right angles to the surface of the larva (Figs. XV, 85, Ov), and are about twice or three times as wide as thick. The contour of the rudiments is however actually irregular, as the figure shows. In transverse section the outline of the ovarian rudiments is, generally speaking, that of an elongate ellipse (Fig. 85, Ov). Six to ten rows of nuclei are included in the long axis of the ellipse, in its short axis not more than two rows, and fre- quently only one. A somewhat irregular layer of flattened cells surrounds the ovarian rudiment, and constitutes the rudiment of Fic. 85. Dorsal part of a transverse section through the posterior half of the eighth trunk segment of a newly hatched larva (Stage XV), inter- secting the ovaries (Ov), x 567. 213 214 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE the ephithelial envelope of the ovary. The cells of this layer are joined together to form an epithelium, but as yet only an imper- fect one, since there are frequent gaps between the cells, and there are also many cells destined to form epithelium, which have not yet become completely differentiated. This is evident in figure 85. At the mesial borders of the ovarian rudiments the ovarian epithe- lium is fairly well formed, and here it is united by a slender point of attachment to the ridge, previously described, which extends along the ventral side of the heart, thus holding the ovaries in place. The component cells of the ovarian rudiments present nothing peculiar in character. Their nuclei are large as compared with those of the adjoining tissues, approaching the size of those of the mid-intestine. As will appear later the cells of the ovarian rudiments are not perceptibly different from the undifferentiated mesoderm cells of earlier stages. The ovaries of the honey bee are derived from the genital ridge, which is formed from the visceral wall of the mesodermal tubes in the fifth to the tenth trunk segments inclusive. At Stage X (Fig. 86A.) the visceral wall of the mesodermal tubes has already become divided into two layers; an inner single layer of cells, lying in contact with the yolk, the rudiment of the enteric muscles, or splanchnopleure, and an outer, thicker portion, in which the cells are somewhat irregularly but compactly arranged and which constitutes a part of the visceral layer of the mesoderm. This is the portion destined to form the genital ridge (Fig. 86A, Ov). In tranverse section it approximates an ellipse in outline, and in its narrower diameter includes from one to two layers of cells which in appearance do not perceptibly differ from those of the adjacent derivatives of the mesoderm. Even at this early stage the genital ridge has become narrowed at its point of attachment to the neigh- boring structures, the cardioblasts and the splanchnopleure. Prior to Stage X, the cells destined to constitute the genital ridge may be seen in active mitotic division and during this period it increases slightly in thickness. Its nuceli seem also to increase slightly in size. At the next stage (XI) the remainder of the vis- ceral layer, now composed of loosely arranged cells, becomes detached from the genital ridge. The outer or somatic wall of the mesoderm is meanwhile becoming differentiated into the rudi- THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 215 (=) j----Mint Foe ----MclEnt Fic. 86. Transverse sections through the left rudiment of the ovary M (Ov) of four different stages. A, Stage X-XI; B, Stage XI; C, Stage Z XIII-XIV; D, Stage XIV, x 567. ments of the dorsal diagraphm (DDph) and of the trunk muscles (DLMcl) while at the juncture of the two layers the cardioblasts (Cbl) are found. 216 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE The remaining cells of the visceral wall of the mesoderm mesiad of the genital ridge constitute a loose mesenchymatous tissue the greater part of which is transformed into fat cells. At an early period—Stage XI (Fig. 86B)—a few of the dorsalmost cells of this mass group themselves about the genital ridge, pushing up on both sides of it, and become applied to its outer surface pre- . paratory to forming the epithelial envelope of the ovary (Fig. 86C and D). At Stage X, the genital ridge, as has been said, extends from trunk segments five to ten inclusive. At about Stage XII it loses its connection with the cardioblasts and the splanchnopleure and during the succeeding stages it becomes gradually shorter and thicker (compare Fig. 86B, C and D), until at Stage XIV it extends only from near the anterior end of the seventh trunk segment into the anterior end of the ninth, which is its position at hatching (Fig. XV). Meanwhile the mesoderm cells grouped about the ovarian rudiments have gradually assumed the flattened form characteristic of epithelial cells and are plainly seen to be forming an envelope for the ovaries (Fig. 86, C-D). The attach- ment of this envelope to the heart takes place during Stage XIV. The development of the genital organs of the honey bee was first studied by Bitschli (1870), but owing to imperfect technique, his observations are of little value, since he succeeded only in seeing and identifying the ovaries in a late embryo—about Stage XIII. The account of Grassi (1884), although brief, is more satisfactory. This investigator describes and figures the develop- ment of the ovaries, with the aid of sections, and finds that these organs are derived from the mesoderm. He seems however to have failed to observe their origin from the inner (visceral) wall of the mesodermal tubes. Moreover his statement that the genital organs extend almost from the fourth to the eighth abdominal segments is an evident error since at the stage in question (X or XI) they extend much further cephalad. Moreover, the epithelial covering of the genital organs was missed entirely. Petrunke- witsch has more recently (1901, 1902) devoted two papers to an account of the development of the sex organs of the honey bee. In these papers he describes conditions which are to say the least, somewhat peculiar and much at variance with the accounts given et i a i THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 217 by other investigators of the genital organs of insects. According to this investigator the development of the male and female organs of sex differ greatly. In the male the sex cells are derived origi- nally from a cell produced by the fusion of the central product of the division. of the first polar body with the second polar body. The cell thus produced gives rise by division to a considerable number of cells which migrate in two groups to the dorsal side of the embryo, where they again unite. From here they migrate caudad, still increasing in number, to the abdominal region, where they penetrate into the mesodermal tubes. Having arrived at this point they become massed together to constitute the testes. The ovaries, on the other hand, are formed from mesodermal cells, but not from those of the mesodermal tubes, but from the loosely ar- ranged cells derived from the mesoderm lying mesiad of the tubes. An examination of Petrunkewitsch’s figures (1903, Fig. 17) shows that the mesoderm cells described as forming the ovaries are identical with those which the present writer finds constituting the epithelial envelope of the ovaries. The only remaining account of the development of the genital organs of a hymenopterous insect, aside from the more or less fragmentary accounts relating to the parasitic forms, is in Carriere and Biirger’s description of the development of the mason bee (1897). In this form the rudi- ments of the genital organs first become evident as thickenings of the inner or visceral wall of the mesodermal “sacs” of the third, fourth and fifth abdominal segments. Since the sex rudiments thus belong to the wall of the mesodermal “sacs,” they are situated mesiad (or ventrad) of the mesodermal tubes. The rup- ture of the visceral wall of the mesoderm takes place, as in the honey bee, at the juncture of the mesodermal tubes with the re- mainder of the inner wall, consequently the sex rudiments are separated from the mesodermal tubes and subsequently come to lie free within the secondary or definitive body cavity. The epithelial envelope of the sex glands is formed by mesodermal cells which lie laterad of the rudiments of these glands, and it is by means of this envelope that they become attached to the heart, as in the honey bee. Toward the close of development the rudiments of the sex glands contract longitudinally so that at the time of hatching they lie entirely within the limits of one segment, 218 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE the fifth abdominal. Two points of difference are thus to be noted between the mason bee and the honey bee. In the former the rudiments of the sex glands are formed from the visceral wall of the mesoderm mesiad (ventrad) of the visceral wall of the mesodermal tubes, instead of from the visceral wall of the tubes themselves. Moreover the rudiment originally extends through but three of the abdominal segments instead of five, and contracts so as to lie in but one segment, instead of three. Up to the year 1895 the belief prevailed among embryologists that the genital cells in insects wereasa rule derived directly from mesoderm cells. To this rule however several important excep- tions had already been noted; in all these cases the genital cells were derived not from the mesoderm, but from special cells set aside at an early period in the development. As early as 1865 Leuckart and Metschinkoff discovered that the genital organs in Cecidomya were formed from a group of cells (the “pole cells” of Robin and of Weismann) derived from a single cleavage cell originally situated at the posterior pole of the egg and readily distinguishable from the other cells during the early stages of cleavage. This discovery was confirmed by Balbiani (1882, 1885 ) and Ritter (1890) in Chiromomus. Metschnikoff as early as 1866 found that the cells destined to form the genital organs were dis- tinguishable at an early period of development in Aphis, and this observation has been confirmed by later investigators (Wit- laczil 1884, Will 1888a), while Woodworth (1889) and Schwan- gart (1904) obtain similar results in the case of the butterflies. In 1895 Heymons described the sex cells of Forficula and several members of the Orthoptera as being readily distinguishable at about the time of the formation of the mesoderm, and located at the posterior end of the germ band. They subsequently migrate cephalad along the somatic layer of the mesoderm to their defini- tive position. Soon after the publication of Heymons’ researches, Lecaillon (1897a) announced that in certain chrysomelid beetles the sex cells could be distinguished during the formation of the blastoderm as a group situated at the posterior pole of the egg. and differing from the ordinary blastoderm cells in their larger size and darker stain. Their subsequent migration is similar to that of Forficula and the Orthoptera. These results have been ST ee OT as =e ~ THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 219 subsequently confirmed by several investigators (Friederichs 1906, Hirschler 1909, Hegner 1908).*? In the light of all of these observations, which relate to members of five of the orders of the insects, it seems probable that in all insects the germ cells are segregated at an early period. This is also in harmony with modern investigations on certain other ani- mal forms, as for example those of Boveri (1887) on the round worm Ascaris, and Hacker (1897) on the crustacean Cyclops. In all of those insects, however in which an early segregation of the germ cells has been directly observed, these cells are more or less readily distinguishable by means of differences in size, clear- ness, etc. This is quite evident from the figures given by Wheeler (1893) and Heymons (1895), and is especially well shown by an original figure by Henneguy (1904, Fig. 378). In many insects the sex cells closely resemble the other cells of the embryo. This was found by Heymons to be the case in Periplaneta orien- talis and in Gryllus. In these instances however the early segre- gation of the germ cells can be safely inferred by a comparison with closely related forms in which this difficulty was not en- countered. In the honey bee there is, as a rule, little difference between the cells of different tissues and organs at the earlier stages. As has already been stated, the cells which are to consti- tute the ovary are at first indistinguishable from those of the meso- derm. It does not however follow that they are of mesodermal origin, even although they seem to constitute a portion of the mesoderm, since it is not at all unlikely that the germ cells may be set aside at an early period in development, and afterwards migrate into the visceral wall of the mesodermal tubes, and that such a migration may take place unobserved, on account of the similarity of the sex cells and mesoderm cells. A solution of this problem is perhaps to be found in the discovery of some constant difference hitherto unobserved, between the sex and other cells. An approximate solution is probably easier. Ifa closely allied form should be found in which the germ cells can be recognized with- out difficulty, then the behavior of the germ cells in the honey bee could be inferred by analogy. * A complete review of the literature on this subject may be found in a recent paper by Hegner (1914). XIII ALIMENTARY CANAL In the larva the alimentary canal comprises a short and narrow oesphagus, a capacious mid-intestine, and a short and but slightly curved hind-intestine. The mouth opening in the young larva is a transverse slit located just behind the labrum in the area between the bases of the mouth parts (see Figs. XIV and XV). At the posterior margin of the mouth is a flattened papillate process formed by the cephalad prolongation of the hypodermis forming the junction between the posterior (ventral) wall of the oeso- phagus and the ventral hypodermis. Just beyond the mouth the oesophagus dilates slightly to form a somewhat ill-defined pharynx, which is furnished with dilator muscles. From here the oesopha- gus curves uniformly dorsad and caudad and joins the mid- intestine just caudad of the point where the head and trunk join. The mode of junction is illustrated in figure 45, which shows that the fore-intestine (FJnt) is invaginated into the lumen of the mid-intestine to form a structure corresponding in form to the proventricular valve of the imaginal bee. A similar oesophageal valve is found in many other insects. The lumen of the oesophagus, in its anterior portion, is crescentric in section, owing to the presence of a dorsal longitudinal fold (Fig. 41). In its posterior half four folds are present (Fig. 42), so that here the lumen has in section the form of a cross. The mid-intestine is relatively large and occupies the greater part of the body cavity, extending from the first to the eleventh trunk segment (Fig. XV, M/nt). Its form is that of an elongate cylinder with rounded ends. At its anterior end it communicates with the oesophagus, as just described, but its posterior end is completely closed. Its walls are relatively thin, but the cells composing them are somewhat larger than the majority of the other tissue cells. They are cubical in form, with a rounded nucleus (Fig. 75, MJnt). The cytoplasm of these cells is granular and dark staining, and each cell commonly contains one or more large vacuoles. 220 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEF 221 The hind-intestine is a short tube, of about the same diameter as the oesophagus, bent in a gentle sigmoid curve, and tra- verses the three terminal trunk segments (Fig. XV, H/nt). Its blind anterior end rests against the posterior end of the mid- intestine ; its posterior end opens to the exterior at the posterior end of the trunk. Its structure is much the same as that of the oesophagus, except that its lumen is circular and relatively smaller. The Malpighian tubules, four in number, open into the anterior blind end of the hind intestine (Fig. XV, Mal). From here they extend cephalad in a winding course to about the sixth trunk segment. Their diameter is slight, somewhat less than that of the lateral tracheal trunks, and is uniform throughout their length (Fig. 75, Mal). Their lumen is relatively small and circular in section. The mid-intestine or mesenteron is derived exclusively from the anterior and posterior mesenteron rudiments. At Stage VII (Figs. 26B and 29, AMR) the anterior mesenteron rudiment is a thick convex disk of cells resting on the ventral side of the yolk, at the cephalic end of the egg. This disk is covered by the ecto- derm with the exception of a small area at its posterior margin, where the cells of the disk extend through a gap in the ectoderm to the external surface (Fig. 26B). During the interval between Stages VII and VIII the germ band rapidly increases in length, the effect of this being to cause the cephalic end of the germ band to travel around the cephalic pole of the egg, carrying with it the anterior mesenteron rudiment, which assumes a position on the cephalo-dorsal face of the yolk. In this position the morpho- logical posterior margin of the rudiment, where its cells reach the external surface, lies approximately at the cephalic pole of the egg. This rudiment, as a whole, has at first the form of a thick cap, but by the time Stage VIII is reached, it has become elongated in a longitudinal direction. Its form may then be compared with that of a spoon or scoop (Fig. 87A). The part corresponding to the handle is situated at the cephalic pole of the egg, where the stomodaeum (Stom) has already put in its appearance, and here it penetrates the ectoderm to the exterior, forming the bottom of the stomodaeal depression, while the remainder, corresponding to 222 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE the bowl, extends over the dorsal surface of the yolk toward the caudal pole of, the egg. Meanwhile the posterior mesenteron~ rudiment has also become altered in form. At Stage VII (Fig. 27C, PMR) it is disk-shaped, but between Stages VII and VIII it rapidly elongates, sending out a thin tongue-like process over the dorsal region of the egg toward the cephalic pole (Fig. 87B). At the same time the ectoderm grows caudad (with respect to the embryo) around the caudad pole, covering over that part of the posterior mesenteron rudiment which lies closest to the caudal pole of the egg (compare Figs. 27C and 87B, PMR). With the development of the tongue-like extension of the posterior mesen- teron rudiment the rudiment as a whole becomes thinner, espe- cially in the mid-line. The relatively rapid changes in form under: gone by both mesenteron rudiments during Stages VII and VIII, appear to be due principally to changes in the form and arrange- ment of their component cells, and not to an increase in their number or volume. In the example of Stage VIII represented by figures 87A and B, the anterior mesenteron rudiment extends over the dorsal surface of the yolk about one-third of the length of the egg. The thin tongue-like process of the posterior rudiment on the other hand extends towards the cephalic pole nearly one half of the length of the egg. The opposite edges of the two rudiments are therefore not far apart. During the interval between Stages VIII and IX both mesenteron rudiments continue to spread over the dorsal surface of the yolk until their opposite margins meet and fuse in the dorsal mid-line. The point of meeting is usually nearer to the cephalic than to the caudal end of the egg, on account of the more rapid growth of the posterior rudiment along the median dorsal surface of the yolk. By Stage IX the cells of the united mesenteron rudiments have become distributed in a single layer over the dorsal surface of the yolk (Fig. 78, M/nt, 88A, AMR), The cephalic end of the yolk is also covered by the epithelium of the anterior mesenteron rudiment, part of which forms the floor of the stomodaeal invagination, as shown in figure 88A, AMR. The caudal end of the yolk on the other hand is still uncovered (Fig. 88B, PMR). The thickness of the newly formed epithelium of the mesenteron is at first not uniform, being greatest PMR Fic. 87. Anterior (A) and posterior (B) ends of a median sagittal section through an embryo, Stage VIII, showing the anterior (AMR) and posterior (PMR) mesenteron rudiments, which are about to unite on the dorsal surface of the egg. The stomodaeal invagination (Stom) is just appearing. The relation of this to the anterior mesenteron rudiment is clearly shown, x 243. 224 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE at about the point of junction of the two rudiments. Near the posterior end of the yolk the epithelium is especially thin, as shown in figure 88B, PMR. At Stage X (Fig. 79 MInt) the posterior end of the yolk is covered by the future epithelium of the mid-intestine which now extends ventrad on each side to meet the splanchnic layer of the mesoderm. During the next three stages (Figs. 80, 81 and 82) the epithelium of the mid-intes- tine extends steadily ventrad on each side, until, at Stage XIII- | XIV, the two edges meet and unite on the ventral mid-line (Fig. 82) thus completing the formation of mesenteron. The union ap- pears to be virtually simultaneous throughout its extent. Mean- while the rudiments of the fore- and hind-intestines, the stomo- daeum and proctodaeum, are also developing. The stomodaeum puts in its appearance at Stage VIII in the form of a cup-shaped depression located at the cephalic pole of the egg. The floor of this invagination is formed by cells of the anterior mesenteron rudi- ment, as shown in figure 87A. Between Stages VIII and IX the depression deepens rapidly, becoming funnel-shaped, while at the same time the yolk retreats from the anterior end of the egg, its withdrawal keeping pace with the lengthening of the stomodaeum. The latter thus soon becomes a short tube, composed of a single layer of prismatic ectodermal cells, closed at its inner end by the cells of the anterior mesenteron rudiment (Figs. 52 and 60, Stom). During the earlier phases of the development of the stomodaeum, its cavity narrows gradually from its outer to its inner end, and the cells of the mesenteron closing the latter form a wall almost? as thick as that of the stomodaeum itself, containing several nuclei (Fig. 60). Towards Stage XIV the inner end of the stomodaeum widens out, acquiring a flaring form, and the stomo- daeal wall becomes much thinner just anterior to its junction with the mesenteron (89A). Careful examination of preparations of this stage shows that this condition is associated with the forma- tion of a double fold of the stomodaeal wall preparatory to the invagination or intussusception of the inner end of the stomo- daeum into the cavity of the mid-intestine. Correlated with these changes is a thinning of the cellular diaphragm-like wall closing the inner end of the stomodaeum, the central portion of this wall becoming reduced to a thin membrane, in whch now no nuclei are THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE = 225 Fic. 88. Anterior (4) and posterior (B) ends of a median sagittal section through an embryo; Stage IX, showing the anterior (AMR) and posterior (PMR) mesenteron rudiments, which have now united along the dorsal surface of the egg. The stomodaeal invagination (Stom) is well developed, while the protodaeal invagination (Proc) is indicated by a slight depression, x 243. present (Fig. 89A). The next and final step, which takes place about the time of hatching, involves the actual invagination of the inner end of the stomodaeum—now the oesophagus—into the mid-intestine, and the rupture of the closing membrane. This rupture seems to be caused mechanically by pressure of the inva- 226 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE ginating oesophageal wall; at least this is the impression given by the sections studied, in which the peripheral part of the torn mem- brane is seen still attached to the wall of the mid-intestine( Fig. 89B). oS THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 239 epithelium of the mid-intestine has covered the dorsal surface of the yolk they begin to appear in greater number, and at Stage XI are seen applying themselves to that portion of the peripheral layer which is in contact with the ventral margins of the epithelium of the mid-intestine, as shown in figure 75. In this figure yolk cells are also seen lying close to the dorsal surface of the yolk. Such peripheral accumulations of yolk cells are noticeable only in the anterior half of the mid-intestine. At Stage XII (Fig. 81) many of the peripheral yolk cells appear to have traveled ventrad in company with the advancing ventral margins of the epithelium of the mid-intestine and are now situated close beneath the un- covered area of the yolk, where they remain until covered over by the walls of the mid-intestine (Fig. 82). A little later these nuclei are seen to become shrunken and distorted and soon after this they disappear completely leaving no trace behind, having been digested and absorbed by the wall of the mid-intestine. In addition to the changes described above relating principally to the yolk cells, other changes take place in the yolk between Stages IV and XIV. These concern the vitelline bodies and the protoplasmic meshwork. As early as Stage IX many of the vitelline bodies are seen to have become much enlarged. Careful scrutiny of sections under a high power shows that the vitelline bodies are undergoing a process of fusion, several joining together to form a larger body and such larger bodies in turn joining with one another to form still larger bodies. These compound bodies when first formed are lobate, the lobes corresponding to the vitelline bodies which have taken part in its formation. Later the lobes disappear and the bodies become spheroidal or ovate in form. This process of fusion goes on continuously up to Stage XIII-XIV when the vitelline bodies are but few in number but of large size, some of them attaining a diameter of eight to nine micra. Soon after this they disappear, presumably being digested, and are absent in examples of Stage XV. At Stage IX the protoplasmic meshwork of the yolk also begins to show changes, its meshes here and there being seen to have increased in size, indicating coalescence of the vitelline spheres. This coalescence continues slowly but steadily up to Stage XIV, when the protoplasmic network of the yolk is made up of large 246 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE but coarse meshes. Soon it becomes ragged, irregular and finely granular, ultimately, at Stage XV acquiring the appearance of a pale and finely granular precipitate. The yolk cells have been given but slight consideration by most of the investigators of insect embryology. The reason for this is not far to seek. Many of the earlier embryologists looked upon the yolk cells as the material from which the mesenteron was formed, and therefore corresponding not only theoretically but actually to the entoderm of other animal forms. When, how- ever, it was found that the mesenteron in the pterygote insects was derived from other sources, interest in the cells of the yolk waned, and consequently published observations on them are, so to speak, sporadic and scattered. The origin of yolk cells from cleavage cells which do not migrate to the periphery of the yolk, but remain behind, was es- tablished by Bobretzsky (1878) in the case of the butterfly Pieris. This mode of origin of the primary yolk cells was confirmed by many other investigators. Grassi’s observations on the honey bee (1884) seem to be entitled to a place among these, although his statements on this point are not perfectly clear. The origin of yolk cells in this manner has subsequently proved to be the rule among pterygote insects, although exceptions were early noted. Thus Patten (1884) in Neophylax and Korotneff (1885) in Gryllotalpa, found that all of the cleavage cells migrate to the surface of the egg. Later some of these wander back into the yolk to form the primary yolk cells. This is commonly taken to be a primitive condition, based on the assumption that the primary yolk cells represent the entoderm. This retrograde migration must then be regarded as a modified process of gas- trulation like that found in arachnids. A second characteristic which the yolk cells of the bee possess in common with certain other insects is the large size of these cells. It is certain that this is true of the Dermaptera and Orthop- tera, since Heymons (1895) calls especial attention to it and it is also true, according to Lecaillon (1898) for the chrysomelid beetles Chrysomela, Lina and Agelastica, but not for Clytra. It seems doubtful how far this relation obtains among insects in general. Definite statements on this point are wanting and an re es Dye ee ae ee ee THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE = 2ar inspection of the plates given by various investigators has proved inconclusive, although it seems probable that in most insects the primary yolk cells are at least of more than average size. The formation of “nests” of nuclei occurs in many insects and has been especially mentioned by Heider (1889) in Hydrophilus and by Heymons (1895) in the Dermaptera and Orthoptera, more recently by O. Dickel (1904) and Nachtsheim (1913) in the honey bee and by Friederichs (1906) in chrysomelid beetles. Dickel and Nachtsheim state that they found mitotic figures in the yolk cells (see p. 230), but both Heymons and Friederichs found multiplication of nuclei to be due principally to amitotic (direct) division. The degeneration of the primary yolk cells at an early stage in the development of the embryo seems to have been noted only by Lecaillon (1897) and Friederichs (1906), in the chrysomelid beetles. The latter investigator has made a special study of the cell elements of the yolk and finds that (1) the primary yolk cells multiply at first by mitosis, later by amitosis, (2) that many of their nuclei soon degenerate, forming chromatin spherules which find their way out of the cells themselves into the yolk. These he terms “entodermal paracytoids” in order to distinguish them from similar bodies formed by cells of the tissues of the embryo. As previously stated these conditions are closely approximated in the honey bee. The yolk itself, in at least three of the large orders of insects, the Orthoptera, the Coleoptera and the Lepidoptera, becomes split up into polyhedral blocks or segments soon after the forma- tion of the germ band. Each of these so-called segments con- tains one or more yolk nuclei. In the examples of the Diptera studied this process appears to be lacking, as it is also in the mason bee (Carriére and Biirger 1897), as well as in the honey bee. In the latter insect at least the absence of yolk segmentation is probably due to the fluidity of the yolk, which would make such a breaking up a physical impossibility. The immigration of small cells or small nuclei from the blasto- derm or the embryonal tissues into the yolk to form secondary yolk cells has been described by a number of investigators. Hey- mons (1895) and Friederichs (1906) have reviewed this subject 242 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE quite completely, so that a prolonged discussion would be out of place here. A. migration of cells from the germ band into the yolk was first claimed by Graber (1871, 1878), and later (1888a) described more completely in the beetle Melolontha. Similar cells were also observed by Korotneff (1885) in Gryllotalpa, and Wheeler (1889) in Leptinotarsa (Doryphora). Voeltzkow (1889) and Noack (1901) have found that in the muscids also cells enter the yolk from the blastoderm. According to Noack some of these sec- ondary yolk cells form true yolk cells as in the bee, while others degenerate. Mecznikow (1866) and Will (1888) mention the migration of cells into the yolk from the posterior pole of the egg in the aphids, but the relation of these to the secondary yolk cells of other insects is not clear. In the Lepidoptera, Schwarze (1899) states that in Lasiocampa cells detach themselves from the anterior end of the mesoderm and wander off into the yolk. Later they leave the yolk and enter the body cavity becoming blood cells. Schwangart (1904), states that the greater part of the anterior mesenteron rudiment becomes resolved into its component cells ; these enter the yolk and become concerned in its absorption. Later they contribute to the formation of the mesenteron. Hey- mons (1895) has paid special attention to the secondary yolk cells in Forficula, Gryllotalpa and Gryllus, and which he names “nparacytes.” These cells are first formed from the lateral por- tions of the blastoderm, but may later be seen arising from all parts of the germ band, especially the mesoderm. The one un- mistakable characteristic, distinguishing these cells from normal embryonic cells consists, according to Heymons, in “the dis- solution of the nucleus, and particularly in an extremely charac- teristic separation of the chromatin from the other substances contained in the nucleus, especially the nucleolus.” In other insects true “paracytes” have apparently thus far been observed only by Schwarze (1899) in Lasiocampa and by Friederichs (1906) in Meloé. The relation of the paracytes to yolk cells of secondary origin observed in other insects is at present uncertain. Friederichs (1906) has made a especially intensive study of the cell elements of the yolk in certain beetles. Some of his con- clusions regarding the primary yolk cells have already been men- THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 243 tioned. In the chrysomelid beetles true “paracytes” were not found. Instead, there are found issuing from the cells of the germ band—ectoderm, mesoderm, sex cells—small globular bodies formed by the emission of chromatin from certain of the nuclei of the tissues concerned. These bodies Friederichs calls “paracytoids.” After entering the yolk they disappear. In ap- pearance they resemble so closely the chromatin spherules formed by the degeneration of the nuclei of the (primary) yolk cells, that they are not distinguishable from these, and the term “paracytoid”’ is made to cover chromatin spherules from both sources. Both are morever supposed to be identical in function, which is pre- sumably that of assisting in the digestion and assimilation of the yolk. In Meloé typical “paracytes” were found; these later degenerate in the yolk and form “paracytoids.”’ The aggregation of the yolk cells beneath the wall of the mid- intestine in embryos of the honey bee was noticed by Kowalevski in 1871, but this condition, as well as the occurrence of nuclei in . the peripheral layer of protoplasm surrounding the yolk at earlier stages, is found in a far more pronounced form in the mason bee, Chalicodoma (Carriére and Biirger, 1897). Buirger’s descrip- tion is as follows (p. 358): “The yolk cells also participate in the formation of the epi- thelium of the mid-intestine. Not directly indeed, in the sense of affording material for its construction, but in that they doubt- less afford nourishment to the entoderm bands. “At the time of the appearance of the entoderm bands the yolk cells at the periphery, regularly distributed and connected to- gether, form a complete sac, or if you will, a primary mid- intestinal epithelium. “Tf the series of sections, which are intended to elucidate the development of the wall bee, ceased just after the time of the breaking through of the mouth, one would be inclined to consider seriously whether the yolk cells did not form the definitive epi- thelium of the mid-intestine. Possessing other stages, it is how- ever evident to us, that the nuclei of the yolk cells degenerate, forming a crumbling mass, which is absorbed together with the remaining yolk. In the oldest embryo which I have sectioned the intestine is empty of yolk and also of every trace of yolk cells and their nuclei.” 244 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE This rather remarkable condition does not appear in other insects, and may be peculiar to the Hymenoptera. It recalls the condition found by Madame Tschuproff-Heymons (1899) in the Odonata and suggests that possibly the behavior of the yolk cells in the Hymenoptera may have a phylogenetic significance, the epi- thelium-like layer formed by the yolk cells at the periphery of the yolk representing the vestiges of the ancient miid-intestine, which undoubtedly was primitively formed by the yolk cells. If this were the case however, similar conditions should be found in the Orthoptera and other primitive orders. In Gryllus and Gryllotalpa, according to Heymons (1895) the yolk cells form an epithelial layer beneath the wall of the mid-intestine, but this does not occur until shortly prior to hatching. In Dixippus, ac- cording to Hammerschmidt (1910) the yolk cells form an epithe- lial layer over the ventral surface of the yolk at a relatively early stage. This layer Hammerschmidt regards as the “primary entoderm”, a view which is in harmony with the suggestion out- lined above. Pe ee ee ee ers ' Se oe Sse rer ee XV DURATION AND RATE OF DEVELOPMENT Early in the course of the present work, efforts were made to determine the rate of development, that is, the length of time required by the egg to reach a particular stage. Unexpected difficulties were encountered, and the problem was found much less easy of successful solution than was at first anticipated. This was doubtless due to ignorance of the proper method, and much time was consumed in unsuccessful experimentation. In general two methods were tried. The first is a modification of those employed by Petrunkewitsch (1902) and Dickel (1904). It con- sists in removing a frame from the brood nest of a vigorous colony, and replacing it by an empty frame, upon which the queen is placed. The hive is then closed for a period of two or three hours. The experiment was varied by using two or more empty frames, examining them every two hours. This method, after many trials, was abandoned, since it was seldom successful. The failure of this series of experiments was probably due in part, at least, to the fact that they were undertaken too late in the season, after the main honey flow had ceased. Continued attempts how- ever were made to remedy this unfavorable condition by feeding thin sugar syrup by. means of a “pepper box”’ feeder placed above the frames. Next a single frame observation hive was used, the queen being watched continuously in the hope that some time dur- ing the day the queen would deposit during a two-hour period a number of eggs sufficient for the purpose in hand. This ex- periment was a total failure since not once during the several days she was under observation did she deposit more than a few eggs, and these at long and infrequent intervals, practically all of the eggs being laid during the night. It may be added that the ob- servation hive was kept in a warm but shaded position out of doors, in one of the large breeding cages used by the entomolo- gists of the Department. The third set of experiments was mod- erately successful. The method used in these was the following: 245 246 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE A strong colony was shaken on eight full frames of foundation and two empty combs, which were placed in the center of the hive. The two combs were after two hours usually found to contain a fair number of eggs. These combs were then marked and placed in the second story of another strong colony, above a queen excluder, combs of brood being taken from the first story and placed on each side of the combs containing eggs, in order to make sure that these would not be deserted. After the proper interval the eggs were removed from the comb, fixed, and afterwards stained and mounted for examination. This method is open to the serious objection of being very demoralizing to the colony subjected to it, and cannot safely be tried more than once on the same colony unless a con- siderable interval elapses between trials. The data in regard to the rate of development, obtained by the foregoing methods is summarized in the accompanying table. This shows the approximate time in hours in the left hand column, the principal development changes observed at this age in the middle column, and the corresponding illustration in the right hand column. Recorded data relating to this subject are scarce. The follow- ing may be gleaned from Dickel’s paper (1904). At twenty hours the blastoderm is completely formed, and its nuclei arranged in a single layer (Fig. 1). According to the writer’s data the nuclei do not become arranged in a single layer until a few hours later. An egg twenty-four hours old-is shown in figure 2. In this the gap between the dorsal and ventral blastoderm, located just dorsad of the cephalic pole, is plainly shown, as is also the case in figure 3, which is about twenty-six hours old. In the figure last mentioned secondary yolk cells are evident, distinguishable by their lack of cytoplasm. These two figures. of Dickel agree fairly well with figure 16 of the present paper, representing a sagittal section through an egg twenty-four to twenty-six hours old. Dickel’s figure 10 represents an egg thirty-five hours old in which “the three germ layers are differentiated.” It apparently corresponds to Stage V or VI, although the cephalic fold of the amnion is not represented. This would agree with the data in the table given below. = 7 cS * Ss Sn ee — THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 247 TABLE SHOWING RATE OF DEVELOPMENT OF EMBRYO AGE IN HOURS DEVELOPMENTAL CHANGES OBSERVED FIGURES 1-6 Cleavage proceeds rapidly from one to many| I and II cells. 8-10 Cleavage cells reach the surface of the egg. Ill [Estimated] 14-16 Cleavage cells cover the entire surface of the yolk. Appearance of primary yolk cells. 18-20 Nuclei of the cells of the blastoderm become arranged in two layers. Appearance of sec- ondary yolk cells. 20-30 Cells of blastoderm become arranged to form a single layer of prismatic cells. Nuclei of primary yolk cells degenerating. 32-34 Differentiation of middle plate begins. IV 34-36 Appearance of anterior mesenteron rudiment. Cephalic fold of amnion formed. ve 36-38 The lateral folds and the posterior mesenteron rudiment are formed. 38-42 Approximation of lateral folds. Caudal fold VI of amnion formed. 42-44 Closure of lateral folds completed. Amnion VII becomes a closed sac. 44-46 Formation of the stomodaeum and _ procto- VIII daeum. Appearance of the rudiments of the labrum, antennae, gnathal appendages, silk gland and stigmata. 48-50. Formation of stomodaeum. The invaginations IX which are to form the silk gland and stig- mata are still wide slits. 52-54 Formation of proctodaeum and Malpighiari x tubules. Labrum, cerebral lobes and rudi- ments of the mesodermal somites now well defined. Formation of tracheal trunks and their branches. Silk glands become elon- gated tubules. 58-60 Approximation of second maxillae to form XII labium. [Estimated.] 66-68 Second maxillae united to form labium. Heart XIII formed. Development nearly complete. 74-76 Embryo breaks chorion and becomes a larva. XV 248 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE Petrunkewitsch (1902) gives the following table for drone (male) eggs: Age in hours Stage of development 5 a WERE ESTES Tree UNC: first cleavage spindle. Bae Rea ome cleavage. fm RE movement of the cleavage nuclei towards the periphery. HOO aks Back eats formation of the blastoderm. 8 PE he tie blastoderm. BRCCGs cre Tictisbnieee es gastrulation. SES Sly BAS AME end of gastrulation; rudiments of the mesodermal tubes formed. According to these data it appears that the development of the drone egg is more rapid than that of the worker (female) egg, — since “gastrulation,” that is, the formation of the mesoderm and the mesenteron rudiments, commences at least five hours earlier. Unfortunately the time required for total development is not known. Among other insects, the only data which are sufficiently com- plete to be of value for comparison are those of Heider (1889) for Hydrophilus. These are extremely full and explicit, and include all of the more important phases of development of the insect. They are arranged in the form of a table which covers two and a half folio pages and therefore far too elaborate to be reproduced here. It will nevertheless be profitable to compare Hydrophilus and the honey bee, using for this purpose certain more or less arbitrary periods into which the development may conveniently be divided. Kowalevski (1871) distinguishes three periods in the develop- ment of Hydrophilus. They are as follows: The first extends to the complete formation of the germ band and of the embryonic envelopes. The second includes the formation of appendages and the origin of the glandular layer of the intestine (“Darmdriisenblatt”), up to the formation of the dorsal plate and ~ the rupture of the embryonic envelopes. The third includes the complete differentiation of the embryo and the dorsal wall of the mid-intestine. Heider (1889) interprets these periods as follows: as a ee ae es ey ee ha THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE — 249 “In the first period are included: the formation of the embryo, of the rudiments of the cephalic lobes and of the embryonic envelopes up to their complete overgrowth of the embryo. At the end of this period the completely segmented germ band has extended its entire length over the surface of the yolk. To the second period belongs: the invaginations con- stituting the proctodaeum and stomodaeum, the formation of the rudiments of the appendages and of the central nervous system, and the tracheal invaginations. Into this period falls the sep- aration of the entoderm from the mesoderm together with the first rudiments of the mid-intestine, the appearance of the primary seg- ments, the development of the definitive body cavity and the segmentation of the yolk. The rupture of the embryonic mem- branes and their withdrawal to the dorsal side of the egg, and an invagination, introducing the formation of the dorsal organ, form the limits between the second and third embryonic periods. .. . No new organs are produced, this period serves principally for hisiclogical differentiation.” In dividing the development of the bee into three corresponding periods, indicated in the table given above by double lines, it is easy to determine the limit between the first and second periods, which falls between Stage VII, forty-two to forty-four hours, and VIII, forty-four to forty-six hours. The limit between the sec- ond and third periods is not so easy to find, since there is in the bee but a single embryonic membrane, which is not ruptured until hatching and which forms.no “dorsal organ.” Moreover in the bee egg there is no movement of the embryo corresponding to “revolu- tion” or “blastokinesis’” (Wheeler, 1893). By referring to Hei- der’s table however, it is seen that at the end of the second period, which falls between the fourth and fifth days of development, the tracheal invaginations, formed but a few hours previously, are still cleftlike. During the fourth day moreover the invaginations of the proctodaeum and stomodaeum are formed. In the bee there- fore the limit between the second and third periods has been fixed between Stages IX and X, corresponding respectively to the ages of forty-eight to fifty hours and fifty-two to fifty-four hours, which is probably sufficiently close for purposes of comparison. In Hydrophilus the time required for complete development is 250 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE eleven days, or 264 hours, while that of the bee is only seventy-six hours. The only way in which the length of time consumed by each period in the two insects can be compared is by expressing it as a fraction of the time required for total development. This is most conveniently expressed by decimals. The time of each period except the first, is calculated from the close of the preceding period. The result is shown in the following table: Period I I] Ill Hydrophilus 0.272 0.091 0.636 A pis 0.579 0.078 0.342 The discrepancy between these figures is striking. In Hydro- philus slightly over one-fourth of the time required for total devel- opment is taken up by the first period; in the bee over one-half is consumed. Period II consumes relatively but a trifle more time in Hydrophilus than in the bee, while period III consumes nearly twice as much. If the time required for the formation of the blastoderm be similarly compared, the result is expressed by the fractions 0.166 for Hydrophilus, and 0.39 for Apis. Expressed in general terms, it may be said that as compared with Hydro- philus, the earlier development of the bee is greatly delayed or conversely, that the later development is greatly accelerated. So little is known of the vital forces underlying development that the reason for these differences can only be surmised. It seems not improbable however that one factor is the relatively slight degree of differentiation of the bee larva, as compared with that of Hydrophilus. The larva of the latter insect is fitted to lead an active existence, finding, catching and killing its prey, and at the same time avoiding its enemies. It is therefore well equipped with functional organs of locomotion and perception together with a well developed central nervous system, most of which in the bee larva are present only as rudiments, and do not become functional to any considerable degree until after metamorphosis. XVI TECHNIQUE Except when timed stages were desired, a frame of brood comb, containing a considerable number of eggs was selected. The eggs were then lifted out of the cells and transferred singly to the fixing fluid. A small fine-pointed brush, slightly moistened, was found most convenient for this purpose. Other inves- tigators have made use of a bent needle, but with this instrument there is considerable danger of damaging the rather delicate egg. A considerable difference was noted between different lots of eggs in regard to the ease with which the eggs could be removed. In some lots a light touch with the brush was all that was needed to loosen the egg from its attachment to the bottom of the cell, in others the eggs were stuck so tight as to require considerable manipulation to bring them out of the cells without damage. Although no records were kept it seems not unlikely that this difference in the adhesiveness of the eggs was traceable to a differ- ence between the mother insects, the queens, some secreting more adhesive, or else of a better quality, than others. Five fixing fluids were used: Bouin’s picro-formol, one-half to eighteen hours”®; acetic-alcohol (Carnoy’s second formula), one-half to one hour; Gilson’s mixture, twenty-four hours; Pet- runkewitsch’s modification of Gilson’s formula, twenty-four hours; and Kleinenberg’s picro-sulphuric mixture, three hours. The last named was used but little. All of the others gave many satisfactory preparations and some superlatively good ones. In quality of the fixation, as regards the tissues of the embryo, there is little room for choice. The effect of the different fixing fluids on the yolk is however quite different. This has been described in the chapter on the organization of the egg (p. 12). The effect on the cells in the yolk is likewise different, eggs fixed with picro- formol showing these to the best advantage. The question as to The best material came from lots of eggs left in this for five to six hours or longer. 251 252 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE which fixing fluid gives the truest pictures of these cells can how- ever only be determined by careful comparison with living eggs. Picro-formal proved to be the best medium for fixing eggs in- tended to be studied entire, and since the other media showed no decided advantage in other respects, it was most frequently em- ployed. Its reason for superiority appears to be due to the circumstance that it does not coagulate the yolk spheres, conse- quently the yolk remains clear and transparent. Embryos fixed in this fluid and mounted entire have a brilliancy and transparency not seen in specimens fixed in other fluids. The eggs were in all cases preserved in eighty per cent alcohol. Of the five fixing fluids used, Gilson’s and Petrunkewitsch’s fluids harden most, eggs fixed in these media becoming rather brittle, while acetic alcohol hardens the least. Eggs treated with this mixture are quite elastic and may be manipulated without much danger of breaking, although they are rather easily distort- ed. This is true also of eggs treated with picro-formol, although not to the same extent. The chorion of the egg of the bee, although excessively thin, is nevertheless relatively impermeable, especially to aqueous fluids. After fixing and hardening, and before staining or clearing is attempted it is therefore necessary to puncture the chorion, which lies close to the egg except at its two poles. The chorion may be punctured or ruptured here, but the most satisfactory solution of the difficulty is to puncture the egg in one or two different places with a fine cambric needle, rubbed on an oil stone to an extremely fine point. This is best done by watching the progress of the sharpening under a binocular microscope. The punctures were usually made along the dorsal mid-line of the egg since this region is not occupied by the embryo until near the close of development. Mayer’s carmalum was used for staining eggs intended to be mounted entire. The eggs were stained from two to forty hours, and thoroughly destained in acid alcohol. This method yielded uniformly good results. Iron haematoxylin was found most sat-_ isfactory for sections, used with or without a counter stain. Mayer’s paracarmine (alcoholic) was used for staining eggs pre- liminary to embedding. It is absolutely necessary that clearing be accomplished grad- oe gh a ee ig ee en THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 253 ually. If this is not done, distortion will almost inevitably result. In cases where the chorion is not opened, or opened insufficiently, a transfer from alcohol to clearing fluid will cause the egg to be completely flattened by osmotic pressure, owing to the slight re- sistance of the yolk. Clearing may be quickly and easily accom- plished by the following method of flotation, suggested by Dr. Petrunkewitsch: A small quantity of pure cedar oil is poured into the bottom of a narrow vial. On the top of this are poured successive layers containing an increasing proportion of absolute alcohol. In practice these were: pure oil, two-thirds oil, one-third oil. On the top layer the embryos were placed surrounded by pure absolute alcohol. They then descend gradually to the bottom of the vial, when they may be taken out, washed in pure cedar oil and transferred to balsam, if they are to be mounted for study entire. If intended for sections they were placed in xylol before transfer to paraffin. Embedding was done in watch crystals. Paraffin of fifty-five degrees C. melting point was used, the eggs remaining in the paraffin from one-half to an hour to three hours: It is extremely desirable to orient the embryo accurately. This was accomplished by placing the watch crystal containing the melted paraffin and the embryo on a piece of clear glass, slightly warmed, and placing the whole on the stage of a binocular micro- scope. A layer of partially cooled paraffin, sufficient to support the embryo in any position soon forms at the bottom of the watch crystal, and the embryo may be placed in this in the position desired. In practice the ventral face was placed uppermost. The watch crystal was then floated on a vessel full of cold water, and the paraffin subsequently hardened by complete immersion. Sections were cut by means of a Minot microtome, five to seven microns in thickness, according as the conditions were favorable or otherwise. SUMMARY The elongate cylindriform egg is slightly curved in the long axis and, with reference to the future embryo, presents a slightly larger cephalic end, and a convex ventral, as opposed to a con- cave dorsal surface. Two membranes cover the egg, an outer, the chorion, and an inner, the vitelline membrane. The chorion is extremely thin, transparent, and covered with minute papillae 254 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE arranged in the form of a fine network. A thickened area at the cephalic end of the egg appears to represent a micropylar area. The vitelline membrane is extremely thin and appears to be structureless. The contents of the egg comprise a large quantity of deutoplasmic material or yolk, and a small quantity of proto- plasm. The yolk is principally in the form of spherical globules, the vitelline spheres, composed of a transparent fluid of an un- known chemical nature, not fat nor oil. Within the yolk spheres are much smaller relatively solid bodies, the vitelline bodies. The protoplasm surrounds the yolk spheres, filling the’ interstices be- tween them, and also forms a thin cortical layer over the surface of the yolk. Within the protoplasm are numerous minute bodies, possibly identical with the Blochmann’s corpuscles of certain other insects. The cleavage cells at first form a rounded group near the cephalic pole of the egg. They multiply rapidly and soon form an elongated hollow fusiform figure, its smaller end extending toward the caudal pole. As the cells continue to increase in number the figure also increases in size, until the cells at its larger end, on the ventral side near the cephalic pole, enter the cortical layer and begin to form blastoderm. The majority of the cleavage cells finally reach the cortical layer except a few which remain in the yolk to form the primary yolk cells. As the cleavage cells approach the periphery of the egg their nuclei assume a peripheral position in the cells. The latter embed themselves in the cortical layer, the latter, together with the cleavage cells, constituting the blastoderm. The central ends of the cleavage cells, however, remain at first united together below the cortical layer thus forming the inner cortical layer. Later this inner cortical layer is cut off from the remainder of the cleavage cells by a structure having the appearance of a basement membrane. Meanwhile the cells of the newly formed blastoderm multiply by mitotic division, the division planes being at first nor- mal to the surface of the egg, but later become oblique, the cells thus becoming wedge-shaped or pyriform. Finally they assume a prismatic form, the nuclei all coming to lie at the same level; the basement membrane disappears, and the greater part of the inner cortical layer is absorbed by the cells of the blastoderm, THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 255 their inner ends becoming sharply defined. The remnant of the inner cortical layer clings to the yolk over which it now fotms a pellicle, this being separated from the blastoderm by a narrow space. The blastoderm is at first of nearly uniform thickness around the circumference of the egg, but soon becomes differen- tiated into a thicker ventral and a thinner dorsal portion. Along the dorsal mid-line is a strip of cells differing from the remainder in being especially thin and flat and in maintaining a close relation with the yolk. The mesoderm is formed from a median area of the ventral blastoderm, the middle plate, which separates from the blasto- derm on each side of it and which constitutes the lateral plates. The ventral plate is then covered over by the lateral plates, which approach one another, and finally become united along the ventral mid-line to form the ectoderm. The rudiments of the mesenteron are formed by the immigration of blastoderm cells, a discoid swelling being thus produced at each of the two ends of the middle plate, but outside of its limits. These rudiments later become covered by ectoderm. The anterior mesenteron rudiment does not however become completely covered, a small circular area near its caudal margin remaining uncovered and later con- stituting the floor of the stomodaeal invagination. During these developmental changes the median dorsal area of the blastoderm, composed of thin flat cells, also becomes depressed and is over- grown by the dorsal margins of the lateral plates. Meanwhile the cells of this dorsal strip have becme aggregated in the cephalo- dorsal region of the egg to form a more or less discoid mass, the cephalo-dorsal body, the so-called “yolk plug” of O. Dickel (1904). During the formation of the so-called “germ-layers” both the middle and lateral plates show plain evidence of segmen- tation. The segments thus indicated appear to correspond to the definite segments of the embryo. The amnion is single layered and is formed from the dorsal half of the blastoderm. This separates both from the yolk and from the margins of the ventral or embryonic half of the blas- toderm, the ventral plate. This separation does not take place simultaneously, but occurs first at the cephalic end of the egg, a cap-like fold being formed which grows rapidly caudad. A sim- 256 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE ilar but slighter fold is later formed at the caudal end of the egg. The two folds meet and coalesce near the caudal pole. The am- nion probably corresponds to the serosa of other pterygote insects. Twenty-one segments were found in the bee embryo, including an anal segment or telson. Appendages were observed on the antennal segment, the three gnathal segments, and the three tho- racic segments. No abdominal appendages were found. The antennal rudiments and those of the three thoracic legs became reduced to hypodermal thickenings prior to hatching. The sup- posed appendages of the premandibular segment are only exag- gerated ganglionic swellings. No evidence of the presence in the bee of a superlingual segment (Folsom) was found. As is usual in insect embryos, the second maxillae fuse to form the labrum. The rudiments of the nervous system take the form externally of two longitudinal swellings of the ectoderm, the primitive swell- ings, one on each side of and close to the ventral mid-line. At the oral region these diverge, and in the cephalic region of the embryo expand into the broad procephalic lobes. The primitive swellings, including the procerebral lobes, are divided by slight interseg- mental constrictions into twenty neuromeres corresponding to the segments of the embryo. Two of these, formed from the procerebral lobes, are preoral. The first, the protocerebrum, corresponds to the primary head segment, the second, the deuto- cerebrum, to the antennal segment. The two lobes constituting the protocerebrum become rather obscurely subdivided into three lobes, the most anterior of which become the optic lobes. During the formation of the primitive swellings the germ band lengthens, so that its cephalic end, including the procerebral lobes, becomes curved around the cephalic pole of the egg. The protocerebral lobes thus come to lie on the dorsal side of the egg with their cephalic ends directed toward its caudal pole. Although the germ band shortens somewhat at a later stage, the protocerebral lobes always remain directed caudad, and not cephalad, as in more prim- itive insects (e.g. Orthopetra). The third, neuromere, correspond- — ing to the premandibular or intercalary segment, is postoral, since the commissure connecting its two lateral halves (ganglia) passes below the stomadaeum. These three neuromeres become united to form the supraoesophageal ganglion or brain. The neuromeres THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 257 of the three gnathal segments unite to form the suboesophageal ganglion. The remainder, fourteen in number, become the gan- glia of the ventral nerve cord. The cells of the ectoderm con- stituting the primitive swellings and protocerebral lobes become segregated into two layers, an outer layer of small cells, the dermatoblasts, destined to form hypodermis only, and an inner layer of large cells, destined to form nerve tissue, the neuroblasts. These divide unequally and teleblastically, giving of centrad sev- eral cells smaller than themselves. These last mentioned cells divide equally, the products becoming differentiated to form ganglion cells. The latter are therefore the granddaughter cells of the neuroblasts. The optic gangliz are not however produced by the agency of neuroblasts, but are formed as simple infoldings of the ectoderm. Beginning at the anterior margin of the man- dibular segment, and extending to the last segment of the trunk is a narrow median strip of ectoderm, the median cord. In the intrasegmental regions this contributes the central portions of the ganglia, in the intersegmental regions, it constitutes a series of thickenings of the hypodermis. The supraoesophageal com- missure is formed at least in part from the median ectoderm, but this could not be established in the case of the suboesophageal commissure. The stomatogastric nervous system is formed from three median evaginations of the dorsal stomodaeal wall. The first of these furnishes a few cells contributing to the formation of the labral nerve, the second produces the stomatogastric gan- glion, and the third the pharangeal ganglia. An outer neurilemma only is present in bee embryos. This is formed from cells having the same origin as the ganglion cells, and which migrate to the external surface of-the brain and ventral cord. The so-called “ganglia” or corpora allata are formed from invaginations of the ectoderm between the bases of the rudiments of the mandibles and first maxillae, and are closely associated with the invaginations which produce the apodemes of the retractor muscles of the mandibles. The invaginations producing the corpora allata soon become solid masses of cells, lose their connection with the ex- ternal ectoderm and migrate mesiad and dorsad, finally becoming attached to the ventro-lateral angles of the coelomic sacs of the antennal segment. Degenerating cells are found in the rudiments 258 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE of the brain of all embryos, being especially abundant in the region between the second and third lobes of the protocerebrum. They appear soon after the brain begins to form and are evident up to the time of hatching of the embryo. Their significance is not known. The tracheal system is formed from eleven pairs of invagina- tions of the lateral ectoderm. The first of these, situated on the second maxillary segment, by the formation of four diverticula, produces the anterior ends of the main tracheal trunks, including the anterior tracheal commissure or loop, and also the tracheae supplying the head. The ten pairs remaining are situated on the second and third thoracic, and the first eight abdominal segments. These also form each four diverticula. The anterior and pos- terior diverticula become united along each side of the embryo, thus forming the longitudinal tracheal trunks, the ventral diver- ticula fuse with those of the opposite side of the same segments to form the tracheal commissures, the dorsal diverticula form branches supplying the dorsal region of the larva. The openings of the tracheal invaginations remain as the spiracles. The tentorium is formed from two pairs of ectodermal in- vaginations. The first pair of these is situated in front of the bases of the mandibles, the second behind the bases of the first maxillae. The invaginations belonging to the first pair grow caudad and mesiad, those belonging to the second pair cephalad and mesiad. All four meet in the median plane to form a struc- ture having the form of an X, extending across the head capsule between the oesophagus and the suboesophageal ganglion. An invagination situated immediately caudad of the base of the rudi- ments of the mandible produces the apodeme for the adductor muscle of the mandible. The silk glands appear at an early period as tubular invagi- nations of the ectoderm caudad and mesiad of the bases of the second maxillae. These invaginations rapidly lengthen to form long slender tubes extending the length of the trunk. As the second maxillae approach one another, during the later stages of development, they carry with them the openings of the silk glands, which are thus brought to the ventral mid-line. The second maxillae are then united in such a way that a median unpaired THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 259 duct is formed by them for the silk glands, opening near the tip of the labrum. The oenocytes are produced by immigration of cells from local- ized areas of the lateral ectoderm. There are eight pairs of these situated on the first eight abdominal segments, in line with the openings of the tracheal invaginations. The mesoderm, soon after its formation, becomes differentiated laterally into two layers, an outer somatic and an inner splanch- nic layer, while along the ventral mid-line it remains single lay- ered. Separate coelomic sacs are not present, the somatic and splanchnic layers of each side being continuous longitudinally throughout the trunk. At the lateral margins of the mesoderm the two layers are continuous and in this region are composed of long columnar cells. The fate of the various parts of the mesoderm is as follows: The median single-layered section breaks up into the rounded blood cells. The somatic layer forms the trunk muscles, both longitudinal and oblique, the pericardial fat cells, and the dorsal diaphragm, including the pericardial cells. The splanchnic layer sends off from its dorsal border a mesial layer which forms the muscular layer of the mid-intestine. The remainder of this layer is principally concerned in the formation of the two main divisions of the fat body. The heart is formed by the union, along the dorsal mid-line, of two rows of cells, the cardioblasts, which are derived from the angle formed by the union of the somatic and splanchnic layers at the lateral margins of the mesoderm. A mass of mesoderm cells, forming the anterior end of the mesoderm, and evidently belonging to the primary head segment, closely surrounds the stomodaeum at its appearance, and later forms the muscular layer of the fore in* testine. A similar mass at the posterior end of the embryo forms the muscular layer of the hind-intestine. The ovaries are apparently derived from the cells constituting the genital ridges; these cells are not visually distinguishable from undifferentiated mesoderm cells. The two genital ridges are formed from the dorsal portion of the splanchnic layer, in the fifth to the tenth abdominal segments inclusive. This portion becomes detached from the remainder of the splanchnic layer. During the development of the embryo the genital ridge gradually 260 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE shortens, finally occupying a position in the seventh to the ninth segments inclusive. Meanwhile it loses its attachment to the dorsal splanchnic layer, at the same time receiving an investment of cells from the splanchnic mesoderm lying immediately ventrad of it. This investiture, composed of flat cells then, contracts an adhesion with the ventral border of the heart. The mid-intestine is formed from the anterior and posterior mesenteron rudiments in the following manner. The discoid anterior mesenteron rudiment becomes transferred from the ven- tral to the dorsal side of the cephalic pole of the egg by a lengthen- ing of the embryo. At the same time the rudiment increases in superficial area, covering the cephalic end of the yolk like a cap. Its caudal margin now extends rapidly caudad over the dorsal surface of the yolk. Meanwhile the posterior mesenteron rudi- ment has been similarly transferred to the dorsal side of the caudal end of the egg. It now sends out a thin tongue-like pro- cess cephalad over the dorsal surface of the yolk. The caudad extension of the anterior mesenteron rudiment, and the cephalad extension of the posterior mesenteron rudiment next meet on the dorsal surface of the yolk about one-third of the length of the egg from its cephalic pole. The epithelial strip thus formed extends rapidly ventrad over the sides of the yolk until the latter is completely enclosed, the two margins of the epithelium meeting and uniting along the ventral mid-line of the yolk a short time before hatching. Both the fore and hind intestines are formed, as is usual, by ectodermal invaginations. The invagination for the fore intestine, the stomadaeum, is however, not completely ectodermal, since its floor is formed by cells belonging to the anterior mesenteron rudiment, which is not covered by ectoderm. The hind intestine is exclusively ectodermal. The lumen of the stomodaeum (oesophagus) becomes connected with that of the mid-intestine shortly before hatching. A proventricular valve is also formed at this time by folding of the stomodaeal or oesoph- ageal wall. The lumen of the proctodaeum (hind-intestine) is at no time in connection with that of the mid-intestine, both the cephalic end of the hind intestine and the caudal end of the mid- intestine being blind. The four Malpighian tubules are formed as ectodermal invaginations which make their appearance prior to THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE 261 the formation of the protodaeum, grouped around the point where the proctodaeum is to appear. Four separate invaginations have not been observed, the pair situated on each side of the mid- line being connected by a shallow crescentic groove. The primary yolk cells, which are derived from cleavage cells remaining within the yolk, multiply by mitosis, the mitotic figures being at first similar to those of the cleavage cells. A little later irregular mitotic figures are found. These are usually minute, and have the appearance of being in some cases multipolar, and in others unequal. Multinucleate cells soon become abundant, and some of these cells are of large size. Degeneration of the nuclei of the yolk cells soon becomes frequent, such nuclei dimin- ishing in size and finally becoming reduced to minute deep-staining spherules which leave the cell body and enter the yolk. Sec- ondary yolk cells are formed by the immigration of nuclei from the blastoderm into the yolk. These soon become indistinguish- able from the primary yolk cells. Yolk cells are found distributed through the yolk until shortly before hatching. They are fre- quently seen clustered under the epithelium of the mid-intestine, during the time when the latter is engaged in covering the lateral faces of the yolk. Yolk cells and yolk disintegrate at the time of hatching, being presumably digested. The total time normally required for the development of the egg is seventy-six hours. This is divided approximately as fol- lows: Cleavage, fourteen to sixteen hours; formation of the blastoderm, fourteen to sixteen hours; formation of mesoderm, rudiments of mesenteron and embryonic envelope, twelve to four- teen hours; remainder of development, including differentiation of tissues and organs, thirty-two or thirty-four hours. The earlier stages, including the formation of the so-called ‘germ layers,” the amnion, etc., occupy considerably over one-half of the time re- quired for total development. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS In making up this list, the abbreviations used by Snodgrass (1910) were retained to indicate the corresponding part or its rudiment in the embryo. In every case the symbols were designed to suggest the name of the part, in order to avoid frequent refer- ence to the subjoined list. Am, amnion. Iam, cephalic fold of amnion. 2am, caudal fold of amnion. Ant, antenna. AMR, anterior mesenteron rudiment. AntL, antennal lobe (of brain). AntMeso, mesoderm of antennal somite. AntNu, antennal nerve. AntR, antennal rudiment. Ao, aorta. ATraL, anterior tracheal loop. BI, blastoderm. BIC, blood corpuscles. 1Br, protocerebrum. 1Br,, 1Br., tBrs, the three lobes of the protocerebrum. 2Br, deutocerebrum. 3Br, tritocerebrum. CB, cephalo-dorsal body. Cbl, cardioblasts. CC, cleavage cells. Com, commissure. Con, connective (of ventral nerve cord). CorAll, corpora (ganglia) allata. CL, cortical protoplasmic layer. Cil, cuticle. Dbl, dermatoblasts. DDph, dorsal diaphragm. DegCl, degenerating cells. DLMcl, dorsal longitudinal muscles. DphCl, cells of dorsal diaphragm. Ds, dorsal strip (of blastoderm). Ect, ectoderm. FInt, fore intestine (oesophagus). FiCom, frontal commissure. 262 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE FtGng, frontal ganglion, FtNv, frontal nerve. Gl, gland. GngC, ganglion cells. Ht, heart. HiCl, pericardial cells. HInt, hind intestine. Hyp, hypodermis. ICL, inner cortical layer. IL, 2L, 3L, legs (rudiments). Lb, labium. LC, lateral cords. LF, lateral folds. Lm, labrum. LWNz, lateral nerve. LP, lateral plate. LTraT, longitundinal tracheal trunk. M, micropylar area. Mal, Malpighian tubules. MC, median cord. MclEnt, muscular layer of alimentary canal. Md, mandible. MdNv, mandibular nerve. Meso, mesoderm. Meso 1-3L, mesoderm of leg rudiments. MInt, mid-intestine. MP, middle plate. Mth, mouth. 1Mx, first maxilla. 2M x, second maxilla. Nol, neuroblasts. NIG, neural groove, Nim, neurolemma. NIR, neural ridges. Nv, nerve. NvF, nerve fibres, “punksubstanz.” Oe, oesophagus, fore intestine. OeCom, circumoesophageal commmissure. Oen, oenocytes. OMcl, oblique trunk muscles. 263 OpL, optic lobe, equivalent to the first lobe of the protocerebrum 1Br,. OpPI, optic plate. ; Ost, ostium. Ov, ovary (rudiment). ParC, paracardial cells. _ Phy, pharynx. 204 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE PhyGng, pharyngeal ganglia. PMR, posterior rudiment of mid-intestine. PP, polar protoplasm. Pro, Proc, proctodaeum. ProL, procephalic lobes. PriSw, primitive swellings. PTraL, posterior tracheal loop. RAp, apodeme of flexor (adductor) muscle of mandible. RMcl, flexor (adductor) muscle of mandible. SIkD, common duct of silk glands. SlkDo, opening of duct of silk glands. SIkGI, silk gland. SoeCom, suboesophageal commissure. SoeGl, suboesophageal ganglion. Sp, spiracle. SpBr, spiracular branch. StgNv, stomatogastric nerve. StgR, rudiment of stomatogastric nervous system. Sto, Stom, stomadeum. SupCom, supraoesophageal commissure. Tae, taenidia. Ten, central body of tentorium. 1Ten, 2Ten, anterior and posterior arms of tentorium. Tra, trachea. TraBr, tracheal branch. TraCom, tracheal commissure. Tralnv, tracheal invagination. TraTr, tracheal trunk. VDph, ventral diaphragm. VLMcl, ventral longitudinal muscles. VNC, ventral nerve cord. x, posterior tier of cells of optic ganglion. Y, yolk. YC, yolk cells. y, subspherical group of cells in lateral region of deutocerebrum. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anctas, J. 1901. 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(2) VI, pp. 429-430. ] 7 Kuracin, Nicotaus. 1892. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der parasitischen Hautfliigler. Zool. Anz. XV, pp. 85-87. Summary in J. R. Micr. Soc. 1892, 470. — 1807. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der: Entwicklungsgeschichte von Platygaster. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. LXIII. 2, pp. 195-235. Mit Tafel X und XI. Lécartton, A. 1897. Note preliminaire relative aux feuillets germanitifs des Coléoptéres. C. ‘R. Soc. Biol. [Paris]. pp. 1014-1016. 1897a. Contribution a l’études des premiers phénoménes du développement embryonnaire chez les insectes particuliereément chez les ‘Coléoptéres. Arch. Anat. Micros. I, pp. 205-224. Planche XI. Lécamton, A. 1808. Recherches sur le développement embryonnaire de quelques chrysomélides. Arch. Anat. Micros. II, pp. 118-176. Planche VI; pp. 189-248, planche IX. Reviewed by Heymons. Zool. Zentbl. V, 1808, pp. 813-816. LeucKkart, R. 1865. Die ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung der Cecidomy- ienlarven. Arch. Naturgesch. 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The embryological development of the skeleton of the head of Blatta. Thesis presented to the Faculty of Cornell University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Amer. Nat. XXXVIII 455-456, pp. 777-810. 12 text figs. Printed as separate by Ginn and Co. Pub. The Athenaeum Press, Boston. Ritter, RicHarp. 1890. Die Entwicklung der Geschlechtsorgane und des Darmes bei Chironomus. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. L, 3, pp. 408-427. Mit Tafel XVI. Rizzi, Marco. 1912. Sullo sviluppo dell ’uovo di “Bombyx (Sericaria) mori L.” nel primo mese deposizione. “Redia.” VIII, 2, pp. 323-350. ‘Con tavole I1-V. Rtckert, J. 1895. Ueber das Selbststandigbleiben der vaterlichen und miitterlichen Kernsuwbstanz wahrend der ersten Entwicklung des be- fruchteten Cyclops Eies. Arch. Mikros. Ant. XLV, 3. SALING, THEODOR. 1907. Zur Kenntnis der Entwicklung der Keimdrtsen von Tenebrio molitor L. Mit 2 Tafeln und 14 Figuren im Text- Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. LXXXVI, 2, pp. 238-303. ScHWANGART, F. 1904. Studien zur Entodermfrage bei den Lepidopteren. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. LX XVI, 2, pp. 167-212. Mit Taf. XII und XIII und 4 Figuren im Text. ScHWARTzE, Dr. ErtcH. 1899. Zur Kenntnis der Darmentwicklung bei Lepidopteren. Aus dem zoologischen Institute der Universitat Berlin. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. LX VI, 3, pp. 450-496. Taf. XXXI-XXXIV. TANNREUTHER, Geo. W. 10907. History of the germ cells and early em- bryology of certain aphids. Zool. Jahrb. Abt. Anat, XXIV, 4, pp. 609-642. With plates 49-53. Tanguary, Maurice Cote. 1913. Biological and embryological studies on Formicidae. III. Studies on the embryology of Camponotus hercu- leanus var ferrugineus Fabr. and Myrmica scabrinodis var sabuleti Meinert. Bull. Ill. State Lab. Nat. Hist., IX, art IX, pp. 454-477. With pl. LVII-LXIV. TicHomirorFr, A. 1879. Ueber die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Seiden- wurms. Zool. Anz. II, 20, pp. 64-67. 1882. [On the ontogeny of the Bomby mori within the egg.] (Russian), Izvyest. Imp. Obshch. Lyubit. Estest. Antrop. i. Ethnog. Moscow, XXXII, 4. 1885. Chemische Studien iiber die Entwicklung der Insecteneter. Ztschr. Physiol. Chem. IX, 4-5, pp. 518-532. —_—— 1800. Ueber die Entwicklung der Calandra granaria. Biol. iCentbl. X, 13-14, p. 424. TicHomirow, Dr. ALEXANDER, 1892. Aus der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Insekten. Festeschrift zum 70. Geburtstage Leuckarts. Leipzig. pp. 337-346. Mit Tafel XXXV. ; Ticpomirowa, O. S. 18090. Zur Embryologie von Chrysopa.. Biol. Centbl. X, 13-14, p. 423. (Der VIII Kongress russischer Naturforscher und Aertzte in St. Petersburg. II. Sektion fiir Zoologie. 1. Sitzung am 29. Dez. 1889. [9 Jan. 1800.]). TrkHomirowA, Orca. 1802. Sur Vhistoire du dévelopment de Chrysapoda perla (L’Origine du mésoderme des cellules vitellines) Cong. Internat. Zool. 2, sess. I. pp. 112-119. Toyama, K. 1902. Contributions to the study of silk worms. I. On the embryology of the silk-worm. With plates VII-XI. Bul. Col. Agr. Tokyo Imp. Univ. V, pp. 73-1 18. 272 THE EMBRYOLOGY OF THE HONEY BEE TSCHUPROFF, HELENE VON. 1903. Ueber die Entwicklung der Keimblatter bei den Libellen. (Aus dem zoologischen Institut der Universitat Berlin), (Volfraufige Mitteilung.) (Mit 1 Figur.) Zool. Anz. XXVIJI, PP. 29-34. UzeL, Dr. HernricH. 1897. Vo6rlaufige Mittheilung itber die Entwicklung der Thysanuren. Zool. Anz. XX, 528-529. pp. 125-132. 1898. Studien iiber die Entwicklung der apterygoten Insecten. Mit 6 lith. Tafeln und 5 Abbildungen im Text. 58 pp. VIALLANES, H. 1887. Etudes histologiques et organologiques sur les centres nerveaux et les organes des sens des animaux articulés. 4te mémoire. Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. II, pp. 5-100. 1891. Sur quelques points de T’histoire du développement embryonnaire de la mante religieuse (Mantis religiosa). Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool. (7), XI, pp. 283-328. Con planches 12 et 13. VoELTzKow, ALFRED. 1888. Vorlaufige Mittheilung tiber die Entwicklung im Ei von Musca vomitoria. Zool. Anz. XI, 278, pp. 235-236. 1889. Entwickelung im Ei von Musca vomitoria. Arb. Inst. Wurzb. IX, pp. 1-48. Mit Tafeln I-IV. —— 188 9a. Melolontha vulgaris. Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung im Ei bei Insecten. Arb. Inst. Wurzb. IX, pp. 49-64. Mit Tafel V. WEISMANN, Dr. Aucust. 1863. Die Entwicklung der Dipteren im Ei, nach Beobachtungen an Chironomus spec., Musca vomitoria und Pulex canis. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. XIII, 1, pp. 107-158, u. 2, pp. 159-220. Mit Tafel VIII-XIII. 1882. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der esten Entwicklungsvor- gange im Insektenei. Beitrage zur anatomie und embryologie als Festgabe Jacob Henle zum 4. April 1882. Bonn 1882. Hierzu Tafel X, XI, XII. WHEELER, WILLIAM Morton. 1889. The embryology of Blatia germanica and Doryphora decemlineata. Jour. Morph. III, 2, pp. 291-384. Plates XV-XX. 16 text figures. 1891. Neuroblasts in the arthropod embryo. Jour. Morph. IV, 3, PP. 337-343. 1892. Concerning the blood tissue of the insects. Parts I-III, 1 plate in No. 193. Psyche, VI, 190, 191, 193. Pp. 216-220, 233-236, 253-258. 1893. A contribution to insect embryology. Jour. Morph. VIII, I, pp. 1-160, pls. I-VI. 1893a. The primitive number of Malpighian vessels in insects. Psyche, VI, pp. 457, 485, 497, 500, 539, 545, 56I. 1910. Ants. their structure, development and behavior. Colum- bia Univ. Press, N. Y. 1910. WIELOWIEJSKI, Dr. HetnricH RITTER von. 1886. Ueber das Blutgewebe der Insekten. Eine vorlaufige Mittheilung. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. XXXIV, 3, pp. 512-536. Wit, Lupwic. 1888. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der viviparen Aphiden. Biol. ‘Centbl. VIII, 5, pp. 145-154. 1888a. Entwicklungsgeschichte der viviparen Aphiden. Zool. Jahrb. Abth. Anat. Ontog. Thiere, III, pp. 201-286. Hierzu Tafel VI-IX. Wittaczit, Dr. EMANUEL. 1884. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Aphiden. Ztschr. Wiss. Zool. XL, 4, pp. 550-606. Mit Tafel XXVITI-XXXIV. WoopwortH, CHARLES W. 188. Studies on the embryological develop- ment of Euvanessa antiopa. In: Scudder, Samuel Hubbard. Butter- flies of New England, I, pp. 95-104, pl. 63. INDEX Names of authors are in small capitals, generic names in italics. Abdominal appendages, 112 Acetic alcohol, 251 Acilius, optic lobe, 154, 157 Adductor (flexor) muscle of man- dible, 178, 191, 207, 258 Agelastica, mesenteron, 74 yolk cells, 240 Ailmentary canal, development, Ioo, 102, 103, 104, 221-229 larva, 97, 98, 220, 221 muscles, 192, 199, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 259 Amnion, 43, 45, 59, 63, 66, 78, 82-88, 96, 179, 253 ANGLAS, oenocytes, 183 Antennae, 100, 102, 104, 105, 120, 142, 143, 144, 156 Antennal coelomic sacs, 205, 206 Antennal lobes, see deutocerebrum Antennal nerve, 120 Antennal somites, 163 Anterior field, 56 Anthophora, blastoderm, 34 cleavage, 24 cortical layer, 14 Ants, abdominal appendages, 112 Anurida, mesenteron, 73 premandibular appendages, 109 procephalic organ, 04 segmentation of head, III Anus, 104 Aorta, development, 196, 207 larva, 193 Aphids, yolk cells, 242 Aphis, genital cells, 218 mesenteron, 73, 74 Apodeme of mandible, 161, 163, 178, 179 Appendages, on abdomen, 112, 255 on antennal segment, 107, 108, 255 on tritocerebral (premandibu- lar) segment I09-III, 255 Apterygota, mesoderm, 50 Ascaris, germ cells, 219 AYERS, mesenteron, 72 segmentation, 55 Bacillus, corpora allata, 163 mesenteron, 74 273 BALBIANI, genital cells, 218 BALFoUR, mesenteron, 72 Biorhiza, amnion, 87 cleavage, 25 Blastoderm, 44, 236, 237, 238, 242 formation of, 27-43, 254 Blastokinesis, 88 Blatta, mesenteron, 73, 74, 77 oenocytes, 182 BLOcHMANN, blastoderm, 34 corpuscles, 9, 13, 14, 15, 254 maturation of egg, 3 Blood corpuscles, development, 197, 199, 259 larva, 106 BoprETZSKY, mesenteron, 72 mesoderm, 50 yolk cells, 240 Body cavity, 210 Bombyx, corpora.allata, 164 invaginations on gnathal seg- ments, 174 mesenteron, 73, 74 Boveri, germ cells, 219 Brain, degenerating cells, 164-166 development, 100, 102, 103, 142- 157, 255 larva, 98, 113-121 BUrcer, mesoderm, 197, 209 neuroblasts, 139 segmentation, 55 BUTSCHLI, I abdominal appendages, 112 amnion, 85, 87, 88 cleavage, 26 contraction of egg, 95, 96 genital organs, 216 mesenteron, 69 premandibular appendages, 109, IIO segmentation, 54 tracheal system, 167 Calandra, mesenteron, 73 Calliphora, mesenteron, 73, 74, 75; 77 Calopteryx, mesenteron, 73, 74 Campodea, mesenteron, 73, 75 Camponotus, amnion, 87 Blochmann’s corpuscles, 14 274 INDEX cleavage, 25 cortical layer, 15 Cardioblasts, 201, 203, 204, 205, 215, 259 Carmalum, Mayer’s, 252 CARRIERE, abdominal appendages, 112 amnion, 87, 88 anterior mesenteron rudiment, 60 frontal ganglion, 159 mesenteron, 77, 227 mesoderm, 50, 208 segmentation, 55, 107 CARRIERE AND BURGER, 3 amnion, 87 anterior mesenteron rudiment, 60, OI blastoderm, 34 brain, 157 corpora allata, 163 dorsal diaphragm, 195, 205 fat body, 193 ganglia of ventral cord, 138 genital organs, 217 Malpighian tubules, 228 median cord, 140, I41 mesenteron, 70, 7I, 75 mesoderm, 50, 197, 200, 210, 211 polarity of egg, 4 tentorium, 179 tracheae, 175 yolk, 241 yolk cells, 243 Catocala, mesenteron, 73, 74 Cell division, blastoderm, 35 cleavage cells, 21-23 yolk cells, 230-232 Cephalo-dorsal body, 88-94, 255 Cephalo-dorsal disk, 88 Chalicodoma, abdominal append- ages, II2 amnion, 87, 88 anterior mesenteron rudiment, 60, 61 blastoderm, 34 cleavage, 24, 25, 26 corpora allata, 163 cortical layer, 34 dorsal diaphragm, 195, 196 fat body, 193 ganglia in ventral nerve cord, 138 lateral folds, 45 Malpighian tubules, 228 median cord, 140 mesenteron, 75 mesoderm, 49, 50, 51, 107, 208, 209, 2II, 212 polarity of egg, 4 segmentation, 55, 107 stomatogastric system, 159 yolk, 241 yolk cells, 243 Chironomus, genital cells, 218 mesenteron, 73 (CHOLODKOWSKY, mesenteron, 73, 74, 76 mesoderm, 50 yolk cells, 236 Chorion, 6, 253 in technique, 252 Chorionin, 7 Chrysomela, Blochmann’s corpus~ cles, 14 chemical tests of eggs ,I5 mesenteron, 74 yolk cells, 240 Chrysopa, mesenteron, 73 Circulatory system, 193 ° ‘Circumoesophageal commissures, 113, 156 CLAYPOLE, appendages on tritocere- bral segment, 109 mesenteron, 73 procephalic organ, 94 Clearing, 252, 253 Cleavage, 16-26, 254 Cleavage cells, 13, 230, 240, 254 arrangement, 16, 254 division, 21-26 Clytra, blastoderm, 31 cleavage, 25 irregular mitoses, 231 mesenteron, 74 yolk cells, 240 Coelomic sacs, 208, 257, 259 Coleoptera, amnion, 88 frontal ganglion, 159 median cord, I41 mesenteron, 76, 77 mesoderm, 49, 208 oenocytes, I82 optic lobe, 153, 154, 155 optic plate, 154 yolk, 241 Commissure, 113, 156 suboesophageal, 120, 155, 156, 257 supreoesophageal, 116, 155, 257 Commissures, tracheal, 103, 105, 167, I71, 173, 258 transverse, I15, 135 Compound eye, I51 CONKLIN, cleavage nuclei, 22 Connectives, development, 134 larva, 98, 113, I15 circumoesophageal, INDEX 275 Contraction of egg, 95 Corethra, oenocytes, 181 Corpora allata, development, 161- 164, 257 larva, 122, 124 Cortical layer, 10, 27, 20, 31, 34, 35, 254 inner, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42, 238, 254, 255 Crepidula, cleavage nuclei, 22 CZERSKI, mesenteron, 74 DEEGENER, mesenteron, 74 Degenerating cells, 164-166, 257 Dermaptera, brain, 157 inner cortical layer, 31 optic lobes, 154, 157 protocerebrum, 116, I17 tritocerebral segment, 109 yolk cells, 240, 241 Dermatoblasts, 126, 129, 130, 257 Deutocerebral segment, 107, 108 Deutocerebrum (deutocerebral lobes), 115 development, 143, 144, 147, 148, 164, 166, 255 larva, 100, 102, II9 Deutoplasm, 9, 15 Diaphragm, dorsal, development, 200, 201, 204, 205, 215, 259 larva, 193, 194, 195 ventral, development, 205 larva, 193, 196 DICKEL, 3 ~ blastoderm, 33 cleavage, 26 irregular mistoses, 231 mesenteron, 7I, 73 method of obtaining eggs, 245 rate of development, 246 yolk cells, 241 “yolk plug,” 71, 92, 93 Dilators of pharynx, 156, 177 Diptera, yolk, 241 Dixippus, mesenteron, 74, 77 yolk cells, 244 Dourn, mesenteron, 72, 75 Donacia, appendages on tritocere- bral segment, I10, III irregular mitoses, 231 median cord, 141 mesenteron, 73, 75 mesoderm, 210, 2II neuroblasts, 130, 139 oenocytes, 183 primary dorsal organ, 93, 94 yolk cells, 235, 236 Dorsal diaphragm, development, 200, 201, 204, 205, 215, 259 larva, 193, 194, 195 Dorsal longitudinial muscles, de- velopment, 200, 201, 215 larva, IQI Dorsal organ, 94 Dorsal strip, 38, 43, 82, 83, 90, 255 Doryphora, Malpighian tubules, 228 mesenteron, 73 neuroblasts, 132 yolk cells, 234, 242 Drepanosiphum, mesenteron, 74 ° Drone egg, blastoderm, 36 cleavage, 26 mesoderm, 51, 52 polar bodies, 92, 93 Duration and rate of develop- ment, 245-250 Ectobia, mesenteron, 74 Ectoderm, 78, 80, 81, 124, 170, 178, 222, 255 embryonic and non-embryonic, 179, 180 Egg, changes in form, 95, 97 color, 4 contraction, 95 membranes, 7 mode of deposition, 5 polarity, 4, 253 shape, 4 size, 4 Embedding in paraffin, 253 Embryo, external changes in form, 97-105 Endoskeleton, 175-179 Endromis, mesenteron, 73 Enteric muscles, development, 199, 201, 202, 203-210 larva, 192 Entoderm, 56, 75, 76 Ephemeridea, oenocytes, 182 Epineural sinus, 199, 200, 211 Epitheca, mesenteron, 73, 74 EscCHERISCH, mesenteron, 73, 77 neuroblasts, 132 External changes in form of em- bryo, 97-105 External medullary mass, 155 Eye, compound, I51 Fat body, evelopment, 199, 201, 203, 200, 210, 259 larva, 193 Fat cells, 193, 216 pericardial, 203, 259 276 INDEX Fat globules, 13 Fibres, muscle, 189 Fibres, nerve, development, 134, 135, 155, 156 larva, II5 Fibrillae, muscle, 189 Flexor (adductor) muscle of man- dible, 178, 191, 207, 258 Fotsom, appendages of head, 111 appendages on tritocerebral seg- ment, I09 Fore-intestine, development, 244, 260 larva, 220 muscles, 192, 206 Forficula, commissures of. brain, 155 corpora allata, 161, 163 dorsal diaphragm, 1096 frontal ganglion, 159 mesenteron, 74 mesoderm, 50, 210, 211 muscles of hind-intestine, 207 neurilemma, 160 neuroblasts, 130, 132 oenocytes, 182 optic ganglion, 153 proventricular valve, 226 sex cells, 218 yolk cells, 242 Form of embryo, changes in, 95- 105 Formation of blastoderm, 27 Formation of mesoderm, 43 Formation of rudiments of mid- intestine, 56 Formica, amnion, 87 cleavage, 25 polarity of egg, 4 FRIEDERICHS, Blochmann’s corpus- cles, 14 chemical tests of eggs, 15 irregular mitoses in yolk cells, 231 mesenteron, 75 paracytes, 242 sex cells, 219 yolk cells, 234, 235, 236, 241, 242, 243 Frontal ganglion, development, 158, 159 larva, I2I, 122 Frontal nerve, development, 159 larva, I21 Ganglia allata, 122, 161 Ganglia of ventral nerve cord, development, 132, 136, 137 larva, 98, 113 number, 137, 138 Ganglia, pharyngeal, development, 159 larva, 122, 124 Gangliomeres, 115, 130, I41 Ganglion, frontal, development, 158, 159 larva, I2I, 122 Ganglion, occipital, 159 Ganglion, optic, 153, 257 suboesophageal, 98, 113, 257 pharyngeal, 122, 124, 159, 160, 257 Ganglion cells, 126 development, 129, 130, 134, 135, 155, 150, 161, 257 larva, II5 Ganglionic layer of brain, 155 GANIN, amnion, 87 cleavage, 25 mesenteron, 74, 75, 76 polarity of egg, 4 Gasteroidia, Malpighian tubules, 228 mesenteron, 61, 73 mesoderm, 50 Gasterophysa, mesenteron, 73, 74 mesoderm, 50 Gastrula, 75, 76 Gastrulation, 46 Genital ridge, 214, 216, 259 Germ band, 45 Germ layers, 43-81 GILsON’s mixture, 251 GLASER, oenocytes, 181, 183 GraBER, abdominal appendages, 112 amnion, 87 median cord, 134, 139, 140 mesenteron, 72, 73, 74, 76 mesoderm, 50, 208 oenocytes, 181, 182, 185 segmentation, 55, 56 ventral nerve cord, 138 yolk cells, 242 GRASSI, 2 abdominal appendages, 112 amnion, 85 cephalo-dorsal body 92 cleavage, 26 Malpighian tubules, 228 mesenteron, 70, 72. 75, 76, 227 mesoderm, 46, 50 ovaries, 216 premandibular appendages, 109 tentorium, 179 tracheal system, 167 INDEX 277 ventral cord, 134, 138 yolk cells, 240 Gryllotalpa, mesenteron, 72, 74, 77 mesoderm, 50 yolk cells, 240, 242, 244 GRYLLUs, corpora allata, 163 mesenteron, 74 mesoderm, 50 oenocytes, 182 sex cells, 219 stomatogastric system, 159 yolk cells, 242, 244 HACKER, germ cells, 219 HALtez, law of, 4 HAMMERSCHMIDT, mesenteron, 74, oe es yolk cells, 244 HATSCHEK, nervous system, 124, 138 tracheae, 175 tracheal invaginations on gna- thal segments, 174 Head, muscles of, 177, 191, 206, 207 Head capsule, 180 Heart, development, 201, 204, 205, 259 larva, 90, 193 HEGNER, sex cells, 219 Hetper, blastoderm, 34, 40, 42 frontal ganglion, 159 mesenteron, 73, 76 mesoderm, 208, 210 oenocytes, 181 optic lobe, 154, 157 rate of development, 248, 249 segmentation, 55 tentorium, 179 yolk cells, 241 Hemiptera, oenocytes, 182 HENKING, cleavage, 25 cortical layer, 14 HENNEGUvY, chorion, 7 cleavage, 25 sex cells, 219 HERTWIG, mesenteron, 72 HeEymons, brain, 157 commissures of brain, 155 corpora allata, 122, 161, 163 dorsal diaphragm, 195, 205 frontal ganglion, 159 median cord, 139, 140 mesenteron, 73, 74, 76, 77 mesoderm, 50, 208, 210, 211 muscles of hind intestine, 207 nerve fibres, 135 neuroblasts, 130, 139, 166 oenocytes, 182 optic ganglion, 153 protocerebrum, 117 proventricular valve, 226 segmentation, 108 sex cells, 218, 219 tentorium, 179 tritocerebral segment, 109 yolk cells, 240, 241, 242, 244 Hind-intestine, development, 244, 260 larva, 98, 220, 221 muscles, 192, 207 HIRSCHLER, appendages on trito- cerebral segment, 110 ectoderm, 61 Malpighian tubules, 228 median cord, 141 mesenteron, 61, 73, 74, 77 mesoderm, 50, 209, 210, 211 neuroblasts, 130, 132 oenocytes, 183 primary dorsal organ, 93 sex cells, 219 Historical review of literature, 1-3 Hydrophilus, blastoderm, 34, 40, 42 cleavage, 25 lateral folds, 45 median cord, I41 mesenteron, 73 mesoderm, 49, 208, 210 oenocytes, 182, 186 optic lobe, 154, 157 rate of development, 248, 240, 250 segmentation, 55 yolk cells, 241 Hylotoma, abdominal appendages, 112 amnion, 87 Hymenoptera, abdominal append- ages, II2 amnion, 87 frontal ganglion, 159 mesoderm, 210 number of ganglia in ventral nerve cord, 138 , optic lobes, 153, 154 optic plate, 154 yolk cells, 244 Hypodermis, 134, 179, 180 Hypopharyngeal papillae, 111 Hypopharynx, 156 Indusium, 94 Inner cortical layer, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42, 238, 254 Intercalary segment, 109 Tron haematoxylin, 252 278 INDEX JANET, corpora allata, 163, 175 degenerating cells, 165 segmentation of head, 107 tracheae of head, 175 KARAWAIEW, mesenteron, 73 KoroTNEFF, mesenteron, 72 mesoderm, 50 neurilemma, 160 oenocytes, 181 yolk cells, 240, 242 KorscHELT and HEIDER, amnion, 85 mesoderm, 49 KoscHEVNIKOY, oenocytes, 183 KOWALEYSKI, I, 2 amnion, 85 blastoderm, 27, 36 cleavage, 26 contraction of egg, 95, 97 mesenteron, 60, 74, 75 mesoderm, 46, 50 rate of development, 248 segmentation, 55 yolk cells, 243 KowALEVSKY, mesenteron, 73, 76 mesoderm, 50 KULAGIN, amnion, 87 cleavage, 25 Malpighian tubules, 228 mesenteron, 73 Labium, 97 Labral nerve, 121, 158 Labrum, 100, 102, 104, 108 Larva, structure of, 97-99 Lasiocampa, mesenteron, 74 paracytes, 242 yolk cells, 242 Lasius, cleavage, 25 cortical layer, 14 degenerating cells, 165 Lateral cords, 129, 130, 132, 134, 135, 130, 138, 141, 160, 161 Lateral folds, 45, 46, 62 Lateral nerves, II5, 135, 136 Lateral plates, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 254 Layer, cortical, 34, 35 inner cortical, 31, 34, 35, 38, 40, 42, 248, 254, 255 LECAILLON, blastoderm, 31 chorion, 7 cleavage, 25 irregular mitoses, 231 mesenteron, 74 mesoderm, 50 neuroblasts, 132, 139 sex cells, 218 yolk cells, 240, 241 Legs, rudiments, 101, 103, 105, III, 255 Lepidoptera, corpora allata, 164 mesenteron, 76, 77 oenocytes, 182 yolk, 241, 242 Lepisma, median cord, 140 mesenteron, 73, 75, 76, 77 mesoderm, Leptinotarsa, Malpighian tubules, 228 mesenteron, 73 neuroblasts, 132 yolk cells, 234, 242 LeucKart, genital cells, 218 Lina, mesenteron, 74 oenocytes, 182 yolk cells, 240 Longitudinal tracheal trunks, de- velopment, 171 larva, 99, 167 Lucilia, mesenteron, 73, 74 Malpighian tubules, development, 103, 105, 228, 220, 260 larva, 98, 183, 221 Mandibles, 97, 100, IOI, 104, 105 muscles, 178, I9I, 207 Mandibular apodomes, 178, 170 Mantis, mesenteron, 74 optic ganglion, 153 optic lobe, 154 MARSHALL and DERNEHL, blasto- derm, 31, 34, 36 cleavage, 25 cortical layer, 14 location of egg in cell, 6 polarity of egg, 4 Mason bee, see Chalicodoma Maxillae, development, 100, I01, 102, 104, 105, 255, 258 larva, 97 Mayer, mesenteron, 72 Mecznikow, yolk cells, 242 Median cord, 124, 127, 129, 132, 134, 135, 136, 137, 139, 140, I4I, 142, 156, 161, 257 Median dorsal strip, 38, 43, 82, 83, 90, 255 Meloé, amnion, 88 mesenteron, 74 paracytes, 242, 243 Melolontha, abdominal append- ages, I12 median cord, 134, 130, 141 mesenteron, 74 oenocytes, 182, 185 yolk cells, 242 INDEX a0 Melophagus, mesenteron, 74 Membranes of egg, 6, 253 Mercier, Blochmann’s corpuscles, 14 Mesenteron, larva, 98, 220 later development, 222-228, 260 rudiments, 56-82, 221, 222, 224, 227, 255 Mesoderm, 80, 81, 130, 131, 196 formation, 43-56, 254 head, 205-207 later development, 196-219 legs, 201 Mesodermal sacs, 197, 209, 217 tubes, 197, 201, 206, 214, 216, 217, 218, 219 Metamerism, 52 METSCHNIKOFF, genital cells, 218 Microgaster, Malpighian tubules, 228 Micropylar area, 7, 8, 253 Micropyle, 7, 8 Microsomites, 55 Mid-body, 23 Middle plate, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 62, 255 Mid-intestine, larva, 98, 220 later development, 222-228, 260 rudiments, 56-82, 221, 222, 224, 227, 255 Mitosis, blastoderm, 35 cleavage cells, 21-23 yolk cells, 230-232 Mouth, 97, 220, 226 Multipolar spindles, 23 Musca, blastoderm, 31, 34, 42 cleavage, 25 inner cortical layer, 31, 42 mesenteron, 73, 74, 77 mesoderm, neuroblasts, 132 Muscids, yolk cells, 242 Muscles, development, 199, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 207, 209, 210, 21I, 250 larva, 177, 189-193 Myrmica, amnion, 87 NACHTSHEIM, cephalo-dorsal body, 93 mitosis in cleavage cells, 21 yolk cells, 241 Neophalax, mesenteron, 72 yolk cells, 240 Nerve, antennal, 120 Nerve cells, 157 Nerve cord, development, 105, 124- 142, 157, 160, 257 larva, 113-115 Nerve fibres, development, 134, 135, 155, 156 larva, 115 Nerve, frontal (stomatogastric), I2I, 159 labral, 121, 158 Nerves, lateral, 115, 135, 136 Nervous system, development, 124- 106, 255 larva, 113-124 Nervus recurrens, see frontal nerve Neural groove, 102, 124, 125, 126, 127, 129, 130, 132 Neural ridges, 102, 110, 124, 144 Neurilemma, development, 134, 160, I61, 257 larva, 115 Neuroblasts, 126, 129, 130, 132, 135, 138, 130, 145-150, 153, 157, 160, 257 Neurogenic area, 127, 142, 145 Neuromeres, 144, 145, 255 Neuroptera, oenocytes, 182 Noack, blastoderm, 31, 34, 40 mesenteron, 75, 77 yolk cells, 242 Nuclei, blastoderm, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35 degenerating cells, 165 yolk cells, 234-236, 241 NusBAuUM, amnion, 88 mesenteron, 73, 74, 76, 200 neurilemma, 160 NusBAUM and FULINSKI, mesen- teron, 73, 77, 200 Oblique muscles, I9I, 201 Occipital ganglion, 159 Odonata, mesenteron, 76 yolk cells, 244 Oecanthus, mesenteron, 72 segmentation, 55 Oenocytes, 181-188, 259 Oesophageal muscles, 192, 206 Oesophagus, development, 225, 226, 260 larva, 97, 220 Optic ganglion, 153 Optic lobes, 148, 149, 150, I5I, 153- 155, 157, 255 Optic plate, 151, 153, 154 Organization of egg, 4 Orthoptera, amnion, 88 brain, 116, 117, 157 frontal ganglion, 159 280 INDEX inner cortical layer, 31 median cord, 139, 140 mesenteron, 76 mesoderm, 50, 208, 210 nervous system, 124-126, 130, 139 neuroblasts, 126, 132, 139 oenocytes, 182 optic lobe, 117, 153, 157 protodaeum, 116, 117 sex cells, 218 tritocerebral segment, I09 yolk, 241 yolk cells, 240, 241 Ostia, 194 Ovaries, development, 214-219, 259 larva, 990, 213, 214 PALMEN, tracheae, 175 Paracardial cells, development, 205 larva, 196 Paracardial cellular cord, 195, 196 Paracarmine, Meyer’s, 252 Paracytes, 242 Paracytoids, 235, 236, 241 PATTEN, mesenteron, 72 oenocytes, 182 optic lobe, 153, 154, 157 segmentation of head, 107 yolk cells, 240 Pellicle, protoplasmic of yolk, 43, 84, 254 Periplaneta, mesenteron, 73, 74 mesoderm, 50 proventricular valve, 226 sex cells, 219 PETRUNKEWITSCH, 3 amnion, 82 blastoderm, 36 cleavage, 26 fixing fluid, 252 genital organs, 216 mesenteron, 73 mesoderm, 51 method of securing eggs, 245 polar protoplasm, Io rate of development, 248 “RZ” cells, 92, 93 yolk cells, 231 Pharyngeal ganglia, development, 159, 160, 257 larva, 122, 124 Pharynx, 220 Phyllodromia, mesenteron, 73, 74, 77 mesoderm, 50 Picro-formol, 251 Picro-sulphuric, acid, 251 Pieris, mesenteron, 72 mesoderm, 50 yolk cells, 240 Platygaster, amnion, 87 cleavage, 25 mesenteron, 73 Polar protoplasm, 10 Polarity of egg, 4 Polistes, amnion, 87 blastoderm, 34, 35 cleavage, 25, 26 cortical layer, 14, I5 polarity of egg, 4 Pontia, mesenteron, 72 PRATT, mesenteron, 74 Premandibular appendages, 101, 109, IIO Premandibular segment, 109, I10 Primary head division, 106 Primary yolk cells, 230, 240, 254, 260 Primative swellings, 127, 129, 130, 138, 255 Procephalic lobes, 100, 142, 143, 255 Procephalic organ, 94 Proctodaeum (proctodael invag- ination), 67, 102, 103, 104, 224, 225, 228, 229, 260 Protocerebral segment, 107, 108 Protocerebrum (protocerebral lobes), 115, 116 development, 100, 102, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 148, 149-155, 157, 164, 165, 166, 180, 255 larva, 117-119 Orthoptera and Dermaptera, 116 Protoplasm, of egg, 9, 10-13, 239, 240, 254 Protoplasmic pellicle of yolk, 43, 84, 254 Proventricular valve, 220, 226, 260 Pulex, mesenteron, 73 Pyrrhocoris, mesenteron, 73 mesoderm, 50 RABITO, mesenteron, 74 Rate of development, 245-250, 261 Recurrent nerve, 122 Respiratory system, 99 Rhagonycha, Blochmann’s corpus- cles, 14 chemical tests of eggs, 15 Rhodites, amnion, 87 cleavage, 25 mesenteron, 72 Ritey, appendages on tritocerebral segment, 109 tentorium, 179 INDEX 281 Ritter, genital cells, 218 mesenteron, 73 RUcKERT, cleavage nuclei (of Cy- clops), 22 SALING, mesenteron, 74 Sarcoplasm, 189 SCHWANGART, mesenteron, 73, 242 genital cells, 218 yolk cells, 242 SCHWARTZE, mesenteron, 74 yolk cells, 242 Second antennal segment, 109 Secondary head division, 107 Secondary trunk division, 107 Secondary yolk cells, 236-238, 241, 242, 261 Segmentation, 52, 53, 54, 55, 105, 112, 255, 256 Serosa, 87, 255 Sex organs, 213-219 Silk glands, development, 101, 102, » 103, 104, I05 larva, 98 Sinus, ventral, 196 Somites, mesodermal, 101 Sphinx, mesoderm, 50 Spiracles, 90, 103, 167, 169, 170, 258 Spiracular branch, 170 Splanchnopleure, 199, 201 Stenobothrus, mesenteron, 74 oenocytes, 182, 188 Stigmata, IOI, 170 Stomatogastric ganglion, 257. See also frontal ganglion Stomatogastric nerve, I2I, 159 Stomatogastric nervous system, development, 157-160, 257 larva, I2I Stomodaeum (stomodaeal invagin- ation), I00, 102, 157, 205, 221, 222, 224, 226, 255, 260. Suboesophageal body, 211 Suboesophageal commissure, 120, 155, 156, 257 Suboesophageal ganglion, 98, 113, 137, 256 Supraoesophageal commissure, 116, 155, 257 Supraoesophageal ganglion, 256 Syncitia, yolk cells, 232, 234, 238 Syncitium, cleavage cells, 16 Taenidia, 168, 170 TANQUARY, abdominal appendages, 112 amnion, 87 Blochmann’s corpuscles, 14 cleavage, 25, 26 cortical layer, 15 Technique, 251 Telias, mesenteron, 72 Tenebrio, mesenteron, 74, 75 hig development, 178, 170, 25 larva, 177, 178 TicHomirorF, chorion, 7 mesenteron, 72, 73, 74 oenocytes, 181 premandibular appendages, 109 TICHOMIROWA, mesenteron, 73 ToyaAMA, corpora allata, 164 mesenteron, 74 tentorium, 179 Tracheal commissures, develop- ment, 105, 170-175, 258 larva, 103, 167-170 Tracheal system, development, 170- 175, 258 larva, 99, 167, 170 Tritocerebral (premandibular) seg- ment, I07-II0 Tritocerebrum (tritocerebral lobes), 115 development, 100, 102, 103, 143, 144, 146, 147, 156 larva, 120 TSCHUPROFF, mesenteron, 73, 74, 244 yolk cells, 244 UzeEL, appendages on tritocerebral segment, 109 mesenteron, 75 mesoderm, 50 Ventral diaphragm, development, 205 larva, 193, 196 Ventral longitudinal muscles, de- velopment, 199, 200, 201 larva, IQI Ventral nerve cord, degenerating cells, 164 development, 105, 124-142, 157, 160, 257 larva, 98, I13-II5 Ventral -plate, 45, 46, 55, 60, 62, 63, 64 Ventral sinus, 196 Vespa, optic lobe, 153, 157 segmentation of head, 107 VIALLANES, brain, 156 frontal ganglion, 159 282 INDEX neuroblasts, 166 optic ganglion, 153 protocerebrum, 117 segmentation of head, 107 Vitelline bodies, 9, 239, 254 Vitelline membrane, 8, 253, 254 Viteline spheres, 9, 12, 254 not fat or oil, 15, 254 VoELTZKOW, mesenteron, 74, 76 yolk cells, 242 WEISMANN, I amnion, 87 cleavage, 25 cortical layer, 10 inner cortical layer, 31 mesenteron, 72 WHEELER, abdominal appendages, 112 blastokinesis, 88 Blochmann’s corpuscles, 14 brain, 157 frontal ganglion, 159 germ cells, 219 indusium, 94 Malpighian tubules, 228 median cord, 139, 140 mesenteron, 73, 76 micropylar organ, 94 nerve fibres, 135 neurilemma, 160 neuroblasts, 132, 138, 166 oenocytes, 182, 185 optic ganglion, 153 premandibular appendages, 1090 protocerebrum, 117 segmentation, 107 suboesophageal body, 211 tracheae, 175 olk cells, 234, 242 IELOWIEJSKY, Oenocytes, 181, 183 WILL, genital cells, 218 mesenteron, 73 yolk cells, 242 WITLACZIL, genital cells, 218 mesenteron, 74, 76 WoopwortTH, genital cells, 218 XIPHIDIUM, indusium, 94 median cord, 139, 140 oenocytes, 182, 188 optic ganglion, 153 optic lobe, 154 YOLK, 9, 199, 200, 201, 206, 210, 224, 227, 230-244, 254, 201 Yolk bodies, 13 Yolk cells, 19, 230-244, 254 primary, 230, 240-244, 254 secondary, 236-238, 241, 242, 261 Yolk plug, 71, 92, 93, 255 Zygaena, cleavage, 25 mesenteron, 73 Figs. I-XV. Selected stages in the development of the egg. In the text the stage represented by each of the figures is designated by the Roman numeral of the corresponding figure. The drawings are made from eggs which have been fixed, stained, and mounted in balsam, and the eggs are therefore treated as semitransparent objects. The stages during the form- ation of the blastoderm are omitted, since nothing of importance is visible on the exterior of the egg, x. Fic. I. Lateral view. The cleavage cells form a small group a} at the anterior end of the egg. The. polar protoplasm (PP) | is evident as a deep staining disk. Fig. II. Lateral view. The cleavage cells have increased 3 in number and form a conical figure. Fic. III. Lateral view. The cleavage cells. have further increased in number, and the conical figure formed by them has increased in size, so that in the anterior half of the egg the ~ cleavage cells lie on the surface of the egg and are here beginning to form blastoderm. Il re II ee oe ae a EE SS eS. a! Lr OU ‘Fic. IV. Ventral view, 32-34 hours. The jewee fo have just made their appearance. Fic V. Ventral view. About 36 hours. The lateral have greatly lengthened, and the lateral plates (LP) proximating each other. The head fold of the amnion and the anterior mesenteron ruin (AMR) are now Cy Fic. VI. Ventral view. asas hours. The lateral ; (LP) have become united along the greater portion of t length. The posterior mesenteron rudiment a is > visible. ’ Bie. Vil, Vera ewe (LP) are almost setae ‘ane Th ad amnion (Am) covers about one e quarter of the ent Fic, VIla. Lateral view of the same egg as. tie _ Fig. VII, showing the outlines of the germ: & nd, at Sass tn aes (ProL). ; sirens. ‘silk ‘glands, om crachedl ae Vill Vila Pe X. Ventral view, 52-54 hours. “tne tude nents silk glands (SkIG/) are about one-half of e length embryo. Pe pe =, oe VIlla ‘ Fic. Xa. Lateral view of the egg represented in Fig. X. The spiracles (Sp) have become contracted to minute ‘circular aper- | tures; the stomodaeum (Sto), proctodaeum (Pro), a8 the Malpighian tubules (Mal) are now evident. | : t- y | a. Fic. XI. Ventral view. The silk glands (S/kGl) now reach — into the posterior segments of the abdomen, the rudiments of — the tracheal commissures (TraCom) of each are about to unite : on the ventral mid-line. Fic. XII. Ventral view. Estimated at 58-60 hours. The — tracheal commissures (TraCom) are completed, the second — maxillae (2M) are beginning to approach one another, and the ventral nerve cord (VNC) is visible from the surface. : Bit me ee XU Seehieal view. 66-6 I (eMxy have begun to unite to tote» oe a Pepetaer the previously separa: external pha (SIkGI).- ee Oe am ] ‘ = ‘ a Aran 6 _ + Fie. XIV. ‘Ventral eee ) 72-76, hen - i _ virtually completed. a0 as Oe ae Sa Fic. XV. Lateral view of newly hatched larva. 4i4er 4424 LILA Ey ge Raye Ae oo shee a aoe, . mally Le ee e : OT! aque 6 SS OLL A0yu NY Fs Sanat bapae tata penenaon ee ST, TT LT TTT EE TE ES Oa TE a TIT 2 ee ra — ~ = . ~ eleceetone edineerssenarntcpmeaiomierseseatboeeneas = ine —— ————— or _— — — ——— Seereoenccrneen oe monasccoimmeenn ree nna Se > ee i — = em * —_ = 7 ioe —— - — a reer : ene —_ (net ee ane eet gente pemanamapamit — rv (ee an Sree at mene meee a a ve es wn oe errr aoe er = a ET Oe A ateere eaten pabeeciotataickenadsceentbamatioeen ae — OO eC a a — ANNAN IRIN S oe — ——— oe ee — Semon. oe ear sate wa re ea ae amen nem ~~ wAanin ee ——— ee ee —— Se nee nner a ee a - —_ a —_ - ee Fee ee ee enema anes Ft ne ee eee eee = = SSS SSS eT a nonapenan a Seateneaaeremen at RN Re att ne mee ee en mane —enn aaa Saraienanuenaeinen anapanaannanninenee angen ae 7 eR ee ee ee eee Fe ee ean ane — a Wn ee ——— I ee ke rece ne e —— eo PRA a Bo 5 et rrr ae a a NN AR RA A Fa a ee ee SS SS ESS = ao ES om a a Rt eee eee = ee — : en A OE, enn arrears ms — Sen ebtentestatees ems ~~ Pe = eye, ~ a a a cee nen Ong te! onan emma -— Cet et TT en, ee an ee ntti roe — et etme ceee- ce emmpnomrs ras Seer « + +00 erebaoncaree Re A a nn —-- SS a eae _ - ne tO a ee eee a eta See — A AAA a A = . — meneraed - hs ane, tne A pene nent en me al meg erento ent Be ee emt > —i aw. 2 er - . co - cae ea eee ¢. ——— ee = 2 erp ae hema emrananeery Same Nin nr a nn ne eect en Re er oS a nen nernes : * a 28 any mara = nee iar er rm re ome pel Lavette - sbepases-qoum oum-temaanmineh + ope noen aaa OS CE CAAT PAA A SA PTT et —cveseenvereunoreciaoaens ee = Soeocane ES ee net ee ~ ae bs ~ ee a ol RR ot nena Let aaron = ae SN ne eh EE CL a at a tn = ~. a - aon -- = ~ eer rs rare tte uyecions r : - aopcnasinageyaannen : eS ————————xx_E ae a : = So = : EEE ES Ate AY ee ECT De te A A ROT a Re NS ew ~ - ~s mera oes = Pe OP ayaa “ ae - ne i eee ert iinet iat i ice i ~ me “ . ind Poy 0 =an A 0 et AGS FID S-PU I ce Satine > >» Sek oneh. 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