ii ! » » J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOLUME XLVI, 1935 £231 JOHN MERTON ALDRKU: 1866-1934. PHILIP P. CALVERT, PH. D., EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS : E. T. CRESSON, JR. R. G. SCHMIEDER, PH. D. ADVISORY COMMITTEE: PHILIP LAURENT J. A. G. REHN CHARLES LIEBECK Jonx C. LUTZ J. CHESTER BRADLEY, PH. D. MAX KISLIUK, JR. FRANK MORTON JONES, Sc. D. WM. W. CHAPMAN PUBLISHED I'.Y THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, PHILADELPHIA, PA.: THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES LOGAN SQUARE 1935 The several numbers of the NEWS for 1935 were mailed at the Post Office at Philadelphia, Pa., as follows: No. 1— January January 17, 1935 " 2— February February 5 " 3— March March 7 " 4-April April 3 " 5— May May 6 " 6 — June June 6 " 7— July July 16 " 8— October October 10 " 9 — November Novembers The date of mailing the December, 1935, number will be announced on the last page of the issue for January, 1936. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1935 NOW PAYABLE Detachable Subscript Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JANUARY, 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 1 ' j \ l|l^> JOHN MERTON ALDRICH; 1866-1934. CONTENTS Calvert — Edward Bruce Williamson . . 1 Smyth — An Analysis of the Cicindela purpurea Group (Coleop, Cicin- delidae) 14 Hayes — Biological Races of Insects and their Bearing on Host Plant Resistance. 20 Cole — Laboulbeniaformicarum Thaxter, a Fungus Infesting some Ants, and a List of its Known North American Hosts (Hym. : Formi- cidae) -M Rau — The Duties of the Cjueen Wasp, Polistes pallipes (Hymenoptera: Vespidae) Rau — Longevity and the Moulting of the Myriapod, Spirobolus mar- ginatus Say.. Stoner — Plecoptera as Food for Bank Swallows. . . The Sixth International Congress of Entomology Alexander — Orthoptera New to Colorado Entomological Literature Obituary— Dr. Theobald Smith PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Claw Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOL published month'.y, excepting Auguai ««^ -^ •__, ;••„ American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder.Ph.D., Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America . Canada . 3.15 Foreign . Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 2 in., $ 2.40, half page, $ 4.00, full page, $ 7.0C Ten issues " 11.00, 20.00, 35.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the •ubscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense, MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed Upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should bi ttoted on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July. August, November and December, and on the third! Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. e 'printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without covers over and he twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five 35 cents; three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone wenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENT NEWS. VOL. XLVI. PLATE I. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLV. JANUARY, 1935 No. 1 Edward Bruce Williamson. (Portrait, Plate I.) Edward Bruce Williamson, diligent and thoughtful as col- lector, student and author in advancing our knowledge of the Odonata, died at Ann Arbor, Michigan, on February 28, 1933, as announced in the NEWS for March of that year. He was a frequent and welcome contributor to our pages during a period of thirty-four years ; of his 103 papers and notes on insects, 57 were published here. Prof. Frederick M. Gaige. Di- rector of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, writes that the NEWS was the journal Williamson most en- joyed. It is, therefore, appropriate that a somewhat extended biographical notice should appear in our columns. That which follows avoids, as far as possible, repetition of the accounts of his life which Prof. Gaige and Prof. J. J. Davis have respec- tively published in the Annual Report of the Director of that Museum for 1932-33 and in the Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, volume 43, each accompanied by the same portrait but different from that in our present number. His father, Lent A. Williamson, was born in Fairficld County, Ohio, December 8, 1845. His mother, Dorothea Kel- lerman, a native of an adjoining county (Pickaway). of the same state, was born at Ashville, January 24, 1849. The parents went to Indiana and at Marion, in Grant County, their first child, Edward Bruce Williamson, was born July 10, 1S77. In 1879, the family moved to Bluffton, thirty miles to the north- east, and here their life was centered for fifty years. The father engaged in the hardware business with his brother, George T. Williamson, and later hcraine pre>idrnt of the WelN County Bank in that town until his death, on December 1 2 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 1914, in California.* Of him, Bruce wrote, January 2, 1915: "We both loved collecting [dragonflies] and he took a sincere interest in my work." A maternal uncle, William Ashbrook Kellerman (1850-1908), was Professor of Botany at the Ohio State University, at Columbus, from 1891 to 1908. Bruce's mother died at Bluffton, October 8, 1928. Bruce attendee! the Bluffton Public Grade and High Schools and in 1894 entered the Ohio State University. In a supple- mentary certificate, applying for a position as Assistant Biol- ogist, which he filled out in November, 1900, under United States Civil Service Commission rules, he wrote of himself : "I was a student at Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, for four years, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science, June 16, 1898. For graduation usual college courses in zool- ogy, botany, geology, mineralogy, chemistry, physics and astronomy, as well as courses in English, political economy, logic and one modern language were required. Four years of Latin was one of the requirements for entrance to this course. In my senior year I took beginning Greek. As elective work I took advanced courses in invertebrate palaeontology, petro- graphy, systematic botany (grasses and sedges), food analysis in chemistry, human histology, vertebrate anatomy, inverte- brate anatomy, vertebrate embryology and vertebrate neurology. All of these were laboratory courses, running through the col- lege year, and six or ten hours per week were given to each subject. During my college course I was at different times secretary of the Biological Club and president of the Wheaton Ornithological Club. My thesis, with Mr. [later Professor] R. C. Osburn, was a descriptive list of the fishes of Franklin County, Ohio, together with secondary lists of the Astacidae, Amphibia and Reptilia." Prof. David Simons Kellicott (1842-1898), was Professor of Zoology and Entomology at Columbus from 1888 to 1898 and, at the time of his death, shortly before Williamson's grad- uation there, general secretary of the American Association for * An extended obituary notice of Lent A. Williamson is in The Eve- ning News, of Bluffton, for December 26, 1914. Other issues of the same newspaper contain accounts ofi E. B. Williamson's expedition to Barbadoes, Guiana and Trinidad (March 21, 1912), Panama and Colom- bia (March 15, 1917) and Venezuela (May 15, 1920), with many per- sonal details. i, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 3 the Advancement of Science. His field studies on the Odonata of Ohio, published in the Journal of the Cincinnati Society of Natural History (1895-1897) and by the Ohio Academy of Science in 1899, doubtless contributed to Williamson's interest in these insects if they did not originate it. In September, 1898, Williamson wrote to me : "For the past three summers I have been collecting' dragonflies whenever time permitted, about my home in northern Indiana. Sixty-one or sixty-two species have been taken." This fixes the beginning of his odonatologi- cal activity as not later than 1896. The year of his graduation from Ohio State, 1898, was also the year of his first appearance as an author, as may be seen from the bibliography accompanying Prof. Gaige's biography. Alone, or in association with R. C. Osburn. he published on fishes, crayfish, birds and dragonflies. About the end of July, or the beginning of August, 1898, he entered the Carnegie Museum, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as assistant curator of insects. Returning to Philadelphia on August 29, 1898, from a brief collecting trip into New Jersey, bringing with me specimens recognized as an undescribed species of Ischnuni, I found Wil- liamson's first entomological paper awaiting me — three pages on "September Dragonflies of Round and Shriner Lakes Whit- ley County, Indiana," from the Report of the State Geologist of Indiana for 1897. It contained a footnote by Prof. Kelli- cott briefly describing a single female referred to "Enallagma sp (?)". The description seemed to correspond to some of my Isclinuntc from Xew Jersey. I wrote t<> Williamson about it. in the first week in September. He replied on September 9. 1898. The rest of the story may be found in the XKWS for November, 1898. So began a correspondence, for me the moM extensive car- ried on with any one person and only terminated when mv reply of February 20, 1933, to his of February n arrived loo late to find him conscious. There are 527 of Ins letters lyini: before me, 57 of them six or more pages in length, chietly con- cerned with the Odonata, but here and there touching on other 4 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 phases of his very active life. To no one in this field of en- tomology do I owe more than, or as much as, to these letters of Williamson. Both of us had a great interest in the tropical American Odonate fauna and each turned to the other for ad- vice, suggestions and sympathy. We met but once, when I stayed at his home in Bluffton from December 28 to 30, 1912. We were thus compelled to rely upon letters and publications for the comparison of our ideas. Looking backward, one can appreciate the amount of time which our mutual correspond- ence alone involved, and must realize that the survivor feels a very great loss in his world. Williamson was younger than I and in the natural course of events he might have been ex- pected to perform this present office for me, rather than that I should be commemorating his deeds after his passing. From July 16 to August 15, 1899, Williamson was one of a party led by Dr. W. J. Holland, Director of the Carnegie Museum, which collected chiefly vertebrates in Wyoming. In a letter written the day after his return to Pittsburgh he says : "I have been thinking a great deal about going to the Ufniver- sity] of Pennsylvania] to take a course in medicine," and again on September 29 : "I was arranging my affairs to spend this winter at Philadelphia in the medical department of the U. of P., but after my resignation at the Museum I was offered the position of teacher of science in the high school here [Salem, Ohio] , so I have taken the position for the year. Next year I hope to be able to enter the U. of P. and complete the medical course in three years." On January 24, 1900, he wrote: "In spite of plans and wishes, which have never availed anything, I guess, it will be impossible for me to take a course in medi- cine at U. of P. I am rapidly losing my hearing, due to a catarrhal affection of the middle ear." . . . "about my hearing —I am afraid nothing can be done. The trouble is I think con- genital and it has been aggravated by exposure." In the first days of July, 1900, he had a week's collecting at Ohio Pyle, on the Youghiogheny River, in Fayette County, Pennsylvania "and caught enough Caloptcry.v angustipennis to supply the world — have 132 good specimens besides some dam- aged ones," No other male of this species was then known to xlvi, '35J ENTOMOLOGICAL \EVVS 5 exist than that in the British Museum, sent by John Abbot, from Georgia, a century previously. Doubtless the world of his correspondents received them, for he was always most gen- erous in sharing his material with others. His letters of ibis year refer to much correspondence with the late James S. Hine at Columbus, and with Charles C. Adams. His first mention of C. H. Kennedy, now Professor at Columbus, is in connec- tion with a trip to Winona Lake, Indiana, in July, 1900, ami about the same time he appears to have begun correspondence with Prof. James G. Needham. In the summer of 1901 he was at the Winona Lake Labor- atory of Indiana University and again at Salem, Ohio, in the Fall until the Christmas holidays. Many of his letters of 1902 are on paper bearing the printed letter heads of the Wells County Bank at Bluffton, with his father's name as President, and he probably began to work there in January of this year, but his name does not appear in the list of officers thereof until a letter of March, 1903, when he is given as Assistant Cashier. On April 16, 1902, he married Miss Anna Tribolet. Slu- and three adopted daughters survive him. On October 19, 1904, he wrote: "I suppose there would be no chance at Mfuseum] C[om- parativej Z [oology] for a permanent curatorship? I am pretty well situated now as far as leisure time goes but I am al\va\> on the lookout for anything which will give me greater oppnr tunity to work on dragonflies." In his letter of September 20, 1904 (15 pages) he discussed questions of nomenclature at length, concluding: "I am in favor of giving a binomial name (and a binomial only) to every form which can be defined to cover a consider- able number of individuals, which individuals or similar ones it is to be expected other students may in time collect and study." This position he maintained to the end of his life. On December 31, 1904, Mrs. Williamson, he and four others. left Buffton on a collecting trip to Guatemala for Odonata and returned March 8, 1905. He published an Itinerary of this 6 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 expedition in the NEWS for November, 1905. Two days after his return, he wrote : "I think my dragonflies will enable you to formulate some such law as this : The species occurring at any locality during the dry season are those species of widest distribution. Or, in other words, local species are to be found at the height of the season. . . . From February 10 to 24, inclusive, I was practically shelved as a result of an attack of tropical fever contracted at San Jose on the Pacific." He made a second expedition to Guatemala in May and June, 1909,* and it is probably to this trip that a passage in a letter of July 13, 1910, refers: "I never made any pretensions at care of my health in Guate- mala after the first few days down there. I was especially careless about food and drink and I never found the native cooking palatable." On his return from Guatemala in 1905 he was offered the cashiership of the bank at Bluffton. "To refuse it seems to me to invite business ruin «and loss of associates' respect. To accept means still less energy and time for Odonata, but possibly opportunities for greater leisure in future years. I have worked at business and at dragonflies, hoping someday to be in a position to have independent income sufficient to enable me to take some position in a museum at a small salary but with large leisure for pure science work along lines I might select." (March 10, 1905.) He accepted and the aim thus set was actually realized, al- though banking failed to afford him the means which, in 1905, he was justified in expecting. His letter of May 15, 1906, says: "Recently put the bird egg collection belonging to brother and myself in City Library. City furnished a light and dust proof case which makes the eggs accessible, however, even to little tots. We found we had 93 species and about 1200 eggs, nearly all local. Of red-shouldered hawks, 13 sets, 33 eggs, all collected by myself — hawks are rare with us." * Collecting records of this expedition are cited in Ris's Libellulinen, Cat. Coll. Zool. Selys, and in Williamson's own papers, Occas. Papers No. 130 and Misc. Publ. No. 9, both of the Univ. Mich., Mus. Zool., 1923. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 7 His interest in birds' eggs, both before and after this gift is evidenced by some passages in his letters : ;'The evening before my marriage I climbed 70 feet in one of the biggest oaks in an hundred acre woods for a set of o of red-shouldered hawks eggs and two days after my marria-/ I took another set of 2 of the same species." ( April 28. 1 'XL', i "An M.D. diagnosed my liver trouble as pleurisy. He- said calomel was alright if I had been doctoring the right organ. I le prescribed salicylate of soda and quiet. T took the medicine alright (90 grains a day for a week) and climbed 80 feet up a big sycamore for a hawk's nest, since which my recovery has been rapid and complete." (April 28, 1908.) In April, 1916, he had a corneal ulcer of which he wrote: "I carried my eye in a sling 10 days though and had to climb for a set of great horned owls with the eye bandaged and with a strip of ice and snow a foot wide up the tree from the ground to above the nest which was 55 feet high." Another interest had developed : "I have a nice lot of iris blooming in my garden and I ha\i- been spending some time since my return cross-pollinating. If weevils don't destroy all the seed, I ought to have a pretty thor- ough mix-up. Next to orchids which are undoubtedly the fin- est flowers, fad or no fad, I prefer Iris." (June 11, 1907.) In 1910 he hoped that the American Museum of Natural History could be interested in purchasing the Rene Martin Col- lection of Odonata. "If I could get in such an institution with Martin's Collec- tion and my own as a foundation to build on and work with. I might eventually evolve to a point where I could be of some real assistance in this dragonfly work. I am 33 vears old ( las; Sunday, when I worked 21 hours) and I come of long-lived stock. In the next 30 years I could do lots of work if I had a chance." He raised the question as to the American Museum again in a letter of July 11. 1914. In December 1910 he wrote that he had ordered a motor- cycle "and next summer I'm going after the local sin!!' as I never did before." In the following July he reported 8 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 "Four weeks ago I tumbled for the fifth time from my motor-cycle . . . and damaged one arm, both legs and made a climax by breaking a rib. So I didn't ride any more till July 2." "During the warmer months, I spend all my Sundays and holidays (3 or 4) in the woods or fields, always collecting or bluffing at it. I might stay at home and work material these days, but I am so confined during the week, I naturally break for the woods with my lunch in my pocket Sunday. On these days I want to be absolutely alone, or with some one who doesn't talk at all. The only religious sense I have is a feeling of absolute oneness with the visible world — whatever of mor- tality or immortality, of chance or design belong to the wood- land swamp, to the blue iris and to the red-winged blackbirds and to the fox squirrels belong to me to an identical degree. So I want one day of the week to think it uninterruptedly. And collecting (the way I collect on Sundays) doesn't interfere." (June 14, 1912.) "I enjoy collecting better than anything else and everything else in the world. If my objective mind stops business for a minute, the subjective jumps right in with palm forests, blue, hazy, verdure-covered mountains, little gravelly brooks, muddy lagoons — and me and a bug net. So why worry about un- worked material." (March 23, 1919.) But even in summer other thoughts arose : "This summer I am going to write a. scathing letter to the Editor of Science relative to the scientific (natural [science]) men of this country who annually flock to the seashore (where biological conditions are practically eternal) or to the largest freshwater lakes they can reach (where biological conditions in permanence compare favorably with 'the eternal hills') while all over this country unique biological conditions are being destroyed never to be replaced or duplicated. I have in mind just now Vanneman's swamp. (Above is half joke and half dead earnest. Really when I see that swamp going I can almost cry.)" (July 29, 1913.) A hope which he never realized but which he entertained until the day of his death was a monograph of the genus Argia. "It really 'grinds' me that my life is slipping away and I can get so little done myself. I have things in such good shape if I had only more leisure." (Oct. 8, 1913.) xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 9 "It is more and more evident that if I am to get any dragon- fly work done, I shall have to get out of the bank; but 1 do not see the way. And I have things in good shape to work, too, if I could only find a little more time and strength. The little I have done has been only by the most rigorous application and self-denial in every other line." (Jan. 2, 1915.) In 1915 he wrote to Ris to learn if Menger, the artist at the Brussels Museum, could make drawings of Argia. "I want to get material together so ... can do an Argia paper some day. 1 don't know but I believe I have at least 21)00 unstudied specimens here." Menger did make the drawings and they are at Ann Arbor. "And some day some student of Argia will rise up and call me blessed ! . . . And I may fool the doctors and live to study my Argias myself. Anyway I had the joys of several exis- tences in catching them." (May 1, 1919.) His health fluctuated greatly in 1915 and 1916. "My hilarious and ungrateful amoebae, not satisfied with free board and lodging, set up some rectal trouble for which I am taking treatment here [Grand Rapids, Mich. |." (Nov. 19, 1915.) He returned to Bluffton the first week of Decem- ber. "I came away from Grand Rapids feeling fine." "Have been out of the bank about half the time the last week or ten days — sick with some obscure intestinal trouble." (Jan. 13, 1916.) "The doctor here thinks I have an ulcer or ulcers in the duodenum. At times the attacks are very severe, fairly taking all the nerve I have and leaving me feeling weak and bribed for a day or two afterwards. Monday and Tuesday were bad days, finally requiring opiates and hot external treatment — it got me to where I was whimpering. (Jan. 15, 1916.) ' "My health is perfect." (Jan. 29, 1916.) "My gizzard turned me on my head last Thursday. It had been good for several weeks. . . . However, for about 45 min- utes I heard the choir invisible. It's great sport." < March 4, 1916.) "I feel better this spring than I have for several years and I think my amoebae are dead and my intestines healing at la>t.' (April 11, 1916.) In late November, 1916, he started for Colombia where he and his cousin Jesse H. Williamson collected until March 12th. 10 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 On the return trip down the Magclalena he wrote : "We have 150 species of dragonflies and 8543 specimens in papers." Among the localities visited in Colombia was "Cristalina the best collecting spot I ever saw in my life- it was (or is) simply wonderful. It would make a beetle man dissatisfied with heaven. In fact I much prefer Cristalina my- self, from various reports I've heard." This expedition was in part financed by the Museum of Zoology of the University of Michigan and so began the con- nection which later resulted in Williamson's becoming Research Associate there. In November, 1917, he underwent an operation, and four and a half weeks later had an attack of pneumonia which "kept me flat for four weeks. . . . Now that I'm up and about again I'm about the gentlest and tamest unconverted bug hunter in captivity." (Jan. 15, 1918.) "I was looking again to-day at the little Fundacion freak [Agriogom pints liuniatiis Wllms.] ... I think I'd better get it out and prepare a little paper and some drawings. When I thought I was going to die, when I had pneumonia, the thoughts of it and a fine lot of Macrothemis we got in Colombia more than anything else made dying distasteful." (Jan. 21, 1918.) In 1918 he was elected President and a director of the Wells County Bank at Bluffton, of which he had been cashier since 1905. In 1918 also he was President of the Indiana Academy of Science. There is a gap in his letters between March 18, 1925, and February 27, 1926, on which latter date he writes: "I am just beginning to perk up a bit after having lost one year. ... I am most anxious to get 3 started papers com- pleted and then get at Gomphoides as I have borrowed mate- rial of that genus." His cousin, Jesse H. Williamson, son of George T. \Villiam- son, his father's brother, wrote on July 9, 1927: "Bruce is in better physical condition than at any time dur- ing the past three years. He resumed active duty in the bank just a year ago and has been on the job there practically every day since. Bank duties and problems have been particularly xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 11 difficult and trying for the past two years in our little com- munity, as the largest bank here was in a failing condition and finally closed its doors a few months ago. \\hile its closing did not put an end to all problems by any means, it did relieve the suspense which is very trying to the nerves of a thyroid patient. Business conditions have added greatly to Bruce'> burdens and required much time that in former years would have been devoted to Odonata. The iris culture has developed from a back-yard proposition to a real business requiring lots of time, energy and correspondence particularly for several months each spring. Bruce has not the strength and endurance required to carry on banking, iris business and scientific work simultaneously, as in days gone by and hence the last has had to be neglected . . . his failure to answer welcome letters has been due to the fact that he feels that all his energy should In- devoted to his business connections in place of using even a part in riding his hobby. If he had his former strength he would still be burning the mid-night oil in the "bug room" long after a full day's work at the bank had been done. \Ye hope that conditions will change so that he can again spend time working on Odonata without feeling that he is thereby depriving his business associates of any energy that should be devoted to business matters." In 1928, his bank at Bluffton closed. On November 8, 1928, E. B. wrote: "All my dragonfly work this past season has consisted of every Sunday trips to points in northern Indiana, data (insigni- ficant) turned over to [B. E.] Montgomery to whom 1 willed the Ind|iana| dr[agon] fl[ie]s. For several years it lias xc-nned to me that the northern Ind. Aeshna fauna was not what it used to be and I spent Sundays and some other days looking diligently in many localities for them. And they 'ain't' here. Saw 2 spp.- — one a pair Montgomery caught — and a few Ae. mnbrosa — and nothing else. And we visited dozens of lake-, completely encircling several, marshes, back-ups, cut-oft s and every kind of habitat we would find." On June 22, 1929, in answer to an inquiry he replied: "Yes, I still have my dragonflies, library and iris and the last largely explains my delinquencies as a letter writer. For I've been very busy therewith and have never felt better in my life. . . . We have all of us been working with the iri.x ;md we've been busy too. Lots of visit.. r> from all over, endlex 12 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 correspondence, more field work than we can do, and unfilled orders always staring us in the face. ... I have no definite future plans. If it is at all possible I hope to spend the rest of my life working with dragonflies and iris and nothing else. If I have to come to one thing it will be dragonflies, as I find they can pull me away from the iris — a thing I believe nothing else could do. ... The iris business is making a little but not quite a living." The realization of his hopes was expressed in his letter of August 16, 1929: "Dr. Gaige . . . came to tell me they have made a position of research student of Odonata there [Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan] for me. The only thing is that I must be in residence 3-4 months a year — otherwise I select my own problems, my own methods and do pretty much as I please, with no students unless I want them — which I do— I need about 4 right now. I shall store my collection at Ann Arbor. They have given me two of the large offices in the new building with all the additional storage space I need. It is just simply an ideal layout." "I am moving my collection and library to Ann Arbor." (Oct. 8, 1929.) "The past two weeks have been very busy ones but about the happiest I've ever known. I have every facility and all the room one could wish for." (Dec. 21, 1929.) "I've had a delightful winter here and got done about l/\ what I thought I could if I were free to do as I pleased as I have been here." (Mar. 31, 1930.) Many another extract from his correspondence, of interest to the student of the Odonata, must be omitted, but we shall at least quote from his last letter to me — that of February 6, 1933- "Thanks for your note on Cal[optcry.v] dhnidiata and api- calis, which as I interpret it, is an apology for following Hagen, who led you astray in your callow youth into positions which you now recognize as untenable. Signs of age grow on me ; one of the most deplorable is my lack of ability to come back at you with a hot retort for your 'Great Williamson' slam. 'Plumed Leader' is hardly the term I need, so in my senility, you escape a rejoinder you so richly deserve." xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 13 Of the 102 papers on ( Monata listed in Prof. Gaige's bibliog- raphy of Williamson, 11 deal with the Odonata of Indiana. 6 with those of Pennsylvania, 36 with those of other parts of the United States or are monographs of genera (Slylurus 1901. Macromia 1909, Celithanis 1922), restricted to United States species, 6 are concerned with those of Canada, 28 with those of the neotropical fauna and 3 with those of other parts of the world (Formosa, Burma and Siam). The remainder describe habits or give directions for collecting and preserving dragon- flies and one (1913) is purely morphological. In number of pages his publications on the neotropical fauna exceed those of any of the other groups enumerated, and include monographs of the genera Protoncura (1915). Xcoiicitni (1917), Uctcra- grian (1919), Triacanthagyna and Gynacantha (1923) Ery- t/ieinis (1923) and Perilcstcs (1924). as well as descriptions of new genera and species. A list of all the new genera (14) and species (92) which Williamson described accompanies Prot. Gaige's biography. Four of his papers propose rearrangements of larger taxonomic units, the Oriental Calopteryginae (1904) and Gomphinae (1907) and the Cordulinae (1908) and Gom- phinae (1920) in general. Among his observations on habits of the Odonata, the most remarkable was his discovery of the exact positions assumed by the abdominal appendages ot the males in relation to the females at copulation (1899, 1906 i. cor- recting previous statements on this subject. That which especially distinguished K. B. Williamson, it seems to me, was the combination of indefatigability as a col- lector, and minuteness of observation and of discrimination as a student and author. This resulted in bis knowing tin- < Mon- ata, both in the field and in the laboratory, with probably a greater thoroughness than any of his predecessors or contem- poraries. These qualities are especially displayed in his Note* on American Species of Triacanthagyna and Gynacantha "t 1923, which I am inclined to regard as bis greatest work, though the Notes on species of the genus Ifetemi/rion Scly.< (1919) stands not far behind. "Great Williamson" was not a mere playful jest in correspondence, but indicates the position he won in his field of entomology. The photograph from which Plak- I was inadr the autograph is from a letter of July 1, I*'-"'. 14 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 An Analysis of the Cicindela purpurea Group (Coleop.: Cicindelidae). By E. GRAYWOOD SMYTH, Entomologist, W. R. Grace & Co. Sugar Estates, Trujillo, Peru. In all the great variation and world wide distribution of this remarkable genus of tiger beetles, Cicindela, embracing over 700 named species and varieties, are no others which rival in exotic beauty the varieties of the purpurea group. And it is noteworthy that these varieties, in common with those of the sciitellaris, sexguttata and formosa groups, reach their highest color development and greatest diversity of pattern in certain mid-western states, notably Kansas and Colorado. Coleopter- ists residing in those states, and enjoying thereby the advan- tage of first hand acquaintance with these divergent and highly developed geographic races, are in a most favorable position to adequately appraise and evaluate them, and to render fair judg- ment on their proper classification. I have characterized this (8, p. 197) as the most difficult group in the genus Cicindela in America, and the proof of my statement lies in the fact that our two foremost authorities on the Cicindelidae, Charles W. Leng and Walther Horn, can ex- actly agree on the status of only six out of seventeen recog- nized species and varieties in the group. A recent synopsis (5), purporting to clear up the matter of their classification, has left the group in no less a state of confusion than it was. The writer disagrees, in several cases, with all of the above authorities, and bases his conclusions upon a knowledge of the living insects and their habits, and of their phylogeny and ontogeny. There will, no doulit, always be this cleavage of opinion be- tween— (a) those systematists who depend wholly upon the literature and upon dried museum specimens, and (b) those who, knowing by necessity the literature and collections avail- able, believe in checking against the knowledge thus obtained the broader facts of habit, ecology, environmental factors, and all obtainable data gleaned from personal contact with the living insect. The writer has lived among, actually camped beside, the tiger beetles at every opportunity for the past thirty-odd years, from Atlantic to Pacific, from the Yellowstone to Cen- xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 15 tral America, has spent long hours over large series of many species, and has chased them with net, or studied the hahits of their larvae, more days than lie has eaten apples in his lifetime. He feels, therefore, tint he almost knows the genus OV/m/<7urpurca ( Hiv. and Innbalis King may be properly treated as distinct species. Xot, indeed, from any notable dissimilarity of structure does he conclude this, but from their very different habitat, and from the fact that, even when occurring in the same locality, they show no tendency to intermingle or interbreed. This knowledge is a definite step forward, and makes very logical the writer's re- cently expressed opinion (8, p. 203) that all varieties (or so- called species and subspecies) in the group, with exception ot (Iccciunotiitii Say and f^iKjctana Casey, may be correctly classified as varieties of either piirfiureu or linihalis. There are two de- cided reasons for this point of view, which have been too otlcn overlooked or not considered. First, there are no stable mor- phological characters yet known that can be (Upended upon to separate one variety from another, all dependence being placed upon pilosity (which is very unstable'), surface' bistre, color and maculation. Secondly, the varieties (geographic races) in either species blend very gradually OIK- into another wherever the distributional boundaries separating them overlap. This applies to every one of the varieties thus far Described except propinqua Knaus, and in this case the morphological characters at once identify it as closely related to dcui'crcnsis Casey, tin- lack of intermediate forms being due solely to our failure t<> have thus far discovered them. 16 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 How, may we ask, can two morphologically identical varieties of exactly similar habits, differing only in color and markings, even though separated from one another in distributional limits by a considerable distance, be possibly considered distinct species when every grade of intermediate or transition form can be found between them in the intervening terraine? To pronounce them separate species (viz., limbalis King and splendida Hentz), and to associate the intermediate forms {transversa Leng; c \anoccpluila Varas) with either the one or the other, as the notion strikes one, is neither logical nor rational. It is con- trary to the facts in the case. The fallacy of this conception is proven by the following anomaly. Mr. Leng considers transversa to be a variety of splendida, and cyanoccphala a variety of limbalis. The authors of the Synopsis reverse this, and consider transversa as a vari- ety of limbalis, and cyanocephala a variety of splendida. Whom should we follow as our authority? Have the two varieties transversa and cyanoccphala .shifted their colors, or changed their allegiance, between the dates on which the two opinions were published? Plainly something is wrong, yet the answer is very simple: for splendida is not a valid species, but merely a variety of limbalis, in common with transversa and cyano- cepliala. How simple it all is, after all. And we can only marvel at the convenience of a philosophy that considers transi- tion forms in eastern Kansas between transversa and splendida, and between limbalis and cyanoccphala, as "hybrids," and cites as evidence the existence of hvbrids in fish (4, p. 131). Of the seventeen species and varieties which the writer con- siders as belonging to the two stem species, the following may be classified as varieties (geographic races) of purpurca Oliv. : (1) aitduboni Lee. 1845 (= gniwineu Schp. ex parte) ; (2) nigcrrima Leng (-- auduboni Lee. 1854) ; (3) auguralis Casey; (4) cimarrona Lee.; (5) hint a- Casey; (6) mirabUis Casey. The following may be considered varieties of limbalis Klug : (1) spreta Lee. 1848; (2) transversa Leng; (3) cyanocephala Varas; (4) splendida Hentz; (5) ludoviciana Leng; (6) dcn- verensis Casey; (7) plattcnsis Smyth (== conquisita Casey fide Nicolay) ; (8) propinqua Knaus; (9) scdalia Smyth. In either of these groups, intermediates (transition forms) xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 17 may be found between any two nearest related varieties (ex- cept in prop'uiqua), definitely proving their relationships. But there is no reason whatever to confuse the varieties of the two species, even though anatomically similar, for their habits and habitat are very distinct, as the writer has previously empha- sized (8, p. 203). Contrarily, our reasons for considering decemnotata and pugctaua as distinct from all the others are that, not only are they quite unique and easily separable from all the others anatomically, but there occur no intermediate forms between either of them and any of the others named above. Intermediate forms between the two, however, may yet be found, as they seem fairly closely related. In defending his position in the placement of certain varieties, Mr. Nicolay states (4, p. 128) that the Synopsis of the Cicin- delidae has been "almost entirely a task of collecting and con- solidating the views and conclusions of our predecessors. There is very little that we have changed. . . ." By predecessors we presume that he refers to Mr. Leng and Doctor Horn. Let us examine, specifically, just how faithfully the Synopsis adheres to this principle, which, if logically carried out, might indeed be justifiable. (1) C. purpurea Oliv. All agree on this as the stem species. (2) C. aiiduboni Lee. Nicolay and Weiss agree with Mr. Leng (3, p. 40) in placing it as a variety of purpurea, but Doctor Horn (2, p. 80) does not even honor it with that dis- tinction, calling it a mere color phase of purpurea. (3) C. nigcrrima Leng. Like the preceding, Horn con- siders this a mere color phase of purpurea, though the others, we believe rightly, call it a variety. It is, apparently, merely a melanic form, yet its genetic divergence from audubom has been noted (7, p. 428) on the western prairie, where the two occurred together and it chose isolated spots of darker soil. (4) C. an f/n rails Casey. Although Leng considers this a synonym of aiitlnhoni (which is a variety of piirpurca), and Horn calls it a "larger race" of purpurea, and although Case v described it as a variety of purpurea, Xicolay, by an anamor- phosis all his own, insists that it is a variety of liinhalis. M<- bases this conclusion on the appearance of the type specimen, which to him looks like liin/xilix Inraiisr it has "the middle band 18 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 touching the sides and of course at right angles to them" (4, p. 130). It might profit him, we helieve, to examine the large series of mountain forms in some of our western collec- tions, showing every intermediate stage (transition form) be- tween anguralis and audnboni on the one hand, and between auguralis and cimarrona on the other, the matter depending largely upon the altitude from which the specimen was secured (8, p. 199). As a matter of fact, anguralis may itself be well considered a transition form between andnboni (and nigerrima) of the plains and cimarrona of the highest plateaus. If one were to strictly follow Mr. Nicolay's principle of not "recog- nizing the intermediates between species and varieties" ( 5, p. 343), as he interprets that phrase, there would seem little reason to continue use of the name aitguralis. Certainly it is very risky to form judgments from the superficial appearance of type specimens (as also proven by his first judgment on mirabilis) (4, p. 153). (5) C. cimarrona Lee. This is considered a valid species by Leng, and by Doctor Horn a "larger race" of f>i(rpitrca. What distinction the latter makes between a "larger race" and a vari- ety we are not in position to say, but the difference must be small, since nearly all our "varieties" in Cicindcla are, in fact, geographic races. It is very understandable why Mr. Leng considered cimarrona as worthy of specific standing, since he had not at hand the intermediate forms to show him that such was not the case. But that hardly justifies present day revision- ists in subscribing to the error (4, p. 129). (6) C. lauta Casey. Mr. Leng gave this variety the stand- ing of a species (as with the preceding, he lacked intermediate forms connecting it with auduboni), but Doctor Horn was more accurate, considering it a "larger race" of purpiirea. Re- garding this variety Horn says (1, p. 24) : "Under the name graminea the unlucky Schaupp had thrown together under one name two very different races, — the flat, often large bellied form of the Pacific coast — lauta of Casey, and the parallel, more arched form from Colorado." Yet the authors of the Synopsis differ from both of these authorities, and sink the name lauta to synonymy. Were they in possession of some of the large, xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 19 blue-green forms from the Northwest, they might feel other- wise. (7) C. ininif'ilis Casey. Leng places this as a variety of lanta, while Horn calls it a synonym of laitta. Xicolay and Weiss sank the name (5, p. 346) as a synonym of auduboni. It is, however, an easily distinguished and well established Cali- fornian variety of pnrpnrca, and it is gratifying that Mr. Nico- lay is now willing (4, p. 154) to restore it to its legitimate standing as such. (8) C. linib'ilis King. Most of us prefer to consider this the other stem species of the group, on an equal footing with pnrpurca. Mr. Leng considers it a valid species, though Walther Horn lists it among the "larger races" of pnrpnrca, on a par with cimarrona and lanta, with neither of which it has any hut remote relationship. (It is this confused notion of compara- tive values among the races of pur pur ca and Uinbalis, shared by our best authorities, that has hampered proper arrangement of the beetles of this group for years.) Mr. Nicolay has for- tunately settled the matter (4, p. 154) by describing the exact relationship of these two stem species (purpurea and limbalis) in the East, where they most approach each other morphologi- cally and ecologically, yet are distinct in habit and do not inter- mingle. (9) C. sprcta Lee. The former confusion about this variety may be best explained by Dr. Horn's statement (1. p. 37): "C. sprcta Lee. has been twice and certainly not harmoniously described by LeConte (once as dirty dark green and once as black)." Horn gives the name no standing, placing it as a synonym of purpurea (which ignores its different habits and type of maculation), but Leng correctly places it as a variety of Huibalis. Xicolay and Weiss follow Leng in this conclusion, which they justify (5, p. 349) in order "to separate that form occurring only in the northeast which has the usual cupreous color more or less suffused with green." This makes improper the inclusion under this name of certain greenish aberrations from Colorado that have been heretofore wrongly determined as sprcta, and are, in reality, aiK/nralis (a variety of pnrpnrt\i ') . (To be continued) 20 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 Biological Races of Insects and their Bearing on Host Plant Resistance. By WM. P. HAYES, University of Illinois.1 The invasion of chinch bugs in the corn fields of the mid- west during the summer of 1933 has created new interest in the matter of finding host plants that are resistant to insect attack. During the coming season, plant breeders, entomol- ogists, and growers will more thoroughly test the strains of corn that are being recommended in certain states as chinch bug resistant. Similarly, workers are looking for strains of corn resistant to European corn borer and strains of wheat resistant to Hessian fly. Such investigations may reveal lines of attack useful to the farmer whose acreage of field crops is so exten- sive that the application of physical or chemical control meas- ures is precluded because of impracticability. Plants growing in the wild state are usually less injured by insects that attack them than are cultivated plants which seem to have acquired a greater degree of susceptibility. The char- acters which produce resistance in wild plants have through time been bred out of the cultivated crops (Tmms, Recent Ad- vances in Entomology, p. 240, 1931). However, we often find certain strains or individual plants that appear resistant to the injury of a particular pest. This absence of injury does not necessarily mean that a plant is resistant to attack, because the matter of host avoidance or host selection or preference enters strongly into consideration. The attacking insect may have avoided the particular uninjured plant due to its preference for others more to its liking. Resistance usually implies a low degree of susceptibility. Very few plants are completely resistant to insect damage, so that we are usually compelled to recognize lesser degrees of resistance which we regard as either apparent resistance or par- tial resistance. Consequently, among those crops which exhibit partial resistance we have come to recognize what is now re- garded as tolerance to insect injury. For the grower, a plant that can produce a good yield in spite of insect damage is almost 1 Contribution from the Entomological Laboratories of the University of Illinois, No. 164. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 21 as valuable as an immune or resistant one. The measure of resistance in a host plant is its degree of immunity or lack of susceptibility to insect damage, while tolerance is computed on the basis of infestation and yield. In other words, a plant strain with high infestation and high yield exhibits greater tolerance than a strain with low infestation and the same hi^h o yield. It is therefore apparent that low infestation and high yield are the desired factors in a resistant strain. Unfortunately, most strains that have been bred by plant geneticists which show a high degree of resistance are low in yield and further breeding is necessary to develop the yield factor. As a result, some plant geneticists and entomologies engaged on this problem have come to regard insect tolerance in a plant as a more desirable factor than resistance and one more easily obtainable. \Yardle (Problems of Applied Entom- ology, 1929, p. 17) states that tolerance is "due possibly to strong and vigorous growth or to a reaction of the host tissues that tends to lessen the injury." If this is true, tolerant strains are more apt to be the resultant of environmental factors such as soil conditions, climate, crop nutrition, or some physiological t actor, such as vigor, or physico-chemical factors such as den- sity of cell-sap, sugar content, hydrogen ion concentration. osmotic pressure or electrical conductivity. Geneticists are of the opinion that resistance, and perhaps tolerance as well, is due to the presence of some heritable fac- tor or factors. Most work to date on this problem has been done by plant geneticists breeding for factors in plants resistant to insects. Practically, no attention has been devoted to tin- genetics of the attacking insect. It has been asserted by some workers that biological races or physiological varieties of in- sects are the products of mutant genes. It is known that among insects such as aphids and certain coccids, that alterna- tion of host plants has led to the development of biological races. In America, the European corn borer (Pyrausta nubila- lis Hbn.) has two such races which differ considerably in their feeding habits. The eastern strain is decidedly polvphagous. At least 200 larval food plants are known. It differs also in the production of two gcneiations a year. The western race is de- cidedly limited in the number of food plants, less than a dozen 22 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 are of any importance, and there is but one generation a year. Williston (Amer. Nat. 42:184, 1908) points out that ascend- ant phyla are more plastic than stabilized older phyla, which would indicate that the one-brooded, limited-host-plant, race of the European corn borer in the western area is more primitive than the eastern race. Wardle and Buckle (Principles of Insect Control, p. 2) assert that the polyphagous habit in insects is the more primitive. Such being the case the eastern race would be the older. Regardless of these divergent viewpoints it is clearly apparent from the two examples cited that it is the plasticity of a given insect race that must be taken into account in study- ing host-resistance or tolerance. If as stated above, plants growing in the wild state are usu- ally less injured and cultivated plants have acquired a greater degree of susceptibility, our search among plant strains for desired factors should lead us to the older and more resistant kinds. Painter, Salmon and Parker (1931) have shown the Hessian fly (PhytopJiaga destructor Say) to have two biological races. Their studies seem to show that "these biological or physiologi- cal strains are genetically distinct. The evidence available also indicates that the population of fly in any one locality consists of a mixture of two or more strains which differ in their ability to infest the several varieties of wheat." Up to the present time, most breeding work has been done on the assumption that the attacking species will react in the same manner under all conditions. If, as we maintain, re- sistance is inherited, is it not reasonable to think that various degrees of ability to injure or attack may likewise be inherited? Whether this ability is a genetic character of the species or is brought about by ecological conditions, it remains pertinent that a so-called resistant host plant will not exhibit resistance under all conditions. A strain of corn that may be resistant to the European corn borer in the western area of infestation, where the variety of host plants is limited, would scarcely be ex- pected to show as marked resistance in the eastern area of in- festation where it is subject to attack by a biological race of a different nature, whose food habits exhibit greater plasticity, xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 23 and which produces more generations per year. It would seem that the problem of the corn-breeder in producing a resistant strain for the one-brooded, limited host-plant race may be mini- capable of solution than the task of producing plants resistant to the two-brooded, polyphagous eastern race. The situation, as just described, is more complicated in those areas of infestation where the two biological races of insecN overlap. This condition occurs in the case of the Hessian tlv described by Painter, Salmon, and Parker (I.e.) in which a given population of the insect in any one locality consists of a mixture of races with varying degrees of ability to inflict dam- age on the host. In this insect we have a species that di tiers from the European corn borer in being restricted to fewer fond plants, which, theoretically, should make breeding for resistance a simpler task. Inl other words, were it not for the difference^ occurring in our biological races of the attacking species, it would be a far simpler problem to breed resistant hosts. • Genetic studies on insects have shown the vast number of varieties that may be bred in the laboratory. Such variations must also exist in nature and it seems imperative to know more of the genetics of our injurious species in order to assist us in breeding plants that are resistant to them. It is highly probable that we shall never be able to breed hosts that are entirely resistant against all biological races of a given specio. which, at the same time, will have desirable agronomic char- acteristics. Each biological race. must be considered as a dis- tinct unit. It would seem, also, that the subject of host toler- ance is one that must be' given deeper study. Tolerant plants may be developed by the selection and breeding of those which show some degree of resistance, tolerance, or greater recuper- ative power. Tolerance in plants may also be enhanced by giv- ing more attention to such matters as crop nutrition, better soil conditions, time of planting, and better seed, all of which can be more or less controlled by the grower. Even then, partic- ularly with insects that prefer a wide choice of food plants, our developed resistance or tolerance may not be permanent be- cause the attacking insects may be able to adapt themselves to our produced strains and accept them as new hosts. 24 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 Laboulbenia formicarum Thaxter, a Fungus Infest- ing some Idaho Ants, and a List of its Known North American Hosts (Hym. : Formicidae). By A. C. COLE, JR., East Lansing, Michigan. Workers of Formica sanguined subsp. puberula Emery, F. sanguined subsp. subnuda Emery and F. siibpolita var. cam- ponoticcps Whir., collected by the writer in the Snake River Plains section of Idaho, were rather prominently infested with the ant fungus, Laboulbenia formicarum Thaxter. The in- fested colonies of F. sanguinca subnuda were found beneath rocks in a subalpine meadow, while colonies of the other species nested in the open sagebrush semidesert areas. Where one oc- cupant of a colony was affected many others of the same nest were likewise diseased. Thus the spread occurred apparently within the nests. It is rather surprising that this fungus was found, inasmuch as summer temperatures of the region are so high and the relative humidity so low. The ants now known to bear the fungus are as follows : 1. FORMICA PALLIDE-FULVA subsp. SCHAUFUSSI Mayr. Forest Hills, Massachusetts (J. Bequaert). 2. F. PALLIDE-FULVA SCHAUFUSSI var. iNCERTA Emery. Sioux City, Iowa (C. N. Ainslie) ; Urbana, Illinois (M. R. Smith). 3. F. NEOGAGATES Emery. Cambridge, Massachusetts (Thax- ter) ; Urbana, Illinois (M. R. Smith). 4. F. FUSCA Linn. Sioux City, Iowa (C. N. Ainslie). 5. F. FUSCA var. ARGENTEA Whir. Urbana, Illinois (M. R. Smith). 6. F. SUBPOLITA var. CAMPONOTICEPS Whir. Hollister and Twin Falls, Idaho (Cole). 7. F. SANGUINEA subsp. SUBNUDA Emery. Rogerson and Twin Falls, Idaho (Cole). 8. F. SANGUINEA subsp. PUBERLA Emery. Nampa, Idaho (Cole). 9. LASIUS NIGER var. AMERICANUS Emery. Cambridge, Massa- chusetts (Thaxter) ; Columbus, Ohio (M. R. Smith) ; Raleigh, North Carolina (Z. P. Metcalf). 10. L. NIGER var. NEONIGER Emery. Urbana, Illinois (M. R. Smith) ; Ellisville, Massachusetts (W. M. Wheeler). xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 25 The Duties of the Queen Wasp, Polistes pallipes (Hym.: Vespidae). By PHIL RAU, Kirkwood, Missouri. In reading accounts of the life history of Polistes wasps, one is led to believe that the founding queen, who when alone does all of the work of nest building and nest provisioning, ceases work when the first generation of workers appears and thereafter becomes a mere egg-laying machine. I was anxious to know just what the queen's duties are after the workers appear so I spent six hours, on July 14, 1929, on a step-ladder watching a queen and eight workers. Sometime before the emergence of the workers, this queen was marked with a drop of paint ; there is no outward differen- tiation between the queen and workers of this species so that a distinction by marking had to be made before the workers were born to set her apart. Even though this queen had eight workers on the nest, she flew off at 10 a. m., remained in the field for three minutes and returned empty handed. At 10:35 a. m. she again ventured out for three minutes, returned with a mouthful of paper pulp, and then spent five minutes applying it to an unfinished cell. She then spent some time poking her head into one or an- other of the cells, touching the larvae with her antennae, and sometimes kept it there for several minutes. This phenomenon of course is one of the little tricks practiced by wasps to get larva to spit up saliva which the adults drink. The workers practice it and so do the queens when alone on the nest. This little observation shows that the queens, or at least this queen, has not lost the desire to practice it even if the nest abounds with workers who are supposed to do all the nursing. The workers brought in caterpillar meat from time to time and fed it direct to the larvae but sometimes they turned it over to one of the workers on the nest who in turn, after chewing it for a while, would apportion it to the larvae. One worker (marked with a white dot) shared half of a ball of yellow caterpillar meat with the queen. The latter chewed it tor a 26 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 short while, then gave one half of it to one of the workers and the other half she fed direct to a larva; often during the day incoming workers with balls of wet paper pulp would divide it with the queen who would apply it to an unfinished portion of the cell. The third time the queen left the nest that day was 2 :47 p. m. ; then she remained out for half an hour and returned empty handed. The observations show that one queen, at least, even though she had an abundance of workers to carry on the nesting activities, did not degenerate into a mere egg-laying machine, but took an active interest in the business affairs of the colony, actually doing the same kind of work as the workers. Queens show a great deal of individuality in behavior, and I wonder if another queen under similar circumstances would behave in precisely the same way. In another nest observed later, a marked queen often relieved an incoming worker of its load of pulp and applied it herself to an unfinished cell; and another observation during the same year showed that a certain queen pallipcs spent an enormous amount of time away from the nest, and this even though she had a large number of workers. In still another nest the queen went out foraging with her previous regularity, even though she had a force of five workers. One cannot spend six hours watching a colony of wasps without noting other items of behavior that one has not espe- cially sought. I was fortunate in seeing a newly adult worker bite its way out of its cell early in the morning and remain in hiding on top of the nest nearly all day. She was shy and seemed to be afraid of the queen, since she would only venture to the active part of the nest during the queen's absence and would rush back to her hiding place the moment the queen re- turned. One of the workers (marked in blue) that was espe- cially active in bringing in loads of caterpillar flesh, singled out this shy young one, and to my amusement gave the juvenile its first lesson in nursing. "Blue Dot" came in with a big load of flesh, flew immediately to the roof, pushed the shy one out from its hiding place, thrust the entire meat market into its xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 27 front legs and then flew from the nest. This shy one had a lesson to learn and she had to do it without further instruction, and this is how she handled this big mass of meat. She evi- dently did not know what to do with it, and for more than an hour turned it round and round in her forelegs, much as a squirrel would manipulate a nut, and at short intervals she would imbed her jaws into the flesh and swallow the juices until the great mass was reduced to half its original size. Then the portion that was left was separated into two parts, one going to feed a larva in one of the cells, and the other was again manipulated with the jaws until it gradually became smaller and smaller and finally the last vestige disappeared down her own gullet. The disposal of the last portion demonstrated that not only do the adults use caterpillar juice for food but also that they devour the flesh as well. The moment the food was gone this youngster made a careful toilet for several minutes, and then beat' a hasty retreat to the hiding place on top of the nest. Late in the afternoon the shy one ventured among the crowd at the open face of the nest, often poking her head into the cells with larvae, and was learning so rapidly that before I left I saw her take several loads of meat from the incoming foragers and feed them to the larvae in the approved fashion. To summarize then, the founding queens of P. frillipcs do not devolve into egg-laying machines the moment the workers appear, but continue to take an active interest in building, foraging and nursing; also the newly emerged worker remains on the nest for the first day and, in an awkward fashion, pos- sibly through imitation, learns to play nurse to the larvae. Longevity and the Moulting of the Myriapod, Spirobolus marginatus Say.* A myriapod fully five inches long and about one-fourth inch in diameter was brought to me on June 8, 1930. The animal lived quite contentedly among the rotten wood in a glas* fish globe until its death' on January 20, 1932. This made the length of life in captivity almost a year and eight months. It * Kindly idi-ntifu-d l>y C. V. Chambcrlm. 28 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 ate of the rotten wood, letting the frass accumulate in the jar. It also ate raw potato, but would readily leave the potato for the leaves of cabbage. The rotted wood was occasionally sprinkled with water, and remained the myriapod's main supply of food; it remained sur- prisingly free of fungus, although the cabbage was densely covered with a webby growth soon after being placed in the jar. The myriapod itself as well as the large amount of frass in the jar was immune from fungus attacks. This immunity of both the animal and its excrement was undoubtedly due to the influence of the creature's musky secretions. Sinclair (Camb. Nat. Hist., Peripatus, Myriapods & Insects, p. 36, 1895) says that the millepeds rely for protection on the fluid secreted by the stigmata repugnatoria. This fluid has been shown to con- tain prussic acid, and has a very unpleasant odor. The jar at one time was nearly full of woody pellets of excre- ment, and on July 18, 1931, I noticed that the myriapod had made its way through this mass and rested in a coiled position at the bottom of the jar. A week later when I dug down to the bottom I noticed that a brownish secretion oozed from its body at the joints of several segments. A month later, when it still remained at the bottom, I again dug down, and then found large pieces of shedding skin adhering to the body. This showed that a complete moult had occurred during the month. I replaced the frass, and on September 1st, the myriapod came to the top of its own volition, and resumed feeding on the rotten wood, and so continued until death. — PHIL RAU, Kirk- wood, Missouri. Plecoptera as Food for Bank Swallows. Apropos of the recent discussion by Hamilton (The Auk, 49, No. 3, 1932, and 50, No. 3, 1933), by McAtee (Smithsonian Misc. Col. 85, No. 7, 1932) and Knappen (The Auk, 51, No. 1, 1934) it may be pertinent to record the presence of Plecoptera in the stomach contents of a Bank Swallow (Riparia r. riparia}. In the examination of more than 60 stomachs of Bank Swal- lows, both adults and young, collected in the Oneida Lake, New York region, I encountered remains of these insects in but a single bird. This swallow was an adult male taken from a burrow on the south bank of Fish Creek about eight miles northeast of Oneida Lake on May 15, 1931. The stomach of this bird was full. An examination of the content showed that the bulk of it (70 per cent) consisted of two-winged flies (Diptera) principally Muscidae, although xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS crane-flies (Tipulidae) also were represented. Beetles (Cole- optera), consisting principally of small clung beetles (Aphodius: Scarabaeidae), amounted to 28 per cent. Traces of Qrthoptera (Gryllidae), Heteroptera and Homoptera ( Fulgoridae) were present while several small hymenopterous forms (Braconidae and possibly others) amounted to 1 per cent. In addition, this stomach contained two small adult stoneflies (Perlidae: Plecop- tera) comprising 1 per cent of the food eaten. These delicate in- sects had been little mangled in the act of deglutition and one of the specimens was sent to Dr. P. \V. Claassen of the De- partment of Entomology, New York State College of Agricul- ture, who determined it as Allopcrla mcdiana Banks. During the course of several seasons spent in investigating the Bank Swallow and other birds in the Oneida Lake region, I have often observed adult stoneflies clinging to the vertical sandy banks along Fish Creek where thousands of Bank Swal- lows nest. Excellent breeding places for these insects are afforded in the waters of Fish Creek and at least some of its tributaries. The comparative abundance of stoneflies can not be denied. It seems strange, therefore, that these weak-flying, soft-bodied insects do not form a greater part of the diet ot Bank Swallows in this territorv than is indicated bv our find- ings. Mr. W. L. McAtee informs me that the U. S. Biological Sur- vey has no record of the presence of stoneflies in the stomachs of Bank Swallows and, so far as I have been able to determine, this constitutes the first published record of such occur rence.- DAYTOX STOKER, Xew York State Museum. Albanv, Xe\\ York. The Sixth International Congress of Entomology. At the meeting of the Entomological Society ot America, at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, December 27-29, 1934, it was an- nounced that Prof. ( ). A. Johannsen, of Cornell University, member of the Permanent Exeailive Committee of the Inter- national Congresses of Entomology, had received a nu^-a-e from Prof. I. Holivar y Urnitia, President of the Sixth I: national Congress, that the Congress will meet at .Madrid, in ihe first half of September, 19.55. Particulars will be furnished later. The Comple Kendn of the Fifth Congres states that invitations for holding the Sixth Congres were received from Egypt. Spain and Germany. The Congres to accept the invitation of Spain for 1935 and that the Seventh Congress be held in Cermany (page 59). 30 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 Orthoptera New to Colorado Since the publication of Mr. Hebard's "Orthoptera of Col- orado" (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. LXXXI : 303-425, 1929), the writer has collected two species of Tettigoniidae and one of Acrididae not then recorded from the state. No one of these may be considered accidental, each species being represented by several specimens. Scudderia tc.vcnsis Saussure & Pictet is represented in the University of Colorado collection by a male taken at Boulder, Colorado, September 20, 1923, by S. Miller. Prof. F. B. Isely took the following specimens in 1931 : one male near Roggen, Colorado, August 6 ; two males at Boulder, Colorado, August 14. On August 29, 1933, I took a female of this species in a vacant lot in Boulder. It is evidently established at Boulder, at least, but is comparatively rare. Cyphodcrris monstrosa Uhler has already been recorded from Colorado, its southeastern limit, by Mr. Hebard in his recent revision of the genus (Tran. Amer. Ent. Soc. LIX : 363-375, 1934). In addition to the specimen there recorded, two other males were collected at the same time and place. All were located, while stridulating, at about 9 P. M., August 17, 1932. They were in pine forest in the mountains of the Park Range, west of Crowley, Colorado, and at an elevation of about 8,800 feet above sea-level. On September 8, 1932, I collected in the sand hills near Rog- gen, Colorado, a female of a species of Ercmiacris. Mr. Rehn, who examined the specimen, suggested an attempt to get addi- tional ones. Consequently, a trip to the same area was made on September 9, 1933, and an intensive search of several hours, chiefly in grasses of several species of Andropogon, yielded twenty-two specimens, — nine males and thirteen females. Sev- eral specimens were sent to Messrs. Rehn and Hebard, who determined them as Ercmiacris pallida (Bruner), a species rather widely distributed west of the southern Rockv Moun- tains but not previously found so far to the northeast. The Rog- gen specimens, however, are shorter than the dimensions given by Rehn and Hebard in their 1909 key (Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. LXI : 133-134) to Paropomala Scudder (Ercmiacris Hebard, in part). The species cannot be confused with Ercmi- acris virgata (Scudder), which has been taken in southeastern Colorado. — GORDON ALEXANDER, Department of Biology, Uni- versity of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado. List of the Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to by Numbers in Entomological Literature in Entomological News. 1. Transactions of The American Entomological Society. Philadelphia. 2. Entomologische Blatter, red. v. H. Eckstein etc. Berlin. 3. Annals of the Carnegie Museum. Pittsburgh, Pa. 4. Canadian Entomologist. London, Canada. 5. Pysche, A Journal of Entomology. Boston, Mass. 6. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. New York. 7. Annals of the Entomological Society of America.. Columbus, Ohio. 8. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine. London. 9. The Entomologist. London. 10. Proceedings of the Ent. Soc. of Washington. Washington, D. C. 11. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin. 12. Journal of Economic Entomology, Geneva, N. Y. 13. Journal of Entomology and Zoology. Claremont, Cal. 14. Entomologische Zeitschrift. Frankfurt a. M.. Germany. 15. Natural History, American Museum of Natural History. New York. 16. American Journal of Science. New Haven, Conn. 17. Entomologische Rundschau. Stuttgar', Germany. 18. Internationale entomologische Zeitschrift. Guben. Germany. 19. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. Brooklyn, N. Y. 20. Societas entomologica. Stuttgart, Germany. 21. The Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation. London. 22. Bulletin of Entomological Research. London. 23. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia generale e agraria della R. Scuola superiore d'Agricultura in Portici. Italy. 24. Annales de la societe entomologique de France. Paris. 25. Bulletin dc la societe entomologique de France. Paris. 26. Entomologischer Anzeiger. her.=g. ^dolf Hoffmann. Wien. Austria. 27. Bolletino della Societa Entomolorica. Genova. Ttalv. 28. Ent. Tidskrift utgifen af Ent. Foreninf^n i Stockholm. Sweden. 29. Annual Report of the Ent. Society of Ontario. Toronto, Canada. 30. The Maine Naturalist. Thornaston, Maine. 31. Nature. London. 32. Bnletim do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janiero. Brazil. 33. Bull, et Annales de la Sociefe entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles 34. Zonlogischer Anzeiger, hrce-. v. E. Kor=chelt. Leipzig. 35. The Annals of Applied Bioloerv. Cnmbridge, England. 36. Transactions of the Entnmolopi<"i1 Sodetv of London. England. 37. Proceedings of the Ha\vn;ian Entomological Snne'y. Honolulu. 38. Bull, of the Southern California Ar,v'rmv of Sciences. Los Angeles. 39 The Florida Entomologist Gainesville. F'a. JO. American Museum Novitntes. New York. 41. Mitteilungen der schweiz. ent. Ge^cllschaft. Schaffhauscn. Switzerland. 42. The Journal of Experimental Zoology Philadelphia. 43. Ohio Journal of Sciences. Columbus. Ohio. 44. Revista chilena de historic m'ur-'l. Valparaiso. Chile 45. Zeitschrift f"ir wissenschpftHchp TnsektTthiolof"'1 Berlin. 46. Zeitschrift fiir Morpholoeie und Okolotrie der Tiere. Berlin. 47. Tournal of Agricultural Research. Washington. D. C. 48. Wiener entomoloHscrip Zn'tung \\'icn. Austria. 49. Entomologische Mitteiluneen. Berl'n 50. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. Washington, f) C 51. Notulae entomologicae, ed. Soc. ent. Helsingfors. Helsingfors, Finland. 52. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, hrsg. v. E. Strand. Berlin. 53. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. London. 54. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee. Paris. 55. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. San Francisco, Cal. 56. "Konowia". Zeit. fur systematische Insektenkunde. Wien, Austria. 57. La Feuille des Naturalistes. Paris. 58. Entomologische Berichten. Nederlandsche cut. Ver. Amsterdam. 59. Encyclopedic entomologique, ed. P. Lechevalier. Paris. 60. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin, Germany. 61. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. 62. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. New York. 63. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift "Iris". Berlin. 64. Zeitschrift des os err. entomologen-Vereines. Wien. 65. Zeitschrift fiir angewandte Entomologie, hrsg. K. Escherich. Berlin. 66 Report of the Proceedings of the Entomological Meeting. Pusa, India. 67. University of California Publications, Entomology. Berkeley, Cal. 68. Science. New York. 69. Comptes rendus hebdoma. des seances de 1'Academie des sciences. Paris. 70. Entomologica Americana, Brooklyn Entomological Society. Brooklyn. 71. Novitates Zoologicae. Tring, England. 72. Revue russe d'Entomologie. Leningrad, USSR. 73. Quarterly Review of Biology. Baltimore, Maryland. 74. Sbornik entomolog. narodniho musea v Praze. Prague, Czechoslavokia. 75. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. 76. The Scientific Monthly. New York. 77. Comptes rendus heb. des seances et memo, de la soc. de biologic. Paris. 78. Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique. Paris. 79. Koleopterologische Rundschau. Wien. 80. Lepidopterologische Rundschau, hrsg. Adolf Hoffmann. Wien. 81. Folia myrmecol. et termitol. hrsg. Anton Krausse. Bernau bei Berlin. 82. Bulletin, Division of the Natural History Survey. Urbana, Illinois. 83. Arkiv for zoologie, K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien i. Stockholm. 84. Ecology. Brooklyn. 85. Genetics. Princeton, New Jersey. 86. Zoologica, New York Zoological Society. New York. 87. Archiv fiir Entwicklungs mechanik der Organ., hrsg. v. Roux. Leipzig. 88. Die Naturwissenschaf ten, hrsg. A. Berliner. Berlin. 89. Zoologische Jahrbiicher, hrsg. v. Spengel. Jena, Germany. 90. The American Naturalist. Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. 91. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Washington, D. C. 92. Biological Bulletin. Wood's Hole, Massachusetts. 93. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. England. 94. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoolosrie. Leipzig. 95. Proceedings of the Biological Soc. of Washington, Washington, D. C. 96. La Cellule. Lierre, Belgium. 97. Biologisches Zentralblatt. Leipzig. 98. Le Naturaliste Canadien. Cap Rouge, Chicoutimi, Quebec. 99. Melanges exotico-entomologiques. Par Maurice Pic. Moulins, France. 100. Bulletin Intern., Academic Polonaise des Sci. et des Lett. Cra- covie, Poland. 101. Tijdschrift voor entomologie, Nederlandsche Entomol. Ver., Amsterdam. 102. Entomologiske Meddelelser, Entomologisk Forening, Copenhagen. 103. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, Lawrence, Kansas. 104. Revista de la Sociedad entomologica Argentina, Buenos Aires. 105. Revista Entomologia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 106. Anales Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Buenos Aires. 107. Stylops : a Journal of Taxonomic Entomology, London. 108. Revista. Col. Nac. Vicente Rocafuerte, Guayaquil. 109. Arbeiten uber morphologische und taxonomische entomologie aus Berlin- Dahlem. 110. Arbeiten ueber physiologische und angewandte entomologie aus Berlin- Dahlem. 111. Memorias do Institute Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 31 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY LAURA S. MACKEY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OP E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Papers published vn the Entomological News are nof listed. GENERAL.— Fall, H. C.— A choice of words. [4] 66: 233-234. Felt, E. P. — Classifying- symbols for insects. [6] 42: 373-392. Coding, F. W.— Obituary. By C. E. Olsen. [6] 42 : 443-449. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. — Andre. M.- L'epistome et 1'appareil buccal des Caeculus (Acariens prostigmatiques). [58] 9: 93-96, ill. Ball, E. D— The num- ber of generations of the beet leafhopper under natural con- ditions. [12] 27: 945-959, ill. Bodenheimer, F. S— Ueber die temperaturabhaengigkeiten der insekten. [89] 66: 113- 151, ill. da Costa Lima, A. — Applicaqao de urn a technica de para a montagem da terminalia dos mosquitos. [105] 4: 499-501, ill. Eckert, J. E. — A gynandromorph honeybee. [12] 27: 1079-1082. ill. Hambleton, J. I.— Bee behavior. [76] 1934: 544-546, ill. Hasebrock, K.— Industrie-und grosstadt als ursache des neuzeitlichen vererbbaren mel- anism us des schmetterlinge in England und Deutschland. [Forsch. u. Forsch. Berlin] 10: 307-398, ill. Herms & Ellsworth. — Field tests of the efficacy of colored light in trapping insect pests. [12] 27: 1055-1067. ill. Herriot, A. D. — The renewal and replacement of the stylets of sucking insects during each stadium and the method of penetra- tion. [Can. Jour. Res.] 11 : 602-612, ill. Holdaway & Mul- hearn. — Sheep sweat a factor in blowfly attack of sheep. [31] 134: 813-814. Hoskins & Craig.— The olfactory re- sponses of flies in a new type of insect olfactometer. [12] 32 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 27: 1029-1036, ill. Lebedev, A. G.— Ueber den gesetzmas- sigen zusammenhang zwischen bienen und pflanzen. [56] 13: 160-170. Mayer, K. — Beitrag zur sinnesphysiologie der schlupfwespe Nemeritis canescens (Ichneumonidae). [110] 1: 245-248. Moore, W. G.— The production of sterility in Drosophila melanogaster by x-ray treatment. [90] 68: SOS- SIS. Norris, M. j. — Contributions towards the study of insect fertility. Adult nutrition, fecundity and longevity in the genus Ephestia. |93] 1934: 333-360. Pictet, A.— In- stincts et survivance. [Lambillionea] 1934: 209-219. Sen, S. K. — The sucking apparatus of ticks. [31] 134: 664. Stickney, F. S. — The external anatomy of the parlatoria date scale, Parlatoria blanchardi, with studies of the head skeleton and associated parts. [U. S. D. A. Tech. Bui.] 421 : 66pp., ill. Tirelli, M. — Spostamento del pigmento nelle cellule della sierosa durante lo sviluppo embrionale nel Bombyx mori. [Bol. Z. Union Zol. Ital.] 5: 163-172, ill. Vansell, G. H. — Relation between the nectar concentration in fruit blossoms and the visits of honeybees. [12] 27: 943- 945. Warren, E. — On the male genital system and sperma- tozoa of certain millipedes. [An. Natal. Mus.] 7: 351-402, ill. Zacwilichowski, J.- — Ueber die innervierung und die sinnesorgane der flugel von schabe Phyllodromie german- ica. [Bui Acad. Polonaise Sci. et. Let.] 1034, B. 2: 89- 104, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Davis, N. W.- A revision of the gen. Leiobunum (Opiliones) of the U. S. [Am. Midi. Nat.] 15: 662-705, ill. (*). Exline & Hatch.- Note on the food of the black widow spider. [6] 42 : 449- 450. Mello-Leitao. — Pequenas notas arachnologicas. Notas sobre os opilioes do Brasil. Ensaio sobre as Myrmarach- ninas do Brasil. [Bol. Mus. Nac. R. de Jan.] 8: 67-75; 9 (1): 99-114; 9 (2): 39-101, ill. (*). Schroeder, C. R.- The snake mite (Ophiomyssus serpentium). [12] 27: 1004- 1014, ill. Verhoeff, K. W. — Beitrage zur systematik und geographic der Chilopoden. [89] 66: 1-112, ill. Werner, F. — Scorpiones, Pedipalpi. Bronns Klass. Ordnung. Tier- reichs. V, (4) pp. 161-316, ill. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Cowley, J. -The types of some genera of Odonata. [9] 67: 249-253. Friederichs, K. — Das gemeinschaftsleben der Embiiden und naheres zur kenntnis der arten. [52] 3: 405-444, ill. Py- craft, W. P.— Feather eaters [ Mallonhaga] . [Til. London News] 95: 806, ill. Tinkham, E. R.— The dragonfly fauna xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS of Presidio and Jeff Davis Counties of the Big Bend region of Trans-Pecos, Texas. [4] 66: 213-218. ORTHOPTERA.— Hebard, M.— The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Illinois. [Bull. 111. Nat. Hist. Surv.] 20: 125- 279, ill. (*). HEMIPTERA.— Brown, W. F.— The genus Chlorotettix in America, north of Mexico. [Univ. Kans. Sc. Bui] 21 : 235-256, ill. (*). de Carlo, J. A.— Familia Belostomidae. Descriciones de especies nuevas proceclentes del Brasil. [Bol. Mus. Nac. R. cl. Jan.] 9 (1): 93-98, ill. Cummings, C. — The giant water bugs. (Belostomatidae). [Univ. Kans. Sc. Bull.] 21: 197-220, ill. (*). Dow, R.— The periodical cicada on Martha's Vineyard. [Bull. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.] 1934: 3-5, ill. Drake & Bondar.— Concerning Bra- zilian Tingitidae. [Bol. Mus. Nac. R. cl. Jan.] 8: 87-96, ill. (*). Drake & Hambleton.— Brazilian Tingitidae. [105] 4: 435-451. (*). Hungerford, H. B. — The genus Notonecta of the World. [Univ. Kans. Sci. Bui.] 21 : 5-196, ill. John- ston, H. G. — Lygus lucorum re-discovered in North Amer- ica (Miridae). [4] 61: 231-232, ill. Shaw, J. G.— A study of the Genus Brachymetra (Gerridae). [Univ. Kans. Sc. Bui.] 21: 221-234, ill. (*). LEPIDOPTERA.— d'Almeida, R.— Stiulien ueber die g.'ittung Terias. [14] 48: 115-118, ill. (S*). Bell, E. L- Studies in the Pyrrhopyginae. [6] 42: 393-440, ill. Crumb, S. E. — A classification of some noctuid larvae of the sub- family Hypeninae. [70] 14: 133-196, ill. Fernandez, A.- Nuevas formas de lepidopteros exoticos (S). [Bol. Soc. Espana. H. N.] 32: 453-454, ill. May, E. — Prepona mean- der castorina. [Bol. Mus. Nac. R. de Jan.] 8: 64-65. (S*). Wille, J. — Der "Perforador de la bellota", Mescinia peru- ella, ein wichtiger schadling der baumwolle in Peru. (Py- ralidae). [105] 4: 455-485, ill. (*). DIPTERA.— da Costa Lima, A.— Chave para a deter- minaqao dos Flebotomos americanos. [105] 4: 427-429. da Costa Lima, A. — Moscas de frutas so gen. Anastrepha. [Mem. Ins. O. Cruz] 28: 487-576, ill. (S*). Curran, H. C. -New American Asilidae, III. [40] 752: 18pp. Reinhard, H. J. — Revision of the American two-winged flies belong- ing to the genus Cuphocera. [50] 83: 45-70. (*). Scott, H. -The puparium of Nycteribia (Listropodia) pedicularia with general remarks on this stage in Nycteribiidae. [8] 70: 255-259, ill. Shaw, F. R.— A new species of Sciara. [4] 66: 233, ill. Townsend, C. H. T.— Mosquitoes of the Rio Tapajos. [105] 4: 486-499. 34 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '35 COLEOPTERA. — Bernhauer, M. — Neue Staphyliniden aus Argentinien. [105] 4: 501-517. Blaisdell, F. E.— Rare North American Coleoptera. [1] 60: 317-326, ill. (*). Borg- meier, T. — Uma nova tribu da subfamilia Aleocharinae (Staph.). [105] 4: 451-455. Hinton, H. E.— Notes on Aphodius in the cadaverinus group with a description of a new species. (Scarabaeidae). [4] 66: 218-220. (cont.). Maydell, G. G. — New species of North American Meloidae. [1] 60: 327-336. Nagel, P. — Zur systematik mid biologic von Sclerostomus ruficollis, nebst beschreibung der larve. (Lucanidae). [105] 4: 429-435, ill. HYMENOPTERA.— Compere & Flanders.— An.irhopus sydneyensis, an encyrtid parasite of Pseudococcus longi- spinus recently introduced into California from Australia. [12] 27: 966-973, ill. Molitor, A.— Beitrage zur oekologie und ethologie der Hymenopteren. ( Bol. Lab. di Ent. R. 1st. Sup. Agr. Bologna] 6: 151-163. OBITUARY The daily press announced the death of DR. THEOBALD SMITH, on December 10, 1934, at New York. While he was in charge of investigation of infectious animal diseases in the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture (1884-95), he and Kilborne showed that Texas fever was spread from infested to healthy cattle by the tick, Maryaropns (or Boophilns) aiunthitits, said to be the first demonstration that arthropods transmit pathogenic organisms. He was born at Albany, New York, July 31, 1859, received the degree of Ph. B. from Cornell in 1881, and of M. D. from Albany Medical College, Union University, in 1883. While connected with the U. S. Department of Agriculture, he was also pro- fessor of bacteriology at George Washington University. From 1896 to 1915, he was professor of comparative pathology at Harvard University, and from 1916 to 1929, director of the department of animal pathology of the Rockefeller Institute at Princeton, New Jersey. He was the recipient of many honorary degrees from universities in the United States and Europe, and member or fellow of such bodies as the Royal Society of London, and the Academies of Science of Paris, Denmark and the United States. The number of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for December, 1934, was mailed at the Philadelphia Post Office on December 20, 1934. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary thoae at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Exchange — Pachysphinx modesta. Progeny of modesta imperator (female) and normal male to exchange for Erinnys or other southern Sphingids. Heodes dorcas and others offered for Florida Theclas or Hesperiidae. Perfect specimens only. H. M. Bower, 1302 Davis Street, Evanston, Illinois. Exchange — Will collect insects of Connecticut this season and desire to get in touch with collectors desiring this material, either in exchange or for cash. Harry L. Johnson, So. Meriden, Conn. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Literature Wanted — Barnes & AfcDunnough's "Contributions," Henry Edward's "Pacific Coast Lepidoptera" and other publications relative to North American Lepidoptera. C. F. dos Passos, Mend- ham, New Jersey. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for my subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for one year, beginning with issue for - Name Address Post Office The subscription price per 'year of ten (10) numbers : United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, 3.15 Foreign, 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 RACK STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 989. — Blaisdell (F. E.). — Studies in the genus Auchmobius. Tenebrionidae. (Trans., 60, 223-264, 3 pis., 1934) .80 DIPTERA 987. — Huckett (H. C.). — A revision of the North American species belonging to the genus Coenosia (Muscidae). II. The subgenus Limosia. (Trans., 60, 133-198, 6 pis., 1934) 1.25 988. — Cresson (E. T.). — Descriptions of new genera and species of the dipterous family -Ephydridae. XI. (Trans., 60, 199-222, 1934) . . .50 LEPIDOPTERA 990. — Williams & Bell. — Studies in the American Hesperioidea. IV. (Trans., 60, 265-280, 1 pi. 1934) . . .30 ORTHOPTERA 991. — Hebard (N.). — Studies in Orthoptera which occur in N. America, north of the Mexican boundary. IV-V. (Trans., 60, 281-293, 1 pi., 1934) .30 M-8. — Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) 2.50 Herewith find remittance for $ , for which please send me the items checked above. Write your name and address in the space below. UNPARALLELED! UNIQUE! Indiipetuable to CTery College, Entomological Library, Mnttnm and Private Collector The Macrolepidoptera of the World By Dr. A. SEITZ, Professor, in collaboration with well-known specialists from America, England, Germany and France. (English, French and German Editions.) THE ONLY EXISTING WORK WHICH CONTAINS ALL LEPIDOPTERA FROM AMERICA LIFE-LIKE TO NATURE BY MEANS OF MULTI-COLORED CHROMOL1THOGRAPHY, Double Vol. V. — The American Butterflies (complete), 1150 pages of descri- bing text and more than 9000 illustrations on 203 plates in half-calf $96.00 Double Vol. VI. — The American Bombyeides and Sphingides (almost complete) , 1080 pages of text and 161 multi-colored plates unbound $87.00 Double Vol. VII. — The American Noctnidae, 384 pages of text and 42 multi- . colored plates $28.50 (to be completed with about 700 pages and 68 plates) Double Volume VIII. — The American Geometridae, 72 pages of text and 8 multi-colored plates. $8.00 The purchase can also take place by some numbers monthly. Besides there have appeared in the same excellent execution The Palaearctic Fauna, in Double Volumes 1-4 The Indo-Australian Fauna, in Double Volumes 9-12. The African Fauna, in Double Volumes 13-16. IT IS REALLY A PLEASURE TO DETERMINE EVERY BUTTERFLY OR MOTH BY THIS IMPORTANT WORK. SEITZ. WORK is being judged by collectors as follows: "This work is truly a blessing to all those who are interested in Lepidoptera especially in moths of the whole world, as there is no use- ful book of reference in existence. " G New York ZOOLOGICAL OBS: My urgent appeal to every entomologist to purchase this fundamental and absolutely necessary work ought not to be left unheeded ; it is the most copious, best, most beautiful, and nevertheless cheapest manual on Lepidoptera in the world, and will be and remain for many years a most reliable book of reference concerning the most difficult groups. Prospectus with all particulars through ALFRED KKRNEN, Publisher STUTTGART W, SCHLOSS-STRASSE 80, GERMANY. WARD'S INSECT STORAGE EQUIPMENT SCHMITT BOXES.— Ward's makes the only genuine Schmitt Box. Furnished with pinning bottom of patent entomological cork or balsa wood. Price per dozen with Patent Cork $38.00 Price per dozen with Balsa Wood $35.00 THE NEW WARD INSECT BOX.— An inexpensive pest-proof con- tainer. Beveled pest-proofing flange protects insect specimens from damage. Composition pinning bottom will not corrode pins. Price per dozen $22.20 THE WARD ECONOMY BOX.— An all wood box with composition bottom. For student use or storing of series of duplicates. Price per dozen. Lined with white glazed paper. . . . $11.20 Price per dozen. Unlined $10.00 INSECT CABINET DRAWERS.— Ward's can supply either the Cor- nell University or the United States National Museum Type for $4.00 and $5.00 each. UNIT PINNING TRAYS.— Trays for the above cabinet drawers are in stock at all times. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DIURNALS, in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera : 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 60 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND Butterflies and Moths native to southern tip of Florida. Special : bred specimens of Citheronia sep- ulchralis at $5.00 ; Automeris lilith at 50 cents. MBS. LESLEY E. FORSYTH, Florida City, Florida. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1935 NOW PAYABLE Detachable Subscription Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS FEBRUARY, 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 2 JOHN MERTON ALDRIOH; 1866-1934. CONTENTS Rau— Notes on the Nesting Habits of the Red-bellied Bee, Andrena erythrogaster Ash. (Hymen. ; Andrenidae) 35 Isely — Acridian Researches within Northeastern Texas (Orthoptera).. 37 Smyth — An Analysis of the Cicindela purpurea Group (Coleop.: Cicin- delidae) 44 Hinton — New Histeridae from the Nests of Ants of the Genus Atta in Mexico (Coleoptera) 50 Editorial— Entomology at the Convocation Week Meetings, December 27, 1934, to January 2, 1935 55 Rau — The Courtship and Mating of the Wasp, Monobia quadridens (Hymen.: Vespidae) Klots — Ovoviviparity in Colias ? Lepid.: Pieridae) 58 Entomological Literature 59 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917. authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder.Ph.D., Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America . . $3.00 Canada . .... 3.15 Foreign . . 3.25 Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 2 in., $ 2.40, half page, $ 4.00, full page, $ 7.00 Ten issues " 11.00, 20.00, 35.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any -one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted ; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursda> of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without covers over and above the twenty-five given fiee at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents; three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed covers for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLV. FEBRUARY, 1935 No. 2 Notes on the Nesting Habits of the Red-bellied Bee, Andrenae rythrogaster Ash. (Hymen.: Andrenidae). 1'v PHIL RAU, Kirkwood, Missouri. In April of each year for the past six vears. the>e >ohtary Itut trreu'arious bees have been nesting in mv garden. 'I hev diu o o - their l)urro\vs in the hard-packed soil of the foot path as well as in the grassy plots nearby. Their nests are easily found be- cause a conspicuous ant-hill-like mound of fine dirt covers each tunnel. These mounds are as readily seen on the gra»y plots as on the barren foot path. The insects have been given the manuscript name of "Red- bellied bees" because of the large bright red abdomen of tin- female. This is in decided contrast to the small-sized and somber-colored male. Both males and females emerge from the ground within a period of two or three days, and then the mothers use the same nesting site from which they have emerged to do their own nesting. This of course makes this solitary bee a gregarious species, not so much because it is psychologically neighborly, but because it is far easier to nesl where it happens to be born than to seek distant sites. There is an advantage too in keeping close to home in that impregna- tion is more easily accomplished. This is an advantage to in- sects that have short adult lives. The males llv about the nests, often rest in the grass for long periods near a mound and have occasionally been seen to enter a burrow; and often too, they have been glad to make a hasty escape, when put to rout by a busy mother. The duration of adult life of this bee is short: at the most it is only from three to four weeks. Then the adults die oil and are not seen again until the new generation appears next spring. IcK-iitilk-d by 1 >r. (irare Sundliou < 35 36 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '35 I said that the bees make "ant-hill-like" mounds on top of their burrows. These are conical and roughly about one and one-half inch to two inches in diameter with an opening at the side or top. The bees themselves are seldom seen when they are making these mounds. During digging operations the soil is pushed up from below with the abdomen while the bee walks backward towards the top. The suddenness with which these mounds appear makes one suspect that the bee actually uses and enlarges the tunnel in which she has spent the winter as an immature insect. This theory is also strengthened by the fact that one seldom sees the mother bee beginning a new excavation. Of course some bees must occasionally dig new nests or the colony would not have been started in my garden. The adult length of life which is entirely devoted bv the o _/ _. mother to nesting is. as I have said, of about three to four weeks' duration, but coming as it does in April, the month of showers, their activities are much interrupted and curtailed. Sometimes when the rains are prolonged or severe the mortality is great, for often the soil of the mound is washed into the burrows and occasions much labor for the few mothers who are able to extricate themselves and often they are drowned when the rains enter the nests. It is surprising that in the face of short life and much hardship the species is able to maintain itself sufficiently to give forth a colony of offspring- year after year. The following table shows the dates when the bees first ap- peared and the approximate date when the nesting activities terminated. Activities No. of nests No. of mounds Year First seen terminated in colony counted later 1925 April 18 May 10 April 18, 20. 1926 April 19 April 19, 9. April 21, 25 1928 April 4 April 30 April 4, 3. April 8. 50 1930 April 9 May 5 April 1 1, 48. 1931 April 12 April 12, 25. April 15, 110 1932 April 14 May 8 April 14, 6. April 18, 75 Thus we see that the bees made their appearance each year between April 4th and 19th, during a period of six years when the records were kept, and lived for a period of from three to xlvi, '35 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS four weeks; that the number of nests reached a total of from twenty in 1925 the first year of observation to the maximum of one hundred ten in 1931. Since the bees have little difficulty in getting food for them- selves or offspring, and since no enemies in the way of para- sites were seen about the nests, the fluctuation in population numbers must be wholly due to the weather conditions at tin- time of nesting. The biggest factor influencing population is the amount of rainfall in April. For the benefit of future compilers of the relation of insects to rain, T here append the following from my note book on the havoc played by tlm element. There was much rain from April 8th to 14th. 1928. and all activity about the nests had stopped; in fact the mounds above the burrows had been beaten flat and entirely covered the open- ings; four days after the rain ceased (April 18th) only three mothers (out of fifty) were able to extricate thmselves and were again at work. Heavy rains again occurred on April 20. 21, and 22, and these three nests were covered solid with mud, and out of these three nests one mother survived and was able to continue her nesting work on April 23rd. Cool days are also a hindrance to nest building. 'I he-re are often several cool dreary days in April and then Andrcuac re- ma:n comfortably indoors, but thev are ambitious in propitious weather and often at 6 a. m. the mothers can be seen pushing no the soil in their burrows ; thev, however, do not become active among the flowers (gathering pollen) until the sun becomes warm, which, in April, is usually about '•> a. m. Acridian Researches within Northeastern Texas (Orthoptera). By F. B. TSELV, Trinity I'niversity. Waxahachie, Texas. I NTKoniVTION. During the past four years, 1^31-34. the writer ha» been carrying on field and experimental studie^ concerning tin- ccol- o(/\ of ortlioptcroits insects. Y ear-around field study trip^ one hundred twentv-four to date in northeaMern Texas have 38 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '35 been made, attempting as far as possible, through critical field observations, collecting and records, to check every phase of orthopteran activity. The present paper is a condensed summary of certain parts of my field data pertaining chiefly to the adult populations, seasonal range, and local distribution of the Acrididae (short- horned grasshoppers) studied. Students acquainted with soil maps,1 floral and faunal maps of northeastern Texas, know that the area here considered may, in a general way, be subdivided into four main soil divisions and consequently four chief floral and faunal divisions : ( 1 ) the east Texas timber country including the east cross timbers, (2) the blackland prairies, (3) the grand prairies, (4) the west cross timbers. "~& NORTH EASTERN SANomoN TEXAS ^>? ^"L . STUOY STATIONS )fl *.(«.„ 1 ----- BOONO««IES 0>- [u .(»«, Joll ARtAS Fig. 1. Map of portion of Northeastern Texas showing number of Study Stations in the various counties and their relation to soil areas. The blackland prairie acridian fauna, as found in Ellis and Dallas counties, has been carefully studied ; the east cross tim- ber acridians have been studied in Denton, Hill, Johnson, and Tarrant counties ; the east Texas timber species have been less xlvi. '35 | KXTOMol.or.K'AL NEWS 39 thoroughly investigated in Anderson, Marion. Smith and Van- Zandt counties; only a partial check has been possihle of the grand prairie short-horned grasshoppers as found in Bosque, western Denton. Hill, Johnson, and Tarrant counties; while only a beginning has been made on the field work of the west cross timbers. However, enough data have been brought together for signi- ficant comparisons of the acridians of these several areas, together twenty northeastern Texas counties have contributed to the total of the species studied, but it is well to note that the center from which the field work has radiated has been Ellis county. With a few exceptions, all of the data herein pre- sented are based on my personal field investigations. Historically speaking this area is of considerable interest to entomologists. Dallas County was the center of the entomol- ogical studies of Jacob Boll - for the period of twelve years (1869-81), while Gustaf W. Belfrage,8 who prodigiously col- lected Texas insects for fifteen years ( 1867-82), worked espe- cially in Bosque county. While neither of these "pioneer natu- ralists" published the results of their collecting, it is well known that both were all around entomologists. A number of type species of Orthoptera described by Scudder, Saussure. Stal and others were based on specimens and species first collected and studied by Boll or Belfrage, while many of the large museums and collections, both in Europe and America, have extensive series of orthopteran species sent in by them from Texas. Dr. S. W. Geiser has pointed out, however, that as far as specific localities are concerned. Boll's Dallas and Belfrage's Basque County, as credited and cited by entomological writers, are not always specific for these localities, as both made col- lecting forays into the "Piney Woods" of east Texas and other excursions west and southwest (San Antonio) from their home' 'Carter, W. T.. The Soils of Texas. Bull. 431, Tex. Agri. Exp. Sta. (1931). -Geiser, S. YV.. Tin- American Midland Naturalist, XI, pp. (1929) 3 Geiser, S. W., Southwest Review, XIV, pp. 381-98. (1929^. and ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, XLIY. pp. 127-132. (1933). 40 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '35 •f stations respectively. Acridian literature abounds with scat- tered references from Texas, chiefly due to the work of Boll and Belfrage. Unfortunately most of these fragmentary refer- ences are more or less inaccessable to the average worker. Re- cent papers by Hebard,4 to 7 Morse,14 Rehn," Little 10 and Isely11 are helpful and suggestive, but do not apply directly to northeastern Texas. The writer is deeply indebted to Mr. Morgan Hebard, Re- search Associate of the Department of Entomology of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, for helpful sug- gestions and difficult determinations. On most of my study trips from one to three assistant col- lectors have aided me in making more complete records than would otherwise have been possible. This generous assistance was given the writer by members of his immediate family. Trinity University students and friends. My wife, Mary N. Isely, not only assisted in field work but has aided me as preparator of materials for study. In the case of a few species specific acknowledgment is given elsewhere in this paper for records obtained by other workers. DATA CONCERNING SPECIES. Some of the salient facts that have been gathered through one hundred and twenty-four year-around study trips and the rechecking of notes concerning 6287 individual specimens from my field records, representing eighty-seven species, are sum- marized below. ' Hebard, Morgan, Orthoptera of Kansas, Proc. Acad. of Nat. Sc. of Philadelphia, pp. 119-227, (1931). •"' Hebard, Morgan, The Dermaptera and Orthoptera of Illinois, Div. Ent. Nat. Hist. Surv., Bull., XX, pp. 125-269, (1934). " Hebard, Morgan, Dermaptera and Orthoptera in the Kansas State College Collection, Jour. Kansas Ent. Soc., VII, pp. 25-36, (1934). 7 Hebard. Morgan, Notes on Orthoptera from Northwestern Minne- sota, EXT. NEWS, XLV, pp. 103-106, (1934). M Morse, A. P., Further Researches of North American Acrididae, Pub. No. 68, Carnegie Inst. of Washington, (1907). '•' Rehn, J. A. G., A Study of the Orthopterous Genus Mermiria Stal. Proc. Acad. of Nat. Sc. of Philadelphia, 1919, pp. 55-120, (1919). '" Little, V. A , Notes of the Acrididae of Brazos County, Texas, ENT NEWS. XXXVII, pp. 316-19, (1926). 11 Isely, F. B., Field Notes on Texas Orthoptera, ENT. NEWS XLV pp. 5-8, (1934). xlvi, '35 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 41 In stating the relative numbers of individuals, I am employ- ing terms much used by field biologists in census and popu- lation studies; in an ascending order the series here used is as follows: rare, infrequent, occasional, frequent, common, abun- dant, very abundant, swarming. These should serve to give other interested workers comparative information at least as far as they apply to the present study. Seasonal range is indicated either in Roman notation I-X1I. (January to December) or by naming the months. For the most -part the active peak period of the annual cycle of a species is emphasized but in many cases the entire known seasonal range is given. In the case of the more populous and char- acteristic species "peak seasonal records," as shown by my held data, are given. Local regional distribution is indicated by naming the counties where species have actually been taken as checked by my own field records. To a limited extent general faunal areas are indicated and in the case of a number of well-known ubiqui- tous species the listing of counties has been omitted. LIST OF SPECIES STUDIED. ACRYDIINAE. XOMOTETTIX CRISTATUS DENTicuLATUs Morse. Bisbee, Tar- ran County, III, 31, '33, 29 ; Carter Lake, Marion Co., 111. 31, '34, 4$ , 1 ?. I'AKATETTIX CUCULLATUS CUCULLATUS (Burm.). Common to abundant in favorable habitats — stream, pond, and lake mar- gins— throughout the year. 107 specimens checked from Ellis. Anderson, Dallas, Harrison, Marion, Smith, Henderson, Soni- mervell, Tarrant, and Van Zandt Counties. TETTIGIDEA LATERALIS LATERALIS (Say). Common, I-X 1 1 . Kllis, Anderson, Harrison, Hill, Smith. Tarrant, and Van Zandt Counties. T. ACUTA Morse.8 Klkhart. IX. 1. '33. 1 9 : Carter Lake, IV, 1 . '34, 24,2$. ACRIDINAE. TRYXALIS BREVICORXIS (Johann). Edom, Van Zandt d>untv. VIII, 1, '33. 1 $ ; Tyler. Smith Co., VIII. 2. '33, 7 $,3 juv. 9 Elkhart, Anderson County. IN. 1. '33. 13 6 , 59 : C. <>. olrcaccac, 26, 59." Taken in Kllis, Anderson, Bosque, Dallas, Denton ( Dr. I!. B. Harris), Henderson, Hill, Johnson, Freestone, Kaufman, I'alo I 'into, I'arker, Tarrant and Van Zandt Coun- ties. S. FUSCOVITTATA ( Thos. ) . This species has been rare with the exception of one station, Camp Wisdom, Dallas County, IX. 18, '31. 15 $ , 159 ; also taken in Ellis. Bosque and Parker ( 'ounties. ( >i-KiA OBSCCRA (Thos.). An occasional to frequent mid- summer and fall species among short mesquite grasses; KliK. Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker and Tarrant Counties. AMPHITORNUS COLORADUS (Thos.). Only 8 <5 , 1/9 . 1 juv.. and these chiefly from the grand prairie stations; VI-YIII : Kllis, Dallas. Palo Pinto, Parker, Tarrant and Wise Counties. AMBLYTROPIDA OCCIOEXTALIS (Sauss.). A late fall and win- ter species. Locally occasional to common in east cross tim- ber and east timber open woods; X-V ; Anderson, Harrison. Johnson, Marion and Tarrant Counties; peak collection at Mansfield, Tarrant County, IV, 21. '34. 6 £ , 149. KKITKTTIX SIMPLEX (Sc. ). This comparatively infrequent species proved to be common in an old pasture with a heavy growth of dead prairie grass ( . linlropogou sp. ), White Rock Lake area. Dallas County. Field notes: "Four collectors work- nig over an hour secured TV. 28, '34, 18 $ , 34 9 ." Infrequent juveniles have been taken in March, June and Xovember; Kllis. Dallas and Tarrant Counties. PHLIBOSTRO.MA QUADRIMACULATUM. (Thos.). Infrequent to occasional at grand prairie stations; VI-VIII ; Kllis, Johnson. I'alo Pinto, I'arker and Tarrant ('ounties. ORPHULELLA PKLIDXA (Ihirm.). Locally common in open, sandy, oak woods; YI-1X: Anderson, Dallas, FreeMonc. John- son. Kaufman, Tarrant and Van Zandt Counties. ORPHULELLA SPECIOSA (Sc.). An abundant late summer and fall acridian found especially in short bermuda grass pas- tures. Taken at prairir.s as well as at east cross timber and easl timber stations; V-XI1: Kllis. Dallas, Freestone. Navarro. Smith, Tarrant and Y;m Zandt Counties. (To be mnlinued.) 44 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Feb., '35 An Analysis of the Cicindela purpurea Group (Coleop.: Cicindelidae). By E. GRAVVVOOD SMYTH. Entomologist, W. R. Grace & Co. Sugar Estates, Trujillo, Peru. (Continued from page 19.) (10) C. transrersa Leng. Mr. Leng lists this as a variety of splendida, while Dr. Horn considers it a "minor form" (what- ever that may be in American terminology) of splendida. Ni- colay and Weiss place it. correctly, among the varieties of Ihnbalis. All of this confusion arises, plainly, from the mis- taken attitude in considering splendida as a valid species, when in fact it is a geographic race of liinbalis, the varieties trans- I'crsa and cyanocephala connecting the two, the one in color, the other in maculation. This statement should not he taken as contradictory to the writer's recent quotation (8, p. 202) from an earlier writing, where he spoke of the interbreeding of this variety with splendida as "thus establishing splendida as a variety of transrcrsa, and so of purpurea." At the time that was written, in 1907, liinbalis and its varieties were considered as all belonging to the species purpurea. (11) C. cyanocephala Varas. ( - - C. ainocna Eec. of Leng). Here again we have complete confusion, from the same cause mentioned above (i.e., considering splendida as a species). Leng correctly considers this a variety of liinbalis; Horn, a "larger race" of purpurea; and the authors of the Synopsis, a variety of splendida. (12) C. splendida Hentz. Leng in his catalogue, and Xi- colay and Weiss in their Synopsis, consider this a valid species. Western collectors who know its phytogeny and habitat can- not figure this out. Horn places it as a "larger race" of pur- purea, on the mistaken assumption, it would appear, that lini- balis and purpurea are one species. The writer cannot consider splendida as other than a variety (geographic race) of liinbalis. and has no fear that Cicindelists of the Middle West will not uphold him in this view. xlvi. '35 | K\TOMOI.O<;iCAL XKVVS 45 (13) C. ludomciana Leng. Leng, Horn, and Xicolay and \\'eiss, all agree in calling this a variety (or "lesser form"- Horn) of splendid a. In the writer's eyes it is a local variety, or race, of linibalis. (14) C. dcni'crcnsis Casey. All place this as a variety, or form, of splcndida ; which makes it of course, a variety of liin- halis. Distance of separation from the stem species has no hearing on the situation, so long as there are connecting links. And there are (in splcndida and transversa). (15) C. phtttctisis Smyth (- • C. coiiquisita Casey fide Xi- colay). All authorities place coiiquisita as a synonym of dcn- vcrcnsis, preferring not to consider as a distinctive character the differences of maculation. This essentially ignores Casey's description of the maculation of dcnvcrensis. And in the Xi- colay and Weiss "key" to the group, this variety would run down to puyetana or dcccnuwtata, with neither of which it hears any close relationship. If, in proposing the name plat- tensis (8, p. 202), the writer has without intention made a synonym, as Mr. Nicolay asserts (4, p. 154), it has at least accomplished the result desired, namely, the recognition by name of a western, fully maculate, all-green (or blue and green) geographic race of linibalis paralleling the maculation of linibalis and cyanocepliala. Such specimens have heretofore rested in all collections without name, or improperly under dcnz'crcnsis. Since Colonel Casey, as pointed out by Dr. Horn (2, p. 74), had the custom of describing "localities" and "indi- viduals," and in many cases sports and Mendelian forms, with- out immediate access to his types for purposes of comparison it was not possible to assign a name to this variety in other manner. (16) C. propinqua Knaus. Horn wrongly interpreted this as a variety of tranqucbarica Herb., but Leng and Mutchler in their Supplement to the Leng Catalogue of Caleoptera, 1(L'/, assign it a number as a variety of splcndida. Xicolay and "Weiss so consider it also. This makes of it. logically, a geo- graphic race of I'nnbalis. 46 ENTO.MOLOCICAL XKWS | Feb., '35 (17) C. dcccmnotata Say. Mr. Leng gives this. quite cor- rectly, specific standing, as do also Xicolay and Weiss. Doctor Horn considers it a "larger race" of pnrpnrca, on a par with lauta, splendida, cyanocephala, etc. He makes no discrimina- tion in the comparative values or inter-relationships of these. (18) C. put/ctana Casey. Considered by Leng a variety of purpnrca, and by Horn a "larger race" of purpitrea. Xicolay and \Yeiss differ with both, placing it as a variety of splendida. to which, in onr opinion, it bears no close relationship. This and the preceding species may be readily distinguished from all varieties of purpurca and liinhalis by the more polished sur- face texture, and by other anatomical differences. To summarize: of the above 18 species and varieties, the authors of the Synopsis agree with our two outstanding au- thorities, Charles W. Leng and Walther Horn, in only four cases (purpurca, ludoriciana, dcm'crcnsis, conquisita ) ; agree with only one of them (Leng) in eight cases (aiidnboni, nif/cr- riina, cimarrona, liinbalis, sprcta. splendida, propinqua, dcccni- notata) ; and disagree with both of them in six cases ( auguralis, lauta, inirabilis, trausi'crsa, cyanocephala, putjctana}. Plainly, where the two older authorities are not themselves in agree- ment, the authors of the Synopsis could not well agree with both of them. I'ut it is conspicuous that thev disagree with both oftener than they agree with both. This, naturally, does not convince us that there is very little that they have changed. Before closing, the writer would call attention to a few dis- crepancies in Mr. Xicolav's "answer" to his criticisms of the Synopsis. 1. The writer made no comparison of the purpurca group with the Megacephalini, as stated by Nicolay (4, p. 128), but characterized it as "the most difficult group in the genus Cicin- dela" (8, p. 197). He has not changed in that opinion. 2. Neither did he take issue with the authors of the Synopsis in their use of color and maculation in a key to separate vari- eties, for he knows as well as they that "it cannot be done" on the basis of structure, unless perhaps by the genitalia. What xlvi, '35] K. \TOMOLOGICAL NEWS 47 he objected to, and so stated clearly. \vas the exclusive use of color and maculation in a key to determine "species" ( vi/... splendida; ciwarrona), and to the hopeless mixing up <>f tin- species and varieties in a key. using color as sole criterion, in- stead of arranging them according to their genetic relationships, which would vastly simplify the matter. 3. He made no objection to their "recognizing only species and varieties;" he would certainly do the same. What he took exception to was the "elevating subspecies to specific rank," because, the term subspecies the authors use themselves as equivalent to Doctor Horn's term "larger races." and there can be no doubt that these races, by American usage, are varieties (in all cases except liinhulis and decemnotata) . 4. "When the writer slated that "those acquainted with the fini'fiiirct.1 group have decided vears ago that cimarrona is not entitled to specific standing" he referred very naturally to those who have collected and know intimately the habits of the western varieties, or who have first hand information from others who had collected them. He needs make no apology to Mr. Leng on this score. How can one who knows only museum specimens pass fair judgment on the inter-relationship of vari- eties? To use Mr. Xicolay's expression: "It cannot be done." 5. The writer, in quoting Doctor Lantz (8, p. 200) on the varieties of pnrpurcu. did so to bring out only one point : that Lantz, who had also collected cimarrona, considered it a vark-tv of piu'pnrca. The writer made no mention of, and places no importance whatever upon, the size, shape, or degree of in- clination of the median band in Cicindela, except, in rare cases, in so far as those features are relatively constant (as in dcccin- notata Say and eureka Fall). So this is not "one of the few things that we agree on" (4, p. 131 ). In cimarrona and auguralis the length and inclination of the median band is any- thing but constant; and Xicolay himself states that (4. p. 1 3< > i in the paratvpe specimens of auguralis the median band is "slightly more oblique than in typical liinbalis." One who has not material at hand might consult Shel ford ( (>. pi. 25. figs. a to d) for some idea of the variability in the markings ot 48 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '35 cimarrona and augural is (which Shelford miscalled spreta). Shelford plainly marks these "level ground inhabitants," which proves that they are not varieties of liuibalis, but rather, of purpurea. 6. Mr. Nicolay speaks of "this so-called species scdalia," which is very carelessly (if not intentionally) misquoting (4. p. 130). The writer distinctly named it as a variety of liuibalis (8, p. 200), and mentioned no "connection between this form and cimarrona." Nor is there indeed any connection, except that both occur in Colorado and both belong to the purpurea group, their habits being entirely different. Nor is it significant that Doctor Horn has not assigned a name to the variety. If Mr. Nicolay can fit "specimens from Colorado in the Horn collection . . . nicely in either liuibalis, splcndida or variety cyanocephala, and cimarrona," he may consider it clever. But who said that any such specimens were scdalia? The variety scdalia is at once distinguishable from all other varieties of liuibalis by broad markings, dilated marginally and often con- fluent on the margin as in latcsif/nata Lee. (no other variety of liuibalis develops a marginal band), by usually entire humeral and apical lunules that are quite persistent and seldom broken into dots (other varieties of liuibalis seldom if ever develop entire humeral lunule, and never in a whole series of speci- mens), and color, usually red, suggestive of the more eastern forms, that does not occur at lower altitudes on the adjoining plains, except as a rare mutation. That transition forms occur between scdalia and the neighboring named varieties of liuibalis there is abundant evidence ; but as much may be said of any other named variety of liuibalis that has been recognized in our catalogues. Like ludoviciana, scdalia is a very local and some- what sporadic race, but none the less well defined in its diver- gence from other known varieties. 7. One who owns the extensive Casey literature, who has lived some years in Washington and spent hours over the National Collection of beetles in company with our late, kindly and erudite Doctor Schwarz. and who was there when Mr. Buchanan unboxed the Casey types and transferred them to xlvi, '.351 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 49 cabinet, can perhaps afford to pass over a critic's suggest!' n' that he evidently "never looked in a Casey box." 8. Mr. Nicolay has the right to pride himself on his familiar- it}- with certain eastern collections which he enumerates, but should not consider that he monopolizes a knowledge of those collections, for that can be challenged. If he will examine again the Cicindela collection of the American Museum of Xatural History in his own Manhattan, he will find there a nice series of Cicindclu inii'ubilis Casey, properly labeled, all with cupreous head and thorax, from Dutch Flat, Placer County, California ( March) — specimens identical with those that he claims to have discovered, tardily (4, p. 153), in the collection of Mr. Wood. We believe he mistakes also in presuming that tem- porary residence in Peru, "several thousand miles away from collections and literature." predisposes to senility. REFERENCES (1) HORN, WALTHER. 1903. Letters of a Traveling En- tomologist. Published by Warren Knaus, Press of Dem- ocrat-Opinion, McPherson. Kans.. pp. 44. (2) ID. 1930. Xotes on the races of Omus californicus and a list of the Cicindelidae of America North of Mexico. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., Phila., LVI, pp. 73-86. (3) LENG, CHARLES W. 1920. Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America North of Mexico. John D. Sherman, Jr.. Publ. Mount Vernon. N. Y., pp" 470. (4) NICOLAY, ALAN S. 1934. An answer to E. Graywood Smyth on "Synopsis of Cicindelidae." ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, Phila.'. XLY, 6, pp. 127-131, and 7. pp. 153-155. ( 5) XICOLAV. ALAN S., and WEISS, HARRY B. 1932. Synop- sis of the Cicindelidae. General introduction, bibliog- raphy :md Purpurea Group. Jour. X. Y. Ent. Soc.. N. S'.. XL, 3, pp. 341-355. (6) SHELFORD, VICTOR E. 1917. Color and color-pattern mechanism of Tiger Beetles. Illinois Biological Mono- graphs (Univ. of 111.. Publ.). I'l-bana. NT. 4, pp. 134, 32 pis. (7) SMYTH, E. (',. 1905. Notes on collecting Cicindelidae. Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci., Topeka, NIX, pp. 425-432. (8) In. 1933. ( )n the Nicolay and Weiss synopsis of the Cicindelidae. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, Phila.. XEIY, S, pp. 197-204. 50 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '35 New Histeridae from the Nests of Ants of the Genus Atta in Mexico (Coleoptera). By HOWARD E. HINTON, Cambridge, England. While determining a collection of Histeridae taken from the nests of Atta se.i'dcus L. and A. fcrz'cus Say by the writer and others in Mexico at various times during the past few years, four new species have come to light. The Histerids described below were not taken in the actual nests of the leaf-cutting ants. but they were taken in accumulations of waste material which are deposited by the ants near the openings of the nests. Through the kindness of Dr. W. M. Mann, the Atta from the District of Temascaltepec was determined as A. se.rdcns L. The writer determined the Atta from Cuernavaca as A. fcrrrus Say. Saprinus pusio, new species. Broadly oval, rather convex, black with a slight aeneous lustre, shining; antennae, mouth-parts and legs rufo-piceous. Head without impressed lines, finely, transversely strigose anteriorly, extremely finely, sparsely punctate basally. Prothorax twice as wide as long, apical margin very finely but densely ciliate, apical and lateral marginal lines fine ; sides arcuate, converging moderately to apex; base evenly arcuate ; surface finely, evenly, moderately sparsely punctate, extreme base with moderately coarse, closely placed punctures. Elytra twice as long as prothorax, base nearly impunctate, posteriorly finely punctate, punctures becoming gradually denser apically and being moderately dense in apical one-third, extreme apex impunctate ; striae somewhat feebly, crenately punctate and extending only to about basal one-tenth and slightly unequally to apical one-third, two joined in a broad arch to sutural which gradually converges nearly to suture near apex ; humeral at base scarcely visible, short, diagonal, more longitudinal and distinctly impressed for a short distance in apical one-half ; scutellum minute, triangular. Propygidium nearly impunctate basally, moderately finely and densely punc- tate apically ; pygidium moderately finely, densely punctate, with the punctures becoming finer and sparser on disk. Prosternal striae sinuately diverging anteriorly to end in a deep pit before which the}- are contingent with carinae above antennal cavities ; mesosternnin broadly, feebly emarginate in front, moderately densely, coarsely punctate, marginal line xlvi, '35] KNTOMOl.OCK'AL NEWS feebly, broadly sinuate ; metasternum coarsely, sparsely punc- tate. Length, 1.6 mm.; breadth, 1 mm. Y'y/v: Deposited in the collection of the writer. Collected at Tejupilco, District of Temascaltepec, MEXICO, alt. 3960 ft., in July, 1933 (H. E. Hinton, R. L. Usinger). It was taken from the deposits of Atta scxdcns L. It is difficult to relate Saprinns pusio to any of the known species, for it is quite distinct. It is the smallest species recorded from this region. Its small size, head without impressed lines, pro- notum finely and evenly punctate except at extreme base, coarsely, moderately densely punctate mesosternum, and coarsely, moderately sparsely punctate metasternum should make this species an easily recognixable one. Saprinus formicus new species. Broadly oval, convex, black, strongly shining; antennal club fuscous, mouth-parts and legs piceous. Head with distinct supra-orbital striae extending to base of clvpeus, very finely, moderately densely punctate, anteriorly slightly strigose ; scape of antennae with a few long, erect, tes- taceous hairs. Prothorax one-half wider than long, feebly ciliate along apex, apical marginal line fine, lateral fine apically, more coarse bas- ally; sides converging feebly to apex, nearly straight, strongly rounding near apex ; surface finely, moderately densely punc- tate basally, elsewhere extremely finely, sparsely punctate. Elytra finely, sparsely punctate basally, with the punctures becoming coarser and denser apically, apical two-thirds coarsely, moderately densely punctate ; striae fine, finely, not closely punctate, outer humeral well impressed and extending from basal one-fourth to apical one- fourth, humeral scarcely im- pressed, short, diagonal; striae five to two slightly curved at base, fifth extending to apical one-third, fourth to second pro- gressively shorter, second extending only to apical one-half and joined in an arch at base to sutural which extends to apical one-fifth and does not converge but is parallel to suture; scutel- lum small, equilateral: Pygidium coarsely, moderately densely, evenly punctate. I'rosternal striae parallel, slightly sinuate at middle, extend- ing nearly to apex and not ending in fovea; pnisternuni slightly convex between striae; carinae above antennal cavities straight 52 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '35 and parallel with prosternal striae; inesosteniuni very coarsely. clenselv punctate; metasternuin finely, sparsely punctate except caudally where it is coarsely, densely punctate with shallow. oblong-oval punctures; extreme base of first ventral segment punctate as adjacent area of nietastenmni, apex with a row of fine, closely placed punctures. Length, 3.8 nun. : breadth, 2.5 mm. : Deposited in the collection of the writer. Collected at Tejupilco, District of Temascaltepec, MEXICO, alt. 3960 It.. June. 1933 (H. K. Hinton. R. L. Usinger). Pitnit\'f>cs: Three. Same data as above. All specimens were collected in the deposits of Alia sc.rdcns L. This is a very distinct species, and it can not be closely related to any of the previously described species of Saprinus from North America. Its most distinctive character is found in the punctation of the pronotum which is anteriorly and at sides only extremely finely and sparsely punctate without coarser punctures. In the few species of Saprinus in which the pronotum is, except at extreme base, extremely finely and sparsely punctate, there are nearly always a few coarser punc- tures apically near the sides. Epierus pubifrons new species. $ : Oblong oval, convex, dark rufo-piceous, strongly shin- ing; antennae, mouth-parts and legs paler, antennal club some- what testaceous. Head without raised or impressed lines ; front slightly con- cave, clypeus anteriorly with a semicircular area which is densely clothed with short, stiff, testaceous hairs; surface very finely, moderately densely punctate, with the punctures some- what sparser basal ly. Prothorax one-third wider than long, apical and lateral mar- ginal lines moderately fine; sides arcuate, converging moder- ately to apex; base arcuate, more strongly arcuate at middle; surface moderately finely, densely, evenly punctate and also with extremely fine punctures sparsely intermixed, base with a row of coarser, closely placed punctures and an oval impres- sion in front of scutellum. Elytra more than twice as long as prothorax, finely, moder- ately sparsely punctate throughout ; striae moderate, finer nearer suture, moderately closely, crenately punctate, all ex- xlvi, '35] KNTOMOI.OCK'AI. XKWS tending from near base to near apex with exception of sntural which does not extend so near to base; humeral (seventh) absent but humerus with a feeble, diagonal impression extend- ing only in basal one-fourth; scutellum small, equilateral. Propygidium one-third as long as pygidium, moderately densely punctate with moderately fine and extremely fine punctures in- termixed; pygidium moderately finely, moderately densely punctate and also with a few microscopical punctures sparsely intermixed. Prosternal striae moderately widely separated, diverging slightly caudally, parallel anteriorly, not attaining lobe; meso- sternum microscopically punctate, marginal striae in front pres- ent only at sides of emargination ; metasternum moderately densely, extremely finely punctate, much more coarsely punc- tate caudally ; first ventral segment finely, moderately densely punctate, more coarsely punctate at sides. Length, mm. ; breadth. 1.1 mm. 9 : Front not concave; clypeus anteriorly without hairs; slightly more coarsely punctate throughout. : Male in the collection of Mr. C. A. Ballou, Jr. Col- lected at Cuernavaca, Estado de Morelos, MEXICO, Tune, 1934. (H. E. Hinton.) Furatvpcs: One female with same data as above. Three males and three females collected at Tejupilco, District of Temascaltepec. Mexico, alt. 3960 ft., June, 1933 ( H. E. Hin- ton, R. L. Usinger). The male may readily be separated from all other North American species of the genus by the pubescence on the anterior portion of the clypeus The female resembles Epicrus intcr- iiicdius Mars., but is about one-third smaller, the head and pronotum are more densely and more coarsely punctate, and the sutural and second striae are not abbreviated. Specimens from Cuernavaca and Tejupilc<> were collected in the deposits of A. sc.rdens and A. Icrrcus respectively. Epierus singulistrius new species. Oblong oval, convex, dark rufo-piceous, strongly shining; antennal club testaceous; antennae, mouth-parts, pronotum. py- gidia. and legs paler rufo-piceous. 54 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '35 Head with supra-orbital striae curved anteriorly and ex- tending a very short distance across front ; surface extremely finely, moderately sparsely punctate. Prothorax nearly twice as wide as long, apical and lateral marginal lines moderately fine; sides nearly straight, converg- ing to apex; base evenly arcuate; surface very finely moder- ately sparsely punctate, with a few coarser punctures near sides, base with a row of closely placed punctures on middle one- third and with an oblong impression in front of scutellum. Elytra half again as long as prothorax, extremely finely, moderately sparsely punctate throughout ; striae moderate, feebly but closely, crenately punctate and with exception of second all extending from near base to near apex, second pres- ent only in apical one-half, sutural diverging from suture to- wards base and shortly curved outwardly near base; humeral absent, humerus with a short, diagonal, feeble impression in apical one-third, outer humeral well impressed, present in api- cal two-thirds; scutellum nearly equilateral. Propygidium two- thirds as long as pygidium, moderately coarsely and sparsely punctate, with extremely fine punctures intermixed ; pygidium very finely, moderately densely punctate and with a few coarser punctures basally. Prosternum between striae narrow, convex; striae diverging caudally, parallel anteriorly, not quite attaining lobe ; carinae in front of anterior coxal cavities short, nearly parallel with pro- sternal striae ; mesosternum slightly elevated above metaster- num and limited posteriorly by a strongly sinuate line, anter- iorly feebly, very broadly, arcuately emarginate, marginal stria complete, feebly sinuate in front, surface extremely finely, mod- erately sparsely punctate. Length, 2 mm.; breadth, 1.2 mm. Type: Female in the collection of Mr. C. A. 1'allou, Jr. Col- lected at Tejupilco, District of Temascaltepec, MEXICO, June, 1933, alt. 3960 ft.. ( H. F. Hinton. R. L. Usinger). Paratypcs: Two females and five males. Same data as above. All specimens were collected in the deposits of Atta se.rdens L. This species may be separated from all others by the com- plete sutural striae and very short second striae. The males have the meso-metasternum concave and more strongly punc- tate. The mesosternum is often in the males not so distinctly elevated above the metasternum, as it is in the females, but this last character is very variable. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS PHILADELPHIA, PA., FEBRUARY, 1935. EXTO.MOUK;Y AT TIIK COXYOCATIOX \\'KKK MF.F.TINGS, DKCKMISKK 27, 1934, TO JAXTAKY 2, 1935. ( >ur annual summary of the entomological items of the pro- grams of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Associated Societies, held at Pittsburgh, Pennsyl- vania, follows: The number of papers bearing on insects, including those in symposia and non-duplicating demonstrations, were: *Kntomological Society of America (including a joint ses- sion with the Ideological Society of America) 52 American Association of Economic Entomologists 127 American Society of Zoologists 21 American Society of Parasitologists 6 * American Phytopathological Society 4 Genetics Society of America 20 * Potato Association of America 2 Wilson ( )rnithological Club 1 American Society of Naturalists 1 Committee on Hydrobiology and Aquiculture, National Research Council 2 Section X, Medical Sciences, A. A. A. S 2 American Nature Study Society 1 Total 239 These papers were distributed in subject as follows : i Behavior 1 General Entomology 2 *Geographical Distribution. 6 *Collecting and Rearing Genetics 12 Methods 7 * Evolution 4 Entomological Instruction 1 *Taxonomy 6 Entomological Museums. . 3 Parasites and Diseases of *Cvtologv 13 Insects S' * Embryology and Life His- *( General Economic Ento- tory 11 mologv 19 Anatomy and Morphology 3 Insecticides 28 * Physiology 37 Apiculture 12 *Ecology 12 *Insects Affecting Man. . . 12 55 56 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Feb., '35 * do. Other Animals 6 do. Cereals and Field Crops lc> do. Truck Crops 13 * do. Ornamental & Green- house Plants 6 do. Fruits and Fruit Trees H do. Forest and Shade Trees 9 *Acarina ............... 4 Orthoptera 1 1 1 1 Homoptera ............ lo *Heteroptera ............ 5 Dermaptera Isoptera Ephemerida Odonata Thysanoptera 1 Neuroptera 1 Coleoptera ( excluding Jap- panese Beetle ) IK Japanese Beetle 2 Hymenoptera ( excluding Honey Bee and Habro- hracou ) 11 Honey Bee 9 Habrobracon 5 *Lepidoptera ( excluding Codling Moth, Oriental Fruit Moth and Corn Borers) 19 * Codling Moth 13 Oriental Fruit Moth. . . 2 Corn Borers 1 *Diptera (excluding Dros- ophila) 26 Drosophlla 13 Many of these figures are duplications, both between sections i and ii and also within each section. The total number of papers at Cleveland, 1930, was 180, at Xew Orleans, 1931, 185, at Atlantic City, 1932. 212, at Boston and Cambridge, 1933, 227. Increases in numbers of papers over the corresponding figures for 1933 are starred (*). Both entomological societies met December 27 to 29, in different rooms, mostly on the same floor, of the William Penn Hotel. This contributed to frequent visiting from one society to the other. Meetings of the other societies in the above list were held mostly in or near the University of Pittsburgh, at such a distance as to prevent the easy attendance of entomol- ogists chiefly interested in their own associations. The Entomological Society of America was presided over by Prof. C. L. Metcalf. University of Illinois, and Prof. H. B. Hungerford, University of Kansas, continued his ministrations as secretary. The annual symposium, on Improved Technique in the Study of Insects, participated in by fifteen speakers, brought out many useful suggestions on collecting equipment and field methods, museum technique, modern taxonomic methods, rearing insects of various habitats, ecological, be- havioristic, physiological, toxicological and morphological studies and those of insect-borne diseases. It is to be hoped that all these will be published and thus rendered available to all interested persons. xlvi. '35 | KXTO.MOLOGICAL NEWS Dr. E. F. Phillips. Cornell University, and Mr. \. I. Bourne, Massachusetts Stale College, were president and secretary, re- spectively, of the American Association of Economic Entomol- ogists. The President's address dealt with the Increasing Com- plexities of Economic Entomology. Instead of the usual Ento- mologists' dinner, a smoker was held on Friday evening, Decemher 2S, immediately following the annual public addres of the Entomological Societv. This address, by Dr. C. 1!. Kennedy, Ohio Stale I 'niversity. was a keen analysis of the Familv and the Societv, holh human and insectan. In the afternoon of the same day, I )r. Kennedy was elected president of the Entomological Society for 1935, a honor which he has well earned by his editorial conduct of the .Itiiictls. The Courtship and Mating of the Wasp, Monobia quadri- dens (Hymen.: Vespidae). The wasp, Monobia quad rid ens makes mud partitions in the old burrows of the carpenter bee, Xylocofa -rinjinica, and uses the rooms for her own progeny provisioning them with cater- pillars. The adult wasps make their appearance in this region about the middle of May of each year and live until about the middle of September. The males appear at the same time with the female and, unlike certain other Aculeate Hymenoptera, do not die shortly after they are born. The males go through certain courtship or sun dances in front of the boards containing the nesting females. The de- tails of this behavior is as follows : Every morning for about a week, beginning May 17th, 1932. a dozen or more male wasps were flying with fantastic motion about these boards. This started with a few individuals about 7 a. m. and by '' o'clock the number in this flight would increase to about IS, and by noon it would be reduced to a very few individuals, but by 2 o'clock the flight had completely ceased. This same behavior went on for about three weeks but mating did not occur. Sometimes a male would follow a caterpillar-laden mother into the burrow but was usually driven out; sometimes when repulsed he would quietly wait in the doorway and when an opportunity offered, would again attempt. to mate. In this case a rough and ttr.uble battle followed, with the interlocked pair dropping to the ground. By June 12th, only a few were to be seen daily in the dance. and by June 15th. (a month after the commencement of thi- behavior) the dance was completely over, although occasionally after this date a pouncing male was seen attempting to mate with an industrious mother. In spite of the daily courtship dances, actual mating escaped 58 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '35 my notice, if it occurred at all. However, later in the season, long after the dances had stopped (week of August 10th) several pairs were seen in actual copula. In every case the female was at rest on the board containing the borrows or on the vegetation nearby, while the male hung free in the air head downward while attached to the female. In one case the female made short flights from bush to bush with the male dangling free in the air beneath her. The maximum time in which any of the half dozen pairs observed remained in copula was about thirty minutes. PHIL RAU, Kirkwood, Missouri. Ovoviviparity in Colias? (Lepid. : Pieridae). Recently when making a preparation of the genitalia of a female Colias hccla Lefebre from Fort Churchill, Manitoba. I was greatly surprised to find a well-developed, apparent! v first instar larva in the oviduct. There was no trace of a chor- ion accompanying the larva, nor could any such structures be seen further up the oviduct. Kusnezov (Horae Ent. Soc. Russ. 39: 634-651. 1909-10) recorded the same phenomenon as occurring in occasional speci- mens of a large number of species of Palaearctic Colias and Euchloini. He was likewise unable to find a trace of chorion in any of the numerous specimens containing larvae that he examined. Such data are of course far from constituting proof of the occurrence of ovoviviparity in these butterflies, but are highly suggestive. The phenomenon is known to occur in the Micro- lepidoptera (Tinea viripara of New South Wales) but has not been recorded from the higher moths or the butterflies. If it should occur in these higher forms it might well be expected in Colias or in similar Arctic-inhabiting groups which, handi- capped by the very short growing season of the far North or of Alpine regions, would be benefited greatly. The habit would probably occur at first in only a small percentage of the speci- mens of a species and, if definitely beneficial, become more and more common. Moreover it would thus be more likely to be retained in the more northern or Alpine parts of a species' range, where very few specimens are collected. Collectors of Arctic butterflies should therefore keep this possibility in mind when in the field. Females seen fluttering around known or potential specimens of a food plant should not be collected immediately but observed with care; any eggs or larvae deposited should then be collected immediately and preserved. Moreover the preservation of some fresh, not dried, females for cytological examination, using a fixative such as Houin's Fluid, would be extremely useful. ALEXANDER P>. KI.OTS, College- of the City of New York. xlvi, '35 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS tCntomological Literature COMPILED BY LAURA S. MACKEY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OB' E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under l.he above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the America* (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant ;o American entomology \vill not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology <>f insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species win be reeorded. The figures within brackets L ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Papers published in the Entomological News are not listed. GENERAL. — Dowden, P. B. — Recently introduced para- sites of three important forest insects. [7] 27: 599-603. Engelhardt, G. P. — Random notes from a home garden. 1 19] 29: 196-197. Fletcher, T. B. — Names, mere names. [21] 46: 113-116. Lack, D. — Some insects from the Scores- by Sound Region. East Greenland, with an account of the fauna of a Nunatak. | 75 | 14: 599-606. Mani, M. S.— Dis- persal of gall mites by gall midges. [Cur. Science] 3: 208. Oudemans, J. T.- — In memoriam door J. C. H. de Meijere [101] 77. 167-174. ill. Smith, R. C. — Hallucinations of in- sect infestation causing annoyance to man. [19] 29: 208- 212. de la Torre-Bueno, J. R. — Methods and technique. [19] 29: 213-214. Warnecke, G. — Grundsatzliches zur methodik zoogeographischer untersuchungen in der En- tomologie. [18] 28: 437-441, cont. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Beal, J. A.— Rela- tion of air and bark temperatures of infested ponderosa pines during subzero weather. [12] 27: 1132-1139. Blumen- thal, H. — Untersuchungen ueber ein tarsales sinesorgan bei spinnen. 1 34 1 108: 263-266, ill. Bugnion, E.— La larve du grand lampyre algerirn ilVlania mauritanica) Biologie, anatomic, physiologic. [Rev. Suisse Zool.] 41: 699-734, ill. Butt, F. H. — Embryology of Sciara (Sciaridae). [7] 27: 5(>5-57(>, ill. Docters van Leeuwen, W. M. — Die sexuelle gem-ration von Andricus solitarius. | 101 | 77: 232-234. Ful- ton, B. B. — Rhythm, synchronism, and alternation in the 60 KXTOMOLOGICAL XKWS [Feb., '35 stridulation of Orthoptera. | Jour. E. Mitchell Sc. Soc.] 50: 263-267. Gaebler, H. — Formveranderungen u. degeneration von Stigmen durch oelinjektion. |94J 14o: 135-152. Galli- ard, H. — Notes sur la biologic et 1'anatomie de la larve de Taeniorhynchus richardii. (54) 12: 465-471, ill. Griswold, G. H. — Oviposition in the columbine borer, Papaipema purpurifascia and the Iris borer, Macnmoctua onusta. |7| 27: 545-548, ill. Guhl, A. — Mutations produced by x-rays in the parasitic wasp I'teroinalus puparum. |C. R. Acad. Sci. USSR. | 4: 95-102. Harm, M.— Ban. funktion u. ent- wicklung des akzessorischen kopulationsorgans von Evar- cha marcgravi. [94| 146: 123-134, ill. Haug, G. W.— Effect of Argentine ant poison on the ant fauna of Mississippi. [7J 27: 621-632, ill. Heldmann, G. — Einiges ueber wespen- verbveitung und wespenzeichnung'. |34| 108: 266-270, ill. Henning, W. — Ueber ban und verwandtschaft der Ker- guelenfliege Calycopteryx moseleyi. |34] 108: 196-201. ill. Hewer, H. R. — Studies in Zygaena. II. The mechanism of copulation and the passage of the sperm in the female. [93 j 1934: 513-527, ill. Kearns, C. W.— Method of wing inheri- tance in Cephalonomia gallicola ( Bethylidae). |7| 27: 533- 541, ill. Menusan, H. — Effects of temperature and humid- itv on the life processes of the bean weevil, Bruchus obtec- tus. |7| 27: 515-526, ill. Pepper & Driggers. — X on-econ- omic insects as intermediate hosts of parasites of the orien- tal fruit moth. [7J 27: 593-598. Pierre, C.— Ailes de Tipu- lides et transformisme. | Rev. Francaise d'Ent. | 1 : 183-190, ill. Prokofjev, A. — Morphologische strukture der chrom- osomen vox D. melanogaster. [C. R. Ac. Sci. USSR.] 4: 102-107, ill. Schaffner, 'j. V.— Introduced parasites of the brown-tail and gipsy moths reared from native hosts. [7j 27: 585-592. Shannon & Putnam.— The biology of Stego- myia under laboratory conditions. I-I1. | 10J 36: 185-242. ill. Thomas, M. — L'immobilisation protectrice. Observa- tions sur Carausius morosus. |7) 27: 313-325. Thomas, M. — Quelques mots sur la nature de 1'instinct. | Lambillionea | 1934: 226-231. Vachon, M. — Sur la ponte et le sac ovigere d'un Pseudoscorpionide (Chelifer cancroides). | Rev. Francaise d'Ent.] 1: 174-178. Warnke, G. — Die geruch- sorgane der lamellikorner. |34] 108: 217-224, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Baerg, W. J, Some poisonous arthropods of southwestern Mexico. |7| 27: 527-532. Canals, J. — Estudios aracnologicos Buenos Aires. I-III. 10 pp., 11 pp.. 4 pp. (S*). Denis, J.— La chasse aux Araignees. [Rev. Francaise d'Ent. | 1: 170-174. Jackson, A. R. — Notes on Arctic spiders obtained in 1933. xlvi. '35 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS f)l [75J 14: 611-620, ill. (*). Ran, P.— A note on migrating millepeds (Parajulus venustus. | 19] 29: 199-2(30. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Cowley, J. —The types of some genera of ( ioinphidae. (Odonata.) [9] 67: '273-276. Keler, S.— A new S. Am. Trichodectid. [An. Mus. Z. I'oloniciJ 10: 333-337. ill. Tinkham, E. R.- An addition to the Oclonatan fauna of Alberta. |4| (>(>: 241. Traver, J. R. — New X. Am. sps. of mayflies < Ephemerida) [Jour. K. Mitchell So. Soc.j 50: 189-254. ill. Watts, J. G.- Chirothripoides dendropogonus. a new species of thrips of a family new to Xorth America. (Chirothripoidiclae.) [7] 27: 542-544, ill. ORTHOPTERA. — Hebard, M. — The Dermaptera and ( )rthoptera of Illinois. |I)iv. Xat. Hist. Surv. Illinois] 20: 125-279, ill. (*). Lahille, F. et al. — Imformes de las comi- siones exploradoras. [Com. Cent. Invest. Langosta, Buenos Aires] 208 pp., ill. Lahille, F. et all. — La lucha contra la langosta. [Com. Xac. Def. Contra Langosta, Buenos Aires] 134 pp., ill. HEMIPTERA. — Drake, C. J. — An undescribed Acalypta from New York (Tin-itidae.) [19] 29: 196. (*). Engel- hardt, G. P.— Lantern fly at Sea. [19] 29: 207. Strom, L. G. — Macrosiphum asterifoliae, n. sp. from aster (Aphiidae.) [7] 27: 619-620, ill. de la Torre-Bueno, J. R.— A tingid new to the United States. [19] 29: 185. LEPIDOPTERA. — Bird, H. — Decline of the noctuid genus Papaipema. [7] 27: 551-556. Field, W. D.— On the naming of "transition forms" in Lepidoptera with notes on certain forms captured near Lawrence, Kansas. [4] 66: 253- 257. (*). Hoffmann, F. — Beitrage zur Lepidopterenfauna von St. Catharina (Siidbrasilien). |17] 248-251; 265-268; 272-277. (*). McDunnough, J. — A new agrotid moth from southeastern California. |4] 66: 257-258, ill. Prout, L. B.— Xe\v sps. and subsps. of Geometridae. [71 | 39: 99-136. (S). Reich, P. — Neue sudamerikanische Arctiidae. [18] 28: 389- 391 ; 401-404, ill. Rogers, W. P. — Incisalia in southern Massachusetts, 1933. |19| 29: 184-185. Wiinsche, R.- Ueber die dauer der pnppenruhe bei einigen brasilianischen Saturniiden. | 17 1 51: 253-255. DIPTERA. — Edwards, F. W. — Oxford University Ex- pedition to British Guiana. 1929. — Diptera Xematocera. [75] 14: ()32-(>35. (*). Knowlton & Rowe.—Xeu blood- sucking flies from Utah ( Simuliidae ) . |7J 27: 580-584, ill. Reinhard, H. J. — New Xorth American Tachinidae. [19] 29: 186-195. 62 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Feb., '35 COLEOPTERA.— Balfour-Browne, F.— The proventri- culus iii the Dytiscidae as a taxononnc character. [107] 3: 241-244. Hinton, H. E. — Xenoheptaulacus, new genus of Aphodiinae from Panama. (Scarabaeidae). [7| 27: 613-615. ill. Hinton, H. E. — I'sephenus usingeri. from Mexico with notes on the regional P. palpalis (Psephenidae). |7| 27: 616-618, ill. Liebke, M. — Xeue ("arabideu aus dem Deul- schen luitomologischen Institnt. [109| 1: 275-280. ill. (S). Linsley, E. G. — A new species of Mallocera from the British West Indies. |1<>| 29: 198-199. de Long & Cald- well. — Studies of the genus Empoasca |7| 27: 604-609. ill. (*). Marshall, G. A. K. — New West Indian Curculionidae. (75) 14: ()21-C>31. Mequignon, A. — Les Chelonarium d'Amerique du Deutsches Entomologisches Institut. ( Dry- opidae.) |10<;j 1:294-300. (S*). d'Orchymont, A.— Notes sur (juelques Helophores palearctiques et nearctiques. |33| 74: 251-261. Valentine, J. M. — Technique in the prepara- tion of Coleoptera. [Jour. K. Mitchell So. Soc.J 50: 255-262, ill. Van Dyke, E. C. — The North American species of Trigonurus ( Staphylinidae ). |19| 29: 177-182. ill. (*). HYMENOPTERA.— Brown, R. W.— Celliforma spire- fer, the fossil larval chambers of mining bees. [91] 24: 532- 539. ill. (*). Mickel, C. E.— The female sex of the genus Photomorphus (Mutillidae). [7] 27: 610-613. Roman, A. -East Greenland Ichneumonids. 1 75 1 14: 606-611. (*). Smith, M. R. — Ponerine ants of the genus Euponera in the United States. |7] 27: 557-564, ill. Walley, G. S.— Descrip- tions of five new species of Canadian Ichneumonidae. [4] 66: 235-241. Wells, B. W.— Galls and "galls". [Jour. E. Mitchell Sci. Soc.| 50: 65-74. SPECIAL NOTICES.— The Macrolepidoptera of the World. Fauna Americana, pts. 249-250. Vol. 6, pp. 1073- K.80. pis. 150, 153-156. Megalopygidae. Trosiinae. by W. Hopp. Genera: Zyzypyge, Vescoa, Microcladia, Microrape. Proterocladia, Aithorape, Hysterocladia, Coamorpha, Xor- apella, Cephalocladia, Mesoscia, Trosia. Fauna indoaustralica, pt. 207. Vol. 12, pp. 117-132, pi. 12. Geometridae, Hemitheinae, by E. B. Prout. Genera: Diplodesma, Rhanidopsis, Chlorocoma, Heteresthes, Micro- loxia, Pamphlebia, Hemidromodes, Paramaxates, Cacoch- loris, Aglossochloris, lulo])s, Thalera. Chloroparda, Dys- damartia, Omphacodes, Euloxia, Mixochroa, Leucesthes, Hemistola, Chloromma, lodis, Pseudiodis, Iierta, Conio- stolo])sis, Comostola, Pyrrhorachis, Chloeres, Xeothela. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Exchange — Will collect insects of Connecticut this season and desire to get in touch with collectors desiring this material, either in exchange or for cash. Harry L. Johnson, So. Meriden, Conn. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa. Okla. Literature Wanted — Barnes & McDunnough's "Contribution^"' Henry Edward's "Pacific Coast Lepidoptera" and other publications relative to North American Lepidoptera. C. F. dos Passes, Mend- ham, New Jersey. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Gueclct. P. O. Box 305, Napa. California. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for ray subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for one year, beginning with issue for Name Address Post Ottin The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers : United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, - - - - -3.15 Foreign, . 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 989. — Blaisdell (F. E.). — Studies in the genus Auchmobius. Tenebrionidae. (Trans., 60, 223-264, 3 pis., 1934) .80 DIPTERA 987. — Huckett (H. C.). — A revision of the North American species belonging to the genus Coenosia (Muscidae). II. The subgenus Limosia. (Trans., 60, 133-198, 6 pis., 1934) 1.25 988. — Cresson (E. T.). — Descriptions of new genera and species of the dipterous family Ephydridae. XI. (Trans., 60, 199-222, 1934) . . .50 LEPIDOPTERA 990. — Williams & Bell. — Studies in the American Hesperioidea. IV. (Trans., 60, 265-280, 1 pi. 1934) .30 ORTHOPTERA 991. — Hebard (M.). — Studies in Orthoptera which occur in X. America, north of the Mexican boundary. IV-V. (Trans., 60, 281-293, 1 pi., 1934) .30 M-8. — Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) . 2.50 Herewith find remittance for $ ... , for which please send me the items checked above. Write your name and address in the space below. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy. All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA REVISTA DE ENTOMOLOGIA AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ENTOMOLOGY An illustrated magazine published four times a year by Thomaz Borg- meier, O. F. M., devoted to entomology, mainly of the neotropical fauna. The four volumes already published (1931-1934) comprise more than 2,000 pages and contain articles by leading entomologists as W. M. Wheeler, F. W. Edwards, W. Horn, E. Lindner, A. da Costa Lima, F. Silvestri, C. Menozzi, A. Reichensperger, F. Santschi, D. Moulton, etc., with a biblio- graphy of the current literature (economic and non-economic) of the neotro- pical fauna. Price to subscribers 4 U. S. dollars, payable in advance. At book- sellers 5 U. S. dollars ; discount to booksellers 20'"- . Volumes 1-1 V are still on sale ; price of each volume 4 U. S. dollars. Subscriptions should be sent to the Editor : THOMAZ BORGME1ER, 0. F. M., Convento S. Antonio, Largo da Carioca, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, or to ADOLF SCHLUTER, Kuhlenstrasse 45, Minden i. W., Germany. WARD'S INSECT STORAGE EQUIPMENT SCHMITT BOXES.— Ward's makes the only genuine Schmitt Box. Furnished with pinning bottom of patent entomological cork or balsa wood. Price per dozen with Patent Cork $38.00 Price per dozen with Balsa Wood $35.00 THE NEW WARD INSECT BOX.— An inexpensive pest-proof con- tainer. Beveled pest-proofing flange protects insect specimens from damage. Composition pinning bottom will not corrode pins. Price per dozen $22.20 THE WARD ECONOMY BOX.— An all wood box with composition bottom. For student use or storing of series of duplicates. Price per dozen. Lined with white glazed paper. . . . $11.20 Price per dozen. Unlined $10.00 INSECT CABINET DRAWERS.— Ward 'scan supply either the Cor- nell University or the United States National Museum Type for $4.00 and $5.00 each. UNIT PINNING TRAYS.— Trays for the above cabinet drawers are in stock at all times. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DIURNALS, in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00; "200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera : 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, ,1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 60 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS MARCH. 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 3 JOHN MERTON ALDRICH; 1866-1934. CONTENTS Ferris— The Prothoracic Pleurites of Coleoptera . 63 Isely— Acridian Researches within Northeastern Texas (Orthoptera).. 69 Felt— Trisopsis in the United States (Dipt., Itonididae or Cecidomy- iidae) 75 Sabrosky— Notes on the Taxonomic Status of Certain Species of the Genus Chlorops (Diptera, Chloropidae) .... Parker & Smith — Dictionary of Entomological terms: In preparation. 84 Entomological Literature 84 Review— Frohawk's Complete Book of British Butterflies. . . 89 Review— Hemming's Generic Names of the Holarctic Butterflies ... 90 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3. 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder,Ph.D., Associate Editors. Advisory Committee : Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America . . $3.00 Canada . .... 3.15 Foreign . . 3.25 Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in, $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8(00, " 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and reauests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Ali complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted ; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in. the NEWS lor the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August. November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited ; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without covers over and above the twenty-five given flee at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents; three or four pases, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed covers for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ^ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVI. MARCH, 1935 No. 3 The Prothoracic Pleurites of Coleoptera. By G. F. FERRIS. Stanford University, California. A search of both morphological and purely systematic liter- ature indicates that neither morphologists nor systematists have developed any precise understanding of the homologies of the prothoracic pleurites of the Coleoptera. The systematic workers make use of traditional descriptive phrases which have no clear morphological meaning or are even morphologically untrue. The morphologists disagree sharply among themselves as to the interpretation of the various parts. It is evident that a new approach to the problem is desirable. As the guide for such an approach there is here adopted the concept of the origin and nature of the thoracic pleurites which has been so clearly elucidated by Snodgrass.1 This concept re- gards these parts as vestiges of a primitive sub-coxal segment of the leg, which has become incorporated in the body wall with a consequent reduction and modification of its parts. These parts — however great the degree of modification and re- duction— must bear some relation to a definite, common plan of organization that is dependent upon this morphological origin. If morphological reasoning has any validity it may be assumed that some feature or features will persist, throughout all the changes that have taken place, to such a degree as to afford a basis for homologizing the conditions found in widely differing forms, especially if these features be sought for in a series of types leading from one extreme to another. Such is the basis for all morphological reasoning, but this fundamental doctrine appears not to have been consistently applied in connection with the structures here under consideration. It will be well to review the persistent character- or land marks that may be available in the present study, such avail- ability being determined by the experience of other morphol- 1 Snodgrass, R. K. Morphology and iiurhaniMii of the in-c-ct thorax. Smithsonian .Miscellaneous Collections, 80 (1). 1-108; lii;s. (1927). 63 64 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '35 ogists and from conclusions derived in the course of the study itself. In whatever manner the primitive sub-coxal segment of the legs may have been articulated to the body, it is clear that its articulation to the next succeeding segment was by a joint mov- ing upon two condyles, for these condyles generally remain, although probably not in their primitive positions. It may be assumed that the articulation with the body was of such a nature as to permit of a maximum of rotatory movement, but with the incorporation of the sub-coxa into the body wall this freedom would have been lost if not maintained by compen- satory changes in the next articulation. These changes have been accomplished in various ways. ( hie condyle may be com- pletely suppressed, and this appears in some cases to have hap- pened, although this is not the most favored solution. Th.- two condyles may remain as points upon a single sclerite whr h is reduced in si/e and surrounded by membranous areas such as to allow of considerable flexibility. Or the condyles may be placed upon separate pieces, one of which is reduced in size leaving the other as the major point of suspension and producing what is in effect a mono-condylar joint. Or the sub-coxa as a whole may be greatly reduced in size and the coxa retracted into a pit the walls of which function as a socket the result being virtually a ball-and-socket joint. The separation of the two condyles upon distinct pieces is a common phenomenon. The smaller piece thus produced, bear- ing what is generally the minor condyle. is the trochantin. The larger piece forms the area to which the term "pleurum" is generally applied. This area is frequently composed of two minor areas, separated by a more or less distinct furrow into an anterior piece, the "episternum," and a posterior piece, the "epimeron." This furrow is hardly a suture, in the sense that it is the meeting of two areas of sclerotization, it is more in the nature of a stiffening fold the internal aspect of which is a ridge that functions as a support for the major coxal condyle which is set at its apex. At some point along its length there is commonly a more or less tubular imagination which may ex- tend far into the body. This is the pleural process, or, as it occurs in the prothorax, the "prothoracic pleural apophysis." xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 65 Of the various dements making up this primitive sub-coxal segment, four — the two condyles, the pleural fold and the apophysis — are of sudi a persistent nature that they may serve as the landmarks for morphological orientation in an investiga- tion of the prothoracic structures. Any one — or occasionally even all — of them may be suppressed or so altered as to be unrecognizable but the evidence which they present in a series of forms is so clear that in the Coleoptera a consistent and logical interpretation of the pleural structures is possible with their aid. It is desirable, as a first step in this study, to find some form in which the situation is uncomplicated by secondary develop- ments, or if none such appears to find one that comes reason- ably close to such a condition. It is a matter of dispute as to which of the groups of the Coleoptera is the most generalized. There has been a common tendency to regard some of the Adephaga as being so, but Crampton 2 has maintained that this distinction belongs to the Cantharoidea. For our purposes the (|uestion is somewhat beside the point. We need merely to find a form in which the situation in regard to the particular features in which we are interested is clear. It so happens, however, that the most suitable forms observed do occur in the Cantharoidea and we may begin with a representative of this group, although there are others— -Staphylinids for example— which would do almost equally well. THE PROTIIORACIC PLF.URITKS OF A LAMPYRID. Determined specimens of Pliolnris pennsylvanica (DeGeer) being available, this species has been employed. Crampton has used a species of Luinpyris which seems to agree closely. In the ventral aspect of the prothorax i Kig. I, A) the fol- lowing structures may be noted: on each side a broad /.one (;;) apparently formed by the indexed margins of the notum ; a central, broadly T-shaped plate (s). the lateral arms of which meet the lateral zones along a short suture (us), this plate being the sternum as is evidenced by those moM stable of land- marks, the furcal pits ( fp } ; the large coxae (r), set in a quite " Crampton, G. C. A comparison of tin- neck and pmthoracic sderites through the orders of in>ect> from the standpoint of phy]o»eiiy. Trans- actions American Entomological Sricty 52: T'^-J-IS; pis. \-\vii. (1926). 66 ENTOMOLOGICAL NKWS [Mar., '35 extensive membranous area and showing clearly at the hase a somewhat crescent-shaped piece (ct). Dissecting off a coxa and accompanying the dissection with a manipulation of the parts, \ve find that this basal piece (Fig. I, 1>) articulates with the coxa at two points. There is no condylar articulation with the lateral thoracic margin which slightly overlaps this basal piece, there being merely a very narrow membranous connec- ns Dineutes Text Fig. I — PJioturis pcnnsyli'anica (iMicer). A, ventral aspect of prothorax, one coxa removed; B, base of coxa. Dinciitcs discolor Aube. C, ventral aspect of prolhurax, one coxa removed; D, base of coxa. tion between the two parts. Upon this basal piece there is a fold or pit, leading into a short invaginated apophysis (pa}. The interpretation of these structures, in the light of our earlier discussion of landmarks, seems clear. There seems no escape from the conclusion that the basal piece, which bears three of the four pleural landmarks — two condyles and an xlvi, '35J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 67 apophysis — is the pleurum. The pleural "suture" and pleural ridge alone are lacking to make the picture complete. The pleurum, therefore, in this case includes the trochantin, the re- sulting piece being what Crampton (ref. cited) has called the "eutrochantin." The lateral zones, which appear as part of the notum, are, indeed, merely the inflexed margins of this part. The situation seems perfectly clear. This is the interpretation arrived at by Crampton, although on somewhat different grounds. It is in/ sharp contrast to the view commonly held and more or less clearly expressed in various texts — but which seems to have been arrived at by no definite chain of morphological reasoning — that the lateral zones are composed of the fused notum and pleurum and that the basal coxal piece is merely the trochantin. THE PROTHORACIC PLEURITES OF A GYRIXID. The greater part of all published statements concerning the prothoracic structures of Coleoptera has been based upon repre- sentatives of the Carabidae or at least of Adephaga. Species of Har pains have been especially favored by American authors (Comstock, MacGillivray). Specimens of all the families of Adephaga represented in North America have been examined in this study and out of them a Gyrinid, Dineutes discolor Aube, has been selected as being the least complicated by sec- ondary developments, the coxae not being so deeply retracted into their acetabula as in the Carabids and Cicindelids. Here, examining the ventral aspect of the prothorax, we find a situation very different from that in Pholnris. There is on each side a narrow lateral zone (Fig. T, C n ) which is evidently the inflexed edge of the notum; there is a large median area, in which the acetabula of the coxae are impressed and which is accepted by all as the sternum, its landmarks, the furcae (//>) being widely separated. Forming a broad wedge between the sternum and the lateral notal /one is a large piece I/1) which is accepted by all authors except Crampton as the pleurum. It is divided — in this form rather indistinctly — into two pieces, one of which forms a narrow caudal border and has been in- terpreted as the epimeron, the larger being the- episternum. 68 KXTo.MOLOdiCAL NF.ws | Mar., '35 Dissecting a coxa from its acetabulmn and by manipulation observing its connections we hud imbedded in the membrane between it and the body a small piece (Fig. I D t), which articulates with the coxa by a single condyle, but has no articu- lation with the body although it is provided with muscles. This little piece is generally accepted as the trochantin. The coxa itself is articulated to the body by a very distinct condyle which lies on the so-called pleurum just at the point where the pleuro- sternal suture ( ps ) meets the acetabuium. This condyle is very distinct and constitutes the major articulation of the leg with the body. No pleural apophysis can lie found. The impressed line which is supposed to be the "pleural suture" separating epis- ternum and epimeron is possibly not homologous with the pleural fold of other forms, it being in the writer's opinion merely a surface indication of the underlying line along which the intersegmental membrane joins the prothorax. We are thus reduced to two of the four possible landmarks, but these are absolutely clear. Accepting their indications as valid, we must consider the small piece at the base of the coxa to be the trochantin and the large piece commonly regarded as the pleurum to be so in fact. Crampton ( ret. cited) has adopted the view that this larger piece is a part of the notum, second- arily cut off. There seems no reason to accept an}- such con- clusion. To do so requires a series of entirely gratuitous as- sumptions. It must be assumed that the major condyle has either moved over to the notum, with a consequent suppression of the pleurum except for the trochantin, or that the pleurum has fused with the notum. It must then be assumed that this portion of the notum has been cut off by the suture np. It should be noted that this suture is not a mere line. In speci- mens that have been properly softened by boiling in caustic potash it can be demonstrated as actually the surface indication of a quite broad membranous area. \Ye may conclude that in this case the commonly accepted interpretation is correct, with the possible exception of the application ol the terms epister- num and epimeron. (To be continued) xlvi, '35 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 69 Acridian Researches within Northeastern Texas (Orthoptera). I'.y F. B. ISELV, Trinity University, Waxahachie, Texas. (Continued from page 43) DICHROMORPHIA viRiois (Sc.). Locally common in woods and along streams in moist situations; VIII-X; Ellis, Ander- son, Smith, Tarrant and Van Zandt Counties. GENEOTETTIX DEOKCM (Sc.). Occasional to frequent up- land prairie species; YI-X; Ellis, Dallas, Hill, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker, Tarrant and Van Zandt Counties. PSOLOESSA TEXANA TEXANA (Sc.). A frequent March to April species in sand oak woods; peak collection "Tarrant county, cast cross timber open woods, III, 31. '33, 7 $ , 11 5, 3 juv., four collectors"; III-VIII; Denton, Harrison, Hill, Johnson, Marion, Palo Pinto and Tarrant Counties. BOOPEDON NUBILUM (Say). Only taken at one station in the west cross timbers, VII, 31-VIII, 2, '34, 6$, 3$, in a level pasture covered with a heavy growth of fine mesquite grass and an open growth of mesquite trees, Worth Ranch, Palo Pinto County. B. MACULATUM Caudell. Common to abundant in upland weedy pastures and virgin prairie tracts; VI-VIII, Ellis, Dal- las, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Navarro and Tarrant Counties. B. AURIVENTRIS McNEiLL.0 Checked as rare until VI, 19, '34. McWhorter's Ranch, May Pearl, Ellis, 12 6 , 22 $ , 0 juv. ; only ten other individuals taken; YI-YII; Ellis and Tarrant Counties. AULOCARA ELLIOTTI (Thos.). Only a few specimens of this "great plains" acridine taken and most of these at the west cross timber and grand prairie stations; VI -IX ; Ellis, Palo Pinto and Tarrant Counties. OEDIPODINAE. ARPIIIA roxsi'KKSA Sc. This wide ranging \\otcrn species has been taken at two upland limestone prairie stations. Thir- teen juveniles taken in December, January and March, were all in the fifth instar. It reaches maturity late in March, to early April; my latest record is May 15; Dallas and Tarrant Coun- ties. At Gothic, (lunnison County, Colorado, 1 look . /. con- tpcrstt during July at 9,000-10,000 feet elevation. A. XANTHOPTERA ( Bruin. ) . A late summer species in north- eastern Texas. So far only an occasional ./r/>/;/(/ in sandy soil open woods; YIT-XI ; Anderson, Dallas. Duiton i Dr. Harris). Johnson and Van Zandt Counties. 70 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '.^5 A. SIMPLEX Sc. An abundant and striking species in its climax habitat. The outstanding oedipodid of this area. Peak of abundance in late May and June, adults taken from April to December. Taken from every general type of soil : Chalk, Houston stony clay, Ellis clay, Houston black clay, cross tim- ber sandy loams, alluvial soils and others. Shows a strong- preference for timber margins but occasionally taken on open prairie. Unlike any other oedipodid that I have studied, it is most abundantly found in this area in a dense mat of vegeta- tion, frequently a heavy tangle of curly mesquite grass, IV- XII; generally distributed throughout this area. CHORTOPHAGA VIRIDIFASCIATA (DeGeer). Apparently a year-around breeder, juveniles taken January to December, peak of adult abundance, III-IV. Ubiquitous in its habitat throughout northeastern Texas. ENCOPTOLOPHUS SUBGRACILIS Caudell. An occasional to frequent black land, cotton field species, VI-XI ; Ellis County. E. SORDIDUS COSTALIS (Sc.).7 Like C. z'in'difasciatits, juven- iles and adults are found the year-around. However, the adult peak for this species is X-XII ; Ellis, Bosque, Dallas, Hill, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker and Tarrant Counties. HIPPISCUS RUGOSUS (Sc.). An occasional to common late summer and fall species ; Ellis, Dallas, Denton, Freestone, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker, Smith, Tarrant and Van Zandt COunties. PARDALOPHORA PHOENICOPTERA (Burm.). An occasional open post oak, sandy soil, species; V-VI ; Dallas, Denton, John- son, Marion, Tarrant and Wise Counties. P. SAUSSUREI (Sc.). This Pardalophora also shows a pref- erence for sandy soils, but it is much more abundant and more widely distributed than P. fi/iocnicoptcni in this area. I 'c-ak of adult abundance late May and June, taken as late as September; Ellis. Dallas, Denton, Harrison, Johnson, Kauf- man, Palo Pinto, Van Zandt and Wise Counties. XANTHIPPUS CORALLIPES PANTHERINUS (Sc.). A common, \\ary, alert, strong-flying, upland limestone prairie species dur- ing May and June, infrequent in July and August; IV-VIII ; Ellis, Dallas, Denton, Hill, Parker, Tarrant and Wise Counties. DISSOSTEIRA CAROLINA ( L. ) . This well-known American grasshopper has only been taken occasionally ; V-X ; Ellis, An- derson, Dallas, Hill, Tarrant and Van Zandt Counties. SPHARAGEMON KOLI.I sc. An occasional species of sandy oak woods; VI-IX; Anderson, Dallas. Freestone, Johnson. iCaufman, Palo I 'into, Tarrant and Van Zandt Counties. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 71 S. COLLAR]-; CRISTATTM (Sc.). Common to abundant in sandy fields; YI-X ; Ellis, Dallas, Denton. Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker, Tarrant, \'an Zandt and \\rise Counties. S. EQUALE (Say). Common in favorable habitats; YI-XI ; Ellis, Bosque, Denton (Dr. Harris), Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker, Tarrant, Van Zandt and Wise Counties. PLATYLACTISTA AZTECUS (Sauss.). Fifty individuals of this elusive, low-flying, ground-hugging oedopodid have been checked in my field notes; most of these were taken IX-XII ; Kills, Dallas, Bosque, Somervell, Palo Pinto and Parker Counties (Camp Wisdom). TRACK YRHACHIS KIOWA FUSCIFRONS (Stal.). Two hun- dred eight specimens of this small, active hopper have been checked; sometimes swarming along golf fairways, adults taken IV-XII ; Ellis, Bosque, Dallas, Denton, Hill, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker, Somervell, Tarrant, Van Zandt and Wise Counties. "MESTOBREGMA" CAPITO (Stal.). This species has not been taken in the blackland prairie belt but at four bare, stony, localities in the grand prairie and west cross timber belts ; VI- VIII ; Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker and Tarrant Counties. PSINIDIA FENESTRALIS FENESTRALIS Stal. One of my StU- dents, Miss Jean Wilson, has found this sandy soil species frequent at lien \Yheeler, Van Zandt County; VI-IX. TRIMEROTROPIS CITRIXA Sc. Common on sandy fiats along streams and on gravel roadways ; VI-XII ; Ellis, Bosque, Dal- las, Denton, Palo Pinto, Smith, Tarrant, Van Zandt and Wise Counties. T. PISTRINARIA Sauss. Common on "white rock" ridges and hill-sides; also taken on red-beds; VII-XII ; Ellis, Dallas, John- son, Somervell and Tarrant Counties. T. SAXATILIS McNeill. Worth Ranch, Palo Pinto County, VIII, 1, '34, 3 pcn woods, short-winged Melanoplus. Ellis, Dallas, Hill, lohnson and Tarrant Counties. M. i, i. Ai ciPES ( Sc. ). Infrequent to occasional in sandy po-! oak open woods of the east cross timbers also taken in wesl cross timbers; \T-YI 1 1, Dallas, Johnson and Palo Pinto Counties. MKLAXOPI.TS AXOTLARIS Little. A single male. Collected by Jean Wilson in June, '32, at Ben Wheeler. Yan Zandt ( 'i unity. M. niFFKRKXTiAi.is (Thos.). This yellow grasshopper is often swarming in weedv field margins, along drainage ditches, among the coarse weeds in bottom fields, and in weedy pas- tures. It is interesting to notice that it is often absent in over- 74 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '35 flow areas, although abundant on adjacent shelves above over- How; YI-XI; Ellis, Dallas. Henderson, Palo Pinto, Parker. Navarro, Smith, Tarrant and Van Zandt Counties. M. BIVITTATUS Say. This common northern "two-liner" falls into the rare class, as my records show only five indi- viduals taken at as many different stations in low lying weedy alluvial tracts during July; Ellis and Dallas Counties. M. PONDEKOSUS PONDEROSUS Sc. Common at a few upland weedy pasture stations; YI-YII. infrequent YIII-XII; Ellis, Dallas, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker and Tarrant Counties. AI. coNFUsrs Sc. ( )n account of its early spring maturity this species gets a more thorough checking than mid-summer forms. 258 specimens have been checked and J\I. confusns is fairly common at all blackland prairie and open woods cross timber stations, from late April through May, but becomes in- frequent in June; Ellis, Dallas, Denton, Johnson, Tarrant and Wise Counties. M. FEMi'K-Ri'RRrM (DeCieer). I have only two records of this widely distributed, economically important grasshopper; Elkhart, Anderson County, IX, 1, '33, 1 $ , 1 9 ; Palmer, Ellis County, VI, 23, '34, 1 $. M. LAKINUS (Sc.). Only one record, YYorth Ranch, Palo Pinto County, VII, 31, '34, \$ , 1 9 . M. MEXICAXUS MEXICANUS (Sauss.). This species is ubi- quitous in northern Texas. My field notes show mexicanus to have been taken on fifty-seven different study trips, although altogether only 203 individuals have been recorded, making an average of less than four for each trip. The peak record of any one day of study was Bell Branch, Ellis County, XI, 20, '33, 8 $ , 69. On most trips mexicanus falls into the occa- sional and infrequent group. M. KEELERI KEELERI (Thos.). A frequent late fall species showing preference for open alluvial woods but also occasion- ally taken in open post oak woods and weed}' pastures; Ellis, Anderson, Dallas, Denton (Dr. Harris) and Johnson Counties. AI. PACKARDII Sc. This wide-spread western and northern species is represented by only 5 $ , 29, from four localities, three in Ellis and one in Palo Pinto County. M. FOEDUS FLUVIATILIS Bruner. Only three records : low lying weedy field western Parker County, VII, 31, '34, 4 <3 , 1 9 ; Brazon river margin. Worth Ranch, Palo Pinto Count}-, VIII, 1, '34, 5 $ ; Brazos river margin Hill County. XI, 30. '33, 2$. M. ri.AV.mrs ELONGATUS Sc. Two records: western Parker xlvi. '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS C'otinty. associated with .17. focdits fluviaiilis \*IT. 31, '34, 1 $ . 1 9 ; Klkhart, Anderson County, IX, 1, '33, 1 , and the simple claws. A related genus, Trioiiiniata Barnes. ( Bull. Knt. Res., Pt. 2, 22: 205-207, 1931 ) likewise with divided eyes, hut with lour, instead of three or fewer, palpal segments, with the claws of the anterior legs toothed and the lobe of the basal clasp seg- ment spinose, has been erected for a species coccotroctcs Barnes, recorded as predaceous on mealybug from Xjala, Sierra Leone, Africa. Trisopsis hibisci n. sp. $ . Length .6 mm. Compound eyes three, the median some- what narrow, on the apex of the head, arcuate, the lateral ones, just above the base of the mouth parts, broadly oval. Antennae one-half longer than the body, rather thickly haired, pale yellowish; 14 segments, the first transverse, broadly cup- shaped, the second globose, the third and fourth fused, the fifth with stems each about one-half greater than its diameter, the basal enlargement subglobose, with a sparse sub-basal whorl of long, stout setae and a subapical circumfilum, the loops ex- tending a little beyond the enlargement. The distal enlarge- ment globose, with a length a little greater than its diameter, a sparse, subapical whorl of long, stout setae and sub-basal cir- cumfilum, the loops not extending to the tip of the enlargement and a subapical circumfilum, the loops extending nearly to the base of the next segment. Terminal segment, basal enlarge- ment roundly transverse, the stem slender, with a length four times its diameter, the distal enlargement broadly oval, with a length more than twice its diameter. I'alpi short, triarticulate, the first segment subquadrate, the second nearly twice the length of the first, the third longer, slender. Mesonotum light yellowish brown. Scutellum and post-scutellum pale yellowish. Abdomen fuscous yellowish. Wings hyaline, slender basally, subcosta uniting with the anterior margin just before the basal half, the third vein a little before the apex, cosla being interrupted, the fifth vein joining the posterior margin at the distal half, with a rudimentary an- terior branch extending to approximately the distal fourth. I lalteres pale yellowish. Legs pale straw, claws simple, mod- erately curved, pulvilli shorter than the claws, (icnitalia, basal clasp segment moderately stout, slightly curved, terminal clasp segment slender, curved, dorsal plate broad, roundly emarginate, the lobes broadly rounded, ventral plate broad, broadly rounded, style long, slender. $ . Length .75 mm., moderately stout. Antennae about three- xlvi. '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS fourths the length of the body, sparsely haired, pale yellowish; 14 segments, the fifth with a cylindrical basal enlargement about two and one-half times its diameter and a moderately stout stem of nearly equal length. Palpi, first segment trans- verse, the second snbqnadrate, with a length one-half greater than its width and almost fused with a rudimentary third seg- ment. < )vipositor short, the terminal lobes narrowly oval. Otherwise about as in the male. This speeies was reared from the seed pods of Hibiscus uiilitaris at Tallulah, LOUISIANA, in August, 1933, by Dr. \\. W. Harned and submitted for study by Dr. Harold Morrison, in charge of the Division of Insect Identification, U. S. Bureau o of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. Type: the male de- scribed above, United States National Museum, "Washington, D. C. Notes on the Taxonomic Status of Certain Species of the Genus Chlorops (Diptera, Chloropidae).* By CI-RTIS W. SABKOSKY.** Kansas State College. An examination of the cotypes of Chlorous iugrata Williston | at present placed as a synonym of Pseudogaurax anchora ( Loew)] has revealed its true status as a valid species, and has suggested a brief review of the case, with notes on the types. The bulletin of the Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station for 1893 (11) contained the description of a new species, Clilorops iin/rutu, by S. \Y. \Yilliston. based on "two specimens, Ohio, Prof. V. M. Webster." In the same bulletin were two short articles by Webster (9. 10), giving the rearing records of various insects and noting that ini/nita had been bred t rom supposedly aborted galls on the grass. M itlilcnln •;-nc larva, in i)articular. * Contribution from tlu- 1 Vpartment of i ' it ** The author's thanks arc cine to Dr R H. Beamer of the Tnivcrsitv of Kansas for many onirtesie> in connection \vi;h the -tiuly of tyjics ami material in the Simu Iv.itoiiiol. .uical Collection. 78 ENTOMOLOGICAL NFAYS [Mar., '35 "\vns observed burrowing in the terminal internode of a species of grass belonging to the genus Muhlenbergia, possibly M. mexicana Trin.". and it is quite probable that this was the species later described as C. ingrata. Coquillett (6, p. 71) in 1898 gave more definite data, as follows: "On Aug. 12, iSS-k several plants of Muhlenbergia ine.vicana were received from F. M. Webster, ( )xford. Ind. At the tips of the plants were gall-like swellings, each containing a larva or puparium of this insect. The adult Mies issued Alay 12, 15, 21 and June 1 of the following year." Adams (1) included this species in his 1903 key to the genus Chlorous, and Aldrich (3, p. 633) listed it under that genus in his catalogue. In Theodor Becker's 1912 monograph of the Nearctic Chloropidae (4), however, we find it listed in a dif- ferent subfamily, as a synonym of Gaura.v ancJiora Loew, now known as I'scitdoi/aitra.r ancJiora. The synonymy is given on the authority of Coquillett and apparently accepted by Becker. The two cotypes ( neither was designated as the type ) are in the Snow Entomological Collection at the University of Kan- sas, and both agree in every detail with Williston's description. Both bear a small label, "Ohio," in addition to the type label. The fact noted by \Yilliston that in the male, the triangle is "nearly contiguous above with the eyes," is probably due solely to the condition of the specimen, which was apparently slightly teneral, and shriveled somewhat in drying. Probably as a further result of this, the front of the male projects anteriorly to a distance subequal to the length of the eye (in dorsal as- pect), whereas in the female and in compared specimens the projection is not as great. In the female type there is also a wider space between the triangle and the eyes at the vertex. Upon comparison of \Yilliston's description with a descrip- tion or specimens of Pseudogaurax ancJiora. it is difficult to believe that they could be confused. In addition to the differ- ences evident in the descriptions, there is a very distinct con- trast in the biology as thus far recorded, the Cliloro[ theory of evolution of the ventral suckers of dipterous larvae. | Rec. Indian Mns.| 35: 283-286. Koch, H.— Ess:ii d'interpreta 86 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Mar., '35 tion de la soidisant "reduction vitale" dc sels d'argent par certains organes d'arthropodes. [An. Soc. Sc. Bruxelles) 54: 346-361, ill. Madwar, S. — Biology and morphology of the immature stages of Mycetophila marginata and Dyna- tosoma fuscicorne. |75] 15: 108-116, ill. Marshall & Staley. -Exhibition of "autogenous" characteristics by a British strain of Culex pipiens. [31] 135: 34. Molitor, A. — Neue beobachtungen und versuche mit grabwespen. [97 J 54: 450- 466. Negi, P. S. — The alimentary canal, its appendages, salivary glands and the nervous system of the adult female lac insect, Laccifer lacca (Coccidae) [22] 25: 541-546, ill. Oehlenschlaeger, E. A. — Papilio g. glaucus mutilated and abandoned at Milwaukee, U. S. A.: the hindwing 'tails" as parasemes adapted to protect the vital parts. [Pro. R. Ent. Soc. Lond.] 9: 57-58. Poulton, E. B. — Incipient mimicry by a California!! form of the nymphaline butterfly Basil- archia weidemeyerii, of the B. lorquini, and Adelpha cali- fornica association. Mimetic resemblance of a fly (Baccha) to a fossorial wasp (Trypoxylon) on Barra Colorado Island. [Pro. R. Ent. Soc. Lond.] "9: 53-56; 56-57. Rau, P.— Be- havior notes on certain solitary wasps [4] 66: 259-261, ill. Reed, S. C. — Possible polyploidy in the Hymenoptera. [5] 41 : 164-165. Stanley, J. — A mathematical theory of the growth of populations of the flour beetle, Triboliurn con- fusum. [Can. Jour. Res.] 11: 728-732. Stiles, K. A.— Nor- mal butyl alcohol technic for animal tissues with special reference to insects. [Stain Tech.] 9: 97-100. Thomas, M. — [/Immobilisation protectrice. Observations sur Carau- sius morosus. [33] 74: 351-360. Varde, V. P. — The pro- trusible vesicles in Cyrtacanthacrinae-Acridiinae. (Orth.). | Jour. Univ. Bombay] 2: 53-57, ill. Wolcott, G. N.— The diapause portion of the larval period of Diaprepes abbrevi- atus. [Jour. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico] 18: 417-428, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Canals, J.— Las Aranas del genero Mastophora en la Argentina. [An. Mus. Argentina Cien. Nat.] 37: 17-27, ill. (*). Jellison & Philip. -The biology of the black widow spider. Latrodectus mac- tans. [68] 81 : 71-72. Thompson, G. B.— Records of Siphun- culata and Mallophaga from Canadian hosts. [4] 66: 279- 281. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Prison, T. H. — The stone-flu's or Plecoptera of Illinois. [Bull. X. H. xlvi, '35] KXTOMOLOCICAL NEWS 87 S.| XX: 471 pp., ill. (*). Light, S. F.— A collection of termites from Arizona. [55| 10: 159-160. Navas, L. — In- sectos Suramericanos. [Rev. Ac. Cien. Madrid] 31: 155- 184, ill. (*). Thompson, G.— Notes on Mallophaga. [75] 15: 153-156. Thompson, W. L. — Notes on Neotermes cas- taneus. [39] 18: 33-39. ill. Walker, E. M.— The nymphs of Aeschna juncea and A. subarctica. [4] 66: 267-274. ill. Watson, J. R. — Thysanoptera of the geenton. [39] 18: 44- 46, cont. (*). ORTHOPTERA.— Caudell, A. N.— Notes on some Tet- tigoniinae of California with descriptions of new species. [55] 10: 151-158, ill. Hebard, M. — New genera and species of Melanopli found within the United States and Canada (Acriclidae). Parts V-VI. [1] 60: 337-390, ill. HEMIPTERA.— Baker, J. M.— Algunos afidos Mexi- canos. [112] 5: 209-222, ill. (*). Muir, F.— The genus Pin- talia (Cixiidae). [36] 82: 421-441, ill. (*S). Van Duzee, E. P. — A new pentatomid from Trinidad, \\'. I. [55] 10: 170. Van Duzee, E. P. — An interesting new fulgorid. [55] 10: 191-192. Wymore, F. H.— New California cicadas. A new variety of cicada. [55] 10: 166-169, ill., 174. LEPIDOPTERA.— Cockerell, T. D. A.— The western invasion of Samia cecropia. [68] 81: 97-98. Dos Passes & Grey. — Additions and corrections to "A list of the butter- flies of Maine.' [4] 66: 278. Garth, J. S.— Butterflies of the Boundary Hill Research Reserve, Yosemite Nat. Park, Cal. [38] 33: 131-135. Hemming, F. — On the dates of pub- lication of Hewitson (\Y. C.), Illustr. diurn. Lep. Lycaeni- dae. [75 | 15: 117-120. Notes on seventeen genera of Rhop- alocera. [107] 4: 1-3. (*). The generic names of the Hoi- arctic butterflies. I. 184 pp. [Br. Mus. Pub.]. (*). Hoff- mann, C. C. — Lepidopteros nuevos de Mexico. [112] 5: 201-207. ill. Kohler, P. — Dos lepidopteros argentinos nuc- vos. |K)4| 6: 39-40. ill. Stichel, H.— Nacharbeiten zur Re- vision dcr Riodinidae (>=Erycinidae). [18] 28: 480-4S3. cont. Vazquez, L. — Contribucion al conocimiento de Ins lepidopUTos Mexicanos. [112| 5: 259-270, ill. DIPTERA.— Aldrich, J. M.— Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Tachinidae. VII. Pp. 1-170, ill. (*). Darby & Kapp. — Studies on the Mexican fruit fly ( .\na>trepha 1 miens). 7 | U. S. D. A.] Tech. Bull. 444: 2()~pp. Edwards, 88 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEW.s [Alar., '35 F. W— New neotropical Bibioninae. | 107] 4: 19-24. Fisher, S. — Four new species of Mycetophilidae. |4] 66: 276-278. ill. Malloch, J. R. — Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Muscidac. VII. pp. 171-346, ill. (*). Ouellet, J.— Decrip- tion d'un noveaux diptere du genre Chloro]»isca. |98] 61: 320-323. Prado, A. — Contribuicoes ao conhecimento dos culicedeos de S. Paulo. V. Synopse das especies de Man- sonia. [Mem. Inst. Butantan, S. Paulo] 8: 1-10, ill. (*). Rees, D. M. — Mosquito records from Utah. [55] 10: 161- 165. Reinhard, H. J. — American muscoid flies of the gen- era Ceratomyiella and Paradidyma. (50] 83: No. 2973, 43 pp. (*). Ripstein, C. — Los mosquitos del valle de Mexico. [112] 5: 249-257. ill. COLEOPTERA.— Bertrand, H.— Notes sur quelques larves de Coleopteres aquatiques. [24] 103: 363-382, ill. Bierig, A. — Un genero y especies nuevas de los Paederinae de Cuba. [Mem. Soc. Cubana H. N.] 8: 325-330. ill. Bruner, S. C. — La odisea de un picudo. [Mem. Soc. Cubana H. N.] 8: 350. Chagnon, G. — On the occurrence in North Amer- ica of the European staphylinid beetle Deleaster dichrous. [4] 66: 282. Davis, A. C. — A revision of the genus Pie- coma. [38] 33: 123-130, cont. Fall, H. C.— A new name and other miscellaneous notes. [55] 10: 171-174. Fisher, W. S. — New anobiid beetle from Canada. [4] 66: 275-276. Hinton & Ancona. — Fauna de coleopteros en nidos de hor- migas (Atta), en Mexico y Centre America. [112] 5: 243- 248, ill. (*). Hopping, R. — A change of name (Buprestus contortae to B. murrayanae). [55] 10: 174. Ingram, W. M. -Field notes on five species of the genus Cicindela of the family Cicindelidae from Balboa Bay, Orange County, Cali- fornia. 1 13] 26: 51-52. Jules, F. — Un coleoptere nouveau pour rAmerique du Norcl. |98] 62: 5. Ochs, G. — Ein weiterer beitrag zur kenntnis der gattung Gyretes. [Senck- enbergiana, Frankfurt a. M.] 16: 137-152. '(S*). Saylor, L. W. — Short studies in American Scarabaeidae, No. 1. [13] 26: 49-50. (*). Uhmann, E. — Hispinen-minen aus Costa-Rica. ( Chrysomelidae). [110] 1: 272-277, ill. (*). Van Dyke, E. C. — Note on the Licbeck Collection. [55] 10: 158. Van Dyke, E. C. — New species of North American weevils in the family Curculionidae, subfamily Brachyr- hininae. [55] 10: 175-191. Voss, E.— Ueber einen bla'tt- minierenden tropischen Riissler. (Curculionidae). [110] 1: 267-271. ill. (*). xlvi, '35 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS HYMENOPTERA.— Cockerell, T. D. A.— New records of bees. [40J 766: 8 pp. (*). New bees from Trinidad. 1 107J 4: 10-13. Gallardo, A. — Las hormigas de la Repub- lica Argentina subfamilia Mirmicinas. [An. Mus. Argen- tine Cien. Nat.J 37: 37-170. ill. Gemignani, E. V. — La familia "Eucharidae" (Chalcidoidea) en la Republica Ar- gentina. [An. Mus. Argentine) Cien. Nat.] 37: 477-493, ill. (*). Goetsch, W. — Formicidae Chilensis. [Bol. Soc. Biol. Conception] 7: 11-28, ill. Olsen, O. W. — Notes on the N. Am. harvesting ants of the gen. Pogonomyrmex. [Bill. Mus. Comp. Zool.] 77: 493-514. ill. (*). Special Note. — A biography of Charles Valentine Riley, eminent chief of the Division of Entomology, U. S. Depart- ment of Agriculture (1878-79, 1881-1894), by his successor, Dr. L. O. Howard, occupies a little more than one page (609- 610) of Volume XV ( Platt-Roberdeau) of the Dictionary of American Biography, which appeared January 25th, 1935. Published under the auspices of the American Council ot Learned Societies, this distinguished biographical work is fast approaching the proportions of the one definitive source of in- formation on the lives of America's great. THE COMPLETE BOOK OF BRITISH BUTTERFLIES. By F. \\ . FROHAWK, with foreword by Lord ROTHSCHILD. Ward, Lock & Co. Ltd., London and Melbourne, December, 1934. 3S4 pages, 32 colour plates and over 160 unique sketches from life. 10 shillings, 6 pence, net.— This is a well printed and illustrated book, the colored plates giving excellent figures of all of the 68 British butterflies, their eggs, larvae and pupae, details of the seventh segment of the larvae, and a number of aberrations of the imagoes. There are introductory chapters on classification, a check list giving the new generic nomenclature prepared by the Committee on General Nomenclature of the Royal Entom- ological Society, on aberration and protective resemblance, migration, hints on collecting and rearing butterflies, and a list of the food plants of the species. The numerous text figures were made by the author, and are excellently reproduced, showing many phases of the habits and life histories of these insects, as well as many aberrations not previously figured. The book while intended for popular consumption, is scien- tifically accurate, and contains so much interesting information 90 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '35 about the butterflies concerned that it will be a valuable as well as a beautiful addition to the library of any lepidopterist.- R. C. WILLIAMS, JR. THE GENERIC NAMES OF THE HOLARCTIC BUTTERFLIES. Vol. I — 1758-1863. By FRANCIS HEMMING. London, July, 1934. Printed by order of the Trustees of the British Museum and sold by the British Museum (Natural History), Cromwell Road, S. W. 7, and by Bernard Quaritch. ( Price not men- tioned.) 180 pages. — This work has a preface by Capt. N. D. Riley, and is in two parts, the first, introductory, being an ac- count of the preparation of the work, the author's procedure, a discussion of the rules and some exceptions desired, and re- marks on some of the books consulted. The second part is a synonymic catalogue of the 500 names proposed, the type fixa- tion and the author's remarks and conclusions. This is fol- lowed by an appendix, being extracts from the code on the law of priority, and an alphabetical index. Mr. Hemming began his research in 1931. Tt covers the period from the 10th edition of Linne, 1758, to the beginning of the Zoological Record, 1868, and the Holarctic butterflies only except where later references are necessary, or where extra- faunal insects have been credited to the region treated of. Mr. Hemming is to be congratulated on his industry which is well understood by the writer, who, with his friend, Mr. Ernest L. Bell, has spent years in assembling a card catalog of the neotropical Hesperidae alone. The suggestions for the suspen- sion of the rules refer to the following genera of long use in literature; Euploea Fab., Arc/vnnis Fab.. I'ancssa Fab., Eu- thalla Hi\b., Nyinphidium Fab., Stryuwu Hub. and Colius Fab. Many prominent American entomologists have signed a peti- tion to the International Commission requesting the suspen- sion of 'the rules in these cases. The writer would have wished that more of the older, generally used names had been included in this list, but, in the interests of stability, will accept all of Mr. Hemming's findings, hoping that writers on the Rhopal- ocera will have this work before them, and follow it in future in their use of generic names. It is to be hoped that the author will continue the work, not only bringing it up to date, but also include the World genera, and it would appear he is so doing from the notes he is publishing from time to time in Stylops and The linlonioloijisi . His work is of great value towards the goal, I hope attainable, of a stable scientific nomen- clature.— R. C. WILLIAMS, JR. EXCH ANOES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Exchange — Will collect insects of Connecticut this season and desire to get in touch with collectors desiring this material, either in exchange or for cash. Harry L. Johnson, So. Meriden, Conn. Wanted — Xames and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa. Okla. Literature Wanted — Barnes & McDunnough's "Contributions," Henry Edward's "Pacific Coast Lepidoptera" and other publications relative to North American Lepidoptera. C. F. dos Passes, Mend- ham, Xew Jersey. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States. For cash or exchange. Edward Guedft, P. O. Box 305, Napa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- '.-hase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello. Fla. FOR SAT.E. A fe\v Michigan cocoons of Samia Columbia 75 cents, ort hree for $1.50, guaranteed living pupae with cocoon attached to food plant. W. S. McALPINE, 575 Townseml Street, Birmingham, Michigan. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 989. — Blaisdell (F. E.). — Studies in the genus Auchmobius. Tenebrionidae. (Trans., 60, 223-264, 3 pis., 1934). .80 DIPTERA 987. — Huckett (H. C.). — A revision of the North American species belonging to the genus Coenosia (Muscidae). II. The subgenus Limosia. (Trans., 60, 133-198, 6 pis., 1934) 1.25 988. — Cresson (E. T.). — Descriptions of new genera and species of the dipterous famity Ephydridae. XI. (Trans., 60, 199-222, 1934) 50 LEPIDOPTERA 990. — Williams & Bell. — Studies in the American Hesperioidea. IV. (Trans., 60, 265-280, 1 pi. 1934) 30 ORTHOPTERA 991. — Hebard (M.). — Studies in Orthoptera which occur in N. America, north of the Mexican boundary. IV-V. (Trans., 60, 281-293, 1 pi., 1934) 30 M-8. — Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934). 2.50 Herewith find remittance for $. . . . , for which please send me the items checked above. Write your name and address in the space below. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy. All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA REV1STA DE ENTOMOLOGIA AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ENTOMOLOGY An illustrated magazine published four times a year by Thoir.az Borg- meier, O. F. M., devoted to entomology, mainly of the neotropical fauna. The four volumes already published (1931-1934) comprise more than 2,000 pages and contain articles by leading entomologists as W. M. Wheeler, F. W. Edwards, W. Horn, E. Lindner, A. da Costa Lima, F. Silvestri, C. Menozzi, A. Reichensperger, F. Santschi, D. Moulton, etc., with a biblio- graphy of the current literature (economic and non-economic) of the neotro- pical fauna. Price to subscribers 4 U. S. dollars, payable in advance. At book- sellers 5 U. S. dollars ; discount to booksellers 20 ''< . Volumes I-IV are stil on sale ; price of each volume 4 U. S. dollars. Subscriptions should be sent to the Editor : THOMAZ BORGME1ER, 0. F. M., Convento S. Antonio, Largo da Carioca, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, or to ADOLF SCHLUTER, Kuhlenstrasse 45, Minden i. W., Germany. WARD'S INSECT STORAGE EQUIPMENT SCHMITT BOXES.— Ward's makes the only genuine Schmitt Box. Furnished with pinning bottom of patent entomological cork or balsa wood. Price per dozen with Patent Cork $38.00 Price per dozen with Balsa Wood . $35.00 THE NEW WARD INSECT BOX.— An inexpensive pest-proof con- tainer. Beveled pest-proofing flange protects insect specimens from damage. Composition pinning bottom will not corrode pins. Price per dozen $22.20 THE WARD ECONOMY BOX.— An all wood box with composition bottom. For student use or storing of series of duplicates. Price per dozen. Lined with white glazed paper. . . $11.20 Price per dozen. Unlined $10.00 INSECT CABINET DRAWERS.— Ward's can supply either the Cor- nell University or the United States National Museum Type for $4.00 and $5.00 each. UNIT PINNING TRAYS.— Trays for the above cabinet drawers are in stock at all times. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN BIURNALS. in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera: 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 600 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS APRIL, 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 4 JOHN MERTON ALDRICH; 1866-1934. CONTENTS Fox — Tenodera angustipennis Saussure established in Southern New Jersey (Orthoptera: Mantidae) 91 Ferris — The Prothoracic Pleurites of Coleoptera 93 Knull— Four New Texas Coleoptera (Buprestidae and Cerambycidae). 96 Henne — A New Form of Leptotes marina (Lepid.: Nymphalidae) . 100 Odonate Fauna of some of the East Indies 101 Cartwright— A New Species of Phylluphaga from Florida (Coleop.: Scarabaeidae) 102 Townsend — Rohdendorfina New Name, Oestrocara gen. nov. (Dipt.). 104 Knipling— Gasterophilus inermis Brauer, a Species of Horse Bot not previously recorded from North America (Diptera: Oestridae). 105 Blatchley — A Veteran's Appeal Knowlton — Further Notes on Utah Heteroptera and Homoptera . 108 Allen & Nonamaker — Popenoe Entomological Club. . . . 112 Entomological Literature Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin-Dahlem Obituary — Frederick Augustus Dixey, M.A., D.M., F.R.S. . PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder.Ph.D., Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America . . $3.00 Canada . . .... 3.15 Foreign . . 3.25 Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in, $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8 00, " 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the •ubscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should bt Hated on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without covers over and above the twenty-five given fiee at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents; three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty -five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed •overs for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVI. APRIL, 1935 No. 4 Tenodera angustipennis Saussure established in Southern New Jersey (Orthoptera: Mantidae). I'.y HKXKY Fox, Associate Entomologist. V. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Ouarantine. Early in 1933 Frank Morton Jones (Exr. XKWS, KI.IV (1): 1-3) reported the presence in this country of a second species of oriental mantis, Tenodera angustipennis Saussmv. material of which he had collected at several points in Dela- ware and the adjoining section of Maryland. The earliest indication that this same species had become established in southern New Jersey came to my attention in the autumn of 1933, when Mr. Carl Ilg, of the Department of Entomology, Xew Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station. handed me several egg masses which he informed me had been collected at Cedarville, Cumberland County. These egg masse-. I subsequently placed in shrubbery growing on the grounds of an apartment in Riverton, which 1 occupied at the time. Whether the eggs hatched and gave rise to any adults at that place I am unable to say, as I vacated the apartment early in the summer of 1934, and a search made, during a visit to Rivertoii in the autumn of the same year failed to reveal a trace of the insect, although egg masses of the older established form T. sineiisis Saussure, were frequent on that and adjoining properties. During a brief sojourn in northern Cape May County in mid-September, 1934, T found clear indications that HIKJIIS! pcniiis was well established in that sen ion. adult example- being taken at Ocean View, South Seaville. and We-t Ocean Ciiy (Marmora). The greatest number was obtained in the nursery of Mr. Melvin Wills. South Seaville. where, if anything, il < rather more numerous than sincnsis. which is known to b. been present in the vicinity for many years. 91 92 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 About two weeks after finding the species in Cape- May County I found an adult and several egg masses at Elmer, Salem County. Diligent search on several occasions in the autumn of 1934 at Moorestown, failed to reveal any evidence of the presence of aiigiistipciinis at that locality, although the other species, sincnsis, is common there. In an effort to ascertain whether there had appeared any earlier announcement of the presence of angustipennis in New Jersey, I wrote to Mr. Ilg. who informed me that, while he knew of no published record, an egg mass of the same species had been collected in an apple tree at Glassboro as far back as October, 1929. Mistaking this for an egg mass of the native1 Stagmomantis Carolina (Johannsen), he paid no further attention to it until after the appearance of Mr. Jones' paper announcing the presence of the new form in this country, when he sent a similar egg mass to Mr. Rehn, who identified it as belonging to angustipennis. I am also informed by Mr. Ilg that, since 1929, egg masses of the newly established mantis were collected in 1931 at Ham- monton by A. J. Farley and in 1932 at Cedarville, by R. C. Burdette. In the autumn of 1933, accompanied by Burdette, Mr. Ilg visited the locality at Cedarville and there gathered about 30 egg masses. These included those presented by Mr. Ilg to me, as well as some sent to W. T. Davis, Staten Island, and to Mr. Herman Hornig, Reading, Pennsylvania. The re- mainder of the series, according to Mr. Ilg, was distributed about New Brunswick. Besides those previously mentioned, Mr. Ilg informed me that in November, 1933, Mr. E. G. Scovell sent in for identi- fication an egg mass of angustipennis collected in Salem County, along with the statement that numerous other egg masses ot the same general appearance had been seen in the county. From these various records, as well as from the observed frequency of the species in Salem, Cumberland and upper Cape May counties, it seems probable that angustipennis must be 1 That is, native to this country, but not definitely known, to occur in New Jersey. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 93 rather generally distributed throughout southern Xe\v Jersey, north, at least, to Glassboro and Hamnionton. ANo the pos- sible future development of the species in the form of local colonies may perhaps be anticipated at the localities mentioned where egg masses were noted as intentionally introduced. Since the preceding account was written, the writer, during a visit at Cape May Court House late in November, 1934. made an effort to determine the relative proportion formed by an- gustipennis in the total mantid population of that and one other nearby locality. The insects having disappeared at the time, the egg capsules were utilized for this purpose. At Court House a search on parts of two consecutive days showed that out of a total of 127 egg capsules observed, 38, or 30 percent, were of angustipennis, the remainder being sinensis. On an- other day, at Stone Harbor, during about two hours' search be- tween showers, 14 capsules, out of a total of 143. were of iiiiyustif>cniiis, indicating it as forming only about 10 percent of the mantid population of that place. A curious feature in the distribution of these egg capsules in the case of both species was their relative abundance within town limits and their apparent scarcity in open country away from the vicinity of dwellings. In view of the fact that both species of mantids now7 estab- lished in Xew Jersey have similar habits, it would seem that they would form promising material for a study of competition in the struggle for existence. Apparently one way to get data in such a study would be to compare the relative abundance of tin- egg capsules of the two species over a series of years. The Prothoracic Pleurites of Coleoptera. By G. F. FERRIS, Stanford University, California. (Continued from page 68.) COMPARISON OK THE Two TYPES. The two forms here described may be regarded as types of the two great groups of the Coleoptera, the Adephaga and the Polyphaga. That a difference in the prothoracic pleurites of these two groups exists has long been recognized by coleopter- 94 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 ists, hut the attempts to express these differences have been curiously unmorphological and reveal no clear understanding of the situation. Such statements in regard to the Polyphaga as "notum not separated from the pleura by distinct sutures," "prothoracic pleural sutures lacking," and "pleuron frequently undivided into sclerites and the suture between that region and the pronotum, on either side, likewise often absent," are but unsatisfactory — and for that matter quite untrue — descriptions of the actual morphological situation. In the light of what has been shown, supported by the study of representatives of about forty well distributed families of the Coleoptera, we may attempt to re-define the differences in the prothoracic pleural structure of Adephaga and Polyphaga. The Polyphaga always with the prothoracic pleurites much reduced in size and forming a single plate or "eutrochantin," this plate usually being partially or even entirely concealed within the coxal acetabulum ; prothoracic pleural apophysis usu- ally well developed, although rarely lacking; sides of the pro- thorax formed entirely from the notum, which meets the sternum along a noto-sternal suture anterior to the coxae or this suture suppressed by fusion of the two parts, and fre- quently meeting the sternum posterior to the coxae. The Adephaga always with the prothoracic pleurites strongly developed, forming a conspicuous part of the externally visible structure of the segment, a well defined noto-pleural, as well as a pleuro-sternal suture being present; notum meeting the sternum and forming a noto-sternal suture for at the most but a short distance near the anterior border of the segment and never meeting the sternum posterior to the coxae; trochantin present as a distinct piece ; pleural apophysis never developed. NOTES. About forty families, well distributed throughout the major groups of the Coleoptera, have been examined in the course of this study. No departures from the two types as described ap- pear to such a degree as to disturb the basic conclusion that as far as the prothoracic pleurites are concerned the beetles definitely fall into two great groups. Representatives of the xlvi, '35 | K. \TO.MOLOCICAL NEWS 95 two doubtful families Rhyssodidae and Cupesidae have been examined and as tar as these structures are concerned both these families are definitely Adephagous. The Adephaga, espe- cially, cling closely to their common type. In the Polyphaga extraordinary secondary developments oc- cur in the families Histeridae, Scarabaeidae, Lucanidae, Cur- culionidae (subfamily Calandrinae) and especially in the Tene- brionidae as represented by the genus Elcodcs. In this last named form there is a complete breakdown of the landmarks but the morphological interpretation attainable by comparison with less modified forms is clear. In spite of the modifications presented the adherence to the basic type is not disturbed. It is evident that if the interpretations of the prothoracic pleurites which are here presented are valid, the existing liter- ature contains many errors. Such, for example, is the state- ment used in some keys that in certain families of the Poly- phaga the "trochantin"-— meaning what is here considered to be the entire pleurum — is lacking. It is not lacking in any family that has been examined, this including some to which the quoted statement is supposed to apply. Such a statement as "pro- sternal epimera fused in the middle line behind the coxae" as applied to the weevils is obviously erroneous, it being the notum which in this group closes in behind the coxae. .And so with numerous other statements which the student who accepts the point of view herein expressed will easily detect. It would be well to call attention to certain methods which have been used in connection with this study. In order to make the necessary dissections from pinned material — which is all that is usually available — the tissues must be softened and in must cases bleached. The softening can be accomplished by the usual boiling in caustic potash. To render specimens trans- lucent, a bleaching medium developed by Air. Richard Black- wclder and later to be described by him in detail has been em- ployed. This fluid consists of hydrogen peroxide and am- monia and has proven splendidly effective, reducing even very black specimens to a proper state in a time frequently meas- ureable in minutes. It will constitute a notable addition to our available methods of study. 96 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 Four New Texas Coleoptera (Buprestidae and Cerambycidae). By JOSEF N. KNULL, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Agrilus esperanzae n. sp. (Buprestidae). Form slender, elongate, cupreous above and beneath, a dark blue area covering most of dorsal surface of pronotum, two similar areas on elytra, one back of scutellumv and a transverse band back of middle, each elytron with four white pubescent spots. Head with front convex, slight indication of a median de- pression on vertex ; antennae short, extending to middle of pronotum when laid along lateral margin, serrate from the fifth joint. Pronotum slightly wider than long, widest back of middle; sides arcuately rounded anteriorly, slightly constricted toward base, when viewed from the side the marginal and submarginal carinae are separated for their entire length ; disk convex with- out trace of median depression, lateral depressions well marked, prehumeral carinae short, straight ; surface obliquely rugose, the rugae well separated ; lateral depressions pubescent. Scu- tellum transversely carinate. Elytra wider than pronotum at^ base ; sides strongly con- stricted in middle ; apices broadly rounded, serrulate ; disk slightly flattened, sutural margins elevated posteriorly, basal depressions moderately deep ; surface imbricate punctate, sparsely clothed with short, inconspicuous hairs, each elytron ornamented with four spots of recumbent white pubescence, one in basal depression, a small round one in front of middle, an elongate patch at middle and a fourth one on apical third. Abdomen beneath sparsely punctate, clothed with short re- cumbent white hairs which are more numerous on sides of third ventral segment, first two ventrals not modified in the middle, last ventral with a deep narrow emargination ; pro- sternal lobe truncate. Tibiae slender, not mucronate. Tarsal claws similar on all feet, cleft near base, inner tooth broad, points not turned inward. Length 4.3 mm.; width 1 mm. Hololypc, probably a female, labeled Brownsville, TEXAS, June 3, 1934, J. N. Knull, collector, in collection of the writer. xlvi, '35] KXTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 97 This species would run to A. palmicollis Horn in Fisher's * key. However it can be separated from this species by its more slender form, markings on elytra and structure of the last abdominal segment. Agrilus viridescens n. sp. ( Buprestidae). Form and size of A. eye nits Gory, head bright green on front, vertex and dorsal surface cupreous with viridescent lus- ter, ventral surface shining cupreous. Head with front convex coarsely granulose, becoming rugose on vertex, no trace of median depression; antennae reaching to about middle of pronotum when laid along lateral margin, ser- rate from the fifth joint. Pronotum wider than long, slightly narrower at base than at apex, widest in the middle ; sides arcuately rounded in front, sinuate at base ; when viewed from the side the marginal and submarginal carinae are joined at basal fourth; disk convex, a lateral depression on each side, prehumeral carinae strongly elevated, a rather obscure line extending from scutellum to middle ; surface coarsely transversely rugose. Scutellum trans- versely carinate. Klytra wider than pronotum at base; sides constricted near middle, broadly expanded back of middle, tips separately rounded, finely serrulate ; disk with sutural margins strongly elevated posteriorly : surface imbricately punctate, clothed with scattered, short, recumbent pubescence. \bdomen beneath finely punctate, clothed with short pubes- cence ; first and second segments rounded, a line of longer pubescence exiending from, prosternum to first abdominal seg- ment. Prosternal lobe broadlv emarginatelv truncate. Tibiae .- on their distribution, habits and life-history" in Treubia, xiv, livr. 4. pp. 377-462, Huiten- zorg, Dec., 1934. The following numbers of species are given for the Odonate fauna of near-by areas: Malay Peninsula \^7 , Sumatra 180, Java 142, Borneo 213 (p. 381).' 102 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 A New Species of Phyllophaga from Florida (Coleop.: Scarabaeidae). By O. L. CARTVVRIGIIT, Clemson College, South Carolina.* Phyllophaga youngi n. sp. Type £ : length 16.5 mm., width 8 mm. Elongate oblong. Head dark castaneous, • pronotum ferruginous, elytra ferrugino- testaceous at base, shading quickly to testaceous, abdomen tes- taceous, legs ferruginous, the tibia darker. Upper surface shin- ing, glabrous. Mesosternum with sparse, fine, long, yellowish hair. Abdomen with scarcely noticeable, fine, sparse, • short hair at sides, somewhat longer on penultimate. Antennae 9-jointed. club shorter than funicle, equal to scape. Clypeus moderately emarginate, sides arcuate ; margin broadly not abruptly reflexed ; rather coarsely punctate, closer at suture and middle where the punctures are separated by about their own diameters or less, gradually increasing to three or four times their diameters at the sides ; suture impressed, subangulate at middle, arcuate to sides. Frons slightly convex, punctures about equal to those of clypeus in size, sparse near suture, separated by three or four diameters, gradually closer to about their own diameters at vertex, smooth above vertex, a few scattered punctures along occipital margin and at sides ; a median longitudinal impressed line from suture almost to occiput. Pronotum one-half wider than long, a slight depression an- teriorly each side of median line; narrowed anteriorly, sides arcuate, anterior angles sharply rounded, posterior angles broadly rounded, not well defined ; lateral margins crenate, reflexed narrowly at middle, less abruptly at angles ; sub-evenly ocellately punctured, punctures somewhat finer and closer an- teriorly where they approximate in sixe the punctures of the head ; basal margin interrupted at middle. Elytra semi-transparent ; sutnral costae distinct, discal costae obliterated : punctures finer than on thorax, evenly distributed, deeper on discal area, subrugulose just back of scutellum. Scu- tellum with close punctures laterally. Metasternum closely, moderately coarsely punctured, pos- terior coxal plates less closely so, the punctures bearing fine hairs. Abdominal segments more finely and less densely punc- tured, especially at middle. Penultimate segment with close * Technical Contributions No. 39, from the South Carolina Kxpc-nment Station, Clemson College, South Carolina. xlvi. '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 103 mixed coarse and line punctures. Abdomen apparently con- stricted just before terminal segment. Posterior half of ter- minal segment eroded. Pvgidium evenly punctate as on elytra. Hoth spurs ol bind tibiae free, the long spur slightly longer and short spur one-third shorter than first tarsal joint. Tooth of claw median, strong, right angled. Aedeagus, Fig. 1. Genitalia of Phyllophaya yoitnyi Cartwright ; 1, 2, 3, Male aedeagus; 4, Female genitalia. 9. Allotype : length 17 mm., width 8.5 mm. Similar to male except that the short spur of the hind tibia is subequal to and the long spur one-third longer than the first tarsal joint ; the penultimate abdominal segment is but slightly constricted: the club of the antenna is much shorter than the funicle and less than the length of the scape. The typical series includes 50 males and 63 females. The males vary in length from 16.5 to 18 mm., in width from 8 to 9 mm. The females vary from 17 to 19 mm., in length, and 8.5 to 9 mm., in width. The species was found feeding upon the Florida Trema, Trcina floridana Hritton. The entire series was collected in an area of approximately one-half square mile in Brickell Hammock, Miami, FLORIDA, by Mr. Frank X. Young, for whom the species is named. Three specimens were 104 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 collected in June, 1933, and all others between June 3 and July 17, 1934. The male holotypc and female allotypc deposited in the United States National Museum. Paralyses placed in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, in the Canadian National Collection, and in the private collec- tions of Mr. Young and the writer. Phyllophaga voitnc/'i keys to Horn's group XV ("Revision of the Species of Lachnosterna of America North of Mexico." -Geo. H. Horn. Trans. Am. Ent. Soc. XIV 1887 p. 215). In this group it is easily separated from P. ecostata Horn, the only other species having the hind angles of the thorax rounded. P. ccostata Horn lacks sutural costae, has the clypeus entire, and the tooth of the claws small and basal. P. \onni<.ln»-ie dc^ Gastrophiles. Anatomie, physiologic, cycle cvolutif. Ann. Sci. Xat. Zool. (10) 15: 1-183, illus. 1932. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ]Q7 rlioidalis the ventral spines on segment 3 are generally greatly reduced. The spines are broad at the base and come to a point more abruptly than in the other species of Gastcrophilus larvae found in this country. Spines are lightly pigmented, with the pigmented area limited to the tip. The adult is rather small, and densely covered with silvery to yellowish hair, contrasting with the more or less orange-colored hair in G. haemorrhoidalis, G. nasalis, and G. intcstinalis. The third trochanter is without a prominent spur, which will readily distinguish this species from G. intcstinalis. The abdomen is paler, but is somewhat mottled as in intcstinalis. Dark spots on the wings will immediately distinguish this species from G. nasalis and G. haemorrhoidalis. Small spots are also present near the apex of the wings of intcstinalis. However, there are two of these, whereas in incnnis there is only one. The eggs of G. incnnis, according to Dinulescu, are deposited on the hairs on the cheeks of the host, and upon hatching the larvae penetrate the epidermis and work their way under it until they reach the mouth. The larvae then burrow in the sub- epithelial layer of the cheek until they molt. After molting the larvae migrate to the rectum, where they remain attached until they are mature. — — • • • — A Veteran's Appeal. | In view of Dr. Blatchley's invaluable contributions to North American entomology, especially his manuals of Coleoptera, Rhynchophora, Orthoptera and Heteroptera, we are glad to publish the following note. — EDITORS.] On account of failing eyesight and other infirmities, T am no longer able to collect or study insects. I have to have some- thing to do and part of my time is devoted to the collection and study of postage and revenue stamps, especially those of the countries of the western continent. T have hundreds of dupli- cates and will be glad to enter into exchange with any of the readers of ENTOMOLOGICAL XEWS or their friends, who are stamp collectors. If not collectors, perhaps some of the many entomologists who have used my manuals will kindly donate any old postage, cut-square envelope, or revenue stamps which they may have on hand. W. S. BLATCHLEY, Dunedin, Florida. 108 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 Further Notes on Utah Heteroptera and Homoptera.' By GEORGE F. KNOWLTON. This report deals with additional records of Utah Het- eroptera and Homoptera,2 the distribution of which is in- completely recorded for this inter-mountain area. The writer is indebted to Messrs. H. G. Barber and P. W. Oman, of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, for the identification of the material. Unless otherwise indicated local- ities are in Utah and collections (since 1923) made by the writer. Order HETEROPTERA. COREIDAE. ALYDUS PLUTO Uhl. Ft. Duchesne, Aug. 27, 1932 ( F. K. Stof- fers) ; Logan, July 10, 1933 (L. Greene). CORIOMERIS HUMILIS (Uhl.). Avon, Aug. 10, 1930 (Knowl- ton::M. J. Janes); Logan, Oct. 11, 1909; Providence Can- yon, June 7, 1933. AUFEIUS IMPRESSICOLIS Stal. Salt Lake City, Sept. 15, 1925; Taylorsville. CORIZUS HYALINUS var. SANGUINEUS (Costa). Junction, June 27, 1933. C. PARVICORNIS Sign. Alton, June 7, 1933. C. TUBERCULATUS Hambl. On Artemisia tridcntala at Keetley, April 27, 1933. ARADIDAE. ARADUS FUNESTUS Bergr. Logan, April 7, 1933 (Staffers). A. LUGUBRIS Fall. Logan, June 11, 1931 (W. L. Thomas); Salt Lake City, Sept. 6, 1932. NEIDIDAE. JALVSUS SPIXOSTS (Say). Ft. Duchesne, June 15. 1932 (Staf- fers) ; Logan; on Artemisia tridentata in Sardine Canyon, July 14, 1925. J. SPINOSUS WICKTIAMI Van D. Ft. Duchesne, May 17, 1933 (Staffers); Logan, July 4, 1907 ( E. G. Titus). LYGAEIDAE. LYCAKCS ITSIO (Stal). Logan, Oct. 11, 1909. 1 Contribution from the Department of Entomology, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. Authorized for publication by Director. . NEWS 42: 40-43, 68-72; 44: 261-264. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 109 L. LATERALIS Dall. Troutcreek, Inly 25, 1933 (II. B. Staf- ford). NYSIUS THYMI (\VolflF). Plain City, Aug. 5, 1903. X. STRIGOSUS Uhl. Payette, Aug. 27, 1907, Idaho. N. COLORADENSIS Bak. Strawberry, Sept. 10, 1933 (E. \Y. Anthon). ARPHNUS TRISTIS Van I). Kelton, May 15, 1934. A. CORIACIPENNIS ( Stal ) . Cache Junction, June 11, 1903. GEOCORIS BULLATUS (Say). Castlegate, Uuchesne. Hoytsville, Kamas, Snowville, Strawberry, Tabiona, and Zion National Park. G. FALLENS Stal. Kanosh, Lampo, Redwood, Riverside, Snow- ville, and Thompson. G. ATRICOLOR Montcl. Deseret, Layton, Locomotive Springs, Logan, and Snowville. CROPHIUS ANGUSTATUS Van D. Gunnison. Butte, Green River, May 7, 1933 (Stafford). SPHAEROBIUS INSIGNIS (Uhl.). Brigham City, Sept. 25, 1916. LIGYROCORIS NITIDULUS (Uhl.). Kanab, June 26, 1933; Logan, July 7, 1931 (T. O. Thatcher). PERITRECHUS FRATERNUS Uhl. Logan, March 20 and April 24, 1933 (Thatcher). P. TRISTIS Van D. Logan, March 20, 1933 (Thatcher). P. SASKATCHEWANENSIS Barber. Benson, July 23, 1909 (Titus : :Hoff) ; Logan, April 15, 1909 ( J." H. Horton) ; Troutcreek (Stafford). Also Loma, Colorado, June 19, 1933. SPHRAGISTICUS NEBULOSUS (Fall.). Price, May 4, 1916; Whitney ( Horton ) . EMBLETHIS VICARIUS Horv. Logan, April 5, 1905. SCOLOPOSTETHUS THOMSONI Rent. Logan Cany., May 29, 1933; Parley's Cany. (Titus). PHYMATIDAE. PHYMATA BORICA Evans. Richfield; Snowville, Aug. 22, 1931. P. METCALFI Evans. Lucin, Aug. 11, 1931; West Jordan. P. VICINA Handl. Ft. Duchesne, June 15, 1932 (L. Cutler). Also Ft. Collins and Palmer, Colorado. P. EROSA SALICIS Ckl. ( )gden, Aug. 18, 1927; Randlett ; Ros- ette. REDUVIIDAE. REDUVIUS PERSONATUS (L.). Delta, June 26, 1930; Logan (J. H. Linford) ; Providence ( D. Hammond). Also Lor- enzo, Idaho, July 26, 1931 (Thomas). 110 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 TRIATOMA PROTRACTA (Uhl.). Troutcreek, July 23, 1933 (Stafford). APIOMERUS SPISSIPES (Say). Logan, July 4, 1907 (Titus); Timpie, June 18, 1933/ ZELUS RENARDII Kolen. Moab, Aug. 10, 1906; St. George. July, 1928 (H. J. Pack). RHYNCORIS VENTRALIS (Say). Cache Junction, June 3, 1912 (H. R. Hagan); Farmington; Ft. Duchesne (StotTers). ACHOLLA AMPLIATA Stal. Lampo, Aug. 1, 1931 ( Kiimvlton : : Thomas ) . SINEA COMPLEXA Caud. Whitehouse, June 19, 1933. NARIDAE. NABIS INSCRIPTVIS (Kirby). Logan Canyon, May 29, 1933 Knowlton : rAnthon). N. ALTERNATA Parsh. Ft. Duchesne, May 21, 1933 (C. J. Sorenson) ; Logan (Anthon); Manti (Pack); Provo Can- yon; Stansbury Island (Knowlton: :Thomas) ; Springville; St rawberry ( Anthon ) . N. ROSEIPENNIS Rent. Logan Canyon, May 17, 1933 (Knowl- ton : : Anthon). N. RUFUSCULUS Reut. Logan, April 6, 1905. ANTHOCORIDAE. ANTHOCORIS ANTEVOLENS White. Logan Canyon. July 10, 1933. A. MELANOCERUS Reut. Found to attack potato psyllid, Para- trioza cocker clli (Sulc), when placed in a cage with them. Logan Canyon, July 16, 1933; Joseph (Titus). Order HOMOPTERA. ClCADELLIDAE. AGALLIA QUADRIPUNCTATA Prov. Providence, June 3, 1930 (Janes). A. BIGLOVIAE Bak. On beets at Delta, June 24, 1927. ACERATAGALLIA HELVEOLA Oman. Helper, June 17, 1933: Hurricane; Jensen; Orr's Ranch in Skull Valley. A. UHLERI Van D. The Delle and Grantsville, June 2, 1933; Duchesne ; La Sal ; Stansbury Island ; Torrv. IDIOCERTS AMABILIS Ball. Logan Canyon. July 31. 1933. I. DUZEEI Prov. Strawberry, Sept. 10, 1933 (Anthon). xlvi, '35 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS HI I. FEMORALUS Ball. Logan Canyon. March 12, 1934 ( 'Knowl- ton : : Thomas ) . I. LACHRYMALIS Fitch. Ft. Duchesne, Aug. 20. 1932 (Stof- fers) ; Salt Lake City (Stafford). I. SNOWI G. and B. Salt Lake City, July 15, 1933 ( Stafford). BYTHOSCOPUS ATER (Bak.). Indian Canyon and Willow Creek, June 12, 1933. GYPONA VERTICALIS Stal. Lehi, Sept. 10, 1931 ; Logan (Thomas); Nibley; Providence (Janes); Holliday. MESAMIA STRAMINEA (Osb.). Bountiful, Oct. 5, 1933 ( Knowl- ton::J. A. Rowe) ; Fillmore ; Hot Springs; Magna; Pro- montory ; Warren. OSBORNELLUS coNSORS ( Ulil). Sardine Canyon, Aug. 9, 1933. TWININGIA BLANDA (Ball). Trout Creek, July 25, 1933 (Stafford). PLATYMETOPIUS ACUTUS (Say). Bountiful, Oct. 5, 1933; Ft. Duchesne, June (Stoffers) ; Manti ; Price; Wellington. P. OREGONENSIS Bak. Logan and Logan Canyon, June 31. 1933; Mendon ; Sardine Canyon. P. VITELLINUS Fh. Troutcreek, July 27, 1933 (Stafford). LAEVICEPHALUS UHLERI Oman. Logan, June 13, 1933 (An- thon). L. COLLINUS Boh. Indian Canyon, June 12, 1933. DELTOCEPHALUS SONORUS Ball. Provo, May 21, 1933. ATHYSANELLA UTAHNA Osb. Flux, Aug. 28, 1933; Howell. A. TEREBRANS ( G. and B.). Grassey, June 18, 1933. ATHYSANUS ALMUS (Van D.). Xaf, Idaho, Aug. 13, 1932 ( Knowlton : : Janes ) . OPSIUS STACTOGALIS Fieb. On juniper at Grantsville, Oct. 19, 1931. O. CLARIVADUS (Van D.). Cisco, June 19, 1933; Erda ; Kanab; Locomotive Springs ; on Atriplcx at Promontory ; Thomp- son ; on Chrysothamnus at Valley Junction; Whitehouse. O. INSANUS Ball. On Russian thistle at Deseret, June 18, 1933. O. PAUPERCULUS (Ball). Delle, April 12, 1930. NOVELLINA SCITULA (Ball). On sugar-beets at Hooper, Sept. 5, 1930. N. SAUCIA (Hall). Promontory, Aug. 6, 1930. PHLEPSIUS SPATULATUS \'an D. Troutcreek, |uly 25. 1933 (Stafford). P. CUMULATUS Ball. Bountiful, Oct. 5, 1933 (Knowlton:: Rowe ) . P. EXTREMUS Ball. On Artemisia tridcntata at Curlew, April 28, 1933. 112 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 P. OREGONUS Ball. Troutcreek, July 25, 1933 (Stafford). ACINOPTERUS VIRIDIS Ball. Lampo, Aug. 12, 1932; Thompson, June 19. 1933. THAMNOTETTIX SCHWARZI Ball. Indian Canyon, June 12, 1933; Magna ; Parowan. T. BELLI (Uhl.). Logan, July 31, 1933; Logan Canyon, Ogden. T. ATRIDORSUM Van D. Amalga, Aug. 31, 1927; Blanding; Cedar ; Cisco ; Clover ; Coyote ; Kanosh ; La Sal ; Lewiston ; Monticello ; Nephi ; Pinion Canyon ; Promontory ; Tooele, and Whitehouse. Also near K-Ranch, Colorado, June 11, 1933. EMPOASCA CEREA De L. Indian Canyon and Monticello, July 27, 1932. E. DILUDA De L. Logan Canyon, July 31, 1933. E. MALIGNA (Walsh). Mt. Pleasant', June 28, 1933; Orem. E. NIGRA G. and B. Currant Creek, June 11, 1933; Fillmore ; Indian Canyon; La Sal; Logan; Skull Valley. E. NIGRA var. NIGROSCUTA G. and B. Glendale, June 27, 1933; Logan Canyon ; Monticello. E. NIGRA var. TYPHLOCYBOIDES G. and B. Castlegate, June 12, 1933 ( Knowlton : :Thomas) ; Fillmore; Kanab; Lynndyl ; Manderfield ; Millcreek ; Snowville ; Spring City ; Strawberry (Anthon) and Verdure. E. FILAMENTA De LI. Bountiful, Oct. 5, 1933 (Knowlton:: Rowe) ; Clinton; Coalville; Harrisviiie ; Layton ; Magna; Rockville ; and Springdale. EUPTERYX MELISSAE Curtis. Logan, June 9, 1933. TYPHLOCYBA POM ARIA McA. Cornish, Sept. 11, 1930; on apple and rose, Logan; Providence (Hammond). T. ROSAE (L.). Providence, Oct. 5, 1930 (Janes) and July 18, 1931 (Hammond). Popenoe Entomological Club. A hectograph copy of a circular of fifteen sheets, dated March 28, 1933, has recently been received by the American Entomological Society, containing an account of "Entomology at the Kansas State College, Manhattan, Kansas ; of the Popenoe Entomological Club and its recent activities; a list of the Kansas State College alumini that have been and are now doing entomological work" ; and other notes on entomology at that College. The present officers of this club are : President, Merle W. Allen, Secretarv-Treasurer, Harold L. Nonamaker. xlvi, '35] KXTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 113 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY LAURA S. MACKEY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachmda and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating lo American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets L ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*> following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Papers published in the Entomological News are not listed. New Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to. 112. Anales del Institute de Biologia Mexico. 113. Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin Dahlem. GENERAL. — Alberti, B. --Ueber neubeschreibungen. [18J 28. 507-509. Breyer, A. — Usage de la benzine en en- tomologie. [Lambillionea] 1935: 16-17. Friederichs, K.- Ueber entomologischen unterricht. [113] 1: 55. Grinnell, J. —A revised life-zone map of California. [Univ. Cal. Pub. Zool.] 40: 327-330, ill. Hering, M. — Probleme der minen- forschung. [113] 1: 44-47. Horn, W.— -"Aus der entomol- ogischen welt." [110] 2: 23. Kiefer, O.— Wintertatigkeit des entomologen. [18] 28: 513-516. Krause, E.- gische insektenaufnahmen. [113] 1: 99. Peterson, A.- manunl of entomological equipment and methods. Part 1. 1934. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Bess, H. A.— The alimentary canal of Calosoma sycophanta. [43 1 35: 54-65, ill. von Buddenbrock, W. — Eine neue methode zur erfors chung de> formcnsehens der insekten. [88] 23: 98-100. ill. Drilhon, A. — La reserve alcaline an cotirs de la metamor- phose des lepidopteres. [77] 118: 131-132. Gosswald, K.- Die grundzvigc der stammesgeschichtlichen entwicklung des ameisenpnrnsitismus, neu leleuchtet (lurch die entdeck- tmg einer weiteren parasitischen ameisc. |113| Hendrickson, G. O. — The effect of heavy rains on the Orth- optera population of the prairie. | Pro. Iowa Ac. Sci.| 40: 114 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 238-239. Homann, H. — Die funktion ties mannlichen spin- nentasters im versuch. [34] 109: 73-75, ill. Janisch, E.— Ueber das optimum tier insekten. [113] 1: 131-136. Kel- sheimer, E. G. — Response of European corn borer moths to colored lights. [43] 35: 17-27. von Lengerken, H. — Beine als schwirrorgan. [97] 54: 646-650, ill. Martini, E. — Ueber den salzgehalt tier gewasser mid die malarialage. [113] 1 : 28-44. Oerosi-Pal, Z. — Ueber die ernahrung der Acar- apismilben der honigbienen. [113] 1: 136-138. Pflugfelder, O. — Experimentelle erzeugung von chitinperlen bei insek- ten. [34] 109: 131-134, ill. Rosch, G. A.— Die kunstliche begattung als grundlage fur vererbungs-und zvichtungsver- suche bei bienen. [113"] 1: 131. Schultz, V. G. M. — Etwas iiber die farbenbennungen in tier Lepidopterologie. [18] 28: 509-510. Shull, A. F. — Combinations of current and ante- cedent conditions in relation to wing production of aphids [92] 68: 35-50. Spann, L. — Studies on the reproductive systems of Gryllus assimilis. [Trans. Kans. Ac. Sc.] 37: 299-341, ill. Stammer, H. S. — Bau und bedeutung der mal- pighischen gefasse der Coleopteren. [113] 1: 118-119. Weyer, F. — Ueber die technik tier bestimmung ties von stechmticken gesogenen blutes nach tier praecipitinmeth- ode. [113] 1: 76-83. Zacwilichowski, J. — Ueber die inner- vierung und die sinnesorgane tier fliigel der feldheuschrecke Stauroderus biguttalus [und] tier lausfliege Oxypterum. 187-196; 251-258, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Bishop & Cros- by.— A. n. gen. and two n. sps. of Dictynidae. [95] 48: 45- 48. Hefley, H. M. — A new mite from the common skunk: Mephitis nigra. [103] 8: 22-24. ill. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Adams, J. A. — The early instars of the firebrat Thermobia domestica (Thysanura). [Pro. Iowa Ac. Sci.] 40: 217-219. Bagnall, R. S. — On the classification of the Onychiuridae (Collem- bola) with particular reference to the genus Tullbergia. 1 75] 15: 236-242. (*). Betten, C. et al.— The caddis flies or Trichoptera of New York State. [N. Y. Sta. Bui.] 292: 569 pp., ill. (*). Hungerford, H. B. — A termite new to Kan- sas. Reticulitermes hageni. [103] 8: 24. Kofoid, C. A. — The fight against termites. [76] March 1935: 275-278. Loudon, D. — Comparative list of the Odonnta known to occur in ToAva. [Pro. Iowa Ac. Sci.] 40: 213-215. Werneck, F. L.- Notas para o estudo da orclem Anopluera. [Ill] 29: 179- 187, ill. CS*). xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 115 ORTHOPTERA.— Giinther, K.— Uebcr die variabilitat bei Phasmoiden und anderen Orthopteren und ihrc folgen fiir die systeniatik. |113| 1: 100-1U5. Schleich, E. W.- Ueber wanderheuschrecken. |113| 1: 105-107. HEMIPTERA.— Abbott, C. E.— Xotes on the oviposi- tion and hatching of Corythncha marmorata. |19| 30: 13. Andre, F. — Notes on the biology of Oncopeltus fasciatns. | Iowa Jour. Sci.| 9: 73-86. ill.' ' Beamer & Griffith--New Krvthroneura of the obliqna grou]) (Cicadellidae). |103] 8: 17-21, ill. Blote, H. C. — Catalogue of the Coreidae in the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historic. Pt. 1. Corizi- nae, Alydinae. | Zool. Meded. Rijksmus, Leiden] 17: 253- 285, ill. (S*). Borner, C. — 'Ueber system und stammesge- schichte der Schnabelkerfe. |113] 'l : 138-144. DeLong & Davidson. — Further studies of the genus Empoasca (Cica- dellidae). |43J 35: 29-39, ill. (*.). Drake & Harris— Concern- ing Neotropical sps. of Rhagovelia. [95] 48: 33-38. (*). Hussey, R. F/ — A new Anasa from Paraguay (Coreidae). 1 19] 30: 23-25. Johnston, H. G.— Five n. sp. of'Miridae. [19] 30: 15-19. Oman, P. W. — New North American Agallian leaf- hoppers with notes on other species. [103] 8: 9-16, ill. Thiem, H. — Phanographisches zur massenverbreitung von schildlausen. (113] 1: 90-95. ill. Wehrle, L. P.- Notes on Pycnoderes quadrimaculatus (Miridae) in the vicinity of Tucson, Arizona. [19] 30: 27. LEPIDOPTERA.— Bates, M.— The butterflies of Cuba. [Bull. Mus. Comp. Z.] 78: 63-258, ill. Clark, B. P.— Descrip- tions of 20 new Sphingidae and notes on 3 others. [Pro. N. Eng. Zool. Club] 15: 19-39. (S). Hemming, F.- Notes on certain genera and species of Papilionidae. [9] 68: 39-41. Klots, A. B. — A new Colias from S. Dakota (Pieridae). [40] 767: 2 pp. Lemmer, F. — New record for Xew Jersey. NToc- tuidae: Anomis flava fimbriago. [19] 30: 10. Leussler & Bryant — Notes on the diurnal Lepidoptera of the Canadian Arctic collected by Owen Bryant in the summers of 1929 to 1932. [19] 30: 1-10, cont. McDunnough, J.— A new race of Argynnis cybele from Nova Scotia. |4| 67: 18-19. Mell, R. — Saisonwanderungen bei Sphingiden. [113] 1: 117-118 Wickwire & Calale — Additional notes on Tropaea luna. [4] 67: 10. DIPTERA. — Ceresa, L. — Tre n. sps. di Ouichuana. (Syr- phidae) [At. Soc. Italia. Sc. Nat. Milan] (S). Curran, C. H. — New species of Nycteribiidae and Streblidae. [40] 765: 15 pp.. ill. Curran, C. H.- \Tev Amer- ican Asilidae. |4()| 752: 18 pp. Ellisor, L. O.- Notes on the biology and control of Neosciara ocellaris (Sciaridae). 116 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 [Iowa Jour. Sci.j 9: 25-36. Felt, E. P.— New species of gall midges from Texas. [103] 8: 1-8. Hearle, E.— Notes on Simulium canadense and Simulium virgatum and its varieties. [4] 67: 15-18. ill. Hennig, W. — Revision der Tyliden. 1. Die Taeniapterinae Amerikas. [60] 95: 294- 330. cont. (S*). Lawlor, W. K. — Hibernation of Urano- taenia sapphirina (Culicidae). [19] 30: 14. Leprince, J. A. -Investigations on the malarial mosquito at the Reelfoot Lake Biological Station. [Jour. Tenn. Ac. Sci.] 10: 25. Malloch, J. R. — Exotic Muscaridae (The genus Scato- phaga). [75] 15: 242-266. (*). Maughan, L. — A systema- tical and morphological study of Utah Bombyliidae, with notes on species from intermountain states. [103] 8: 27-36, cont. Prebble, M. L. — Actia difficlens, a parasite of Per- onea variana in Cape Breton, N. S. [Canadian Jour. Res.] 12: 216-227, ill. Rau, P. — The egg-laying of the mourning horsefly, Tabanus atratus. [19] 30: 26, ill. COLEOPTERA.— Beier, et al.— Kiikenthal's Handbuch der Zoologie. Bd. 4. pp. 1037-1132, ill. Coleopteroidea. Brown, W. J. — American species of Ludiu's ; the cruciatus and edwardsi groups. [4] 67: 1-8, ill. (*). Davis, A. C.— (Myllocerus) Corigetus? castaneus. [19] 30: 19. Frost, C. A. — Three species of beetles from Labrador. [4] 67: 19. Hayes, W. P. — The distribution of Trichobaris insolita. [19] 30: 28. Hinton, H. E.— A short review of the North American species of Pseudister (Histeridae). [4] 67: 11- 15, ill. (*). Hopping, R. — New Coleoptera from western Canada. V. [4] 67: 8-9. Kessell, F. — Fauna Brasiliensis Coleopterologica [By Author, Berlin-Spandau] 73-113. (*). Mimeogr. Lawson, P. B. — A beetle new to Kansas. [103] 8: 26. Maydell, G. G. — A n. sp. of blister beetle from Ariz- ona. [91] 25: 72. Sanderson & Griffith — Monstrosities ob- served in three species of Coleoptera. [103] 8: 25-26, ill. Voss, E. — Monographic der Rhynchitinen-Tribus Auletini. III. [60] 95 : 330-344, cont. Wilcox & Baker—The decidu- ous cusps of the Alophini (Cufculionidae). [19] 30: 20-21, ill. HYMENOPTERA.— Abbott, C. E.— Modifications in the genitalia of the male Megarhyssa lunator. [19] 30: 11- 13, ill. Eidmann, H. — Die gastverhaltnisse von Atta sex- dens. [113] 1: 69-71. Smith, R. C. — A summary of pub- lished information about Pharaoh's ant, with observations on the sps. in Kansas. [Trans. Kans. Ac. Sc.] 37: 139-149. Werth, E. — Der generationswechscl der Hlastophagagall- wespe im zusammenhang mit der entwicklung der kultur- und wildfeige. |113| 1 : 113-117, ill. Xlvi, '35J KXTOM01.0GICAL NEWS 117 ENTOMOLOGISCHE BEIIIEKTE AUS BERLIN-DAHLEM. Organ der Wanderversammlungen Deutscher Entomologen. Herausg. von der Biologischen Reichsanslalt und clem Deutschen Ento- mologischen Institut der Kaiser Wilhelm-Gesellschaft. Band 1 (Aug. 7, 1934) contains the proceedings of the Fifth "\Yan- derversammlung" of German Entomologists, a list of the mem- bers, the speech of welcome by the President, Prof. Dr. A. Hase, and greetings by the officers, of several allied asociations. Papers on the following subjects are published : The old and the new entomology, bv Dr. A. Hase (page 19) [limited to German entomologists.] The salt-content of water and egg- laying of malarial mosquitoes. Prof. E. Martini (28). Prob- lems of research on insect miners, M. Hering (44). The new organization of the warfare against forest insects in Prussia. discussed bv H. Eidmann (47). Condition and form of hv- ^ •' gienic entomology, J. Wilhelmi (48). Importance of German entomological faunistics, F. Riischkampf [in which Titschack is quoted as stating that of the 5,732 European entomologists more than half, or 3,713, are in Germany] (53). Entomologi- cal instruction, K. Friederichs (55). Polyeder-virus in Ar- gynnis lathonia 1, \\ . A. Collier (56). The bases of the phylogenetic development of ant-parasitism newly illuminated by the discovery of an additional parasitic ant, K. Go'sswald (57). Demonstration of the bee-eater (Bienenwolf) plague on the Werra, and liability to inheritance in sour cherries of the cherry fruit-fly, H. Thiem (62). The distress of the German entomological publications, W. Horn (63). Sugarbeet injurers and landscape in Turkey, F. Eckstein (64). The guest rela- tions of Atta sexdcns, H. Eidmann (69). The ecological race group of Chrysis igniia, H. Bischoff (72). The technique of identification of blood sucked up by piercing flies by the pre- cipitin method, F. Weyer (76). Contributions to the history, distribution and ecology of insects injurious to stored products, F. Zacher (83). Genetics of the geographical variability of Epilachmi chrysomelina, K. Zimmermann (86). Phenological data on mass distribution of scale insects. H. Thiem (90, ill.). Insects injuring stored products. G. Kunike (96). Biological insect photographs, E. Krauze (99). Variability in Phasmoids and other Orthoptera and its conseuuences for classification, K. Giinther (100). Migratory grasshoppers E. W. Schleich (105). Fauna of the drug ba/.aar at Cairo. E. Zacher (107). The Apollo butterfly in the mirror of art, F. Bryk (108, ill.). Alternation of generations of the Blastophaga gall wnsp in connection with the development of cultivated and wild figs. K. \Yerth (113. ill.). Seasonal migration of Sphingidae, I\. Mell (117). Structure and significance of the tvlalphighian vessel- of Coleoptera, H. J. Stammer ( llS). Micmklimate and distri- 118 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '35 bution of Lepidoptera, G. Warnecke (120, ill.). Artificial pairing as a basis for inheritance and rearing-experiments on bees (131). The optimum for insects, E. Janisch (131). The subsistance of .-Icai-apis mites of honey bees, Z. Orosi-Pal (136). Classification and phylogeny of Hemiptera, C. Bor- ner ( 138). OBITUARY. FREDERICK AUGUSTUS DIXEY, ALA., D.M., F.R.S. — Tt is with profound regret that we announce the tragic death of this well-known and greatly esteemed entomologist. ( >n tin-- evening of January 14th he was knocked down by a motor-car in Park Lane, London, and sustained a fractured skull and other severe injuries ; and two days later he passed away in St. George's Hospital, whither he had been conveyed after the accident. He was born in London on December 9th, 1855, and was educated at Highgate School, whence he went up in 1874 as a scholar to Wadham College, Oxford. His active association with Wadham, except for a brief interval (1880-3), during which he was Demonstrator of Physiology at Univer- sity College, London, remained unbroken until 1928, and he held in succession the responsible offices of Junior Bursar, Bur- sar and Sub-Warden; and on his retirement was elected an Honorary Fellow of his college. [ He was] a finished classical scholar and . . . author of several memoirs on medical science of high importance. As our leading authority on the Pierine butterflies of the world, the succession of exhaustive memoirs from his pen, most of which appeared in the Transaction of the Entomological Society of London, dealing with the phy- logeny, mimetic associations, geographical distribution and general bionomics of this important section of the Lepidoptera, and more especially his elaborate researches in connection with the characteristic scent-scales or plumules and their importance in the indication of the affinities and determination of species, have taken high rank as entomological classics. He occupied the presidential chair of the Entomological Societv in 1909-10. In the latter year he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society, and in 1919 he was President of the Zoological Section of the British Association. — J. J. WALKER in The Entomologists' Monthly Magazine, February, 1935 (condensed). EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Exchange — Will collect insects of Connecticut this season and desire to get in touch with collectors desiring this material, either in exchange or for cash. Harry L. Johnson, So. Meriden, Conn. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automerir. io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Literature Wanted — Barnes & McDunnough's "Contributions, " Henry Edward's "Pacific Coast Lepidoptera" and other publications relative to North American Lepidoptera. C. F. dos Passes, Mend- ham, New Jersey. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward < luedct, P. O. Box 305, Napa. California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lepidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropica1 specimen^. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-.x Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwatcgun I uateken, Japan. RECENT LITERATURE FOK SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 989.— Blaisdell (F. E.).— Studies in the genus Auchmobius. Tenebrionidae. (Trans., 60, 223-264, 3 pis., 1934) .80 DIPTERA 987. — Huckett (H. C.). — A revision of the North American species belonging to the genus Coenosia (Muscidae). II. The subgenus Limosia. (Trans., 60, 133-198, 6 pis., 1934) .... 1.25 988. — Cresson (E. T.). — Descriptions of new genera and species of the dipterous family Ephydridae. XI. (Trans., 60, 199-222, 1934) 50 LEPIDOPTERA 990. — Williams & Bell. — Studies in the American Hesperioidea. IV. (Trans., 60, 265-280, 1 pi. 1934) 30 ORTHOPTERA 991. — Hebard (M.). — Studies in Orthoptera which occur in N. America, north of the Mexican boundary. IV-V. (Trans., 60, 281-293, 1 pi., 1934) ... 30 M-8. — Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) 2.50 Herewith find remittance for $ , for which please send me the items checked above. Write your name and address in the space below. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy. All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA REVISTA DE ENTOMOLOGIA AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ENTOMOLOGY An illustrated magazine published four times a year by Thoroaz Borg- meier, O. F. M., devoted to entomology, mainly of the neotropical fauna. The four volumes already published (1931-1934) comprise more than 2,000 pages and contain articles by leading entomologists as W. M. Wheeler, F. W. Edwards, W. Horn, E. Lindner, A. da Costa Lima, F. Silvestri, C. Menozzi, A. Reichensperger, F. Santschi, D. Moulton, etc., with a biblio- graphy of the current literature (economic and non-economic) of the neotro- pical fauna. Price to subscribers 4 U. S. dollars, payable in advance. At book" sellers 5 U. S. dollars ; discount to booksellers 20#. Volumes I-IV are stil on sale ; price of each volume 4 U. S. dollars. Subscriptions should be sent to the Editor : THOMAZ BORGMEIER, 0. F. M., Convento S. Antonio, Largo da Carioca, Rio de Janicro, Brazil, or to ADOLF SCHLUTER, Kuhlenstrasse 45, Minden i. W., Germany. NEW LOW PRICES For WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Ward's Schmitt Box, 9x13 Inches LINED WITH PATENT ENTOMOLOGICAL, CORK Price each $2.50 Price each in dozen lots . $2.45 Price each in lots of 50 $2.45 Ward's Insect Pins (A. E. Co.), per M . $3.00 Klaeger Insect Pins, Per M . $2.25 Minutens, per M $2.25 SEND FOB PRICE LIST E 1. This includes many items at new low prices and also describes several new aquatic nets and other newly developed pieces of equipment. pr A 1^ V Qf^^^KI I Catalog 3OO. The Showy Butterflies of Kt/\L/7 OWWlN ! the World. Lists over 600 attractive species. Sent free upon request. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DIURNALS, in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera: 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 600 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS MAY 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 5 JOHN MEKTON ALDRICH; 1866-1934. CONTE1S7TS Bla.sdeli, Sr. — Fa< ts Determined by Rearing Species of Cuniuntis (Coieoptera : Tenebrionidae) . . }]\) Clark — Another Reconi of the (Jccurence of Strymon Ontario in Miss- ouri, With Notes on the Larva (Lepid.: Lycaenidae). . . ]v3 Dobbie — Note on the Oceurence of a Rare Fly (Diptera, C(cnom\ idae. 1^4 Crosby & Bishop — A Nt-\v Species of Hybocoptus from New York "(Araneae). ... 125 Bottimer — A New Acanthosceliues from Eastern United Sta'es (Bruchi- dae: Coieoptera) ... 121 Richards — Notes on the Structure and Position of Drasteriodes Hamp- son (Lepid.: Noctuidae) 119 Laurent - Obituary Notes of Authors Whose Names appear in Leng's Catalogue of the Coieoptera of America, North of Mexico. . . 131 Reinhard — Notes on the Tachinid Genus Pseudotachiiiomyia \\-ith Descriptions of Two New Species (Diptera) 132 Will — Epidemic of the Giant Sand Wasp Sphecius speciosus (Drury) at Narrows, Virginia (Hymen.: Sphecidae) . . 135 Laurent — Notes on the Lists and Catalogues of the Coieoptera of the United States and America North of Mexico 136 Laurent — Early Publications Referring to Coieoptera. 137 McClure — The Bite of Melanolestes picipes, Herrick-Schaeffer (Hemip. : Reduviidae) ... 13,s Bolivar & Bolivar y Pieltain — The Sixth International Congress of Entomology Entomological Literature Review — Lutz's Field Book of Insects . . 146 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder.Ph.D.. Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America . . $3.00 Canada . .... 3.15 Foreign . 3.25 Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in, $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8 00, " 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- icriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the •ubscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should bi ttottd on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without covers over and above the twenty- five given ftee at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents; three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; freater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed •overs for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVI. MAY, 1935 No. 5 Facts Determined by Rearing Species of Coniontis (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). By FRANK E. BLAISDELL, SR., Stanford Medical School and A>sociate in Research, California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California. On April 25th, 1931. the author collected a pair of Coniontis F.sch.. which according to Thos. L. Casey's table was identified as clongata Casey. These were secured on Peek's ranch in the Black Lands district, midway between Stockton and Lodi, San Joaquin County, California. The two specimens — male and female — were taken to my laboratory and placed in a breed- ing jar. Each week the contents of the jar were poured out on paper and carefully examined. Eggs and larvae were soon found. The eggs were laid at varying intervals and the larvae varied in size, indicating differences in age. As the larvae in- creased in numbers they were divided up into smaller groups and placed in different jars to reduce the chances of cannibal- ism, and the parental adults were isolated. Sixty larvae were counted. From time to time a limited number of larvae of different ages were preserved in alcohol for study. The larvae increased in size and began t<» show evidences of approaching full growth. By August ISth. 1931, many began to be listless, and finally became alternately dormant and active. Their appearance changed, becoming more opaque and filled with fatty bodies. The largest measured 3.5 cm. in length and 3 mm. in width. The larger larvae at this time excavated cells and by March. 1932. pupae were observed, a limited number of which were preserved. In about fourteen days imagos ap- peared; others appeared in diminishing frequency up to about June 17th, 1932. In August another group of imagos emerged. The number of larvae at this time was reduced to six. these repeated the actions of the earlier larvae and became noticeably 119 120 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 larger than any of those which had pupated. For some reason not determined, these died one by one, although apparently healthy and filled with fatty bodies. The last one was found dead May 19th, 1933. The parental adults continued to live, but produced no more larvae than those mentioned above. My object in rearing species of Tenebrionidae was to obtain larvae and pupae for specific taxonomic determinations and correlation. It must be kept in mind that the eggs were de- posited over a period of several weeks, but none after a certain time. It is not only interesting, but significant that the spring or first adults were referable to protcnsu Casey. The first, a male, was elongate, a little wider in the region of the prothorax and somewhat narrowed to elvtral apex, similar to the type which I have seen and studied ; elytra and pronotum extremely finely punctate, surface alutaceous or extremely finely reticulo- granulate; prosternal process finely margined at apex and finely punctate; abdomen sparsely punctate. Length 14 mm.; width 6 mm. The second or late summer group of emergents (August) were like the parents, clongata Casey. These were elongate oblong-oval in outline. In all probability the oldest and largest larvae that lived over into 1933, would have developed as obsidiana Casey : ''The largest species of the group," stout oblong-oval, length 15.5 mm.; width 6.6 mm. These three forms in nature inhabit the same geographical area. Now, what bearing have the above facts on the specimens collected in the field? Any coleopterist who has taken series of Coniontis in any very restricted area, could not have failed to note the differences in size, form and punctation presented by the specimens. These constitute the problem that caused Col. Casey to describe a considerable number of new species. Specimens that I have collected in the field and others that were reared, have lived from one to two years. The adults hibernate in the soil at considerable depth, during the seasons that are unfavorable to them; those in the breeding jars remain at the bottom of the soil. I have demonstrated by tin- rearing of Coniontis clongata Casey, that individuals developing from eggs laid by a single female, may develop into at least two, possibly three, forms xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 121 which have been recognized as species or subspecies. It is evi- dent, therefore, that these are in the main seasonal phases of but one species. These facts account for the differences ob- served between individuals taken in the field, excepting of course the possibility of other and distinct species inhabiting the same geographical area. Adults hibernate through one or two winters and appear in the spring and summer, when they occur in vast numbers in some localities. The intermingling of the different phases, of possibly more than one species, con- stitutes the difficult problem that a taxonomist has to deal with. Coniontis viatica Esch. has been similarly reared from speci- mens collected in the suburbs of San Francisco and presents similar facts. The pupae of Coniontis are characteristic : They are clothed throughout with a soft, short pubescence, are with- out anal cerci which are so obvious in other Tenebrionid tribes. In the pupae of clonyata the pubescence is longer and shaggy on the vertex of the head and apical area of the pronotum. This is not observed in the pupa of viatica. These differences point to the probability that the two are distinct species, al- though their distributional areas may at" times overlap. In 1904, about seventy specimens of viatica were collected from an area about a quarter acre in extent, near the Russian River, on the opposite side from Duncan Mills, not far from the railroad bridge, Sonoma County, California. In this series were seen variations analogous to those observed in clongata. The different forms were separated and sent to Col. Casey for identification. He returned specimens labeled lucidula Casey and innocua Casey, leaving the bulk of the series without a name, they being distinctly more strongly punctate. Specimens of viatica from the vicinity of San Francisco, include such torms as tiuiida Casey and couicicoUis Casey. During the month of July, 1934, I collected about Bass Lake, Madera County, California, and secured a large series of a species that 1 consider to be Coniontis rotundicollis Casey. I have taken this species in Yosemite Valley, across the road directly in front of Bridal Veil Falls. They are found under pine needles and chip debris. These are quite typical and best represent the species, The. species occurs at altitudes of 4000 122 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 to 5000 ft. ; at the latter altitude Conioutis inontanus Casey appears and ranges up to 7500 ft. elevation. Below 3000 ft. a different species occurs. Rotundicollis Casey is a distinct species and has definite and constant characters, namely : A highly polished and shining surface, very fine sparse puncta- tion, more or less rufous antennae and tarsi, the prosternal process always strongly margined throughout. Coniontis inontanits Casey is a pubescent and distinct species, constant in facies ; it evidently does not develop seasonal forms, as the altitude at which it lives is not favorable. In the ex- tremes of its distributional area north and south it passes into canonica Casey (Oregon) and perspicua Casey (Tulare County). Montanus Casey has been identified as affinis Lee. by Dr. George Horn, as observed from specimens in the British Museum, London, examined by me, the name being in Dr. Horn's handwriting. Affinis Lee. is also a sparsely pubescent species, of larger size, described from specimens collected at Benecia, California; it may also cccur in the Sacramento Valley and bordering foot hills, but not occurring at higher altitudes. Coniontis blaisdeli Casey was described from specimens col- lected at Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras County, California. I secured at one collecting a large series from an area not greater than a quarter acre on French Hill at the out-skirits of the town. The series presented an amazing degree of variation, both in form and sculpturing. I am inclined to consider that it is the species which inhabits the eastern foot hills of the great valleys in central California, up to an altitude of about 2003- 3000 ft. Coniontis sanfonfi Blais. also occurs in the vicinity of Moke- lumne Hill; it is smaller, shorter oblong-oval, with rufous an- tennae and tarsi and of different habits, lives under the leaves beneath trees in shaded localities. Specimens of a species of similar habits taken on Alt. Tatnalpais cannot be separated from those taken at the type locality, elev. 1000-2000 ft. Casey has made some very pertinent remarks regarding those phases referrable to clonyata and I'iafica, in a foot note in his Revision of the Coniontinae, ( Proc, Wash, Acad. of Sciences, vol. X, Apr. 25, 1908, p. 108). xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 123 For several years I have had a Review of the Species of Coniontis in mind, and have accumulated much material for that purpose. The study has proved very unsatisfactory, as it be- « came increasingly evident that the problems involved had to be solved in some other way than by the study of dried museum specimens. I decided upon rearing the species as the way out of the dilemma. Research in rearing was commenced some four years ago and the study has been most elucidative. The above facts that I have presented will show the trend of the research, and the hopes and suggestions which it offers in finally determining specific limitations where the problems have been most confusing. Another Record of the Occurrence of Strymon Ontario in Missouri, with Notes on the Larva (Lepid.: Lycaenidae). I'.y ACSTIN H. CLARK, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C. Mr. Harold O'Byrne's interesting discovery of Strymon on- tario in Missouri (£NT. NEWS, vol. 45, 1934, p. 212) led me to investigate in detail the history of a ragged, but unworn, female that long was the sole representative of the species in the col- lection of the U. S. National Museum. This specimen was mentioned by Dr. W. J. Holland in 1931 (Butterfly Book, 2nd ed., p. 235) and was figured by myself in 1932 (Bull. 157, U. S. Nat. Mus., pi. 23, figs. 7, 8). It bears the following labels: "No. 42 L, May 31, 1872," and "Scudder writes Dec. 23, 1875, that this is autolycns Edw." The number 42 L refers to notes by Prof. C. V. Riley on file in the Bureau of Entomology, Department of Agriculture, which I have been courteously permitted to consult. These notes, headed antolycns, read: Thccla antolycns Edw. May 8, 1872. Under oak tree, be- neath stones and bricks. A rather curious conchiliform larva. Head and first segments retractile. Color dull straw yellow, variegated with pale fulvous and olive green. Minutely granu- lated with black spots, each giving rise to a short stiff hair. Dorsum narrow, flattened; sides sloping roof-fashion. Venter 124 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 glaucous, with full complement of legs well developed. Stig- mata large, but so concolorous with body that with difficulty seen. May 9, 1872. It has changed to pupa. The butterfly emerged from the pupa on May 31, 1872. Later the butterfly was sent to Samuel H. Scudder for deter- mination, and, under date of December 23, 1875, he wrote that it was autolycus of W. H. Edwards. In notes on Strymon liparops, included under the same num- ber, frequent mention is made of "Mary" (Miss Mary E. Murtfelt). The locality where these notes were written was Kirkwood, Missouri, about thirty miles west of St. Louis, where Professor Riley and Miss Murtfelt resided at the time. This seems without doubt to be the specimen on the basis of which Scudder in 1876 added Missouri to the range of Thccla autolycus, and from which he acquired the information that the food plant of autolycus is Qucrcus obtusihba. It represents, however, not Strymon Ontario autolycus, but quite typical Stry- mon Ontario Ontario. All of the citations of autolycus from Missouri and all the references to its larva and food plant refer to this specimen of Strymon Ontario Ontario. Nothing is known of the early stages of S. o. autolycus. Note on the Occurrence of a Rare Fly (Diptera, Ccenomyidae). I wish to record the capture of a male specimen of Glutops singularis Burgess, at Amherst, Massachusetts, taken in early May, 1934, by myself. Three female specimens were taken in early May, 1931, at Orient Springs, West Pelham, Massa- chusetts, by Mr. Frank R. Shaw. At this time it may be well to make a correction in the records of the occurrence of this fly as given by Leonard (Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc., 7:51-52; 1930). The two specimens, therein stated as being collected by Doctor C. P. Alexander and as being males, are in reality females, and the present specimen constitutes the first record of the male sex in the Connecticut Valley since the original capture of the unique type of Edward Burgess at Springfield, Massachusetts, in or about 1872. HOWARD R. DOBBIE, Haverhill, Massachusetts. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 125 A New Species of Hybocoptus from New York ( A.raneae). I'.y C. R. CROSBY and S. C. BISHOP. Since the publication of our revision of the section of the Krigoneae in which the males possess cephalic pits,1 the new species described below has been collected at a number of local- ities in Xew York State. It is closely related to H. dentipalpis Kmerton by the form of the tibia and bulb of the male palpus and the epigynum of the female. Hybocoptus cymbadentatus, n. sp. (Fig. 1-4). Male. Length, 2.3 mm. Cephalothorax smooth and shining, 1 --\ \l ' \) // 1 Hybocoptus cymbadentatus 1. c?, cephalothorax, lateral view. 2. c?, rrphalnthcirax, dm^al vir\v. 3. J1, tibia, right palpus, dorsal view. •! epigynum. ' Ann. Em. Sue. Amer. 26:105-182, 1933. 126 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 grayish yellow with the radiating lines and margin darker, cepnalic lohe lighter; viewed from ahove evenly rounded on the sides to the cervical groove, then gently converging to the broadly rounded front. Cephalic lube with the sides nearly parallel in front, slightly converging posteriorly. Cephalo- thorax viewed from the side, rather gently ascending behind, then nearly level to the cervical groove, evenly and broadly rounded over the head to the posterior median eyes, clypeus straight and nearly vertical. Cephalic pit close behind the posterior lateral eye, large, nearly round, lying in the anterior end of a groove which extends to the back of the lobe. A single row of fine hairs on the back of the lobe, a row of longer, dark curved hairs directed forward on the top of the lobe, and a cluster of shorter recurved hairs in the median ocular area, a small cluster of slender hairs below the anterior median eyes. Posterior eyes in a straight line, the median smaller than the lateral, placed on the front of the lobe, separated by the diam- eter and from the lateral by a little more than twice the diameter. Anterior eyes in a straight line, the median smaller than the lateral, separated by the radius and from the lateral by three times the radius. Sternum gray over yellow, broad, convex, smooth and shin- ing. Endites orange-yellow lighter distally. Legs and palpi orange-yellow. Abdomen mottled grayish yellow. Femur of palpus nearly straight. Patella rather stout, wid- ened distally. Ratio of length of femur to that of patella as 25 to 11. Tibia deeply hollowed out leaving a thin shell, dorsally produced into a large triangular lobe which ends in a minute incurved tooth ; on the mesal side there is another smaller pointed lobe which bears on its dorsal margin a long, slender spine-like process directed laterally. Paracymbium stout, broad at base, sharply hooked distally. Cymbium armed basally beneath the dorsal process of the tibia with a stout black tooth. The embolus is a long, slender, black style ; it arises under the edge of the cymbium near the tip on the mesal side and passes between the bulb and the cymbium, emerging on the lateral side near the tip of the paracymbium ; it then curves up along the lateral side of the bulb, crosses close to the tip of the cymbium and passes across the face of the bull) so that the tip lies near the bezel. Female. Length, 2.3 mm. Similar to the male in form and color. Head normal. Posterior eyes in a straight line, equal, the median separated by two-thirds the diameter and a little nearer to the lateral. Anterior eyes in a very slightly recurved xlvi, '35J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 127 line, the median smaller than the lateral, subcontiguous and narrowly separated from the lateral. The epigynum is a plate, straight behind, rounded in front, the lateral margins straight, converging posteriorly, the middle lobe is fusiform in outline and is raised into a high ridge projecting backward beyond the edge of the epigynum and ends in two approximate rounded points. At the base of the middle lobe on each side there is a shallow, light colored depression. Holotyfc £ , allot y/tc 9 McLean, NEW YORK, Oct. 13, 1934. 2 <3 , 3 9 paratypcs with the same data. Collected by sifting in the Cornell University Wild Life Preserve. Types in Cornell University, Dept. of Entomology. New York: Wilmington Notch, Oct. 23, 1934, 1^29; Wawbeek, Oct. 23, 1934, 5 $ 4 9 ; Raquette Lake, Oct. 23, 1934, 1 $ 1 9 ; Ithaca, Oct. 14, 1934, 1 $. A New Acanthoscelides from Eastern United States (Bruchidae: Coleoptera). By L. J. BOTTIMER, Haddon Heights, New Jersey. Acanthoscelides tenuis, new species. Oblong ; black except base of antennae ; unevenly clothed with coarse appressed cinereous pubescence slightly concealing surface sculpture, that on elytral intervals interrupted by de- nudate areas ; surface with very fine and indistinct punctuation. Head moderate in length ; front not carinate ; eyes normally prominent, emarginate for nearly two thirds their length and separated by about their width. Antennae (with front of head vertical) reaching just beyond posterior angle of prothorax, segments scarcely produced apically, joints 3-11 forming a compressed club, joints 1 and 2 nearly oval, subequal in width, 1 slightly longer, 3 narrow at base, widening a little apically. as long or longer than 2, 4 nearly quadrate, as long as 3, 5-10 widening apically, outer joints strongly transverse but not at all serrate, terminal joint as wide as 10, slightly longer and obliquely pointed, joints 1-4 usually reddish especially beneath. I'rothorax slightly wider at base than long, sides slightly convexly arcuate, converging to about two thirds of width of base, hind angles acute, surface with numerous coarse shallow punctures. Scutellum subquadrate, emarginately bidentate at apex, appearing round because of dense pubescence. Elytra one quarter longer than wide, only slightly wider at base than 128 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 thorax, widest in middle, sides slightly arcuate; striae well impressed, punctures not perceptihle, 4th and 5th abbreviated apically ; intervals nearly flat. Pygidium elongate triangular, convex, oblique at base, apex nearly vertical in female, more convex and somewhat reflected in male. Sternites not modified, not much different in sexes, male with two to five subequal in length, five not appreciably narrowed in front of pygidium, female with two to four subequal in length, five slightly longer. Hind femora rather slender, slightly narrower than hind coxae; lower margin nearly straight, armed near apex with a small tooth and two minute denticles, the latter sometimes quite rudi- mentary or absent. Hind tibiae scarcely carinate externally; mucro short, approximately as long as width of first tarsal segment. Length of type from apex of thorax to apex of elytra, 1.25 mm., total length, 1.4 mm., width, 0.7 mm. Others vary in total length from approximately 1.3 to l.X mm. Described from male type and 52 paratypes (sexes about equally divided) from four sources: 1. Ten specimens in the U. S. National Museum collection representing the following localities : Detroit, MICHIGAN; Eagle Lake, TKXAS; Columbus, TEXAS; TEXAS; Enterprise, FLORIDA; and Haw Creek, FLORIDA. 2. One specimen in the Horn collection in the .Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, labeled "LA." 3. Seven individuals given the writer by Mr. Chas. Liebeck. They are from Detroit, MICHIGAN; St. Louis, MISSOURI; TEXAS; Citronella, ALABAMA, and Enterprise, FLORIDA. 4. Thirty-five examples collected by the writer in Eastern Texas, the localities being Robstown, Pearland, Goose Creek, Liberty, and Hillsboro. The type is one of a series of ten specimens labeled "Pear- land Tx Brazoria Co 11 March '25 L J Bottimer In llower of wild blackberry." Type and five paratypes from writer's collection deposited in the U. S. National Museum with ten paratypes originally in the Museum collection (Cat. Xo. 50X60). Two paratypes, including the Horn specimen, in the Academy collection. Balance of material in the writer's collection. Ac anthosc elides tennis is easily distinguished from related1 species by its slender form and small size. Acanthoscelides ittouiits (Fall) is slightly shorter, more robust, and has a much longer mucro. Small individuals of Acanthoscelides albosen- xlvi, '35J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 129 iclhitiis (Horn) resemble the present species, but are more robust and have the pronotum more densely and coarsely punc- tate. From its more distant relative, Acanthoscelides scuii- niiliiin (Horn), A. tennis differs in having the 4th and 5th elytral striae abbreviated instead of the 5th and 6th, in the shorter mucro. and in the unmodified first ventral of the male. A. tennis was apparently first collected by Hubbard and Schwarz at Detroit, Mich., sometime during the period 1874 to 1877. Unfortunately, the species has not been reared, so the host plant is unknown. The adults have been taken in Texas on flowers of blackberry and red haw and by sweeping miscellaneous flowers, mainly during March and April. UrncliHs irrcscctits Fahraeus 1839 (Bnichns obtcctus Say 1831) has been- designated as genotype of Acanthoscelides Srhilsky 1905 by Bridwell 1929 (Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 31 :42). The species mentioned in the present paper are as- signed to this typically American genus, in spite of the absence of the frontal carina. Notes on the Structure and Position of Drasteriodes Hampson (Lepid.: Noctuidae). By A. GLENN RICHARDS, JR., Zoology Department, University of Rochester. Drasteriodes — Hampson, Lepid. Phal., N. Gen. & Spec. Noct., p. 41. 1926. (genotype: Phothcdcs limata Christ., sole species & designated type). Through the courtesy of Capt. Riley and Mr. Tarns of the liritish Museum, 1 have had the opportunity of examining a male of I), limata (Christ.) from "Jolatan, Transcaspien," and offer the following notes on its structure. Male (ienitalia: (textfig. 1). Symmetrical. Uncus simple. \\itb feu; very short seta- scattered over its surface. Anal tube moderately long, without scaphium or subscaphium. Tegmnen moderate and rounded. Harpes simple, lightly chitinixed, with a few marginal macroseta; and many seta.- over the snrlare (omitted from drawing) ; without patch of long scales at base. Gasper a large-, strongly chitinixed, somewhat hook-shaped structure arising from a rudimentary foot-like base; the curved basal margin with a partial row of short seta-; clasper o! let! harpe slightly larger and longer than that oi right harpe. Sac 130 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 culus weak ; clavus rounded with a few short setae near its margin. A line of membrane separates the sacculus from the costal margin of the harpe. Juxta large, not strongly chit- inized, pointed below. Transtilke absent. Penis with terminal blunt tooth, the ventral subterminal area with large patch of small spines; vesica with many cornuti plus a row of large spines (setae) almost as long as width of penis (19 in number but difficult to count accurately in the central part) and a com- pact patch of slightly smaller spines about two-thirds the dis- tance from base, the latter group directed longitudinally. Tympanum:* (textfig. 2). Hood rudimentary, entirely Drawings made by the author with the aid of a camera lucida. Textfig. ]. Male genitalia of Drastcriodcs liuiati (Christ.). All setae omitted from uncus, clavus and harpes. Textfig. 2. Internal view of tympanal frame and associated structures of D. liniata. The dotted line running from the dorsal corner of pocket IV to the center of pocket I represents the external margin of the deep and oblique tympanal frame. The Roman numerals represent pockets I -IV respectively. membranous. Alula normal. Counter-tympanal cavity large. Tympanal membrane of moderate size. Nodular sclerite pro- duced and slightly curved at both ends giving a somewhat cres- centic appearance. Scutal phragma bluntly pointed, extending well medially but only a short distance ventrally. Tympanal frame deep, the dorsal part slightly oblique in the dorso-ventral direction, produced at dorso-medial corner due to large size of the counter-tympanal cavity. Pocket I developed dorsally * For a description of the tympanal region and the nomenclature here used the reader is referred to my paper »>u the Noctuoid tympanum in Entomologica Americana, vol. 13 (n.s.), pp. 1-43, pis. 1-20. 1933. 1 regret it is too lengthy to repeat here. xlvi, '35] KXTOM ((LOGICAL NEWS as an oblique, shallow but dee]) pocket, ventrally and anteriorly rudimentary or open; II moderate, asymmetrical, produced above, not quite reaching 111; III instead of being a mem- branous rounded pocket is reduced to a shallow, squarish pocket with a heavy, ridge-like wall, not fused with tympanal air-sac; IV a single, overhung pocket with a small mouth and a mod- erate flange extending slightly beyond the nodular sclerite. On a basis then of both the £ genitalia and the tympanal structures. Drastcriodcs Hmpsn. cannot remain between Dnis- tcria Hbn. and Syucda (in. as placed by Hampson, but must be removed from the Melipotis-Syneda group of Urcbhiac entirely. In a synopsis of the Melipotis-Syneda group soon to appear, it will be seen that Drastcriodes Hmpsn. differs from this group in practically every genitalic ( d ) and tympanal structure. There is no genus in North America with which Drastcriodcs can be profitably compared. Nor do any of the few southern palsearctic genera in my collection compare with it. Its correct placement must be deferred. It may seem a bit premature or like "rushing into print" merely to remove a genus from a group when unable to place it more correctly, but in view of my interest in and forthcoming synopsis of the Melipotis-Syneda group in which Hampson placed this genus, I feel it is not inappropriate to point out how distinct Drasteriodes Hmpsn. is from Drasteria Hbn. & Svneda Gn. and to add the above additional description and figures to Hampson's original description of the genus. Obituary Notes of Authors Whose Names Appear in Leng's Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico. The following data were obtained by consulting the catalogue and supplements : 693 names of authors are mentioned in the catalogue, of whom 248 have passed on. Seventeen passed away whose age is not known, and sixty-two before reaching the age of 6(1 Sixty-three between 60 and 70. Sixty-seven between 70 and SO. " Thirty-four between SO and 90. Three between 90 and 96, and two 9<) or over: these two lived to a remarkable age: L. Reiche was born in 1790 and died in IS so he was 99 or may have been 100. Fhilogene Duponchel was born in 1744^ and died January 10. 1846, at the age of 101 or 102. PHILIP LAURENT. ^ anc«.\ji)r /?V7 132 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 Notes on the Tachinid Genus Pseudotachinomyia with Descriptions of Two New Species (Diptera). By II. J. RKIMIAKD, College Station, Texas. A brief discussion of the generic characters of PscudolacJi- inomyia, with a key to species, and descriptions of two new forms are presented on the following pages. Types of the new species are in my collection. The genus was described by Smith ( Psyche, \"ol. 24, 1917, p. 54) with i^cbbcri, new, as the type and sole species. The holotype male and allotype female are in the U. S. Xational Museum. ( )ne of the outstanding characters of the genus is the peculiar structure of the genitalia. l>oth sexes of all (he species here included have the apical abdominal sternite un- usually developed and prominent. In the female it is undivided in front and deeply U-shaped, forming a sheath for the recep- tion of the short heavy piercer. In the male the sternite is deeply incised with each lobe bearing a narrowed ventral pro- jection near the middle. The inner forceps are broad, united, and strongly convex behind with the arcuate sides tapering to a short apical beak, effecting a boat-shaped structure. The outer forceps are thin and rather closely appressed to the ventral side of the second genital segment, moderately wide at base with the greatly narrowed tips beset with long hairs. Aldrich has pointed out that the only known North American species with closely similar genitalia is P/ioroccra solossoinic Townsend, which has hairy eyes. The remaining essential characters are about as in Tachino- inyni. The females of the latter genus possess no piercing organ which seemingly implies important biological differences. The host relationships of both genera, so far as known, are with lepidopterous larvae. Key to Species of Pseudotachinomyia. 1. Parafacial on narrowest part barely wider than third an- tenual segment 2 Parafacial much broader, about two-thirds the width of lacial depression; third antennal segment one and two- thirds limes length of second; front very prominent; Xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 133 cheek nearly one-half eye height, female only (Wash- ington) compascita, new species. 2. Intermediate abdominal segments with discals; antennae mostly black; parafrontals blackish near vertex, clothed with fine longish hairs, more thickly so in male ( New Kngland and Xorth Carolina to Illinois) . . . u'cbbcri Smith. Intermediate abdominal segments without discals; proxi- mal antennal segments wholly red ; parafrontals with dense pollen extending to vertex, sparsely clothed with short hairs in both sexes (Texas) . . . cicqualis, new species. PSEUDOTACHINOMYIA WEBBERI Smith. Pseudotachinomyia wcbbcri Smith, Psyche, Vol. 24, pp. 54-56. Smith's description which is readily accessible, furnishes most of the essential details. The principal characters distin- guishing the species from the other members of the genus are listed in the key. Front in male 0.308. in female 0.349, of the head width. The genitalia as described above. The species ranges from New England to North Carolina and westward to Illinois. Pseudotachinomyia aequalis, new species. $ : Front 0.29 of head width (one specimen), widening rapidly downward from triangle, and projecting about three- fourths width of eye at base of antennae when viewed from the side ; parafrontal with thick grayish pollen extending to vertex, sparsely clothed with rather short black hairs ; median stripe reddish-brown, uniform in width on entire length; fron- tals in a single row descending below base of third antennal segment, uppermost two reclinate the remainder directed in- ward ; ocellar bristles large, proclinate ; inner verticals well developed, outer ones vestigial ; entire face, cheeks and pos- terior orbits covered with rather dull dense gray pollen; an- tennae reaching almost to oral margin, basal segments red, third black, about four limes longer than second; arista long. slender beyond basal third, iinelv pubescent, penultimate seg- ment hardly twice as long as thick; face receding, deeply ex- cavated, its ridges bearing rather short bristly hairs on lower half or less; vibrissae strong, situated just above mouth: para- facial bare, on lower part about as wide as third antennal nient ; eves bare; cheek clothed with line black hairs, tully one- fourth the eye height; proboscis short and thick, labella lleshy ; palpi ordinary, vellow, beset with numerous black hairs: back of head gray j>ollinosc, thickly clothed with whitish hairs. 134 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | May, '35 Thorax black, covered with rather dense gray pollen, which is interrupted on mesonotum by four black stripes before the suture and five behind; scutellum tinged with red apically, dusted with somewhat changeable gray pollen. Chaetotaxy: Acrostichals 2, 3; dorsncentrals 3, 3; humerals 4; posthumerals notopleurals 2; presuturals 2 (inner one week); supraalars intraalars 3; postalars 2; pteropleurals 1; sternopleurals 2, scutellum with three strong marginals, besides a much smaller discal and upturned decussate apical pair: side of meta- notum beneath calypter bare; ])ostscutellum normally devel- oped, gray pollinose ; prosternum haired at sides; proplettra bare ; calypters opaque, white. Abdomen narrowed and curved downward toward apex, wholly black; last three segments entirely covered with dull gray pollen which, when viewed from behind, shows rather well defined dark reflecting spots on each side of the middle above on segments three and four ; basal segment with thinner gray pollen, bearing a pair of median marginal bristles ; second and third segments without discals, former with marginal pair and latter bearing a marginal row of about 10. large; fourth segment with a ro\v of discals situated well behind middle, besides the usual marginal row ; hairs on all segments except fourth rather short and subdepressed ; genital segments unusu- ally slender, reddish-black, gray pollinose and clothed with fine hairs behind ; forceps as in wcbbcri, but with the outer pair distinctly wider at base; fifth sternite black, each lobe with a prominent ventral projection near middle, inner margins tinged with red and clothed with soft short hairs. Legs mostly black, basal segments and tibiae with a reddish tinge; claws and pulvilli elongate; middle tibia bearing three strong bristles on outer front side: hind tibia not ciliated. Wings grayish hyaline; fourth vein with a rather angular stumnless bend, thenre concave to costa which it reaches slightly beyond apex of third vein and far before extreme wing tip; third vein with three setulae at base: hind cross vein bi- curved. joining fourth about two-fifths the distance from bend to small cross vein ; costal spine small ; epaulets black. 9 : More robust in build than male : front nt vertex 0.33 of the head width (average of three: 0.33; 0.33: 0.33): two oroclinate orbitals present; outer verticals one-half length ot inner pair: third antennal segment barely two and one-half times longer than second: abdomen thick, thinly pollinose and subshining above ; genitalia with a piercer as in tvcbbcri. Length: Male, 10 mm.; female, 11 to 12 mm. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 135 .Described from four specimens. One male (Jwlotypc) and two females, College Station, TEXAS, April 19, 1920 (H. J. Keinhard) ; and one female from the same locality, April 22, 1919 (H. J. Reinhard). Pseudotachinomyia compascua, new species. 9 : Front at vertex 0.38 of the head width (one specimen), prominent below, projecting about the width of eye as viewed from the side; antennae slender, distinctly shorter than face, third segment about one and two-thirds times length of second; facial ridges with bristly hairs extending above middle ; para- facial unusually broad, about two-thirds the maximum width of facial depression ; cheek fully two-fifths eye height. Scutel- lum wholly black. Abdomen with longish but depressed hairs on intermediate segments above; third bearing a weak recTinate pair of discals; genitalia with a piercer as in wcbbcri. Legs black; cla\vs and pulvilli moderately long. Wings gray; third vein bearing four setulae at base. Otherwise as in P. acqualis. Length, 8.5 mm. Male unknown. One specimen, Type, Moses Coulee, WASHINGTON, April 2, 1933 (J. Wilcox)/ The decidedly prominent front and wide parafacials readily distinguish the species from the others included herein. An Epidemic of the Giant Sand Wasp Sphecius speciosus (Drury) at Narrows, Virginia (Hymen.: Sphecidae). On July 23, 1934, Mr. John C. Fox, an engineer at Nar- row's, Virginia, brought to the Mt. Lake Biological Station of the University of Virginia a box of insects for identification. The insects were collected in the yards of the electric substation of the Virginian Railway Co. at Narrows, Va. The writer identified the insects as specimens of the Giant Sand Wasp Sphecius speciosus (Drury). Mr. Fox stated that the wasps were first noticed about five years ago at the electric plant. Since that time the numbers have steadily increased each year until they have attained epi- demic proportions. Although the activities of the wasp bavr caused no material loss as yet, the resident engineers feared that continued increase would lead to damage to the underground conduit ducts. In addition, the wasps were proving to be a source of much annoyance to the personnel of the station. The writer visited the substation a week later and found the situation substantially as described by Mr. Fox. The electric 136 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | May, '35 plant is located on the banks of the New River, about one hundred yards from the water's edge and at a slight elevation. The soil is loose and sandy and comparatively dry. The bur- rows were found scattered through the yards of the plant and in the adjacent fields. The wasps were flying back and forth in considerable numbers and quite a bit of reproductive activity was observable. There were no large trees nearby to aid the insect in bringing Cicadas to the burrows, as has been described by Fuller and others. An examination of the nests revealed a considerable mound of dirt usually about a foot in diameter placed loosely about the entrance. Frequently the mound was in front of the under- ground opening. In other cases there was a trail through the ' dump heap reminding one of a groove. On excavation there \vas disclosed an underground passage about a foot long slightly enlarged at the terminus. In some of these cells a single Cicada was found, in others the cell was empty. Although there had been an extremely heavy rain the night before, the burrows seemed comparatively dry. The officials of the plant were quite anxious to know just how the wasp might be controlled. The immaculate grounds usually found around electric substations were marred by many mounds of fresh dirt. An effort was being made to iron out these mounds but evidently it was not too successful. The writer observed that a collection of old tennis racquets was kept in the building and whenever an official emerged he was armed with a racquet to strike the wasps. The habits of the wasp and occurrence of colonies have been often described in the past. This occurrence seems worth re- porting because of the long duration of the settlement at one place and the extremely large number of individuals composing the colony. An entomologist interested in the study of this species might easily have collected hundreds of specimens in a few hours" this past summer within an area of a few hundred square feet. HOMER C. WILL, Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. Notes on the Lists and Catalogues of the Coleoptera of the United States and America North of Mexico. The first list or catalogue was that of Fnedrich Frnst Mel- sheimer, entitled "Catalogue of the Described Coleoptera of the United States," which after being revised by S. S. Haldeman and T. L. Le Conte, was published by the Smithsonian Insti- tution in July, 1853. 4,816 species are listed. Some eight years after the publication of the Melsheimer catalogue, at the request of the Smithsonian Institution, Dr. Le Conte started xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 137 on a new list of the Coleoptera of North America, only Part I, of which was ever issued (1863). Owing to his many profes- sional duties, he was unable to find time to finish the task he had started. Part I only lists the species to the end of the Flateridae. 4,017 species are listed. In 1873, G. R. Crotch published his "Check List of the Coleoptera of America North of Mexico." All the species, of which there are 7,450, are numbered. A supplement to the Crotch list, by E. P. Austin, was published in 1880, bringing the total number of species up to that time to 9,704. Henshaw's "Coleoptera of America North of Mexico" was published in 1885. Three supplements by Menshaw appeared first in February, 1887, the second July, 1S89, and the third in 1895; number of species listed 11,256. The latest catalogue is the one by Charles W. Leng. "Cata- logue of the Coleoptera of America North of Mexico," pub- lished in 1920, with three supplements issued in 1927 and 1933. In the catalogue of 1920, 18,547 species are enumerated, while the three supplements contain 3,503 additional species, making a total of 22,050 species. Too much can hardly be said re- garding this, our latest catalogue ; for in addition to the species, the subspecies, synonyms, etc., are also listed. The geographi- cal distribution following the name of the species will be a great help to those \vho are interested in the study of our Coleoptera. The "Catalogue of the North American Coleoptera Described as Fossils" by H. F. Wickham, will prove of value to many. Last but not least, is the "Bibliography of Taxonomic Cole- opterology." This latter feature will save much time to one seeking for a publication relating to the Coleoptera of America Xorth of Mexico. PHILIP LAURENT. Early Publications Referring to Coleoptera. There are close to 4,000 titles of publications listed by Leng. in his "Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America, North of Mexico," of which the following antedate all the others as to time of publication : Frisch — Beschr. von allerley insecten in Teutschland. 1720- 1738. Catesby -The Natural History of Carolina, Florida, etc. The Natural History of Carolina. II, 1743. Keamur — Mem. pour serv. -\ 1'hist. des insectes. 1734-1742 l.inne — Fauna Suecica, etc. 1746 and 1761. Systema Naturae 1758-1759 and 1766-1768. De Meloe vesicatorio. 1763. .Museum S. R. M. Ludovicse Ulricse, etc. 1764. Mantissa, p. a. g. 1771. De Geer — Memoires pour servir a 1'histoire des Insectes (Pait 1, 1752). 138 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 Geoffrey — Histoire abregee cles Insectes que trouvent, etc. 1762. Scopoli — Entomologia Carniolica, etc. 1763. Mueller — Fauna Insectorum Friedrichsdalina, etc. 1764. Manipulum Ins. Taurinesium Melanges, etc. 1766. Stroem — Beskriveise over Norske Insecter, etc. 1765. Schaeffer — Elementa Entomologica, Ratisbonae. 1766. Voet — Cat. Syst. Col., La Have. 1766. Drury — Illustrations of Natural History, etc. (Part 1, 1770.) Forster — A Catalogue of the Animals of North America. 1771. Fabricius — Systema Entomologia;. 1775. PHILIP LAURENT. The Bite of Melanolestes picipes, Herrick-Schaeffer (Hemip. : Reduviidae). On the evening of Friday, Oct. 16. 1934, while working at my desk I heard something strike the screen of a window at my side and turning, saw a large black reduviid crawl under it, run across the sill, and fly to my desk. I immediately caught it up by the thorax and noticed that it was Melanolestes picipcs Herrick-Schaeffer, or the Kissing Bug. While I held it, it squealed loudly by rasping its proboscis, the labium, back and forth in the ventral groove by an up and down movement of its head. In its struggles it slipped from my fingers and ran across the desk. I snatched at it and as I picked it up it drove its beak into the tip of the fourth finger of my right hand. The pain was excruciating and, as I dropped the insect, it flew and disappeared in a closet. The pain of the bite retained its severity and ran up and down the finger in throbs with each heart beat. A small red spot about the size of a common pin head showed where the insect had bitten. A sort of small blood blister formed at this point and I opened it with a sterilized needle bathed in iodine, but there was no blood present, only a spot of browned flesh. The pain continued unabated during the evening and Saturday, by the afternoon, the end of the finger was numb and it had become swollen down to the second joint. Sunday morning the entire finger was swollen and the swelling was passing into the muscles along the side of the hand. The small brown spot was still present. The family doctor was visited and he wrapped the finger in hot wet gauze and put an air tiglTt oilcloth cover over it. The finger continued to beat, throb, and have fever in it. but by Monday noon most of the fever was gone and the swelling was going down. The bandage was removed by the doctor, for he had said when he put it on that, if T took it off myself, xlvi, '35 J K; \TOMOLOGICAL NEWS 139 I needn't come back at all. By Wednesday the finger was normal si/e, hut the spot remained and the last joint was numb. This numbness remained almost a week longer and after the brown spot came away with a scab, a small dent remained in the end of the finger for nearly a month. Now, Feb., 1935, a small bit of scar tissue is all that shows. H. ELLIOTT McCujRE, Danville, Illinois. The Sixth International Congress of Entomology. The Y. International Congress of Entomology held in Paris in 1932, having acceded to the Spanish Delegates' motion, agreed to select Madrid as the seat for the following Congress in 1935, the honour of occupying the Chair at the Meeting being conferred upon the undersigned. In view of this deci- sion, the Spanish Government has given the Congress an official character and I am able to announce that the in- augural session will take place in Madrid on September 6 under the patronage of H. E. THE PRESIDENT OF THE SPAN- ISH REPUBLIC. The Spanish Government has issued invita- tions to foreign countries and is hopeful that official delegates from many countries will attend this scientific gathering in Madrid. By means of this Circular I have the honour to in- vite, in the name of the Madrid Organizing Committee, the Foreign Academies. Universities, Museums and other Scientific Institutions, including Institutes of Agricultural, Medical and Veterinary Entomology, etc., to send their respective Delegates. The undersigned likewise tenders an invitation to all investi- gators in any branch whatsoever of the extensive Science of Entomology, or any who may feel in any way attracted to it. to foregather at the Madrid Congress where they will receive a cordial welcome from their Spanish colleagues. Madrid, February. 1935. Prof. Tr.XACio P>OLIVAR. Clniirnitiii of the / 7. International Coiu/rcss of Ilntomoloy\. PROGRAMME. Ctnujrcxs Meetings: /•/•/') Associate members, namely the persons accompanying the Regular Members. These will he admitted to receptions, festivities and excursions as well as to the Congress Sittings but will not be entitled to vote, submit papers, nor will they receive the publications issued. (Fee: Pesetas 30=: £ 0.15.0= RM. 10=French Francs 62.50=Liras 50=Dollars 4.) Persons desiring to attend the Congress as Members are re- quested kindly to nil in the Application Form and send it with- out delay to the Secretarial Offices of the Congress with the respective Fee in any of the currencies named. A Member's Card will be forwarded with a second circular containing full details of Congress arrangements to those registered. The VI. Internationa] Congress of Entomology has been organized under agreement with the XII. International Congress of Zoology which will meet in Lisbon from September 15-21. Travelling and hotel arrangements: The Organizing Commit- tee of the Congress has commissioned the Wagons-Lits-Cook Company to make the necessary travelling arrangements, pro- vide hotel accommodation and arrange excursions. The agents of this Company will furnish Members with all travelling in- formation. Organizing Committee of the Congress: I. Bolivar, Chair- man; M. lienlloch, J. M. Dusmet, AT. At. de la Fscalera, Vice- Chairmen: F. Bonet, J. del Canizo, G. Cehallos, J. Gil Collado, F. M. de la Kscalera, A. de Zulueta, Members of the Com- mittee; C. Bolivar y Pieltain, Secretary. .Ill correspondence, communications of a scientific nature, registration of Members, remittances, etc., should be addressed to Prof. C. BOLIVAR v PIELTAIN, Mnsco Nacional de Ciencias Natnralcs, Madrid-6 (Spain). 142 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY LAURA S. MACKEY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OP E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating lo American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets L ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Papers published m the Entomological News are not' listed. New Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to. 112. Anales del Institute de Biologia Mexico. 113. Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin Dahlem. 114. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. GENERAL. — Osborn, H. — The place of entomological collections in entomological research. [7] 28: 56-59. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Ancona, L.— His- tologia de los gusanitos de Maguey. Orugas de Aegiale hesperiaris. [An. Inst. Biol. Mexico] 5: 353-361, ill. Carter, W. — The symbionts of Pseudococcus brevipes. [7] 28: 60- 71, ill. Fisher, R. A. — The effect of acetic acid vapor treat- ment on blood cell counts in the cockroach, Blatta orien- talis. (Blattidae). [7] 28:146-153. Gentil, K.— Die entse- hung der schillerfarben bei Morpho sulkowskyi. [17] 52: 41-44, in. Goodrich, A. L., Jr. — The thoracic sclerites of a trichopterous pupa Dicosmoecus atripes (Limnophilidae). [Trans. Am. Micro. Soc.J 54: 57-64. Hafiz, H. A.— The embryological development of Cheyletus eruditus (a mite). [Pro.'R. Soc. Lond.] B. 117: 174-201, ill. Harrison, J. W. H. — The experimental induction of melanism and other effects, in the geometrid moth Selenia bilunaria. [Pro. R. Soc. Lond.] B. 117: 78-92, ill. Hill, R. B.— Habitos alimen- tecios de algunos anofeles venezolanos. [Bol. Soc. Venez. Cien. Nat. Canacas] No. 19: 411-416. Iragorry, L. B.- Contribucion al estudio morfologico de los huevos de algu- nos Reduvideos. [Bol. Soc. Venez. Cien. Nat. Caracas] No. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 143 18: 398-400, ill. Mordvilko, A.— Die blattlause mit unvoll- standigem generationszyklus uncl ihre entstehung. [Ergebn. u. Fortschr. Zool. Berlin] 8:36-328, ill. Pussard, R. — Obser- vations sur la biologic di Capnodis tenebrionis et sur les methodes de lutte centre cet insecte. (Buprestidae.) [25] 40: 23-26. Rau, P. — The sting of the male wasp, Monobia quadridens. [5] 41 : 245. Rau, P. — A note on the attach- ment of the wasp, Bembix nubilippennis, to their nesting sites. [5] 41 : 243-244. Rau, P. — Pompilid wasps and prey- transportation by water. [5] 41: 241-242. Roonwal, M. L. —An abnormality in the boyau calicial (female accessory glands) of the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria. [31] 135: 394-395, ill. Sautet, J.— Contribution a 1'etude du tube digestif des larves d'anopheles et de Theobaldia. [An. Para- sit. Hum. et Comp.] 13: 97-108, ill. Taylor, A.— Experi- mentally induced changes in the cell complex of the blood of Periplaneta americana (Blattidae). [7] 28: 135-145, ill. Webster, W. J. — Bed bugs in rarefied air. [Indian Jour. Mecl. Res.] 21: 523. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Crosby & Zorsch —Spiders from the Lac St. Jean region of Quebec. [4] 67: 38-42, ill. Roewer, C. F. — Bronns klassen und ordnungen des tierreichs. Bel. 5. Abt. 4, Buch 4, pp. 609-723. Soli- fugae, Palpigracli. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Arcona, L. — Contribucion al conocimiento de los pisjos de los ani- males de Mexico. Columbicola columbae. fMallophaga.) [An. Inst. Biol. Mexico] 5: 341-351, ill. Leonard, J. W.- The naiad of Celithemis monomelaena (Odonata.) [114] No 297: 5 pp., ill. Liu, C.-Y. — The new bird Ceratophylli from Minnesota ( Siphonaptera). |7| 28: 121-125. ill. fill- yard, J. — The evolution of the scorpion-flies and their deri- vatives (Mecoptera). [7] 28: 1-45, ill. Traver, J. R.— Two n. g. of North American Heptageniidae (Ephemerida). |4| 67: 31-38, ill. Watts, J. G.— Two n. sp. of Stephanothrips from South Carolina and key to the known sp. (Uroth- ripidae: Thysanoptera) . [7] 28: 126-130. ill. ORTHOPTERA. — Pickett, A. D. — Some observations on an outbreak of the two-striped grasshopper (Melano- plns bivittatns) in Nova Scotia. |4| 67: 24-27. HEMIPTERA. — da Costa Lima, A. Sobre alguns Coc- cideos, | Arch. Inst. I'.iol. Veg. R. d. Janeiro) 1: 131-138 ill (S*). DeLong, D. M. — Some n. sp. of Deltocephaloid leafhoppers (Cicadellidae). [7] 28: 154-159, ill. Drake & 144 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 Harris. — The Gerrinae of the western hemisphere. [An. Carnegie Mus.] 23: 179-240, ill. (*). Concerning neotropi- cal species of Rhagovelia (Veliidae). [Pro. Biol. Soc. Wash- ington] 48: 33-37. Janes, M. J. — Oviposition studies on the chinch bug, Blissns leucopterns. [7J 28: 109-120, ill. Osborn, H. — Insects of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Homoptera excepting the Sternorhynchi. [Sc. Sur. P. R. & Virg. Isls.] 14: 111-260, ill. (*). LEPIDOPTERA.— Bryk, F.— Lepidopterorum Catalo- gus. Pars. 62. Lymantriidae. 441 pp. Busck, A. — Lepidop- terorum Catalogus. Pars. 67. Stenomidae. 73 pp. Dohan- ian, S. M. — The European corn borer on Long Island. [5] 41 : 214-220, ill. Hemming, F. — A note on Jacob Hiibner's Verzeichniss der Fertigen Blatter und Werke of 12th March, 1814, with a facsimile. A note on Jacob Hiibner's Lrste Zutrage zur Sammlung Exotischer Schmetterlinge of 1808. 1 107] 4: 36-38; 38-46. ' Houser, J. S.— Cacoecia riley- ana. An unusual occurrence (Tortricidae). [7] 28: 105-10'7, ill. Kotzsch, H. — Zwei neue Morpho hecuba-formen. [14] 48: 178-180, ill. Prout, L. B.— Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pars. 63. Geometridae: Sterrhinae II. 177-432. Querci, O. —An account of my studies in the biology of Pieris rapae. III. [21 | 47: 14, cont. Schiissler, H. — Lepidopterorum Ca- talogus. Pars. 65: Saturniidae : 3. Ludiinae II. 485-769. Shepard, H. H. — Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pars. 64. Hes- peridae: Pyrginae II. 145-272. DIPTERA.— Bromley, S. W.— Notes on Texas robber- flies with the descr. of a n. sp. of Proctacanthella. (Asili- dae.) [114] No. 304: 7 pp. da Costa Lima, A. — Notas sobre Tripetidas brasileiras. II-III. [Arch. Inst. Biol. Veg. R. d. Janeiro] 1: 115-130; 139-141, ill. (*). Dampf, A.— Nuevos datos sobre la fauna de los mosquitos de Mexico. [Rev. Mex. Biol] 16: 1-4. Fluke, C. L.— Revision of the Epis- trophe flies of America north of Mexico (Syrphidae). [70] 15: 57 pp. ill. (*). Reinhard, H. J. — New gen. and sp. of American muscoid flies. ( Tachinidae.) [7] 28: 160-173. Rozeboom, L. E. — A new nycteribiid from Florida. [Jour. Parasit.] 1935: 315-316, ill. ' Tulloch, G. S,— Mosquito in- vestigations in Alaska. |5| 41 : 201-210. ill. Wheeler, W. M. —A specimen of the Jamaican Yermileo. [5| 41: 236-237. COLEOPTERA.— Blaisdell, F. E.— Two n. sps. of Ele- odes from the Pacific Coast Region ( Tenebrionidae). [4] 67: 28-31. Boucomont, A. — Description de trois Coprides de 1'Amerique du Sud. [Misc. Ent.j 36: 9-10. (*). Klima, Xlvi, '35 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 145 A.— Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars. 138. Curculionidae : Cioninae, Tychiinae. 61 pp. Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars. 140. Curculionidae: Erirrhininae. 167 pp. Linsley, E. G. — Some new longicorn beetles from British Honduras. | 5] 41: 233-235. A revision of the Pogonocherini of North America. (Cerambycidae.) [7] 28: 73-103, ill. (*). Leuder- waldt, H. — Novos Passalideos americanos. [Bol. Biol. S. Paulo] 2: 19-21. (*). Revisao do genero Paxillus. Corr. e Supple, a monographia dos Passalideos do Brasil. [Rev. Alus. Paulista] 18: 357-369; 373-375. Melzer, J.— Longi- corneos americanos, principalmente do Brasil, novos on pouco conhecidos. (Cerambycidae.) [Arch. Inst. Biol. Sao Paulo] 5: 213-244, ill. Park, O. — Hamotus turalbus. a n. sp. Trom Costa Rica. (Pselaphidae.) [7] 28: 131-134, ill.. Pessoa, S. B. — Contribuicao para o conhecimento das especies brasileiras do genero Phanaeus. [An. Fac. Med. Univ. S. Paulo] 10: 279-314, ill. (*). Pic, M.— Neue Bruchidae. [26] 15: 65-66. (S). Schenkling, S.— Coleopter- orum Catalogus. Pars. 141. Ectrephidae. Curculionidae; Magdalinae. 29 pp. Schenkling & Marshall— Coleopter- i.rum Catalogus. Pars. 139. Curculionidae: Anthonominae, Laemosaccinae. 1-82; 1-8. Semenov-Tian-Shanskij, A. P.— De tribu Necrophorini, classificande et de ejus distributione geographica (Silphidae). [Trav. Ins. Z. Ac. Sc. URSS.] 1 : 149-191. [Russian.] HYMENOPTERA.— Abbott, C. E.— Notes on Megar- hyssa lunator. [5] 41 : 238-240. Borgmeier, T.— Contribu- cao para o conhecimento da fauna mirmecologica dos cafe- zais de Paramaribo. Guiana Holandesa (Formicidae). [Arch. Inst. Biol. Veg. R. d. Janeiro] 1: 93-112, ill. (*). Bruch, C. — Las formas femeninas de Eciton descripcion y redescripcion de algunas especes de la Argentina. [An. Soc. Cien. Argen.j 118: 113-135, ill. Cockerell, T. D. A.- \ species of Epistenia (Chalcidoidea) from Colorado. [5] 41 : 228-229. (*). Notes on the first cubital cell in certain Hy- menoptera. [7] 28: 46. Cole, A. C. — An annotated list of the ants of the Snake River Plains, Idaho. (Formicidae.) [5] 41 : 221-227. Creighton, W. S.— Descriptions of three new North American ants with certain ecological observa- tions on previously described forms. [5] 41: 185-200. Gib- bons, H. I. — The first cubital cell in certain Hymenoptera. |7| 28: 47-55, ill. Hambleton, J. I.— Man's winged ally. the busy honeybee. [Nat. Geog. Mag.] 67: 401-428, ill. Hempel, A. — A Prorops nasuta no IJrnsil. [Arch. Inst. liiol. S;u. Paulo] 5: 197-212, ill. Smith, M. R.— Two new North American ants. [5] 41 : 211-213. Wheeler. W. M.- Some ants from the Bahama Islands. [5] 41 : 230-232. 146 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '35 THE FIELD BOOK OF INSECTS. By FRANK E. LUTZ. Third Edition. 510 pp. 77 black and 23 colored plates. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New \ork, 1935. — This is one of the most useful books on American Entomology, especially for the general reader. It is a textbook for the beginner and should be in every scout library and that of every institution having reference books on the natural sciences. As stated by the publisher, this ]>ook will be an indispensable guide to amateur naturalists, young or old; to the student it will supply much basic knowledge con- veniently assembled; to the general reader it will provide a revelation of the magnitude of the insect world and the close dependence of human life upon the activities of insects. This is the book I always recommend to those inquiring for one which will enable them to identify the insects they find about their homes and gardens and in the fields. Of course it does not give the means for identifying all the species, as it would be impossible to do this in a book of this nature. But it is the only one that gives this information for the most conspic- uous insects. For the specialists in butterflies and moths, we have Holland's Butterfly and Moth Books, but for the other orders, especially the Hymenoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera, there is none that covers the ground as this little book does. I am glad to see that another edition has just been printed, thus continuing its availability, and at its usual price of $3.50. The text of this third edition has been entirely reset, but with many of the headings omitted. This and the setting of the keys in "solid" has accomplished a reduction in pagination from 562 pages of the previous edition to 510 pages of the present. Much of the text has been rewritten with additions, and much of the classification as well as the definitions have been revised to bring these more in agreement with present usage. How- ever, I am glad to see that considerable conservatism in nomen- clature is maintained. We miss the bold-face type side head- ing of the previous edition, which so materially aid in locating the part of the text referrable to the insect in question ; and these omissions are to be regretted. Also the omission, in some orders, of the descriptions of and notes on these insects. However, to some extent, these have been included in the keys where they are not easily located. As a whole, I do not think the present edition is an improvement over the previous one, and would have preferred to see the style of the previous edition maintained. This little book has seen at least ten print- ings since it first appeared in 1918, and has been revised three times. It is one of a series of non-technical Nature Field Books which now covers nearly all phases of nature-study ; most of them priced around $3.50. — E. T. CRESSON, JR. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Exchange — Will collect insects of Connecticut this season and desire to get in touch with collectors desiring this material, either in exchange or for cash. Harry L. Johnson, So. Meriden, Conn. Wanted— Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Literature Wanted — Barnes & McDunnough's "Contributions," Henry Edward's "Pacific Coast Lepidoptera" and other publications relative to North American Lepidoptera. C. F. dos Passes, Mend- ham, New Jersey. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Gued^t, P. O. Box 305, Xapa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lepidoptera of the Western LTnited States for rare American or tropica1 specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. BOOKS ON INSECTS Largest Stock in the World Catalogues on Application . 41 — Just issued, 64 pages/ covers Hemipterd, Hymen- optera, Neuroptera, Odonata, Orthoptera, Thysan- optera, Arachnida, Myriapoda. . 39 — Diptera, Lepidoptera, Mallophaga and Acarina, (75 Pages.) . 36 — Coleoptera. (48 pages) Families and Genera of NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA by Dr. C. H. Curran Price, Bound . . . $7.50 Leng Catalogue of COLEOPTERA OF AMERICA North of Mexico Complete, with three Supplements In Paper Covers, $15.00 The books of CURRAN and LENG are sent prepaid IN THE UNITED STATES to those who send money with their orders. John D. Sherman/ Jr 1 32 Primrose Avenue Mount Vernon New York ENTOMOLOGICAL CASE This unit fully meets the requirements of Entomologists, being convenient, safe and economic of space, as well as pro- viding for flexibility in installation and the re-arrangement of collections. The triple-bolted doors close on felted strips, supplying with the insect proof containers double protection from infestation and dust. This cabinet is designed to hold 48 tightly covered glass top boxes sufficiently spaced to obviate the necessity for pull knobs. The boxes can be made cork-lined or plain, to permit the tray-unit system of arrangement. Standard finish is cream white Size 40}" wide, 78J" high, 14fV" deep. MANUFACTURED BY Peerless Steel Equipment Company UNRUH AND HASBROOK STREETS PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. NEW LOW PRICES for WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Ward's Sehiiiitt Box, 9x13 Inches LINKD WITH PATKNT ENTOMOLOGICAL CORK Price each $2.50 Price each in dozen lots $2.45 Price each in lots of 50 $2.45 Ward's Insect Pins (A. E. Co.), per M $3.00 Klaeger Insect Pins, Per M $2.25 Minutens, per M $2.25 SKND FOB PRICK LIST E 1. This includes many items at new low prices and also describes several new aquatic nets and other newly developed pieces of equipment. pp A P\V Cf^f^KI I Catalog" 3OO. The Showy Butterflies of KL/\U7 ^WwlN the World. Lists over 600 attractive species. Sent free upon request. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beech wood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DIURNALS. in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera : 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 600 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD, 42, IRVING ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JUNE. 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 6 X JOHN MERTON ALDRICH; 1866-1934. CONTENTS Hinman and Larson — Insects Collected in Flight Traps in the Willa- mette Valley, Oregon, in 1931 and 1932 147 Fattig — The Coleoptera or Beetles of Georgia (Cicindelidae, Carabidae) 153 O'Byrne— Pogocolon gaurae Breeding in Missouri (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) 160 Linsley — Notes and Descriptions of West American Cerambycidae (Coleoptera).— II 161 Mitchell— A New " Nomenclator Zoologicus " 167 International Biological Congresses of 1935 167 Editorial — Biological Abstracts 168 Entomological Literature 169 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Claw Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January IS, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder.Ph.D., Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America . . $3.00 Canada 3.15 Foreign . . ... 3.25 Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in, $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8 00, " 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more ^installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be tiated on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited ; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without covers over and above the twenty-five given fiee at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents; three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed •overs for SO copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVI. JUNE, 1935 No. 6 Insects Collected in Flight Traps in the Will rir.t tie Valley, Oregon, in 1931 and 1932. By FRANK G. HINMAN and A. ( ). LARSOX, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, I'. S. I Vpartment of Agriculture. An account of the insects collected in flight traps near Mos- cow, Idaho, has been published by Paul L. Rice (2). Flight traps were also operated by the writers, in studying the pea weevil in the \Yillamette Valley, and it was thought that the record of a similar study might be of value by furnishing data on the insects occurring in the Willamette Valley, the time of their occurrence, and the effect of climatic factors on their abun- dance, as well as furnishing data for a comparison with the results obtained by Rice in a different locality. METHOD. The trap used was very similar to that designed and described by Wakeland (3) and employed by Rice (2). It was made of a vertical wire screen bordered at the sides and top by a metal frame extending out from it at right angles tor a distance of about six inches on either side of the screen and fitted with two square-topped funnels at the base, one on either side of the screen. Metal cans were tilted at the lower end> of the funnels. Insects striking the screen fell down through the funnels into the cans. No attractants or killing agents were used. The traps were held by two wooden uprights so that tin- cans would be from 3 to (» feet above the -n,und. All were on level ground, in or at the edge of cultivated fields, chielly pea fields, with the exception of Trap I. which was situated on top of a solitary hill several hundred feet above the helds. This hill was heavily wooded with oak trees on the north side, and a few firs grew on the south side. Twelve traps were set up in March, 1931, but 1 was taken down on April 29 and another on June 22. In 1'MJ there 147 148 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jime, '35 were 11 traps in use, the one taken clown in June of the year before having been put up again. In 1931 they were visited at intervals of from 5 clays to 2 weeks from March 13 to December 9, and in 1932 from January 6 to December 3, and at somewhat longer intervals in a number of cases. There were 632 can collections made in 1931 and 524 in 1932. It was seldom that all of the traps were" visited on the same day. Usually part were examined on one day and the rest on the day following. Rainy weather interfered considerably with trap collections, especially in the spring. INSECTS COLLECTED. The insects caught in 1931 were sent to the taxonomists of the Bureau of Entomology who identified all except most of the Diptera, which were in very poor condition ; several families of Coleoptera, including the Chrysomelidae ; and the Tenth- redinidae. Those caught in 1932 were not determined by taxonomic specialists, but records were kept of their numbers, and the families to which they belonged were determined in as many cases as possible. The following tabulation shows the numbers of families, species, and specimens found in the 14 orders collected in 1931 : Insects Collected in Flight Traps in the U'illamcttc I 'alley, Oregon, in 1931. Number of Number of Number of Order Fami es Species Specimens Orthoptera 2 4 7 Isoptera 1 2 27 Neuroptera 2 5 33 Ephemerida 1 3 17 Plecoptera 1 1 7 Corrodentia 1 13 Hemiptera 15 63 1,518 Homoptera 7 49 405 Dermaptera 1 1 1 Coleoptera 39 197 4,012 Trichoptera 2 Lepidoptera 7 18 76 Diptera 32 663 Hymenoptera 25 115 768 Total 129 496 7,569 xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 149 The pea aphid, Illinoia pisi (Kalt.), occurred in such large numbers that it was not included in the table. More than 3,650 individuals were counted, and there were many more. Collembola also occurred at times in large numbers. It is interesting to note the similarity between the above table and that given by Rice (2). In both Idaho and Oregon the greatest number of species were obtained in the order Coleoptera followed by the Hymenoptera, while the Hemiptera and Homoptera, each with much fewer species, ranked third and fourth respectively in both localities. In comparison with the insects obtained in Idaho 2 more orders, 21 more families and the same number of species are represented in the 1931 collections in Oregon. In 1931 the following species were obtained in numbers above 100: Illinoia pisi (Kalt.) ( Aphiidae) More than 3,650 Bruchns pisormn L. (Bruchidae) 992 Corizns scutotns Stal (Coreidae) 912 Diabrotica soror Lee. ( Chrysomelidae) 470 Hippodamia ambigua Lee. (Coccinellidae) 367 Hihio ncrvosus Loew (Bibionidae) Mcligcthcs nintatns Har. (Nitidulidae) 141 /'rcnolcpis imparts (Say) (Formicidae) 140 Plcitroplwms caesus Creutz (Scarabaeidae) l.cptocoris trivittatus (Say) (Coreidae) RliyparnclironiHS chirat/ra calif arnica VanD. (Lygaeidae) Polyamia inimica ( Say) (Cicadellidae) 116 A number of new or rare species were identified from tin- trap collections. Two specimens of a carabid beetle were marked "genus unknown" by L. L. Buchanan. Six specimens of Hymenoptera, including 3 braconicls, were found to be new species. There were 5 new species of Cicadellidae and a new species of Coriziis (Coreidae). Many of those insects not determined as to species by the taxonomists were probably also new. One andrenid was determined by C-. A. Sandhouse as a male of Ilalictns kincaidii Ckll. Only the female had been known previously. K. A. Cushman identified one ichneutnonid as rhytodictns pit mis Rohwer, and reported it to be the second 150 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 known specimen of the species, fiitprestis t/ihbsi (Lee.) is a very rare buprestid in Oregon, yet 5 specimens of this species were taken in the traps, 3 in 1931 and 2 in 1932. In 1932 only 3,445 specimens, exclusive of 304 pea aphids, were obtained. This is less than half the number collected the year before. In 120 of the 129 families represented in the collections in 1931 there was either a decrease in numbers or a total lack of representatives in 1932. The four species caught in the greatest numbers the year before were the only ones of which more than 100 specimens were taken in 1932. These were: Bruchus pisonim, 526; Illinoia f>isi, 304; Corizus sciita- lus, 239; and Diabrotica soror, 167. Coccinellids dropped from 704 to 78, bibionids from 307 to 41, Meligethes mutatns from 141 to 20. The catch of most of the other insects dropped to from 90 to 15 percent of the number obtained the year before. REASONS FOR THE DECREASE IN THE NUMBER OF INSECTS CAUGHT IN 1932. There are three reasons for the difference in the numbers caught in the two years : (1) The traps were visited somewhat less frequently in 1932 than in 1931, and in 1932 some trouble was experienced with live stock knocking the cans loose from the traps. The less frequent the visits, the greater the likelihood of some of the insects escaping, or being eaten by the predacious species caught, or decomposing owing to the collection of water in the cans. (2) In 1931 ten of the 12 traps were in or at the edge of pea fields. In 1932 most of the fields were planted to hay or grain; only 2 traps were adjoining peas, 2 were within a few hundred yards of pea fields, and 3 were in fields with quite a number of scattered volunteer peas in them. So there was much less chance in 1932 of collecting pea insects, which in 1931 constituted a large part of the catch. The pea aphid was very abundant in 1931, its presence resulting in a large popu- lation of coccinellids, cantharids, syrphids, and other predators, xlvi, '35 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 151 These in turn attracted insects predacious on themselves. In 1932 there were very few aphids, and this resulted in a decrease in the number of species directly or indirectly associated with them. (3) Perhaps the most important single factor causing this difference in numbers was the difference in the weather of the two years. The winter of 1930-31 was very mild. April, May. most of June, and July and August of 1931 were dry and warm. On the other hand, the winter of 1931-32 was more severe than usual, beginning with a very cold November in 1931. March, 1932, was the wettest March on record in western Oregon. April and May. 1932, were wet and very cloudy. The cold winter and the long-continued wet weather in the spring seemed to have resulted in a decrease in numbers of almost every species. The almost total absence of the pea aphid and consequent decrease in its predators was probably due to the difference in the weather of the two years. RELATION OF TRAP CATCHES TO WEATHER CONDITIONS. The fact that the trap collections were made at irregular in- tervals over only a two-year period precludes any definite con- clusions being drawn as to the effect of weather conditions on the individual collections. However, it may be of interest to mention the effects that the data seemed to indicate. During the spring and early summer trap collections ap- peared to increase after warm weather and to decrease after a rain. During the fall they apparently increased following a rain and decreased in periods of hot, dry weather. There seemed to be two peaks and two low points in tin- trap collections. The first peak occurred early in the spring, about April, when insects were leaving hibernation or emerging as adults after passing the winter in an immature stage, and seemed favored by dry, warm weather; the second came in the fall, in Sq :U'inl >er or October, when insects developed during the summer were seeking hibernation quarters or were Hying away from their food plants which had become unfit for food 152 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 by this time, and this peak seemed favored by just the opposite conditions — wet, cool weather. The two low points occurred, one in the winter when insect development and movement was retarded by cold and rain, and one in July and August when many insects were in the immature stages or may have been aestivating or keeping under cover because of high tempera- tures. FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS. The number of species, like the number of specimens, was greatest in the spring, decreasing during the summer and in- creasing again in the fall. Rice (2) reported exactly similar results. No correlation was found between the direction in which the trap was facing and the insect catch. Trap I, on top of a hill, caught twice as many insects as any other trap in 1931 and nearly twice, as many as any other in 1932. It also held more species. The other traps varied considerably in their catches and in the number caught in the two cans on each trap, but a study of the position of the traps in relation to their surround- ings failed to show why these differences occurred. Rice (2) also failed to find any consistent relationship between the loca- tion of the traps or the directions in which they were facing and the number of specimens or species caught, except that, "As a rule, more species were captured in traps on high ground than in those on low ground." Since the trap collects only those insects that fly into it and are not agile enough to escape, it is doubtful whether its catches are representative of the entire insect population in its vicinity. In 1931, as stated, 10 of the 12 traps were in or at the edge of pea fields. From July 10 to August 17 of that year 78 plats, each 10 feet square, were examined in harvested pea fields adjoining these traps, and all of the insects found on them were picked up (1). Of the 64 species obtained in this way 44 were also collected in the traps. Those not caught by the traps were obtained in numbers of from 1 to 4 specimens, except in three cases: 17 specimens each of Nabis ferns (L.), xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 153 Xtihis major Costa, and Coccinclla hieroglyphica humboldtien- sis Xun. were found on the fields hut were not represented in the collections made with the traps. LITERATURE CITED. 1. LARSON, A. O., and HINMAN, F. G. Insects Found on Pea Fields in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, After Harvest. Jour. Econ. Ent. 25(5) :97 1-976. October, 1932. 2. RICE, P. L. Insects Collected in Flight Traps in the Vicin- ity of Moscow, Idaho. Jour. Econ. Ent. 26(6) :1079-1083( illus. December, 1933. 3. WAKELAND, CLAUDE. Flight Studies of Bruchus pisorum L. (Coleoptera, Bruchidae). Jour. Econ. Ent. 27(2) :534- 542, illus. April, 1934. The Coleoptera or Beetles of Georgia (Cicindelidae, Carabidae By P. W. FATTIG, Emory University, Georgia. Since very little has been published concerning the Coleoptera of Georgia, I am submitting a list of the beetles that I have taken in Georgia during the past eight summers. My collecting of beetles has not been very thorough, since I have always done general collecting. It is my intention to do very thorough collecting of beetles during the next few years. I will appreciate having any one send me a list of the beetles in their collection that have been taken in Georgia, giving me the date, locality and name of collector. I am greatly indebted to Drs. H. S. Barber, L. L. Buchanan, E. A. Chapin, and W. S. Fisher, of the U. S. National Museum, and to Dr. J. Chester Bradley, of Cornell University, for their identification of a large number of the beetles listed in this paper. I have compared many of the Georgia specimens with Florida specimens, which were identified by Dr. W. S. Blatch- ley of Indianapolis, Indiana. The CICINDELIDAE that I have taken belong to two genera and twenty-six species and varieties. The list follows, using the numbers of Leng's Catalog. The numbers in parenthesis refer to the number of specimens taken. 154 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 37--TETRACHA CAROLINA Linn. Vienna VI, 17, '31 ; Bain- l.rul-e VI, IS. '31; Atlanta VII, 4 to VIII, 8 (13); Rome VIII, 16, '31. 38 — T. VIRGINICA Linn. Albany VI, 1, '32 (3) ; Griffin VI, 12, '27 (2) ; Canton VII, 17, '31 '(2) ; Atlanta VII, 30 to IX, 6 (239). 44a — CICINDELA SPLENDIDA TRANSVERSA Leng. Clayton V, 28, '34; Yonah Mt. V, 30, '34. 48 — C. ANCOCISCONENSIS Harr. Clayton VIII, 17, '29. 49 — C. DUODECIMGUTTATA Dej. Cartersville V, 23, '31 ; Marietta VI, 5, '30; Douglasville VII, 15, '27; Atlanta VIII, 25 to X, 7, '34 (17). 50— C. REPANDA Dej. Cartersville III, 23, '27; Perry IV, 13, '31 ; Atlanta IV, 18 to X. 7 (67) ; Stone Mt. IV, 19, '31 ; Conyers V, 14, '33 (20) ; Waycross V, 15, '32; Columbus V, 20, "'31 (16); Snellville VI, 12, '31 (5); Bainbridge VI, 19, '31; Cairo VI, 19, '31 (115); Thomasville VI, 19, '31 (6); Toccoa VI, 22, '31; Clayton VIII, 17, '29; Waleska VIII, 28, '28 (4). 51 — C. HIRTICOLLIS Say. St. Simons Is. V, 5 to VIII, '31 (145). 53 — C. TRANQUEBARICA Hbst. Tallapoosa V, 6, '28. 68e — C. SCUTELLARIS UNICOLOR Dej. Cairo VI, 19, '31. 68f — C. SCUTELLARIS Nic.RiOR Schaupp. Cairo VI, 19, '31. 69— C. SEXGUTTATA Fab. Stone Mt. IV, 17 to VI, 16 (9) ; Macon IV, 29, '31 (6) ; Atlanta IV, 29 to VII. 11 (36) ; Eche- connee V, 3, '33 (2) ; Hamilton V, 19, '31 (2) ; Blood Mt. V, 21 to V, 29 (54) ; Pomona VI, 5, '30; Kennesaw Mt. VI, 8, '28; Neel Gap VI, 14, '31 (9) ; Helen VII, 11, '34; Yonah Mt. VIII, 5, '34; Clayton VIII, 17, '29. 69c — C. SEXGTTTATA HARRisi Leng. Clayton VIII, 17, '29. 70— C. PATRUELA Dej. Blood Mt. V, 21 to IX. 1 (24) ; Clayton V, 28, '34; Yonah Mt. V, 30, '34; Neel Gap VI. 14 to IX," 1 (5). 74 — C. PUNCTTLATA Oliv, St. Simons Is. V, 30 to VI, 5 (7) ; Waycross VI, 10, '31 ; Colquit VI, 18, '31 (3) ; Stone Mt. VI, 18, '31; VI, 26. '27; VII. 10, '29; Kennesaw Mt. VI, 21. '30; Dahlonega VI, 22, '32; Tallulah Falls VI. 28, '31 ; Atlanta VII, 5 to VIII, 26 (11); Helen VII, 11, '34; Clayton VIII, 17, '29. 79 — C. ABDOMINALTS Fab. Bainbridge VI, 18, '31 ; Tallulah Falls VI, 28, '31. 81 — C. RITIVEXTRIS Dej. Tallulah Falls VI, 28, '31; Toc- coa VII, 3, '31 ; Yonah Mt. VII, 12 to VIII, 5 (80) ; Clarkes- ville VII, 25, '31; Clayton VIII, 17, '29; Atlanta IX, 22, '32. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 155 93— C. UNIPUNCTATA Fab. Stone Mt. IV. 27 to VI, 9 (26) ; Hlood Mt. V. 21 to V, 29 (12) ; Kennesaw Mt. VI. 8 to VII, 4 (6); Tallulah Falls VI. 28. '31; Yonah Mt. VII. 12. '34, VII. 15. '34, VII, 28. '34 (2); Clayton VIII. 17. '29. 98a — C. TRIFASCIATA TORTUOSA Lee. Folkston V. 8, '32; Conyers V, 14, '33 (2) ; Bainbridge VI, 19, '31. 101 — C. DORSALIS Say. St. Simons Is. V, 30 to VII, 23 (83). lOla— C. DORSALIS MEDIA Lee. St. Simons Is. VI, 4. 29 (2). lOld — C. DORSALIS VENUSTA Laf. Bainbridge VI, 18, '31. 104 — C. MARGINATA Fab. St. Simons Is. V, 30 to VII, 23 (43). 105 — C. BLANDA Dej. Swainsboro V, 31, '31 (3) ; Cairo VI, 19. '31 (2) ; Thomasville VI. 19. '31 (6). 106 — C. WAPLERI Lec. Cairo VI, 19. '31 (37) ; Thomasville VI, 19. '31 (12). 112- — C. GRATIOSA Guer. Cornelia VI, 28, '31. 112a — C. GRATIOSA HIRTILABRIS Lec. St. Simons Is. VI, 5, '29 (33). The CARABIDAE that I have taken belong to fifty-nine genera and one hundred and thirty species and varieties. 125 — SCAPHINOTUS ELEVATUS Fab. Atlanta VII, 14, '27. 125a — S. ELEVATUS TENEBRICOSUS Roes. Atlanta VI, 4, '29. 127b — S. UNICOLOR SHOEMAKERI Leng. Atlanta VI, 5 to XI, 2 (8) ; Yonah Mt. VIII, 5, '34. 129— S. ANDREWSI Harr. Blue Ridge VI, 14, '29. 160- — SPHAERODERUS CANADENSIS Chd. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. SPHAERODERUS sp. near LECONTET — Atlanta \T, 7, '28. 163 — S. BICARINATUS Lec. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 170 — CARABUS SYLVOSUS Say. Clayton \TII, 17, '29; Ken- nesaw Mt. X, 24. '28. 172— C. LIMBATUS Say. Clayton VIII, 17, '29. 173 — C. VINCTUS Web. Gainesville VI. 3. '29; Toccoa VI. 16. '29; Stone Mt. X, 24. '31. 176 — CALOSOMA EXTERNUM Say. Cairo VI. 19, '31. 180— C. SCRUTATOR Fab. Atlanta VII. 4. '31 ; Clayton VIII. 17. '29; Waleska VIII, 28, '28. 181— C. WILLCOXI Lec. Griffin VI. 9, '28. 1S4— C. SAYI Dej. Cairo VI. 10, '31 ; Atlanta VII, 16. '31. 204— C. CALIDUM Fab. Atlanta VIII. 3 to VITI. 24 (5); Kennesaw Mt. VIII, 3. '28; Rome VIII. 16. '31 (4); Macon VIII, 19, '31. 246 — XOTIOPHILUS AENEUS Hbst. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 156 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 251 — N. NOVEMSTRIATUS Lee. Brunswick VI, 4, '29; Toccoa VIII, 16, '29. 302 — PASIMACHUS SUBLAEVIS Beauv. Atlanta VII, 4, '29; Clayton VIII, 17, '29. 305 — P. SUBSULCATUS Say. Macon IV, 30, '28. 307— P. MARGINATUS Fab. Stone Mt. IV, 2 to VI 2 (6) ; Atlanta IV, 23, '33, X, 13, '31 ; Blood Mt. V, 21, '33; Toccoa VI, 16, '29; Yonah Mt. VIII, 5, '34. 308 — P. DEPRESSUS Fab. Jonesboro VI, 12, '27; Tallulah Falls VII, 15, '28. 308a — P. DEPRESSUS MORIO Lee. Stone Mt. V, 25, '28; Macon VI, 21, '29; Kennesaw Mt. VII, 4, '28; Atlanta VIII, 17, '28. 309— P. PUNCTULATUS Hald. Stone Mt. IV, 23, '27; At- lanta V, 16, '31 ; VIII, 11, '28; Kennesaw Mt. VI, 19, '27: VI, 24, '34, VIII, 11, '28; Yonah Mt. VIII, 5, '34. 316 — SCARITES SUBTERRANEUS Fab. Stone Mt. IV, 24, '32 Atlanta VI, 15, '28; Clayton VI, 16, '29; Cairo VI, 19, '31. 317 — S. SUBSTRIATVS Hald. Waycross VI, 10, '31 ; Cairo VI, 19, '31. 331 — DYSCHIRIUS GLOBULOSUS Say. Blue Ridge VI, 14, '29; Toccoa VIII, 16, '29. 334 — D. HAEMORRHOIDALIS Dej. Gainesville VIII, 18, '28. 358 — CLIVINA DENTIPES Dej. Ellijay VI, 27, '31 ; Dahlon- ega VIII, 17, '29. 361 — C. PLANICOLLIS Lec. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 369 — C. AMERICANA Dej . Cornelia VI, 16, '29. 373— C. FEKREA Lec. Blood Mt/VI, 25, '31. 375 — C. BIPUSTULATA Fab. Rome V, 26, '31 ; Marietta VII, 4, '28; Atlanta VIII, 1, '29. 380 — ASPIDOGLOSSA SUBANGULATA Chd. Cornelia V, 16, '28; Jesup VI, 4, '29; Dalton VIII, 15, '28. 382 — SCHIZOGENIUS PLANULATUS Lec. Toccoa VIII, 16, '29. 392 — ARDISTOMIS OBLIOUATA Putz. Bainbridge VI, 19, '31. 395 — A. VIRIDIS Say. Albany VI, 1, '32; Bainbridge VI, 19, '31. 399 — PANAGAEUS FASCIATUS Say. Atlanta III, 30, '28, VII, 20, '30; Toccoa VI, 16, '29; Americus VI, 20, '31. 406 — MORION MONILICORNIS Latr. Stone Mt. IV, 18 to V, 11 (13); Atlanta VI, 4, '28; Macon VI, 15, '28; Griffin VI, 26, '32. 432 — BEMBIDION AMERICANUM Dej. Valdosta III, 21, '31 ; Cairo VI, 18, '31. i, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 157 512— B. NIGRUM Say. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 783— ANILLUS FORTIS Horn. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 792 — PERICOMPSUS EPHIPPIATUS Say. Rockmart VIII, 7, '28. 805 — TACHYURA INCURVA Say. Jonesboro VII, 2, '29. 830— T. VIVAX Lee. Toccoa VI, 16, '29; Rockmart VIII, 7, '28. 898 — TACHYMENIS FLAVICAUDA Say. Toccoa VTII, 16, '29; Rockmart VIII, 7, '28. 901 — PATROBUS LONGICORNIS Say. Toccoa V, 14, '30. 929 — MYAS CORACINUS Say. Macon VI, 3, '28; Atlanta IX, 16, '29; Stone Mt. X, 25, '31. 1006 — PTEROSTICHUS ADOXUS Say. Atlanta VI, 29, '27; Toccoa VIII, 16, '29. 1027 — GASTRELLARIUS BLANCIIARDI Horn. Clayton VIII, 16, '29. 1045 — CYCLOTRACHELUS UNICOLOR Say. Atlanta VIII, 7, '34. 1047— C. SPOLIATUS Newm. Blairsville VI, 15, '29. 1048 — C. VINCTUS Lee. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 1100 — REFONIA MOESTA Say. Blairsville VI, 15, '29; Clay- ton VIII, 17, '29. 1 102— ABACIDUS FALLAX Dej. Griffin V, 12, '31. 1105— A. PERMUNDUS Say. Atlanta X, 7 to X, 20, '34 (62). 1229 — LOXANDRUS CRENATUS Lee. Fort Valley VI, 1, '31 ; Cairo VI, 18, '31. A MARA sp. Atlanta IV, 18, '33 (2). 1450 — DICAELUS DILATATUS Say. Jonesboro VI, 12, '27; Toccoa VI, 16, '29; Yonah Mt. VIII, 5, '34; Kennesaw Mt. X, 24, '28; Stone Mt. X, 24. '31. 1454 — D. PURPURATUS Bon. Neel Gap V, 21, '33; Macon VI, 21, '29; Atlanta VII, 11, '27; Albany VII . 30, '31. 1460— D. FURVUS Dej. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 1464— D. OVALIS Lee. Blairsville VI. 15. '29; Atlanta VII, 5, '32: VIII, 26, '28. 1465— D. ELONGATUS Bon. Atlanta IV, 18 to VTII, 2 (6) ; Okefenoke Swp. V, 6, '33; Columbus V, 27. '31; Toccoa VI, 16, '29; Yonah Mt. VIII, 5, '34; Stone Mt. X, 24, '31, XI, 3. '28. 1466— D. AMBIGUUS Laf. Atlanta III, 30, '28, III, 2S. '29; Fort Valley IV, 29, '31 ; Clayton VI. 16. '29. 1467— D. TETER Bon. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 1468— D. POLITUS Dej. Blairsville VI. 15, '29. 158 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 1484 — CALATHUS OPACULUS Lee. Brunswick VI, 5, '29. 1513 — PLATYNUS DECENS Say. Neel Gap V, 29, '32; Blue Ridge VI, 14, '29; Yonah Mt. VIII, 5, '34. 1518 — P. CINCTICOLLIS Say. Brunswick IV, 12. '31 ; Neel Gap V, 21. '33. 1519 — P. REFLEX us Lec. Blairsville V, 14, '31 ; Blue Ridge VI, 26, '31. 1522 — P. EXTENSICOLLIS Say. Cornelia VI, 16, '29. 1555 — P. EXCAVATUS Dej. Gainesville VIII, 16, '29. 1556— P. FERREUS Halcl. Blue Ridge V, 14, '31. 1578 — P. LIMBATUS Say. Macon VI, 3, '28. 1581 — P. PUNCTIFORMIS Say. St. Simons Is. VI. 5, '29; Cairo VI, 18. '31 ; Taccoa VIII. 16, 29. 1584 — P. RUFICORNIS Lec. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. ANCHOMENUS REFLEXUS Lec. Atlanta V, 16, '31 (2). CIRCIXAI.IA prxiTiFOKMis Say. Atlanta VI, 5, '3J . VI, 10.. 29. ClRCINALIA LIMBATA Say. StOHC Mt. V, 10. '?9 f?V 1595 — OLISTHOPUS PARMATUS Say. Blairsville VI, 15, '29. 1612 — CASNONIA PENNSYLVANICA Linn. Tocca VI, 16, '29. 1616 — GALERITA JANUS Fab. Atlanta IV. 7, '30; Augusta IV, 10, '31 ; Stone Mt. IV, 13, '30, IV, 18, '32, V, 9, '31 ; Way- cross V, 8, '33; Quitman VI, 17, '31 ; Clayton VIII. 17, '29.' 1620— G. BICOLOR Drury. Atlanta IV," 16, '27; Griffin VI, 12, '27; Douglasville VII.' 15, '27. 1633 — EGA SALLEI Chev. Brunswick VI, 5, '29. 1635 — TETRAGONODERUS INTERSECTUS Germ. Cairo VI, 18, '31. 1641 — LEBIA GRANDIS Hentz. Cornelia V, 16, '28; Atlanta VI, 29. '27. VIII, 2, '31. 1655 — L. viRinis Say. Quitman VI. 18. '31 ; Atlanta VII. 9. '29 (2). 1658— L. PUMILA Dcj. Clayton V, 28, '34. 1667— L. ORNATA Say. Blairsville VI, 15, '29. 1671— L. ANALIS Dej. Americus VI, 20, '31. 1688 — COPTODERA AERATA Dej. Atlanta VII, 9, '29. 1691— DROMIUS PICEUS Dej. Cornelia VI, 28, '31. 1710 — CALLEIDA PUNCTATA Lec. Atlanta V, 29, '27. 1725 — PFNACODERA LIMBATA Dej. Toccoa VIII, 16, '29. 1726 — P. PLATICOLLIS Say. Americus VI, 20, '31. 1756 — APENES SINUATA Sav. Ouitman VI. 17, '31. ~> **^r 1789 — BRA<-TIINUS FUMANS Fab. Okefenoke Swp. Y, 5, '33; Cairo VI, 18, '31. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 159 1806 — CHLAENIUS TOMENTOSUS Say. Blue Ridge VI. 14, '29; Valdosta VII, 24, '27; Atlanta VIII, 3 to VIII, 20 (8) ; Clayton VIII, 17, '29. 1817 — C. PENNSYLVANIA'S Say. Atlanta V, 18 to VIII. S (4); Clayton V, 28, '34; Albany VII, 30, '31; Dalton VIII, 15, '28. 1822 — C. NEMORALIS Say. Jonesboro VI, 14, '27. 1822( ?) — C. NEMORALIS, var. Athens VI, 12, '31 ; Atlanta VI, 12, '29, VI, 19, '30, VII, 2, '31, VII, 11, '31; Americus VI, 20, '31. 1838— C. AESTIVUS Say. Valdosta VII, 24, '27. 1841— C. DIFFINIS Chd. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 1846— C. SERICEUS Forst. Atlanta IV, 2, '33, VII, 24. '31 (2); Cleveland V, 4, '28; West Point VI, 4, '32; Bainbridge VI, 19, '31. 1856 — ANOMOGLOSSUS EMARGINATUS Say. Quitman VI, 17, '31. 1878 — GEOPINUS INCRASSATUS Dej. Augusta IV, 10, '31 ; Albany VI, 1, '32; Atlanta VI, 5, '32. 1886 — CRATACANTHUS DUBIUS Beauv. Blue Ridge V. 14, '31 ; Augusta VI, 9, '32; Cairo VI, 19, '31 ; Stone Mt. VII, 12, '29; Atlanta VIII, 2 to IX, 5 (5). 1896 — HARPALUS CALIGINOSUS Fabr. Fort Valley VI, 1, '31; Atlanta VI, 12 to X, 24 (17) ; Blue Ridge VI, 14. '29; Toccoa VII, 3, '31 ; Helen VII, 11. '34; Albany VII, 30, '31. 1897— H. ERRATICUS Say. Atlanta V, 6. '29. VI, 12, '27, VI, 21, '28; Clayton V, 28, '34; Dalton VI, 7, '31. 1910— H. ERYTHROPUS Dej. Atlanta VI, 12, '29, VII, 2. '31, VII, 8, '31 ; Blue Ridge VI, 14. '29; Americus VI, 20, '31. 1915— H. COM PAR Lee. Blue Ridge VI, 14, '29. 1925 — H. PENNSYLVANIA'S DeG. Columbus V, 19, '31 ; Brunswick VI, 5, '29; Atlanta VI, 12 to IX, 8 (123) ; Cairo VI, 18, '31 ; Calhoun VI, 28, '32; Stone Mt. VII. 10, '29. 1971— H. NITIDULUS Chd. Neel Gap VI, 25. '31. 2007— H. SPADICEUS Dej. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 2010 — H. DICHROUS Dej. Cartersville V, 22, '31 ; Atlanta VI, 15, '28. 2013 — SELKNOIMIORTS OPALINTS Le:. Cartersville V. '31 : Albany VI, 16. '29. 2026 — S". ELLIPTICUS Dej. Jesup V, 5, '30; Toccoa VI. 1<>. '29. 2030 — S. PALLIATUS Fabr. Jesup V, 5, '30; Cartersville \ '. 22, '31; Quitman VI, 17, '31. 160 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 2039 — S. PEDICULARIUS Dej. Americus VI, 20, '31. 2045— S. FATUUS Lee. Albany VI, 1, '32. 2064 — DISCODERUS PARALLELUS Halcl. Perry IV, 13, '31 ; Cleveland V, 4, '28; Atlanta V, 18, 32 (2). 2079 — TRIPLECTRUS DULCICOLLIS Laf. Atlanta V. 23 to XI. 18 (7) ; Rome V, 26, '31. 2088 — ANISODACTYLUS NIGERRIMUS Dej. Blue Ridge V. 14, '31. 2108— A. LAETUS Dej. Baxley V, 5, '30; Atlanta VI, 12. '29. 2135 — ANISOTARSUS AGILIS Dej. Baxley V, 5, '30; Ouitman VI. 17, '31. 2139 — A. TERMINATUS Say. Blairsville V, 14, '31. 2218 — STENOLOPHUS OCHROPEZUS Say. Cartersville V, 22, '31 ; Cornelia VI, 16, '29; Atlanta VII, "7, '31. 2246 — TACHISTODES TESTACEUS Dej. Atlanta VI, 10, '27. 2251 — AGONODERUS LINEOLA Fab. Cornelia VI, 16, '29. 2?54— A. INFUSCATUS Dej. Perry IV, 13. '31. 2256— A. PALLIPES Fab. Cleveland V, 4, '28; Cairo VI, 18, '31-; Atlanta VI, 19, '33 (2), VII, 7, '31 (4) ; Douglasville VII. 15, '27. Pogocolon gaurae Breeding in Missouri (Lepid.: Sphingidae). The finding of a last stage larva of Pogocolon gaurae Ab. & Sm. at Allenton, Missouri, Aug. 13, 1933, by Miss Anne A. Jones, of Webster Groves, Missouri, was an event sufficiently out of the ordinary to merit its being put on record. It was feeding on evening primrose, Oenothera bicnnis, and pupated a few days after it was found. The pupa was kept indoors all winter; a male moth emerged June 1, 1934. According to Holland (Moth Book, p. 73), the larva feeds on various species of Gaum, and the range of the species is from Georgia to Texas and as far north as southern Kansas. It does not appear to be a regular inhabitant of the region near St. Louis, since it is not represented in any collection of Lepi- doptera from this locality known to the writer. This occur- rence of the larva in this region is of unusual interest because it indicates a long flight from the proper range of the species by a female moth, which oviposited after the flight. The suc- cessful attainment of maturity by the caterpillar followed. HAROLD O'BYRNE, Webster Groves, Missouri. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS H)l Notes and Descriptions of West American Ceram- bycidae (Coleoptera). — II.* By E. GORTON LINSLEY, University of California. IVoxrs LECONTEI Lamcere. P. Iccontci is not a variety or synonym of P. californicns as it has been placed by recent writers, but is a very distinct species. It differs markedly from californicns in having thir- teen-segmented rather than twelve-segmented antennae, with the external processes of segments four to eleven very strongly produced and longer than the segments to which they are at- tached ( in californicns the processes are shorter than the seg- ments on which they occur). In addition, the lobes of the third tarsal segment in Iccontci are obtuse, not acute as in californicns and its allies. These characters give Iccontci a facies quite distinct from that of any other North American species. It appears to be quite rare in collections and I have seen it only from northern California (Mendocino County). PRIONUS HORN: Lameere. I have a number of Prionns from southern Arizona which agree with Lameere's description of P. Jiorni. These differ from californicns only in their slightly smaller average size and in having the twelfth segment of the antennae appendiculate and longer than the penultimate segment. It seems probable that these are no more than a subspecies of P. californicns. XYLOTRECHUS NUNENMACHERI Van Dyke. (Figs. 1, la). In 1920, Dr. E. C. Van Dyke, basing his description on the male, described nunenmacheri as a subspecies of X. insic/nis Lee. ( Eigs. 2, 2a). Mr. G. R. Hopping, in his revision of the Clytini.1 treats nunenmacheri somewhat questionably as a dis- tinct species, stating that "its true status cannot be determined until the female is found." Through the kindness of Mr. W. J. Buckhorn, I have recently had the opportunity of exam- ining a female of this species which was captured by him at \Yapinita, Oregon, on May 23, 1934. Mr. Ruckhorn took both sexes of nunenmacheri from pupal cells in willow. Suli.r sp. * No. I was published in FXTO.M. NEWS. 1934, 65: IM-lfo. 1S1-1S5. 1 Hopping, G. R. 1932, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 25 :542. 162 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 Since the female has never been described it seems worthwhile to append the following diagnosis : 9 . Black, elytra with three narrow yellow fasciae. Head moderately closely, rugosely punctured ; frontal carina not prominent ; antennae piceous. Pronotum moderately closely, rugosely punctured ; disk without fasciae ; apex feebly mar- gined with yellow. Scutellum slightly transverse, black. Elytra \) 3A 2 A 4A Fig. 1. Xylotrechns nunenmacheri Van Dyke, male. 1A, female. Fig. 2. Xylotrcchns insiynis LcContc, male. 2 A. female. Fig. 3. M cod y I its bal- tcatits LeConte, male. 3A. jcmalc. Fig. 4. Neoclytits resplendent Linsley, male. 4A. female. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 163 parallel-sided, with a small, acute, ante-median fascia, a broken U-shaped median fascia, and a narrow, transverse, post-median hand; apices hroadly rounded. Kegs piceous. Underside black; apex of ahdominal segments narrowly margined with \ ellow. The female of nunenmacheri differs from the same sex of insi-12; Twelfth /....logical. Lisbon, Sept. 14-21. For information .address Prof. j. C. Bradley, 322 E. State St., Ithaca, Xew York. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS PHILADELPHIA, PA., JUNE, 1935. We believe that there are many entomologists who, like the writer, unconnected with Biological Abstracts, have heard with dismay of the reported decision of the Rockefeller Foundation to discontinue its support of that journal. Through a period of more than eight years we have become accustomed not only to lean heavily upon the Abstracts for information in our own fields of research, but also to use it for the revision and strengthening of our lecture notes in fields more remote. In the preparation of the latter we have become acquainted with many books and articles of which we would otherwise have remained totally ignorant. The titles of many biological publi- cations are woefully inadequate in giving a true idea of their contents and he who depends upon titles misses many sources of pertinent knowledge. The reading of the best abstract, to be sure, falls short of the gain acquired by reading the article or book abstracted, but an abstract is better than complete ignor- ance of the publication concerned. Time in which to read all the originals is lacking with most teachers who strive also to investigate. The cessation of the Abstracts would, therefore, mean loss to institutions and to their staffs in the value of both instruction given and research accomplished. We believe that the use of the Abstracts has brought home to us a realization that each volume, with all the advantages just hinted at. is really of much greater value to each of us, as individual teachers and investigators, than the nine dollars we have been paying for it each year. From the combined teacher-investigator standpoint, we, therefore, should look on the abandonment of the Abstracts as a distinctly backward step in Biology. The wider view and the co-ordination of the various fields of Biology which the Ab- stracts have made possible are indispensable. We trust that every effort will be made to secure adequate support for its continuance. We suggest that those who share our thoughts will, each, as far as his individual means allow. establish his own higher rate of subscription, thus showing, at the same time, his appreciation of the benefits which the \b- stracts confers upon him. The Abstracts exists primarily for biologists, and it is the biologists who must largely determine whether it is to be continued or not. I'. P. CALVRRT 168 List of the Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to by Numbers in Entomological Literature in Entomological News. 1. Transactions of The American Entomological Society. Philadelphia. 2. Entomologische Blatter, red. v. H. Eckstein etc. Berlin. 4. Canadian Entomologist. London, Canada. 5. Pysche, A Journal of Entomology. Boston, Mass. 6. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. New York. 7. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Columbus, Ohio. 8. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine. London. 9. The Entomologist. London. 10. Proceedings of the Ent. Soc. of Washington. Washington, D. C. 11. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin. 12. Journal of Economic Entomology, Geneva, N. Y. 13. Journal of Entomology and Zoology. Claremont, Cal. 14. Entomologische Zeitschrift. . Frankfurt a. M., Germany. 17. Entomologische Rundschau. Stuttgart, Germany. 18. Internationale entomologische Zeitschrift. Guben, Germany. 19. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. Brooklyn, N. Y. 20. Societas entomologica. Stuttgart, Germany. 21. The Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation. London. 22. Bulletin of Entomological Research. London. 23. Bollettino del Laboratorio di Zoologia generate e agraria della R. Scuola superiore d'Agricultura in Portici. Italy. 24. Annales de la societe entomologique de France. Paris. 25. Bulletin de la societe entomologique de France. Paris. 26. Entomologischer Anzeiger, hersg. Adolf Hoffmann. Wien, Austria. 27. Bolletino della Societa Entomologica. Geneva, Italy. 28. Ent. Tidskrift utgifen af Ent. Foreningen i Stockholm. Sweden. 29. Annual Report of the Ent. Society of Ontario. Toronto, Canada. 31. Nature. London. 32. Boletim do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janiero. Brazil. 33. Bull, et Annales de la Societe entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles. 34. Zoologischer Anzeiger, hrsg. v. E. Korschelt. Leipzig. 35. The Annals of Applied Biology. Cambridge, England. 36. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. England. 37. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society. Honolulu. 38. Bull, of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. Los Angeles. 39. The Florida Entomologist. Gainesville, Fla. 40. American Museum Novitates. New York. 41. Mitteilungen der schweiz. ent. Gesellschaft. Schaffhausen, Switzerland. 42. The Journal of Experimental Zoology. Philadelphia. 43. Ohio Journal of Sciences. Columbus, Ohio. 44. Revista chilefia de historia natural. Valparaiso, Chile. 45. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Tnsektenbiologie. Berlin. 46. Zeitschrift fiir Morphologic und Okologie der Tiere. Berlin. 47. Journal of Agricultural Research. Washington, D. C. 48. Wiener entomologische Zeitung. Wien, Austria. 49. Entomologische Mitteilungen. Berlin. 50. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. Washington, D. C. 51. Notulae entomologicae, ed. Soc. ent. Helsingfors. Helsingfors, Finland. 52. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, hrsg. v. E. Strand. Berlin. 53. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. London. 54. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee. Paris. 55. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. San Francisco, Cal. 56. "Konowia". Zeit. fiir systematische Insektenkunde. Wien, Austria. 57. La Feuille des Naturalistes. Paris. 58. Entomologische Berichten. Nederlandsche ent. Ver. Amsterdam. 59. Encyclopedic entomologique, ed. P. Lechevalier. Paris. 60. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin, Germany. 61. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. 62. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. New York. 63. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift "Iris". Berlin. 64. Zeitschrift des o'sterr. entomologen-Vereines. Wien. 65. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Entomologie, hrsg. K. Escherich. Berlin. 66. Report of the Proceedings of the Entomological Meeting. Pusa, India. 67. University of California Publications, Entomology. Berkeley, Cal. 68. Science. New York. 70. Entomologica Americana, Brooklyn Entomological Society. Brooklyn. 71. Novitates Zoologicae. Tring, England. 72. Revue russe d'Entomologie. Leningrad, USSR. 74. Sbornik entomolog. narodniho musea v Praze. Prague, Czechoslavokia. 75. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. 77. Comptes rendus heb. des seances et memo, de la soc. de biologic. Paris. 78. Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique. Paris. 79. Koleopterologische Rundschau. Wien. 80. Lepidopterologische Rundschau, hrsg. Adolf Hoffmann. Wien. 81. Folia myrmecol. et termitol. hrsg. Anton Krausse. Bernau bei Berlin. 82. Bulletin, Division of the Natural History Survey. Urbana, Illinois. 83. Arkiv for zoologie, K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien i. Stockholm 84. Ecology. Brooklyn. 85. Genetics. Princeton, New Jersey. 87. Archiv fiir Entwicklungs mechanik der Organ., hrsg. v. Roux. Leipzig. 88. Die Naturwissenschaften, hrsg. A. Berliner. Berlin. 89. Zoologische Jahrbiicher, hrsg. v. Spengel. Jena, Germany. 90. The American Naturalist. Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. 91. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Washington, D. C. 92. Biological Bulletin. Wood's Hole, Massachusetts. 93. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. England. 94. Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Zooloa'ie. Leipzig. 95. Proceedings of the Biological Soc. of Washington, Washington, D. C. Q7. Biologisches Zentralblatt. Leipzig. 98. Le Naturaliste Canadien. Cap Rouge, Chicoutimi, Quebec. 99. Melanges exotico-entomologiques. Par Maurice Pic. Moulins, France. 100. Bulletin Intern., Academic Polonaise des Sci. et des Lett. Cra- covie, Poland. 101. Tijdschrift voor entomologie, Nederlandsche Entomol. Ver., Amsterdam. 102. Entomologiske Meddelelser, Entomologisk Forening, Copenhagen. 103. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, Lawrence, Kansas. 104. Revista de la Sociedad entomologica Argentina, Buenos Aires. 105. Revista Entomologia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 106. Anales Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Buenos Aires. 107. Stylops : a Journal of Taxonomic Entomology, London. 108. Revista. Col. Nac. Vicente Rocafuerte, Guayaquil. 109. Arbeiten uber morphologische uncl taxonomische entomologie aus Berlin- Dahlem. 110. Arbeiten ueber physiologische und angewandte entomologie aus Berlin- Dahlem. Ill Memorias do Institute Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro. 112. Anales del Instituto de Biulogia Mexico. 113. Entomologische I'.cilirftc aus Merlin Dahleni. 114. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. 115. Memorias dc la Sociedad Cubann dc Ilistoria Natural. Havana, ( 'ubn. 116. Parasitology. Kd. Krilin and Ilindle. London. xlvi, '35] KXTOMOI.OCICAL NEWS 169 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY LAURA S. MACKEY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under t.he above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating \o American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Papers published in the Entomological News are not listed. GENERAL. — Gibson, A. — Co-operation between the United States and Canada in Kntomological problems. |12| 28: 123-130. Harkness, W. J. K.— The role of insect life in Ontario streams and lakes. [4] 67: 43-46. La\ K. B. -Insect parasites of Psyllidae. |116| 26: 325-334, ill. Michalk, O. — Ueber rationalitat im sammeln. [ Knt. Jahr- bnch] 1935: 57-60. Morofsky, W. F. — A preliminary sur- vey of the insect fauna of some typical Michigan trout streams. [12] 28: 82-86, ill. Phillips, E. F.— The increas- ing complexities of economic entomology. |12| 28: 32-46. Putman, W. L. — Notes on the native hosts of some orien- tal fruit moth parasites. |4] 67: -16-49. Schmith, K. — Yogcl- schutz mid insekten. | Knt. Jahrbuch| W35: 47-51. Spacek, C. — Vie des eminents connaisseurs des longicornes. De 1'activite scientifique clu Prof. X. Plavilstshikov. | Kolia Xool. et Hydrol).. Riga] 6: 24-29. Strong, L. A.- Enter national entomological problems. |12| 28: 139-142 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Aschner, M. Studies on the symbiosis of the body louse. |11<>| 2d : 309 314, ill. Berland, L. — Premiers resultats de mes recherche en avion sur la faune et la flore atmospheriques. |24| !' ! 73-(}(), ill. Blood, R. — Tin- anatomy of Pyrota mylabrina |n| 43 : 1-16. Collins & Machado.- -Comments ui>»n photo tropism in the codling moth with relcrcncc to the ph\-iol 170 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 ogy of the compound eyes. [12] 28: 103-106, ill. Cott, H. B. -Warning colours and mimicry: a reply to Dr. McAtee. [Pro. R. Ent. Soc. London] 9: 109-119, ill. D.ebaisieux, P. — Organes scolopidiaux des pattes de lepidopteres. [An. Soc. Sci. Bruxel.] B 55: 66-69. Dodson, M. E.— Develop- ment of the female genital ducts in Trichoptera. [53] 77: 383-403, ill. Doner, M. H. — The anatomy of the reproduc- tive system of Coleophora pruniella. [4] 67: 52-55, ill. Evans, A. C — Some notes on the biology and physiology of the sheep blowfly, Lucilia sericata. [22] 26: 115-122, ill. Fernando, W. — The early embryology of a viviparous pso- cid. [53] 77: 109-119, ill.' Friedl, A— Beitrag zur morphol- ogic von Caliroa annulipes. [56] 14: 27-41, ill. Graham- Smith, G. S. — The alimentary canal of Calliphora erythro- cephala. [116] 26: 176-248, 'ill. Gresson, R. A. R.— The cytology of the mid-gut and hepatic caeca of Periplaneta orientalis. [53] 77: 317-334, ill. L'Heritier et Teissier.- Recherches stir la concurrence Vitale. Etude cle popula- tions de Drosophila. [77] 118: 1396-1398. Hingston, R. W. G. — The meaning of animal coloration. ["Scientia"] 57: 130-138. Hodge, C. — Growth and nutrition of Melan- opltis differentialis (Acrididae). I. [Physiol. Zool.] 6: 306- 328. Holway, R. T. — Preliminary note on the structure of the pretarsus and its possible phylogenetic significance. [5] 42: 1-24, ill. Ide, F. P. — Post embryological development of Ephemeroptera (Mayflies). External characters only. [Can. Jour. Res.] 12: 433-478, ill. Janisch, E.— Ueber die verinehrung der bettwanze Cimex lectularis in verschie- denen temperaturen. [Zeit. f. Parasitenk.] 7: 408-439. Kaestner, A. — Die funktion der sogenannten sympath- ischen ganglien und die exkretion bei den Phalangiiden. [34] 109: 273-288, ill. Komaroff & Alpator.— Contribution to the study of the variation of honey bees. [Russian, Eng- lish summary.] [Rev. Zool. Russe] 12, 4: 87-95, ill. Larsen, R. S. — Der flug der insekten. [Norsk Ent. Tidsskrift] 3: 306-315, ill. MacLeod, J. — Ixodes ricinus in relation to its physical environment. [116] 27: 123-144. Madwar, S.— The biology and morphology of the immature stages of Macrocera anglica. [5] 42: 25-34, ill. Mansour, K. — On the so-called symbiotic relationship between coleopterous in- sects and intra cellular micro-organisms. [53] 77: 255-271, ill. Manunta, C. — Ricerche biochimiche su du lepidotteri ki tignuola degli alveari "Galleria mellonella" e li bombice del gelso "Bombyx mori." [Mem. Sci. Fis. Ac. Naz Lincei.] xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 171 • (6) 6: 75-160. Mellanby, K. — A comparison of the physiol- ogy of the two sps. of bed-bug which attack man. |116] 27: 111-122. Murray & Tiegs. — The metamorphosis of Cal- nndra oryzae. | 53 ] 77: 405-495. ill. Orosi-Pal, Z.— Die altersimmunitat der honigl)iene gegen die milbe Acarapis woodi. [Zeit. f. Parasitenk.] 7: 401-407, ill. Otter, G. W.- On the early stages of Lestodiplosis alvei ( Diptera) espe- cially in relation to the larval head capsule. |116j 26: 582- 593, ill. Rodhain et Brutsaert. — L'evolution cles Trypano- soma . . . chez Melophagus ovinus. |77j 118: 1228-1231. Tischler, N. — Studies on how Derris kills insects. [12| 28: 215-220, ill. Watson, J. R.- — Effect of a freeze on some Citrus insects. [39J 18: 54. Whittington, F. B.— The ali- mentary canal of Harpalus pennsylvanicus (Coleoptera). 1 43) 35: 131-135, ill. Wigglesworth, V. B.— The physiol- ogy of ecdysis in Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera). [53] 77: 191-222, ill. Young, R. T.— -"Sleep" aggregation in the beetle, Altica bimarginata. |68] 81: 435-439. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Beier, M.— Four ne\v tropical Pseudoscorpionidea. [75] 15: 484-489, ill. Bishop & Crosby. — American Erigoneae : the spider genera Pelecopsidis and Floricomus. [6] 43: 31-44, ill. (*). Cham- berlin, J. C. — A n. sp. of false scorpion ( Hesperochernes) from a bird's nest in Montana. ( Chelonethida). [55] 11 : 37- 39, ill. Jacot, A. P. — The species of Zetes (Oribatoidea- Acarina) of the northeastern United States. [6] 43: 51-94. ill. (*). Mello-Leitao. — Dois novos generos de Gonylep- idae. Dois generos equatro especies de Pachylinae. [An. Ac. Brasil. Sci.] 7: 1-3, 5-8, ill. Ries, D. T.— A new mite ( Xeotetranychus buxi) on boxwood. [12| 28: 55-62, ill. Sharif, H. — Historical review and relationship of the genera of the family Ixodidae. [116] 26: 49-56. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Banks, N. —A few new North American Neuroptera. [5| 42: 53-57. Brues, C. T. — A'arietal forms of Peripatus in Haiti. [5] -)_': 58-f>2. (*). Esben-Petersen, P. — Xeuropterous insects from Galapagos Isl. [Mag. Naturvid. Oslo) 74: 291-294. (*). Geist, R. M. — Xotes on the infestation of wild birds by Mallophaga. [43] 35: 93-100. Light, S. F.— The Temple- ton ('rocker Exped. of the Cal. Acad. of Sci. 1932. Xo. _'n. The termites. (S*). |61| 21: 233-258. ill. Linn, M. G. Contribucioii al conocimiento de los piojos de los animalr^ de Mexico. | 112] (>: 53-62, ill. Peters, H. S.— A new chicken louse from the Canal Zone. (Mallophaga: Philopteridae.) 172 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 [43] 35: 101-104, ill. Van Duzee, E. P.— Some recent neuropteroid papers. [55] 11: 29-30. ORTHOPTERA.— Hebard, M.— Orthoptera of the Gala- pagos Islands. [Mag. Naturvid. Oslo] 74: 279-280. Hebard, M. — Orthoptera of the Upper Rio Grande Valley and the adjacent Mts. in northern N. Mexico. [ Pro. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.j 87: 45-82, ill. (*). HEMIPTERA. — Barber, H. G. — Hemiptera-Heteroptera of the Galapagos Islands. [Mag. Naturvid. Oslo] 74: 281- 289. (*). Barber, H. G. — A n. sp. of Edessa from Puerto Rico (Pentatomidae.) [90] 786: 3 pp. Drake, C. J. — Amer- ican Tingitoidea in the Natural History Museum of Vienna. [56] 14: 9-20. (*). Hempel, A. — Three n. sps. of Coccidae including three n. gen. and one new sub-family from Brazil. [109] 2:^56-62, ill.' Hungerford & Evans.— The Hydrome- tridae of the Hungarian National Museum and other studies in the family. [An. Hist. Nat. Mus. Nat. Hungarici] 28: 31-112, ill. Jorgensen, D. D.— A study of some Utah Coccidae. [Pro. Utah Ac. Sc.] 11: 273-284,' ill. Knowlton, G. F. — Beet leafhopper notes. [Pro. Utah Ac. Sc.] 11 : 237- 239, ill. Tissot, A. N.— A new Myzus from Florida. [39] 18: 49-52, ill. Van Duzee, E. P. — Four hitherto undescribed Hemiptera [55] 11: 25-29. (*). LEPIDOPTERA. — Bell, E. L.— A new hesperid from Haiti. [5] 42: 63-67. Berger, E. W. — Walnut caterpillars eaten by bluejays? [39] 18: 52. Braun, A. F. — Notes and n. sps. of Micro'lepidoptera. [1] 61: 45-52. Clark, A. H.- The butterflies of Virginia. [ Smiths. Inst. Kxp. & Field- Work in 1934] 33-36, ill. Guedet, E. — A new race of Dasy- fidonia avuncularia. [55] 11: 39-40. Hoffmann, F. — Beit- rage zur Lepidopterenfauna von Sta. Catharina (Sudbras- ilien). |17| 52: 103-104. Hoffmann, F.— Zur biologic der Rothschildia arethusa (Saturnidae) nebst bemerkungen tiber mimikry. | Ent. Jahrbuch] 1935: 84-87. Moss, A. M. —Some details concerning the Brassolid butterfly, Dynas- tor macrosiris, its early stages, life-history and food-plants. [Pro. l\. Knt. Soc. London] 9: 97-102. "O'Byrne, H. I.- ( Observations on the life history of the "Baltimore checker- spot" butterfly, Euphydryas phaeton in Mo. [Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis] 28: 225-230. Suire, J. — Remarques sur revolution des chenilles du genre Coleophora. [L'Amateur de Papillons] 7: 191-202. Zikan, J. F. — Hypoleria arpi eine neue neotropide aus Brasilien. [17] 52: 66-68, 73-76, ill. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 173 DIPTERA. — Bequaert, J. C. — Notes on the black-flies or S'muliidae, with special reference to those of the Oncho- ccrca region of Guatemala. [Onchocerciasis] 1934: 175-^24, ill. Edwards, F. W. — Diptera Nematoccra from East Greenland. (*). [75] 15: 467-473. Fairchild, G. B.~ A new Tabanus from Florida. [39] 18: 53-54. Felt, E. P.— A new "•all midge. A gall midge on pine cones. [6] 43: 47, 48-49. Hendel, F. — Bemerkungen zu "The families and genera of North American Diptera" by C. H. Cumin. New York, 1934. |5(»| 14: 51-57. Hoffmann, C. C.— La formacion de razas en los Anopheles mexicanos. [112] 6: 3-22. (*). Job- ling, B. — A revision of the genus Nycteribosca (Streblidae). | 116] 26: 64-97, ill. Karl, O. — Aussereuropaische Musciden (Anthomyiden) aus clem Deutschen Entomologischen In- stitut. [109] 2: 29-49, ill. Knowlton & Thomas (See under Coleoptera). Macfie, J. W. S. — Ceratopogonidae from the River Amazon. [107| 4: 49-56, ill. (*). 'Malloch, J. R.- The North American sps. of the dipterous genus Micro- sania. [107| 4: 65-66, ill. (*). Natvig, L. R.— On some anomalities in Culicide Hypopygiae. [Norsk Ent. Tids- skrift] 3: 328-331, ill. Thompson, W. R.— The tachinid parasites of woodlice. [116] 26: 378-448. ill. Thorpe, W. H. -The biology and development of Cryptochaetum grandi- corne (Diptera), an internal parasite of Guerinia serratulae (Coccidae). [53] 77: 273-304, ill. Wilcox, J.— Description of the male of Willistonina bilineata together with a new form (Asilidae). [55] 11: 31-34. Will, T. I.— Los mos- quitos del valle de Mexico. [112] 6: 63-70, ill. COLEOPTERA.— Barrett, R. E.— New sps. of North American Scarabaeidae II. [4] 67: 49-52, ill. Bernhauer, M. — Xeue Staphyliniden aus Siidamerika. |107) 4: 90-96. Bernhauer, M. — Neue kurzfliigler aus Brasilien (Staphylin- idae). Neue Trogophloeus-arten aus Sud-Amerika. | Folia Zool. et Hydrob ,' Riga] (»: 143-146; 146-150. Bierig, A.- Especies nuevas del genero Trogophloeus de la Isla de Cuba. Pinophilini y Paederini nuevos de la Isla de Cuba. |115| 9: 9-18; 29-42. ill. Ebeling, W. A new scolytid beetle found in the bark of lemon trees ( Scolytidae). |55| 11 : 21-23, ill. Fisher, W. S.— A new buprestid beetle from Cuba. [115 | 9: 51-53. Hinton, H. E.— Xew American Mis leridae. |107| 4: 57-65. (S). Knowlton & Thomas.- Some Cache Valley Utah insects. [Pro. Utah Ac. So. | 11: 245- 246. Linsley, E. G. — New sps. of J'leocoma with notes con- 174 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '35 cerning others (Scarabaeidae). [55] 11: 11-15, ill. Linsley, E. G. — On the occurrence of some California Ceramby- cidae. [55] 11: 15. Musgrave, P. N. — Notes on collecting Dryopidae. [4] 67: 61-63, ill. Nichol, A. A.— A study of the fig beetle, Cotinis texana. [Univ. Arizona] Tech. Bull. 55: 157-198, ill. Ochs, G. — Ein neuer Gyrinus aus Guiana. [2] 31 : 34. Saylor, L. W. — New California Serica (Scara- baeidae). [13] 27: 1-2, ill. Studies in American Scara- baeidae— II. [55] 11 : 35-36. (*). A genus new to the United States (Ceraspis, Scarabaeidae). [55] 11 : 40. Sloop, K. D. -Three n. sps. of Plastocerinae with notes concerning others (Elateridae). [55] 11: 17-20. Notes on two rare elateroid beetles. [55] 11: 24. Tanner, V. M. — Studies in the weevils of the western U. S. (*). [Pro. Utah Ac. Sc.] 1 1 : 285-288. von Tunkl, F. F.— Ueber das Kantharidin in der kulturgeschichte. [Ent. Jahrbuch] 1935: 41-46. Van Dyke, E. C. — New sps. of North American weevils in the fam. Curculionidae, subf. Brachythininae, II. [55] 11: 1-10. Voris, R. — Biological investigations on the Staphylinidae. (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis f 28: 233-261. HYMENOPTERA— Allen, H. W.— North American wasps of the genus Neophila (Tiphiidae). [1] 61: 53-65. (*). Cockerel!, T. D. A.— Some California bees. [55] 11: 41-48, cont. (*). Goetsch & Menozzi. — Die ameisen Chiles. [56] 14: 94-102. Kinsey, A C. — The economic importance of the Cynipidae. [12] 28: 86-91. Langford & McConnell. -Biology of Tomostethus multicinctus, a sawfly attacking ash. [12] 28: 208-210, ill. Mann, W. M.— Two new ants collected in quarantine. [5] 42: 35-37, ill. Michener, C. D. —A note on Dianth1'dium singulare perluteum. [55] 11: 23-24. Mitchell, T. B, — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic region. Part II. (Megachilidae.) [1] 61: 1-44, ill. (*). Rau, P. — Notes on the behavior of certain ants of St. Louis Co., Mo. Notes on the behavior of certain solitary and social bees. [Trans. Ac. Sci. St. Louis] 28: 207- 224. Sorenson, C. J. — Chalcis-fly infestation of alfalfa-seed and parasitism of the chalcis-fly in Utah, 1930-33. Some hyperparasites of the alfalfa weevil parasite Bathyplectes curculionis occuring in the Uintah basin of Utah. [Pro. Utah Ac. Sc.] 11: 241-244; 249-251. Walley, G. S.— Five n. sps. of Braconidae writh host records of additional species. [4] 67: 55-61. Wheeler, W. M. — Myrmecological notes. [5] 42: 68-72. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Exchange — Will collect insects of Connecticut this season and desire to get in touch with collectors desiring this material, either in exchange or for cash. Harry L. Johnson, So. Meriden, Conn. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Literature Wanted — Barnes & McDunnough's "Contributions," Henry Edward's "Pacific Coast Lepidoptera" and other publications relative to North American Lepidoptera. C. F. dos Passes, Mend- ham, New Jersey. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Guedet, P. O. Box 305, Napa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lepidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or fopica' specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St.. San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey. Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting' Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersev Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. RECENT LITERATURE FOB SALH BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 989. — Blaisdell (F. E.). — Studies in the genus Auchmobius. Tenebrionidae. (Trans., 60, 223-264, 3 pis., 1934) .80 993.— ~~ laisdell (F. E.). — Rare North American Coleoptera. (Trans., 60, 317-326. 1 pi.. 1934) .20 994. — Maydell (G. G.). — New species of North American Melo- idae. (Trans., 60, 327-336, 1934) .20 DIPTERA 987. — Huckett (H. C). — A revision of the North American species belonging to the genus Coenosia (Muscidae). II. The subgenus Limosia. (Trans., 60, 133-198, 6 pis., 1934) 1.25 988. — Cresson (E. T.). — Descriptions of new genera and species of the dipterous family Ephydridae. XL (Trans., 60, 199-222, 1934) . .50 HYMENOPTERA 992. — Allen (H. W.). — Description of twelve new species of Tiphiidae from the United States, with taxonomic notes. (Trans., 60, 295-316, 1934) .45 998. — Allen (H. W.). — North American wasps of the genus Xeotiphia (Tiphiidae). (Trans., 61, 53-65, 1935) 996. — Mitchell (T. B.). — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic Region. Part 2. (Trans., 61, 1-44, 1 pi., 1935) .80 LEPIDOPTERA 997. — Braun (A. F.). — Notes and new species of Microlepi- rlontcra. (Trans.. 61. 45-52. 1935) .20 990. — Williams & Bell.- — Studies in the American Hesperioidea. IV. (Trans., 60, 265-280. 1 pi. 1934) 30 ORTHOPTERA 991. — Hebard (M.). — Studies in Orthoptera which occur in N. America, north of the Mexican boundary. IV-V. (Trans.. 60, 281-293, 1 pi., 1934) .30 995. — H"bard (AT.). — New genera and species of Melanopli found within the United States and Canada (Acri- rlidae). Parts 5-6. (Trans., 60, 337-390, 6 pis., 1935) 1.25 M-8. — Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumnstacinae of southern Afexico rind Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8. 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) 2.50 Herewith find remittance for $ , for which please send me the items checked above. Write your name and address in the space below. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy. All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA REVISTA DE ENTOMOLOGIA AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ENTOMOLOGY An illustrated magazine published four times a year by Thomaz Borg- meier, O. F. M., devoted to entomology, mainly of the neotropical fauna. The four volumes already published (1931-1934) comprise more than 2,000 pages and contain articles by leading entomologists as W. M. Wheeler, F. W. Edwards, W. Horn, E. Lindner, A. da Costa Lima, F. Silvestri, C. Menozzi, A. Reichensperger, F. Santschi, D. Moulton, etc., with a biblio- graphy of the current literature (economic and non-economic) of the neotro- pical fauna. Price to subscribers 4 U. S. dollars, payable in advance. At book- sellers 5 U. S. dollars ; discount to booksellers 20$. Volumes I-IV are still on sale ; price of each volume 4 U. S. dollars. Subscriptions should be sent to the Editor : THOMAZ BORGME1ER, 0. F. M., Convento S. Antonio, Largo da Carioca, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, or to ADOLF SCHLUTER, Kuhlenstrasse 45, Minden i. W., Germany. NEW LOW PRICES for WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Ward's Sohmitt Box, 9x13 Inches LINED WITH PATENT ENTOMOLOGICAL CORK Price each $2.50 Price each in dozen lots $2.45 Price each in lots of 50 $2.45 Ward's Insect Pins (A. E. Co.), per M $3.00 Klaeger Insect Pins, Per M $2.25 Minutens, per M $2.25 SEND FOR PRICE LIST E 1. This includes many items at new low prices and also describes several new aquatic nets and other newly developed pieces of equipment. pr Ar\V Cf^OKJ I Catalog 30O. The Showy Butterflies of KE/NU7 OWWlN ! the World. Lists over 600 attractive species. Sent free upon request. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DITTRNALS, in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera : 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 600 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JULY. 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 7 JOHN MLKTON ALDRICH; CONTENTS Brown and Creelman— Habits of Megathymus stephensi Sldn. and Notes on other Megathymus (Lepid.: Hesperidae). . Rivnay— The type Specimen of Rhipiphorus stylopides (Coleop.: Ri phoridae> Saunders— Cecropia Feeding on a Peony (Lepid.: Saturniidae DeLong— A New Genus and Five New Species of Leafhoppers Related to Thamnotettix (Homop.: Cicadillidae i . 180 Ahrens — A New Record for Archilestes grandis (Odonata: Agrionidae sensu Selysii) Hebard — Notes on the Group Gomphoceri and a K including one New Genus (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Acridin_ Rau— Additional Trypoxylon Names in "Jungle Bees and Wasps of Barro Colorado Island" (Hymen.: Sphecidae). . 188 Knull — New Coleoptera (Cebrionidae, Buprestidaeand Cerambycidae. Graenicher — Some Biological Notes on Sarcophaga bullata P. (Diptera: SarcophagidaeJ Entomological Literature Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomologists 193 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office u Second C1ai« Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3. 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder.Ph.D., Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America . . $3.00 Canada . 3.15 Foreign . . ... 3.25 Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in., $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8.00, " 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense, MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be tlattd on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without covers over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents; three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; creator numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed •overt for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages hound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVI. JULY, 1935 No. 7 Habits of Megathymus Stephens! Skin, and Notes on other Megathymus (Lepid.: Hesperidae). By CURTIS BROWN and JAMES CREELMAN, San Diego, California. In a recent Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences (May-August, 1934), John Adams Comstock and Commander Charles M. Dammers published a very excellent account of the life history of Mc(/atliymns Stephens!. The present paper is intended to add a few facts about the habits of Stephens! and to present a brief discussion of other Meyathy- inns skippers. As Comstock and Dammers have shown, Stephens! larvae are agave (Agave desert!} feeders. Stephens!, like all other Mega- thvmis, is an exceedingly fast flyer. This adds greatly to the difficulty of capture. Fortunately, stepliensi has several un- usual habits which makes it possible to obtain good specimens without the necessity of rearing them. During the day time stcplicns! occasionally stops and rests upon its beloved agave. At this time it can be netted. How- ever as soon as it is netted, the rapid motion of its wings causes the scales and body hairs to be rubbed off. Exceedingly poor specimens result. The junior author caught 74 specimens in this way (Box Canyon, Sept. 28 and 29, 1933). Out of the lot only one or two were in fair condition. A peculiar and unusual habit of the male of this skipper is that it drinks water at a definite time of the day. About sun- down it travels to the nearest water and drinks from the nioi^t sand. Just as the shadows cover the water, the skipper flies back to the hills to its roosting place. < hi Sept. 29, 1934, the authors spent a day at San Felipe Creek. During the day only one stephcnsi appeared for water. Just before sundown they began to come to the water by the hundreds. They were light- ing on our pants, nets and jars. They were tame and bold. The mad scramble for water lasted about 45 minutes. They disappeared even (jtiicker than they came. I panned for a tew 935 176 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '35 moments to empty my jar; and when I looked for more, they were gone. Not a single stcphcnsi was in sight where just a few moments before there were hundreds. It was a butterfly collector's dream — a rare butterfly just waiting to be caught ! Where did they go after they left the water? Did they roost in the nearby trees or did they go back and sleep on the agave? No stcpliensi were located on the bushes (cats-claw, bean mes- quite, etc.) that were next to the creek. They must have gone back to the hills among the agave. Two hours of night search- ing at Box Canyon (about three to four miles from the water) disclosed that stephensi was not to be found on agave. They could not disappear ; they had to be somewhere — but where ? Accidently it was solved. In going back to the car, the shortest, easiest way led along the bottom of the dry wash in Box Can- yon. Just after reaching the bottom of the canyon the junior author found one perched on the limb of a bean mesquite. The specimen was sound asleep and never moved. This was an ideal way of collecting them ; they did not move or flutter while being killed. Later exploring showed: (1) Stephens! sleeps on the com- mon bushes of the region and very occasionally on buckwheat, etc.; (2) it very much prefers a bush at the bottom of a can- yon to one on the side of a hill ; (3) it does not sleep on agave, its food plant; (4) it always sleeps on the outside of the bush; (5) it may be on any side or any height on the bush. So far no females have been taken in this way. At Box Canyon (Sept. 29, 1934) two hours of night work yielded us about 20 perfect specimens. Either Box Canyon itself or any of the side canyons leading into it contained speci- mens. Admittedly it was hard work: However, it is the only way in which good specimens can be caught. At the water we were able to catch them direct into a cyanide jar. However, the fluttering of their wings caused a little damage to their delicate wing scales. At sundown a week later (Oct. 6, 1934) stcpliensi were not nearly as abundant at San Felipe Creek as they were the previ- ous week. Two weeks later only one speciman showed up for water. Each time when checking at Box Canyon it was found that stephensi was just as abundant as ever. The authors have xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 177 come to the conclusion that male stcplicnsi only goes for water very shortly after it emerges. As yet no method of obtaining perfect females (outside of raising them) has been found by the authors. In the day time the females fly close to the ground and flutter around the agave. Whenever they are sighted they are easier to capture than the males. However, the net causes damage to their wings. The authors believe that perfect females can be obtained by a care- ful search at night time. A reared specimen is always more perfect than one caught. Comstock, Dammers, the authors and others have succeeded in breeding and raising this species. The specimens caught at night time compare fairly closely in perfection with those raised. Apparently others when collecting Megathymis specimens have had similar troubles in obtaining good specimens. Mr. Bell, of Flushing, New York, kindly informed me that Jacob Doll, who collected the type of Mcy. ncnmocgcni, also found difficulty in obtaining good specimens. He likewise collected his specimens direct into a cyanide jar. Mr. Leusslcr. in describing the difficulty of capturing M. Icusslcri, states, "M. lensslcri is a powerful flier, particularly the males, and when alarmed by the approach of a collector, makes a bee line for the next county with the speed of an ex- press train. They are so active that after a few days on the wing they are wrecks with torn wings, fringes gone, and scales more or less rubbed off. The thing to do is to be on the ground when they first make their appearance; and that is hard to do because the season is earlier in some years than in others." Fortunately C'omstock and Dammers have now worked out the life history of Mc=tniddle right leg; pr=pronotum. * Mem. 6. Am. Ent, Soc., 1929. xlvi, '35J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 179 "Myodites stylopides — Nigra, scabra, parce pilosa; os fer- rugineum : elytrorum spices all)icli : metaloe hyalinae irides- centes ; costa f usca. "Corp. .125 unc. ; lat. .05 unc. "Inhabits North America; Mr. Doubleday took a single spe- cimen at Alton." (Xo doubt Alton, Illinois.) Rhipiphorus raisin Lee. fits in very well with this descrip- tion and I hoped the type specimen of Kli. stylopides would reveal some characteristics by which the two would be distin- guished from one another or else made synonyms of each other. It is most regrettable, however, that those organs bearing ihe identification characters such as the head, antennae, hind legs, wings, etc., are missing. Of the entire specimen only the fol- lowing organs are left: right foreleg (last three tarsal seg- ments missing) ; right half of the pronotum ; right middle leg attached to epimeron and episternum of the mesothorax ; and right elytron with apex broken off. The color of these is dark brown; there is no locality label. It is difficult to establish an identity of a species belonging to the genus Rhipiphorus on these organs alone. However, it is certain from both the original description and from the re- mains of the type specimen that RJi. stylopides Newman is very closely allied to Kli. walshi Lee., if not identical with it. Cecropia Feeding on a Peony (Lepid.: Saturniidae). In .August, 192cS, I noticed that one of my Chinese peonies ( /'. a/hi /lord var. ) was almost defoliated, and on investigating found a large Cecropia larva on it. About a week later the larva disappeared, and though there was an apple tree quite near and a lilac hedge still nearer, I could not find the cocoon on either of them, and it was certainly not on the stems of the peony plant. I do not know whether a record of this species feeding on one of the Ranunculaceae is new, but it seemed in- teresting in view of the notorious fastidiousness of caterpillars in their choice of food plants that this one should depart from the tradition of his race. I have been on the watch ever since that time for a reappear ance of a Cecropia on my peonies, but have never found an- other. A. P. SAUNDERS, Hamilton College, Clinton, X. Y. 180 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [J"Lv, '35 A New Genus and Five New Species of Leafhoppers Related to Thamnotettix (Homop. : Cicadellidae). By DWIGHT M. BELONG, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Since 1903 several species of leaf hoppers (Homoptera, Cica- dellidae) which live upon cane (Arundinaria tccta) have been described as belonging to the genus Thanuwtcttix. As these are very similar in their generic characters but differ decidedly from the members of the genus Thamnotettix, a new genus is erected at this time to include six species previously described and five species which have not previously been described or named. Genus ARUNDANUS nov. Vertex produced and bluntly angled, fiat, margin rather thick but distinct, not rounding to front. Venation strong, central anteapical cell greatly elongated constricted and divided by a cross vein at center. Outer anteapical cell usually elongated but narrow. Inner anteapical cell short and rather broad. Type of genus arundineus DeLong. The first of this group of species was described in 1903 by Dr. Ball as Thamnotettix sJicnnani (I) and was collected in North Carolina. In 1915 Crumb described nacreosus (2) from Tennessee and placed it in Chlorotettix. The other four species which have previously been named were described by the author. Flavotinctus and cntinbi (3) were described in 1916 and placed in Thamnotettix; proprius was described as a member of Tlnnnnotetti.r in 1918 (4) and anindhicns (5) as belonging to the same genus in 1926. All four of these were described from material collected in Tennessee. Five un- described forms are treated in the following pages. On the basis of form and structure the members of this genus seem to be divided into small groups of closely related species. The largest of these comprises cntinbi, flavotinctus, arundineus and f>rof>nus. Two closely related species of an- other type, carolinus and latiilcns, seem to be most closely re- lated to this group. Slicnnaiii and iiuirgincllus form another group differing considerably from the previous forms in having a much blunter and broader head. Rubralineus seems to fit most closely with this later type. Nacrcosus which has a sexu- ally dimorphic color condition (white female, and orange male) xlvi, '35 j ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 181 is most closely related to carolinus and lat id ens but is rather dis- tinct while pamilus a very small pointed headed species, prob- ably is most closely related to the carolinus type. Arundanus marginellus n. sp. In form and appearance resembling shcnnuni but with dis- tinct genitalia. Length 5-5.5 mm. Vertex flat a little more than half as long at middle as width between eyes, bluntly angled. Color: Tawny to gray, tinged with orange, a brownish waved line just above margin and a fainter one just below; margin between these two lines conspicuously white. Face dark tawny. Pronotum marked with four conspicuous longitudinal orange stripes. Elytra tawny to brownish with pale veins. Genitalia: Female last ventral segment long with prominent lateral angles, posterior margin indented either side of a broad median rounded tooth which is produced as far as the lateral angles and is bifid at apex. Male valve broad, obtusely angled. Plates long gradually tapering to narrow acute tips. Described from a large series of male and female specimens collected from cane Arundinaria tecta at Covington, Clarksville and Nashville, TENNESSEE, during June, July and August, 1915 and 1917. Holotypc female, allot yf^c male and male and female paratypcs in author's collection. Arundanus rubralineus n. sp. Resembling shcniumi and marginellus more than the others in the group but differing in color and genitalia. Length 5 mm. Vertex a little broader than long, bluntly and broadly angled. Color : Vertex creamy white without black marginal lines on margin. Two broad bright orange red stripes arise either side of vertex and extend across pronotum and basal angles of scutellum, and a short pair behind eyes on either side crossing pronotum. Flytra bright tawny, veins conspicuously white, apices smoky, veins bordered with fuscous. Genitalia : Female last ventral segment with prominent lateral angles between which the posterior margin is sinuately, shal- lowly, concavclv rounded at the center of which is a deep, nar- row incision extending two-thirds the distance to the base. Described from a single female specimen collected at Flor- ence, SOTTII CAROLINA, June 1(), 1(M(), by < >. L. Cartu'riglu. Ilolotypc female in author's collection. Arundanus carolinus n. sp. In coloration and appearance most closely resembling //< /;'<»- tinctus but smaller, more distinctly marked and with distinct genitalia. Length 5 mm. 182 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Uulv. '^5 Vertex bluntly angled, about one-fifth wider between eyes than length at middle, pronotum a little longer than vertex. Color orange yellow, vertex with a heavy \vaved line just below and a paler waved line just above margin. Veins pale, not conspicuous. Genitalia : Female last ventral segment with broadly rounded lateral angles, posterior margin broadly shallowly concavely rounded. Male valve bluntly triangular; plates long and nar- row, gradually tapered to long acute apical portions which are exceeded by the py gofers. Described from a series of five female and two male speci- mens collected by the author at Chadburn, NORTH CAROLINA, June 26, 1928. Holot\pc female, allot yf>c male and male and female paratypcs in author's collection. Arundanus latidens n. sp. In coloration and general appearance resembling carolinus but with distinct female genitalia. Length 5 mm. Vertex as in carolimis, bluntly angled and a little wider be- tween eyes than length at middle. Color orange yellow, a black line just above and a wavy black line below margin of vertex. Genitalia: Female last ventral segment with prominent lateral angles, posterior margin concavely, broadly rounded. \\hat ap- pears to be a preceding segment arises at about half the length of the last ventral segment and is strongly produced to form a broad rounded median tooth one-third the width of the segment, which is produced beyond the lateral angles of the last ventral segment and covering its concavity. Male valve obtusely angled, plates long and narrow, gradually tapered to long acutely pointed apices. Described from a series of eight female and four male speci- mens collected by the author at Chadburn and Carolina Beach, NORTH CAROLINA, June 22 and 24, 1928. Holotvpc female, allot y pc male and male and female paralyses in author's col- lection. Arundanus parvulus n. sp. Resembling carolinus in general appearance but smaller with more pointed vertex and with distinct genitalia. Length 4.2 mm. Vertex more sharply angled than in carolinus almost as long on middle as width between the eyes, almost as long as prono- tum. Color: Yellow tinged with orange, a brownish waved line just below margin of vertex and a broken line, usually com- posed of four rather prominent linear spots just above margin. xh'i, '33| EXTOMOLOCICAL NEWS IS Veins of elytra usually paler, faintly margined with fuscous. Genitalia : Female last ventral segment with prominent rounded lateral angles, posterior margin concavely rounded. What appears to lie a preceding segment arises near the base of the last ventral segment and is produced over it, being con-- vexly rounded so that the central half extends over the con- cavity of the last ventral segment. The apex of this convex portion is broad and truncate or sinuate, sometimes appearing as three indistinct lobes. Described from a series of sixteen female specimens, one col- lected at Florence, SOUTH CAROLINA. June 29, 1930, by (). L. Carwright and the others collected at Carolina Beach, NORTH CAROLINA, June 24, 1928, by the author from Arundinaria Iccta. Holot\f>c female and female /vn//v/v.v in aiuhorV col- lection. LITERATURE QUOTED. 1. BALL, E. D. Can. Ent. 35: 230, 1903. 2. CRUMB, S. E. Anns. Ent. Soc. Amer. 8: 196, 1915. 3. DELONG, D. M. Tenn. St. Bel. Ent. Bui. 17: 82, 1916. 4. DELONG, D. M. Ohio lour. Sci. 13: 338, 1918. 5. DELONG, D. M. Trans.' Amer. Ent. Soc. 52: 91, 1926. A new record for Archilestes grandis (Odonata: Agrionidae sensu Selysii). Specimens of Archilestes grandis were collected by the writer along Long Run, a small spring-fed stream which empties into the Youghiogheny River between the towns of McKeesport and Versailles, Pennsylvania. A total of twenty-four pairs was taken on the 7. 15. 22, and 23 of September, 1934. In the majority of cases the pairs were easily netted in tandem while ovipositing in the live stems of elderberry (Scimbiicus cana- iti'iisis) and willow ( \2(); E. 1!. Williamson collected it at <>xford, < >hio, in 1927; H. (kirman captured twenty-eight specimens near Lex ington, Kentucky, in 1929. The insects collected for this record were identified by \»>\\\ Curator Kahl of the Carnegie Museum of Pittsburgh, Penn- sylvania, and Dr. C. II. Kennedy of the < Miio Stair LJniversit) of Columbus, Ohio. — CARSTEN AHKKNS. McKeesporl School, McKeesport, Pennsylvania. 1S4 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS |.M>. '^ Notes on the Group Gomphoceri and a Key to its Genera, including one New Genus (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Acridinae). By MORGAN HEBARD, Philadelphia, Penna. Knowing that several Old World species which had long been placed in Gomphocerus have in recent years been generi- cally separated, we have felt for some time that the relation- ships of the New World Gomphocerus clavatus Thomas should be investigated. \\"\\\\ material of the genotypic species of all the genera concerned except Dasyhippits, we are now able to state that it belongs to a new genus, nearest the Old World Aeropus. Examination of the only other New World species which has been referred to that genus, shows that the absence of antennae in the unique type misled its author and that it must be recognized as Scyllinops meridionalis (Bruner).1 That genus, described by Rehn in 1927, has nothing to do with the present group but belongs to the Group Scyllinae. The first species of the Gomphoceri was described in 1758 and the first genus, Gomphocerus, in 1815. Additional genera were proposed by Bolivar in a very brief key,2 those later described 3 or resurrected 4 by Uvarov having been much more satisfactorily treated. The Gomphoceri are distinguished by the following charac- ters. Lateral foveolae of vertex elongate, visible from above. Face in profile moderately convex, weakly to more strongly re- treating, never vertical. Antennae clubbed distad. Pronotal disk with lateral carinae distinct, percurrent or incomplete, more separated caudad than cephalad ; its caudal margin obtuse- angulate produced or truncate. Internal spurs of caudal tibiae not or only moderately unequal in length. The following key separates the genera which are members of this group. ' 1. Lateral foveolae of vertex strongly impressed. Pronotal disk with lateral carinae moderately to strongly constricted; its caudal margin weakly to moderately obtuse-angulate produced. 1 This female, from Cucrnavaca, Morelos, Mexico, taken January 4, W, hy C. C. Drain, is in the author's collection. 'Trail. Mus. Nac. Cienc. Nat., Ser. Zool., No. 20, p. 61, (1914). ' MI.S-V/H/'/HW. Eos, VI, p. 357, (1930). " Aeropus. Eos, VII, p. 85, (1931). xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Organs of flight fully developed to decidedly reduced but over- lapping and with dorsal and lateral fields defined. Lateral foveolae of vertex very weakly defined. Pronotal disk with lateral carinae straight or showing very weak arcuate convergence. Organs of flight represented by ovate pads (at- tingent in males, separated in females ; their costal margin slightly more strongly convex mesad than elsewhere, their vena- tion forming a quite evenly spaced network. All pronotal carinae coarse, the medio-longitudinal cut caudad of a median point by the weak principal sulcus/' Gomphoceridius Bolivar, 1914. (Genotype, by original designation, .•Icridiiini brevipenne Brisout, 1848.) 2. Tegmina with costal margin straight; of males showing no fenestration. Size very small. (Organs of flight slightly re- duced [usual] to fully caudate. Pronotal carinae fine, the lat- eral strongly constricted on pro/ona and often obsolete at point of nearest approach, the medio-longitudinal cut by the principal sulcus slightly cephalad of a median point.)6 Myrmeleotettix Bolivar, 1914. (Genotype, by monotypy, Gomphoccrus maculatns Thunber£. 1815.) Tegmina with costal margin moderately to decidedly lobate just beyond base ; of males beyond showing fenestration be- tween mediastine (which is there marginal) and humeral veins. Size larger. 3. Tegmina with costal margin moderately lobate just be- yond base; of males showing weak (narrow) fenestration be- yond. (Neither pronotum nor cephalic tibiae ever inflated. ) 4. Tegmina with costal margin strongly lobate just beyond base ; of males showing strong fenestration beyond. (Prosterum with tubercle varying from prominent to obsolete.) 4. Cephalic tibiae of male normal. Prosternum not tuber- culate. (Pronotal lateral carinae moderately constricted, the medio-longitudinal carina cut by the principal sulcus at or near [rarely well caudad of J a median point. Surface, particular! v 6 The antennae are very short, scarcely longer than the combined length of the head and pronotum in males, shorter in females, hut in at least one species of the group we know the antennae to vary from elon- gate in material from temperate areas to very short in material fmm boreal areas. Added difficulty in properly distinguishing genera b. on brachypterous Aeries lies in the fact that reduction in the organ* «f flight is usually accompanied ly reduction, in the degree of product' >n of the pronotal disk even in individuals of the same species. "The ovipositor in this genus, as in Dociostaitrus, is normally earn'' ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS !JU'>'. '-^ ventrud, more than normally hirsute.) Goinplioccrns Thunberg, 1815. (Genotype, indicated by Samouelle, 1819, confirmed by Kirby 1910, Gryllns Locusta ruins Linnaeus, 1758.) Cephalic til)iae of male very slightly incrassate, with long dense hairs on the ventral surface. Prosternum tuberculale ( i'ronotal lateral carinae moderately constricted, the meclio- longitudinal carina cut by the principal sulcus well caudad of a median point.) Dasyhippus Uvarov, 1930. (Genotype, by original designation, Gomphoccrus cscalcrae Bolivar, 1899.) ' 5. Fenestration of male tegmina between mediastine (mar- ginal ) and humeral veins very strong, that space much wider than that between any others of the longitudinal veins. Cephalic tibiae of male usually normal, locally faintly to strongly in- flated. Prozona of male not to distinctly inflated. (Tegmina [normally] slightly reduced to caudate in males, [normally] decidedly more reduced in females except in variegatus areli- cus.) Acropedellus, new genus. (Genotype, Aeropedellus clavaius (Thomas), originally referred to Gomphoccrus.) Fenestration of male tegmina between mediastine (marginal) and humeral veins very strong but no wider than and in most of the forms much narrower than the conspicuously defined and fenestrate intercalated area ( which lacks an intercalated vein and is crossed by numerous regular and evenly spaced cross-veinlets). Cephalic tibiae of male very strongly to strongly inflated, pear-shaped. Prozona of male very strongly to decidedly inflated. (Tegmina [normally] slightly reduced to caudate in males and showing very slightly greater reduction in females.) Aero pus Gistel. 1848. (Genotype, by monotypy, Gr \llus Locust a sibiricus Linnaeus, 1767.) The group divides naturally into three sections. The first of these includes Myrineleotettix ; the second Goinphocerus and Dasyhippus ( which without material appears to us to be very closely related); the third (probably) GomphoceHdius, (pos- sibly) Eclipophleps, Aeropedellus and Aero pus. Of these latter Gomphoceridius is known to include a single brachypterous species which is consequently more difficult to associate, as the form and venation of the tegmina are very im- ]x>rtant in distinguishing the genera of the group. The position of Eclipophleps Tarbinsky 1927 7 is so uncer- tain that without material we have considered it best to omit the genus from the above key. The unique female type of E. boydanovi Tarbinsky 1927, from Kobdo, northwestern Mon- golia, has the head short and inflated, the eyes very broad, the xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 187 pronotum broad with rather strongly convergent lateral carinae, the tegmina represented by pads with rounded apex dorsad, the cephalic limbs thick and short. It is unfortunate that the male is unknown. Nearest this genus may be Aeropedellus. Comparison of the new genus Aeropedellus with Acropus shows the latter to represent only a decidedly more specialized development of the same branch, the very unusual features so highly developed in the male sex giving a very different fades, but these same features developed much more weakly locally in males of the species of the former. The very conspicuously fenestrate intercalated area of the male tegmina is, however, a striking feature peculiar to Acropus. To Gomphoceridius has been referred only Acridium brci'i- pcnnc Brisout, 1848. To M \nncleotctti.\- was referred Gomphocerus iimcnlntiis Thunberg. 1815, by Bolivar in 1914; Chorthippus anteniiatus Fieber, 1853, by Tarbinsky in 1925 ; 8 Gomphocerus pallidus Brunner, 1882. and Gomphocerus palpalis Zubovsky. 1900, by Uvarov, Bei-Bienko and Tarbinsky in 1925. In Gomphocerus remain Gryllu.\ Locusta nifits Linnaeus, 1758, and Gomphocerus d is par Fischer, 1846. To Dasyhippus Uvarov originally (1930) referred Gomplio- ccrus escalcrac Bolivar, 1899, Gomphocerus przcwalskii Zubov- sky, 1896, Chortiiippus kozJu-nikovi Turbinsky, 1925 and Chorthippus I'oh/cnsis Predtechensky (Zool. Record 1928) and in 1931 Bei-Bienko described Dasyhippits pyyiiiacus and re- ferred to this genus Chorthippus kozhcvnikovi arcnosus Bei- Bienko, 1930. To Aeropedellus we assign chrcatits (Thomas), 1873 (Syn- onyms of which are Gomphocerus carpenterii Thomas, 1874, and Gomphocerus clepsydra Scudder, 1875), raricf/afus raric- gotus (Fischer), 1846 (synonyms of which are Gomphocerus reuteri Mi ram, 1907 (here assigned) and Gomphocerus simiUi inns Ikonnikov, 1911) and z'ariei/atns arcticns here described.9 Uvarov assigned to .-Icropus in 1931 kudia (Caudell), 1(|_'7. sibiricus sibiricus (Linnaeus), 1767, and sibiricus caucasicns T f ' ' Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., XX, p. 495, figs. A to C. " If a member of this genus, a decidedly aberrant one in tin- nmre graceful form, very strongly knobbed antennae in males, les: convergent pronotal la'eral carinae, caudate organs of flight and decidedly mme hirsute surface. "The specie. I'drii-i/dtns and chifdhis may eventually prove to In- ( )ld and Xe\v \\"urld races of a single holarctic species. The mnditi»n with inflated male ce])halic tiliae has been named reuteri for the ti inner and carfTiitcrii iur the latter. Appearing locally and not (ircurriiiL; > act- extensive areas inhabited by these insects, this condition, the can-r ot which is unknown, we believe is a physiological peculiarity which should not be given nominal recognition. 188 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July> '35 (Motschulsky), 1840, and described sibiricns t/raccits, sibiricns Jiispanic'its, sibiricns pyrcnacins, sib'ricns Jicli'cficns and unn- CllidCKS. The species Gomphoccnis (Stenobothrus) ci\incsccns Stal, 1860, described from Hong Kong, and Gomphoccnis scinicnlor Burmeister, 1838, from Altona, Bra/il, are almost certainly not members of the Group Gomphoceri. ( To be continued ) Additional Trypoxylon Names in "Jungle Bees and Wasps of Barro Colorado Island" (Hymen.: Sphecidae). Significant changes and revisions have lately been made in the genus Trypo.vylon which will make necessary certain changes of specific names in Chapter Y of my "Jungle Bees and Wasps of Barro Colorado Island." Through the work of Richards,* three new species, Trypoxylon bnsckii, T. atkinsoni and T. vayulnin, are added to the list of wasp fauna of the Island. I sincerely thank Miss Grace Sandhouse for checking and rechecking the Trypo.vylon material and supplying me with in- formation necessary to make the following additions and cor- rections. Pages 151-155. The wasp whose life history is given under the name Trypoxylon nitjifrons, has been re-identified as T. fabricator Sm. | Sandhouse | . Page 156. The name T. nn'dtarsc should be changed to T. atkinsoni Richards. The name of T. cincrciini should be changed to T. fnsipcnnc Fab. [Sandhouse], but to make the list complete a paragraph should also be added to the chapter stating that two specimens of T. cincrcnin were taken on the Island in August. Page 157. The name T. leucotrichmn Rohwer, is according to Richards, a synonym of T. palliditarse Saussure. Page 158. The Trypoxylon wasp referred to under number 7S_J(> is now known as T. bnsckii Richards and Xo. 7373 is a female of the same species. The wasp referred to as Xo. 7637 is now known as T. conin/cntin Cameron | Sandhouse]. I 'age. 169. The wasp T. sp. near aztccitin proved to be new to science and is now known as T. vagulum Richards. PHIL RAU, Kirkwood, Missouri. * The American species of the genus Trypoxylon, Trans. Ent. Soc., London 82 : 172-362, 1934. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS New Coleoptera (Cebrionidae, Buprestidae and Cerambycidae. By JOSEF N. KXUI.I,, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Cebrio convexifrons n. sp. (Cebrionidae). Dark, brown, resembling C. inaiulilnilaris Lee. in form, only shorter, moderately pubescent. Head with front convex, densely punctured, punctures large but not deep; labrum emarginate ; mandibles prominent, when closed they leave an open space between them; antennae ex tending two joints beyond base of pronotum when laid along- side margin, scape stout, second joint about as long as broad. third joint slightly more than half the length of fourth, joints four to ten inclusive gradually decreasing in length, last joint constricted, considerably longer than teeth, joints three to eleven serrate. Pronotum slightly wider than long, convex; sides broadly rounded in front, then parallel and divergent at base; disk con- vex, a depression on each side near front margin, lateral margin evident on basal third; surface densely punctured. Scutellum small. Elytra wider than pronotum, about two and one-half times as long as broad; sides parallel, constricted in middle, apice.. acutely rounded; surface rugose, with striae rather feebly im- pressed, punctures of striae and intervals difficult to distinguish. Abdomen densely punctured, last ventral broadly rounded. Intercoxal process of prosternum very narrow. Length 13 mm. ; width 4 mm. Male type labeled Cleo Springs, OKLAHOMA, July 7, 1934, J. Stankavich, collector, in collection of the writer. Paratypes of the same locality, also Cherokee, July 3, and Yin*on, ( )kla- homa, July 7, 1934, J. Stankavitch, collector. These art- distributed in the collections of ( )klahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College, Ohio State University, Prof. H. C. Fall, and the writer. This species runs close to C. scpanitus Fall. Prof. Fall kindly compared this species with his type and state, that it differs by the strongly roughened and dull surface of the elytra. In C. scparatus Fall the elytra intervals are thickly punlate. but the punctures are simple and the surface not rugose. The punctuation of both bead and thorax is much liner and closer. The front is not so strongly inflexed over the clypeus as it is in C . conz'c.vi irons Knull. Agrilus parkeri n. sp. (Buprestidae). Form robust, cupreous above and beneath, front viridescent. Head convex, slight indication of a median depression on 190 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [JU'.V. '35 vertex ; surface finely granulose becoming strigate on vertex ; front densely pubescent ; antennae short, reaching to about middle of pronotum when laid along lateral margin, serrate from the fifth joint. Pronotum wider than long, widest in middle, slightly wider at base than at apex ; sides arcuately rounded in front, sinuate at base, when viewed from the side, marginal and submarginal carinae joined near base, disk fiat in middle, a lateral depression on each side, prehumeral carinae strongly elevated ; surface coarsely transversely rugose. Scutellum transversely carinate. j o -^ Elytra wider than pronotum at base; sides constricted near middle, expanded posteriorly, tips separately rounded, finely serrulate, disk with sutural margins strongly elevated posteri- orly ; surface imbricately punctate, recumbent pubescence short, forming an indistinct spot on basal and apical third of each elytron. Abdomen beneath finely punctate, clothed with moderately long pubescence; first segment slightly concave, granulose, sec- ond segment somewhat flattened, a line of longer pubescence extending from prosternum to middle of second abdominal seg- ment. Prosternal lobe broadly rounded. Hind coxae with pos- terior margin distinctly sinuate and with the outer posterior angle more or less acute and somewhat prolonged. Anterior and middle tibiae mucronate on inner margin at apex. Tarsal claws somewhat similar on all feet, cleft, the outer tooth long, the inner one broad and much shorter, not turned inward. The female allotype differs from the male in having the front of the head cupreous, anterior and middle tibiae unarmed at apex, median line of long pubescence on ventral surface lack- ing, first two ventrals not modified. Length 6.3 mm.; width 1.8 mm. Described from several specimens labeled Chiricahua Moun- tains, ARIZONA, July 23, 1933, F. H. Parker collector. Male holoiypc in writer's collection, f>aratyf>c in collection of Mr. Parker. According to Fisher's ] key this species would run to .-/. itn- I'dlis Cr. However, the flattened pronotum will separate these two species. The male genitalia somewhat resemble those fig- ured by Fisher for A. falla.v Say. Agrilus neabditus n. sp. (Buprestidae). Form robust, cupreous above and beneath. Head convex, median depression extending from epistoma to vertex; surface strigate, lower portion of front clothed with recumbent white pubescence; antennae short, reaching to about 'W. S. Fisher, U. S. National Museum Bull. 145, pp. 1-347, 1928. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 191 middle of pronotum when laid along lateral margin, serrate from the fifth joint. Pronotum convex, longer than wide, widest in front of middle; sides broadly arcuate in front, sinuate near base; when viewed from the side the marginal and submarginal carinae joined near basal fourth; disk convex, a lateral depression on each side, prehumeral carinae moderately elevated ; surface coarsely transversely strigate. Scutellum transversely carinate. Elytra wider than base of pronotum ; sides constricted near middle, broadly expanded back of middle, tips separately rounded, serrulate ; disk with sutural margins strongly elevated posteriorly ; surface imbricately punctate, clothed with short, recumbent pul >escence. Abdomen beneath finely punctate, clothed with short pubes- cence, first and second segments slightly flattened ; a median line of longer pubescence from prosternum to second abdominal segment. Hind coxa with posterior margin arcuately emar- ginate, outer posterior angle somewhat acute and prolonged. Prosternal lobe broadly rounded. Anterior and middle tibiae mucronate on inner margins at apex. Tarsal claws somewhat similar on all feet, cleft, the outer tooth slightly longer than the inner one ; points not turned inward. The female differs from the male by having the first two abdominals normal, by lacking the median ventral line of longer pubescence and by having the anterior and median tibiae un- armed at apex. Length 5.7 mm.; width 1.5 mm. Described from several specimens labeled Base of Final Mountains, ARIZONA, July 4, D. K. Duncan, collector. Male holotypc in writer's collection, paratypc in collection of Mr. D. K. Duncan. According to Fisher's T key, this species would run to A. abditus Horn. However, the genitalia, which somewhat re- semble those of -•/. cycnifonnis Champ. & Knull in outline, will at once separate the two species. Leptura splendens n. sp. (Cerambycidae). Resembling Leptura (jiijas Lee. in size and color; piceous, elytra velvety Indian red. Head densely finely punctured; antennae short, five joints extending beyond base of elytra when they are laid back over dorsal surface, scape stout, second joint wider than long, third joint longer than fourth, fifth joint longer than fourth, joints live to ten inclusive gradually decreasing in length, eleventh joint constricted, slightly longer than tenth, joints five to ten inclusive serrate; surface of antennae clothed with semi-erect 192 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS []U\J> '35 piceous pubescence which is longer and stouter on the first four joints. Pronotum widest at base, considerably constricted at apex ; sides rounded anteriorly to middle, then subparallel to hind angles which are acute ; disk with a transverse depression at base and apex, two slight lateral depressions on each side of raised median line ; surface densely finely punctured, clothed with piceous pubescence. Scutelltim triangular, central part same color as elytra, edges piceous. Elytra about two and one-half times as long as wide; sides subparallel, broadly rounded posteriorly, apices emarginately truncate; disk convex, each elytron bearing five indistinct cos- tae ; surface densely finely punctured, each puncture bearing a semi-erect hair the same color as background. Ventral surface closely punctured, last dorsal broadly rounded, carinate, last ventral truncate. Length 22 mm. ; width 9 mm. Type a female labeled Globe, ARIZONA, D. K. Duncan, col- lector, in writer's collection. This species resembles Lcptura yiyas Lee. to some extent and should be placed next to it according to the key erected by Swaine and Hopping.2 However it differs from this species by being less cuneiform ; the elytra are more shining, lacking the strongly emarginate apices. The antennae are much shorter and the joints are proportionately shorter. The last dorsal segment lacks the emargination present in the females of L. giyas Lee. at hand. Euderces balli n. sp. (Cerambycidae). Form, size and color of Euderces pini Oliv. ; two transverse ivory fasciae in the middle of each elytron. Brunneous, eyes, apical half of elytra and abdomen piceous, posterior legs darkened. Head rugose ; eyes divided, upper lobe much smaller than lower one; antennae reaching the apical fourth of elytra when laid over the dorsal surface, scape stout, second joint slightly longer than wide, third joint nearly as long as fourth and fifth joints united, fourth joint shorter than fifth, joints five to ten inclusive gradually decreasing in length, eleventh joint slightly longer than tenth, inner apical angles of joints three, four and five containing small spines, spines decreasing in length in the order mentioned; head and antennae containing long flying hairs. aj. M. Swaine and Ralph Hopping. Bull. 52, Biological Series, No. 14, National Museum Canada, pp. 1-97, 1928. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 193 Pronotum longer than wide, widest in middle, base con- stricted more than apex ; sides broadly arcuate ; disk convex ; surface strigate, becoming rugose in center toward base, striae absent along sides and replaced by asperities, smooth area bor- dering anterior margin, line of dense white semi-erect pubes- cence bordering the basal margin, long flying hairs covering the entire surface. Scutellum triangular, clothed with dense white pubescence. Elytra about four times as long as broad, sides parallel on basal half, expanded and broadly rounded posteriorly, apices truncate, bispinose ; disk convex, each elytron containing a tuberculiform elevation near suture at base and two transverse sinuate parallel raised white lines, one at middle and the other just in front, white lines not extending to suture or side mar- gins ; surface densely coarsely punctured on basal two-thirds, apical third somewhat smoother, a line of short white pubes- cence on apical third of each elytron extending diagonally from suture to side margin, long flying hairs numerous. Abdomen moderately punctured, a line of dense white pubes- cence on each side of first abdominal segment. Femora clavate, legs with scattered flying hairs. Length 5.8 mm.; width 1.8 mm. Described from a specimen labeled Baboquivora Mountains, ARIZONA, July 26, E. D. Ball collector. Holotypc in the col- lection of the writer. Some Biological Notes on Sarcophaga bullata Park. (Diptera: Sarcophagidae). By S. GRAENICHER, South Miami, Florida. In a previous paper the present writer l pointed to Sarco- phaija hnllata Park, as the most common and most important scavenger among the Sarcophaginae of the Miami region. It had appeared in breedings from 28 dead animals and human excrement oftener than the remaining 10 species of Scarco- phuginae dealt with in that paper taken together. Since that time the following six species: A", bishoppi Aklr.. deception Aldr., (issidna Wlk., (jnadrisctosa Coq., johnsoni Aldr., liillifcrn Aldr. have been added to the Miami list, none of which had figured in the experiments referred to above. Competition. A considerable number of insects depend on decaying animal matter as food during the larval stage, and as a result of the severe competition the food supply is occasion- 1 S. Graenicher. Some observations on the biology of Sarcophaginae. ENT. NEWS 42, 227-230 (1931). 194 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Juty* '35 ally exhausted before all of the occupants have reached their full development. Unless such underfed larvae happen to strike another food supply, which is usually not the case, they either perish or develop into small-sized adults. In ,V. bullata, for example, the length ranges according to Aldrich - from 7l/2 mm. to 15 mm. There are 2 species of Hies in our region, Lucilia scricata Meig. and Cochliomyia macellaria Fab. ( Screw- worm tly) which are scavengers of first importance. Much information on the habits and life history of both has been furnished by Bishopp.3 Of L. scricata he states that "as soon as an animal is skinned they begin feasting on the blood and fresh carcass." The writer had a similar experience with Cochliomyia macellaria, the second species named above. A dead rat, still in fresh condition, was exposed at 9 A. M. after its abdomen had been cut wide open. Several specimens of Cochliomyia appeared without delay. Both of the species have been bred repeatedly together with Sarcophaga bullata from dead rats, snakes, fish, pieces of beef, etc. Two bluejays ex- posed within 24 hours of each other under the same conditions brought rather one-sided results : Bluejay No. 1, exposed Sept. 30 (killed Sept. 29). Oct. 2. Full of larvae. Placed in a closed can with moist soil on the bottom. From the puparia numerous £ and 9 Lucilia scricata made their appearance from Oct. 9 to Oct. 12. No other species was represented. Bluejay No. 2, exposed Oct. 1 (killed Sept. 30). Oct. 4. Larvae larger but not as numerous as those in bluejay No. 1. Oct. 11. One $ L. scricata (the only one) appeared. From Oct. 16 to 18 a total of 194 Sarcophaga bullata (101 $ , 93 $ ) were obtained. Attraction to ccitain chemical substances. In an article deal- ing with the attraction of Diptera to ammonia Richardson4 cites Howlett as having "induced a species of Sarcophaga to deposit larvae in a flask containing a solution of skatol, a compound present in the feces of many animals." The results obtained from the following exposures add some information on the subject. 2 J. M. Aldrich. Sarcophaga and Allies in North America, p. 234. 3 F. C. Bishopp. Insect control about abattoirs and packing houses. Journ. Econ. Ent. 10, 269 (1917). 4 C. H. Richardson. The attraction of Diptera to ammonia. Ann. Ent. Soc. Ac. 9, 408-413 (1916). xlvi, '35 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 195 Oct. 2. Two fruit jars (quart size) with glass covers over the top were exposed in the open between fruit trees about 100 ft. apart. The covers prevented Hies from entering but gave primary larvae free access through the very narrow space between the cover and the rim of the jar. A portion of a dead snake at the bottom of each jar served as bait. ( >ct. 3. A number of larvae inside of each jar. A 9 Sarco- f>Iunja bullata was observed depositing larvae on the outside of one of the jars near the top, as also 1 to \y2 inches below the top. In the evening the contents of both jars were brought together in a closed can with moist earth covering the bottom. From Oct. 16-20 145 S. bullata (643, 81 9 and 1 27). 8 Chas. Robertson. Flowers and insects. Trans. Acad. Sc. St Louis 7, 154-155. 196 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jub'< '35 Smila.v are of common occurrence. The small greenish flowers of all three agree in size and structure, they differ however in the odor. One of them, ^S". hispida Muhl., is sweet-scented, while the other two are sapromyiophilous and in the vernacular are known as carrion-flowers. The writer 7 captured 53 insects at the flowers of S. ecirrhata S. Wats., one of the carrion- flowers, 35 of which (66%) were flies of scavenger habits. For S. hcrbacea L., the other carrion-flower, 28 (53.8%) out of a total of 52 visitors were flies of scavenger habits. On the other hand 6". hispida with the sweet-scented flowers had only 14 (35%) out of 40 visitors that were flies of scavenger habits. Resistance to low temperatures. The temperatures prevail- ing in this part of southern Florida make it possible for the flies under consideration to carry on their activities throughout the year with only an occasional interference by a drop in the temperature which is usually of short duration. On one such occasion the writer witnessed the effects of the lowered temper- ature on larvae and adults, an account of which is given in the following notes. Sarcophaga No. 61, April 5, 1931, 9:30 A. M. Numerous larvae feeding on a dead snake exposed on a table inside of a slat house. April 7. Slow development on account of cool weather ; the night before last the temperature went down to 50° F., last night to 46° F. April 8, 6 A. M. Temperature 46° F., sunrise at 6:05. Larvae very sluggish, not leading, some of them crawling on the outside of the snake. At 7:30 A. M. temperature up to 52° F. Two adults of Sarcophaga sp. and 2 of Luc ilia sericata flying nearby. At 9 A. M. temper- ature up to 58° F. ; the following flies had been caught up to this time: several Lucilia sericata, 2$ Sarcophaga singularis, 3 $ , 1 9 .V. floridensis, 1 9 .S". bidlata ( containing primary larvae). Around 11 A. M. 2 $ , 1 9 S. bitllata, 1 t> S. floridcn- sis, 1 $ S. bishoppi were taken. Temperature at noon 78° F. April 9, 6 P. M. Larvae well developed, placed in moist earth. From these 83 puparia were obtained ; from the latter 77 adult .$". bidlata (43 4 , 349 ) came forth April 30, May 1 and 2. Neither the adults on the wing at 52° F. nor the larvae which had been exposed to low temperatures ( down to 4(>° F.) during 3 successive nights showed any serious consequences. The larvae were somewhat retarded in their development, the adults produced from them, however, were normal both in size and the characteristic structures of the species. 7 S. Graenicher. Flowers adapted to flesh-flies. Bull. Wis. Nat. Hist Soc. 2, 29-38 (1902). xlvi, '35] K. \TOMOLOGICAL NEWS 197 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY LAURA S. MACKEY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (.North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published In our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated In titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (•). Papers published in the Entomological News are nof listed. New Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to 3. Annales Sci. Naturelles, Zoologie, Paris. 69. Physis. Revista Soc. Argentina Cien. Nat., Buenos Aires. GENERAL. — Beall, G. — Study of arthropod populations by method of sweeping. [84] 16: 216-225. Brittain, W. H. -The balance sheet of entomology. [29] 1932: 9-13. Casey, T. L. — Thomas Lincoln Casey and the Casey collection of Coleoptera. By L. L. Buchanan. [Smiths. Misc. Col.] 94: 15 pp. Clausen, C. P. — Insect parasites and preda- tors of insect pests. [U. S. Dept. Ag.] Circ. 346: 21pp., ill. Culot, J.— Obituary. By A. Pictet. [41) 16: 129-139, ill. Curran, C. H. — Insect giants. [Nat. History, N. V.j 1935: 427-430, ill. Dibb, J. R.— An entomologist's collect- ing case. | Jour. Soc. Brit. Ent.] 1: 77-79, ill. Hockenyos, G. L. — The relation of entomologists to the exterminating business. [12] 28: 468-469. Hopping, G. R.— A plea for courtesy [in giving new names.] | 19) 30: 84. Jaques, H. E. —A progress report of a survey of the insects of Iowa. | Iowa Ac. Sci. Proc.] 41: 305-307. MacGillavry, D.— The entomological Society of Puerto Rico. [5S| 9: 105-107. von Schulthness, A. — Herrn Dr. med. Anton von Schulthcs^ /mil SO. Geburtstng am 14. January. 1935. [41 | 16: 3(>1- 308, ill. ( \Yiih portrait and list of his entomological pub- lications.) Stiles & Baker. — Key-catalog of parasites re- ported for carnivora. with their possible public health im- portance. [Bat. lust. Health l!ull.| U>3 : pp. 'J13-12J3. Thomson, J. A. — Biology for everyman. 2 Vols. I Hilton iv Co., New York, de la Torre-Bueno, J. R. — On new terminologies. | 1()| 30: 86-87. Young, R. T.— The life of Flathead Lake, Montana. [Lcol. Mon.j 5: 93-163, ill. 198 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Julv> '•$$ ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Andre, M.— Araig- nees lumineuses? [Assoc. Franc. Avail. Sci. Rabat j 1934: 159-160. La parthenogenese chez les Acriens. [3] 18: 103- 118. Bergold, G. — Die ausbildung cler stigmen bei coleop- tcren verschiedener biotope. [46J 29: 511-526. ill. Bliss, Cressman & Broadbent. — Productivity of the camphor scale and the biology of its egg and crawler stages. Biology of the camphor scale. [47] 50: 243-283. Blumenthal, H.- Untersuchungen ueber das "tarsal-organ" der spinnen. [46] 29: 667-719, ill. Boczkowska, M. — Contribution a 1'etude de rimmunite chez les chenilles de Galleria mel. centre les champignons enlomophytes. [77J 119: 39-40. Bonnet, P.— Le gynandromorphisme chez les arraignees [78J 68: 167- 187, ill. Busselmann, A. — Ban u. entwicklung der raupeno- cellen der mehlmotte Ephestia kuhniella. [40j 29: 218-228, ill. Cappe de Baillon, Favrelle et Vichet. Parthenogenes et variation chez les phasmes. [78] 68: 109-166; 69: 1-46, ill. La diapause du Pseudorhynchus annulatus. [78] 69: 259-264. Castelnuovo, G. — Ricerche istologiche e tisiolog- iche sul tubo digerente di Carausius (Dixippus) morosus. [Arch. Zool. Italia.] 20: 443-466. ill. Combes, M.— Obser- vations d'apres lesquelles 1'activite des fourmis. [3] 18: 97- 102. Cuenot, L. — Utilite de 1'appareil d'accrochage des aeles d'insectes. |3| 18: 1-6. Faasch, W. J. — Darmkanal u. blutverdauung bei aphanipteren. |4(>] 29: 559-584, ill. Fav- relle, M. — Recherches sur la spermatogenese des phasmes. [78] Suppl. 17: 155 pp.. ill. Gentil, K. — Die enstehung der schillerfarben bei Urania ripheus. [17| 52: 112-114, ill. Gontarski, H. — Ueber phanotypische beeinfiussbarkeit der arbeiterinnen von Apis mellifica. |4o] 29: 455-471. Gueniat, E. — Contribution a 1'etude du developpement et de la mor- phologic do quelques Elaterides. [41 | 16: 167-298. ill. Her- rera, A. L. — Organos receptores en las patas de los insec- tos. [Mem. Ac. Ant. Akate] 53: 41-44. Heymons u. von Lengerken. — Studien ueber die lebenserscheinungen der Silohini. [46] 28: 469-479. ill. Hobby & Elton.— Mortality in the dung-fly. Scatophaga stercoraria (Cordyluridae). [Jour. Soc. Brit. Ent.| 1 : 71-72. Hufnagel, A. — Les rayons x et la metamorphose des insectes. |78| (>8: 488-503, ill. Kastner, A. — Verdauungs-u. atemorgane der \veberknechte Opilio parietinus u. Phalangium oi)ilio. |4o| 27: 587-623, ill. Keilbach, R. — Ueber asymmetrische ilugellage bei insekten \v. ihre beziehungen zu anderen asymmelrien. | 4n | 2(>: 1-44. Koidsumi, K. — Experimentelle studien ueber die transpira- tion und den warmehaushalt bei insekten. Mem. Fac. Sc. Ag. Taihoku Univ.] 12: 281-380. Maercks, H.— Untersuch- ungen zur okologie des kohlweissling-s ( Pieris brassicae). [46] 28: 692-721. Meller, G. S.— Synchronous firefly flash- Xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NFAVS 199 ing. [31 I 81: 590-591. Menusan, H.— Effects of constant light, temperature and humidity on the rate and total amount of oviposition of the bean weevil. Bruchus obtec- tus. |12| 28: 448-453. ill. Naville et de Beaumont.— Les chromosomes chez quelques especes de panorpes. [Assoc. Franc. Avar. Sci., Chambery | 1933: 342-343. Parker, H. L. —Notes on the anatomy of tenthredinid larvae, with spe- cial reference to the head. [23] 28: 159-189, ill. Pesson.^P. —Contribution a 1'etude du tube degestif des coccides. [78| 69: 137-152, ill. Petrunkevitch, A. — Streated muscles of an amber insect. |31J 135: 760-761. ill. Peus, F. — 7ur kennt- nis der larven u. puppen der Chaoborinae (Corethrinae) . | Arch. f. Hydrobiologie] 27: 641-668. ill. Phillips & Dicke. —Morphology and biology of the wheat joint worm gall. 1 47] 50: 359-386. ill. Rabaud, E.— L'interdependance des ailes des insectes et la capacite de vol. [78] 67: 34-43. Rah- man, K. A. — On the labium of Locusta migratoria. |8] 71 : 137-138, ill. Remy, P. — L'appareil stridulant du coleoptere Tenebrionide (C)locrates abbreviatus). [3| 18: 7-20, ill. Roesler, R. — Histologische, physiologische u. serologische untersuchungen ueber die verdauung bei der zeckengattung Ixodes. [46] 28: 297-317. ill. Salt, G— Experimental studies in insect parasitism III. Host selection. [Proc. R. Soc. Loud.] B, 117: 413-435, ill. Schnetter, M— Morphologische untersuchungen iiber das difteren zierungszentrum in der embryonalentrowicklung der honigbiene. [46] 29: 114-195, ill. Seamans & McMillan. — The effect of food plants on the development of the pale western cutworm ( Agrotis orthogonia). [12] 28: 421-425. Skwarra, E.— Okologie der lebensgemeinschaften mexikanischer ameisen pflanzen. [46] 29: 306-373. Socolovsky, S.— Sur la nutrition des mites des abeilles (Galleria mellonella). [77] 119: 186-189, ill. Stammer, H. J. — Bau u. bedeutung der malpighischen gefasse der coleopteren. |46] 29: 196-217, ill. Steiniger, F. — Kalalepsie u. visulle anpassung bei Phyllium. [47] 28: 1-51, ill. Subklew, W. — Physiologisch-experimentelle un- tersuchungen an einigen elateriden. |46] 28: 184-228. Tonkes, P. R. — Recherches sur les ])oils urtricants dr- chenilles. |78| 67: 44-99. ill. Toth, L.— Ueber die fruhcm bryonale eiitwicklung der viviparen aphiden. |4(>| 27: (>(>2- 731, ill. Tucolesco, J. — La dynamique de la larve de Trnr brio molitor et la theorie des tropismes. |78| 67: 480-514, ill. Umbach, W. — Kntwicklung w. ban des komplexuaiM's der mehlni.itte Kphr.M.-i kuhniclla. |4(>| 28: 5ul-5'H. ill. Weber, H. — Die postembryonale eiitwicklung der aleunul iiuMi. (Homoptera.) [46] 29: 268-3O5. ill. ' Weyer, F.- Ueber den Cl — gehalt und das pH verschiedener bruise 200 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jub'> '^5 wasser von Anopheles maculipennis. [Arch. f. Hydrobiol- ogie] 27: 595-608, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Gertsch, W. J .- Spiders from the southwestern U. S. with descriptions of n. sps. [40] 792: 31 pp., ill. Gertsch & Wallace.— Further notes on American Lycosidae. [40] 794: 22 pp., ill. (*). Muenchburg, P. — Ueber die bisher bei einigen nematocer- enfamilien (Culicidae, Chironomidae, Tipulidae) beobach- teten ektoparasitaren hydracarinenlarven. [46] 29: 720- 749, ill. Rowan & Gregson. — Winter feeding of the tick Dermacentor andersoni. [31] 135: 652, ill. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Hood, J. D. — Ten new Thysanoptera from Panama. (Pro. Biol. Soc. Wash.) 48: 83-106. Hood, J. D.— Ten new Thysanop- tera from Panama. [95] 48: 83-106. Lestage, J. A. — Con- tribution a 1'etude des Ephemeropteres. [33] 75: 77-139, ill. Navas, R. P. L. — Monografia de la fam. de los Sidir- idos (Neuroptera). [Mem. Ac. Cien. Ex. Nat. Zaragoza] 4: 86 pp., ill. Scheer, D. — Die farbstaffe der Chironomiden- larven. [Arch. f. Hydrobiologie] 27: 359-396, ill. Stach, J. -Eine neue attophile Collembole aus Brasilien. [34] 110: 154-158. ill. ORTHOPTERA.— Beier, M.— Neue tmd seltene Manto- deen aus dem Zool. Staatsinst. u. Zool. Mus. Hamburg. | Mitt. Zool. Zool. Staats. Mus. Hamb.] 45: 1-21. (S*). Cousin, G. — Anomalies de developpement chez Acheta campestrus et ses hybrides. [25] 40: 83-88, ill. HEMIPTERA.— Ball, E. D.— Some new Issidae. with notes on others (Fulgoridae). [19] 30: 37-41. On mount- ing leafhoppers. [19] 30: 84-85. Some new treehoppers from the southwest with notes on others. [Pro. Biol. Soc. Washington] 46: 25-32. Blanchard, E. E.— Aphid miscel- lanea. [69] 1 1 : 366-383, ill. da Costa Lima, A.— Notas Hemipterologicas. [105] 5: 23-25, ill. (*). de la Torre- Bueno, J. R. — Notes on habits of Neides muticus. [19] 30: 64. Notes on Gargphia tiliae. [19] 30:78. Food plant and habits of Sehirus cinctus. [19] 30: 81-83. LEPIDOPTERA.— Bouvier, E. L.— Etudes des Saturmi- oides normaux famille des Hemileucides. II. [3] 18: 217- 418, ill. (S*). Bystinski-Salz, H.— Zur technik der unter- suchung des genitalapparates der Lepidopteren. |15 .00 Butler. A. G. — Catalogue of the diurnal lepidoptera of the family Satyridae in the collection of the Br. Museum. 18c>8. 211 pp.. 5 pis. Mor. . . 300 Butler. A. G. — Catalogue of the diurnal lepidoptera described by Fabricius in the collection of the Br. Museum. 18o°. 303 pp.. 3 pis. Clo. 2.00 Clemens, B. — The Tineina of North America. Ed. by H. T. Stainton. 1872. 282 pp. Mor. ', 2.00 Comstock & Comstock. — How to know the Butterflies. 1°04. Clo. 2.00 Dickerson. M. C.— Moths and Butterflies. 1901. Clo. :.00 Dyar. H. G. — List of North American lepidoptera and key to literature. 1902. 723 pp. Grig. Pap. (Bull. U. S. X. "M.> 4.00 Grote & Robinson. — Description of American lepidoptera. Nos. 1-4. 1867-68. 61 pp.. 5 col. 1 pi. Mor. (Trans. Am. Ent. SocO 2.00 Holland. J. W.— The butterfly book. 1904. 382 pp.. col. pis. Clo. 5.00 Maynard, C. ]. — Manual of North American butterflies. 1901. Clo. (Repr. of 1891 ed. but same.1 2.00 Packard. A. S. — Monograph of the geometrid moths or F1-. nidae of the U. S. 1876. Clo. (Hayden Rep. U. S. Geol. Sur\O 3. (XI Scudder. S. H. — Historical «ketch of the generic names pro- posed for butterflies. 1875. 293 pp. . 1.00 Scudder. S. H.— Fossil butterflies. 1875. 99 pp., 3 pis. Calf. ^Mem. Assoc. Adv. Sci.^) 2.0(1 Scudder. S. H.— Everyday butterflies. 18Q9. Clo. 1.50 Strecker, H. — Lepidoptera. Rhopalocera and Heterocera. 1872. 143 pp.. 15 col. pis. Bd. . ... 10.00 Strecker. H. — Butterflies and moths of North America. Comp. synonymical catalogue. 1878. 283 pp. Calf. 2.00 Stretch, R. H. — Illustrations of the Zv8:aenid?e and Bomhyci- dae of North America, 1872-73. 243 pp., 10 col. pis. Bd". °.00 Walsunpham. Lord. — Fterophoridae of California and Oregon. 1880. 66 pp., 3 col. pis. Bd. 2.00 ENTOMOLOGICAL CASE This unit fully meets the reqjire?rer»t$ of Entomologists, being convenient, safe and economic of space, as //ell as pro- viding for flexibility in installation and the re-^"f ----.- '.-". of collections. The triple-bolted doors close on Felted strips, supplying with the insect proof containers double protection from infestation a- This cabinet is designed r. - -. ~ -'- tightly covered glass top boxes suffic ert :o obviate the necessity for pull Icnobs. The boxes can be rr- z or plain, to permit the tray-unit system of arran^ finish is cream white. Size 40!" wide, 78. high, 1- Jeep. MANUFACTURED BY Peerless Steel Equipment Company UNRUH AND HASBROOK STREETS PHILADELPHIA, PEN'.- NEW LOW PRICES For WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Ward's Schmitt Box, 9x13 Inches LINED WITH PATENT ENTOMOLOGICAL CORK Price each $2.50 Price each in dozen lots $2.45 Price each in lots of 50 $2.45 Ward's Insect Pins (A. E. Co.), per M $3.00 Klaeger Insect Pins, Per M $2.25 Minutens, per M $2.25 SEND FOB PRICE LIST E 1. This includes many items at new low prices and also describes several new aquatic nets and other newly developed pieces of equipment. pr A r\V Q^^f^KI I Catalog 3OO. The Showy Butterflies of Kt/\L/7 OWV^IN the World. Lists over 600 attractive species. Sent free upon request. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DIURNALS, in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera : 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 600 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS OCTOBER. 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 8 ** 00 1 14 193; JOHN MERTON ALDRICH; 1866-1934. CONTENTS Paul C. Stockhausen 203 Hebard — Notes on the Group Gomphoceri and a Key to its Genera, including one New Genus (Orthoptera, Acrididae, AcridinaeJ . 204 s Wesson— A New Species of Ant from Tennessee (Hymen. : Formicidae) 208 Gary — Catocala coelebs in New Hampshire (Lepid.: Noctuidae) 211 Park— Further Records of Beetles Associated with Ants (Coleop., Hymen.) 212 James — Identification of Venezuelan Insects Desired 215 Townsend— Pygocalcager gen. nov. (Dipt.: Tachinidae) . . . 215 Entomological Literature 216 Review — Buxton's Insects of Samoa, etc Review — Wheeler's Colony Founding Among Ants . . Review — Carpenter's Insects as Material for Study Review— Hamilton's Entoma 226 Review — Snodgrass's Principles of Insect Morphology . Review — Wolf's Animalium Cavernarum Catalogus 229 Cresson— A new species of Micropeza from Colorado (Diptera : Micro- pezidae) 22g Cresson— The occurrence of Gibbium psylloides Czemp, in Philadelphia (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) 230 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Claw Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder,Ph.D., Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America . $3.00 Canada . ... 3.15 Foreign . 3.25 Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in, $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8.00, " 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA, All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have^ been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should bt Hated on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without covers over and above the twenty-five given fiee at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents; three or four pages., twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate., twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed •overs for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. PAUL C STOCKHAUSEN ENT. NEWS. VOL. XLVI. PLATE II. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVI. OCTOBER, 1935 No. 8 Paul C. Stockhausen (Portrait, Plate II.) PAUL C. STOCKHAUSEN printed ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, Vol- umes I-IX (1890-1898), XI, No. 2-XXX (Feb. 1900-1919), XXXII-XLVI, No. 7 (1921-1935), or the greater part of forty-six years, and Volumes XIII-XXXIX (1886-1912), J J LIV-LV (1928-29), or twenty-nine years, of the Transactions of the American Entomological Society, including the supple- mentary volume, the Synopsis of the Families and Genera of the Hymenoptera of America north of Mexico, by E. T. Cres- son. In 1912 it was considered desirable to alter the composi- tion of the Transactions to monotype, hence the change to an- other printer in the following year. The fact that the NEWS has been able to continue during recent years has been largely due to Mr. Stockhausen's ability to produce it at a low cost. Now that he has passed away, on July 5, 1935, the Editors of this journal desire to place on record this fact and also their appreciation of what he made possible and their sorrow that he is no longer here to help us. His genial personality, his willingness to take time and pains to carry out the Editors' desires are things on which to look back with pleasure and satisfaction, as well as with the keen regret that severance of old ties brings to all. Mr. Stockhausen was born in Schoharie, New York, Novem- ber 24, 1857, and therefore was well on in his seventy-eighth year. He attended the Schoharie Academy and learned the printing business in Albany. Tn 1873 he moved to Philadel- phia and found employment in the printing and publishing house of J. 1). Lippincott & Company, then located at 715-717 Market Street. The American Entomological Society had been printing its Transactions first at its own hall at 518 South 13th Street ( 18f>7-187C> ) , then at the Academy of Xatural Sciences, 1900 Race Street, by the labors of its own member.-,, particu- 203 204 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 larly E. T. Cresson and Charles A. Blake. In January, 1884, its presses and type were loaned to George B. Cresson, who installed them at 55 North 7th Street. Paul C. Stockhausen took over the equipment and work in 1886 and subsequently added a floor in the adjoining property, No. 53. Thus in these premises entomological printing has been carried on for fifty- one years, and in them the Estate of Paul C. Stockhausen con- tinues the production of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. On December 9, 1891, Mr. Stockhausen married Regina C. Smith. They had one daughter, Regina Emma, a student of plant pathology, who, on December 26, 1923, became the wife of Albert Joyce Riker, at present Professor of Plant Pathology in the University of Wisconsin at Madison. Mr. Stockhausen was a member of Joppa Council No. 46 Royal and Select Masons, St. John's Commandery, Elkins Lodge No. 646, Free and Accepted Masons, Keystone R. A. Chapter No. 175, and Sioux Tribe No. 87, Improved Order of Red Men. We are indebted for much of the personal information to Mrs. Paul C. Stockhausen, to whom and to her family we tender our sincere sympathy. PHILIP P. CALVERT, EZRA T. CRESSON, JR. Notes on the Group Gomphoceri and a Key to its Genera, including one New Genus (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Acridinae). By MORGAN HEBARD, Philadelphia, Penna. (Continued from page 188.) AEROPEDELLUS CLAVATUS CLAVATUS (Thomas). 1873. G[onipJwccrus] davatus Thomas, in Hayden, Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr., V, p. 96. [ $ , Kansas 10.]" Compared with A. varicgatus varicyatns (Fischer) n (de- scribed in 1846 from Verkni-Udinsky, Transbaicalia and from the Caucasus Mountains) the present insect is seen to be very closely related, possibly no more than a geographic race, though 10 In error, probably actually from the mountains of Colorado. See Hebard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, LXXXIII, p. 143, (1931). 11 A series of six males and four females from the Altai Mountains, Transbaikalia and the vicinity of Yakutsk, is in the author's collection. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 205 that we consider improbable. In general form our series of clavatus averages more graceful (but this is negligible in mate- rial from localities of more boreal character where individuals often average more robust with shorter antennae and limbs), the male antennae are more definitely and abruptly clubbed at their apices (very feebly broadened over a distinctly greater distance in our males of varicyatus), the males have the pro- notal disk averaging more elongate with constriction usually very evenly concave and rarely weakly angulate (weakly to strongly angulate in our males of varicgatus and also shorter except in the two from the Altai [Mountains), the vertex aver- ages more produced in both sexes and the female tegmina are normally much more reduced, shorter instead of distinctly longer than the combined length of head and pronotum (reach- ing to just beyond a median point on the abdomen in our females of varicgatus). In claratus males usually have the tegmina reaching to above the supra-anal plate, but a few before -us are fully caudate. The degree of brachypterism in females is very constant and among two hundred and eighty of that sex before us only one, from the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming, shows more than very slight divergence from the normal. That female, however, has the tegmina reaching almost to the apices of the caudal femora. In females of these species the pronotum is shorter, the pro- zonal disk less elongate and the constriction of the lateral cari- nae is often more decided and more angulate. Inflation of the male cephalic tibiae occurs locally in both. In nine of ten males from Alaska 12 it is very faintly suggested and it is obsolete in males from most of the other series before us, including a considerable number from above timber line on Pike's Peak, Colorado, in which it would certainly have ap- peared if it were a constant response to an unusually rigorous environment. A male from the Thomas Collection taken in the Alpine Zone of Colorado and twenty males (all of the series) 12 The following interesting material from Alaska has just been received for study through the kindness of the authorities of the National Museum. Near Seward, Kenai Peninsula, VII, 1900, ( \V. J. Peters), 1 <$. Mc- Kinlcy Park, ( F. Morand ) , 7 c?, 4 ?. Cape Denbigh, Norton Sound, IX. 16, 1929, ("H. B. Collins), 2 cJ. 1 ?. These specimens are of medium si/c and average slightly more robust than material from mmv temperate environment. The males have the cephalic tibiae feebly inflated, this scarcely appreciable <>nly in the indi- vidual from near Seward. 206 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 from Bullion Peak, Park County, Colorado, at 12000 to 14000 feet, belonging to the author, are remarkably uniform in having the cephalic femora conspicuously inflated, ranging in width from slightly less to slightly more than the width of the stout cephalic femur. The reason for this very remarkable develop- ment in the species of this genus and Acropus is unknown, but we do not feel that nominal recognition is warranted. Such material furnished the basis for the synonym Gomphocerus carpenterii (Thomas) , 1874, from near the Mountain of the Holy Cross, Colorado, while the synonym Gomphocerus clep- sydra Scudder, 1875, was based on a condition approaching the optimum developed on the Great Plains.13 The distribution of clavatus is now known to extend north- east to Hamline, Detroit and Crookston, Minnesota : north to Aweme, Manitoba ; Prince Albert and northwestern Saskatche- wan ;14 the Peace River Block, British Columbia, and McKinley Park and Cape Denbigh, Alaska : west to Cape Denbigh and near Seward, Alaska ; the Peace River Block and the East Kootenay Valley, British Columbia; Lake View and Missoula, Montana; Salmon City1'" and the road pass summit between the Big Lost River and the Salmon River at 7190 to 7300 feet in Custer County,15 Idaho ; Levan 15 and Bryce Canyon on the Paunsagunt Plateau,15 Utah ; Bright Angel Point on the Kaibab Plateau 1>l and the San Francisco Peaks,15 Arizona : south to the latter; Cloudcroft in the Sacramento Mountains at 8700 feet, New Mexico; Glen and West Point, Nebraska, and Jef- ferson, Iowa,15 while the Minnesota and Iowa records are eastern limits as well. As we stated in 1931, this species probably does not occur in Kansas and, except in extreme northwestern Nebraska, it is probably very local and scarce in that State as well as in north- western Iowa. In those regions, however, the optimum indi- vidual development is attained. "See Caudell, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XXVI, p. 783, (1903); Rehn and Hebard, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, 1906, p. 370, (1906), and Hebard, ibid., LXXX, p. 229, (1928). ' A very small but slcMidcr female in the author's collection, 15 Material in the author's collection. xlvi, '35 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 207 Aeropedellus variegatus arcticus new subspecies. 1915. Gomphoccnis chrcains Caudell (not of Thomas, 1873), Canadian Km.. XLVII, p. H>0. [The material here dis- cussed.1'1] This race is based on material taken in northeastern Alaska one hundred and eighty-five miles north of the Arctic Circle. It shows nearest agreement with some of the specimens before us of varieyatus I'aricf/atiis ( Fischer) from near Yakutsk, Siberia, being similar in having the apices of the male antennae very weakly thickened for some distance, the short pronotal disk with constriction of the lateral carinae decided (but aver- aging more concave and not as angulate), and the male tegmina subcaudate, but it differs in its definitely more robust form and less reduced organs of Might in females, which latter almost reach the base of the supra-anal plate. Compared with cluratiis (Thomas) that insect is found to differ in the distinctly (in boreal regions) to decidedly (in more temperate areas) more slender form, shorter and (usual- ly) decidedly more heavily clubbed apices of the male an- tennae, moderately retreating face, much more elongate and less constricted (except in rare females) pronotal disk and (except in extremely rare aberrant cases) the very much more reduced organs of flight in females. Type: $ ; latitude 69° 20' North, longitude 141° West, Mal- colm River, International Boundary, ALASKA. August 8, 1912. (J. M. Jessup.) [U. S. National Museum.] Size medium, form robust. Antennae slightly enlarged and flattened for some distance at apex. Face weakly retreating. Lateral foveolae deep and elongate. Vertex broad and short, broader than long, its lateral margins meeting to form a rect- angle. Pronotum comparatively short, the strong median car- ina cut by the principal sulcus just caudad of a median point; latreal carinae weaker, rather strongly concave constricted, this greatest just caudad of a median point on prozona, diverging caudad with faint convexity indicated. Organs of ilight some- what reduced, reaching to base of supra-anal plate. Ovipositor valves short with apices quite strongly curved. 16 This record has been repeated by K. M. Walker in 1920, Kamme in 1928 and Minim in 208 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 Allot yt>e: 6 ; same data as type. [U. S. National Museum.] Very similar to female in form and proportions of vertex and pronotum. Antennae with apices similarly and only very slightly more strongly clubbed. Organs of flight subcaudate, reaching nearly to base of genicular portions of caudal femora. Supra-anal plate with lateral margins rounding suddenly into the transverse caudal margin from which projects mesad a prominent slender straight spike. Specimens somewhat discolored. Light brown with apices of antennae dark. Male otherwise immaculate except that the supra-anal plate is margined with black. Female maculate with dark brown much as in typical varicgatus and clavatus, the tegmina with some dark rounded spots in one, a very few of these in the other. A single paratypic female bearing the same data is in the author's collection, its measurements being given last. Length of body $ 15.7, 9 18.3 and 17.8; (estimated) length of an- tenna $ 7.4, 9 7.2 and 7.2 ; length of pronotum $ 3.3, 9 3.6 and 3.8; caudal width of pronotal disk S 2.7, 9 3. and 3.; length of tegmen $ 10.8, 9 9.6 and 8.8; length of caudal femur $ 10., 9 10.8 and 10.8 mm. Tegminal reduction is often found the most pronounced in material from the most rigorous portions of the range of a species of grasshopper. The reverse is true in the present case. A New Species of Ant from Tennessee (Hymen. : Formicidae). BY LAURENCE GODDARD WESSON, Haverford College, Haverford, Penna. In my material from Nashville, Tennessee, Dr. W. M. Wheeler, of Harvard University, pointed out a form which proves to be a new species of DicIiotJwra.r and is of special interest as it belongs to a small and little known group. I take pleasure in naming it after Dr. W. M. Mann from whom I have received many kind favors. Leptothorax (Dichothorax) manni sp. nov. Worker: length 2.75-3.5 mm. Mandibles rather long, tri- angular, the terminal tooth prominent. Clypeus moderately xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 209 convex, broadly rounded in front, with the median carina very distinct on the anterior portion. Eyes distinctly oval. Head nearly square, the posterior margin flattened. Antennae twelve- jointed, the scape extending beyond the posterior angle of the head a distance equal to three times its breadth. First funicu- lar joint as long as the three succeeding joints together ; joints three to eight subequal ; club three-jointed, prominent, the two basal joints subequal, together shorter than the terminal joint. Thorax long and robust, somewhat wider in front than be- hind, without abrupt declivity at juncture of neck and pro- notum. Pro- and mesonotum convex ; mesoepinotal constric- tion abrupt, very deep and broad ; epinotum as seen from the side not lying in the plane drawn from the top of the meso- notum to the base of the spines, but lying below it. Epinotal spines small, shorter than broad at base, directed divergently upward. Petiole from above three times as long as the greatest width. The node from the side is low and rounded above, the anterior slope long, the posterior slope shorter and flattened ; as seen from behind the node is rather wide and distinctly concave. Ventral surface of the peduncle with a long, rather prominent tooth. Postpetiole half again as broad as petiole, a little broader than long, its anterior angles prominent, its dorsal sur- face convex. Gaster rather large, the usual shape. Sting large. Legs robust. Mandibles longitudinally striated. Clypeus smooth, more so behind, the sides longitudinally rugose ; clypeal sutures deep. Head smooth and shining, irregularly and delicately reticulate. Neck opaque and delicately rugose; pro- and mesonotum shin- ing, finely and widely reticulate ; pleurae, epinotum and meso- epinotal constriction subopaque, coarsely reticulate rugose. Declivous surface of epinotum smooth and shining. Petiole and postpetiole shining, finely reticulate above, reticulate- rugose on the sides. Gaster shining, widely and faintly retic- ulate. Hairs long, white and abundant, erect on the trunk, shorter and suberect on the legs and antennae. Shining jet black ; mandibles, antennae except the club which is dark, peduncle, tarsi and joints yellowish. In most specimens the antennae are considerably infuscated while in some the usually yellow portions may be almost entirely black. 9 : length 4.25-5.25 mm. Apart from the usual sexual char- acters, differs from the worker in having the yellow portions darker, the head slightly broader. Tin- sculpture is more uni- form. Wings milky-hyaline; veins and stigma colorless. Con- cavity at summit of the petiolar node very distinct. 210 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 $ : length 2.5-2.75 mm. Head a little longer than broad; eyes and ocelli large and prominent. Mandibles four-toothed. Clypeus convex. Antennae thirteen- j ointed ; scape about as long as the five succeeding joints, club four-jointed, as long as the seven preceding joints. Mesonotum rounded, projecting forward, concealing the head from above. Epinotum with two small tubercles in place of spines. Petiole slender, shorter and straighter than in the worker and with a lower node which is quite concave as seen from behind ; the node is the highest point in the middle of the petiole. Post-petiole square from above. Caster and legs of the usual shape. Clypeus smooth, shining, with a few irregular wrinkles. An- tennal foveae with parallel rugae. Head closely and rather coarsely reticulate ; a smooth spot with a few shallow f oveolae in front of ocelli. Pronotum opaque, closely reticulate; meso- notum smooth, shining, finely reticulate; scutellum opaque, reticulate-rugose, the rugae with a longitudinal trend. Epino- tum and plurae coarsely reticulate. Petiole and postpetiole opaque, rugose. Hairs long, white, sparse, slightly reclinate on the legs, shorter and more reclinate on the antennae. Black. Mandibles, antennae and legs pale except the teeth and tip of the mandibles, tip of the terminal joint of the club, basal two-thirds of the coxae, middle of the femora and tibiae, and the last joint of the tarsi, which are infuscated. Wings milky-hyaline, quite hairy, with colorless veins and stigma. Type locality: Nashville, TENNESSEE. Described from nu- merous workers, females and males taken from several colonies. The type specimens are deposited in the U. S. National Mu- seum, Washington. Close to D. pcrgandci, but differs from it, in the worker, in the longer antennal scapes, triangular mandibles with longer terminal tooth, proportionately longer eyes, more distinct median carina, deeper clypeal sutures, more prominent anten- nal club, deeper mesoepinotal constriction, more nearly square head, more truncate posterior margin, larger size, and in hav- ing the color invariably jet black with the exceptions noted above. The colonies are found in clayey, sunbaked, sparsely vege- tated soil. They are not common, but may usually be found wherever the conditions are right. The nests are shallow, sel- dom more than four inches in depth, and contain from 75 to 250 workers which may be seen running swiftly about during the hottest part of the day. '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NKWS 211 Catocala coelebs in New Hampshire (Lepid.: Noctuidae). 15 y MARGARET M. GARY (Mrs. C. Reed Cary), \Yesihill. Xc\v London. Xew Hampshire. In 1934 l\vo Catocala coclchs found their \vay into the light - trap which lianas from the roof of our low white cottage near New London, New Hampshire. Since we had caught on sugar a rubbed specimen, we decided to hunt for a probable breed- ing place. Not far away we found a swamp with a sphagnum base in which grow wild cranberries, spiraea and quantities of M yricu mile. In as much as the closely related C. antinvinpJia, C. bud in and C. innlicrcida feed on shrubs of this Myrica family, we thought this a likely place to start sugaring. For three weeks we baited the trees and telegraph poles near this swamp, and succeeded in taking eight males and one much rubbed female. Those which came to light were flying on August 12 and 13, and we caught them at bait from Aug. 20- Sept. 10. They came to bait between 8.45 and 9.45 Daylight Saving Time, and preferred warm, muggy, foggy, or slightly rainy nights. This June, 1935, about the 17th, when we came up to open our cottage, we took a sheet to the swamp, wrapping it round the bases of the Myrica (in'ns (Say) (Ps). Palos Park, Illinois, August 30, 1933. B. viryiniae Casey (Ps). Lakeside, Michigan, June 21, 1933. Ccclius spinosus (Lee.) (Ps). Smith, Indiana, August 18, 1934. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 215 Tmesiphorus carinatus (Say) (Ps). Palos Park, Illinois, August 30, 1933. Cercocerus batrisoides (Lee.) (Ps). Topeka, Kansas, September 12, 1933; C. H. Seevers. Smith, Indiana. August 18, 1934. 11. APHAENOGASTER FULVA Roger. Adrancs Iccontci Brendel (Ps). Michigan City, Indiana, May 15, 1926. 12. APHAENOGASTER FULVA AQUIA Buckley. Adrancs coccus Lee. (Ps). Michigan City, Indiana, May 5, 1934; C. H. Seevers. Limulodes panuloxus Matthews (Pt). Champaign, Illinois, May 22, 1933. Peoria, Illinois. October 1, 1933. 13. CREMASTOGASTER LEVIUSCULA Mayr. Fustiger fncJisi Brendel (Ps). Adaton, Mississippi, April, 1931 ; M. R. Smith. Identification of Venezuelan Insects Desired. Two students of entomology in Caracas, Venezuela, have written the Pan American Union expressing their desire to correspond with someone in the United States to whom they might send insects for classification. They suggest that the specimens would remain at the disposal of the correspondent here. They are especially interested in Coleoptera, Hemiptera, Diptera and Hymenoptera. I shall be very glad to hear as to the possibilities. — CONCHA ROMERO JAMES, Chief, Division of Intellectual Cooperation, Pan American Union, Washington, D. C. Pygocalcager gen. nov. (Dipt.: Tachinidae). By CHARLES H. T. TOWNSEND, Itaquaquecetuba, Bra/.il. Erected for Calcaijcr humeratum Hutton, from Xew Zealand, which is very distinct from Calcayer Hutton (genotype, C. apcrtnm Hutton. desig. TT., 1916). Runs out \viih Cclcsiopsis TT., differing by parafacialia wider than clypeus, no proclinate fronto-orbitals in male, apical cell very narrowly open to closed not far before wing tip, no median marginals on first two abdominal segments, male ninth tergite subconic and anal forceps with basal pair of long narrow lamelliform processes. Differs from r.r\lhrou\chia I '-!'.. by 3 ST and the venational and abdominal characters given above. 216 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY LAURA S. MACKEY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations. Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (•). Papers published in the Entomological News are not" listed. New Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to. 3. Annales Sci. Naturelles, Zoologie, Paris. 69. Physis. Revista Soc. Argentina Cien. Nat., Buenos Aires. 15. Annales Academia Brasileira de Sciencias. Rio de Janeiro. GENERAL. — Arrow, G. J. — The undesirability of estab- lishing' genera based on characters not common to both sexes and of the naming of subgenera. [Pro. R. Ent. Soc. London] 10: 33-34. Brause, H. — Die technik mikroskop- isch-entomologischer untersuchungen. [17] 52: 183-188, cont. Caiman, W. T. — The meaning of biological classi- fication. [31] 136: 9-10. Carpenter, F, M. — The lower per- mian insects of Kansas. VII. |Proc. Am. Ac. A & S] 70: 103-146- ill. (*). Daviault, L. — Contribution a 1'etude cles insectes du Bouleau (Canada). [98] 62: 201-214. ill., cont. Eggleton, F. E. — A comparative study <>f the Benthic fauna of four northern Michigan lakes. [Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. Arts & Letters] 20: 609-644, ill. Eidmann, H.— Xnr kennt- nis cler insektenfauna von Siidlabrador. [110] 2: 81-105. Friedman, R. — Thomas Moffet. The tercentenary of his contribution to scabies. |Med. Life, X. Y.| 1934 :' 620-633, ill. Gallardo, A. — La obra entomologica del Doctor Angel Gallardo. By C. Bruch. | 104 1 6: 235-242, ill. Grueneberg, H. — The causes of asymmetries in animals. |90| 69: 323- 343. Heikertinger, F. — Wie best man fine korrektur? [79] 21: 113-122. Lameere, A. — Precis de Zoologie, Tome IV: les Myriapodes, les Insectes. | I\ccu. Tus. Zool. Torley- xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 217 Rousseau] 5, Suppl. 1-260, ill. Lloyd, L. — The bacteria beds of sewage works as an environment for insects. [Pro. R. Ent. Soc. London] 10: 34-39, ill. Melzer, J.— Obituary by E. G. Linsley. [55] 11 : 81. Myers, J. G. — Nesting- asso- ciations of birds with social insects. [36] 83: 11-22, ill. Rippon, C. — Photographing- insects in proportionate size. [Pro. R. Ent. Soc. London] 10: 28. Roepke, W.— Die Leica-photographie im dienste des entomologen. [17] 52: 137-141, ill. Tremoleras, J.— Obituary. [104] 6: 284-286, ill. Welch & Eggleton. — Additional data on submerged depression individuality in Douglas Lake. Michigan [Pap. Michigan Acacl. Sci. Arts & Let.] 20: 737-750. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Akkerman, K.- Researches on the behavior of some pathogenic organisms in the intestinal canal of Periplaneta americana. [Acta Leidensia] 8: 80-120. Barendrecht, G. — Die corpora pedun- culata bei den gattungen Bombus und Psithyrus. [Acta Zoo\., Stockholm) 12: 153-204, ill. Brittain, W. H.— Studies in bee activity during apple bloom. [12] 28: 553-559, ill. Chickering & Hood. — Notes on the spermatogenesis of spiders. [Pap. Michigan Acad. Sci. Arts & Letters] 20: 589- 595, ill. Dustan, G. G. — The influence of unfavourable feed- ing conditions on the survival and fecundity of oriental fruit moths. |4] 67: 89-90. Frohawk, F. W.— Feeding but- terflies in captivity. [9] 68: 164. Godgluck, U. — Die kala- leptischen erscheinungen bei den hemipteren. [94] 146: 678-721, ill. Jackson, D. J. — Giant cells in insects parasi- tised by hymenopterous larvae. [31] 135: 1040-1041. James, Hager & Carman. — Preliminary studies on starvation and drowning of the chinch bug, Blissus leucopterus. [12] 28: 638-646, ill. Laing, J. — On the ptilinum of the blow-fly (Cal- liphora erythrocephala). [53] 77: 497-521, ill. Latter & Eltringham. — The epigamic behavior of Euplaea core asela (Lep: Danainae) with a description of the structure of the scent organs. The telegamic flight of the male. [Proc. R. Soc. Lond.] H 117: 470-482, ill. Machura, L.— Oekologische studien im Salzlackengebiet des Neusiedlersees, mit bc- sonderer berucksichtung der halophilen Coleopteren-und Rhynchotenarten. [94 1 146: 555-590, ill. Marshall, W. S.- The sense organs upon the dorsal surface of the female black scale, Saissetia oleae (Coccidac). |7| 28: 217-228, ill. Metcalfe, M. E. — The germ-cell cycle in Phvtophava destructor. 1 53 1 77: 586-604. ill. Needham, T. G.- Some fc* basic principles of insest wing venation. |o| 43: 113-12(>. Roonwal, M. L. — On the post-embryonic development of the respiratory system of Dialeurodes dissimilis. [53| 77: 218 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 605-622, ill. Rueschkamp, P. F. — Der ffugapparat der Kaefer. | Zoologica, Stuttg-art | 28, lift. 75: 88 pp., ill. Snod- grass, R. E. — The history of an insect's stomach. [Rept. Smiths. Inst.] 1934: 363-387, ill. Tauber & Yeager.— On total hemolymph (blood) cell counts of insects. |7| 28: 229-240. Tulloch, G. S.— Morphological studies of the thorax of the ant. [70] 15: 93-130, ill. van der Horst, C. J. -The optics of the insect eye. | Acta Zool., Stockholm] 14: 101-109. Van Thiel, P. H'. — Investigations on the range and differentiation of Anopheles maculipemiis races — in Italy. | Acta Leidensia] 9: 232-273; 289-293, ill. Zuech- tungsversuche in zusammenhang met dem rassenproblem bei Anopheles maculipemiis. [Acta Leidensia] 8: 242-266. Weber, H. — Skelett. muskulatur u. darm der schwarzen blattlaus. [Zoologica] 28, hft. 76: 120 pp., ill. Wolf, H.- Das larvale und imaginale tracheensystem der odonaten und seine metamorphose. [94] 146: 591-620, ill. Woodrow, A. W. — Some effects of relative humidity on the length of life and food consumption of honeybees. [12] 28: 565-568, ill. Yeager, Hager & Straley. — Some physiological effects of certain aliphatic thiocyanates on the isolated heart prep- aration from the roach, Blatta orientalis. |7] 28: 256-264. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Bishop & Cros- by.— Studies in American spiders: miscellaneous genera of Erigoneae. [6] 43: 217-241, ill. (*). Bishopp, F. C.— Ticks and the role they play in the transmission of diseases. [Rept. Smiths. Inst.] 1934: 389-406, ill. Chamberlin & Ivie. — Nearctic spiders of the family Urocteidae. [7] 28: 265- 279, ill. (*). Checkering, A. M. — Further additions to the list of Araneae^'from Michigan. | Pap. Mich. Ac. Sci.] 20: 583-587. Gertsch,. W. "[• — New American spiders with notes on other sps. [40] 805: 24 pp. Gilliatt, F. C.— The Euro- pean red mite. Paratetranychus pilosus in Nova Scotia. [Can. Jour. Res.] 13. D: 1-17, ill. Herms, Bailey & Mclvor. -The black widow spider. [Univ. Cal. Ag. Exp. Sta.] Bui. 591: 30 pp., ill. Herrick, C. A.— The tick, Ornitho- doros talaje in "Wisconsin homes. [Jour. I'arasitology] 21: 216-217. Mello-Leitao. — Novo escorpiao Brasileiro do gen. Urophonius. Especies Brasileiras do gen. Loxosceles. A proposito de um novo vejovida do Brasil. | 15 | 6: 13-15; 69- 73, ill; 75-82. ill. Mello-Leitao et Arle. — De rimporlance des exuvies dans 1'etude de la biologie et de la systema- tiques des araignees. |15] (>: 125-127, ill. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Hood, J. D. — Some new or little-known Thysanoptera of the fam- ily Phlaeothripidae. |H>5| 5: 159-1<><>, ill. Hood, J. D.- xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 219 Eleven new Thripidae (Thysanoptera) from Panama. [6] 43: 143-168, ill. Hood, J. D. — Five new Thysanoptera of the genus Aeolothrips (Aeolothripidae). [1J 61: 103-110, ill. Ide, F. P. — Life history notes on Ephoron, Potamanthus, Leptophlebia and Blasturus with descriptions. [4] 67: 113- 125, ill. (*). McDunnough, J. — Notes on western specie^ of Ephemeroptera. [4] 67: 95-104, ill. (*). Navas, R. P. L. -Decadas de insectos nuevos. [Broteria] 31 : 97-107, ill. (S). Nitzsch, G. H. — Contribucion al conocimiento de los piojos de los animales de Mexico. [An. Inst. Biol. Alex.) 6: 119-128, ill. Thompson, G. B.— New gen. of Mallophaga. I. [116] 27: 281-287, ill. Werneck, F. L— Microthoracms minor e clemais especies do mesmo genero (Anoplura, Hae- matopinidae). [105] 5: 107-116, ill. ORTHOPTERA.— Crampton, G. C.— A defense of the view that the Grylloblatticls are descended from the Pro- torthoptera and lead to the tettigonioid family Stenopel- matidae— a reply to Dr. E. M. Walker. [6] '43: 97-111. Hebard, M. — Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. Part 1. New genera, species and geographical races. [1] 61: 111- 153, ill. Lahille, et al. — Lucha Nacional contra la Lan- gosta. [Minist. Agric. Nacion, Buenos Aires] 1934: 11-134, ill. Ochs, G. — Die brasilianische artengruppe der gattung Gyrinus, untergattung Neogyrinus (Gyrinidae). [105] 5: 124-132. Uvarov, B. P. — A new name for the genus Gryllus auct., nee L. [75] 16: 320. HEMIPTERA.— Ball & Klingenberg.— The genus Oec- leus in the United States (Fulgoridae). [7] 28: 193-213, ill. ('*). Barber, H. G. — New Geocoris from the United States with key to species (Lygaeidae: Geocorinae). [6] 43: 131-137. Beamer, R. H. — Ten n. sps. of Erythroneura (Cicadellidae). [103] 8: 98-104, ill. Corbett, G. H.— On new Aleurodidae. [75] 16: 240-253. ill. < S). Davis, W. T.- New cicadas with notes on North American and \Yest Indian species. [6] 43: 173-198, ill. Drake & Poor.- An undescribed rubber tingitid from Brazil. [91] 25: 283-284, ill. Galliard, H. — Recherches stir les Rcduvides Hemalo- phages Rhodnius et Triatoma. |54| 13: 289-306, ill. (S). Hungerford, H. B. — The genus Bacillometra, including the description of a n. sp. from Peru (Hydrometridae). |105|. 5: 117-123. Knowlton, G. F.— Four western aphids. |7| 2S : 281-284, ill. ('*). Loding, H. P.— A psocid, l's(.(|uilla slos- sonae. [19] 30: 112. MacGill, E. I.— On tin- biology of Dysdercus howardi. | 22 1 2n : 155-lf>2. de la Torre-Bueno, J. R.— Biological notes on Aradidae. |1(>1 30: 1 13-1 14. Note on Hypeogeocoris picetis. [19] 30: 118. An infestation of 220 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 Blissus leucopterus in the Catskills. [19] 30: 62. Usinger, R. L. — A second American sp. of the naucorid subf. Lac- cocorinae. [105] 5: 133-136, ill. LEPIDOPTERA.— Benjamin, F. H.— An anomalous new species of moth from California. (Phalaenidae, Apate- linae). [55] 11: 55-56. (*). Cockerell, T. D. A.— Migra- tion of Pyrameis cardni. [19] 30: 124. Eckerlein, H.— Automeris umbracticus sp. nov. aus Franzosisch Guayana. [14] 49: 53-54, ill. Gehlen, B. — Eine neue amerikanische Sphingide. [14] 49: 36-37, ill. Glauert, L.— Birds and but- terflies. [31] 135: 959. Hayward, K. J.— Lepidopteros Ar- gentines Familia Hesperidae. [104] 6: 97-233, ill. (*). Heikertinger, F. — Die gattungsnamen der holarktischen tagfalter. [17] 52: 178-183, 197-202. Hower, T. W.— A new California butterfly. [55] 11: 82. Hudson, G. V.— A sug- gested explanation of variation in cryptic lepidoptera. [8] 71: 156-158. Klots, A. B.— On the "life history of Pieris virginiensis. [6] 43: 139-142, ill. Lange, W. H.— The ter- minology of the male genitalia of the Noctuidae. [55] 11: 57-61. A new locality record for California. (Zelleria haim- bachi.) [55] 11: 82. Leussler & Bryant. — Notes on the diurnal Lepidoptera of the Canadian Arctic collected by Owen Bryant in the summers of 1929 to 1932. [19] 30: 115- 118. McDunnough, J. — An apparently new Pherne from California (Geomet.). [4] 67: 110-111. McDunnough, J. — A new noctuid from southern California (Cuculliinae). [4] 67: 135-136. Milum & Geuther. — Observations on the biology of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella. [12] 28: 576-578. Norris, M. J. — A feeding experiment on the adults of Pieris rapae. [9] 68: 125-127. Putman, W. L.- Notes on the hosts and parasites of, some lepidopterous larvae. [4] 67: 105-109. Schwanwitsch & Sokolov.— On the wing-pattern of the genus Lethe (Satyridae). [Acta Zool., Stockholm] 15: 153-181, ill. Strecker^ J. K.-^VIoths from the vicinity of Waco, Texas. [Baylor Univ. Bull.] 38, No. 3: 46-47. Woodhouse, L. G. O. — Notes on a special method of making butterfly pictures. [Pro. R. Ent. Soc. London] 10: 5-9. DIPTERA.— Borgmeier, T.— Urn n. gen. de Phorideos de Costa Rica (Phoridae). [105] 5: 136-138, ill. Bromley, S. W.— Two new South American Asilidae. [110] 2: 109- 111, ill. da Costa Lima, A. — Notas sobre trypetidas brasil- eiras. [105] 5: 199-202, ill. (*). Curran, C. H.— New Amer- ican Asilidae. [40] 806: 12 pp. Dampf, A.' — The occurrence of Anopheles maculipennis in Mexico. [68] 82: 171-172. Enderlein, G. — Dipterologica, II. Aussereuropaische Simu- xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 221 liiden aus clem Wiener Mus. [Sitz. Ges. Naturf Freunde Berlin] 1934: 181-190; 190-195. (S*). Hull, F. M- Some undescribed sps. of Eristalis from N. Am. in the U. S. N. M. |()1] 25: 326-331, ill. (S). James, M. T— The nearctic s]>ecies of Adoxomyia (Stratiomyidae). [55] 11: 62-64. (*). Komp & Brown. — Culex jubifer, a n. sp. of Culex from Panama (Culicidae). [7] 28: 254-255, ill. Malloch, J. R.- Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Part VI. Fasc. 5. Acalyptrata (concl.). 393-489, ill. (*). Painter, R. H.— The biology of some dipterous gall-makers from Texas. | 103] 8: 81-97, ill. Philip, C. B. — Comments on Marten's species of Tabanidae (Horseflies) from western United States. [4| 67: 92-95. Rees, D. M. — Observations on a mosquito fligRt in Salt Lake City. [Bui. Univ. Utah] 25: 6 pp. Ries, D. T. — Biological study of the walnut husk fly (Rhagoletis sua- vis) [Pap. Mich. Ac. Sci.] 20: 717-724, ill' Rozeboom, L. E. —Culex rooti, a new Culex from Panama (Culicidae). J7J 28: 251-253, ill. Russell & Baisas. — The technic of handling mosquitoes. [Philippine Jour. Sci.] 56: 257-294, ill. Sabro- sky, C. W. — The vittate species of the genus Madiza (Chloropidae). [103] 8: 105-116, ill. (*). Sack, P.— Chlor- opisca und Thaumatomyia. [17] 52: 195-197. Sadler, W. O. —Biology of the midge Chironomus tetans and methods for its propagation. [Cornell U. Memoir] 173: 24 pp., ill. Townsend, C. H. T. — New South American Oestroiclea. [105] 5: 216-233. Zach, O.— Die bienenlaus. [Mikrokos- mos] 28: 169-171, ill. COLEOPTERA.— Balch, R. E.— Notes on the habits of attack of the hemlock borer. [4] 67: 90-92. Bierig, A.— Ein neuer Quedius aus Panama. [Bull. Ent. Sec. Nat. Mus. Prague] 1934: 173-174, ill. Blaisdell, F. E.— New sps. of Eleodes from Mexico in the British Museum (Tenebrion- idae). |107| 4: 156-160. Blake, D. H.— Notes on Systenn. [19] 30: 89-108, ill. (*S). Brown, W. J.— American species of Ludius; the aeripennis group. |4] 67: 125-135, ill. (*). Buchanan, L. L. — Notes on the generic synonomy of Colla- bismodes cubae (Curculionidae). [19] 30: 125-126. Chapire, E. A. — NTew Cuban Pleurostict Scarabaeidae. [115| 9: 67- 75. Dallas, E. D. — Nota adicional sobre "Anomalia en Lytta centenaria." [104] 6: 283. Denier, C. L. — Ciiu-o especies nuevas de Meloidos Sudamericanos. [104] 6: 268- 275, ill. Fiedler, C. — Ueber einige mit Coelosternus ver- wandte gatlungen mit neubeschreibungen. [110| 2: 122-143. (*S). Franz, E. — Neues zur gattung < iynun »cerus. [17] 52: 169-172, ill. Gunther, K. — Xem- Curculioniden. gesammelt von F. Nevermann in Costa l\ica, mit okologischen daten. 222 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 [18] 29: 209-212, ill., cont. Hinton, H. E.— New sps. of North American Helichus (Dryopidae). [55] 11: 67-71, ill. Hinton, H. E. — New gen. and sps. of neotropical Coly- diidae, with notes on others. [105] 5: 202-215, ill. Hop- ping, R. — Revision of the genus Mycterus (Pythidae). [55] 11 : 75-78. (*). Horn, W.— On some Cicindelidae from the Pacific coast of Mexico, the West Indies and United States. [55] 11: 65-66. (*). Hustache, A.— Nouveaux Hoplorr- hinus (Curcul.). [104] 6: 277-282. Kolbe, H.— Biogeog- raphische bemerkungen zu K. Mandl's abhandlung iiber Cicindela lunulata und ihre rassen auf grund meiner theorie cler morphologischprogressiven tierverbreitung. [110] 2: •114-121. Lesne, P. — Troisieme note sur les Philorea (Ten- ebrionidae). [25] 40: 131-132. (S*). Lindahl, J. C.— Acmae- odera hepburni var. latiflava. [55 1 11:61. Linsley, E. G. —Cerambycidae from the Revillagigedo Islands, Mexico. [55] 11: 72-74, ill. (*). Dectes spinosus. [55] 11 : 74. Notes and descriptions of new or little known neotropical Sphae- rionini (Cerambycidae). [105] 5: 139-149. Loding, H. P.- Geotrupes ulkei. (19] 30: 108. Lutsrmik, V. — Descripcion de tina especie nueva del genero Barysomus (Carab.). [104] 6: 267. Lutshnik, F. — De n. sp. generis Tichonia (Cara- bidae). [105] 5: 215. Obenberger, J. — Monographic du genre Taphrocerus (Bupr.). [Bull. Ent. Sect. Nat. Mus. Prague] 1934: 5-62. (S*). Rau, G. J.— A new variety of Anoplodera vittata from New York (Cerambycidae). 1 19] 30: 63-64. Saylor, L. W. — A Mexican species new to the United States. (Scarabaeidae). [55] 11 : 66. A new Aphod- ius of the Cadaverinus group. (Scarabaeidae.) |55] 11: 80. Schade, F.— Grosse kafer. [17] 52: 193-195. Sloop, K. D.- Distributional notes on some California Elateridae. [55] 11: 64. Uhrnann, E. — Neue Hispinen aus Costa-Rica. [2] 31 : 103-106. Voss, E. — Einige unbeschriebene neotropische Curculioniden nebst einer vorstudie zur tribus Promeco- pini. [Bull. Ent. Sect. Nat. Mus. Prague] 1934: 12: 63-104. HYMENOPTERA.— Bequaert, J.— Additions and cor- rections to the Revision of North American Vespinae. [19] 30: 119-124. Blair, B. H.— The bees of the group Dieu- nomia. [6] 43: 201-214, ill. ('*). Bruch, C.— Breves obser- vaciones sobre costumbres de Eciton ( Holopone) dulcius var. jujuyensis y descripcion del Macho (Formic.). [104] 6: 261-265, ill. Dowden, P. B. — Brachymeria intermedia, a primary parasite, and B. compsilurne a secondary parasite of the gipsy moth. |47] 50: 495-524, ill. Flanders, S. E.- Two described species of Trichogramma validated. [55] 11; 79. Graenicher, S. — Bee-fauna and vegetation of Wis- xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NKW> 223 cousin. | 7] 28: 285-310. Grandi, G.— Xtu.vi Agaonidi < Chal- cidoidea) della fauna neotropica. [Boll. Lab. Knt. 1st. Sup. Agrar. Bologna] 7: 186-197. ill. Muesebeck, C. F. W- Three new reared parasitic hymenoptera, with some notes on synonymy. |91| 25: 279-283. Muesebeck, C. F. W.- On the genus Oncophanes, with descriptions of two new related genera (Braconidae) [7] 28: 241-250. Ogloblin, A. A. — Dos especies nuevas del genero Paranaphoidea (Mymaridae). 1 105] 5: 149-153, ill. Ogloblin, A. A.- Especies nuevas del genero Eurythmelus enock de la Re- publica Argentina (Mymaridae) [104] 6: 243-260, ill. Rau, P. — Notes on the biology of certain eumenid wasps. [ 19] 30: 110-112, ill. Richards, O. W.— Two new parasites of aculeate Hymenoptera from Trinidad. [107] 4: 131-133, ill. Roberts, R. A. — Some N. Am. parasites of blowflies. [47] 50: 479-494, ill. Smith, M. R.— Two new species of North American Strumigenys (Formicidae). [7j 28: 214-216. Walley, G. S. — The genus Cidaphus in Canada (Ichneu- monidae). [4] 67: 111-112. (*). SPECIAL NOTICES.— Ouchi, Y.— Bibliographical in- troduction to the study of Chinese insects. Ent. Rept. No. 1, Jour. Shanghai Sci. Inst. Sect. 3, Vol. 2, 533 pp. This should be a useful work to students of Chinese insects. Popenoe Club News Letter. — This active entomological club at Kansas State College, Manhattan, issues another news letter containing much of interest for active entomol- ogists. INSECTS OF SAMOA, AND OTHER SAMOAN TERRESTRIAL ARTHROPODA, Part IX, SUMMARY. By P. A. BUXTON. British Museum. June 1935. — During the last nine years, the British Museum has been publishing a series of papers on Samoan insects, written by various entomologists. Professor Buxton now sums up the general results in a work of 72 pages, which does not include his "Description of the Environment," pub- lished in 1930. Xo less than 80 new genera and 669 new species have been described in the work, not including some from other islands, introduced for purposes of comparison, or the one new genus and 15 new species of arthropods other than insects. The apparently endemic species constitute 49 per cent of the fauna. The Plecoptera, Embioptera and Mecoptera ap- pear to be totally lacking; the first and last of these are also apparently absent from the Hawaiian fauna. Xo sawllies or Chrysididae were found. The non-parasitic I I ymenoptera are said to show onlv 2(> per cent o| endemics, but the percentage is actually somewhat greater, ihree species having been omitted. There is hardly any affinity with the Hawaiian fauna; the 224 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 Samoan insects are essentially of Indo-Malayan type, but it is considered that the islands are oceanic, and have never been connected with any continent. In contrast with the condition in the Hawaiian islands, the species do not show much differen- tiation on the different islands, but so far as this has occurred, there is usually one race or species in Upolu and Savaii, and a representative one in Tutuila. Dr. P. Marshall (1912) concluded that bathymetrical, struc- tural and petrographical characteristics supported the idea that the ancient boundary of the southwest Pacific passed through New Zealand, Tonga, Fiji and the New Hebrides, thence on to the Solomons and beyond. This would leave Samoa as oceanic, although the islands are the eastern end of a rela- tively shallow area extending nearly to the northern end of the New Hebrides. It seems significant that the ground-nesting Halictine bees are absent from the Hawaiian Islands, but have endemic species in New Zealand (3), New Caledonia (3), Solomon Islands (3), New Hebrides (2), Guam (1), Tonga Islands (1), Fiji Islands (3) and Samoan Islands (11, of which two are con- sidered subspecies of an endemic species). Also, the Samoan Halictines have produced an endemic genus, with three species. If these insects arrived by a land route, it is not necessary to suppose that it was continuous from a continental area at any one time. It is noted that the regular trade wind in Samoa is south-easterly, and the surface drift of the ocean is from the same quarter. Hence it would appear that the Halictine bees had little chance to arrive by other than a land route. But Buxton quotes A. Thomson (1925) to the effect that the trade winds do not extend more than a few miles up, and above them are the anti-trades, in the opposite direction, and generally with a greater velocity. There are also the hurricanes. The recent surprising discoveries of small insects caught by aviators high up in the air, up to 14,000 ft., clearly indicate a means of transportation not hitherto sufficiently appreciated, and make it possible or even probable that the Halictines, at very rare in- tervals, reached Samoa through the air. Buxton gives a table showing the distribution of the subgenera of mosquitoes in the Pacific islands, the number regularly decreasing eastward. Thus the Fiji Islands have eight subgenera, but Samoa and Tonga only four (the same four) each. There is much else in this interesting report which deserves comment, and it may well be said that the subject has by no means been exhausted, but rather has been presented in such a way as to arouse the enthusiasm of any broad-minded entom- ologist and make him long to go to Samoa and continue the investigations. T. D. A. COCKERELL. xlvi, '35 | KXTOMOLOGICAI. NKUS COLONY-FOUNDING AMOM; ANTS \vilh an account of some primitive Australian species. By WILLIAM MORTON' WHEELER. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard University Press, 1933. 12 mo., pp. x, 179. 29 figs. — The contents of this book are largely based on the author's observations in Australia in 1914 and 1931. Colony-founding among ants has, during the last thirty years, been found to be much more diverse than the early writers had suspected. "It is customary to distinguish an in- dependent and a dependent type . . . according as the young queen establishes her colony and brings up her first brood of workers entirely by herself, or behaves as a parasite and is therefore compelled to resort to the workers of an alien colony and species capable of acting as a host for aid in accomplishing her task. ... In a third type, that of swarming, or 'hesmiosis,' as it may be called, a portion of the worker population emi- grates with one or more fertile females to form a new colony." Seven variations in the independent type are summarized on pages 10-14. Special attention is devoted to nest-founding in the Australian bull dog ants (Myrmecia) and other genera of the sul) family Ponerinae, accompanied by technical descriptions of a number of the species (pp. 16-101). The remainder of the volume is devoted to general considerations. "Morphologi- cally M \nnccia and Amblyopone are so primitive that they have always been assigned to the lowest taxonomic rank among existing Formicidae. It is reasonable therefore to regard their colony-founding behavior as equally primitive or archaic," and this is that form of the independent type in which the fertilized females are capable of foraging for themselves and for their first brood. This method strikingly resembles that of the colony-founding Vespine wasps. The variations in this be- havior in different groups of Hymenoptera are discussed and followed into the ramifications of parthenogenesis, matriarchy, brood-egotism (intolerant behavior of social female Aculeates toward other females of the same species) and origin and social behavior of the worker caste. A synopsis of formicid method? of founding colonies is presented on pp. 154-157, a bibliog- raphy on pp. 161-170 and an index on pp. 173-179. — P. P. CALVERT. INSECTS AS MATERIAL FOR STUDY. Two Inaugural Lectures delivered on 17 & 24 November, 1933. by (',. I). HALE CARPEN- TER, D. M.. Hope Professor of Zoology (Entomology). Ox- ford at the Clarendon Press. 1934. 38 pp. 1 plate (frontis- piece). $1.00. — The first lecture reviews various relations of insects to other insects and to animals in gem-nil, especially in the production of diseased conditions and in parasitism, and 226 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 us exemplified in courtship, such as that of Empid flies, some of which, with their silken halloons offered by males to females, are figured in the frontispiece. Finally relations between ilowers and insects are briefly touched on. The second lecture (pp. 20-38) is one of the latest expositions of the theory of mimicry. It concludes as follows : "The study of the coloration of Insects, and especially the phenomena of Mimicry, has pro- vided, under the leadership of my distinguished predecessor, to whom Ij owe so much, what is widely recognized to be some of the strongest evidence that there is in support of Natural Selection. It is strange to reflect that the first Hope Professor [J. O. West wood] solemnly warned the young man who was eventually to be the second Professor [E. B. Poulton] against the dangers of Darwinism, and that that young man made the subject his life's work and became the leading exponent in this country of the Darwin-Wallace contribution to the study of Evolution ! The vast mass of material which has been added to Hope and Westwood's collections during the forty years in which Professor Poulton controlled the department is by no means worked out yet, and fresh acquisitions are constantly being given, and sought. It will be my endeavor that the repu- tation which the University now possesses as a centre for the study of adaptation and thus of Evolution, among Insects, shall not be diminished, and that research into this and other aspects of Insect life shall be continued, to the increase of scientific knowledge, as a result of the benefactions of the founders of the Hope Professorship of Zoology."- -P. P. CALVERT. ENTOMA. A Directory of Insect Pest Control. Edited by C. C. HAMILTON. 1935. Published by the Eastern Branch of the American Association of Economic Entomologists. Svo, 2-102 pp. 50 cents.— 'This directory has been prepared to assist entomologists and others interested in insect control in obtaining certain kinds of information which have heretofore been somewhat difficult of access." The first 34 pages contain advertisements of all those articles enumerated in the follow- ing lines ; they are indexed on page 102. Pages 36-67 list alphabetically insecticides and materials used in insecticides with names and addresses of those who will furnish each substance. Similar lists are those of entomological supplies and equip- ments (pp. 68-71), insecticide machinery and supplies (pp. 71- 74), pest-exterminating companies (pp. 74-78) and commercial companies caring for trees (pp. 78-80). There are briefer lists of publishers of entomological books (not entomological journals), biological testing laboratories, consulting entomol- ogists and of an insectary which furnishes parasitic insects for xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL \K\VS 227 biological control (pp. 80-81). The remainder of this pamph- let comprises "Information on Insecticides, . . . not a learned dissertation for the professional entomologist, hut . . . point- ing out hrielly some of the fundamental facts." Suggestions for the improvement of Entoma are requested hy its editor at the Dept. of Entomology, Kutgcrs University. New Brunswick, New Jersey, from whom douhtless copies can he obtained.— P. P. CALVERT. PRINCIPLES OF INSECT MORPHOLOGY by R. E. SNODGRASS, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine. McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc. New York and London, 1935. Pp. ix, 667, 319 text-figs. $6.00.— In the years 1927-1933, Mr. Snodgrass published five major articles on insect morphology in the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collec- tions, volumes SO, 81, 82, 85 and 89. These total 649 pages and contain 249 text-figures, without making any deduction for duplication. Three of these articles have been noticed in the NEWS (xxxviii: 256. xli : 343, 344). On taking up the new volume on "Principles," one acquainted with its five predeces- sors is naturally interested to learn how far its text reproduces theirs. He soon finds that they are very different for the most part ; that even when similar, as for example in discussing the antennal muscles ( Principles, page 132, Smiths. Misc. Coll. 81, p. 58), the later text is not identical with the earlier. So also with the numerous text-figures — and figure .r often includes several distinct drawings — many, but not all, of those in the Smithsonian papers are reprinted in the Principles and the lat- ter introduces many new ones. The upshot of the matter is that neither the series of 1927-33 nor the new hook contains all that is in the other, both must still be consulted by the morphol- ogist. Though the author does not say so, it is likely that a remark made in the introduction to his Morphology and Evolu- tion of the Insect Head of 1928 applies to the Principles also: "The reader, therefore, should not take it amiss if he finds cer- tain conclusions drawn in this jbook] that do not tit with for- mer statements by the writer." The Introduction of the Principles is concerned with ihe dis- tinctive structural features of the Annelids, the < 'mvhophora and the major groups of the Arthropods. These last are the Trilobita, the Chelicerata and the Mandibulata. Tin- .Mandi- bulata comprise the Crustacea, Myriapoda and I lexapoda. Tin- second chapter (34 pages) sketches the cmhrvonic develop- ment of insects; the third to the twelfth deal with external morphology and feeding mechanisms, tin- thirteenth to the ninc- Uenth with the organ systems. The list of references, pp. o25- 646, "is by no means a bibliography of the subjects included in 228 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 the text. It contains the works cited and a few others of gen- eral importance." The titles in other languages much exceed those in English. A special feature of the hook is the glossaries of relevant terms at the end of many of the chapters, often with foreign equivalents of the English terms. The index occupies more than twenty pages of small type. It is out of the question, in this review, to mention even a few of the morphological conclusions here presented. Prob- ably each reader will find one or more which demolish some generalization he has picked up, he knows not where, as for example: "We cannot, therefore, attribute the characteristic structure of the pterygote pleuron to the development of the wings," because "the basic features of the pterygote pleuron are the same in the wingless prothorax as in the alate mesothorax and metathorax" (p. 166). The emphasis on the musculature as a clue to morphology of the skeleton, so evident in the Smithsonian papers, is here also. The two trochanters of the parasitic Hymenoptera are, one might say, classic, but consider the following: "In the Odonata, both nymphs and adults, there are two trochanteral segments, but they are not movable on each other; the second contains the reductor muscle of the femur. The usual single trochanteral segment of insects, there- fore, probably represents the two trochanters of other arthro- pods fused into one apparent segment, since it is not likely that the primary coxotrochanteral hinge has been lost from the leg. In some of the Hymenoptera, a basal subdivision of the femur simulates a second trochanter, but the insertion of the reductor muscle on its base attests that it belongs to the femoral seg- ment, since as shown in the Odonate leg, the reductor has its origin in the true second trochanter" (p. 197). (The same view was expressed in Snodgrass's paper of 1927, p. 79.) We must register a regret that the legends of many of the text figures do not explain all of the reference letters or groups of letters, necessitating, in consequence, a study of the text to find their meaning. Sometimes the same muscles are desig- nated by groups of letters (fig. 117), sometimes by numbers (fig. 116). Is not the term alinotmn (pp. 174, 190) a case similar to one to which Mr. Snodgrass once applied the expres- sion "a happy, though mismated union of linguistic elements," in spite of the precedent set by alisphenoid? Of all the entomological text-books in English, produced on either side of the Atlantic, the one to which these Principles is most like in scope and treatment is Packard's Textbook of 1898 of 746 pages and 654 text-figures. The chief difference between them is the more extended treatment of embryology (nearly 200 pages) in the older book. After all the discussions of the intervening thirty-seven years, Snodgrass would seem xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 229 (figs. 54, 245) to incline- to the view that the insect head is composed of a union of a prostomium and live somites, not essentially different from that held by Packard (p. 54). Pack- ard's Textbook has been of immense value as a work of refer- ence to entomologists and others and is still useful. Its suc- cessor, the new Snodgrass, is likewise destined to a similar long life. — P. P. CALVERT. ANIMALIUM CAVERN ARUM CATALOGUS. Under this title there is appearing a work of unquestionable value, compiled by Dr. BENNI WOLF and published by W. Junk. This catalogue of the faunae of the caves of the "World is appearing in parts and of a typography similar to that of the well known Coleopterorum Catalogus and Lepidopterorum Cata- logus by the same publisher. The whole work will be in three parts: I. Bibliography, 11. Faunistic, III. Systematic. The Bibliography lists the authors alphabetically, and under each, their works chronologically. In the faunistic part the caves are listed under their respective localities ; and under each cave, references to the literature, bv authors, and a list of the species recorded from the same. The systematic part has the species listed systematically and under each, the references to the liter- ature, by authors. As many insects are cave dwellers, this cata- logue should be of considerable value to entomologists inter- ested in these insects. The price averages about 10 cents per page, which, of course, is rather high, but such a price would not be objected to were the matter more condensed. There is too much wasted space between subjects and in the wide margins. A different ar- rangement of the matter would overcome this fault without impeding the elucidation of the contents. Four parts, or fas- cicles, have been issued to March, 1935, totalling 500 pages. Subscription to this work may be secured through \Y. Junk, Scheveningscheweg 74, Den Haag, Holland. E. T. CRESSON, JR. A new species of Micropeza from Colorado (Diptera : Micropezidae). By EZRA T. CRESSON, Jr. Micropeza jamesi new species. Related to -I/, aiub'ujna Cresson, 1908, differing in the deep black, clearly marked mesonotal stripes: pectus and posterior surface of hind femora of the male with black pile and bristles which are straight, not curly : first posterior cell open. It is not to be confused with the smaller M . /c.rniiu Cresson, which has the femora annnlated, and has different claspers, and the first posterior cell closed. 230 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '35 $ : Yellow, with black to brown as follows : upper occiput including ocellar tumor, a broad upper postorbital stripe in- cluding both vertical bristles ; antennae, arista, upper part of foveae, anterior projection of frons, palpi; median stripe on mesonotum dilating anteriorly and extending posteriorly onto scutellum, rarely showing a median yellow line anteriorly ; a lateral stripe abbreviated anteriorly, narrowing posteriorly, not attaining posterior margin ; a poorly denned mesopleural, and sharply marked sternopleural stripes and lateral margins of scutellum ; tergites except lateral margins and apices of second to fifth, two basal spots and sublateral margins of sixth, some spots on genitalia; apices of tibiae and all tarsi. Apices of femora and bases of tibiae more or less brown. Thorax and abdomen rather thickly pollinose, niveous on the dark mesonotal stripes. Structurally similar to M. turcana Townsend, but head very elongate, twice as long as high, the postorbital length about one-half diameter of eye. Eyes distinctly horizontal. Pectus and hind coxae with black bristles and hair, not pale pile ; hind femora pilose on posterior surface basally. Forceps similar to those of turcana but the terminal finger is bent about 90 degrees with the main axis ; first posterior cell distinctly open. 9 : Similar to turcana but tergites scarcely more yellowish than the proximal ones ; ovipositor dark, more than one-half as long as abdomen ; marginal setae of sternites short, sparse. Length, 7 mm. Type.--$ ; Roggen, COLORADO, .May 19, 1934. (M. T. James). [A.N.S.P., no. 6518]. Paratypes.— 4 5,3$; data as of type. 1 9 ; same data but collected by T. D. A. Cockerell. Distribution of paratypes : 3 $, 2 9 in collection of the Colorado Agricultural College. The occurrence of Gibbium psylloides Czemp. in Philadelphia (Coleoptera: Ptinidae) Several specimens of this species were brought to me for identification by Mr. John T. Kavanaugh of the Vogel-Ritt, Inc., Scientific Exterminators, in Philadelphia. They were re- ported to be very numerous in the nail holes in the floor of a church in this city, especially along the edge of the carpet, and that they annoyed the people during the services. Smith, in his list of the insects of New Jersey, 1910 edition, mentions this species being found in the New York Produce Exchange and in store houses in New Jersey. Fall in his treatise on the Ptinidae* recorded the species from Georgia to California. Leng, in his Catalogue, gives the most northern records as Virginia. I do not know of any other records of this species occurring this far north. — E. T. CRESSON, Jr. * Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., XXXI p. 102, (1905). EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Exchange — Will collect insects of Connecticut this season and desire to get in touch with collectors desiring this material, either in exchange or for cash. Harry L. Johnson, So. Meriden, Conn. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Literature Wanted — Barnes & McDunnough's "Contributions," Henry Edward's "Pacific Coast Lepidoptera" and other publications relative to North American Lepidoptera. C. F. los Passes, Mend- ham, New Jersey. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Guedet, P. O. Box 305, Napa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lepidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. RECENT LITERATURE FOB SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 999. — Linsley (E. G.). — Studies in the Longicornia of Alexico. (Cerambycidae). (Trans., 61, 67-102, 1 pi., 1935). .70 DIPTERA 1003.— Sabrosky (C. W.).— The Chloropidae of Kansas. (Trans., 61, 207-268, 1935) 1.20 HYMENOPTERA 998. — Allen (H. W.). — North American wasps of the genus Neotiphia (Tiphiidae). (Trans., 61, 53-65, 1935). .25 1002. — Mitchell (T. B.). — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic region. III. Taxonomy of subgenera Anthemois and Delomegachile. (Trans., 61, 155-205, 2 pis., 1935) '1.00 LEPIDOPTERA 997. — Braun (A. F.). — Notes and new species of Microlepi- doptera. (Trans., 61, 45-52, 1935) 20 ORTHOPTERA M-8. — Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) . 2.50 1001. — Hebard (M.). — Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. I. New genera, species and geographical races. (Trans., 61, 1 1 1-153, 4 pis., 1935) 85 THYSANOPTERA 1000. — Hood (J. D.). — Five new Thysanoptera of the genus Aeolothrips. (Trans., 61, 103-110, 1 pi., 1935) 20 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ for which please send me the items checked above. ENTOMOLOGICAL CASE This unit fully meets the requirements of Entomologists,, being convenient, safe and economic of space, as well as pro- viding for flexibility in installation and the re-arrangement of collections. The triple-bolted doors close on felted strips, supplying with the insect proof containers double protection from infestation and dust. This cabinet is designed to hold 48 tightly covered glass top boxes sufficiently spaced to obviate the necessity for pull knobs. The boxes can be made cork-lined or plain, to permit the tray-unit system of arrangement. Standard finish is cream white. Size 40i" widej 78|" high, 14TV" deep. MANUFACTURED BY Peerless Steel Equipment Company UNRUH AND HASBROOK STREETS PHILADELPHIA, PENNA. NEW LOW PRICES (or WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Ward's Schraitt Box, 9x13 Inches LINED WITH PATENT ENTOMOLOGICAL CORK Price each $2.50 Price each in dozen lots $2.45 Price each in lots of 50 $2.45 Ward's Insect Pins (A. E. Co.), per M $3.00 Klaeger Insect Pins, Per M $2.25 Minutens, per M , . . . . $2.25 SEND FOB PRICE LIST E 1. This includes many items at new low prices and also describes several new aquatic nets and other newly developed pieces of equipment. pr AFNW C^\/*^k| I Catalog 3OO. The Showy Butterflies of Kt/\L/7 OL/WlN ! the World. Lists over 600 attractive species. Sent free upon request. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DIURNALS, in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00 ; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera: 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 600 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD. 42. IRVING ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1936 NOW PAYABLE Detachable Subscription Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS NOVEMBER, 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 9 JOHN MERTON ALDRICH; 1866-1934. CONTENTS Hebard — Notes on Acrydium and the Actual Status of Three Sup- posedly American Species (Orthoptera, Acrididae, Acrydiinae). 231 Smith— A List of the Ants of Oklahoma CHymen.: Formicidae). . . . 235 Knowlton and Smith— Notes on Utah Scarabaeidae and Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) 241 Pate— Synonymical Notes on the Fossorial Wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Pompilidae and Tiphiidae) 244 Entomological Literature 251 Review— Brief Directions in Histological Technique 257 Cresson — A Fifty Year Festschrift 257 Obituary — Prof. George Hazen French 258 Note — Biographical Article on Eugene Amandus Schwarz . . 258 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Claw Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder.Ph.D., Associate Editors. Advisory Committee : Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America . . $3.00 Canada ....... 3.15 Foreign 3.25 Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in., $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- icriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed opon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted ; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be ttated on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without covers over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents; three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; freater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed •orerf for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS_ VOL. XLVI. NOVEMBER, 1935 No. 9 Notes on Acrydium and the Actual Status of Three Supposedly American Species (Orthoptera, Acridi- dae, Acrydiinae). By MORGAN HEBARD, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1909 J. L. Hancock described three species and two vari- eties of the Acrydiinae from North America,1 the first species of which he noted as "Amer. b.". the material being from the Saunders Collection, presented to the University Museum, ( >x- ford. by Mrs. F. \Y. Hope. Part of this series is now in the author's collection and the carelessly written labels have been deciphered as all "Amur 1." Further study proves beyond question that a painful mistake was made, the series not com- ing from Xorth America but from eastern Asia. Comparison with our series of Asiatic Acrydiinae shows that, in consequence, nothing but synonyms were erected. Hancock's T\clri.r\ anicricuna (page 414) was based on two females and his T \ctri.\-~\ americana dimorpha2 (page 415) on four examples, one of these paratypes, a male, being in the author's collection. This male agrees competely with a male in the same collection, collected at Khabarowka on the Amur in May by Paraschine. \Ye have also a female (likewise abbre- viate) bearing the same data; a male (abbreviate) from Chilok. Transbaikalia; a male (abbreviate) labelled "Siberia" received in exchange from the Geneva Museum determined as, and probably from the same series as the type of, Tclli.v sihiricits Bolivar, 1887, and three females (abbreviate) from near Kar- tun in the District of Vladivostok. These names of Hancock's are synonyms of .Icrydinni sihiricitm (I'.olivar). Ilis descrip- tion of amcricanum is vague and misleading, evidently based 'Trans. Km. Sue. London. 1909, pp. 414 to 417. "Admittedly nicivly llu' abhrrviult.' n mditi< m of thr same species, 231 ' 232 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 on more than one specimen, though the contrary was stated. The vertex is not at all like that of A. yrannhitum (-- sitbuhi- tiun), as it is not triangularly produced and has the median carina briefly projecting, the frontal costa is not at all, or scarcely, excavate between the eyes in lateral profile and proj- ects just sufficiently to be visible for some distance when the insect is examined from directly above. Hancock's Noinotctti.r validus (page 415) was based on two females, the paratype being in the author's collection. Com- pared with a large European series of Tctri.r knutssi Saulcy, 1888, it shows no difference suggesting even racial separation and we therefore place that name as a synonym of Acrydium kraiissi (Saulcy).3 Hancock's N\o//iotctti.v\ arcticiis, based on two females of which the paratype is in the author's collection and N[ouwtct- ti.r] arcticiis obtHsits,* based on a single male, are found from comparison with a large European series to be referable to d \ryllus] [Ijitlla] bipunctatiis Linnaeus, 1758. These names, therefore, fall in synonymy under Acrydiitin bipunctatum (Lin- naeus). Not only are the antennal joints more elongate than in knntssi, but the pronotum has its cephalic margin less pro- duced (transverse to weakly obtuse-angulate) and the form is usually (but not always) less robust. The caudate female has the pronotal keel very high for this insect, but the vertical dis- tance from the shoulder to its summit is considerably less than the depth of a lateral lobe. In working out the above synonymy we had supposed that Bei-Bienko's "Notes on the Siberian Representatives of the Genus Acrydium" •"' would be of great value. Unfortunately that study proves to be superficial and unsatisfactory. The first species considered is, from material before us, clearly a member of the genus Paratctti.r. The first section of the key, 3 Racial status under bipiiiictatiiin was suggested by Hebard in 1925 (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., LI, p. 37), but intergradation is not indicated in any of (be one hundred and nine specimens now in the Philadelphia collections. 4 Also merely the abbreviate condition of the same species 6 Eos, V, pp. 365 to 373, (1929). xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 233 whether the pronotum is ahhreviate or caudate (accompanied hy a corresponding development of the wings ) is well known to occur very frequently in the Aerydiinae and is a feature of mere individual variation of no specific or racial importance whatever. The repeated use of "f. inacrof>tcra" is contrary to the generally accepted rules of nomenclature and to the Inter- national Code. The treatment of the few specimens he had from eastern Siheria is particularly faulty. The assumption of racial status for a single female of sihiricitni from the Vladivostok District, named sihiriciiin iisstiriaiuun, is unjustified, the differences noted heing very probahly wholly attributable to individual vari- ation, which we helieve will he conclusively demonstrated hy series from that region. Ilis description of .Icrydiitin sittnilans (page 366, fig. 1) and Acrydium nnuirciisc (page 368, figs. 3 and 4) shows little knowledge of the genus, for both are probably synonyms of Acrydinni tarturmn (Bolivar), 1887, such differences as are noted being probably again attributable to individual variation. The following material of iartarnui (a species never mentioned by Bei-Bienko) in the author's collection has been carefully compared with these descriptions. Sarafshan, Turkestan, 1 $ (abbreviate), originally labelled tartamm by Saussure as was the type described by Bolivar, received in exchange from the Geneva Museum. Tashkent, Turkestan, 1 <5 , 2 9 , (abbreviate). Kokand. Turkestan, 3 <3 , 1 $ (male caudate, the others abbre- viate). In addition there is an abbreviate male from eastern Siberia, received as a gift from Saussure by the Academy of Natural Sciences. In these specimens the frontal costa is not visible from above in all but the last specimen (in which it can be seen from that angle as in the type of ainitrciisc, but the head is slightly up- tilted in the former as is probably the case with the latter speci- men). The pronotum has its cephalic margin strongly angulate produced, its longitudinal keel very high and nearly or quite equal to the depth of a lateral lobe, the lateral lobes have the lower sinus rectangulale to slightly obtuse-angulale, the median femora have their margins weakly undulate and the caudal metatarsus has the first pulvillus the shortest. 234 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 Finally we believe that his assertion that Acryiliuin bipnnc- tatnm (Linnaeus) may not occur in eastern Siberia is unwar- ranted. Comparison of the species of the New and ( >ld Worlds has produced some other surprising and interesting results. The most astonishing of these is the fact that the widespread boreal North American insect, known as Acrydinni granulatum Kirby since its description in 1937, proves to be the identical species as Acrydiuni sitbulutuni (Linnaeus) described in 1761 and heretofor supposed to be a widespread boreal species con- fined to the Old World. The New World boreal Acr\dium acadicuni bntnneri (Boli- var) shows nearest affinity to that species followed by the New World boreal Acrydiuni ucadiciini acadicnui (Scudder). In the Old World almost corresponding positions in that fauna are taken by Acrydiuni kntussi (Saulcy), Acrydiuni bipuncta- titin (Linnaeus) and its very close relative Acrydiuni sibiricitin (Bolivar). The less boreal North American Acr\'diuin orna- tuin Say finds its corresponding Old World relative in the less boreal Acrydiuni ccpcroi (Bolivar). Of the remaining Old World species the less boreal Euro- pean Acrydiuni turki (Krauss), the closely related eastern Asiatic Acrydinni japoiriciuit (Bolivar), both of which appar- ently belong to a branch from the bipunctatum stem, and the very distinctive European and western Asiatic Acrydiuni dc- prcssum (Brisout) have no counterpart in the New World, but in eastern Asia Acrydiuni tartaruni ( Bolivar) apparently takes the place of the New World genus Noniotctti.v. All of these species are represented in the Philadelphia col- lections. Without material it appears probable that Acr\dinui kicffcri (Saulcy) is a response to certain conditions of local environment developed either in bipititctutuin or Icraussi, or is intermediate and based on material indicating that the latter is a geographic race of the former. It is almost certain that -Icrydiuin bolirari (Azam) 1901 is a synonym of siibulufitin, based on individuals which have the vertex least projecting. Both Saulcy and A /.am ignored the xlvi, '35 | KXTOMOI.OCICAI. .\F.\VS 235 fact thai caudate, abbreviate and all intermediate conditions (if pronotal and wing development are a matter of mere individual variation frequently occurring in many species of the Acrydii- nae. The past literature is unfortunately filled with names im- properly proposed for such individual variations having no racial or specific significance whatever, as well as for color phases which in the Acrvdiinae have been proven to be nothing more than Mendelian factors. In considering these species one is struck by the number from the Old World in which the vertex is less and the frontal costa is more projecting, so that the latter is visible in direct dorsal aspect, a feature not shown by any of those from the Xew World. A List of the Ants of Oklahoma (Hymen.: Formicidae). l!y M. 1\. SMITH, Department of Entomology, Mississippi State College, State College, Miss. Although the ant fauna of Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona seems to be rather well known, that of Oklahoma, unfortu- nately, has been neglected by myrmecologists. The following list has, therefore, been prepared by the writer with the idea of filling as much as possible this gap in our knowledge of Xorth American ants. The state should be an unusually inter- esting collecting ground for myrmecologists, because it is here that many of the eastern and western ants meet. In addition, the various topographical regions should contain verv charac- teristic species. So far as the writer is aware, only two ants have been described from Oklahoma, and these only within the last year. The two species referred to are Aphaenogaster Ircdtac subsp. pluteicornis and its variety oL'/nIioiurnsis. According to H. H. Lane, in the Naturalist's ( luide to the Americas, the state is considered largely an oak grove savannah. It contains lour mountainous uplitts as lollows: the < >/arks. the Arbuckles, the Ouachita and Wichita mountains. The re- 236 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 mainder of the state is rolling country with the following dis- tinguishahle topographical regions : the Lower Arkansas River Valley, the Prairie Plains, the Sandstone Hills, the Redbeds Plains, the Gypsum Hills, the Sand Desert, and the High Plains. Most of the records given in this list are based on collections made in the southern part of the state, hut particularly the southwestern (the Wichita Mountains and Wichita National Park). The northern half of the state is scarcely represented at all. The collections have been made principally by the De- partment of Zoology of the University of Oklahoma, the Department of Entomology of the Oklahoma Agricultural Col- lege, T. F. McGehee of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology in the Argentine ant scouting work, and the Department of Biol- ogy of the Oklahoma College for Women, as well as a small amount of collecting done by private individuals. For the sake of brevity, only the collectors' initials will be given following the various locality records. The collectors responsible for this list are L. Barnard, R. D. and Lois Bird, W. J. Brown, A. C. Burrill, J. R. Carpenter, O. K. Chandler, J. Costner, W. D. Davis, C. C. Deonier, Wilton Fisher, H. M. Hefley, A. E. Hixson, E. E. Ivy, W7. E. Jackson, C. R. Jones, T. F. McGehee, J. R. Mclnnis, J. D. Mitchell, A. E. Pritchard, P. D. Sanders, Martha Shackleford, Vera G. Smith, C. A. Sooter, O. Sundoz, G. C. and E. W. Wheeler, and P. Zeigler. Subfamily Poucriiuic. STIGMATOMMA PALLIPES (Haldeman). This ant should be found in Oklahoma as it occurs in several of the adjoin- ing states. PROCERATIUM CROCEUM (Roger). Since this species has been recorded from Kansas and Texas it undoubtedly must occur in ( )klahoma. 1. PONERA TRIGONA var. OPACiOR Forel. Wichita National Forest ( \Y. F. ) ; Beckham and Comanche counties (W. F.). P. COARCTATA subsp. PK\ xsvLVANiCA Buckley. This xlvi, '35 | F.XTOMOLOCICAI. X F.U'S species should lie found in the more northern section of the state. P. OPACICEPS Mayr. This ant should be found in the southern part of the state. Subfamily Dorylinae. ECITOX (L.) COECUM (Latreille). This species may range into the extreme southern part of the state. 2. E. (A.) OPACITHORAX Emery. Payne county ( K. H.). 3. E. (A.) SCHMITTI Emery. YYichita National Forest ( \\'. F.) ; Xorman ( YY. F.). This is probably the m<»t common legionary ant in ( )klahoma. 4. E. (A.) PILOSUS F. Smith. Latimer county (YY. F.). E. (A.) XIGRESCEXS (Cresson). This species is recorded from Kansas and Texas and therefore one should ex- pect to find it in Oklahoma. 5. E. (A.) COMMUTATUM Emery. \Yichita National Forest (W. F.). 6 E. (A.) MKLSIIEIMERI ( Haldemaini ) . Latimer county (W. F.). Subfamily M ynniciiiac. 7. MONOMORIUM MIXIMUM P)Uckley. Chickasha (V. G. S.); McAlestcr, Clinton. Altus, Lawton, Ardmore, Hugo. Idabel ( T. lr. McG.) ; \Yichita National Forest, Norman (YY. F.) ; Cherokee ( R. D. H.) ; Latimer, Ueckham, Cot- ton, Harmon. Jackson, Cleveland, \\'ashita counties ( \V. V.). The tiny black ant is a common house-infest- ing form. M. PIIARAOXIS ( Linnaeus). Pharoah's ant should occur in the larger towns in the state. It is especially trouble- some in cafes, hotels, warehouses, groceries and apart- ment houses. 8. Soi.F.xoi'sis MOI.KSTA (Say). Chickasha ( M. \Y. S.) ; Latimer county ( \\". 1;.). The tiny thief ant is an im- portant house-infesting ant al>o. S. TKXAXA !;.mery. This sjiecies no doubt occurs in < >kla- homa as it has been found in Kansas and Texas. 238 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Nov., '35 9. S. XYLONI McCook. Lindsay, Chickasha, Anadarko, Clin- ton, Hohart, Frederick, Snyder, Ardmore, Madill, Dur- ant. Hugo. Vallianl, idahel ( T. F. McG.) ; Wichita Na- tional Forest ( W. F.) ; Cotton, Washita, Johnston, Till- man, Jackson, Comanche and Latimer counties (\\r. F. ). The fire ant is a very serious pest wherever it occurs. 10. PHEIDOLE VINELANDICA Forel. Chickasha (V. G. S.); Madill (T. F. McG.) ; Wichita National Forest (W. F.). 11. I'll. DENTATA Mayr. McAlester, Mangum, Lawton ( T. F. McG.): Cherokee (R. D. ]'>.); Wichita National Forest (W. F. ) ; Latimer county (W. F.) ; Major and Woods counties (R. D. B.). PH. DENTATA var. cnMMUTATA Mayr. This variety of dcntaia should occur in the State. PH. PILIEERA (Roger). This ant undoubtedly occurs in the State. 12. PH. IIYATTI Finery. Chickasha, Altus, Snyder, Lawton, Ardmore (T. F. McG.) ; Wichita National Forest (W. F.); Cotton county (W. F. ) . 13. PIT. COCKERELLI Wheeler. Beckham county (W. F.). 14. Pn. SITARCHES sul)sp. RUEESCENS \\heeler. \\"ichita Na- tional Forest (W. F.) ; Beckham, Latimer, and Harmon counties (W. F.). 15. MYRMECINA GRAMINICOLA suhsp. AMERICANA Emery. Latimer county (R. D. B.). 16. CREMATOGASTER ASHMEADI Mayr. Latimer and Jackson counties ( \V. F.). 17. C. VICTIMA suhsp. MISSOURIENSIS Pergaudc. Chickasha (M. W. S.) ; Wichita National Forest (W. F.) ; Latimer county (W. F.) ; McClain county (J. R. C.). C. LAEVIUSCULA Mayr. Since the variety chira of this species is so common in ( )klahoma, Uteri itsculu should also he found in the state. LS. C. LAEVirscTLA var. CLARA Joinery. McAlester, Coalgate. Ada, Pauls Valley, Lawton, Durant, Hugo. Vallianl ( T. F. McG.); Wichita National Forest ( W. F.) ; Norman xlvi, '35J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 239 ( R. 1). I>.) ; Cleveland county ( R. 1). B.) ; Latimer, Greer and Cotton counties ( W. F. ) ; Logan and \\'oods coun- ties (R. I). 1!.); Pavne county (W. J. B.) ; Stilhvater (L. B.). 19. C. LIXEOLATA (Say). Latimer county (R. D. B.) ; Mc- Clain county (J. R. C.). 20. C. LINEOLATA var. CERASI Fitch. Major county (R. 1). B.). 21. C. OPACA DEPILIS var. PUNCTULATA Emery. Idabel ( T. F. McG.); Chickaslia ( M. W. S.) ; Wichita National For- est (W. F. ) ; Beckham, Cotton, Harmon, Logan. Kiowa, Jackson, and Comanche counties (W. F. ) ; Wood county (R. U. B.); McClain county (J. R. C.). Ai'iiAENOGASTER FULVA Roger. This species and its sub- species aqn'm and variety picca should be found in Okla- homa. 22. A. TREATAE Forel. Latimer county (Wr. F.) ; Woods county (R. D. B.) ; Wichita National Forest (W7. F.). 23. A. TREATAE subsp. pliitciconiis G. C. and E. W. Wheeler. Poteau (G. C. and E. W. Wheeler) type locality. 24. A. TREATAE PLUTEicoRNis var. OKLAHOMENSis G. C. and E. W. Wheeler. Poteau (G. C. and E. W. Wheeler) type locality. 25. A. TENNESSEENSIS Mayr. Latimer county ( Wr. F.) ; Caddo county (O. S.). A. TEXANA Emery. This species should be found in Oklahoma. 26. A. TEXANA var. CAROLINENSIS Wheeler. Latimer county (W. F.). 27. POGONOMYRMEX BARBATt'S var. MOLEFACIENS Emery. Norman (J. R. McL) ; Pauls Valley, Anadarko, Snvdcr (T. F. McG.) ; Wichita National Forest (W. F.) ; Beck- ham, Harmon. Cleveland, Kiowa, and Cotton counties ( W. F.) ; Payne, Latimer, Woods, Jefferson, and Jack- son counties (W. I). D.); Stilhvater (C. A. S.). _'S. P. OCCIDENTALIS Cresson. Clinton ( T. F. McG.); Chero- kee ( 1\. I). B.) ; Washita. Kio\va and Greer counties (W. F.) ; Kenton (A. E. P.). 240 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 29. P. DESERTORUM Wheeler. Cotton county (W. F. ). 30. P. (E.) IMBERBICULUS Wheeler. Wichita National Forest (W. F.); Harmon county ( W. F.). 31. MYRMICA PUNCTIVENTRIS subsp. PTXETORUM Wheeler. Latimer county (R. D. B.). 32. LEPTOTHORAX TEXANA Wheeler. Wichita National Forest (W. F. ) ; Harmon and Latimer counties (W. F. ). L. CURVISPINOSUS Mayr. This widely distributed North American ant should occur in Oklahoma. 33. L. FORTINODIS Mayr. Jefferson county (W. F.). 34. L. (D.) PERGANDEI Emery. Wichita National Forest (W. F.); Chickasha (M. W. S.) ; McClain county (J. R. C). TRACHYMYRMEX SEPTENTRIONALIS suhsp. OBSCURIOR. Wheeler. This species will very probably be found in the state. 35. T. SEPTENTRIONALIS OBSCURIOR var. SEMINOLE W' heeler. Wichita National Forest (W. F.) ; Latimer. Beckham, Cotton, and Harmon counties (W. F.). Subfamily Dolichodcrinac. 36. DOLICHODERUS (H.) MARIAE Forel. Major county (R. D. B.). 37. D. (H.) PLAGIATUS subsp. PTSTULATUS Mayr. Norman (P. Z.). 38. DORYMYRMEX PYRAMicus (Roger). Clinton, Frederick, Durant (T. F. McG.) ; Wichita National Forest (W. F. ) ; Beckham, Latimer, Washita, Tillman, Harmon, Kiowa Woods, and Commanche counties ( W. F.) ; Mc- Clain county (J. R. C.). 39. D. PYRAMICUS var. FLAVUS McCook. Lindsay, Chickasha, Clinton, Altus, Madill, Durant, Idabel, (T. F. McG.); Wichita National Forest (W. F. ) ; Beckham, Cleveland, Tillman, Greer, Kiowa, Harmon, Jefferson and Comanche counties (W. F.) ; Woods county (R. D. B.). 40. TAPINOMA SESSILE (Say). Woods county (R. D. B.) ; Oklahoma county ( L. 15.); Cleveland county (W. F.). The odorous house ant is a pest wherever it occurs. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL \K\VS 241 41. FoKKurs sp. Me. \lester, Coalgate, Clinton, Altus, Fred- erick, Lawton, Ardmore, Madill (T. F. McG.) ; Wichita National Forest (\V. F.) ; Cotton, Logan, Washita, Cleveland, Harmon, Coinanche and Jefferson counties (W. F.). 42. IKIIIOMYKMKX pRi'ixosrs var. \\'ichita National Forest ( \Y. I1".) ; Ileckham, Tillman, Coinanche, Washita, Logan Harmon, and Latimer counties (W. F. ) ; Cleveland county (H. M. M.) ; AlcClain county (J. R. C.). (To be continued). Notes on Utah Scarabaeidae and Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera).1 By G. F. KNOWLTON and C. F. SMITH. This report deals with records of Scarabaeidae and Chry- somelidae,2 a number of which injure range and cultivated plants. The writers are indebted to Messrs. E. A. Chapin, \Y. S. Fisher, and H. S. Barber of the U. S. Bureau of Fntomology and Plant Quarantine, and L. W. Savior of the University, of California, for identifying the material. Family SCARABAEIDAE. CANTIIOX si MI-LEX Lee. Heber and Daniel Canyons, July 16, 1931; Fruitland, .May 29, 1933; Logan (L. Green). APIIODITS DicNTict.'LATUS Hald. Famiington, June 7, 1933; Jensen; Promontory, April 17, 1931 (Knowlton: M. J. Janes). A. FiMKTAkirs ( L.). Kanab, July 9, 1932; Logan, October 11, 1926 (F. Clarke); April 12, 1931 (W. L. Thomas), Sep- tember 21, 1933 (T. O. Thatcher). A. cKAXAkirs (L.). Blue Creek, June 12 and 28, 1929; Collinston; Richardson, May 15, 1933 (H. B. Stafford). A. cONSOCi.virs I lorn. Strawberry, June 11, 1934 (E. W. Anthon). A. DISTINCTUS ( Mull.). Blue Creek, April 16, 1929; Logan, March 30, 1930; Promontory (Knowlton: : Janes ); Saratoga. 1 Contribution from the Department of Kntoinolo»y, L'tali Agricultural Experiment Station. Authorized for puhlicntnm 1>y Director, May 3, L935. •'Unless otherwise indicated, localities are in Utah and collections are by G. F. Knowlton. 242 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 ODONTAEUS OBESUS Lee. Fort Duchesne, August 6, 1932 (L. Cutler). Also at Lorenzo, Idaho, August 1, 1931 (Thomas); and Lamoille Canyon, Nevada, June 15, 1934 (Stafford). TROX LECONTEI Harold. Far West, October 26, 1931 (Cut- ler); Fruitland, May 20, 1933. DlPLOTAXIS SUBANGULATA CALIFORNICA Scllffr. Tl'OUt Creek. July 25, 1933 (Stafford). D. BREVICOLLIS Lee. Cache National Forest, June 15, 1932 (G. Van Buren). Also at Lorenzo, Idaho, June 5, 1931 ( Thomas ) . PHYLLOPHAGA ANIXIA Lee. Logan, July, 1915 ( H. R. Hagan) ; Springville (Anthon). POLYPHYLLA DECEML1NEATA (Say). Fort Duchesne, July 27, 1931 (Cutler); Logan (13. G. Whitaker) ; Springville (Anthon). P. RUFICOLLIS CASTANEA Csv. Logan, July 21, 1923. DICHELONYX MORMONA Fall. Logan Park, July 10, 1908 (J. R. Horton) ; Providence and Provo, June 7, 1933; Sardine Canyon ( Thomas ) . D. TRUNCATA Lee. Logan, June 28, 1904. Also at Ontario, Oregon, April 21, 1905 (Ball). HOPLIA LATICOLLIS Lee. Port Duchesne, July 7, 1931 (R. L. Janes). COTALPA FLAVIDA Horn. Thompsons, August 9, 1906 ( E. G. Titus) ; West Water. POCALTA GRANICOLLIS (Hald.). Curlew and Garland. April 1930; Logan (Staffers, Whitaker); Promontory; Snowville. SPILOSOTA PALLIDISSIMA Csy. Washington, June 25, 1933. LIGYRUS GIBBOSUS (DeG.). St. George, July 9, 1934 (Knowlton : :C. F. Smith). EUPHORIA RUFOBRUNNEA Csy. Logan, May 6, 1932 (Whi- taker) ; September 30, 1932 (Thatcher). CREMASTOCHEILUS PUGETANUS Csy. Bothwell, May 15, 1931. C. KNOCHI Lec. Hvrumn. May 20, 1933 (M. J. Janes); Logan Canyon ( Knowlton :: Anthon). Family CHRYSOMELIDAK. ORSODACNE ATRA (Ahr. ). Logan, August 3, 1933 (Thatcher). LEMA TRILINEATA TRIVITTATA Say. Farmington, fuly 23, 1930 (Janes); Lewiston ; Logan (Thomas); Murray; Sandy; Smithfield. COSCINOPTERA DOMiNiCANA (Fab.). Logan. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 243 C. VITTIGEKA Lec. Fort Duchesne, July 20, 1932 (Cutler). SAXINIS SAUCIA Lec. Logan, July 5, 1931 (Thomas). CHLAMYS MEMNONIA Lac. Fort Duchesne, June 13, 1932 (St offers). PACIIYKRACIIYS ANALIS Lec. Kanab, June 26, 1933. P. ABDOMIXALIS (Say). Moroni, June 28, 1933. P. VAU Fall. Stansbury Island, May 31, 1933 (Knowlton:: Aiithon ) . CIIRYPTOCEPIIALUS coNFLUENS Say. Marysvale and Alt. Carmel. June 25, 1933. C. CONFLUENS var. DEFECTUS Lec. (?). Logan, June 17. 1931 (Thomas). C. PINICOLUS Schffr. Farmington, June 24, 1933. GLYPTOSCELIS ALTERNATA Cr. Northern Utah. CHRYSOCHUS COBALTINUS Lec. On sugar-beets, Lehi, July 7, 1927; Ogden, May 12, 1927. ZYGOGRA.MMA EXCLAMATIONIS (Fab.). Blacksmith Fork Canyon. August 18, 1925. Z. CONJUNCT A Rogers. Mills, May 25, 1933; Jensen, on poverty \veed, July 12, 1931; St. George; on Sophia sopliia, Kelton ; Fort Duchesne ; on Atriplcx, Promontory. CALLIGRAPHA SIGMOIDEA Lec. Logan, November 8, 1930 (Thomas). Also Wells, Nevada, July 20, 1912 (Ball). LINA SCRIPTA (Fab.). Bountiful, June 21, 1929 (Pack); Watson, July 30, 1927 (H. J. Pack). TRIRHABDA NITIDICOLLIS Lec. Randlett, July 14, 1927. T. LEWISI Cr. Clear Creek, July 1, 1926. Also McKinnon, Antelope, and Lyman, Wyoming, August 4, 1932 (Knowlton:: Janes ) . GALERUCELLA XOTULATA (Fab.). Manti, July 26, 1927. MONOXIA EROSA Lec. Corinne, April 9, 1930; Granger, July 2, 1930; Hot Springs, September 17, 1930; loka (Cutler)'; Manti; Salt Lake City; on Clicirina re panda, Timpie ; Weber (Janes) ; \\'illo\v Springs. M. DKKII.IS Lec. ( )n Sophia sopliia, Snowville. July 15, 1930. I)IAI;ROTICA TRICINCTA (Say). Douglas, Arizona, Septem- ber 20, 1924 i W. \Y. Henderson). SCELOLYPERUS LONGULUS (Lec.). Bountiful, June 10, 1929 ( Pack). DlSoXYCllA PENNSYLVANICA (Til.). Logan. !). UNIGUTTATA (Say). Joseph, September 25, 1929. M. I.ATIKKOXS SchlTr. Snowville. April 17, 1931. I). PLURILIGATA Lec. ( )rderville, June 27. 1933; Ilyrumn. I). TRIANGULARIS (Say). Honevville, September 15. 1(M(); 244 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 Logan Canyon (Hagan); on sugar-beets, Monroe, June 30, 1926. HALTICA BIMARGINATA Say. Logan, April 27, 1929. CHALCOIDES FULVICORNIS nana Say. On sugar-beets, Ogden, June 9, 1927. CHAETOCNEMA CONFINIS Cr. On sugar-beets, Cache Junc- tion, August 18, 1927. SYSTENA TAENIATA (Say), Elsinure, July 26, 1927; on Rus- sian thistle, Snowville; Stansbury Island ( Titus : :Hagan :: Pack). S. BITAENIATA (Lee.). BluflF, June 19, 1933; on beets at West Point, Garland, Plain City, and Ogden. PSYLLIODES PUNCTULATA Melsh. On mustard and Russian thistle, at Cedar Valley, Elsinore, Nephi, and Snowville, July, 1927; on sugar-beets throughout central and northern Utah. CHELYMORPHA CASSIDEA (Fab.). Bountiful, May 11, 1929 (Pack). JONTHONOTA NOVEMMACULATA (Mann.). Logan, February 4/1933 (Thatcher). CHIRIDA GUTTATA (Oliv.). Logan, July 2, 1930 (Linford). C. GUTTATA var. LUCIDULA (Boh.). Logan, July 2, 1931 (Linford.). Synonymical Notes on the Fossorial Wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Pompilidae and Tiphiidae). By V. S. L. PATE, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Several generic names that have apparently been overlooked or misunderstood by Hymenopterists and bibliographers alike have recently been discovered while searching the literature for designations of the genotypes of Sphecoid wasps. Unfortu- nately, several of those discussed below will invalidate long and well established names if one adheres strictly to the tenets of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Care- ful study and perusal of the vast accumulation of literature that has appeared since the time of Linnaeus are constantly re- vealing a large number of disregarded or overlooked names. Adoption of long forgotten names, however, serves no good or useful purpose. It merely emphasizes that taxonomy is one xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 245 of the few, if not the sole remaining field of human endeavour wherein a premium is placed upon poor work. It hecomes more ohvious every day that, if \ve are ever to achieve anything which resembles stability rather than the state of flux in which we are at present mired, there must he some provision whereby a name, after a certain period of accepted usage, automatically becomes a noincii conservandum should there ever be unearthed an earlier name which would invalidate it. PEMPHILIS Risso 1826. : Crabro Fabricius 1775, ncc GeofTroy 17C2; = Thyrcopus Le Peletier & llrulle 1834. Type: / Y.v/v cribraria Linnaeus 1758 (by present designation). In 1826 J. A. Risso published a five volume work entitled: "Histoire naturelle des principales productions so, I designate Pcnipliilis palunitu Leach = \Crabro ptilnnitits Panzer = I'cspu cribraria L.|, the type of the genus Pcinpliilis Risso. Crabro Fabricius 1775, Thyrcopus Lepeletier 1834 and I 'cm Chilis Risso 1826 are therefore isogen- otypic. Should the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature refuse to validate Crabro Fabricius 1775, the name /Y////1///7/\ will have to be used. Similarly the group of which this is the type genus will have to be known as the 246 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 Pemphiliidae or Pemphiliinae, a most unfortunate circumstance inasmuch as it differs in but one letter from a well known group of sawflies, the Pamphiliidae. EUPLILIS Risso 1826. = Rhopalnin Kirby 1829; Physoscelus Le Peletier & Brulle 1834. Type: Splie.v clavipcs L. 1758 (by present desig- nation). Immediately following PcinpJiilis on page 227, Risso couples the name Enplilis with two species as follows: Enf>Ulis dimidia- tiis Leach, En pi His rufiventris Panzer. The first of these is probably the Crabro d'nnidiatus of Fabricius, which Kohl in his revision of Crabro doubtfully indicates may be the proper name for Crabro signatns Panzer. The second, Enplilis rufi- ventris Panzer, is unquestionably the Crabro rufiventris of Panzer. I hereby designate Enplilis rufiventris Panzer = [Crabro rufiventris Panzer : Sphe.r ehrvipes Linnaeus] the genotype of Enplilis Risso. Inasmuch as Curtis in 1837 desig- nated Crabro rufiventris Panzer as the genotype of Rhopalum, Enplilis Risso 1826 and Rhopuluin Kirby 1829 are isogenotypic. MONOMATIUM Shuckard 1840. = Larra.rcna Smith 1851. Type: Larra.reua princeps Smith 1851 (by present designa- tion ) . In the eighth volume of Lardner's Cabinet Encyclopaedia published in 1840, Shuckard described very briefly, without including any species, several genera of Sphecoid wasps. Some of these, c. g. Dicranorhina and Conoeerns have been identified by later authors, but one — Monomatium, characterized on page 181 — has long remained a mystery. After careful study and consideration I feel safe in identifying this genus with Larra- .rena described by Frederick Smith in 1851 (Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) VII :30), and hereby designate Larra.veiia princeps Smith as the genotype of Monomatium Shuckard. Larra.rcna Smith 1851 and Monomatium Shuckard 1840 are therefore isogenotypic. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL XEWS 247 (I'KUXAEUS Latreille 1809] AMI'ULEX Jurine 1807. Latreille proposed in ISO1' (Gen. ('rust. Insect. IV :56) the genus I'niuucns, including in it but one species I)r\iniis ucnciis Fabricius which in 181(1 lie designated the type. Pronucits has usually been considered to belong to the Clilorion complex (s.s.), in fact Kohl (Ann. naturalist. Hofmus. \\"ien, 1890, V :107) regards flryiiuts acncns Fabricius, somewhat doubt- fully it is true, a synonym of Clilorion xanthoceros Illiger. However, Schniz ( 'Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr., 1912, LVII:80) who examined Fabricius' type in the Copenhagen Museum found Dryiniis aeneus Fabricius to be conspecific with Antpnlc.r dahl- hcini Kohl, Proiiuciis Latreille 1809 must therefore be re- corded as a synonym of Am pule. \~ Jurine 1807. CFROI'ALFS Latreille 1796. : Ceratopales Schulx 1906; Hvpsiccruens Morice & Durrani 1914. Type: Evaiiiu inacidata Fabricius (by designation of La- treille, 1810). Latreille proposed the genus Ccro pules in 1796 without in- cluding any species. The first coupling of any species with this name occurred in 1802. (Hist. Xat. Crust. Insect. 111:335 & 340.) Most of the later authors, principally Morice & Dur- rant (1914), Bradley (1919), and Rohwer (1920) have con- sidered that the only species first placed in the genus were Mi-lliinis quinquecinctus Fabricius and Me/linns cum pest ris Fabricius. Latreille, however, on page 335 (op. r//.), five pages before he formally discuses the genus Ccropulcs, makes the following statement under his discussion of the genus Poin- pilus: . . . J'avois cru consequemment devoir placer, dans mon genre ccropules, 1'evanie tachetee de l^abricius et (|iu-l<|ues aulres. \c pc-iiM- aujourd'hui <|u'il esl plus coin-enable de inettri' CCS insectes avec lc> pompiles ..." I consider, there- fore, that there were three >pecics first coupled with the name Ccropulcs and that Lalreille's designation in 1S1O of I:;;niiu iiiucnlutu Fabriciu.s as the- genotype of Ccropales i> valid and entirely in accord with the provision.- of the International Code 248 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 of Zoological Nomenclature. The name Ccropales must there- fore without question he retained for the Pompilid genus, and may not he considered as isogenotypic with the Sphecid genus Gorytcs Latreille. Although Morice and Durrant and Rohwer made a definite bibliographic citation to Latreille's remark on page 335, in fact the latter author discusses it at some length, both seem to have overlooked the fundamental and essential feature of it. Hypsiceraeus Morice and Durrant 1914 and Ccratopales Schulz 1906 are isogenotypic with Ccro pales Lat- treille 1796. ' GORYTES Latreille 1804. The genus Gorytcs was first erected by Latreille in 1804 (Nouv. Diet. Hist. Nat. XXIV: Tahl. meth. p. 180. nr. 434) with but one species — J\Iclliiius quinquecinctus Fabricius — in- cluded. The genus is therefore monobasic and isogenotypic with Ho pi is us Lepeletier 1832. / ARPACTUS Jurine 1801. Type: Sphc.v inystacca L., 1761 (by designation of Morice & Durrant 1914). I do not believe, as do some authors, that Latreille by plac- ing Mcllinns quinquecinctus Fabricius in his new genus Gorytes thereby ipso facto designated Mclliints inystaccus Fabricius [= Splic.v inystaeea L.] the type of Ar pact us Jurine 1801 (v. Opinion 6, International Commission on Zoological Nomen- clature). Latreille's writings give abundant evidence that he never knew Jurine's genera until the publication in 1807 of the latter's Nom'clle Mcthodc. Thus only by a casuistical in- terpretation of Opinion 6 can the dictum there expressed be made to apply to this case. The first valid designation of a type for Arpactus Jurine 1801 therefore apparently did not occur until Morice and Durrant in 1914 selected Sphc.v inys- tacca L. | MUTILLONITELA Bridwell 1920] SALIOSTETHUS I'.rauns 1896. Bridwell proposed the genus Aliitillonitcla in 1920 (Proc. xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 249 Hawaii. Knt. Soc. IV:396) fur two species of small wasps from South Africa. Recently I have had an opportunity to examine the1 typos of these species in the United States Xa- lional Museum and to compare them with specimens deter- mined hy I'niuns as Sitlioslcllnis Icntifrons Jirauns, the geno- type of Suliostctlins. The three species are unquestionably con- generic. Mutilloiiif,-! > P.ridwell 1920 should therefore he re- corded as a synonym of Stiliostctluis P>rauns 1896. [SHESTAKOVIA Gussakovskij 1930| : : KRKM I ASPHKC1UM Kohl 1897. Gussakovskij proposed the j^enus Slicstiilco-i'in in 193U ( Kos \'I :275 ) for six s])ecies of small wasps from Transcaspia. His excellent descriptions and figures, liowover, coincide in all re- spects with specimens that 1 have before me determined by Kohl as Eremiasphccium schmicdeknechti Kohl, the genotype of Eremiasphecium. The two are unquestionably, I believe, congeneric. Slicstitkoz'ia ( nissakovskij 1930 therefore should be recorded as a synonym of Eremiasphecium Kohl 1897. TANYOPRYMNUS Cameron 1905. = Ceratostisus Rohwer 1921. Type: Tuiiyopryiiiinis loin/itarsis Cameron 1905 [ = Gorytcs moneduloides Packard 1867 1. (monobasic). Cameron in 1905 (Trans. Anier. Knt. Soc. XXXI :375) described the i^enus Tanyoprymnus, from Mexico. including in it but one species — T. loiu/i.tarsis C'ameron. Turner in l'M2 (Ann. \- Ma-\ Nat. Hist. (8) X:373) wb<» had seen the type in the liritish Museum, called attention to the fact that this species should be placed in the -enus Ammatomus A. Costa 185'^ and ventured the ojiinion that T. loin/i/arsis Cameron 1905 was the same as Gorytes moneduloides Packard 18^7. I have compared specimens of (iorylcs inoiiciliiloltlcs \\-ith ( 'am- eron's description of Ttiiiyapryiinins lain/itursis and belie\'e that they are unquestionably the s;mie >])ei-ii-s. Inasmuch as (/'^rv/r\ inoiu'diilnit/t's Packard is the genotype of C'cru/n.^i.-jus l\oh\ver 1921, the latter ^enus must be considered an absolute synonym 250 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 ( i.e. isogenotypic) of Tanyoprymnus Cameron 1905. Ani- matonins is an old world group; in the New World it is re- placed by Tanyoprymnus. EPINYSSON new submenus. T\pc: NVSSOII hasilaris Cresson (present designation). A. Costa proposed in 1X59 (Faun. Regn. Nap. Inien. Niss. p. 24) the genus Brachystegus with but one included species— Nysson Dufonri Dahlbom 1X45 |= Nysson scalaris llliger 1X07]. Later authors, through error, have applied Costa's name to all those species of Nysson (s.s.) in which the cubitus of the hind wing arises beyond the transverse median nervure. Brachystegus Costa, however, is an old world group more closely related to the Xe\v World Zanysson Rohwer (- - Par- ti a ysson auctt. ncc (luerin) than to Nysson Latreille. Conse- quently for those species of N\sson Latreille in which the cubitus of the hind wing arises beyond the transverse median nervure, I propose a new subgenus — Epinysson [ = Uracliy- stcgns auctt. nee Costa] with Nvsson basilaris Cresson as type. PRIONYX van der Linden 1X27. : Enodia Dahlbom 1X44 ncc Hiibner 1X16; = Parasplic.v Smith 1X56. Type: Ammophila? Kirbii van der Linden, (monobasic). Dahlbom proposed the genus Enodia in 1X44 (Hymen. Ettrop. I :2X) for two species : Sphc.r albisecta Le Peletier & Serville [1X2XJ [Ammophila? Kirbii van der Linden 1X27] and Enodia cancsccns Dahlbom 1X44 [=: Sphex viduata Christ 1791]. Smith in 1X56, aware of the fact that Dahlbom 's name was a homonym of Hubner's Salyrid genus proposed I\ira- s/'lic.r (Catal. Hymen, llrit. Alus. 1V:267) in lieu of Enodia Dahlbom 1X44, placing therein the two species originally cited by Dahlbom and a third — Parasplic.v inare of the genera Enodia Dahlbom 1X44 and Parasplic.v Smith 1X56, thus making tin- latter an absolute synonym of the former from a nomenclatorial standpoint. (To be continued) '35 | ENTOMOLOGICAL XKVVS 251 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY LAURA S. MACKEY UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above h<>:id it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of .Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Amencas (.North and .Sou no, including Arachmda and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant lo American entomology will not be noi< 35: 173-lc>3. Anon. — Common names of insects appn >\ •.•7 : 157- 15*'. Van Thiel, P. H. — Insuffisance dcs caracteres de 1'oeuf |)our la di>tinclion des race's trophiques et biologiques de 1' Anopheles maculipennis? |Acta Leidensia] '': 28' ' 2' '3 . Van Volkenber«r. H. L.— Biological control o\ an insecl pest by a toad. |(.8| 82: 278-279. 252 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Baker, F. C.— The effect of photoperiodism on resting-, treehole, mosquito larvae. |4| 67: 149-153. Bugnion, E. — Les organes buc- caux des Cerambycides. [Mem. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Xat.J 5: 59- 76, ill. Blaustein, W. — Histologische untersuchungen ueber die metamorphose der mehlmotte. [46] 30: 333-354. ill. Bradley, G. H. — The hatching" of eggs of the southern buf- falo gnat. [68] 82: 277-278. Brueckner, W. R.— Gesch- lechtsorgane and eibildung des neuropters Chrysopa vul- garis. (Jenaische Zeit. Naturxv.] 69: 469-506, ill. Buxton, P. A. — Changes in the composition of adult Culex pipiens during hibernation. [116] 27: 263-265. Carter & Schmidt. —Mass action phenomena in mealy-bug wilt. [7] 28: 396- 403, ill. Chopard, L. — Une idee nouvelle sur le polymor- phisme specifique les phases chez les insectes Orthopteres [Rev. Francaise d'Ent.] 2: 57-61. Cushman, R. A. — A study of the larva of Larra analis. [10] 37: 82-87, ill. Gos- sel, P. — Beitrage zur kenntnis der hautsinnesorgane und hautdrusen der Cheliceraten und der atigen von Ixoden. [46] 30: 177-205, ill. Grandi, G.— Morfologia ed etologia comparata di insetti a regime specializzato. [Mem. Ac. Sci. Inst. Bologna] 9: 41-48, ill. L'ipermetabolia nei lepidot- teri. [Mem. Ac. Sci. Inst. Bologna | 10: 35-39, ill. Guarino, L. -- Osservazioni suH'armatura genitale degli Acrididi. [Arch. Zool. Italeno] 21: 427-446,' ill. Hickman, C. P- External features of the larva of Hydromyza confluens (Diptera). [Proc. Incl. Ac. Sci.] 44: 212-216, "ill. Ide, F. P. -The effect of temperature on the distribution of the may- fly fauna of a stream. [Univ. Toronto, Biol. Ser.] No. 39: 3-76. Use, D. — Ueber das sehen der insekten besondrr- der tagfalter. [Sitz Ges. Naturf. Fr. Berlin] 1934: 1-18. Johnson, H. A. — The effect of high temperatures on the length of life of certain sps. of mosquitoes. [Jour. Ten. Ac. Sci.] 10: 225-227. Jordan, K. H. C.— Beitrag zur lebens- weise der wanzen auf feuchten boden. [60] 96: 1-26. ill. Keil, I. — Ergebnisse aus der kreuzung parthenogenetischer und zweigeschlechtlicher schmetterlinge. II. [Rev. Suisse Zool.] 42: 427-443. Keilin, Tate & Vincent.— The perispir- acular glands of mosquito larvae. [116] 27: 257-262, ill. Machotin, A. — Ueber die morphologische bedeutung der anhange des IX hinterleibsringes mannlichen Libellen. [Zoologitscheskij Jour.] 13: 639-663, ill. [in Russian with German summary). Madsen & Knowlton. — Mosquito trans- mission of equine encephalomyelitis. [Jour. Am. Vet. Med. Assoc.] 86: 662-666. Maloeuf, N. S. R. — The myogenic xlvi, '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL XKWS 253 automatism of the contraction of the heart of insects. [7] 28: 332-337, ill. Marshall, J. — The location of olfactory re- ct'ptors in insects: a review of exper 'mental evidence. [36] 83: 49-72. Mclndoo, N. E. — The relative attractiveness of certain solanaceous plants to the Colorado potato beetle, Leptinotarsa decemlineata. [10| 37: 36-42, ill. Uchida, H. —Color changes in the eye of a long-horned grasshopper, Homorocoryphus lineosus in relation to light. [lour. Imp. Univ. Tokyo] Zool. 3: 517-525, ill. Vimmer, A. — Ueber den mittelzahn der jungsten dipterenlarven und ueber die nebcnstigmen der dipterenpuppen aus der gruppe Brachy- cera cyclorrhapha. [Casopisj 31: 77-81. Weil, E. — Yerg- leichend-morphologische untersuchungen am darmkanal einiger Apiden und vespiden. [46] 30: 438-478, ill. Wiggles- worth, V. B. — Functions of the corpus allatum of insects. [31] 136: 338-339. Yamada, T.— Studies on a peculiar os- cillatory movement of the larva of the ramie moth. Arete coerulea [Mem. Coll. Sci. Kyota Imp. Univ.] 9 (B): 1-45, ill. Ying-Tou Mao. — Morphology and anatomy of the scar- abaeid beetle. [Pekin Xat. Hist. "Bull.] 9: 299:323, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Bryant, E. B.- A few southern spiders. [5] 42: 73-83, ill. ('*). Ewing & Smith — The European tarsonemid straAvberry mite identi- cal with the American cyclamen mite. [10] 36: 267-268. Jacot, A. P. — Two unrecorded subsps. of mossmites (Acar- ina) from the northeastern U. S. [10] 36: 259-261. Kint- ner, E. — Some spiders of the genus Tetragnatha. [Proc. Ind. Ac. Sci.] 44: 207-209. Leitao, M.— Xovo Pedipalpo do Brasil. [15] 7: 183-184, ill. McGregor, E. A.— A new spin- ning mite on citrus at Yuma, Arizona. [10] 36: 256-259, ill. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Carpenter, F. M. — Xew nearctic Mecoptera, with notes on other sps. [5] 42: 105-122, ill. Forsslund, K. H— Zur kenntnis der Trichopteren Gronlands. [28] 53: 56-59, ill. Montgomery, B. E. — Records of Indiana dragonflies. [Proc. Ind. Ac. Sci.| 44: 231-235. Pritchard, A. E. — Two new dragonflies from Oklahoma. [Occ. Pa].. Mus. Zool. Univ. Mich.] No. 319: 10 pp.. ill. Thompson, G. B. — Xotes on Mallophaga. |75] 16: 395-399. (S). Townsend, L. H. — Key to larvae of cer- tain families and genera of nearctic Xeuroptera. [10] 37: 25-30, ill. ORTHOPTERA.— Ander, K.— Kine neue Gryllacride. [28 1 54: 138-140, ill. (S). Karny, H. H.— Die Gryllacrididen des Pariser Museums und der collection L. ('hopard. | Ko- | 10: 293-393, ill. (*S). Rehn, J. A. G.— The Orthoptera of 254 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Nov., '35 Costa Rica. Part I. — Mantidae. [Pro. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.] 87: 167-272, ill. (*). Snodgrass, R. E.— The abdomi- nal mechanisms of a grasshopper. [Smith. Misc. Coll.] 94: 89 pp., ill. Uvarov, B. B. — The myth of semiaquatic phas- mids. [46] 30: 433-437, ill. HEMIPTERA.— Barber, H. G.— A new Edessa from Florida (Pentatomidae). [10] 37: 48-49, ill. Deay & Gould. —An annotated list of the Membracidae of Indiana. [Proc. Incl. Ac. Sci.] 44: 236-243. DeLong & Davidson.— Some new North American sps. of deltocephaloid leafhoppers. [4] 67: 164-172, ill. Gillett, J. D.— The genital sterna of the immature stages of Rhodnius prolixus. [36] 83: 1-5, ill. Haupt, H. — Ueber das fliigelgeader der Singcicaden uncl Psylliden. [Mitt. Deutschen Ent. Gesell.] 4: 115-119, ill. Neues iiber die Homoptera-Aleurodina. [11] 1934: 127- 141, ill. Knowlton, G. F.— Four Lupine aphids. [10] 37: 112-115, ill. (*). Lallemand, V. — Description d'une n. sj». de genre Phrictus (Cercopidae), Phrictus notatus. [28] 52: 188. (S). Walley, G. S. — Three rare Canadian Hemiptera. [4] 67: 159-160. LEPIDOPTERA.—d' Almeida, R. F.— Lista dos lepidop- teros capturados pelo Dr. R. v. Ihering no nordeste do Brasil. [105] 5: 326-328. Benjamin, F. H.— Notes on a rare publication by Jacob Hubner and its effect upon mod- ern interpretation of Hubnerian nomenclature. [21] 47: 81- 82. Biedermann, R. — Lepidopteres nouveaux. [25] 40: 209- 212, ill. (S). Busck, A. — A new Myrmecophile tineid from Brazil. [10] 36: 243-252, ill. Comstock, J. A.— Miscellan- eous notes on western lepidoptera. [38] 34: 142-154, ill. (*). Comstock & Dammers. — Notes on the early stages of three butterflies and six moths from California. [38] 34: 120-142, ill. Hoffmann, F. — Beitrage zur Lepidopteren- fauna von St. Catharina. [17] 52: 237-239. McDunnough, J. — New Canadian eucosmids with notes. [4] 67: 140-149, ill. Notes on Canadian noctuids and pyralids with descrip- tions of n. sps. [4] 67: 172-179. ill. Prout, L. B.— On the Sabulodes (Geometridae) of the monastica group. [71 | 39: 217-220. (S*). Reich, P.— Netie Arctiidae. [18] 29: 265- 268, ill. (S*). Reich, P. — Ueber Pericopis transvcrsa mid morta (Pericopinae). Ein beispiel von weiblichem Dim- orphismus. [17] 52: 234-237, ill. Rothschild, L.--Some new Arctiinae. [71] 39: 23^-250. (S). Rudiger, E.— Z\vei aben- teurer. [17] 52: 216-219. Sageder, F. — Xwei nene sudamer- ikanische Saturniden. [14] 49: 76-78, ill. Warren, B. C. S. xlvi, '35J ENTOMOLOGICAL \K\VS 255 —Supplementary notes on the structural characteristics of Pyrgus freija (Hesperiidae) . [36] 83: 127-129, ill. DIPTERA.— Alexander, C. P.— New sps. of crane-flies from South .America. (Tipulidae). |7] 28: 313-331. Anduze, P. J. — Observaciom-s sobre larvas cle Culex (sub. gen. Lut- zia). [Bol. Soc. Venezolana de Cien. Xat.| 2: 438-442. Bequaert, J. — Notes on Hippoboscidae. The genus Stil- bometopa. 1 105 J 5: 322-325, ill. Curran, C. H.— New Amer- ican diptera. [40) No. 812: 24 pp. Enderlein, G. — Weiterer ausbau des systems der Simuliiden. |11| 1933: 273-292. (S*). Gilbert, H. A. — The occurrence of two sps. of ceci- dmnyids on meadow foxtail (Alopecurus pratensis) hitherto unreported in Canada. [4] 67: 154-156, ill. Hering, M.— Geader-mutationen bei minierfliegen. |11] 1934: 317-323, ill. Hinman, E. H. — Biological notes on Uranotaenia spp. in Louisiana (Culicidae). [7] 28: 404-407. Hull, F. M.- Some mimetic flies, with the description of two n. sps. from No. Am. (Syrphidae). |5] 42: 99-102. ill. Komp, W. H. W. Xotes on the validity of the types of the species in the subg. Mochlostyrax and Melanoconion in the U. S. Nat. Mus. (Culicidae). [10] 37: 1-11. Pritchard, A. E.— New Asilidae from the southwestern U. S. [40] No. 813: 13 pp. Richards, O. W. — A note on the genus Pachyophthalmus (Tachinidae). [107] 4: 209-213, ill. Sabrosky/C. W.— The Chloropidae of Kansas. |1| 61: 207-268. (*). Shaw, F. R. -Xotes on the Mycetophilidae with descriptions of n. sps. |5| 42: 84-91. ill." de Souza Lopes, H.— Notas sobre Sar- cophagidne com descri]>cao de tres esp. nov. do Brasil. [ 105 | 5: 315-322. (*). Stone, A.— Xotes on Tabanidae. [10J 37: 11-21, ill. (*). Townsend, C. H. T.— Multiiissicorn male ( (estroids. |105] 5: 292-293, ill. (S*). Manual of Myiology. Part H. 1935: 280 pp., ill. COLEOPTERA.— Alfaro, A.— Los pasalidos. [Investig. Cientif.] 1935: 287-308. Arrow, G. J.— A contribution to the classification of the coleopterous lamily Lucanidae. (3o| 83: 105-125, ill. Bequaert, J. — An unusual case of com- mensalism between a snail and a coprid beetle. [The Nauti- lus | 49: 35-3o. Buchanan, L. L. — Thomas Lincoln Casey and the Casey Collection of Coleoptera. (Smiths. Misc. Coll.] ()4: 15 pp., ill. An apparently n. sps. of Xorth Amer- ican llylobius, witli synoj)tic key (Curculionidae). |K>| 36: 252-256, ill. Chapin, E. A.- Review ..f the gen. Chlae- iinbia (Scarabaeidae). | Smith,-. Mi>c. Coll.) 94, no. 9: 20 pp. (*). Davidson & DeLong — A review of the North 256 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 American species of Balclutha and Agellus (Cicadellidae). [10] 37: 97-112, ill. (*). Eggers, H.— Borkenkafer aus Sudamerika (Ipidae). [105] 5: 329-334. (*). Fisher, W. S. -New West Indian cerambycid beetles. [50] 83: 189-210. A n. gen. of Buprestidae from Utah. [10] 37: 117-118. (*). Two new buprestid beetles from Puerto Rico. [10] 37: 30- 32. Hinton, H. E. — Anotaciones acerca de las costumbres mecetofagicas de dos especies de Phanaeus. [An. Inst. Biol. Mex.] 6: 129-130, ill. Notes on the Dryopoidea. [107] 4: 169-179, ill. (S*). Thery, A. — Quelques Bnprestides nou- veaux du Bresil. [105] 5: 294-300, ill. van Emden, F.— Die Carabiden der Deutschen Chaco-Expedition. [105] 5: 301- 315, ill. (*). Voss, E. — Einige unbeschriebene neotropische curculioniden nebst einer vorstudie zur tribus Promecopini. [74] 12: 63-104. Fischer, C. R.— Os coleopteros phytopha- gos da tribu Alurnini, pragas das palmeiras (Chrysomeli- dae, Hispinae). [105] 5: 257-292, ill. HYMENOPTERA.— Bischoff, H.— Gedanken zu einem natiirlichen system der bienen. [11] 1934: 324-331, ill. Car- penter, F. M. — A new name for Lithomyrmex. [5] 42: 91. Hedicke, H. — Beitrage zur synonymic der Apiden. [Mitt. Deutschen Ent. Ges.] 6: 10-13. M'itchell, T. B. — A revision of the genus Megachile in the nearctic region. Taxonomy of subgen. Anthemois and Delomegachile. [1] 61: 155-205, ill. Monro, H. A. U. — Observations on the habits of an introduced pine sawfly Diprion simile. [4] 67: 137-140. Muesebeck, C. F. W. — Synonymical notes on Ecphylus, with description of one n. sp. (Braconidae). [10] 37: 21-24. Myers, J. G. — Ethological observations on the citrus bee, Trigona solvestriana and other neotropical bees (Apoidea). [36] 83: 131-142. Parker, D. L.— Apanteles solitaries (Rat- zebtirg), an introduced braconid parasite of the satin moth. [U. S. Dept. Agric. Tech. Bull.] No. 477. Richards, O. W. —Notes on the nomenclature of the aculeate Hymenoptera, with special reference to British genera and species. [36] 83: 143-176. Roman, A. — The Linnean types of ichneumon flies. [28] 53: 1-16. Ross, H. H.— Four n. sps. of Dolerus (Tenthredinidae). [10] 37: 88-93, ill. Sandhouse, G. A.- The identity of the female of Ceratina dupla. [10] 37: 93- 95. Schedl, K. — Zwei neue blattwespen aus Kanada. [Mitt. Deutschen Ent. Gesell.] 6: 39-44. Smith, C. E— Larra analis, a paras'te of the mole cricket Gryllotalpa hexadac- tyla. [10] 37: 65-82, ill. Walley, G. S.— Descriptions of two n. sps. of Xenosrhesis with a key to the genus (Tchneumon- idae). [4] 67: 179-181. Wheeler, G. C.— The larva of Allo- mems (Formicidae) [5] 42: 92-98, ill. xlvi, '35J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 257 BRIEF DIKEITIONS IN HISTOLOGICAL T/EciiNiguE. By ELEKY R. JiECKKR, Professor, and KOIJEKT L. KOI-DABUSH, Instructor, L»e])t. ot /oology, Iowa State College. Collegiate Press, Inc., Ames, Jo\va. \(J65. 8i/2x6 inches. Pp. ix -f 80, including 16 maiiK pages for notes. Price $1.00. "The simple, essential procedures herein outlined for the inexperienced student are principally in the fields of general histology, general zoology, parasiiology. entomology and protozoology. Most of the meth- ods presented have been tried by us, or by persons working in association with us, and found to be readily workable under ordinary conditions." Lists of pertinent literature and of sellers of needful supplies are given in chapter I and on pages 77 and 78. The second and longest chapter ( 14 pp.) describes "The Zenker-Paraffin-Delafield Method" as one of the most reliable and successful general methods of preparing stained sections oi tissue for microscopic study. Some alternative techniques in fixation, dehydrating and clearing, imbedding, staining and mounting occupy chapters III-YII. In chapter VIII, Some Special Methods, pages 66-70 are devoted to insects, giving suggestions for fixing, embedding and sectioning these hard- shelled animals and for making mounts in toto. The book is clearly printed and is bound with wire rings so that it lies per- fectly Hat wherever it is opened. It should be very useful. There is a 2-page index. P. P. CALVERT. A Fifty Year Festschrift. Festchrift zum 50-jahrigen Bestehen des Internationalen Entomologischen Yereins E. Y. Frankfurt a. M. 1X84-1934. Entomological Xews congratulates this well known society on its fitly years of activity and wishes it the enjoyment of many years to come, and the continuance of its interesting "Xeit- schrift." The above mentioned publication of 48 pages contains a chronicle of the society with portraits of 3'> of its prominent members and contributors to its /eitschrift: also articles on the Upper Steyerian Lepidoptera by Karl Kusdar; on a new 1 )romius variety by Ernst Buchka ; on a northern and alpine butterfly indigenous to Schleswig-Holstein, by (1. \\erncche; a contribution to the Lepidoptera of Spain, by \Y. Marten; and some little "entomological" adventures, by C. Yosbrodt. -E. T. CRKSSOX, Ju. 258 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Xov., '35 OBITUARY Prof. GEORGE HAZEN FRENCH passed away suddenly on January 1, 1935, at Carbondale, Illinois. He suffered from in- firmities of senility and would have been ninety-four on March 19. For thirty-nine years he was a member of the Southern Illinois Teachers' College faculty and was employed as an as- sistant state entomologist to Cyrus Thomas during 1877-78. He acted as a consulting pathologist and endocrinologist at the Herrin Hospital. He was horn at Meager Hills, near Tully, New York. March 19, 1841. He attended Courtland Academy for two years, re- ceived a degree from the State Agricultural College at Irving- ton, and taught his first school at Christian Hollow. He be- came principal of schools at Belvidere, Illinois, later taught at Irvington, and finally moved to Carbondale where he was called to teach. In 1872, he married Miss Harriet F. Bingham at Irvington. He leaves two nieces, but no near relatives, having never had children. He was one of the early naturalists, and his scientific re- searches have given him a valuable place in many fields of natural science. Most of his time was devoted to the cause of seasickness and epilepsy and to the facts of insect life. He is the author of a textbook, "Butterflies of the Eastern United States," a laboratory manual, "Dissection and Histology," and above 200 shorter publications. He was an active visitor of the Farmer Institutes and a member of the Illinois State Hor- ticultural Society, having served on the studying committee. He was a member of the American Association for the Advance- ment of Science. Southern Illinois Medical Association, En- tomological Societies of New York and London, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Saint Louis Academy of Science, Canadian, French, and Belgian Entomological Soci- eties, and an honorary member of the Liibeck Society of Natural Science. JOHN K. KARLOYIC. Biographical Article on Eugene Amandus Schwarz. The sixteenth volume of the Dictionary of American Bio- graphy, published by Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, for the American Council of Learned Societies, contains an article bv Dr. L. O. Howard on this well-known entomologist ( 1844- 1928) who, it is here stated, would not allow the Editors of Who's ll'lio in America or of American Men of Science to mention his name. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Exchange — Will collect insects of Connecticut this season and desire to get in touch with collectors desiring this material, either in exchange or for cash. Harry L. Johnson, So. Meriden, Conn. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Guedet, P. O. Box 305, Napa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for my subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for one year, beginning with issue for Name - Address Post Office The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers: United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, 3.15 Foreign, . 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NKWS, 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SAI.K BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 999. — Linsley (E. G.). — Studies in the Longicornia of Mexico. (Cerambycidae). (Trans., 61, 67-102, 1 pi., 1935) . .70 DIPTERA 1003.— Sabrosky (C. W.).— The Chloropidae of Kansas. (Trans., 61, 207-268, 1935) 1.20 HYMENOPTERA 998.- — Allen (H. W.). — North American wasps of the genus Neotiphia (Tiphiidae). (Trans., 61, 53-65, 1935). 1002. — Mitchell (T. B.). — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic region. III. Taxonomy of subgenera Anthemois and Delomegachile. (Trans., 61, 155-205, 2 pis., 1935) 1.00 LEPIDOPTERA 997. — Braun (A. F.). — Notes and new species of Microlepi- doptera. (Trans., 61, 45-52, 1935) .20 ORTHOPTERA M-8. — Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) . 2.50 1001.- — Hebard (M.)- — Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. I. New genera, species and geographical races. (Trans., 61, 111-153, 4 pis., 1935). .85 THYSANOPTERA 1000. — Hood (J. D.). — Five new Thysanoptera of the genus Aeolothrips. (Trans., 61, 103-110, 1 pi., 1935) 20 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ „, for which please send me the items checked above. IN THE PAST YEAR OUR RED CROSS HAS-- Given assistance to the victims of 160 disasters. Sent public health nurses on more than 1 ,000,000 visits to persons ill in their homes. Provide nurse instructors to teach Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick to 52,000 persons. Maintained classes of instruction in First Aid and Water Life Saving, awarding certi- ficates to 187,000 in First Aid and 74,000 in Life Saving. Assisted more tham 250,000 veterans and their families, provided recreation in veterans hospitals, and aided the men of our armed forces and their dependents with similar services. Given material relief and personal service to thousands of civilian families who had nowhere else to turn for the assistance needed. Enrolled 7,700,000 school children in community service through Junior Red Cross Maintained 3,700 Chapters and 9,000 Branches in the United States and its possessions and a strong National Organization which cooperates with the Red Cross Societies of 61 other countries. EXCHANGES CONTINUED Exchange. — Lcpidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun I \\ateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasp^s or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, Xe\v Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. Wanted for Cash or Exchange. — North American Butterflies in series especially from tvpe localities and remote places. C. V. dos Passos, Mendhain, \e\v Jersey. NEW LOW PRICES for WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Ward's Sclimitt Box, 9x13 Inches LINED WITH PATENT ENTOMOLOGICAL CORK Price each. . . $2.50 Price each in dozen lots $2.45 Price each in lots of 50 $2.45 Ward's Insect Pins (A. E. Co.) , per M $3.00 Klaeger Insect Pins, Per M $2.25 Minutens, per M $2.25 SEND FOR PRICE LIST E 1. This includes many items at new low prices and also describes several new aquatic nets and other newly developed pieces of equipment. pp A f^V Qf^^"^KI I Catalog 3OO. The Showy Butterflies of Ku/\U7 DV^WlN i the World. Lists over 600 attractive species. Sent free upon request. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DIURNALS, in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00 ; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera: 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 600 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A .FORD, 42, IRVING ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1936 NOW PAYABLE Detachable Subscription Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS DECEMBER. 1935 Vol. XLVI No. 10 JOHN MEKTON ALDRICH; 1866-1934. CONTENTS Ran — The Wasp, Chalybion cyaneum Fab., preys upon the Black Widow Spider, Latrodectus mactans Fab. (Hymen., Araneae). 259 Casselberry — The Prevalence of Black Widow Spiders, Latrodectus mactans (Araneae: Theridiidae) 260 Smith — A List of the Ants of Oklahoma (Hymen.: Formicidae) . . . . 261 Pate — Synonymical Notes on the Fossorial Wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Pompilidae, and Tiphiidae) 2H4 Rau — The Spider Prey of the Mud Wasp, Sceliphron caementarium (Araneae, Hymen. : Sphegidae). 267 Usinger— A New Termatophylidea from Mexico (Hemiptera:, Terma- tophylinae) 270 Hinton — Two New Neotropical Species of Murmidius (Colydiiclae, Coleoptera) , 273 Hatch — A New Sub-Alpine Genus of Halticini From North America. (Coleop.: Chrysomelidae) 276 C. F. W. Muesebeck Named Division Head in U. S. Bureau of Ento- mology 278 Entomological Literature ... 279 Review — Thompson's Biology for Everyman 284 Exline — A New Species of Cybaeus. (Araneae: Agelenidae) 285 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance ior mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological bociety. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor: L. I . Cresson, Jr., R. G. Sthmieder.Ph.D., Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00 Canada 3.15 Foreign 3.25 Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in, $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 800, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and reauests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the •ubscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense, MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contrib.u- tirn, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should bt slated on the MS. Owing to increased cost of labor and materials, no illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay tor the cost of printing plates. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks furnished or paid for by •authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1935, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles without (fevers over and above the twenty-five given fiee at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents; three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 _ cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; rreater mimhers of copies will he at the corresponding multiples nf these rates. Printed •overs for 50 copies. $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS_ VOL. XLVI. DECEMBER, 1935 No. 10 The Wasp, Chalybion cyaneum Tab., preys upon the Black Widow Spider, Latrodectus mactans Fab. (Hymen., Araneae). By PHIL RAU, Kirkwood, Missouri. The increase of the poisonous black widow spiders locally has been given glaring headlines in the daily press. My per- sonal observations confirm the newspaper accounts regarding the increased abundance of the spiders. However, very little has been done to discover the natural enemies of the spider. If this spider proves to be seriously detrimental to man, then, it seems to me, no time should be lost in finding what natural checks may play a part in this game of "to eat or be eaten." Since wasps prey upon spiders and gather the various kinds in great numbers for food for their young, I am surprised not to find any black widow spiders, L. mactans, among the prey of Sccllphron cacmcnlarlum or of the Trypoxylon wasps which occur in this vicinity. However, the cuckoo-bird wasp, Chalybion cyancnm 1 does hunt, sting and store this spider for her young, as the following records show. On one occasion Chalybion which had her nest at one end of my laboratory, flew to the other end where I had a colony of young black widow spiders in an open cage. Here one by one she gathered about twenty spiders, stored them in her new cell and sealed them up with her egg. On another occasion at Ranken, Missouri, on August 14, 1932, T saw a Chal\blon wasp in the act of sealing her cell. I'pnn opening it I found five L. unic/uus with an egg attached to one of them.- Three other mud nests were taken in the same barn at the same time, seven cells oi which were either entirely or partly filled with black widow spiders. Three cells that were entirely tilled 1 This \\asp is ^ciK-rally known as ( . cocnilcuin Linn. 'The e.n.tj hatched on the llth day. 259 ** 260 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 with them had 11, 13 and 15 spiders respectively of various sizes. Here then, was a wasp feeding poisonous spiders to her young, and I was anxious to see the physiological results of this gastronomic experiment. Observations gave me the fol- lowing data: One of the eggs hatched, fed on the spider, and lived four days. In four other cases they thrived on these poisonous spiders hut died when they were from one-fourth to one-third grown. In one of these cases the aborted larva actually began to spin the cocoon. In reply to the question "Can CJialybion larvae feed on pois- onous spiders and survive?", I should say from these meager experiments that undoubtedly the larvae under natural condi- tions, can reach maturity on this diet.3 If the spiders were detrimental to their health, the diet would have killed the wasps before they had reached one third full size. However, it is possible that the larvae can feed on the flesh of the spiders with impunity until they reach the poison glands which they must sooner or later, and then they are killed. It would be very interesting to find out by experiment if the wasps can be carried through to adulthood on this diet of whole spiders, and if not, what portions of the spider can they safely eat. The Prevalence of Black Widow Spiders, Latrodectus mactans (Araneae: Theridiidae). In the December, 1934, issue of Archives of Internal Medi- cine, Volume 54, No. 6, A. W. Blair, M. D., of the University of Alabama, gives a very interesting article on spider poisons entitled, "Experimental Study of the Effects of the Bite of the Female Latrodectus mactans on Man." This article includes a map of the United States, showing the distribution of Latrodec- tus mactans, taken from the work of Bogen. According to this map, there is no record from the state of New Jersey, although records are indicated from the state of Pennsylvania. There are also records from other nearby states, except Delaware. It is not generally known that this spider is locally common and abundant in certain sections in and near Philadelphia. In 3 Opening the cells for examination was probably to some extent re- sponsible for the shortened length of life of the larvae. xlvi, '35J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 261 a few hours' time the author has taken forty to fifty specimens within the confines of the City of Philadelphia, along a rail- road siding about one mile southwest of Bartram Gardens. This species is found in great numbers in the spring and fall and has been taken in this same location in the years 1932 to 1935, inclusive. During the years 1934 and 1935 specimens were taken about eight miles from Ocean City, New Jersey. These were found in out-buildings on farms in surrounding territory, although in limited numbers. These records are of interest due to the widespread publicity given the apparently large increase in the number of reported cases of poisoning from this species. Emil Bogen, in his prize essay for the California Medical Association in 1926, gave a very complete report on spider poisoning. In his report he men- tions fifteen cases reported to the Los Angeles General Hos- pital that year. Medical reports from various sections of the country report an increasing number of cases of Arachnidism ( spider poisoning) from this species. It would be interesting to know of similar cases actually occurring in territories where this spider is not now known to exist, such cases usually being reported erroneously because of the lack of definite information as to the prevalence of this spider. R. C. CASSELBERRY, Lansdowne, Pennsylvania. A List of the Ants of Oklahoma (Hymen.: Formicidae). By M. K. SMITH, Department of Entomology, Mississippi State College, State College, Miss. (Continued from page 241.) Subfamily Fonnicinuc. 43. BRACHYMYRMEX sp. Cleveland county (H. M. H.). 44. PRENOLEPIS IMPARIS (Say). McClain county (L. B.) ; Cleveland county (H. M. H.). 45. P. TMPARIS var. MINUTA Emery. "Wichita National Forest (W. F.) ; Latimer and Washita counties (W. F.). 4(>. PARATRECinXA LOXCH'oK X I S (Latreille). Me. \leMev (P. D. S.). The cra/y ant is an imported species which is very troublesome in stores, houses, cafes, et cetera. 262 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 P. ( XYI.ANDERIA) VIYJDULA subsp. MELANDEKI Wheeler. This species which is recorded from Kansas and Texas should also be found in ( )klahoma. P. ( XYLAXDKKIA ) PARVCLA Mayr. This species will prob- ^S ably be found in the northern and eastern sections of the state. 47. LASITS NICER, var. NEONICER Emery. Holdenville ( T. F. AlcG.); Chickasha (A!. W. S.) ; Wichita Xational For- est (W. F. ) ; Cherokee, McClain, Cleveland. Washita. Greer, Cotton. Comanche and Jefferson counties ( \\ . F.) ; Woods and Major counties (R. D. B.). L. NICER ALIENUS var. AMERICANA Emery. This widely distributed North American species should be found in the state. L. BREVICORNIS Emery. This widely distributed form should also occur in the state. 48. L. (A.) CLAVIGER (Roger). Cleveland county (H. M. H.). 49. L. (A.) INTERJECTUS Mayr. Wichita Xational Forest ( W. F.) ; Latimer, Jefferson counties (W. F. ) ; Woods county (R. D. B.). 50. L. (A.) LATIPES Walsh. Wichita Xational Forest (W. F.). L. UMBRATUS MIXTUS var. APHIDICOLA Walsh. This widely distributed species should also occur in ( )klahoma. 51. FORMICA PALLIDE FULYA var. SUCCINRA Wheeler. Ponca City (A. C. Burrill) ; \\'ichita Xational Forest ( W. F.).; McClain county (J. R. C.). F. PALLIDE FULVA subsp. NiTiDivENTRis Emery. This species should occur in the eastern section of the state. 52. F. PALLIDE FULYA scHAUFUssi var. DOLOSA Wheeler. Wichita XTational Forest (\\. F. ) ; Latimer and Jackson counties (W. F.). F. FUSCA var. SUBSERICEA Say. One should expect to lind this common species in the state. F. BANGUI NEA subsp. PUBERULA Emery. Undoubtedly this common slave making ant occurs in Oklahoma. 53. F. PERPILOSA Wheeler. Kenton (A. E. .P.). xlvi, '35 1 KXTOMOLOOICAL NEWS 263 54. MvRMKcocYSTrs MKI.I.K.KR Forel subsp. or var. \\'ichita Xational Forot i W. F. ) ; Comanche and \\"ashita conn- tic, (W/R). 55. CAMPONOTUS HKKCULEAXUS subsp. PENNSVLVANICUS (De- Geer). I )urant (T. F. AicG.) ; Xorman ( R. D. B.) ; Wichita National Forest ( \V. F. ) ; Haskell, Latimer, and Jackson counties (\\. F. ) ; Cleveland county (O. S.) ; Idabel, Ihujo, Stillwater (C. C. I).); Cherokee, Grand (A. E. P.); Wyandotte, Jay (W. I). 1).); Pawnee and ( )sai;e counties ( \\". J. B.); AlcCurtian county ( J. C.) ; Woodward (E. E. I.); Ponca City (A. C. B.). The .carpenter ant, an important house-infesting species, prob- ably does not extend any farther westward than Okla- homa. 5f'i. C. < ASTANEUS (Latreille). Latimer county (W. F.). 57. C. CASTANEUS subsp. AMERICANUS Mayr. Wichita XTa- tional Forest (W. F.) ; Latimer and Jackson counties ( \Y. F. ) ; Sallisaw (A. E. H.) ; Ardmore ( C. R. Jones) ; Ponca City ( A. C. B.). C. s. \\S.\HEAXUS (Buckley). This species very probably occurs in the state. 5S. C. MAcrLATi-s subsp. MACCOOKi Forel. \\'ichita Xational I'"<»rest (\\. F.) ; Cimarron county i \\\ F.j. 5(>. C. MACULATUS vicixus var. NITIDIVEXTRIS Emery. Ken- ton (A. E. P.); Wyandotte (C. D. D.). C". CARYAE (l'"itch). This widely distributed species >hon!d be found in the state. '•(I. ('. CARYAE var. DEciiMKxs I'".mery. Wichita Xational For- est (W. F.). <>\. C. CARYAE subsp. RASH. is Wheeler. Wichita Xational For- est i W. F. ) ; Latimer county ( W. F.) ; Stillwater ( .A. I-".. P.); I'.arnard (O. K. C'. ); AlcClain county (J. R. C.). This >\veet -loving ant commonly invades houses at ni-ln. nj. C. CARVAK RASH. is var. TAVIDTS Wheeler. Latimer and Jefferson counties ( W. F.). o3. C. CARYAE subsp. DISCOLOR iMuckley). Xorman ( R. I). B.j ; Ada (T. F. AIcG.). 264 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 64. C. (COLOBOPSIS) PYLARTES Wheeler. Cleveland county (W. R). 65. C. (COLOBOPSIS) IMPRESSUS Roger. Okmulgee (J. D. M.) 66. C. (COLOBOPSIS) MISSISSIPPIENSIS M. R. Smith. Murray county (W. R). Synonymical Notes on the Fossorial Wasps (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae, Pompilidae and Tiphiidae). By V. S. L. PATE, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. (Continued from page 250.) Unfortunately, Dahlbom and Smith, as well as all later authors and bibliographers with the exception of Le Peletier (Hist. Nat. Insect. Hymen. 1845, 111:358) seem to have over- looked the fact that Van der Linden in the first part of his paper on the fossorial Hymenoptera of Europe, published in 1827 (Nouv. Mem. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles IV:362) erected the genus Prionv.v for his new species Ammophila? Kirbii. Hymenopterists all seem agreed that Sphc.v al bisect a Le Pele- tier & Serville and Ammophila f Kirbii van der Linden are conspecific, and place the latter author's name as a synonym of Le Peletier and Serville's 51. albisccta. This has been due to the fact that the publication date of Van der Linden's species Ammoplilla ? Kirbii is given by systematists and cataloguers alike as 1829. The second half of Van der Linden's paper appeared in 1829, but the first part which contains the descrip- tion of A. ? Kirbii unquestionably appeared in 1827. In some- what similar fashion an incorrect date has been assigned to Splic.v dlbisccta, described by Le Peletier and Serville on page -K>2 of the tenth volume of the Encyclopedic Mctlwdiquc. The imprint date of this volume is given as 1825 but as Sherborn and Woodward have shown (Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1899, p. 595) only pages 1 to 344 appeared in 1825, whereas pages 345 to 832 were not issued until 1828. SpJic.v albisccta Le Peletier & Serville 1828 must therefore be recorded as a xlvi, '35 I ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 265 svnonym of Atnmophila .' Kirbii Van dor Linden 1827. Thus l'rioii\'.v Van der Linden 1827, Jiuodni Dahlbom 1844, and Pnrasphc.v Smith 1856 are all isogenotvpic. The ado])tion of Priony.v would he most unfortunate inas- much as it differs so slightly from its close relative Prionony.v Dahll.om 1845. MYZINUM Latreille 1803. Mysine Latreille 1805 [1804?]. T\pc: 1'ipliiu iiidciiiata Fabricius 1793 (monobasic). It seems to have escaped authors and bibliographers alike ihat one or two years prior to what is usually considered his lirst proposal of the genus Myzinc, Latreille in 1803 on page 326 of the fifteenth volume of the Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Xaturelle erected the genus 'Myzinnin for ... la tiphie maculee de M. Fabricius [= Tipliia iiutcnlata Fahricius 1793], insect de 1'Amerique septentrionale . . . de la Caroline . . .'.' Latreille spelled the genus Alyzinnni, giving as was his cus- tom a vernacular name ftivzinc. That this was not a chance typographical error is evidenced by the fact that in the Table des Noms Latins in Volume 24, page 64 of the same work, the name is also spelled Myciiniin. On the other hand on page 178 of Volume 24 (op. cit.) in the Table Methoclique, Hymen- opteres it was given as Mvziitc but without, however, any description or citation of included species. We have sufficient evidence that Latreille had a keen appreciation of the fact that generic names should differ in at least more than one character from other known valid genera. Myzinc would have been too easily confused with the Cyclostome My.rinc Linnaeus 1758. This contention, T believe, is substantiated not only by the fact that the name Mv.rinc immediately precedes Latreille's new genus Mycinnin on page 32(> (of>. ell.) but also that Latreille wrote the section on fishes in the Table Methodique of the same series. There, following the example set by Bosc who wrote the article on My.rinc alluded to above, Latreille placed My.rinc glutinosa \... 1758 — the type of Linnaeus' monotypic genus My.rinc — in Rloch's 1797 genus Gastrobranchus. By 2(>(> ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 1805,* however, Latreille apparently suffering from one of his lapses of memory gave both the Latin and vernacular spelling of the genus as M \zine and it was in this way that he used it in all his subsequent works. On the other hand, he may merely have been following a custom prevalent at the time, i.e. inas- much as Mv.rinc Linnaeus 1758 had been relegated to the synonymy of GastrofrruneJins Bloch 1797, Linnaeus' name was to be considered no longer valid and hence no confusion might arise in the future from the similarity in spelling of the wasp genus and the Cyclostome one. A still further possibility may have been that Latreille in his original manuscript for the Nouveau Dictionnaire originally spelled the name J\[y.::inr and the spelling was changed in the first two instances by the editor of the series. At any rate, whatever the change in spelling may have been due to, Myziiiuin Latreille 1803 and Myzine Latreille 1805 [1804?] may be considered potentially different genera from a nomenclatorial standpoint. Since Latreille in 1803 included only "la tiphie maculee de M. Fabricius" |- 7 //>///!iia inaeitlnta Fabricius in Myzinc Latreille 1805 | 1804?] and erected the genus Meria fin HctJtylits Laireillii Fabricius sire Tiphia trif>nnctata La- treille | -- Tif>Iiia tripnnelula Rossi] which in the second vol- ume, page 105 of the' Kauna Ltrusca, published the same year, he formally designated as the type of Meriii. It is worth not- ing in this connection that Illiger in his paper on the compari- -•- SluTliorn in the Iiuic.r . 1/iiiiniliiiin j;ivos the date of puhlieation of Myziuc in X'dlnnie XIII of I.atreilK-'s Histoirc Naturelle clcs Crustaces et Insectes as 1804. xlvi, '35| ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS -' >/ son of the1 generic nomenclature referred to above included only species (if M\'::iue ( sensu Lai rc'illei ) in Fabricius' genus EHs. Illiger thus automatically (v. ( 'pinion 6, Intel-national Code of Zoological Xnmenclature ) in 1807 fixed Tipliia maculata Fabri- cius 1793 as the type of Myzinc I.atreille 1X05 [1804?]. with which Latreille concurred in 1810. Myziuc Latreille 1805 [1804?] and Myzinnm Latreille 1803 are therefore isogeno- typic. The identity of Tipliin iinicitliila Fabricius figured by Coquebert ( Illustr. Tconogr. [nsecl, 1M. 13, Fig. 2) is some- what of a mystery just at present; one of Panzer's or Say's species is probably a synonym of it. There is no question, how- ever, that it is congeneric with those North American specie-* of Tiphiids which have lately been going under the name of HI is Fabricius 1804 and Plcsia Jurine 1807, and which prior to Turner's (Ann. & Mag. Xat. Hist. 19C9. (8) IV:165) and Rohwer'> notes ( Proc. U. S. Xat. Mus. 1911. XL:552 and Hymen. Conn. p. 617, 1916) usually went under the name Mvziuc. In view ot the discussion above. Turner's statement i Ann. & Mag. 1908 (8) 1:497) that no true Myzinc occur in Xorth America is quite erroneous. It will be necessary to revert once more to Latreille's name. Inasmuch as Mvcinuni and Myzinc are isogenotypic and except in the first instance in 1803 the latter spelling was always used by Latreille and later authors, it might be well to adopt this form.t This, however, is a matter that mav be left to the discretion of author-. The Spider Prey of the Mud Wasp, Sceliphron caementarium (Araneae, Hymen.: Sphegidae). I'.v PH ii. \\.\\\ Kirkwood. Missouri. In a recent paper ' giving an account of the spider prey of the cuckoo bird wasp. Clhilyl>ioii cyaiicinn. I stated that the mud t The case of the Sphecoid Xysso Latreille vs. Nysson I.atn-ille somewhat anald.u"ii to ihi> out-. . Inted, paj-c-s 259-260. 268 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 dauber, Sceliphron cocincnturiuiu, does not hunt the poisonous black widow spider, Latrodcctits inactaiis. In the present paper 1 xvish to give the list of spiders that 5\ caementarium is known to hunt. I say "is known to hunt" advisedly, because in the notes which follow, the mother wasps were actually seen to bring in the prey. Similar records made by earlier naturalists are not always reliable, since their method usually was to gather mud nests, open them and take inventory of the stored spiders, never for a moment stopping to look for evidence which might indicate which of the two genera, Sceliphron or Chalybion, was responsible for the collection. They could hardly have been ex- pected to make this differentiation, since it has only recently come to light- that Chalybion cyancinu is not a nest builder, but is a house breaker who with drops of water, tears open the seal, empties the spiders belonging to cacincntariiiin, refills it with her own prey, lays an egg and then re-seals the cell. Therefore, one needs to lie present when the wasps are at work in order to know precisely which species brings in certain spiders. That is just what has been done in this study and that too explains why the list of spiders is not larger. The following table is based on observing twelve mothers nesting in St. Louis Count}', Missouri: Spider Prey of Sceliphron caementarium.3 No. of Date Cells Contents 7/31/32 3 14 Argiope aurantia Lucas 9/1/30 1 1 Anjiope trifasciata Forskal 1 riiidippns inystaceus Hentz 1 Misumenoides alcatorius Hentz 8/14/26 1 24 Epeira stcllatu 6/24/24 9 107 E feint prompt a Hentz 3 Epeira displicata Hentz 13 Epeira scntnlata Hentz 3 Marptnsa fainiliaris 2 Phidippus inullifonnis 3 Misumena sp. 1 O.ryopes scalnris Hentz 1 L veosa ocreata -Rau, Ann. Ent. Soc. Aim-r. 21:21-35, 1928. 3 The spiders were identified by Miss Elizabeth Bryant, except the two nests dated June 24, 1924, and August 14, 1926; these were iden- tified by Air. J. H. Emerton. xlvi, '35] KXTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 269 Date 8/16/32 8/16/32 No. of Cells 1 1 7/31/32 7/31/32 8/16/32 S 14/32 8/16/32 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 Contents 1 O.rvopcs salticus Hentz 7 Aryiope iinrantia Lucas (All males) fi , Iryiope aurantia Lucas ( All immature males) 5 Aryiope trifasciata Forskfd 3 l:peira stellata Walk 1 Aryiope trifasciata Forskal Misumena -;'u tia Linn. I'lpeira trivittata Keys. Misumena alcatoria Hentz Alisuincna us pc rat a Hentz 1 Xysticus fcro.i- Hentz 1 Xysticus stomachosus Keys. 1 Aryiope aurantia Lucas 3 Oxyopes salticus Hentz 1 Dolomedcs Sp. 2 Phidippiis darns Keys. 1 PJiidippns inultiforinis 4 Aryiope trifasciata Forskal 2 Epeira domicilionim Hentz 3 Epeira trivittata Keys. 1 Epeira sanguinalis Hentz It will he noted that the above collection of spiders came from 23 cells, and while the orb-weavers appeared in greater fre- quency, other garden spiders were not disdained. The 223 spiders listed above appeared in the following fre- quency : Habitat ' >rb-weavers. Open vegetation. ' >H (-weavers. Open vegetation. ('rali spiders. Among flowers. Under sticks and stones, sometimes seen on bark of trees and on walls of buildings. I >n fences and buildings. I ,ow bushes. ( )n or in the ground. Under leaves and loose bark. Xear water. 8/16/32 Genus Frequency Epeira 157 . \rgiope 39 Misumena 9 1 'hidippus 6 Marptusa Oxyopes I , ycosa Xysticus 3 5 1 2 1 )olomc'des 1 Total 223 270 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 It is at once apparent from the prev selected that Sceliphron cueniciiturinin hunts her spielers among the open vegetation; especially does she get her prey from the orb-weavers and flower spiders, since 205 of the 223 spiders gathered by these mothers come from the genera lipeira, . //'///n/V, and Misinucna, all of which frequent the open vegetation. The other 1y k. L. l'siN(ii-:u, University of California. The genus Termatophylidea was described by Renter and Poppius ' lor the reception ot a new species, pilosii, collected 1 Ofv. Finska Vet. Soc. Forth., LIV, Afd. A, No, 1. pp. 4-5 1912, xlvi, V55| ENTOMOLOGICAL .\K\VS 271 by Mr. L. P. \';m Duzee at Mandeville, Jamaica. A second species \vas recently collected by Mr. H. E. Hinton and the author in Central Mexico and is des'-ribe-d below. Termatophylidea maculata n. sp. ( Kig. 1) Larger and much darker than pilosurface of the ])ronotum very different as de-scribed In-low. ( 'orium marked with darker fuscous at base and apex and with scattered fuscous spots throughout. $ . Surface glabrous, covered with long fulvous to white hairs. Head one-third longer than wide including eves (less I'iuurc 1. Termatophylidea maculata n. .-.p. drawn from the holotype. Figure 2. TcniHitnf'liylii/cii inacidala n. sp. female and male antennae. M.H'ure 3. Termatophylidea /'ilnsii Rent, and Popp. from a male of th/ criminal .Mandeville series in the !•!. I1. Van Duzee collection at the Call lorr.ia Academy of Sciences. Illustrations by Airs. 1-Vieda Abernathy. than one-third longer in pilostt ) ; eyes narrow, inner margins rather narrowly, evenly rounded (more broadly rounded in fiiosa); interocular space greater than one-fourth total width of head. . in ) ; length of head behind the eyes equal to one-half length 272 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 of eyes (much less, 4::13, in f>ilosa'). Antennae but little shorter than length of head, pronotum, and scutellum together; proportion of segments 1 to 4 as 1 1 : 44:9: 10: first two segments much thicker than front femora ; first more slender on basal third, surpassing apex of tylus by one-third its length ; second stout, cylindrical, densely, evenly clothed with apically directed short White hairs: third and fourth very slender, flat-fusiform. Pronotum clothed with extremely long, posteriorly directed, white hairs on anterior lobe and a shorter, denser pubescence posteriorly; dorsally constricted at middle, the constriction sub- oblique laterally, forming two sub-rhomboid depressions on an- terior lobe, these latter separated from each other by a median longitudinal carina and from anterior collar by a transverse carina : anterior collar distinctly set off by a deep transverse suture; posterior margin feebly Insinuate, rounded laterally. Scutellum sub-convex, smooth, polished, broadly and shallowly emarginate at base. Hemelytra transparent, beset with long brown hairs on clavus and more sparsely on corium. each aris- ing from a round fuscous spot; thickened outer margin of corium with longer hairs on basal half; cuneus considerably longer than broad at base, 25::16, covered with relatively short, sparse brown hairs. Underside of head and thorax naked. Venter covered with very fine white hairs. Color fuscous, the head tinged with red at apex and lighter, testaceous, dorsally at base. Eyes silvery, tinged with red. An- tennae ochraceous, the first segment more or less red. Rostrum ochraceous. Pronotum laterally and sub-marginally with a piceous stripe; centrally behind collar forming a sub-triangular ochraceous area which is darker at base and fulvous on anterior depressions. Scutellum fuscous with its basal angles broadly and sides narrow! v ochraceous. Clavus fusco-testaceous, be- coming fuscous sub-apically and on outer margins and with numerous darker spots on the disk. Corium fuscous at ex- treme base and broadly at apex, especially laterally and longi- tudinally before inner angle ; light testaceous on margin and transparent on disk except for scattered brown spots which are more numerous toward middle. Cuneus fuscous on apical half, reddish on inner margin and sparsely elsewhere. Mem- brane uniformly cloudy with veins reddish. Under side of meso- and metathorax piceous. Sides of anterior coxal cavities, rim of metasternal orifice, and legs testaceous. Venter fuscous to fusco-piceous, obscurely annulated with fusco-te^taceous. Genital segment at tip and claspers testaceous. Length 3.84 mm., width (hemelytra) 1.32 mm. xlvi, '33] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 273 $ . Slightly larger than male with the antennae quite differ- ent (fig. 2). Proportion of antennal segments 1 to 4 as 13:37:10:11; basal segment robust as in male; second slender, very gradually thickened from base to apex; third and fourth as in the male. Abdomen transversely convex beneath, slightly narrowed at base, widened posteriorly and then abruptly, triangularly narrowed to tip. Color much as in the male. Scutellum uniformly fusco-tes- taceous except for black tip. Cuneus not infuscated, red except at base. Membrane with two large, semi-circular lateral clear areas. Most of ventral surface lighter, fulvous. Length 4.24 mm., width (hemelytra) 1.52 mm. Holotype, male. Xo. 3954. California Academy of Sciences, beaten by Mr. H. E. Hinton and the author from the foliage of alder, .•linns (icinninata. at Real de Arriba. District of Temas- caltepec. Mexico, V-24-'33, elev. 6370 ft. Allotype, Xo. 3955, California Academy of Sciences, same data as type and numer- ous paratypes from Real de Arriba, the village of Temascal- tepec and elsewhere in the district from May twenty- fourth to the middle of July, 1933, deposited in the collections of the California Academy of Sciences, U. S. XTational Museum, British Museum and the author. There is considerable color variation in the series of para- tvpes, the red becoming much more pronounced on the head, pronotum, and cuneus and even on the abdomen in specimens which are slightly tenerel. Also some specimens are much lighter and the fuscous spots of the corium are often much more numerous. Two New Neotropical Species of Murmidius (Coly- diidae, Coleoptera). By HOWARD EVEREST HJXTOX. Zoological Laboratory, Cambridge, England. Eor the first new species herein described, the writer is in- debted to Dr. E. A. Chapin of the United States National Museum through whom the loan of the above institution's neo tropical Colvdiidae was secured. Eor the opportunity of study- ing the second new species, the writer wishes to express his 274 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 thanks to Mr. G. J. Arrow of the British Museum ( Natural History) . Until now only live species of the genus M itniiidins Leach have been, described, and of these one, M. ovalis Beck. ( 1X17), has now become cosmopolitan, one, M . sc(/rctalk borers in Towa. [Iowa Jour, of Sci.J 9: 5n7-5S<>. Felt, E. P.— Lights for light traps. [12] 28: 834. Jaeger-Podcetrtek, Dr. — Einfache entomologische mikro- praparatc. |17| 53: 15-16. Jones, M. P. — A peculiar insect situation along a seashore. [10] 37: 150-151. Kennicott, R. -Biographical note by D. C. Peattie. [Prog. Active, Chi- cago Ac. Sci.J 61: 71. Miller, N. C. E. — An improved air- pump for u>e in the preservation of larvae. [22] 26: 355-356, ill. Robertson, C.— Obituary by II. B. Parks. [19] 30: 163- 1(>4. Schenkling, S. — Ueber die alten auktionskataloge von Johann Carl Megerie. |109| 2: 153-150. Seitz, A.— Die xunehmendc insektenarmut der kulturlandschaft. |17| ro : 1-5. 23-2X. coin. Strand, E. — Miscellanea nomenclatorica /.oologica ct palaeontologica. | Folia Z. et Hydrob.. Riga] 7: 300-306. Sweetman, H. L. — Successful examples of biological control of pe>t insects and plants. | 22 | 2o : 373- 377. Wheeler, L. R. — Do birds attack butterflies. [Sci. Progress. London] 3<): 272-277. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Abbott, C. E. The ovipositing mechanism of Tremex columba. [<>\ 43: 280 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 337-340, ill. Doyle & Metz. — Structure of the chromosomes in the salivary gland cells in Sciara (Diptera). [92] 69: 126-135, ill. Eidmann, H.-XjJeber die morphologic der legerohre der no'nne, Lvmantria monacha ( Lymantriidae). [Zool. Anz.J 111: 104-108, ill. Eltringham, H. -- On the brush-organs of the male Lithosia griseola. [36] 83 : 7-9, ill. Emerson, A. E. — Termitophile distribution and quan- titative characters as indicators of physiological speciation in British Guiana termites. [7] 28: 369-395, ill. Emmart, E. W. — Studies of the chromosomes of Anastrepha (Try- petidae). [10] 37: 119-135, ill. Evans, A. C.— Studies on the influence of the environment on the sheep blow-fly. [116] 27: 291-307. Fraenkel, G. — A hormone causing pupa- tion in the blow-fly. [Pro. R.vSoc. Loud.] B, 118: 1-12. ill. Gaebler, H. — Ueber die funktionsfaehigkeit der stigmen- horner einiger dipterenlarven und puppen. [97] 55: 182- 187. Hanna, A. D. — FertiHty and toleration of low temper- ature in Euchalcidia caryobori (Chalcidinae). [22] 26: 315- 322, ill. Jollos, V. — Studien zum evolutionsproblem. |97] 55: 390-436, ill. Katsuki, K. — Weitere versuche ueber erbliche mosaikbildung und gynandromorphismus bei Bom- byx mori. [97] 55: 361-383, i'll. Mani, M. S.— The nature and origin of insect colours. [Current Sci., Calcutta] 4: 142-145. Marshall & Staley. — Autogenous strains of Culex pipiens (Diptera). [31] 136: 641. Mellanby, K. — The evap- oration of water from insects. [Biol. Rev. Camb. Phil. Soc.] 10: 317-333. The structure and function of the spinacles of the tick. [116] 27: 288-290, ill. Mellor, J. E. M.— Fly de- veloping at a constantly very low temperature. [8] 71 : 211. Metalnikov & Meng. — La tuberculose chez courtillieres (Gryllotalpa vulgaris). [77] 119: 1102-1103. Muliyil, J. A.- The Y-granules in Stenobothrus viridulus, Forficula auricu- laria, Agrotis segetum and a few other insects. [Jour. R. Microsc. Soc.] 55: 184-197, ill. Netolitzky, F.— Ueber den wert mikroskulptur unterschung bei kafern. [Mikrokosmos] 28: 177-178. ill. Nevin, F. R. — Anatomy of Cnemidocoptes mutans, the scaly-leg mite of poultry. [7] 28: 338-367, ill. Nieschulz, O. — Ueber die larvenstadien von Tabanus rubi- dus u. T. striatus. |Zeit. f. Parasitenk., Berlin] 7: 639-656. Oku u. Furiikawa. — Experimentelle hervorrufung neuen geaders bei insekten versuche an libellen. [97] 55: 245-250, ill. Pilat, M. — The effects of intestinal poisoning on the blood of locusts (Locu^ta migratoria.) [22] 26: 283-288, ill. Poll, M. — Recherches histophysiologiques sur les tubes de xlvi, '35 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 281 Malpighi du Tent-brio molilor. | Keen. Ins. Zool. Torley- Rousseau] 5: 1-13). ill. Popovici-Baznosanu, A. — Beitrag zur keniitnis der subcoxa der insekten. |34j 111: 32-35, ill. Reynolds, J. M. — A ne\v contribution to the problem of >egnit'ntatioii in the arthropoda. |.\ni. Jour. Sci.| 30: 373- 3X2. Schmidt, U. — Beitrage zur anatoinie und histologie der Hydracarinen besonders von Diplodontus despiciens. |46] 30: 99-17o. ill. Schultz, W.— Ein voll-albino mit kael- teschwarzbarer iris und unmittelbarer aktivierbarkeit seiner versteckten farbungs-gene. [97] 55: 384-385. Sen, S. K.— The mechanism of feeding ticks. [116] 27: 365-368, ill. Structure of the proboscis in blood-sucking Diptera. | 31 | 139: 479. Sharif, M. — On the presence of wing buds in the pupa of Aphaniptera. [116] 27: 461-464, ill. Skoblo, J. S. — The effect of intermittent starvation upon the devel- opment of larvae of the meadow moth ( Loxostege sticti- calis). [22 1 26: 345-354. Smith, H. M.— Synchronous flash- ing of fireflies. [68] 82: 151-152. Snell, G. D.— The deter- mination of sex in Habrobracon. [Pro. Nat. Acad. Sci.| 21: 446-453. Stehli, G. — Ein Musikant des sommers : die felcl- grille. [Kosmos] 1935: 260-262, ill. Sutherland, J. L.- Notes on the histology of the alimentary canal in some Australian termites. [Pro. R. Soc. Victoria] 47 (n.s.): 1-13, ill. Tirelli, M. — Per la migliore conoscenza degli stadi em- brionali ti]>ici illustrati dal Grandori nel Bombyx mori. | Arch. Zool. Italiano] 21: 485-501, ill. Tragardh, I.— Con- cerning the mouth-parts of the oribatids. [28] 52: 209-217: 53: 119-122, ill. Weber, H.— Der bau der imago der Aleuro- dinen. [Zoological 33, Lief. 6. hft. 89; 71 pp., ill. Wiggles- worth, V. B. — The regulation of respiration in the flea, Xenopsylla cheopis (Pulicidae). [Pro. R. Soc. Loud.] B. 118: 397-419, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Burt, C. E.— A review of the biology and distribution of the hourglass spider. |103| 8: 117-130. Exline, H.— Three n. sps. of Cy- baeus. [55] 11: 129-132. ill. Jacot, A. P.— Fuscozetes (. \carina) in the northeastern U. S. [6] 43: 311-318. ill. Matheson, R. — Three n. sps. of ticks, Ornithodorus. | Jour. Parasit.| 21 : 347-353. ill. (S). Mello-Leitao.— Xotas sobre escorpioes Sul-Americanos. |Arch. Mus. Xac. \\. d. Janeiro] 34: 9-4(>. ill. (*). THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Jellison, W. L. — A n. sp. of Bovicola (Mallophaga ). [Jour. I'arasit.J 282 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 21: 410-411, ill. Mills, H. B.— New Collembola from wes- tern No. Am. [19J 30: 133-139, ill. Peters, H. S.— Two new biting lice (Philopteridae) from birds of the U. S. [10| 37: 146-149, ill. Pritchard, A. E. — Two new dragonflies from Oklahoma. [Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Michigan] Xo. 319: 10 pp., ill. Ricker, W. E. — Description of three new Canadian perlids. [4] 67: 197-201, ill. Woglum, R. S.- Symphrasis signata. [55J 11: 119. ORTHOPTERA.— Gurney, A. B.— Western Massachu- setts Orthoptera, Part I, preliminary list of the Acrididae. |4| 67: 185-188. Hebard, M.— Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. A list of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera with new records and corrections of the literature subsequent to 1900. [1] 61: 269-316. Hebard, M.— Records of Orthoptera and a n. sp. of Perixerus (Cyrtacanthacrinae) from Guer- rero, Mexico. [Mitt. Z. Mus. Berlin] 20: 444-446, ill. Roeder, K. D. — An experimental analysis of the sexual behavior of the praying mantis (Mantas religiosa). [92] 69: 203-220, ill. HEMIPTERA. — Davis, W. T.— Six new cicadas from the western U. S. [6] 43: 299-309, ill. Jacot, A. P.— The large-winged mites of Florida. [39] 19: 14 pp., ill., cont. (*). Keifer, H. H. — Macrovelia horni. [55] 11: 114. Knowlton, G. F.— Aphid notes. |4] 67: 190-195. Knowlton, G. F.- Notes on western aphids. [55] 11: 135-142, ill. (*). Parker, R. I. — Redbud aphis, Aphis pawneepae, an insect new to Kansas. (103] 8: 147. Wymore, F. H.— A n. sp. of Platy- pedia (Cicadidae). [55] 11: 143-144. LEPIDOPTERA. - - Babson, R. - - Saturnia mendocino. 1 13] 27: 49. Benjamin, F. H. — A n. g. and sp. from Alaska (Arctiidae). [4] 67: 195-197. Box,^ H. E.— New records and three n. sps. of American Diatraea. |22] 26: 323-333, ill. Carpenter, G. D. H. — A suggested explanation of vari- ation in cryptic Lepidoptera. [8] 71 : 234-236. Doudoroff, M — -Notes on two local butterflies. [55] 11: 144. Hoff- mann, F. — Beitrage zur lepidopterenfauna von Sta. Cath- arina. [17] 53: 10-12. Klots, A. B. — Incisalia henrici in Connecticut. 1 19] 30: 159. May, E. — Saturnidas do Brasil. [Bol. Mus. \"ac. R. d. Janeiro] 9: 105-107, ill. (*). Niepelt, W.— -Neue fornu-n der gattung Catagramma. | 18| 29: 301- 302, ill. iS). Reich, P.- -Neue Arctiidae. |18| 29: 277-281. (S). Zikan, J. F. — Morpho hercules und richardus ein xlvi. '35] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 2X3 auffalligc beispiel von parallelismus hei lepidopteren der neotropischen fauna. |(>3| 41': 133-141. ill. DIPTERA. — Bates, M. — Notes on American Trypetidae. The genus Tephrella. [55 1 1!: 103-114, ill. (*). Bequaert, J. — The American specie- of Lipoptena ( Hippoboscidae). |19| 30: 170. (*). Bradley, G. H.— Xotes on the southern buffalo gnat Eusimulium pecuarum (Simuliidae). [10| 37: 60-64. ill. Grover, I.— A note on Dasyllis. [13| 27: 50. James, M. T. — The genus Hermetia in the U. S. (Stratio- myidae). |19| 30: 165-170. (*). Keifer, H. H.— Pseudo- ganrax signatus. |55j 11: 142. Leech, H. B. — An occur- rence of Trichocera garretti and a larval predator ( Tricho- ceridae and Staphylinidae). [4| 67: 182-183. Magoon, E. H. —A portable stable trap for capturing mosquitos. [22J 26: 363-369. ill. Sabrosky, C. W.— Xote on the food of Bibio xanthopus ( Bibionidae). [103] 8: 145-146. Shaw, F. R.- A n. sps. of Sciarinae. [19] 30: 160, ill. Thomsen, L. — New sps. of New York State Ceratopogonidae. [6] 43: 283-296, ill. COLEOPTERA.— Banninger, M.— Ueber alte und neue formen der subtr. Scaritina. |2J 31 : 148-160. (S). Blaisdell, F. E. — A new triorophid from Death Valley, California (Tenebrionidae). [55| 11: 125-129. ill. Bryson, H. R.— Ob- servations on the seasonal activities of wireworms (Elater- idae). |103] 8: 131-140. Cooper, K. W.— A supplement to the section of the New York State List of Insects devoted to Coleoptera. Additions, notes and corrections. [19] 30: 142-159. Dawson, R. W. — Technique for the dissection of Serica. [6] 43: 341-343. Dobzhansky, T.— A list of Cocci- nelliclae of British Columbia. [6] 43: 331-336. Fiedler, C. -Die riisslergattung Cocfosternus ( Cryptorhynchini ) . [Kiit. Nachricht.] 9: 65-1 H», cont. (S*). Hatch, 'M. H- Two remarkable blind beetles from northeastern Oregon (Carabidae. Leiodidae). [ 55 1 11: 115-118. (*). Monilli- ])atrobus a synonym of Psydrus. (Carabidae). | 55 1 11: 118- 119. Hinton, H. E. — Xotes on the American species of Col- ydodes ( Colydiidae ). |8| 71 : 227-231, ill. (S*). Isely, D.- X'ariations in the seasonal history of the Colorado potato beetle. |1()3| 8: 142-145. Leech, H. B.— I'.riti-h Columbian records of Carabidae and Hydrophilidae. 1 55 | 11: 120-124. Leech, H. B. (See under l)iptera). Lesne, P. — ()uel(|ue> precisions sur les 1 1 endecatomus (Bostrychidae). [25] IO: 197-199, ill. Luederwaldt, H. — Zur kenutnis der gattung ^ O 284 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '35 IMnotus (Scarabaeidae). [105] 5: 334-342, ill. (S*). Mader, L. — Neue Coleopteren aus Sud-und Zentral-amerika. |26| 15: 241-244, cont. Mequignon, A. — Coleopteres americain^ acclimates aux Acores. |25J 40: 203-204. Meserve, F. G.- Comparison of color markings of Cicindela formosa and C. formosa generosa ( Cicindelidae). |19| 30: 162. Musgrave, P. N. — Two new Elmidae from Puerto Rico with descrip- tion of n. gen. [10J 37: 32-35, ill. A synopsis of the genus Helichus in the United Slates and Canada, with description of a n. sps. (Dryopidae). [10] 37: 137-144, ill. Never- mann, F. — \Yinke zur unterhaltung und preparation der kafersammlung in den tropen. "[17] 53: 17-21. Obenberger, J. — Monographic du genre Taphrocerus. |74j 12: 5-62. (S*). Ochs, G. — Kin weiterer beitrag zur kenntnis der neotrop- ischen Gyriniden. [Folia Z. et Hydrob., Riga] 7: 198-203. (*). Ohaus, F. — Beitrag zur kenntnis der Ruteliden ( Scar- abaeidae). [Mitt. Deutschen Ent. Gesell.] 5: 9-15, ill. (*). Reichensperger, A. — Beitrag zur kenntnis der Myrmeko- philenfauna Brasiliens und Costa Ricas III. [109] 2: 188- 218, ill. Saylor, L. V7. — A new Coenonycha from Nevada. 1 55] 11: 102. A n. g. and two n. sps. of Coleoptera from California. [55[ 11: 132-134. New species of Trichillum (Copridae) [107] 4: 207-208. (S.). New South American Melolonthicls. [107] 4: 206-207. Schauer, G.— Neue exo- tische Cetoniden. [26] 15: 229-356, cont. (S). Schedl, K. E. —New Scolytidae and Platypodidae from Central and South America. [105] 5: 342-359. Spaeth, F.— [Cassiclii- nae] der Schwedischen Entomolog. reisen in Arnazonas und Bahia. [28] 52: 183-187. (*). Stone, M. W.— Technique for life-history studies of wireworms. [12] 28: 817-824, ill. Wenzel, R. L. — Notes on the sexual characters of Saprinus (Histeridae) with the description of a n. sp. [4] 67: 189- 190. HYMENOPTERA.— Hicks, C. H.— Notes on rare wes- tern sphecid wasps. [55] 11: 97-102. Irving & Hinman.— The blue inud-dauber as a predator of the black widow spider. [68] 82: 395-396. Ross, H. H.— The nearctic saw- flies of the Dinenra complex (Tenthredinidae). [4] 67: 201- 205, ill. (*). Wheeler, W. M.— Ants of the genus Acropy- ga, with description of a n. sps. [6] 43: 321-330. (S). BIOLOGY FOR; EVERYMAN by J. AIM NIK THOMPSON. Edited by E. J. Holmyard. 2 vols., 1561 pp., 492 figs. K. P. Dutton Co., New York. 1935. Price $5.00. Volume I deals with ani- xlvi, '35 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 285 mals, from the Protozoa to man. The chapter on insects (107 pages) gives a brief systematic survey and a detailed account of the social insects and other forms of greatest popular in- terest. Volume 2 covers the plant world, gives a great deal of ecological matter and finally a very comprehensive account of man himself, his anatomy, physiology, his relations to other animals and plants and his individual and social development. In these latter chapters the principal insects of importance in man's life also have a place. The late Sir J. Arthur certainly loved the great world of animal life and his enthusiasm lecl him to put into this book not only his great store of detailed knowledge but' also his thoughts, judgments and his philo- sophical interpretations, so that the book contains much of his own personality. Either volume may be opened at random and read with pleasure. There is an index of 75 pages.— R. G. SCHMIEDER. A New Species of Cybaeus. (Araneae : Agelenidae). By HARRIET EXLINE, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington. Cybaeus bulbosus n. sp. 9 : 7.5 mm. — 8.0 mm. Cephalothorax orange with a few radiating marks, rather slender ; chelicerae same color, a little geniculate at the base and quite well armed with bristles, espe- cially along the median surface. Legs same color as cephalo- thorax becoming a little darker toward the tips ; anterior tibiae with three pairs of spines and two or three lateral spines. Sternum, endites and labium same color as cephalothorax, ex- cept that the endites are a little lighter at their tips. The lower margin of the furrow of the chelicera is armed with four or five small teeth and several denticles. Posterior eyes distinctly recurved, seen from above, equal in size and distantly and equally spaced. Anterior eyes in a row almost straight seen from the front, equally spaced; median eyes only half the dia- meter of the lateral eyes. Clypeus twice as high as the anterior lateral eyes. The abdomen is yellowish gray with irregular splashes of dark gray on the anterior part and three or four definite dark gray chevrons on the posterior third. Epigynum with a medium-sized posterior atrium which does not include a posterior wall. Under the chitin of the epigynal area a small dark pair of sacs are conspicuous just anterior to the atrium; two larger pairs of sacs are perceptible through 286 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '35 the chitin, one lateral to the atrium, one antero-lateral anterior to the first mentioned pair. (Figure of epigynum.) Ilolotypc: Female, captured at Honeysuckle Ranger Station, IDAHO, Aug. 16, 1934. M. 11. Hatch.1 (Author's collection.) Pan/types: 1 female, from St. Joe National Forest, IDAHO, Aug. 16, 1934, M. H. Hatch (A. M. X. H.); and 1 female from Newman L., Spokane County. \\'ASH IXCTON, Aug. 15, 1934, M. H. Hatch. (Author's collection.*) This species differs from other species of Cybacits except Cybuciis cliaudins Exline ( Pan-Pacific Knt. xi,-1935. p. 131) in possessing three pairs of receptacular sacs. From C. clunnUus it differs in its small size, dark color, and the lack of a definite pattern in the anterior part of the abdomen with the dark- chevrons in the posterior part ( C. clutitdins has a faint narrow median band of chevrons along the entire dorsum.) ' • "•"•iv:" .•.'•.' ''\ J '•'''• •'•'•:'•' ' • • • : '• .-x^ ^S-- -'.'•"' • Figure of epigynum of C. Inilbosiis. *The author wishes to expres lu-r indebtedness to Dr. M. II. Hatch of this University for this collection. INDEX TO VOLUME XLVI (* indicates new genera, species, names, etc.) AHKKXS, C. A new record for Archilestes grandis 183 .\i. I:\AXDER, G. Orthoptera new to Colorado 30 ANONYMOUS. Biographical article on Eugene Amandus Schwarz 258 BISHOP, S. C. (See Crosby. C. R. & Bishop, S. C.) BLAISDELL, F. E. Facts determined by rearing species of Coniontis 119 BLATCHLEY. W. S. A veteran's appeal 107 BOLIVAR y PIELTAIN, C. Sixth International Congress of Entomology 139 BOTTIMER, L. J. A new Acanthoscelides from Eastern United States 127 BROWN, C., and CREELMAN, J. Habits of Megathymus stephensi and notes on other Alegathymus 175 CALVERT, P. P. Editorial : Entomology at the Convoca- tion Week Meetings, December 27, 1934, to January 2, 1935 55 Editorial : Biological Abstracts 168 Obituary : Theobald Smith 34 Obituary : Edward Bruce Williamson 1 Review: Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin Dahlem. . 117 Review : Colony-Founding among ants 225 Review : Insects as material for study 225 Review : Entoma 226 Review: Principals of insect morphology 227 Review: Brief directions in histological technique 257 CALVERT, P. P., and CRESSON, E. T., JR. Obituary: Paul C. Stockhausen 203 CARTWKIGHT, O. L. A new species of Phyllophaga from Florida 102 CARY, M. M. Catocala coelebs in New Hampshire 211 CASSELI;KKKY, R. C. The prevalence of the black widow spider 260 287 288 INDEX CLARK, A. H. Another record of the occurrence of Stry- mon ontario in Missouri, with notes on the larva •. 123 COCKERELL, T. D. A. Review : Insects of Samoa, and other Sanioan terrestrial Arthropoda, Part IX, Sum- mary 223 COLE, A. C. Lahoulhenia formicarum. a fungus infesting some Idaho ants, and a list of its known Xorth Ameri- can hosts 24 CREELMAN, J. (see Brown, C., and Creelman. J.). CRESSON, E. T., JR. A new species of Micropeza from Colorado 22() The occurrence of Gihhium psylloides in Philadelphia. . 230 Xotice : A Fifty Year Festschrift 257 Review : The field hook of insects 14o Review: Animalium Cavernarum Catalogus 229 CRESSON, E. T., JR. (see Calvert, P. P., and Cresson, E. T., Jr.). CRESSON, E. T., JR. (see Mackey, Laura S., and Cresson, E. T., Jr.). CROSBY, C. R., and BISHOP, S. C. A new species of Hy1;<>- coptus from New York 125 BELONG, D. M. A new genus and five new species of leaf hoppers related to Thamnotettix ISO DOBBIE, H. R. Note on the occurrence of a rare ily 124 E^XLINE, H. A new species of Cyhaeus 2S5 FATTIG, P. W. The Coleoptera or Beetles of Georgia. . . 153 FELT, E. P. Trisopsis in the United States 75 FERRIS, G. F. The prothoracic pleurites of Coleoptera. . . o3 Fox, H. Tenodera angustipennis estahlished in Southern New Jersey 91 GRAENICHER, S. Some hiological notes on Sarcophaga l.ullata [93 HATCH, M. H. A new Suh-Alpine genus of llalticini from North America 27' > HAYKS, \\". P. Uiological races of insects and their hear- ing on host plant resistance 20 HEBARD, M. Notes on the group (iomphoceri and a key to its genera, including one new genus 184, 204 INDEX 289 Notes on Acrydium and the actual status of three sup- posedly American species 231 HENNE, C. A new form of Leptotes marina 100 HINMAN, F. G., and LARSON, A. O. Insects collected in flight traps in the Willamette Valley, Oregon, in 1931 and 1932 147 HINTON, H. E. New Histeridae from the nests of ants of the genus Atta in Mexico 50 Two new neotropical species of Murmidius 273 ISELY, F. B. Acridian researches within Northeastern Texas 37 JAMES, C. R. Identification of Venezuelan insects desired 215 KARLOVIC, J. K. Obituary: George Hazen French 258 KLOTS, A. B. Ovoviviparity in Colias? 58 KNIPLING, E. F. Gasterophilus inermis, a species of horse hot not previously recorded from North America 105 KNOWLTON, G. F. Further notes on Utah Heteroptera and Homoptera 108 KNOWLTON, G. F., and SMITH, C. F. Notes on Utah Scarabaeidae and Chrysomelidae 241 KNULL, J. N. Four new Texas Coleoptera 96 New Coleoptera 189 LARSON, A. O. (see Hinman, F. G., and Larson, A. O.). LAURENT, P. Obituary notes of authors whose names ap- pear in Leng's Catalogue of the Coleoptera of America, north of Mexico 131 Notes on the lists and catalogues of the Coleoptera of the United States and America north of Mexico... 136 Early publications referring to Coleoptera 137 LINSLEY, E. G. Notes and descriptions of West Ameri- can Cerambycidae 161 LIST, G. M. Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomol- ogists 202 McCLURE, H. E. The bites of Melanolestes picipes 13S MACKEY, LAURA S.. and CRESSON, E. T., JR., Entomo- logical literature. .31, 59, 84, 113, 142, 169, 197, 216, 251, 279 O'BYRNE, H. Pogocolon gaurae breeding in Missouri... 160 290 INDEX PARK, O. Further records of beetles associated with ants 212 PARKER & SMITH. Dictionary of Entomological terms: In preparation 84 PATE, V. S. L. Synonymical notes on the fossorial wasps 244, 204 RAU, P. The duties of the queen wasp, Polistes pallipes 25 Longevity and the moulting of the myriapod, Spirobolus marginatus 27 Notes on the nesting habits of the Red-bellied be'e, Andrena erythrogaster 35 The courtship and mating of the wasp, Monobia quad- ridens 57 Additional Trypoxylon names in "Jungle Bees and Wasps of Barro Colorado Island" 188 The wasp, Chalybion cyaneum, preys upon the black widow spider, Lactrodectus mactans 259 The spider prey of the mud wasp, Sceliphron 267 REINHARD, H. J. Notes on the tachinid genus Pseudotach- inomyia with descriptions of twro new species 132 RICHARDS, A. G. Notes on the structure and position of Drasteriodes 129 RIVNAY, E. The type specimen of Rhipiphorus stylopides 178 SABROSKY, C. W. Notes on the taxonomic status of cer- tain species of the genus Chlorops 77 SAUNDERS, A. P. Cecropia feeding on a peony 179 SCHMIEDER, R. G. Review: Biology for Everyman 284 SMITH, M. A list of the ants of Oklahoma 235, 261 SMITH (see also Parker & Smith). SMITH, C. F. (see Knowlton, G. F., and Smith, C. F.). SMYTH, E. G. An analysis of the Cicindela purpurea group 14, 44 STONER, D. Plecoptera as food for bank swallows 28 TOWNSEND, C. H. T. Rohdendorfina new name 104 Pygocalcager gen. nov 215 USINGER, R. L. A new Termatophylidea from Mexico. . 270 WALKER, J. J. Obituary: Frederick Augustus Dixey. ... 118 INDEX 291 WESSON, L. G. A new species of ant from Tennessee. 208 WILL, H. C. An epidemic of the giant sand wasp Sphecius speciosus at Narrows, Virginia WILLIAMS, R. C., JR. Review: The complete book of British Butterflies Review: The generic names of the Holarctic Butterflies 90 292 INDEX GENERAL SUBJECTS REVIEWS . . American Association tor the Advancement 01 Science and . . Associated Societies ....... bo T^O Biological Abstracts ......... 168 Biological races ............. 20 Birds, Insects food of ........ 28 "Convocation Week" meetings 55 Dictionary of entomology ..... 84 Entomological Literature, 31, 59, 84, 113, 142, 169, 197, 216, 251, 979 Flight traps, Insects collected jn 147 Hosts, Plant, 24, 77, 103, 124, 128, 160, 166, 175, 177, 179, 180, 183, Becker and Roudabush : Brief . . directions in histological technique ................. Buxton : Insects of Samoa, and other Samoan terrestrial Arthropoda, Part mar>r Carpenter : Insect' for stud>' Entomologische Beihefte aus Berlin-Dahlem . . . Frohawk : The complete book of British Butterflies.. Hamilton: Entoma Hemming: The generic names of the Holarctic Butterflies. 90 Host plant resistance ........ 20 Lutz : The field book of insects 146 Identification desired ........ 215 Snodgrass : Principles of insect International Biological Con- morphology gresses of 1935 ............ 167 Thompson : International Congress of En- man tomology, Sixth ........... 139 Wheeler : Colony - Founding International Entomologisch- among ants en Vereins, Festschrift ..... 257 Wolf: Animalium Cavernarum "Nomenclator Zoologicus," Catalogus ... Po^eToe Entomological Ciub!: H2 GEOGRAPHICAL Rocky Mountain Conference of DISTRIBUTION Entomologists ............ 202 c , . oc,0 Alabama : Col. 128. Schwarz, Eugene Amandus.. ^.^ ^ ^ m OBITUARY NOTICES ^M. C°l 119' 161 : Lep' Dixev FA 118 Colorado: Col. 14, 163; Dipt. 229; French, G. H. 258 Orth- 30- Smith, T. 34 Florida: Col. 102, 128; Dipt. 193. Stockhausen, Paul C ..... 203 Georgia: Col. 153. Williamson, E. B. 1 Idaho : Arach- 286 > H>'m- 24- Illinois: Col. 178; Dipt. 10S, 133; PERSONALS Hem- 138- Indiana: Dipt. 80. Morrison, H. .. Kansas . Co, 14; Djpt g() Muesebeck, C. W ..... . ..... 278 Louisiana: Col. 128; Dipt. 75. INDEX 293 Massachusetts: Dipt. 124. Latrodectus (see wactans) Michigan: Col. 128. »«*•«, Latrodectus. Missouri: Col. 128; Hym. 35; Lep. Spider prey of the mud wasp. COLEOPTERA Xe\v Hampshire : Lep. ill. Xc\v Jersey: Orth. 91. Acantlioscclidcs (see alboscn- \\-\v York: Arach. 125. tclhitns. aloinus, tennis) Xnrth Carolina: Dipt. 133; Horn. (lc,i,,,i,,atiis, Xcoclytns 163 182. Aurijis (see cspcranzae. ncab- Ohio: Dipt. 80. cimarrona> cyanoce- phala, deccmnotata, dcnvcr- Agelcnidae 285 cnsis, laula, liwbalis. Indovi- aincricana. Asat'icna 270 I'lana, mirabiUs, nigcrriina, (see aincricana) pluttcnsis, propinqua, pitgc- . Cybticns 285 tana, pitrpnrca, splendida, chnndiits, Cybacus 286 spreta, transversa) Cvbncns (see biilbosns. cliand- Cicindelidae 14,44, I.i3 ;';,A- ) ciinarrona, Cicindc'a 18 cynil'tidcntntitA-*, Hybocophts. . 125 Coleoptera of Georgia 1»'(> Ilybocoptits (see cymbadcntii- Colydiidae 2/3 Coniontis (see blaisdeli, clon- 294 INDEX gata, montanns, rotnndicollis, sanfordi, vialica) Coniontis, Facts determined by rearing 119 conrc.rifrons*, Ccbrio 189 Crcpidodcra (see robusta) cyanocephala, Cicindela. ... 16, 44 dccc-ninotata, Cicindela .... 17, 46 denverensis, Cicindela 44 Dincittcs (see discolor) discolor, Dineutes 67 Early publications 137 elongata, Coniontis 119 Elytroleptns (see immaculipen- nis) Epicnts (see pnbijrons, singu- listriits) esperansae*, Agrilns 96 Endcrccs (see balli) jormicus*, Saprinus 51 Gibbiiim (see psylloides) gibbsi, Bnprcstis 150 gigas, Lcptura 191 globosus*, Murmidius 275 hcsperus*, Neoclytus 163 Histeridae from nests of ants. 50 hortii, Prionus 161 immaculipennis, Elytrolcptits. . 99 insignis, Xylotrechus 161 lautq, Cicindela 18 lauta, Mynncdonia 214 lecontei, Prioints 161 Lcptura (see gigas, splendcns) limbalis, Cicindela 16 Lists and Catalogues 136 ludoriviana, Cicindela 45 Mcthia (see xanthocollis) inirabilis, Cicindela 19 montanns, Coniontis 122 M iinn id ins (see chapini, glo- bosns) Myoditcs (see stylopidcs} Myrmcdonia (see lanta) Myrmecophilous beetles 212 ncabditus*, Agrilus 190 Neoclytus (see acuminatus, baltcatns, hcsperus, rcsplen- dens) nigcrrima, Cicindela 17 Nototaphra (see under Myrmc- donia) noz'atusi, Stcnosphcints 166 nuncmnacheri, Xylotrechus. . . . 161 Orestioidcs* 276 parkeri*, Agrilus 189 Pennsylvania, Photnris 65 Photuris (see pennsylvanica) Phyllophaga (see youngi) plattcnsis, Cicindela 45 Prioims (see calijornicits, horni, lecontei) propinqua, Cicindela 45 Prothoracic pleurites 63, 93 psylloidcs, Gibbium 230 Ptinidae 230 pubifrons*, Epierus 52 pit gc tana, Cicindela 17, 46 pitrpitrea, Cicindela 14, 44 pusio*, Saprimts 50 resplcndens*, Neoclytus 163 Rhipiphoridae 178 Rhipiphorns (see stylopides, tvalshi) robusta, Crepidodera 277 rotundicoUis, Coniontis 121 sanfordi, Coniontis 122 Saprinus (see jormicus, pusio) Scarabaeidae 102 Scarabaeidae and Chrysomeli- dae of Utah 241 scparatus, Ccbrio 189 singulistriiis* , Epierus 53 sploidcns*, Lcptura ...v 191 splcndida, Cicindela 16, 4-1 sprcta, Cicindela 19 Stenosphcnus (see aridns, ari- zonicits, novatns) stylopides, Myoditcs 179 INDEX 295 stylopides, Rhipiphorus 178 Tencbriunidae 119 tennis*. Acanthoscelides 127 Iran svc rsa. Cicindcla 16, 44 riatica, Coniontis 121 riridcsccns*, Agriius 97 i*.'iilshi. Rhipiphorus 179 xanthocollis, Mcthia 98 Xcnodiisa (see cava) Xylotrcchus (see insignis, nu- ncninachcri) youugi*, Phyllophaga 102 DIPTERA ad-amsi*, Chlorous 81 acqitalis*, Pseudotachinomyia. 133 Anthracophaga (see ingrata) apcrhini, Calcagcr 215 Biological notes on Sarcophaga bullata 193 bul.ata, Sarcophaga 193 Calcager (see apertum, hum- eral u in ) Cecidomyiidae 75 Chloropidae 77 Chloropisca (see glabra) Chlorops (see adamsi, cincra- pcnnis, fossae, ingrata, litu- rata) cinerapennis, Chlorous 82 Coenomyidae 124 compascua*, Pseudotachinoinyia 135 destructor. Pliytoplint/a 22 fossae. Chlorous 81 (,ii.^i-ri>^liiliis (see hacmorrhoi- dalis. inennis, iniestinalis, mi sit I is ) (jlahra, Chloropisca 82 (.rlutops (sec singitlaris) haemorrhoidalis, Gasterophilus 105 hibisci*, '! risopsis 76 huuicniluin. Ciilciificr 215 inennis. li'iistcrophiliis 105 ingrata*, Anthracophaga .... 79 ingrata. C/ifurops 77 intestinalis. Gasterophilus .... 103 Itonididae (see Cecidomyiidae) jamcsi*, Micropeza 229 liturata, Chlorops 83 Micropeza (see jamcsi, t ex- ana) Micropezidae 229 Muscidae 104 luisalis, Gasterophilus 105 nilidii'cntris, Setnisiituria .... 104 oestracca, Tachina 104 Oestridae 104, 105 Oestrocara* 104 Phytophaga (see destructor) Pseudotachinoinyia (see ae- qualis, compascua, ivcbbcri) Rhodcndorfia 104 Rohdcndorfiiia* 104 Sarcophaga (see bullata) Sarcophagidae 193 Seinisitturia (see nitidiventris) singularis, Glutops 124 Tachina (see oestracca) Tachinidae 215 te.rana, Micropeza 229 Trisopsis (see hibisci) webberi, Pseudotachinoinyia... 133 HEMIPTERA Arundanus (see carolinus, lati- dens, margin-ellus, parz'iilus) carolinus*, Arundanus 181 Cicadellidae 180 Illinoia (see pisa) latidcns*. Arundanus 182 maculata* , 7 ennatophylidca . . 271 margincllus*, Arundanus .... 181 Mclanolestcs (see picipes) panntlus*, Arundanus 1S2 picipes, Mclanolestcs 138 pisa, Illinoia 149 Reduviidae 138 Termatophylidea (see macu- lata) Utah Heteroptera and Il 296 INDEX tera 108 HYMENOPTERA aeneits, Dry inns 247 albisccta, Sphcx 264 Ammophila (see kirbii) Ampulcx (see also dahlbomi} 247 Andrcna (see erythrogaster) Andrenidae 35 Ant hosts 212 Arpactus 248 atkinsoni, Trypoxylon 188 Atta (see fervcns, scxdcns) basilaris, Nysson 250 Beetles associated with ants.. 212 Bcthylus (see latrcillii) Brachystegus 250 bnsckii, Trypoxylon 188 caementarium, Sccliphron, 259, 267 camponoticeps, Formica 24 canescens, Enodia 250 Ceratostizus 249 Ceropalcs 247 Chalybion (see cyanciun) cinercuin, Trypoxylon 188 clai'ipcs, Sphcx 246 cornigerum, Trypoxylon 188 Courtship and mating of Mon- obia 57 Crabro 245 (see also sic/natus) cribraria. J'cspa 245 cyiincuin, Chalybion 259, 267 dahlbomi, Ampulcx 247 Dichothorax (see under Lep- tothorax) Dichothorax (see pcrgandci) ditnidiatns, Euplilis 246 Dryiints (see acncus) Elis 267 Enodia 250, 265 (see also canescens) Epinysson* 250 Eremiasphecium 249 (see also schmicdckncchti) crythrogastcr, Andrcna 35 Euplilis 246 (see also diniidiatns, rufiven- tris) Evania (see maculata) fabricator, Trypoxylon 188 . fervcns, Atta 50 Fromica (see camponoticeps, pubcnila, submtda) Formicidae 25, 208, 235 fusipcnne, Trypoxylon 188 Gastrobrancluts 266 Gorytcs 248 (see also moncduloidcs) Habits of Polistcs 25 Halictus (see kincaidii) Hoplisus 248 Hypsiceracus 247 kincaidii, Halictus 149 kirbii, Ammophila 250,264 Larraxcna 246 (see also prince ps) latrcillii, Bcthylus 266 lentifrons, Saliostcthus 249 Leptothorax (see niaiuii) Iciicotrichinn, Trypoxylon . . . 188 longitarsis, Tanyoprymnus . . . 249 niaculata, Evania 247 maculata, Tiphia 265 manni*, Leptothorax 208 marginata, Parasphcx 250 Mellmus (see quinquecinctus) Meria 266 moneduloides, Gorytcs 249 Monobia (see quadridcns) . . Monomatium 246 l\fnti!lonitcla 248 n/ysfacea, Sphcx 248 Myzinc 265 Myzinnm 265 Nesting habits of Andrcna... 35 nivcitarse, Trypoxylon 188 Nysso 267 INDEX 297 Nysson ................. 250, (see also basilaris) pallipes, Polistcs ............ pahnata, Pemphilis .......... Parasphc.r .............. 250, (see also marginata) parrus, I'hytodictus ......... patellatus, Pemphilis ........ Pemphilis ................... (see also pahnata, patella- tus) pcrgandci, Dichothorax ...... PJiysosccIits ................ Phytodietus (see pawns) Plcsia ...................... Polistcs (see pallipes) Pompilidae ................. princcps, Larra.rcna ......... Priony.r ................. 250, Pronacus ................... pnl'cnila, I'onnica ........... qnadridcns, Monobia ........ quinquecinctus, Mell'miis ..... Rhopalum .................. riifivcntis, EitpHlis ......... rugijrons, Trypo.rylon ....... Saliostctlms ................. (see also lentifrons) Sccliphron (see caementarium) schmicdckncchti, Ercmiasphe- cum Scolia (see sc.rfasciata) sexdens, Atta ............... sc.rfasciata, Scolia .......... Shestakovia ................. signatus, Crabro ............ spcciosus, Sphcciits .......... Sphccidae ........... 135. 188, Sphecius (see speciosits) Sphcgidae .................. Splicr (see albisccta. claripcs, •inystaccii ) siibnuda, I'onnicti ........... ( sec also 267 Tliyn-opus 245 Tiphia (see maculata, tripunc- 25 tuta) 245 Tiphiidae 244 265 tripunctata, Tiphia 266 Trypo.rylon (atkinsoni, busckii, 149 cincrcuui, cornigcniin, fabri- 245 cator, fitsipcnnc. leucotruch- 245 inn, nireitarse, rugijrons, va- tjiiliini ) vagiilinn. Trypo.rylon 188 210 rcspa (see cribraria) 246 Vespidae 25, 57 Wasp preys upon black widow 267 spider 259 244 LEPIDOPTERA 246 dutolycits, Thccla 123 265 burdicki*, Leptotes 100 247 Catocala (see coelebs) 24 Cecropia feeding 179 57 coclcbs, Catocala 211 248 Colias (sec hccla) 246 Drasteriodes (see limata) 246 Drasteriodes, Structure and 188 position of 129 248 gourde, Pogocolon 160 Habits of Mcgathymus 175 hccla, Colias 58 Hespcridae 175 249 Larva of Strymon 123 Leptotes (see burdicki, mar- 50 ina ) 266 leussleri, Mcgathymus 177 249 limata. I Drasteriodes 129 246 Lycaenidae 123 135 marina, Lcptotes 100 244 Mcgathymus (see leussleri, navajo, ncitmoegcni, stcph- 267 cnsi) narajo, Mcgathymus 177 neumoegeni, Mcgalhymns .... 177 24 Noctuidae !_'«>. 211 249 niibilalis. Pyransta 2\ Xyiifphalidae 298 INDEX Ontario, Strymon 123 Pieridae 58 Pof/ocolon (see ganrac) Pymitstai (see nnbilalis) Saturniidae 179 Sphingidae 160 stcphcnsi, Mcgathymus 175 Strymon (see Ontario} Tliecla (see aittolycus) MYRIOPODA Longevity and the moulting of Spirobolus 27 marginatiis, Spirobolus 27 Spirobolus (see marginatus) ODONATA Archilestcs (see grandis) grandis, Archilestcs 183 Odonate fauna of East Indies 101 ORTHOPTERA acadicinn, Acrydiiim 234 Acrididae 30, 37, 69, 184, 231 Habitats in Texas 37, 69 Acrydiiim (see acadicum, amu- rcnsc, bipunctatnm, bolivari, breripcnnc, brunncri, ccp- croi, depression, graniilatuiii, japonieuin, kieffcri, siinulans, tartarum, tnrki, iissurianuni) Aeropedcllns .• 186 (see also aretieits, claratus, raricgatus) Acropus 186 (see also armeniacus, can- casicits, graecus. Iick'cticus. hispanicus, kudia, pyrcnaciits, sibiricus) americana, Tctri.r 231 amiircnse, Acrydiiim 233 angustipennis, Tcnodcra 91 (uitennatiis, Chorthippus 187 arcticns*, Aeropedellus 207 arcticns, Goinphocerus 187 arcticns, Nomotettix 232 arcnosiis, Chorthippus 187 armeniacus, Acropus 188 hipiiuctattnn, Acrydiiim 234 boijdanoi'i, Eclipophleps 186 bolivari, Acrydimn 234 brevipcnnc, Acridiiim 185 brunncri, Acrydiiim 234 carpcntcrii, Goinphocerus. . 187, 206 caucasicns, Acropns 187 ccpcroi, Acrydiiim 234 Chorthippus (see antcnnatns, arcnosus, kozhcvnikovi, vol- il en sis) clavatns., Aeropedellus ...186,204 clavatns, Gomphocerus. . . .204, 207 clepsydra, Gomphocerus. . . 187, 206 Cyphoderris (see monstrosa) Dasyhippiis 186 (see also pygmacus) dcprcssum, Acrydiiim 234 dimorpha, Tctri.r 231 dispar, Gomphocerus 187 Eclipophleps 186 (see also boi/danori) llrcmiacris (see pallida) escalcrac. Gomphocerus 186 cvancsccns, Gomphocerus .... 188 cvancsccns, Stcnobothrus .... 188 Gomphoceridius 185 Gomphocerus 186 ( see also arcticns, carpcn- tcrii, claratus, clepsydra, dis- pai , escalcrac, evancsccns. inaculatus, pallidus, palpalis. przcii'alskii. reiittcri. semi- color, si-,nillimus, varicgatns} t/niecns. Acropns 188 granitlahtin, Acrydiiim 234 Gryllns (see riifns, sil'iricns} helreticus. Aero pus 188 hispanicits, Acropus 188 japonicum, Acrydiiim 234 kieffcri, Acrydiiim 234 kozhevnikoi'i, Chorthippus,... 187 INDEX kudiii, Acropus 187 maculatus, Gomphocerus 185 Mantidae 91 nn-ridionalis. Scyllinops 184 monstrosa, Cyphodcrris 30 Myrmcliotcttix 185 \mnotctti.\- (see arcticits, ob- tiisns, validiis) ohtusus, Nomoiettix 232 pallida, Erciniacris 30 pallidus, Gomphocerus 187 palpalis, Gomphocerus 187 przcu'alskii, Gomphocerus .... 187 pyfimacus, Dasyhippus 187 pyrenacius, Aero pus 188 rcuttcri, Gomphoccnts 187 riifus, Gryllus 186 Scudderia (see tc.rcnsis) Scyllinops (see meridionalis) se-micolor, Gomphocerus ...... 188 sibiricus, Acropus 187 sibiricus, Gryllus 186 simulans, Acrydium 233 simi. limits, Gomphocerus 187 Stcnobothrus (see cvancsccns} tartanim, Acrydium 234 'I'enndcra (see angustipennis) 'I'ctri.r (see amcricana, dinwr- pha) Tettigoniidae 30 tc.rcnsis, Scudderia 30 turki, Acrydium 234 itssurianum, Acrydium 232 t'iilidus. Nomotcttix 232 variegatus, Acropcdcllus 204 variegatus, Gomphocerus ISf.. 187, 207 volgensis,, Chorthippus 187 PLECOPTERA Food for bank swallows 28 mcdiana, Allopcrla 29 RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 999. — Linsley (E. G.). — Studies in the Longicornia of Mexico. (Cerambycidae). (Trans., 61, 67-102, 1 pi., 1935). .70 DIPTERA 1003.— Sabrosky (C. W.).— The Chloropidae of Kansas. (Trans., 61, 207-268, 1935) 1.20 HYMENOPTERA 998. — Allen (H. W.). — North American wasps of the genus Neotiphia (Tiphiidae). (Trans., 61, 53-65, 1935) .25 1002. — Mitchell (T. B.). — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic region. III. Taxonomy of subgenera Anthemois and Delomegachile. (Trans., 61, 155-205, 2 pis., 1935) 1.00 LEPIDOPTERA 997. — Braun (A. F.). — Notes and new species of Microlepi- doptera. (Trans., 61, 45-52, 1935) .20 ORTHOPTERA M-8. — Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) 2.50 1001.— Hebard (M.). — Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. I. New genera, species and geographical races. (Trans., 61, 111-153, 4 pis., 1935) 85 THYSANOPTERA 1000. — Hood (J. D.). — Five new Thysanoptera of the genus Aeolothrips. (Trans., 61, 103-110. 1 pi., 1935) 20 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ , for which please send me the items checked above. This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Guedet, P. O. Box 305, Napa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lepidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for my subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for one year, beginning with issue for. Name f Address - Post Office - The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers : United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, - 3.15 Foreign, - 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy. All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Collection of Coleoptera and Entomo- logical Library for Sale FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS Hr A F^nAr^c 361 SOUTH PARKWOOD LSI. /-V. 1 eiiyCb, Pasadena. California EXCHLANQES CONTINUED Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. Wanted for Cash or Exchange. — North American Butterflies in series especially from type localities and remote places. C. F. dos Passos, Mendham, New Jersey. Wanted — Specimens of Xorth Ameru-nn Cephidae. Will make determinations and exchanges for purpo>e-, <>i revising the group. Donald T. Ries, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. NEW LOW PRICES for WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Ward's Schmitt Box, 9x13 Inches LINED WITH PATENT ENTOMOLOGICAL CORK Price each ......... , ....... $2.50 Price each in dozen lots .......... $2.45 Price each in lots of 50 ........... $2.45 Ward's Insect Pins (A. E. Co.) , per M ............... $3.00 Klaeger Insect Pins, Per M .................... $2.25 Minutens, per M .......................... $2.25 SEND FOR PRICE LIST El. This includes many items at new low prices and also describes several new aquatic nets and other newly developed pieces of equipment. pr A r\V Qf^^"Mvl I Catalog 3OO. The Showy Butterflies of Kt/\L/7 S\^/WlN he Worl Lists oer 60 attractie secies. the World. Lists over 600 attractive species. Sent free upon request. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DIURNALS. in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera : 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 600 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD. 42, IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOLUME XLVII, 1936 HENRY CHRISTOPHER McCooK, 1837-1911. PHILIP P. CALVERT, PH. D., EDITOR ASSOCIATE EDITORS : E. T. CRESSON, JR. R. G. SCHMIEDER, PH. D. V. S. L. PATE ADVISORY COMMITTEE : PHILIP LAURENT J. A. G. REHN CHARLES LIEBECK JOHN C. LUTZ J. CHESTER BRADLEY, PH. D. MAX KISLIUK, JR. FRANK MORTON JONES, Sc. D. WM. W. CHAPMAN PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY, PHILADELPHIA, PA.: THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES LOGAN SQUARE 1936 The several numbers of the NEWS for 1936 were mailed at the Post Office at Philadelphia, Pa., as follows: No. 1 — January January 17, 1936 " 2— February February 12 " 3— March March 12 " 4— April April 12 " 5— May May 8 " 6 — June June 5 " 7— July July 7 " 8— October October 9 " 9 — November November 12 The date of mailing the December, 1936, number will be announced on the last page of the issue for January, 1937. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1936 NOW PAYABLE Detachable Subscription Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JANUARY, 1936 Vol. XLVII No. 1 HENRY CHRISTOPHER McCooK, 1837-1911. CONTENTS Cockerel! — The Future of Entomology 1 Sandhouse— A New Species of Tracheloides (Hymenoptera : Sphecidae Hicks— Tracheloides hicksi Sandhouse Hunting Ants (Hymen.: Sphe- cidae) 4 Bequaert — Two New Color Forms of Polistes major Palisot de Beau- vois from California and Arizona (Hymenoptera: Vespidae . Hebard — Notes on North American Orthoptera of the Artie-Alpine Zone 13 Fattig — The Coleoptera or Beetles of Georgia, II 15 Review of Bering's Die Blatt-Minen Mittel- und Nord-Europas . . . 20 Entomological Literature 21 Doings of Societies PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa.. Post Offic< n.l Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prr-t i il.t-,1 I'm in Suti.m 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 19J1. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Schmieder, Ph.D., V. S. L. Pate, Associate Editors. Advisory Committee : Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00, Canada $3.15, Foreign $3.25, Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in., $ 7.00 Ten issues, 8.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted ; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. No illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. No charge for printing text-figures. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks* furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1936, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. Th* printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles, without covers, over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine 'to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies. 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed covers for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVII. JANUARY, 1936 No. 1 The Future of Entomology. Today I received a letter from a distinguished entomologist. in which he remarks that the Director of a large museum "is not the least bit interested in entomology." I have known sev- eral similar cases, of very keen and ahle zoologists, to whom insects made no appeal whatever. Nevertheless, entomology is bound to increase, in volume and importance. The vast num- bers of insects, and their significance in relation to disease, agri- culture, genetics, evolution, and general culture, give them a place in human affairs which cannot be denied. Under these circum- stances, entomology claims ever increasing support. Dr. Lutz once remarked that if the insects were as well taken care of as the birds at the American Museum, it would be necessary to have seventy curators. Indeed, that was a modest estimate. Thus it results that in large institutions there is bound to arise a conflict of interests, because entomology is continually de- manding space, cabinets, means for publication, not to speak of curators. Those in the higher positions are hardly ever entomologists, and cannot be expected to sympathise with these demands, if they can only be met by cutting down expenses in other directions. We are reminded of the early days of the Smithsonian Institution when Professor Henry resisted pro- posals to use the Smithsonian funds for a museum, feeling that they were insufficient, and the result would be unsatisfactory. Baird was appointed curator, and he had very different ideas. He longed to see a great National Museum. Baird and Henry did not quarrel, because Baird, with his tremendous sincerity and enthusiasm, went out and persuaded Congressmen and others to support the museum, so that it became an asset rather than a liability to the Smithsonian. It seems to me that entomol- ogists must do likewise. They will get little by appeals to presi- dents, directors, or even scientific colleagues who are not entomologists. They will have to go out and fmd their public. and carry on a campaign throughout the country, until reasonable demands are granted. T. D. A. COCKERELL. 2 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 A New Species of Tracheloides (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). By GRACE ADELBERT SANDHOUSE, Bureau of Entomology and riant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture. The following description of an apparently new species of Tracheloides from Colorado adds to the present known fauna of North America the first record of this genus, although Cockerell T described a fossil wasp, Tracheloides mortuellus, from the Tertiary shales at Florissant, Colorado, the descrip- tion being based chiefly on characters of the wing-venation. While the writer has not seen any other species belonging in this genus, the species here considered agrees well with all the characters given for the group by Kohl - in his treatment of Cnihro of the Palearctic region. In his table to species-groups (pages 18-21), the present species will run to the first part of couplet 4, or Tracheloides. Additional characters of the genus may be found in the same paper on page 322. Tracheloides hicksi, new species. ? . — About 9 mm. long ; entirely black, except for markings of ivory white on tibiae ; pubescence silvery white. It may be separated from any other species of Crabroninae of the Nearc- tic fauna known to the writer by the following combination of characters: Anterior trochanter long; mandibles bidentate ; eyes with fine short pubescence, inner margins converging slightly below ; maxillary palpi with six joints ; labial palpi with three. Head, when seen from above, with sides nearly parallel, without modifications ; dull, microscopically tessellate, punctures shallow and widely separated. Eyes with fine short pubescence, converging slightly below, distance between inner margins at lower and upper extremities as 2.5 to 3.25. Front above dull and tessellate, with sparse fine pubescence, lower part shining, laterally densely, more coarsely, pubescent ; small median spine a short distance above antennal sockets, sockets separated from inner margin of eye by at least twice the distance between them. Vertex slightly convex, declivitous above occipital carina ; ocelli forming a low triangle; postoccllar line twice the distance between lateral and anterior ocelli, in proportion to ocellocular 1 Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard College, vol. 50, 1906, pp. 45-46. 2 Ann, des K.-k. naturhist. Hofmuseums, Bd. 29, 1915, pp. 11-453, xlvii, 'od K.\TO.MOI,O<;K-.\I. NKWS line as 1 to 2.5. Facial fovea shallow, slightly wider posteriori y, contiguous with inner margin of eve, beginning about opposite anterior margin of lateral ocellus and extending forward be- yond anterior ocellus by a little more than its diameter. Occi- pital carina ordinary, becoming obsolete some distance from median line of venter of head. Clypeus laterally finely acicu- late and punctate, medially shining between large shallow punc- tures separated by at least twice their diameter; median trun- cate produced portion of apical margin anteriorly with two Y-shaped emarginations ; on each side, about half-way between basal-lateral angle of projection and lateral extremity of clypeus, a rather narrow tooth. Postgenae broad, unmodified, sculptur- ing similar to that of vertex. Apex of mandible bidentate, superior tooth nearly twice as large as inferior; inner margin with two low teeth separated by a shallow emargination. Labial palpi with three joints, maxillary palpi with six. Third joint of antenna longer than fourth (as 2. to 1.5) or than any of those distad. Thorax dull, microscopically tessellate and minutely carinate or striate, punctures shallow and widely separated; pubescence short and inconspicuous ; anterior-lateral angles of pronotum rounded, pronotum not transversely carinate, but with a pos- terior transverse groove; anterior declivous portion with sev- eral low carinae just before the tubercle ; mesoscutum and scutellum microscopically tessellate, median posterior portion of mesoscutum longitudinally striate; suture between mesoscutum and scutellum rather shallow and weakly f oveolate ; prepectal carina of mesopleuron sharply defined, lower half of meso- pleuron and position cephalad of mesepisternal suture tessellate, upper posterior portion horizontally carinate; metatergum finelv tessellate and punctate: metapleuron and lateral surface of pro- podeum horizontally carinate; dorsal surface of propodeum with fine radiating carinae, not bordered posteriorly by a fur- row or carina. Legs black, with stripes of ivory white extending the entire length of anterior and middle tibiae and a spot on outer base of hind tibia extending nearly half its length. Anterior troch- anter long, its length in proportion to that of femur as 2.5 to 4; middle femur of uniform width, metatarsus finely serrate and spined on posterior margin; hind femur ordinary, tibia strongly narrowed basally, with rows of short spines, metatarsus slightly arcuate, inner margin with a row of dense short >] lines, outer with four longer spines. "Wings hyaline, faintly iridescent; nervures piceous ; radial cell apically truncate, receiving intercubital vein about midway 4 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 on its lower margin ; cubital cell receiving first recurrent vein about midway on its lower margin. First abdominal tergite nearly five times as wide at extreme apex as at narrowest part of base ; tergites one to tbree with apical margins constricted, third less strongly so; first and sec- ond tergites dull, with stronger aciculations, third and fourth shining between weaker aciculations, each with a submarginal row of stiff hairs, fifth and sixth duller, microscopically tessel- late between large shallow punctures, on fifth and sides of sixth the punctures separated by three or four times their diameter, on the median base of sixth by almost twice their diameter; pygidial area strongly narrowed apically, with a median groove, sides of apical portion nearly parallel and not carinate. Stern- ites one to five shining, somewhat aciculate, each with a sub- marginal row of long hairs ; sixth with punctures similar to those of sides of that tergite. Type. — Female, from Boulder County, COLORADO, July 28, 1933, collected by Charles H. Hicks and bearing his number 3216. Some observations on the habits of this wasp will subse- quently be published by Mr. Hicks. The type is in the col- lection of the U. S. National Museum ; catalogue No. 50488. Tracheloides hicksi Sandhouse Hunting Ants (Hymen.: Sphecidae). By CHARLES H. HICKS, Burbank, California. This new species of wasp was found late in July and early in August in Boulder Canyon, near Boulder, Colorado captur- ing ants of the genus Liomctopiun ( Dolichoderinae). Some of the worker ants, which Dr. T. D. A. Cockerell has kindly deter- mined for me, doubtless serve normally as food for the young of the wasp. Mr. C. H. Graves of Colorado Springs, Colorado, has taken photographs showing the peculiar nest structure of ants of the genus Lioinetopmn and Professor William Morton Wheeler gives a review of these ants in a paper entitled "The North American Ants of the Genus Lioinetopmn" in the Bul- letin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. xxi. Art. xx., pp. 321-333, 1905. The following brief notes on the habits of the wasps and ants were taken at a rather limited xlvii, 'M)\ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS region some two miles west of Boulder, although a few speci- mens of the wasp have been seen farther up the canyon over a more extended area. The wasps were first found on a very hot, clear afternoon on July 28 at a small pine tree growing on the side of the canyon near i'.ouldcr Creek. The wasps were observed following the ants along the tree trunk; certain of the ants appeared to be carrying scale insects, possibly the Pine Leaf Scale, Cliionaspis pinifoliac (Fitch). The ants seemingly followed "paths" up and down the tree, mainly in the shade, and upon leaving the tree continued in the same manner on the ground toward their nest. A given wasp, upon arriving at the tree, would start usually near the bottom of the moving column of ants, beginning some two feet from the ground and continue up the trunk Hying, and very close to the ants. It could be seen that a single ant was quickly picked out from the rest and followed to a greater or less distance. In most instances, several separate individuals were followed in quick succession since the wasp might aban- don her prey at the upper end of the trail, drop below and fol- low another, repeating this sequence a number of times before a "catch" was accomplished. She did not follow any one indi- vidual down in regular order although a few times and for short distances the course was downward. The ascent was compara- tively slow on the part of the ant which made the wasp, even in active pursuit, appear to be hovering in the air in part as she followed close to the tree trunk and in a position to pounce upon the ant at the propitious moment. The ants, or a given ant, which wa^ being followed seemed to sense the danger, for it increased its pace substantially or, as noted in a few instances, fell to safety to the ground. Observations of repeated efforts by the wasp demonstrated certain facts. The wasp, after a longer or shorter period of hesitation or of stalking, suddenly would seize a worker ant from the trunk or limb of the tree. She then and at once would tly to a hori/ontal position with her prey. The flight often took the wasp and prey through and among the pine 6 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jail., '36 needles, which made it difficult for the observer to follow the course. The needles being thick, the wasp sometimes did not easily find a suitable horizontal and open landing and would then continue flying to the limb of a tree nearby. It appeared that the ant was first grasped with its head in the same direction as that of the wasp and with its dorsal side touching the ventral side of the wasp. I was able to see the prey held a number of times by the wasp when this position was noted. However, it could not be detected precisely by what means the prey was held, although the legs played a part and the sting apparently not. The wasp, at one time after she had alighted with her prey, was seen to bring her stinger around in position for stinging but its exact insertion and place could not be seen from my point of observation. It would appear, therefore, that after the wasp "nerves" herself to seize an ant from the tree, she immediately and hurriedly flies to a limb or suitable resting position to sting her victim. Given wasps were observed as each, in turn, followed ants up the tree and it was found that the time spent in "stalking," before a seizure, lasted from forty seconds to two, and occa- sionally more than three, minutes. The time before a wasp, following a capture, was back for another prey, was on the average some one and one-half minutes. Several wasps were frequently about at the same time hunt- ing and catching prey. At certain times, however, as few as one or two lessened the difficulty of keeping an individual rec- ord. Sometimes a wasp would rest on the trunk of the tree for a few seconds. At such a time an ant might walk very near to it but the resting wasp would not attack it. It was only while the wasp was on the wing that the prey was seized. This was evidenced during the time that more than fifty cap- tures were witnessed. Sometimes the paths of two wasps cross in hunting and their reactions at such times have been noted. Such a contact may occur when one wasp is hunting up the tree while another is trailing downward. They do not fight one another, when sud- denly meeting in this fashion, but fly quickly to another side xlvii, 'M>\ !•: \ T< IM oi.o(; i CAL NEWS of the tree or, as seen in a few cases, entirely away for a time. Frequently a number of wasps may be hunting up the trunk of the tree at the same time, each intent upon its own ant and at a rather definite distance apart. After a capture, if the wasp fails to find a landing near she may fly high into the air and swiftly away. All attempts to follow these ants to their nests have proven futile. Much time has been spent in an effort to find the nest of this wasp species by other means than that of attempting to follow the insect with her prey to her nest. Many sumac and other stems have been opened but no cells of the wasp nor remains of the ants have been found. Likewise time has been directed to watching areas of varied types of soils and of sand during the nesting season but with no greater success. It is not known at present how rare this species of wasp really is, nor how speci- fic it may be as to prey preference — factors which may parti- ally explain these failures in nest discovery and which, with others, may delay the time when its nest may be found and the biology of the species studied. Two New Color Forms of Polistes major Palisot de Beauvois from California and Arizona (Hymenoptera : Vespidae). By J. BKOUAERT, Department of Tropical Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Mass. A small collection of social wasps recently received for study from Dr. L. I'. \Yehrle, of the University of Arizona, contains several specimens of a well-marked form of Polistes which appears to have been overlooked thus far. Another related color form, also undescribed, from California, has been in my collection for some years. Both new forms are color variations of Polistes major I'ali- sot de Beauvois, which differs from all other Polistes of the United States in frequently (though not always) showing a prepectal (or epicnemial) suture on the mesopleura. \Yhcn well-marked, this suture runs as an irregular, raised line on the 8 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 anterior part of the mesopleura, parallel with and a little above the vestigial sternopleural suture; anteriorly it curves upward and may extend to near the median episternal suture. The prepectal suture may, however, be sometimes very slightly marked or occasionally entirely lacking. All transitions may be found between the two extreme conditions. Since speci- mens with and others without prepectal suture occur vogether, in some instances being taken from the same nest, while they show no difference in other structural characters, I am forced to regard them all as belonging to one species. Nevertheless, it is noteworthy, that on the American continent specimens with prepectal suture are more common, while in the West Indies the reverse is true. Apart from the prepectal suture, P. major may also be recog- nized by the following structural characters. Large species, with a fusiform, more or less depressed abdomen, moderately pointed and not compressed at apex ; first tergite broad and short, triangular seen from above and a little wider at apex than long in the middle. Mesopleura microscopically alutace- ous, without larger punctures ; median episternal groove well developed, completely dividing the episternum into an upper and a lower sclerite ; mesepimerum completely divided by a suture from the mesepisternum. Transverse striation of pro- podeum strong throughout, with some 20 to 22 regular ridges. Anterior margin of pronotum raised into a low collar, the humeral angles broadly rounded off and hardly projecting. Eyes bare. Vertex and upper half only of cheeks margined behind by a carina ; lower half of cheeks rounded off into the gula. Oculo-malar space of female and worker long, about two-sevenths (less than one-third) of the length of the eye in front view; of male slightly over one-third of the length of the eye in front view. Clypeus of female and worker irregu- larly heptagonal in outline, with the upper margin the longest, slightly wider than high ; upper lateral margins contiguous to the eyes for a short distance (about one-third of the length of the non-contiguous portion, and about one-fourth to one- third of the length of the oculo-malar space) : apical margins converging to a strongly produced, but blunt, point. In the male, the clypeus is flattened, about as long as wide, subquadrate in outline with the lateral angles broadly rounded off, and very widely separated from the inner orbits by exten- xlvii, '3f>| ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS sions of the sides of the face which reach the oculo-malar spaces; the- apical margin almost straight, very slightly curved outwardly. Antenna of male slender, thread-like, the apical four segments conspicuously thinner than the others ; all seg- ments of normal shape, the third about as long as the scape and as the fourth and fifth together; the following decreasing in length to the twelfth, hut all much longer than wide; the thirteenth very slender, faintly curved, about one and one-half times the length of the twelfth, obtuse at apex; sixth to thir- teenth segments distinctly flattened on the under side. Seventh sternite of male without median tubercle, evenly depressed api- cally, but not grooved ; the bordering slopes low and not pro- jecting at the sides of the apical margin in profile. Genitalia of male of the usual type, very similar to those of P. carnifc.r ( Fabricius), but the slender shaft of the penis shorter and end- ing in a small, short oval spoon. Length (head -j- thorax -j- tergites 1 -f- 2) of female and worker: 13 to 17 mm.; of male: 16 to 17 mm. Length of fore wing : 16 to 23 mm. P. major is most closely related to P. carnifc.r (Fabricius), with which it is often confused in collections, owing to the similarity in color of typical P. major and P. carnifc.r. All published records of P. carnifc.r from the Antilles refer, in my opinion, to P. major. Structurally P. carnifc.r may be recog- nized by the large, much swollen head. In female, worker, and male, the oculo-malar space is very long, one-third to one-half of the length of the eye seen in front ; the sides of the clypeus touch the eyes over a very short distance or just barely, or may- be even very narrowly separated from the inner orbits. Meso- pleura with small but distinct, scattered punctures, never with even a trace of prepectal suture. The shape of the clypeus is much the same in both sexes, being only slightly less convex in the male than in the female. P. carnifc.v averages larger than P. major, reaching in length (h. -f th. -f t. 1 and 2) 17 to 22 mm. and in length of fore wing 23 to 26 mm. As yet 1 have seen no specimens of true P. carnifc.r from within the boundaries of the United States; but, since the species occurs 10 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 in Mexico, there seems to be no reason why it should not be found at least in the extreme southeastern corner of Texas. P. major is known to me in three color forms. POLISTES MAJOR, typical form. Polistcs major Palisot de Beauvois, 1813-1820, Insectes Rec. Afrique et Amerique, p. 206 ( 9 ) ; Atlas, Hymen., PI. VIII, fig. 1 (type locality: Santo Domingo). Body extensively chrome-yellow (Ridgway's deep-chrome), with the following parts dark cinnamon-brown to brownish- black (nearest Ridgway's brownish-red) : a transverse stripe on the vertex, including the ocelli and the upper margin of the ocular sinuses ; the occiput ; a narrow apical margin of the clypeus ; tip of mandibles ; mesonotum ; anterior face of prono- tum in the middle ; sides of propleura ; meso- and metasternum entirely, continued over the anterior half of the mesopleura and most of the metapleura ; anterior and posterior sutures of post- scutellum ; anterior margin of propodeum, extending backward on the sides and continued over the median groove (sometimes as a narrow line only) ; basal two-thirds of the first abdominal tergite and the entire first sternite ; nearly the anterior half of the second tergite and somewhat more of its sternite; base of the two succeeding segments, more or less extensively accord- ing to the retraction of the abdomen ; and most of the legs, except for a spot on the upper face of the hind coxae, the tips of all the femora above, and occasionally part of the upper face of the front tibiae, which are yellow ; all tarsi brownish-yellow. The mandibles, antenna- and tegulse are more ferruginous- brown, the scape and the middle of the rlagellum being darker above; the oculo-malar space is often suffused with ferruginous to a varying extent. \Yings dark cinnamon-brown all over, darkest along the costa and subcosta ; radial cell not more in- fuscate than the remainder of the wing. In the male the yel- low color is slightly more extensive than in the female and worker, covering most of the mesopleura and the under side of the front coxae also. Typical P. major I have seen from the following localities.— ARIZONA : Apache Camp, Santa Catalina Mts., 5500 ft., Pima County; Palmerlee (or Garces), Cochise County. — MEXICO: Tuxpan, Jalisco; Teotihuacan, State of Mexico; Tepic; Mazat- lan. — GUATEMALA. — REPUBLIC OF HONDURAS: Puerto Castilla; Prieta; Lancetilla near Tela. — NICAKACCA : Managua. — CUBA: San Jose and Mina Carlota, Trinidad Mts., Santa Clara Prov. ; xlvii, '36] KNTiiMi (LOGICAL NEWS 11 Preston, Orienle ; Banes, Oriente ; Alto Cedro, Oriente; Santi- ago de Cuba; Za/a de Media; north of Vinales ; Havana; Mazorra; Santiago de las Vegas ; Mariel ; Herrera. Oriente; Soledad ; Balandron ; Baragua, Camaguey. — ISLE OF PINES: Nueva Gerona. — SANTO DOM INCH: San Lorenzo, Rep. Dom. ; Sanchez, Rep. Dom. ; San Francisco Mts., Rep. Dom. ; Puerto Plata, Rep. Dom. ; La Vega, Rep. Dom. ; Romana, Rep. Dom. ; Azna ; Petionville, Haiti ; Grande-Anse, Haiti ; Port-au-Prince, Haiti ; Carrefour, Haiti ; Camp Perrin, Haiti ; Cap Haitien, Haiti ; Lnnery, 1000 ft., Haiti. — TORTUGA ISLAND. — NAVASSA ISLAND. — BAHAMAS: Eleuthera. — BRAZIL: Rio de Janeiro; St. Amaro. Until recently P. major was unknown from Porto Rico. In 1931, Mr. Francisco Sein, Jr., Assistant Entomologist, Dept. of Agriculture Experiment Station, Rio Piedras, Porto Rico, sent me a lot of males of this species from Lares, Porto Rico. He states in a letter accompanying the specimens : "It would be rather surprising that had this species been in Porto Rico all the time, no one should have collected it before. Since it has become common in some parts of the Island after the hurri- cane of 1928, it has been supposed that it was possibly blown in from some of the other West Indian islands." I quite agree that P. major is a recent arrival in Porto Rico, carried thither from Santo Domingo either by a hurricane, as suggested, or by the agency of man. It is an interesting illustration of the ease with which wasps may be transported to and rapidly colonize new territory, a fact which renders them of doubtful value for zoogeographical speculat ions. P. MAJOR var. palmarum, new variety. I:cmalc and H'orkcr. — Ground color light ferruginous-brown, marked with bright yellow as follows: clypeus ; lower half of face (including lower half of ocular sinuses); oculo-malar spaces and lower third of cheeks; mandibles (except brownish- black teeth) ; under side of scape; narrow anterior and posterior margins of pronotum ; diffuse margins and middle line of scutel- lum : postscutellum ; two broad, vertical stripes on propodeum. not reaching poMsculellum ; a lengthened spot under ba.se of fore wing in upper corner of mesepisternum ; broad apical 12 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS |Jail., '36 fasciae on all tergites and sternites, covering most of fourth to sixth segments, those of second and third tergites with a minute ferruginous spot on each side ; most of fore coxae ; a spot on under side of mid coxje ; under side of fore femora ; apical spots on all femora. The tarsi are slightly yellowish. Wings rather uniformly infuscated and somewhat russet, with slight purplish reflections. Holot\pc: Palm Springs, Riverside County, CALIFORNIA, female, April, 192S ( W. M. Wheeler.)— Punitypc : Palm Can- yon, Colorado Desert, Riverside County, CALIFORNIA, 1000 ft., one worker, August 17, 1927 (J. C. Bradley). Both specimens at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. P. major var. palmar it in is homeochromic with some speci- mens of P. fitscatiis var. anaheimensis Provancher, a common wasp of southern California, which was also taken at Palm Springs by Prof. Wheeler. In anaheimensis there are, how- ever, usually at least traces of two yellow stripes on the meso- notum, which are lacking in pahnarnm. Moreover, the two wasps are readily differentiated by the shape of the clypeus, the length of the oculo-malar space and the striation of the pro- podeum. Both type specimens of palmarum have a slight pre- pectal suture in the upper portion of the mesopleura, no trace of which is ever found in any of the forms of P. fitscatiis ( Fabricius ) . P. MAJOR var. castaneicolor, new variety. Female and ITorhcr. — Almost uniformly dark chestnut- brown. Abdomen and median segments of the ilagellum, some- times also sides of thorax and propodeum, more blackish. Tarsi of all legs dirty yellowish. Wings uniformly infuscated with brown, the costal and subcostal cells somewhat russet; the veins chestnut-brown. Inner orbits in some specimens narrowly yel- lowish below, as far as the ocular sinus. Male. — Like the female ; but the blackish median part of the flagellum restricted to the upper side; the clypeus, lower half of the face, and under side of fore coxae generally suffused with yellow. Holotypc: Palmerlee (or Garces), Cochise County, ARIZONA. female (C. R. Biederman). — Allot y^c: Sa Catalina Mts., 3000 to 4000 ft., Pima County, ARIZONA, male (A.*A. Nichol).- Paratypes: Santa Rita Mts,, Pima County, ARIZONA (W. J. xlvii, '.Id | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 13 Chamberlin) ; Tucson, Pima Co., ARIZONA (L. J. Finch) ; Sa Catalina Alts., Pima County, ARIZONA (A. A. Xichol) : Cerro (Juemado, San Lorenzo Mts.. COLOMBIA (H. L. Yiereck) ; Mt. San Lorenzo, Santa Marta, 5500 ft., COLOMBIA (George Salt). -Holotype and allotype at the Museum of Comparative Zool- ogy, Cambridge, Mass. Paratypes at that Museum and at the Department of Entomology and Economic Zoology of the Uni- versity of Arizona. P. ma I or var. castaneicolor is homeochromic with the typical color form of P. canadensis (Linnaeus), a common wasp over most of Central and South America. Both these wasps are found together in Colombia; but in Arizona typical P. cana- densis is not known to occur. The only forms of P. canaden- sis in Arizona are the var. navajoe Cresson, the var. coinan- clins H. de Saussure and the var. kaibabcnsis Hayward, all of which differ markedly in color from P. major var. castanei- color. Notes on North American Orthoptera of the Arctic- Alpine Zone. By MORGAN HEBARD. The response of species to an Arctic-Alpine environment is one of the most interesting subjects we have studied in our work on the Orthoptera. Recently we have discussed the sur- vival of the male genitalic form of the instar preceding matur- ity in rare adults of species occurring in such environment, attributing this defective development to the unusual speed •necessary for the imago to pass through its normal instars in the much shorter period of time during which the temperature permits such growth. The ovoviviparity which occurs in certain Arctic butterflies, reported by Kusnezov x and by Klots,2 further indicates that speeding up of normal growth occurs even in the egg stage of Arctic-Alpine insects. 'Horae Ent. So. Ross., 39, p. 634 to 651, (1910). 2ENT. NEWS, XLVI, p. 58, (1935). 14 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '3(> 111 adults of Arctic-Alpine forms, however, diffusion of the normal color pattern, its disappearance in some or obliteration by darkening in others, has been shown to be largely due to the unusually low temperatures to which they have been ex- posed (probably mainly effective during certain critical periods in the development of the individual).3 The depauperation, in- crease in robustness and accentuation of irregularities in con- tour may well be attributable to that same factor. In establishing the proper status, whether a species, race or phase, of an Arctic- Alpine individual the significance of its ap- parently very distinctive characters must be carefully consid- ered. We recognize as valid species only those which are not immediately supplanted in the next warmer Zone by a closely allied form. Such are all the species of the genus Grylloblatta, certain species of the genus Bruncria, Cireoietti.v inaculatus Scudder, all species of the genus Asemoplus, some species of Bradynotes and Acrodcctcs philopagus Rehn and Hebard. Where we have a fairly constant boreal response separated from the normal type of a species by intergrades over a com- paratively narrow area we believe that geographic races should be recognized. Among these are Circotctti.r rabnla altlor Rehn,4 Melanoplus oregonensis triuin/itlaris Hebard, Melanoplus borc- alis borealis (Fieber), J\lelanoplns borealis stnpefaetns (Scud- der) and Melanoplus kcunlcotti nnhicola (Scudder). Where the transition from a boreal type to the normal type is very gradual, however, extending over a wide area, we do not feel that racial recognition is warranted and have conse- quently synonymized names proposed for such gradations under Mela no pi us dod(jci (Thomas) and Melanoplus bnineri Scudder. The same is indicated in Aeropedellus clavatus (Thomas). In a number of other species of North American Orthoptera simi- lar gradual transition from the normal to often a quite striking "Standfuss, The Entomologist, XXVIII. p. 69, (18<>5). See al. the lower portions of the Canadian Zone in the southern Rocky Mountains of the United States. \lvii, '36 | KXTO.MOI.OGICAL NEWS 15 boreal type has not been known previously and tbc extremes have not been and should not lie distinguished by name. Such we have noted in Mclunoplits nwntanus (Thomas) and Mclan- oplits fasciatns ( F. Walker)-5 A certain few widely distributed forms may, however, reach the Arctic-. \lpine Zone but show there little or no change t rom their normal. Among these are --Icrydinin sitlutlatnin (Lin- naeus), Cliortliipfins loin/icornis (Latreille), M claim plus occi- (lentaHs (Thomas) and Melano plus inc.ricanus (Saussure).(i Much remains to be learned concerning the development of the boreal types of insects, and the Cascades and Rocky Moun- tains afford a decidedly more satisfactory field than the far North, due to the much greater proximity there of the Arctic- Alpine to the successively warmer Zones. Though the Sierra Nevada and Sierra Madre of California have a much more varied fauna, this does not hold true there. In those mountains the demarkation of the Zones is so much more decided that there are few cases where species of the Arctic-Alpine can appear much below that Zone, and the species of the surrounding lowlands are in most cases dependent to such a degree on aridity and heat that their distribution usually terminates far below the high mountain summits. The Coleoptera or Beetles of Georgia, II By P. W. FATTIG, Emory University, Georgia. (Continued from Volume XL VI, page 160.) OMOPIIRONIDAE. 2282 — OMOPHRON LABIATUM Fab. Brunswick VIII. 22, '29. HALIPLIDAE. 2299 — HALIPLUS FASCIATUS Aubc. Perry IV, 13, '31. DVT i sci DAE. 2342 — CANTHYDRUS GIBBULUS Aube. Macon III. 22, '31. 2347 — H\DKO( AXTHUS OBLONGUS Slip. Okefcnokee Swp. , 7. '32; r.ninswick VI, 5. '29. 2351 — LACVOPH ii.i is MACTLOSUS Germ. Atlanta III. 25. '31. Neither of these species reach in their distribution the Arctic-Alpine Zone. ' Kxccpting possibly a northwestern race, the validity of \\hich is in doubt. 16 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [JcUl., '36 (3) ; Cleveland V, 4, '28; Rome VII, 17, '31. 2353 — L. PROXIMUS Say. Atlanta V, 3, '28; Cleveland Y, 4, '28. 2359— L. FASCIATUS Aube. Rome V, 26, '31 ; Cairo YI. IS. '31. 2388 — BIDESSUS PULICARIUS Aube. Waycross Y, 15. '32. 2390— B. AFFINIS Say. Baxley IY, 13," '31. 2394— B. LACUSTRIS Say. Albany VI, 1, '32. 2395 — B. FUSCATUS Crotch. Okefenokee Swp. Y, 6, '32. 2400 — CELINA ANGUSTATA Aube. Quitman VI, 17, '31. 2430 — DERONECTES GRISEOSTRIATUS DeG. Atlanta III. 25. '31. 2605 — COPELATUS GLYPHICUS Say. Albany VI, 1, '32; Clay- ton VIII. 17, '29. 2607 — C. CHEVROLATI Aube. Albany VI, 1, '32 2609 — COPTOTOMUS OBSCURUS Shp. Cleveland V, 4, '28; Folkston V, 8, '32. 2610 — C. INTERROGATES Fab. Savannah IV, 11, '31 (11); Gainesville VI, 24, '31. 2619 — RHANTUS CALIDUS Fab. Clayton V, 28, '34. 2650- — HYDATICUS BIMARGINATUS Say. Cleveland V, 4, '28; Americus VI. 20, '31. 2651 — ACILIUS SEMISULCATL'S Aube. Albany VI, 1, '32. 2654 — THERMONECTES ORNATICOLLIS Aube. Cleveland V, 4, '28. 2655 — T. BASILARIS Harr. St. Simons Is. V, 5, '30; Albany VII, 30, '31 ; Clayton VIII, 17, '29. 2659 — GRAPHODERES LIBERUS Say. Thomasville VI, 19, '31. 2666 — CYBISTER OLIVIERI Cr. Cairo VI, 18, '31 2667 — C. FIMBRIOLATUS Say. Toccoa VII, 2. '31 ; Atlanta VIII. 1, '30. 2668 — C. ELLIPTICUS Led. Folkston V, 8, '32; Cairo VI, 18, '31. GYRINIDAE. 2672 — BINEUTES ROBERTSI Lenj*. Griffin VI, 12, '27; Toc- coa VI, 16, '29. 2674 — B. DISCOLOR Aube. Clayton V, 28, '34; Colquit VI, 18, '31. 2680 — B. AMERICANUS Say. Atlanta VII, 4, '31. 2681— B. HORNI Rbts. Cleveland V, 4, '28. 2682 — B. EMARGINATUS Say. Cleveland Y, 4. '28; Folkston V, 8, '32. 2683 — B. CAROLINLIS Lee. Macon III, 22, '31 : Waynesboro IV, 10, '31; Savannah IV, 11, '31 (11); IVrry TVi 13, '31 (2) ; Greenville IV, 28, '31. (5) ; Fort Valley IV, 29, '31 ; Col- \lvii, '36] K. \TO.MOLOGICAL NEWS 17 umbus IV, 29. '31 ; Stone Alt. V, 16, '28 (36) ; Springfield V, 29. '31 (7) ; Colquit VI, 18. '31 (3) ; Atlanta VII, 11, '31. D. CILIATUS Foersh. Macon III, 20, '31 ; Augusta IV, 10, '31 (7) ; Tallulah Falls V, 13, '31 (2) ; Hamilton V, 19, '31 ; Milleclgeville V, 28, '31. 2684 — GVKIM s MIXUTUS Fab. Folkston V. 8, '32. 2699— G. PERNITIDUS Lee. Colquit VI, 18, '31. 2700— G. AXALIS Say. Perry IV, 13, '31 (5) ; Stone Alt. IV, 19, '31 (3); V, 10", '29 (5); V, 16, '28/234). 2707a — G. BOREALIS. var. LUGENS Lee. Cairo VI, 18, '31. G. SP. Perry IV, 13, '31. HYDROPHILIDAE. 2767 — HYDROCHUS SIMPLEX Lee. Macon IV, 29, 31. 2777 — BEROSUS PEREGRINUS Hbst. Atlanta IV, 23, '30; Thomasville VI, 19, '31. 2783— B. INFUSCATUS Lee. Colquit VI, 18, '31. 2789 — HYDROUS TRIANGULARIS Say. Atlanta VII, 14, '32. 2792 — DIBOLOCELUS OVALIS Ziegl. Cairo VI, 18, '31. 2795 — HYDROPHILUS OBTUSATUS Say. Cairo VI, 18, '31. 2797 — TROPISTERNUS STRIOLATUS Lee. Atlanta III, 25, '31 ; Savannah IV, 11, '31 (10); St. Simons Is. IV, 12, '31; San- dersville V, 3, '31; Cleveland V, 4, '28; Colquit VI, 18, '31; VII, 18, '31. 2805— T. GLABER Hbst. Savannah IV. 11. '31; Toccoa V, 14. '30; Ringgold V, 23. '31 ; Thomasville VI, 19, '31. 2807--T. LATERALIS Fab. Baxley IV, 12, '31 ; Cairo VI, 18, 31 ; Atlanta VII, 5, '32. 2813 — HYDROBIUS TESSELATUS Zimm. Ringgold V, 23, '31 (4). 2817 — PARACYMUS SUTURALIS Lee. Perry IV, 3, '31. 2819— P. SUBCUPREUS Say. Macon IV, 29, '31. 2834— EXOCIIRUS NEBULOSUS Say. Macon IV, 29, '31. 2835— E. OCIIRACEFS Melsh. Perry IV, 13, '31. 2836 — E. PERPLEXUS Lee. Atlanta VII, 4, '31. 2837— E. CIXCTUS Say. Baxley VI, 5, '29. SlLPHIDAE. 2911 — NECROPHORUS AMERICANUS Oliv. Jonesboro VII, 2, '29. 2912— N. SAYI Lap. Atlanta VII. 7, '31; Stone Mt. XI, 2, '28. 2913— N. ORBICOLLIS Say. Blue Ridge VI, 14, '29. 2914— N. MARGINATUS Fab. Blairsville VI, 15, ' 2918 — N. PUSTULATUS Hersch. Qtiitman VI. 17. '31. 2920 — N. TOMENTOSUS Web. Hamilton V, 19, '31; Toco>.i VI, 16, '29; Blairsville VI, 26, '31. 18 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS |Juil.. '3* > 2922 — SILPHA SURINAMENSIS Fab. Atlanta IV, 14, '32; VTII, 2, '31; Hamilton V, 19, '31 (2); Matron VI, 21, '29; Stone Mt. VIII. 12, '32 (2). 2926— S. INEQUALIS Fab. Atlanta III, 31, '35 (52) ; Ham- ilton V, 19. '31 (.10) ; Macon VI, 21, '29. 2927 — S. NOVEBORACENSIS Forst. Atlanta III, 31, 35 i 2) ; VI, 12. '29; Hamilton V, 19, '31. 2928 — S. AMERICANA Linn. Folkston V, 8, '32 ; Hamilton V, 19, '31 (6) ; Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 3027 — LEIODES GEMINATA Horn. Toccoa VI, 16, '29. 3029 — AGATHIDIUM ONISCOIDES Beauv. Blood Mt. VI. 25. '31. 3031 — A. DENTIGERUM Horn. Blue Ridge VI, 26, '31 SCYDMAENIDAE. 3054 — LOPHIODERUS ATLANTICUS Schfr. Toccoa VII, 3, '31. 3099 — CONNOPIIRON FOSSIGER Lee. Clayton VIII, 17, '29. 3121 — C. HIRTELLUM Lee. Cornelia VI, 28, '31. 3137 — C. CLAVATUM Lee. Rockmart VI, 25, '32. 3154 — C. BASALE Lee. Cairo VI, 18, '31. 3171 — SCYDMAENUS CRiBARius Lee. Toccoa VI, 16. '29. 3188 — OPRESUS MISELLUS Lee. Columbus V, 27, '31. STAPHYLINIDAE. 3344 — ANTHOBIUM HORNI Fauv. Hiawassee VI, 15, '29. 3556 — APOCELLUS SPHAERICOLLIS Say. Vaklosta VIII, 14. '27. 3572 — OXYTELUS INSIGNITUS Grav. Bainbridge VII, 31, '31. 3676 — BLEDIUS EMARGINATUS Say. Folkston A". 8, '32. 3686 — B. CORDATUS Say. Waycross VI, 10, '31. 3715 — STENUS GEMMEUS Csy. Canton VII, 17, '31. 3872 — EUAESTHETUS AMERICANUS Er. Dalton VII, 24, '31. 3883 — PINOPHILUS OPACUS Lee. Atlanta VI, 17. '32; VII, 14, '32. 3892 — PALAMINUS TESTACEUS Er. Cornelia VI, 16, '29. 3908 — GASTROLOBIUM BICOLOR Grav. Toccoa VIII, 16, '29. 3961 — APTERALIUM CAROLINAE Csy. Tallulah Falls VII, 15, '28. 4260 — ASTENUS PROLIXUS Er. Ellijay V, 14. '31. 4270 — A. BREVIPENNIS Aust. Jasper VII, 17, '31. 4383 — -OcroBius PARCUS Horn. Jasper VII, 17. '31. 4393 — PHILONTHUS LAETULUS Say. Ring-gold VIII, 17, '31. 4402— P. CAUTUS Er. Sandersville V, 31", '31. 4447— -P. CYANIPENNIS Fab. Atlanta VI, 7, '28 (6) ; Sum- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 19 merville VI, 30, '31; Neel Gap IX, 1, '29; X, 7, '30; Stone Mt. XI, 2, '28. 4514 — BELONUCHUS FORMOSUS Grav. Tate VI, 27, '32. 4515— B. EPHIPPIATUS Say. Atlanta VII, 10, '30. 4533 — STAPHYLINUS MACULOSUS Grav. Cairo VI, 18, '31 ; Thomasville VI, 19, '31; Stone Mt. VII, 1, '30; VII, 12, '29; Clayton VIII, 17, '29; X, 25. '31. 4536— S. FEMORATUS Fab. Griffin VI, 12, '27. 4543— S. FOSSATOR Grav. Dahlonega VI, 22, '32; Atlanta VII, 4, '30; VII, 7, '28. 4544— S. COMES Lee. Perry IV, 13, '31. 4545 — S. CINNAMOPTERUS Grav. Atlanta III, 28, '29; V, 30, '29; Tate VI, 27, '32. 4546 — S. VIOLACEUS Grav. Milledgeville V. 28, '31. 4548— S. VIRIDANUS Horn. Blue Ridge VI, 26, 31. 4549— S. EXULANS Er. Rome VI, 20, '30. 4555b — CREOPHILUS MAXILLOSUS VILLOSUS Grav. Hamilton V. 19, '31 (12) ; Atlanta V, 21, 30; Jesup VII, 22, '29; Stone Mt. VIII, 13, '32; X, 7, '32. 4586 — QUEDIUS CAPUCINUS Grav. Atlanta V, 30, '29. 4634 — OXYPERUS VITTATUS Grav. Stone Mt. XI, 2, '28. 4663 — TACHINUS FLAVIPENNIS Dej. Stone Mt. V, 26, '27. 4665— T. FIMBRIATUS Grav. Stone Mt. V, 26, '27 (2); Augusta VI, 9, 32. 4669— T. FUMIPENNIS Say. West Point VI, 19, '32. 4681 — TACHYPORUS jocosus Say. Cartersville VIII, 16, '31. 4692- — ERCHOMUS LAEVIS Lee. Swainsboro V, 31, '31. 4705 — CONOSOMA BASALIS Er. Bainbridge VII, 31, '31. 4707— C. CRASSUS Grav. Ringgold VII, 24, '31. 4719 — BOLITORIUS DIMIDIATUS Er. Rockmart VI, 25, '32; Atlanta X, 7, '30 (2). 4730— B. CINCTUS Grav. Clarkeville VII, 25, '31 ; Atlanta X, 7, '30 (2). 4933 — BOLITOCHARA TRISTIGMA Csy. Hiawassce V, 14, '31 ; Rome VII, 17, '31; Atlanta X, 7, '30 (6). 4947 — EUMICROTA CORRUSCULA Er. Gainesville VIII, 18, '28. 4995 — GYROPTTAENA FASCIATA Say. Cornelia VI, 28, '31. 5037 — HOIM.ANDRIA LATERALIS Melsb. Blue Ridge VI. 26, '31. 5755 — FALAGRIA DISSECTA Er. Cornelia VI, 28. '31. 57(13 — A i. FO< MARA CURTULA Goeze. Blairsvillc VI, 15. 57(4 — A. i.rsTRiCA Say. Hiawassee V, 14, '31. 5766— A. LATA Grav. Cornelia VI, 28, '31. 20 KNTOMOLOG1CAL NEWS |Jail., "36 PSELAPHIDAE. 6248 — BRACHYGLUTA CAVICORNIS Bncll. Baxley IV, 12, '31. 6264 — REICHENBACHIA RUBICUNDA Aube. Macon VI, 21, '29. 6326 — EUPSENIUS GLABER Lee. Savannah VII, 24, '29. 6333 — TYCHUS MINOR Lee. Blairsville VI, 15, '29. 6352 — PSELAPHUS LONGICLAVUS Lee. Albany VII, 30, '31. 6367 — PILOPIUS CONSOBRINUS Lee. Columbus V, 19, '31. CLAVIGERIDAE. 6388 — ADRANEA COECUS Lee. Dahlonega VII, 9, '31. PTILIIDAE. 6393 — NOSSIDIUM AMERICANUM Mots. Rome VII, 17, '31. 6426 — PTERYX BRUNNEA Lee. Blue Ridge VI, 26, '31. 6430 — PTINELLODES LECONTEI G. & H. Gainesville VIII, 18, '28. 6470— PTINELLA QUERCUS Lee. Macon VI, 21, '29. SCAPHIDIIDAE. 6489 — SCAPHISOMA CONVEXUM Say. Jonesboro VII, 2, '29. 6499 — S. PUNCTULATUM Lee. Gainesville VIII, 16, '29. S. SP. Atlanta X, 7, '30. Review. DIE BLATT-MINEN MITTEL- UNO NORD-EUROPAS. Bestim- mungs-Tabellen aller von Insekten-Larven der verschiedenen Ordnungen erzeugten Minen. By Professor MARTIN HERING (Univ. of Berlin). 7 plates and 500 text-figures. Lieferung I, pp. ix-xii -f- 1-112. Gustav Feller, Neubrandenburg, 1935. Subscription price, 12 RM per Lieferung. This book deals with the leaf-miners of middle and northern Europe, including England. Six parts, all to be issued within two years, will make up the completed volume of about 700 to 800 pages. Two editions are available, a small quarto and a pocket size octavo. The first part, just issued, contains a brief general introduction to leaf-mines and miners (24 pages). Then follows the main text in which the genera of host plants are taken up in alpha- betical order, each with a dichotomous key to the leaf-mines of the particular genus. These keys, in most cases, should make it possible to quickly identify in the field any leaf-mine in the area covered by the book. The present part includes the genera from Abies to Browms. — R. G. SCHMIEDER. New List of T/tles of Publ/cat/ons Referred to by Numbers in Entomological Literature in Entomological News. 1. Transactions of The American Entomological Society. Philadelphia. 2. Entomologische Blatter, red. v. H. Eckstein etc. Berlin. 3. Ar.nak-s Sri. Xaturdk-s, Zoologie, Paris. 4. Canadian Entomologist. London, Canada. 5. Pysche, A Journal of Entomology. Boston, Mass. 6. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. New York. 7. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Columbus, Ohio. 8. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine. London. 9. The Entomologist. London. 10. Proceedings of the Ent. Soc. of Washington. Washington, D. C. 11. Deutsche entomologische Zdtschrift. Berlin. 12. Journal of Economic Entomology, Geneva, N. Y. 13. Journal of Entomology and Zoology. Claremont, Cal. 15. Annales Academia I'.rasildra de Sciencias. Rio de Janeiro. 17. Entomologische Rundschau. Stuttgart, Germany. 18. Internationale entomologische Zeitschrift. Guben, Germany. 19. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. Brooklyn, N. Y. 20. Societas entomologica. Stuttgart, Germany. 21. The Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation. London. 22. Bulletin of Entomological Research. London. 23. Bollettino del Lab. di Zool. gen. e agraria della Portici. Italy. 24. Annales de la societe entomologique de France. Paris. 25. Bulletin de la societe entomologique de France. Paris. 26. Entomologischer Anzeiger, hersg. Adolf Hoffmann. Wien, Austria. 27. P.olletino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Gcnova. 28. Ent. Tidskrift utgifen af Ent. Foreningen i Stockholm. Sweden. 29. Annual Report of the Ent. Society of Ontario. Toronto, Canada. 30. Archivos do Institute de Biologia Vegetal, R. d. Janeiro. 31. Nature. London. 32. Boletim do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janiero. Brazil. 33. Bull, et Annales de la Societe entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles. 34. Zoologischer Anzeiger, hrsg. v. E. Korschelt. Leipzig. 35. The Annals of Applied Biology. Cambridge, England. 36. Trans. Royal Er.toniolo»ioal Society, London. England. 37. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society. Honolulu. 38. Bull, of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. Los Angeles. 39. The Florida Entomologist. Gainesville, Fla. 40. American Museum Novitates. New York. 41. Mitteilungen der schweiz. ent. Gesellschaft. Schafrhausen, Switzerland. 42. The Journal of Experimental Zoology. Philadelphia. 43. Ohio Journal of Sciences. Columbus, Ohio. 44. Revista chilena de historia natural. Valparaiso, Chile. 45. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Tnsektenbiologie. Berlin. 46. Zeitschrift fur Morphologic und Okologie der Tiere. Berlin. 47. Journal of Agricultural Research. Washington, D. C. 48. Wiener entomoloqn'sche Zcitung. Wien, Austria. 49. Entomologische Mitteilungen. Berlin. 50. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. Washington, D. C. 51. Notulae entomologicae, ed. Soc. ent. Helsingfors. Helsingiors, Finland. 52. Archiv fiir Natur \'.\ V. S. I- 1'ATK. LAURA S. MACKKY and E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under t.he above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of Hi'- Americas (-North and South), including Arachnida and JMyriopoda. Articles irrelevant l.o American entomology will not be noted; bu'i contributions I" anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating ;o American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appear. •<-!, ;is miinliered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and .June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of EN , .CAI. NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Papers published in the Entomological News are not' listed. GENERAL. — Braendegaard, Henriksen & Sparck — In- sects and arachnids. [Meddel. om Greenland J 104: No. 16, 18 pp. Check lists: of the Brenthidae. the Rutelinae (Cole- optera), the Embiidae, the ants; of Oceania. By Kleine, ( thaus, Friederichs, Wheeler. [Bishop Mus.] Oc. Pap. vol. 11, Nos. 1, 2, 7, 11. Cause; G. — On the causes of the mas; appearance of insects. [Zool. Journ., Moscow] 14: 413-439 (in Russ.). Hayward, K. J. — The geographical aspect of Argentine Entomology. [21] 47: 109-110. Hemmingsen, A. M. — A statistical analysis of the differences in body size of related species. | Yid. Medd. Dansk Nat. Foren.] 98: 125- 160. McKenzie, H. E. — Biology and control of avocado in- sects and mites [Univ. Cal. Agr. Exp. Sta.] Bull. 592, ]>]). Oehser, P. H. — Homonyms and nomenclators. [Am. Midland Xat.] 16: 962-964. "Rockefeller Institute in the medical and natural sciences, Work of the. [68] 82: 457, Smith, R. C. — The influence of civilization on the insert fauna in cultivated areas of Xortb America. [Kept. Smiths. [nst., Wash. | 1934: 257-_W>. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Allard, H. A.- Synchronous flashing of fireflies. |68j 82: 517-518. de Beau- mont, J. — L'instinct rl rinti-lli.^ence chez les inst-cti-s. | Bull. Soc. Vaudoise Sci. Xat.] 58: 349-358. Browman, L. G. The chitiiimis structures hi the posterior abdominal s ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 ments of certain female termites. [Journ. Morph.] 57: 113- 129, ill. Colas-Belcour, J. — Evolution post-embryonnaire et mues de Ornithodoros erraticus. [Bull. Soc. Path. Exot.j 28: 604-606. Dobzhansky, T., and D. F. Poulson— Oxygen consumption of Drosophila pupae. II. Drosophila pseudo- obscura. [Zeitschr. Vergleich. Phys.] 22: 473-478. Ephrussi et Beadle — La transplantation des ovaires chez la droso- phile. [78] 69: 492-502. Friedmann, N.— Ein beitrag zur kenntniss der embryonalen entwicklung der abdominalfusse bei den schmetterlingsraupen. [Soc. Sci. Fenn. Comm. Biol. 1934] 4: 1-29, ill. Goldschmidt, R.— Gen und Aussenchar- akter. Ill (Untersuchungen an Drosophila). [97] 55: 535- 554, ill. Hoffman, W. — Ban u leistung des spinnapparates einiger netzspinnen. [Jenaische Zeit. Naturw.] 70: 65-112, ill. Kalabuchow, N. G. — Anabiose bei Wirbeltieren und Insekten bei Temperaturen unter 0°. (Zur Frage ueber die Unterkuhlung und das Gefrieren der Tieren.) [89, Zool. & Phys.] 55: 47-64. Kosminsky and Warschawer — Unter- suchungen ueber Intersexualitat bei Lymantria dispar L. Ill : Teil Auslosung intersexueller Verwanderungen durch Temperature in wirkung. |Zool. Journ., Moscow) 14: 439- 464 (in Russ. with Germ. summ.). Kozhantschikov and Maslowa — Zur Frage nach dem Temperaturoptimum des Lebens. IV: Ueber die Totalmenge des verbrauchten Sauer- stoffs wahrend der Puppen metamorphoses. [89, Zool. & Phys.] 55: 219-230. Krueger, K. — Die doppelt-schraegstrei- fung bei den muskelfaseru der zecken (Ixodidae). [94] 147: 275-294, ill. Leifert, H. — Untersuchungen ueber den Ex- kretstoff wechsel bei Eiern, Raupen und Puppen von An- theraea pernyi. [89, Zool. & Phys.] 55: 131-190. Levere- ault, P. — The insect tarsus. [Univ. Kans. Sc. Bull.] 22: 521- 526, ill. Macleod, J. — Ixodes ricinus in relation to its physi- cal environment. [116] 27: 489-500. Maercks, H.— Der Einfluss der Nahrung auf die Entwicklung der Nonnen- raupe. [110] 2: 175-195. Maloeuf, N. S. R.— The postem- bryonic history of the somatic musculature of the dragon- fly thorax. [Journ. Morph.] 58: 87-106, ill. Mansour, K- The development of the adult mid-gut of coleopterous in- sects. [Bull. Fac. Sci. Egypt. Univ.] No. 2: 34 pp., ill. Mori, Kazuo — Photic reaction of Chironomus larvae on several drugs. [Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ.] (4) Biol. 10: 387- 408. Mueller, T. — Zur vergleichenden myologie der Tardi- graden. [94] 147: 171-204, ill. Nobumasa; Y., and Kawada. —On the sexual characteristics visible on the body of rice borers. [Journ. Imp. Agr. Exp. Sta. Tokyo] 2: 491-498, ill. xlvii, '36 | K. \To\lo LOGICAL NEWS 23 (In Jap. \vitli English suniniary. ) Paterson, N. F. — Obser- vations on the embrvology of Corynodes pusis ( Coleop- tera). [53] 78: 91-132, ill." Poulson, D. F,— Oxygen con- sumption of Drosophila pupae. I. Drosophila melanogaster. [Zeitschr. Vergleich. phys.J 22: 466-472. Sautet, J.— In- fluence clu froid sur les oeufs d'Anopheles maculipennis. [77J 120: 412-413. Sgonina, K. — Zur sinnesphysiologie cler Onychiuren (Collembola). [34| 112: 13-23. Tate, P.— The larva of I'haonia mirabilis predatory on mosquito larvae. [116J 27: 556-560, ill. Thomsen, M. — A comparative study of the development of the Stomoxydinae (especially Hae- matobia stimulans Meigen) with remarks on other copro- phagous insects [93] 1935: 531-552, ill. Vachon, M.— Sur la nutrition des pseudoscorpionid.es. [Bui. Sci. Bourgogne] 4: 38-55, ill. Weyer, F. — .Ueber druesenartige Xervenzellen im Gehirn cler Honig Biene. [34] 112: 137-141. Whiting, P. W. — Sex-determination in bees, wasps and ants. [Miscel. Am. Phil. Soc.] 1: 16-17. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Braendegaard, J. -Preliminary statement of the synonymity of certain Greenland spiders. [Vid. Medd. Dansk Nat.' Foren.] 98: 47-48. Canals, J. — Opiliones de la Argentina. [Estudios Arachnologicos Pub. by, Author] 6: 12 pp. (*). Chamber- lin and I vie— 'Miscellaneous new American spiders. [Bull. Univ. Utah] 26 (4) : 1-79, ill. The black widow1 spider and its varieties in the United States. [Bull. Univ. Utah] 25(8) : 1-28. ill. Fonseca, F. de — Eulaelaps vitzthumi, sp. n. (Car- aina, Laelaptidae). |Mem. Inst. Butantan] 9: 58-64, illus. Novas cspecies sul-americanas de parasites do genero Lipo- nissus Kolenati, 1858 (Acarina, Liponissidae). [Mem. Inst. Butantan] 9: 69-98. illus. Ceratonyssus joaquimi sp. n. ( Acarina, Liponissidae) parasita de Glossophaga soricina (Pallas) de S. I'aulo. |Mem. Inst. Butantan | 9: 115-123, illus. (*). Occoreucia de sub-especie de Ixodes ricinus (L. 1758) no estado de S. I'aulo (Acarina, Ixodidae). [Mem. Inst. I5iilnnuiu| 9: 131-135. illus. (*). Ixodes amarali, sp. n. (Acarina, Ixodidae). | Mem. Inst. Butantan] 9: 137-140, illus. (*). Locali/acao, frequencia, distribuic/io geograph- ica e hospedadores de Spelaeorhynchus latus Banks 1917 i Acarina, Spelaeorhynchidae). [Mem. Inst. Butantan] 9: 145-14X. Mclntosh, A. — I )escription of a lick. Ornitho- doros coprophilus from bat guano. |11(>| 27: 519-524. ill. (*S). Matheson, R. — Three new species of ticks, Ornitho- doros (Acarina, Ixodoidea). [Journ. Parasit.J 21: 347-353, 24 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 ill. (*). Mello-Leitao, C. de — Tres novas aranhas tetra- pneumones nas collecqoes do Institute Butantan. [Mem. Iii st. Butantan] 9: 355-360; illus. (*). Dois generos raros cle Aranhas nas collecc,oes do Institute Butantan. [Mem. Inst. Butantan J 9: 363-366, illus. (*). THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Bagnall, R. S. — An extended classification of the Pauropoda to in- clude two n. fain. |75J 16: 619-629, ill. Ewing, H. E.— The taxonomy of the Anopluran genera Polyplax and Eremoph- thirius, including the descri])tion of n. sps. [95| 48: 201- 210, ill. (*). Hsiu, Chu-Sieh — An improved breeding ap- paratus for termites [in Japanese]. [Ent. & Phytopath., Hangchow] 3: 618-619, ill. Peters, H. S.— Mallophaga carried by Hippoboscids. [An. Carnegie Mus.] 24: 57-58. Pritchard, A. E. — Two new dragonflies from Oklahoma. 1 114 1 No. 319: 10 pp., ill. HEMIPTERA.— Ball, E. D.— Some new Gyponas with notes on others. [91 J 25: 497-503. Beamer and Tuthill— A monograph of the genera Alapus and Hebecephalus '(Cica- dellidae) [Univ. Kans. Sci. Bull.] 22: 527-547, ill. (*). da Costa Lima, A. — Catalogo das especies americanas de La- ternariidae ( Fulgoroidea). |111| 30: 481-517. (S). Deay, H. O. — The genus Tenagobia (Corixidae). [Univ. Kans. Sci. Bull.] 22: 403-478, ill." Drake & Harris— New Veliidae from Central America. [95] 48: 191-194. (*). Hidalgo, J. -The genus Abedus (Belostomatidae). [Univ. Kans. Sc. Bull.] 22: 493-520, ill. (*). Kaufmann, O.— Beobachtungen und Versuche ueber die Ruebenwanze Piesma quadrata. [110] 2: 204-212. Osborn, H.— Insects of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Homoptera (excepting the Sternor- hynchi). [N. Y. Acad. Sci., Sci. Surv. Porto Rico & Virgin lsl.| 14: 111-260, illus- (*)• Plummer, C. C.— Descriptions of new Membracidae from Mexico. [6] 43: 373-381, ill. Rankin, K. P. — Life history of Lethocerus americanus (Belostomatidae). [Univ. Kans. Sci. Bull.) 22: 479-492, ill. LEPIDOPTERA.— Clark, A. H.— Arctic butterflies. (Rep. Smiths. Inst. Wash.] 1934: 267-296, ill. Clarke, J. F. G. — Notes and n. sps. of Microlepidoptera from Washing- ton State. [4] 67: 244-254, ill. Dannreuther, T.— Note on the food-plant of Danaus plexippus, L. [9] 68: 240-241. Daviault, L. — Contribution a 1'etude des insectes du bou- leau [98] 62: 237-256; 282-297, illus. Griffin, F. J.— On the date of the preface to Huebner's "Sammlung europaeischer xlvii, '36 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 25 Schmetterlinge." [21J 47: 110-111. Hall, A.— Xe\v forms of Nymphalinae and Ithomiinue. [9J 68: 221-227, ill. (*"). Heikertinger, F. — Die Mimikrypten cler Afrikanischeri Nymphaliden und ihr Verhaltnis zu den nichtmimetischen Yenvandten. [97], 55: 461-483, ill. Lane and Lane — Notas sohre parasitismo em borboletas. [Rev. Mus. Paulista, Sao Paulo] V>: 443-446. McDunnough, J.— Notes on two Nova Scotia Butterflies. [4J 67:211-212. Querci, O. — An account of my studies in the biology of Pieris rapae. III. |21j 47: 111-112. Rousseau-Decelle, G. — Note sur quelques formes nouvelles de Morpho. [25 J 40: 219-226. (*). Tisseuil, J.- Contribution a 1'etude cle la papillunite guyanaise. [Bull. Soc. Path. Exot.] 28: 719-721. DIPTERA.— Borgmeier, T.— Sobre alguns Phorideos da regiao neotropical. [30J 2: 125-134, ill. (*). Brennan, J. M. -The Pangoniinae of nearctic Am. i Tabanidae). [Univ. Kans. Sci. Hull.] 22: 249-402, ill. (*). da Costa Lima, A.- Especies de Taeniorhynchus (Culicidae) (S*). |111] 30: 453-409, ill. Um Drosophilideo predador de ("occideos. [Chacaras e Quintaes, Sao Paulo] 52: 2-4, ill. (S). Notas M>bre Trypetidas Brasileiras. [15] 7: 235-250, ill. (*). v. Frankenberg, G. — Die Umkehrbewegung bei Leptogas- ter. [97] 55: 524-525. ill. Johannsen, 6. A.— Aquatic dip- lera, II. Orthorrhapha. Hrachycera and Cyclorrhapha. | Cornell Univ. Mem. 177: 62 pp., ill. (*). Klein-Krautheim, F. — Ueber massenauftreten und bekaenipfung der geineinen rasenhalmfliege (Thaumatomyia nofata). [Her. Oberhess. Gesel. Nat. u. Heilkund ; Gies'sen] 16: 137-169. Lopes, H. de S.— A sub-familia Rhinotorinae ( Rhopalomeridae). [30] 2: 19-26. ill. Malloch, J. R. — The North American species of l.ispori-phala. 1 75 1 16: 562-572, cont. (*). Prado, A.- Contribuicoes ao conhecimento dos Cnlicideos de Sao Paulo. VI. Xotas sobre os mosquitos originarios das ta- (juaras: Sabethoides intermedius e Megarhinus bambusi- cola. | Mem. lust. Butantan] 9: 195-199, ill. Reinhard, H. J. -Xorth American two-winged flies of the genus Doryphor- (.phaga (Tachinidae). [6] 43: 387-394. (*j. Riggert, E- 7ur Kenntnis der Lebensgewohnheiten von Oscinella frit, und ihrer Jugenstadicu. [110| 2: 145-156. Rowe and Knowlton— The genus Tabanus in Utah. [4] 67: 238-244, ill. (*). Shaw, F. R. — Some new Mycetophilidae. |4| 67: 127-230. ill. Shute, P. G.— The value of the external spine of the harpago in identifying varieties of Anophele> macu- lipennis. [116] 27: 561-563. ill. Takunaga, Masaaki— (>n 26 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 the pupae of the Nymphomyiid fly. [Mushi] 8: 44-52, illus. Wilcox, J. — New Asilid flies of the genus Ablautus with a key to the species. [4] 67: 222-227. COLEOPTERA.— Brown, W. J.— American species of Luclius : the Cribrosus and Volitans Groups. [4] 67: 213- 221, illus. (*). Chapin, E. A. — N. sps. of Scarabaeidae from Puerto Rico and the Virg-in Islands. [Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, San Juan] 19: 67-71 (*). Fisher, W. S.— New Cerambycid Beetles from Puerto Rico. [Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, San Juan] 19: 51-63. (*). New Eucnemid Beetles from Puerto Rico. [Journ. Agr. Univ. Puerto Rico, San Juan] 19: 65-66. (*). Glen, R. — Contributions to the morphology of the larval Elateridae (Coleoptera). No. 1 : Ludius aeripennis destructor. [4] 67: 231-238, ill. Hallock, H. C. — Movements of larvae of the oriental beetle through soil. [6] 43: 413-425. ill. Hawley and White— Preliminary studies on the diseases of larvae of the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica). [6] 43: 405-412. Hoffmann, C. H.- Biology and taxonomy of the genus Trichiotinus (Scara- baeidae, Coleoptera) |70j 15: 133-214, ill. Lane and Cam- argo-Andrade — Nota sobre Phanaeus (Megaphanaeus) sep- tentrionalis. [Rev. Mus. Paulista, Sao Paulo] 19: 575-578, ill. Pic, M.— Neue Malacodermata. [26] 15: 253-256. (S). Schedl, K. E. — Neue Amerikanische borkenkaefer. [30] 2: 91-95. (*S). SchurhofT, P. N.— Beitrage zur kenntniss der Cetoniden VII. [Mitt. Deutsche Ent. Gesell.] 6: 21-28. (*). Wade, J. S. — A contribution to a bibliography of the de- scribed immature stages of North American Coleoptera. (Mimeogr.) [Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C.] E358: 114 p. HYMENOPTERA.— Benson, R. B.— On the genera of the Cephidae, and the erection of a new fain. Syntexidae. [75] 16: 535-553, ill. (*). Borgmeier, T.— Sob're alguns Cynipideos parasiticos e cecidogenos do Brasil (Cynipidae). 1 30] 2: 97-124, ill. (*). Goetsch, W.— Biologic "und Ver- breitung chilenischer Wuesten-, Steppen-, und \Yaldame- isen. [89, Syst.] 67: 235-318, ill. Lane & Lane— (see under Eepidoptera). Menozzi, C. — Le Formiche del Cile. [89, Abt. Syst.] 67: 319-336, ill. (*), Nielsen, E.— A third sup- plementary note upon the life histories of the Polysphinc- tas. (Ichneumonid.) |1U2| 19: 193-215. illus. Saz," E.— La Mutilla europea y los Bonibus de Nuria. | Bo. Soc. Ent. Espana] 17: 85-98. Tinkham, E. R.— The Mutillidae of xlvii. '36 | ENTOMOLOGICAL XK\\S 27 Presidio and JelT Davis counties of the Big Bend region of Trans-Pecos Texas. [4]> 67: 207-211. Weyrauch, w'.— Dol- ichovespula und Vespnla. Vergleichende Uehersicht ueber xwei \\esentliehe Lebenstypen bei soxialcn wespen. Mit Bezungnahme auf die Frage nach der Fortschrittlichkeit tierischer ( )rgani/ation. |()/| 55: 484-524, ill. Zikan, J. F. -Die so/ialen \ve.s])cn der gattung Misclu tcyttarus. nebst beschreibung von 27 neuen arten (Vespidae). [Arg. Ins. Biol. Veg. R. d. J.| 1 : 143-203, ill. SPECIAL NOTICES.— Catalogus Insectorum Sinen- sium (Catalogue of Chinese Insects). By C. F. Wu. Vol. 2: Homoptera, Hemiptera. Dermaptera. 634 p.. Fan Mem. Inst. Biology, Peiping, China. Indian Entomology, List of publications on (compiled by the Officiating Imperial Entomologist, Pnsa, India). [Imp. Council Agr. Res.] Misc. Hull. 110. 5. 28 ]>. Nomenclature — Madrid and Lisbon. [21] 47: 126. Generic names in the so-called Erlangen List of Hymenoptera 1801 suppressed by the Commission, and about 60 generic names of Hymenoptera, Lepidoptera and ( )rthoptera definitely fixed. Doings of Societies. The 12th annual meeting of the Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomologists was held in Pingree Park, Colorado, August 18 to 23, 1935, inclusive. Eight sessions were held for papers and discussions. The following is a list of the more formal subjects : LEPIDOPTERA. — Cut "Worms, H. H. \Yalkden ; Light Traps for Codling Moth, ( i. K. Marshall : Codling Moth Control, M. S. Troth; Codling Moth Studies, J. H. Newton. COLEOPTERA. — White Grubs, C. L. Fluke; Alfalfa Weevil Studies, G. I. Reeves. DIPTERA. — Tabanids as Vectors of . \naplasmosis in Cattle, C. E. Sanborn; Wing Venation in the Brachycerous Diptera, C. 15. Philip. HYMENOPTERA.— Wild l'. A. Hills, Grand Junction, Colorado; M. S. Troth, G. E. Marshall, Orleans, Indiana; E. J. Sorenson, J. S. Stanford, W. M. Henderson, G. F. Knowlton, Logan, Utah; Miriam A. Palmer, Mrs. M. T. James, Maurice T. James, Leslie B. Daniels, R. G. Richmond, George M. List, John L. Hoerner. Gordon T. Mickle. R. G. Mack. C. R. Jones, C. P. Gillette, Fort Collin>, Colorado; Carrol Wade. J. H. Newton, Paonia, Colorado; (His Wade, Lincoln, Nebr. ; John W. Scott, Laramie, Wyom- ing; A. C. Maxson, Longtnont, Colorado; T. D. A. Cockerell, Mrs. T. D. A. Cockerell, Boulder, Colorado; George I. Reeves, Salt Lake City, Utah ; Charles D. Michener. Pasadena, Cali- fornia; E. R. Bliss, Greeley. Colorado; WT. J. Zaumeyer, Wash- ington, D. C. ; Geo. W. Stiles, Jr., Denver, Colorado. The officers elected for 1936 were C. P. Gillette, Chairman; Donald A. Wilbur, Vice-chairman ; Geo. M. List, Secretary, and C. R. Jones, Treasurer. — GEORGE M. LIST, Secretary. ENTOMOLOGICAL XF.WS for December, 1935, was mailed at the Phila- delphia Post Office, Dec. 27, 1935. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Xanie ; and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Ed\vard (hiedct, !'. O. linx ,i05, Xapa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lcpidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for my subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for one year, beginning with issue for Name - Address Post Office The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers : United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, - 3.15 Foreign, - 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 999. — Linsley (E. G.)- — Studies in the Longicornia of Mexico. (Cerambycidae). (Trans., 61, 67-102, 1 pi., 1935). .70 DIPTERA 1003.— Sabrosky (C. W.).— The Chloropidae of Kansas. (Trans., 61, 207-268, 1935) 1.20 HYMENOPTERA 998. — Allen (H. W.).-- North American wasps of the genus Neotiphia (Tiphiidae). (Trans., 61, 53-65, 1935). 1002. — Mitchell (T. B.).- — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic region. III. Taxonomy of subgenera Anthemois and Delomegachile. (Trans., 61, 155-205, 2 pis., 1935) . . . 1.00 LEPIDOPTERA 997.— Braun (A. F.). — Notes and new species of Microlepi- doptera. (Trans., 61, 45-52, 1935) 20 ORTHOPTERA M-8.— Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) 2.50 1001.- — Hebard (M.). — Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. I. New genera, species and geographical races. (Trans., 61, 111-153, 4 pis., 1935) 85 THYSANOPTERA 1000. — Hood (J. D.). — Five new Thysanoptera of the genus Aeolothrips. (Trans., 61, 103-110, 1 pi., 1935) 20 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ , for which please send me the items checked above. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy. All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Collection of Coleoptera and Entomo- logical Library for Sale FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS pv A T7 361 SOUTH PARKWOOD AVENUE \Jl. /A. renyeS, Pasadena. California EXCHANGES CONTINUED Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. Wanted for Cash or Exchange. — North American Butterflies in series especially from type localities and remote places. C. F. dos Passes, Mendham, New Jersey. Wanted — Specimens of North American Cephidae. Will make determinations and exchanges for purposes of revising the group. Donald T. Ries, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. NEW LOW PRICES for WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Ward's Schmitt Box, 9x13 Inches LINED WITH PATENT ENTOMOLOGICAL CORK Price each $2.50 Price each in dozen lots $2.45 Price each in lots of 50 $2.45 Ward's Insect Pins (A. E. Co.) , per M $3.00 Klaeger Insect Pins, Per M $2.25 Minutens, per M $2.25 SKND FOR PRICE LIST E 1. This includes many items at new low prices and also describes several new aquatic nets and other newly developed pieces of equipment. pn A F\V C^^^^KJ I Catalog 3OO. The Showy Butterflies of Kt/\U7 ^WwIN the World. Lists over 600 attractive species. Sent free upon request. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. FINE INDIAN DIURNALS, in papers, named, 100 (50 species), $6.00; 200 (100 species), $12.00. New Guinea Delias, etc., fine Morphos from French Guiana. Urania riphaeus and other brilliant species. British Lepidoptera : 500 species $20.00, 1000 species $50.00. British Coleoptera: 500 species $12.00, 1000 species $30.00, 1500 species $50.00. All named. Antram's Butterflies of India, 600 illustrations, $7.00. Many others. A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1936 NOW PAYABLE Detachable Subscription Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS FEBRUARY. 1936 Vol. XLVII No. 2 r FEB 1? 1S33 HENRY CHRISTOPHER McCooK, 1837-1911. CONTENTS Bradley -At the International Congresses of "Entomology and Zoology, of 1935 29 Byer's — The Immature Form of Brachymesia gravida, with Notes on the Taxonomy of the Group (Odonata: Libellulidae) . 35 Satterthwait — Description of the Male of Calendra ditrichi Satht. (Coleop: Curculionidae) 38 Italian Malarial Mosquitos ......' 38 Blaisdell — Facts Concerning the Rearing of Tenebrionidae. (Coleop- teraj. ... 39 Editorial -Entomological News: a Statement and an Appeal .... 43 Royal Entomological Society of London. Stylops . 44 Entomological Literature . . . 45 Kattig— An Unu-iial Mating of Velvet Ants (H\-men : Mutillid;^ ' 51 Haggy — New Htitterrly Record for LTni!' > (Lepid : Nyinphalidae i . 52 Review — Das Werclen einer grossen Em.'^ 'lie 53 Britton — Clusters of Atherix varie^ata Walk., Mistaken for Rust Patches (Diptera: Leptidae) 55 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at tin- Philadelphia, 1'a.. I Offio Acceptance frr mailing at the special rau- n 1. Act of OcMn-r .!. I'M/, authori/..! Janu;iiy 15. 1"J1. EN rOMOLOGlCAL NEWS published monthly, excepting nugust and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Schmieder, Ph.D., V. S. L. Pate, Associate Editors. Advisory Commit.ee : Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten ( 10) numbers is as follows : United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00, Canada $3.15, Foreign $3.25, Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in., $ 7.00 Ten issues, 8.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than iwo issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. No illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. No charge for printing text-figures. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks! furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 800 P. M., in 1936, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. Thd printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles, without covers, over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty five copies. 35 cents three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve papres twenty five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies. 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty five copies, 25 cen's; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed covers for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS^ VOL. XLVII. FEBRUARY, 1936 No. 2 At the International Congresses of Entomology and Zoology, of 1935. By J. CHESTER BRADLEY, Cornell University, Ithaca, Xew York. Twelve hours on the rapid c from Paris had brought us, as midnight approached, to the Spanish frontier town of Irun. The Iherian trains run on tracks of a wider gauge, so must be boarded from the other side of the station, after passing the customs examination within the station. But we were of no mind to travel through Spain by night, so checked our baggages and, thrilled to be walking on Spanish soil, sought a hotel. Early the next morning we were marvelling at the fast- changing landscape, as we travelled ever southward. The green vegetation of France and the foot of the Pyrenees became less and less as we came farther south, until we were in a sun-baked golden-brown land, into which the wide-spreading haciendas and monotone brown villages fit with perfect harmony. Strong was the illusion that this land was California, that we were perhaps crossing the Tejon Pass, or winding over (he San Diablo Mountains toward the Kettleman Plains. Then it came over us how perfectly at home the Spanish settlers of Cali- fornia must have felt, and we felt a sense of sorrow that our own more blatant, less harmonious civilization should have crowded in to destroy in that state so lovely a reproduction of old Spain. The day wore slowly on; the train grew crowded and very hot. In the late afternoon, as we wound very circuit* msly among the dry and barren hills, there stood hi- fore us on a confronting elevation the ancient city of Avila, complete within its turreted walls. We could have reached Madrid that eve- ning, but the Congress was not to commence for another day. so we descended and found quarters. Only Carca^one in 29 30 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 France can compare in the grandeur of its encircling medieval walls. Those of Avila were built in the eleventh century and are still perfect, imposing, towered and battlemented. Into them the great Cathedral, severe in its grandeur, melts, as though itself a fortress. On the next afternoon we took an autobus over the forested Sierra de Guadarrama to Madrid. Arriving in the cool hours of early evening, we found our hotel, headquarters for the American contingent, overlooking the very heart of the city, the pulsating Puerto del Sol. Here had already arrived the Dominion Entomologist, Dr. Arthur Gibson and his family, Dr. Win. A. Riley of the University of Minnesota, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Crawford of the Canadian Entomological Service, Miss M. B. Scotland of Albany State Teachers College, Dr. and Mrs. O. A. Johannsen of Cornell, and Dr. and Mrs. Stej- neger of the U. S. National Museum. Among other Americans present but making their headquarters elsewhere, were Dr. Avinoff, Director of the Carnegie Museum, and his nephew, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Fox and Mr. B. Mayne of the U. S. Public Health Service, and Mr. Carpenter, a graduate student from the University of Oklahoma, shortly to assume the life of a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. Messrs. H. L. Parker and C. P. Clausen, of the U. S. Bureau of Entomology, arrived later by motor from Hyeres. The Congress being under the official auspices of the Spanish Government, eight of the Americans were accredited as official delegates of the United States Gov- ernment. Imposing diploma-like documents in their possession attested to their status. (We found ours, and the notice that we were entitled to travel on a special diplomatic transport, on our desk at home, after our return.) The opening informal reception was at half -past nine on the evening of our arrival in Madrid, Thursday, September the fifth. Eager to greet old friends, we hastened to it, and after the preliminaries of registration were attended to, found the entomologists gathered in the patio of the lovely new audi- torium which was to serve as our headquarters. Though re- ceptions may be at times boring, it is a delightful experience to xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 31 gather with those whose common interests we share, to find among them many an old friend, and to meet and talk with others whose names we have long known, if not their persons. The Congress was presided over by the venerahle Dr. Ignacio Bolivar y Urrutia, who throughout the week was the center of an admiring circle, wherever he went. Amongst those Euro- pean entomologists who will be remembered by all Americans who were at the Ithaca Congress seven years ago were Messrs. Karl Jordan, F. W. Edwards, G. Fox Wilson, N. D. Riley and W. H. T. Tamms of England, Dr. Martini of Hamburg, A. Ball, and A. d'Orchymont of Belgium, H. C. Efflatoun Bey of Cairo, R. Jeannel, R. Minkiewitz from Warsaw, I. Tragardh and N. A. Kemner from Sweden, G. Ceballos and the very busy and efficient secretary, Dr. Candido Bolivar y Pieltain from Spain. One of the first things that we were to learn in Spain was that if Spaniards need sleep at night, they conceal the fact admirably. Functions are prolonged into hours that no longer are wee and small ; and the Puerto del Sol seems a beehive of activity until near dawn. On Friday morning the President of Spain presided at the formal opening session of the Congress. There were addresses of welcome from Dr. Bolivar, President of the Congress, and of felicitation from selected delegates from abroad. After- wards we returned to our hotel for lunch, and in the afternoon were guests of the Local Committee of the Congress on an ex- cursion made by autobus to El Pardo, a short way beyond the suburbs of Madrid. El Pardo is a former palace, and its chief glory is the wonderful collection of tapestries, especially many designed by Goya. Subsequently wre saw Goya's original car- toons, from which the tapestries had been produced, at the Prado in Madrid, but the tapestries give a much finer, more brilliant impression than the originals. It was announced that we were to have a merienda — which is the Spanish word for any sort of picnic luncheon — at the Beach of Madrid. As Madrid is in the center of Spain and on no body of water, our curiosity was aroused. An artificial lake has been created, and the iiK-rii-nda, 32 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 an elaborate and delicious repast, was served in the refreshing coolness of the gathering dusk on the semi-circular terrace of a fashionable restaurant. Dusk deepened to darkness, and elec- tric lights were turned on. Couples began to dance, and Span- ish dances were improvised for our entertainment. Suddenly the lights went out, and the dancing was continued in the moon- light, later with a few improvised torches. Just the right touch of enchantment to perfect the loveliness. Saturday was devoted to scientific sessions. The program provided for general sessions on four mornings, and for sec- tional meetings on three afternoons and one morning. Papers and discussion were in Spanish, Italian, French, English and German. There were doubtless gifted individuals who could understand it all, but the most of us not too practised in hearing foreign tongues, listened to the papers in our own language and wondered what the others were about. Of course the mere fact that it is a well-known man speaking lends interest in some cases, even when he can not be understood. On Saturday evening the President of Spain received the congressionists formally at the Palace. Arriving a little late, we had to make our entrance quite alone. Up the grand marble staircase of the palace, the presidential guards drawn up on each side in their most brilliant uniforms, standing at present arms, we climbed interminably, feeling like an anticlimax. We bowed to His Excellency the President, and passed from room to room, marvelling at the royal furnishings, paintings, tapestries, objects of art. Perhaps we marvelled more genuinely at the wonderful array of Spanish delicacies, spread out on a grand buffet to tempt our appetities. But evidently entomologists, when fore- gathered internationally, require no tempting, for the buffets were so vigorously attacked that we felt a little ashamed. But of course that is what the buffet was for, and it would seem that we at least showed our hearty appreciation. On Sunday all sessions were transferred from Madrid to the Escorial. A long caravan of autobuses transported us thither, thirty miles distant, and 1200 ft. upward. Those who were not desirous of attending the sessions were conducted in parties xlvii, '36] i:\To.\roLOGiCAL NEWS 33 by well-informed guides through the vast monastery of San Lorenzo el Escorial. This gloomy edifice was constructed by the bloody King Philip 11. between the years 1563 and 1584; and from here he supervised the formation of the armada to support his claim to the Throne of England. It has been described as "a miserable place for a miserable gouty vampire whose ghostly bigot soul still seems to bat around the funeral urns like the twilight shades closing over a dying monarchy." Very impressive however, deep within a great crypt, were the tombs of the monarchs of Spain, some empty to receive the mortal remains of monarchs yet unborn — and who perhaps will now never be born. Apart from these, exquisitely wrought in marble, white or colored, the many tombs of members of the royal family who had themselves never reigned. Our luncheon was served in the dining hall of a boarding school. Instead of remaining for the afternoon sessions, some of us returned to Madrid in time to see a bull-fight, since that day would be our only opportunity. On Monday morning the University of Madrid conferred the doctorate "honoris causa" on Dr. Jeannel and others. In the • evening there was a formal reception by the Mayor of Madrid given in the city hall. The Municipal Band rendered a delight- ful concert of Spanish music in our honor. The program also included Rimsky-Korsakov's Capricha Espanol, which seemed doubly appropriate to the occasion. Afterwards there was the usual elaborate buffet feast. Tuesday was occupied in an all-day excursion to the Sierra de Guadarrama. The Alpine biological station was visited, and there was plenty of opportunity for collecting, although it was in dry season. Later in the day LaGranja and the mellowly medieval Segovia were visited. On Wednesday afternoon we visited Toledo by autocar, most wonderful of all Spanish cities. So short a visit for such a spot was tantalizing. We had only time to enjoy its incompar- able setting, overlooking the Tagus, to visit and admire the house of El Greco and his museum, to see workmen producing the articles of steel, inlaid with gold, for which Toledo is famed, 34 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 and to visit the majestic cathedral, the only church in Christen- dom where the mozarabic ritual still survives. Back again at Madrid, in the evening (beginning at half past ten) we were entertained by a program described as a "Fiesta of Spanish Art." The first number was a theatrical perform- ance, "The celebrated life and the death of General Marlbor- ough," a delicious parody of Italian opera, very, very cleverly staged, and exceedingly droll. It was followed by Spanish songs and dances, lasting far into the night. At the closing session of the Congress, on Thursday after- noon, it was decided that the next session, in 1938, should be held in Berlin, under the presidency of Dr. E. Martini. The last event of the Congress, on Thursday evening, was a thor- oughly enjoyable and very colorful banquet, held at the Ritz, Madrid's finest hostelry. The Congressionists were guests of the local committee on this occasion. We all left Madrid with real regret and with most delightful impressions of our sojourn. Everyone felt that the energetic Spanish Committee had done everything possible to provide for the comfort, convenience and entertainment of those attending. Everything had run smoothly, efficiently, without any hitch or confusion. The buildings in which the meetings were held were adequate, modern and peculiarly attractive. Close by were a group of pleasant dormitories, where many of those in at- tendance availed themselves of opportunity to stay. And just beyond was the very adequate building housing the museums of zoology and of geology. Many an hour was stolen from the meetings by one member or another to examine the rich en- tomological collections housed there. And finally one can not leave unmentioned the real attractiveness of the city of Madrid itself, which must be pronounced one of the most pleasing of the capitals of Europe — not a sleepy medieval city, like some of its picturesque neighbors, but a very modern, busy metrop- olis, of wide avenues, magnificent buildings, lovely parks. (To be continued.) xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 35 The Immature Form of Brachymesia gravida, with Notes on the Taxonomy of the Group (Odonata: Libellulidae). By C. FRANCIS The writer has recently come into possession of reared mate- rial of Bracliyincsia gravida (Calvert). Inasmuch as the im- mature forms of the various species of this genus have remained unknown until the present writing, the following description and necessary taxonomic notes have been prepared. Description tof nymph. (Based on four reared exuviae.) Total length 26 mm.; maximum width (venter of segment 6) 8 mm. Nymphs clean and smooth, almost devoid of pubes- ** in (/ravida nymph, female. Alachua County, Florida. Fig. 1. Lahium. Fig. 2. Abdomen, lateral view, Fig. 3. segments and appendages, dorsal view. Terminal 1 Contribution from the Department of J'.iolngy, University of Florida. 36 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 cence ; light in color, marked irregularly with darker brown ; general appearance long and robust, somewhat suggestive of the Trameini. Head about two-thirds as long as broad, widest across the eyes, which are fairly prominent and distinctly lateral in posi- tion (not capping the anterio-lateral angles of the head). Head lacking pubescence except for a mat of very short spine-like hairs along the hind margin extending ventrad to the region of the occiput and beneath the eyes. Hinge of the labium reaching to slightly below the anterior margin of mesothorax. Mentum slightly broader than long; median border evenly contoured, projected centrally into a low rounded tooth-like elevation (Fig. 1) ; mental setae 8, arranged in two series on each side of the mentum, one series consisting of 6 long pale setae situated very near the lateral mental margin (setae nos. 3-4 longest), the other series consisting of 2 very short setae situated deeper and mesad in the bowl of the men- tum. Lateral setae 6 ; crenulations of the lateral lobes 5-8, the first 5 below the movable-hook well developed, a little over half as high as long, each bearing a group of one large and occasionally 1 or 2 smaller setae, the remainder of the crenula- tions low and irregular. Legs moderately long and thin ; hind femora and tibia each 8 mm. long, tarsus 3.5 mm., tarsal claws 1 mm. ; all femora with 2 or 3 brown encircling bands. Hind wing pads reaching to the base or middle of segment 6. Abdomen elongate oval, greatest width (8 mm.) at segment 6, distinctly wider than thorax. Dorsal hooks on segments 3-9 ; those on 7-9 long, straight, compressed and acute; the dorsal hook on segment 9 reaching over the apex of segment 10; seg- ment 10 with a short dorsal median projection (Fig. 2). Lateral spines on segments 8-9; those on 9 reaching nearly to the base of the abdominal appendages ; those on 8 to about the basal third of 9 (Fig. 3). Abdominal appendages 3 mm. long (three times the length of the lateral margin of segment 10, or about equal to the length of the dorsum of 8 -f- 9). Median appen- dage triangular, about three times as long as broad ; inferior appendages of nearly the same length ; lateral appendages ap- proximately one-third the length of the inferiors and the median. Abdomen devoid of pubescence. Material. FLORIDA, Alachua County: Newman's Lake, 4 exuviae of reared females, May 15, 1935, (J. D. Kilby) ; War- burg Lake, 3 early instar nymphs, 1934, (R. P. Trogdon). Pinellas County: St. Petersburg, 1 nymph (18 mm.), Novem- ber 30, 1933 (H. K. Wallace)/ xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 37 The four exuviae from which the foregoing description was drawn, were collected, along with the female adults which emerged from them, by Mr. John 1). Kilby, graduate student at the University of Florida, at Newman's Lake near Gainesville. Mr. Kilby states that he took the specimens in an emerging condition from floating vegetation (pond-lilies) while he was collecting amphibia at night. The nymphs were placed in separate paper bags and brought into the laboratory where the emergence and the development of the adults was consummated. Pcritlicinis scininolc, male and female, was taken emerging at the same time. Dr. Elsie Broughton Klots in her paper on the dragonflies of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands,- has described a number of dragonfly nymphs on supposition, among them Brachymesia. The nymph so described and figured differs so widely from the present writer's material as to make it hardly likely that it belongs to the genus BracJiyincsia, even allowing for a differ- ence of species (B. hcrbida vs. B. (jravida). She speaks of the nymph (page 50) as being "Most easily recognized by ihe hairy body and the peculiar eyes," and adds "Eyes small and on the superior surface of the head." The lateral setae of vhe labium are five in number and the mental setae in all number around 8-13. Dr. Klots further states "No dorsal hooks, 'hut with median tufts of short hairs." These points are quite at variance with Brachymesia and off-hand suggest Erythrodiplax. In the same paper, Dr. Klots also described the nymph <>t Miatliyria marcclla on supposition. The nymph so described closely resembles the reared material of Brachymesia tjrarida in the writer's possession, the chief differences being in the number of lateral and mental setae. Brachymesia hcrbida (Gundlach) is the species of the islands, while Brachymesia (jnn'ida has long been known as an inhabitant of the United States. Miatliyria marcclla was first recorded from the I'nitcd States by Dr. James G. Needham :! in 1933 on the basis of nymphal material collected near Ft. Pierce, Florida. (To be continued.) -'Insects of Porto Rico and The Virgin Islands. Odonata or flies. Scientific Survey of Porto Rico and the Virgin Island*, Vol. Xl\ , Pt. 1. N. Y. Acad. of Science, 1932. 3 New Records of Odonata from the United States. Km. \C\\N 98. April, 1933. 38 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Jan., '36 Description of the Male of Calendra dietrichi Satht (Coleoptera : Curculionidae). By A. F. SATTERTHWAIT, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, U. S. Department of Agriculture. This species was described in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, vol- 44, 1933, pages 210-211, from an adult female reared March 4, 1932, from a larva in rice stubble from Wiggins, Mississippi, collected by Mr. Henry Dietrich. A second female, collected by Mr. Dietrich, was in hand when the species was described. No male was found, however, until the writer was privileged to study the general collection of Calendra from the Museum of Comparative Zoology, loaned by Dr. P. J. Darlington, Jr. CALENDRA DIETRICHI Satht. S . The description of front tibia, pronotum, beak, head, elytra, pygidium, last ventral sternite, and venter, and of color, as noted for the type female applies equally well to this male, except that the impunctate areas on the pronotum of the male would not accommodate two additional punctures, and that the elytral punctures of interval 2 are about 15 in number in the basal half, of interval 3 about 24 in basal half, and of striae 1 and 2 about 10 each in basal half. The hairs on the pygidium and on the last ventral sternite are of uniform length, stiff, rufous. The first and second abdominal sternites are slightly depressed. Measurements of inalc in millimeters. Total length 8.2. Beak: Length about 2.55, width at middle 0.31, width at apex about 0.55, width at base 0.92, least depth about 0.63. Prono- tum: Length about 2.55, width 3.27. Elytra: Length 4.45; humeral width 3.62. The label on the specimen reads: "Fljoridja. W. G. Dietz Colin." Italian Malarial Mosquitoes. In southern Italy about 88 per cent of the farmers live under urban conditions. They live in towns and go back and forth to their work each day. Around these many scattered popula- tion centers it has become standard practice to spread Paris green on all anopheline breeding places within one and one-half miles. Anopheline breeding has been made a nuisance under the law and land-owners are responsible for eliminating it within one and one-half miles of inhabited centers. — ROCKE- FELLER FOUNDATION Annual Report for 1934. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL XLWS 39 Facts Concerning the Rearing of Tenebrionidae.1 (Coleoptera). By FRANK E. BLAISDELL, Sr., Stanford Medical School and Associate in Research California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California. The purpose of this communication is to report some facts relating to the successful rearing of certain species of Tene- brionidae, that are of importance to systematic and economic entomologists alike, namely: Elcodcs, C'oniontis and Blapstinus. The latter are known as "bean-girdlers." The main reason for rearing the several species, has been to study the larval and pupal characters for taxonomic differentiation. Certain of the observations revealed the cause of some of the deformities that occur in adult beetles. In 1927, the author began trying to rear different species of Blapstinus, but without success for four years. Quite re- cently while collecting in the vicinity of Watsonville, Santa Cruz County, California, there was found inhabiting the leaf- mould and vegetable debris of a backyard, numerous adults of a species of Blapstinus and small cylindrical larvae. Believing that there was some relationship between them, a series of each were collected separately and a quantity of the leaf-mould and coarser vegetable matter was gathered and all taken to my laboratory. Separate breeding jars were prepared for the larvae and adults. In due time numerous larvae were observed in the jar with the adults, and the larvae in the other jar pupated. A few imagos were permitted to emerge. The suc- cess attained in obtaining larvae and pupae, is to lie attributed to the using of leaf-mould and vegetable debris secured from the habitat of the species. Before considering other facts it is desirable to describe how the breeding jars are prepared : Mayonnaise jars are regularly used or the smaller fruit jars. These are tilled half-full of leaf-mould and powdered cow-chip (the latter serves as pahu- 1 Read before the conjoint meeting of the Knt. Soc. of Amer., and Parif. Coast Ent. Soc., June 22, 1934, during the meeting of the Pacific Div. of the A.A.A.S., held at the Univ. of Calif., Berkeley. 40 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jail-, '36 lum), equal parts well mixed with some of the coarser vege- table debris placed on top. The contents of each jar must be kept damp by throwing water with a pipette, against the inner surface of the jars ; the water gravitates to the bottom of the soil, the central portion remaining dry. In this way three zones are created : An outer and deep damp area, an inner or dry and between the two an intermediate one. The larvae can select whichever area they prefer. The soil must be dampened every second or third day according to the degree of evaporation. Too great dryness or dampness must be avoided ; the needs of each species must be carefully studied. In the beginning of the research the soil and pabulum were not sterilized and this later became the source of much trouble and disaster. After several species were under observation, it was noticed that in some of the jars the larvae in particular were more or less restless, coming to the surface instead of remaining in the soil. Once each week the contents of the jars should be poured out on paper : the upper or loose and drier part first, then the deeper or damp portion; each is to be carefully examined and notes recorded. During the examination the larvae and adults are placed in separate glass receptacles ; cast larval skins put in vials for study, eggs when' seen should be measured for each species and camera lucida outlines made. In the beginning, when eggs and newly hatched larvae are present, examinations should not be made too often. The damp soil should be first returned to the jars, followed by the drier part. In every in- stance the larvae and adults are examined under the microscope and then returned to their jars. The examinations also showed the presence of mites and the degree of infestation, not only in the soil, but upon the larvae and adults as well. As time went on no eggs or larvae were found, or in very limited number, in the more heavily infested jars ; in others larvae were abundant. In checking up on the results of the examinations, it was found that the difference in the number of larvae in the several jars was in direct proportion to the degree of mite infestation. Microscopic examination of the soil under low power showed shriveled eggs and even clumps of mites about others, as well as on the young larvae. There was not xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 41 the least doubt but that the mites were feeding on the eggs and larvae; the older larvae were able to fight off the mites to a greater or less extent. The continual annoyance by the mites was the cause of the restlessness in the larvae mentioned above. Sterilization of the contents of the jars was commenced after removal of the older larvae and adults; this was done by plac- ing the jars on the laboratory radiator tor twenty-tour to torty- eight hours; during this time they became so hot that they could not be handled by the naked hand. Jars containing eggs and young larvae could not be treated that way and had to progress as best they could. As a part of the research it was desirable to study the effect of the mite infestation upon the insects during their entire development. In infested jars when pupae began to appear and, later, adults to emerge, a large per cent of the imagos were more or less deformed. Some had shriveled elytra and ap- pendages in all degrees of atrophy. At the time of weekly examinations pupae were found covered with mites, chiefly on the elytral pads and legs; larvae so weakened that they could not cast the larval skin at time of ecdysis or of pupation and imagos dead in the act of emergence. The soil in a number of the jars became a teeming mass of mites. In fact, the mites were so abundant that they could be gathered with broad forceps and preserved in alcohol so as to partly fill a drachm vial. Sterilization brought the infestation rapidly under control. At the weekly examinations the larger larvae and adults were sterilized with a very soft camel-hair brush, moistened with paraffine oil or alcohol, but not in suffi- cient amount to enter the spiracles ; never with any free oil or alcohol, although at first a few larvae and adults were destroyed in that way. During the height of the infestation adult I'Acodcs became covered by a whitish coating that bad a very faint bluish tin^c. due to the voting or traveling mites. The parts not covered by them were where the insect could brush them off with its Ic^-v Under such conditions the oil and alcoholic brushing served a good purpose. Moisture is essential tor the mites, the drier cultures were scarcely infested. In order to obtain a knowledge of the species of mites, slides were prepared for microscopic examination and sent to Mr. 42 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 Nathan Banks, of the entomological department of Harvard University. Mr. Banks reported as follows : "In one of the slides is a species of Tyroglyphus. There is one female very similar to Tyroglyphus farinac De Geer, and a host of the hypopial nvm- phoid form. This form does not feed, hut attaches to an in- sect where it lives in hopes of being transported to a similar spot where it will drop, moult and develop to the adult." "In slide two is a Rhizoglyphus sp. There are several very similar forms. This belongs to the same family Tyroglyphidae, and has the same habits, most of the specimens on the slide are immature; it also has a hypopial or traveling nymph." "Both of these mites feed on decaying vegetable and animal matter and breed very rapidly. Some on mushrooms. I doubt if they feed on a healthy grub, but possibly. There is another mite that is often a pest in breeding jars — Pediculoides, the female becomes a large whitish globule. This will attack living healthy larvae and kill them, and will continue to feed on the decaying matter." SUMMARY. In many cases for successful rearing of certain species of Tenebrionidae, it is necessary to have soil, vegetable debris and pabulum from the area inhabited by the species. All soil, leaf mould, vegetable debris and pabulum should be sterilized before stocking a breeding jar, even to cleaning the guests, when possible. It is an undoubted fact, verified by abundant observations, that mites do attack the eggs, young larvae and pupae, destroy- ing the eggs and larvae, as well as causing deformity of the imagos or death of the pupae, by undermining their strength, and of full grown larvae, resulting in their inability to complete their metamorphoses. The above facts prove that mites may be beneficial or in- jurious agents, depending on whether or not their hosts are injurious or beneficial. .The above facts are of value to economic entomologists in their fight against insect pests ; they also account for many de- formities observed in adult beetles, collected in the field. xlvii, '36 j ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 43 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS PHILADELPHIA, PA., FEBRUARY, 1936. Entomological News: a Statement and an Appeal. With the number for December, 1935, ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS completed its forty-sixth annual volume. In earlier years, corresponding to the more favorable economic condition of the United States, and perhaps of the world in general, it enjoyed, like other entomological journals, a larger income and published more pages and illustrations than in the last decade. ( )ne feature, peculiarly its own among periodicals devoted to the study of insects, it has, however, been able to maintain almost unimpaired. This is its monthly classified list of the current entomological literature. Whether the NEWS can continue its existence will depend on increased support. To make this evident we present here- with figures showing receipts and expenditures for the year 1935. RECEIPTS Annual subscriptions (353)* $1,042.10 Contributions for illustrations $57.12 Contributions for extra pages 25.60 Advertisements 1 17.30 Sale of back numbers and miscel 27.24 227.26 Total receipts .$1,269.36 EXPENDITURES Printing Nos. 1-10 text and index $1,242.SS Printing illustrations (4.03 Postage, regular edition $41.00 Postage, on sales S.40 Postage, on authors' separates 4.70 54.10 Printer's corrections 45.30 * Resident members of the Americal Entomological Society enjoy a special rate of $1.50 per annual volume. 44 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 Printing extra pages 31.80 Mailing envelopes $28.00 Postal card notices, stencils, etc 12.40 40.40 Hack numbers and refund 10.00 Total expenditures $1,488.51 The excess of expenditures over receipts is $219.15. In past years the American Entomological Society has con- tributed to reduce such deficits. Owing to decreased income, the Society is no longer able to do this, as its prior obligation is to its Transactions which date back sixty-eight years. The editors of the NEWS receive no salary, honoraria or even free copies of the NEWS ; all of them are subscribers, one sub- scribes for two copies. Books and papers sent to the NEWS for review are placed in the Society's library ; they do not serve as perquisites for the editors. Seventy-three additional subscribers to the NEWS would wipe out the 1935 deficit. One hundred additional subscribers would not only do that but also enable the NEWS to begin furnishing illustrations for articles. It rests with our subscribers. Will YOU induce your non-subscribing entomological friends to subscribe and enable this journal to keep going? THE EDITORS. Royal Entomological Society of London. Stylops. Contributors to Stylo ps are advised that, as from January 1, 1936, that journal will be incorporated with the Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London as Series B., and as from that date Dr. S. A. Neave will relinquish the editorship, which will be taken over bv the Secretary of the Society. — H, Queen's Gate, South Kensington, London, S. W. 7. Decem- ber 2, 1935. Xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 45 Entomological Literature COMPILED I!V V. S. I.. PATE, LAURA S. MACKEY and E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South;, including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Papers published in the Entomological News are not listed. GENERAL.— Blair, K. G.— Wegener's theory of the movement of the continents. [Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent.] 2: 151-162, ill. Carpenter, G. D. H. — Courtship and allied problems in Insects. [Trans. Soc. Brit. Ent.] 2: 115-136. Englehard, G. P. — Entomological observations at Hart<- dale, X. Y. [19] 30: 203. Forsius, R.— Obituary by A. Tullgren. [28] 56: 189-190, illus. Franz, E.— Der VI Inter- nationale Entomologen-Kongress zu Madrid. |17] 53: 49- 50. Poulton, E. — Recorded statements, published in 1613 and 1764. that birds were trained to catch butterflies. [Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Loncl.] 10: 45-46. von Tunkl, F. F.— Ueber die rolle der insekten in den komodien des Aristophanes. [17] 53: 44-46: 53-56. Williams, C. B.— The times of ac- tivity of certain nocturnal insects, chiefly Lepidoptera, as indicated by a light-trap. [36] 83: 523-555, illus. Winn, A. E.— Obituary by G. A. Moore. [4] 67:255. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Anderson, J. A. T. -The morphology and anatomy of the immature and adult strides of Oli«-otrophns cleariae (Cecidomyidae). [93] 1935: 405-420, ill. Beadlo & Ephrussi.— Transplantation in DroM.philn. [Proc. Nat. Acad. Sri.| 21: 642-646. Beh- rends, J. — Ueber die entxvicklun^ des lakunei)-, ader . uud tracheensystems \\ahrend der puppenruhe im llnr-rl der mehlmotte Kphestia kubniella. | J(>| 3() : 57,v5<)(,. J11,,s. Be- quaert, J. — Presocial behavior amonj^ the llemiptera. [1('| 30: 177-191. Cockayne, E. A. — The origin of gynandro- 46 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 morphs in the Lepidoptera from binucleate ova. [36] 83: 509-521. Creager & Spruijt. — The relation of certain fungi to larval development of Eumerus tuberculatus (Syrphidae) [7] 28: 424-436, illus. Denis, J. — Quelques remarques sur les sens dti toucher et de la vtie chez les Araignees seden- taires. f25| 40: 260-263. Deonier & Richardson.— The tar- sal chemoreceptor response of the housefly, Musca domes- tica, to sucrose and levulose. [7] 28: 467-474. Flanders, S. E. — An apparent correlation between the feeding habits of certain Pteromalids and the condition of their ovarian follicles. [7] 28: 438-444. Hallock, H. C.— Movements of larvae of the Oriental beetle through soil. |6J 43: 413-425, ill. Hawley & White. — Preliminary studies on the diseases «f larvae of the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica). [6] 43: 405-412. Hendee, E. C.— The role of fungi in the diet of the common damp-wood termite, Zootermopsis angusti- collis. [Hilgardia] 9: 499-525. Hu & Feng.— The morpho- logical studies on the mouth-parts of some Diptera. [Pe- king Nat. Hist. Bull.] 10: 117-125, illus. Hundertmark, A. —Die entwicklung der fluegel des mellkaefers Tenebrio molitor, mit besonderer beruecksichtigung der haeutungs- vorgaenge. [46] 30: 506-543, illus. Imamura, S. — On the olfactory and visual senses of Anthrenus verbasci (Dermes- tidae). [Bull. Imp. Sericult. Exp. Sta. Suginami-ku, Tokyo] 9: 1-22, illus. Janda, V. — Contribution a 1'etude des change- ments periodiques de la coloration chez Dixippus morosus (Orth: Phasmid.). [Mem. Soc. R. Sci. Bohem. Class. Sc.] Ann. 1934, No. 12, 30 pp., illus. Kaston, B. J.— The slit- sense organs of spiders. [Journ. Morph.] 58: 189-209, illus. Kuntzo, H. — Die fluegelen entwicklung bei Philosamia cyn- thia, mit besonderer berucksichtigung des geaders, der lakunen und tracheensysteme. [46] 30: 544-572, illus. Ku- wana, Z. — Morphological studies of the nervous system of the silk worm, Bombyx mori. II : The innervation of the alimentary canal of the larva. [Bull. Imp. Sericult. Exp. Sta. Suginami-ku, Tokyo] 9: 23-34, illus. Latter, O. H.— A reason for the order in which the queen wasp constructs the comb ; a method for computing the number of cells in a comb, and an instance of the limitation of the instincts of wasps. [Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Loud.] 10:74-78. Lopes, H. deS. — Sobre um a nova technica para criacao de larvas de dipteros. [105] 5: 502. Magne de la Croix, P. — La loco- mocion de las lombrices, su relacion con de las larvas de insectos. [106] 120: 89-92, illus. Maki, T.— A Study of the Musculature of the Phasmid Megacrania tsudai (Orthop.). [Mem. Fac. Sci. & Agr. Taihoku Imp. Univ. Formosa] 12: 181-279, illus. Maloeuf, N. S. R.— The role of muscular xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 47 contraction in the production of configuration in insect skeleton. [Journ. Morph.] 58: 41-86, illus. Mergelsberg, O. — Ueber die postimaginale entwicklung (physogastrie) und den hermaphrodititismus bei afrikanischen Termi- toxien (Dipt.)- |89] 60: 345-398, illus. von Mitis, H.- Zur Biologic der Corixiden : Stridulation. [46] 30: 479-405, illus. Oosthuizen, M. J. — The effect of high temperature on the confused flour beetle. [Univ. Xebr. Agr. Exp. Sta.] Tech. Bull. 107: 45 pp., illus. Parks, Hal B.— The imaginal discs of Drosophila melanogaster. [19] 30: 192-196. illus. Gregariousness in Papilio philenor. [19] 30: 196. Paulian, R. — Sur 1'atrophie des ailes et des elytres chez les Coleop- teres. [Miscell. Ent.] 36: 94-96. P'iepho, H.— Ueber die temperaturmodifikabititat und genetik zweier rotaugiger rassen der mehlmotte Ephestia kuehniella. [87] 133: 495- 517. illus. Reynolds, J. M. — A new contribution to the problem of segmentation in the Arthropoda. [16] 30: 373- 382. Saz, E. — Maravillas del instinto que guia a los ani- males en el cuidado de sus hijos. [Bol. Soc. Ent. Espaiia.]. 17: 39-47. Shibata, K. — Studies on the super-cooling death of Insects. [Mem. Fac. Sci. Taihoku Imp. Univ. Formosa] 16: 91-103. Studies, on the death-temperature of a fruit- fly. Chaetodacus cucurbitae, at the frozen state and the influence of supercooling upon its temperature. [Mem. Fac. Sci. Taihoku Imp. Univ. Formosa] 16: 105-116. Stuart, R. S. — The anatomy and histology of the malphigian tub- ules and the adjacent alimentary canal in Melnnoplus dif- ferentialis. [Jour. Morph.] 58: 173-188, illus. Tillyard, R. J. — Evolution of progoneate and opisthogoneate types in the Myriapod-Hexapod group of terrestrial Arthropoda. FAmer." Jour. Sci ] 30: -L38-449 7WK T.._RHtrage zur Kenntnis der Aphidspeicheldruese. [46] 30: 496-505, illus. Trojan, E. — Zur frao'e der oligomerie weiblicher Akuleaten (Hym.). [46] 30: 597-628, illus. Weyer, F.— Epithcler- neuerung im mitteldarm der Termiten wahrend der hau- tung. [46] 30: 648-672, illus. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Aragao, H. B.- Observacoes sobre os Ixodideos da Republica Ariiri11v or otherwise. [J. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc.| 51: 207-299. Marshall, R. — Preliminary list of the Hvdnicarina of AYis- consin TV. [Trans. Wise! Ac. S. A. & T,.] 29 : 273-208. ill. Poulton, E. — A spider, Aphantochilus sp.. mimicking an ant, Cryptocerus (Cepholotes) atratus. taken 24 May. 48 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Jan.. '36 1935, at Kobarima, N. W. District, British Guiana, by Dr. J. G. Myers. [Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond.] 10: 70-71. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— da Costa Lima, A. — Tisanopterocecidias do Brasil. |O Campo] 1935: 25-29, ill. (*). Cowley, J, — Nomenclature of Odonata : Three generic names of Hagen. [9] 68: 283-284. Prison, T. H. — New N. Am. sp. of the genus Alloperla ('Chloro- perlidae). [1] 61: 331-344, ill. Kimmins, D. E.— Notes on the genera Megalomus and Nesobiella gen. n., with descrip- tions of n. sp. [75] 16: 602-619, illus. Lestage, J. A. — Con- tribution a 1'etude des Ephemeropteres. L'appareil tracheo- branchial des larves des Potamanthus. [33] 75: 312-314. Navas, R. P. L. — Odonatos de Columbia. [Bol. Soc. Ent. Espana.] 17: 33-38, ill. (*). Needham, Traver & Hsu.- The Biology of Mayflies, with a systematic account of the North American species. G unstuck Publ. Co. Ithaca. N. Y. 1935: 759 pp., illus. (*) Ricker, W. E.— New Canadian Perlids. [4] 67: 256-264. illus. Werneck, F. L.— Nova especie do genero Gliricola (Mallophaga: Gyropidae). Notas para o estudo da orclem Mallophaga. [Ill] 30: 373- 377; 417-435: 471-479. illus. (S*). ORTHOPTERA.— Rehn, J. A. G.— On certain Mexican and Central American species of Melliera and Stagmoman- tis (Mantidae). [1] 61: 317-329, ill. (*). HEMIPTERA.— Ball, E. D.— The genus Bruchomorpha (Fulgoridae). [19] 30: 197-203 ('*). China, W. E.— A No. Am. jassid in Surrey. [8] 71 : 277-279. da Fonseca, J. P.- Uma nova especie do genero Hemikyptha (Horn. Mem- brae.). [105] 5: 425-426, illus. Funkhouser, W. D.— New Membracidae in the Imperial Institute Collection. [6] 43: 427-434, ill. (S). Grabowski, T. — Contribution a 1'ethologie et a la psychologic des Hemipteres (Asopidae). [100. C. R. Men.] Dec. 1935. No. 10: 6-7. Lent, H.— Sobre a biologia, systematica e distribucao geographica do Psammolestes coreodes, encontrado em ninhos de aves no Brasil (Hem. Triatomidae). [105] 5: 381-396, illus. Plummer, C. C.- Descriptions of new Membracidae from Mexico. [6] 43: 373-385, ill. LEPIDOPTERA.— d'Almeida, R. F.— Nota supplemen- tar ao nosso artigo sobre o genero Actinote ( Xymph.) [105] 5: 486-488, illus. d'Almeida, R. F.— Lepidopteros do nordeste do Brasil (Tierid.). |105| 5: 503-504 (*). Amsel, H. G. — Wie prapariert man getrocknete kleinschmetter- linge? [14] 49: 114-116, ill. Bates, M.— A new Riodinid from Panama. [7] 42: 149-150. Fischer, E.— Hybriden der xlvii, '36] K. \TOMOLOGICAL NEWS 49 amerikanischen Sphingide Celerio lineata. 1 18] 29: 349- 352. (*). Gaines & Campbell. — Dyar's rule as related to the number of instars of the corn ear worm, Heliothis ob- soleta, collected in the field (Lepiclop.) [7j 28: 445-461, illus. Haywood, K. J. — Los Pyrginae Argentinos. Acli- ciones y anotaciones (Grypocera). [106] 119: 256-261. Los I'amphilinae Argentinos. Adiciones y anotaciones. [106] 119-262-266. Hoffmann, F. — Beitrage zur Lepidopteren- fauna von Sta. Catharina. [17] 53: 46-48. (Cont.). Koeh- ler, P. — Lepidoptera Bergiana. A proposito de ''Dirphia lauta." [106] H9: 245-255, illus. Myers, J. G.— Aquatic "YYooly bear" caterpillars, Pleasant Hope, near Parika, Lower Essequibo River, British Guiana. [Proc. R. Ent. Soc. Lond.J 10: 65-70. Parks, H. B. — Dione vanillae on Passiflora tenuiloba. [19] 30: 213. Reuss, F. A. T.— Die spinosa-formen der puppen von Pieris brassicae und rapae. [18] 29: 331. Richards, A. G. — Forbesia — A new genus of American Erebinae (Noctuid.). [4j 67: 264-267, illus. Whelan, D. B. — A key to the Nebraska cutworms and army-worms that attack corn. [Univ. Nebr. Agr. Exp. Sta.] Res. Bull. 81 : 27 pp., illus. Travassos, L. — Variacoes e intersexualismo em especie do genero Syntomeida (Euch- romiicl.). [Ill] 30: 437-451, illus. DIPTERA. — Banks, N. — Metatrichia in New England (Scenopinidae). [7] 42: 162. Beeson & Chatterjee. — On the biology of the Tachinidae. [Indian For. Rec. Ent.] 1 : 169-184, illus. Borgmeier, T. — Die Typen der von Prof. G. Enderlein im Jahre 1912 beschriebenen sudamerikan- ischen Phoriden. [105] 5: 427-470, illus. Eine augenl(»r termitophile Phoride aus Brasilien, nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Pheidolomyia (Phorid.). [105] 5: 488-495. illus. (S*). Phoridae e Braulidae. [105] 5: 502-503. da Costa Lima, A. — Notas sobre Trypetidas Brasileiras moscas do genero Hexachaeta. [Ann. Acad. Brasileira Sci.] 7: 235-250, ill. (*). Cresson, E. T., Jr. — Descriptions of n. gen. and sp. of the dipterous family Ephydridae. [1] 61: 345-372. Duda, O. — Entgegnung zu Sacks "Chloropisca und Thau- matomyia." [17] 53: 50-52. Hull, F. M.— Descriptions of n. sps. of the genus Sphegina with a key to those known from No. Am. (Syrphidae). [1| 61: 373-382. ill. James, M. T. — A review of the Xearctic Geosarginae ( Stratiomy- id.) [4] 67: 267-275. (*). Lindner, E.— Dritter Beitrag xiir Kenntnis der sudamerikanischen Stratiomyiidenfauna. [105] 5: 396-413, illus. (*). Lopes, H. de S.— Sobrr duas especies de Sarcophaga cujas larvas sao predadorns. [105] 50 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 5: 470-479, illus. (S*). Lutz & Castro.— Sobre algumas novas especies cle motucas do genero Esenbeckia. [Ill] 30: 543-562. (S*). Macfie, J. W. S.— A new Ceratopogonid from British Guiana. [107] 4: 265, illus. Reinhard, H. J.- North American Two-winged Flies of the genus Dory- phorophaga, (Tachinidae). [6] 43: 387-394. (*). Town- send, L. H. — The mature larva and puparium of Physo- cephala sagittaria (Conopidae). [5] 42: 142-148, illus. Wil- cox & Martin. — The genus Coleomyia (Asilidae). [19] 30: 204-213, illus. (*). COLEOPTERA. — Barthe, E.— Precedes nouveaux pour la preparation des Coleopteres. [Miscell. Ent.] 36: 81-83. Chagnon, G. — A preliminary list of the Coleoptera found on Polyporus betulinus. [4"] 67: 278. Coleopteres de la Province cle Quebec. Scarabeides. [98] 62: 333-345, illus. Darlington, P. J. — Three West Indian Carabidae in Florida. [7] 42: 161-162. Dillon, L. S.— Notes on some Hololeptinae from South America. [7] 28: 462-466. (*). Fiedler, C- Die riisslergattung Coelosternus (Cryptorhynchini). [Ent. Nachricht.] 9: 117-148. (*S). Goncalves, C. R.— Sobre a biologia de Sitophilus linearis (Curculionid.) [105] 5: 414- 420, illus. Kato, M. — On the chestnut weevil, Curculio dentipes, especially on the larval stage. [Sci. Rep. Tohoku Imp. Univ. Japan] (4) Biol. clO: 515-554, illus. Linsley, E. G. — Notes and descriptions of new or little known Neo- tropical Ibidionini (Cerambyc.). [105] 5: 479-486, illus. Potter, C. — The biology and distribution of Rhizopertha dominica (Bostrychidae). [36] 83: 449-482, illus. Saylor, L. W. — New Neotropical Scarabaeidae of the genus Phyllo- phaga. [105] 5: 496-501. Schedl, K.— Neue Platypodlden aus Afrika, Neuguinea, Zentral-und Sudamerika. [Ent. Nachricht.] 9: 149-154, cont. Schedl, K. E.— New bark- beetles and ambrosia-beetles. [107] 4: 270-276. (S). Schmidt, C. T. — Biological studies on the Nitidulid beetles found in pineapple fields. [7] 28: 475-511, illus. Spaeth, F. — Mitteilungen iiber neue oder bemerkenswerte Cassidinen aus dem Senckenberg-Museum. [17] 53: 65-69, ill., cont. (*S). Valentine, J. M. — Specialization in Steniridia, a group of Cychrine beetles (Carabid: Scaphinotus). [|. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc.] 51: 341-375, illus. (*). HYMENOPTERA.— Banks, N— The males of certain Priocnemis (Pompilidae). [7| 42: 162. Beeson & Chatter- jee. — Biology of the Braconidae. [Indian For. Rec. Ent.] 1 : 105-138, illus. Benson, R. B. — On the genera of Orussi- dae. [Occ. Pap. Rhodesian Mus., Bulawayo No. 4] 10 pp., Xlvii, '36] KXTOMOLOCICAL NEWS 51 illus. (*). Costa Lima, A. — Sobre dois microhimenopteros parasites cle ovos de "Mormidae poecila". [O Campo] Feb. 1935. 2 pp., ill. Jacoby, M. — Erforschung der Struktur des Atta-Nestes mit Hiilfe des Cementausguss-Verfahrens. [105] 5: 420-424, illus. de Leon, D.— The biology of Co- eloides dendroctoni (Braconidae) an important parasite of the mountain pine beetle. [7] 28: 411-424, illus. Malaise, R. — -New genera of Tenthredinoidea and their genotypes. [28] 56: 160-178, illus. (S). Michener, C. D.— Some Pacific coast Panurginus (Apoidea). [4] 67: 275-278 (*). SPECIAL NOTICES.— Balduf, W. V.— The Bionomics of Entomophagous Coleoptera. Planographed by John S. Swift Co., Inc., 220 pp., illus. Coleopteres de France, His- toire naturelle des. Tome 4. Polyphaga: Rhynchophora. Par G. Portevin. [59] XVIII: 500 pp., ill., col. pis., 1935. Herrick, G. W. — Insect Enemies of Shade-Trees. Corn- stock Publ. Co., 416 pp., illus. Rayment, Tarleton. — A Cluster of Bees. Endeavour Press, Sydney, Australia, 752 pp., illus. Wu, C. F. — Second supplement to "The Cata- logue of Chinese Insects." [Peking Nat. Hist. Bull.] 10: 151-161. An Unusual Mating of Velvet Ants (Hymen.: Mutillidae). While collecting insects near Atlanta. Georgia, on July 24, 1935, I observed a very unusual mating of velvet ants at 5 :20 P. M. I saw a large number of males flying under a small pine tree. The tree was about ten feet tall and the limbs came to within two feet of the ground. There were several small wild plum bushes growing under the pine tree, making sweep- ing with an insect net almost impossible. There were at least twenty-five males flying under the pine tree and amongst the wild plum bushes. I crawled up into the center of the swarm of males, and discovered a ball of males rolling and tumbling upon the ground. This tumbling mass was about one and a half inches in diameter. When I picked up the tumbling mass, they all flew away except a pair in copu- lation. There must have been at least fifteen males in this rolling, tumbling mass. Within a minute after I placed the pair in a cyanide bottle, not a male was to be seen anywhere. I waited near the pine tree for about fifteen minutes and cap- tured four males that returned. This swarm of males were all A hit ilia (Tinnillii} bria.vus P>lake. During the afternoon 1 took several males of other specie^, but had not taken nor seen a single hriu.viis. They must have all been at the mating swarm. I watched the males flying for 52 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 about live minutes before I crawled up under the pine tree. They would fly down to the tumbling mass (however, I could not see the mass from my position) and others would fly up. There must have been at least forty males flying under the pine tree, and in the rolling, tumbling mass upon the ground. I was greatly surprised to find the males vanish out of sight almost immediately after I had placed the pair in copulation in the cyanide bottle. P. W. FATTIG, Emory University, Emory University, Georgia. • ^ New Butterfly Record for United States. (Lepid.: Nymphalidae). During a recent collecting trip in Itasca Park, Minnesota, an interesting butterfly record was obtained. A specimen of Ercbia discoidalis Kirby (Nymphalidae) was taken by the writer near Bohall Lake in the park on May 31, 1935. Itasca State Park is located in northern Minnesota about 220 miles northwest of the Twin Cities and about 120 miles south of Rainy Lake on the Canadian border. The butterfly was taken in a rather small, swampy clearing- surrounded by willows in a dense forest of mixed hardwoods and conifers. It was in fresh condition and apparently had emerged recently. The fresh condition of the specimen and the early date of its capture would seem to indicate that the butterfly is native to Minnesota and not a chance migrant from farther north. According to W. J. Holland in "The Butterfly Book" (Re- vised edition 1931), the Red-Disked Alpine, as it is commonly known, is a common butterfly of the far North. It is found from Hudson Bay in the East to Alaska on the Pacific Coast. The species was described by Kirby about 1837 from several specimens taken at Cumberland House, Saskatchewan. Al- though W. J. Holland's "Butterfly Guide" (1929) reports that it is probably found on the high mountains of Idaho and Mon- tana, I am unable to find any published record of this butterfly for the United States. Mr. R. A. Leussler, of Omaha, Nebraska, has been consulted, and he knows of no instance of its being taken previously in this country. The specimen is deposited in the University of Minnesota collection in the Department of Entomology, St. Paul, Minne- sota. R. H. DAGGY, University of Minnesota. St. Paul, Minn. * Paper No. 1374 of the Scientific Journal Series of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS DAS WERDEN EINER GROSSEN ENCYCLOPAEDIE. Eine Jubi- laeums-Schrift. by Dr. WILHELM JUNK. \Y. junk, 's-Graven- hage (Holland)." 1935. Price: 0.80 Dutch florins. A personal communication to the public in which Dr. Junk describes the development of the "Coleopterorum Catalogus" through the past 25 years, and relates, with pardonable pride, the part he himself has played in this undertaking, not only as its publisher but also as a co-editor. He refers to the "C.C." as a "gigantic encyclopedia" and as "the greatest undertaking in the interests of a special field of natural science that has ever been created on this Earth in any language." "Even after a hundred years it will continue to be the source of all informa- tion of the type such a catalogue is designed to furnish. It is difficult to conceive of such a work ever again being created anew', especially in view of the alarming falling off in the num- ber of workers in systematic Entomology." Linnaeus in his 10th edition described 574 beetles. Deiean, in 1802, listed 910 species, and in 1837 (4th ed.) 22,399. Gem- minger and Harold's great catalogue, 1868-76, lists ca. 77,000 species. Contrasted with these figures we find that the "C.C." contains to date 175,666 species. Those not yet listed comprise mainly some of the sub-families of the Curculionidae, a family containing about 70,000 species. The total number of beetles known is estimated at 240,000. Although the need of a new catalogue was generally felt, the idea of actually publishing such was first suggested by H. Gebien of Hamburg in 1904. At that time Gebien tried to interest G. Kraatz of Berlin ; but the latter was too busy organ- izing a new museum so that in 1906 Gebien turned to S. Schenk- ling who became the editor of the Catalogus. Three years later, however, before the idea had really matured, the Hun- garian E. Csiki had actually set out to publish a new catalogue, some parts of which were ready to go to press. Upon hearing from Schenkling, Csiki immediately gave up his own less am- bitious undertaking in favor of the C. C. and it was but shortly after this, in 1910, that the first part of the Catalogus appeared. Since then 141 parts have been issued, with 21,036 pages, mak- ing up 27 volumes. Even during the \Yorld \Yar publication was not suspended and 15 parts were issued during those years. The work will .be completed during the next six years and will consist of 31 volumes, the last volume being the index. Dr. Junk also tells something of the difficulties he encoun- tered, in finding specialists willing to contribute, and having found them, in guiding their work and in actually obtaining 54 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS |J<111., '36 their copy, — in one instance copy promised him 20 years ago has not yet been received ! Altogether 26 scientists have con- tributed to the catalogue, 23 of them German, 11 French, 7 Austrian and 6 English. Among them were 19 museum workers, 5 university professors, 6 college teachers, 7 public school teachers, 10 officials, 1 physician, 2 attorneys, 1 engineer, 1 business man, 1 confectioner, 4 private citizens and 5 whose occupations are unknown. After pointing out the scientific importance of the C.C., Dr. Junk goes on to say that its publication has had another effect, an indirect one; for it was the stimulus that "caused by pub- lishing house, as the only one of its kind, to specialize along a line which seeks to counteract the evils of specialization. . . . This it strives to accomplish by devoting itself to summarizing present attainments in various special fields. In the descriptive natural sciences such a summarization can be accomplished largely by a compilation of catalogues. . . . And so, hardly a year after the C.C. was begun, work was started on a similar catalogue of the butterflies and two years later on one of the fossils and, only last year, on one of cave animals." Of these the Fossilium Catalogus will probably exceed in size even the beetle catalogue. Finally Dr. Junk pays high tribute to Dr. Schenkling the editor, to his ability in maintaining the most friendly relation- ships between contributors and publisher, to his scentific ac- complishments, the universality of his knowledge and his biblio- graphic and editorial accuracy. In conclusion, it is announced that all the 141 parts of the Coleopterorum Catalogus published to date may now be purchased at the reduced price of RM 1100. At this figure the cost per signature (16 pages) is .080 RM, which Dr. Junk assures us is quite low as compared with usual charge of 2 RM for German scientific publications with a small circulation. This Jubilaeums-Schrift has also appeared as pages iii to xv of Dr. Junk's "Bibliographia Coleopterologica." This B. C. is a compilation containing, besides the above mentioned, his Catalog No. 87, Coleoptera, comprising pages 149 to 310, which lists entomological Periodica, works on Coleoptera, Coleopter- orum Larvae, Coleoptera noxia, a Supplementum : Alii Insec- torum ordines, and an index of the families treated in the works listed. This catalog is not only a list of the publications Dr. Junk has for sale but, to some extent, is a very good bibliog- raphy of the more important works on the Coleoptera. The B. C. is printed on good paper and bound, making a very serv- Xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS iceable looking book which should be of interest lo Coleopter- ists. The price is given as 10 shillings. The NEWS extends to Dr. Junk and Dr. Schenkling con- gratulations on the occasion of the 25th Anniversary ot the Goleopterorum Catalog us. R. G. SCHMIEDER and E. T. CRESSOX, JR. DIPTEROLOGI. Dr. Wilhelm Junk, Publisher. Den Haag, ( Hol- land). 19 pages. Price, Holl. fl. 1.25. This is a list of the \\orking dipterists of the World, with their addresses and their special fields of study and should be a useful list for student. s of the Diptera. HYMENOPTERORUM CATALOGUE. Ed. H. HEDICKE. W. Junk, Publisher. The inauguration' of this work has just been an- nounced, "as a new link of the chain of my catalogi." It is estimated that this catalog will enumerate more than 150,000 species as compared with 50,000 listed by the Catalogus Hymen- < pterorum of Dalla Torre. It will be issued in parts, in style conforming with his other catalogs, at the subscription price of 70 cents per signature (of 16 pages) which price will be re- duced 10 percent, as soon as 160 subscribers are secured. This H. C. is the sixth in the series of Dr. Junk's unsur- passed catalogs; a list which also includes the Goleopterorum Catalogus, Lepidopterorum Catalogus, Fossiiium Catalogus, Psyllidarum Catalogus (completed, 913 pp.) and the Animalium Cavernarum Catalogus. All of these are indispensible to workers in those fields. Dr. Junk will be 70 years old on February 3, 1936. E. T. CRESSON, JR. Clusters of Atherix variegata Walk., Mistaken for Rust Patches (Diptera: Leptidae). W. E. BRITTON, New Haven, Connecticut. On June 6, two employees of the State Highway Depart- ment brought to the Station some flies and a reddish brown deposit from a concrete highway bridge that was constructed three or four years ago over the Housatonic River at Cornwall P>ridge, Connecticut. Engineer inspectors had reported that the construction work on this bridge had not been adequately supervised or inspected, inasmuch as rust spots from the steel re-inforcing material showed on the outside of the bridge. The Highway Commissioner sent someone to examine' the bridge and it was found that these spots were more or less covered with flies, some of which were alive and others dead. They proved to be Atherix variegata Walker, of the Family Leptidae 56 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '36 or Rhagionidae. The egg-masses are cream-colored when first deposited but later turn to reddish brown or fawn color, and these colored areas were mistaken for rust spots. Still later the accumulation of dead flies, dirt and debris gave a distinctly gray color to the deposit. According to the information ob- tained, the largest discolored spot had an area of about 50 square feet on the crown of the arch under the bridge floor and about 50 feet above the water. Other spots were smaller and nearer the water. One spot of not more than a square foot was on the under side of a cross beam and not more ihan 15 feet above the water. Dr. R. B. Friend, of this Department, visited the bridge June 13. Evidently all flies and the egg-mass deposit had been re- moved from the concrete bridge, but under the old wooden covered bridge near by there were heavy deposits of dead flies and old egg-masses at least half an inch in thickness. Appar- ently all eggs had hatched, and nq living flies were seen. Egg- masses deposited in the laboratory hatched in six days, and the young larvae wriggled about in the water. They are said to be predaceous. According to literature, the flies of this species cluster in large numbers and lay their eggs on objects over or near the water, and on hatching the young larvae drop into the water. Apparently the larvae live in running water, as there are several records of this species occurring at altitudes of 6,000 and 7,000 feet in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming. There are also many records at lower elevations in New England and New Jersey. The altitude of Cornwall Bridge, Connecticut, is about 500 feet. If these western records refer to Aihcrix varicyata, as Dr. Leonard l seems to believe, this species is the one used for food by certain Indian tribes in California, as reported by the late Dr. J. M. Aldrich.- 1 A Revision of the Dipterous Family Rhagionidae, Memoir No. 7, Am. Ent. Soc., p. 82, 1930. 2Ent. News, 23, p. 159, 1912. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Guedet, P. O. Box 305, Napa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lepidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for my subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL NBWS for one year, beginning with issue for - Name Address Post Office - The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers : United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, - - - 3.15 Foreign, ... . 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 RACK STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 999. — Linsley (E. G.). — Studies in the Longicornia of Mexico. (Cerambycidae). (Trans., 61, 67-102,. 1 pi., 1935) 70 DIPTERA 1003.— Sabrosky (C. W.).— The Chloropidae of Kansas. (Trans., 61, 207-268, 1935) 1.20 HYMENOPTERA 998. — Allen (H. W.). — North American wasps of the genus Neotiphia (Tiphiidae). (Trans., 61, 53-65, 1935) 25 1002. — Mitchell (T. B.). — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic region. III. Taxonomy of subgenera Anthemois and Delomegachile. (Trans., 61, 155-205, 2 pis., 1935) 1.00 LEPIDOPTERA 997. — Braun (A. F.). — Notes and new species of Microlepi- doptera. (Trans., 61, 45-52, 1935) 20 ORTHOPTERA M-8. — Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) 2.50 1001.— Hebard (M.). — Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. I. New genera, species and geographical races. (Trans., 61, 111-153, 4 pis., 1935) 85 THYSANOPTERA 1000. — Hood (J. D.). — Five new Thysanoptera of the genus Aeolothrips. (Trans., 61, 103-110. 1 pi., 1935) 20 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ _ , for which please send me the items checked above. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy, All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA Collection of Coleoptera and Entomo- logical Library for Sale FOR PARTICULARS ADDRESS Dr A F^nv^c 361 SOUTH PARKWO°D AV£NUE LSI. /A. renyeS, Pasadena. California EXCHANQES CONTINUED Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. Wanted for Cash or Exchange. — North American Butterflies in series especially from type localities and remote places. C. F. dos Passos, Mendham, New Jersey. Wanted — Specimens of North American Cephidae. Will make determinations and exchanges for purposes of revising the group. Donald T. Ries, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca. N. Y. Will Exchange — Unused copy of Leng Cat. of Coleoptera with first supp. unb. for Van Duzee Cat. of N. A. Hemiptera (1917). Brunson P. Bliven, P. O. Box 98, Eureka, Calif. NEW LOW PRICES For WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL EQUIPMENT Ward's Solimitt Box, 9x13 Inches LINED WITH PATENT ENTOMOLOGICAL CORK Price each $2.50 Price each in dozen lots $2.45 Price each in lots of 50 $2.45 Ward's Insect Pins (A. E. Co.) , per M $3.00 Klaeger Insect Pins, Per M $2.25 Minutens, per M $2.25 SIOND FOR PRICE LIST E 1. This includes many items at new low prices and also describes several new aquatic nets and other newly developed pieces of equipment. Catalog- J5OO. The Showy Butterflies of the World . Lists over 600 attractive species. READY SOON ! Sent free upon request. Ward's Natural Science Establishment, Inc. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station ROCHESTER, N. Y., U. S. A. Transactions of Entomological Society of London 50 Volumes Bound, Good Condition, at One-sixth Publishers' Price Many Other Important Works Cheap Fine Morpho cypris, rhetenor, menelaus, etc., at low rates per dozen or 100. Urania riphaeus bred. Fine named Indian Butterflies, European do., New Guinea Delias, Ornithoptera alexandra (bred) etc. Particulars from A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND F£l 1 Tropical Moths and Butterflies, choice papilios, Orni- f*bJP ^^g\lP* thopteras, Morphos, etc. 10000 specimens to select ^-^* k^S-*«*V^ from Papilio arcturus-paris-evau 20c each, philoxe- nus-coon 25c each, Genessa 15c, Sarpedon lOc, Ornithoptera helena-accus 25c each, Bropkiana $1.50, hecuba $2.50 pair, lydins $5. 00 pair. Teinop.im- perialis 30c each etc. Special from India 100 specimens 50 species, $3 00 South American 100 sp. 50 species, $i.OO. All first quality, no seconds, all in papers. Orders over $1.00 Post Paid. CARL SCHERER, 44 E. Hennepin Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS NEEDED See Editorial in February Number Detachable Subscription Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS MARCH, 1936 Vol. XLVII No. 3 HENRY CHRISTOPHER McCooK, 1837-1911. CONTENTS Bradley —At the International Congresses of Entomology and Zoology, of 1935 57 Byers — The Immature Form of Brachymesia gravida, with Notes on the Taxonomy of the Group (Odonata: Libellulidae) 60 Frost— A Summary of Insects Attracted to Liquid Baits 64 Hungerford — The Mantispidae of the Douglas Lake, Michigan Region With Some Biological Observations (Neurop.) 69 Knull — Five New Southwestern Coleoptera (Buprestidae and Ceram* bycidae) 73 Review— Ward's Entomological Bulletin 75 Editorial — Entomology at the Convocation Week Meetings, December 30, 1935, to January 4, 1936 76 Entomological Literature 78 Review — Bumbelbees and their Ways , 84 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 19J1. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Schmieder, Ph.D., V. S. L. Pate, Associate Editors. Advisory Committee : Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00, Canada $3.15, Foreign $3.25, Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in., $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. No illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. No charge for printing text-figures. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks* furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1936, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. Thtf printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles, without covers, over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages^ twenty-five copies, 35 cents three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed covers for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. _ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVII. MARCH, 1936 No. 3 At the International Congresses of Entomology and Zoology, of 1935. By J. CHESTER BRADLEY, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. (Continued from page 34.) The long-protracted journey to Lisbon no one enjoyed, for it was beset with many difficulties in the way of poor connections, crowded accommodations, even a five-hour wait at a wrayside station in Portugal. But these things seem normal to Iberian railroading and eventually they were of the past, and we were comfortably at home in a hotel in Lisbon, late Saturday evening. Lisbon, like Rome, is a city built upon hills. The commercial center, in which our hotel was located, is in a valley at water- level. The hills and streets lead sharply upward on either side, and the heights are also reached by various elevators and short cable-car lines. The Faculty of Sciences of the University, formerly known as the Polytechnic College, is housed on one of these hills, and served as headquarters of the Zoological Congress. The dreary buildings, erected in 1844, contrasted unfavorably with the beautiful structures in which the sessions of the Entomological Congress had been held. On Sunday morning the opening formal session of the Con- gress was held in the hall of the Geographical Society. The President of the Republic presided and several addresses were delivered, but the acoustics of the hall were such that few could hear what was being said. In the afternoon we were taken for a drive through Lisbon in a long procession of taxi-cabs. The most characteristic and pleasing feature of Lisbon is the tiled exteriors of the houses, both residences and commercial build- ings, in never ending design and many colors. This is of course the result of Moorish influence. Coming to the summit of one of the hills, the procession halted at a "mirador," liter- 57 .4 • -I 58 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 ally "gazing-place." We all got out of our taxis, strolled about and enjoyed the lovely panorama of city, hills and Tagus. Also we visited a very ancient tiny chapel which was there. The drive was followed bv a reception at the Ministry of Public Instruction. It was interesting' to compare the technique of the Portuguese buffet with the Spanish. But it is beyond possibil- ity to describe the great variety of delicious things that were provided for our delectation at this and many more such events to come. At half-past nine in the evening there was a perform- ance for us, at one of the theatres, described as an "Artistic Night Entertainment upon Portuguese Motives." It was very enjoyable. General sessions of the Congress were held on Monday, Wed- nesday and Friday mornings and at 9:30 on two evenings. From which one will see that in Lisbon, as in Madrid, night is a time for activity. Sectional meetings were held on two morn- ings and three afternoons. There were few papers on entomol- ogy in the section devoted to that subject, but several read in other sections. In all there were twelve sections. Late on Monday afternoon we were taken for a boat ride on the Tagus. Many students from the Medical College took a very enthusiastic share in the excursions, and a number of these organized some lively dancing on this steamer. Tuesday, after ferrying across the Tagus, we had an inter- esting excursion by autobus to Setubal lasting all afternoon. Near Palmella we climbed to the imposing ruins of an ancient castle. Nearby were three white-washed windmills, the first we had seen, the wheels with their sail-like arms, turning lazily in the breeze. A lovely drive along the coast brought us to a fishing village, where we visited a sardine-canning factory. Everything within was very clean and sanitary. After a fur- ther drive we came to a fortress-like building, the ramparts of which rose from rocks over the sea. It was a former mon- astery, now turned into a hospital for consumptives. We en- tered a court overlooking the sea, where long tables were spread with the usual diversity of delicacies for a feast. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 59 Thursday we were taken for an all day excursion by taxis. First we visited the old royal monastery of Mafra. After- wards we visited the lovely grounds of a private estate, where large tree-ferns, and many kinds of tropical plants and trees were under cultivation. At Cintra we were guests of the muni- cipality at a long-drawn-out luncheon. Then we were driven up a wooded hillside on the summit of which was a beautiful, but not ancient castle, built in Moorish style. Leaving this we wound down through a labyrinth of roads among pleasant woodlands, until we reached a small rustic forestry station and museum, on the lawn of which we were served with another picnic of Portuguese delicacies. Eventually we drove to Estoril, a seaside resort, where in a very fashionable and modernistic casino we were guests of the President of the Congress at an elaborate and delicious banquet. This was followed by an "Artistic fest" and lasted very late into the night. During the week the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature held frequent sessions. Among other matters they acted upon recommendations that had been received from the Committee on Entomological Nomenclature which had held sessions during the Congress jn Madrid. Of the measures enacted of interest to entomologists were several cases in which the rules were suspended and types fixed to conserve certain generic names of Orthoptera, of butterflies and of Hymenop- tera. The latter involves family and subfamily names, and now permit the retention of Cimbicidae, Crabronidae, Ichneumoni- nae, Pimplinae, Braconinae, Proctotrypidae, Prosopidae, Bethy- lidae, Sphecinae, Ammophilinae, Pompilidae and others in their old usage. There were over 380 registrations at the Zoological Congress, and about 430 at the Entomological. But each of these figures included a good many persons who registered but did not at- tend, and institutions which became corporate members. The final meetings of the Zoological Congress and the clos- ing banquet were held on Saturday, but we did not stay for them. Instead we took the tri-weekly train for Villa Keal de San Antonio, from which point we ferried across the river to 60 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 Spain and took an auto to Seville. After a couple of days in that incomparable city, enjoying, despite suffocating heat, the contrast between northern Spain and Andalusia, and after a couple of pleasantly cool days on the sea at Cadiz, we took an autobus over the hills to Gibraltar. On the evening of the 27th we were ready and waiting to board the Conte di Savoia, as she came steaming into the harbour, every light blazing, and tower- ing above our tender like a scintillating mountain. The Immature Form of Brachymesia gravida, with Notes on the Taxonomy of the Group (Odonata: Libellulidae). By C. FRANCIS BYERS. (Continued from page 37) Because of the new material presented in Dr. Klot's work, indicated above, and the present writing, the author thinks it advisible to construct a key to the genera of the American Libellulid nymphs. At present the better available keys 4 are to the fauna of a restricted geographical area and the more general keys are inadequate. In the following key those genera described on supposition by Dr. Klots are indicated by placing the generic name in quotation marks. KEY TO THE AMERICAN GENERA OF ANISOPTEROUS DRAGONFLY NYMPHS POSSESSING A LABIUM IN THE FORM OF A MASK. (Corduliinae and Libellulinae.) 1 — Head with a prominent frontal horn between the bases of the antennae [Macromiini] Head without a prominent frontal horn (2) 2 — Abdomen with dorsal hooks present (3) Abdomen with no dorsal hooks present (21) 3 — A dorsal hook present on abdominal segment 9 (4) A dorsal hook absent on abdominal segment 9 04) 4 — Lateral spines of segment 9 attaining or surpassing the tips of the abdominal appendages (5) Lateral spines of segment 9 not attaining the apex of abdominal appendages (7) 4 From which I have freely drawn for the material in the present key and to whose authors I am thus indebted. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 61 5 — Lateral spines of segment 8 set at an angle to the long axis of the abdomen, not parallel to those of seg- ment 9. Lateral labial setae 5-6; mental 7-11. Length 21 mm Kcuroconlulia Lateral spines of segment 8 not set at an angle, rind parallel to those of segment 9 (6) 6 — Lateral labial setae 4-5 ; mental, 4. Mentum about as long as wide. Length, 27 mm Epicordidut Lateral labial setae 6-8; mental, 9-10. Mentum longer than wide. Length, about 16 mm Tetntf/oiicnria -Superior and inferior abdominal appendages long; as long as the mid-dorsal length of abdominal seg- ments 8 + 9 (8) Superior and inferior abdominal appendages short ; not as long as the mid-dorsal length of segments 8 + 9 (9) 8 — Lateral labial setae 8; mental 9 "Miatlivriu" Lateral labial setae 6; mental 8 Bniclivnicsia 9 — Mental setae 8-9. Dorsal hooks small and blunt. Crenulations of lateral lobes of the labium high. . . (10) Mental setae 10-14. Dorsal hooks sharp and slender. (11) 10 — Lateral labial setae 6; mental 8 "Macrothcinis" Lateral labial setae 7; mental setae 9-10 "Scapaiica" 11 — Lateral abdominal appendages nearly as long as the superior (12) Lateral abdominal appendages usually not over half as long as the superior (13) 12 — Crenulations of the lateral lobes of the labium low. Dorsal hooks absent on abdominal segments 3-4. Lateral spines on abdominal segment 9 approxi- mately as long as the dorsum of the same segment. Length 15-20 mm Hclocordulm Crenulations o^f the lateral lobes of the labium high. Dorsal hook's present on abdominal segments 3-4. Lateral spines on abdominal segment 9 not more, usually much less, than the length of the same seg- ment. Length 18-27 mm Sonuttoclilora 13 — Length of the lateral labial lobes measured from the base of the movable hook to the lateral point of articulation with the mentum longer than the dis- tance from this point of articulation to the base of the mentum. Lateral labial setae 5. Length 15 mm Pcrithcinis Length of the lateral labial lobes as measured above shorter than the mentum. Lateral labial setae 7-10. Length about 20 mm "Dytltcinis" 62 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 14 — Eyes at side of head (lateral) (15) Eyes capping the anterolateral angles of the head ; more frontal than lateral (18) 15 — Lateral abdominal appendages nearly as long as the inferiors. Lateral labial setae 7 Dorocordulia Lateral abdominal appendages usually about half the length of the inferiors. Lateral labial setae 9-14. .(16) 16 — Dorsal abdominal hooks usually as long as the seg- ments bearing them. A dorsal hook on abdominal segment 3 in most species. Inferior abdominal ap- pendages not or but slightly longer than the su- perior Leucorrhinia Dorsal abdominal hooks shorter than the segments bearing them. Without a hook on abdominal seg- ment 3. Inferior abdominal appendages markedly longer than the superior ( 17) 17 — Lateral abdominal spines long and straight, those of 9 extending to the tips of the inferior appendages or beyond Cclithcmis Lateral abdominal appendages shorter and incurved. Sympetrum 18 — Mental labial setae 0-4 .Ladoua Mental labial setae 8-15 (19) 19 — Body smooth. Low dorsal hooks on abdominal seg- ments 2-6. Crenulations of lateral lobes of the labium very deep. Mental labial setae 14-15. [Dis- tribution: SW. States, Tex., Alex, to Brazil]. Paltothemis Body hairy. Dorsal hooks on abdominal segments 3-6 or 8. Crenulations of lateral lobes moderate. Mental labial setae 8-13. [Distribution not as above.] (20) 20 — Median lobe of the labium evenly contoured Libcllula Median lobe of the labium crenulate on the front bor- der Plathemis 21 — Inferior abdominal appendages strongly decurved. . . ( 22) Inferior abdominal appendages straight (23) 22 — Lateral labial setae 11-12 Lcf>thcmis Lateral labial setae 8-9 (Mesothemis') ErytJicniis 23 — Eyes capping the anterolateral angles of the head (frontal), usually small and not very prominent .. (24) Eyes at the side of the head (lateral), usually large and prominent (26) 24 — Lateral abdominal appendages nearly as long as the superior. Length of abdominal segment 10 -f- ap- xlvii, '36 | KXTOMOLOGICAL NKU'S 63 pendages shorter than the length of segment 9 meas- ured on the mid-ventral line. Crenulations of the lateral lobes of the lubium high Somatochlora Lateral abdominal appendages one-third to one-half as long as the superior. Length of abdominal seg- ment 10 -f- appendages longer than segment 9 meas- ured on the mid-ventral line. Crenulations of the lateral lobes of the labium shallow (.25) 25 — Median lobe of the labium evenly contoured. . .Libcllnla Median lobe of the labium crenulate on the front border Oi'thcinis 26 — Abdominal appendages long, slender and needle- pointed. Lateral spines of segments 8 and 9 long and incurved. Those on 8 at least as long as the lateral margin of segment 9 (27) Abdominal appendages short and heavy, not projected into a long needle-point. Lateral spines on seg- ments 8 and 9 flat and straight. Those on 8 not as long as the margin of segment 9 ( -S / 27 — Lateral spines on abdominal segment 9 as long as the inferior abdominal appendages. Crenulations of the lateral labial lobes obsolete Tnnnca Lateral spines of abdominal segment 9 not as long as the inferior abdominal appendages, about as long as the laterals. Crenulations of the lateral labial lobes deep Paiitala 28 — Lateral abdominal appendages more than half as long- as the inferior (three-fourths to as long usually). Lateral labial setae 6-7 (29) Lateral abdominal appendages less than one-half the length of the inferior (one-third to one-half). Lateral labial setae 9-14 (30) 29 — Inferior abdominal appendages as long as the su- perior. Lateral labial setae 6. Length 10 mm. Nannothewiis Inferior abdominal appendages longer than the su- perior. Lateral labial setae 7. Length greater than 15 mm. ( usually 18-19 mm.) Cordulhi 30 — Lateral spines present on abdominal segment 8 (31) Lateral spines lacking on abdominal segment 8, rudi- mentary on 9 Syinpctrnin 31 — Lateral spines of abdominal segment 8 short; of 9 long. The lateral spines of 9 as long as the abdo- minal appendages, longer than the margin of seg- ment 9 Pack \dipla.\- 64 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 Lateral spines of abdominal segments 8 and 9 more nearly the same length. Those of segment 9 less in length than the margin of segment 9 (32) 32 — Distribution Northern: Ale., Wise.; Hudson's Bay to B. C. and Alaska (33) Distribution Southern: Tropics and Gulf Strip; S. E. States, Tex. ; W. Ind. ; Mex. to Argentine. Erytlirod ipla.v "Micrathyria" 33 — Prominent bunches of setae present on the dorstim of abdominal segments 4-9 Erythrodiplax No such arrangement of setae on the abdomen. Leucorrhinia Unknown Genera: [Platycordulia, Williams onia, Pscudoleon, Uracis, Macrodiplax, TauripJiila, Ephidatia, Brechmorhogd]. A Summary of Insects Attracted to Liquid Baits.1 By S. W. FROST, The Pennsylvania State College. During 1933 and 1934, seventy-five attrahents were used to attract oriental fruit moths in a peach orchard interplanted with apple trees in Adams County, Pennsylvania. Each experi- ment consisted of ten traps. The tests were repeated four times during the summer, covering a period of twenty-one weeks, except in a few cases where materials were not attrac- tive. A mixture of one part refiner's syrup and twenty parts water was placed in all traps, with chemicals added at the rate of one cubic centimeter, or one gram, per trap. Most of the acids were soluble in the baits. Cinnamic, camphoric and picric acids and borneol were dissolved in alcohol before adding them to the, mixture. Methyl cinnamate, piperonal and thymol were dissolved in warm mineral oil and then emulsified. These and all other chemicals were emulsified with 3 grams of number 235 American Cyanamid spreader, 30 cc. of water and 10 grams or 10 cc. of the attrahent. This made sufficient bait for ten traps. A record was kept of insects that visited the baits. Since reports have been published on many of these, the present paper is concerned primarily with miscellaneous insects 1 Publication authorized by the Director of The Pennsylania Agricul- tural Experiment Station, November 6, 1934, as Technical Paper No. 664. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 65 which have been taken in relatively large numbers, and may prove of value to other workers. DIPTERA. Tabanidae were captured in relatively large numbers. About seventy-five percent of the catches were females. This was rather surprising as the females are largely blood feeders. Seven species of Tabanns were taken: T. lasiophthalmus Macq., during May and June; T. atratns Fab., from June 11 to Sep- tember, 13; T. sulcifrons Macq., during July and August; T. gigantcus De Geer, chiefly during late September and early October; and occasional specimens of T. nigrescens P. B., T. lineola Fab. and T. costalis Wied. A few incidental captures of Chrysops were made. Dr. J. S. Hine checked the identifi- cation of these species for the writer. Soap, sodium oleate, camphoric and oleic acids were outstanding attrahents. Reports on Ortalidae have been published heretofore.2 Dur- ing 1933, notes were taken on three species: Eu.rcsta notatu; Pseudotephritis van; and Callopistromyia annulipes. These are grouped in the following table. Sweet baits, such as amyl ace- tate and syrup, were most attractive. Acids were generally un- attractive, although citric and malic acids caught comparatively large numbers. Judging from the comparatively small numbers taken in traps, Syrphidae are not attracted but are probably chance catches. On the other hand, a remarkable number of species were taken. These include I'olitcclla vcsiculosa Fab., Ferdinandea dives O. S., Syrphus rihcsii Linn., Mesogramma inarginata Say., M. polita Say, Tenthredomyia abbreviata Loew, Spilomyia liauri- fcra Loew, Criorliina decora Macq., Ccriodcs willistonii Kohl, C. si8. Notes on Pennsylvania Ortalidae. ENT. NEWS 40: 84-87, 1929. 66 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 tesy of the late Dr. J. M. Aldrich of the United States National Museum. Ferdinand ca dircs and SyrpJuis rihcsii were the com- mon captures during May, while I7olucclla vesiculosa and Mcso(/ntininu uiarylnata were the common species taken during June, July and August. They show a preference, if any, for the sweet baits. At least a dozen species of Stratiomyidae were taken in baits. These have not been determined but are preserved for future study. Bibio fcmoratus Wied. came to baits in large numbers from May 2 to June 16, 1933; 513 specimens were captured. There seemed to be little difference in the attractiveness of the various baits. Baffles increased the catches considerably. Twelve specimens of the rare Onocodcs incnltns O. S., were taken from one set of traps on June 15. Other Diptera were taken in large numbers. Anis-opus was exceedingly abundant, especially during April, although speci- mens were taken in May, June and July. Drosophilidae, Mus- cidae, Tabanidae and Anthomyiidae were attracted in liberal numbers. LEPIDOPTERA. During 1934, an attempt was made to skim certain moths, other than the oriental fruit moth, from the surface of the baits. The codling moth, Carpocapsa poiuoiiclla Clem., the bud-moths, Sparganothis idacusalis Walk, and Spihiwta occl- laua D. & S., and the leaf-rollers, Eitlia I'dittinaua Walk., Archips argyrospila Walk., and A. rosaccana Harris, were taken in comparatively small numbers. These insects were probably not abundant in the twelve-year-old orchard where the work was conducted, but it is suspected that bud-moths and leaf-rollers might respond freely to some baits. The peach borer is not readily attracted to baits, and as a rule, only the males respond to the stimulus. Adults were trapped earlier in the season than previous records indicate that they tly. One male was captured the week of May 24 to 31. Four specimens were taken during the week of May 31 to |une 6. It is possible that a bait may be discovered that will be useful in determining the flight periods of this moth. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 67 Synantlicdon scitula Harris, the larva of which feeds in the Drills of various trees, was taken in rather striking numbers during June. A few were captured earlier than this, and some during July, hut none after August 8. Sweet haits were most attractive. Acids, with the exception of citric, malic, tartaric and succinic, were unattractive. Noctu'idae rank next in numhers to the oriental fruit moth, and are generally attracted hy the same type of baits. There is at least one exception. Terpinyl acetate is highly attractive to the oriental fruit moth but not strongly attractive to the Noctuidae. Although many other moths were/ captured it was difficult to make determinations because the bait destroyed essential char- acters. E list rot ia carncola Guenee, however, was a conspicuous visitor. HYMENOPTERA. Parasitic insects are a minor factor in the operation of baits and have never been taken in appreciable numbers. During 1933, only thirty specimens of Glypta rufiscutellaris and Macro- cent rns ancylivora were captured in 400 traps operating over a period of twenty-one weeks. Other parasitic forms were rare visitors. Honey bees are not strongly attracted to syrup or aromatic baits. Citral and anethol were tha only materials that attracted a noticeable number. Several species of Vespidae were taken in baits but were apparently not attracted. The species taken were V. diabolica Sauss, V. Jiiactilata L., V. crabro L., anil / '. iiiacitlifrons P.uy. Polistcs pcillipcs Lep. was captured in moderate numbers chiefly in late June and early July. Other Hymenoptera were captured but the magnitude of the problem prohibited accurate records. Ants, of course, were taken in great numbers. Tenthredinidae were frequent visitors. Mutillidae, Chrysididae, Ichneumonidae and Chalcididae were taken rarely. Monobia (jnadridcns and Splicciiis sprciosits were seen quite frequently in baits. 68 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 COLEOPTERA. Glischrochilns fasciatits (Oliv.), a natural sap-feeder, was taken in moderate to large numbers from April 25 to Septem- ber 25, but the catches were noticeably reduced during August and September. It was attracted by sweet baits, particularly syrup and water. The addition of soap and sodium oleate in- creased the catches. Amyl acetate and anethol were especially alluring. Acids, on the whole, were not attractive, although tartaric, acetic and formic acids caught many of these beetles. Cinnamic acid was decidedly repulsive. Elateridae, chiefly species of Mclanotns, were captured largely during June. Although 158 specimens were taken during 1934, it is probable that they were attracted not by the baits but, having the habits of visiting peach and apple, accidentally tumbled into the traps. Cerambycidae came to the traps freely, especially when they were placed in or near wooded areas. During 1933 and 1934 the traps were not located near woodlands and the catches were comparatively small. The addition of sodium arsenite to the syrup seemed to increase the catches considerably. Euphoria inda, as might be expected, was taken chiefly in June, although some were captured in July, August and Sep- tember. Sweet baits, amyl acetate and plain syrup, were most attractive. Acids were decidedly unattractive. Lachnosternae were numerous when traps are placed in the vicinity of wooded areas. The traps used were placed in a peach orchard, and only 215 specimens were taken during 1933. The plum curculio, C onotrachelus nenuphar (Hbst.), is not attracted to baits, but occasionally falls in the traps when the trees are jarred. Other Coleoptera have been taken in great abundance and data are reported in a previous paper.3 (To be continued) 3 Coleoptera taken from Bait Traps. Ann. Amer. Ent. Soc. 22 : 427- 437, 1929. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 69 The Mantispidae of the Douglas Lake, Michigan Region, With Some Biological Observations (Neurop.)1. By H. B. HUNGERFORD, Lawrence, Kansas. ( I 'laic 1 in the April number) The Mantispidae have been rare, or at least uncommon, in- sects wherever I have collected. Certainly the general collector would take them only occasionally and the capture of one of these curious mantis-like neuropterons would be a noteworthy surprise. Until the summer of 1934, only four specimens had been taken in the Douglas Lake, Michigan, region in ten seasons' collecting. The University of Michigan Biological Station is located on Douglas Lake where I have conducted a class in entomology each season. Since there have been from 20 to 30 students each summer, most of them graduate students and all required to make extensive general collections of insects, I must say that Mantispids in that region are seldom taken by sweeping and such methods usually employed by the general collector. However, during the season of 1934, there were either larger numbers of J\[antis[>t.t present or we have hit upon a more productive method of searching for them. I am in- clined to believe that the latter is responsible for the fact that we secured 26 specimens of Muntispa intcrntpta Say during the summer. Miss Janet Wilder, a graduate student from Mount Holyoke College, deserves the credit for discovering where and how to look for this species. She brought a pinned specimen to the first class meeting and when I expressed my desire to secure living specimens for study, she brought in several live speci- mens together with field notes concerning them. During the session she gave me eleven live specimens which she obtained by searching especially for them. Not one of the other twenty- six students secured a specimen by this method, although they were told how to look for them. Two females were captured al the arc light one night and I took eleven specimens by dili- gent search for them. We found 22 specimens on red oak 1 Contribution from University of Michigan Biological Station. 70 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 (Quercus nibra borcalis) where they were resting on the foli- age or twigs. While we searched quite as diligently, the maples and other trees, we found only two specimens on maple and one of the maples was intertwined with an oak. Since the insect is a predaceous one, it is difficult to account for its prefer- ence for the oaks. The oaks were infested with Kcniics scales which were attended by ants and in one case, a Mantisipid was devouring an ant. However, in the cages no preference for ants was shown and flies appeared to he the most acceptable food, although they captured other insects including adult Alyr- meleonids. They did not like Mi rids and other bugs. The specimens were placed in laboratory cages, either alone or in pairs. Sometimes pairs lived together for weeks. In two cases the females ate their mates and in one case a male devoured the female. They do very well in confinement if given a few drops of water each day and a housefly or other insect for food. Living insects will be accepted from the tweezers, or they will be cap- tured when liberated in the cage. One female Mantispa iutcr- rupta Say, captured July 19 at the light, lived 67 days and was transported from Michigan to Kansas without difficulty and without interference with her egg-laying activity. She laid nine batches of eggs on different dates as follows: July 24, 1269 eggs ; August 2, 2348 eggs ; August 1 1 , 1329 eggs ; August 14, 1385 eggs; August 26, 652 eggs and 345 eggs; September 1, 180 eggs; September 13, 413 eggs and September 21, 464 eggs. She died on September 24th after depositing in captivity 8385 eggs ! Another female kept 52 days laid 6262 eggs, another 49 days laid 6850 eggs, another 42 days laid 5222 eggs, another 23 days laid 3464, and two others deposited more than 2000 eggs each. Ten of the twelve females deposited eggs in cap- tivity. The above figures are interesting since, until recently, our knowledge was based on observations of European workers who reported that Mantispa siyriaca I'oda laid "many eggs." Just recently, indeed since my observations were made, Dr. R. C. Smith in the October (1934) Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society has given us our first definite idea con- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL .\K\VS 71 cerning the reprductive capacity of a Mantispid species. He reports some 2200 eggs for a female of Muntispa sayi Banks. It is by no means certain that 2200 eggs for MtiHtispa sayi I'.anks or 8385 eggs2 for Mantispa intcrntpta Say represent the biotic potential of these species. The figures do suggest, however, the ha/ards that these uncommon insects encounter in their development. I'mil this year ( 1934) it, has been necessary for our Ameri- can text books to quote Friedrich Hrauer's observations on Mantissa styrinca Poda published in 1869. He described the eggs of this European species and reported that the larvae over wintered and in the following spring entered the egg cocoons of certain spiders such as Arctosa allodroma, Lycosa inquilina and Dolomcdcs. Poujade (1898) added Drassodcs hypocrita E. Sim. and Main (1931) a Drassid Spider as host. The last- named author secured the emergence of adults in July which deposited a large number of eggs at the end of August. This suggests a long preoviposition period. Mr. Main also observed that the males possess an extrusible organ on the dorsal surface of the abdomen. This was investigated histologically the fol- lowing year by Dr. Eltringham. Prior to Dr. Smith's paper no information concerning the development of any American species of the genus Mantissa was known. Dr. Hine ( 1902) reported the collection of Mantispa in- tcrrufita Say at Yinton, Ohio, June 10, 1900. This was re- ported to be a male taken from the trunk of a small tree. On June 20, 1901, Mr. Morse took what was reported to be a female at the same place by beating oak foliage. Dr. Hine also stated that "In comparison, the general coloration of the body of the female is lighter than the male." In all the specimens I have seen the reverse is true. The male abdomen is gray with a dark longtitudinal band above and below, while that of the female is cinnamon brown particularly beneath. The last 2 The female that deposited S.iS5 eggs \va taken Jnl\ l''th and began laying eggs in captivity July _M;h. Since \ve had captured Id '-perinicns before July 19th and the first female taken nrsliiac Fishr., but the markings on the elytra will serve to distinguish the two specie's. Xenorhipis osborni n. sp. ( Buprestidae). Form similar to A', brcnddi Lee., size smaller. $ . — Head convex, slight depression on front near vertex ; 1H. C. Fall. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc., 7, p. 5, 1899. 74 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 surface crenulate ; color dark blue ; eyes small, finely granulate ; antennae dull testaceous, extending to middle of elytra when laid along under side of pronotum, ilabellate, quite similar to that of X. Ivcndcli Lee. figured by Horn,2 rami beginning at the second joint. Pronotum one-and-one-half times as wide as long; anterior margin slightly sinuate, median lobe broadly rounded ; base deeply emarginate at middle of each elytron ; disk convex, slight depression in front of scutellnni ; lateral margins inferior in front, present on basal third only; sides nearly parallel, slightly rounded anteriorly, sinuate near base ; surface crenu- late; color bright metallic blue in middle; bright cupreous along sides. Scutellum oval, granulate, dark blue. Elytra not quite as wide as pronotum at base, not covering the abdomen but extending to end of third abdominal segment, nearly twice as long as wide ; sides parallel anteriorly, sinuate back of middle, apices broadly rounded ; side margins serrulate on apical third; disk impressed on white fasciae; surface of white area densely punctate, dark area roughly, asperately punc- tate; color bright metallic green at base and in region of scutel- lum, a white fascia on each elytron extending from side margin nearly to suture in middle, anterior portion extending diagon- ally from sutural to humeral region, rest of elytra piceous ; under wings visible, extending to slightly beyond tip of abdo- men. Beneath bright blue ; abdomen coarsely, asperately punctate ; legs piceus ; sides of metasternum with a large, hairy depression, or excavation. Length 5.5 mm.; width 1.5 mm. 2 . — Differs from the male in having normal antennae, ex- tending slightly behind humeral angles when laid along under side of pronotum, serrate from the fourth joint ; eyes slightly smaller, front bright metallic blue. Pronotum bright metallic green along sides, anterior and basal margins, central area dark blue. Elytra less strongly sculptured in dark areas, extending to end of fourth abdominal segment ; each elytron with a median transverse white fascia extending from lateral margin nearly to suture, a broad transverse bright metallic green area at base, extending along suture, another at apex, rest of elytron piceous ; dorsal surface of abdomen bright metallic green. 2G. H. Horn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 10, p. 165, 1882. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 75 Ventral surface and legs dark blue ; sides of meso- and meta- sternum bright metallic green ; depression of metasternum lack- ing ; abdominal punctures light. Length 5 mm.; width 1.5 mm. Described from a small series of both sexes collected by the writer on dying cat's claw (slcacia constricta Benth.) in the Davis Mountains, TEXAS, May 24 to 27, 1935. The females were extremely active in the bright sunshine. Holotypc male, allot yf^c female and fwnitypcs in writer's col- lection, parat\pc in collection of Ohio State University. It gives me pleasure to name this interesting species after Professor Herbert Osborn. This insect appears to be a con- necting link between Xcnorhipis and Hcspcrorhipls described by Fall 3 and it possesses certain characters which will fit either genus. However the antennae of the male agree with, those of Xenorhipis and I have placed it provisionally in this genus. Agrilus parkeri Knull (Buprestidae). Mr. Parker has called my attention to the fact that the type material of this species was collected in June, instead of July as I stated.4 (To be continued.) WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL BULLETIN. Vol. 3, No. 3. Janu- ary, 1936. We find in this number; notes on the "twisted winged insects (Stylopidae)" ; on a collecting expedition down the coast of Florida by S. C. Bishop and C. R. Crosby; "More about the black widow" being found in Orient, Long Island; "On pinning Odonata" ; "You can make this handy beating net" described by W. Proctor of Bar Harbor; "New species" being found by L. L. Pechuman in Bronx, New York; "On, shipping insects," about which the writer questions the advisability of completely filling the vials with the preservative, but suggests leaving an air space for expansion and reducing the danger of the contents washing about by forcing in a good wad of cotton, not so far as to damage the specimens ; "Bargains of the month." — E. T. CRESSON, JR. 3H. C. Fall, Pan-Pacific, Ent., 7, No. 2. p. 74, 1930. 4J. N. Knull, ENT. NEWS, 46, p. 189, 1935. 76 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS PHILADELPHIA, PA., MARCH, 1936. ENTOMOLOGY AT THE CONVOCATION WEEK MEETINGS, DECEMBER 30, 1935, to JANUARY 4, 1936. Our annual summary of the entomological items of the pro- grams of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and Associated Societies, held at St. Louis, Missouri, and of the American Society of Zoologists, held at Princeton, Xcw Jersey, follows. The number of papers hearing on insects including those in symposia and non-duplicating demonstrations, were : Entomological Society of America 44 American Association of Economic Entomologists 116 ^Section F, Zoological Sciences, A.A.A.S. (excluding joint sessions with Amer. Soc. Parasit. and Ecol. Soc. Amer. ) 19 American Society of Parasitologists 3 Wilson Ornithological Club 1 American Phytopathological Society 1 Mycological Society of America 1 Ecological Society of America (joint meeting with Sec- tion F, A.A.A.S.) '. 5 Genetics Society of America 12 *Phi Sigma Society 14 Limnological Society of America 1 Section N, Medical Sciences, A.A.A.S 1 * American Society for, Horticultural Science 4 Potato Association of America 1 American Society of Zoologists 16 Total 239 These papers were distributed in subject as follows : i *Anatomy and Morphology 6 *General Entomology 3 Physiology 28 Collecting and Rearing * Ecology 23 Methods 6 Behavior 1 * Entomological Instruction 5 Geographical Distribution. 6 Entomological Museums . . 1 Genetics 5 Cytology 11 Evolution 1 *Embryology and Life His- *Taxonomy 13 tory 19 Parasites and Diseases of Insects 5 xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 77 General Economic Entom- ology 11 Insecticides 25 Apiculture 11 Arthropods affecting Man 5 do. do. ( )ther Animals. . . 2 *do. do. Cereals and Field Crops 21 do. do. Truck Crops 13 do. do. Households 1 do. do. Ornamental and Greenhouse Plants .... 2 *do. do. Fruits and Fruit Trees 20 do. do. Forest and Shade Trees 6 *do. do. Miscellaneous Plants 14 ii *Araneae 5 *Acarina 5 Collembola 1 *( Jrthoptera 33 Isoptera Ephemerida 2 < Monata 2 Homoptera 15 *Heteroptera 10 *Thysanoptera 3 *Coleoptera (excluding Ja- panese Beetle) 26 Japanese Beetle 3 Hymenoptera (excluding Honey Bee) 5 Honey Bee 6 Trichoptera 1 Lepidoptera ( excluding the three following) 18 Codling Moth 13 Oriental Fruit Moth ... 2 *Corn Borer 4 Diptera (excluding Droso- />//;/atelli, im Pharynx von Dipterenlarven. |t'asopis| 32: 198-202, illus.. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA. — Beier, M. - Einige neue neptropische Pseudoscorpione. 89 [Abt. Syst.j 80 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 67: 443-447, illus. Bonnet, P. — La longevite chez les Araig- nees. [25] 40: 272-277. McGregor, E. A.— The Texas Cit- rus Mite, a n. sp. [10] 37: 161-165, illus. Mello-Leitao.- Dois novos Mimetidae do Brasil meredional com algumas notas sobre a familia. [15] 7: 323-327, ill. Mello-Leitao e Arle. — Consideracoes sobre a ordem Palpigradi, com a de- scricao de uina n. sp. [15| 7: 339-343, ill. Viets, K. — Eine neue Hyadesia (Sarcoptiformes, Acari) von Curacao. 89 Abt. Syst. | 67: 425-428, illus. Halacariden aus \Yestinclien. 89 [Abt. Syst.] 67: 389-424, illus. (*). Willmann, C.- Orobatiden von Bonaire und Curasao. 89 [Abt. Syst.] 67: 429-442, illus. (*). THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Alexander, A. E. — Termites in central New York State. [68] 83: 34. Bailey, S. F. — A list of the Thysanoptera of California. [55] 11 : 163-169. Borror, D. J. — New Records of Ohio Dragon- flies (Odonata). |43j 35: 451-456. Moulton, D.— New Cali- fornia Thysanoptera. [55] 11: 170-174. Navas, R. P. L.- Insectos sttramericanos. [Rev. Acad. Cien. Madrid] 32: 360-375, ill. (*). Reynolds, J. M.— The Nature of Aptery in the Apterygota. [90] 70: 75-80. ORTHOPTERA.— Chopard, L.— Le phenomene des phases existe-t-il a etat rudimentaire chez certains Orthop- teres. [Bull. Soc. Hist. N. Afrique du Nord] 1935: 269-271. Roubaud, E. — Recherches experimcntales sur le criquet pelerin. [Bui. Soc. Hist. N. Afrique du Nord] 1935: 272- 280. Rubtzov, I. A. — Phase variation in non-swarming grasshoppers. [22] 26: 499-522, illus. Salfi, M. — Ipognatismo ed Oxycefalia negli Ortotteri. [Bol. Z. Union Z. Italia.] 6: 311-315, ill. HEMIPTERA — da Costa Lima, A. — Genero Micro- tomus. (Reduviidae). (15] 7: 315-322, ill. (*S). Essig, E. O. — California Aphididae, New Cloudy-veined species. [55 | 11 : 156-162, illus. Green, E. E.— On Three New Species of Ccroplastes from South America (Coccidae). [109] 2: 272- 275, illus. Lange, W. H. — Notes on Ambrysus mormon (Naucorid). [55] 11: 155. Michalk, O. — Zur" Morphologic und Ablage der Eier bei den Heteropteren. [11] 1935: 148- 175, illus. Oman, P. W. — New neotropical empoascan leaf- hoppers. 1 91 | 26: 34-40, ill. Pinto e Lent. — Hemipteros predadores de inscclos. provenieiiles do I'ra/il c Argentina. Sobre as (-species do gcnero Psammolestes. | 15 | 7: 277-282; 333-337, ill. (*). Poisson, R. — Lcs Notonectes du groupe \lvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 81 N. lutea. ( Notonectidae). [Rev. Francaise d'Ent.] 117-123. ill. Skablo, J. — Influence of the intermittent starvation on the development of the larvae of Loxostege sticticalis (Meadow moth) [Zool. Jour. Moscow] 14: 159-170. [ Russ. resume Kngl.J Van Duzee, E. P. — Note on Ptochiomera caeca. [55] 11: 174 (*). A note on Elasmostethus. 1 55 1 11 : 177. LEPIDOPTERA.— Bates, M.— The Satyrid genus Calis- to. [Oc. Pap. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.] 8: 229-248. illus. (S*). Notes on Cuban butterflies. [Mem. Soc. Cuba. Hist. Nat] 9: 225-228. ill. (*). Benjamin, F. H.— Notes on the Lepusculina-Leporina series of Apatela (Phalaenid). [55] 11: 145-155 (*). Notes and New Species (Phalaenidae). [38] 34: 194-210. Bryk, F.— Das Tierreich. Lief. 65. Par nas^iidae. Subf. Parnassiinae. 790 pp., ill. Cockayne, E. A. —Notes on the Life-History of Agrotis i]>silon. [21] 48: 2-4. Comstock & Dammers. — Notes on the Life Histories of Three Butterflies and Three Moths from California. [38] 34: 211-225, illus. Hovanitz, W. — Notes on some California Butterflies. [55] 11: 190-192. Hulbirt, E. L— Two unusual Butterflies taken in Southern California. [38] 34: 210. Kuehn, A. — Versuche ueber die workungs-weise der erban- lag-en. [88] 24: 1-10, ill. Plate, L.— Genetische und phylo- genetische Analyse der Colias-Kreuzungen des Herrn Emil von Silbernagel. [Jena Zeitschr. Wissen.] 63: 197-222, illus. Schaus, W. — New Species of Lasciocampidae from Meo- tropical countries. [75] 17: 47-66. Schwanwitsch, B. N.— Symmetry in the wing-pattern of Papilionid butterflies. [9] 69: 7-12, illus. Spitz, R. — Revisao das cinco especies do genereo Myelobia. [Rev. Mus. Paulista] 19: 579-594, ill. Vasquez, L. — Contribucion al conocimiento de los lepidop- teros Mexicanos. Halisidota caryae. [112] 6: 215-244, ill. Williams, C. B. — Further evidence for the migration of but- terflies. | Bull. Soc. R. Ent. Egypt] 19: 250-261. DIPTERA. — Austin & Pitcher. — (See under General.) Castro, G. M. O. — Fstudo sobre uma especie de "Limatus" que se cria em buracos de pau. [ Rev. Dept. Nac. I 'rod. An., Rio de Janeiro] 2: 143-151, illus. (S*). Evans, A. C- I'hysiological races of Lucilia sericata. [31 | 137: 33-34. Marshall & Staley. -Generic rind subgeneric differences in the mouth-parts of male mos(|uitos. \22\ 2(>: 531-532, illus. Philip, C. B. — The Furcatns Group of Western Xorth American llie> of the genus Chrysops (Tabanid). |1()| 37: 153-161. (_*). Reinig, W. F. — Ueber . \nomalien des Flue- 82 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '36 gelgeaeders bei Syrphiden und ihre taxonomische Bedeu- tung. [11] 1935: '131-147, illus. Ripstein, C.— Los mos- quitos del valle de Mexico. |112] 6: 213-233, ill. Salt, G.- (See under Hymenoptera.) Seguy, E. — Etude sur les Stomoxydines et particulierement des Mouches charbon- neuses du genre Stomoxys. [59j 8 (B): 15-58. Etude sur le genre Morellia. |59] 8 (B): 103-115. Un nouveau Tri- chomorellia de 1'Equateur (Muscides) [59] 8 (B): 115-116 Caracteres particuhers des Calliphorines. \ 59] 8 (B): 121- 150, ill. Tate & Vincent. — The Biology of Autogenous and Anautogenous Races of Culex pipiens (Culicid). [116] 28: 115-145, illus. Thienemann, A. — Chironomiden-Metamor- phosen. |11] 1935: 86-96. Wilcox, J. — Laphria vultur and two related species (Asilid). [4] 68: 7-11, illus. (*). Zimin, L. — Le systeme de la tribu Tachinini (Larvivoridae). (Trav. Inst. Z. Ac. Sc. URSS] 1935: 509-636, ill. [Russian resume French]. COLEOPTERA.— Andrada, C. A. C.— O genero Loboe- derus ( Elateridae). [Rev. Mus. Paulista] 19: 431-442. ill. (S*). Brown, W. J. — American species of Ludius : the Semivittatus and Nitidulus Groups (Elaterid.). |4] 68: 11- 20, illus. (*). Buchanan, L. L. — The genus Panscopus (Curculionidae). [Smiths. Misc. Coll.] 94: 1-18. (*). Fied- ler, C. — Die Ruesslergattung Coelosternus (Cure. Cryp- torhynchini). [Ent. Nachrbl.] 9:157-173 (S*). Fisher, W. S. — New cerambycid and buprestid beetles from Cuba. [Mem. Soc. Cuba" Hist. Nat.] 9: 271-273. Hinton, H. E.- A new genus and a new species of Elminae (Dryopid). [8] 72: 1-5, illus. (S). Hinton & Ancona. — Fauna de coleop- teros en nedos de hormigas (Atta), en Mexico y Centro- America. [112J 6: 307-316, ill. (*). Korschefsky, R.— Neue Coccinelliden aus Afrika, Brasilien, und Formosa. | 109] 2: 252-256, illus. Leach, E. R.— Phileurus illatus. [55] 11: 169. Liebke, M.— Neue Carabiden aus Sud-und Mittel- amerika hauptsachlich des Pariser Museums. | Rev. Fran- caise d'Ent.] 2: 143-177, ill. Luederwaldt, H.— Monogra- phia dos Lucanideos Brasilieros [Rev. Mus. Paulista] 19: 447-574, ill. (*). Mader, L. — Neue Coleopteren aus Sud- und Zentralamerika. |26) 26: 25-27. Ohaus, F— P.eitrag xur Kenntnis cler Ruteiinae (Scarab.). |11| 1935: 121-130, illus. (*). Paulian, R. — Sur 1'essai d'une phylogenie des Lamel- licornes Coprophages. | Ent. Nachrbl.] 9: 179-180. Pic, M. -Neue Coleopteren (Malacodermata). [2o| H> : 1-3. (S). Ribeiro, P. deM. — Sobre uma nova especie do genero Calli- ])ogon (Cerambycidae). [Rev. Mus. Paulista] 19: 417-418, xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ill. (S*). Schedl, K.— Xeue Platypodiden aus Afrika, Xeu- guinea, Zentral- und Sudamerika. [ Ent. Xachrbl.] 9: 174- 177. Uhmann, E. — Hispinen aus Paraguay (Chrysomel.). |109J 2: 237-240, illus. (*). HYMENOPTERA.— Donisthorpe, H. S. T. K.— The Oldest Insect on Record (Formicidae). [21] 48: 1-2. Fer- riere, Ch. — Two Chalcidoid egg-parasites of Diprion ser- tifer. [22] 26: 571-573, illus. (*). Flanders, S. E.— Host influence on the prolificacy and size of Trichogramma (Chalcid). [55] 11: 175-177. Gahan, A. B— Brachymeria carinatifrons, n. sp. (Chalcid). [10] 37: 165-167. Lane, J.— Xotas sobre parasitismo em Borboletas [Rev. Mus. Paul- ista] 19: 443-445. Michener, C. D. — Bees from coastal Northern California. |55] 11: 178-184 (*). Muesebeck, C. F. W. — A n. sp. of parasite of Typhlocyba pomaria (Bethy- lid). [10] 37: 167-168. Nixon, G. E. J.— Xotes on wasps. [8] 72: 6-8. Piel, O.— Etude stir les Sphegides. [24] 104: 273-306, illus. Salt, G. — Miscellaneous records of parasit- ism. 1 8] 72: 9-12. Soika, A. G. — Su alcuni 'Eumenini del Deutsches Entomologisches Institut di Berlin-Dahlem. [109] 2: 242-252. Walley, G. S.— A new Schizopyga from Canada (Ichneumon.) [4] 68: 20-21. Weyrauch, W. — AYie entsteht Wespennest? Experimentelle Analyse des Ver- haltens von Vespa germanica und V. vulgaris beim Ban der Huelle ihres Nestes. Teil A : Formwahrenehmung. [46] 30: 731-775, illus. SPECIAL NOTICES.— Les Anopheles de la France et de ses Colonies. Part 1. Par G. Senevet. Encyclopedic En- tomologique. XIX. 361 pp. Snyder, Thomas E. — Our Enemy, The Termite. Comstock Publ. Co., Ithaca, X. Y. xii -|- 196 pp., illus. BUMBLEBEES AND THEIR WAYS, by OTTO EMIL PLATH, Boston University. The MacMillan Company, New York, 1934. pp. XVI, 201, colored frontispiece, 20 text figs., and 10 plates. $4.00. Although bumblebees are among the insects most frequently observed by nature-lovers and beginning students of entomology, they have not received the serious attention deserved by their commonness, interesting communal life and economic importance. Dr. Plath has been one of the few American students of insects in a position and willing to devote the many hours and successive summers necessary for 84 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '-•>(» a study of this character. Since 1922 he has published many papers reporting the results of his studies of the life histories and habits of North American bumblebees, particularly the species of the New England States. His new book is essentially a summary of all his researches to date together with a critical review of the world literature and its interpretation in the light of his own investigations and views. The main body of the book contains thirteen chapters dealing with such phases of bumblebee life as the development of col- onies, interrelations between commensals, parasites and preda- tors, especially interesting or complex habits, the technique of rearing and studying these active and at times pugnacious in- sects, and ending with a chapter developing a classification based upon behavior. In 1927 the reviewer called attention to the fact that the biological differences existing among bumblebees were such as to confirm in general the species and subgeneric or group concepts which were being proposed in systematic literature upon the basis of morphological characters of adults. The studies of Plath have resulted in many additions and refine- ments to earlier biological classifications and again may be interpreted as showing the general soundness of present classi- fications based upon adults. One feature of this new book of interest and service to many is an Appendix giving a brief summary of the appearance, life history and distribution of thirteen species of Bouibus (Brcmus) and four species of Psitliynts. The state of our knowledge of the North American bumblebees is partially reflected by the fact that these species, with one or two exceptions, are essenti- ally from central and eastern North America. Maps are given to show the distribution of the species mentioned. Too great a reduction of the original maps has made it difficult in many instances to distinguish the known range from' that indicated as probable range. Based upon an accumulation of data over a period of many years the writer cannot agree with some of the ranges indicated as "probable" on the maps. The writer of this review has been studying bumblebees from one viewpoint or another for twenty-five years and is greatly pleased that we now have available for layman and scientist alike an attractive and authoritative book pertaining to these social insects, written in entertaining and non-technical stive, well illustrated and excellently printed. "Bumblebees and Their Ways" is a credit to the publisher as well as to its author. -T. H. PRISON. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, ( Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Guedet, P. O. Box 305, Napa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lcpidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for my subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL News for one year, beginning with issue for— Name - Address Post Office The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers : United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, - 3.15 Foreign, - 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALK BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. These prices to DOMESTIC PURCHASERS only. Quotations to foreign purchasers will be given on application and are subject to differences in Foreign Exchange rates. COLEOPTERA 999. — Linsley (E. G.). — Studies in the Longicornia of Mexico. (Cerambycidae). (Trans., 61, 67-102, 1 pi., 1935) 70 DIPTERA 1003.— Sabrosky (C. W.).— The Chloropidae of Kansas. (Trans., 61, 207-268, 1935) 1.20 HYMENOPTERA 998. — Allen (H. W.). — North American wasps of the genus Neotiphia (Tiphiidae). (Trans., 61, 53-65, 1935) 25 1002. — Mitchell (T. B.). — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic region. III. Taxonomy of subgenera Anthemois and Delomegachile. (Trans., 61, 155-205, 2 pis., 1935) 1.00 LEPIDOPTERA 997. — Braun (A. F.). — Notes and new species of Microlepi- doptera. (Trans., 61, 45-52, 1935) 20 ORTHOPTERA M-8.— Rehn & Rehn. — The Eumastacinae of southern Mexico and Central America (Orthoptera: Acrididae). (Mem. 8, 84 pp., 6 pis., 1934) 2.50 1001. — Hebard (M.). — Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. I. New genera, species and geographical races. (Trans., 61, 111-153, 4 pis., 1935) 85 THYSANOPTERA 1000. — Hood (J. D.). — Five new Thysanoptera of the genus Aeolothrips. (Trans., 61, 103-110, 1 pi., 1935) 20 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ , for which please send me the items checked above. Der Internationale Entomologische Verein E.V. Frankfurt a. M. tietet seinen Mitgliedern auBer der Entomologische Zeitschrift vereinigt mit Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift noch weitere Vorteile: Benutzung der Bibliothek (liber 10000 Druckschriften). Auskunftsstellen fur : Entomologische Angelegenheiten, Insekten-Zuchten, Schadlings- bekampfung, Haltung und Zucht von Spinnen, Krebstieren, Fischen, Seetieren, Lurchen, Reptilien, Seidenzucht, Bienenzucht, Vererbungsfragen, Sammelreisen, Bestitnmungsstellen fiir Lepidopteren und andere Insekten, VorteiUiaften Biicherbezug, Literaturbeschaffung und -beratung, Beschwerdestelle und Auskunftsstelle zur Unterbindung des unreellen Insektenhandels. Mitgliedskarte, die als Sammelausweis dient. Wir laden Sie hoflichst ein, unserem Verein als Mitglied beizutreten, bemerken dabei, daB das Eintrittsgeld aufgehoben ist und der Vereins- beitrag fiir alle zuvor genannten Vorteile fiir Deutschland und die valuta- scltwachen Lander vierteljahrlich RM. 3.50 (jahrlich RM. 14.—) betragt. Kir das iibrige Ausland kommen hierzu RM. —.60 fiir Auslandsporto vierteljahrlich RM. 4.10 (jahrlich RM. 16.40) - - abzuglich 25% Export- Rabatt. Der Beitrag ist im voraus zahlbar. Wir schen Ihrer gefl. Beitrittserklarung gerne entgegen und zeichnen mit entomologischem GruB! Internationale!' Entomologischer Verein E.V. Frankfurt a. M. Postanschrift und Geschaf tsstelle : I. E. V. Frankfurt a. M. (Deutschland), Kettenhofweg 99. Entomologische Zeitschrift vereinigt mit Internationale Entomologische Zeitschrift Friiher Guben, jetzt Frankfurt a. M. Verbreitetste und nachweislich meistgelesenste Zeitschrift fiir Insektenkunde. Herausgegeben im Selbstverlag des Internationalen Entomologischen Vereins E.V., Frankfurt a. M. unter Mitarbelt hervorragender Entomologen und Naturforscher. RedaktionsausschuB unter Leitung von : Dr. Q g. P f a f f , Frankfurt a. M., und uinter besonderer Mitarbelt des langjahrigen Redakteurs der Internationalen Entomologischen Zeitschrift C. Calliess, Guben. Unentbehrliche Fachzeitschrift fur jeden Entomologen, Sammler und Ztichter. Die Zeitschrift erscheint viermal im Monat mit reich illu&trierten wissenschaftlichen und popularen Artikeln, auch Reisebeschreibungen, jahrlich meist 1 — 2 farbigen Tafeln, mannigfachen Abhandlungen aus der Zucht- und Sammelpraxis und einem nicht zu iibertreffenden, umfang- reiclien Inseratenteil fiir den entomologischen Tausch und Kauf. Der kommende 50. Jahrgang wird als Jubilaumsjahrgang besonders schon illustriert und reichhaltig sein. Die vereinigte Zeitschrift ist nicht nur das Zentralorgan unseres Vereins, sondern auch das Mitteilungsblatt des Verbandes deutsch- sprachlicher Entomologen-Vereine e. V., und werden durch die tins angeschlossenen Vereine iiber 3500 Einzelmitglieder und Leser erreicht. Sie liegt in iiber 100 Bibliotheken und Museen der Erde auf und ist die verbreitetste entomologische Zeitschrift, die in alien Zonen und Landern der Welt gelesen wird. Durch ein Inserat bei uns erreichen Sie den denkbar gr6Bten Leserkreis. Der Inseratenpreis ist bedeutend ermaBigt. Bezugspreis: Fur Deutschland und Oesterreich vlerteljahrlich RAY. 3.50, also jahrlich RM. 14.—. Ausland vierteljahrlich RM. 4.10, also pro Jahr RM. 16.10 frei Haus - - abzUglich 25% Export -Rabatt. Probenummer gratis und franko. Bestellung an: Internationale!' Entomologischer Verein E.V. Verlag Frankfurt a. M., Kettenhofweg 99 Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy. All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA EXCHANQES CONTINUED Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. Wanted for Cash or Exchange. — North American Butterflies in series especially from type localities and remote places. C. F. dos Passes, Mendham, New Jersey. Wanted — Specimens of North American Cephidae. Will make determinations and exchanges for purposes of revising the group. Donald T. Ries, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Will Exchange — Unused copy of Leng Cat. of Coleoptera with first supp. unb. for Van Duzee Cat. of N. A. Hemiptera (1917). Brunson P. Bliven, P. O. Box 98, Eureka, Calif. Wanted — Collectors desiring1 living pupae with cocoon attached to natural food plant of Michigan, Samia, Columbia or hybrid with S. Cecropia, write W. S. McAlpine, 575 Townsend St., Birmingham, Mich. DOUBLE COATED PINS Ward's Natural Science Establishment is sole distributor for what may truly be called the world's finest insect pins — Ward's A. E. Co. pins. Hand made from the finest steel, they are the only pins with two coats of japan (for added smooth- ness and rust resistance) . They are more resilient, the heads cannot come off and the points are sharp. Strictly American made. A trial thousand will convince you of their superiority. Now available in packages of 100 of a size. Sizes 00 to 7, per 1,000, $3.00; per 10,000, $27.00. W A R D'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENIincJ The Frank A. WardFoiindutmn of Natural Science of the University of Rochester READ WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL BULLETIN . . issued monthly 300 NORTH GOODMAN STREET ROCHESTER.. :.. NEW YOdK Transactions of Entomological Society of London 50 Volumes Bound, Good Condition, at One-sixth Publishers' Price Many Other Important Works Cheap Fine Morpho cypris, rhetenor, menelaus, etc., at low rates per dozen or 100. Urania riphaeus bred. Fine named Indian Butterflies, European do., New Guinea Delias, Ornithoptera alexandra (bred) etc. Particulars from A. FORD, 42, IRVING ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND ADDITIONAL SUBSCRIPTIONS NEEDED See Editorial in February Number Detachable Subscription Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS APRIL. 1936 Vol. XLVII No. 4 APR 1 C 1938 * HENRY CHRISTOPHER McCooK, 1837-1911. CONTENTS Hungerford — The Mantispidae of the Douglas Lake, Michigan, Region, With Some Biological Observations (Neurop.) .... 85 Homoptera of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands 88 Frost — A Summary of Insects Attracted to Liquid Baits 89 Krombein— Biological Notes on Some Solitary Wasps. (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) 93 Pritchard— Notes on Somatochlora ozarkensis Bird. (Odonata Libell- ulidae, Corduliinae) 99 DeLong and Johnson — Six New Species of Typhlocyba from the United States. (Homoptera : Cicadellidae) 101 Knull — Five New Southwestern Coleoptera (BuprestidaeandCeramby- cidae.) 105 Entomological Literature : 108 Review of Wade's Contribution to a Bibliography of the Described Immature Stages of North American Coleoptera 112 Obituary— Foster H. Benjamin, A. N. Caudell 112 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Caivert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Schmieder, Ph.D., V. S. L. Pate, Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D.. Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten ( 10) numbers is as follows : United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00, Canada $3.15, Foreign $3.25, Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in., $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Caivert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted ; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. No illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. No charge for printing text-figures. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks) furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 800 P. M., in 1936, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited ; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. Th« printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles, without covers, over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates : One or two pages, twenty nve copies, 35 cents three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty five copies, $2.00: each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies. 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed covers for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENT. NEWS, VOL. XLV1I. Plate I. 8 MANTISPIDAE — HUNGERFORD ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVII. APRIL, 1936 No. 4 The Mantispidae of the Douglas Lake, Michigan, Region, With Some Biological Observations (Neurop.). By H. B. HUNGERFORD, Lawrence, Kansas. (Plate I J (Continued from page 72) MATING OF MANTISPA INTERRUPTA SAY. When a male and female are placed in a cage together, they always seem to be wary of each other. Even though they may live together for weeks, each is alert and on guard whenever the other is close by. Too close an approach from either one will result in a none too friendly strike by the other. At the mating time the male lifts his wings nearly vertically to the long axis of his body and sidles up toward the female, the tip of his abdomen leading. If his overtures are repulsed, he will withdraw. Sometimes they will rest for hours facing each other, now and then making passes at each other with their fore legs. When at rest they usually have the tip of the abdomen turned to the right or left beyond the shelter of the wings. In one instance a pair, standing face to face, began a very gradual approach, then struck at each other and backed away. The female then raised her wings vertically, elevated her abdomen, and approached the male which struck at her. She then backed away, lowered her wings, and after making one turn around approached to be repulsed again. The fol- lowing morning they were found side by side apparently in copula but soon parted. ( )n two occasions I found females carrying a large white mass protruding at the tip of the abdo- men. One of these was taken in the Held. The other which had been in a cage with a male since July 9 had, at 7:40 A. M. on July 15, such a mass. This gradually became smaller and 85 \ 5 86 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 disappeared entirely by the evening of July 16. Dr. Smith tells rue he has observed nothing of the kind in the Chrysopidae. It is certain that a single mating will supply considerable sperm for an isolated female deposited fertile eggs for 41 days. During this period she laid 4768 eggs. OVIPOSITION OF MANTISPA INTERRTPTA SAY. Oviposition by captive females was observed at various times of the day and night. The eggs were deposited on glass, on cellophaned wire, on tin, on cloth, on green cellophane, on white or blue and on black paper. The last five materials were used as lining to the cages so that the egg batches could be cut out and isolated. When a female is engaged in egg laying, she is not easily disturbed and can be placed under the binocular and her opera- tions studied. She begins with abdomen extended and deposits each egg on a short stalk, and one after another in a sweep across the arc from right to left then back again from left to right and so back and forth depositing the eggs in irregular rows until the top row is too close to her, whereupon she moves forward and starts again so that when the laying is concluded, the eggs appear in waves as shown in the photograph ( Plate I, fig. 5). In this photograph at least ten distinct waves are shown. Usually there are only two or three waves. The width of the egg patch is limited by the sweep of the abdomen and is usually about 1.5 cm. across although it varies from 1 cm. to 1.8 cm. depending upon the individual. Each wave describes an arc. The largest single laying contained 2348 eggs. In spite of the fact that each egg is laid on a slender, clear, gelatin- ous stalk attached to the support, oviposition proceeds at a rather rapid even rate. Each operation involves a few little twitching movements of the tip of the abdomen, a touch to the surface, a slight lift of the abdomen and the egg comes out attached to its stalk, a downward press of the abdominal tip upon the egg and the operation is complete in from two to twenty seconds. THE EGG OF MANTISPA INTERRUPTA SAY. This freshly deposited egg is elongate oval, creamy white xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 87 ( faintly greenish) in color with a chalky white micropyle at the upper end. Like the other Mantispid eggs described, the egg is attached to its support by a stalk. (See Plate I.) The egg is .4 mm. long (not counting the micropyle which is .02 mm. tall) and .2 mm. in diameter. Infertile eggs turn yellow in about a week, while the fertile ones gradually turn rosy to the unaided eye and under the binocular are gray, banded on the dorsal side with brown. In from seven to ten days the embryo shows plainly. The brown bands showing on the dor- sal side are on the abdomen of the embryo which has both its anterior and posterior ends doubled back on its venter so that the dark eye spots are on the ventral side near the anterior end and the segmented caudal end extends forward about half \vay. The incubation period for 21 batches averaged 17.3 days. The shortest period was 14 days and the longest 21 days. Only one specimen of Climaciella bruiinca (Say) was taken in Michigan during 1934. Since Mantispa sa\i Banks has been collected in Kansas and Ohio where Mantispa interrupt a Say is found, M. sayi should occur at Douglas Lake, Michigan. The three species may be separated as follows : 1. Wings with anterior half at least, brown to dark brown, Climaciella brunnca (Say). Wings transparent except on anterior margins 2. 2. Pterostigma light brown joined behind by an iniuscation on the second cross vein in cell RI. Tip of wing usuallv mi.usca.ted. . .Mantispa interrupta Say. Pterostigma light brown ; other markings on wing absent. (See Plate I) Mantispa sayi Banks. LITERATURE CITED. 1. BRAUER, FRIEDRICH. 1869. Beschreibung cler Verwand- lungsgeschichte der Mantis pa st \riaca Poda und Betrach- tungen iiber die sogenannte Hypermetamorphose Fabre's. Verb. k.-k. Zool.-bot Ges. \\ien, XIX: 831-840. 2. ELTRINGHAM, H. 1932. Structure of the Abdomen of Man- tispa st \riaca Poda. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond., LXXX, ( 1) : 103-105. 3. ENDERLEIN, GUNTHKR. 1910. Klassifikation der Mantis- piden nach clem Material des Stettiner Zoologischen Mu- seums. Stett. Ent. Zeit., LXXI : 341-379. 88 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 4. HINE, JAMES S. 1902. Notes on Neuropteroid Insects. Ohio Nat., II, (3) : 190-191. 5. KUWAYAMA, SATORU. 1924-25. Notes on the Japanese Mantispidae with Special Reference to the Morphological Characters, Jl. Coll. Agric., Hokkaido Imp. Univ., Sap- pora, XIV : 237-267. 6. MAIN, HUGH. 1931. A preliminary note on Mantispa. Proc. Ent. Soc. Loncl., VI: 26. 7. NAKAHARA, WARD. 1913. Revision of the Mantispidae of Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon., Tokyo, VIII : 235. 8. POUJADE, G. A. 1898. Observation sur les moeurs de Mantispa styriaca Poda. Bull. Soc. Ent. France. Ill : 347. 9. SMITH, R. C. 1934. Notes on the Neuroptera and Mecop- tera of Kansas with keys for the Identification of Species. Jl. Kansas Ent. Soc., VII : 120-145. EXPLANATION OF PLATE I. 1. Front wing of Cliinaciclla brunnca (Say) (Mag. X 3.5). 2. Front wing of Mantispa sayi Banks (Mag. X 3.5). 3. Front wing of Mantispa intcrrupta Say (Mag. X 3.5). 4. Newly hatched larva of M. intcrrupta Say ( Mag. X 85). 5. Egg batch of Jl/. interrupta Say showing ten waves (slightly reduced — the actual size of this batch was 2.8 cm. by 1.5 cm. and it contained more than 2300 eggs). 6. Egg of M. inicrrnpta Say (Mag. X 17). 7. Egg of M. intcrrupta Say (Mag. X 5). 8. Egg of M. intcrrupta Say (Mag. X 85). Figures 1,2, 3, 4 and 8 photographed by Doctor R. H. Beamer. Figures 6 and 7 photographed by Harold Peters. Figure 5 photographed by Doctor Frank Blanchard. Homoptera of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Prof. Herbert Osborn has contributed a paper on the Hom- optera (excepting the Sternorhynchi) to the Scientific Survey of this area in course of publication by the New York Academy of Sciences. It forms Part 2 of Volume XIV, occupies pages 1 1 1-260, is illustrated by 70 groups of text-figures and is dated 1935. Walcott, in 1923. listed 72 species of this group for Porto Rico. Prof.' Osborn has added, from his own collecting, January 7 to March 20, 1929, 78 species, of which 23 appear to have been undescribed. The total of 150 species compares favorably with 102 for Jamaica and 180 for Cuba; 40 species are believed to be limited to Porto Rico. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS A Summary of Insects Attracted to Liquid Baits. By S. W. FROST, The Pennsylvania State College. (Continued from page 68) MISCELLANEOUS INSECTS. Several species of Chrysopidae, reported in an earlier paper,4 have been trapped in rather large numbers. The addition of certain attrahents, especially sodium arsenite, amyl acetate, pinene and citrene, increased the catches noticeably. A species of Pliryyanca (Trichoptera)< came to baits in con- siderable numbers during June; 112 were taken in 1933. The presence of this species was conspicuous every season that baits were under observation. Other insects such as Membracidae, Phymatidae, Jassidae and Hemerobiidae were taken in significant numbers. Twelve species of Membracidae, recovered from baits, were determined by Dr. W. D. Funkhouser. These were largely chance collec- tions. Spiders were also taken in noticeable numbers in many of the baits. EXPLANATION OF THE TABLE. For purposes of condensation in the following table, several species are indicated by their generic names : Glischrochilits fasciatus, Euphoria inda and Synanthedon scitula. The orien- tal fruit moth is designated as O. F. M. The first four tests of 1933 were conducted to determine the efficiency of different types of traps, using syrup 1-20 without an attrahent. The first five tests of 1934 were conducted for the same purpose, but anethol was added to increase the catches. 'Beneficial Insects Trapped in Bait Pails. ENT. NEWS 30: 153-157, 1927. 90 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 Insects taken in baits dnrintj COLEOPTERA Glischro Euph Ceram- chilus oria bycidae 14 inch screen 958 86 0 *A inch screen 772 64 5 With baffles 747 165 25 Quart glass 1106 17 30 Syrup 1-20 1200 286 17 Soap 1729 194 27 Sodium oleate 1267 128 15 Sodium arscnate 701 166 61 Methyl cinnamate 935 142 14 Methyl allcphcnol 1332 153 29 Formaldehyde 747 22 13 Amyl acetate 1059 581 32 Potassium cyanide 211 22 22 Citral 382 167 14 Acetone 298 42 13 Citric acid 457 27 18 Malic acid- 238 10 13 Benzoic acid 27 0 5 Succinic acid 258 7 9 Salicylic acid 122 5 2 Tartaric acid 425 11 30 Butyric acid 174 0 4 Acetic acid 553 11 7 Formic acid 808 13 6 Boric acid 176 16 15 Oleic acid 157 28 11 Oxalic acid 79 3 3 Tanic acid 139 15 2 Picric acid 138 0 0 Carbolic acid 160 27 9 Lactic acid 81 4 5 Proprionic acid 153 3 1 Gallic acid 80 2 2 Cinnamic acid 4 12 0 Camphoric acid 71 13 4 Chloric acid 37 19 7 Arscncous acid 24 5 2 Glycerine 120 10 13 Calcium carbonate 89 10 9 Saponin 194 7 11 Totals 18,208 2.493 505 •* Missed the peak of emergence or ol 1933. DIPTERA Taban- Syrph- Ortal- idae idae idae 3 69 69 5 60 92 7 36 72 2 80 45 16 53 68 33 100 104 40 77 72 5 57 64 13 40 71 16 128 90 6 75 54 16 96 113 4 35 192 7 20 65 1 19 56 16 57 16J 10 75 201 5 38 6 2 35 5J 4 27 20 6 36 34 8 31 23 5 19 40 7 20 49 3 33 29 26 31 21 3 22 21 4 14 2 1 22 8 1 35 15 5 22 13 4 10 29 2 20 IS 2 0» 3 35 2* 15 5 1" 1.2 2 1* 8 0 57 14 2 23 14 1 7 28 333 1,583 2,061 xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Insects taken in baits during 1933. LEPIDOPTERA HYMENOPTERA NEUROPTEKA Noctu- Synan- Peach Honey Vesp- Polis- Chryso- O.F.M. idae thedon borer l>ee idae hes pidae 465 104 25 1 1 14 6 21 202 272 77 12 1 39 21 27 1201 728 105 28 16 11 11 64 825 1256 78 58 19 66 32 48 206 431 41 7 11 13 15 33 1651 1633 136 17 IS 41 31 69 1156 858 110 20 9 34 10 56 304 765 48 1 5 13 12 111 1881 1316 68 51 4 36 20 62 3917 1669 159 29 56 35 28 88 1104 1493 74 18 3 60 12 17 2097 2296 202 47 13 65 47 100 151 54 64 13 1 0 0 22 1962 325 40 11 46 1 1 100 64 25 57 1 0 0 1 8 853 670 165 18 4 18 9 26 495 779 168 6 5 13 8 26 220 78 75 0 0 2 1 4 1779 279 219 14 3 24 10 20 1269 258 48 6 2 12 8 11 1087 1411 185 8 3 27 23 34 151 199 28 0 3 16 4 6 934 729 75 1 5 45 10 21 870 1296 51 9 8 19 9 13 199 60 5 2 1 3 11 26 1534 196 25 5 1 4 4- 20 743 226 11 5 1 3 11 15 584 208 17 2 2 16 15 31 845 158 9 7 4 11 10 8 492 237 16 3 0 10 7 9 698 116 19 3 0 2 7 22 418 171 1 2 1 6 6 6 691 391 5 1 1 3 7 9 66* 26* 1* 7 1 3 1 6* 942* 471* 4* 12 0 16 14 22* 370* 96* 2* 16 0 3 9 10* 27* 41* 0* 1 0 3 0 6* 369 161 19 0 1 1 4 9 78 53 8 2 1 1 3 15 115 37 3 2 0 6 2 23 33,018 21,572 2,443 446 250 695 440 1,224 92 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 Insects taken in baits during 1934. Noctu- Peach Leaf Bud Euph- [loney Chry- so- O.F.M. idae 1 3orer i oiler '. Moth oria bees pidae i/i inch screen 3990 441 0 6 6 12 4 96 % inch screen 4450 668 6 11 5 24 8 140 With Baffles 5697 2033 10 23 12 85 9 225 Enamel traps 5629 2695 8 26 38 162 22 154 Quart glass * 2253 511 9 1 0 12 4 120 Syrup 1-20 2292 1506 9 29 4 81 1 107 Methyl allephenol 5162 1337 8 16 11 53 4 169 Cresol 480 754 3 0 10 381 10 96 Anisol 1587 1054 8 5 17 682 6 182 Thymol 1560 1573 4 1 5 195 5 153 Metlivl cinnamate 2754 1701 2 9 7 183 2 136 Ethvl cinnamate 4365 1181 4 8 10 137 9 200 Propyl acetate 5735 1692 5 15 11 275 9 241 Terpinyl acetate 4798 578 3 5 14 329 1 170 Geranyl acetate 1131 822 2 10 9 195 2 191 Amyl acetate 545S 1733 3 11 20 313 3 264 Amyl valeriate 1804 1558 7 6 17 264 4 282 Amyl formate 1510 2190 6 17 29 170 9 191 Amvl salicylate 2397 2194 3 8 24 147 9 224 Benzyl aldehyde 1493 1224 3 14 14 115 2 62 Cinnamic aldehyde 1897 1183 2 22 14 30 10 46 Formaldehyde 3510 2567 5 1 24 75 5 76 Bromo styrene 1438 1247 3 37 17 268 6 108 Pinene 4383 1408 7 11 17 557 9 458 Citrene 2777 1009 6 6 24 141 9 440 Borneol 3 2<> 6 1385 7 14 26 233 4 122 Piperonal 41"! 2556 11 9 8 193 38 133 Citral 3869 951 2 10 16 164 107 214 Furfural 4699 1424 13 27 20 233 6 109 Safrol 6541 1660 7 11 29 243 6 383 Eucalyptol 2344 1431 4 25 15 351 1 172 Terpinol 3 5 1 8 1824 5 12 10 81 6 263 Helmitol 2278 1124 4 21 5 99 5 58 Linalool 7165 1622 6 28 9 136 13 184 Geraniol 2786 807 2 4 17 122 8 257 Almond oil 3163 1625 4 7 25 80 3 85 Anise oil 4460 1352 2 5 13 92 18 239 Fennel seed oil 4983 1296 6 5 9 96 5 220 Rose geranium oil 1843 805 0 2 8 162 4 2U7 Lemon oil 1917 562 4 3 7 317 4 304 Orange oil 2176 668 2 7 9 224 7 343 Turpentine* 291 186 5 61 1 347 Eugenol * 728 197 18 3 206 Pine oil* 105 116 121 0 301 Linalool No syrup * 27 9 0 8 9 Totals 138,330 56.460 210 488 585 7,912 409 8,687 Duration of these baits, 12 weeks. All others, 22 weeks. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Biological Notes on Some Solitary Wasps. (Hymen- optera : Sphecidae). By KARL V. KROMBEIN, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. I. NESTING AND PREY RECORDS. These observations were made during the summer of 1934 in an undeveloped section of the Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo, New York. I should like to thank the following gentlemen who have aided by determining some of the material : Professors O. A. Johannsen and H. A. Scullen, Dr. W. T. M. Forbes, Mr. V. S. L. Pate, Mr. Henry Dietrich and Mr. Derek H. Cross. I have placed their initials in parentheses after the species which they have determined. The other determinations are my own and have been checked with specimens in the Cornell Univer- sity collection. Many of the wasps were addicted to the curious habit of nesting in the sandy soil which surrounded the roots of several uprooted stumps. One such stump afforded nesting sites for O.vybclns quadrinotatus Say (V.S.L.P.) which burrowed in horizontal surfaces only. Pcmphrcdon tcua.r Fox, Crabro Icn- liis Fox, Crabro sulcus Fox, Philanthus gibbosns (Fabr.), 1'liilaiillnis biliiinitns Cresson and Gorytcs siniillhnus ( Smith) all of which burrowed in vertical surfaces. Gorytcs siinillnnits (Smith). On July 6th a female of this species was taken with an adult Cicadellid, Gypona octoliucata var. striata Burm., at the en- trance to her burrow in the vertical surface of the sand-cov- ered stum]). As usual the venter of the bug was clasped to that of the was]), but the prey was small enough so that the wasp had no difficulty in flying with it. The wasp escaped as she was being transferred from net to bottle, but returned in eight minutes with another adult Gypoua of the same species. In August another si in ill! in us was observed provisioning with the same bug. This was]) is very active and difficult to get in the bottle; this particular one escaped twice, each time leaving a Gypona in the bottom of the net. 94 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 Heretofore, all records of the prey in this genus have heen Memhracids and the harrows have heen started from a hori- zontal surface. Philanthus gibhosus (Fabr.) and P. vertilabris (Fahr.). These species are interesting in that each shows a distinct gregarious tendency in nesting, many individual hurnnvs being closely grouped into a distinct colony and each burrow having several cells at its terminus. In Buffalo the males of these species begin to emerge during the middle of June, preceding the females by about a week as is common with most Sphecoid wasps. During this period before the females come out, the males are very shy and difficult to capture, the slightest shadow being enough to frighten them away from a Mower head. One sunn}' afternoon while I was standing in the sand pit in which the colonies were established, a large cloud passed over the sun blotting out a considerable amount of light. Immediately the nearby Mowers were deserted and the males speedily Mew back into their burrows. Later in the summer after mating has taken place, this interesting behavior is lost, both sexes of each species visiting the Mowers under cloudy skies as well as sunny. Ccrccris itic/rcsccns Smith (H. A. S.). This species was very common during the entire summer on Mowers of Achillca millefolium and Dane us carota but it was not until September 21st that I discovered the nesting site of a colony of about fifty individuals. The burrows were in sandy soil having a horizontal surface, the entrance to each being partially concealed beneath a small tuft of grass. In approach- ing their burrows the wasps Mew only about an inch from the ground in a peculiar wavering sort of Might. This species provisions with weevils and the eleven specimens captured with the wasps were identified as seven specimens of 1 1 \pcradcs (leltiinbis Cyll. (H.D.) and four of Sitona !iis[>idnla Fabr. (H.D.), the clover-root curculio. The weevils are not killed outright but only paralyzed as these specimens showed reflex movements of their antennae and legs for several hours. In regard to the Miltogrammine inquilines of this wasp, I xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS captured three Scnotaiuia trilincata V.d.Wulp while they were "shadowing" the Ccrccris, flying only an inch behind the wasps and following every turn and twist. The Peckhams l devote several pages to observations on this same species of Ccrccris but their notes differ markedly from mine. The uigrcsccus they observed was a solitary individual and was not associated with others to form a colony. The fifty individuals I observed were nesting in an area of approxi- mately ten square feet. The adjacent areas were quite as well adapted to nesting so there can be no doubt of the formation of a colony. Evidently nigrescens is either very plastic in its nesting habits or else the two observations were made on differ- ent species. Professor Scullen writes that my specimens be- long to a group which is much in need of study, but agree very well with specimens determined as nigrescens Sm. by Cresson. Bembix spinolac Lep. This wasp wTas not very common and I was able to dig up only one burrow on July 2nd. "While excavating the burrow, the female approached carrying a Tachinid, and another un- touched Tachinid was found in the cell with the Bcnibi.r larva and the remains of several Lucilio cacsar Linn. The Tachinids were identified respectively as Cuphoccra stricklandi Curran (D.H.C.) and Pcleteria confusa Curran (D.H.C.). The for- mer was alive fon several hours after being pinned and showed reflex movements of the head, antennae and proboscis. The Bombyliid Exoprosopa fasciipennis Say (O.A.J.) was cap- tured while ovipositing at the entrance to the burrow. Solcnius nigrifi'ions (Cress.). One specimen was taken on July 16th carrying a paralv/ed Syrf>hns ribcsii Linn. (O.A.J.). O.vybclus quadrinotatus Say ( V.S.L.P.). Five specimens were taken from June 21st to July K>th carrying adult Hylcinyia cilicruni I\ond. (O.A.J.), the >ecd- corn maggot, impaled on their stings. 'Peckham, G. W. and E. (j. On tin- Instincts and Hal. its of JK- Solitary Wasps. Wismnsiii (iml. and Xat. Hist Stirv Hull 1: v\> 110-117, 1S98. 96 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 Podalonia violaceipennis (Lep.) - This species was common but I found it nesting in only one situation — in little pockets of soil formed between two roots of several uprooted stumps. The surface of these pockets was usually inclined at an angle of 30° and the burrows ran down vertically for an inch, terminating in an ellipsoidal brood cham- ber off to one side. On June 23rd at 10:50 A. M. a female was observed run- ning nervously about on the surface of a pocket of soil, biting at the mud in different places but appearing dissatisfied with her examination. This behavior went on for six minutes when she suddenly Hew off to another stump several feet away and perched on her prey, a cutworm larva, which she had placed in a fork in one of the roots. After reversing her position on the larva several times, as if to reassure herself that it was still satisfactory prey, she flew off and did not return until 10:58. Immediately she began to dig in the very place which had seemed so unsatisfactory several minutes earlier. The chunks of soil were bitten out vigorously and allowed to roll down the slope. As the burrow deepened she removed the loose soil with her mandibles and forelegs, backing out just to the entrance and letting gravity take care of the rest of the disposal. The buzzing of her wings was very pronounced during the actual excavation especially when she tugged at obstinate pebbles. In just eighteen and a half minutes the burrow was completely excavated and after a walking reconnaissance of one minute she flew to her caterpillar on the neighboring stump. She lifted it down from the fork using only her mandibles and then the larva was adjusted head foremost, with its venter closely clasped to her own, her mandibles about its neck and her second pair of legs around its thorax. The posterior end of the larva extended beyond the tip of the wasp's abdomen but her legs were so long that the entire forward end of the "Citations of some of the previous observations published on this species are included in Hicks, Charles H. Notes on the prey and iiu|u- ilines of Podalonia violaceipennis form litctnosa (F. Smith). Psyche 39: 150-154, 1932. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS larva was lifted clear of the ground. The journey to the bur- row was on foot requiring only two and a half minutes and the larva was left at the entrance while the wasp went in to investigate. Almost immediately she reappeared and seizing the larva by the neck, pulled it down into the burrow, and remained there for a minute ovipositing. At 11:20 she took a position one inch below the burrow with her head away from the opening, and elevating herself on the two posterior pairs of legs began to throw the loose soil back into the burrow with her forelegs. Occasionally she entered the burrow to pack down the loose soil. This was accomplished by bracing her- self against the sides of the burrow with her legs and pressing the soil down with her head, the effectiveness of this pressure being increased by the rapid vibration of her wings. \Yhen the burrow was practically filled in she selected several larger pieces of soil about the size of a pea and after placing them in the burrow, repeated the pressing process with her head. The loose soil still remaining was then scattered over the sur- face so that all evidences of the burrow were obliterated, and the wasp flew away at 11:27 A. M. I marked the site of the burrow with a match intending to dig up the larva later but upon returning in a few hours, this wasp or some other had already re-excavated and the larva was gone. This was really a problem as I had not interfered with her work and she gave all evidences of having completed the job. Possibly a sister Podalonia unearthed the larva and used it to stock her own burrow. Newcomer3 (pp. 557-558) cites such a circumstance but the wasp he observed using the other's prey knew where the latter wasp had constructed her burrow, whereas in this instance there were no other Podalonia females in sight during the excavation and filling-in. One Miltogrammine tly. Mclopitt Icucnccj^uild (Rossi), took a great deal of interest in the wasp's work, but one could hardly accuse the fly of re-excavating the burrow and walking otl with the larva. 3 Newcomer, 1C. L. Notes on the habits of a clit^cr wasp and its inquiline Hies. Ann. ICnt. Sue. Am. 23: 55J-5o3, pis. I-II, 1930. 98 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 ( hi June 23rd I exhumed the larva with which another Podalonia had provisioned her burrow on June 21st. The cut- worm was still alive although paralyzed and was determined as one of the triikl Noctuids, probably an Acronyctine ( XV.T.M.F.). From the pale color of 'the larva Dr. Forbes decided that it was one of the cutworms which burrows down in the soil during the day, so the wasps would have to dig for them. The wasp's egg was placed just above the left spiracle on the third abdominal segment and was attached at its head end only. The prey of still a third Podalonia ( burrow stocked June 22nd) was also exhumed on June 23rd. This cutworm was alive although paralyzed until June 20th and voided excrement on the 23rd and 24th. The wasp's egg evidently was injured in digging the caterpillar out as it shriveled up several days later. II. FLOWER RECORDS. The following records are based on thorough collecting throughout the summer of 1934 in the Forest Lawn Cemetery, Buffalo, New York. ASTATA BICOLOR Say — Daitcns carota. .\. TRICOLOR Say — Dancns carota, AcJiillca millc folium and Sol id a go canadcusis. LYRODA SUBITA Say — Ihntcns carota. TRYPOXVLOX FRIGIDUM Smith — Salidago canadcusis. CHLORION (PRIONONYX) ATKATUM (Lep.) — Asclcf>ias svriaca. C. ( AM . \IOBIA) ICHNEUMONEUM (Linn.) — Asclcpias svriaca. SPHEX PLACIDUS PLACIDUS (Smith) — Solidago canadcusis. S. URNARIUS (Dahlb.) — Achillca tnillcfoliuin and Mel/lotus alba. PODALONIA VIOLACEIPENNIS (Lep.) — Solidago canadcusis. (ioRVTES (PSEUDOPLISUS) PHALERATUS (Say) DaitCllS CCtl'- ota. G. (GORYTHES) ATRicoRNis Pack. — Daiiciis carota. PHILANTHUS BILUNATUS Cress. — Achillca luillcfoliitiu and its form roscuni, Daitcns carota and Chrysanthemum Icncan- themum. P. GiBBosrs (Fabr.) — Jhnicus carota, Acliillca inillc folium and its form roseum, and Solidago cauailcnsis. P. SOLIVAGUS Say --.-/r// /'//<'aralyf>c in collection of senior author. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 105 Five New Southwestern Coleoptera (Buprestidae and Cerambycidae) By J. N. KNULL, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (Continued from page 75) Chrysobothris acaciae n. sp. (Buprestidae). Resembling C. a.rillaris Horn in size and form ; color dark bronze, with a faint greenish lustre, vertex, middle anterior por- tion of pronotum and a large humeral space on each elytron bright coppery red ; beneath piceous. $ . — Head with front somewhat flattened, bronze, closely punctate on lower portion, rugose on vertex, containing two small callosities, feeble chevron above ; clypeus with, moderately deep oval emargination ; lower portion densely pubescent ; an- tennae short, bright cupreous extending beyond middle of pro- notum when laid along side margin, serrate from the fourth joint, third joint longer than second, or fourth. Scutellum small, triangular. Pronotum nearly twice as wide as long, wider in front thau in back, anterior margin slightly sinuate, base deeply emarginate at middle of each elytron; side margins subparallel, strongly arcuate anteriorly ; disk convex, without depressions or cal- losities ; surface sparsely punctate at middle, more densely to- ward lateral margins, becoming rugose at edge, slight median smooth line extending from scutellum to middle, another at each side at base, in middle of elytron. Klytra much wider than pronotum; sides nearly parallel, con- stricted back of base, dilate back of middle, apices rounded ; lateral margin serrulate on apical half; disk convex, basal fovca prominent ; each elytron containing four indistinct costae, one parallel to side margin, others on disk; surface densely punc- tate. Beneath densely clothed with recumbent white pubescence ; ventral segments densely punctate, margins of segments smooth ; side margin of terminal segment serrulate, apex broadly emar- ginate, prosternum distinctly lobed in front ; anterior femur with large tooth, serrulate along its distal edge; anterior tibia arcuate, dilate at apex. Length 6.5 mm. ; width 2.7 mm. 9 . — Differs from the male in being slightly larger, front less shining, antennae bron/e ; pronotum broader; sides less parallel, emargination of last abdominal segment not as broad; anterior femur not dilate at tip. 106 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 Described from a small series collected on the branches of dying cat's claw (Acacia constricta Beuth) in the Davis Moun- tains, TEXAS, from May 25 to June 13, 1935, by the writer. Holotypc male, allot ypc female and parutypcs in author's col- lection, paratypes in collection of Ohio State University. This species is in Horn's "' group I and runs to C. a.villarls Horn. However the cupreous areas of the head and pronotum and lack of1 these areas in the fovea of the elytra will separate the two species. C. a.rillaris Horn, breeds in the branches of oak (Qucrcits sp.) in the Huachuca Mountains of Arizona. This species is close to C. cupreohumeralis Van 1)., but it can be separated by the presence of frontal callosities and tooth on anterior femur. Leptostylus monki n. sp. (Cerambycidae). Size and form of L. tuberculatus Frol., rather densely clothed with greenish recumbent pubescence on pronotum and along sides of elytra, with green background, pubescence of central area of elytra light brown with brown background, elytra orna- mented with irregularly placed tufts of black hairs, each elytron with an irregular piceous area near base and an oblique one back of middle enclosing area of light cinereous pubescence. Head quadrate in front of antennal tubercles ; surface finely densely punctate, densely clothed with cinereous pubescence ; an- tennae slightly longer than body, first to fourth joints green, rest brown, joints three to eleven annulate at apex and base, scape stout, second joint slightly longer than wide, third joint longer than scape, joints four to eleven inclusive gradually de- creasing in length, clothed with short cinerous pubescence. Pronotum wider than long, base slightly wider than apex ; sides feebly constricted at base ; disk convex with anterior and posterior tubercle on median line and four lateral tubercles on each side ; surface coarsely punctate at base, punctures on rest of area obscured by the recumbent pubescence. Scutellum tri- angular, densely pubescent. Elytra about twice as long as broad; wider than pronotum at base; sides nearly parallel to apical third, then broadly arcuate to tips which are rounded ; disk convex, humeri prominent, strongly elevated, a depression back of umbone, each elytron with four irregular costae, umbone and costae bearing irregu- larly placed tubercles, each tubercle containing groups of black hairs ; surface coarsely punctured at base and along sides, punc- tures smaller toward middle near apices, recumbent pubescence dense. 5G. H. Horn, Trans. Amcr. Ent. Soc. 13, pp. 63-124, 1886. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 107 Beneath finely densely punctate, sparsely clothed with ciner- eous pubescence; prosternal process two-thirds as wide as coxal cavity; femora strongly clavate. Length 8 mm. ; width 4 mm. Described from two specimens collected at Donna, TEXAS, by J. W. Monk and named for the collector. Holotypc and paratype in writer's collection. According to Leng and Hamilton's key G this species would run to Astylopsis (Lcptostylns} gitttatus Say. However, it can be separated by the more prominent umbone, ground color and vestiture. In appearance it does not resemble any of our described forms. Leiopus imitans n. sp. (Cerambycidae). Superficially resembling a member of the genus Ilypcrplulys. clothed above and below with recumbent cinerous pubescence, pronotum and elytra with dark markings. Head closely punctate, cinereous pubescence concealing most of punctures, vestiture dark on vertex; eyes coarsely granulate; antennae with five joints extending beyond tips of elytra, scape stout, second joint longer than wide, third joint longer than first, joints four to eleven inclusive gradually decreasing in length; surface mottled, clothed with cinereous pubescence, apical and basal areas of joints two to eleven annulate at base and apex, eleventh joint dark. Pronotum broader than long, wider at base than at apex ; side margin broadly arcuate anteriorly, suddenly constricted at base, lateral acute tubercle back of middle; disk convex, surface densely punctate, clothed with cinereous pubescence, three areas of piceous pubescence on disk, one on median line at base and one on each side back of anterior margin, long flying hairs along side at base. Scutellum triangular, pubescent in the centre. Elytra about three times as long as broad, sides parallel to apical third, broadly arcuate posteriorly, apices rounded; disk- convex; surface coarsely densely punctate, punctures more or less concealed by the vesiitnre, each elytron with an irregular patch of slightly raised piceous pubescence on humeral angle, one along side margin1 in front of middle, another along suture back of middle, small round patches of the same type scattered over the entire surface, more closely placed at base. Beneath densely punctate, clothed with cinereous pubescence; prosternal process slightly narrower than the anterior femur at base; femora clavate; legs mottled, clothed with cinereous pubescence. 8C. W. Leng and J. Hamilton, Trans. Aincr. Ent. Sue.. _>3, p. llo, 1896. 108 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 Length 6.5 mm. ; width 2.5 mm. Described from several specimens collected on the foliage of oak (Qiiercits sp.) in the Davis Mountains, TEXAS, June 13, 1935, by the writer. A paratvpc in the Wenzel Collection at Ohio State University labelled Davis Mountains, July, H. A. Wenzel collector. H\olot\[>c and puratypcs in author's collec- tion. At first glance this species might be mistaken for a Hypcr- platys, however the lack of the lateral carina on the elytron will exclude it from this genus. The vestiture and markings will easily separate it from any of our described forms. The writer is indebted to Prof. H. C. Fall and Mr. \Y. S. Fisher for the comparison of material with types in their care. tCritomological Literature COMPILED BY V. S. L. PATE, LAURA S. MACKEY and E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining- to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating lo American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets L ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the i>ui>- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume. and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so Indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Papers published in the Entomological News are not' listed. GENERAL. — Back & Cotton. — Industrial fumigation against insects. U. S. D. A. Circ. No. 369, 48 pp., illus. Balagny, C. — La question du mimetisme. | Hull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Quest France] 5:179-192. Griffin, F. J.— On the Dates of Publication of Motschulsky (V. de). Etudes Entomolo- gi(|ues, I-XI, 1853-1862. | 75 ] "17: 256-257. Herrick, G. W. -Insect enemies of shade trees. Comstock Pub. Co. 417 pp. 1935. Lautner & Handschin. — Die Nomenklaturregeln xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 109 uncl cler Ehrenkodex. [41 J 16: 447-450. Le Cerf, F.- "Aberrationen" uncl die Nomenklatur. [14J 49: 491-495. MacLagan & Dunn. — The experimental analysis of the growth of an insect population. [Proc. R. Soc. Edinburgh] 55: 126-139, ill. Marshal, J. — The distribution and sam- pling of insect populations in the field with special refer- ence to the American Bollworm, Heliothis obsoleta. |35] 23: 133-152. Oliver, G. B. — What is aberrational influence : [9] 69: 34-36. Torre Bueno, J. R. — Protection against Anthrenus and mould. [ 19J 31: 28. Torre Bueno, J. R.— Curious things. 1 19] 31: 30-31. Wigglesworth, V. B.— In- sect physiology: London. 134 pp., ill. Methuen's Aionog. Biol. Subj. ANATO.MY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Blackwelder, R. E. — Morphology of the Coleopterous family Staphylinidae. [Smithson. Misc. Coll.] 94, no. 13, 102 pp., illus. Bodine & Boell. — The effect of ultracentrifuging on the respiratory activity of developing and blocked embryonic cells I ( >r- thoptera). [J. Cell. & Comp. Phys.J 7: 455-463. Borchert, A. — Untersuchungen ueber die Morphologic und Entwiek- lungsdauer der larvcn der kleinen Wachsmotte ( Achroea grisella) [89, Abt. Anat.] 61: 99-106, illus. Canzanelli, A. —Contribute alia embriologia e biologia del tarlo de tabacco (Lasioderma serricorne: Coleo.). [Boll. Lab. Zool. Agr. Bac. 1st. Sup. Agr. Milan] 4: 81-116, illus. Canzanelli, A. -II Dermestes lardarius. |Boll. Lab. Zool. Agr. Bac 1st. Sup. Agr. Milan] 6: 19-65, illus. Cappe de Baillon, P.— L'organe antennaire des phasmes. [78] 70: .-35, illus. Drummond, M. — The Germinal Layers concerned in the Formation of the Alimentary Canal and Malphigian Tu- bules of Ephestia kuhniella ( Lepid.). 1 53 ] 78: 533-542, illus. Froloba, S. L. — Structure of the nuclei in the sali- vary gland cells of Drosophila. [31] 137: 319. ill. Giorgi, D. — Studi sulla pebrina del Bombyx mori. | Boll. Lab. Zool. Agr. Bac. 1st. Sup. Agr. Milan] 6: 67-83, illus. Giorgi, D. —Studio sulle ghiandole mucipore del Bombyx mori. | Boll. Lab. Zool. Agr. Bac. Sup. Agr. Milan] 6: 85-91, illus. Gueniat, E. — Contribution a 1'etude du de\ rloppnnent et de la morphologic de <|uelques Elaterides (Coleop.) |41| 16: 167-298, illus. Hamilton, A. G. — The relation of humid- ity and temperature to the development of three species of African locusts — Locusta m. migratorioides, Schistocerca grregaria. Nomadacris septemfasciata. |36| 85: 1-60. illus. Keir, W. — The mechanism and manner of action of the sawfly terebrae. [9] 69: 25-31. illus. Maki, Takadi.— Ana- 110 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '36 tomical studies of alimentary canals and their appendages in Syrphid flies. [Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. SapporoJ 25 : 3/9- 391, illus. Mulijil, J. A. — A Study of the Yolk ( Y-granules) of the male germ cells. [53J 78:" 513-531. illus. Park, T.- Studies in population physiology. V. The oxygen consump- tion of the flour beetle, Tribolium confusum. [J. Cell. & Comp. Phys.] 7: 313-323. Payne, M. A.— Intravitam Studies on the Hemipteron, Leptucoris trivittatus. B. Description of the female reproductive organs. [89, Abt. Anat.] 61: 45-50, illus. Pieta, S. della. — Contributo all'em- briologia della Pieris brassicae. [Boll. Lab. Zool. Agr. P>ac. Sup. Agr. Milan] 6: 93-109, illus. Schlusche, M.— Ein Bei- trag zur Kenntnis des Stachelapparates der Vespiden mit besonderer Berucksichtigung seiner Druesen. |89, Al)t. Anat.] 61 : 77-98. illus. Thomas, A. J.— The embryonic de- velopment of the stick insect, Carausius morosus. [53] 78: 487-511, ill. Tsai Pang-hwa & Chang Yen-Nien.— Exper- imental studies regarding the influence of temperature and relative humidity on the oviposition of the rice weevil ( Cal- andra oryzae). [Agr. Sinica, Nanking] 1: 175-183. Wies- rnann, R. — Untersuchungen ueber^ den weiblichen Genital- apparat, das Ei und die Embryonalentwicklung des Apfel- wicklers Carpocapsa (Cydia) pomonella (Lepid.). [41] 16: 370-377, illus. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Chamberlin, R. V. — A new burrowing spider of the genus Lvcosa from the Uintah Mts., Utah. [95] 49: 15-16, illus. Field, H. M.— A new locality for the black widow spider. [68] 83: 186. Ivie & Barrows. — Some new spiders from Florida. [Bull. Univ. Utah] 26, no. 6: 24 pp., ill. Jacot, A. P. — Spruce litter re- duction. [4] 68: 31. Jacot, A. P. — New Mossmites, chiefly Midwestern. [Amer. Midi. Nat.] 17: 547-553, illus. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Alexander, C. P. — A n. sp. of Perlodes from the \Yhite Mts. (Perlidae). [19] 31 : 24-27. Bagnall, R. S.— Notes on Protura. [75] 17: 210-213. Bourne & Shaw. — A fungus infesting onion tlirips. [19] 31 : 15-16, illus. Gloyd, L. K.— Three new North Amer- ican species of Gomphinae (Odonata). [114] no. 326, 18 pp., illus. Harris, Drake & Tate. — Observations on the Onion Thrips (Thrips tabaci). [Iowa St. Col. J. Sci.J 10: 155-166, illus. McDunnough, J. — A new arctic Baetid (Ephemeroptera). [4] 68: 33-34, illus. HEMIPTERA.— Ball, E. D.— Some new species of Cica- dellian Leafhoppers with food plant notes on others. [95] 49: 17-24. Ball, E. D. — Four new Arizona Leafhoppers. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [19J 31: 18-20. Funkhouser, W. D.— A new Membracid from Illinois. [19] 31 : 21-22, illns. Hottes, F. C.—A primer for the Aphid hunter. [95] 49: 27-36. LEPIDOPTERA.— Clark & Clark.— Some butterflies from eastern Virginia. [91] 26: 66-70, ill. McDunnough, J. — On the identity of a so-called race of Parnassius smitheus from Manitoba/ [4] 68: 43. McDunnough, J.- -A new Heliolonche from Southern California (Noctuid). [4] 68: 45-46. Pierce & Metcalfe. — The Genitalia of the Tim-id Families of the Lepidoptera of the British Islands. Oundle, Northants, 1935. xxii + 116 p., illus. Stephan, J— Krin- nerungen an Sao Paulo. Schmetterlingsfang im \Yaldgc- birge. [14] 49: 477-480, illus. DIPTERA. — Alexander, C. P. — The maximum number of antennal segments in the order Diptera, with the descrip- tion of a n. g. of Cecidomyiidae. 1 19] 31 : 12-14 (S). Baker, p. C. — A n.' sp. of Orthopodomyia. (Culicid). [10] 38: 1-7, illus. Malloch, J. R.— A n. g, and sp. of Muscidae from Puerto Rico. [10] 38: 9-10. Wilcox & Martin.— A review of the genus Cyrtopogon in North America (Asilid). [70] 16: 1-95, illus. "(*). COLEOPTERA. — Buchanan, L. L. — Systematic notes 011 the Trachodinae (Curculionid). [10] 37: 178-183 (*). Buchanan, L. L. — The genus Panscopus (Curculionid). [Smithson. Misc. Coll.] 94, no. 16, 18 pp., illus. (*). Buchanan, L. L. — Synopsis of Lepidophorus (Curculionid). [19] 31: 1-10, (*). Fidler, J. H. — Some notes on the mor- phology of the immature stages of some British Chaler- beetles. [35] 23: 114-132, illus. Fisher, W. S.- Xew Cactus Beetle from Argentine Republic. (Cerambycid). [10J 38: 7-8. Uhmann, E. — Sudamerikanische Hispiden aus dem Zool. Mus. Univ. Berlin. [Folia. Zool. et Hydrobiol.. Riga] 12: 227-235. (*). HYMENOPTERA. — Balch, R. E.--The Eun)]>ean Spruce Sawfly outbreak in 1935. [4] 68: 23-31. Bunzli, G. H. — Untersuchungen ueber coccidophile Ameisen aus den Kaffeefeldern von Surinam. [41 | 16: 455-593. illus. (S*). Cole, A. C. — An annotated list of the Ants of Idaho. |4| 68: 34-39, (*). Dozier, H. L. — Descriptions of two new Encyrtid parasites of non-])iaspine scales. |10| 37: 183-185. Fatt'ig, P. W. --Nest building of Trypoxylon pnlit iforme. (Sphecid). [4] 68: 44-45. Grandi, G. — Catalogo ragi.mnto degli Agaonidi di tutto mondo descritti lino ad oggi. | Hoi. Lab. Kilt. K. 1st. Sup. Agr. Bologna] 7: 214-240. Grandi, G. — Contributi alia conoscenza degli Imenotteri Aculeati. 112 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | April, '36 XV. [Bol. 1st. Ent. Univ. Bologna] 8: 27-121, illus. Hand- schin, E. — Beobachtungen an einem Zwitter von Xylocopa confusa. [41] 16: 312-317, illus. Michener, C. D— Some western bees of the genus Osmia. [4] 68: 39-43 (*). Muese- beck, C. F. W. — On two little known genera of Braconidae. [10] 37: 173-177, illus. (*). Pratt, H. D.— A new Coleocen- trus from Vermont (Ichneumon.). [19] 31: 11. Sandhouse, G. A. — The bees of the genus Agapostemon occurring in the U. S. [91] 26: 70-83. (*). Stager, R— Das Ernahrungs- problem bei den Ernteameisen. [41] 16: 344-357. Verlaine, L. — LTnstinct et 1'Intelligence chez les Hymenopteres. XXVII. Les Associations par contiguite chez les Guepes. [33] 76: 33-38. Verlaine, L.— XXVIII. One connait la Guepe de 1'animal et du vegetal? [33] 76: 39-44. CONTRIBUTION TO A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE DESCRIBED IMMATURE STAGES OF NORTH AMERICAN COLEOPTERA. By Jos. S. WADE. U. S. Department of Agriculture Publication E 358. 114 pp. mimeogr. one side. Dated Sept., 1935. This work should! find a well-frequented place on the shelves of the working coleopterist. Herein is compiled under each species, references to the literature on its immature stages. Unfor- tunately the species are listed under their latest generic names, instead of their more stable specific names. It is of course to be expected that all references are not noted, as it would require years of research to do so, but supplements can readily be issued to include these omissions and subsequent references. Similar contributions in other orders, particularly the Hymenoptera, Diptera and Hemiptera, would make a very useful series of reference works. The foundation for one on the Lepidoptera, by Henry Edwards, was published in 1889 as a Bulletin of Lhc U. S. National Museum. The present work can be secured, as long as the edition lasts, from the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Washington, D. C. — E. T. CRESSON, JR. OBITUARY MR. FOSTER H. BENJAMIN, Associate Entomologist in the United States National Museum, died January 24, 1936. MR. A. N. CAUDELL, of the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, and Custodian of Orthoptera at the United States National Museum, died March 1, 1936, after an illness of several weeks. Sketches of both entomologists will appear in a later issue of Entomological News. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Specimens of North American Cephidae. Will make determinations and exchanges for purposes of revising the group. Donald T. Ries, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Wanted — Collectors desiring living pupae with cocoon attached to natural food plant of Michigan, Samia, Columbia or hybrid with S. Cecropia, write W. S. McAlpine, 575 Townsend St., Birmingham, Mich. Wanted — North American Chrysididae for exchange of determina- tion, with privilege of retaining duplicates. W. G. Bodestein, Depart- ment of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Wanted — Chloropidae (Oscinidae) of the world. Study, determin- ation or exchange. C. W. Sabrosky, Entomology Dept., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for my subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL News for one year, beginning with issue for Name Address The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers : United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, - 3.15 Foreign, - 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 RACK STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOB SALK BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1007. — Cresson ( E. T., Jr.). — Descriptions of n. gen. and sps. of the dipterous family Ephydridae. (Trans., 61, 345-372, 1935) 35 1008. — Hull (F. M.). — Descriptions of n. sps. of the genus Sphe- gina, with a key to those known from North America (Syrphidae). (Trans., 61, 373-382, 1 pi, 1935),. . .20 1011. — James (M. T.). — A proposed classification of the Nearctic Stratiomyinae (Stratiomyidae). (Trans., 62, 31-35, 1936) 20 HYMENOPTERA 1009. — Mickel (C. E.). — Description and records of mutilHd- wasps of the genus Myrmilloides and Pseudomethoca (Mutillidae). (Trans., 61, 383-398, 1935) .35 1013. — Pate (V. S. L.). — Studies in the nyssonine wasps. I. Species of Psamma'etes, a n. suhg. of Hoplisoides (Sphecidae). (Trans., 62, 49-56, 1936) 20 LEPIDOPTERA 1012. — Querci (O.). — Notes on Pontia protodice (Pieridae). (Trans., 62, 37-47, 1936) 20 NEUROPTERA 1006. — Prison (T. H.). — 'New North American species of the genus Alloperla (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). (Trans., 61, 331-344, 4 pis., 1935) 45 ORTHOPTERA 1004.— Hebard (M.). — Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. III. List of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera, with new records. (Trans., 61, 269-316, 1935) 85 1005. — Rehn (J. A. G.). — On certain Mexican and Central Amer- ican species of Melliera and Stagmomantis (Mantidae). (Trans., 61, 317-329, 1 pi., 1935). .30 1010. — Rehn & Rehn — On new or redefined genera of Nearctic Melanopli (Acrididae). (Trans., 62, 1-30, 2 pis., 1936) .65 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ _ _, for which please send me the items checked above. BOOKS ON INSECTS Bought and Sold Largest Stock in the World of Books, Serials, Reprints, Excerpts, etc. relating to Insects and Spiders SEND FOB CATALOGUE 43 Just issued, containing Extensive Recent Purchases OTHER CATALOGUES IN PRINT No. 36 — Coleoptera/ No.39 — Diptera, Lepidoptera, Acarina, Mallo- phaga/ No. 41 — Other Orders. Families and Genera of NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA By Dr. C. H. CURRAN Royal 8vo. 512 pages: 2000 figures: col. plate. Nicely Bound . . . $7.50 Post free in United States if paid for in advance. Catalogue of COLEOPTERA OF AMERICA North of Mexico By CHARLES W. LENG and ANDREW J. MUTCHLER. With three Supplements— 1920-1933, 660 pages. In Paper Covers, $15.00 John D. Sherman, Jr. 1 32 Primrose Avenue Mount Vernon New York WARD'S INSECT NET for Economy, Convenience and Durability Ward's Insect Net (formerly called the Hod net) is the simplest, sturdiest and most practical net offered entomologists today. The 12" circular spring steel frame is rigid and strong. Sweeping, beating and aerial bags may be used interchangeably. A twist of the wrist loosens the ring from the handle so the nets may be changed in a few seconds. When in use the ring is locked securely — cannot come loose, wobble or bend out of shape. Complete with bag of best quality netting, each $1.65. In lots of twelve, each $1.50. W A R D' S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, incj The Frank A. Ward Foundation of Natural Science of the University of Rochester READ WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL BULLETIN ... iisued monthly 300 ox 623, Lansing, Michigan. MYRMECOCYSTUS MELLIGER subsp. MIMICUS Whir. var. cali- fornicus var. nov. Worker — Length, 4.5 mm. Differing from the worker of the typical iniiiiiciis as follows: Entire body hairy and shining. Clypeus, cheeks, mandibles, and legs, except tibae and tarsi, of a deep reddish brown. Antennae, tibiae, and tarsi much lighter. Mandibular teeth, thorax, and petiole dark brown; gaster black. Described from numerous workers collected from a single nest by the author at \Yeed, CALIFORNIA. The Iwlotypc is in the author's collection and f>cs are to be deposited in the collections of the U. S. National Museum and Dr. C. H. Ken- nedy. MYRMECOCYSTUS MEXICANUS Wesm. subsp. idahoenp:s subsp. nov. Worker — Length, 3-6.5 mm. Differing from the worker of the typical nic.vicauiis as follows: Head, including mandibles, only slightly longer than broad. Scapes of antennae only sparsely hairy. Mandibles 7-toothed ; apical tooth pronouncedly curved; remaining teeth rather indistinct, their tips straight or only slightly curved. Thorax compressed, more robust than that of inc.viciinns or its variety horti-deorum. Declivity of epinotum decidedly rounded, base more flattened. Legs com- paratively shorter. Petiole convex, its apex rather blunt but without a median impression; apex hairy. Caster only slightly longer than broad, less elongate than in mexicanus or horti- deorum. Hairs of gaster short on dorsum, longer on venter, fewer on antennal funiculi. Surface somewhat shining, thinly pubescent, less hairy than that of horti-deorum. Thorax and legs a uni- form light tan, head slightly darker; mandibular teeth dark brown to black; gaster fuscous. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 119 Female — Length, 9 mm. Differing from the typical inc.ri- cantis in the following characters: Head, excluding mandibles, slightly broader than long. Last joint of maxillary palpus about half as long as the penultimate joint. Thorax very broad and robust. Petiole rather blunt. Wings 10 mm. in length, veins light brown, stigma darker; hind wings distinctly irri- descent. Caster longer than thorax. Head and mandibles, except teeth, reddish brown ; mancli- bulnr teeth black; thorax shiny yellow-brown, darker than gas- ter; legs and antennae uniformly dull yellow; venter of gaster and head lighter than dorsum. Mule — Length, 6 mm. Head small, including mandibles, as broad as long. Mandibles with 1 to 3 minute and uneven teeth, in addition to the apical tooth, which is small, pointed, thick, and only slightly curved. Thorax robust, greatly compressed, much broader than head, thicker than gaster. Wings hyaline, discoidal cell large and distinct. Petiole thick, blunt, and un- notched. Gaster strongly elliptical. Pilosity and pubescence as in worker. Surface shining. Head and thorax, with exception of pronotum, black ; prono- tum dark reddish brown. Gaster dark brown, slightly lighter ventrally. Femora and tibiae dark ash-grey, tarsi light yellow. Veins and stigmae of wings light brown. Described from numerous workers, males and females, col- lected by the writer at Hollister, IDAHO. Additional localities are Rogerson, Indian Cove, Hagerman, and Twin Falls. Idaho. The liolofypc, a worker, from Hollister, is in the author's col- lection and paratypcs are to be deposited in the collections of the U. S. National Museum and Dr. C. H. Kennedy. MYRMECOCYSTUS MELLIGER subsp. SEMIRUFUS Emery var. kennedyi var. nov. ll'orkcr — Length, 3-5 mm. Much the same as the worker of the typical seminifiis, with the following exceptions: Head and gaster more hairy than thorax ; pubescence on gaster slight or absent; erect hairs long and rather abundant, uniformly distributed. Surface shining, gaster more so than head and thorax. Head and thorax tan, gaster jet black. Female — Length, 8.5 mm. Flead, excluding mandibles, broader than long. Mandibles 7-toothed ; apical tooth pro- nounced, sharp, only slightly curved. Discoidal cell of wings large and distinct. Petiole rather acute, deeply notched and hairy. Gaster globular; hairs suberect and short; pubescence scant. Surface, especially of mesonotum, shining. 1 lead and thorax light brown; apical tooth black. Gaster silky black, its sutures and genitalia light brown. 120 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [ May, '36 Male — Length, 5 mm. Neck shorter and more robust than in males of related forms. Apical tooth of mandibles short and rather blunt ; other teeth lacking. Discoidal cell of wings present but recurrent vein faint; stigma faint. Surface shining, gaster more so than head or thorax. Head, except antennal funiculi, black; funiculi yellow. Thorax, ex- cept mesonotum, and legs, except tarsi, brown; mesonotum black ; tarsi dusty yellow ; gaster black. Described from a series of 150 workers, 20 females and 75 males, collected by the writer from small crater nests (about 11 cm. in diameter) at Indian Cove, IDAHO. I name this vari- ety in honor of my friend and teacher, Dr. C. H. Kennedy. The holotype, a worker, is retained in the author's collection, and paratypes are to be deposited in the collection of the U. S. National Museum and that of Dr. C. H. Kennedy. MYRMECOCYSTUS MELLIGER subsp. SEMIRUFUS Emery var. romainei var nov. Worker — Length, 4-5 mm. Same as worker of the typical .v< • mint fits except that the vertex of the head, antennal funiculi, thorax, petiole, and legs are of a dark reddish brown. Described from a series of 54 workers taken by Miss Mar- jorie Romaine, at Cameron, ARIZONA. The holotype is in the author's collection, and paralyses are to be deposited in the collections of the U. S. National Museum and of Dr. C. H. Kennedy. DORYMYRMEX PYRAMicus Roger var. smithi var. nov. Worker — Length, 3.5-5 mm. Larger and more shining than worker of the typical pynunicus. Head, legs, and petiole red- dish brown ; gaster black. Described from a series of 27 workers collected by the writer at North Platte, NEBRASKA. This variety has been named for Dr. M. R. Smith whose helpful criticisms and suggestions are so much appreciated by the author. The lio/ofvpe is in the author's collection and paruiypes are to be deposited in the U. S. National Museum. POGONOMYRMEX BARKATUs F. Smith subsp. curvispinosus subsp. nov. ll'orker — Length, 7-7.5 mm. Differing from workers of described forms of barhalns as follows: Epinntal spines long and rather strongly curved forward. Head and mandibular teeth black; mandibles, antennae, thorax, legs, petiole, and post- petiole light to dark reddish brown; gaster very dark reddish brown, lighter anteriorly and posteriorly; femora infuscated. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 121 Described from a series of 20 workers collected by the author 36 miles south of Prescolt, ARIZONA. The ants in- habited a large flat mound of pebbles along U. S. highway 89. The workers were deep within the ground at mid-day so that it was only with extreme difficulty that a series, significant of the subspecies, was obtainable from the rocky soil. The Iwlotypc is in the author's collection, and f>aratypcs are to be deposited in the collections of the U. S. National Museum and of Dr. C. H. Kennedy. IRIDOMYRMEX PRUINOSUS Roger var. testaceus var. nov. ITorkci' — Length, 2-2.3. Same as workers of pruinosus but lighter in color, being testaceous with vertex of the head darker, tip of gaster infuscatecl, and legs and anterior portion of gaster lemon yellow to testaceous. Female (dealate) — Length, 5 mm. Dark brown, with tes- taceous mandibles, cheeks, and legs. Described from a series of 50 workers and 1 dealated female collected by the author at Twin Falls, Idaho. Other localities: Hagerman, Buhl, and Hollister, IDAHO. The holotype, a worker, from T\vin Kails, is in the writer's collection, and paralyses are to be deposited in the collections of Dr. C. H. Kennedy and the U. S. National Museum. Three New Butterfly Races (Lepid.: Nymphalidae, Lycaenidae). By WILLIAM D. FIELD, Lawrence, Kansas. NYMPHALIS * CALIFORNICA Bdv. new race herri. This is a northern race and it differs from typical californica Bdv. in having the ground color of the upper side of both primaries and secondaries more of a burnt orange. Typical californica as described by Boisduval is fulvous. The yellow markings of californica, which are located on the outer side of all the black spots in the discal and limbal areas, are in this new race less yellowish and more mixed with the ground color. Thus this race appears on the whole darker-colored than does californica. Underneath. On the whole darker than in lypical califoriiica. This is especially noticeable in the area bordering the outer side * The generic names used in this article were adopted from Francis Hemming, "The Generic Names Of The Ilolarctic Butterflies '. vol 1 1934. 122 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 of the dark, angular, transverse band which runs through the discal part of primaries and secondaries. In typical califoniica this area is light-colored, almost white. In hcrri this area is nearly as dark as the rest of the limbal area. Data: Holotvpc $ , expanse 49 mm.; Buckhorn Mountains, WASHINGTON, July 25, 1934. Allotype $ , expanse 50 mm. ; same locality and date. Paratypc 9 , expanse 54 mm. ; Excel- sior, Washington, July 20, 1934. Twelve paratypcs $ , Priest River, IDAHO, various dates in July, 1930, C. W. Herr. Types in author's collection and collection of C. W. Herr. Named for C. W. Herr, a well-known collector, of Woodburn, Oregon. Note. Compared with specimens from San Gabriel Moun- tains, California, June 20, 1932, collected by Berkley Powell, and with specimens from Sonoma County, California, June, 1931, collected by J. \Y. Tilden. Also compared with the original description by Boisduval and with figures given in John Adams Comstock's book, "Butterflies of California." These latter are of specimens taken on Mt. Wilson, Los Angeles County, California. All of the above specimens were found to be typical califoniica. LYCAENA EDITHA Mead new race montana. $ . Upper side. Not different from typical edit ha Mead, except that the anal angle and margin of secondaries have no indication of orange scales or patches. Under side. Primaries; Mead says of edit ha in the original description, "Under side of fore wings gray inclining to fus- cous, cinereous on the disc. . . ." In this new race the ground color is much more of a yellowish grey than in cditJia. Sec- ondaries ; it is here we find the greatest distinguishing charac- ter of montana. Ground color much darker, especially toward the base of the wings. The spots of discal and basal areas, which in typical editha are "pale gray fuscous edged with black and surrounded by white," are in this new race a darker brown- ish grey and are of a uniform color throughout, or at least they are not edged with black. Moreover, they are surrounded by a more distinct circle of white than is found in typical editlia. The spots of the discal and basal areas are much enlarged in this new race, many of the pairs being almost connected. 9 . Upper side. As in typical edit ha there is present a small fulvous or ochraceous cloud upon the fore wing disc and a similarly colored streak on the inner angle. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 123 Under side. Differs from typical cditha in the same ways that the male of montana differs from males of cditha. Data : Holotype $ , expanse 27 mm. ; Broadwater County, MONTANA, July 30, 1930. Allot y fie ? , expanse 27 mm.; same locality and date as holotype. Seven male and two female paralyses, same locality and date. One male pan/type, Yellow- stone Park, July 16, 1934. All types in author's collection. Note. Compared with a series of typical cditha from El Dorado County, California, near the type locality, Lake Tahoe. LYCAENA HETERONEA Bdv. new race klotsi. This race oddly combines some of the characters of the three other races of this species. On the upper surface the male has the violet blue color of clara Hy. Edw. with narrower black margins than in hctcronca Bdv. Hctcronca is metallic blue above. On the characters of the under side of the male, typi- cal Klotsi cannot be separated from typical hctcronca Bdv. The author would be inclined to believe that this is only a color form of hctcronca, if it were not for the series of females taken with the males. They are of a lighter color above than typical hctcronca or gravcnotata Klots and, like the females of the latter, they lack the marginal row of orange brown lunules found on the upper side of secondaries of typical hctcronca. The under side is not different from typical hctcronca, as before stated. Briefly one might characterize this race as follows : the under side of male and female are like the under side of hctcronca, the upper side of male is similar to clara Hy. Edw. and the upper side of klotsi female is similar to gravenotata Klots. in lacking orange brown lunules on the margin of secondaries, but is lighter in color than gravcnotata. The ground color is greyish brown. External goiitalia. The holotype and paratype males, in addition to two other specimens of typical klotsi. were dissected for study. A series of four males of typical hctcronca from El Dorado County, California, and one male of the race gravc- notata from Estes Park, Colorado, were also dissected for study. It was found that the harpes of the Montana race were generally broader throughout their length and noiceably shorter than were the harpes of the other two races. Hctcronca seemed to have the narrowest and longest harpes. The most constant difference between these races is found in the pair of hooks which are connected to the base of the uncus. In klotsi the ends of these hooks point more toward their base and make a little less than a curved right angle bend. In hctcronca the 124 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 hooks make a gradually curved right angle bend. In grave- not at a these hooks make a more sharply curved right angle bend and are somewhat longer. Data : Holotype $ , expanse 30 mm. ; Broadwater County, MONTANA, July 30, 1930. Allot yf>c 9 , expanse 31 mm.; same locality and date. Five male and five female f>amtypcs, same locality and date. One male paratypc, Albany County, WYOM- ING, July 25, 1928. Types in the author's collection. One pair of paratypes to be presented to Dr. Alexander B. Klots for whom this new race is named. One pair of paratypes to be presented to the Los Angeles Museum in care of Dr. J. A. Comstock. Taxonomic Problems in Lepidoptera. By G. F. FERRIS and MICHAEL DOUDOROFF, Stanford University. This paper is a synthesis of the views of its authors, of whom one — the junior — is a student and collector of the diurnal Lep- idoptera and the other is interested in the general problems of systematic work and not at all in the butterflies. It is called forth as a protest, from both points of view, against certain practices which are current especially among Lepidopterists. It is presented as an expression of the belief that systematic work has as its function something more significant than the mere furnishing of names which may be attached to a few specimens in a cabinet. It would seem reasonable to expect that before undertaking to do systematic work the student should have a clear concep- tion of the purpose and significance of such work and of the function and limitations of the nomenclatorial procedure em- ployed. Whatever the aims of systematic work may be, rang- ing from the philosophical ideal of "charting the course of evo- lution" to the purely practical purpose of permitting the iden- tification of species, it would seem clear that the function of the associated nomenclatorial system is that of indexing the biologi- cal facts which are revealed' in the course of systematic studies. Nomenclature is not synonymous with syslcmatics. It is but xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 125 a tool of the systemutist and as a tool it should he kept as trenchant as possible. I f we thus regard our nomenclatorial system as a means of indexing a body of fact, it is evident that it should he kept as simple as is consistent with its function. Furthermore, it must he realized that the method of indexing may he varied at cer- tain stages just as — for example — in preparing a bibliography we may index first by subject, then by author and then chron- ologically. In our system of taxonomic nomenclature we are but little troubled by complexities of indexing the higher categories. As a matter of fact, our system of naming these is naively simple, certainly far too simple adequately to express the facts. But when we come to the species we get into difficulties. These difficulties arise from two sources. One source is the com- plexity of the biological situations involved. The other is the purely nomenclatorial problem of how to index these situations. It should be evident that an index can not be completed be- fore the book is written. In other words, no very satisfactory nomenclatorial arrangement intended to index the body of fact involved in connection with a species can be designed until we are fairly clear about species themselves. To name sub-species, varieties, formae, races, transition forms, aberrations and the like when we can not even define what we mean by species is an absurdity. And at this point we have a serious difficulty involved in the rule that "specific and sub-specific names . . . are of the same value." The term "sub-specific" as here used is generally interpreted to mean any scientific name applied to a category less than the species. Here, at the point of greatest confusion in our thinking, where systematists argue even as to the reality of species, is also the point of greatest confusion in nomenclature. Formal scientific names in Latin form, required by our nomenclatorial code to be recognized if properly pub- lished, are applied indiscriminately to categories of undefined status and significance by authors who have liule realization of what their activity is all about. Two things seem to us to be desirable. First, the develop- ment of a clearer concept of the meaning of the word specie-. Second, a change in the method of indexing — that is in the 126 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 nomenclatorial procedure — at the point where we begin to deal with categories less than the species. We can not here develop at length our argument concerning the definition of species. We simply state that the term is con- ceived of by us as properly covering "a population the members of which form an inter-linked genetic complex." As thus con- ceived the species is a broad group involving perhaps in some cases hundreds of minor groups of many degrees of difference from each other. To make clear our meaning, let us consider the species Droso- f'hila melanogastcr upon which so much experimental work has been done. Here is a population — occurring out of doors as well as in bottles — the members of which differ among them- selves to such an extent that something more than four hun- dred genetically fixed forms have been segregated, all of which are genetically compatible with each other and form a geneti- cally inter-linked complex having a genetic constitution such that the population as a whole is definitely separated from other species populations of the genus DrosopJtila. Tins is a species. Its name, Drosopliila melanog aster, stands as the key index symbol for an enormous body of fact that has been accumulated concerning the species. And at this point the geneticists have wisely abandoned the method of index symbolism employed in our formal scientific nomenclature and have adopted a different system. Instead of formal scientific names they have employed a series of "nicknames" which ade- quately meet their needs. We may be grateful to them that they have not proposed 400 or more names in Latin form for these sub-species or varieties or formae or whatever they may be with the resulting necessity of listing these names in our catalogues and establishing their validity and priority. The nomenclatorial system remains simple and the biological situ- ations are adequately indexed. Systematists might well profit by this example. True, in some cases the situation is more complex than in Drosophila, since we may have to deal with regional forms, seasonal forms, color phases and the like as well as with possible mutations, and yet it is not fundamentally different. It can be met essentially as it has been met by the geneticists. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS We are inclined somewhat to dou1>t that any formal scien- tific name should he given to any category less than the species. A case can be made out for the naming of the suh-species as understood by mammalogists and ornithologists, to whom it implies a form genetically fixed and geographically circum- scribed and generally regarded as perhaps the most probable material from which distinct species may arise. But certainly the formal naming of every recognizably different specimen, of every mutation, aberration, seasonal form, altitudinal form, color phase and the like is uncalled for. Certainly some other method of referring to such material can be developed. Among the aphids, for example, there may be a quite elabor- ate sequence of seasonal forms, differing materially from each other. Yet students of this group do not find it necessary to assign formal names to each member of the sequence. Stem mother, apterae, alatae, sexuparae, migrantes and the like ade- quately index their position under the specific name. All of this applies with special force to the systematics of the diurnal Lepidoptera. Butterflies are usually highly local- ized by climatic conditions and host plants so that it is often impossible to determine from collecting records and from speci- mens alone what the status of a form may be. Until breeding experiments have been carried out, or definite inter-gradation with its implication of genetic compatibility has been shown, such geographical groups are perhaps best set off as species, lest in recoiling from the extremes of over-zealous splitters we become gross lumpers. Thus, Guilder's lumping of the Ameri- can species of the genus Enphydryas into five species can hardly be justified by similarities of genitalia alone.1 There are also among the butterflies genetic and environ- mental forms occurring in company with the normal, which have been named and to whose names collectors have clung tenaciously. The genetic forms, such as polymorphic sexual forms, some albinos, and mutants (not so-called transition forms) may be compared to such variants ot" the human species as blue-eyed or haemophilic individuals. The environmental "Doudoroff, M..— Pan-Pacific Entomologist, Vol. 11, p. 144. 1935. 128 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 forms include seasonal and some altitudinal forms, most dwarfs, almost all aberrations and "transition forms," injured speci- mens, chrysalis burns and the like which may appear in collec- tions and whose latinized and formally validated names are appearing in greater and greater numbers. Hundreds of names have appeared for "transition forms," individuals supposedly forecasting or reminiscent of fashions in butterfly attire but as shown by numerous investigators actually freaks easily pro- duced in the laboratory and having no genetic significance. (Feldotto- and Prochnow. 3) As far as the formal scientific nomenclature, subject to the established nomenclatorial code, is concerned, these forms should be disregarded. They can properly be recorded in some other way. The junior author, as a student of the Lepidoptera, pleads with his colleagues to abandon the orgy of indiscriminate naming, to straighten out the synonymic lists by discarding superfluous names and to spare the butterflies the nomencla- torial disrepute arising from the situation that is developing. And the senior author, not at all interested in butterflies beyond being amused by the vagaries of their devotees, clings to the hope that systematic workers in other fields may eventually escape from the fog that envelopes much of their work and develop a system more soundly grounded upon biological knowl- edge and less concerned with the validation of names. A New Species of Anomiopsyllus from Montana (Siphonaptera) By BENJAMIN J. COLLINS, National Institute of Health, U. S. Public Health Service. Material recently placed at our disposal through the kindness of l)rs. Adolph Rumreich and Carroll Fox, together with speci- mens of a hitherto undescribed species which have been in our collection for some time, enables us to give the following notes on the species of Siphonaptera which constitute the Nearctic genus Anomiopsyllus Baker, 1904. , \V. — .Irchiv fiir linl-^'icklnmix — MccJianik dcr Organisiiicn, lid. 128, pp. 299-341. 1933. '' Prochnow, O. — Schroder's Handbuch dcr Entoinoloyic, Bd. 2, pp. 430-572. 1929. xlvij, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 129 Anomiopsyllus montanus spec. nov. (figs. 1-2). Anomiupsvllns intdatns Dunn & Parker. 1923 (nee Baker, err. determ.), Public Health Repts., v. 3S (47). 2774. 2775 (Canyon Creek, W. of Hamilton, Mont., on Bubo virijiniainis occidentalis) . Distinguished from A. imdutiis ( Haker, 1898) and A. falsi- califoniiciis Fox, 1929, hy the modified abdominal segments. c5 . 1st abdominal tergite with 7 apical teeth on the 2 sides Fig. 1. — Genitalia of .•Inainiapsyllus inniitunus n. sp., c?. F Kxopodite. IX. St. Xintli sternite, M Mruiuhriuni, I' Inininvablc process. Fig. 2. — Aiioiniiipsy.lns inoutanus n. sp., $. Rs Receptaculum semiiiis, VII. St. Seventli steriiitr. Fig. 3. — Seventh .stt-niiti- of Anomiopsyllus innintits, $. Fig. 4. — Seventh sternite of .iiininin^sylliis falsicalifornicus, 9. together. Exopodite Ir ( lig. 1 ) finger-like, of nearly even width, the truncated apex directed posteriorly. ( )n posterior margin, a small, subapical, bluntly rounded spiniform. I'.elow the s])ini- form a row of 6 weak bristles in the apical halt. At the in- sertion of exopodile on the postero-ventral angle of clasper another spiniform, above this a single bristle in the basal half. Process P of clasper shorter than in A. iiiidutHS. its posterior margin incurved for a short distance l)elo\v apex. Apical bristle 130 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 of process P not so long as antepygidial bristle. A row of 8 (including acetabular) bristles on posterior margin of clasper, the upper 3 somewhat submarginal. In addition, 3 or 4 bristles on dorsal margin anterior to apical bristle. Horizontal arm of IX sternite broadest below middle, narrowing toward apex, the anterior margin membranous in the apical half. On posterior margin below truncated apex, 3 stout and several weak bristles. Vertical arm of IX sternite of same general shape as in A. niiddtns, but the apex more dilated. 9 . Differs from the other known species of the genus as fol- lows: Maxillae not pointed at apex. VII sternite (fig. 2) with a sinus of medium depth, the lobes of about equal length, the lower more pointed than upper. Head of spermatheca sub- globular, slightly flattened on one side, shorter than tail; tail more strongly ventricose. Anal sternite angulate ventrally. Holotypc ( $ ) and aUotypc ( 9 ) Nat. Inst. Health Cat] No. 11984, are two of the eight specimens recorded by Dunn & Parker, loc. cit. ANOMIOPSYLLUS NUDATUS (Baker, 1898) (fig. 3). Typhlopsylla mulata Maker, 1898, J. N. Y. Ent. Soc., v. 6(1), 56 ( 9 , Tucson, Ariz., on Neotoma albnjiila}. Anomiopsyllus unda/iis (Baker) ; Baker, 1904, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., v. 27(1361), 426 ( 9 ) ; Fox, 1914, Hyg. Lab. Mull. No. 97, pi. 19, fig. 53 ( spermatheca ); Jord. & Roths., 1915, Ectopar., v. 1(1), 45, fig. 48 ($}. Anomiopsyllus califpniicus Maker, 1904, Invert. Pacifica, v. 1, 39-40 ( 9 , Claremont, Calif., on Spiloyale pJicna.r) ; Jord. & Roths., 1915, Ectopar., v. 1(1), 45 (= -. nudatus). 9 . The VII abdominal sternite not having been illustrated, we take the opportunity of giving a figure of that sclerite for comparison. The figure, prepared in collaboration with Dr. H. E. Ewing, is based on the type specimen in the U. S. Nat. Mus. The dorsal margin of the segment is strongly incurved, with the posterior dorsal angle evenly rounded ; posterior mar- gin almost straight. ANOMIOPSYLLUS FALSICALIFORNICUS Fox, 1929 (fig. 4). Anomiopsyllus califoniicus Fox, 1926 (nee Baker, err. de- term.), Pan-Pacific Ent., v. 2(4), 183-184, figs. 5, 9 (39, Los Angeles Co., Calif.) ; Wagner, 1930, Mag. d. Parasitol., v. 1, 135, pi. 12, fig. 76 (3). Anomiopsyllus falsicalifornicus Fox, 1929, ENT. NEWS. v. 40 (7), 218 (59). 9 . We figure the outline of the VII sternite from a paratype kindly loaned by Dr. Carroll Fox. The sclerite (fig. 4) is pro- duced into a broad lobe, evenly rounded posteriorly. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 131 A new Pecan Sawfiy, Megaxyela langstoni n. sp. (Hymenoptera : Xyelidae) By HERBERT H. Ross, Illinois State Natural History Survey, Urbana, 111. During the last few years Air. J. M. Langston of the Mis- sissippi Agricultural Experiment Station has reared several sawflies from the pecan. Among these \vas a series of adults representing a new species, Mc. Abundant throughout the state. Mitchell. Dewey Lake, Spencer, Xiohrara, Maskell, Concord, South Sioux City. West Point, David City, Lincoln, Fairmont, Valentine, Curtis, I'.loomington, Elm Creek, Reynolds, Haigler, Cilen, Monroe Canyon and War Bonnet Canyon in Sioux County. Collected "at dead mice" at Glen. 104 spmns. V. 27 to X."22. 5. N. OBSCURUS Khy. Scarce. In eastern, northern and ex- treme northwestern parts of the state. Mitchell, Pine Ridge, Cams, West Point, Harrison and Lincoln. 6 spmns. VII. to IX. 27. 6. N. GUTTULA Mots. Scarce. In the extreme eastern and northwestern parts of the state. West Point, Pine Ridge, Wai- bonnet Canyon. 4 spmns. VI. -f- VII. 7. N. GUTTULA HECTATE Bland. Scarce. Only in the ex- treme northwestern and north-central portions of the state. Taken at Mitchell, Glen, War Bonnet Canyon and Valentine. 11 spmns. V. 22 to VIII. 17. 8. N. PUSTULATUS NiGRiTUS Mann. Two specimens in the collection. Lincoln, without date. 9. N. TOMENTost's Web. Rather common in eastern, nor- thern and extreme northwestern parts of the state. None in central and southwestern portions. Monroe Canyon, Glen, Fairmont, West Point, Omaha, Cams, Spencer, and eleven at Lincoln. 49 spmns., VI. 10 to IX. 22. 10. PH ii. AS TRUNCATA Say. One specimen from Haigler, Dundy County. Collected bv'j. T. Zimmer, VII. 8, 1911. ' 11. SILPHA SURIXAMKNSIS Fah. Common in eastern part of state. Also in north and south-central portions, none from extreme west. Cams, Spencer, Omaha, Nebraska City, Fair- mont. McCook, DcWitt, Cortland, Ashland, and 28 from Lin- coln. Fifteen of the total of 48 spmns. were "collected at electric light." IV. 7 to X. 7. Common in June and July. 12. S. LAPPONICA Hbst. Throughout the state. Scarce in the east but abundant in the extreme northwestern part. Rav- enna, War P.onnet Canyon and Monroe Canyon, Pine Ridge. De\vcy Lake in Cherry Co., Halsey, Glen, Concord. West Point, Valentine, one at Haigler. and nineteen at Mitchell. f>8 spmns. V. 6 to X. 28, mostly VI. 13. S. [NAEQUALIS Fab. Common in eastern, none in ren tral and western parts of the state. Neligh, West Point, 134 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 Omaha, South Bend, two at Bellevue ''under dead turtle," thir- teen at Lincoln. 32 spmns. IV. 11 to VI. 25. 14. S. NOVEBORACENSIS Forst. Scarce. In eastern and ex- treme northwestern parts of state. ( )ne from Lincoln, without date. One labelled "Neb," seven from Monroe Canyon, one from War Bonnet Canyon and three from Cedar Bluffs. 13 spmns. IV. to VIII. 26. 15. S. AMERICANA Linn. Rather scarce. Omaha. West Point, Valentine, Dewey Lake. 11 spmns. V. 27 to VII. 10. 16. S. RAMOSA Say. Scarce. Hackberry Lake, Trout Lake and Valentine in Cherry Co., Mitchell, and one at Lincoln, without date. 9 spmns. VI. 16 to VII. 22. 17. S. OPACA Linn. The Department of Entomology has a record of one specimen sent in by Ricksecker. No record is given except that it was taken in Nebraska. The specimen is missing. 18. CHOLEVA TERMINANS Lee. Only one specimen. Taken by Henry F. Wickham at West Point in Cuming County, April, 1888. 19. COLENIS IMPUNCTATA Lee. One specimen. Cedar Bluffs in Sarpy Co. in April. Collected and identified by H. F. Wickham. 20. AGATHIDIUM EXIGUUM Melsh. One specimen, taken at Pine Ridge in July. Collected and identified by H. F. Wick- ham. 21. AGLYPTINUS LAEVIS Lee. Two specimens; both from Ashland, without date. Collected and identified by H. F. Wickham. INSECT ENEMIES OF SHADE-TREES. By GLENN W. HERRICK. Professor of Economic Entomology in Cornell University. Ithaca, New York, Comstock Publishing Co., Inc. 1935. Svo, pp. xi, 417, 321 figs. $5.00. — This book is intended for all per- sons interested in preserving shade trees. The first chapter therefore appropriately discusses the value of shade-trees and general methods of protection from insect attack. Two lists indicate the comparative value of 26 shade-trees; one by the author shows their susceptibility to insect attack, the other, from Fernow, is founded on several characters of each tree which contribute to its general worth (pp. 4, 5). The positions in the two lists of the same tree are mostly very different. Spraying apparatus, insecticides and the treatment of weak- ened trees occupy Chapters II and TIL Chapters IV-XXV1I treat of the insect enemies of twenty-four chief shade-trees whose names are arranged in alphabetical order, XX VI IT of those of smaller trees and shrubs, XXIX of those of ever- greens other than pines, while XXX is devoted to some miscel- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 135 laneous insect enemies of trees and shrubs. Judging from the two indexes which close the volume, ahout 230 species of trees and shrubs and about 700 species of insects and mites are men- tioned in more or less detail. Taking Chapter XIX, Insect Enemies of the Oak, as a sample of the hook, after briefly dis- cussing the chief species of eastern American oaks, 8 beetles, 15 moths, 12 galls, 3 scales and 1 walking stick are described in their various stages and the means of destroying each are given. To the account of each species, or group of species, references to recent literature are appended. Names only of 8 other beetles, 4 more moths and 3 additional scales and aphids "which may attack oaks" are listed. Most of the illustrations are good and clear. For the text the jacket claims that "only that material is presented which is pertinent to the questions of injury by and control of the insects." This describes well the reading matter. The book appears to be a useful compendium of its subject. — P. P. CALVERT. Entomological Literature COMPILED BY V. S. L. PATE, LAURA S. MACKEY and E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the ;>ut)- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not BO Indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (•). Papers published in the Entomological News are not listed. GENERAL.— Parks, T. H.— Insects on elms. [Ohio St. Univ. Agr. Ext. Serv.] I'.ull. 172. 32 pp., ill. Uichanco, L. B. — Ourselves as Gullivers in the lilliputian world of in- sects. | Philip. Agriculturist] 24:805-810. Warnecke, G Uber die Koiistanz der okologischen Yalenz einer Tierart als Voraussetzung fur geographische Untersuchungen. Kim- liUM-arlnVtorische Studic. |17| 53: 203 136 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Bialaszewicz, K. — Recherches snr le metabolisme chimique et energetique pendant le developpement des Insectes. | Kosmos] 58: 21-33. Blackwelder, R. E. - - Morphology of the cole- opterous family Staphylinidae. [Smiths. Misc. Coll.] 94, No. 13: 102, pp., ill. Bowen, M. F. — A biometrical study of two morphologically similar species of Tricho- gramma. [7] 29: 119-125, ill. Butt, F. H.— The early em- hryological development of the parthenogenetic alfalfa snoui beetle, Brachyrhinus ligustici. [7] 29: 1-10, illus. Friedl, A. — Beitrag zur Morphologic von Caliroa annulipes (Hymen : Tenthredinidae). |56] 14: 311-317, illus. Goetze, H.— Hem- erocampa leucostigma. Eine Aufzucht aus dem Ei. [18] 49: 515-518. Herfs, A. — Oekologisch-physiologische studien an Anthrenus fasciatus. [Zoologica, Stuttgart] 34, lift. 90. 95 pp., ill. Key, K. H. L. — Observations on rate of growth, coloration, and the abnormal six-instar life-cycle in Loc- usta m. migratorioides (Orthop: Acridid.). [22] 27: 77-85. Landis, B. J. — Alimentary canal and malphigian tubules of Ceratomegilla fuscilabris (Coleo: Coccinellid.). |7] 29: 15- 28, ill. Lindgren, D. L. — The respiration of insects in rela- tion to the heating and fumigation of grain [Univ. Minn. Agr. Exp. Sta.] Tech. Bull. 109, 32 pp., ill. Miller, F. E.- A histological study of the eye and brain of a one-eyed bee. [7] 29: 66-69, ill. Nielsen, A. — Das Eierlegen der Laich und die Larven des 1. Stadiums von Oligoplectron macu- latum (Trichoptera). [34] 113: 255-266, ill. Priiffer, J.- Contribution a la connaissance de 1'attraction des males par les femelles chez Lymantria dispar. | Kosmos] 58: 157-173, ill. Raffy, A. — Les echanges respiratoires des Lepidop- teres. Les echanges pendant le vol. Role des ailes et des organes de la circulation. [Ann. Phys. & Physiochim. Biol., Paris] 12: 1-12. Roonwal, M. L. — The growth-changes and structure of the egg of the African migratory locust, Locusta m. migratorioides (Orthop: Acridid.). |22] 27: 1- 14, illus. Sassuchin, D. — Zur Morphologic und Dynamik der Entwicklung von Nuttalia ninense. [341 113: 219-226, ill. Simonetti, V. — Sul pigmento clorofdloide degli Ortot- teri. [Boll. Zool., Turin] 7: 78. Strelnikov, I. D.— Effect of the solar radiation and thci micro-climate uj)on the body temperature and behaviour of the larvae of Locusta migra- toria [Russian]. |Trav. Inst. Zool. Ac. Sci. USSR] 2: 637- 733. Strohl & Kohler. — Wesen und Bedentnng der Plei- trope oder Polyphaenie. | Verh. Schweiz. Naturforsch. Ges.] 116: 351-355. Tate & Vincent.— The biology of auto- genous and aiiautogcnous race's ot Culex pipiens. (Diptera). '[116] 28: 115-145.' Tauber & Yeager.— On the total hemo- xlvii, '36] KXToMOLOqiCAL XFAVS 137 lymph (blood) cell counts of insects. II. Xeuroptera, Col eoptera, Lepidoptcrn and Hymenopteni. |7| 29: 112-1 IS. Tulloch, G. S. — The metasternal glands of the ant, Myrm- ica rubra, with special reference to the Golgi bodies and the intracellular canalicnli. |7| 29: 81-84, ill. Uvarov & Hamil- ton.— Phase variation and rate of development in the Al- gerian race of the migratory locust ( Locnsta migratoria: Orthop: Acridid.). [22] 27:" 87-90. Zurngiebl, L.— Ueber Missbildungen bei Blattwespen. | VerolT. Dentsch. Kolon. u. Uebersee Mns. Bremen] 1: 199-201, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Chamberlin and Ivie. — Nearctic spiders of the genus \Yubana. [7] 29: 85- 98, ill. (*). Viets, K. — Weitere brasilianische Wassermil- ben aits dem Staate Pernambuco. |3l| 113: 203-218 ill. (*). Roewer, C. F. — Zwei myrmecophile Spinnen-Arten Brasiliens. [Yeroff. Dentsch. Kolon. u. Uebersee Alus lire- men] 1: 193-196, ill. (*). THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Bohart, R. M. — -A preliminary study of the genus Stvlops in California (Strepsiptera). [55] 12:9-18, illus. (*).' Buxton, P. A.- Studies on populations on headlice (Pediculus humanus capitis) [116] 28: 92-97. da Costa Lima, A.— Urn novo Tisanoptero praga do abacaxi. [O Campoj Aug., 1935: 43, illns. (S). Fraser, F. C. — Anax imperator copulating with Cordulegaster boltoni (Odonata). [J. Soc. Brit. Ent.] 1: 117. Gentil, K. — Die Entstehnng der Schillerfarben bei Chrysopa perla. [17| 53: 173-175, illus. Jordan, K. — Some Siphonaptera from South America. |71| 39: 305-310. ill. (*). Kennedy, C. H. — Epigomphns crepidus a new Drag- onfly from Nayarit, Mexico, with notes on the genus. [7] 29: 126-135, ill. Kimmins, D. E. — Synonymic notes on the genera Chloroperla, Isopteryx and Isoperla (Plecoptera ). [J. Soc. Brit. Ent.] 1: 121-124. ill. Mosely, M. E.— Imag- inal Trichoptera apparently feeding. |9| 69: 63. Pearman, J. V. — The Taxonomy of the Psocnptera : Preliminary Sketch. [107 B] 5: 58-62. ORTHOPTERA.— Bernard, F.— La ponte et 1'eclosion des Ameles. [25 | 41: 42-44, illus. Hubbell, T. H.— A mon- ographic revision of the genus Ceutophilns ( ( iryllacrididae : Rhaphidophorinae) . [ Univ. Florida Pnbl., I'.iol. Ser. | 2: 1-551, ill. (*). Wakeland & Shull.— The Mormon Cricket with suggestions for its control. (Univ. Idaho. Coll Agr Ext.] Bull. no. 100, 30 pp., ill. HEMIPTERA. — Auten and Johnson.- -Some- Krythro- neura of the obliqua group from I )ecatur. Georgia. ( Cica- 138 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 dellid.) [7] 29: 61-65, ill. (*). Beamer, R. H.— Two new Dikraneura from the southwest. [55J 12: 7-8. Beamer, K. H.— The genus Dicyphonia (Cicadellid). [103] 9: 66-71, ill. (*). da Costa Lima, A. — Um novo "frade," praga do arroz, no Rio Grande do Sul (Pentatomid). [O Campo] Oct., 1935: 16, illus. DeLong and Caidwell. — A new genus — Forcipata — and nine new species of Typhlocybine leaf- hoppers closely allied to Dikraneura. [7j 29: 70-77, ill. Jaczewski, T.— Notes on Corixidae. [107 B] 5: 34-43, illus. McKenzie, H. L. — Say's Plant Bug, Chlorochroa sayi on beets in California. [55J 12: 18. Ossiannisson, F. — A new North American species of Typhlocyba (Cicadellid.) |28J 57: 10-11, illus. Swain, R. B. — An annotated list of the type Cicadellid material in the collections of the Colorado State College, Ft. Collins, Colorado. [103] 9: 49-58. LEPIDOPTERA.— Biedermann, R.— Une forme noti- velle de Morpho1 hecuba. [25] 41: 46-48 (S). Boy, H. C.- Eine merkwurdige Morpho. [17] 53: 228-230. da Costa Lima, A.— "Iscadia Montei," novo noctuideo brasileiro. [O Campo] Jan., 1936: 44-45, Illus. Cristobal, U. L. — Laspey- resia molesta y sus parasitos argentinos. [Rev. Fac. Agr. Univ. La Plata] 20: 140-169, ill. Evans, W. H.— Descrip- tion of a new genus of American Hesperiidae. [107 B] 5: 55. Gehlen, B. — Zwei interessante Sphingiden. [Veroff. Deutsch. Kolon. Uebersee Mus. Bremen] 1 : 304, (*). Hem- ing, F. — The type of the genus Actinote Hubner. (1819) (Lepidoptera Nymphalidae) — A case for consideration by the International Commission on Zoological Nomencla- ture. [107 B] 5: 56-57. Kotzsch, H, — Ein neuer Heliron- ius. [17] 53: 198-199, illus. Maheux, G.— Stir 1'introduc- tion recente en Gaspesie de la pyraledes pois. [98] 63: 73- 77. Stichel, H. — Neue Namen fur neotropische Rhopalo- cera. [Mitt. Deutsch. Ent. Ges.] 6: 63-65. DIPTERA. — Borgmeier, T. — Sobre o cyclo cvolutivo de Chonocephalus. e uma nova especie de Melaloncha, endo- parasitica de> Abelhas (Phoricl.). |30] 2: 255-265, ill. Chag- non, G. — Note stir tin noveati Diptere Acalypterc pour Que- bec, Agromyza affinis. [98] 63 : 92. da Costa Lima, A.— Um novo parasito endofago de Mormidea poecila (Tach- inid). [O Campo] June. 1935: 21-22. illus. Fluke, C. L.- New Syrphidae from Brazil and Cuba. [103] 9: 59-65, ill. Hering, M. — Neue sudamerikanische Bohrfliegen aus dem Stettiner Museum. |60] 96: 225-229, illus. Maneval, H.- Renseignements nouveatix stir le genre Chionea. (Tipuli- dae). [25] 41 : 40-42. de Sousa Lopez, H. — Um novo gen- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 139 ero de Diptera Acalyptratae e consideracoes sol ire a fam- ilia Ctenostylidae. [30] 2: 247-253, ill. (S). Thienemann, A. — Chironomiden-Metamorphosen. X. — Orthocladius-Dac- tylocladius. [60] 96: 201-224, illus. COLEOPTERA.— da Costa Lima, A.— Dois novos rin- coforas brasileiros. [O Cani])o| Nov., 1935: 25-26, illus. Darlington, P. J. — The species of Stenomorphus (Carabid.), with data on heterogony in S. californicus. [55] 12: 33-44, illus. (*). Darlington, P. J. — Variation and atrophy of Hy- ing wings of some Carabid beetles. [7] 29: 136-179, ill. Gunther, K. — Notizen uber Russelkafer aus Costa Rica. [17] 53: 190-192, illus. (*). Hinton, H. E.— Synonymical and other notes on the Dryopidae. [8] 72: 54-58, illus. (*). Hoffmann, F. — Beitrag zur Lepidopterenfauna von Sta. Ca- tharina. [17] 53: 206-207; 221-224. Hopping, R.— A revi- sion of the genus Macropogon. [55] 12: 45-48 (*). Horn, W. — Uber die erste australische Prothyma-Art sowie uber die Fauna von Haiti. [2] 32: 22-24, illus. (*). Hustache, A. -Piazurus nouveaux (Curculionidae). [25] 41 : 21-24 (S). Jordan, K. — Anthribidae from South America and Africa. [71] 39: 326-339 (*). Melzer, J._Novo Cerambycidcos do Brusil, da Argentina e de Costa Rica. [30] 2: 173-205. Picard, F. — Sur un cas d'allotrophie chez Galerucella nympheae [25] 41 : 45-46. Schedl, K. E.— New Platypodi- dae from French Guyana. [Rev. Franc. Ent.] 2: 224-251. Schmidt, G. — Beitrage zur Biologic der Aphodinae (Scar- abaeid). [60] 96: 293-350. Seitz, A. — Leptinotarsa clecem- lineata. [17] 53: 161-166. Spaeth, F. — Mitteilungen uber neue oder bemerkenwerte Cassidinen aus dem Sencken- berg-Museum. [17] 53: 138-140; 170-173; 213-216, illus. Van Dyke, E. C. — New species of North American weevils in the family Curculionidae. subfamily Brachyrlvninae. |55] 12: 19-32. Van Dyke, E. C. — Swarming of Haltica bimnr- ginata. [55] 12: 44. van Emden, F. — Die Gattungsunter- schiede der Hirschkaferlarven, ein Beitrag zum naturlichen System der Familie (Lticanid). [60] 96: 178-200, illus. van Emden, F. — Bemerkungen zur Klassinkation der Carabi- dae:Carabini und Harpalinae piliferae. |2| 32: 12-17 Von>-, R. — The rapid spread of an European Staphylinid in* North America. [7| 29: 78-80. Voss, E.— Monographic der Khyn- chitinen-Tribus Anlclini |r><)| 96: 229-241. (*). Wi'Hams, F. X. — Two water beetles that lay their eggs in the frothy egg masses of a frog or tree toad. [55] 12: 6-7. HYMENOPTERA.— Cockerell, T. D. A.— Records of western Bees. [40] no. 831, 6 pp. (*). da Costa Lima, A. — Novo ichneumonideo parasito de 1'apilio anchisiades. [O Campo] June, 1935: 20-21, illus. Gussakovskij, V. V. — 140 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 Faune cle 1'URSS. Insectes Hymenopteres. Chalastogas- tra. [Inst. Zool. Acacl. Sci. URSS.] (N. S.) no. 1, 453 pp., ill. Hedicke, H. — Hymenopterorum Catalogus, Pars. I : Tiphiidae. 32 p. Jeannel, R. — Homochromie et mimetisme. | Rev. Franc. Ent.j II: 181-186. Mickel, C. E— New species and records of Nearctic Mutillid wasps of the genus Dasy- mutilla. \7\ 29: 29-60, ill. Roman, A.— The Linnean Ichneu- mon types of the Stockholm Museum. [28] 57: 1-5, illus. Ross, H. H. — The ancestry and wing venation of the Hy- menoptera. [7] 29: 99-111, ill. de Santis, L.— Un Himen- optero, parasito de la Cochinilla de los citrus, nuevo para la fauna argentina (Aphytis chrysomphali). [Rev. Fac. Agr. Univ. Nac. La Plata] "20: 262-271, ill. Williams, F. X. -Notes on two Oxybelid wasps in San Francisco, Cali- fornia (Sphecid). [55] 12: 1-6, illus. SPECIAL NOTICES. — Animalium cavernarum cata- logs. Ed. P». Wolf. Pub. by W. Junk., Pars, 1-4. In- cludes cave insects [See Ent. News XLVI, p. 229]. THE BIOLOGY OF MAYFLIES WITH A SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT OF NORTH AMERICAN SPECIES, by JAMES G. NEEDHAM, JAY R. TRAVER, YiN-Cm Hsu, 1st ed., 8 vo., cloth, 759 pp., 40 plates, 1 color plate, 168 figs. Comstock Publishing Co., Ithaca, N. Y., 1935. $7.50. — The last 25 years have seen a goodly amount of work on the American species of the order Ephemeroptera. Most of it has been of a systematic nature, although there have been a few biological papers. It has been done by relatively few people, most of whom have either ceased their endeavors or now look upon the mayflies as a side-line. Apparently few people have the tenacity to work with a group so difficult to collect, preserve and handle. Throughout this period. Dr. Need- ham and his students have been faithfully and continuously working with the group, and it is fitting that they should pro- duce the first comprehensive work in mnyHies s:nce Eaton's J\rt'isioual Monograph of Recent Ephcuicridac or Mayflies was issued in 1883-87. The present book consists of two distinct parts : a biological section of 232 pages and a much larger taxonomic section of 527 pages. A more accurate title for the book might have been The I'iologv and Taxonomy of the Mayflies. The 18 chapters of the biological section are concerned with ( 1 ) historical aspects of research on mayflies in North Amer- ica, (2) life cycle', (3) anatomy and morphology of nymphs and adults, (4) post-embryonic development, (5) eggs and egg- laving habits, (6) taxonomic characters and their significance, xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 141 (7) the mayfly thorax and its musculature, ( X ) adaptations of the nymphs, (9) phylogeny, ( 10) parasites and other enemies. (11) values and uses, (12) methods of collecting, preserving and rearing. In reality this section represents the- work of 5 people. In addition to those parts written by Drs. Xeedham and T raver, Dr. ( )sgood Smith contributed tho chapter on eggs and egg-laying habits; Dr. Yelmu Knox wrote the two chaj)ters dealing with the thorax and thoracic musculature of Ilc.vtn/i'iiiii rcciirrata, and Dr. Hsu contributed 6 chapters on anatomy, morphology, and post-embryonic development, using several species of Heptageninae. As is usual when several people con- tribute to a book, there is great difficulty in achieving a uni- form narrative and style. This has been accentuated in the present instance by the fact that Hsu and Kno\ were working with specific forms, while the others were concerned with the group as a whole. The sections on taxonomic characters and phylogeny appeal especially to the reviewer, although he does not always agree with the authors. There is a good resume and discussion of the questions of wing venation and tracheation. The system of names, used for venation is a modification of the Comstock- Neeclham system which the writers feel was in error in locat- ing the median vein and all following veins one triad too far forward in the wing. The triad thus vacated by the median is considered as part of the radial sector. There is now general agreement as to what veins in the wing shall be designated as anals and cubitals. Thus the only debatable point left in may- fly venational nomenclature is that of the name of the triad, which the present authors term the outer fork of the radial sector and which Tillyard and other workers consider to be the anterior median. Concerning phylogeny, the conclusions reached are that the mayflies are steadily falling behind in their race for survival, and that in their own ways they are specialized far beyond any other group of insects. Xeedham's theory that the mayflies are not closely related to the ( Monata is substantiated by Knox's work on the body wall and musculature of the thorax. She con- cludes that there is a similarity between the mayllies and cer- tain Neuroptera, the Trichoptera. and the Lepidoptera. It is to be hoped that she will continue her work with other forms such as those of the more generalized genera Siphlonunts and fsmiv- r ///(/. The taxonomic section, which makes up two-thirds of the book, is primarily the work of Dr. Traver. The order, so far as extant forms are concerned, is divided into 3 families and 17 subfamilies. Geographically Xorth America north of Mexico has been included in this section. ( )f the 17 subfamilies 142 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '36 only 3 have not at the time of the writing of this book been recorded from this area. Only one subfamily is unique to North America. Forty-seven genera and 507 species are recog- nized, of which 48 are new. It is interesting to note that in 1907 Banks listed 102 species in his Catalogue of Neuropteroid Insects. Keys are given for families, subfamilies, genera and species. Wherever sufficient information has been available, keys are given for both nymphs and adults. As is to be expected, con- siderably more is known about the adults than about the im- mature stages. Detailed verification tables for the various categories are given and also a complete synonomy for each genus and species. The descriptions of new and redescriptions of old species are well drawn and complete. If any criticisms are to be levelled at this section, they are of omission rather than of commission. One receives the impression that the nymphs have been neg- lected, especially in the description of the species. Although the type locality is given for newt species, it is not included for the old. For each species there is given a list of localities from which specimens have been seen, and the collector's name, but -^'i/lioiit the date of collection. This is a serious omission. Consider the fact that many species have two broods or more per year, that the number of broods probably varies from north to south, that some species emerge in "waves," that some spread out their emergence period over several weeks or months (so far as we know), and that some emerge during only a few days each year, and it can be readily understood why future workers, in trying to untangle complex distributional and tax- onorriic puzzles, will sorely need the collection dates. Since mayflies live only a couple of days at best, the date of collec- tion also gives the investigator the emergence date. These criticisms, however, do not detract seriously from the enormous value of the book. Here for the first time the names, descriptions and known distribution of all North American species, along with a clear delineation of the genera, have been brought together into one volume. Anyone that has ever tried to identify mayfly species will fully comprehend the value and worth of such an undertaking. It is also patent that an almost incredible amount of toil and pains has gone into its prepara- tion. The book is well illustrated with a color plate frontispiece, the pictures of H. A. Hagen, 1>. D. Walsh, Thomas Say, A. F. Eaton, and A. Vayssiere, 40 text plates and 168 text figures. Tlic-re is also ai complete index and bibliography. — HERMAN T. SPIETH. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Guedct, P. O. Box 305, Napa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lcpidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determine tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. Wanted for Cash or Exchange. — North American Butterflies in series especially from type localities and remote places. C. F. dos Passes, Mendham, New Jersey. Wanted — Specimens of North American Cephidae. Will make determinations and exchanges for purposes of revising the group. Donald T. Ries, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Wanted — Collectors desiring living pupae with cocoon attached to natural food plant of Michigan, Samia, Columbia or hybrid with S. Cecropia, write W. S. Me Alpine, 575 Townsend St., Birmingham, Mich. Wanted — North American Chrys'didac- for exchange or determina- tion, with privilege of retaining duplicates. \V ( i. !',< iden-.tein, Department of Entomology, Cornell l.'niversity. Ithaca, Xeu Yovk. Wanted — Chloropiilae (Oscinidae) of the world. Study, detemrn- ation or exchange. C. W. Sab'-osky, Entomology Dcpt., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1007. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.). — Descriptions of n. gen. and sps. of the dipterous taniily Ephydridae. (Trans., 61, 345-372, 1935) .35 1008. — Hull (F. M.). — Descriptions of n. sps. of the genus Sphe- gina, with a key to those known from North America (Syrphidae). (Trans., 61, 373-382, 1 pi., 1935). .20 1011. — James (M. T.). — A proposed clasrification of the Neurotic Stratiomyinae (Stratiomyidae). (Trans., 62, 31-35, 1936) .20 HYMENOPTERA 1009. — Mickel (C. E.). — Description and records of mutil id- wasps of the genus Myrmilloides and Pseudomcthoca (Mutillidae). (Trans., "61, 383-398, 1935) . .35 1013. — Pate (V. S. L.). — Studies in the nyrsonine wasps. I. Species of Psamma'etes, a n. subg. of HopHsoides (Sphecidae). (Trans.. 62,49-56, 1936). .20 LEPIDOPTERA 1012. — Querci (O.). — Notes on Pontia protodice (Pieridae). (Trans., 62, 37-47, 1936) .20 NEUROPTERA 1006. — Prison (T. H.). — New North American species of the genus Alloperla (Plecoptcra: Chloroperlidae). (Trans., 61, 331-344, 4 pis., 1935) . .45 ORTHOPTERA 1004. — Hebard (M.). — Studies in the Orthoptcra of Arizona. III. List of the Dermaptera and Orthoptcra, with new records. (Trans., 61, 269-316, 1935) . .85 1005. — Rehn (J. A. G.). — On certain Mexican and Central Ame-- ican species of Melliera and Stagmomantis (Mantidae). (Trans., 61, 317-329, 1 pi., 1935) .30 1010. — Rehn & Rehn — On new or redefined genera of Nearctic Melanopli (Acrididae). (Trans., 62,' 1-30, 2 pis., 1936) .65 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. -Herewith find remittance for $ _, for which please send me the items checked above. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy, All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad> dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied, Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA REVISTA DE ENTOMOLOGIA AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ENTOMOLOGY An illustrated magazine published four times a year by Thomaz Borg- meier, O. F. M., devoted to entomology, mainly of the neotropical fauna. The four volumes already published (1931-1935) comprise more than 2,500 pages and contain articles by leading entomologists such as W. M. Wheeler, F. W. Edwards, W.!, Horn, E. Lindner, E. Martini, A. da Costa Lima, F. Silvestri, C. Menozzi, A. Reichensperger, F. Santschi, D. Moulton, etc., with a bibliography of the current literature (economic and non-economic) of the neotropical fauna. Price to subscribers 4 U. S. dollars, payable in advance. Through booksellers 5 U. S. dollars ; discount to booksellers 2Q%. Volumes I-IV are still on sale; price of each volume 4 U. S. dollars; through booksellers 5 U. S. dollars. Subscriptions should be sent to the Editor : THOMAZ BORGMEIER, 0. F. M., ConTento S. Antonio, Largo da Carioca, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, or to ADOLF SCHLUTER, Kuhlenstrasse 45, Minden i. W., Germany. INSECT BOXES of Beauty., Permanence., Economy THE SCHMITT BOX. For nearly 50 years the Schmitt Box has been the uncontested leader in the insect box field. Its basswood frame is varnished and rubbed to a high polish. Pinning bottom of the best grade of entomological cork. Completely dust and pest-proof. Size 9" x 13" x 2y2". Each, $2.75. WARD'S INSECT BOX. Similar in construction to the Schmitt box, but lacking the high finish of the more expensive container. Made with the same pest-proof liner. Each, $1.75. ECONOMY BOX. The best bargain in entomology today. Unfinished kiln-dried basswood frame, fir ply wood top and bottom, wood pulp composition pinning bottom. Each, $1.25; per dozen, $12.00. W A R D' S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, incJ The Frank A. Ward Foundation of Natural Science of the University of Rochester READ WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL BULLETIN ... issued monthly 300 NORTH GOODMAN STREET ROCHESTER NEW YORK Transactions of Entomological Society of London 50 Volumes Bound, Good Condition, at One-sixth Publishers' Price Many Other Important Works Cheap Fine Morpho cypris, rhetenor, menelaus, etc., at low rates per dozen or 100. Urania riphaeus bred. Fine named Indian Butterflies, European do., New Guinea Delias, Ornithoptera alexandra (bred) etc. Particulars from A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND To get in touch with collectors who can furnish Lep- idoptera in miscellaneous lots, at lot prices. Specimens must be in good condition, accurately named and with full data. In answering, send lists of material you have and material you want. S. C. CARPENTER, Box 1344, Hartford, Connecticut. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JUNE, 1936 Vol. XLVII No. 6 HENRY CHRISTOPHER McCoox, 1837-1911. CONTENTS McClure— Psocid Habits 143 Pate — Rhectognathus, A New Group in the Lindenius Complex (Hym- enoptera: Sphecidae: Crabronini) 147 Cross — New Organization for Amateur Entomologists 153 Stehr — Some Notes and Records of Minnesota Orthoptera 154 Riegel — An Insect with Seven Tarsi (Coleop.: Scarabaeidae) .... 158 Entomological Literature 159 Review of HubbelPs Ceuthophilus 165 Review of Hoffmann's Scutelleroidea of China 167 Obituary— Professor Anton Handlirsch 168 Miller — Nephrocyte Cells and their Function in the Aphididae (Hom- optera) 169 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Clasg Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act ef October 3, 1917, authorized January IS, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Schmieder, Ph.D., V. S. L. Pate, Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00, Canada $3.15, Foreign $3.25, Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in,, $ 7.00 Ten issues, 8.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted ; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. No illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. No charge for printing text-figures. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks* furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1936, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. Tha printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles, without covers, over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies. 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed eoTeri for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NRWS VOL. XLVII. JUNE, 1936 No. 6 Psocid Habits. By H. ELLIOTT McCLURE, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. (Continued from page 118.) VARIATIONS IN EGG LAYING. The insects, are capable of changing their methods of laying, but the sequence may not be broken. A female may walk about while laying a group and, although she may encounter other unfinished groups of eggs, she returns to hers with unerring accuracy. The presence of other insects of her kind in the vicinity does not interfere with the sequence, but should some- thing unusual happen or should she become angered or fright- ened, the sequence is disturbed and freak groups of eggs re- sult. For example : one female laid six eggs, four in one group and two in another. She completely covered the four with the usual silk, making the mat 1.5 millimeters in diameter. The other two were untouched, no silk having been spun over them. Evidently the two eggs laid apart were not the last two eggs laid for if they had been, she probably would have spun over them. In her wanderings during oviposition she must have lost the original eggs and laid the first, or possibly both, of the two. Then she discovered the others and finished laying and spinning over them. Sometimes the eggs are laid on the rough sooty mold, but preferably they must have a smooth surface. Occa- sionally a female goes crazy and sprays her eggs about, spin- ning no web whatsoever over any of them. A still more unusual variation occurred in the laying of one female. After depositing two eggs she began clearing her ali- mentary canal by a series of excretions totalling twelve in two hours, during which time she took no food. Later the group was finished normally. 143 144 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '36 Apparently the stimulus which incites the female to spin over the eggs originates in the ovaries. Very seldom are there more than six eggs mature enough to be laid, so that when these are deposited the ovaries or connecting glands stimulate the silk glands to the enormous production necessary for the spinning. This seems to be true, for the aged adults will lay but one egg, or two, or three, thus exhausting their ovaries and then spin the usual mat over the one, two or three. If, however, an adult lays the full quota of six in two groups, only one receives the silk and the other is not covered. Some adults even when fresh are capable of laying only five at a time and do so con- sistently throughout their lives. Such bizarre exceptions as the one mentioned above wherein the female spreads her eggs and does not spin are not explicable except on the supposition that the adult was completely worn out. If the adult is rudely interrupted in her spinning dance, she is incapable of resuming the work where she left off, but leaves the eggs partially covered. The insect is so delicate that to disturb it without fear of injury a drop of water was dropped upon it. In this way females could be interrupted during their spinning exercise without injury to themselves and in no case were they able to return to the spinning and finish it. The embryonic period is from 5 to 9 days, depending upon the external conditions which apparently greatly affect the de- velopment. FURTHER BIOLOGICAL NOTES. Embryological development, hatching, growth, ecdysis and further biological information on Ectof>socns are comprehen- sively discussed by Miss Wachter ( 1925), Pearman (1928) and Weber (1931), so that only details and variations will be dis- cussed here. The oviruptor is borne on the vertex of the head of the embryo. It is colorless, transparent, nearly semicircular in out- line and bears 35 to 40 teeth on the outer edge. The most ventral end is slightly knobbed and bears teeth on the side. The structure is about 60 microns long and 12 microns wide at the widest part. On either side is a brace which extends across xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 145 the face and down to the eyes. Miss Wachter of California (1925) has followed the hatching of this insect very closely. The accompanying Tahle 1 gives the sizes and growth <>l the nymphs and lengths of the instars. There are from five to six instars depending upon the amount of food available and other conditions. The nymphal life is from 14 to 40 days. Young nymphs are clumsy-footed and gamble among the adults as lambs among the sheep. They trip and hump into their mothers, who do not seem to mind it in the least. The slightest disturb- ance sends them scurrying pell mell in all directions. The nymphs have the same bulging foreheads as the adults which, with their rather immobile antennae, give them a ram-like ap- pearance. Table 1. The life cycle of the psocid, Ectopsocus calif or ni- cns Banks, including the duration of the various stages, the sizes and growth of the nymphs and other details. Size Stage Length in Width in Duration Millimeters Millimeters Adult Egg-laying period I .ay ing one egg mass Egg Hatching and shedding of Pronymphal Exuvia 1st. instar 2nd. Ecdysis 2nd. instar 3rd. Ecdysis 3rd. instar 4th. Ecdysis 4th. instar 5th. Ecdysis 5th. instar 6th. Ecdysis (»th. instar * 7th. Ecdysis Adult Nymphs Life Cycle 2.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1 .4 to 1 .6 1.8 2.4 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.6 to 0.65 0.7 0.7 15-30 (lavs 9-18 days 2 hours 6-9 days 20-40 minutes 2-10 days 5-10 minutes 2-18 days 5-10 minutes 2-7 days 5-10 minutes 2-5 days 5-10 minutes 2-5 days 5-15 minutes 2-5 days 12-15 minutes 15-30 days 14-40 days 30-50 days * The sixth instar may, in some cases, be the adult, in others an instar immediately preceding the adult. This variation depends upon the in- dividual and the external conditions. 146 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '36 All stages are fastidious, but they can clean their antennae only by stepping on them with a front tarsus and then pulling them out. It is physically impossible for the insects to direct their antennae forward, but} they carry them curved to the side or up and back. The feet and legs are cleaned by bending the head under and grasping far up on the femur. Then the leg is drawn through the mandibles as the head is moved forward so that the appendage is thoroughly cleaned with saliva. The adult does not dust the wings. After each ecdysis there is a reduction in size of the insect, but this is soon regained by feeding. The nymphs are very resistant and can live thirty days without development. The life cycle of these insects is completed in 30 to 50 days and there are 10 or 12 generations a year in the greenhouse. Under laboratory conditions ten generations were produced in a year, but these conditions were not always favorable to de- velopment. Furthermore, during the year the psocids spread in the palm house from a few hundred feeding on the sooty mold on the Arcca to several thousand feeding on 20 species of plants bearing the mold. Under these conditions the biotic potential of this species about 10". No parasites were noted attacking any stage of the psocids. BIBLIOGRAPHY. BADONNEL, A. 1933. The oviposition of Psacus bipunctatus L. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 58 (1): 69-71. BANKS, NATHAN. 1903. Some New Neuropteroid Insects. Journ. N. Y. Ento. Soc., p. 237. PEARMAN, J. V. 1928. Biological Observations on British Psocoptera. Entomologist's Monthly Magazine, LXIV. WACHTER, SIBYL. 1925. The Hatching of the Eggs of Pcrip- socus calif ornicus Banks. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, II. WEBER, HERMANN. 1931. Die Lebensgeschichte von Ectopso- CHS pari'itlns (Kolbe 1882). Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. 138 (3): 457-486. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 147 Rhectognathus, A New Group in the Lindenius Complex (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae: Crabrcnini) By V. S. L. PATE, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. There is before me a short series of small Crabronine wasps which represent a new group closely allied to the old world Encopognathus. They are particularly interesting in that they exhibit certain features that parallel in some measure those pos- sessed by the more primitive members of the Oxybelini and while probably not ancestral to this group, nevertheless, offer a suggestion as to what that original and probably now extinct stock may have been like. RHECTOGNATHUS ' new subgentis. Head with mandibles simple and acute apically, strongly ex- cised beneath, internally bidentate on basal half; eyes naked; antennal sockets distant, the distance between them almost twice the distance between them and the nearest eye margin ; antennae of both sexes 12-segmented, the pedicel and the first and second fiagellar segments subequal in length, scapes compressed and evenly, arcuately, inwardly bowed — strongly so in the male, weakly in female ; ocelli arranged in a very flat triangle ; maxil- lary palpi 6-segmented, labial 4-segmented. Females with a well developed psammophore. Tlwra.r subtly punctured ; mesopleura rounded anteriorly, not sharply margined (i.e. without an epicnemium), smooth, shin- ing, and finely punctate ; mesepisterna without a precoxal carina before the middle coxae ; suture between the mesonotum and the scutellum simple, not dilated laterally; middle tibiae with one small calcaria apically. Winys with the marginal cell of the fore wing rather long, squarely truncate apically, the transverse cubital vein distinctly ungulate, perpendicular above, sharply inclined basad helmv <<> cuhitus, joining the radius about middle of marginal cell, re- current vein joining cubitus about middle and not causing it in be appreciably angled backward; first discoidal cell trapexoidal. Anal lobe of hind wings not longer than the submedian cell. _ Abdomen depressed; first and second segments broadly ses- sile; first and second tergites with a sharp edge laterally" as in I'cloniicnts and somewhat inflexed, remaining tergites inflexed 1 PTT/CTOS, broken + j'Traflos, jaw, in allusion to tin- structure of the mandibles. 148 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '36 but without sharp margins laterally; pygidial area present in both sexes; first three sternites flatly convex, remainder flatly concave. Gcuolvpe: Eiicopoynathus (Khcctognathns) f>cc1inalits new species. Encopognathus (Rhectognathus) pectinatus new species. $ . Length 5 mm. Black with a nigrocaeruleous tinge partic- ularly on face ; the following light yellow : scapes, pedicel and flagellum anteriorly and beneath, save the last segment of the last which is abruptly entirely black ; pronotal tubercles ; post- scutellum; fore femora with a stripe beneath, middle femora with a stripe anteriorly, all tibiae and tarsi. Abdomen with the first two segments black basally, apical half orange-rufous, re- mainder of abdomen orange-rufous. Clypeus and lower part of the front with appressed silvery pubescence ; upper portion of face and vertex with very short, erect, rather sparse pile. Thorax with short sparse, suberect pubescence. Abdomen with sparse decumbent aeneous pubescence longer than that of thorax. Wings hyaline with a fuscous tinge; veins brown. Plead shining, finely, subtly punctured ; clypeus medio-api- cally truncate and with a very flat, transverse, triangular, shin- ing, impunctate bevel ; scapes strongly compressed, strongly and evenly bowed inwardly, anteriorly with a longitudinal keel ; ped- icel and flagellum strongly compressed, the pedicel and the first flagellar segment strongly pectinate apically, the pedicel and the first and second flagellar articles subequal in length, the last flagellar segment strongly flattened and subspatulate ; a short median longitudinal impressed line from the anterior ocellus ; ocellar line about one and one-half times the length of the ocellocular line. Thorax shining, with fine subtle puncturation ; pronotum rounded anteriorly, not carinate, dorsally with a narrow, trans- verse shallow groove, semicircularly excised medially ; mesono- tum with puncturation similar to front but closer; mesopleura shining, anteriorly with sparse, fine puncturation, posteriorly along with the metapleura highly polished and impunctate ; scu- tellum finely striato-punctate ; postscutellum strongly convex, anterior margin strongly concave. Propodeum finely, irregularly, clathrately rugulose throughout, with the dorsal triangular area poorly defined, posterior face with a distinct pyriform median fovea which is smooth and shining within. Anterior tarsi with the first segment as long or longer than the remaining segments and somewhat flattened and distorted ; middle tarsi with the first segment strongly bowed, subequal in length to the remaining xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 149 segments ; hind tarsi with the first segment thickened and sub- equal in length to the remaining segments ; middle and hind tibiae thickened apically and minutely spinose externally. Abdomen depressed, cordiform, shining, with very fine, well separated, regularly disposed punctures ; pygidium flat, subtri- gonal, the apex broadly rounded, beset with coarse, scattered punctures; second and third sternites flatly convex, remainder shallowly concave, the lateral margins of the tergites folded under to the ventral surface and imbricate with the lateral mar- gins of the sternites. 9 . Length 6.5 mm. Black ; the following light yellow : scapes, pedicel and flagellum beneath; pronotum dorsally on each side of the median excision with a short, narrow, trans- verse line, the tubercles ; tegulae anteriorly and the axillary sclerites ; posterior margin of the scutellum with a narrow line interrupted medially ; postscutellum ; fourth abdominal tergite with a narrow, indistinct, preapical fascia; fifth tergite with a broader, distinct preapical fascia; last tergite entirely, inflexed ventral portions of the fourth and fifth tergites ; all tibiae and tarsi ; fore femora save posterior basal half, middle and hind femora apically. The following f ulvofuscous : mandibles med- ially; clypeus discally ; pedicel and flagellum above; apical mar- gins of the first three abdominal tergites. Clypeus except the triangular bevelate area, and the lower part of the front with appressed silvery pubescence; upper half of face and vertex with short, dark, erect, pubescence; abdomen with decumbent, rather sparse, aeneous pile. Head with the face, save for the nitidous antennal scrobes, subopaque, and finely, semiconfluently acupunctate, temples aci- culate; the scape not as strongly bowed as in the male, the anterior longitudinal keel very weak, pedicel but not the flag- ellum compressed as in the male, the pedicel and the first flagellar article simple, not pectinate: clypeus discally to apex with an equilateral triangular, shining, highly polished, impunctate bevelate area, medioapically truncate and 7-dentate ; mandibular and temporal ammochaetae well developed. Tliom.r similar to that of the male, the puncturation of the mesonotum, however, closer, and the scutellum aciculate ; hu- meral, trochanteral, femoral and tibial ammocha-ta_> well devel- oped, the tibiae with a series on the fore as well' as on the hind margin; a short tarsal comb present on fore tarsi which are flattened. Propodeum with the dorsal, posterior and caudal portion of the lateral faces shining and transversely, finely striate, the triangular dorsal enclosure and the median fovea o'f 150 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '36 the posterior face obsolescent. Legs similar to male but the spination of the middle and hind tibiae stronger. Abdomen similar to male ; pygidium triangular, the apex acute, beset with coarse scattered punctures. Holot\pc. — $ , Claremont, CALIFORNIA (C. F. Baker) [Cor- nell University Type No. 1405]. AUotyfic. — 9 , (same data as type). Paratypcs. — 3 $ $ , Bryson, CALIFORNIA, April 25, 1917 (E. P. Van Duzee). The closest allies of Rhectognathus are to be found in the old world Mediterranean and .'Ethiopian Encopognathus group with which it agrees in the characteristic venation of the fore wing and the naked eyes, but differs in possessing subtle punc- turation and sculpture and in lacking an epicnemium and a pre- coxal carina on the mesepisterna before the middle coxae. Spe- cimens of Encopognathus are very rare in collections and while a number of species have been described, these are known mainly only from the females. Kohl, however, in his mono- graph of the Palsearctic Crabrones, notes the fact that he has before him a male - of an unclescribed Indian species but does not state how many segments it has in the antennae, and I have consequently assumed that the males of Encopognathus possess the normal number of thirteen. In the Nearctic species before me, Rhectognathus pcctinatus, the males have only twelve seg- ments in the antennae, which will further serve to differentiate the Rhectognathus group from Encopognathus. Kohl and various other authors consider Entomognathus and Encopognathus as merely subgenera of Lindcnlus. However, I believe that those groups in which the mandibles are excised beneath should be accorded a rank co-ordinate with that of Lindcnlus. Moreover, at present, I consider that the group with hairy eyes — Entomognathus — should be ranked as a genus distinct from those with naked eyes — Encopognathus and En- tomocrabro. An unique female from the Putomayo or Rio Pachitea district of Peru before me agrees very well with Kohl's descriptions and figures of Entomocrabro,3 save that the first discoidal cell has a tendency to be trapezoidal rather than 2 Ann. k. k. naturhist. Hofmus. \Vicn, 1915, xxix : 320. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL M-AVS rhomboidal. Until I have had an opportunity, consequently, to see more material of this group, particularly of the males, I re- gard it tentatively as a distinct genus closely allied to Rhccto- t/iititlius and somewhat annectant between it and Entouio- (/iiatlnis. I have seen no material of Encopognathus and know it only from the descriptions and figures of Kohl 4 and Arnold,0 but as indicated above, it is indubitably very closely allied to RlicctognatliHs which may best be considered as only a subgenus of it. At first glance, Karossia described by Arnold6 for a unique female from South Africa might be thought to belong to this group. However, Arnold states that the middle tibiae have two calcaria apically and I therefore think that because of this and certain other features it exhibits that it should be accorded tribal rank. The Karossiini apparently are rather generalized forms and no doubt represent a surviving remnant of that primitive stock from which have arisen two divergent lines, the Crabron- ines proper and the Oxybelines. Nothing is known of the ethology of either Encopognathus or Rhectognathus, but from the well developed psammophore of the female in the latter, this group probably build their nests in sandy soil or dry ground, excavating their burrows in a man- ner similar to that of Bclomicrus and Anacrabro. Until further material is forthcoming, the following key will serve to distinguish the various groups of this complex. A. Middle tibiae with two apical spurs ; mandibles excised be- neath; South African forms, KAROSSIINI: Karossia Arnold. —Middle tibiae with one or no apical spurs. . . .CRABRONIM : 1. 1. Abdominal tergites abruptly tlexed under at the sides so that the ventral and dorsal portions of the tergites form a sharp edge at their junction; sternites flat or concave; New World forms ................ -limcnthro Packard. —Abdominal tergites not abruptly flexed under at the sides, at most with only the first two with a sharp edge laterally; 3Verh. Zool. Bot. Ges. Wien, 1905, lv: . 4 Ann. k. k. natiirliist. Ilofmus. \Yk-n. lS9r>, \i : 4S'>. 5 Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1926, xi : 345. 8 Ann. Transvaal Mus. 1929, xiii : 40''. 152 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '36 sternites more or less convex 2. 2. Mandibles simple and acute apically ; ocelli arranged in a flat triangle; a distinct pygiclial area present in both sexes. 3. -Mandibles bidentate, tridentate, or blunt and obliquely trun- cate apically; ocelli usually not arranged in quite so flat a triangle ; a distinct pygidial area usually not present in the males Crabroncs ccicri 3. Mandibles entire beneath; eyes naked; mesepisterna without a precoxal carina before the middle coxae, Lindcmns Le Peletier. —Mandibles excised beneath 4. 4. Eyes hairy ; mesepisterna without a precoxal carina before the middle coxae ; marginal cell of the fore wing elon- gate, the transverse cubital vein straight and inclined, the recurrent vein joining the cubitus distinctly beyond the middle and noi* causing it to be angled appreciably back- ward; anal lobe of the hind wing longer than the short submedian cell; abdominal tergites 2-5 (and 6 in the males) basally with a transverse furrow which curves caudad laterally and runs parallel to the lateral margins, basal portion covered by the preceding tergite. the lat- eral portions visible Entomoynatlius Dahlbom. —Eyes naked ; anal lobe of the hind wing shorter than the sub- median cell ; abdominal tergites not so constructed. . . .5. 5. Marginal cell of fore wing short, the transverse cubital vein straight and inclined, joining the radial vein distinctly before the middle of the marginal cell ; recurrent vein joining the cubitus distinctly before the middle and caus- ing it to be appreciably angled backward ; first discoidal cell rhomboidal; mesepisterna without a precoxal carina before the middle coxae and with a horizontal longi- tudinal foveolate furrow from the foveolate episternal suture to meso-metapleural suture just above the middle coxae ; eyes at the level of the antennal sockets close to- gether, sculpture and puncturation fine ; Neotropical forms Eutonwcrabro Kohl. -Marginal cell of fore wing longer, the transverse cubital vein distinctly angulate, the upper portion perpendicular, the lower part sharply inclined to cubitus, joining the radius about the middle of marginal cell ; recurrent vein joining cubitus about at middle and not causing it to be appre- ciably angled backward; first discoidal cell trapezoidal; xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 153 eyes not so close together at the level of the antennal sockets Encopognathus Kohl. Subgenera of Encopognathus. Head and thorax coarsely sculptured; mesepisterna sharply margined anteriorly (i.e. with an epicnemium), and with a precoxal carina before the middle coxae; males with 13-segmented antennae; ( )ld \\'orld forms, Encopognathus Kohl. Head and thorax subtly punctured at most ; mesepisterna rounded anteriorly, without a sharp margin, and without a precoxal carina before the middle coxae; males with 12-segmented antennae; female's with a psammophore ; New World forms Rhectognathus new submenus. New Organization for Amateur Entomologists. In the March issue of Hobbies magazine appeared an exten- sive article on butterflies, by Frank Clay Cross, together with anj advertisement announcing the formation of a new organiza- tion for amateur entomologists. The aims of the new group, which is known as the Entomologists' Exchange Association, are as follows : 1. To foster a more scientific attitude toward the study ot butterflies, moths, beetles and other insects by amateur collec- tors throughout boreal America, and to encourage more persons to become purposeful collectors, to the end that our knowledge of the various species may be extended by more widespread and intensive research. 2. To assist amateur collectors with appropriate information, and in the identification of specimens. 3. To facilitate the exchange of entomological specimens among collectors, both amateur and professional, in various parts of North America. While the Entomologists' Exchange Association is primarily to help amateur collectors, professional entomologists are also invited to participate in its activities, and to cooperate with its organizers in accomplishing the aims which have been set for it. It is a purely non-profit organization. Inquiries and offers of assistance should be addressed to Frank C. Cross, 13(>2 Race Street, Denver, Colorado. 154 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | June, '36 Some Notes and Records of Minnesota Orthoptera. By WM. C. STEHR, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. During the late summer of both 1934 and 1935 the writer made some observations and collections of Orthoptera in wes- tern and northern Minnesota which are perhaps worth record- ing. In 1934 five weeks were spent in Odessa and Artichoke Townships, in Big Stone County, where the extreme drought had practically ruined all crops. The chief vegetation in the fields and pastures in August and September was Russian thistle, Salsola kali var. ten ui folia G. F. W. Mey. Prairie grasses were present only in areas that had not been cultivated for years or had never been brought into cultivation. Other weeds and grasses were evident only near runs and depressions where slightly more moisture was available. Small grains had been cut or pastured and corn was a complete failure. In most places half or less of the soil surface was covered by vegetation. Orthoptera, principally Acrididae, were abundant. After each trip into the field notes were made as to the species encountered and their relative abundance. Examination of these notes shows that the following were the commonest species. They are listed in order of their abundance: Mclanoplus (/ladstoni (Scudder), Ageneotettix dconim dconini (Scudder), Mclano- plns ine.ricaniis inc.vicainis Saussure, Trachyrachis kiowa kiowa (Thomas), Caininila pcllucida (Scudder). Eighteen other species of Orthoptera were present but none of them were so generally widespread over the areas examined. In 1935 five weeks were again spent in this area at approxi- mately the same time of year. Much more rain had fallen dur- ing the preceding months although a six-week drought in the latter part of July and the first three weeks of August had in- jured crops and other vegetation severely in the region. How- ever Russian thistle had been replaced to a large degree by rag- weeds and other plants which normally take possession of more or less barren areas of roadsides and pastures and of stubble fields. The Orthoptera were not as abundant as in the preced- 1 Paper No. 10, from the Department <>!" I'.inli^y, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ing year, 1>ut more species were encountered. They were evi- dently somewhat later in reaching maturity, since many more nymphs were noted in the fields. Mclanoplits haya futilis Lee. with an abnor- mally developed right front leg was taken with others of the same genus near lights in State Park 47, Western Springs, Illinois, during the last week of June, 1935. The tibia of the deformed leg is shorter than normal, and twisted. It has three tibial spurs instead of one. Two tarsi of the; normal number of five segments are borne on this right front leg (Fig. 2). One tarsus has three tarsal claws instead of two, the third one bearing an extra point. There are no claws on the other tarsus. — GARLAND T. RIEGEL, Champaign, Illinois. New List of Titles of Publ/cat/ons Referred to by Numbers in Entomological Literature in Entomological News. 1. Transactions of The American Entomological Society. Philadelphia. 2. Entomologische Blatter, red. v. H. Eckstein etc. Berlin. 3. Annales Sci. Naturelles, Zoologie, Paris. 4. Canadian Entomologist. London, Canada. 5. Pysche, A Journal of Entomology. Boston, Mass. 6. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. New York. 7. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Columbus, Ohio. 8. Entomologists' Monthly Magazine. London. 9. The Entomologist. London. 10. Proceedings of the Ent. Soc. of Washington. Washington, D. C. 11. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift. Berlin. 12. Journal of Economic Entomology, Geneva, N. Y. 13. Journal of Entomology and Zoology. Claremont, Cal. IS. Annales Academia Brasileira de Sciencias. Rio de Janeiro. 17. Entomologische Rundschau. Stuttgart, Germany. 18. Internationale entomologische Zeitschrift. Guben, Germany. 19. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. Brooklyn, N. Y. 20. Societas entomologica. Stuttgart, Germany. 21. The Entomologists' Record and Journal of Variation. London. 22. Bulletin of Entomological Research. London. 23. Bollettino del Lab. di Zool. gen. e agraria della Portici. Italy. 24. Annales de la societe entomologique de France. Paris. 25. Bulletin de la societe entomologique de France. Paris. 26. Entomologischer Anzeiger, hersg. Adolf Hoffmann. Wien, Austria. 27. Bolletino della Societa Entomologica Italiana. Genova. 28. Ent. Tidskrift utgifen af Ent. Foreningen i Stockholm. Sweden. 29. Annual Report of the Ent. Society of Ontario. Toronto, Canada. 30. Archives do Institute de Biologia Vegetal, R. d. Janeiro. 31. Nature. London. 32. Boletim do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janiero. Brazil. 33. Bull, et Annales de la Societe entomologique de Belgique. Bruxelles. 34. Zoologischer Anzeiger, hrsg. v. E. Korschelt. Leipzig. 35. The Annals of Applied Biology. Cambridge, England. 36. Trans. Royal Entomological Society, London. England. 37. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society. Honolulu. 38. Bull, of the Southern California Academy of Sciences. Los Angeles. 39. The Florida Entomologist. Gainesville, Fla. 40. American Museum Novitates. New York. 41. Mitteilungen der schweiz. ent. Gesellschaft. Schaffhausen, Switzerland. 42. The Journal of Experimental Zoology. Philadelphia. 43. Ohio Journal of Sciences. Columbus, Ohio. 44. Revista chilena de historia natural. Valparaiso, Chile. 45. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Jnsektenbiologie. Berlin. _ 46. Zeitschrift fiir Morphologic und Okologie der Tiere. Berlin. 47. Journal of Agricultural Research. Washington, D. C. 48. Wiener entomologische Zeitung. Wien, Austria. 49. Entomologische Mitteilungen. Berlin. 50. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. Wisliinafton. D. C. 51. Notulae entomologicae, ed. Soc. ent. Helsingfors. Helsingfors, Finland. 52. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, hrsg. v. E. Strand. Berlin. 53. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. London. 54. Annales de Parasitologie Humaine et Comparee. Paris. 55. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. San Francisco. Cal. 56. "Konowia". Zeit. fiir systematische Insektenkunde. Wien, Austria. 57. La Feuille des Naturalistes. Paris. 58. Entomologische Berichten. Nederlandsche ent. Ver. Amsterdam. 59. Encyclopedic entomologique, ed. P. Lechevalier. Paris. 60. Stettiner entomologische Zeitung. Stettin, Germany. 61. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. 62. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. New York. 63. Deutsche entomologische Zeitschrift "Iris". Dresden. 64. Zeitschrift des bsterr. entomologen-Vereines. Wien. 65. Zeitschrift fur angewandte Entomologie, hrsg. K. Escherich. Berlin. 66. Report of the Proceedings of the Entomological Meeting. Pusa, India. 67. University of California Publications, Entomology. Berkeley, Cal. 68. Science. New York. 69. Physis. Revista Soc. Argentina Cien. Nat. Buenos Aires. 70. Entomologica Americana, Brooklyn Entomological Society. Brooklyn. 71. Novitates Zoologicae. Tring, England. 72. Revue russe d'Entomologie. Leningrad, USSR. 73. Mem. Institute Butantan. Sao Paulo, Brazil. 74. Sbornik entomolog. narodniho musea v Praze. Prague, Czechoslavokia. 75. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. 77. Comptes rendus heb. des seances et memo, de la soc. de biologic. Paris. 78. Bulletin Biologique de la France et de la Belgique. Paris. 79. Koleopterologische Rundschau. Wien. 80. Lepidopterologische Rundschau, hrsg. Adolf Hoffmann. Wien. 82. Bulletin, Division of the Natural History Survey. Urbana, Illinois. 83. Arkiv for zoologie, K. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien i. Stockholm. 84. Ecology. Brooklyn. 85. Genetics. Princeton, New Jersey. 87. Archiv fur Entwicklungs mechanik der Organ., hrsg. v. Roux. Leipzig. 88. Die Naturwissenschaften, hrsg. A. Berliner. Berlin. 89. Zoologische Jahrbiicher, hrsg. v. Spengel. Jena, Germany. 90. The American Naturalist. Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. 91. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Washington, D. C. 92. Biological Bulletin. Wood's Hole, Massachusetts. 93. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. England. 94. Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie. Leipzig. 95. Proceedings of the Biological Soc. of Washington, Washington, D. C. Q7. Biologisches Zentralblatt. Leipzig. 98. Le Naturaliste Canadien. Cap Rouge, Chicoutimi, Quebec. 99. Melanges exotico-entomologiques, Par Maurice Pic. Moulins, France. 100. Bulletin Intern., Acad. Polonaise Sci. et Lett. Cracovic. 101. Tijdschrift voor entomologie. Nederland. Ent. Ver., Amsterdam. 102. Entomologiske Meddelelser, Entomologisk Forening, Copenhagen. 103. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, Lawrence, Kansas 104. Revista de la Sociedad entomologica Argentina, Buenos Aires. 105. Revista Entomologia, Sao Paulo, Brazil. 106. Anales Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Bueros Aires. 107. Proc., Royal Entomological Society, London. 108. Revista, Col. Nac. Vicente Rocafuerte. Guayaquil. 109. Arbeiten uber morpholog. und taxonom. cut. aus Berlin-Dahlem. 110. Arbeiten ueber phvsiolog. u. angewandte e^t. aus Berlin-Dahlem. 111. Memorias do Institute Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro. 112. Anales del Institute de Biologia Mexico. 113. Entomologische Beihcftc aus Berlin DahU-m. 114. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 115. Memorias de la Soc. Cubana de Hist. Nat. Havana, Cuba. 116. Parasitology. Ed. Keilin and Hindle. London. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 159 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY V. S. L. PATE, LAURA S. MACKEY and E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published In our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICA.L NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so Indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (•). Papers published in the Entomological News are not1 listed. GENERAL. — Benjamin, F. H. — Obituary by Muesebeck & Heinrich. [10] 38: 25-26, ill. Obituary by G. P. Engle- harclt. [191 31 : 48. Caudell, A.— In Memoriam by Howard & Busck. [10] 38: 33-47, ill. Englehardt, G. P.— the desert in bloom. [19] 31: 49-56. Frost, S. W.— Ancient Artizans. The Wonders of the Insect World. Van Press, Boston, 1936. 295 pp., ill. Harkema, R. — The parasites of some N. Carolina rodents. [Ecol. Mon.] 6: 153-218. Neave, S. A- The Relations between mankind and the insect world. [107 A] 10: 112-121. Samson, E.— Etalage des papillons avec des presses en verre. [Bui. Soc. Linn. Lyon] 4: 61-64, ill. de la Torre Bueno, J. R. — Nationalistic science. [19] 31 : 78. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Abbott, C. E.- On the olfactorv powers of a necrophilous beetle (Staphy.). [19] 31 : 73-75. ' Abercrombie, W. F. — Studies on cell num- ber and the progression factor in the growth of Japanese beetle larvae (Popillia japonica). [Journ. Morph.] 59: 91- 112, ill. Ahrens, W. — Monographic des weiblichen gesch- lechtsapparates der termiten. [Jenais. Zeit. Natur\v.| 70: 223-306, ill. Alpatov, W. W. — Contribution to the study of the variation in the honeybee. IV. The Egyptian h.mcvbee and its position among other bees. [Hull. Soc. Xat. Mos- cow] (Biol.). 44: 290-292. Becker & Roudabush.— Brief directions in histological technique. Collegiate Press, 160 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | June, '36 Ames, Iowa, 1935. 80 pp. Boese, G. — Der einfluss tierischer parasiten auf den organismus der insekten. [Zeit. Parasi- tenk.] 8: 243-284, ill. Bytinski-Salz, H.— Die Ausbildung des Chitinpanzers in der Schmetterlingspuppe. [97] 56: 35- 61, ill. Carlson, J. G. — The intergeneric homology of an atypical euchromosome in several closely related Acridinae (Orthop.). [Journ. Morph.] 59: 123-161, ill. David, K.- Beitrage zur Anatomic mid Lebensgeschichte von Osmylus chrysops. (Neurop.). [46] 134: 151-206, ill. Debaisieux, P. — Organes pulsatiles des tibias de Notonectes. [Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles] (B), 56: 77-87, ill. Delbriick & Timofeeff- Ressovsky. — Cosmic rays and the origin of species. [31] 137: 358-359. Diakonoff, A. — Contribution to the knowl- edge of the fly reflexes and the static sense in Periplaneta americana. [Arch. Neerl. Phys. Homme et Anim.j 21 : 104- 129. von Frankenberg, G. — Das Puppenstadium der Flor- fliege (Chrysopa vulgaris). [97] 56: 94-100, ill. Friesen, H. -Roentgenmorphosen bei Drosophila. [87] 134: 147-165. Gorski, W. — Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Morphologic von Acentropus niveus (Lepidop.). [Trav. Soc. Sci. Lit., Wilno] IX, no. 33: 19 pp., ill. (Polish, Germ, sumni.) Griswold & Crowell. — The effect of humidity on the development of the webbing clothes moth (Tineola biselliella). [84] 17: 241-250, ill. Guareschi, C. — Ricerche sperimentali sulla nymfosi degli insetti. [Arch. Zool. Torino] 22: 197-221, ill. Heidt, K. — Ueber das Leuchten der Collembolen Onychi- urus armatus und Achorutes muscorum. [97] 56: 100-109. Heil, K. H. — Beitrage zur Physiologic und Psychologic der Springspinnen (Salticidae). [Zeitschr. Vergleich. Phys.] 23: 1-25, ill. Karsakoff, M. — Le role du coloris des ailes du "iris deserti" dans le rapprochement des sexes. FBul. Soc. Linn. Lyon] 4: 144. Ludwig & Abercrombie. — Histologi- cal changes accompanying the growth of the mid-intestine of Japanese beetle larvae (Popillia japonica). [Journ. Morph.] 59: 113-122. Oosthuizen, M. J.— The effect of high temperature on the confused flour beetle. [Univ. Minn. Ag. Exp. Sta.] Tech. Bui. 107: 44 pp. Pagast, F.— Ueber Ban und Funktion der Analpapillen bei Aedes aecypti. (Dipt: Culic.). [89, Abt. Zool. & Phys.] 56: 183-218, ill. Poll, M.--Le tube de malpijrhi des insectes compare PU tube urinane des vertebres. [An. Soc. R. Zool. Belg.] 65: 87-95. del Portillo, J. — Beziehungen zwischen den Ofif- nungswinkeln cler Ommatidien, Kriimmung und Gestalt der Insektenaugen und Hirer Funktionellen Aufgabe. [Zeit- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 161 schr. Vergleich, Phys.] 23: 100-145, ill. Querci, O.— Effects of the temperature on the development of Pieris brassicae. [21] 48: 37-41. Thiel, H. — Vergleichende untersuchungen an den vormagen von kafern. [94] 147: 395-432, ill. Tonner, F. — Mechanik und Koordination der atem-und Schwimm- bewegung hei Libellenlarven. |94] 147: 433-454, ill. Wag- ner, J. — Aphanipterologische Notizen. Ueber das Reduzi- eren des 8. Abdominalsternits bei den Mannchen einer Ceratophyllinengruppe. [56] 15: 85-96, ill. Wheeler, W. M. -Binary anterior ocelli in ants. [92] 70: 185-192, ill. Zwingiebl, L. -- Ueber missbildungen bei blattwespen. [Veroef. Dent. Mus. Bremen] 1: 199-201, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Allard, H. A.- The Drumming Spider (Lycosa gulosa). [95] 49: 67-68. Baerg, W. J. — The Black Widow. [Univ. Arkansas, Coll. Agr. Exp. Sta.] Bull. 325: 34 pp., ill. Bishop & Crosby .- A n. g. of spiders in the Erigoneae. [95] 49: 39-42, ill. Chamberlin, R. V. — Records of North American Gnapho- sidae with descriptions of n. sps. [40] No. 841 : 30 pp., ill. Ewing, H. E. — A short synopsis of the North American species of the mite genus Dermanyssus. [10] 38: 47-54, ill. (*). da Fonseca, F. — Ocorrencia de uma nova sub esp. de Ixodes ricinus no Estado de S. Paulo] 2: 31-34. Marshall, R. — Hydracarina from Yucatan. [Carnegie Inst. Wash.] Pub. 457: 133-137, ill. (*). Pearse, A. S.— Parasites from Yucatan. [Carnegie Inst. Wash.] Pub. 457: 45-59. Roewer, C. F. — Chelonethi oder pseudoskorpione. Chelonethi, Pod- ogona, Opiliones. [Bronn, Klassen des Tierreichs] 5 (4) : 1-160, ill. Roewer-Bremen, C. F. — Zwei myrmecophile spinnen arten Brasiliens [Veroef. Deut. Mus. Bremen] 1: 193-197, ill. (*). Werner, F.— Scorpiones, Pedipalpi. f Bronn. Klassen des Tierreichs] 5 (4). 317-490, ill. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS— Artigas, P. — Sobre a presenca de Ctenocephalides canis em Curitiba (Siphonaptera). [Bol. Biol. S. Paulo] 2: 34-38, ill. Emer- son, A. E.— Distribution of termites. [68] 83: 410-411. Hood, J. D. — Frankliniella gossypiana, new name (Thysan- optera). [95] 49: 68. Kutchka", G. M.— The probable dis- tribution of termites through greenhouse plants. [19] 31: 45-48. Moulton, D. — Two n. sp. of Thysanoptera in Ar- gentina and records of other species. [106] 120: 254-257. Moulton, D. — New American Thysanoptera. [19] 31 : 61-65. Pessoa e Guimaraes. — Contribucoes para o conhecimento 162 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '36 das Mallophages das aves do Brasil nova sp. do gen. Ralli- cola e Esthiopterum. [An. Fac. Med. Univ. So. Paulo] 11: 169-171, 311-314, ill. Tillyard, R. J.— Are termites de- scended from true cockroaches? [31 J 137: 655, ill. Wagner, J. — Einige neue oder bekannte Floharten. [Zeitschr. Para- sitenk.] 8: 332-350, ill. Werneck, F. L.— Trichodectes ex- pansus (Mallophaga). [Ill] 31: 161-168, ill. Williamson, E. B. — Odonata from Yucatan. [Carnegie Inst. Wash.] Pub. 457: 139-143. ORTHOPTERA.— Imms, A. D.— Phase variation in grasshoppers. [31] 137: 586. Liebermann, J. — Catalogo sistematico y razonado de Acridoideos Argentines. Generos : Prionolopha, Diedronotus, Eleaochlora y Chromacris. [104] 7: 25-50, ill. (*). HEMIPTERA.— Ball, E. D.— Some n. gen. of Leafhop- pers related to Thamnotettix. [19] 31: 57-60. The food plants of the leafhoppers of the genus Exitianus. [19] 31: 71-72 (*). de Carlo, J. A. — Descripcion de especies nuevas de Belostomidos. [32] 10: 109-111, ill. Familia Belostomi- dae. Descripcion de una nueva especie y algunas sinoni- mias. [104] 7: 203-207, ill. Dozier, H. L.— A new genus and sps. of Fulgorid from Haiti. [40] No. 845: 2 pp., ill. Hungerford, H. B. — Aquatic and semiaquatic Hemiptera collected in Yucatan and Campeche. [Carnegie Inst. Pub.] Pub. 457: 145-150. (*). Walley, G. S.— New North Ameri- can Corixidae with notes. [4] 68: 55-63, ill. LEPIDOPTERA.— Bates, M.— The satyrid genus Cal- isto. [Oc. Pap. Bost. Soc. N. H.] 8: 229-248. (*). Bourquin, F. — Metamorfosis de Xanthopastis timias (Noctuidae). [104] 7: 195-201, ill. Breyer, A.— Apuntes sobre Castniidae Argentines. [104] 7: 207-208. Calkins, V. F.— Some un- usual butterfly records taken in Scott County, Kansas. [19] 31: 66-68. Carpenter, G. D. H.— Birds do attack but- terflies. [Sci. Prog.] 30: 628-634. Clark, A. H.— The Gold- banded Skipper (Rhabdoides cellus). [Smiths. Mis. Coll.] 95, no. 7: 50 pp., ill. Notes on the butterflies of the genus Enodia and description of a new fritillary from Peru. 150) 83: 251-259, ill. (*). Who's who among the butterflies. [Nat. Geogr. Mag.] 69: 679-692, ill. Dufrane, A.— Hetero- ceres. [33] 76: 121-130 (S*). Ferreira d'Almeida, R.— Re- visao das Terias americanas. [Ill] 31: 11-54, ill. (*). Geh- len, B. — Zwei interessante Sphingiden. [Veroef Deut. Mus. Bremen] 1: 304. (S*). Hayward, K. J. — Revision de las xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 163 cspecies Argentinas del genero Actinote (Nymphalidae). [104J 7: 93-98, ill. (*). Revision de especies Argentinas de Pyrrhopyginae (Hesperiidae). [104] 7: 123-129, ill. (*). Hesperiidae Argentines. Notas y adiciones, con descripcion de una nueva especie. [104] 7: 131-137. Notas sobre Lepi- dopteros (Rhopalocera) Argentines con descripcion de nuevas especies y formas. [104] 7: 183-193, ill. Phyciodes liriope (Nymphal.), sinonimia v distribucion, especialmen- te de formas Argentinas. [104'] 7: 219-223 (*). Heiker- tinger, F. — Die Mimikrymodelle der Tagfalter Afrikas und ihr "Ekelgeschmack" (Kritik der Schmetterlingsmimikry. IV). [97] 56: 151-166. Herves, L. I.— Butterflies— Try and get them. [Nat. Geogr. Mag.] 69: 667-678, ill. Kohler, P.- Notas sobre Automerinae (Saturnidae) Argentinos. [104] 7: 79-92, ill. (*). Prodromus Satyridae Argentinos. [104] 7: 209-217, ill. (*). McDunnough, J.— A new Haploptilia with notes on two other species (Coleoph.). [4] 68: 52-55, ill. Further notes on Canadian plume moths (Pteroph.). [4] 68: 63-69, ill. Orfila, R. N. — Notas criticas sobre las formas de Dysdaemonia fosteri (Rhescynth.). [104] 7: 51- 63, ill. (*). Lepidoptera Neotropica. I. — El genero Spheco- sitma y descripcion de tres generos nuevos de Amatidae. [104] 7: 175-182. Lepidoptera Neotropica. II. — Dos nuevas especies de Noctuoidea. [104] 7: 225-226. Plate, L. — Gene- tische und phylogenetische analyse der Colias-Kreuzungen des Herrn Emil von Sibernagel. [Jenais. Zeit. Naturw.] 70: 197-222, ill. Rosa, M.— Papilio pausanias. [32] 105-107, ill. (*). Samson, E. — Le decalquage des papillons. [Bui. Soc. Linn. Lyon] 4: 109-111. DIPTERA.— Brues, C. T.— A new Ecitophilous North American Phorid fly. [19] 31 : 68-70. Curran, C. H.— Three 11. sp. of Meromacrus (Syrph.). [40] No. 834: 5 pp. Hall, D. G. — Phlebotomus (Brumptomyia) diabolicus, a n. sp. of biting gnat from Texas (Psychod.). [10] 38: 27-29, ill. Hennig, W. — Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Kopulationsappa- rates der Cyclorraphen Dipteren. [46] 31 : 328-370, ill. Re- vision der Tyliden (Acalypt.). II. Teil : Die ausserameri- kanischen Taeniapterinae, die Trepidariinae und Tylinae. Allgemeines ueber die Tyliden. [56] 15: 129-144, ill. ('*). James, M. T. — Some new western Bibionidae. [40] No. 832: 6 pp., ill. Lindquist, A. W. — -Notes on the habits and biology of a Sand Fly, Phlebotomus diabolicus, in south- western Texas (Psychod.). [10] 38: 29-32, ill. Lutz & de Oliveira Castro. — Consideraqoes sobre especies affins do 164 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '36 genero Melpia e descripqao de um genero novo e duas especies novas (Taban.). [Ill] 31: 169-177. (S). Sobre duas especies novas do genero Fidena (Taban.). [Ill] 31: 179-183, (S). Pearce, A. S. — Chironomid larvae from Yuca- tan. [Carnegie Inst. Wash.] Pub. 457: 151. Wein, K.- Beitrage zur Geschichte der Cecidologie mit besonderen o o Ausblicken auf die Entwicklung in Thiiringen. [Marcellia] 29: 6-72. COLEOPTERA.— Barber, H. S.— A new Ecuadorian fleabeetle injuring crucifers (Chrysom.). [91] 26: 181-182. Blake, D. H. — Altica bimarginata, with descriptions of n. sp. and var. (Chrysom.). [10] 38: 13-24, ill. da Costa Lima, A. — Sobre os generos Amblyopinus e Edrabius (Staphyl.). [Ill] 31: 55-68, ill. (S). Darlington, P. J.— Aquatic Cole- optera from Yucatan. [Carnegie Inst. Wash.] Pub. 457: 153-155. W^est Indian Carabidae II. Itinerary of 1934; For- ests of Haiti; n. sps., and a new key to Colpodes. [5] 42: 167-215. Denier, P. C. L. — Coleopterorum Americanorum familiae Meloidarum. Enumeratio Synonymica. |1^4J 7: 139-176. van Ernden, F. — Beschreibung der Larve von Plastoleptops solanivorax (Curcul.). [110] 2: 278-282. Fauna of British India. — Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae : Gal- erucinae. London. 648 pp., ill. 1 col. pi., map. Gobeil, A. R. -The number of larval instars of Dendroctonus piceoperda as determined by Dyar's Rule. [Quebec Soc. Prot. Plants] 27th Ann. Rept., pp. 60-63. Notes sur la biologic d'Ips per- turbatus (Scolyt.). [98] 63: 97-103, ill. Heller, K. M.- Ein neuer Riisselkaler aus peruanischen Kartoifeln i Cur- cul.). [110] 2: 276-278, ill. Hinton, H. E.— Lepiceridae- a new name for the Cyathoceridae. Lepicerinus — a new name for the scolytid genus Lepicerus Eichh. [75] 17: 472- 473. New species of Atsenius allied to A. cribrithorax (Scarab.). [75] 17: 413-428, ill. Hopping, R.— A Note on the genus Trigonurus (Staphy.). [19] 31: 65. Hustache, A. — -Nouveaux Sphenophorides Sud-Americains (Curcul.). [33] 76: 87-114. Leech, H. B.— A rare Aphodius (Scarab.). [19] 31: 56. Madle, H.— Die Larven der Gattung Aphod- ius (Scarab.). [110] 2: 289-304, ill. Park, O.— Beetles as- sociated with the mound-building ant, Formica ulkei. [5] 42: 216-231, ill. Pic, M. — Les Pelonium de la republique Argentine (Cleridae). [104] 7: 99-101 (*). Van Dyke, E. C. —A review of the subg. Normaretus of the genus Scaphin- otus (Carab.). [19] 31: 37-44, ill. (*). xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 165 HYMENOPTERA.— Blanchard, E. E.— Apuntes sobre calcididos Argentines. [104J 7: 103-122, ill. (*). Cockerell, T. D. A.— Record of western bees. [40] No. 831: 6 pp. (*). Hedicke, H. — Beitrage zur Synonymic der Apiden. [Mitt. Deutsch. Ent. Ges.] 6: 10-14. Heikertinger, F. — Noch ein Wort ueber Wespenmimikry. [46] 31 : 268-293. Hicks, C. H.— Nesting habits of certain western bees. [4] 68: 47-52. Kloiber, J. — Abnormales Fliigelgeader von Tenthrediniden. [56] 15: 152. Malyshev, S. I.— The nesting habits of soli- tary bees. A comparative study. [Eos] 11: 201-309, ill. Michener, C. D. — Western bees of the genus Ceratina, subg. Zaodontomerus. [40] No. 844, 13 pp., ill. (*). Minkiewicz, R. — Les types de comportement des males de Sphegiens. [Polsk. Pism. Ent.] 13: 1-20, ill. Les Pompilides a nid fixe et ceux a nid momentane (etude d'ethologie compa- ree). [Polsk. Pism. Ent.] 13: 42-60. Molitor, A.— Neue Versuch tmd Beobachtungen an Grabwespen, VIII. [97] 56: 189-198. Nielsen, E. T.— Stir les habitudes des Hy- menopteres aculeates solitaires. V. (La nidification. Avec quelques considerations sur une methode comparee a 1'etude de la biologic des insectes). [102] 19: 298-384, ill. Ogloblin, A. A.— Especies nuevas o poco conocidas del genero Gonatocerus (Mymaridae) de la republica Argen- tina. [104] 7: 65-78, ill. "Key, M.— Effets des piqures d'hy- menopteres aculeates. [Bui. Soc. Linn. Lyon] 4: 144-145. Ross, H. H. — An Illinois marsh willow sawfly [Trans. Illi- nois Acad. Sci.] 28: 261-262, ill. Weyrauch, W.— Wie ent- steht ein Wespennest? II. Teil. Experimentelle Analyse des Verhaltens von Vespa germanica und V. vulgaris beim Bau der Huelle ihr Nestes. Teil B. Die verschiedenen Bau- tendenzen. [46] 134: 64-105, ill. SPECIAL NOTICES. — Revision der Australischen Acri- diodeen. 2. Monographic von Y. Sjostedt. [K. Sven. Vet. Akad. Handl.] (3). xv. No. 2, 191 pp., ill. Ward's Entomol- ogical Bulletin. Vol. 3, nos. 6-7. Contains articles on : Type specimens : How to make acetate mounts ; Pin labels, A killing light trap, A killing box, Xe\v prices on equipment and supplies and other notes. A MONOGRAPHIC REVISION OF THE GENUS CEUTHOPHILUS by T. H. HUBBELL, University of Florida Publications, Biologi- cal Societies Ser., II, pp. 1-551, 39 plates. — This superb study of the second largest) North American genus of the Orthoptera appeared on January 25th, 1936. It is, in my opinion, easily 166 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | June, '36 one of the most complete and accurate of the larger mono- graphs which have been published for the Order. Such is largely due to the deliberate and thorough manner in which the work has been done. The great majority of the species of Ceuthophilus occur in the United States and southern Canada, only a very few being known from northern Mexico. Sixteen years have elapsed since the author began assembling and studying the 17430 speci- mens, among which he finds that 89 species and races are repre- sented. During this time he was able to accomplish much diffi- cult and intensive field work in the southern and eastern United States. All the members of the genus are soberly colored, flightless, make no sound and are nocturnal, hiding during the day and being consequently much more difficult to secure when general collecting is being done (except by trapping) than most forms of the Orthoptera. As a result the author frankly states that "Eventually the genus Ceuthophilus may be increased to half again or even twice its present size." The fact remains that he has so thoroughly characterized so large a number of species and races there should henceforward be no uncertainty as to the identity of material or at least as to its nearest known relatives. Hitherto identification of material from the literature has been always difficult, sometimes impossible. Scudder in 1894 revised the genus, recognizing 57 species, many of which have been proved, or are now shown, to be synonymous. This was largely due to his reliance on unreliable characters, failure to recognize immatures as such, very poorly preserved material and the fact that, at that time, the very great importance of genitalic specialization was unrecognized. The resultant situation was so chaotic that, until now, it has been impossible to bring much order out of the existing confusion. Hubbell's discovery of the distinctive specialization of the male pseudosternite is of primary importance. Though dissec- tion is usually necessary, this organ shows diagnostic characters for the great majority of the species and is here for the first time thoroughly discussed and figured in all cases where this has been possible. Next in importance are the characters found in the male terminal tergites and subgenital plate and these have also been studied and illustrated in a most satisfactory manner. The descriptions of general structure and coloration are splen- didly supplemented by discussions of individual variation. These analyses are particularly important in distinguishing females, the genitalia of which though also very fully discussed and figured, are vastly less valuable for diagnostic purposes than those of the opposite sex. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS U>7 Maps showing the known distribution for each species appear on twelve plates. In a genus which includes so many species, they aid greatly in forming a general concept of the distribu- tional factor, the importance of which has so often been under- valued. Keys for both sexes have been furnished, but in so large an aggregation of species, many of which are decidedly variable, no specimen should be determined from them without recourse to all other data. The general discussion of the genus is masterly, the related North and Central American genera of the Rhaphidophorinae are carefully analyzed as well as the tribes of that subfamily and also the subfamilies of the Gryllacrididae. The differentiation between "spines," "spurs" and "calcars" is clear. We would have preferred "moveable spines" for the second category and "spurs" for the third and we further agree with Caudell that three pairs of distal spurs (or calcars) should be recognized. In our opinion the use of "neotype," "plesio- type" and "plesiallotype" is not advisable, "specimen here described" being sufficient and self-explanatory. Having for several years had the privilege of using the preli- minary manuscript of this splendid wTork, we can state with certainty that it will prove to be of enormous value to all inter- ested in the subject. MORGAN HEBARD. AN ABRIDGED CATALOGUE OF CERTAIN ScUTELLEROTDEA ( Pl.A- TASPIDAE, SCUTELLERIDAE, AND PENTATOMIDAE) OF ClIINA, CHOSEN, INDO-CHINA, AND TAIWAN, by \\"ILLIAM E. HOFF- MANN. Lingnan University Science Bulletin, No. 7, 294 pp.. Canton, China, issued August 21, 1935. Price $1.50 Mexican. —Designed as a supplement to Kirkaldy's "Catalogue of the Hemiptera" 1909, one finds the style reminiscent of that noted contribution. The form of citations for synonomy and distribu- tion, with brief notes, is a distinct improvement over the older work and provides a model which later cataloguers would do well to follow. The present work catalogues 448 species and 32 varieties placed in 153 genera of the families Plataspidae. Scutelleridae and Pentatomidae. ( )f this number eleven genera and Sf) species represent new forms described since the appear- ance of Kirkaldy's catalogue. Included is an annotated biblio- graphy of 540 titles which should prove useful to students with limited library facilities. Appendix I deals with the faunal sub- regions of Eastern Asia, includes a sketch map, also discussion of distribution with species grouped in tabular form; likewise notes on the zoogeographical status of the Provinces of Greater 168 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '36 China and neighboring- lands. Appendix II provides an alpha- betical list of some 600 place-names in Eastern Asia from which collections have been recorded, with their classification into faunal subregions. An index to genera and species completes the work. The catalogue should be very useful to students of Asiatic Hemiptera and will doubtless stimulate further in- terest in this group of insects. — HARRY H. KNIGHT, Iowa State College, Ames. OBITUARY Professor ANTON HANDLIRSCH, world-renowned for his publications on fossil insects and for his encyclopedic knowl- edge of insects in general, died at Vienna, August 28, 1935. A recent number of Konowia (Band XIV, Heft 4) contains his portrait and an obituary notice by Dr. Max Beier, from which we take much of the following. Anton Handlirsch was born in Vienna January 20, 1865. At the wish of his father. Peter Handlirsch, he studied pharmacy and in 1883 obtained the diploma of Master of Pharmacy. His interest in this subject was very slight and, attaching himself to Friedrich Brauer, he became successively scientific helper, Assistant (1892), Ad- junct Custodian (1899), Custodian of the second class (1906), Custodian of the first class (1918) and Director (1922) of the Natural History Museum of his native city. As he was pen- sioned in the last-named year, his activities as Director were short-lived. His earliest scientific work was concerned with the Hymen- optera and reached its climax in a Monograph of the digging wasps related to Nysson and Bcmbcx (1887-1894). Taking charge of the Hemiptera at the Museum, he greatly increased them by the purchase of the Signor.et collection. His most important work on this group was a monograph of the Phymatidae (1897). Turning his attention to fossil insects, he published in 1906- 08 his enormous Die fossilcn Insektcn niui die Phylogcuic dcr rczcntcn Formcn, 1433 pages, 51 plates. This work enumer- ated or described all the fossil insects known to the date of xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 169 publication, grouped stratigraphically, summarized the paleon- tological results, gave a chronological summary of the most im- portant classifications and genealogical trees of insects from 300 B.C. to 1905 A.D., and drew phylogenetic conclusions on which he based a new classification (presented in an early part of the book), followed by theoretical evolutionary considerations oc- cupying nearly 40 pages. Salient features of his new classifica- tion were the division of insects into four classes : Collembola, Campodeoidea, Thysanura and Pterygogenea, the last-named embracing eleven subclasses (Orthopteroidea, Blattaeformia, Hymenopteroidea, Coleopteroidea, Embidaria. Perloidea, Libel- luloidea, Ephemeroidea, Neuropteroidea, Panorpoidea and Hemipteroidea). He modified this classification in the two later comprehensive works mentioned below. He contributed the third volume, 1201 pages, 1040 figures, on paleontology and classification of insects to Schroeder's Handbuch dcr Entoniologic (1925), the introductions to arth- ropods and to insects and sections on many of the lower in- sectan orders to Kiikenthal's HandlntcJi dcr Zooloyic (1926- 1935), having become unable to complete the account of the entire class. A list of Handlirsch's works, 100 titles from 1886 to 1935, is given by Dr. Beier. Recognition of his accomplished work came from the Acad- emy of Sciences of Vienna and the Universities of Vienna and of Graz. The entomological societies in Berlin, Zurich, Stock- holm, Amsterdam, Madrid, Moscow and Philadelphia elected him honorary or corresponding member. P. P. CALVERT. Nephrocyte Cells and their Function in the Aphididae. (Homoptera). By FORREST \Y. MILLER. Amherst College, Amherst, Massachusetts. The specific excretory organs to be found, generally, in in- sects are the Malpighian tubules. It has been known, since the internal anatomy of aphids was first studied in detail i \\ illac- /,il. 1SS2), that aphids lack these structures of excretion. It has never been known definitely, what cells or groups of cells assume the function of excretion in this familv of insects. 170 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '36 Most insects, as a rule, have in addition to the Malpighian tubules, free cells having the property of absorbing ammonia carmine which has been injected into the haemolymph. These cells retain, in the cytoplasm, a precipitate of carmine, being in effect storage or excretory cells (Kowalevsky, 1892). A solution of ammonia carmine injected into the body of an aphid will show cells which have a similar property ; absorbing ammonia carmine and retaining the carmine in the cytoplasm. These cells are spherical in shape, hyaline, with large nucleus, and are of a diameter of 0.01 mm. They show acid reaction to methyl red. These cells are distributed generally throughout the body fluids but collect in large numbers in the cornicles. Sectioned material of the cornicles show these cells, in addition to tropho- cyte cells, in various stages of disintegration. At the same time diffusion to the outside takes place through the thin chitinous wall of the cornicle. This may be seen through a microscopic examination of a cornicle of a live aphid placed under a cover slip in a weak saline solution. After a time small globules of fluid may be seen collecting on the cornicle along the entire length. It is believed that these cells are the active excretory cells of the aphididae because of : (a) Property of absorbing and retaining carmine in the cytoplasm. (b) High acidity of the cell. (c) Accumulation and subsequent disintegration of these cells within the cornicles. (d) Part diffusion of the cell cytoplasm through the cornicle wall. LITERATURE CITED. KOWALEVSKY, A. (1892) Sur les organes excreteurs chez les Arthropodes terrestres. Congres Internat. Zool. (Moscow) vol. 1; pp. 187-235. WITLACZIL, E. (1882). Zur Anatomie der Aphiden. Arb. Zoologischen Inst. Univ. Wien., P>d. 4; pp. 379-441. Errata The running head of the even-numbered pages 30-56 of the present volume of the NEWS should read "Feb., 1936" instead of "Jan., 1936." EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Names and addresses of those desiring Cocoons of Actias luna and Automeris io. Exchange considered. Eggs in season. Virginia Weaver, 822 S. College Ave., Tulsa, Okla. Geometers Wanted from all parts of United States, for cash or exchange. Edward Guedet, P. O. Box 305, Napa, California. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lepidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. Wanted for Cash or Exchange. — North American Butterflies in series especially from type localities and remote places. C. F. dos Passes, Mendham, New Jersey. Wanted — Specimens of North American Cephidae. Will make determinations and exchanges for purposes of revising the group. Donald T. Ries, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Wanted — Collectors desiring' living pupae with cocoon attached to natural food plant of Michigan, Samia. Columbia or hybrid with S. Cccropia, write W. S. McAlpine, 575 Townsend St., Birmingham, Midi. Wanted — Xortli American Clirys;did:ie fur exchange or determina- tion, with privilege of retaining duplicates. W. G. Bodenstein, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca. Xew York. Wanted — Chlonipidae (Oscinidae) of tin- world. Study, determin- ation or exchange. C. W. Sahro-ky, Entomology Dq>t., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich, RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALK BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1007. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.). — Descriptions of n. gen. and sps. of the dipterous family Ephydridae. (Trans., 61, 345-372, 1935) .35 1008. — Hull (F. M.). — Descriptions of n. sps. of the genus Sphe- gina, with a key to those known from North America (Syrphidae). (Trans., 61, 373-382, 1 pi., 1935). .20 1011. — James (M. T.).- — A proposed classification of the Nearctic Stratiomyinae (Stratiomyidae). (Trans., 62, 31-35, 1936) .20 HYMENOPTERA 1009. — Mickel (C. E.). — Description and records of mutillicl- wasps of the genus Myrmilloides and Pseudomethoca (Mutillidae). (Trans., 61, 383-398, 1935) .35 1013. — Pate (V. S. L.). — Studies in the nyssonine wasps. I. Species of Psamma'etes, a n. subg. of Hoplisoides (Sphecidae). (Trans.. 62, 49-56, 1936) ... -20 LEPIDOPTERA 1012. — Querci (O.). — Notes on Pontia protodice (Pieridae). " (Trans., 62, 37-47, 1936) . .20 NEUROPTERA 1006. — Prison (T. H.). — New North American species of the genus Alloperla (Plecoptera: Chloroperlidae). (Trans., 61, 331-344, 4 pis., 1935). .45 ORTHOPTERA 1004.— Hebard (M.). — Studies in the Orthoptera of Arizona. III. List of the Dermaptera and Orthoptera, with new records. (Trans., 61, 269-316, 1935) ... .85 1005. — Rehn (J. A. G.). — On certain Mexican and Central Amer- ican species of Melliera and Stagmomantis (Mantidae). (Trans., 61, 317-329, 1 pi., 1935) . .30 1010. — Rehn & Rehn — On new or redefined genera of Nearctic Melanopli (Acrididae). (Trans., 62, 1-30, 2 pis., 1936) .65 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ , for which please send me the items checked above. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy. All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur^ nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain*- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEENTH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA REVISTA DE ENTOMOLOGIA AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ENTOMOLOGY An illustrated magazine published four times a year by Thomaz Borg- meier, O. F. M., devoted to entomology, mainly of the neotropical fauna. The four volumes already published (1931-1935) comprise more than 2,500 pages and contain articles by leading entomologists such as W. M. Wheeler, F. W. Edwards, W.; Horn, E. Lindner, E. Martini, A. da Costa Lima, F. Silvestri, C. Menozzi, A. Reichensperger, F. Santschi, D. Moulton, etc., with a bibliography of the current literature (economic and non-economic) of the neotropical fauna. Price to subscribers 4 U. S. dollars, payable in advance. Through booksellers 5 U. S. dollars ; discount to booksellers 2Q% . Volumes I-IV are still on sale ; price of each volume 4 U. S. dollars; through booksellers 5 U. S. dollars. Subscriptions should be sent to the Editor : THOMAZ BORGME1ER, 0. F. M., Convento S. Antonio, Largo da Carioca, Rio de Janiero, Brazil, or to ADOLF SCHLUTER, Kuhlcnstrasse 45, Minden i. W., Germany. AN AQUATIC NET That is Light and Strong Light weight and ease of handling, combined with a rugged con- struction that will stand up under the hardest usage, are features that justify us in calling Ward's Aquatic Net the finest piece of equipment of its type available. A heavy 12" coppered spring steel frame fits into the grooved brass end of the handle and is held in place by a brass ferrule. Water cannot cause swelling and binding. Supplied with a heavy scrim bag, with canvas top, 18 inches deep. 4 ft. handle. Price, complete, $4.50. W A R P' S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, inc^ The Frank A. It "urd Foundation of Natural Science of ll:e University of Rochester READ WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL BULLETIN ... is. ued monthly 300 NORTH GOODMAN STREET ROCHESTER. ...NEW YORK Transactions of Entomological Society of London 50 Volumes Bound, Good Condition, at One-sixth Publishers' Price Many Other Important Works Cheap Fine Morpho cypris, rhetenor, menelaus, etc., at low rates per dozen or 100. Urania riphaeus bred. Fine named Indian Butterflies, European do., New Guinea Delias, Ornithoptera alexandra (bred) etc. Particulars from A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JULY, 1936 Vol. XLVII No. 7 JUL 13 1935 HENRY CHRISTOPHER McCooK, 1837-1911. CONTENTS Wesson — Contributions toward the Biology of Strumigenys pergandei: A New Food Relationship among Ants. (Hymen.: Formicidae). 171 Slifer — The Scoloparia of Melanoplus differentialis (Orthoptera Acri- didae) 174 Michener — Some California Bees, Townsendiella and Hesperapis (Hy- men.: Apoidea) 181 Hinton — Notes On Some American Colydiidae. (Coleoptera) 185 Rodeck— Colorado Lepidoptera Records (Pieridae. Sphingidae). . . . 189 Mites Parasitic on Dragonflies Wanted 189 Entomological Literature 190 Review of Weiss' Pioneer Century of American Entomology 196 Review of Miinchberg's Zur Kenntniss der Odonatenparasiten .... 197 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa.. Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed fer in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and beptember, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Schmieder, Ph.D., V. S. L. Pate, Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00, Canada $3.15, Foreign $3.25, Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in., $ 7.00 Ten issues, 8.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. No illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. No charge for printing text-figures. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks! furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1936, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited ; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. Th« printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles, without covers, over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies. 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. JNTOMQLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVII. JULY, 1936 No. 7 Contributions toward the Biology of Strumigenys pergandei : A New Food Relationship among Ants. (Hymen.: Formicidae). By LAURENCE G. WESSON, JR., Haver ford College, Pennu. Because of their small size, dull coloration, and hypogaeic habits the ants of the genus Strumigenys have been but little studied. Very little is known concerning them aside from the fact that they are sometimes found associated with other species of ants. This association has led some authors to assume that the Strumigenys are guests or thieves in the nests of other ants; but this does not explain many of the peculiarities of the genus such as their unusual pilosity, elongate mandibles, produced inner lobes of the maxillae and petiolar pads. In the present paper an apparently unique food relationship is described which, together with the morphological peculiarities, is explained di- rectly by the basic biology of Stntiiii '^6 The basic biology of Strumigenys may then be outlined. Strumigenys pcrgandci is an independent ant feeding almost exclusively on springtails. Springtails occur in large numbers in and around the nests of many species of ants. Consequently the Strumigenys gain access to these nests in order to reach their prey. Thus a loose form of symbiosis has developed, further evidenced by the nonhostile attitude of the host ant to- ward the Strumigenys. The Strumigenys are not restricted to any definite type of springtail, nesting site, or species of host ant. They may even be found living unassociated with any other species of ant in a locality naturally abounding in spring- tails. Almost all the morphological peculiarities noted are adap- tations to this diet : the elongate mandibles and the produced maxillary lobes provide a suitable apparatus to capture and hold the slippery springtails ; the extraordinary development of the pilosity on scape and funiculus probably indicates a corre- sponding development of the sense of smell. The small size of the Strumigenys colonies may be due to the fact that spring- tails do not usually occur in numbers sufficient to support a large colony ; no instance was recorded where there was more than one colony in the same host nest. The petiolar pads and the large size of the nest cavity excavated by these little ants are also probably adaptations to this specialized diet. The Scoloparia of Melanoplus differentialis (Ortho- ptera Acrididae). By ELEANOR H. SLIFER, Department of Zoology, State University of Iowa, Iowa City. Scolopale-bearing organs have been described not only from many parts of the insect body and its appendages but also from a great variety of insect species. In no one insect, however, have scoloparia been found in all locations in which they have been reported for insects inl general. Melanoplus differentialis, the present account will show, does possess (with one possible exception) scoloparia in all those parts where they have been found in other species, as well as in several where none have been found before. The scoloparia of the grasshopper are well formed before the young insect leaves the egg and since many of these struc- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 175 tures are extremely small, even when fully developed, their location in the adult is made immeasureahly easier by their location first in the advanced embryo. Eggs as well as adults, consequently, were used in the work to be reported here. Methods of fixing, sectioning and staining this material were described in an earlier paper (Slifer, 1935). The exact number of scolopalia present in any organ is very difficult to determine. The numbers given in the following list should, therefore, be regarded as close approximations, which are of value, chiefly, to the reader who wishes to com- pare the relative sizes of different scoloparia. It should be noted, moreover, that the scolopale counts given are actually end-knob counts. The scolopalia of the grasshopper exhibit great diversity. Some are large and conspicuous and possess well-developed basal and middle ring-zones ; others are extremely minute and little detail, aside from the end-knob, can be distinguished in them; still others are intermediate in size and complexity of structure. Scolopalia of the first type may be seen in the tympanal organs; those of the second are present in many of the abdominal scoloparia; while representatives of the third type occur in the thorax. Not infrequently scolopalia of sev- eral different kinds may be found in a single scoloparium. All of the scoloparia known to exist in Melanoplus differ- ent ialis are listed below. Those which have been reported in earlier papers, either for this or for other species of Acrididae, are sd indicated. The reference given in each such case is one which contains a satisfactory description of the organ under consideration. A LIST OF THE SCOLOPARIA OF MELANOPLUS DIFFERENTIALS. Head and its appendages. Antenna — (1) 1st joint (scape), ventral. 8 scolopalia, distal to sensory cytons. Cyton ends of this and following scolo- parium associated. (Eggers, 1924.) (2) 1st joint, ventral to scoloparium described above. 4 scolopalia, distal to cytons. ( Kggers, 1924.) 176 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '36 (3) 2nd joint (pedicel), Johnston's organ. 4 scolopalia, dis- tal to cytons. (Eggers, 1924.) (4) Tip. 1 scolopale, distal to cyton. Maxilla — (5) 1st joint of palpus. 4 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (6) Tip of palpus. 1 scolopale, distal to cyton. (7) Base of lacinia. 4 scolopalia, distal to cytons. Cyton ends of this and following scoloparium associated. (8) Base of lacinia. 2 scolopalia, distal and mesial to cytons. Labimn — (9) 2nd joint of palpus. 1 scolopale, distal to cyton. (10) Tip of palpus. 1 scolopale, distal to cyton. (11) Tip of paraglossa. 2 scolopalia, mesial to cytons. Other parts of licad — (12) Latero-ventral ; anterior to cervi- cum. 6 scolopalia, anterior and lateral to cytons. Thorax. Prothora.r — (13) Ventro-mesial ; below anterior edge of ganglion and extending into prosternal spine. 15 scolopalia, ventral to cytons. (14) Ventro-mesial; anterior to ganglion. 20 scolopalia, an- terior and slightly mesial to cytons. (15) Ventro-lateral ; anterior to ganglion. 10 scolopalia, posterior to cytons. (16) Ventro-mesial; posterior to ganglion and runs along inner edge of furca. 2 scolopalia, dorsal to cytons. (17) Dorso-lateral ; near posterior edge of prothorax. 26 scolopalia, posterior, dorsal and slightly mesial to cytons. Mesothorax — (18) Ventro-mesial; lateral and anterior to ganglion. 15 scolopalia, ventral to cytons. (19) Ventro-mesial; lateral to ganglion. 6 scolopalia, pos- terior and slightly lateral to cytons. Cyton ends of this and two following scoloparia associated. (20) Ventro-mesial; lateral to ganglion. 10 scolopalia, pos- terior and distinctly lateral to cytons. (21) Ventro-mesial; lateral to ganglion. 19 scolopalia, an- terior and slightly mesial to cytons. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 177 (22) Ventro-mesial ; posterior to ganglion and runs along inner edge of furca. 3 scolopalia, dorsal to cytons. (23) Ventro-lateral ; attached to membrane anterior to leg. 12 scolopalia, dorsal to cytons. (24) Dorso-lateral ; near posterior border of mesothorax. Extends into base of tegmen. 12 scolopalia, lateral and slightly dorsal to cytons. Mctathora.r — (25) Ventro-mesial; lateral to anterior edge of ganglion. 23 scolopalia, anterior and slightly mesial to cytons. (26) Ventro-mesial; lateral to middle of ganglion. 24 scol- opalia, posterior and mesial to cytons. (27) Ventro-mesial; lateral to posterior portions of ganglion. 17 scolopalia, posterior and lateral to cytons. (28) Ventro-mesial; lateral to posterior end of ganglion and mesial to furca. 8 scolopalia, posterior to cytons. (29) Ventro-lateral; attached to membrane anterior to leg. 17 scolopalia, anterior to cytons. (30) Dorso-lateral; near posterior border of metathorax. Extends into base of wing. 12 scolopalia, posterior and slightly lateral to cytons. Abdomen. Segment 1 — (31) Tympanal organ. 95 scolopalia. (Schwabe, 1906.) (32) Lateral; near membrane of leg. 2 scolopalia, dorsal and anterior to cytons. Segment 2 — (33) Ventro-lateral; posterior to spiracle. 5 scolopalia, posterior and lateral to cytons. (34) Ventro-lateral; mesial to scoloparium described above. 2 scolopalia, posterior and 'slightly mesial to cytons. (35) Ventro-mesial; ventral and lateral to connectives be- tween metathoracic and 1st abdominal ganglia. 3 scolopalia, anterior to cytons. Segment 3 — (36) Ventro-lateral; posterior to spiracle. 4 scolopalia, posterior and lateral to cytons. (37) Ventro-lateral; mesial to scoloparium described above. 1 scolopale, posterior and slightly mesial to cyton. 178 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '36 (38) Ventro-mesial ; lateral to 1st abdominal ganglion. 5 scolopalia, anterior to cytons. Segment 4 — (39) Ventro-lateral ; posterior to spiracle. 5 scolopalia, posterior and lateral to cytons. (40) Ventro-lateral; mesial to scoloparium described above. 3 scolopalia, posterior and slightly mesial to cytons. (41) Ventro-mesial; anterior to 2nd abdominal ganglion. 1 scolopale, anterior to cyton. Segment 5 — (42) Ventro-lateral; posterior to spiracle. 5 scolopalia, posterior and lateral to cytons. (43) Ventro-lateral; mesial to scoloparium described above. 1 scolopale, posterior and slightly mesial to cyton. (44) Ventro-mesial; lateral to connectives between 2nd and 3rd abdominal ganglia. 2 scolopalia, anterior and slightly mesial to cytons. Segment 6 — (45) Ventro-lateral; posterior to spiracle. 6 scolopalia, posterior and lateral to cytons. (46) Ventro-lateral; mesial to scoloparium described above. 3 scolopalia, posterior and slightly mesial to cytons. (47) Ventro-mesial; lateral and slightly anterior to 3rd ab- dominal ganglion. 2 scolopalia, anterior and slightly lateral to cytons. Segment 7 — (48) Ventro-lateral; posterior to spiracle. 6 scolopalia, posterior and lateral to cytons. (49) Ventro-lateral; mesial to scoloparium described above. 1 scolopale, posterior and slightly mesial to cyton. (50) Ventro-mesial; lateral and anterior to 4th abdominal ganglion. 3 scolopalia, anterior to cytons. Segment 8 — (51) Ventro-lateral; posterior to spiracle. 4 scolopalia, posterior and slightly lateral to cytons. (52) Ventro-lateral; mesial to scoloparium described above. 3 scolopalia, posterior and slightly lateral to cytons. (53) Ventro-mesial; lateral and anterior to 5th abdominal ganglion. 4 scolopalia, anterior and slightly lateral to cytons. Segment 9 — (54) Ventro-lateral. 6 scolopalia, dorsal to cytons xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 179 Segment 11— (55) Posterior tip of both $ and 9 cercus, outer surface. 2 scolopalia, dorsal to cytons. Prothoracic leg. Pcmitr — (56) Anterior, proximal surface. 310 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (Slifer, 1935.) (57) Mesial and distal to scoloparium described above. 28 scolopalia. distal to cytons. (Slifer, 1935.) Tibia — (58) Subgenual organ. Anterior, proximal surface. 15 scolopalia, distal and mesial to cytons. (Friedrich, 1929.) (59) Distal organ. Distal to scoloparium described above. 7 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (Friedrich, 1929.) (60) Distal end of tibia. 7 scolopalia, distal to cytons. TarSKs — (61) 5tb tarsomere, distal. 2 scolopalia, distal to cytons. j (62) 5th tarsomere, extreme distal end. 2 scolopalia, distal to cytons. Mcsothoracic leg. Femur — (63) Anterior, proximal surface. 330 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (Slifer, 1935.) (64) Mesial and distal to scoloparium described above. 35 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (Slifer, 1935.) Tibia — (65) Subgenual organ. Anterior proximal surface. 18 scolopalia, distal and mesial to cytons. (Friedrich, 1929.) (66) Distal organ. Distal to scoloparium described above. 13 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (Friedrich, 1929.) (67) Distal end of tibia. 8 scolopalia, distal to cytons. Tarsus — (68) 5th tarsomere, distal. 2 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (69) 5th tarsomere, extreme distal end. 2 scolopalia, distal to cytons. Mctathoracic leg. Femur — (70) Anterior, distal surface. 55 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (Slifer, 1935.) Tibia — (71) Subgenual organ. Anterior proximal surface. 10 scolopalia, distal and mesial to cytons. (Friedrich, 1929.) (72) Distal organ. Distal to scoloparium described above. 6 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (Friedrich, 1929.) 180 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jul.V, '36 (73) Distal end of tibia. 3 scolopalia, distal to cytons. Tarsus — (74) 5th tarsomere, distal end. 3 scolopalia, distal to cytons. (75) 5th tarsomere, extreme distal end. 2 scolopalia, distal to cytons. MctatJwracic wing. (76) Base. 1 scolopale, distal to cyton.1 SUMMARY. (1) Melanoplus diffcrcntialis, besides the ten pairs of scolo- paria found by earlier workers in other species of Acrididae and the five femoral pairs reported for this species by the pres- ent author, possesses sixty-one pairs of scoloparia which are described here for the first time. (2) Scoloparia have been found in Melanoplus diffcrcntialis in every part of the body (with the exception of the tegmina) in which they have been found in other insects and, in addition, in some locations where none have previously been reported in any insect. LITERATURE CITED. EGGERS, FRIEDRICH. 1924. Zur Kenntnis der antennalen stift- fiihrenden Sinnesorgane der Insekten. Zeit. Morph. und Okol. Tiere. 2: 259-349. ERHARDT, ELISABETH. 1916. Zur Kenntnis der Innervierung und der Sinnesorgane der Fliigel von Insecten. Zool. Jahrb. Anat. 39: 293-334. FRIEDRICH, HERMANN. 1929. Vergleichende Untersuchungen iiber die tibialen Scolopalorgane einiger Orthopteren. Zeit. wiss. Zool. 134. 84-148. SCHWABE, JOSEF. 1906. Beitrage zur Morphologic und His- tologie der tympanalen Sinnesapparate der Orthopteren. Zoologica (Stuttgart) 50: 154 pp. SLIFER, ELEANOR H. 1935. Morphology and development of the femoral chordotonal organs of Melanoplus diffcrcntialis (Orthoptera, Acrididae). Jour. Morph. (In press.) 1 Erhardt (1916) searched the mesothoracic and mctathoracic wing- bases of Pachytylus nigrofasciatus and Psophus stridulus for chordotonal organs but found none. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Some California Bees, Townsendiella and Hesperapis (Hymen.: Apoidea). By CHARLES D. MICHENER, Pasadena, California. Until now only one species of Townsendiella has been known. An additional species, therefore, is of unusual interest, espe- cially when it is found to be perhaps generically distinct from the type T. pnlchra Cwfd., from New Mexico. The present species does not have flattened claws. The proportions of the joints of the palpi are different from those given by Crawford, the venation is somewhat different, and the general appearance is that of a black, finely punctured Holcopasitcs, rather than of a Ncolarra as stated by Crawford for T. pulchra. The types of the new species are in the author's collection. Townsendiella californica n. sp. $ : Length 4^2 to a little over 5 mm. ; black, the clypeus, labrum, mandibles except apices, and sides of first two tergites pale red ; head about round viewed from in front ; entire body covered with very short dense pubescence except a large tri- angular area on propodeum which is dull and very finely roughened; pubescence of sides of face, cheeks, longitudinal band through median ocellus, pleura, propodeum, most of scu- tellum, lateral edges and a pair of longitudinal discal lines on scutum, white ; rest of pubescence on head and thorax pale brown; posterior outer edge of tegulae bare and shiny; femora and to a lesser extent the tibiae somewhat reddish ; outer faces of hind and middle tibiae with a number of small spines ; pubes- cence of abdomen nearly white, the following markings nearly black : transverse band with a median apical lobe on first ter- gite ; similar but broader bands on second and third tergites, these extending to the anterior margins of the tergites, and the lobes extending to the posterior margins, the ends of the bands bent posteriorly; three spots on posterior half of fourth tergite, these faintly connected anteriorly. Posterior margin of fifth tergite bare, shiny, with a few small punctures ; pygidial area parallel sided, broadly rounded posteriori}-, bare, with abundant coarse punctures; wings short, the apical margin broadly duskv. the veins and stigma black, the first recurrent vein meeting or basad to first transverse cubital, the second recurrent vein half way from base to apex of second submarginal cell, the latter narrowed almost to a point above, the marginal cell rounded at apex, with a small appendage; maxillary palpi six jointed, 182 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS the second joint longest, the first, third, and fourth of about equal length and shortest, the fifth and sixth of about equal length; labial palpi four jointed, the second joint about two thirds as long as first, the third and fourth of about equal length, together a little less than two thirds as long as second; tongue a little shorter than labial palpi ; under side of fiagellum dull brownish, the scape about as long as next three joints together; mandibles simple; labrum broader than long. One individual has the pubescence rather worn, so that the sculpturing of head and thorax can be seen. Wherever visible the surface is only faintly shining, with) numerous close minute punctures (except as described above for propodeum). $ . Similar to female but clypeus appearing blackish, its lateral margins refiexed ; tegulae reddish ; legs blacker ; pubes- cence usually paler ; pygidial area more slender, its sides con- verging posteriorly. Holotypc, a female, and paratypes, Altadena, CALIFORNIA, June] 24 and 26, 1935, flying close over the ground in a colony of Hcspcrapis rnfipcs (Ashm.) where they were doubtless para- sitic (Michener). HESPERAPIS RUFIPES (Ashmead). $ . Length 4 to Sl/2 mm. ; form robust, the fiagellum short as in a female ; black, the anterior! edge of clypeus broadly dull yellow, the labrum, mandibles except apices, and malar space also dull yellow ; flagellum ferruginous, paler beneath ; legs ex- cept for the coxae red, the anterior femora infuscated with black above ; tegulae rather dark testaceous ; eyes converging below ; facial line longer than transfacial ; head and thorax rather shiny, hardly sculptured, though the clypeus has a few punctures; enclosure of propodeum shining; anterior edge of clypeus depressed ; head and thorax largely covered with short hair, that on top of head and thorax rather moss-like, dense, fulvous to pale ochraceous, that on cheeks and sides of thorax paler, sometimes white ; abdomen only slightly shining, the ter- gites with apical bands of ochraceous to white pubescence, the apices of the tergites beneath the bands translucent whitish ; pygidial area reddish; wings slightly dusky, the veins and stigma black. 9 . Length 6 to 7 mm. ; black, the anterior margin of clypeus broadly dull red ; mandibles except for the blackish apices, labrum, and malar space also dull red; legs black; venter of abdomen red; tergites one to three red, two and three black at extreme sides; tergite four black, faintly red at base; remaining xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 183 tergites black, the base of pygidial area red; flagellum red, paler beneath ; sculpture and structure similar to that described for male ; pygidial area with a longitudinal median groove in apical part ; abdomen with bands of white pubescence similar1 to those of male ; pubescence of head and thorax sparser than in the male, white except for dorsum of head and thorax where it is ochraceous and moss-like ; vertex with some black hairs. Many specimens from Altadena, CALIFORNIA, June 11, 1933, May 12, 1934, and June 26 and 28, 1935 (Michener). They were flying over the ground within two small areas about half a mile apart. Here they were very abundant, nesting in the hard flat ground and visiting flowers, chiefly those of Hugelia virgata. Outside of these areas none could be found, although the Hufjclia and other vegetation appeared just the same and the ground looked the same. The nearest relative is H. elegant iila, ( Ckll. ), which has paler wings and stigma. Mr. P. H. Timberlake first identified my specimens as H. rufipcs. In his very extensive collecting at Riverside, he has never taken it. Hesperapis arida n. sp. $ . Length 6 to 7 mm. ; form robust, the abdomen flattened, and the antennae short, much like the female; flagellum fer- ruginous beneath ; eyes strongly converging below ; mandibles red, the bases black, the apices blackish ; clypeus somewhat shining with fine punctures; rest of head and thorax about the same, the enclosure of propodeum entirely dull ; tegulae testa- ceous; wings clear, the veins nearly black, the stigma rather dark brown, shorter than in //. u'ilinuttae Ckll. ; abdomen abso- lutely dull, except for base of first tergite, which has a very faint shininess; tergites with broad white apical bands, the tegument beneath them testaceous; pygidial area red; legs black, the tibial spurs, hind knee plate, and extreme apices of tibiae reddish; pubescence mostly white, short, longest on lower part of cheeks, abundant on face, cheeks, pleura, sides of propo- deum, and legs, that on under side of metatarsi ferruginous; sides of tergites with considerable hair between the bands; scutum with short, dull ochraceous, moss-like hair, and some longer white hairs. 184 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS IJ1^)'- '36 $ . Length 8 mm. ; similar to the male ; anterior margin of clypeus dark red; moss-like hair of scutum more copious; pygidial area hardly red; entire first tergite with a very faint shininess; hind tihiae and tarsi with some rather long black hair. Holotypc, a male, and numerous paratypes from 20 miles south of Twenty Nine Palms, San Bernardino County, CALI- FORNIA, April 14, 1935, on Larrca tridcntata var. glitthwsa (Michener, Coll.) The male is very distinct from //. wilnuittac Ckll. by the short antennae, robust form, etc. The females, however, are not easily separated. The following characters are useful in their separation : wlmattac. arid a. Anterior margin of clypeus Anterior margin of clypeus black. dark red. Abdomen faintly shiny. Abdomen beyond second ter- gite very dull. Hind tibiae with few black Hind tibiae with many black hairs. hairs. Labrum black. Labrum dark red. Apices of mandibles red. Apices of mandibles black. Hcspcrapis Icucura Ckll. is somewhat similar but smaller and more shiny. HESPERAPIS WILMATTAE Cockerell. $ . Similar to female, the antennae black ; abdomen a little more shining ; hind legs without black hairs ; pubescence rather long, white, entirely covering face, and abundant on thorax. there being no moss-like hair on scutum. Dry Lake (east of Borego Valley) (T. D. A. & W. P. Cockerell) ; Cottonwood Springs, Riverside County, April 14, 1935 (Michener), all in California. The male is close to H. nitidida Ckll. but larger, eyes gray (green in nitidida} ; face narrower; posterior part of enclosure of propodeum duller (strongly shining, though not smooth in nit id ttla) ; genitalia nearly black in wilmattac, brown in nitidida. Hcsperapis may be divided into two subgenera, as follows : Male robust, with the form of a female, the flagellum short, its joints broader than long; moss-like pubescence present on dorsum ............................ Hcspcrapis s. str. Male slender, the flagellum long, most of the joints longer xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS than broad ; moss-like pubescence absent except in female H. wilimtttac Panurgomia Vier. Zaccsta Ashm. is a synonym of lies pent pis s. str. Hcspcrapis s. str. includes elet/antula Ckll.. ntfipcs (Ashm.), and arida Mich. Although male eleyantula is unknown, I think that there is no doubt of its relation to nifipes. Paiinri/oinid includes all the American species which I have seen except those mentioned above. Notes On Some American Colydiidae. (Coleoptera). By HOWARD EVEREST HINTON, Zoological Laboratory, Cambridge, England. This paper, one of the last of a series, is a result of the study of a few remaining species of neotropical Colydiidae repre- sented in the various collections before the writer from the United States National Museum and Mr. F. Nevermann. One genus is here relegated to synonomy, two new species are described, one species is removed from one genus and placed in another, and notes and additional locality records are given for five other species. The writer takes this opportunity of expressing his thanks to Dr. K. G. Blair of the British Museum (Natural History) and Dr. A. D. Imms of Cambridge University for their gener- ous assistance in the preparation of this and other papers of the series. LAPETHINI. LAPETHUS Casey 1890. Lapethus Casey, Ann. N. York. Acad. V, p. 317. 321. 1895. Litpcllius Sharp, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. II, 1, p. 494. 1895. Lvtvpcplus Sharp, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. II, 1, p. 494. 1898. Brachylon Gorh. Biol. Centr.-Amer. Col. VII, p. 256. 1913. Lytopcplus Champion, Trans. I;.nt. Soc. London, p. 79. The only character separating Lapethus Casev from L\to- pcplus Sharp is the greater separation of the front and middle coxae in the latter, but as this difference is only a matter of degree and is bridged by certain species (Lapethus shurpi Champ, etc.), it seems undesirable to retain the genus Lytopcp- lus Sharp. 186 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS f July, '36 LAPETHUS BREVIS (Gorh.) (1898) One, Guatemala: Alta V. Paz, Cacao, Trece Aguas, IV-19- 1906 (Barber, Schivarz). This specimen is about one-third smaller than the smallest specimen in the series in the British Museum, hut is otherwise similar. LAPETHUS SHARPI (Champ.) (1913) Two, as follows : One, Guatemala : Alta V. Paz, Cacao, Trece Aguas, IV-24-1906 (Barber, Sclncars). One, Mexico: Estado de Morelos, Cuernavaca, VI-1934 (H. E. Hint on). LAPETHUS SULCIMARGO (Champ.) (1913) One, Guatemala: Jacala, V-2-1906 (Barber, Schwarz). This specimen is slightly smaller and more evidently punctate than the unique type from Chontales, Nicaragua, hut otherwise it seems to agree rather well. However, when a longer series is found, it may prove to he new. LAPETHUS ALLUAUDI (Grouv.) (1894) 1894. Mychoccnis allnaudi Grouv. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr. LX1I1, p. 15. 1918. M\choccnis allnaudi Grouv. Trans. Ent. Soc. London, p. 45, 47. While studying the genus La pet hits and related genera, the writer had occasion to examine this non-American species. Typical examples collected in the Seychelle Islands agree in all important particulars with the genus Lapethits Casey, this genus differing from Mychoccrus Er. in the position of the antennal cavities and in the absence of prosternal striae. Lapethus cubanus sp. n. Moderately narrowly obovate (length to breadth ratio about 115 : 68), moderately strongly convex. Cuticle shining, rufo- piceous; antennae, mouth-parts and legs rufo-testaceous. Head finely punctate with punctures which are separated mostly by two to three times their diameters. Maxillary and labial palpi with the terminal segment in the form of a stout spine. Prothorax at broadest point (base) one-third broader than long (60 : 42) and apical margin between apical angles much narrower than base (30 : 60). Apical margin extremely finely, scarcely noticeably margined ; sides finely completely margined, when viewed from above converging moderately towards apex in basal one-half and more strongly so in apical one-half, when xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS viewed laterally the lateral margin is moderately strongly arcu- ate in apical one-half and straight but feebly oblique in basal one-half; base extremely finely but completely margined, mod- erately strongly sinuate on each side. Prnnotum without an accessory lateral stria; surface with the punctures moderately fine, about twice as coarse as those of head and separated mostly by one to two times their diameters though often sparser. Elytra nearly twice as long as prothorax (76 : 42) and broad- est at about apical one-half. Surface apparently feebly striate (actually without stria! lines), punctures corresponding to strial punctures coarse, subovate to nearly round and separated longi- tudinally on disk by one to two times their diameters ; intervals flat, apparently impunctate. Beneath with the surface of the prosternum microscopically alutaceous and obscurely punctate with punctures which are about as coarse or slightly coarser and as sparse as those of pronotum. Metasternum without a median impressed line on disk; surface of disk only extremelv finely and sparsely punc- tate; lateral stria clearly marked. First ventral abdominal seg- ment with the lateral stria extending near lateral margin of segment. Length, 1.4 mm.; breadth, .9 mm. Type: In the collection of the United States National Mu- seum. Greater Antilles: CUBA, Cayamas (E. A. Schivurz). The new species differs from L. snbst rial its (Champ.) in its less depressed form and less strongly bisinuate prothoracic base. L. cubanus Hntn. is rather close to L. ferruginous (Hntn. and Anc.) (1934) but is less ovate and more oblong and has the prothoracic base extremely finely margined near the middle, whereas in ferruginous the base is not margined. Also, in the new species the lateral margin when viewed laterally is more strongly arcuate in apical one-half than it is in fcrrugincus. Lapethus lateralis sp. n. Obovate, moderately convex ; cuticle alutaceous for the most part, shining, ruf o-piceous ; antennae, mouth-parts and legs somewhat rufo-testaceous. Head finely punctate with punctures which are separated mostly by one to two times their diameters. Maxillary and labial palpi with the terminal segment in the form of a stout spine. Prothorax at broadest point (base) one-third broader than long (62 : 40) and apical margin between apical angles much narrower than base (29 : 62). Apical margin extremely finely, 188 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | July, '36 scarcely noticeably margined; sides finely and completely mar- gined, when viewed dorsally converging slightly towards apex in basal one-half and more strongly so in apical one-half, when viewed laterally the lateral margin is strongly arcuate in apical one-half and straight but feebly oblique in basal one-half ; base extremely finely and completely margined, moderately sinuate on each side. Pronotum without an accessory lateral stria ; sur- face with the punctures about or slightly coarser than those of head and separated mostly by one to two times their diameters. Elytra nearly twice as long as prothorax (75 : 40) and broad- est at about apical one-half. Surface apparently feebly striate (appearance due to arrangement of punctures), punctures cor- responding to strial punctures rather coarse and irregularly separated on disk but usually separated by two or more times their diameters ; intervals flat, finely and sparsely punctate, but apparently impunctate. Beneath with the 'surface of the prosternum at middle only finely and sparsely punctate. Disk of metasternum without a median impressed line ; surface of disk extremely finely punc- tate with punctures which are separated mostly by five or more times their diameters ; lateral stria well defined. First ventral abdominal segment with the lateral stria becoming obsolete at posterior one seventh of segment and only slightly extended laterally near end, not clearly marked beyond basal two-thirds. Length, 1.4 mm.; breadth, .9 mm. Type: In the collection of the United States National Mu- seum. On log from BRAZIL, IV-24-1934 (/. H. Morcland}. From L. brasilianus Champ. (1913), the new species differs in its smaller size and in not having the elytral intervals "rather convex and closely, minutely punctulate." From L. substriatus (Champ.) (1913), it differs in having the base of the prothorax feebly instead of strongly bisinuate, and from L. ferrugineus (Hntn. & Anc.), it may be separated by its less oval form and margined prothoracic base. It is, however, apparently most closely related to L. cubanus Hntn. and is separated from this West Indian species only with some difficulty, and, indeed, it is possible that a long series will show these two to be the same. The new species has the apical half of the lateral margin of the prothorax (when viewed laterally) distinctly more strongly arcuate! than cubanus, and has the lateral stria on the first ven- tral abdominal segment much less clearly marked and not ex- tending laterally for so great a distance. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 189 CERYLONINI. TYRTAEUS RUFUS Champ. (1913) One, Panama: Paraiso, III-4-1911 (E. A. Sclnvarz}. This specimen is distinctly smaller than any in the series in the British Museum, and in addition it has the elytra slightly more coarsely punctate. PHILOTHERMUS PUBERULUS Schwarz (1878) Five, as follows: Two, Mexico: Tampico, XII-27 (E. A. Sclnvarz}. One, Guatemala: Jacala, V-2-1906 (Barber, Scliu'arz}. One, Guatemala: Alta V. Paz, Cacao, Trece Aguas, IV-28-1906 (Barber, Schwars}. One, Panama: Paraiso, 1-30- 1911 (E. A. Schwars} . Colorado Lepidoptera Records (Pieridae. Sphingidae). A badly rubbed specimen of Goncptcr\.v clorindc (Godart) ( Rhopalocera : Pieridae) was collected in Denver, Colorado, on July 15, 1935, at flowers of Delphinium by Mrs. Minnie Gib- bons. Holland (Moth Book, 1931) records it as— "Very abun- dant in Mexico, but only occurs as a straggler in the extreme southwestern part of Texas." The specimen has an expanse of 3^8 inches as compared witl~u Holland's figure of 4 to 5 inches. At Albion Lake in western Boulder County, Colorado, a specimen of Cclcrio lineata- Fabricius (Heterocera: Sphingi- dae) was collected at flowers of the Blue Columbine, Aqnil- c mm., with a needle, place in loose damp cotton wool in a vial closed with plug of same, wrap with paraffin paper and mail in tube or box to him. 190 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '36 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY V. S. L. PATE, LAURA S. MACKEY and E. T. CRESSON, JH. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the imn- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not BO Indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of App'Ied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Papers published in the Entomological News are not' listed. New Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to 14. Archives do Institute Biologico, Sao Paulo. GENERAL. — Anon. — Une invention remarqnable cine a 1'entomologie "Le precede Heliophore." [Lambillionea] 36: 90-93, ill. Brossard, R. — La photographic stereoscopique en couleurs des papillons et cles chenilles. [L'Amat. Papil- lons] 8: 25-34. Browne, C. A. — Some relations of the New Harmony movement to the history of science in America. [Sc. Month.] 1936: 483-497, ill. Carter, W.— Insects and Plant Diseases. [37] 9: 159-170, ill. Chagnon, G.— Insectes nouveaux ou pen connus captures dans la toitrbiere de Lan- oraie, Quebec. [98] 63: 164-166. Cockerell, T. D. A.— The entomology of Prince Albert National Park, Saskatchewan. [4] 68: 85-88. Curran, C. H. — How insects protect their eggs. [Nat. Hist. N. Y.] 37: 441-456, ill. Drake, C. J- Teaching and training in the field of entomology. [12] 29: 28-36. Gibson, A. — Recent advances in applied entomology in Canada. [V. Cong. Intern. Ent., Paris] 1932: 45-63. Guignot, F. — Sur les types en entomologie. [Misc. Ent.] 37: 28-30. Hacker, H. — An Introduction to Beekeeping. [Queensland (Austral.) Dept. Agr. & Stock, Div. Ent. & PL Path.] Bull. 11 (N. S.), 46 pp., ill. Hardy, G. A.- Notes on Vancouver Island Cerambycidae. [Rept. Prov. Mus. Nat. Hist. Brit. Col.] 1935: 34-35. Hinds, W. E.- Obituary. By F. L. Thomas. [12] 29: 225-226. Linsley & Usinger. — Insect collecting in California — II. Foothill reg- ion. [55] 12: 48-55, ill. Maneval, H. — Insectes fossiles des xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 191 calcaires Oligocenes de Ronzon. [Mem. Soc. Linn. Lyon] 79: 22-37, ill. (*). Sanders, J. G. — The commercial entom- ologist. [12] 29: 20-28. Schmiedeknecht, O.— Obituary by H. Hedicke. [Mit. Deutsch. Ent. Ges.j 7: 1-2. ill. Sherman & Perry. — Insect and plant associations in the Child >tin. [Kept. Prov. Mus. Nat. Hist. Brit. Col.] 1935: 30-34. ill. Strong, L. A. — 'Stabilizing entomology. [12] 29: 1-6. Swezey, O. H. — The insect fauna of leie (Freycinetia ar- borea) in Hawaii. [37] 9: 191-202. Vaz, Z. — Ectoparasitas de animaes domesticos observados no Estado de S. Paulo. [14] 6: 29-33. Wardle, R. A.— General Entomology. P. Blakiston's Son & Co., Philadelphia. 311 pp., ill. Warnecke, G. — Microclimat et distribution des Papillons. [L'Amat. Papillons | 8: 35-44, ill. Weiss, H. B.— The Pioneer Cen- tury of American Entomology. New Brunswick, N. J. 1936 320 pp. Wilder, Gerrit Parmele. — Obituary by Swezey & Ehrhorn. [37] 9: 189-190. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC. — Broadbent & Bliss. — Comparison of criteria of susceptibility in the re- sponse of Drosophila to Hydrocyanic Acid Gas. [12] 29: 143-155. Brown, A. W. A. — Miscellaneous physiological observations on the laboratory breeding of flesh flies and of Melanoplus bivittatus. [4] 68: 88-91. Carter, W.— The toxicogenic and toxiniferous insect. [68] 83: 522. Cock- ayne, E. A. — Sex-limited hereditary cancer in lepidopterous larvae. [21] 48: 59-60. Fraenkel, G.— Observations and ex- periments on the blow-fly (Calliphora erythrocephala) dur- ing the first day after emergence. [93] 1936: 893-904, ill. Klinger, H. — Die Insektizide Wirkung von Pyrethrum- und Derrisgiften und ihre abhangigkeit vom Insektenkorper. [110] 3: 49-69, ill. Manunta, C. — Esperienze sul comporta- mento fisiologico del bianco dominante nei bachi da seta (Bombyx). [Boll. Zool. Torino] 7: 89-93. Mayer, K.— 1 >ii- Mtmdwerkzeuge von Pterobosca odonati])hila (Dipt: Cera- topogon.). [109] 3: 1-3. ill. Robertson, C. W.— The meta- morphosis of Drosophila melanogaster, including an accu- rately timed account of the principal morphological changes. | J. Morph.] 59: 351-400, ill. Schultze, W.— Erho- hung der Zelltemperatur auf etwa 35° vcrmindert die Farh- stoffbildung in dem verschiedensten Klassen der Leben- wesen und Zerstort Farbstoffbildendes Ferment. [87 1 134: 294-312. Speicher, B. R. — Oogenesis, fertilization and early cleavage in TTabrobracon. [J. Morph. | 59: 401-417, ill. Steinberg Y Kamensky. — Lc^ premisses occologi(|ues de la diapause de Loxostege sticticalis. ( Lep. I "yralidac ). [Hull Biol. Fr. & lU-lg. | 70: 145-1.S3. Strasburger, E. H.— Bros- 192 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS IJul.V, '36 ophila melanogaster. Eine Einfuhrung in den Bau und die Entwickkmg. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1935. 60 pp. Thomas, M. — L'Instinct chez les Araignees. La vue et la sensibilite tactile. [33] 76: 147-160. Ting, P. C.— Pupation of Haltica bimarginata. [55] 12:55. Varricchio, P. — Note sulla morfologia e lo sviluppo postembrionale della Doli- chopoda palpata (Orthop.). [Ann. Mus. Zool. R. Univ. Napoli] 6: no. 19, 20 pp., ill. Wiltshire, E. P.— The effect of environment on larval colouring. A note on the larvae of the Syrian race of Celerio euphorbiae. [21] 48: 60-61. Wulkoff, H. — Hitze und Frostreize in ihren Wirkung auf das Flugehnuster der Mehlmotte Ephestia kiihniella. [87] 134: 210-223, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Bhattacharya, G. C.— Diving spiders. [Nat. Hist. N. Y.] 1936: 77-81, ill. Chamberlin, R. V. — Further records and descriptions of North American Gnaphosidae. [40] no. 853: 25 pp., ill. (*). Crosby & Bishop. — Aeronautic spiders with description of a n. s. [6] 44: 43-50, ill. Exline, H. — Nearctic spiders of the genus Cicurina. [40] no. 850: 25 pp., ill. (*). Gertsch & Mulaik. — Diagnoses of new southern spiders. [40] no. 852: 27 pp., ill. Jacot, A. P. — Some rake-legged mites of the family Cheyletidae. [6] 44: 17-32, ill. (*). Jacot, A. P.- An undescribed Pediculoidid mite from the southern Ap- palachians. [4] 68: 82-85. ill. Pearson, J. F. W.— Latro- dectus geometricus in southern Florida. [68] 83: 522-523. Tragardh, I. — What is Notaspis theleproctus Hermann? [28] 57: 127-131. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Bailey, S. F. — Additions to the list of California Thysanoptera. [55] 12: 90. Carpenter, F. M. — Revision of the Nearctic Raphidiodea (recent and fossil). [Pro. Am. Ac. A. & S.] 71: 89-157, ill. (*). Carriker, M. A., Jr.— Studies in neo- tropical Mallophaga, Part 1. — Lice of the Tinamous. [Pro, Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila.] 88: 45-218, ill. Cowley, J.— The Disparoneura-complex: generic characters and lists of species (Odonata). [75] 17: 509-526, ill. (*). Kimmins, D. E. — New s]>. of Nusalala (Neurop: Hemerobiidae). [75] 17: 568-576, ill. (S). May, E.— Ueber die gen. Vestalis, Vestinus, u. Vestularia n. g. [Senckenbergiana] 17: 207- 218, ill. Moulton, D. — Thysanoptera of the Hawaiian Is- lands. [37] 9: 181-188 (*)". Williams, F. X. (see under Coleoptera). xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 193 ORTHOPTERA.— Hebard, M.— Orthoptera of North Dakota. [> D. Agr. Coll. Exp. Sta.] Bull. (Tech.) 284: 69 pp. Salfi, M. — Grillidi clella Guiana inglese raccolti dalla spedizione Beccari (1931-32). [Ann. Mus. Zool. R. Univ. Napoli] 6: no. 17, 7 pp., ill. ('*). de Toleda Piza, S.— Urn novo Phasmida do Brasil. [105] 6: 98-100, ill. HEMIPTERA— Beamer, R. H.— Dikraneura aegra new name. [55] 12: 55. China, W. E.— The first genus and species of Helatrephidae from the new world. [75] 17: 527- 538, ill. (S*). Drake & Hambleton.— New Brazilian Tingi- tidae. [14| 6: 141-154. ill. Essig, E. O.— New California Aphididae. [55] 12: 65-72, ill. The Onion Aphid. [55| 12: 72. Garbowski, T. — Zur Ethologie nnd Psychologic dc-r Asopiden. | 100] 2: 363-383, ill. Hambleton," E. J.— Notas sobre Pseidococcinae de importancia economica no Brazil com a descr. de quatro n. sp. [14] 6: 103-120, ill. Johnson, C. G. — The biology of Leptobyrsa rhododendri (Tingit.), the Rhododendron lace-bug. [35] 23: 342-368, ill. Lepage, H. S. — -Uma esp. n. do gen. Chionaspis (Coccoidea). [14| 6: 167-170, ill. McKenzie, H. L.— A Bermuda Grass Dia- spine scale new to California. [55] 12: 96. Miller, F. W.— Three n. spp. of Aphids. [4] 68: 80-82. Usinger, R. L- New distributional records of Hawaiian Heteroptera. [37] 9: 209-210. The genus Geocoris in the Hawaiian Islands (Lygae.). [37] 9: 212-215. Van Duzee, E. P.— A report on some Heteroptera from the Hawaiian Islands, with descrip- tions of n. spp. [37] 9: 219-229. LEPIDOPTERA.— Austen & Hughes.— Clothes moths and house moths. [Br. Mus.) Econ. Ser. 14: 50 pp., ill. Carpenter, G. D. H. — Birds do attack butterflies. |Sd. Progress, London] 30: 628-634. Clark, B. P. — Descriptions of twenty-four new Sphingidae and notes concerning two others. [Proc. N. Engl. Zool. Cl.] 15: 71-91. Comstock & Dammers. — Metamorphosis of Strymon lida. [38] 35:6-8, ill. Davenport, D. — A new American Coenonympha (Satyr.). [4] 68: 79. Hambleton & Forbes.— Uma lista de lepidoptera (Heterocera) do Estado de Minas Geraes. [14| 6: 213-236. Kieffer, H. H. — California Microlepidnpu-ra VITT. [38] 35: 9-29, ill. (*). McDunnough, J.— On the identity and type locality of Euphydryas editha. 1 38 1 35: 1-2. Rudkin, C. N. — Interrelationships of Anthocharis cithnra and A. pima (Pier.). [38[ 35: 3-5, ill. de Toleda Piza, S. — Uma nova especie de Pieridae pertencente a um genero ainda nao assignalado no Brasil. [105] 6: 11 7-1 Jo, ill. 194 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Juty, '36 DIPTERA.— Alexander, C. P.— Records and descriptions of Brazilian Tipulidae, Pt. I. [105] 6: 10-23 (*). Borg- meier, T. — Alguns Phorideos myrmecophilos e Costa Rica e do Brasil. [105] 6: 23-37, ill. (*). Felt, E. P.— New midges on pine and grass (Cecidomyid). [6] 44: 7-9. James, M. T. — New Stratiomyidae in the collection of the California Academy of Sciences. [55] 12: 86-90. Komp, W. H. W. — An annotated list of the mosquitoes found in the vicinity of an endemic focus of yellow fever in the republic of Columbia. [10] 38: 57-70. The male and larva of Aedes dominicii and the male of Aedes pseudodominicii sp. n., representatives of a n. subg. (Soperia) of the g. Aedes, from Columbia. [10] 38: 71-75, ill. Lopes, H. de Sousa. — Sobre duas especies brasileiras de Rhinotora (Rho- palom.). [105] 6: 106-109, ill. Ronna, A.— Observances biologicas sobre dois dipteros parasitas de Apis mellifica (Phor. Sarcophag.). [105] 6: 1-9, ill. Scott, H.— Descrip- tions and records of Nycteribiidae with a discussion of the genus Basilia. [Jour. Linn. Soc. Lond.] Z. 39: 479-505, ill. (S*). Segal, B. — Synopsis of the Tabanidae of New York, their biology and taxonomy. I. The g. Chrysops. [6] 44: 51-78. Townsend, C. H. T.— Manual of Myiology. Part III. Oestroid classification and habits. Gymnosomatidae to Tachinidae. 249 pp. COLEOPTERA.— Balduf, W. F.— The bionomics of en- tomophagous Coleoptera. J. S. Swift Co. 1935. 220 pp. Bruck, C. R. — A synoptic revision of the sub-family Hyle- sininae (Scolyt.) of western North America, north of Mex- ico. [38] 35: 38-51, ill. New Scolytidae of Southern Cali- fornia, with a key to the species of Pseudothysanoes. [38] 35 : 30-38. von Dalla Torre & Voss. — Coleopterorum Cata- logus. Pars. 144. Curculionidae : Otidocephalinae, Ithyceri- nae, Belinae, Petalochilinae, Oxycoryninae. 1-14; 1-2; 1-14; 1-2; 1-2. Good, N. E.— The flour beetles of the genus Tri- bolium. [Tech. Bull. U. S. D. A.] 498: 57 pp.. ill. Hatch, M. H.— Studies on Leiodidae. [6] 44: 33-41 ('*). Hincks & Dibb. — Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 142. Passalidae. 118 pp. Hinton, H. E. — Miscellaneous studies in the neotropi- cal Colydiidae. [105] 6: 47-97 (*). Hoffmann, C. H.— The life history of Serica sericea (Scarabae.). [6] 44: 11-15. Jordan, K. — Anthribidae from South America and Africa. [71] 39: 326-329 (*). Klima, A.— Coleopterorum Cata- logus. Pars 145. Curculionidae: Alophinae, Diabathrariinae, Rhynchaeninae, Ceratopinae, Trigonocolinae, Xiphaspid- inae, Nerthopinae, Euderinae, Camarotinae, Acicnemidinae. 1-14; 1-4; 1-36; 1-3; 1-3; 1; 1-2; 1; 1-2; 1-10. Liebke, M. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 195 -Neue Carabiden aus Costa Rica. [105J 6: 125-128. Oben- berger, J. — Coleopterortim Catalogus. Pars 143. Bupresti- dae IV. 785-934. Parkin, E. A. -A study of the food rela- tions of the Lyctus powder-post beetles. [35] 23: 369-400, ill. Pic, M. — Coleopteres Heteromeres "Mordellidae". [L'Exchang-e.] 1936, No. 464: Separata 4 pp. (S*). Thery, A. — Quelques Bnprestides nouveaux de Bresil. [105] 6: 37- 47, ill. Uhmann, E. — Amerikanische Hispinen. III. Die Gattung Cephaloia. [105] 6: 109-117, ill. (*). Van Dyke, E. C. — Peculiarities of the coleopterous fauna of semiarid southwestern North America. [V. Cong. Intern. Ent., Paris] 1932: 471-477. Van Dyke, E. C.— N. sp. of North American weevils of the family Curculionidae, subfamily Brachyrhininae. [55] 12: 73-85. " Van Zwaluwenberg, R. H. —A n. sp. of Pyrophorus (Elater.) from Guatemala, re- cently introduced into Hawaii. [37] 9: 231-234, ill. von Bloeker, J. C. — The status of Phyllophaga lanceolata (Scarab.). [38] 35: 52-61, ill. (*). Williams, F. X.— Biol- ogical studies in Hawaiian water-loving insects. I, Coleop- tera or Beetles. II, Odonata or Dragonflies. [37] 9: 235- 349, ill. HYMENOPTERA.— Burks, B. D.— The Nearctic Dir- hinini and Epitranini (Chalcid.). [Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.] 22: 283-287, ill. Compere, H.— A n. g. and sp. of Encyrti- dae parasitic in the pineapple mealybug, Pseudococcus brevipes. [37] 9: 171-174, ill. (S). Conde, O— Revision der Gattung Haplostegus (Tenthr.). [105] 6: 120-124, ill. (S*). Donisthorpe, H. — Acropyga ( Rhizomyrma) robae sp. n. (Formic.), a new S. American ant, with remarks on the genus, etc. [9] 69: 108-111, ill. Dozier, H. L.— Several un- described Mvmarid egg-parasites of the genus Anagrus. [37] 9: 175-178. Eidmann (& Borgmeier).— Oekologisch- faunistische Studien an sudbrasilianischen Ameisen. [110] 3: 26-48, ill. (*). Fullaway, D. T. — Description of a new fruit fly parasite from Fiji. [37] 9: 179-180. Gahan, A. B. -Tetrastichus brevistigma, n. sp. (Euloph.). [10] 38: 76- 77. Hopping & Leech. — -Sawfly Biologies. I. Neodiprion tsugae. [4] 68: 71-79, ill. Jacoby, M. — Ueber das Wachsen des Atta-Nestes im ersten Jahre nach der Gruendung (Formic.). [105] 6: 100-106. ill". Loomis, H. F.— The milli- peds of Hispaniola. [Bui. Mus. Comp. Zool.j 80: 1-191. ill. (*). Malyshev, S. I. — The nesting habits of solitary bees [EOS] 11 : 201-309, ill. Menozzi, C.— Spedizione del Prof. Nello Beccari nella Guiana ]'>ritannica I lyim-noptera. For- micidae. |Rcdia| 21: 189-203, ill. (*). Michener, C. D.- Some bees of the g. Ashmeadiella. [55] 12: 56-64, ill. (*). 196 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | July. '36 Mickel, C. E. — Descriptions and records of California Mu- tillidae. [55] 12: 91-96 (*). Nielsen, E. T.— Sur les habi- tudes des Hymenopteres aculeates solitaires. [102] 19: 298- 384. Schwarz, H. F. — Further comments on Melipona. [6] 44: 1-6. (*). de Toledo Piza & Pinto de Fonseca.— Heter- ospilus coffeicola, parasita da "broca do cafe," Stephan- oderes hampei. [14] 6: 180-199, ill. SPECIAL NOTICES.— Stiles, C. W.— Notice of pos- sible suspension of rules of nomenclature in certain cases. [68] 83: 552-553. (Orthop., Lepid., Hymen., etc.) THE PIONEER CENTURY OF AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGY. By HARRY B. WEISS. Published by the Author, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1936. 320 mimeographed pages 27.7 x 20.8 cm. $4.25 postpaid. — The author, who is well known as the Chief of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the New Jersey State De- partment of Agriculture, and as the editor of the Journal of the New York Entomological Society, and who has contributed many readable historical and biographical articles on entomol- ogists to the Scientific Monthly and other magazines, starts his book and his preface as follows : "At the outset I may as well confess that the title of this book is not strictly indicative of its contents. I have attempted to cover a longer period than a cen- tury, and to trace the record of entomology from its beginnings in this country to the year 1865." Mr. Weiss's treatment of his material is chronological. He usually begins with the publication of some noteworthy article or book, but a biographical sketch of its author varies the cata- logue. Such a sequence sometimes brings together two entomol- ogists whose connection with each other is not obvious, as when Dr. Hans Herman Behr's exhibition, in 1855, at San Francisco, of insects of Honolulu, is followed by the account of the first paper, in 1856, in the Proceedings of the Philadelphia Academy, by the young entomologist of Baltimore. Philip Reese Uhler, or when the Honorable J., and the plain Thomas, Barlow, "dis- porting" themselves in the American Quarterly Journal of Agri- culture and Science on the study of entomology and its novel productions, respectively, in 1845 and 1846, immediately pre- cede the description of Dr. W. S. W. Ruschenberger's Ele- ments of Entomology of 1845. The grouping of data as evidenced by the titles of the chap- ters is: I. Entomology in the Accounts of Early Travelers (1588-1723), II. The Entomology of Early Books and Papers (1731-1800), III. The Early years of the" Nineteenth Century (1800-1817). IV. Thomas Say and his Contemporaries (1817- 1831), V. From Zimmermann to LeConte (1832-1845), VI. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Asa Fitch and Other Entomologists (1S45-1S54), VII. The Glover and Osten Sacken Period (1855-1860), VIII. From Walsh to Cowan (1860-1865), IX. The Entomology in Agri- cultural Periodicals before 1865, X. Scientific Societies, Scien- tific Journals, and Exploring Expeditions Contributing to the Progress of American Entomology, XI. Some Notes on Can- ada, XII. Entomology in Europe During the Pioneer Century in America. The great names of American entomology previous to 1865 are commemorated, each in two or more pages. Of them Mr. Weiss justly remarks, p. 172, "One of the disadvantages of writing about outstanding entomologists in a work like this, is that such men having contributed so enormously to the science and having written so extensively — really, in order to have jus- tice done them should be considered by themselves in separate volumes. It is easy to be specific and detailed about the work of an author of one or two short papers. It is difficult when the author has written a hundred lengthy articles, reports, etc., involving hundreds of species, observations, etc. And so it is necessary to be general about the work of Dr. Fitch and to refer those who want more information to the bibliography of Dr. Fitch's entomological writings which J. A. Lintner published in ... 1882." Mr. Weiss has heeded his own prescription with his excellent biography of Thomas Say (1931), written in conjunction with Miss Grace Ziegler, reviewed in the NEWS for March, 1931, pp. 90-93. The passage quoted above recalls some expressions in the preface to Bodenheimer's two volumes on the history of entomology (1928) and, like him, Mr. Weiss would doubtless consider his own work as materials for a history, not a history itself. That the lesser entomologists are not forgotten may be seen from an examination of the index, in which are entered the names of about 400 individuals of the period who have some claim to this title. Mr. Weiss has brought together a great mass of information concerning them and all their present con- freres will do well to obtain this book at once, for only 150 copies have been published, owing to the author's inability to find a publisher willing to put the volume into print. Mr. Weiss can be reached at 19 North Seventh Avenue, Highland Park, New Jersey. — PHILIP P. CALVERT. ZUR KENNTXFSS DKR ODONATENPARASITEN, mit ganx beson- derer Rucksichtigung der (')kologiV der in Europa an Libellen schmarotzenden Wassermilben. Von I'.xri. M!fivrHTJF.RG. Archiv I". 11 ydrobiologie. I'.d. XXIX S. 1-120. Published Nov. 1, 1935. — Although this work treats of European parasites of European Odonata, it contains much that is of interest to stu- 198 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | July, '36 dents in other parts of the world. The first section reviews the literature on egg-parasitic Hymenoptera, from which it appears that the identifications of those species supposed to have issued from Odonate eggs are in great confusion. As the title states, the greatest part of this work deals with Hydrachnine larvae. They have heen reported from 12 species of Zygoptera and 15 species of Anisoptera. The author has reared nymphs from larvae attached to 17 species of Zygoptera and 11 species of Anisoptera of Europe; they belong to the genera Arrhenurus Duges and Gcoryclla Koenike. Twenty-four species of Arrhc- iinriis and one of Gcoryclla from Odonate hosts have heen dis- tinguished. Thrombidiid and Erythraeid larvae occur much less frequently on the Odonata and are considered as errant parasites. Odonata with rheophilous nymphs, especially Calop- tervgidae and Gomphidae, transform mite-free, as mites of the genera named are typical pond dwellers and avoid flowing water. The larvae of Arrlienunts papillator were found on 8 species of Synipctnnn and 4 species of Lcstcs, A. pustnlator larvae on one species each of seven genera of Anisoptera and one species of Agrion. The same species of larval mite at- taches itself to different parts of different hosts. Thus A. pa- pillator fastens itself to the lower surface of the basal wing- veins of Sympetrum meridionals and fonscolombei, but to the thorax or to the abdominal sternites of the other hosts. The parasitic phase lasts in general 3-4 weeks, but those which at- tach themselves to the wing-veins require a longer period, 6-8 weeks, perhaps due to the slighter amount of nourishment af- forded by the veins. Details of the periods occupied by the nymphal stages, based on numerous rearings in laboratories are given. Two modes of infection of Odonate images by larvae of water mites are designated as prenatal and postnatal, i. c. lief ore or after transformation. Swimming larvae, /. c. those of .Irrhcnunis, chiefly infect the Zygoptera prenatally, although postnatal infection may also occur when dragonflies of this sub- order descend below the water's surface for endophytic ovi- position. Infection of Anisoptera in general and by Arrhc- 11 urns papillator of Lcstcs occurs prenatally ("nur bei der Geburt" cf. pp. 80-81 and 110). While the author had no op- portunity to rear larvae of Gcoryclla, he believes that they in- fect their Zygopterous hosts postnatally (pp. 77, 83). Dr. Miinchberg is known as the author of excellent papers on the life histories of German Odonata and the morphology of their larvae (1930-1933). Those studies led him to the investiga- tion of (heir Hydrachnine parasites and his numerous observa- tions and experiments on their development and ecology fur- nish the present important contribution. — PHILIP P. CALVERT. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the ne-w ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lcpidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted.— Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. Wanted for Cash or Exchange. — North American Butterflies in series especially from type localities and remote places. C. F. do? Passes, Mendham, New Jersey. Wanted — Specimens of North American Cephidae. Will make determinations and exchanges for purposes of revising the group. Donald T. Ries, Department of Entomology, Cornell University. Ithaca, N. Y. Wanted — Collectors desiring living pupae with cocoon attached to natural food plant of Michigan, Samia, Columbia or hybrid with S. Cecropia, write W. S. McAlpine, 575 Townsend St., Birmingham, Mich. Wanted — North American Chrys'didae for exchange or determina- tion, with privilege of retaining duplicates. \V. G. Bodenstein, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Wanted — Chloropidae (Oscinidae) of the world. Study, determin- ation or exchange. C. W. Sabrosky, Entomology Dept., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Dr. Karl El'er of the Xoolog:cal In titute, of the Uni- versity of Munich, who is at present engaged in a critical study of the races of Papilio machaon and related species, particularly de- sires to secure for study, as loans or otherwise, material of the American representative of this group. To be of service to him material must bear exact localities, altitudes when possible, and dales of capture. Dr. Filer has largely completed bis work in the Old World forms and requests the cooperation of American students so that hi; investigations may be of broadly comprehen- sive character. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. COLEOPTERA 1014.— Blaisdell, (F. E.). — Studies in the Tenebiionid tribe Triorophini. A monographic revision of the species belonging to the genus Stibia. (Trans., 62, 57-105, 3 pis., 1936) 1.00 DIPT ERA. 1011. — James (M. T.). — A proposed classification of the Nearctic Stratiomyinae (Stratiomyidae). (Trans., 62, 31-35, 1936) . . .20 HYMENOPTERA. 1016. — Mitchell (T. B.) — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic region. IV. Taxonomy of subgenera Xanthosarus, Phaenosarus, Megachiloides and Dero- tiopis (Megachilidae.) (Trans., 62, 117-166, 4 pis., 1936) 1.00 1013. — Pate (V. S. L.). — Studies in the nyssonine wasps. I. Species of Psamma'etes, a n. subg. of Hoplisoides (Sphecidae). (Trans., 62, 49-56, 1936) JO LEPIDOPTERA. 1012. — Querci (O.). — Notes on Pontia protodice (Pieridae). (Trans., 62, 37-47, 1936) . . . .20 ODONATA. 1015. — Needham and Fisher. — The nymphs of North American Libellnline dragonflies. (Trans., 62, 107-116, 1 pis., 1935) .20 ORTHOPTERA 1010. — Rehn & Rehn — On new or redefined genera of Nearctic Melanopli (Acrididae). (Trans., 62, 1-30, 2 pis., 1936) .65 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ , for which please send me the items checked above. Scarce Literature Now Available Contributions which appeared in the various publications of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia often have been unprocurable by students on account of the rarity of separata, which in years past were not retained for sale by the Academy. All papers published since 1921, however, are now available and can be obtained from the Academy at moderate prices. In ad- dition excerpts of nearly all other papers which appeared in the ' Proceedings " or " Journal " since 1860 can be supplied. Our price lists of entomological and other publications now available will be supplied on request, and information gladly fur- nished upon any other specially desired publication of the Academy. Supplementary editions of these price-lists, contain- ing a large number of additional titles, are also in preparation. Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia NINETEEN FH AND THE PARKWAY, PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA REVISTA DE ENTOMOLOGIA AN INTERNATIONAL REVIEW OF ENTOMOLOGY An illustrated magazine published four times a year by Thomaz Borg- meier, O. F. M., devoted to entomology, mainly of the neotropical fauna. The four volumes already published (1931-1935) comprise more than 2,500 pages and contain articles by leading entomologists such as W. M. Wheeler, F. W. Edwards, W. Horn, E. Lindner, E. Martini, A. da Costa Lima, F. Silvestri, C. Menozzi, A. Reichensperger, F. Santschi, D. Moulton, etc., with a bibliography of the current literature (economic and non-economic) of the neotropical fauna. Price to subscribers 4 U. S. dollars, payable in advance. Through booksellers 5 U. S. dollars ; discount to booksellers 20$. Volumes I-IV are still on sale ; price of each volume 4 U. S. dollars ; through booksellers 5 U. S. dollars. Subscriptions should be sent to the Editor : THOMAZ BORGME1ER, 0. F. M., Convento S. Antonio, Largo da Carioca, Rio dc Janiero, Brazil, or to ADOLF SCHLUTER, Kuhlenstrasse 45, Minden i. W., Germany. A DREDGE NET of Extreme Sturdiness The Ward Dredge Net (formerly called the Needham Scraper Net) is the strongest piece of equipment of its kind offered. Frame and reinforcements are of heavy galvanized iron; sides and bottom of %" mesh wire screening. A ferrule with thumb screw permits the use of any stick of proper diameter as a handle. For digging up and scraping the bottoms of ponds and streams, you will find the Ward Dredge Net will stand the hardest usage. Price, including 4% ft. handle, $9.00. W A R D' S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, inc^ READ WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL BULLETIN ... ittued monthly Th e Frank A . Wu rd Foundation ofNatu rut Science of lite University of Rochester 300 NORTH GOODMAN STREET ROCHESTER. ...NEW YORK Transactions of Entomological Society of London 50 Volumes Bound, Good Condition, at One-sixth Publishers' Price Many Other Important Works Cheap Fine Morpho cypris, rhetenor, menelaus, etc., at low rates per dozen or 100. Urania riphaeus bred. Fine named Indian Butterflies, European do., New Guinea Delias, Ornithoptera alexandra (bred) etc. Particulars from A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH. ENGLAND RARE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LEPIDOPTERA Pinned and fully Labelled or in Papers List furnished on request CALIFORNIA INSECTARIES, INC. 1612 West Glenoaks Boulevard Glendale, California A. W. Morrill, Ph. D.. Mgr. C. Henne. Lepidopterist ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS OCTOBER, 1936 Vol. XLVII No. 8 HENRY CHRISTOPHER McCooK, 1837-1911. CONTENTS Isely — Flight-Stridulation in American Acridians. (Orthop.: Acrididae) 199 Hill— A New Bee of the Genus Coelioxys from Nebraska (Hymenopt.: Megachilidae) 205 Wilcox — A Mew Robber Fly, with a Key to the Species of Callinicus and Chrysoceria. (I)iptera: Asilidae) ' 208 Knowlton and Smith — Notes on Interrnountain Aphids 210 Calvert -Neotropical Aeshnas Wanted (Odonata) 213 Stiles — Notice of Possible Suspension of Rules of Nomenclature in Certain Cases. ... ... ... 214 Entomological Literature . . . . .... 216 Review of Pierce and Metcalfe — The Genitalia of the Tineina 224 Prof. W. M. Wheeler Honored . . ... .... 225 Review of Killington— A Monograph of the British Neuroptera.. . . 226 Review of Frost — Ancient Artizans. . . '. 221 Hull — Change of Name ( Diptera: Syrphidae) .......... 227 The International Health Division of The Rockefeller Foundation . . . 227 Obituary — Albert Pitts Morse, Charles Robertson 228 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa.. Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at .the special rate of postage prescribed fer rn Section 1. Aet of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Schmieder, Ph.D., V. S. L. Pate, Associate Editors. Advisory Committee : Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradlej, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00, Canada $3.15, Foreign $3.25, Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in,, $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8.00, " 25.00, 45.00, " 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. No illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. No charge for printing text-figures. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks! furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1936, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. Th« printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles, without covers, over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages., twenty-five copies, 35 cents three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies. 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; freater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed covert for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of page* bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS_ VOL. XLVII. OCTOBER, 1936 No. 8 Flight-Stridulation in American Acridians. (Orthop.: Acrididae). I>y F. B. ISELY, Trinity University, \Yaxahachie, Texas. In 1908 Karny l experimentally demonstrated the fact that in a number of European acridians, only the hind wings are used in making flight noises. In commenting on Karny 's ex- periments, Uvarov 2 suggests "that the sound results from the fan-like opening and closing of the wing during flight ; there is no need for the wing to close altogether (this does not hap- pen), as the sound may be produced by the partial slackening of the membrane between the veins and the subsequent sudden expansion." Current American authors, however, Blatchley,3 and Corn- stock and Herrick,4 Curtis and Guthrie,5 and many others still hold to the theory that during the flight certain species "rub together the upper surface of the front edge of the hind wings and the under surface of the wing-covers" and that this friction results in a crackling sound. Morse, G Allard,7 and Snodgrass * on the other hand, express doubt as to just how the flight-noises are produced. The literature on orthopteran musicianship is fairly volum- J H. Karny, Uher das Schnarren dcr I leiischrecke.ii. Stc/1 cut. Ztg. 49: 112-119, 1908. 2 B. P. Uvarov, Locusts and Grasshoppers. Imperial I5ure.au of Knto- mology, pp. 30-31, 1928. 8W. S. Ulatchley, Orthoptera of Northeastern America, pp. 188-89, 1920. 4J. IT. ('"in luck, A. I'., (''linstock, and G. \V. Herrick, Manual for the Study of Insects, p. 5o, 1931 r'W. C. Curtis and Marv I. Guthrie, Textbook of General Zoology, p. 447, 1<)33. ''A. P. Morse, Orihoptira of New Finland, pp. 239-40, 1020. 7H. A. Allard, "( )ur In vet Instrumentalist- and Their Musical Tech- ninne." ./';;;. AY/1'/. Siiii>li.fi>ni'iii lust., p. 5f>S, l''2cS. * \\. !•',. SnodiTris-,, "Invert Musicians, Their Music and Their Instru- ments." .lun. AY/''/. Smithsonian Ins/., pp. 411-12, l'»23. 199 OCT 1 % 1938 200 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 inous. Allard, Fulton, and Snodgrass, in a number of special papers, have given attention to the technique of these musical instrumentalists, especially the Tettigoniidae (katydids, cone- heads, meadow grasshoppers) and the Gryllidae (crickets). The sawing, strumming, snapping notes of the acridians (short-horn grasshoppers) have received less attention than the "fiddle-bow" music of the tettigonids and the gryllids. How- ever, as far as the technique of flight-stridulation is concerned, the snapping, whirring, crepitating, crackling, clattering, rat- tling, clacking noises, when explained by American writers, are explained as cited above. While an audible wing flutter is frequently made by many acridian species, flight-singing is perfected among a number of the "band-winged locusts," the Oedipodinae. Some of the Oedipodinae appear to crepitate only at the flight take off, others at the landing, some while hovering in mid air, and still others rattle during the entire period of their flight. Usually only the males are active in making stridulous calls, and these noise-making activities appear to be entirely voluntary and under the control of the individual while in flight. The "Snapping Locust," Circolctti.c vcrrnculatiis (Kirby) is the premier stridulator of the Northeastern United States.9 It is, however, in the Rocky Mountain region that we have a num- ber of our most conspicuous "Cracker Locusts." Circotcttix rabula rabula Rehn and Hebard is the species found in the lower mountain altitudes up to timber line, but above timber line Circotettix rabula altior Rehn is the dominant flight stridu- lator.10 On a number of occasions in various parts of the Colorado Rockies, I have observed these rattlers holding their resounding canyon carnivals. The musical performance of Circotctti.v rabiiht rabula is quite spectacular, and its "clatter" may be- heard for over a quarter of a mile. ( hi a warm sunshiny dav a disturbed male may mount into the air to an elevation of thirty or forty feet. 9 A. P. Morse, (Mhoptcra of New England, p. 47(>, 1 '»_'(>. 10 Morgan Hcharcl, The ()rthtes on Texas Orthoptera." ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, xlv: 6-7, 1W4. 12 F. B. Isely, ". \eridian Researches Within X< >rthe;i- tern Texas" (Orthoptera). ENTOMOLOGICAL \i-\\-. \l\i: <>{)-7\. 1'J.i.x 13 E. L. Dunaxvay and Jean Wilson, "( )rlh< ipteran Mnsieians, Their Sending and Keceivin.^ Instruments," l<>35 .Ihs/nu'ts. Xortli Y'c.ni.v Biological Society, p. 1, 1935. 202 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 flight sound production among- the European acridians, against the current explanation of American authors, cited above, as to the technique of noise-making by our acridians during flight. EXPERIMENTAL TESTS. Accordingly, during the past summer, I have on several occa- sions undertaken to test experimentally the relation of the teg- mina to flight and to flight-stridulation. The usual testing method is to visit favorable habitats of the desired species, capture a number of actively stridulating males, and carefully clip at their bases the tegmina or fore wings of a number of these specimens. Operated specimens and controls should not be crowded while they are being held for experimental testing. Also one can not expect to get the best results with specimens that are kept long in captivity or have been exhausted by ex- perimentation. For that reason I have usually carried on obser- vations with specimens very soon after they are captured and operated upon. For testing, operated and control individuals of the same species may be liberated, preferably in an open area, where their flight and stridulating activities may be observed. In this way one may make comparisons both as to flight and as to flight-stridulation. Seven species, Arphia simplex Scudder, Spharagemon col- hirc cn'statum (Scudder), SpJianujctnon cqualc (Say), Chorto- phaya viridifasciata (DeGeer), Encoptolophus sordid us costalis (Scudder), Hadrotctti.r trifasciutits (Say), Hippiscus rugosus (Scudder), have been thoroughly checked and a number of other species more or less incidentally. In these species the hind wing expanse is comparatively large and the main veins of these wings are strongly thickened. All tests clearly show that the tegmina are unnecessary to flight noises. As would be expected, the removal of the fore wings defin- itely impairs directed and controlled flight. However, operated specimens of all the seven species listed are capable of hop flights, and 6". cqnalc and //. trifascialus fly with fair directness fifteen to twenty feet. xlvii, '3d | ENTOMOLOGICAL X! \VS 203 As far as flight-stridulation is conceri'ed, in several cases noise-making is more apparent with open-ted specimens, that is to say, with the tegmina removed than with normal speci- mens. This is prohably due to the fact that the hind wings are more vigorously used in operated specimens in trying to 11 y due to the absence of the fore wings. It is fair to say that in most instances the (light song of the' operated specimens is characteristic of the species. OTHER EXPERIMENTERS. II . A. Allan! of Washington 1). ('. and (".onion Alexander of the University of Colorado have recently experimented with acridian Hight stridulators. Mr. Allan! writes: "I have kept your suggestion in mind and on a recent collecting trip in the Bull Run Mountains of Vir- ginia I made some experiments along the lines you suggested. The grasshopper Spharagemon holli was common and actively producing its crepitations along the wooded cart-roads. I cap- tured a number of males of this species, carefully clipped off their fore wings, or tegmina, and allowed them to fly. As you have observed with other flight stridulators, these were able to fly fairly well with the tegmina removed and produced the characteristic snapping sound which they commonly make in flight. These crepitations, however, seemed to be somewhat less controlled than before. In addition to the males, I captured a female, clipped off her tegmina and gave her freedom to fly. She also produced an audible rustle without the upper wings. There is not any doubt but that these flight "singers" can produce their characteristic sounds even when the tegmina are removed. I think it is plain enough that the wing covers need not be concerned with the flight crepitations that one hears." Dr. Alexander reports under date of ( )cjober 15, 1935: "I have carried out your experiments on four species of local Oedipodinae. These were: Circolctti.v nihitln rahnla \\. & H., Trimerotropis stiff HSIIS Scudder, '/'rhncrolrvpis cincta (Thom- as), and slrpluit pseudonietana (Thomas). Tlu^e are among our noisiest and most persistent stridulators. The experiments were carried out in the field, — all specimens 204 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 used having been collected after being heard "rattling" during flight. In each species, a specimen or more were prepared by having the tegmina cut off. \Yhen these were released they all made the rattling noise in flight. In every case the results were the same. I also tried an additional experiment using a large pinning forceps of dental steel. I compressed the wings, a little bit at a time, from the base to the outer margin. This crushed the veins so that they lost their stiffness and the whole wing be- came flabby. When such specimens were released, they could fly about as well as before but did not make the rattling sound. Additional specimens were tried out with the tegmina intact but with the veins in the wings crushed. These fly quite well (one of them got clear away from me), but they did not make the rattling sound in any case which I tried. This additional experiment was tried with all four species named above, and in all cases the specimens flew fairly well — but without making the rattling noise. Incidentally, the crushing of the veins pre- vents the insect from, folding the wings in pleats. At rest, the wings protrude from beneath the edge of the tegmina. The first three species above were collected and studied in the upper end of Gregory Canyon, elevation 6,800 feet ; the Arf>Iiia was caught in our yard at Boulder." DISCUSSION. Snodgrass 14 has shown that the third axillary sclerite and its muscles constitute the motor elements in the flexor movements of the hind wings of acridians. He further points out that there are two independent wing movements — flight movements and flexion-extension movements. It is in this flexor-extensor mechanism, i.e. the rapid and independently executed fan-like opening and closing or even partial opening and closing of the hind wings, that we find an efficient stridulatory mechanism and the real source of flight noises. In fact this tlexor-extensor apparatus seems to be specifically adapted for making controlled and directed flight music. 14 R. E. Snodgrass, "Huw Insects Fly." Ann AY/1'/. Smithsonian Inst., pp. 397, 410, 1929. xlvii, '36J ENTOMOLOGICAL xF.ws 205 In short, Knrny's 1908 findings apply to American acriclians as well as Luropcan acridians. The flexor-extensor mechanism of the hind wings with their rapid fan-like folding and closing produces the stridulous Ilight songs. Field hehavior of a num- ber of acridian species supports the conclusion that flight noises are heard and responded to by other individuals within the species concerned. To summarize : 1. The tegmina are not concerned in flight-stridulation. 2. Acridian flight noises emanate from the hind wings, and require stiff veins for their production. 3. There is a definite correlation between the volume of flight songs and the topography of the habitat. 4. Grasshoppers hear and react to flight crepitations. A New Bee of the Genus Coelioxys from Nebraska (Hymenopt. : Megachilidae). By ROSCOE E. HILL, University of Xebraska, Lincoln. Coelioxys bisoncornua new species. $ . Length 12-14 mm. Black, w-'h all of the legs except the coxae dark red, venter and extreme lateral edges of abdominal tergites more or less obscurely reddish. Clypeus opaque, finely rugose, its apical margin bidentate. almost bare except for a thin ochreous apical fringe and a similar though less evident fringe of short hair about the epis- tomal suture. Supraclypeus and face similarly but more finely sculptured, with a faint carina between antennae which bifur- cates to throw the anterior ocellus into a slight depression. Face thinly clothed with short appressed, yellowish white hair. Ver- tex comparative!}- bare, each of the strong dense punctures with an inconspicuous minute hair in its center, punctures fine back of ocelli but rather coarse and crowded laterally, a small opaque impunctate spot contiguous to superior orbital margin. Eyes green with very short hair. Antennae black, joint 3 longer than 4 and twice as long as 2. Mandibles dark reddish with black teeth. Cheeks coarsely punctured and moderately clothed with short white hair, anterior margin carinate. Mesoscutum punctured like sides ot vertex, a little less densely so on disk. Sctttellum densely rugose, prominently angulated behind, the rugose lateral spines moderate in length 206 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 and broad, their points incurved so as to resemble a pair of bison horns. Propodetim opaque, finely rugose, enclosure satiny and minutely rugose, the sides of the propodeum angled and clothed with long, rather dense, shaggy, white hair. Meso- pleura punctured like mesoscutum, their anterior margins cari- nate, all margins bounded by thin whitish hair lines which join under the tegulae to form a hair spot behind the dark testaceous and well-developed lateral pronotal carinae. Mesoscutum prac- tically bare, without lines or spots of squamose hairs, except a short line behind tegulae, the anterior margin with a rather thin o <— t fringe of short, erect, pale ochreous hair. Mesoscutellar suture with two spots of white appressed hairs and a similar fringe along the posterior margin of the scuteilum. Metanotum with a dense fringe of long, erect, whitish hair. Tegulae ferrugi- nous. Wings hyaline, brownish, becoming clouded apically, nerv- ures and stigma dark brown, basal nervure meeting transverso- medial, first recurrent nervure meeting second submarginal cell about same distance from base as second recurrent nervure from apex. Legs with short white pubescence, that on the tarsi within golden. Abdomen slightly shiny, strongly punctured ; the punctures on tergite 1 very close and rather fine ; tergites 2 and 3 more coarsely punctured, those anteriad of the entire and hairless sulci close, posteriad of the sulci punctures are more remote and with very minute punctures interspersed among the larger ones, especially so on disk; tergite 3 with a shining, minutely punc- tured, otherwise impunctate, transverse band on disk posteriad to sulci ; tergites 4 and 5 shiny, without sulci and with coarse punctures uniformly separated for about the width of one; tergite 6 finely and densely punctured, broad at base and grad- ually narrowed to tip which is broadly rounded, a fine longi- tudinal carina running about two-thirds its length, on either side of which the tergite is deeply depressed at apex, a broadly rounded, though slight, lateral projection on each side near apex which is not reflexed. Tergites 1-5 with narrow, entire apical fasciae of squamose, white hairs, but without basal bands. Sternites 2-5 subapically with a more or less distinct transverse red line. Sternites 1-4 uniformly and coarsely punctured; ster- nite 5 with coarse punctures which are slightly more dense at apex; sternite 1 with a median white hair spot, but no apical margin, apices of 2-5 with thin entire hair bands. Apical sternite slightly longer than apical tergite, broad and gradually narrowed to near apex, where it is emarginated almost at a rip-lit xivii. '3d) ENTOMOLOGICAL N'EWS angle to form a narrow, more- or less acute, apical projection, the punctures coarse and somewhat nv>re close and elongate apically, a median carina running over half its length, the mar- gins of the sternite finely pale ciliaie. $ . Length 11-13 mm. Like 9 except that clypeus and face below antennal level is covered with a dense mai of appressed silvery hairs, the vertex subuniformly and somewhat more finely punctured, first recurrent nervure meeting second sub- marginal nearer base than second from apex, tergiles 2 and 3 with entire sulci, those on 4 and 5 medially interrupted, tergitc 4 less closely and tergite 5 more closely punctured, the sternum without the distinct red lines. Sulci on tergites 3-5 with med- ially interrupted hair fasciae, that on 2 without hair, ('hecks below broad and without a beveled or grooved area. Anterior coxae with short inconspicuous spines. Apical tergite closelv punctured and with a basal hair band, its apical margin trun- cate, angularly slightly produced and feebly emarginate medially at the tip, below which is a short, broad, blunt terminal spine on each side, the extreme sides with longer, sharper, curved spines, segment 7 showing ventrallv as a conspicuous hairy spine. Tergite 5 without lateral spines. Tergite 2 without foveae. Sternite 4 entire. Hnlotypc.: Halsey, Thomas County, NEBRASKA, August 9, 1912, on Helianthus f>ctlohtris (}. T. Zimmer), 9 . .-Illolvpc: Gordon, Sheridan county, NEBRASKA, August 29, 1905, on Helianthus petiolar is ( D. E. Winchester), $. Paratvpcs: Lin- coln, NEBRASKA, August, 1$ ; Neligh, Nebraska, August (M. Gary), 1 $ ; Blue Rapids, KANSAS, September 12, 1908, on Hclnnitlnts grossescrnitus (O. A. Stevens, N. 1127), 1 9. The male from Neligh differs from the other two males in the wing venation, agreeing with the females in this respect. The female from Blue Rapids, Kansas, does not have the dis- tinct narrow transverse red lines on the sternum; otherwise it agrees with the holotype. All the above specimens are in the permanent collection of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. The general aspect of this handsome species is much like that of C. cdita Cresson (: - deplanata Cresson), to which it is most closelv related, but from which it may easily be separated by its prominently angulated scutcllum (rounded behind in , the complete lack of the line of appressed squamose _>()S ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 hairs dilated into two spots on anterior border of the meso- scutum and the similar line on posterior margin of the scutellum which are so conspicuous in edit a, the darker red legs, the narrower fasciae, the presence of the minute punctures on ter- gites 2 and 3, the more poorly developed occipital fringe (well developed in cdita), the more deeply apically depressed sixth tergite, the more uniform puncturation of the penultimate ster- nite dpunctures much finer and close on apical third than at base in cdita), and other differences. From C. sculptifrons Crawford in the generally closer abdominal puncturation, espe- cially on tergites 2 and 3 apicad of the transverse sulci, the much closer puncturation of tergite 6 (in sculptifrons the punc- tures are over a puncture width apart basally), the subuniformly coarsely and rather closely punctured sternite 5 (in sculptifrons this is coarsely punctured basally but minutely and very closely punctured apically), the bidentate apical margin of the clypeus ( clypeus with 5 short apical teeth in sculptifrons'), and other differences. From C. rudis Cockerell it is known by the wholly red femora (basal half black in rudis), the lack of the sub- apical impunctate band on the first tergite, the dentate margin of the clypeus (straight and simple in ntdis), and other charac- ters. Aside from cdita, sculptifrons, and rudis the character of the apical segment and the red legs will distinguish it from our other species of the genus. The bispinose tip of tergite 6 in the male distinguishes it from C. cdita as well as all other allied species. A New Robber Fly, with a Key to the Species of Callinicus and Chrysoceria. (Diptera: Asilidae). l'>v J. Wn.rox, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture. The genera Callinicus Loew and Chrysoceria Williston are separated from the remainder of the Dasypogoninae that lack a terminal claw-like spvir on the fore tibiae by the presence of a pair of stout, inwardly directed spines at the apices of the middle tibiae. The species here described appears to link these two genera and unless some structural character can be found xlvii, '36 | KXTOMOI.oi.lCAI, XKWS 209 to separate them, there seems to be no reason for retaining Chrysoccria. KEY TO THE SPECIES. 1. Abdominal segments 2-5 largely bright yellmv pollinose, the remainder of these segments shining black; wings hyaline, the anterior crossvein before the middle of the discal cell. ( Chrysoceria ) - Abdominal segments 2-5 largely shining brownish or yellow- ish red, at most the posterior margins pollinose; wings yellowish or brownish, the anterior crossvein at or beyond the middle of the discal cell (Callinicus) 3 2. Femora black; central stripe of the mcsonotum extending to the scntellum and confluent with the intermediate post- sutural black spots, the presutural black spots extending to the lateral margins and to the hnmeri ; only segments 1-5 of female abdomen pollinose; length 11-15 mm. (Greg., \Yash., Calif., Mont.. \Yyo.) [>ollcniu Cole Femora yellow; central stripe of mesonotum not reaching the scntellnm and not confluent with the postsutural spots, the presutural spots small and broadly separated from the lateral margins and humeri by golden pollen; segments 1-6 of female abdomen pollinose; length 10-14 mm. (Calif., Ariz., Utah) pictitursis Uigot 3. The abdomen yellowish red, the first segment and male seg- ments 2-6 and female segments 2-5 with posterior golden pollinose fasciae; wings yellowish; length 13-17 mm. (Calif.) villains, new species The abdomen reddish-brown, the sides of the first segment and the small posterior corners of male segments 2-5 and female segments 2-4 yellowish-gray pollinose; wings brownish; length 13-19 mm. (Calif.) ... calcanciis Loew Callinicus vittatus n. sp. $ . Length 16 mm. Head densely golden pollinnse and pilose, the palpi and proboscis shining black. Antennae yellow- ish, the third joint apically and the style black; first two joints snbequal in length and yellow haired; the third joint one rind three-fourths times the length of the first two joints together; the style one-fifth the length of the third joint and with a minute apical bristle. Mesonotum and scntellum yellowish in ground color, the central stripe and the intermediate spots black; densely yellow- ish pollinose, the central stripe and the transverse suture- medi- ally grayish pollinose, the intermediate spots dull black. Xum- erous hairs and bristles golden. Pleurae black in ground color, 210 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 the coxae yellowish, both densely yellowish pollinose and pilose, the hairs of the coxae yellowish white. Abdomen and genitalia shining yellowish red, segments 1-6 with posterior golden pollinose fasciae, these fasciae entire on segments 1-5 but somewhat narrowed at the middle, the rather numerous hairs yellowish. Legs light yellowish red, the hairs and bristles golden; claws black, the bases reddish; pulvilli light brown; empodium red- dish; middle tibiae with a pair of stout, apical, inwardly directed spines. Halteres yellowish. Wings yellowish, the costal cell quite densely so, veins golden, brownish apically and posteriorly. 9 . Length 17 mm. Very similar. The third antennal joint missing. The thorax greased, in this condition the median and intermediate spots of the mesonotum plainly black. Segments 1-5 of abdomen with entire posterior pollinose fasciae, seg- ments 6-8 bare of pollen. Holot\[>c: $ , Sequoia National Park, CALIFORNIA, Potwisha, elevation 2.000-5,000 feet, VI-20 '29 (E. C. Van Dyke); in the California Academy of Sciences. Allot \[>c: 9 , same data, V-28 '29; in the California Academy of Sciences. Parat\f>c: $ (length 13 mm.), same data, VI-13 '29; in the writer's collection. Notes on Intermountain Aphids1 By G. F. KNOWLTON and C. F. SMITH. The following report deals largely with aphids infesting range and forest plants in Utah and Idaho. Unless otherwise indicated, collections are in Utah and by the writers. CINARA LASIOCARPAE (G. and P.). On Abies lasiocarpa, summit of Logan Canyon, June 10, 1934 (T. O. Thatcher). C. FORNACULA Hottes. A male, Navajo Lake, Utah, June 16, 1935, appears to be of this species (Det. M. A. Palmer). C. EERRISI (Swain). A slide, received through the courtesy of Professor M. A. Palmer, was collected by Paul Rice at Moscow, Idaho, July 21, 1931. 1 Contribution from the Entomology Department, Utah Agricultural Experiment Station. Authorized for publication. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 211 C. GLEIIXA (F.S>ig). ( >11 I'icea plllHjenS, River Heights, June 15, 1935 ( Thatcher). I'KKii'iiYi.i.rs UTAHENSIS (Knit.), < hi Suli.r at Rexlmrg. Idaho, June 23, 1935; Dilute rii'ipara. — . \nteiinal III, 0.47 to 0.51 nun., with 6 to 11 sensoria ; IV, 0.235 to 0.28. with 1 to 4 sensoria; V, 0.17 to 0.22; VI, 0.09 + 0.14 to 0.11 +0.18 mm. Apterous -rivipara. — Antennal III, 0.34 to 0.47 mm.; IV. 0.14 to 0.22; V, 0.11 to 0.12; VI, 0.078 + 0.125 to 0.11 +0.14 mm. I'.ecause of the greater relative length of the unguis as com- pared with the base of antennal VI, the greater development of antennal segments III and IV, and the conspicuous difference iii relative lengths of antennals IV and V of alates, the writers consider this material to he P. utaliensis rather than P. niacro- stachyac (Essig). Also Riverdale and Cleveland, Idaho, Sep- tember 1, 1935. On Sal Li:, Harrisville, June 24, 1935; Hooper, June 3, 1935, in Utah. P. MACROSTACHVAE (Essig). On Sali.v, Currant Creek, August 16, 1935; Harrisville, June 3, 1935. PTEROCOMA POPULEA Kalt. On Popnlus, Cowley Canyon, May 16, 1934; Evans, May 13, 1930; Hyde Park; Lark, ( Octo- ber 3, 1935; Logan Canyon; Paradise; Salt Lake City, in Utah. Also Rexburg, Idaho, June 23, 1935. CLAVK;KKI"S SMITHIAE (Monell). On Populns, Grouse Creek, September 28, 1935; Lark, October 3, 1935, in Utah. Also on Popnlus and Sali.i- at Rexburg, Idaho, June 23, 1935. Bipersona hottesi n. sp. Apterous vivipara. — Size 2 to 2.5 mm. long; ocular tubercles well developed; antennae pale to dusky; antennal III, 0.82 mm. long, without sensoria; IV, 0.59 to O.f»2 ; V, 0.45 to 0.5 ; VI, 0.14 + 0.73 to 0.78 mm. long ; ros- trum exceeding second coxae; rostral IV + V, 0.16 to 0.19 mm. long; hind tibiae 2.25; hind tarsi 0.14; cornicles dark, (U>7 to 0.84; cauda pale to dusky, having a much twisted appearance'. hard median portion 0.27 and total length 0.41 mm. Habitat: Upon wild rose, Rosa sp.. Big Cottonwood Canyon. Utah, June 29, 1925 (Knowlton). V'y/v slide in collecii'm of senior author. '/'(i.voiioiny. I >i persona hotlesi differs from /•'. loiiieamla (Gill.) in lacking secondary sensoria on antennals III and IV, 212 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 in having a shorter rostral IV -f- V, in possessing blunt to apically enlarged hairs on head and antennae, and in only apical end of hind tibiae being dark. Fig. 1. Bif>crsona hottest n. sp. Apterous, A to D. Bipcrsona torti- caiida. Apterous, E, G; alate F. Macrosiphum scrozalplntiii. Apterous, I, J, L; alate H, K, M, N. B. TORTICAUDA (Gillette). On thistle, Tooele, Utah, June 15, 1915 (C. P. Gillette). The identified slide was secured through the courtesy of Professor M. A. Palmer. MACROSIPHUM AMBROSIAE (Thos.). On marsh elder, Boze- mun and Manhattan, Montana, August 14, 1926 (C. B. Philip). Rexburg, Idaho, June 23, 1935. M. COWENI (Hunter). In stomach of a lizard, Scclopoms i/. sus at losepa. Skull Valley, < >ctober 2. 1('32; on Arte- misia tritlcultilti. Ash Creek Canyon, April 25, 1935; Hurricane; Mueller Park; Parley's Canyon, in Utah. Also Winder, June 9, 1935; and Stone, Idaho, May 19, 1930. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 213 M. DIRHODUM (Walk.). On Rosa, I'.hcksmith l-Wk Canyon, July IS. 1925; Hooper, June 3, 1935; Logan, ( Jctubi-r 12. 1('29; Lake City, July 28, 1926. Also P.o/emun, Montana, August 15. 192h < Philip). M. KKHiKkONENsis (Thos.). On (,' riinlcliu squarrosa, Boze- iiKin. Montana, August 17, 192f> ( I'hilip). M. PACK i Knit. On Clirysotlniiniiits, usually iiauscosits. Beaver, May 3, 1934; Cedar; Cedar City; Clover, October 2. 1932; Glcndale, June 27, 1933; Indian Canyon, June 12, 1933; i'intiu-a, Mny 1, 1934; Riverdale. Also Elk Springs, Colorado, August IS. 1935 (Knowlton). M. PIST (Kalt.). On alfalfa. Green River, Utah, March 5, 1935. Logandale and Overtoil, Nevada, April 26, 1935. M. Psi-rnokosAE Patch. On wild rose, Amalga ; City Creek and Emigration Canyons, June 21, 1925; Bi^ Cottonwood Can- yon, June 29, 1925; Granite, June 6, 1935; Utah. Also Emi- gration C'anyon, Idaho, June, 1925. M. ROSAE (L.). On Rosa, Mapleton and Provo, Utah, June 7, 1935. Overtoil, Nevada, April 25, 1935. Puyallup, Wash- ington, August 27, 1932 (A. J. Hanson). M. SPORADK C.M Knit. Cedar Valley, on CJirysotliuinnits, June 13, 1935; Dunhar, September 12, 1935. M. TARAXACI (Kalt.). Mink Creek, Idaho, July 7, 1935, on dandelion. Puyallup, Washington, July 16, 1933 (A. J. Hanson). M. ZEROZALPiir.M Knit. This yellowish green aphid occurs upon lilaree, Erodiiun cicuhin'uni. Winged and wingless fe- males were collected in Utah at Bountiful, Salt Lake City, and Murray, on May 2, 1927, and at Leeds on April 25, 1935. \\ in-less viviparae were collected at llrighum and Deweyville, April 2(S, 1927; at Penrose, June 3, 1930; and at Santa Clara, June 25, 1935. Neotropical Aeshnas Wanted (Odonata). The undersigned has well on the \\a\ a Svimpsis oi ihe Neotropical species of the genera Aohna, Coryphaeschna and jierhaps some allies, to he illustrated 1>\ li^ures of the geniialia, terminal abdominal structures, patterns of the top of the Erons 214 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS '[Oct., '36 and of the thorax. He will be glad to have the privilege of examining material of the groups indicated (to be returned to their owners), especially of such species as brevifrons, castor, colurata, coronata, tlit (Ichneumon mauifcslator Linn., 1758); A, 15. Uracon Kabr., 1805 (Bracon mnmtutor Fabr., 1798); A, B. Pompihts Fabr., 1798 (Pompllus pitlchcr Fabr., 1798); A. B. Bcthylus Latreille, 1802 (Omaliis fiisciciornis Jurine, 1807); A, B. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 215 Prosopis Jurine, 1807 (Splic.v sif/nator Panzer, [1798]) ; A, B. Ccraphron Jurine, 1807 (Ccraphron sitlcatiis Jurine, 1807); A. H. Torynnts Daltnan, 1820 (Ichneumon hcdct/itaris Linn., 1758); A, B. Procirolntpcs Latreille, 1796 (Proctotrupes brevipennis Latreille, 1802) ; A, B. Sphex Linn., 1758 (Sphcx Ihn'ipcnnis Fabr., 1793) ; A, B. Ammophila Kirby, 1798 (Sphex sabulosa Linn., 1758) ; A, B. LEPIDOPTERA. -- In interpreting the generic names assigned by Freyer in his Xcitcrc licit ra'(/c cur Schmetterlingskunde to the species there described, each species is to be regarded as having been described by Freyer as belonging to the genus cited by him at the head of each description and not to the genus with which he actually associated the specific name. For example, Freyer described, under the genus Hipparchia Fabri- cius, a species to which he gave the specific name criphylc, and which he proceeded to name PapUio criphylc Freyer. Freyer is to be deemed to have described this species under the name Hipparchia criphylc and not under the name I'apilio criphylc. A. Potamis Hiibner, Ritsticus Hiibner. and Mancipium Hubner to be suppressed in favor of Morpho Fabr., Hclicopis Fabr., and Pontia Fabr. ; A. LEPIDOPTERA (RHOPALOCERA). --Euploca Fabr., 1807 (Papilio corns Fabr., 1793) ; A, B. Satyrus Latreille, 1810 (PapUio actaca Esper, [1780]); A, B. Argynnis Fabr., 1807 (Papilio paphia Linn., 1758); A, B. Vanessa Fabr., 1807 (PapUio atalanta Linn., 1758) ; A, B. Enthalm Hubner, [1823] (Papilio luhcntina Cramer, 1777) ; A. B. \\nipliidiuin Fabr., 1S07 (Papilio caricac Linn., 1758); A, 15. Colitis Fabr., 1807 ilio hyalc Linn., 1758) ; A, B. Species in parentheses are to be declared the types : Lycacidcs Hubner, [1823] (Papilio ai-gyroi/nonioii Bergstrasser, 1779); A. Agriadcs Hubner, [1823] ' (Pupilio (jlandon Prnnner, 1798); A. Polyoiniiiatits Latreille, 1804 (Papilio icants Rottemburg, 1775); A. Eitcliloc Hnbner, [1823] (Enchloc aiisonia Hiilmer var. cspcri Kirby. 1871). I'rinccps Hubner. | 1807] and Orphcidcs Miibner, |1S_'3| (I'apilio dcnunlocns l'.s])er. 1798). Cardianxlns Hubner, |18j3] and Spilothynts Duponchel, 1835 (Papilio fritillarins Poda, 1761); A. C. W. STILES, Acting Secretary. International Commission on Zoological May 1, 1936 Nomenclature. U. S. National Museum Washington, D. C. 216 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY V. S. L. PATE, LAURA S. MACKEY and E. T. CRESSON, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating 10 American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the 'paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published ir> our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the pub- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not so Indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations. Wnshington. Also Rovi^w "f A»n'1f><1 Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of App'ied Entomology. Series "B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names •will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (•). Paper' published in the F.ntomolopical News are not lifted New Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to 14. Archives do Institute Biologico, Sao Paulo. GENERAL. — Armstrong & Carpenter. — Insect colora- tion. [31] 138: 242-243. Berger, L. — Nomenclature, simpli- fications ou complications? [ Lambillionea] 1936: 123-126. Bryson, H. B. — Technique for rearing subterranean insects. [103J 9: 73-84, ill. Carrick, R. — Experiments to test the efficiency of protective adaptations in insects. [36] 85: 131- 140, ill. Clausen, C. P. — Insect parasitism and biological control. [7] 29: 201-223, ill. da Costa Lima, A. M.— Ter- ceiro catalogo dos insectos que vivem nas plantas do Brasil. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 460 pp. Insectos do Brasil. [O Campo R. d. Janeiro] 1935: Aug. p. 20-24. Sept. p. 26-27, Oct. p. 11-15, Nov. p. 31-35, Dec. p. 11-19, 1936: Ian. 14-18, Mar. p. 17-23, Apr. p. 12-16, cont. Crabb, E. D.— Faulty titles of zoological papers. [Univ. Colo. Studies] 23: 293- 304. Creighton, J. T. — Newell Entomological Society. [12] 29: 634. Felt & Rankin. — Insects and diseases of ornamen- tal trees and shrubs. Macmillan Co., New York, 1936. xix + 507 pp., ill. Flanders, S. E. — A biological phenomenon affecting the establishment of Aphelinklae as parasites. [7] 29: 251-255. Fletcher, T. B.— Striduhilion in insects. [107] A, 11: 68. Geiser, S. W. — A century of scientific explora- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 217 tion in Texas. Tart 1. 1820-80. [Field \- Laboratory] 4: 41- 55. Hayward, K. J. — Six months Collecting along the Alto Parana, Argentina. | I'roc. \: Trans. S. London Fnt. & N. H. Soc.] 1935-36: 55-83, ill. Holik, O.— A propos de 1'eni- ploi des designations "minor." "nana," "minuscula. | Lam- billionea] 1936: 148-149. Jaeger, E. C.— The California deserts. A visitor's handbook. Chapter 5. Insects and their near relatives. [Stanford Univ. Press | 207 pp., ill. Jeannel, R. — Anciennete des insectes. [Rev. Franc. Ent.J 3: 101-106. McLaine, L. S. — A new phase of insect distribution by means of flood waters. [4] 68: 141. Mellanby, K. — Humid- ity and insect metabolism. [31] 138: 124-125. Pearse, A. S. -The migrations of animals from sea to land. | Duke Univ. Press.] 176 pp. Pratt, J. G. — Photomicrography of opaque objects. Overcoming the big obstacle-lack of depth of focus. [Amer. Photography] 1936: 348-354. ill. Tietz, H. M.— A novel light trap. [12] 29: 462, ill. Weiss, H. B.— Entomol- ogists and entomological publications. [12] 29: 635-636. Wolcott, G. N. — "Insectae Borinquenses." A revised anno- tated check-list of the insects of Puerto Rico. \Yith a ho-4- plant index by J. T. Otero. [ Tourn. Agr. Univ. Puerto I\ico] 20: 1-627, ill.' Wormser & Hayes. — The permanent preser- vation of insects. [19J 31 : 111-128, ill. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Alexandrov, W. J. -Permeability of chitin of some dipterous larvae and the method of its study. [Acta Zool.] 16: 1-19. Anderson, W. H. — A comparative study of the labiumof coleopterous lar- vae. [Smithson. Misc. Coll.] 95, no. 13, 38 pp.. ill. Andre & pratt. — The toxicity of certain stomach poisons to the June beetle, Phyllophaga implicita. |lo\va St. Coll. Jonrn. Sci.j 10: 243-248. Berge, S. — A new hereditary deformation of thorax of Drosophila melanogaster. [Meldinger Norgcs Landbrukshiskole] 16: 470-4S(,. ill. Dreher, K.— P.au und Entwicklung des Atmungs-systems der Honigbiene (Apis mellifica). [4o| 31 : 608-o/2, i'll. Eggers, F.— Kritische Be- merkingen x.ur I falteren frage. [34] 115: 1S6-J90. Frommelfeltschutzgitter bei Calocampa. 1 34 1 115: 212 ill. Evans, A. C. — Histolysis of muscle m the pupa ot the blow-lly Lucilia sericata. '|1()7| A, 11 : 52 54, ill. Glover & Richardson. — The penetration of gaseous pyridine, piperi- dine and nicotine into the body of the American cock- roach, Periplaneta americana. [Iowa St. Cull. Jonrn. Sci.] 10: 249-260. Gontarskai, H. — Die wachserzeugung der Ar- 218 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 beiterinnen von Apis mellifica wahrend der winterruhe. [94] 147: 526-536. Herms & Wheeler. --Ornithodoros hermsi as a vector of relapsing fever in California. [Jour. Parasitol.] 22: 276-282. Ichijo, F. — Studies on the internal flora of normal larvae of cabbage moth (Barathra brassica) | Hull. Utsnnomiya Agr. Coll.] Sect. A, 2: 127-142 | in Jap. with Engl. summ.] Janda, V. — Ueber den Farbwechselt- ransplantierter Hantstiicke uncl kimstlich verbnndener Kor- perfragmente bei Dixippus morosus (Orthop.) [34] 115: 177-185, ill. Jillon Pu. — Unrecorded glans in the month parts of Hydrophilidae (Col.). [Pekin Nat. Hist. Bull.| 10: 353-359, ill. Kaliss & Graubard. — The effect of temperature on oviposition in Drosophila melanogaster. 1 92 1 70: 385 391. Kaston, B. J. — The senses involved in the courtship of some vagabond spiders. [70] 16: 97-167, ill. Key, K. H. L. —Rate of locomotion in relation to starvation in Locusta migratoria migratoroides. | 107] A, 11: 3-6. Kuster, K. C. -Distributional variation of the ganglionic tracheae in the larvae of Odontomyia cincta (Dipt.) [114] 21: 639-650, ill. de Lepiney, L. — Sur "LTnstinct educateur" d'Eumenes maxillosus (Vespidae). [Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Maroc] 16: 6- 14, ill. Machotin, A. — Zu den Reduktionserscheinungen in der Morphologic des Erwachsen Frostspanners (Operoph- thera brumata). [C. R. Acad. Sci. URSS] 2: 401-404, ill. Oevermann, H. — Das statische verhalten einiger wasser- wanzenarten. [94] 147: 595-628, ill. Parks, Hal B.— Cleav- age patterns in Drosophila and mosaic formation. [7] 29: 350-392, ill. Pumphrey & Rawdon-Smith. — Sensitivity of insects to sound. [31] 137: 990. Susskind, M. E. C.--A morphological study of the respiratory system in various larval instars of Stenelmis sulcatus (Dryopidae). [114] 21: 697-714, in. Thienemann, A. — Chironomiden — Metamor- phosen. XI. Die Gattung Eukiefferiella. [60] 97: 43-65, ill. Thomas, M. — LTnstinct chez les Araigness. XXVI. La vue et la sensibilite tactile. [33] 76: 147-160. Tokunaga, M.- Central nervous, tracheal and digestive systems of a nym- phomyrid fly. [Phil. Jour. Sci.] 59: 189-216, ill. Travis, B. V. — Relative toxicity of certain stomach poisons to Phyllo- phaga lanceolata ("Coleop.) [Iowa St. Coll. Journ. Sci.] 10: 235-241, ill. Vachon, M. — Sur le developpment postembry- onnaires Pseudoscorpions. | P.ull. M'us. Hist. Nat. Paris) 8: 77-83. Wells, F. L. — Orbweavers' dilTerential responses to a tuning fork. [5] 43: 10-13. Yokoyama, T.— Histological observations on a non-moulting strain of silkworm. [107] xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NLXVS 219 A, 11: 35-44, ill. Zavrel, J. — Fndokrine Hautdrtisen von Syndiamesa branicki (Dipt.) [I'libl. Fac. Sci. Univ. Mas- afyk, Brno | No. 213, 18 pp., ill. Zeuner, F. E.— The pro- thoracic trachcal apparatus of Saltatoria. | 107J A, 11: 11- 21. ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Bonnet, P.- Nouvelle recherchez sur les griff es des pattes de araignees. | Hull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Touloiiscl] 67: 346-352. ill. Theri- dion tepidariorurn, araignee cosmopolite, repartition — cycle vital — moeurs. [Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse] 68: 335- 386, ill. Araignees males a palpe unique. | Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse] 68: 411-414, ill. Chamberlin, R. V.— Fur- ther records and descr. of N. Am. Gnaphosidae. [40] 853: 25 pp.. ill. Chickering, A. M. — Families of spiders of Mich- igan. | 114j 21: 575-586, ill. del Cid, G.— Introduces a 1'estudi elemental des Aracnids. [Arxius, Barcelona] 2: 145- 158, ill. Exline, H. — New and little known sps. of Tegen- aria ( Agelenidae). [5] 43: 21-26, ill. Gertsch, W. J.— Fur- ther diagnoses of new American spiders. [40] 852: 27 pp., ill. Gertsch & Ivie.— Descriptions of new American spiders. [44 1 858: 25 pp.. ill. Gertsch & Mulaik. — New spiders from Texas. |40| No. 863: 1-22, ill. Herms & Howell- \Yestern dog tick, Dermacentor occidentalis, a vector of bovine anaplasmosis in Calif. | Jour. T'arasitol.j 22: 283-288. Jacot, A. P. — Three undescribed Pediculoidid mites from the southern Appalachians. [4] 68: 129-133, ill. Lundblad, O. — Die nordamerikanischen arten der Battling- Hydrachna. 1 83] 28 (A): 1-44. ill. (*). McClure, H. E. (See Orthop- tera). THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Bailey, S. p.— Thrips attacking man. [4] 68: 95-98. da Cuna, L. A.- Bicho do pe. |0 Campo R. d. Janeiro] Feb. 1936: p. 16. ill. Dustan, A. G. — The synonymy of the gladiolus thrips. [4] r>S: 141. Ewing, H. E. — The taxonomy of the Mallopha- gan fam. Trichodectidae, with special reference to the new world fauna. | |. Parasitology] 22: 233-246, ill. (*). Prison, T. H. — Some n. spp. of stoneflies from Oregon. [7| . !5o- 2o5, ill. Hood, J. D. — Nine new Thysanoptera from tin- United State-. |6| 44: 81-100. ill. Studies in Neotropical Thysanoptera. |K)5| 6: 248-279. ill. (*). Two new Anac- tinothri]»s from South America (Thysanoptera). 143-147, ill. Two new Thysanoptera from the I'nited -20 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 States. [5] 43: 1-9, ill. Milne, L. J.— Studies in North American Trichoptera, 3. 73 pp., ill. (*). Mosely, M. E.— A revision of the Triplecticlinae, a subf. of the Leptoceri- clae (Trichoptera). [36] 85: 91-130, ill. (*). Moulton & Andre. — Four new Thysanoptera, with a preliminary list of the sps. occurring- in Iowa. [Iowa St. Coll. Journ. Sci.] 10: 223-234, ill. Needham & Fisher.— The nymphs of North American Libelluline dragonflies. [1] 62: 107-116, ill. Thompson, G. B. (See under Diptera). ORTHOPTERA.— Ebner, R.— Die Larven von Paracy- cloptera (Tettigoniidae). [105] 6: 191-194, ill. Hamilton, A. G. — On an abnormality of the eighth abdominal segment in females of Locusta migratoria. [107A] 11: 29-32, ill. Hebard, M. — New genera and species of Melanpoli found within the United States and Canada (Acrididae). Parts 7-9. [1] 62: 167-222, ill. Husain, M. A.— Studies in Schis- tocerca gregaria. II. The biology of the desert locust with special relation to temperature. [Indian Jour. Agr. Sci.] 6: 188-262. Husain & Mathur. — Studies in Schistocerca gregaria. III. Why locusts eat wool. [Indian Jour. Agr. Sci.] 6: 263-267. Key & Edney. — Precocious adults resulting from the omission of the fifth instar in Locusta m. migratorioides. [107] A, 11: 55-58, ill. McClure, H. E.— An odd hibernacu- lum. [5] 43: 19. Rehn & Rehn. — On new or redefined genera of Melanopli (Acrididae). [1] 62: 1-30, ill. Severin, H. C. — Additions to Hebard's list of Orthoptera of South Dakota, with observations on some previously reported species. [103] 9: 85-93. Toleda Piza, Jr., S.— Os Phasmidas do Museu Paulista. I. Phasmidae, Bacillinae. [105] 6: 280- 292, ill. (*). Zeuner, F. E.— The subfamilies of Tettigonii- dae. [107] B, 5: 103-109. HEMIPTERA.— Davis, W. T.— A remarkable cicada from Mexico and other North American species. [6] 44: 101-119, ill. (*). Drake & Harris. — Notes on some Ameri- can Gerrids. [83] 28 (B) : 1-4, ill. (*). Ferris, G. F.— Con- tributions to the knowledge of the Coccoidea. II. Illustra- tions of sixty-one genotypes of the Diaspididae. [Micro- entomology] 1 : 17-92, ill. Knowlton & Smith. — Capito- ]ihurus Aphids infesting Chrysothamnus. [4] 68: 107-113, ill. (*). The Aphid genus Epameibaphis in Utah. [10] 38: 89-92, ill. (*). Oman, P. W.— A new Poblicia from Texas (Fulgoridae). [103] 9: 105-107. Palmer, M. A.— Four new xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOCir.M. NEWS 221 aphids from Colorado. |7] 29: 273-278, ill. Roba, R. P.- Un nouveau Coccide signale sur Cafeier. |33J 76: 297-298. (S). LEPIDOPTERA.— Biedermann, R.— Une forme nou- velle dc Prepona praeneste ( Xymphalidae ) . [25] 41: 125- 126. (S*). Formes nouvelles de Khopaloceres sud-Ameri- cains. [Rev. Franc. Ent.] 3: 174-176, ill. Bouvier, E. L.- Etudes des Saturnoides normaux tarn. Hemileucides. (Ann. Sc. Nat. Paris] Zool. 19: 267-428. ill. (S*). Brower, A. E. —Description of a n. sp. and a n. f. of Catocala. ( 19] 31: 96-98,. ill. Bryk, F. — Lepidopterorum Catalogs. Pars 71. Zygaenidae II. 95-332. Doner, M. H.— (See under Hymen- optera). Draeseke, J. — Lepidoptera Catalogus. Pars 72. Lycaenidae I. 48pp. Field, W. D. — New North American Rhopalocera |13| 28: 17-26. Klots, A. B.— New North American Microlepidoptera. [40] X<». 8o7: 1-6, ill. Koehler, P. — Nuevos Agaristidae argentinos. [69] 12: 71-73, ill. Lichy, R. — Dos lepidopteros nuevos para Venezuela. [Bol. Soc. Vene/olana Cien. Nat.] 3: 204-209, ill. McDunnough, J. — A new race of Glaucopsyche lygdamus from the White Mts., Arizona (Lycaenidae). [4] 68: 113. Prout, L. B.- Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pars 68. Geomctridae: Subfam. Sterrhinae III. 433-486. Schusser, H.— Lepidopterorum ( 'atalogus. Pars 70. Syssphingidae. 230 pp. Shepard, H. H. -Lepidopterorum Catalogus. Pars 74. Hesperidae : Subfam. Pyrginae IV. 561-679. DIPTERA. — Autuori, M. — Uma n. sp. do gen. Anastre- pha (Trypetidae). [105] 6: 194- 196. ill. (S). Bromley, S. W. — Asilids feeding on bumblebees in New England. [5| 43: 14. Burtt, E. T. — Description of a new type of larval respiratory organ in Atrichopogon trifasciatus (Ceratopo- goninae). [107] A, 11 : 61-65. ill. Collado, J. G.— Culicidos de la Isla de Fernando Poo recogidos por la expedicion J. Gil-F. Bonet. [EOS| 11: 311-329. ill. (*). Duda, O. Ergebnisse einer zoologischen Sammelreise nach Brasilien, insbesondere in das Amazonasgebiet, ausgi-fithrt von Dr. H Zerny. XI Teil. Diptera: Chloropidae. |Ann. Xaturhist. Mus W'ien] 47: 107-113 (*). Frost, S. W.— Xew Central American Agromyzidae. |7| 29: Hendel, Krgebnisse einer zoologischcn Sammelreise nach Brasilien, insbesondere in das Amazonasgebiet. ausgefuhrt von Dr. H. Zerny. X Teil. I )iptera : Muscidae acalyptratae I excl Chloropidae). |Ann. Xaturhist. Mus. \\'ien| 47: 61-106, ill. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 (*). James, M. T. — Notes on Nemotelus (Stratiomyidae). \l()\ 31: 86-91 (*). A proposed classification of the ne- arctic Stratiomyinae. [1] 62:. 31-36, ill. Komp, W. H. W.- Description of nine n. spp. of Culex, seven from Panama and two from Venezuela. Culicidae). |7] 29: 319-334, ill. Lindner, E. — Stratiomyiiden von Costa Rica. [60] 97: 153- 158 (*) : Pessoa & Galvao. — Novo genero e nova especie de Streblidae, parasita de morecgo do Brasil. [105| 6: 242- 248. ill. Philip, C. B. — New Tabanidae with notes on certain species of the longus-Group of Tabanus. [43] 36: 149-156 (*). A newr horsefly from the southeastern United States. [103] 9:100-101. Tabanus rhombicus and related western horseflies. [4] 67: 148-160 (*). del Rosano, F.— American sps. of Psychoda. (Psychod.). [Phil. Jour. Sci.] 59: 85-148, ill. (*). .Thompson, G. B. — Some additional records of an association between Hippoboscidae and Mallophaga, to- gether with a bibliography of the previous records. [75] 18: 309-312. Townsend, C. H. T.— Manual of Myiology. 1936. Part III. 249 pp. COLEOPTERA.— Bierig, A.— Paederinae : nuevos neo- tropicales con notas sobre formas ya conocidas. (Staphy- lin.). [115] 10: 137-144, ill. Blaisdell, F. E.— Studies "in the tenebrionid tribe Triorophini. A monographic revision of the sps. belonging to the g. Stibia. [1] 62: 57-105, ill. Two n. spp. of Notoxus (Anthicidae). [4] 67: 144-148. Borgmeier, T. — Ecitotropis, un n. gen. myrmecophilo da familia Staphylinidae de Goyaz. [105] 6: 296-299, ill. Brown, W. J. — American species of Ludius ; the fallax and triundu- latus groups (Elateridae). [4] 68: 99-107, ill. (*). American species of Ludius: the inflatus Group. [4] 68: 133-136, ill. (*). Bryant, G. E. — A n. sp. of Epitrix (Halticinae) in- jurious to tobacco in Brazil. J110] 3: 114. Buchanan, L. L. -A new g. and 4 n. sps. of West Indian Curculionidae. [115] 10: 145-152. von Dalla Torre & van Emden.- Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 147. Curculionidae: Brachy- derinae I. 132pp. Dibb, J. R. — A n. sp. of Passalidae from Mexico. [107] B, 5: 129-130, ill. Fiedler, C.— Die amerikan ische Russlergattnng Cryptacrus (Curculionidae) |2] 32: 117-125 (S*). Guignot, F. — Description d'Haliplus nou- veaux (Haliplidae). |25] 41: 115-118 (S*). Guignot, F.- Deux Clypeodytes notiveaux du Mexique ( Dytiscidae). [Rev. Franc. Ent.] 3: 144-146, ill. Hinton, H. E.— Studies in the Mexican and Central American Eupariini (Scarab.). xlvii, '36] KXTOMOI.oi.ICAL NEWS 223 1 67] 6: 273-276, ill. Hustache, A. — Pia/urus nouveaux ( Cur- culionidae). [25] 41: 106-112 (S*). Klima, A.— Coleop- terorum Catalolgus. Pars 146: Curculionidae : Cholinae, Tachygoninae, Antliarrhininae, Ulomascinac1, Kpipedinae, Pyropinae. 32 pp., 1-4; 1-2; 1; 1. Liebke, M. — Neue Cara- biden aus Argentinian. [105| 6: 300-304. Linsley, E. G.- Sttulies in the g. Aulicus Spinola (Clericlae). 1 67 1 6: 249- 262, ill. McKenzie, H. L. — An anatomical and systematic study of the g. Anatis of America (Coccinel.). | d7 | h: 10 pp., ill. Obenberger, J. — De novis agrili generis regionis neotropicae speciehus (Bupr.). [Acta Ent. Mus. Prague] 13: 108-140. Obenberger, J. — Synonymia Agrilorum ( Bu- prestidae). [Casopis] 32: 59-121" (*).' Perkins, R. C. L.- Disenochus numroi, a new Hawaiian beetle (Carabid.). |8| 72: 177. Ray, E.— Studies on North American Mor- dellidae. [4| 68: 124-129, ill. (*). Reichensperger, A.- Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Myrmecophilen- mid Termitophi- lenfauna Brasiliens uncl Costa Rica TV. (Hist. Staphyl. Pselaph.). | 105] 6: 222-242, ill. (*). Saylor, L. W.— Four new Neotropical Melolonthids (Scarabaeidae). |105| <">: 293-296. Van Zwaluwenberg, R. H. — A n. sp. of Pyrophorus (Elateridae) from Guatemala, recently introduced into Hawaii. [37] 9: 231-234, ill. HYMENOPTERA.— Bromley, S. W.— (See under Dip- tera). Brues, C. T. — An American species of Solenopsia (Diapriidae). [5] 43: 15-18, ill. (*). Bryant, G. E.— A n. sp. of Epitrix (Halticinae) injurious to tobacco in Brazil. [110] 3: 114. Compere, H. — Notes on the classification of the Aphelinidae, with descr. of n. spp. [67] 6: 277-322, ill. Doner, M. H. — Hymenopterous parasites of Coleophora pruniella, and parasites recorded from other sp]). of Col- eophora. [7] 29: 224-244. Eidmann, H.— 5kologisch-faun- istiche Studien an siidbrasilianischen Ameisen. |110] 3: 81-114, ill. (*). Gahan, A. B. — Four n. sp. of Chalcidoidea parasitic on cactus insects. [50] 83: 481-486. Michener, C. D.— Some bees of the genus Halictus. | 75 | 18: 281-289. (*). Some North American Osmiinae ( A])oidea ). |40| No. 875, 30pi>.. ill. (*). Some western Antho])hoi-i(lac. | l'»| 31 : 92-95. (*). Mickel, C. E. — Two n. gen. and five n. spp. of Alutillidae. |7| 29: 289-297, ill. Mitchell, T. B.- A revision of the genus Megachile in the nearctic region. IV. Tax- onomy of snbgen. Xanthosarus. Phaenosarus, Megachil- oides'and Dc-rotropis i Mc-gachilidae ). [1| <>2: 117-ld(), ill. 224 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Oct., '36 Pate, V. S. L. — New Neotropical species of Bicyrtes (Sphecidae). [105] 6: 219-221. Studies in the Nyssonine wasps. (Sphecidae). 1. The species of Psammaletes, a new subg-en. of Hoplisoides. [1] 62: 49-56. Santschi, F.— Con- tribution a 1'etude des fourmis de 1'Amerique du Sud. [105] 6: 196-218. (*). SPECIAL NOTICES.— A Monograph of the British Neuroptera. By F. J. Kellington. Vol. 1. 269 pp., ill .[Ray Soc., London). Plant Protection Lenin Academy of Agri- cultural Sciences in USSR, Institute of Plant Protection. Fasc. 1-, 1935. Each fasc. is separately paged all in Russian, but contents also given in English. Mostly papers on pests and their control. Not otherwise cited in this list. THE GENITALIA OF THE TINEINA. By F. N. PIERCE and Rev. J. W. METCALFE, 1936, pp. 116, 68 plates. (Published by F. N. Pierce at Oundle, Hampshire, England.) There is prob- ably an increasing number of people who are interested in scientific pursuits as a hobby, but are not satisfied with merely making collections of specimens. They have more ambitious .-lims, they would like to make positive contributions to scien- tific knowledge. What can they do? There is urgent need for more workers in taxonomy, but the revision of groups of in- sects is no easy matter. Such work, or even the description of new species, requires time and experience, and large resources 111 the way of collections and literature. It may often be a good plan for a young worker to concentrate on some relatively small group, and" one could cite many cases in which this has been done with good results. But there are two types of work which are in themselves fruitful, and at the same time do not require large libraries or other facilities. One is the observation of habits and life histories, a practically inexhaustible field, too little cultivated in this country. Fab re, who made no pretence of being an expert taxonomist, wrote fascinating books on the behaviour of insects. Peckham, no specialist on Hymenoptera, described the nesting of wasps in what we now regard as a sort of classic. For such workers, dealing necessarily with relatively few species, it is usually possible to find experts who will determine the species. The other type may be described as comparative morphology, leading to the discovery of struc- tures which shed new light on evolution and classification, and often on general biological problems. For this work it is neces- sary to have series of accurately identified specimens; but if xlvii, '36] K.NTO.MOI.OI.ICAI, .\K\VS this was formerly an obstacle, it is less s<> todav, since the various museums and private collections have accumulated va^l numhers of duplicates which can readily he spared for anatom- ical studies. The work is lahorious, but very interesting, and anv one who has tried it will be surprised to imd how many structures there are in an insect, which the- ordinary taxonomisl has never observed. Perhaps the greatest difficulty concerns tbe illustrations, which require skill in drawing, and are expen- sive to publish. There is a new process, however, which cuts down the cost of publishing figures very considerably. A leading worker in this morphological field is Mr. F. X. Pierce, whose studies of the genitalia of European Lepidoptera have done much to clarify the conception of genera and species, and have been a standing challenge to those old fashioned lepi- dopterists who recognized only the obvious external characters lie has now extended these studies to the "micros," where they are most needed, and after publishing an account of the Tor- tricidae (1921), has had the courage to attack that vast complex the Tineina or Tineoidea. So far as possible, all the British species are dealt with, with a figure of the genitalia of each, and a short description (abbreviated as much as possible on account of the cost of printing). In the course of the work, no less than seven species (four new) have been added to the British lists. Some generic revisions are suggested, but the authors have felt that some specialist who knew the genera of the world should follow up their suggestions, and make t he- revisions which appeared desirable. In a few cases. pairs ot supposed species have proved identical, but when the gcnitalic characters were found to be recognizable though slight, the species were accepted as valid. There are a few cases in which the genitalia show no differences, yet other characters (notably those derived from the life history) indicate that the species concerned are really different. A noteworthy example of this sort is afforded by }'f>onoinenta f>adcllux and )". until nel! its. The writer of this review is, of course, wholly incompetent to discuss the details, but he is greatly impressed by the magni- tude of the work, the care with which it has been done, and its obvious great importance to lepidopterists all over the world. It is also evident that similar studies on other faunae will be most fruitful of interesting results. — T. 1 ). A. C'OCKK RKLL. Prof. \V. M. Wheeler, emeritus professor of entomology at Harvard University, has been elected an honorary fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, according to Science for July 3lj 1936. 226 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | Oct., '3d A MONOGRAPH OF THE BRITISH NEUROPTERA by FREDERICK JAMES KILLINGTON, Editor of the Transactions and Journal of the Society for British Entomology. Vol. I, pp. xix, 269, 68 text figures, 15 plates. London Printed for the Ray Society. Sold by Bernard Ouaritch, Ltd., 11 Grafton St., New Bond St., London, W. I. 1936. This volume (No. 122 of the Series) is issued to the subscribers to the Ray Society for the year 1935. Price 25 shillings. — This book is of importance to students of Neuroptera in all parts of the world by reason of its detailed account of the morphology of adult and immature stages of these insects. Chapter I, The Imago, consists of 67 pages, of which 59 (or more than one-fifth of the whole text) deal with the external morphology, the remaining 8 with the internal morphology. In treating of the exterior of the body, the ETemerobiidae have been selected for a more detailed account, "mainly for two reasons: firstly, because it includes approxi- mately half of the British genera and species of Neuroptera; secondly, because the sclerites are for the most part well chitin- ized and pigmented and consequently, except in one or two regions, well defined." Following the morphology of the Hem- erobiidae, that of the Coniopterygidae, Osmylidae, Sisyridac and Chrysopidae is more briefly considered. Chapter 2 is on the egg (12 pages), Chap. 3 on the larva (35 pages), Chap. 4 on the ptipa (13 pages), Chap. 5 on bionomics (43 pages), Adding to these the Introduction ( 12 pages), we have a total of 182 pages and 54 text figures constituting the general part of this book. "In all British Neuroptera there are constantly three [larval] instars, and, in fact, this is true of all Neuroptera with the exception of the Australian Ithonidae, in which family Tillyard (1922/>) states there are five." One of the best known and interesting features of the larva is the suctorial mandibles and maxillae. After reviewing the opinions of authors on the morphology of the terminal blade of the maxillary, Killington inclines to that of Withycombe, that it corresponds to the lacinia (p. 104). Special features of the chapter on bionomics arc the tables showing the habitats, the monthly distribution throughout the year, the prey and the Hymenopterous parasites of each species. The longest known life-cycle of any of the British species "does not exceed twelve months, and in the majority of species is considerably less than this. . . . The number of broods varies, with the species, from one to several in a year or there may be a succession of broods throughout the entire year (Hemerobius stigma)" (pp. 147, 146). The list of British Neuroptera, pages 10-12, embraces 18 genera and 53 species xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL XK\YS 227 ( Coniopterygidae 5. 7; Osmylidae 1,1; Sisvridae 1, 3; ITem- erobiidae 9, 2S ; Chrysopidae 2, 14. The American student will note that there are no Myrmeleonidae). Chap. c>, S7 pages, describes the first 10 genera and 15 species, leaving the re- mainder for Volume II. The beautifully clear text figures and li\e of the plates are line engravings, the remaining plates half- tones, four of them showing the wings of I lemerobiids in colors from the author's drawings. — P. P. CALVERT. ANCIENT ARTIZANS. The Wonders of the Insect World. STUART WARD FROST. Boston, The Van Press. 1936. 295 pp.. 152 figures. $3.50. Flere we find a work concerned with inter- esting habits of some insects, bringing together under one cover much that is scattered and almost lost in scientific volumes and beyond reach of the ordinary reader. These accounts are told in a readable fashion with illustrations of a few of the out- standing insects. Scientific names are referred to in footnotes. The studies have been taken largely from common species that can be seen by anyone who will take the time to pause and observe. The author, acting on a suggestion of a well known student of entomology that insects passed through development stages similar to that of man, has divided the work into chapters treating of the insects, illustrating such stages. Of these he recognizes foragers, nomads, hunters, agriculturists, masons, carpenters, spinners, weavers, miners, aviators, divers, musi- cians, assassins and fishermen. The examples as a rule are well taken and each chapter gives ample references for further study. The work should appeal to all interested in the role of insects in nature. — E. T. C. Change of Name (Diptera: Syrphidae). In the Transactions of the American Entomological Society, volume LVI, page 146 (1930) I described a new genus of Syrphid fly which I called Cacomyia, overlooking the fact that a genus had been already erected in Diptera bearing this name. Therefore, I propose the name Cacoccria for the species of lly 1 describe as Cacomyia, with, for the genoupe of Cacoccria, the original species crcssoni n. sp. — FRANK M. HULL. The International Health Division of The Rockefeller Foundation in 1935 operated on a budget of S2.200.000. ( irants were made for yellow fever studies in I5rax.il; for research on yellow fever, malaria, and other diseases at the laboratories of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '36 the International Health Division at the Rockefeller Institute; tor field research on malaria in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Albania, I'.ulgaria, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and India, and for laboratory studies of this disease at the University of Chicago; for demonstrations in the control of malaria in Colombia, Nicaragua, Salvador, and Albania. OBITUARY ALBERT PITTS MORSE, of Wellesley, Massachusetts, a student of the Orthoptera and the Odonata, died April 29, 1936, at the age of seventy-three. For many years a member of the faculty of the Wellesley College, and later Curator of Natural History at the Peabody Museum at Salem, Massachusetts, he left an enduring monument in his "Manual of the Orthoptera of New England," probably as fine a regional entomological study as has been produced in America. A summary of Mr. Morse's many activities, accompanied by an excellent portrait, has been pre- sented by Dr. Richard Dow in the July issue of the "Bulletin of the New England Museum of Natural History," published by the Boston Society of Natural History. A biographical notice of CHARLES ROBERTSON, who died at Carlinville, Illinois, June 17, 1935, by H. B. Parks, appeared in Bios (the quarterly of the Beta Beta Beta Biological Fraternity, Oklahoma City), Vol. 7, no. 2, pages 85-96, May, 1936. Rob- ertson was born June 12, 1858, studied at Blackburn University ( now College) and at Harvard. He taught biology at Black- burn, 1880-1886 and 1898-1910. Impressed by Herman Mul- ler's Die Bcfruclititiuj dcr Ultiiiicn dnrcJi Insekten, he planned an investigation of this subject for the Carlinville area; his papers on this topic began in 1886 and continued to 1931. The nature of his studies compelled him to devote much attention to the taxonomy of the Hymenoptera and to describe many new species of bees. A bibliography of his writings, of 148 titles, accompanies Dr. Park's biography; twenty of these appeared in the NEWS. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceedmg three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones art- added at !he end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Collectors desiring living pupae with cocoon attached to natural food plant of Michigan, Samia, Columbia or hybrid with S. Cecropia, write W. S. McAlpinc, 575 Townsend St., Birmingham, Mich. Wanted— Xorth American Chrys'didae for exchange or determina- tion, with privilege of retaining duplicates. \Y. G. Bodenstein, Department of Entomology, Cornell Vniv.-rsity, Ithaca. New Yo'l Wanted— Chloropidae (Oscinidae) of the world. Study, determin- ation o- exchange. C. \Y. Sabrosky, Entomology Dept., Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wantrd— Dr. Ka-1 El'er of th • /oolog'cal IM titut.-. of the Uni- versity Hi" Munich, \vho is at present er gaged in a critical study of the races of PanUio machaon and rc'ated spec'es. panicnlv lv de- sires to secure for study, as loans o" otherwise, material ot th<- American representative^ of this groun. To be ot service to hm material must bear exa^t localities, altitude's when possible, and dates of captive. Dr. El.'er has largely completed his wo-k in the Old World fo"ms and requests the cooperation of American stuclcn's so that hi- investigations may be of broadly compreheii- M'V<- character. ADVANCE IN PRICES OF ENTOMOLOGICAL LITERATURE PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY The prices of the publications of the American Entomological Society listed prior to 1919 will be considerably advanced after December 31, 1936. This will be the last chance to secure these papers containing descriptions of many new genera and species, and monographic and revisionary treatments of many groups of insects, at the except- ionally low prices which have not been advanced since the days when the cost of printing was considerably less than it is today. Those wishing to secure these publications, at present prices, should send for Price List 1918, of the orders in which they are interested. Largest Stock of Entomological Books in the \Vorld Send for Barerain List No. 7 ( Jtist Issued ) John D. Sherman/ Jr. 1 32 Primrose Avenue Mount Vernon New York BOOKS WANTED ASHMEAD. Orange Insects, 1880. BERLESE. Gli Insetti. BLATCHLEY. Coleoptera of Indiana. BOISDUVAL et LECONTE. Lepidopteres del' Amerique, 1833 Complete, or any fascicules of same. COMSTOCK Spider Book. COWAN. Curious Facts in History of Insects. DIMMOCK. Algunas Coccinellidae de Cuba EDWARDS, Butterflies of North America. Any parts in the original covers. EMERTON. Common Spiders of the United States. EWING. Acarina of Illinois. FABRICIUS, J C. All works. GENERA INSECTORUM. Various Fascicules. HUNGERFORD. Aquatic, Semi-Aquatic Hemiptera. KELLOGG. American Insects. MAC-GILLIVRAY. External Insect Anatomy. McCOOK. American Spiders, 3 volumes. NELSON. Embryology of Honey Bee. RHEAD. American Trout-Stream Insects. SAY. American Entomology. SHELFORD. Animal Communities. SNODGRASS. Insect Head, 1928. WEISS. Pioneer Century of American Entomology. TRANSACTIONS AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY. INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY. (All). JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY. Vol. 1 . PSYCHE. Vols. 11,13,16. LIBERAL PRICES will be paid for COMPLETE CLEAN COPIES of these and other RARE Books on Insects. JOHN D. SHERMAN, Jr. 132 PRIMROSE AVENUE MOUNT VERNON, NEW YORK Now Ready! NEW ENTOMOLOGY CATALOG The 72 pages of Ward's new Entomology catalog include tl.e most complete listing of Entomological material ever offered. In the Supplies and Equipment section are listed and described more than 250 items of collecting equipment, pinning, spreading and mounting apparatus, instruments, storage equipment, magnifiers and microscopes. In addition to this Supplies and Equipment section are many pages devoted to Books, Life Histories, Type Collections, Economic Insects, Biological Collections, Demonstration Specimens, Showy and Unusual Insects, Living Insects, Insect Models, and Microscope Sides. Every Entomologist, professional or amateur, should have this catalog on hand for ready reference. Write for your copy today. W A R D' S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENTincJ The Frank A . Wu rd Foundation ofNalu ml Science of tl:e University of Rochester READ WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL BULLETIN ... issued monthly 300 NORTH GOODMAN STREET ROCHESTER .... NEW YORK Transactions of Entomological Society of London 50 Volumes Bound, Good Condition, at One-sixth Publishers' Price Many Other Important Works Cheap Fine Morpho cypris, rhetenor, menelaus, etc., allow rates per dozen or idO. Urania riphaeus bred. Fine named Indian Butterflies, European do., New Guinea Delias, Ornithoptera alexandra (bred) etc. Particulars from - A; FOR D, 42. IRVING ROAD. BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND RARE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LEPIDOPTERA Pinned and fully Labelled or in Papers List furnished on request '_ CALIFORNIA INSECTARIES, INC. 1612 West Glenoaks Boulevard Glendale, California A. W. Morrill. Ph. D., Mgr, C. Henne, Lepidopteris. SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1937 NOW PAYABLE Detachable Subscription Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS NOVEMBER, 1936 Vol. XLVII No. 9 HENRY CHRISTOPHER McCooK, 1837-1911. CONTENTS Philip — An Interesting New Horsefly from North Carolina (Diptera: Tabanidae) 229 Felt — Two New Cockle Burr Midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) 231 Fattig — The Coleoptera or Beetles of Georgia. Ill 233 Bishop and Crosby — Notes on Some Spiders of the Family Pisauridae (Araneae) 238 Sabrosky — Some Synonymy in the Chloropid Genera Hippelates and Diplotoxa (Dipteral ... 245 Biography of Benjamin Dann Walsh 248 Change of Address 248 Head of Department of Entomology at Cornell 248 Entomological Literature 249 Review of Metcalf's Catalogue of Fulgoroidea 255 Prof. T. H. Morgan Honored 255 Blatchley — A Change of Name in Staphylinidae (Coleoptera) 255 Obituary — Dr Justus Watson Folsom 256 PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa.. Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January IS, ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Schmieder, Ph.D., V. S. L. Pate, Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00, Canada $3.15, Foreign $3.25, Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in., $ 3.00, 5 in., $ 5.00, 7 in., $ 7.00 Ten issues, 8.00, 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. No illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. No charge for printing text-figures. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks* furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1936, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. The printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles, without covers, over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies, 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed covert for SO copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. XLVII. NOVEMBER, 1936 No. 9 An Interesting New Horsefly from North Carolina (Diptera : Tabanidae).1 lly CORNELIUS I'.. IMiii.ii'. Kntomologist. L'. S. Public Health Service. Among specimens received from Mr. |. S. Ilrimlev, of Raleigh, North Carolina, an apparently undcscribed lly (if un- usilal appearance was found. Three males were also found in the Hme collection by Dr. .Man Stone of the U. S. Xational Museum and are here included. Anacimas geropogon n. sp. ((jr., old man - \vhis!cers >. ( )f the appearance of "T." dodt/ci \\'hit., but the Indy, mar- gins of veins and costal cells of wings with a brownish cast. and it lacks the pronounced thoracic lines; face and chc< sternum and pleurae, coxae, and basal palpal joint covered with unusually long, white hairs; second palpal joints with long. coarse, porrect hairs, white and black intermixed; antennae rather slender, red, the first two joints with sparse, long black hairs, third almost bare except for a few long upsianding hair- on the dorsal prominence and a very few shorter erect hairs on the annuli ; tongue, particularly the labellae, remarkably small; abdomen of female flattened, with a dark brown, mid-dorsal stripe its full length, on cither side a pale burl stripe, and a brownish stripe along each edge. The male is readily associ- ated on antennal and other head characters, although the bright orange-brown abdomen shows practically none of the pattern of the female, except sometimes a reduced, elongate, dark spot middorsally on the second segment. 9.15 mm. Eyes with very sparse, scarcely discernible shor; hairs; relaxed, 3 very narrow closely situated purple stripes on a green ground. Front broad, at least one-third its height, sides parallel, light brownish, darker on the vertex; no ocelliL''.T< >n.s tubercle; frontal and, median callosities piceus. convex, separ- ated narrowly, the former wider than high and narrowed above, the' latter bluntly ellipsoid, a little' taller than the former and 'Contribution from the1 Rocky Mountain Laboratory, U. S. Public Health Service, Hamilton, Montana. 229 NOV 3 230 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '36 half as wide as high. Subcallus contrasting pale yellowish pol- linose. Antennae rather slender, the third joint a little longer than the annuli and the prominence rather rounded, excision shallow ; terminal annulus hardly as long as the preceding one. Thora.v with indications of 2 pale lines, otherwise dark testace- Head of Tobanus t/cro^tu/on n. sp., female. Showing tomentose appearance with porrect hairs on tumescent palpi and on antennae basally ; also the slender proboscis and unusually small labellae (profile in partial silhouette under blue filter; face under yellow filter; Leica enlargement, "super-pan" film). ous, covered with rather short brownish hairs, a tuft of white hairs above the base of each wing. Wings dilute brownish, darker on the vein margins and costal border ; cell ^5 broadly open, and no stump-vein above. Legs pale reddish, a little darker on the tarsi ; femora clothed chiefly with white hairs, a few black ones interspersed. Venter of abdomen pale reddish, heavily pale pilose, a few black hairs on the sixth and seventh sternites. $ . 14.5 mm. Eyes with imperceptible, sparse pubescence, the contrasting, pale area of distinctly enlarged facets occupy- ing 2/3 the total area. Vertical triangle buff, pollinose, slightly raised above upper eye level. Terminal palpal joints swollen, hardly twice asilong as thick. Outer front tarsal claws a little longer than the inner. Wing veins not so plainly margined; otherwise this sex resembles the female except for the more orange abdomen above and below, which is almost without pattern. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 231 Holotypc, 9 . California Beach, NORTH CAROLINA, April 20, 1930, through the kindness of Mr. J. S. Brimley, in excellent state of preservation. In the collection of the author. Allotypc, $ . Southern, Pines, N. Car., Apr. 19, 1917. In the collection of Ohio State University Museum, Columbus. Paralyses. Two males, one with same data as allotype, the other from the same locality, April 7, 1908, A. H. Manee, are like the allot Y]K. except the latter is only 12.5 mm. and there is a more definite dark middorsal spot on the second abdominal tergite. In the collections of the Ohio State and U. S. National Museums. The female bears a striking superficial resemblance to .1/rry- coniyia uii.vta Hine and the rather remarkable head characier- show close relationship to Anacimas dodyci (Whit). I am in- debted to Dr. Stone, who also studied the type of . /. linihcl- Idtus End., for pointing out its generic affinities, as well as lor the opportunity of establishment of the allo- and paratypes. The females of all three species of Anacimas have a rather broad, middorsal, brownish stripe on the abdomen in addition to small tongues and distinctive vestiture, especially about the head. Two New Cockle Burr Midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae). By E. P. FELT, Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories, Stamford, Connecticut. The two species described below were reared by Mr. Leith F. Hitchcock, of the Australian Commonwealth Prickly Pear Board Xanthium Investigations. Asphondylia xanthii n. sp. $. Length 3.5 mm., antennae nearly as long as the body, sparsely haired, dark brown, the third with a length four times its diameter; palpi triarticulate ; mcsonotum dark brown, tin1 submedian lines thickly haired; scutellum and postscutellum fuscous yellowish; abdomen light brown; halteres fuscous, yel- lowish basally; legs a somewhat variable yellowish-straw color. 9 . Length 4 mm., antennae about three-fourths the lc: of the body, the third segment with a length live times its dia- meter; ovipositor about three-fourths the length of the body. 232 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [X()V., '36 the basal lobes, so conspicuous in many species, relatively small. This species runs in our key to A. autumnalis Beutm., from which it is distinguished by the nearly uniform color of the legs. The insects were reared June 4, 1935, from galls on the grow- ing tips of the branches of cockle burr, Xuutliiuiu speciositin, collected at Navasota, TEXAS. Holotypc a male. Mycodiplosis radicis n. sp. $ . Length 1.25 mm. Antennae one-half longer than the body, thickly haired, the basal enlargements of the flagellate segments dark brown, the distal enlargements yellowish, the fifth segment with the stems three and two and one-half times their diameter respectively ; the enlargements, their setae and circumfila normal for the genus, the terminal segment having the basal portion of the stem with a length four times its dia- meter, the distal enlargement cylindrical, with a length three times its diameter and bearing a stout appendage, swollen near the middle, approximately four times as long as its major dia- meter. Mesonotum reddish-brown, the submedian lines yellowish ; scutellum pale, yellowish; postscutellum reddish-brown; abdo- men dark brown, sparsely haired. Wings fuscous with irregu- lar yellowish areas as in a strongly marked Lestodiplosis; hal- teres and coxae pale yellowish ; femora mostly dark brown ; tibiae dark brown, with a broad yellowish band basally and near the middle ; tarsi dark brown, except that the basal two-thirds of the second, the basal half of the third and fourth and all of the fifth segments are yellowish; claws slender, strongly curved, the anterior unidentate ; pulvilli short. Genitalia : basal clasp segment stout, terminal clasp segment short and stout; dorsal plate short, broad, broadly and triangu- larly emarginate, the lobes acute; ventral plate short, broad, narrowly emarginate, lobes rounded. 9 . Length 2 mm. Antennae extending to the base of the abdomen, thickly haired, apparently dark brown, though when magnified the basal fourth of the flagellate antennal segments is seen to be fuscous, the distal part yellowish ; the fifth seg- ment with a stem one-fourth the length of the cylindrical basal enlargement, the latter with a length three times its diameter; the terminal segment slender, tapering and with a length four times its major diameter. Palpi quadriarticulate, the first seg- ment quadrate, the second rather broad with a length three times its width, the third a little longer and more slender and the fourth one-fourth longer than the third. Mesonotum dark xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 233 brown, the submeclian lines, scutellum and postscutellum mostly yellowish. Abdomen light brown. Ovipositor half the length of the body, mostly yellowish, the lobes with a length three times the width, somewhat expanded distally. Other charac- ters as in the male. This species approaches closely M. altcrnata Felt, from which it may be separated by the distinctly longer basal stem of the fifth antennal segment, the darker color of the mesonotum and the uniform coloration of the abdomen. Reared in August, 1935, from the roots of cockle burr, Xan- tliinin sp. collected at Mobile, ALABAMA. Holotype a male. Types deposited in the United States National Museum. The Coleoptera or Beetles of Georgia. III. By P. W. FATTIG, Emory University, Georgia. HISTERIDAE. (See page 20, this volume) 6565 — HISTER LAEVIPES Germ. Albany VII, 30, 31 ; Atlanta VIII, 15, 29. 6571— H. INTERRUPTUS Beauv. Stone Mt. IV, 28. 27. 6591 — H. MARGINICOLLIS Lee. Atlanta VI, 30, 27. 6597— H. CIVILIS Lee. Calhoun V, 23, 31. 6599— H. DISPAR Lee. Jasper, VII, 17, 31. 6613 — H. DEFECTUS Lee. Hiawassee VI, 15, 29. H. SP. Stone Mt. IV, 28, 27. 6651 — PLATYSOMA CAROLINUM Payk. Jonesboro V, 12, 30. 6692 — EPIERUS REGULARIS Beauv. Waycross V, 15, 32. 6696 — E. PULICARIUS Er. Savannah IV, 11, 31; Jesup V, 29, 31. 6790— ACRITUS EXIGUUS Er. Tallapoosa V, 6, 28. LYCIDAE. 6926 — CALOPTERON RETICULATUM Fab. Cleveland VIII, 10, 31 ; Canton VIII, 17, 31; Atlanta VIII, 5, 32 (2) ; Kennesaw Mt. VIII, 11, 28; Neel Gap IX, 1, 29. 6931 — CELETES BASALTS Lee. Blairsville VI, 15. 29. 6939— EROS AURORA Hbst. Atlanta II, 24, 30 (2); III. S, 30 (2) ; 111, 15, 29; III, 28, 31. 6940— E. SCULPTILIS Say. Blue Ridge VI. 14, 29. 6941— E. HUMERALIS Fab. Macon IV, 29, 31 ; Atlanta V, 10, 34 (2). 234 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '36 6942— E. TKiLiNEATus Mclsh, Stone Mt. VI, 18, 30; VII, 25; 29; Yonah Mt. VIII, 5, 34. f>()43 — E. CRENATUS Germ. Ceclartown VI, 25, 32. - 6945 — PLATEROS MODESTUS Say. Athens VI, 13, 32. 6946 — P. CANALICULATUS Say. Brunswick VI, 5, 29. 6950— P. FLORALIS Melsh. Jefferson VI, 13, 32. P. SP. Stone Mt. VI, 18, 30. 6958 — CALOCHROMUS PERFACETUS Say. Jesup VI, 5, 29. LAMPYRIDAE. 6967 — CALYPTOCEPHALUS BIFARIA Say. Stone Mt. V, 24, 27. 6971 — LUCIDOTA ATRA Fall. Bremen V, 6, 28; Tallulah Falls V, 13, 31 ; Neel Gap V, 28, 34; Atlanta V, 30, 29. 6975 — L. CORRUSCA Linn. Jefferson VI, 13, 32; Toccoa VII, 3, 31. 6978— L. NIGRICANS Say. Stone Mt. V,'26, 27 (2) ; Gaines- ville VI, 3, 27; Kennesaw Mt. VI, 8, 28. 6980— L. MINUTA Lee. Macon IV, 3, 31. 6987 — PYRACTOMENA LUCIFERA Melsh. West Point VI, 10, 32. 6988 — PHOTINUS CONSANGUINEUS Lee. LaGrange VI, 4, 32. 6994 — P. COLLUSTRANS Lee. Folkston V, 8, 32. 6996— P. PYRALIS Linn. Jesup IV, 12, 31 ; Atlanta V, 10, 34 ; VI, 19, 30; Perry VI, 21, 28; Helen VII, 11, 34. 6998— P. CASTUS Lee. Rome VI, 20, 32. 7013 — PHOTURIS PENNSYLVANIA DeG. Savannah IV, 11, 31; Cornelia V, 16, 28. PHENGODIDAE. 7023 — PHENGODES PLUMOSA Oliv. Neel Gap V, 28, 34 ; VI, 14, 31. CANTHARIDAE. 7051 — CHAULIOGNATHUS PENNSYLVANICUS DeG. Douglas- ville V, 6, 28; Blue Ridge VI, 14, 29; Clarkesville VII, 25, 31. 7052— C. MARGINATUS Fab. Atlanta VI, 8, 32; VI, 13, 27; Ringgold VI, 14, 30 (6); Stone Mt. VI, 26, 27; Blairsville VIII, 31, 29 (7) ; Stone Mt. IX, 5, 32 (4) ; Atlanta IX, 9, 32 (5). 7055 — PODABRUS TRICOSTATUS Say. Hiawassee V, 28, 34. 7056— P. REGULOSUS Lee. Griffin VI, 12, 27. 7057— P. FRATER Lee. Blue Ridge VI, 26, 31. 7058— P. BASILARIS Say. Toccoa VI, 16, 29. 7067 — P. PROTENSUS Lee. Blairsville V, 14, 31. 7091 — CANTHARIS DENTIGER Lee. Macon IV, 29, 31. 7097— C. CAROLINUS Fab. Cleveland VI, 24, 31. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 235 7098 — C. LINEOLA Fab. Toccoa V, 14, 30; Svvainsburo V, 31, 31. 7110— C. LONGULUS Lee. Blairsville VI. 15. 29. 7121 — C. BILINEATUS Say. Griffin IV, 4, 31. 7137— POLEMIUS LATICORNIS Say. Stone Mt. V, 26. 27 (2). 7147 — SILIS DIFFICILIS Lee. Dawsonville V, 15, 31. 7161 — S. BIDENTATUS Say. Hawkinsville IV, 3, 31 ; Toccoa VI, 16, 29. 7169 — TRYPHERUS LATIPENNIS Germ. Cornelia VI, 16, 29. 7170 — BELOTUS ABDOMINALIS Lee. Folkston V, 8, 32. MELYRIDAE. 7196— COLLOPS TRICOLOR Say. Stone Mt. IV, 28, 27 (41) ; Macon IV, 29, 31 ; Calhoun V, 23, 31. 7207— C. NIGRICEPS Say. Jesup V, 5, 30; Athens VI, 13. : 7207a — C. NIGRICEPS FLORIDANUS Schffr. Cairo VI, 18, 31. 7210— C. GEORGIANUS Fall. Rockmart VI, 25, 32. 7227— C. OUADRIMACULATUS Fab. Milledgeville V, 28, 31 ; Douglasville VII, 15, 27; Atlanta VIII, 9, 3 1 (2). 7231 — TEMNOPSOPHUS BIMACULATUS Horn. Bainbridge VI, 19. 31. 7279 — PSEUDEBAEUS APicALis Say. Hartwell VI, 16, 29. 7300 — ATTALUS GRANULARIS Er. Cornelia VI, 16, 29. 7303 — A. MORULUS Lee. Jonesboro VI, 12, 27. 7322— A. SCINCETUS Say. Savannah IV, 11, 31 ; Blue Ridge VI, 26, 31. 7506 — MELYRODES CRIBRATA Lee. Hiawassee V, 28, 34. CLERIDAE. 7516 — -MoNOPHYLLA TERMINATA Say. West Point VI, 10, 32. 7544 — CYMATODERA BICOLOR Say. Dahlonega VII, 9, 31. 7545_C. INORNATA Say. Tare VI, 27, 32. 7566 — C. UNDULATA Say. Newnan V, 18, 31. 7577 — PRIOCERA CASTANEA Newm. Ouitman VI, 17, 31. 7585 — THANASIMUS DUBIUS Fab. Albany VI, 1, 32. 7596 — ENOCLERUS NIGRIPES Say. Neel Gap VI, 14, 31. 7597— E. ROSMARUS Say. Blue Ridge VI, 26, 31. 7605 — E. ICHNEUMONEUS Fab. Atlanta VII, 20, 30. 7612— E. LUNATUS Klug. McRae IV, 14, 31 ; Stone Alt. VI, 21, 27 (2) ; VI, 26, 27. 7630 — TRICHODES APIVORUS Germ. Columbus V 19, 31 ; Stone Mt. VI, 5, 32; VI, 22, 27 (3) ; VI, 25, 30; VII, 1, 30; Americus VI, 20, 31 : Dalton VII, 24, 31. 7637 — HYDNOCERA UNIFASCIATA Say. Stone Mt. V, 25, 28 (2). 236 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | X()V., '36 7675 — H. VERTICALIS Say. Atlanta V, 19, 27. 7694 — ZENODOSUS SANGUINEUS Say. Tale VI, 27, 32. CORYNETIDAE. 7696 — PHYLLOBAENUS DISLOCATUS Say. Augusta VI, 9, 32. 7708 — CI-IARIESSA PILOSA Forst. Macon VI. 21, 29. 7716 — CREGYA OCULATUS Say. Gainesville VI, 24, 31. CUPESIDAE. 7744 — CUPES CONCOLOR Westw. Sandersville V, 31, 31 ; Blairsville VII, 10, 31 ; Atlanta VII, 25, 29. OEDEMERIDAE. 7758 — XANTHOCHROA LATERALIS Melsh. Jasper VII, 17, 31. 7763 — NACKKDA MELANURA Linn. Jesup V, 5, 30. 7768 — CoprniTA NOTOXOIDES Fab. Gray VI, 21, 29. 7769— C. THORACICA Fab. Valdosta IV, 14, 31. 7776 — ALLOXACIS DORSALIS Melsh. Savannah IV, 11, 31. 7799 — ASCLERA PUNCTICOLLIS Say. Tallapoosa V, 6, 28. 7800— A. RUFICOLLIS Say. Stone Mt. VI, 26, 27. MORDELLIDAE. 7810 — MORDELLA MELAENA Germ. Atlanta VI, 12, 27; Car- tersville VII, 4, 34; Stone Mt. VII, 12, 29 (3); VII, 17, 29 (4) ; Americus VII, 30, 31. 781 1_M. SCUTELLARIS Fab. Ellijay VI, 27, 31. 7814 — M. OCTOPUNCTATA Fal). Fort Valley VI. 1, 31 ; Dai- ton VI, 7. 31; Atlanta VI, 7, 28; VI, 12, 27; Stone Mt. VI, 13, 34; Americus VI, 20, 31; Kennesaw Mt. VI, 24, 34. 7817— M. MARGINATA Melsh. Talking Rock VI, 27, 32. 7830 — GLIPODES HELVA Lee. Gainesville VIII, 16, 29. 7833 — MORDELLISTENA BiciNCTELLA Lee. Fort Valley VI, 1, 31. 7838— M. TRIFASCIATA Say. Cornelia VI, 16, 29; West Point VI, 19, 32. 7859 — M. COM ATA Lee. Swainsboro V, 31, 31. 7875_M. SEMIUSTA Lee. Tate VI, 27, 32. 7894— M. AMBUSTA Lee. Thomasville VI, 19, 31. 7910— M. PUBESCENS Fab. Perry VI, 21, 29; Ellijay VI, 27, 31. 7911 — M. BIHAMATA Melsh. Covingioii VI. 16 .'7. 7912— M. LITURATA Melsh. LJlairsville VI, 15, 29. 7913— M. FUSCATA Melsh. Yonah Mt. VII, 12, 34. 7926— M. DISCOLOR Melsh. Calhoun VI. 28, 32. 7942 — ANASPIS FLAVIPENNIS Hald. Blairsville VI, 15, 29. 7943 — A. RUFA Say. Savannah IV, 11, 31; Hart well VI, 13, 32. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 237 RHIPIPHORIDAE. 7950 — MACROSIAGON DIMIDIATUM Fab. Hawkinsville VI, 21. 29; Dalton VII, 24, 31. 7953 — M. PECTINATUM Fab. Augusta VI, 9, 32. 7954— M. CRUENTUM Germ. Stone Mt. VII. 14, 29; VIII. 10, 32; Ring-gold VIII, 5, 31. 7956— M. LIMBATUM Fab. Americus VII, 30, 31. M. SP. Atlanta VIII, 14, 29. MELOIDAE. 7973 — PYROTA ENGELMANNI Lee. Ringgokl VIII, 5. 31 ; At- lanta IX, 5, 30; IX, 17, 27. 7931— P. GERMARI Halcl. Hartwell VI, 14, 32. 7986— P. LINEATA Oliv. Clarkesville VII, 25, 31. 7989— POMP ii OPOEA POLITA Say. P.axley VII, 22, 29. 7990— P. AENEA Say. Atlanta IV, 7, 33; IV, 8, 31 ; IV, 29, 31 ; Macon IV, 29, 31. 7998 — EPICAUTA TRICHRUS Pallas. Stone Ml. \"I. 22, 27; VI, 26, 27; Cartersville VII, 24, 31; Clayton VIII. 17, 29; Atlanta IX, 4. 32 (2). 8000— E. STRTGOSA Gyll. Augusta VIII, 29, 30. 8003 — E. HETERODERA Horn. Americus VI, 20, 31. 8018— E. VITTATA Fab. Atlanta VTT, 7, 31 (3) ; Dalton VII, 24, 31. 8019 — E. LEMNISCATA Fab. Folkston V, 8, 32. 8024a — E. CINEREA MARGINATA Fab. Macon VI, 21. 29; LaFayette VII, 17, 31 ; Stone Mt. VII, 30, 29 (17) ; VIII. 7. 32 ( 12) ; VIII, 9, 28 (28) ; Waleska VIII, 28, 28 (2) ; Atlanta VIII. 28, 32 (2). g033 — E. PENNSYLVANIA DeG. Cornelia VI, 28, 31 ; Rome VIII, 3, 31 ; Neel Gap IX, 1, 29; Atlanta IX, 4, 32. 8042 — MACROBASIS UNICOLOR Kby. Griffin V, 12, 30; Dal- ton V, 23, 31 ; Hiawassee V, 28, 34;' Stone Mt. VI, 2, 28 (4S i. SI 12 — TETRAONYX OUADRIMACULATA Fab. Stone Mt. VII, 10. 29 to VIII, 10, 29 (125); Americus VII, 30, 31 : Heir,, VIII, 5, 34; Kennesaw Mt. VIII, 11. 28; LaFayette VIII. 16, 31. 8167 — GNATHIUM FRANCILLONI Kirby. Atlanta VIII. 23. 32. 8179 — NEMOGNATHA PIEZATA Fab. Fort Valley VI. 1. 31 : Snellville VI, 12, 31 ; Gainesville VI, 24, 31 ; St. Simons Island VII 22, 29; Albany VII, 30, 31 ; Yonah Mt. VIII, 5, 34 (2) ; Atlanta VIII, 5, 32 (9) ; VIII, 19, 29 (3) : VIII, 21, 32 (8). 8180 — N PUNCTULATA Lee. Cleveland VII. 10, 31. N. SP. Yonah Mt. VIII. 5, 34 (2). 23S ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '36 PYROCHROIDAE. 8220 — NEOPYROCHROA FLABELLATA Fal). Toccoa VI, 16, 29. 8225 — DENDROIDES BICOLOR Newm. Stone Mt. IV, 28, 27. PEDILIDAE. 8278 — MACRATRIA CONFUSA Lee. Cornelia VI, 16, 29. S279— M. MURINA Fab. Dahlonega VII, 9, 31. ANTHICIDAE. 8283— NOTOXUS BICOLOR Say. Clarkesville V, 28, 34. X304 — N. MONODON Fab. Gainesville VI, 24, 31. 8359 — ANTHICUS STURMI Laf. Toccoa VI, 16, 29. EUGLENIDAE. 8475 — ELONUS BASALIS Lee. Savannah IV, 11, 31. 8477 — EMELINUS MELSHEIMERI Lee. Rockmart VIII, 17, 28. CEBRIONIDAE. S5K3_CEBRio BICOLOR Fab. Atlanta VII, 29, 27; VIII, 9, 29 (2). Notes on Some Spiders of the Family Pisauridae (Araneae). By S. C. BISHOP, University of Rochester, and C. R. CROSBY, Cornell University. Since the publication by one of us (Bishop, 1924), of the Revision of the Pisauridae of the United States, a number of specimens have come to hand which provide material for the description of four males not previously known. Several specimens of Dolomcdcs pinicola Hentz were received from Mr. Stanley Mulaik of Edinburg, Texas, and Dr. W. J. Gertsch of the American Museum has sent us specimens of Thanatidius dnbins Hentz, Dolomcdcs striatiis Giebel and Thaninasia pcreyrina Bishop. The records of a few additional species are added. Key to the Males of Dolomedcs. 1. A spinose hump on the femur of the fourth leg beneath 2 No spinose hump on the femur of the fourth leg beneath 3 2. Tibial apophysis very long, extending almost one-half the length of the bulb triton Walckenaer Tibial apophysis short, extending only to the base of the bull) I'it tat us Walckenaer 3. Median apophysis of bulb broad, produced to a point near xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 239 the tip on the side toward the embolus 4 Median apophysis of bull) slender, distal half narrow, ribbon-like, almost transparent 7 4. Median apophysis of bulb constricted at base 5 Median apophysis of bulb broad throughout; tibial apophysis wide and ear-like si rial us (iiebel 5. Apophysis of tibia broadly dilated and deeply notched distally 6 Apophysis of tibia short, concave internally, broadly notched at tip; venter of abdomen with a definite median, light stripe from the genital furrow to the spinnerets ; ab- domen above white or grayish white marked with light brown albiuciis Hcntz 6 A tooth at the base of tibial apophysis on the ventral side; abdomen above dull yellow without definite dark mark- ings pinicohi Hentz No tooth at the base of tibial apophysis on the ventral side; abdomen above crossed by several transverse, \\ - shaped white lines script us Hent/ 7. Median apophysis acutely angled at middle of its length; basal half abruptly swollen in the middle tenebrosus Hentz Median apophysis nearly right-angled at middle of its length; basal half not conspicuously swollen okefinokensis Bishop DOLOMEDES PINICOLA Hentz (Figure 1). Micrommata pinicohi Hentz, Jour. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 6 :2X7. pi. 10. fig. 14. 1850. Dolumcdcs pinicohi Bishop, N. Y. State Mus. Bui. No. 252, pp. 60-61, pi. 35. 1924. Tcippus hnnpnis Chamberlin, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. (>3 :2S. 1924. The male has not been described. Hentz had only the female, as indicated in his figure, and Bank's specimen was an immature female. The specimen described by Chamberlin as Trip pus lamprus is a young individual less than half grown. $ . Length, 10 mm. Cephalothorax, length, 5 mm., width. 4.5 mm. Cephalothorax with the ground color orange yellow, on either side of the mid-dorsal line a broad dusky band with a narrow anterior extension enclosing a light oval area back of the eyes, extreme margins slightly dusky; the light areas of the sides of the thorax clothed with soft white hairs, the light area back of the eves and the duskv bands clothed with brown 240 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS | X()V., '36 hairs ; extreme margin of the cephalothorax and median ocular area clothed with long white hairs directed forward. Viewed from above, the cephalothorax is broad, evenly rounded on the sides to the posterior eyes then sharply converging to the rather truncated front ; viewed from the side, the posterior declivity short and steep, then gently rounded over to the cervi- cal groove, top of head flat and nearly level. Posterior eyes in a strongly recurved line, equal, the median separated by three-fourths the diameter and from the lateral by the diameter. Anterior eyes in a very slightly recurved line, the median larger than the lateral, separated by two-thirds the diameter and from the lateral by one-third the diameter. Median ocular area broader than long, height of clypeus two and one- half times the diameter of an anterior median eye. Chelicera orange yellow, lower margin of the furrows with three teeth on one and four on the other. Abdomen above yellowish white, finely reticulated and with a median, basal, lanceolate area smooth, followed by two rows of small brown spots slightly converging and decreasing in size posteriorly. Sides of abdomen dull yellowish, clothed with short white hairs ; venter yellowish and clothed as on the sides ; back of the epigastric furrow a broad white area, widest in front, converging posteriorly and marked with two indistinct lines of brown dots extending to the spinnerets. Legs and palpi dusky orange yellow, the legs in order of length 1-4-2-3; 29-27-25-21 mm. respectively; tibiae of first and second legs beneath with 4-4 spines, the apical short, others long but not overlapping. Sternum orange-yellow with a broad submarginal dusky band. Labium and endites orange yellow. Tibia of palpus moderately long and stout, the distal meso- ventral angle produced into a broad lobe ; the apophysis broadly attached at base, deeply excavated distally and armed at base on the ventral side with a short, curved black tooth. The tegulum is roughly horseshoe-shaped, the distal arm longer and broader than the ventral ; the median apophysis narrow at base, widened distally and expanded into a thin transparent flange which is drawn out to a beak-like point on the lateral side; the long, slender, whip-like embolus arises at the back of the bulb and curves forward and ventrally, its tip resting in the groove of the fulcrum and covered by the membranous conductor. By the form of the tibial apophysis and the structure of the bulb, this species is evidently related to Dolomedes (ill'inciis and D. script us. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 241 Fig. 1. Dctomcdcs fiinicola, d\ right palpus, ventral view. mcdcs striatus, d, tibia of right palpus, dorsal view. Same, right palpus, ventral view. Fig. 4. TluinatiiUiis tliihins. o right palpus, ventral view. 5. Same, d, tibia of right palpus, clorsolateral view. • (>c re tjrina, d"1, right palpus, ventral view. 7. Same, dorsolateral view. 242 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS |X<)V., '36 TEXAS: Edmburg, Sept. -Oct., 1933, 1 '<. Dolomcdcx striatits Bishop, N. Y. State Mus. Bui. No. 252, PI). 57-59, pi. 33, fig. 1, pi. 34, fig. 2. 1924. The male resembles the female closely in color and pattern but is a little smaller. cJ . Length, 11 mm. Cephalothorax, length 5.5 mm., width, 4.5. Legs 4-1-2-3; 24-22-21-19. long respectively; tibiae of first and second legs beneath with 4-4 spines, the apical short, the others long and overlapping. Femur of the palpus long and slender, somewhat compressed at base and slightly widened distally ; armed above with a trans- verse, curved row of four dark spines just back of the tip. followed by a row of three spines along the mid line; patella short and with the sides nearly straight, slightly convex above and armed above at base with a long slender black spine; tibia slender at base, evenly widened distally, produced at the tip ventromesally into a distinct tooth-like projection ruid dorso- laterally into a broad ear-shaped apophysis diagonally truncate at tip ; tibia armed above at the middle of its length with a single long black spine and mesally by a pair of black spines. In the form and position of the tegulum and embolus. this species closely resembles D. pinicohi; the median apophysis, however, is of nearly uniform width throughout and the tip on the lateral side is a much sharper point. Since this species was reinstated in 1924, a number of addi- tional specimens have been found. NEW YORK : Mendon Ponds, Monroe Co., Sept. 28, 1928, 1 juv. $ (Bishop). CONNEC- TICUT: Norwalk, June 4, 1933, 1 $ (Allotypc}; July 10-11, 1933, 1 $ (Gertsch). NEW JERSEY: Ramsey, July 9, 1934, 1 9 ; Sept. 24, 1934, 1 9 (Gertsch). TIIANATIDIUS DUBIUS Hentz ( Figures 4-5). Thoinisits ? diilnus Hentz, Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. Jour. 5:448, pi. 23, fig. 11. 1847. Thamithllnx dnhlns Simon, Hist. Nat. Araignees 2:288, 293. 1898. Tlmnatidius ditbius Bishop, N. Y. State Mus. Bui. No. 252, pp. 17-18, pi. 1, pi. 33, fig. 2. 1924. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 243 We have seen only one male of this species, a specimen in which the abdomen is lacking. Dr. W. J. Gertsch has compared this specimen with one from Southern Pines, North Carolina, and found them to he identical and there are several males in the collection of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cam- bridge from the same locality. '' . Cephalothorax, length, 4.5 mm. ; width, 3 mm. The cephalothorax has the characteristic markings of the female. They consist essentially of a broad, median, brown band in which there is a light line through the dorsal groove ; the light line widens anteriorly to the width of the ocular area then nar- rows and passes between the posterior median eyes ; sides of the cephalothorax dull yellowish. The eyes are in four rows as in the female but the posterior lateral and median eyes are slightly larger than the anterior. The legs are too much broken to determine the relative lengths. Femur of palpus rather long and slender, somewhat widened distally ; patella short, convex above ; tibia viewed from above, narrow at base and with the mesal side nearly straight, strong! v protuberant on the lateral side, at the middle of the length, where the apophysis is borne; apophysis a broad, black, shovel- shaped process bearing on its dorsomesal angle a long sharp spine. Base of cymbium, on the lateral side with a low rounded protuberance ventrad of which there is a longer, heavier pro- cess. The bulb of the palpus is comparatively simple ; the embolus arises on the mesal side, makes a half-turn around the bulb next to the cymbium and emerges near the tip on the lat- eral side. TEXAS : Edinburg, 1 $ (Mulaik) (Allotypc}. NORTH CARO- LINA: Southern Pines, June 1920, 1 $ (W. T. Davis). MISSISSIPPI: Ocean Springs, Jan. 1905, 1 9 (Comstock). THAUMASIA PEREGRINA Bishop (Figures 6-7). Thaumasia pcrcyrinus Bishop, N. Y. State Mus. Bui. No. 252, pp. 62-63, pi. 36, pi. 37, fig. 1-4. 1924. The male of this species closely resembles the female in form, color and pattern. The size, and the proportions of the body and legs are somewhat different as indicated below. $ . Length, 10 mm. Cephalothorax, length, 5 mm., width. 4 mm. Legs in order of length, 4- (1-2) -3, 37-34-34-29 mm. long respectively; tibiae of first and second leg.s beneath witli 244 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '36 4-4 spines, the distal pair short, the others long but not over- lapping. Femur of palpus narrow at base, concave on the mesal side and widened distally, marked above near the middle of its length by an indistinct grayish patch and armed above with six long, stout, black spines, four fornrng a transverse cu.-ved line near the tip of the segment, the other two in the mid-line near the middle of the length; patella short, stout, strongly con- vex above and armed above near base with a slender black spine and distally by a very long, stout, sinuous, black spine; tibia narrower than patella and with the sides nearly straight, aimed above at base with a pair of long black spines and on the mesal side at base by a basally stout, apically slender black spine set at right angle to the segment ; the tip of the tibia above strongly compressed and produced into a long point from the lateral side of which the tibial apophysis extends laterally at nearly a right angle ; the tip of the apophysis is slender, flattened and curved forward. The bulb of the palpus differs markedly from that of other genera of Pisauridae and in the absence of sufficient material to permit the expansion of a palpus for detailed study, the parts are difficult to homologize. The tegulum is narrow and is exposed only at the base of the bulb; the embolus is a stout, black, sharply curved rod which arises at the back of the bull), makes one complete turn around the end, the tip emerging on the- lateral side above a long stout process which extends the entire length of the bulb on the lateral side. The t\pc of the species, a female, was taken at Hot Springs, ARKANSAS. TEXAS: Rio Grande City, Starr Co., July, 1934, 1 ad. S, (Allotype) 1 juv. $, 1 juv. 9 (Mulaik). The following new records are of interest : PELOPATIS UNDULATA Keyserling. MISSISSIPPI : Ocean Springs, July 13, 1930, 1 5 (Dietrich). FLORIDA: Gainesville, Mar. 4, 1933 (Wallace). PJSAURINA BREVIPES Emertou. NEW YORK: Lake Sebago, Interstate Park, July 23, 1934, 9 9 (Gertsch). NEW JER- SEY: Ramsey, Aug. 26, 1934, 9 9 (Gertsch). DOLOMEDES OKEFINOKENSIS Bishop. FLORIDA: Gainesville, Jan. 24, 1933, 1 9 (Wallace) ; Mar. 4, 1933, 1 9 (Wallace). MEDES ALBINEUS Hentz. FLORIDA: Gainesville, Jan. 29, 1932, 1 $ ; Jan. 11, 1933, 1 9 ; Nov. 23, 1933, 1 9 (all Wallace). xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 245 Some Synonymy in the Chloropid Genera Hippel- ates and Diplotoxa (Diptera).* By CURTIS W. SABROSKY, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan. In view of the increasing medical importance of Hippelales. special attention has been directed to the changes in nomen- clature in this genus. The author is now working on a mono- graphic revision of the genus and its relatives, and detailed notes and redescriptions will be reserved for that more extensive- treatment. HIPPELATES CIRCUMDATA (Becker). New combination. 1912. Siphonella circmndata Becker, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., X, p. 185. ( Chloropidae, V). [Haiti.] The species is really a Hippelates, as I found upon examina- tion of the female holotype [Colin. Melander). It is very close to Hip Delates pcrnanns Becker. It has just come to my atten- tion that Dr. H. W. Kumm recently (Bui. Ent. Research, XXVII, p. 318) referred circmndata to synonymy under Hippelates peruanns Becker, apparently upon the advice of Dr. Curran, to whom I mentioned the real status of circmndata following my study of the type in June, 1935. HIPPELATES DISSIDENS (Tucker). New combination. 1908. Oscinis dissident Tucker, Ent. News, XIX, p. 274. 1912. Osciuclla particcps Becker, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., X, p. 115, in part. New synonym. 1913. Hippelates tc.vana Malloch, U. S. Natl. Mus. Proc., XLVI, p. 251. New synonym. The holotype male of Oscinis dissidcns Tucker was found to be a Hippelates, and comparison with the type series of Hippe- lates tc.rana Malloch showed that the latter is an absolute syn- onym. Types of both species are in the U. S. National Mu- seum. A portion of the type series of Osciuclla particcps was * The author has studied the types of all species herein nirnti'inrd, .-mil he is pleased to acknowledge the aid of Grant No. o5_' »t' the ISaclie Fund uf the National Academy of Sciences for making this possible. 246 ENTOMOLOGICAL \K.\YS | Xov., '36 also found to belong to dissidcns, as discussed under the next heading. HIPPELATKS PAKTU'KPS (Becker). Xe\v combination. 1912. Osciucllu fi.irticcf>s Becker, Ann. Mus. Xat. Hung., X, P. 115. 1^13. Hippdiitcs snbriftiitti Malloch. I". S. Xatl. Mus. IVoc.. XLYI. p. 251. Xe\v synonym. Becker described ptirticcf's from a series of tour specimens in Melander's collection, including one male from Pennsylvania (labeled "type" in the collection), and females from (.lalveston and Austin. Texas, and Alabama. The male. |Penn.|, which agrees with the original descrip- tion and is therefore designated here as the type of [>nrticc[s dissldcns by Tucker and as Hippclatcs tc.vaiui by Malloeh (see under dissidens). From the description, it is evident that Becker regarded the specimen agreeing with subvittata as typical of his species, a conclusion which is borne out by two specimens from Haiti in Melander's collection, labeled "det. Becker" (metatypes). OPETIOPHORA STRAMINFA Loew. Coquillett (1S°S. Jour. X. V. Ent. Soc.. \*I. p. 44) placed this species in the genus ////>/>c- lutcs, to which it has since been referred. The genus Opetio- plioni was raised to full generic rank by Sabrosky ( 1().>5, Trans. Anier. Knt. Soc.. LXI. p. 239). LASIOPI.KI'RA LONGULUS (Becker). Xew combination. 1912. Hifpclatcs loinjuliis B.ecker, Ann. Mus. Xat. Hung., X, p. Sl>. 1913. Hi^chitcs loin/iiliis; Malloeh, U. S. Xatl. Mus. I'roc.. XL\T, p. 2()4. (Species not identified; description repeated. ) 1931. Ifi^cliitcs loiKjulus; Aldrich. l;.nt. Soc. Wash. I'roc., XXX 11 1. p. 71. (Locality (irenada, not Canada, Becker in error.) xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 247 Aldrich Hoc. cit.j believed that the species, which was de- scribed from a lone female in his collection, was merely Pscudo- hippclatrs i a pax (Coq.). The type is undoubtedly congeneric with capnx, recently placed by Malloch (1934, Dipt. Patagonia & S. Chile, VI, p. 417) in Lasioplcura Becker, but the author believes that it represents a distinct species. Capax is some- what larger, and the basal halves of all femora are yellowi.-h, whereas in lonynlns the legs are entirely black. DlI'LOTOXA MESSORIA (Fall.) 1820. Oscinis messoria Fallen, Dipt. Suec., Oscinides, p. 5. 1866. Diplotoxa messoria; Loew, Ztschr. Knt. Breslau, XX, p. 66. 1903. Chlorops bilincata Adams, Kans. Univ. Sci. Bui.. II, ]>. 40. Xew synonym. The holotype male of Adams' species has been studied by the writer at the University of Kansas, and it is unquestionably the same species which occurs widely throughout northern United States, Canada and Europe. A considerable series of North American specimens and some European ones have been exam- ined, and no difference could be noted. DIPLOTOXA CONFLUENS Loew. 1872. Chlorops (Diplotoxa) conflucns Loew, Berl. Knt. Ztschr, XVI. p. 107. (Cent. X, no. 94.) [Texas.] 1912. Diplotoxa ylabricollis Becker ncc Thomson, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., X, p. 40. (Chloropidae IV.) (Texas Illinois.] New synonym. 1912. Diplotoxa incUnata Becker, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., X, p. 43. [Texas.] New synonym. Meigen (1820, Syst. Beschr., VI, p. 141) described a Chlor- ops conflucns, but inasmuch as Loew's species was definitely placed in his subgenus Diplotoxa, later raised to generic rank, I do not regard it as a homonym which requires changing. Becker (1910) believed that conflucns Meigen was reallv a synonym of Chloropisca trifasciata Zett. The holotype female of incUnata, from Austin, Te? ' olln. Melander) is an absolute synonym of < mifJiii'iis. I'.nl.rr de- scribed the third antennal segment as being entirely black, but 248 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '36 on the type only the distal half is black. It has been the author's observation that this character is quite variable in many species of Chloropidae. In spite of this fact, the character is often used as a primary basis for separating species in this family. In the series of eight cotypes of con fine us in the Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, the color of the third antennal segment ranges from almost entirely black to only the distal half blackened. The specimens from Austin, Texas, and Chicago, Illinois, recorded by Becker (1912, p. 40) as yhibricollis Thomson, were examined and found to be typical confiiteus. It seems ex- tremely improbable that ylabricoUis (type locality, Buenos Aires) occurs in North America. The author has examined a long series of specimens from several localities in Chile, [U. S. Natl. Mus. Colin.], and he agrees with Malloch (1934, Dipt. Patagonia & S. Chile, VI, p. 397) that these probably belong to the species which Thomson described (1868, Eugenics Resa, p. 604). Becker's South American records (Chloropidae V, p 137) of glabricollis are more probably correct, although from Duda's brief notes it is possible that Diplotoxa rufomarginata Duda 1930 (-- D. ylabricollis Becker, in part) may be a dis- tinct form. Biography of Benjamin Dann Walsh. Volume XIX (Troye- Went worth) of the Dictionary of American Biography, published under the auspices of the American Council of Learned Societies by Charles Scribner's Sons, September 11, 1936, contains a biography of the eminent Anglo-American entomologist, B. D. Walsh, by Dr. L. O. Howard, pp. 388-389. Change of Address. R. C. Shannon is now at Caixa Postal 49, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Head of Department of Entomology at Cornell. Dr. (). A. Johannsen has become head of the department of entomology at Cornell University, taking the place of Dr. J. G. Needham, retired. — Science, July 24, 1936. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 249 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY V. S. L. PATE. LAURA S. MACKEY and E. T. CRESSON. JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted: but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published in our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the i>ur>- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAI, NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume, and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated In titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining exclusively to neotropical species, and not BO Indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations. "Washington. Also Review of Annlied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated bv an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (•). Paper.' fiublisl'rd in tl'r Fntnitwlnpiral News are not listed New Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to 14. Archives do Institute Biologico, Sao Paulo. GENERAL. — Comon, R. — Etude sur la repartition des insectes. Causes d'apparition ou disparition. | P>ull. Soc. Sci. Hist. & Nat. Yonne] 88: 46-52. Pycraft, W. P.— Some plant bugs and their amazing shapes, jlllus. London News] 1936: 52. Ruediger, E. — Jan Swammerdamm und die rolle der insekten in der biologischen forschung. [17,] 53:509-12. Stateloff, N. — Die grundlagen der modernen insektene- pidemiologie. [Bull. Soc. Ent. Bulgarie] 9: 69-130, ill. | Rus- sian; German summary.] Wolcott & Otero. — Insectac Borinquenses. A revised annotated check-list of the insects of Puerto Rico, with a host plant index. [ (our. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico.] 20: 627 pp., ill. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— Berge, S.— A new hereditary deformation of thorax of Drosophila melanogas- ter. [Meldinger Norges Landbrukshoiskole] 16: 470-486, ill. Coker, Millsaps & Rice. — Swimming plume and claws of the broad-shouldered water-strider Rhagovelia flavicincta (Hemiptera). |19| 31: 81-85, ill. Feshotte, L.— On the effect of radio waves and ultra-violet rays on the insects. | hist. Plant Protection USSR] Ease. 6: 147-158. (Russian.] Fisher, R. A. — The effect of a few toxic substances upon 250 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '36 the total blood cell count in the cockcoach, Blatta orien- talis. 1 7] 29: 335-340. Flanders, S. E. — Sexual dimorphism of Hymenopterous eggs and larvae. [68] 84: 85. Flemion & Hartzell. — Effect of low temperature in shortening the hibernation period of insects in the egg stage. [Contrib. Boyce Thompson Inst.] 8: 167-173. Fox, D. L. — Struc- tural and chemical aspects of animal coloration. [90] 70: 477-493, ill. Harnner, A. L. — The gross anatomy of the alimentary canal of Solubea pugnax (Pentatomidae). [43] 36: 157-160, ill. Klein-Krautheim, F.— Ueber das Chorion der Eier einiger Syrphiden. [97] 56: 323-329, ill. Klinger, H. — Die insektizide Wirkung von Pyrethrum- und Derris- giften und ihre Abhangigkeit vom Insektenkorper. [110] 3: 115-151, ill. Mannheims, B. J. — Beitrage zur Biologic und Morphologic der Blepharoceriden (Dipt.) Robert Noske, Leipzig, 1935. vi -{-116 pp., ill. Menusan, H. — The influ- ence of constant temperatures and humidities on the rate of growth and relative size of the bean weevil, Bruchus ob- tectus. [7] 29: 279-288, ill. Moriwaki, D.— A preliminary experiment on crossing over in the female of Bombyx mori. [Proc. Imp. Acad. Sci. Tokyo] 11: 453-454. Oosthuizen & Shephard. — Prothetely in larvae of the confused flour beetle, Tribolium confusum. |7] 29: 268-272, ill. Picard, F. — Un cas de poecilandrie chez un Hymenoptere Chalcidide, Podagrion pachymerum, parasite de la Mantis religieuse. [Bull. Soc. Zoof. France] 60: 468-472, ill. RitcherC P. O. -Host relationships of the Larger Apple Curculio, Tachyp- terellus quadrigibbus magnus. [103] 9: 94-99. Savory, T. H.— Regeneration in Arachnida. |31] 138: 550. Shull, W. E. — Inhibition of coagulation in the blood of insects by the fatty acid vapor treatment. [7] 29: 341-349, ill. Vachon, M. — Une particularite dans le developpement d'un pseudo- scorpion, Cheiridium museorum. [Bull. Soc. Zool. France] 60: 330-333. Sur le developpement post-embryonnaire des pseudoscorpiones. [Bull. Sci. Bourgogne, Dijon] 5: 21-29, 149-150, 154-155, 160-161, 169, 180-181, ill. Vimmer, A.- Sur 1'adaptation de stigmates des larves de dipteres contre la penetration de la poussiere dans le systeme tracheen. [Casopis] 32: 99-102, ill. Ueber die Fan on i pharyngei, Batelli, im pharynx von dipterenlarven. [Casopis] 32: 198- 202, ill. Wadley, F. M. — Development-temperature cor- relation in the green-bug (Toxoptera graminum). [47] 53: 259-266. Zavrel, J. — Endokrine Hautdrusen von Syndiam- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 251 esa branock: (Chironomidaej. [Publ. Fac. Sci. Univ. Mas- aryk, BrnoJ no. 213, 18 pp., ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA.— Mueller, J. F.- Xote- on ~ome parasitic copepods and a mite, chieflv from Florida fre.,h water fishes. [Am. Midi. Nat.] 17: 807-815, ill. Pearse, Patterson, Rankin & Wharton. — The ecol <>i I'a--?tlu- cornutus, a beetle which lives in rotting h [Ecological Monogr.] 6: 457-490, ill. ORTHOPTERA.— Schneider, H.— Die sudamerikanische wanderheuschrecke ( Schistocerca paranensis) eine schwere insektenplage. [17J 53: 481-487. HEMIPTERA.— Coblentz, W. W.— The emergence of the cicada. [Scientif. Monthly] 43: 239-243, ill. Deay & Gould. — The Hemiptera of Indiana. I. Fam. Gerridae. [The Amer. Midland Xat.] 17: 753-769, ill. Drake & Harris.- Xotes on North American Water-striders. [95 J 49: 105- 108 (S*;. Gilliatt, F. C. — Observations on the mealy bug, Phenacoccus aceris. [4] 68: 133. Jaczewski, T. — Xotes on Corixidae. [107] B, 5: 34-43, ill. Neiva & Lent. — Xot;.- commentarios sobre triatomideos. Lista de especies e sua di.-tribuicao geographica. [105] 6: 153-190. Simanton & Andre. — A biological study of Lygaeus kalmi (Lygaeidae;. [19] 31: 99-107, ill. LEPIDOPTERA.— Bird, H.— Papaipema stenoscelis, a rare Xoctuid of the eastern United States. [4] 68: 119-121. ill. Brown, F. M. — Vanessa cardui migration in United States, 1935. [9] 69: 169. Carpenter, G. D. H.— Xotes by Commander C. M. Dammers on the life-histories of two >pecies of American Hesperiidae. [107] A. 11: 2. Chad- wick, L. E.— On the occurrence of a costal vein in the Archonias (Tieridae). [4] 67: 143-144, ill. da Costa Lima. A. — Iscadia montei, novo noctuideo Brasileiro. [O Campo R. d. J.] Jan. 1936: p. 44. Dietz, H. J.— Collecting Lepi- doptera in the heart of Xew York City. [19] 31 : 129. Dos Passes, C. F. — Further notes on the butterflies of southern Xewfoundland. [4] 68: 98. Englehardt, G. P.— Ci- mitchelli in Xew Jersey (Satyridaej. [19] 31: 110. Gar- garin, P. — Duas femeas desconhecidas de Erycinidae do Brasil. [105] 6: 306. Griffin, F. J.— The contei the parts and the dates of appearance itz' Gr hmett- erlinge der Erde (the Macrolepidoptera of the World). Lfg. 1-130 Palaearctic and 1-575 Exotic. Vols. 1-16, 1907- 252 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '36 1935 [36J 85: 243-280. Heinrich, C.— Heterocera collected . aur.ng the exploration of Southampton Island, Hudson Bay. [Mem. Carnegie Mus.] 12: 27-29, ill. (*.). Hoffmann, C. C.— Lepidopteros nuevos de Mexico. [112] 7: 59-64, ill. Relaciones zoogeograficas de los Lepidopteros mexicanos. | 112] 7: 47-58. Hoffmann, F. — Die brasilianischen baren- s])inner. Betrachtungen und vergleiche tiber die brasilian- ische Arctiidenfauna. [17] 53: 493-496; 540-544, cont. Hol- land & Avinoff. — Rhopalocera collected during the explora- tion of Southampton Island, Hudson Bay. [Mem. Carnegie Mus.] 12: 3-26. ill. (*). Jobling, B.— On the stridttlation of the females of Parnassius mnemosyne. [107] A, 11: 66- 68, ill. Norris, M. J. — The feeding-habits of the adult Lepi- doptera Heteroneura. [36] 85: 61-90. Sabrosky, C. W.— An unusual record in Lepidoptera. [103] 9: 102. Seitz, A.— Raupenbilder aus Paraguay. [17] 53 : 537-539. cont. Querci, O. — Notes on Pontia protoclice (Pieridae). [1] 62: 37-47. Vazquez, L. — Contrilnicion al conocimiento de los Lepidop- teros Mexicanos. III. El genero synopsia en los "Tepo- zanes" del centro de Mexico (Geometr.). [112] 7: 65-75, ill. Williams, C. B. — Collected records relating to insect migrat;on; 3rd series. [107] A, 11: 6-10. DIPTERA.— Bromley, S. W.— Additions to the Ohio list of robber flies (Asilidae). [43] 36: 130-131. da Costa Lima, A. (see under Coleoptera). Enderlein, G. — Zur Klassitika- tion der Psychodinen. [Sitzber. Ges. Naturforsch. Fr. Ber- lin] 1935: 246-249. Dipterologica III. | Sitzber. Ges. Natur- forsch. Fr. Berlin] 1935: 235-246 (*). Ford, N.— Further observations on the behavior of Wohlfartia vigil, with notes on the collecting and rearing of the flies. [Jour. Parasitol.] 22: 309-328, ill. Knipling, E. F. — Some specific taxonomic characters of common Lucilia larvae (Calliphorinae). [67] 6: 275-293, ill. Monte, O. — Um pouco de historia sobre Metagonystilum minense. [O Campo R. d. ].} Dec. 1935: 30-31, ill. de Oliveira Castro, G. M, — Estudo sobre uma especie de "Limatus" que se cria em buracos de pan (Culi- cidae). [Rev. Dept. Nac. Prod. Animal, Rio de Janeiro] 2: 143-155. ill. (S*). Pinchin & Anderson.— On the noc- turnal activity of Tipulinae as measured by a light trap. [107] A, 11: 69-78. Pourchier, D.— Observations stir la biologic larvaire et la metamorphose d'une Tachinaire Mi- crophthalma disjuncta. [Trav. Sta. Biol. Roscoff] Fasc. 11, pp. 29-50, ill. Rempel, J. G. — The life-history and mor- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS phology of Chironomns hyperhoreus. [Jour. Biol. Bd. Can- ada] 2: 209-221, ill. Richards, O. W.— A second note on the genus Pachyophthahnus (Tachinidae). |1U7| B, 5: 89- 90, ill. (S*). Rozeboom, L. E. — The larva and adult of Culex rooti (Culicidae). [7] 29: 266-267, ill. (S). Souza Lopes, H. — Sobre Travassomyia borgmeieri. [1051 6: 306. Stork, M. N. — A contribution to the knowledge of the pu- paria of Anthomyidae. [101] 79: 94-168, ill. Townsend, L. H. — The mature larva and puparium of Brachycomia sar- cophagina (Metopiidae). [10] 38: 92-98, ill. Twinn, C. R. -The blackflies of eastern Canada (Simulidae) I. [Can. Jour. Res.] 14: 97-130, ill. (*). Zumpt, F.— Das Geschlech- tsapparat der Glossinen uncl seine taxonomische bedeutung. [Zeitschr. f. Parasitenk.] 8: 546-560, ill. COLEOPTERA.— Blaisdell, F. E.— Two new species of Euschides (Tenebrionidae). [1] 62: 223-230. Brown, W. J. —Change of name of two common insects of economic im- portance. [4] 68: 142. Chagnon, G. — The European beetle, Staphylinus globulifer, in eastern Canada. [4] 68: 116. Colas, G. — L'Extraction des organes copulateurs de Coleop- teres. [Rev. Franc. Ent.] 3: 106-107. da Costa Lima, A- Dois novos insectos de Xanthium. [An. Acad. Brasileira Sci.] 8: 157. Darlington, P. J. — Two recently introduced species of Amara (Carabidae). [5] 43: 20. van Emden, F.— Die Anordnung der Brachyderinae-Gattungen im Coleop- terorum Catalogus. [60] 97: 66-99, ill. Engelhardt, G. P.- The Clerid beetle, Cymatodera californica, bred from mistle- toe in Arizona. [19] 31: 98. Fiedeler, C.— Bestimmung- stabelle der gattung Piazurus (Cure. Zygopidae). [Ent. Nachrichtb.] 10: 7-36. Die amerikanische rtisslergattung Cryptacrus (Cure. Cryptorhynch. ). |2| 32: 117-125. Hin- toii, H. E. — Notes on the genus Lobogestoria (Colydiidae). [8] 72: 128-129, ill. (S). ' Hoffmann, C. H.— Additions to our knowledge of the biology of Pelidnota punctata ( Scara- bae.) [103] 9: 103-105. Additional data on the biology and ecology of Strigoderma arboricola ( Scarabaeidae). [I'M 31: idS-110. Knowlton, G. F. — Distributional notes on Utah Coleoptera. [103] 9: 107-108. McKenzie, H. L.- An anatomical and systematic study of the genu< Anatis of America (Coccinellidae). |67] 6: 263-272, ill. Madle, H. — Die larven der gattung Aphodius |H<)| 3: 1-20. Pearse, Patterson, Rankiri & Wharton (see under Arach- nida) Pic, M. — Notes entomologiques et descriptions. [Bull. Soc. Zool. France] 60: 169-172 (S*). Saalas, 254 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '36 U. — IJber das Fliigelgeader uncl die phylogenetische Ent- wicklung der Cerambyciden. [Ann. Zool. Soc. Zool.-Bot. Fenn. Vanamo] 4: 1-198. ill. Silvey, J. K. G.— An investi- gation of the burrowing inner-beach insects from fresh water lakes. 1 114] 21 : 655-696, ill. Stammer, H.-J. — Studien an Symbiosen zwischen Kafern und Mikroorganismen. II. Die Symbiose des Bromius obscurus und der Cassidarten (Chrysomelid.). [46] 31: 682-697, ill. Stirrett, G. M.- Notes on the "Mate wireworm," Aeolus mellillus. [4] 68: 117-118. HYMENOPTERA.— Balduf, W. V.— Observations on Podalonia violaceipennis (Sphecid.) and Vespula maculata (Vespicl.). 1 4] 68: 137-139. deBeaumont, J.— Hymenop- teres gynandromorphes. [Bui. Soc. Vaud. Sc. Nat.] 59: 85- 90. Borgmeier, T. — A proposito de Acropyga decedens, goeldii, e pickeli (Formicidae). [105] 6: 304-306. Finlay- son & Reeks. — Notes on the introduction of Diprion para- sites to Canada. [4] 67: 160-166. Holldobler, H. — Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Kolonien-grundung der Ameisen. [97] 56: 230-248. Micheli, L. — Note biologiche e morfologiche sugli Imenotteri. [Att. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Milano] 75: 5-16, ill. Michener, C. D. — Some western An- thophorid and Nomiine Bees. [40] no. 876, 4 pp. Mukerji & Bhuya. — Life history of Chaetostricha mukerji (Tricho- grammidae). [34] 115: 209-212. ill. Oldroyd & Ribbands. —On the validity of trichiation as a systematic character in Trichogramma (Chalcididae). [107] B, 5: 158-152, ill. Smith, M. R— A list of the Ants of Texas. [6] 44: 155-170. Speicher, B. R.— Are Hymenoptera tetraploid? [31] 138: 78. Stumper, R. — L'homme et la fourmi ["Scientia," Bologna] 30: 95-108, ill. Ullyett, G. C.— Host selection of Microplec- tron fuscipennis (Chalcid .). [107] B, 120: 253-291. Wey- rauch, W. — Dolichovespula und Vespa. Vergleichende Ubersicht ueber zwei wesentliche Lebenstypen bei sozialen Wespen. Mit Bezugnahme auf die Frage nach der Fort- schnittlichkeit tierischen Organisation. [97] 56: 287-301. SPECIAL NOTICES.— Husain, Baweja, Mathur, Ah- med & Bhatia. — Studies in Schistocerca gregaria. Colour changes and sexual behaviour in desexualized S. gregaria adults. Pigmentation and physical exertion. Influence of temperature in the intensity and extent of black pattern in the desert locust hoppers bred crowded. Factors determin- ing the movement of vermiform larvae. [Ind. Jour. Agr. Sci.] 6: 586-671, ill. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 255 GENERAL CATALOGUE OF THE HEMIPTERA. G. Horvath, Gen- eral Editor, H. M. Parshley, Managing Editor. Fascicle IV Eulgoroidea, Part 2 Cixiidae by Z. P. 'METCALF, D. Sc., Col- lege of Agriculture and Engineering of the University of North Carolina. Published by Smith College, Northampton, Mass., U.S.A. 1936. 269 pages. Price $2.00.— Earlier numbers of this catalogue, beginning with Ease. I, 1927, have been noticed in previous issues of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. This part "fol- lows the general form of the present series. The family is divided into tribes, and the genera are arranged under the tribes in as near a phylogenetic order as our present knowledge will permit. The species are arranged under the genera in an alpha- betic sequence. . . . The species have also been listed under every known combination so that it is possible to find any species without recourse to the index which will be published at the completion of the fascicle, together with the full bibliography." Thus, the species apicalis Uhler, in bold face type, appears on p:;ge 51 under the genus Oliarus and again on page 137, in smaller italics, under the genus Myndus. "The classification adopted in this catalogue is the one proposed by Muir in 1925. Muir recognized 90 genera distributed into two tribes. . . . The 786 species of this family are widely distributed in all regions of the world save the extreme Arctic and Antarctic regions. The faunas of Europe, North America, Central America, Hawaiian Islands, Japan, India and New Zealand are fairly well known, but vast regions of the world have hardly been ex- plored." The bibliography of the family as a whole occupies pp. 7-14. The catalogue of genera and species extends from page 14 to page 255. Then follows the generic and specific synonymy, pp. 256-267, an index of names proposed, p. 268, and an index of genera and higher groups, pp. 268-9. The type is clear, the paper heavy, but not glazed. Dr. Metcalf's cata- logue must surely prove to be most helpful to all investigating this group of insects. • P. P. CALVERT. Special ceremonies in honor of Prof. T. H. Morgan, whose work in genetics has been so largely based on Drosophila, were planned by the University of Kentucky for his seventieth birth- clay on Sept. 25, 1936. The University gave him his P>.S. in 1886 and will present a bronze plaque, to be attached to his birthplace at Lexington, Kentucky, according to Science for Aug. 14, 1936. A Change of Name in Staphylinidae (Coleoptera). Prof. Ralph Yoris, of the State Teachers College, Spring field, Missouri, who has been making a special study of the liter- ature pertaining to the family Staphylinidae, informs me that 256 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '36 the specific name multipunctatus of my PJiilontlius multipunc- taius ( Coleoptera of Indiana, 1910, p. 389; Leng Catalogue, number 4472; Blatchleyana, 1930, no. 25), is a homonym of Philonthus multipunctatus Nordman, Symbolae ad. Mon. Staph. 1837. p. 106, 95, which in turn is a synonym1 of StapJiy- Unus multipunctatus Mannerheim, Brachelytra, 1830, 31, 79. I therefore herewith change the name of my species to Phi- lout hits kcsslcri Blatch. This nome is a tribute to Miss Isa- dora Kessler, who for thirty-nine years has been my secretary and stenographer, who has typed from my long-hand hiero- glyphics (which when cold she can read much better than I), the greater part of 14 of my 16 Indiana State Geological Re- ports (300 to 1700 pages each) ; my four manuals on insects, my seven Nature books and all my miscellaneous publications (Nos. 79 to 197 of my Bibliography in "Blatchleyana"). She alsq wrote most of the labels for my insects and to her I have dictated the thousands of letters I have necessarily written from 1897 to 1936. But for her sympathetic, conscientious and effi- cient aid my work would have fallen far short of what I have accomplished. W. S. BLATCHLEY. OBITUARY DR. JUSTUS WATSON FOLSOM, well known for his papers on the development and taxonomy of the Collembola. died at the infirmary at Vicksburg, Mississipi, on September 24, 1936, after an illness of several weeks following heart attacks, accord- ing to an obituary notice in Science for October 16, 1936. The same source adds that he was born at Cambridge, Massachusetts, September 2, 1871, received the B. S. in 1895, and 1). Sc. in 1899 from Harvard, was professor of natural science at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, 1899-1900, instructor and assist- ant professor of entomology at the University of Illinois, 1900- 1923, and entomologist in the Division of Cotton Insect Invest- igations, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, United States Department of Agriculture, at Tallulah, Louisiana, 1925 to the time of his death. ( )ne of his best known papers was The Develolpment of the Month-parts of Aunrida niaritiina of 1900. in which he advocated the necessity of recognizing "the superlingual segment as equivalent in morphological value to the other primary [head") somites." His excellent text book Entomology i^'itJi reference to ils ecological aspects, in four editions, (1906, 1913, 1923, 1934) has 'been successively re- viewed in the NEWS. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at 1 top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted— Dr. Karl Eller of the Zoological Institute, of the Uni- versity of Munich, who is at present engaged in a critical study of the races of Papilio machaon and related species, particularly de- sires to secure for study, as loans or otherwise, material of Un- American representative's of this group. To he of service to him material must bear exact localities, altitudes when possible, and dates of capture. Dr. Eller has largely completed his work in the Old World forms and requests the cooperation of American students so that his investigations may be of broadly comprehen- sive character. Wanted — Heliconia from various parts of Mexico, Central and South America, especially Bolivia. Buy or exchange. F. E. Church, 15 West 67th St., New York, N. Y. SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for my subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for one year, beginning with issue for Name - Address Post Office - The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers : United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, - 3.15 Foreign, - 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALK BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. COLEOPTERA 101. S. — Blaisdell ( F. E.).--Two new species of Euschides (Tenebrionidae). (Trans., 62, 223-230, 1936). .20 DIPTERA 1020. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.). — Descriptions and notes on genera and species of the Dipterous family Ephydridae. II. (Trans., 62, 257-270, 1936) .30 HYMENOPTERA. 1016. — Mitchell (T. E.) — A revision of the genus Megachile in tlie \\-arctic region. IV. Taxonomy of subgenera Xanthosaru:-, Phaenosarus, Megachiloides and Dero- tiopis (Megachilidae.) (Trans., 62, 117-166, 4 pis., 1936) 1.00 1013. — Pate (V. S. L.). — Studies in the nyssonine wasps. I. Species of Psamma^etes, a n. subg. of Hoplisoides (Sphecidae). (Trans., 62, 49-56, 1936). .20 ODONATA. 1015. — Needham and Fisher. — The nymphs of North American Libelluline dragonflies. (Trans., 62, 107-116, 2 pis., 1935) .20 ORTHOPTERA 1017. — Hebard (M.). — New genera and species of Melanopli found within the U. S. and Canada (Acrididae). Pts. 7-9. (Trans., 62, 167-222, 6 pis., 1936). 1.25 1019. — Hebard (M.). — Studies in Orthoptera which occur in N. Amer. north of the Mexican boundary. VI. A revision of the genus Arethaea (Tettigoniidae). (Trans., 62, 231-256, 2 pis., 1936) .40 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ „ _, for which please send me the items checked above. READY to HELP when DISASTER STRIKES! In the past year the Red Cross has met the emergency and rehabilita- tion needs of the victims of 150 different disasters. Disaster relief and all other programs of the Red Cross are supported by the annual membership dues of citizens who join during the annual Roll Call. Enroll in your local Chapter from November 11th to 26th ADVANCE IN PRICES OF ENTOMOLOGICAL LITERATURE PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY The prices of the publications of the American Entomological Society listed prior to 1919 will be considerably advanced after December 31, 1936. This will be the last chance to secure these papers containing descriptions of many new genera and species, and monographic and revisionary treatments of many groups of insects, at the except- ionally low prices which have not been advanced since the days when the cost of printing was considerably less than it is today. Those wishing to secure these publications, at present prices, should send for Price List 1918, of the orders in which they are interested Read Ward's Entomological Bulletin More than 3500 Entomologists throughout North America read Ward's Entomological Bulletin, the most widely circulated periodic publication in the Entomological world. Its features include articles and hints on technique, news in Entomology, suggestions for equip- ment, a listing for Taxonomists, and descriptions of Ward's Ento- mological supplies, equipment and material. Ward's Bulletin is mailed without charge every month to active Entomologists who request it. Would you like to be on our mailing list? W A R D' S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT,™^ The Frank A . Wu rd Foundation ofNulu ral Science of the University of Rochester READ WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL BULLETIN ... i»,u«d monthly 300 NORTH GOODMAN STREET ROCHESTER NEW. YORK Transactions of Entomological Society of London 50 Volumes Bound, Good Condition, at One-sixth Publishers' Price Many Other Important Works Cheap Fine Morpho cypris, rhetenor, menelaus, etc., at low rates per dozen or 100. Urania riphaeus bred. Fine named Indian Butterflies, European do., New Guinea Delias, Ornithoptera alexandra (bred) etc. Particulars from A. FORD, 42, IRVING ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND RARE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LEPIDOPTERA Pinned and fully Labelled or in Papers List furnished on request CALIFORNIA INSECTARIES, INC. 1612 West Glenoaks Boulevard Glendale, California A. W. Monill, Ph. D., Mgr, C. Home. Lepidopteris SUBSCRIPTIONS FOR 1937 NOW PAYABLE Detachable Subscription Blank in this Number ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS DECEMBER, 1936 Vol. XLVII No. 10 *'**> HENRY CHRISTOPHER 1837-1911. CONTENTS Pierce — The Position of the Strepsiptera in the Classification of Insects 257 Abbott — On the Olfactory Powers of Megarhyssa lunator (Hyrnen- optera Ichneumonidae) 2»>3 Swain — Notes on the Oviposition and Life-history of the Leafhopper Oncometopia undata Fabr. (Homoptera: Cicadelliclae) . . . . 264 Strohecker — A New Timema From California (Orthoptera: Phasraidae) 267 Nash — Thysania zenobia in Maine (Lepid.: Noctuidae) 268 Meiners — Notes on Papilio asterius Cram, and a Record of var. americus Kollar. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) 269 Meserve — The Cicindelidae of Nebraska (Coleoptera) 270 Franclemont — A New Generic Name (Lepidoptera, Euchromiidae) . 275 Corrections for November, 1936, News 275 Entomological Literature 975 Entomological Literature, Special Notices PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, Logan Square Entered at the Philadelphia, Pa., Post Office as Second Class Matter. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed fer in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society. Philip P. Calvert, Ph.D., Editor ; E. T. Cresson, Jr., R. G. Schmieder, Ph.D., V. S. L. Pate, Associate Editors. Advisory Committee: Philip Laurent, J. A. G. Rehn, Chas. Liebeck, J. Chester Bradley, Ph.D., Frank Morton Jones, Sc.D., John C. Lutz, Max Kisliuk, Jr., Wm. W. Chapman. The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers is as follows: United States and possessions, Central and South America $3.00, Canada $3.15, " Foreign $3.25, Single copies 35 cents. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. One issue, 1 in., $ 1.20, 3 in, $ 3.00, 5 in, $ 5.00, 7 in, $ 7.00 Ten issues, " 8.00, " 25.00, 45.00, 60.00 SUBSCRIPTIONS. All remittances and communications regarding sub- scriptions, non-receipt of the NEWS or of reprints, and requests for sample copies, should be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. All complaints regarding non-receipt of issues of the NEWS should be presented within three months from date of mailing of the issue. After that time such numbers, if available, will be supplied only by purchase. Not more than two issues will be replaced gratis, through loss in transit or in change of address, unless such have been registered, at the subscriber's expense. No subscriptions accepted which involve giving a receipt acknowledged before a notary, except at the subscriber's expense. MANUSCRIPTS AND ADVERTISEMENTS. Address all other com- munications to the editor, Dr. P. P. Calvert, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. TO CONTRIBUTORS. All contributions will be considered and passed upon at our earliest convenience and, as far as may be, will be published according to date of reception. The receipt of all papers will be acknowl- edged. Owing to the limited size of each number of the NEWS, articles longer than six printed pages will be published in two or more installments, unless the author be willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. Proof will be sent to authors. Twenty-five "extras" of an author's contribu- tion, without change in form and without covers, will be given free when they are wanted; if more than twenty-five copies are desired this should be stated on the MS. No illustrations will be published in the NEWS for the present, except where authors furnish the necessary blocks (or pay in advance the cost of making blocks) and also pay for the cost of printing plates. No charge for printing text-figures. Information as to the cost will be furnished in each case on application to the Editor. Blocks* furnished or paid for by authors will, of course, be returned to authors, after publication, if desired. Stated Meetings of The American Entomological Society will be held at 8.00 P. M., in 1936, on the fourth Thursday of each month excepting June, July, August, November and December, and on the third Thursday of November and December. Communications on observations made in the course of your studies are solicited; also exhibits of any specimens you consider of interest. Th« printer of the "News" will furnish reprints of articles, without covers, over and above the twenty-five given free at the following rates: One or two pages, twenty-five copies, 35 cents three or four pages, twenty-five copies, 70 cents; five to eight pages, twenty-five copies, $1.40; nine to twelve pages, twenty-five copies, $2.00; each half-tone plate, twenty-five copies. 30 cents; each plate of line cuts, twenty-five copies, 25 cents; greater numbers of copies will be at the corresponding multiples of these rates. Printed cover* for 50 copies, $4.00 or more, according to number of pages bound. ENTOMOLOGICAL N E WS= VOL. XLVII. DECEMBER, 1936 No. 10 The Position of the Strepsiptera in the Classificat- ion of Insects. By W. D WIGHT PIERCE, Ph.D., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The systematic position of the Strepsiptera has been much debated, but it has been the most common practise to either include the group in the Coleoptera, or align it with the Coleop- tera. I have maintained since 1909 that the Strepsiptera are not related to the Coleoptera and belong far from them in the classification. I wish at this time to rearguc the question, add- ing new arguments to support my contentions, and this time suggesting rather definite affinities. So far as I can find, the only reasons for placing them next to the Coleoptera are : 1. The Strepsiptera have only functional metathoracic wings, with mesothoracic balancers, which are supposed to be equiv- alent to Coleopterous elytra. 2. The Strepsiptera undergo a hypermetamorphic develop- ment analogous to that in the Rhipiphoridae. 3. The Strepsiptera and Rhipiphoridae have flabellate anten- nae. These arguments are very superficial and not of very much value when judged from phylogenetic standpoints, because: 1. Balancers are possessed by the Diptera and Coccoptera, which are much more like those of the Strepsiptera, than are the elytra of Coleoptera and Dermaptera; with the difference however that the last three have these organs on the meso- thorax, the first two on the metathorax. Tokunaga ( 1935. Phil. J. Sci. 56 (2) : 127-214) in hi> de-. 3. Agglutination of pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax, or of two of the three, occurs in all of the orders but two, the Aleuro- doptera and Strepsiptera. In the former the mesothorax and the metathorax are both greatly enlarged, and each bears a pair of wings, and the notum of each clearly differentiates praescu- tum, scutum, scutellum, postlumbium and postscutellum. In 260 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 the Strepsiptera only the metathorax is greatly enlarged, as it alone bears wings, and its notum is characterized by clear dif- ferentiation of the same sclerites as in Aleurodoptera. It is interesting to note that the mesothorax in Coccoptera and at least in the Dipterous Nymphomyiidae is strictly homologous with the Aleurodopterous mesothorax and the Strepsipterous and Aleurodopterous metathorax, although in these two orders the metathorax is so reduced as to be only a leg-bearing seg- ment, with balancers. In the Aleurodoptera and Strepsiptera the prothorax is small and much as in the primitive orders. 4. The agglutination of the entire thorax into a strong wing- bearing mass occurs in a number of orders, in all of which the prothorax is very small, and the other two parts are enlarged. This agglutination is simplest in Anoplura. In Coccoptera and Diptera, the mesothorax is dominant, and is the only wing bearing segment. In Odonata, Plecoptera, Neuroptera, Megal- optera, Raphidioptera, Mecaptera, Trichoptera and Lepidoptera, the mesothorax and metathorax are subequal, or the metathorax is in the ascendency; these are all four-winged. The Hymen- optera have gone still farther and the first abdominal segment is agglutinate to the thorax, otherwise the order belongs with the Neuroptera group just mentioned. 5. In the remaining orders the prothorax is emphasized and free, and the mesothorax and metathorax are agglutinate : Man- todea, Blattaria, Ephemerida, Phasmida, Orthoptera, Thysan- optera, Hemiptera, Homoptera, Isoptera, Embiida, Corrodentia, Mallophaga, Dermaptera and Coleoptera. IV. The Strepsiptera are characterized by pupation within the last larval skin, or puparium ; this is also characteristic of Aleurodoptera and appears in some Coccoptera, and in all Dip- tera Brachycera. In Aleurodoptera, Brachycera and Strepsip- tera there is a detachable cephalotheca permitting emergence. V. The Strepsiptera give birth to living young. This also occurs in Aphidoptera, Coccoptera, some Diptera Brachycera, and perhaps in other orders. These young strepsipterons are of campodeoid form, greatly resembling the larvae of Coccoptera and Aleurodoptera, and are possibly homologous to the first larvae of Rhipiphoridae and Meloidae in Coleoptera. Xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 261 VI. With the exception of the most primitive Strepsiptera, Eo.rcnos, in which the female is legged and resembles a female coccid, the females are legless and permanently parasitic ; they are wingless, as are all female Coccoptera, and many female Aphidoptera. The male Strepsiptera and Coccoptera (usually) are winged and legged, and alone of importance phylogeneti- cally in placing their orders in the system. It is really sad that students of the coccids have devoted practically all of their time to the females. VII. In the male Strepsiptera the anus is on the tenth seg- ment which appears as a dorsal flap overhanging the project- ing ninth with its aedeagus appendage. A very similar and strictly homologous genital apparatus appears in the Psylloptera and in the Nymphomyiidae of Diptera Xematocera. VIII. The interesting raspberry eyes, with separate omma- tidia, so characteristic of Strepsiptera, are found also in the Diptera, Nymphomyiidae, and Cecidomyiidae ; in Aphidoptera, Chermesidae; in Coccoptera, DrosicJwiilcs luicinatoptent ; in Thysanoptera, Aeolothrips; and in Trilobita, Phacopidae ; in some Chilopoda and Isopoda. Incidentally let us note at this point the great resemblance between the mesothoracic wing of Nymphomyia and a Thysanopteran wing. IX. There is a greater significance to ordinal classification in the nervous system than has been commonly brought out, and may we not hope that some student will take up the phylogeny of the insect nerve cord. The primitive nervous system con- sists of a brain with protero-, deutero-, and triterocerebrum, suboesophageal ganglion, and a double ventral nerve cord with segmental ganglia in each segment of thorax and abdomen. The trend is toward union of ganglia. In Machilis and Isoptera, and other insects, the last abdominal ganglia arc united. There may be considerable range of different degrees of union of ganglia in an order, and yet I believe there are definite ordinal trends. The only nervous system of Plecoptera, which I have seen figured is of the primitive type. In many insects there is a strong thoracic ganglion. In the (oleoptera, in which the prothorax is not agglutinate to the meso-metathorax, we find 262 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 (Mdolontha vnlgaris, Acilius snlcatns, Litcanns doma} that the prothoracic ganglion is separate from the meso-metathoracic ganglion. In Orthoptera (Melanoplus sprctus} which is more primitive than the Coleoptera but of the same type of thoracic agglutination, the prothoracic ganglion is distinctly separate, and the mesothoracic and metathoracic are approximate, yet dis- tinct. Now when we come to the Hymenoptera, with aggluti- nate thorax and first abdominal, we find a similar agglutination of the four ganglia in Formica rufa. The Strepsiptera have definitely the suboesophageal, thoracic and first abdominal ganglia united into a thoracic mass, and the remainder of the abdominal ganglia united into one mass. In Coccoptera (Aoni- diclla citi'ina) and in Diptera (Sarcophaga carnaria} we find the extreme condensation with only a brain and a thoracic ganglion into which are fused the suboesophageal, thoracic and abdominal ganglia. X. The female Strepsiptera have median unpaired tubes leading into a duct between the adult body and the uncast larval skin, with exit in the cephalothorax, for emergence of young. There is no known homologue of this structure. XL The Strepsipterous tarsi are always provided with the same number of joints on each pair of legs ; although there are those with five joints and claws (primitive type), four joints, three joints, and two joints without claws. Thus the Strepsip- tera parallel the tarsal arrangements of the Coleoptera, except that there are no heteromerous Strepsiptera. The common prac- tise of aligning Strepsiptera with heteromerous Coleoptera is entirely without good phylogenetic foundation. XII. The first larval form of the Strepsiptera is homologous to that of the worms Echiurida, many Isoptera, Symphyla, Thy- sanura, Rhabclura, Aleurodoptera and Coccoptera. XIII. In the crustacean Entoniscidae with homologous lar- vae we find parasitic sac -like females, and so do we in Coc- coptera. The arguments given above show that the Strepsiptera pos- sess distinct ordinal characteristics, but also show definite homologies to other orders, and mostly to Psylloptera, Aleu- xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 263 odoptera, Coccoptera, and Diptera, and furthermore that they cannot be considered as belonging to the same phylogenetic line as the elytrophorous Coleoptera. We find that the Coccoptera, Diptera and Strepsiptera form a group of orders with two wings and two balancers ; that they more or less transform within a puparium ; that larvigenesis is a phenomenon found in all three ; that wingless females are found in all three. They might therefore be classed as dip- teroid, pupariate. The distinct resemblances of Coccoptera and Diptera cause us to wonder whether the so-called relations of Diptera and Mecaptera are correct. On the Olfactory Powers of Megarhyssa lunator (Hymenoptera : Ichneumonidae). By C. E. ABBOTT, Chicago, Illinois. When a female specimen of Megarhyssa lunator is about to emerge from pupation, the males, which have previously emerged, gather on the trunk of the tree in numbers and await her coming. If, as often occurs, several females appear on successive days, the male insects may hover about for as much as two weeks. It was this behavior that made possible the following series of tests. I wanted to determine whether or not the antennae of the male insects function in bringing the sexes together. Since it is not certainly known what senses aid the suitors, it may be assuming too much to say that the sense is olfactory, yet be- cause, in the case of many insects, it has been so considers !. and since, further, this sense has been relegated to the antennae, it seemed well to ascertain what effect upon mating the elim- ination of the antennae might have. The insect about to be treated was placed in a test tube with the protruding antennae held in place by a paraffined c<>rk stopper. The protruding organs were then sprayed with ethyl chloride until their stiffness indicated that they were fn>. A little of the chemical usually got into the test tube, partially J<4 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec.. '36 anaesthetizing the insect, which, however, soon recovered suffi- ciently to fly away. If the specimen did not fly away it was deposited about half a block from the "home tree." In order to certainly identify them, the treated specimens all had the tips clipped from the first pair of wings. This did not interfere with flight, nor in any other way effect the behavior of the insects. Experiments were conducted over a period of about two weeks, and sixteen specimens were treated. Xearly an equal number were left untreated for comparison. Every day fol- lowing treatment, the number of treated specimens returning was noted. Eleven returns were recorded for treated specimens. There was no way of accurately determining whether these were actually separate insects or a smaller number "repeating." But at least four treated specimens returned at one time. The fact that a treated specimen returned several times would, in itself, be of significance, since it would tend to indicate that >^uch returns were not a matter of accident. Although the results given are meager, they do seem to indi- cate that the antennae of Megarhyssa are of doubtful value in bringing about mating. The function of these antennae as olfactory organs is also doubtful. This is significant when we consider that the Hymenoptera are usually exploited as the best examples of insects exhibiting an antennal olfactory sense. These results do not invalidate the conclusions drawn from tests made on ants and bees, which, after all, may differ con- siderably from Megarhyssa in the disposition and use of olfac- tory organs. Notes on the Oviposition and Life-history of the Leafhopper Oncometopia undata Fahr. (Homoptera : Cicadellidae). By RALPH B. SWAIN, Department of Entomology and Zoology. Colorado State College, Ft. Collins. Colo. Several times in the literature on Cicadellidae mention has xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 265 been made of the peculiar white deposits taking the form of raised spots or blotches frequently found one on each elytron, at or near the centre of the anterior margin. I believe that no explanation for the occurrence of these structures has ever been offered. Riley and Howard (Insect Life V, pp. 150-154, 1892-93) writing of Homolodisca coagidata Say, state regard- ing the elytron that : "There is a large reddish blotch just beyond the middle and near the anterior border. Fresh females often have a white powdery spot superimposed upon this red- dish spot. This white spot is easily rubbed off, and is not apparent after the insect is a few days old. It is probably waxy in its nature." I have frequently observed the chalky spots on the elytra of members of the genera Scaphaideus and Platywe- topius. The following resume of some life-history studies, car- ried on at the Bureau of Entomology field laboratory, \Yc-b Groves, Mo., in 1933, explain, I believe, the use. if not the origin of the structure in Oncometopia undata Fabr., and may indicate its use wherever it appears. In the case of 0. undata, at any rate, the white deposits are shown not to be mere ornaments. One female, caged in a celluloid cylinder on a sunflower plant and observed at two different times in the act of oviposition, accomplished the t; in the following manner. Resting head downward on the stem of the plant, she punctured the epidermis with her ovipositor and thrust it in and under to the right. On withdrawal of the ovipositor, a long cylindrical egg, about two millimeters in length could be seen under the thin plant skin, the whole appearing as a whitish blister. Then the metathoracic legs were brought up and together over the elytra. On the down stroke the distal ends of the tibia with their spurs and spines were scraped against the chalky deposits, some of the material 1 icing removed and applied to the plant skin over the egg. Here the fine particles were held by the rather sticky epidermal hair-. This performance was repeated until there resulted a patch of six to perhaps twenty eggs, all laid closely side by >ide. and all neatly powdered. A new incision was made for the admittance of each egg. On the following day, fresh deposits might be 266 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 on the elytra, and within a day or two a new egg scar would be found on stem or leaf petiole of the enclosed food plant. A female, seen at one instant to be unspotted, five minutes later had light grey opaque liquid drops in place on the elytra. These hardened and became the familiar white deposits within another five minutes. I believe that the liquid must be trans- ferred to the elytra by the hind tibia, and that it must come from the anus. But it is not the ordinary honey dew. The droplets of honey dew, ejected in quick succession from the anus while the insect is feeding, will not on evaporation, pro- duce nearly so much residue per volume. The liquid must be a honey dew concentrate or come from another source. The pur- pose of the powder coating over the egg scar would seem to be camouflage, to hide the eggs from parasites or predators. Some observations of the life-history are prompted by field and cage records. In about four days after being laid, the eggs show yellow spots at the ends nearest the laying-punctures, due to the development of the embryonic eyes. The colour darkens through orange to light reddish brown. In seven to ten days after oviposition a long-legged, big-headed nymph squirms out through the puncture and begins to feed. There are five nymphal stadia at the latitude of St. Louis. The time required for growth from egg to adult under out -door cage conditions was approximately seventy-five days. If, as I believe, the species hibernates in the adult stage, and oviposition in the spring begins before the middle of April, then there is probably time for only two full generations. Females were captured which at once laid fertile eggs, copulated at least once with caged males, and continued ovipositing over the space of a month. This can account for the fact that the broods are rather poorly defined. The writer is greatly obliged to Mr. A. F. Satterthwait of the field laboratory of the Bureau of Entomology at Webster Groves, Mo., for the use of laboratory space and equipment and much kind advice. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 267 A New Timema From California (Orthoptera : Phasmidae). By H. F. STROHECKER, Department of Zoology, University of Chicago. This aberrant genus, erected by Scudder in 1895 l for the single species californica, has been sufficiently characterized by Caudell in 1903 2 and by Hebard, who in 1920 3 added a second species, chumash, from Los Angeles County, California. Timema podura sp. n. Fig. 1. Apex of abdomen of c? x 30. Fig. 2. Penultimate abdominal segment of $, Dorsal view x 30. Among a small lot of Orthoptera recently received from Mr. A. T. McClay of Hollywood were sixteen specimens of Tim- ema, two males and two females of which are calif arnica. The remaining twelve specimens are of a species evidently un- described as yet. Of these four males and six females bear the label "Sequoia National Park, California, May 24, 1929," and one male and one female are labeled "Greenhorn Mt., Cali- fornia, May 17, 1930." The asymmetrical abdominal appendages of the males, the 1Can. Ent., XXVII, p. 30. " Proc. U. S. Nat'l. Mus. XXVI, p. 883. 3 Ent. News, XXXI, p. 126. 268 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 three-jointed tarsi, ventrally attached legs and general habitus refer this species without question to the genus Tiincma of Scudder. Timema podura sp. n. Male (Type: Sequoia National Park, CALIFORNIA). More robust than califoniica, antennae and legs stouter than in that species. Vertex and pronotum smooth, without the low tubercles present in califoniica. Sinistral cercus broad, weakly In lid, somewhat concave above, evenly convex below, with a small basal tooth. Dextral cercus not bifid as in calif arnica and diminish. Intercercal plate exceptionally large, foot-shaped, concave above. Color tawny with parallel rows of fuscous spots, the general pattern recalling that of Anisomorpha. Female (Allotypc: Sequoia National Park, California). Differing from californica in coloration, which is similar to that described for the male. Penultimate tergite posteriorly truncate, the angles rounded. Posterior margin not at all emarginate. Measurements in Millimeters. Length of Length of Width of Length of Males Body Pronotum Pronotum caudal tibia Sequoia Nat'l Park 13.7 2.1 2.9 3.2 13.5 2.1 2.9 3.1 13.7 2.0 2.9 3.1 14.0 2.1 2.9 3.2 Greenhorn Mt. 13.0 2.1 2.7 3.0 Sequoia Nat'l Park 18.4 2.7 3.2 3.4 18.9 2.5 3.2 3.7 22.0 2.9 3.9 4.2 19.4 2.7 3.8 4.0 18.5 2.6 3.5 3.8 19.0 2.7 3.6 3.5 Greenhorn Mt. 18.4 2.7 broken 3.8 One male and one female labelled "type" and "allotype" re- spectively will be deposited in the U. S. National Museum. A pair of paratypes has been placed in the Hebard collection in Philadelphia. — — » •• « — Thysania zenobia in Maine (Lepid. : Noctuidae). The Noctuid moth Tliysania zcnobia Cramer was taken in Augusta, Maine, October 14, 1936. The moth was found on the ground in a lively condition. — ROBLEY W. NASH, State of Maine Forest Service, Augusta. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 269 Notes on Papilio asterius Cram, and a Record of var. americus Kollar. (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). By EDWIN P. MEINERS, M. D., St. Louis, Missouri. Papilio asterius Cram, is triple-brooded in the vicinity of St. Louis, Missouri, but at no time is it a common butterfly on the wing. The caterpillars are at times found in numbers feeding on carrots and parsley and the rearing of these offers the best opportunity of obtaining specimens. The species overwinters in the chrysalis stage, emerging in April and early May. Such specimens from overwintering chrysalids are somewhat smaller than those of the summer broods, though not as markedly so as in some of our other Papilios. The spots of the yellow bands are somewhat restricted in size and there is usually an absence of the discal spot in the bands of the secondaries, as in variety ciirvifascia Skinner. I have never seen any specimens of this variety in the summer broods taken here. There is one specimen in my collection in which the yellow bands of the secondaries cover the entire discal area. Except that the ground color is a deep black and the yellow markings are of the usual normal shade, it pretty well matches the figure of P. americus Kollar in the revised edition of Holland's But- terfly Book. This specimen emerged April 9, 1910, along with normal specimens reared from larvae taken on parsley at Troy, Illinois. According to Holland there are apparently only two records of P. americus having been taken in North America, both of these being from Arizona. The one figured by Holland was taken by the Wheeler Expedition, the other is recorded by Barnes and McDunnough in Com. N. H. Lep. N. A., Ill, 1916. I had long considered the specimen in my collection as an un- named aberration, until it was recently examined by Dr AuMin H. Clark, who considered it the same as P. americus. It is in- teresting to note that this form emerged from the spring brood which normally produces forms having the yellow bands more restricted than in the normal forms. 270 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 The Cicindelidae of Nebraska (Coleoptera). By F. G. MESERVE, Sioux Falls College, Sioux Falls, South Dakota This paper is a list of the tiger beetles that occur in Nebraska. Data concerning geographic and seasonal distribution are given. The material, unless otherwise indicated, is in the permanent collection of the Department of Entomology of the University of Nebraska. This collection contains 4,031 specimens from North America, which belong in four genera and 128 species and varieties. It has recently been greatly augmented by the addition of several thousand specimens from the collection of the late Professor Robert H. Wolcott, of the University of Nebraska. There are 2,706 specimens from Nebraska, belong- ing in three genera and including fifty-nine species and varieties. The nomenclature used is that of Leng's "Catalogue of the Coleoptera of North America, North of Mexico." The writer wishes to acknowledge valuable assistance and suggestions given by Professors M. H. Swenk, D. B. Whelan and Raymond Roberts and Mr. O. S. Bare, extension ento- mologist, all of the Department of Entomology of the Univer- sity of Nebraska, and Messrs. Warren Knaus, of McPherson, Kansas, and C. H. Bratt, of Bennet, Nebraska. 1. AMBLYCHEILA CYLINDRIFORMIS (Say). Scarce. Ex- treme western part of state. Scotts Bluff County, July 19, one female, taken by L. M. Gates. 2. TETRACHA VIRGINICA (Linn.). Scarce. Extreme south- eastern and southwestern portions of state. Gage, Lancaster and Dundy counties. July 24 to October 4, 37 specimens. 3. CICINDELA FORMOSA Say. Common. Generally distrib- uted throughout the state. April 19 to September 20, 274 specimens. 4. C. FORMOSA GENEROSA Dej. Scarce. Extreme northwest- ern part of state. One specimen taken in Sioux County. May. 5. C. FORMOSA LATECINCTA Lee. (fide Leiig). Scarce. None in Nebraska collection. 6. C. LENGI W. H. Not widely distributed. Central and western portions of state. April 16 to September 4, 42 speci- mens. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 271 7. C. LIMBATA Say. Not widely distributed. Rather common in the north-central portion of state. Cherry, Holt and Thomas counties. May 24 to August 25, 123 specimens. 8. C. PURPUREA Oliv. Scarce. Extreme eastern portion of state. Lancaster and Cass counties. February 24 (collected in clay pit) to September 19, 16 specimens. 9. C. PURPUREA AUDUBONI Lee. Scarce. Lancaster, Holt and Sioux Counties. February 24 (collected in clay pit) to June 18, 10 specimens. 10. C. PURPUREA GRAMINEA Schp. Scarce. Cass, Saunders, Custer, Lancaster, Davves and Sioux counties, March 17 to September 27, 33 specimens. 11. C. SPLENDIDA Hentz. Not widely distributed. Recorded from Douglas, Cass, Saunders, Lancaster and Antelope coun- ties. February 15 (collected in clay pit) to October 13, 137 specimens. 12. C. SPLENDIDA DISCUS Klug. (fide Leng). Scarce. None in Nebraska collection. 13. C. SPLENDIDA TRANSVERSA Leng. Scarce. Extreme east- ern part of state. Lancaster, Douglas and Cass counties. Feb- ruary 24 (collected in clay pit) to September 22, 31 specimens. 14. C. SPLENDIDA DENVERENSIS Csy. Not very common. Re- corded from Douglas, Custer. Thomas, Cherry, Dawes and Sioux counties, April 16 to September 3, 32 specimens. 15. C. SPLENDIDA CONQUISITA Csy. (fide Leng). Scarce. None in Nebraska collection. 16. C. SPLENDIDA OREADA Csy. (fide Leng). Scarce. None in Nebraska collection. 17. C. LIMBALIS Klug. Relatively common. Eastern portion of state. Douglas, Cass, Nemaha, Lancaster, Cuming and Hamilton counties, March 1 to October 21, 72 specimens. 18. C. LIMBALIS AMOENA Lee. (fide Leng) . Scarce. None in Nebraska collection. 19. C. DECEMNOTATA Say. ( fide Schaupp*). Scarce. None in Nebraska collection. 20. C. DUODECIMGUTTATA Dej. Scarce. Lancaster County, March 29 to October 8, 32 specimens. 21. C. REP AND A Dej. Common throughout the state. April 11 to October 30, 206 specimens. 22. C. IIIRTICOLLTS Say. Scarce. Scattered portions of state. Lancaster Knox, Dundy and Cherry counties. May 14 to Sep- tember 11, 14 specimens. * Schaupp, F. G. 1883. Synoptic tables of Coleoptera. Hull. Br. Ent. Soc., 6:73-124. 272 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 23. C. HIRTICOLLIS PONDEROSA Thoms. Rather common throughout central and eastern portions of state. April 22 to August 10, 69 specimens. 24. C. TRANQUEBARICA Hbst. Common in eastern part of state. Scarce in central and western portions. Douglas, Lan- caster, Custer, Cuming and Cherry counties, March 17 to Sep- tember 22, 70 specimens. 25. C. TRANQUEBARICA vuLGARis Say. Scarce. Lancaster County, May 7, one specimen. 26. C. TRANQUEBARICA OBLiouATA Dej. Not very common. Scattered points in western half of state. Scarce in eastern half. Lancaster, Holt, Thomas, Hitchcock, Dundy, Scott s Bluff, Dawes, Franklin and Sioux counties. February 24 to September 15, 15 specimens. 27. C. TRANQUEBARICA HORicoNENSis Leng. Scarce. Lan- caster County, April 29 to September , 3 specimens. 28. C. LONGILABRIS Say. Scarce. Lancaster County, July 28, one specimen. 29. C. LONGILABRIS MONTANA Lee. Scarce. Sioux County, June, one specimen. 30. C. LONGILABRIS NEBRASKA NA Csy. Scarce. Sioux Coun- ty, June 28 to August 20, 3 specimens. 31. C. FULGIDA Say. Common in eastern portion of state. Scarce in western portion. Lancaster, Saunders, Dundy and Morrill counties, April 14 to October 15, 163 specimens. 32. C. PULCHRA Say. Scarce. Lancaster and Dundy coun- ties, May 24 to August 11, 10 specimens. 33. C. SCUTELLARIS Say. Not very common. Taken at scat- tered points in eastern, central and southern parts of state, April 9 to September 20, 36 specimens. 34. C. SCUTELLARIS LECONTEi Hald. Douglas, Cass, Lan- caster, Saunders, Cuming, Thomas and Cherry counties, April 2 to November 3, 123 specimens. 35. C. SCUTELLARIS NiGRiOR Schp. Scarce. Sioux County, August 19 to August 26, 2 specimens. 36. C. SCUTELLARIS MODESTA Dej. (fide. Horn*). Scarce, none in Nebraska collection. 37. C. SEXGUTTATA Fab. Not very common. Douglas and Lancaster counties, May 28 to September 23, 27 sepecimens. 38. C. SEXGUTTATA TRiDENS Csy. (fide Horn). Scarce, none in Nebraska collection. * Horn, W. 1908. "Genera Insectorum" of P. Wytsman., 32 :379, 394, 396. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 39. C. SEXGUTTATA viOLACEA Fab. Scarce. Eastern part of state, June 14 to August 11, 20 specimens. 40. C. PATRUELLA Dej. Scarce. Sioux County, July 18 to August 13, 4 specimens. 41. C. PATRUELLA coxsENTAXEA Dej. (fide Schaupp). Scarce, none in Nebraska collection. 42. C. PUNCTULATA Oliv. One of the most common and widely distributed species in the state. Taken mostly in July and August, June 2 to October 30, 306 specimens. 43. C. PUNCTULATA MicANS Oliv. Not very common. West- ern part of state. Hitchcock, Dundy, Scotts Bluff, Thomas and Sioux counties. June 23 to August 15, 21 specimens. 44. C. CELERIPES Lee. Common in eastern part of state, May 20 to August 19, 280 specimens. 45. C. CUKSITANS Lee. Scarce. Douglas, Cuming, Hitchcock and Dakota counties, June to August, 21 specimens. 46. C. PUSILLA Say. Taken only in extreme northwestern portion of state. Sioux County, June 20 to August 16, 56 specimens. 47. C. PUSILLA TERRICOLA Say. Scarce. Sioux County, July, one specimen. 48. C. PUSILLA SAYANELLA Csy. (fide Leng) . Scarce. None in Nebraska collection. 49. C. PUSILLA CINCTIPENNIS Lee. Scotts Bluff, Dawes and Sioux counties, June 20 to August 16, 46 specimens. 50. C. PUSILLA CYANELLA Lee. Scarce. Dundy and Sioux counties, June to August 16, 2 specimens. 51. C. CIRCUMPICTA Laf. Lancaster County, June 18 to Oc- tober, 89 specimens. 52. C. NEVADICA Lee. (fide Horn). Scarce. None in Ne- braska collection. 53. C. NEVADICA KNAUSI Leng. Found only in extreme east- ern and southwestern portions of state. Lancaster, Dundy and Hitchcok counties, June 11 to July 24, 166 specimens. 54. C. CUPRASCENS Lee. Eastern and southwestern portions of state. Dakota. Saunders. Knox and Dundy counties, July 12 to September, 26 specimens. 55. C. CUPRASCENS MACRA Lee. Generally distributed ex- cept in extreme northwestern part of state. June 26 to August 21, 49 specimens. 56. C. LEPIDA Dej. Rather scarce. Eastern half of state. April to July 25, 10 specimens. 57. C. TOCATA Laf. Lancaster County, June 21 to October 3 1 , 84 specimens. 274 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 58. C. TOGATA APICALIS W. Horn. Lancaster County, April 27 to September 24, 29 specimens. 59. C. TOGATA GLOBICOLLIS Csy. (fide Horn). Scarce. None in Nebraska collection. •Species FH3 KOH APE UAT JOT JUL AUO jjVip OCT NOV Amblycheila cylindriformis (1) Tetracha vlrginica (37). - Cicindela formosa (274). formosa generosa (1) longl (12} - - limbata (123) purpurea (16) purpiirer. aidMboni (10) purpurea grandnea (33) splendida (137). splendida tranversa (31)_ splendida denverensia (32) limballs (72) duodeolmguttata (32) repanda (206) - hirtlcollis (14) hlrticollis ponderosa (69) tranquebarica (70) _ tranquebarica \rilgaris (1) t ranquebari ca obliquat.: (15) - tranquebarica horlconensls (3) longilabris (1) longilabris montr-na (l) Igngilabrls nebraskana (3) fulgida (163) - pulchra (10) scutellaris (36) soutellarls lecontei (123) scutellaris ni^rior (2) sexguttata (27) — sexguttata vlolacea (20) patruella (4h p'onctulata (306) punctulata mlcans (21) oeleripee (280) cursltans (2iy pusllln (56) pusilln terrlcola (1)- p'leilla clnctlpecnis (46) - pusllla cyanella (2) clrcvuplcta (89) - - navadica knaMsi (136) cujiraecens (26) cupraccena macra (49) lepida (10) togata (84> togata apical Is (29) •Only those in permanent collection listed. Numbers in parentheses following names indicate number of specimens of each species. Discussion. Cartwright* (1935) has shown the seasonal distribution of the South Carolina tiger beetles. It is obvious from his data that certain species range continuously through the middle of the summer. Certain others appear earlier in the year, are not * Cartwright, O. L. 1935. The tiger beetles of South Carolina with the description of a new variety of Tetracha znrginica (L.) (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc., 30:69-77. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 275 abundant or are absent in the middle of the summer and then appear again in the fall. This is also true with the Nebraska species. There seems to be two possible explanations of the fact that some species appear early in the spring, are absent during the hottest months of the summer and are again present in the fall. The animals, as adults, may go into aestivation during the middle of the summer or, what seems more logical, the adults winter over and appear early in the spring. The late summer and fall animals may represent a second brood. It is possible that those which range throughout the summer and appear later in the spring represent the generation which overwintered as pupae rather than adults. Further data from other localities should shed more light or. this interesting phase of seasonal distribution. A New Generic Name (Lepidoptera, Euchromiidae). Cisseps is here proposed for Scepsis Wlk., 1854, Cat. Brit. Mus., II, 285, preoccupied by Scepsis Wlk., 1850, Insecta Saun- dersiana, I, pt. 1, 71 (Diptera, Tabanidae). The type of the genus Cisseps is fulvicollis Hbn., which is the type of Scepsis Wlk., 1854, ncc 1850. Scepsis was first proposed by Walker in 1850 for a genus of Tabanid flies and was four years later again used by the same author when he erected a new genus for Ctaiitclia fulvicollis. Systematists working in the Lepidoptera have always con- sidered the Tabanid genus as being preoccupied because the title page of the completed work, Insecta Saundersiana, bears the date 1856, but the work was issued in four parts, the first appearing in 1850, and it was in this part that Scepsis was first proposed. As far as I am able to determine, Cisseps fulvicollis, C. packardii and C. wrightii can neither be returned to Ctcnncha nor placed in any of the related South American genera. This was brought to my attention by Mr. L. L. Pechuman who is working in the Tabanidae. J. G. FRANCLEMONT, Ithaca, New York. Corrections for November, 1936, News. Pages 229, 231, for Mr. J. S. Brimley, read Mr. C. S. Brimley. Page 231, first line, for California Beach read Carolina Beach. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [ Uec., '36 Entomological Literature COMPILED BY V. S. L. PATE, LAURA S. MACKEY and E. T. CRESSON, JR. the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences, of Philadelphia, pertaining to the En- tomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachmda and Myriopoda. Articles irrelevant to American entomology will not be noted: but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. The figures within brackets L ] refer to the journal in which the paper appeared, as numbered in the list of Periodicals and Serials published ii> our January and June issues. This list may be secured from the i>nr>- lisher of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for lOc. The number of, or annual volume. and in some cases the part, heft, &c. the latter within ( ) follows; then the pagination follows the colon : All continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installments. (*) Papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles, have an * within parentheses thus (*) following the pagination of reference to paper. (S) Papers pertaining- exclusively to neotropical species, and not so Indicated in the title, have the symbol (S) at the end of the title of the paper. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Rec- ord, Office of Experiment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Ento- mology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. Note. Titles of papers containing new forms or new names will be Indicated by an asterisk within parentheses at end of reference, (*). Pafrrs published in the Entomological News are not listed. New Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to 14. Archives do Institute Biologico, Sao Paulo. GENERAL.— Cockerell, T. D. A.— The fauna of the Sunchal (or Margas Vercles) formation, northern Argen- tina. [40] No. 886, 9pp., ill. (S*). Comstock, J. H.— An introduction to entomology. 8th ed., revised. Ithaca, Com- stock Publ. Co., 1936. xix+ 1044pp., ill. Folsom, J. W.- Obituary by A. S. H. [68] 84: 343-344. Graham, A. B.- Some thoughts on teaching entomology to adults. [12] 29: 911-913. Hayward, K. J. — Random notes on Argentine collecting. 2. — An unproductive winter expedition. [21] 48: 111-118. Horn,, W. — Ueber "vergessenes," biologisches .vissen. [110] 3: 238-243. Knowlton, G. F.— The insect fauna of Utah. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters] 13: 249-262. Knowiton & Smith.— Rose insects. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters] 13: 263-267, ill. Kiihn, A.- Genetik und entomologie. [110] 3: 234-238. Morofsky, W. F. — Survey of insect fauna of some Michigan trout streams. [12] 29: 749-754. Musser, D. R.— Observations on the ef- fectiveness of some moth-proofing chemical compounds. [103] 9: 116-125. Navas, R. P. L.— Insectos del Brasil. | Rev. Mus. Paulista] 20: 721-734, ill. (*). Robertson, C. -Obituary by H. B. Parks. [BIOS. Okla. City Univ.] 7: xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 277 85-96. Semenov-Tian-Shansky, A. P.— Notice by M. Burr. [21 J 48: 107-109, ill. Sorenson, C. J.— Contribution to a symposium on the biology of Utah. | Pro. Utah Acad. Sci. Arts & Letters] 13: 219-223. Swan, D. C.— Berlese's Fluid: remarks on its preparation and use as a mounting; medium. [22] 27: 389-391. Tanner, V. M.— List of the insect types in the entomological collections of the Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci. Arts & Letters] 13: 147-152. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, ETC.— de Beaumont, J. — Hymenopteres gynandromorphes. [Bull. Soc. Yaudoi>r Sci. Nat., Lausanne j 59: 85-90, ill. Brandt, H— Ueber die aenderung des geschlechtsverhaltnisses bei insekten und ihre ursachen. [110] 3: 218-221. Crampton, G. C. — Sug- gestions for a new interpretation of the postabclomen in male Cyclorhaphous Diptera. [19] 31: 141-149, ill. Davis & Harris. — The biology of Pseudosinella violenta. with some effects of temperature and humidity on its life stages. [Iowa St. Coll. J. Sci.] 10: 421-428, ill. "Deckers & Andre. —Studies on temperature and moisture as factors influenc- ing winter mortality in adult chinch bugs. [Iowa St. Coll. J. Sci.] 10: 403-420. Fidler, J. H.— On the first instar larvae of some species of Otiorrhynchus found on straw- berries, with notes on their biology. [22] 27: 369-376, ill. Flemion & Hartzell. — Effect of low temperature in short- ening hibernation period of insects in the egg stage. [ 12] 29: 806. Foxon, G. E. H. — Observations on the locomotion of some Arthropods and Annelids. [ 75 1 18: 403-419, ill. Frey, W. — Untersuchungen iiber die Entstehung der Struk- turfarben der Chrysididen nebst Beitragen zur Kenntnis der Hymenppterencuticula. [46| 31 : 442-489, ill. Galliard, H. — Recherches sur les Reduvides nematophages Rhodnius et. Triatoma. [54| 14: 1-34. Harland, S. C.— Genetic be- haviour of a mutant in a Trinidad cotton stainer (Dysder- cus urichi). [Tropical Agrculture] 13: 256. Hilton, W. A. —Nervous system and sense organs. LYII. Protura. Ncr\ ous system and sense organs. LVIII Insects, Gem-nil. Nervous system and sense organs. LIX. Insecta Thysan- ura.. [ 13] "28: 11-12; 29-38; 47-53, ill. Hodge, C. -The anatomy and histology of the alimentary tract of the grass- hopper, Melanoplus differentialis. |J. Morph.] 59:423-440, ill. Janes & Hager. — Studies on the incubation of chinch bug eggs. [Iowa St. Coll. J. Sci.| 10: 395-402. Key, K. H. 278 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 L.— Experimental studies on locomotor activity in Locusta migratoria migratorioides. [22] 27: 399-422, ill. Knipling, E. F. — A comparative study of the first-instar larvae of the genus Sarcophaga (Calhphor.), with notes on the biol- ogy. [J. Parasitol.J 22: 417-454, ill. Koneff, A. A.— An iron-hematoxylin-anilin-blue staining method for routine laboratory use. [Anat. Rec.J 66: 173-176, ill. Koonz, C. H. —Some unusual cytological phenomena in the spermato- genesis of a haploid parthenogenetic Hymenopteran, Aeno- plex smithii. [92] 71 : 375-385, ill. Lameere, A. — Precis de zoologie. IV. Myriapodes, characteres fondamentaux des insectes, les insectes inferieurs, chap. XV, XVI. Les pauro- metaboloques, pp. 263-468. Les holometaboliques, pp. 1-160, ill. [Recueil. Inst. Zool. Torley-Rousseau Univ. Brus.] VI. fas. 1. Lassmann, G. W. P. — The early embroyological development of Melophagus ovinus with special reference to the development of the germ cells. [7] 29: 397-413, ill. Maurice, A. — La Lucilia sericata en therapeutique. [54] 14: 35-47, ill. Mer, G. G. — Experimental study on the develop- ment of the ovary in Anopheles elutus (Dipt. Culicidae). [22] 27: 351-359. "NLeschultz, O. — Die Entwicklungstadiens von Tabanus rubidus und T. striatus (Dipt.). [52] 5: 230- 255, ill. Querci, O. — Effects of alimentation on the devel- opment of some Pierinae (Lepid.). [21] 48: 110-111. Roy, D. N. — On the role of ovulation in Aedes aegypti. (Dipt. Culicid.). [22] 27: 423-429. Scott, A. C.— Haploidy and aberrant spermatogenesis in a Coleopteran, Micromalthus debilis. [J. Morph.] 59: 485-516, ill. Snodgrass, R. E- Morphology of the insect abdomen. Part 111. The male genitalia. [Smiths. Misc. Coll.). 95: 96pp., ill. Squire* F. A. — Observations on the pupal respiration of some insects of economic importance. [22] 27: 381-384, ill. Tauber, O. E. — Mitosis of circulating cells in the hernolymph of the roach, Blatta orientalis. [Iowa St. Coll. J. Sci.] 10: 431- 439, ill. Thorpe, W. H. — On a new type of respiratory interrelation between an insect (Chalcid) parasite and its host (Coccidae). [116] 28: 517-540, ill. de la Torre-Bueno, (R. T.) & Ambrose. — Effects of the protective vapors of the Coreid bug Thasus gigas on a tarantula (Eurypelma sp.). [19] 31: 184. Trager, W. — The utilization of solutes by mosquito larvae. [92] 71 : 343-352, ill. Wagner, J.— Ueber den Bait des Hinterdarms bei Flohlarven und seine Veranderungen wahrend der Metamorphose beim Men- schenfloh (Pulex irritans). [89] Abt. Anat., 61: 343-390, ill. xlvii, '36 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 279 West, A. S. — Winter mortality of larvae of the European pine shoot moth, Rhyacionia buoliana in Connecticut. [7] 29: 438-448. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA. — Eraendegaard, J. — Revisal of spiders from Ellesmereland collected by the second arctic expedition of the "Fram". [Norsk Ent. Tidssk.] 4: 128-130. Delpy, L. — Sur la teratologie du sous- genre Hyalomma. [54] 14: 48-54, ill. Frick, G.— Das Zeich- nungsmuster der Ixodiden. Versuch der Analyse einer Tierzeichnung. [46] 31: 411-430, ill. Gertsch &' Davis.- New spiders from Texas. [40 1 No. 881, 21 pp., ill. Gertsch & Wallace. — -Notes on new or rare American Mygalomorph spiders. [40] No. 884, 25 pp., ill. Lundblad, O.— Weitere neue Wassermilben aus Santa Catharina in Sudbrasilien. [Zool. Anz.] 116: 14-24. Mello-Leitao. -- Alguns novos opelioes do Estado de S. Paulo e do Dist. Federal. [Arch. Mus. Nac. R. d. Janeiro] 36: 9-37, ill. (*). de Mello-Leitao, C. — Essai monographique de la famille Acanthoctenidae. [15] 8: 179-203, ill. (*). Viets, K. — Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea. VII. Wassermilber oder Hydracarina (Hy- drachnellae und Halacaridae. [Tierwelt Deutschlands] Pts. 31 & 32, 288 pp., ill. THE SMALLER ORDERS OF INSECTS.— Anon.- Insecta, Thysanura. [13] 28: 47-53, ill. Bailey, S. F.— Our knowledge of California Thysanoptera previous to 1900. [55] 12: 97-103. Davis, Reid & Harris.— The biology of Pseudosinella violenta with some effects of temperature and humidity on its life stages. (Entomobryidae). [Iowa St. Coll. Jour. Sci.] 10: 421-428, ill. Goetsch, W— Beiiragi- zur Biologic des Termitenstaates. [46] 31: 490-560, ill. Guimaraes, L. R. — Contributes para o conhecimento das Mallophagas das aves do Brasil. IV. Dois novos generos e uma nova especie de fam. Philopteridae. [Rev. Mus. Paul- ista] 20: 221-228, ill. Hilton,, W. A.— Campodea from the United States. [13] 28: 5-10. ill. (*). Kennedy, C. H.- The habits and early stages of the dragonfly Gomphaeschna furcillata. [Pro. I ml. Acacl. Sci.| 45: 315-322. ill. Light, S. F. — A tropical termite in California. |55| 12: 125-1-V Moulton, D. — New Thysanoptera belonging to the genus Thrips. [55 | 12: 104-110. Owen, W. B.— An infestation by the oriental rat flea, Kenopsylla Cheopis, in M inm--< >t;i. [ [. Parasitol.] 22: 512-513. "Rau, P. — Terniih-.s and the Drought. [ 19] 31 : 153. Upholt, W. M.— A n. sp. of mayfly 280 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 from California. [55J 12: 120-122, ill. Werneck, F. L.- Contribuicao ao conheciemento dos Mallophagos encontra- dos nos mammiferos sul-americanos. [Ill] 31: 391-590, ill. (*). ORTHOPTERA.— Cockerell, T. D. A. --(See under General). Hebard, M. — Studies in Orthoptera which occur in North America north of the Mexican boundary. VI. A revision of the genus Arethaea (Tettigoniidae) . [1] 62: 231-256, ill. Miranda Ribeiro, P. — Dous novos Blattidas brasileiros. [Rev. Mus. Paulista] 20: 215-219, ill. Soren- son & Knowlton. — Grasshopper survey in Utah, 1935. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters] 13: 233-236, ill. HEMIPTERA.— Ball, E. D.— Some new leafhoppers re- lated to Thamnotettix. [91 J 26: 430-434, ill. Beck, D. E. -Report on collection of water striders in Brigham Young University entomological collection. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters] 13:^203-206. Deay & Gould.— Hemiptera unrecorded from Indiana. [Pro. Ind. Acad. Sci.] 45: 305- 309. Drake & Harris. — Notes on American water-striders. [95] 49: 105-108. (S*). Drake & Poor.— The genera and genotypes of Tingitoidea of the western hemisphere. [Iowa St. Coll. J. Sci.] 10: 381-390. Harris & Johnston.— A n. gen. and n. sp. of Podopidae and a new Coenus ( Scuteller.). [Iowa St. Coll. J. Sci.] 10: 377-78, ill. Hungerford, H. B. —A new Potamobates from Peru, S. Am. (Gerridae). [19] 31: 178-180. Hyslop, J. A.— The periodical cicada. [12] 29: 671-676. Knowlton & Allen. — Some intermountain leafhoppers. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters] 13: 269-276, ill. La Hue, D. W.— An annotated list of the Bythoscopinae of Indiana (Cicadell.). [Pro. Ind. Acad. Sci.] 45: 310-314. Leonard, M. D.— Additions to the New York State list of Aphicls with notes on other New York species. [6] 44: 177-185. Oman, P. W.— Two new leaf- hoppers from tropical America. [55] 12: 116-119, ill. Osciannilsson, F. — A new N. Am. sp. of Typhlocyba (Ci- cadell.), Typhlocyba dorsti. [28] 57: 10-11," ill. Sorenson & Anthon. — Preliminary studies of Acrosternum hilaris in Utah orchards. | Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters] 13: 229-232. Usinger, R. L. — Studies in the American Aradi- dae with clescr. of n. sp. [7] 29: 490-516, ill. LEPIDOPTERA.— Clark, A. H.— The swallowtail but- terflies. [Rep. Smiths. Inst.] 1935: 383-408, ill. Field, W. xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 281 D.— New N. Amer. Rhopaloccra. |13| 28: 17-26. Forbes, W. T. M. — The Cirphis pseudarg-yria complex (Noctuidae). [6] 44: 239-247, ill. (*). Hall, F. T.— The occurrence of unusual Rhopalocera in Indiana. | Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci.] 45: 273-274. Klots, A. B. — The interrelationships of the species of the genus Lycaena (Lycaen.). [19] 31: 154-171, ill. Richards, A. G. — A revision of the Noctuid genus Bulia (=- Cirrhobolina). |7j 29: 431-437, ill. (*). Sheldon, W. G.— Tobago and its butterflies. [9] 69: 240. DIPTERA.— Bromley, S. W.— The genus Diogmites in the United States of America \\iih descr. of n. spp. (Asili- dae). [6] 44: 225-237 (*). Bruce & Knipling.— Seasonal appearance and. relative abundance of flies attracted to baited traps. [Iowa St. Coll. J. Sci.| 10: 361-365. Curran, C. H. — New Neotropical Syrphidae. [40] No. 882, 17 pp. Edwards, F. W. — Inverted male hypopygia in Eriopterine crane-flies. (9] 69: 243. Enderlein, G. — Notizen zur Klassi- fikation der Blepharoceriden. [Mit. Deutsch. Ent. Ges.j 7: 42-43, (*). Hardy, D. E.— A new Bibionidae from Utah. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters] 13: 195. Horsfall, W. R. — Occurrence and sequence of mosquitoes in south- eastern Arkansas in 1935. [12] 29: 676-679. Huckett, H. C. —A revision of connectant forms between Coenosian and Limnophorine genera occurring in N. A. (.Muscidae). [6] 44: 187-223, ill. (*). James, M. T.— The genus Oclonto- myia in America north of Mexico (Stratiomyiidae) . [7] 29: 517-550, ill. (*). Knipling, E. F.— A comparative study of the first instar larvae of the genus Sarcophaga, with notes on the biology. [Jour. Parasit.] 22: 417-454, ill. Knowlton, G. F. — Some Utah flesh flies.. Utah Tachinidae- Notes. Pipunculidae. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Let- ters] 13: 237-239; 241-244; 245-247. Komp & Osorno.- The male and larva of Anopheles (Kerteszia) hnlivu'iisis (Culicidae). |7| 29: 415-419, ill. Krober, O.— Drei neue Poeciloderas-Arten aus Paraguay (Taban.). |109| 3: 221- 223. Lane, J. I. — Xotas sobre mosquitos de S. Paulo. [Rev. Mus. Paulista] 20: 429-435. Notas sobre culicideos de Matto Grosso. [Rev. Mus. Paulista] 20: 173-20<>. ill. Maughan, L., & Johnson, D. E. — Notes on Utah P>omby- liidae. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters) 13: 1 <>/-_'( i I. Miinchberj?, P. — Zur kenritnis des larvenparasitismus der Thyasinae (Hydracarina), zugleich ein beitrag iiber Schmarotzer der Liranobiinae. |lnternat. Rev.) 33: 313- 282 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 326, ill. Rozeboom, L. E. — The life cycle of laboratory- bred Anopheles albimanus (Culicidae). [7] 29: 480-489. Schwardt, H. H. — Horseflies of Arkansas. [Univ. Ark. Agr. Exp. Sta.J Bull. No. 332. 66pp., ill. Twinn, C. R.— The blackflies of western Canada (Simul.), Pt. I. [Canad. J. Res., D, Zool.j 14: 97-130, ill. (*). Weyer, F.— Kreuzungs- versuche bei stechmiicken. (Culex pipiens und C. fatigans). [110] 3: 202-208, ill. Wilcox, J.— New Ommatius with a key to the species (Asil.). [19] 31: 172-177, ill. Wilcox & Martin. — The genus Nannocyrtopogon (Asilidae). [7] 29: 449-459, ill. (*). COLEOPTERA.— Blaisdell, F. E.— Note regarding Es- chatomoxys wagneri (Tenebr.). (55] 12: .120. Blake, D. H. — A redisposition of Monoxia puncticollis and allied species. [91] 26: 423-430, ill. Bottimer, L. J.— Bruchus brachialis in Georgia. [12] 29: 807. Buchanan, L. L. — The Pacificus group of Cossonus (Curcul.). [55] 12: 111-116, (*). Canova, M. F. — An annotated list of the Lepturini of Oregon (Ceramby.). ]55] 12: 126-132. Cazier, M. A.- Notes on Cicindela plutonica with descr. of a n. subsp. [55] 12: 123-124. Chagnon, G.— Contribution a 1'etude des Coleopteres de la province de Quebec. [Le Nat. Canadien] 63: 201-210, ill. Cockerell, T. D. A.— (See under General). Csiki, E. — Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars. 149. Curculioni- dae: Rhynchophorinae, Cossoninae. 212pp. Darlington, P. J. — An interesting Pterostichus and a new Colpodes from Arizona (Carab.). [19] 31: 150-153, ill. van Emden, F. — Eine interessante, zwischen Carabidae und Paussidae vermittelnde kaferlarve. [110] 3: 250-256, ill. Fidler, J. H. — (See under Physiology)- Knowlton & Thatcher. — Notes on wood-boring insects. [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci. Arts & Let- ters] 13: 277-281, ill. Krumbiegel, I. - - Untersuchungen ueber gleichsinnige geographische variation. [89] Abt. Syst. 68: 481-516, ill. Limsley, E. G. — Preliminary studies in the North American Phoracanthini and Sphaerionini (Cerambyc.). [7] 29: 461-479, ill. (*). A note on the occur- rence of Hesperorhipis albofasciatus (Bupres.). [55] 12: 110. Hibernation in the Cerambycidae. [55] 12: 119. Lona, C. -- Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 148. Curculionidae : Otiorrhynchinae I. 226 pp. Luederwaldt, H. — Notas com- plementares "As especies brasileiras do genero Pinotus." [Rev. Mus. Paulista] 20: 207-216. Marshal], G. A. K.- New injurious Curculionidae from S. Am. [22J 27: 497-501, xlvii, '36] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 283 ill. Maulik, S.— A new Brazilian Hispine beetle. | 75 J 18: 392-397, ill. Pic, M. — Descriptions de Coleopteres. [25] 41 : 213-216 (S*). Prell, H.— Beitrage zur kenntnis der Dy- nastinen. [2| 32: 145-152. Ray, E. — The neotropical Mor- dellidae of the Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, with descriptions of n. sp. [109] 3: 215-221, ill. Saylor, L. W- New Californian and Texas Scarabs. [13| 28:1-4, ill. Schenkling & Marshall. — Coleopterorum Catalogus. Pars 150. Curculionidae: Prionoinerinae, Aterpinae, Amalactinae, Haplonychinae, Omophorinae. 1-11 ; 1-9; 1-3; 1-8; 1-2. Tan- ner, V. M. — Description of two Melyrids from Utah < Mely- ridae). [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci.. Arts & Letters] 13: 153- 154, ill. Thery, A, — -Notes sur le genre Capnodis. (Bu- prest.). [25] 41: 219-223. Whelan, D. B.— Coleoptera of an original prairie area in eastern Nebraska. [103] 9: 111-115. HYMENOPTERA. — Bugbee, R. E.-- Phylogeny of some Eurytomid genera (Chalcid.). [70] 16: '169-223, ill. Cockerell, T. D. A.— Bees from British Guiana. [6] 44: 249-252 (*). Bees from northern California. [55] 12: 133- 164 (*). Compere, H. — A n. sp. of Habrolepis parasitic in Chrysomphalus aurantii. [22] 27: 493-496, ill. Cushman, R. A. — The Ichneumon-flies of the genus Brachycyrtus. [50] 84: 17-24, ill. ('*). Ferriere, C. — Un nouveau parasite de thrips de la Suisse (Chalcid.). [41] 16: 637-639, ill. Frey, W. — (See under Physiology). Gussakovskij, V. V. — Eine neue Art der Gattung Cephalonomia (Bethyl.). parasit von Silvanus surinamensis. [72] 25: 229-231, ill. Miles, H. W. —On the biology of Emphytus cinctus and Blennocampa waldheimi (Tenthr.). [22] 27: 467-473. ill. Oldroyd & Ribbands. — On the validity of trichiation as a systematic character in Trichogramma (Chalcididae). [107] B5: 148- 152, ill. Phillips, W. J. — A second revision of the chalcid flies of the genus Harmoleto (Isotoma) of America north of Mexico. [U. S. Dept. Agric.] Tech. Bull. 518: 25pp., ill. (*). Richard?, O. W. — Further notes on the nomen- clature of British Aculeate Hymenoptera. [107] B. 5: 169- 173. Notes on American species of Trypoxylon (Sphec.). [75] 18: 457-463 (S*). Roman, A.— Tlie Li'nnean Ichneu- mon types of the Stockholm Museum. [28] 57: 1-5. Smith, M. R. — Ants of the genus Ponera in America north of Mexico. [7] 29: 420-430. Smulyan, M. T.— A revision of the chalcid flies of the genus Perilampus occurring in 284 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '36 America N. of Mexico. [50] 83: 369-412. Vest, E. T.- Observations on the nesting habits of Odynerus dorsalis (Vespidae). [Pro. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters] 13: 207-209. Wheeler, W. M.— Ants from Hispaniola & Mona Island. [Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool.] 80: 195-211. SPECIAL NOTICES. --International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. — Opinions 124 to 133. [Smithson. Misc'l. Coll.] 73, No. 8, 44 pp. Lane, F. — Algunas notas sobre o genero Phathmoscetis e descripcao de uma especie nova. [Rev. Mus. Paulista] 20: 765-775, ill. Thienmann, A. — Alpine Chironomiden (Ergehnisse von untersuchungen in der gegend von Garmisch-Partenkircheis, Obertagern). [Arch, fur Hydrobiol.] 30: 11-262, ill. Wu, C. F.— The stoneflies of China. [Peking Nat. Hist. Bull.] 11: 49-82, cont. Special Notice. Entomologists do not usually look in the Bulletin of the New York Public Library for articles in their field. We therefore call attention to the issues of the Bulletin for September and October, 1936, Nos. 9 and 10 respectively, of Vol. 40. They contain two installments, pages 739-752, 827-828, of "The more important insect enemies of books," by Harry B. Weiss and Ralph H. Carruthers. After a brief historical introduction, the enemies are briefly described under the headings Troctcs dit'iiiatoria ct a!., Lcpisnia saccliarina cf ul., Cockroaches, Sitodrepa fniuicca, Ptiiuis fur, Dcnncstcs htr- dtiriiis ct al., Catoraina mexicana, Other beetles, Brown House- moth (Borkhausenia pseudospretella) Termites, Other miscel- laneous insects and Control of book insects in the tropics. There are two half-tone plates of 5 species of Dermestidae and 9 species of other insects. The October number also contains "Insect pests of books. An annotated bibliography up to 1935. Part I," by Ralph H. Carruthers and Harry B. Weiss, pp. 829- 841. One hundred and five titles are entered under the head- ings Bibliography, Ancient and Classical periods, To the end of the 17th century and ISth century. Under each heading the entries stand under their authors' names, arranged alphabetic- ally. The annotations are often extensive. We are informed that this will be completed in the December number, after which the library will print separates at a slight cost. P. P. CALVERT. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three Unas free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Collectors desiring living pupae with cocoon attached to natural food plant of Michigan, Samia, Columbia or hybrid with S. Cecropia, write W. S. McAlpine, 575 Townsend St., Birmingham, Mich. Wanted — Xorth American Chrysididae for exchange or determina- tion, with privilege of retaining duplicates. W. G. Bodenstein, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. Wanted — Chloropidae (Oscinidae) of the wrorld. Study, determin- ation or exchange. C. W. Sabrosky, Entomology Dept., Michigan State College. East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Heliconia from various parts of Mexico. Central and South America, especially Bolivia. Buy or exchange. F. E. Church, 15 West 67th St., New York, N. Y. (Continued on third page of cover) . SUBSCRIPTION BLANK Enclosed find payment for my subscription to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for one year, beginning with issue for- Name .... Address Post Office - The subscription price per year of ten (10) numbers : United States, Central and South America, $3.00 Canada, - 3.15 Foreign, - 3.25 Payments are acceptable in United States currency and Postal Money Order, by Check on Domestic (United States) bank, Foreign draft on New York, and by International Postal Order. Address ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 RACK STRKKT, PHILADELPHIA, PA., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. COLEOPTERA 1018. — Blaisdell ( F. E.).--Two new species of Euschides (Tenebrionidae). (Trans., 62, 223-230, 1936)... .20 DIPTERA 1020. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.). — Descriptions and notes on genera and species of the Dipterous family Ephydridae. II. (Trans., 62, 257-270, 1936) ... 30 HYMENOPTERA. 1016. — Mitchell (T. B.) — A revision of the genus Megachile in the Nearctic region. IV. Taxonomy of subgenera Xanthosarus, Phaenosarus, Megachiloicles and Dero- tropis (Megachilidae.) (Trans., 62, 117-166, 4 pis., 1936) 1.00 1013. — Pate (V. S. L.). — Studies in the nyssonine wasps. I. Species of Psammaletes, a n. subg. of Hoplisoides (Sphecidae). (Trans., 62, 49-56, 1936) . .20 ODONATA. 1015. — Needham and Fisher. — The nymphs of Xorth American Libelluline dragonflies. (Trans., 62, 107-116, 2 pis., 1935) .20 ORTHOPTERA 1017. — Hebard (M.). — New genera and species of Melanopli found within the U. S. and Canada (Acrididae). Pts. 7-9. (Trans., 62, 167-222, 6 pis., 1936) . 1.25 1019. — Hebard (M.). — Studies in Orthoptera which occur in X. Amer. north of the Mexican boundary. VI. A revision of the genus Arethaea (Tettigoniidae). (Trans., 62, 231-256, 2 pis., 1936) . . .40 Write your name and address in the space below. If that given is not correct, please advise us. Herewith find remittance for $ , for which please send me the items checked above. INDEX TO VOLUME XLVll. (* indicates new genera, species, names, etc.) ABBOTT, C. E. On the olfactory powers of Megarhyssa lunator 263 BEQUAERT, J. Two new color forms of Polistes major from California and Arizona BISHOP, S. C. and CROSBY, C. R. Notes on some spiders of the family Pisauridae 238 BLAISDELL, F. E. Facts concerning the rearing of Tene- brionidae 39 BLATCHLEY, W. S. A change of name in Staphylinidae . . 255 BRADLEY, J. C. At the International Congresses of Ent- omology and Zoology, of 1935 29, 57 BRITTON, W. E. Clusters of Atherix variegata, mistaken for rust patches BYERS, C. F. The immature form of Brachymesia gravida, with notes on the taxonomy of the group 35, 60 CALVERT, P. P. Neotropical Aeshnas wanted 213 Editorial : Entomology of the Convocation Week Meet- ings, December 30, 1935, to January 4, 1936 76 Obituary : Anton Handlirsch 168 Obituary notice : Justus Watson Folsom 256 Obituary : Albert P. Morse 228 Obituary : Charles Robertson 228 Insect enemies of shade-trees 134 Review Review Review Review Review Review The Pioneer Century of American Entomology 196 Zurr Kenntniss der Odonatenparasiten 197 A monograph of the British Neuroptera 226 General catalogue of the Hemiptera 255 The more important insect enemies of books. . 284 COCKERELL, T. D. A. The future of entomology 1 Review : The genitalia of the Tineina 224 COLE, A. C., JR. Description of seven new westc-rn ants. . 1 IS COLLINS, B. J. A new species of Anomiopsyllus from Montana 128 285 286 INDEX CRESSON, E. T., JR. Review: Dipterologi and Hymen- opterorum Catalogus 55 Review : Ward's Entomological Bulletin 75 Review : Contribution to a bibliography of the described immature stages of North American Coleoptera 112 Review : Ancient Artizans 227 CRESSON, (see also Pate, V. S. L., Mackey, Laura S., and Cresson, E. T., Jr.) CRESSON, (see also Schmieder, R. G. & Cresson, E. T., Jr.) CROSS, F. C. New organization for amateur entomologists 1 53 DAGGY, R. H. New butterfly record for United States. . . 52 DOUDOROFF, (see Ferris, G. F. & Doudoroff, M.) FATTIG, P. AY. The Coleoptera or beetles of Georgia, II. . 15 An unusual mating of velvet ants 51 The coleoptera or beetles of Georgia, III 233 FELT, E. P. Two new cockle burr midges 231 FERRIS, G. F. & DOUDOROFF, M. Taxonomic problems in Lepidoptera 124 FIELD, W. D. Three new butterfly races 121 FRANCLEMONT, J. G. A new generic name 275 PRISON, T. H. Review: Bumblebees and their ways 83 FROST, S. W. A summary of insects attracted to liquid baits 64, 89 HEBARD, M. Notes on North American Orthoptera of the Arctic- Alpine Zone 13 Review : A monographic revision of the genus Ceu- thophilus 165 HICKS, C. H. Tracheloides hicksi hunting ants 4 HILL, R. E. A new bee of the genus Coelioxys from Nebraska 205 HINTON, H. E. Notes on some American Colydiidae. ... 185 HULL, F. M. Change of name 227 HUNGERFORD, H. B. The Mantispidae of the Douglas Lake, Michigan Region, with some biological observ- ations 69, 85 ISELY, F. B. Flight-stridulation in American Acridians.. 199 INDEX 287 JOHNSON, (see de Long, D. M. & Johnson, 1). M.) KNIGHT, H. H. Review: An abridged catalogue of certain Scutelleroidea of China, Chosen, Indo-China and Taiwan 167 KROMBEIN, K. V. Biological notes on some solitary wasps KNOWLTON, G. F. & SMITH, C. F. Notes on inter- mountain aphids KNULL, J. X. Five new Southwestern Coleoptera. . . . 73, 105 DE LONG, D. M. & JOHNSON, D. M. Six new species of Typhlocyba from the United States 101 McCLURE, H. E. Psocid habits 113. 143 MACKEY, (see Pate, V. S. L., Mackey, Laura S.. and Cresson, E. T., Jr.) MEINERS, E. P. Xotes on Papilio asterius and a record of var. americus 269 MESERVE, F. G. The Silphidae of Xehraska 132 The Cicindelidae of Xehraska MICHENER, C. D. Some California hees. Townsendiella and Hesperapis MILLER, F. W. Xephrocyte cells and their function in the Aphididae 169 XASH, R .W. Thysania zenohia in Maine PATE, V. S. L., MACKEY, LATRA S. AND CRESSON, E. T.. JR. Entomological Literature. 21, 45. 78. 108. 135. 159, 190, 216, 249, 276. Rhectognathus, a new group in the Lindenius complex. . 147 PHILIP, C. B. An interesting new horsefly from Xorth Carolina 229 PIERCE, W. D. The position of the Strepsiptera in the classification of insects PRITCHARD, A. E. Xotes on Somatochlora ozarkensis. ... 99 RIEGEL, G. T. An insect with seven tarsi L">S RODECK, H. G. Colorado lepidoptera records IS1' Ross, H. H. A new pecan sawfly, Megaxyela lan^stoni . . 131 SABROSKY, C. W. Some synonymy in the Chloropid genera Hippelates and Diplotoxa 24? SANDHOUSE, G. A. A new species of Tracheloides 2 288 INDEX SATTERTHWAIT, A. F. Description of the male of Calendra dietrichi 38 SCHMIEDER, R. G. Review: Die Blatt-Minen Mittel-und Nord-Europas 20 SCHMIEDER, R. G. £ CRESSON, E. T., JR. Review: Das werden einer grossen encyclopaedic 53 SLIFER, E. H. The Scopoparia of Melanoplus differentialis 174 SMITH, (see Knowlton, G. F. & Smith, C. F.) SPIETH, H. T. Review: The biology of mayflies with a systematic account of North American species 140 STEHR, W. C. Some notes and records of Minnesota orthoptera 154 STILES, C. W. Notice of possible suspension of Rules of Nomenclature in certain cases 214 STROHECKER, H. F. A new Timema from California. . . . 267 SWAIN, R. I). Notes on the oviposition and life-history of the leaf hopper Oncometopia undata 264 WESSON, L. G., JR. Contributions toward the biology of Strumigenys pergandei : A new food relationship among ants 171 WILCOX, J. A new robber fly, with a key to the species of Callinicus and Chrysoceria 208 INDEX 289 GENERAL SUBJECTS Amateur entomologists, New organization for 153 Classification, Position of fam- ilies 257 Convocation Week meetings . . 76 Cornell, Depart, of Entomol. Head 248 Corrections 275 Entomological Literature, 21, 45 78, 108, 135, 159, 190, 216, 249, 276. Food of Ants 171 Hosts, Insects 42. 93 Hosts, Plants 207, 211, 231 Insects attracted to baits 89 International Congresses of Ent. and Zoology, of 1935 29, 57 Malarial Mosquitoes 38 Nomenclature, Notice of pos- sible suspension of rules.... 214 Olfactory powers of Megar- hyssa 263 Oviposition and life-history of Oncometopia 264 Plants attacked by insects ... 94 Rockefeller Foundation, Inter- national Health Division . . 227 Rocky Mountain Conference of Entomologists 27 Stylops, Discontinuation of... 44 OBITUARY NOTICES Benjamin, F. H 112 Caudell, A. N 112 Folsom, J. W 256 Handlirsch, A 168 Morse, A. P 228 Robertson, C 228 PERSONALS Johannsen, O. A 248 Morgan, T. H 255 Shannon, R. C 248 Wal-h, B. D 248 Wheeler, W. M 225 REVIEWS Frost : Ancient Artizans 227 H e d i c k e : Hymenopterorum Catalogus 55 Hcring : Die Blatt-Minen Mit- tel-und Nord-Europas 20 Herrick : Insect enemies of shade-trees 134 Hoffmann : An abridged cata- logue of certain Scuteller- oidea of China, Chosen, Indo-China, and Taiwan... 167 Hubbell : A monographic re- vision of the genus Ceu- thophilus 165 Junk : Das werden einer gros- sen encyclopaedic 53 Dipterologi 55 Killington : A monograph of the British Neuroptera 226 Metcalf : General catalogue of the Hemiptera 255 Munchberg : Zur Kcnntniss der Odonatenparasiten 197 Needham, Traver & Yin-Chi Hsu : The biology of may- flies with a systematic ac- count of North American species 140 Pierce & Metcalfe : The geni- talia of the Tineina 224 Plath : Bumblebees and their ways 83 Wade : Contribution to a bib- liography of the described immature stages of North American Coleoptera 112 Ward's Entomological Bulle- tin 75 290 INDEX Weiss : The Pioneer Century of American Entomology... 196 Weiss & Carruthers : The more important insect ene- mies of books 284 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Alabama: Dipt 232 Arizona: Hym. 7, 10, 12, 120, 121 California : Dipt. 209 ; Hym. 7, 12, 118, 182, 183, 184; Orth. 267 Colorado : Horn. 104 ; Hym. 2 ; Lepid. 189. Colorado lepidoptera records. . 189 Connecticut: Arach. 242; Dipt. 55 Florida: Arach. 242; Col. 38; Odon. 36. Georgia, Beetles of 238 Coleoptera of 15 Georgia : Hym 51 Idaho: Horn. 103; Hym. 119, 121; Lep. 122. Idaho, Notes on intermountain aphids 210 Illinois: Col 158 Maine : Lepid 268 Michigan : Neur 69 Minnesota : Lep 52 Minnesota : Some notes and records of Orthoptera 154 Mississippi: Arach. 243; Hym. 131 Missouri : Horn. 264 ; Lepid. 269 Montana: Lep. 123; Neur. 128 Nebraska : Hym 120, 205 Nebraska Cicindelidae 270 Nebraska, Silphidae of 132 New Jersey : Arach 242 New York: Arach. 242; Hym. 93 North Carolina : Arach. 243 ; Dipt. 229. Oklahoma : Odon 99 Pennsylvania : Horn 102 Texas: Arach. 242; Col. 73, 106, 108; Dipt. 231. Utah, Notes on intermountain aphids 210 Washington : Lep 122 Wisconsin : Horn 103 Hahamas Islands : Hym 11 Central America : Hym 10 Mexico : Hym 10 South America: Col. 188; Hym. 11, 13. WVt Indies: Col. 187; Hym. 10 West Indies, Homoptera of.. 88 COLEOPTERA acaciac*, Clirysobotliris 105 Acmaeodera (see uvaldensis) Bait, Attracted to 68 Buprcstidae 73, 105 Calcndra (see dictricJii) Cerambycidae 105 Chrysobothris (see acaciae} Cicindelidae 270 Colydiidac 185 Conotrachelus (see ncnupJiar) citbamts*, Lapctliits 186 Cnrculionidae 38 diclriclii, Calcudra 38 Euphoria (see inda} fasciafus, Glischrochilus 68 futilis, Phyllophatja 158 Glischrochilus (see fasciatus) Gyf>ona (see striata) iiiiitaus*, Lciopus 107 liulct. Euphoria 68 Iccsslcri*, Philonthns 256 Lachnosternae at bait 68 Lapctlius 185 (sec also ciibaiitis, latcralis) latcralis*. Lapctlms 187 Lciopits (see imitans) Lcptostylits (see monki) Melanotus at bait 68 monki*, Lcptostylits 106 mnltipimctatiis, Philonthus . . . 256 INDEX 291 nenuphar, Conolrachclus 68 osborni*, Xcnorhipis 73 1'hilmithus (see kcsslcri, iintl- tipnnctatus) Phyllophaga (see futilis) Scarabaeidae 158 Silphidae 132 Staphylinidae, change of name in 255 striata, Gypona 93 Tenebrionidae, Rearing of.... 39 iii'aldensis*, Acmaeodera 73 Xenorhipis (see osborni) DIPTERA Anac'nnas (see geropogon) anmdipcs, Callopistromyia ... 65 Asilidae 208 Asphondylia (see xanthii) Athcrix (see variegata) Bait, Attracted to 65 Bibio (see femoratns) bilineata, Chlorops 247 Caccoceria (see cressoni) Cacomyia (see Cacoccria) ca! caucus, Callinicus 209 Callinicus (see calcaneits, pic- titarsis, pollenia, vittatus) Callopistromyia (see annulipes) capax, Pscudohippclatcs 247 Cecidomyiidae 231 Chloropidae 245 Chlorops (see bilineata, con- flucns) Chrysoccria (see Callinicus) circumdata, Hippclates 245 circumdata, Siphonclla 245 einij] ucns, Chlorops 247 conflucns, Diplotoxa 247 cressimi*, Cacoccria 227 Ctcnucha (see fulricollis) dissidcns, Hippclates 245 dissidcns, Oseinis 245 I >ipli>to.va (see conflucns, gla- bricollis, inclinata, mcssoria) Euxcsta (see notata) jeinoratus, Bibio 66 fulvicollis, Ctenucha 275 geropogon*, Anacimas 229 glabricolis, Diplotoxa 247 Hippclatcs (see circmndata, dissidcns, longidus, particeps, sitbvittata, texana) inclinata, Diplotoxa 247 Lasiopleura (see longitltts) Leptidae 55 lontjulus, Hippclates 246 longulus, Lasiopleura 246 messoria, Diplotoxa 247 Mosquitoes, Malarial 38 Mycodiplosis (see radicis) notata, Euxesta 65 Onocodes (see in cult its) Opctiophora (see straminca) Oscinella (see particeps) Oseinis (see dissidens) particeps, Hippclatcs 246 particeps, Oscinella 245 pictitarsis, Callinicus 209 pollenia, Callinicus 209 Pscudohippclates (see capax) Pscudotcphritis (see van) radicis*, Mycodiplosis 232 Siphonclla (see circumdata) straminea, Opctiophora 246 subvittata, Hippclatcs 246 Synonymy in Hippclates and Diplotoxa 245 Syrphidae 227 Tabanidae 229. 275 Tabanus at bait 65 te.rcud, ffippellates 245 Tiiriciiata, Athcrix 55 nni. Pseudotephritis 65 rittatus*, Calliiiiens 209 .nintliii*, Asphnndylia 231 292 INDEX HEMIPTERA Aphididae, Nephrocyte cells and their function 169 Bipcrsona (see hottest") Chionaspis (see pinifoliae) Cicadellidae 101, 264 coagulata, Homolodisca 265 crassa*, Typhlocyba 102 enascora*, Typhlocyba 103 expanda*, Typhlocyba 104 Homolodisca (see coagulata) Homoptera of Porto Rico and Virgin Islands 88 hottest*, Bipersona 211 Oncometopia (see undata) Periphyllus (see utahensis) pintfoliae, Chionaspis 5 quadrata*, Typglocyba 102 snrcula*, Typhlocyba 103 surda*, Typhlocyba 101 Typhlocyba (see crassa, enas- cora, expanda, qnadrata, sur- ctila, siirda) nndata, Oncometopia 264 utahcnsis, Periphyllus 211 HYMENOPTERA Anacrabro 151 ancylivora, Macrocentrns . . 67 Ants prey of wasps 4 arida*, Hespcrapis 183 Bait, Attracted to 67 Bcmbi.r (see spinolae) Biological notes on solitary wasps 93 bisoncornua*, Coelioxys 205 briaxus, Mutilla 51 californica*, Toivnsendiella . . 181 calif or nicus*, Myrmecocystns. 118 carnifex Polistcs 9 castaneicolor*, Polistes 12 Cerceris (see nigrescens) ceteri, Crabrones 152 Coelioxys (see bisoncornua) Crabrones (see ceteri) curvispwosus* , Pogonomyr - mex 120 Dorymyrmcx (see smithi) Encopognathus 1 53 (see also pcctinafns) Entomocrabro 152 Rntomognathns 152 Formicidae 118, 171 gibbosns, Philanthus 94 Glypta (see rnfiscutcllaris) Goryfes (see simillimus) Hcsperapis (see arida, rnfipes, wilmattae) hick si*, Trachcloidcs 4 Ichneumonidae 263 idahocnsis*, Myrmecocystns . . 118 Iridomynne.v (see tcstaceiis) Karossia 151 kcnncdyi*, Myrmecocystns ... 119 laiu/stoni*, Mcgaxyela 131 Lindcnius 152 lunator, Meyarhyssa 263 Macrocentrns (see ancylivora) Mcgachilidac 205 Megarhyssa (see lunator) Megaxyela (see langstoni) Monobia (see quadridens) tnortitellns, Trachcloidcs 2 Mitt ilia (see briaxns) Mutillidae 51 Myrmecocystns (see calif orni- ciis, idahocnsis, kcnnedyi, ro- mainei) nigrescens, Cerceris 94 pallipcs, Polistcs 67 palmarwn*, Polistes 11 pcctinatus*, Encopognathus . . 148 pergandei, Strumigenys 171 Philanthus (see gibbosns, ver- tilabris) Podalonia (see violaceipennis) INDEX 293 Pognnomyrme.r (see cnrvispi- nosus) Polities (see carnife.r, casta- ncicolor) Polistcs (see major, paliipes, pahnanuu ) qnadridens, Monuhia 67 Rhectognathus 148 nnnainei*, Myrmecocystus > . . 120 rufipcs, Hespcrapis 182 rufiscutellaris, Glypta 67 .siiiiinilliinits, Gorytes 93 jinithi*, Dorymyrmcx 120 spcciosus, Sphccins 67 Sphecidae 2, 93, 147 Sphccins (see speciosus) spinolae, Bembi.v 95 Strumigenys (see pergandei) testaceus*, Iridvmyrmex 121 Townsendiella (see calif arnica) Tracheloides (see hicksi, mor- tncllus) Tracheloides hicksi hunting ants 2, 4 Velvet ants, Unusual mating of 51 rcrtilabris, Philanthus 94 Vespidae 7 violaceipcnnis, Podalonia .... 96 wilmattae, PIcspcrapis 184 Xyelidae 131 LEPIDOPTERA tiincricus, Papilio 269 Archips (see argyrospila, ros- aceana) argyrospila, Archips 66 aster ins, Papilio 269 Bait, Attracted to 66 calif ornica, Nymphalis 121 canieola, Eustrotia 67 Carpocapsa (see piniuinclla) Celcrio (see lincata) Cisscps* 275 clorinde, Gonepteryx 189 ctlitlia, Lycacna 122 Erebia discoidalis, Xe\v rec- ord for U. S 52 Euchroniiidae 275 Enlia (see velutinana ) Eustrotia (see carneola) fithc'icollis, Cisseps 275 Gonepteryx (see clorinde) grai'cnotata, Lycaena 123 hcrri*, Nymphalis 121 hctcronea, Lycacna 123 idacnsalis, Sparganothis 66 klotsi*, Lycacna 123 lincata, Celcrio 189 Lycaenidae 121 Lycacna (see editha, graraw- tata, hctcronea, klotsi, uwn- taim) montana*, Lycaena 122 Noctuidae 268 Xymphalis (see calif ornica, licrrl) Nymphalidae 52, 121 ocellana, Spilonota 66 Papilio (see amcricns, as- tcrins) Papilionidae 269 Pieridae 189 pomonella, Carpocapsa 66 rosaceana, Archips 66 Scepsis 275 scitula, Synanthcdon 67 Sparganothis (see idaeiisalis) Sphingidae 189 Spilonota (see ocellana) Synanthcdon (see scitula) Taxonomic problems in Lepi- doptera 124 Thysania (see ccnohiti) rcliitinana, Enlia 66 .•:,-!! nl' in, Thysiinia 268 ODONATA Aeshnas wanted, Neotropical. 213 Brachymcsia (see grarida) 294 INDEX Dragonfly mites wanted 189 gravida, Brachymcsia ....35, 60 Key to genera of American libellulid nymphs 60 Libellulidae 35, 60, 99 lincaris, Somatochlora 99 marcclla, Miathyria 37 Miathryia (see mar cello) azarkensis, Somatochlora .... 99 Perithemis (see seminole) scminole, Perithemis 37 Somatochlera (see linearis, osarkensis) NEUROPTERA brunnea, Cliinaciella 72, 87 Cliinaciella (see brunnea) interrupta, Mantissa 69, 85 Mantissa (see interrupta, sayi, stryiaca) Mantispa interrupta, Mating of 85 sayi, Mantispa 71, 87 stryiaca, Mantispa 71 Mantispidae, Biological obser- vations of 69 ORTHOPTERA Acrididae 174, 199 nltior, Circotettix 200 Circotettix (see altior, nigri- fasciatits, rabula) diffcrentialis, Melanoplus .... 174 Flight- Stridulation in Ameri- can acridians 199 Melanoplus (see differentials) Minnesota Orthoptera 154 nigrifasciatus, Circoettix 201 Orthoptera of Arctic-Alpine Zone 13 Phasmidae , 267 podura*, Timema 268 rabula, Circotettix 200 Stridulation in American acri- dians 199 Timema (see podura) STREPSIPTERA Strepsiptera, Position in classi- fication 257 ARACHNIDA albineus, Dolomedes 239 brevipcs, Pisaurina 244 Dolomcdes (see albineus, oke- finokensis, pinicola, scriptus, striatiis, tcnebrosus, triton, vittatus) dubiits, Thauatidius 242 dubius, Thomisus 242 lamprus, Teippus 239 Microminafa (see pinicola) Mites parasitic on dragonflies wanted 189 okefinokensis, Dolomcdes .... 239 Pelopatis (see undnlata) pcregrina, TJiaiiinasia 243 pinicola, Dolomcdes 239 pinicola, Micrommata 239 Pi^auridae 238 Pisaurina (see brevipes) scriptus, Dolomcdes 239 striatus, Dolomedcs 242 Teippus (see lamprus) tcnebrosus, Dolomedes 239 Thanatidius (see dubius) Thaiimasia (see pcregrina) Thomisus (see dubius) triton, Dolomcdes 238 undulata, Pelopatis 244 vittatus, Dolomedes . 238 BXCHANQES (Continued) Wanted — Tabanidae (Horseflies and Deerflies). Exchange, pur- chase, or for determination. G. B. Fairchild, P. O. Box 272, Monti- cello, Fla. Exchange. — Lepidoptera of the Western United States for rare American or tropical specimens. C. W. Herr, Woodburn, Ore. R-3. Wanted — Insects in exchange for Japanese insects or to buy. Tell me your wishes. Hiromu Yamamoto, Matsuo-Kozan. Iwategun Iwateken, Japan. Would like to exchange Southern California insects for any North American Mutillidae (wingless wasps or velvety ants). Curtis Brown, 2950 G St., San Diego, California. Wanted. — To get in touch with Specialists who will make determina- tions for a share of our duplicates. We have many undetermined speci- mens from all parts of Iowa. — H. E. Jaques, Iowa Insect Survey, Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. Wanted. — Communication with anyone who has or is collecting Lepi- doptera in Burlington County, New Jersey Also anyone having a micro- scope for sale. — E. P. Darlington, New Lisbon, N. J. Wanted for Cash or Exchange. — North American Butterflies in series especially from type localities and remote places. C. F. dos Passos, Mendham, New Jersey. Wanted — Specimens of North American Cephidae. Will make determinations and exchanges for purposes of revising the group. Donald T. Ries, Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. ADVANCE IN PRICES OF ENTOMOLOGICAL LITERATURE PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY The prices of the publications of the American Entomological Society listed prior to 1919 will be considerably advanced after December 31, 1936. This will be the last chance to secure these papers containing descriptions of many new genera and species, and monographic and revisionary treatments of many groups of insects, at the except ionally low prices which have not been advanced since the days when the cost of printing was considerably less than it is today. Those wishing to secure these publications, at present prices should send for Price List 1918, of the orders in which they are interested. For Systematized Insect Collections WARD'S UNIT STORAGE SYSTEM FLEXIBLE —EFFICIENT— SAFE Long popular for large collections, the Unit System of Insect Storage is now being adopted for many smaller ones. Its primary feature is the pinning of each series of genus or species in separate trays, so that collections can be rearranged or enlarged without necessity of repinning. Now in stock at Ward's are pinning trays, glass-topped drawers and steel cabinets for the Unit Storage System, of Cornell University type and U. S. National Museum type. Complete description and prices on request. W A R D' S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT.™! The Frank A. WardFoundationof Natural Science of the t'mYersi/y of Rochester READ WARD'S ENTOMOLOGICAL BULLETIN ... issued monthly 300 NORTH GOODMAN STREET ROCHESTER .... NEW YORK FOR SALE One of the finest collections of Palearctic Diurnals 15,000 specimens in perfect condition, all fully labelled And including very many of the rarest species and some quite unique. Offered at one quarter the original cost. Full particulars on application. Some thousands of fine Indian Diurnals, in papers named, $6.00 per 100. Fine Morphos from French Guiana, New Guiana Delias in papers (named). A very large number of bred Urania riphaeus etc. A. FORD, 42. IRVING ROAD, BOURNEMOUTH, ENGLAND RARE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA LEPIDOPTERA Pinned and fully Labelled or in Papers List furnished on request CALIFORNIA INSECTARIES, INC. 1612 West Glenoaks Boulevard Glendale, California A. W. Morrill, Ph. D., Mgr. C. Henne, Lepidopteris ^m r1 in - SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES 3 9088 00844 5447