ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOLUME LVIII, 1947 3/ PHILIP P. CAI.VERT, EDITOR EMERITUS R. G. SCHMIEDER, EDITOR EDITORIAL STAFF E. T. CRESSON, JR. E. F. J. MARX J. A. G. REHN A. G. RICHARDS, JR. E. T. MOUL PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. 1947 The numbers of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for 1947 were mailed at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., as follows : No. 1— January April 17, 1947 No. 2— February May 8, 1947 No. 3— March June 13, 1947 No. 4— April July 30, 1947 No. 5— May August 19, 1947 No. 6— June September 30, 1947 No. 7— July October 27, 1947 No. 8— October November 17, 1947 No. 9— November January 5, 1948 The date of mailing the December, 1947, number will be announced on the last page of the issue for January, 1948. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JANUARY 1947 Vol. LVIII No. 1 CONTENTS ~ Rau — Life history notes on the wood-roach ............................. 1 Moul— Pink katydid at Woods Hole ......................... '. .......... 4 Brown — Two neglected species of Formica .............................. 6 Evans — Two new spider wasps ......................................... 10 Pate — Identity of Entomobora Gistel ................................... 16 Shappirio — Notes on wasps ............................................ 18 Notes and News in Entomology News from Italy .................................................. 19 Field Releases of Microplectron .................................... 19 Production of Macrocentrus in N. J ................................. 19 Summa Brasiliensis ...... ........................................ 20 Pacific Science ................................................... 20 Entomological Literature .............................................. 21 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1, Act of October 3," 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. 351543 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHX, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers: Domestic, $3.00; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES : Full width of page. 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SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1—4 pages, 25 copies, $2.50; 50 copies, $2.50; 100 copies, $3.00. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.00; 50 copies, $4.00; 100 copies, $4.75. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.25; 50 copies, $6.25; 100 copies, $7.25. Covers: first 50, $2.75; additionals at 2 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.00; additional at ll/> cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII JANUARY, 1947 Xo. 1 Life History Notes on the Wood-Roach, Ischnop- tera deropeltiformis Brunner By PHIL RAU, Kirkwood, Missouri Previous to these observations in 1945, I had occasionally taken adults under bark in dead logs in St. Louis County as late as June 7, and on one occasion in my search for sleeping insects I saw one on top of a weed at 4 A.M. on June 26 (Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis 24: 57, 1922). With only this meager acquaintance with this insect, I was amazed to discover a large number of them at rest on the wild oats heads in a rural school-yard, on the evening of June 19, 1945.* Even though the twilight was rapidly fading, their dull- black bodies were easily discernible among the airy tops of the green grasses. There was no tendency toward gregariousness ; each roach was independently perched high up on its stalk, and some distance from others of its kind. Each assumed a statue- like position, with head up, and remained thus during the entire evening. In spite of this "frozen" attitude, they were entirely alert ; when approached within a foot or two, they tumbled, quick as a flash, into the tangled grass below. There were 25 adults, scattered over this area of perhaps an acre. Although I watched them carefully until darkness fell, and later with a flash-light, I could detect no alteration in their attitude or behavior. * Specimens kindly identified by Mr. J. A. G. Rehn. (1) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jail., '47 The following evening I visited them again, and on several other evenings, until their disappareance on July 5, but never witnessed the courtship or mating behavior that I had expected. However, the following items of behavior were noted : 1. There were from 20 to 30 on exhibition each night, until the numbers dwindled during the last days of June, and they disap- peared on July 5. 2. During that time, thorough searches netted only one female ; all of the others were males, easily discernible by being winged. 3. The males readily escaped from the net when caught. They could sustain themselves in flight for 40 or 50 feet, and on rare occasions a resting male would voluntarily fly to another oat head. 4. They \vere much more agile on their feet than on the wTing, running with great rapidity on a smooth surface, but when they fell into the tangled grass their movements were awkward, and they could readily be picked up with the fingers. 5. They maintained this frozen attitude even in a drizzling rain. 6. On my first visit, I came upon them in deep twilight, when all of the roaches \vere quiet in their places. On subsequent visits, I arrived at the school-yard while it was still daylight, and had the pleasure of seeing the roaches come up out of the tangled grass and climb slowly to the tops of the oats heads. At 6:15, there was not a roach to be seen, but as twilight deepened they crept out slowly and stealthily, one here and one there, un- til within a half-hour all 20 or 30 were in their places. One ex- ceptional case was an ambitious creature which appeared on June 24, a half-hour before any of the others. At what hour they went back into hiding, I did not discover, but when I left, usu- aly at 9 :30 P.M., all were still quiet in their respective places. 7. A year later, I often visited the school-yard, earlier in the season, to discover the date of their first appearance. The first ones wTere seen on May 25, almost a month earlier than my ob- servations the previous year. Obviously, I had come upon them in 1945 at a date when their mating was already over, and the females (all but one) were elsewhere, probably ovipositing. Iviii, '47| ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS But in 1946, many trips and many hours of search led only to disappointment, for during the entire season only two or three males were seen at any one time on the high grasses, and their behavior differed in no way from that of the year before. I still suspect that this well-defined habit of the males of com- ing out at twilight is some undiscovered part of the vital business of mating. If this is so, then their method of approach differs from that of their near kin, ' Parcoblatta pennsylvanica,* who flies swiftly in the air and seeks, with display of emotion, the wingless females hidden in the logs. The males of /. deropclti- fonnis likewise come out at dusk, but merely sit in their frozen attitude. If they are awaiting the coming of the females, it must be a slow' process, for the latter are wingless. The one female taken had been fertilized, for she oviposited soon after and the eggs were fertile. The place and behavior of mating are still to be discovered. The one female already mentioned and 14 males were placed in a cage in the laboratory, and the following data gathered. They fed on sliced apple, bread, cake, etc., and on several oc- casions they devoured a less vigorous one of their companions. The female deposited three egg-cases before her accidental death. She was taken on June 19, and four days later a fine brown egg-case was protruding from her body. The second one appeared six days after the first, and again after an interval of seven days a third one appeared. This last one was distorted in shape, and nothing came from it. She did not carry the pro- truding egg-cases for days, as some roaches do, but dropped them from her body in less than twenty-four hours. One egg-capsule hatched after 38 days, the other after 37 ; and one produced 40 young, while the other gave 38. The color of the egg-capsule is a shiny dark brown, almost black, slightly crescentic in form, and is a typically shaped cock- roach case. The young mature simultaneously, and all leave the case within a period of a half-hour. The newly-hatched roaches are white, but gradually darken, and after about six hours are * The Life-History of the Wood-Roach, Parcoblntta pennsylvanica. Entom. News 51 : 5-6, 1940. 4 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '47 brown with two black spots on tbe last segment. The long, dark antennae are white for the distal fourth of their length. The newly hatched nymphs are gregarious, living close to- gether under a piece of bark in an insect cage. The gregarious- ness continues evidently through all of the immature stages, for at this writing (Nov. 1, 1946) these three-fourths grown nymphs continue the habit. The young, as well as the adults, are swift runners. They remain in hiding throughout the day, and feed at night, but when a light is switched on, they swiftly run for cover. I had supposed that the length of life from hatching to ma- turity would be about a year, but in the laboratory those which hatched in July and August, 1945, are only about three-fourths grown after fifteen months. They prefer the moist parts of the floor of the cage, always under a piece of bark. The adults are evidently long-lived, for the 14 which were al- ready adult and of unknown age when captured lived from 21 to 48 days in confinement. Pink Katydid (Amblycorypha oblongifolia DeG.) at Woods Hole, Massachusetts By EDWIN T. MOUL, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa. During late July, 1946, at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, a nymph of the katydid species Aiublycoryplia oblongifolia DeG. was brought into the class room by a student. Instead of the usual green color associated with katydids, this nymph was a deep pink. The specimen was given grass and leaves to feed upon and was kept in a make-shift cage. It appeared rather sluggish but ate some of the food material supplied. Examina- tion of the cage on the sixth morning revealed an adult katydid. The nymph had moulted during the night, apparently eating its cast skin, as this could not be found. The color of the adult was less intense than that of the nymph, the ventral surface of the abdomen fading to almost white. It is evident that the col- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 5 oration of this mutant carries over from nymph to adult. The pinned specimen has faded considerably and appears light brown with only a slight suffusion of pink here and there on the upper surface of the body. Upon questioning the student, it was learned that a small colony of pink katydids has existed in the neighborhood of his summer home at Woods Hole for a period of at least two years. As evidence of the existence of other examples of this color phase, a second nymph like the first was collected. Upon searching the literature I have found a record of this pink form at "Woods Holl" as far back as 1886. Scudder (1897) re- ports specimens collected by Mrs. Sidney Smith, Mr. Richard Rathburn and Prof. A. E. Verril in August of that year. Again in 1912 this form is reported by Glaser (1912) to have been collected by Dr. A. S. Pearse and Mr. Gray of the Marine Biological Laboratory staff. Mr. Gray also collected a yellow color phase the same year. Apparently this colony has main- tained itself for 60 years in spite of its conspicuous color, which defies all the laws of protective coloration. This form is not an erratic color "freak" due to food habits or peculiarities of environment, but has been proved by Dr. Joseph L. Hancock (Hancock, 1916; Nabours, 1929) 'in a breeding experiment to be a dominant hereditary character. Green katydids crossed with green mates produce all normal green offspring. A cross between a pink female and a green male produced 4 green to 9 pink in the F, generation with sexes equally divided. The pink forms were inbred and the result in F., was 38 green to 90 pink. In the "List of Insects of New York" (Leonard, 1928), the brown and pink examples of this species have been collected at New Brighton and Clove Valley on Staten Island. Davis (1913) reports it in Long Island. Scudder (1878) reports a pink specimen of A. rotund if olia collected by Dr. Joseph Leidy in August, 1878, at Sharp Mountain, Schuylkill County, Penn- sylvania. The species determination of the Woods Hole speci- mens was made by Mr. J. A. G. Rehn and the specimens placed in the Academy Collection. 6 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '47 BIBLIOGRAPHY DAVIS, W. T. 1913. Jour. N. Y. Ent. Soc. 21 : 74-75. GLASER, R. W. 1912. Psyche 19: 159. HANCOCK, J. L. 1916. Ent. News 27: 70-82. LEONARD. 1928. List of Insects of New York. LUTZ, F. E. 1921. Field Book of Insects. Plate 19. NABOURS, R. K. 1929. Ent. News 40: 14-16. SCUDDER. S. H. 1878. Psyche 2: 189; 1897. Psyche 8: 54-55; 1901. Ent. News 12: 129-130. A Note upon Two Neglected Species of Formica Linn. (Hym. : Formicidae) By W. L. BROWN, JR., State College, Pennsylvania In 1903, in a paper on Hymenoptera from Beulah. New Mex- ico, H. L. Viereck described a new variant of Formica fusca Linn, and named it "var. denslventrls n. subsp." The descrip- tion was vague and misleading, especially in regard to color details. Wheeler, in his 1913 revision of Formica, placed densl- ventrls in the synonymy of F. fusca var. subaenescens Emery, though he followed the notation with a questionmark. In the short discussion of his action, Wheeler stated that he had never seen the types. The author has recently come upon Viereck's types in the col- lection of the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, and even cursory examination has convinced him that the speci- mens cannot belong to subaenescens. The red color of the head and thorax in the types at once separates them from siibacn- csccns, which is colored black or blackish throughout these re- gions. The type was keyed down in Wheeler's key to Formica in the 1913 paper to couplet 22, which includes F. fusca var. uco- clara Emery and F. fusca var. bland a Wheeler. It agrees with neither alternative. After comparing the types with various members of the fusca-rufibarbis complex, the author is satisfied Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 7 that densivcntris is a valid subspecies. Presented below is an attempt to improve upon the original description. Formica fusca subsp. densiventris Viereck Formica fusca var. densiventris n. subsp. Viereck, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXIX, p. 73 (1903). Worker. Formica fusca var. subaenescens Wheeler, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., LIII, pp. 504 and 505 (1913). Worker. Emery, Gen. Insect.; Formicidae: Formicinae, Fasc. 183, p. 248 (1925). Worker. Worker (ANS Type No. 4955) : 5.1 mm. Head in shape that of fnsca group in general. The median clypeal carina ex- tending from the anterior clypeal margin not quite to the anterior margin of the frontal area; maxillary palps long. Promesono- tum and epinotum convex as seen from the side in profile, the mesepinotal constriction cut fairly deeply and broadly, and the epinotum without an angle, though rather high. Petiolar scale seen from in front rather narrow, the superior borders originat- ing from an insignificant flattened space at the apex and passing through even, insensible curves into the lateral borders. Head, thorax, petiole and gaster shagreened and opaque, frontal area and greater part of the legs shining. Mandibles longitudinally striate. Hairs moderately long on dorsum of the head, truncate, scarce above compound eyes, absent on the gula. A few short sub- clavate hairs on the pro- and mesonotum, sides of the epinotum and on the ventral surface of the petiole. A set of three erect hairs on each side of the superior border of the petiolar scale. Dorsum and venter of gaster with scattered hairs of varying length, often truncate. Pubescence of head and legs dilute and inconspicuous ; of gas- ter, long, dense and slightly silvery under magnification. Ground-color of head, thorax and petiole light brownish-red with an area between and above the compound eyes, dorsum of pro- and mesonotum, parts of the thoracic pleurae, coxae, and scale of petiole deeply infuscated. Gaster very dark brownish- 8 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '47 black; legs brown with joints more yellowish; antennae light reddish brown and slightly infuscated toward their tips. Paratype specimen: 4.5 mm. The petiolar node is nar- rower than in the type and much more acute, forming a dis- tinct angle at its apex. Only one hair is present on the petiolar border, and it is far down on the lateral part of the border. Some hairs may be missing due to mishandling, however. In other respects, the paratype specimen is much like the type. Numbered ANS paratype 4955-1. The two type specimens came from Beulah, New Mexico, and were collected by H. Skinner August 17, 1901. There are two other workers in the collection which agree rather closely with the types, but which have the infuscated areas on the head and thorax lighter and less extensive. One of this pair has the petiole narrower even than the type and para- type, and more acute above. The latter are labelled "Head of Daily Canon" and were collected by T. D. A. Cockerell. "Daily" (or "Dailey") Canyon is in the region of Beulah, which lies at some 8000 feet altitude. This subspecies is related to F. jnsca var. iicoclara and jnsca var. blanda, but differs in having the gaster much darker in color and the petiolar scale narrower. The more rounded pro- file of the epinotum distinguishes the form from F. mfibarbis vars. occidita Wheeler and gnaua Buckley. Collections of the forrns of the fiisca-ntfibarbis complex hav- ing reddish head and thorax should be made in the Beulah re- gion before all doubt about this form is removed, since the Formicas of the complex are apparently quite variable even in series from one colony. Formica aterrima Cresson redescribed Formica aterrima Cresson, Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila. IV, p. 426 (1865). . 24 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '47 [Annal. cle Parasit. humaine et comparee] 21 : 177-82, ill. Heinrich, Harned and van Dine — Ulphian Carr Loftin. (Obituary) [65] 48: 240-43. Leary, Fishbein, and Salter -DDT and the insect problem. N. Y., 176 pp. Olson, T. A. — Place of the entomologist in public health. [96] 36: 1031-34. Paulian, R. — Recolte et conservation des larves d'insectes. [110] 2: 156-59. Romney, V. E. — In- sects found on Guavule in northern Mexico. [37] 39: 670- 71. Ross, E. S.— Obituary of Louis S. Slevin. [60] 22: 141. Weiss, H. B. — Author and general subject index to volumes 1 to 50. Jour. N. Y. Entom. Soc., 135 pp. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Abbott, C. E. — The physical and chemical requirements of mosquito larvae. [100] 24: 189-90. Abbott, Roden and Yoeli- Anopheline mosquitoes as natural vectors of equine dermal filariasis. [53] 158: 913. Andrews, H. W. — Some ex- ternal aspects of the bodies of Diptera. [Proc. and Trans. S. London Ent. and Nat. Hist. Soc.] 1945-46: 58-63. Bates and Roca-Garcia — The development of the virus of yellow fever in Haemagogus mosquitoes. [97] 26: 585- 606; An experiment with neurotropic yellow fever virus in Saimiri monkeys and Haemagogus mosquitoes. [97] 26: 607-12. Bodenstein, D. — Developmental relations between genital ducts and gonads in Drosophila. [12] 91: 288-94, ill. Brues, C. T. — Juvenile and imaginal luminescence in fire-flies (Lampyr.). [73] 53: 13-14. Carpentier, F. — Sur la valeur morphologique des pleurites clu thorax des machi- lides (Thysanoures). [Bui. et Anal. Soc. Ent. Bel., Brux- elles] 82: 165-81, ill. Crow, James F. — The absence of a primary sex factor on the x-chromosome of Drosophila. [3] 80: 663-65. De Meillon, B.— Effect on some blood- sucking arthropods of "Gamme-xane" when fed to a rabbit. [53] 158: 839. Du Porte, E. M.— Observations on the morphology of the face in insects. [44] 79: 371-417. ill. Eagles, T. R. — Physiology of insects. [Proc. and Trans. S. London Ent. and Nat. Hist. Soc.] 1945-46:84-91. El- mendorf, Marucce, Griffin, Meyer and Ryan — Longevity of killing effect of DDT for mosquitoes contacting screen wire painted with DDT solutions. [97] 26: 663-86. Hinton, H. E. — The "gin-traps" of some beetle pupae ; a protective device which appears to be unknown. [88] 97: 473-96, ill. Merrill, Savit and Tobias — Certain biochemical changes in the DDT poisoned cockroach and their prevention by pro- longed anesthesia. [105] 28: 465-76. Ribbands, C". R.- Man's reaction to mosquito bites. [53] 158: 912-13. To- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS bias and Kollros — Loci of action of DDT in the cockroach (Periplaneta americana). [12] 91: 247-55, ill. Tobias, Kollros and Savit — Acetylcholine and related substances in the cockroach, fly and crayfish and the effect of DDT. [105] 28: 159-82.' White, M. J. D.— Cytology of the Ceci- domyidae. II. Chromosome cycle and anomalous spermato- genesis of Miastor. [44] 79:^323-70, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Baker, E. W.- Some Tydeidae (Acarina) from the fig tree (Ficus carica). [104] 4: 255-61, ill. (*) ; New species of north and central American mites of the family Penthaleidae. [48] 36: 421- 25, ill. (k*). Chamberlin, R. V. — A new centiped and two new millipeds from the Pearl Islands, Colombia. [60] 22: 145-47. Fox, I. — Three new mites from rats in Puerto Rico. [63] 59: 173-75, ill. Jones, S. E.— Description of Habrocestum parvulum (Banks). [73] 53:27-29. Keifer, H. H. — A review of North American economic Eriophyid mites. [37] 39: 563-70. SMALLER ORDERS— Carpentier, F.— (Thysanura). (See under Anatomy.) Wright, M. — A description of the nymph of Agrion dimidiatum (Odonata). [47] 21 : 336-38, ill. ORTHOPTERA — Merrill, Savit and Tobias — (See under Anatomy.) Rehn, J. A. G. — On the Punctulatus Species- Group of the Genus Melanoplus (Acrid.) with description of a new sp. from Kansas. [62] 98 : 241-69 (k ), ill. Tobias and Kollros — (See under Anatomy.) Tobias, Kollros and Savit — (See under Anatomy.) HEMIPTERA— Banks, N.— Athysanus argentatus Fabr. in New England. [73] 53: 4—5. Beament, J. W. L. — The waterproofing process in eggs of Rhodnius prolixus Stahl. [103] 133 : Series B : 407-18, ill. Busvine, J. R.— Compara- tive toxicity of various contact insecticides to the louse (Pediculus humanus L.) and the bed-bug (Cimex lectu- larius L.) [4] 33: 271-79. De Long and Severin — Tax- onomy, distribution, and food plants of Gyponana hasta. ;i leafhopper vector of California aster-yellows virus. [Ilil- gardia] 17: 157-63, ill. Hambleton, E. J. — A new name for a mealy bug. [63] 59: 177. Jenks and McKay — Bubble- bathing bugs. 1 56] 56: 31-35, ill. Roberti, D.— Mono- grafia del' Aphis frangulae Koch. [ Bol. Lab. di Ent. A^rari.i cli Portici, Naples] 6: 127-312, ill. Russell, L. M.— The identity of Chermes alni Linne. 1758 (1'syll.). [65] 48: 249-50. Severin, H. H. P. — Longevity, or life histories, of leafhopper species on virus-infected and on healthy plants. 26 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '47 [Hilgardia] 17: 121-37, ill.; Transmission of California as- ter-yellows virus by the first reported leafhopper vector in Gyponinae. Ibid. 141-53, ill. Torres, B. A. — Nuevas especies de Cicadidos perjudiciales a la agricultura en nuestra pais. [113] 2: ser. A, 18: 1-8, ill. LEPIDOPTERA— Brown, N. R.— Studies on the para- sites of the spruce budworm, Archips fumiferana. 1. Life history of Apanteles fumiferanae. [23] 78: 121-29, ill. Clarke, J. F. G. — Synopsis of the genus Nealyda, with descr. of new species (Gelechiid). [48] 36: 425-27, ill. Dethier, V. G. — Supplement to the bibliography of the described life- histories of the Rhopalocera of America north of Mexico. [73] 53: 15-20. Leighton, B. V.— Butterflies of Washing- ton. [Univ. of Wash. Pub. in Biol] 9: 49-63. Lichy, R.- Nota sobre un Lepidoptero singular de Venezuela. Copi- opteryx semiramis cr. f: banghaasi Drdt. (Saturnioidea). [Bol. Soc. Venez. Ciencias nat.] 10: 241-51, ill (k). Pas- trana, J. A. — La mariposita Europea del Brote del Pinto, Rhyaciona buoliana, [113] 2: ser. A, 15: 1-11; Una nueva mariposita en las Coles de la Republica Argentina Hellula phidicalis (Pyraus.). Ibid. 16: 1-8. Satterthwait and Swain — The sunflower moth and some of its natural ene- mies. [37] 39: 575-80. DIPTERA— Abbott, C. E.— (See under Anatomy.) Abbott, Roden and Yoeli — (See under Anatomy.) Alex- ander, C. P. — Records and descriptions of Mexican Crane- flies (Tipulidae). [104] 4: 213-53, ill. (*). Andrews, H. W. — (See under Anatomy.) Bates and Roca-Garcia — (See under Anatomy.) Bequaert, J. C. — Descriptions of three new Neotropical spp. of Chrysops (Taban). [73] 53: 6- 12, ill. Bodenstein, D. — (See under Anatomy.) Crow, J. F. — (See under Anatomy.) Elmendorf, Marucce, Griffin, Meyer and Ryan — (See under Anatomy.) Fox, I.- — Two new biting midges or Culicoides from western United States. [65] 48: 244-46. Gjullin, C. M— A key to the Aedes females of America north of Mexico. [65] 48: 215- 36. Harmston, F. C. — Mosquito records from Ohio. [60] 122 : 148-56. Hill, R. B. and C. M.— A correction. .[65] 48 : 236. Iragorry, L. B/ — Breve nota a cerca de un nuevo Simu- lido para el pais. [Bol. del Lab. de la Clinica Luis Razetti] 15: 493-95. Iriarte, D. R. — La familia Simuliidae en Vene- zuela. [Bol. del. Lab. de la Clinica Luis Razetti] 15: 401- 82, ill. (k). Reinhard, H. J. — The Tachinid genera Pseudo- chreta and Phsenopsis in North America. [23] 78: 111-21 (k*). Ribbands, C. R. — (See under Anatomy.) Rings and Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 27 Hill— The larva of Aedes (Ochlerotatus) mathesoni. [65] 48: 237-40. Rozeboom, L. E. — Three new Finlayas of the Dissimilis group (Culiciclae) from the Philippine Islands. [46] 32 : 587-95, ill. Tobias, Kollros and Savit— (See under Anatomy.) White, M. J. D. — See under Anatomy.) Wright and Ashby — Bionomics of the carrot fly (.Psila rosae Fab.) II. Soil populations of carrot fly during autumn, winter and spring. [4] 33: 263-70, ill. COLEOPTERA— Brues, C. T.— (See under Anatomy.) Fender, K. — Some new species of Malthodes (Cantharid). [60] 22 : 142-44. Fisher, W. S.— New Cerambycid beetles belonging to the tribe Disteniini from Central and South America. [71] 96: 329-33. Frost, C. A.— Dichelonyx canadensis. [73] 53: 20; Notes on uncommon Coleoptera. Ibid.: 21; Cicindela formosa generosa. Ibid.: 30. Grant, C. — Kaleidoscopic color changes in beetles. [39] 38: 55, ill. Hinton, H. E. — (See under Anatomy.) Jewett, H. H.— Identification of some larval Elateridae found in Kentucky [Ky. Agric. Exp. Bull.]. 489: 1-40 (k), ill. La Rivers, I. —An annotated list of the Cicindelidse known to occur in Nevada. [60] 22: 135-41. Lucas and Oxley — Study of an infestation by Laemophloeus sp. (Cucujid) in bulk wheat. [4] 33: 289-93. Park, Orlando— Revision of the fifty-fourth group of the Pselaphid genus Reichenbachia. [Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci.] 7: 499-509, ill. (k*). Ray, E.- Studies on North American Mordellidse, IV. [60] 22: 121- 32 (*), ill. Silvestri, F. — Descrizioni e notizie di Staphili- nidre Termitofili Sud-Americani. [Comm. Pontifica Acad. Sci. Vaticano] 10: 299-334 (*), ill. Stehr, W. C.— Tachy- ura barnesi n. sp. (Bembidiini, Carabidae). [58] 46: 2X4. HYMENOPTERA— Abbott, R. L.— The soldier termiu-. [32] 11: 88-90. Brown, N. R.— (See under Lep.) Gahan, A. B. — Eight new spp. of chalcid-flies of the genus Pseu- daphycus, with a key to the species. [71] 96: 311-27. Krombein, K. V. — A ne\v species of Myrmosa (Tiphiid). [65] 48: 247-48. MacSwain, J. W.— The nesting habits of Heteranthidium larreae (Ckll.) (Megachilid)/ [60] 22: 159-60. Morley, D. W.— Division of labour in ants. [53 | 158: 913-14. Morley, D. W. — The interspecific relations of ants. [36] 15:150-54. Pate, V. S. L.— New Pemphilidine wasps, with notes on previously described forms: II (Sphe- cid). [109] 185: 1-14. (k). Timberlake, P. H.— Two n. spp. of Ptiloglossa from Arizona (Apoidea). [60] 22: 156-58. NOTE: The December 1946 issue of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS \vas mailed March 17, 1947. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Lepidoptera — Wanted, Hyloicus (Sphinx.) and other Sphingidae in exchange for U. S. and Wisconsin Lepidoptera. Wm. E. Sicker, 119 Monona Ave., Madison 3, Wisconsin. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) and Ichneumonidae for exchange or purchase. Will collect any order in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., NW, Washington 11, D. C. Wanted — Oriental Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae for determi- nation and research purposes: China, India, Philippines, Pacific. Will purchase from China, Assam, Burma, Siam, Formosa. Will exchange identified Chinese insects. J. Linsley Gressitt, Lingnan University, Canton, China. Wanted — Papers on Cicindelidae of any part of the world, espe- cially South America and Pacific. R. G. Dahl, 3225 Grand Ave., Apt. 13, Oakland 10, Cal. Chrysididae — Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Coccinelidae — Wanted from other localities. Will buy or exchange for misc. So. Cal. coleops. F. W. Furry, 1633 Virginia Ave., Glen- dale 2, Cal. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College. East Lansing, .Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. For Sale: U.S.A. Only CERAMBYCIDAE The world's largest special collection of Cerambycidae — over 100,000 specimens, more than 16,000 species, including 800 types, 2,000 paratypes, many rarities, unicas and special show pieces. Also included, an almost complete Special Library on Cerambycidae with over 6,000 volumes, 60 complete series of entomological periodicals and 1,500 separates on Cerambycidae. Enquire: Frederic F. Tippmann, Chief Engineer, 49 Fasan- gasse, Vienna, Austria. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery f—. 1U. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1135., — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — Synopsis of No. Amer. Ephydridae. III. The tribe Notiphilini of the subfam. Notiphilini (72: 227-240, 1946) $ .35 1136. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. I. The subfam. Psilopinae (72:241-264,1946) 60 1134. — Knight and Laffoon — The oriental spp. of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (72: 203-225, 3 pis., 1946) 70 THE BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF TRYPETID LARVAE By VENIA TARRIS PHILLIPS Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, No. 12, 161 pp., 16 pis., 1946 This is a comprehensive work describing and figuring the important characteristics of the larvae of forty five species of American fruit flies (Diptera). An indispensible work for economic en- tomologists. It includes a glossary of the terms used in the descriptions; a list of 442 species of the family, with their known hosts; a list of their host plants; and an extensive bibliography. The plates contain 192 exquisitely executed figures. Price $5.00 (postpaid, domestic delivery) U. S. Currency, remittance must accompany order. HYMENOPTERA 1132. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompilidae) and their type spp. (72 : 65-137, 1946) 1.80 ORTHOPTERA 1128. — Rehn (J. A. G.) — One new gen. and six new spp. of Central American and Colombian Pseudophyllinae (Orthoptera) (72: 1-26, 2 pis., 1946) " .75 COLEOPTERA 1133. — Benesh (B.) — A systematic revision of the Holarctic gen. Platycerus Geoffrey (72: 139-202, 5 pis., 1946) 1.90 1129.— Dillon (L. S. & E. S.)— Review of the Onocephalini (Ceram- bicidae) (72: 27-48, 1 pi., 1946) .65 1131. — Green (J. W.) — A new sp. of Enochrus (Hydrophilidae) (72: 61-64, figs., 1946) .20 1130.— Robinson (M.)— Studies in the Scarabaeidae III (72: 49-59, 1946) 30 LEPIDOPTERA 1125. — Jones (F. M.) — Platoeceticus Packard, and a remarkable n. sp. of the genus (Psychidae) (71: 99-124, 4 pis., 1945) 75 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS FEBRUARY 1947 Vol. LVIII No. 2 ^- U.S. &ATL. M'~ CONTENTS Chermock — Notes on Enodias 29 Stallings and Turner — Texas Lepidoptera 36 Chamberlin — Millipeds from Alicronesia 41 Knowlton — A new Microsiphum 47 Obituary 49 Notes and News in Entomology Australian locusts 49 Entomological Literature .50 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER. PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3. PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January IS, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches . 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $1.00 $ 1.90 $ 2.75 $ 4.80 Five Issues 4.50 8.50 12.00 21.00 Ten Issues 8.00 15.00 21.00 36.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. 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See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.50; 50 copies, $2.50; 100 copies, $3.00. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.00; 50 copies, $4.00; 100 copies, $4.75. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.25; 50 copies, $6.25; 100 copies, $7.25. Covers: first 50, $2.75; additional at 2 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.00; additional at ll/2 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII FEBRUARY, 1947 No. 2 Notes on North American Enodias (Lepidoptera) By RALPH L. CHERMOCK, Ithaca, N. Y. The genus Enodia was erected by Hiibner in 1818 in his "Yer- zeichnis Bekannter Schmettlinge," page 61, in which he in- cluded three species: andromacha, dejeanira and hypcranthc. Scudder, in 1872 in the Fourth Annual Report of the Peabody Academy of Science, selected Enodia andromacha Hiibner as the genotype. Andromacha Hiibner, 1818 is a synonym of Papilio portlandia Fabricius, 1781. On page 56 of the above work, Hiibner proposed the generic name Lethe, citing only one species Papilio europa which becomes the genotype by monotypy. Scud- der, in 1875 in the Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., vol. II, p. 242, erected the genus Satyrodes with Papilio cnrydicc Linnaeus- Johanssen as the genotype. The various members of the above genera will vary with re- gard to the shape of the wings, the presence and character of androconial patches, shape of the hind wing, and in maculation. However, none of these characters are limited to any one genus, thereby being generically diagnostic. Careful venational studies have not revealed any differences of generic rank. In all three of the genotypes, the primaries are almost identical : the sub- costal is swollen at the base; the cell is half the length of the wing and broad ; Rt and R2 arise before the end of the cell and extend to the costal margin ; /?.,.- originates at the end of the cell with Rz intersecting the costal margin, Rt the apex, and R5 the outer margin ; the upper discocellular is short and straight, the middle is curved basally, the lower is straight, over twice as long as the middle and meeting M.s beyond its intersection with Cu^. The venations of the secondaries of the three genotypes are also identical except for the following characters: the cell is closed in <29) MAY 12 1947 30 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 curopa, open in eurydicc, and closed by a very thin vein in port- landia; the humeral vein in curopa is curved, in portlandia is short and angled, and in enrydice is very short and clubbed at the end. The rounded wing form of enrydice is also found in such species of Lethe as epinicnides and marginalis, which, how- ever, lack the distinctive form of valve of the former. In genitalic studies of the three genotypes, the basic struc- tures were identical. Euro pa is distinctive because it lacks the pair of socii at the base of the uncus. The valves of portlandia and europa are both long, narrowed distally, broader basally ; the valves of enrydice are proportionally shorter, broader, with a distinctive rounded appendage at the distal end. None of the differences observed were, in my opinion, of generic rank, al- though the absence of the socii in europa along with -the differ- ences in venation are probably deserving of subgeneric distinc- tion. The author proposes, therefore, that Lethe, which has page priority over Enodia, be retained as the generic name applying to the entire group ; and also as a subgeneric name to include curopa and its relatives. Enodia Hiibner may be used as a sub- generic name to include the North American representatives of the genus along with a large percentage of old world members such as titania, marginalis and kansa which agree with portlandia in genitalic and venational structure. Satyrodes Scudder is to be considered as a synonym of Enodia, having no characters of sufficient value to separate it from that genus. The generic names Orcas Hiibner, Tanaoptera Billberg, Dcbis Doubleday, and Zophoessa Doubleday are all synonymic to Lethe as is ad- dequately explained by Hemming, 1934. * Moore divided this group into numerous small genera. In 1880, in his Lepidoptera of Ceylon, vol. 1, p. 18, he erected the genus Hampha. In 1881, on page 305 of the Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. he proposed the genus Tansnna. In volume 2 of his "Lepidoptera Indica," he erected the following genera: Rangbia, N emit is, Dionana, SincJiula and Kerrata. All of these genera are based on superficial characters and can be considered only as synonyms. 1 The Generic Names of the Holarctic Butterflies, pp. 30-32, Oxford University Press. Iviii, '471 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 31 Austin H. Clark, in the Proc. of the U. S. Xat. Mus., vol. 83, No. 2983, 1936, summarized the genus Enodia in North America, and described two new subspecies. His limiting ,,f the name portlandia to the southeastern sub-species, with andro- inacha Hiibner and androcardia Hiibner as synonyms, is per- fectly valid and adequately detailed in his paper. His recogni- tion of creola as a distinct species also agrees with my findings, for the two species have an overlapping distribution in Virginia and North Carolina, with no apparent interbreeding; and differ in their flight behavior. The genitalia of portlandia have more blunt terminations to the valves than are found in creola al- though extremely similar in all other respects. The distinctive androconial patches found on the forewings of the male creola are also diagnostic for that species, though they may vary in their development. Doctor Clark also described two subspecies of portlandia in his paper, one from Sullivan County, New York which he called anthcdon, the other from Ontario which he named borealis. Both of these are distinguished from typical portlandia by the absence of white on the lower surfaces, the row of ocelli on the underside of the forewings being straight, and the ocelli on the underside of the secondaries having circular instead of elongate pupils. .His principal distinction between anthedon and bore- alls is based on the breadth of the dark band between the light line bordering the fourth and fifth spots and the submarginal light band below. In long series from Pennsylvania, New York, Illinois, Ontario, Manitoba and smaller series from Quebec. West Virginia, Ohio, Maine, Minnesota and Missouri, examples matching both of his subspecies are sufficiently abundant so that neither one is overwhelmingly the dominant form. Conse- quently, using page priority, the author selects the name anthcdon to apply to the northern subspecies. Although the name bore- alls could be used to designate a slight form, it is preferable to sink the name into synonymy. Linnaeus-Johanssen described Papilio eurydlee in 1763 in Amoenites Academicae, vol. 6, p. 406, this name preceding can- thus Linnaeus and others. In 1840, Gosse in the Canadian 32 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 Naturalist, p. 247, described transmontana from Compton, Que- bec. This name has been used to distinguish northern speci- mens of eurydice as a subspecies, but after studying long series from throughout the range of distribution of the species, no constant character can be found to distinguish the populations. The relative pale color usually used as a diagnostic feature of transmontana does not always occur in the more northern speci- mens, and occurs far too frequently in the more southern ex- amples. For this reason, I sink it into synonymy. F. H. Cher- mock, in 1927, described an aberration of this species from Port Hope, Ontario, characterized by the absence of spots on the up- per side of the primaries. Field, in 1936, described a "form" of this species from Bloomfield, Michigan, having a very pale color, almost albinic in character. Feeling that there is no need for names below the subspecific level which are used to designate the extremes of the normal range of variation of any given popu- lation, I sink these into synonymy. Leussler, in vol. 27, p. 99 of the ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for 1916, described a race of curydlcc from a small bog in Sarpy County, Nebraska, a few miles south of Omaha. It was charac- terized by its darker color, larger size and larger markings on the upperside of the wings. In all other respects it was the same as typical eurydice. Apparently, this insect was restricted to a very small area, and has since become extinct. In examining cotypes and topotypes of fumosus, the author finds that actually the specimens described occurred only as a form of the typical species in the type locality along with the normal form. The variation of Lethe eurydice is extremely interesting. They usually are restricted to swampy or boggy areas where their foodplant occurs, and because of their relatively weak flight habits, rarely leave these areas. Consequently, two bogs, which may be only a mile apart, will have little or no interchange of popula- tions of this species. This affords perfect conditions for micro- evolution, and frequently light forms may develop in one bog, while in a nearby swampy area, darker colored forms may pre- dominate. This variation may be duplicated in numerous local populations over a fairly large area, each of which has its own Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 33 distinctive characteristics. Essentially, however, they represent local isolations of a potentially variable species. As such, the author feels that these local isolated populations are deserving of no subspecific designation. Fumosus is an example of a re- stricted population of this type, and consequently the author feels that it should be considered as a synonym of eur \dice. On the other hand, if the local populations of an area covering thousands of square miles collectively possess diagnostic char- acters which separate them from relatives inhabiting an ad- jacent large geographical area, we have true subspecies de- veloped. In the zone where the ranges overlap, we may of course find an overlapping of the diagnostic features of both, or may find neighboring isolated populations of one or the other subspecies. However, considering the overall geographic dis- tribution, the author feels that it is valid to use the term sub- species to designate the inhabitants of these large areas. For this reason, he proposes subspecific rank for members of the species enrydicc inhabiting the southern Appalachians. Lethe (Enodia) eurydice appalachia, new subspecies Male. Length of primary (measured from the base of the wing to the apex) 23-27 mm., average length 25.5 mm.; longer than in eurydice eurydice. Genitalia cannot be distinguished from the typical form. Upper Surface : ground color of a darker brown than that of the typical form, with very slight contrast between the limbal and discal areas of the primaries ; the row of ocelli reduced in size and tend to be obscured by the general dark ground color of the primaries ; there is no contrast between the limbal and discal areas of the secondaries, and the ocelli are larger than in the typical subspecies. The color, maculation and length of wing are comparable to that of fuinosns Leussler. Lower surface : darker brown than in the typical form, homo- geneous, with a slight purplish cast and lacking the yellow which occurs so frequently in eurydice eurydice. Ocelli large, filling the intravenous space, white pupilled, ringed with yellow, then a ring of the ground color, and finally a ring of light grayish- white as in the typical form. The most diagnostic feature is the 34 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 structure of the dark brown band between the discal and limbal areas ; in typical eurydice this band is strongly serrate on the primaries, in Appalachia it is consistently straight, very slightly curved, and slightly irregular between Cu2 and A2 ; on the second- aries this band is smoothly sinuate, having none of the sharp pointed irregularities usually found in the typical subspecies. Female. Wing expanse 25 to 27 mm., average 25.5 mm. ; exhibits all of the characteristics of the male but has more contrast between the limbal and discal areas of the upper surface. Holotypc: male, Conestee Falls, near Brevard, NORTH CARO- LINA, June 28, 1941 (R. Chermock). Allotype: female, Co- nestee Falls, N. C., June 27, 1941 (R. Chermock). Paratypes: R. L. Chermock Collection : 4 males, Terra Alta, WEST VIR- GINIA, July 2-3, 1939 (R. Chermock) ; 4 males, Conestee Falls, N. C., June 27-28, 1941 (R. Chermock). F. H. Chermock Collection: 1 male, Terra Alta, W. Va., July 2, 1939 (R. Chermock) ; 4 males, Conestee Falls, N. C., June 26 to July 8, 1937 (W. Sweadner) ; 1 male, Batesville, SOUTH CAROLINA, (F. H. Chermock). Don B. Stallings Collection: 1 male, Conestee Falls, N. C., June 29, 1941 (R. Chermock). Ameri- can Museum of Natural History Collection : 1 male, Coosa- whatchie, S. C., July 26, 1938 (R. B. Dominick) ; 2 males, Monticello, FLORIDA, Oct. 4-8, 1914. U. S. National Museum Collection: 1 female labelled Washington, D. C., July 17, 1929 (figured on Plate 1, figures 3 and 4, Bulletin 157 of the U. S. National Museum, as being from Beltsville, Md.) ; 2 males, Washington, D. C., July 4, 1930 and July 29, 1929; 1 male, Beltsville, Maryland, July 15, 1928; 4 males and 1 female, Little Meadows, Giles Co., Virginia, July 25-26, 1940 (L. G. Carr) ; 1 female, Speedwell, Va., August 11, 1938 (A. H. Clark); 1 'female, Glen Carlyn, Va., August 12 (A. N. Cau- dell) ; 1 female, Vienna, Va., July 19, 1936 (A. H. Clark) ; 1 male, Burkes Garden, Va., July 19, 1936; 1 female. Longs Gap, Gray son Co., Va., August 11, 1938 (A. H. Clark). This new subspecies ranges from the mountains of West Virginia, south through the Appalachian Mountains into Flor- ida. Dr. Austin H. Clark, in correspondence, informs me that Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NK\YS 35 he has collected specimens of appalachia in the mountains of southwestern Virginia. In addition, he mentions it occurring in the coastal swamps of eastern Virginia and South Carolina. Apparently, appalachia is not found on the Piedmont, except in the vicinity of Washington, D. C. One of these specimens is figured by Dr. Clark on plate 1, figs. 3-4 of his "Butterflies of the District of Columbia" collected in Beltsville, Md., and is unquestionably referable to the new subspecies. In summarizing the above conclusions, the author presents the following checklist of the North American representatives of the genus Lethe: Genus Lethe Hiibner, 1818. Genotype: Papilio eitropa Fabri- cius, 1775. Subgenus Enodia Hiibner, 1818. Genotype: Enodia andro- inacha Hiibner, 1818 (= Papilio portlandia Fabricius, 1781). portlandia portlandia (Fabricius) synonym andromacha (Hiibner) synonym androcardia (Hiibner) portlandia anthedon (Clark) synonym borealis (Clark) creola (Skinner) eurydice eurydice ( Linnaeus- Johanssen) synonym cant hits (Linnaeus) synonym cantheus (Godart) synonym transinontana (Gosse) synonym boisduvalii (Harris) synonym as aberration boweri (F. H. Chermock) synonym as aberration rau'soni (Field) synonym as field form fuinosits (Leussler) eurydice appalachia R. L. Chermock I wish to thank Dr. C. D. Michener of the American Museum of Natural History; Mr. Don B. Stallings of Caldwell, Kansas; and Mr. F. H. Chermock of Butler, Pa., for the loan of material for study. I also wish to extend to Dr. Austin H. Clark of the U. S. National Museum and Dr. \V. T. M. Forbes of Cornell University my appreciation for their many helpful suggestions. 36 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 Texas Lepidoptera (With Description of a New Subspecies) By DON B. STALLINGS and J. R. TURNER, Caldwell, Kansas Since our first paper * on Texas Lepidoptera, H. A. Freeman has continued to make remarkable catches of butterflies around Pharr, Texas. In addition, we have done considerable collect- ing during the past year in Texas, up and down its southern border. Again we wish to thank Dr. Wm. P. Comstock of the Ameri- can Museum of Natural History for his valued assistance in checking determinations. Freeman agrees with us that the Rio Grande Valley area around Pharr is tropical in nature. Preliminary work on this problem by Robt. Whittaker confirms our position. The following list covers only the more interesting and un- usual catches : v/ Papilio lycophron pallets Gray. A single female of this sub- species was caught by Freeman with the assistance of Kent Wilson near Brownsville, Texas on August 20th, 1946. We have reason to believe that this subspecies is native to the United States, even though this is the first recorded specimen. While collecting this subspecies near Victoria, Mexico, we re- call that it was associated with Papilio cresphontcs Cram, and Papilio ornythion Bdv. The males of pallas, crcsphontes and ornythion look a good deal alike in flight and it is probable that males of this subspecies seen in flight in the U. S. have been mistaken for crcsphontes or ornythion. Melitaea cJiinaticnsis Tinkham. We collected a small series of this newly described species ** north of Terlingua, Texas, at an elevation of 3800 feet on Oct. 29th, 1945. Our speci- mens were flying with Melitaea dcfinita Aaron. On June 2nd, 1946, we caught a single specimen north of the Davis Mts., near Toyahvale, Texas, at an elevation of 3800 feet. This specimen was flying in association with Phyciodes picta Edw. * ENT. NEWS 46 (2) : 44-49. Feb., 1946. **CAN. ENT., vol. 76 (1-) : 11-18, Jan., 1944. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 37 Timetes chlron Fabr. We caught a single ragged specimen of this species near Del Rio, Texas, Oct. 25th, 1945. Heterochroa eulalia D. & H. We collected several specimens of this species in the Davis Mts. of Texas on May 28th, 1946. The females were laying eggs on the oak trees in the area. This is the latest name applicable to what has heretofore been called brcdozvi Gey. and sometimes has been referred to as Heterochroa bredozvi californica ** Butler. Asterocampa leilia codes Lintner. We have collected a series of this species around Del Rio and Laredo, Texas, and at Mon- terrey, Mexico. Freeman has collected a pair at Pharr. We do not agree with Barnes and McDunnough * in treating Texas specimens of leilia the same as Arizona leilia. In addition to the differences in ground color (Texas specimens are darker) mentioned by Barnes and McDunnough, we find a further dis- tinct difference between the two subspecies which instantly sep- arates them. On the lower surfaces of the secondaries of Ariz. leilia are 7 eye spots in the submarginal area. These eye spots are black, banded with yellow and pupilled with blue. On Texas specimens, we find the 7 eye spots in the submarginal area and in addition an eighth eye spot in the anal area, similar to the other 7 eye spots. Type locality of codes is six miles above Hildago, Texas, which is a few miles from Pharr, Texas. Leilia is a distinct species from Asterocampa celtis. Some con- fusion has resulted from the fact that Holland pictures A. celtis antonio and calls it leilia. Seitz evidently copied Holland's figure. Leilia is easily distinguished from celtis antonio, which it sometimes flies with, by two characters. On the upper por- tion of the upper surface of the primaries of antonio are two black bars the innermost of which is composed of two spots. In leilia, both bars are brown and are solid. In leilia, the eye spots on the undersurfaces of the forewing are pupilled with blue while in antonio they are pupilled with white. We find these characters constant, except that females of antonio some- times have the bars brown. * Contributions to the Natural History of the Lepidoptera of North America, Vol. II, No. 3, Page 99. 38 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb.. '47 Asterocampa clyton louisa new subspecies Freeman has collected a good series of this subspecies around Pharr. At first we treated these specimens as belonging to the subspecies subpallida B. & M. described from Arizona, although they did not conform too well to the pictures of the type of sub- pallida. Recently Lowell Hulbirt and Ralph Chermock loaned us their series of Arizona subpallida and it immediately became evident that the Pharr, Texas specimens were not subpallida nor did they belong" to the Texas subspecies texana Skinner. In addition to the specimens collected by Freeman, we have a single specimen from Victoria, Mexico that is like the Pharr specimens. We feel that these subtropical specimens merit subspecific status. This subspecies varies from the subspecies texana and subpallida by the apex of the upper surface of the primaries having a black ground color rather than the usual brown or purplish brown, the black being much heavier in the males. In this respect this sub- species resembles the species Asterocampa celtis B. & L. rather than clyton. The brown ground color of the remainder of the primaries and all of the secondaries is a dead yellow brown and riot the bright color of subpallida and texana. As a general re- sult the females of louisa have a washed out appearance. The light spots on the upper surfaces of the primaries of louisa are white (again like celtis) in contrast to the creamy coloring of texana and subpallida. On the undersurfaces the males of louisa resemble texana and the females resemble subpallida. This is not to be considered as an intergrade between subpallida and texana, due to the black apex of the forewings, above and the white of the spots on the forewings, above. Named in honor of Mr. Freeman's wife, Louise. Holotype: Male. Expanse 44 mm. Pharr, TEXAS, Oct. 22, 1945. Allotypc: Female. Expanse 62.5 mm. Pharr, TEXAS, Oct. 14, 1944. Paratypes: 13 males and 5 females. Collected by Freeman at Pharr, Texas: 9/29/44, 10/14/44, 3/10/45, 3/18/45, 3/21/45, 9/22/45 and 11/5/45 and 1 male collected at Victoria, MEXICO, Oct. 18th, 1940 by R. L. Turner. Types retained by the authors for the present. Paratypes divided between Freeman and the author's collection. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 39 Tliccla ccstri Reak. Freeman caught a single specimen at Pharr on March 25th, 1945. This species has not been re- corded previously from the U. S. Pictured by G. & S., Plate 58, Fig. 12-13 and by Seitz at Plate 1451. Tliccla yojoa Reak. (daraba Hew.). This hairstreak is also new to North American check lists. One male specimen caught by Freeman at Pharr, Texas on Dec. 12th, 1945. Seitz gives a fairly good figure on Plate 159k. See, also, "Diurnal Lepidop- tera" by Hewitson. Vol. 2, Plate 36, Fig. 89 and Plate 62, Fig. 424-425-426. Tliccla spitrina Hew. Freeman caught a female specimen of this new record at Pharr on Nov. 25th, 1945. Our small series of this species from Mexico shows considerable individual and seasonal variation. Seitz figures this species at Plate 152 h & i. Seitz lists the following names as synonyms : Stagira Hew., volana Hew., tiinaea Hew., lydia Ky. For further figures see Diurnal Lepidoptera by Hewitson, Vol. 2, Plate 51, Fig. 268-9; Plate 48, Fig. 225-6; Plate 43, Fig. 167. Plate 39, Fig. 120-1-2-3. Strymon clytie form hiem. macvia G. & S. The first winter form of clytie that we saw appeared so different from the sum- mer form that we first considered it a separate species. It was only after we had re-studied Strymon leda Edw. and its winter form incs Edw. that we realized that clytie also had a well-de- fined winter form. A study of the figure of maevia by G. & S. at Plate 58, Figs. 3 and 4, convinced us that this represented the winter form of clytie; hence we apply the name macvia. Many of the specimens caught by Freeman at Pharr, Tex. during Oct., Nov., Dec. and March are marked even more extremely than the figures of G. & S. Maevia generally may be distin- guished from clytie in the same manner that ines is distin- guished from Icda, i.e., more and darker blue above, darker ground color below with the markings more heavily defined. Strymon pastor B. & D. Considerable confusion has resulted with regard to this species, due to the fact that most authors (including Holland) have figured lonyuhi Hew. and called it pastor. Pastor belongs to the tailed ainvntor (Cramer) group 40 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 of hair-streaks. Freeman has collected a small series of what we now consider to be pastor at Brownsville during May and at Pharr during October. Our Mexican specimens of this group indicate that much work is needed in this group. This must wait until more specimens are available. Strymon simaethis sarita Skin. Further study of the Texas specimens of simaethis convinces us that the name sarita * Skin, should be applied to the Texas and North Mexican specimens. Sarita was described by Skinner from a single specimen caught in Comal County, Texas. Typical simaethis is found in the Antilles, type locality being St. Kitts, B. W. I. See Annals New York Academy of Sciences, Vol. XLV, Art. 2 (Lycaenidae of the Antilles) by Comstock and Huntington, page 73 and Plate 1, Fig. 6. The mainland race of Texas and Northern Mexico is dis- tinguished chiefly from typical simaethis on the undersurfaces. On the forewing the lower % erf the silver-white line bends in- ward on simaethis and on sarita the line bulges outward. On the secondaries the silver-white line of sarita is fairly straight across the wing until the V is formed at the bottom. In simae- this and the Jamaica subspecies jago C. & H. this line is very irregular. This line on the secondaries of sarita starts at the top of the wing at about the same place as the line does in jago, thus differing from typical simaetJiis in that respect. All of our Texas and Mexican specimens (with one exception) show the "swol- len" area in the middle of the silver-white line on the under- surfaces of the secondaries mentioned by Skinner. This "swel- ling" is the reason this line in sarita appears straight in constrast to the irregular line in simaethis and jago since the swelling fills in most of the angles. Strymon alcestis oslari Dyar. We collected a small series of this subspecies in the Davis Mts. of Texas at an elevation of 4800 feet on May 28th and 29th, 1946. Freeman had pre- viously caught a specimen in the same area in 1942. Oslari is distinguished from alcestis by the lighter ground color both above and below. We do not know of oslari being previously re- corded from Texas. * For Original Description see: ENT. NEWS 6 (4) : 112. April, 1895. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 41 Adopaeoides simplex Feld. A single specimen of this species was caught hy Don B. Stallings Jr. in the Davis Mts. of Texas (near Ft. Davis) on May 28th, 1946 at an elevation of 4700 feet. This genus and species are new to North American check lists. This species is well figured in G. & S., Plate 92, Figs. 30-33. Seitz gives rather poor figures on Plate 183d. This species re- sembles our Thymelicus lineola Ochs, which was imported from Europe during the last century. We are indebted to Mr. Free- man for the final determination. Pseudohasis chinaticnsis Tinkham. We collected a small se- ries of this species near Dryden, Texas on Oct. 26th, 1946. This colorful moth was flying in association with Megathymus marine B. &B. On Some Millipeds from Micronesia By RALPH V. CHAMBERLIN, University of Utah The new diplopods here described are represented by speci- mens collected on several islands of Micronesia by Dr. H. K. Towns in 1946 (May-Sept.). Also represented are the tropico- politan milliped OrthoniorpJia coarctata (Saussure) and the centiped Scolopendra subspinipes Leach. Types of the new forms are for the present retained by the author. SPIROBOLIDAE Genus TRUCOBOLUS, new A genus of the Spirobolidae in which the completely separated posterior gonopods show no sign of subdivision and are distally in the form of moderately narrow blades which are distally blunt. Anterior gonopods distally entire, not furcate. Sternite of anterior gonopods a well developed plate. Repugnatorial pores upon the prozonites, lying slightly in front of the posterior sulcus. Labral foveolae 2 + 2. In the male the coxae of the third and fourth legs with short processes, those of the fifth with long, forwardly-directed processes. 42 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 GENEROTYPE — Tnicobolus tozvnesi, new species Superficially distinguished from Spirobolus in having the supralabral foveolae 2 + 2 instead of 4 + 4, while in the' male it is very distinct in the form of both posterior and anterior gono- pods as well as in the coxal processes of the anterior legs. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1. Tnicobolus toivncsi, n. sp. Left posterior gonopod, caudal view. 2. The same, anterior gonopods, cephalic aspect. 3. The same, lower end of collum and of second tergite, viewed from right side. 4. The same, coxae and process of third to sixth pairs of legs of male, ventral aspect. 5. Apoxenus floricolcns, n. sp. Anterior end, dorsal view. 6. The same, posterior segments, dorsal view. 7. Polyconoccras lissior, n. sp. Sco- bina. 8. Triyonhilus titayalus, n. sp. Anterior gonopods. cephalic aspect. 9. The same, left posterior gonopod, caudal aspect. 10. The same, right posterior gonopod, distal aspect. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 43 Trucobolus townesi, new species In color strongly annulate, the metazonites varying from light yellowish brown to a deeper orange color, while the exposed portion of the prozonites is dark brown to black. 8 The supralabral foveolae 2 + 2, the two on each side widely separated, well impressed. Antennae comparatively short and stout, distally somewhat compressed, the cross-section of the 44 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 sixth article elliptical. Eyes large, convex behind but presenting a subrectangular angle adjacent to antennal socket. Ocelli in six subvertical curved series, e.g., 4, 6, 7, 9, 9, 10. Collum strongly narrowed down each side, the lower ends of the form shown in the figure. The lower anterior border up to level of the eye set off by a submarginal sulcus, no other sulci being evident. On the ordinary somites the sulcus is fine but distinct through- out, this excurved opposite the slightly removed pore. Surface smooth, with longitudinal striae evident only beneath. Last tergite rounded caudally, a little surpassed by the anal valves. Valves with mesal borders strongly compressed and elevated, the elevated border set off by a shallow depression or furrow. In the male the fourth legs and especially their claws are re- duced in size. The coxal processes of the fifth legs long, sub- cylindrical, abruptly bent forward at base and contiguous with each other, lying against the lower ends of the processes of the fourth legs and with their distal ends fitting against the posterior sides of the processes of the third legs (fig. 4). The anterior and posterior gonopods are of the forms repre- sented in figures 1, 2 and 3. Number of segments mostly 49-51. Diameter, 3.4 mm. Locality. — Micronesia : Turk Atoll at Fefan. Eighteen speci- mens representing both sexes were taken by Henry K. Townes on May 27, 1946. RHINOCRICIDAE Polyconoceras lissior, new species Exposed area of prozonites mostly dark brown, nearly choco- late colored but the sides especially yellowish or olive yellow an- teriorly and over covered portion ; metazonites dark reddish. Legs 'dark purple. Head smooth and shining. Median longitudinal sulcus in- terrupted at level of antennal sockets. Eyes about two and a half times their diameter apart ; ocelli in 8 longitudinal series, e.g., 3, 5, 5, 6, 7, 7, 6, 5. Clypeal foveolae 2 +2 . Sensory cones of antennae numerous. Collum narrowly margined with a fine sulcus about lower end and up to level of eye, otherwise smooth and shining. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 45 Ordinary tergites very smooth and shining, showing no im- pressed sulcus or furrow across dorsum or down the sides but a shallow furrow in its place below ; no longitudinal striae ex- cept beneath. Scobina small, entire area depressed but anterior portion deep, pit-like and of semicircular form, the striae of posterior portion very fine ; widely separated ; disappearing at about 29th segment. (See fig. 7.) Last tergite with a transverse depression or furrow setting off the triangular caudal portion ; exceeded by the mesally strongly compressed anal valves. Number of segments, 56. Length, 100 mm. ; width, 9.9 mm. Locality. — Micronesia: Palau group, Arakabesan. One fe- male taken by Townes July 18, 1946 in tree crotch in damp na- tive forest. "This specimen exuded a copious brown caustic liquid when disturbed. The liquid had a very caustic odor, something like HCN. On the skin it immediately made a brown stain which soon turned to a purplish brown." While the male is unknown, I believe this species can be rec- ognized from the peculiarities of the scobina and the absence of segmental sutural sulci and other sculpturing on the tergites. TRIGONIULIDAE Trigoniulus utagalus, new species Color dark brown to nearly black in front of posterior sulcus on each segment, the color behind this sulcus light brown or yellowish but the darker often spreading more or less over this lighter band above. Legs light brown, somtimes more or less ferruginous. Head light brown or yellowish except over vertex. Frons and clypeus crossed by the usual deep median sulcus. Clypeal foveolae 2 + 2. Eyes large, about once and a half their diameter apart. Collum extending below to about the same level as the second tergite. Segments a little constricted along the sharply defined prin- cipal sulcus, the constriction more marked on the sides and be- low than dorsally. Pore on the prozonite close to the sulcus which is but little curved at its level. Striae on prozonites 46 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 present to level of pore, those on metazonite not extending but part way up the side. Last tergite without cross furrow, rounded behind and ex- ceeded by the evenly inflated valves. The features of the gonopods, by which the species is best distinguished, are shown in figures 8, 9, and 10. Number of segments, 45. Diameter, up to 3 mm. Locality. — Palm Group: Woleai Atoll, Utagal. About a dozen specimens taken July 28, 1946, by Henry E. Townes, who writes that the milliped is abundant on the atoll. The types are female and partly immature specimens with the ex- ception of the holotype, which is an adult male. POLYXENIDAE Genus APOXENUS, new Agreeing in most features with Monographis, but differing in having the setae of the caudal segment in three pencils, the principal one composed of fine silky hairs part of which are hooked, while the two smaller ones are composed of long, much coarser, setae similar to those of the pleural and dorsal whorls of the other segments. In addition there is the usual series of shorter setae along the caudal margin of the tergite. GENEROTYPE— Apoxenus floricolens, new species. Apoxenus micronesius, new species Yellow above with a dark purple mark along caudal border of each segment each side of middle and down the sides, this band joined by a similarly colored mark at right angles to it on each side of tergite. The setae also more or less partaking of this color excepting their tips. Finer purple markings on the venter. Legs and antennae also tinged with purple. Body composed of head and eleven segments. Pairs of legs, 13. The setae of all segments of one type excepting for varia- tion in length and no true scales present (figs. 5, 6). In ad- dition to the whorls of setae on the nine pairs of pleural proc- esses, the setae at each side of each tergite are arranged in a group or whorl, the setae between these two dorsal whorls being shorter and more or less in transverse series. Last segment with a caudally directed single brush of long, Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 47 densely set setae and a pair of smaller brushes of setae arising on dorsal side and directed caudodorsad (fig. 6). The penes of the male are very thick, proportionately short conical bodies. Length (including caudal setae), 3 mm. Locality. — Micronesia: Ailinglapalap Atoll, Bigatyelang Is. Five specimens, including two adult males, taken Sept. 25, 1946, by H. E. Townes "between calyx and radicle of Bruguiera while still on tree." The five specimens were taken from one calyx. A New Macrosiphum from Chrysothamnus By GEORGE F. KNOWLTON, Utah State Agricultural College, Logan The following report deals with an apparently undescribed species of aphid of the genus Macrosiphum. In addition, distri- bution records are given for a few species of aphids collected from rabbitbrush. Macrosiphum aaroni n. sp. Alatc vivipara: Color black to blackish ; antennae and most of legs black or at least dusky ; head and antennal I paler than thoracic lobes and balance of antennae ; antennal tubercles mod- erately prominent ; ocular tubercles present ; body 2.63 mm. long ; antennae about 3.67 mm. long; antennal III, .85 to .89 mm. with 34 to 40 sensoria ; IV, .71 to .75, without sensoria; V, .65 to .68 ; VI, .15 plus 1.01 mm. long; rostrum slightly exceeds second coxae; rostral IV + V slenderly obtuse, .173 mm. long; wing venation normal, media of front wing twice branched ; blackish patches on lateral margins of abdomen ; prominent abdominal hairs have blackish area at base; cornicles black, largely cylin- drical, .71 mm. long with distal approximately .16 mm. reticu- lated ; cauda pale, .522 mm. long, very slightly constricted be- yond base, with 7 or 8 hairs on each side ; anal plate pale and broadly rounded. Collection: Taken on rabbitbrush, Chrysothamnus mutseosus at Honeyville, Utah, September 13, 1927 by G. F. Knowlton. Type in the collection of the writer. 48 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 Taxonomy: Macrosiphum aaroni n. sp. resembles Macrosi- phum kosacaudis (Knit.), from which it differs in darker gen- eral color, pale cauda, more rounded anal plate and black patches on sides of abdominal segments. RECORDS FROM RABBITBRUSH Capitophorus chlorophainus K.-S. on Chrysothamnus nauseo- sus var. lanceolatus, Beaver Canyon, Utah, July 29, 1945. C. elongatus Knit, on Chrysothamnus greeni at Leeds, Utah, August 1942 ; Antelope Valley, Nevada, July 1926 ; on C. parryi var. typicus at Delta, Utah, July 1945 ; on C. parryi, Wildcat Canyon, Utah, July 11, 1945. C. gregarius Knit, on Chrysothamnus nauseosus, 12 mi. north- west of Reno, Nevada, and Mono, California, July 23, 1944 (Knowlton) ; Y-Mt., east of Provo, Utah, July 12, 1945 (C. L. Hay ward). C. magnautensis K.-S. on Chrysothainniis viscidiflorus var. linijolius, Ft. Duchesne, Utah, July 14, 1927; Myton, Utah, August 15, 1942; on C. viscidiflorus at Sisters, Oregon, August 24, 1944. C. oestlmidi Knit, on Chrysothainniis viscidiflorus var. elegans, La Point, Utah, July 25, 1945 ; on C. nauseosus at Declo, Idaho, June 9, 1935 ; Winnemucca, Nevada, July 24, 1944 ; on C. greeni, Leeds, Utah, August 9, 1936; Ontario, Oregon, June 17, 1939; on C. nauseosus at Buchanan, Oregon, August 25, 1944; and Spokane, Washington, August 9, 1944. C. palmerae Knit, on Chrysothamnus nauseosus at Truckee, Mono and Boca, California, July 23, 1944; at 8, 12 and 13 miles northwest of Reno, Nevada, July 23, 1944, on C. nauseosus var. gnaphalodes. C. utensus P.-K. on Clirysotliainints viscidiflorus var. steno- phyllus, Trout Creek, Utah, August 6, 1945 ; on C. viscidiflorus at Ontario and Pleasant Valley, Oregon, June 17, 1939; C. vis- cidiflorus var. linifolius, Bryce Canyon, Utah, September 1939. C. xer.osoous K.-S. on Chrysothamnus greeni, Fillmore, Utah, July 9, 1942; on C. wyomingensis, Logan Canyon, Utah. Sep- tember 23, 1934 (T. O. Thatcher) ; C. nauseosus, Uinta, Utah, July 18, 1937. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 49 Obituary Mr. Samuel Francis Aaron, usually known to entomolo- gists as S. Frank Aaron, custodian of insects at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 1884-85. died at Pipersville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, on January 15, 1947. He was born at Mt. Holly, New Jersey, March 5, 1862, and is known for his published work on Psocidae, Chrysididae and popular articles on natural history in many journals. We hope to publish a more extended account of his life in a later number of the NEWS. Notes and News in Entomology Under this heading we present, from time to time, notes, news, and comments. Contributions from readers are earnestly solicited and will be acknowledged when used. Revision of Australian Locusts. — At the request of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research of the Common- wealth of Australia, Mr. James A. G. Rehn, Curator of Insects of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, is now engaged in preparing for publication by that body, a systematic analysis of the locusts (Acridoidea) of Australia and Tasmania. The extensive locust collections which have been assembled at Canberra, through the energy of Dr. K. H. L. Key, Senior Entomologist of the Council, are being sent in sections to Mr. Rehn for study, and the preparation of a revision of the Aus- tralian forms of these important insects is already well under way. Certain series of these insects belonging to a number of American institutions have also been made available for use in this connection. In order to make this study as fully compre- hensive and as basic as possible Mr. Rehn would appreciate the opportunity to study at this time any considerable series of Australian representatives of these insects which may exist in other collections, both institutional or private. Mr. I\ehn would be happy to hear from any entomologists who may be in a position to aid in this work by the loan of such relevant col- lections. 50 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 As the material which is being made available for examina- tion contains types and paratypes of many species described from Australia in the past half century, the opportunity for physical comparison of other representations with these is one seldom presented. Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY CHARLES HODGE IV, RAYMOND Q. BLISS, EDWIN T. MOUL, MAURICE E. PHILLIPS AND JOHN W. H. REHN AND HENRY K. TOWNES, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by (k); papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL— Beamer, Lucy— I'll tell you how. [43] 19: 127-29. Beaumont, B. F. — Fabre's "Souvenirs Ento- mologiques" with references to translations of this and other Fabre literature in English. [28] 83: 4-8. Chagnon, G.— Les insectes de la Niege. [55] 73: 436-37. Fennah, R. G. — On the formation of species and genera in the insect fauna of the Lesser Antillean Archipelago. [68] 21 : 73-80. Knowlton and Nye — Some insect food of the sage sparrow. [43] 19: 139. Lewis, H. L. — Priority and its limitation. [28] 83: 16-17. Peterson, A. — Laboratory tests showing the effect of DDT on several important parisitic insects. [58] 46: 323-26. Salmon, J. T.— Portable apparatus for the extraction from leaf mould of Collembola and other minute organisms. [Dominion Mus. Records in Ent., Wel- lington, N. Z.] 1: 13-18, ill. Shwanwitsch, B. N.— On the system of Pterygota insects. [22] 52: 185-88. Swezey, O. H.— Insects .of Guam II. [B. P. Bishop Mus. Bull.] 189: 1-237. Tulloch, G. S.— DDT— a new weapon in in- sect control. [18 j 41 : 162-63. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 51 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Beament, J. W. L. — Formation and structure of the chorion of the egg in an hemipteran, Rhoclnius prolixus. [74] 87: 393-439, ill. Emden, F. I. — Egg-bursters in some more families of polyphagous beetles and some general remarks on egg- bursters. [68] 21: 89-97. Emme, A. M.— Removal of embryonic diapause in Bombyx mori L. by applying sub- lethal thermal treatment. [22] 52: 645-48. Graziansky, V. I. — Non-hereditary variation in Drosophila melanogaster as influenced by density of larval population. [22] 52: 73- 76. Iljiskaya, M. I. — The mechanism of insecticidal action and the permeability of the cuticle of insects. [22] 51 : 557-60. Lombardini, G. — Contribute alia conoscenza della morfologia dei Demodicidae. [106] 28: 89-102, ill. 1942. Ludvigh, E. — Visibility of the deer fly in flight. [80] 105 : 176-77. Mer, Birnbaum and Aioub — The attraction of mosquitoes by human beings. [61] 38: 1-9. Pogossianz, H. E. — On the problem of the so-called tumours in Dro- sophila. [22] 52: 255-58. Power, M. E. — An experimental study of the neurogenetic relationship between optic and antennal sensory areas in the brain of Drosophila melano- gaster. [41] 103: 424-61, ill. Pryor, Russell and Todd- Protocatechnic acid, the substance responsible for the hard- ening of the cockroach ootheca. [Biochemical Jour.] 40: 627-28. Schmieder and Whiting — Reproductive economy in the chalcidoid wasp Melittobia. [Genetics] 32: 29-37. Scott, T. L.— Bee anatomy. [51] 6: 133-38, ill. Shirck, F. H. — Growth of the sugarbeet wire worm on different food plants. [37] 39: 648-51. Slizynski, B. M.— Produc- tion of structural changes in somatic chromosomes of Drosophila melanogaster. [53] 159: 66-67. Tirelli, M.— Egg and eye color in mutant silkworms. [42] 37: 377-83, ill. Webb, J. E. — Structure of the cuticle in Eomena- canthus stramineus (Mallophaga). [61] 38: 70-71, ill. White, M. J. D. — The cytology of the Cecidomyidae. III. The spermatogenesis of Taxomyia taxi. [44] 80: 1-24, ill. Zivin, M. O. — Effect of Acenaphthene upon non-disjunction of sex chromosomes in Drosophila melanogaster. [22] 52: 351-52; Influence of thymonucleic acid upon Drosophila melanogaster. [22] 52:263-64. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Baker, E. W.- Some Tydeidae (Acarina) from the fig tree (Ficus carica). [104] 4: 255-61 (*), ill. Chamberlin'and Ivie— Spiders of Alaska. [Bull. Univ. Utah Biol. Series] 10: 5-103 (*), ill. Jones, B. — Impregnating polyvinyl alcohol with picric acid 52 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 for the simultaneous staining and permanent mounting of Acarina. [68] 21 : 85-86. Keifer, H. H.— A review of N. A. economic Eriophyid mites. [37] 39: 563-70. Milne, A.- — Ecology of the sheep tick, Ixodes ricinus. Aspects of activity, seasonal and diurnal ; infestations of hill sheep. [61] 38: 27-50. Schubart, O. — -Cambalopsis nordquisti Attenis da Asia oriental, habitante do distrito federal do Brasil (Diplopoda). [Ill] 6: 395-406, (k), ill. Schubart, O. — Contribuicao ao conhecimento do genero Leptodesmus (Diplopoda). [7] 18: 165-209, ill. Scares, H. E. M.- Contribuicao ao estudo dos opilioes do estado do Rio de Janeiro (Gonyleptidae, Phalangodidae). [HI] 6: 385-90 (k*), ill. Turk, F. A.— Studies of acari. IV. Review of lung mites of snakes. [61] 38: 17-26 (k*), ill. Turk, F. A. —On two new false scorpions of the genera Tridencti- thonius and Microcreagris. [6] 13: 64-70. Vazquez, L. — Ixodes scuticrenatus, una especie nueva de Garrapata de Mexico (Ixodidae). [8] 17: 237-45, ill. SMALLER ORDERS— Bishopp, F. C.— How to control fleas. [U. S. D. A. Leaflet] 152: 1-4, ill. Busvire, J. R.- On the pigmentation of the body louse Pediculus humanus L. [68] 21: 98-103. Calvert, P. P.— A new species of Brazilian Libellulinae and its nearest allies. [16] 69: 1-4, ill. Clancy, D. W. — The insect parasites of the Chryso- pidae (Neuroptera). [91] 7: 403-96, ill. Hickin, N. E.- Larvae of the British Trichoptera. [88] 97: 187-212, ill. Ricker, W. E. — Some prairie stoneflies (Plecoptera). [87] 26: 3-8. Webb, J. E.— (See Anatomy.) Wright, M.- Notes on nymphs of the dragonfly genus Helocordulia Needham. [58] 46: 337-39 (k). ORTHOPTERA— Michelmore, A. P. C. — Habits and control of the red locust in outbreak areas and elsewhere. [19] 37: 331-79. Pryor, Russell and Todd— (See under Anatomy.) Roberts, H. R. — Melanoplus plebejus, includ- ing 2 new subspecies. [109] 188: 1-6, ill. HEMIPTERA— Beament, J. W. L.— (See under Anat- omy.) Beamer, R. H. — A new species of Stenocranus and notes on a Bakerella (Delphacinae). [43] 19: 137-38, ill.; Some new species of Delphacodes (Delphacinae). [43] 19: 139-44. Black and Oman — Parthenogenesis in a leaf hop- per, Agallia quadripunctata (Cicadellid). [65] 49: 19-20. Caldwell, J. S. — New Acanaloniidae from Mexico. [18] 41: 164-65. Callan, E. McC. — Cotton stainers (Dysdercus spp.) in the West Indies. [19] 37: 389-91. China, W. E. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 53 — New Cryptostemmalidae from British West Indies. [69] 15: 148-54. Doering and Shepherd — Some new species of the genus Mistharnophantia, Kirkaldy (Fulgorid). [43] 19: 111-27, ill. Egbert, A. M.— A " new corixid from Georgia. [43] 19: 133-35, ill. Hsiao, T-Y— The genus Eccritotarsus with descriptions of a new genus and two species (Mirid). [65] 49: 59-62; A new genus and species of Miridae from Guatemala. [65] 49: 63-65, ill. Hsiao and Sailer — The orchid bugs of the genus Tenthecoris Scott (Mirids). [48] 37: 64-72 (k*), ill. Jacob, F. H— An ac- count of a black aphid, Doralis fabae (Scop.) subsp. armata (Hausmann), found on Digitalis purpurea L. [19] 37: 431-37, ill. Knowlton, G. F. — A new Macrosiphum from Zion National Park. [18] 41: 158-61; Aphid field notes. [18] 41: 166-67. Metcalf, Z. P.— Center of origin theory. [38] 62: 149-76, ill. (Homoptera). Monte, O— Revisao do genero Leptocysta (Tingid). [Ill] 6: 325-31 (k*), ill. Osborn and Knull — Check list of Ohio leafhoppers (Cica- dellid). [58] 46: 329-36. Sailer, R. I.— Dysdercus bi- maculatus restored (Pyrrhocorid). [65] 49: 15-19. Ser- vadei, A. — Sulla presenza in Albania della Ceresa bubalus, F. e la sua diffusione in Europa. [106] 28: 1-10, ill. (1942). Wygodzinsky, P. — Sobre um novo genero e uma nova especie de microphysidae do Brasil (Cimicoidea). [Ill] 6: 333-40. ill. LEPIDOPTERA — Bell and Bell— Some records of a light-trap. [30] 273-75. Clarke, J. F. G.— Notes on Oecophoridae, with descriptions of new species. [48] 37 : 2-18, ill. Comstock, J. A. — A few pests of sunflower in California. [21] 141-44, ill.; Phlegethontius rustica Fabr. in California (Sphingid). [21] 145^7, ill. Emme, A. M. -(See under Anatomy.) McDunnough, J. — Notes on the Ericoides-Duplicis group of the genus Coleophora (Cole- ophovid). [23] 78: 147-53. ill. Satterthwait and Swain- The sunflower moth and some of its natural enemies. [37] 39: 575-80. Stallings and Turner — New American butter- flies. [23] 78: 134-37, ill. Tirelli, M.— (See under Anat- omy.) Travassos, L. — Contribuicao ao conhecimento dos Arctiidae. XI. Genero Utetheisa Hiibner. Yerificacao de U. pulchella, no nordeste do Brasil. [Ill] 6: 343-54, ill. Vazquez, L. — Descripcion de dos especies nuevas de anaea del grupo Excellens (Nymphalid). [8] 17: 231-35. ill. DIPTERA— Alexander, C. P.— Records and descriptions of Mexican crane-flies (Tipulids). [104] 4: 213-53 (*). ill. Barretto, M. P. — Uma nova especie de flebotomo do estado 54 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '47 cle Goias, Brasil, e chave para determinacao das especies afins (Psychodid). [Ill] 6: 427-34 (k), ill. Basden, E. B. -Breeding the housefly in the laboratory. [19] 37: 381- 87, ill. Bates, M. — The stratification of mosquitoes in cages. [26] 28: 80-81. Bequaert, J. — Cuterebra larvae in a domestic cat in Indiana. [18] 41: 154; Aedes aegypti, the yellow fever mosquito in Arizona. [18] 41: 157; Neorhynchocephalus volaticus in lower California (Nemes- trinid). [18] 41: 167. Buren, W. F. — Some observations on the larval habitat of Psorophora varipes. [52] 6: 120- 21. Chang, H. T. — Studies on the use of fluorescent dyes for marking Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say. [52] 6: 122- 25. Dodge, H. R. — Identification of Anopheles bradleyi larvae. [52] 6: 125-26. Frota Pessoa, O. — Bunostoma brasiliensis n. sp. (Drosophilid). [Summa Brasiliensis Biologiae] 1 : 175-78, ill. Geijskes, D. C. — Notes on the Neotropical Anophelinae in Moengo, Surinam. [52] 6: 113-18, 1946. Graziansky, V. I. — (See under Anatomy.) Grensted, L. W. — Diptera in the spathes of Arum macu- latum. [28] 83: 1-3. Hardy, D. Elmo — Nomenclature notes on the family Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae). [43] 19: 135-37. King and Hoogstraal — Two new species of Culex (Neoculex) from New Guinea. |65] 49: 65-69, ill. Lud- vigh, E. — (See under Anatomy.) Malogolowkin, C.— Sobre o genero Rhinoleucophenga com descricao de cinco especies novas (Prosophilid). [Ill] 6: 415-26 (k), ill. Mer, Birnbaum and Aioub — (See under Anatomy). Pagos- sianz, H. E. — (See under Anatomy.) Power, M. E. — (See under Anatomy.) Satchell, G. H. — Larvae of the British species of Psychoda. [61] 38: 51-69 (k), ill. Shaw, F. R. —Some observations on the genus Leptomorphus with a description of a new subspecies. [18] 41 : 155-57. Slizyn- ski, B. M. — (See under Anatomy.) Stage and McKinley— A preliminary list of mosquitoes occurring in the vicinity of Nome, Alaska. [52] 6: 131. Steyskal, G. C.— The genus Diacrita Gerstaecker (Otitidae). [18] 41: 149-54 (*), ill.; The mating behavior of Tachytrechus vorax, T. moechus, and Gymnopternus barbatulus (Dolichopodids). [18] 41: 168-69. Travis, B. V.— Three spp. of flies pre- daceous on mosquito larvae. [65] 49: 20-21. White, M. J. D. — (See under Anatomy.) Zivin, M. O. — (See under Anatomy.) COLEOPTERA — Arnett, R. H., Jr. — Coleoptera notes I: Silphidae. [23] 78: 131-34. Barber, H. S.— Correction of name of tortoise beetles (Chrysomelid). [18] 41: 161. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 55 Blake, D. H. — The spp. of Myochrous from the West In- dies. [65] 49: 22-28 (*). Buchanan, L. L.— A correction and two new races in Graphognathus (Curculionid). [48] 37: 19-22 (k), ill. Buchanan, L. L. — Hickory curculios of the genus conotrachelus. [65] 49: 41-54 (k*), ill. Clancy, D. W.— (See under Smaller Orders.) Dieke, G. H.— Lady- beetles of the genus Epilachua in Asia, Europe and Aus- tralia. [82] 106: 1-183 (*), ill. Emden, F. L— (See under Anatomy.) Guerin, J. — Descricao de uma nova especie de Clytridae do Brasil. [Ill] 6: 391-93, ill. Guerin, J.- Notas informativas e descricao de novas especies de Eroty- lidae. [Ill] 6: 365-72, ill. La Rivers, I.— An annotated list of Carabinae known to occur in Nevada. [21] 45 : 133- 40. Loffin, U. C. — Living with the boll weevil for fifty years. [Smith. Report, 1945] 273-92, ill. Pierce, W. D.- Fossil arthropods of California : Exploring the minute \vorld ,.of the Cal. asphalt deposits; Description of the dung beetles ^ (Scarabaeidae) of the tar pits; Description of a Sericine beetle from the tar pits. [21 ]/\J 13-32, ill. Rees, Bryant E. — Taxonomy of the larvae of some N. A. spp. of the genus Dermestes. [65] 49: 1-14 (k), ill. Sanderson, M. W. — A new genus of Nearctic Staphylinidae. [43] 19: 130-33 (k), ill. Sankey, J. H. P. — Humus as a possible food of wireworms (Agriotes spp.). [28] 83: 20-22. Shirck, F. H. — (See under Anatomy.) Zimmerman, E. C. —New Amblycnemus from the Philippines, Borneo, and Java (Carculionid). [Occasional papers Bishop Mus., Hawaii] 18: 194-98 (*), ill. HYMENOPTERA— Brown, N. R.— Studies on parasites of the spruce budworm, Archips fumiferana. 2. Life his- tory of Glypta fumiferanae (Ichneumonid). [23] 78: 138- 47," ill. Clancy, D. W.— (See under Smaller Orders.) Gahan, A. B. — Review of .some chalcidoid genera related to Cerocephala. [71] 349-76 (k*), ill. Hambleton, J. L- The indispensable honeybee. [Smith. Report, 1945] 293- 304, ill. O'Rourke, F. J. — Rate of progression in ants. [29] 59: 2-3. Pate, V. S. L.— New North American Belo- micrus (Sphecid). [65] 49: 54-58, ill. Schmieder and Whiting. — (See under Anatomy.) Scott, T. L. — (See un- der Anatomy.) Servadei, A. — Contributi alia conoscenza dell'entomofauna delle leguminose foraggere. Pteronidea myosotidis F. (Symphyta). [106] 27: 93-134. ill. (1941). Smith, M. R. — Ants of the genus Cryptocerus in the U. S. [65] 49: 29-40 (k). Whiting, P. W.— A strongly inter- sexual female in Habrobracon. [12| 91 : 243-46. ill. This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Lepidoptera — -Wanted, Hyloicus (Sphinx) and other Sphingidae in exchange for U. S. and Wisconsin Lepidoptera. Wm. E. Sicker, 119 Monona Ave., Madison 3, Wisconsin. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) and Ichneumonidae for exchange or purchase. Will collect any order in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., NW, Washington 11, D. C. Wanted — Oriental Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae for determi- nation and research purposes: China, India, Philippines, Pacific. Will purchase from China, Assam, Burma, Siam, Formosa. Will exchange identified Chinese insects. J. Linsley Gressitt, Lingnan University, Canton, China. Wanted — Papers on Cicindelidae of any part of the world, espe- cially South America and Pacific. R. G. Dahl, 3225 Grand Ave.. Apt. 13, Oakland 10, Cal. Chrysididae — -Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Coccinelidae — Wanted from other localities. Will buy or exchange for misc. So. Cal. coleops. F. W. Furry, 1633 Virginia Ave., Glen- dale 2, Cal. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. For Sale: U.S.A. Only CERAMBYCIDAE The world's largest special collection of Cerambycidae — over 100,000 specimens, more than 16,000 species, including 800 types, 2,000 paratypes, many rarities, unicas and special show pieces. Also included, an almost complete Special Library on Cerambycidae with over 6,000 volumes, 60 complete series of entomological periodicals and 1,500 separates on Cerambycidae. Enquire: Frederic F. Tippmann, Chief Engineer, 49 Fasan- gasse, Vienna, Austria. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1135. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — Synopsis of No. Amer. Ephydridae. III. The tribe Notiphilini of the subfam. Notiphilini (72: 227-240, 1946) $ .35 1136. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. I. The subfam. Psilopinae (72:241-264,1946) 60 1134. — Knight and Laffoon — The oriental spp. of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (72: 203-225, 3 pis., 1946) 70 THE BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF TRYPETID LARVAE By VENIA TARRIS PHILLIPS Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, No. 12, 161 pp., 16 pis., 1946 This is a comprehensive work describing and figuring the important characteristics of the larvae of forty five species of American fruit flies (Diptera). An indispensible work for economic en- tomologists. It includes a glossary of the terms used in the descriptions; a list of 442 species of the family, with their known hosts; a list of their host plants; and an extensive bibliography. The plates contain 192 exquisitely executed figures. Price $5.00 (postpaid, domestic delivery) U. S. Currency, remittance must accompany order. HYMENOPTERA 1132. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pbmpilidae) and their type spp. (72:65-137,1946) 1.80 ORTHOPTERA 1128. — Rehn (J. A. G.) — One new gen. and six new spp. of Central American and Colombian Pseudophyllinae (Orthoptera) (72: 1-26, 2 pis., 1946) 75 COLEOPTERA 1133. — Benesh (B.) — A systematic revision of the Holarctic gen. Platycerus Geoffroy (72: 139-202, 5 pis., 1946) 1.90 1129.— Dillon (L. S. & E. S.)— Review of the Onocephalini (Ceram- bicidae) (72: 27-48, 1 pi., 1946) 65 1131. — Green (J. W.) — A new sp. of Enochrus (Hydrophilidae) (72: 61-64, figs., 1946) 20 1130.— Robinson (M.)— Studies in the Scarabaeidae III (72: 49-59, 1946) 30 LEPIDOPTERA 1125.- — Jones (F. M.) — Platoeceticus Packard, and a remarkable n. sp. of the genus (Psychidae) (71 : 99-124, 4 pis., 1945) 75 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS MARCH 1947 Vol. LVIII No. 3 CONTENTS "" UATL. WtfS, Albert — Injury to eye by walking stick 57 Arnett — Epiperipatus braziliensis 59 Alexander — Western crane-flies, Part VII 61 Groskin — Nocturnal activities of ants 67 Steyskal — Notes on Lauxaniidae 72 Moeck — A new subspecies of Speyeria w 73 Notes and News in Entomology 76 Entomological Literature 78 Review — Insect Microbiology .83 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. JUN1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Indies One Issue $1.00 $ 1.90 $ 2.75 $ 4.80 Five Issues 4.50 8.50 12.00 ?' '^ Ten Issues 8.00 15.00 21.00 36.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1—4 pages, 25 copies, $2.50; 50 copies, $2.50; 100 copies, $3.00. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.00; 50 copies, $4.00; 100 copies, $4.75. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.25; 50 copies, $6.25; 100 copies, $7.25. Covers: first 50, $2.75; additional at 2 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.00; additional at l*/2 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII, PLATE 1. Anisomorpha ferruginea (Beauv.) c? and ? ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII MARCH, 1947 No. 3 Another Case of Injury to the Human Eye by the Walking Stick, Anisomorpha (Phasmidae) By RICHARD O. ALBERT, University of Texas, School of Medicine, Galveston, Texas On the evening of Sunday, 18 August, 1946, I was rambling around in the woods at the Galveston County Fair Grounds near League City, Texas. A small bayou was nearby, and the lowlands here had a grove of large trees, mostly oak, and a rather heavy undergrowth of vines, weeds, etc. \Yhen my two friends and I chanced upon the decaying stump of a tree lying in the undergrowth, curiosity dictated that I turn it over to see what was underneath. I noted a spider or two, and then my attention was attracted by a large grey-brown insect about three or four inches long sitting quietly on the under surface of the overturned stump. Closer observation revealed it to be not one insect but a pair in copulation. The female was large and fat compared to the male, who was only about two-thirds as long as she was, and much thinner. He was on her back, with the caudal end of his abdomen curled down on the right side of her abdomen, the tip fastened to her genital pore on the ventral side. When I touched the insects, the female started moving around rapidly, but the male seemed content just to sit and ride, only occasionally moving a leg or an antenna. After a moment the female stopped moving. On both insects I noted a tiny knob or protuberance on the dorsolateral surface of the prothorax, on the extreme anterior portion, but paid no particular attention to these structures at the time. I touched the insects again, and the female ran around for a moment and again stopped. >ittiiiL; quietly with the male on her back. (57) 58 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 I became more and .more aware of a strong odor in the air, not pleasant, but not extremly unpleasant. In my opinion, it more nearly resembled the odor of the musk glands of the com- mon garter snake than anything else I could think of. To make sure the odor was produced by the insects, I put my face down close to them to sniff. When it was still eight or ten inches away from the insects, however, I felt several tiny droplets of fluid strike me in the face, not all at once but in quick succession. I did not see the droplets at all, only felt them as they touched me. One or more struck me in the left eye, and in about four seconds I began to experience a severe burning sensation in that eye, with lacrimation. Blepharospasm became so pronounced that I could not keep the eye open. By great effort I could open it a little, but the muscle spasm was so severe that it closed the eyelids again almost immediately. These reactions continued for some twenty minutes and then the burning pain, lacrimation and blepharospasm began to de- crease in severity. The conjunctiva of the affected eye had become quite hyperemic by this time, but I could hold the eye open for short intervals now. I examined the insects again— not getting my face too close to them, however in an attempt to discover the source of ejection of the droplets. The only pos- sibility seemed to be the tiny projections before mentioned, so we looked at them closely and touched them with a twig. They appeared wet, and bubbled very slightly when we touched them. We saw no droplets fly out, but noted that a rather thick, tena- cious white material on them seemed to increase in amount at times, as though more were being secreted. When all this wTas wiped off, the protuberance appeared to have a tiny depression in the center, as though leading do\vn into a duct. These pro- tuberances were about alike in the male and female, except that they were larger and more prominent in the female. I con- cluded that they were the source of the toxic substance that had gotten into my eye. I carried the insects in a paper cup until I found an empty whiskey bottle beside the road, to which bottle they were then transferred, still in copulation. My eye felt much better and, Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 59 about forty minutes after first receiving the droplets in my eye, I reached some water and washed it out with plain water. By that time only a little burning sensation remained though hy- peremia was still marked. I did not notice any reaction from the few droplets that struck the face in places other than the eye. By the next morning the conjunctiva was only very slightly hyperemic. All symptoms had completely subsided. I took the insects to my good friend, Professor R. W. Strandt- mann of the University of Texas School of Medicine in Gal- veston. We kept them several days without knowing what to feed them. When bananas were tried, the female seemed to eat some, but the insects did not look too happy, even though they were still in coitus and had been ever since I had found them. After three days the male died and after four days the female died, still in copulation. The insects were subsequently identified by Dr. A. B. Gurney of the U. S. National Museum as Anisoinorplm ferniyincd (Beauv.). He added that this species is very similar to A. buprestoides (Stoll) and may eventually prove to be the same .as that species. The injury to the eye, though painful, was much less severe and of much shorter duration than the case reported by Stewart l who gave an account of a similar incident in which vision was impaired for about five days. Epiperipatus braziliensis (Bouvier) en Barro Colo- ado Island, Canal Zone By Ross H. ARNETT, JR., Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. The interesting note regarding the habitat of Pcripatns pub- lished by Prof. W. A. Hilton (1) brought to mind observations made by Mr. K. E. Frick and the author in late November 1944 on Barro Colorado Island, C. Z. 1 Stewart, M. A. Phasmid injury to the human eye. Can. Ent. 69: .84-86, 1937. 60 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 While in search of beetles in decaying logs, we encountered several specimens of Onychophora, determined as Epiperipatus brasiliensis (Bouvier) (2). Of the many logs broken open, only two or three contained Onychophora. These logs were very damp. They were located high on the island, far from the drainage streams. Here the specimens were close together working their way under the loose bark and in the runways of the Passaliis beetles. These specimens all readily emitted the characteristic white slimy, gummy secretion when disturbed. They were all brownish-maroon in color and varied from one inch to two inches in length. Neither this rotting-log habitat nor the stream bed habitat reported by Prof. Hilton is at all unique for these organisms These are the normal habitats usually reported for Onychophora. The apparent controversial report of the Barro Colorado habi- tats is easily explained by the difference in the date when the two separate observations were made. Prof. Hilton visited the island in March, or during the last part of the dry season. Mr. Frick and I made our observations in late November, or during the last part of the rainy season. It is therefore rather safe to assume that Epiperipatus spreads out and inhabits rotting logs during the rainy season when that situation would be damp enough for the needs of these thinly cutinized forms. During the dry season it would not seem unlikely that the only place they would be found would be under stones in stream beds where it would be dampest. Whether there is a migration or not is unknown. Likewise the method Epipcripatus utilizes for pass- ing through an unfavorable season of the year is unknown. REFERENCES (1) HILTON, W. A., Jour. Ent. and Zool., 38: 27, 1946. (2) CLARK, A. H., and ZETEK, J., Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., vol. 96, No. 3197, 1946, pp. 205-213. Iviii, '47 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 61 Undescribed Species of Crane-Flies from the West- ern United States and Canada (Dipt. : Tipulidae). Part VII By CHARLES P. ALEXANDER, Massachusetts State College, Amherst, Massachusetts The preceding part under this general title was published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 57: 173-179, 1946. In this paper I am characterizing three further new species from California, the types being preserved in my collection of these flies. Specific acknowledgments are made under the individual species. Tipula (Lunatipula) palmarum new species Size medium (wing, male, 14 mm.) ; mesonotum buffy gray, the praescutum with four entire pale brown stripes; a central dark stripe on vertex, scutum and scutellum ; femora and tibiae obscure yellow, the tips narrowly darkened; wings with a grayish tinge, restrictedly patterned with darker, including the pale brown stigma ; obliterative band at cord restricted ; male hypopygium with the basistyle extensive, thin and scooplike, entirely cut off from the sternite ; ninth tergite having the caudal margin with a V-shaped notch, heavily blackened and thick- ened; inner disti style with the outer basal lobe appearing as two strong slender ro'ds, the outer ones stouter, terminating in two spinous points ; eighth sternite at apex with a semicircular flap that bears two long brushes of roughened setae. J1. Length about 13 mm.; wing 14 mm.; antenna about 3.9 mm. Described from a dried specimen, including the hypopygial characters. Frontal prolongation of head buffy, with a con- spicuous dark brown lateral line, nearly as long as remainder of head; nasus elongate; palpi brownish black. Antennae (male) moderately long, as shown by the measurements; scape and pedicel yellow, flagellum black ; flagellar segments only mod- erately incised ; longest verticils subequal to the segments. Head buffy gray, the vertex with a capillary dark brown median vitta. 62 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 Pronotum buffy, with a narrow darkened central spot. Meso- notal praescutum buffy gray with four entire pale brown stripes, the intermediate pair separated by a more buffy ground line that is approximately as wide; humeral region of praescutum with an extensive paler brown area ; posterior sclerites of notum buffy, sparsely pruinose; scutal lobes each with two brown spots ; a narrow brown central stripe on scutum, extending caudad over most of the length of the scutellum ; mediotergite with this line scarcely indicated, the outer lateral portions pro- vided with conspicuous erect setae. Pleura testaceous yellow. Halteres with stem yellow, knob weakly darkened. Legs with the coxae and trochanters testaceous yellow ; femora and tibiae obscure yellow, the tips narrowly darkened ; tarsi passing into darker brown ; claws (male) with a weak tooth. Wings with a grayish tinge, the cord and veins beyond very narrowly and vaguely seamed with darker; prearcular field narrowly yellow; stigma pale brown ; obliterative areas restricted, extending from the outer end of cell R across the basal half of cell 1st M2 into the base of cell M3 ; no prestigmal or poststigmal brightenings ; veins brown, more brownish yellow in the prearcular and costal fields. Squamal setae few ; stigmal trichia lacking. Venation : Rs somewhat less than twice m—cii; Rl + * entire; petiole of cell M1 shorter than in ; M3 + 4 shorter than the basal section of M1 + 2. Abdominal tergites obscure yellow, with three broken brown stripes, the central one narrowly interrupted at the incisures ; sublateral stripes much more broken but conspicuous, each dark area preceded by a clearer yellow spot on the base of segment; sternites yellow, weakly more darkened medially ; hypopygium yellow. Male hypopygium with the basistyle entirely cut off from the ninth sternite by a suture, appearing as an extensive thin and scooplike plate, the dorsal portion with numerous long yellow setae; posterior margin above the suture with an addi- tional pencil of long setae. Ninth tergite entirely separate from the sternite ; viewed from above appearing slightly narrowed outwardly, the posterior border with a V-shaped notch, the margin heavily blackened and sclerotized, including the entire posterior margin of the tergal notch, this portion irregularly Iviii, '47 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 63 toothed. Ninth sternite with its appendage relatively extensive, flattened, with inconspicuous setae, the longest at apex. Outer dististyle a small pale clavate structure. Inner dististyle ap- pearing as a flattened-compressed blade, the beak jutting into the tergal notch ; margin of beak blackened ; lower beak lacking or very obtuse ; on face of style at base of beak with a further blackened lobule or protuberance; what is interpreted as being the outer basal lobe consists of two slender rods or arms, the outer slightly stronger and curved, more or less expanded at tip, both the upper and lower apical angles further produced into acute spinous points, the space between the points with white setae ; second arm lying more mesad at end of a flattened plate or flange, appearing as a more slender straight rod that is only a little shorter than the outer arm. Eighth sternite only slightly sheathing, the margin terminating in a semicircular flap that bears two long and dense brushes of roughened or crinkly setae. Habitat. — CALIFORNIA. Holotype: <$, Palm Canyon, Borego, San Diego Co., May 4, 1945 (A. L. Melander) ; Alexander Collection, through kindness of Dr. Melander. The present fly is very distinct in its hypopygial characters, especially the tergite, inner dististyle and eighth sternite. In its general appearance it somewhat suggests species such as Tifiula (Lnnatipula} borcgocnsis Alexander, but is entirely different in hypopygial structure from all such flies. TIPULA Linnaeus, subgenus HESPEROTIPULA new Characters chiefly as in Lunatlpnla Edwards, differing in important differences in the genitalia of both sexes. Wings of certain species, including the subgenotype, with sparse to more abundant macrotrichia in outer cells, particu- larly R-. Male hypopygium with the ninth sternite very large, contiguous across the dorsum or virtually so, the eighth tergite and ninth tergite correspondingly reduced, the former semi- circular in outline. Basistyle produced into elongate horns (except in cicrl^yi). Ovipositor with the cerci reduced to small 64 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Alar., '47 rounded or semicircular knobs, much shorter than the elongate hypovalvae, the latter pointed at tips. Type of stibgenus. — Tipula (Hesperotipuld) streptoccra Doane. Other included species: circulans new species (California); contortri.v Alexander (California) ; coronado Alexander (Ari- zona) ; derbyi Doane (California) ; jragmentata Dietz (Wash- ington. Oregon, California) ; linsdalel Alexander (California) ; niichcncri Alexander (California) ; miitlca Dietz (California) ; opisthocera Dietz (California) ; oi'alis Alexander (California) ; supplicata Alexander (California) ; trypetophora Dietz (British Columbia). Tipula monochrome. Dietz. 1919 (pleuracicula Alexander, 1915) and T. dcvla Dietz. 1919 (translucida Doane, 1901) do not belong to this subgenus. As restricted, it is eminently characteristic of the Vancouveran and California!! regions, par- ticularly the latter. Tipula (Hesperotipula) circularis new species. Allied to streptoccra; male hypopygium with the dorsal por- tion of ninth tergite produced into two circular blackened lobes or blades, their margins smooth, the space between the lobes transverse; spine of basistyle long and sinuous, strongly nar- rowed outwardly but scarcely twisted ; inner dististyle with the beak short and slender, blackened; outer basal lobe placed far basad, about on a level with the lower beak. J1. Length about 12-14 mm.; wing 13-14.5 mm.; antenna about 3.8-4 mm. 9- Length about 13 mm.; wing 15 mm. Frontal prolongation of head brown above, including nasus, paling to obscure yellow on sides ; palpi brown, the terminal segment brownish black. Antennae moderately long, as shown by the measurements ; basal three segments yellow, succeeding ones brown. Head above brownish black, the surface heavily pruinose. Thorax above almost uniformly shiny yellow or reddish yel- low, the praejscutal stripes poorly differentiated. Pleura some- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 65 what clearer yellow. Halteres with stem brownish yellow, the base restrictedly yellow, knob dark brown. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow ; femora yellow, the tips narrowly brown- ish black; tibiae and tarsi gradually more infuscated. the outer tarsal segments brownish black; claws (male) toothed. Wings with a weak brownish tinge, the vicinity of the veins beyond the cord paler; prearcular and costal fields more yellowed; stigma and a small spot at origin of Rs pale brown ; obliterative areas at cord and beyond stigma; veins pale brown. Rather numerous macrotrichia in outer half of cell R- ; stigmal trichia few. Venation: Rs about two and one-half times in-cn. Abdomen yellow to reddish yellow, the tergites more or less distinctly trivittate with brown, the median stripe becoming heavier and more evident on the outer segments; sublateral stripe more broken. Male hypopygium with the ninth tergite distinctive, the dorsal portion produced into two circular black- ened lobes or blades, their margins smooth, the space between the lobes t/ansverse. Basistyle with the spine long and sinuous, strongly narrowed but not twisted. Inner dististyle with the beak short and slender, blackened ; outer basal lobe placed more basad than in strcptocera, about on a level with the lower beak. Eighth sternite with the setae of the lateral lobes abundant and conspicuous ; those of the median lobe also unusually numerous, somewhat variable in number but usually totalling at least a score. Habitat. — CALIFORNIA. Holotypc: J1, Livermore. Alameda Co., May 1, 1939 (T. H. G. Aitken). Allotypc: ?. Fairfax, Marin Co., April 13, 1919 (E. P. Van Duzee) ; California Academy of Science. Paratopotype: 1 J1, pinned with type; paratypcs: J. Berkeley. May 4. 1919 (E. P. Van Duzee)"; <£, Sonoma Co., April 4. 1914 (Knoch.), received from Dietz, identified as strcptocera ; $. Alum Rock Park, Santa Clara Co., May 5, 1939 (T. H. G. Aitken). The most similar species is Tipnla (H?sperotipnla ) strcpto- cera Doane, which differs conspicuously in the structure of the male hypopygium, including the tergite, horn of the ba-^i-tyle, inner dististyle and eighth sternite. 66 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 Phyllolabis hirtiloba new species General coloration of head and thorax light gray ; wings with a very weak brownish tinge, the large oval stigma only a trifle darker than the ground; veins R3 and R± relatively short, slightly divergent, so cell R3 at margin is approximately one- third more extensive than cell R2; male hypopygium with the appendage of the ninth sternite broad, the caudal margin widely and shallowly emarginate, the lateral angles produced into small pale lobes ; apex of outer lobe of basistyle with a group of strong dark setae on mesal portion; outer dististyle a micro- scopic knob ; gonapophyses very slender. J1. Length about 7 mm. ; wing 7 mm. Rostrum dark brown, pruinose ; palpi black. Antennae black throughout, scape pruinose ; flagellar segments passing through oval to long-oval. Head light gray. Thorax almost uniformly light gray, the praescutum without evident pattern. Halteres whitened. Legs with the coxae brown, gray pruinose ; trochanters yellow ; femora and tibiae obscure yellowish brown to pale brown, the tips somewhat more darkened ; tarsi brownish black. Wings with a very weak brownish tinge, the large oval stigma only a trifle darker than the ground ; prearcular field a little more brightened ; veins brown, more yellowed at wing-base. Venation : Sc relatively short, SC-L ending a short distance beyond the fork of Rs, Sc» exactly opposite this point; veins Rz and R4 relatively short and markedly divergent so cell Rs at margin is approximately one-third more extensive than cell R.2 ; vein R3 only a little more than one-half R-2 + 3 + 4', m-cu shortly beyond the fork of M3 + 4 on Mt. Abdomen dark brown. Male hypopygium with the appen- dage of ninth sternite wide, the caudal margin very broadly and shallowly emarginate, the small lateral lobes pale. Basistyle projecting beyond the point of insertion of the dististyles as a stout lobe, the apex a trifle widened, obliquely truncated; on mesal edge at and back from tip with numerous strong dark- colored setae; lower lobe of basistyle a strong clavate structure that is provided with scattered relatively short setae. Outer dististyle a microscopic knob ; inner style large but still smaller Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 67 f than the lower lobe of the basistyle, virtually glabrous, at apex narrowed into a lobe. Gonapophyses very slender, nearly straight. Habitat. — CALIFORNIA. Holotype: <$, Yosemite National Park, near Mirror Lake, altitude 4000 feet, June 6, 1939 ( \. Downes). Phyllolabis hirtiloba is perhaps most similar to species such as P. claviger Osten Sacken and P. meridionalis Alexander, differing from all described forms in every detail of structure of the male hypopygium, particularly the appendage of the ninth sternite, apical lobe of basistyle, and both dististyles. Nocturnal Activities and Notes of the Ant Lasius (Acanthomyops) Interjectus Mayr By HORACE GROSKIN At my place in Ardmore, Montgomery County, Pennsyl- vania, there are three colonies of Lasius intcrjectits, which I had under observation from June 12th to August 20th, 1946. Many daylight observations were made during the period, as well as twenty-six night observations with flashlight at various hours from 10 P.M. to midnight, at temperatures ranging from 54 °- 82° F. Colony No. 1 is a small colony with a mound nest located in short grass in clay soil, mostly shaded by a canopy of trees. Colony No. 2 is also a small colony with a crater nest located about 15 feet from colony No. 1, in clay soil, underneath a large Japanese maple without direct sun exposure. Colony No. 3 is a large colony containing an estimated 1,500 to 2,000 ants, including workers and sexual forms, located in the soil adjacent to a cinder-block garage wall facing eastward. The nest of Colony No. 1 was observed on twenty-two nights ; on nineteen of these nights, the workers were excavating soil, and on the three nights, the workers were inactive. The nest of Colony No. 2 was observed on twenty nights, the workers being active carrying soil on fourteen nights and inactive on six nights. 68 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 The nest of Colony No. 3 was observed in daylight and at night from June 12th to July 29th, and while there was consid- erable activity on many days, these ants appeared on the surface of the ground on one night only. The activity of the workers of Colony No. 1 and No. 2 con- sisted of bringing out soil while enlarging their galleries, and at no time, day or night, were they observed to forage, probably for the reason that this is a subterranean ant that feeds almost entirely on the excrement of root coccids and aphids which it attends inside of the nest. Neither Colony No. 1 nor No. 2 was observed to swarm or to have a nuptial flight during the entire period of observation, possibly for the reason that they were young colonies and sexual forms had not yet been produced. By referring to Table 1, it will be noted that when the ants were active at night, they were also active on many days during the daylight. For example, on July 9th, the workers of Colony No. 1 were carrying soil at 10 A.M., 5 P.M. and 8:30 P.M., and also at 12 midnight. The following morning, July 10th, at 10 A.M., the workers wrere still bringing out soil, and they con- tinued to do so at 4 P.M. and again that night at 10 :05 P.M. When observed the next morning, July llth, at 10 A.M., the workers were still active, and at 10:30 P.M. that same night, they were as busy as ever. On the following morning, July 12th, at 10 A.M., the ants were again observed bringing out soil, and their activity was again noted at 4:30 P.M., and once more that night at 10:30 P.M. Altogether, these ants appeared to be active continuously for four days and four nights for the period from July 9th to July 12th. This same condition pre- vailed for the period from July 15th to July 18th, when there was continuous activity during day and night. The number of workers participating in the work varied during the day and night. Uusually there were many more workers carrying soil at night than during daylight. Often at night there were twenty to thirty workers busily engaged, while in daylight the number rarely exceeded a dozen. Low temperatures did not appear to affect the ants' activities. On July 15th at 11 P.M., the temperature was 54° F., and on July 16th at 11 P.M., the temperature was 55° F., yet on both Iviii, '47 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 69 of these nights the ants were very energetically carrying on their work and their numbers were at the maximum. When the night observations were made, the flashlight was often held within an inch of the workers, but the ants were not disturbed by the sudden light and continued their activities, moving along in a file, carrying soil. It would be of interest to know whether the workers that were active at night were the same individuals that were observed working during the day, or whether they work in relays and have rest periods. This could be determined only by marking the individual ants, and it is my intention to do this next year, if I am able to find a method that will not disturb the ants' normal behavior. Colony No. 3, a large and well-established colony, was observed from June 12th to August 20th, 1946. Altogether twenty-nine observations were made during daylight, and at night from 10 P.M. to midnight, at temperatures ranging at night from 54° to 82° F. As already stated, this colony ap- peared on the surface on one night only, July 24th, at 10:15 P.M., temperature 80° F., at which time about 300 winged forms and workers were noted swarming in the short grass close to the nest entrances. From June 12th to July 29th, the ants of the colony swarmed on eighteen late afternoons, between 6 and 8:30 P.M., E.D.T., and made five nuptial flights between 6 and 7 :30 P.M., E.D.T., at temperatures ranging from 72° to 78° F. These marriage flights occurred on June 12th-13th-15th-23rd-24th. This colony was also under observation in 1945, when it made four nuptial flights between the hours 7:30 — 8:05 P.M., E.D.T., temperatures ranging 66° to 84° F. These nuptial flights occurred on June 8th-12th-14th-20th. It is interesting to note that the marriage flights of this colony were made on al- most the same dates in both years. It may also be of interest to note that a closely related species, Lasiits (Acanth.) clavigcr Roger, which belongs to the same sub- genus as L. inter jcctus, swarms and has its nuptial flights at an entirely different time of the year than L. inter jectns, at least it does so at Ardmore, Pennsylvania. 70 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 w J 5 § „• PH ^ § P-1 *g !>• 2 s§ PH' PH' T2 Cu PH o oo * C1 ^5 ^^ *~~ 0 • — *-H |^^ • • QJ 4) CO . . OO I> . .— ^J ^> •j^J LO -M Q., <^ .C 00 o •M 41 OT 3 PH' PH" (X do' « ^ o rt CJ 4) rt ^> .2 ^ •H— 1 PH L * i_ 4— > ^^ C" o OJ • l-H ^> ^? ^ *• 4—* CJ ^^J rt »-C-i ,„_, K* "*~* T ^^ ^4 . * ; cj oo ^5 E .Sf •a a 00 4— ' rt * PH' < s S rt — PH PH rt c rt "U — S c Cj _j o ^5 rt 2 . oj j*^ LO o p-i LO PH' '- LO »_; " g 1| o 41 -1 rt 4-J _M ^ 45 10 ~ §"^ 2 . * 0) PH O _> •* o oo c s ">, rt rt C *"0 -e 5 P.M. inactive inactive 6:30 P.1V ! 1 j_ -> -2 3 en 5.1 P^ O 00 . .S? c rt ^r4 O ^^ T3 c rt ^ oo' bo r . rt ' [.,0 .En ~ •" r -^ cu s p^ M P^ OH ^ rt a en 0 ~C 1-1 3 41 4) .2 .2 O .2 "oj J • 4) < < ^ O O O -H ,-H £ O d) . s"-g PH' -a CN 4) 41 .2 O )§ rt : cu 0 J2 ~ IH cu > PH O OfJ t^1* QJ CU.2 '1 % — • • OJ o P-i 4) 00 ^^ "•3 *4J -M > ^ ^> "^ ^ 4— ' ^ > > > ^ 4-* 4-* )_' ^ j_ CJ CJ ° 'B • — • — c • -H U — ' • — * • I-H | J^j '•5 ° CJ O („) « £H O rt rt C C HH HH •'-' -*-1 oi cj cj ^2 <, +H u cj < < £ D 4) H ffi rt rt C c h-H I-H II '3 w 4) 41 LI M 4) .2 41 4) 4) 41 4) 4) .2 4) 4) 41 41 4) . H CU 41 4) CU 4) 4) 41 .2 O ^ 2 2 222 o .2 > > > > -j j 2 2 2 > 2 2 "* >) u w a! -M CJ rt rt cj .2 rt O CJ rt rt CJ O U rt rt rt .2 ^ O CJ rt rt CJ O rt rt .1 3 rt CJ CJ rt rt CJ CJ rt rt CJ CJ rt rt U U, 4) 4) CU 4) C u cu cu cu 4) 4) o cu CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ C J CJ CJ CJ CJ O CJ CJ a 00 O CN 00 O CO vO •** LO Tj< O o oo r^ OO l-~ G 0 t^- oo \Q t— f— r- r- r- LO LO vo t^* 00 o LO \O \o vO vO u H 4-" S !§> § S § S S § s 2 H *— t ^ ~>- S S § f~! 1— ^ k-H ^ PH *"* PH PH PH PH PH 5 ~ p J p J £ H PH PH PH t— 1 — *5 PH p PH PH' PH' ^ '2 VO O O O co co O LO CO "^f PH PH LO O C T— 1 CO C* 5 LO 5 T-H LO o PH PH Pk i2 O O O O CN O O 0 -H O -H ,-H o o c 5 O 0 0 O — < 0 CD 0 o O *-i CN CO Tj< LO o t^ 00 O LO vO 00 ON O -H V **O ^^ VO t*** ON ^ -~^ -v^ -\ ^^ \ -\ \ \ ^ c^ c**-] CN CN \ ~\ 4-1 a) t>« !>• t^- J>- t^» t^» t''" -t*** r- r— t^- !>• f- t>- (^ - l>» t— t-^ t-^- t^» t^- t^- Q •Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 71 a s " s 3 S a CJ rt cu u o C c o +j •M 3 rt • o > ^H * IH ^^ ^> 43 _§ OH 0^ ^ O C>4 4-> OJ o OH 4-> tn c; 'M •JH CO O ^ ^ e^. 3 • b/. -3 c CJ 5 5 § °° OH 3 ^ 4-J rt •" CU CU CU > '° 0 -M .S? ^ "^ S J2 rt «' •a P-1 o o 10 U t— be be be 42 -C be bo if >1 be >, c rt •— "O O £/) •— • — — ^3 - •M ' *NLV0.. C . > rt ^ •- — rt ^—* 'CJ — -3 "^ "^ "3 T3 .=< w U c u c rt S CJ >> > rt C bO S C J ^ ^ • ** tn < O £ OH >^ t* be be bo be c c 8^ 3 •n 2 -a rt c 3 — 3 O o o ^H i-H 0 *£ -^ •^—1 t^* ™ CO CO -O -o -5 3 3 "C ~ £ d> O ,_j > •E > tn cu CU cu cu > > cu cu — — -^ cu cu cu CU CU CU CJ rt C t f rt rt LO c "u u O rt > C o rt CJ O rt rt C C O 0 rt rt c c CJ O OJ c3 rt *•*-« c c J3 ' 'o W cu cu cu cu cu cu bo cu cu a> cu cu cu .^ cu cu cu .^ cu cu cu cu .£: .> .> > A) .S .ti .*; .£ — « •* u .- > > •Jj > > .- .- CJ CJ CJ « > IH nj CJ rt O CJ rt rt CJ CJ rt rt o rt c « CJ CJ rt rt c u u .3 rt rt 0 U 2 rt rt .- rt rt 3 C 11 U u i_ u u U i. u u u u u u CU 1 CJ CJ O CJ CJ U CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ O CJ O O CJ CJ o o ta Q o \^ ^-ft o O Tf LO •* O I CO t-. SO ^ OO ,^ vO o o S *"• t"** •("•" *^ '- LO LO so i^ 1 O LO sO SO O SO J- ^o ^o H 4j S S s s ^ S S s s s ^ ^ s Q "be OH OH OH OH OH — — OH P-i CM OH OH S S § OH OH — — w C T3 LO c o co O O ro CO 3 CH O-i i/O o O LO O ~ — — LO LO LO . i £ 0 0 o *-> O ^H ^H 0 O O C 0 0 — O c; c O -H o -T o — CN ro — IO O t- OD O "-, 0 CC O O f_) f_J V \ -^ — -^^ -^^ -^^ -^ -^ "~-» \. \ \ \ \ \ \ O^ ,— c a t— t— t^- t^ t^ t^ t^1* t""^ j>» t^» j— r^- t-- t^ t^ f- t^ 00 00 00 Q 72 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 I have five large colonies of L. clavigcr on my place, which I have had under observation for the past five years, and at no time during this period have I ever observed any swarming or nuptial flight before the latter part of September, and from that time on, according to my notes, throughout October and No- vember, and I have one record of swarming and nuptial flight as late as December 3rd, 1943, at 4:20 P.M., E.W.T., temp. 52° F. This perhaps would indicate that some of the sexual forms of L. inter jectus remain in the nest during the winter, and have their nuptial flight the following spring, while the sexual forms of L. clavigcr are born and raised during the same year and are not ready to leave the nest until autumn or late in the year. Distributional Notes on Lauxaniidae Mostly from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Diptera) By GEORGE C. STEYSKAL, Detroit, Michigan The writer and Robert R. Dreisbach spent a week, beginning June 10, 1946, in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park collecting insects and enjoying the park and Dr. Arthur Stupka's hospitality. The following eight species of Lauxaniidae were se- cured. While the list is but fragmentary, it contains several in- teresting distributional records and for that reason is considered worth presenting. The localities cited are all in the Tennessee part of the park, except Andrews Bald, which is in North Caro- lina. Previous locality records known to the writer both from the literature and from material he has examined are given in parentheses after the Smoky Mountains data. Hoinoncura jraterna Lw. Chimneys Camp, June 11 (Out., Que., Man., entire New England, N. Y., N. J., Pa., Va., Md., Mich., Ill, Calif., Wash.). H. hoiiyhi Coq. Park Headquarters, June 10 and 15; also Cumberland Co., Tenn., June 10 (Que. ; Mt. Desert, Me. ; Mass. ; Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 73 R. I.; Conn.; N. Y. ; N. J. ; Va. ; Md. ; Raleigh, N. C. ; Isle Royale and Cheboygan Co., Mich.; Sylvan Lake, S. D.). Lauxania cylindricornis Fahr. Andrews Bald, June 16 (Alaska and throughout Canada; New England; N. Y. ; N. J. ; Pa. ; Md. ; Ga. ; Ft. Myers, Fla. ; Mich. ; Wis. ; Minn. ; S. D. ; N.M.). Lau.vaniclla o/warLw. Cades Cove, June 13; Headquarters, June 13 (N. J. ; Murfreesboro, N. C. ; Fla.). L. trivittata Lw. Headquarters, June 10 (Md. ; D. C. ; Term. ; Ga. ; Ala. ; Fla.) . Minettia lupnlina Fabr. Chimneys Camp, June 11 ; Cherokee Orchard, June 14; Andrews Bald, June 16 (South to mountains of N. C. ; Carter Co., Tenn. ; Kans. ; Colo.). M. uiagna Coq. Chimneys Camp, June 11 ; Elkmont, June 15 (D. C. ; N. J. ; Md. ; Raleigh, N. C. ; Battle Creek, Mich.). Xenochaetina muscaria Lw. Cades Cove, June 13 (N. J. ; Md. ; Raleigh, Rockingham, and Yonahlossee Road, N. C. ; Ala. ; Oxford, Miss.; La.; Fla.; Cuba; Mexico; So. Amer.). A New Subspecies of Speyeria atlantis (Edwards) from New Mexico (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) By A. H. MOECK,* Milwaukee, Wisconsin Speyeria atlantis dorothea, new subspecies Above, both sexes are fiery ruddy, similar in size and wing- shape to atlantis nausicaa (Edwards) (1874, p. 104), the latter being a subspecies described from Arizona. In dorothea the basal suffusion usually is somewhat heavier and the black pat- tern markings bolder, thus dorothea is in these respects darker than the usual run of nausicaa. Below, dorotlica in both sexes differs from nausicaa in color, especially in the disk or basal two-thirds of the secondaries. In nausicaa the discal area is sordid reddish-brown which upon * Assistance furnished by L. P. Grey, of Lincoln, Maim-, i- gratefully acknowledged. 74 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 close examination is seen to be flecked extensively or entirely overlaid with delicate hoary lavender. In dorothea the disk lacks this lavender entirely or nearly so, while the ground color is richer, ranging from shades of deep mahogany-red to brick- red. The spots below are brilliantly silvered, as in nausicaa, the submarginal band also being similar in color and extent ; however, both stand out more contrastingly in dorothea because of the darker, more uniformly colored background. SPEYERIA ATLANTIS DOROTHEA, new subspecies 1. Holotype c? 2. Holotype <£ under surface 3. Allotype $ 4. Allotype ?, under surface • Genitalically, the species atlantis (Edwards) (1863, p. 54) appears to be indistinguishable from the various species placed by dos Passos and Grey (1945, pp. 1-29, figs. 1-54) in their "callippe group." In a later elaboration an effort will be made to clarify the interrelationships of the southwestern subspecies of atlantis, and to indicate that dorothea represents an impor- tant link in these relationships, with iiikias beyond Santa Fe to the north and east, and nausicaa to the westward in Arizona. Iviii, '47J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 75 In wing expanse a series of fifty pairs of dorothca averaged 68 mm. in the males, 76 mm. in the females, the variation in size ranging from smallest male 62 mm. to largest female 82 mm. By way of comparison a like series of nansicaa measured 60 to 72 mm. in males, and 68 to 86 mm. in females, averaging the same size as dorothca except that females of nansicaa run a trifle larger. The subspecies atlantis nikias (Ehrmann) . (1917, p. 55) is smaller, averaging in a series of ten pairs of topotypes, 62 mm. in males, and 66 mm. in females. The holo- type of dorothea expands 68 mm. (All measurements were taken from tip of primary wing to center of thorax, doubled.) Type Material: A long series of dorotJica was collected by the author on Sandia Peak (Sandia Peak is in extreme south- eastern Sandoval County bordering upon Bernalillo County, some fifteen miles northeast of and overlooking Albuquerque), Sandia Mountains, NEW MEXICO, July 13 to 15, 1946, at ele- vations ranging from six to over ten thousand feet. The speci- mens were taken from the very peak to two-thirds of the way down the mountain, along the winding road which leaves High- way 44 and runs thence to the tip in a general southwesterly direction. The holotypc male and allotypc female were taken, in copula, July 15, at about 7,000 feet elevation. They have been deposited in The American Museum of Natural History, New York City. Of the type catch mentioned above, 100 males and 100 females are designated paratypcs which are in the author's collection ; a number of them will be distributed to various museums and individuals. REFERENCES CITED DOS PASSOS, C. F., and L. P. GREY. 1945. A genitalic survey of Argyn- ninae (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae). Amer. Mus. Xovitates, No. 1296, pp. 1-29, figs. 1-54. EDWARDS, W. H. 1863. Descriptions of certain species of diurnal Lepi- doptera found within the limits of the United States and British America. No. 2. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, vol. 14, pp. 54-58. — . 1874. Description of new species of diurnal Lepidoptera found in North America. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., vol. 5, pp. 103-111. EHRMANN, G. A. 1917. Some new North American butterflies. Lepi- dopterist, vol. 1, pp. 54-56. 76 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 Notes and News in Entomology Under this heading we present, from time to time, notes, news, and comments. Contributions from readers are earnestly solicited and will be acknowledged when used. The Rockefeller Foundation, A Review for 1946. From this annual review the following passages have been selected as of interest to entomologists. They deal with the mosquito cam- paign in Italy and with the yellow fever work. A large factor in the reduction of malaria in Italy since 1887 has been the great amount of intelligent land reclamation. Work in the Tiber delta was begun between 1885 and 1890, but it was not until after World War I that extensive agricultural drain- age was undertaken. . . . But World War II again brought a setback in the struggle against malaria, due to the systematic destruction by the German Army of the great land-reclamation projects. ... In the whole of Italy the incidence of malaria in 1944 was five or six times as great as before the war. In- deed, in Littoria Province, south of Rome, malaria rates were 55 times their normal figure. At the invitation of the Army, the Foundation undertook the study of the use of DDT against Anopliclcs labranchiae, a house infesting malaria vector. Armed with knapsack sprayers, teams of workers systematically covered a 120-square-mile area, spray- ing the walls and ceilings of every room in every building, from large apartment houses to rabbit hutches. Marshy areas were sprayed by Army planes with tanks of DDT or Paris green mounted in the bomb-bays. Weekly inspections for larvae and adults were made for al- most a full year to determine the effectiveness of the measures taken. According to one member of the Health Commission : "The total catch of adults for the 120-square-mile area by our inspectors for the season probably does not equal the number formerly found in one day in one good-sized pigsty." Three times before in the history of the Roman Campagna since pre-Roman times the abandonment of hydraulic works due Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 11 to war brought on a widespread plague of malaria. Each time, two centuries were needed to bring the area back to a normal state of health. The fourth time that war devastated this area, it took one thorough application of DDT to reduce the danger of malaria infection almost to zero. As regards yellow fever, the Review reports increased ac- tivity at the laboratories at Lagos, Nigeria and at Entebbe, in the Uganda. An epidemic in Nigeria, centering at Ogbomoshi, the first major outbreak in 15 years, was the classic type of urban yellow fever caused by an old enemy, Aedes acgvpti. The jungle type of yellow fever is more easily studied in East Africa, where it occurs unmixed with the urban variety and where aegypti does not complicate the picture. Jungle yellow fever is caught only by human beings who enter the forest or who live on its outskirts. In this eastern section of the broad African belt the disease is apparently maintained by arboreal mosquitoes and animals until it is transmitted to man. There is much supporting evidence for the theory that mon- keys, whose population in this region is estimated at 400 per square mile, keep yellow fever alive, aided perhaps by a mos- quito. The mosquito strongly suspected is the Aedes ajricanus, which breeds in tree holes and at night bites the monkeys which sleep in the trees. This still does not bring yellow fever to the ground where men can catch it. There are, however, certain arboreal monkeys which enter home gardens to steal bananas and thus bring themselves within the range of both men and another mosquito, Aedes sunpsoni. Contaminated originally by the africaiuis mosquito, the monkey may in turn contaminate the siinpsoni mosquito, which in its turn relays yellow fever to the human victim. Much of this comes under the head of enlightened conjectun . but yellow fever research in the African laboratories is proceed- ing vigorously, and the mysterious activities of African mos- quitoes are beginning to be a little less puzzling than they were formerly. 78 • ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL, RAYMOND Q. BLISS, CHARLES HODGE IV, MAURICE E. PHILLIPS, JOHN W. H. REHN AND HENRY K. TOWNES, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by (k) ; papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. New Titles of Periodicals and Serials Referred to 101. Mitteilungen der schweitzerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft, Bern- 102. Revue de Entomologie. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. GENERAL — Bondar, G. — Bavineos em monocotiledo- neas da familia das Bromeliaceas um novo genero e 18 especies novas. [102] 17: 313-38 (k). Hinton, H. E.— A new classification of insect pupae. [72] 116: 282-328, ilL Kantmann, B. P. — Spontaneous mutation rate in Drosoph- ila. [3] 81 : 77-80. Ligondes, J. de — La preparation des petits insectes. [110] 3 : 30-32. Mayr, E.— The naturalist in Leidy's time and today. [62] 98: 271-76. Tempere, G. -L'instinct botanique des insectes phytophages. [HO] 2 : 219-24. Wade and Caffrey— Rufus Hiram Pettit. (Obit- uary.) [65] 49: 87. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Dobzhan- sky, T. — Effectiveness of intraspecific and interspecific mat- ings in Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. [3] 81: 66-71. Hafliger, E. — Beitrag zur Biologic und Be- kampfung der Azaleenmotte Gracilaria azaleella Brants. [101] 20: 141-60, ill. Morrison, W.— The chordotonal or- gans of insects. [100] 25: 50-52, ill. Rohm, P. B.— Study of evolutionary chromosome changes in Sciara (D'iptera), chromosome C in the salivary gland cells of S. ocellaris and S. reynoldsi. [3] 81 : 5-29, ill". ^Webb, J. E.— Spiracle struc- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 79 ture as a guide to the phylogenetic relationships of the Anoplura (biting and sucking lice), with notes on the affini- ties of the mammalian hosts. [72] 116: 49-119, ill. Zalo- kar, M. — Anatomic du thorax de Drosophila melanogaster. [Revue Suisse de Zoologie] 54: 17-53. ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Bryant, E. B.- The genotype of Mimetus Hentz. [73] 53: 48. Denis, J. — Araignees rares. [110] 3: 1-9, ill. Gibson, W. W. — An ecological study of the spiders of a river-terrace forest in western Tennessee. [58] 47: 38-44. Kohls, G. M.— Notes on the tick, Ixodes howelli, with descriptions. [46] 33 : 57-61, ill. Mello-Leitao, C. de — Ararias nuevas de mendoza, la Rioja y Cordoba colectadas por el Prof. M. Biraben. [Revista del Museo de la Plata] 3: 101-21, ill. (*) ; Aranas de la Provincia de Buenos Aires. Ibid. 311-93, ill. (*). Radford, C. D.— New species of larval mites (Trombiculi- dae) from Manipur State, India. [72] 116: 247-65, ill. Strandtmann and Eads — A new species of mite, Ichoronys- sus dentipes (Liponyssinae), from the cotton rat. [46] 33: 51-56, ill. SMALLER ORDERS— Brues, C. T.— Dragonflies as predatory enemies of the stable-fly (Stomoxys calcitrans). [73] 53:' 50-51. Burks, B. D.— New Hept'agenine May- flies. [5] 39: 607-15. ill. Christiansen, K. A.— A new rec- ord of Oxyagrion (Zygoptera). [73] 53: 89. Eads, R. B. —A new species of flea from the field mouse, Baiomvs tav- lori. [5] 39: 545-48, ill. Geijskes, D. C.— Observations on the Odonata of Tobago, B. W. I. [88] 97: 213-35 (k). Gisin, H. — Sur la nomenclature de quelques genres impor- tants de Collemboles. [101] 20: 135-36. Hopkins, G. H. E. — Notes on mallophagan nomenclature I. [30] 80: 14-19. Kennedy, C. H. — Epigomphus subquadrices, a new dragonfly (Gomphidae) from Panama, with notes on E. quadrices and Eugomphus n. subgen. [5] 39: 662-66. ill. Randolph and Eads — An ectoparasitic survey of mammals from Lavaca County, Texas. [5] 39: 597-601. Rapp, W. F., Jr. — The generic and subgeneric names of Japygidae, with their genotypes. [5] 39: 704-5. Sommerman, K. M. —A revision of the genus Lachesilla north of Mexico (Corrodentia: Caeciliidae). [5] 39: 627-61, ill. (k*). Traver, J. R. — Notes on Neotropical Mayflies. Part I. Family Baetidae, subfamily Leptophlebiinae. [102] 17: 418-36, ill. (*). Webb, J. E.— (See under Anatomy). 80 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 ORTHOPTERA — Ebner, R. — Einige seltenere palaark- tische Tettigoniidae und Gryllidae. [112] 22: 17-30, ill. (*). Liebermann, J. — Sobre una coleccion de Acridios Paraguayos de la mision cientifica Brasilefia, 1940-1944. [102] 17: 452-56. Rehn, J. A. G.— On the Punctulatus species-group of the genus Melanoplus (Acrid., Cyrta- canth.) with the description of a new sp. from Kansas. [62] 98: 241-69, ill. (k). HEMIPTERA — Belong and Hershberger — Some new species of Idiocerus (Cicaclellid) from the upper Mississippi Valley. [58] 47 : 45-48, ill. Esselbaugh, C. O.— A study oi the eggs of the Pentatomidae. [5] 39: 667-91, ill. (k) Hsiao, T.-Y. — The genus Eccritotarsus Stal. with descrip- tions of a n. gen. and two n. sp. (Mirid.) [65] 49: 59-62; A n. gen. and sp. of Miridae from Guatemala. Ibid. 63-65. Jeannel, R. — Les Henicocephalides. Monographic d'un groupe d'Hemipteres hematophages. [107] 110: 273-368, ill. (k*), 1942. Knowlton, G. F. — A new maple aphid from Utah and some aphid records. [43] 20: 24-26. Knowlton and Roberts — Artenisaphis artenisicola (Williams). [43] 20: 26-27 (*). Melis, A. — Contribute alia conoscenza dell' Aspidiotus perniciosus. [106] 29: 1-170, ill. Penner, L. R. — Some notes on the genus Pentagramma and four n. sp. [43] 20: 30-39, ill. (k). Wygodzinsky, P.— Contribution towards the knowledge of the genus Malacopus, with the description of two new species (Reduviidae). [102] 17: 457-67, ill. (*k) ; Sobre um novo genero de Harpactorinae do Brasil, com notas sobre os generos Harpactor Laporte e Erbessus Stal. Ibid. 401-17, ill. (k*). LEPIDOPTERA— Capps, H. W.— Description of the larva of Keiferia peniculo Heinrich, with a key to the larvae of related species attacking eggplant, pepper, potato and tomato in the United States (Gelechiid). [5] 39: 561-63, ill. (k). Hafliger, E. — (See under Anatomy.) McGuffin, W. C. — Larvae of some Canadian Geometrids. [23] 78: 160-62 (k). Nabokov, V. — Southern Pierids in New Eng- land. [73] 53: 42. Oiticica Filho, J. — Nova especie do genero Paradaemonia e notas sobre as especies arms (Ar- senurinae). [Summa Brasiliensis Biologiae] 1: 143-54, ill. Silva e Heinrich — Stenoma decora (Stenomatidae), uma nova praga potencial do cacaneiro na Baia, Brasil. [102] 17: 361-74, ill. Sylven, E. — Systematic studies of the Swedish species of Pyralinae, Nymphalinae and Pyraus- tinae. [10] 38A : No. 13: 1-37, ill. (k). Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 81 DIPTERA — Alexander, C. P. — New nearctic craneflies (Tipulidae). Part XXVII. [23] 78: 155-59; Notes on the tropical species of Tipulidae, genus Teucholabis. [102] 17: 375-400 (*). Bequaert and Renjifo-Salcedo— Tabani- dae of Colombia. [73] 53: 52-88 (k*). Blanchard, E. E. -Los Dipteros muscoideos del Museo de la Plata, Tachi- nidae. [Revista del Museo de la Plata] 3: 123-61, ill. (*). Bohart, G. E.— The phorid flies of Guam. [71] 96: 397- 416 (k*). Bouvier, G. — Malformations chez les Tabanides. [101] 19: 692-94, ill. Brooks, A. R.— A revision of the N. A. spp. of Leschenaultia sens. lat. (Larvaevor.). [23] 78: 169-82 (k*). Brues, C. T.— (See under Smaller Or- ders.) Callan, E. McC. — A note on Sarcophaga lambens, a parasite of the South American bollworm, Sacadodes pyralis. [102] 17: 474-75. Cresson, E. T., Jr.— Synopses of N. Amer. Ephydridae. III. Tribe Notiphilini of Sub- family Notiphilinae. [83] 72: 227-40 (k*) ; A systematic annotated arrangement of the genera and species of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. Subfamily Psilopinae. Ibid. 241- 64 (k*). Dobzhansky, T. — (See under Anatomy.) Fair- child, G. B. — Additional notes on the Tabanidae of Panama. [5] 39: 564-75, ill. (*). Forbes and Horsfall— Biology of a pest mosquito common in New Guinea. [5] 39: 602-06. Hardy and McGuire — The Nearctic Ptiolina. [43] 20: 1- 15, ill. k*). Horsfall and Porter — Biologies of two ma- larial mosquitoes in New Guinea. [5] 39: 549-60, ill. King and Hoogstraal — New species of New Guinea Urano- taenia of the Tibialis group (Culicid). [5] 39: 585-96, ill. (k). Knight and Laffoon — The oriental species of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (Culicid). [83] 72: 203-25, ill. (k*). Lane, J. — New Brazilian Mycetophilidae (Nemo- cera). [102] 17: 339-60 (*). Lopes, H. De Souza— Con- tribuicao ao conhecimento das especies do genero Oxysar- codexia (Sarcophagidae). [Boletim da escola Nacional de Veterinaria, Rio de Janeiro] 1 : 62-134, ill. (k*). Melander, A. L. — Some fossil Diptera from Florissant, Colorado. [73] 53: 43-48, ill. (*). Penn, G. H.— The larval develop- ment and ecology of Aedes (Stegomyia) Scutellaris (Walker) in New Guinea. [46] 33 : 43-50, "ill. Pratt, H. D. -The genus Uranotaenia Lynch Arribalzaga in Puerto Rico. [5] 39: 576-84, ill. (k). Pratt, H. D.— Shannono- myina, new name for Shannonomyia Dvar (not Alexander) (Psychodid). [65] 49: 86. Reinhard/H. J.— New genera and species of muscoid Diptera. [43] 20: 15-24. Rock- 82 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '47 wood ; Zimmerman and Chamberlin — The wheat stem mag- gots of the genus Meromyza in the Pacific Northwest. [90] 928: 1-18 (k). Rohm^ P. B.— (See under Anatomy.) Vargas, L. — Corethrella laneana n. sp. (Culicidae), pro- ceclente de Monterrey, N. L. [78] 7: 63-67, ill. (k) ; Macropelopia roblesi (Tendipedidae) n. sp. Neotropical procedente de Chiapas, Mexico. Ibid. 79-84, ill. Zalokar, M. — (See under Anatomy.) COLEOPTERA — Alfaro, A. — Medios quimicos para ex- terminar el escarabajo de la patata. [Iberica, Barcelona] 3 : 41-44, ill. Bradley, J. C. — Contributions to our knowl- edge of the Mylabridae, sen Bruchidae, with especial ref- erence to the fauna of northeastern America. [73] 53: 33- 42 (k*). Buchanan, L. L. — Hickory Curculios of the'genus Conotrachelus. [65] 49: 41-54 (k*). Frost, C. A.— Poly- drusus sericeus Schall. [73] 53: 51. Hustache, A. — Nou- velle contribution a L'Etude des Ceuthorrhynchininae (Curculionid). [102] 17: 444-51 (*). Lanchester, H. P. —Larval determination of six economic species of Limonius (Elaterid). [5] 39: 619-26, ill. (k). Sanderson, M. W.- The N. A. sp. of Stilicolina Casey (Staph.). [43] 20: 27- 30 (k*). Servadei, A.- — Contributi alia conoscenza dell'- entomofauna delle leguminose foraggere. Phytonomus nigrirostris F. [106] 30: 129-79, ill. Villiers, A.— Revision des Languriicles de 1'Ancien monde. [L'Abeille, Paris] 37: 1-320, ill. (k*), 1945. HYMENOPTERA— Berry, P. L.— Oviposition habits and early stages of a Eucharia (Kapula sp.). [65] 49: .77-80. Cole, A. C., Jr. — A description of Formica parci- pappa, a new ant from Idaho. [5] 39: 616-18. Moure, J. — Contribuicao para o conhecimento dos Meliponinae (Apoidea). [102] 17: 437-13 (*). Pate, V. S. L.— New N. A. Belomicrus (Sphecid). [65] 49: 54-58. Schuster, R. M. — A revision of the sphaerophthalmine Mutillidae of Amer. n. of Mexico. [5] 39: 692-703, ill. (k*). Smith, M. R. — Ants of the genus Apsychomyrmex (Formicidae). [102] 17: 468-73 (k). Starcke, A.— Mededeeling over Cephalotes atratus (Formicidae). [Entomologische Be- richten] 11: 263 (S). Strandtmann, R. W.— A" review of the N. A. spp. of Philanthus, north of Mexico (Sphecid). [The Ohio State Univ. Press.] Timberlake, P. H. — N. sp. of Perdita from the Southern States (Apoidea). [65] 49: 81-84 (k). Wishart, G. — Observations on the emergence of Macrocentrus gifuensis (Braconid). [23] 78: 162-68. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Review INSECT MICROBIOLOGY an account of the microbes associated with insects and ticks with special reference to the biologic rela- tionships involved. By Edward A. Steinhans. Comstock Pub- lishing Company, Inc., Ithaca, New York. 1946. x + 763 pp. Price: $7.75. In this important book the information concerning various associations and interrelations between microbes (bacteria, rick- ettsiae, yeasts, fungi, viruses, spirochaetes and protozoa) and insects and ticks has been brought together for the first time. The need for such a work has long been felt by those interested in various aspects of entomology and other biologists. The volume has attempted to summarize under the various cate- gories the results of much widely scattered information and the many discoveries of the author. Although such a work is defi- nitely needed one can not help but think that a more useful work would have been achieved if such broad coverage had not been attempted. The presentation of material is by type and location of the microbe, with their classification explained. However, this leaves one interested in a particular group of insects without a concise picture. The hosts are listed but as their position in the insect classification is not well indicated one must check to ascertain the group represented. The portions on extracellular and specific bacteria associated with insects is based mainly on the author's previous catalogue. In the section on intracellular bacteriumlike and rickettesia- like symbionts the discussion of the morphology of insect sex organs, mycetome and embryology seem out of place. How- ever, this is followed by an interesting discussion on the nature, origin, transmission and cultivation of the symbiont forms. Selected examples of these are then discussed under an arrange- ment according to host. The chapter on Rickettsiae is certainly the most interesting and instructive of the book. The author's knowledge of this field is such that it is regretted that it was not further ex- panded, even at the expense of some of the other sections. Finally there is an interesting chapter on the little under- stood subject of immunity in insects. This is followed by a general discussion of methods and procedures which should be of use to those interested in work along these lines. The extensive bibliography in itself makes the volume of considerable value and while not attempting completeness can easily be used as a starting point for gathering supplementary information. I. \V. IT. RF.IIX EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when -necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Lepidoptera — -Wanted, Hyloicus (Sphinx) and other Sphingidae in exchange for U. S. and Wisconsin Lepidoptera. Wm. E. Sicker, 119 Monona Ave., Madison 3, Wisconsin. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) and Ichneumonidae for exchange or purchase. Will collect any order in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., NW, Washington 11, D. C. Wanted — Oriental Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae for determi- nation and research purposes: China, India, Philippines, Pacific. Will purchase from China, Assam, Burma, Siam, Formosa. Will exchange identified Chinese insects. J. Linsley Gressitt, Lingnan University, Canton, China. Wanted — Papers on Cicindelidae of any part of the world, espe- cially South America and Pacific. R. G. Dahl, 3225 Grand Ave.. Apt. 13, Oakland 10, Cal. Chrysididae — -Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Coccinelidae — Wanted from other localities. Will buy or exchange for misc. So. Cal. coleops. F. W. Furry, 1633 Virginia Ave., Glen- dale 2, Cal. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted. No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1135. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — Synopsis of No. Anier. Ephydridae. III. The tribe Notiphilini of the subfam. Notiphilini (72: 227-240, 1946) $ .35 1136. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. I. The subfam. Psilopinae (72:241-264,1946) 60 1134. — Knight and Laffoon — The oriental spp. of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (72: 203-225, 3 pis., 1946) 70 THE BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF TRYPETID LARVAE By VENIA TARRIS PHILLIPS Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, No. 12, 161 pp., 16 pis., 1946 This is a comprehensive work describing and figuring the important characteristics of the larvae of forty five species of American fruit flies (Diptera). An indispensible work for economic en- tomologists. It includes a glossary of the terms used in the descriptions; a list of 442 species of the family, with their known hosts; a list of their host plants; and an extensive bibliography. The plates contain 192 exquisitely executed figures. Price $5.00 (postpaid, domestic delivery) U. S. Currency, remittance must accompany order. HYMENOPTERA 1132. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompilidae) and their type spp. (72: 65-137, 1946) 1.80 ORTHOPTERA 1128. — Rehn (J. A. G.) — One new gen. and six new spp. of Central American and Colombian Pseudophyllinae (Orthoptera) (72: 1-26, 2 pis., 1946) COLEOPTERA 1133. — Benesh (B.) — A systematic revision of the Holarctic gen. Platycerus Geoffrey (72: 139-202, 5 pis., 1946) 1.90' 1129. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — Review of the Onocephalini (Ceram- bicidae) (72: 27-48, 1 pi., 1946) 65 1131. — Green (J. W.) — A new sp. of Enochrus (Hydrophilidae) (72: 61-64, figs., 1946) ' 20 1130.— Robinson (M.)— Studies in the Scarabaeidae III (72: 49-59, 1946) 30 LEPIDOPTERA 1125. — Jones (F. M.) — Platoeceticus Packard, and a remarkable n. sp. of the genus (Psychidae) (71: 99-124, 4 pis., 1945) 75 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS APRIL 1947 Vol. LVIII DIV. i::. U.S. k:ATL. T No. 4 CONTENTS Burks — New species of Tetrastichus Knull — Two new Elateridae Berner — Larval habitat of Ficalbia and Aedomyia Pate — Gorytine wasps of the West Indies Personal Remington — Type locality of Speyeria egleis secreta Haber — Exotic cockroaches in Pennsylvania Berner — The mating of Ficalbia splendens Whitney — Notes on Tanypteryx hageni Notice Notes and News in Entomology Eighth International Congress of Entomology . . The Hamburg Institute and Museum Entomological Literature Three new serials . 104 105 105 110 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the. special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January IS, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHX, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES : Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $1.00 $ 1.90 $ 2.75 $ 4.80 Five Issues 4.50 8.50 12.00 21.00 Ten Issues 8.00 15.00 21.00 36.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: l^t pages, 25 copies, $2.50; 50 copies, $2.50; 100 copies, $300. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.00; 50 copies, $4.00; 100 copies, $4.75. 9-12 pages; 25 copies. $6.25; 50 copies, $6.25; 100 copies, $7.25. Covers: first 50, $2.75; additionals at 2 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.00: additional at \l/2 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII APRIL. 1947 No. 4 New Reared Species of Tetrastichus. (Hymen- optera : Chalcidoidea) By B. D. BURKS, Illinois Natural History Survey In the course of his study of some gall-inhabiting insects, Mr. S. E. Lienk, at the Department of Entomology, University of Illinois, reared three species of the chalcidoid genus Tetrastichus. Two of these species proved to he new to science and are here described. These descriptions are uniform with the descrip- tions in my synopsis of the North American species.1 Tetrastichus anthophilus, new species (Figs. 1, 3) Shining, jet black, with a very faint iridescent blue-green cast when viewed under strong light ; antennal pedicel and funicle and middle part of hind tibiae, brown ; middle part of mid-tibiae light brown ; apices of all femora, front tibiae, bases and apices of middle and hind tibiae, and basal three segments of all tarsi, yellow. Head, body, and legs provided with sparse, yellowish pubescence ; hair borne by compound eyes extremely minute and sparse, fig. 1. Female. Length 1.1-1.8 mm. Maximum width of head equal to maximum width of pronotum ; antennae inserted at level of ventral margins of compound eyes ; apex of scape reaching level of ventral margin of anterior ocellus ; antenna, fig. 3, with scape slightly longer than pedicel and first funicle segment com- bined, first funicle segment slightly longer than pedicel, second funicle segment three-fourths as long as first, third slightly shorter than second, club as long as first and second funicle seg- ments combined ; height of compound eye one and one-half times 1 BURKS, B. D. 1943. The North American wasps of the genus Tetrastichus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 93 : 505-608, 6 pis. (85) AUG4 |0 86 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 as great as length of malar space ; postocellar line twice as long as ocellocular line. Mesopraescutum having maximum width and maximum length equal, one row of bristles present at each lateral margin ; surface of mesopraescutum with minute but dis- tinct shagreening ; median, longitudinal furrow well marked; submarginal vein of forewing with three or four dorsal bristles, marginal vein three and one-half times as long as stigmal ; apex of hindwing blunt, fringe at posterior margin one-fourth as wide as wing at hamuli ; mesoscutellum bearing two pairs of bristles. Surface of propodeum very faintly reticulated, almost entirely smooth, paraspiracular carinae absent, spiracles almost touching anterior margin of propodeum ; length of mesoscutellum two and one-half times as great as median length of propodeum ; maxi- mum width of gaster slightly less than that of thorax, gaster one and one-third to one and one-half times as long as thorax ; sur- face of gaster very faintly sculptured, almost smooth, and clothed with a few sparse setae ; gaster acute at apex, ovipositor slightly produced. Male. Length 1.5 mm. Antennal scape with anterior carina present only on apical fourth; pedicel and first funicle segment equal in length, second funicle one-fifth longer than first, third and fourth equal in length and each one-sixth longer than sec- ond ; club as long as second to fourth funicle segments combined ; funicle segments enlarged at bases, these enlargements bearing long bristles ; gaster and thorax equal in length. Holotypc, $. — Mahomet, Illinois, reared October 31, 1946. from gall of Rhopalotnyia antlwpliila O. S. in inflorescence of Solid ago, S. E. Lienk. Allotypc, <$. — Same data as for holotype. Paratypcs. — Same data as for holotype, 15$; same, Septem- ber 21, 1946, 1 $; September 24, 2 $; September 28. 7 $. Holotype, allotype, and 23 $ paratypes deposited in the Illinois Natural History Survey collection ; 2 5 paratypes deposited in the U. S. National Museum. This species runs to T. silvaticus Gahan in my synopsis be- cause the first funicle segment of the antenna is slightly longer than the second, the marginal vein of the forewing is three and Iviii, '47| ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 87 one-half times as long as the stigmal vein, the propodeum pos- sesses a nearly smooth surface, with the paraspiracular carinae wanting, and the spiracles almost touch the anterior propodeal margin. The two differ in that T. silvaticus never shows irides- cent colored reflections, while anthophilus is faintly iridescent ; EXPLAXATIOX OF PLATE 1. Tetrastichus anthophilus, anterior aspect of $ head. 2. T. hcspcrius. anterior aspect of ? head. 3. T. anthophilus, lateral aspect of ? antenna. 4. T. hcspcrius, lateral aspect of ? antenna. in silvaticus the length of the malar space is one-half as great as the height of the compound eye, while the length of the malar space in anthophilus is two-thirds as great as the height of the compound eye ; the first funicle segment of the antenna is shorter than the pedicel in sik'aticus, while it is slightly longer than the pedicel in anthophilus; and the second and third funicle seg- ments are equal in length in silraticus, hut the third is shorter than the second in anthophilus. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 Tetrastichus hesperius, new species (Figs. 2, 4) Jet black, non-iridescent ; antennae brown, yellowish toward apex of club ; trochanters, apices of femora, bases and apices of tibiae, and basal segments of tarsi, very light yellowish-brown; basal part of femora black ; middle part of tibiae and apical seg- ment of each tarsus, dark brown. Head, body, and appendages clothed with relatively-long, erect, silvery bristles and hairs ; hair borne by compound eyes relatively long, fig. 2. Female. Length 1.4-1.8 mm. Maximum width of head one and one-half times as great as width of pronotum; antennae inserted dorsad of ventral margins of compound eyes, but ven- trad of center of frons, fig. 2 ; scape short, its apex reaching only to level of ventral margin of anterior ocellus; antenna, fig. 4, with scape only one-seventh longer than pedicel and first funicle segment combined ; pedicel one-eighth shorter than first funicle segment, second and third funicle segments equal in length and each as long as pedicel, club twice as long as third funicle seg- ment ; height of compound eye twice as great as length of malar space ; ocellocular and postocellar lines equal in length, or ocel- locular line very slightly the longer. Mesopraescutum with maximum length slightly greater than maximum width, one row of bristles present at each lateral margin ; surface of mesoprae- scutum very lightly shagreened, almost smooth ; median longi- tudinal furrow only faintly indicated, obsolescent ; submarginal vein of forewing with four to six dorsal bristles, marginal vein three times as long as stigmal ; apex of hindwing blunt, fringe at posterior margin one-third as wide as wing at hamuli ; meso- scutellum bearing three pairs of bristles. Surface of propodeum lightly shagreened, paraspiracular carinae absent ; spiracles con- tiguous with anterior margin of propodeum ; median length of propodeum one-third as great as length of mesoscutellum ; gaster short, compact, its length only slightly greater than that of thorax, and maximum widths of thorax and gaster equal ; all of gaster but median dorso-basal area clothed with relatively long, dense, silvery pubescence ; asetose area polished, setose area lightly shagreened ; gaster relatively blunt at apex, ovi- positor not produced. Iviii, '47] ' ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 89 Length 1.3-1.7 mm. Antenna having scape with darkened anterior carina extending almost its entire length ; pedicel one-fourth longer than first funicle segment, second funicle one-third longer than first, third and fourth equal in length and each one-sixth longer than second ; cluh as long as third and fourth funicle segments combined; funicle segments enlarged at bases and these enlargements bearing long bristles ; gaster and thorax equal in length. Holotype, ?.— West Frankfort, Illinois, reared May 27, 1946, from gall of Diplolepis ignota (Osten Sacken), on Rosa Carolina, S. E. Lienk. Allotype, <$. — Same data as for holotype. Parat\pes. — Same data as for holotype, 7 5- 5J1; same. May 21, 1946, 1?; May 25, 1$; May 26, 7$, \<$\ May 31, 1$; June 1, 8$; June 3, 1 J. Holotype, allotype, and 23 $ and 5 J1 paratypes deposited in the Illinois Natural History Survey collection ; 2 5 and 2 <$ para- types deposited in the U. S. National Museum. This species runs to Tetrastiches tcsserus Burks in having the head wider than the pronotum, the antennae inserted dorsad of the level of the ventral margins of the compound eyes, and the postocellar and ocellocular lines nearly or quite equal in length. The two species differ as follows : in hesperius the antennal scape extends only to the level of the ventral margin of the anterior ocellus, while the scape exceeds the level of the vertex in tcs- serus; hesperius lacks the characteristic scale-like reticulated surface of the thorax, possessed by tesscrus; in hesperius the mesopraescutum is elongate and narrow, while it is compact and semiquadrate in tcsserus; and in tcsserus the gaster is twice as long as the thorax, while the gaster and thorax are equal in length in licspcrius. It should be noted that hesperius also shows some similarity to T. varicornis (Girault), although the antennae seem to be quite different in the two. T. varicornis is, however, at present known only from a single mutilated speci- men ; the antennae are preserved on a microscope slide and might have become distorted when the slide mount was prepared. The remains of the type of varicornis are in the U. S. National Museum. 90 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 Two New Elateridae (Coleoptera) By JOSEPH N. KNULL, The Ohio State University * Genitalia of the following species have been mounted on slides in balsam and drawn from dorsal surface. Type material in writer's collection. Dalopius allegheniensis n. sp. Fig. 1. Male. Narrow, elongate, shining, dark brown, apical margin and hind angles of pronotum, mouth parts, apex of last abdomi- nal segment and legs lighter brown; pubescence moderate. Head densely, finely punctate; antennae extending over two segments beyond hind angles of pronotum when laid along side, scape stout, second and third segments about equal in length, fourth nearly as long as second and third united, fifth to tenth inclusive decreasing in length, last segment slightly longer than tenth. Pronotum longer than wide, widest at basal angles, con- stricted at apex; sides expanded back of apex, constricted back of middle, hind angles divergent ; lateral margin continuous, its junction with anterior margin external to that of prosternal suture; disk moderately convex, slight trace of median depres- sion, hind angles strongly carinate ; surface densely finely punc- tured, punctures more numerous along sides and at base. Scu- tellum elongate, minutely punctate. Elytra with sides subparallel on basal half, gradually converg- ing back of middle, apices truncate, surface with fine, oval, nearly contiguous punctures forming striae, interspaces minutely punc- tate. Length of aedeagus 1.5 mm. Length, 8.3 mm. ; width, 2.1 mm. Variations. — Umbone in some specimens light brown in color. Holotype male labeled Renova, PENNSYLVANIA., June 17, J. N. Knull. Paratypcs from same locality, also Sullivan Co., PENNSYLVANIA, June 3, 1933 and Columbus, OHIO, Sept. 11, 1936, all collected by author. * Contribution from Department of Zoology and Entomology. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 91 This species should be placed after D. cognatits Br. according to Brown's key.1 Dalopius ohioensis n. sp. Fig. 2. Male. Size and form of D. alleglicniensis ; shining dark brown, apical margin and sides of pronotum, scutellum. umbone, last three segments of abdomen, mouth parts and legs lighter brown. Fig. 1. Dalopius allcyhcnicnsis n. sp. Fig. 2. Dalopius ohioensis n. sp. Head densely, finely punctured ; antennae extending over three segments beyond apices of hind angles of pronotum when !\V. J. Brown, 1934, Can. Ent. 66:35. 92 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 laid along side ; second segment shorter than third, fourth segment nearly as long as second and third together, segments five to ten inclusive gradually decreasing in length, eleventh longer than tenth. Pronotum and scutellum with proportions and sculpture simi- lar to preceding. Elytra similar to preceding, apices emargi- nately truncate. Length of aedeagus 1.2 mm. Length, 8.1 mm.; width, 2.1 mm. Holotype labeled Hocking Co., OHIO, May 26, 1938. Para- types from same locality May 20, June 5-14, all collected by D. ]". and J. N. Knull. This species should be placed next to D. vetulus Br. Unusual Larval Habitat of Ficalbia (Mimomyia) splendens (Theo.) and Aedomyia africana N.-L. By LEWIS BERNER, Department of Biology, University of Florida G. H. E. Hopkins, in his "Mosquitoes of the Ethiopian Re- gion," 1 states (p. 66) that Ficalbia splendens breeds "In clear water in borrow-pits, water-holes and the margins of swamps, invariably among Pistia, with which the association appears to be absolute." Of Aedomyia africana, he says (p. 89), "The con- stant feature of all breeding-places of this species is the presence of Pistia." During 1943 and 1944, these two species were found not only among Pistia stratiotes, as Hopkins states, but also in ponds covered with duckweed (Lemna sp.), where there was no Pistia. These collections were made at Sangalkam, Senegal, French West Africa and at Atima, a village near Accra, Gold Coast, British West Africa. The larvae were usually associated with Anopheles junestns Giles, A. coustani sicmanni Grunb., Cnlc.r poicilipcs (Theo.), Mansonioidcs africanus (Theo.), M. -itni- jorinis (Theo.), and Ficalbia pallida (Edwards). 1 British Museum (Natural History), 1936. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 93 On the Gorytine Wasps of the West Irfdies (Hymenoptera : Sphecidae) By V. S. L. PATE, Ithaca, New York Five species of Gorytine wasps, distributee! among three gen- era, occur in the West Indies. These are found only on one or more of the Greater Antilles ; none are known as yet from any of the Leeward or Windward Islands. In 1798 Fabricius described the first Antillean Gorytine as Mellinus tristrigat-us from the "Insulae Americae meridionalis" ; this is probably a Psainmaecius of the subgenus Hoplisoides. A decade later Latreille recorded Stisus Hogardii from the is- land of Santo Domingo ; this species is now referable to the nomi- nate subgenus of Sphccius, and has been reported from Jamaica. Cuba, and the Bahama Islands as well as from Hispaniola. Fi- nally in 1865, Cresson characterized two Cuban species : Harpac- tus insularis and H. scitulus, both of which are referable to Psaniniaccius. Handlirsch considers the latter identical with tristrigatus of Fabricius, but until more evidence is forthcoming than that adduced by Handlirsch, I prefer to regard Cresson's scitulus a valid species. Two additional new species, Ochlerop- tera Jamaica and Psatnniaccius alaya, are described below. Cuba, at present, has three known Gorytines : Sphccius (Sphc- cius) hogardii (Latr.), Psaniniaccius (Hoplisoides'} Insularis (Cresson), and Psainmaecius (Hoplisoides) scitulus (Cresson). The cicada killer, SpJieciits hogardii (Latr.), has been reported from the Bahama Islands. Hispaniola is known to harbour two species, Sphccius hogardii (Latr.) and Psaniniaccius alaya. de- scribed below. Jamaica, in addition to Sphccius hogardii (Latr.), now numbers Ochleroptera Jamaica, described below, as a member of its fauna. Puerto Rico, smallest of the Greater An- tilles, is known at present to harbour only a single Gorytine, Psainmaecius scitulus (Cress.). When the wasp fauna of the Caribbees is more fully known, many of the islands, particularly Jamaica, Hispaniola, and Puerto Rico, as well as perhaps some of the Lesser Antilles, will be found to have a larger representation of Gorytines than is known at present. 94 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 Ochleroptera Jamaica new species The present species is closely related to the North American continental form, bipunctata (Say), but is distinguished from it by the strongly concave mesothoracic epipleura, the absence of a carinule bisecting the dorsal trigonal enclosure of the pro- podeum, the strongly and vertically striatopunctate lateral areas of the propodeum, and the very finely and sparsely punctate ab- dominal tergites and sternites. Type. — <$ ; Morce's Gap, Blue Mountains, JAMAICA.* Eleva- tion, 4,980 feet. July 21, 1923. (James A. G. Rehn ; in mountain rain-forest.) [Academy of Natural Sciences of Phil- adelphia, Type no. 10603.] Male. Length 5.25 mm. Fulgid black ; the following eburne- ous : palpi, mandibles except red apices ; clypeus except apical margin and a large obtrapeziform discal spot extending to dorsal margin ; scape anteriorly with a stripe lengthwise ; pronotum dorsally ; pronotal tubercles ; postscutellum ; second abdominal tergite with a small, transverse, oval spot laterally on each side ; fore tibiae with a stripe lengthwise on outer faces ; middle and hind tibiae with small spots at base ; all tarsi except for bases of all metatarsi and last segment which are brunneous ; middle coxae with a large spot beneath. Tegulae and axillary sclerites black. Wings clear hyaline ; veins and stigma very dark brun- neous. Head fulgid ; clypeus and supraclypeal area to antennal sockets and a line along inner orbits with dense, appressed, silvery sericeous pile ; remainder of head with a thin vestiture of ap- pressed, silvery puberulent hair. Front with very fine and close setigerous punctures ; bisected by a strong impression running down from anterior ocellus. Vertex and temples subpolite, with scattered fine setigerous punctures ; ocelli in a very low broad triangle, the ocellocular line about three-eighths (0.385) the postocellar distance. Antennae situated toward middle of face, one-half the length of clypeus above its dorsal margin ; scape * V .: Shreve, F. A montane rain-forest: a contribution to the physio- logical plant geography of Jamaica. Carnegie lust. Washington, Publ. no. 199 (1914). U'iii. '47 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 95 cylindrical to obterete, about four-ninths (0.45) the vertical eye length; pedicel suborcate ; flagellum simple, filiform to weakly clavate apically; relative lengths: scape 18; pedicel 6; flagellar segment one 8, two 6, three 6, four 6, five 7, six 7, seven 6.5, eight 6, nine 6, ten 7, eleven 9. Clypeus transversely subhexagonal, twice as broad as long, its median length nearly three-eighths (0.35) the vertical eye length; disc flat to very weakly tumid; abruptly inflexed preapically before the narrow, linear, flat, truncate apical flange. Thorax with a very thin and inconspicuous clothing of short, decumbent, silvery hair throughout. Mesonotum simple, with fine, very widely separated, setigerous punctures ; scutellum and postscutellum punctured like mesonotum. Mesopleura with fine separated punctures ; epimera finely, horizontally striate ; epipleura completely and deeply concave. Propodeum with trigonal dorsal enclosure strongly impressed, finely, radiatdv costulate on basal half but not bisected by a carinule, the apical half polite ; "remainder of dorsal and posterior faces and posterior half of lateral faces strongly, vertically striatopunctate ; posterior face bisected by a deep furrow, and at base by a strong carinuU- forking above into a broad U-shaped one ; lateral carinae present basally ; lateral faces with anterior half subpolite. Legs simple, normal for genus. Longer hind tibial calcar two- fifths the length of slender hind metatarsi. Fore wing with radial cell narrow, elongate, lanceolate, apex acuminate, four times as long as wide ; radius with abscissae : first 7, second 10, third 14, fourth 24; cubitus with abscissae: first 26, second 20, third 20 ; first recurrent vein received in apex of first submarginal cell just before first transverse cubital vein ; second recurrent vein interstitial with second transverse cubital vein. Hind wing with cubitus arising three times the length of the short, straight, perpendicular transverse median vein beyond that vein. Abdomen fulgid ; with a very thin vestiture of fine, short, de- cumbent silvery hair throughout. First segment petioliform, subnodose at apex. First two tergites with very fine, separated .setigerous acupunctures; remaining tergites finely but more dis- 96 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 tinctly punctate ; sixth with a transverse, subsemicircular pygidial area, the disc more distinctly punctate than preceding tergite. Sternites shining, with scattered, sparse, fine punctures. This Jamaican species is known only from the unique male described above. Psammaecius (Hoplisoides) alaya l new species This Hispaniolan species is closely related to the Cuban scitnlus but may be distinguished from the latter by its larger size, ivory white maculations, immaculate propodeum, and the dark brunneous costa and stigma of the fore wings. Type. — ($; SAN DOMINGO. (No other data.2) [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Type no. 10604.] Male. Length 7.5 mm. Black; the following eburneous : clypeus dorsally ; inner orbits with a narrow line ; scapes with spot at base and apex ; pronotum dorsally ; pronotal tubercles with a spot ; prepectus with a large spot behind tubercles ; scu- tellum with a broad transverse stripe on posterior half; first, second and fourth abdominal tergites with a narrow apical fas- cia; second sternite laterally with an elongate, transverse spot on each side ; fore and middle tibiae with a stripe lengthwise on outer faces ; middle metatarsi. Fore and hind tarsi dark fulvous. Tegulae and axillary sclerites dark brunneous. Fore wings with anterior half deeply infumated, particularly in marginal, sub- marginal, first discoidal, and apex of median cell ; remainder of wings only weakly tinted ; veins and stigma concolorous, dark brunneous. Head subfulgid ; with a moderate vestiture of appressed sil- very hair throughout ; impunctate save for a few scattered punc- tures on front and disc of clypeus. Eyes moderately convergent toward clypeus ; front bisected by a weak groove from anterior ocellus. Ocellocular line two-thirds the postocellar distance ; occipital carina strongly flanged, almost attaining the flanged hypostomal carinule bordering the broad, shallow, subtrigonal 1 After the Alaya, who formerly inhabited Hispaniola. 2 This material was" probably collected by M. Abbott Frazar in or about Sanchez in the Samana District of the Dominican Republic. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 97 oral fossa. Antennae situated a little above the dorsal margin of clypeus ; scapes thick, subcylindrical, one-half the vertical eye length ; pedicel suborcate ; flagellum simple, gently clavate api- cally, none of segments emarginate or dentate beneath ; relative lengths : scape 10 ; pedicel 2 ; flagellar segment one 5. two 4, three 3, four 3, nine 3, ten 3, eleven 5. Clypeus irregularly transversely subhexagonal, twice as broad as long, the median length two- fifths the vertical eye length ; disc gently tumid ; with a weak, truncate apical flange ; lateral angles without hair pencils. Thorax polite, impunctate; with a thin clothing of appressed silvery hair throughout. Suture between mesonotum and scu- tellum strongly foveolate ; mesosternum strongly carinate for entire width. Propodeum with vestiture similar to thorax; dorsal face with trigonal enclosure defined by weak impressed lines, the apex ending in a small but strong fovea, bisected by a narrow marginate groove, laterad of which on each side are three well separated short carinules running for only one-third of the enclosure, the remainder polite ; remainder of dorsal and posterior faces with very few, widely scattered, fine punctures ; posterior face with a strong carinule curving up on each side from just above hind coxae, bisected by a weak carinule, the supravalvular area weakly, irregularly costulate ; lateral faces polite, impunctate. Legs simple, unmodified. Middle and hind tibiae very weakly spinose. Longer calcar of hind tibiae one-half length of hind metatarsi. Abdomen perfulgid ; sessile ; with a very fine and inconspicu- ous clothing of short, decumbent silvery hair. Tergites very sparsely and weakly punctate : the first two very finely, the third to fifth more strongly, the sixth almost coarsely; seventh com- pletely obtect. Sternites polite, \vith a few fine, scattered, mod- erate punctures ; fifth and sixth with concealed hair brushes basally. Allotype. — 5 > Topotypical ; same data as type. Female. Length 8 mm. Agrees with the male (type) ex- cept as follows : 98 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 Livery essentially the same, but maculations as follows : cly- peus entirely ; inner orbital stripe broader, wider ; prepectus al- most entirely ; abdominal fasciae wider ; stripes on fore and middle tibiae larger; hind tibiae with a large elongate subbasal spot ; fore and middle femora with a large ovate spot apically be- neath ; mesosternal prongs with a small spot ; middle coxae with a small spot beneath at apex. Head as in male but eyes not as strongly convergent toward clypeus. Ocellocular line five-eighths the postocellar distance. Antennal scapes about five-ninths (0.56) the vertical eye length; relative lengths : scape 13 ; pedicel 3 ; flagellar segment one 6, two 4, three 3.5, four 3.5, eight 3, nine 3, ten 4. Clypeus shorter and more subrectangular, median length about four-tenths (0.43) the vertical eye length, and twice as broad as long. Thorax and propodeum essentially the same but posterior face of latter more strongly wrinkled than male. Abdomen with first two tergites almost impunctate, the follow- ing tergites more finely and sparsely punctate than male. Sixth tergite with an elongate trigonal pygidial area, the disc polite, with scattered coarse punctures. Paratypes. — In addition to the types, I have examined five males and sixteen females, -all topotypic. These agree with the types in all essential features of livery and structure. Personal Ezra T. Cresson, Jr., the well-known dipterist, long Asso- ciate Editor of "Entomological News," and for many years As- sociate Curator of Insects at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, resigned the latter post as of July first of the present year. Having served the Academy as a member of the staff of his department for thirty-nine years, Mr. Cresson in- tends to continue his studies free of the responsibilities of bixtader curatorial work. In recognition of his studies and their value to the institution, he has been appointed to the honorary post of Research Fellow of the Academy by its Board of Trustees. lyiii, '47| ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Notes on the Type Locality of Speyeria egleis secreta dos Passes and Grey By P. S. REMINGTON, JR., St. Louis, Missouri In the "American Museum Xovitates." Number 1297, en- titled "A New Species and Some New Subspecies of Speyeria." by C. F. dos Passos and L. P. Grey, a new subspecies of Spey- eria montivaga (since dropped for egleis), named secreta is de- scribed. The type material is described as follows : ''The holo- type male and the allotype female are from Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado, 8000 feet, July 1942, collected by Roy Wiest in the Estes Park area." Students of Lepidoptera who are interested in collecting rare species in type localities should know that the subspecies secreta, which is a perfectly recogniz- able race, is a Western slope race and is not really found in the Estes Park area. Additional records of the occurrence of thi- subspecies establish this fact clearly and a correction of the tvpe locality named above as "in the Estes Park area" should be made. On August 11, 1946 the writer, in company with Dr. Roy \Yiest and Donald Eff, visited the ravine where the type series was caught. This spot is at least twenty-five miles from the Estes Park area and is across the Continental Divide, which cuts through the middle of Rocky Mountain National Park. One proceeds from Estes Park by way of either the Trail Ridge Road or the older Fall River Road over the Divide at a height of more than 12,000 feet. The road then drops down about 2,000 feet to Poudre Lakes and on to the headwaters of the Colorado River. A short distance beyond Poudre Lakes, a small ravine angles off to the left of the road and this is the spot where Dr. Wiest told us he found secreta. None were flying that day. probably because secreta flies earlier in the year. The only Spcvcria we saw was S. mortnonia eitrynouie. If secreta is living and breeding in the canyons on the wi-^t >1ope of the Divide and westward, it is easy to see for one \\\\« has made the trip as we did, that the insect would have difficulty 100 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 crossing miles of windswept tundra uncongenial to it along the Trail Ridge to establish itself on the east slope. It is extremely doubtful whether it will ever be found on the east slope. Cor- roborative evidence of this view is now available. In February. 1946, the writer sent several hundred Spcycria to L. P. Grey for determination. These were nearly all collected by the author and his son during the past ten years mainly in the Rocky Moun- tain area from Pike's Peak and Hall Valley on the south up through Mt. Evans, Rocky Mountain National Park, the Snowy Range and the Tetons in Wyoming to Bozeman, Montana, north of Yellowstone. In all this mass of material there were three specimens of secrcta collected by P. S. and C. L. Remington in the Routt National Forest on July 5, 1941, about fifty miles west of Rocky Mountain National Park. These specimens were obtained in ravines similar to the type locality at an altitude of about 9,000 feet. One ravine was in Rabbit Ears Pass and an- other in Muddy Pass as one descends toward Steamboat Springs. The evidence strongly suggests that sccreta, well named, is a very uncommon race of cglcis living in rather hidden ravines west of the Continental Divide at altitudes of eight to ten thou- sand feet in the Continental Plateau As dos Passes and Grey state, it can be easily overlooked among specimens of hesperis, but is fully distinct to the expert eye. The importance of correctly locating type localities is well known to the serious student of biology and much difficulty has arisen through carelessness in this matter. In 1924 the author and W. J. Clench of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard spent three months attempting to locate type localities in which J. G. Anthony collected in 1853 and it was by no means easy to find many of these localities, due to inadequate data on labels and in the original descriptions. In order to be of value to future students and collectors, every specimen collected and preserved should be accurately labelled with exact locality so that anyone in the future can find that spot. Also the date of capture and ecologic data should be provided, if possible. This makes simpler the problems of taxonomists and ecologists in all branches of biology. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 101 The Appearance of Two Species of Exotic Cock- roaches in Center County, Pennsylvania By VERNON R. HABER, Pennsylvania State College In mid-October 1944, the author was called to control cock- roaches in an apartment in State College, Pa. Upon inves- tigation it was found that the pests were brown-handed cock- roaches, Sitpclla sitpellectiliuin (Serville), a tropical species of wide dispersal, and until rather recently regarded as of more common southern distribution. On May 10, 1946, Mr. Lewis Stannard, then a senior student in the Pennsylvania State College, Department of Zoology and Entomology, captured an adult male cockroach of the same species in an upland sphagnum-bog region adjacent to, if not in Center County, Pennsylvania. It was found far from build- ings of any kind, apparently wild. Since this species is re- garded as tropical and, if found in the north, it is usually taken from houses, one is inclined to believe that the specimen may have dropped from a picnic basket of a visitor to that region, or perhaps it dropped from a passing airplane. During the recent Christmas season, a cockroach taken from a shipment of tropical fruit sent into State College from Florida was submitted to me for identification. It is an adult female Australian cockroach, Periplaneta aiistralasiae (Fabricius). I believe that all three of the foregoing are the first published records of the appearance of these species in central Pennsyl- vania. Observations on the Mating of Ficalbia (Mimo- myia) splendens (Theo.) By LEWIS BERNER, Department of Biology, University of Florida At Sangalkam, three miles north of Rufisque, Senegal, French West Africa, Ficalbia (Aliinoinyia) splendens (Theo.) adults were observed in the act of mating on several occasions during 102 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 May, 1943. The mosquitoes were breeding along the quiet edge of a stagnant channel where water lettuce, Pistia stratiotcs, was growing in small clumps. Also present in this situation with the larvae of F. splcndens, were larvae of Aedoutyia africana N.-L., Culcx poicilipes (Theo.), and Anopheles fnncstits Giles. Adults were first noted while larval collections were being made. As the water lettuce was disturbed, the small mosquitoes flew up from the water giving the appearance of having just emerged. A more detailed examination revealed that the mosquitoes were fully mature and that numbers of them were resting in the strong rays of direct sunlight on the upper side of the Pistia leaves as well as on the shaded undersurface, not more than one- half to one inch above the water. When the mosquitoes were disturbed, they flew upwards to a maximum of six inches above the plants and then immediately descended to rest again on the leaves of the plants. The habit of resting in bright sunlight is not common among mosquitoes, most species normally pre- ferring dark hiding places. Copulation was first noted about three o'clock in the afternoon, while the adult mosquitoes were being collected with a suction tube. At this time, a pair of Ficalbia splendens was seen coupled in flight at a height of about three or four inches above the water lettuce. The coupling continued for only a few moments. A number of F ' . splcndens were noted pairing at about the same level above the water plants. h'iii, '47 | KXTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 103 Notes on Tanypteryx hageni The NEWS is indebted to Dr. James G. Needham for the fol- lowing extracts from a letter written by Mrs. Ruth Cooper \Yhitney of Portland, Oregon. The extracts comprise recent observations made by her on the habits of the rare and primitive dragonfly Tanypteryx hageni and also report a diligent search made by her for its unknown nymph, with useful hints to other collectors who may try to discover its whereabouts. They end with the question, Where ? "On July 28th, a clear and sunny Sunday, a number of Tan\pteryx were to be seen in mating and feeding flights above the cat-tail swale at Swim. They seemed to be taking off from a 'home base' on the warm sunny rocks that dotted the wet muddy trailway beside a white-painted post. Quite often one or more of them alighted on the sunny side of the post, and let me come close (within a foot or so) to examine them, when I did not have my net with me ! One or two sat flattened down on the low rocks with wings and legs widely outspread." "When they did take off, the flight was low, uneven, and much like that of a cabbage butterfly, only swifter. A height of per- haps twenty feet would be gained, and then the wing-flapping be- came gliding. The circling went beyond the cat-tail swale. One Tan\ptcr\x was seen a distance up the road beyond the picnic tables; but the 'home base' seemed to be always back at the Tom-Dick post." "I searched the swift little streamlets near the swale for nymphs but found not a sign of one. I also dug into rotton and damp logs ; scraped the slimy bottom of the swimming tank, and I almost did the cat-tails one by one, finding nothing but damsel- fly (Argia) skins. Where are the Tanyplcryx nymphs RUTH COOPER WHITNEY 104 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 Notice The NEWS was shocked to learn of the disappearance of Dr. Vernon R. Haber of State College, Pennsylvania. Dr. Haber is an associate professor at Pennsylvania State College and has been an occasional contributor to "Entomological News." He disappeared on the morning of June 3rd on his way to his office, therefore his family, physician and others be- lieve him a victim of amnesia. They are employing every means, including the offer of a large reward, that might lead to his recovery. By this notice, we hope to enlist the help of his fellow entomologists also. Dr. Haber is 59 years of age (looks more like 50), is 5 feet, 6 inches tall, weighs 135 pounds, has brown eyes, gray hair worn in a short pompadour and a reced- ing hair line. He ordinarily carries a hand lens in a black case. Notes and News in Entomology Under this heading we present, from time to time, notes, news, and comments. Contributions from readers are earnestly solicited and will be acknowledged when used. The eighth International Congress of Entomology will be held in Stockholm, Sweden, August 8-15, 1948. The fact that all steamship sailings are currently booked to capacity for months in advance makes it seem necessary for those expecting to attend the congress in 1948 to arrange for passage as early as possible. Steamship companies have not issued sailing lists for 1948, but expect to do so in the early fall. A number of lines have listed sailings for the present season, among them, the Cunard, French, Belgian, Swedish, Norwegian, Gdynia (Polish), Holland- American, etc., the first mentioned expecting soon to have two new steamers in service. It is understood that the Thirteenth International Congress of Zoology will be held in Paris some time in July, 1948, and it is hoped that all entomologists going to Stockholm will plan to attend the Zoologi- cal Congress also in order that the interests of the entomolo- gists may be fully represented before the more comprehensive Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 105 body. Should a sufficient number of individuals indicate that they expect to sail about mid June, it may be feasible to engage passage on the same steamer. Early information as to the prob- able number of participants is especially desired in order that the housing committee in Stockholm may make the necessary arrangements. The undersigned, as member of the executive committee, would appreciate it if he be kept informed as early as possible as to plans of those expecting to attend the sessions. O. A. JOHANNSEN. Comstock Hall, C. U., Ithaca, N. Y. June, 1947. A letter just received from Dr. Otto Krober, well known dipterist of Hamburg, Germany, states that of the rich insect collection at the Zoologisches Museum und Institut in Hamburg, not a single specimen was saved, and not one of the types. Likewise, his own special collection, which was particularly rich in types and material of Tabanidae and Conopidae, and which was stored in the Museum, was entirely destroyed, together with all of his literature and manuscripts. This news differs from previous reports that types were saved even though the museum building and display collections were destroyed. — C. W. SA- BROSKY. Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL, RAYMOND Q. BLISS, CHARLES HODGE IV, MAURICE E. PHILLIPS, JOHN W. H. REHN AND HENRY K. TOWNES, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species \vifl be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the parr, heft. &r. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or name-; n it so stated in titles are followed by (*): if containing keys are followed by ( k") : p;tprrs pertainim* exclu-; i \Yotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have tin- symbol (S) Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not list, ,1 106 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 GENERAL — Alicata, J. E. — Parasites and parasitic dis- eases of domestic animals in the Hawaiian Islands. [Pa- cific Science, Honolulu] 1 : 69-84. Brues, C. T. — Contribu- tions of entomology to theoretical biology. [81] 64: 123-34, ill. Cole, A. C., Jr. — Illustrated keys to the immature forms (exclusive of eggs, nymphs, and pupae) of the more com- mon orders and families of Tennessee insects. [47] 22: 28-44, ill. Corona, L. T. — Algunos insectos enemigos del aguacate en las zonas productoras de Queretaro, Guana- juato y Tamaulipas. [Fitofilo, Mexico] 4: 352-63, ill. Duncan, C. D. — Some remarks on the influence of insects on human welfare. [60] 23: 1-10. Proverbs and Morri- son— Relative insecticidal activities of DDT and related or- ganic molecules. [24] 25 : 12-44. Starkey, G. S.— A method of preparing permanent slides of mosquito larvae and other arthropods in a tropical or semi-tropical climate. [\V. Va. Univ. Bull.] 47: 25-26. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Chauvin, R. —Contribution a 1'etude physiologique du criquet pelerin et du determinisme des phenomenes gregaires. [107] 110: 133-272, ill.; Sur le phototropisme des orthopteres. [108] 46: 150-54. 1941. Deschamps, P. — Sur la digestion du bois par les larves de Cerambycides. [108] 49: 104-08, ill. Hudson, G. B. — Studies in the comparative anatomy and systemic importance of the hexapod tentorium. II. Der- maptera, Embioptera and Isoptera. [Jour. Ent. Soc. S. Africa, Pretoria] 9: 99-110, ill. Lhoste, J. — Aperqu anato- mique et histologique du tube digestif de Forficula auricn- laria L. [108] 46: 43-46, ill. Marshall, W. S.— The labral sense organs of the red-legged grasshopper, Melanoplus femur-rubrum. [Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci., Arts and Let- ters, Madison] 37: 137-48; The rectal glands of mosquitoes, [ibid.] 37: 149-55, ill. McCoy E. E.— Elimination of a microsporidian parasite in the mass rearing of Macrocen- trus ancylivorous. [45] 55 : 51-55. Millot, J. — L'anatomie interne des Ricinulei (Arachnides). [Annal. des Sciences Naturelles, Paris] 7: 1-29. Paulian, R. — Observations bio- logiques et anatomiques sur Agyrtes bicolor Lap. [ 108] 50: 12-16, ill. 1945. Roonwal, M". L.— Variation and struc- ture of the eyes in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Forskal). [Proc. Royal Soc., Ser. B] 134: 245-72, ill. Siang-Hsu, W. — On the cytoplasmic elements in the mid- gut epithelium of the larvae of Drosophila melanogaster. [44] 80: 161-93, ill. Sotavalta, O.— Some studies on the Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL XE\VS 107 flying tones of insects and the determination of the fre- quency of the wing strokes. [Suomen Hyonteistieteellinen Aikakauskirja, Fennici] 7: 32-52. Tragardh, I. — Contri- butions toward the comparative morphology of the Meso- stigmata (Acarina). Praesternal hairs and the male geni- tal aperture. [Entom. Tidskrift, Stockholm] 3: 88-108. 1946. Verrier, M. L. — rRemarques stir les yeux de la Squille (Squilla mantis L.) (Crustacea). [108] 46: 6-9, ill. Wig- glesworth, V. B. — The epicuticle in an insect, Rhodnius prolixus (Hemiptera). [Proc. Royal Soc., Ser. B] 134: 163-81, ill. Wilkes, A. — The effects of selective breeding on the laboratory propagation of insect parasites. [Proc. Royal Soc., Ser. B] 134: 227-45. Wilson, L. P.— Tolerance of larvae of Drosophila for amino acids : methionine, cystine and cysteine. [Growth] 10: 361-73. Wulff and Jahn— The electroretinogram of Cynomya. [45] 55: 65-83. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Chamberlin, R. V. — Seven new American millipeds. [63] 60: 9-16, ill. ; On four new American chilopods. [60] 23: 37—39, ill. Gertsch, W. J. — Spiders that lasso their prey. [56] 56: 152-58, ill. Goodnight, C. J. and M. L. — An example of subspeciation in the Phalangida. [45] 55: 35-42; ill. (S.). Hoff, C.- New species of diplosphyronid pseudoscorpions from Aus- tralia. [73] 54: 36-56, ill. (*). Millet, J.— (See under Anatomy.) Strandtmann, R. W. — Atricholaelaps mega- ventralis, a new species of parasitic mite (Laelaptidae). [65] 49: 112-14, ill. Tragardh, I.— Acarina. (See under Anatomy.) SMALLER ORDERS— Banks, N.— Some neropterous insects from Szechwan, China. [Fieldiana-Zoology, Chi- cago] 31 : 97-107, ill. Berger, B. G. — How to recognize and control termites in Illinois. [111. Xat. Hist. Survey, Ur- bana] Circular 41 : 1-44, ill. Carriker, M. A., Jr. — S'tudies in neotropical mallophaga (ix) ; Amblycera of the new world Galliformes, Part I, The genus Menacanthus. [76] 7: 115-37, ill. (*). Paclt, J.— Short observations on the nomenclature of some generic names in Collembola. [No- tulae Entomologicae, Helsinki] 26: 82-85. Traub, R. — A new species of flea of the genus Opisodasys from Mexico. [48] 37: 134-39, ill. Valle, K. J.— A small" list of Odonata from U. S. A. [Suomen Hyonteistieteellinen Aikakaus- kirja, Fennica] 8: 163-66, ill. ORTHOPTERA— Chauvin R.— (See under Anatonu Marshall, W. S. — (See under Anatomy.) Ramme, W".- 108 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 Beitrage zur Kenntnis cler palaearktischen Orthopteren- fauna. (Teffig. u. Acrid.) III. [Mitteilungen aus clem Zoologischen Mus., Berlin] 24: 41-150, ill. (*). Rehn, J. A. G. — Notes on the phasmid genus Isagoras, with the description of six new species. [62] 99: 1-19, ill. (*). Roonwal, M. L. — (See under Anatomy.) HEMIPTERA— Jeannel, R.— Nouveaux Henicocepha- lides sudamericains. [108] 48: 125-28, ill., 1943. Knowl- ton, G. F. — A small sage aphid. [60] 23: 35-36. Oman, P. W. — Types of auchenorrhynchous homoptera in the Iowa State College. [34] 21: "161-228, ill.; Miscellaneous notes on Cicadellidae. [45] 55: 59-63. Ruckes, H. — Notes and keys on the genus Brochymena (Pentatomidae). [27] 26: 143-238, ill. (k>. Tuthill, L. D.— New species of the genus Triozoida (Psyllidae). [60] 23: 31-34. Villiers, A. —Note sur deux Reduvides Africano-bresilieus constituant une nouvelle sous-famille. [108] 49: 79-83, ill. (k*). 1944. Wigglesworth, V. B. — (See under Anatomy.) LEPIDOPTERA— D'Andretta e Travassos Filho— Romual-disca dalmeidai n.g., n.sp. de Ctenuchidae. [Livro de homenagem a R. F. d'Almeida] 3: 17-40, ill. Maria, H. A. — Algo sobre esfingidos colombianos. [76] 7 : 53-57, ill. McCoy, E. E. — (See under Anatomy.) Paskevsky, V. — Formes nouvelles et rares d'agrias de la collection de Mine. G. Fournier (nymphalids). [108] 45: 93-100, ill. (S). 1940. Rawson, G. W. — Moths congregating around the nest of Polistes wasps. [45] 55: 42. Rindge, F. H.- Designation and distribution of types of Nepticula braunella (nepticulidae). [60] 23: 25. Rosseau-Decelle, G. — Notes sur quelques formes nouvelles de Papilio americains. [108] 48: 109-13. 1943. Tilden, J. W.— An occurrence of the pupa of Glaucopsyche lygdamus behrii in an ant nest (Lycaenidae). [60] 23: 42^3. Wind and Clench— The genus Callictita. [73] 54: 57-61 (*). DIPTERA— Abbott, C. E. — Distribution of malarial vec- tors. [100] 25 : 82-83 ; The eggs of mosquitoes. [100] 25 : 98-99. Bailey, N. S. — Field notes on Tabanus nigrovit- tatus. [73] 62-64. Baisas, F. E. — Notes on Philippine mosquitoes. XL New species of Tripteroides. [Fieldiana. Zoology, Chicago] 31 : 121-124, ill. Champlain, A. B.— Bird-flies. [Pa. Game News] 18: 17, ill. Fluke and Hall— The Cartosyrphus flies of N. Amer. (Syrphidae). [Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci., Arts and Letters, Madison] 37: 221-63, ill (k*). Galindo, P. — Anopheles xelajuensis De Leon, a Iviii, '47 j ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 109' new addition to the known Anopheline fauna of Panama. [60] 23: 44. Huckett, H. C.— The N. A. sp. of the sub- genus Botanophila, Genus Hylemyia sens. lat. (Mus.). [45] 55 : 1-33. ill. (k*). King and Hoogstraal— New Guinea species of mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, subgenus Aedes. [48] 37: 113-34, ill. (k*). Lane, J.— The larva, pupa and adults of Wyeomyia melanopus (Culicidae). [65] 49: 97- 101. ill. Marshall, W. S. — (See under Anatomy.) Mc- Swain and Bohart — Some records of parasitism of solitary bees by Conopid flies. [60] 23: 30. Penn, G. H.— Tin- larva of Aedes (Leptosomatomyia) aurimargo (Culicidae). [65] 49: 103-05, ill. Rapp, W. F., Jr.— The Pipunculidae of Quebec. [Canadian Field Naturalist, Ottawa] 60: 105. Siang-Hsu, W. — (See under Anatomy.) Venturi, F.— Studio biologico del genere Cerodonta Rond. [106] 31: 191-226, ill. Venturi, F.— (See under Anatomy.) Wilson, L. P. — (See under Anatomy.) Wulff and Jahn — (See un- der Anatomy.) COLEOPTERA— Blackaller, A.— El mayate del tomate de Cascura [Fitofilo, Mexico]. 4: 364-70, ill. Chamber- lain, K. F. — Notes on the ecology of Hydroporus rufiplanu- lus (Dytisc.). [45] 55: 57-58." Deschamps, P.— (See un- der Anatomy.) Dethlefsen, E. S. — Notes on some Coleop- tera taken from wet paint. [60] 23: 36. Lotte, F. — Une Psiloptera nouvelle du Bresil. [108] 45: 59-60, ill. 1940. Maria, H. A. — Catalog© sistematico, sinonimicoy geografico- de los insectos del genero Carabus (latu sensu) que figuran en la coleccion del Museo del Institute de la Salle. [76] 7: 57-62, ill. Mansfield, G. S. — Notes on Hippomelas califor- nicus (Horn) and Chrysobothris cyanella (Buprestidae). [60] 23 : 40-42 ; Northward range extension of Oeme gracilis (Cerambycidae). [60] 23:43. Mansfield and Tilden — An additional locality for Aulicus terrestris (Cleridae). [60] 23: 34. Paulian, R. — Coleopteres Scarabaeidae nouveaux. [108] 47: 58-61, ill. 1942. Paulian, R.— (See under Anat- omy.) Ritcher, P. O.— Description of the larva of Ple- ocoma hirticollis Vandykei (Scarabaeidae). [60] 23: 11-20. ill. Ulke, T. — A new genus and species of Curculionidae in Baltic Amber. [109] 193: 1-7, ill. HYMENOPTERA— Banks, N.— Synopsis of west coast Cerceridae. [73] 54: 1-35, ill. (k*). 'Benoist, R.— Les hy- menopteres qui habitent les tiges de Rouce aux environs de (Juito (Equateur). [107] 111: 75-90 (*). 1942. Cocke- rell, T. D. A. — A new genus of bees from Honduras (An- 110 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '47 thidiinae). [65] 49: 106. Enzmann, J. — Hercvnia a new genus of myrmicine ants. [45] 55: 43-47 (S). McCoy, E. E. — (See under Anatomy.) McSwain and Bohart — (See under Diptera.) Michener, C. D. — Some observations on Lasioglossum (Hemihalictus lustrans (Halictid). [45] 55: 49-50. Muesebeck, C. F. W. — Two new species of Apan- teles from California (Branconidae). [60] 23: 21-24. Pate, V. S. L. — A new genus and species of nocturnal wasps (MutillidaerChyphotini). [109] 192: \-A, ill.; New pem- philidine wasps, with notes on previously described forms : III. [104] 109: 1—6; On Williamsita, a genus of wasps from New Caledonia (Pemphilidini). [65] 49: 107-12 (*). Rawson, G. W. — (See under Lepidoptera.) Smith, M. R.— A new species of Megalomyrmex from Barro Colorado Is- land, Canal Zone (Formicidae). [65] 49: 101-3. Tilden, J. W. — (See under Lepidoptera.) Timberlake, P. H. — Two new species of bees from Arizona (Aphoidea). [60] 23: 26-30, ill. (k*). Three New Entomological Serials On April 1, 1946, appeared the first number of a new serial THE COLEOPTERISTS' BULLETIN. This is a mimeoprinted journal published by the Sherwood Press of Dry- den, New York, under the editorship of Ross H. Arnett, Jr. The purpose of the Bulletin is "to provide closer cooperation among the various workers on Coleoptera by publishing a list of current workers and their specific interests and desires." In addition, "ecological and collecting notes, news items, short re- views, and notices of location of collections and types" will be featured. The first issue contains an annotated list of approxi- mately fifty American Coleopterists and two interesting short articles : one on collecting beetles in the Adirondacks by Henry Dietrich ; another by B. D. Valentine on Bougainville Coleoptera. The yearly subscription (10 issues) is $1.00, or 15 cents a single copy. In February 1946, the Sherwood Press issued the first number of another serial publication : SYSTEMA NATURAE. This is also mimeoprinted, and appears at irregular intervals. Each number contains a review or conspectus of some group of in- Iviii, '47J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 111 sects : keys to most of the world genera, brief accounts of the group, its range, the number of species, and frequently bibli- ographic references to the original description, and the geno- types are given. To date the following eight numbers have ap- peared: No. 1 — The Family Culicidae, 4 pp. (Feb. 1946). No. 1, Supplement — Keys to the Genera of Culicidae, 7 pp. (March 1946). No. 2— The Family Cicindelidae. 7 pp. (March 1946). No. 3 — The Order Coleoptera, Part I : A Key to the Families of the World; A Phylogenic List of the Families, 21 pp. (July 1946). No. 4 — The Order Coleoptera, Part II: Number of species, range, catalogue & monographs ; Recent phylogenic stud- ies, pp. 22-32 (August 1946). No. 5— The Family Histeridae, Part I, pp. [i +] pp. 33^0 (Jan. 1947). No. 5a— The Family Histeridae, Part II, pp. 41-43 (Feb. 1947). No. 6— The Fam- ily Silphidae, pp. 44-50 (March 1947). All of these contribu- tions are signed by Ross H. Arnett, Jr. The last number con- tains a notice stating that suitable manuscripts by others will be published in this series, and that all correspondence be addressed to the publishers, The Sherwood Press, Box 84, Dryden, N. Y. During May there appeared the first issue of another new serial, THE LEPIDOPTERISTS' NEWS, the monthly newsletter of the Lepidopterists' Society, edited by C. L. Rem- ington and H. K. Clench, P.O. Box 104; Cambridge 38, Massa- chusetts. It consists of 12 mimeographed pages and contains a number of features that are planned to appear regularly. On page 3 is a review of Ford's book on butterflies which is followed by four pages of references with brief notes on recent papers of interest to lepidopterists. Then follow miscellaneous notes and a biography (of W. H. Edwards), some notes on life-history studies, on collecting trips by members and a page of exchange notices by members. The aim of the Society is to promote the sound and progressive study of Lepidoptera. Dues for member- ship, including subscription to Lepidopterists' Xews for 1947 are $1.00. The ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS extends a cordial welcome to the Sherwood Press and its editor. Mr. Arnett; and to Messers Remington and Clench and wishes them all success in their m-w ventures. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Oriental Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae for determi- nation and research purposes: China, India, Philippines, Pacific. Will purchase from China, Assam, Burma, Siam, Formosa. Will exchange identified Chinese insects. J. Linsley Gressitt, Lingnan University, Canton, China. Wanted — Papers on Cicindelidae of any part of the world, espe- cially South America and Pacific. R. G. Dahl, 3225 Grand Ave., Apt. 13, Oakland 10, Cal. Chrysididae — Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Coccinelidae — Wanted from other localities. Will buy or exchange for misc. So. Cal. coleops. F. W. Furry, 1633 Virginia Ave., Glen- dale 2, Cal. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp/Jr., 203 Harker Hall. Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, •60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Nature Lovers listed by subjects of interest. Each list covers one nature subject, $1.00 per 100 names. No charge for listing your name. Naturegraphs. An efficient and interesting way to study nature. We are New England and eastern Canadian representatives of the Naturegraph Co. of California. E-l. SCIENTISTS' DIRECTORY, Box 1344, Hartford 1, Conn. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3. Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1135. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — Synopsis of No. Amer. Ephydridae. III. The tribe Notiphilini of the subfam. Notiphilini (72: 227-240, 1946) $ .35 1136. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. I. The subfam. Psilopinae (72: 241-264, 1946) 60 1134. — Knight and Laffoon — The oriental spp. of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (72: 203-225, 3 pis., 1946) 70 THE BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF TRYPETID LARVAE By VENIA TARRIS PHILLIPS Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, No. 12, 161 pp., 16 pis., 1946 This is a comprehensive work describing and figuring the important characteristics of the larvae of forty five species of American fruit flies (Diptera). An indispensible work for economic en- tomologists. It includes a glossary of the terms used in the descriptions; a list of 442 species of the family, with their known hosts; a list of their host plants; and an extensive bibliography. The plates contain 192 exquisitely executed figures. Price $5.00 (postpaid, domestic delivery) U. S. Currency, remittance must accompany order. HYMENOPTERA 1132. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompilidae) and their type spp. (72:65-137,1946) 1.80 ORTHOPTERA 1128. — Rehn (J. A. G.) — One new gen. and six new spp. of Central American and Colombian Pseudophyllinae (Orthoptera) (72: 1-26, 2 pis., 1946) COLEOPTERA 1133. — Benesh (B.) — A systematic revision of the Holarctic gen. Platycerus Geoff roy (72: 139-202, 5 pis., 1946) 1.90 1129. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — Review of the Onocephalini (Ceram- bicidae) (72: 27-48, 1 pi., 1946) 65 1131.- — Green (J. W.) — A new sp. of Enochrus (Hydrophilidae) (72: 61-64, figs., 1946) ' 20 1130.— Robinson (M.)— Studies in the Scarabaeidae III (72: 49-59, 1946) 30 LEPIDOPTERA 1125. — Jones (F. M.) — Platoeceticus Packard, and a remarkable n. sp. of the genus (Psychidae) (71": 99-124, 4 pis.. 1945) 75 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS MAY 1947 Vol. LVIII No. 5 AUG221947 CONTENTS ius£ o^ Rehn — Relationship of Machaerocera 113 Hayes and Chang — Larva of Pleocoma 117 Cook — Notes on Somatochlora 127 Entomological Literature 132 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $1.00 $ 1.90 $ 2.75 $ 4.80 Five Issues 4.50 8.50 12.00 21.00 Ten Issues 8.00 15.00 21.00 36.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.50; 50 copies, $2.50; 100 copies, $3.00. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.00; 50 copies, $4.00; 100 copies, $4.75. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.25; 50 copies, $6.25; 100 copies, $7.25. Covers: first 50, $2.75; additional at 2 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.00: additional at 1^ cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster. Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII MAY, 1947 No. 5 The Relationship of the Neotropical Acridine Lo- cust Genus Machaerocera (Orthoptera: Acrididae; Acridinae) By JAMES A. G. REHN Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia In 1859 the great orthopterist Henri de Saussure described under the name Machaerocera a rather unusual genus of locusts from Mexico, basing it on the then described M. mexicana.1 His comment as to its affinities was vague and casual, and it was not until 1893 that we find any clearer indication of its relation- ship, when Brunner von Wattenwyl, in a generic key, placed it nearest to the western North American genus Acrolophitus of Thomas, with which it was briefly contrasted.2 Dr. Lawrence Bruner in the Biologia Centrali-Americana, without comment, inserted Machaerocera in his generic key between Acrocara Scudder (now synonymized under the older Pcdioscirtctcs Thomas) and Acrolophitus on one hand, and Gymncs Scudder (now replaced by the prior Bootctti.v Bruner) on the other.3 These references summarize the suggestions which have been made in the past as to the relationship of Machaerocera. In re- cent years the chromosomes of the latter genus have been studied by my friend Dr. E. R. Helwig, and the cytological conclusions 4 1 Revue et Magas. de Zool., (2) XI, p. 391 (1859). 2 Ann. Mus. Civ. Stor. Nat. Genova, XXXIII, p. 120 (1893). 3Biol. Cent.-Amer., Orth., II, pp. 27, 49 (1904). 4 "Unusual integrations of the chromatin in Machaerocera and other genera of the Acrididae (Orthoptera)." By Edwin R. Helwig. Journ. of Morph., 71, no. 1, pp. 1-26, pis. 1-3 (1942). (See specifically pp. 3-6.) (113) AUG 2 2 1947 114 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '47 support others which slowly had been crystallizing, drawn from the external morphology, i.e., that Machacrocera holds an anoma- lous position as far as relationship with other American genera of the subfamily Acridinae is concerned. There exists no modern classification of the genera of the .world for the subfamily Acridinae, and in consequence no broad integration of the Old and New World genera has been at- tempted, and although basic study has been accomplished in a few genera groups, certain of the attempted correlations have left much to be desired. While we possess several arrangements of genera of the subfamily as occurring in portions of the New World, Machacrocera will be found only in those covering Mexico and Central America, and in none treating purely North or South American genera. We, however, do have a relatively recent comprehensive classification of the Old World genera by the late Dr. Ignacio Bolivar.5 A comparison of Machacrocera, which is relatively well- known and locally common over much of Mexico, with genera with which it has been associated in the literature, shows very clearly it is in no way related. The genera Acrolophitus and Pcdioscirtctes are relatively close to one another in relationship, and together constitute the distinctive genera-group Acrolophiti, while Bootetti.v is the sole representative of an equally distinctive and peculiar North American and north Mexican genera-group, the Bootettiges. The latter group has a general facies resem- bling that of the Acrolophiti, but is at once separable by the male having the tegminal scapular field strongly dilated, the internal caudal tibial spurs with the flexor appreciably longer than the extensor, instead of the reverse as in the Acrolophiti, and in the caudal tarsi having the proximal article equal to less than half the entire tarsal length, instead of equalling or surpassing half the length, as in the Acrolophiti.6 5 "Los Truxalinos del antiguo Mundo." Trab. Mus. Nac. Cienc. Nat., Madrid, Ser. Zool., num. 20, pp. 41-110 (1914). 6 The Bootettiges are virtually unique in possessing areas of mother-of- pearl (nacre) on various parts of the body chitin. For a discussion of Bootetti.r, its species, distribution and bionomics, see Rehn, ENTOM. NEWS, LV, pp. 158-164 (1944). Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 115 When we attempt to integrate the Acrolophiti and the Bootet- tiges with the Old World genera-groups, as set forth by I. Bolivar in 1914, we find the Acrolophiti would run to the Para- pleuri (= Mecostethi as understood to-day), and the Bootettiges to the Chrysochraontes, to neither of which are the two exclu- sively American genera-groups in any way related. In 1891 Ferdinand Karsch erected a genus Holopercna,7 basing it on a single new species, H. coelestis, from the Cam- eroons, West Africa. The previous year Ignacio Bolivar had described a species Duronia gerstaeckeri from Ashanti,8 which we now know is identical with Karsch's Holopercna coelestis, and hence gerstaeckeri is the older and valid specific name for this relatively common locust of the Lower Guinea Forest Sub- region of West Africa. I have had the opportunity to collect both Machaerocera and Holopercna, and their general morpho- logical resemblance, plus that most unusual feature for the sub- family of the mutual possession of blue wing disks, had impressed me on more than one occasion. Bolivar, in his key to the Old World genera, above mentioned, placed Holopercna in the genera-group Phlaeobae, along with some twenty-nine other genera of that exceedingly complex and widely spread tropical and subtropical Old World assemblage. With representatives of the majority of these genera before me I proceeded to make 'a careful analysis of Machaerocera and Holopercna for evidence of relationship, and also of their position in relation to the other phlaeobid genera. As a result of this study it is clearly evident that Machaerocera is a New World relative of the African Holopercna and, on the basis of present group associations, a number of the hitherto Old World Phlaeobae. When Machaerocera and Holopercna are compared it is seen they have the general form very similar, with numerous details of the head structure, such as that of the frontal costa and of the antennae, much the same, with similar basic alar, sternal and limb forms; and, further, they agree in the wing color pattern and the unusual discal color of the same. Noteworthy differ- 7 Berlin Entom. Zeitschr., XXXVI. p. 176 (1891). s An. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat., XIX, p. 311 (1890). 116 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '47 ences of Machaerocera from Holopercna are: the fastigium, as seen from the dorsum, is more acutely produced with no definite discal carinula, the lateral foveolae are longer and more appreci- able, reaching two-thirds of the distance to the apex of the fas- tigium as seen in profile, and also are shallowly excavate ; fhe pronotum is more tectate and has the median carina somewhat more pronounced, cut by two sulci, instead of solely the principal one, while the lateral carinae are not sharply defined but are represented by marked shoulders, these broken at the principal sulcus, and on the prozona continuations of the shoulders sub- obsoletely descend ventro-cephalad across the lateral lobes as low ill-defined swellings (of which there are weak analogs in Holopercna}, the caudal margin of the pronotal disk is rec- tangulately produced, while the surface of the metazona, and less definitely of sections of the prozona, bears scattered nodulose granules, as contrasted with the micro-cribrose subcoriaceous texture of Holopercna; the tegmina have the posterior axillary vein marked in both sexes and definitely joining the anterior axillary vein at two-fifths of the length of the anal field. Unfortunately no chromosomal studies have as yet been made of Holopercna, but it is hoped this may soon be possible. While we have a few approximately parallel patterns of genera-group distributions in the Orthoptera, such as the Sphenaria of the Pyrgomorphinae, which occurs in the Old World in Eastern Africa and the Oriental Region, and in Amer- ica in Mexico and Central America, the presence in the latter areas of a relative of Holopercna, and hence a member of the Phlaeobae, which hitherto had been regarded as exclusively Old World, is of both systematic and zoogeographic interest. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 117 The Larva of Pleocoma and its Systematic Position (Coleoptera, Pleocomidae) l By WM. P. HAYES and PEH-! CHANG, University of Illinois INTRODUCTION • Paulian (1941), in a study of adult characteristics, has at- tempted to settle the uncertainty of the relationships of the genus Pleocoma to other members of the superfamily Scara- baeoidea. He points out that the genus has been transferred from the Laparosticti to the Pleurosticti, that is, from the family Geotrupidae to the subfamily Dynastinae of the Scarabaeidae, and that authorities have not been in agreement on the systematic position of the genus. Arrow (1909, p. 484) placed Pleocoma in the subfamily Pleocominae and points out that Pleocoma and Pachypus have similar habits and ''although by no means closely related are probably more nearly related to each other than to any other known forms, and that, while they are best classed among the Laparosticti, they are scarcely less related to the Pleurosticti." Boving and Craighead (1931) on the basis of larval characters have considered the genus as a subfamily, Pleocominae, of the Scarabaeidae, and Essig (1942) has con- sidered Pleocoma as representing a new family, Pleocomidae. On the basis of Paulian's study of external adult characters and the male genitalia of Pleocoma, he believes the genus should be placed in a distinct subfamily the Pleocominae, in the family Geotrupidae. In the past a number of other workers have dis- cussed the position of this genus. The two genera of the group, Pleocoma Le Conte and Acoma Le Conte are known only from the states of California, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Texas and probably Alaska. Pleocoma according to Essig contains 26 species. The larva of Acoma is unknown, that of Pleocoma was il- lustrated and imperfectly described by Osten-Sacken (1874) 1 Contribution No. 270 from the Entomological Laboratories of the University of Illinois, Urbana. 118 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ' [May, '47 from a single specimen in the process of moulting.* Paulian (I.e.) has pointed out that larval characters which can be studied from Osten-Sacken's description and figures, because of their lack of detail, do not indicate the position of Plcocoma. He fur- ther noted that this larva does not approach the Lucanidae be- cause the abdominal segments are divided into subsegments (an- nulets) ; nor can it be placed in the Pleurosticti because the maxilla has the galea and lacinia distinctly separated, whereas in Pleurosticti they are fused into a single structure (male). Osten-Sacken (I.e.) concludes his description of the larva with the following comments on the relationships of Pleocoina based on a comparison of his larva with descriptions of Geotrupcs and Tro.v by two European authors, ''When I compare this larva with the analytical table of the lamellicorn larvae by Erichson, reproduced by Chapius (Larvcs dcs col., p. 454), I find that it has the two separate maxillary lobes attributed to the Scara- baeidae Laparosticti ; it has the segments divided by deep fur- rows into transverse bolsters, like the subdivision A in that table (Geotrupidae, Aphodiidae, Copridae, Trogidae). When I further compare our larva with the few existing descriptions of larvae of these groups, I soon perceive that the choice will lie between the Geotrupidae "and Trogidae. The Aphodiidae and Copridae are excluded by the structure of their antennae, maxil- lae, labium, etc. Of those two groups we possess, as far as I am aware, only two good descriptions of larvae : Mulsant's of the larva of Gcotrupes stcrcorarius and Chapius' of the larva of Trox carolmiis. If we were to base our opinion upon these two descriptions only, it would incline in favor of a relationship of our larva with the Trogidae, rather than the Geotrupidae. Cha- pius' description of the larva of Tro.v earolinus agrees quite well with our larva; the description of the labium especially (levre inferieure formee d'un menton et d'une piece palpigere fondus en un real corps allonge) seems to indicate a structure somewhat analogous to that in our larva. On the contrary, Mulsant's de- scription of the larva of Gcotrupes disagrees with ours in several * Since the present paper was sent to press, P. O. Ritcher has described the larva of Plcocoma hirticollis randykci in Pan-Pacific Ent., 23: 11- 20, (1947). Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 119 points. The antennae are said to be four-jointed, the maxillae to have two almost cylindrical lobes, the legs are described as bilobed at the end, etc. Finally, if it be true that the larva of Geotrupcs has only two pairs of well developed legs, the third being almost atrophied, as Frisch (but not Mulsant) describes it, this would constitute another important difference." Osten-Sacken in his discussion of this larva points out the "singular fact that the shape of the mandibles changes after moulting. A similar peculiarity has been already observed among larvae of other orders of insects. That the shape of the earlier mandibles is merely due to its being worn is a supposition that will hardly be entertained by any one who has compared the two mandibles." Gerstaecker (1883) maintained that Plcocoma should be re- moved from the Scarabaeidae Laparosticti and placed in the Melolonthinae of the Scarabaeidae Pleurostici. He further as- serted that the larva described by Osten-Sacken as Plcocoma cannot possibly belong to that genus nor to any genus allied to Geotrupcs, and that it is undoubtedly a Lucanid. Gerstaecker's paper was translated by J. B. Smith and read at the November 18, 1885 meeting of the Washington Entomological Society (Proc. Wash. Ent. Soc., vol. 1, p. 32) and there the question was posed "what is the larva described by Osten-Sacken as that of Plcocoma, since there is no Lucanid known to occur in Cali- fornia which is of the size indicated by the larva." At the April 5, 1888, meeting of the same society (I.e., p. 144), G. H. Horn criticized Gerstaecker's paper and stated that he believed the larva described by Osten-Sacken really belongs to Plcocoma. A single specimen of an undetermined species of Pleocoma was available to the writers for study. It was collected at the roots of a pear tree at Camino, California, in November 1934 by R. H. Dart and was determined to the genus by him. Camino is in Eldorado County, California, and according to the distribution of this genus in California, as determined by Linsley (1938, p. 99), Plcocoma fimbriata Le Conte is the only species occurring in Eldorado County, and Linsley (p. 50) states that fimhriata "occurs commonly in the vicinity of Placerville, California." Camino is only a few miles east of Placerville. So it is quite probable that the species here described is P. fimhriata Le Conte. 120 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '47 DESCRIPTION OF THE LARVA OF PLEOCOMA The third instar larva (fig. 2) which was available for study has a pale yellow head and whitish body. It is about 50 mm. long. The thoracic and first eight abdominal segments are dor- sally divided into three annulets. The ninth abdominal segment is faintly divided dorsally into two segments and the tenth is un- divided. The annulets are covered with minute setae on the dorsal surface. There are nine spiracles. One is located ventro-laterally on the prothorax and the other eight are on the first eight abdominal segments. The three pairs of thoracic legs are well developed. The anal slit (fig. 14) is T-shaped. The Head. The head (fig. 6) is pale yellow in color in our preserved specimen. A Y-shaped epicranial suture divides the epicranium (EPI) and the epicranial arms are somewhat sinuate as they approach the bases of the antennae. A few scattered setae are located on the epicranium. The front (F) has a few setae on both sides of the mesal line. The clypeus (CLP) is much wider than long and is faintly divided into a preclypeus and postclypeus by a weak clypeal suture. The labrum (LAB) is roughly semicircular with a median projecting lobe on the anterior margin which gives the margin a trilobed appearance. The surface of the labium is rather densely setaceous. The antennae (fig. 1) are three-segmented although a some- what bulbous extension of the head capsule gives a four- segmented appearance. Some authors consider this bulbous part of the head to be an antennal segment but recent workers are inclined to disregard it as a segment. The first or basal seg- ment is long and cylindrical, the second about the same length and the third is quite short, being about half as long as the second. The epipharynx (fig. 5) is the ental aspect of the labrum and clypeus. Distally its margin is broadly trilobed. The median lobe projects quite prominently and is densely covered with long spinelike setae. The lateral lobes have two rows of long setae. Most of the entire surface is covered with setae which are gener- ally pointing toward the median line. A small cluster of spines is located on the mesal area caudad of the median lobe. The Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 121 tormae (T) are located at the sides of the clypeo-labral suture. They are nearly symmetrical and become somewhat pointed near the meson. Proximally on the labrum and overlapping the cly- peal area are two converging clusters of fine setae which become longer proximally and eventually seem to cross each other. On each side of these setae are very minute spine-like structures that may be sensory in function. Near the tormae and located in the cluster of dense setae are two sensory cones (SC). Near the median line in the region of the fronto-clypeal suture are two sensory spines and a broadly curved, strongly sclerotized rod- like structure. The trilobed condition of the epipharynx, but not the setal arrangement, of Pleocoma is somewhat similar to that of Gcotrupcs as figured by Schiodte. (See III. Biol. Monog. vol. 12, pi. 6, fig. 58). The mandibles (fig. 11 and 13) are nearly symmetrical. They articulate on the head capsule by a tricondylic articulation. The molar area is small with a few blunt teeth. The scissorial area is smooth and blade-like with the distal end truncate. The ven- tral aspect has a cluster of small setae near the molar area and a cluster of longer setae, caudad of the molar area. The scis- sorial area near the curved part of the inner margin has a series of fine striae that may correspond to the stridulating area on the mandibles of other scarabaeid larvae. These may rasp against certain spine-like processes that are found on the maxillae (fig. 12, ST) immediately under these striae. There are a few, faint, longitudinal striae ventrally on the distal end of the scissorial region. The maxilla (fig. 12) has a nearly quadrangular cardo (CD) and the stipes (S) bears on its dorsal surface (fig. 12) a longi- tudinal row of stridulating spines (ST) similar to those found in other scarabaeid species. The right maxilla has 10 spines (fig. 9, right) in the row while the left maxilla has twelve (fig. 9, left). These spines are narrowly triangular in shape. The palpifer (PF) bears a four-segmented palpus (MP) with seg- ments of nearly equal length. The distal segment becomes at- tenuated near the end. The galea (G) and lacinia (LC) are not united into a single piece as they are in the Pleurosticti but are composed of two parts, at least distally, as is common in the 122 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '47 Laparosticti. The mesal margin of the lacinia is covered with numerous setae and the distal end has one large dark spine. The galea has a few setae distally and also one large spine. The labium (fig. 10, LA) has a subquadrate submentum (SM). The mentum (M) is also subquadrate. The ligula (L) bears the labial palpi at its disto-lateral angles. The glossae and paraglossae are fused into a single sclerite which is located between the palpi. The labial palpus (LP) is two-segmented. The basal segment is wider than long and the second segment is nearly two times longer than wide. The three segments of the thorax are about equal in size. Each is divided dorsally into three subsegrhents or annulets. The prothorax bears a spiracle on each side just above the pro- thoracic leg. The other two segments, the meso-, and meta- thoracic, are similar except that they lack the spiracles. The Legs. The first two pair of legs (fig. 8) are much alike. There is an elongated coxa (C), a small, triangular trochanter (TR), a long femur (FM), a short, broad tibia (TB) and a sharply attenuated, one-segmented tarsus (TA) ending in a single claw (CL). On the mesothoracic leg (fig. 8) the coxa bears a plectrum or striclulating plate (STP) composed of a series of fine transverse striae. All the legs are densely seta- ceous. The metathoracic legs (fig. 2) are somewhat shorter and stouter than the first and second pair of legs. The coxa (C) is shorter, more nearly cylindrical and subtruncate at both ends and lacks the stridulating plate of the mesothoracic leg. The trochanter (TR) is small and the femur (FM) larger and strongly emarginate on the mesal margin. On the cephalic aspect of the femur of the metathoracic legs are two rows of spine-like tubercles (figs. 15 and 16), almost at right angles to each other. One row, lying in a longitudinal direction, is com- posed of 5 tubercles ; the other row is basad of the longitudinal row and lies almost transversely across the base of the femur. Each tubercle has arising behind it near its base a single un- branched seta. The distal tubercle of the transverse row is ex- ceptional in that its seta is branched (fig. 16). These rows of tubercles correspond to the rows of stridulating spines found in some other Scarabaeoidea. It is interesting to note that this Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 123 stridulating structure, if such it be, is different in arrangement than that found in the Passalidae and Geotrupidae wherein the metathoracic leg is greatly reduced in size and serves only as a rasping paw and lacks several of the leg segments. Distad of the femur on metathoracic leg is a small subquadrate tibia (TB) which in turn bears, distally, a much narrower one-segmented tarsus (TA) and a single claw. The abdomen is ten-segmented. There are eight pairs of abdominal spiracles (fig. 3 and 4) on the first eight segments. The first eight dorsal segments are each subdivided into three subsegments and are rather densely and minutely spinose with a few scattered longer setae. The ninth and tenth segments are smooth and not strongly subdivided. The ninth has a faint transverse depression. The ventral aspect of the first eight seg- ments is subdivided irregularly into at least two subsegments. The ninth and tenth are not subdivided and only indistinctly separated laterally from the dorsal area. The anal slit (fig. 14, ANS) is T-shaped, giving a trilobed appearance to the caudal end of the tenth segment. The ventral aspect of the tenth abdominal segment (fig. 14), called the raster or radula, is not strongly developed. A faint transverse depression is located near the distal end and between it and the anal opening are numerous small setae. Cephalad of this depressed line are a few scattered setae but most of the re- maining area is non-setose. The spiracles are broadly oval with the long axis lying longi- tudinally. The first spiracle (fig. 4) located on the prothorax is smaller and more narrowly oval than the others (fig. 3). The dorsal part of each spiracle is a moon-shaped area with numerous perforations, the so-called "sieve plate." The ventral half is a quite smooth peritreme. There apparently is no slit-like opening nor a raised bulla as is found in the spiracles of some scarabaeid larvae. DISCUSSION OF LARVAL RELATIONSHIPS According to Paulian (1939, p. 356), Arrow was the first to propose raising the subfamily Geotrupinae to the rank of a dis- tinct family equivalent to that of the Lucanidae and Passalidae. 124 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '47 This change was not recognized by others until Boving and Craighead (1931, p. 52) on the basis of larval characters again recognized the subfamily Geotrupinae as a family. These au- thors, however, placed the genus Plcocoma in a subfamily of the Scarabaeidae, called the Pleocominae. Paulian (1939) has discussed the larval and adult characters of Geotrupcs niger Marsh, and concludes, as Arrow did, that Geotrupes should be regarded as of family rank. In a more recent paper, Paulian (1941), principally on the basis of adult characters, believes Pleocoma should be regarded as representing a subfamily of the Geotrupidae. Paulian (1941) further states that Osten-Sacken's (I.e.} de- scription of the larva of Pleocoma does not permit placing it defi- nitely because the description is imperfect. It does, however, indicate, according to Paulian, that it does not belong with the Lucanidae because the abdominal tergites are divided trans- versely, nor with the Pleurosticta Scarabaeidae because the galea EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1 Structural Parts of the Third Instar Larva of Pleocoma 1. Antenna. 2. Lateral aspect of third instar larva. 3. Abdominal spira- cle. 4. Thoracic spiracle. 5. Epipharynx or ental aspect of the labrum and clypeus. 6. Cephalic aspect of the head. 7. Metathoracic leg. 8. Mesothoracic leg. 9. Stridulating teeth on the stipes of the right and left maxillae. 10. Labium and maxillae. 11. Caudal aspect of the right mandible. 12. Cephalic aspect of the right maxilla. 13. Caudal aspect of the left mandible. 14 Ventral aspect of last abdominal segment (raster). 15. Cephalic aspect of metathoracic femur showing stridulating teeth and associated setae. 16. Two stridulating teeth enlarged to show a single and a branched seta. ANS— Anal slit ANT— Antenna C — Coxa CD— Cardo CL — Claw CLP — Clypeus EPI — Epicranium F — Front FM — Femur EXPLANATION OF ABBREVIATIONS LA — Labium LAB — Labrum LC — Lacinia LP — Labial palpus M — Mentum MD— Mandible MP — Maxillary palpus MX— Maxilla PF— Palpifer S — Stipes SC — Sense cone SM — Submentum ST — Stridulating spines STP — Stridulating plate T — Torma TA — Tarsus TB— Tibia TR — Trochanter Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 125 16 126 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, "47 and lacinia of the maxillae are separated and not fused into a single mala. Essig (1942), on the other hand, considers Ple- ocoma as representing a distinct family which he calls the Pleocomidae. On the basis of larval characters described herein it seems that Plcocoma is sufficiently different from Gcotrupcs and others to merit being placed as a separate family, Pleocomidae, princi- pally on the degree of development of the stridulating legs and on the basis of .other structures such as the mandibles and epi- pharynx. The posterior legs of Gcotrupcs, which are used for stridulating, are reduced in size as in the. Passalidae but not to the extent that they are in the Passalidae. Those of Plcocoma are fully developed as are those of the Lucanidae. The rasping spines on the metathoracic leg of Geotrupidae are well developed while those in Pleocoma (fig. 15) have long setae associated with them that might make them less efficient. The mandibular- maxillary stridulating structures are well developed in the Scara- baeidae and poorly developed or absent in the Geotrupidae and Lucanidae. In this respect, Plcocoma seems to represent an intermediate condition in that the striae of the mandibular stri- dulating area are poorly developed while the maxillary stridulat- ing teeth (fig. 9) are well developed. Hence it is probable that these structures do not function to produce stridulation in Plc- ocoma. In this respect they approach the Geotrupidae. The mandibles of Gcotrupcs bear strongly developed teeth on the scissorial area which Paulian calls a "double retinaculum," while Plcocoma lacks any such teeth and has a smooth cutting area. The epipharynx is trilobecl in both Gcotrupcs and Plc- ocoma but seems more highly developed in Gcotrupcs. The faint division of the ninth abdominal segment of Plcocoma into subsegments indicates a trend toward the Scarabaeidae rather than the smooth undivided segments found in Lucanidae and Passalidae. From the above differences of the larva it seems to the writers that the raising of the subfamily Pleocominae to family rank is justifiable and more logical than regarding it as a subfamily of Geotrupidae. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 127 LITERATURE CITED ARROW, G. J. 1909. On the characters and relationships of the less- known groups of lamellicorn Coleoptera, with descriptions of new spe- cies of Hybosorinae, etc. Trans. Ent. Soc. Lon., 1909, pp. 479-507. BOVING, A. G. and F. C. CRAIGHEAD. 1931. An illustrated synopsis of the principal larval forms of the order Coleoptera. Ent. Amer., 11: 1-351. Essie, E. O. 1942. College Entomology. Macmillan Co., N. Y., 900 pp. GERSTAECKER, E. A. 1883. Ueber die Stellung der Gattung Pleocoma Lee. im System der Lamellicornia. Stett. Ent. Zeit, 44: 436-450. HORN, G. H. 1888. Review of the species of Pleocoma, with a discus- sion of its systematic position in the Scarabaeidae. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 15: 1-18, 2 pis. LINSLEY, E. G. 1938. Notes on the habits, distribution and status of some species of Pleocoma (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae). Pan-Pacific Ent., 14 : 49-58 and 97-104. OSTEN-SACKEN, R. 1874. Description of the larva of Pleocoma Lee. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 5 : 84-87. PAULIAN, R. 1939. Les caracteres larvaires des Geotrupidae (Col.) et leur importance pour la position systematique du groupe. Bui. Soc. Zool. France, 64: 351-360. — . 1941. La position systematique du genre Pleocoma LeConte (Col. Scarabaeidae). Revue Frangaise d'Entom., Tome 8, fasc. 3, pp. 151- 155. Notes on the Genus Somatochlora Collected in Ken- tucky and Tennessee (Odonata: Cordulinae) By CARL COOK, Crailhope, Kentucky In 1941 and again in the 1946 collecting season the writer made an especial effort to collect as many species of the genus Somatochlora as possible from Kentucky and Tennessee. Most of the collecting was done in central and eastern Kentucky and southeastern Tennessee, chiefly in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Seventeen specimens representing five species were taken and several others were seen but could not be captured. It is well known that these dragonflies are notoriously difficult to cap- ture, as they often fly back and forth for hours at a time, keeping 128 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '47 to a height of ten to twenty-five, often fifty, feet. Under such circumstances the collector finds a net almost useless ; a much more useful piece of equipment for bringing down the high flyers is a shotgun and the finest possible shot. For several years the writer has been using a 20-gauge Model 12 Winchester with 20 in. barrel fitted with Cutts "compensator" to reduce muzzle blast from the short barrel. The best shot to use is known as dust-shot, which is of very small size ; most dragon- flies brought down with this size shot will be usable as cabinet specimens, and all are valuable for purposes such as this survey. Our species of Somatochlora inhabit chiefly the colder areas of the United States and Canada, and with few exceptions are to be found in the southern states only in the more mountainous parts. It is in these mountainous areas that the writer has done most of his collecting and whence all the more interesting speci- mens were secured. One species is being recorded for the first time south of Pennsylvania and a few others are recorded for the first time from the territory covered by this paper. It has always been assumed that these species could be found in Kentucky and Tennessee but there were no authentic records of their ever being collected there. In the following list of species collected, an effort has been made to add a few notes on the collecting areas visited by the writer and to point out some of the habits of these very interesting dragonflies, as well as to list date and locality data. Somatochlora linearis Hagen KENTUCKY : Donansburg, 1 J\ 1 5- July 10, 1941 ; 1 J\ Aug. 29, 1946; Crailhope, 1 J\ June 19, 1941; 1 J\ July 20, 1946; Somerset, 1 J\ Aug. 6, 1946 ; Mammoth Cave National Park, 1 d\ July 4, 1946; Hardyville. 1 J1, Sept. 3. 1946. TENNESSEE: U. S. 35, 6 miles south of Knoxville, 1 J\ July 11, 1946. This seems to be the commonest species of the genus in Ken- tucky. At Donansburg it was not uncommon to find the males coursing up and down a small stream in a manner suggestive of Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 129 Aeschna males. The stream flows through the center of an open, pastured meadow and at dusk they like to leave the stream and fly about over the meadow at a height of twenty to thirty feet. At a small clearing in a woodland area bordering U. S. Highway No. 35, just out of Knoxville. Term., five or six were patrolling back and forth at about 10:00 A.M.; one was taken but the others retired and had not returned when we left the clearing at 11 :30 A.M. Somatochlora tenebrosa Say KENTUCKY: Jenkins, Letcher Co.. 1 <$, July 30, 1941; Pres- ton sburg, Floyd Co.. 1 J1. July 15, 1946. So far this species has been taken only in the more mountain- ous parts of eastern Kentucky. It does not seem to be common in any of the areas visited by the writer ; none were seen in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. One was flying fifteen or twenty feet high over an overgrown field, about 200 yards up from Levisa Fork River near Ky. Highway No. 80. 10 miles south of Prestonsburg. It was taken with great difficulty, since the writer was equipped with only a net at the time, which was just after sunset. S. tenebrosa is said to be crepuscular and this is apparently true of the examples seen by the writer, both his specimens having been taken after sunset. Somatochlora provocans Calvert KENTUCKY : Crailhope, Green Co., 1 J1 , June 28. 1946. TEN- NESSEE : Mt. Le Conte, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1 J1, July 12, 1946. My first example of this species was taken while it was patrol- ling at the usual height, over an old, unused, overgrown road in full sunshine at about 2:30 P.M. It seemed very determined to * keep at its patrolling as two or three passes at it with the net failed to drive it away; finally, a lucky stroke with the net brought it down. The second specimen was taken at one of the most interesting and unusual collecting localities visited by the writer in this survey, Mt. Le Conte (6,593 ft.). It was 130 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '47 here that we found also the northern zvilliamsoni, on the same day and within 100 yards of the place where this specimen of provocans was taken. The collecting ground here consists of an open pine woods bordering each edge of Le Conte Creek. Most of the collecting was done from near the source of this stream on down for a mile or more of its course. Near the headwaters of this stream and some 100 yards from its banks two brownish dragonflies were flushed from an uprooted tree. One after flying about in the woods for a few moments came back to the tree and lit again ; it was taken immediately and turned out to be a fine male of provocans. Somatochlora filosa Hagen KENTUCKY : Mammoth Cave National Park, 1 J\ June 27, 1941. TENNESSEE : Nashville, 1 J1, June 2, 1941 ; Spencer, Van Buren Co., 1 J1. July 6, 1946. This species has a very wide range in the southern and eastern states, Illinois and New Jersey to Florida. Therefore, it is not surprising that it occurs quite frequently in the territory covered by this paper. My first chance at this species came one hot, humid, June afternoon in the Mammoth Cave National Park. On entering a large grove of tall oaks where the ground was shaded by the dense wide-spreading trees, I flushed a pair in copula from the trunk of one of the oaks. They immediately lit on the trunk of another tree but this time at a height of about twenty feet. As my shotgun was not at hand, the only solution was to climb the tree. This would have been difficult to do while carrying a net, so I decided to climb the tree from the opposite side from where they were hanging by their feet on a small twig and to try to get them with my fingers. The male was caught successfully but the female escaped. At sunset several specimens were in active flight, soaring high over the tree tops in a park near the campus of Vanderbilt Uni- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 131 versity, Nashville, Term. Occasionally one would swoop lower in pursuit of some small insect on which they were feeding. Only one could be taken, and it with great difficulty. Somatochlora williamsoni \Yalker TENNESSEE : Le Conte Creek, Mt. Le Conte, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, 1 J\ July 12, 1946. This is a significant extension to the known geographic range of this species; so far as known this is the first record of ^'il- hamsoni being taken south of Pennsylvania. Its presence here is probably explained by the high altitude of the Great Smoky Mountains in the region where it was found ; the altitude of Mt. LeConte is 6,593 feet. At the place where it was taken, Le Conte Creek is not very wide and the banks on both sides are partly shaded. . It was first noticed on July llth, while it was patrolling back and forth at a height of a foot or so, near the shaded bank of the creek. It was wild and unapproachable and at the first sign of danger went across to the other side of the creek out of my reach, however, after several moments of pa- trolling that bank it came back over on my side again. One wild swish with the net caused it to retire and not return that afternoon. Next day it was back at its patrolling over the same area of the creek. It had a habit of "marking time" in the air much in the manner of Cordulia surtlcffi, so my opportunity for capture came at one of these baitings. It was caught off guard for an instant, a swift swing with the net and ... it was mine ! 132 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '47 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL, RAYMOND Q. BLISS, CHARLES HODGE IV, MAURICE E. PHILLIPS, JOHN W. H. REHN AND HENRY K. TOWNES, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by (k); papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL— Dustan, G. G— Effect of temperature on toxicity of DDT. [23] 79: 1-4. Frings, H.— A simple method for rearing blowflies without meat. [80] 105 : 482. Macan, T. T. — Taxonomy of aquatic insect nymphs and larvae. [53] 159: 595-96. " Pennak, R. W.— Keys to aquatic insects of Colorado. [Univ. of Col. Studies, Ser. D., Boul- der] 2: 353-83. Sabrosky, C. W.— The significance of the "editorial notes" in the reprints of the earlier opinions on zoological nomenclature. [5] 40: 152-53. Wachs, H.— Synergistic insecticides. [80] 105: 530-31. Weiss, H. B.- Entomological medicaments of the past. [45] 55: 155-68. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Beament, J. W. L. — The formation and structure of the micropylar com- plex in the egg-shell of Rhodnius prolixus (Reduviidae). [40] 23: 213-33, ill. Bick and Penn— Resistance of mos- quito larvae and' pupae to experimental drought. [5] 40: 82-86. Bodine and Fitzgerald — A spectrophotometric study of a developing egg (Orthoptera) with especial reference to riboflavin and its derivatives. [41] 104: 353-63. Carbo- nell, C. S. — The thoracic muscles of the cockroach Peri- planeta americana. [82] 107: 1-23, ill. Demerec, M.— Mutations in Drosophila induced by a carcinogen. [53] 159: 604. Dobzhansky, T. — A response of certain gene ar- rangements in the third chromosome of Drosophila pseudo- obscura to natural section. [Genetics, N. Y.] 32: 142-60. Dubinin and Tiniakov — Inversion gradients and selection Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 133 in ecological races of Drosophila funebris. [3] 81 : 148-53. Farnsworth, M. W. — The morphology and musculature of the larval head of Anopheles quadrimaculatus. [5] 40: 137-51, ill. Fish, W. A. — Embryology of Lucilia sericata (Calliphoridae) : I. Cell cleavage and early embryonic de- velopment. [5] 40: 15-25, ill. Gregson, J. D. — Benzene hexachloride ("666") as an acaricide. [23] 78: 201-02. Morgan, L. V. — A variable phenotype associated with the fourth chromosome of Drosophila melanogaster and af- fected by heterochromatin. [Genetics. N. Y.] 32: 200-19. Patterson, J. T. (editor) — Studies in the genetics of Dro- sophila. V. Isolating mechanisms. [Univ. of Texas Publ., Austin] 4720: 7-184. Slack, H. D. — Feeding mechanism of water-bugs. [53] 159: 605, ill. Trager, W. — Insect nutri- tion. (Biol. Rev., Cambridge Phil. Soc., Eng.] 22: 148-77. Viette, P. — Les Hepiales. [Rev. Franchise de Lepidop- terologie] 10: 366-70, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Archer, A. F.- The Theridiidae or comb-footed spiders of Alabama. [Geol. Surv. of Alab., Univ. of Alab.] Museum Paper 22: 5-67. ill. (k). Baker, E. W. — Notes on mites of the family Tycleidae with descriptions of two new species. [65] 49: 133-36, ill. Chamberlin and Ivie — North Amer. Dictynid spiders : The Bennetti group of Amaurobins. [5] 40: 29-55, ill. (k*). Gregson, J. D. — (See under Anatomy.) Hoff, C. C. — The species of the pseudoscorpion genus Chelanops described by Banks. [20] 98 : 473-550, ill. ; Two new pseudoscorpions of the subfamily Lamprochernetinae from Venezuela. [95] 32: 61-64, ill. Jameson, E. W., Jr. — The geographic range of Ixodes soricis. [23] 78: 200. Jenkins, D. W.— A labo- ratory method of rearing chiggers affecting man (Trombi- culidae). [5] 40: 56-68, ill. Michener and Michener- Chiggers. [56] 56: 231-35, ill. Smith and Gouck — Ixodes bishoppi. a new species from Georgia. [5] 40: 75-81, ill. THE SMALLER ORDERS— Calvert, P. P.— Aeshna psilus, a new species of the group of Ae. cornigera Brauer (Odonata). [109] 194: 1-11, ill. (k). Carpenter, F. M.- Lower permian insects from Oklahoma. Part I. Introduc- tion and the orders Megasecoptera, Protodonata, and Odo- nata. [Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences, Boston] 76: 25-54, ill. (*). Denning, D. G.— Hydroptilidae (Trichop- tera) from southern U. S. [23] 79: 12-20, ill. (*). Froesch- ner, R. C. — Notes and keys to the Neuroptera of Missouri. [5] 40: 123-36, ill. (k). 'Hopkins, G. H.— Stray notes on 134 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '47 Mallophaga. VII. [6] 13: 170-183, ill. (*). Matthysse, J. G. — Cattle lice, their biology and control. [Cornell Univ., Agr. Exp. Station] 832: 3-67, ill. Spieth, H. T.— Taxo- nomic studies of the Ephemeroptera. IV. The genus Ste- nonema. [5] 40: 87-122, ill. ORTHOPTERA— Bodine and Fitzgerald— (See under Anatomy.) Carbonell, C. S. — (See under Anatomy.) HEMIPTERA — Anderson, R. F.— Saratoga spittle-bug injury to pine. [37] 40: 26X33, ill. Beament, J. W. L.- (See under Anatomy.) Caldwell, J. S. — New Fulgoroidea from North America. [58] 47: 76-78. China, W. E.— A new species of the genus Arachnocoris with a key to the known species of the genus (Nabidae). [6] 13: 119-22, ill. (kS*). Fennah, R. G. — A synopsis of the Archilixiidae of the New World (Fulgoroidea). [6] 13: 183-91, ill. (k*). Slack, H. D. — (See under Anatomy.) LEPIDOPTERA— Bell, E. L.— A new species of Hes- periidae from Venezuela. [95] 32: 67-68, ill. Rau, P.— Butterfly aggregations in temperate regions. [5] 40: 13-14. Viette, P. — (See under Anatomy.) DIPTERA — Alexander, C. P. — Records and descriptions of neotropical crane-flies (Tipulidae). XXII. [45] 55: 173-84. Bates, M. — The development and longevity of Haemagogus mosquitoes under laboratory conditions. [5] 40: 1-12. Bick and Penn — (See under Anatomy.) Bres- cia, F. — A study of the migratory habits of salt marsh and anopheline mosquitoes. [5] 40: 69-74. Bromley, S. W. — Ohio robber flies. IV. (Asitidae). [58] 47: 67-68. De- merec, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Dobzhansky, T. — (See under Anatomy.) Dodge, H. R. — A new species of Wye- omyia from the pitcher plant (Culicidae). [65] 49: 117-22, ill. Dubinin and Tiniakov — (See under Anatomy.) Farns- worth, M. W. — (See under Anatomy.) Fish, W. A. — (See under Anatomy.) Frings, H. — (See under General.) Michener, C. D. — Mosquitoes of a limited area in so. Mis- sissippi. [1] 37: 325-74. Morgan, L. V. — (See under Anatomy.) Olsen and Davies — The story of Syrphus weidemanni, a fly magnified in plastic. [45] 55: 107-13. Patterson, J. T., ed. — (See under Anatomy.) Phillip, C. B. —A catalogue of the blood-sucking fly family Tabanidae of the nearctic region n. of Mexico. [1] 37: 257-324 (k). Rapp, W. F., Jr. — Separation of adult Psychoda and Peri- comal (Psychodidae). [45] 55: 169-71, ill Shaw, J. G.- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 135 * Hosts and distribution of Anastrepha serpentina in n.e. Mexico. [37] 40: 36-40. Weiss, H. B. — Dry-cleaning- fluid and the kelp-fly. [45] 55: 114; Smoke flies. [45] 55: 146. COLEOPTERA— Anderson, W. H.— A terminology for the anatomical characters useful in the taxonomy of weevil larvae. [65] 49: 123-32. ill. Bird, R. D.— Sweetclover weevil, Sitona cylindricollis. [23] 79: 5-11. Knull, J. N.— New North American Coleoptera (Buprestidae, Schizopo- dida and Cerambycidae). [58] 47: 69-73, ill. Leech, H. B. — Collecting' in southern British Columbia; Finding of the water beetle, Deronectes spenceri. [23] 78: 198-200; Crow eating serica beetles (Scarabaeidae). [23] 79: 4. Marshall, M. Y.— Studies in the Malachiidae. [23] 78: 183-95 (k*). HYMENOPTERA— Banks, N.— Studies of S. Amer. Psammocharidae. Part II. [20] 99: 371-486, ill. (k*). Burks, B. D. — Nearctic species of the genus Dirhinus (Chal- cididae). [65] 49: 136-40, ill. (k*). Enzmann, J.— New forms of Aphaenogaster and Novomessor. [45] 55 : 147-53, ill. (k*). Gregg, R. E. — Altitudinal indicators among the Formicidae. [Univ. of Col. Studies, Series D, Boulder] 2: 385-403. Pate, V. S. L— A conspectus of the Tiphiidae, with particular reference to the nearctic forms (Aculeata). [45] 55: 115 — 1-5, ill. (k*) ; A minute on Paramyrmosa Saus- sure (Tiphiidae). [23] 78: 196-97 (k). Timberlake, P. H. —A revision of the species of Exomalopsis inhabiting the U. S. (Apoidea). [45] 55: 85-106 (k*). EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Oriental Cerambycidae and Chrysomelidae for determi- nation and research purposes: China, India, Philippines, Pacific. Will purchase from China, Assam, Burma, Siam, Formosa. Will exchange identified Chinese insects. J. Linsley Gressitt, Lingnan University, Canton, China. Wanted — Papers on Cicindelidae of any part of the world, espe- cially South America and Pacific. R. G. Dahl, 3225 Grand Ave.. Apt. 13, Oakland 10, Cal. Chrysididae — Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Win. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Coccinelidae — Wanted from other localities. Will buy or exchange for misc. So. Cal. coleops. F. W. Furry, 1633 Virginia Ave., Glen- dale 2, Cal. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp,"jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. cle Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. * Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1135. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — Synopsis of No. Amer. Ephydridae. III. The tribe Notiphilini of the subfam. Notiphilini (72: 227-240, 1946) $ .35 1136.— A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. I. The subfam. Psilopinae (72: 241-264, 1946) 60 1134. — Knight and Laffoon — The oriental spp. of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (72 : 203-225, 3 pis., 1946) 70 THE BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF TRYPETID LARVAE By VENIA TARRIS PHILLIPS Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, No. 12, 161 pp., 16 pis., 1946 This is a comprehensive work describing and figuring the important characteristics of the larvae of forty five species of American fruit flies (Diptera). An indispensible work for economic en- tomologists. It includes a glossary of the terms used in the descriptions; a list of 442 species of the family, with their known hosts; a list of their host plants; and an extensive bibliography. The plates contain 192 exquisitely executed figures. Price $5.00 (postpaid, domestic delivery) U. S. Currency, remittance must accompany order. HYMENOPTERA 1132. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompilidae) and their type spp. (72: 65-137, 1946) 1.80 ORTHOPTERA 1128. — Rehn (J. A. G.) — One new gen. and six new spp. of Central American and Colombian Pseudophyllinae (Orthoptera) (72: 1-26, 2 pis., 1946) .75 COLEOPTERA 1133. — Benesh (B.) — A systematic revision of the Holarctic gen. Platycerus Geoffrey (72: 139-202, 5 pis., 1946) 1.90 1129. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — Review of the Onocephalini (Ceram- bicidae) (72: 27-48, 1 pi., 1946) 65 1131. — Green (J. W.) — A new sp. of Enochrus (Hydrophilidae) (72: 61-64, figs., 1946) 20 1130.— Robinson (M.)— Studies in the Scarabaeidae III (72: 49-59, 1946) 30 LEPIDOPTERA 1125. — Jones (F. M.) — Platoeceticus Packard, and a remarkable n. sp. of the genus (Psychidae) (71 : 99-124, 4 pis., 1945) 75 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JUNK 1947 iis. ^ IL Vol. LVIII No. 6 CONTENTS Calvert — Samuel Francis Aaron 137 Richards and Korda — Electron micrographs of setae 141 Banks — (A letter to the News) 145 Chamberlin — Chilopods from Panama 146 Robinson — Notes on Scarabaeidae 149 Frota-Pessoa — Drosophila mallochi 151 Notes and News in Entomology Schmieder — More about dancing bees 152 Steyskal — Insect collection records by States 154 Soukup — Appeal for information on Peru 156 List of titles of publications 157 Current Entomological Literature 159 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS.. LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1 Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January IS, 1921. OCT6-lb4/ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers: Domestic, $3.00; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $1.00 $ 1.90 $ 2.75 $ 4.80 Five Issues 4.50 8.50 12.00 21.00 Ten Issues 8.00 15.00 21.00 36.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1—4 pages, 25 copies, $2.50; 50 copies, $2.50; 100 copies, $3.00. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.00; 50 copies, $4.00; 100 copies, $4.75. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.25; SO copies, $6.25; 100 copies, $7.25. Covers: first 50, $2.75; additionals at 2 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.00; additional at \l/2 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII JUNE, 1947 No. 6 Samuel Francis Aaron SAMUEL FRANCIS AARON, widely known as S. FRANK AARON, died near Pipersville, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, on January 15, 1947, as announced in the NEWS for February, 1947. He was born at Mount Holly, New Jersey, March 5, 1862, where his father, Charles Eugene Aaron, was principal and owner of the Mount Holly Institute, a school for boys. His mother was Anna Murray Aaron. An older brother was Eugene Murray Aaron (1854—1940), first editor of the NEWS, as mentioned in our issue -for May, 1942, page 142. Later the family moved to Maryville, Tennessee, where Samuel Francis spent most of his boyhood. On December 25, 1882, he was appointed to one of the Jessup Fund Scholarships at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia, established by the children of Augustus E. Jessup, a position held by many young men and young women who subse- quently made jiames for themselves in American biology, as George Howard Parker, Spencer Trotter, William M. Gabb. Charles Conrad Abbott, John A. Ryder and Angelo Heilprin.1 He was reappointed to this scholarship July 27, 1885. While a Jessup Fund scholar his first technical entomological paper was published : Descriptions of new Psocidae in the collec- tion of the American Entomological Society (Transactions of the Society XI: 37-40, Dec., 1883). In it are described one new genus (Dorypteryx) , eight new species and one new vari- ety, mostly collected by himself, in or near Philadelphia, in the summer of that year. Three years later, another paper on the same group appeared: On some new Psocidae (Proceedings of 1 A Short History of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia by Edward J. Nolan. Founders' \Yeek Memorial Volume. Published by the City of Philadelphia 1909, pp. 153-186. Separately payed 1-38. (137) OCT 6 1947 138 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '47 the Academy 1886: 13-18, 1 plate). "The several new species described here are in the collections of the American Entomo- logical Society" and comprised seven new species, one new vari- ety and one new genus Echmepteryx ; some of these are from his own collections in southern Texas, others from near Phila- delphia. Aaron's types of sixteen species of Psocida are pre- served in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia. In 1884 he made a trip to Texas with Corpus Christi as his headquarters. He collected insects for the most part within a radius of fifty miles to the north and west of that town, from mid-March to June. In the latter half of June he went along the coast to the Colorado River, over one hundred miles distant. All his excursions were made under the guidance of Mr. John Priour, of Corpus Christi, a collector in other branches of natu- ral history. The story is told in Aaron's article, "Collecting on the Gulf Coast of Southern Texas," published in Papilio, a jour- nal devoted to the Lepidoptera, of which his brother, E. M. Aaron, was editor, Volume IV: 159-161, for November, 1884. It mentions only the Lepidoptera which were observed or gath- ered. Another result of this expedition, nearly twenty years later, was the description of a dragonfly, Neoncura aaroni, by the present writer (Biol. Centr.-Amer. Neur. 139, 1903), while in 1890 LcptJicmis (now Brachynicsia} gravida Calvert had been described in part from material from the same source (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 17: 35). On March 27, 1885, he was chosen by the Committee in charge for the Entomological Section of the Academy to be cus- todian of insects for the balance of the year. In this period his most extensive entomological paper appeared : The North American Chrysididae (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 12: 209-248, 5 pis., 1885). Its author writes: "The materials upon which this monograph is based are the almost perfect collections of the American Entomological Society, containing the types of Messrs. Cresson and Norton, together with a large number of un- described forms, and the collection of M. Provancher, of Canada, kindly loaned me for study, containing all his type specimens described in the 'Naturaliste Canadien' with other rare and in- teresting species." It describes one new genus, DiplorrJws, and Iviii, '47 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 139 thirty-one new species. Alexander Mocsary, of the National Hungarian Museum at Budapest, expressed a favorable opinion of it in his Monographia Chrysididarum orbis terrarum universi - and replaces the preoccupied name Chrysis hirsnta Aaron with C. aaroni (p. 386). Aaron's types of thirty-two species of Chrysididae are listed by Cresson as being in the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. 5: 28-30, 1928). The writer possesses some manuscript "Notes and drawings of Odonata and Neuroptera S. Frank Aaron," undated, but probably of about this period, given to me many years ago by their author. They contain many notes in the characteristic handwriting of Dr. H. A. Hagen, indicating that Mr. Aaron was in correspondence with the great entomologist of the Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology. In 1896 he became economic entomologist at the Philadelphia Commercial Museum and held this position until at least 1906, according to data which doubtless he furnished to the first edi- tion of American Men of Science of the latter year. In 1907 he married Elsie W. Lindsey, who survives him. Mrs. Aaron has kindly supplied a number of facts concerning her husband and has presented to the Academy of Natural Sci- ences of Philadelphia a scrap book which he had made and en- titled "The nearly complete periodical writings of S. F. Aaron from 1881 to Herein collected in 1914." It comprises 232 pages, 14 X 10 inches, with an index as far as page 154. The contents are printed clippings arranged in chronological order. Actually the collection extends to November, 1938, but does not include his papers already mentioned. They deal with many phases of popular natural history, the earliest being on "Odd bird songs" from the "Philadelphia Record about 1881" copied from the Boston Ornithologist. The earliest article on insects - Budapestini 1889, 4to. pp. xv, 643, 2 pis. After referring to North American species described by previous authors "quas anno 1885 Aaron, maxima ex parte secundum specimina typica revisioni severae subiecit. Opus hoc, summa fide elaboratum ad determinationem speck-rum liujus orbis terrarum partis maxime difficilem optimum est. Tantum optandum fuisset, ut auctor species Cressoni de insula Cuba quoque non satis com- plete descriptas in suum opus assumsisset." P. 23. 140 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '47 in this collection, on "The bold robber fly" [Asilus] , from the Philadelphia Times of 1889, with three illustrations, was re- printed in part in the NEWS for April, 1894, but without the figures. An article on "Migrating Insects," in the Times for 1891, records his observations on vast numbers of the butterfly, Krigonia lysidc, "a certain large dragonfly" and a "common gray beetle known as the Spanish Fly," perhaps made during his Texas trips above mentioned.3 Other clippings on insects are from the Youths' Companion, Popular Science News, Scientific American, St. Nicholas, American Homes and Gardens, New England Magazine, Guide to Nature, Collier's, American Suburbs, Country Gentleman, Philadelphia Public Ledger, Farm Journal, Dearborn Inde- pendent and Nature Magazine, many of them with illustrations by the author. On January 13, 1913, he began a series of daily articles in the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, "Outdoor Life in Winter, in Spring, in Summer, in Autumn," which continued until July 19, 1915, and occupy pages 80-209 of the scrap book. An article from the Philadelphia Record of September 15, 1918, describes an attempt in which he took part to eradicate mosquitoes in the Hog Island region of Delaware County, Penn- sylvania, and to which is added a note in his handwriting that "The work was a failure throughout." In 1920-1925 he lived out in the country about nine miles from Lincoln University, Post Office, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Aaron writes of her husband : "He was a life-long stu- dent of nature, he knew trees and the wood from them and the wild flowers. He had a way of imparting his knowledge to old and young alike that made him an interesting companion on a hike, or just at home with me. He knew the birds intimately, as well as the four-footed little creatures in the wild. He would often sit down and sketch any of them he might come upon, dead, for future reference." PHILIP P. CALVERT. 3 There is, however, a series of three articles in the scrap book from "Our Boys and Girls," apparently a department of the Times, 1891, de- scribing "a hunting trip that I took on the plains of Southwestern Texas when I was a boy of sixteen" ; this trip would have been in 1878. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 141 Electron Micrographs of Centipede Setae and Microtrichia T By A. GLENN RICHARDS and FRANCES H. KORDA, Division of Entomology and Economic Zoology, University of Minnesota In connection with a survey of various cuticles and sense or- gans to locate types most favorable to electron-microscope stud- ies of cuticle structure, Mr. R. E. Snodgrass and Dr. R. V. Chamberlin suggested that we examine the setae on centipede maxillae and antennae. All of the work was done with the common house centipede, Scntu/cni forceps (Rafinesque). On the midventral line between the bases of the first maxillae of the house centipede 2 there is a rather large pouch which is usually drawn in but which can be extruded. This pouch con- tains some hundreds of setae of two types: 1. Very long simple setae, 1-2 microns in diameter, which appear homogeneous in the electron microscope ; these need not be discussed as we have learned nothing about them other than their apparent simplicity ; 2. Flat, ovoid setae with helical thickenings and a short, fine- pointed tip (figs. 1 and 2). The top and side views of these remarkable setae seem self- explanatory. From a small socket the setae swell out with a relatively heavy wall (cuticle) ; then the wall ceases to be uni- form, for alternating thick and thin areas set at an angle of 35-40° to the cross-sectional plane give an appearance remark- ably similar to that of a tracheal wall with its helical taenidia. These thickenings are 0.1 to 0.3 microns broad and separated for about the same distance by an extremely thin membrane (only about 0.01 p. thick when dry). Overall dimensions are: total length 80-90 p., diameter of base 1-2 p, diameter at broad- est point on flatter surface 10-1 1 p., diameter in shorter direc- 1 Paper No. 2346, Scientific Journal Series, Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station, St. Paul 1, Minn. The observations recor.ded in this paper were made in connection with work on a contract for studies on arthropod cuticle between the Medical Division of the Army Chemical Corps and the University of Minnesota. - Dr. Chamberlin writes that these pouches of setae are found only in the family Scutigeridae of the Chilopoda. 142 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June. '47 tion 2-3 p. ; the arc of curvature in "side view" is that of a circle with a radius of 75-80 /x. At the base of each seta some 12-14 of these helically pitched thickenings start ; by branching, the number is increased to about twice this at the broadest point. Rather abruptly the seta con- tracts in diameter, the helical thickenings taper off into the membrane and are lost, and the tip of the seta tapers out to end with a rounded but none-the-less extremely fine point of only about 0.1 p. diameter. Each helix which extends the maxi- mum length would make 5—6 turns around the seta. It might be repeated that at the base the helical thickenings start in thick, sclerotized cuticle by the development of lines of thin membrane, whereas at the tip the thickenings thin out into the thin membrane. The structure is made more transparent and diffuse by con- verting into chitosan (concentrated KOH at 160° C. for 15 minutes) but is not destroyed. The iodine test for chitosan is positive, therefore the setae contain chitin. When examined with the ordinary-light microscope, the con- trast between specimen and mounting medium is usually so low that none of this structure can be discerned. However, if a cleaned seta is allowed to dry in air and is then examined with the high powers of a compound microscope and reflected light a typical diffraction grating pattern can be seen. Serial sections examined with a light microscope show that these setae arise from sockets in a thin, highly convoluted cuticle that overlies a very thick epidermal layer of cells. No clue as to the possible function of these peculiar setae was obtained. On the antennae are rows of true setae, of ordinary structure. In addition there are even more numerous rows of somewhat smaller microtrichia, i.e., small hair-like projections of the cuti- cle which have no special sockets at their base. These micro- trichia (fig. 3) are 15-35 /x long and taper from 1— 4- p. broad at the base to slightly less than 0.1 /t at the tip. These too show helical thickenings which, however, are not as distinct (the membrane between the thickenings is not so extremely thin and the thickenings themselves are not as Heavy), extend all the way Iviii. '4/1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 143 Figs. 1 and 2. Top and side vic\\ > m" setae from maxillary oi Scutigera jorccps (Raf.). Fig. 3. Microtrichium fnnn antenna of same. 144 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '47 to the tip, are thinner (0.05-0.10 /A), more closely spaced (0.07- 0.15 /A), and have a much greater pitch (70-80° to the cross sectional plane). We were not able to determine for certain what happens to these helical thickenings at the base of the microtrichium — presumably they are lost as the microtrichial wall curves out into the general cuticle of the antennal segment. The origin of microtrichia in arthropods is by no means clear. They are customarily viewed as simply hair-like projections of the outer surface of the cuticle — and in whole mounts or sec- tions viewed with a light microscope they appear to be just that. It would seem that these microtrichia from centipede antennae must be more complex. They are not destroyed by treatment in concentrated KOH at 160° C. for 20 minutes, and after this treatment give the typical chitosan color test. They are re- sistant to mild warming with concentrated nitric acid. Serial sections examined with a light microscope show that they must consist of a layer of endocuticle, a layer of exocuticle and a layer of epicuticle. Electron micrographs of microtrichia simply rinsed in distilled water indicate that they are nearly opaque to electrons except at the edges and tip, but microtrichia given only a mild treatment in alkali (5% NaOH at 25° C. for 5 days) are quite transparent to electrons and are clearly hollow ; broken ones show a typical wall and central cavity. This should not be the case if we were dealing with a solid chitin-protein rod but would be expected if the structure contained a protoplasmic core. In an attempt to demonstrate such a core with the light microscope, serial sections (cross and tangential) were heavily overstained with Mallory's triple stain and examined. The tan- gential sections through the endocuticle showed spots and some- times holes at points where protoplasmic filaments might be ex- pected to be or have gone out to the microtrichia. The cross sections showed less contrast, but faint lines crossing the cuticle could be detected in those cases where the canal or filament ap- peared to have been sectioned. Whether or not living filaments extend through the cuticle into the microtrichia in the fully formed antennae is unknown ; the data presented above suggest that such a minute filament does occur at some stage since a Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 145 duct can be demonstrated and since the interior of the micro- trichia can be readily dissolved away. Incidentally, these figures reemphasize the fact that helical thickenings are no special property peculiar to the cuticle of tracheae. Helical structures, less clearly seen, have already been described for sensilla basiconica of some caterpillar an- tennae by Dethier 3 and for the anal setae of mosquito larvae by Anderson and Richards.4 And, as is well-known, helical struc- tures are indeed of wide occurrence, e.g., the pore canals of insect cuticle, in plant cell walls, in wool, in the flagella of pro- tozoa, and even for one type of crack pattern developing in glass tubing. There are several conceivable ways for rationalizing the development of such helices but until some fairly direct evi- dence is available for cuticular helices there seems little profit in doing more than record these two new types as natural curi- osities to be added to the array of simple and bizarre forms al- ready known. A Letter to the News The retirement of EZRA T. CRESSON, JR., moves me to ex- press as forcibly as possible his great value not only to the Philadelphia Academy but to the numerous entomologists who depended upon him for information of types. He labored stead- ily in the most important, though often overlooked, work of preparation, arrangement and preservation of the collection. Such men are the foundation stones of a museum. NATHAN BANKS. 3 Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 87: 455-507. 1941. 4 Sci. Monthly, 55: 187-192. 1942. 146 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '47 A Few Chilopods taken in Panama by N. L. H. Krauss By RALPH V. CHAMBERLIN A small but interesting lot of cbilopods collected in Panama Canal Zone in 1946 by N. L. H. Krauss consists of representa- tives of the five species here listed. The types of the two new species are in the author's collection. Scolopendra viridis Say One young specimen taken at Summit in July, 1946. Cryptops annectus, new species Cephalic plate overlapping the first tergite ; with two short, parallel sulci running forward from the caudal margin. First tergite with a transverse cervical sulcus well impressed, the sulcus angled at the middle in a pit or depression ; with two longitudinal sulci which divide anteriorly, producing a W-shaped mark behind the cervical sulcus. Other tergites to the 20th with the usual paired longitudinal sulci. Anterior margin of prosternum in form of two low convex bows meeting at a very obtuse angle at the middle. Sternites with the usual median longitudinal sulcus crossed at middle by a transverse sulcus ; with spiracles or other special developments. Last ventral plate narrowly trapeziform ; coxal pores moderate in number, 12-15 on each side, not extending to caudal end of joint. In the anal legs both the prefemur and the femur are densely spinous beneath with a naked median longitudinal area on each. The prefemur bears a single stouter spine above at the meso- caudal corner. The femur bears a single tooth on the meso- ventral line about one fourth the distance from caudal end to base. Tibia with a series of four teeth beneath and the first joint of the tarsus with two. These articles with no teeth above. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 147 Length, 12 mm. Locality. — Panama : El Valle. August, 1946. One specimen taken under bark of a dead tree. A small, apparently young, specimen taken at Summit is probably 'this species. N. L. H. Krauss, collector. Distinct from other central American species having a cervical sulcus on the first tergite in the character of the anal legs as above described. Genus CYMOCHILUS, new A schendyloid genus resembling LitoscJicndyla in lacking true, rooted teeth on the labrum, the margin of the latter presenting •crenatures at the middle, these becoming more acute or tooth- like at the sides. Distinct from LitoscJicndyla in having well developed claws on the anal legs. Claws of second maxillae pectinate. Ventral pores present in a median area. Last ven- tral plate wide. Coxal pores two on each side. Generotype. — Cymochilus panainicola, new species The genus may be placed with reference to the other known American genera of the family, excepting the inadequately de- scribed Holitys, by means of the following key. KEY TO AMERICAN GENERA OF THE SCHENDYLIDAE 1 (4). Anal coxae each with several pores 2 2 (3). Anal legs with a well developed claw; claw of second maxillae pectinate Escaryus Cook 3 (2). Anal legs without claws; claw of second maxillae smooth Sof/olahis Chamberlin 4 ( 1 ) . Anal coxae witji 0, 1 or 2 pores 5 5 (6). Anal coxae without pores Nesony.v Chamberlin 6 (5). Anal coxae with 1 or 2 pores 7 7 (12). Anal coxae with but 1 pore 8 8 (9). Claws of prehensors when closed much surpassing an- terior margin of head Mc.vicony.v Chamberlin 9 (8). Claws of prehensors- when closed not surpassing ante- rior margin of head 10 10 (11). Ventral pores present Siinoporns Chamberlin 11 (10). Ventral pores absent Moruin/nis Chamberlin 148 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [JuilC, '47 12 (7). Anal coxae each with 2 pores 13 13 ( 18) . Ventral pores absent 14 14 (17). Anal legs six-jointed beyond coxae, with claws. ... 15 15 (16). Claw of second maxillae smooth; prosternum of pre- hensors with chitinous lines . . . Sogodcs Chamberlin 16 (15). Claw of second maxillae pectinate; prosternum with- out chitinous lines Parunguis Chamberlin 17 (14). Anal legs five-jointed beyond coxae, without claws Nannopodellus Chamberlin 18 (13). Ventral pores present 19 19 (21). Labrum without true teeth, the margin simply wavy or crenate 20 20 (21). Anal legs armed with claws; first maxillae without lappets Cymochilus, gen. nov. 21 (20). Anal legs clawless; first maxillae with lappets Litoschendyla Chamberlin 22 ( 19) . Labrum with true teeth 23 23 (24). Claw of palpi of second maxillae abortive Schcndylcllus Chamberlin 24 ( 23 ) . Claw of palpi of second maxillae normally developed' . 25 25 (30). Anal legs clawless 26 26 (27). Claw of palpus of second maxillae smooth Sclicndyla Berg, and Meinert. 27 (26). Claw of palpi of second maxillae pectinate 28 28 (29). Coxal glands heterogeneous. . .Pectiniungiiis Bollman 29 (28). Coxal glands homogeneous. . . .Schendylurus Silvestri 30 (25). Anal legs with claws Nyctunguis Chamberlin Cymochilus panamicola, new species Pale yellow throughout. Head longer than wide, narrowed from behind middle forward ; frontal suture not. evident. Pre- basal plate not exposed. Fig. 1. Labrum of Cymochilus panamicola n. sp. Labrum excised, the margin forming a right angle at middle, the crenatures about ten in number, these being apically less Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 149 rounded, more acure, as shown in the figure. (Fig. 1.) Man- dible with 5 long well sclerotized teeth which seem to be indis- tinctly separated into two blocks of 2 and 3 teeth respectively. First maxillae without lappets; palpi proportionately thick, bi- articulate, the distal article rounded, bearing two setae. Claw of second maxillae well developed, pectinate, the article bearing the claw also with 5 or 6 setae on or toward its distal end. Orphnaeus brevilabiatus (Newport) One specimen was taken on Colorado Island on August 13, one at Cocoli on Avigust 21, and one at Summit in October, 1946. Mecistocephalus maxillaris (Gervais) One specimen of this tropicopolitan species was taken on No- vember 2, 1946, at Summit. Notes on a few Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) By MARK ROBINSON, Springfield, Pennsylvania Aphodius manitobensis Brown 1928. Aphodius manitobensis Brown, Can. Ent, LX. p. 302. This species was described from a unique male specimen col- lected in Manitoba. Recently I collected both sexes in deer droppings in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. The fe- male specimens differ from the male in having the anterior tibial spur thinner and not so strongly curved caudad. In addition the short spur of the middle tibiae in the female is about half as long as the long spur and it is acute at the apex. Aphodius guttatus Eschscholtz 1823. Aphodius guttatus Eschscholtz, Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou.. VI, p.' 97. This species was described from Alaska and has been re- corded from Labrador. In September 1946 this writer took a specimen near Pittsford, Vermont, in porcupine droppings. 150 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '47 This appears to be the first record of this species being collected in the United States. Aphodius bicolor Say 1823. Aphodius bicolor Say, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci.. III. p. 212. 1938. Aphodius coinanchi Robinson, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., LXIV, p. 146. Aphodius coinanchi is a large light-colored example of A. bicolor and the name should be suppressed in favor of the older species. The western forms of this species seem to be larger in size than the eastern forms but I believe they do not merit a distinctive name. Ataenius insculptus Horn 1887. Ataenius insculptus Horn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIV, . p. 70. Horn in his description of this species states that it lacks an accessory spinule at the inner angle of the apex of the hind tibiae. The type of this species was examined. by the author and a coating of dirt cleaned off the hind tibiae thus revealing a short accessory spinule to be present. This species was described from Florida and has always remained rare in collections, but on May 11, 1947, 23 specimens were collected by the author at Martha, N. J., in deer droppings. These specimens average a little smaller in size but otherwise agree with typical specimens. Ataenius wenzeli Horn 1887. Ataenius wenzeli Horn, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIV, p. 77. As in the preceding species, a close examination of the type reveals a short accessory spinule at the apex of the hind tibiae although Horn states that the hind tibiae are without this spinule. The presence of this spinule places this species in the strigatus group of Ataenius. Mr. Robert Peters collected a small series of this species at Charleston, S. C., in May, 1944, and these specimens have the elytral intervals slightly raised instead of flat as in typical specimens ; this condition makes ivcnzcli rather Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 151 close to Fall's rndcllus. Further study and a larger series of specimens may make it necessary to unite these species. Phyllophaga georgiana Schaeffer 1909. Phyllophaga georgiana Schaeffer, Bull. Brook. Ins.. I, p. 382. 1938. Phyllophaga duvalus Robinson, Trans. Amer. Km. Soc., LXIV, p. 110. Since duvalns was described the type of georgiana has been located in the author's collection. Schaeffer placed his species in Horn's group IV while I placed dnvalits in group IX where I still think it belongs because the short, fixed spur of the hind tibiae is three-fifths as long as the long spur. The genitalia are missing in Schaeffer's type but on the basis of external characters I believe the two forms to be the same species. Concerning Drosophila mallochi Frota-Pessoa By O. FROTA-PESSOA In the June, 1946 issue of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, I published a note, under the title "Drosophila mallochi nom. nov." proposing D. mallochi as a new name for D. lath'ittata Malloch 1924 in Malloch & McAtee 1924 Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 57: 36-37 (nee D. lathittata Malloch 1923 Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 48: 618). However, Dr. G. B. Mainland and Dr. G. Steyskal have called my attention to the note on page 64 of W. P. Spencer's paper (1942 Univ. Texas Pub. 4213: 52-66), in which he declares that D. palnsiris is a substitutive name for D. latirittata. In spite of this Spencer describes it as a new species and even de- clares that he sent paratypes to the Museum. The Zool. Record also refers to D. palustris as a new species. These facts induced a wrong interpretation. So, D. mallochi remains as a synonym of D. palnstris Spencer 1942. 152 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '47 Notes and News in Entomology Under this heading we present, from time to time, notes, news, and comments. Contributions from readers are earnestly solicited and will be acknowledged when used. More about Dancing Bees. — That honey-bees not only inform their hive-mates of the existence of new sources of nectar but also tell them quite exactly in which direction and at what distance to search are the startling new discoveries of Professor Karl von Frisch. These findings are so remarkable and deal with abilities so far beyond anything previously sus- pected of any insects that the NEWS is anxious to help make the facts more widely known. In his first publication l on the "language" of bees, as well as in later reports,2 von Frisch described a "Rundtanz," or circling dance (a running around in small circles with frequent reversal of direction), performed on the combs by any bee returning full of food to the hive. This dance excites nearby individuals and arouses them to rush forth from the hive and, it was said, to search at random for the same food, guided only by the odor that they had perceived upon the dancing bee. For pollen gath- erers, another sort of dance was described, the "Schwanzeltanz" or wagging dance. A new series of experiments 3 continued through 1944 and 1945 brought to light astounding facts, facts so strange, so fan- tastical, that von Frisch himself could accept them only after oft repeated experiments under varied conditions. In the first place, he found that the differences between the two styles of dance depends only upon the distance from the hive to the food source and not upon whether the food is nectar or pollen. His earlier observations were correct but he erred in his conclusions 1 K. v. FRISCH, 1923, Uber die "Sprache" der Bienen. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. allg. Zool. u. Physiol. 40: 1-186. - For additional references to the literature see article "On Directing the Flight of Bees," by R. G. SCHMIEDER in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 57: 16-19, January 1946. 3 K. v. FRISCH, 1946, Die Tanze der Bienen. Osterreichische Zool. Zeitschr. 1 : 1-48. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 153 because he had not varied his experimental conditions suffi- ciently ; he had always placed the food near the hive while the pollen sources were always at a distance. Bees returning from a distance of 50 meters or less perform the circling dance (Rundtanz) ; those from 100 meters or more, the wagging dance (Schwanzeltanz). At distances between 50 and 100 meters, there is a gradual change or rather the bee may make both sorts of movements. In the Schwanzeltanz, the bee runs in a semi-circle on one side, say in a clockwise direction, then runs a few steps straight back to where it started, then immediately makes another semi-circle on the other side, i.e., running in a counter-clockwise direction, and again straight back to the starting point. It is during the straight part of the run that the characteristic "Schwanzeln," i.e., the shaking or wag- ging of the abdomen, occurs. At distances greater than 100 meters, the number of wagging runs (Schwanzelaufe) per unit of time decreases with the dis- tance. At the same time the number of wagging motions in- creases so that the vigor of the dance appears as great as before, in fact it gains in emphasis. Thus it is possible by timing the number of runs per unit of time, say 15 seconds, to know with fair accuracy the distance from which the dancing bee has ob- tained her food. Even more startling was the second discovery, that the wagging dance also indicates the direction from the hive in which lies the food. It is the straight part of the dance run that indicates with astonishing accuracy the direction as related to the direction of the sun at the particular time of day. If the runs are vertically upward on the comb, the food lies exactly in the direction towards the sun, if downward, opposite the sun. If the run deviates 10° to the right of the vertical, the direction of the food is at that same angle to the right of the sun. A deviation to the left, at whatever angle, would indicate that the food is to be found at the corresponding angle to the left of the sun. Sometimes a dancing bee may move to the opposite face of the comb but the dance will not change, a run to the bee's right still means the food is to the right of the sun, and the same 154 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June. '47 applies if the entire hive is turned about. On the other hand, if the hive is laid on its side, the runs are then oriented directly towards the food supply and the bee will continue to run towards that same direction, in space, even though the hive be rotated horizontally. Finally, experiments were devised that demonstrated beyond question that a dancing bee's hive-mates really act on the infor- mation received and do search diligently in the direction and at the distance suggested. Altogether, this paper of von Frisch, like his earlier works, is a perfect example of good scientific writing ; it is carefully organized, crystal clear and very readable. In it he allows us to accompany him, so to speak, along his path of discovery. He traces for us his ideas and early experiments that proposed the problems. Then, for each part of the work, he outlines the inductive reasoning that reveals the new hypothesis, and the deductive thinking that suggests to him all the possible condi- tions that must obtain if his hypothesis be true, and, finally, how he devised and carried out the crucial experiments. — R. G. SCHMIEDER. The Distribution by States of United States Insect Col- lection Records. Any one who has studied the distribution of North American insects knows that there are extensive la- cunae in the data, even as regards the United States. In order to determine the extent and location of these "blind spots," the writer compiled the number of State records cited in 108 synop- tic or revisional papers wherein the distribution of the various species was given in sufficient detail. All too frequently the distribution of a species is cited as "east of the Rocky Moun- tains" or "Connecticut to Illinois and southward." Such cita- tions mean very little. The 108 papers were all published dur- ing the present century and are divided among the various orders as follows : Coleoptera, 23 ; Diptera, 16; Hemiptera Heteroptera, 6 ; Hemiptera Homoptera, 9 ; Hymenoptera, 27 ; Lepidoptera, 7 ; Orthoptera, 6; miscellaneous (ten orders), 14. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 155 The number of species cited for each State may be tabulated as follows : N. Y 1222 Texas ....1152 Colo 1092 Calif 1060 Ariz 1036 Fla 801 Pa 753 111 744 Mass 744 N. J 712 N. M 677 N. C 654 Va 636 Kans 624 Wash 558 Mich 555 Ind. ..551 .538 .530 .521 .489 .474 .466 .428 Md Ore Utah Ga Ohio D. C N. H Maine 423 Iowa 371 Idaho 365 Mo 330 Mont 324 Conn 320 Wis 296 Minn 289 Nev 284 Wyom 282 La 266 Nebr 265 Ala 241 S. D 236 S. C 222 Tenn 196 Miss 185 Ky 170 Okla 163 W. Va 133 Ark 130 Vt 125 R. 1 121 N. D 118 Del. ..45 As number of species per thousand square miles, the above data may be expressed as follows : D. C 6657 R. 1 97 Mass 90 N. J 87 Conn 64 N. H 46 Md 44 N. Y 25 Del 19 Pa 17 Ind 15 Va 15 Fla 14 111 13 Maine 13 Vt 13 N. C. .12.5 Ohio 12 Colo 10.5 Mich 10 Ariz 9 Ga 8 Kans 8 Wash 8 Calif 7 Iowa 7 S. C 7 Utah 6 La 5.5 N. M 5.5 Ore 5.5 \V. Va 5.5 Ala 5 Mo. ..5 Tenn 5 Wis 5 Idaho 4 Ky 4 Miss 4 Tex 4 Minn 3 Nebr 3 Nev 3 S. D 3 \Yyom 3 Ark 2 Mont 2 X. D 2 Okla. Among the last half (24) in both the above tables are tlu- following twenty States: Iowa. S. C., La., \V. Va.. Ala., Mo., Tenn., Wis., Ida.. Ky.. Miss., Minn., Xebr., Nev., S. D., \Yvom.. Ark., Mont., N. D., and Okla. 156 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June. '47 Only three States, N. Y., N. J., and N. C, have comprehen- sive published State lists which offset the above figures. Some have published lists of several orders or large families ; among these are Ohio, Conn., 111., Kans., Colo., and Iowa. It was especially difficult to find papers on Lepidoptera in which detailed distributional data is given. There are, how- ever, many State lists of butterflies. No significant variation was seen between the various orders. It is believed, therefore, that the figures reflect to a large extent the relative amount of collecting that has been done in each State. If the data be plotted on a map it will be seen that a broad band of nearly "virgin territory" exists from West Virginia through Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi, and Arkansas, to Oklahoma, all of which are areas of rich faunal content. A little collecting in these States wrould yield data of much zoogeo- graphical significance. Another and more extensive pallid area on the map would extend inclusively from Wisconsin to Idaho and take in Nevada, Montana, Wyoming, both Dakotas, Nebraska, Minnesota, Iowa, and Missouri. In the extreme east Delaware has hardly been touched and among the New England States Vermont has re- mained aloof. It is hoped that the data here presented will influence to some degree the choice of collecting sites. However, the insect fauna of even the best-collected States is far from thoroughly known and activity there should not be lessened. — GEORGE C. STEYSKAL. From Peru comes a request for information to be used in compiling a "Gazetteer of Entomological (or Zoological) Stations in Peru." The names of collectors who visited Peru are wanted and information on their routes, data and experi- ences regarding their localities that may be of use to subsequent collectors, and references to any published records of their trips and collections. Address : JAROSLAV SOUKUP, Box 999, Lima, Peru. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 157 List of Titles of Publications Referred to by Numbers in Entomological Literature in Entomological News. 1. American Midland Naturalist. Notre Dame, Indiana. 2. American Museum Novitates. New York, N. Y. 3. American Naturalist. Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. 4. Annals of Applied Biology. London. 5. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Columbus, Ohio. 6. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. 7. Annales Academia Brasileira Sciencias. Rio de Janeiro. 8. Anales del Institute de Biologia Mexico. Mexico City. 9. Anatomical Record. Philadelphia. 10. Arkiv fur Zoologie. K. Svenska Vetenkapsakademien i. Stockholm. 11. Arquivos de Higiene e Saude Publica. Sao Paulo. 12. Biological Bulletin. Woods Hole, Massachusetts. 13. Bios, Rivista Biol. Geneva. 14. Boletin de Entomologia Venezolana. Caracas. 15. Boletin del Museo de Historia Natural "Javier Prado." Lima, Peru. 16. Boletin do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Brasil. 17. Bull. Acad. Sci. (Izvestia Akad. nauk) U R S S (S. biol.). 18. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. New York. 19. Bulletin of Entomological Research. London. 20. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Cambridge, Mass. 21. Bulletin of the Southern California Acad. of Sciences. Los Angeles. 22. C. r. Acad. Sci. (Doklady Akad. nauk) U R S S. Leningrad. 23. Canadian Entomologist. Guelph, Canada. 24. Canadian Journal of Research. Ottawa, Canada. 25. Ecological Monographs. Durham, North Carolina. 26. Ecology. Brooklyn, New York. 27. Entomologica Americana. Brooklyn Ent. Society, New York. 28. Entomological Monthly Magazine. London. 29. Entomological Record and Journal of Variations. London. 30. The Entomologist. London. 31. Florida Entomologist. Gainesville, Florida. 32. Frontiers. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 33. Great Basin Naturalist. Provo, Utah. 34. Iowa State College Journal of Science. Ames, Iowa. 35. Journal of Agricultural Research. Washington, D. C. 36. Journal of Animal Ecology. London. 37. Journal of Economic Entomology. Geneva, New York. 38. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Science Society. Chapel Hill, X. C. 39. Journal of Entomology and Zoology. Claremont, California. 40. Journal of Experimental Biology. London. 41. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 42. Journal of Heredity. Baltimore, Maryland. 43. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. Lawrence, Kansas. 44. Journal of Morphology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 45. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. New York. 46. Journal of Parasitology. New York. 47. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Sciences. Nashville, Tenn. 48. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Washington, D. C. 49. Memorias do Institute Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro. 50. Microentomology. Stanford University, California. 51. The Microscope and Entomological Monthly. London. 52. Mosquito News. Albany, Xe\\ York. 53. Nature. London. 54. Nature. Washington, D. C. 55. La Xaturaliste Canadien. Quebec. 158 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '47 56. Natural History. New York. 57. Occasional Papers, Mus. of Zool., Univ. of Michigan. Ann Arbor. 58. Ohio Journal of Science. Columbus, Ohio. 59. Opinions and Declarations. Intern. Com. Zool. Nomencl. London. 60. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. San Francisco, California. 61. Parasitology. London. 62. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia. 63. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Washington, D. C. 64. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. San Francisco. 65. Proceedings of the Entom. Soc. of Washington. Washington, D. C. 66. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society. Honolulu. 67. Proceedings of the National Acad. of Sciences. Washington, D. C. 68. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Ser. A. 69. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Ser. B. 70. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Ser. C. 71. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. Washington, D. C. 72. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. London. 73. Psyche, A Journal of Entomology. Boston, Massachusetts. 74. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. London. 75. Quarterly Review of Biology. Baltimore, Maryland. 76. Revista Academia Columbiana de Cien. Exact. Fis. y Nat. Bogota. 77. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. Valparaiso, Chile. 78. Revista Institute Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales. Mexico. 79. Revista Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. Mexico City. 80. Science. Washington, D. C. 81. Scientific Monthly. New York. 82. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Washington, D. C. 83. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. Philadelphia. 84. Transactions of the Amer. Microsc. Soc. Menasha, Wisconsin. 85. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Sciences. Springfield. 86. Transactions of the Kansas Acad. of Sci. Manhattan, Kansas. 87. Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute. Toronto. 88. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society. London. 89. U. S. Dept. of Agric., Farmer's Bulletins. Washington, D. C. 90. U. S. Dept. of Agric., Technical Bulletins. Washington, D. C. 91. University of California Publications in Entomology. Berkeley. 92. University of California Publications in Zoology. Berkeley. 93. University of Kansas, Science Bulletins. Lawrence, Kansas. 94. Ward's Natural Science Bulletin. Rochester, New York. 95. Zoologica. New York. 96. American Journal of Public Health. Boston. 97. American Journal of Tropical Medicine. Baltimore. 98. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. Liverpool. 99. Canadian Journal of Research. Section E, Medical Sciences, Ottawa. 100. Turtox News. Chicago, Illinois. 101. Mitteilungen der schweitzerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft, Bern. 102. Revue de Entomologie. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 103. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 104. Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas. Mexico. 105. Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology. Philadelphia. 106. Redia. Florence, Italy. 107. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. Paris. 108. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France. Paris. 109. Notulae Naturae. Philadelphia. 110. L'Entomologiste. Paris. 111. Revista Brasiliera de Biologic. Rio de Janeiro. 112. Eos, Revista Espaiiola de Entomologia. Madrid. 113. Minist. de Agri. de la Nacion, Inst. Sanidad Vegetal, Buenos Aires. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 150 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL, RAYMOND Q. BLISS, CHARLES HODGE IV, MAURICE E. PHILLIPS, JOHN W. H. REHN AND HENRY K. TOWNES, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University ot Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by (k): papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL— Blackwelder, R. E.— The dates and edi- tions of Curtis' British Entomology. [82] 107: 1-27. ill. Carpenter, F. M.— Early insect life. |73] 54: 65-85. ill. Curtis, W. P.— Nomenclature again. [28] 83: 100-102. Fullaway, D. T.— Niihau insects. [66] 13: 51-53. Hay- dak, M. H. — Rearing clothes moth and black carpet beetle in the laboratory. [37] 40: 279-80. Maimardi, A.— Pro- posta di un modo di preparare gli insetti minuti, e descrizi- one di un apparacchietto per poterli studiare comodamenta al microsopio. [Riv. di Parassit.] 7: 113-18 (1943). Os- born, H. — On the status of grass insects. [65] 49: 149-50. Sabrosky, C. W. — Stability of family names: some princi- ples and problems. [3] 81 : 153-60. Setterstrom, C. A.— Banishing bug bites. [52] 6: 186-88. Smith, Dean and Kelly — The sixteenth or 1946 annual population summary of Kansas insects. [43] 20: 41-58. Smith, H. S.— Biologi- cal control of weeds in the U. S. [65] 49: 169-70. Steed- man, H. F. — Ester wax: a new embedding medium. [74] 88: 123-33. Woods, R. S. — Addenda to the naturalist's lexicon. Abbey Garden Press, Pasadena, Cal. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Callot, J.- Nouveaux cas de phoresie. [Annales de Parasit.] 23: 379- 80, ill. (1946). Calvert, P. P. — I low many mosquito lar\ ;u and pupae are required to make one dragonfly (Aeschni- dae)? [65] 49: 171-72. Ciaccio, G.— Ricerche sull'accres cimento e sullo sviluppo delle ghiandole salivari dellc larve li Anopheles maculipennis. [Riv. di Parassit.] 5: 217-34 160 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '47 (1941). Corradetti, A. — Sull'introduzione di metodi ge- netici per la determinazione delle specie negli anofelini. [Riv. di Parassit.] 7: 43-48 (1943). Dean and Chapman- Biology and control of the apple redbug. [N. Y. State Agr. Exp. Station] Bull. 716: 3-42. Judd, W. W.— The proventriculus of the larva of the caddis-fly, Macronema zebratum (Trichoptera : Hydropsychidae). [24] 25: 87-90, ill. Nucciotti, L. — Sulla resistenza all'immersione sub- acquea delle larva di Anopheles gambiae. [Riv. di Paras- sit.] 7: 87-90 (1943). Oliveira e Moussatche— Aqau do DDT sobre larvas e pupas de Musca domestica. [HI] 7: 67-72, ill. Salt, R. W. — Some effects of temperature on the production and elimination of diapause in the wheat stem sawfly Cephus cinctus. [24] 25 : 66-86. Stammers and Whitefield — The toxicity of DDT to man and animals. [19] 38: 1-73. Thornton, D.— The effect of 2,4-dinitrophe- nol on the larval growth of Drosophila melanogaster. [Growth] 11: 51-60. Travis, B. V.— Relative efficiency of six species of mosquitoes from Guam, M. L, as develop- mental hosts for Dirofilaria immitis. [46] 33: 142-45. Vanni, V. — Sulla biologica e morfologia di Phlebotomus perniciosus nella provincia di Napoli. [Riv. di Parassit.] 7: 121-26 (1943). Villee, C. A.— A spectrophotometric analysis of the eye colors of Habrobrucon. [Genetics, N. Y.] 32: 277-85. Whittinghill, M.— A doubly mosaic Drosophila of unusual type. [38] 63: 37-42. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Andre et Ansel- Sur la presence d'un Oribatid (Notaspis coleoptratus) dans le tissu sous-cutane d'un triton marbre Triturus marmora- tus. [Annales de Parasit.] 21: 376-77 (1946). Banks, N. —On some Acarina from North Carolina. [73] 54: 110—41, ill. (k*). Bryant, E. B. — A list of spiders from Mona Is- land, with descriptions of new and little known species. [73] 54: 86-99, ill. (*). Delpy, L.-P.— Revision, par des. voies experimentales, du genre Hyalomma C. L., Koch 1884 (Ixodidae). Note preliminaire. 1. Necessite d'une revision du genre Hyalomma. [Annales de Parasit.] 21 : 267-93, ill. (1946). Grant, C. D.— American mites of the genus Laelaps (Acarina). [50] 12: 1-21. ill. (k*) : Re- description of a snake-infesting mite. [50] 12: 22-23, ill. Pavlov, P. — Richerche sperirhentali sulla tassina delle uova di Ixodinae. [Riv. di Parassit. ] 6: 101-06 (1942). Schu- bart, O. — Um novo representante da familia Leptodesmidae, Macrocoxodesmus marcusi, n. g., n. sp. (Diplopoda). [Ill] 7: 109-12, ill. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 161 SMALLER ORDERS— Augustson, G. F.— Xenopsylla fleas of the Hawaiian Islands (Pulicid). [66] 13: 33-36, ill. Bianchi, F. A. — Thysanoptera Hawaiiensis, I. |(V>| 13: 37-42, ill. (*). Brues, C. T.— Predatory enemies of winged termites. [65] 49: 167-68. Calvert," P. P. — (See under Anatomy.) Carpenter, F. M. — Taxonomic notes on the Dilaridae (Neuroptera). [73] 54: 100-09, ill. (*). Filho e de Castro — Spongiphora moreirae, nome novo para Spongiphora dissimilis Moreira, 1930, com redescriqao do macho (Labiidae, Dermaptera). [Ill] 7: 1-3, ill. Hop- kins, G. H. E. — Notes on mallophagan nomenclature, II. [30] 80: 73-79. Hubbard, C. A.— Fleas of western N. Amer. [Iowa State Coll. Press, Ames], ill., 533 pp. Judd, W. W. — -(See under Anatomy) (Trichoptera). Sakimura, K. — Thrips in relation to gall-forming and plant disease transmission: a review. [66] 13: 59-95. Westfall, M. J., Jr. — A new Macromia from North Carolina. [38] 63 : 32-36. ill. (k*). ORTHOPTERA— Chopard, L.— Orthopteroides de L'Afrique du Nord. [Faune de L'Empire Franqais, La- Rose, Paris] 1: 1-147, ill. (k*). Rehn, J. A. G.— The re- moval of the mantid genus Callimantis from the N. Amer. fauna. [65] 49: 163-64. HEMIPTERA— Beamer, R. H.— Some new species of Delphacodes with two old ones (Fulgoridae). [43 1 20: 58-71, ill. (*). Dean and Chapman — (See under Anatomy.) Ferris, G. F. — Information concerning the genera Chor- tinaspis and Aspidiotus (Diaspididae). [50]-'ll: 37-49, ill. (k*). Lent e Wygodzinsky. — Sobre algumas especies de Zeltirus Hahn (Reduviid). [Ill] 7: 25-55, ill. McKenzie, H. L. — Supplementary notes on the genera Aonidiella and Parlatoria (Diaspididae). [50] 11 : 29-36, ill. (k*). Stein- weden, J. B. — The identity of certain common American species of Pulvinaria (Coccidae). [50] 11: 1-28, ill. (k*). Usinger, R. L. — Notes on Graptostethus in Hawaii (Ly- gaeidae). [66] 13:107-08. Wygodzinsky, P. — Novas con- tribuiQoes ao conhecimentos dos Stenolemus das Americas (Emesinae. Reduviid). [Ill] 7: 127-44, ill. (k*). LEPIDOPTERA— Clarke, A. H.— The interrelation- ships of the several groups within the butterllv superfamily Nymphaloidea. [65] 49: 148-49. Evans, W. H.— Hes periana. [65] 49: 162-63. Needham, J. G. — A moth larva that lives on fern spores (Heliodinid ). [65 1 49: 165-M*. Swezey, O. H. — Elaphria nucicolora. a recent immigrant 162 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '47 to Hawaii (Agrotidae). [66] 13: 99-100; Two new Ha- waiian moths on Chenopodium oahuense. [66] 13: 103—04. DIPTERA— Abbott, C. E.— The eggs of mosquitoes. [100] 25: 98-99. Bonnet, D. D.— The distribution of mos- quito breeding by type of container in Honolulu. [66] 13 : 43-49. Buren, W. F. — Psorophora pygmaea, an exotic mosquito now established in Florida. [52] 6: 185. Callot, J. — (See under Anatomy.) Ciaccio, G. — (See under Anat- omy.) Coradetti, A. — (See under Anatomy.) Corradetti e Lupascu — Studi sull'ipopigio maschile dei Nycteribiidae. [Riv. di Parassit.] 5: 85-100 (1941). Freire e'Faria— Cri- aqao e alguns dados sobre a biologia do Anopheles (N.) darlingi. [Ill] 7: 57-66. Hardy, D. E. — The genus Lep- topteromyia (Asilidae). [43] 20: 72-75, ill. (*). Nucciotti, L. — (See under Anatomy.) Pavan, M. — Appunti sui Nyc- teribiidae. [Riv. di Parass.] 5: 100-108 (1941). Pritchard, Seabrook and Provost — The possible endemicity of Anophe- les albimanus in Florida. [52] 6: 183-84. Sabrosky, C. W. — A new species of the dipterous family Asteiidae from Hawaii. [66] 13: 55-57. Sacca, G. — Introduzione allo studio biologico e sistematico del genere Phlebotomus. [Riv. di Parassit.] 5: 53-66 (1941). Seabrook & Duffey- The occurrence of megarhinus rutilus in S.E. Florida. [52] 6: 193-94. Stefanelli, A. — Affinita sistematiche dei chirotteri e parassitismo dei Nycteribiidae. Parte I. Gli ospiti. [Riv. di Parassit.] 6: 25"-42 (1942). Stone, A.— A new Procecidochares from Eupatorium stems (Tephriti- dae). [66] 13: 97-98. ill. Thornton, D.— (See under Anat- omy.) Travis, B. V. — (See under Anatomy.) Thompson, G. A. — Occurrence of Anopheles atropos in Jamaica. [52] 6: 193. Trembley, H. L. — Biological characteristics of laboratory reared Aedes atropalpus. [37] 40: 244—50. Vanni, V. — (See under Anatomy.) Walton, W. R. — Local tabanid unrecovered after 28 years. [65] 49: 168. Whit- tinghill, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Wirth, W. W.— Notes on the genus Thalassomyia, Shiner, with descrip- tions of two new species (Tendipedidae). [66] 13: 117-39, ill. (k) ; Ephydra gracilis, a recent immigrant fly in Ha- waii (Ephydrid). [66] 13: 141-42. Wirth, W. W.— A re- view of the genus Telmatogeton Schiner, with descriptions of 3 new Hawaiian species (Tendipedidae). [66] 13: 143-91, ill. (k). Iviii, '47| ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 163 COLEOPTERA.— Barber, H. S— Diabrotica and two new genera (Chrysomel.). [65] 49: 151-61, ill. (k). Fisher, W. S. — New Cerambycid beetles belonging to the tribe Rhinotragini. [71] 97 (3209): 45-57. Fletcher, F. C— The odd beetle. [94] 20: 68-78. Jeannel, R.- Coleopteres carabiques de la region Malgache. [Faune de L'Empire Franqais, LaRose, Paris] 6: 1-372, ill. (k*). Paulian, R. — Coleopteres scarabeides de 1'Indochine. [Faune de L'Empire Franc,ais, LaRose, Paris — 1945] 3: 1-225, ill. (k*). Swezey, O. H. — A new Neoclytarlus from Chenopodium oahuense (Cerambycidae). [66] 13: 101-02. Van Zwaluwenburg, R. H. — Some elaterid beetles from Australia and New Guinea. [66] 13: 109-16, ill. (*). Villiers, A. — Coleopteres Cerambycides de L'Afrique du Nord (Faune de L'Empire Franqais, LaRose, Paris — 1946] 5: 1-52 (k). Zimmermann, E. C. — A new Phanerostethus from the New Hebrides (Curculionidae). [66] 13: 193-95, ill. HYMENOPTERA— Bailey, N. S.— Trichopria tabani- uora in Massachusetts (Diapriidae). [73] 54: 142. Good- land, W. S. L.— Ants carrying dead. [28] 83: 103-04, ill. Krombein, K. V. — An unnoticed subgeneric name in Bom- bus. [65] 49: 170. Pate, V. S. L.— The Pemphilidine wasps of the Caribbees. [83] 73: 1-33, ill. (k*). Salt, R. W. — (See under Anatomy.) Simmonds, F. J. — The bi- ology of the parasite of Loxostege sticticalis in N. Amer., Bracon vulgaris. [19] 38: 145-55, ill. Townes, H.— A Eumenes wasp and six adventive Ichneumonidae new to Hawaii. [66] 13: 105-06. Villee, C. A.— (See under Anatomy.) SPECIAL— Hemming, F., ed.— Opinion 16. The status, under rule (d) in article 30, of a pre-binomial specific name, published prior to 1758, in relation to a generic name pub- lished on, or before, 31st December 1930. [59] 1 : Part 25: 255-304, 1947. Hemming, F., ed.— Opinion 181 : On the type of the genus Carcharodus Hubner [1819], and its synonym Spilothyrus Duponchel, 1835 (Class insecta, Or- der Lepidoptera), genera based upon an erroneously deter- mined species. [59] 2: Part 51 ; 589-612, 1947. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Papers on Cicindelidae of any part of the world, espe- cially South America and Pacific. R. G. Dahl, 3225 Grand Ave.. Apt. 13, Oakland 10, Cal. Chrysididae— Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Coccinelidae — Wanted from other localities. Will buy or exchange for misc. So. Cal. coleops. F. W. Furry, 1633 Virginia Ave., Glen- dale 2, Cal. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted— Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — -Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1135. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — Synopsis of No. Amer. Ephydridae. III. The tribe Notiphilini of the subfam. Notiphilini (72: 227-240, 1946) $ .35 1136. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. I. The subfam. Psilopinae (72: 241-264, 1946) 60 1134. — Knight and Laffoon — The oriental spp. of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (72: 203-225, 3 pis., 1946) 70> THE BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF TRYPETID LARVAE By VENIA TARRIS PHILLIPS Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, No. 12, 161 pp., 16 pls.r 1946 This is a comprehensive work describing and figuring the important characteristics of the larvae of forty five species of American fruit flies (Diptera). An indispensible work for economic en- tomologists. It includes a glossary of the terms used in the descriptions; a list of 442 species of the family, with their known hosts; a list of their host plants; and an extensive bibliography. The plates contain 192 exquisitely executed figures. Price $5.00 (postpaid, domestic delivery) U. S. Currency, remittance must accompany order. HYMENOPTERA 1132.— Pate (V. S. L.) — The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompilidae) and their type spp. (72: 65-137, 1946) 1.80 ORTHOPTERA 1128. — Rehn (J. A. G.) — One new gen. and six new spp. of Central American and Colombian Pseudophyllinae (Orthoptera) (72: 1-26, 2 pis., 1946) COLEOPTERA 1133. — Benesh (B.) — A systematic revision of the Holarctic gen. Platycerus Geoffrey (72: 139-202, 5 pis., 1946) 1.90 1129.— Dillon (L. S. & E. S.)— Review of the Onocephalini (Ceram- bicidae) (72: 27-48, 1 pi., 1946) 65 1131. — Green (J. W.) — A new sp. of Enochrus (Hydrophilidae) (72: 61-64, figs., 1946) 20 1130.— Robinson (M.)— Studies in the Scarabaeidae III (72: 49-59, 1946) 30 LEPIDOPTERA 1125. — Jones (F. M.) — Platoeceticus Packard, and a remarkable n. sp. of the genus (Psychidae) (71 : 99-124, 4 pis., 1945) 75 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JULY 1947 °IV- U . O . Vol. LVIII No. 1 CONTENTS Calvert — Charles Liebeck 165 Hatch — Reflections on the subspecies 168 Rau — Swarming of Stelopolybia 170 Johannsen — A new species of Hydobaenus 171 Sabrosky— Rhodesiella 174 Knull — New Elateridae and notes on Eucnemidae 177 White — A new species of Taphrocerus 181 Freeman — New skipper records 184 Current Entomological Literature 187 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1 Act of October 3.' 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $1.00 $ 1.90 $ 2.75 $ 4.80 Five Issues 4.50 8.50 12.00 21.00 Ten Issues 8.00 15.00 21.00 36.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2.75; 100 copies, $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies. $5.23. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.88; 50 copies, $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03: additional at .022 cents each. Plates, printed. on one side: first 50, $2.20: additional at .0165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII JULY, 1947 No. 7 Charles Liebeck CHARLES LIEBECK, long a resident of Philadelphia, died there on February 24, 1947, after a short illness, at the age of 83 years. In his younger days and in middle life, he was a diligent and enthusiastic collector of Coleoptera and he built up a fine repre- sentative collection of North American beetles, more than 100,- 000 specimens in a goodly number of species. The collection is notable for the long series of variant forms of the same species. He was an excellent preparator and any sample box of his col- lection showed his delicate handling. He was a skilled mechanic and worked all his life at his trade, that of paper scorer, but devoted his spare time to his collection. About ten years ago he had come to the conclusion that he could not continue the care of his collection and at the same time keep up the necessary work at his trade. Being a man of decision he gave his collection outright to a congenial specialist and fellow worker in the same field, Dr. Henry C. Fall of Tyngsboro, Mas- sachusetts, with whom he had been in frequent correspondence for more than 40 years. On the death of Dr. Fall, on November 14, 1939, with Mr. Liebeck's approval, the entire collection went to the Entomological Department of the Museum of Compara- tive Zoology of Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. After parting with his collection, Mr. Liebeck expressed himself repeatedly as well satisfied with his decision. During the last World War and until more than 80 years of age, he worked in an essential plant full time and much overtime. Mr. Liebeck never married, making his home at 1633 W. Columbia Avenue, later at 2000 N. Broad Street, Philadelphia, with his sister, Miss Lena Liebeck, who. with two brothers, sur- vives him. (165) )CT 3 1 1947 166 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '47 The following incidents in his life were related in a letter to the \vriter shortly before his death : "We lived in Morrisania, suburb of New York City, for a number of years prior to the Centennial and there is one speci- men or was, in my collection labeled Morrisania, 1874, Phanaeus coruifc.v. I had other insects there. . . . "Our folks came here [to Philadelphia] in 1876 — April of the Centennial year. I spent only one day at the Exhibition, Pennsylvania Day, which I believe was on the 26th of Sep- tember, as a Grammar School boy, first division, when, with the aid of a white badge, admission was 25 cents instead of the regulation 50 cents. . . . What interested me most was the Colorado building with its exhibit of animals and birds of that state ; the Army and Navy Building with the turret of a Monitor in front of the entrance . . . the Main Building where the two cases of mounted birds caught my eye ; these I believe belonged to Harvard College. . . . "I made some trips to Atlantic City, a small place at that time, via the narrow gauge railway, Phila. & Reading ; on the first trip I was armed with a round pint bottle partly filled with alcohol and I spent my time along the beach front, collecting such Coleoptera as had somewhere fallen into those streams, which run out into the ocean, and then drifted in. This first trip resulted in a solid pint bottle of beetles, large and small, some of which later proved that some of Dr. Leconte's sup- pressed species not only did occur there but were entirely valid. . . . "Like most people of the south end of the city, I used a gun when it was -taller than I. I also mounted birds, possibly over 300, before I gave these up for the Coleopters. . . . "About this time, I became acquainted with Gfeorge] B. Cresson, who at that time had a small print [ing] shop on 7th Street below Arch. He came into the shop where I was work- ing at that time, wanting some pamphlet cases made to hold folders of the Henshaw Check List of Coleoptera which he was printing. . . . He had his grandfather's, James Riding's, collection of Coleoptera, the Crotch duplicates and a large assort- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 167 ment of other N forth] Afmerican] duplicates, which I suppose were his grandfather's originally. [He later became the ento- mological curator at the Academy of Natural Sciences, Phila- delphia.] He sent me a card one day: 'I saw Dr. [George H.] Horn last night and if you are willing to pin insects in return for specimens, I think we can give you enough to occupy your leisure moments.' Card is dated 1/5 '86. From that time I became a volunteer worker." KATHARINE F. RICHMOND. To the preceding entertaining account by Mrs. Richmond, sister of Dr. Fall, there may be added a few other data concern- ing Mr. Liebeck. He was born in New York City, October 26, 1863, son of Barbara and Henry Liebeck. His sister writes : "There has been no one else in the family interested in natural history — the way we understand it he simply took a fancy to collecting and he eventually made a big thing of it." After coming to Phila- delphia, as he has related above, he became a frequent visitor and worker at the Academy of Natural Sciences. He was elected a member of the Academy in January, 1892, and of the American Entomological Society on June 13, 1892. At the time of his death he was the senior member of the Society, al- though he had not been present at a meeting for many years before his death. He served on the Advisory Committee of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS from January, 1893, to December, 1941, and during my editorship I not infrequently asked and received his opinion on papers on Coleoptera. Dr. P. J. Darlington, Jr., Fall Curator of Coleoptera at the Museum of Comparative Zoology, has written : "Mr. Fall spent the last years of his life rearranging his own general collection of North American coleoptera, and during the rearrangement he incorporated into his own collection whatever he needed from the Liebeck collection." The balance of the Liebeck collection— that is, the main part — will be incorporated into the Museum's general collection of North American coleoptera. Each speci- men will be labelled with a small label reading, 'Liebeck collec- 168 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Juty* '47 tion.' Liebeck's material, as you probably know, was very rich and beautifully prepared." Mr. Liebeck published very little. We have found a note by him on Ban's scolopacca Ger. in the NEWS for April, 1893 (Vol. IV, no. 4, page 121). He took part in several of the joint meetings and collecting excursions of the entomologists of Philadelphia, Newark, Brook- lyn and New York at Jamesburg, New Jersey, on the Fourth of July in the 1890's. A photograph of one of these groups with the names below, on July 4, 1894, is reproduced as Plate VII of the NEWS, for September, 1894. It shows Mr. Liebeck seated in the first row, to the right, a good likeness. PHILIP P. CALVERT. Reflections on the Subspecies By MELVILLE H. HATCH, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash. Species in the biological world, just as in the world of the chemical elements, represent systems of relative dynamic sta- bility. They are separated from one another by discontinuous variation, because of the relative instability of the intermediate states. These discontinuous systems are normally detectable from individual examples, provided the examples are of the proper sex and/or stage of development. Instances to the con- trary should be viewed with suspicion as possibly impugning the validity of the alleged species. During the past half century, it has been discovered that the populations that constitute a species are themselves frequently differentiated in different portions of the species' range. This is the result of one or more mutations occurring in one portion of the range and failing to spread or failing to spread evenly throughout all the populations of the species. Such populations have come to be regarded as geographical races or geographical Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 169 subspecies or subspecies. In practice, subspecies are distin- guished from species by the fact that they occupy contiguous rather than identical areas and intergrade with each other along the lines of their contiguity. A great deal of attention has been given to subspecies in ver- tebrates and, more latterly, in insects. As available specimens have increased in number, their study has become more and more intense, and the sorts of characteristics used for the dis- crimination of subspecies have become more and more obscure. In many cases purely average differences in color, size, and shape are involved in their separation, with the result that sometimes a subspecific character is applicable only to a population and frequently or not at all to an individual. At the same time, as authors have become increasingly fa- miliar with subspecies, they have come to regard them in many instances as the taxonomic units, with species as more or less vaguely definable groups of subspecies. The result is that the basic taxonomic unit becomes recognizable only on the basis of a series of specimens. The object of the present note is to deprecate this tendency to emphasize the subspecies and to suggest that we return to the species as the basic unit. Both species and subspecies are populational concepts, but the species can normally be recog- nized on the basis of a single specimen (of the proper age and/or sex). Every subspecies, on the other hand, at least in certain portions of its range, intergrades with one or more other sub- species, and the assignment of an individual specimen is deter- mined by the general complexion of the population of which it is a member. It thus follows that very nearly indistinguishable specimens may belong to diverse subspecies, depending on the populations from which they come! It follows, further, that no selection of specimens of a subspecies short of an extensive nnsclcctcd series is an adequate representation of it. Merely average examples are obviously inadequate. A selection (or a description) of average, intermediate, and extreme specimens, while more satisfactory, is still not entirely so. Complete ade- quacy is secured only by a series extensive enough (or by a de- 170 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '47 scription) that shows the relative frequency of the several vari- ants in the different parts of its range. Moreover, collectors and curators should avoid the almost inevitable tendency to select for preservation unnatural numbers of variant specimens, or, if such specimens are selected, some method should be developed for marking them so that they do not pass as normal members of their respective populations. Such considerations show the hopelessness of the old-fashioned synoptic collection with its two, six, or other definite number of specimens of each form. Species may, with considerable inadequacy, be so exhibited, but subspecies hardly at all. As noted above, the present suggestion is that we return to the species as our basic biological units, and leave the subspecies for differentiation in fine print for recognition by those who happen to have adequate material. Moreover, since only a single subspecies by definition occurs in a single geographical region, a specific determination is sufficient for ecological purposes. A Note on the Swarming of Stelopolybia pallipes var. anceps de Sauss. Early in 1946 I received specimens of this social wasp, Ste- lopolybia pallipes var. anceps, belonging to the Polybiinae, from Mr. H. L. Parker, with his notation that they were migrating along the Tiete River at Itaquaquecetuba (Sao Paulo), Brazil, on Jan. 18, 1946. "They were migrating in large swarm for about twenty minutes, going East at 8 A.M. The day was clear with no wind." The specimens were kindly identified by Dr. Joseph Bequaert, who states that all were females, and recalls that R. von Ihering found that swarms of members of this group do not contain males, and further that there is no differentiated worker caste. PHIL RAU. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 171 A New Species of Hydrobaenus (Chaetocladius) from Connecticut with Notes on related Forms. (Diptera, Chironomidae) By O. A. JOHANNSEN, Ithaca, N. Y. A small collection of midg.es submitted to me for determina- tion by Dr. S. W. Bromley contained two species closely resem- bling each other. One of these, Diplocladlus cultrigcr Kieffer, first described from Europe, was recorded by me from New York about ten years ago on the basis of two reared specimens. The other could not be identified with any described species and therefore is herewith described as new. Although resembling each other in color, size, and other superficial features, D. citl- trigcr differs in having short, but densely pubescent eyes, squama without a fringe of hairs, the hypopygium of the male with disti- styles doubled and the basal lobe on the inner side of the basi- styles long and free. All the specimens of both species were col- lected on a warm late afternoon in March as they were swarming over a stony, springy area in the young oak woods about 100 yards north of the laboratory of the Bartlett Tree Expert Co. in North Stamford. The generic name Hydrobaenus adopted here was first used for a small European midge that recently has been considered by the late Dr. F. W. Edwards of the British Museum as con- gerneric with Orthocladius Van der Wulp and Spaniotoma Philippi. Since the term Hydrobaenus was proposed many years before either of the others it takes precedence. Hydrobaenus (Chaetocladius) stamfordi n. sp. Male. Black, including mouth parts, palpi, antennae, legs, and hypopygium ; the narrow margins of the prescutellar space, a narrow longitudinal line in this space, and between the scutel vittae, the humeri, and very narrow incisions of the abdomen, more or less pollinose, most conspicuous when viewed ob- liquely. Halteres gray to blackish. \Yings hyaline, veins brownish. 172 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '47 Eyes bare ; palpi four-segmented ; antennal ratio 2.0 to 2.2, no long hairs at apex of terminal segment, a few curved pre- apical sense bristles. Pronotal median incision present. Wings with microtrichia, visible under magnification of 400 to 500 diameters. Costa only slightly produced, first branch of the radius ends at the level of the tip of the second branch of the cubitus, second branch of the radius ends beyond the mid- distance between the tips of the first and third branches, media ends slightly behind the wing tip, r-m crossvein somewhat ob- lique, cubital fork slightly proximad of the crossvein, anal vein produced far beyond the level of the cubital fork. Lobe of wing large and right angled, the cilia ending slightly distad of the middle of the mesal margin of the lobe. Squama fringed. Hy- popygium (Figure 1) with the distal margin of the very promi- nent inner lobe of the basistyle more or less at right angles to the longitudinal axis ; anal point bare, slender, about half as long as the dististyle. Ratio of fore basitarsus to the tibia 0.65- 0.7 ; fore tarsi not bearded ; empodium well developed, nearly as long as the claws. Length 3.5 mm., wing 3.2 mm. Female. Similar to the male in coloring. Antennae seven segmented, seventh segment slightly less than twice the sixth in length ; sense bristles more than a half longer than the diameter of the segment (Figure 2) ; one whorl of long bristles on each flagellar segment except the last, seventh segment with eight to ten sense bristles, other segments with fewer. Wing venation as with the male; the radius and its branches (except the sec- ond) with a row of small, regularly but sparsely placed bristles. Halteres pale gray. Length 2.5 mm., wing 3 mm. North Stamford, CONNECTICUT. March 1945. Dr. S. W. Bromley, collector. Holotype, allotype, and paratypes in the Cornell University collection ; two paratypes in the collection of the U. S. National Museum. This species resembles the European H. pigra Goetghebuer but differs in the antennal ratio of the male and in having a larger and differently formed inner. lobe of the basistyle of the hypopygium. The North American species most nearly resem- bling it have in common the following characters in the male. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 173 \ Black, usually without yellow markings ; unmarked wings ; pos- terior branch of radius extending beyond the level of tip of anterior branch of the cubitus; r-m crossvein slightly oblique; anal vein ending far beyond the level of the cubital fork; fore leg ratio exceeding 0.6 ; fore tarsi not bearded ; a well developed empodium. The males of species recorded from the eastern states most nearly resembling H. stamfordi may be distinguished by the characters given below. Fig. 1. Hydrobaenus stamfordi, hypopygium of male. Fig. 2. H. stamfordi, seventh antenna! segment of female. Fig. 3. H. nivoriundus, hypopygium of male. 1. Anal point of tergite of hypopygium sparsely long haired . . (2) Anal point bare ; wings with microtrichia visible under a mag- nification of 500 diameters (4) 2. Halteres dark ; fore leg ratio 0.8 ; inner lobe of basistyle slen- der, rounded apically nigritus (Mall.) Halteres pale ; leg ratio 0.75 or less (3) 3. Pronotum and humeri yellow ; wings whitish ; leg ratio 0.75 ; length 2.5 mm lacteipennis ( Mall.) Thorax of male dark (of female with yellow between the thoracic vittae) ; halteres yellow; antennal ratio 2; leg ratio 0.7 to .73; inner lobe of basistyle resembling that of H. nivoriundus but broader at base (as shown in Figure 5a, Edwards, 1929, Trans. Ent. Soc. London, page 3_)(>) ; 174 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Juty> '~^ anal point of last tergite more than half as long as the distyle; length 3 mm obmnratus (Joh.) 4. Anal point of hypopygium small and slender (Figure 3), inner lobe of basistyle thumblike ; antennal ratio 2.5 ; leg ratio 0.75-0.8 nivorinndus (Joh.) Anal point about half as long as dististyle, inner lobe of basi- style very prominent (Figure 1) ; antennal ratio 2-2.2; leg ratio 0.65-0.7 Stamford! n. sp. Rhodesiella: A Genus New to the Western Hemi- sphere (Diptera: Chloropidae) By CURTIS W. SABROSKY, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, Agricultural Research Administration, United States Department of Agriculture The genus Rhodesiella Adams (= Macrostyla Lioy pre- occupied, Meroscinis De Meijere, Aspistyla Duda) is a large and common genus that ranges widely in a number of species throughout Ethiopian and Indo-Australian regions. To date, however, no specimens properly referable to this genus have been recorded from the Western Hemisphere. The South American species that have been so identified belong to a dif- ferent genus. It is therefore of interest to record the occurrence in southeastern United States of a characteristic species of true Rhodesiella and to correct the South American records. \Yhen the first specimens were found, in material collected at Orlando, Fla., it was thought possible that it was a species intro- duced from Africa. Later, two specimens of the same species were collected at Raleigh, N. C., by C. S. Brimley. Detailed comparison with African species shows that the American speci- mens represent an undescribed form. Rhodesiella brimleyi, new species Male, female. Shining black, only the antenna (except for the infuscated apex of the third segment), stalk of the halter, knees narrowly, distal fourth to third of all tibiae, and all tarsi, yellow ; fore tibiae paler than the others and not so distinctly Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 175 marked ; tarsi with a slight suggestion of brown on the distal segment ; frontal triangle typically dark bluish black, occasion- ally without the bluish shine but those specimens in poor condi- tion ; all hairs and bristles black. Head of typical Rhodcsiclla habitus, with bare eyes, linear cheeks, relatively small antennae, unusually long aristae (one and one-half times as long as the front), and long orbital and interfrontal hairs; frontal triangle long, attaining the anterior margin of the front, the apex acute ; epistomal margin slightly produced, in profile the vibrissal angle distinct, approximately a 90° angle. Mesonotum relatively short and broad, its length and width subequal ; scutellum large, its length nearly one and one-fourth times its basal width, and two-thirds as long as the mesonotum ; one pair of long strong apical and one pair of short subapical scutellar bristles, all set on stout enlarged bases. Legs slender, the hind femur only slightly enlarged and with no spines or denticles on the ventral surface ; no "sensory area" on the posterodorsal surface of the hind tibia. \Ying venation virtually the same as figured for Macrostyla pluiniyera (Meigen) by Duda (1933, Chloropidae, in Lindner, Fliegen Palaeark. Region, Lfg. 72, pi. 1, fig. 2), the ultimate section of the fourth vein at its base bent forward slightly more than in plitinigcra; length of costal sectors 2 to 4 as 21 : 28 : 12 ; small cross vein approximately opposite the middle of the discal cell. Length, 2 mm. Holotypc: £, Raleigh, NORTH CAROLINA, October 21 (C. S. Brimley). Type No. 58383 in the United States National Mu- seum, deposited through the courtesy of the North Carolina De- partment of Agriculture. Paratypes: 1 $, Raleigh, N. C.. June 9, 1942 (C. S. Brimley) [N. C. Dept. Agr. Collection]; 15 (10 J1, 55), Orlando, FLORIDA, November 16, 1937, "from cage over pile of grass in corner of grove" (J. T. Bigham) | L". S. Natl. Mus.]. The species is named in honor of the late C. S. Brimley, versa- tile naturalist and keen observer. 176 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Ju* '47 Rhodcsiclla brimleyi belongs to the tarsalis group (cf. Mai- loch, 1931, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 10, 8: 49-69) and is very close to R. nigrijrons Malloch, described from Southern Rhodesia. The latter is distinguished by having the first and second antennal segments black, apex of the frontal triangle truncate (though not as broadly so as in tarsalis), vibrissal angle weak and scarcely evident, and scutellum shorter than in brim- leyi, its length subequal to its basal width and slightly less than half the length of the mesonotum, appearing more broadly rounded apically. Becker (1912, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hungarici 10: 129, 177), in his monograph of the neotropical Chloropidae, placed Onycha- spidium Enderlein (type, 0. sc.vdcntatmn End., from southern Brazil) in synonymy under Mcroscinis. In a more recent re- vision of the neotropical species of the family, Duda (1930, Folia Zool. Hydrobiol., Riga 2: 82-83) accepted this synonymy, referred several other species to -the group, and gave a key to six neotropical species of Mcroscinis. Included among them is longiscutellatus Enderlein, the genotype of Lcptopeltastcs End., which had been made a synonym of Gaura.v by Becker (op. cit., p. 199) but which Duda thus refers to Mcroscinis. In my opinion, the neotropical species form a group quite dis- tinct from the genus Rhodcsiclla. I therefore propose to resur- rect Onychaspidium Enderlein, and I agree with Duda that Lcptopeltastcs is a synonym. The synonymy will be as follows : Onychaspidium Enderlein, 1911, Gesell. f. Naturf. Freumle Sitzber., Jahrgang 1911, No. 4, p. 196. Type, O. sc.vdcn- tatum Enderlein. -Mcroscinis De Meijere of Becker (1912) and Duda (1930), for the Neotropical Region. - Leptopcltastcs Enderlein, 1911, 1. c., p. 229. Type. L. longiscutcllata Enderlein. The major generic characters are the following: Onychaspidium: Ocellar bristles short and weak, cruciate at the tips ; eyes densely short pubescent ; notopleural bristles 1 + 2; scutellum relatively small, thin and flattened, Elachiptera- like ; mesopleuron without hairs ; "sensory area" on the postero- dorsal surface of the hind tibia large and, conspicuous. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 177 Rhodcsiclla: Ocellar bristles well developed, strongly diver- gent ; eyes bare ; notopleural bristles 1 + 1 ; scutellum large and conspicuous, not strongly flattened ; mesopleuron with numerous long hairs ; "sensory area" on the hind tibia minute or absent. It may also be noted that Meroscinis quadridentata Duda (1930, 1. c., p. 83) from Brazil is a synonym of Onychaspidium apicalc (Williston) (Oscinis apicalis Will.) [new synonymy]. I have seen the types of both and have found Duda erred in be- lieving apicalc to be a species with only two apical scutellar tu- bercles, thus fedescribing it as quadridentata. The type of the latter is a female, Petropolis, Brazil, November 11, 1924 (Borg- meier), now in the collection of the Institute Biologico in Sao Paulo, and recently loaned for study through the courtesy of Oscar Monte. A series of 14 specimens, Farm La Caja, Costa Rica, were labeled as types of M. quadridentata in the Zoolo- gisches Museum in Hamburg, Germany, but since only Brazil was originally mentioned by Duda (1930), these specimens can- not be considered part of the type series. New Elateridae with Notes on Eucnemidae (Coleoptera) By J. N. IvNULL,1 Ohio State University Limonius meridianus n. sp. Male. Form, size and color of L. stigma (Hbst.) ; black, head and pronotum with slight bronze luster, base of elytra and humeral angles reddish brown, tarsi light brown, both surfaces moderately pubescent. Head with front somewhat depressed above clypeus, clypeal margin broadly arcuate ; surface coarsely, densely punctured ; antennae extending less than one segment beyond hind margins of pronotum when laid along side ; scape stout, finely, densely punctate ; second and third segments about equal in length, each longer than wide, together slightly longer than fourth; segments four to ten inclusive longer than wide, serrate ; eleventh oval 1 Contribution from Department of Zoology and Entomology. 178 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July. '47 Pronotum longer than wide, narrower at apex than at base ; sides broadly rounded in front, sinuate behind middle, hind angles obliquely truncate ; disk convex, depressed in front of scutellum, hind angles strongly carinate, surface coarsely, densely punctured, punctures in middle separated by less than their own diameters. Scutellum finely, densely punctate, pubescent. Elytra with sides subparallel, broadly rounded in apical third to suture ; disk convex ; surface with striae coarsely punctured, punctures decreasing in size toward apex, separated by less than their own diameters, interspaces convex, densely, finely punctate. Prosternal sutures grooved in front. Abdomen beneath densely, finely punctate. Length 8.5 mm. ; width 2.4 mm. Female. Antennae extending over one and a half segments beyond middle of pronotum. Holotype: J\ labeled Old Man's Cave, Hocking Co., OHIO, May 17, 1936; allotype, Clifton Gorge, Ohio, May 30; paratype from Clifton, Ohio, June 4. 1940. all collected by D. J. & J. N. Knull and in collection of author. Paratypcs in H. W. Wenzel collection, Ohio State University from Charleroi, Pa., Ehrman and Cranberry, N. C., June 9-19, H. W. Wenzel. This species would run to A. crotch! Horn in Van Dyke's key,2 however punctures of pronotum are not as coarse in the new species. It has been confused with L. stigma (Hbst.) in our collection. The grooved prosternal sutures will separate it. Limonius pubicollis Lee. Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., 1853: 429. This species appears in Leng's list as a synonym of L. a nrip Ills (Say) from which it differs as follows: reddish brown area at base of elytra more evident, lacking in some anripilis; dorsal surface less shining ; legs darker, same color as ventral surface ; light brown and lighter than ventral surface in auripilis. Cly- peus less deeply emarginate. forming a more obtuse angle along 2 E. C. Van Dyke, 1932, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., vol. 20 : 334. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 179 margin. Elytral intervals more densely punctate, punctures narrowly separated, giving elytra an opaque appearance. Specimens examined are from South Carolina, Georgia, Flor- ida, Texas and Oklahoma. Mr. John Wilcox kindly compared specimens with the Le- Conte type for me. Limonius olentangyi n. sp. Female. Short, rather robust ; shining, black, outer margin of elytra and legs dark brown ; pubescence conspicuous especially on dorsal surface. Head with front coarsely, densely punctured ; clypeal margin broadly arcuate; antennae not extending to hind angles of pro- notum when laid along side, scape stout, second and third seg- ments of equal length, short, together slightly longer than fourth, segments four to ten inclusive longer than wide, serrate, elev- enth longest. Pronotum longer than wide, widest back of middle, wider at base than at apex; sides broadly rounded in front, sinuate at base, side margin visible for its entire length from above; hind angles obliquely truncate; disk convex, median depression in front of scutellum, carinae of hind angles faint; surface finely punctate, punctures separated by more than their own diameters in middle, dense at sides. Scutellum densely finely punctate and pubescent. Elytra with sides subparallel, broadly rounded in apical third to suture ; disk flattened in middle ; surface striate, punctures small, well separated, interspaces finely, triseriately punctate. Prosternal sutures grooved in front. Abdomen beneath finely, densely punctate. Length 8.7 mm. ; width 2.7 mm. Holotypc: J, collected in Delaware Co., On TO, May 30, 1945 by D. J. & J. N. Knull, in collection of author. This species would run to /.. conjnsns Lee. in Van Dykr'- key. It can be distinguished by its black color, short, more robust form, wider and less convex finely punctate pronotum. 180 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '47 Ludius robinsoni n. sp. Male. Superficially resembling L. bivittatus (Melsh.) in size, form and color. Color dark brown, apex and base of pronotum, base of elytra and wide stripe down each elytron, yellowish brown ; legs lighter than ventral surface ; moderately pubescent. Head densely coarsely punctured ; antennae extending over three segments beyond hind angles of pronotum, second segment shorter than third, fourth longer than third, segments four to ten inclusive gradually lengthening, eleventh longest. Pronotum much longer than wide, widest at base, constricted at apex ; sides broadly rounded in front, divergent posteriorly, hind angles prolonged, angles obtuse ; disk convex, a slight de- pression each side at base, hind angles faintly carinate ; surface densely, coarsely punctured. Scutellum with sides subparallel, broadly rounded posteriorly. Elytra with sides, subparallel, broadly rounded posteriorly, apices rounded ; disk convex ; surface with rows of coarse, closely placed punctures, diminishing in size toward apex, inter- spaces convex, minutely punctured. Abdomen beneath, densely, finely punctate. Length 9 mm. ; width, 2.3 mm. Holotypc: J, labeled Dallas Co., TEXAS, May 11, 1934, J. Robinson collector. Paratypcs same locality May 10-16. This species is evidently confused with L. bivittatus (Melsh.) in collections. It differs by being slightly shorter, pronotum in greater part dark, lacking median and lateral light stripe ; hind angles less divergent, angles more obtuse, side margin not so well marked, and third segment of antenna being considerably shorter than fourth. It would run to L. bivittatus (Melsh.) in Van Dyke's key. s Isorhipis ruficornis (Say) Larvae were found in sap wood of a barked, partly decayed sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marsh.) log in Delaware Co., Ohio, March 2. Adults were ready to emerge April 19. a E. C Van Dyke, 1932, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., vol. 20 : 390. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 181 Deltometopus amoenicornis (Say) and rufipes (Melsh.) Reared from badly decayed American beech (Fagus grand i- jolia Ehrh.) log from Delaware Co., Ohio. The species over- winters in larval stage. Dirhagus pectinatus (Lee.) Reared from badly decayed American beech log from Dela- ware Co., Ohio. Nematodes penetrans (Lee.) Reared from fallen limb of American beech from Delaware Co., Ohio. Adults are capable of snapping into the air. A New Species of Taphrocerus (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) By BURDETTE E. WHITE, Merced, California While sweeping a meadow of rushes in northwestern Merced County on April 18, 1946, this writer collected a single female specimen of Taphrocerus. Considerable effort failed to reveal any additional specimens at this time. After reviewing Profes- sor Knull's paper on the Taphrocerus * it became apparent that this specimen belonged to an undescribed species. However, a male was necessary to establish this with certainty. Another trip to the area on April 22, 1946, yielded two more examples, one being a male, whose genitalia proved conclusively that here indeed was a new form. Two more females were collected on April 27 but three trips shortly thereafter produced no additional specimens, so it seemed that this was an early season form. With only five examples in hand, but with the prospect of ob- taining additional material the following year, it appeared de- sirable to postpone publication of this find. Two trips to the same area in early spring (March 23. April 1) of 1947 yielded nothing. However, on April 12, a series of *Knull. J. N.— The Ohio Journal of Science, 1944, Vol. XLIV, 2. 90-93. 182 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '47 fourteen specimens was collected after two hours of vigorous sweeping. Ten additional examples were obtained the next day and two more on April 19. These records plainly indicate the seasonal range of this species. Although there has been dubious reference to the existence of Taphrocerus in California, the writer believes that these speci- mens represent the first authentic record of that fact. Taphrocerus mercedensis, new species Male: Shining black throughout; three times as long as wide, pronotum at basal angles distinctly wider than elytra ; surface sparsely, feebly pubescent without tendency to form concentrated patches ; elytral apices smooth along the margin. Head convex, front feebly concave vertically due to slight median depression ; surface finely alutaceous with large, shallow punctures separated by a distance equal to their own diameters on the vertex ; punctures more sparse on the front between upper two-thirds of eyes ; front at lower third of eyes more densely punctate and noticeably more pubescent than upper head sur- face ; each puncture normally with a short, appressed hair ; front between lower third of eye slightly depressed. Pronotum two times as wide as long, widest at basal angles, gradually narrowing to apex to become equal to width of head ; depressed across basal third ; surface finely alutaceous with large, shallow punctures moderately dense over basal depression, along sides and across apex ; punctures widely separated on disc ; each puncture with a fine, short, appressed white hair. Scutellum triangular, glabrous, impunctate. Elytra narrower than base of pronotum, sides constricted at basal third narrowly exposing abdominal sclerites along middle third; gradually narrowing from middle to near apex, then sharply rounded to suture; apices even (not serrulate) ; surface rather strongly alutaceous but shining ; with coarse punctures arranged in rows and becoming less coarse posteriorly ; the margin of each puncture somewhat rugose ; each puncture nor- mally with an appressed short, white hair. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 183 Ventral surface alutaceous, shining ; with large, shallow punc- tures ; punctures with an appressed white hair. Length 3.35 mm., width 1.25 mm. Female: Differs from male by having the front area between lower third of eyes very much less pubescent. Strikingly similar in all other aspects. 2 Male genitalia of Taphroccrus mcrccdcnsis. 1. Ventral view. 2. Dorsal view. Holotypc male and allotypc collected two miles east of Cressey, Merced County, CALIFORNIA on April 12, 1947 by Burdette E. "White. Twenty-nine paratypes (thirteen males and sixteen fe- males) collected at the same locality (dates cited above). All specimens were swept from an association of June us bal- ticus Willd. and Carcx densa Bailey (determined by the author) ; the majority of the beetles were from the latter plant but there is no positive evidence that either is the true host. Holotype, allotype, and paratypes are in writer's collection. Paratypes are deposited in the following collections: J. N. Knull ; California Academy of Sciences; American Museum of Natural History; L\ S. National MUM-UUI; J. J. du Bois ; A cad- 184 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS u- '47 emy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia ; Museum of Compara- tive Zoology at Cambridge ; C. A. Frost ; and William Barr. Taphrocerus mercedensis is readily separable from all other species by the distinctive male genitalia (see accompanying fig- ures). However, it is also quite unique in its smooth elytral apices, its broader thoracic base, and its general form. It is the size of T. Intachucanits Knull but its form and color as well as • its vestiture and male genitalia are quite different. The male genitalia are most similar to T. howardi Obenb. So far as the writer is aware, mercedensis is found only in the San Joaquin Valley of California and its present recorded range is extremely narrow. However, later surveys may show its existence over a much wider area. New Skipper Records for the United States By H. A. FREEMAN, Pharr, Texas After three years of collecting in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas the writer has come to the conclusion that many of the species of butterflies that occur in the vicinity of Victoria, Tamps., Mexico, will eventually be found to stray up around Pharr, Texas. Many of these species have been found to be native to this area, while others occur here only as stragglers. During 1944—45 the beautiful species, Astraptcs jiilgcrator Walsh, was found to be very common and it was not unusual for the author to go out and collect as many as thirty or forty speci- mens in one afternoon. During the past year the writer has been unable to get more than two specimens. The past twelve months have been very dry here and this may account partially for the scarcity of that species. Duj'ing 1946 over a hundred specimens of Lerodea tyrtaeus Ploetz were collected, thus estab- lishing the fact that this species is very definitely native to this part of the state. Some of the other species of skippers that have been recorded from down here have failed to show up since the single specimen of each was caught. Examples of such Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 185 stragglers are Astraptes hopfferi (Ploetz), Astraptcs anaphus (Cramer), Pclllcia bromias G. & S., and Cclaenorrhinus fritz- gaertneri (Bailey). Two of these species are very powerful flyers and could have very easily flown up from Mexico, namely Jiopffcri (Ploetz) and anaphus (Cramer), whereas, although the other two are swift of wing, it is more likely that they emerged from their chrysalides somewhere in this area as the specimens were very fresh when collected. Possibly, later stud- ies of this part of Texas will result in the rinding of more speci- mens of all four species. y Aguna asander form panthius (H.-S.) This form differs from typical asander (Hew.) in the follow- ing way : Asander has a well defined silver stripe on the lower surface of the secondaries, extending from the costal margin nearly to the bottom of the wing ; form panthius has this stripe reduced to a very narrow gray band and the silver is heavily overscaled with purplish-gray scales. Mr. E. L. Bell informed the writer that this form occurred wherever the typical species was found. In the examination of some insects collected by members of the writer's class in entomology at the Pharr-San Juan-Alamo High School, a fresh male specimen of this form was found. It was collected by Richard T. Hall and Belva Jean Norman, Oc- tober 21, 1946, at Pharr, Texas. This is the first record of this form having been collected in the United States. Pellicia costimacula H.-S. This species resembles Pellicia bromias G. & S. in some re- spects but can lie distinguished at once by the absence of sub- apical spots. It is somewhat smaller than bromias and slightly darker. The writer caught a fresh male specimen of this species ten miles south of Pharr, Texas, November 28, 1946. This is the first record of this species having been caught in the United States. 186 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jury> '47 ' Gorgythion begga pyralina (Moschler) There has heen considerable confusion centered around the exact status of bcgga (Prittw.) and pyralina (Mschlr.). Some authors consider the two to be specifically distinct, whereas others consider pyralina to be a form of bcgga. In its extreme southern range. Central America to southern Brazil, pyralina does occur as a form of bcgga, whereas in its more northern range, northern Mexico, pyralina takes on a subspecific status as all of the specimens that the writer has seen from that part of Mexico lack the decided white area around the anal angle on the lower surface of the secondaries that characterizes begga. While collecting with Dr. C. D. Michener, of the American Museum of Natural History, twelve miles south of Pharr, Texas, the writer caught a female specimen of pyralina, on March 31, 1946. This is the first recorded evidence of the genus Gorgythion occurring in the United States. To sum up the seventeen new skippers recorded for the United States published by the writer, the following two divi- sions are made : Species that are native to the Rio Grande Valley of Texas : Astraptcs julgerator (Welsh) * SpatJiilcpia clonius (Cram.) Carrhcnes cancsccns (Feld.) Lcrodca tyrtacus Ploetz Lerodea cdata (Ploetz) Synaptc malitiosa (H.-S.) Species that are strays or else poorly established in the Rio Grande Valley of Texas : Urban us doryssus (Swains.) Urbanus auginus auginulus (G. & S.) Aguna asandcr (Hew.) Aguna asandcr form panthius (H.-S.) Astraptcs anaphus (Cram.) Astraptes hopffcri (Ploetz) Pcllicia bromias G. & S. Pcllicia costiinacnla H.-S. Cclaenorrliinus jritzgaertncri (Bailey) GorgytJiion bcgga pyralina (Mschlr.) Pericharcs phocion dolorcs (Reak.) * First recorded by W. D. Field, Jour, of the Kansas Ent. Soc., vol. 13: April 1940; no. 2, page 57. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 187 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL, RAYMOND Q. BLISS, CHARLES HODGE IV, MAURICE E. PHILLIPS, JOHN W. H. REHN AND HENRY K. TOWNES, JR. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irre.e- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by fk") : papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL — Amaral, A. do — Xota sobre nomenclatura zoologica. [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 7: 181-94. Light and Weesner— Methods for cul- turing termites. [80] 106: 131-32. Tafall, F. O.— Ano- taciones sobre algunos aspectos de la hidrologia Mexicana. [79] 7: 139-65. Ward, Ivor Jesmond— (Obituary of). [23] 79: 39. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Anschau, M. — Uber das Verhalten der Larven von Hydrobius fuscipes bei der Nahrungsaufnahme. [Oesterreichische Zool. Zeit- schr.] 1 : 165-69, ill. Beebe, W. — Notes on the hercules beetle, Dynastes hercules at Rancho Grande, Venezuela, with special reference to combat behavior. [95] 32: 109- 16, ill. Bettini, S. — Sul contenuto proteico di riserva dei corpi grassi delle feminine di Anopheles labranchiae var. atroparvus. [Riv. di Parassit.] 8: 45-52, ill. Birch, L. C. —Ability of flour beetles to breed in wheat. [26] 28: 322- 24. Burke, F.— Studying mosquitoes. I. [51] 6: 212-18. Davidheiser, B.- — Observations on the inheritance of sex in Sciara ocellaris. [58] 47: 89-102. DeBach and Smith- Effects of parasite population density on rate of change of host and parasite populations. [26] 28: 290—98. Dethier, V. G. — The response of hymenopterous parasites to chemi- cal stimulation of the ovipositor. [41 | 105: 199-208, ill. Dobzhansky, Th. — A directional change in the genetic con- stitution of a natural population of Drosophila pseudo- 188 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jurv> '47 obscura. [Heredity, London and Edinburgh] 1 : 19-52. Dobzhansky and Wright — Genetics of natural populations. XV. Rate of diffusion of a mutant gene through a popula- tion of Drosophila pseudoobscura. [Genetics] 32: 303-24. Dolley and Golden — The effect of sex and age on the tem- perature at which reversal in reaction to light in Eristalis tenax occurs. [12] 92: 178-86. Dubinin and Tiniakov— Natural selection in experiments with population inversions. [Jour. Genetics, London] 48: 11-15. Feldman-Muhsam, B. —Resistance of larvae and nymphs of Hyalomma savignyi to various conditions of temperature and humidity. [61] 38: 111-15. Flanders, S. E. — Elements of host discovery exemplified by parasitic Hymenoptera. [26] 28: 299—309. Fraenkel and Bluett — The effect of linoleic acid and ara- chidonic acid on the development of the flour moth, Ephestia kuhniella. [Biochem. Jour.] 41 (2) : xvii. Freeman, T. N. -The external anatomy of the spruce budworm, Choristo- neura fumiferana (Tortri.). [23] 79: 21-31, ill. Frisch, K. v. — Die Tanze der Bienen. [Osterreichische Zool. Zeit- schr.] 1 : 1-48, ill. Goetsch, W. — Vitamin "T", ein neu- artiger Wirkstoff. [Osterreichische Zool. Zeitschr.] 1 : 49- 57, ill. ; Darm-Symbionten als Eiweissquelle und Vitamin- spender. Ibid. : 58-86, ill. ; Der Einfluss von Vitamin T auf Gestalt und auf Gewohnheiten von Insekten. Ibid. : 193-274, ill. Herms, W. B. — Some problems in the use of artificial light in crop protection. [Hilgardia] 17: 359-75, ill. Knowlton, G. F. — Boxelder bug "bites" man (Corerd.). [18] 42: 33. Kupka, E. — Uber Bremsvorrichtungen an den Laufbeinen der Blattodea. [Oesterreichische Zool. Zeit- schr.] 1: 170-75, .ill. Lawrence, R. F. — Some observations on the post-embryonic development of the Natal forest centipede, Cormocephalus multispinus. [Ann. Natal Mus.] 11: 139-56, ill. Michelmore, A. P. G. — A popular miscon- ception regarding humidity and the need for closer liaison between meteorologists. [Jour. Ecology] 34: 107-10. Pat- terson, J. T. — Studies in the genetics of Drosophila. V. Isolating mechanisms. [Univ. of Texas Publication, Aus- tin] No. 4720: 1-184. Salt and James — Low temperat ire as a factor in the mortality of eggs of Mantis religiosa. [23] 79: 33-36. Schaerffenberg, B. — Poikilosmotische Landtiere. [Osterreichische Zool. Zeitschr.] 1: 176-78. Scott, T. L. — Bee anatomy. Internal. Sect. 4. |51| 6: 217-21. Sein and Adusar — Transmission of the bunchy top disease of papaya (Carica papaya) by the leaf hopper Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 189 Empoasa papayae. [80] 106: 130. Simmonds, F. J. — The biology of Phytodietus pulcherrimus (Ichneumonid) para- sitic on Loxostege sticticalis in N. America. [61] 38: 150- 56, ill. Tiegs, O. W. — The development and affinities of the Pauropoda, based on a study of Pauropus silvaticus. [74] 88: 165-267. Warren, E.— On the genital system and gut of the oribatid mite, Cephus tegeocranus, and the re- action of these organs to a ray-fungus parasite. [Ann. Natal Mus.] 11: 1-36, ill. Wene, G.— An effect of sub- lethal doses of cryolite on Mexican bean beetle larvae, Epilachna varivestis. [58] 47: 117-18. Whiting, P. W.- Some experiments with Melittobia and other wasps (Chal- cid, Scelionid). [42] 38: 11-20. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Chamberlin, R. V. -T\vo new species of Trichomorpha from Panama. [63] 60: 63-65, ill. Feldman-Muhsam, B. — (See under Anat- omy.) Lawrence, R. F. — (See under Anatomy.) Scares e Scares — Contribuic,ao ao Estudo das aranhas do Espirito Santo (Arachnida). [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Sec. Agr., S. Paulo] 7: 51-72, ill.; Um novo conceito do genero Ilhaia (Opiliones, Gonyle'ptidae). Ibid.: 73-78; Novos opilioes de Banhado (Estado do Parana). Ibid.: 101-12; Novos op- ilioes do Estado do Espirito Santo e um novo opiliao do Estado do Para. Ibid.: 195-212; Um novo opiliao do Es- tado de Sao Paulo (Opiliones, Gonyleptidae). Ibid.: 213- 16, ill. ; Uma nova especie de Camarana e alotipo de Eusar- cus mentis (Opil., Gonylep.). Ibid.: 221-26; Um novo genero e duas novas especies de opiloes (Opil., Cosmetid., Gonylep.). Ibid.: 227-32, ill.; Novos opiloes do Estado do Espirito Santo coligidos na fazenda Chaves (Opil., Gony- lep.). Ibid.: 233-42, ill. Scares, H. E. M.— Um novo Tomisida brasileiro (Araneae, Thomisidae). [Papeis Avul- sos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 7: 267-70, ill. Tiegs, O. W. — (See under Anatomy.) Warren, E. — See under Anatomy.). SMALLER ORDERS— Bonet, F.— Mas hipogastruridos anoftalmos de Mexico (Collembola). [79] 7: 51-62, ill. (k*). Cesare, C. — II genere Paradoxuroecus ea il suo gen- ero-tipo (Mallophaga). [Ill] 7: 247-49, ill. Light 'and Weesner — (See under General). Santos, N. D. dos — Mi- crothyria borgmeierei n. sp. (Libellulid). [Ill] 7: 215-18. Walker, J. D. — List of the Stoneflies (Plecoptera) known to occur in s.e. Ohio. [58] 47 : 134-36. Westfall, M. J., Jr.- new Macromia from North Carolina. [38] 63: 32-36. 190 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Juty, '47 ORTHOPTERA— Kupka, E.— (See under Anatomy.) Liebermann, Jose — Sobre una colleccion de Acridoideos Brasileiios del Institute Oswaldo Cruz. [Ill] 7: 165-71. Salt and James — (See under Anatomy.). HEMIPTERA— Carvahlo, J. C. M.— Dois generos de Isometopidae da fauna neotropica. [Ill] 7: 255-60, ill. DeLong and Hershberger — The genus Exitianus in N. America incl. Mexico (Cicadellid). [58] 47: 107-16. Es- selbaugh, C. O. — Some notes on the biology of Hymenarcys aequalis (Pentatom.). [18] 42: 25-30. Knowlton, G. F.- (See under Anatomy.) Sein and Adusar — (See under Anat- omy.) LEPIDOPTERA— Bohart, R. M.— Sod webworms and other lawn pests in California (Pyralid). [Hilgardia] 17: 267-308. Clarke, J. F. G. — New North American Species and new assignments in the genus Chionodes (Gelechiidae). [48] 37: 243-54 (ill.). Fra^enkel and Bluett— (See under Anatomy.) Freeman, T. N. — A new generic assignment for Anchips fumiferana, the spruce budworm (Tortric.). [23] 79: 21. (See also under Anatomy.) Hayward, K. J. — Hesperiidae capturados em Porto Cabral duranta uma segunda excursao a margem paulista do Rio Parana. [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 7: 129- 42. Herms, W. B. — (See under Anatomy.) McDunnough, J. — The agrotid genus Agrotiphila and its genotype. [23] 79 : 38—39. Travossos, L. — Contribuiqao ao conhecimento dos Arctiidae. XII. Genero Isia Walker 1856. [Ill] 7: 181-94, ill. Travassos Filho, L. — Notas de Nomenclatura. I. Estado atual dos generos Methysia e Metamya, novo nome para Paramva (Ctenuchid). [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 7: 257-66. Wind and Clench— New Indo-Australian Lycaenidae. [18] 42: 1-16. DIPTERA— Alexander, C. P. — New or little known Tipu- Hdae from Sao Paulo, Brasil. [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 7: 1-43, ill. Alexander, C. P.— New species of Ptychopteridae. III. [18] 42: 19-24. Carrera, M. — Duas novas especies de Cyrtidae do Brasil. [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 7: 79-86, ill.; Pequenas notas sSbre Asilidae. III. Redescriqao de Dis- smeryngodes anticu e dercriqao do alotipo de Othoniomyia triangularis (Laphriinae). Ibid.: 93-100, ill.; Sobre algu- mas especies do genero Atoniomyia Hermann, 1912 (Asilid). Ibid.: 113-28, ill.; Sobre o genero Cerozodvis (Asilid). Ibid.: 7: 247-56, ill. Bettini, S. — (See under Anatomy.) Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 191 Davidheiser, B. — (See under Anatomy.) Dobzhansky, Th. -(See under Anatomy.) Dolley and Golden — (See under Anatomy.) Knight, K. L. — A new species of Aedes (Chris- tophersiomyia) from the Philippines. [63] 60: 73-76, ill. (k). Michener, C. D.— Mosquitoes of a limited area in southern Mississippi. [1] 37: 325-74. Patterson, J. T.- (See under Anatomy.) Phillip, C. B.— A catalogue of the blood-sucking fly family Tabanidae. [1] 37: 257-324. Pritchard, A. E. — North American gall midges of the tribe Micromyini ; Itonididae (Cecidomyiid). [27] 27: 1-86 (k*). Sacca, G. — Revisione dei Phlebotomus della col- lezione Rondani : Un punto fermo sulla questione del P. minutus. [Riv. di Parassit.] 8: 53-62, ill. Shewell, G. E.- A male of Diachlorus ferrugatus (Taban.). [23] 79: 32. Steyskal, G. — Notes on the genus Dolichopus. Paper 3. [18] 42: 34—38. Diostracus prasinus in Tennessee (Doli- chopod.). Ibid. p. 16. COLEOPTERA— Anschau, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Araujo, R. L. — Notas sobre o genero Tiphaura e descriqao de uma nova especie (Cure., Erirrhin.). [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 7: 87-92. Barber, H. S. —A new Schematiza on Cordia in Trinidad (Chrysomcli- dae). [48] 37: 242-43 (*). Barr, W. F.— A new sp. of Cymatodera from California and Oregon (Clerid). [18] 42: 17-18. Birch, L. S.— (See under Anatomy.) Beebe, W. — (See under Anatomy.) Frost, C. A. — Octhephilum fracticorne (Staph.). [18] 42: 18. Lane, F. — Sobre os tipos e a sinonimia de alguns Canthonini (Scarab). [Pa- peis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 1 : 171-79. Navajas, E. — Os genotipos de fam. Fulcidacidae (Chryso- mel.). [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 7 : 243-45. Parker, F. H. — A new Paratyndaris from Ari- zona (Buprest.). [18] 42: 31-33. Strand, H.— Nord- norges Coleoptera. [Troms0 Mus. Arshefter, Naturhistor- isk Avd. Nr. 34] 67 (1944) nr. 1: 1-629. Wene, G.— (See under Anatomy.). HYMENOPTERA— Araujo, R. L.— Angiopolybia nom. n. para o conceito revalidado de Stelopolybia Ducke, 1914 (Vespidae). [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. Seer. Agr., S. Paulo] 7: 165-70. Dethier, V. G.— See under Anatomy.) Flanders, S. E. — (See under Anatomy.) Frisch, K. v.— (See under Anatomy. ) Simmonds, F. j. — (See under Anat- omy.) Smith, M. R. — A generic and subgeneric synopsis of the United States ants, based on the workers. [1] 37: 521-647, ill. Whiting, P. W.— (See under Anatomy.). EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at tht top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Papers on Cicindelidae of any part of the world, espe- cially South America and Pacific. R. G. Dahl, 3225 Grand Ave.. Apt. 13, Oakland 10, Cal. Chrysididae — -Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect— Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. FOR SALE The Berry Collection of North American Lepidoptera. More than 9000 specimens, over 1100 species. The result of 17 years of collecting. For information, write: M. A. Berry, Box 146, Orlando, Florida. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery f — . 1U. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1135. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — Synopsis of No. Amer. Ephydridae. III. The tribe Notiphilini of the subfam. Notiphilini (72: 227-240, 1946) $ .35 1136. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. I. The subfam. Psilopinae (72: 241-264, 1946) 60 1134. — Knight and Laffoon — The oriental spp. of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (72: 203-225, 3 pis., 1946) 70- THE BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF TRYPETID LARVAE By VENIA TARRIS PHILLIPS Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, No. 12, 161 pp., 16 pis.,. 1946 This is a comprehensive work describing and figuring the important characteristics of the larvae of forty five species of American fruit flies (Diptera). An indispensible work for economic en- tomologists. It includes a glossary of the terms used in the descriptions; a list of 442 species of the family, with their known hosts; a list of their host plants; and an extensive bibliography. The plates contain 192 exquisitely executed figures. Price $5.00 (postpaid, domestic delivery) U. S. Currency, remittance must accompany order. HYMENOPTERA 1132. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompilidae) and their type spp. (72: 65-137, 1946) 1.80 ORTHOPTERA 1128. — Rehn (J. A. G.) — One new gen. and six new spp. of Central American and Colombian Pseudophyllinae (Orthoptera) (72: 1-26, 2 pis., 1946) 75 COLEOPTERA 1133. — Benesh (B.) — A systematic revision of the Holarctic gen. Platycerus Geoffrey (72: 139-202, 5 pis., 1946) 1.90 1129. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — Review of the Onocephalini (Ceram- bicidae) (72: 27-48, 1 pi., 1946) 65 1131. — Green (J. W.) — A new sp. of Enochrus (Hydrophilidae) (72: 61-64, figs., 1946) 20 1130.— Robinson (M.)— Studies in the Scarabaeidae III (72: 49-59, 1946) 30 LEPIDOPTERA 1125. — Jones (F. M.) — Platoeceticus Packard, and a remarkable n. sp. of the genus (Psychidae) (71: 99-124, 4 pis., 1945) 75 . \U i> l Subscriptions for 1948 are payable now ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS OCTOBER 1947 Vol. LVIII . INS. U.S. NATL. AUG 8 195! CONTENTS Chermock — The Euptychia pyracmon group 193 Personal 204 Alexander — Western crane-flies, Part VIII 205 Knull — New Hippomelas and other Buprestids 210 Enns — Corrodopsylla hamiltoni on shrews 212 La Rivers — Synonymy in Coniontellus 213 Review — Plant Diseases 214 Entomological Literature 215 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1, Act of October 3. 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES : Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $1.00 $ 1.90 $ 2.75 $ 4.80 Five Issues 4.50 8.50 12.00 21.00 Ten Issues 8.00 15.00 21.00 36.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. 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CHERMOCK, Ithaca, N. Y. Doctor Nabokov, in 1942,1 published the results of his studies of Neonympha hcnshawi and its relatives in the United States. In studying this work, I became interested in the suggested clas- sification and tried to correlate his findings with the Mexican and Central American members of the group and to corroborate and supplement his data on the distribution of those species found in the United States. This study was facilitated by the cooperation of Dr. Walter Sweadner of the Carnegie Museum, who kindly permitted me to study its extensive series ; Dr. C. D. Michener, who loaned me material from the collection of the American Museum of Natural History; Mr. William D. Field, who loaned me specimens of Central American species from the collection of the U. S. National Museum; Mr. F. H. Chermock, whose collection was helpful in providing additional data on distribution; Mr. Don. B. Stallings, who kindly furnished me with paratypes of Euptychia gemma jrccmani and its form in- ductnra; Mr. Louis Schellbach, who sent me topotypes of Eup- tychia dorothca dorothea; Mrs. R. L. Chermock, who collected extensive series in southeastern Arizona for study; and Dr. W. T. M. Forbes of Cornell University, whose suggestions proved to be most valuable and helpful. To all of these, I offer my sincerest thanks. The genera Xconympha, Alcc/isto, and Euptychia were erected by HiibmT simultaneously in 1818, in his "Verzeichniss bekann- ter Schmettlinge," the latter having "page priority." Cissia Doubleday, 1848, has also occasionally been used as applying to members of this group. Felcler described the genus Cyllopsis 1 Psyche, vol. XLIX, nos. 3-4. (193) 194 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 in 1869, in Verb. Zool.-Bot. Gesellsch. Wien, vol. 19, p. 474, the genotype being C. hcdemanni Felder, 1869, by monotypy. After studying tbe genotypes of these five genera, I feel that they all represent one genus, since they are extremely similar morphologically. The oldest available name is Euptychia Hiib- ner, 1818 and should be applied to this genus. On the basis of genitalic structures and maculation, this genus can be further divided into two groups. The first group which includes the genotypes of Euptychia, Megisto, Neonympha, and Cissia is easily separated from the other which includes the genotype of Cyllopsis and the other species considered in this paper. Conse- quently I will refer to these species as belonging to the genus Euptychia, and subgenus Cyllopsis. Whether the remainder of this genus constitutes a single subgenus or not, I leave to future workers. However, the name Neonympha, which has often been applied to pyracmon, henshaun, etc. by other authors, is incorrect ; and the name would more appropriately be consid- ered as a synonym of Euptychia. I have also studied the genotype of Taygctis Hiibner, 1816, which is mermeria Cramer 1779, along with related species; and I am inclined to include this genus also in Euptychia, although it may constitute another distinct subgenus. The genitalia are very similar to those of Euptychia hcrsc, and the maculation is such that it substantiates the opinion. Subgenus Cyllopsis, Felder The upper side of both sexes has a general brown ground color, frequently with a reddish suffusion, which changes to yellow in philodicc. Two black marginal spots are usually present on the secondaries, one between M.1 and M.,, the other between M2 and Ms. In some specimens, only one spot is present, that between M2 and M3 ; while in other specimens, an additional spot is found between M3 and Cut. These marginal spots are not found in any other Euptychias. The males of many of the species have an androconial patch extending from the inner margin of the primaries to the end of the cell. On the lower surface, the primaries are crossed by four dark transverse lines (see figure 2) : the first discal passing through the cell ; the Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 195 second discal passing around the end of the cell ; a submarginal band distal to this ; and a marginal band along the outer margin. On the secondaries, these bands still persist but are usually less well defined ; and the submarginal band is heavily marked with silver. The marginal spots of the upper surface are ocellate on the lower surface, often pupilled or surrounded with silver. In many species, these spots are bordered basally by a blue-white patch traversed by fine striae. This maculation may be desig- nated as a marginal patch and does not occur in other Eup- tychias. The male genitalia of Cyllopsis (see figures 3-11) are basically similar to those of the other Euptychias with the excep- tion of the structure of the socii. In Cyllopsis, the socii are short, unarticulated, and curved concavely upward. In all other Euptychias (see figures 1 and 12) and Taygetis studied, which included the various genotypes, the socii are articulated at the base; the tips are strongly directed upwards, often extending dorsad to the uncus, and are either straight or reversely curved. The distinctive genitalic characters coupled with the basic pat- tern differences are the most diagnostic features of this subgenus. In contrast to the studies of Dr. Nabokov, my observations have convinced me that the names he listed constitute only two species. In addition, I include several species not considered in Nabokov's paper, in the subgenus Cyllopsis, and will discuss my conclusions in the following pages. Euptychia pyracmon Butler, was described from Oaxaca, Mexico, and, on the basis of specimens examined and records in Godman and Salvin, ranges from Chiriqui, Panama, north to southern Mexico. A specimen examined from Guatemala, col- lected by Schaus and now in the Carnegie Museum, agrees very well with Godman and Salvin's figure of typical pyracmon on Plate 107, figures 11 and 12, and is used as a basis for com- parison. Nabokov recorded pyracmon from Palmerlee, Cochise Co., Arizona; Globe, Gila Co., Ariz.; and Paradise, Ariz. The author lias, in his collection, a specimen from Palmerlee which agrees perfectly with Nabokov's description and comes from the same locality as the plesiotype of that species in the American Museum. On the upper side, it -differs from the Guatemalan specimen by having smaller, less accentuated, paired marginal 196 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 spots on the secondaries. On the lower surface, the basic pat- tern is identical in color and shape of markings, although the transverse bands of the Guatemalan specimen are much more heavily accentuated and broader. The Guatemalan specimen agrees with the original description of pyracmon, comes from an area nearer the type locality, and I consider it as being more typical than the Arizona specimens. Euptychia hilaria de- scribed by Godman and Salvin is a synonym of pyracmon as far as I can determine from the original description. E. pyracmon is a polytypic species, the typical form being found in the 'area cited above, while henshawi (Edwards) repre- sents the northern subspecies found in southern Arizona and extending south into Sonora. The basic patterns of the two are similar, with henshawi tending to have more red on the upper surface and less intense transverse bands on the under- side. The genitalia of pyracmon and henshcewi (see figure 3) are identical save that the uncus of the latter is proportionally slightly longer. The pyracmon of Nabokov is nothing more than a color form of p. henshawi within the limits of the range of variation of that subspecies. Euptychia pephredo Godman and Salvin, is found in southern Mexico and Guatemala; and specimens from the latter country were used for comparison. Although this species ex- hibits certain characters similar to pyracmon, to which it is un- doubtedly closely related, it can readily be distinguished by the characters given in the key. The male genitalia of pephredo (see figure 5) have a much shorter valve and uncus. The dis- tributions of the two species overlap, but each species apparently remains distinct with no interbreeding. E. dorothea. Nabokov distinguished another species be- longing to this group which he named dorothea, and the evi- dence I have substantiates his findings. Maniola, however, which he described as a distinct species, is only a subspecies of dorothea. Biologically, dorothea is distinct from Jienshazvi al- though their ranges overlap. The latter is definitely double- brooded in Arizona, one brood occurring in June and the other in late August and early September. Intensive collecting by Mrs. R. L. Chermock in the areas where both species were Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 197 flying together in June, yielded large series of hcnshawi but no dorothca in the fall. On the basis of maculation, the two may also be separated by the characters mentioned in the key. The genitalia of dorothca, maniola, cdwardsi (see figure 4), and avicula are all identical. I have in my collection topotypical material of all of the sub- species of dorothea described by Nabokov. Dorothca came from Grand Canyon, Arizona; cdwardsi from Gila Co., Ariz.; avicula from Fort Davis, Texas ; 2 and maniola from the Chi- ricahua Mts., Ariz. Maniola is the most distinctive member of this polytypic species and represents the subspecies found in the Chiricahua, Santa Rita, and Baboquivari ranges of south- eastern Arizona. However, the characters given by Nabokov to separate the remaining subspecies vary tremendously and can be found in any population throughout the range of distri- bution. Although there exist certain trends in these variations, they are insufficiently limited to any geographical area to merit subspecific designation. For this reason, I believe it wiser to consider them as synonyms. The intensity of the transverse markings on the underside of the wings and the extent of the red suffusion on the upper side vary in all populations, and no constant diagnostic features can be found. Maniola, however, is relatively constant and can be recognized by the characters given in the key. Nabokov also emphasized in his work the importance of the distribution of the androconial patches in the male. This char- acter, as in many Satyrids, is subject to great variation; and the stress which was placed on their distribution in separating henshawi, pyracmon, maniola, and dorothca was found to be unjustified. The most reliable character, I found, for species determination was the male genitalic structures, coupled with the actual basic pattern, not color or intensity. Euptychia gemma Hiibner, is also a member of this sub- genus, exhibiting the same basic pattern of maculation and geni- talic structure (see figure 6). However, its diagnostic specific - Wind in Pan. Pac. Ent. redescribed this subspecies naming it tc.rana from the same locality, thus automatically making it a synonym. 198 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 characters given in the key make it easy to recognize. It ranges throughout southeastern United States into Texas. In the tropical belt around Brownsville and Pharr, Texas, it occurs as the subspecies jrcemani Stallings and Turner, extending south along the coast into Mexico. The genitalia of freemani and gemma are identical, but the characters of maculation and color are sufficient to separate them. Freemani represents the winter brood, but Stallings and Turner also separated the sum- mer brood giving it the form name inductura. As- 1 feel that variation within a population, whether it be due to environ- mental influences or the expression of slight genie differences, does not deserve recognition in our nomenclatural system, I am considering it as a synonym. This summer brood is extremely close to typical gemma in its general characters, although the brighter ground color of the wings, along with the slightly heavier transverse bands, can be1 used to distinguish it. The typical winter form is more easily recognized, having dark, broad, transverse bands and a yellowish suffusion on the lower surfaces. It is advisable to mention here two specimens which I have had the privilege of examining, each representing an undescribed species. Although I believe it is usually inadvisable to base descriptions on single specimens, I feel that these have suffi- ciently diagnostic characters to justify their being named. Euptychia (Cyllopsis) nayarit, new species Length of wing measured from base to the apex of the pri- maries, 177 mm. In general, the appearance, color, and macu- lation of the upper surface, similar to gemma, but possessing a well defined androconial patch on the primaries. Lower sur- face of secondaries : the metallic markings are reduced ; the sec- ond discal band is heavily margined distally with bright yellow- orange ; this same color is found on the submarginal band between M3 and Cu15 and on the marginal band; the marginal patch is smaller than in gemma, extending only halfway to the second discal band as in maniola. The genitalia have a short, straight uncus ; and the valves have a distinct process on the lower portion of the tip (see figure 10), not found in any other Iviii, '47J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 199 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1. Eitptychia (Euptychia} heriucs, Venezuela, R. Chermock Collection. 2. Diagrammatic drawing of lower surface of E. pephrcdo: a, first discal band ; b, second discal band ; c, submarginal band ; d. marginal band ; e, marginal patch. 3. E. pyracmon hcnshazvi, Santa Rita Mts., Ariz., R. Chermock Col. 4. E. dorothca dorothca, Globe, Ariz., R. Chermock Col. 5. E. pephrcdo, Guatemala, Carnegie Museum Col. 6. E. gemma, Crail- hope, Ky., R. Chermock Col. 7. E. rogersi, Los Bajos, C. R., U. S. Nat. Mus. Col. 8. E. argentclla, Mt. Poas, C. R., U. S. Nat. Mus. Col. 9. E. philodicc, Turrialba, C. R., U. S. Nat. Mus. Col. 10. E. nayarit, Type, Cornell Col. 11. E. pscudopcphrcdo, Type, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. Col. 12. E. hcrse, Brazil, Cornell Col. 200 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 members of Cyllopsis. Apparently, this species is between gemma and pephredo. Type: Male, Compostela, Nayarit, MEXICO, Oct. 30, 1942. Cornell University Collection. Euptychia (Cyllopsis) pseudopephredo, new species Length of fore wing, 17 mm. General ground color of upper surface same as in gemma., and also lacking the androconial patch on the primaries. The hind wings, however, are slightly more angulate, suggestive of pephredo. The ground color of the lower surface is yellowish-tan, traversed by short, heavy, dark striae. The transverse bands are well defined. -Lower surface of secondaries : the marginal patch is reduced as in pephredo; the second discal band is slightly margined distally with yellow. The male genitalia are distinct (see figure 11), the valves being relatively broad and terminated by a bluntly upturned tip. This species is fairly closely related to pephredo although the genitalia seem to indicate specific distinction. Type: Male, S. Angel, D. F. MEXICO, June 1910 (C. C. Hoffmann), collection of the American Museum of Natural History, New York City. Euptychia hedemanni, of which I have two specimens before me from the U. S. National Museum, ranges from south- ern Mexico to Guatemala and Costa Rica. It is the largest member of this subgenus, wing length 22-26 mm. The pri- maries tend to be falcate, the secondaries angled, with a some- what crenulate margin. Other characters which can be used to identify the species are given in the key. Although somewhat modified in appearance from the majority of the members of this subgenus, its genitalic characters, coupled with its basic maculation, indicate its close relationship. Mr. Field of the U. S. National Museum was also kind enough to lend me speci- mens of rogersi, argentclla, and philodice from Costa Rica, all of which belong to Cyllopsis; and their distinctive characters are also outlined in the key. Their genitalia are represented in figures 7 to 9. I have been unable to obtain specimens of Euptychia nelsoni or E. clinas for study. However, there is no question in my Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 201 mind that they are also referable to Cyllopsis, and the characters included in the key are based on Godman and Salvin's illustra- tions of the types. It appears that clinas, which comes from Guerrero, Mexico, is more closely related to hedemanni; nelsoni, which was described from Cerro de Zunil, Guatemala, is prob- ably a subspecies of philodice. KEY TO THE SPECIES AND SUBSPECIES OF CYLLOPSIS * Marginal patch on loivcr surface of secondaries incomplete: the ocelli are not divided; no patch basal to tlie ocelli con- trasting with the ground color of the wing. 1. Apex of primaries angulate, outer margin strongly concave. Average length of forewing measured from base to apex usually greater than 221/2 mm 2 Apex of primaries never angulate, outer margin either straight or convex ; length of forewing less than 22 mm 3 2. Cu: of hindwing elongated into a short broad tail ; a single marginal eyespot between M3 and Cu: on both surfaces of secondaries. Upper surface : mouse brown, with second discal band pinkish. Lower surface : first and second discal bands straight ; area between base of wing and first discal, and also between discal and submarginal bands, lighter and yellowish in color hedemanni Outer margin of hind wing round, slightly crenulate ; anal angle elongated into a broad point ; 2-3 marginal dark spots on upper side of secondaries. Lower surface of secon- daries : 2 well developed marginal ocelli between M2 and AL, M3 and Cu1; first and second discal bands irregularly jagged ; area between second discal and submarginal bands pale in color t . clinas 3. Upper surface : 1 black marginal spot between M2 and M3, occasionally a smaller one between Mt and M2 ; color, mouse-brown. Lower surface of secondaries : a single well developed ocellus between M2 and M3 ; occasionally a rudi- mentary one between Ml and M2 ; silver band incomplete rogersi Two subequal marginal spots on both surfaces between M2 and M,, and M, and Cu1; sometimes very reduced in the females 4 4. Lower surface of secondaries : a broad, straight, yellow-white band, 2 mm. in width, distal to second discal band; mar- ginal ocelli of female reduced; silver submarginal band broken . . 5 202 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 No broad yellow band on secondaries ; marginal eyespots of female not markedly reduced 6 5. Bright yellow markings on upper side of secondaries distal to the second discal band. Lower surface of primaries : area between second discal and submarginal bands heavily tinged with yellow-white philodice philodice No bright yellow markings on upper surface. No yellow- white between second discal and submarginal bands on lower surface of primaries philodice nelsoni **Marginal patch on lower surface of secondaries well developed consisting of two marginal eyespots, each in turn bisected, lying between M2 and M3, and M3 and Cul; bordered basally by a pale colored patch, often bluish, and traversed by fine striae. 6. Lower surface of secondaries : second discal band bordered distally by irregular, dentate, orange-yellow markings ; the submarginal band bordered basally by similar markings . . 7 Second discal and submarginal bands not bordered with orange-yellow, marginal patch, bluish white 9 7. Outer margin of primaries straight ; outer margin of sec- ondaries straight from Sc to Ma, giving them an angulate shape. Lower surface of primaries : second discal band straight and parallel to outer margin, curving abruptly basad to meet the costal margin ; submarginal band well developed, the central portion bowed away from the outer margin. Male with an androconial patch ; genitalia as in figure 5. Wings brownish-gray above pcphrcdo Outer margin of primaries convex ; secondaries very weakly angulate. Lower surface of primaries : second discal and submarginal bands parallel, usually very weakly developed. Wings delicate ; mouse-gray above 8 8. Male with an androconial patch, genitalia as in figure 10. Lower surface : cross bands narrow, reddish in color ; wings brownish with very few dark striations nayarit Male without androconial patch, genitalia as in figure 11. Cross bands broad, though incomplete, brown in color. Ground color of lower surface yellow-tan, traversed by numerous heavy striae pseudopephrcdo 9. No androconial patch in male ; wings on upper surface ho- mogeneous gray or gray-brown ; body and wings delicate ; genitalia as in figure 6; length of primaries in males, 15—17 mm. ; in females, 17-20 mm 10 Male with an androconial patch ; wrings on upper surface of a brownish-gray color, with some red suffusion on both surfaces. Transverse bands on lower surface usually with Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 203 brick-red suffusion. Length of primaries in males, 18-22 mm. ; in females, 18-25 mm 11 10. Ground color on upper surface brownish-gray, lower sur- face also brownish-gray, sometimes suffused with yellow- ish ; transverse bands frequently heavy and complete gemma jreemani Ground color on both surfaces grayish, rarely having a brown- ish cast on lower surface ; transverse bands usually weakly developed gemma gemma 11. The second discal band of the lower surface of secondaries straight, outwardly toothed, extending to the costal margin where it connects with the second discal of the primaries. The valves of the male genitalia terminate in a point as in figure 3 12 The second discal band on the lower surface of secondaries ir- regularly curved away from the outer margin and extending to the costa where it appears to meet the submarginal band of the primaries. The valves of the male genitalia termi- nating in a dorsally turned hook as in figure 4 13 12. Transverse bands on lower surface of primaries well de- fined, brownish in color. Upper surface : male ground color more or less homogeneous brown with only a slight suffusion of red pyracmon pyracmon Transverse bands on under side of primaries reddish ; the first and second discal thin; subcostal almost obsolescent con- sisting of a row of small, thin, disconnected spots. Both sexes usually suffused with red on the upper surface pyracmon henshawi 13. The marginal patch basal to the ocelli on lower surface of secondaries is bright gray, traversed by regular dark striae, and extends to or almost to the second discal band dorothea dorotliea The marginal patch of the underside of secondaries extends only halfway to the second discal band, with very little gray, but more of the ground color invading the area, and is traversed only by a few irregular dark striae dorotliea maniola CHECKLIST OF SUBGENUS CYLLOPSIS Genus Euptychla Hiibner, 1818, Ver. Bekannt. Schmett., page 54. Genotype: Papilla herse Cramer. 1775. Subgenus Cyllopsls Felder, 1869, Verb. Zool.-Hot. Gesellsch. \Yien~ vol. 19, p. 474. Genotype: C \llopsls hedemanni Felder, 1869. 204 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 gemma gemma (Hiibner) Zutr. Ex. Schmett., 1818, f. 7, 8. gemma freemani (Stallings & Turner) 1946, Can. Ent., vol. 78, p. 136. Synonym as form inductura (Stallings & Turner) ibid. dorothea dorothea (Nabokov) 1942, Psyche, vol. 49, p. 64. Synonym edwardsi (Nabokov) ibid. p. 66. Synonym avicula- (Nabokov) ibid. p. 67. Synonym texana (Wind) 1946, Pan. Pac. Ent., vol. 22, p. 27. " dorothea maniola (Nabokov) 1942, Psyche, vol. 49, p. 68. pephredo Godman & Salvin, 1882-1902, Biol. Cent. Am., Ins. Lep., vol. 2, p. 657. pseudopephredo R. Chermock, in this paper. nayarit R. Chermock, in this paper. pyracmon pyracmon (Butler) 1866, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 499. Synonym hilaria Godman & Salvin, Biol. Cent. Am., Ins. Lep., vol. 2, p. 658. pyracmon henshawi (Edwards) 1876, Trans. Am. Ent. Soc., vol. 2, p. 658. hedemanni Felder, 1869, Verh. k.k. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, p. 474. Synonym ithama Butler, Lep. Ex., p. 9. Synonym vetones Godman & Salvin, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 265. clinas Godman & Salvin, 1889, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., vol. 3, p. 352. rogersi Godman & Salvin, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 265. argcntella Butler & Druce, Cist. Ent., vol. 1, p. 98. philodice philodice Godman & Salvin, 1878, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., p. 264. philodice nclsoni Godman & Salvin, Biol. Centr. Amer., p. 91. Personal Mrs. Ethel Melsheimer Miller, librarian for the Depart- ment of Entomology at the Ohio State University, has retired from active service but is planning a cumulative index of the Ohio Journal of Science and its predecessor, the Ohio Natural- ist. Mrs. Miller is a great, great granddaughter of Frederick Valentine Melsheimer, one of America's entomological pioneers. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 205 Undescribed Species of Crane-Flies from the Western United States and Canada (Dipt. : Tipulidae) . Part VIII By CHARLES P. ALEXANDER, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts The preceding part under this title was published in ENTO- MOLOGICAL NEWS, 58: 61-67. Most of the species discussed herewith were taken by me in California and the types are pre- served in my personal collection of these flies. One further species was found in the California Academy of Sciences and was loaned to me for study by Dr. E. S. Ross, curator of the insect collections. Tipula (Oreomyza) sequoicola new species Size small (wing, male, less than 10 mm.) ; general coloration light gray, the praescutum with four narrow reddish brown stripes ; claws of male toothed ; wings with a pale grayish tinge ; no squamal setae; cell M^ about three times the length of its petiole ; male hypopygium with the ninth tergite entirely pale, its caudal margin with a deep and narrow median notch, the broad lateral lobes truncated ; outer dististyle pale, the distal third narrowed; beak of inner dististyle slender, the retracted lower beak terminating in a rounded blackened knob ; eighth sternite terminating in two separate groups of long reddish setae, the apical margin between produced into a long median lobe that is only a little shorter than the setae, its surface with abundant small hairs. J1. Length about 8.5 mm.; wing 9.5 mm. Frontal prolongation of head testaceous yellow ; nasus dis- tinct ; palpi with basal segments obscure yellow, the outer ones brown. Antennae with the scape and pedicel yellow, flagellum brown ; flagellar segments with the basal enlargements only feebly indicated ; segments about equal in length to the verticils. Head light gray. Pronotum and mesonotum light gray, the praescutum with four narrow reddish brown stripes, the intermediate pair sepa- rated by a space that is wider than either stripe ; scutal lobes 206 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 variegated with reddish brown. Pleura and pleurotergite uni- formly pale gray. Halteres with stem pale, knob darkened. Legs with all coxae pale gray; trochanters yellow; remainder of legs pale brown, the outer tarsal segments darker ; tarsal claws (male) toothed. Wings with a pale grayish tinge, the short-oval stigma darker; obliterative areas inconspicuous or lacking; veins brown. Venation: Rs nearly twice m-cu; cell MI_ about three times its petiole ; m oblique, the outer end of cell 1st Mo pointed; M3+4 short, about three-fifths as long as the basal section of M1+2 ; m-cu close to the fork of M ; cell 2nd A wide. Abdomen testaceous yellow, unpatterned or virtually so. Male hypopygium with the tergite entirely pale, without ventral or marginal armature ; posterior border with a deep and rela- tively narrow median notch, the broad lateral lobes truncate, provided with short scattered setae only. Ninth sternite with its appendage a subglobular lobe that is cushioned with coarse subspinous setae. Outer dististyle elongate, pale, the outer third narrowed, the lower margin and apex with relatively short setae, the dorsal portion with fewer long coarse bristles. Inner dististyle with the beak slender, the lower beak far retracted, at base of the former, terminating in a rounded black knob ; dorsal crest with the corrugations widely spaced, the setae nearest the beak very small, becoming longer and coarser outwardly; pos- terior crest high but very pale to hyaline, the posterior corruga- tions more crowded ; outer basal lobe short, more or less sclero- tized, near apex with three or four setae that are stronger than the others. Eighth sternite near posterior margin with two separated groups of long reddish setae; near margin between these two groups an elongate median structure, appearing as a long tail-like pale lobe, the surface with abundant short hairs. Habitat. CALIFORNIA. Holotypc: $, Sequoia National Park, Giant Forest near Sunset Camp, altitude 7000 feet, July 18, 1946 (C. P. Alexander) ; in grove of Jeffrey Pine, Finns jef- freyi Murray, resting on trunk of this species. This small fly seems to be most nearly allied to Tipula (Oreo- mysa) mandan Alexander, despite the tmproduced basistyle of Iviii, '47 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 207 the male hypopygium. The elongate median appendage of the eighth sternite is distinctive. Limnophila (Elaeophila) nupta new species Mesonotal praescutum gray with four brown stripes ; wings relatively narrow, faintly tinged with yellow, conspicuously pat- terned with brown, the areas restricted to the vicinity of the veins ; Sc -short, Sct ending a short distance before the fork of Rs; abdomen bicolored ; male hypopygium with the basistyle at apex provided with a brush of long yellow setae ; outer dististyle entirely blackened, the spine of the outer margin strong, the outer third of style more narrowed, with six or seven spines before the strong apical point ; phallosome on either side of the small aedeagus produced into a strong black spine. J1. Length about 6.5 mm. ; wing 7.4 mm. Rostrum and palpi brownish black. Antennae with the basal segments black, the scape pruinose, flagellum paler ; antennae of moderate length ; verticils longer than the oval segments. Head gray; anterior vertex broad. Pronotum gray. Mesonotal praescutum light gray, with four darK brown stripes that are separated by narrow gray lines; pseudosutural foveae black, conspicuous ; posterior sclerites of notum somewhat darker gray, the scutum weakly patterned with darker. Pleura gray. Halteres with stem pale, knob dark brown. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow; femora yellow basally, broken at near midlength. \Yings relatively nar- row, faintly tinged with yellow, more saturated in the prearcular and basal costal fields ; a conspicuous brown pattern, including about six larger costal areas, the second at origin of Rs, and the third at tip of Sc relatively close together and confluent in the costal cell ; other dark areas over cord, outer end of cell 1st Mz> over the supernumerary crossvein in cell M, and at ends of the longitudinal veins, all dark areas being restricted to the vicinity of the veins ; veins brown, slightly darker in the patterned areas, light yellow at the wing base. Venation : Sc short, Sc± ending a slight distance before the fork of Rs, Sc.2 about opposite two- thirds Rs, the latter angulated and long-spurred at origin ; cell M! subequal to its petiole; cell 1st M., small with ui-cit at about one-third its length. 208 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 Abdomen bicolored, the bases of the segments yellow, the nar- rower apices dark brown, the pale color clearer on the more proximal segments. Male hypopygium with the outer apical angle of basistyle slightly produced into a blackened obtuse lobe that bears a group of long yellow setae that are subequal in length to the outer dististyle. Outer dististyle entirely black- ened, relatively narrow, the spine of the outer margin strong, placed at near two-thirds the length ; outer third of style more narrowed, the apex a strong curved spine with about six or seven smaller teeth on margin back from this spine. Inner dististyle an oval pale lobe with abundant pale setae but with no modified brush or pencil. Phallosome on either side of the small aedeagus produced into a strong black spine that is about three-fourths as long as the aedeagus itself. Habitat. CALIFORNIA. Holotype: $, Yosemite National Park, Bridalveil Creek, altitude 7075 feet, July 22, 1946 (C. P. Alexander). The most similar species is Limnophila (Elceopliila) angustior Alexander which agrees most closely in the shape and coloration of the wings and in the general structure of the male hypopyg- ium, including the brush of setae at apex of the basistyle. It differs in all other details of the hypopygium, including the outer dististyle and the lack of the spines subtending the aedeagus. Elephantomyia (Elephantomyia) curtirostris new species Mesonotum yellow, the praescutum with three brown stripes ; rostrum unusually short, only about two-fifths as long as the wing ; antennae black ; wings with a faint yellow tinge, restrict - edly patterned with brown, including very narrow seams over most of the veins ; abdomen yellow, the tergites with a narrow pale brown central stripe, widened on the proximal two seg- ments ; sternites yellow, the lateral borders brownish black. 5- Length, excluding rostrum, about 10.5 mm. ; wing 10.5 mm. ; rostrum 4 mm. Rostrum unusually short, dark brown throughout, about two- fifths as long as the wing; palpi dark brown. Antennae with the scape black, sparsely pruinose ; pedicel piceous brown ; flagel- lum black ; fusion-segment more than twice the length of the Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 209 succeeding segment. Head light gray; anterior vertex (female) narrow, about one-fourth greater than the diameter of the scape. Pronotum obscure yellow. Mesonotal praescutum yellow, with three brown stripes, the median one broad and distinct, the laterals more diffuse ; posterior interspaces obscured ; centers of the scutal lobes and the mediotergite dark brown, the scu- tellum darkened medially, the remainder of mesonotum yellow. Pleura yellow, with a major brown area on the mesopleura. Halteres broken. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow ; femora yellow, the tips dark brown, broadest on the fore pair where more than the outer half is included, narrowest on the posterior legs where about the outer tenth is included; tibiae obscure brownish yellow, the tips narrowly darkened ; tarsi brownish yellow, the terminal two segments dark brown ; tibial spurs present. Wings with a faint yellow tinge, restrictedly patterned with brown, including pale brown cells C and Sc, a long darker brown stigma, and very narrow but evident pale brown seams over most of the veins, lacking on 1st A; veins brown. Venation : Sc relatively short, the strong Sc0 ending a short distance before the outer end of Rs, the weak Scl at its tip ; branches of Rs extending generally parallel to one another, diverging slightly at their outer ends ; in-cu at midlength of the lower face of cell 1st M.2. Abdomen yellow, the lateral borders of the sternites brownish black, more or less interrupted on the narrow basal rings of the segments; on the seventh sternite the posterior border is simi- larly darkened ; tergites with a delicate pale brown median line, more extensive on segments one and two, on the latter more or less hour-glass shaped. Ovipositor with the valves, especially the cerci, elongate. Habitat. ARIZONA. Holotype: $, Chiricahua Mountains, Cochise Co., Rustler Park, altitude 8500 feet, July 26, 1927 (J. A. Kusche) ; California Academy of Sciences. The present fly is very different from the other regional spe- cies, including the only other Nearctic species, the genotype, Elephantomyia (Elephantomyia) tscslu'oodi Osten Sacken and rather numerous Mexican forms. From all of these it differs especially in the unusually short rostrum which is only about two-fifths as long as the wing. 210 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 A New Species of Hippomelas with Notes on Two other Buprestidae (Coleoptera) By J. N. KNULL, Department of Zoology and Entomology, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio Hippomelas brunneata n. sp. Female. Short, robust; head, prothorax, scutellum, ventral surface and legs dark bronze, elytra brown, pubescence short, inconspicuous, irregularly clothed with white flocculent material. Head convex, median line on vertex extending down front; clypeus deeply, broadly emarginate ; surface densely, finely punctured ; antennae extending beyond middle of pronotum when laid along side, scape stout, second segment longer than wide, third as long as fifth and sixth taken together, fourth shorter than third, segments five to ten inclusive as long as wide, eleventh with appendicle, serrate from fourth segment. Pronotum wider than long, widest in front of middle ; sides broadly rounded in front, sinuate near base, lateral margin ex- tending from base, not reaching middle ; anterior margin with broad lobe ; posterior margin sinuate, median lobe broad ; disk convex, a median depression separating two smooth callosities in front, transversely depressed in front of scutellum ; surface irregularly coarsely punctured. Scutellum much wider than long, rounded in rear. Elytra back of base wider than widest part of pronotum ; sides sinuate in front, converging to subtruncate apices, serrulate on apical third ; disk convex ; surface densely punctured, punc- tures same size as those on head, indistinctly striate on apical fourth. Abdomen beneath convex ; surface finely densely punctate. Posterior tarsi shorter than tibiae, first segment as long as third and fourth together, other segments decreasing in length. Length 13 mm. ; width 4.2 mm. Described from unique female specimen in collection of author labeled Palm Springs, CALIFORNIA, June 30, 1946, D. J. and J. N. Knull collectors. Iviii, '47 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 211 This species is close to H. calijornica (Horn) and can be separated by its larger size, brown elytra, more deeply emargi- nate clypeus and wider, shorter, less parallel sided metaepi- sternum. CHRYSOBOTHRIS MULTISTIGMOSA Mann. 1. Male genitalia, dorsal view. 2. Ventral view of No. 1. 3. Male an- tenna. 4. Clypeus. Acmaeodera lataflava Fall Reared from dead flower stems of Agave consociata Trel. collected on Pinyon Flat, Santa Rosa Mountains, California. Chrysobothris multistigmosa (Mann.),1 Fis^s. 1, 2, 3 and 4. Colobogaster multistigmosa Mannerheim, 1837, Bui. Societe Imperiale des Naturalistes Mosc., 10 (8) : 82. 1 Determination by W. S. Fisher, U. S. N. M. 212 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 Type locality of this species is Oaxaca, Mexico. Specimens are at hand from Arizona : Wickenburg, July 8, 1937, August 20, 1938; Congress Junction, July 7, and Baboquivari Moun- tains, Sept. 1, 1938, all collected by D. J. and J. N. Knull. This species looks very much like C. basal is Lee., and will run to it in Fisher's key.2 The male can be distinguished by the elongate third antennal segment and by the genitalia. A Note on the Occurrence of the Flea, Corrodopsylla hamiltoni Traub, on Shrews By W. R. ENNS, Department of Entomology, University of Missouri On 11 March 1947, a specimen of Cryptotis parva Say,1 the little short-tailed shrew, was taken at Columbia, Missouri by the writer. On this shrew several pairs of fleas were found which were determined by Major Robert Traub of the U. S. Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C., as Corrodopsylla hamiltoni Traub. This flea was described in 1944 from specimens taken on B I arm a in Illinois. According to Major Traub, two females of the flea are known which were taken on Cryptotis in New York. Mr. E. W. Jameson, Jr., of Cornell University, has informed me that he took forty-seven specimens of C. hamiltoni on Cryp- totis and eight specimens on Blarina brcvicauda at Lawrence, Douglas County, Kansas in 1946.2 It has not been determined whether Cryptotis and Blarina are parasitized to the same degree by this flea but in view of Jame- son's records, it would appear that Cryptotis is the more com- mon host. Apparently it is restricted to shrews. 2W. S. Fisher, 1942, Misc. Pub. U. S. D. A., 1-274. 1 Determined by Dr. William H. Elder, Assistant Professor of Zoology, University of Missouri. - To be published as part of a thesis on the prairie vole in the Museum of Natural History Publication, University of Kansas. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 213 Some Synonymy in Coniontellus (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) By IRA LA RIVERS, University of California, Berkeley In 1908, Col. Thomas L. Casey described three species from a series of the nondescript genus Coniontellus collected in and about Reno, Nevada (Washoe County), C. liystrix, C. longi- pennis and C. ainpliatus. Previously (1890), he had described C. inflatns from the same locality, also from material he had col- lected. The late Dr. Frank E. Blaisdell, Sr., recognized the species longipennis, ainpliatus and inflatns among my material from Reno and vicinity. In his 1908 key to the species, Casey distinguished between hystrix-longipennis and inflatus-ampliatus by integumental col- oration alone, listing the first two as "castaneous in color," and the remaining two species as "black." During a familiarity of nearly fifteen years with the genus as it is represented in the Truckee Meadows (in which Reno is situated), I was led to a perusal of the status of the four described species by the facts that (a) all of Casey's descriptions seemed to be rather arbi- trarily drawn up with respect to the characters used in differ- entiating the species, (b) all his descriptions seemed to fit equally well any and all specimens of the very large series I had accumulated, and (c) such variation in size and coloration was exhibited by my specimens, some of it obviously seasonal, as to render these characters, as used by Casey, of little taxo- nomic significance. After studying several hundred specimens of the genus from in and about Reno, I am convinced that but one species is pres- ent, a species exhibiting considerable variation in size and col- oration, but no more abnormal in these respects than other spe- cies of Coniontellus and the closely-related and much larger genus Coniontis, with which Casey also experimented. Cas- taneous specimens are merely tenerals. The synonymy should be indicated as : 214 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct.. '47 Coniontellus inflatus Casey 1890 C. hystrix Casey 1908 C. longipennis Casey 1908 C. cnnpliatus Casey 1908 As I have mentioned before (1946), no lasting interpretation of either Coniontis or Coniontellus (and related groups) will be possible until the taxonomic possibilities presented by the chae- totaxy of larvae are thoroughly investigated. And even then, it will be a major task to correlate such larvae with the adult de- scriptions of Casey. A consideration of the extensive synonymy in the now large genus Coniontis will be reserved for a future time. REFERENCES CASEY, THOMAS L. 1890. Coleopterological notices II. Ann. N. Y, Acad. Sci., 5: 307-504. — . 1908. A revision of the tenebrionid subfamily Coniontinae. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci., 10: 51-166. LA RIVERS, IRA. 1946. On the genus Trogloderus (Coleoptera: Tene- brionidae). Ent. News, 57 (2) : 35-44. Review NATURE AND PREVENTION OF PLANT DISEASES. By K. Starr Chester. 2d ed. Blakiston Company, Philadelphia. 1947. Pp. xi + 525, 224 figs. $5.00. Entomologists that are fascinated with the complex life- histories of certain insects, e.g., Adclgcs, Micronialthus, will be amazed at the involved life-history of the organism causing stem rust of wheat that begins this text. Many other plant diseases are also described as to recognition, etiology and con- trol. The book is a practical one but it also expounds clearly the scientific principles of plant pathology that are necessary for a true understanding of the disease-producing organisms. Some insect vectors mentioned are the leafhoppers that carry sugar-beet curly top, bees that carry fire-blight and the beetles that carry Dutch elm disease. In one instance at least, in peach yellows, the causative virus is transmitted in no other way except through the feeding of the leafhopper Macropsis trimacnlata, in the body of which the virus must undergo an incubation period of from 8 to 28 days, after which it is found in the saliva. The book is exceptionally well written, is concise yet very readable. — R. G. SCHMIEDER. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 215 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL AND RAYMOND Q. BLISS. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by Ck): papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL— Bailey, J. W.— Report on the status of the entomological collections in certain European museums, 1945. [5] 40: 203-12 Blackwelder, R. E.— The dates and editions of Curtis' British Entomology. [82] 107: No. 5: 1-27, ill. Chamberlain, F. K. — Frederick Edward Winters (obituary). [18] 42: 72-74. Grensted, L. W.— On the formation of family names. [28] 83: 137-^-1. Light and Weesner — Methods for culturing termites. [SO] 106 (2745) : 131. Olsen and Davies — The story of Syrphus weidemanni, a fly, magnified in plastic. [45] 55: 107-13. Peyer, B. — An early description of Drosophila. [42] 38: 195-99. Talbot, C. — -A little-known method for preserving larvae of Lepidoptera and other insects in the dry state. [28] 83: 152. Van Cleave and Ross — Use of trisodium phosphate in microscopical technique. [80] 106 (2748) : 194. Weiss, H. B. — Entomological medicaments of the past. [45] 55: 155-68. Williams, C. B.— The field of re- search in preventive entomology. (Pres. address, Assoc. Appl. Biol.) [4] 34: 175-85. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Anon.- Dry-cleaning fluid and the kelp-fly. [45] 55: 114. Davi- ault, L. — Action de la temperature et de 1'humidite stir la biologic de Pristiphora geniculata (Tenth ed.). [Rev. Canad. de Biol.] 6: 366-68. Davis, R. A. — Notes on tirti- cating lepidopterous larvae becoming of some medical im- portance. [68] 22 : 3-4. Dustan, Armstrong and Put- man — The influence of air currents on the insecticidal action of DDT, benzene hexachloride, hercules toxicant 385<\ and velsicol 1608. [23) 79: 45-50, ill. Gier, H. T.— Growth 216 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 rate in the cockroach Periplaneta americana. [5] 40: 303— 17. Judd, W. W. — The proventriculus of a ground beetle, Chlaenius sp. (Carabid). [23] 79: 58-60, ill. Krause, J. B. — The development of the gonads of the wood-eating beetle Passalus cornutus Fab. (Passal.). [5] 40: 172-202, ill. Leone, C. A. — Systematic serology among certain in- sect species. [12] 93: 64-71. Murray, D. — Some unusual forms of genitalia. [29] 59: 90, ill. Reiter, R.— The col- oration of anther and corbicular pollen. [58] 47: 137-51, ill. Richards, A. G. — Studies on arthropod cuticle. [5] 40: 227-40. Roebuck, Broadbent and Redman — The be- haviour of adult click beetles of the genus Agriotes (A. obscurus, A. lineatus and A. sputator). [4] 34: 186-96. Russell, W. C. — Biology of the dermestid beetle with refer- ence to skull cleaning. [Jour, of Mammalogy] 28: 284-87. Sautet, Levavasseur et Vuillet — Action biologique des ul- tra-sons sur les culicides. [Rev. Canadienne de Biol.] 6: 179-210, ill. Schneirla, T. C. — A study of army-ant life and behavior under dry season conditions with special reference to reproductive functions. [2] 1336: 1-20, ill. Simmonds, F. J. — Improvement of the sex-ratio of a parasite by selec- tion. [23] 79: 41-44. Smith, R. I.— The action of elec- trical stimulation and of certain drugs on cardiac nerves of the crab. Cancer irroratus. [12] 93: 72-88, ill. Snodgrass, R. E. — The insect cranium and the "epicranial suture." [82] 107: 7: 1-52, ill. Squire, F. A.— Genetic behaviour of the red form of Dysdercus discolor Walker in the West Indies. [68] 22 : 5-7. Williams, J. L. — The comparative anatomy of the internal genitalia of some Tineoidea (Gracil- Tisch). [68] 22: 8-17, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Ewing and Baker — Myonyssus jamesoni a new liponyssid (Acar., Laelapt.) from Blarina brevicauda. [46] 33 : 376-79, ill. (k). Cooley, R. A. — Dermacentor dissimilis, a new species of tick from S. Mexico. [2] 1332: 1-3, ill. Goodnight, C. J. and M. L. —Studies of the phalangid fauna of Central America. [2] 1340: 1-21, ill. (*) ; Studies of the phalangid fauna of Trini- dad. [2] 1351 : 1-13, ill. (*). Grandjean, F. — fitude sur les Samarisidae et quelques autres firythro'ides (Acariens). [Arch, de Zool. Exp. et Gen.] 85: 1-126, ill. (*). Grant, D. C. — N. Amer. mites of the genus Laelaps (Acar., Parasit.). [50] 12: 1-21, ill. (k*) ; Redescription of a snake-infesting mite (Parasit.). Ibid.: 22-24, ill. Moore, E. R. and G. C. -The helminth parasites of cottontail rabbits in Alabama with notes on the Arthropod Linguatula serrata (Penta- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 217 stomidae). [Jour, of Mammalogy] 28: 279-84. Muma, M. H. — North American Agelenidae of the genus coras Simon. [2] 1329 : 1-20, ill. (*) ; North American Agelenidae of the genus Wadotes. [2] 1334: 1-12, ill. (*). Petrunke- vitch, A. — Fossil spiders in the collection of the Amer. Museum of Natural History. [2] 1328: 1-36, ill. (*). Wharton, G. W. — Studies on N. A. chiggers. 2. The sub- families and Womersia strandtmani n. g., n. sp. [46] 33 : 380-84, ill. (k). SMALLER ORDERS— Ahmad, M.— New termites from the Indo-Malayan and Papuan regions. [2] 1342: 1-7, ill. (*). Borror, D. J. — Notes on Ypirangathemis Santos (Libellul.) with a description of the female of Y. calverti Santos. [5] 40: 247-56, ill. (S). Broadhead, E.— New species of Liposcelis (Corrodentia) in England. [88] 98: 41-58, ill. Fraser, F. C. — The Odonata of the Ivory Coast based on the mission of Dr. R. Paulin and P. Lepesme. [88] 98: 19-39, ill. (*). Klots, E. B.— Chinese dragonflies in the Amer. Museum of Natural History. [2] 1341 : 1-15, ill. (*). Light and Weesner — Methods for culturing ter- mites. [80] 106 (2745) : 131. ORTHOPTERA— Chagnon, G.— The cockroaches of the Province of Quebec. [23] 79: 57-58 (k). Gier, H. T. -(See under Anatomy.) Leone, C. A. — (See under Anat- omy.) Rehn, J. A. G. — African and malagasy Blattidae. Part IV. [62] 99: 59-92, ill. (k*). Strohecker, H. F.- Some southwestern Gryllacrididae. [5] 40: 241-46 (*). HEMIPTERA — DeLong, D. M. — A new genus and spe- cies of Mexican leafhopper related to Mesamia (Cicadell.). [18] 42: 63-64, ill. DeLong and Hershberger — The genus Mesamia in Mexico (Cicadell.). [5] 40: 257-65, ill. (*). Esselbaugh, C. O. — Some notes on the biology of Hy- menarcys aequalis Say (Pent.). [18] 47: 25-30. Evans, J. W. — -A natural classification of leaf-hoppers (Jassoidea). Part 3. Jassiclae. [88 J 98: 105-271, ill. (k). Kiiowlton, G. F. — Schizolachnus pini-radiate. [18] 42: 62; Two poplar aphids. Ibid.: 71; Myzus aphid notes. Ibid.: 74; A few aphids. [Ibid.]: 77; Geocoris notes. Ibid.: 79. Mathis, W. — Biology of the Florida red scale in Florida. |31| 29: 13-35. Miliiron, H. E. — (See under Hym.) Pritchard, A. E. — Hoplopleura oenomydis Ferris, a louse found on do- mestic rats in the U. S. "[46] 33 : 374-75. Sampson, W. W. —Additions and corrections to "a generic synopsis of the Aleyrodoidea." [18] 42: 45-50 (k). Squire, F. A.— (See 218 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '47 under Anatomy.) Usinger, R. L. — Classification of the Cryphocricinae (Naucor.). [5] 40: 329-43 (k*S). LEPIDOPTERA— Bell, E. L.— New species and sub- species of neotropical Hesperiidae. [2] 1330: 1-9, ill. Carpenter, G. D. H. — The geographical distribution of the forms of the African nymphaline butterflies Charaxes etesipe and Ch. penricei. [88] 98: 91-104, ill. Davis, R. A.— (See under Anatomy.) Dos Passos, C. F. — Notes on GrinnelFs types of Erynnis Schrank. (Hesperiidae). [2] 1337: 1-3; Erebia youngi Holland, its subspecies and distribution (Satyridae). [2] 1348: 1-4 (*). Gardner, J. C. M.— On the 'larvae of the Noctuidae, III. [88] 98: 59-90, ill. Richards, A. G. — (See under Anatomy.) Talbot, C. — (See under General.) Williams, J. L. — (See under Anatomy.) DIPTERA — Anon. — (See under Anatomy.) Alexander, C. P. — New species of Ptychopteridae, Part III. [18] 47: 19-24; Records and descriptions of Neotropical craneflies, XXII. [45] 55: 173-84 (*). Cartwright and Noble- Studies on biological races of the Hessian fly. [35] 75: 147-53. Curran, C. H. — A fissicorn syrphid fly from Brazil. [2] 1347: 1-2, ill. (*). Hardy, G. H.— The wing venation of Syrphidae. [28] 83: 142-44, ill. Hill, Bell and Chad- wick — Rearing of the blowfly, Phormia regina Meigen, on a sterile synthetic diet. [5] 40: 213-16. Hull, F. M.- The genus Lepidostola Mik. [2] 1326: 1-15, ill. (k*). Jobling, B. — On Speiseria ambigua Kessel and Synthesio- strebla amorphochili Towrnsend with a redescription of the latter (Streb.). [69] 16: 39-41. Knowlton, G. F.— Sea- sonal occurrence of Chrysopilus proximus. [18] 42: 50. Olsen and Davies — (See under General.) Pal, R. — Mark- ing mosquitoes with fluorescent compounds and watching them by ultra-violet light. [53] 160: 298-99. Peyer, B.- (See under General.) Pritchard, A. E. — The North Ameri- can gall midges of the tribe Micromyini ; Itonididae (Ceci- domyiidae). [27] 27: 1-84, ill. (k*). Rapp, W. F., Jr.- Separation of adult Psychoda and Pericoma (Psych.). [45] 55 : 169-71, ill. Richards, O. W.— Asilid flies and their prey in British Guiana. [28] 83: 153. Sautet, Levavasseur et Vuillet — (See under Anatomy.) Steyskal, G. — Notes on the Genus Dolichopus. Paper 3. [18] 47: 34-38; Dio- stracus prasinus Loew in Tennessee. [18] 4: 16. Weathersbee and Arnold — A resume of the mosquitoes of South Carolina. [47] 22: 210-29. Vanderplank, F. L.- Experiments in the hybridization of tsetse-flies (Glossina) and the possibility of a new method of control. [88] 98: Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 219 1-18, ill. Vargas, Palacios and Najera — Simulidus de Mex- ico. [78] 7: 101-92, ill. (k*). COLEOPTERA— Barber, H. S.— On the odd. or tissue- paper, beetle supposed to be Thylodrias contractus (Dermest.). [5] 40: 344-49, ill. Barr, W. F.— A n. sp. of Cymatodera from California and Oregon (Cler.). [18] 47: 17-18. Blackwelder, R. E. — The genotypes fixed by Fabri- cius. [18] 42: 51-57. Buck, J. B.— Studies on the firefly, IV: Ten new Lampyrids from Jamaica. [71] 97: 59-79, ill. Fattig, P. W. — The Cerambycidae or long-horned beetles of Georgia. [Emory Univ. Bull.] 5 : 5-48. ' Fisher, W. S.- New cerambycid beetles belonging to the tribe Rhinotra- gini from S. Amer. [2] 1349: 1-6. Gadd, C. H.— Obser- vations on the life cycle of Xyleborus fornicatus (Scolyt.) in artificial culture. [4] 34: 197-206. Knull, J. N.— New Buprestidae with notes. [58] 47: 174-76, ill. Krause, J. B. — (See under Anatomy.) La Rivers, I. — A synopsis of the genus Edrotes (Tenebrio.). [5] 40: 318-28 (k*). Park, O. — The pselaphid at home and abroad. [81] 65 : 27- 42, ill. Roebuck, Broadbent and Redman — (See under Anatomy.) Russell, W. C. — (See under Anatomy.) HYMENOPTERA— Daviault, L.— (See under Anat- omy.) Enzmann, J. — New forms of Aphaenogaster and Novomessor. [45] 55: 147-53, ill. (k). Gahan and Fer- riere — Notes on some gall-inhabiting Chalcidoidea. [5] 40: 271-302 (k*). Gaul, A. T.— Additions to vespine biology. II: Caste phases among vespines (Vesp.). [18] 42 : 58-62. Milliron, H. E. — Description of a new mymarid which parasitizes the eggs of the Saratoga spittle bug (Aphrophora saratogensis (Fitch) Cercop.). [5] 40: 217- 20. Pate, V. S. L. — On the genus Ochleroptera Holm. (Sphecidae: Gorytini). [18] 42: 65-70; A minute on the subfamily name of Psammocharidae. [18] 42: 70; A con- spectus of the Tiphiidae with particular reference to the Nearctic forms. [45] 55: 115-45, ill. (k*) ; A revision of the genus Arigorytes (Sphecidae: Gorytini). [23] 79: 51- 56 (k). Rav, P. — Bionomics of Monodontomerus mandib- ularis with notes on other chalcids of the same genus. [5] 40: 221-26. Reiter, R.— (See under Anatomy.) Ro- deck, H. G. — Laminomada, new subgenus of Nomada (Apoidea). [ 5 ] 40 : 266-70. Schneirla,1 T. C.— (See under Anatomy.) Timberlake, P. H. — A revision of the species of Exomalopsis inhabiting the U. S. (Apidae). [45] 55: 85-106 (k*). This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Wanted — Papers on Cicindelidae of any part of the world, espe- cially South America and Pacific. R. G. Dahl, 3225 Grand Ave., Apt. 13, Oakland 10, Cal. Chrysididae — Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the •world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. FOR SALE The Berry Collection of North American Lepidoptera. More than 9000 specimens, over 1100 species. The result of 17 years of collecting. For information, write: M. A. Berry, Box 146, Orlando, Florida. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1135. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — Synopsis of No. Anier. Ephydridae. III. The tribe Notiphilini of the subfam. Notiphilini (72: 227-240, 1946) $ .35 1136. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. I. The subfam. Psilopinae (72:241-264,1946) 60' 1134. — Knight and Laffoon — The oriental spp. of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (72: 203-225, 3 pis., 1946) 70 THE BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF TRYPETID LARVAE By VENIA TARRIS PHILLIPS Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, No. 12, 161 pp., 16 pis., 1946 This is a comprehensive work describing and figuring the important characteristics of the larvae of forty five species of American fruit flies (Diptera). An indispensible work for economic en- tomologists. It includes a glossary of the terms used in the descriptions; a list of 442 species of the family, with their known hosts; a list of their host plants; and an extensive bibliography. The plates contain 192 exquisitely executed figures. Price $5.00 (postpaid, domestic delivery) U. S. Currency, remittance must accompany order. HYMENOPTERA 1132. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompilidae) and their type spp. (72:65-137,1946) 1.80 ORTHOPTERA 1128. — Rehn (J. A. G.) — One new gen. and six new spp. of Central American and Colombian Pseudophyllinae (Orthoptera) (72 : 1-26, 2 pis., 1946) 75 COLEOPTERA 1133. — Benesh (B.) — A systematic revision of the Holarctic gen. Platycerus Geoff roy (72: 139-202, 5 pis., 1946) 1.90 1129. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — Review of the Onocephalini (Ceram- bicidae) (72: 27-48, 1 pi., 1946) 65 1131. — Green (J. W.) — A new sp. of Enochrus (Hydrophilidae) (72: 61-64, figs., 1946) 20 1130.— Robinson (M.)— Studies in the Scarabaeidae III (72: 49-59, 1946) 30 LEPIDOPTERA 1125. — Jones (F. M.) — Platoeceticus Packard, and a remarkable n. sp. of the genus (Psychidae) (71 : 99-124, 4 pis., 1945) 75 Subscriptions for 1948 are payable now ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS U S. kATL. IE NOVEMBER 1947 Vol. LVIII i>o. y CONTENTS Cooke — Swarm behavior of Hexagenia atrocaudata 221 Calvert — Odonata of voyages 227 Pate— Astata in the Caribbees 230 * Stabler — Megarhinus in Pennsylvania 232 Robinson — A new species of Stenocrates 233 Notes and News in Entomology Weiss — Samuel Francis Aaron 235 Calvert — How far can a fly fly ? 237 Current Entomological Literature 238 Institutum Entomologicum Choui ...... 243 Reviews Pulgas 239. Fleas of Western North America 246 Chemical insect attractants and repellants 247 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15. 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30 ; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full wJdth of page. 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SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2.75; 100 copies, $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies, $5.23. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.88; 50 copies, $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03; additionals at .022 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first SO, $2.20; additional at .0165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII NOVEMBER, 1947 Xo. 9 • Swarm Behavior of Hexagenia atrocaudata in Re- lation to Temperature and Relative Humidity (Ephermeroptera) By HERMAN G. COOKE, Department of Biology, Hampton Institute, Hampton, Virginia INTRODUCTION In a previous paper x an attempt was made to record the swarming phenomena manifested in the behavior of Stciioncinu ricariuiu at sundown over the hanks of Darby Creek near Clif- ton Heights, Pennsylvania. In a later publication,2 observations were made on Isonychia Christina maneuvering at a high alti- tude a short distance from the same location. As a result of these observations it was reasonable to conclude that a more intensive and thorough study of such behavior patterns would be of interest. Possibly, also, these patterns might be correlated in some degree with genetic relationships. METHODS The methods used during both nymphal and imaginal surveys involved a close analysis of the area in order to determine any change occurring among the population. Reluctantly, it was found that the best time for collecting adults in numbers was about 9 o'clock P.M. (E.S.T.), at which time the insects would be circling vigorously about electric lights on the banks of the stream in a nightly performance that lasted for thirty minutes, 1 COOKE, HERMAN G., 1940. Observation on mating flights of may- flies, Stenonema ricannm. EXT. NEWS, 51 : 12. 2 COOKE, HERMAN G., 1942. Mating flights of Isonychia mayflies (Ephemeroptera). ENT. NEWS, 53: 24(J. (221) >#kfc 222 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 after which the insects vanished. Observations throughout the night revealed only scattered individuals returning at random. The duration of these performances paralleled those indicated for normal flights, but differed widely both in the absence of those graceful movements and in the attempts to copulate that so strikingly characterize active mating. Each summer both nymphal and imaginal collections contained members of the three genera known in the area, namely, Stenonema, Isonychia, and Cloeon. The methods used in determining the amplitude of rhythmic movements and their height above the surface of the land or water were as follows : ( 1 ) Tags were tacked at known levels on wooden strips that were placed vertically in or beside the stream and allowed to project above the surface of the water or ground over which the maneuvering took place; (2) rolls of tape with tags attached at measured intervals were suspended from the upper branches of trees or nearby shrubs to the water or ground beneath. The average distance reached by the insects while ascending and descending was plotted by reference to these devices. During observations on flight behavior, it became apparent that the occurrence of swarming depended also upon weather conditions. Since almost nightly visits were made to Darby Creek and records kept, it is possible to study activity with rela- tion to the temperature and humidity records of the weather bureau. OBSERVATIONS ON TEMPERATURE Beginning July 27th, 1942, all searches were temporarily sus- pended because of a period of heavy rainfall (two inches of rain fell within a thirty minute period) accompanied by high \vinds lasting for several days. Then, on August 8th, 1942, it was observed that the entire area had been invaded by countless numbers of He.ragema imagines. Although the source of these newcomers was uncertain, nevertheless, advantage was taken of their presence for the purpose of investigating the nature of their swarming behavior. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 223 On August 23rd, at 7:30 P.M., as the thermometer registered 72° F., flight movements were observed over a wide area. On the following two days there was a sharp fall to 64°, and flight activities ceased. This temperature proved to be unfavorable both for swarming and for nymphal emergence in this and in related genera. At the same hour on the 26th, at a temperature Temp Chart I - September 194Z Fig. 1. Records for September 1942. Solid line is temperature; broken line is relative humidity ; O = activity observed ; • = no activity ; <8> = no record ; A = rain. four degrees higher, activity was resumed. This incident re- vealed the limiting effect of temperature upon the activities of these insects even during the month of their greatest abundance. The following table gives the temperature and humidity data 3 for a part of the period under discussion. 3 Records of relative humidity and temperature were obtained through the courtesy of the U. S. Weather Bureau at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. All readings are given at 7 :30 P.M., Eastern Standard Time. 224 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 Dates Relative Humidity Temperature Activity Observed August 22nd, 1942 74% 80° Activity August 23rd, 1942 92% 72° Activity August 24th, 1942 57% 64° No activity August 25th, 1942 52% 64° No activity August 26th, 1942 58% 68° Activity August 27th, 1942 59% 68° Activity August 28th, 1942 70% 72° Activity The dependence of swarming on environmental conditions is further documented by the detailed comparison that appears on the two graphs (figs. 1 and 2). These graphs represent weather bureau data for September 1942 and 1943 together with the Chart U - Jeptemker Dey of Month Fig. 2. Records for September 1943. Symbols are the same as in fig. 1. daily records on flight activity. Temperature and humidity are both represented, by a solid and a broken line respectively, and are plotted against the days of the month. The 65° temperature level is indicated by a dotted line, for at temperatures below this Iviii, '47| ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 225 no activity was ever observed by the writer. Attention is called to those days that show a sudden drop in temperature correlated with absence of activity, for example, on September 12th, 1943, when the temperature registered 58°, 12° lower than on the day before. During the remaining days of the month, except the 15th and 23rd, which were recorded at 73° and 71° F., respec- tively, the temperature maintained a constant low level, thus causing all flight movements to be discontinued. The humidity difference, however, does not appear to represent a limiting factor as regards the aerial performances of these insects. OBSERVATIONS ON SWARMING MANEUVERS The observations for 1943 were made on a series of companies of Hc.vagenia atrocaudata swarming over the stream near the same locality as in the previous year. The performances began well after sundown and lasted until fully covered by darkness. Copulation was observed in several instances and took place in a manner strikingly similar to that found in other genera of this order. The following detailed observations on the swarming or mat- ing-flight were made about 7:00 P.M., August 9th, 1943. The individuals ascended to about fifteen feet above the water and then descended in an almost vertical power dive to about eighteen inches from its surface. At this point they pulled up- ward again and forward to a horizontal position, from whence they again descended. These movements were repeated over and over until darkness intervened. As regards the flights occurring over the land, these were, for the most part, far more compact than those conducted over the stream. They were of shorter duration and were executed in a series of vertical zigzag-like movements, describing 45° angles, in rapid succession. At the height of the performance the individuals showed a high nervous tension with only feeble attempts toward copulation. Near the end of activity, the swarm apparently reached such a state of flux and disorder that the failure of individuals to avoid capture was far more noticeable than their attempts to elude the net; a tendency so unlike that 226 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov.. '47 observed in Isonychia, which I found very net-shy, or in Calli- baetis, which Needham 4 records as among the most wary forms. DISCUSSION Clemens 5 and Murphy ° have already recorded that low tem- peratures inhibit activity. My own observations, as recorded in detail above, also indicate cessation of activity below 65° F. Although the records are for Hexagenm the essential facts in- volved are also manifested in the behavior of Isonychia. As regards the possible influence of humidity, no definite conclusions are drawn. The movements in the mating flight of Hc.vagcnia are charac- teristic and peculiar and readily distinguishable from those of Stcnonema and Isonychia. They appear to differ also from the movements of other genera as described in the literature by Needham and other writers. Although they had not been found in the preceding years, during the two years of this study, 1942 and 1943, members of H. atrocaudata were quite numerous. During August of the following year, 1944, the swarm became so greatly reduced that only small companies could be encountered under the most favor- able condition, and, finally, by the summer of 1945, flight move- ments became completely suspended. The decline and disap- pearance of this species during certain seasons remains one of the most baffling mysteries of my ephmeridal investigations in this area. In a recent report on the emergence and flight movement of the species of Hexagenia, Lyman 7 observed that wind direction aided in the distribution of sub-imagines and imagines while in flight. He also advanced the theory, supported by Langlois, 4 NEEDHAM, J. G., JAY R. TRAVER, and YiN-Cm HAU, 1935. The biology of the mayflies. P. 10. 5 CLEMENS, W. A., 1917. An ecological study of the mayfly Chiro- tenetes. University of Toronto Studies Biol. Ser. 17. 6 MURPHY, HELEN, 1922. Notes on the biology of the mayflies genus Baetis. Bull. Lloyd Library, Ent. Ser. 2. 7 LYMAN, EARL F., 1944. Emergence, swarming and mating in Hc.ro- gcnia. ENT. NEWS, 55 : 207-210. Iviii, '47 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 227 that the difference in emergence for alternating years indicated a cyclic trend in the population of Hexagenia. Because of the very nature of the rocky stream-bed over which my own surveys have been constantly conducted, it seems that only with the greatest difficulty could the immature stage of Hc.ragcnia atrpcaudata have survived without having been pre- viously encountered. The writer wishes to acknowledge his gratitude to Dr. Philip P. Calvert, of the University of Pennsylvania and the Academy of Natural Sciences, for his stimulating interest freely shown during the course of this study. Thanks are also due Mr. Howard Levy of City College, NewT York City, graduate stu- dent of Dr. H. Spieth, for confirming the classification of the species here involved. Odonata of Voyages under the Auspices of the New York Zoological Society By PHILIP P. CALVERT, Cheyney, Penna. When sending me Odonata collected at the Tropical Research Station of the New York Zoological Society at Kartabo, British Guiana,1 Dr. William Beebe, Director of the Station, sent also some Odonata collected on various voyages made under the auspices of the Society. These are listed below with a few comments. I. VOYAGES OF THE STEAM YACHTS Noma, 1923, AND Arc- turns, 1925, TO THE GALAPAGOS Indefatigable Island, Seymour Bay, April 22, 1923: Pantala flavesccns (Fabricius), one male. South Seymour Island, April 23, 1923: P. flavesccns, three males. Hood Island, Lake, 27. IV. 1925 : Trainca (Trapezostigma) cophysa daru'ini Kirby, one male. 1 These are reported on in a paper to be published in Zoologica, the Society's journal. 228 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 Albemarle Island, 8/6/25: T. (T.) cophysa darwini, three females. It is to some of these 1923 specimens that the following ob- servations, recorded in Dr. Beebe's book, Galapagos World's End,2 doubtless refer. "Large dragonflies were hawking about, taking toll of the mosquitoes which I frightened out of the grass. I found it al- most impossible to capture them in a net. So ... using a 22 calibre rifle, and shot cartridges, I shot at them." Seven speci- mens were secured; South Seymour Is., April 23, 1923. "On other evenings as long as there was light enough for us to see, we never failed to observe a host of dragonflies hawking back and forth, while now and then little yellow-bellied fly- catchers [Myiarchus magnirostris (Gray), p. 435) would dive into the mass, their beaks snapping like castanets ; South Sey- mour Is., April 26, 1923." The following specimen resulted from the voyage of the Noma: Pantala hymenaea (Say), one female "2535 Panama 60 M[iles] offshore 6/5/23." The following three specimens bear no dates or other identify- ing labels but are products of the voyage of the Noinct or of the Arcturus: "N 4° 30' W 87°," P. flavescens, one male, P. hymenaea, one female; "N 4° 30' W 80°," P. hymenaea, one female. Both reckonings indicate points in the Pacific Ocean to the northeast of the Galapagos, the former roughly 535 km. (335 statute miles, 288 nautical miles) distant, the latter roughly 1100 km. (687 or 594 miles) distant from them. P. hymenaea and a species of Trained were apparently first recorded from the Galapagos by McLachlan 3 from collections made by Commander W. E. Cookson and Staff Surgeon Bett, of H.M.S. Petrel, in June, 1875, on Charles, Abingdon, and Albemarle Islands, but no indication is given as to which of - Galapagos World's End. Published under the auspices of the New York Zoological Society. G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York and London, The Knickerbocker Press, 1924. Pages 285, 291, 292. 3 Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1877: 84-86. Iviii, '47 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 229 these islands furnished the Odonata. McLachlan did not de- scribe the three adult Trameas which he examined, as they were in bad condition, but mentioned that they had "only a very small dark anal spot on the hind wings," a feature which agrees well with T. danvini Kirby, but he described nymphs which he re- ferred to P. hvinenaca and Trainea. Da mini was described4 from the "Galapagos Islands" with no mention of the individual islands from which they hailed. In the fullest account of the Odonata of the Galapagos which we possess, that by Mr. R. P. Currie/1 based on the collections of Mr. R. E. Snodgrass in 1899, and the U. S. Fish Commission, P. flavescens and P. Jiyincnaca are recorded from Charles Island, T. danvini from Albemarle, South Albemarle, Charles, Chatham and Hood Islands, not to mention other species not represented in the present collection. II. CRUISE OF THE TUG Light Horse, 1928 "100 m[iles] off shore, 25187," Ischmmi ramburi Selys, one heterochromatic (orange) female. This is a common Atlantic coastal species from Rhode Island to northern South America. III. NEW NONSUCH, BERMUDA "New Nonsuch, Bermuda, 9-VI-40 pool" and Bermuda. 1937, Tnunca (Trapesostiyma) abdominalis (Rambur), one male; Pacli\dipla.v longipcnnis (Burmeister), one male. Both of these species and five others, according to Verrill,6 were recorded from the Bermudas by J(ohn) Matthew Jones7 in 1876. based on identifications by Dr. H. A. Hagen. Later captures of P. lonyipcnnis are mentioned by Uhler s and Verrill.''' 'Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 12 (9, 3) : 315, pi. LI, fig. 1. 1889. 5 Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 3: 385-386. 1901. 6 The Bermuda Islands. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts & Sci.. 11 (2) : 812-816, 850. 1901-02. 7 The Visitor's Guide to Bermuda. Halifax, New York and London, 1876, 12mo., 159 pp. I have not seen it. 8 In Angelo Hi-ilprin. The Bermuda Islands, Philadelphia, 1SW, p. 154. 230 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 IV. BAHAMA ISLANDS Erythrodiplax umbrata (Linn.), one female, "on Ancon, 2 miles off Castle Rock Light, Dec. 22, '40." This widespread tropical American species has been recorded 9 from the following Bahaman localities : Strange Cay, New Providence, Andros, Crooked and Great Inagua Islands. Astata in the Caribbees (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) By V. S. L. PATE, Ithaca, New York- Over eighty years ago Cresson described Astata insularis from Cuba.1 In all the intervening years no other member of the genus has been recorded from any of the Antilles. Now, however, another closely related but quite distinct form, Astata dominica, is known to inhabit the island of Hispaniola and is described below. Astata (Astata) dominica new species The completely red abdomen, the presence of a fine impunc- tate line bisecting the front, the more finely punctate mesonotum, and the punctate postscutellum differentiate the present His- paniolan doiniuica from Cresson's Cuban insularis. In addition, the dorsal propodeal face of insularis is bisected by a carina on each side of which are divergent longitudinal rugulae which radiate from the posterior margin of the postscutellum, whereas in dominica this area is furnished with transverse carinulae and lacks any bisecting carina. Type. — J; SAN DOMINGO. (No other data.2) [Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, Type no. 10606.] Female. Length 1 1 mm. Black ; abdomen completely bright ferruginous. Wings hyaline, tinged with fuscous, rather heavily infumated apically beyond the cells ; veins and stigma dark brunneous. 9 Biol. Centr.-Amer. Neur., p. 253, 1906 ; Ann. Carnegie Mus. Pitts- burgh, 6 (1) : 247-248, 1909. 1 Proc. Entom. Soc. Philadelphia, IV, p. 140, (1865) ; [?]. - This specimen was probably collected by M. Abbott Frazar in or about Sanchez in the Samana district of the Dominican Republic. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 231 Head fulgid ; with a rather heavy vestiture of long, erect white hair except on vertex. Front gently tumid, with separated, fine punctures throughout except for a polite, small quadrate area between and above antennal sockets, and a narrow line bisecting front from anterior ocellus to clypeus ; ocelli in a subequilateral triangle, the ocellocular line four-ninths (0.44) the postocellar distance ; vertex and posterior orbits polite, al- most impunctate. Clypeus with fine, wrell-separated punctures throughout, disc gently tumid ; median length one-fourth the vertical eye length ; median lobe terminating in a broad, im- punctate, polite, truncate flange. Antennae with scapes strongly obterete, coarsely punctate, three-tenths the vertical eye length ; pedicel suborcate ; flagellum simple, filiform ; relative lengths : scape 25 ; pedicel 8 ; flagellar segment one 30, two 24, three 22, four 20, five 15, six 18, seven 15, eight 15, nine 13, ten 15. Upper interocular line six-tenths the vertical eye length. Thorax fulgid ; with a moderate clothing of erect white hair which is longer and more noticeable on pleura and venter than on mesonotum. Pronotum situated well below level of arched mesonotum, gently declivent from posterior margin ; with fine, separated punctures ; anterior half bisected by a fine impression. Mesonotum with fine, rather close punctures anteriorly but disc and posterior two-thirds almost impunctate ; parapsidal fur- rows distinct on posterior two-thirds ; scutellum finely, closely punctate laterally and along posterior margin, the disc polite, impunctate ; postscutellum finely punctate throughout. Meso- pleura with strong, rather close punctures which become striato- punctate dorsally and posteriorly ; metapleura glabrous, polite, impunctate. Propodeum fulgid ; dorsal face glabrous, posterior and lateral faces with a moderate vestiture of very long, erect, white hair; dorsal face impunctate, traversed by fine, sharp, well-separated carinulae which are arcuate anteriorly but become transverse posteriorly ; posterior face coarsely punctate save for polite, immarginate, pyriform discal fovea, laterally with coarse horizontal carinulae which pass around onto posterior half of lateral faces, the anterior half of which are polite and subim- punctate. 232 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov.. '47 Legs stout ; tibiae and tarsi spinose. Fore wing with marginal cell three and a quarter times as long as wide and broadly, squarely truncate at apex ; radius with rela- tive lengths of abscissae: first 5, second 6, third 25, fourth 20 fifth (truncation) 12; cubital abscissae: first 36, second 48, third 25. First submarginal cell about nine-tenths (0.924) the length of marginal cell. Abdomen cordate, depressed ; fulgid ; impunctate ; subglabrous. Last tergite with an elongate trigonal pygidial area, the disc finely shagreened, the lateral margins fringed with brushes of stiff dark setulae. This insular form is known only from the unique female de- scribed above. Megarhinus septentrionalis from Pennsylvania By ROBERT M. STABLER, Colorado College, Colorado Springs In their excellent listing of the mosquitoes of Pennsylvania Wilson, Barnes, and Fellton (1946) do not mention the oc- currence of a Megarhinus. Matheson (1944), in his Handbook of the Mosquitoes of North America, lists the two species M. septentrionalis and M. rutilus. Of the former he says, "It oc- curs in the eastern United States, from Virginia south to the Gulf. . . ." The latter is from Florida. Headlee (1945) states of M. septentrionalis, "Southeastern United States. No females have been trapped from 1932 to 1941 inclusive" [New Jersey | . It is the purpose of this note to record the first taking of Megarhinus septentrionalis from Pennsylvania. On September 20, 1946, Dr. R. G. Schmieder noticed a large, long-legged insect flying about his living room in Elwyn, Dela- ware County, Penna. It lit on the wall, was captured, and finally came to the attention of the writer. It proved to be a perfect specimen of Megarhinus septentrionalis. As neither of the two species of Megarhinus thus far found in the United States has been reported from Pennsylvania, determining the ultimate source of this specimen (female) is something of n Iviii, '47 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 233 problem. Was she actuallv hatched in Delaware County ? Did she "hitch-hike" up from the south in an automobile? The closest point at which she might have gotten off a train from the south is Chester. Penna., some five miles from the point of capture. The fact that the Delaware County Mosquito Extermination Commission, which has reliable records going back more than ten years, lists no single individual of this species only serves to heighten the mystery of her sudden and unique appearance in a state completely foreign to her genus. But these are the delight- ful biological exceptions which make the routine more bearable. The writer is most grateful to Dr. Schmieder for allowing him to present this new record. The specimen is in the writer's collection. LITERATURE CITEH » HEADLEE, T. J. 1945. The mosquitoes of New Jersey and their control. Rutgers Univ. Press, 326 pp. MATHESON, R. 1944. Handbook of the mosquitoes of North America. Comstock Pub. Co, Inc., 314 pp. WILSON, C. A., R. C. BARNES, and H. L. FELLTON. 1946. A list of the mosquitoes of Pennsylvania with notes on their distribution and abun- dance. Mosquito News, 6 (2) : 78-84. A New Species of Stenocrates from Central America By MARK ROBINSON, Springfield, Pennsylvania Stenocrates bicarinatus new species 1890. Stenocrates laborator Bates not Fabr., Biologia Centrali- Americana. Vol. II, part 2, p. 313. This is probably the species mentioned by Bates as Stenocrates laborator Fabr. from Tuxtla, Mexico. It differs from the older species as mentioned by Bates by the margin of the frontal suture being somewhat raised on each side and in the fewer punctures of the thorax. In addition to the differences in the external 234 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 characters the extreme tip of the male genitalic claspers of labo- rator are bilobed while the new species has these claspers uni- lobed. The male of bicarinatus has the club of the antennae a little longer and the pygidium a little more convex than the female. Body elongate, subcylindric ; color black the underparts dark reddish. Edge of clypeus reflexed, the anterior edge a little more than the sides ; anterior edge sinuate with the angles on either side broadly rounded. The posterior edge of the clypeus is raised on either side of a median area into a carina which runs to the side margins. The surface of the frons and clypeus is smooth with a few fine punctures except for the part behind the clypeal edges, the clypeal suture and the median area between the carinae which are coarsely rugous. The side margins of the pronotum are margined. The prono- tal area is finely, very sparsely punctured with a few coarse punctures near the hind angles. Scutellum impunctate. Elytral punctures shallow, coarse, annular, arranged on either side of four costae and in the in- tercostal areas ; costae impunctate. Pygidium coarsely, annularly punctured, with these punc- tures separated from one to three times their diameters. An- terior tibiae tridentate. Post-coxal process of the prosternum long, gradually acuminate, with a few yellowish hairs about the tip. Length, 18.5 to 20.0 mm. ; breadth. 9.5 to 10.3 mm. Typc.—J; Corozal, CANAL ZONE, May 31, 1937 (R. Bliss). In the collection of the author. Allotypc. — 5 ; Piedras Negras, GUATEMALA, June 30, 1933 (D. W. Amram). In the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Paratypc. — ^ ; Yariza, PANAMA, May 25, 1933 (D. Elmo Hardy). In the collection of the author. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 235 Notes and News in Entomology Under this heading \ve present, from time to time, notes, news, and comments. Contributions from readers are earnestly solicited and will be acknowledged when use. Recollections about Samuel Francis Aaron. After read- ing Dr. Philip P. Calvert's account in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (June, 1947), of S. Frank Aaron who died on January 15, 1947, it occurred to me that the following recollections might be of supplementary interest. I became acquainted with Mr. Aaron during the summers of 1904 and 1906, while employed by the Philadelphia Commercial Museum. As Dr. Calvert has stated, Mr. Aaron was the economic entomologist of the Mu- seum. At this period he was concerned with the preparation of exhibits of various economic insect pests. He did much of this work himself and many of the exhibits were illustrated by his drawings which showed considerable artistic skill. During 1906 Mr. Aaron, together with a Mr. Hamilton, organized the Scientific Preservation Company and obtained the financial backing of several wealthy Philaclelphians. This company, lo- cated in an imposing building at 305-307 Walnut Street, Phila- delphia, was prepared to exterminate mosquitoes, San Jose scale, household pests, etc., and did considerable advertising to this effect. It also provided moth-proof storage and manufac- tured a "moth proof" storage chest for household use. This was a well-made, tight, cedar chest furnished with a small inside compartment containing two charges of sulphuric acid and po- tassium cyanide. These chemicals were brought together, by an operation outside the chest by the owner, which liberated hydrocyanic acid gas in the chest. After an interval long enough for eggs to hatch, the second charge was set off. Most of the customers of the company were hotels and ware- houses in the Philadelphia area and wealthy estate owners in the suburbs of the cities of Philadelphia and Camden. At that time the San Jose scale was doing much damage to fruit trees and the company used a mixture of hydrocyanic acid gas and a small amount of chlorine in its fumigation work. Large fumi- gation tents were erected over the trees by means of long poles of several sections. It is mv belief that the Scientific Preserva- 236 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 tion Company was the first large scale effort to commercialize entomology in the east. The fumigation of orchard trees by commercial firms was going on in California at that time but the Scientific Preservation Company was the first eastern firm in the field. I was taken into the company by Mr. Aaron, shortly after its organization, as a sort of assistant chemist and biologist and, at one time, was very nearly killed by breathing, over a period of several hours, minute quantities of hydrocyanic acid gas in the laboratory atmosphere. The men employed to do the fumiga- tion work were warned to open the windows of fumigated buildings from the outside, but frequently they were careless or too lazy to affix cords to upper sashes and preferred to take a chance by holding their breaths while entering a room and opening windows. No fatalities occurred but the workers always returned with blood-shot eyes after engaging in this practice. Mr. Aaron was manager of the company, which was organized during the latter part of 1906. It remained in operation only until the end of 1907. The idea behind it was good and a modest amount of business was done during its existence. Un- fortunately its first year of operation coincided with the business panic of 1907 which lasted until the middle of 1908. Its finan- cial backers refused to invest additional funds to keep it going and so it came to an end in December, 1907. At this time the business was leased by Harry B. Weiss and Thomas W. Shaw, both former employees who hoped to keep it going, with a re- duced overhead. However, they were starved out after four or five months. I still have the agreement, signed by Mr. Aaron in a spirit of fun and generosity on December 3, 1907, in which he promised to give each of the lessees ten thousand dollars worth of stock in case the business of the Scientific Preservation Company increased so as to enable dividends to be paid. After this venture, Mr. Aaron, for a short time, managed a private hunting lodge in Delaware and then devoted himself to writing popular entomological articles and nature papers for magazines and newspapers. I recall him as a very well in- formed, affable, enthusiastic and entertaining companion, who got much enjoyment out of natural history. — H. B. WEISS. Iviii, '47 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 237 How far can a fly fly? — In reply to a question that came to the American Entomological Society, Dr. Calvert answered as follows : I am not able to answer fully your subscriber's question : "What distance is a fly able to fly before it is forced to stop for rest?" The best I can do follows. H. M. Bernard, investigating the effects of fatigue upon the microscopic structure of fly's muscle wrote: "I caught a number of large Blue-bottles — Alusca voniitoria. Some were kept rest- ing under glass, the others, one at a time, I compelled to fly about a nearly empty room. In a few minutes they dropped down exhausted, so that no pushing or handling could induce them to fly." (Zoologische Jahrbiicher, Abt. f. Anat. 7: 540- 41. 1894.) Unfortunately, he does not specify the actual number of minutes before the flies "dropped down exhausted." A. Magnan, in his elaborate study of the flight of insects, measured the speed of their flight by two different methods and gives a table including the maximum speed of flight in the blue- bottle fly, Calliphora vouiitoria, as three meters per second, of the house fly, Musca doincstica,. as two meters per second. (La Locomotion chez les Animaux I. Le Vol des Insectes. Paris, Hermann & Cie. 1934. P. 71.) Calliphora vouiitoria is the same species to which Bernard refers as Musca voniitoria. If we combine the results of these two authors, we find that the blue-bottle fly can fly 3 m. X 60 -- 180 meters per minute. We may suppose that Bernard's "few" minutes were probably as many as five so that his flies could go 900 meters in that time. If a "few minutes" were as many as ten, then 1800 meters might be the extent of their flight. 900 meters =- .56 mile, 1800 meters == 1.12 miles. — PHILIP P. CALVERT. Dr. Calvert expresses the hope that some reader can supply fuller data on this question. — EDITOR. 238 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL AND RAYMOND Q. BLISS. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures^ within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by (k) ; papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL — Anduze, Pifano and Vogelsang — Nomina de los artropodos vulnerantes conocidos actualmente en Venezuela. [14] 6: 1-16. Anon. — DDT for control of household pests. [Bur. Entom. and Plant Quarantine] March, 1947. Bateman, A. J. — Contamination of seed crops. Insect pollination. [Jour. Genetics] 48: 257-75. Essig, E. O. — Abstracting entomological articles and publications. [37] 40: 456-58. Faure, J. C.— A plea for brevity and sanity in zoological nomenclature. [6] 13: 595-601. Cal- lan, E. McC.- — Technique for rearing thrips in the labora- tory. [53] 160: 432. Leonard, M/D.— The "Special sur- vey in the vicinity of ports of entry" as a contribution to "A list of the insects of New York." [45] 55 : 215-17. Mc- Atee, W. L. — Popular names of Gyrinidae. [45] 55: 205- 06. Osborn, H. — On the status of grass insects. [65] 49: 149-50. Reed, Bunn and Blanton — Entomology in the army. [37] 40: 289-93. Smith, H. S.— Biological control of weeds in the U. S. [65] 49: 169-70. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Balfour- Browne, J. — On the false-chelate leg of an aquatic beetle larva. [68] 22: 38-41, ill. Callan^and Montalenti— Chi- asma interference in mosquitoes. [Jour. Genetics] 48: 119- 34. Calvert, P. P. — How many mosquito larvae and pupae are required to make one dragonfly? [65] 49: 171-72. Gjullin, C. M. — Effect of clothing coior on the rate of at- tack of Aedes mosquitoes. [37] 40:326-27. Goldschmidt, E. — Studies on the synapsis in salivary chromosomes of Iviii, '47 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 239 hybrid Chironomus larvae. [Jour. Genetics] 48: 194—205. Gounin, F. — Le cardia de 1'intestin larvaire de quelques chironomides, son importance pour la systematique (Ne- matoceres). [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.j 13: 28-33, ill. Grasse and Hollande — Structure de 1'appareil copulateur male des acridiens et ses principaux types. [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.] 137-46, ill. Hinton, H. E. — The gills of some aquatic beetle pupae (Psephenidae). [ 68 ] 22 : 52-60, ill. Horen, W. P.- Effects of ultra-violet radiation on Tenebrio molitor. 1 37 1 40 : 433-34. Jeannel and Paulian — [Morphologic abdominale des Coleopteres et systematique de 1'ordre. [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.] 11: 65-110, ill. Mickey, G. H.— Division cycle in grasshopper chromosomes. [Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci.| 10: 49-66, ill. Lamy, R. — Observed spontaneous mutation rates in relation to experimental technique. [Jour. Ge- netics] 48: 223-36. Linsley and MacSwain — The effects of DDT and certain other insecticides on alfalfa pollinators. [37] 40: 358-63; Factors influencing the effectiveness of insect pollinators of alfalfa in California. Ibid. 349-57. Mackensen, O. — Effect of carbon dioxide on initial ovi- position of artificially inseminated and virgin queen bees. [37] 40: 344-49. Millot, J.— Sur 1'anatomie et 1'histophysi- ologie de Koenenia mirabilis Grassi (Palpigradi). [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.] 9: 33-51, ill.; Notes complementaires sur 1'anatomie, 1'histologie et la repartition geographique en France de Koenenia mirabilis Grassi. Ibid. 127-35, ill. Muller, J. — Investigacion de una cera producida por un in- secto coccido Venezolano. [Bol. Soc. Ven. Cien. Nat.] 10: 365-81. Pfadt, R. E.— Effects of temperature and hu- midity on larval and pupal stages of the common cattle grub." [37] 40: 293-300. Pierre, F.— La larve d'Hetero- cerus aragonicus Kiesw. et son milieu biologique. [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.] 12: 166-74, ill. Risbec, J.— Sur le deter- minisme de la metamorphose chez les Lepidopteres. A propos d'une chenille ayant evolue dans un jiid d'Eumenes. [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.] 13: 144-50, ill. Roberts, W. C.- syringe for artificial insemination of honey bees. [37] 40: 445-46. Snodgrass, R. E. — The insect cranium and the "epicranial suture." [Smithsonian Misc. Coll.] 107, no. 7: 1-52. Swann and Mickey — Parthenogenetic grasshoppers and their bearing upon polyploidy and sex-determination. [Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci".] 10:' 73-92, ill. Tate, P.— A sex-linked and sex-limited white-eyed mutation of the blow- fly (Calliphora erythrocephala). [53] 160: 361; jjour. Ge- netics] 48: 176-91; The effect of cold upon the develop- 240 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 ment of pigment in a white-eyed mutant form of the blowfly C. erythrocephala. [Jour. Genetics] 48: 192-93. Vogt, G. B. — Salinity tolerance of Anopheles quadrimaculatus and habitat preference of A. crucians bradleyi. [37] 40: 320-25. Wigglesworth, V. B. — Water relations of insects. [Ex- perientia] 2: 1-14, ill. Williams, J. L. — The anatomy of the internal genitalia of Fumea casta Pallas. [83] 73: 77- 84, ill. Wolfenbarger, D. O. — Tests of some newer insecti- cides for control of subtropical fruit and truck crop pests. [31] 29: 37-44. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Killington and Bathe — Acarine parasites of Odonata. II. [28] 83: 116- 24. Millot, J. — (See under Anatomy.) Paulian de Felice, L. — Les Oniscoides de la Guyane Franchise. [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.J 10: 142-45,' ill. (S*)~ Saunders, L. G.— Canadian solpugids. [Canad. Field Nat.] 60: 132. SMALLER ORDERS— Anderson, A.— Dragon flies feed on termites. [Great Basin Nat. | 7: 29. Broadhead, E.— The life-history of Embidopsocus enderleini (Corrodentia). [28] 83: 200-4)3. Brues, C. T.— Predatory enemies of winged termites. [65] 49 : 167-68. Callan, E". McC.— Tech- nique for rearing thrips in the laboratory. [53] 160: 432. Calvert, P. P. — The odonate collections of the California Academy of Sciences from Baja California and Tepic, Mex- ico, of 1889-1894. [64] 23: 603-09. (See also under Anat- omy.) Hopkins, G. H. E. — Lice. [Uganda Journal] 10: 97-105. Killington and Bathe — (Odonata, see under Arach- nicla.) Mullen, J. A. — Termites in cold frames. [100] 25: 164. ORTHOPTERA— Grasse and Hollande.— (See under Anatomy.) Mickey, G. H. — (See under Anatomy.) Rehn, J. A. G. — The removal of the niantid genus Callimantis (Manteidae) from the North American fauna. [65] 49: 163—64. Rosewall, O. W. — Biology of the praying mantis, Brunneria borealis Scudder. | Proc. Louisiana Acad. Sci.] 10: 67-71, ill. Swann and Mickey — (See under Anatomy.) HEMIPTERA— Fennah, R. G.— Notes on West Indian Flatidae (Fulgoroidea). [63] 60: 107-18, ill. (*). Knowl- ton, G. F. — Aphids from Mt. Timpanogos, Utah. [Great Basin Nat.] 7: 1-6. McKenzie, H. L. — Diaspid scale stud- ies, with notes on California species (Coccoidea: Diaspi- didae). [Bull. Dept. Agric. State of Cal.| 36: 31-36, ill. (*). Muller, J. — (See under Anatomy.) Tanner, V. M.— Ranatra quadridentata found in Utah. [Great Basin Nat. | Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 241 7 : 29. Wygodzinsky, P. — Sobre urn novo genero e uma nova especie de schizopterinae do Brasil (Cryptostem- matidae). [14] 6: 25-35, ill. (k). LEPIDOPTERA— Bell, E. L.— A catalogue of the Hes- perioidea of Venezuela. [14] 5: 65-203. Bourquin, F.— Metamorfosis de Tolype pauperata. (Rev. Soc. Ent. Ar- gentina) 13: 301-08, 'ill. Clark, A. H.— The interrelation- ships of the several groups within the butterfly superfamily Xymphaloidea. [65] 49: 148-49. Darlington, E. P.- Xotes on certain types of Lepidoptera described by Brack- enridge Clemens.' [83] 73: 85-104. Dexter, R.' W.- checker-spot butterfly with three antennae. [100) 25: 145. ill. Evans, W. H.— Hesperiana. [65] 49: 162-63. Judd, W. W. — Leaf-rollers of the genus Cacoecia (Tortricidae). [Canacl. Field-Naturalist) 60: 136. Needham, J. G.- moth larva that lives on fern spores (Heliodinidae). [65] 49: 165-66. Neiswander, C. R. — Variations in the seasonal history of the European corn borer in Ohio. [37] 40: 407- 12. Risbec, J.- — (See under Anatomy.) Shaw, J. G.— Parasites of a bag-making pierid Eucheira socialis in More- los, Mex. [37] 40: 436-37. Warren, B. C. S.— Some prin- ciples of classification in Lepidoptera, with special reference to the butterflies. [30] 80: 208-17. Williams, J. L.— (See under Anatomy.) DIPTERA— Abonnenc and Floch— Clef d'identification de 140 Phlebotomes males du nouveau continent. [14] 6: 1-24 (k). Arnett, R. H., Jr. — Notes on the distribution, habits and habitats of some Panama mosquitoes. [45] 55: 185-200. Blanchard, E. E. — Dasyuromyia lloydi nueva especie de Prosenido, Argentine. [Rev. Soc. Ent. Argen- tina] 13 : 258-62, ill. Bromley, S. W.— Diptera of Connecti- cut. Part VI. Asilidae. [State of Conn., Geol. and Na- tural History Survey, Hartford] Bull. 69, 1-48, ill. (k). Callan and Montalenti — (See under Anatomy.) Calvert, P. P. — (See under Anatomy.) Gjullin, C. M. — (See under Anatomy.) Goldschmidt, E. — (See under Anatomy.) Gouin, F. — (See under Anatomy.) James, M. T. — A re- view of the Larvaevorid flies of the tribe Leskiini with the setulose first vein (R.). (71) 97: 91-115, ill. (k*). Kessel, E. L.— American smoke flies (Microsania: Clythiidae). | The Wasmann Collector) 7: 23-30. Knight, K." L.— The Aedes (Mucidus) mosquitoes of the Pacific (Culicidae). 1 48] 37: 315-25. ill. (k*). Lamy, R.— (See under Anat- omy.) Pfadt, R. E.— (See under Anatomy.) Pletsch, D. 242 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (Nov., '47 J. — Anopheles mosquito records and observations in Mon- tana. [Great Basin Nat.] 7: 23-28. Rapp, W. F., Jr- The Pipunculidae of Quebec. [Canadian Field-Naturalist] 60: 105. Shaw, J. G.— (See under Lepidoptera.) Tate, P. — (See under Anatomy.) Vogt, G. B. — (See under Anat- omy.) Walton, W. R. — Local unique Tabanid unrecovered after 28 years. [65] 49: 168. COLEOPTERA— Alonso, R. G.— Escarabajos comtmes a chile y la Argentina. [Rev. de la Soc. Ent. Argentina] 13: 309-14. Balfour-Browne, J. --(See under Anatomy.) Barber, H. S. — Diabrotica and two new genera (Chryso- melidae). [65] 49: 151-61, ill. Barr, W. F.— A new sub- species of Enoclerus from the Great Basin region of the western U. S. (Clerid). [Great Basin Nat.] 7: 21-22. Blake, D. N. — New eumolpid beetles from West Indies. [48] 37: 310-15, ill. Bosq, J. M. — Interesantes longicornios de Catamarca. [Rev. de la Soc. Ent. Argentina] 13: 292- 300, ill. Buck, J. B.— Studies on the firefly, IV: Ten new lampyrids from Jamaica. [71] 97: 59-79, ill. Davis, A. C. -Review of the weevils of the tribe Ophryastini of Amer- ica north of Mexico. [71] 3207: 96: 483-551. ill. (k*). Dawson, R. W. — New spp. of Serica (Scarab) VIII. [45 | 55: 223-35, ill. Gilmour, E. F. — Further new Lamiinae (Cerambycidae). [28] 83: 187-90, ill. (S). Green, J. W. —New eastern American species of Podabrus (Canthari- dae). [83] 73: 63-76, ill. Guignot, F.— Genotypes des Dytiscoidea et des Gyrinoidea. [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.] 13: 112-18. Hinton, H. E. — (See under Anatomy.) Hustache, A. — Naupactini de 1'Argentine et des regions Limitrophes. [Rev. de la Soc. Ent. Argentina] 13: 3-146 (k*). Jeannel and Paulian — (See under Anatomy.) La Rivers, I. — Notes on the Histeridae known to occur in Nevada. [Great Basin Nat.] 7: 7-9. Lepesme and Paulian — Les nemosoma et genres voisins (Ostomatidae). [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.] 10: 136-41, ill. (S). Lepesme, P. — Un remarquable Ceramby- cide nouveau de Guyane. [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.] 9: 135-37, ill. McAtee, W. L. — (See under General.) Martinez, A. -Insectos nuevos o poco conocidos V. [Revista Soc. Ent. Argentina] 13: 263-80, ill. Mequignon, A. — Contribution a 1' etude cles mordellides palearctiques. [Rev. Franc. d'Ent.] 13: 52-76, ill. (k*). Monros, F.— Revision de los megalopidae Argentines. [Rev. Soc. Ent. Argentina] 13: 150-217, ill. (*). Pierre, F.— (See under Anatomy.) Plank, H. K. — DDT for powder-post beetle control in bam- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 243 boo. [80] 106: 317. Portevin, G. — Description de Liodides nouveaux. [Rev. Franc,. d'Ent.] 9: 75-78, ill. (S). Prosen, A. F. — Xuevos cerambicidos Argentinos. [Rev. Soc. Ent. Argentina] 13: 254-57, ill.; Cerambycoidea de Santiago del Estero. Ibid. 315-34. Robert, Frere A. — Un dermestide nouveau pour la Province de Quebec (Thyladrias contrac- tus). [Le Nat. Canad.] 74: 189-94. Vosz, E.— Nachtrae- glich bekannt gewordene exotische Attelabinen und Apo- derinen (Curculionidae). [Rev. Frang. d'Ent.] 10: 29-34, ill. (S*). HYMENOPTERA— Cushman, R. A.— A generic re- vision of the ichneumon-flies of the tribe Ophionini. [71] 96: 417-82, ill. (k*). Dreisbach, R. R.— A new sp. of the genus Therion (Ichneumon) with a key to the species of the northeastern states. [45] 55:201-03. Enzmann, J. — Ants associated with apiaries in the New England States. [45] 55: 219-22. Farrar, C. L. — (See under Anatomy.) Far- rar, C. L. — Nosema losses in package bees as related to queen supersedure and honey yields. [37] 40: 333-38. Fletcher, H. B.— Magnetic ants. [54] 40: 415, ill. Havi- land, E. E. — Biology and control of the Allegheny mound ant. [37] 40: 413-19. Krombein, K. V.— An unnoticed subgeneric name in Bombus. [65] 49: 170. Linsley and MacSwain — (See under Anatomy.) Mackensen, O. — (See under Anatomy.) Moure, J. — Notas sobre algunas abejas de la Provincia de Salta. [Rev. Soc. Ent. Argentina] 13: 218-53, ill. (*). Roberts, W. C.— (See under Anatomy.) Santis, Luis de — Dos nuevos Calcidoideos interesantes (Chalcidoidea). [Rev. Soc. Ent. Argentina] 13: 281-91, ill. Shaw, J. G. — (See under Lepidoptera.) Institutum Entomologicum Choui In order that the work of scientific research may not be af- fected by the school-lords or political influences, Prof. Dr. Chou lo, a famous Chinese entomologist, has contributed all he has saved and scrimped during the eight years of the War of Resistance and all his specimens collected from many a dan- gerous expedition to the far and remote hinterland of China to establish the Institutum Entomologicum Choui. But. owing to the limitation of means, only a small-scale printing office has 244 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 been set up on the basis of a scanty equipment for the publica- tion of the two magazines : Entomologia et Ars and Insecta Sinensium. A volume has now been rounded off. The insti- tute is now busying itself with the collection of reference litera- ture. Any donations of publications or materials for exchange from entomologists, entomological societies, research institutes or schools will be cordially welcome.— Lu JINSHENG, Address: Chang-Chia-Kang, Shensi, China. Reviews PULGAS. BlBLIOGRAFIA, CATALOGO E ANIMAIS FOR ELAS SUGADOS. By A. da Costa Lima and C. R. Hathaway. Mono- grafias do Institute Oswaldo Cruz, No. 4; December, 1946; pp. 1-522; octavo, paper covers (not illustrated). Imprensa Na- cional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. This publication is a catalogue of the fleas of the world. It concerns the species described through 1943, and it includes a few American species published during 1944. The first section of the book is devoted to bibliography. The references are ar- ranged chronologically, and within each year, the titles are ar- ranged alphabetically according to authors. This plan is logi- cal from the taxonomist's standpoint, and if one wishes to locate references according to authors, he will find the authors' names listed in the general index, which is very complete and is a guide to the use of the catalogue. The major portion of the book is the catalogue of species. The ordinal name Suctoria Degeer 1778 is adopted, and the rea- sons for this are given. It is pointed out that Oudemans' (1908, 1909) division into suborders Integricipita and Fracti- cipita is no longer tenable. The fleas of the world are ar- ranged principally according to the generic and higher categories employed by Wagner (1939), incorporating the classification of Ewing and Fox (1943) for North American species. The ten families are : Pulicidae, Hectopsyllidae, Malacopsyllidae, Coptopsyllidae, Vermipsyllidae, Lycopsyllidae, Ischnopsyllidae, Stephanocircidae, Hystrichopsyllidae and Dolichopsyllidae. The grouping of fleas into families, subfamilies and tribes is admittedly a highly controversial problem, and the authors have wisely avoided a long discussion or an attempt to propose a Iviii, '47] KXTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 245 new classification. In the general index to species, or synopsis, preceding the actual catalogue, there are listed 177 genera, 21 subgenera, and 1,193 species and subspecies. This may give the reader some idea of the magnitude of the task of compiling such a catalogue. For each species the authors give the complete synonymy and references, and also the recorded hosts and distribution. They do not indicate the type host and type locality for each species, and this information, while not necessarily of biological signifi- cance, would have enhanced the usefulness of the work for the taxonomist. With regard to the chigoe flea, the authors adopt the generic name Tunga Jarocki 1838, following Rothschild (1921) and subsequent authors. They do not cite Denna- tophilns Guerin-Meneville 1838, a citation which has apparently been overlooked by many authors, including Rothschild. Be- quaert (1926) has pointed out that it would be very difficult to decide which of the two generic names was published first, and the reviewer believes that this matter should have received consideration in the catalogue. The authors have accepted Ewing and Fox's use of Tricho- psylla Kolenati 1863. This usage includes many North Ameri- can species, involving a lumping of certain of Jordan's genera and the reduction of Pleochactis Jordan 1933 to subgeneric standing. Since Ewing and Fox were in all probability ill advised in their ideas on this matter, it is unfortunate that the authors have followed them. Certain emendations have been made, for example : Dcllo- psylla (sic) for Delopsylla Jordan 1926, and Justapulc.v (sic) for Ju.vtapidcx Wagner 1933. The reasons for these emenda- tions should be given in each case, although it is possible that the former is a lapsus. On page 147, we find Parapsyllus Indncae Del Ponte and Riesel 1939 listed as a valid species. In the reviewer's opinion it is a noinen nuduiu, for in their original publication Del Ponte and Riesel merely listed the species with host and locality, stating that it would be described subsequently. This applies also to Polygenis litargiis piielchc (Del Ponte and Riesel 1939, as Rlwpalopsylliis}, although in this case (page 144) the au- thors state that this species has not yet been described. The third portion of the book is a list of avian and mam- malian hosts, with the species of fleas recorded for each. In the introduction, the authors give the references consulted with regard to host names. The reviewer is well aware of the dif- ficulties of trying to ascertain correct or nearly correct host 246 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Nov., '47 names from the literature. Doubtless a mammalogist or orni- thologist would have numerous comments on the classification and nomenclature adopted. Being neither of these, the reviewer is not competent to criticize the host list. It is an extremely worthwhile contribution in itself, and it serves its purpose ade- quately. The few critical remarks of a specific nature should be con- strued as constructive criticism, as they are not meant to be derogatory. Of particular interest to medical entomologists will be the wealth of information on recorded hosts and distri- bution. The book is not intended as a textbook on fleas, and it may not appeal to the worker who lacks training and experi- ence in taxonomy. It is of unusually high calibre and its excellence will be recognized by those who consult and use it. The publication is a useful, valuable, and timely contribution, which is highly recommended for use by trained entomologists. —HENRY S. FULLER, M.D., Assistant Professor of Preventive Medicine, Bowman Gray School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. FLEAS OF WESTERN NORTH AMERICA ; Their Relation to the Public Health. By Clarence Anclresen Hubbard. The Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iowa. 1947. ix + 533 pp. Price $6.00. This is the companion book to Dr. Irving Fox's, "Fleas of Eastern United States," which appeared in 1940, also published by the Iowa State College Press. Hubbard gives, besides the systematic classification, some history of the study of the western fleas with portraits of the students of Western American Fleas and their contributions. The medical importance of fleas is stressed as regards the bubonic plague, typhus fever and tularemia. The author gives warning, particularly, of the presence of the causative organism of bubonic plague in the wild rodents of the Pacific and Rocky Mountain regions ; another chapter is given to field and labora- tory technique. His illustrations accompanying most of the descriptions of more than 230 species and subspecies are original and clearly give the features he considers of importance. Under each species, besides the more important bibliographi- cal references, is given a brief description of what is known of the range of the species, preferred hosts, seasonal distribution, biology, and records of material examined. Iviii, '47J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 247 Part III contains pp. 391-533, includes the host index: of western rodent fleas, fleas of western carnivora, of western in- sectivora, of western bats and birds, and fleas reported from man ; also a selected bibliography and a complete index. This should be an indispensable book to the students of Siph- onaptera. — E. T. CRESSON, JR. CHEMICAL INSECT ATTRACTANTS AND REPELLENTS. By Vin- cent G. Dethier. Blakiston Company, Philadelphia. 1947. Pp. xv + 289, 69 figures. Price, $5.00. The coming into common use of the new and easier word "attractant" (the 1915 Webster gives only "attrahent") is in- dicative of the rapidly developed interest in the study of sub- stances that attract insects. In recent years, a great many em- pirical investigations on the attrahent and repellent qualities of innumerable chemical compounds have been carried out ; but there has also been much thoughtful research on the fundamental problems involved in the specific reactions of insects to the chemical stimuli of their environment. The facts and ideas that are contained in the voluminous literature have now been, in this book, for the first time, sifted out, critically examined, and presented in a carefully organized form. The book can be used for practical, economic, purposes, for it names the substances and gives formulae and references to the literature. But of far greater interest and value is the thorough understanding it imparts of the basic principles involved in the studies on attractants, the descriptions of methods of investiga- tion that it outlines, and the attention it gives to the difficulties and complexities inherent in any work on olfactory responses. Attractants are classified as related to food, to oviposition and to sex. The various kinds are then taken up in turn, with a study of their source, chemistry and effect on the insect. Baits and traps are considered and, finally, the chemical basis of taste and olfaction, and the search for some relation between at- trahency and repellency to molecular configuration or to physical properties come up for discussion. The last chapter deals with the mechanism of choice, its physiological and genetic basis, and the evolutionary relationship between polyphagy and oligophagy. The documental tables, graphs and illustrations, the literature references following each chapter, and the full index are excel- lent features of the book. — R. G. SCHMIEDER. This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Chrysididae — Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. ~L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D G Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. Ants of the tribe Dacetini (StniTnigenys, Rhopalothrix and related genera) wanted for world revision. W. L. Brown, Jr., Harvard Uni- versity Biological Laboratories, Cambridge 38, Mass. FOR SALE The Berry Collection of North American Lepidoptera. More than 9000 specimens, over 1100 species. The result of 17 years of collecting. For information, write: M. A. Berry, Box 146, Orlando, Florida. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1135. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — Synopsis of No. Amer. Ephydridae. III. The tribe Notiphilini of the subfam. Notiphilini (72: 227-240, 1946) . $ .35 1136. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. I. The subfam. Psilopinae (72: 241-264, 1946) 60 1134. — Knight and Laffoon — The oriental spp. of the Aedes (Finlaya) Kochi group (72: 203-225, 3 pis., 1946) 70 THE BIOLOGY AND IDENTIFICATION OF TRYPETID LARVAE By VENIA TARRIS PHILLIPS Memoirs of the American Entomological Society, No. 12, 161 pp., 16 pis., 1946 This is a comprehensive work describing and figuring the important characteristics of the larvae of forty five species of American fruit flies (Diptera). An indispensible work for economic en- tomologists. It includes a glossary of the terms used in the descriptions; a list of 442 species of the family, with their known hosts; a list of their host plants; and an extensive bibliography. The plates contain 192 exquisitely executed figures. Price $5.00 (postpaid, domestic delivery) U. S. Currency, remittance must accompany order. HYMENOPTERA 1132. — Pate (V. S. L.) — -The generic names of the spider wasps (Psammocharidae olim Pompilidae) and their type spp. (72: 65-137, 1946) 1.80 ORTHOPTERA 1128. — Rehn (J. A. G.) — One new gen. and six new spp. of Central American and Colombian Pseudophvllinae (Orthoptera) (72: 1-26, 2 pis., 1946) COLEOPTERA 1133. — Benesh (B.) — A systematic revision of the Holarctic gen. Platycerus Geoffrey (72: 139-202, 5 pis., 1946) 1.90 1129.— Dillon (L. S. & E. S.)— Review of the Onocephalini (Ceram- bicidae) (72: 27-48, 1 pi., 1946) 65 1131. — Green (J. W.) — A new sp. of Enochrus (Hydrophilidae) (72: 61-64, figs., 1946) 20 1130.— Robinson (M.)— Studies in the Scarabaeidae III (72: 49-59, 1946) 30 LEPIDOPTERA 1125. — Jones (F. M.) — Platoeceticus Packard, and a remarkable n. sp. of the genus (Psychidae) (71: 99-124, 4 pis., 1945) 75 Have you renewed your subscription? ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS DIV. • 5 DECEMBER 1947 Vol. LVIII CONTENTS Denning — New species of Trichoptera 249 Robinson — A new food for Latrodectcs 258 Robinson — An abnormal tibia 259 Chamberlin — A new geophilid centiped 260 Notes and News in Entomology Richards — Sterility in insects 261 Entomological Departments University of Minnesota 264 Current Entomological Literature 266 Reviews Insects and human welfare 272 Sexual behavior in the human male 273 Indexes and title page to Volume LVIII 275 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign: $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19. 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed fur in Section 1. Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $ 2.50 $ 4.50 $ 6.50 $10.00 Five Issues 9.00 17.00 24.00 42.00 Ten Issues 16.00 30.00 42.00 72.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2.75; 100 copies, $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies, $5.23. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.88; 50 copies, $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03; additionals at .022 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50. $2.20: additional at .0165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIII DECEMBER, 1947 No. 10 New Species of Trichoptera from the United States By D. G. DENNING, University of Wyoming, Laramie Recently the writer had the opportunity to examine several large collections of Caddis flies from Minnesota and southern United States. A number of undescribecl species were en- countered, nine of which are described herein. I would like to express my appreciation to Dr. H. R. Dodge, Dr. C. E. Mickel. and Dr. R. H. Daggy for collecting this material and making it available for study. Unless designated otherwise, holotypes are in the author's collection at the University of Wyoming. Protoptila talola n. sp. This species is closely related to macitlata (Hagan) but can be distinguished from that species by the gradual, not abrupt, upturned apex of the lateral spines of the oedagus, by the mesad-directed instead of laterad-directed apices of the lateral spines, by the evenly rounded caudo-ventral corner of the oedagus and several other details of the male genitalia. Alalc. — Length 4 mm. Spurs 0 -1 4. Anterior margin of hind wing abruptly narrowed beyond hamuli. Color and general structure similar to maculata, but smaller in size. Male geni- talia as in fig. 1. Sternite of sixth segment with an acute mesal projection reaching just beyond margin. Eight sternite pro- duced into a long bifid process, apical incision shorter than in macula to. upturned only slightly distally. Tenth tergite with lateral arms directed ventro-caudad, apex nearly truncate, turned mesad but not sufficiently to enclose oedagus, a few setae dor- sally ; inner aspect as in fig. 1 , apparent cerci ovate from lateral view, triangular from dorsal view. Lateral spines of oedagu> short, sinuate from lateral view, attenuated distally and gradu- (249) FEB 1 2 1949 250 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '47 ally curved dorsad; from dorsal aspect, fig. 1A, distal portion curved mesad, almost touching oedagus, a brush of minute caudad-curved setae along margin near apex. Oedagus with distal portion considerably enlarged, ventral margin rounded, caudo-ventral corner not produced beyond margin. Holotype, male. Pine County, MINNESOTA, May 23, 1941, C. E. Mickel. Holotype deposited in the entomological collec- tion of the University of Minnesota. Protoptila georgiana n. sp. This species bears some resemblance to alcxanderi Ross but can readily be distinguished from that species and other de- scribed species of the genus by the tenth tergite, the lateral spines of the oedagus and the eighth sternite. Male. — Length 3 mm. Spurs prominent, 0 4 1. Hind wings sabre-shaped, anterior margin abruptly narrowed beyond hamuli. Color and general structure typical for genus. Male genitalia as in fig. 2. Sternite of sixth segment with a prominent mesal projection, fig. 2 A. When viewed from dorsal aspect eighth tergite considerably flared laterally ; apical margin heavily pigmented, slightly incised and bearing a few large setae. Eighth sternite produced into a long bifid process with apical in- cision wide, fig. 2B. Dorsad to the eighth sternite is a concave, deeply bifid plate-like process bearing a single seta at apex of each lateral lobe, best viewed from ventral aspect, fig. 2B. Tenth tergite divided into a pair of sclerotized structures pro- jected caudad and gradually ventrad; apex of lateral lobe beak- shaped, turned slightly mesad but not quite enclosing oedagus, a few scattered setae along dorsal margin. Oedagus extending caudad beyond any other portion of genitalia, middle portion considerably narrowed, widened apically, slightly incised when viewed dorsally, caudo-ventral corner produced slightly beyond remainder ; lateral spines of oedagus slender, arcuate, apex at- tenuated and bearing a few minute setae. Ventrad from base of oedagus arises a pair of slender setose lobes, directed caudo- ventrad. Ventrad and mesad to these lobes is a pair of struc- tures bearing no setae and abruptly curved dorsad. Holotype, male. Macon, GEORGIA, May 1944, H. R. Dodge. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 251 Chimarra moselyi n. sp. This species is related to florida Ross ; it can be separated from that and other described species by the flat sinuate lateral proc- esses of the tenth tergite, the slender rod-like structures associ- ated with the oedagus and the wide prominent mesal process of the ninth sternite. Male. — Length 5 mm. General color dark brown, legs pale yellowish with spurs darker, wings uniformly dark brown ; an- tennae slightly darker than wings. Genitalia as in fig. 3. Tenth tergite, except lateral processes, semi-membranous, distal margin irregular ; lateral sclerotized process extends caudad beyond re- mainder, twisted so that when viewed from dorsal aspect distal portion flattened, widened, rounded at apex; on dorsal surface are two short setae on an enlarged flattened tubercle ; from base arises the prominent cercus. Gaspers with base narrow, dorsal portion elongated into a clavate caudad directed process, apex quadrate when viewed dorsally ; ventro-mesal portion from caudal view enlarged into a large triangular process, bearing several long setae along lateral margin (this margin and setae discern- ible from lateral view). Two pairs of sclerotized rods are as- sociated with the oedagus : a ventral pair, long and slender, ex- tending caudad beyond any other portion of genitalia, apex curved ventrad; a dorsal pair, heavily sclerotized, shorter than ventral pair, apex acute and slightly curved dorsad. Mesal proc- ess of ninth sternite very large and prominent. Holotypc, male. Macon. GEORGIA, July 1944, H. R. Dodge. I take pleasure in naming this species in honor of Mr. Martin E. Mosely of the British Museum (Natural History), who has made so many noteworthy contributions to our knowledge of the Trichoptera. Nyctiophlax celta n. sp. This species is closely related to vestitus (Hagen) ; it can be distinguished from that species by the shape of the tenth tergite, the shape and size of the apical lobes of the clasper, the shape and size of the oedagus and the much narrower condition of the ninth sternite. 252 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '47 Male. — Length 5 mm. Wings light brown, antennae and legs yellowish. Wings with R2 absent. General characteristics typical for genus. Male genitalia as in fig. 4. Tenth tergite lightly sclerotized, viewed from dorsal aspect apical margin with a distinct incision which forms a pair of short setiferons points. Cerci quadrate, extending caudad beyond tenth tergite, ventro- mesal portion projected ventro-caudad as a sclerotized process, its apex broadly rounded, not sub-acute as in vestitns; apical portion bearing several short stout setae. Claspers, seen from lateral aspect, with base rounded, gradually narrowed apically, apex with lateral lobe digitate, mesal lobe acute, not much longer than lateral lobe ; seen from caudal view, fig. 4A, concave near base, apical portion widely and deeply incised ; mesal lobe viewed from dorsal or caudal aspect quadrate apically. Oedagus some- what tubular, apical portion enlarged and colored dark brown, apex bluntly rounded, no discernable dorsal rods present. Holotypc, male. Tallulah River. Tallulah Falls, GEORGIA, June 16," 1945, R. H. Daggy. Cheumatopsyche wabasha n. sp. Male. — Length 8 mm. Wing irrorate with brown and light tan. Head and thorax dark brown. The five basal segments of flagellum with a distinct dark brown V-mark. Genitalia as in fig. 5. Tenth tergite somewhat wider than long, lateral lobes conspicuous, not extending dorsad to level of segment ; seen from caudal view fig. 5 A, lateral margin rounded, apical portion constricted, apices blunt and widely separated. Viewed from dorsal aspect apex of tenth tergite with a small incision ; setae covering apical portion of lateral lobes quite long and curved caudad. Setiferous wart near base of tenth tergite lateral lobes elongate, irregular and bearing a number of setae. Basal segment of clasper narrow, gradually widened apically, apical segment tapering to a narrow apex, curved cephalad. Oedagus with basal portion only slightly enlarged, apical portion abruptly directed dorsad, lateral lobes short and ovate. Holotypc, male. Wabasha, MINNESOTA, July 19. 1941, Light trap, H. T. Peters. Holotype deposited in the entomological collection of the University of Minnesota. Iviii, '47J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 253 2 A PROTOPTILA TALOLA PROTOPTILA 6EORGIANA CHIMARRA MOSELYI NYCTIOPHYLAX CELTA CHEUMATOPSYCHE ATHRIPSODES DAGGYI Fig. 1. Protoptila talola, male genitalia, lateral aspect; 1A, lateral spine of oedagus. Fig. 2. Protoptila gcorgiana, male genitalia, lateral aspect ; 2A, sternite of sixth segment ; 2B, sternite of eighth segment. Fig. 3. Chimarra moselyi, male genitalia, lateral aspect. Fig. 4. Nyctio- phyla.r cclta, male genitalia, lateral aspect; 4A, clasper, caudal view. Fig. 5. Clicumatopsyclie zvabaslia, male genitalia, lateral aspect ; 5A, tenth tergite, caudal view. Fig. 6. Arthripsodcs . The Principles of Insect Physiology. 1939. •Stern, C. Amer. Nat., 70: 123-142. 1936. •'•Oliver, C. P. and R. C. Anderson. Amer. Nat., 7M : 89-94. 1945 Anderson, R. C. Genetics, 20: 280-296. 1<>45. 262 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '47 introduced sperm allows a partial analysis of the functioning of these structures. The dorsal spermatheca is necessary for high and extended fertility, whereas the presence or absence of the parovaria is of little significance ; sperm are normally stored in the female in the ventral receptacle but remain viable only when the spermatheca is active. These data give us some good information about the physiology of the female reproductive tract ; but it does not automatically follow that similar disturb- ances are involved in interspecific sterility. It would be helpful to know whether similar phenomena occur in partially fertile hybrids. Recently a naturally occurring sterilizing mechanism has been found operative in many species of the genus Drosophila* This has been termed the "insemination reaction." Examina- tion of 35 species showed it normally present in 28 of these. It is likewise present but in exaggerated form in those cases where interspecific mating can be induced. In a normal intra- specific mating in a species showing this reaction, the addition of semen at copulation induces within a few minutes an en- largement of the vagina to 3-4 times the size in virgins. The enlargement is due to the secretion of fluid by the lining epi- thelium ; an edematous, slightly opaque condition results. In these intraspecific matings the vagina returns to normal within a few hours. This recovery is correlated with the sperm leav- ing the vagina, either by entering the ventral receptacle where they are stored or (the remainder) being expelled. By in- genious use of sterile male hybrids of D. arizonensis x D. mojavcnsis which produce no sperm but do copulate and inject a sperm-free semen, it was possible to show that the insemina- tion reaction is due to a substance, presumably protein, in the seminal fluid and not or not only to the sperm. This places the phenomenon in the general field of immunochemistry where known techniques should permit pushing the analysis further. Concerning the absence of the insemination reaction in some species, a correlation was noted between the presence of a reac- 6 Patterson, J. L. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., 32: 202-208. 1946. Univ. of Texas Puhl. ; no. 4720. 1947. Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 263 tion and the frequency of mating. Species which normally mate frequently (e.g. D. mclanogastcr} show no reaction ; species which mate occasionally show a weak reaction, and species which normally mate only once show a strong reaction. Among common N. A. species the reaction is shown by D. virilis and D. funebris. When an interspecific mating can be induced with a female of a species giving the insemination reaction, the same series of events take place except for the recovery phase. The sperm are usually inactivated or expelled, seldom do any enter the ventral receptacle, and the vagina becomes brownish or even black due to the reaction-mass containing the sperm. The mass may be expelled, but subsequently a sperm that was lucky enough to get into the ventral receptacle may function to ferti- lize an egg. Usually, however, there are no active sperm left for fertilization. Therefore, hybrids would not have a sig- nificant chance to become sufficiently numerous for establish- ment. Obviously, this newly discovered isolating mechanism cannot answer all of the questions of interspecific sterility, and it re- mains to be seen whether or not comparable reactions will be found in other insect groups. However, this is a clear-cut and demonstrably effective mechanism that occurs naturally. As such it is a valuable new discovery in the field of interspecific sterility. A. G. RICHARDS Entomological Departments In accordance with its policy of including news of interest to entomolo- gists, ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is inaugurating a series of articles on ento- mological groups throughout the country that will be continued as mate- rial is received. The editorial board invites material similar to that given in this first note from universities and colleges, the Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, museums, the U. S. Public Health Service, entomological societies and any other official or semi-official groups of entomologists. 264 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS |DeC.. '47 University of Minnesota The Division of Entomology and Economic Zoology has undergone considerable change in recent years. Dr. Wm. A. Riley, medical entomologist and former chief, and Prof. A. G. Ruggles. economic entomologist and State Entomologist, have retired. Dr. M. C. Tanquary, apiculturist, died. Dr. Gustav Swanson, economic zoologist, and Dr. H. H. Shepard, insecti- cide specialist, have resigned to accept positions elsewhere. The above losses, not all at the same time, left Dr. C. E. Mickel in taxonomy, Dr. A. A. Granovsky in economic entomology and insect vectors of plant diseases, Dr. A. C. Hodson in ecol- ogy, and Dr. M. H. Hay dak in apiculture. Dr. Mickel became Chief of the Division in 1944. In 1945, Dr. W. H. Marshall (formerly with the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service) was brought in for economic vertebrate zoology; Dr. A. G. Richards (Univ. of Pennsylvania) for insect physiology and insecticide toxicology, and Dr. R. H. Daggy (U. S. Public Health Service) for economic entomology. A new laboratory was constructed and equipped for inaugurating work in insect physiology. This laboratory is adjacent to the ecology labora- tory and shares some of the same facilities. In 1946, Dr. L. L. Smith, Jr. (Minnesota State Conservation Dept.) was brought in, at first on a part time cooperative basis, to handle teaching and research in fisheries; Dr. A. L. Burroughs (Hooper Foun- dation, Univ. of California) for medical entomology, and Mr. Thor Aamodt. who replaced Prof. Ruggles as State Entomolo- gist with part time faculty status, began teaching an advanced course in Quarantine and Regulatory Entomology. In 1947, Dr. Daggy accepted a position with the Saudi Arabia Oil Com- pany and was replaced with Dr. L. K. Cutkomp (TV A) who took over teaching and research in insecticides, with a new laboratory now being constructed for this purpose; Dr. H. E. Milliron (Bureau of Entomology) was added to handle taxon- omy and the insect collection ; and with the aid of a grant from the U. S. Public Health Service a new laboratory is now being built for experimental work in medical entomology. The divisional set-up then stands at present : Iviii, '47 j ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 2o5 Prof. Mickel, Chief, general entomology and taxonomy. Prof. Granovsky. insect vectors of plant diseases, Prof. Hodson, ecology, forest entomology, and elementary economic entomology, Assoc. Prof. Haydak, apiculture, Assoc. Prof. Marshall, conservation and mammalogy, Assoc. Prof. Richards, physiology, histology and embryol- ogy. Assoc. Prof. Smith, fish and fisheries, Asst. Prof. Aamodt, legislative entomology, Asst. Prof. Burroughs, medical entomology and parasitol- ogy, Asst. Prof. Cutkomp, insecticides, advanced principles of economic entomology, Asst. Prof. Milliron, taxonomy, elementary economic en- tomology, plus various non-permanent teaching and research assistants. Despite changes in staff and the introduction of some new lines of research, the program and philosophy of entomology at Minnesota remains much as it used to be. Except for a few "service courses," entomology here is still primarily a graduate field of study with emphasis on principles, procedures and a broad background. Undergraduates who major in entomology devote almost all of their time to obtaining a broad general background in basic science plus a curriculum of zoology and elementary entomology. As a rule there is no concentration in entomology until the years of graduate study. Close rela- tionships are maintained with the Zoology Department, with four members of the entomology staff holding titles in the /oology Department also, and the courses in General Ento- mology, Insect Physiology, Medical Entomology, Parasitology and Ecology being given under joint sponsorship of the two departments. Space in the Division is at a premium — all kinds of space. The Division has plans for a new building to take care of this but when it will become available is not known. In the mean- while entomology continues to rub elbows with the library and administration in one building. 266 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '47 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL AND RAYMOND Q. BLISS. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- ? eared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and une issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by CkY; papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL — Annand, P. N. — Preventive entomology. [37] 40: 461-68. Anonymous — Obituary of the Reverend Father Leopold, O.C.R., D.S.A. [23] 79: 61. Bentley, G. M.— Obituary of Franklin Sherman. [37] 40: 610-11. Berger, L. — L'Etiquetage des insectes. [Lambillionea, Bruxelles] 45: 5-8. Carpenter, F. M. — Early insect life. [73] 54: 65-85. Coppel and House — A description of cages used for the large-scale breeding of Sturmia sp., a tachinid parasite of sawflies. [23] 79: 74-80. Denier, P. C. L.- Lista de los artropodos daninos o utiles a los algodonales argentinos. [Physis] 17 : 553-67. Frost, S. W. — Obituary of Vernon Raymond Haber. [37] 40: 613-14. Griffiths, J. T. — A further account of the effects of DDT when used on citrus trees in Fla. [31] 30: 1-8. Guyton, F. E. — Bee sting therapy for arthritis and neuritis. [37] 40: 469-72. Kiriakoff, S. — L'Espece et ses subdivisions [Lambillionea. Bruxelles]. 45: 43-45, 53-55, 60-63. Linduska and Mor- ton— Determining the repellency of solid chemicals to mos- quitoes. [37] 40: 562-64. Nagel and Granovsky — A turn- table light-trap for taking insects over regulated periods. [37] 40: 583-86. Parks, T. H.— Obituary of John Samuel Houser. [37] 40: 611-13. Smith, R. C.— Is entomology zoology? [37] 40: 608-09. Snyder and Morton— Benzyl benzoate-dibutyl phthalate mixture for impregation of cloth- ing. [37] 40: 586-87. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— B o nne- maison, L. — Remarques sur la symbiose chez les Pentato- midae. [108] 51: 40-42. Burkenroad, M. D.— Reproduc- tive activities of decapod Crustacea. [3] 81 : 392-98. Christensen, J. R.— Estudios anatomicos tubo digestive de Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 267 algunos insectos argentinos (Orthop.)- [Physis] 17: 265- 73. Harnly, M. H. — Quinine and cinchonine effects on growth, differentiation and lethal temperature of D. melano- gaster. [3] 81 : 330-39. Hervey and Schroeder— Life cycle of Macrosteles divisus in relation to carrot yellows in western New York. [37] 40: 505-08. lablokoff, A. K.- Contribution a 1'etude du role du facteur hygrometrique dans 1'ecologie et la biologic des insectesxylophages. [108] 52: 88-95, ill. Judd, W. W.— The proventriculus of a ground beetle, Chlaenius sp. (Carab.). [23] 79: 58-60. Kosswig and Shengtin — Intraindividual varibility of chro- mosome IV of Chironomus. [42] 38: 235-39. Kozhant- shikov, V. — Nutritional value of proteins in the growth of the blow-fly larva. [Rev. d'Entom. de L'urss] 28: 57-63. Merrell, D. J. — A mutant in D. melanogaster affecting fer- tility and eye color. [3] 81 : 399-400. Miller, R. H.— The toxicity of the venom of the tarantula (A. cryptethus) upon certain invertebrates and cold-blooded and warm-blooded vertebrates. [39] 39: 45-55. Mulnard, J. — Le develop- pement embryonnaire d'Acanthoscelides obtectus. [Arch. de Biol.] 58: 289-314, ill. Saez, F. A.— Estado de las in- vestigaciones sobre Citologia de las variedades de Shisto- cerca paranensis. [Physis] 17: 253-59, ill. Simmonds, F. J. — Improvement of the sex-ratio of a parasite by selec- tion. [23] 79: 41-44. Welsh and Gordon— The mode of action of certain insecticides on the arthropod nerve axon. [105] 30: 147-71. Wishart, G.— Further observations on the changes taking place in the corn borer population in western Ontario. [23] 79: 81-83. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Anastos, G.- Hosts of certain New York ticks. [73] 54: 178-80. Banks, N. — On some Acarina from North Carolina. [73] 54: 110- 41 (k*). Bryant, E. B. — A list of spiders from Mona Island, with descriptions of new and little known species. [73] 54: 86-99. — Notes on spiders from Puerto Rico. Ibid. 183- 93 (*). Mello-Leitao, C. de — Une araignee argentine type d'une sous famille nouvelle (Corinoctenus anomalostomus, n. sp.). [Physis] 17: 137-43, ill. — A propos d'un nouveau Oonopide myrmecophile d'Argentine. Ibid. 143-46, ill.— Les Arachnides et la zoogeographie de Argentine. [Physis] 17:601-30. Miller, R. H.— (See under Anatomy.) fhur- man and Mulrennan — Occurrence of the brown dog tick on Florida rats. [37] 40: 566-67. — Sarcoptoid mites on rats in Florida. Ibid. 591-92. Tragardh, I. — Diarthrophallina. a new group of mesostigmata, found on Passalid beetles. [Entom. Meddelelser, Kopenhavn] 24: 369-94 ill. (k*). 268 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '47 SMALLER ORDERS— Arle, R.— Quelques Collemboles de 1'Etat d'Espirito Santo (Bresil). [Physis] 17: 125-32, ill. (*). Crawford, J. C. — The N. A. species of the genus Megalothrips (Thysanoptera). [65] 49: 197-99 (k*). Car- penter, F. M. — Taxonomic notes on the Dilaridae (Neu- roptera). [73] 54: 100-09 (*). Denning, D. G. — New spe- cies and records of N. A. Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera). [73] 54: 170-77. Del Ponte y Riesel — Notas sobre Sipho- naptera argentinos. [Physis] 17: 543-51. dos Santos, N. D. — Descric.ao do alotipo macho de Dasythemis essequiba Ris, 1919 e notas sobre a femea (Odonata). [Ill] 7: 289- 91, ill. (S). Gurney, A. B. — Notes on Dilaridae and Bero- thidae, with special reference to the immature stages of the nearctic genera (Neuroptera). [73] 54: 145-69. Walker, E. M. — Further notes on the subarctic Odonata of N. A. [23] 79:62-67. ORTHOPTERA— Chagnon, G.— The cockroaches of the Province of Quebec. [23] 79: 57-58 (k). Christensen, J. R. — (See under Anatomy.) Laing, F. — The cockroach, its life history. [Brit. Mus. Econ. Ser.] 12: 1-28, ill. Lieber- man, J. — Las Tropidacrini de la Region neotropical (Acri- did). [Physis] 17: 589-600, ill. (k).— Nuevos materiales acridicos de la coleccion del Institute Oswaldo Cruz, con algunas observaciones sobre Episcopotettix Rehn, 1902. [Ill] 7: 391-94. Mello-Leitao, C. de— Nuevo Listrocelido argentine. [Rev. de la Soc. Ent. Argentina] 13: 147-49, ill. Rehn, J. A. G. — A new genus and t\vo new species of neo- tropical Pseuodophyllinae (Tettigoniidae). [109] 198: 1- 12, ill. Saez, F. A. — (See under Anatomy.) Toledo Piza Junior, S. de — Phasmidas do Museu Argentine de Sciencias Naturaes. [Physis] 17: 113-16. HEMIPTERA— Blanchard, E. E.— Estudio sistematico de los Arkloideos argentinos (Aphididae). [Physis] 17: 857-1003, ill. (k*). Bonnemaison, L.— (See under Ana't- omy.) Barber, H. G. — Revision of the genus Nysius in the U. S. and Canada (Lygacidae). [48] 37: 354-66, ill. (k*). Clancy and Pollard — Further experiments in the parasitiza- tion of mealybugs. [37] 40: 578-79. Drake and Poor- Some Tingitidae from the Republic of Argentina. [Physis] 17 : 95-98, ill. Fennah, R. G.— Notes on West Indian Flati- dae. [63] 60: 107-17, ill. (S*). Gongalves, C. R.— Biologia de urna Pseudiastata depredadora de Pseudococcus brevipes (Diastatid). [ Physis | 17: 103-12, ill. Grundemann, A. W. — Studies on the biology of Triatoma sanguisuga in Kansas (Reduviidae). [43] 20: 77-85. Hervey and Schroeder — (See under Anatomy.) Hill, R, E. — An un- Iviii, '47 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 269 • usual weather sequence accompanying the severe potato psyllid outbreak of 1938 in Nebraska. [43] 20: 88-92. Hoberlandt, L. — A new species of Phymata from South America. [Ill] 7: 323-26, ill. Hungerford, H. B.— A new genus of Corixidae. [43] 20: 93. Lent and Wygodzinsky — Contribuiqao ao conhecimento clos Reduviinae Ameri- canos. [Ill] 7: 341-68, ill. (k*). Lizer y Trelles, C.- Catalogo sistematico razonado de los Coccidos (Horn. Sternor) vernaculos de la Argentina. [Physis j 17: 157- 210. Mazza y Jorg — Las nervaduras hemielitrales de lo> Triatomidae. [Physis] 17: 245-53, ill. Milliron, H. E.- (See under Hymenoptera.) Wygodzinsky, P.— Sobre un novo genero e una nova especie de Ectrichodiinae do Brasil. [Ill] 7 : 301-05. LEPIDOPTERA— Beirne, B. P.— The origin and histor\ of the British Macrolepidoptera. [88] 98: 273-72, ill. Bourquin, F. — Metamorfosis de Racheospila gerularia (Geo- metrid). [Physis] 17: 385-98, ill.— Metamorfosis de Ce- rura annulifera (Notodontid). Ibid. 399-408, ill.— Meta- morfosis de Plutella maculipennis (Plutellid). Ibid. 409- 13, ill. — Metamorfosis de Pholisora (Staphylus) sim- ilis (Hesperiid). Ibid. 415-18, ill. — Metamorfosis de Pilo- crocis leucoplagalis (Pyralicl). Ibid. 419-22, ill. — Meta- morfosis de Laphygma frugiperda (Xoctuid). Ibid. 423- 30, ill. — Metamorfosis de Podalia nigricostata (Megalo- Pygid). Ibid. 431-41, ill. Breyer, A. — Los representantes argentinos de la familia Brassolidae. [Physis] 17: 496- 502. — Los representantes argentinos de la familia Morphi- dae. Ibid. 503-508. — Lepidopterilogia argentina. Consid- eraciones zoogeograficas. Ibid. 509-24, map. Chermock, R. L. — A new subspecies of Limenitis archippus. [2| 1365: 1-2. Clarke, J. F. G. — A new Dichomeris from ea>t- tern U. S. (Gelech.). [65] 49: 187-89, ill. Hayward, K. J. — Hesperoidea argentina. III. Especies nuevas o poco conocidas de la Fauna argentina. [ Physis | 17: 279-301, ill. — Las especies argentinos del genero Butleria Kirby. Con descripcion de dos nuevos por el general W. U. Kvan^ (Hesperiid). Ibid. 303-310, ill. (k). — Descripcion de una nueva especie de Speocropia Hampson ( Acrom -ctiiKu- 1. Ibid. 311-16. — Contribucion al conociemento de las Riodini- dae argentinas. Ibid. 317-74 (k). — Ropaloceros de las Yun- gas de Bolivia Coleccionadas en 1931 por P. C. L. Oenier. Ibid. 374-84. Kiriakoff, S. — Position systematic] ue des Lep- idopteres et les divisions primaires de 1'ordre. [Lambil- lionea, Bruxelles] 46: 21-26. — Principes generaux et criteres de la classification des Lepidopteres. Ibid. 51-64. Koehler, 270 KNTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '47 P. — Especies nuevas de Satyridae y complemento a mi Prodromus. [Physis] 17:443-47. — Contribucion al estudio de los Noctuidae argentinos. Ibid. 449-55 (s*). — Notas sobre Psychidae argentinos. Ibid. 457-71 (k to chrysalids of Zamopsyche). — Parasitos de Psychidae argentinos. Ibid. 474-94, ill. Lemche, H. — The longitudinal* design in the wing-pattern of Lepidoptera, especially in the fore-wing of Ephestia kiihniella (Pyral.). [Entom. meddelelser, Koben- havn] 24 : 305-47, ill. — Some hypotheses concerning the reac- tions of the wing-pattern of Ephestia kiihniella to temperature treatment. Ibid. 347-60. May, Eduardo — Notes on the lep- idopterous fauna of the northern region of the State of Espirito Santo, Brasil. [Physis] 17: 133-36. Miner, F. D. -Life history of the diamond-back moth. [37] 40: 581-83. Munroe, E. G. — Four new Pieridae from the West Indies. [2] 1362: 1-5. Stallings and Turner — Notes on Kansas butterflies with description of a new subspecies. [43] 20: 93-94. Travassos Filho, L. — Estudo atual dos generos Methysia Butler, 1876 e Metamya, novo nome para Paramya Druce 1898 (Ctenuchidae). [Papeis Avulsos Dept. Zool. S. Paulo] 7 : 257-66. Travassos, L. — Contribuiqao ao conheci- mento dos Arctiidae XIII. [Ill] 7: 335-40, ill. (S). Vaz- quez, L. — Papilios nuevos de Mexico. [8] 18: 249-56, ill. Wester and St. George — Life history and control of the webworm Homadaula albizziae. [37] 40: 546-53. Wish- art, G. — (See under Anatomy.) DIPTERA — Alexander, C. P. — New nearctic crane-flies. [23J 79: 68—73. — Tipulidae of the southeastern Pacific. [Occasional Papers Bishop Mus.] 18: 337-47, ill. (*). Bailey, N. S. — (See under Hymenoptera.) Bequaert, J. C. —Catalogue of recent and fossil Nemestrinidae of America north of Mexico. [73] 54 : 194-207. Blanchard, E. E.— Los Sarcofagidos argentinos. Contibucion a su conocimiento. [Physis] 17: 791-856 (k*). Borgmeier, T. — Contribute para o conhecimento de Megaselia (Aphiochaeta) biseriata (Phorid.). [Physis] 17: 99-102, ill. Breland, O. P.— Or- thopodomyia alba in Texas with notes on biology (Culicid). [65] 49: 185-87. Bruch, C. — Contribucion al conocimiento de los tipulidos argentinos. [Physis] 17: 3-28, ill. — Cato- logo de los tipulidos de la Republica Argentina. Ibid. 29-56. Chagnon, G. — A dipterous insect new to Quebec, Acrocera stoyskali. [23] 79: 67. Coppel and House — (See under General.) Curran, C. H. — The Syrphidae of Guadalcanal, with notes on related species. [2] 1364: 1-17 (k*). — New species of Volucella from Hawaii and the U. S. (Syrphidae). Ibid. 1-6 (k*). — New and little known American Tachini- Iviii, '47] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 271 dae. [Bull. Amer. Mas. Xat. .Hist.] 89: 45-122, ill. (k*). Da Costa Lima, A. — Xova especie do genero Rhysops (Syrphidae). [Bol. da Soc. Brasileira de Agronomia] 9: 155-56. ill. — Uma nova mosca de fruta do genero Crypto- dactus (Trypetidae). f Anales Acad. Brasileira de Ciencias] 19: 153-57^, ill. Del Ponte, S.— Revision de los Oestridae argentinos. [Physis] 17: 525-34 (S*). — Identifkacion de Sabethini por medio de tarjetas perforadas. Ibid. 535-41, ill. Fraga G., Alberto — El genero Listriosa de la subfamilia Pangoniinae (Tabanid). [Physis] 17: 149-56, ill. (k). Harnly, M. H. — (See under Anatomy.) Hawbolt, L. S.— Bessa selecta (Dipt., Tachin) as a parasite of Gilpiria her- cyniae (Hym., Diprion). [23] 79: 84-104. Koehler, P.- (See under Lepidoptera.) Kosswig and Shengiin — (See under Anatomy.) Kozhantshikov, V. — (See under Anat- omy.) Linduska and Morton — (See under General.) Merrell, D. J. — (See under Anatomy.) Pritchard, Sea- brook and Mulrennan — The mosquitoes of the Florida Keys. [31] 30 : 8-15. Reinhard, H. J.— New North Amer. muscoid Diptera. [43] 20: 95-116, ill. Ross, H. H.— The mos- quitoes of Illinois. [Bull. 111. Nat. Hist. Survey, Urbana] 24: 1-96, ill. (k). Rozeboom, L. E. — Taxonomic notes con- cerning Phlebotomus osornoi (Psychodid.). [65] 49: 177- 82. Souza Lopes, H. de — Sobre alguns Sarcophagidae de Misiones (Argentina). [Physis] 17: 117-24. — Sobre o genero Notochaeta Aldrich, 1916, com deseric,6es de duas especies novas do Amazonas. [Ill] 7: 375-82, ill. Stu- ardo, C. O. — Algunas anotaciones sobre los Nemestrinidae de la Republica Argentina. [Physis] 17: 77-94. Ungu- reanu and Shute — The value of the wing scales as an aid to the taxonomy of adult Anopheles maculipennis. [69] 16: 79-85, ill. Walshe, B. M. — Feeding mechanisjns of Chiron- omus larvae. [53] 160: 474, ill. COLEOPTERA— Dallas, E. D.— Anomalia simetrica en un Eucranium arachnoides (Scarab). [Physis] 17:275-78. — Monographia de Calosoma (Castrida) argentinense (Carab.). [Physis] 17: 771-89, ill. (*). Denier, P. C. L.- De Coccinellidis Bethesianis. Typorum speciarium Re- censio. [Physis] 17: 568-87. Gressitt, J. L. — Notes on the Lepturinae. [65] 49: 190-92. Judd, W. W.— (See under Anatomy.) Mulnard, J. — (See under Anatomy.) Oglob- lin, A. A. — Un Oedomerido perjudicial a la yerba mate (Copidita argentina). [Physis] 17: 27-44, ill. Robinson, M. — Two new species of Scarabaeidae. [83] 73: 169-71. Gahan and Laing — Furniture beetles, their life history. [Brit. Mus. Econ. Sen] 11: 1-26, ill. 272 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '47 HYMENOPTERA— Bailey, N. S.— Trichupria tabani- vora in Massachusetts (Diapr.). [73] 54: 142. Clancy and Pollard — (See under Hemiptera.) Doutt and Finney— Mass-culture technique for Dibrachys cavus. [37] 40: 577 Guyton, F. E. — (See under General.) Hawbolt, L. S.— (See under Diptera.) Koehler, P. — (See under Lepidop- tera.) MacDonagh, E. J. — Las hormigas Attinae de Pata- gones y rectification de la supuesta Oecodoma de Hudson. [Physis] 17: 211-16, ill. Milliron, H. E.— A new aphelinid egg parasite of the Saratoga spittlebug, A. saratogensis. [65] 49: 193-97, ill. (k). Ogloblin, A. A.— Descripcion de un genero nuevo de la familia Mymaridae. [Physis] 17: 17-26, ill. — Descripciones de Bethylidae y Dryinidae de las Colecciones del Museo Argentine de Ciencias naturales. [Anales Musco Argentino de Cien.] 50: 33-48. ill. (k*). Pate, V. S. L. — A revision of the genus Arigorytes (Sphe- cid). [23] 79: 51-56 (k*). Simmonds, F. J.— (See under Anatomy.) Viana, M. J. — Notas sobre la biologia de Para- pechthis bazani Blanchard. [Physis] 17:261-64. Walley, G. S. — The genus Casinaria Holmgren in America n. of Mexico (Ichneumonidae). [Sci. Agriculture] 27: 364-95, ill. (k*). Williams, F. X. — Aculeate wasps of Fiji. [Oc- casional Papers of Bishop Mus.] 18: 317-36 (*). Reviews INSECTS AND HUMAN WELFARE. An account of the more important relations of insects to the health of man, to agricul- ture, and to forestry. By Charles T. Brues. Harvard Uni- versity Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, revised edition, 1947. Pp. x'iii + 154, 14 figures. Price. $2.50. The five chapters of this book deal with the relation of insects to public health and in relation to the food supply, with forest insects and with household insects and with a brief account of the outlook for the future. Considering the modest size of the volume, the amount of information included is really amazing. Dr. Brues writes in such a readable style and uses such dis- armingly straightforward and completely non-technical language that the average reader will probably never realize the great amount of careful preparation that must have gone into this book, or how comprehensive it is, how scientifically accurate and up-to-the-minute. — R. G. SCHMIEDER. Iviii, '47 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 273 SEXUAL BEHAVIOR IN THE HUMAN MALE. By Alfred C. Kin- sey, Wardell B. Pomeroy, and Clyde E. Martin. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia and London, 1948. Pp. xv 4- 787. Price, $6.50. It is the author's name rather than the subject that brings this notice into ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS. Entomologists that are familiar with the work of Professor Kinsey of Indiana Univer- sity on gall-wasps will doubtless be astonished at the subject- matter of his latest publication but they will not, however, be unprepared to find that he has done an exceedingly good job. Indeed, Professor Kinsey 's long preoccupation with the rigorous procedures he followed in his population studies in the genus Cynips probably provided a better training than would an equal amount of time as a sociologist. The study of human behavior patterns, often complexly combined in single individuals and varying from individual to individual and varying also at dif- ferent social levels presents problems very different from but in many ways analagous to the study of variation in a group of morphological characters in an insect species in different parts of its range. From 1920 to 1938, Dr. Kinsey had- published well over 1000 pages on the gall-wasps, including his monograph on Cynips (1930) in which he traced the phylogeny of the various eastern species through chains of species spreading from the southwest. Later, in "Origin of Higher Categories in Cynips" (1936) he traced the origins of these down through Mexico and Guatemala and found that practically all forms were brought together in two or three continuous chains. From these studies he developed the idea of an infrequently dividing chain of existing species rather than the traditional evolutionary "tree." The higher categories are then sections of the chain rather than groups of twigs whose parent branches are hypo- thetical and extinct. Kinsey's conclusions were built up on a foundation of a thorough and exacting study of individual variation over the entire range of each species. The present book is "a fact-finding survey in which an at- tempt is being made to discover what people do sexually and what factors account for differences in behavior among indi- viduals and among various segments of the population." In it Dr. Kinsey's thoroughness and method are again evident. The data are based on 5300 individual histories and are presented in the form of 173 graphs, 151 tables, 48 pages of clinical tables and 27 pages of tables and computations on sample size. The work was supported by the Rockefeller Foundation and by Indiana University. Without doubt the book will arotisc much comment both pro and con; its subject matter has never before been dealt with in such a comprehensive way and people will have to get used to being better informed. — R. G. SCHMIEDER. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Chrysididae — Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Marker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. Ants of the tribe Dacetini (Strinnigcnys, Rhopalothrlx and related genera) wanted for world revision. W. L. Brown, Jr., Harvard Uni- versity Biological Laboratories, Cambridge 38, Mass. Mallophaga (on which immediate determination is not necessary) wanted for study and determination. R. L. Edwards, Dept. Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. INDEX TO VOLUME LVIII (* Indicates ne\v genera, species, names, etc.) ALBERT, R. O. Another case of injury to the human eye by the walking stick, Anisomorpha (Phasmidae) 57 ALEXANDER, C. P. Undescribed species of crane-flies from the western United States and Canada (Diptera: Tipulidae) . Part VII 61 Idem, Part VIII 205 ARNETT, R. H., JR. Epiperipatus braziliensis (Bouvier) on Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone 59 BANKS, N. A letter to the news 145 BERNER, L. Observations on the mating of Ficalbia (Mi- momyia) splendens (Theo.) 101 Unusual larval habitat of Ficalbia (Mimomyia) splen- dens (Theo.) and Aedomyia africana N.-L 92 BLISS, R. Q. (See under Moul) BRADLEY, J. C. News from Italy 19 BROWN, W. L., JR. A note upon two neglected species of Formica Linn. (Hym. : Formicidae) 6 BURKS, B. D. New reared species of Tetrastichus. (Hy- menoptera : Chalcidoidea) 85 CALVERT, P. P. Charles Liebeck (obituary) 165 How far can a fly fly ? 237 Odonata of voyages under the auspices of the New York Zoological Society 227 Samuel Francis Aaron (obituary) 137 CHAMBERLIX, R. V. A few chilopods taken in Panama by N. L. H. Krauss 146 A new geophilid centiped taken at the Mexican border . . 260 On some millipeds from Micronesia 41 CHERMOCK, R. L. A revisional study of the Euptychia pyracmon group 193 Notes on North American Enodias (Lepidoptera) 29 COOK, C. Notes on the genus Somatochlora collected in Kentucky and Tennessee (Odonata: Cordulinae) 127 (275) 276 INDEX [Dec., '47 COOKE, H. G. Swarm behavior of Hexagenia atrocaudata in relation to temperature and relative humidity (Ephem- eroptera) 221 CRESSON, E. T., JR. Review: Fleas of western North America 246 DENNING, D. G. New species of Trichoptera from the United States 249 ENNS, W. R. A note on the occurrence of the flea. Cor- rodopsylla hamiltoni Traub, on shrews 212 EVANS, H. E. Two new spider wasps from southwestern United States (Hymenoptera : Pompilidae) 10 FREEMAN, H. A. New skipper records for the United States 184 FROTA-PESSOA, O. Concerning Drosophila mallochi Frota Pessoa 151 FULLER, H. S. Review : Pulgas. Bibliografia, catalogo e animas por elas sugados 244 GROSKIN, H. Nocturnal activities and notes of the ant Lasius (Acanthomyops) inter jectus Mayr 67 HABER, V. R. The appearance of two species of exotic cockroaches in Center County, Pennsylvania 101 HATCH, M. H. Reflections on the subspecies 168 HAYES, W. P. and PEH-! CHANG. The larva of Pleocoma and its systematic position (Coleoptera: Pleocomidae) . . 117 HODGE, C. IV. (See under Moul) JINSHENG, L. Institutum Entomologicum Choui 243 JOHANNSEN, O. A. A new species of Hydrobaenus (Chaetocladius) from Connecticut with notes on related forms. (Diptera : Chironomidae) 171 KNOWLTON, G. F. A new Macrosiphum from Chryso- thamnus 47 KNULL, J. N. A new species of Hippomelas with notes on two other Buprestidae (Coleoptera) 210 New Elateridae with notes on Eucnemidae (Coleoptera) 177 Two new Elateridae (Coleoptera) 90 KORDA, F. H. (See under Richards) LA RIVERS I. Some synonymy in Coniotellus (Coleop- tera : Tenebrionidae) 213 Iviii. '47] INDEX 277 MOECK, A. H. A new subspecies of Speyeria atlantis (Edwards) from New Mexico (Lepidoptera: Nympha- lidae) 73 MOUL, E. T. Pink katydid (Amblycorypha oblongifolia De G.) at Woods Hole, Massachusetts 4 MOUL, E. T., R. Q. BLISS, C. HODGE, M. E. PHILLIPS. J. W. H. REHN and H. K. TOWNES. JR. Current En- tomological Literature 21, 50, 78, 105, 132. 157. 187, 215. 238, 267 PATE, V. S. L. Astata in the Caribbees (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae) 230 On the Gorytine wasps of the West Indies (Hymenop- ter : Sphecidae) 93 On the identity of Entomobora Gistel, 1857 (Hymenop- tera : Psammocharidae) 16 PHILLIPS, M. E. (See under Moul) RAU, P. A note on the swarming of Stelopolybia pallipes var. anceps de Sauss 170 Life history notes on the wood-roach, Ischnoptera dero- peltiformis Brunner 1 REHN, J. A. G. The relationship of the neotropical acri- dine locust genus Machaerocera (Orthoptera: Acrididae ; Acridinae) 113 REHN, J. W. H. Review : Insect Microbiology 83 (See under Moul) REMINGTON, P. S. Notes on the type locality of Speyeria egleis secreta dos Passos and Grey 99 RICHARDS, A. G. Sterility in insects 262 RICHARDS, A. G. and F. H. KORDA. Electron micrographs of centipede setae and microtrichia 141 ROBINSON, M. A Canthon with an abnormal tibia 259 A new food supply for Latrodectes mactans 258 A new species of Stenocrates from Central America . . . 233 Notes on a few Scarabaeidae 1 49 SABROSKY, C. W. Rhodesiella : A genus new to the West- ern Hemisphere. (Diptera : Chloropidae) 174 278 INDEX [Dec., '47 SCHMIEDER, R. G. More about dancing bees 152 Review : Chemical insect attractants and repellents .... 247 Review : Insects and human welfare 273 Review : Pacific Science 20 Review : Sexual behavior in the human male 274 SHAPPIRIO, D. G. Notes on District of Columbia wasps .. 18 STABLER, R. M. Megarhinus septentrionalis from Penn- sylvania 232 STALLINGS, D. B. and J. R. TURNER. Texas Lepidoptera (with description of a new subspecies) 36 STEYSKAL, G. C. Distributional notes on Lauxaniidae mostly from the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (Diptera) 72 Summa Brasiliensis Biologiae 20 The distribution by states of United States insect col- lection records 1 54 TOWNES, H. K., JR. (See under Moul) TURNER, J. R. (See under Stallings) WEISS, H. B. Field releases of Microplectron fusipennis Zett. in New Jersey 19 Recollections about Samuel Francis Aaron 235 Production of Macrocentrus ancylivorus Rohw. in New Jersey (Hymen.) 19 WHITE, B. E. A new species of Taphrocerus (Coleop- tera : Buprestidae) 181 WHITNEY, R. C. Notes on Tanypteryx hageni 103 WOOD, S. L. (See Knowlton) GENERAL SUBJECTS Centipede setae, electron mi- Abnormal tibia in Canthon .. 259 crographs 141 Ants, nocturnal activity 67 Collections, distribution of by Attractants and repellents (re- States 154 vjew) 247 Current Entomological Litera- Australian locusts 49 ture . .21, 50, 78, 105, 132, 157, Bees, dancing 152 187, 215, 238, 267 Bees, language of 152 DDT and malaria in Italy 76 Black widow, food of 258 Distribution of insect collec- Bologna, war damage 19 tions 156 Iviii, '47] INDEX 279 Dragonfly larval habitat .... 103 Electron micrographs of setae and microtrichia 141 Entomological Departments, Minnesota 263 Eye injury by walking-stick . . 57 Flies, flight distance 237 Insect microbiology (review) . 83 Insects and human welfare ( review ) 273 Institutum Entomologicum Choui 243 International Congress 104 Italy, news from 19 Katydid, pink 4 Larval habit of Ficalbia .... 92 Larva of Plcocoma 117 Macroccntnts production 19 Malaria in Italy 76 Mayflies swarming 221 Minnesota, entomology at Univ. of 264 Mosquitoes, mating 101 Museum, Hamburg 105 New journals 20 Nocturnal activity, ants 67 Pacific Science 20 Pcripatus habits 59 Peru, request for data 156 Pink katydid 4 Plcocoma larva 117 Relationship in Machacroccra 113 Releases of Mlcroplcctron ... 19 Rockefeller Foundation 76 Sterility in insects 262 Subspecies, reflections on the. 168 Summa Brasiliensis 20 Swarm behavior, mayflies . . . 221 Swarming of Stelopolybia ... 170 Tanypteryx biology 103 von Frisch's work on bees ... 152 War damage, Bologna 19 War damage, Hamburg Mu- seum 105 Wasp notes 18 Wood roach, life history .... 1 OBITUARY NOTICES Aaron, S. F 49, 137, 235 Finzi, Dr 19 Gestro, Dr 19 Liebeck, C 165 PERSONALS Chou lo 243 Cresson, E. T.. Jr 98, 145 Grandi, G 19 Haber, V. R 104 Krciber, 0 105 Miller, E. M 204 Rehn. J. A. G 49 ( See list of entomologists at Minnesota) 266 REVIEWS Chemical insect attractants and repellents 247 Coleopterist's Bulletin 110 Fleas of Western North Amer- ica 245 Insect Microbiology 83 Insects and Human welfare . . 273 Lepidopterist's News Ill Pacific Science 20 Plant Diseases 214 Pulgas, Bibliografia, catalogo e animas por elas sugados .... 244 Sexual behavior in the human male 274 Summa Braziliensis 20 Systema Naturae 110 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Arizona: Dipt. 209; Hym. ... 14 Bahamas : Odon 230 Bermuda : Odon 229 California: Col. 183, 210: Dipt. 63, 65, 67, 206, 208: Homop. 48; Hym 14, 16 Colorado, Hym 16 Connecticut : Dipt 172 280 INDEX [Dec., '47 Florida: Col. 179; Lepid. 134 Galapagos : Odon 227 Georgia: Col. 179; Trich. 250, 251, 252, 254, 256 Guatemala : Col 234 Idaho : Homop 48 Illinois: Hym 86, 89 Kentucky: Odon 128, 129, 130 Mexico : Chilopod 260 ; Col. . . 212 Micronesia : Milliped. .44, 45, 46, 47 Minnesota : Tricbop 250, 252 Nevada : Homop 48 New Jersey: Col 150 New Mexico: Lepid. 73, 200; Hym 14, 16 North Carolina: Dipt. 73, 175: Lepid. 34; Trich 257 Ohio: Col. ..91, 178, 179. 180, 181 Oklahoma: Col 179 Oregon : Homop 48 Panama : Chilopods 147 ; Col. 234 Pennsylvania : Col. 90, 149, 178; Dipt. 232; Orth 101 South Carolina: Col. 150, 179; Lepid. 34 ; Trich 256 Tennessee : Dipt. 72, 73 ; Odon. 128, 130, 131 Texas: Col. 178, 180; Lepid.. 36, 184 Utah: Homop 47, 48 Vermont : Col 149 Washington : Homop 48 West Indies: Hym. ...94, 96, 230 COLEOPTERA allegliensis* Dalopius 90 amoenicornis, Dcltometopus . . 181 bicarinatus* Stcnocralcs .... 233 bicolor, Aphodius 150 brnnncata* Hippoinclas 210 castanca, Antoserica 258 Coniontellus, synonymy 213 gcorgiana, Phyllophaga 151 guttcitits, Aphodius 149 inflatus, Coniontellus 213 insculptus, A ta en his 150 lataflara, Acniaeodora 211 manitobensis, Aphodius 149 mercedensis,* Taphroccrus . . 182 meridianiis,* Limonius 177 multistigmosa, Chrysobothris . . 211 nigriconiis, Canthon 259 ohioensis* Dalopius 91 olentangyi* Limonius 179 pcctinattis, Dirhayus 181 pcnctrans, Nematodcs 181 Plcocoma. larva of 117 Plcocoma, systematic position 117 pubic ollis, Limonius 178 robinsoni* Liidius 180 ruficoniis, Isorhipis 180 nifipcs, Deltometopus 181 wenseli, Ataenius 150 DIPTERA Aedomyia, habitat 92 acgypti, Acdcs 77 nfricana, Aedomyia 92 ajricamts, Aedcs 77 britnleyi* Rhodesiclla* 174 circnlaris* Tipula 64 curtirostris* Elcphantomyia . . 208 cylindricornis, Lau.vania 73 domcstica, Musca 237 Ficalbia, habitat 92 Ficalbia, mating of 101 Flies, flight distance 237 fraterna, Homoneura 72 hirtiloba* Phyllolabis 66 Iwuglii, Homoneura 72 Hydrobacmts, key to some east- ern males 173 labranchiac. Anopheles 76 Lauxaniidae in Great Smoky Mts 72 Inpiilina, Minettia 73 magna, Minettia 73 mallochi, Drosophila 151 uiclanogaster, Drosophila .... 262 muscaria, Xenochaetina 73 intpta* Limnopliila 207 Iviii. '47] INDEX 281 Onychaspidium 176 opaca, Lauxaniclla 73 palmarum* Tipula 61 palustris, Drosophila 151 Rlwdfsiclla* 175 septentrionalis, Megarhinus . . 232 scquoicola* Tipula 205 simpsoni, Acdes 77 splendens, Ficalbia 92, 101 stawfordi,* Hydrobaemts 171 Tipula (Hesperotipula*) 63 triz'ittata, Lauxaniclla 73 •i'nmitoria, Calliphora 237 HOMOPTERA aaroni* Macrosiphum 47 chhrophaimts, Capitophorus . . 48 elongatus, Capitophorus 48 gregarius, Capitophorus 48 magnautensis, Capitophorus . . 48 ocstlnndi, Capitophorus 48 palmcrac, Capitophorus 48 ntrnstis, Capitophorus 48 xcrnzooiis, Capitophorus 48 HYMENOPTERA aes-tiz'alis, Entomobora 17 alaya* Psammaecius 96 ancylh'orus, Macrocentrus .... 19 anthophitus,* Tctrastichus ... 85 Ants, nocturnal habits of .... 67 atcrrima, Formica -8 Bees, language of -....- 152 dominica* Astata 230 Entomobora 16 fitsca dcnsii'cntris, Formica . . 7 fuscipcnnis, Microplectron ... 19 Gorytine wasps of West Indies 93 hcspcrius* Tctrastichus 88 intcrjcctiis, Lasins 67 Jamaica * Ochleroptera 94 latimana, Didineis 18 luctuosutti. Podium 18 mcllifica. Apis 152 Nocturnal habits of Lasiux . 67 orophilits* Pompilus 14 sqitamosa, Vcspula, habits .... 18 xerophilus,* Anoplius 10 LEPIDOPTERA alccstis oslari, Strymon 40 asandcr form panthhis. Aguna 185 atlantis dorothca* Speyeria . . 73 bcgga pyralina, Gorgythiott . . 186 ccstri, Thccla 39 chitiaticnsis, Mditaca 36 cliinayicnsis, Pseudohazis .... 41 chiron, Timctcs 37 cliiias, Euptychia 200 clytie, Strymon 39 clyton louisa* Astcrocampa . . 38 costimaculata, PcUicia 185 dorothca, Euptychia 196 r(j!eis sccreta, Speyeria 99 Enodius notes 29 cnlalia, Hctcrochroa 37 Euptychia, subg. Cytlopsis, key 201 i-nrydicc appalachia* Lethe (Enodia) 33 gemma, Euptychia 197 hcdemanni, Euptychia 200 Hesperiidae, new records .... 184 I cilia codes, Asterocampa .... 27 Lethe, checklist , 35 lycophrcm pallas, Papilio .... 36 nayarit* Euptychia 198 nclsoni, Euptychia 200 pastor, Strymon 39 pephredo, Euptychia 196 pyracmon, Euptychia 195 simaethis sarita, Strymon .... 40 simplex, Adopacoides 41 spurina, Thccla 39 Texas Lepid 36 ODONATA filosa, Somatochlora 130 hagcni, Tanyptcryx 103 linearis, Somatochlora 128 Odonata of voyages 227 282 INDEX [Dec., '47 provocans, Somatochlora .... 129 Somatochlora of Kentucky and Tennessee 127 Tanypteryx, habits 103 tcnebrosa, Somatochlora 129 williamsoni, Somatochlora . . . 131 ORTHOPTERA Amblycorypha 4 australasiae, Pcriplancta 101 Australian locusts, revision . . 49 deropeltiformis, Iscluwf>tcra . . 1 jcrruginea, Anisomorpha .... 57 Ischnoptera, life history 1 Katydid, pink 4 Machaerocera, relationships of 113 oblougifolia, Amblycorypha .. 4 Phasmid, eye-injury by 57 supellectilium, Supclla 101 Wood-roach, life history 1 SMALLER ORDERS atrocaudata, Hexagenia 211 bidentata* Hydropsychc 254 celta* Nyctiophlax 251 daggi* Athripsodcs 254 Fleas of the world (review) . . 244 Fleas of western North Amer- ica ( review ) 246 georgiana,* Protoptila 250 hamiltoni, Corrodopsylla (Si- phon.) 212 Hexagenia swarming behavior 211 Isonychia swarming 226 nioselyi* Chimarra 251 rileyi* Lcpldostoma 257 salons, Ncophyla.r 256 tahla* Protoptila 249 Trichoptcra 249 wabasha* Cheumatopsyche . . . 252 NON-HEXOPODA anncctus* Cryptops (Chilop.) 146 Apoxcmis* (Diplopod) 46 Apungttis* (Chilopod) 260 brazUiensis, Epipcripatits .... 59 bret'ilabiatus, Orphnacits 149 Centipede, electron micrographs of setae and microtrichia . . . 141 Cyochilus* (Chilop.) 147 forceps, Scittigcra 141 Latrodcctes, food of 258 lissior* Polyconoccras 44 ma.rillaris, Mecistocephahts . . 149 Millipeds from Micronesia ... 41 micronesius,* Apo.rcmts* 46 panamicola* Cymochihis* .... 148 pcripatus, habitat 59 prosoicns*, Apnnguis* (Chi- lop.) 260 Schendylidae (Chilop.), key to genera 147 toztmesi* Trucobolus* 43 Trucobolus* (Milliped) 41 utagahts* Trigoninlus 45 "siridis, Scolopendra 146 ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1138. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the neotropical Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Notiphilinae (73: 35-61, 1947) $ .90 1142. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Noti- philinae (73: 105-124, 1947) 50 HYMENOPTERA 1137. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The Pemphilidine wasps of the Caribbces (73: 1-33, 1 pi., 1947) 85 COLEOPTERA 1145. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — The tribe Dorcaschematini (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) (73: 173-298, 6 pis., 1947) 3.45 1139. — Green (J. W.) — New Eastern Amer. sp. of Podabrus (73: 63-76, figs., 1947) 35 1144. — Robinson (M.) — Two new spp. of Scarabaeidae (73: 169- 171, 1947) 20 1146. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the United States (73: 299-305, 1947) 20 LEPIDOPTERA 1141. — Darlington (E. P.) — Notes on certain types of Lcpidoptera described by Brackenriclge Clemens (73: 85-104, 1947) ... .50 1140. — Williams (J. L.) — The anatomy of the internal genitalia of Fumea Casta Pallas (73: 77-84, figs., 1947) 20 TRICHOPTERA 1143. — Ross (H. H.) — Descriptions and records of No. Amcr. Tri- choptera, with synoptic notes (73: 125-168, 7 pis., 1947) .. 1.40 ODONATA 1147. — Needham (J. G.) — Studies on the No. Amer. spp. of the genus Gomphus (Odonata) (73: 307-339, fig., 1 pi., 1947) 85 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOLUME LIX, 1948 PHILIP P. CALVERT, EDITOR EMERITUS R. G. SCHMIEDER, EDITOR EDITORIAL STAFF E. T. CRESSON, JR. E. F. J. MARX J. A. G. REHN A. G. RICHARDS, JR. E. T. MOUL PUBLISHED BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA, U. S. A. 1948 The numbers of ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS for 1948 were mailed at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., as follows : No. 1— January March 9, 1948 No. 2— February April 22, 1948 No. 3— March May 24, 1948 No. 4— April July 2, 1948 No. 5— May July 29, 1948 No. 6— June September 29, 1948 No. 7— July November 1, 1948 No. 8— October December 23, 1948 No. 9 — November January 17, 1949 The date of mailing the December, 1948, number will be announced on the last page of the issue for January, 1949. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS UIV. I«3. JANUARY 1948 »•«• MATL- tws< Vol. LIX CONTENTS WAR 1^1948 Hull — Some neotropical syrphids 1 Edmunds — The nymph of Ephoron album 12 Sherman — Coreidae of South Carolina 15 Notice — Ashmead's types Entomological Literature 17 Review — The Blowflies of North America 27 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers: Domestic, $3.00; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $ 2.50 $ 4.50 $ 6.50 $10.00 Five Issues 9.00 17.00 24.00 42.00 Ten Issues 16.00 30.00 42.00 72.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication". It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2.75; 100 copies, $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies, $5.23. 9-12 pages; 25 copies. $6.88; 50 copies, $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03; additional at .022 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.20: additional at .0165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LIX JANUARY, 1948 No. 1 Some Neotropical Species of Syrphids By F. M. HULL, University of Mississippi Recent material submitted to the author for study discloses a number of undescribed neotropical flies belonging to the genus Baccha. This paper presents the descriptions of these species. Baccha estrelita n. sp. A small species without tubercle, the pterostigma without a brown basal spot. Related to gracilis Williston. Length 6 mm. Male. Head: vertex and front bright brassy in color, the vertex with several black hairs in front and several yellow hairs behind. The frontal pile is light brownish red. There is a small faintly roughened ridge in the middle of the front and some sparse, yellowish brown pollen on either side. The face is brassy, narrow, barely more narrow below than across the an- tennae, without tubercle and is sparsely yellowish white pollinose with short yellowish white pile. The antennae are brownish orange, blackish on the dosal third of the third segment; arista blackish. The posterior margin of the occiput lacks a lateral central indentation. Thorax: mesonotum, scutellum and pleura deep, bright brassy to golden brown in color, the pile erect and pale yellow, brownish red on the mesopleura, though pale, and on the margin of the scutellum there is a pair of long slender bristles. The mesonotum is quite convex and non-vittate ; the squamae and halteres are reddish brown, slbdonicn: first seg- ment brassy, the second long, slender, subcylindrical, brassy on the sides, rather dull and nearly opaque along the entire dorsal surface except on either side of the base of this segment. This subopaque color is also faintly brassy. Upon the third segment (0 2 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '48 the basal fourth is light yellowish brown and subtranslucent ; the remainder of the segment is dark sepia. Fourth segment with the basal third light yellowish brown and with a quite short, medial, posterior, rounded production from this light colored basal fascia. Remainder of segment brassy sepia. The pile along the sides of the first and second segments is quite long and reddish golden ; the pile on the third and fourth segments is shorter, appressed, black on the black areas, yellow on the basal fascia. Legs: first two legs entirely brownish yellow. Hind femora elongated and gradually dilated apically, yellowish on the basal half becoming slightly and faintly more brownish apically and with a clefinite though pale brown subapical an- nulate band. The hind tibiae are brown, the base, middle and apex light reddish or yellowish brown, the intervening areas scarcely darker; hind tarsi medium brown. Wings: uniformly tinged with pale brown ; pterostigma dark brown without basal brown spots ; alulae narrow but distinct. Female. In general similar to the male but the front and vertex are bluish in reflection, the sides of the front quite widely pollinose; the stripes of pollen are sharply delimited and clear; face metallic black in ground color. The mesonotum and es- pecially the scutellum are bright, shining blue black ; the pos- terior half of the mesopleura and the anterior half of sternopleura are brownish yellow ; remainder of pleura metallic black, per- haps faintly brassy. First and second segments of abdomen bright steel blue, third and fourth segments with basal yellowish brown fascia rather similar to those in the male. The fourth segment of the female does not have any trace of a pale median vitta. Holotype: a male, Buenos Aires, Trinidad Mts., CUBA, June 1939, C. T. Parsons. Allotypc: a female and paratypcs with the same data. Type in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Baccha plutonia n. sp. Related to trinidadensis Cumin. The pattern and propor- tions of the abdominal segments are different. Length 8 mm. lix, '48J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Female. Head: vertex steel bluish with a single row of black hairs. The front is steel blue in the middle and below, quite polished and somewhat purplish on the upper half with a semicircular spot of white pollen on either side on the eye mar- gins ; just in front of the antennal callus there is a deep, trans- verse, slightly arched crease ; the callus is yellowish brown. The face is somewhat bluish black in the middle and faintly and ob- scurely yellowish brown beside each eye margin just below the prominent tubercle. The antennae and arista are sepia, the third segment a little reddish below. Thorax: the mesono- tum is dark sepia brown with a pair of scarcely discernible blackish stripes on either side and a short, rather wide, widely separated reddish brown pollinose stripe also on either side of the anterior margin which does not appear to reach even to the transverse suture. The notopleura are sparsely whitish pollinose and the same sparse pollen is continued broadly down the dark reddish brown pleura. The mesonotal pile is erect but sparse and there is perhaps a sparse white collar of pile anteriorly along the mesonotum which is evanescent or denuded in the middle. It appears to be considerably longer than the ad- jacent pile. The pleural pile is sparse but rather long and light yellow. The scutellum is shining dark sepia brown, the pile on the disk quite sparse but whitish and rather long and erect ; the ventral fringe consists of about four long pale hairs. Squamae brownish white with dark brown fringe; halteres with opaque whitish knob. Abdomen: quite slender and subcylindrical on the second segment, the first segment and the sides of the sec- ond segment sepia with a bluish reflection. The apical fifth of the second segment is reddish sepia with an opaque blackish band just in front and there is an elongate opaque blackish spot in the middle of the segment a short distance from the base. The third segment is considerably expanded apically, dark brown, the basal corners pale brownish yellow scarcely visible except from the sides ; the third segment has a large, central, posteriorly, medially indented, opaque brown triangle; fourth segment with a large somewhat oval opaque brown spot on either side in the middle of the segment; fifth and sixth segments dark shining sepia. Legs: anterior and middle- legs light brown, the base. 4 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS (Jan., '48 apex and a narrow band across tbe middle of their femora ob- scurely yellowish, their tibiae brown in the middle, narrowly and obscurely yellow at base and apex, their tarsi yellow. The hind femora is also light brown except at the base, apex and upon a narrow middle band, where it is diffusely yellowish. Hind tibiae widely brown in the middle, the base and apex narrowly yellow- ish. The hind basitarsi are pale reddish brown on the basal half ; remainder of the hind tarsi pale yellow with yellowish pile. The pile of the hind femora and tibiae is almost entirely blackish. Wings: with the basal third diffusely tinged with pale brown, the remainder of the wing nearly or quite hyaline ; ptero- stigma pale brownish yellow ; alulae well-developed, tinged with brown. Holotypc: a female, Covendo, BOLIVIA, W. N. Mann, 1921. Paratypc: a female with the same data. Holotypc in the U. S. National Museum. Baccha asthenia n. sp. A small, slender species related to gracilis Williston. Ptero- stigma with a large, dark brown spot at the base, the yellow band of fourth segment without continuing vittae. Length 6 mm. Male. Head: vertex brassy black, the front. quite brassy with a minute, medial ridge and a small, low black, tuberculate spot above the antennae. The sides of the front are yellowish grey pollinose, the pile quite long and reddish yellow ; the face is without tubercle, is very short and scarcely noticeable in profile and quite brassy in color ; it is thinly brownish yellow pollinose with short pale yellow pile. The antennae are short, light brownish orange, the upper third of the third segment dark brown, the arista light brown. Thorax: mesonotum very con- vex, the entire thorax and scutellum very strongly brassy, and non-vittate. the mesonotal pile rather long, erect and reddish yellow. The margin of scutellum has several quite long, fine, reddish hairs ; squamae and fringe brown ; knob of halteres brown. Abdomen: slender on the basal half, the second seg- ment long, slender and quite cylindrical, its sides nearly parallel, the apex barely wider than the middle of the segment and the lix, '48 1 KNTOMOLOGICAL .\K\VS 5 immediate base a little wider. The second segment is twelve times as long as its narrowest width. The first segment is brassy black, the second one black and faintly brassy becoming a little more shining on the sides and faintly greenish basally. The third segment has a fascia of brownish yellow occupying the basal fifth of the segment which is complete and entire. Third segment over twice as wide at the apex as at the base ; fourth segment rounded, elongate oval, the third and fourth to- gether forming an expanded structure of convex club-shaped appearance. The base of the fourth segment has a wide, com- plete, brownish yellow fascia occupying nearly a third the length of the segment. The pile upon the sides of the second segment and the first segment is very long and reddish yellow ; on the remainder of the abdomen it is short and mostly black- ish but yellow upon the light colored fascia. Legs: first two pairs of legs entirely yellow, the hind femora long, slender, and brownish yellow and slightly expanded apically and subapically with a wide dark sepia band. The hind tibiae are brownish yellow and brown upon the middle third, the hind tarsi en- tirely brown. ITings: distinctly tinged with brown throughout with a diffuse infuscated spot upon the anterior cross vein and upon the mediocubital cross vein ; pterostigma brown with elongate sepia brown spot at its base ; alulae present but narrow. Holotypc: a male, Nova Teutonia, BRAZIL, collected by Fritz Plaumann. Paratypes: ten males with the same data and col- lector. The holotype is in the collection of Dr. C. L. Fluke ; paratypes in the collections of Dr. Fluke and the author. Baccha leucopoda n. sp. A slender, spatulate species with a large brown triangle in the middle of the wing and the base of the wings anteriorly brown. Hind legs black, the hind tarsi white apically. Re- lated to f/ (Nitidulidae). [60) 23: 134-36. ill. Hayes and Liu— (See under Anatomy.) Leclercq, J. — (See under Anatomy.) Houghton, F.— Say's blister beetles. [18] 42: 103-5. Judd, W. W.— (See under Anatomy.) Palm, N. B.— -(Set- under Anatomy.) Ray, E. — Studies on X. Amer. Morclel- 26 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Jan., '48 lidae. [60J 23: 121-31 (*). Rees, B. E.— Taxonomy of the larvae of some N. Amer. Noviini (Coccinellidae). [60 1 23 : 113-119, ill. (k). Van Dyke, E. C.— A European weevil newly introduced into San Francisco Bay region. [60] 23: 96. Wigglesworth, V. B.- — (See under Anatomy.) HYMENOPTERA— Barr and Kurd— Notes on the Dasymufilla of the Palo Verde valley, Cal., with the de- scription of a new species (Mutillidae). [60] 23: 85-90. Beacher, J. N. — (See under Lepidoptera.) Cockerell, T. D. A. — A new bee from the Marshall Islands. [60] 23: 68-70. Finney, Flanders and Smith — (See under Anat- omy.) Gaul, A. T. — Additions to vespine biology III : Notes on the habits of Vespula squamos. [18| 42: 87-96. Lanham, U. N. — Descriptive notes on two species of An- drena from California (Apoidea). [60] 23: 71-73. Miles and Beck — (See under Anatomy.) Hurd, P. D., Jr. — Re- description of Agenioideus humilis (Cresson) with notes on its biology (Pompilidae). [60] 23: 132-34. Pate, V. S. L. —On the genera of Philanthine wasps, with the description of a new species from Arizona (Sphecidae). [60] 23: 63- 67 (k). Stannard, L. J., Jr. — A n. sp. of Tenthredo from the Appalachians. [5] 40: 434-36. Weber, N. A.— A re- vision of the N. A. ants of the genus Myrmica with a synop- sis of the Palearctic species I. [5] 40: 437-74 (k*). — (See also under Anatomy.) Whiting, P. W. — (See under Anat- omy.) REVIEW THE BLOWFLIES OF NORTH AMERICA, by David G. Hall. Pages v + 477, 5 color plates, 46 plates, 9 text figures. Pub- lished by the Thomas Say Foundation of the Entomological Society of America. Printed by the Monumental Printing Co., Baltimore, Md., January, 1948. ' Price, $6.50. Obtainable from Prof. J. J. Davis, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind. This attractively bound, monographic revision of the North American blowflies is a work of such comprehensive treatment that it will be a standard and necessary manual for workers in the fields of medical and veterinary entomology and public health, as well as for general entomologists and biologists. The current interest in the potential role of these common flies in the epidemiology of poliomyelitis further enhances the timeli- ness and value of the book. This is the fourth of a series of important entomological books sponsored by the Thomas Say Foundation. Earlier volumes appeared in 1916, 1925, and 1931. IJX, '481 ENTOMOLOGICAL XK\VS The introductory portion occupies approximately forty pages in which the author discusses, in an easily readable style, the history of the classification of blowflies, their importance to man (with particular attention to disease relationships and mvia- sis), control methods, techniques for collecting and studying blowflies, terminology, and variation. The remainder of the volume is an unusually complete taxonomic revision, with a detailed and illustrated account of both external and internal anatomy of male and female genitalia, and of the larval anatomy, keys to the adults and to the mature larvae as far as known, detailed descriptions of the 27 genera and 83 species recognized from North America, fully documented synonymy, descriptions of all known immature stages, and comments under each species on distribution, taxonomic relationship, biology, and economic importance. The section on "Literature Cited," which contains biological references cited in the text, lists slightly over 300 titles. The completely cross referenced index of eleven pages should enable one to locate any generic or specific name or combination that has been used for North American flies of this family. One feature of this volume which will certainly insure the work a permanent place in entomological literature is the wealth of illustrations. All plates, figures, and photographs are the work of the author himself. They are a monument to his in- dustry and ability. Opinions may differ on generic classifica- tion or on the validity of some of the differentiating characters, but the tremendous labor involved in preparing so many excel- lent illustrations of both adults and larvae must command ad- miration. Attention should particularly be called to three important and far-reaching changes in familiar names : ( 1 ) the explanation of the adoption for the American screwworm flies of the generic name Callitroya instead of Cochliotnyia (cf. "Common Names of Insects Approved by the American Association of Economic Entomologists," Jour. Econ. Ent. 39: 435, 439, 1946), (2) the proposal of a new generic name (Apaulina) for the Ameri- can bird nest screwworm flies that have hitherto been called I'rotocalliphora, (3) the use of Phoenicia for most of the green- bottle flies usually called Litcilia, the latter name being re- stricted in this country to a single species, L. illustris, and (4) the use of CalHphora vicina R.D. for the common bluebottle fly that has long been known as Calliphora erythrocephala (Meigen). I.ucilia cacsar, one of the commonest species cited in the Ameri- can literature, is said not to be known to occur in North Amer- ica.— CURTIS \Y. SABROSKY. NOTICE. The December 1947 ii-sue ni KNTO.MOI.OGICAL NH\VS mailed at the Post Office at Lancaster. 1'a. mi February 10, 1948. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Chrysididae — Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. Ants of the tribe Dacetini (Struinigenys, Rhopalotlirix and related genera) wanted for world revision. W. L. Brown, Jr., Harvard Uni- versity Biological Laboratories, Cambridge 38, Mass. Mallophaga (on which immediate determination is not necessary) wanted for study and determination. R. L. Edwards, Dept. Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. Tingidae (Heteroptera) of the world wanted, in alcohol, with host and other ecological data. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. S. Bailey, 16 Neponset Ave., Hyde Park 36, Mass. Bombidae, nearctic and neotropical, wanted for exchange, identi- fication, or purchase. Will exchange in other groups for bumblebees. Earth Maina, Dept. Zool., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago 37, 111. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex^quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1138. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the neotropical Ephydridac. II. The subfam. Notiphilinae (73: 35-61, 1947) $ .90 1142. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Noti- philinae (73 : 105-124, 1947) 50 HYMENOPTERA 1137. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The Pemphilidine wasps of the Caribbees (73: 1-33. 1 pi., 1947) 85 COLEOPTERA 1145. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — The tribe Dorcaschematini (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) (73: 173-298, 6 pis., 1947) 3.45 1139.— Green (J. W.) — New Eastern Amer. sp. of Podabrus (73: 63-76, figs., 1947) .35 1144. — Robinson (M.) — Two new spp. of Scarabaeidae (73: 169- 171, 1947) 20 1146. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the United States (73: 299-305, 1947) 20 LEPIDOPTERA 1141. — Darlington (E. P.) — Notes on certain types of Lepidoptera described by Brackenridge Clemens (73: 85-104, 1947) ... .50 1140. — Williams (J. L.) — The anatomy of the internal genitalia of Fumea Casta Pallas (73: 77-84, figs., 1947) 20 TRICHOPTERA 1143. — Ross (H. H.) — Descriptions and records of No. Amer. Tri- choptera, with synoptic notes (73: 125-168, 7 pis., 1947) .. 1.40 ODONATA 1147. — Needham (J. G.) — Studies on the No. Amer. spp. of the genus Gomphus (Odonata) (73: 307-339, fig., 1 pi., 1947) 85 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS L)IV. FEBRUARY 1O4U us. Vol. LIX No. 2 CONTENTS Weiss— Rudolf William Glaser, 1888-1947 29 Weber — Termite-eating Pheidole larvae 31 Robinson — A new species of Anaides 35 Robinson — A new species of Canthon 37 Hyland — Records of Pennsylvania caddice flies 38 Pate — Minute on Chyphotes Blake 1886 41 Knowlton — Utah Buprestidae 41 Edmunds — The mayfly Lachlania in Utah Brown — Strumigenys karawajewi, new name 44 International meetings 44 Entomological Literature 45 Reviews Chemical insecticides 55 Basic Botanv 55 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3. IS Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943. at the post office at Lancaster. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1, Act of October 3. 1917. authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $ 2.50 $ 4.50 $ 6.50 $10.00 Five Issues 9.00 17.00 24.00 42.00 Ten Issues 16.00 30.00 42.00 72.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be_ furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2. 7X 100 copies. $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies $3 23 9-12 pages; 2i copies. $6.88; 50 copies, $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03; additional at each Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.20; additional at .0165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS. INC.. Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LIX FEBRUARY, 1'MS Xo. 2 Rudolf William Glaser, 1888-1947 On September 4, 1947, at Princeton, X. J., Dr. R. W. Glaser, an associate member of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in the Department of Animal and Plant Pathology for 27 years, died suddenly from a heart attack. Dr. Glaser was born at Catonsville, Maryland in 1888. While a student at the University of Michigan he was employed during the sum- mers of 1909 and 1910 as assistant biologist by the Maryland Shell-Fish Commission. After receiving his A.B. degree from the University of Michigan in 1911, he was assistant entomolo- gist at Harvard from 1911 to 1913 and entomologist of the Bu- reau of Entomology, U. S. Department of Agriculture, from 1912 to 1920. In 1914 he received his Sc.D. degree from Har- vard University and in 1920 he joined the Rockefeller Institute. His studies dealt with such subjects as the wilt disease ' of the gipsy moth and other insects, bacterial diseases of caterpillars, the nature of polyhedral bodies found in insects, growth of insect blood cells in vitro, intracellular bacteria, the effect of food on the longevity and reproduction of flies, the cultivation of bacteriocytes in the German roach, methods for the sterile culture of houseflies, the culture of Neoaplectana glascri, a nematode parasite of the Japanese beetle, biochemical studies on the virus and the inclusive bodies of silkworm jaun- dice, etc., etc. His early papers appeared in Psyche, Journal of Economic Entomology, and Biological Bulletin and his later ones in the Journal of Experimental Zoology, Journal of Ex- perimental Medicine. Journal of Parasitology, Journal of Agri- cultural Research, Journal of Immunology, etc. Some of his work on Neoaplectana (/lascri was published by the Xe\v Jersev 30 ENTOMOLOGICAL XKws [Feb., '48 Department of Agriculture, and in the Journal of the New York Entomological Society. In Edward A. Steinhaus' recent book on "Insect Microbiology" (1946), a partial bibliography of Dr. Glaser's titles includes 25 from 1918 to 1943. Additional titles may be found in "Insect Dietary" (1946) by Charles T. Brues. and in "Entomology with Special Reference to its Ecological Aspects" by J. W. Folsom. revised by R. A. Wardle in 1934. The nematode parasite of the Japanese beetle was discovered in New Jersey during May. 1929 while Dr. Glaser and Dr. Henry Fox were investigating the mortality of grubs. Later Dr. Gotthold Steiner described the nematode as a new genus and species. Because of the possibilities for beetle control in this parasite Dr. Glaser was employed as a consultant by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture on September 1, 1930 and by 1931 he had succeeded in cultivating the nematode on an arti- ficial medium. For the next few years Dr. Glaser planned and directed experimental field introductions. This early work that was conducted at and from the Instiute opened up a new field of insect control and led to the establishment at White Horse, N. J.. in the spring of 1934, of a parasite laboratory by the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. This laboratory cultured the nematodes on a large scale and made introductions in various parts of the state. When the nematode introductions were finished work was started with other insect parasites, and Dr. Glaser was retained as consultant until his death. Dr. Glaser was a member of the American Society of Para- sitologists, the Washington Academy, the Cambridge Entomo- logical Club, the Michigan Chapter of Sigma Xi, and a fellow of the Entomological Society of America and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Interment was at Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Glaser was a careful, well-informed, active investigator, and an agreeable, intellectual companion whose opinions, judg- ment, and research work always merited the respect and con- sideration of his co-workers. H. B. WEISS ix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL XKVVS 31 Termite-Eating Pheidole Larvae (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) By NEAL A. WEBER, Svvarthmore College, Swarthmore. Pennsylvania The greatest enemies of termites are often said to be ants and among the common ants within the geographical range of termites are those belonging to the genus Pheidole. While most of the species are carnivorous, feeding largely on insects, others are granivorous and store seeds. The maxima worker has an exceptionally large head and is referred to as a soldier caste. The larvae of most ants are fed by regurgitation of liquid food from the workers. Among the primitive ants of the sub- family Ponerinae, however, it is not uncommon for the workers to bring parts of insects to the larvae and permit the latter to feed directly on them. The habit is rare among the Myrmi- cinae (to which Pheidole belongs), Dolichoderinae and Formi- cinae, subfamilies containing most of the species of ants and by far the most individuals. Wheeler records it in two other myr- micines and in one formicine (1933). It has not apparently been hitherto recorded in nature in the cosmopolitan genus Pheidole. The nature of larval food is of particular interest in view of the reports by Goetsch (1937, 1947) that the development of the soldier caste depends upon the larvae being fed insect food at a particular time. He has extracted his vitamin "T", sup- posed to be an essential factor, from termites among other in- sects. The species of Pheidole are particularly noteworthy in possessing a soldier caste well differentiated from the ordinary worker. It is accordingly of interest to note the finding in nature of an African species of Pheidole whose larvae were fed frag- ments of termites. The regularity of associations between tlu>e two is further attested by the additional records in which tin- nature of the larval food could not be determined. Neither Arnold (1915-1926) nor Wheeler (1922) in their monographs 32 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 on African ants records insect-eating Pheidole larvae nor, in- deed,.any larval food habits. The African records are from my 1939 expedition to Central Africa and the others are from per- sonal collecting in the Neotropical Region. I am indebted to Professor A. E. Emerson for identifying the termites. On the great plains surrounding Nairobi, Kenya, several de- grees south of the Equator, one of the commonest trees is an Acacia (?A. stcnocarpa Hochst of Allaud and Jeannel) with conspicuous hollow swellings at the bases of the long thorns. These have often been referred to as ant-galls from the circum- stance that they are regularly inhabited by ants but the evidence appears to be that they develop independently of these insects. In the "galls" are found lycaemd and other lepidopterous larvae, dipterous larvae and scale insects which may be tended by the ants. The common ants appear to be Crematogaster znilcania Santschi and Pheidole of several species. The Crematogaster are regular inhabitants of the Acacia "galls" while the Pheidole nest under rocks in soil nearby and forage over the Acacia. The Crematogaster have their brood and myrmecophiles in the "galls" ; only soldier and worker Pheidole were found in these and they foraged over the Crematogaster-inhabited "galls." In the soil are termites (? Macrotermes sp.) and they doubtless feed on Acacia dead wood as well. Under a small rock four feet from an Acacia a Pheidole pitnctnlata Mayr colony had its brood. To the lower surface of the rock the ant larvae were attached by their long dorsal hairs. Many of the larvae were holding pieces of termites, sufficiently held that they stayed on the larvae when the rock carrying them was roughly overturned. In the vial of alcohol in which all were placed the fragments did not remain with the larvae but it was first determined that they were held on the ventral surface next to the mouthparts. I asked my companion, Dr. G. van Someren, to corroborate my finding under a 10 and 20 X hand lens which he kindly did. Later study showed that the larvae were held to the rock by a few long dorsal hairs, each termi- nating in a pair of hooks. The hairs grew directly from the body at right angles, then made a complete, irregular loop be- fore proceeding by several irregular curves to their bifurcated lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 33 apices. In addition there were much shorter and finer dorsal hairs, also hifurcated apically. The termite fragments were held in place by the bent head against the body, assisted by a few simple hairs on the ventral surface. In the vicinity of Phcidolc pnnclnlata and near the Acacia was a colony of Phcidolc sciilptnrata Mayr, subspecies, or a closely related species. This species is much larger in the solder caste. The ants had stored small brown seeds in chambers in the soil under an irregular crater. The workers also foraged over the Acacia. Phcidolc piinctnlata Mayr is sometimes considered a distinct species, sometimes a subspecies of the cosmopolitan mcyaccphala of Fabricius. They are at the least closely related species and both are common African ants. Wheeler (1922, p. 132) quotes Lang's notes on the native Belgian Congo name, "Tuegeke," and nesting "in mushroom-shaped termitaria in swamps" and "in the tops of termite mounds" as well as "under heaps of de- composed, moist grass." Arnold (1915-26, p. 424) speaks of it as being "very partial to sugar and other provisions and is therefore a frequent pest in houses. It nests in the ground, and often under the shelter of stones and decayed logs, also occasion- ally in hollow trunks of trees. Usually many fertile queens are found in each nest." The Nairobi specimens are much darker and somewhat larger than Belgian Congo and Uganda specimens identified by the above authorities but well within the range given by Arnold. My Imatong Mountains Pheidole listed as P. megacephcda subsp. 1384 (1943, p. 305) consisted of two colonies nesting a distance of 46 cm. apart. The colony noted as being "distinctly smaller in both worker and soldier castes" appears close to the species P. megace'phala while the larger form taken nearby agrees fairly well with P. piinctnlata except that it is much smaller than the Nairobi form. The ants of both colonies mingled together in capturing live termites (Ccratotcnncs rhinoceros (Sjostedt)). Both P. piinctnlata and P. mcyaccphala are highly variable species in Africa and con- siderable work would be necessary before their relationships to one another and to the numerous described forms of them could be satisfactorily determined. 34 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 Since both termites and Pheidole ants are common insects of the tropics it is to he expected that they would often lie found nesting in the vicinity of one another. This is substantiated by the following sample records which demonstrate also the op- portunity the ants have to prey upon the more helpless insects. At Er Renk on the White Nile River, Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, a colony of a subspecies of Pheidole megaccphala occupied run- ways interdigitating with those of Microtcrmes thoracalis Sjostedt under a rock in dark, wet soil on the river bank. When I lifted the rock the ants attacked the termites and carried off a number. The soldier termites were not seen to defend the colony. A similar association was seen about 40 feet away although the chambers of the insects were not so close to one another. Upstream at Shambe on the west bank of the White Nile, here called the Bahr-el-Jebel, large earth mounds of Macro- termes natalensis (Havilancl) were numerous. Pheidole niec/a- cepliala nested in peripheral chambers of one nest about six and one half feet high. Alates of the termites were taken close to the surface at a height of five feet. The termite mound was surrounded either by shallow water or by very wet soil since the region had had two days of rain. It was a swampy region in any event and the Pheidole must have been largely confined to the vicinity of the mound. Piles of sand grains from their excavatings were noted on the slopes at all heights. Workers of the same ant species foraged in the nearby native village. The termite mound was in addition the site for a nest of Cainponotits (OrtJioiiotoinynne.r) serlccns Fabr. whose workers were much larger than those of the Pheidole. They seized termites when chambers of both were exposed and attacked me as well. In the same Imatong Mountains of the Sudan above noted, another form of Plicidole tncgaccphala also close to piinctulata was taken nesting under a rock with termite runways nearby. The Pheidole brood was again clinging to the under side of the rock (30x30x20 cm., 15 cm. high). The ants seized the termites (Anoplotermes sp.) when the nests were exposed lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 35 but temperatures were cool at the elevation of 7.570 feet above sea level and neither insect was particularly active. Other African observations indicated more versatility in food habits of Pheidole. A worker at Mombasa on the Indian Ocean Coast was carrying a dead worker of the common ant, I'.uponera (Braclr\o)icra) scnnaarcnsis Mayr. At Nairobi they were lapping nectar of the petiolar glands of Albizzia ginn- inifcra. At Kagelu near the Nile-Congo watershed several colonies were tending membracids and related homopterous in- sects on vines and trees. Similar habits were observed in the Neotropical Region. LITERATURE CITED ARNOLD, G. 1915-26. Monograph of the Formicidae of South Africa. Ann. S. Afr. Mus. 14: 1-766 and 23: 191-295. GOETSCH, W. 1937. Die Entstehung der "Soldaten" ini Anieisenstaat. Naturwiss. 50: 803-808. — . 1946. Vitamin "T," ein neuartiger Wirkstoff (Vorlaiifige Mit- teilung). Osterr. Zool. Zeitschr. 1: 49-57. WEBER, N. A. 1943. The ants of the Imatong Mountains, Anglo- Egyptian Sudan. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 93 : 263-389. WHEELER, W. M. 1922. The ants of the Belgian Congo. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 45: xi + 1139. — . 1933. Colony founding among ants. Harvard Univ. Press, viii + 179. A New Species of Anaides from Peru (Scarabaeidae : Coleoptera) By MARK ROBINSON, Springfield. Pennsylvania Anaides rugosa new species From fossulatus \Yestwood this species differs in lacking the four more or less parallel ridges on the pronotum and in the fact that the anterior tibial teeth of fossuhihis are more ap- proximate. From siinplicicollis Bates this species can be dis- tinguished by the pronotal sculpturing which is punctured on 36 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 the disk in the older species. The mentum of rucjosa resem- bles that of sinipliclcollis in being emarginate anteriorly, but in addition to the characters already mentioned the elytral ridges are higher and sharper and the anterior tibiae between the teeth are crenate. Ovate ; opaque ; dark brown with the ridges and legs dark reddish. Clypeus produced forwards, anterior edge truncate, the angles on either side well rounded. There is a longitudinal raised mound running from the frons to just within the clypeal edge. Entire surface of head rugose. Side. margins of thorax converging from hind angles to the anterior angles with little curvature, crenate. Hind margin emarginate inside the hind angles, produced to the rear, medially. Running from near the hind angle towards the disk diagonally is a low carina. Entire surface of pronotum very rugose except the low ridges. Elytra with the usual raised costae running from the humeral unibo to the apical umbo. One-third of the distance from the suture to the humeral costa is another raised, sharp costa which is broken up into a series of tubercules in the posterior half, two-thirds of the distance from the suture to the humeral costa is a row of tubercules in the posterior half. Between each costa or row of tubercules are two rows of irregular, circular, raised lines and between these and the costa is a series of wavy, raised lines running the length of the elytra. Anterior tibiae tridentate, crenate between the teeth and above the third tooth. Anterior edge of mentum emarginate and crenate ; under surface rugose. Under surface of prosternal episternum, mesosternum, metasternum, ventral segments and femura rugose. Length, 9.5 mm.; breadth, 5.6 mm. Type.—dt; Iquitos, PERU, April 1938 (J. Hocking), fin the collection of the author.] lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 37 A New Species of Canthon from Venezuela By MARK ROBINSON, Springfield. Pennsylvania Canthon bifurcatus new species By the female having a forked anterior tihial spur this species agrees with ruc/osiis Blanchard. This character is usually re- served for the male sex in the genus Canthon. Aside from the unusual tihial spur the present form is probably nearest to (iial'olicus Harold but the latter species is hairy on the dorsal side. Ovate ; black ; not very shining ; the surface of the head, pro- notum, elytra and pygidium is finely granulate. Clypeus broadly emarginate medially. On either side of this wide emargination is a narrow, reflexed tooth. Between these teeth and the oblique clypeal sutures the edge is broadly rounded. The genae are also well rounded. The thorax is widest at the middle where it is produced into a rather sharp angle. On the underside the transverse carina does not quite meet the lateral margin. Between this median angle and the sharp anterior angle there is a small tooth on the lower side of the margin. The elytral striae are very faintly indicated. The intervals have a few transverse wrinkles scattered over the surface. The pygidium is uniformly rounded. The anterior tibia is curved on the inside ; the outer edge is tridentate and crenate between the teeth and above the third tooth. The anterior tibial spur gradually widens towards the apex and the distal end is sharply, deeply and triangularly in- cised. The underside is even more finely granulate than the upper side. The middle and posterior femora are finely and sparsely punctured. The posterior tibia has but one spur on the distal end. Length. 8.0 mm. ; breadth, 5.3 mm. 7'v/v. — $; Merida. YKNK/.ri-.i.A. Faratyf>e. — $; Merida, VENEZUELA. Both type specimens are in the collection of the author. 38 E-NTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 New Records of Pennsylvania Caddis Flies (Trichoptera) By KERVVIN HYLAND, JR., Department of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, Tulane University, New Orleans. La. As a senior student of zoology and entomology at The Penn- sylvania State College I undertook the problem of classifying the caddis flies (Trichoptera) from Pennslyvania represented in my own collections and in those of the college. The decision to publish the findings came as a result of the discovery that nu- merous species collected established extension of their known ranges. However, this list comprises only a small percentage of those that occur and can be expected to occur in Pennsylvania. Two families, Hydropsychidae and Hydroptilidae, have been purposely neglected in this list because at the end of the semester additional work was required before reporting them. The family divisions, genera, species, and distribution data are those set forth by Dr. Herbert H. Ross in his "Caddis Files, or Trichoptera of Illinois" (1944), with the exception of distri- bution data of a few species. Those species marked with an asterisk (*) have not been previously reported from Pennsyl- vania. The collecting area at Bear Meadows, Centre County, de- serves special mention. Bear Meadows is situated about twelve miles from the campus of The Pennsylvania State College in a boreal area and consists of a sphagnum bog on a plateau be- tween two mountains. This area is known to harbor many plants and some insects peculiar to Pennsylvania. Consequently, one may expect to find here caddis flies of special interest. Numerous species not heretofore recorded for Pennsylvania have been collected here, as Banksiola dossuaria (Say), Platy- ccntropus radiatiis (Say), Pycnopsychc antic a (Walker), Mo- lanna tryphcna Betten, Athripsodcs dilutus (Hagen), and Gocra calcarata Banks. Most of the specimens were collected by light, a few by bait and by net. The collection covers a period of years from 1939 to 1947. Two-thirds of the locality records are credited to Dr. S. W. Frost, one is by W .L. Brown, and the remainder are my own. lix, '48] KXTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 39 Following is a list of the species collected : RHYACOPHILIDAE *Ryacophila nig r it a Banks. Penn Roosevelt Dam, Centre Co.: June 9. 1946. PHILOPOTAM IDAK *Dolophilus inoeshis (Banks). North Point, Indiana Co.; May 15, 1947. Chimarra atcrrima Hagen. Camp 62, Huntingdon Co. ; June 21, 1941. Penn Roosevelt Dam, Centre Co.; June 9. 1946. C. obscura (Walker). East Berlin, Adams Co.; July 20, 1946. PSYCHOMYIIDAE *Phylocentropus placidus (Banks). Presque Isle, Erie Co.; July 15, 1940. Poe Paddy, Centre Co.; Aug. 16. 1940. Whipple Dam, Huntingdon Co. ; July 27, 1945. *Nyctiophylax vestitus (Hagen). Bear Meadows, Centre Co.; June li; 1939, June 28, 1939, July 3, 1939, July 10, 1939, July 21, 1939. .Canton, Bradford Co.; July 17, 1941. HYDROPSYCHIDAE Macronemum sebratum (Hagen). East Berlin, Adams Co.; July 27. 1946. PHRYGANEIDAE *Banksiola dossuaria (Say). Bear Meadows, Centre Co.; June 28, 1939, Aug. 13, 1946. Ptilostouiis occllijcra (Walker). Bear Meadows, Centre Co.; June 28, 1939, July 3, 1939, July 29, 1939. Aug. 21, 1940. LlMNEPHILIDAE *Platycentropus radiatus (Say). Bear Meadows, Centre Co.; July 21, 1939, 'July 29, 1939, Aug. 12. 1939. *Pycnops\chc antic a (Walker). Bear Meadows, Centre Co.; Sept. 2, 1939. *P. guttifcr (Walker). Whipple Dam, Huntingdon Co.; Sept. 16, 1945. *Caborius punctatissiinus (Walker). Greenwood Furnace, Huntingdon Co.; Sept. 3, 1945. 40 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb.. '48 MOLANNIDAE *Mola)ina tr\f>hctia Betten. Bear Meadows, Centre Co. ; June 3. 1939, June 28, 1939. July 21. 1939, Aug. 12, 1939, Sept. 2. 1939. ODONTOCERIDAE *Psilotreta jrontalis Banks. Liberty, Tioga Co.; May 29. 1939. LEPTOCERIDAE Anthripsodes flavus (Banks). Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co.; July 16, 1941. Charter Oak, Huntingdon Co. ; Aug. 14. 1946. *A. dilutus (Hagen). Bear Meadows, Centre Co. ; July 3, 1939. A. transversus (Hagen). Charter Oak, Huntingdon Co.; Aug. 14, 1946. A. canccllatus (Betten) . East Berlin, Adams Co. ; July 27, 1946. Oecctis inconspicua (Walker). Camp 62, Huntingdon Co.; Aug. 4, 1940. Bear Meadows. Centre Co.; July 29, 1939, Aug. 12, 1939, Sept. 2, 1939. Spring Creek, Centre Co. ; Aug. 12, 1939. Stone Creek, Huntingdon Co.; Aug. 14, 1939. Jersey Shore, Lycoming Co.; July 16, 1941. Presque Isle, Erie Co. ; June 27, 1942. East Berlin, Adams Co. ; July 27, 1946. Charter Oak, Huntingdon Co.; Aug. 14, 1946. Oecetis avara (Banks). Charter Oak, Huntingdon Co.; Aug. 14, 1946. East Berlin, Adams Co. ; July 27, 1946. 0. cincrascens (Hagen). Presque Isle, Erie Co. ; June 27. 1942. *0. osteni Milne. Presque Isle, Erie Co. ; June 27, 1942. Triacnodcs trada Milne. Presque Isle, Erie Co. ; June 27. 1942. *T. baris Ross? Stone Creek, Huntingdon Co.; Aug. 14. 1939. Mystacidcs sepulchralis (Walker). Poe Paddy, Centre Co.; June 10, 1944. Stone Creek, Huntingdon Co. ; Aug. 14, 1943. *Sctodcs inccrta (Walker). Charter Oak, Huntingdon Co.; Aug. 14, 1946. GOERIDAE *Goera calcarata Banks. Bear Meadows, Centre Co.; June 11, 1939. HELICOPSYCHIDAE Helicopsychc borealis (Hagen). Charter Oak, Huntingdon Co. ; Aug. 14, 1946. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 41 A Minute on Chyphotes Blake, 1886 (Hymen- optera: Mutillidae) By V. S. L. PATE, Cornell University, Ithaca, N. Y. Blake proposed the generic name Chyphotes in 1886 (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIII, p. 276) for his peculiar new species elcvatits from the southwestern states. In 1835, however, Burmeister used the same name — Cyphotcs — for a genus of Neotropical Membracidae (Handbuch Ent., II, 1, p. 143). According to the present rules of zoological nomenclature, Blake's Cliypliotcs is a homonym of Cyphotcs Burmeister since both have the same etymology (KV^OTT^S). Consequently, for ChypJwtes Blake, 1886 nee Cyphotes Burmeister, 1835, I pro- pose here the new generic name Blakcta with Chyphotes clc- vatus Blake. 1886, as type. Utah Buprestidae By G. F. KXOWLTON and S. L. WOOD, Utah State Agricultural College. Logan The writers are indebted to J. N. Knull and W. S. Fisher for identification of the material here reported. Unless otherwise specifically indicated, collections were made in Utah. The col- lector's names are given for the less frequently recorded species. Acmaeodera boivditchi Fall. Zion National Park, May 10, 1940 (W. P. Nye). A. inyocnsis Edz. Logan Canyon. June 16, 1940 (Nye). A. Ubcrta Fall. Logan Card Canyon, July 24/1939 (G. F. Knowlton-Nye) ; Oak Creek Canyon, July 24, 1939 (G. S. Stains). A. sparsa Horn. Logan, August 21, 1943; Bountiful, August 10, 1941 ; Mt. Nebo, August 14, 1943; Mt. Timpanogos, Au- gust 26, 1943. A. vandykci Fall. Smithfield. July 18, 1937 (Nye) ; Logan Canyon. July 17. 1938 (D. E." Hardy). 42 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 A. varicgata Lee. Logan Canyon, June 26, 1938; Logan Card Canyon, July 9, 1939; Emigration Canyon, May 26, 1940; Ogden, August 1, 1940; Kanosh Canyon, May 24, 1939; Provo Canyon, June 25, 1939; Mt. Nebo, July 12, 1942; Salt Lake City, September 14, 1940; Uinta, May 20, 1939. Agrilus anxius Gory. Logan Canyon, July 3, 1938 (Hardy). A. politus (Say). Altonah, June 19, 1940; Delta, July 5, 1938; Fairview, August 10, 1942; Heber, May 29, 1941; Kanab, August 9, 1942; Oak Creek, July 7, 1942; Riverton, June 1939; Vernon, July 18, 1943. ' A. pulchcllus Bland. Leeds, May 5, 1939 (Knowlton-Harm- ston). A. wahinghami Cr. Logan Canyon, August 24, 1938 (Nye). Antha.via aencogaster Cast. Logan Canyon, June 9, 1938; Lo- gan Card Canyon, July 27, 1938; Altonah, June 19, 1940; Provo Canyon, June 23, 1939; Springdale, May 11, 1940; South Fork of Ogden Canyon, July 3, 1941. A. pscudotsugae Chamb. Logan Card Canyon, July 9, 1939 (Knowlton-Nye) ; Beaver, July 10, 1939 ( Knowlton-Harm- ston ) . A. viridifrons Gory. Logan Canyon, June 9, 1938 (Knowlton- Nye). Buprcstis aurulenta L. Logan, July 4, 1941 (H. F. Thornley) ; Roosevelt, August 14, 1936 (Harmston) ; Salt Lake City, August 16, 1936 (Harmston). B. conflucnta Say. Vernal, June 15, 1941 (B. A. Haws) ; Wellsville, April 15, 1940 (Maughan). B. langi (Mann.). Logan Canyon, July 24, 1940; Logan, Au- gust 17, 1941; Myton, September 10, 1939; Ogden, August 19, 1941. B. tnaculativentris var. rusticorum (Kby.). Logan Canyon, July 28, 1940 (Nye) ; Bountiful, September 12, 1941 (Ash- down). B. nuttalli (Kby.). Logan Canyon, June 18, 1939 (Knowlton). Chalcophora angulicollis (Lee.). Neola, July 10, 1935 (Harm- ston ) . Chrysobothris caurina Horn. Logan Canyon, June 20, 1935 (Nye). C. fcmorata (Oliv.). Logan Canyon, June 20, 1935 (Nye) ; Ogden, July 11, 1941 (Maddock). C. mali Horn. Logan Canyon, June 20, 1934 (T. O. Thatcher). lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 43 C. pscudotsuyae Van D. Logan Canyon, June 20, 1935 (Nye). C. serripes Schffr. Salt Lake County, August 16, 1935 (W. W. Henderson). Diccrca diraricuta (Say). Provo, June 14, 1939 (Knowlton- Nye). D. hespcroborealis H. & B. Logan Canyon, June 4, 1941 (R. S. Roberts-E. R. Simmons). /). pectorosa Lee. Logan Canyon, June 27, 1937 (Nye). D. prolomjata Lee. Logan Canyon, July 3, 1938 (Hardy). D. tcnebrica (Kby.). Logan, October 17, 1942; loka, June 26, 1939; Alt. Timpanogos, July 12, 1941; Ogden, August 1, 1941; Salt Lake City, September 23. 1942; Spanish Fork, June 11, 1941; Taylorsville, May 14. 1940. D. fenebrosa (Kby.). Logan Canyon, June 26. 1939; Emery County, July 30, 1938; Ogden, August 14. 1940; Roosevelt, September 5, 1935; Tooele, August 20. 1937. Hippomelas oblitcrata (Lee.) Grand County. July 26. 1938; Pleasant Valley, July 21, 1939 ; Wayne County. July 28. 1938 ; Myton, September 10, 1939; Vernal. July. 13, 1938. Mclanophila acitininata (De G.). Logan. September 12, 1936 (Nye). M. atropurpurca (Say). Logan, June 25, 1940 (Nye). M. drummondi (Kby.). Logan, May 28, 1934 (Thatcher); Logan Canyon, July 29, 1940 (Nye). The Mayfly Genus Lachlania in Utah By GEORGE F. EDMUNDS, JR., University of Utah On August 9. 1947. the writer collected a single female imago and several nymphs of the Mayfly genus Lachlania from the Green River at Hideout Canyon. Daggett County, Utah. On September 3, 1947. the writer returned and was able to rear the species and collect additional nymphs and many imago»-> of both sexes. These specimens apparently represent the first record of the occurrence of this genus in the United States. With the exception of L. saskatchewanensis Ide which was de- scribed from a single specimen taken near Humboldt. Sas- katchewan, the described species of this genus are Neotropical. 44 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 Strumigenys karawajewi, New Name for a Sumatran Ant By WILLIAM L. BROWN, JR., Harvard University Biological Laboratories Strumigenys (Trichoscapa) karawajewi, new name for Strumigenys (Cephalo.vys) cincryi Karawajew 1935: pre- occupied by Mann 1922 as Strumigenys (Strumigenys) cnicryi. Karawajew described tbe ant in question as (Oephaloxys) in subgeneric assignment. Smith has shown (1947) that the name Trichoscapa must be revived for the forms with short, triangular, serially dentate or denticulate mandibles. The writer of this note is at present working on a generic and subgeneric revision of the Dacctini of the world in which Trichoscapa will be accorded generic rank and strictly limited to a few forms with strong, transverse superior mandibular borders and other distinguishing characteristics. Cephaloxys is shown by Smith to be preoccupied as a name, so the remain- ing short-mandibulate forms will have to fall into a group, more probably groups, with a new name or names, probably of generic rank. Karaivajcun will at that point gain a new generic name. Mann's cineryi is from Central America, kara- icajewi from Sumatra. References given below. 1922. MANN, W. M. Proc. U. S. Nat'l Mus. 61 (13) : 37- 38, fig. 18. Worker and female of S. enieryi described. 1935. KARAWAJEW. Treubia 15: 106-108, fig. 25. Female of S. (C.) emeryi described. 1947. SMITH, M.'R. Amer. Midi. Nat. 37: 585. S. (Tricho- scapa) Emery (-= Cephalo.vys) F. Smith. International Meetings A preliminary program has been issued for the VIII In- ternational Congress of Entomology to be held at Stock- holm. August 9th- 14th. The first day is to be given over to the formal opening, scheduled addresses, and a general recep- tion in the evening. General sessions and sectional meetings are planned for the other days except Wednesday which is set ]ix. '48 | ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 45 aside for a trip to Uppsala and to Linne's Hammarby and a viewing of the collections of Linne and Thunberg. On Friday there will be a trip to Freskati and visits to the Imperial Mu- seum, Forest Experiment Station and Plant Protection Station. Other features are : A gathering at Lund the day before the opening with visits to the museum and, after the close of the Congress, one day excursions to the islands of the Stockholm archipelago, a six-day journey to Lappland or, for forest ento- mologists, a trip to middle Sweden. The VII Congres Sericicole International will be he-Id in Ales (Card), June 7th to 13th. This is the first meeting in 70 years, the 6th Congress having been held in 1878, and honors the 50th anniversary of the research institute at Ales. It is planned to review in a comprehensive manner the present state of knowledge and technical developments relating to silk pro- duction and the silkworm. Under Section II, there is listed a series of commissions on the anatomy, physiology, reproduction, development, endocrinology, behavior, genetics and cytology of the silkworms and a report on other silk-producing arthropods. Another series of commissions will deal with the various dis- eases of the silkworm. A number of excursions have been planned and, following this congress, there will be the Congres International de la Soie in Lvon and Paris. Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL AND RAYMOND Q. BLISS. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record, Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A. London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by (kt; papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. 46 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 GENERAL — Anon. — A list and index of the publications of the U. S. Nat. Museum (1875-1946). [U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 193] 1-306. Beatty, H. A.— The insects of St. Croix, V. I. [Jour. Agric., Univ. of Puerto Rico] 28: 114-72. Carpenter and Hale — The writings of I. Portschinsky on warning colours and eyespots. [68] 22: 103-13. Dan- sereau, P. — Zonation et succession sur la restinga de Rio de Janeiro — I. Halosere. [Rev. Canad. Biol.] 6: 448-84. Hoffmann, W. E. — Insects on human food. [65] 49: 233- 37. Mayr, E. — Ecological factors in speciation. [100| 1: 263-88. Newell, N. D. — Infraspecific catagories in inverte- brate paleontology. [100] 1: 163-71. Ramos, J. A.— The insects of Mona Island (West Indies). (Jour. Agric., Univ. Puerto Rico] 30: 1-74, ill. (*). Wetzel, C. M.- Emergence tables. [Pa. Angler] 17: 11. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Albuquer- que, D. de O. — Contribuicao ao conhecimento de charaduella malacophaga Lopes (Muscidae). [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 101-12. Balduf, W. V.— The weights of Phy- mata pennsylvanica americana (Phymatid). [5] 40: 576- 87. — The weights of Sinea diadema (Reduviid). Ibid. 588- 97. Beirne, B. — A consideration of the cephalic structures and spiracles of the final instar larvae of the Ichneumonidae. [Trans. Soc. British Ent.] 7: 123-90. ill. Bonet, F.— Un notable caso tetralologico. Falta bilateral de antenas en un colembolo con consideraciones sobre las areas cephalicas de los cephalicas de los Poduromorpha. [104]: 413-18, ill. Carson and Stalker — Gene arrangements in natural popu- lations of Drosophila robusta. [100] 1: 113-33. — Morpho- logical variation in natural populations of D. robusta. Ibid. 237-48. Cheng and Richards — The temperature co- efficients of DDT action in insects. [Physiol. Zool.] 21 : 48-59. Crombie and Darrah — The chemoreceptors of the wireworm (Agriotes spp.) and the relation of activity to chemical constitution. [40] 24: 95-109. DeMeillon and Goldberg — Preliminary studies on the nutritional require- ments of the bedbug (Cimex lectularius) and the tick Orni- thodoros moubata. [40] 24: 41-63. Dethier, V. G.— The role of the antennae in the orientation of carrion beetles to odors. [45] 55: 285-93. Dobzhansky, Th.— Adaptive changes induced by natural selection in wild populations of Drosophila. [100J 1: 1-16. Dobzhansky and Spassky— Evolutionary changes in laboratory cultures of Drosophila pseudoobscura [100] 1: 191-216. Eastham and Segrove— The influence of temperature and humidity on instar length lix, '48J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 47 in Calanclra granaria. [40] 24: 79-94. Edney, E. B.- Laboratory studies on the bionomics of the rat fleas Xen- opsylla braziliensis and X. cheopis. [19] 38: 389-404. Federley, H. — Die Konjugation der Chromosomen bei den Lepidopteren. [Soc. Sci. Fennica; Comm. Biol.| IX, 13: 1-12, ill. ; Polyploidie und Xon-disjunction in der Gameto- genese einiger Lepidopteren. Ibid. 17: 1-9, ill. Ferris, G. F.— The contradictions of the insect head. [50] 12: 59-64. Fish, W. A. — Embryology of Lucilia sericata (Calliphor. ). [5] 40: 677-87. Hammon, Reeves, Cunha, Espana and Sather — Isolation from wild bird mites (Liponyssus sylvi- arum) of a virus or mixture of viruses from which St. Louis and Western equine encephalitis viruses have been ob- tained. 1 80 1 107: 92-93. Hayes, W. P.— An undescriru-d eversible gland in the larvae of Chlaenius (Carabidae). [43 1 20: 142-45, ill. Herskowitz, I. H.— A new method of treating Drosophila gametes with chemicals. [100] 1 : 111- 12. Hinton, H. E. — On the reduction of functional spiracles in the aquatic larvae of the holometabola, with notes on the moulting process of spiracles. [88] 98: 449-73, ill. Ives, P. T. — Second chromosome inversions in wild populations of Drosophila melanogaster. [100] 1: 42-47. Kaufmann and Gay — -The influence of x-ray and near infra-red rays on recessive lethals in Drosophila melanogaster. [67] 33: 366-72. King, J. C. — A comparative analysis of the chrom- osomes of the guarani group of Drosophila. [100] 1 : 48- 62. — Interspecific relationships within the guarani group of Drosophila. Ibid. 143-53. Kullenberg, B.— Uber Mor- phologic und Funktion des Kopulationsapparats der Capsi- den und Xabiden. [Zool. Bidrag, Uppsala] 24: 217-418. ill. Lane and Neghme — Sobre el Anopheles (Nycsorhynchu^ > pictipennis Philippi. [Biologica, Santiago de Chile] 4: 83- 93, ill. Leonard, J. W. — Differences in the occurrence of nvmphs of two species of burrowing mayflies in fish stom- achs. [5] 40: 688-91. Miller, R. H.— The toxicity of the venom of tarantula (Aphonopelma), Part II. [39 1 39: 57- 67. Moody, P. A. — A simple model of 'drift' in small popu- lations. [100| 1: 217-18. Packard, C. E.— Fun with the fire brat. [Turtox News| 25: 196-97. Pardi, L.— Domi- nance order in Polistes wasps. [Physiol. Zool.] 21: 1-13. Pasquier, R. — Semeiologie de 1'intoxication de Schistocerca gregaria Forsk. par y-hexachlorohexanone. [Bull. Semes- trial 1'Office Nat. Anti-Acridien. Algiers] 1946: 5-22. ill. Ramirez L. R. — Datos preliminares fisicos y quimicos del veneno de alacran. [ 104| 4: 379-82. — Obtencion de vein-no de alacran por estimulacion electrica. Ibid. 383-85. Rao, 48 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 T. R. — Visual responses of mosquitoes artificially rendered flightless. [40] 40: 64-78. Rapp, J. L. C.— Insect hemo- lymph, a review. [45] 55: 295-308. Sawaya, M. P.— Nymphopsis melidae, sp. n. e observaqoes sobre a respiraqao nos Pantopoda. [Zoologia, Univ. Sao Paulo] 12: 83-97. Shrader, F. — -The role of the kinetochore in the chromo- somal evolution of the Heteroptera and Homoptera. [100] 1 : 134—42. Slifer and Shulow — -Sporadic polyembryony in grasshopper eggs. [5] 40: 652-55. Spencer, W. P. — Ge- netic drift in a population of Drosophila immigrans. [100] 1 : 103-10. Spieth, H. T. — Sexual behavior and isolation in Drosophila. I. The mating behavior of species of the willisoni group. [100] 1: 17-31. Stalker and Carson- Morphological variation in natural populations of Dro- sophila robusta Stur. [100] 1: 237-48, ill. Vanderplank, F. L. — Some observations on the hunger-cycle of the tse-tse flies Glossina swynnertoni and G. pallidipes in the field. [19] 38: 431-38. Van Leeuwen, E. R. — Increasing produc- tion of codling moth eggs in an oviposition chamber. [37] 40: 74-1 — 1-5. Vasconcellos, A. C. eS. de. — O "Crossingover" nos machos da Drosophila melanogaster induzido pelos raios X. [Bol. da Soc. Port, de Ciencias naturals] 13: Supp. Ill : 693-98. Weiss, H. B— The death-feints of Idio- bates castaneous and Boletotherus bifurcus (Tenebr.). [45] 55: 275-79. Wiesmann, R. — Untersuchungen iiber das physiologische Verhalten von Musca domestica ver- schiedener Provenienzen. [Mitteil. schweiz. Ent. Gesell- schaft] 20:484-504. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Anon.— Jumping spider. [Turtox News] 25: 207, ill. Beatty, H. A.— The Arachnida of St. Croix, V. I. [Jour. Agric., Univ. of Puerto Rico] 28: 111-13. Biraben, M. — Nueva Mastophora de Tucuman. [Acta Zoologica Lilloana] 3: 327-30, ill. Boyd, E. M. — A new mite from the respiratory tract of the starling (Acar. Speleognath). [65] 50: 9-14.' Dethier, V. G. — (See under Anatomy.) Fox, I. — Seven new mites from rats in Puerto Rico. [5] 40: 598-603. Hammon, Reeves, Cunha, Espana and Sather — (See under Anatomy.) Hatch, M. H. — The Chelifera and Isopoda of Washington and adjacent regions. [Univ. of Wash. Pub. in Biology, Seattle] 10: 159-274, ill. Herring and Dowling— Observa- tions on Dolomedes albineus. [31] 30: 42. Hoffmann, A. — Un nuevo genero de trombidido mexicano. [104] 4: 451-57. Hoffman, R. L.— The status of the milliped Lasio- lathus virginicus, with notes on Scytonotus granulatus. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL XKVVS 49 [63 J 60: 139-40. Ives, J. D.— I'.reeding habits of a cave- spider, Nesticus canteri. [38] 63: 215-19. Kennedy, C. H. — Child labor of the termite society versus adult labor of the ant society. [81] 65: 309-24. 'Mello-Leitao, C. de- Aranas de Misiones, corrientes y entre Rios. | Rev. del Mus. de la Plata] 4: 213-302 (k*).— Escorpioes Sul-Ameri- canos. [Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro Brazil] 1945, 40: 1-468 (k). Miller, R. H.— (See under Anatomy.) Palmgren, P. — Uber die Brutpflegeinstinkt- handlungen der Wolfspinnen (Lycosidae). [Soc. Sci. Fen- nica; Comm. Biol.] IX. 9: 1-29, 'ill. Ramirez, L. R.— (See under Anatomy.) Sawaya, M. P. — (See under Anatomy.) Wallace, H. K. — A new wolf spider from Florida, with notes on other species. [31] 30: 33-38, ill. SMALLER ORDERS— Ahrens, C.— The mayflies. [Pa. Angler] 17: 16. Bailey, S. F.— The works of J. R. Watson on Thysanoptera. [31] 30: 17-24. Bohart, R. M.— Strepsiptera, an insect oddity. [94] 21 : 24-29, ill. Bonet, F. — Un nuevo genero de colembolos de Argentina. [104] 4: 405-11 (k). — (See also under Anatomy.) Crawford, J. C. — A new species of the genus Haploth'rips subg. Hado- thrips (Thysanoptera). [65] 49: 250-51. Denning, D. G. -New Trichoptera from Puerto Rico. [5] 40: 656-61. Edney, E. B. — Siphonaptera. (See under Anatomy.) Eichler, W. — Xotulae Mallophagalogicae. XVIII. Uber einige Heptapsogastridae. [Rev. de Ent.. Rio de Janeiro] 18: 167-72, ill. (*) Fraser, F. C.— Xotes on the Selysian types of Epigomplnis paludosus (Odonata). [5] 40:"672- 76. Gisin, H. — Le groupe Entomobrya nivalis (Collem- bola). [Mitteil. schweiz. Ent. Gesefl.] 20: 541-50. ill. Hopkins, G. H. E.--Stray notes on Mallophaga. [6| 14: 98-112 [1947]. Kennedy, C. H.— Isoptera (See under General). Leonard, J. W. — (See under Anatomy. ) Miles, P. M. — An introduction to the study of Collembola. | I 'roc. and Trans, of S. London Ent. and Xat. Hist. Soc.) 1946-47: 85-102, ill. Moulton, D. — Xew Thysanoptera from Mexico. [104| 4: 419-21.— -Thysanoptera from Xew Guinea, the Philippine Islands and the Malay Peninsula. [60] 23: 172- 80 (*). Needham, J. G. — Studies on the X. Amer. specie of the genus Gomphus (Odonata). [83] 73: 307-39, ill. Packard, C. E. — Thysanura (See under Anatomy.) Pence, R- J- — A photomicrographic study of a parasite of the green- house thrips. |Turtox Xews] 26: 64-65. Tissot, A. H.— A new cattle louse in Florida. [31 | 30: 40. Traver, J. R.- Notes on neotropical mayflies. Part II. familv I'.aetidae. 50 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 subfamily Leptophlebiinae. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 149-60, ill. (*). Williner, G. J— Corrodentidos del Brasil. [Acta Zoologica Lilloana] 3: 231-34. ill. ORTHOPTERA— Beier, M.— Neue und seltene Manto- deen aus deutschen Museen. [Ann. des naturhist. Mus., Wien] 52: 126-54, ill. (S). Breland and Dobson— Speci- ficity of mantid oothecae. [5] 40: 557-75. Gurney, A. B. — Homonymy in Mantidae of the Canary Islands. [65] 49: 251. — A new species of Pristoceutophilus from Oregon, and remarks on certain special glands of Orthoptera (Gryl- lacridid : Rhaphidophorinae). [48] 37: 430-35. ill. Leao, A. — Vida e amores da Louva-a-Deus (Mantis religiosa). [Bol. da Soc. Port, de Cien. Nat.] 13, Supp. Ill: 628-36. Liebermann, L. — Sobre una coleccion de Acridios. [Acta Zoologica Lilloana] 3: 235-38. Nabours, R. K. — The grouse locusts. [43] 20: 127-41, ill. Pasquier, R. — (See under Anatomy.) Pletsch, D. J. — The alpine rock crawler, Grylloblatta campodeiformis in Montana. [Proc. Mon- tana Acad. Sci.] 5 & 6: 17-20. Rehn, J. A. G.— Notes on the phasmid genus Isagoras, with the description of six new species. [62] 99: 1-19, ill. — African and Malagasy Blat- ticlae. Ibid. 59-92. ill. Roberts, H. R.— Revision' of the Mexican Melanoplini. [62] 99: 201-30, ill. (k*). Shane, P. — A new species of Teinophaus (Cyrtacanthacridinae) from Mexico. [109] 201: 1-3. ill. Slifer and Shulow- (See under Anatomy.) Tinkham, E. R. — New species, records and faunistic notes concerning Orthoptera in Ari- zona. [1] 38: 127-49 (k). Uvarov, B. P.— The grass- hopper problem in N. Amer. [53] 160: 857-59. HEMIPTERA— Balduf, W. V.— (See under Anatomy.) Broadbent, L. — An analysis of captures of Aphididae in a light-trap. [88] 98: 475-90. Caldwell, J. S.— A new genus and species of Psylliidae from Mexico (Homo.). [5] 40: 650-51. — NCAV species of Oliarus Stal from s.w. United States and Mexico. [60] 23: 145-51. Capriles, J. M.- Three new neotropical species of the reduviid genus Ploi- aria. [65] 50: 18-22. DeMeillon and Goldberg— (See un- der Anatomy.) Freeman, P. — A revision of the genus Dysdercus Boisduval (Pyrrhocoridae) excluding the Amer- ican species. [88] 98: 373-424. ill. (k). Hepner, L. W.- A revision of the tribe Scaphytopini (Cicadellid) in Amer- ica north of Mexico. [93] 31: 413-541. Hungerford, H. B. — A new species of Cymatia from Australia. [43] 20: 154-57, ill (k). Kleine-Stettin, R. — Neue Lyciden des athiopischen und neotropischen Faunengebietes. [Mitteil. lix, '48] K \TOMOLOGICAL XK\\ S 51 Miinchener Ent. Ges.j 32: 149-62, ill. Lent and Wygod- zinsky — Notes on some assassin bugs of the genus Zelurus from the collections of the U. S. Nat. Mus. [71 j : 343-49 (S*). Mason, P. W.— A new pear aphid. [65] 49: 252- 54. Metcalf, Z. P. — Fulgoroidea : Fulgoridae. [Gen. Cata- logue of Hemiptera] Fasc. IV, Pt. 9: 3-276. Smith College, 1947. — A new genus of Lophidae from Brazil. [65] 49: 238-40. Richter, L. — Membracidae Colombianae. [76| 7: 382-403, ill. Russell, L. M. — A classification of the white- flies of the new trihe Trialeurodini. [Rev. de Ent.. Rio de Janeiro] 18: 1-44. ill. (k*). Schrader, F. — (See under Anat- omy.) Squire, F. A. — On the economic importance of the Capsidae in the Guinean Region. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 219-47. ill. LEPIDOPTERA— Bourquin, F.— Metamorfosis de Ere- bus odoratus (Noctnid). [Acta Zoologica Lilloana] 3: 239-47, ill. — Metamorfosis de Aglossa caprealis. Ibid. 248- 52, ill.— Metamorphosis de Androcharta rubricincta. Ibid. 257-62, ill. Federley, H. — (See under Anatomy.) Good- son, F. W. — Notes on the genus Eumaeus (Lycaenidae). [30] 80: 273-76 (S*). Hayward, K. J.— Hesperioidea ar- gentina XV. [Acta Zoologica Lilloana | 3: 215-30. — Una especie y forma nuevas de Hesperidos argentinos. Ibid. 253-55, ill. — Especies argentinas de los generos mylon y Carrhenes. Ibid. 307-12, ill. Kiriakuff, S. G.— Les papil- lons mimetiques. Lambillionea, Bruxelles] 47: 46-53. Siverly, R. E. — A morphological study of the male and fe- male genitalia of Heliothis armigera (Noctuid). [1] 38: 712-24. Valle, K. J.— Mittarit, Geometrae. [Suomen Elai- met Animalia Fennica. 5, Suurperhoset, Macrolepidoptera IV] Helsinki, pp. 11-370 — Sphinges, Bombyces. Ibid. 3, II : 9-213— Diurna. Ibid. 2, 1 : 9-174, ill. Van Leeuwen, E. R. — (See under Anatomy.) Wind, R. G. — A new sub- species of Melitaea. [60) 23: 171. Wogtkowski, F. — Las Catastictas del Peru (Pieridae). [15| 10: 91-98. DIPTERA— Alexander, C. P.— Notes on the tropical American species of Tipulidae. The primitive Eriopterini : Sigmatomera. Trentepohlia, Gnophomyia, Neognophomyia. Gonomyia and allies. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro | 18: 65-100, ill. (*). Albuquerque, D. de O.— (See under Anat- omy.) Barretto e Lane — Novos Microdontinae lirasil- eiros (Syrphidae). (Rev. de Ent.. Rio de Janeiro | 18: 139- 48 (*). Bourne and Shaw — Chironomid larvae in a tobacco seed-bed. [37| 40: 749. Callan, E. Me.— A note on I'hle- botomus trinidadensis Newstead (Psychodidae). [Rev. de 52 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 Ent.. Rio de Janeiro] 18: 215-18. Carson and Stalker— (See under Anatomy.) Cheng and Richards — (See under Anatomy.) Dampf, A. — Xotas sobre rlebotomidos inexi- canos. '[104 j 4: 423-35, ill. Fairchild and Hertig— Notes on the Phlebotomus of Panama (Psychod.). I. The sub- genus Brunptomyia. [5] 40: 610-16 (k*). — Notes on the Phlebotomus of Panama. II. Descriptions of three new species. Ibid. 617-23. Fish, W. A. — (See under Anat- omy.) Frota-Pessoa, O. — Revisao do genero Clastoptero- myia (em cuja sinonimia e colocada Diathoneura) con des- crigao de 9 especies novas (Drosophilid). [Summa Brasili- ensis Biologiae] 1 : 181-241 (k). Hardy, D. E.— Notes and descriptions of Dorilaidae (Pipunculidae). '[43] 20: 146- 53, ill. (*). Hauber, U. A. — The Tendipedinae of Iowa. [1] 38: 456-65 (k*). Herskowitz, I. H.— (See under Anat- omy.) James, M. T. — The oriental species of Oplodontha. |60'| 23: 167-70 (k*). Johannsen, O. A.— The female of Lestodiplosis floridana. [31 1 30: 39 — 1-0. Kessel and Kara- binos — Empimorpha genentis Melander, a balloon fly from Cal., with a chemical examination of its balloons. [60] 23 : 181-92. King, J. C.— (See under Anatomy.) Knight, K. L. — The Aedes (Finlaya) albotaeniatus group of mosqui- toes. [65] 50: 1-8 (k*). Lane, J.- — Especies Brasileiras de Stilobezzia (Ceratopogonidae) e Zygoneura stonei nov. nom. (M)^cetophilidae). [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 197-214. ill. (k*). Lane and Neghme— (See under Anatomy.) Lindberg, H. — Die Biologic von Pipunculus chlorionae Frey und die Einwirkung von dessen Parasitis- mus auf Chloriona-arten. [Acta Zool. Fennica] 45: 5-50, ill. Melander, A. L. — Synopsis of the Hemerodromiinae. [45] 55: 237-73 (k*). Mills, H. B.— An outbreak of the snipe fly Symphoromyia hirta. [Proc. Montana Acad. Sci.] 3 & 4 : 58. Osorno-Mesa, E. — Una nueva especie de Anoph- eles de Bogota. Col. [Caldasia. Bogota] 4: 431-46, ill.— Una nueva tecnica para el estudio microscopica de los huevos de Anopheles. Ibid. 447-51, ill. — Fractures de in- teres referentes a la colonizacion de Haemagogus splendens para experimentos de transmission con virus de fiebre ama- rilla en laboratorio. Ibid. 453-63, ill. Paramonov, S. J.— Zur Kenntniss der amerikanischen Bombyliiden-Gattung Triploechus Edw. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 183- 92 (k). Pritchard, A. E. — The North American gall midges of the tribe Catotrichini and Catochini (Itonid., Cecido- myid). [5] 40: 662-71 (k*). Rao, T. R.— (Sec under Anatomy.) Reinhard, H. J. — New N. Amer. muscoid lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 53 Diptera. 1 43 1 20: 117-26, ill. Rozeboom, L. E.— The- identity of the Phlebotomus associated with bartonellosis in Colombia. [5| 40: 705-14. Sabrosky, C. W.— The identity of Winthemia tibialis (Larvaevor. ). |65] 49: 249. — A synopsis of the Larvaevorid flies of the genus Eudejeania. [71 1 97: 141-56 (Sk*). Shaw, F. R.— Some observations on the variation in wing venation in the Myce- tophilidae. [1| 38: 708-11. Spieth, H. T— (See under Anatomy.) Stalker and Carson — (See under Anatomy.) Vanderplank, F. L. — (See under Anatomy.) Wiesmann, R. — (See under Anatomy.) Wirth, W. W. — Xotes on the mosquitoes of Louisiana. [37] 40: 742—44. COLEOPTERA— Arnett, R. H., Jr.— A review of the i^enus Rhinoplatia (Oedom.). [65 1 49: 241-46. Balfour- Browne, J. — A revision of the genus Bidessonotus. [88] 98: 425-48. ill. (*). Barr and Linsley — Distributional and biological notes on the species of the submenus Melanophila occurring in w. North Arner. [60] 23: 162-66. Berry, P. A. — Investigations on the white-fringed beetle group in South America. [37] 40: 705-09. Crombie and Darrah- (See under Anatomy.) Dillon and Dillon — The tribe Doreaschematini (Cerambycidae). [83] 73: 173-298, ill. (k*). Eastham and Segrove — (See under Anatomy.) Easton, A. M. — An addition to the nearctic Xitidulidae. [6| 14: 60-64. ill. (k*). Easton, A. M. — An addition to the nearctic Xitidulidae. [6] 14: 60-64. ill. (k). Fiedler, C.- Die sudamerikanischen Arten der Gattung Tylodes (Cur- cul.). [Mitteil. Miinchener Ent. Gesell.) "33: 136-55 (Sk*). Fisher, W. S. — Xew neotropical Cerambycidae be- longing to the genus Dorcasta Pascoe. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro 1 18: 173-82 (*). Hayes, W. P.— (See under Anatomy.) Hinton, H. E. — A new species of Culydiidae associated with stored products, with key to the species of Tvrtaeus champion. [6| 13: 851-56. ill. (k*). Hinton, H. E. — (See under Anatomy.) Kullenberg, B. — (See un- der Anatomy.) Mader, L. — Zur Kenntniss der amerikani- schen Erotyliden. [Mitteil. Munchner Ent. Gesell. | 32: 549-72 (*).--Neue exotische Erotyliden. Ibid. 219-22 (*). Maria, H. A. — Catalogo sistematico. sinonimico y geografico de los insectos del genero Carabus (|ue figuran en la colec- cion del Museo de] institute de la Salle. |76| 7: 313-18. Monros, F. — Revision del genero IMectonycha (Chr\ some- lid). | An. Soc. Cien. Argentina | 144: 46-64. ill. Park, O. -The pselaphid at home and abroad. [81 | n5 : 27—12. 54 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Feb., '48 Robinson, M. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the U. S. (Scarabaeidae). [83 J 73: 299-305. Saylor, L. W. — Studies in the melolonthine scarab beetle genera of the American continents. No. V. Raysymmela, a new ge- nus near Symmela Erichson. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Ja- neiro] 18: 161-66, ill. (k*). Soraci, F. A.— A Japanese weevil, Pseudocneorrhinus setosus (in N. Amer.). [45] 55 : 274. Spaeth, F. — Die Coleopteren der deutschen Gran- chaco Expedition, 1925-26. Cassidini (Chrysomelid). j'Mitteil. Miinchener Ent. Ges.J 31: 1059-63. Strohecker, H. F. — Tres nuevas especies de Endomichidae. [15] 10: 98-102. ill. Uhmann, E. — Die Deckenelemente der Hispi- nae-Gruppen Chalepini und Uroplatini (Chrysomelid). [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 113-38, ill. Van Dyke, E. C. — New species of Coleoptera from w. North Amer. [60] 23: 155-61. Voss, E.— Uber Curculioniden, Vor- wiegend aus dem Gebiet der Anden. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 45-64, ill. (k*). Weiss, H. B.— (See under Anatomy.) Young, F. N. — A new species of Gyretes from w. Florida. [31] 30: 31-33. HYMENOPTERA— Beirne, B.— (See under Anatomy.) Berland, L. — Hymenopteres Tenthredoides. [Faune de France, Paris] 47: 9-496, ill. (k). Blanchard, E. E.— Seis nuevos Campopleginos argentinos (Ichneumonid). [Acta Zoologica Lilloana] 3: 289-305, ill. Bohart, G. E.— New North American bees of the genus Dufourea (Halictid). [5] 40: 692-704.— Wild bees in relation to alfalfa pollina- tion. [Farm and Home Science] 8: 13-14. Doutt, R. L.— The occurrence of the genus Stethynium in Cal. [60] 23: 152-54, ill. Enzmann, J. — The nest of the bog ant, Myr- mica brevinodis var. canadensis. [65] 49: 246-49. Ken- nedy, C. H. — (See under General.) Krombein, K. V.— An adventive Megachile in Washington, D. C. (Mega- chilid). [65] 50: 14. Michener, C. D. — Bees of a limited area in southern Mississippi. [1] 38: 443-55 (*). — Notes on the American bees of the genus Melecta (Nomadid). [65] 50: 15-18 (k*). Pardi, L.— (See under Anatomy.) Pence, R. J. — (See under Smaller Orders.) Pulkkinen, A.— Hymenoptera, Sphecidae. [Suomen Elaimet Animalia Fen- nica] I: Myrkkypistiaiset. I: 9-168, ill. Smith, M. R.— A new genus and species of ant from Guatemala. [45) 55: 281-84. — A study of Polyergus in the U. S., based on the workers [1] 38': 150-61" (k*).— Notes on Pheidole (Deca- pheidole) and the description of a new species (Formicid) | Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 193-96. llX, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 55 Reviews A CATALOGUE OF INSECTICIDES AND FUNGICIDES. VOLUME I : CHEMICAL INSECTICIDES. By Donald E. H. Frear. Pp. xii-203, super roy. oct.. Waltham, Mass. 1947: the Chronica Botanica Co.; New York City: Stechert-Hafner, Inc. Price, $6.50. This is a compilation begun at the Pennsylvania Agricultural Experiment Station during the war as a part of the effort to discover new insecticides. In it are listed over 10,000 chemi- cals and miscellaneous insecticides that have been tested for the control of insects. Each substance is listed separately with its name, synonyms, and chemical formula. In addition, the insects against which it has been tested are given and the results of the tests as well as references to the literature listed in the author's index. Patents are also indicated and are listed nu- merically, by country and by patentee. To workers in insecti- cide research this volume will be a great convenience and save much laborious searching of the literature. — R. G. Schmieder. BASIC BOTANY. An introduction to the science of botany. By Fred W. Emerson. Pp. ii-372. the Blakiston Co.. Phila- delphia and Toronto. Price. $4.00. Entomologists usually have to have some acquaintance with plants even if only to IDC able to add the name of the host to the label on the pin. Many are led to deepen this acquaintance and soon find that each collecting trip then becomes a richer and more enjoyable experience and that even when the col- lecting is poor there is still much to enjoy and that no trip is ever a failure. When one conies to understand the plant life that is the insects home one will also come to know the insects themselves more completely — as living things rather than only as dried specimens. This text-book, intended for colleges, can be recommended for helping one to become really acquainted with plants. It considers plants primarily as living things and discusses their structures and specializations from this point of view. The result is something more appealing than the older dull and formal botany texts. The book is a departure in other ways, from the cover representing a landscape, in full color, and the double column page for economy and ease of reading, to the arrangement of the subject matter itself. — R. G. Schmieder. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Chrysididae — Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. Ants of the tribe Dacetini (Strumigenys, Rhopalothrix and related genera) wanted for world revision. W. L. Brown, Jr., Harvard Uni- versity Biological Laboratories, Cambridge 38, Mass. Mallophaga (on which immediate determination is not necessary) wanted for study and determination. R. L. Edwards, Dept. Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. Tingidae (Heteroptera) of the world wanted, in alcohol, with host and other ecological data. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. S. Bailey, 16 Neponset Ave., Hyde Park 36, Mass. Bombidae, nearctic and neotropical, wanted for exchange, identi- fication, or purchase. Will exchange in other groups for bumblebees. Barth Maina, Dept. Zool., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago 37, 111. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. FOR SALE One of the largest remaining private collections of PALEARCTIC MACROLEPIDOPTERA containing more than 66,000 specimens in 10,000 de- termined species and forms including 1,374 types ( I I<>1o-C'o- and Paratypes). / -or fitrtlicr details />/ v to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, No. 7 Zool. Lab., Univ. of Penna., Philadelphia 4, Pa. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1138. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the neotropical Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Notiphilinae (73: 35-61, 1947) $ .90 1142. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Noti- philinae (73: 105-124, 1947) 50 HYMENOPTERA 1137.— Pate (V. S. L.)— The Pemphilidine wasps of the Caribbees (73: 1-33, 1 pi., 1947) 85 COLEOPTERA 1145.— Dillon (L. S. & E. S.)— The tribe Dorcaschematini (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) (73: 173-298, 6 pis., 1947) 3.45 1139.— Green (J. W.)— New Eastern Amer. sp. of Podabrus (73: 63-76, figs., 1947) 35 1144.- — Robinson (M.) — Two new spp. of Scarabaeidae (73: 169- 171, 1947) 20 1146. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the United States (73:299-305,1947) 20 LEPIDOPTERA 1141. — Darlington (E. P.) — Notes on certain types of Lepidoptera described by Brackenridge Clemens (73: 85-104, 1947) ... .50 1140. — Williams (J. L.) — The anatomy of the internal genitalia of Fumea Casta Pallas (73: 77-84, figs.. 1947) 20 TRICHOPTERA 1143.— Ross (H. H.) — Descriptions and records of No. Amer. Tri- choptera, with synoptic notes (73: 125-168, 7 pis., 1947) .. 1.40 ODONATA 1147. — Needham (J. G.)— Studies on the No. Amer. spp. of the genus Gomphus (Odonata) (73: 307-339, fig., 1 pi., 1947) 85 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS • MARCH 1948 to*; Vol. LIX No. 3 CONTENTS Rehn— Morgan Hebard (1887-1946) ....................... 57 Barr — A new genus and species of Buprestidae ............... (M Knull — A new species of Agrilus with notes ................. 72 Xotes and Xews in Entomology Townes" — Czechoslovakian insect pins ..................... 7.^ Obituary — Ezra T. Cresson, Jr ............................ 76 Entomological Literature ........................ . ......... 76 Review — The stingless bees (Meliponidae) .................. 83 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS.. LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $300 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rale of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3. 1917. authorized January 45, 1921. '•••• • / jfcCCfl^ '^ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $ 2.50 $ 4.50 $ 6.50 $10.00 Five Issues 9.00 17.00 24.00 42.00 Ten Issues 16.00 30.00 42.00 72.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2.75; 100 copies, $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies, $5.23. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.88; 50 copies, $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03; additionals at .022 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.20; additional at 0.165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LVIX, PLATE 1. MORGAN HEBARD ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LIX MARCH, 1948 No. 3 Morgan Hebard (1887-1946) Morgan Hebard was born in Cleveland, Ohio, February 23, 1887, the only child of Charles Samuel and Hannah Morgan Hebard. On the paternal side his forebears were old pre- Revolutionary Connecticut stock, and one of his ancestors was Brigadier General Ebenezer Learned, Commander of the Con- necticut Brigade at Valley Forge. His great grandfather, Learned Hebard, was a Congressman about one hundred years ago, and Chairman of the first Republican convention held in the state of Connecticut. His mother's father, David Morgan; was born in Wales, came to America as a young man, and settled in Cleveland, Ohio, where over the years in the iron and steel industry he built a considerable fortune. Charles Hebard, the paternal grandfather of Morgan, was a successful lumberman, first in the Pocono country of Pennsyl- vania, and subsequently in the northern peninsula of Michigan. To this business his activities, and those of his two sons, Charles Samuel and Daniel Learned, were largely devoted during their lives. Gradually the business expanded so that they ultimately acquired from a land drainage company almost the entire area of the Okefinokee Swamp in southeastern Georgia. This great tract of almost five hundred square miles, originally containing an enormous stand of cypress, was ultimately acquired from the Hebard family by the United States Government as a wild life reserve. While Charles S. Hebard and Daniel L. Hebard, like their father Charles Hebard, regarded Philadelphia as their home city, and maintained residences in suburban Chestnut Hill, all three (57) ' 58 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 families, in Morgan's younger years, had winter homes at Thomasville, Georgia, and summer homes at Pequaming, Michi- gan, the site of the family lumber mills, on the southern shore of Lake Superior. In addition in winters at the turn of the cen- tury, Morgan's family spent periods of some weeks each at Miami, Florida, a community then in relative infancy, and on these visits he formed an acquaintance with the life of the now largely vanished or despoiled hammocks of southern Florida, which proved of value to him in studies of after years. An early interest in Lepidoptera was established largely by these visits to Thomasville and Miami, and his then-acquired knowledge of many of the moths and butterflies of those areas remained un- dimmed through his later life, which was largely devoted to critical work with other insects. His life-long interest in com- parative faunistics was early nurtured by the opportunity for contrasting the Lepidoptera of these areas with those forms to be found about his Chestnut Hill home. r Morgan Hebard's interest in nature was inherent, and the collector's instinct also was early developed. In his youth his education was acquired from governesses or tutors, who moved with the family from Philadelphia to their other seasonal homes. In 1904 he entered Asheville School at Acton, North Carolina, and on graduating there followed the family precedent and en- tered Yale University, emerging with the Bachelor of Arts de- gree in 1910. His boyhood collections covered a wide range, from historical relics to postage stamps, but the interest in nature was always paramount, accompanied as it was by the determination to find out as much as he could about a matter of particular interest, even if this entailed wading in swamps (without boots!) or ex- cavating gopher holes. One characteristic early developed was a meticulous exactness and neatness in labelling his possessions, an appreciation of orderly arrangement which remained a marked trait throughout his life. My first meeting with Morgan Hebard was in 1903, when as a young man of sixteen he came to the Academy of Natural Sci- ences in Philadelphia to determine some of his Lepidoptera cap- tures. Dr. Skinner, then Curator of Insects, had met him pre- lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 59 viously and encouraged his interest. As a student then, some five years older, I gave him such assistance as was in my power and the acquaintance then formed ripened into a friendship and association which lasted through the years until his death, be- coming to each of us a very vital part of our lives. Gradually he became interested in the Orthoptera, with which I had been working for some few years, and as he realized there was a very great deal to be learned about the insects of that order, and that he was fully capable of bringing to light much previously un- known concerning them, even of species from nearby areas, his native enthusiasm and energy turned toward the Orthoptera. In March, 1904. at the invitation of his parents. I spent a month with him at Thomasville, and daily we ransacked the country roundabout for Orthoptera. I encouraged him to put his obser- vations in writing, and the results of this month of work ap- peared in 1905 as our first joint paper. In the autumn of 1904 Morgan went to school at Acton and school terms were spent there for nearly two years, but all spare time in potential collecting seasons was occupied in climbing ridges and combing valleys, laying the foundations for a most comprehensive knowledge of the Orthoptera of the Southern Appalachians, which field always remained one of great interest to him. One summer of his school years was spent with his family in the Yellowstone and parts of the Colorado Rockies, while in part of another (1905) we were working together in northern Florida, with yellow fever rampant in New Orleans, as well as present in Pensacola. and quarantine regulations in force on every hand, which required us to have daily railroad station stampings placed on our Philadelphia health certificates, without which we could not enter the state of Florida. During his college years two summers were spent in Europe with his family, collecting Orthoptera on all possible occasions, while those of 1907, 1909 and 1910 we spent together in the field in the western states, in the inaugural work on a project which had slowly crystallized in our minds — a comprehensive series of Or- thopteran field studies covering all the major areas of the United States, except for the few sections which were fairly well known, with as a future objective the preparation and publication of a 60 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 monographic work on the Orthoptera of North America. For forty years this remained the incentive behind the seasons of field work which have been carried out, largely working together in the field and in the laboratory. It is the hope of the surviving member of this rather unusual partnership that he may be able to carry this work forward to its completion, if for no other reason than as a tribute and memorial to the one who gave so much of his life, effort and resources to pave the way. A large number of joint papers, based in greater part on collections se- cured on the numerous field investigations, have been published preliminary to the projected larger work, and many others of the same type were brought out individually by Hebard in the last twenty-five years. Following the completion of his college work, and in accord- ance with his father's wishes, Morgan spent a year in a banking office in Philadelphia, familiarizing himself with certain phases of business operations and the handling of investments and se- curities. In 1911 he was able to realize what had been for some years his greatest desire — that of devoting his time uninter- ruptedly, in both the field and laboratory, to his beloved Or- thoptera. From that time until the late nineteen thirties, when physical limitations became restricting factors, he was seldom absent from his work desk for more than a short time, except when in the field. His plan for the formation of the Hebard Collection developed even before he was able to give unrestricted time to research, and the carefully planned seasonal field ex- plorations, which occupied most of our summers from 1907 to 1928, had already been worked out in conferences and put into effect before his college years were ended. At a desk adjoining that of his colleague the days largely were spent in the prepara- tion of the many important studies which came from his pen. He maintained a very extensive correspondence, studied nu- merous collections for institutions and colleagues elsewhere, and arranged important exchanges, usually of paratypic material, with other institutions, the majority of these abroad. The physical arrangement of the Hebard Collection was en- tirely a personal task, to which he gave greatly of time and lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 61 energy, providing the entire housing in which this extensive series was quartered. The collection was physically deposited at the Academy from its inception, and bequeathed to that insti- tution from the same early period. However, it was formally presented in toto, with its entire housing, in 1945, somewhat over a year before Mr. Hebard's death. During the twenty-five most active years of his work at the Academy he provided finan- cially at various times for artists and preparators, and assisted in meeting the publication costs of a considerable number of the contributions of which he was sole or joint author. The field investigations in the United States which Mr. He- bard planned and financed virtually in their entirety, were car- ried out by the twro associates over fifteen seasons extending from 1905 to 1928, from six weeks to three months being spent each year. In addition in 1920 the two worked in Jamaica, Panama and the Santa Marta region of Colombia, while in 1913 Hebard visited and actively collected in Cuba, the Bahamas, Ja- maica and Panama. As already mentioned, as a young man abroad with his parents in 1906 and 1908, he worked actively in the field in parts of England, France and Switzerland, and in a later year was able to do certain field work in parts of Italy and in Algeria. In London he early made the personal acquaintance of the late Dr. W. F. Kirby, and on subsequent visits met Dr. B. P. Uvarov, Dr. H. Karny and Dr. Lucien Chopard, with all of whom he long corresponded. In the field Hebard was an indefatigable worker, endowed with superb hearing, which was of exceptional value in locating nocturnal stridulating forms. In addition he had that essential of the mountain worker, a splendid pair of lungs, and a phy- sique which, while never massive, was a reservoir of energy, that could be galvanized into sustained action when time or fickle weather made the effort to reach and examine a certain peak or ridge a gruelling drive. Many high mountain summits, seldom visited by entomologists, where little known and often distinc- tive Orthoptera had been taken or were suspected to occur, were climbed and examined — Mt. \Yhitney, San Gorgonio Peak, San Francisco Peaks, Mt. Livermore in the Davis Mountains of 62 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 Texas, the high peaks of the Chisos Range in the same state, the Ruby Range, Charleston Peak and Mt. Wheeler in Nevada. Santa Fe Baldy in New Mexico, the summits of the Tushars in Utah, the edge of the ice on Mts. Rainier, Hood and Shasta, the Steen Mountains of Oregon, the Warners in California, and the Quinn Canyon Range in central Nevada, the Tetons of Wyo- ming and numerous others. Similarly the low hot deserts were as carefully examined, not once but frequently in several differ- ent seasons spent in the same general area. Death Valley was visited in the best Orthoptera season, which was in August, with a shade temperature of 120°, as well as many localities in the Yuma, Colorado, Mohave and Amargosa deserts in the best col- lecting, but physically trying, months of July, August and Sep- tember. The Florida peninsula, as well as the Keys, the coastal plain of the southeastern states and the Gulf Coast region were areas in which portions of a number of seasons were spent, while all or part of five seasons were spent in the state of Texas alone. The total number of localities examined in this work reached some thousands, and these extended from Virginia to the Flor- ida Keys, westward to California and Washington. Extensive areas where considerable work had already been done by resi- dent entomologists were usually omitted, and efforts were con- centrated on those either little or very imperfectly known as far as the Orthoptera were concerned. The plan of work varied from that first used of following railroad lines and stopping at points roughly fifty miles apart or with sharply contrasted physiography, and then striking out for promising environments, to the final development of using a motor truck, with full camp equipment, on individual circuitous trips of quite a few thousand miles each, with a number of spe- cific areas as objectives. Saddle horses and pack animals were sometimes used, but most actual climbing in high places was ac- complished only by using one's own feet, and sometimes hands as well. The number of Orthoptera specimens taken in the course of this field work, extending from 1905 to 1928, totalled well over one hundred thousand, supplemented to an exceptional degree lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 63 by many hundreds of pages of critical field observations, always written up daily, and as yet only in part utilized in print. These notes always represented the observations and conclusions of the two workers, and were generally written up by Hebard in the evening sessions when the day's catch was being prepared. It sometimes happened that after a full day in desert sun, when as much as twenty miles had been covered on foot, the work of eviscerating and packing the material secured would take from five to seven hours more, or until the wee hours of the next morn- ing. In several cases the day's catch reached a thousand speci- mens, but collecting always had objectives and there was no in- discriminate accumulation of numbers alone. Back of all the work was a studied effort to find and examine natural and, as far as possible, unaltered conditions. Cultivated land was largely by-passed, as the original orthopterous fauna was always the ob- jective, and not the alterations brought about by cultivation or the clearing of native vegetation. In the earlier years four hand- carried fiber telescopes held all needed equipment for two, camp as well as collecting, an army "doggie" or shelter tent, nest of simple cooking utensils, mess kits, flash-lights and blankets. Often the bed was no more than a single blanket in a sand draw. When truck work became practicable, army cots and gasoline pressure lights became standard equipment, an era of luxury compared with the earlier days. In addition to the long-range North American project, and the studies based in part on the results of the same, Mr. Hebard was steadily augmenting the breadth and coverage of the Hebard Collection by the purchase of unstudied Orthoptera material from various parts of the world, as well as that taken by certain reputable collectors in especially desirable sections of the United States. Unstudied series were purchased from Mexico, British Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Vene- zuela, Trinidad, Amazonia, southern and eastern Brazil, Para- guay, Spain, the Balkans, Uganda. Kenya, the Belgian Congo, Natal, Rhodesia, Liberia, Madagascar, India, southern and in- terior China. Java, the Moluccas and Queensland, while the great Boettcher series of Philippine Orthoptera was acquired almost in its entirety. Two famous and classic collections. as- 64 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 sembled by outstanding investigators, were purchased in toto, i.e., the Lawrence Bruner collection of North and Central Amer- ican Orthoptera, including hundreds of types of that author, many of these of species published in the section of the Biologia Centrali-Americana which came from his pen, and the J. L. Han- cock collection of Tetrigidae of the world, the largest single col- lection of that group in existence, and also including some hun- dreds of that author's types. When all of these series were added to the representation of Orthoptera and Dermaptera pre- viously owned by the Academy of Natural Sciences, as they now have been, there is found in one collection in Philadelphia, the largest and most comprehensive collection of Orthoptera in the world, even surpassing those in London, Paris and Berlin. For many years Mr. Hebard carried on important exchanges with European institutions, and in consequence paratypic ma- terial of hundreds of species described from those collections were added to the Philadelphia series, in return for paratypes of species described by the Philadelphia group. The original contributions to our knowledge of the Orthoptera and Dermaptera which came from the pen of Morgan Hebard, either individually or jointly with the present biographer, to- talled 197 titles, with a pagination in excess of five thousand. The North American fauna always held a preeminent position in his mind and work, and among his contributions to that fauna were faunistic studies on the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of a number of specific states or provinces, as Alberta, North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana, Minnesota, Colorado, Arizona, Kansas, Oklahoma and Illinois, while his death left unfinished an ex- tensive one on those elements of the Texas fauna. The purely systematic studies on the genera and species of the same orders were broad in coverage, including, among many others, compre- hensive monographic works on the North American Blattidae or cockroaches, on the North American crickets of the subfami- lies Nemobiinae and Mogoplistinae, and of the katydid group Pterophyllae, on many elements of the locusts of the group Melanopli, and, with this biographer, a considerable number of papers on sections of the North American Tettigoniidae or katy- lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 65 dids, the crickets of the genus Gryllus as found in North Amer- ica, and the locusts of the Eumastacinae of the same area. Hebard's studies on the Dermaptera and Orthoptera of other lands covered a very broad range, both systematically and faunistically. He was particularly interested in the cockroaches, and his various contributions to our knowledge of the Blattidae are probably more basic and fundamental for future systematic workers in that field than those of any other student since the days of Brunner and de Saussure, in the nineteenth century. His exotic faunistic work, which covered some scores of papers, was particularly important in connection with the Orthoptera of Baja California, Mexico, the West Indies, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Malaya, southern India, Australia (chiefly on the Blattidae), and the Philippine, Hawaiian, Society, Mar- quesas and Galapagos Islands. His comprehensive studies of the Orthoptera of Panama, and of the Society, Marquesas and Hawaiian groups, are works which will long remain basic in their particular fields. In the laboratory Morgan Hebard was completely absorbed in his work. He possessed to a high degree the ability to concen- trate so completely on the subject in hand that he was almost ob- livious to what went on about him. He could make his minutes count to a degree few possess, and also exclude from his mind or attention matters which he considered irrelevant to the work before him. With a keen, incisive mind he was able to grasp far more rapidly than most scholars the implications of a set of facts, and promptly to coordinate his conclusions. His rough manu- scripts grew rapidly, set down in pencil in an almost cabalistic system of abbreviations, which he alone could follow with com- plete assurance. In consequence he preferred to type his own manuscripts, which he did at home, largely at night or over week- ends. Similarly he personally assembled and mounted the orig- inal drawings for all the illustrations of his many papers, while the arrangement of the scores of thousands of determined speci- mens contained in the Hebard Collection always received his personal attention. While he had one or more skillful prepara- tors constantly available, he often preferred personally to handle 66 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 repair work on particularly valuable or historic specimens, and his technique always was of the highest order. As an inde- pendent investigator, without routine responsibilities except such as he might care to assume, he was able to complete a relatively large amount of critical study in a relatively short time, and he moved from project to project with a celerity evidencing the dynamic energy which was so characteristic of him until his later years. In 1913 Mr. Hebard married Margaret Champlin Perry Claxton of Philadelphia, a grand-daughter of the artist, John La Farge, and whose family ties also included one of the city's most distinguished medical families. Of their three children, two sons and a daughter, the younger son (Morgan, Jr.) and the daughter (now Mrs. Richard Lloyd), with Mrs. Hebard, sur- vive their father. From boyhood Morgan Hebard had loved the out-of-doors- hunting, trap-shooting, angling, golf and tennis — encouraged by his father who was an all-round sportsman of sterling qualities. To Morgan tennis and golf were good sports, but his favorite ones were angling — both trout and tarpon — and shooting. He was an exceptional shotgun shot, both at game and at the traps, and while a student at Yale, where he captained the trap-shoot- ing team, was intercollegiate high gun, and for years he was ex- ceedingly proficient with both rifle and revolver. During the First World War he was commissioned a lieuten- ant, serving first with the Cinematographic Section of the Signal Corps, but later was transferred to the Military Intelligence Division. Released from duty shortly after the signing of the Armistice, he at once returned to and plunged again into his re- search work. While in the service he had hoped to be sent overseas, and there assigned to field intelligence work, but his duties in the Intelligence, and in which he immersed himself as deeply and as completely as he did when engaged with scientific problems, were concerned with a very vital phase of Army security in the camps in the United States, and in consequence he was held on this side of the Atlantic. While as a child Morgan Hebard had been a sufferer from a bronchial affection, in his mature years he was seldom ill, until lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 67 in the thirties there became evident a progressive arthritic con- dition, which from being merely restrictive developed to a point where movements became painful and circumscribed. Long pe- riods were spent under treatment in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, some single hospitalizations extending over almost a year, with fluctuating results. During these long absences from his usual haunts, he kept alive his interest in the Orthop- tera, and in those periods, sometimes a number of months in length, when a periodic betterment would permit him to be brought to the Academy, he completed some of his last published papers, taking the same keen pleasure, as in earlier years, in finishing any piece of work. Arthritic distortions had seriously crippled his hands, but twice he virtually learned to write anew. In the last few years unable to hazard the rather long trip from his home to the Academy, he assembled pages of data from cer- tain series which were taken to him for tabulation, and also virtually completed an important piece of revisionary work which will be published posthumously. At Christmas time December 1946 I had a very cheery tele- phone conversation with him. It was full of the expectation of a sufficient betterment to be able to resume his trips to the Academy. A few days later, on December 28, 1946, a sudden heart attack ended the years of struggle against his insidious enemy arthritis. Two of the outstanding personal characteristics of Morgan Hebard were an ability to push to completion, regardless of the obstacles physical or otherwise, a project with which he was en- gaged, and second, the determination to round out, to develop and to complete as far as possible, the great collection which he was responsible for assembling. Quick tempered and outspoken when confronted with injustice or incompetence, he was in- nately kind and sympathetic to those with whom he worked, regardless of their station. Although accustomed to a life of rela- tive luxury, he was perfectly at home in the most rugged situa- tions and with people in all walks of life. An excellent scholar in French and German, in both of which he had been tutored for years before his college days, and also with a good knowledge 68 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 of Spanish and Greek, he was often consulted by colleagues on difficult translations or interpretations. Possessed of an in- fectious humor, he was generally able to draw some amusement from situations which most people would regard as downright calamities. He possessed no false pride, and had no hesita- tion in asking for, accepting and acknowledging help in solving a problem before him. Similarly he was happy to be able to help others, and did so countless times. On outfit trips his personality soon won the friendship, respect and cooperation of those who cooked the meals and wrangled the horses or drove the truck. During a friendship and association covering forty- three years the biographer had many occasions to learn how deeply apparently trivial and passing things would impress them- selves indelibly upon the mind and thoughts of his friend and colleague, sometimes recalled with an amused chuckle or grave retrospection a decade later. To Morgan Hebard the attendance at formal meetings of any character was a sheer waste of valuable time. Except for those of the Scientific Council of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, of which he was a member for over twenty years, he rarely attended any such gatherings, either in Philadelphia or elsewhere. He was elected a Fellow of the Entomological So- ciety of America some decades before his death, and was long a member, and for a time Treasurer, of the American Entomologi- cal Society. While elected a Life Member when a minor, at the time of his death he was a Benefactor of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, this conferred in recognition of his gift of the Hebard Collection in 1945. He was Curator of Insects of the Academy for a number of years, but accepted no salary for this service, and also held the title of Research Associate of the Academy, and later Research Fellow, for over twenty years. He was an honorary member of the Entomological Society of France, and also of the Colombian Natural Science Society, the latter conferred in recognition of his numerous papers on the Orthoptera of that country. In 1945 the Hebard Collection of Dermaptera and Orthoptera was unrestrictedly presented to the Academy, where it had long lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 69 been desposited. The collection comprised approximately 250,- 000 specimens, representing in the North American field alone almost all known members of those orders in that fauna, in a number of cases the representation of the species being all known to exist in any collection. The number of species from the whole world represented by single types was 1369, with in ad- dition approximately 2000 species by paratypes. The whole series filled 2400 Academy standard glass-top cabinet drawers, contained in 147 metal cases, all of which, originally supplied by Mr. Hebard, were presented with the collection. As forty-three years constitutes by far the greater part of an adult life, the personal friendship of, and association with, Mor- gan Hebard formed a very vital and inseparable segment of my own days during the years which have passed. The memories of the many days spent together in the laboratory across ad- joining desks, in desert heat or on mountain slopes, will always remain fresh, inspiring and treasured. All those who knew him well have lost a charming, kindly and brilliant associate. The loss to American entomology is also great, for there has gone from us a keen, logical and penetrating mind, a gentleman and a scholar, whose years in the field and in the laboratory brought high position in his field of work to his name and to his intel- lectual home, in which, as his work drew to a close, he placed the results of his labors. JAMES A. G. REHN A New Genus and Species of Buprestidae from Southern California (Coleoptera) * By WILLIAM F. BARR, University of Idaho The apparently new genus and species of the family Bupresti- dae, tribe Buprestini described below, has been in the writer's collection for several years, having been represented by only a single specimen. Attempts have been made on several occasions to secure additional material, but with little success. It is now * Published with the approval of the Director of the Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station as Research Paper no. 276. 70 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 felt that this new genus and species should be made known, in view of the fact that Knull 1 has recently described a remark- able new genus which also belongs in the Buprestini. Thus, these new genera becoming known at approximately the same time may help to throw new light on the relationships of the genera of North American Buprestidae. Appreciation is expressed to J. N. Knull who has been most helpful by comparing specimens with material in his collection and to R. G. Dahl who presented the specimen, here described, to the writer. Genus TRICHINORHIPIS new Small, rather broad, somewhat convex. Head of moderate size ; eyes widely separated, rather large, elliptical and vertical ; antennae eleven-segmented, attaining hind margin of pronotum, rather densely clothed with fine, short, erect pale hairs, first x and second segments feebly swollen, clavate, third segment narrowly elongate, clavate, segments four to ten flabellate, rami increasing in length to sixth segment, then slightly decreasing in length, rami arising from near apex of fourth and fifth seg- ments, at apex of remaining segments, eleventh segment elon- gate, slender; maxillary palpus with last segment rather elon- gate, conical, apex pointed ; mentum corneous, narrowly rounded in front. Pronotum much broader than long, convex, without evident lateral margins ; sides widest slightly behind middle, evenly rounded, feebly sinuate at base ; surface reticulate. Scu- tellum small, triangular. Elytra as broad as pronotum, cover- ing abdomen except for pygidium, sides feebly sinuate ; apices separately rounded ; surface of each elytron with nine rows of rather coarse punctures forming striae which are somewhat sinuate, roughened at base and apex. Undersurface with the sides of metasternum nearly convex, lacking a large hairy de- pression ; hind coxae triangular, posterior margin strongly ob- lique, somewhat arcuate, basal segment of hind tarsus as long as the three following segments. Genotype : Trichinorhipis knulli new species. i KNULL, J. N. 1947. Ohio Journal of Science, 47 (2) : 69. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 71 This genus belongs in the peculiar Xcnorhipis group of the trihe Buprestini, which in the United States has contained, until the present, but two genera, Xcnorhipis and Hcsperorhipis. Trichinorhipis is apparently more closely related to the latter, but may be readily separated from both by being broader, hav- ing the pronotum broadly and evenly rounded at the sides and lacking lateral margins, having the sides of the metasternum nearly convex, having the last segment of the maxillary palpus distinctly pointed at the apex and by having the pubescent male antennae flabellate from the fourth segment. Trichinorhipis knulli new species Male : Form rather robust ; black with large, conspicuous ivory elytral markings, feebly shining. Head convex, rather coarsely and shallowly reticulate, sparsely clothed with short, semi-recumbent silvery hairs, antennae flabellate from fourth segment, testaceous-at base, gradually becoming darker towards apex, rami dark ; clypeus narrow, broadly and shallowly emar- ginate in front. Pronotum convex, wider in front than at base, surface coarsely, shallowly reticulate, moderately clothed with short, semi-recumbent silvery hairs ; front margin feebly bi- sinuate, median lobe broadly rounded ; sides broadly and evenly rounded, widest slightly behind middle, feebly sinuate at hind angles which are somewhat angulate ; hind margin very slightly bisinuate. Scutcllmn finely punctured, glabrous. Elytra broadly bilobed in front, not broader than pronotum, covering abdomen except for pygidium ; humeri obsolete, humeral angles obtusely rounded ; sides feebly sinuate to apical fourth, then abruptly and arcuately rounded to apices which are separately rounded and serrate ; sutural margins slightly divergent behind middle ; surface with a broad ivory band extending from in front of basal fourth to apical fourth of elytra, narrowly interrupted at suture, front margin broadly bilobed, hind margin irregularly truncate, basal and apical black areas feebly tumid ; striae con- sisting of sinuate rows of deep, moderate-sized punctures, most conspicuous on ivory band, interstrial spaces rather finely and irregularly punctured on basal and apical black areas giving these areas a roughened appearance, interstrial spaces of ivory 72 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 band not conspicuously punctured, pubescence sparse, consist- ing of rows of very short, erect silvery hairs. Undersurjace with prosternum irregularly reticulate, very sparsely pubescent, front margin nearly truncate ; metasternum irregularly reticu- late, convex, with a small feeble depression along the sides at outer margin of hind coxae, glabrous ; abdomen swollen, finely, sparsely, asperately punctured, rather sparsely clothed with short, semi-recumbent silvery hairs, hind margin of last sternite broadly rounded. Length: 3.8 mm. Width: 1.3 mm. Holotype, male from Painted Canyon, Riverside County Cali- fornia, June 21, 1940, collected by R. G. Dahl, who swept it from a small, dead, unidentified desert shrub at night. Type in the writer's collection. 'This species is named after J. N. Knull as a slight token of appreciation for the many favors offered and the valuable as- sistance given to the writer during this and previous studies on Buprestidae. No difficulty should be encountered in separating T. knulli from other species in the Xenorhipis group. Its shape and markings plus the generic characteristics already mentioned should be amply sufficient to prevent its being confused with any known species which it may superficially resemble. New Species of Agrilus with Notes (Buprestidae and Eucnemidae) By J. N. KNULL, Department of Zoology and Entomology, The Ohio State University Agrilus cochisei n. sp. Figs. 1 and 2 Male. Form, size and color of A. inalvastri Fishr., color bronze above and beneath ; each elytron with distinct pubescent stripe near suture. Head convex, slight depression on vertex ; surface finely punctate, front densely pubescent ; antennae short, when laid along side, extending little beyond anterior angles of pronotum, serrate from fifth segment. Pronotum wider than long, wider in front than at rear, lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 73 widest in middle ; anterior margin sinuate, median lobe promi- nent ; basal margin sinuate ; sides subparallel anteriorly, sinuate near base. When viewed from side, marginal and submarginal carinae separated in front, joined at base; disk very convex, slight median depression at base, lateral depression each side, carina on hind angle rather indistinct; surface coarsely densely scabrous, sides with recumbent white pubescence. Scutellum transversely carinate. Male genitalia of Agrilus cochisci n. sp. 1. Dorsal view. 2. Ventral view. Elytra wider than base of pronotum, sides subparallel near base, constricted in front of middle, broadly rounded back of middle, obliquely narrowed to rounded, serrulate apices ; disk convex, each elytron with basal depression and elongate one in middle near suture. Abdomen beneath sparsely, finely punctate, clothed with re- cumbent, white pubescence which is more conspicuous along sides of last three segments ; first segment longitudinally flat- 74 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 tened, clothed with longer pubescence which extends to pro- sternal lobe ; pygidium without projecting carina. Prosternal lobe broadly rounded. Tibiae with anterior and middle pairs mucronate on inner margin at apex. Tarsal claws similar on all feet, cleft, inner tooth shorter than outer one, not turned inward. Length 5.4 mm.; width 1.2 mm. Female. With first ventral abdominal segment not flattened ; ventral median line of pubescence lacking ; tibiae not mucronate. Holotype male, allotype and one paratype labeled Dragoon Mts., ARIZ., Sept. 10, 1947, another paratype Chiricahua Mts., ARIZ., Sept. 12, 1947, all collected by D. J. & J. N. Knull and in collection of author. This species would run to A. malvastri Fishr. in Fisher's key.1 It can be separated by form of male genitalia. Juniperella mirabilis Knull 1947. Ohio Jour. Sci., 47: 69. Reared specimens have confirmed my supposition that this is the species infesting junipers in the Santa Rosa Mountains, California. Pachyschelus oculatus Schffr. This species was present on foliage of Desmodium bato- caulon Gray - in Chiricahua Mountains, Sept. 1-18, 1947. The larvae are leaf miners on this plant. Pachyschelus uvaldei Knull 1941. Ohio Jour. Sci., 41: 387. Sexes in original description of this species should be re- versed. This would make holotype a female instead of male. Pachyschelus purpureus (Say) Adults were collected in various parts of Ohio in May and June on foliage of wild crane's-bill (Geranium maculatum L.). Also collected on Geranium sp. foliage in Oak Creek Canyon, Arizona, Aug. 11. i W. S. FISHER, U.S.N.M. Bui. 145, pp. 1-347, 1928. - Determination by Dr. F. W. Pennell. Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 75 Deltometopus ereptus Bonvouloir 1870. Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., 185. The writer is of the opinion that Dr. Horn :! was in error when he stated that above species was same as D. amoenicornis (Say). Males of what I consider crcptus Bonv. from Gainesville, Fla., Brownsville, Tex., Opelousas, La., and Vienna, 111., have antennae ramous starting with sixth segment. Fifth segment over half again as wide as long, fourth segment about as wide as long. In amoenicornis (Say) antennae are ramous starting with fifth segment. Fourth segment wider than long. Notes and News in Entomology Under this heading we present, from time to time, notes, news, and comments. Contributions from readers are earnestly solicited and will be acknowledged when used. Czechoslovakian Insect Pins are Now Available. For about a year, I and others have been buying insect pins from Czechoslovakia and I have found them satisfactory. One can get japanned steel pins with brass heads at the present price per thousand, according to the size of the order, of $3.50, up to 11,000; $3.00, up to 20,000; $2.80, up to 50,000; and $2.50 per thousand for orders over 50,000 pins. Duty (collected on ar- rival) is 30% and parcel post, export license, and insurance usu- ally runs to about $4.00 for a lot of about 25,000 pins. Payment may be made by cashier's check and should accompany the order. If wanted, a price quotation may be had by air mail in about two weeks. An order sent by air mail is received usually in about six weeks. In comparison with the only insect pins being manufactured in the United States, those from Czechoslovakia have heads that are better formed and stay on as well, and points and japanning that are definitely superior. Their steel is inferior, being not quite so stiff. Sizes run smaller than those made in America, so that a Czechoslovakian no. 3 is a trifle smaller in diameter than an American no. 2. All the Czechoslovakian pins are 39 mm. long. The address is: Yran, Praha 1., Dlouha 14, Czecho- slovakia. 3G. H. HORN, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 13, p. 16, 1886. 76 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 Recent political changes prompted me to inquire of this com- pany whether orders could still be placed. The following reply from Dr. Frant. Klimes was dated March 18, 1948: "Please note that the political changes in our country are of no influence regarding to the business relations between the United States and Czechoslovakia. You may pay by check as well as ever be- fore. (I am reading USA-newspapers too and regret to say that the reports are not quite true.) However, it is possible that the foreign trade of our country will be reorganized, but no details are known as today." This note is written in the hope that by the time it is pub- lished, it will still be practical to get insect pins from Czecho- slovakia.— HENRY TOWNES, McLean, Virginia. Obituary Ezra T. Cresson, Jr., for many years Associate Editor of "Entomological News," and for thirty-nine years, until his re- tirement on account of ill health in 1947, Assistant, and later Associate, Curator of Insects at the Academy of Natural Sci- ences of Philadelphia, died April 8, 1948. One of the out- standing dipterists of the country, Mr. Cresson was our leading authority on the Ephydridae, and his contributions to our knowledge of that group numbered many score. A biographi- cal sketch will appear in a later issue of this JOURNAL. Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY EDWIN T. MOUL AND RAYMOND Q. BLISS. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the current or preceding year unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by (k); papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 77 GENERAL — Allen, T. C. — Suppression of insect damage by means of plant hormones. [37] 40: 814-17. Anon.— Rearing aquatic insects. [Turtox News] 25: 166. Bayard, A. — A propos 1'etiquetage. [110] 3: 230-32. Benson, R. B.— Theodore D. A. Cockerell (Obit.). [53] 161: 229-30. Chapin, Knight and Miller — Proposed changes in Article 25 (the law of priority) of the International Rules of Zo- ological Nomenclature. [80] 107 (2772) : 166-67. Dorsey, C. K. — Population and control studies of the Palau gnat on Peleliu, western Caroline Islands. [37] 40: 805-13. George and Mitchell — The effects of feeding DDT-treated insects to nestling birds. [37] 40: 782-89. Horton, Karel and Chadwick — Toxicity of y-benzene hexachloride in clothing. [80] 107 : 246. Merrill, E. D.— On the control of destruc- tive 'insects in the herbarium. [Jour. Arnold Arboretum] 29: 103-10. Noury, E.-M. — Pour suppleer ou remplacer le bocal a cyanure. [110] 3 : 219-22. Olberg, G.— Bliite und Insekt. [Kosmos] July 1946: 9-12, ill. Philip and Four- nier — Technique for the detection of insect moulting. [Ann. Rpt. Ent. Soc. Ontario] 75: 10-13, ill. Tiegs, O. W. -The development and affinities of the Pauropoda based on a study of Pauropus silvaticus. [74] 88: 275-336, ill. Trager, W.— Rudolf W. Glaser, 1888-1947. (Obituary.) [80] 107: 131-32. Verdcourt, B.— The sectioning of beetle elytra. [51] 6: 305-6. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Allen, T. C. — (See under General.) Armitage, H. M. — The Mexican bean beetle in California (Coccinellid). [37] 40: 865-69. Arvy et Gabe — Contribution a 1'etude cytologique et histo- chimique des formations endocrines retrocerebrales de la larva de Chironomus plumosus. [Rev. Canadien de Biol.] 6: 777-96. Beall, G.— The fat content of a butterfly, Da- naus plexippus, as affected by migration. [26] 29: 80-94. Berry, P. A. — Anthonomus vestitus and its natural enemies in Peru and their importation into the United States (Cur- cul.). 1 37 1 40: 801-4. Bonnet, P.— Remarques sur la changement de couleur des cocons d'Araignees. [ 1 10] 3: 218-19. Browning, H. C. — Mechanical disturbance and light as factors influencing the pullulation of Calandra granaria. (72| 117: 675-91. Chadwick, L. E.— The re- spiratory quotient of Drosophila in flight. [12] 93: 229-39. Coppel, H. C. — The collection of spruce buclworm parasite- in Pirilish Columbia with notes on their overwintering hab- its. | Ann. Report Knt. Soc. Ontario] 75: 38-39. Cowan and Shipman — Quantity of food consumed by mormon crickets. (37] 40: 825-28. Dahms, R. G. — Oviposition and 78 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 longevity of chinch bugs on seedlings growing in nutrient solutions (Lygaeid). [37] 40: 841-45. Davis and Landis —Overwintering of potato flea beetles in the Yakima Val- ley (Chrysom.). [37] 40: 821-24. Dexter, R. W— A checker-spot butterfly (E. editha) with three antennae. [Turtox News] 25 : 145. Donnelly, U. — Seasonal breed- ing and migrations of the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria in western and north-western Africa. [Anti- locust Memoirs, British Museum] 3: 1-43. Ellinger, Fraenkel and Kader — The utilization of nicotinamide de- rivatives and related compounds by mammals, insects and bacteria. [Biochemical Jour.] 41 : 559-68. Flanders, S. E. —A host-parasite community to demonstrate balance. [26] 29: 123. Hafez, M. — The biology and life-history of Apan- teles ruficrus (Braconid). [Bull. Soc. Fouad I D'Ent., Cairo] 31 : 225-49, ill. Hanna, A. D.— Studies on the Medi- terranean fruit-fly Ceratitis capitata (Trypaneid) : II. Bi- ology and control. [Bull. Fouad I D'Ent., Cairo] 31 : 251- 85, ill. Henry, L. M. — The nervous system and the seg- mentation of the head in the Annulata. [50] 12: 83-110. Hovanitz, W. — A graphic method of illustrating ecological and geographical distributions. [26] 29: 121-22. Hunts- man, A. G. — Method in ecology — biapocrisis. [26] 29: 30- 42. Hutchinson, R. N. — Influence of winter night tempera- tures on the California red scale (Coccid). [37] 40: 921- 22. Lumsden, W. H. R. — Observations on the effect of microclimate on the biting of Aedes aegypti (Culic.). [40] 24: 361-73. MacGill, E. I.— The anatomy of the head and mouth parts of Dysdercus intermedius. [72] 117: 115-28, ill. Mackensen and Roberts — A manual for the artificial insemination of queen bees. U. S. Dept. of Agric., Agric. Research Adm., Bur. Ent. and Plant Quarantine. Feb. 1948. 33p. mimeogr., ill. Michener, C. D. — A character analysis of a solitary bee, Hoplitus albifrons (Megachilid). [100'] 1 : 172-85. Parry, D. A.— The function of the insect ocellus. [40] 24: 211-19. Rayment, T.— Biology and tax- onomy of the solitary bee Parasphecodes fulviventris. [Australian Zoologist] 2: 76-95, ill. Richards, O. W.- Observations on grain-weevils, Calandra. General biology and oviposition. [72] 117: 1-43. Rosenstiel, R. G. — Dis- persion and feeding habits of Anopheles freeborni. [37] 40: 795-800. Roveda, R. — Bombyx mori y Nosema bom- bycis. [Rev. Fac. Agron. y Vet., Buenos Aires] 11: 334- 42. Slifer, E. H. — A simplified method for breaking dia- pause in grasshopper eggs. [80] 107: 152. Siverly, R. E. —A morphological study of the male and female genitalia of Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 79 H. armigera. [1] 38: 712-24. Sulc, K. — Ausscre Morphol- ogic, Metamorphose und Lebenslauf von Phenacoccus aceris Sign. (Coccoidea). fActa Soc. Scient. Nat. Mora- vicae, Brno] 15 (12): 1-52. 1943. Thorpe and Crisp^ Studies on plastron respiration. I. The biology of Aphelo- cheirus (Hemi., Aphelocheir.) and the mechanism of plas- tron retention. [40] 24: 227-69. II. The respiratory effi- ciency of the plastron in Aphelocheirus. Ibid.: 270-303.— III. The orientation responses of Aphelocheirus in relation to plastron respiration, together with an account of special- ized pressure receptors in aquatic insects. Ibid.: 310-28, PI. 6 and 7. — A metal micro-respirator of the Barcroft type suitable for small insects and other animals. Ibid.: 304-09. Walshe, B. M. — On the function of haemoglobin in Chirono- mus after oxygen lack. [40] 24: 329-42. — The function of haemoglobin in Tanytarsus (Chironom.). Ibid.: 343-51. Weiss, C. M. — Observations on the abnormal development and growth of barnacles as related to surface toxicity. [26] 29: 116-19. White, M. J. D.— The cytology of the Cecido- myiclae. IV. The salivary-gland chromosomes of several species. [44] 82: 53-58. "White, R. T.— Milky disease in- fecting Cyclocephala larvae in the field. [37] 40: 912-14. Willis, E. R. — The olfactory responses of female mosqui- toes. [37] 40: 769-78. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Bonnet, P.— (See under Anatomy.) Boyd, E. M. — A new mite fom the re- spiratory tract of the starling (speleognath). [65] 50:9-14. Chamberlin, J. C. — The Vachoniidae — a new family of false scorpions. [Bull. Univ. Utah] 38: 3-15, ill. (*)' Cham- berlin, R. V. — A summary of the known No. American Amaurobiidae. [Bull. Univ. Utah] 38: 3-31, ill. (k*). Chickering, A. M. — The Mimetidae (Araneae) of Panama. [84] 66: 221-48 (k*). Ives, J. D.— Breeding habits of a cave spider, N. canteri. [38] 63: 215-19. Kratochvil, J.— Etude sur les Araignees cavernicoles du genre Stygophlo- cus. [Acta Soc. Scien. Nat. Moravicae, Brno.] 12(5) : 1- 26. Pike, R. B. — Galathea (Decopod Crust.). [Proc. and Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc.] 55: 1-179, 20 pis. Radford, C. D.— New larval mites (Trombiculid). [72] 117: 579-601, ill. Tiegs, O. W. — (See under General.) Van Riper, W. -The banded garden spider. [56] 57: 72-74, ill. SMALLER ORDERS— Broadhead, E.— A further de- scription of Liposcelis entomophilus (Corrodentia : Lipos- celidae) with a note on its synonymy. [69] 16: 109-13, ill. Creighton and Dennis — The tail louse in Florida. [37] 40: 911-12. Traver, J. R. — Notes on neotropical may Hies 80 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 (Ephemeridae). [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 370- 95, ill. (*). Werneck, F. L. — Os malofagos de 'Cervus elaphus,' 'Dama dama' e 'Capreolus capreolus.' [Ill] 7: 403-17 (S). ORTHOPTERA— Cowan and Shipman— (See under Anatomy.) Donnelly, U. — (See under Anatomy.) Judd, W. W. — The European praying mantis (M. religiosa) at Hamilton, Ontario. [Canad., Field Nat.] 61 : 197. Palmer, E. L.— Grasshoppers and their kin. [54] 41: 81-88, ill. Parry, D. A. — (See under General.) Roland, M. — Note sur I'accouplement de Nemobius sylvestris (Gryllid). [110] 3: 216-17. Slifer, E. H.— (See under Anatomy.) HEMIPTERA— Dahms, R. G.— (See under Anatomy.) Hutchinson, R. N. — (See under Anatomy.) Knowlton, G. F. — Boxelder bug nymphs feeding on dead honeybees. [37] 40: 915. Monte, O. — Sobre Tingideos Americanos com descricoes de especies novas. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 429-32 (*). Sulc, K.— (See under Anatomy.) Thorpe and Crisp — (See under Anatomy.) Wygodzinsky, P. — Sobre alguns 'Reduviidae' do Brazil central. [1111 7: 423-34 (*). — Sobre um novo genero neotropico de vesci- inae, com consideracoes sobre a subfamilia (Reduviidae). [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 411-16, ill. Yothers, M. A. — DDT and the woolley apple aphid parasite Aphelinus mali. [37] 40: 934. LEPIDOPTERA— Avinoff and Shoumatoff— An an- notated list of the butterflies of Jamaica. [Annals Carnegie Mus.] 30: 263-95. Beall, G.— (See under Anatomy.) Beaufoy, S. — Butterfly lives. London : Collins, 4 to Pp. 128 12s 6d. Comstock, J. A. — Notes on the early stages of Adelocephala heiligbrodti f. hubbardi (Citheroniid). [21] 46: 72-77. Coppel, H. C. — (See under Anatomy.) Dex- ter, R. W. — (See under Anatomy.) Dos Passes and Grey —Systematic catalogue of Speyeria (Nymphalidae) with designations of types and fixations of type localities. [2] 1370: 1-30. Evans, W. H.— The mystery of the black powder (Hemaris senta). [54) 41: 97-98, ill. Flanders, S. E.— (See under Anatomy.) Fox, R. M. and J. W.- Ithomiinae of Rancho Grande, Venezuela, including two new species. [95] 32: 173-78, ill. Hovanitz, W.— (See under Anatomy.) Kratochvil, J. — Argyresthia laevigatella H. S. (Yponomeutid). [Acta Soc. Scien. Nat. Moravicae, Brno] 15(3) : 1-54. 1943. Petersen, B.— Die geographische Variation einiger Fenno-skandischer Lepidopteren. [Zool. Bidrag, Uppsala] 26: 329-531. Roney, C. N.— The beet armyworm on flax (Noctuid). [37] 40: 931-32. Roveda, R. — (See under Anatomy.) Siverly, R. E. — (See under Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 81 Anatomy.) Travassos, L. — -Contribuic^ao ao conhecimento dos 'Arctiidae,' XIV Genero Euchlaenidia. [Ill] 7: 465- 70 (S). Wiltshire, E. P. — Early stages of palearctic Lepi- doptera, IX (Satyr., Noted., Noct., Geom., Pyral.). [29] 60: 1-3. DIPTERA— Alexander, C. P.— Notes on the tropical American species of Tipulidae. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 317-60, ill. (*). Arvy et Gabe— (See under Anatomy.) Barretto, M. P. — Estudos sobre 'Stratiomyidae' Brasileiros, I Duas novas especies de 'Rhingiopsis.' [Ill] 7 : 439-43. Carrera, Lopes, e Lane — Contribuiqao ao con- hecimento dos 'Microdontinae' neotropicos e descriqao de duas novas especies de Nausigaster (Syrph.). [Ill] 7: 471-86. Casanges, A. H. — The development and longevity of Haemagogus mosquitoes under laboratory conditions. [52] 7: 173. Chadwick, L. E. — (See under Anatomy.) Curran, C. H.— How flies fly. [56] 57: 56-63, ill. Dampf, A. — Notas sobre Flebotomidos Americanos. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 296-316, ill. Dorsey, C. K. — (See under General.) Goffe, E. R. — The wing venation of Syrphidae. [28] 83: 225-32. Hanna, A. D.— Ceratitis capitata. (See under Anatomy.) Hull, F. M. — More flies of the genus Baccha (syrphidae). [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 395-410 (*). Kartman, Newcomb, Campan and Morrison — Mosquitoes collected in Dakar, French West Africa, inci- dental to army malaria surveys. [52] 7: 110-15. Lane, J. —Novas especies de Palpomyia do Brasil (Ceratopogoni- dae). [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 438-47 (k).- Novos Mycetophilinae do Brasil (Mycetophilid). Ibid. 18: 448-58. Lane y Neghme — Sobre el Anopheles (Nys- sorhynchus) pictipennis. [Biologica, Santiago de Chile] 4: 83-93, ill. Lindquist and Roth — Species and incidence of cattle grubs in Oregon. [37] 40: 930-31. Lumsden, W. H. R. — (See under Anatomy.) Paramonow, S. J.— Kurze Ubersicht der Sericosoma-Arten (Bombyliid). [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 361-69 (k*). Rosentiel, R. G. —(See under Anatomy.) Trembley, H. L. — Biological characteristics of laboratory reared Aedes atropalpus. [52 1 7: 173. Walshe, B. M. — (See under Anatomy.) White, M. J. D. — (See under Anatomy.) Willis, E. R. — (See un- der Anatomy.) COLEOPTERA— Armitage, H. M.— (See under Anat- omy.) Arrow, G. J. — A few notes on West Indian Dyna- stine Beetles and descriptions of two new species. [6] 14: 221-24. Balachowsky, A. — Biologic et degats de Ceutor- rhynchus macula-alba, Curculionide nuisable aux culture- d'oeillete. [110] 3: 208-12. Berry, P. A.— (See under 82 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Mar., '48 Anatomy.) Bondar, G. — Notas entomologicas da Baia XIX. Estudos en Curculionideos Sul-Americanos. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 273-95. Browning, H.'C.- (See under Anatomy.) Darlington, P. J. Jr. — West Indian Carabidae. The species of the Cayman Islands. [28] 83: 209-11. Davis and Landis — (See under Anatomy.) Dillon and Dillon — The tribe Dorcaschematini (Ceramby- cidae). [83] 73: 173-298. Doucette, C. F.— Host plants of the cabbage seedpod weevil. [37] 40: 838-40. Ellinger, Fraenkel and Kader — (See under Anatomy.) Ermisch, K. — Mordelliden und Scraptiden aus baltischem Bernstein. [Ent. Blatter, Krefeld, Gy.] 37: 177-85, ill. Guerin, J.- Nova especie do genero 'Saxinis' (Clytr.). [Ill] 7: 451-52 (S). Hustache, A. — Zygopinae de 1'Amerique meridionale (Curculionid). [Acta Ent. Sect. Mus. Prague] 17: 162-90 (S*). 1939. MacGill, E. I.— (See under Anatomy.) Obenberger, J. — De nonnullis Americae borealis generis Melanophilae Eschsch. speciebus (Buprestid). Acta Ent. Sect. Mus. Prague] 31-32: 317-22, ill. 1944. Richards, O. W. — (See under Anatomy.) Robinson, M. — Two n. sp. of Scarabaeidae. [83] 73: 169-71. Saylor, L. W.— New South Amer. scarab beetles of the genus Astaena. Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 433-37. Sellier et Razet— Une anomolie cephalo-thoracique inedite chez Lucanus cervus. [110] 3: 223-25. Thery, A.— Buprestides nouveaux. [6] 13: 663-83, ill. Verdcourt, B. — (See under General.) Voss, E. — Monographic der Rhynchitinen-Tribus Rhino- cartini sowie der Gattungsgruppe Eugnamptina der Tribus Rhinchintini (Curculionid). [Deutsche Ent. Zeitschr.] 1941: 113-215. White, R. T.— (See under Anatomy.) HYMENOPTERA — Arle, R.— Nouvelles especes de Pompilidae dti Bresil. [Rev. de Ent., Rio de Janeiro] 18: 416-28, ill. (*). Berry, P. A.— (See under Anatomy.) Enzmann, J. — The nest of the bog ant M. brevinodis var. canadensis. [65] 49: 246-49. Flanders, S. E.— (See under Anatomy.) Hafez, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Knowl- ton, G. F. — (See under Hemiptera.) Mackensen and Rob- erts— (See under Anatomy.) Mitchener, A. V. — Manitoba honey flows 1924-1946. ['37] 40: 854-60. Michener, C. D. —A revision of the American species of Hoplitis (Mega- chilid). [Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.] 89: 261-317. ill. (k*). — (See also under Anatomy.) Osorno-Mesa, H.— Observaciones antecologicas sobre recoleccion de Polen por vibracion. [Caldasia, Bogota] 4: 465-67. Rayment, T.— (See under Anatomy.) Yothers, M. A. — (See under He- miptera.) lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 83 THE STINGLESS BEES (MELIPONIDAE) OF THE WESTERN HEMISPHERE. Lestriuiclitta and the following subgenera of Trigona : Trigona, Paratrigona, Schwarziana, Parapartamona, Cephalotrigona, Oxytrigona, Scaura, and Mourella. By Her- bert F. Schwarz. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 90, pp. i-xviii + 546, figs. 1-87, pis. 1-8. Price $7.00. This magnificent monograph, consisting in all of 564 pages, and constituting volume 90 of the Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, is in a sense the second part of Mr. Schwarz' monograph of the stingless bees of this hemi- sphere. Part one, the genus Melipona, appeared in 1932 (Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 63, pp. 231-460). The present volume covers the genus Lestriuiclitta and about half of the subgenera of the large genus Trigona. It is hoped that Mr. Schwarz will find opportunity to complete this important project by publishing a third part on the remaining subgenera of Trigona. One of the most important aspects of this volume is the intro- duction, consisting of the first 166 pages. This portion of the monograph concerns principally the biology of the stingless bees, not only of those treated systematically in this book but of the entire group, including the genus Melipona, and from the standpoint not merely of the western hemisphere, but of the entire world. This section is an extraordinarily complete survey of the much scattered literature pertaining to the biology of these bees. It makes readily available in the English language all that is known on this subject, so that a student desiring to make further investigations in this interesting field can, from this one work, obtain all the information he needs concerning previous studies. Much space is also devoted to man's utiliza- tion of the wax and honey of stingless bees. The systematic section of this book contains keys and full descriptions of all the forms treated, with figures of important structures, especially the heads, posterior legs, and male geni- talia. All infraspecific categories are treated as varieties, with the statement that some are no doubt subspecies, while others appear to be merely color forms. Probably some are sibling species. Locality data are so fully given that it is possible for anyone studying this work to form his own conclusions con- cerning the probable status of the forms concerned. Of the eight subgenera of Trigona discussed, one has 17 species, one 7, one 2, while the remaining five have only one each. A bibliog- raphy of nearly 800 titles completes this work. — CHARLES 1). MICHENER. EXCHANGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Chrysididae — -Wanted for determination in preparation of revision. Wm. G. Bodenstein, Galesville, Maryland. Wanted — Ataenius and allied Aphodiinae from all parts of the world, especially Mexico, Central and South America. O. L. Cart- wright, Clemson, S. C. Wanted — Reprints and unpublished mss. on biological control of mosquitoes; for preparing annotated bibliographies for publication. J. B. Gerberich, Michigan State College, East Lansing, Mich. Wanted — Hesperid genus Megathymus for exchange or purchase. P. S. Remington, 5570 Etzel Ave., St. Louis 12, Missouri. Wanted — Psychodidae of North America for revisional purposes. Wm. F. Rapp, Jr., 203 Harker Hall, Urbana, 111. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. Ants of the tribe Dacetini (Strumigcnys, Rhopalothrix and related genera) wanted for world revision. W. L. Brown, Jr., Harvard Uni- versity Biological Laboratories, Cambridge 38, Mass. Mallophaga (on which immediate determination is not necessary) wanted for study and determination. R. L. Edwards, Dept. Biology, Harvard Ugiversity, Cambridge 38, Mass. Tingidae (Heteroptera) of the world wanted, in alcohol, with host and other ecological data. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. S. Bailey, 16 Neponset Ave., Hyde Park 36, Mass. Bombidae, nearctic and neotropical, wanted for exchange, identi- fication, or purchase. Will exchange in other groups for bumblebees. Barth Maina, Dept. Zool., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago 37, 111. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1138. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the neotropical Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Notiphilinae (73: 35-61, 1947) $ .90 1142. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Noti- philinae (73: 105-124, 1947) 50 HYMENOPTERA 1137. — Pate (V. S. L.) — The Pemphilidine wasps of the Caribbees (73: 1-33, 1 pi., 1947) 85 » COLEOPTERA 1145.— Dillon (L. S. & E. S.)— The tribe Dorcaschematini (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) (73: 173-298, 6 pis., 1947) 3.45 1139.— Green (J. W.)— New Eastern Amer. sp. of Podabrus (73: 63-76, figs., 1947) 35 1144. — Robinson (M.) — Two new spp. of Scarabaeidae (73: 169- 171, 1947) 20 1146. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the United States (73: 299-305, 1947) 20 LEPIDOPTERA 1141. — Darlington (E. P.) — Notes on certain types of Lepidoptera described by Brackenridge Clemens (73: 85-104, 1947) ... .50 1140. — Williams (J. L.) — The anatomy of the internal genitalia of Fumea Casta Pallas (73: 77-84, figs., 1947) 20 TRICHOPTERA 1143. — Ross (H. H.) — Descriptions and records of No. Amer. Tri- choptera, with synoptic notes (73: 125-168, 7 pis., 1947) .. 1.40 ODONATA 1147. — Needham (J. G.) — Studies on the No. Amer. spp. of the genus Gomphus (Odonata) (73: 307-339, fig., 1 pi., 1947) 85 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS APRIL 1948 gi?. U.S. Vol. LIX No. 4 CONTENTS Schwarz — Theodore D. A. Cockerell 85 Alexander — Alfonso Dampf Tenson 89 Obituary — J. R. de la Torre-Bueno 91 dos Passes — Anthoxanthins in some Oeneis 92 La Rivers — Notes on the Eleodini 96 Brown — Status of Hercynia 102 Notes and News in Entomology Destruction of the Museum at Bogota 103 The Wasmann Collector 103 Current Entomological Literature 103 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER. BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1, Act of October 3, 1917. authorized January IS, 1921. ML 7 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers: Domestic, $3.00; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES : Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $ 2.50 $ 4.50 $ 6.50 $10.00 Five Issues 9.00 17.00 24.00 42.00 Ten Issues 16.00 30.00 42.00 72.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2.75; 100 copies, $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies, $5.23. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.88; 50 copies. $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03; additionals at .022 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.20; additional at 0.165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LIX, PLATE 2. THEODORE D. A. COCKERELL ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LIX APRIL, 1948 No. 4 Theodore D. A. Cockerell In the death at San Diego, California, on January 26, 1948, of Professor T. D. A. Cockerell at the advanced age of 81 the biological world lost one of its most enterprising and indefatig- able workers. In an age of specialization, when so many are al- most compelled to wear intellectual blinders lest their interest stray beyond imposed limits, Cockerell succeeded in being a specialist in various fields. To the botanists he was known for his systematic work on plants, both recent and fossil, and for his experiments with the red-rayed sunflower, undertaken with Mrs. Cockerell, herself an interested student of biology. Con- chologists recognized him as one of their brotherhood, for his childhood interest in snails and slugs was an abiding one through all his adult life and, wherever snails were part of the native fauna, whether in the mountains of New Mexico, where he was stationed for an extended time, or in the Madeira Islands, Si- beria, Japan, Siam, New Caledonia, and the Lake Kivu region of Africa — to mention a few of the localities of conchological interest that he and his wife reached in the course of their world-ranging travels — he made note of these invertebrates and industriously collected them. Either singly or in collaboration with other workers like his friend, Dr. Pilsbry, he added signifi- cantly to the literature of the Mollusca. His studies of fish scales as an aid in the classification of the fishes won the atten- tion of ichthyologists. To students of the fossils he ranked both as an invertebrate paleontologist and as a paleobotanist. And amid all these varied interests, not to mention his keen concern for sociological problems, an interest in art and poetry (he was himself endowed with the poetic gift), and the exacting labors of teaching, he yet found time to work so prodigiously in the (85) JUL 6 - 86 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 field of entomology that had he achieved nothing else, his studies of insects, more particularly the bees, would still be viewed as an Herculean accomplishment. In his work on the insects he had the advantage of an early start. Born at Norwood, England, August 22, 1866, his interest in natural history, according to his own statement, was linked with his earliest memories. As a boy he amused himself by drawing up little descriptions of the insects he collected and, when he was unable to name them, he devised scientific names for them. He was still in his early teens when he found and re- ported on the caterpillar of the Madeiran butterfly, Pyrameis indica occidcntatis. Lang took cognizance of the find in his book on European butterflies. Thus, having won his spurs at a very early age, it is not surprising that he donned his armor for further adventures in the field of entomology when in 1891 he was appointed curator of the Public Museum at Kingston, Ja- maica. It was the Coccidae that particularly challenged his in- terest in this new environment, both because of their importance from the economic standpoint and because of the light they threw on evolutionary processes thanks to the "reduction and suppres- sion, as well as the modification of, parts." In a few months' time he recorded 34 species of Coccidae from Jamaica alone, more than had previously been recorded from all the West In- dies. Cockerell had been in Jamaica only two years when there was a recurrence of an ailment from which he had believed himself cured. A change to a more favorable environment became im- perative. It is strange, looking back over the life span of men of note, how often a thing that seems a disaster at the time of its occurrence may be pregnant with new possibilities and, through the exercise of a resolute will, may even be converted into a triumph. So it was with Cockerell. His transfer of domicile from Jamaica to New Mexico (where he served successively in the New Mexico Agricultural College and in the Normal University) was to open a vista of opportunity that could not have been foreseen when he sought the recovery of his health in an alien environment. Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 87 In New Mexico he found a country where Coccidae were abundant, and where nearly every species taken proved to be new. As so often happens when a man acquires the status of an expert in a given field, people started sending him specimens of Coccidae from all over the world and he thus acquired a familiarity with scale-insects and mealy bugs from regions very remote from the scenes of his activity. Some of his discoveries, like the cochineal insect Doctylopius opimtiae, have proved of great economic importance. In Madras this insect, it is re- ported, has cleared 40,000 square miles of cacti and it has been used successfully in other areas as well where the prickly-pear is an agricultural obstacle. When reference was made in a previous paragraph to the achievements in entomology that transfer to New Mexico would bring in its train, it was not the extension of Cockerell's studies on the Coccidae, important as these were, that this writer had primarily in mind. What he envisioned was the tremen- dous field of unexplored opportunity presented by the native bees of the Rocky Mountain region that were wraiting, as though they had been placed under a spell, for the magic touch of a keen student to reveal their many points of interest. Cockerell flung himself into this task with zeal. He was first attracted by the little bee Perdita luteola, which in the summer and early fall of southern New Mexico was visiting in numbers the yellow Compositae that it resembled in color. This prompted him to investigate the genus to which the little bee belonged. At the time he began his studies only 17 species had been described and only 15 of these wrere valid. In a year's time he had brought this total up to 70, and 49 of his new species were based on speci- mens collected in New Mexico. "From this time onward," wrote Cockerell, "I have never ceased to work on bees, and have published 5,480 new names for species, subspecies, and varieties, and 146 names for genera and subgenera." The lines just quoted were written ten years ago. Since then Professor Cockerell has not been idle, as his publishing record reveals. Even up to the, end and under severe handicap he was working on the bees of Honduras, hoping to make known the 88 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 interesting forms he collected in that country. But even if one does not add to the 5,480 bees described up to 1938 the residue of the last decade, the total is stupendous. No other student of the bees from the earliest days of classification to the present can offer a comparable total. Some of the forms Cockerell described other workers have from time to time seen fit to place in the synonymy and it is likely that over the years some of the remaining species and sub- species he erected will be challenged by those who adopt a differ- ent interpretation. However, even after allowance is made for possible casualties, there will still remain, it is safe to predict, an awesome total of valid forms as a monument to the tireless industry and discernment of this devoted student of the bees. In all of this dedication of effort to the study of natural forms Professor Cockerell had not only the sympathetic interest, but the active support of his wife, who participated in his expedi- tions to far places, engaged in collecting, and was helpful in many ways. She was co-author of some of his papers and fre- cjuently shared the lecture platform with him in presenting sub- jects in which they were both interested. The number of spe- cies that have been named ^vilmattac further testify to this partnership of joint interests, which extended through a mar- ried life that nearly attained its Golden Anniversary. During nearly this entire span Professor Cockerell's vocational activities were carried on at the University of Colorado, with which he became associated in 1903, achieving the rank of professor three years later and that of emeritus professor in 1934. The vast number of papers and longer works, like his Zoology, which Cockerell published in the course of his life span, might seem to leave little time for more informal writing. Yet he revealed his warm-hearted interest in friends and co- workers, distant and near, by letters that were treasured by the recipients not only for their scientific and personal content, but for the sprightly little drawings with which they were often em- bellished. Here his sense of humor and playfulness found one of its delightful outlets. He was always interested in what the other person was doing and, if there was any way in which he lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 89 could further a piece of research, he aided generously. The breadth of his achievement gave him a comprehending viewpoint regarding life. One was aware in his presence not only of mental keenness, but also of mental calm and poised judgment and kindliness withal. He never seemed hurried, but he never wasted time. His personality will be remembered vividly by all who knew him. As for his scientific publication, one likes to apply the imagery that he conjured up to express the influence of the printed word : "Like the light of the stars, it will arrive as if new, when perhaps the original source is no longer lu- minous." HERBERT F. SCHWARZ, American Museum of Natural History Dr. Alfonso Dampf Tenson (1884-1948) It is with profound shock and regret that we have learned of the death of Dr. Alfonso Dampf, distinguished entomologist in Mexico. Dampf passed away in Mexico City on March 17, 1948, from cancer of the liver. Dampf was born on the Baltic island of Dago, in the village of Kertell, Esthonia, on December 3, 1884 (Old Calendar No- vember 20), the son of Michael Dampf and Maria Tenson. He studied at the University of Konigsberg between 1904 and 1909, receiving therefrom the Doctor's degree. Between 1907 and 1912 he served as assistant in the Zoological Museum and Institute of the University of Konigsberg, in the latter year being appointed 1st Assistant in the same Institute. Between 1913 and 1919 he served as Government Entomologist of the then German East Africa. Between 1920 and 1923 he resumed his position as 1st Assistant at the Zoological Museum and In- stitute, lecturing in Applied Entomology. It was in 1923 that he arrived in Mexico, where he was to spend the remainder of his life, becoming a naturalized citizen of the Republic in October 1941. Dampf 's various high posi- tions in Mexico included Chief Entomologist, Mexican 90 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 Department of Agriculture ; Head of the Entomological Labora- tory, Mexican Public Health Service ; and Professor of Ento- mology and Head of the Department, under the Secretary of Education. In August 1928 he was delegate from Mexico to the IVth International Congress of Entomology, while in 1935 and 1936 he was a Guggenheim Fellow to the United States. Dampf's influence on the entomology of Mexico was pro- found. The present writer has enjoyed a long and unbroken friendship with him, beginning shortly after his arrival in Mex- ico and ending only with his death. Only on February 9th, ap- proximately five weeks before his death, he posted a letter from Cuernavaca, where he was convalescing from a serious abdomi- nal operation which had been explained to him as being cir- rhosis of the liver. In this letter he writes "This is my first vacation in many, many years. ... As I was recently appointed research professor, without obligations to lecture, I can stay at home for a week more and at least put my correspondence in order. . . . Must close now, as lunch time approaches. A few white clouds are sailing through the pale blue sky. Everything is quiet, only the bees are busy." It is difficult to conceive how one person could have accom- plished the vast amount of work that Dampf has done. His col- lections of Mexican insects, generously distributed to many spe- cialists throughout the World, probably ran to more than a mil- lion specimens, and perhaps several millions. I have estimated the Tipulidae that he sent to me at more than 75,000 specimens, representing many species and giving us our first idea of the richness of the Mexican crane-fly fauna. Dampf will long be remembered from his splendid papers covering many subjects and branches of entomology. In 1906 and 1907 he was working on the Siphonaptera and at that time described the first fossil flea as Palaeopsylla klebsiana (1910). Before leaving Europe he published a major work on the Estho- nian moor fauna. In Mexico, he investigated various problems of economic interest, including work on the migratory locust, the black fly problem in Chiapas, and several others. On all these trips, covering virtually all of Mexico as well as parts of British lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 91 Honduras and Guatemala, he spent long hours collecting and papering the insects for his Mexican Fauna and Mexican Bio- ccnosis studies. He will probably be best known from this vast work which, it is hoped, will eventually be published by his friends and co-workers in Mexico. During recent years, Dampf was able to devote more time to his research on blood-sucking insects, placing particular stress on the Simuliidae and PJilebo- toniiis. Dampf remained single until December 8, 1934, when he was married, in Mexico City, to Herminia Torres de Alva, who sur- vives him. Dr. and Mrs. Dampf were a most devoted couple and it is certain that he derived vast encouragement and help from his loyal wife during their married life. Many honors came to Dampf, among the more recent being election as Correspond- ing Member to the Sociedad Argentina de Entomologia and as a life member of the Societas Entomologica Rossica. He was likewise a member of the American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science and the Entomological Society of America. I, personally, feel the loss of a very dear and esteemed col- league, and unite with a host of other friends and fellow ento- mologists in sending an expression of profound regret to Mrs. Dampf at the passing of her distinguished husband. CHARLES P. ALEXANDER, Amherst, Mass. OBITUARY Mr. J. R. de la Torre-Bueno, editor of the Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society for more than 30 years, died on May 2, 1948. 92 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 The Occurrence of Anthoxanthins in the Wing Pigments of some Nearctic Oeneis (Rhopalocera : Satyridae) By CYRIL FRANKLIN DOS PASSOS, Research Associate, The American Museum of Natural History Since 1941 five very interesting and extremely valuable papers have been published by Ford on the chemistry of pig- ments in the scales of the Lepidoptera, with reference to their bearing on systematics. They deal with the anthoxanthins (Ford, 1941), the red pigments in the genus Delias Hiibner (Ford, 1942), the red pigments of the PAPILIONIDAE (Ford, 1944a), the classification of the PAPILIONIDAE (Ford, 1944b), and that rare and unique butterfly, Pseudopontia paradoxa Felder (Ford, 1947b). These papers do not seem to have re- ceived the consideration by American lepidopterists that they so richly deserve, probably because they are not readily acces- sible. The present paper is published with a view to drawing the attention of American students to the subject, and especially to demonstrating the value of its application to the classification of one genus of Rhopalocera. In so far as may be necessary for the present purpose, some of the conclusions reached by Ford (1941, p. 88) are quoted or summarized as follows : 1. "Anthoxanthins are plant pigments responsible for a series of colours from white to yellow. In general, they are very rare in animals, which cannot manufacture them but derive them from their food." 2. Until the publication of Ford's papers they had ". . . been reported in the Lepidoptera in one or two instances only, for the white and yellow pigments of this Order are usually of a different nature." 3. Nevertheless, ". . . though uncommon, anthoxanthins are widely spread in the Lepidoptera. When they occur, they are generally not alone responsible for white and yellow colours, other pigments being present in addition." lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 93 4. "Their existence has been demonstrated by the tests de- scribed on p. 68." One of these is explained hereinafter. In the papers mentioned, Ford reports the results of his stud- ies in PIERIDAE and PAPILIONIDAE, which he examined in de- tail, also in other families, which were less thoroughly surveyed, and in a number of families of moths. The papers contain tables of many of the genera and species studied, and lists of references to the works cited. Ford (1941, p. 85) found in SATYRIDAE that out of forty-six genera examined seven showed the presence of anthoxanthins, being fifteen per cent of the total. In the genus Ocncis, with which the present paper is con- cerned, he examined eight Palaearctic species and found an- thoxanthins present in two, or twenty-five per cent. Intrigued by Ford's conclusions wherein he established, among other things, that a number of genera and species of the Lepidoptera are incorrectly classified today, and convinced of the value of his methods as an additional aid in the systematic study of the Rhopalocera, the author determined to try one of the tests, recommended by Ford, to the Nearctic species of Oeneis. This was done with some very interesting results. The Nearctic Oeneis may be divided into several groups by reason of the difference in the shape of the clasps. For the purpose of this paper only two groups need be considered, one the nhlcri group, having a simple, triangular clasp without any teeth or projection on the costa, and the other the taygete group, having a clasp with one prominent tooth or projection on the costa near the middle. No species in any of the other groups of Nearctic Oeneis showed any sign of having anthoxan- thins in the scales. The results obtained in testing the uhlcri and taygete groups follow. In the nhleri group it was found that all the species and subspecies reacted positively to the test. These are nhleri (Reakirt) (1866, p. 143). varuna (Edwards) (1882, p. 2), nahanni Dyar (1904, p. 142), and eairnesi Gibson (1920, p. 15i). The female type of nahanni, however, did not show any reaction. 94 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 In the latest catalogue of Nearctic SATYRIDAE (dos Passos, 1939), Ocncis ulilcri and varima are listed as one species with one synonym each, i.e., obscitra (Edwards) (1892, p. [294]), and dcnnisi Guilder (1927, p. 285), so no change is involved in their arrangement. Ocncis nahanni is listed as a distinct species, with cairnesi as a synonym, but nahanni is separated from -nhlcri by taygcte Geyer ([1830], pi. [17]) and hanburyi Watkins (1928, p. 617). The test shows that nahanni and cairnesi, if in fact a synonym, should be placed either as an ad- ditional subspecies of uhlcri or next to it. This arrangement was already indicated by the fact that both of these insects have the simple, triangular clasp similar to uhleri. In the taygcte group the only species that reacted to the test was ivallda (Mead) (1878, p. 196). This insect has been con- sidered heretofore a subspecies of chryxus (Doubleday) (1851, p. 383), although this classification was believed doubtful by the present author by reason of the superficial appearances of the insects. Its erroneous position now becomes a certainty, it be- ing the only "subspecies" of chryxus showing the presence of anthoxanthins. It is, therefore, apparent that ivallda now should be given specific standing in the taygcte group, and listed next to the nhlcri group, ivallda forming the connecting link between those two groups. As a result of the present study, it is clear that the chemistry of the pigments in the wings of Nearctic Oeneis assists greatly in their systematic arrangement without, in any way, conflicting with the result obtained by an examination of the genital arma- ture of these insects. In a new arrangement of the ulilcri and taygcte groups in check list order, all of the species found to have anthoxanthins, however arbitrarily placed, should be removed from the middle of the genus where they are found at present, and listed at the beginning or end thereof, preferably the former. Two techniques were used originally by Ford (1941, p. 68) in making his tests to ascertain the existence of anthoxanthins. The present author found it necessary to try only the first, whereby some of the white pigments on the under side of the lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 95 secondaries of the species of Oeneis mentioned turn more or less yellow on fuming them with strong ammonia. Ammonium hy- droxide (28% NLL) was employed for this purpose. It is used simply by removing the cork from the bottle and holding the insect in the escaping fumes. ."This is due to the fact that the flavones and flavonols [which are chemically distinct types of anthoxanthins] combine with ammonia to form coloured salts. In the Lepidoptera these are very unstable, so that the specimen speedily returns to its original condition after treat- ment. Consequently, it is uninjured by the process. This reaction is a highly diagnostic and sensitive one. It suffices to detect traces of anthoxanthins when present in a single speci- men" (Ford, loc. cit.}. There is another test, not necessary to consider here, ". . . when the flavone concerned is itself deep yellow, or when it is obscured by other pigments" (Ford, loc. cit.). That test, when applied to the wing pigments of insects, necessitates the destruction of the specimens and, hence, is not available in studying rare Lepidoptera. Ford has studied the relation of other pigments, besides the anthoxanthins, to the classification of the Lepidoptera, and has lately (Ford, 1947a) devised a more sensitive test for uric acid derivatives than the ordinary murexide reaction used in his work on Delias (Ford, loc. cit.). The author wishes to record his appreciation to Dr. A. H. Clark, Curator of Echinoderms, and Mr. W. D. Field, Associ- ate Curator, Division of Insects, United States National Mu- seum, for fuming the types of nalianni in the collection of that institution, and to Dr. T. N. Freeman, Division of Systematic Entomology, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, for fuming the types of cairncsi in the Canadian National Collection. These rare species are found in very few collections, and this study could not have been completed fully without the coopera- tion of those individuals. Finally, the author desires to express his most grateful thanks to Dr. E. B. Ford, Reader in Genetics in the University of Ox- ford, for calling his attention to this most interesting subject, for generously presenting him with his papers relative thereto, and 96 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 encouraging him in this study. With his kind permission parts of one of those papers have been quoted. It is a real pleasure to acknowledge Dr. Ford's personal assistance and record the inspiration of his friendship. BIBLIOGRAPHY DOS PASSOS, C. F. 1939. A catalogue of the original descriptions of the Rhopalocera found north of the Mexican border. Part 2. The Satyridae. Bull. Cheyenne Mt. Mus., 1, pt. 2: S-l-S-13. FORD, E. B. 1941. Studies on the chemistry of pigments in the Lepi- doptera, with reference to their bearing on systematics. 1. The anthoxanthins. Proc. Roy. Ent. Soc. London, ser. A, 16 : 65-90. — . 1942. Id. 2. Red pigments in the genus Delias Hiibner. Ibid. 17: 87-92. — . 1944a. Id. 3. The red pigments of the Papilionidae. Ibid. 19 : 92-106. — . 1944b. Id. 4. The classification of the Papilionidae. Ibid. 94 : 201-223. — . 1947a. A murexide test for the recognition of pterins in intact insects. Ibid. 22: 72-76. . 1947b. Studies on the chemistry of pigments in the Lepidoptera, with reference to their bearing on systematics. 5. Pscudopontia parado.ra Felder. Ibid. 22: 77-78. Notes on the Eleodini (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae) By IRA LA RIVERS, University of California, Berkeley In the first comprehensive treatment of the Tenebrionidae of the United States, George Horn (1870) placed Elcodes, Dis- cogenia and Embaphion in the tribe Blaptini. Thirteen years later, in their monumental "Classification," Le Conte and Horn listed Elcodes, Embaphion, Blaps and Troglodcrus in Blaptini, there having been, in the interim, an introduced species of Blaps discovered on the Atlantic Coast, the very distinctive Trog- lodcrus costatiis Le Conte 1879 described from the far West and Discogcnia submerged in Elcodes. A good many years after- ward, the late Dr. F. E. Blaisdell, Sr., established the tribe lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 97 Elcodiini for the American components of the Blaptini as de- fined by Le Conte and Horn, having shown good reason for tribally separating Eleodes and its relatives from the European Blaps. Blaisdell's Elcodiini contained Elcodcs, Embaphion, Trogloderus and his newly-discovered ElcodhnorpJia bolcan from southern California (1909). In 1925, Blaisdell added Neobapliion, the type being Eleodes planipcnnis Le Conte 1866. In 1939, Dr. Blaisdell's concept of higher categories, after fifty- odd years of work in the family, was presented in a short resume based principally on key genital characters ; in this paper, he also described the new genus and species Eleodopsis snbvcstita, an insular species off the California coast, which he made the type of a subfamily. Eleodini was similarly treated as a sub- family. In a posthumous paper published in 1947, a year after his death, Dr. Blaisdell described the new genus and species Lari- versius tibialis from western Nevada, without comparison or assignment to any larger subdivision. In order to clarify the exact status of the genus, the following characters, omitted from the original description, should be noted : Hind margin of ventral abdominal segments 3-4 coriaceous; front entirely corneous ; only anterior tibiae dilated ; penulti- mate segment of tarsus entire ; hind coxae transverse ; epipleura attaining the sutural angle ; tarsi setose beneath ; elytra broadly embracing body BLAPTINAE These characters, used with the original description, wall place the genus in Eleodini (Bradley, 1930). Its smooth dor- sum will separate it from the costate elytral condition of Trog- loderus in Bradley's generic key. It might be well here to note some comparative characters with Trogloderus, apparently its nearest relative : Trogloderus — form long, slender, entire dorsum rough (ely- tra costate, pronotum tuberculate-to-reticulate), posterior pro- notal angles acuminate, antennae decidedly longer than head is wide, abdominal intercoxal process subquadrate (nearly as long as wide), prothoracic sides sparsely beset with short setae. 98 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 Lariversius — form stout, robust, entire dorsum smooth, pos- terior pronotal angles lacking, antennae not longer than head is wide, abdominal intercoxal process much wider than long, prothoracic sides thickly furred with long, golden pile. The third antennal segment in Troglodcrus is subequal to the first two combined, a typical Elcodini character, while the 2nd and 3rd are nearly equal-sized in Lariversius. It is possible the new genus may represent a distinct tribe in itself, but I am satisfied, with our present knowledge, to widen the Eleodini somewhat for its reception. As used here, Eleodini is equal to Blaisdell's Eleodinae, and consists of three distinct units; (1) Eleodes, Embaphion and Eleodimorpha, (2) Troglodcrus and (3) Lariversius. I consider Neobaphion a subgenus of Eleodes. The present status of the genera comprising the Eleodini may be reflected in the following key : 1. Third antennal segment subequal to 2nd (epistomal margins dilated; dorsum smooth) (Subtribe Lariversiina') Lariversius Third segment subequal to 1st and 2nd combined 2 2. Epistomal sides dilated, front margin arcuate (elytra dorsally- costate, pronotum reticulate-to-tuberculate) (Subtribe Trogloderina} Trogloderus Epistomal sides not dilated, front margin straight or sinuate (Subtribe Eleodina) 3 3. Epipleura occupying entire inflexed portion of elytra Eleodimorpha Epipleura not occupying entire inflexed portion of elytra. . . .4 4. Elytral and pronotal margins reflexed ; epipleura narrow, dis- tinct only near elytral apex Embaphion Pronotal margins occasionally weakly-reflexed, elytral mar- gins never reflexed ; epipleura wide-to-narrow, distinct along entire length Eleodes This subtribal segregation on the basis of morphology is fur- ther reflected in the habits of the units involved. The Elcodina are wanderers, Troglodcrus semi-fossorial and Lariversius markedly fossorial and restricted to arenaceous areas. II Considerably more distributional data has accumulated on Lariversius since Blaisdell's paper. The types were from a lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 99 large series taken by Thomas J. Trelease and myself from NEVADA: Washoe County (Pyramid Lake South Dunes 16-24 (VIII)41, 1(IX)41, el. 3850-ft. LaR & Trelease). The war prevented further search for the species in other arenaceous regions of the State, but by the end of the summer of 1946, com- bined efforts had added to its range, and enough data are now on hand to draw some initial conclusions as to the probable total range of the unique animal. Additional Nevada localities are: Churchill County (Fallon (Sheckler District) l(VII) 42, el. 4000 ft. Trelease & G. C. Christensen; Sand Spring 28(VI)42, el. 4500 ft. Christensen & Trelease; Rawhide Sands 28(VIII) 46, el. 4200 ft. LaR.) ; Mineral County (Thome Dune 26(VIII) 46, el. 4600ft. LaR.). E-ELKO - FALLON H -HAWTHORNE P- PYRAMID LAKE R- RENO W- WINNEMUCCA Fig. 1. The greatest extent of Pleistocene Lake Lahuntan is indicated by the stippled area. Walker Lake is shown just north of Hawthorne. The three principle tributaries of the Lahontan Basin are (1) Humboldt River, passing through Elko and Winnemucca, (2) Truckee River, flow- ing into Pyramid Lake, and (3) Walker River into Walker Lake. Ar- rows indicate the known occurrences of Larircrsiiis tilnalis. 100 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 The accompanying plate shows that the known localities for the genus correspond with the southern outlines of extinct Pleistocene Lake Lahontan. In this connexion, the now largely- empty lake basin seems the probable agent responsible for the later formation of the many prominent sand areas now scattered within its confines, on many of which the new genus is the dominant nocturnal animal. In all cases known to me, these residual sands have formed active dunes only in the vi- cinity of the ancient lake shores — not too important when it is realized, however, that nowhere was the lake a broad expanse of water, but merely lay as connecting embayments and long fingers of water confined between generally north-south striking narrow desert ranges, so that subsequent wind action would not require much time to concentrate such sands according to pre- vailing aerial currents. Each inundation of these dune areas by rising Lahontan and pre-Lahontan waters would redistribute them somewhat over their respective valleys, but they would be quickly localized by wind action upon the periodic retreat of the lakes as waters receded in response to increased aridity, as has demonstrably occurred during the life of Lahontan itself. At the Pyramid Lake locality, the species is most prolific on aeolian dunes at the southeast edge of the lake, dunes which were under water thirty years ago. Considerable loose sand lies over low ridges adjacent to the lake. At the Thorne lo- cality, the southeast shores of Walker Lake are some five miles removed from the dune ; Sand Springs and the Rawhide Sands localities have not been near lake shores since Lahontan in- undated them. The periodicity of L. tibialis, plus its nocturnal habits, ac- counts for its being overlooked until the present time. F. W. Nunenmacher, the coccinellidist, made an extensive collecting trip through southwestern Nevada in 1908, and worked about the Thorne sand dune, but did not see the species. H. F. Wick- ham spent some time about the south end of Walker Lake in the early 1900's, finding some rare items, but again overlooking the present species. Numerous collections have been made about Pyramid Lake and the Sand Spring area southeast of Fal- lon by entomologists, some in the early days of western collect- Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 101 ing, without discovering the animal. Utah, which has been searched entomologically more thoroughly than has Nevada, has failed to produce the species, and it may be reasonably questioned whether it occurs beyond the limits of the Lahontan basin. Little is known of the species' biology, except that it is herbiv- orous, a common tenebrionid characteristic, is apparently a mid-summer to late fall species, and exhibits considerable spo- radicism in its annual cycle, thriving most prolifically on aeolian sand dunes. Specimens collected in season failed to live through the winter under favorable conditions, although feeding readily at all times on the same materials used to keep various species of Eleodcs alive in captivity for several years. The animals burrow readily in the loose dune sand, disappearing quickly from sight, and are strictly nocturnal. They seem to feed on a variety of dune vegetation, being found on more than one oc- casion feeding above ground on green Russian thistle (Salsola kali teiutifolia) and Dalca polyadcnia. Associated animals rep- resent the typical nocturnal dune fauna : Trogloderus costatus, Eleodcs armata, E. grandicollis, Blapstinus crassicornis and Niptits vcntnculns. BIBLIOGRAPHY BLAISDELL, F. E., SR. 1909. A monographic revision of the Coleoptera belonging to the Tenebrionide tribe Eleodiini inhabiting the United States, Lower California and adjacent islands. Bull. U.S.N.M. 63 : xi + 524. . 1925. Studies in the Tenebrionidae, No. 2. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 4th Ser. 14 (16) : 369-390. . 1939. Studies in the relationships of the subfamilies and tribes of the Tenebrionidae based on the primary genital characters, also descriptions of new species (Coleoptera). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 65: 43-60. . 1942. Miscellaneous studies in the Coleoptera — 6. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 68: 129-149. . 1947. A new genus and species of the coleopterous family Tene- brionidae. Pan-Pac. Ent. 23 (2) : 59-62. HORN, G. H. 1870. Revision of the Tenebrionidae of America. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. N.S. 14: 253-404. LA RIVERS, I. 1942. A relict insect. Nev. Acad. Nat. Sci. News Letter 2 (1): 1- LE CONTE, J. L. and G. H. HORN. 1883. Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Smiths. Misc. Coll. 507 : xxxviii + 567. 102 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 The Status of the Genus Hercynia J. Enzmann (Hymenoptera : Formicidae) By WILLIAM L. BROWN, JR., The Biological Laboratories, Harvard University The genus Hercynia was described by J. Enzmann (Jour. New York Ent. Soc. 1947, 55 : 43-44) on the basis of workers and a female specimen from Panama. H. panamana was de- scribed on pages 44 to 47 with figures and as a new species, with the designation inherent as genotype of Hercynia. The types, however, were recently examined by the present writer and prove to be identical with specimens of Wasmannia auro- punctata (Roger) determined by Wheeler and other myrme- cologists and deposited in the Wheeler Collection at the Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology. Roger described aitropnnctata as Tctramorium auropuncta- tum in 1863 (Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr. 7:182); Forel described Wasmannia as a new genus in 1893 (Trans. London Ent. Soc., p. 383). Wheeler designated Tetramorimn anropunctatum Roger as genotype for Wasmannia in 1911. Thus Wasmannia as a genus and W. auropunctata as a species take precedence over Hercynia and H. panamana respectively, the latter names being relegated to synonymy. The differentiation of the new genus was based partly on the supposed two-jointed club of the antenna, Wasmannia being de- scribed in the literature as having a three-jointed club. It is extremely doubtful, however, whether the most proximal of the three terminal funicular joints may be considered as part of the club, since this joint appears very slightly larger than the mid- dle joints preceding it and much smaller than its distal neighbor. The term "two-jointed" would seem to be more accurate in de- scribing the club of at least the genotype of Wasmannia. Notes and News in Entomology Under this heading we present, from time to time, notes, news, and com- ments. Contributions from readers are earnestly solicited and will be acknowledged when used. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 103 Destruction of the Musea de La Salle at Bogota, Colom- bia. Advice has reached us that in the riots at Bogota, on April 10, 1948, the Museo de La Salle and most of the attached school buildings were entirely destroyed by fire. The collec- tions in the Museo which were lost were among the most im- portant zoological series in South America, largely accumulated through the labors of the brothers Apolinar Maria and Niceforo Maria, which extended over many years. The deep sympathy of scientific scholars all over the world will, we know, go to these colleagues, who have lost much that cannot be replaced. The Wasmann Collector, formerly the journal of the Wasmann Biological Society, has announced that it is hence- forth to be published jointly by Loyola University and the University of San Francisco. Wasmann Society membership is no longer required of contributors and manuscripts on origi- nal biological research are solicited for publication in accordance with the policy of establishing the journal on a quarterly basis. The managing editor is Edward L. Kessel of the University of San Francisco. Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY RAYMOND Q. BLISS AND THEODORE M. TELSCH. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University if Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), included Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the year 1948 unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series 15. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed hy a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titir-; are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by (k); papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). -Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. 104 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 GENERAL — Anon. — Bibliography of Agriculture (En- tomology items 9957-10726). [U. S. Dept. Agric. Library] 12 (2) : items 6197-13536. Chamberlain, K. F.— On the use of diethylene glycol in the preparation of balsam mounts of the male genitalia of certain Coleoptera. [18] 42: 126- 30, 1947. Dexter and Kuehnle — Fairy shrimp populations of northeastern Ohio in the seasons of 1945 and 1946. [58] 48: 15-26. Hagan, H. R.— A brief analysis of vivi- parity in insects. [45] 56: 63-68. Hodson and Chiang— A new method for rearing Drosophila. [80] 107: 176-77. Knight, R. L. — The role of major genes in the evolution of economic characters. [Jour. Genetics] 48: 370-87. Roon- wal, M. L. — Studies in intraspecific variation. I. On the existence of two colour-types in the adults and hoppers of the solitary phase in the desert locust, Schistocerca gregaria (Acridid.). [Records of the Indian Mus.] 44: 369-74, 1947. Schilder, F. A. — Probleme und Methoden der Biostatistik II (Quantitative Zoogeographie). [Biolog. Zentralblatt] 66: 201-10; 1947. VanCleve, H. J.— Expanding horizons in the recognition of a phylum. [46] 34: 1-20. Varley, G. C. -The natural control of population balance in the knap- weed gall-fly (Urophora jaceana), (Chalcid., Tortricoid). [36] 16: 139-87, ill., 1947. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Agrell, I.- Some experiments concerning thermal adjustment and re- spiratory metabolism in insects (Hym. Col. Orth. Dip. Lepid.). [10] 39: 1-48, ill., 1947.— The effect of the physi- ological state of insects (Carabides) on their thermal pref- erence. [Opuscula Entomologica, Lund] 12: 127-37, 1947. Beadle, L. C. — Note sullo sviluppo dell' Anopheles sacharovi sulla costa del Veneto. [Riv. di Parassit.] 8: 197-203. 1947. Bolwig, N. — Senses and sense organs of the anterior end of the house fly larvae. [Videnskabelige Meddelelser fra Dansk Naturhist. Forening i K^benhavn] 109: 81-217, ill., 1946. Buzzati-Traverso, A. — Genetica di popolazioni in Drosophila. Parts VI-IX. [Mem. dell'Inst. Ital. di Idrobiol. Dott. Marco De Marchi] 4: 1-116. — Su alcuni casi di evoluzione in bottiglia. Ibid. 117-20, 1947. Carson and Stalker — Reproductive diapause in Drosophila robusta. [67] 34: 124-29. Chase, Schryver and Stern— Exploratory electrophoretic experiments on luciferase preparations (Crust., Cypridina). [105] 31: 25-33. Chopard, L.— La parthenogenese chez les orthopteroides. [L'Annee Bio- logique] 24: 15-22. Deboutteville, C. D. — Sur la morpholo- gic thoracicpue des insectes Zorapteres. [C. r. Acad. Sci. Paris] 226: 599-601. DeLong and Severin— Characters, Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 105 distribution and food plants of newly discovered vectors of California aster-yellows virus. [Hilgardia] 17: 527-38, 1947. Domato and Aramayo — (See under Diptera.) Doutt, R. L. — Polyembryony in Copidosoma koehleri. [3] 81 : 435-53, 1947. Duncan, j. — Le facteur humidite vs. mi- gration des larves de la pyrale du mais au printemps. [Ann. de L'Acfas, Montreal"] 13: 110. — Influence de 1'en- fouissement et faculte d'adaptation de la pyrale du mai's au moment de la nymphose. Ibid. 110-11, 1947. Gier, H. T. — Intracellular bacteroids in the cockroach (Periplaneta americana Linn.). [Jour Bacteriol.] 53: 173-89, 1947. Gloor, H. — Phanokopie-Versuche mit Ather an Drosophila. [Rev. Suisse de Zool.] 54: 637-712, ill., 1947. Goldschmidt, R. B. — A note on industrial melanism in relation to some re- cent work with Drosophila. [3] 81 : 474-76, 1947. Grassner and James — The biology and control of the fox maggot Wohl- fahrtia opaca. [46] 34: 44-50. Gupta, P. D. — On the struc- ture and formation of spermatophore in the cockroach, Peri- planeta americana. [Indian Jour. Ent.] 8: 79-84, ill., 1947. Hanstrom, B. — The brain, the sense organs, and the incretory organs of the head in the Crustacea Malacostraca. [Lunds Univ. Arsskrift] 43 (9) : 1-45, 1945. Harries and Douglass -Bionomic studies on the beet leafhopper. [25] 18: 45- 79. Hartung, E. W. — Some observations on the larval growth rate and viability of two tumor strains of D. melano- gaster. [80] 107: 296-97. Heisch and Garnham— The transmission of Spirochaeta duttoni bv Pediculus humanus corporis. [61] 38: 247-52. Hewlett/P. S.— The toxicities of three petroleum oils to the grain weevils. [4] 34: 575- 85, 1947. Hodson and Chiang — A new method for rearing Drosophila. [80] 107: 176-77. Homann, H.— Beitrage zur Physiologic der Spinnenaugen. V. Der Lichtsinn von Aranea seypunctata (Argiopidae). [Biol. Zentralblatt] 66: 251-61, 1947. Hsu, T. C.— The relations between hetero- pycnosis, spiralization and lampbrush formation of the chromosomes in the spermatogenesis of the Acrididae. [Jour. Genetics, England] 48: 311-15. Jones and Jones— Wireworms and the sugarbeet crop : field trials and obser- vations. [4] 34: 562-74, 1947. Klotz, Schlesinger and Tietze — Comparison of the binding ability of hemocyanin and serum albumin for organic ions (Limulus polyphemus). [12] 94: 40-44. La Greca, M. — La forma del pronoto degli Ortotteri Saltatori e la tua funzione nei movimenti di aper- tura e chiusura delle tegmine. [Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli] 56: 3-7, 1947 — Morfologia funzionale dell'articolazione alare degli Ortotteri. [Arch. Zool. Italiano, Torino] 33: 271- 327, 1947. — Su una particolare maniera di deambulazione 106 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 di tin Acridide : Tropidopola cylindrica (Marsch.)- [Boll. Zool., Torino] 14: 83-104. Lilly, A. H. R. — Investigations on the gout fly (Chlorops pumilionis) in Devon and Corn- wall. [4] 34: 551-61, 1947. Lindquist and Wilson— De- velopment of a strain of houseflies resistant to DDT. [80] 107 : 276. Maple, J. D. — The eggs and first instar larvae of Encyrtidae and their morphological adaptations for respira- tion. [91] 8: 25-122, ill., 1947. Mclntosh, A. H.— Rela- tion between particle size and shape of insecticidal suspen- sions and their contact toxicity. [4] 34: 586-610. Milum, V. G. — Grooming dance and associated activities of the honeybee colony. [85] 40: 194-96, 1947. Misra, S. D.- Studies on the somatic musculature of the desert locust, Shis- tocerca gregaria. Part II, the neck and the prothorax. [Indian Jour. Ent.] 8: 1-29, ill., 1947. Patt, D. I.— Some cytological observations on the Nahrboden of Polyphemus pediculus (Crusta). [84] 66: 344-53, 1947. Pflugf elder, O. — Uber die Ventraldriisen und einige andere inkretorische Organe cler Insektenkopfes. [Biol. Zentralblatt] 66: 211- 35, 1947. Raignier, A. — L'economie thermique d'une colo- nie polycalique de la fourmi des bois. (Formica rufa polyctena). [La Cellule] 51: 281-368 and Pis. I-III. Rakshpal, R. — Notes on the structure and development of the male genital organs in Carpophilus sp. (Nitidulid). [Indian Jour. Ent.] 8 : 59-69, 1947. de Robertis and Schmitt —An electron microscope analysis of certain nerve axon constituents (Homarus americanus and Limulus polyphe- mus). [105] 31 : 1-24. Roonwal, M. L. — On the variation in the number of ovarioles and its probable origin- in the desert locust, Shistocerca gregaria. Ibid. 375-82, ill., 1947. Satchell, G. H. — The ecology of the British species of Psy- choda. [4] 34: 611-21, 1947. Schallek and Wiersma- The influence of various drugs on a crustacean synapse. [105] 31: 35-47. Schwartz, H. F.— Stingless bees (Meli- ponidae) of the Western Hemisphere. [Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.] 90: xvii + 1-546. Severin, H. H. P.— Newly discovered leafhopper vectors of California aster-yellow virus. [Hilgardia] 17: 511-19. — Longevity of noninfective and infective leafhoppers on a plant nonsusceptible to a virus. Ibid. 541-43. — Location of curly-top virus in the beet leafhopper Eutettix tenellus. Ibid. 545-51, 1947. Sharif, M. — Nutritional requirements of flea larvae and their bearing in the specific distribution and host preferences of the three Indian species of Xenopsylla (Siphonap). [61] 38: 253-63. Smith, F. G. W.— Surface illumination and barnacle attachment. [12] 94: 33-39. Stehr, G.— Bezich- ungen z\vischen der Blutzirkulation im Puppenfliigel und lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 107 dem Zeichnungsmuster von Ephestia kiihniella. [Rev. Suisse de Zool.] 54: 573-608, ill., 1947. Tate, P.— The sex ratio and the occurrence of mutations in cultures of the blow-fly Calliphora erythrocephala. [Jour. Genetics] 48: 333-42. Williams, C. M. — Physiology of insect diapause. III. The prothroacic glands in the Cecropia silkworm, with special reference to their significance in embryonic and postembryonic development. [12] 94: 60-65. Wilson, M. C. — A preliminary study of the effect of DDT on Aphis maidis and its insect enemies with particular reference to Aphidius (Lysiphlebus) testaceipes. [58] 48: 30-40. Wil- son and Gahan — Susceptibility of DDT-resistant houseflies to other insectidal sprays. [80] 107 : 276-77. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Anantaraman, M. — Oribatid mites and their economic importance. [53] 161 : 409-10. Baker, E. W. — A new trichadenid mite which further indicates a phylogenetic relationship between the Tetranychidae and Eriophyidae. [65] 50: 59-60. Be- quaert, J. — A breeding focus of Dermacentor variabilis, the American dog tick, in New Hampshire. [18] 42: 141, 1947. Chamberlin, R. V. — The genera of N. Amer. Dictynidae. [Bull. Univ. Utah] 38: 5-31. ill. Chamberlin, R. V.— Seven new American millipeds [63] 60: 9-16. — Two new species of Trichomorpha from Panama. Ibid. 63-66. Crane, J.— Comparative biology of salticid spiders at Rancho Grande, Venezuela. Pt. I. Systematics and life histories in Cory- thalia. [95] 33: 1-38 (k*). Ewing, H. E.— Notes on some parasitic mites of the superfamily Parasitoidea, with a key to the American genera of the Liponyssinae. [63] 60: 83- 90 (*), 1947. Farrell and Wharton— A successful method for shipping larval trombiculids (chiggers). [46] 34: 71. Hoffman, R. L. — The status of the milliped Lasiolathus virginicus, with notes on Scytonotus granulatus. [63] 60: 139-40, 1947. Homann, H. — (See under Anatomy.) New- ell, I. M. — The rediscovery and clarification of Siro aca- roides (Opiliones, Cyphophthalmi, Sironidae). [84] 66: 354-65, 1947. Ringuelet, R. — La supuesta presencia de Ixodes brunneus Koch en la Argentina y descripcion de una neuva Garrapata, I. neuquensis. [Notas del Mus. de la Plata] 12: 207-16, ill. (*) (S) (1947). Self and McMurry- Porocephalus crotali (Pentastomida) in Oklahoma. [46] 34:21-23. Turk, F. A.— On two new species of tick. [61] 38 : 243-46. SMALLER ORDERS— Banks, N.— Some characters in the Perlidae. [73] 54: 266-91 (k*), 1947. Crawford, J. C. — A new genus of Urothripidae from Guatemala (Thysan- optera). [65] 50: 39-40. — On the Neotropical species of 108 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 the genus Taeniothrips (Thysan., Thrip.). Ibid. 53-57 (k*). Christansen, K. A. — A new genus and species of damsel fly from southern Haiti. [73] 54: 256-62, 1947. Conde, B.- Un proture remarquable clu Danemark. [Ent. Meddelel- ser] 25 : 161-64, ill., 1947. Deboutteville, C. D.— Zoraptera. (See under Anatomy.) Denning, D. G. — New species and records of nearctic Hydroptilidae (Trichoptera). [18] 42: 145-58,1947. Grant, C.— Typhlops and termites. [39] 40: 14. Heisch and Garnham — (See under Anatomy.) Levy, H. A. — The male genitalia of Ephemerida. [45] 56: 25-41. Needham, J. G. — Studies on the North American species of the genus Gomphus. [83] 73: 307-39, PI. XV (k), 1947. Pflugfelder, O. — (See under Anatomy.) Ricker, W. E. — Stoneflies of the Maritime Provinces and Newfoundland. [87] 26: 401-14, ill. (*), 1947. Sharif, M.— (See under Anatomy.) Silvestri, F. — On some Japygidae in the Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology (Dicellura). [73] 54: 209- 29 (*). Thompson, G. B.— A list of the type-hosts of the Mallophaga and the lice described from them. [6] 14: 373-88. ORTHOPTERA— Chopard, L.— (See under Anatomy.) Gier, H. T. — (See under Anatomy.) Gupta, P. D.— (See under Anatomy.) Hsu, T. C. — (See under Anatomy.) Knowlton, G. F. — Pigmy grasshopper notes. [18] 42: 130. —Snowy tree cricket eats pea aphids. Ibid. 142, 1947. La Greca, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Mathur, R. N. — Notes on the biology of some Mantidae. [Indian Jour. Ent.] 8: 89-106, 1947. Misra, S. D.— (See under Anatomy.) Pflug- felder, O. — (See under Anatomy.) Roonwal, M. L. — On variation in the number of hind-tibial spines in the desert locust Shistocerca gregaria. [Indian J. Ent.] 8: 71-77, ill., 1947. — (See also under General and under Anatomy.) HEMIPTERA — DeLong and Hershberger— A new ge- nus, Neodonus, and species of Mexican leafhopper (Homo., Cicadell.) related to Idioclonus. [18] 42: 159-61, 1947.- The genus Flexamia (Homo. Cicadell.) in Mexico. Ibid. 136-39 .(*). DeLong and Severin — (See under Anatomy.) Esselbaugh, C. O. — Some remarks on the genus Chlorochroa (Hemi., Pentatom.) and a new species. [18] 42: 164-69, 1947. Essig, E. O. — Aphids feeding on violaceous plants in California. [Hilgardia] 17: 597-617, 1947. Fennah, R. G. — Two exotic new Fulgoroidea from the New World. [63] 60: 91-94.— Notes on West Indian Flatidae (Fulgo- roidea). Ibid. 107-18, 1947. Harries and Douglass— (See under Anatomy.) Hemmingson, A. M. — Plant bug guarding eggs and offspring and shooting anal jets (Coreicl). [Ent. Meddelelser, Copenhagen] 25: 200, 1947. Knowlton, G. F. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 109 — Note on six aphis species. [18] 42: 155. — Procipilus aphid notes. Ibid. 161. — Leafhopper 'bites' man. Ibid. 169. -Phymatid kills honeybees. Ibid. 175, 1947. — (See also under Orthoptera.) Larsen, O. — Ranatra linearis in Schweden (Biology). [Opuscula Ent., Lund] 12: 144-50. 1947. Oman, P. W. — Distribution of Balaulus maidis (Ci- cadell.)- [65] 50: 34. Severin, H. H. P.— (See under An- atomy.) Wilson, M. C. — (See under Anatomy.) LEPIDOPTERA— Doutt, R. L.— (See under Anatomy.) Duncan, J. — (See under Anatomy. ) Flemming, H. — A new genus and species of Orneodidae (moths) from Rancho Grande, north-central Venezuela. [95] 33: 39-42 and PI. Forbes, Wm. T. M. — A second review of Melinaea and Mechanitis (Ithomi.). [45] 56: 1-24 (k*). Hemmingsen, A. M. — A chrysalis stridulating by means of instrument on inside of cocoon (Noctuid). [Ent. Meddelelser, Copen- hagen] 25: 165-73, ill., 1947. Judd, W. W.— Acentropus niveus (Pyralid) at Hamilton. Ontario. [23] 79: 119, 1947. Malkin, G. F. — The story of a butterfly (Danaus archippus). [Canad. Nature] 10: 4-8, ill. (popular). McDunnough, J. —A new California!! Apamea (Phalaen.). [45] 56: 51-52. McGuffin, W. C. — New descriptions of larvae of forest in- sects: Semiothisa, Dysmigia (Geometr.). [23] 79: 113-16. 1947. Munroe, E. G. — Further North American records of Acentropus niveus (Pyral.). [23] 79: 120, 1947. Need- ham, J. G. — A bucculafricid gall maker and its hypermeta- morphosis. [45] 56: 43-50. dos Passes, C. F. — The eye colors of some Colias collected in New Jersey (Pieridae). [65] 50: 35-38. Rawson, G. W. — A new subspecies of Ly- caena epixanthe with comments on the identity of typical epixanthe (Lycaen.). [45] 56: 55-62. Rindge, F. H.— Contribution towards a knowledge of the insect fauna of Lower California. No. 8. Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera. [64] 24: 289-312. Stehr, G.— (See under Anatomy.) Varley, G. C. — (See under General.) Williams, C. M. — (See under Anatomy.) Worm-Hansen and Larsson — Semasia krygeri Rebel (Tortr.) morphology and biology. [Ent. Med- delelser, Copenhagen] 25: 174-95, ill., 1947. DIPTERA — Alex, A. H. — Notes on robber flies (Asili- dae) preying on honeybees in the San Antonio area during 1946. [18] 42: 170-72, 1947. Alexander, C. P.— Xew or insufficiently-known crane-flies from the neartic region (Tipul.). [18] 42: 131-35. — Records and descriptions of N. Amer. crane-flies. VII. The Tipulidae of Utah. [1]39: 1-82. Anduze, P. J. — Fauna hematofoga del Distrito Ma- turin (Est. Monagas, Venezuela) : Los Culicidos. [Rev. 110 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [April, '48 de Med. Vet. y Paras., Caracas, Yen.] 6: 121-26, 1947. Beadle L. C. — (See under Anatomy.) Bolwig, N. — (See under Anatomy.) Breland, O. P. — (See under Hymenop- tera.) Brues, C. T. — The habitat of Aenigmatias (Phor.). [73] 54: 265, 1947. Buzzati-Traverso, A.— (See under An- atomy.) Carson and Stalker — -(See under Anatomy.) Do- mato and Aramayo — Contribucion al estudio de la moscas de las frutas en Tucuman. [Bull, de la Estacion Exp. Agri- cola de Tucuman] No. 60: 1-27, ill. (S) (1947). Fox, L- Hoffmania, a new subgenus in Culicoides (Ceratopogon.). [63] 61: 21-28 (k), 1947. Gloor, H.— (See under Anat- omy.) Goldschmidt, R. B. — (See under Anatomy.) Grass- ner and James — (See under Anatomy.) Hodson and Chiang — (See under Anatomy.) Hartung, E. W. — (See under Anatomy.) Huckett, H. C. — The subgenus Phorbia in North America, genus Hylemyia sens. lat. (Muse.). [18] 42: 109-25 (k*), 1947. Hull, F. M.— Some American syrphid flies. [73] 54: 230-40, 1947. Krumholz, L. A.- Reproduction in the western mosquitofish Gambusia affinis and its use in mosquito control. [25] 18: 1—43. Lilly, A. H. R. — (See under Anatomy.) Lindquist and Wilson — (See under Anatomy.) Pallister, J. C. — Giant fly (Pan- tophthalamus). [56] 57: 131. Rings and Hill — The taxo- nomic status of Aedes mathesoni. [65] 50: 41-49. Sa- browsky, C. W. — Winthemia citheroniae, new species, with notes on the correct name of W. cecropia (Larvaevor.). [65] 50: 63-67. Satchell, G. H.— (See under Anatomy.) Tate, P.— (See under Anatomy.) Trehan, K. N.— Biologi- cal observations on Trypanea amoena. [Indian Jour. Ent.] 8: 107-09, 1947. Wilson and Gahan— (See under Anat- omy.) COLEOPTERA— Agrell, I. — (See under Anatomy.) Anderson, W. H. — A key to the larvae of some species of Hypera Germar, 1817 (= Phytonomus Schoenherr, 1823) (Curculion.). [65] 50: 25-34. Arnett, R. H.— Coleoptera notices. II: Silphidae. [23] 79: 110-13, 1947. Brian, M .V. — On the ecology of beetles of the genus Agriotes with special reference to A. obscurus (Elaterid). [36] 16: 210-24, 1947. Chamberlain, K. F.— (See under General.) Dillon, L. S. and E. S. — The tribe Dorcaschematini (Ceram- byc.). [83] 73: 173-298, Pis. IX-XIV (k*), 1947. Fisher, W. S. — A change of name in Buprestidae. [65] 50: 40. Gardener, J. C. M. — A note on the larva of Trox procerus Har. (Scarab.). [Indian Jour. Ent.] 8: 31-32, ill., 1947. Gardener, J. C. M. — Larvae of Cantharoidea. [Indian Jour. Ent.] 8: 121-29, ill.. 1947. Heifer, J. R.— Notes on three Buprestidae. [18] 42: 140-41, 1947. Hewlett, P. S.— (See lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 111 under Anatomy.) Hicks, S. D. — Additional notes on Cole- optera taken in Essex County and southern Ontario. [23] 79: 117-19, 1947. Jones and Jones — (See under Anatomy.) Knowlton, G. F. — Silpha feeding on dead bees. [18] 42: 125, 1947. Leech, H. B. — Collecting in southern British Columbia: hilltop to lakeshore for beetles. [23] 79: 105- 08, 1947. Mclntosh, A. H. — (See under Anatomy.) Mc- Keown, K. C. — Australian insects. XXXI. Coleoptera, 8. The Cucujidae. [Austr. Mus. Mag.] 9: 201-03. Park, O. — Observations on Batrisodes (Pselaphidae), with particu- lar reference to the American species east of the Rocky Mts. [Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci.] 8: 45-135, ill. Pickford, G. E. — Derallus altus, a southern water-beetle in New Jersey. [45] 56: 53-54. Rakshpal, R. — (See under Anat- omy.) Robinson, M. — Two new species of Scarabaeidae. [83] 73: 169-71. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabit- ing the United States (Scarab.). Ibid. 299-305, 1947. Saylor, L. W. — Contributions to a knowledge of the insect fauna of Lower California. No. 10. Col. : Scarabaeidae. [64] 24: 337-74. Werner, F. G. — Note on the type speci- men Bagous sellatus Lee. (Curculion.). [73] 54: 262, 1947. HYMENOPTERA— Alex, A. H.— (See under Diptera.) Breland, O. P. — A new species of Torymus parasite of a sunflower gall maker (Torym., Cecidomyid). [65] 50: 57- 58. Compere, H. — A report on a collection of Encyrtidae with descriptions of new genera and species. [91] 8: 1-24, ill., 1927. Deleurance, E.-P. — Sur le cycle biologique de Polistes. [C. r. Acad. Sci., Paris] 226': 601-03.— L'inde- pendance de 1'etat ovarien et de la fondation du nid chez les Polistes. Ibid. 514-16. Doutt, R. L. — (See under Anat- omy). Kennedy, C. H. — (See under General.) Knowl- ton, G. F. — (See under Coleoptera.) Krombein, K. V.— New prey records in Oxybelus (Sphec.). [65] 50: 67. Lai, K. B. — The identification of Bracon hebetor (Say) and B. brevicornis (Wesm.). [Indian Jour. Ent.] 8: 5-8, 1947. Maple, J. D. — (See under Anatomy.) Milum, V. G. — (See under Anatomy.) Raignier, A. — (See under Anatomy.) Schwartz, H. F. — Stingless bees (Meliponidae) of the West- ern Hemisphere. Lestrimelitta and the following subgen- era of Trigona : Trigona, Paratrigona, Schwarziana, Para- partamoma, Cephalotrigona, Oxytrigona, Scaura and Mour- ella. [Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.] 90: xvii + 1-546, ill. (k*). Shippirio, D. G. — Observations on the biology of some mutillid wasps (Mutill.). [18] 42: 162-63, 1947. Synge, A. D. — Pollen collection bv honeybees (Apis mel- lifica). [36] 16: 115-38, 1947. Varley, G. C.— (See under General.) Wilson, M. C. — (See under Anatomy.) This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not for advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. Ants of the tribe Dacetini (Strumigcnys, Rhopalothrix and related genera) wanted for world revision. W. L. Brown, Jr., Harvard Uni- versity Biological Laboratories, Cambridge 38, Mass. Mallophaga (on wrhich immediate determination is not necessary) wanted for study and determination. R. L. Edwards, Dept. Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. Tingidae (Heteroptera) of the world wanted, in alcohol, with host and other ecological data. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. S. Bailey, 16 Neponset Ave., Hyde Park 36, Mass. Bombidae, nearctic and neotropical, wanted for exchange, identi- fication, or purchase. Will exchange in other groups for bumblebees. Barth Maina, Dept. Zool., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago 37, 111. Saturnidae of the world. Will purchase individual specimens or cocoons. F. E. Rutkowski, St. Bede College, Peru, Illinois, U. S. A. Butterflies of New England, principally from New Haven, Conn., for exchange. Louis Clarke, 28 W. Elm St., New Haven 15, Conn. INSECT PINS The best grade Czechoslovakia!! insect pins are now available for delivery. All sizes available. $6.00 per 1000—65 per 100 Butterflies — Moths — Beetles from all parts of the world Robert G. Wind Rl — 145 Buena Vista, Livermore, California ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1138. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the neotropical Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Notiphilinae (73: 35-61, 1947) $ .90 1142. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Noti- philinae (73: 105-124, 1947) 50 HYMENOPTERA 1137.— Pate (V. S. L.)— The Pemphilidine wasps of the Caribbees (73: 1-33, 1 pi., 1947) 85 COLEOPTERA 1145.— Dillon (L. S. & .E. S.)— The tribe Dorcaschematini (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) (73: 173-298, 6 pis., 1947) 3.45 1139.— Green (J. W.) — New Eastern Amer. sp. of Podabrus (73: 63-76, figs., 1947) 35 1144. — Robinson (M.) — Two new spp. of Scarabaeidae (73: 169- 171, 1947) 20 1146. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the United States (73: 299-305, 1947) 20 LEPIDOPTERA 1141. — Darlington (E. P.) — Notes on certain types of Lepidoptera described by Brackenridge Clemens (73: 85-104, 1947) ... .50 1140. — Williams (J. L.) — The anatomy of the internal genitalia of Fumea Casta Pallas (73: 77-84, figs., 1947) 20 TRICHOPTERA 1143. — Ross (H. H.) — Descriptions and records of No. Amer. Tri- choptera, with synoptic notes (73: 125-168, 7 pis., 1947) .. 1.40 ODONATA 1147. — Needham (J. G.) — Studies on the No. Amer. spp. of the genus Gomphus (Odonata) (73: 307-339, fig., 1 pi., 1947) 85 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS MAY 1948 nTW Vol. LIX No. 5 CONTENTS Robinson — A new species of Aphodius with notes 113 Berner — A new species of mayfly 117 Announcement 120 Alexander — Western crane-flies. Part IX 121 Breland — Migrations of the snout butterfly 128 Fox — Roswellia, a new genus of Ithomines 131 Current Entomological Literature 133 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3. IS Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1, Act of October 3. 1917. authorized January IS, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES: Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $ 2.50 $ 4.50 $ 6.50 $10.00 Five Issues 9.00 17.00 24.00 42.00 Ten Issues 16.00 30.00 42.00 72.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. 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SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2.75; 100 copies, $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies, $5.23. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.88; 50 copies, $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03; additionals at .022 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.20; additional at 0.165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LIX MAY, 1948 No. 5 A New Species of Aphodius with Notes on Others (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) By MARK ROBINSON, Springfield, Pennsylvania Unless otherwise noted, the specimens used as the basis of this paper are in the collection of the author. Aphodius (Platyderides) yukonensis new species This species is allied to phaeopterus Leconte but is larger in size. Also in the older species the middle and posterior femora have many hairs on the posterior side. The greatest difference between the two species is in the secondary sexual characters of the anterior and middle tibial spurs. The spur on the anterior tibia of phaeopterus is not as long nor as stout and is less strongly curved than the corresponding, spur on yukonensis. In male specimens of the older species, the short spur of the mid- dle tibia is one-third the length of the long spur and is abruptly turned inwards at the apex. Elongate, parallel, moderately convex; disk of the head and thorax blackish, the rest of the body is dark reddish, setae yellow- ish ; shining. Clypeus shallowly emarginate, the angles on each side sub- acute. Genae moderately prominent, well rounded, fimbriate. The surface of the head is moderately coarsely and rather evenly punctured. The punctures are separated from one to three times their diameter. Frons with three ill-defined tubercles placed transversely. Thoracic side margins slightly explanate, fimbriate. The an- terior angles are well rounded while the posterior ones are very broadly rounded. The side margins are parallel and the poste- rior margin has the marginal line entire. The disk is mod- (113) 114 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 erately convex. The punctures are of two sizes, the finer series is evenly distributed over the disk ; the coarser punctures are denser posteriorly and especially so laterally. These punctures are separated by about one-half their own diameter near the lateral margin. Humeri of elytra obtuse. Sides weakly arcuate ; fimbriate in anterior two-thirds. Striae well marked, deeply, crenately punc- tured. Intervals slightly convex, biseriately, finely punctured. The striae and intervals towards the side margins are a little more coarsely punctured. Prosternum with a well rounded, densely hairy lobe. Meso- sternum not carinate. Metasternum finely punctured, medially. Sides of metasternum coarsely, setigerously punctured. Ab- dominal segments alutaceous, finely punctured. Each of these abdominal punctures bears a decumbent hair. The anterior tibia is tridentate, not crenate above the third tooth ; these teeth are broad and blunt. Middle and posterior femur finely and sparsely punctured with a few hair-bearing, coarser punctures scattered between the finer ones. The apices of the middle and posterior tibiae are fimbriate with unequal spinules. The first joint of the posterior tarsi is subequal in length to the next three joints. Male. Spur of anterior tibia longer than the first three tarsal joints. This spur is parallel in its basal part and widens as it curves inwards at right angles to an acute apex. The short spur of the middle tibia is a little over half as long as the long spur, curved inwards in distal one-third to an acute apex. Metasternum slightly concave in the center. Length, 7.2 mm. ; breadth, 3.0 mm. Type. <$; Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada, May 20, 1916 (J. A. Kusche). Paratype. <£\ with the same data as the type. Aphodius aleutus Eschscholtz 1822. Aphodius aleutus Eschscholtz, Entomographien, Berlin, p. 27. 1907. Aphodius plutonicus Fall, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., XXXIII, p. 245. Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 115 Fall described plutonicus from a male example collected at south Fork Eagle Creek, White Mountains, New Mexico. This specimen has been examined but not dissected. Other examples agreeing with the type from New Mexico and Arizona have been dissected and the form of the male genitalia found to agree with specimens of aleutus from Alaska, Alberta and Quebec in Can- ada, and from Wyoming, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina in the United States. Externally all of the above examples agree expect for a variation in color ; the more northern specimens tend to be lighter in color with dark macu- lations on the elytra while specimens from Arizona, New Mex- ico, Colorado, Maryland and North Carolina are darker in color with the elytral maculations very vague. Aphodhts aleutus is described as having the spinules on the middle and posterior tibial apices even in length while in the type of plutonicus they are slightly uneven in length. This is a good example of a case in which the length of the tibial spinules is a misleading character as over the large series of specimens examined all variations of this character were noticed without any correlation as to locality or sex. In view of the above information I feel it is best to drop the name plutonicus in favor of the older species aleutus. Aphodius (Platyderides) leptotarsis Brown 1928. Aphodius (Platyderides) leptotarsis Brown, Can. Ent., LX, p. 15. 1938. Aphodius (Platyderides) leptotarsis Robinson not Brown, Ent. News, XLIX, p. 103. A second specimen of this rare species was taken by the writer at Broomall, Pennsylvania on October 15, 1947 (flying in the afternoon). This specimen proves to be a female and as this sex has not previously been described the following remarks will help to separate it from the male. Anterior tibial spur slender, gently down-curved to the acute apex. Short spur of the middle tibia straight, about half as long as the long spur, acute at the apex. The patches of hairs on the posterior margin of the middle and posterior tibia obsolete. 116 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 Length, 4.8 mm. ; breadth, 2.2 mm. The above specimen is designated the allotype of the species. Aphodius (Platyderides) haldemani Horn 1870. Aphodius politus Horn, Tran. Amer. Ent. Soc., Ill, p. 128. 1887. Aphodius haldemani Horn, Tran. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIV, p. 33. 1928. Aphodius (Platyderides'} haldemani Brown not Horn, Can. Ent., LX, p. 39. 1940. Aphodius (Platyderides} magnificens Robinson, Tran. Amer. Ent. Soc., LXVI, p. 144. The type of Horn's species is represented in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences by a unique. At the time I described magnificens I stated, "I believe this species to be dis- tinct from haldemani Horn because of its different color, coarse punctures on the pronotum denser, male anterior tibial spur is truncate and not oblique and the short spur of the middle tibia is prolonged inward and not rounded." Since this de- scription was written I have examined two more males and a female of haldemani collected at College Station, Texas in the nest of Gcomys breviceps. These male specimens agree with the type of haldemani in all characters noted by this author. In addition another character to separate the two species that has been overlooked is the lack of a tuft of hair on the middle and posterior trochanters of haldemani. The short spur of the fe- male's middle tibia in haldemani is about half as long as the long spur while in female magnificens this spur is two-thirds as long as the longer spur. Aphodius granarius Linnaeus 1758. Scarabaeus granarius Linnaeus, Systema Naturae, ed. 10, Holmiae I, p. 457. 1887. Aphodius inutilis Horn, Tran. Amer. Ent. Soc., XIV, p. 50. An examination of the type of Horn's inutilis reveals it to be a small, light colored example of Aphodius granarius. The su- Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 117 tural elytral interval is as wide as the second interval which is one of the striking characters of Linnaeus's species. Dr. Horn placed inutilis in the group of Aphodius with long uneven spi- nules on the apex of the hind tibia while granarius he placed with the group having short, even spinules. The length of the spi- nules is a very confusing character and granarius is another spe- cies that might be placed in either group. The spinules on the specimens of granarius now before me vary so that some speci- mens could be referred to the group with long uneven spinules while others, probably due to wear, would be placed in the group with short equal spinules. A New Species of Mayfly from Tennessee By LEWIS BERNER, Department of Biology, University of Florida While operating insect light traps on the campus of Tusculum College, Dr. Mike Wright collected males of a species of mayfly which he sent to me for identification. These specimens proved to be the new species described below. Subsequent collecting by Dr. Wright at another locality yielded additional males and a few females. Nymphs collected from a creek at Tusculum College were also sent for identification. Since at least two species were included in the nymphal series, it is not possible to assign a nymph to the adults with certainty; therefore, the description of the immature form is not presented in this paper. Isonychia tusculanensis n. sp. Adult males of Isonychia tusculanensis may be distinguished from those of other species by the brown coloration of the distal third of the mesothoracic wings. This new species appears to be most closely related to Isonychia matilda Traver from which it can be separated by the very strong coloration of the apical portion of its fore wings and its larger size. Traver states in her description of /. matilda* "The apical third of the fore 1 TRAVER, J. R. 1934. New North American species of mayflies (Ephemerida). Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. Soc. SO (1 and 2) : 248. 118 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 wing faintly tinged with brown, most noticeably on the outer margin." In /. tusculanensis, the coloration is very uniform and deep with a particularly heavy concentration in the stig- matic area (fig. 1). Male imago: Body length 14.5 mm.; length of mesothoracic wings 13.4 mm. ; length of caudal filaments 32 mm. HEAD: Deep reddish-brown dorsally; rings at base of ocelli almost black. Large blackish-brown spot between antennal base and compound eye,- and another ventral to antennal base. Basal segments and proximal half of flagellum of antenna red- dish-brown ; outer half of flagellum pale. Compound eyes al- most contiguous dorsally ; gray in color. THORAX : Blackish-brown in color. No distinctive markings. Mesothoracic wings hyaline ; distal third brown, clearly de- marked from colorless basal two-thirds ; stigmatic area some- what darker brown. Venation light brown ; stigmatic cross veins numerous, tending to anastomose (fig. 1). Metathoracic wings hyaline, colorless. Legs : Fore femur and tibia very dark black-brown ; tarsal segments considerably lighter in color ; tar- sus slightly longer than tibia. Middle and hind legs yellowish- white ; tarsal segments tinged with brown distally, with brown becoming more extensive on fifth tarsal segment; claws brown. ABDOMEN : Mostly deep red-brown dorsally and ventrally. Segments 2-6 with a narrow translucent band girdling each segment anteriorly producing an annulate appearance. Dor- sally, each segment with a narrow black band at posterior bor- der. Segment 1 blackish-brown dorsally and ventrally. Ter- gites 7-9 slightly paler in mid-dorsal region and sternites 7 and 8 slightly paler than more anterior sternites. Sternite 9 rather pale due to chalky area in median portion of segment. Genitalia blackish-brown ; forceps base deeply excavated apically with a tubercle at the base of the excavation; penes of the albomanicata type (fig. 2). Caudal filaments blackish-brown, paler apically; segments lighter in color at the joints. Female imago: Body length 15.7 mm. ; length of mesothoracic wings 16 mm. ; length of caudal filaments 27 mm. HEAD : Pale brown except for median stripe of reddish-brown. Postero-lateral angles of occiput black-brown ; a pair of blackish- lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 119 brown, submedian spots just anterior to occipital margin. Ver- tex with a narrow line of black-brown at lateral margins ; band continues forward in front of compound eye expanding to form a wide bar between antennal base and compound eye. Anten- nae as in male. ISONYCHIA TUSCULANENSIS n. sp. Fig. 1. Fore wing of male. Fig. 2. Male genitalia. Fig. 3. Subanal plate of female. THORAX : Pro- and mesonotum brown, except postscutellum which is fuscous. Metanotum fuscous. Thoracic sternites fuscous. Wings, hyaline, clear without coloration except stig- matic area; latter tinged witli brown. Venation similar to that of male. Legs: Femur of fore leg brown in basal fourth, shad- ing into black-brown in outer three-fourths ; tibia black-brown ; tarsus as in male. Middle and hind legs as in male. 120 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 ABDOMEN : Markings and color similar to those of male. Subanal plate deeply excavated (Fig. 3). Caudal filaments as in male. Holotype: Male imago preserved in alcohol. Greene Co., TENNESSEE, Camp Creek. June 4, 1947. Collected by M. Wright. In collection of Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. Allotype: Female imago preserved in alcohol. Same locality as holotype. June 10, 1947. In collection of Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. Paratypes: 16 males, 6 females (many specimens imperfect). 8 males, 3 fe- males in collection of Museum of Zoology, University of Michi- gan, other in author's collection. Greene Co., Tenn., Camp Creek. (2 males, 3 females, May 28, 1946; 3 males, June 4, 1947; 7 males, 2 females, June 10, 1947) ; Greene Co., Tenn. Tusculum College (1 male, April 23, 1946; 1 male, June 24, 1946; 1 male, July 15, 1946). Announcement The Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia announces the addition to the honorary membership of the staff of its Department of insects, with the title of Research Associate, of the following entomologists of the Philadelphia areas : Mr. Mark Robinson, President of the American Entomological Society, a coleopterist well known for his systematic studies of the Scarabaeidae ; Dr. Rudolf G. Schmieder, Assistant Professor of Zoology at the University of Pennsylvania, past-President of the American Entomological Society, and Editor of "Entomo- logical News," whose experimental work with certain parasitic Hymenoptera is well known ; and Dr. Charles Hodge, 4th, As- sociate Professor of Zoology at Temple University, whose ento- mological researches have been chiefly along anatomical lines. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 121 Undescribed Species of Crane-Flies from the West- ern United States and Canada (Dipt. : Tipulidae). Part IX By CHARLES P. ALEXANDER, University of Massachusetts. Amherst, Massachusetts The preceding part under this general title was published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 58: 205-209, 1947. The flies de- scribed herewith are from Colorado, derived from various sources, as discussed under the individual species. Prionocera fulvicauda new species Allied to proximo,; mesonotal praescutum with four entire brown stripes, the intermediate pair separated by a pale line, only on the cephalic portion this more blackened ; male hypo- pygium with the posterior border of tergite having three pairs of lobes, the lateral pair short, microscopically setulose ; submedian lobes directed mesad, pointed at tips ; third set of lobes small, provided with coarse setiferous tubercles ; inner dististyle with the rostrum relatively stout, with from 10 to 12 blackened peg- like spines on lower margin near base. J1. Length about 12 mm.; wing 13-14 mm.; antenna about 4 mm. 5- Length about 17 mm. ; wing 15 mm. Frontal prolongation of head above black, including the na- sus ; ventral half yellow, becoming even clearer along the oral margin ; mouthparts, including palpi, black. Antennae black, the apex of pedicel and base of first flagellar segment a trifle more reddened ; proximal four flagellar segments with the lower apical angle slightly produced to give a serrate appearance ; succeeding segments less evidently serrate. Head in front with a light silvery gray pruinosity, the pattern ending abruptly on the anterior vertex ; dorsal portion of head with the central area of vertex infuscated, more intense medially and in the de- pressed areas behind the antennal bases ; posterior orbits light gray, in cases more broadly so. 122 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 Pronotum gray, variegated medially with brown. Mesonotal praescutum gray, with four entire brown stripes, the intermedi- ate pair separated by a short blackish line on the cephalic por- tion ; on the posterior half or more the median vitta brownish gray, paler than the stripes ; posterior sclerites of notum gray pruinose, scutal lobes vaguely patterned with brown ; para- scutella, posterior lateral portions of scutal lobes and the kata- pleurotergite yellow, remainder of pleurotergite and the pleura light gray ; dorsopleural membrane buffy yellow. Halteres with stem obscure yellow, knob infuscated. Legs with the coxae light gray pruinose, paling to yellow at tips ; trochanters yellow ; femora obscure yellow, the tips narrowly but conspicu- ously brownish black or black, less clearly delimited on the fore legs; tibiae light brown, the tips darker; tarsi passing into black; claws (male) toothed. Wings with a weak brownish tinge, the costal border, and especially cell Sc, more yellowed ; stigma medium brown ; obliterative streak before cord relatively conspicuous, extending from before the stigma almost to the posterior margin in cell M3 ; veins dark brown, more brownish yellow in the brightened fields. Venation : Rs relatively long, nearly four times m-cu; basal section of vein M4 elongate, perpendicular. Abdominal tergites dark gray, with a broad dark brown median stripe, interrupted by the very narrow yellow posterior borders of the segments ; lateral tergal borders much more broadly yellow ; sternites dark gray, the posterior margins of the outer segments more broadly yellow ; hypopygium chiefly fulvous, including the styli, outer tergal lobes and much of the sternite. Ovipositor with the elongate cerci slightly decurved. Male hypopygium with the ninth tergite transversely rectangu- lar, the posterior margin generally truncate but conspicuously lobed; lateral lobes small, obtuse at tips, densely microscopi- cally setulose ; submedian lobes much longer, narrowed to acute points, on slide mounts directed mesad, enclosing a broadly transverse median notch ; immediately behind these lobes a slightly smaller pair of darkened lobes, more obtuse at tips, sim- ilarly directed mesad, their surface with coarse setiferous tu- llX, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 123 bercles. Outer dististyle broadly expanded on proximal half or more, thence narrowed to the obtuse tip, the style broader in some specimens than in others. Inner dististyle with the rostrum elongate, a little expanded on outer portion ; lower margin at the constricted part with about 10 to 12 small black- ened peglike spines, just basad of this point with a small pale blade. Habitat. — COLORADO. Holotypc: £. Dream Lake, Rocky Mountain National Park, altitude 10,000 feet, July 18, 1941 (C. P. Alexander) ; not uncommon in a swale at outlet of lake. Allotopotype: $, pinned with type. Paratopotypes: 4JIJI. The two species that require comparison are Prionocera proximo Lackschewitz and P. unhuicra Alexander. The former occurs from northern and central Germany eastward to north- ern Korea, Amurland and Kamtchatka. It agrees with the present fly in the presence of blackened peglike spines on the inner dististyle, differing in all details of lobing of the ninth ter- gite, the more slender prolongation of the inner dististyle and in various colorational details. The Nearctic unimicra differs in the coloration of the head, antennae and other parts of the body, and in the structure of the male hypopygium. I am in- debted to Dr. Henry K. Townes for a figure of the type of this species, showing the dorsal aspect of the ninth tergite. While the conformation of the lobes is somewhat the same, especially the lateral and submedian pairs, the third pair is much larger and directed caudad so as to appear on the profile of the pos- terior border. Tipula (Trichotipula) mulaiki new species Allied to dorsolineata; macrotrichia in cells of wing reduced to five or six in outer end of cell R5 ; male hypopygium with the lateral lobes of the ninth tergite broad, the retrorse spinous setae not including the tips of the lobes ; apex of inner dististyle only slightly produced ; aedeagus of unusual length and stoutness, virtually as wide as the inner dististyle. $. Length about 12 mm.; wing 12.5 mm. 5- Length about 14 mm.; wing 13 mm. 124 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 Described from alcoholic specimens. Frontal prolongation of head short, obscure yellow ; nasus elongate ; palpi brownish black. Antennae with basal two segments yellow ; basal flagel- lar segments black, the remainder broken. Head above testa- ceous, the posterior vertex on either side with a major brownish spot. Thorax chiefly brown, the dorsum with a conspicuous pale central stripe that extends the entire length of the mesonotum, a little narrowed on the scutum and mediotergite. Pleura ob- scure yellow, more or less variegated with brown. Halteres with stem pale, base of knob darker. Legs wTith the coxae brown ; trochanters obscure yellow ; femora yellow, the tips rather narrowly but conspicuously brownish black ; tibiae ob- scure yellow, the tips even more narrowrly darkened ; tarsi ob- scure yellow basally, passing into black. Wings with a weak brownish tinge ; stigma dark brown, conspicuous ; cells Sc and Cit1 paler brown but darker than the ground ; a conspicuous whitish obliterative band across cell 1st M2, connecting with two narrow longitudinal streaks in cells R and M on either side of vein M, continued into cell M, almost to the outer margin, divided into two branches in the latter cell ; similar double pale streaks in cells R3, R5, Mv, 2nd M2, M± and 1st A; antestigmal and poststigmal brightenings present, the latter less distinct; veins brown. Five or six macrotrichia in outer end of cell RK, lacking in the other cells ; no stigmal trichia ; no trichia on squama. Venation : Sc1 preserved, erect ; Rs shorter than the oblique m-cu, the latter connecting with vein M4 beyond the base. Abdominal segments brown, conspicuously variegated with paler, the bases of the segments broadly pale yellow, the pos- terior borders broadly brown, the latter color increasing in amount on the outer segments ; in the male the pale color in- cludes most of the mid-dorsum, continuing the pale median thoracic line ; sternites more darkened on the sides. Male hypopygium having the caudal margin of the ninth tergite with a broad V-shaped notch, the margin with small blackened setae, those on the lobes stouter and retrorse, not reaching the Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 125 apex, as in dorsolineata. Inner dististyle nearly parallel-sided, gently narrowed outwardly, the beak only a little produced, slightly upturned ; basal lobe large, oval, about one-half as long as the style. Aedeagus of unusual length and stoutness, at its widest point virtually as broad as the inner dististyle ; in dorso- lineata the aedeagus is much narrower, less than one-half as wide as the inner dististyle. The apex of the outer dististyle of the type male is broken and its full size and shape is still un- known. Habitat. — COLORADO. Holotype: alcoholic J1, Eggers, Poudre Canyon, Larimer Co., August 7, 1941 (S. & D. Mulaik). Al- lotopotype: alcoholic 5, presumably taken while mating. I am pleased to name this interesting species for Professor Stanley B. Mulaik, to whom I am indebted for several interest- ing western Tipulidae. The most similar species is Tipnla (Trichotipula) dorsolineata Doane, which differs most evidently in the structure of the male hypopygium, especially the ninth tergite, inner dististyle, and aedeagus. Tipula (Lunatipula) sagittifera new species Belongs to the unicincta group ; general coloration of body light gray, the praescutum with four narrow reddish brown stripes; femora obscure yellow, the tips brownish black, pre- ceded by a more or less distinct clearer yellow ring ; wings with a weak brownish tinge, restricteclly patterned with darker brown, including the stigma ; obliterative areas before stigma and across the cord conspicuous ; abdominal tergites light brown, the fourth tergite conspicuously darker; male hypopygium with the ap- pendage of the ninth sternite a simple depressed cushion ; phal- losome with two pairs of rods and an additional unpaired median structure, the latter stout, sagittate, the triangular apex sub- tended on either side by a slender spine ; eighth sternite with a single major fasciculate bristle, the inner median group of setae only slightly modified, their tips produced into long filaments. J1. Length about 17 mm.; wing 18.5 mm.; antenna about 4.1 mm. _. 126 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 Frontal prolongation of head yellow, light gray pruinose at base above ; nasus small ; palpi brownish black, the incisures restrictedly whitened. Antennae with scape and pedicel yellow, the latter somewhat paler ; flagellum brownish black, the seg- ments moderately incised ; longest verticils exceeding the seg- ments in length. Head above very light gray, the vertex with a capillary brown median vitta; setae of vertex black and very conspicuous against the ground, rising from slightly darkened punctures. Pronotum gray, vaguely patterned with darker. Mesonotum light gray ; praescutum with four narrow reddish brown stripes, the intermediate pair longer, somewhat constricted to nearly in- terrupted at near midlength ; pseudosutural foveae pale ; each scutal lobe with a major reddish area. Pleura and pleurotergite light gray, the ventral sternopleurite slightly darker; dorso- pleural membrane yellow. Halteres with stem pale yellow, especially at base ; knob infuscated, the apex narrowly whitened. Legs with the coxae light gray ; trochanters yellow ; femora ob- scure yellow, the tips brownish black, the amount subequal on all legs, on the fore pair including about the outer tenth, the black tips preceded by a vaguely clearer yellow ring ; tibiae brownish yellow, the tips narrowly brownish black ; tarsi light brown, the outer segments darker; claws (male) toothed. Wings with a weak brownish tinge ; stigma darker brown ; small and inconspicuous brown spots at end of vein Sc and over the anterior cord; m-cu and distal section of vein Cu vaguely seamed with brown ; obliterative areas before stigma, before cord and across cell 1st M2 into base of cell Ms conspicuous ; no post-stigmal brightening ; vague pale areas in the centers of cells Mlf 2nd M2, Ms and M4, near outer end of cell 1st A adjoining vein 2nd A and as a more extensive brightening be- yond arculus in cells R to 1st A; veins brown. Venation: Rs about twice m-cu; Ri+2 entire ; cell 1st M2 relatively small. Abdominal tergites light brown, variegated with paler, the fourth tergite conspicuously darker brown, as in this subgroup of species ; sternites clearer yellow ; hypopygium chiefly brown- ish yellow. Male hypopygium with the lateral lobes of the ninth Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 127 tergite relatively narrow, the subacute tips gently divergent; outer third of lobe without setae, transversely wrinkled. Ninth sternite with its appendage appearing as a large but low and compact cushion, the entire lower face appressed to the ster- nite ; all but the dorsal end of the cushion provided with abun- dant long yellow setae but with no spinous points. Basistyle immediately above the appendage of the ninth sternite pro- duced into a sclerotized flattened blade, densely provided with microscopic setulae ; a lateral flange provided with a short row of long conspicuous setae. Outer dististyle with the blade very broad. Inner dististyle with the beak slender ; lower beak an obtusely rounded blackened head ; posterior crest of style long-extended, its margin hyaline, microscopically toothed. Phallosome including two pairs of rods and an additional im- paired element ; largest paired blades unusually broad, the outer apical angle further produced into a long reddish spine, the inner apical angle obtusely rounded; inner paired blades much smaller ; unpaired phallosomic element distinctive, stout, termi- nating in a triangular head, the lateral region at base of head produced into a slender spine on either side. Eighth sternite with a single major lateral seta, this from a short basal tubercle, completely fasciculate but evidently comprised of several ele- ments ; at its base a very much smaller fasciculate seta and two or three additional long normal ones ; inner median group of bristles relatively numerous, flattened, their tips extended into long pale filaments ; outer median cushion transverse, its outer edge very gently convex. Habitat. — "COLORADO AND MONTANA." Holotypc: J\ with- out further geographical data and the state thus uncertain ; July 6, 1926 (H. G. Dyar) ; United States National Museum. It is unfortunate that the type locality is not more certain. The most similar described species of the unicincta group that have an unpaired median phallosomic element include Tipula (Lunatipitla) bigeminata Alexander, T. (L.) diacantlwphora Alexander, and T. (L.) spatha Doane. The present fly differs from these in the details of structure of the male hypopygium, including the tergite, appendage of the ninth sternite, phal- 128 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 losome, and the eighth sternite. In diacanthophora, the very modified inner group of setae of the eighth sternite are entirely different. Dr. Alan Stone has compared the present fly with the holotype specimen of bigcminata and indicates that the latter differs in the characters of the tergal lobes and their vestiture, the narrower outer dististyle, and the phallosome, including the longer paired rods, which are elongate and parallel to one an- other, and in the unpaired median element which is deeply forked. Two Migrations of the Snout Butterfly, Liby- theana bachmanii larvata (Strecker). (Lepidoptera: Libytheidae) By OSMOND P. BRELAND/ The University of Texas The butterfly discussed in this paper has had the misfortune of having its name changed several times during the past few years. In fact, the family Libytheidae was for a long time con- sidered as a subfamily of the Nymphalidae, although today most workers consider the group to be a separate family. In older publications, before the species bachmanii was di- vided into subspecies, the species was referred to the genus Hypatus. From about 1934 until 1943, bachmanii was in- cluded in the genus Libythca (Michener 1943). In 1938, Field divided Libythca bachinanii Kirkland into two subspecies, L. bachmanii bachmanii Kirkland, and L. bachmanii larvata (Strecker). Michener (1943) erected the genus Libytheana for the Amer- ican species of Libythca which differ markedly from the Eu- ropean forms. The butterfly under discussion is at present recognized as Libytheana '.bachmanii larvata (Strecker). Its gen- eral distribution includes the southwestern United States and possibly parts of Mexico (Field 1938; Michener 1943). The general distribution of the other subspecies, L. bachmanii bach- manii Kirkland, is the eastern United States. 1 The writer greatly appreciates the determination of the butterfly by William D. Field. Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 129 A recent summary of information relative to the migration of several butterflies, including the present species, is given by Williams (1938). This writer did not distinguish between the subspecies of bachiuanii, and it may well be that some of his records for migrations east of the Mississippi River were actu- ally L. b. bachmanii rather than L. b. larvata. Most of Wil- liams' records were from Texas, but also included migrations in Indiana, Illinois, Nebraska and California. Since the paper by Williams was published, Ran ( 1941 ) has recorded a migra- tion of this butterfly (referred to as Libytlica bachmanii larvata (Stkr.) between McAllen and Edinburg, Texas. Williams states that most of his records from Texas show the migrants flying south and southeast, the three exceptions being one to the northeast and two toward the north. He has no records of migrations with a westerly component. The majority of the migrants observed by Rau were flying" eastward, with a few stragglers occasionally drifting backward with the wind. The present migration was first observed at Austin, Texas, August 27, 1947 at 1 :30 P.M. The flight continued intermit- tently until the afternoon of August 31, after which a few indi- viduals were seen for several days. During this period, several observations were made. The butterflies did not come as a continuous stream, but in groups, so that at times a particular area would be entirely free from the insects, and a few minutes later would be filled with fluttering butterflies. The height of the migrating insects was from near the ground up to 30 or 40 feet, with the majority about 15 to 20 feet above the ground. A number of specimens were caught in an insect net, and it was noted that the wings were not noticeably frayed as has been re- ported for many other migrating butterflies. Most of the in- sects were in continuous flight, and aside from a few entrapped in buildings, only an occasional individual was observed to alight. Another entomologist, however, reported to the writer that he had seen a crepe myrtle bush almost covered with the butterflies. No mating was seen, although a few pairs were observed flying along together. The direction of flight was checked with a compass in several places across the migrating front, and found to be west and 130 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 northwest. This is, so far as could be determined, the first rec- ord of a westward migration for this species in Texas (Williams 1938). At 4:00 P.M. on August 27, the migrating front was approximately 6 miles wide in this area. On September 14, 1947 at 1 :00 P.M. another migration of this same species was first noticed. These butterflies were fly- ing east and southeast, in opposite directions from those in the first migration, and they may have been the same insects return- ing from the west and northwest. This second migration differed from the preceding one pri- marily in that it appeared to be more leisurely. More butter- flies were seen to alight, and a few were flying west and north- west in an erratic manner. These apparently leisurely, and at times erratic flights, may have been caused by the rather strong southeast wind against which the insects were flying. Insect galls were especially attractive to the butterflies, from which they possibly derived some nutrition. Large numbers of the insects were observed clustered about galls, both large and small, of Disholcaspis sp. (Cynipidae) on live oak (Quercus Virginia na). Here the butterflies competed with wasps and other insects that were likewise attracted by the sticky exudate on the outer surfaces of the galls. This second migration continued for approximately two weeks, with only a few insects flying toward the latter part of the period. The last butterflies were seen September 27. SUMMARY 1. Two migrations of the snout butterfly, LibytJicana bach- manii larval a (Strecker) are discussed. 2. In the first flight, the insects were flying west and north- west, while in the second, some two weeks later, the butterflies were flying east and southeast. It is possible that the same in- sects participated in the two migrations. 3. This observaton is, so far as known, the first record of a western and northwestern migration of this butterfly in Texas. Other directions of flight have included south, southeast, north- east and north. Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 131 4. A brief resume is given of recent changes in the nomen- clature of this butterfly. LITERATURE CITED FIELD, W. D. 1938. New forms and subspecies of North American Libytheidae and Lycaenidae. Journ. Kans. Ent. Soc. 11 : 124-133. MICHENER, C. D. 1943. Some systematic notes on the Libytheidae. American Museum Novitates, Number 1232. RAU, P. 1941. Migrating butterflies, Libythea bachmanii larvata Stkr. in Texas. Ent. News 52 : 277-278. WILLIAMS, C. B. 1938. Recent progress in the study of some North American migrant butterflies. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 31: 211-239. Roswellia, a New Genus of Ithomines (Lepidoptera) By RICHARD M. Fox, Carnegie Museum and the University of Pittsburgh ROSWELLIA new genus Fore leg of the male with the femur longer than the coxa ; the tibia intact, not fused with the tarsus, slightly longer than the femur; tarsus with two joints separated by a non-articulating constriction so placed that the proximal joint is about three times the length the distal joint. Fore leg of the female with the femur longer than the coxa ; tibia the same length as the femur ; tarsus with five evident j.oints, a pair of spurs each on the first three joints, the terminal joint armed with pulvillus and a pair of microscopic claws. Fore wing with R2 arising at or just beyond the end of the cell; Id minute to absent; 2d angled, a recurrent vein arising at the apex of the angle ; 3d curved and the same length as 2d ; cubitus apparently two-branched. Hind wing with the humeral vein strongly forked ; Id present, very short; 2d angled, bearing the recurrent vein ; 3d strongly curved, twice the length of 2d ; cubitus apparently three-branched; Sc evenly curved, not strongly S-shaped. Males with the hair patch complete, extend- ing along the top of the hind wing cell just below the radius from the base to the end of the cell. 132 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 Male genitalia : tegumen and uncus separated by a strong su- ture ; tegumen hood-like, confluent with the vinculum ; uncus prolonged to a strong projection terminating in a minute hook; valve suboval, armed at its apex on the inner face with a long fang-like projection which is recurved posteriorad ; sacculus forming an irregular bulge without an even dorsal margin ; sac- cus as long as the tegumen plus uncus ; juxta narrow, deep, V- shaped ; penis slender, a little more than twice the length of the tegumen plus uncus, up-angled at a point one fourth of its length from the posterior tip ; foramen of the penis one-third of the length of the penis. Genotype: Athesis acrisione Hewitson, 1869. The species included in Athesis by Haensch, 1909 (In Seitz). actually belong to three different genera. The genus Patricia Fox, 1940, received dercyllidas, heivitsonii, demylus and oli- gyrtis, and is not closely related to Athesis proper. Rosmellia is rather closer, but the differences are deep ; it comprises only R. acrisione acrisione and R. acrisione dcflavata. These actions delimit Athesis to monotypic proportions, to include only the genotype A. clearista clcarista and A. dearista bassleri. Retaining as it does the two joints of the male fore tarsus, Roswellia is one of the most primitive genera of the Ithomiinae, if not the most primitive ; this is a character shared with no other genus in the subfamily. Roswellia is separated from Athesis by the following additional points: the valve of Athesis has the sacculus cleanly delimited, forming a distinct in-folding with a curved dorsal margin, while the apex of the valve is armed with a very slender projection pointing anteriorad, not recurved to point posteriorad; the penis of Athesis is nearly straight, not up-angled ; Sc of the hind wing in Athesis is strongly S-shaped, while in Roswfllia it is nearly straight- otherwise the venation of the two genera is similar. Perhaps it would have been more appropriate to have reserved the name Roswellia for use in the Hesperiidae, but since the present author has no new genus in that family, but does have this one, he siezes the opportunity to dedicate the genus to the late Roswell C. Williams, Jr. Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 133 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY RAYMOND Q. BLISS AND THEODORE M. TELSCH. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), included Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted: but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the year 1948 unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series It. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*); if containing keys are followed by (k); papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL — Anon. — Entangling alliances (editorial). [37]. 41: 127-28. Cory, E. N.— Totalitarian insects. [37] 41 : 1^-. Essig, E. O. — Mounting aphids and other small insects on microscopic slides. [60] 24: 9-22, ill., 1948. Gerberich, J. B. — Rearing house-flies on common bacterio- logical media. [37] 41 : 125-26. Hovanitz, W.— A method of filing butterflies for the study of geographical variation. [5] 41 : 48-50. Leach, E. R.— Biography of F. W. Nunen- macher. [60] 24: 1-5, ill., 1948. Lerner and Dempster- Some aspects of evolutionary theory in the light of recent work on animal breeding. [100] 2: 19-28. Mittler and Bartha — Brilliant cresyl blue as a stain for chromosome smear preparations. [Stain Technology] 23: 27-28. Nolte, D. J. — A modified technic for salivary-gland chromo- somes. [Stain Technology] 23: 21-25. Rohwer, S. A.— Theodore Dru Alison Cockerell (Obit.). [65] 50: 103-08. Townes, H. — Pyrex bottles for potassium or sodium hy- droxide solutions. [65] 50: 85. Wheeler, N. H. — Contri- bution of the U. S. Naval Medical School to zoological sci- ence in World War II. [5] 41 : 41-47. Weigel and Baum- hofer — Handbook on insect enemies of flowers and shrubs. [U. S. Dept. of Agric. Misc. Publ.] No. 626, pp. 115. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Abdel-Ma- lek, A. — Plant hormones (Auxins) as a factor in the hatch- ing of Aedes trivittatus eggs. [5] 41 : 51-57. Albaum and Kletzkin — Adenosine triphosphate from Drosophila me- lanogaster. [Arch, of Biochemistry] 16: 333-37. Balazuc, 134 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 J. — La teratologie des coleopteres et experiences de trans- plantation chez Tenebrio molitor L. [Memoires du Mus. Nat. de Hist. Naturell] 25: 1-293, ill. Berland, L.— La reproduction chez les insectes Hymenopteres. [L'Annee Biologique] 24: 105-17. Bessiere, C. — La spermatogenese de quelques myriapodes diplopodes. [Arch, de Zool. Ex- perimentale et General] 85: 149-236 and Pis. III-VII. Bodine and Fitzgerald — Changes in riboflavin during em- bryonic development as functions of the embryo. [Physiol. Zool.] 21 : 93-100. Brunson, M. H. — Secondary parasites of the oriental fruit moth through Macrocentrus ancyli- vorus. [37] 41 : 119-20. Burnett, T. — Modal temperatures for the greenhouse white-fly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Aleurod.), and its parasite Encarsia formosa, Aphelin.). [26] 29: 181-89. Buser, J. — Aspect histologique des phen- omenes de metamorphose chez Piophila casei (Cyclo- morphe). [Arch, de Zool. Experimentale et General] 85: 109-19 and Pis. I and II. Callet, J.— La reaction de 1'- homme aux piqures de moustiques. [Annales de Parasit.] 22 : 233-34, 1947. Carlson and Hollaender— Mitotic effects of ultraviolet radiation of the 2250 A region, with special reference to the spindle and cleavage. [105] 31: 149-73. Caspari and Stern — The influence of chronic irradiation with gamma-rays at low dosages on the mutation rate in Drosophila melanogaster. [Genetics] 33: 75-95. Cazal, P. — Recherches sur les glandes endocrines retrocerebrales des insects. II Odonates. [Arch, de Zool. Experimentale et General] 85: 55-82. Chabaud, A. G. — Les Arthropodes vecteurs de la peste bubonique. [Annales de Parasit.] 22: 169-200, 1947. Chase, A. M.— Effects of hydrogen ion concentration and of buffer systems on the luminescence of the cypridina luciferin-lucif erase reaction (Crust.). [105] 31 : 175-92. Cooper, K. W. — A new theory of secondary non-disjunction in female Drosophila melanogaster. [67] 34: 179-87. Davies, L. — Laboratory studies on the egg of the blowfly Lucilia sericata. [40] 25 : 71-85. — Observations on the development of Lucilia sericata eggs in sheep fleeces. Ibid.: 86-102. Dobzhansky, T. — Genetics of natural popu- lations. XVI. Altitudinal and seasonal changes produced by natural selection in certain populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura and D. persimilis. [Genetics] 33: 158-76. Dobzhansky and Epling — The suppression of crossing over in inversion heterozygotes of Drosophila pseudoobscura. [67] 34: 137-41. Dollfus and Carayon — Larve de cestode chez un Hemiptere-Heteroptere. [Annales de Parasit.] lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 135 22: 226, 1947. Finkel, A. J.— The lipid composition of Tenebrio molitor larvae. [Physiol. Zool.] 21: 111-33. Henry, L. M. — The nervous system and the segmentation of the head in the Annulata. (continued). [50] 13: 1-26. Hovanitz, W. — Differences in the field activity of two fe- male color phases of Colias butterflies at various times of the day. [Contributions from the Laboratory of Vertebrate Biology, Univ. of Michigan.] No. 41 : 1-37. Hsu and Tiu -Microgeographic analysis of chromosomal variation in a Chinese species of Chironomus. [100] 2: 49-57. Huskins, C. L. — The subdivisions of the chromosomes and their multiplication in non-dividing tissues : possible interpreta- tions in terms of gene structure and gene action. [3] 81: 401-34, 1947. Jung, W. — Ernahrungsversuche an Carabus- Arten. [Entomologische Blatter] 36: 117-24, 1940. Ko- dani, M. — The protein of the salivary gland secretion in Drosophila. [67] 34: 131-35. Kugler and Birkner— Histo- chemical observations of alkaline phosphatses in the integu- ment, gastrolith sac, digestive gland, and nephridium of the crayfish. [Physiol. Zool.] 21 : 105-10, ill. Kuitert, L. C.- Observations on Anopheles leucosphyrus at Shingbwiyang, Burma. [65] 50: 77-82. Liihman, M. — Beitrage zur biolo- gic de Chrysomeliden. [Entomologische Blatter] 36:8-11, ill., 1940. Maas, W. K. — Spectrophotometric and chro- matographic absorption analysis of the red eye pigment of Drosophila melanogaster. [Genetics] 33: 177-90. Madel, W. — Zur kenntnis der biologic einiger Dermestes-arten. [Entomologische Blatter] 36: 145-48, ill., 1940. Mason, H. C. — Chremylus rubiginosus, a braconid parasite of the casemaking clothes moth. [5] 41 : 28-40. Newcomer, W. S. — Embryological development of the mouth parts and re- lated structures of the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus (Hetero.). [44] 82: 365-411. Palm, N.-B.— Normal and pathological histology of the ovaries in Bombus, Latr. (Hymenopt.). [Opuscula Entomologica] Supp. VII: 1- 101, ill. Panouse, J. B. — Les correlations humorales chez les Crustaces. [L'Annee Biol.] 23: 33-70, 1947. Rapp, W. F. — The number of gastric caeca in some larval Scara- baeoidae. [23] 79: 145-47, 1947. Reed and Reed— Mor- phological differences and problems of speciation in Droso- philia. [100] 2: 42-48. Revell, S. H.— Controlled X-segre- ation at meiosis in Tegenaria. [Heredity] 1 : 335-47, ill., 1947. Shull, A. F. — Natural hybrids of subspecies of Hip- podamia quinquesignata (Coccinell.). [100] 2: 10-18. Spencer and Stern — Experiments to test the validity of the 136 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 linear r-dose/mutation frequency relation in Drosophila at low dosage. [Genetics] 33: 43-74. Stern, C. — Nega- tive heterosis and decreased effectiveness of alleles in heterozygotes (D. melanogaster). [Genetics] 33: 213-19. Timon-David, J. — Pigments des insects. [L'Annee Biol.] 23: 237-71, 1947. Tobias, J. M. — Potassium, sodium and water interchange in irritable tissues and haemolymph of an omnivorous insect, Periplaneta americana. [105] 31: 125- 42. — The high potassium and low sodium in the body fluid >and tissues of a phytophagous insect, the silkworm Bombyx mori, and the change before pupation. Ibid.: 143-48. Uvarov, B. P. — Recent advances in Acridology. Anatomy and physiology of Acrididae. [88] 99: 1-75, ill. Villee, C. A. Studies in biochemical genetics in Drosophila. [Jour. Gen. Phy.] 31 : 337-45. Wagner and Mitchell— An enzy- matic assay for studying the nutrition of Drosophila me- lanogaster. [Arch, of Biochemistry] 17: 87-96. Walshe, B. M. — The oxygen requirements and thermal resistance of chironomid larvae from flowing and from still waters. [40] 25 : 35-43. White, M. J. D. — The chromosomes of the par- thenogenetic mantid Brunneria borealis. [100] 2: 90-93. Wigglesworth, V. B. — The functions of the corpus allatum in Rhodnius prolixus (Hemi.). [40] 25: 1-14, ill. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Bessiere, C.- (See under Anatomy.) Chamberlin, R. V. — Some records and descriptions of Diplopods chiefly in the collection of the Academy (Nat. Sci. Phila.). [62] 49: 21-58, 1947. Furman, D. P. — Liponyssus pacificus, Ewing, a synonym of L. sylviarum (C. F.) (Dermanyssid.). [60] 24: 27-8, ill. Kohls and Parker — Occurrence of the brown dog tick in the western states. [37] 41 : 102. Loomis and Hoffman- Synonymy of various Diplopods. [63] 61 : 51-54. Revell, S. H. — (See under Anatomy.) Thurman and Branch- United States records of Typhlodromus mariposus from rats in Florida. [37] 41 : 102. SMALLER ORDERS— Cazal, P.— (See under Anat- omy.) Chabaud, A. G. — (See under Anatomy.) Craw- ford, J. C. — A new species of Frankliniella on Hemerocallis (Thysan., Thrip.). [65] 50: 83-84. Emerson, K. C.- Notes on the Menoponidae of North America, I (Mallo- phaga). [23] 79: 135-41, 1947. Fuller, H. S.— Dr. C. Andersen Hubbard on fleas of western North America — A review, with critical notes (Siphon.). [18] 43: 1-17. Montgomery, B. E. — The distribution and relative seasonal Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 137 abundance of Indiana species of five families of dragonflies (Calopterygidae, Petaluridae, Cordulegasidae, Gomphidae, Aeshmidae). [Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci.] 56: 163-69, 1947. Ross, H. H. — New nearctic Rhyacophilidae and Philopo- tamidae (Trich.). [5] 41: 17-26 (k). ORTHOPTERA— Bodine and Fitzgerald— (See under Anatomy.) Carlson and Hollaender — (See under Anat- omy.) Gurney, A. B. — The taxonomy and distribution of the Grylloblattidae. [65] 50: 86-102. Knowlton, G. F.- Vertebrate animals feeding on the Mormon cricket. [1] 39: 137-38. — Grasshoppers in turkey's crop. [18] 43: 29. Rehn, J. A. G. — Notes on the phasmid genus Isa- goras (Phasmat., Pseudophasmat.) with the description of six new species. [62] 49: 1-19, 1947. Roberts, H. R. — Revision of the Mexican Melanoplini (Acrid., Cyrtacanthacrid.), Part I. [62] 49: 201-30, ill., 1947. To- bias, J. M. — (See under Anatomy.) Uvarov, B. P. — (See under Anatomy.) White, M. J. D. — (See under Anatomy.) HEMIPTERA— Burnett, T.— (See under Anatomy.) Dollfus and Carayon — (See under Anatomy.) Dupuis, C. — Nouvelles donnees biologiques and morphologiques sur les Dipteres Phasiinae parasites d'Hemipteres Heteropteres. [Annales de Parasit.] 22: 201-32, 1947. Hottes, F. C. — Two new species of Aphiidae. [63] 61 : 33- 40. — Descriptions of the sexual forms of some species of Aphiidae. Ibid.: 29-32. Knowlton, G. F. — Boxelder bugs feeding on honeybees. [18] 43: 17. Metcalf and Bruner — Cuban Flatidae with new species from adjacent regions (Homo.). [5] 41: 63-118 (k). Newcomer, W. S.— (See under Anatomy.) Wigglesworth, V. B. — (See under Anat- omy.) Wilson, Kelsheimer, Griffiths and Tissot — Pre- liminary report on the control of green peach aphid on shade grown tobacco in Florida. [31] 30: 45-56. LEPIDOPTERA— Beck, E. W.— Status of the European corn borer, (Pyrausta nubilalus.), 1947. [U. S. Dept. of Agric. Insect Pest Survey] No. 4 Supp. : 1-16, ill., 1947. Chermock, R. L. and O. D. — Notes on the life history of three Flordian butterflies. [23] 79: 142-44, 1947. Hova- nitz, W. — (See under Anatomy and General.) Kiriakoff, S. -Nomenclature of the specific complex. [Lepidopterist News] 2: 15-6, ill. Mason, H. C. — (See under Anatomy.) Tilden, J. W. — Aestivation in larvae of Arachnis picta picta P. (Arctiidae). [60] 24: 31, 1948. Tobias, J. M.— (See under Anatomy.) 138 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [May, '48 DIPTERA— Abdel-Malek, A.— (See under Anatomy.) Albaum and Kletzkin — (See under Anatomy.) Alexander, C. P. — Records and descriptions of North American crane- flies. Part VII. The Tipuloidea of Utah, I. [1] 39: 1- 82. Bailey, N. S. — A mass collection and population survey technique for larvae of Tabanidae. [18] 43: 22-29. Ba- sham, E. H. — Culex (Melanoconion) mulrennani, a new species from Florida. [5] 41 : 1-7. Buser, J. — (See under Anatomy.) Callet, J. — (See under Anatomy.) Davies, L. —(See under Anatomy.) Davis, E. — Status of the wheat stem sawfly, 1947. [U. S. Dept. of Agric., S. S.] 2: 1-4, ill. Dobzhansky, T. — (See under Anatomy.) Dobzhansky and Epling — (See under Anatomy.) Dupuis, C. — (See under Hemiptera.) Fox, I. — Hoffmania, a new subgenus in Culi- coides (Ceratopogonidae). [63] 61: 21-28, ill. (k*). Ger- berich, J. B. — (See under Anatomy.) Gunderson, H.— Range of northern cattle grub in Iowa. [37] 41 : 103-04. Hertig, M. — A new genus of bloodsucking psychodids from Peru. [5] 41: 8-16. Hopping, G. R. — Notes on the sea- sonal development of Medetera aldrichii (Dolichop.) as a predator of the Douglas fir bark-beetle, Denclroctonus pseu- clotsugae. [23] 79: 150-53, 1947. Hsu and Tiu— (See under Anatomy.) Kodani, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Kuitert, L. C. — (See under Anatomy.) Maas, W. K. — (See under Anatomy.) Mason, H. C. — (See under Anatomy.) Nolte, D. J. — (See under Anatomy.) Pritchard, A. E.— Clinodiplosis pucciniae, a new gall midge feeding on a rust. (Itonid.). [60] 24: 29-30. Reed and Reed— (See under Anatomy.) Sabrosky, C. W. — A further contribution to the classification of the North American spider parasites of the family Acroceratidae. [1] 38: 382-430 (k*).— A dip- teron new to North America. [65] 50 : 85. Stern, C. — (See under Anatomy.) Villee, C. A. — (See under Anatomy.) Wagner and Mitchell — (See under Anatomy.) Walshe, B. M. — (See under Anatomy.) COLEOPTERA — Arnett, R. H. — Preliminary key to the genera of Oedemeridae of the World. [Coleopterist Bul- letin] 11: 13-14 (k). Balazuc, J. — (See under Anatomy.) Bixby, D. H. — Distribution of Sphaeridium lunatum Fab. (Hydrophilid.). [60] 24: 33. Blake, D. H.— Six new spe- cies of West Indian Chrysomelidae. [65] 50: 121-27. Finkel, A. J. — (See under Anatomy.) Hicks, S. D. — Ad- ditional notes on Coleoptera taken in Essex County and southern Ontario, Can. [23] 79: 148-49, 1947. Hopping, lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 139 G. R. — (See under Diptera.) Jung, W. — (See under Anat- omy.) Krombein, K. V. — (See under Hymenoptera.) Liihrnan, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Madel, W. — (See under Anatomy.) Mader, L. — Eine neue Erotylide aus Sudamerika. [Entomologische Blatter] 36: 12-13 (S*). Nunenmacher, F. W. — Studies among the Coccinellidae, No. 11. [60] 24: 6-8 (*). Potts, R. W.— The scarabaeid genus Geotrupes and its type. [60] 24 : 23-26. Rapp, W. F. — (See under Anatomy.) Robinson, J. H. — Description of a new tiger beetle from Texas. [5] 41 : 27. Shull, A. F. —(See under Anatomy.) Thatcher, T. O. — A new locality record of X. osborni K., with notes on host and work (Buprestid.). [60] 24: 32-33. Werner, F. G.— Technique for orienting beetle genitalia for illustration. [Coleop- terist's Bulletin] 2: 11. HYMENOPTERA— Cole, A. C.— A synonym of Phei- dole dentata var. commutata (Formic.). [65] 50: 82. Berland, L. — (See under Anatomy.) Bohart, G. E. — New North American bees of the genus Dufourea (Halict.). [5] 41: 119-36. Brunson, M. H. — -Secondary parasites of the oriental fruit moth through Macrocentrus ancylivorus. [37] 41: 119-20. Burnett, T.— (See under Anatomy.) Doutt, R. L. — Distribution of Copidosoma Koehleri Black (Eucyrtid.). [60] 24: 34-35, 1948. Knowlton, G. F.— (See under Hemiptera.) Krombein, K. V. — Liberation of ori- ental scolioid wasps in the United States from 1920 to 1946 (Scoli., Tiphi.). [5] 41 : 58-62. — Synonymical notes on North American sphecoid wasps I and II. [18] 43: 18-21. Lejeune, R. R. — Status of the larch sawfly, Pristiphora erichsonii, in the prairie provinces. [23] 79: 130-34, 1947. Palm, N.-B. — (See under Anatomy.) Strickland, E. H.- An annotated list of the wasps of Alberta. [23] 79 : 121-30, 1947. Van Pelt, A. F. — Preliminary key to the worker ants of Alachma Co., Florida. [31] 1 : 57-67, ill. (k). This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not fot advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. Ants of the tribe Dacetini (Strnmigcnys, Rhopalothrix and related genera) wanted for world revision. W. L. Brown, Jr., Harvard Uni- versity Biological Laboratories, Cambridge 38, Mass. Mallophaga (on which immediate determination is not necessary) wanted for study and determination. R. L. Edwards, Dept. Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. Tingidae (Heteroptera) of the world wanted, in alcohol, with host and other ecological data. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. S. Bailey, 16 Neponset Ave., Hyde Park 36, Mass. Bombidae, nearctic and neotropical, wanted for exchange, identi- fication, or purchase. Will exchange in other groups for bumblebees. Barth Maina, Dept. Zool., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago 37, 111. Saturnidae of the world. Will purchase individual specimens or cocoons. F. E. Rutkowski, St. Bede College, Peru, Illinois, U. S. A. Butterflies of New England, principally from Newr Haven, Conn., for exchange. Louis Clarke, 28 W. Elm St., New Haven 15, Conn. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember, we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1138. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the neotropical Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Notiphilinae (73: 35-61, 1947) $ .90 1142. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Noti- philinae (73: 105-124, 1947) 50 HYMENOPTERA 1137.— Pate (V. S. L.)— The Pemphilidine wasps of the Caribbees (73: 1-33, 1 pi., 1947) 85 COLEOPTERA 1145. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — The tribe Dorcaschematini (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) (73: 173-298, 6 pis., 1947) 3.45 1139.— Green (J. W.)— New Eastern Amer. sp. of Podabrus (73: 63-76, figs., 1947) 35 1144. — Robinson (M.) — Two new spp. of Scarabaeidae (73: 169- 171, 1947) 20 1146. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the United States (73: 299-305, 1947) 20 LEPIDOPTERA 1141. — Darlington (E. P.) — Notes on certain types of Lepidoptera described by Brackenridge Clemens (73: 85-104, 1947) ... .50 1140. — Williams (J. L.) — The anatomy of the internal genitalia of Fumea Casta Pallas (73: 77-84, figs., 1947) 20 TRICHOPTERA 1143. — Ross (H. H.) — Descriptions and records of No. Amer. Tri- choptera, with synoptic notes (73: 125-168, 7 pis., 1947) .. 1.40 ODONATA 1147. — Needham (J. G.) — Studies on the No. Amer. spp. of the genus Gomphus (Odonata) (73: 307-339, fig., 1 pi., 1947) 85 ( \ ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS JUNE 1948 Vol. LIX No. 6 CONTENTS La Rivers — The Tribe Edrotini 141 Liu — A new Serphid parasite .• 146 Robinson — New Scarabaeidae 149 Dreisbach — A new Tachytes from Michigan 151 Rehn — Preoccupied names in the Tetrigidae 154 Breland — Carnivorous mosquito larvae 156 Current Entomological Literature 158 List of titles referred to by numbers 165 Review — A textbook of agricultural entomology 167 A new biological journal 167 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster, Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3. 1917. authorized January 15, 1921. >«-, ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published monthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff : E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15 — U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES : Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $ 2.50 $ 4.50 $ 6.50 $10.00 Five Issues 9.00 17.00 24.00 42.00 Ten Issues 16.00 30.00 42.00 72.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2.75; 100 copies, $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies, $5.23. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.88; 50 copies, $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03; additional at .022 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.20; additional at 0.165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LIX JUNE, 1948 No. 6 A Re-Definition of the Tribe Edrotini (Coleop- tera: Tenebrionidae) By IRA LA RIVERS, University of California, Berkeley Through the kindness of anthorities of the British Museum, I recently had an opportunity to see the type of Champion's Pimelidpsis. Since some recent additions have been made in Edrotcs, this seems an opportune time to re-define the tribe. In his major revision of 1870, Dr. George H. Horn listed Edrotcs in the tribe Epiphysini with the type genus, Epiphysa, from south Africa. The same arrangement was followed in the Le Conte-and-Horn 1883 "Classification." In 1892, George C. Champion described the new genus and species Pinicliopsis granulata with the notation : "The above generic name is proposed for a single species from Western Mexico, for the discovery of which we are indebted to Mr. H. H. Smith. Pimeliopsis belongs to the tribe 'Epiphysi- des' of Lacordaire, and is allied to the North-American genus Edrotcs, from which it differs in the form of the head and other particulars. The single species has very much the facies of a small Pimelia." The two specimens came from "MEXICO, Venta de Zopilote in Guerrero 2800 feet." The first use of the tribe Edrotini to include only Edrotcs and Pinicliopsis can be ascribed to Thomas L. Casey, who introduced the term in his comprehensive 1907 report. He characterized and keyed the two genera as well as 14 species of Edrotcs, 10 of which he described as new, having once previously (1890) added two species to the basic two provided by Say and Le Conte ; he wrote that Pimeliopsis was "unknown to me in nature." Per- haps this was fortunate. Hans Gebien catalogued the two gen- (141) 2 142 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 era in the subfamily Edrotinae in 1911, later returning to the more favored tribal concept for the two (1937). The generic components of Edrotini may be modernly charac- terized as follows : Anterior prothoracic angles attenuate-spinous (Edrotes} to blunt-spinose (Pimeliopsis} , extending anteriad to leading mar- gins of eyes (Edrotes) or not quite to middle of eyes (Pimeliop- sis} ; prothoracic and elytral dorsa dissimilar (prothorax thickly- beset with sharply-defined pits, elytra with numerous, sharp tuberculations, more-or-less longitudinally-arranged = Pimeliop- sis) to similar (Edrotes} ; vestiture of short, golden hairs, each arising posteriad of a tubercle (Pimeliopsis}, or of either long flying hairs or short, flattened, scale-like hairs (Edrotes} ; antennae stout, short, not much more than attaining posterior prothoracic angles when stretched caudad (Pimeliopsis) to slender, long, and distinctly surpassing hind prothoracic angles when stretched caudad (Edrotes) ; viewed laterad, prothorax and elytra on the same plane (Pimeliopsis) or prothorax on a much lower plane than elytra (Edrotes) ; epistoma hanging down over labrum, terminating in a definite tooth situated on the median line, the entire epistomal shelf extending laterad and forming prominent shelves over the antennal insertions (Pimeli- opsis) to epistoma not covering labrum, truncate (not toothed) in front, not forming a continuous shelf across front of head (Edrotes) ; form globose (Edrotes) to distinctly elongate (Pimeliopsis) ; viewed dorsad, general form subparallel, an- terior end appearing abruptly truncate (Pimeliopsis) or general form distinctly attenuate cephalad, appearing to come to a point (Edrotes). Specific components of the tribe are : Pimeliopsis granulata Champion 1892 — foretibial distal spines not extending beyond end of first tarsal segment Edrotes — foretibial spines subequal to first two tarsal segments combined arens La Rivers 1947 — dorsal vestiture short, scale-like —dorsal vestiture long (= 'flying hairs') ventricosus Le Conte 1851 — dorsum minutely-tuberculate, shining rotundus (Say) 1824 — dorsum coarsely-impunctate, dull. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 143 Although the fifteen specific names Casey applied to Edrotes have been synonymized (La Rivers 1947), as well as the three erected by Blaisdell, it is certain some of these will have an ap- plication on the subspecific level when enough material is on hand to determine the extent and nature of geographic variability in the genus. Problems in polytypism are especially prevalent in such genera of my experience which inhabit the high, broken intermontane West; the area, particularly of the Great Basin, exhibits not only the normal horizontal gradients but multitudi- nous local vertical gradients which, by virtue of aridity, greatly multiply and localize microenvironments. Such terrestrial ani- mals as Eleodcs, Edrotes, Troglodenis and Stenopelmatus all exhibit, in our present stage of knowledge, an as yet bewildering array of unsegregated variants, about which not enough is known to produce any kind of recognizable distributional pattern ; only the clines produced by latitudinal gradients are yet obvious. Both Eleodes and Edrotes have been the objects of an excessive amount of taxonomic refinement-of-detail, particularly the former, all emphasis being upon morphological minutiae with no attempt to evaluate populations so-limited in terms of ecologic response, limits of genetic variability or relations to adjacent populations. Genus PIMELIOPSIS Champion Phneliopsis Champion 1892, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Coleop. 4(1) : 477. Casey, 1907, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9:450. Gebien, 1937, Mus. Ent. "Pietra Rossi" 15(2): 144. Blackwelcler, 1945, U.S.N.M. Bull. 185(3) : 514. Pimeliopsis granulata Champion P. granulata Champion 1892, Biol. Centr.-Amer. Coleop. 4(1) : 477. Casey, 1907, Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9:450. Gebien, 1937, Mus. Ent. "Pietra Rossi" 15(2): 144. Blackwelder, 1945, U.S.N.M. Bull. 185(3) : 514. This little-known species is extremely rare in collections, due possibly to the exigencies of collecting, perhaps to a real scarcity in nature. At any rate, practically all citations to it in the litera- 144 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 ture since its description are merely catalog listings. To my knowledge, nothing is known of its biology. The Hoogstraal expeditions to Michoacan, adjacent to Guerrero, collected widely and successfully in the Tenebrionidae, but were never able to lo- cate Pimeliopsis, although no specific efforts were made in its particular behalf. In fact, not enough is known of the species' habits to give a clue as to what type of specialized collecting would be most successful in locating it, if such collecting is needed. Genus EDROTES Le Conte Pimclia, Kirby, 1837, Fauna Boreali-Amer. 4: 232. Blaisdell, 1909, U.S.N.M. Bull. 63: 3. Edrotes Le Conte 1851, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 5 : 140-141. Blaisdell, 1909, U.S.N.M. Bull. 63: 3. Leng, 1920, Cat. Coleop. : 222. Leng & Mutchler, 1927, Suppl. Cat. Coleop. : 34. Gebien, 1937, Mus. Ent. "Pietra Rossi" 15(2): 144. Blackwelder, 1945, U.S.N.M. Bull. 185(3) : 514. La Rivers, 1947, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 40(2) : 318. The generic and specific citations here given are additions to those I recently listed (1947). Subgenus Edrotes Le Conte Subg. Edrotcs, La Rivers, 1947, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 40(2) : 321. Edrotes ventricosus Le Conte E. ventricosus Le Conte 1851, Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y. 5: 141. Leng, 1920, Cat. Coleop.: 222. Leng & Mutchler, 1927, Suppl. Cat. Coleop.: 34. Gebien, 1937, Mus. Ent. "Pietra Rossi" 15(2): 144. Blackwelder, 1945, U.S.N.M. Bull. 185(3) : 514. La Rivers, 1947, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 40(2): 321. Since my synopsis (1947) I have seen a specimen of E. ventri- cosus from the Kenneth M. Fender collection, taken by Mr. Fender in eastern Oregon. While its presence in Oregon had been suspected, and possibly as far north as eastern Washington, this is the first specimen I have seen from the area. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 145 Edrotes rotundus (Say) Pimclia rotunda Say 1824, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 3: 251- 252. Kirby, 1837, Fauna Boreali-Amer. 4: 232. Blaisdell, 1909, U.S.N.M. Bull. 63 : 3. Edrotes rotundus, Leng, 1920, Cat. Coleop. : 222. Gebien, 1937, Mus. Ent. "Pietra Rossi" 15(2): 144. Blackwelder, 1945, U.S.N.M. Bull. 185(3): 514 (as the synonym E. desertus Blaisdell 1943). La Rivers, 1947, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 40(2) : 325. Subgenus Odrotes La Rivers Subg. Odrotes La Rivers 1947, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 40(2) : 320. Edrotes arens La Rivers E. arens La Rivers 1947, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 40(2) : 320. Data on size of the species were omitted from the recent re- view (1947) in which it was described, and are here included: length 7 mm., width 5 mm. REFERENCES BLACKWELDER, R. E. 1945. Checklist of the coleopterous insects of Mexico, Central America, the West Indies and South America. U.S.N.M. Bull. 185 (3) : 343-550. BLAISDELL, F. E., SR. 1909. A monographic revision of the Coleoptera belonging to the Tenebrionicle tribe Eleodiini inhabiting the United States, Lower California and adjacent islands. U.S.N.M. Bull. 63 : xi + 524. CASEY, T. L. 1907. A revision of the American components of the tenebrionid subfamily Tentyriinae. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 9 : 275- 522. CHAMPION, G. C. 1892. Tenebrionidae. Biol. Cent.-Amer. Coleoptera 4 (1) : xxxii + 572. GEBIEN, H. 1937. Katalog der Tenebrioniden (Coleoptera Heterom- era). Teil I. Museo Entomologico "Pietro Rossi," pp. 1-381. LA RIVERS, I. 1947. A synopsis of the genus Edrotes (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 40 (2) : 318-328. 146 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 Contributions to the Knowledge of Chinese Coc- cinellidae. IX. On a New Serphid Parasite of the Larva of Epilachna admirabilis in Kunming x By C. L. Liu, Division of Entomology, Institute of Agricultural Research, Tsing Hua University The first specimen of this new parasite to come under obser- vation emerged from a second or early third instar larva of Epilachna adinlrabUis Crotch fifteen days after its collection on August 23, 1941, in the environs of Kunming (Wang Chia Chiao, a village northwest of the city). The extraordinary position assumed by the parasite in relation to its host at once attracted attention, and subsequent search was made over a number of years for additional specimens. These are not rare if the collecting of parasitized hosts is made at the right season. When specimens were sent to Dr. C. F. W. Muesebeck for iden- tification, the writer was informed that the parasite represented a new species of an apparently undescribed genus. Upon the request of the writer, Dr. Muesebeck kindly consented to pre- pare a description of the species to be published at a later date. A parasitized host may be readily recognized by a slight bulge near the middle of the posterior half of the venter. This prom- inence continues to enlarge until the host integument is ruptured to let through the head and thorax of the parasite pupa. The protruding pupa is so oriented to the host that the dorsum of its abdomen is in contact with the interior of the dorsal integu- ment of the host, while the exposed cephalothoracic region has its ventral side lying against the exterior of the host venter. The cephalothoracic portion is bent at an angle with the abdomen at the junction of these regions, so that the parasite head is directed toward that of its host. With further development, when the greater part of the parasite abdomen becomes exposed, its head may be directly over the hypognathous mouthparts of 1 Paper No. 33 of the Division of Entomology. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 147 the host. The long slender antennae extend in a graceful curve from the head along the sides to the posterior margin of the third abdominal segment. When the imago effects its depar- ture, its pupal skin is left more or less intact within the emptied host. The exceptional position assumed by this species, during its pupal development, in relation to its host is extraordinary but not unique, for other serphids (e.g., Exallonyx pJiihntJiipliagons "\Yilliams in Hawaii) have been observed to adopt a similar pos- ture. In the present case, at least, a probable explanation of this situation is forthcoming from the fact that the parasite, in spite of its size which would lead one to expect a delay in its pupal transformation until the host larva has attained maturity, perfers the third instar and even, in some cases, the second. The slight differential between the size of the parasite and that of its host makes necessary the rupturing of the host integument to permit of further development. Also the fact that the mature larva directs its head caudad of the host may be viewed as an adaptation which obviates possible injury by the host mandibles and legs while the protruded pupa is still soft and vulnerable. Slender and graceful, the adult parasite is very agile after eclosion from its pupal skin. It may be kept alive on a diet of honey and water, and in one case it lived from October 7 to November 24, 1945, a total of forty-eight days. It may be noted that in this particular case the sugar content of its food was considerably increased after October 21 when other adults be- gan to show signs of not surviving November, which was also the experience in 1941. Such is their oviposition urge that two parasites were observed to attempt oviposition in their dead hosts. So when several parasites had issued, experimental oviposition was tried with the view to working out the life history. Unfortunately E. admirabilis does not readily lend itself to laboratory rearing, and, as a consequence, four collected larvae were used. From these three parasites developed, but of course the possibility of previous oviposition was not excluded. Later seventeen labora- tory bred larvae of Epllachna vigintioctopunctata F. (ten third 148 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 and seven fourth instars) were exposed. In no case did any parasite develop, although one parasite was seen to insert her ovipositor for over ten minutes into a fourth instar larva and another followed with a brief stab into the same host. On the same food plant, Clematis Peterae H.-M., lives another species, Epilachna hauseri Mader, but from it no parasite of this species has been reared. This probably indicates a high specificity of this parasite, which may, in turn, account for its rather infre- quent occurrence. It may be added that so far as our experi- ence indicates, Wang Chia Chiao seems to be the only fruitful collecting ground, although a few have also been recovered from hosts collected from the village Luh Liang Hsiang. The host shows first signs of parasitization by a considerable period of fasting, followed by a general darkening and shrivel- ing of the body. At this time the bulge on its venter becomes discernible and soon the integument is ruptured by the protrud- ing pupa. The host invariably dies and the solitary parasite is- sues in time. Since the beetle feeds on a plant of some slight value as a medicinal herb, this parasite may be considered bene- ficial from that point of view. The interesting point, however, is that this is one of the rarer cases in which the serphid attacks a phytophagous host. Although the adult parasite was found to have emerged on February 5, 1945, our repeated experience definitely indicates that the wasps appear much later in the season. Emergence records both for the field and laboratory, covering a period from September 1 to October 23, show a maximum issuance during the forty days shared between these months. Although the epilachnine beetle can be collected throughout the year, a third instar larva was found in January, mating occurred in February and eggs were laid in March, the larvae are abundant only during the months of July to October. This may have something to do with the late appearance of the parasite. But whether it tides over the intervening period by utilizing an alternate host or is it able to locate the very scarce winter larvae must await future elucidation, as the present note must be concluded with the impending departure of the writer from Kunming. IJX, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 149 Two New Species of Neotropical Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) By MARK ROBINSON, Springfield, Pennsylvania Trichillum pilosus new species This hairy species differs from bradyporum Boucomont by its larger size, differently shaped clypeus and by the closeness of the coarse punctures on the head and pronotum. It does not appear to be near any other species in this genus. Orbicular; piceous, the legs dark reddish; shining. Each puncture on the head, pronotum and elytral intervals bears a rather long, yellowish-brown hair. The clypeus is quadridentate, the two inner teeth are parallel- sided to the acute tip while the outer teeth are triangular in out- line and not as long as the inner teeth. The edges of the clypeus and head are narrowly raised. The eyes are ovate in outline. Entire surface of clypeus and head coarsely punctured, the punctures being separated by about twice their diameter. Thorax widest about the middle. Near the lateral margins is a raised, rounded knob that is black in color and not as closely punctured as the surrounding area. The coarse punctures of the pronotum are separated by about half their diameter later- ally and about twice their diameter medially. The elytral striae are narrow and shallow, with regularly spaced, crenate punctures. The intervals are barely convex with a row of coarse punctures alongside of each stria. The sixth interval is raised into a rounded ridge from the humeri to the apical edge. The other intervals are also raised into a rounded ridge near the apical edge. The anterior tibia is triangular in outline, tridentate with the teeth becoming successively smaller from the anterior one. The middle and posterior femora and tibiae are coarsely, setigerously punctured. The ventral sutures are obliterated medially. Length, 3.1 mm.; breadth, 2.1 mm. Type. — ? sex; Barro Colorado Island, CANAL ZONE, Novem- ber 22-24, 1944 (R. H. Arnett, Jr.). In the collection of Cornell University, number 2409. 150 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 Paratype. — ? sex; with the same data as the type. In the collection of the author. Anomala chapini new species This species is probably most closely allied to popayana Ohaus. The coarser and denser punctation throughout plus the difference in color should separate chapini from the older species. I take a great deal of pleasure in naming this species after my good friend Dr. Edward A. Chapin who is always so help- ful in furthering one's studies in Entomology. Ovate ; shining ; black with a reddish tint on the head, thorax and underparts. The elytra are ferruginous with an irregular, transverse black band across the middle. The sutural costae, humeri, outer margin and the apical half of the first, second and third costae are black. Clypeus truncate in front with the angles broadly rounded. The clypeal edge is well reflexed. The surface of the clypeus is scabrous with coarse punctures intermixed. The clypeal su- ture is scarcely evident. Near the clypeal suture the frons is coarsely sometimes confluently punctured. On the vertex the coarse punctures are separated from one to two times their diameter. Thorax widest about the middle. The side margins con- verge rather strongly from this median area to the anterior angles. The side margins in the posterior half are gently converging to the well rounded hind angles. The posterior marginal line is interrupted medially. There are several long hairs arising along the pronotal side margins. The surface of the pronotum is coarsely punctured. These punctures are separated from half to once their own diameter laterally ; on the disk they are separated from two to four times their diameter. Each puncture on the pronotum bears a very short, light col- ored hair. The elytral puctures are coarse and shallow, each bearing a very short, light colored hair. The costae are practically im- punctate. The sutural interval is confusedly punctured while lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 151 the other intervals have a single row of punctures. The scutel- lum is punctured about the same as the thoracic disk. The pygidium is very roughly, scabrously sculptured with a few light colored, short hairs scattered over the surface. The anterior tibia is bidentate. Metasternum is not protuberant. The abdominal segments have a band of hair-bearing, semi- areola shaped punctures. The large tarsal claws on the anterior and middle legs are cleft. In the male the larger anterior tarsal claw is larger than in the female. Length, 12.3 to 16.0 mm. ; breadth, 6.5 to 9.0 mm. Type. — J*; Lasmercedes, Santa Clara, COSTA RICA. Decem- ber 21 (F. Nevermann). In the collection of the United States National Museum, number 58770. Allotype. — 5; Verres, Costa Rica (A. Alfaro). In the col- lection of the Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia. Paratypes. — 1J1 with the same data as the type. 1J*; Ham- burg Farm, Reventazon, Ebene Limon, Costa Rica. May 24 (F. Nevermann). 1§ with the same data as the Allotype. 1$; Costa Rica (F. Nevermann). Paratypes are in the collections of the United States National Museum, of The Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia, and of the author. A New Species of the Genus Tachytes from Mich- igan (Hymenoptera: Larridae) By R. R. DREISBACH, Midland, Michigan In comparing a number of species of this family with the types at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Cambridge, the spe- cies in question appeared to be new and is herewith described. Tachytes quadrifasciatus n. sp. Holotype male : Color, black with the following exceptions : mandibles, from base to the emargination, labial and maxillary palpi (except basal joint of each which is black), sockets and 152 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 basal joint of antennae in front, tegulae, the tips of all the femora, the apical half of fore femur on front and about one-third of apical part of middle femur on anterior edge, all the tibiae and tarsi, golden yellow; the very large pulvillae of claws, much darker; tips of mandibles beyond notch, dark red. The head, thorax, first abdominal tergite, and first and second ventral seg- ments covered with long, white hair, a few long hairs on lateral sides of tergites 3, 4 and 5 with those of the 5th extending across tergite, the 6th covered with long, mostly appressed, hair ; front, face and clypeus with very heavy, white silvery, appressed pu- bescence from anterior ocellus forward ; the last dorsal segment covered with similar white, appressed, silvery pubescence ; ter- gites 1-4 with an apical fascia of white appressed hairs, slightly less than one-third the width of tergite, ventral segments 2 and 3 also with apical fascia but much less evident than those on ter- gites ; ventral segment 2 with a few long hairs on apical edge across the whole width, an indication of a hair band on central part which covers a little less than one-half the width ; the ven- tral segments 3-6 with short, heavy hair tufts, the 3rd slightly more than one-fourth length of segment, the 4th slightly less than one-half, the 5th about three quarters of length, and that on the 6th covers the whole visible portion when the segments are in normal position, but when it is extended, the hair band covers a little more than one-third of length ; the fact that the hair band covers the whole of the 6th segment in the normal position gives the appearance of only three hair bands or tufts instead of the actual four; antennae short and with basal joints (3-5) rounded at base, third joint slightly longer than the fourth ; a depression just behind lateral ocelli and a deep sulcus extending from this depression to just back of a line joining the posterior edges of eyes ; propodeum granular with a deep sulcus extending from postscutellum to posterior edge of dorsal surface where it meets an elevated knob, a deep depression just behind this knob and a prominent sulcus reaching from this depression to near apex of propodeum ; three transverse ridges in groove just behind postscutellum ; wings hyaline, but slightly yellowish all over ; last ventral segment with a deep notch and with a few long hairs lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 153 apically. Length, head and thorax 6.6 mm., abdomen 6.6 mm., fore wing 8.2 mm., rear wing 5.3 mm. Genitalia, width at middle of base .93 mm., length 1.6 mm. Last ventral segment, width 1.0 mm., length 1.33 mm. 1 2 3 FIG. 1. Tachytcs valid us Banks. Paratype, ventral view, X 16. FIG. 2. Tachytes quadrijasciatus, dorsal view, last ventral segment, X 38. FIG. 3. Tachytcs quadrijasciatus n. sp., ventral view, X 16. Holotypc male — Livingston Co., MICHIGAN. E. S. George Reserve, IX-2-40, George Steyskal. At present in the col- lection of the writer but will be deposited in the Museum of Com- parative Zoology at Harvard College. This species belongs in the subgenus Tachyplena of Banks x and runs to first part of couplet 8 in his key to the genus in the males. This keys it with T. valid us (Cr.) but it can easily be separated on the basis of the four hair bands instead of the one of validus, and further by the fact that the first three segments of the flagellum are slightly excavated at the base while in validns they are cylindri- cal and not at all excavated. 1 BANKS, NATHAN. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard College, LXXXIX, No. 9, 1942, pp. 395-435. 154 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 Replacement of Two Preoccupied Names of Tet- rigidae (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) By JAMES A. G. REHN, Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia In a series of papers published within the last ten years Dr. Klaus Gunther presented the first three portions * of a re- vision of the grouse-locusts, this group being referred to by him as the Acrydiinae, but which is now considered by most students to represent a valid family of the Acridoidea, for which the name Tetrigidae is used. In these studies Gunther has erected thirty new generic names, eleven of which contain from six to eight syllables. Six have six syllables, four have seven, and one (Platygavialidvum) has eight. Dr. Jacobus Faure has recently protested 2 against the creation of overly-long generic names, and his comments deserve sympathetic consideration. Too frequently authors utilize the handiest "out," and merely add a prefix or suffix to an existing generic name, usually of a related genus, though occa- sionally of one in no way closely related to their new entity, but to which the latter has some superficial resemblance. When the previously established name is lengthy, the results are often far from happy, and our already overburdened taxonomic literature is further cluttered up with multisyllabic terms. The increas- 1 "Revision der Acrydiinae, I. Sectiones Tripetalocerae, Discotettigiae, Lophotettigiae, Cleostratae, Bufonidae, Cladonotae, Scelimenae verae." Mitt. Zool. Mus. Berlin, XXIII, heft 2, pp. 299-437. November 15, 1938. "Revision der Acrydiinae (Orth.), II. Scelimenae spuriae." Stett. Ent. Zeit, 99, heft II, pp. 117-148, 161-230. June 15, 1938 (pp. 117-148) and December 20, 1938 (pp. 161-230). "Revision der Acrydiinae (Orthoptera), III. Sectio Amorphopi (Metro- dorae Bol. 1887, aut.)." Abhandl. und Berichte Staatlichen Museum Tierk. und Volkerk., Dresden, 20, Reihe A: Zool., Neue Folge, Bd. I, heft I, pp. 16-335. December, 1939. "A Plea for Brevity — and Sanity — in Zoological Nomenclature." Journ. Entom. Soc. So. Africa, IX, pp. 39-44 (1946) ; Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., (11) XIII, pp. 595-601 (1946). Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 155 ing difficulty of locating available generic names is fully realized by all who are acquainted with systematics, but a moderate amount of effort usually produces an available name of reason- able length. Unfortunately Dr. Giinther does not seem to have made a search to determine possible preoccupation of some of his new generic names, as two which he has proposed were employed long prior to his work, and both of these are properly listed in Neave's Nomenclator Zoologicus, and Waterhouse's Index Zoologicus, 1880-1900. If the former was not available at the time Dr. Giinther wrote, the latter certainly was, and the same degree of checking employed by most systematists would have prevented his use of preoccupied names. The two names referred to are Thy molt es (Giinther, 1939, pp. 26, 224) and Barytettix (Gunther, 1939, p. 317). The first was properly used for an arachnid genus by Keyserling (Die Spinnen Amerikas, Theridiidae, hafte 1, bd. 2, p. 161) in 1884, while Barytettix was employed in 1897 for an orthopterous genus by Scudder (Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sci., XXXII, pp. 197, 204; Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., XX, pp. 10, 27). To replace Thy- moites Gunther, 1939, not of Keyserling, 1884, I here propose Moluccasia, the sole species placed in the genus by Gunther (buruanus) being from the island of Buru, in the Moluccas. In place of Barytettix Gunther, 1939, not of Scudder, 1897, I propose Marshallacris, in honor of Sir Guy A. K. Marshall, the distinguished British entomologist, who collected the type specimen of the genotypic species (africanus Hancock) in the course of his extensive African entomological explorations. 156 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 Notes on Some Carnivorous Mosquito Larvae By OSMOND P. BRELAND, The University of Texas The writer has been studying the biology and immature stages of the tree hole breeding mosquito, Megarhinus scpten- trionalis Dyar & Knab, for several years. It is well known that the larvae of this species are carnivorous, and that they feed upon the larvae of other mosquitoes with which they are associ- ated. During some phases of a study of this species, sufficient mosquitoe larvae for rearing the Megarhinus could not be ob- tained, and consequently, larval and adult fruit flies or Dro- sopJiila were used as substitute food. It was found that the mosquito larvae would eat both larval and adult Drosopliila, and that the late instars of the mosquito were more definitely at- tracted to adult fruit flies on the water surface than they were to the larvae of other mosquitoes. The food problem was thus solved for this particular species. The feeding process of the Megarhinus larvae was observed under a dissecting microscope, and the modified mouth brushes were never seen to be used, al- though it is commonly stated that these structures are employed for seizing and holding the prey. The mandibles alone were used in all cases observed. A detailed report of this and related work was made recently at a meeting of the American Ento- mological Society. On May 13, 1948, three days after a heavy rain, the writer and his associates collected approximately 100 second and third in- star larvae of two other carnivorous species, Psorophora how- ardil Coq. and P. ciliata (Fab.). The mosquitoes were found in several temporary pools in the vicinity of Luling, Texas. Very few larvae of other species were available, and consequently, larval and adult fruit flies were tried as substitute food. Both species of larvae totally disregarded the fruit flies. In the ab- sence of other acceptable food, some of the carnivorous larvae ate their fellows, and as a result, only 11 adults were reared from the rather large number of larvae. These observations indi- cate that the rearing of large series of P. hoivardii and P. ciliata Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 157 will be difficult in the absence of other mosquito larvae, but that if fruit flies are available, large numbers of M. scptentrionalis may be reared without the use of mosquito larvae. It was noted above that the writer has never seen larvae of M. septentrionalis make use of the mouth brushes for seizing the prey or for feeding. Direct observations under a dissecting microscope, however, have confirmed that larvae of P. howardii do use the brushes to some extent. The brushes aid the man- dibles in catching the prey and in holding it for a time. As the struggles of the victim subside, the mouth brushes are folded against the sides of the head, and most of the actual eating proc- ess is accomplished by the mandibles alone. No satisfactory ob- servations of this type have been made by the writer for P. ciliata, although other workers state that this species does use the mouth brushes. Psorophora howardii is considered to be rare in some regions, and has previously been thought of as being rare in Texas. These collections indicate that after heavy rains young instar larvae of the species may be quite common in some areas. As indicated above, approximately 100 larvae were collected, and at least this many more could have been obtained with additional effort. A day or so later the number available would prob- ably have been radically reduced because of cannibalism. The larvae of P. ciliata and P. Iwzvardii are very similar and difficult to distinguish while still alive. Consequently, no attempt was made to determine the exact number of each species represented in these collections. However, indications are that most of the specimens were P. hoivardii. Ten fourth instar larvae were selected at random and mounted on slides, and of this number 9 are P. howardii. Of the 11 adult specimens that emerged, 8 are P. howardii and only 3 are P. ciliata. 158 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY RAYMOND Q. BLISS AND THEODORE M. TELSCH. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), included Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the year 1948 unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For records of Economic Literature, see the Experiment Station Record Office of Ex- periment Stations, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series li. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*) ; if containing keys are followed by (k); papers pertaining exclusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL— Bibliography of Agriculture, U. S. Dept. Agric. 12 (7) Entomological items no. 39447-40047, July 1948. Beier, M. — Phoresie und Phagophilie bei Pseudo- scorpionen. [Osterr. Zool. Zeitschr.] 1 : 441-97. Castel- larnau, S. de — Bionomia de los insectos zoofagos y xilofagos de museos, herbarios y bibliotecas. [Bol. Real Soc. Esp. de Hist. Nat.) 40 : 361-90, ill., 1942. Fairchild and Hertig— An improved method for mounting small insects. [80] 108:20. Franz und Leitenberger — Biologischchemische Untersuch- ungen tiber Humusbildung clurch Bodentiere. [Osterr. Zool. Zeitschr.] 1: 498-518. Frings, H.— Rearing house- flies and blowflies on dog biscuit. [80] 107 : 629-30. Heal, R. E. — Rearing methods for German and American cock- roaches. [37] 41 : 329-30. Laird, M. — A method of secur- ing living mosquitoes to mounts in studies of problems concerning flight. [80] 107: 656. Marcus, H. — De la evolu- cion de los organos respiratorios en los insectos holometa- bolicos. [Folia Universitaria, Cochabamba] 1 : 83-96. — Los estados biologicos. Ibid.: 45-65, ill. Martin, A., Jr. — An introduction to the genetics of Habrobracon juglandis (Ashmead). xii + 205 pp. $3.50. The Hobson Book Press, New York, 1947. (Review: in Jour. Heredity 39: 116). Martini, E. — Lehrbuch der medizinischen Entomologie. 3rd rev. ed. Jena, 1946. Review in Biol. Zentralbl. 67: 211. Pence, R. J. — A simple attachment to increase depth of focus of microscope objectives for photomicrography. [80] 107 : lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 159 631-32. Schilder, F. A.— Methoden mid Probleme der Bio- statistik. IV. [Biol. ZentralbL] 67: 189-201. Scott, A. J. —An apparatus for removing tropical rat mites from large quantities of bedding materials. [46] 34: 132-33. Stoll, N. R.— In Memoriam: Rudolf W. Glasser (1888-1947). [46] 34: 165-68. Torre-Bueno, J. R. de la— Totalitarianism in science. [18] 43: 99-100. Usinger, R. L.— An all-pur- pose insect net made of nylon. [18] 43: 67-68. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Anderson, J. M. — Changes in the distribution of nitrogen in the Japa- nese beetle (Popillia japonica) during metamorphosis. [Physiol. Zool.] 21: 237-52. Barber, G. W.— The lethal lines of the house fly. [37] 41 : 292-95. Dethier and Chad- wick — Chemoreception in insects. [Physiological Review> ] 28 : 220-54. Fisher and Ford — The spread of a gene in na- tural conditions in a colony of the moth Panaxia dominula. [Heredity] 1 : 143-74, 1947. Fring, Allen and Rudnick- The physical effects of high intensity air-borne ultrasonic waves on animals. [105] 31: 339-58' Gaul, A. T.— Addi- tions to vespine biology — V : The distribution of labor in the colonies of hornets and yellowjackets. [18] 43: 73-79. Goldschmidt, R. B. — New facts on sex determination in Drosophila melanogaster. [67] 34: 245-52. Harvey, An- derson, Buck, Chase, Eyring and Johnson — Biolumines- cence. [Ann. New York Acad. Sci.] 49: 327-482. Heller, J., A. Moklowska-Heller i w. Swiechowska — Bivoltinism and genetics (Sphingid.). [Biull. Ent. de la Pologne] 18: 81-94. Heuts, M. J. — Adaptive properties of carriers of certain gene arrangements in Drosophila pseudoobscura. [Heredity] 2: 63-75. Kaplan, W. D.— Formaldehyde as a mutagen in Drosophila. [80] 108: 43. King, J. E. — A study of the reproductive organs of the common marine shrimp, Penaeus setiferus. [12] 94: 244-62. Koller, G.— Rhythmische Bewegung und hormonale Steuerung bei den Malpighischen Gefassen der Insekten. [Biol. ZentralbL] 67: 201-11. Leech, H. B. — Acetic acid odor from Stenolo- phus fidelis. [23] 79: 141, 1947. Logothetis, C.— Biologi- cal studies on the horse flies of New York. [37] 41 : 335- 36. Ludwig, D. — Relation between lipid content of cuticle, duration of diapause, and resistance to desiccation of pupae of the cynthia moth. [Physiol. Zool.] 21 : 252-57. Marcus, H. — Un organo estridulacion en hormigas y termitas. [Folia Universitaria Cochabamba] 1 : 39-44, ill. — Estruc- 160 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 turas singulares de Dinjapyx marcusi. Ibid.: 66-72, ill. — La embriogenesis de Aethalion, termitas y hormigas con una comparacion de la anatomia de los insectos y vertebrados. Ibid.: 97-118. Matthey, R. — Donnees nouvelles sur la chromosomes des Tettigonides et la parthenogenese de Saga pedo. [Rev. Suisse de Zool.] 55: 45-56, ill. Mendes, M. V. — Histology of the corpora allata of Melanoplus differ- entialis. [12] 94: 194-207. Menusan, H. — Comparative toxicity of insecticides administered in various ways to sev- eral species of insects. [37] 41 : 302-13. Mittler, S. — In- fluence of genetic environment on the reduction of bristles by the dichaete gene in Drosophila melanogaster. [12] 94: 208-11. Morley, D. W. — Neurotic behavior in ants. [53] 162: 74-75. Moscona, A. — Utilization of mineral constitu- ents of the egg-shell by the developing embryo of the stick insect. [53] 162: 62-63. Mosna, E. — Culex pipiens auto- genicus DDT-resistenti e loro controllo con octa-klor e esaclorocicloesano. [Riv. di Parassit.] 9: 19-25. Najera, L. — Sobre tin caso de oftalmomiasis producida por larvas de Wohlfahrtia magnifica. [Bol. Real. Soc. Esp. de Nat. Hist.] 40: 493-95, ill., 1942.— La distribucion geografica de las especies de pulgas de interes epidemiologico (Siphonap- tera). Ibid.: 497-502, 1942. Patau, K.— X-segregation and heterochromasy in the spider Araner reaumuri. [He- redity] 2:77-100. Pearson, J. C. — Fluctuations in the abun- dance of the blue crab in Chesapeake Bay. [Research Re- port 14, Fish and Wildlife Service, U. S. Dept. Interior.] Reed, S. C. and E. W. — Natural selection in laboratory pop- ulations of Drosophila. [100] 2: 176-86. Ribeiro, B. L- Contribui^ao para o conhecimento da bionomia de Roths- childia aurota (Saturn.). [Ill] 8: 127-41. Richards and Korda— Studies on arthropod cuticle. II. Electron micro- scope studies of extracted cuticle. [12] 94: 212-35. Ricks and Hoskins — Toxicity and permeability. II. The entrance of arsenic into larvae of the flesh fly, Sarcophaga securifera. [Physiol. Zool.] 21 : 258-72. Roeder, K. D.— The effect of potassium and calcium on the nervous system of the cock- roach, Periplaneta americana. [105] 31:327-38. Sacktor, Hutchinson and Granett — Biology of the lone star tick in the laboratory. [37] 41: 296-301. Sequy, E.— Introduc- tion a 1'etude des myiases. [HI] 8: 93-111. Schneirla, T. C. — Army-ant life and behavior under dry-season con- ditions with special reference to reproductive functions. II. The appearance and fate of the males. [93] 33: 89-112, ill. lix. '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 161 (s). Smith and Lowe — The black gnats of California (Ceratopogon.). [Hilgardia] 18: 157-83. Streisinger, G. -Experiments on sexual isolation in Drosophila. IX. Be- havior of males with etherized females. [100] 2: 187-88. Tuxen, S. L. — En paedogenetisk cecidomyidelarve i Fin- land. [Memoranda Societatis pro Fauna et Flora Fennica] 23: 138-41, 1947. Verolini, F. — Sul meccanismo di azione del DDT sulle larve di culicine. [Riv. di Parassit.] 9: 31- 37. Waloff, N.— Development of Ephestia elutella (Phy- cit.) on some natural foods. [19] 39: 117-30. Way and Synge — The effects of DDT and benzene hexachloride on bees. [4] 35 : 94-109. Weinstein and Pratt — The labora- tory infection of Triatoma neotomae with Trypanosoma cruzi and subsequent transmission to white mice. [46] 34: 231-36. Whiting, P. W.— Leg-like antennae in Habro- bracon. [42] 39: 153-54. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Beier, M.— (See under General.) Goodnight, C. J. and M. L. — New phalan- gids from the southwest Pacific. [2] No. 1371 : 1-14. Hoffman, R. L. — Two new genera of xystodesmid millipeds from eastern United States. [63] 61 : 93-96. Knowlton, G. F.— Spider kills honeybee. [18] 43: 72. Marcus, H.- Los espiraculos en Arachnida. [Folia Universit., Cocha- bamba] 1 : 78-83, ill. Patau, K.— (See under Anatomy.) Pearson, J. C. — (See under Anatomy.) Sacktor, Hutchin- son and Granett — (See under Anatomy.) Schubart, O.- Diplopods nordestinos. II. Familia Leptodesmidae. [Ill] 8: 87-92. Scott, A. J.— (See under General.) Thurman, Branch and Mulrennan — Description of the male of Andro- laelaps setosus (Acer. Laelapt.). [46] 34: 134-36. SMALLER ORDERS— Calvert, P. P.— Odonata of Kar- tabo, Bartica District, British Guiana. [95] 33: 47-87, ill. (*). Marcus, H. — Termites; also Thysanura. (See un- der Anatomy and General.) Najera, L. — Siphonaptera. (See under Anatomy.) Ross, H. H. — New species of seri- costomatoid Trichoptera. [65] 50: 151-57 (k). Thomp- son, G. B. — Mallophaga collected by the Tanager expedi- tion. [Occas. Papers, Bishop Mus., Honolulu] 19: 195- 200, ill. Wray, D. L. — Some new species and varieties of Collembola from North Carolina. [18] 43: 44-53. ORTHOPTERA— Heal, R. E.— (See under General.) Matthey, R. — (See under Anatomy.) Mendes, M .V. — (See under Anatomy.) Roeder, K. D. — (See under Anatomy.) 162 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 HEMIPTERA— Barber, H. G.— Lygaeidae collected in western Texas, with a new Lygaeospilus from California. [58] 48: 66-68 (*).— The genus Cligenes in the United States (Lygae.)- [65] 50: 157-58 (*). A case of synon- ymy in the family Neididae (Heter.). [18] 43: 21. — New records for Stygnocoris rusticus. Ibid.: 31. Capriles, J. M. —A new enicocephalus from Puerto Rico (Enicocephal.) [65] 50: 159-60. Dionne, L. A. — Field identification of po- tato aphids. [Canada Dept. Agric. Div. Ent. Processed Publ.] No. 77: 1-5, ill. Knowlton, G. F. — Birds eat scale insects. [18] 43:60. — Gregarious treehopper. Ibid.: 71.— A few aphids on pine. Ibid.: 97-98. Lent and Wygodzin- sky — On two new genera of of American Reduviinae with a key and notes on others. [Ill] 8: 43-55. Marcus, H.— (See under Anatomy.) Slater, J. A. — Notes on Uhleriola floralis in Illinois (Lygaeid.). [18] 43: 67-71. Weinstein and Pratt — (See under Anatomy.) Wygodzinsky, P.— On two new genera of Schizopterinae (Cryptostemmatidae) from the neotropical region. [Ill] 8: 143-55. LEPIDOPTERA— Braun, A. F.— Elachistidae of North America. [Memoirs of the Amer. Ent. Soc., Phila.] 13: 1-110, 26 pis. Bell, E. L., and W. P. Comstock— A new genus and some new species of American Hesperiidae. [2] No. 1379: 1-23, ill. Capps, H. W.— Status of the Pyraustid moths of the genus Leucinodes in the New World, with descriptions of new genera and species. [71] 98: 69-83, pis. 5-10 (Sk). Castellarnau, S. de — (See under General.) Clark, A. H. — Classification of the butterflies, with the allo- cation of the genera occurring in North America north of Mexico. [63] 61 : 77-84. Clausen, L. W.— The life history of the monarch butterfly. [Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Science Guide] 132:1-15. Fisher and Ford — (See under Anatomy.) Heller, J., A. Moklowska-Heller i W. Swiechowska — (See under Anatomy.) Johnson, F., and C. D. Michener — New neotropical Saturnioid moths. [2] No. 1372: 1-15, ill. Ludwig, D. — (See under Anatomy.) Sevastopulo, D. G.— The suspension of the pupa in the genus Troides. [30] 81 : 136. Sperry, J. L. — Southwestern geometrid notes and new species. I. [18] 43: 54-60. — Southwestern geometrid notes and new species. II. Ibid.: 88-93. Ribeiro, B. L.— (See under Anatomy.) Rieta Reig, A. — Estudio compara- tive de los lepidopteros del genero Parnassius. [Bol. Real So. Esp. de Nat. Hist.] 40: 477-92, ill., 1942. Waloff, N.- (See under Anatomy.) lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 163 DIPTERA— Barber, G. W.— (See under Anatomy.) Boesel, M. W. — Holoconops in the western Lake Erie re- gion (Hele.)- [58] 48: 69-78 (k). Coher, E. I.— A spe- cies of winter crane-fly new to the United States with notes on the distribution of the family (Trichocer.). [18] 43: 42-43. Frings, H. — (See under Anatomy.) Goldschmidt, R. B. — (See under Anatomy.) Heuts, M. J. — (See under Anatomy.) Kaplan, W. D. — (See under Anatomy.) Knowlton, G. F. — Western Dolichopodidae notes. [18] 43 : 98. La Face, L. — Sualcune particolarita del pretarso in Musca domestica. [Riv. di Parassit.] 9: 27-30. Laird, M. — (See under General.) Leech, H. B. — Sarcophaga ra- pax seared from Priontis californicus. [23] 79: 141, 1947. Logothetis, C. — (See under Anatomy.) Mittler, S. — (See under Anatomy.) Mosna, E. — (See under Anatomy.) Najera, L. — (See under Anatomy.) Reed, S. C. and E. W. —(See under Anatomy.) Ricks and Hoskins — (See under Anatomy.) Shaw, F. R. — A newr genus and species of fungus-gnats (Mycetophil.). [18] 43 : 94-96. Sequy, E.- (See under Anatomy.) Smith and Lowe — -(See under Anatomy.) Stone, A. — A change of name in mosquitoes. [65] 50: 161. Streisinger, G. — (See under Anatomy.) Tuxen, S. L. — (See under Anatomy.) Verolini, F. — (See under Anatomy.) COLEOPTERA— Anderson, J. M.— (See under Anat- omy.) Bertrand, H. — Sur la biologic des larves de Copela- tus (Dystisc.). [108] 53: 35-38, ill. Britton, E. B.— A re- vision of the Hawaiian species of Mecyclothorax (Carabid.). [Occas. Papers, Bishop Mus., Honolulu] 19: 108-66, ill. Buchanan, L. L. — A new species of Stenoscelis, and notes on other Curculionidae. [18] 43: 61-66. Castellarnau, S. de — (See under General.) Corella, L. B. — Fauna de Cole- opteros de los territories espafioles de Golfo de Guinea. III. Gyrinid. [Bol. Real Soc. Esp. de Hist. Nat.] 39: 209-29, ill., 1941. Dunn, E. — A method of distinguishing between young and old potato beetles. [53] 162 : 75. Frost, C. A.— Gyrohypnus emmesus (Staph.). [18] 43:79. Guerin, J.— Megalopodidae neotropicais. Descri^ao de un novo genero e novas especies. [Ill] 8: 69-72. Harvey, Anderson, Buck, Chase, Eyring and Johnson — (See under Anatomy.) Hatch, M. H. — On collecting beetles in Washington. [Coleopt. Bulletin] 2: 45-46. Hinton, H. E. — A synopsis of the genus Tribolium, with some remarks on the evolution 164 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 of its species-groups (Tenebrio.). [19] 39: 13-55 (k*). Kerr, T. W., Jr. — A Phyllobius species, a new pest and its control on arborvitae (Rhyncoph.). [37] 41: 331. Knull, J. N. — New genus and species of Cerambycidae with notes. [58] 48: 82-83. Leech, H. B.— (See under Anatomy and Diptera.) McKey-Fender, D. — Distribution in certain Lu- canidae. [Coleopt. Bulletin] 2: 43-44. Pardo Alcaide, A. — Observaciones sobre la ninfosis de Helops magnincus (Tenebr.). [Bol. Real Soc. Esp. de Hist. Nat.] 40: 503-06, ill., 1942. Paulian, R. — Why and wherefore of French Coleopterology. [Coleopt. Bulletin] 2: 41-42. Ray, E.- Three new Mordellid beetles from the Pacific. [Occas. Papers, Bishop Mus., Honolulu] 19: 167-70, ill. Schilder, F. A. — (See under General.) Steel, W. O. — Notes on Staphylinidae from Solomon Islands, with description of a new subgenus. [Occas. Papers, Bishop Mus., Honolulu] 19: 187-89. Walkley, L. M. — Notes on nomenclature in the Lathridiini. [65] 50: 149-50. Zischka, R.— Catalogo de los insectos de Bolivia. I. Rhopalocera. [Folia Uni- versitaria, Cochabamba, Bolivia] 1 : 27-36. — II. Scara- baedoidea. Ibid.: 36-38. HYMENOPTERA— Bohart, R. M.— New North Ameri- can Rygchium (Vesp.). [18] 43: 80-87 (k). Brown, W. L. — A preliminary generic revision of the higher Dacetini (Formicicl.). [83] 74: 101-29. Compere, H.— A report on a collection of Encyrtidae with descriptions of newr genera and species. [91] 8: 1-24, 1947. Evans, H. E.— A new subgenus of Pompilus (Pompil.). [65] 50: 141-49. Gaul, A. T. — Additions to vespine biology. IV. Notes on inter- specific tolerance, orphan nests, and orphan wasps (Vesp.). [18] 43: 37-41. (Also see under Anatomy.) Knowlton, G. F. — (See under Anatomy.) Leech, H. B. — A Psitherus insularis queen in a Bombus mixtus nest. [23] 79: 134, 1947. — Helops regulus in a wasp's nest. Ibid.: 141. Mar- cus, H. — Los organos de copulcion de Acromyrmex. [Folia Universit., Cochabamba] 1 : 73-78, ill. (Also see under Anatomy and General.) Martin, A. Jr. — (See under Gen- eral.) Morley, D. W. — (See under Anatomy.) Schneirla, T. C. — (See under Anatomy.) Townes, H. — The serphoid Hymenoptera of the family Roproniidae. [71] 98: 85-89 (k*). Way and Synge — (See under Anatomy.) Whiting, P. W. — (See under Anatomy.) lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 165 List of Titles of Publications Referred to by Numbers in Entomological Literature in Entomological News. 1. American Midland Naturalist. Notre Dame, Indiana. 2. American Museum Novitates. New York, N. Y. 3. American Naturalist. Garrison-on-Hudson, New York. 4. Annals of Applied Biology. London. 5. Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Columbus, Ohio. 6. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. London. 7. Annales Academia Brasileira Sciencias. Rio de Janeiro. 8. Anales del Institute de Biologia Mexico. Mexico City. 9. Anatomical Record. Philadelphia. 10. Arkiv for Zoologie. K. Svenska Vetenkapsakademien i. Stockholm. 11. Arquivos de Higiene e Saude Publica. Sao Paulo. 12. Biological Bulletin. Woods Hole, Massachusetts. 13. Bios, Rivista Biol. Geneva. 14. Boletin de Entomologia Venezolana. Caracas. 15. Boletin del Museo de Historia Natural "Javier Prado." Lima, Peru. 16. Boletin do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Brasil. 17. Bull. Acad. Sci. (Izvestia Akad. nauk) U S -S R (S. biol.). 18. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. New York. 19. Bulletin of Entomological Research. London. 20. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Cambridge, Mass. 21. Bulletin of the Southern California Acad. of Sciences. Los Angeles. 22. C. r. Acad. Sci. (Doklady Akad. nauk) USSR. Leningrad. 23. Canadian Entomologist. Guelph, Canada. 24. Canadian Journal of Research. Ottawa, Canada. 25. Ecological Monographs. Durham, North Carolina. 26. Ecology. Durham, North Carolina. 27. Entomologica Americana. Brooklyn Ent. Society, New York. 28. Entomological Monthly Magazine. London. 29. Entomological Record and Journal of Variations. London. 30. The Entomologist. London. 31. Florida Entomologist. Gainesville, Florida. 32. Frontiers. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 33. Great Basin Naturalist. Provo, Utah. 34. Iowa State College Journal of Science. Ames, Iowa. 35. Journal of Agricultural Research. Washington, D. C. 36. Journal of Animal Ecology. London. 37. Journal of Economic Entomology. Geneva, New York. 38. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Science Society. Chapel Hill, N. C. 39. Journal of Entomology and Zoology. Claremont, California. 40. Journal of Experimental Biology. London. 41. Journal of Experimental Zoology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 42. Journal of Heredity. Baltimore, Maryland. 43. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. Lawrence, Kansas. 44. Journal of Morphology. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 45. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. New York. 46. Journal of Parasitology. New York. 47. Journal of the Tennessee Academy of Sciences. Nashville, Tenn. 48. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences. Washington, D. C. 49. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz. Rio de Janeiro. 50. Microentomology. Stanford University, California. 51. The Microscope and Entomological Monthly. London. 52. Mosquito News. Albany, New York. 53. Nature. London. 54. Nature. Washington, D. C. 55. La Naturaliste Canadien. Quebec. 166 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [June, '48 56. Natural History. New York. 57. Occasional Papers, Mus. of Zool., Univ. of Michigan. Ann Arbor. 58. Ohio Journal of Science. Columbus, Ohio. 59. Opinions and Declarations. Intern. Com. Zool. Nomencl. London. 60. Pan-Pacific Entomologist. San Francisco, California. 61. Parasitology. London. 62. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences. Philadelphia. 63. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Washington, D. C. 64. Proceedings of the California Academy of Science. San Francisco. 65. Proceedings of the Entom. Soc. of Washington. Washington, D. C. 66. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society. Honolulu. 67. Proceeding of the National Acad. of Sciences. Washington, D. C. 68. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Ser. A. 69. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Ser. B. 70. Proceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Ser. C. 71. Proceedings of the U. S. National Museum. Washington, D. C. 72. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London. London. 73. Psyche, A Journal of Entomology. Boston, Massachusetts. 74. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. London. 75. Quarterly Review of Biology. Baltimore, Maryland. 76. Revista Academia Columbiana de Cien Exact. Fis. y Nat. Bogota. 77. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural. Valparaiso, Chile. 78. Revista Institute Salubridad y Enfermedades Tropicales. Mexico. 79. Revista Sociedad Mexicana de Historia Natural. Mexico City. 80. Science. Washington, D. C. 81. Scientific Monthly. New York. 82. Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections. Washington, D. C. 83. Transactions of the American Entomological Society. Philadelphia. 84. Transactions of the Amer. Microsc. Soc. Menasha, Wisconsin. 85. Transaction of the Illinois State Academy of Sciences. Springfield. 86. Transactions of the Kansas Acad. of Sci. Manhattan, Kansas. 87. Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute. Toronto. 88. Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society. London. 89. U. S. Dept. of Agric., Farmer's Bulletins. Washington, D. C. 90. U. S. Dept. of Agric., Technical Bulletins. Washington, D. C. 91. University of California Publications in Entomology. Berkeley. 92. University of California Publications in Zoology. Berkeley. 93. University of Kansas, Science Bulletins. Lawrence, Kansas. 94. Ward's Natural Science Bulletin. Rochester, New York. 95. Zoologica. New York. 96. American Journal of Public Health. Boston. 97. American Journal of Tropical Medicine. Baltimore. 98. Annals of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology. Liverpool. 99. Canadian Journal of Research. Section E, Medical Sciences, Ottawa. 100. Evolution. New York. 101. Mitteilungen der schweitzerischen entomologischen Gesellschaft, Bern. 102. Revue de Entomologie. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. 103. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. 104. Anales de la Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biologicas. Mexico. 105. Journal of Cellular and Comparative Physiology. Philadelphia. 106. Redia. Florence, Italy. 107. Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France. Paris. 108. Bulletin de la Societe Entomologique de France. Paris. 109. Notulae Naturae. Philadelphia. 110. L'Entomologiste. Paris. 111. Revista Brasiliera de Biologic. Rio de Janeiro. 112. Eos, Revista Espaiiola de Entomologia. Madrid. 113. Minist. de Agri. de la Nacion, Inst. Sanidad Vegetal, Buenos Aires. Hx, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 167 Review A Textbook of Agricultural Entomology. By Kenneth M. Smith. D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S., Director, Plant Virus Research Station, Cambridge, at the University Press; New York, The Macmillan Company. Pp. xiii, 289, frontispiece plus 84 figs- Price : $4.50. The first edition was published in 1931 (Ent. News 43 : 221). In this revision, numerous details have been brought up to date, the newer insecticides included, and the chapter on virus trans- mission rewritten. Compared with its American counterparts, one striking difference is that in this book the insects are taken up order after order in their usual taxonomic sequence rather than under their host plants. This more entomological ap- proach may be worth considering; it should tend, for example, to place greater emphasis on a thorough understanding of the insects themselves — a point of view that might be, in the long run, more fruitful — than on mere recognition and the directions for control. Another difference is, of course, the entire absence of some of our own prominent pests such as the potato beetle, corn insects, etc., and the inclusion of some that are of little im- portance in America, such as the springtail (found on mangolds and other root crops) that adorns the jacket of the book, and the tipulid larvae or "leatherjackets" in pastures and on root crops. Finally, this sentence, from page six, will illustrate a difference in control practice : "The use of insecticides in the agricultural practice of the British Isles is very limited and is governed largely by the question of price, the profit on the average farm crop, especially at the present time, allowing small margin for expenditure on insecticides."- — R. G. SCHMIEDER. A New Biological Journal The first number of the Australian Journal of Scientific Re- search, Series B (Biological Sciences) has been recently is- sued by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research with the approval and cooperation of the Australian National Re- search Council. Dr. N. S. Noble, D. Sci. Sgr. is the editor and this first number contains an article on the color preferences of the housefly by D. F. Waterhouse. This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not foi advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Diptera — Tachinidae-Dexiidae wanted, No. Amer. and exotic. Will collect most orders in exchange or will purchase. P. H. Arnaud, 60 Woodrow St., Redwood City, Calif. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. Ants of the tribe Dacetini (Strumigenys, Rhopalothrix and related genera) wanted for world revision. W. L. Brown, Jr., Harvard Uni- versity Biological Laboratories, Cambridge 38, Mass. Mallophaga (on which immediate determination is not necessary) wanted for study and determination. R. L. Edwards, Dept. Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. Tingidae (Heteroptera) of the world wanted, in alcohol, with host and other ecological data. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. S. Bailey, 16 Neponset Ave., Hyde Park 36, Mass. Bombidae, nearctic and neotropical, wanted for exchange, identi- fication, or purchase. Will exchange in other groups for bumblebees. Barth Maina, Dept. Zool., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago 37, 111. Saturnidae of the world. Will purchase individual specimens or cocoons. F. E. Rutkowski, St. Bede College, Peru, Illinois, U. S. A. Butterflies of New England, principally from New Haven, Conn., for exchange. Louis Clarke, 28 W. Elm St., New Haven IS, Conn. ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Life Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1138. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the neotropical Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Notiphilinae (73: 35-61, 1947) $ .90 1142. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Noti- philinae (73: 105-124, 1947) 50 HYMENOPTERA 1137.— Pate (V. S. L.)— The Pemphilidine wasps of the Caribbees (73: 1-33, 1 pi., 1947) 85 COLEOPTERA 1145. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — The tribe Dorcaschematini (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) (73: 173-298, 6 pis., 1947) 3.45 1139. — Green (J. W.) — New Eastern Amer. sp. of Podabrus (73: 63-76, figs., 1947) 35 1144. — Robinson (M.) — Two new spp. of Scarabaeidae (73: 169- 171, 1947) 20 1146. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the United States (73: 299-305, 1947) 20 LEPIDOPTERA 1141. — Darlington (E. P.) — Notes on certain types of Lepidoptera described by Brackenridge Clemens (73: 85-104, 1947) ... .50 1140. — Williams (J. L.) — The anatomy of the internal genitalia of Fumea Casta Pallas (73 : 77-84, figs., 1947) 20 TRICHOPTERA 1143. — Ross (H. H.) — Descriptions and records of No. Amer. Tri- choptera, with synoptic notes (73: 125-168, 7 pis., 1947) .. 1.40 ODONATA 1147. — Needham (J. G.) — Studies on the No. Amer. spp. of the genus Gomphus (Odonata) (73: 307-339, fig., 1 pi., 1947) 85 ] ) ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS Vol. LIX JULY 1943* ! No. 7 .ONTENTS rats 169 ^•^v* -,c wy&y-zZj^ Person^fr^^»<^-^?|^s!*77 174 Robinson — Remarks on Scarabaeidae 175 Emerson — Mallophaga from Sanderling 178 Evans — Notes on Anoplius 180 Pate — Isodontia from Cuba 185 Krombein — Pseudomethoca simillima 187 \\"orth — The unexplored world (Sonnet) 189 Entomological Literature 190 PUBLISHED MONTHLY, EXCEPT AUGUST AND SEPTEMBER, BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY PRINCE AND LEMON STS., LANCASTER, PA. AND THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES, PHILADELPHIA 3, PA. Subscription, per yearly volume of ten numbers: $3.00 domestic; $3.30 foreign; $3.15 Canada. Entered as second-class matter April 19, 1943, at the post office at Lancaster. Pa., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage prescribed for in Section 1. Act of October 3. 1917, authorized January 15, 1921. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS is published mpnthly, excepting August and September, by The American Entomological Society at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. PHILIP P. CALVERT, Editor Emeritus. R. G. SCHMIEDER, Editor. Editorial Staff: E. T. CRESSON, JR., E. J. F. MARX, E. T. MOUL, J. A. G. REHN, and A. G. RICHARDS. Subscription price, per yearly volume of 10 numbers : Domestic, $3.00 ; Foreign, $3.30; Canada, $3.15— U. S. Currency. SUBSCRIPTIONS, ADVERTISEMENTS: All communications and remittances to be addressed to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa. ADVERTISING RATES : Full width of page. Payments in advance. 1 Inch 2 Inches 3 Inches 6 Inches One Issue $ 2.50 $ 4.50 $ 6.50 $10.00 Five Issues 9.00 17.00 24.00 42.00 Ten Issues 16.00 30.00 42.00 72.00 MANUSCRIPTS and all communications concerning same should be ad- dressed to R. G. Schmieder, Zoological Laboratory, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia 4, Pa. The receipt of all papers will be acknowledged and, if accepted, they will be published as soon as possible. If not accepted, authors will be so advised and postage requested for return of manuscripts. Articles longer than six printed pages may be published in two or more installments, unless the author is willing to pay for the cost of a sufficient number of additional pages in any one issue to enable such an article to appear without division. ILLUSTRATIONS will be published at the author's expense as fol- lows: Cost of engraving plus cost of printing text-figures exceeding 2 inches in height; or plus cost of printing insert plates. The size of text-figures or plates when printed must not exceed 4x6 inches. All blocks will be sent to authors after publication. It is not advisable to print half-tones as text-figures. TABLES: Authors will be charged the setting of all tables exceeding 2 inches in height. SEPARATA: Twenty-five extras of an author's contribution will be given free. They will be "run of form," without removal of extraneous matter, folded but not bound, uncut and without cover. Authors wishing more than the 25 separates must so advise the Editor or the printer. See bottom of this page. The Editor requests that authors state the number of separates desired in a letter accompanying their manu- script. SEPARATES of articles without covers, without extraneous matter, will be furnished by the printer at the following prices: 1-4 pages, 25 copies, $2.75; 50 copies, $2.75; 100 copies, $3.30. 5-8 pages, 25 copies, $4.40; 50 copies, $4.40; 100 copies, $5.23. 9-12 pages; 25 copies, $6.88; 50 copies, $6.88; 100 copies, $7.98. Covers: first 50, $3.03; additionals at .022 cents each. Plates, printed on one side: first 50, $2.20; additional at 0.165 cents each. Transportation charges will be extra. THE LANCASTER PRESS, INC., Lancaster, Pa. ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS VOL. LIX JULY, 1948 Xo. 7 New Uropodinid Mites Associated with Rats in Puerto Rico By IRYINV, Fox, School of Tropical Medicine, San Juan. Puerto Rico Not infrequently in the course of surveys for rat ectopara- sites otherwise obscure mites come to hand. Although the epi- demiological significance of this association is largely specula- tive at this time, such mites are of more than usual interest, and herein five new species are described. They belong to the Co- hors Uropodina, a group containing members which have twice before at least been reported in rat ectoparasite surveys (Lud- wig and Nicholson, 1947, and Nicholson and Gaines 1948, in both instances as Uropoda species). Types of the new species described below are in the entomological collections of the De- partment of Medical Zoology, School of Tropical Medicine, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Fam. Uropodidae Fuscuropoda ovata, new species (fig. 1) Female. — Body smooth not well provided with setae, about .99 mm. long and about .75 mm. wide. Vertex as shown in fig. 1A, the setae very short. Genital plate (fig. IB) more or less oval, truncate posteriorly, the plate proper anteriorly on a level slightly below the anterior border of coxa I, posteriorly on a level with the middle of coxa IV. Anterior peg-like prolongation of the plate about .023 mm. long. Setae of the intercoxal area very weak, hardly discernible. Stigmatal area prominent, peritreme (169) 170 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Juty, '48 extending to the lateral border and doubling back for about half its length. Anal pore located between two pairs of setae. Squama of femur I (fig. 1C) toothed, the tubercle prominent and close to it. Dorsal plate glabrous. Male. — More or less the same dimensions as the female, more spindle-shaped. Genital pore as in fig. ID. Other details as in the female. Type material. — Female holotype, female paratype and male allotype from Rottus norvcgicus collected at San Juan (San- turce), Puerto Rico, March 9, 1948. Remarks. — This species is not typical of the genus in which it is placed particularly in that the female genital plate extends posteriorly far beyond coxa III. However, the shape of the body and the peg-like prolongation of the genital plate allows it to remain in Fuscuropoda until more is known of the specific variations in this genus. Fuscuropoda marmorea, new species (fig. 2) Female. — Body well provided with weak setae, about .80 mm. long and about .54 mm. wide. Vertex as shown in fig. 2B, the setae usually crossed basally, plumose distally. Genital plate (fig. 2C) conspicuously sculptured in the anterior half, posteri- orly reaching slightly beyond coxa III, anterior prolongation massive, extending well beyond the edge of the sternum. Setae of the intercoxal area longer than usual, easily discernible. Stigma and peritreme more or less as in the previous species. Between the genital plate and anal pore are a number of thin setae and posterior to the pore is a pair of much larger ones. Squama of femur I (fig. 2A) toothed, the tubercle very close to it. Dorsal plate provided with many long setae. Type material. — Female holotype and female paratype from Rat t us norvcgicus collected at San Juan (Santurce), Puerto Rico, March 19, 1948. Remarks. — This species is distinguishable by details of the shape and the sculpturing of the genital plate. lix, '48 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 1/1 Uroobovella cassida, new species (fig. 5) Female. — Body with weak curved setae along the lateral edges, about .54 mm. long and about .45 mm. wide. Vertex as shown in fig. 5 A, the setae bent outwards. Genital plate (fig. 5D), shield-shaped anteriorly on a level with the anterior border of coxa I, posteriorly on a level with the posterior border of coxa IV. Setae of the intercoxal area very weak, hardly dis- cernible. Stigma not prominent, peritreme extending to the lateral border and doubling back for most of its length. Divid- ing line between the anal and ventral plates vestigial, discernible only laterally. Anterior to the anal pore is a pair of faint setae and posterior to it are three more prominent ones, the outer two of which are markedly curved. Squama of femur I (fig. 5C), not toothed, and a weak seta traverses it in the middle area. Dorsal plate glabrous. Male. — About .55 mm. long and about .43 mm. wide. Geni- tal pore as in fig. 5B. surrounded by weak setae. Between the genital and anal pores are two rows of about six weak setae. Body shape, vertex, peritreme and squama of femur I as in the female. Type material. — Female holotype and male allotype from Rattus norvegicus collected at San Juan (Santurce), Puerto Rico, August 21, 1947. Remarks. — This species is similar to U. obovata (C. & B.) from which it differs in that the dividing line between the ventral and anal plates is not distinct as in that species, as well as in other details. Fam. Urodinychidae Leiodinychus praeacutus, new species (fig. 3) /•emale. — Body not well provided with setae, about .48 mm. long and about .40 mm. wide. Vertex as shown in fig. 3B, tec- turn provided with a pair of long plumose setae. Genital plate (fig. 3A) shield-shaped with a long acuminate anterior projec- tion extending well beyond the edge of the sternum ; the pos- terior margin of the plate on a level with the middle of coxa 172 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '48 IV. Setae of the intercoxal area weak, hardly discernible. Stigma not conspicuous, the peritreme more or less inverted V-shaped. Anal pore large. Dorsal plate without prominent setae. Minute setae arise laterally from the crenulate marginal plate. Male. — About .46 mm. long and about .36 mm. wide. Genital pore as shown in fig. 3C. Squama of femur I (fig. 3D) not prominently toothed, interrupted by the tubercle and its seta. Other details as in the female. Type material. — Female holotype and male allotype from Raft us norvcgicus collected at San Juan (Santurce), Puerto Rico, during 1947. Remarks. — This species is distinguished from others in its genus by the peculiar anterior projection of the genital plate and by details of the vertex. Leiodinychus simplus, new species (figs. 4 and 6) Female. — Body with a fringe of setae around the lateral edges, about .53 mm. long and about .42 mm. wide. Vertex very sim- ple, apparently without setae. Genital plate (fig. 4) shield- shaped, tapering anteriorly, posteriorly extending beyond coxa IV. Setae of the intercoxal area longer and more prominent than usual. Peritreme markedly tortuous. Many minute setae irregularly arranged between the gential plate and the anal pore, the latter large and prominent. Dorsal plate coarsely granu- late, without setae. Male. — About .46 mm. long and about .36 mm. wide. Genital pore as shown in fig. 6B ; intercoxal area lightly sculptured. EXPLANATION OF PLATE Fig. 1. Fnsciiropoda ovata, n. sp. 1A. Female, vertex. IB. Female, ventral plates. 1C. Female, squama of femur I. ID. Male, intercoxal area. Fig. 2. F. marmorea, n. sp. 2A. Female, squama of femur I. 2B. Female, vertex. 2C. Female, ventral plates. Fig. 3. Leiodinychus pracacutus, n. sp. 3A. Female, ventral plates. 3B. Female, vertex. 3C. Alale, intercoxal area. 3D. Male, squama of femur I. Fig. 4. L. sim- plus, n. sp., female, ventral plates. Fig. 5. Uroobovclla cassida, n. sp. 5A. Female, vertex. 5B. Male, intercoxal area. 5C. Female, squama of femur I. 5D. Female, ventral plates. Fig. 6. Leiodinychus simplns. n. sp. 6A. Male, squama of femur T. 6B. Male, intercoxal area. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NE\\ S 173 174 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '48 Squama of femur I as shown in fig. 6A. Other details as in the female. Type material. — Female holotype and male allotype from Rattus norvegicus collected at San Juan (Santurce), Puerto Rico, during 1947. Remarks. — This species is similar to L. kramcri (C. & B.) from which it differs particularly in the shape of the genital plate. LITERATURE CITED LUDWIG, R. G. and H. P. NICHOLSON, 1947. The control of rat ecto- parasites with DDT. U. S. Pub. Health Serv. Rpts. 62: 77-84. NICHOLSON, H. P. and T. B. GAINES, 1948. A comparison of the effec- tiveness of 5 and 10 per cent DDT dusts for the control of rat fleas. U. S. Public Health Serv. Rpts. 63: 129-136. Personal Doctor CHARLES D. MICHENER, formerly as Associate Cura- tor at the American Museum of Natural History, has been appointed as Associate Professor of Entomology at the Uni- versity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. His duties include teach- ing in the Department of Entomology, and he expects to con- tinue his morphological studies, taxonomic and evolutionary investigations on the saturniid moths and on bees, as well as certain studies on behavior in the social insects. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 175 Remarks on a Few Scarabaeidae (Coleoptera) By MARK ROBINSON, Springfield, Pennsylvania The specimens studied during the writing of this paper are in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- delphia or in the collection of the author. Phanaeus (Coprophanaeus) chiriquensis d'Olsoufieff 1924. Phanaeus chiriquensis d'Olsoufieff, Insecta Rennes, 13, p. 73. A nice series of this species was collected by Raymond Bliss at Corozal, Canal Zone, in May 1937. This species was de- scribed from the female and as the male apparently has never been described the following remarks may help to distinguish this sex. Male: Identical with the female externally, with the follow- ing exceptions : The transverse, raised, trituberculate process on the head has the median tubercle elongate. This tubercle is as high above the outer tubercles as they are above the surface of the head. The posterior edge of the median, smooth area on the thorax has a bituberculate process, pointing forward. On either side of the median smooth area is a smooth depression. The raised edge on the anterior margin of the thorax in the female is obsolete in the male. The male sex of this species is probably most closely related to milon Blanchard. From the latter species it can be sepa- rated by the difference in shape of the thoracic process and the fact that the median tubercle on the head is not swelled to the rear as it is in milon. In addition, the wing-shaped process on the male genitalia tips is concave in milon and flat in chiri- quensis. The specimen used as the basis of this description is designated the allotype and is labeled Corozal, Canal Zone, May 14, 1937 (R. Bliss). 176 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [July, '48 Onthophagus hopfneri Harold , ...,,. 1869. Onthophagus Jiopfneri Harold, Ann. Soc. Ent. Fr., p. 512. 1880. Onthophagus landolti Harold, Stett. Ent. Zeit., p. 34. 1909. Ontlwphagus arizoncnsis Schaeffer; Bull. '.Brook. Ins.. p. 382. ,. .vtl., 1914. Onthophagus te.ranus Schaeffer, Journ. N. Y. Ent. .Soc.. XXII. p. 299. The form landolti was described from material collected in Columbia and Venezuela while Jiopfneri was described from Vera Cruz, Mexico. The two forms described from ' the United States are from the respective states implied in their names. This species of Onthophagus is extremely variable in size, color and various other characters used by the above authors to distinguish the various forms as specific. The form landolti seems to differ from hopfneri in no other character .except in being larger and darker in color. Schaeffer in his remarks un- der the description of arisonensis states: "it differs ..(from landolti), however, by coloration, the much less elongated front tibiae of the male and the much less prominent genae." , Schaef- fer continues by stating: "Judging from the description, 0. hopfneri Har. from Mexico seems to resemble the. above de- scribed species very closely in coloration but has the head of the male bicarinate as in the female and no median thoracic lobe. This is often the case in feebly developed males and it may be possible that 0. arisonensis is the fully developed form of O. hopfneri." Schaeffer's remarks after describing te.vanns are: "Judging from Bates' remarks in the Biologia 0. landolti is a variable species in Mexico and Central America and it is possible that the above described form is only a color variation of landolti. However, my material shows no intermediate forms and the specimens are either referable to landolti or texanus." My own series of specimens is quite large and includes ma- terial collected at El Valle, Canal Zone ; Jalapa and Sonora. Mexico ; Brownsville, Texas ; Nogales and Baboquivaria Moun- tains, Arizona. Included in the series are cotypes of te.ram rtl r— 00 *-> iu qj .— Hi X W and 7 ?? are in the collection of Stallings and Turner and the remaining 9 J'J1 and 6 55 are in the collection of the author. This new species appears to be related to hianna Scud, and deva (Edw.). The general coloration and maculation are very much like that of deva, but it differs from that species in its smaller size. Turneri differs from hianna in being grey instead of brown and there is more of an even grey coloration on the under surface of the secondaries than is present in hianna. The submesial row of spots in turneri is greatly reduced from that of hianna. The fringes and palpi are also lighter in turneri than they are in hianna. Cobalus percosius G. & S. Hoffmann states on page 276 of his Hesperioidea that percos- ius occurs in Mexico in the vicinity of Vera Cruz. On No- vember 28, 1947, the writer caught a J1 specimen of this species in Brownsville, Texas. While on a collecting trip with Mr. Otto Buchholz between Brownsville and Southmost, Texas, April 4, 1948, we caught 40 specimens of this species, 35 <$<$, and 5$?. Three days later (April 7, 1948) Otto Buchholz went back to this spot again and caught 7 J* J\ and 3 55, making a total of 50 specimens collected in a three-day period. This species is native to that particular habitat and the specimens were collected off thistles and evening primroses. This establishes another new skipper record for our North American list, as previously no members of the genus Cobalus have been recorded from the United States. lix, '48 1 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 207 Undescribed Species of Crane-Flies from the West- ern United States and Canada (Dipt.: Tipulidae) Part X By CHARLES P. ALEXANDER, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts The preceding part under this title was published in ENTO- MOLOGICAL NEWS, 59: 121-128, 1948. At this time I am de- scribing various new species from Arizona, virtually all from the White Mountains in the Apache National Forest. From June 20 to 25, 1947, we were encamped on the South Fork of the Little Colorado River, where we enjoyed and profited greatly by the companionship of John and Grace Sperry. With the Sperrys we visited and collected at various places in the north- ern part of the White Mountains, particularly at and near Greer, Alpine and Coulter's Ranch, chiefly at altitudes between 8000 and 9000 feet. The types of the novelties are preserved in my collection of these flies. Limnophila (Phylidorea) semifacta new species Mesonotum black, sparsely pruinose; mesopleura black, the propleura and metapleura obscure yellow ; antennae black throughout ; femora black, the bases yellow ; wings with a weak brown tinge, the margins a trifle darker than the disk; stigma oval, pale brown ; abdomen yellow, the lateral portions darker ; segment eight dark brown, forming a narrow ring ; male hypo- pygium with the outer dististyle slender, unequally bidentate at tip ; outer gonapophyses appearing as strong blackened blades, narrowed at tip into a strong spine. J\ Length about 11 mm.; wing 10 mm. Rostrum and palpi black. Antennae black throughout ; basal flagellar segments a trifle produced on lower face, the outer seg- ments more elongate ; intermediate segments subequal in length to their verticils. Head uniformly gray. Pronotum dark gray pruinose. Mesonotum black, sparsely pruinose, the humeral and lateral borders of the praescutum 208 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '48 restrictedly obscure brownish yellow ; pseudosutural foveae brownish black ; scutellum brown, the sides and the parascutella obscure yellow ; mediotergite pruinose, pleurotergite brownish yellow. Pleura with the mesopleura brownish black, pruinose, the propleura and metapleura obscure yellow. Halteres with stem pale yellow, knob infuscated. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow; femora black, the bases yellow, involving about the proximal fourth; remainder of legs brownish black to black, the tibiae and basitarsi brownish black. Wings with a weak brownish tinge, the costal, apical and posterior regions a very little darker than the disk ; stigma oval, pale brown ; pre- arcular field brighter yellow ; veins dark brown, yellow in tlte prearcular area. Venation : Sc t ending shortly before the fork of Rs, Sc2 long, ending shortly beyond the fork of Rs, R2+3+4 a little longer than the basal section of vein R5 ; m-cu at or just before midlength of cell 1st M2. Abdominal tergites obscure brownish yellow, darker laterally ; sternites clearer yellow, similarly patterned ; eighth segment darker brown to form a narrow subterminal ring ; hypopygium obscure yellow. Male hypopygium with the tergite terminating in two slender lobes, directed caudad, separated by a much broader notch. Basistyle on mesal face produced into a micro- scopic tubercle. Outer dististyle a slender rod, blackened and unequally bidentate at apex, the smaller subterminal spine be- ing on the outer margin. Inner dististyle with the basal half stout, the outer half abruptly narrowed into a slender lobe. Phallosome with the aedeagus small, slender, the subtending apophyses subequal in length and size. Outer apophyses ap- pearing as strong blackened blades, the tips narrowed into a stout black spine, these spines slightly divergent. Habitat. — ARIZONA. Holotypc: £, White Mountains, near Greer, 8400 feet, June 21, 1947 (C. P. Alexander). Limnophila costata Coquillett (Psyche, 9: 149, 1901) was described from a single female specimen, collected by the late Professor T. D. A. Cockerell in the Hudsonian Zone of the range between the Pecos and Sapello Rivers, northwest of Las Vegas, New Mexico, at an altitude of about 1 1 ,000 feet, August 1—4, 1900. This is still known only from this unique type which lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 209 agrees with the present fly in the elongate vein 6Vj arid in other details of venation but differs in the coloration of the body, an- tennae, legs and wings. Gonomyia (Idiocera) biacus new species J1. Length about 5 mm. ; wing 5 mm. Allied to coloradica Alexander, differing chiefly in the struc- ture of the male hypopygium. Outer or forked dististyle with the short lateral branch stout, oval in outline. Third dististyle a simple blackened rod, gradually narrowed to the acute gently curved tip. Inner dististyle with the outer spine small and but slightly developed. Aedeagus with the lateral apical spines very long and powerful, approximately four times as long as the central protruding penis-guard, the spines lying generally paral- lel to one another ; setae along face of aedeagus relatively sparse and scattered. Particular attention is called to the differences in the third dististyle and the aedeagus. Habitat. — ARIZONA. Holotype: J\ Chiricahua Mts., along small stream below Rustler's Park, 7000 feet, June 5, 1942 (C. P. Alexander). Gonomyia (Idiocera) sperryana new species Size large (wing, male, 7 mm. or over) ; mesonotum gray, the praescutum with two narrow brown lines that diverge be- hind, extending over the scutal lobes ; pleura conspicuously striped longitudinally with gray and yellow ; knobs of halteres infuscated ; femora yellow, darkened outwardly ; wings whitish subhyaline, restrictedly patterned with brown; sternites yellow, with a broad sublateral black stripe, broken at the posterior borders of the segments ; male hypopygium with the lobe of the basistyle obtuse at tip; outer dististyle with the branches very unequal, the outer a slender spine, the inner a broad triangular blade ; second style a strong black rod, nearly parallel-sided, at tip narrowed into a short point ; inner style dilated, the inner margin notched ; apex of aedeagus simple, decurved. JV Length about 6-7 mm. ; wing 7-8.2 mm. 9. Length about 7.5 mm. ; wing 8 mm. 210 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '48 Rostrum and palpi black. Antennae with scape yellow, pedi- cel and first flagellar segment pale basally, darkened at tips ; remainder of flagellum black, the segments oval with short verti- cils. Head above yellow, the center of vertex darkened ; pos- terior parts of head more brownish gray. Pronotum gray medially, the sides and the pretergites light yellow. Mesonotum gray, the praescutum with two narrow brown lines that diverge behind, crossing the suture over the scutal lobes ; humeral region restrictedly yellow ; scutellum with a pair of brown spots ; postnotum gray, the dorsal pleurotergite yellow, extended behind onto the sides of the mediotergite. Pleura dark gray, conspicuously striped longitudinally with light yellow, including the dorsopleural region and a more ven- tral stripe from the fore coxae to the abdomen ; sternopleurite darkened. Halteres yellow, knobs infuscated. Legs with the fore and middle coxae light yellow, the posterior pair more ob- scure yellow ; trochanters yellow ; femora yellow, darkened at outer end, the extreme tip, in cases, slightly paler ; tibiae brown, the tips and the tarsi black. Wings whitish subhyaline, re- strictedly patterned with brown, including small spots at Sc2, origin of Rs, cord and outer fork of media ; stigma infuscated ; a brown wash in outer ends of cells Rs and R4 ; veins dark brown, Sc paler. Venation : Apical fusion of veins R1 + 2 and R.^ rela- tively extensive ; m-cu more than its own length before the fork of M. Abdominal tergites dark brown, the caudal borders of the segments narrowly yellow, the lateral margins more narrowly so ; pleural membrane yellow ; sternites yellow, with a broad sub- lateral black stripe, broken at the posterior borders of the seg- ments; hypopygium chiefly yellow. Male hypopygium with the outer lobe of basistyle relatively small, the apex obtuse, with long setae. Outer or branched dististyle with the arms very unequal, the outer one a slender spine, the inner a broad tri- angular blade ; second style a strong black rod, nearly parallel- sided, at tip narrowed into a short point ; third style a very weak pale rod, the shortest of the four styles or branches ; inner style narrowed at base, dilated outwardly, the inner margin notched or lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 211 emarginate, forming a small basal lobe and a large outer blade. Apex of aedeagus simple, decurved. Habitat. — ARIZONA. Holotype: <$, Alpine, White Moun- tains, 8400 feet, June 23, 1947 (C. P. Alexander). Allotopo- type: $. Paratopotypcs: ffi (Alexander and Sperry). I take unusual pleasure in naming this fine species for the Sperrys, who collected part of the type series. This is by far the largest member of the subgenus in the Nearctic fauna. It is most similar to Gonomyia (Idioccra} proscrpina Alexander, differing in the size and in the structure of the male hypopygium. • Gonomyia (Gonomyia) filiformis new species General coloration of mesonotum dark brownish gray ; pleuro- tergite and pleura yellow, the latter restrictedly patterned with light brown ; rostrum yellow ; antennae black throughout ; halteres elongate ; wings long and narrow ; Sc short, Scl ending close to the origin of Rs; male hypopygium with the outer dististyle an elongate blackened club that is provided with abundant long black setae ; inner dististyle with the usual spine weak and only feebly chitinized ; aedeagus long and slender, the tip simple, slightly decurved ; apophyses apparently lacking. J1. Length about 5-5.2 mm. ; wing 6.5-7 mm. Rostrum yellow ; palpi black. Antennae black throughout, relatively long ; basal flagellar segments long-oval, the outer ones more slender and lengthened, subcylindrical, exceeding the verticils in length. Head above dark gray, yellow beneath. Pronotum yellow, narrowly infuscated medially; pretergites light yellow. Mesonotal praescutum and scutum dark brownish gray, unpatterned ; median region of scutum obscure yellow, the posterior parts of the lobes clearer yellow ; scutellum brown, the posterior border broadly obscure yellow ; mediotergite dark brown, pruinose, the sides and the pleurotergite yellow. Pleura yellow, restrictedly patterned with reddish brown or light brown on the anepisternum and ventral sternopleurite. Halteres elon- gate, stem yellow, knob infuscated. Legs with the coxae and trochanters yellow ; femora and tibiae brownish yellow, the tips weakly darkened ; tarsi passing into brownish black. Wings 212 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Oct., '48 long and narrow, grayish subhyaline, the prearcular field paler ; stigma small, pale brown, scarcely evident ; veins brown. Vena- tion: Sc short, Sci ending opposite or just beyond the origin of Rs, Sc.2 at its extreme tip ; Rs a trifle longer than R2 + 3 + 4 ; m-cu variable in position, from just before the fork of M to about op- posite one-fifth the length of cell 1st Mz. Abdomen slender; tergites brown, the borders of the outer segments narrowly yellow ; sternites obscure yellow ; hypopygium yellow, the outer ends of the dististyles conspicuously blackened. Male hypopygium with the outer lobe of the basistyle relatively small, long-oval, with a fringe of strong setae on outer end. Outer dististyle an elongate darkened club that is provided with unusually numerous and conspicuous black setae. Inner disti- style erect, the usual spine weak, feebly chitinized and hence little evident, appressed to the main body of style, its tip narrowly ob- tuse ; style terminating in two unequal fasciculate setae, its apex produced into an acute pale point. Aedeagus long and slender, the tip simple, slightly decurved ; apophyses lacking or fused with the basal half of the aedeagus. Habitat. — ARIZONA. Holotype: J\ Greer, White Moun- tains. 8800 feet, June 22, 1947 (C. P. Alexander). Paratopo- types: Several <&?, June 21-22, 1947 (Alexander). The most similar regional species is Gonomyia (Gonomyia) filicauda Alexander, which has the outer dististyle of the male hypopygium somewhat as in the present fly. The actual re- lationship between the two is probably not close since the struc- ture of the aedeagus is quite distinct in the two flies. Erioptera (Empeda) perflavens new species General coloration reddish yellow; head above light gray; halteres and legs yellow ; wings uniformly pale yellow, the veins pale; Scl ending about opposite three-fifths the length of Rs; male hypopygium with the outer dististyle unequally bifid, the outer arm longest. J1. Length about 4.6-4.8 mm. ; wing 5.4-5.5 mm. Rostrum yellow; palpi brownish black. Antennae with the scape yellow, pedicel brownish black; basal flagellar segments lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 213 pale brown, the outer ones somewhat darker. Head with front yellow, the posterior part of head light gray. General coloration of the entire thorax pale reddish yellow, unpatterned, the sparse vestiture pale. Halteres pale yellow. Legs yellow, the outer tarsal segments brownish black ; legs with scattered dark setae and smaller pale linear scale-like setae. Wings uniformly pale yellow, the veins a trifle darker yellow, difficult to see against the ground. Venation : Sct ending about opposite three-fifths the length of Rs, Sc.2 close to its tip ; R., + :! ^ 4 about one-half longer than R.2 ; vein R3 arcuated at origin, about half as long as R4 ; petiole of cell M 3 subequal to the more sinu- ous m-cu, the latter shortly before or close to the fork of M. Abdominal tergites brownish yellow, the sternites and hypo- pygium clearer yellow. Male hypopygium with the outer disti- style unequally bifid, the outer arm longest, gently curved on the outer third ; inner blade shorter, expanded at apex into a tri- angular head, the inner apical angle somewhat more pointed. Inner dististyle a straight flattened blade, its apex obtusely rounded. Habitat. — ARIZONA. Holotypc: $, White Mountains, Coul- ter's Ranch, 9200 feet, June 24, 1948 (C. P. Alexander). Paratopotypcs: 1 Boophilns decoloratus (Koch), vector of two protozoon diseases of cattle caused by Babcsia l>iect> which remain ac- tive up to the onset of snow and cold weather. Warm weatluT. which might have induced some insects to come out, was at no time experienced and the temperature remained in the 30° 's and low 40°'s (Fahrenheit ). (253) FEB23 |94B 254 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 The period was thus particularly appropriate for determining those insects adapted to activity in weather comparatively cold for poikilothermic, or cold-blooded animals. Others which take advantage of brief spells of warm weather to telescope their activity into a few short days or weeks were unavoidably missed as adults. The general nature of the Alaskan Arctic insect fauna, however, could readily be estimated. The great majority of the visible insects not only at this time but at all seasons undoubtedly belong to the Order Diptera, or flies, which are readily distinguished from other insects by possessing two wings instead of the customary four. Not only are they conspicuous but their role is of primary importance. The nuisance value of the mosquitoes, of which a few males still remained, is universally appreciated and the harassment of the mammals by them is more than a nuisance. Flesh flies or blow- flies feed on carrion which decomposes slowly in this cold climate. The botfly (Ocdcmagcna tarandi L.) which develops in caribou and during other times of the year may render the skins of little value to the Eskimos was not present on its host at this late date, nor was the larval botfly (Cephenomyia) which lives in the caribou nasal passage earlier in the year. Other Diptera constituted the majority of the readily visible adult insects and, as immature stages, were the commonest insects in fresh water. Larval Diptera (Calliphoridae) were present in animal carcasses lying on the exposed tundra though their development must have been slow because of the low temperatures. In some instances they were feeding amid frost crystals. It is probable that an hour or more of calm, sunny weather would warm these carcasses sufficiently to accelerate development even to the adult stage this late in the season. In the Point Barrow construction camp small flies (Lcptoccra fontinatis Fall, and Copromysa sp.) lived in the mess hall and were the only "domestic" insects established in this area. The common house flies were not present though permanently heated buildings may sooner or later permit them to become established unless insecticides are regularly used. At the other end of the insect scale, the primitive Collembola ranked with the Diptera in abundance in the tundra. Their role is of considerable importance, though difficult to evaluate readily. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 255 These tiny, wingless insects, which are commonly called "spring- tails" from their habit of leaping like fleas by means of an ab- dominal appendage on the under side of the body, are present in vast numbers on and in the tundra. They feed upon dead or decaying organic matter as well as on living algae and fungi and appear to be at the bottom of the animal series of a food chain. Since they are fed upon by larger animals which in turn form the food of still larger animals, they are an important link in transforming the tundra into food for higher forms of life. It is these Collembola and Corrodentia, or bark lice, which are probably responsible for the stories of "snow-fleas" in Green- land and other Arctic areas where they are found actively walk- ing, leaping and burrowing on or in snow. In addition, small species of Diptera and larger Plecoptera, or stoneflies, walk- about on the snow. Next to Diptera and Collembola related arthropods, the Arachnida, or spiders and their allies, appear to be of importance. Though not insects they are commonly considered with them. Spiders are abundant on the tundra where they prey on in- sects or other small animals. Mites occur with Collembola in great numbers in the tundra and perhaps play a somewhat similar role as scavengers. Centipedes (of the related Chilopoda) found at Anaktuvuk Pass in the Brooks Range may be near the northern limit of this class of arthropods. As pollinators of the numerous flowering plants of the tundra, along with flies, the bumblebees (Hymenoptera). including Bombus inoderahts Cr., have a certain importance. Other Hy- menoptera include a few parasitic forms and a social wasp (Vespula norveyica alblda Sladen). The northernmost rec- ord of ants in the New \Yorld is of Leftothora.v accrronun canadcnsis Prov. taken by Dr. P. F. Scholander in Latitude 69° 22' North at Umiat within the Alaskan Arctic region. As food for fresh-water fishes, second to larvae of Diptera, the larvae of the neuropteroids, Perlidae (Plecoptera) and Trichop- tera or Caddis flies, including Grcnsia practcrita (\Yalker). are important. They were active in streams at a near freezing tem- perature up to the time of my departure in late August at 256 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 Anaktuvuk Pass. Dr. Irving took imagoes of the Grensia ac- tive on the ice over a month later in Latitude 70° 54' North. These and dipterous larvae probably remain active as long as there is water and, as the water freezes downward, hibernate in the bottom mud in an immature state. Coleoptera or beetles are not uncommon and appear to be mostly of the carabid type. A single weevil was seen at the end of summer. Also at this late date the parasitic Siphonaptera or fleas were not abundant on the ground squirrels (Citcllus parryii barrowensis Merriam), foxes and other mammals though re- ported by the Eskimos to be more numerous in the Spring as are the parasitic Diptera. Significantly, the Eskimo dogs appear to l)e free of ticks and fleas. The custom of tethering them sepa- rately and the cold climate are not conducive to infestation. Lice (Anoplura — Antarctophthirus trichcchi Boheman) were taken on the walrus and reported from seals. The Mallophaga, parasites mostly on birds, also appear to be scarce on their hosts at this late time of year. An unusual species (Trichodcctcs me phi fid is Osborn) was taken on the Arctic weasel (Must da arctica arctica Merriam). Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths) had nearly all disappeared except for a few densely hairy cater- pillars crawling sluggishly on the snowy tundra. Aphids (Ho- moptera) and true bugs (Hemiptera) were scarce. Other orders of insects occur but had mostly disappeared by late summer in the areas visited. In summary, those insects of primary importance from the standpoint of numbers and biological role appear to be the nu- merous species of Diptera, conspicuous to everyone, and the lowly Collembola which are seldom seen unless appearing as "snow-fleas" on the snow. Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera have specialized roles as do insects of a few other orders. Social insects, the most numerous terrestrial animals in the tropics, are almost absent, though a study of the farthest north stragglers might prove of special interest. In conclusion it may be stated fairly that the opportunities are great for the study of insects in the Alaskan Arctic. The adap- tation of insects to the climate and the telescoping of the activity of most forms into a brief period in the summer combined with lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 257 a long period of hibernation present many unsolved problems. Since the insect fauna is practically unknown, intensive and ex- tensive collecting will add materially to present knowledge on the distribution of many species. The Arctic Research Labora- tory now established at Point Barrow on the coast of the Arctic Sea offers for the first time facilities for investigations on these and other problems. Evening Flight Habits of a Male Tabanid ' BY LYLE E. HAGMANN, GEORGE W. BARBER,- ELEANOR B. STARNES and ORDWAY STARNES, Department of Ento- mology, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N. J. During the first week of August, 1948, one of the authors ob- served dead males of Tabainis gigantcus DeGeer (determined by L. L. Pechuman) along the edge of a country road in Middle- bush, New Jersey, in numbers sufficient to indicate that certain of their flights took place above the road in such a way that they were struck and killed by automobiles. Sufficient preliminary observation was made to show that these flights probably oc- curred in the evening. Therefore, observations were made on about y± mile of a gravel road from August 10 to 12. This road was bordered on each side by dense woods, many of the largest trees being from 50 to 60 feet high. On August 10 the males were seen to hover over the road be- tween 7:20 and 8:10 P.M. (E.D.S. time). Each remained in one position for several minutes but darted off swiftly if dis- turbed. That the flies were active well into twilight was shown in that very soon after they disappeared on this date bats were observed above the road. On August 11 they were observed hovering between 7 :20 and 7 :40 P.M. At the latter hour rain began to fall and seemingly prevented their further flight. On 1 Journal Series Paper of the New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station, Rutgers University, Department of Entomology. - We regret to report that Dr. Barber died on December 6, following a heart attack. This article was submitted by him to ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS on October 11, 1948. 258 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 August 12 they were seen to hover from 7:40 to 8:00 P.M. Although they were usually hovering from 2 to 5 feet above the road, some were observed up to 20 feet. Careful watch before and after the stated hours showed that no flies were hovering then. When hovering they were captured rather easily and on the dates mentioned 34, 24, and 20 respectively were taken and many others were seen. On the first mentioned date one pair was observed to mate. The male struck the female and connection was made in flight, after which the pair attached to a leaf, one holding firm thereto while the other hung motionless below. Females of this species were observed feeding on cattle in a pasture several miles distant but no males were seen in the vicin- ity. The road where males were observed was located between a possible breeding area and a herd of cows. It seemed prob- able that the males lay in wait for the females which were re- turning, after a blood meal, to the breeding ground. The hovering habit appeared to be restricted to the period just before darkness when the temperature was falling, and its pur- pose may have been to maintain the body temperature of the males sufficiently to enable them to make the rapid flights neces- sary to overtake the females at this time. A Third Species in the Chelodesmid Genus Semionellus (Diplopoda) By RALPH V. CHAMBERLIN, University of Utah The type of a new species of Semionellus, established by the author for Lcptodesmus placid-us Wood, was noted in the routine examination of a collection of millipeds and chilopods made by Stanley and Dorothea Mulaik near Kerrville, Texas, in 1939 and now in the author's collection at the University of Utah. Semionellus inicJiiganus (Chamberlin). described originally un- der Chonaphe, was previously (1946) found. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 259 Semionellus tertius new species Chestnut brown above, with the thickened borders of the keels yellow. Legs brownish yellow. Antennae and cauda chestnut brown. Semionellus tcrtiits n. sp. FIG. 1. Left gonopod of male, ventral view. FIG. 2. The same, ectal view. In the gonopods of the male the characteristic subflagelliform spine of the telepodite is much shorter than in either of the pre- viously known species ; also the terminal lobes are obviously dif- ferent as shown in the accompanying figures. Width, 4.2 mm. Locality: TEXAS, near Kerrville (?). One male taken by S. and D. Mulaik, 1939. A somewhat smaller form than the two species previously known and than the species of Chonaphe, a closely related genus of the Pacific Coast region. 260 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 Current Entomological Literature COMPILED BY RAYMOND Q. BLISS AND R. G. SCHMIEDER. Under the above head it is intended to note papers received at the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania, pertaining to the Entomology of the Americas (North and South), including Arachnida and Myriopoda. Articles irrele- vant to American entomology will not be noted; but contributions to anatomy, physiology and embryology of insects, however, whether relating to American or exotic species will be recorded. This list gives references of the year 1948 unless otherwise noted. Continued papers, with few exceptions, are recorded only at their first installment. For other records of general literature and for economic literature, see the Bibliog- raphy of Agriculture, Washington. Also Review of Applied Entomology, Series A, London. For records of papers on Medical Entomology, see Review of Applied Entomology, Series B. NOTE: The figures within brackets [ ] refer to the journal in which the paper ap- peared, as numbered in the List of periodicals and serials published in our January and June issues. The number of the volume, and in some cases, the part, heft, &c. is followed by a colon (:). References to papers containing new forms or names not so stated in titles are followed by (*): if containing keys are followed by (k) ; papers pertaining ex- clusively to Neotropical species, and not so indicated in the title, have the symbol (S). Papers published in ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS are not listed. GENERAL— Breland, O. P. — Why not check the litera- ture more carefully? [18] 43: 132-34. Carpenter, F. M.- The supposed nymphs of the Palaeodictyoptera. [73] 55 : 41-50, ill. A Permian insect from Texas. Ibid.: 101-03 (*). Collin, J. E. — On the interpretation of Article 31 of the International Rules of Nomenclature. [28] 84: 235-36. Filho e Pereira — Comportamento da humidade em recipi- entes de barro porosa para a criaqao de arthropodos. [Papeis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo] 8: 123-26, ill. Grant, C. — Transmetamorphic memory vs. instinct. [39] 38: 46-47. Spirit. Ibid.: 48, 1946. Ghigi, A.— La specie. [Scientia] 42: 175-81. Hovanitz, W. — Ecological segre- gation of inter-fertile species of Colias. [26] 29: 461-69. Johnson, F. H. — Bioluminescence : a reaction rate tool. [81] 67: 225-35. Kretzschmar, G. P. — Soybean insects in Minnesota with special reference to sampling techniques. [37] 41: 586-91. Linsley, E. G.— Obituary, Theodore D. A. Cockerell. [18] 43: 116-18. Meiners, E. P.— Mary Esther Murtfeldt (1839-1913) (Biogr. with portrait). [Lep. News] 2: 83. Olsen, C. E. — Memories of early visits to J. R. de la Torre-Bueno and his bug sanctuary. [18] 43: 135-37. Paulian, R. — Notion, limites et impor- tance des niches ecologiques. [Rev. Fran, D'Ent.] 15: 161-65. Remington, J. E.— Alfred Jefferis Turner (1861- 1947) (Obit, with portrait). [Lep. News] 2: 82. Sher- man, J. D., Jr. — Books, pamphlets and serials about insects and spiders. Catalogue No. 62, Nov. 1948. Sweadner, W. R. — Important collections. 1. Carnegie lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 261 Museum. [Lep. News] 2: 80. Swinton, W. E. — Notes for students. III. Type specimens. [Museums Jour., London] 48: 72-73. Williams, C. B— The Rothamstead light-trap. [68] 23: 80-85, ill. Zikan, J. F. and W. Zikan — A inseto fauna do Itatiaia e da Mantiqueira. [Minist. da Agric. serv. Florestal] 1946: 1-50. Zikan, W. and P. W. Wygodzinsky — Cataogo dos tipos de insetos da Institute de Ecologia e Experimentagao Agricolas. [Bol. Serv. Nac. Pesq. Agron., Rio de Janeiro] No. 4: 1-93. ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, MEDICAL— Abeloos, M. — fitude comparative de la croissance deux especies de Timarche (Chrysomel.). [Trav. Sta. Zool. Wimereux] 13: 1-16, 1938. 'Anderson, E. J.— Hive humidity and its effect upon wintering bees. [37] 41 : 608-16. Anderson, R. F. — Host selection by the pine engraver (Ipid.). [37] 41 : 596-602. Beier, M. — Zur Kenntnis von Korperbau und Lebensweise der Helminen (Dryop.). [112] 24: 123-211. Berrie and Sansome — Wild population studies ; Drosoph- ila funebris near Manchester. [Jour. Genetics] 49: 151- 52, ill. Bettini, S. — Contribute allo studio della resistenza all'azione del DDT nelle mosche domestiche. [Riv. de Parasit.] 9: 137-42. Bird, M. J. — Genetics and cytology of Drosophila subobscura. V. The genital abnormalities associated with the sex-linked recessive crossveinless. [Jour. Genetics] 49: 141-50. Burnside and Revell— Ob- servations on nosema disease of honey bees. [37] 41 : 603-07. Burr, M. — Are ants attracted to bright colors? [29] 60: 95. Buyckx, E. J. E. — Recherches sur un dryinide, Aphelopus indivisus, parasite de cicadines. [La Cellule] 52 (1): 61-155 & 11 PI. Carayon, J. — Les organes para- stigmatiques des Hemipteres (Nabidae). [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris] 227: 864-66. Carrera e Filho — Dados morfo- logicos e bionomicos sobre Hylemyia poeciloptera mina- dora das folhas de beterraba (Beta vulgaris). [Papeis Avulsos. Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo 8: 49-62. Chen, S-Y.- Action de la temperature sur trois mutants a panachure de Drosophila melanogaster w-r's~ls, wmr> et z. [Bull. Biol. Fr. et Belg.] 82: 114-29. Cheo, C. C.— Notes on fungus- growring termites in Yunnan, China. [Lloydia] 11: 139— 47. Clark and Grosch — Fat cell size in the mutant small- wings of Habrobracon. [12] 95: 264. Corradetti, A.— Osservazioni sulle preferenze alimentori dell' Anopheles pseudopunctipennis e dell'A. punctimacula nel Peru. | Riv. di Parasit.] 9: 129-35. Deleurance, E.-P. — Le comporte- ment reproducteur est independent de la presence des 262 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 ovaires chez Polistes (Vespid.). [C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris] 227 : 866-67. Dupuis, C. — Remarques sur le mode de spe- cifite parasitaire des Phasiinae (Larvaevorid). [Bull. Biol. Fr. et Belg.] 82: 130-40. Gary and Nelson — Serological evidence of resistance of larvae and workers (Apis) to Bacillus larvae. [37] 41 : 661-63. Goetsch, W.— For- schungsreisen in Sitdamerika zum Studium der Insekten- Staaten. [Jenaische Zeitsch. Med. Naturwiss.] 1942: 128- 54. Goustard, M. — Inhibition de la photonegativite par le gressage chez Blatella. [C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris] 227: 785-86. Grasse, P.-P. et C. Noirot — La "climatization" de la Termitiere par ses habitants et le transport de 1'eau. [C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris] 227: 869-71. Grosch, D. S.- Growth in Habrobracon. [Growth] 12: 243-54. Guare- schi, C. — Richerche sperimenali sulla Epilachna chrysol- melina. [Pontifica Acad. Sci., Comm.] XI (5) : 157-204, ill., 1947. Haydak, M. H. — Notes on biology of cyclopic bees. [37] 41 : 663-64. Heal and Menusan — A technique for the blood stream injection of insects and it application in tests of certain insecticides. [37] 41 : 535-45. Heinze, K. — Das pflanzliche Virus im Ubertager. [Natur u. Volk, Ber. Senck. Naturf. Gesell.] 78: 65-74. Kalmus and Smith —Production of pure lines in bees. [Jour. Genetics] 49: 153-58. Keister, M. L. — The morphogenesis of the tracheal system of Sciara. [44] 83: 373-424, ill. Lamy, R.— The genetic basis of sterility in some Drosophila hybrids. [Jour. Genetics] 49: 120-25. Lawrence, R. F. — Studies on some parasitic mites from Canada and South Africa. [46] 34: 364-79 (k*). Le Calvez, J.— In (3R)SSAr: mutation "aristopedia" heterozygote dominant, homozygote lethal chez Drosophila melanogaster. [Bull. Biol. Fr. et Belg.] 82: 97-113. McClung, C. E.— The apical cell of the insect testis — a possible function. [Trav. Sta. Zool. Wimereux] 13: 437-43, ill., 1938. Nichols, W. C. G. and J.— A study of the blood of some Crustacea. [44] 83: 425-43. Pryor, M. G. M. — Mouth parts and feeding habits of Blepharo- ceridae (Dipt.). [68] 23: 67-70, ill. Querner, H.— Unter- suchungen iiber die Fliigelform der Mehlmotte Ephestia kuhniella, insbesondere den Faktor kfl (kurzflugelig). [Biol. Zentral.] 67: 293-319. Ray, D. T— Dominant lethals induced by x-rays in sperm of the chalcidoid wasp Nasonia brevicornis. [12] 95: 257-58. Ricci, M.— Sull'- azione del DDT su Blatta orientalis. [Riv. di Parasit.] 9: 143-67. Richards, O. W. — The interaction of environ- mental and genetic factors in determining the weight of lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 263 grain weevils, Calandra granaria (Curclionid). [72] 118: 49-81. Rings and Weaver — Effects of benezene hexa- chloride and DDT upon parasitization of the oriental fruit moth. [37] 41 : 566-69. Scudamore, H. H. — Factors in- fluencing moulting- and the sexual cycles in the crayfish. [12] 95: 229-37. Scharrer, B.— The prothoracic glands of Leucophaea maderae (Blattid.). [12] 95: 186-98. Sher- man, M. — Relative toxicity of the isomers of benzene hexa- chloride to several insects. [37] 41 : 575-83. Siang-Hsu, W. — Some observations on the Golgi material in the larval epidermal cells of Drosophial melanogaster. [12] 95: 163- 68. Smith, R. I. — The role of the sinus glands in retinal pigment migration in grapsoid crabs. [12] 95: 169-85. Spurway, H. — Genetics and cytology of Drosophila sub- obscura. IV. An extreme example of delay in gene action, causing sterility. [Jour. Genetics] 49: 126^-40. Stekler, B. L. — The use of diethylstilbesterol in the production of eye mutations in Drosophila melanogaster. [12] 95: 258. Toumanoff, C. — Le gynandromorphisme et 1'action des rayons x sur Carausius morosus. [Trav. Sta. Zool. Wi- mereux] 13: 665-89, 1938. Vandel, A.- La partheno- genese geographique. III. Sur quelques cas de parth. geogr. observes chez les Dipteres. [Trav. Sta. Zool. \Yi- mereux] 13: 691-98, 1938. Viette, P.— Morphologic des genitalia males des Lepidopteres. [Rev. Franc. D'Ent.] 15: 141-61. Whiting, A. R. — Method of origin of andro- genetic males in Habrobracon. [12] 95: 259. Whiting and Blauch — The genetic block to free oviposition in the chalcidoid wasp Melittobia sp. [12] 95 : 243-44. Williams and Sanborn — The cytochrome system in relation to dia- pause and development in the Cecropia silkworm. [12] 95 : 282-83. Wright, M. — Notes on swarming of certain species of insects (Ephem., Neuropt., Dipt.) [47] 23: 255-58. ARACHNIDA AND MYRIOPODA— Anastos, G.— Ac- cidental parasitism of a tick by a tick. [73] 55: 36-37. Baker and Strandtmann — Myrmonyssus chapmani, a new species of hypoaspid mite (Laelapt.). [46] 34: 386-88. Bristowe, W. S. — Spiders of the Arctic island of Jan Mayen. [72] 118: 223-25. Bryant, E. B.— Some spiders from Aca- pulco, Mexico. [73] 55: 55-77 (*). Crane, J. — Compara- tive biology of Salticid spiders at Rancho Grande, Vene- zuela. Pt. II. Methods of collection, culture, observations and experiments. [95] 33 (3): 139-45. Ewing, H. E.- A note on the effect of engorgement on the arrangement of 264 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 the dorsal abdominal setae in chiggers (Acarina.). [65 1 50: 219-21. Fuller, H. S. — Some remarks on the Trombi- culinae Ewing, 1929, in Das Tierreich, Trombidiidae, by Sig Thor and Willman (a critical review). [18] 43: 101- 11. Grandjean, F. — Sur les ecarts dans un clone de Platy- nothrus peltifer (Acarien). [C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris] 227: 658-61. Hoff, C. C. — Hesperochernes thomomysi, a new species of chernetid pseudoscorpion from California. [48] 38 : 340-45, ill. Hoffman, R. L. — Three new eastern spe- cies of millipeds of the family Xystodesmidae. [48] 38: 346-50, ill. Lawrence, R. F. — (See under Anatomy.) Mello-Leitao, C. de — Aranhas de Carmo do Rio Claro (Minas Gerais) coligidas pelo naturalista Jose C. M., Car- valho. [16] Zool. N. 80: 1-34, 6 pis., 1947 (*). Algumas arranhas novas de pedra agu e Parana. [Papeis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo] 8: 127-35. Ravoux, Ph.— Ob- servations sur 1'anamorphose de Scutigerella immaculata. [Arch. Zool. Exp. et Gen.] 85: 189-98. Schubart, O.— Os Diplopoda da viagem do naturalista antenor Leitao de Carvalho aos Rios Araguaia e Amazonas em 1939 e 1940. [16] Zool. N. 82: 1-74, 27 pis., 1947 (k*). Scares, B. A. M. e H. E. M. — Alotipos e formas novas de opilioes Para- naensis (Gonylept., Phalangi.). [Papeis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo.] 8: 63-84. Nova especie de Ubatubesia e alotipo de Wygodzinskyia viridiornata (Gonylept.). Ibid.: 85-88. Opilioes Paranenses da coleqao Joram Leprevost (Opiliones-Gonylept.) (*). Ibid.: 137-44. Opilioes per- tencentes a coleqao Gert Hatschaach (Gonylept., Phalan- god., Phalangi.) (k*). Ibid.: 209-30. Opilioes da coleqao Gofferje (Gonylept.) (*). Ibid.: 249-59. Wharton, G. W. —Four new Peruvian chiggers (Acarina-Trombicul.). [73] 55 : 87-100. The generic name Trombiculoides Jacot, 1938. Ibid.: 139-40. The distribution of pest chiggers near Duke University (abstract). [43] 34: 17. Zilch, A. — Katalog der Solifugen des Senckenbug Museums. [Senckenbergiana] 27: 119-54. SMALLER ORDERS— Banks, N.— A new species of Corydalus (Neurop.). [73] 55: 82-83 (S). Notes on Per- lidae. Ibid.: 113-30 (k*). Cheo, C. C.— (See under Anat- omy.) Codreanu, M. et R. — Deux anomolies des caracteres sexuels chez les fiphemeres. [Trav. Sta. Zool. Wimereux] 13: 87-96, 1938. Deboutteville, C. D.— Recherches sur les Collemboles termitiphiles et myrmecophiles (ficologie, fithologie, Systematique). [Arch. Zool. Exp. et Gen.] 85 : 261-425. Denning, D. G. — Descriptions of eight new lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 265 species of Trichoptera. [1 sobre Malofagos. Ibid.: 261-63. Silvestri, F. — Specie di Japygidae (Diplura) finora raccolti nel Messico. [Boll. Lab. Ent. Agrar. di Portici] 8: 297-320 ill. (*). Thomp- son, G. B. — Records and descriptions of Mallophaga from Jamaican birds. Pt. I. [6] 12 ser. 1: 48-58, ill. Wer- neck, F. L.: — "Neohaematopinus longus" n. sp. (Anoplura, Haematopin.). [Ill] 8: 173-75. Whitehouse, F. C.- Catalogue of the Odonata of Canada, Newfoundland and Alaska. [87] 27: 3-53. Wright, M— Ephem. and Neu- ropt. (See under Anatomy.) ORTHOPTERA— Bruzzone, R. M. — La formacion de mangas de Shistocerca cancellata. [Inst. Sanid. Veg., Argentina] 4(38) : 3-24. Goustard, M. — (See under Anat- omy.) Heal and Menusan — (See under Anatomy.) Lieberman, J. — Revision del genero Scotussa, Giglio-Tos, con la descripcion de dos especies nuevas y una sinonimia (Acrid., Cyrtacanthr.). [Inst. Sanid. Veg., Argentina] 3 (33) : 3-32, ill., 1947. Rehn, J. A. G.— The Acridoid family Eumastacidae (Orth.). A review of our knowledge of its components, featurea and systematics, with a suggested new classification of its major groups. [62] Vol. C, 1948: 77-139. Ricci, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Scharrer, B.— (See under Anatomy.) HEMIPTERA— Abbott, C. E.— Cannibalism in Lepto- coris trivittatus. [18] 43: 112-13. Bass, J. — Die San Jose Schildlaus. [Natur u. Volk, Ber. Senck. Naturf. Gesell.] 78: 58-65. Barber, H. G. — Concerning Esuris Barber (not Stal), and Neosuris Barber, with a new sub- species from Idaho (Lygae.). [73] 55: 84-86. Buyckx, E. J. E. — (See under Anatomy.) Carayon, J. — -(See under Anatomy.) Carvalho, J. C. M. — Mirideos neotropicais, XXVII: Generos Porpomiris, Lampethusa, Cyrtopeltis e 266 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 Dicyphus. [16] 77: 1-23, ill., 1947 (k*). Mirideos neo- tropicais, XXVIII : Generos Melanotrichus, Crassicollus N. Gen., Myrmecozelotes e Hyporhinocoris. Ibid.: 83: 1—9, ill., 1947 (*). Mirideos neotropicais, XXXIV: Descriqao de uno especie nova de "Falconia" Distant e algumas cor- rec,oes sinonimicas (Mir.). [Ill] 8: 18-92. Drake, C. J. —A new genus and two new species of Tingidae. [16] 81 : 1_4; 1947. Hungerford, H. B.— The Corixidae of the West- ern Hemisphere. [93] 32: 1-827. Hussey, R. F. — Espe- ranza texana in Florida (Corisc.). [18] 43: 115. Kretz- schmar, G. P. — (See under Anatomy.) Lent, H. — O gen- ero "Rhodnius" Stal, 1859 (Reduvi.) (S*). [Ill] 8: 297- 339. Monte, O. — Generos e genotipos dos tingideos do mundo. [Papeis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo] 8: 1-22. Notas sinonimicas. Ibid.: 231-37. Sherman, M. — (See un- der Anatomy.) Teale, E. W. — (See under Hymenoptera.) Thurman, D. C., J. A. Mulrennan, E. Basham and D. T. Taylor — Key to Florida Triatoma with additional distri- bution records for the species (Reduviid). [31] 31 : 57-87. Torres, B. A. — Sobre el valor sistematico de las espinas del femur del primer par de patas enel genero Carineta (Cica- did.). [Notas Mus. de la Plata] 13 (102): 73-77, ill. Sobre seis nuevas especies del genero Carineta. Ibid.: 13 (103): 113-27 (S). Wygodzinsky, P.— On some "Reduvi- idae" belonging to the Xaturhistorisches Museum at Vi- enna. [Ill] 8: 209-24 (S*). LEPIDOPTERA— Bauer, D. L.— Methods for collecting buck-moths (Hemileuca, Saturn.). [Lep. News] 2: 81- 82. Brown, W. P. — "The butterflies north of Mexico." A society project. [Lep. News] 2: 77-78. Field, W. D.- The correct name for the N. Amer. butterfly variously called Nymphidia, Calephelis or Lephelisca. [65] 50: 207- 13. Fox, R. M. — Two new Ithomiinae in the Schaus col- lection (Nymphal.). [48] 38: 315-16, ill. Freiberg, A.- Contribucion al conocimiento de la biologia de Alabama argillacea Inst. Veg. [Inst. Sanid. Veg., Argentina] 1 (9) : 3-16, 1945. Gahan, A. C. de — Algunos datos biologicos sobre Ecpantheria indecisa (Arctiid.). [Inst. Sanid. Veg., Argentina] 4 (45) : 3-16, ill. Hovanitz, W. — (See under Anatomy.) Kretzschmar, G. P. — (See under Anatomy.) Matthes, E. — Amicta febretta, ein Beitrag zur Morphologic und Biologic der Psychiden. [Mem. e Estud. Mus. Zool. Univ. Coimbra] No. 184: 1-80, ill. Park, O. — Observations on the migration of monarch butterflies through Evanston, Illinois in September 1948. [Chicago Acad. Sci., Nat. Hist. lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 267 Miscell.] No. 30: 1-8. Pastrana, J. A. — Una nueva mara- posita en las coles cle la Republica Argentina (Hellula phidileales). [Inst. Sanid. Veg., Argentina] 2 (16): 3-8. ill., 1946. Querner, H. — (See under Anatomy.) Rings and Weaver — (See under Anatomy.) Rogers, W. P. — Collect- ing Sphingidae in Jamaica, 1948. [Lep. News] 2: 86. Sherman, M.— (See under Anatomy.) Teale, E. W.— (See under Hymenoptera. ) Travassos, L. — Contribuic,ao ao conhecimento dos "Arctiidae." XV. Sobre do genero "Ber- tholdia" Schaus, 1896 (S). [Ill] 8: 341-60. Viette, P.- (See under Anatomy.) Weidmann, M. — An interesting abnormality in a polyphemus moth. [Chicago Acad. Sci., Nat. Hist. Miscell.] No. 31: 1-2. Williams, C. B.— (See under General.) Williams and Sanborn — (See under Anatomy.) DIPTERA— D'Andretta, M. A. V. e C., Jr.— Reclescriqao de Gigantodax \vrighti (Simuli). [Papeis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo] 8: 23-37. Especies neotropicais da fa- milia Simuliidae. Ibid.: 145-80 (*). Bailey, N. S.— Pupal parasites of Tabanidae. [73] 55: 112. Notes on Tabanus atratus subsp. nantuckensis. Ibid.: 131-38. Barretto, M. P. — Una nova especie de flebotomo do vale amazonico e chave para cleterminaqao das especies afins (Psycho.) (k). [Papeis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo] 8: 239-47. Bet- tini, S. — (See under Anatomy.) Bird, M. J. — (See under Anatomy.) Bohart, R. M. — Differentiation of larvae and pupa of Aedes dorsalis and A. squamiger (Culic.) (k). [65] 50: 216-18. Breland, O. P.— Notes on the mosquito Uranotaenia syntheta. [52] 8: 108-09. Carrera, M. — Asi- lideos coligidos no paraguai pela missao cientifica Brasi- leira. [Papeis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo] 8: 39-48 (*). Sobre o genero Leptopteromyia (Asil.). Ibid.: 89- 96. Novo genero e nova especie de Asilidae do nordeste Brasiliero. Ibid.: 203-08. Segunda relac,ao de alguns Asil- idae e suas presas, com a descrigao previa de novas especies. Ibid.: 265-71. Collin, J. E.— On the classification of the genera allied to Musca L. [69] 17: 125-27. Corradetti, A. -(See under Anatomy.) Correa, R. R. — Sobre alguns anisopodidas da America do Sul descriqao de Carreraia n. gen. (Anisopod.). [Papeis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo] 8: 97-107 (k). Dupuis, C.— (See under Anatomy.) Garcia, P. C. — Distribucion geografica y datos bionomicos cle A. albimanus uno de los principales vectores de la ma- laria en Venezuela. (Arch. Venez. Pat. Trop. y Par. Med.] 1 : 72-85. Hardy, D. E. — Neotropical Dorilaidae (Pipun- 268 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 culidae) studies, Part 1. J73] 55: 1-15 (*). James, M. T. —Flies of the family Stratiomyidae of the Solomon Islands. [71] 98: 187-213. Jones, F. M.— Notes on Melanophora roralis (Dexid.). [73] 55: 31-34. Joyce, C. R.— Culex chidesteri at Brownsville, Texas (Culicid). [52] 8: 102-05. Keister, M. L. — (See under Anatomy.) Komp and Bates —Notes on two mosquito gynandromorphs from Columbia. [65] 50: 204-06. Lamy, R.— (See under Anatomy.) Landrock, K. — Zweifliigler oder Diptera. VI. Pilzmuken oder Fungivoridae (Mycetophilidae). [Tierwelt Deutsch- lands] 38 Teil : 1-166, 1940. Lane, J. "Mycetophilidae" do Brasil. [Ill] 8: 247-54 (*). Pryor, M. G. M.— (See under Anatomy.) Rokosky, E. J. — A hot fly parasitic in box turtles. [Nat. Hist. Misc., Chicago] no. 32: 1-2. Roze- boom and Komp — -Three new species of culex from Colum- bia. [46] 34: 396-406 (k). Sabrosky, C. W— A synopsis of the nearctic species of Elachiptera and related genera (Chlorop.). [Wash. Acad. Sci.] 38: 365-82 (k*). Siang- Hsu, W. — (See under Anatomy.) Souza Lopez, H. — Sar- cophagidae do Mexico capturados pelo Prof. Dampf. [49] 45: 555-70, 1947. Spurway, H.— (See under Anatomy.) Stekler, B. L. — (See under Anatomy.) Wright, M. — (See under Anatomy.) COLEOPTERA— Abeloos, M.— (See under Anatomy.) Andersen, W. H. — A note on synonymy in Scolytidae. [65] 50: 215. Anderson, R. F. — (See under Anatomy.) Beier, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Blake, D. H. — Seven new flea beetles from the West Indies (Chrysomel.). [73] 55: 141-49. Deitrich, H.— The K. F. Chamberlain collec- tion of Coleoptera. [Coleopt. Bull.] 2: 89. Fattig, P. W. -The Chrysomelidae or leaf beetles of Georgia. [Emory Univ. Bull.] No. 6: 1-47. Guareschi, C. — (See under Anat- omy.) Hatch, M. H. — A systematic index to the keys and catalogues of Coleoptera published in 1'Abeille, Vol. I, 1864-XXXVI, 1938. [Coleopt. Bull.]2: 81-88. Kretz- schmar, G. P. — (See under Anatomy.) Lane, F. — Sobre os tipos e a sinonimia de alguns canthonini (Scarab.). II. [Papeis Avulsos, Dept. Zool., Sao Paulo] 8: 109-21. Lane, M. C.— Some generic corrections in the Elateridae. II. [65] 50: 221-23. Monros, F. y M. J. Viana— Revision Sis- tematica de los Hispidae Argentines (Chrysom.). An. Mus. Argent. Cien. Nat "B. R."] Entomologia No. 162: 125- 324, ill. Park, O. — Studies on Japanese Pselaphidae. I. Introduction, materials, checklist and key to genera. [Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci.] 8: 203-21. Pilleri, G.— Studi morfo- lix, '48 J ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 269 logici e sistematici sui genere Anisoplia Serv. (Scarab.). [112] 24: 57-72. ill. Richards, O. W.— (See under Anat- omy). Sherman, M. — (See under Anatomy.) Valentine, J. M. — New Anophthalmid beetles (Carabidae) from the Appalachian region. [Geol. Survey of Alabama] Mus. Paper 27, Ala Mus. Xat. Hist., pp. 1-19, ill. Werner and Edwards — Leptinus americanus taken on a shrew (Lep- tin.). [73] 55: 51-54. Wittmer, W. — Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der neotropischen Malacodermata (Drilid. Malachiid). [Rev. Soc. Ent. Argent.] 14: 16-21. Supplement au cata- logue de Drilidae. Ibid.: 115-16. HYMENOPTERA — Anderson, E. J.— (See under Anat- omy.) Bailey, N. S. — (See under Diptera.) Bequaert, J. C. — The genus Pachodynerus (Vesp.) in the Antilles. [73] 55: 105-12 (k*). Blair, K. G— The oak gall-flies (Cynipi- dae) and the law of priority. [28] 84: 235-36. Burnside and Revell — (See under Anatomy.) Buyckx, E. J. F.— (See under Anatomy.) Clark and Grosch — (See under Anatomy.) Deleurance, E. P. — (See under Anatomy.) Donisthorpe, H. — A redescription of the types of Strumi- genys mandibularis and Cephaloxys capitata. [73] 55: 78-81. Gary and Nelson — (See under Anatomy.) Goetsch, W. — (See under Anatomy.) Griot, M., H. Gahan, R. Sil- berman y A. Icart — Observaciones sobre un parasite secun- dario del Bicho de cesto (Tetrastichus). [Inst. Sanid. Veg., Argentina] 2 (10): 3-7, ill., 1946. Grosch, D. S.- (See under Anatomy.) Haydak, M. H. — (See under Anat- omy.) Julliard, C. — Les nids de I'Anoplius caviventris (Pompil.). [101] 21: 149-58, ill. Kalmus and Smith- See under Anatomy.) Mitchener, A. V. — The swarming season for honey bees in Manitoba. [37] 41 : 646. Picard, F. — Sur quelques caracteres sexuels secondaires singuliers chez certains Hymenopteres Braconides. [Trav. Sta. Zool. \Vimereux] 13: 565-73, ill., 1938. Ray, D. T.— (See under Anatomy.) Rings and Weaver — (See under Anatomy.) Simmonds, F. J. — The biology of parasites of Loxostege sticticalis in X. Amer. IV. Cryptus inoratus (Ichn., Cryptid). [68] 23: 71-79, ill. Teale, E. W.— Scourge of the monarch (Achaetoneura archippivora). [Nat. Hist., New York] 47: 356-59, ill. The ant's camels (Membrae.). | 56] 57: 456-61. Whiting, A. R.— (See under Anatomy.) Whiting and Blauch — (See under Anatomy.) JEXCHJVTXTGES This column is intended only for wants and exchanges, not fot advertisements of goods for sale or services rendered. Notices not exceeding three lines free to subscribers. These notices are continued as long as our limited space will allow; the new ones are added at the end of the column, and, only when necessary those at the top (being longest in) are discontinued. Will collect — Zoological and entomological specimens in tropical and subtropical parts of Peru. Jose M. Schunke, Pucallpa, Peru. Wanted — Diplotaxis; will buy or exchange. E. W. Mange, 307 W. Walnut St., Hanover, Pa. Hymenoptera-Aculeata (except ants and bees) for exchange. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. F. de Andrade, Casal Novo, S. Joao do Estoril, Portugal. Meliponidae — Wanted, information on the bionomics, culture, and economic importance of the stingless bees, particularly of the Old World. P. Nogueira Neto, Av Cicade Jardim 170, S. Paulo, Brasil. Wasps (Vespoidea, Sphecoidea, Chrysidoidea) of the world by ex- change or purchase. Will collect other orders in exchange. D. G. Shappirio, 4811 17th St., N.W., Washington 11, D. C. Lepidoptera — Large quantities of Plexippus, Colias, Cardui, Vanil- lae wanted for cash or exchange for tropical butterflies. G. Mac- Bean, 710 Miller Rd., Sea Island, Vancouver, B. C. Ants of the tribe Dacetini (Strumigcnys, Rhopalothrix and related genera) wanted for world revision. W. L. Brown, Jr., Harvard Uni- versity Biological Laboratories, Cambridge 38, Mass. Mallophaga (on which immediate determination is not necessary) wanted for study and determination. R. L. Edwards, Dept. Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge 38, Mass. Tingidae (Heteroptera) of the world wanted, in alcohol, with host and other ecological data. Will collect other orders in exchange. N. S. Bailey, 16 Neponset Ave., Hyde Park 36, Mass. Bombidae, nearctic and neotropical, wanted for exchange, identi- fication, or purchase. Will exchange in other groups for bumblebees. Barth Maina, Dept. Zool., Univ. of Chicago, Chicago 37, 111. Saturnidae of the world. Will purchase individual specimens or cocoons. F. E. Rutkowski, St. Bede College, Peru, Illinois, U. S. A. Butterflies of New England, principally from New Haven, Conn., for exchange. Louis Clarke, 28 W. Elm St., New Haven 15, Conn. Wanted— Proc. Ent. Soc. Phila., vols. 1-6; Proc. Cal. Acad. (Nat.) Sci., 1-7; Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1-20; Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc., 1-10; Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., 1-5; Psyche, 11, 13, 15; Ent. Amer. n.s., 7-26. C. F. dos Passos, Mendham, N. J. INDEX TO VOLUME LIX (* Indicates new genera, names, etc.) ALEXANDER, C. P. Dr. Alfonso Dampf Tenson (1884- 1948) 89 Undescribed species of crane-flies from the western United States and Canada. (Diptera: Tipulidae) Part IX 121 Idem. Part X ... 207 BARBER. G. W. (See under Hagmann) BARR, W. F. A new genus and species of Buprestidae from southern California (Coleoptera) 69 BERNER, L. A new species of mayfly from Tennessee ... 117 BICK, G. H. Dragonflies collected from Beaufort County, South Carolina, during the fall of 1945 202 BLISS, R. Q. and R. G. SCHMIEDER. Current entomologi- cal literature 216, 245 BLISS, R. Q. and T. M. TELSCH. Current entomological literature 103. 133. 158, 190 (See also under Moul) BRELAND, O. P. Two migrations of the snout butterfly, Libytheana bachmanii larvata (Strecker) (Lepidoptera : Libytheidae) 128 Notes on some carnivorous mosquito larvae 156 BRELAND, O. P. and L. H. SCHMITT. The biology of two sunflower gall makers (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae ; Lepi- doptera : Lyonetiidae) 225 BROWN. \Y. L. Strumigenys karawajewi. new name for a Sumatran ant The status of the genus Hercynia J. Enzmann (Hy- menoptera : Formicidae) 102 CHAMBERLIN, R. V. A third species in the chelodesmid genus Semionellus (Diplopoda) 258 Dos PASSOS, C. F. The occurrence of anthoxanthins in the wing pigments of some nearctic Oeneis (Rhopalo- cera : Satyridae ) (271) 272 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 DREISBACH, R. R. A new species of the genus Tachytes from Michigan (Hymenoptera : Larridae) 151 EADS, R. B. and G. C. MENZIES. Additional records of bat parasites of the family Nycteribiidae 244 EDMUNDS. G. F. The mayfly genus Lachlania in Utah . . 43 The nymph of Epheron album (Ephemeroptera) 12 EMERSON, K. C. A species of Malloghapa from the sanderling 178 EVANS, H. E. Biological notes on two species of Anoplius (Hymenoptera : Pompilidae) 180 Fox, I. New Uropodinid mites associated with rats in Puerto Rico 169 Fox, R. M. Roswellia, a new genus of Ithomines 131 FREEMAN, H. A. Notes on some North American skip- pers, with the description of a new species from Kansas (Lepidoptera : Hesperiidae) 203 FREEMAN, T. N. The correction of a genotypic citation for the genus Choristoneura Led 202 HAGMANN, L. E., G. W. BARBER, E. B. STARNES and O. STARNES. Evening flight habits of a male tabanid .... 257 HULL, F. M. Some neotropical species of syrphids 1 HYLAND, K. New records of Pennsylvania caddis flies (Trichoptera) 38 KNOWLTON, G. F. and S. L. WOOD. Utah Buprestidae . . 41 KNULL, J. N. New species of Agrilus with notes (Bupres- tidae and Eucnemidae) 72 KROMBEIN, K. The identity of the male Pseudomethoca simillima (Smith). (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) 187 LA RIVERS, I. A re-definition of the tribe Edrotinae (Coleoptera : Tenebrionidae) 141 Notes on the Eleodini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) ... 96 Liu, C. L. Contributions to the knowledge of Chinese Coccinellidae. IX. On a new Serphid parasite of the larva of Epilachna admirabilis in Kunming 146 MENZIES, G. C. (See under Eads) MICHENER, C. D. Review: The stingless bees (Meliponi- dae) of the Western Hemisphere 83 lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 273 MOUL, E. T. and R. Q. BLISS. Current entomological literature 17. 45. 76 PATE, V. S. L. A new Isodontia from Cuba (Hymenop- tera : Sphecidae : Chlorionini) 185 A minute on Chyphotes Blake. 1886 (Hymenoptera : Mutillidae) 41 PHILLIPS, V. T. Review : The Insect Guide 223 REHN, J. A. G. Morgan Hebard (1887-1946) (with portrait) 57 Replacement of two preoccupied names of Tetrigidae (Orthoptera : Acridoidea) 154 REHN, J. W. H. Permanent mounts of dissections to be kept with pinned specimens 242 ROBINSON. M. A new species of Anaides from Peru ( Scarabaeidae : Coleoptera ) 35 A new species of Aphodius with notes on others (Cole- optera : Scarabaeidae) 113 A new species of Canthon from Venezuela 37 Remarks on a few7 Scarabaeidae 175 Two new species of neotropical Scarabaeidae (Coleop- tera) 149 SABROSKY, C. \Y. Review : The blowflies of North America 26 SCHMIEDER. R. G. Review: A catalogue of insecticides and fungicides 55 Review : A textbook of agricultural entomology 167 Review : Basic botany 55 Review : Vegetable insects 167 SCHMIDT, E. Calopteryx versus Agrion ; again? 197 SCHMITT, L. H. (See under Breland ) SCHWARTZ, H. E. Theodore D. A. Cockerell (with por- trait) 85 SHERMAN, F. Coreidae of South Carolina in comparison with North Carolina ( Hemiptera ) 15 STARNES, E. B. (See under Hagmann) STARNES, O. (See under Hagmann) TELSCH. T. M. (See under Bliss) 274 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 TOWNES, H. Czechoslovakia!! insect pins now available. . 75 WEBER, N. A. Observations on the incidence of ticks on Kenya mammals 235 Opportunities for entomological research in the Arctic. . 253 Termite-eating Pheidole larvae (Hymenoptera : Formi- cidae) 31 WEISS, H. B. Rudolf William Glaser. 1888-1947 29 WILLIAMS, J. L. Notice: Catalogue des Lepidopteres . . . 215 WORTH, C. B. The unexplored world (a sonnet) 189 WOOD, S. L. (See under Knowlton) GENERAL SUBJECTS OBITUARY NOTICES Anoplius, biological notes on . 180 Cockerell, T. D. A 85 Anthoxanthins in wing pig- Cresson, E. T., Jr 76 ments 92 Dampf Tenson, A 89 Ants eat termites 31 Glaser, R. W 29 Arctic, opportunities for re- Hebard. M 57 search in 253 Torre-Bueno, J. R. de la .. . 91 Calopteryx versus Agrion . . . 197 Carnivorous mosquito larvae . 156 PERSONALS Catalogue des Lepidopteres . . 215 Collections: H. H. Smith, Comstock, J. A 215 Chalcid 17 Hodge, C, IV 120 Evening flight of Tabanus ... 257 Michener, C. D 174 Gall makers of sunflower .... 225 Painter, R. H 215 Insect pins, Czechoslovakian . 75 Robinson, M 120 International meetings 44 Schmieder, R. G 120 Migrations of snout butterfly . 128 Permanent mounts of dissec- RFVTF'WS tions kept with pinned speci- mens 242 A textbook of agricultural en- Pigments and systematic posi- tomology 167 tion in Rhopalocera 92 Basic botany 55 Sonnet (Unexplored world) . 189 Blowflies of North America .. 26 Sunflower galls 225 Chemical insecticides 55 Termite-eating Pheidole larvae 31 The blowflies of North Amer- Ticks from Kenya Mammals . 235 ica 27 Unexplored world (sonnet) .. 189 The insect guide 223 War losses : Musea de La Vegetable insects 223 Salle, Bogota 103 Wasmann collector 103 lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 275 GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Alaska: Dipt., Hym.. Trich., Siphon., Anopl., Malloph. 254-256 Arizona: Dipt 207-214 Bolivia : Odon 4 Brasil, Odon 5, 7, 9, 12 California : Col 72, 74 Canal Zone : Col 149 Colorado: Dipt 123. 125, 127 Costa Rica : Col 151 Cuba: Odon. 2; Hym. ..186, 187 Haiti: Odon 10 Kansas : Lep 205 Kenya : Acarina 235 Michigan: Hym 153 Montana : Dipt 127 North Carolina : Hemip 15 Oklahoma : Lep 205 Pennsylvania : Trich 38 Peru : Col 35 I'm-rto Rico: Acarina 170, 171, 172, 173 South Carolina: Odon. 202: Hemip 15 Tennessee : Ephem 120 Texas: Lep. 203, 205. 206; Diplop 259 Utah : Col. 41 ; Ephem 43 Venezuela : Col 37 Yukon: Col 114 COLEOPTERA udiiiirabilis, Epilachna, parasite 146 alciitits. Aphodins 114 <»-('iis, Edrotcs 145 bifurcatus* Canthon 37 Blaptinae 97 Buprestidae of Utah 41 chapini* Anomala 150 chiriqncnsis, Plianacus 175 cochisci* Agrilus 72 depressus, Onthophagus 177 Edrotini, re-definition 141 Elcodes 98 Eleodimorpha 98 Eleodini, notes 96 Eleodini, key to 98 Enibaphion 98 crcptus, Deltometopus 75 tjranarhis, Aphodins 116 haldcmam, Aphodins 116 Iwpfncri, Onthophagus 176 knnlli* Trichinorhipis * 71 Lariversius 97 Icptotarsis, Aphodins 115 miralrilis, Jnnipcrclla 74 ocitlatus, Pachyschclns 74 ovatulns, Atacnins 177 pilosiis* Trichillttin 149 Pimcliopsis 144 pnrpnrcus, Pachyschclns 74 rotiindns, Edrotcs 145 mgosa* Anaidcs 35 Trichinorhipis * 70 Trogloderus 97 ui'aldc, Pachyschclns 74 rentricosns, Edrotcs 144 yukonensis* Aphodius 113 DIPTERA antrosoi, Basil ia 244 asthenia * Baccha 4 Baccha 1 biacus* Gonoiuyia 209 Calliphoridae in Arctic 254 carmclita* Baccha 9 Carnivorous mosquito larvae . 156 Copromyza sp 254 corynorhini, Basil ia 244 Diptera in the Arctic 254 cstrclita* Baccha 1 filiformis,* Gonoiuyia 211 fontinalis, Lcptoccrca 254 fiili'h'anda* Prionoccra 121 Galls of Trishonnoinyia 225 276 ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS [Dec., '48 gigantcus, Tabanus, evening flight 257 harlequina* Baccha 10 helianthi, Trishormomyia .... 225 howardii, Psorophora 156 Icucopoda* Baccha 5 inulaiki* Tipula 123 Nycteribiidae 244 perflavens,* Erioptcra 212 plntonia* Baccha 2 sagittifcra* Tipula 125 semifacta* Limnophila 207 scptcntrionalis, Mcgarhinns . . 156 spcrryana* Gonomyia 209 stolidus* Molophilus 213 tarandi, Ocgemagcna 254 vampyra* Baccha 7 HEMIPTERA Coreidae 15 Coreidae of North Carolina and South Carolina 15 HYMENOPTERA aceri'orum canadensis, Lcpto- thorax 255 Anoplius, biological notes on . 180 brevis, Torymus 230 Chalcidoidea, Smith Collection 17 Chyphotes 41 cyaniceps, Eupclmns 234 geryon, Pseudomethoca 187 Hcrcynia 102 ithaca* Anoplius 180 karawajewi* Strumigenys, new name 44 Leptacis 230 marginatus, Anoplius 183 Microbracon sp 234 modcratus, Bombus 255 norvegica marginata, Vcspula. 255 Pheidole larvae eat termites . 31 Platygaster sp 230 poeyi* Isodontia 185 quadrifasciatus* Tachytcs ... 151 Serphid parasite of Epilachna 146 Tctramorium 102 tylodermata, Eurytoina 234 Wasmannia 102 LEPIDOPTERA acrisionc, A thesis 132 Anthoxanthins in wing pig- ments 92 bachmanii larvata, Libythcana 128 cairncsi, Ocncis 94 Catalogue des Lepidopteres . . 215 chryxus, Ocncis 94 clcarista, Athcsis 132 divcrsana, Tortrix 202 eulogius, Atrytonc 205 funiifcrana, Choristoncura .... 202 fusicola, Bucculatrix 225 Galls of Bucculatrix 225 irallda, Ocncis 94 inctca liciims, Hcspcria 203 Migrations of Libytheana ... 128 nahanni, Ocneis 93 Oeneis, Anthoxanthins in wing pigments of 92 pcrcosius, Cobalus 206 Pigments in wings 92 Roswellia * acrisionc 132 ntsticana, Tortrix 202 Skippers, notes on 203 taygete, Oeneis 94 turncri* Atrytonopsis 205 ulileri, Ocneis 93 undulatus, Urbanus 203 rarnna, Oeneis 93 ODONATA Calopteryx versus Agrion . . . 197 Dragonflies from South Caro- lina 202 lix, '48] ENTOMOLOGICAL NEWS 277 ORTHOPTERA Barytettix 155 Marshallacris. ne\v name .... 155 Moluccasia, ne\v name 155 Tetrigidae, preoccupied names in 154 Thymoites 155 SMALLER ORDERS album, Ephoron, nymph (Ephem.) 12 albus* Actormthophllits ( Mal- loph.) 178 Collembola in the Arctic 254 Corrodentia, Arctic 255 Ephemeroptera, n y m p h of Ephoron 12 Lachlania (Trich.) 43 in cph it id 'is, Trichodcctcs 256 purryi barruivcnsis, Citcllus (Siphon.) 256 practerita, Grcnsia (Trich.) . . 255 spitiulosuin, Colpoccphalnm (Malloph.) 1/8 Termites, eaten by ant larvae 31 trichcchi, Anarctophthirus (Anopl.) 256 Trichoptera of Pennsylvania . . 38 tusculancnsis* Isonyclua (Ephem.) 117 NON-HEXOPODA casslda* UroobovcIIa (Acar.) 171 Chilopoda, Arctic 255 marmorea* Fuscuropoda (Acar.) 170 M ites, Arctic 255 ovata* Fuscuropoda (Acarina) 169 pracacutus* Lciodinycluts (Acar.) 171 simplus* Leiodinychus (Acar.) 172 Spiders, Arctic 255 tertius* Scmioncllus (Diplo- pod) 258 Ticks from Kenya mammals, list of 235 ENTOMOLOGISTS! To serve you is our business. Remember we offer Insect collecting and storing equipment designed by Entomologists for Entomologists. Lije Histories accurately and attractively assembled. Specimens from all over the world for the general collector and the specialist. Be sure and write us concerning your problems. We are al- ways glad to send our catalogues and lists. WARD'S NATURAL SCIENCE ESTABLISHMENT, INC. P. O. Box 24, Beechwood Station Rochester 9, N. Y. Important Mosquito Works MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part I. The Nearctic Anopheles, important malarial vectors of the Americas, and Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciata MOSQUITO ATLAS. Part II. The more important malaria vec- tors of the Old World: Europe, Asia, Africa and South Pacific region By Edward S. Ross and H. Radclyffe Roberts Price, 60 cents each (U. S. Currency) with order, postpaid within the United States; 65 cents, foreign. KEYS TO THE ANOPHELINE MOSQUITOES OF THE WORLD With notes on their Identification, Distribution, Biology and Rela- tion to Malaria. By Paul F. Russell, Lloyd E. Rozeboom and Alan Stone Mailed on receipt of price, $2.00 U. S. Currency. Foreign Delivery $2.10. For sale by the American Entomological Society, 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia 3, Pa., U. S. A. RECENT LITERATURE FOR SALE BY THE AMERICAN ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY 1900 RACE STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA. DIPTERA 1138. — Cresson (E. T., Jr.) — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the neotropical Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Notiphilinae (73: 35-61, 1947) ^$ .90 1142. — A systematic annotated arrangement of the gen. and spp. of the Ethiopian Ephydridae. II. The subfam. Noti- philinae (73: 105-124, 1947) 50 HYMENOPTERA 1137.— Pate (V. S. L.)— The Pemphilidine wasps of the Caribbees (73: 1-33, 1 pi., 1947) 85 COLEOPTERA 1145. — Dillon (L. S. & E. S.) — The tribe Dorcaschematini (Coleop- tera: Cerambycidae) (73: 173-298, 6 pis., 1947) 3.45 1139. — Green (J. W.) — New Eastern Amer. sp. of Podabrus (73: 63-76, figs., 1947) 35 1144. — Robinson (M.) — Two new spp. of Scarabaeidae (73: 169- 171, 1947) 20 1146. — A review of the genus Phanaeus inhabiting the United States (73: 299-305, 1947) 20 l LEPIDOPTERA 1141. — Darlington (E. P.) — Notes on certain types of Lepidoptera described by Brackenridge Clemens (73: 85-104, 1947) ... .50 1140. — Williams (J. L.) — The anatomy of the internal genitalia of Fumea Casta Pallas (73: 77-84, figs., 1947) 20 TRICHOPTERA 1143. — Ross (H. H.) — Descriptions and records of No. Amer. Tri- choptera, with synoptic notes (73: 125-168, 7 pis., 1947) . . 1.40 ODONATA 1147. — Needham (J. G.) — Studies on the No. Amer. spp. of the genus -, Gomphus (Odonata) (73: 307-339, fig., 1 pi., 1947) 85 r< I-1 > ^J CO . 0 o d s g fo U.S SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION LIBRARIES 3 9088 00844 5504 I