Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. \ 4 fous Wy ‘ ‘\ ae , ae tae ia per ke EIN TOMOLOGY 29926 CURRENT LITERATURE . SELECTED REFERENCES COMPILED BY THE STAFF OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE LIBRARY FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C, ee Vows: Shey m | January - February 1939 Rog 2 i —— This list is confined to new books on entonodlogy and to selected periodical liter- ature relating chiefly to cconomic entomolo- ey. Publications of the U. 8. Departnont of ‘Agriculture and of the state experiment sta- tions are omitted as a orinted Monthly List of Publications is issued by the Office of Infornation, and a mineographed List of State ‘Experiment Station Publications by the Office of Experiment Stations. Publications of the state extension services, and all articles by menbers of the department staff in outside publications, are not included as they are issued rionthly in Agricultural Library Notes. The contents of the Journal of Economic Ento- nology have also been omitted because nearly all the technical workers have access to it, Periodical references tc apiculture are not included. BOOK Alaneda County, California. Mosquito Abatement District. Annual report, 1938. 26, aps illass Oakland, Calif., Alameda Oounty mosquito abatenent district, 1939. Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancenent of Science. Report of the twenty-third meeting ... Auckland neeting, January, 1937. ‘500p. illus. Wellington, New Zealand, 1937, Partial contents.-— Waterhouse, G. A. The biology and taxonory of the Australasian butterflies, p.101-103. [Sect. D - Zoology. Presidential address]... ae) Balfour-Browne, F,. Systenatic notes upon British aquatic Coleoptera, being a corrected and revised edition of a series of papers which appeared in the "Entonologists Monthly Magazine" from 1934 to 1936. Vol. ite Hydradephaga. 9395p. illus. London, Nathaniel Lloyd & co., ltd, 1933. Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Occasional papers v.el4, no.7, 10-14. Honolulu, Hawaii, Published by the Museum, 1928. (Occas, Papers no.7, 10, le, 13 are Mengarevan Exped. Pub. 24, 26, 27, 28.) Contents.- no.7. -Malloch, Je Ro Trypetidae of the Mangarevan expedition (Diptera), Delt i y= 116, illus.;: no.l0. Jackson, H. G, Terrestrial isopods of south- eastern Polynesia, pel167]-192, illus. Literature cited, pel92; noeli. Souza Lopes, H. de. On the genus Goniophyto Townsend, 1927, with G@escription of a new species from Hawaii, 0.L193]-197, illus.; NO» lve Zimnernan, E. C. Ciidae of southeastern Polynesia (Colcoptera), pell99]-217; no.13. Zimmerman, 3. C. Anthribidae of southcasterm Polynesia (Coleoptera), p» L2l9 |-250, SLI IUBLS} 3 Bocls, H., and Pitzorinig i. Die seidenspinner; ihre zoologie, biologie und zucht. 17lp. illus. Berlin, Verlag von Jvlius Springer, 1938. Bibliographical foot- notes. (Herzos, R. 0., and Oberlies, F. Technologie der textil- faisern. Welly Os cyie Brazil. linisterio da Agricultura. Departamento Nacional da Produ¢gado egetal. Servico de Defesa Sanitaria Vegetal. Publicacao no.9, ll. Rio de Janeiro, Diretoria de estatistica de produce. Seccao de publicidade, 1937-1938. Contents.— NOeds Araujo e Silva; A. G. a', and Deslandes, J, A, Instruccdes para a apanha, prepare e remessa de material de pragas e doengas de plantas. 44. illus. 1937. Bibliographia, p.L39]; TOs Rangel, J. F., and Gomes, J, G. Guia para reconhemimento © con- bate das principais doengas e pragas da laranjciro. 78De illus. 1938. Bibliografia consyltada, p.55-67. Brown, F. iM. Editor. A catalogue of the original descriotions of the Rhopalocera found north of the Mexican Border. Pt. 1. The Hesperioidea, by E. Le Bell. ZODe [Colorado Springs, The Denton printing company | 1938, (Cheyenne Mountain mus. Bul. vel, Talo) ndes )e Brunpt, Ze, and Neveu-Lemaire, M. Travaux pratiques de parasitologie. Hd. de wlio | ah Thabo Paris, llasson et cie, Editeurs, 1938. handler, S. C. The peach tree borers of Illinois. 36p. illus. Urbana, Ill., 1939, (Ill, Hat. hist. surv. Circe. 31.). sit 8239009 Clere;, Je Aquatic insects. 30p. illus. London, Marshall press limited, hetls (Water life ser. no.6.). ‘Connecticut. State Geological and Natural History Survey. Bulletin no.60. 20lp. Hartford, Published by the State, 1938. Gontents.— Britton, WV. BE... Additions to the check-list of the insects of Connecticut (First supplement to Bulletin no.31), Del-169; Xaston, B. J. Check-list of the spiders of Connecticut, el173]-201, : Franssenw C,-U. He, and imaller, H.R. A. Plagen en ziekten van het katoengewas op Java. (Insect pests and S p f diseases of the ahs crop in Java.) 42p. illvs. Buitenzorg, Archipel drukkeri 938. (Hast Indic es (Dvitch). Alg. proefsta. Pp landb, Meded, nos abs ) ° Gatenby, Jd. 5. Biological laboratory technique, an introduction to research in embryology, cytology and histology. L30p. London, J. & A, ‘Churchill 1+4., 193 < e Houdener, 2. F. Recherches de parasitologic comparec Indechinoisé. <é5p. - Paris, Sal ile Le Francois, Sditeur, 1938. Kleine, 32, Coleoptera. Fam, Brenthidae (Revisio Louis Desmet-Verteneuil, 1937, (Thy Fasc.207.). 7% illus. Bruxelles sman, P. Genera insectorun. Kongo, Belgian. Institut des parcs nationaux du Congo Belge. eeeHxploration du Pare national Albert. Wission G. F. de Witte (1933-1935)... Fasc.14, 19-21, 23. Bruxelles, 1938. Contents.- fasc.l4, lieyrick, E. Pterophoridae, Tortricina and Tineinas, cop. aliyss-. fase. 19. -Oehs) 1620 Grrinidac, eaves fasc.20. Debauche, H. Geometridae (Lep. Het.). 56p. ‘illus.; fasc.2l. Janssens, A, Scarabaeini (Coleoptera Lamellicornia). Pane Scarabaeidae, Svubfam. Coprinae. 76pe illusel) aiasceeds Burgeon, L. Curculionidae, S, fam. Apioninae. oie illus. Lederer, G,. Die naturgeschichie der tagfalter ... Teil 1, lfg.3. pel2l-150, illus. Frankfurt am iain, Otto H. ‘rede, [1938]. (Handbuch fiir den praktischen entomologen. 2 Auflege. Band II.). Lindblom, A, Skadedjur i sverige ar 1936. 7lp. illus. tockholm, 1938, (Sweden. Statens vAxtskyddsanst. ieddel. ur.2s.). Maradona) digs svelte Geras A contribution to the study of nematodes. AOD Dei, Gilinais) # irate. Printed in the Union of South Africa by the Government printer, USS. Buplvognapriyiy secre (Union So, Africa, Mepi, aer. ant. men, Ved, De Behe Lindner, #, ; Die fliegen der Palaearlztischen Region. Lfg.122-125. Stuttgart, E, Schweizerbart'sche verlagsbuchhandlung (Ervin Nagele), 1938- SSE Contents.- lfg.l2é. Hennig, 7. Odiniidae. los addicts [Fam.60b]; Hennig, 7. Braulidae. 14p. illus. Literatur- verzeichnis, p.13-14, [Fam.@0c] 1938; .1fe.123. Schmitz, 4. Phoridae, p.1-64; illus. [am.33], 1958: Mfeviig4, Basel, Hy 0, Empididae, p.41-104, illus, [¥Fam,28]. 1939. lfe.ie5. Sack, P. Sciomyzidae, p.1-48, illus. [Fam.37]. 1939. [Moroceol, Defense des Veretaux. ilemento no.51-54. Rabat, [Imprimerie officielle], me Contents.— no.~cl. La pyrale des pommes. lLaspeyresia (Cazpocapsa pomonella L. 18o. ilivs.; no.oe. Les bovillies cupriaues. 16p.; nO.0d6 Les Lixus parasites de la betterave.. 8p. illus.; no.54. La casside de la betterave, Cassida vittata Bill. = oblonga Illig. Gen) alduise Netherlands, Plantenziektenkundige Dienst, Wageningen. Verslagen en mededeelingen... no.33, zevende herziene druk, no.89. Wageningen, H. Veenman & zonen, 1938. Contents.— no.dd. Sproeien en sprociers. 62p. illus.; no.89. Verslag over de werkzaamheden van den Plantenziektenkundigen dienst in net jaar 1937. 92p-6. Dallas. Noble,. ™.. §. ; Buplectrus agaristae Craw, a parasite of the grape vine moth (Phalaenoides. glycine WSK eid. . LLUS. Sydney, David Harold. Paisley, Government printer, 1958, Literature cited, p.<6-27, (yS. Welles, Deptuesery Sci. pull, mosOSey le Pearse, tases. Animal-ccology. Hd.2. 642p. illus. Wew York and London, iicGraw-Hill book company, 1939. Bibliography, p.569-633. PaicacGOnen Ole Zoo—narasitos de interesse medico e vetorinario. Livro para mcdicos, higienistas, vetorinarios o estudantes, contendo as diagnoses das especies patogenicas para o homem e animaes donesticos da Regia Neotropica, especialmente do Brasil. orOpe iTwSs. Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, Editor: Pimenta de Mello & cia., 1938. Ps evGaeey Gis I nemici dei fiori core si conbattono, 152p. illus. Roma, Rano editoriale degli agricoltori,, 1937. Procter, MW. The insect fauna [of-the ilount Desert: region]. 496p. illus. Philadelphia, Wistar institute of anatomy anc biology, 1938, (Biol. survey of the Mount Desert region. Pt. VI.). Rubsaamen, 4%. H., and Hedicke, H. Die zoocecidien durch tiere erzeugte pflanzengallcn Deutschlands und ihre bewohner.~ Lfg.9 (Bd. II. Spézieller teil). Stuttgart, E. Schweizerbart'sche verlagsbuchhandlung (Erwin N&gele), 1939. Contents.- Hedicke, H. Die Cecidomyiden (gallmlicken) und ihre cecidien, p.429-350, illus. SAo Pavlo, Brazil (State). Instituto Agronomico, Campinas. »-Boletim technico no.3, 19, 23, 25, 28. Sao Pavlo, Imprensa Official do estado, LOS. Contents.- nod, Camargo, T. de, Bolliger, R., and Correa de Mello, P. Phy siologia vegetal; sobre a influencia da concentra¢gao em ionios nydrogenio do meio de cultura sobre o desenvolvimento do cafceiro (Coffea erence Ue “Spa tilde. neo. Krag, Cy A. Effeitos da primeira autofecundacéo em tres variedades de milho. olde Lies Bibliographia, DeloecOr Howes (let wmeioay Py’ A podri— dao interna dos capulhos éo algodoeiro no Sstado de Sao Pavlo. L8pe illus. Referencias, p.el6-18. Pie Mendess ih G, IT. Gs "manchadores" do algodao (Dysdercus spp.). 12p. illus. Literatura citada, pel5-19; no.25. Krug, H. P., and Mendes, L. O. T. Sobre a indidencia de Platzedra gossypiella Saund. Dysdercus spo. © varias molestias cryptogamicas em capulhos le alzodoeiro, durante o mez de Junho, 1936, 10p.e; no.<8. Wendes, L. O. T. A “lagarta-das macas do algodoeiro! - Chloridea virescens (Fav.). l0p. Literatura citada, p.9-10. {40} 4 schultz, Ey -F, Una neuva plaga en los naranjales tucumanos: la "Cochinilla del Delta" (ets Beek En deltae, Lizer). pe ‘sass Tucuman, Republica Argentina, 1938. (Tucuman, Repub. Arg. Estac. expt. agr. Circ. no.66.). Be Scullen, 5, A, A review of the genus Eucerceris (Hymenoptera: Sphecidae). BOD. «Din = Corvallis, Oregon, Oregon state college, [19 39]. Literature cited, p.59-61. (Oreg. state monog. Studies in ent, NOslie ds Senay, P. Le coton, sa production et sa distribution dans le monde. Vigulse ee9pe illus. Gap, Imprimerie Lovis Jean, 1937. Partial con- tents.— Chap. IV. Inscctes ct maladies du cotonnicr, peL63]- 96 Index bibliographique esscntiel, p. [21s] 220. DOMAICR KP Nancdbuch der pflanzenkrankheiten. Begrtindct von Pavl Soraucr ... herausgegeben von Prof. ... Otto Appel ... und Prof. L. Reh. Bd. 6. Pflanzenschutz verhiitung und bekAmpfung der pflanzenkranit hei ten. . Hal bibandiiey oa. SyAnf(joln ) | aude TRIS) Berlin, Paul Parey, 19359. Suffolk County iWosquito Extermination Commission. Report [for fiscal year beginning November 1, 1937, ending October 31, 1938]. lp. illus. Riverhead, N. Y., The Riverhead news, inc., 19386 PowmsenGe Ce Hi) ie WehahokalMYoyial Tanrakoyllioysay) iene Wally Ae aa generic diagnoses and data Gymnosomatini to Senostomatini.. 428). Itaquaquecetuba, Sado Povlo, Brasil, Che rles Townsend & filhos, 1938, Timpel, I. Die geradfligler iitteleuropas. Hd. 2. b20p~. illus. Gotha, ‘friedrich Hmil Perthes, 1922 Contains bibliographies. Uvamon, Bi, Pej sandy BowmanneBemils ; The economic importance of the locust and grasshopper problem throughout the world; memorandum prepared at the International centre for anti-locust research. A7De Brussels, Fifth International locust conference, 1938. ( Vaud (Canton). Departenent de l' Agriculture, de 1'industrie et du Counerce,..). Reconstitution cuVaenoble et Phidllloxera. . Rapport sur les essais viticoles Ccantonaux et la lutte contre le phy llox <éra, durant l'année 1937. Jlp. Lausanne, Imprimerie F. Baumgartner, 1938. Wheeler, “, lM. ussays in philosophical biology, by William iiorton Wheeler, selected by Professor G. H, Parker, 26lp. portrait. Cambridge, Harvard University, press, 259. Vorthington, 2. Bs. Science in Africa, a review of scientific research relating to wropi- cal and southern Africa. 746p. ilius. London; New York, Toronto, Oxford university press, 19358. Bibliography, p»L626 |-691. Issued by the Committee of the African research survey under the auspices of the Royal institute of international affairs. Partial contents.- Chap. X. Entomology, p.L257)-300. ( Zaitzev, P. Coccidae of quarantine value for U. S. S. R. and their allied species. Aha + mllelass Tbilisi, Government edition of Georgia, Division of scientific literature, 1937. At head of title:°U.S.S.R, People’s coumissariat for agriculture. Plant quarantine administration. Plant quarantine inspection of Georgia. N. 8. Borkhsenius (Senior / entomologist of the Quarantine laboratory in Leningrad.). ( Pc PERICDICALS L'abeille (Paris), v.36, no.4, Dec. 1938. . ae Sainte-Claire Deville, J. Catalogue raisonne des Coleopteres de France. 4. Bruchidae. — Platypodidae, p.373+467, Académie des sciences. Paris. Comptes rendus, v.2c08, no.4, Jan.23, 1939. Girard, Re Un cas d'evolution d'Hypoderma bovis De Geer sur le cheval. Note, p.J06-307, illus. Academie royale des sciences et des lettres de Danemark. OCopennague, wemoires,. Section des sci., ser.9, v8, 1938. Berg, K. Studios on the bottom animals of Esrom Luke. coope illus. Literature, p.[238]-247. Insecta, p.73-120; Arachnida, p.120-130. Agricultural journal of British Guiana (Georgetown), v.9, noe4, Dec. 1938. Cleare, L. D. Damage caused to rum puncheons by boring beetles, pe[ 237]~245. Giglioli, G Malaria in British Guiana. Part III. Breeding habits of A. darlingi. Natural factors which limit the distribution of this species and of malaria, p.[197J-206, illus. (To be continued.). Agriculture and live-stock in India (New Dcolhi), v.8, pt.6, Nov. 1938. Sen, Pe Role of mosquitoes in the transmission of animal discases, p.-589-694, References, p.694. American entomological society. Philadelphia. Transactions, v.64, no.4, Dec. 1938. Blaisdell, F. E. A study of the species of Hispinae belonging to the genus Stenopodius with descriptions of new species (Coleopters; Chrysomelidae), ».421-447, illus. Cresson, He Te. The Neriidac and Micropezidac of America north of Mexico, pe2c93-366, illus. Americon journal of hygiene (Lancaster, Penn.), ve28, nOed, Nov. 1938. Causey, O. Re Experimental intestinal myiasis, p.481~486, Bibliogr-phy, p.486,. Hertig, M. Notes on Peruvian sandflios; identification of females of Phicbotomus verrucarum and P. noguchii, p.463~468. Bibliography, p.467. Stewart, Me Aw, and Mackie, D. Be The control of sylvatic plague vectors, pe409-480. Bibliography, p.480. American journal of tropical medicine (Baltimore), v.19, noel, Jan. 1939, Whitman, Le Foailure of Aedes aegypti to transmit yellow fevor cultured virus (17D), p.19+26. References, p.26. ae Anericen microscopical society. Tronsactions (Manhattan, Koans.), v.57 no.4, Oct. 1938, Becker, F. D., and Mann, M. BE. The reproductive systom of the male isopod, Porcellio scaber, Latreille, pee see illus. References, p.d99. Hubbard, W. Ee Ophiopneumicola colubri n. g., n. sp., 2 Wolguae: mite from a snake, p.400-406, References, p.406, Williams, E. C. Spermatogenesis of a mantid Choeradodis eran (Latreille), p.387-394, illus. Literature cited, p.394. American naturalist (Garrison, N.Y.), v.73, no.744, Jan.-Feb. 1939. Lawson, C. A. Order of differentiation in relation to order of deterni-~ nation in gamic feme ‘le aphids, p.69-82, illus. Literature cited, aisi2o rey Ke, and Dobzhansky, T. Morphological dierercnées between the "races" of Drosophila pseudoobscura, ped-25. Literature cited, Peco. American philosophical society. Proceedings (Philadelphia), v.80, no.1l, Jan, 20, -1939. : Whiting, A. Re Mutant body colors in the parasitic wasp Habrobracon juglondis (Ashm.) and their behavior in multiple recessives and in mosaics, pe65-[86], illus. Bibliography, p.84-85. Anales del Instituto de biologia (Mexico City), v.9, no.1/2, Mar./June 1938. Hoffmann, C. Ce La formacion de razas en los Anopheles mexicanos. II. Anopheles albimanus y sus variedades en 1a Republica Mexicana, p»[167]-180, illus. Literatura citada, p»l79-180. German | summary, pel78&179; Los criaderos invernales de Anopheles pseudo-— punctipenmnis en el Estado de Oaxaca, p.[181]-192, illus. iiteratuns ecztada, pelI2. German summary, p.l91-192; Nota acerca de los criaderos invernoles de Anopheles albimanus Wied. en los pantanes de Veracruz, p.[193]-199, illus. German summary, p.198-199. Vazquez, Le Contribuciones al conocimiento de los Lepidooteros mexicoanos. IV. Biologia de Hemerocampa falcata Schous. (Familias Lymantriidoe), p.[209]~223, illus. Annals and magazine of natur%l history (London), ser.ll, ve2, no.12, Dec. 1938. Thompson, G. Be A list of the typce-hosts of the Mollophagsa and the lice described from thom, p.580-593. Annals of tropical medicine and parasitology (Liverpool), v.32, no.4, Dececl, 1938. Bertromn, D. S. A note upon myiasis due to the larvae of Cordylobia rodhaini Gedoelst, p.431-435, illus. References, p.434—-435. Davey, T. He, and Gordon, Re M. The size of aperture necessary in screencloth intonded for the protection of dwellings in West Africa, pe413-424, illus References, pe424. — ae Oh Annals of tropical medicine ond parasitology... (continued) Ho, C.. On a collectioniiof cnopheline moEgE thee es from,the island of H:inan, 2387-411, illus. References, p.410-411. Kirk, Re The non-transmission of Abyssinian louse+borne. relapsing fever by the tick Qrnithodorus savignyi and certsin other blood ‘sucking arthropods, p-307-365. References, p.564—-365, Anzeiger fur schadlingskunde (Berlin), wel4,- no.12,.Dec. 15, 1938: v.15, noel, Jan.15, 1939, : Bovey, Pe. Zur biologie und bekampfung des pflaumenwicklers Laspeyresia .(G Grapholitha) funebrana Treg Vel5, nod, p»l-10,; illus. Schriftenverzoichnis, p. 10. -riedl, A. Beitrag zur bekaup? ung der strassentauben in stedten, vel4, no.l2, pe[137}=140. Nolte, H.-W. Dic vidarstandefShi geott der spicgelraupeon der nonne (Lymantria monacha L.) gegon kalte, v.15, nol, .p.1l-12. Stellwaag, H. , and nd Gotz, 5B. Kongresso des jahres 1938, v.14, no.l2, »el40-144, _Ve _Neverungen der sehidlinasealemefuns. In Deutschland patenticrte srtindungen, v.14, no.12, p.145~146, illus.. Arbeiten uber morphologische und Gecauamniernc entomologic aus Berlin- Dahlem, ve5, yo.4, Dec. 15, 1938. { Keler, § Uber brasilianische Mallophagen. I. Beitrag, p.[505]-326, TT Uiss ‘ “ Mannheims, B. J. Uber das vorkommen der gattung Curupira in Manschulkuo nebdst beschreibung der entwicklungsstadien zweiecr never Blcepharo- ceriden aus Anatolien und Sud~Chile. (Diptera: Blepharoceridae), p528-332, illus. Arbdeiten uber physiologische und angewandte entomologic aus Berlin-Dahlem, ved, no.4, Nov.15, 1936. Becker, G. Dic prufune dor insektiziden wirkung. von holzschutzmittcln mittels Anobiun punctatun De Geer (= A.: striatum Oliv.) 2ls versuchs- tier, pe35 7-306 HespeLert O. Wie konnen die in Lubeck gemachten erfahrungen uber dic technische hausbockkafer-bekampfung fur das-Reich verwertet werden?, 0 -332-3576 Kaufmann, 0. Folgerungen aus der hausbockstatistik, p.318-332, tas). Bewertung der insektiziden holzschutzmittel auf grund der gross- versuche, p.342-347,. : Kerkowe Wie konnen die in Hamburg gemacnten oraktischen erfahrungen uber die wy tee hausbockbekampfung fur das Reich verwertet werden?, 0.337~342. Motzkus, Ee Grundlagen fur die priifung des einflusses von holzschutz— mitteln auf die brennbarkeit des holzes, p.513-318. Schuch, K. Ernahrungsphysiologische untersuchungen uber den nausbock- kafer und folgerungen fur die praxis, p.352-356, . illus. Arbeiten uber physiologische... (continued) Sehnulizen) Be Die vechnisiche prufung von holzschutzmitteln, p.d0G- 5135.6 j Schwarz, OC. Le Holzschutz in zevauden und hygiene, 2547-3526 Archiv fur schiffs-und tropen—hygiene (Leipzig), v.43, no.l, Jan. 1939, Sioli, F., Kentenich, A., and Boldt, H. Weitere erfahrungen uber die zucht der Anopheles und ihre aed in Le malariabehand— lung der paralytiker, p.1-15, illus. Archivio zoologico italiano (Torino), v.25, 1938. Di Maria, G Ricerche sulla vita asettica. Stud? sul fabbisogno vitaminico e sull! azione svolta dai microorganismi per lo sviluppo della Sarcophaga, p.[369]-507. Bibliografia, p.506. Text in Italian, Brief English summary, p.507. : Ghidini, G.’M. WNinfe-soldati in Reticulitermes lucifugus Rossi ottenute in allevemento, p. 95-109, i! illus. Text in Italian. ISeak sae English summary, p.lO9 Guareschi, C. Ricerchi sperimentali. sulla ninfosi degli insetti. —IT ,9.[133]-199. Bibliografila, p.194-19%, Text in Italian, aa summary, p.199. Plavania, HE. Ricerche sulla struttura del tubo digerente di Reticuli- aoe lucifugus (Rossi), con particolare reguardo alla natura Origine -e- funzione’ delle poritrofica, p. .[297]-328, illus. Bibliografia, ped21-323. T.xt in Italien. Brief English SUMMATY, P»edove Terio, B. Intluenza della luce bianca e delle luci monocromatiche sullo sviluppo somatico e sulla funzionalita degli organi genitali. Esperienze su Sarcophaga carnarla, pe [457]~468, illus. Biblio- gratia, pe467. Text in Italian. Brief English summary, p.468. Australian institute of agricultural science. Sydney, N.SeWe Journal, v4, noet, Dec. 1938. Allman, §. L. Breeding experiments with Queensland fruit fly (Strumeta tryoni Froge.), ».204-205, illus. Wallace, C. Re Measurement of beetle borer migration in banana plan- tations, p.215—-219, illus. [Cosmopolites sordidus]; Effect of cultivation on susceptibility of bananas to beatle borer [Cosmopolites sordidus]. p.220-225, illus. References, p.e225~6 Australian zoologist (Sydney), v.9, pt.2, Nov.30, 1938. Tillyard, R. Je A reclassification of the order Odonata. Based on some new interpretations of the venation of the dragonfly wing. With notes, preface and completion thereof, by F. C. Fraser, pel254169, illus (To be continued.). Der biologe (Munich), v.7, no.12, 1938. Eckstein, F, Bomerkungen woer okologie und massenwechsel bei insekten, Pe 592-398, — 0 Da Biologisches zentralblstt (Leipzig, v. 58, no. AW eeem Nov. /Dec. 1938; Waoo pang 2 tia, /Fob. 1939, Dobzghonsky, T., and Koller, P. CG. An experimental study of sexual isolation in Drosophila, v.58, no.11/12, p.589-607, illus. Literature cited, p.607. Klingeveil, K. -H. Uber die lichtresktionen von cugenmutotionsrassen doz mohlmotte Ephestia kuhniella Zeller, v.58, nowad./ te, p. 631-646, illus. Schriftenverzcichnis, p.0o46. Webor, H. Boitrige zur kenntnis der Bperoninins Psocoidea; 5. Zur cinblage und entwicklung der elefaontenleus, Haematomyzus clephantis Piaget,. v.59, no.1/2, p.98-109, illus. Schriftenverzeichnis, pe LOD, Bollettino di zoologia (Napoli), v.9, no.5-6, Oct.s-Dec. 1938, Scatizzi Brenchini, I. Descrizione della prima larva di Amara aenea Deg. (Golop.(!) Carabidac), p.[2l5s4221, illus. Bombay naturol history socicty. 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[Report of the 36th Annual neeting of the South African association for the eadvancenent of science]. Hesse, 4. J. Sone adaptive responses of insect life to semi-arid con- ditions in South Africa... Presidential address to Section D [Ento- mology], delivered 6 July, 1938, p.69-91. Literature consulted, pol. South London entomological and natural history society. London. Proceedings and transactions, 1938-39. Andrews, H. ¥. The family Cyrtidae (Diptera), p.76-79, illus. “ Ennis, L. H. Insects and light, p.85-88. Klimesch, J. A contribution to our knowledge of the biology of the species of the genus Bucculatrix, Zeller (Micro-Lepidoptera), Pp. LOL-L0s. Niblett, M. The Mediterranean and other fruit=flies, p.89-91. Stanley-Smith, F. Historical instances of the benefit to mankind of a knowledge of insects, p.64-75. References, p.74-75. [Presiden- ° tial address. ]. Turner, H. J. Recent discoveries in the biological relation of the twin species Chloridea (Heliothis) maritima and ©. (H.) dipsacen, p.110-114, illus. Wakely, S. Some interesting Microlcpidoptera, p.106-109, illus. Worms, ©. G. M. de. Insects at light, p.80-84. — South-eastern agricultural college, Wye, England. Journal (London), no.44, July 1939. Brade-Birks, S. G, Notes on ilyriapoda XXXVI. Sources for description and illustration of the British fauna, p.156-179. References, p.177- 7S. Hooper, C. H. Hive bees in relation to commercial fruit production, p.103-108, illus. References and sources of further information, p.107-108. aH RO) os South-eastern agr. college, Wye, Eng. Journal. (continued) Jary, S. G The control of hop red spider: some recent experiences, p.37-38; A note on tyroglyphid mites occurring in silage and on lily of the valley, p.59-61. References, p.6l. Jary, S. G., andAustin, M. D. Investigations on insect pests of brassica weeA crops in Romney Marsh (IJ-II, p.73-84, illus. References, p.83; Investigations on wireworms - I, p.85-91, ‘illus. Rolfe, S. W. Notes on Diplopoda VI. The recognition of some milli- pedes of economic importance — III, p.180-182, illus. Spolia zeylanica (Colombo, Ceylon), v.21, pt.2, Feb.10, 1939. Henry, GM. Stridulatory mechanism in the female tegmina of Scaphurinae, p.[18]-188, illus. Tenthredo (Acta entomologica) (Kyoto, Japan), v.2, no.3, May 1939. Bequaert, J., and Yasumatsu, K. Vespoidea of Micronesia (Hymenoptera), p.L314]-328, illus. Tokunaga, M. Japanese biting midges of Bezgzia and Pallpomia (Cerato- pogonidae, Diptera), p. [273 ]-313, illus, Literature, ».313. Treubia (Buitenzorg), v.16, no.3, Nov. 1938. Jong, J. D. de. The influence of the quality of the food on the ege- production in some insects, p.445-468, illus. Literature, p.465-466. Priesner, H. Materialien zu einer revision der Taeniothrips-arten (Thy sanoptera) des Indo-Malayischen faunenzebietes, p.469-526. Der Tropenpflanzer (Berlin), v.42, 1939; no.6, June; no.7, July. Knetsch. Die Lonchocarpuskultur in Stidamerika, no.6, p.248-249. (Nach "Bulletin of the Imperial Institute," 1938, Nr.2, $.179.) Lg. Tephrosia virginiana und andere nordamerikanische Tephrosgia- arven als insektizide, no.7, p.307-308. United States national musuem. Washington, D. ©. Proceedings, v.86, no.5065, 1939. James, M. T. Neotropical flies of the family Stratiomyidae in the United States national museum, p.595-607, illus. United States public health reports (Washington, D. C.), v.54, no.27, July 7, 1939. Dyer, R. BE, Similarity of Australien "Q" fever and a disease caused by an infectious agent isolated from ticks in Montana, p.12239-1237, illus. References, p.1237. Universidad nacional de La Plata. Revista de la Facultad de agrononia, v.ee (1937). 1928. Saez, F. A. HEstado de las investigaciones sobre citologia de las variedades de "Schistocerca paranensis". II, p.(129]-[133], illus. a on Universitas Atheniensis. Institutum et mseum zoologicum. Acta (Athens), v.2, no.3/4, Nov.l, 1938. Kréber, 0. Katalog der palearktischen Tabaniden nebst bestinmungstabellen und zusitzen zu einzelnen arten sowie neubeschreibungen, p.[57]-245. University of Washington. Seattle. Publications in biology, v.4, no.<, Dec. 1938; v.9, no.l, Dec. 1938. Exline, H. The Araneida of Vashington: Agelenidae and Hahniidae, v.9, no.l, p.1-44, illus. Hoppe, G. N. Plecoptera of Washington, v.4, no.2, p.139-174, illus. Literature cited, p.167-168. Victorian naturalist (Melbourne), v.56, 1939; no.2, June 7; no.3, July 5. Deane, ©. Hyes of insects —- notes on facet dimensions, no.2, p.c8-31; no.4, p.42-48, illus. References, p.47-48. Zeitschrift ftir angewandte entomologie (Berlin), v.26, no.1, May 1939. Claus, A. Uber weitere priifungen des pr¶tes Naaki als kornkafer- bekampfungsmittel im jahre 1938, p.[165]-170. Eichler, W. Die zucht von Phlugiola dahlerica Wd. Eichl. (Orthopt. Tettigoniid.), p.(171]-179, illus. Sehnrifttun, p.17s-179., Finck, E. von. Untersuchungen tiber die lebensweise der tachine Parasetigena segregata Rond. [= Phorocera agilis R.-D.] in der Rominter Heide (1935) sowie einige beobachtungen tiber schlupfwespen. (Die parasitierung der nonne durch insekten, teil I), p.[104]~-142, SANS. Schrifttum, p.14e. Gabler, H. Dag eindringvermdgen verschiedener fltissigkeiten in der tracheen und seine folgen, p.1-62, illus. Schriftenverzeichnis, p. 60-62. Gotz, B. Untersuchungen tiber die wirkung des sexualduftstoffes bei den traubenwicklern Clysia ambiguella und Polychrosis botrana, p.(143]-164, illus. Schrifttun, p.163-164. Niklas, 0.-F. Zum massenwechsel der tachine Parssetizena segregata Rond. (Phorocera agilis R.-D.) in der Rominter Heide. (Die para- sitierune der nonne durch insekten, Teil II), ».{63]-103, illus. Schriftenverzeichnis, p.102-103. Steiner, P. Bek&mpfung von spinnmilben [Tetranychus telarius] durch klebmittel, p.[180]-183, illus. Schrifftum, p.183. Zeitschrift ftir morphologie und Skologic der tiere (Berlin), v.35, no.3, June 24, 1939. Hackbart, %. Der einfluss kurzfristig wirkender temperaturen auf die entwicklung und fortpflanzung von schadinsekten, p. L465 ]-534, illus. Literaturverzeichnis, p,533-534, Jacobsen, H. Die ameisenfauna des ostbaltischen gebietes, p.[389 ]- 454, Literatur, p.453-454, Zeitschrift ftir vergleichende physiologie (Berlin), v.26, no.5 (schluss), June 13, 1939. Staudenmayer, IT. Die giftigkeit der mannose ftir bienen und andere insekten, p.[644]-668, illus. Literaturverzeichnis, p.666-668. a Zeitschrift ftir wissenschaftliche zoologie (Leipzig), Abt.A, v.152, 1AKO) asf May 1939. Gabler, H. H§ufigkeit der farbvariet&ten der nomne (Lymantria. monachs) bh). pi ile Adis \) “Senmicttum, goede: Zoologische jahrbticher (Jena). Abt. ftir systematik, dkologie und geosraphie der tiere, v.72, no.5/5, June 28, 1939. Ehlers, M. Untersuchungen tiber formen aktiver lokomotion bei spinnen, p.(373]-499, illus. lLiteraturverzeichnis, p.497-499. Zoologischer anzeiger (Leipzig), v.126, no.1/2, Apr.15, 1939. ferguson, F, F, A monograph of the genus Macrostomum O. Schmidt BAS Partul,-p 37-20), ius! Peat OGY CURRENT LITERATURE SELECTED REFERENCES COMPILED BY THE STAFF OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY AND PLANT QUARANTINE LIBRARY FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C, ver. 6 Sept.. = Oct. 1939 No. 5 “This list is confined to new books on “entomology and to sclected periodical liter- ature relating chicfly to economic entomolo- : gy. Publications of the U; S. Department of Agriculture and of the state experiment: sta- tions are omitted as a printed Monthly List of Publications is issued by the Office of . Information, and a mimeographed List of: State Experiment: Station Publications by the Office of. Experiment Stations. Publications of the state extension services, and all articles by members of the department staff in outside publications, are not included as they are issued monthly in Agricultural Library Notes. The contents of the Journal of Economic BEnto- mology have also been omitted because nearly all the technical workers have access to it. Periodical references to apiculture are not included. BOOKS Australia. Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Pampniet no.88, 90. Melbourne; HE. J. Green, Government printer, 1939. Contonts.- no.88. Helson, G. A. He The Oricntal peach moth (Cydia molest Busck.). Investigations in the Goulburn Valley, Victoria. Progress report for the seasons, 1935-38. - 23p. illus. References, pe25; mo.9O. Lennox, F. G. Studies of the physiology and toxicology or vlowflies. I. The development of a synthetic medium for aseptic cultivation of larvae of Iucilia ceuprina. 24p. illus. Refcrences, - oA +2) em*te Bawden, F. C. : Plant viruscs and virus disenscs. 272p. illus. ‘Leiden, Hollond, Cironica botanica:company, 1939. References at ends of chapters. Partial contents.- Transmission by insects, p.52-55; Rclationships between viruses and their insect vectors, p.66-83;. Control of insect- transmitted virus diseases, p.249-251. (New series of plant science bouks. vol. V.) ey vas Boardman, E. T. Field guide to lower aquarium animals. 1B6p.s - Adahaiss [Bloomfield Hills, Michigan], Cranbrook institute of science, 1939. (Cranbrook insti Sin Buln nom Pos). Bohner, K. Geschichte der cecidologie. Hin beitrag zur entwicklungsgeschichte naturwissenschaftlicher forschang und ein fthrer durch die cecidoloegie der alten. Teil I = Teil’ TT (pt.¥-2).. 2662 740p., illus. [Mittenwald (Bayern), Arthur Nemayer] Gesellschaft fir seschichte der pharmazie, 1933-1935. Boyd, Me i. Conferencias sobre malaria ofrecidas en el Instituto Finlay. U9 illus. . La Habana, Compania editora de libros y folletos, 1939. (Inst. te mlog Monog. no.6.). Bristol. teeter, Agricultural and Horticultural Re search Station we. Long Ashton. Anmal report... 2948. 20D. jase. London and Bath, Mendip press, 1ltd., [1939]. Partial contents.- Kearns, H. G. H., and Martin, H. Combined washes. Progress report. -V, p.66-71. References, p.71l;. . Kearns, H. G H., and Umpleby, E.. Experiments on the control of pests of apple mrsery stock by means of dipping. Woolly aphid and red spider. Progress report no.l, p.e/2-77, illus. RELerencels,(p.s rts) Wherry) We. Sora ingury opudites. Profress report I. Some observations on the probable causes of lime sulphur injury, p. 124-144. Roferences, p.142-144; Martin, H. Accident Deon on in the use of poisonous spray materials, p.145-153. Buchner, P. Symbiose der nee mit pflanzlichen mikroorganismen. U2Sip, waldauish Berlin, Valter de Gruyter &co., 1939. Literatur, p.[113]-121. Carpentier, G. Parasites et maladics parasita vires des équidés domestiques... 5e4p.° illus. Paris, Vigot Fréres, 2 Hditeurs, 1939. Congrés International d'Horticulture, Rome, 16-21 Septembre 1935. Rapports, section 4-9. Various paging. Roma, Arte stampa, ateicled (Received October, 1939.) Partial contents.- Sect.V, Theme 8. Delassus, Me, and Laffond, M. Les parasites animaux et vegetaux de cultures en Algeria. . 9p.; Schwartz, M. K. 0. Feindliche einwirkungen und schutzmethoden: entomologic. Sipe est ain German Résumé in French, p.l1-2; Davidson, J. Some of the more Tiponeent horticultural insect pests in Australia. Ope Text: in English. . Brief résumé in French, p.l;. Hove, van. La question entomologique en horticulture en Bole iaque. Spe; Tehorbadjiev, T.:. Insects misibles aux arbres fruitiers ct aux Py: ee Congres International d'Horticulture (contimed). plantes potagéres en Bulgarie. 8p.; Priesner, H. The present situation of horticultural pests in Egypt. 9p. Text in English. Re sume: in French, pei-3; Zolk, K. Das vorkommen von gartenschaed- lingen in Eesti. 10p. Text in German. Résumé in French, p.1-2; Paillot, A. Traitements fongicides et insecticides des poiriers et pommiers. . 6p.; Bako, G. Ueber das auftreten der San José schild- lous in Europa mit raecksicht suf den. internationalen pflan,en- und obstverkehr. ip. Text in German. Résumé in French. p.1-3; Grandi, G. Relazione sui principoli insetti dannosi, in Italia, alle piante da frutto (olivo esculuso) da fiore oe da orto, ec sui mezzi usati per combatterli. 9p. Text in Italian. Resume in French, p.l-2; Ruszkovski, J. Entomologiec, causes ennemies ct moyens de lutte en Pologne. 3p.; Ferreirs, M. J. Le Petite con- tribution pour la connaissance des insects et parasites, qui infestent les cultures horticoles en Portugal. 10p.; Knechtel, We. K. Ueber die schaedlinge des obst- und gartenbmes in Raumaenicn. ODe Text in German. Resume in French, pel=2; Tulleren, A. Vichtigste tierische gartenbauschacdlinge in Schweden und ihre bekeempfung. 4p. Toxt in German. French translation, 5p.; Bovey, P. Le cycle biologique du carpocapse des pruncs (Laspeyresia funebrana Tr.) en Suisse. 4p.;. Fogliano, R. lcs cnnemis ct moyens de Intte relatifs aux. cultures marnaichercs de la Tunisie. 6p.; Neude, I. J. Insect pests of horticulture in South Africa and their control. 14p. Toxt in English. Résumé in French, p.1-2 Voukassovitch, P. Les inscctes misibles der vergers en ee et ee controlo. S108 Congreso Fruticoln. IV, San Juan, 1935. IV° Congreso fruticoln de San Juan 1936. 441, IVp. Buenos Aires, Direccion de propaganda y publicaciones, 1939. At head of titles Argentine Republic. Ministerio de agricultura. Partial contents.- Lacorte, ¢. G. Insecticidnas y fungicidas mas communes (Preparncion y empleo on fruticulturn), p.[253]-274; Cooper, R. Fe Ve La vnrluacion de los Pee hank utilizados en Rio Negro para combatir la Bryobia, p.294-300; Trellcs, J. B. Un caso de difusion del pulgon lanigero del manzano [Eriosoma lanigeram] en Rio Negro, por Mcdio de su forma galicola sobre el omo Americano, p.355-356, illus. Bibliografia, p.356; Marchionatto, J. B. Bases para la cooperacion de los Gobiernos Provinciales en la lucha contra las plagas de la fruticultura, p.357-359. Corbett, G. He, and Miller, N.. Cc. E. -eethe identification of grubs from rubber estates. 7p.e illus. Kuala lumpur, ...Government printer, 1939. (Fed. Malay States, Dept. agr. [Bul.] Sci. ser. no.22 ioe IDjaanl weroReag 41 Whe Unterschungen zur biologie und bekampfung des tabakthripses in Bulgarien. (Resultat von 14- -jahrigen feld- und laboratoriums- versuchen). 1104p. ‘illus. [Sofia, 1939]. Literatura, p.103- 104. Text in Bulgarian. German summary, p.99-103. Monss THompe shes Stie wie kes A preliminary list of the Coleoptera of Windsor ieragel 126p. London, Nathaniel Lloyd & co., ltd., 1939. Bibliography, p.114~-120. Dounine, Mi. S. Editor. Virus diseases of plants. PRS) 5 Goi Moscow, 1938. Text in Russian. Partial contents.- Krivin, B.G. ‘The microcage for intomovirological experiments, p.207-214, Literatura, p.214; Scherbinovsky, N. S. On the problem of the transmission of plant viruses by insects, Dislelii mole. |) CCRC My Min uN A study of the insect vector of virus disenses Of) Comvon. ip. Due20-22. Dinean, C.D. Tormites. SAO dain. Sacramento, California State department of education, 1939. (Sci. guide for clementary schools, v.5, no9.). Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture. Technical and Scientific Service. Bulletin no.186, 193, 209, 216-217. Bulag, Cairo, Government press, ISS Contents.— no. 186. Hanna, A. D. Tho pomegranate fruit butterfly Vairachols Livia Kluge Morphology, life-history and con- trol. 54p. illus. References, p.52-54; no.l93. Kassab, A. The control of mole-crickcts with barium fluosgilicnte. Lop. anlbbuss Literature cited, p.12-14; no.209. Beshir, M., and Hosny, M. Some mealy bugs of Egypt and ex NO. 5, Sept. O« Compsre, H. Mealybugs and their insect enemies in South America, no.4) peorv—7d, illus. The ansect) enemies of The black sealer Saissetia oleae (Bern.) in South America, no.5, p.75-90, illus. Victorian naturalist (lielbourne), v.56, no.5, Sept.6, 1939. Wilson, F. E. Australian stag beetles, p.80-82. Vienna. Naturhistorisches Hobmuseum. no.2, Feb.+ no,3;) Mar.; no.4; Apr.; no.5, May: no.6, June; no.7-8, July-Aug. 1939. Bartels, HE. Hin streifzugz durch die bekampfune der dasselfliezen- please, Noid, pb 65|-76, illus. Eckstein, F. Die verve ndung tierischer gifte in der therapie, no.l, p.(1]-16; Die kapillaritatskoustante als okologischer faktor im leben der stecumuckenlarven, no.7-8, ».[191]- 209 , illus. Verzeichnis der benutzten ivoutur. a 209. aD Ss Zeitschrift fur hygienische zoologie und schadlingsbekampfung (continued). Hichler, W. Trimenopon jenningsi Kellogg & Paine, ein haarling des meerschyveinchens, auch fur Deutschland nachgewiesen, no.5, p.149- 153, illus.: Literatur, p.153; Deutsche lausfliegen, ihre lebens— weise und ihre hygienische bedeutung, no.7-8, p.2clO-226, illus. Literatur, 0.225-226. Gosswald, K, Uber die pharao-ameise monomorium pharaonis L. und ihre bekampfung, no.5, p.l129]-149:; no.6, p.[161]-172, illus. Schrifttum, p.l7l-1 7, | Kemper, H. ‘ersuche mit dem "Thermodes'"'—heissluftentwesungsverfahren, MO, Pp. 6o-44, illus. .. lateraturnachwess,, p44. Peus, F.. Die gtechmickenplage und ihre bekampfung. I. teil, no.4, DeLOZ—l2>, Lids, \ Saling, T. Betrachtungen uber die bekampfung von grossplagen durch haus— und wohnungsschadlinge, no.c, p.44-5l. Zeitschrift fur untcrsuchung der lebensmittel (Berlin), v.78, no.1, July 1939. | Grogstelid, Ji. jjand Payson, kh.) bermidic joe chammane dex ame isenaure in lebensmitteln, p.1-3g0, illus. Zeitschrift fur vergleichende physiologie (Berlin), v.27, no.1, July 19, SEIS) Gavel). i. von. Die “kritische: streiteubmerte! als mass|. dem sehscharfe bei Drosophila melanogaster, p.{80]-135, illus. . Schrifttums- verzeichnis, p.134-135. Zoological magazine (Tokyo), v.51, no.1, Jan. 1939. Sasamoto, K. On the life-history of some egs-parasites of the Japanese tent caterpill-r [Malacosoma noustria testacea Motschulsky], p.24-83, illus. [References], p.33. ‘Text in Japanese. Hnedush summary, p.24-25. Zoologischer anzeiger (Leipzig), v.126, 1939; no.5/6, May 15; no.9/10, June 15. Gohrbandt, I. Hin neuer typus des tympanalorgans der Syntomiden, n0.5/6,.p.LO7-116, tilus. “Literatu, .p. Une. Molitor, A. Bsobachtungen, den "Ortssinn" und nestbau der Vespiden betreffend, no.9/10, p.269-245, illus.; Zun farbensinn der falten+ wespen [Vespa spp.]. no.9/10, p. 259-264. ENTOMOLOGY CURRENT LITERATURE SELECTED REFERENCES COMPILED BY THE STAFF OF THE BUREAU OF ENTOMOLOGY ‘AND PLANT QUARANTINE LIBRARY FROM PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED IN THE LIBRARY’ OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF -AGRICULTURE, WASHINGTON, D. C. . ; Viodin8 Nov. — Dec. 1939 ' No. 6 This list is confined. to new books on entomology and to sclected periodical litcr- ature relating chicfly to econonie entonolo- gy. Publications of the U. S. Department of Jgriculture and of the state experiment sta- tions are omitted as a-printed Monthly List of Publications is issued by the Office of Information, and a nimeographed List of State Experiment Station Publications by the Office of Expcrinent Stations. Publications of the state cxtonsion sorvices,.and all articles by members of the department staff,.in outside publications, are not. included as they are issued monthly in Agricultural Library Notes. The contents of the Journal of Hconomic Ento- mology have also been omittcd because nearly ‘all the technical workers have access to it. Periodical refcronces to apiculture are not included. BOOKS Ahlberg, 0. Undersékningar Sver potatisnematodon,.Heteroders schachtii Schmidt subsp. rostochionsis Woll, I. Mctoder fir kvantitntiv bestamning av jordens cystahalt. oops Pllus. Stockholn, 1939. Literatur, pe, 29. (L Sweden] Statens vixtskyddsanst. Mcddel. no.29.) Ansley, A. J. An introduction to laboratory technique... S$i3p. illus, London. Macmillan and co., limited, 1938. ‘ Bornice ©. Bishop Museum. Honolulu, Hawaii. . Bulletin no.142 (Pacific ent. surv. Tub. no.8.) ° 220p. illus. Honolulu, Hawaii, Published by the. Museun, 1939, Contents.= Marquesan insects - III. RAC) ae Bounhiol, J. Jd. Rochorches oxpérinen tales sur le @3terminisme de la nétanorphosc chez les Lépidoptercs. LO Siig rat letaisr. Paris, Laboratoire a'évolution des &tres organisés, 1938. (Bu bilo. "de France et de Belgique. Supple, SOGhVe)) Brazil, Ministerio da Agricultura. Instituto ce Biologia Vegetal. Jardin Botanico,. j Anais da primeira reunido Sul-Americana de botanica. 12a 19 de Outubro Geel Sire VOM sede AO g | shal Jabs} Rio. de Janeiro, Brasil, 1938. Partial contents.— Stahel, G.. Sobre o fungo sullinivadls Gia formiga Atta cephalotes L., p. “Sy (isoileeoss Uber den pilz der garten von Atta cephalotes, p.207-213. Bristowe, ‘. §. ; the comity of spiders. Vol. Too Zeepe, ailuss London, Printed for the Rey Society, 19359. Bibliography, p.218-228. (Ray society. Monograph no.126.) British Carnation Society. Carnation year book 1939, 67p, illus. Burnley and London, Hortus printing co. 1td,, [1939]. Partial contents.— Spever, B. R., and Hee ay W. Red spider-mite (Tetranychus telarius Trae p.6-16; Speyer, le H.R. “A note on carnation tortrix (Tortrix pronubana Hib), oaks British Musoum (Natural History). Ruwenzori oxpedition 1934-5. Vol. II, nos.l-2, 3. p.[1]-[48], [49]-89. illus London, Printed by order of the Trustees of the British museun, 1939, Contents.— no.l~2. Lindner, B. Stratiomyiidae, p.[1]-11; Oldroyd, H. Rhagionidae, Tabanidae, Asilidae, Bombyliidae, oy iede 47: no.d. Emden, F. van. Muscidae: Waneonmae ean " Stomoxydinae, 4 [49]-89. Baar Mc The insect legion. 3clp. illus. London, James Nisbit & ‘co., ltd.,— [1939] . Carstens, B. Bastelbuch des imkers. 2114p. illus. [Leipzig], Verlag der Leipziger bicnonzeitung, Liedloff, Loth & Michaelis, [1938]. Chamberlin, W. J. The bark and timber bectles of North America north of Mexico. The taxono= my, biology and control of 575 specics belonging to 72 genera of the Super family Scollytoidea,, alld eels. Corvallis, Oregon, OSC Cooperative association, 1939. Bibliography, 2471-500. procuseed: Chandler, S. C,, and Plint, W. 2. Controlling peach insects in Illinois, 40p. illus. Urbana, 1939. (Tim, Nab, histe sieve (Cieen 155) Lr - J- Chis inau. Institutul de CeEeotetd Agronomice al Romaniei. Statiunea Fitopatologica. Instructiuni pentru prepararea si ay ee insecticidelor si fungicidelor, Editia V... 48). Chisinau, Monitorul oficial si imprimeriile statului, 1939. Ergebnisse der biologie, herausgegeben von K. v. Frisch. 0. Koehler, W. Ruhland, H. Stubbe, redigiert von W. Ruhland, v.17. 460p. illus. Berlin, Julius Springer, 1939. Partial contents.- rlagge, E. Genabhingige wirkstoffe bei tieren, p-L105]-150. Literatur, p.146-150. Frangon, J. Liesprit des abeilles. 226p. Paris, Gallimard, [1938]. A handbook of Philippine agriculture issued in comnemoration of the thirtieth anniversary. 8028p. Published by the College of agriculture, University of the Philippines, 1939. rartial contents.— Chap, III. Farm pests, p.20l-2de. Hanstrom, B. Hormones in invertebrates. 198p. illus. .Oxford, Clarendon press, 1939, Literature, p.[147]-185. Partial contonts.- Chap. V. Incretory organs ne hormones connected with ecdysis, metamorphosis, and reproduction in insects, p.50-73; Chap. IX. Hormonal regula- tion of colour-chan;e in insects, p.81-88, “Gasogawa, K., and Suzuki, A. Hine illustrierte beschreibung von schddlichen forst-insekten und ihre bedeutung und bekdmpfung in der forstwirtschaft. Nr.1-2. 13, 10p. illus. 1938. Text in Japanese. (From the Forest experiment station of the Imperial household. Yokoyama, Tokyo, Japan. ) Henriksen, K. L. A revised index of the insects of Grdénland containing a supplement to the insect list in Kai L. Henriksen & Will. Iundbeck: Grdéniands landarthropoder (Medd. om Grgnl. Bd, 22, 1917). Iai Bol Kdbenhavn, C. A. Reitzels forlag, 1939. (Grgnland. Komm. for vidensk. unders¢g. .Meddel. Bd. 119, no.10.) Bes lop; bewhsch. New bilingual catalog of the British Lepidoptera. 13lp. London, Published for the author by Watkins & Doncaster, 1938. . A classi- fied and indexed list of the Latin and English names of British butterflies and moths... Hussein, M. An expedition to Arabia for locust investigtions. RED. Lids. Bulag, Cairo, Govt. press, 1939, (Egypt Min. agr. Tech. and sci, serv. Bul. no.225.) a lage Kaburmalei 0s), Kamaton Ale) wasn mmm manGno bites: ! Studies on rice borers. Tit. Thies biollogy of the rice Doren Chagko simplex Butler, with special reference to phototaxis and chemotaxis. 178p. ’ ilius. 9 Tokyo, Mar) 19392)" Text) in Japanese." “Bnei re p. 172-178. (Japan. Min. agr. and forestry, Nozikairyosiryo no.l40. Kenpenn is Die bettwanze und ihre bek&mpfung. 107p. illus. ‘Leipzig, Verlag: Deutsche gesellschaft fur kleintier- und pelztierzucht G.M.B.H., 1936. lLiteraturverzeichnis, p.96-107. (Hyg. zool. ... Bd.4.) Kemper, H. Die nahrungs- und genussmittelschddlinge und ihre bek&mpfung. 270p. aL SLA UUs Leipzig, Verlag Dr. Paul Schops, 1939. lLiteraturauswahl, p.225—229% | (ve) “zools V.. Bass) Kemper) Hs Die pelz— und textilschadlinge und ihre bek&mpfung. GVWOG 7 sbILIGoL Ss - Leipzig, Verlag; Deutsche gesellschaft fur kleintier- und pelztierzucht Grafli fads piltal Gc) (C Olam CO) aye Literatur, p.60-65. (Hye. zoo lee BELA 5) Knight, Po The problems of insect study. Second ed. vii, 1352p. illus. Ann Arbor, Michigan, Edwards brothers, inc., 1939. The literature of entomology, pe li9-121. ~ Processed. Mens. Vie a El cultivo del algodonero en el valle de Canete, en relacion con las plagas entomologicas, en 1939. Slp. img. Peru, Oc. LISI Anexo, by J. E. Wille, p.29-é1. (lima, Peru, Bstac. expt. agrs de La Molina, Informe no.51.) Ontario, Entomological Society of. eseoixty-ninth annual report of the Entomological society of Ontario, WIDE S 6:0 UBIO} be abaldabies, Toronto, Printed by T. E. Bowman, ... 1938. Partial contents,- Caesar, L. The progress of economic entomology in Ontario since the organization of our society in 1863, p.7—-10; Pickettj:A.D., and Payne, H. G. The history of entomology in Nova Scotia particularly in respect to the activities of provincial authorities, p.11-15. Literature cited, p.15; Maheux, G. Historical notes on the development of entomology in Quebec, p.16-17; Brown, A. W. &., and Fleming, H. §. Recent extensions of the kmown distribu- tion of the Zuropean spruce sawfly, p.c2-24, illus.; Reeks, W. A. Native insect parasites and predators attacking Diprion polytomum (Hartig) in Canada, p.25-28. References, p.28; Barclay, J. M. The oviposition habits of some of the species of the genus Exenterus parasitic on sawfly larvae [Diprion polytomun Hte. J, p.2<9-31, witus; Green, T, U. A laboratory method for the propagation of Microcryptus basizonius Grav,, p.d2-44; Finlayson, L. R. A note on the mating of Coelopisthia nematicida (Pack) Hewitt, p.34-35; Macdndrews, A. H. PY oes the pine spittle bug (Aphrophora parallela Say) as a pest of Scotch pine plantations, p.35-37; Brown, A. W. A. .Forest tent caterpillar [Malacosoma: iiectria Hbn. 1 in Ontario “1931-1938, p.37-42, illus. References,'p.42; Mclaine, L. S.+ Some notes on the gypsy moth eradication campaign in New Brunswick, end the Japanese beetle pre- ventive work, p.43-45; Brown, A. W. ite The forest insect survey for T936, ps 45-52, aes Holl, nal A. Further observations on the biology of the apple maggot “(Rhagoletis pomonella Walsh), p.53-58; Garlick, W. G. Miscellaneous notes on the codling moth, p. 58 61, MG baa Beaulieu, A. On the biology of the codling moth [Carppcapes pomonella L.J in Quebec, p-61-65; Steenburgh, W. HE. Van, and Boyce, H. R. - Biological control of the oriental fruit moth Laspey- resia molesta Pusck in Ontario: A review of ten years! work, p.65-74, Bibliography, p.74; Steenburgh, W. HE. Van. A strain of Trichogramma semblidis Aus. from Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada, p.74-75. References, p.75; Thompson, R. W. Further notes on corn borer resistance in hybrid corn; with a brief statement of the infestation Situation in Ontario in 1938, p.76-81; James, H. G. Some field observations on the biology of Chelonus annulipes Wesm., an intro- duced braconid parasite of the Buropern corn borer, p.82-84; Wishart, G. Some observations on the effect of termperature on the sex ratio of a hymenopterous parasite Chelonus annulipes Wesm., p.85-87; Hammond, G. H. White grub prospects ir in Ontario for 1939, - a7 90; - Maheux, G., and Gauthier, G, The most vulnerable stage in the life cycle of June beetles, p. 90-93; Huckett, H. C. Recent developments in cabbage worm control on Long Island, p. 93- 96; Baker, A. W. Notes on the armyworn, Leucania unipuncta Haw. outbreak in n Ontario in 1938, p.96-99; Maheux, G., and Lagloire, P. The 1939 outbreak of the armyworn. [ones unipuncta Haw. | in Quebec, p.99-101; Caesar, L., and Dustan, G. G. control of the house cricket EG tetoals houcaiiieac Ihe ily. Ds p.1l0l1- 1053 Pickett, A. D. The mullein leaf bug - Campylomma verbasci, Meyer, as a pest of | apple in Nova Scotia, p.105-106. [Bibliography], De LOG Gilbert, H. A. An outline of the life history of the hop vine borer Gortyna immanis Guenee, with notes on its control, p.107-114, Aire, Bibliographical footnotes, p.107; Matthewman, W. “Gs, and Dus tan, A. G. Report on a test of tartar emetic as a control for the gladiolus thrips, p.114; Post, R. L. Preserving insect specimens and preparing material for display, ».115-119; Twinn, C. R. A summary of the insect pest situation in Canada in 1938, p.121-134, Otoya, F. J. La mosca de las frutas y metodos para combatirla. 8p. illus. Bogota, Colombia, 1939, (Colombia. Min. econ. nac. Bol. no.l.) Philippine Islands. Department of Agriculture and Commerce. The derris industry in the Philippines. 10p. illus. Manila. Bureau of printing, 1939, Ribeiro, L. Brazilian medical contributions. 18lp. illus. Rio de Janeiro, Livraria Jose Olympio, 1939. ee See Rimskii-Kgrsakov, M. N. Hd. Lesnaid Sntrome aie sostavilis Ni es _casev, Tales Polyboiarinov [and others], pod obdshchei redaktsied prof. M. N. Rimskogo-Korsakova... Izdanie 2-e, 446p. illus. - ‘Leningrad, Goslestekhizdat, 1938. Bibliography, p.[433]-437. thst Schenkling, S. i Coleopterorum catalogus auspiciis et auxilio W. Junk editus a S. Schenk- ling. Pars 164-165. 's-Gravenhage, W. Junk, 1949. Contents.-— pears 164, Emden, M. et F. van. Curculionidae: Brachyderinae III, p.197-327, Index Brachyderinarum. 59p.; pt.165. Delkeskamp, K. Cantharidae. 3357p. Schwartz, L., and Tulipan, L. a nace A text-book of occupational diseases of the skin. 799p. illus. Philadelphia, Lea & Febiger, 1939. References at ends of chapters. Partial contents.- Chap. XXVI. Dermatoses caused by insecticides and fungicides, p.304-314, References, p.dl2-314; Chap. XXXVIII. Derm.toses caused by animal parasites, p.457-469. References, p. 468-469. | Se@ row, “leigy lald A history of tropical medicine based on the Fitzpatrick lectures delivered before the Royal college of physicians of London 1937-8. Verse) lil (1155p.) Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins company, 1939. Shafik, M. A study of some mixed fumigants suitable for the control of stored DGOGUCS) EenSeletis 04) WSOpien) a Telus Bulag, Cairo, Govt. press, 1938. [Bibliography], p.142-160. (Egypt. Min. agr. Tech. and sci. serv. Boule) mMoreevn ) Societas Neerlandica Medicinae Tropicae. Acta conventus tertii de tropicis atque malariae morbis. Pars. I. ... Tropicis morbis. Pars II. ...Malariae morbis. 720, 60D.) Wea. Amstelodami, Societas Neerlandica medicinae tropicae editit, 1938. Société de Biogéographie. la vie dans la region désertique nord-tropicale de l'ancien monde, par L. Aufrére, F.-S. Bodenheimer [and Sobel 406p. illus. Paris, Paul Lechevalicr, 1938. (Soc. de biogéor. (Mém. ij View) Partial contents.— Peyerimhoff, P, de. Physionomie de la faune entomologique (Golgopteres) real Sahara, p.l179]-218; Chopard, L. Les Orthoptéeres désertiques de l'Afrique du Nord, p. [219]-230, illus. Bibliographie, p.228-230; Uvarov, B. P. Weoulaeeteel and biogeographical relations of Bremian Acrididac, Tole [231]-273, illus. Bibliography, p.272-275. Vecht, J. van der. De bestrijding van de klapperrups, Artona (Brachar tona) enatoxantha, door bespuiting met derris-suspensies. 40p. illus. Buitenzorg, Archipel drukkerij, 1939. Literatuur, p.36-37. Text in Dutch, English summary, p.d7—40. (Guiteaeane Inst, v. plantenziekten Meded. no.95 [Dutch Fast Indies. Alg. proefsta, v. Landb, Meded. no. 36]) a ae Victoria University of Manchester. Entomological field Station, Warburton, Cheshire. ; aor. for the year 1938. 35p. illus. [1939] Contents.- Miles, and Cohen, M. Investigations on wireworms and their control,