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O t z , / > ' s >’ 2 -"\w > \i«!S/ 5 5 • CO 2 co 2 CO A> 2 w ■ ■•“■ z /iNOSHims S3 lava an libraries Smithsonian institution NouniiisNi nvinoshiiws saiavaan libra - co ~ co — co — -y. w — c H O Xcvos^i^ “ O IITHSONIAN^INSTITUTION NOIlfUUSNI NVIN0SH1IINS S3 I ava a n^LI B RAR I ES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlini ~ cd 2 cd — . .-CD 2 AS#** m ^ ^ x^Qiij-s^x m m MNosHiiws S3 1 avaa n“u b rar i es Smithsonian “institution NouniusNrNViNosHiiws^ss i ava a n“u b rai U} iZ. . (S) ~r (j) 2^ rrx SfSj o x o UK H X CO — 2 S 2 ^ > '< IITHSONIAN _ INSTITUTION NOimillSNI NVINOSHIIINS^SB laVaan^LfBRARI ES^SMITHSONIAN^ INSTITUTION ^NOIlfU 2 ff? ^ ^ 5 ^v. «> . . 5 ( ENTRAINMENT OF LARVAL OYSTERS SPECIAL EDITION NO. 3 OF THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL BULLETIN SPECIAL EDITION NO. 3 OCTOBER 1986 CONTENTS Entrainment of larval oysters by hydraulic cutterhead dredges: an introduction. ROBERT S. PREZANT 1 An argument for retaining periods of non-dredging for the protection of oyster resources in upper Chesapeake Bay. W. R. CARTER, III 5 Evaluating the need for dredging restrictions due to oyster larvae entrainment. H. GLENN EARHART 11 The public oyster bottoms in Virginia: an overview of their size, location, and productivity. DEXTER S. HAVEN and JAMES P. WHITCOMB 17 Expected seasonal presence of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) larval populations, emphasizing Chesapeake Bay. VICTOR S. KENNEDY 25 Physicochemical alterations of the environment associated with hydraulic cutterhead dredging. JOHN D. LUNZ and MARK W. LaSALLE 31 Prediction of flow fields near the suction of a cutterhead dredge. E. C. McNAIR, JR. and GLYNN E. BANKS 37 Influence of suspended particles on biology of oyster larvae in estuaries. MELBOURNE R. CARRIKER 41 Arctica islandica (Linne) larvae: active depth regulators or passive particles. ROGER MANN 51 A review of some factors that limit oyster recruitment in Chesapeake Bay. GEORGE R. ABBE .59 Entrainment of oyster larvae by hydraulic cutterhead dredging operations: workshop conclusions and recommendations. MELBOURNE R. CARRIKER, MARK W. LaSALLE, ROGER MANN and DONALD W. PRITCHARD 71 AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL BULLETIN BOARD OF EDITORS EDITOR ROBERT S. PREZANT Department of Biological Sciences University of Southern Mississippi Hattiesburg, Mississippi 39406-5018 MELBOURNE R. CARRIKER College of Marine Studies University of Delaware Lewes, Delaware 19958 ASSOCIATE EDITORS ROBERT ROBERTSON Department of Malacology The Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 GEORGE M. DAVIS Department of Malacology The Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 W. D. RUSSELL-HUNTER Department of Biology Syracuse University Syracuse, New York 13210 R. TUCKER ABBOTT American Malacologists, Inc. Melbourne, Florida, U.S.A. JOHN A. ALLEN Marine Biological Station Millport, United Kingdom JOHN M. ARNOLD University of Hawaii Honolulu, Hawaii, U.S.A. JOSEPH C. BRITTON Texas Christian University Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A. JOHN B. BURCH University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. EDWIN W. CAKE, JR. Gulf Coast Research Laboratory Ocean Springs, Mississippi, U.S.A. PETER CALOW University of Sheffield Sheffield, United Kingdom BOARD OF REVIEWERS JOSEPH G. CARTER University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, North Carolina, U.S.A. ARTHUR H. CLARKE Ecosearch, Inc. Portland, Texas, U.S.A. CLEMENT L. COUNTS, III University of Delaware, U.S.A. Lewes, Delaware, U.S.A. THOMAS DIETZ Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, Louisiana, U.S.A. WILLIAM K. EMERSON American Museum of Natural History New York, New York, U.S.A. DOROTHEA FRANZEN Illinois Wesleyan University Bloomington, Illinois, U.S.A. VERA FRETTER University of Reading Berkshire, United Kingdom ROGER HANLON University of Texas Galveston, Texas, U.S.A. JOSEPH HELLER Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem, Israel ROBERT E. HILLMAN Battelle, New England Duxbury, Massachusetts, U.S.A. K. ELAINE HOAGLAND Academy of Natural Sciences Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. RICHARD S. HOUBRICK U.S. National Museum Washington, D.C., U.S.A. VICTOR S. KENNEDY University of Maryland Cambridge, Maryland, U.S.A. ALAN J. KOHN University of Washington Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. ISSN 0740-2783 LOUISE RUSSERT KRAEMER University of Arkansas Fayetteville, Arkansas, U.S.A. JOHN N. KRAEUTER Baltimore Gas and Electric Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A. ALAN M. KUZIRIAN NINCDS-NIH at the Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole, Massachusetts, U.S.A. RICHARD A. LUTZ Rutgers University Pise at a way, New Jersey, U.S.A. EMILE A. MALEK Tulane University New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. MICHAEL MAZURKIEWICZ University of Southern Maine Portland, Maine, U.S.A. JAMES H. McLEAN Los Angeles County Museum Los Angeles, California, U.S.A. ROBERT F. McMAHON University of Texas Arlington, Texas, U.S.A. ROBERT W. MENZEL Florida State University Tallahassee, Florida, U.S.A. ANDREW C. MILLER Waterways Experiment Station Vicksburg, Mississippi, U.S.A. BRIAN MORTON University of Hong Kong Hong Kong JAMES J. MURRAY, JR. University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A. RICHARD NEVES Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Blacksburg, Virginia, U.S.A. WINSTON F. PONDER Australian Museum Sydney, Australia CLYDE F. E. ROPER U.S. National Museum Washington, D.C., U.S.A. NORMAN W. RUNHAM University College of North Wales Bangor, United Kingdom AM ELI E SCHELTEMA Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, Massachusetts, U.S.A. ALAN SOLEM Field Museum of Natural History Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. DAVID H. STANSBERY Ohio State University Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. FRED G. THOMPSON University of Florida Gainesville, Florida, U.S.A. THOMAS E. THOMPSON University of Bristol Bristol, United Kingdom NORMITSU WAT ABE University of South Carolina Columbia, South Carolina, U.S.A. KARL M. WILBUR Duke University Durham, North Carolina, U.S.A. Cover. Crassostrea virginica Gmelin from Chesapeake Bay. From Galtsoff, P. S. 1964. The American Oyster. Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service 64: 1-480. Reprinted in memory of the contributions of Paul S. Galtsoff to oyster biology. THE AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL BULLETIN (formerly the Bulletin of the American Malacological Union) is the official journal publication of the American Malacological Union. AMER. MALAC. BULL. SPECIAL EDITION NO. 3 October 1988 ENTRAINMENT OF LARVAL OYSTERS BY HYDRAULIC CUTTERHEAD DREDGES: AN INTRODUCTION ROBERT S. PREZANT DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI HATTIESBURG, MS 39400-5018, U.S.A. ABSTRACT Reasons for the decline in commercial oyster fisheries in Chesapeake Bay include pollution, predation, sedimentation, disease, and harvest pressures. Recently, members of the oyster industry suggested another source of oyster mortality, i.e., entrainment of larval oysters by hydraulic cutterhead dredges used to deepen and widen channels in the Bay’s tributaries. Accordingly, the Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, sponsored a workshop to address this possible problem. Participants of the workshop offered conflicting views on the impact of dredging operations: either dredging has a negligible impact on larval oyster populations (a reflection of an already large natural larval mortal- ity), or dredging activities push larval mortality over some critical threshold that reduces future spat settlement and thus adult oyster populations. Information on oyster larval physiology and physiological responses to various deleterious environmental factors is necessary before questions concerning the impacts of dredging on the viability of commercial oyster populations can be addressed. The productive oyster reefs of the coastal regions of the northeastern United States produce over 50,000 thousand pounds (five year average for 1 978-1 982) of the American oys- ter Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) per year (USDG, 1984). While this may seem an impressive amount, it is less than 20% of the annual harvest of the late 1800’s (Lyles, 1969). There are many reasons for this decline in productivity (Mac- Kenzie, 1970). Galtsoff (1964) discussed several factors that regulate oyster populations including sedimentation (i.e. burial and suffocation of spat), “disease”, predators (including gas- tropods, asteroids, turbellarians, fish, birds, man), commen- sals and competitors (including boring sponges, boring clams, mud worms, oyster crabs, spirochaetes, perforating algae, “fouling organisms”), and pollution. More recently, Seliger et at. (1985) increased the list to include anoxia caused by an increase in land runoff and sewage effluent input. Larval mortality is another important factor in the regulation of molluscan communities. In fact, Thorson (1950) noted that for organisms with free swimming larval stages, larval mortality can be one of the prime regulators of the population. There are many causes of larval mortality among marine and estuarine molluscs. Vecchione (1986) briefly outlined some of these, including starvation (Beyer, 1980; Anger ef a/., 1981), predation (Mileikovsky, 1974; Steinberg and Kennedy, 1979), loss of larvae due to transport out of viable environmental regimes (Norcross and Shaw, 1984), and pollution (Roosenburg, ef a/., 1980; Wright et at., 1983). These impacts on larval populations will have obvious effects on oyster fisheries. The series of papers that follow in this publication are among those presented at a workshop, spon- sored by the Baltimore District of the Army Corps of Engineers, designed to help understand another potential strain on oyster populations: lethal entrainment of oyster lar- vae by hydraulic cutterhead dredges. The workshop on En- trainment of Larval Oysters by Cutterhead Dredges in Chesapeake Bay, held at the University of Delaware, College of Marine Studies in August 1985, summarized knowledge on oyster larvae and the possible impact that entrainment could have on their population viability. The workshop brought together authorities on oyster biology, oyster fisheries and dredging operations. The main question asked was: do hydraulic cutterhead dredges lethally entrain large numbers of larval oysters and if so to what extent will this reduce oyster production in Chesapeake Bay? Individuals involved with dredging operations suggest that dredging does not significantly deter the already stressed oyster populations of Chesapeake Bay and are requesting wider time frames for their operations. One of the goals of the workshop was to devise a model that would allow predictions, based on present knowledge, of potential dredging impacts. Another goal, and one no less important, was to ask what additional informa- tion is needed to adequately understand the interaction of necessary dredging activities and oyster reef productivity in Chesapeake Bay? Lunz (1985) suggested that there would be no signifi- American Malacological Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1 986): 1-4 1 2 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT cant impact on oyster production in Chesapeake Bay caused by dredge induced entrainment. He believes that population levels of oysters in Chesapeake Bay are regulated by high “natural” mortality of larvae and spat. Based on discussions with oyster biologists, Lunz states two reasons for the possibly insignificant influence that hydraulic cutterhead dredging has on oyster fisheries. First, the dredge entrains only a small volume of water relative to the volume of water flowing past the dredge that might contain oyster larvae. Second, natural mortality of oyster larvae (including fertilized egg through spat) is 99.999967%, and dredge impact beyond this would be in- significant. The Maryland Department of Natural Resources disagrees (see Carter, 1986, this volume) and suggests that dredging operations negatively influence the viability of oyster populations through entrainment. Behavior, morphology, and development of ostreid bivalves have been carefully examined (see for example Davis, 1958; Ranson, 1960; Ockelmann, 1962; Galtsoff, 1964; Loosanoff et at., 1966; Pascual, 1971, 1972; Waller, 1981). Ockelmann (1962) examined the development of several marine and estuarine bivalves and discussed their distribu- tional patterns along the Atlantic coast of Europe. Included in his discussion is information on the lecithotrophic develop- ment of Ostrea chilensis Philippi. He notes that, as is com- mon with many ostreid species, O. chilensis has a short lar- val stage in the plankton, enhancing its chances of remain- ing in the appropriate environmental regime for continued on- togenetic development. The behavior of oyster larvae is thought to be at the heart of their ability to remain in an en- vironmental regime conducive to their post-settlement lives. Galtsoff (1964) suggested that during their two to three weeks in the plankton, the veliger larvae of Crassostrea virginica are essentially at the mercy of surrounding water movements and are thus passively carried by currents to their final distribu- tion. T. Nelson (1952) and M. R. Carriker (1951) elaborated the ideas of Julius Nelson (Galtsoff, 1964) in the belief that oyster larvae migrate vertically, taking advantage of tidal cycles to remain within an estuary. Oyster larvae appear to migrate upward during incoming tides and downward dur- ing ebb tides, thus aiding in their retention in the estuary. Evidence presented by Haskin (1964), Hidu and Haskin (1971) and Newkirk (1978) indicates planktonic larvae of C. virginica perceive salinity gradients and swim towards lower salinity surface waters or sink into denser, higher salinity bottom waters. The exact mechanisms involved or the existence of this behavior remains speculative. While the main emphasis of this workshop was entrain- ment of larval oysters by hydraulic cutterhead dredges, there are other potentially serious impacts caused by dredging ac- tivities. Some of these are discussed in papers that follow. One of particular import could be siltation (see Carriker, 1986, this volume). Lunz et at. (1984) suggest that “Although perhaps more sensitive than juvenile and adult stages, eggs and larvae of shellfish species inhabiting turbid estuaries and coastal waters can be expected to be adapted to and highly tolerant of naturally occurring elevated suspended sediment concentrations (eg. concentrations generated during storm events and seasonal flooding conditions) for reasonable durations of time.” Rapid desposition of suspended sediments, however, can be detrimental to oyster com- munities in particular habitats. Poor water circulation, caused by construction of a continuous levy in Calcasieu Ship Chan- nel in Louisiana, U.S.A., allowed excess siltation in Calcasieu Lake that destroyed the annual one million pound oyster harvest (Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, 1985). Work- ing in conjunction with the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, the Army Corps of Engineers developed a plan that restricted the deposition of dredge spoil along the levy thus allowing restoration of adequate water flow into the oyster fisheries area. The substantial oyster harvest has since been restored. Priest (1981) quantitifed impacts of suspend- ed sediments on oyster larvae. Lunz et at. (1984) agree that if detrimental concentrations are created by dredging opera- tions, they should be modified or curtailed. Galtsoff (1 964) suggested that there is no evidence that larvae of C. virginica are selective in their ability to find a suitable place to set . . provided the surface is not covered with a slimy film, detritus, or soft mud.” It is possible that man induced perturbations influence natural settlement of larvae by obscuring settlement cues. Invertebrate larvae reach metamorphic competence only after a critical ontogenetic stage. Frequently these larvae retain metamorphic com- petence and hold off metamorphosis until arriving at an ap- propriate settlement site (Kempf, 1981). Sometimes larvae become less discriminating with time and can reach a stage of spontaneous metamorphosis (Pechenik, 1980; Kempf, 1981). If oyster larvae are not appropriately cued because the stimulus is obscured, they can metamorphose spon- taneously in an environment that is not conducive to survival. The impact of a mechanical “predator” (i.e. the cut- terhead dredge suction end) will also be regulated by the “volume” of oyster larvae exposed to it. To a great extent this relies on whether oyster larvae are homogeneously dispersed in the water column or, as is more likely, travel or are carried in swarms or cloud-like aggregates. If larvae are dispersed in clouds, at a particular time it is unlikely that they would be subject to entrainment by the dredge; on the other hand a single cloud of larvae could be entrained en toto. There is only a small data base on the physiology and physiological responses of larval oysters to various impacts, a matter of some concern to decision makers when dealing with commercial fisheries and larval activities as influenced by man. More information is required before we can answer questions about the impact of environmental perturbations on a viable commercial oyster population. At present, no in- formation is available concerning interaction of larval oysters and hydraulic cutterhead dredges, nor has the potential been examined for any substantial impact on the viability of future oyster populations based on entrainment by these dredge operations. Additionally, sweeping generalizations cannot be made concerning larval movement in particular bodies of water without a firm understanding of circulation patterns in that area. Thus, if we could model larval behavioral interac- tions in estuarine systems impacted by dredging, we would have to take careful note of particular circulatory patterns in addition to causes of larval mortality other than entrainment, PREZANT: LARVAL OYSTER ENTRAINMENT 3 and the viability of commercial oyster fisheries in that area in the absence of dredging. That is, any model must take in- to account many features that regulate oyster populations and be able to predict the effect on those populations by the ad- dition or subtraction of one or any variable used in that model. One feature that can be manipulated to help control potential impacts on oyster fisheries is the time during which dredging is allowed. Periods of allowable dredging, termed “windows”, are frequently established to prevent dredging during critical periods in the life history of particular species. Seasonal restrictions on dredging operations to prevent en- trainment of migrating fish have been instituted in several areas (see Lunz et at., 1984). Corps districts that have previously restricted dredging operations to protect “shellfish” larvae have done so to prevent the adverse ef- fect of increased suspended sediments and sedimentation on bivalve eggs, larvae and spat (Norfolk District) and an in- crease in pathogenic bacteria that can debilitate hard clam, Mercenaria mercenaria Linne, larvae (New York District) (see Lunz et a!., 1984). The papers presented in this volume cover a variety of topics dealing with questions of larval entrainment, con- centrating on Chesapeake Bay. To outline the framework of the workshop, papers by Earhart (1986) and Carter (1986) set the tone of the debate; that is, is hydraulic dredging a serious threat to oyster fisheries in Chesapeake Bay and based on the answer to this, should we consider retention of stringent dredging windows or can these windows be modified? Several papers included here deal with oyster beds of Chesapeake Bay, reproductive and larval biology of oysters, and larval transport (see Haven and Whitcomb, 1986; Kennedy, 1986; Mann, 1986). McNair and Banks (1986) discuss the flow fields surrounding the action end of hydraulic cutterhead dredges while Lunz and LaSalle (1 986) outline the physicochemical impacts occurring at the dredge head. A model devised during the workshop that deals with the pre- sent situation is discussed in a summary paper by Carriker et al. (1 986). Many questions are raised by authors that em- phasize the need for additional research before we can truly understand the possible synergistic effects that man induced perturbations can have on estuarine communities. There re- main two views, even following the workshop; 1) the impact of hydraulic cutterhead dredging is neglible in the face of the natural causes of heavy oyster larvae mortality and dredg- ing windows can be expanded without harm or 2) the addi- tional impact of expanded windows from hydraulic cutterhead dredging activities can increase larval mortality to a degree that would seriously effect the viability of future oyster fisheries. The biological “truth” most probably lies somewhere in between these two extremes and only careful and well controlled research will reveal a definitive answer. Papers in this volume give an indication of the level of our current knowledge and set the stage for future research. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Support for the workshop and this publication has been sup- plied by the Baltimore District of the Army Corps of Engineers, Maryland and the Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. John Lunz and Glenn Earhart were instrumental in generating the support for this effort. The success of the workshop was directly related to the dedication of the participants and all deserve high commendations and thanks for their efforts. Mark LaSalle was a key coordinator of this undertaking and his continued enthusiasm helped tremendously. Thanks also to Kashane Chalerm- wat and Antonieto Tan Tiu for much needed help during the preparatory stages of the workshop. Melbourne R. Carriker kindly acted as editor and reviewer for this manuscript. Two additional anonymous reviewers helped make this a more cohesive manuscript. The workshop was held at the Virden Center, College of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Lewes, Delaware and the expert help of the Virden Center staff assured a successful meeting. LITERATURE CITED Anger, K., R. R. Dawirs, V. Anger and J. D. Costlow. 1981 . Effects of early starvation periods on zoeal development of brachyuran crabs. Biological Bulletin 161:199-212. Beyer, J. E. 1980. Feeding success of clupeoid fish larvae and stochastic thinking. Dana 1:65-91. Carriker, M. R. 1951 . Ecological observations on the distribution of oyster larvae in New Jersey estuaries. Ecological Monographs 21:19-38. Carriker, M. R. 1986. Influence of suspended particles on biology of oyster larvae in estuaries. Entrainment of Larval Oysters, American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition No. 3:41-49. Carriker, M. R., R. Mann, M. W. LaSalle and D. W. Pritchard. 1986. Entrainment of oyster larvae by hydraulic cutterhead dredg- ing operations: workshop conclusions and recommendations. Entrainment of Larval Oysters, American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition No. 3:71-74. Carter, W. R. III. 1986. An argument for retaining periods of non- dredging for the protection of oyster resources in upper Chesapeake Bay. Entrainment of Larval^Oysters, American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition No. 3:5-10. Davis, H. C. 1958. Survival and growth of clam and oyster larvae at different salinities. Biological Bulletin 114:296-307. Earhart, H. G. 1986. Evaluating the need for dredging restrictions due to oyster larvae entrainment. Entrainment of Larval Oysters, American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition No. 3:11-16. Galtsoff, P. S. 1964. The American oyster Crassostrea virginica Gmelin. Fishery Bulletin 64:1-480. Haskin, H. H. 1964. The distribution of oyster larvae. Occasional Publication of Proceedings of Symposium on Experimental Marine Ecology (University of Rhode Island) 2:76-80. Haven, D. S. and J. P. Whitcomb. 1986. The public oyster bottoms in Virginia: an overview of their size, location and productiv- ity. Entrainment of Larval Oysters, American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition No. 3:17-23. Hidu, H. and H. H. Haskin. 1971. Settling of the American oyster related to environmental factors and larval behavior. Pro- ceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 61 :35-50. Kempf, S. C. 1 981 . Long-lived larvae of the gastropod Aplysia juliana: do they disperse and metamorphose or just slowly fade away? Marine Ecology - Progress Series 6:61-65. Kennedy, V. S. 1986. Expected seasonal presence of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) larval populations, emphasizing Chesapeake Bay. Entrainment of Larval Oysters, American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition No. 3:25-29. 4 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Loosanoff, V. L., H. C. Davis and P. E. Chanley. 1966. Dimensions and shapes of larvae of some marine bivalve mollusks. Malacologia 4:351-435. Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. 1985. The persistent oyster. Aquanotes 14(2): 1-4. Lunz, J. D. 1985. An analysis of available information concerning the entrainment of oyster larvae during hydraulic cutterhead dredging operations with commentary on the reasonableness of seasonally restrictive dredging windows. Prepared in response to a request by the U. S. Army Engineer District, Baltimore for assistance through the Dredging Operations Technical Support (DOTS) Program. Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 10 pp. Lunz, J. D., D. G. Clarke and T. J. Fredette. 1984. Seasonal restric- tions on dredging operations. A critical review of the arguments for seasonal restrictions with suggested criteria and a method to determine the need for seasonal restrictions on federal and permit dredging projects. Prepared in response to a request for assistance made by the Regulatory Branch, Operations Division, New York District (NANOP-E) through the Dredging Operations Technical Support (DOTS) Program. 112 pp. Lunz, J. 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Temperature tolerance of embryos and larvae of five bivalve species under simulated power plant en- trainment conditions: a synthesis. Marine Biology 271-278. AN ARGUMENT FOR RETAINING PERIODS OF NON-DREDGING FOR THE PROTECTION OF OYSTER RESOURCES IN UPPER CHESAPEAKE BAY W. R. CARTER, III MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES TAWES STATE OFFICE BUILDING, C-2 ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND 21401, U.S.A. ABSTRACT A sample of a hypothetical, stably reproducing oyster population is postulated, with given rates of natural mortality in the larval and post-setting, pre-seed stages. The effects of additional larval mortality caused by entrainment during a hydraulic dredging operation are shown to be potentially significant in areas where dredging takes place near oyster setting grounds. Survival rates to seed stage are modelled as being reduced by 2 to 19%. Larval survival rates are modelled as being reduced by 12 to 51%. This paper addresses the question “Can dredging- induced mortalities of oyster larvae be significant to the abun- dance of adult American oysters Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin)?” The conclusions are based on numerous assump- tions due to the absence of data and variability that occurs in the natural environment. They are necessarily sensitive to the assumptions utilized. Nevertheless, I believe the values assumed for rates in this paper are within realistic ranges. The present approach involves identification of some parameters that bear on the question and then postulation of a representative sample of a hypothetical, stably reproduc- ing oyster population. This utilizes a number of assumptions concerning the age composition, sex ratio, and fecundity of the population, natural mortality races of different sub-adult life stages, and commercial harvest rates of adults. In the late larval stages, an additional source of mor- tality is introduced, that due to dredge entrainment. I treat this additional source in computations as though it were essentially fishing mortality. The treatment utilizes informa- tion on dredging performance concerning water volume en- trained, assumptions of larval density in the water column, and assumptions of natural mortality rates in order to compute altered total mortality rates. The resultant rates are then used with numerical examples to show their effects upon previously postulated hypothetical oyster populations. Finally, a brief review of the current status of oyster reproduction in Maryland is given, showing that my assump- tions of stable populations and natural mortality rates associated with them are conservative. A HYPOTHETICAL, STABLY REPRODUCING OYSTER POPULATION Lunz (unpubl., March 1985) cited information to the effect that larval mortality rates prior to spat set approximated 0.99999967, and that mortality from spat set to seed stage could be an additional 60 to 90%. Webster and Shaw (1 968) found post setting survival from June to September ranged from 1 to 27%. Webster and Shaw (1968) also found that higher set- ting densities were associated with lower post-setting survival rates, and that survival on bottom cultch averaged about Vz that on suspended cultch. Their 1 to 27% survival rates were computed from suspended cultch. Krantz (Maryland Dept, of Natural Resources, 29 July 1985) suggested that post- setting, pre-seed stage mortality could range as high as 99%. Haskin and Tweed (1976) found setting-to-late-fall mortalities ranging from 61.3 to 91.7% in Delaware Bay. Krantz (Maryland Dept, of Natural Resources, 29 July 1985) stated that, in Maryland, oyster harvesting pressure essentially completely removes a year class by the time it is seven years old. Oysters become legally harvestable in Maryland at three inches (76 mm) height, when they are about three years old. If oysters from age three are subject to a fishing pressure that completely harvests a year class in the ensuing four years, and if that pressure is constant and natural mor- tality is neglected for these age groups three-seven, and if, as Krantz suggested, 500 spat at the beginning of their first winter will produce 375 three-year-old harvestables, a hypothetical, stable population will have approximately the following age composition:1 ^he postulated age structure is derived from the assumptions above, such that 500 spat at the beginning or their first winter die off to leave 375 survivors at three years old, thus having an annual natural mortality rate (“A’’) of 9.14%. Similarly, if 375 3 year olds are, say 99% harvested (i.e., essentially to zero remaining) over a four year period, their annual mortality due to fishing is 67.86%. American Malacological Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1 986):5-1 0 5 6 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Age Number 0 = spat 500 1 = seed 454 2 413 3 375 4 121 5 39 6 13 7 4 This age structure is the postulated representative sample used in this paper. Galtsoff (1964:299) states that the gonads of mature oysters comprise from 32.8 to 33.4% of the volume of the oyster’s body. He also gives figures (1964:313) for numbers of eggs discharged in single spawnings for several oysters, these individuals being 91 to 132 mm in height. I assumed individuals of this height range to be 4 years old. The average of Galtsoff ’s estimated numbers of eggs is 57.6 x 106. He gives a figure of 1 1 5 x 1 06 eggs as discharged from a gonad 3.8 cm3 in volume. Proportioning 115 x 106 eggs and 3.8 cm3 gonad volume to 57.6 x 10® eggs gives a computed gonad volume (for this mean egg number) of 1 .9 cm3. Dividing that volume by the mean number of eggs (57.6 x 1 0®) gives an egg’s mean volume as 33,043 /im3, close to Galtsoff’s estimated volume for a single egg of 33,510 ^m3. An allowance (according to Galtsoff) of 25% additional volume for spaces between eggs results in a total gonad volume of 2.4 cm3 for the oyster producing 57.6 x 10® eggs per spawning. If this approximates 33.1 % of the body volume, body volume for the oyster is 7.25 cm3. I assumed that this volume applied to a four year old oyster and that all other age groups one to seven were pro- portional in volume as they were in body mass. Postulated typical body masses for oysters of given age groups were Table 1 . Age and sex composition, fecundity, and number of larvae computed for representive sample of hypothetical stable oyster population. Age Number Eggs per Number of Males Females female Larvae x 107 x 109 settled spat 6667 spat at winter 0 500 “seed" 1 454 227 227 0.9 2.0 2 413 206 207 2.7 5.6 3 375 187 188 4.5 8.5 4 121 60 61 5.8 3.5 5 39 13 26 7.1 1.8 6 13 3 10 8.2 0.8 7 4 1 3 9.2 0.3 Sum 22.5 obtained from Krantz (Maryland Dept, of Natural Resources, 29 July 1985). The postulated body masses were as follows: Age Mass (g) 1 2.4 2 7.0 3 11.5 4 15.0 5 18.5 6 21.2 7 23.8 With these proportions I computed gonad volume and then, deleting for the inter-egg space, the number of eggs per female, as follows: Gonad volume Number Eggs ixvr\3 per female Age x 1011 x 107 1 3.87 0.9 2 11.16 2.7 3 18.74 4.5 4 23.99 5.8 5 29.53 7.1 6 33.83 8.2 7 38.16 9.2 Galtsoff reported that the male to female ratio was essentially 1:1 for the first four age groups. Kennedy (1 983), investigating oyster bars in Chesapeake Bay, found that oysters in age group five were 2:1 female to male; in age group six, ratios were approximately 3:1 female to male, and in age group seven, the female to male ratio was approximate- ly 4.8:1. The foregoing information on age composition, sex ratio, and fecundity, shown on Table 1, is used a derive a hypothetical abundance of larvae (assuming 100% fertiliza- tion; a conservative assumption for the purpose of model- ling effects of dredge-induced mortality) for the postulated representative sample of the oyster population. It should be emphasized here that Table 1 deals only with a representative sample of the population. Later in the paper, for the purpose of modelling effects of dredging, I ex- pand this sample to represent the number of larvae produced by a one hectare oyster bar having the same age, sex, and fecundity characteristics. NATURAL MORTALITY OF OYSTER LARVAE The initial number of oyster larvae begins to die off from natural causes immediately. Lunz’s (1985) cited rate of survival is approximately 3.3 larvae surviving to spatfall per 10 million spawned. I assume that, for a 21 day larval life, the rate of mortality is constant. That is, the same proportion of the previous day’s surviving larvae die off each day. This appears to be consistent with Korringa’s (1941) conclusion that the longer the duration of larval life, the lower the number reaching settlement. Thus, in warmer conditions, other fac- tors being equal, larvae would mature sooner and a larger initial spatfall would result. I acknowledge that some factors CARTER: ARGUMENT FOR NON-DREDGING PERIODS 7 may intrinsically be unequal under different temperature regimes, such as the mortality induced by varying bacterial populations. However, highly variable complicating functions could be introduced at any point in the life cycle of a hypothetical population and would have no additional clari- fying or instructive value. In fisheries population dynamics, the instantaneous rate of total mortality is referred to as “Z” (Ricker, 1 975). This is defined as the negative log of the survival rate for the period under consideration, in this case, 21 days. Stated mathematically, Z = -loge(1 -A), where A is the fraction of the original number that dies during the period under con- sideration. (1 -A) = S, or the survival rate. Thus, if 3.3 x 10'7 is the rate of survival for 21 days, Z is computed as its negative loge, or loge 3.3 x 10'7 = -14.9242, and Z = 14.9242. The daily rate of instantaneous mortality is 14.9242 divided by 21, or 0.7101. Given the daily rate, the number or the proportion of the initial number of larvae remaining on any day of larval life is computable. In standard fisheries usage, Z is comprised of M, the instantaneous rate of natural mortality, and F, the instantaneous rate of fishing mortality. Since 14.9242 = Z is not currently refinable so as to discriminate anthropogenic factors, it is equivalent to M. It will be so considered for the remainder of this discussion. In the issue under considera- tion, the effects of dredge-related mortality, death of larvae through entrainment is analogous to fishing mortality, since it is a source of death added to natural mortality. It is treated as fishing mortality in the remainder of this discussion. F, the larval mortality due to dredging is not precisely additive to M. This is because after the dredging begins to kill larvae, some of those entrained would have died by natural causes, and some of those that would have died by natural causes will instead be killed by the dredge. This interaction requires that there be an adjustment between the two sources of mortality. The relationship makes use of the terms “con- ditional rate of fishing mortality, ‘m”\ and “conditional rate of natural mortality, ‘n”\ The terms are related by the function m + n - (mn) = A, where A is the fractional or decimal value of mortality occur- ring during the period under consideration (Ricker, 1975). The term n is defined as n = 1 - e'^. The term m is defined as m = 1 -e‘F. Whereas n can be stated at this point as n = 1 - e’ ■7101 _ i . .4gi3 = 0.5087, m requires further derivation. This is covered in the following section. PARAMETERS OF A DREDGING OPERATION The amount of mortality caused by the dredging opera- tion depends on how many larvae are entrained, apart from any questions dealing with siltation. This in turn depends on where the larvae are in relation to the water entrained, the density of larvae in the water column, the volume of water entrained per unit time, and how long the dredging goes on while larvae are available to be entrained. The volume of water entrained is a function of the diameter of the dredge's pipeline, the velocity of water through the line, and the length of time the dredge is active. According to Reikenis (Century Engineering, pers. comm. 5 August 1985), typical pipeline dredges working in Chesapeake Bay have diameters equal to or greater than 20.3 cm, many being 40.6 to 76.2 cm, with a few used for very large jobs (several million cubic yards) being as large as 91 .4 cm. He stated that in-pipe velocities vary around 4.9 m/s, which is sufficient to keep sand in suspension. Snow (Great Lakes Dredge and Dock, pers. comm. 9 August 1985) stated that in-pipe velocities varied between 4.6 and 6.1 m/s, being greater for fine-grained materials and slower for coarse materials. Snow noted that as the proportion of solids in the slurry increased, slurry velocities decreased. He further noted that proportions of slurry solids varied from 8-12% up to 25-28%, with the higher proportions being achieved in loose, fine-grained substrata and the lower in tight clays or heavy sand and gravel to cobble bottoms. He stated that a good average of actual pumping time in the course of a day would be 18 hours. For this discussion, I assume a dredge pipeline of 40.6 cm diameter (cross-sectional area = 0.1297 m2), with an in- pipe velocity of 4.8768 m/s, and a slurry composition of 28% solid material. I assume an 18 hour pumping day. Larger diameters, greater velocities, longer working hours, and lower percentage solids would increase the volume of water entrained. A second major consideration is the density of larvae in the water column. Pritchard (cited in Galtsoff, 1964) estimated that spat sets sufficient to produce a commercial- ly harvestable oyster crop could occur from a larval density of 1 per 100 liters (= 10/m3). However, Galtsoff (1964:369) notes that many observers have found that newly attached spat “far outnumber” the free-swimming larvae taken in plankton samples. He discussed the necessity for improved methods of plankton sampling, assuming the desirability of knowing planktonic stage densities. Korringa (1 941 : 1 09-1 1 0) reported densities of larvae of Ostrea edulis Linne ranging from 1980 to 2637/m3. Kern (NMFS Laboratory, Oxford, Maryland) stated maximum personal observations in the 1960’s of 15/litre (= 15,000/m3). He stated that he thought 15 - 16/litre would be an average of high end-of-range obser- vations, and that 5/litre could be a representative value for the mode of observations during spawning seasons. He had himself observed concentrations including straight hinge to eyed stages as high as 12/litre. No discernable relationships have been demonstrated relating larval density to spat set and earlier programs for sampling planktonic stage abundance have been discontinued (Lunz, unpub., March 1985). Kern (pers. comm. 9 August 1 985) was involved in such a program and stated that better indications of the strength of sets and the resultant year classes were obtainable with less cost and effort by spat col- lection techniques, although his samples of plankton show- ing periodic increases of abundance tended to be related in time to the appearance of spat on collectors. Intuitively, it ap- pears that the abundance of late stage larvae must be related to the abundance of early stage settled spat. Difficulties in 8 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT showing regular relationships are likely to be related to dif- ficulties of sampling representatively. Kennedy and Breisch [1981; citing Pritchard’s 1 953 proposal] note that larvae could swarm and thus appear in various peaks of concentration over time at one station. Galtsoff (1964) cited observations of Nelson and of Carriker that appeared to indicate that larvae were distributed in definite lanes up and downstream from spawning grounds. He stated that in homogeneous salinity conditions, the greatest number of larvae is found at the level (in the water column) of highest current velocity. With regard to both difficulties of representative sampl- ing and the distribution of concentrations of older, near-to- setting larvae, Kennedy and Breisch [1981; citing Carriker (1951)] note that eyed larvae (the stage preceding setting) were more abundant on or near the bottom during ebb tide than at flood, and that more larvae were collected directly on the bottom than off bottom during flood tide. Kennedy and Breisch (1981) also cite Manning and Whaley (1954) as hav- ing found older larvae to be more predominant in the lower water column. Kunkle (1957) [cited in Kennedy and Breisch (1981)] reported that late stage larvae tend to concentrate on or near the bottom at slack tides, ebb tides, and in the late stages of flood. Carriker (1961) summarized then current views on larval oyster dispersal and noted a concensus that fully developed pediveligers have a tendency to remain in lower, more saline strata thus being carried upstream by return flows of deeper, denser water. Channel areas are deeper than surrounding flats; they are likely to be the areas with stronger currents; they are likely to be the areas through which more saline, bottom-hugging water strata intrude into an area prior to their final dispersal. I conclude, therefore, that for the last few days of the larval stage, oysters are likely to be found in channel areas, and that the channels closest to areas of setting are likely to have large concentrations of larvae. I assume that the bot- tom two meters of the water column is where late stage lar- vae are concentrated during most of the 24-hour day. Since dredging operations are frequently involved in deepening channels, or when making new channels tend to take advantage of the pre-existing deeper areas in order to minimize the amount of material to be moved, I conclude that aggregations of later-stage larvae can be vulnerable to entrain- ment. For the purposes of the subsequent computations, I assume that since the dredge intake is on the bottom, it will tend to entrain the deeper strata preferentially. I utilize the same two meter deep bottom water stratum containing lar- vae as the most likely to be entrained. I assume, for the com- putations, a value of 5,000 larvae/m3 in the water entrained. Finally, although it does not mathematically affect the computations dealing with the impact of entrainment, I reason that the older larvae, being survivors from a period of intense mortality, are those that are “more valuable”1 (relative to earlier stage larvae) to the replenishment of the bars on which they could set, since the older they get, the greater the chance that they will survive to set. Given the assumptions of dredging performance and density of oyster larvae in the water column, I now derive the value of “m”, the conditional rate of fishing mortality, as follows: 1. Dredge with pipeline cross-sectional area 0.1297 m2 and intake velocity 4.8768 m/s entrains 0.6325 m3/s. Work- ing for 18 hours, such a dredge can entrain 40.987 m3, equivalent to 2.0493 hectares, 2 meters deep. 2. At 28% solid slurry, volume of water entrained = 29,510 m3. 3. At larval density 5,000/m3, number of larvae entrained in one day = 147,550,000, ca. 1.5 x 108. 4. In order to relate the real world volumes of water en- trainable by a dredge to the number of larvae in near- by water, it is convenient to expand the representative sample’s larval production (discussed above) to numbers that might derive from a highly productive, stable one-hectare oyster bar. I assume a bar that could support an intense annual harvest of 1,000 bushels/acre, or 2,471 , bushels/hectare. The relation- ship to the “representative sample” is that the “sam- ple” is able to support a one bushel annual harvest. Thus, the expansion simply increases the characteristics of the sample by an area factor, 2,471 . The expansion allows computing larval production of 5.6 x 1013 larvae per spawning. In the case of no man-induced additional mortality, these larvae survive at the rate of 3.3 per 10 million spawned, leaving after 21 days approximately 1.8 x 107 new spat for the one hectare bar. Larvae surviving natural mortality through day 15 = 1.304 billion, ca. 1.3 x 1 09, from the original number (5.6 x 1013) produced by a one hectare bar with the population characteristics of the sample of Table 1 . Then, dividing the larvae entrainable per day (1 .5 x 1 08) by the larvae surviving natural mortality through day 15, (1 .3 x 109), I obtained the estimate for “m” as 1.1 x 1 0'1 , or 0.1131. Given values for “m” and “n”, I now calculate a new value for daily Z, for the condition of additional dredge- induced mortality operating from the beginning of day 16, as follows: 1. m + n- (mn) = A Where n = 0.5087 A = 0.5643 m = 0.1131 2. -loge (1 - A) = Z A = fraction dying -loge (0.4357) = Z = 0.8307 during period (one day) MODELLED EFFECTS OF DREDGING ON OYSTER BAR VIABILITY Galtsoff (1964:313) stated that the majority of female oysters in a laboratory situation could be induced to spawn two or three times in a six week period. Webster and Shaw (1 968) found setting in tributaries of the lower Choptank from late June through late September in 1 961 and from early June through early September, 1962. Shaw (1969) [citing Beaven 1 An arbitrary, but possibly useful way of quantifying “increased value” of an age group to the succeeding life stage would be to in- dex it according to its achieved Z; the greater the odds against an organism reaching a given age, the higher would be its potential value to the next life stage. CARTER: ARGUMENT FOR NON-DREDGING PERIODS 9 (1955)] reported that setting in Maryland can begin in late May and extend well into October, with a peak lasting about two weeks sometime during late June to September. Ken- nedy (1980) reported lower Choptank River setting from early July through mid-September, 1977, from early June through early August, 1978, and from late May through mid- September, 1979. In order to make the present projections more realistic, I assume three spawnings by females. For computational simplicity I assume each to be of the same magnitude. I fur- ther assume the first spawning to take place at 22°C, with a planktonic life of 21 days. The second takes place at 29°C, with a planktonic life duration of 16 days. The third is at 26°C, with planktonic life lasting 18 days. For the one hectare bar, the first spawning, at the postulated natural mortality rate (daily Z = 0.7101) produces ca. 1 .7 x 1 07 spat. The second produces 5.8 x 1 08 spat, and the third 1 .4 x 108 spat. A dredge is postulated to begin opera- tions at the beginning of day 16 for any of the three spawn- ings. As specified above, it entrains approximately 1 .5 x 108 larvae per day, giving, for day 16 and any remaining days of planktonic life a daily Z value of 0.8307. The new effective Z is now utilized to calculate the effects on survival rate in each spawning case. For each case, the number surviving natural mortality through day 15 was 1.3 x 1 09, for the one hectare bar’s production. For the first spawning, with six remaining days of planktonic life, the computation of the effect of the dredging is as follows: N — n "Zt 1 °e where N0 = 1.3 x 109 daily Z = 0.8307 t1 = 6 days N2i = Nt = 8.9 x 1 06, for an ultimate survival rate over all 21 days of 1 .6 x 1 0'7. Without dredging, survival would have been conditioned by a daily Z of 0.7101, for a 21 day sur- vival rate of 3.3 x 1 0“7. Survival rate was reduced by 51 .4%. For the second spawning, with only one day of planktonic life remaining (t’ = 1), N16 = Nt = 5.7 x 1 08, an ultimate survival rate over all 16 days of 1 .0 x 10'5. Without dredging, the survival rate under a daily Z of 0.7101 would have been, for all 16 days, 1.15 x 10"5. Survival rate was reduced by 11.9%. For the third spawning, with three days of planktonic life remaining, (f = 3), the number surviving at N-,e = 10.8 x 1 07, for an 1 8 day survival rate of 1 .9 x 1 0'6. Without dredg- ing, survival rate over 1 8 days would have been 2.78 x 1 0"6. Survival rate was reduced by 30.7%. Since three spawnings are assumed necessary for enough spat set to maintain population stability, and popula- tion stability implies 454 oysters (per representative sample) reaching seed stage (= age 1), it is implicit that there are differential survival rates among the three broods in the post- setting period. As mentioned above, Webster and Shaw (1968) found post-setting survival rates of 1 to 27% for off- bottom cultch settings, and about one-third the off bottom survival rate for spat that had set on cultch on the bottom. They also found that higher setting densities were associated with lower post-setting survival rates. To complete the evaluation of potential dredging ef- fects on bar stability, I assumed post-setting survival rates that would give 500 spat per representative sample at the beginning of winter added to the representative sample, under the no-dredging scenario. These rates, for the three spawn- ings respectively, were 0.29%, 0.075%, and 0.54%. All are quite low because of the assumptions of a fixed initial Z value and stability of the hypothetical oyster population. They could be realistic, given the scenario of setting on bottom cultch, a protracted period between setting and winter, and dense initial spatfalls. With the post setting rates of survival postulated, in the absence of dredging the first brood contributes 3.8% of the 500 spat surviving at the beginning of winter. The second contributes 35% and the third 61 .2%. The effect of dredging on the bar or sample is seen by multiplying the complement of the reduction in survival rate attributable to dredging by the percent contribution each brood makes to the bar or sample. Thus dredging during the respective spawnings would have the following effects: (1-.514)(.0380) = 0.0185 for first spawning; (1-.1 19)(.35) = 0.3084 for the second spawning; (1-.307)(.612) = 0.4241 for third spawning. Sum 0.7510 If dredging takes place during all three spawnings, the reduction in spat reaching winter would be approximately 25% ( = 1 - .7510). If dredging takes place in only one of the spawning periods, the reduction in spat reaching winter would be the sum of the two non-dredging periods’ percent contributions, plus the resultant from the above multiplica- tion for the affected period. If dredging occurs only during the first period the reduction would be (1 - (.0185 + .35 + .612) = 1.95%. Similarly, for the second period reduction would be (1- (.0380) + .3084 + .612) = 4.16%, and for the third period, (1- (.0380 + .35 + .4241) = 18.79%. RELATIONSHIP OF CURRENT STATUS OF MARYLAND OYSTER RESOURCES TO CONCLUSIONS OF THIS PAPER There are few, if any, oyster bars in Maryland that cur- rently approximate the reproductive stability assumed for the hypothetical population discussed in this paper. Meritt (1977) noted that over the past decade, reproductive success on all oyster bars has been dramatically reduced. He noted that there had been two extended periods of low natural reproduc- tion in the past, from 1952 through 1960 and from 1966 through 1975, with the second period including the effects of hurricane Agnes (June, 1972). Meritt stated, however, that the problem of reproductive failure pre-dated the storm. He concluded that a major, Bay-wide decline in recruitment had occurred since 1965, and that the prognosis for a recovery to levels of spat set that had characterized the early 1960’s was poor, even under good environmental conditions. He sug- gested that the paucity of brood stock currently existing (in 10 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT 1 975-1 977) could prevent the species’ being able to take ad- vantage of favorable conditions. Krantz (1985) reiterated that for over a decade there has been a serious decline in reproduction and survival of oysters in Maryland. He indicated that there is a poor likelihood that oyster management can reverse the effects of the decline, given that shell planting and seed moving worked well when the Bay-wide average spatfall was greater than 80 per bushel and the seed collecting areas received a spatfall of 1 ,000 to 2,000 spat per bushel. He noted that not only have the densities of spat setting fallen, but the number of areas used for planting shell or collecting seed has contracted. The situation posed by this combination of factors has been aggravated by an outbreak of Haplosporidia nelsoni (Haskin, Stauber and Mackin)(MSX) in 1980-1983, which offset the anticipated improvements from the good spatfall years of 1980-82. Krantz noted that the Maryland oyster fishery is now dependent upon the annual levels of spatfall. That is, harvest in each year now depends upon a single year class, i.e., that which becomes three years old in the given year. That situation means that reproduction depends on a brood stock that is one, two and three years old; there are very few surviving individuals of ages four through seven that could augment the production of larvae. Further, recruitment in 1983 and 1984 was extremely poor. Even in the normally reliable spat setting area of Broad Creek, a tributary of the lower Choptank River, setting was g- 3atly reduced. Given that the oyster fishery, much contracted though it is, now depends upon the newly legal three year olds, this implies that the harvest year 1986-1987 could be the last year in which a com- merical oyster fishery could economically exist. Since the modelling discussed in this paper postulated stable reproduc- tion that depended upon spat sets in excess of what is realistically the situation, and since even in the hypothetical circumstances it appears possible that dredging could have significant local effects, it appears reasonable to consider that those effects are portrayed conservatively. I conclude that a protracted dredging operation dur- ing the spawning season near an oyster bar could have deleterious effects on the viability of a bar. I therefore sug- gest that non-dredging periods near oyster bars continue to be a prudent technique of environmental management. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Dr. George Krantz for the long discussions we held on the subject of his paper, and for the information on size and age of oysters that allowed me to make projections. His work on the current situation in Maryland oysters provided the principal means of showing that my assumptions of stability are conservative. I also thank Dr. Victor Kennedy of Horn Point Environmental Laboratory for pointing out pertinent literature and providing data from literature and for discussing the concept of this paper. Without his summarizations of existing literature, and his information on sex ratios, I couid not have written this paper. Mr. Fred Kern, NMFS, Oxford Laboratory, provided important data on larval densities, and made literature available to me. Mr. Richard Reikenis and Mr. Marty Snow gave me information on dredges and their performance that made it possible to compute the conditional rate of fishing mortality. LITERATURE CITED Carriker, M.R. 1961. Interrelation of functional morphology, behavior, and autoecology in early stages of the bivalve Mercenaria mercenaria. Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society 77:168-241. Galtsoff, P. S. 1964. The American Oyster, Crassostrea virginica Gmelin. Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service 64:1-480. Haskin, H. H. and S. Tweed. 1976. Oyster setting and early spat sur- vival at critical salinity levels on natural seed oyster beds of Delaware Bay. Final Report, O.W.R.T. Project B-037-NJ. Water Resources Research Institute, Rutgers University. Kennedy, V. S. 1980. Comparison of recent and past patterns of oyster settlement and seasonal fouling in Broad Creek and Tred Avon River, Maryland. Proceedings National Shellfisheries Association 70:36-46. Kennedy, V. S. 1983. Sex ratios in oysters, emphasizing Crassostrea virginica from Chesapeake Bay, Maryland. The Veliger 25(4):329-338. Kennedy, V. S. and Linda L. Breisch. 1981. Maryland's oysters: research and management. University of Maryland Sea Grant Publication No. UM-SG-TS-81-04. Korringa, P. 1941. Experiments and observations on swarming pelagic life and setting in the European flat oyster, Ostrea edulis Archives A/eerlandaises de Zoologie 10:1-249. Krantz, George E. 1985. Preliminary review: Current status of Maryland’s oyster resources. Maryland Department of Natural Resources, Tidewater Administration, Fisheries Division, An- napolis, Maryland. Lunz, John D. (unpubl., March 1985). An analysis of available infor- mation concerning the entrainment of oyster larvae during hydraulic cutterhead dredging operations with commentary on the reasonableness of seasonally restrictive dredging win- dows. U.S. Corps of Engineers; Coastal Ecology Group, En- vironmental Resources Division, Environmental Laboratory, Waterway Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. Meritt, D. W. 1 977. Oyster spat set on natural cultch in the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake Bay (1939 - 1975). University of Maryland Horn Point Environmental Laboratory UMCEES Special Report no. 7. 30 pp. Ricker, W. E. 1975. Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations. Bulletin of Fisheries Research Board of Canada: 191. Dept of the Environment, Fisheries and Marine Service. Ottawa, Canada. Shaw, W. N. 1969. Oyster setting in two adjacent tributaries of Chesapeake Bay. Transaction of the American Fisheries Socie- ty 98(2):309-314. Webster, J. R. and W. N. Shaw. 1968. Setting and first season sur- vival of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica, near Ox- ford, Maryland, 1961-62. United States Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice Special Scientific Report no. 567. EVALUATING THE NEED FOR DREDGING RESTRICTIONS DUE TO OYSTER LARVAE ENTRAINMENT H. GLENN EARHART U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS BALTIMORE DISTRICT P. O. BOX 1715 BALTIMORE, MARYLAND 21203-1715, U.S.A. ABSTRACT The Baltimore District of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has responsibility to insure naviga- tion for approximately 100 congressional^ authorized projects within the Chesapeake Bay region (Fig. 1) (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, 1980). Hydraulic dredging costs were reviewed to evaluate the economic impacts of the “time-of-the-year” restriction of 1 dune through 30 September for dredging in shellfish areas to protect oyster larvae from entrainment during the dredging process. In Fiscal Year 1985, the Baltimore District hydraulically dredged 8 projects which resulted in the removal of 499,404 cubic meters (m3) at a cost of $2,518,377 or $5, 05/m3. Only one project was dredged during the summer with 1 15,000 m3 of dredged material removed at a cost of $3.42/m3. The remaining pro- jects were completed in the fall, winter, and spring, and ranged in cost from $4.1 2/m3 to $1 5.94/m3. In the absence of site specific data, an evaluation of the physical and biological characteristics of the dredging process, shellfish larval behavior, sediment chemistry and current velocities leads to the conclusion that entrainment associated with maintenance dredging of Federal projects is unlikely to adversely impact oyster productivity in the Chesapeake Bay. When the scale of physical and biological impacts are put in perspective with economic impacts on a project by project basis, a relaxation of the summer dredging restriction due to entrainment would appear to be justified. Due to an awareness of the current economic climate and an increased emphasis on substantiating the Federal role for public works projects, it is important to define the interest the Baltimore District of the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers has in this symposium. The following is an analysis of our dredging program, examining economic biological and physical impacts of the dredging process. The issue is the summer dredging restriction of 1 June - 30 September im- posed on our maintenance dredging program for the preven- tion of entrainment of oyster larvae. All dredging projects are congressionally authorized with conditions in each authorization that outline specific pro- ject dimensions. A majority of the project authorizations require participation of a local sponsor prior to initiation of any work by the Corps of Engineers. Usually, the local sponsor will re- quest the Corps to dredge the Federal channel to create or maintain commercial navigability and will agree to provide suitable disposal areas, contribute dike construction costs or any other specific requirement of the project authorization. Consequently, it is imperative that the concerned resource agencies verify the need for those environmental restrictions that are costly to implement. If scientifically valid environmental restrictions are necessary to protect the resource, the Corps can then re- spond to those who argue that the additional costs are un- necessary to protect the resource. The Corps of Engineers must justify additional costs based on the most current state of knowledge. As a result, environmental restrictions, such as a summer dredging restriction to protect oyster larvae en- trainment, must be based on sound, technically defensible information. While the Baltimore District is responsible for approx- imately 100 Federal navigation projects in the Chesapeake Bay region, we recognize that the District boundaries include abundant estuarine biological resources. To protect these resources from potentially adverse impacts of the hydraulic dredging process, we have implemented time-of-the-year dredging periods or “windows” to protect the specific biological resource located in a given project area. Historically, we have not been permitted to dredge in oyster producing areas from 1 June through 30 September to protect spawning oysters and from 15 December through 28 February to protect adult oysters from sedimentation and reduced filtering capacities during low water temperatures American Malacological Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1 986): 1 1-16 11 12 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT # Project Locations Fig. 1. Baltimore District project locations. RESTRICTED DREDGING PERIODS* 'ACTUAL PERIOD WILL VARY DEPENDING ON WATER TEMPERATURES AND OTHER ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS. Fig. 2. Environmental dredging windows for the important species of the Chesapeake Bay. (Fig. 2) (Pisapia, 1975). For projects located in the vicinity of oyster bars (Fig. 3) (Lippson, 1973), we are permitted to dredge from 1 October - 1 5 December (75 days) and 1 March - 31 May (92 days). Most of our projects are located in oyster bar areas, a fact that illustrates a classic case of multiple uses of a water- way. A significant number of our Federal channels that must be maintained under dredging restrictions to protect oysters are themselves justified by and used by watermen for access to oyster bars and for transporting catch into port for distribution. With the exception of Baltimore Harbor maintenance dredging, most of the dredging projects are accomplished with a hydraulic cutterhead dredge. In effect, the dredge removes bottom material and pumps it through a pipeline to a disposal site. The operational activity that underlies the en- trainment issue with respect to hydraulic dredging is the ac- tion of the cutterhead and the suction of the sediment/water slurry (Fig. 4) (Huston, 1970). The cutterhead is lowered into and rotated to loosen the sediment. The sediment and water are then pumped through the pipeline to the disposal area. Optimally, the slurry is 80% water and 20% solids, a variable determined by the efficiency of the dredge (Huston, 1970). Output of the dredge (sediment and water pumped through the pipe) is a function of discharge velocity, diameter of pipe, length of pipeline, horsepower, efficiency of the dredge, and quantity and depth of material. For example, a typical discharge velocity for dredges working in Chesapeake Bay is 4 m/sec with a 30 cm pipe so that the output is 1 ,086 m3/hr (Huston, 1970). Because the normal condition is to pump 20% solids, 21 7 m3 of this volume would be solids and the remainder water. Table 1 presents budget data for the National Corps of Engineers Fiscal Year (FY) 1985 dredging program that resulted in the removal of approximately 191 .1 million m3 of dredged material by non-hopper dredges at a cost of $444. 1 million, or $2. 32/m3 (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Atlantic Division, 1985). In FY 1985, the Baltimore District dredging program, which includes clamshell as well as hydraulic dredging, removed approximately 2,765,839 m3 of dredged material for $18,914,327 or $6. 83/m3 (U. S. Army Table 1. FY 85 Corps of Engineers national dredging program. Cubic Meters (x 1 ,000) Dollars (x 1,000) Contract Hopper Dredge Government Hopper Dredge 19,877 26,292 77,837 49,755 Total Hopper Dredge 46,169 127,592 Contract Non-Hopper Dredge Government Non-Hopper Dredge 167,114 24,008 410,726 33,401 Total Non-Hopper Dredge 191,122 444,127 TOTAL ALL DREDGING 237,291 517,719 EARHART: DREDGING RESTRICTIONS 13 Fig. 3. Location of oyster producing areas in Chesapeake Bay. Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, 1985). Because the entrainment issue is specifically related to the hydraulic cutterhead dredging process, I have summar- ized the Baltimore District’s FY 85 program for hydraulic dredg- ing projects that entails dredging of approximately 499,000 m3 (Table 2). The remainder of the Baltimore District’s total pro- gram yardage volume is accounted for by the Baltimore Har- bor project, usually done with a bucket dredge. The competi- tion for program dollars nationwide is intense. Cost efficien- cy is therefore a very important program objective. For ex- ample, a cost reduction of $1 ,20/m3 for more than 2.7 million m3 of dredged material removed in our District alone would yield a significant cost savings. To further illustrate the impacts of summer dredging restrictions, the FY 1985 program was summarized compar- ing dredging season to cost/m3 (Table 3). Due to favorable 14 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Fig. 4. Cross-section view of typical cutterhead suction dredgehead. working conditions, the summer project yielded the most favorable costs. In the summer of 1985, Philadelphia District dredged the New Jersey intercoastal waterway at a cost of $2. 09/m3. Norfolk District opened bids for a project on the James River scheduled for the summer at a cost of approx- imately $2. 68/m3 (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, WRSC, 1985). Thus the pattern of generally lower summer costs is consistent. There are many reasons that account for differences in cost of dredging based on season. Dredging contractors estimate that it takes 40% longer to do the same work in the winter compared to the summer. Plant repairs, pipeline relocations and worker safety and productivity are drastical- ly reduced in winter. Another critical economic factor is ice. Because it is difficult to predict freezing conditions in Chesapeake Bay, contractors inflate bid prices to buffer a potential early freezing and resultant lost time. Also, engines must be kept constantly running to prevent freezing of freshwater lines. Another problem area that indirectly affects the economics of the dredging program is contract administra- tion. All of the District’s work is done by private contract dredg- ing companies through the competitive bidding process. The Table 2. Baltimore District’s FY 85 hydraulic cutterhead dredging program. Project Cubic Meters Cost $/M3 Season (x 1,000) $(x 1,000) Honga 119 490.0 4.12 Fall Pocomoke 51 266.4 5.23 Winter Wicomico 103 532.3 5.17 Fail Little Wicomico 7 111.6 15.94 Spring Knapps Narrows 30 179.0 5.97 Spring Queenstown 28 224.0 8.00 Spring Susquehanna 115 394.0 3.42 Summer Ocean City 46 321.0 6.98 Spring TOTAL TOTAL AVERAGE 499 2,518.3 5.05 Table 3. Baltimore District’s FY 85 hydraulic dredging program com- paring cost per cubic meter to dredging season. No. of Projects Cubic Meters Cost $/M3 (m3) <$) FALL 2 221,712 1,022,300 4.61 WINTER 1 51,223 266,427 5.23 SPRING 4 1 1 1 ,788 835,650 7.47 SUMMER 1 114,678 394,000 3.42 cost of the job is contingent upon what is advertised in the bid specifications. The specifications tell the contractor how to do the work and what will be the resulting costs. The work is usually advertised 3 months prior to actual dredging. Due to the short time frame, the environmental dredging window must be established in advance while providing adequate pro- tection for the resources in the area. For example, in order to dredge 115,000 m3 of material, the contractor must average 1 ,500 m3/day to com- plete the job within the 76-day period of 1 October to 15 December. Because a typical dredging contractor averages 1 ,500 m3/day, we can expect to receive higher $/m3 costs to do that dredging because there is no allowance for lost time or weather delays. Also, if the contractor does not finish on time, he will have to come back in the next environmen- tally acceptable dredging period. This will result in additional mobilization and demobilization costs and lost time waiting for the window to open. The end result is that the contrac- tors will inflate their bids to account for the potential problems. Evaluating quantative economic impacts is a much easier exercise than defining the characteristics of larval oyster behavior and potential entrainment during hydraulic dredging. As is usually the case in this type of issue with a notable lack of scientific documentation, regulatory, manage- ment and academic professionals are required to make sub- jective decisions concerning the management of the resources. It is within this context that I present my arguments, based on existing data on larval behavior and the hydraulic dredging process, to propose that dredging does not significantly impact oyster productivity by entrainment of larvae in the Chesapeake Bay. The average life cycle of oyster larvae is between 2-3 weeks with some variation depending on environmental con- ditions (Galtsoff, 1964), The predominant time for spawning in the Chesapeake Bay has been reported to be June through August with a marked peak in setting occurring between late June and September, typically during July (Beavins, 1954; Kennedy, 1980). Oyster larvae can be characterized as “free- swimming”, with velocity, direction and distance of travel determined by numerous factors. Most early stage larvae in James River were distributed randomly throughout the ver- tical water column (Andrews, 1983). More importantly, when EARHART: DREDGING RESTRICTIONS 15 the larvae reach the late umbo state (2-3 days prior to set- ting) they were likely to be found near the bottom and “ac- tively” select substrata suitable for setting (Andrews, 1983). Logically, the only larvae that will be entrained are those that are on the bottom and located in the vicinity of the cutterhead during the dredging process. Historically, maintenance dredging occurs in those areas where erosion and sedimentation cause shoaling. The composition of the channel sediments that result in frequent shoaling are usually silts, clays and fine-grained sands (Bar- tos, 1977). As a result, oyster setting in frequently dredged channels is unlikely. In the absence of dredging, any late stage larvae will detect the unsuitable bottom substratum and search for suitable setting bottom. Any late stage larvae that set in the channel will be lost to the system regardless of the dredging process. Also, it has been reported that oysters do not grow well in areas that are subject to shoaling or sedimen- tation (Haven and Whitcomb, 1983). Horizontal movement in the water column by larvae is dependent on patterns of tidal and current circulation, water column density stratification and surface mixing. It is intuitive- ly obvious that water current circulation provides the prime mode of movement. Because frequently dredged channels are deeper than surrounding areas, current velocities vary in the channels. Current velocities in the channel were measured by the Baltimore District for the Chester River, Maryland. They ranged from 0.3 to 0.5 m/sec at a depth of 1.0 m, 0.5 m/sec at 3m, and 0.2 to 0.3 m/sec at 6m (U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, 1980). Flood tide currents have been measured at the entrance to Chesapeake Bay at 0.5 m/sec compared to 0.3 m/sec in the vicinity of the Chesapeake Bay bridge. Ebb tide currents have been reported at 0.8 m/sec and 0.4 m/sec, respectively (Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District, 1981). The upper sections and bottlenecks of the Chesapeake Bay can have increased cur- rent velocities. Local precipitation and runoff can also cause current velocities to increase or decrease above or below nor- mal ranges (Lippson, 1973). Discharge velocities of approximately 4 m/sec for 30 cm hydraulic dredges were reported by Huston (1970). Mr. F. Hall of Cottrell Engineering Corporation reports suction velocities for their dredge “Richmond” as being approximate- ly 60% less than the discharge velocity (personal communica- tion). Suction velocities of 1-2 m/sec less than discharge velocities were also reported by Huston (1970). As a result, cutterhead suction velocities ranged from 2.0 - 3.0 m/sec com- pared to natural current velocities ranging from 0.2 - 0.8 m/sec. Average water contents for sediments removed dur- ing maintenance dredging is 70% and higher (Halka and Zoltan, 1984). As previously discussed, a typical hydraulic dredge pumps a slurry composed of 80% water and 20% solids. Because maintenance dredging involves removing recently deposited material, that material in Maryland’s part of the Chesapeake Bay is about 20% solids and 80% water as it sits on the bottom ( Pritchard, 1985). Consequently, when the cutterhead is lowered into the sediment, a significant volume of water required for the slurry is derived from the sediments. As a result, less water is entrained from the water column to compose the dredge slurry reducing the probability of entraining late umbo stage oyster larvae during the dredg- ing process. In fact, the impact zone on the bottom where the oyster larvae must be found to be entrained is small regardless of the particular larval stage or the probability of being located on or near the bottom. The State of Maryland has been very flexible and cooperative in granting extensions to the windows. Unfor- tunately, the State finds itself in a precarious situation because it is under significant political pressure from boating interests to alter the State’s preferred recommendations to get the job done. Normally, we try to accommodate the con- tractor in trying to reduce his potential losses, while trying to obtain an acceptable channel expeditiously for the com- mercial interests. If a valid interest is being served and the dredging process adversely entrains oyster larvae, then the program should incur the added costs for environmental pro- tection. On the other hand, a broad window such as 1 June to 30 September to protect from entraining larval oysters that have a 3-4 week larval period of which the larvae are located near the bottom for only 2-3 days of the entire period seems excessive. CONCLUSION The Corps of Engineers recognizes a need and a responsibility to define the impacts of entrainment caused by hydraulic dredging. Resource managers must make deci- sions frequently without specific documentation of entrain- ment impacts. A “nice to have” summer dredging restric- tion has significant economic impacts relative to a “need to have” restriction as perceived by many. It is unlikely that hydraulic dredging adversely impacts oyster larvae in con- sidering water content of the maintenance dredging sediments, the limited vertical zone of impact, the relatively short term impacts of the dredging process, aspects of lar- val behavior and the physical dynamics of the water column. The Corps of Engineers is not advocating abolishment of necessary environmental protection restrictions such as dredging windows imposed on our dredging program. However, evaluating the existing data as it specifically per- tains to the hydraulic maintenance dredging process indicates that the 1 June to 30 September summer dredging restric- tion to protect from entraining oyster larvae is excessive. LITERATURE CITED Andrews, Jay D. 1983. Transport of bivalve larvae in the James River, Virginia. Journal of Shellfish Research 3:29-40. Bartos, Michael J. 1977. Classification and engineering properties of dredged material. Technical Report D-77-18, U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 119 pp. Beavin, Francis. 1954. Various aspects of oyster setting in Maryland. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 45:29-37. Galtsoff, Paul S. 1964. The American Oyster. Fishery Bulletin of the Fish and Wildlife Service 64:355-380. 16 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Halka, Jeffrey and Nicholas Zoltan. 1984. Final Report - Monitoring of dredged material disposal from dredging the approach channels to Baltimore Harbor between December 1982 and April 1983. Maryland Geological Survey, Baltimore, Maryland. 70 pp. Haven, Dexter S. and James P. Whitcomb. 1983. The origin and ex- tent of oyster reefs in the James River, Virginia. Journal of Shellfish Research 3:141-151. Huston, John. 1970. Hydraulic Dredging. Cornell Maritime Press, Inc., Cambridge, Maryland. 318 pp. Kennedy, Victor S. 1980. Comparison of recent and past patterns of oyster settlement and seasonal fouling in Broad Creek and Tred Avon River, Maryland. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 70:36-46. Lippson, A. J. 1973. The Chesapeake Bay in Maryland: An atlas of natural resources. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, Maryland. 55 pp. Pisapia, Ralph C. 1975. Memorandum regarding spawning times for Chesapeake biota (limited). Department of the Interior. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Annapolis, Maryland. 6 pp. Pritchard, Donald W. 1985. Entrainment of larval oysters during hydraulic cutterhead dredging operations. Working draft pro- ceedings, Workshop on Entrainment of Larval Oysters. Col- lege of Marine Studies, University of Delaware, Lewes, Delaware. 160 pp. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District. 1980. River and Harbor Project Map Book, Baltimore, Maryland. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District. 1980. Current Velocities and Potential for Sediment Movement in the Chester River, Queen Annes County, Maryland. Navigation Branch, Baltimore, Maryland. 12 pp. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District. 1981 . Main Report and Environmental Statement, Baltimore Harbor and Chan- nels, Maryland and Virginia. Baltimore, Maryland. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District. 1985. FY 85 Budget Data, Navigation Branch, Baltimore, Maryland. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, North Atlantic Division. 1985. FY 85 dredging statistics. North Atlantic Division, NADCO-OP, New York, New York. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Water Resources Support Center. 1985. Post-Bid Data Base, Fort Beivoir, Virginia. THE PUBLIC OYSTER BOTTOMS IN VIRGINIA: AN OVERVIEW OF THEIR SIZE, LOCATION, AND PRODUCTIVITY DEXTER S. HAVEN and JAMES P. WHITCOMB VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE AND SCHOOL OF MARINE SCIENCE THE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY GLOUCESTER POINT, VIRGINIA 23002, U. S. A. ABSTRACT The location size and extent of Virginia’s public oyster grounds was determined using a long pole to probe the bottom, a towed sonic device that detected shell or oysters, and by sampling the bottom with patent tongs for shell and oyster density. Station location was determined using an elec- tronic positioning system (Raydist® ). Bottoms were classed as oyster reefs, mud-shell or sand shell (productive or potentially productive). Areas having mud or sand or those in deep water over 30 ft. (9.1 m) were considered unproductive. Average oyster harvest for seed and market size oysters over the last ten years for various areas is related to size and location of various bottom type. About 203,404 acres out of the total of about 243,000 acres of public bottom were surveyed; about 21 .8% of the surveyed areas was classed as productive or potentially productive. Average pro- duction was low on most of these public bottoms and ranged from 84.4 bushels/acre in the Great Wicomico River to only 1.6 bushels/acre in the York River. The seven areas producing the most seed and market oysters in terms of their average annual production in Virginia bushels were: James River 432,1 71; Rappahannock River 146,999; Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds 86,150; Sea side of Eastern Shore 63,122; Great Wicomico River 41,622; Piankatank River and Milford Haven 39,024; and Mobjack Bay 29,730. This paper gives an overview of the location, size and productivity of the public oyster grounds (Baylor Grounds) in Virginia, in preparing this paper, data were summarized from an extensive study carried out from 1976 to 1981 titled: “The Present and Potential Productivity of the Baylor Grounds in Virginia (Vols. I and II) (Haven et al., 1981a). A portion of this report relating to the James River, Virginia, has been published (Haven and Whitcomb, 1983), and reference can be made to the original report and the latter publication for additional details on the composition of the various types of oyster bottoms, salinity of the various grow- ing areas, setting data, information on predators and diseases, and the best use of various areas for molluscan culture. In discussing the overall productivity of Virginia for oysters, it is pertinent to review historical landing data for the state. Prior to 1960, Virginia was the leading oyster producer in the United States, but since 1961 it experienced a major decline in total production. To understand the reason for the decline we must first recognize the dual nature of the state’s industry which is based on the public sector managed by the State, and the private sector managed by individuals or com- panies. If has been the major decline in production from the leased bottoms that has been responsible for the major decline in total statewide production. Production from the public bottoms has also declined, but until recently its pro- duction relative to that from the leases has always been much lower. No detailed studies have been made on the produc- tivity of individual leases or their suitability for oyster culture. Therefore, this paper deals with public bottoms where data are available. It includes information on the location of the most important growing areas, their recent productivity, and acreages of productive and potentially productive bottoms in various estuaries. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SECTORS The naturally productive public oyster bottoms in Virginia were charted through a survey by Lt. J. B. Baylor (hence referred to as the Baylor Survey) and were set aside by American Malacological Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1 986): 17-23 17 18 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Fig. 1. Location of public oyster grounds (Baylor Grounds) in Virginia. Shaded areas are public clam grounds. HAVEN AND WHITCOMB: PUBLIC OYSTER BOTTOMS 19 OYSTER SEASON Fig. 2. Landing of market sized oysters in Virginia from 1947 to 1984. Data for Virginia bushels. legislative action for public use (Baylor, 1894). Changes and additions to the public ground boundaries have been made since, and today they total about 243,000 acres. Data relative to the industry, the decline in production, and the onset of the oyster disease MSX Haplosporidium (Minchinia) nelsoni (Haskin, Stauber and Mackin) (Andrews, 1 968) are summar- ized below from an earlier publication (Haven et al., 1981a). The state’s Baylor Grounds contain most of the areas where oysters set and grow naturally, but they also contain large areas of unproductive bottom (Fig. 1). These public oyster bottoms are managed by the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC), which collects statistical data, enforces fisheries laws and regulations, regulates season of harvest, collects various taxes on oysters and license fees from harvesters and dealers, and plants shells or seed oysters on public bottoms to enhance oyster produc- tion. Salinities on most of these bottoms range from about 5 to 20 °/00. Bottoms located outside designated public bottoms can be leased from the VMRC by individuals or companies for renewable 10 year periods. The annual leasing fee in Chesapeake Bay is $0.75 per acre per year and $1 .50 in all other locations. Salinities on leased bottoms usually range from about 5 to 30 °/00- During the 1950s total lease size ranged from about 100,000 to about 125,000 acres; in 1984 about 110,000 acres were leased. Most leased bottoms are not naturally productive, as are many public bottoms, and most must be planted with seed oysters to make them pro- ductive. For the last 100 years over 75% of this seed has been tonged from the public bottoms in the James River. Therefore, the private sector is largely dependent on this source of seed for its basic production (Haven et al., 1981b). THE MAJOR DECLINE IN PRODUCTION In Virginia the decline in oyster production began in 1960 when the oyster pathogen Haplosporidium (Minchinia) nelsoni commonly known as MSX entered Chesapeake Bay and caused high mortalities in the high-salinity growing areas (Andrews, 1968). In the decade before 1960, annual produc- tion of market oysters in Virginia averaged about 3.2 million Virginia bushels.1 Of this total, about 0.55 million came from Virginia’s 243,000 acres of public bottom, and 2.65 million from about 125,000 acres of leased bottoms. That is, leased bottoms were producing nearly 5 times as many oysters as did the public bottoms and on fewer acres (Fig. 2). The reason for this large difference in production was that leased areas were usually planted with seed oysters from the James River at rates ranging from 500 to 1000 bushels per acre. In con- trast, harvest from the public bottoms originated from a natural set, or from limited repletion efforts by the State (Haven et a!., 1981b). About 5 years after MSX became active total produc- tion of market oysters fell sharply to about 1 .7 million bushels ’The Virginia oyster bushel is 1 .397 times larger than the U. S. stan- dard bushel. 20 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Table 1. Acres of productive or potentially productive bottom, unproductive areas and average oyster production (1974-75 to 1983-84) in Virginia estuaries in Chesapeake Bay that may produce seed or market oysters. River system Acres pro- ductive or potentially productive Unproduc- tive acres Total acres % produc- tive bottom Average produc- tion in bushels Total market plus seed James1 16,246 8,906 25,152 64.6 market 55,301 seed 376,870 Total 432,171 Piankatank & Milford 839 7,327 8,166 10.2 Haven market 17,223 seed 21,801 Total 39,024 Great Wicomico 493 3,578 4,071 12.1 market 38,954 seed 2,668 Total 41,622 Corrotoman 213 1,348 1,561 13.6 market 6,401 seed 0 6,401 Total 17,791 21,159 38,950 1 1ncludes Production from Nansemond River. with most of the decline due to the absence of production from leased bottoms. The decline continued and by 1984 total production was only 523,614 bushels; leased bottoms yielded 285,015 bushels, and public bottoms produced 238,614 bushels (VMRC, An. Rpts.). MSX was the cause of the initial major decline in pro- duction from leased bottoms after 1960 since many large leases were in high salinity areas. Since that time, the con- tinued decline has been associated with the persistence of MSX, adverse economic conditions related to costs of grow- ing and harvesting oysters, and failure of the private sector to utilize modern technology. The public oyster grounds ex- isting in low salinity areas have also been influenced by MSX but to a lesser degree (Haven et a!., 1981b). MATERIALS AND METHODS BOTTOM TYPES The nature of the bottom was determined at nearly 250,000 stations by an experienced operator who used a long pole (probe) to determine bottom composition by the poles impact as it touched shell, sand or mud. An underwater microphone was towed over the bottom between stations and its amplified sound, as it impacted shell or oysters, was recorded to supplement information obtained with the probe (Haven et a /., 1979). Additionally, many thousands of samples of the bottom were obtained with patent tongs to record oyster and shell densities (Haven et at., 1981a). Each probe of the bottom was made at a known position which was established by electronic positioning gear, Raydist® , which showed the vessels location in terms of a parabolic grid system referenced to latitude and longitude. Using these data, the Baylor bot- toms were classified as sand, gravel, mud, shell-mud, shell- sand or shell-oysters (hard oyster reef). Subsequently, the boundaries of the various bottom types were outlined on charts. Areas were determined with a digitizing planimeter (Haven et al., 1979 and Haven et a!., 1981a). Firm bottoms (oyster reefs) largely composed of a shell-oysters mixture are rated as having the highest value for oyster culture. The less firm bottoms composed of shell- mud or shell-sand are next in value. They may or may not have living oysters and are classed as productive or poten- tially productive. Bottoms lacking shell or those composed of sand, mud or gravel and those in waters exceeding about 10 rn are considered to have a low potential for growing oysters (unproductive). The sonic gear and bottom probe did not differentiate between living oysters and non-living oyster shell; however, we do not regard this distinction of major importance in our formulation of a classification, i.e., productive, potentially pro- ductive, or unproductive. The presence of shell material (live oysters or shells) showed the present state or past history of a bottom. If “shell” (live oysters or non-living shell) is detected, it meant that oysters were growing there or did grow there in the recent past. Statistical data on landings of oysters in Virginia were obtained from the Virginia Marine Resources Commission, HAVEN AND WHITCOMB: PUBLIC OYSTER BOTTOMS 21 Table 2. Acres of productive or potentially productive bottom, unproductive areas and average market oyster production (1974-75 to 1983-84) in Virginia estuaries where market oysters are grown. River system Acres produc- tive or poten- tially productive Unproduc- tive acres Total acres % produc- tive bottom Average production in bushels Poquoson1 808 8,123 8,931 9.0 5,949 York 1,089 1,359 2,449 44.5 1,729 Mobjack Bay Mobjack Bay 412 5,197 5,609 7.3 29,730 Tributaries2 195 2,258 2,453 7.9 9,283 Rappahannock Back & Little 9,502 33,191 42,693 22.2 146,999 Wicomico Potomac River “ — — — 5,627 Tributaries3 Total 817 12,823 1,951 52,079 2,768 64,902 29.5 6,914 includes large areas in Chesapeake Bay. includes East, North and Ware and Severn Rivers (about 5% of Baylor Areas not included), includes Nomini, Lower Machodoc, Goan and Yeocomico Rivers; Currioman not surveyed. Newport News, Virginia (VMRG, 1947-1984). Statistical data on landings (production) are based on the biological year which extends from 1 October to 30 June. These data were averaged for a ten-year period (1974-75 to 1983-84). Areas in this paper are given in acres since this is the official method used by Virginia to measure size of oyster grounds. The conversion factor is: 1 acre = 0.4047 hectacres. RESULTS SHAPE OF PRODUCTIVE OR POTENTIALLY PRODUCTIVE BOTTOMS Most of the areas of shell-oyster bottoms within the Baylor Survey bottoms in Virginia occur at depths between the 6 and 18 feet (1 .8 - 5.5 m) contours as shown on NOAA charts. In a few instances shells or oysters occur as deep as 30 feet (9.1 m). However, in the shallow lagoonal areas on the seaside of the Eastern Shore, oysters occur intertidally, or just below the low tide level. Areas termed oyster reefs are not contiguous, but oc- cur as irregularly shaped areas usually surrounded by shell- sand or shell-mud bottoms. The reef areas occur in a definite pattern in respect to channels and other features of the bot- tom, and although they appear irregular in outline they may be classed into four types: parallel, longitudinal, pancake and transverse (Price, 1954; Scott, 1968; Haven and Whitcomb, 1983). The reef areas may vary in area from less than one acre to several hundred. OYSTER PRODUCTION, LOCATION AND SIZE OF PRODUCTIVE BOTTOMS Four of Virginia’s estuaries produce seed or market sized oysters2 (Fig. 1; Table 1). Of these, the James has by far the largest acreage of productive or potentially produc- tive bottom (16,246 acres) and the highest average annual production (432,171 bushels). Most of the production (376,870 bu. annually) consists of seed size oysters. The three remain- ing estuaries have produced relatively little seed during the 1974-75 to 1983-84 period, but annual average market oyster production has been substantial: 17,223 bushels in the Piankatank River and 38,954 bushels from the Great Wicomico River, and 6,401 from the Corrotoman River. Most of Virginia’s estuaries on the western side of Chesapeake Bay produce market oysters (Fig. 1; Table 2). Usually these oysters originate from a natural set on naturally occurring shell, or in some instances, from a natural set on shell planted by the VMRC. Of the seven areas shown, the Rappahannock River has by far the largest acreage of pro- ductive or potenially productive bottom (9,502 acres) and the greatest average annua! production (146,999 bushels). Mob- jack Bay, with only 412 acres, ranked next in average an- nual production with 29,730 bushels annually. The remain- ing areas, with acreages ranging from 195 to 1,089 acres, had relatively low average annual production. The percen- tage of productive or potentially productive bottom within these seven locations follows: Rappahannock River - 22.2%; York River - 44.5%; Potomac River tributaries - 29.5%; Poquoson River - 9.0%; and Mobjack Bay and tributaries - 7.3% and 7.9%, respectively. Large acreages of Baylor bottom exist on the western side of Chesapeake Bay off the entrances to the Rappahan- nock, Piankatank, and Great Wicomico rivers (Fig. 1; Table 3). In this large area only 639 of the 27,247 acres (2.3%) are classified as productive or potentially productive. Average an- nual production of 22,884 bushels, is fairly high for the 639 acres of productive and potentially productive bottoms. Estuaries on the eastern side of Chesapeake Bay in- clude Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds and several small 2Three inches in length or longer. 22 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Table 3. Acres of productive or potentially productive bottom, unproductive acres and average market oyster production (1974-75 to 1983-84) in two areas on the western side of Chesapeake Bay where market oysters are grown. River Acres pro- ductive or potentially productive Unproduc- tive acres Total acres % productive bottom Average production in bushels Off Entrance to Piankatank River 610 16,229 16,839 3.6 Off Entrance to Great Wicomico River 29 10,378 10,407 0.3 Total 639 26,607 27,246 22,884 Table 4. Acres of productive or potentially productive bottom, unproductive areas and average oyster pro- duction (1974-75 to 1983-84) in Pocomoke - Tangier Sounds, several bay side Eastern Shore creeks. River Acres pro- ductive or potentially productive Unproduc- tive acres Total acres % produc- tive bottom Average production in bushels Seaside of Eastern Shore market seed Total 7,226 33,587 40,813 17.7 32,314 30,808 63,122 Pocomoke & Tangier Sound market 5,875 25,096 30,971 19.0 86,150 The Bay Side Tributary Creeks1 market 83 439 522 15.9 very low-land- ings included above includes Pungoteague, Occohannock, and Nassawadox Creeks. tributary creeks on the western side of the Eastern Shore peninsula (Fig. 1 ; Table 4). The Seaside of the Eastern Shore has a total of 40,813 acres, but only 7,226 (17.7%) is classed as productive or potentially productive. Annual production for the last 10 years from this location has been 63,122 bushels. Pocomoke and Tangier Sounds also have large areas of Baylor bottom (30,971 acres), but only 19.0% or about 5,875 acres has shell. From this large area annual production was 86,150 bushels. Productions from the three Bayside tributaries has been very low (Table 4). The preceeding data outlined the extent of the produc- tive and potentially productive bottoms, the size of unproduc- tive areas and average annual production. Table 5 sum- marizes production in terms of bushels per acre. These data show the low level of productivity of most of the estuaries. The highest level of productivity (84.4 bu/acre) is for the Great Wicomico River, and the next highest is 72.2 bu/acre for Mob- jack Bay; both areas have had shells planted on them by the VMRC in recent years, and it is probable that at least half of the mature oysters originated from these plantings. DISCUSSION The total acreage surveyed in this study (Tables 1-4) is 203,405 acres which is slightly less than the 243,000 acres usually cited as the total acreage of Public Bottoms in Virginia. That is, our study included about 84% of the State’s reported acreage of Public Bottoms. Areas omitted from the study in- clude sites now used for spoil disposal, areas now located on dry land due to shoreline changes since 1894, some shallow marsh areas on the Seaside of the Eastern Shore, and certain small areas where the electronic positioning gear would not operate. One large bottom area in the open part of Chesapeake Bay to the north of the entrance to the Rap- HAVEN AND WHITCOMB: PUBLIC OYSTER BOTTOMS 23 Table 5. Total oyster production related to total acres of productive or potentially productive bottoms. Expressed as bushels per acres (data from Tables 1 , 2, 3 and 4). 1. SEED AND MARKET AREAS (TABLE 1). River Acres Average Bushels productive production oysters or potentially in bushels per acre productive James 16,246 432,171 26.6 Piankatank & Milford Haven 839 39,024 46.5 Great Wicomico 493 41,622 84.4 Corrotoman 213 6,401 30.1 II. MARKET GROWING AREAS IN ESTUARIES ON THE WESTERN SIDE OF CHESAPEAKE BAY (TABLES 2 AND 3). Poquoson 808 5,949 7.4 York 1,089 1,729 1.6 Mobjack Bay Mobjack Bay 412 29,730 72.2 Tributaries 195 9,283 47.6 Rappahannock Back & Little 9,502 146,999 15.5 Wicomico Rivers — 5,625 — Potomac River Tributaries Off Entrance to 817 6,914 8.5 Piankatank River Off Entrance to 610 22,884 37.5 Great Wicomico River 29 — — IV. POCOMOKE-TANGIER SOUND (TABLE 4). Seaside of Eastern Shore Pocomoke and 7,226 63,112 8.7 Tangier Sound Eastern Shore 5,875 86,150 14.7 Tributary Creeks (3) on Bay-side 83 Very low pahannock River was not surveyed because of time limita- tions; however, it was largely an unproductive sand bottom (Haven et at., 1981a). The study showed that statewide, 44,437 acres had moderate to high potential for oyster culture, or 21 .8% of the acreage surveyed. This does not mean that the remaining 78.2% have no value. Often, bottoms without shell may be highly productive of hard clams, soft clams, fish or crabs. The estuary which produced the most oysters was the James River which averaged about 376,870 bushels of seed and 55,301 bushels of market-sized oysters annually from about 16,246 acres. The Rappahannock River ranks next to the James River with an average annual production of 146,999 bushels from about 9,502 acres. Next in order of rank are Pocomoke and Tangier Sound followed by the Seaside of the Eastern Shore. Care must be used in interpreting production data presented in this study. In the James River, for example, the present demand for seed is very low due to adverse economic factors influencing the purchase of seed by lease holders. It is believed that if demand increased, production could be higher. In contrast to the James River, most of the remain- ing areas surveyed produced relatively few oysters from their productive and potentially productive bottoms. Yields from these latter areas are probably as high as the areas can now support under the present system of management. We believe that with proper management and more funds for repletion, many areas might yield more oysters. Suggested improvements include the adoption of modern technology in dredging seed and in planting shell, and in a more efficient use of seed oysters produced in the James River. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors gratefully thank Messrs. Kenneth Walker, Paul Kendall, Reinaldo Morales and others who assisted in the field surveys of the public oyster bottoms. Also, many thanks are given to Mr. Paul Kendall for tabulating much of the data on which the study is based. This study was financed in part by a grant from the National Marine Fisheries Service through the Virginia Marine Resources Commission (Contract No. 3-265-R-3). This is Contribution No. 1306 from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, School of Marine Science, The College of William and Mary, Gloucester Point, Virginia, 23062. LITERATURE CITED Andrews, J. D. 1968. Oyster mortality studies in Virginia. VII. Review of epizootiology and origin of Minchinia nelsoni. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 58(1967):23-36. Baylor, J. B. 1894. Method of defining and locating natural oyster beds, rocks and shoals. In: Oyster Records (pamphlets, one for each Tidewater, Virginia, County, which listed precisely the boundaries of the Baylor Survey). Board of Fisheries in Virginia: 1 -770. Haven, D. S., J. P. Whitcomb, J. M. Zeigler and W. C. Hale. 1979. The use of sonic gear to chart locations of natural oyster bars in lower Chesapeake Bay. Proceedings of the National Shell- fisheries Association 69:11-14. Haven, D. S., J. P. Whitcomb and P. Kendall. 1981a. The present and potential productivity of the Baylor Grounds in Virginia, Vols. I (167 pp.) and II (154 pp., 52 charts). Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering No. 243. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary. Haven, D. S., W. J. Hargis, Jr. and P. Kendall. 1981b. (revised). The Oyster Industry of Virginia: Its status, problems and promise. Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary. Special Papers in Marine Science No. 4:1-1024. Haven, D. S. and J. P. Whitcomb. 1983. The origin and extent of oyster reefs in the James River, Virginia. Journal of Shellfish Research 3(2): 141 -151. Price, W. A. 1954. Oyster reefs of the Gulf of Mexico. Galtsoff, P. S. Coordinator, Gulf of Mexico, its origin, waters, and marine life. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Bulletin 89(55): 1 -491 . Scott, A. J. 1968. Environmental factors controllling oyster shell deposits. Texas Coast. From Fourth Forum on Geology of In- dustrial Minerals, Austin, Texas: Univ. of Texas:131-150. Virginia Marine Resources Commission Annual Reports 1947-1984. Annual Reports to the Governor of Virginia 1947-1984, Rich- mond, Virginia. ■ EXPECTED SEASONAL PRESENCE OF CRASSOSTREA VIRGINICA (GMELIN) LARVAL POPULATIONS, EMPHASIZING CHESAPEAKE BAY VICTOR S. KENNEDY UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND HORN POINT ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORIES P.O. BOX 775 CAMBRIDGE, MARYLAND 21613, U.S.A. ABSTRACT The eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica , exhibits spawning and settlement periods which vary in onset and duration depending on latitude and local conditions. Shortest spawning periods (about 6-8 weeks) are found in summer (June - August) in the oyster’s northern habitat, with the period ex- panding to include spring and autumn (March or May - October) further to the south of its range. In general, regional spawning and spat settlement appear to be continuous, with one or more peak periods (variable in time and space) occurring during the season. Thus, larval populations can be expected to be present throughout the reproductive season. It is not clear what, if any, period of larval availability is the most important determinant of successful recruitment. Thus, it is difficult to predict when activities that might result in entrainment and mortality of oyster larvae could be permitted to occur during the reproductive season. Entrainment of pelagic or epibenthic larvae of vertebrates and invertebrates in the water inflow into industrial facilities has been of concern because of the often deleterious results (e.g. Schubel and Marcy, 1978). The associated mechanical, osmotic, or thermal stresses may be lethal, or incapacitating to the point of making the affected organisms more susceptible to predation or disease. In effect, the en- training facility functions as a predator. This is also true of dredge types used in estuarine sediment control (see Mohr, 1982 for review) in which the dredged material is deposited either onshore or in specially constructed containment systems. Entrained larvae can be killed by smothering, anox- ia, starvation, or desiccation even if they survive the mechanical forces caused by any pumping of the water- sediment slurry that might occur. Larvae of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), are pelagic and are thus at risk of being entrained during this phase of their life history, i.e. from fertilization to settlement as spat. To estimate when larval populations might be present, I review data on the extent and periodicity of C. virginica spawning and settlement, especially for Chesapeake Bay, the area of concern in this workshop. I also add new quantitative data on weekly spawning for one region of Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay in an attempt to determine if there is some periodicity to gamete release that might be ex- ploited in allowing dredging activity. SPAWNING PERIODICITY SEASONAL Table 1 lists major reports of timing of oyster spawn- ing from the most northerly location in which oysters can be found to spawn on the North American east coast (Prince Ed- ward Island) to the southerly end of their range in the Gulf of Mexico. The period lengthens from about 6-8 weeks in the north to about six months or more in the south. In the warm waters of Hawaii to which C. virginica has been transplanted, the spawning season is about eight months long. In Chesapeake Bay the spawning period is in- termediate between these cold and warm water extremes, with the major spawning activity generally occurring from June through September (Table 1; Kennedy and Krantz, 1982). Earlier in this century, spawning may have occurred for a slightly longer period of time (Kennedy and Krantz, 1982). For example, Truitt (1929) indicated that data collected from 1919-1929 revealed a pattern of spawning from early June to early October. If spawning period has indeed shortened in Maryland’s Chesapeake Bay, the reasons for the change are not clear. However, annual variations in environmental conditions can have a considerable impact on the length of a spawning season. As a case in point, in Spring 1 931 Bay waters warmed up much earlier than usual (in late April - early May) with the American Malacologicat Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1986):25-29 25 26 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Table 1. Spawning periodicity of Crassostrea virginica throughout the species’ natural range and in Hawaii. Location Study Period Timing of Spawning Authority Prince Edward Island, 1961-62 June-August Kennedy and Battle, 1964 Canada Long Island Sound Connecticut 1937-56 Start: June 26 to July 3 End (90%):Aug. 15 to Sept. 6 Loosanoff, 1965 Chesapeake Bay, Maryland Not Stated Early June-early Oct.; peaks usually in July Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, 1953 1977-78 Late May-Sept. Kennedy and Krantz, 1982 Virginia Many years Mid June-early Oct. J.D. Andrews (pers. comm.) Gulf of Mexico, Florida 1949-50 Late March-late Oct., varying with location; multiple spawnings Ingle, 1951 Not stated May-October* Butler, 1965 Hawaii 1963-65 Feb. -Nov.; mainly March-October Sakuda, 1966 * Crassostrea virginica transplanted earlier from Chesapeake Bay spawned in Florida from May to October as did native Florida oyster populations. In this the transplants were unlike Chesapeake Bay populations which spawned from June - September during the same experimental period (Butler, 1965). result that spawning and settlement occurred in the Patuxent River, MD in the middle of May, the earliest record in 13 years of study (Truitt, 1931). Note also (Table 1) that Chesapeake Bay oysters which had been transplanted to Florida and held in local waters began spawning at the same time as did the native Florida stock of C. virginica and spawned for a longer period (May-October) than did oysters that same summer (June-September) in Chesapeake Bay (Butler, 1965). WEEKLY Histological material collected approximately weekly by Kennedy and Krantz (1982) on Deep Neck Bar in Broad Creek, MD was re-examined using stereology (Lowe et al., 1982) to determine if some cyclical pattern of gametogenesis and spawning could be detected. Deep Neck Bar is an oyster bar that has consistently experienced good spat recruitment. The oyster tissue had been treated histologically by standard procedures (Kennedy and Krantz, 1982) and included regular mid-monthly samples taken on June 22, July 18 and August 14, for which one microscope slide had been prepared for each oyster. For the additional weekly samples, the oysters had been grouped three to twelve to a slide by processing tissue from the dorsal body mass of each oyster rather than a complete tissue cross-section of the body as was done mid- monthly. Sample sizes ranged from 10 to 25 per week and oyster size averaged 8.7 cm in length (hinge to bill). To quantify the process of gametogenesis, the histological slides were examined using a stereological techni- que (Lowe et al., 1982; Kennedy and Van Heukelem, 1985). The gonadal tissue was viewed through a microscope equip- ped with an eyepiece reticule marked with a random array of 42 points. The coincidence of a point with one of four tissue 7 17 12 8 15 16 4 15 15 13 7 I OO-r-T r Fig. 1. Average volume fractions of four tissue components in the gonadal region of Crassostrea virginica from Deep Neck Bar, Broad Creek, MD in 1978. M.G. = Morphologically ripe gametes; D.G. = Developing gametes; S = Spawning/spent tissue (i.e. clear follicular space once containing gametes); N-R.T. = Non-reproductive tissue. Numbers above each diagram represent the sample size for each week. Note that for June 22 and September 20 in diagram labelled “AH”, numbers include animals that could not be identified as to sex. KENNEDY: SEASONALITY OF OYSTER LARVAL PRESENCE 27 Table 2. Settlement periodicity of Crassostrea virginica larvae throughout the species’ natural range. Location Study Period Timing of Settlement Peak of Settlement Authority Nova Scotia, 1939-40 July-August Varied Medcof, 1955 Canada Long Island Sound, Connecticut 1937-61 Start: July 9 to Aug. 1 1 End: Aug 26 to Oct. 17 Usually 2; timing variable Loosanoff, 1966 Chesapeake Bay, Maryland 1942-53 Late May-Oct. Varied; late June- Sept. but usually July, Sometimes 2 peaks Beaven, 1955 1962-66 June-mid Sept. Usually 2 peaks of varying intensity Shaw, 1969 1 977-79 Late May- mid Sept. Varied with year and location Kennedy, 1980 Virginia 1946-54 Early July- early Oct. Usually 2 peaks: mid July; mid Aug. to mid Sept. Andrews, 1955 South Carolina Many years Early May- early Oct. Usually 2 peaks: early June-early July; Aug. -early Sept. McNulty, 1953 Gulf of Mexico, Florida 1951-61 Start: early March to mid May End: mid Sept, to late Nov. Varied Butler, 1965 Texas 1951-52 Mid May-mid Oct. Menzel, 1955 types, i.e., developing gametes, morphologically ripe gametes, spawning/spent tissue, and non-reproductive tissue (mostly interfollicular connective tissue) was recorded for three ran- domly selected fields per tissue section. The average value of each tissue type noted in the three fields was determined for each oyster, resulting in four average values of tissue fre- quency (one per tissue type) for each oyster. From these, the percentage volume fraction of each of the four tissue types was determined for each oyster. An average volume fraction (%) of each tissue type was then calculated for each weekly sample of oysters (n = 10-25). These percentage volume fractions are presented for males, females, and all oysters in Figure 1. For all oysters combined there was a low incidence of non-reproductive tissue (N-RT.) through mid August, increasing as follicles shrank during the decline in spawning which occurred into September. The spawning decline is marked by the drop in percentage volume fraction of the developing and mor- phologically ripe tissues. There was a small increase in the percentage volume fraction of spawning/spent tissue in early July and a larger increase in early August (this tissue type is characterized by the space once occupied by gametes; note that spawning activity is also indicated by an increase in the N-R.T. component of the body due to shrinkage of follicles upon gamete release). Scrutiny of gametogenic events in male and female oysters (Fig. 1) reveals three periods when the volume frac- tions of morphologically ripe male gametes increased (early July, late July, mid August), with four such periods occurring for females (mid June plus the above three periods). However, the variability in the data as reflected in the standard devia- tions of the means (not shown in Fig. 1) was such that these periods of increase were probably not of significance. In general, throughout the summer until late August, gametes were developing, ripening, and being released, with perhaps two peaks of spawning (late June-early July and late July-early August). Thus, larval populations were presumably always in the water column in Broad Creek. SETTLEMENT PERIODICITY Settlement and metamorphosis of C. virginica usually follows spawning in two or three weeks, depending upon water temperatures and (probably) food quality and quantity. Thus, settling larvae can usually be encountered throughout the reproductive season. Table 2 lists major reports of timing of settlement throughout the north-south range of the species. Again, the season lengthens to the south as would be ex- pected given the length of the spawning seasons (Table 1). Throughout the range, it is not uncommon for there to be two or more major settlement events (“peaks”) but this varies an- nually, spatially, and in intensity (e.g. Beaven, 1951; Loosanoff and Nomejko, 1956; Drinnan and Stallworthy, 1979). This is true also within Maryland waters. Reports by 28 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Shaw (1969) and Kennedy (1980) covered eight years of surveys of settlement patterns in two tributaries of the Chop- tank River, MD (1962-1966, 1977-1979). Table 3 presents a synopsis of the findings, demonstrating the variability of peak periods of settlement within and between locations and years. Italics draw attention to the period when settlement (measured as number of spat per 100 cm2) was most intense that season. Lack of italics where there were multiple settlement peaks indicates a subjective judgement that there was little difference between the intensity (spat abundance) of the peaks. Table 3. Variability over time and space of peak settlement periods (measured as numbers of spat per 100 cm2) of oyster larvae in two tributaries of the Choptank River, MD (after Shaw, 1969 and Ken- nedy, 1980). When two or more peaks occur in a tributary, if one peak had higher numbers of spat than the other(s), that major peak is italisized. Tred Avon River Broad Creek 1962 Early August Early and late July 1963 Early July; early August Early July; early August 1964 Early July, mid August Early July, early August 1965 Mid June; early July, late Early June; late June-early August July, late August 1966 Late June; early July Mid-late July 1977 Late September Late July, late August 1978 Almost no set Minor peak in late July 1979 Late May; mid June; early July Mid June; early July In both tributaries, two or three peak periods of settle- ment usually occurred in a season but the timing varied an- nually and between tributaries. Settlement was always greater in Broad Creek. This was reflected in the fact that nearly every year the peak of settlement (spat abundance) in that tributary exceed any peak in Tred Avon River that same year. DISCUSSION Examination of the literature reveals that although broad generalizations about timing may be made, intensity and success of spawning and settlement in C. virginica varies with location and year in an essentially unpredictable man- ner. Environmental factors such as temperature and the quan- tity and quality of food supply are involved, and predation on larvae by pelagic predators is undoubtedly also a factor. The fact that spawning may occur is no guarantee that much spat settlement will follow. For example, note that even though spawning took place in Broad Creek in 1978 (Fig. 1), spat settlement was negligible; this pattern was similar for spawn- ing and settlement in Tred Avon River that year (Kennedy, 1 980). Definitive reasons for lack of settlement are not clear. Low salinity has been implicated in affecting spawning and settlement (Butler, 1949). However, although salinities were relatively low in both tributaries in 1 978 ( = 7-9 °/00), they were even lower in 1979 when both tributaries experienced much greater settlement than in 1978 (Kennedy, 1980). In conclusion, regional spawning does seem to be con- tinuous over the summer season (Fig. 1 ; Kennedy and Krantz, 1982) as is spat settlement (Shaw, 1969; Kennedy, 1980). Thus, given dispersion by water circulation, larval populations can be expected to be present during the spawning period typical for the location (Table 1). Since it is not clear what, if any, segment of a spawning season or period of larval availability is the most important determinant of successful recruitment, it is difficult to predict when entrainment of oyster larvae could occur with environmentally benign conse- quences. Thus, for Maryland, when it is desirable to avoid entraining larvae in a region of good spat settlement success, such as Broad Creek, dredging should not be allowed from June to August, unless perhaps salinities have been so low (<5 °/00) during the previous spring as to inhibit spawning and recruitment success (Butler, 1949). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Figure 1 was prepared by Debbie Kennedy and early drafts of the manuscript were read by V. Brock, M. Crosby and R. Newell. Collections from Deep Neck Bar were supported by Maryland Sea Grant Nos. 04-8-M01-73 and NA79AA-D-00058. The U.S. Govern- ment is authorized to produce and distribute reprints for governmental purposes notwithstanding any copyright notation that may appear hereon. Contribution No. 1681 HPLof University of Maryland Center for Environmental and Estuarine Studies. LITERATURE CITED Andrews, J. D. 1955. Setting of oysters in Virginia. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 45:38-46. Beaven, G. F. 1951. Recent observations on the season and pat- tern of oyster setting in the middle Chesapeake area. Pro- ceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association (1 950):53-59. Beaven, G. F. 1955. Various aspects of oyster setting in Maryland. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 45:29-37. Butler, P. A. 1949. Gametogenesis in the oyster under conditions of depressed salinity. Biological Bulletin 96:263-269. Butler, P. A. 1965. Reaction of estuarine mollusks to some en- vironmental factors. In: Biological Problems in Water Pollution, pp. 92-104. U.S.H.E.W., Public Health Service, Cincinnati, OH. Chesapeake Biological Laboratory. 1953. The commercial fisheries of Maryland. Educational Series No. 30. C.B.L., Solomons Island, MD. 45 pp. Drinnan, R. E. and W. B. Stallworthy. 1979. Oyster larval populations and assessment of spatfall, Bideford River, P.E.I., 1959. Fisheries and Environment Canada, Fisheries and Marine Ser- vice Technical Report No. 793. 16 pp. Ingle, R. M. 1951. Spawning and setting of oysters in relation to seasonal environmental changes. Bulletin of Marine Science of the Gulf and Caribbean 1 : 1 1 1 -1 35. Kennedy, A. V. and H. I. Battle. 1964. Cyclic changes in the gonad of the American oyster, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). Cana- dian Journal of Zoology 42:305-321 . Kennedy, V. S. 1980. Comparison of recent and past patterns of oyster settlement and seasonal fouling in Broad Creek and Tred Avon River, Maryland. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 70:36-46. KENNEDY: SEASONALITY OF OYSTER LARVAL PRESENCE 29 Kennedy, V. S. and L. B. Krantz. 1982. Comparative gametogenic and spawning patterns of the oyster Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) in central Chesapeake Bay. Journal of Shellfish Research 2:133-140. Kennedy, V. S. and L. Van Heukelem. 1985. Gametogenesis and larval production in a population of the introduced Asiatic clam, Corbicula sp. (Bivalvia: Corbiculidae), in Maryland. Biological Bulletin 168:50-60. Loosanoff, V. L. 1 965. Gonad development and discharge of spawn in oysters of Long Island Sound. Biological Bulletin 129:546-561. Loosanoff, V. L. 1966. Time and intensity of setting of the oyster, Crassostrea virginica, in Long Island Sound. Biological Bulletin 130:211-227. Loosanoff, V. L. and C. A. Nomejko. 1956. Relative intensity of oyster setting in different years in the same areas of Long Island Sound. Biological Bulletin 111:387-392. Lowe, D. M., M. N. Moore and B. L. Bayne. 1982. Aspects of gametogenesis in the marine mussel Mytilus edulis L. Jour- nal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 62:133-145. McNulty, J. K. 1953. Seasonal and vertical patterns of oyster set- ting off Wadmalaw Island, S. C. Contribution No. 15, Bears Bluff Laboratory, Wadmalaw Island, S. C. 17 pp. Medcof, J. C. 1955. Day and night characteristics of spatfall and behaviour of oyster larvae. Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada 12:270-286. Menzel, R. W. 1955. Some phases of the biology of Ostrea equestris Say and a comparison with Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). In- stitute of Marine Science, University of Texas 4:70-153. Mohr, A. W. 1982. Sediment control through dredging. In: Estuarine Comparisons, V. S. Kennedy ed., pp. 635-646. Academic Press, Inc., Mew York. Sakuda, H. M. 1966. Reproductive cycle of American oyster, Crassostrea virginica in West Loch, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. Tran- sactions of the American Fisheries Society 95:216-219. Schubel, T. R. and B. C. Marcy, Jr. (eds.). 1978. Power Plant Entrain- ment: A Biological Assessment. Academic Press, New York. 271 pp. Shaw, W. I I 1969. Oyster setting in two adjacent tributaries of Chesapeake Bay. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 98:309-314. Truitt, R. V. 1929. Chesapeake biological inquiry, 1929. Seventh An- nual Report of the Maryland Conservation Department, pp. 39-69. Baltimore, MD. Truitt, R. V. 1931. Spawning and spat-fall. Ninth Annual Report of the Conservation Department of the State of Maryland, p. 37. Baltimore, MD. PHYSICOCHEMICAL ALTERATIONS OF THE ENVIRONMENT ASSOCIATED WITH HYDRAULIC CUTTERHEAD DREDGING JOHN D. LUNZ and MARK W. LASALLE ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY U.S. ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION P.O. BOX 631, VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI 39180-0631, U.S.A. ABSTRACT Hydraulic cutterhead dredging operations introduce a flow field around the cutterhead and af- fect the following physicochemical environmental alterations: levels of suspended sediments, settle- ment of suspended sediments, dissolved oxygen demand, and chemical release from sediments. The flow field around the cutterhead is localized to the immediate area of the suction intake, with fluid velocities increasing with increased discharge. Suspended solids levels are generally below 200 mg// with the highest levels near the bottom within 800 ft (243.8 m) of the dredge. Estimates of the thickness of the sediment blanket resulting from the settlement of suspended sediments were generally less than 4 mm. The assumption that dissolved oxygen demand is directly related to the benthic oxygen demand of the sediment being suspended led to estimates of dissolved oxygen reductions in the water at the dredging site; using low, moderate and high benthic oxygen demand rates and suspended solids values. These reductions were usually less than 0.05 mg///h. The potential for release of natural and industrially derived chemicals from sediments resuspended by the dredge is low. Apparently, this is due to the rapid adsorption of these compounds onto clay and organic particles. In general, physicochemical environmental alterations occurring during dredging are all related to the suspension of sediment, while the amount of sediment in suspension is related, to a large ex- tent, to the way the dredge itself is operated. Environmental concerns about hydraulic dredging operations frequently focus on associated water quality changes. Of particular interest are changes in the levels of suspended solids, optical turbidity, dissolved oxygen, and potentially toxic chemical substances such as pesticides and heavy metals. The bulk of this work has been reviewed by Stern and Stickle (1978) and Priest (1981). Most of the studies cited by these reviews describe water quality conditions in the vicinity of dredges, but few have quantified these parameters at the cutterhead itself. Sustar et al. (1976) discussed sediment-water interactions occurring during dredging and disposal operations and identified the primary controlling factor as the physical properties of the sediment. The type of dredging equipment used, operation of the equip- ment, and site conditions were identified as additional factors. We contend that although much remains to be learned about dredge-induced changes in water quality, we are in a position to report on general observations and thereby per- mit the readers to determine the resource impact significance of those observations. The following information was developed for a workshop that focused on the consequences of entrainment and mortality of oyster larvae during cutterhead hydraulic dredging operations. Water quality conditions around the dredge are relevant to the entrainment topic for two reasons; first, because the physical dimensions of the water quality field altered by the dredge may influence the behavior and consequent survival of planktonic oyster larvae near, although not necessarily in, the entrainment field; second, because knowledge of water quality characteristics affected by dredging permits a student of dredge-induced oyster larvae mortality to decide if entrainment should be the primary concern, or a concern shared with water quality, as a potential cause of larval mortality. The objective of this report is to summarize the available information concerning several water quality parameters in the immediate vicinity of the cutterhead of a hydraulic dredge. In some cases, information gathered on one parameter is used to extrapolate to associated phenomena. CUTTERHEAD DESCRIPTION A complete description of a typical hydraulic dredge and its operation is given by Barnard (1978). A typical American Malacologicai Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1986):31-36 31 32 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT • 1.1 in pipe(2.8cm) o 1.62 in pipe (4.1 cm) a 2.0 in pipe (5.1 cm) 1.62 in pipe (4.1 cm) ofront of pipe • rear of pipe o a> 1/1 o o _J LU > Fig. 1. Relationship of fluid velocity with right angle distance from a suction intake (data from Brahme, 1983 taken from Figures 18, 19, 20, 23, 24). A. Vertical pipe measurements. B. Inclined pipe measurements. cutterhead consists of two principal systems, a cylindrical system of rotating blades which loosens the sediment and a hydraulic suction system which picks up and transports the material to the dredge. Various cutterhead blade designs are in use. Many of these designs incorporate features to increase the efficiency of the cutterhead by directing the suspended sediments to the suction head (Raymond, 1984). This in- creased efficiency equates to reduced optical turbidity and suspended sediment levels since the object of the operation is to remove sediment. PHYSICOCHEMICAL ALTERATIONS AT THE CUTTERHEAD In addition to the flow field around the suction head, the physicochemical alterations of interest around an operating cutterhead include: suspended sediment concen- trations and associated optical turbidity levels; settlement of supended sediment, a process commonly referred to as sta- tion; dissolved oxygen concentration; and the release of various natural or manmade chemicals associated with the sediment. These chemicals include nutrients, heavy metals, and pesticides. Information about these parameters must, for the most part, be inferred from studies of dredged material disposal. Very few direct measurements of the physicochemical alterations affected by the operation of the cutterhead dredge have been made compared to those af- fected by dredged material disposal. FLUID FIELD Brahme (1983) described the fluid velocity fields around experimental suction heads. Velocities were found to increase with increased discharge through the pipe. High velocities were generally restricted to the immediate area of the pipe and dropped rapidly with distance, as shown in Figure 1 . No differences were observed in a comparison be- tween the fluid fields of vertical and inclined intakes. SUSPENDED SOLIDS The term turbidity, i.e., optical turbidity, is often used in conjunction with discussions of suspended solids. Although levels of suspended solids do affect turbidity, the two terms are not synonymous, but are measures of two distinct phenomena. Levels of suspended solids expressed as weight per unit volume, typically as mg//, are the subject of the follow- ing discussion. Levels of suspended solids on either side and within a 1-m radius of an operating cutterhead were measured in the field by Yagi et al. (1977) who reported a range of 12 to 580 ppm (mg//). Values were highest on the side where cutter blades impacted the sediment, presumably due to a LUNZ AND LASALLE: PHYSICOCHEMICAL ALTERATIONS OF DREDGING 33 FLOOD DISTANCE, FT EBB 800 400 200 100 0 100 200 400 800 ABOVE 25 FT —11.5 mg/£ ABOVE 25 FT —37.5 mg/f Fig. 2. Suspended sediment levels at various depths and distances from a hydraulic cutterhead dredge in the James River, Virginia (reproduced from Raymond, 1984, Figure 3) and the Savannah River, Georgia (reproduced from Hayes, in press, Figure 2). Values for the James River study are averages over 4 days, corrected for background suspended sediment levels. Values for the Savannah River study are combined data for 2 days, corrected for background suspended sediment levels. carryover of sediment particles in the water flow formed by the rotating blades. Levels of suspended solids 2 m above the cutterhead declined exponentially from between 5% and 74% of values near the head. Studies by Raymond (1984) in the James River, Virginia, and Hayes (in press) in the Savannah River, Georgia, provide data on suspended sediments at varying distances from an operating dredge (Fig. 2). In both studies, levels of suspended sediments greater than 1 00 mg II above ambient were restricted to the lower water column (8 to 10 ft above bottom = 2.5 to 3.0 m), while levels in the upper water column remained only slightly above ambient. In the James River study, the ebbing tide had the effect of increasing the ver- tical dispersion of suspended sediments. In order to develop a model of dredge-induced turbidity plumes, Kuo et al. (1985) measured suspended sediment concentrations at 1 m below the surface. Values ranged be- tween 9 and 63 mg// at distances from 67 to 375 m from the dredge (Fig. 3). Background values of suspended solids ranged from 9 to 35 mg//. Based on his model, sediment con- centrations calculated for 1 ft (0.3 m) above the bottom ranged between 2.6 and 353 mg// at distances from 22.4 to 2,240 m from the dredge (Fig. 3). Other studies of suspended sediment levels in the vicinity of a dredge report that high levels are generally restricted to within 60 to 70 m horizontally from the head with very little resuspension above the head (1 to 2 m) (Huston and Huston, 1976; Markeyand Putnam, 1976; Sustar et al., 1976; Barnard, 1978; Brahme, 1983; Herbich and Brahme, 1984). SEDIMENTATION OF SUSPENDED SOLIDS Sediment deposition was calculated in the turbidity DISTANCE FROM SOURCE (m) Fig. 3. Suspended sediment concentrations at various distances from a hydraulic cutterhead dredge used in a turbidity plume model for the Elizabeth River, Virginia (data from Kuo et at. 1985, Tables 2 and 4). Values for 1 m below the surface were estimated from field data. Values for 1 ft (,3m) above the bottom were calculated by the model. plume model of Kuo et al. (1 985). Values of sediment deposi- tion density (g/cm2) calculated for varying lateral distances from the dredge were 0.29 (at 30.5 m), 0.28 (at 61 .0 m), 0.24 (at 152 m) and 0.15 (at 305 m). We estimated thickness of the settled material from this data by assuming an in-situ water content of 50% by weight and a bulk density of sedi- ment and water equal to 2.65 g/cm3 and 1 .00 g/cm3, respec- tively. Our estimates of sediment thickness were 4 mm at 30.5 and 61.0 m, 3 mm at 152 m and 2 mm at 305 m. DISSOLVED OXYGEN The effect of suspended sediment on dissolved oxygen 34 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT (DO) has been studied largely from the standpoint of ben- thic oxygen demand of the sediments being suspended (Isaac, 1965; Berg, 1970; O’Neal and Sceva, 1971; Reynolds ef a/., 1973). A few investigations have reported oxygen con- centrations associated with dredged material disposal (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1970; May, 1973; Slottaef a/., 1973; Smith ef a/., 1976; Westley ef a/., 1973) and with dredging itself (Brown and Clark, 1968). Bucket dredging activity in an industrialized New Jersey waterway (Brown and Clark, 1968) was shown to reduce DO levels by 16% to 83% during the dredging period. In the case of dredged material disposal operations, DO depressions were observed but were short- lived and restricted to near-bottom layers. Available data on the sediment oxygen demand of estuarine sediments, while indicating potentially high demand levels, are complicated by differences in measurement techniques and noncom- parable units. Isaac (1965) and Burdick (1976) summarized reported benthic oxygen demand rates for a wide range of sediment conditions. Much of this work with benthic oxygen demand has been related to the degree of chemical contamination or organic enrichment. Particular attention has focused on volatile solids (VS) concentrations in sediment because of fre- quent high correlations between benthic oxygen demand and the percentage of volatile solids. O’Neal and Sceva (1971) reported a significant difference in the initial oxygen demand of sediments having relatively low volatile solids (mean = 2.9%) and those having relatively high volatile solids (mean = 19.6%). Reynolds ef a/., (1973) reported a relationship be- tween benthic demand (g/h-m2) and biological oxygen demand (mg/kg). Oxygen demand has also been shown to be a func- tion of the amount of suspended sediment (Isaac, 1 965; Berg, 1970; Reynolds ef a/., 1973). Collett (1961, cited in Isaac, 1965) reported a substantial difference in oxygen demand between shaken and quiescent samples from four British rivers. Reynolds ef al. (1973) developed a predictive mathematical model for DO demand based on the benthic oxygen demand of the sediment. Benthic oxygen demand (g/h-m2) was found to be directly related to sediment biological oxygen demand (mg/kg dry wt.), temperature and degree of resuspension. It is clear from all these studies that oxygen demand is directly related to a number of parameters, including the volatile solids concentration of the sediment, temperature, degree of sediment resuspension (concentrations of sus- pended sediments) and duration of resuspension. Using various levels of suspended sediments reported for hydraulic dredging operations (Fig. 2) and estimates of low, moderate, and high levels (5, 20, 150 /xl 02/g [sediment dry weight], respectively) of sediment oxygen demand, we estimated the oxygen demand for a typical dredging operation. The DO reduction was estimated within a hypothetical closed cylinder having a height of 2 m and a radius of 15 m, situated around a cutterhead. The initial DO concentration in the water within the cylinder was 5 mg//; the temperature was 25°C. The estimated dissolved oxygen reduction (Table 1) Table 1. Hypothetical values of dredge-induced dissolved oxygen reduction, from 5 mg//, for combinations of suspended sediment concentrations and benthic oxygen demand (low, 5; moderate, 20; high, 150 /J 0/g/hr). Suspended Sediment Concentration (mg//) Benthic Oxygen Demand 04 0/g/hr) Dissolved Oxygen Reduction (mg///hr) 100 low 0.01 100 moderate 0.01 100 high 0.03 200 low 0.01 200 moderate 0.01 200 high 0.05 300 low 0.01 300 moderate 0.01 300 high 0.07 500 low 0.01 500 moderate 0.02 500 high 0.11 1500 high 3.00 is generally small (<0.05 mg//) for all combinations of sus- pended sediment and oxygen demand levels. By these com- putations, a considerable reduction of DO (3.0 mg//) would occur under combined conditions of extremely high suspend- ed solids and high oxygen demand. Dissolved oxygen depres- sions observed during dredged material disposal operations are higher ( > 1 .0 mg//) than those we estimated at the dredg- ing location; however, the levels of suspended sediment are much greater during dredged material disposal. The DO depressions at dredged material disposal sites are reported to be short lived, on the order of hours (U.S. Fish and Wildlife, 1970; May, 1973; Westly et al., 1973; Barnard, 1978). CHEMICAL RELEASE FROM SEDIMENTS The release of naturally occurring chemical substances (nutrients, sulfides, iron, and other metals in naturally occurring concentrations) and industrially derived chemical substances (potentially toxic metals in higher than natural concentrations, organohalogen compounds, and pesticides) by the suspension of sediments during dredging is a concern, particularly in highly contaminated sites. The fate of these compounds when sediments are suspended has received much attention and is thoroughly reviewed by Stern and Stickle (1978). Information from laboratory studies sug- gests that metals from bottom sediments, released when these sediments are suspended, are adsorbed onto clay and organic particles in the water column. Estimates of the per- cent of various metals adsorbed in this way include 69.8% for copper, 97.4% for mercury, and 50% and 75% for mer- curic nitrate and mercury chloride. In field situations, the levels of mercury in the water column were reported to be negligible or very slight (Stern and Stickle, 1978). Windom (1972) suggested a general explanation of ad- sorption involving iron found in the sediment. Reduced iron, once oxidized during resuspension, actively scavenges metals and other compounds, thereby removing them from LUNZ AND LASALLE: PHYSICOCHEMICAL ALTERATIONS OF DREDGING 35 the water column. These compounds accumulate in the set- tling sediments where they are reduced upon return to anoxic conditions. For the most part, therefore, these compounds are generally not available in the water column except as part of an iron complex and are retained in the sediment by reset- tlement of these complexes. May (1974) made similar obser- vations during dredged material disposal into containment basins and suggested three possible scenarios to explain them including: a) the processes acting under conditions of dredged material disposal are either too slow or are too quick- ly reversible to allow sediment constituents to become dis- solved: b) the materials are too strongly adsorbed to either inorganic or organic matter so that reducing conditions have little effect on them; c) the materials in question are largely in refractory forms (organic and inorganic complexes) and are not readily soluble. The degree of release of chlorinated hydrocarbons dur- ing dredging per se is unknown (Stern and Stickle, 1978; Priest, 1981). The behavior of these compounds in sediment- water systems associated with dredged material disposal alternatives was reviewed by Gambrell et al. (1978) who reported that chlorinated hydrocarbons are strongly bound to the solid phase in typical soil and sediment-water systems. They state, “unless a contaminated sediment is coarse- textured with low organic matter content, dissolved com- pounds will exist at extremely low levels such that this form will not be an acute environmental threat”. Their review fur- ther points out that an exception may be where a very high suspended solids to water ratio exists and they describe results of laboratory elutriate tests reported by Lee et al. (1975) in which a 20% suspended solids system resulted in release to soluble forms while a 5% suspended solids system showed less release or no release. Laboratory investigations conducted by Chen et al. (1976) suggest that very fine silts and clays and the quantities of humic and fulvic acids in marine sediments are important factors in controlling the ad- sorption capacity of chlorinated hydrocarbons in marine sediments. These laboratory observations led to a conclu- sion that chlorinated hydrocarbons will not be released to solution in detectable quantities under normal conditions. However, these compounds undergo similar association with organic detritus and inorganic sediment particles and are capable of being transferred through the food chain via in- gestion by organisms (Chen et al., 1976; Burks and Engler, 1978; Rubinstein et al., 1984). Where substantial suspended solids are present, the oil and grease content of the sus- pended particulates is reported to be more important in regulating total levels of suspended chlorinated hydrocarbons than actual levels of suspended solids (Burks and Engler, 1978). Lee et al. (1975) suggested the simultaneous occur- rence of both oil and grease and chlorinated hydrocarbons may enhance bioavailabiiity. Quantitative information about the release of nutrients during hydraulic cutterhead dredging operations is not available. Qualitative information on the behavior of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds during dredged material disposal in open water can be viewed as applicable as long as the differences in dredging and dredged material disposal operations are recognized in terms of the concentrations and volumes of sediment that they suspend. Stern and Stickle (1978) concluded that turbidity and suspended material can play both a beneficial and detrimental role in aquatic en- vironments. They state that suspended material sorbs and removes contaminants from the water column and stimulates photosynthesis through the introduction of inorganic nutrients. They further conclude that nutrients may stimulate excessive biological growth and that turbidity might reduce photosyn- thetic activities because of its interference with light penetra- tion. There is a consensus among reviewers of nutrient release during dredged material disposal operations that am- monia toxicity or an increase in algae productivity should not be problems in most waters where substantial dilution and mixing occur. INFLUENCE OF DREDGE OPERATING CONDITIONS ON PHYSICOCHEMICAL ALTERATIONS Several features of cutterhead dredge operations can influence the physicochemical alterations previously dis- cussed. These include the rate of suction, cutterhead rota- tional speed, size of the cutterhead, depth of the cut, and the speed with which the cutterhead is swung back and forth across the area being dredged. All of these phenomena have been reported to influence levels of suspended solids adja- cent to the cutterhead (Vagi ef al., 1975; Huston and Huston, 1976; Barnard, 1978; Brahme, 1983; Herbich and Brahme, 1984; Hayes et al., 1984) and the efficiency of operation of hydraulic dredges (Raymond, 1984). It is apparent that specifications for operating a cutterhead dredge to achieve optimum efficiency are compatible with specifications that would be intended to minimize potentially adverse physicochemical alterations. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Douglas Gunnison, (WES) for information on the oxygen demand of estuarine sediments. LITERATURE CITED Barnard, W. D. 1978. Prediction and control of dredged material dispersion around dredging and open-water pipeline disposal operations. Technical Report DS-78-13. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 112 pp. Berg, R. H. 1970. The oxygen uptake demand of resuspended bot- tom sediments. Water Pollution Control Research Series No. 1 6070-DCD-09/70. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC. 34 pp. Brahme, S. B. 1983. Environmental aspects of suction cutterheads. Ph.D. Dissertation, Texas A&M University. 166 pp. Brown, C. L. and R. Clark. 1968. Observations on dredging and dissolved oxygen in a tidal waterway. Water Resources Research 4:1381-1384. Burdick, J. C., III. 1976. Analysis of oxygen demand of sediments. In: Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Dredging and its Environmental Effects , P. A. Krenkel, J. Harrison and J. 36 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT C. Burdick III, eds. pp. 319-352. American Society of Civil Engineers. Burks, S. A. and R. M. Engler. 1978. Water quality impacts of aquatic dredged material disposal (laboratory investigations). Syn- thesis report. Technical Report DS-78-4. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 35 pp. Chen, K. Y., S. K. Gupta, A. Z. Sycip, J. C. S. Lu, M. Knezevic and Won Wook Choi. 1976. Research study on the effect of disper- sion, settling, and resedimentation on migration of chemical constituents during open-water disposal of dredged materials. Contract Report D-76-1 . U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Ex- periment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 221 pp. Collett, W. F. 1961. A preliminary investigation of the pollution of the upper Forth estuary. In: Journal and Proceedings of the Institute of Sewage Purification, Part 5:418-433. Gambrell, R. P., R. A. Khalid and W. H. Patrick, Jr. 1978. Disposal alternatives for contaminated dredged material as a manage- ment tool to minimize adverse environmental effects. Technical Report DS-78-8. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 148 pp. Hayes, D. F. In press. Guide to selecting a dredge for minimum resuspension of sediment. Environmental Effects of Dredg- ing Technical Notes, EEDP-09-1 . U.S. Army Engineer Water- ways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 9 pp. Hayes, D. F., G. L. Raymond and T. N. McLellan. 1984. Sediment resuspension from dredging activities. In: Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal, R. L. Montgomery and J. W. Leach, eds. pp. 72-82. Proceedings of the Conference Dredging '84., Clearwater Beach, Florida, November 14-16, 1984. Herbich, J. B. and S. B. Brahme. 1984. Turbidity generated by a model cutterhead dredge. In: Dredging and Dredged Material Disposal, R. L. Montgomery and J. W. Leach, eds. pp. 47-56. Proceedings of the Conference Dredging ’84., Clearwater Beach, Florida, November 14-16, 1984. Huston, J. W. and W. C. Huston. 1976. Techniques for reducing tur- bidity associated with present dredging procedures and opera- tions. Contract Report D-76-4. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 78 pp. Isaac, P. C. G. 1 965. The contribution of bottom muds to the deple- tion of oxygen in rivers and suggested standards for sus- pended solids. In: Biological Problems in Water Pollution, U.S. Public Services Publication No. 999-WP-25. pp. 346-354. Kuo, A. Y., C. S. Welch and R. J. Lukens. 1985. Dredge induced turbidity plume model. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and Ocean Engineering. 111:476-494. Lee, G. F., M. D. Piwoni, J. M. Lopez, G. M. Mariani, J. S. Richard- son, D. H. Homer and F. Saleh. 1975. Research study for the development of dredged material disposal criteria. Contract Report D-75-4. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 337 pp. Markey, J. W. and H. D. Putnam. 1976. A study of the effects of maintenance dredging on selected ecological parameters in the Gulfport Ship Channel, Gulfport, Mississippi. In: Pro- ceedings of the Specialty Conference on Dredging and its En- vironmental Effects, P. A. Krenkel, J. Harrison and J. C. Bur- dick III, eds. pp. 821-832. American Society of Civil Engi- neers. May, E. B. 1973. Environmental effects of hydraulic dredging in estuaries. Alabama Marine Resources Bulletin 9:1-85. May, E. B. 1 974. Effects on water quality when dredging a polluted harbor using confined spoil disposal. Alabama Marine Resources Bulletin 10:1-8. O’Neal, G. and J. Sceva. 1971. The effects of dredging on water quality in the northwest. Report No. PB 228 533. Environmental Protection Agency, Region X, Seattle, Washington. 158 pp. Priest, W. I. 1981. The effects of dredging impacts on water quality and estuarine organisms: a literature review. Virginia Institute of Marine Science. Special Report in Applied Marine Science and Ocean Engineering. 247:240-266. Raymond, G. L. 1 984. Techniques to reduce the sediment resuspen- sion caused by dredging. Miscellaneous Paper HL-84-3. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 33 pp. Reynolds, T. D., R. W. Hann, Jr. and W. F. Priebe. 1973. Benthic oxygen demands of Houston Ship Channel sediments. Texas A&M University. TAMU-SG-73-204. 58 pp. Rubinstein, N. I., W. T. Gilliam and N. R. Gregory. 1984. Dietary accumulation of PCBs from a contaminated sediment source by a demersal fish species (Leiostomus xanthurus). Technical Report D-84-6. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 25 pp. Slotta, L. S., C. K. Sollitt, D. A. Bella, D. R. Hancock, J. E. MaCauly and R. Parr. 1973. Effects of hopper dredging and in chan- nel spoiling in Coos Bay, Oregon. School of Engineering and Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 133 pp. Smith, J. M., J. B. Phipps, E. D. Schermer and D. F. Samuelson. 1976. Impact of dredging on water quality in Grays Harbor, Washington. In: Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Dredging and its Environmental Effects, P. A. Krenkel, J. Har- rison and J. C. Burdick III, eds. pp. 512-528. American Society of Civil Engineers. Stern, E. M. and W. B. Stickle. 1978. Effects of turbidity and sus- pended material in aquatic environments: literature review. Technical Report D-78-21. U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Ex- periment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. 117 pp. Sustar, J. F., T. H. Wakeman and R. M. Ecker. 1976. Sediment-water interaction during dredging operations. In: Proceedings of the Specialty Conference on Dredging and its Environmental Ef- fects, P. A. Krenkel, J. Harrison and J. C. Burdick III, eds. pp. 736-767. American Society of Civil Engineers. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 1970. Effects on fish resources of dredging and spoil disposal in San Francisco and San Pablo Bays, California. Unnumbered Special Report, November 1970. Washington, DC. 36 pp. Westley, R. E., E. Finn, M. I. Carr, M. A. Tarr, A. J. Schotz, L. Good- win, R. W. Sternberg and E. E. Collias. 1973. Evaluation of effects of channel maintenance dredging and disposal on the marine environment in Southern Puget Sound, Washington. Washington Department of Fisheries Management and Research Division, Olympia, Washington. 308 pp. Windom, H. L. 1972. Environmental aspects of dredging in estuaries. J. W. Harbor Coast. Eng. Div. ASCE 98:475-487. Yagi, T., T. Koiwa and S. Miyazaki. 1977. Turbidity caused by dredg- ing. In: Proceedings of WODCON VII: Dredging, Environ- mental Effects and Technology, pp. 1079-1109. Yagi, T., S. Miyazaki, Y. Okayama, A. Koreishi, Y. Sato, M. Saito, Y. Nakazono, K. Masuda, S. Kono, Y. Shibuya, K. Kikuchi and T. Kikuya. 1975. Influence of operating condition against dredging capacity and turdidity. Technical Note No. 228. Port and Harbor Research Institute, Ministry of Transport, Japan. 41 pp. PREDICTION OF FLOW FIELDS NEAR THE SUCTION OF A CUTTERHEAD DREDGE E. C. McNAIR, JR. and GLYNN E. BANKS U. S ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI 39180-0031, U. S. A, ABSTRACT As dredging takes place in a waterway, a flow field is established in the vicinity of the dredge suction. Particles or organisms that are near the dredge suction are subject to being drawn into the dredge suction and passed through the dredge. Research has been performed that defines the flow field surrounding the suction of a cutterhead dredge. This paper contains brief descriptions of some research efforts into the strength of flow fields near a dredge suction and presents sample calcula- tions of flow field velocities in the vicinity of a dredge suction pipe for a typical dredging application. Establishing and maintaining navigable waterways is a necessary process in a viable, strong, and healthy economy. The principle method for maintaining and establishing these waterways in the United States is through dredging. Dredg- ing is the art of using mechanical and hydraulic means for moving bottom sediments from a location where they are not wanted to a location that is specially designed for their place- ment and containment. The art of dredging has been vastly improved in the last decade in terms of effectiveness and efficiency and in consideration of environmental factors. In spite of these im- provements, however, some naturally occurring phenomea are subject to disruption by the dredging process. One of these natural phenomena, the spawning and larval growth of oysters, is of particular concern since dredging sometimes occurs during this event. While there is no conclusive data relating to the impact of dredging on oyster larvae, it is of interest to determine some characteristics of the dredge to serve as a predictive tool in judging any impact that can occur. The objective of this paper is to describe research that has been performed that defines the flow field surrounding the suction of a cutterhead dredge. There is no attempt to describe the response of any organism that could be present in the flow field. The analytical methods described, however, should provide a means for predicting the velocities, and therefore the forces acting on a particle in the flow field. THE DREDGE A hydraulic dredge is a floating device that removes bottom sediments by entraining them in induced water flow and transporting them in closed pipes to a designated disposal area. The flow of fluid or mixture of fluid and sedi- ment into the dredge pipe is induced by creating a lower-than- ambient pressure condition in the dredge suction pipe. This lower-than-ambient pressure is generated mechanically by a solids-handling pump located on the dredge. This solids- handling pump is usually a centrifugal type pump, a design that has been in use for decades. The dredged mixture enters the dredge through the suction pipe. The entrance to the suction pipe can be en- hanced in a variety of ways and the various ways of treating the suction provides a description of the dredge. For instance, if the suction pipe is not modified in any way, the dredge is known as a “plain suction” dredge. If a device is added to the suction pipe to assist in loosening the bottom sediments to make them easier to ingest into the dredge suction pipe, the dredge is usually known by the device that is added. The most common types of additions to dredge suctions are cut- terheads, bucketwheels (a special type of cutterhead), and dustpans. The cutterhead dredge (Fig. 1) is the prominent type of dredge used in the United States for construction and maintenance dredging activities in inland and coastal waters. A typical dredge consists of a rigid hull equipped with a diesel engine driving a centrifugal pump with either a hydraulic or electric powered cuttershaft. Electric or hydraulic winches are used to raise and lower the spuds around which the dredge pivots. The dredge operates by clearing an arc of cut with a rotating cutter at the end of its ladder and pumping this material through the discharge line supported by pontoons. Once an arc of cut ranging from a couple of feet for small dredges to ten-fifteen feet for very large dredges has been completed, the dredge advances down the channel by drop- American Malacological Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1 986): 37-40 37 38 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Fig. 1. The cutterhead dredge (From Huston and Huston, 1976). ping its walking spud while the dredge is stationary near the corner of the channel, raising its digging spud and swinging toward the opposite corner of the channel for several degrees, then dropping its digging spud, where the dredging cycle of clearing another arc of cut begins. The traditional basket cutter (Fig. 2) is the most com- mon type of cutter used on dredges for maintenance-type dredging operations. It consists of a multibladed excavator which rotates around a longitudinally mounted shaft. These cutters vary in shape, number of blades, type of cutting edges, etc., based on the type of material being loosened, horsepower available, and types of trash or debris lodged in the sediments. Since the cutter protects the suction pipe to some extent, it acts as a device to prevent excessive stresses on the suction pipe. In order to accomplish this function, it Fig. 2. The basket cutter (From Huston and Huston, 1976). must displace the bottom material and bring it within the in- fluence of the suction inlet. To be effective, this suction inlet should be essentially in contact with the material or even buried. As the dredge maneuvers in the dredging project, the suction is brought into contact with bottom sediments. The cutterhead, which usually has a serrated or toothed edge, contacts the bottom and loosens sediments so that the in- duced flow can erode the sediments more easily and carry them into the suction pipe. In this manner, the cutterhead dredge transfers bottom sediments from one location, where they interfere with navigation or other activities, to another location that is designed and designated for their containment. A fact of dredge operation is that any and all contents of the flow field surrounding the dredge suction are subject to being drawn into the dredge and transported through the dredge system. The desirable contents of this zone of in- fluence are bottom sediments and a sufficient amount of pore water or ambient water to assure proper transport of sediments through the dredge pipes. However, if other ob- jects, such as oyster larvae, are present in the zone of in- fluence, they can also be drawn into the dredge system. Apgar and Basco (1973) compared experimental results of a plain-ended suction pipe with predictions of a potential flow model. Their results agreed relatiavely well for some cases, but limitations to their experimental apparatus affected their results and they were not able to improve their model. In general, they found that their potential flow model and their experiments showed that the velocity distributions surrounding a plain-ended suction pipe were such that velocities in the fluid decreased rapidly with distance from the suction inlet. Slotta (1968, 1974) has studied the mechanics of fluids entering a dredge suction in an effort to develop design MCNAIR AND BANKS: PREDICTION OF FLOW FIELDS 39 criteria for dredge cutterheads. His findings indicated that the flow field probably followed Reynold’s criterion and was in- fluenced by fluid viscosity. Gladigau (1975) extended the studies of Slotta and in- dicated that the Reynold’s criteria were not dominant. He sug- gested that a Froude-type relationship exists for entrainment of sand particles. Brahme (1983) carried out a comprehensive ex- perimental program to describe the flow field in the vicinity of a dredge suction. He extended the work of others and showed that the velocity of the fluid approaching the dredge suction intake could be predicted if certain criteria were satisfied. Brahme (1983) found that he could approximate the flow fields of an angled dredge suction pipe by using a ver- tical pipe (Fig. 3) with only minor anomalies. His experiments made use of three different pipe diameters, and several flow rates and suction inlet positions with reference to the bottom. In none of his experiments did he simulate a bed made of erodable material, nor did he allow the pipe to contact the fixed bed of his experimental flume. His experiments are therefore a simplified representation of dredging but they are a “worst case” example for oyster larvae entrainment because the flow field is probably strongest with the dredge suction in a position away from the bottom. His experiments consisted of measuring velocities in the fluid surrounding the pipe as a constant volume of fluid was pumped from the flume through the pipe. After measur- ing the velocity field in the fluid for a specified test condition Fig. 3. Flow fields near a vertical suction pipe (From Brahme, 1 983). Fig. 4. Plot of Q/(r2V) for different values of x/h and r/H (From Brahme, 1983). with the pipe at a given distance from the floor and a specified flow rate pumped through the pipe, one of the test parameters was changed and the velocity structure was again measured. When all test parameters had been evaluated, a pipe of a different diameter was installed in the test apparatus and the test sequence was repeated for all parameters. Analysis of experimental data was undertaken to deter- mine whether any relation existed between the various parameters that influenced the velocity field in the vicinity of the intake. Values of the dimensionless number “Q/(r2V)” were computed for different values of x/h and r/h, where “r” is the radical distance from the center of the pipe, “H” is the depth of water in the tank, “x” is the vertical distance above the bottom, “h” is the distance of intake of pipe above the bottom, “Q” is the discharge in the pipe, and “V” is the velocity of the fluid in the vicinity of the suction pipe (Fig. 4). Detailed analysis of experimentally obtained velocity fields revealed that values of Q/(r2V) for different velocity fields were similar. Further study of laboratory results based on com- paring equal values of Q/(r2V) led Brahme to the conclusion that the magnitude of velocity in the vicinity of an intake can be reasonably well computed for any condition of discharge (Q), diameter (d), distance the intake is above the bottom (h), and depth of water (H), provided that the values of h/H lie between 0.1 and 0.225 and the values of d/H lie between 0.03 and 0.055. SAMPLE CALCULATION A calculation using typical values for dredge 40 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT parameters will illustrate the method for determining velocities in the fluid near the dredge suction. The sample calculations are for a dredge with a 304.8 millimeter diameter suction operating in water depths of 6.1 meters with the suction 0.61 meters from the bottom. The velocities are to be determined at a level in the fluid 0.61 meters from the bottom at radial locations 0.76 meters from the suction pipe and 1 .5 meters from the suction pipe. These locations are marked “A” and “B” respectively on Figure 4. For Location A: d = diameter of suction pipe = 0.3048 m H = depth of water = 6.1 m r = radial distance from center of pipe = 0.76 m h = distance of intake of pipe above bottom = 0.61 m O = discharge in suction pipe = 0.231 m3/sec x = vertical distance from bottom = 0.61 m x/h = 0.61/0.61 = 1.0 h/H = 0.61/6.1 = 0.1 d/H = 0.3048/6.1 = 0.05 r/H = 0.76/6.1 = 0.125 From Figure 4, Q/(r2V) = 10 Therefore, VA = Q/(r2 x 10) = 0.231/(0.762 x 10) = 0.040 m/sec For Location B: d = diameter of suction pipe = 0.3048 m H = depth of water = 6.1 m r = radial distance from center of pipe = 1.52 m h = distance of intake of pipe above bottom = 0.61 m Q = discharge in suction pipe = 0.231 m3/sec x = vertical distance from bottom = 0.61 m x/h = 0.61/0.61 = 1.0 h/H = 0.61/6.1 = 0.1 d/H = 0.3048/6.1 = 0.05 r/H = 1.52/6.1 = 0.25 From Figure 4, Q/(r2V) = 5.25 Therefore, VB = Q/(r2 x 5.25) = 0.231/(1. 522 x 5.25) = 0.019 m/sec These sample calculations demonstrate the applica- tion of the technology developed by Brahme to describe the velocity of the fluid in the vicinity of a dredge suction. Much additional research is needed in order to completely describe the complex flow patterns that occur with a plain suction and the even more complex situation with a cutterhead attached to the dredge suction. However, for the present, the work described above serves to give an order-of-magnitude predic- tion of the strength of the flow field. ACKNOWLEDGMENT Permission of the Chief of Engineers to prepare and publish this paper is acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED Brahme, S. B. 1 983. Environmental Aspects of Cutterhead Dredges. A Dissertation submitted to the Graduate College of Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas. 166 pp. Apgar, W. J. and D. R. Bascoe. 1973. An Experimental and Theoretical Study of the Flow Field Surrounding A Suction Pipe Inlet. Texas A&M Sea Grant College Publication TAMU- SG-74-203. 71 pp. Slotta, Larry S. 1968. Flow visualization techniques used in dredge cutterhead evaluation. 1968 Proceedings of WODCON, Rot- terdam, The Netherlands, pp. 56-77. Slotta, Larry S. 1974. Cutterhead research and standardization. Pro- ceedings of the Fifth World Dredging Conference WODCON V, Hamburg, West Germany, pp. 437-474. Gladigau, L. N. 1975. Interactions between sand and water. Pro- ceedings of the Sixth World Dredging Conference, WODCON VI, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 261-294. Huston, John. 1967. Dredging Fundamentals. Journal of the Water- ways and Harbors Division. Proceedings of the American Socie- ty of Civil Engineers, 93 (WW3):45-69. Huston, John, and William C. Huston. 1976. Techniques for reduc- ing turbidity associated with present dredging procedures and operations. Contract Report D-76-4. U. S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station. Vicksburg, MS. 33. pp. INFLUENCE OF SUSPENDED PARTICLES ON BIOLOGY OF OYSTER LARVAE IN ESTUARIES MELBOURNE R CARRiKER COLLEGE OF MARINE STUDIES UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE LEWES, DELAWARE 19958, U.S.A. ABSTRACT Oysters of the genus Crassostrea have thrived in estuaries and semi-enclosed embayments over geologic time although exposed to heavy suspensions of a wide variety of inorganic and organic particles. The impact of these particles on the ecology, behavior, and physiology of oyster larvae dur- ing the approximately 14 days of their planktonic existence and settlement has been explored only in a preliminary way. This paper reviews the effects of the range of sizes, qualities, and concentra- tions of natural estuarine and coastal suspended materials on the planktonic stages of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). Stages considered include spermatozoa, ova, embryos in egg membranes, free swimming trocbophores, veiigers (straight-hinged to mature and eyed umbonai stages), and pediveligers. Physiological functions considered include ciliary feeding, respiration, locomotion (velar swimming and pedal crawling), formation and growth of shell, velar formation and loss, pedal development and resorption, and byssus formation and shell affixation to hard substrata. The review clearly shows that high concentrations of suspended materials can be harmful to all oyster planktonic stages, some kinds and sizes of particles more than others. The dividing range of concentrations of particles between beneficial and harmful, however, has been only roughly indicated by preliminary research. Concen- trations of suspended materials below approximately 0.18 g// for embryos in the egg membrane, and below 0.5 gll for veiigers, can be beneficial; above these levels suspended particles are increasingly harmful as concentrations increase, particularly to the degree toxic substances are adsorbed on suspended dispersed particles or incorporated in suspended aggregrates. Oysters of the genus Crassostrea thrive in estuaries and semi- enciosed embayments (Gaitsoff, 1964; Kennedy and Breisch, 1981) where heavy loads of suspended particles are a domi- nant ecological factor (Riley, 1970; Moore, 1977; Biggs, 1978). These materials (often called silt for the sake of brevity) are a complex mixture of particles of different size, shape, specific gravity, and mineraiogieal and organic composition. Units con- sist of both dispersed particles and aggregations, the majority being in the silt and clay category and generally less than 15 /xm in size. Small dispersed particles are carried in relative- ly permanent suspension, whereas larger dispersed particles and floccular aggregates settle out in quiet areas. Organic- inorganic complexes (detritus), fecal pellets, and dissolved organics also constitute a substantial fraction of materials in estuaries (Nelson, 1962; Manahan and Crisp, 1982; Stephens, 1983). The influence of suspended particles on the ecology, behavior, and physiology of oyster larvae dur- ing the approximately 14 days of their planktonic existence and settlement has been explored only in a preliminary way. It is obvious, however, that having evolved in coastal habitats over geologic time (Stenzel, 1971), oysters and their larval stages have adapted to conspicuously high concen- trations of suspended materials. So it is thus not unexpected that “normal” estuarine concentrations of suspended par- ticles could be beneficial to them. Ali (1982), for example, demonstrated in laboratory experiments using suspended particles (oxidized with 30% hydrogen peroxide) collected in a local estuary (Broad Creek) that growth of young post-set oysters increased with increase of suspended sediment con- centrations up to 25 mg// when given with a standard food ration. Concentrations up to 1 50 mg// had no adverse effect. At the time of the experiments concentration of suspended sediment in the local estuary averaged 68 mg//. The present literature synthesis concerns the higher than “normal” concentrations, periods of exposure, and range of size and quality of particles at which natural estuarine and coastal suspended materials become injurious to planktonic stages of Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin). Planktonic stages to be considered include sper- matozoa, ova, embryos in egg membranes, free swimming trochophores, veiigers (straight-hinged to mature and eyed umbonai stages), and pediveligers. Physiological functions American Malacological Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1986):41-49 41 42 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT that could be affected deleteriousSy by excessive concentra- tions of suspended particles include ciliary feeding, respira- tion, locomotion (velar swimming and pedal crawling), forma- tion and growth of the shell, velar formation and loss, pedal development and resorption, and byssus formation and shell affixation to hard surfaces. In the region from New Jersey to southeastern Canada veligers range in length from about 60 /x m (straight-hinged larvae, anteroposterior dimension) to as large as 400 fim (eyed pediveligers ready to set) (Carriker, 1951). Maximal length of the shell of ready to set pediveligers increases gradually northward along the coast, smallest pediveligers occurring in New Jersey and largest in Canada (Nelson, 1921; Carriker, 1951 ; Galtsoff, 1964). Straight-hinged larvae are always more abundant than older stages, losses from predation and other causes accounting for the heavy diminution of larval popula- tions with time. By the time pediveligers are ready to set, mor- tality can be as high, or higher, than 99%, though it has not been possible to determine this loss accurately In the field. EARLY NON-SWIMMING PLANKTONIC STAGE Spawning oysters discharge ova and spermation in a more or less steady stream that spreads out and disperses several centimeters from each bivalve. Release of gametes can last from a few minutes to an hour or more. Toward the end of the reproductive season, shedding of sperm can con- tinue for several hours until males are completely spent. In the water over large populations of spawning oysters released gametes form “clouds” of cells that take the shape of long lanes as the tidal water flows back and forth over the bottom (Nelson, 1921 ; Galtsoff, 1964). Mass spawning is induced by stimulation of females by a hormone-like substance, diantlin, carried on spermatozoa (Nelson and Allison, 1940). The ef- fect of suspended particles on diantlin and its stimulatory fun- tion has not been determined. Embryos develop rapidly within the vitelline (egg) mem- brane to the characteristically ciliated trochophore stage. The trochophore emerges from the egg membrane in 6 to 8 hours to become a free-swimming zooplankter. With ongoing tidal mixing the original cloud of cells and embryos disperses both vertically and horizontally, though the resulting swarm of veligers tends to maintain its identity for some time in the larger mass of water (Galtsoff, 1964; Andrews, 1979). Ova and spermatozoa secrete fertilization substances (gamones) that promote fertilization (Sastry, 1979). The effect of suspended particles on this process is unknown, though gamones could be adsorbed on clays or other particles, preventing normal fertilization. The matter is important and needs clarification. It would seem that, sheltered within the egg mem- brane, the developing blastula, gastrula, and early trochophore would be unaffected by suspended particles. On the contrary, Davis (Loosanoff, 1962) and Davis and Hidu (1969b) found in laboratory experiments that concentrations of silt of 0.25 g // resulted in 27% mortality of embryos within egg membranes; at 0.5 gll 69% died, and in 1.0 to 2.0 gll mortality ranged from 97 to 100%. Suspensions of kaolin and Fuller’s earth were less harmful than silt. For example, in a concentration of 1.0 gll of these two materials almost all embryos developed to the straight hinge stage, and some developed normally even in concentrations of 4.0 gll (26% in Fuller’s earth and 76% in kaolin), while in a concentration of only 1.0 g/7 of silt prac- tically none (3%) of the embryos reached the straight-hinged stage (Davis and Hidu, 1969b). Although as little as 0.168 gll of silt had a noticeable deleterious effect on the percentage of embryos developing to the straight-hinged stage, the percentage of embryos developing normally in concentrations of silicon dioxide (sand) up to 4 gll, regardless of particle size, was not affected. Davis and Hidu (1969b) concluded tentatively that larger particles present in silt, and to a lesser extent in kaolin and Fuller’s earth, were primarily responsible for deaths of embryos in egg membranes. These preliminary results point to the importance of determining the effect of the various components of suspend- ed materials from different estuaries and coastal regions on oyster embryos and larvae prior to disturbance of the bot- tom by dredging or other mechanical means. FREE-SWIMMING PLANKTONIC STAGES The naked, fragile, free-swimming trochophore, un- protected by the egg membrane, is undoubtedly a highly vulnerable larva, not only to predators but also to stressful conditions in the physical and chemical environment. The lar- va remains in the trochophore stage between 24 and 48 hours (Galtsoff, 1964), Since it begins to feed at this stage, the presence in its immediate surroundings of a dense suspen- sion of sedimentary particles could clog the mouth and esophagus and entangle the ciliated ring (prototroch)— unless the larva can keep the mouth clear and selectively ingest nutritious particles from the suspension, which is question- able. In the transformation from trochophore to veliger, the prototroch develops a powerful swimming-feeding organ, the velum, which when expanded measures about 60-70 y.m in diameter. Simultaneously the larva secretes the two D-shaped calcareous valves of the shell (the straight-hinged pro- dissoconch I stage, 60-70 ^ m in length) that completely clothe and protect the soft organs of the retracted larva. While the veliger is swimming it projects the velum between the valves, but retracts it inside the valves at the slightest disturbance. Two rows of long cilia, the preoral and pastoral, fringe the margin of the velum, and propel the swimming veliger— a con- tinuous activity during earlier veliger stages. A row of shorter cilia, the adoral, lies between the preoral and postoral rows and leads to the mouth on the posterior side of the velum (Galtsoff, 1964; Elston, 1980; Waller, 1981). FEEDING The process of veligers feeding is understood only in a rudimentary way (J orgensen, 1966; Easton, 1980; Kennedy and Breisch, 1981; Waller, 1981). Particles are gathered by preoral and postoral rows of long cilia, passed to the row of CARRiKER: OYSTER LARVAE AND SUSPENDED PARTICLES 43 shorter adoral cilia between them, and those accepted as food are carried posteriorly to the labial palps and the mouth. Re- jected particles are dropped off at the site of the future foot rudiment. The entire central subvelar region of the velum is devoid of cilia. Strathmann and Leise (1979) hypothesized that long cilia of the outer preoral band beat with a stiff straight stroke and a curved return stroke to produce the major water current used for both feeding and swimming. Particles are carried in this current and when they come within reach of the preoral cilia they are swept directly onto the cilia of the adoral food groove and carried toward the mouth. Postoral cilia beat towards the preoral cilia and the water current so generated helps to capture food particles. Mucus picked up by preoral cilia in the recovery stroke could aid in food cap- ture. This opposed ciliary band system is thought to promote effective food capture. Nelson (1921) saw veligers swim to a mass of slime scraped from a submerged log, and remaining stationary, with the velum in contact with the mass, direct a strong current of water past the mouth while gathering small food particles. He also reported that during early larval life in relatively quiet water veligers spend much time close to the surface, obtain- ing food particles from finely divided detritus and microscopic plants and animals in the surface film. Waller (1981) presented an excellently illustrated (SEM) account of cilia- tion of the velum of veligers of Ostrea edulis Linne that ap- pears to correspond anatomically to that of the velum of Crassostrea virginica (Galtsoff, 1964). Elston’s (1980) publica- tion provides histological information on the velum of C. virginica. Straight-hinged veligers of Crassostrea virginica in- gest food particles ranging in size from 1 to 10/xm; later stage veligers, up to 1 8 /xm; and eyed veligers up to 30 /xm (Mackie, 1969; Langdon, 1983; Webb and Chu, 1982). According to Bayne (1976, 1983) veligers possess ciliary rejection currents on the oral palps around the mouth, and rejection seems to be based on the concentration and size of particles rather than on any property or quality of the item as food. He ques- tions whether bivalve veligers can distinguish between par- ticles of similar size, shape, and density. Mackie (1969), however, found the converse to be true for veligers of C. virginica , and several authors have reported that post-set oysters preferentially ingest algae and reject particulate in- organic material (Loosanoff, 1962; Foster-Smith, 1978; Newell, 1982). The subject clearly requires further research, particularly on veligers in heavy concentrations of suspend- ed materials. The selection process is probably complicated by the presence in the mixture of suspended materials of small inorganic particles coated with bacteria, small protozoa, and other microorganisms (see for example, Odum, 1968). In the presence of heavy loads of suspended particles, oyster veligers could probably eject particles from the man- tle cavity by rapid closure of the valves as is done by post- set oysters. Though this behavior could account for some ex- pulsion of particles, it is clearly not enough to protect veligers in heavy concentrations of suspended sediments. Loosanoff (1962) and Davis and Hidu (1969b), for example, showed the growth of oyster veligers was significantly impaired at a con- centration of 0.75 g // of silt, and larvae ceased to grow at levels of 2 g // and higher. All veligers eventually died at con- centrations of 3 gll and higher. Growth rate declined as the size of suspended particles decreased, the largest particles interferring least with growth. Silt maximally changed the pH of seawater from 7.5 to 6.4, but survival and growth of lar- vae at the low pH in clear seawater was better than that in the presence of suspended silt (Calabrese and Davis, 1966). Thus part of the deleterious effect of silt could be attributed to the lowering of pH in the culture water, a matter needing further research. On the other hand, veligers tolerated kaolin and Fuller’s earth more than silt, showing appreciable growth in a concentration of 2 gll of kaolin and fair survival but no appreciable growth in 2 gll of Fuller’s earth. In concentrations of 0.5 gll and lower, silt, kaolin, and Fuller’s earth had a beneficial effect, often increasing the growth rate of veligers over that of controls in clear seawater, possibly because suspended particles chelated or adsorbed toxins present in the larval cultures (Loosanofff, 1962; Davis and Hidu, 1969b). However, in low concentrations (0.5 gll ) of silicon dioxide particles (sand, up to 5 /xm in size), veligers suffered severe mortality; whereas in concentrations as great as 4 gll of larger particles (5-25 and 25-50 /xm) of sand there was not significant mortality (Davis and Hidu, 1969b). The apparent explanation for this effect is that veligers filled their stomachs with the fine sand particles, unable to reject them, while larger particles were too large to pass down the esophagus. Unfortunately the behavior of veligers among sus- pended particles under these various conditions was not described, but the studies are significant in showing that the degree of tolerance of oyster veligers to concentrations of suspended materials is considerably in excess of normal am- bient conditions in estuaries and coastal waters, and that low concentrations of some turbidity producing materials can be beneficial while others may be harmful. The type of native habitat of oysters could make a difference in the tolerance of their larvae to suspended materials; those living in highly turbid waters, like those of the Carolinas, for example, would be more tolerant than those coming from the relatively clear waters of, for instance, Long Island Sound (Loosanoff, 1962). This is an important consideration relative to the effects of dredging and suggests the need for comparative geographic investigations on the tolerance of veligers from both clean and turbid waters to various kinds of suspended sediments. As would be expected, the appropriate diameter of the esophagus of straight-hinged and eyed veligers (illustrated by Galtsoff, 1964, in Figures 336 and 340 respectively, and allowing for distensibility of the functioning organ) readily ac- commodates the size of food particles swallowed by these larvae. Potentially suspendable particles in estuaries range in size from that of colloids (5 to 5,000 A), to clays (less than 4 /xm), silts (4 to 62 /xm), sands (62 to 2,000 /xm) and larger detrital particles and fecal pellets (3 mm or more) (Haven and Morales-Alamo, 1968, 1970; Riley, 1970; Moore, 1977; Biggs, 1978). In lower Delaware River more than 97% of suspend- ed sediment is within the silt and clay range (Biggs, 1978), and in the James River Estuary 97% of suspended particles are less than 44 /xm in size (Haven and Morales-Alamo, 1 968). 44 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT A reasonable ratio for the size distribution of suspended sediments in mid-Atlantic estuaries is 10% sand, 45% silt, and 45% clay (Biggs, 1978). Consequently, oyster veligers during their planktonic ontogeny are surrounded by a wide range of sizes and kinds of inorganic particles, the majority of which, clays and silts, correspond in size roughly to that of the organic particles con- sumed for food. Under highly turbid conditions when a greater than normal concentration of inorganic particles is present in the water, concentration of food particles to non-food par- ticles could be extremely low. Even if veligers are able to sort food particles from inorganic particles to some degree (Mackie, 1969), under these extreme conditions the adoral ciliary food tract, palps, mouth, and esophagus could become clogged, partially or totally impairing food gathering and in- gestion. Furthermore, ciliated epithelia of molluscs are well- known for secreting copious quantities of mucus when ir- ritated, and this mucus entangled with particles would fur- ther add to congestion around the velum and mouth. Response of the veliger, at whatever planktonic stage, would probably be to close the valves and sink to the bottom where probable burial in the sediment could occur. The critical question posed by this hypothetical model concerns the max- imal concentration of different sizes and kinds of suspended inorganic and organic materials that different developmen- tal stages of veligers can tolerate while continuing to feed and grow. Studies reported by Loosanoff (1962) and Davis and Hidu (1969b) provide a good beginning; much more research, however, is required to answer this important ques- tion fully. Veligers possess a ciliated apical sense organ unlerlain by the cerebral ganglion located in the central basal part of the velar cup (Galtsoff, 1964; Elston, 1980; Waller, 1981). The function of this sense organ has not been dis- covered, but should be studied in view of its possible role in controlling selection and ingestion of food particles and response of veligers to high levels of suspended materials. Other possible anatomical structures for sensing suspend- ed particles could be located on the mantle edge, gill rudiments, and fringes of the velum. In this connnection, the shell of prodissoconch II veligers possesses a conspicuous fasciole and notch (Carriker and Palmer, 1979) that increases in size as the larva grows, and terminates abruptly at the junc- ture of the veliger and spat shell, i.e., during metamorphosis. Waller (1981) found a similar structure in the larva of Ostrea edulis which he named the posterodorsal notch. He associ- ated the notch with a postanal tuft of cilia located just dorsal to the anus that he suggested propels water out of the man- tle cavity. Cilia of the postanal notch project between valves adjacent to the notch. Potential importance of the organ in the response of veligers to suspended particles, as well as in setting activities, should not be overlooked. The feeding behavior of veligers in the presence of high concentrations of inert particles in a range of tempera- tures and salinities has not been explored. Veligers tend to congregate in greatest concentration at the top of the halocline; the sharper the salinity gradient between the over- lying brackish water and the underlying more saline water, the more marked the concentration of larvae when they are present in the water mass (Nelson, 1931). However, response of larvae to this salinity gradient in a range of concentrations of suspended particles and at different temperatures should be examined. SHELL DEVELOPMENT Biomineralization is an integral physiological function of larval development in shelled molluscs. Under normal con- centrations of suspended particles it appears that ultrascopic particles in the water can be incorporated in the shell of post- set (dissoconch) oysters (Carriker and Palmer, 1979). These particles become a part of the developing shell edge as seawater passes over the mantle lobes into the mantle cavi- ty. In swimming veligers, however, most seawater passes over the velum, and not necessarily into the mantle cavity (a point that needs verification), so that presumably most par- ticles in turbid waters simply slide around veliger valves. What effects highly turbid waters could have on the normal, highly complex development of the shell of veligers needs study. Probably even gentle bombardment of the mantle edge by clays and silts, not enough to cause the veliger to more than partially withdraw its mantle edges, could slow shell deposi- tion and growth (Moore, 1977). The larval shell affords pro- tection to the larva, serves as a supportive external skeleton within which the fleshy organs function, and transforms through intricate metamorphic changes into the spat shell. Consequently, abnormal shell growth could have serious con- sequences on larval behavior and physiology, and ultimate- ly metamorphosis to the spat stage. LIGHT The fact that early stages of veligers are somewhat uniformly distributed vertically in the water column (Carriker, 1 951 ; Kunkle, 1 957) suggests that their distribution is not in- fluenced by changes in day-night illumination (see also Thor- son, 1964). However, within 24 hours of setting, mature veligers develop a pair of dark pigment eyes sensitive to light (Nelson, 1926), and these eyed larvae appear to be light sen- sitive. Haskin (1964) reported that native mature and eyed larvae from Delaware Bay react strongly to light in the laboratory, responding to changing salinities only under light passing through a yellow-grain filter with maximum transmis- sion at 575 /im. Larvae also show a definite preference for setting on the nonilluminated surfaces of control shells, and setting intensity increases from a ratio of 4:96 to 20:80 when illumination is reduced from 50 to 25 foot candles (Ritchie and Menzel, 1969). The intensity of penetration of solar energy in water is attenuated and the degree of penetration of its spectral parts is modified by suspended particles. The effect of high turbidities in the water column on the intensity and spectral components of light that could affect the ver- tical distribution of late stage veligers has not been examin- ed. As reported by Ritchie and Menzel (1969), the shading effect of a canopy of suspended particles alone could in- fluence larva! behavior— if nothing more, increasing setting intensity. Some turbidity could also serve as a screen to CARRIKER: OYSTER LARVAE AND SUSPENDED PARTICLES 45 protect gametes and larvae from the injurious effects of ultraviolet radiation near the surface (Wilber, 1971). This in- teresting possibility has not been researched. OXYGEN Agitation of bottom sediments increases the rate of up- take of oxygen by the organic component of sedimentary par- tides by at least tenfold (Seattle University, 1970). The in- itial oxygen uptake rate is maximal. Thus oxygen demand of disturbed bottom sediments could significantly reduce the dissolved oxygen concentration in estuarine waters during periods of dredging. This is a particularly serious matter in estuaries where tidal action keeps resuspended particles in suspension for prolonged periods of time. Little information is available on the oxygen requirements of oyster vefigers. Black (1962) measured a ninefold increase in the rate of ox- ygen consumption from first cleavage to the development of. the trochophore. Since veligers become increasingly active as they grow, it is likely that their need for oxygen increases correspondingly (Crisp, 1975). It follows that in a highly tur- bid aqueous environment veligers could not only be stressed by effects of suspended particles but also by a potentially serious oxygen deficit. However, evidence that oxygen de- mand by the larvae exceeds what might be available, is lacking. PARTICLES The physical impact of the range of sizes of particles on oyster veligers has not been studied. Veligers of Mercenaria mercenaha (linne), the hard clam, even when crowded in laboratory cultures to densities of 50 larvae per cubic centimeter of seawater seldom collide with each other (Carriker, 1961), currents originated by cilia on the velum seeming to act like the “slip stream of an aeroplane” (Turner and George, 1955). Oyster larvae behave in much the same way under these conditions. In denser cultures, collisions are frequent, and some of the larvae fall toward the bottom. Largest silt particles and smaller sand particles, when thrown into the water column by sufficiently turbulent currents in the wake of dredging or other mechanical disturbance of the bot- tom in low concentrations would probably simply slide by lar- vae. In dense concentrations of large particles, however, the chance of collisions between particles and larvae would pro- bably greatly increase, conceivably irritating veligers to close and momentarily sink or fall to the bottom with the possibili- ty of burial and suffocation. VERTICAL MOVEMENTS As they grow, larvae of Crassosirea virginica develop stouter shells with conspicuous umbones (prodissoconch II larvae, 82 to 284 ;tm long in New Jersey estuaries (Carriker, 1951). In New Jersey estuaries early umboned larvae (dur- ing the first week of planktonic existence) remain more or less uniformly distributed throughout the water column on both flood and ebb. Late umboned veligers (mature and eyed stages) tend to congregate on or near the bottom at both slack periods and during at least parts of ebb flow, and to rise into the water column during early and maximal flood (Nelson, 1931; Carriker, 1951, 1967; Kunkle, 1957; Haskin, 1964). Alternative explanations for vertical movements of oyster lar- vae in other parts of the world are given by Prytherch (1 928), Korringa (1952), Manning and Whaley (1954), Verwey (1966), Wood and Hargis (1971), and Andrews (1979), with some of these explanations perhaps reflecting the influence of other species of oysters (for example, Ostrea edulis ) and/or other physiographic and hydrographic conditions. Near or on the bottom, veiigers encounter suspended sediments con- siderably more concentrated than in the upper strata of the water column. How larvae react to these heavier concentra- tions under normal turbidities is not known. In excessive con- centrations of particles it is likely they close and settle to the bottom. The matter should be investigated. Whether larvae can remain closed on the bottom for long periods of time or until the water clears sufficiently for them to swim back into the water column, also remains unclear. How long larvae can remain closed under adverse conditions is likewise unknown. Particles immediately above the bottom during tidal flow move by rolling, sliding, and jumping. Reaction of late- stage veligers to this physical activity should also be investigated, and has a bearing on survival of larvae during excessive rolling of bot- tom sediments by mechanical or stormy conditions. Bivalve larval swimming, controlled by beat of large marginal velar cilia, is surprisingly variable. Periods of verti- cle rising are interspersed with periods of sinking. Veligers can sink by withdrawing the velum between the valves, by actively swimming downwards or by sinking more slowly with the velum uppermost and the velar cilia beating to retard the rate of fall. Normal vertical swimming is performed with the shell lowermost and velum uppermost (Carriker, 1961 ; Bayne, 1976). Non-directed swimming speeds range from less than 1 cm/min for early veligers to 5 cm/min for eyed larvae (Hidu and Haskin, 1978). When subjected to hourly salinity in- creases of 0.5% in the laboratory, most larvae swim upward or downward at approximately three times these speeds. Veligers with valves closed sink at speeds of 5 to 50 cm/min depending on the stage of larval development. The predomi- nant swimming behavior is a slow spiral at a maximal rate of 5 cm/min at 25°C associated with maintenance of posi- tion. Less common are upward and downward movements at speeds up to 14 cm/min. HORIZONTAL MOVEMENTS Investigations in New Jersey estuaries suggest that mature and eyed veligers of Crassostrea virginica control their horizontal distribution by regulating their vertical position relative to direction of tidal currents, moving up the estuary by successive stages in the non-tidal bottom up-estuary flow, in some cases far beyond the location of the parents (Nelson, 1921, 1931, 1955; Carriker, 1951, 1967; Haskin, 1964; Ken- nedy and Breisch, 1981). While straight-hinged and early um- boned veligers remain more or less uniformly distributed ver- tically in the water column (Kunkle, 1957), older veligers drop into lower strata of the water column. In some cases large concentrations of mature and eyed larvae have been found on or near the bottom during ebb tide (Carriker, 1951). In laboratory experiments Haskin (1964) showed that mature 46 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT and eyed larvae collected in Delaware Bay are responsive to changing salinities, and suggested that salinity variations can be playing a dominant role in larval activity in nature even in the absence of a halocline or salt-wedge. Available infor- mation indicates that response of planktonic larvae of estuarine benthic invertebrates to non-tidal drift circulation of estuarines could be widespread and even extend to en- tirely pelagic estuarine species (Carriker, 1967). But not all investigators are in accord with this theory (the “Nelson School”) (Korringa, 1952; Andrews, 1979, for example), pro- bably because they have dealt with other species of oysters or in bodies of water of different hydrographic conditions (for example, Prytherch, 1928). There is, nonetheless, quite pro- bably a behavioral mechanism that takes older veligers up the estuary in non-tidal drifts; what this mechanism is, and how it is affected by heavy loads of suspended particles have yet to be determined. If up-estuary, non-tidal movements of late-stage veligers are stimulated primarily by salinity changes (Haskin, 1964), albeit minor ones under some hydrographic conditions, it is likely that dense concentrations of particles near and over the bottom could seriously interfere with swim- ming and other physiological functions of veligers, in part or totally eclipsing the stimulatory changes in salinity and cur- rent flow and the capacity of the veligers to rise into the water column on the flooding tide. Horizontal movements of bivalve larvae, especially relative to possible interference from suspended particles, offer several challenging research problems. POISONS Suspended particles can poison veligers through tox- ic compounds adsorbed onto the particles (Kennedy and Breisch, 1981). Accelerated industrial activity has lead to in- creased dumping of a wide range of kinds of poisonous com- pounds into estuaries and coastal waters (Cunningham and Tripps, 1973). These compounds can remain in solution or become adsorbed and concentrated especially on finely par- ticulate clay minerals (Kerr and Vass, 1973; Fuller, 1974), some of which subsequently could become incorporated in organic aggregates (detritus, Riley, 1970) and sink to the bot- tom. Stirred into the water column by natural or human ac- tivities, these particles, as well as finer ones remaining in suspension, come in contact with epithelia of swimming veligers in the water mass. If ingested by larvae, contaminated particles can be stripped of adsorbed poisons in the larval gut; if in solution, poisons can come in direct contact with veliger epithelia where they can be adsorbed; or suspended particles can touch the epithelia passing poisons by contact. In any, or all of these cases, poisons injure or kill the larvae when present in lethal concentrations. Sublethal doses un- doubtedly disrupt normal behavior, create aberrant swimming movements and feeding, and result in loss of vigor, poor growth, and increased susceptibility to disease and preda- tion. Whether larvae can reject poisoned particles, as they might non-food particles, is an interesting question, but cer- tainly they cannot avoid toxic compounds in solution in the water immediately around them. Earliest life history stages of oysters (eggs, embryos) tend to be the least resistant to toxic substances. Mercury, silver, copper, and zinc are especially toxic to embryos (Calabrese et ai, 1 973). Also highly toxic are crude oils (Ren- zoni, 1975), pesticides (Davis and Hidu, 1969a), petroleum hydrocarbons, carcinogens and mutagenic chemicals (Neff, 1979) , and chlorine produced oxidants (Roosenburg et at., 1980) . Embryos and larvae are no more tolerant to biode- gradable (linear alkylate sulfonates) than to older nondegradable detergents; a concentration of 0.1 mg// resulted in a mortality of 36% of larvae tested, and many sur- vivors were abnormal in shape and size (Calabrese, 1972). In another example, 50% of straight-hinged veligers were killed in a 48 hour exposure to a concentration of only 0.3 ppm of chlorine-produced oxidants (Roosenburg et ai, 1 980). Beyond the individual effects of poisons, there are unknown but probably serious synergistic effects resulting from the pot- pourri of poisons currently identified in our estuaries and coastal waters— effects causing increasing concern among marine biologists, fisheries scientists, and others. PEDIVELIGERS INITIAL ATTACHMENT The eyed pediveliger (Carriker, 1961) retains the strong swimming and food-collecting velum of the veliger and develops a highly functional foot (about 300-400 /xm in length when extended) on which it crawls smoothly over the substratum in search of a setting site. During the search the pediveliger alternates velar swimming and pedal crawling, free to depart from surfaces that are unsuitable for setting (Bayne, 1976). While swimming it extends its foot between the valves in the direction of swimming, the tip of the foot frequently turning right or left and up or down, apparently serving to orient larval swimming movements. When the foot touches a solid surface, the pediveliger stops swimming and partially withdraws the velum; to leave the surface the larva extends the velum and swims away. Pediveligers appear to settle more commonly in shad- ed areas, as on the underside of shells and other surfaces, than in lighted areas (Ritchie and Menzel, 1969), supporting Nelson’s (1 926) observations that the eye spots are sensitive to light (Haskin, 1964). Other studies of settlement in rela- tion to light have been contradictory for reasons that are not clear (Kennedy and Breisch, 1981). Pediveligers respond to proteinaceous compounds on the surface of oyster shells (Crisp, 1967), and setting appears to be initiated through the action of a waterborne pheromone (Hidu, 1969; Veitch and Hido, 1971; Hidu et ai, 1978). They are attracted to settle in small pits and other irregularities in shell and other hard surfaces. While searching for a permanent setting site on a clean substratum (the surface of an oyster shell, for example), the pediveliger extends the foot, touches the tip temporarily to the surface, and pulls the body over the contracting foot. The direction of crawling changes and occasionally reverses. Creeping continues for some time, the area of search gradual- ly becoming smaller and the crawling slower. When the specific spot is located, the pediveliger extends the foot far CARRIKER: OYSTER LARVAE AND SUSPENDED PARTICLES 47 beyond the shell, secretes a clear, fine byssus and fixes it to the substratum, then turns itself on its left side, the valve touching the substratum. This action is followed by discharge from the byssal gland of a tanned protein cement that is passed between the left valve and the substratum. This adhesive sets in the water in a few minutes and permanent- ly attaches the pediveligerto the substratum (Prytherch, 1934; Galtsoff, 1964; Cranfield, 1973; Tomaszewski, 1981). Impact of suspended sediments on pediveliger settle- ment and metamorphic processes is unclear, except that a deposit of loose sediment only 1 to 2 mm thick is thought to be enough to render hard surfaces unsuitable for attachment (Galtsoff, 1964). Considering that setting size of pediveligers is only about a third of a millimeter, it is probable that layers of sediment even considerably less than 1-2 mm can seriously impede settlement. The fact that pediveligers can attach to surfaces covered with thin layers of mucoid materials, microorganisms, and detritus raises the question of whether they can use the foot in any way and to any extent clean the surface of loose particles prior to cementing the left valve to it, the byssal thread serving as an anchor line during the processes. This possible behavior has not been investigated. Should a pediveliger attempt attachment to a layer of loose sediment on a hard surface, its cement probably would not adhere to the substratrum, leaving the bivalve vulnerable to flushing from the surface. Furthermore, since the foot possesses rather little (cilia and mucus) on its surface to provide trac- tion while exploring the setting side, it is likely the pediveliger can set only in relatively low to moderate current velocities. The foot possesses a musculature (in addition to cilia and the possible adhesive qualities of the mucus) that could aid in traction, as in so many gastropods, but this matter remains unexplored. The highly adsorptive qualities of mineral particles could alter, and even block, the attraction to larvae of pro- teinaceous substances on the surface of bivalve shells, as well as to waterborne phenomones (Crisp, 1967; Hidu, 1969). Pits and other irregularities on hard surfaces, coated by a thin layer of sediment, likewise would be unrecognizable by the larvae. POST ATTACHMENT After settlement the eyed pediveliger undergoes loss of the velum through fragmentation and swallowing of some of the pieces; resorption of the eyed spots, foot, and anterior adductor muscle by phagocytic activity; development of the palps and gills, and a reorientation of the organs in the man- tle cavity (Galtsoff, 1964; Bayne, 1976). Degeneration of the velum and formation of the palps occurs within one to three days in mussel larvae (Bayne, 1976) and probably in the same period in oyster larvae. During the metamorphic period, while the velum is fragmenting and the palps and gills are develop- ing, the larva cannot feed and relies for metabolic energy on stored nutrients (Bayne, 1976; Manahan and Crisp, 1982). Immediately after pediveligers settle, thin layers of sediment deep enough only to partially cover them could in- terfere with respiration (especially during the change from velum to palps and gills) and with the shift in secretion by the mantle of the shell from larval aragonite to spat calcite (Carriker and Palmer, 1979). Irritation of ciliated epithelia on the developing gills and palps and mantle surfaces by suspended particles would characteristically stimulate secre- tion of copious quantities of mucus to cleanse these surfaces possibly resulting in something of a physiological drain and interfering with respiration. Under these conditions rate of sur- vival of spat would depend, no doubt, on thickness of the layer of sediment and its persistence, nature of particles (whether predominantly clays, silts, fine sands, or organic aggregates, or various combinations of these), extent of clumping, amount of mucoid binding substances, presence of toxic substances adsorbed to particles (as well as in solution) (McGeer, 1982), and duration of contact of these substances with the free ciliated surfaces of metamorphosis juveniles. RECAPITULATION Since oysters and their larvae have adapted over a long geologic period to highly successful survival in an ecosystem characterized by dominance of natural, suspend- ed particles, it follows that they can tolerate, and in low con- centrations benefit, from these materials. The present syn- thesis clearly demonstrates, however, that a high concentra- tion of many kinds of suspended particles can be harmful to embryos, veligers, and pediveligers of Crassostrea virginica. The dividing range of concentrations of particles between beneficial and harmful, however, has not been determined with any precision. What can be reported from helpful, but preliminary investigations, is that beneficial concentrations for embryos in the egg membrane are below 0.25 g //, and for veligers below 0.75 g //. The optimal range of concentra- tions of particles for normal physiological activity and behavior for the different stages in the larval ontogeny has yet to be determined. Current success of bivalve larval culture in the laboratory (Bolton, 1982; Pruderefa/., 1982) and techniques available for study of the physiology and behavior of microscopic animals under controlled laboratory conditions auger well for success in the determinations of beneficial and harmful ranges of concentrations of a wide variety of natural and harmful particles for the different ontogenetic stages of bivalve larvae. Although addition of limited concentrations of particulate inorganic matter improves growth in bivalves, little is understood of the mechanism(s) whereby this occurs (Loosanoff, 1962; Davis and Hidu, 1969b; Pruderefa/., 1982; AN, 1982). These observations open an important field for fur- ther research in mariculture. LITERATURE CITED Ali, S. M. 1982. Effect of natural silt on oyster growth. In: Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Aquaculture Nutri- tion: Biochemical and Physiological Approaches to Shellfish Nutrition. G. D. Pruder, C. J. 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ARCTICA ISLANDICA (LINNE) LARVAE: ACTIVE DEPTH REGULATORS OR PASSIVE PARTICLES1 ROGER MANN VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCE SCHOOL OF MARINE SCIENCE COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY GLOUCESTER POINT, VIRGINIA 23002, U.S.A. ABSTRACT The seasonal change in depth distribution of Arctica islandica (Linne) larvae at a station on the Southern New England Shelf for the period April-December 1981 is compared with the output of a numerical model designed to predict distribution in a scenario where active depth regulation predominates. Larvae in excess of 200 fim length were present in the field in May at 1-30 m depth and, at depths of 20-40 m from late July through November. The majority of larvae captured in November were shelled veligers of 1 10 /xm length. Good agreement of the model with field data exists with respect to absence of A. islandica larvae in the warm (> 18°C) shallow (0-20 m) waters between July and early September, and the abundance of larvae throughout the depth range 20-40 m from July through October. The model predicts occurrence of larvae in June; however, they were not seen in the field. The discrepancy can be due to the combination of reduced spawning by adult A. islandica (which is not included in the model) and less than optimum conditions for larval development. The model predicts aggregation of the negatively geotactic larvae at the surface following decay of a seasonal thermocline. Such aggregations were not seen in the field indicating that vertical mixing of the water column in the fall months is sufficient to negate distribution patterns dominated by active depth regula- tion. Depending upon the nature, intensity and stability of stratification of the water column, it is evi- dent that depth distribution of A. islandica larvae can be dominated by either active depth regulation or passive movement at the mercy of physical mixing. The conditions of transition from active to passively dominated dispersal and distribution are poorly defined. The literature relating to swimming behavior and dispersal of bivalve larvae has been reviewed by Mann (1986). Opinions differ as to whether dispersal is predominantly a process of passive movement at the mercy of water currents or a combination of active depth regulation coordinated with horizontal stratification and flow. Resolution of the debate as to the relative roles of active versus passive processes is con- founded by the nature of the data sets available. An historical emphasis on species of commercial importance dictated the focus of major efforts on field studies in shallow estuarine systems. Field studies in isolation are essentially observa- tional and the type of the data collected allows only the in- ference of cause and effect from correlation. Definitive resolu- tion of cause and effect can only be effected by controlled experiments. Furthermore, the physics of estuarine circula- tion are so complex and dynamic that they too remain only poorly understood. It is apparent then that ecologists have chosen to examine the problem of bivalve larval dispersal in Contribution # 1308 from the Virginia Institute of Marine Science. perhaps the most intractable of environments and with only a limited arsenal of approaches. Recent work examining larval behavior in controlled laboratory systems has, when combined with modelling, pro- vided a new and powerful tool with which to address the pro- blem of larval dispersal. This approach has been used in studies of blue crab Callinectes sapidus (Rathbun) by Sulkin and Van Fleuklem (1982) and red crab Geryon quinquedens Smith by Kelly etal., (1982), but has not previously been ade- quately exploited for bivalve molluscs. In this study I com- pared the results of field observations of depth distribution of the larvae of Arctica islandica (Linne) with a numerical model, constructed solely from laboratory generated behavioral data and field collected physical data. The model was designed to predict A. islandica larval distribution in a scenario where active depth regulation predominates. In ef- fect the comparison allows discussion of the relative roles of active and passive processes in dispersal. Field study data are extracted from a larger data set collected in 1 981 during a limited survey of seasonal occurrence, species composi- American Malacological Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1986):51-57 51 52 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT tion and depth distribution of bivalve larvae at a station on the Southern New England Shelf (Mann, in press). While this survey was of insufficient scale to examine both spatial and inter-annual variability, it nonetheless permitted examination of larval distribution in the relatively (compared to an estuary) uncomplicated physical environment of the Southern New England Shelf. MATERIALS AND METHODS A complete description of the study from which these field data are extracted is given by Mann (in press). Only rele- vant details are repeated here. During the period April 13-December 14, 1981 (Julian days 113-348), 14 one-day cruises were made to a 43 m deep station WSW of Cuttyhunk Island, MA; west of Gay Head, Martha’s Vineyard, MA; and east of Block Island, Rl (lat. 72°02’W, long. 41°14’N). The water column at this station ex- hibits an intense seasonal stratification in temperature that is representative of Southern New England Shelf and Mid- dle Atlantic Bight waters (Mann, unpublished data). Adult Arc- tica islandica are abundant in this area (Merrill and Ropes, 1969; Ropes, 1978; Fogarty, 1981). Depth specific plankton tows were made, always during the hours of 1030-1430, at 1 m, 10 m, 20 m, 30 m, and 40 m with a Clarke-Bumpus net (30 cm diameter, 5:1 aspect ratio, 53 /xm mesh, 10 minute tow duration, 2 knots speed). Tows were not replicated. Volume of water passing through the net was recorded using a vane rotor in the mouth of the net. Volume sampled varied between 9.64 and 10.28 m3 with a mean of 9.96 m3. The collected sample was stained with Rose Bengal and fixed with 10% v/v buffered formalin in sea water. Bivalve larvae were subsequently separated under a low power dissecting microscope. During periods of peak abundance plankton samples were split using the apparatus of Drinnan and Stallworthy (1979). Individual larvae were measured in length (anterior-posterior axis) and height (dorso-ventral axis) at 100 x or 400 x on a Leitz compound microscope fitted with an ocular micrometer. Larvae of 200 jxm length were identified to species where possible. Larvae of A. islanica were iden- tified using the key of Lutz et at., (1982). On each sampling date temperature and conductivity were recorded at 5 m depth intervals. Time-depth contour diagrams of each were constructed by linear interpolation. The four sets of data used for model development were obtained as follows. A daily water temperature matrix at 5-meter depth intervals from surface to 45 meters was generated from the previously described contour diagram. Temperature specific growth rates of larval Arctica islandica, expressed as daily increase in length at 9°G and 13-15°C, were derived by linear interpolation of points given in Lutz etal., (1982, Fig. 2). These points were fitted to passthrough an origin corresponding to 90 /xm length (equal to the egg diameter) at day 0 and mean length at metamorphosis of 260 /xm. Growth rate at 9°C was 3.09 /xm/day. Growth rate was considered to be constant in the range 13-15°C at 5.31 /xm/day. Recent attempts to culture A. islandica larvae under conditions identical to cultures 2-5 of Lutz et at., (1982) but 6 “1 S - tr o x o 4 — t— v. S » O o (T x> CD \ CE < — _1 0 - TEMPERATURE °C Fig. 1. Temperature specific growth rate model input data for Artica islandica. The curve is developed from linear interpolation of growth rate data taken at 6°C (Mann, unpublished), 9°C and 13-15°C (Lutz et al., 1982) and 20°C (Landers, 1976). Curve type A and B differ in point of inflexion between 15 and 20°C (see text). at a lower temperature of 6°C, indicated that growth was ar- rested at the onset of the shelled veliger stage and, despite active feeding of the larvae, no larvae in excess of 120 /xm length were recorded by 17 days after fertilization, when the culture was terminated (Mann, unpublished data). Therefore, growth for the present mode! was assumed to cease at 6°C. The true shape of the growth curve between the aforemen- tioned points is not known. Previous laboratory studies with bivalve larvae (Walne, 1965; Helm and Millican; 1977) in- dicated gradually increasing growth rate with temperature to a maximum followed by a rapidly decreasing growth rate above this optimum temperature. For the present study, temperature specific growth rate was assumed to increase linearly at 1.03 /xm/day/°C between 6 and 9°C, and then at 0.55/xm/day/°C between9and 13°C(Fig. 1). Landers (1976) stated that A. islandica larvae will not survive metamorphosis at 20°C. Lutz et al., (1982) did not examine the growth and survival of A. islandica larvae above 15°C. If temperature specific growth rate decreases linearly between 15 and 20°C to a value of zero at 20°C, the decrease in rate with increas- ing temperature would be 1.06 /xm/day/°C; however, Mann and Wolf (1983, Fig. 4) indicated that the larva! swimming temperature optima for A. islandica are in the range 1 5-1 8°C. These latter data suggested that optimal growth may occur between 15 and 18°G. Therefore, the model was run with two different forms of temperature specific growth rate versus temperature relationship (Fig. 1). In the first instance, hereafter termed type A, temperature specific growth rate was assumed to be constant between 1 3 and 1 5°C with a subse- quent linear decrease in rate to zero at 20°C. In the second form, type B, temperature specific growth rate was assumed constant between 13 and 18°C with a subsequent decrease to zero at 20°C. Data describing optimum temperature for swimming in Arctica islandica larvae were taken from Mann and Wolf (1983, Fig. 4). Optimum temperatures for the lengths 90 /xm B MANN: DISTRIBUTION OF BIVALVE LARVAE 53 (trochophore stage), 110, 120, 145 and 204 pm were taken as 17.0, 15.0, 17.0, 15.0 and 18.0°C. Optimum temperature was assumed to be constant at 18°C for larvae between 204 and 265 fim length. Data describing response to pressure changes were taken from Mann and Wolf (1983, Figs. 2 and 3). AH developmental stages showed a negative geotactic swim- ming response that is enhanced under increased pressure such that the preferred depth of occurrence up to 202 in length is in the range 0-5 m. The swimming response to increased pressure and temperature optima of larvae in ex- cess of 202 and 204 /*m length, respectively, was not ex- amined. The assumption is made that the swimming response of larvae in the length range 200-265 /im to both temperature and increased pressure is identical to that of smaller larvae, with the exception of the metamorphosing pediveligers which are assumed to exhibit a positive geotaxis that overrides a temperature optima response. The growth model was not required to accommodate for diurnal fluctuations in light intensity and spectral quality because Arctica islandica larvae do not exhibit distinct phototaxis (Mann and Wolf, 1983). The swimming behavior of some other bivalve larvae is influenced by light (Mann, 1986). The growth model used the four data sets (water temperature-depth matrix, temperature specific growth rate, optimum temperature and optimum pressure) to compute dai- ly length increment and cumulative length at the prevailing temperature of a fertilized egg originating at 45 m depth on any specified day between April 13, 1981 (day 103 of the year and the day of first sample collection in the field program) and December 14, 1981 (day 346 of the year and the last sam- ple date of 1981). After calculation of a daily length increment for a day, d, the temperature for the following increment, that is day (d + I), was made by selecting the appropriate value from the water temperature-depth matrix to correspond with the optimum temperature- optimum pressure combination for the larval size as determined by the appropriate inputs. The mode! therefore assumes active depth regulation by the developing larvae. Where temperature and pressure optima were not in agreement, that is an optimum temperature oc- curring at depths greater than 5 m, the selection of optimum temperature was made in preference to that of optimum pressure, because the data of Landers (1976) suggested that prolonged exposure to temperatures of only slightly above the optima recorded here would be lethal. The depth value chosen from such considerations of temperature and pressure optima is a single deterministic value. In effect, it is actually the upper (shallow) limit of a vertical distribution range. Thus, the model never allowed larvae to experience water temperatures in excess of their optimum temperature. Results of the model consisted of a summary of daily length increments, cumulative length, a record of depth occurrence and accompanying temperature throughout development, and an estimate of days required to attain metamorphic length. The sensitivity of the model to changes in shape of the growth curve was tested (type A and B as given in Fig. 1 ). Sensitivity to changes in the temperature optima was also examined by sequentially increasing the values from Mann and Wolf (1983, Fig. 4) by one degree increments up to a maximum value of 19°C. Both Jones (1981) and Mann (1982) have described the seasonal gonadal cycle of A. islandica for offshore New Jersey and southern New England Shelf populations, in both locations spawning appears to proceed from May through Oc- tober with partly spawned individuals being most abundant in August-October; however, the essentially descriptive nature of these data make them somewhat intractable for quan- titative modelling. RESULTS Table 1 summarizes field data as estimated numbers of Arctica islandica larvae of > 200 length, which were present at specific depths on the Southern New England Shelf from April 13 through December 14, 1981 (Julian days 113-348). Note that these data deal predominantly with lar- vae of > 200 /*m length, whereas model data are for a varie- ty of lengths. The assumption is made that the responses ex- hibited by the size classes of larvae examined are generally representative of larvae throughout development. Arctica Table 1. Numbers of Arctica islandica larvae of > 200 length m“3 collected at specific depths on the Southern New England Shelf during the period April-Decernber 1981. ns: no sample collected due to net failure. Date (1981) Julian Day Number Depth (m) 4/13 103 5/11 131 6/8 159 6/29 180 7/13 194 7/27 208 8/10 221 8/24 236 9/8 251 9/21 264 10/5 278 10/26 299 11/19 323 12/14 348 1 0 16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n.s. 5.4 0 20 0 1.5 0 0 0 0 0 0 273 18.7 0 n.s. 101* 0 30 0 0.1 0 0 0 0 0 7 512 41.3 187 n.s. 311* 0 40 0 0 0 0 0.2 0.3 1.9 0 33 6.5 138 n.s. 59* 0 All depths 0 88 0 0 0.2 0.3 1.9 7 818 66 325 0 5.4 0 indicates identification of first shelled larvae at length of 110 «m (modified from Mann, in press). 54 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT * * * ******** * * * APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC DAY NUMBER * * * ******** * * * APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC DAY NUMBER Fig. 2. Depth-time isotherm diagram of temperature structure during the period April-December 1 981 based on vertical profiles with a sampl- ing interval of 5 m. Heavy, curved lines labelled with even number values from 6 to 20 represent temperature in °C of isotherm. Superimposed on the isotherm diagram are light straight lines representing predicted depth of occurrence oiArctica islandica larvae originating from spawn- ings occurring on Julian days 113, 153, 183, 203, 223, 253 and 283. Where light lines terminate, arrows indicate predicted day of metamor- phosis. Fig. 2A is model output for type A temperature specific growth rate input (see Fig. 1), Fig. 2B is for type B input (see Fig. 1). * Denotes dates on which field observations of temperature and larval abundance were made. islandica larvae occur in significant concentrations in May (1 and 1 0 m) and from September to November (20-40 m). Salini- ty variation through the depth of the water column did not exceed 0.15 °/00 on any one date; however, changes in both absolute temperature and temperature stratification were evi- dent during the study (Fig. 2). The May occurrence of A. islan- dica larvae coincided with temperatures of 9-1 0°C prior to thermal stratification. The 20-40 m depths during September corresponded to 1 5-1 8°C water which is overlayed by warmer water. During October and November temperature destratification occurred and the water column mixed from top to bottom. Water temperature decreases to 10°C by the MANN: DISTRIBUTION OF BIVALVE LARVAE 55 end of November. Predicted shallow limit of depth of occurrence throughout development of growth types A and B larvae originating from spawnings on specific dates during day numbers 1 1 3 (April 1 3) through 283 (October 1 0) of the year are illustrated in Figs. 2A and 2B. Irrespective of growth type, larvae from spawnings prior to day 1 1 3 (April 1 3) experience low temperatures, remain in the depth range of 0-5 m throughout development, and reach metamorphic size, together with those spawned on day 113, and on day 153 (June 2). Larvae originating from spawnings on day 1 53 swim to the surface but soon encounter surface temperatures which are sufficiently high to encourage depth regulation in the range 5 to 15 m before metamorphic size is attained on day 1 92 (July 1 1 ) (type A) or 1 86 (July 5) (type B). The increasing surface temperature during days 180-210 (June 29-July 29) and the maintenance above 18°C until day 265 (September 22) restricts larvae spawned during days 173-213 (June 22-August 2) (type A) or 173-233 (June 22-August 22) (type B) to depths greater than or equal to 10 m. Larvae originating from spawnings on day 223 (August 12) rise to the depth range of 0-5 m during the final 7 days of development in type A growth. In type B growth larvae spawned on day 243 (September 1) rise to the surface for the final 17 days of development. Although surface temperatures decrease slowly after day 220 (August 9) the 1 7°C isotherms increase in depth during days 220-265 (August 9-September 22). Larvae originating from spawnings on day 223 (August 12) encounter these “sinking” isotherms and remain at depths below them during early development. Larvae originating from spawnings on day 253 (September 1 0) experience a similar depth limita- tion during early development; however, by day 283 (October 10) mixing of the water column has reduced thermal stratifica- tion to a point where no barriers to vertical movement of any of the developmental stages exist. Examination of the sensitivity of this data in relation to increasing temperature optima suggests that larvae spawned in the early part of the year remain in or near the surface waters slightly longer and return to them slightly sooner following the thermocline decay. The suggested depth range of occurrence of larvae during the mid year period still “sinks” below the 19°C isotherm but remains above the 15°C isotherm. Figure 3 illustrates the relationship of predicted time in days to attain metamorphic length versus day of spawn- ing for spawnings originating at ten day intervals during the period day 103-303 (April 1 3-October 30) under growth types A and B. The type A growth-temperature relationship predicts two periods when growth rate is high and metamorphosis is reached in less than 35 days. These periods coincide with spawnings on days 163 (June 12) and 263-283 (September 20-October 10). Prior to day 163 (June 12) growth rate is low due to low temperature whereas between days 1 63 and 263 growth rate is again low due to temperatures in excess of 15°C. Decreasing water temperatures throughout the water column in late October-December result in increasing time to metamorphosis and is associated with spawnings after day 283 (October 10). Spawnings on or after day 303 encounter I I | l I i ( 0 100 300 DAY NUMBER ! I I I I | I I I I I I I JFMAM JJASONO MONTH Fig. 3. Predicted time to metamorphosis (days) under growth types A (O) and B (•) of Arctica islandica larvae originating from spawn- ings which occur at 10-day intervals during the period day 103-303 versus day of spawning. temperatures of 6°C or below during larval development and fail to metamorphose. When the type B growth-temperature relationship is used a time to metamorphosis of 33 days is predicted for all spawnings from day 143 (May 23) to day 273 (October 1). Increasing temperature optima resulted in greater depression of growth rates during the mid summer period with growth type A, but only marginally depressed growth rate dur- ing days 190-220 (July 9-August 9) with growth type B when temperature optima were fixed at 19°C. DISCUSSION The extent to which active depth regulation contributes to the observed variation in distribution of Arctica islandica larvae in the field can, in part, be estimated from the degree of agreement of the model output and actual observations. There is good agreement between the field data (Table 1) and the predictive model output (Figs. 2A and 2B) on the absence of A. islandica larvae in the depth range 0-1 0 m be- tween days 180 (June 29) and 270 (September 27). The model predicts aggregation of larvae at 10-25 m during days 180-213 (June 29-August 3), however, very small numbers are seen in the field at this time. The model output agreed well with field records of the presence of A. islandica larvae of > 200 /*m length throughout the 20-40 m depth range from days 194 to 278 (July 1 3-October 5). In contrast the prediction of ag- gregation of A. islandica larvae in the 0-5 m depth range following the breakdown of the seasonal thermocline was not substantiated in that field data (Table 1) indicated both large ( > 200 /iim length) and small ( < 1 50 length) A. islandica larvae at 20-40 m depth in November (day 323). Clearly, the negative geotactic behavior of A. islandica larvae observed in the unstratified water column of laboratory containers by Mann and Wolf (1 983) is not the predominant force influenc- ing vertical distribution in the field during the fall period when there is active mixing throughout the depth of the water column. 56 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Further discrepancies between model results and field data are probably due to factors which are not represented in the model. These include larval mortality rate from starva- tion and/or predation in the field, larval loss from advection and, as mentioned earlier, variation in spawning intensity. Larval survival is probably inversely related to the time re- quired to reach metamorphosis. A combination of less than maximal spawning activity and, if type A growth is inferred, greater than minimum predicted time to metamorphosis would contribute to an explanation of lack of large larvae in the field before day 236 (August 24). Such reasoning also suggests that the occurrence of highest concentrations of lar- vae will coincide with highest spawning activity (probably in August-October) and shortest time to metamorphosis. Ir- respective of whether growth type A or B is inferred, applica- tion of this reasoning suggests the occurrence of highest lar- val concentration between day 243 (August 31 ) and 303 (Octo- ber 30). The peak of abundance of large A. islandica larvae recorded in the field occurred between days 251 and 278 (September 8 and October 5 - see Table 1 and Fig. 2B). Net failure on day 299 (October 26) prevents further statements as to the end of this period of abundance of > 200 /x m lar- vae; however, the presence of considerable numbers of small (< 150 /jm) veliger larvae on day 323 (November 19 - see Table 1) suggests that it may continue past day 278 (October 5). The model predicts that the large numbers of small larvae present on day 323 (November 19) will not metamorphose due to decreasing temperature. It does not examine the op- tion suggested and discussed by Mann (in review) that these larvae form the basis of an over-wintering population that ultimately gives rise to large ( > 200 /xm) larvae in May of the following year. Despite the limitations of the relatively small data set used to construct the present model, a reasonably good agreement is seen between model results and field data. The model is simplistic in that it is only two dimensional and does not include an advective component; however, this develop- ment is hindered by a lack of current data (temporally, spatial- ly and with depth) for the study site (R. C. Beardsley, per- sonal communication). The general application of the model to other sites in the Middle Atlantic Bight is probably not unreasonable in that the spawning stock of A. islandica is widespread (Merrill and Ropes, 1969; Franz and Merrill, 1980; Theroux and Wigley, 1983) and roughly synchronous in time and intensity of spawning activity (Jones, 1981; Mann, 1982). Additionally, the thermal structure, especially the develop- ment and decay of the seasonal thermocline, is a relatively constant conservative feature throughout the Southern New England Shelf and Middle Atlantic Bight regions (Bigelow, 1933; Beardsley et al., 1976; Williams and Godshall, 1977; Beardsley and Boicourt, 1981). The comparison of field collected and laboratory generated data sets presented here utilizes ony one common data set, the time versus depth temperature matrix. In all other respects the data are independent of one another. The periods of agreement in the two final data sets strongly sug- gest that active depth regulation occurs in Arctica islandica larvae; however, the periods of discrepancy indicate that ac- tive depth regulation does not always predominate. The physical regimes corresponding to the transition from active depth regulation to passive movement are poorly understood, yet of obvious value. From a theoretical standpoint certain quantitative aspects are well documented. The relative posi- tions of the ciliated velum and the valves combined with the pattern of ciliar beating dictate that bivalve larvae can only swim in vertically oriented helices. Rates of vertical excur- sion (i.e. change in actual depth, not absolute velocity) range from < 1 to 1 0 mm/sec depending upon size of the larva and water temperature. Bivalve larvae are flattened elipsoids that rarely exceed 300 /xm in greatest dimension and have specific gravity of approximately 1.3. If the changes in velocities of water movement over discrete distances (be this centimeters, meters or kilometers) were known, the application of a pure- ly mathematical approach to the problem of active versus passive processes in depth regulation and dispersal might be possible. This option becomes even more pressing when estuarine systems and other bivalve species are considered. Estuaries exhibit salinity stratification with depth, a salinity gradient along their length, and even the possibility of salini- ty gradients across their width. Salinity stratification is minimal on the New England Shelf. Estuarine circulation and stratifica- tion are influenced by tidal, neap-spring tidal and gravitational flow. Clearly, the physics of estuarine circulation are more complex and dynamic than those of the shelf system de- scribed here. Furthermore, larvae of estuarine bivalve species may exhibit a far less conservative repertoire of behavioural responses to environmental stimuli than do A. islandica lar- vae. For example, the larvae of Ostrea edulis L. (Cragg, 1980) and Mytilus edulis L. (Bayne, 1964) exhibit distinct phototaxis. Nonetheless the present study demonstrates for bivalve lar- vae, just as Sulkin and Van Fleuklem (1982) and Kelly et al., (1982) have done for blue and red crab larvae respectively, the power of laboratory generated data and numerical models in elucidating factors controlling distribution and dispersal in stratified coastal systems. The application of such models to estuarine species is clearly warranted. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by U.S. Department of Commerce, N.O.A.A., Sea Grant under Grant Number NA80-AA-D-00077, Office of Naval Research contract N00014-79-C-0071 NR 083-004 and the Andrew Mellon Foundation. LITERATURE CITED Bayne, B. L. 1964. 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NOAA Center for Experimental Design and Data Analysis, Final Report to Bureau of Land Management Oct. 1977, 306 pp. A REVIEW OF SOME FACTORS THAT LIMIT OYSTER RECRUITMENT IN CHESAPEAKE BAY GEORGE R. ABBE THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES BENEDICT ESTUARINE RESEARCH LABORATORY BENEDICT, MARYLAND 20612, U.S.A. ABSTRACT From 1966 to 1979, oyster [Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin)] recruitment in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay was poor during 10 years and only fair during the other 4. Although adults may undergo normal gonadal maturation and spawn successfully, recruitment of setting larvae can still fail. Several factors can increase the time required for eggs to develop into ready-to-set pediveliger larvae. This time is normally 2 to 3 weeks, but as time increases, success rate for setting and subsequent spat growth rate decreases. Even after rapid maturation to the pediveliger stage, setting can be limited by inadequate substratum, strong currents, predators, pollutants, or other poor physical conditions. Following successful setting, spat densities can be reduced by predation, burial during storms, silt deposition, or overgrowth by competitors. Of major importance to successful recruitment is presence of adequate broodstock, retention of larvae in the estuary until they are old enough to set, and availability of clean hard substrate that can be augmented by planted shell material. The American oyster Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin) has traditionally been the most valuable shellfish in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay, even when landings were low. Average annual production during 1976-82 equalled only about 101,000 m3 (2.2 x 106 Maryland bushels; a Maryland bushel equals 0.0459 m3 [2800.7 in3]) of oysters, an amount far below what the region once produced. Although landings of 688,000 m3 (15 x 10® bushels) as in 1885 (Kennedy and Breisch, 1981) will probably never be seen again, 184,000 to 230,000 m3 (4 to 5 x 10® bushels) is not an unrealistic goal. Harvests during the 1983-84 and 1984-85 seasons were about 46,000 m3 (1 x 1 0® bushels), and the outlook for the 1 985-86 season was just slightly better (W. Outten, Maryland Depart- ment of Natural Resources, Annapolis, Md., pers. comm.). One of the main causes of reduced oyster harvests has been and continues to be the failure over a multi-year period of larvae to survive either the planktonic stage of development or the subsequent metamorphosis or first few days postmetamorphosis (see Meritt, 1977). In a model developed to help estimate future oyster harvests in Maryland, Ulanowicz et at. (1980) showed that setting of oyster spat varied directly with the cumulative high salinity during the spawning season and inversely with the harvest during the previous season. From 1966 to 1979 there were 10 years of very poor recruitment in Maryland (Baywide average) and 4 years when it was only fair (Krantz et al., 1982). In view of the decline of the Maryland oyster fishery to a record low level, it is time to examine factors that limit success of oyster recruitment in Chesapeake Bay. Perhaps this information will aid efforts to control some of these fac- tors and reverse the decline in oyster harvests. This paper reviews the more important or obvious factors instrumental in limiting the success of recruiting oysters. A number of factors can result in poor oyster recruit- ment during a reproductive season. One is the failure of adults to spawn, which most probably results from prolonged low salinity or sudden salinity reduction caused by spring rains and flooding (May, 1972; Cake, 1983a). Loosanoff (1953) demonstrated the effects of low salinity on gametogenesis and spawning of adult oysters from Long Island Sound. He found that gametogenesis was completely inhibited in fresh water and at a salinity of 3 °/0o. At 5 °/00 about half the oysters produced gametes, but at lower rates than at higher salinities. At 7.5 °/0o some gametes ripened, but more slowly than at 10 °/ oo and higher where development and maturation proceeded normally. Normal development was slowed or stopped when salinity fell below 7.5 °/00. Fully ripe oysters spawned at 5 0/00> but spawning was weak; at 7.5 °/00 and above spawning appeared normal. Rapidly declining or low salinity can therefore affect the gonads at all stages of development, and once stopped, gonadal activity may not reach normal levels for 3 to 4 months (Butler, 1949). For purposes of this review I will assume that adults have spawned and that trochophore and veliger larvae are American Malacologicai Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1986):59-70 59 60 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Fig. 1. Location of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant and the adjacent Flag Pond Oyster Bar. present in the water column, although in reality the act of spawning does not preclude the presence of larvae. Other factors then become critical to the success or failure of recruit- ment. These are (a) retention of healthy larvae up to pediveliger stage within the estuary where they can set and maintain the population and (b) availability of clean substratum to which pediveligers can attach. These factors are discussed in the sections below. Supporting evidence is based on observations and results of field studies conducted at or near the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant (CCNPP) on the western shore of Chesapeake Bay in Calvert County, Maryland, from 1979 to 1 985 by the author (Abbe, 1981; 1 984; 1 985). These studies employed divers using SCUBA to gather data or source material. In one study densities were determined by coun- ting the legal-size (^76 mm), sublegal, and spat oysters on both sides of the upper, middle, and lower thirds of five ran- domly selected panel sections (each 12 m2 per side) of the intake embayment curtain wall of the CCNPP (Fig. 1). In the second study densities of three size classes were estimated at various locations on the Flag Pond Oyster Bar (Fig. 2). A random guadrat design similar to that used by May (1971) in his survey of the Alabama oyster resources was used (described in detail by Abbe, 1984). Oysters and associated bottom material were collected by divers from within square steel frames (each 0.33 m2) dropped to the bot- tom from the research vessel. Material was brought to the surface where it was examined and counted. Larvae generally mature in 2 to 3 weeks, but this time can be lengthened by marginal growing conditions. As dura- tion of larvae in the water column increases, to 4 weeks or more, success rate of metamorphosis and setting decreases. Losee (1979) showed a direct relationship between time for larval development and subsequent growth of spat, with shorter development time leading to more rapid post- metamorphic growth rates during 12- and 29-week periods. Whether this advantage continues for longer periods remains to be determined. Newkirk (1981) showed a slight correla- tion between larval growth rate and juvenile size for Ostrea edulis (linne) also, but the effect of larval growth rate de- creased over time until it approached zero when the oysters averaged 43 mm in shell height. The effect on long-term growth rate is immaterial, however, provided increased spat growth gets it past the critical early postmetamorphic stage when mortalities typically range from 75% to 95% or more in a hatchery (Kranz, 1982). Below are several factors that can increase the time required for larvae to grow from egg to ready-to-set pediveligers. INCREASED LARVAL DEVELOPMENT TIME LOW TEMPERATURE. Larvae entrained in warm water that mixes with cooler water will slow their rate of development. While oysters from northerly areas, such as Long Island Sound, can spawn at cooler temperatures than oysters from Delaware, Maryland and more southerly areas Fig. 2. Locations of selected study areas within Flag Pond Bar. ABBE: FACTORS LIMITING OYSTER RECRUITMENT 61 (Loosanoff, 1969; Price and Maurer, 1971; Kennedy and Breisch, 1981), normal development continues from the temperature at which eggs are fertilized. If spawning occurs earlier than normal in an unusually warm area (e.g., in shallow creeks or bays that are warmed by the sun or in areas in- fluenced by industrial thermal effluents), and larvae are then carried into colder water, their development will be slowed. Ruddy et at., (1975) demonstrated that oysters held in a heated power plant effluent developed gonads up to 4 months earlier than controls and spawned up to 1 month earlier, although this case may not be representative of other areas. HIGH TEMPERATURE. Larvae may hatch during the normal spawning season and then be entrained in waters that are too warm for normal development, such as produced by some electrical generating stations and other industrial facilities. Larvae generally occur when water temperatures are in the low to upper 20s (Davis and Calabrese, 1964; Hidu etai, 1974), although Kennedy and Krantz(1982) observed oysters spawning in Chesapeake Bay at temperatures between 15 and 20°C. They postulated that spawning may be initiated by some food-related chemical or temperature-food stimulus for oysters in warmer temperate waters rather than by temperature alone. Larvae develop at temperatures up to 30 or 32°C (Davis and Calabrese, 1964; Hidu et at., 1974), but a higher temperature can be tolerated for short periods. The younger the embryo or larva the more easily it is damaged by high temperatures. If temperatures are elevated only a few degrees, but remain within the acceptable developmental range, larval time can be decreased rather than increased since warmer temperatures result in higher growth rates (Medcof, 1939; Davis and Calabrese, 1964; Kennedy and Breisch, 1981). SALINITY. Larvae generally do well at salinities at which gonads of parent oysters mature. Optimum salinity for larvae of parents held at 26-27 °/00 was 17.5 °/00, but de- creased to 12.5 °/00 for larvae of parents held at 9 °/00 (Davis, 1958). As salinity declines below an optimal level, the larval maturation time increases and survival rate decreases. Davis (1 958) showed that 1 65-/xm larvae from parents held at 26-27 °/00 grew well at salinities as low as 12.5 °/0 0, but at 10 °/00 and 7.5 °/00 their growth was only a half and a quarter, respec- tively, that of control growth. Similar effects of low salinity were demonstrated for larvae of Ostrea edulis Linne (Davis and Ansell, 1962). A salinity reduction from 26 °/0o to 15 °/00 had no effect on growth, but growth was inhibited below 1 2.5 °/ oo- At 10 °/0o, 90 to 95% of the larvae died in 2 weeks and at lower salinities death was even sooner. LOW DISSOLVED OXYGEN (DO). Adult oysters can survive for several days when DO concentrations are less than 1.0 mg 02-P (Sparks etai, 1958), but survival time varies inversely with temperature. Dunnington (1968) showed that buried adult oysters survive only 2 days in summer, but up to 5 weeks in winter. Because resistance of larvae to stress is less than that of adults, larvae probably cannot tolerate low DO concentrations for long either and can be killed quickly by anoxic conditions. Much of the deeper portion of Chesapeake Bay (below 10 m) has summertime DO levels of 0 to 4 mg 02-/'1, and it was estimated that the volume of water with DO concentrations equal or less than 0.7 mg 02n was 15 times greater in 1980 than in 1950 (Taft et at., 1980; Mackiernan et at., 1983; Officer et at., 1984). Because lar- vae are present during the warmest time of the year when DO levels are normally lowest, upwelling can result in DO concentrations in shallow water that rapidly reach critical levels (0 to 2 mg O2-/'1) that probably retard development or kill larvae caught in this hypoxic or anoxic water. Toxic H2S will form at 0.0 mg 02 -P concentration. SUSPENDED SEDIMENTS. Davis and Hidu (1969a) determined that as little as 188 mg /'1 of silt caused a signifi- cant reduction in the percentage of oyster eggs developing to straight-hinge stage, and at 500 mg /'1 less than a third developed to straight-hinge. A silt level of 750 mg /'1 caused a significant reduction in growth and decrease in survival of larvae. At 2 g-/'1 no growth occurred and at 3 g /'1 all larvae eventually died. Levels of 2 to 3 g/'1, however, seldom occur naturally over oyster beds. Davis and Hidu (1969a) postulated that the adverse effects could have been caused directly by particulates or by reduced pH (which sometimes fell from 7.5 to 6.4) caused by an increased silt load. Calabrese and Davis (1966) showed that growth rates of larvae drop rapidly at pH levels below 6.75 and that the lower limit for survival is 6.0. Davis and Hidu (1969a) concluded that larvae can tolerate levels of suspended sediments higher than normally found in natural waters, but that effects of dredging or filling can produce particulate levels that are detrimental to larvae. LACK OF PROPER FOOD. Investigations of feeding and nutritional requirements of oysters show considerable differences among larvae, juveniles, and adults, with larvae being more restricted as to algal species composition and cell size than adults (Davis, 1953; Ukeles, 1971 ; Fritz et a!., 1984). Different stages of larval development select different sizes of food particles (Mackie, 1969). She showed that straight-hinge larvae select phytoplankton in the 1 to 10 size range, while early and late umbo stages take particles up to 18 /xm, and pediveligers feed on cells up to 30 ^m. Sublethal concentrations of certain pollutants may destroy one of the critical links in the larval food chain that could then be replaced by a bloom of microorganisms such as Chlorella sp. or toxic dinoflagellates totally unsuitable for larvae (Guillard, 1958; Galtsoff, 1964). POLLUTANTS. Extremely low concentrations of some pesticides, herbicides, chlorine-produced oxidants (CPO), detergents, heavy metals, and petroleum hydrocarbons can retard growth or cause mortality of eggs and larvae of C. virginica. A concise review of the effects of these chemicals is included in Kennedy and Breisch (1981). Davis (1961) found a wide range of toxicity among various insecticides, her- bicides, oils and organic solvents, and antibiotics and disinfec- tants to larvae. A decrease in the growth rate was the first sign of toxicity; however, only after growth rates were slowed by at least 50% did significant mortality occur. Calabrese and Davis (1967) determined that the percentage of eggs that developed normally was reduced significantly at concentra- tions greater than 0.025 mg /'1 of active linear alkylate sulfonate detergent and 0.25 mg-/'1 commercial liquid biodegradable detergent. Survival decreased at levels of 1 .00 62 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT and 2.50 mg /'1 for the two detergents, respectively. Calabrese et al., (1977) found that LC5 concentrations of Hg, Ag, Cu and Ni, did not affect growth, but growth was reduced at LC50 concentrations. Zaroogian and Morrison (1981) showed that while seawater concentrations of Cd as low as 5 jtg-kg"1 may not be toxic to embryos, these concentrations could cause enough stress to delay development to larvae. This could prolong the pelagic stage and ultimately result in reduced recruitment into the population. Chlorine-produced oxidants have traditionally been used by industry to prevent biofouling of cooling water systems and by sewage treatment plants to reduce bacterial contamination of receiving waters. Chlorine-produced oxidants, unfortunately, are toxic to many forms of aquatic life including oyster larvae (Roosenburg et al., 1980; Richardson et al., 1982). New compounds are continually being developed and many of these are put into use before their toxicity to aquatic organisms has been thoroughly tested. Thus little is known of the effects these compounds have on aquatic organisms when they are inadvertently or intentionally introduced into rivers and estuaries. Other old pollutants can remain buried in the bottom awaiting release and resuspension by dredg- ing or by natural water currents. The task of determining the effects of even some of these chemicals in the natural en- vironment becomes monumental when one considers possi- ble synergistic effects and their relationship to larval de- velopmental stages and physical conditions (Kennedy and Breisch, 1981). This task grows even larger when effects of changing temperature, salinity, and DO are included. PREVENTION OF LARVAL SETTLING Assuming that environmental conditions are favorable and larvae have matured rapidly to the pediveliger stage, several factors can still interfere with successful setting. The first of these is the substratum. Pediveligers can attach to a wide variety of solid materials including shells, rocks, cement, wood, metal, glass, rope, rubber, and plastic (Galtsoff, 1964) provided the surface is relatively clean (not oily, fouled by invertebrates, or covered with sediment). Lar- vae, however, do not recruit to soft mud and sand bottoms that are unstable, but mixtures of mud and sand are generally stable enough to provide support for oyster communities. Firm bottoms covered with cultch of rocks, shells, or other material can be rendered unsuitable for spat settlement by various invertebrates occupying the space. Fouling can be controlled to some extent by use of granulated calcium oxide spread over oyster beds at a rate of 6.75 metric tons ha'1 to kill fouling organisms (Galtsoff, 1964; MacKenzie, 1977). Rock and shell bottoms can also be rendered unsuitable by a layer of sedi- ment; 1 to 2 mm of loose sediment on potential cultch may prevent setting of mature larvae (Galtsoff, 1964). This state- ment appears to be based on empirical rather than ex- perimental data. If a 1- to 2-mm layer of sediment does pre- vent setting, it is unclear whether the sediment serves as a mechanical barrier to the larva, a barrier to recognition of shell proteins, or release of a substratum-produced chemical that induces settlement (Crisp, 1967; Hadfield, 1984). Sediments can be resuspended by use of bagless oyster dredges or pressure boards so that tidal currents will then carry the sedi- ment away (MacKenzie, 1983), but this is costly and may not achieve the desired results if sediments are redeposited near- by. MacKenzie (1981) noted that in Long Island Sound silt accumulates on various oyster beds to depths of 1 to 5 cm during January to April, but that most of it is gone by May or June. Clean hard substratum without excessive fouling or silt is perhaps the single most necessary factor for successful setting (Galtsoff, 1964). The importance of substratum is illustrated by the shell planting on Flag Pond Bar (Fig. 1) near Calvert Cliffs. Abbe (1984) showed that oyster population size in that area was essentially unchanged from 1968 to 1979 during which no shells were planted and spat setting was light. In 1980 the Maryland Department of Natural Resources planted 102,000 bushels of shells in Area 2 (Fig. 2), in 1982 another 197,000 bushels were planted in Areas 4 and 5, and in 1984 Areas 4 and 5 received another 70,000 bushels (W. Outten, Maryland DNR, Annapolis, Md., pers. comm.). Spat setting increased baywide during 1 980-82 over the previous decade (Krantz and Davis, 1983) and was also excellent again dur- ing 1985. The effect of planted shell on increased numbers of sublegal oysters and spat during 1983-85 are evident in Table 1. No shell material was ever placed on Area 6 (Fig. 2), and this is reflected in the light spatfall in 1985 (Table 1). Many larvae are lost from setting areas as a result of being carried seaward by tidal currents. Estuarine circula- tion patterns described by Pritchard (1953) show in many estuaries a net seaward movement of surface water and a net flow up-estuary of bottom water. The seaward movement of surface water would account for wide dispersal of young larvae swimming in upper water layers and concentration of late-stage larvae swimming near the bottom. The method of retention of larvae within the estuary, however, has not yet been fully explained. Some investigators support the theory Table 1. Densities of oysters per m2 in 1979, 1983, 1984, and 1985 in four areas of Flag Pond Oyster Bar (spring and autumn combined). Legal Sublegal Spat 1979 1983 1984 1985 1979 1983 1984 1985 1979 1983 1984 1985 Area 2 0.9 3.3 2.9 2.5 0.6 13.1 5.9 3.2 0.3 1.4 0.3 15.2 Area 4 2.6 5.6 6.8 6.6 0.8 45.0 11.8 6.7 0.2 2.4 1.8 43.2 Area 5 1.1 2.9 3.7 6.7 0.7 39.5 64.6 34.9 0.1 2.8 2.8 24.9 Area 6 - 4.8 4.8 5.7 - 8.2 3.7 1.9 - 0.2 0.1 2.4 Mean 1.7 4.3 4.7 5.4 0.7 27.6 20.1 13.2 0.2 1.8 1.1 23.4 ABBE: FACTORS LIMITING OYSTER RECRUITMENT 63 that larvae respond to salinity changes by remaining near the bottom during ebb tide and rising in the water column dur- ing flood tide, thus maintaining their horizontal position in the estuary (Carriker, 1951; Kunkle, 1957; Wood and Hargis, 1971; MacKenzie, 1981; Haven and Fritz, 1985). In contrast, others note that larvae swim continuously during larval life, with their dispersal and fate dependent on currents and flushing rates of estuaries (Andrews, 1983). When larvae sur- vive to reach the umbo stage (3 to 5 days), they seek deeper water and begin an up-estuary movement. Larval losses are estimated at 15% per tidal cycle, but these are continuously replaced by new broods where brood stock is sufficient (An- drews, 1983). Losses of young larvae by dispersion, however, are probably large regardless of the retention mechanism used, but rate of loss probably declines as larvae mature and seek deeper water that can carry them up-estuary (Andrews, 1985). Enormous numbers of larvae are consumed by predators, and many more larvae are trapped accidentally on mucus-coated gill surfaces by filter-feeding organisms. Ctenophores feed heavily on oyster larvae. Mnemiopsis leidyi A. Agassiz, an unselective filter-feeding ctenophore, filters 4 to 100 /-day'1 and can consume nearly 500 copepods an hour (Bishop, 1967). In the Patuxent River, Maryland, Bishop found these rates equal to about 31 % of the copepod stand- ing crop. At high densities M. leidyi can decimate the zooplankton community (Mountford, 1980). Numbers of ctenophores can be reduced when the scyphozoan medusa Chrysaora quinquecirrha (Desor) is abundant (Mansueti, 1955; Mountford, 1980). This could result in reduced preda- tion by ctenophores, but then C. quinquecirrha probably in- gests substantial numbers of larvae as well (D. Cargo, Chesapeake Biological Laboratory, Solomons, Md., pers. comm.). Another voracious predator is the bay anemone Diadumene leucolena (Verril) that MacKenzie (1977) deter- mined is able to capture more than one larva per minute. When densities of anemones number several hundred or more per m2, they can effectively reduce the number of pediveliger larvae available for setting. Many other organisms trap pediveliger larvae on their gill surfaces during respiration and feeding. If large particles or larvae cannot be utilized for food, they are rejected (sorted by the labial palps and discharged as pseudofeces by oysters). MacKenzie (1 981 ) showed a 20% reduction in spat per shell for shells located within 1 5 cm of 2-year-old oysters compared to shells 1 m away (33.8 spat-shell'1 vs. 42.5 spat-shell'1). He also found that hard clams, dwarf surf clams, blue mussels, slipper shells, barnacles and mud-tube worms filtered and rejected larvae. MacKenzie concluded that lar- vae rejected in loosely aggregated pseudofeces that were broken up by currents escaped alive. If, however, they were ingested and passed through the gut undigested, they were unable to escape from compacted feces and were lost. Salinity or DO concentrations can reach critically low levels when pediveligers are ready to set, thus reducing their ability to do so. Areas where salinity is already near the lower limit for setting (10 to 12 °/0 0; Davis, 1958), an influx of fresh water from rainfall can decrease salinity to levels that pre- vent setting. Engle (1947) described conditions during 1944-46 when excessive rainfall prevented settlement in Maryland, and Haven et al. (1977) discussed the impact of low salinity from Tropical Storm Agnes in 1972 on oyster spat set (or lack of it) in Virginia waters. Haven et al. (1977) suggested that recruitment failure could also have been related to increased silt and low DO levels. In the presence of hypoxic or anoxic water in much of the Bay at depths below 9 to 10 m during the summer (Taft et al., 1980; Officer et al., 1984), a day or two of westerly winds can result in upwelling of this deep poor- ly oxygenated water along the western shore of the Bay that can be lethal to crabs and fish caught in crab pots (Abbe, 1 983). If upwelling of anoxic water occurs when pediveligers are ready to set, they can be killed. Because they seek deeper water at this time of their development (Wood and Hargis, 1971; Andrews, 1983), they could be at high risk. Wave action and light are two factors that could affect setting in shallow areas along the shore or on vertical sur- faces. In a study of the oyster population on the intake em- bayment curtain wall of the CCNPP in 1980, higher densities of spat were found on the middle and lower thirds of the wall than on the upper third (each third was 2.7 m deep) (Abbe, 1981). This depth difference could have been due to decreas- ing light intensity with depth. Studies have shown that larvae prefer darkened conditions when setting (Ritchie and Menzel, 1969; Shaw etal., 1970), though others have suggested that light stimulates larvae to set (Medcof, 1955). For the upper third of the wall, however, light intensity was similar on both sides, yet spat density was 10.8 per m2 inside the embayment wall, but only 4.2 per m2 on the bayside (Table 2). Ratios of inside to bayside densities for each size class (Fig. 3) also illustrate the greater difference between the two sides near the surface than near the bottom. Although evidence is cir- cumstantial, wave action against the outside of the wall may account for some of these differences. The wall has several openings in it during the summer (4.6 x 10.0 m corregated steel panels are removed), so water is similar on both sides as is the biofouling on the wall itself. Current patterns could vary slightly; however, spat and sublegal oysters did not show differences below 5.4 m exhibited at the surface (Table 2). Wave action in this case appears to be the factor accounting for such large differences. Although pediveligers are more tolerant of toxic com- pounds than developing embryos, they can be damaged or killed by low levels of petroleum hydrocarbons (Renzoni, 1975; Wolfe, 1977), toxic metals (Calabrese etal., 1973; Cun- ningham, 1979), pulp mill effluents (Galtsoff, 1964), chlorine- or ozone-produced oxidants (Roosenburg et al., 1980; Richardson et al., 1982), and agricultural runoff carrying various pesticides and herbicides (Davis and Hidu, 1969b; Calabrese, 1972; Kennedy and Breisch, 1981). SPAT MORTALITY There are no published studies of larval mortalities in the field for Crassostrea virginica (Kennedy and Breisch, 1 981 ). Virginia Institute of Marine Science shellfish scientists 64 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT Table 2. Legal, sublegal, and spat densitites (oysters per m2) at three depth ranges on the intake embay- ment wall of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in 1980. inside Outside Depth (m) Legal Sublegal Spat Legal Sublegal Spat 0.0-2. 7 5.0 0.4 10.8 1.0 0.1 4.2 2. 7-5. 4 10.4 1.5 18.2 3.9 0.6 11.7 5. 4-8. 2 12.0 1.8 13.4 5.9 2.0 14.2 M. Castagna and D. Haven hypothesized that larval survival between the time of egg fertilization and spat setting is about 3.3 x 1 0"50/o or about one in three million (Lunz, 1 985). They estimated that additional mortality between spat and seed size could be as high as 90%, but less than the 99.8% first- year mortality estimated by Nelson and Chestnut (1945) for spat under extremely crowded conditions (98 spat per cm2). Once set, spat can close their shells tightly and be less susceptible than larvae to intermittent low salinity, low DO, or pollutants. Because spat set in summer, however, they pro- bably put much of their energy into growth and maintenance rather than into glycogen storage, which doesn’t begin for older oysters until spawning is completed in late summer (Galtsoff, 1964). If spat do not store glycogen until autumn, they would be less resistant to adverse conditions than larger oysters with some reserve material. This question, however, needs further study. Newly set spat are subject to predation by oyster drills (gastropods), sea stars, flatworms, crabs, fish, and birds. Drills are perhaps the most serious of all oyster predators over the entire range of C. virginica (Carriker, 1955; Galtsoff, 1964; Cake 1983a, b). IJrosalpinx cinerea (Say) and Eupleura caudata (Say) are the only drills found in the Chesapeake. U. cinerea is more abundant in Maryland waters than E. caudata because of its slightly lower salinity tolerance (18 0/00 compared to 20 °/00 for E. caudata ) (Lippson, 1973). These salinity limits confine both drills to Maryland’s lower eastern shore and prevent serious widespread damage to oyster populations in Maryland, in the lower Chesapeake Bay, however, and other high salinity areas of the Atlantic coast from Canada to Florida, oyster drills are major predators (An- drews, 1956; Galtsoff, 1964). Both species prey on oysters by insertion of the probiscis through a small hole in the oyster’s shell that they bore by alternating chemical and mechanical activity (Carriker, 1955, 1961). Other predatory gastropods found in the southern Chesapeake Bay include Busycon spp. and Boonea ( = Odostomia) spp. (Kennedy and Breisch, 1981; Lippson and Lippson, 1984). Busycon canaliculatum Linne and Boonea impressa (Say) are occa- sionally found well into the Maryland bay (Lippson and Lipp- son, 1984), but damage to oyster populations by these gastro- pods throughout the Bay is minor compared to that by drills. The common sea star, Asterias forbesi (Desor) requires salinities of 16 to 18 °/00 or higher (Galtsoff, 1964) and is therefore not common in the Maryland portion of Chesapeake Bay (Kennedy and Breisch, 1981). Although it is sometimes abundant near the mouth of the Bay, it feeds primarily on snails, mussels, clams, and barnacles (Lippson and Lippson, 1984), and does not cause the damage to oyster populations that it does in New England waters (MacKenzie, 1970, 1981). Unlike drills and sea stars, flatworms (Stylochus spp.) tolerate a wide range of salinity and can also be highly destructive of small oysters. Loosanoff (1956), however, stated that they would readily attack oysters as large as 64 mm. Webster and Medcof (1961) presented circumstantial evidence for oyster mortality caused by flatworms in the Chesapeake, and Provenzano (1961) showed nearly 100% mortality of newly set spat in ponds in Massachusetts at- tributed to flatworms. Earlier evidence of flatworm predation came from Pearse and Wharton (1938) who investigated oyster mortalities in Florida and from Loosanoff (1956) who reported mortalities resulting from flatworms in Connecticut. Stylochus ellipticus (Girard) is widely distributed along the east coast and is commonly associated with barnacle and oyster communities (Hyman, 1940). It is the only flatworm that is predatory on oysters in the Chesapeake, but the extent of its damage to oysters in the field is unknown. Landers and Rhodes (1970) demonstrated that S. ellipticus will not always prey on oysters. In fact, some flatworms that were conditioned to feeding on barnacles always preferred barnacles and would not eat oysters, whereas worms conditioned to oysters fed on both oysters and barnacles. Because barnacles begin set- ting in April or May in the Chesapeake, some 2 to 3 months before oysters, flatworms could become conditioned to feeding on barnacles and thus not attack spat. Although oysters do not appear to be the main prey preference of S. ellipticus (Christensen, 1973), there could be circumstances during and after the oyster setting season when young flat- worms become conditioned to newly set spat and feed heavily on them. The blue crab Callinectes sapidus Rathbun is extreme- ly abundant in Chesapeake Bay and can grow to more than 20 cm in carapace width (Pearson, 1948; Van Engel, 1958; Abbe, 1983). St can tolerate a salinity range from fresh water to hypersaline conditions and is found throughout the Chesapeake wherever oysters are found (Van Engel, 1958; Lippson and Lippson, 1984; Williams, 1984). The blue crab is not regarded as a serious pest of oyster grounds in open waters (Van Engel, 1958), but it can be destructive of transplants of young sets when other food is scarce. Because spat generally set on shells or live oysters (or other solid ob- jects) they are difficult for crabs to handle, but small single oysters and thin-she!led cultchiess spat and seed are easily manipulated and eaten; Krantz and Chamberlin (1 978) noted destruction of 79 to 99% of 3- to 40- mm cultchiess oysters in a month from crab predation. Although oysters are not their ABBE: FACTORS LIMITING OYSTER RECRUITMENT 65 SPAT SUBLEGAL LEGAL Fig. 3. Ratios of inside to outside densities for three size classes of oysters at three depth ranges on the intake curtain wall at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant during 1980. preferred food, blue crabs can decimate newly settled or seeded grounds because of their large size, voracious ap- petites, and abundance. Mud crabs (Xanthidae) also feed on spat and small oysters. Eurypanopeus depressus (Smith) and Panopeus herb- stii H. Milne Edwards both were shown by McDermott (1960) to prey on oysters in New Jersey. The latter was the most destructive of the five species of mud crabs studied, feeding on 1- and 2-year-old oysters at a rate of 0.15 per crab per day. Both of these crabs are widely distributed throughout Chesapeake Bay (Lippson and Lippson, 1984) as is Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) that can also prey on spat (Krantz and Chamberlin, 1978). P. herbstii is the most destruc- tive probably because it is larger (up to 62 mm in carapace width [Williams, 1984]) than the others. E. depressus is the next largest of the three, but grows to only about 25 mm. Den- sity of mud crabs, however, can be more important to total predation than individual size. Elner and Lavoie (1983) showed that Neopanope sayi (Smith) (carapace width 14 to 23 mm) fed on 2- to 9-mm oysters at a rate of 0.44 per crab per day in New Brunswick, Canada. Mud crabs in Long Island Sound feed on attached spat up to 10 mm in length and unat- tached spat up to 25 mm. They can account for 12% of the total spat mortality and up to 50% within certain beds (MacKenzie, 1970). Krantz and Chamberlin (1978) listed several fish species as probable predators of oyster spat in the Maryland Chesapeake Bay. These included oyster toadfish Opsanus tau (Linnaeus), croaker Micropogon undulatus (Linnaeus), spot Leiostomus xanthurus Lacepede, and the cownose ray Rhinoptera bonasus (Mitchill). The cownose ray is probably the most destructive of these; oysters and razor clams are its major food items (Hildebrand and Schroeder, 1928). Schwartz (1964) stated that cownose rays can feed in devastating proportions on oysters and hard clams. Rays col- lected while feeding over shallow sand or mud flats in the lower York River, Virginia consumed primarily soft shell clams, Mya arenaria Linnaeus (Smith and Merriner, 1985), but these authors also observed serious damage to commer- cial oyster and clam beds caused by feeding schools of 66 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT cownose rays. In the lower Bay the black drum Pogonias cromis (Lin- naeus) is a potential predator of large and small oysters. It is common from New York southward and abundant from the Carolinas to the Rio Grande (Bigelow and Schroeder, 1953), but it seldom penetrates far into the Maryland portion of the Chesapeake (Lippson and Lippson, 1984). Adult size ranges from 9 to 18 kg, but can reach up to 66 kg (Bigelow and Schroeder, 1953). The fish possesses strong pharyngeal teeth used to crush oysters and other shellfish on which it feeds (Galtsoff , 1 964; Cave and Cake, 1 980). The degree to which rays and drum feed on spat set on cultch in the Bay is unknown, but spat set on small shell fragments and cultchless spat are both subject to predation. A group of predators not found in the Bay when oysters are setting, but that arrives during autumn and overwinters includes several species of diving ducks. About 65% of the diet of the black (common) scoter Melanitta nigra (Linnaeus) consists of molluscs (6% oysters) (Kortright, 1967). The diet of the white-winged scoter M. fusca (Linnaeus) is about 75% molluscs (14% oysters). The diet of white-winged scoters liv- ing near commercial oyster beds in Washington, however, consisted of 50 to 70% oysters (Galtsoff, 1964; Kortright, 1967). Another study cited by Galtsoff (1964) indicated that up to 80% of the diets of greater and lesser scaup, Aythya marila (Linnaeus) and A. affinis (Eyton), respectively, con- sisted of oysters. Extent of damage to oyster populations in Chesapeake Bay caused by these birds is also unknown, but since they number in the tens of thousands (Lippson, 1973) their potential as predators is large. Competition for space is intense between oyster pediveligers and free swimming larvae of other sessile species such as barnacles, encrusting bryozoans, mud-tube- building worms and amphipods, colonial hydroids, and tunicates (Cory, 1967; Kennedy, 1980; Abbe and Yates, 1982). This competition continues after setting is completed and spat can be killed by barnacles, encrusting bryozoans, or other spat growing over the upper valve preventing open- ing or between the two valves preventing closing (MacKenzie, 1970). Mud tubes of various polychaete worms and am- phipods Corophium spp. as well as tunicates can also cover and suffocate small spat. Galtsoff (1964) described heavy in- festations of the tunicate Molgula manhattensis (DeKay) in the Oyster River, Massachusetts and in the Chester River, Maryland where dredged oysters could not be seen for the tunicates. Cory (1967) observed massive colonies of M. manhattensis in the Patuxent River, Maryland, with peak at- tachment in July and August. Abbe (1978) observed such heavy growth of M. manhattensis among tray-held oysters near Calvert Cliffs in Chesapeake Bay during autumn that even 85-mm oysters were unable to grow; spat would almost surely be killed by such overgrowth. Diseases can devastate adult oyster populations as evidenced by what is now commonly known as “MSX” caused by Haplosporidium nelsoni (Haskin, Stauber, and Mackin), a related disease caused by Haplosporidium costalis Wood and Andrews or SSO (for Seaside organism), and “Dermo” caused by Perkinsus marinus (Mackin, Owen, and Collier) (Wood and Andrews, 1962; Galtsoff, 1964; Andrews, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1982; Lippson, 1973; Cake, 1983a). New- ly set spat, however, and young oysters less than 2 years old seem relatively unaffected by these diseases (Andrews and Hewatf, 1957; Andrews, 1964; Cake, 1983a). There are diseases among larvae and spat caused by bacterial pathogens (Guillard, 1959; Tubiash etal., 1965; Sinderman, 1970; Elston and Leibovitz, 1980), but most studies have referenced conditions found in cultures and hatcheries; in- formation on field mortalities of larvae and spat caused by pathogenic bacteria or viruses is lacking (Kennedy and Breisch, 1981). Productive oyster bottom is often adjacent to barren sand bottom (Haven and Whitcomb, 1983; Abbe, 1984) and sand can be another cause of mortality among young oysters. Movement of sand and its abrasive quality can destroy young oysters (Kennedy and Breisch, 1981), and sand moved by storms can bury and suffocate spat. Dunnington (1968) demonstrated by experimental burial of oysters that survival time was as short as 2 days in summer. In October 1982 a severe storm in the upper Chesapeake transported enough sand to completely bury crab pots 0.5 m tall (personal obser- vation). Areas 1 and 3 of Flag Pond Bar near Calvert Cliffs (Fig. 2), which were of only marginal productivity before this storm, were little more than barren sand bottom when examined in early 1983 (Abbe, 1984). This volume of sand would have easily buried and killed any recently set spat. Spat can also be buried by deposition of fine sediments and by biodeposition (deposits of feces and pseudofeces of oysters and other organisms). The Chesapeake Bay, like other estuaries, is rapidly filling with sediments from rivers, shore erosion, organisms inhabiting it, and the ocean (Galtsoff, 1964; Schubel, 1977; Cake, 1983a). Some of this filling results from natural weathering of rocks and soils and cannot be completely halted; e.g., natural erosion along the western shore of Chesapeake Bay between 1847 and 1942 caused the shoreline to recede up to 140 m (Schultz and Ashby, 1967). Other filling results from increased sedimen- tation due to unsound agricultural practices and urbaniza- tion (Roberts and Pierce, 1376). Haven etal. (1981) indicated increased sedimentation in the James River during the last three decades and suggested that it could have affected spat setting. Where tidal currents are strong enough to carry away sediments and biodeposits, oysters are generally productive, but where currents are slow and sediments accumulate faster than they can be removed, burial can occur. Addition of shell cultch to areas where sedimentation rates are high, in an ef- fort to increase production, may be wasted effort as shells can act as baffles that slow the current and increase the sedimentation rate (Galtsoff, 1964). Under certain circumstances biodeposition can pose an even greater threat to oyster populations than natural sedimentation. Haven and Morales-Alamo (1966) determined that oysters deposited filtered material about seven times faster than it settled by gravity. Lund (1957) calculated that if oysters covered a hectare of bottom, they would deposit 18.7 metric tons (dry weight) of fecal material in 1 1 days. Abbe (1985) observed the effects of sedimentation and biodeposi- ABBE: FACTORS LIMITING OYSTER RECRUITMENT 67 tion on a bed of shells up to 30 cm or more thick planted by the state of Maryland near Calvert Cliffs in 1982. Spat set throughout this entire shell mass in 1982, and in 1983 the densities of 30- to 60-mm oysters were as high as 400 to 800 per m2. By 1984 these densities were reduced to 50 to 60 oysters per m2, all confined to the upper cultch layer; oysters below these had been smothered by sediments and biodeposits. SUMMARY It is apparent that many factors can work against suc- cessful recruitment of oysters. These vary in severity at dif- ferent stages of embryonic, larval, and postmetamorphic development. Four conditions are crucial to successful recruit- ment. One is the presence of an abundant population of spawning adults. Inadequate broodstocks cannot produce enough larvae to maintain or expand populations. Small broodstock size has been suggested as one reason for the decline in productivity of the seed beds in the James River, Virginia since 1 960 when MSX killed most adults in the River downstream from the seed beds (Andrews, 1983; Haven and Fritz, 1985). A second condition is clean water for pollutants can prevent eggs and embryos from reaching even the early larval stage. A third requirement is the retention of adequate numbers of larvae in the estuary as a result of its shape (trap type) or by water circulation patterns and larval movements. Clearly, without larvae that have survived to the pediveliger stage no setting can occur. The fourth factor is the availability of clean hard substratum (shell or similar material); without a place to set, pediveligers will eventually die. This condi- tion is under more immediate human control than the others, as shell material can be dredged (fossil shells) or collected (fresh shells) and planted on grounds that are thinly populated or barren, but firm enough to support it. There are many areas within Chesapeake Bay ihat could be more productive simp- ly by the addition of shell. For the oyster fishery to begin a recovery, however, all four conditions must operate together. Otherwise annual production may never reach the four to five million bushel potential. LITERATURE CITED Abbe, G. R. 1978. Oyster tray studies. In: Non-radiological environ- mental monitoring report, Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, January-December 1977, pp. 10.1-1 through 10.1-24. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. Abbe, G. R. 1981. A study of the curtain-wall oyster population at the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant during 1980. Report Number 81-26. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 29 pp. Abbe, G. R. 1983. Blue crab ( Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) popula- tions in mid-Chesapeake Bay in the vicinity of the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, 1968-81 . Journal of Shellfish Research 3:183-193. Abbe, G. R. 1984. Oyster population density on Flag Pond Bar near the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant in central Chesapeake Bay, 1983. Report Number 84-3. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 38 pp. Abbe, G. R. 1985. Oyster population density surveys in central Chesapeake Bay near the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power Plant, 1984. Report Number 85-4. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 37 pp. Abbe, G. R. and W. L. Yates, Jr. 1982. Submerged substrate studies on the Chesapeake Bay at Calvert Cliffs, Maryland, January - December 1979 and 1980 for the Baltimore Gas and Elec- tric Company. Report Number 82-9. The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia. 47 pp. Andrews, J. D. 1956. Trapping oyster drills in Virginia. Part I. The effects of migration and other factors on catch. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 46:140-154. Andrews, J. D. 1964. Oyster mortality studies in Virginia. IV. MSX in James River public seed beds. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 53:65-84. Andrews, J. D. 1966. Oyster mortality studies in Virginia. V. Epi- zootiology of MSX, a protistan pathogen of oysters. Ecology 47:19-31. Andrews, J. D. 1967. Interaction of two diseases of oysters in natural waters. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 57:38-49. Andrews, J. D. 1968. Oyster mortality studies in Virginia. VII. Review of epizootiology and origin of Minchinia nelsoni. Proceedings of the National Shellfisheries Association 58:23-36. Andrews, J. D. 1982. 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ENTRAINMENT OF OYSTER LARVAE BY HYDRAULIC CUTTERHEAD DREDGING OPERATIONS: WORKSHOP CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS MELBOURNE R. CARRIKER1, MARK W. LASALLE2, ROGER MANN3 and DONALD W. PRITCHARD4,5 ^COLLEGE OF MARINE STUDIES, UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE, LEWES, DELAWARE 19958, U.S.A. ENVIRONMENTAL LABORATORY, U.S. ARMY ENGINEER WATERWAYS EXPERIMENT STATION, P.O. BOX 631, VICKSBURG, MISSISSIPPI 39180, U.S.A. VIRGINIA INSTITUTE OF MARINE SCIENCES, COLLEGE OF WILLIAM AND MARY, GLOUCESTER POINT, VIRGINIA 23062, U.S.A. 4MARINE SCIENCES RESEARCH CENTER, STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT STONY BROOK, STONY BROOK, NEW YORK 11794, U.S.A. ABSTRACT Conclusions and recommendations developed during this workshop concerning entrainment of oyster larvae by hydraulic cutterhead dredging operations are presented, including: a) suggestions for cooperative interactions between opposing state and federal agencies over the concerns raised about dredge-induced oyster larval mortality, and b) a numerical model of oyster larval entrainment based on a set of conservative assumptions about oyster larval distribution and dimensions of bodies of water. Recognition of variability of estuarine systems in time and space by all parties involved could provide flexibility in making decisions about dredging timetables. Application of the proposal model of larval entrainment under “worst case scenarios’’ produced estimates of dredge-induced larval mor- talities between 0.005 and 0.3%, differing substantially from rates proposed by Carter (1986) on the order of 12.6 to 55.4%. Additional consequences of dredging, having possible indirect effects on oyster larvae, include: resuspended sediment, siltation and dissolved oxygen demand. We concluded that our understanding of both direct and indirect effects of dredge-induced impacts on oyster larvae are minimal. Entrainment of oyster larvae by hydraulic cutterhead dredging operations has become the subject of a dilemma between one agency charged with protecting a valuable natural resource (Maryland Department of Natural Resources) and a second charged with maintaining navigable waterways (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). This workshop brought together recognized experts to review and discuss what is known about oyster biology and hydraulic dredging and to attempt to place the subject of entrainment in perspective. After the reviews and discussions, workshop participants were asked to: a) determine if a practical numerical model of lar- val entrainment could be constructed, and if so, define the 5Authorship is alphabetical compartments and relationships between compartments and produce a set of computations for approximating compart- ment values; b) determine the feasibility of field verification of proposed model(s) and; (c) propose possible methods of monitoring a dredging project routinely for the purpose of determining the need to restrict or alter dredging opera- tions. Responses to these questions come from two workshop subsections, both working independently but ad- dressing the same questions. Objectives of this paper are a) to report the conclusions and recommendations of the workshop subsections, and b) to attempt to placed dredge- induced oyster larval mortality in perspective relative to American Malacological Bulletin, Special Edition No. 3(1 986):71 -74 71 72 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT oyster productivity. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A general consensus reached by both subsections pointed to our incomplete understanding of the distribution (Carriker, 1951; Wood and Hargis, 1971; Andrews, 1983) and behavior (Carriker, 1 986) of different larval stages of the oyster within estuaries. In addition, the uniqueness of the circula- tion patterns of different estuarine bodies of water (Pritchard, 1955) and the effects of these patterns on larval dispersal (Pritchard, 1953; Wood and Hargis, 1971) was also recog- nized. Given these inadequacies in our knowledge, any pro- posed monitoring program would be inherently flawed, and therefore would fail to provide adequate verification of any proposed model. Finally, problems encountered with samp- ling, identifying larvae and processing samples (Wood and Hargis, 1971; Mann, 1986) would make any proposed monitoring program time consuming and expensive. Any at- tempt to recommend a larval density standard for regulatory monitoring would also be premature given the inadequate understanding of larval densities and spatfall success (An- drews, 1983; MacKenzie, 1983). In spite of these limitations, both subsections proposed recommendations based upon available knowledge and com- mon sense. One subsection focused on political solutions to the problem, urging a willingness for cooperation and pro- viding suggestions for making decisions on restrictions based on the biological information at hand. The second subsection proposed a simple numerical model of oyster larval mortality based on a set of conservative assumptions about larval behavior, distribution and the dredging process. COOPERATIVE COORDINATION The basis of the problem faced by the Corps of Engineers and State and Federal agencies is as follows. Corps districts are being subjected to budgetary restraints forcing them to look for ways to reduce dredging costs. One way to lower these costs is to dredge during the warmer months of the year when operational delays are fewer and working conditions generally more favorable. On the other hand, State and Federal resource management agencies are responsible for protecting a dwindling oyster resource and are keen on maintaining seasonal restrictions on dredging in the vicinity of oyster bars, particularly during periods of reproductive activity (summer months), corresponding with optimal dredging periods. These groups have been understandably at odds, thereby hampering solution of the problem. Two approaches are proposed to ease the stalemate and provide for cooperation in the future. The first suggests that cooperation, rather than antagonism, be attempted. There is a need for all parties involved to be willing to cooperate and be reasonably flexible. The need for flexibili- ty lies in the fact that annual variability in natural aquatic systems, particularly estuaries, is to a great extent unpredic- table. Any flexibility extended at one time, by any party, should not be looked upon as setting a precedent for the future, but simply reflects a response to the variability in the natural system at a particular time and place. Site specificity is inevitable and must be a major consideration. The second approach, based on the recognition of variability and site specificity, suggests the establishment of a ranking system for sites to be dredged. This system could be based on a combination of physical criteria about the site and its perceived value as an oyster brood or settling area. A simple high and low ranking system could then be estab- lished on which discussions about restrictions could be based. In the case of low ranked sites, scheduling of dredg- ing could be more flexible. In the case of high ranked sites, strict seasonal restrictions could be justified and maintained; however, even in these cases, flexibility could be possible in the form of assigned options by using knowledge about prior and current oyster reproductive patterns in a given area. For example, if a site in the upper end of a bay experiences a wet spring, poor recruitment could be expected; in this case, relaxation of restrictions on this site might be possible for that season only. This would allow the Corps to fulfill its mission at a lower cost with minimal environmental impact on the site. This degree of flexibility would require adequate lead time and communication between the Corps and regulatory agen- cies. Another approach might include the practice, by the Corps, of obtaining multiple bids for a number of jobs or multi- ple bids on the same job at different times of the year. Both options may give the Corps, with regulatory agency input, more flexibility in scheduling jobs. Both approaches come from a group of biologists who recognize our inadequate understanding of estuarine systems. The need for flexibility, cooperation and apprecia- tion of the constraints placed upon all parties involved is thus crucial. The importance of maintaining a high level of com- munication is likewise paramount. In addition to the problem of direct entrainment of oyster larvae, regulatory agencies are also concerned with indirect effects of dredging on oysters as well as direct and indirect effects on other estuarine organisms. In this case the same level of cooperation is war- rented between parties. A MODEL OF LARVAL ENTRAINMENT A numerical model of oyster larval entrainment was developed based on a set of conservative assumptions about dimensions of bodies of water, dredging operations and lar- val distribution. The objective was to formulate a simple, easily applied model based on proportions as follows: Consider a segment of a tidal waterway through which passes a channel to be dredged having a certain width and length. The length of the entire waterway is set here, for simplicity, as the length of the channel to be dredged. A dredge operating in this channel will move a certain distance in a day. The model assumes: a) All oyster bars within the segment of the waterway are productive and suitable as settling sites for larvae. b) Late stage larvae, ready to set, are the most likely stage affected by the dredge. This larval stage is considered CARRIKER ETAL.: WORKSHOP CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 73 to be concentrated mainly in the lower water column (Car- riker, 1951; Wood and Hargis, 1971; Andrews, 1 983) and is therefore more susceptible to entrainment in the cutterhead field (McNair and Banks, 1986) which is located within 1-2 m of the bottom. c) Late stage larvae, ready to set, which have been pro- duced either from oyster bars within or outside the waterway, are distributed uniformly over the bottom of the shoal area (over both productive and non-productive areas) and the channel, but not necessarily at equal concentrations (i.e., higher densities in channels) (Andrews, 1983). d) Some late stage larvae occurring in the channel over a bottom unsuitable for setting, would rise out of the chan- nel and become distributed more or less uniformly over the shoal area. e) In the presence of dredging, late stage larvae occur- ring in the section of the channel being dredged would be lost from the population by entrainment. The parameters of the model include: Lc = total length of channel to be dredged Led = length of channel dredged per day Wc = width of channel to be dredged Ww = width of segment of waterway containing dredged channel Td = duration of dredging in days (= Lc/Lcd) Ts = duration of spawning season in days Ab = area of productive oyster bars within the waterway Aw = total area of segment of waterway containing dredged channel n = number of late stage larvae present per unit area The number of larvae present over the area of channel to be dredged per day is given by: n • Led • Wc The ratio of the total number of late stage larvae which, at a given instant of time, are over the productive oyster bars, to the total number of late stage larvae which are within the segment of the waterway containing the dredged channel, is given by: Ab / Aw Taking the term “late stage larvae” to mean larvae that are ready to set, and would set if provided a suitable substrate, then the ratio Ab / Aw also represents the fraction of late stage larvae present, at a given instant of time, in the segment of the waterway containing the dredged channel which would set on the productive bars at that specified time. A key assumption of this model is that the fraction of late stage lar- vae that are present at a given instant of time, covering any unit area within the segment of the waterway containing the dredged channel, and which will ultimately set on produc- tive bars, is also equal to the ratio Ab / Aw. In the absence of dredging, late stage larvae present in the channel would, by previous assumptions, move out of the channel and be distributed more or less uniformly over the subject area. The total number of late stage larvae that would set (N set) on the productive bars over the duration of the spawning season is given by: N set = n • Ab • Ts • + n • Led • Wc • (Ab / Aw) • Ts In the presence of dredging, the late stage larvae lost to the population (N lost) over the duration of dredging activity is given by: N lost = n • Led • Wc • (Ab / Aw) • Td The fraction of late stage larvae lost to the population due to the dredging operation (F lost) is given by the ratio N lost / N set as follows: p |0St _ n • Led • Wc • (Ab / Aw) • Td n • Ab • Ts + n • Led • Wc • (Ab / Aw) • Ts After terms are canceled out the formula becomes: F lost = Led • Wc - Td Aw • Ts + Led • Wc • Ts The number of late stage larvae ready to set, however, may not be uniformly distributed over the total area (Andrews, 1 983). In the case where more larvae per unit area are in the channel, the term n in the numerator and in the second term in the denominator would have to be set larger than the first term in the denominator. For the case of differentially distributed larvae, with m times as many in the channel as compared to the shoal, the formula for the fraction lost becomes: F lost = Aw • Ts + m • Led • Wc • Ts The proposed model was applied to an example of a wide and a narrow waterway assuming that the number of late stage larvae present per unit area (n) was 200. Example A: Wide Waterway. Assume a waterway that is 20,000 ft (6000 m) wide (Ww) with a channel to be dredged which is 10,000 ft (3000 m) long (Lc) and 60 ft (18 m) wide Wc). The duration of dredging is calculated to be 50 days (Led) assuming the dredge advances 200 ft (60 m) per day. The duration of spawning is set at 60 days. Assuming an even distribution of larvae over the channel and the shoal area (m = 1), the fraction of larvae lost (F lost), in terms of percent, is 0.005%. Assuming a waterway half as wide with twice as many larvae in the channel as over the shoals (m = 2), the fraction of larvae lost is 0.02%. Example B: Narrow Waterway. Assume a waterway that is 2,000 ft (600 m) wide (Ww) with a channel to be dredged which is 1 ,800 ft (550 m) long (Lc) and 250 ft (75 m) wide (Wc). The duration of dredging is calculated to be 90 days (Led) assuming the dredge advances 20 ft (6 m) per day. The duration of spawning is set at 90 days. Assuming twice as many larvae present over the channel as over the shoals (m = 2), the fraction of larvae lost is 0.3%. PERSPECTIVE The following comments address questions about the nature and degree to which hydraulic cutterhead dredge operations affect larval oyster populations in general. Con- clusions should apply logically to any geographic situation, and thus to all estuaries, and are not intended to reflect con- ditions in Chesapeake Bay alone. A major question arising from the workshop is: what is the ratio of dredge-induced mortality to overall oyster mor- tality? Taking the results of the application of the proposed 74 LARVAL ENTRAINMENT entrainment model as conservative, and therefore, “worst case scenarios” (0.005 - 0.3%), one could conclude that dredging imposes minimal direct mortality on the late stage larval population. A numerical model proposed by Carter (1986), however, predicts much higher rates of dredge- induced mortality. The model is based on a much larger set of assumptions about age composition, sex ratio, fecundity, spawning and larval distribution and includes all larval stages. Carter also assumes that late stage larvae are likely to be concentrated in channel areas within the bottom 2 meters of the water column where they are more likely to be en- trained. The concentration of late stage larvae in this near bottom layer in the channel is a particularly sensitive parameter in Carter’s model. Predicted dredge-induced reductions in survival ranged from 1 2.6 to 55.4% depending on when, during their larval life, the larvae are exposed to dredging and the duration of exposure. The model proposed here involves the use of ratios of the various parameters and thus avoids the necessity of making assumptions concern- ing the absolute values of these parameters. In spite of the low dredge-induced mortality predicted by the proposed model, there could be cases in which dimen- sions of the body of water being dredged, depth of the water column or densities of late stage larvae are such that larger percentages could be lost. For example, shallow sites are often cited as important settling areas and concerns are also warranted when dredging activities could intercept larvae destined for upstream settling areas. In areas where water depth is very shallow (2-4 meters), mortality of earlier stage larvae may become a major consideration not covered by the present model but discussed by Carter (1986). Again, condi- tions at specific sites must be considered. Indirect effects of dredging on oyster settling were also discussed, particularly the effect of silt (Carriker, 1 986). Just how setting is inhibited by sediment remains unclear. Levels of resuspended sediment (within 250 m of the dredge) and subsequent siltation associated with hydraulic dredging (< 4 mm thick layer of silt) (Lunz and LaSalle, 1986) are well within naturally occurring ranges for estuaries. It may be dif- ficult to separate the effects of suspended sediment resulting from dredging from other sources. As pointed out by Carriker (1986) oysters have evolved in estuaries over geologic time under fluctuating concentrations of suspended particles and are thus probably capable of tolerating a wide range of such conditions, but the specific range of levels of tolerance is undetermined. The seasonal timing of dredging could be an important factor in reducing the deleterious effect of dredged suspended sediment on oyster larvae and spat. Levels of dissolved oxygen demand in the water column and com- pounds released from resuspended sediments are also typically low and remain for only short durations (Lunz and LaSalle, 1986). The range of tolerance of oyster larvae to these several factors is undetermined and their effects can be difficult to separate from that of other sources. Presently, our understanding of oyster larval biology and direct and/or indirect effects on oyster larvae is limited and in need of furthur research. This realization is reflected in assumptions of the proposed mode! which, hopefully, will serve as a basis for testing and further elaboration of the sub- ject of oyster larval biology in general. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Victor S. Kennedy (Horn Point Laboratories, Univ. of Maryland) and John D. Lunz (U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Ex- periment Station) for their comments on early drafts of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Andrews, J. D. 1983. Transport of bivalve larvae in James River, Virginia. Journal of Shellfish Research 3:29-40. Carriker, M. R. 1951. Ecological observations on the distribution of oyster larvae in New Jersey estuaries. Ecological Monographs 21:19-38. Carriker, M. R. 1986. Influence of suspended particles on biology of oyster larvae in estuaries. American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition No. 3:41-49. Carter, W. R. III. 1986. An argument for retaining periods of non- dredging for the protection of oyster resources in upper Chesapeake Bay. American Malacological Bulletin Special Edi- tion No. 3:5-10. Lunz, J. D. and M. W. LaSalle. 1986. Physicochemical alterations of the environment associated with hydraulic cutterhead dredging. American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition No. 3:31-36. Mackenzie, C. L., Jr. 1983. To increase oyster production in the north- ern United States. Marine Fisheries Review 45:1-22. Mann, R. In Press. Sampling of bivalve larvae. In: North Pacific Workshop on Stock Assessment and Management of In- vertebrates. G. S. Jamieson and N. Bourne, eds., Canadian Special Publication, Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. No. 92. McNair, C. and G. E. Banks. Prediction of Flow Fields near the suc- tion of a cutterhead dredge. American Malacological Bulletin Special Edition No. 3:37-40. Pritchard, D. W. 1953. Distribution of oyster larvae in relation to hydrographic conditions. Proceedings Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute 5:123-132. Pritchard, D. W. 1955. Estuarine circulation patterns. Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 81 : 1-1 1 . Wood, L. and W. J. Hargis, Jr. 1971. Transport of bivalve larvae in a tidal estuary. Proceedings of the 4th European Marine Biological Symposium 4:29-44. o co X fM/m ° isp? v/y' '0%/' m wi’ Y *— ** w% i > 5 > s 'yx | * S ^ 3NIAN INSTITUTION ^ NOli si I NVINOSHIIWS^ S 3 I B VU a H LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinill' — to z \ X CO — to ^ z tu ,£ CO JS^ ^ /&mi§o\ to *•• ^ z y -i Hims^s3 1 a va a n“Ju b rar i es Smithsonian” institution N0iiniiiSNi"JNviN0SHiiwszS3 i a va a n^LI B RARI o x^rx - 2 2 xS'x „ jSSf* o S: \ CO m 'XLEi^ ^ - <40?* m to — to — CO __ ONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinillSNI NVIN0SH1IINS SBIHVaan LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOlinill -y ,.. CO X tO X - .• . 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