ERROR ANALYSIS OF HYDROGRAPHIC POSITIONING AND THE APPLICATION OF LEAST SQUARES AM Kaplan NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California • THESIS ERROR . ANALYSIS OF HYDROGRAPHIC POSITIONING AND THE APPLICATION OF LEAST SQUARES by Ali Kaplan September 1980 Thesis Advisor: Dudley Death Approved for public release; distribution unlimited, T1Q7fUl SCCU WlTY CLASSIFICATION OP THIS »Af.E rW»«w» DgM tilWiX) REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM »f»0*T NUMiTR 2. OOVT ACCESSION NO. 1. REClRlENT'S CATALOG NUMREM 4. TlTLt r«n<(lu»(m.l • • TYRE Or »tPO»T * RERIOO COVCRFD Error Analysis of Hydrographic Positioning and the Application of Least Squares Master's Thesis; September 1980 t. RERPORMINO ORG. RBRORT NUMIIN 7. AuTMOKrtJ I. CONTRACT ON GRANT NUMBERTcj Ali Kaplan » »(«»o«uiNa organization mamc and adoress Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 Tr "cwNYROLLirfo oV»rc^i»A«l<-lrirt^ooirlrii' Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 tO. RRQOJtAM ELEMENT. RROjECT, T ask AREA A MONK UNIT NUMBERS 12. HtPOUT DATE September 1980 IS. NUMBER Of RAGES 147 14. MONITORING AGENCY NAME A AOORESSTM MUmrmtt trim Controlling 0/«e«) «i. SECURITY CLASS, (ol IMi r*>ort) Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 Unclassified l»«. OECL ASSl «l C A Tl ON-' OO** GRADING SCHEDULE IE. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol t*t» m—ort) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (ol »*• •Aatrmsl tmtmf* In • >•<>* 20, II dlt1mtOIr*>»n n*fa tnlmnd Using the drms error concept, repeatable accuracy of ranging, azimuthal, and hyperbolic systems was evaluated, and methods were developed to draw repeatability contours for those systems. A brief theoretical background was provided to explain the method of least squares and discuss its application to hydorgraphic survey positioning. For ranging, hyperbolic, azimuthal, sextant angle, and Global Positioning System the least squares observation equations were developed. Specific examples were constructed to demonstrate the capabilities of this data adjustment technique when applied to redundant position observations. DD Form 1473 S/N 0102-014-6601 sccu"itv claudication o' this **Gerw»»«« o«»« e«f«r«d) Approved for public release; distribution unlimited, Error Analysis of Hydrographic Positioning and the Application of Least Squares by Ali Kaplan Lieutenant /^Turkish Navy Turkish Navy Academy, 19 74 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN OCEANOGRAPHY (HYDROGRAPHY) from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL September 1980 ■ \ ABSTRACT Repeatable accuracy of hydrographic positioning was examined in terms of the two-dimensional normal distribution function which results in an elliptical error figure. The error ellipse was discussed, and two methods for conversion of elliptical errors to circular errors were given. These methods are "circle of equivalent probability" and "root mean square error" (d ) . Using the d error concept, repeatable accuracy of ranging, azimuthal, and hyperbolic systems was evaluated, and methods were developed to draw repeatability contours for those systems. A brief theoretical background was provided to explain the method of least squares and discuss its application to hydrographic survey positioning. For ranging, hyperbolic, azimuthal, sextant angle, and Global Positioning System the least squares observation equations were developed. Specific examples were constructed to demonstrate the capabilities of this data adjustment technique when applied to redundant position observations. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION- -------- 10 II. REPEATABLE ACCURACY OF HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY POSITIONS- --------- 12 A. TYPES OF ERRORS ----- 12 1. Blunders- ------ 12 2. Systematic Errors -- ---12 3. Random Errors ---------13 B. ACCURACY AND HYDROGRAPHIC POSITIONS ----- i4 C. REPEATABLE ACCURACY - ----- 16 1. Elliptical Errors ------------ ig 2. Circular Error Approximations 23 a. Circle of Equivalent Probability- - - 23 b. Root-Mean-Square Error- -------31 D. REPEATABLE ACCURACY OF HYDROGRAPHIC POSITIONING SYSTEMS ------ 37 1. Ranging Systems - -----37 2. Hyperbolic Systems- -----------38 3. Azimuthal Systems ---- __40 4. Sextant Angle Positions 43 E. REPEATABILITY CONTOURS- ----------- 43 1. Ranging Systems ----. ----43 2. Azimuthal Systems _______ 47 3. Hyperbolic Systems- -----------51 III. APPLICATION OF LEAST SQUARES TO HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY POSITIONS - - - - - 59 A. THE PRINCIPLE OF LEAST SQUARES 59 1. Weighted Observations ----------50 2. Method of Least Squares Adjustment- - - - 62 3. Higher Order Functions 76 4. Equations for the Precision of Adjusted Quantities- ---------79 B. APPLICATION OF LEAST SQUARES TO HYDROGRAPHIC POSITIONING SYSTEM ------- 85 1. Azimuth Angle Positions ---------85 2. Sextant Angle Positions -- -92 3. Range-Range Positions --------- -101 4. Hyperbolic Positioning Systems 109 5. Global Positioning System -113 C. USE OF THE ERROR ELLIPSE IN ANALYZING THE ACCURACY OF HYDROGRAPHIC POSITIONS- - - -121 IV. CONCLUSION- - - - - _....._ -129 APPENDIX A - ANALYSIS OF RANDOM ERRORS 13 2 APPENDIX B - USEFUL GRAPHS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF REPEATABILITY CONTOURS 140 LIST OF REFERENCES - - -142 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST - - -144 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1-1 Values of constant h ________ 21 1-2 Circular error probabilities- -------- 25 1-3 Factors for conversion, K, of the error ellipse to circle of equivalent probability ------------ 28 1-4 Significant parameters of error ellipses when a1 = a-- ---------------- 29 1-5 For 90% probability interval, significant parameters of error ellipse when a, = a2- - - 30 1-6 Variations in probability as a function of eccentricity ------------ 35 1-7 Relations between 23 and 0, or 8- ----- - 55 1-8 The angle 23 and 6X C©2^ defining the 4m d contour for several values of p - - - 58 rms II - 1 For least squares solution, successive iterations applied to azimuth angle positions ------- _____ 93 II - 2 For least squares solution, successive iterations applied to sextant angle positions --- ____ 100 1 1 - 3 For least squares solution, successive iterations applied to range-range positions --------- 10° II-4 For least squares solution, successive iterations applied to GPS fixes ------- J-20 Al Linear error conversion factors for several probability levels- --------- 135 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1-1 Position location at the intersection of two lines of position- ---------- 17 1-2 Expanded view of the intersection of two lines of position and associated error ellipse ---------------- 18 1-3 Contours of equal probability areas ----- 22 1-4 Geometric dilution of precision for CEP and 90% probability interval 32 1-5 Illustration of root mean square error- - - - 33 1-6 Variation in d with ellipticity (1 d s) - 35 1-7 A hyperbolic triad- _______ 39 1-8 Azimuthal system repeatability- ------- 41 1-9 Ranging system geometry ----------- 45 1-10 For ranging systems, the graph of the drms/a and e/b" " " " ' ' 46 1-11 Repeatability contours of a ranging pair- - - 48 1-12 For azimuthal systems, the graph of the d „«./«, .v and e/b- -- _____ 50 rms/a *b 1-13 Repeatability contours of an azimuthal system- - - -- 52 1-14 In hyperbolic systems, for several choices of p, d / curves- -------- 54 r' rms/crw 1-15 Repeatability contours of a hyperbolic system (a - .01 lane width and f • 2 Mhz)- ------- - - 57 I I - 1 Azimuth angle positions ----------- 87 1 1 1 - 2 Determination of a position for azimuthal systems using the least squares method- --------------- 89 1 1 1 - 3 Sextant angle positions ----------- 94 1 1 1 - 4 Determination of a position for sextant angle fixes using least square adjustment -------------- 97 1 1 1 - 5 Determination of a position for range- range systems using least square adjustment -_____-__.--_ 106 I I I -6 Determination of a position for hyperbolic systems using the least square adjustment method- ------------------- no 1 1 1 - 7 Error ellipses formed at the determined positions - - 122 III -8 Error ellipse - -._.... 123 Al One dimensional normal distribution curve - - 134 A2 Equal probability density ellipses 137 A3 Constant probability density ellipse for correlated errors ------- 139 Bl For ranging systems, the graph of the drms/as and e/b 140 B2 For azimuthal systems, the graph of the drms/a-b and e/b- -------------- 141 I. INTRODUCTION Positioning of the survey vessel is equal in importance with depth determination in the collection of hydrographic survey data. Fundamental to an understanding of the accuracy of position information is an analysis of the various errors and their sources which must be either eliminated, compen- sated for, or otherwise modeled. The result of this analysis is that the reliability of position data can be evaluated and used to estimate the overall accuracy of hydrographic soundings . Once these potential error sources are understood, methods must be developed to quantify accuracy. Much research has been conducted in this area in the past. One purpose of this thesis is to collect and present useful concepts of error theory which apply directly to hydrographic survey. Simple graphical techniques were developed which can be used to produce accuracy contours as a function of the survey net geometry. Conventional survey techniques rely on only two lines of position (LOP) to determine a positioning fix. This introduces the possibility of significant error. In navigation, although inherently less accurate than positioning due to the techniques and systems used to determine the LOP's, three LOP's are required to produce a 10 fix. Position is adjusted graphically by placing the fix in the center of the triangle formed by the three inter- secting LOP's. This concept of taking one redundant observation can lead to significant improvement in hydro- graphic survey positioning data. Mathematical adjustment techniques such as the method of least squares may be used to determine the best estimate of position. Least square adjustments are commonly performed on land survey data where redundant observations are easily made. With the advent of new positioning systems and computer technology, making redundant observations at sea is no longer impractical. The second purpose of this thesis is to explain the basic method of least squares, and to formulate examples of the least squares adjustment pro- cedure applied to specific types of hydrographic survey systems. This data adjustment technique not only provides the best estimate of position but also may be used to deter- mine the absolute positioning accuracy associated with each data point in a hydrographic survey. 11 II. REPEATABLE ACCURACY OF HYDRQGRAPHIC SURVEY POSITIONS A. TYPES OF ERRORS It is impossible to make measurements of physical data without making errors. These measurement errors may be classified in the following manner. 1. Blunders These are mistakes which result from misreading instruments, transposing figures, faulty computations, etc. They may be large and easily observed, or smaller and less detectable, or very small and indistinguishable in the data. Blunders are usually detected through comparing repeated measurements, careful editing, and procedural checks in the data collection process. Physical measurements will contain a constant bias if these errors are not removed from the data set. 2. Systematic Errors Uncalibrated instruments or environmental factors, such as temperature and humidity changes which affect the performance of the measuring instruments, will induce system- atic errors into the observations. The occurrence of this type of error may result in a pattern which can be recognized and mathematically modeled. The simplest pattern to model would be some observable trend in the data of constant magnitude and direction. Such a trend can easily be 12 subtracted from the observations to remove the systematic error. If numerous systematic errors exist, or the errors are such that they cannot be accurately modeled, then their effect on the data must be estimated by calibration. Cali- bration is the process of comparing the measuring instrument against a known standard. The difference between the observed and known value may be used as an estimate of the total effect of all systematic errors present. Thus, calibration provides a "corrector" which must be applied to the data set. Examples of important systematic errors in hydrographic survey position- ing include instrument errors, errors in positioning control points, and variations in the propagation velocity of electro- magnetic energy. 3. Random Errors These errors result from accidental and unknown causes. Their effect cannot be removed from the observations and, therefore, must be quantified statistically. Random errors have certain characteristics which facilitate such an approach. Positive and negative errors occur with equal frequency, small errors are more probable than large errors, and extremely large errors rarely occur. The frequency distribution of random errors can be modeled mathematically by the normal distribution function. Assuming all measurement errors are independent and random, 13 thereby conforming to the normal distribution, measurement accuracy can be specified statistically by defining a con- fidence interval around the best estimate of the measured value. Procedures for computing these intervals are reviewed in Appendix A. B. ACCURACY OF HYDROGRAPHIC POSITIONS The achievable accuracy of a hydrographic survey positioning system is best described by defining the follow- ing terms: repeatability and predictability. Repeatability is a measure of the accuracy with which the positioning system permits the user to return to a specific point on the surface of the earth defined in terms of the lines of position generated by the system. Included in repeatability are the effects of random errors, errors due to net geometry, and errors resulting from the angle of intersection for the two lines of position that establish a fix. Repeatable accuracy is therefore a measure of the relative accuracy of a positioning system. Unresolved biases exist in hydrographic positions due to the presence of systematic errors that have not been subtracted from the data or compensated for as a result of calibration. Predictability is the measure of accuracy with which the system can define the location of the same point in terms of geographic (or geodetic) coordinates rather than simply the intersection of two lines of position. Thus, predictable 14 accuracy is an absolute accuracy. Using conventional hydro- graphic survey techniques, predictability could be achieved only if all systematic errors were removed from the data so that only the effects of random errors, net geometry, and intersection angle remain. For example, the lattice generated by an electronic positioning system is distorted primarily as a result of the variability in the propagation velocity of electromagnetic energy. Ideally, if there was no distortion of the electronic lattice, then the accuracy of a position, corrected for any remaining systematic errors, could be quantified statistically in terms of predictable accuracy. However, since these distortions exist, the effective velocity of propagation would have to be accurately modeled through- out the survey area. Then it would be possible to subtract the effects of this systematic error and derive positions in terms of predictable geographic coordinates. Research is currently being conducted to quantify the parameters which affect propagation velocity in order to model these values for such application [Ref. 19]. A second method to achieve predictable accuracy is by making redundant observations to establish hydrographic survey positions. If three intersecting lines of position are available instead of the usual two, the resulting fix is overdetermined, and data adjustment techniques must be applied. The method of least squares is most useful in 15 adjusting such data. Through the application of least squares adjustment techniques, the best estimate of position is found and the position' s predictable accuracy is resolved. A complete discussion of this procedure is presented in Section III. C. REPEATABLE ACCURACY In the determination of hydrographic positions, blunders are eliminated by observing strict survey procedures, and system calibration is performed in an attempt to remove system- atic errors. Because some systematic errors still remain, the accuracy of hydrographic positions must be stated in terms of repeatability. The modeling of random errors is done by using the two- dimensional normal distribution function. When the normal distribution is applied to the positional errors, the result- ing error figure is an ellipse. 1 . Elliptical Errors Hydrographic positions are determined by the inter- section of two lines of position (LOP). Because of the errors in each LOP, the actual position may lie somewhere between the error limits (shown as additional arcs either side of LOP's in Figure II -1) . The intersection of the two LOP's, together with the standard errors associated with each, is drawn to an expanded scale in Figure 1 1 - 2 . By applying the two-dimensional normal 16 4-» C •H e •r-c o 7) •H o +J 0. cU O <+-r o o i-f en c d CO T3 CN CO 3 O* CO o CO 3 o ■M c o i CD 3 22 where a is the smaller standard error. In the case of a1 = a?, equation 1 1 - 4 simplifies to e »JL . (n-5) 2 The importance of the angle 9 is that it specifies the orientation of the error ellipse according to the lines of position. 2. Circular Error Approximations In general, the use of the error ellipse is compli- cated by the problem of axis orientation and the propagation of elliptical errors. Therefore, in order to simplify probability calculations and avoid the above problems, the elliptical errors are approximated by circular errors which are easier to use and understand. The accuracy of a hydro- graphic position may then be stated in terms of a circle of specified radius about the point. Note that when the angle of intersection is a right angle and the two errors are equal, the error ellipse becomes a circle and is described by the circular normal distribution. Generally, this is not the case, and elliptical errors must be converted to circular errors. This is done by using either the circle of equivalent probability or the root-mean-square error concept. a. Circle of Equivalent Probability A circle of equivalent probability is obtained utilizing an existing table for the two-dimensional normal 23 distribution (Table II-2). This table is used with the two standard errors along the semi-major and semi-minor axes of the error ellipse (Equations Il-la, Il-lb or II-2). To find the radius of equivalent probability, equations Il-la, Il-lb or 1 1 - 2 must first be utilized to obtain the values of a and a . To enter the table the following ratios are needed x y a c * -£ where a is the greater standard error °x x and K _ Radius of circle of equivalent probability Greater standard error where K is the conversion factor needed to solve for the radius (R) of the circle of equivalent probability. The table relates varying values of ellipticity to the radius of circles of equivalent probability. Enter the table with the computed values for c and K to determine the probability for a circle of given radius, or alternately, for a given value of probability, determine the radius of the error circle. EXAMPLE II -1: The two standard errors of a positioning system estimated from field observations are a.. = a_ = 6 meters To determine the probability of location within a circle of 10 m radius when the angle of intersection, 3, is 60°, equation II-2 must be used to find a and a : x y 24 .7286070 . 7698007 . 8063000 .8384807 .8663830 . 8904014 . 9108691 . 9281304 . 9425669 .0544997 ! 9642713 I . 9721031 I . 9785518 [ . 983OO40 I . 9875807 . 9980648 . 9986257 . 0000332 . 0093281 .0006347 , . 9900958 I . 9909074 . 9900084 ; .9999990 . 9V09994 9990007 .0000908 I . 9090990 ' . 9099999 | jl. OOOOOOO I . 7206697 . 7682216 8050648 . 8374049 .8666127 .8897008 .9103102 9276964 . 9422182 9642272 . 9640698 9720304 9784275 98X5108 9875100 . 9980542 . 9986182 .9000279 .0003225 . 9995323 . 9996801 . 9997832 . 0998.145 9990033 .9990363 9999957 . 9999974 . 0990084 . 9999990 . 9990994 9999097 .9099998 .9990900 9099990 .0000000 0.3 . 4255605 . 4960683 5604457 0191354 .0723686 . 7202682 7030305 . 8008554 . 8340OI8 . 8627728 . 8875060 . 9085019 9263125 9411290 0533778 96340! 1 . 9715237 I 9780408 9H32I80 9872900 I . 9904612 j . 9929062 I . 9947727 j . 0961834 . 9972301 j .9980212 ! 9985049 i . 9090116 ! .9003112 ' . 9995246 j . 9996748 . 9097797 . 0998523 .9000018 .0990353 . 9990578 . 9999727 . 9909826 . 9999889 9099931 . 9900957 . 9999973 . 9090964 . 9999990 . 9999994 . 9099997 . 9909998 90O9O99 . 9999999 I. ooooooo . 0104170 , 0628396 1318281 . 2139084 . 3003001 .7079681 . 7532175 792U968 . 8277048 8577302 . 8834914 9053701. 9237980 . 9391586 9618415 .9622127 9706109 9773450 . 9820018 9868053 . 9901674 . 9926894 . 0946141 9960684 . 9971564 . 9979622 . 998.5533 0989824 . 9002008 9995105 0123875 .0482413 1030193 . 1742045 .2632053 .3367384 . 4170862 . 4041882 .5651564 . 6391249 6850367 . 7359558 7793.550 8169851 8403071 8768044 0001746 9197275 9350855 9493815 as a 6 0.7 08 aa i. o . 9900055 . 0000073 . 9099983 . 9999990 . 0099904 | .0009906 ' . 9090908 j . 000909V I 99000*10 I L OOOOOOO 1 9978609 . 9084880 . 998936H . 9992583 9994888 .9006506 . 9997833 . 9098412 | . 9998945 | . 0909305 . inWv-3^7 0000707 j . 9999813 . 9990881 ! . 0999025 | . . 99V99."4 . 999997 1 . 9999083 . 9999990 I .9000994 . . 9909906 I . . IfUVVn . 0990909 i . 9090099 . 0000000 I .0009377 . 0390103 . 0851535 . 1461808 .2152880 . 2914682 3699305 . 4474207 5213098 5000963 . 6524480 . 7079073 . 7507265 . 7989288 .8360816 . 8657559 . 8915536 . 9130680 9308015 9454646 9573205 . 9668H45 9745239 . 9805703 9853112 . 9977296 . 99M3892 9988677 ,9992115 , 9994.159 9990281 9007482 99983 1 I 9998878 99092UI 9099961 i 9099970 ! 0000082 I 9990"**9 9990993 j 9099**96 BBWMOft 900909*. 990009*4 00O4M '*U I 2548177 I 3280302 I 4025028 ' . 4750375 I . 5461310 . 6116316 . 6714260 7249673 7720880 . 8120287 8478303 . 8773116 9019110 9222277 9388416 9522999 9631017 . 9716934 . 97840OI 9837560 . 9878.127 . 9900944 . 9933821 . 99.11798 . 996.1205 . 9975109 . 9982356 . 0987607 . 9991376 9994053 . 990. 938 9Wt72.11 90081.17 9098776 9909191 . 1909475 . 9999661 . 9999783 . 0909863 . 9099914 . 0999947 9999967 9999980 I 9999986 I 9909093 ' •I99900U 9009908 ! 9099999 | 99't9999 ' WH8MXH* I 0071157 - 0281415 . 0621386 . 1070237 . 1020820 i . 2251114 ' . 2025.154 j . 3627122 I 4333028 i 5025700 | . 5687467 I 8306168 6873122 7383089 . 7833062 | 8220246 ' 8562471 8840624 ! 9083009 9278799 , 9437608 9565.122 9007306 | 9747495 ; 9810035 . 007134m 9979733 ! 9085792 I . 9990129 j . 9003204 . 9905364 I . 9996867 I . 9997902 . 9998608 . 999008.1 ! 9999404 I 9999610 . 99997.14 . 0000*45 | 9990902 I . 9909939 9999063 9999977 9999986 . 9999992 . 9909995 . 9999907 . 9990998 9000099 9999990 0062299 0240824 054i. .198 00.1 1 >49.1 1443941 2009797 2620373 33*3453 30.13279 4621421 . 5272462 5803404 6474304 7007900 . 7480500 7017194 8291137 861 1-238 8881.731 9115762 930.1013 9459380 . 9583739 9682098 0700523 . 9821023 . 9867.130 . 9902888 . 0020483 . 9049274 . 9063i.1l . 9074478 9982147 . 9987026 . 9991102 . 9904218 . 9006102 . 9997396 . 9908276 , 9098870 . 9090266 . 9909.127 . 0009608 . 9009800 9999881 I. OOOOOOO . 0900004 9000007 . 9099908 . 0099009 . 0909999 I" 18)55400 : 02 19757 : 0487639 I 08.10321. , 1200280 ; 1811783 j 2381183 2980700 362013.' 4257'.' I 4S8787 I 5408730 0079822 ■.02303.1 7122.140 7.174708 I 7977882 833217.1 I 803014!) ' 8901495 I 9122714 ! . 9301.821 ' 94.18085 I 9.180804 I 9t.79l36 | 971*1969 . 9817837 9864876 . 0000803 9927925 . "4048108 . 9903105 l 99741*04 j 9981.108 I 9987480 j 9001443 ; 9994208 9996119 . 9997428 9998300 I 999891 KJ | 9099292 ! . 0090548 I . 99*19715 . 9099622 j I . 0000889 j 9909932 I 99009.19 909007.1 9000085 9099001 9999905 0090007 9*109008 9999090 I. OOOOOOO 45392.10 5132477 5704426 0216889 0753475 7210627 7402.139 8021013 835525.5 8046647 . 889749.1 . 9110784 . 9289946 . 9438652 . 9500631 , 96.1952.1 . 9738786 . 9801.180 . 98.10792 9888010 9918113 9940240 99.16822 9969113 9978125 . 9984662 . 9989352 9992882 . 909.1020 . 990664.1 . 9907763 . 9998.123 . 9999034 . 999937.1 . 9990590 . 9999716 . 9999840 . 9999901 . 9999939 . 9000063 . 9990078 . 9900987 . 9099992 . 999990.1 9990097 . 999999S 9999990 I. (8)00000 Table II- 2 : Circular error probabilities CBowditch, 1977). 25 fl Sin Wl /ICos^. Using the ratio, c = -Si. - I^j . =. . 5 B and <3% 8-^6 IC s ro<^us of circle, _ 10 ^ J. . 2. enter Table II-2 with K = 1.2 and c = .58 - .6. The proba- bility is found to be approximately 67%. (The value in the table is .6714269.) EXAMPLE 1 1 - 2 : For the system described in example II-l, the radius of the error circle with 90% probability may be determined. First, entering Table II - 2 with c = .6, for 90% probability (the closest table value is .9019110), K is found to be 1.8. The radius of the error circle is equal to K times a : 1.8 x 8.48 * 15.3 meters 26 Table 1 1 - 3 is more convenient for solving problems such as in example II-2 because the table is entered by using values of c and probability, P, in order to solve for the conversion factor, K. Note that the error circles identifying the 50% probability area (circular error probable, or CEP) and 90% area (circular map accuracy standard, or CMAS) are the most frequently used probability intervals. For constant values of ff- and a , circular error probabilities vary as a function of the angle of intersection, 3, of the lines of position. To simplify the investigation of geometrical effects, the common case of a, = a? = a will be considered. Under this condition, the equations for a and a ' x y simplify to equation 1 1 - 2 . Taking the ratio of these two values, c is found to be C =. ^*/#% =.\an(fi>/z) . Using the simplified equations, significant parameters of the error ellipse have been listed in Table 1 1 - 4 as a function of the intersection angle, 3, for the 501 probability interval (CEP) and in Table II -5, for the 901 probability interval. The data shows that the radius of the error circle, R, increases as the angle of intersection decreases. In the last columns, the error factor is defined as Frrnr fartnr = R (at an>" intersection angle) trror tactor R (at g - 90u) 27 3 w— a r* a » — 3 — CS3^-. I- :»x r» 3 ^ »S3 « 3 — — — ?* ••C* rt -*«?.-! _.. ._ — , — a is 13 = 53 i§2 -r x 3 flirt £ 'sis — — Kt — » iC — — > ?• ?»S*e* fl fl fl a 3 3 = 3 «3 ■» 3«3 3»3 = 31 1 --- M«e* •"5?5« St — — n 3 i*1!* 3S»<3 x-s-e a«s — J5 fl IIS »3- — ^ c» ^ — ^» = 53 a — fl 3-- r»e»e» ;«?»« 3' 3»«? 333 a — a •«?»■» ETC 3 Z 3 u- 3 — — ?■«*• S»» 333 a»^s 3 — ^ X 3 - 3 — — 9*C*« !■»«?» si * 3 "" f»— 3 x a jo ?!33 ; *-- — s»e» ?««« 1— — rjp. 33S 33^ 3 — — — e»« j»»m »»l- §£3 3-- m ■ p* 333 3S3 «3n — s»e» finn !Z3 ^-- -C^otf 323 133 3>-3 a 3 = 3 a a t/J • •H t»* iH t>. rH C* O (H >-• • j- o o o Stfj o «-* •H -H en XJ f-i cO > O fi f-i o Q« u +-> *-. c 0 o CO en > M-H O 3 ■M O* U O CO o .. /"*> X a. o D D o t> D o 5 w to. vO CO CM o OO o O D O u to 00 CM Cn CM O CM rH LO CM c/» v ' iH I-l CM CM »3- LO vO O OO LO +J s c3 ■M cd o •H c oo •H C/J to to en X O o D o . O o o o "ej- *3- CM to. D D D o o tO iH to ^ vO -=r vO o iH CM ^J- vO OO O to O Oh W CJ J* o • H O CM CM 00 o to eg eg eg to \o o\«> o o lO G G G G G G G o o C7> ^ oo O rH oo LO r^. to rg LO N — ' r-l i—i to to oo pH rr LO r- to eg CM eg rg rg to to vO to m 00 a* vO OO in rg r- rg r- U"> rg m o oo vO in *3- t^ o vO \o vO rg en o r^ vO o to o r- vO o 00 r- in ■^ «3- oo vO r- vO vO r~ co to rg rH o u ■p s rg nj O o •H II 10 J-i a O •H f-i • tH U /— > •H 0) r- XI r-^ n}«HOi 43 O rH O *-• tf) •> &. 5- 4) O o\» ■M +J O S'G rt 3: u r-l O o 00 r^ vO m ■*t •^i- to rg rH 30 or a multiplier by which the error circle radius, R, at any intersection angle may be computed from the radius of the error circle at 3 = 90°. For example, from Table II -4 it is seen that at a 50° intersection angle, R is 1.206 times greater than the radius at 3 = 90°. As seen in Tables 1 1 -4 and 1 1 - 5 , the optimum accuracy is obtained when the intersection angle, 3, is 90°. It can be said that the geometric dilution of precision (GDOP) is minimum for a 90° intersection angle. Thus, the error factor defined in Tables II -4 and II -5 is commonly known as GDOP. Effects of geometric dilution are shown in Figure II-4 for CEP and 901 probability interval (CMAS) . Acceptable intersection angles for LOP's used in fixing hydrographic positions usually range between the limits of 30° and 150°. As seen in Figure II -4, the radius of the 90° probability interval circle is increased by a factor of two near the acceptable limits for hydrographic fix angles. Correspond- ingly, positioning accuracy is decreased by a factor of two. b. Root -Mean Square Error (d ) ^ v rms The root -mean-square error, d , is defined as n ' rms ■ the square root of the sum of the squares of the error components along the major and minor axes of the error ellipse. To calculate the d error, first equations Il-la, lb or rms II -2 are utilized to obtain the values of a and a . Then x y the definition of d is used, rms ' 31 «0 - 10 10 Cu O Q a 1.0 «V*o-, C£f-S0% J L ' ' I I L !_l I I L O A tO U « M N TO N N IM l» 120 IM 140 ISO IM 170 Angle of intersection Figure II -4: Geometric dilution of precision for CEP and 90% probability- interval (Bowditch, 1977). Tms = i£7tT = feFZ «3 (II-6) where a » cr is the semi -major axis of the error ellipse and b s a is the semi-minor axis. Alternately, formulas II -la and II -lb are sub- stituted into the definition of d error (equation II-6) rms and a more useful form of d „ is obtained in terms of rms a.., a- and the angle of intersection, 0: 6 - 1 uF+ rf (II-7) SCn£ Figure II -5 illustrates the definition of d error. 32 drms = 7 ^2 I crv2 Figure II -5: Illustration of root mean square error. One d is defined as the radius of the error circle rms obtained using one ax and one ay as the semi-major and semi- minor axes of the error ellipse. Two drms is defined as the radius of the error circle obtained using two times the a and a values . x y The value of d does not correspond to a fixed probability interval for given values of ol and o2. It corresponds to a fixed probability interval only when 3 = 90° and a. ■ a- so that the resulting probability figure is a circle. In the elliptical cases, the probability associated with a fixed value of drms varies as a function of 33 the eccentricity of the error ellipse. This can easily be seen with an example using Table II - 2 . First, consider a = 15 m, a - 10 m, a y drm, = VOS^TOO^ =!6m, C=5L=.G66 ond ^ roi§- sl.1 . For c = .666 table values must be interpolated. Enter Table II -2 with c = .6 and c = .7 for K = 1.2. The correspond- ing table values are found to be .6714269 and .6306168. Thus the probability of 18 m d is found to be 64.78%. Secondly, consider a = 17 m, a = 6 m^ C= V|7-.= .353 and *=iL.±-059. IT The interpolated probability from Table II -2 is 67.41. As seen above for the two cases, d errors are equal but ' rms c values (eccentricity) are different. As a result the corresponding probabilities are 64.78% and 67.4%. Table II-6 shows the variations in probability associated with the values of 1 d„m~ and 2d „ as a rms rms function of eccentricity (a /a ), and Figure 1 1 - 6 shows the y 3c same information graphically for 1 d error. ° r ' rms 34 Probability 1 d 0 .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 .6 .7 .8 .9 1.0 rms .683 .682 .682 .676 .671 .662 .650 .641 .635 .632 .632 2 d rms .954 .955 .957 .961 .966 .969 .973 .977 .980 .981 .982 Table II -6: Variations in probability as a function of eccentricity (Bowditch, 1977). aMO aMO Id rma O.fTO O.MO 1 o.«so 1 0.4*0 0.«30 I.I a«zo O.CI0 .1 » Figure I I -6: 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.9 04 07 O.i 0.9 1.0 Variation in d with ellipticity (1 drmc.) CBowditch, 1977). rms 35 As seen in Table 1 1 -6 , the probability that the position will be within the 1 d error circle ranges from 68.3% when a = 0.0 to 63.2% when a = a and two d ranges from 95.4% to 98.2%, respectively. In Equation II -7, the d error was given assuming the errors in each line of position are independent. If the measurement of line of position #1 is related to measurement of line of position #2, then there is correla- tion between a., and a • e.g., a, is dependent on a2»or a change in a, produces a corresponding change in a2. In this case, the equation for the root mean square position error is given as (II-8) where o is the correlation coefficient between a- and o?. Two different derivations of this equation are presented in the following papers: Bigelow (1963) and Heinzen (1977) [Refs. 2 and 10] . In summary, root mean, square error is easy to obtain mathematically, and it yields relative values of accuracy which are normally understood. Therefore, in subse- quent sections, d will be used to explain the repeatable accuracies of hydrographic positioning systems. 36 D. REPEATABLE ACCURACY OF HYDROGRAPHIC POSITIONING SYSTEMS 1. Ranging Systems In ranging systems, the lines of positions are drawn as circles centered about each control station. The repeat- ability of this type of system is a function of the inter- section angle, 3, and the random errors associated with each line of position. The two ranges are independent of each other. There- fore, the correlation coefficient, p, is zero, and d is ' ' v* ' rms given by Equation II -7 which is repeated here : (III-9) 5wp drms = i \£*7- Usually, the standard errors of the two shore stations are equal. The system standard error, a , of a time measuring positioning system is given as °1 = °2 = as * The system standard error, a , of a phase comparison positioning system is computed as a fraction of the lane width so that a1 = a • = aw = a , where a is the standard error of range in fractions of a lane (i.e., a = .1 lanes) and w is lane width. Then Equation II -9 reduces to 37 d_ = JE g* (n-io) where a is the system standard error. s ' As seen from the above formula, the d is smallest at a 90° intersection angle and becomes large as $ approaches 0° or 180°. 2. Hyperbolic Systems As in ranging systems, the repeatable accuracy of hyperbolic systems is a function of intersection angle and random errors. Because landwidth is not constant for hyper- bolic systems, the change in lane width must also be quanti- fied. As the user moves away from the base line between the master and a slave unit, the lane becomes wider due to the divergence of the hyperbolic LOP's [Ref. 8], This divergence is expressed as an expansion factor, E ; %- 1/sin C9±/2) 3 where 0. is the angle between the radius vectors from the position at p to the master and the respective slave station CFigure II- 7) . Then the standard error of one line of position at p is _ CW Ca) 2 38 i t f s r,y ^^f* ^^^/fl o^\'/' s\iAstJ ''*/N * / **i S\ h / i i \/ / / S1 \ s s s i / s t / • i i • i / s s i / ^s s i / * ■ # * M _i d\ \ \ \ Figure II-7: A hyperbolic triad where a is standard error in the base line in fractions of a line, w is lane width and E expansion factor. The hyperbolic LOP's bisect the angle between the radius vectors from p to master station and the respective slave station. Therefore, the angle of intersection, 6, is P = 2 (b) Substituting equations (a) and (b) into II -8, d becomes Pms = C*NX/ 1 _i lpCosfo*Q*/Q Sin S! . SJo *£ (II-1D 39 In a triad (three-station net) one range is common to both lines of position. Therefore, the correlation coefficient is not zero. Bigelow (1963) [Ref. 2] assumes a value for the correlation coefficient, ©, of 0.33 while Swanson (1963) [Ref. 14] gets £ = 0.4. Since the determination of this value is based on observations comprising a statistical sample, the most conservative value of d may be obtained by using £ = 0.4. 3. Azimuthal Systems In an azimuthal system, whether it is optical or electronic, the lines of position are radial vectors eminating from each of the shore stations. The repeatability of such systems is dependent upon the angular resolution of the system, and the angle of intersection of the radial vectors. The errors of position depend on: (1) the distance, r, along the radial, (2) the angular resolution, a, in degrees, (3) the angle of intersection, 3. The angular error may be expressed as an arc distance perpen- dicular to the respective radial at p as Cl = rH°- (a) 57-29fe ' where r is the distance along the radial , a is angular resolu tion, and 57.296 is conversion factor from degrees to radians 40 tfi - hiL^ ^\ <*v 1 w / Ls^ ^^ C ^^ • 1 / NOvN ! ' X^ My 9l Is t b — »< Figure II -8: Azirauthal System Repeatability The two shore stations are independent; therefore, the corre- lation coefficient, £, is zero. Substituting Equation (a) into H-7, 51-236 *infc (H-12) Applying the sine law to the triangle shown in Figure I I -8, it is seen that 41 where Sin [180° - (9 + e2)]= Sin 3 = Sin (e'.j + Q 2) and b = baseline distance. And Equation 11-12 may be written as drms =. 2dfe . — \/Sm2e, ^Svn^Ga' . (11-13) 5-F.196 s\oa(e^©^ Bigelow (1963") [Ref . 2] approximates Equation 11-13 by- letting Then Equation 11-13 reduces to dr,r,s - — 2=i — CII-14) Equation 11-14 is the approximate form of Equation 11-13. However, Equation 11-14 is easier to compute and the error introduced is negligible. For a = .03°, b = 8000 meters, 9-, s 80°, 92 = 30°^ comparing the equations 11-13 and 11-14: using 11-13 <4 _ (-o3Ueooo) . __£ „ ^SJna80fl+ Sin^O0' - 5.2m . rms using 11-14 57- 19* Sv**(fco°*3fl A _ (-03U8O0O) 1 _ s e _ urms — — * — - -*• j Figure 11-10 was constructed to show the relationship of drms/a and e/b as a function of intersection angle, 3. Using this graph, selected contours of constant d may be drawn as in Figure 11-11. First, plot the location 44 Figure II -9: Ranging system geometry. of the two shore stations at a convenient scale. Draw a perpendicular bisector to the line joining them. Using Figure 11-10 determine the values of e/b for the desired d „„ contours. From the known value of b, determine distance rms ' e for each contour. Lay off distance e along the perpen- dicular bisector to define the center, 0, of the desired constant d„„,„ circle. The radius of the selected contour rms is the distance from the center, point 0, to the shore stations. 45 Example II -3: A phase comparison range -range positioning system has standard error as " .01 w (lane width) It operates at 2 Mhz frequency. The distance, b, between two shore stations is 20,000 m. t -j*u v „ 300,000 7C „ Lane width, w = ^ = 2 x^QoO * 75 m i a » aw s 7S x .01 a .75 m . s For the 2 m d „ contour, d^/a ■ 2/. 7 5 s 2.66. rms rms s Enter Figure 11-10 with drms/as - 2.66 which intersect the d /a curve at 85°. Follow the 85° line vertically to 100 50 40 30 20 10 1 N ^ — — rH -±- \ I I kt i i \ 1 i \| N s \ J b > \ ^ l ^ \ ^ s»^ vj s*_ rr • ^v ^ •^ 9K J .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 .06 .05 .04 10° 170° 20° 160° 02 30° 40°50o60370o80o90° 150° 140° 130° 120° 110° 100° Figure 11-10: .£3 O O tn Intersection angle, 3, in degrees For ranging systems, the graph of the drms/as and e/b. (For enlarged figure, see Appendix B.) 46 the e/b curve. It intersects at e/b = .043. For this specific pair where b = 20,000 m, e = b (.043) = 860 m Using the described technique, the 2m d contour can be drawn, and the result is shown in Figure 11-11. Thus between the 2m d contour for 3 = 85c and the 2m dmi. rms rms contour for 3 = 95°, the d„m error for the described system ' rms will be < 2m. 95% of the time. Note that when the angle of intersection, 3 = 90°, d error is minimum. Therefore, as 3 increases toward 180° or decreases toward 0°, d becomes larger. Because ' rms the tangent of the angles greater than 90° is negative, e values will be negative as well. Thus, the center of the constant d,.^ circles, for angles greater than 90°, rms ' ° ° * will be on opposite side of the baseline. As shown in Figure 11-11, d m_ error increases as the baseline is approached. ' rms r Contours for d „ values of 3, 4 and 5 meters may be constructed rms ' J by following the procedures outlined above. 2. Azimuthal Systems For azimuthal systems, d error is given by ' rms Equation 11-14 as rrns TZ — T7^ 1 ^ a 5f - 296 S»n £ ^o £ /% 47 / /^^ ^"^\ \5m / / \4m \ / / / ^m(^m3m \ '^^/\\2m / / <\^\X \\(£-85") / / / \ Nv \\ Vrlm / / / \ N. M l/*=95-V / / Figure 11-11: Repeatability contours of a ranging pair. 48 where a is the angular resolution, measured in degrees, b is the distance between two azimuth stations and 3 is the intersection angle of radial vectors which is defined by the equation 8 = 180° - (6, + 9-) (Figure II-8). As with ranging systems, the intersection angle, 8, is the only geometric factor contributing to d . Constant error con- tours are obtained in a similar fashion. Writing the Equation 11-14 with 2a error (approximately 95% probability interval) as irms a'b nTT (5?. 296) S(n £ ■ Svo P/x where a = angular resolution and b = baseline distance. Since e/b ■ 1/(2 tan 8), a graph is drawn showing drms/a*b and e/b as a function of intersection angle, 3 (Figure 11-12) Figure 11-12 provides a convenient means to obtain the values of e distance for a selected d if a and b rms are known. Example 1 1 -4 : The distance, b, between two azimuth shore stations is 2,000 m. Angular resolution of the station is ax = a2 = .01°. For the 2 meters d contour rms rms 2 ., ~a7F ' .01 x 2000 ' -1 49 .1 etf s .05 0.04 M-4 o .03 (A 3 .02 r-( Ctt > .01 "V _.......__ ... m . -> st 1 V f s I I -1 - !\ 7 N. \i I \ 1 dfms a»b V * V* LX-e ! p* b / ) \i 1 / • / 1 / +», — s 10 20 30 40 50 100 Values of angle 3 (in degrees) .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 tf .04 «M .03 3 U) .02 ,i d > .01 200 Figure 11-12: For azimuthal systems, the graph of r£21i and" -i. a-* CFor enlarged figure, see Appendix B.) 50 Enter Figure 11-12 with d /a»b = .1 which intersects the d /a-b curve at 44°. Follow 44° line vertically to the rms ' e/b curve, which intersects at e/b = .52. For this pair where b = 2,000 m, e = 2,000 x .52 = 1040 m. Using the technique as described for ranging systems , the 2m d error contour may be drawn (Figure 11-13). Other contours are computed in same manner. Note that when 6 > 90°, the tangent value is negative and the center of constant d circle will be on the opposite side of the baseline. For azimuthal systems, the minimum d_„ error is found at 3 = 109°. rms 3. Hyperbolic Systems The root mean square error for hyperbolic systems is given by Equation 11-11 as rms - \/ + + — £ s™ P V Sm1 ©» S»'oa 5> Svn Si . Sin ®i x i a. ± (11-11) where a is the standard error along the baseline between the master and respective slave station in fractions of a lane, w is the lane width and 8 is the intersection angle which is equal to 91 + 92 3 = _J^ — £ (Figure II-7). 51 Figure 11-13: Repeatability contours of an azimuthal system 52 Equation 11-11 is written with 2a error as + ei _ _x_£_ or p= a + ea _ n$ e. e, e2 8a. The parameter, p, is computed with the smaller of the two angles, a, or a-, in the denominator. Thus when p = 2 the master station is positioned on the bisector of the angle subtended by two slave stations, p = 3 places master station on one of the two trisectors, and so on (Table II-7). Knowing the angle subtended by the two slave stations at a particular point, Figure 11-14 may be used to develop contours of constant d_ „. First determine the d /aw ratio rms rms for a selected d__ . Enter Figure 11-14, for several values rms & ' of parameter p, and read the corresponding values of angle 28 Using the relation between 26 and 6, (8-) (Table 1 1 -7) , plot these angles, 26 and 0, (9-) , on a conveniently scaled chart 53 C/V e o en 3 > 200. 300. 2$, in degrees Figure 11-14: In hyperbolic systems, for several values of p, d /crw curves, rms 54 p 91 °r 92 2 (2S)/2 3 (26)/3 4 C23D/4 5 6 7 8 9 10 (23)/5 (23)/6 (28)/7 (23)/8 (2S)/9 (23)/10 Table II -7 : Relation between 23 and 6.. or 6 55 with a three arm protractor. Interpolating between the points, draw the d contour. The curve thus determined defines the rms location of a selected d contour for the specific conditions rms of triad configuration. Example 1 1 - 5 : A hyperbolic system has standard error, a, equal to .01 lanes along the base line. It operates at a frequency of 2 Mhz. Triad configuration is as seen in Figure 11-15 : i -j^u v 300,000 -c lane width, w = ^ = 2 x'2>00o = 75 m aw = 75 m x .01 = .75m, For the 4 m d „ contour ,d_/aw = 4/. 75 = 5.32. Enter rms ' rms Figure 11-14 with d /aw = 5.32. For several values of p, read the corresponding values of angle 2$. Determine the values of angles 9 or 6 according to Table 1 1 - 7 . For the 4m contour, these values are shown in Table II-8. Using a three arm protractor, the points defining the 4m d contour r ' r & rms may be plotted. The other contours are drawn in a similar manner (Figure 11-15). 56 vO e . . ^/^ ■*- 0 c c • u tn Figure 11-15: Repeatability contours of a hyperbolic system Co - .01 lane width, and f ■ 2 mhz) 57 o o U"J m • m oo CD o 0 in LO • • in oo <5f "* rH o ^t II II ct> !-H f~\ i — \ "3- CM rH ii CD CD II \mJ S_^ ao. rH CM D< CM O CD O o 0\ o\ CD o> rH O 00 II II C\ CM /"~\ r"*"» CM rH 11 CD CD v_/ v_/ CQ i— 1 CM CM CD CD O o 00 in o m rH O *1- II II vO i-H i — \ r— \ ro CM rH II CD CD II \_/ v— ' CO- rH CM a, CM CD CD • O O tn to t^- t^. o vO ir ir «* rH rmm \ r— \ CM CM rH II CD CD 11 v— / «>_s CO. rH CM a CM CD CD Pi O CO O 3 rH > rH > to o m rH 3 O ■P c o o to s rH a+(s/^+ + Wasmin\«im1 (III-2) T or in matrix form: V V = minimum. 1. Weighted Observations In general, some of the observed values may be more precise, and, therefore, entitled to have greater influence upon the result. Observations are assigned values called weights corresponding to their quality or worth. The assignment of weights to observed values is largely a matter of judgment. For example, if one set of measurements of a distance was made with four repetitions and another was made with eight repetitions, the mean of the second set of observations may be given twice the weight 60 of the first set. Or, when measuring angles in azimuth angle positions, the atmosphere may be so unsteady during one obser- vation that the observer arbitrarily assigns a weight of one half. As a general rule, if a standard error, a, has been computed for a set of observations, then weights are usually estimated according to the equation i*J£- , (III'3J \jvr ■= , y + C» "i + -h ki = £j (III-5) Qo* +tny + cni + kn -= Gn 4 where a's, b's, c's, etc. are coefficients of unknowns x, y, z, etc. and the k's are constants. Because the observations (G, , G_ G ) are not v 1 ' 2 n free from random errors, each G- must be corrected by a residual value, v., in order to obtain a mathematically correct equation system. Thus, Qo^ + ^>n9 + C-nt-t- -- + kn = Gn-fVn (III-6) Introducing a new notation &, = G.. - k1 , £ = G2 - k2 etc., the following equation is obtained; 63 +■ - — -«. -v. (III-7) ortx + b ny -t- cn^ t- -•?« *v, or in the matrix form, V = AX - L (III-8) This equation is called the observation equation or observa- tion equation matrix, where nX = n A n m Oi , Vm , Ci Ql > ba , Cx -- rr» t i i Qn j «n ^ ^n rnn x = X y n 'x» „L, 4. 64 In the above matrices, the subscript n denotes the number of observations and m denotes the number of unknowns. For a group of equally weighted observations, recall that the following condition must be enforced in order to perform a least square adjustment: 2_ Cv^) — minimum , Ul or in the matrix form, T . . V V = minimum Substituting the value for the V matrix from the observation Equation III -8 where V = AX - L , VT\/ = (AX-L^IAX-L) = UTAT- C) I M.-0 (-from motrv* al9ebra) = KTATAX - KTATL - LTAX + Cl_ and from matrix algebra, L7A^ -= )OATl- •> then VTV = XTA'AX - 2 X'A'L +LtL . 65 The minimum of this function can be found by taking the partial derivatives of the function with respect to each unknown or with respect to the X matrix (which contains all of the unknowns) and equating it to 2ero, i.e.: _(VT\M =2^A^-2^i- =0. -a* Dividing by 2, the following result is obtained: A7A*- ATi_ - O 11-9 ) This is called the normal equation. In conventional notation, the normal equation (III-9) becomes Coa] * + tafcly + Zcxcl-t + CaJ] -0 [fcal * + CWbly +Ctc3z + -Lbf] -0 fcalx 4 Ccb]y +Cccl-J v _Cei3 ^0 [nalx + CnV>3y +tncli^ -Cnil *0 , where the symbol [ ] denotes the sum of the products, i.e., [aa] = aiax + a^ ♦ a3a3 + *. anan, [ba] = b^ + b2a2 + bea3 + + b a . n n 66 T In Equation III-9, A A is the matrix of normal equation coefficients of the unknowns. Multiplying Equation T -1 I I I -9 by (A A) and reducing, the solution is obtained. (ATAVA(ATMK - (*TAfVTL ^0, Equation III -10 is the basic least squares matrix equation for equally weighted observations. The matrix X consist of best values for the unknowns x, y, z, etc. For a system of weighted observations the funda- mental condition is ft ^_ sV C L^l) = rruoimocn , or in the matrix form 3 V >CwV s minimum. The normal equation matrix is derived similarly to the unweighted case. AT^KX - AT^/L *0 , (in-ii) or in conventional notation } 67 C\Naal* + C^qVjI _>. _\LvA/afl L^bal* + Cv/WV>l + _Lwb/l ; ; i ! ! I I J I Lwnolx + Lv/nbl ^ ..twnfl = o = 0 In Equation III-ll the matrices are identical to those of the equally weighted equation, with the addition of the matrix, \^/, which is a diagonal nxn matrix. In detail, W becomes \N = 0 0 0 Wa 0 0 0 W3 0 0 0 VJl+ (111-12) where according to Equation III-3, Wo » k* NA/ x a ©Vc The best values of unknowns are obtained by solving Equation III-ll as 68 * = ( A^nWAV1 ATWL. (hi-13) From the combination of Equations III - 8 and III-9 or 1 1 1 - 8 and III-ll, it is seen that AT ( V -r O - AXL = O At\n (v+O - at\a/l -0. or Therefore, ATV=0 or ATWV=0. (111-14) Equation 111-14 can be used as a check on the computation. Example III-l1: As an elementary example illustrating the method of least squares adjustment by the observation equation method, consider the following equally weighted observations : -*l - *2. - ** =-6. ^he numerical values of this example problem were taken from Ref. 17, page 517. 69 These four equations relate the three unknowns x,, x? and x, to the observations. By including residuals, the equations may be rewritten as observation equations as follows: 1 *t + 3 %a -i- X* = \0 + v» or in matrix form, ^ = «<\A-^i. ' where A- 13 1 10 v, T 1 -1 J *= ** j L^= 5 J V = Mi -i -l -i L *3 -6 % 70 The normal equation is ATA X. "" ATL — O; K* = 2 i 1 -1 1 3 -2 X -i 1 3 -1 -i -i ATL = 2 i -1 3 -2 i _1 1 B -2 -i 3 1 -2 3 i -2 — -i -1 55 11 -8 12 15 "^ -8 - 25 - • - ATAs*-ATL = 55 |l -Q 12 is -4 -* "^ 15 - - 52 Ka — 29 *3 25 — — = 0 -1 And the solution is X = (ATA') A^L- ; (ATA^- .022859 -.OI6187 -0o?87^8 -.016197 .083233 .0135613 .007875 * 01*562} .074^83 71 *« .022853 -.oi6lS? , OOlZl-h* -. 0i4*S> .083233 . C»3S623 .00?8?5 .OI35&23 * 07*1*1 83 Si 29 25 X = - 9i tl 1-9H09 2.^88 Thus the best values for the unknown parameters x, , x? and x_ are Xl = .9161, x2 = 1.91109 and x3 = 2.66488. This computation was performed by requiring that T V V = minimum. Thus, when the best values are used in the equation V = AX - L, the resulting minimized residuals can be found. If the minimized residuals are applied to the observations then the observations are said to be adjusted, V^ A*-L » X 3 i 1 -2 3 1 i -1 -i -i -i -9161 10 1.91109 — 5 3 — 2*6649 -6 „ . , 23035 ■ 08856 -<0S9? .SOT93 72 . 23035 V = . 08856 . 50733 Then adjusted observations are G., = 10.23035, G2 = 5.08856, G3 = 2.9403 and G4 = -5.49207. T Computational check: A V must be equal to zero according to Equation 111-14 . ATV = 2 i T -i - 23 035 3 -2 i -1 . 08856 --OS9T — 1 3 -2 -L - S0t9J »000 .000 .ooo According to the theory of probability, the above values of x, , x~ and x^ have the highest probability of occurrence. Example III -2: Suppose the constant terms 10, 5, 3, and -6 of the observation equations of Example I I I - 1 represent measurements having relative weights of 1, 2, 2, and 3, respectively. Using weighted least squares, best values for x, , x2 and x^ will be calculated. 73 The observation equations in Example III-l were 1*1 -*■ 3*2 t *3 s 10+Vi f X, + %2 - 2 X3 = 3> -t ^i or in the matrix form> V = AX - L where * = 2 3 1 i -1 3 T i -2 "A -i -1 ,** *2 X3 , L- 10 5 3 -6 V = v, *3 The normal equation for weighted observations is ATvVAX -AT\A/L =0, where weight matrix VV is a diagonal matrix of weights as follows : w = i o o o 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 J. 74 AT>A/A» 1 1 ? -1 3 -2 i -1 i 3-1-1 . 1 0 O 0 0 2 0 0 oo2o 0 0 o 3 2 3 A 1 ^2 3 7- 1 -2 -i -1 -1 — 19 21 -10 -ff -10 30 h?\NL-* a i "f -i 3 -1 i -1 1 3 -1 -i 10 0 0 \o 9o 0 2 c o 0 o 1 o 0 o o 3 — 5 3 -6 =■ 3^ ■* •> am A"\n/A*- At\A/L = 10? 19 -17 13 22 -10 -a -io io ■1 X. - 90 Xl - Zh -N *3 *6 = o The solution is t = (ATvVA ) A\VL ; * - .0113839 --0OSI3I4 ,00^74 -.oo3\3^ ,0592795 ,015185 .00*74 .0\5>S54 . 04 0 51 47 90 3f X = . Sioi i-9856 2.H66 ►«■ %i*.91-0i , K1= 1.3654 qoA *3 = 2..TU6 75 Residuals are found using Equation 1 1 1 - 8: V=AX-L= 2 3 i 1-2 3 * i -2 -1 -i -1 .9201 1,9356 2.?lt6 _ — \o 5 3 -6 . Computational check: ATW\/ .5136 -.oo69 . mi must be equal to zero. ATWV = X 1 * -i 3-2 1 -1 i 3-2-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 3 - 5136 .005 •098? — oo63 3 .000 .sm - ooo 3. Higher Order Functions The observation equations presented by Equation III-8 are linear equations. If this relationship is nonlinear, thus defined by a higher order function, then the observation equations must be linearized in order to apply the least square adjustment method. Defining the general observation equation as G = f(x, y) , where f represents a non-linear function. The function must be linearized by Taylor series expansion or by some other method. The best values of x and y can be 76 regarded as the sum of an approximate value x , y and a small correction Ax, Ay. Therefore x = xQ + Ax and y = y + Ay and the above function is written in. the following form G n f(xQ + Ax, yQ + Ay). Using Taylor series expansion the observation equations may be linearized. Gt sf (x0J \j0) i- M_ A* + ILL- Aj + \Al9her orcier Urms . (111-14) The higher order terms in the series are neglected and only the zero and first order terms are maintained. After linearization, the observation equations become Vi* ■ay0, -S- (111-15) ^n = 77 or in the matrix form, V = AX - L, where A^ ■ — ) ~J — D%0 5£a "OUo r- -\ * = N/ = L = V, ! i i The remainder of the least square procedure is the same as indicated by Equations III-9, 111-10 or III-ll, 111-13. In the linearization process, the higher order terms were neglected. For this assumption to be valid, Ax and Ay should be small so that their products in the series expansion approach zero. (Ax • Ay = 0) . This can be achieved only if the values of x and y are very close to the values of x and y. Therefore, x and y must be precomputed, or the original assumed x and y must be improved by successive iterations until the adjusted observations equal the measured values . 78 4. Equations for the Precision of Adjusted Quantities After calculating the best values of the unknowns, or X matrix, the V matrix, or the adjustments to the observations, can be computed from the observation equation which is V = AX - L, whether the observations are weighted or not. Using the V matrix, the standard error of an obser- vation of unit weight is given by the following equations [Ref. 17] : for unweighted observations, "° = #fe =\l^k 5 ^-^ for weighted observations, (To ^ (III-16b) where a0 is the standard error of an observation which has unit weight, n is the number of observations, m is the number of unknowns. 79 Standard errors of the best values for the unknowns are then given by the following equation: ^C = cr0 sj^~i t (111-17) where a. is the standard error of the ith adjusted quantity, e.g., the quantity in the ith row of the X matrix, a is the standard error of unit weight as found by Equation III-16a or III-16b, T - 1 q.. is an element of, for unweighted case, (A A) T -1 or, for weighted case, (A WA) matrix. T -1 T -1 If the (A A) or (A WA) matrices are written in detailed form as Ru Rn Ri3 • — \ .23035 • 08B56 _. 0059T . 50T93 J * VTV- .319 , crv si .319 S 81 The standard errors of the best values are given by- Equation III -17 as \ = yf%ii • For unweighted observations, q. .'s are the elements T -1 of [k A) which was calculated in Example III-l. (AWT1- • 02X859 -„o»6l8fl. .00~FS>5 --OlfeiSi ,083233 . 0135&1B . 00?8^5 , 0t2>5fc23 . 0?44-S3 — Co n q 33 565 V ,021855 s -085, = . 5&5 \Z.0?4zfS'il = -ie>i+. T -1 In the (A A) matrix, off diagonal terms are used to find the covariances of unknowns. Covariance a 12 is equal to crlx •= 7T- 1 0 0 0 ,5\^> oioo J09S> 0 0 2 0 -.0069 0 0 0 3 . vm L MTWV =: .Tll^ , \ fo555i3r*.»m. 84 B. APPLICATION OF LEAST SQUARES TO HYDROGRAPHIC POSITIONING SYSTEMS If redundant data are available, the least square adjust- ment method may be used to compute the coordinates of hydro- graphic survey positions. Observation equations may be written for various types of survey methods. By expressing these equations in matrix notation and using successive approxi mations of the unknowns, the best values for the coordinates of survey positions may be determined. The predictable accuracy of these best values may also be found. Thus, redundant observations, coupled with mathematical data adjustment techniques, produce a viable method of system calibration for hydrographic survey data. This method of calibration is referred to as auto calubration. 1. Azimuth Angle Positions The working range of azimuthal systems is limited to line of sight distances, i.e., 5-15x nautical miles, depending upon the height of the observing instrument. Because of this range limit, the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM), or other plane coordinate systems, may be used. Let y, , y2, y, ■ Northings of the shore stations 1, 2 and 3, respectively, x1 , x2, x_ = Eastings of the shore stations 1, 2 and 3, respectively, P = The position of the survey vessel. 85 Then, the azimuth (from north) of the survey vessel from shore stations can be written in terms of coordinates as A^ion-1 J*^L , A^tofT' ggl*E , A^p = ta^^, J*zM_ *?-**. xp-^x *p-*3 In these equations, x^ and y are the best estimate of the P P survey vessel coordinates which are to be determined. These equations are non-linear. Thus, in order to form observation equations, they must be linearized. Letting x = x + Ax and y = y + Ay, where x and yQ are the approximate coordinates of the vessel's position, and using Taylor series expansion for linearization, fujy> •=. -f ( *0 > sic) + ^£-A* + 5Laj + where f (*o>vj^ = /\ LO - tan"* ^gZMi . The partial derivatives are ^f _ 9o-VK "&£ - *q-*l ■ x j The observation equations now may be written in the follow- ing detailed form: 86 Figure III-l. Azimuth angle positions. V, Vi v3 »e Sib 3o-2i ^ JO where si A* &j L Aip - kio and Aip , Aap, A3p 87 are the measured azimuths, and g ■ 57.2958, the conversion factor from radians to degrees. Having obtained the observation equation, the normal equation may be formed and solved by following the procedures outlined in Section II. A. Using the computed values of Ax and Ay, new trial point coordinates may be formed as follows: The values are substituted in the observation equation for the initial x , y coordinates. The least square solution is iterated until the Ax and Ay values approach zero. Example III -5: Referring to Figure III-2, the coordinates of the shore stations are Luces (#1) Mussel (#2) MB4 (#3) x 4,055,042.7 m 4,053,453.2 m 4,053,917.2 m y 595,794.5 m 597,967.8 m 603,425.2 m The standard errors for the azimuth observations are a. ■ .02°, a2 = .024° and a3 = .018°. The following angles were measured: p - Luces - Mussel = a, = 50?164 p - Mussel - Luces ■ a- - 99?360 p - MB4 - Mussel = a3 = 47?865 88 Figure III-2 Determination of a position for azimuthal systems using the least square method. 89 The least square method will be used to determine the best values for the coordinates of the survey vessel. Given: A = 126?180 Measured: a-, « 50?164 Given A * 76?016 A32 = 265?140 Given: A£1 = 306?180 Measured: a2 = 99?360 A = 45?540 Measured: a = 47?865 A,^ = 313?005 3p First, assume xQ = 4,055,000 y0 = 600,000 The observation equation, V = AX - L, is then 01362 -,000138 ■ 0W8S .013 58? OIS208 -00 CO oo o 1— 1 o o o o o o o o vo o VO vO vO to o p cO C •H H3 '-H o o u 00 CM CM Ov • • • • o 1—1 LO «=t CM o to cr> o o X o CM CM to to LO vO vO vO vO in LO LO LO to o o o o o tO CD P cd S •H T) P. O O U c •H CD C CO X u to i— I O I ri- O 00 • • • to CT> iH VO ro CM tO 71 e o •H P CO fH CD P •H CD > •H to • V) CO CD c O o U ■H 3 P to •H to » o fi Ph o •H — **V 7 \ ll \ '/ \ ' / 1 // ^2 ' / y^ "**"' "^w . / // ^v / / // \ ' / ' / , / ' / 1 / / . / ' / ' / ' / ' / / / / / ' / / ' / 1 \ ' / JEl'z fefcry >^ \ o T~~/- — >^ \ / /Ov^ ^— --,~~=* i 4 \/^j£z-~ — " " p Figure III-3: Sextant Angle Positions Plane coordinates are again used because of the visual range limitation. It can be seen from Figure I II -3 that V " V = °i « V ■ V * a3 •» 94 or in terms of the coordinates, ton"1 «*!«£ _ too"' *3£. = <* , , ton"' *3~9p - WV,^-^ «<**, totT1 %^p - "tan"1 ^-yp = <*3 Letting x = x + Ax and y = y + Ay and linearizing with Taylor series expansion, where 92.-^0 9*-^a >20 si af. "Dy© j^i"" *© % a— >^ c1- 95 The observation equations may then be expressed as Vt va ^3 -e y^-iio y»-ao Si^ *t* *z- Xp y-i-vjo vh--a« **-*o *3-^© *\o **• .) £• ^-9o _ J " — : -.© 5 3© >3© '30 "^-^ »4e A x A^ where £ * 57.2958 is the conversion factor from radians to degrees, A .., A A , A are the computed azimuths of lines 01, 02, 03, 04 using trial point coordinates x , y . Once establishing the observation equations, the solution is found as T -IT X = CA A) iAiL . The process is repeated until Ax and Ay become very small. Example III -6: Referring to Figure III-4, the coordinates of the shore station are 96 (#4) . MB 4 Use (#2} Figure III -4 Determination of a position for sextant angle fixes using least squares adjustment. 97 MB4 (#1) Use (#2) Mussel (#3) Luces (#4) x 4,053,917.2 4,051,216.9 4,053,453.2 4,055,042.7 y 603,425.2 600,372.0 597,967.8 595,794.5 Measured angles are MB4 - p - Use = 49?927, Use-p - Mussel = 38?130, Mussel - p - Luces = 30.396. The least square method will be used to determine the best values for the coordinates of the survey vessel. Let the first assumed position be x = 4,057,000 and y^ = 599,000 Using the first approximate position, AOi = tan 1 Yl AQ1 = 124?862, AQ2 = 165?712, A03 = 196?235 and AQ4 = 238?591 are obtained. The observation equation is ^3 0O&366 -Oo383 y 5\ 0T* T. to* •ir.160 J -5 T T and normal equation, A AX - A L = 0, is 98 ■* OOOlfeOG ,0000025 .000002.5 . C000S1T -.00 301- * 151-14 = 0 The solution, X = (A A)"1 A L, is x« 6229.4 -lilt -.0030? -ifKO AT3S.1 Then, the new trial point coordinates are x = x0 + Ax = 4,057,000 + (-47) = 4,056,953, y = y0 + Ay = 599,000 + 1793.1 = 600,793.1. Using new trial point coordinates, the above steps are repeated until Ax and Ay values become vanishingly small. For every trial Ax and Ay value, new trial points coordinates are tabulated in Table III-2. The best values for the coordinates of the sounding vessel are x = 4,056,512.3, y^ = 600,864.5 . 99 f-l 00 LO LO LO • • • • • o to CM vO LO •*t o (J> t-l oo vO vO o t^ a\ 00 CO 00 en o o o o o X en o o o o o LO \o vO vO vO vO en 0) ■M CO e •H *a 00 to *H • • o o to CM 00 i-H eg o o in r- LO rH r-t u o Cn rt ** LO LO r^- vO vO vO vO vO LO lo LO LO LO LO X o o O © o o to ■P c •H - o o u (3 •H O c cj to to en en vO iH CM i CM 1 X I 00 I o i 00 to LO LO V) C O •H ■P CCJ U O •M •H •H 7) V) 7J o e o o u •H 3 +-> V) •H V) #\ O C a. o •H CD +■> i— 1 3 00 tH fl o cfl 7) 4-> V) (3 w O 4-> 4J (0 a T3 o CD t—i •H i— l ?H ft O ft tL. cU ■ • CM 1 CD iH -O cd E- O CCj O u -z. cm to LO 100 3. Range -Range Positions In range-range positioning, when the distances are short (i.e., line of sight type equipment, less than 20 nautical miles) , a plane coordinate system may be used. Let x.. , x x_ = Eastings of the shore stations #1, 2, 3 y-, , y7» y? = Northings of the shore stations #1, 2, 3 x = Easting of the survey vessel y = Northing of the survey vessel Then, the distance between the ith shore station and the survey vessel, in plane coordinates, is This function is non-linear and has to be linearized. Introducing approximate coordinates (x , y ) for x and y , then x^ = x_ = Ax y/> = y* + &y 'O o Using Taylor series for linearization, the result becomes 101 After linearization, the observation equation is V3 *©— Xi >io £.2.0 ^3o *20 *30 A* ^ S,p- Sio £>ip . -S10 S3p- -S30 -* 5 or in the matrix form, V = AX - L, where : S,^, S0^, S__ are the measured distances, IP 2p* 3J> S,0, S20, S ft are the computed distances using x and y , In ranging systems, when the distances are long, coordinate computations must be carried out on the appro- priate ellipsoid using rigorous geodetic formulas. Let h>\ Xc o Oi Oi - Computed geographical coordinates, latitude and longitude, of the survey vessel, = Latitude and longitude of the ith shore station, = Azimuth from ith shore station to approximated position Oj = Azimuth from O to ith shore station , = Distance between O and ith shore station. 102 Although the computed observations must utilize rigorous geodetic solutions, the differential equations of the observa- tions may be approximated using spherical trigonometry [Ref . 3] : ds0L = Sin 1" C-£oC0sAolHo- RtCos Md<1l where d and ^ are in seconds of arc, dS in meters. Sin 1" is the 'conversion factor from seconds to radians. RA and R. O* l are the radius of curvature in the plane of meridian at point O and ith shore station, respectively, defined as [Ref. 18] where a is the semi major axis of the datum ellipsoid, 2 and e is the eccentricity of the datum ellipsoid. N^ and N. are the radius of curvature in the plane of prime vertical at point O and at ith shore station, respectively, defined as [Ref. 18] (J0 is the latitude of point O and 0£ .is the latitude of the ith shore station. 103 The partial derivatives of computed observations with respect to parameters are ~5i*L= _ Sinl"R0Cos Aol, "&S "fcXi 5l = Sml"MtCos9tS»a/\io. Then, observation equation is 1 V, L^J * Slnl' _ £0C©s Aot , Hi Cos$| SirtAi© _ £o Cos /W > Hi G>s<^2 SJo-At* _£© Cos Ao3 » ^3 Cos(t>3 Svn A30 A (J) AX Sp, -So* Spa- -S pi P^ P>j between point p and the respective shore station. After forming the observation equation, the normal equation is found and solved as in previous examples. This process is repeated until Acj> and AX become smaller than the resolution of the positioning system. 104 Example 1 1 1 - 7 : Referring to Figure III-5, the coordi nates of the shore stations are Luces (#1) x 4,055,042.7 y 595,794.5 Mussel (#2) 4,053,453.2 597,967.8 MB4 (#3) 4,053,917.2 603,425.2 Using the least squares procedure, best values of coordinates of the vessel may be found. Let the first assumed position xq = 4,056,000 m and y = 598,000 m. Measured distances are p - LUCES = 4350 m, p - MUSSEL = 4506 m, and p - MB4 = 5267 m. For the first approximate position of the vessel, the observation equation is written: v, .999 , Ollis A* IS03oO Va. = .333 -sn- - 2lol,> ^1 .362 -.533 h -5HM.3 T T Normal equation, A AX - A L = 0, is 1.28T- -^ .8 rtn.f = o. 105 Figure II 1-5 Determination of a position for range-range systems using least squares adjustment. 106 T -1 T And solution, X « (A A) A L, is X- A* --C19 _„019 .584 283 V- 8 <2\83 ,1 Then, new trial point coordinates are: x = x0 + Ax = 4,056,000 + 2183.2 = 4,058,183.2 y = y + Ay = 598,000 + 787.4 = 598,787.4 Using the new trial point coordinates, the above steps are repeated until Ax and Ay values become smaller than the system resolution. For every trial, the change in coordi- nates and the coordinates of new trial points are tabulated in Table III-3. The best values for the coordinates of the sounding vessel are *« = 4,057,501.2 P y = 599,567.7 The standard errors in the northing and easting may also be calculated : \i — K^ -L ( ^-or A anci L 1 Lost \Ve-ratCca viaLues are usee* ) y 1 \l = L -32>0 „3b"r • 5Hb .831- -.8 -3.1 .5 2.4 -1.5 107 o r^ r- t^ t^ o co ■<* vO NO o r- vO LO LD >s CO 00 o> o> o> en o> Q> os OS t-n 10 lO LO LO CO o ■M co c •H n3 * O o u CM • vO eg • o to LO eg • rH o CO CO o O o rH LO LO LO * A a •k »> SO CO t^» r^ t-~ X LO 10 LO to 10 o o o o o CO ^- LO OS <0 • • • -P X 1 l*» O o cO < 1 1 CO vO CO C r- CO 1 •H T3 fi O O u c •H co X 1 1 iH LO i < 1 1 CM 1 CO tO c o •H ■P co u cd •m •H •H W CO 0 • U to O C 3 o in • H •M Ml ■H fi to O o •H a, •M 3 CD i— ( oo O a V) co rH CO 1 CD CD r-< 00 CO fi 3 CO cr fi to o ■M ■M CO CO T3 CD CD rH •r-t i— 1 ?-i ft O ft PL, CO • « to l o •H +-> • CO O CD rg to CD rH Xl CO E- 108 \P\/ = 2.1- 2.6 -i-5 "i.r 2.-6 -1.5 - Ifc.^i (To = n-m 3>-l VI - cr0 Nfq[T T -1 where q-'s are the elements of (A A) which has been calculated as wr1- ^ —14 — IH .ft j 3 4. Hyperbolic Positioning Systems Hyperbolic positioning systems measure the difference in distance from a vessel to the two shore stations. In Figure III-6, station number 2 is the master station, and 109 Figure III-6: Determination of a position for hyperbolic systems using least squares adjustment method. 110 numbers 1, 3 and 4 are slaves. Point p is the vessel's position, and its coordinates are designated as p and Xp. Point O is the first approximate position, with ^ and XQ representing its coordinates. The differential equations of the computed distances to each station, Sft., may be written as [Ref. 3]: ds<>C « SCol" C-Ro CosAoLo0o- RlCos Aloi^C r NC Cos^tS»aA(o UX0- AXi^l where i represents the shore station number. A. represents the azimuth from the ith shore station 10 r to approximate position 0. R is the radius of curvature in the plane of meridian at point O (as defined in Section B.3.). N. is the radius of curvature in the plane prime vertical at the ith shore station (as defined in Section B.3.) The partial derivatives of the function with respect to d>^ and X^ are o o ^Soi »_ SC(LlMCosAoC "2)00 Oc , IS^L = SwU"Cos0c.$ih.ALo. "oXo ill The range difference between the distance from the vessel to the master and the distance from the vessel to the respective slave station is expressed in the equations below. ^£°i _ *S°L - SCo. 1" Ro t Cos Aoc - Cos fc0O ^00 ^o Note that station number 2 is the master station, and the range difference is stated in terms of the partial derivatives . With this information, the observation equation is written as : V, = Siol" &> (CosAot-CosAoO, Hv Cos$, l$;cLk2o-Si*aA\o} 1 M ( Spj.- Sp\^ — (So^- S0i) ( Spz - Sp^V ( S01.- S03) ( Spa -Sp^-(So2.-So^ J 1 112 where ; Aft, , Aft2,... are computed azimuths from approximate position 0 to shore station 1, 2,... A, ft, A.ft, . . . are computed azimuths from shore station number 1, 2,... to approximate position 0. (S - - Sjyj) » (SD2 - sdt) , ••• ar© measured range differences. *-S02 " S01^ • (-S02 ' S03') » "• are comPuted range differences . Sin 1" is conversion factor from second to radian. After writing the observation equation, the normal equation is solved and the best estimate of the coordinate values is found as previously discussed. The process is iterated until A and AA become smaller than the standard error of the specific hyperbolic system be'ing used. 5. Global Positioning System (GPS) Global Positioning System fixes are obtained utilizing the computed distances from the position of GSP satellites to a GPS receiver. The receiver measures the arrival of a timing pulse from every satellite within acquisition range. The transmit time of each pulse is encoded in the received signal. Thus, distance is computed using the one way travel time between each satellite and the receiver multiplied by the propagation velocity of electro- magnetic energy. Three such satellite to receiver ranges 113 may then be applied to solve for the coordinates of the receiver. Using three satellites to determine a fix results in a unique solution for the position coordinates (x, y, z) . However, significant error may be induced due to drift in the receiver clock. This additional unknown, receiver clock bias CE) , may be resolved by processing four satellite ranges. For position fixing at sea, it is likely that the z coordinate may be input as a known value based on a given antenna height above sea level. Thus, the number of unknowns will be reduced to three. By using four or more satellites, redundant observations are then available so that the data can be adjusted by the method of least squares. Introducing the following variables, observation equations may be written in a straightforward manner: R- , R2, R, , . . . = Measured distances from receiver to satellites S,, S S_, ... (x, , y-, z, ) , (x2, y2, z2), ... = Known positions of satellites S-,, S2, S.,... x, y, z = Unknown position of the observer, p. E = Receiver clock bias (unknown) . Then, the basic equations are - E -+ vtv-*iVL + lij-v^%- t^-ti^ 114 Rx =* E + Vu-^f + (u-yzf + ( i-^T ^3> •= E + \/U-^f Uy-^h) H"*-"*^ x« 1 '2- Rn = E Wu-OVy-OVu-T.-A Here, the ranges R, , R~ , R.,, ... , R include the actual satellite to receiver distance plus some offset due to receiver clock error. In the above equations, the satellite positions are known, and the four unknowns are the user position (x, y, z) and user clock error. Since the observation equations are non-linear, the Taylor series must be applied to form equations suitable for use with the method of least squares. Let x = X- + Ax z = z^ + Az o o y = v~ + Ay E = E^ + AE . Using Taylor series, where R. is the distance between a satellite and the user position, p. 115 R. is the distance between a satellite and approxi mated user position. Observation equations are written in the following detailed matrix form: Y* Vn *o-*t ^o-^i ^-Im 1 *w R VO ^ Rao AC £-2o I I t I >*»-*n 9o~Hn "2o-"Z:o \ 1 i — — i . •* i j -r\o ^oo A* Rip-&o tft Ae Ra.p-£ 2.0 £np-Ro< J > where Rlp' R2p R10' R20 are the measured distances, are computed ranges from the formula Rio - E© +\/(^o-^u^+(yo-^L^-t-("to-^c^:L , From this matrix, the normal equation may be formed and solved as previously discussed. The process is repeated until the values of Ax, Ay, Az and AE approach zero. 116 Example III -8 : At 0800 Zulu, May 1, 1980, a satellite fix was taken using a GPS receiver aboard USNS ACANIA in Monterey Bay. The measured distances between the satellites and the receiver were Spl = 20,640,380.8 m S 2 = 20,357,184.1 m S 3 ■ 23,287,346.8 m S . = 21,699,908.4 m Sp5 = 25,416,133.6 m The satellite coordinates were S #1 S #2 S #3 xl = 6,097,294.4 x2 = 1,819,274.3 x3 = 9,268,094.7 y1 = -4,364,543.9 y2 = -2,240,846.4 y3 = 13,290,138.0 zl = 22,658,876.2 z£ = 23,721,192.7 z3 = 13,622,934.4 S #4 S #5 x4 = -8,198,461.9 x5 = -21,419,309.7 y4 = -18,813,603.1 y5 = 12,865,351.8 z4 = 19,040,626.8 zg = 4,832,143.1 Applying the method of least squares to determine the user position, first assume: 117 xo = -2,640,000 ^o = -4,235,000 zo = 3,960,000 B« = 10,000. For the first iteration, the observation equation is written as V, Vx Vi — Vn Vs . -, 2198 -09*9 -. M231 .00 611 -.90 55 -.3lo3 -.7522 -.4W - . MM _ . 0343 s -.5111 . 2«5to , 6>\5 ,73&56 -.41-26 1 L A* L &* — L fcfc 1 AE . -35 09.4 - 8810^ - VOVOfc.S _33hx-o _"B m ba *i-(riL(9w + q^-b^ 2 b = 2.89 m. The semi -major axis is 3.73 m, and semi -minor axis is 2.99 m According to Equation III -22, the angle 9 is found: 126 ton 16 = Iaaa = - 3J=liit) Why (*6f + <*( W ] =°. 127 which means that q = q and q „ = 0 , Mxx yy nxy ' and, according to Equation 111-17, a = a x y • Another important characteristic is that the sum of the squares of the standard errors in x and y directions is invariant to the rotation of the coordinate system, or Q1 + bx - cri + of - X . 1 observed value x : mean value n : the number of observations . The normal distribution itself is represented by the function: The normal distribution curve and the meaning of the standard errors are illustrated in Figure A-l. The central vertical axis, p(v), represents the probability of zero error with positive errors plotted to the right and negative errors to the left. The height of the curve above a particular point on the horizontal axis is proportional to the probability of an error of that amount. 133 Figure Al : One dimensional Normal Distribution Curve It can be observed from the normal distribution curve that the total area under the curve is equal to unity. Also, the area under the curve between any two values of v^ and v2 *s eq^l to the probability of an error occurring between these limits. So, to find the probability of an error between v, and v2, p(v) has to be integrated between v, and Y-. The area under the curve between the limits of v, = -a and v2 = +a is 68 .27% of the total area under the curve. This means that there is 68.27% probability that errors in any further measurements made under the same 134 conditions will not exceed the standard error, a, with a 68.27% probability. The standard error does not indicate the probability that an error of a certain size will occur; it only indicates that 68.27% of the errors will fall within the specified limits of plus or minus one sigma. If other probability levels are desired, the appropriate conversion factor may be found in Table Al. For example, for 95% probability, a should be multiplied by a linear error conversion factor of 2. Probability, I 50 68.27 90 95 99.7 Linear error conversion factor .6745 1.000 1.6449 2.000 3.000 Table Al : Linear error conversion factors for several probability levels. TWO-DIMENSIONAL ERRORS A two-dimensional error is the error in a quantity defined by two random variables. For example, consider the position of a point referred to x and y axes. Each observation of the x and y coordinates may contain the errors v and v . x. y 135 If the errors are random and independent, each error has a probability density distribution of "The probability of two events occurring simultaneously is equal to the product of their individual probabilities" [Ref. 1]. Applying this rule, the two-dimensional probability density function becomes: PK,vO =_L_ e*W * >} rearranging terms, 2 v/>a p(vy)v^ 2 tt c+ c\, = e a ^ «? °a ' j taking the logarithm, (-a^lKCpKjVsi litff^^jL.^ For given values of p(v v ) [physical meaning of x y p (v , v ) is that the probability that two random variables x y v and v take values in the interval ±v and ±v 1 , the left x y x yJ * side of equation is a constant, k?, then 136 ka- si vi For several values of p(v, v) , a family of equal probability density ellipses are formed with axes kcx and koy (Figure A2) . Figure A2 : Equal probability density ellipses. In general, when the two errors are correlated, i.e., a change in the one error has some effect upon the other, the probability density function, POx, vy) , becomes 137 g£g£ p (v*,v,) = "J^loSof-tfir0* 2 0V* _a 2, 1 c^ r xu Vff,v_ff^ Then, the equation of constant probability density ellipses (Figure A3) is ie=_i. d-ea) (5? ^ OVffy 2. where p = correlation coefficient of v and v and is given by The probability density function integrated over a certain region becomes the probability distribution function which yields the probability that v and v will occur simultaneously x y within that region, or: P lV*,Vy) -Jl p(V*,Vy^ cJv^ciVj, 138 Figure A3: Constant probability density ellipse for correlated errors. 139 APPENDIX B USEFUL GRAPHS FOR THE DETERMINATION OF REPEATABILITY CONTOURS 100 50 40 30 '20 10 6 5 4 3 2 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 £> .06 O .05 (4-1 O .04 in o .03 3 i—t S3 > .02 .01 10° 170° 20° 160° 30° 150° 40° 50°60o70o80o90° 140o130°120o110°100<> Intersection angle, B, in degrees. •Figure Al: For ranging systems, the graph of the <*rms/°"s and e/b. 140 X> C/T s o 0) 3 r-f CO > >v jT^ " \ 1 \ \ 1 V "f \ T \ \ / .1 cJrms o.V> -\ > \. 1 e 1 \ W b / 1 » \ 1 / .05 / i / .04 .03 .02 ,01 10 20 30 40 50 100 Values of angle B in degrees .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 200 .04 .03 .02 .01 Figure A2 : For azimuthal systems, the graph of 141 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. ACIC Technical Report No. 96, Principles of Error " Theory and Cartographic Applications, by Greenwalt , C . R . and Shultz, M. E. , February 1962. 2. Bigelow, H. W. , Electronic Surveying: Accuracy of Electronic Positioning Systems, A.S.C.E. Journal of the Surveying and Mapping Division, Volume 89, No. SU3, p. 37-76, October 1963. 3. Bomford, G. , Geodesy, Third Edition, The Clarendon Press, Oxford, England, 1971. 4. Bowditch, N. , American Practical Navigator, p. 1204- 1237, Defense Mapping Agency Hydrograpnic Center, 1977. 5. Burt, W. A. and others, Mathematical Considerations Pertaining to the Accuracy of Position Location anU Navigation Systems, Part 1, Naval Warfare Research Center Research Memorandum, NWRC-RM34, Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, California, April 1966. 6. Hirvonen, R. A. Adjustment by Least Squares in Geodesy and Photogrammetry, Frederic Ungar Publishing Co., 1971. 7. Ingham, A. E., Hydrography for the Surveyor and Engineer, Halsted Press, John Wiley and Sons, 1974, pp. 117-123. 8. Launlo, S. H. , Electronic Surveying and Navigation, pp. 85-101, Wiley, 1976. 9. Mikhail, E. M. , Observations and Least Squares, IEP, 1976. 10. Morris R. Heinzen, Hydrographic Surveys : Geodetic Control Criteria, M.S. Thesis, Cornell University, December 1977. 11. Morris R. Heinzen, Hydrographic Surveys : Geodetic Error Propagation, paper presented at American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, 39th Annual Meeting, March 18-24, 1979. 12. P. A. Cross, A Review of the Proposed Global Positioning System, The Hydrographic Journal, No. 4, pp. 15-17, April 1979: 13. Schoenrank, R. U. , The Determination of Accuracy Lobes for Electronic Positioning Systems, Lighthouse pp. 83-92, March 1977. 142 14. Swanson, E. R. , Geometric Dilution of Precision, Navigation: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, V. 25, No. 4, pp. 425-429, Winter 1978-79. 15. Swanson, E. R. , Estimating the Accuracy of Navigation Systems , Research Report 1188, San Diego, California, U.S. Navy Electronics Laboratory, 24 October 1963. 16. Veress, S. A., Adjustment by Least Squares, American Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Washington, D.C., 1974. 17. Wolf, P. R. , Elements of Photogrammetry , pp. 501-517k McGraw-Hill, 1974. 18. Clair E. Ewing and Michael M. Mitchell, Introduction to Geodesy, Elsevier, 1976. 19. D. B. Thomson and D. E. Wells, Hydrographic Surveying I , Lecture Note No. 45, Department ot Surveying Engineering, Canada. 20. ACIC Technical Report No. 28, User's Guide to Understand- ing Chart and Geodetic Accuracies, by Greenwalt, C^ R. , September 1971. 143 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies 1. Defense Technical Information Center 2 Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 2. Library, Code 0142 2 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 3. Department Chairman, Code 68 1 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 4. Department Chairman, Code 63 1 Department of Meteorology Naval Potgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 5. LCDR Dudley Leath, Code 68 Lf 20 Department of Oceanography Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 6. Professor T. Jayachandran, Code 53 Jy 1 Department of Mathematics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 7. LT Ali Kaplan 2 Bostanci Kovjii Gonen/Balikesir/TURKEY 8. Deniz Kuvet_leri Komutanligi 3 Personel Egitim Sube Murdurlugti Ankara/TURKEY 9. Dz. Kuvvetleri Seyir ve Hidrografi Dairesi Bsk. 3 Cubuklu, .Istanbul/TURKEY 10. Deniz Harp Okulu Kom 2 Heybeliada/Istanbul/TURKEY 11. Istanbul Teknik Universitesi 2 Taskisla, Istanbul TURKEY 144 12. Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi 2 Ankara, TURKEY 13. Francisco Abreu 1 Instituto Hidrografico Rua Das Trinas , 49 Lisbou-2 Portugal 14. John Rees 1 Defense Mapping Agency HTC 6500 Brookes Ln. Washington, D.C. 20315 15. Ken Perrin 1 NOAA Ship Mt. Mitchell 439 W. Yoak St. Norfolk, Virginia 23510 16. Don Dreves 1 NOAA Ship Davidson FPO Seattle, Washington 99798 17. Peny D. Dunn 1 CDR/U.S. Naval Oceanographic Office NSTL Station Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39522 18. Luis Faria 1 Instituto Hidrografico Rua Das Trinas, 49 Lisboa - 2 Portugal 19. LCDR Douglas A. Backes 1 Defense Mapping Agency HTC 6500 Brookes Lane Washington, D.C. 20315 20. LCDR Donald D. Winter 1 SMC 1745 Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 21. LCDR John Chubb 1 Chief of Naval Operations, Code Op-952 Department of the Navy Washington, D.C. 20350 145 22. Director Naval Oceanography Division Navy Observatory 34th and Massachusetts Avenue, NW Washington, D.C. 20390 23. Commander Naval Oceanography Command NSTL Station Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39529 24. Commanding Officer Naval Oceanographic Office NSTL Station Bay St. Louis, Mississippi 39529 25. Director (Code PPH) Defense Mapping Agency Bldg 56, U.S. Naval Observatory Washington, D.C. 20305 26. Director (Code HO) Defense Mapping Agency Hydrographic Topographic Center 6500 Brookes Lane Washington, D.C. 20315 27. Director (Code TSD-MC) Defense Mapping School Ft. Belvoir, Virginia 22060 28. Director National Ocean Survey (c) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockville, Maryland 20852 29. Chief, Program Planning and Liaison (NC-2) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockville, Maryland 20852 30. Chief, Marine Surveys and Maps (C3) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Rockville, Maryland 20852 146 31. Director Pacific Marine Center - NOAA 1801 Fairview Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98102 32. Director Atlantic Marine Center - NOAA 439 West York Street Norvolk, Virginia 23510 33. Chief, Ocean Services Division National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 8060 Thirteenth Street Silver Springs, Maryland 20910 34. Commanding Officer Oceanographic Unit One USNS BOWDITCH (T-AGS21) Fleet Post Office New York, New York 09501 35. Commanding Officer Oceanographic Unit Two USNS DUTTON (T-AGS22) Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California 96601 36. Commanding Officer Oceanographic Unit Three USNS H. H. HESS (T-AGS38) Fleet Post Office San Francisco, California 96601 37. Commanding Officer Oceanographic Unit Four USNS CHAUVENET (T-AGS29) FPO San Francisco, California 96601 147 ' Thesis K14244 c.l 190743 Kaplan . e Error analysis of on hydrographic position- - ing and the applica- tion of least squares. I nova* es Thesis 190/ K14244 Kaplan c.l Error analysis of hydrographic position- ing and the applica- tion of least squares. thesK14244 Error analysis of hydrographic positioni 3 2768 002 11422 5 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY ',::,