Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOS BY ADSORPTION By P. L. GILE, in Charge, Soil Chemical Investigations ; H. E. MIDDLETON, Scientist in Soil Physical Investigations ; W. 0. ROBINSON, W. H. FRY, and M. S. ANDERSON, Scientists in Soil Laberatory Investigations, Bureau of Scils. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1924 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BULLETIN No. 1193 February 15, 1924 Washington, D. C. ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS BY ADSORPTION. By P.L. Gre, in Charge, Soil Chemical Investigations, H. E. Mippieton, Scientist in Soil Physical Investigations, W. O. Ropinson, W. H. Fry, and M.S. ANDERSON, Scientists in Soil Laboratory Investigations, Bureau of Soils. CONTENTS. 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Many of the most important properties of soils in general and many of the special characteristics of particular soils are doubtless associated with the colloidal matter present. It has been shown in a previous publication that practically all the adsorptive power of a soil, for certain substances at least, is localized in the colloidal material (Anderson, 11). The colloidal material with its high adsorptive ower probably, therefore, acts to a considerable extent as a regu- ator of the character of the soil solution, influencing the kind and concentration of the various bases in true solution and affecting the rate at which the soil minerals decompose. The plasticity (Davis, 6) and coherence of soils are evidently functions of the colloidal matter or of some particular part of it. It has been generally recognized that part of the effects produced by different methods of cultivation 1 Reference is made by number (italic) to ‘‘ Literature cited,” p. 39. 57580—24——1 2 BULLETIN 1198, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. and by the addition to the soil of various substances, such as lime, fertilizers, and manures, are to be attributed to the influence of these treatments on the condition of the colloidal matter present (Ehren- berg, 8). In order properly to evaluate the part played by colloids in various soil phenomena, a method for determining the total quan- tity of colloidal material present is greatly needed. COLLOIDAL AND NONCOLLOIDAL SOIL PARTICLES. A fairly sharp distinction can be made between material in true solution and that in colloidal suspension, but a sharp demarcation between colloidal material and that in a coarser state of subdivision is bound to be more or less arbitrary. The negative characteristics of colloidal material, slight influence on the boiling or freezing point of the Pepoine medium, and hardly sensible osmotic pressure serve to differentiate colloidal suspensions from true solutions. The more positive characteristics of colloidal material, those associated with small size, such as the property of remaining in suspension in the dispersing medium, Brownian movement, and high adsorptive capacity are rather unsatisfactory criteria for a rigid separation of colloidal and larger particles. The criterion of colloidal condition most generally adopted is that of size of the dispersed particles, the upper limit of pied particles usually being set at 0.1 micron.? The selection of exactly 0.1 micron as the upper limit of colloidal size is of course purely arbitrary. There are no grounds for assuming that the adsorptive power, Brown- ian movement, or reactivity of dispersed particles shows a sharp. break at this particular poimt. Moreover, in the case of emulsoid colloids in the gel condition, the classification on the basis of size is not determinate. The division at 0.1 micron does, however, throw the colloidal particles into the submicroscopic region. In the case of soil constituents, also, a rigid distinction can not be made between colloidal and noncolloidal material. Nevertheless, there will probably be little disagreement concerning the colloidality of most of the soil material which is classified as colloidal in this paper. In the investigation described here all the organic matter of the soil is regarded as colloidal. A considerable part of the organic matter in normal soils can be readily peptized or dispersed into par- ticles 0.3 micron or less in diameter, and the part of the organic matter which is not so readily dispersable—the less humified material, such as partially decomposed roots and plant residues—is doubtless just as strictly colloidal as the material in a more advanced stage of decomposition.’ The celluloses and structural plant substances, as well as most of the intracellular material, is generally conceded to be of a colloidal nature, although in the dried state these substances. can not readily be converted into the sol condition. In this investigation all inorganic material was classified as colloid which could be dispersed into particles less than 1 micron in diameter without subjecting the soil to a drastic chemical or physical treat- ment that would disintegrate the mineral particles. One micron 2 Freundlich (10, p. 2) selects 0.5 micron as the upper timit. On the other hand, many soil investigators. have used 2 microns as the dividing line between colloid and noncolloid (Atterberg, 3). i ’ An unextracted peat soil had just as high an adsorptive capacity for water as the material extracted from it, which was composed of particies less than 0.3 micron in diameter. The extracted colloid was: slightly less adsorptive of ammonia and more adsorptive of malachite green than the unextracted peat. — oo —— a ~~ et I ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. 3 was selected as the upper limit for colloidal particles rather than the more conventional 0.1 micron, since a fairly sharp separation of par- ticles can be made at 1 micron by subsidence or by centrifuging and the separation can readily be checked by microscopical observation. At 0.1 micron the control of size is inaccurate when dealing with mixtures of colloidal material, and a sharp separation by subsidence or centrifuging is exceedingly difficult. Soil particles 1 micron in diameter show a distinct Brownian movement, which is usually considered a colloidal characteristic. Also, some earlier investigators have used 1 to 2 microns as the upper limit of size of discrete “primary”’ or “ultimate” particles. It seems advisable, however, to place the limit of size for unaltered soil particles as low as can be accurately estimated, 1. e., at 1 micron. The third kind of material classified as colloidal is that of certain aggregates or lumps of material which may occur in sizes up to 50 microns or even more in diameter. With the ultramicroscope it can be seen that these lumps are merely aggregates of small particles which are less than a micron in diameter. The constituent particles were not dispersable, however, by the methods we employed for this purpose. These lumps doubtless exist as such in the soil, although it is possible that they have been formed in some cases by the mechanical treatment adopted for fractionation of the soil. Distinctly mineral particles which are larger than 1 micron in diam- eter are here treated as constituting the noncolloidal part of the soil. PREVIOUS METHODS OF ips re THE COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. The first to call particular attention to the colloidal matter in soils were Schloesing and Hilgard. Schloesing (31, 32) rubbed up clays and agricultural soils with considerable quantities of water, separated the coarser sands by decantation, treated the washings containing the finer soil particles with acid to dissolve CaCO,, and then resus- pended the fine material in water containing a little ammonia. The fine material from 5 grams of soil which remained in suspension for 24 hours in 2 liters of water he called ‘‘clay.’’ He reported (32) 16 to 20 per cent of such material in heavy soils. According to Schloesing (35, p. 476, and 34, p. 67), this clay frac- tion, as well as a natural clay, contained two classes of substances: Very fine sands devoid of cohesion, and an amorphous substance, which he called “Vargile colloidale,” that cemented the sand grains and was responsible for the plasticity of soils. This “colloidal clay”’ was very coherent, had a horny appearance, and was made up of formless (possibly submicroscopic) particles which would remain in suspension indefinitely. The colloidal clay was separated from the other material in the clay fraction by long-continued subsidence lasting several weeks or several months, with occasional decantations to get rid of noncolloidal clay which settled out. The separation of _ colloidal clay from the very fine sands was considered complete when, “le microscope ne permet plus de découvrir dans le liquide aucun élément figuré.”” (34, p. 67.) He stated that clays or soils con- tained very rarely more than 1.5 per cent of l’argile colloidale. Schloesing’s statement that the colloidal clay was free from other material when no shaped particles were visible microscopically 4 BULLETIN 1193, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. showed that his argile colloidale was probably very similar to the colloid we separated by the supercentrifuge; at least his largest colloidal clay particles could not well have been smaller than the ovine passing the supercentrifuge. Schloesing evidently based is conclusions concerning the small quantities of colloidal clay present in soils on the quantities he succeeded in isolating. His error, which has since been made by several other investigators, lay in assuming that his means of extraction and purification were sub- stantially quantitative. As a matter of fact, he probably dispersed only part of the colloidal matter in his preliminary treatment of the soil and then lost colloid in the residues from which he repeatedly decanted. About the same time as Schloesing, Hilgard (/6) separated a “‘colloidal clay” from the soil. This colloidal clay he believed con- tained a ‘‘true clay substance,’ with a chemical composition similar to kaolinite, which was responsible for the plastic and adhesive properties of the soil. Hilgard classified as colloidal clay those particles that would ‘‘fail to settle in the course of 24 hours through a column of pure water 8 inches high” (15). He stated (i4 p. 333) that the percentage of this material ‘‘seems rarely to reach 75 in the purest natural clays, 40 to 47 in the heaviest of clay soils, and 10 to 20 in ordinary loams.”’ Apparently Hilgard believed that this fraction would contain, besides ‘‘the true clay substance,’’ other colloidal material, such as ferric, silicic, and aluminic hydrates, which he assumed would impart no plasticity to soils. The material he obtained, however, seems to have had the same properties as that of Schloesing. Hil- gard’s method of extraction was possibly more thorough than that of Schloesing, but he doubtless included in his colloidal clay, particles that Schloesing graded out of his argile colloidale. The very painstaking method of mechanical analysis reported by W. R. Williams in 1895 (39)was evidently somewhat more effective than that of Hilgard in extracting the colloidal matter of soils, in that the fractions of coarser soil particles were more thoroughly worked to rid them of colloidal material, and the method probably gave a more complete separation of colloidal and noncolloidal material. The “‘schlamm”’ fraction secured by Williams, similar to the “clay”’ fraction of Hilgard, contained only those particles which would remain in suspension for 24 hours in a column of water 10 centimeters high. Williams stated that these particles, which were less than 1.5 microns in diameter, had very different properties from the larger particles. The schlamm material gave a good suspension of formless particles that showed an active Brownian movement. On drying, the material shrank greatly, becoming a horny mass of conchoidal fracture that would adhere strongly to the tongue. Williams attributed the coherence, plasticity, and adsorptive power of soils to the schlamm material, and stated that this material constituted 1.5 per cent to 40 per cent of the soil (39 p. 301). The materials isolated by Schloesing, Hilgard, and Williams were evidently all about the same and were chiefly colloidal. Apparently, Ehrenberg (8 p. 99) does not recognize this, as in his recent com- pendium of colloidal phenomena in soils he agrees with Schloesing that soils contain only 0.5 per cent to 1.5 per cent of colloidal clay. Ehren- | | | | ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. 5 berg evidently labors under the same misconception as Schloesing in believing that the material which remains longest in suspension differs essentially from material which does not remain so long in suspension. The chief object of much of the earlier work, in which colloidal material was isolated from the other soil constituents, was not to make a determination of all the colloidal material present in the soil, but merely to separate the soil into different-sized particles. It was, however, clearly recognized by Hilgard and Williams that one of the chief problems in such a separation was the disintegration of lumps of material into the individual particles of which they were formed. The basis of the separation was entirely one of size. As a matter of fact, under normal moisture conditions probably no soil contains more than a trace of colloidal material in the sol con- dition. The colloidal.material must be virtually all in a coagulated or gel form, since there is not sufficient water present to form a disperse medium. The problem of separating the colloidal material by a method of mechanical analysis, therefore, becomes largely one of converting the colloidal material from the gel to the sol form. Since a considerable part of the gels in most soils is in a more or less indurated condition that is difficultly dispersable, it might be expected that the exact character of the suspension obtained, its stability, and the size of the particles would be a more or less fortuitous matter, depending on the means of dispersion employed. This seems especially probable from a consideration of the well-known coagulating, peptiz- ing, and stabilizing effects of various concentrations of different ions. From this point of view, the ideas of Schloesing and Ehrenberg, that the particular preparations they obtained represented the only truly colloidal matter in the soil, appear illogical. It is of course true that size is one of the most dependable criteria for colloids, but in the case of many preparations the question arises, size of what? In the case of a coagulated suspensoid colloid, such as colloidal gold, the size of the floccules is not the criterion, but the size of the indi- vidual particles that are coagulated. But in the case of coagulated emulsoid colloids or of partially dehydrated emulsoid gels, structure or size of the molecular aggregates is evidently the criterion, and size in this case can not be determined by direct observation. In recent years a number of rapid methods have been proposed for estimating the comparative amounts of colloids in soils. Many of these methods are based on the fundamental misconception that by some simple treatment of the soil, such as by mere agitation with water, all the colloidal matter, or some definite part of it, is at once brought into suspension. Among such methods may be mentioned the method of Sokol (35) based on the relative volumes occupied by the colloid when first it is flocculated and when it has settled for 24 hours: and the method of Scales and Marsh (30) based on the turbidity of the suspension obtained on shaking the soil for five minutes wit distilled water. These methods fail to take into account that the quantity of colloidal matter brought into suspension by mere agitation of a soil with water may vary greatly according to a transitory condition of the soil. Our experience shows that some soils yield practically no colloidal matter on the first agitation with water, but after decanta- 6 BULLETIN 1198, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. tion of the water a second treatment yields a heavy colloidal suspen- sion. In such cases the first treatment with water doubtless removes a certain amount of a soluble salt which has a flocculating effect. Konig and Hasenbiumer (17) showed that after addition of aluminum ehloride to a soil, agitation with ten fresh portions of water failed to bring any colloid into suspension; but the eleventh treatment with water containing a small amount of ammonia produced a heavy suspension. Other methods which are based on adsorption—a positive property of the colloids—have been proposed for indicating the relative colloidal contents of soils. Ashley’s method (2), involving a deter- mination of the quantity of malachite green adsorbed, has been most widely used on ceramic clays, which may be regarded as a special type of soil. Our results show, however, that while Ashley’s method might indicate differences in the plasticities of ceramic clays, it does not indicate the relative colloidal contents of agricul- tural soils, since the colloids extracted from different soils vary greatly in their adsorptive capacities for this dye. Mitscherlich (21, p. 476) has suggested that the amount of water vapor adsorbed by soils under standard conditions is probably to be attributed almost entirely to the colloidal matter present, but that the water adsorption values of different soils probably do not indicate the relative amounts of colloids present, since different soils contain different colloids which vary in their adsorptive capacities. Our results would indicate that while colloids extracted from different soils may vary considerably in their adsorptive capacities for water vapor when in equilibrium with the partial pressure of water vapor afforded by 10 per cent sulphuric acid they have a relatively constant adsorptive capacity when in equilibrium with 3.3 per cent sulphuric acid. Stremme and Aarnio (36) applied the Van Bemmelen method of determining colloids by digestion with sulphuric and hydrochloric acids to various rocks, and they concluded that the method was subject to error in that certain noncolloidal minerals were dissolved. Van der Leeden and Schneider (18) conclude that the dye adsorp- tions of soils do not correspond to the colloidal contents, that unweathered silicates as well as colloidal material are dissolved by digestion of the soil with hydrochloric acid, and that there is not an exact parallelism between the quantities of water and dye adsorbed by soils. Tempany (37) has recently proposed that the colloidal content of a soil might be estimated from the shrinkage of the soil on drying. It is yet to be proved, however, that the colloidal materials in all soils have the same shrinkage coefficient. In the earlier investigations, and in much of the modern work, the attempt has been made to determine the colloidal matter in soils through the methods of mechanical analysis; that is, by actual separa- tion of the colloidal and nencolloidal soil constituents. Proceeding in this manner, it was, of course, necessary to get the colloidal matter in suspension before it could be recognized as colloid and size of the particles became the sole criterion of judging what was colloid. Such a separation would be definite and entirely satisfactory for the interpretation of soil phenomen2 if all the soil particles were of one kind; that is, if the particles were all fragments of crystalline minerals ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. 7 differing only in size. The uncertainty of such separations and the unsatisfactoriness of the results obtained are due to the presence of colloidal material which it is difficult to disperse into discrete particles of any definite size. A determination of the colloidal material in soils is, therefore, needed to supplement the results afforded by any system of mechanical analysis based on size alone, which does not disperse colloidal aggregates (Davis, 7).+ ADSORPTION METHOD OF ESTIMATING COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. DESCRIPTION OF METHOD. The earlier investigators in estimating the colloidal material in soils actually isolated at least a part of the colloids, but they did not utilize the marked adsorptive properties of the material as a means of characterization nor as a test for complete separation. Later investigators recognized high adsorptive capacity as a distinguishing characteristic of the colloidal material, but failed to isolate the material. Knowing the adsorptive capacity of the kind of colloidal material present in a given soil and the adsorptive capacity of the whole soil, one should be able to estimate the quantity of colloidal material present. If the adsorptive power of the soil is due whoily to the colloidal material, the ratio, adsorption per gram of soil adsorption per gram of colloid EOD should give the percentage of colloidal material in the soil. Moore, Fry, and Middleton, of this Bureau (22), suggested this method of estimating the colloidal material in soils. They deter- mined the adsorption ratio in the case of one soil, measuring the- quantities of malachite green and ammonia gas adsorbed by the soil and by a sample of colloidal material extracted from the soil. The adsorption ratio obtained by malachite green agreed exactly with the ratio obtained by ammonia. ps It might seem that adsorption by noncolloidal soil particles would constitute a fundamental error in this method, making the ratio of the adsorptive capacities of soil and colloid indicate a higher per- centage of colloid in the soil than was actually present. However, a subsequent investigation (Anderson, /) showed that in the case of ordinary soils more than 95 per cent of the total adsorptive capacity of the soil for malachite green, water, and ammonia is located in the colloidal constituents. Only in the case of highly micaceous soils is the adsorption by noncolloidal particles significant. Since the adsorption method of determining the colloidal content of a soil would not, as a rule, be seriously affected by noncolloidal constituents, it seemed advisable to try the method on a number of different soils, 32 in all. It also seemed advisable to determine the adsorptive capacities of the soils and colloids for water vapor as well as for malachite green and ammonia. Theoretically, any substance which is not appreciably adsorbed or acted upon by the noncolloidal soil particles, but which is adsorbed by the colloidal material, might be used for determining the colloidal content of the soil by this method. 4 Itis doubtful if the method of mechanical analysis proposed by Sven Odén (23, 24) attains as complete @ deflocculation of the colloidal material as the older method of Williams, since the residues apparently are not ‘‘worked”’ to the same extent. 8 BULLETIN 1198, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. It was expected that some evidence concerning the reliability of the method would be afforded by the closeness with which the ratios, adsorption per gram of soil adsorption per gram of colloid obtained by the adsorptions of dye, water, and ammonia agreed with each other. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE. SOILS USED. The soils selected for a trial of the proposed method of colloid determination were some of the most important agricultural types. They varied in texture from sands to such heavy clays as the Simei clay and the Stockton clay adobe soils. In most cases the surface soil represented the first 8 to 12 inches of material and the subsoil samples were taken to a depth of 2 to 3 feet. The samples were received in a fairly moist condition and were kept moist until ready for use, since in previous work there had been some evidence that thorough drying was likely to make extraction of the colloid more dificult. M. H. Lapham, J. E. Lapham, and W. Edward Hearn of The Soil Survey collected the selicepe ISOLATION OF A SAMPLE OF THE COLLOIDAL MATERIAL. No attempt was made in the first part of the work described here to extract all the colloidal matter in the soils. The idea was to isolate from each soil enough of the colloidal material for chemical analysis and for determination of the adsorptive capacity for malachite green, water vapor, and ammonia gas. The samples of colloid for the ‘determination reported in Table 1 were extracted virtually as de- scribed in the preliminary paper by Moore, Fry, and Middleton (22), although in the subsequent work this procedure was altered some- what. One hundred pounds of each soil were agitated in barrel churns with 500 pounds of distilled water for two hours. After standing for 18 hours the turbid liquid was siphoned off and the soil was again agitated with water to obtain a further yield of suspended matter. Frequently the second treatment of the soil gave a heavier suspension than the first, although a few soils. failed to give any appreciable quantity of suspended matter on three such treatments. In such eases a fourth treatment with water containing approximately 1 part of ammonia to 3,000 parts of water was very effective in producing a suspension. The turbid extract from the soils was run through a high power centrifuge (known in the trade as a supercentrifuge) driven at the rate of 17,000 revolutions per minute, which threw out a large part of the suspended -matter. In this process the particles were exposed to a force of approximately 17,000 gravity for about 3 minutes. The colloidal suspension which passed through the centrifuge was first concentrated by sucking the water off through batteries of Chamberland-Pasteur filters (bogie F), the colloidal matter collecting on the outside of the filters.» When the colloidal matter had thus ® The slimy film of colloid which collected on the outside of the filters was readily removed from time to time by releasing the suction and blowing air into the tubes. ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. 9 been concentrated in a moderate volume of water it was taken down to a nearly air-dry condition on the steam bath. The amount of colloid thus isolated amounted to about 1 per cent of the weight of the whole soil. Samples were taken for the adsorption of malachite green when the material had reached a thin, pasty condition,® while the water adsorp- tion was determined on the air-dried material and the ammonia adsorption on the material dried at 110° F. Suspensions of colloidal material which passed through the super- centrifuge were examined microscopically. Practically no particles were visible in the ordinary microscope. Examination was also made, using a 3-millimeter objective, 12.5 X eyepiece, and a dark field illumination. Under these conditions the apparent size of the particles seldom exceeded 0.3 micron in diameter.’ The unaggre- gated particles had a most active Brownian movement and were readily coagulated by electrolytes. The suspended matter in most cases did not settle out appreciably on standing for many months. As the concentrated colloidal material was dried, it shrank greatly, finally becoming a horny or resinlike mass that had a conchoidal fracture. It would polish readily and adhere strongly to the tongue. This material was doubtless just as pronouncedly colloidal as that extracted. by Schloesing (34) or that described by Ehrenberg (8, p. 102). It also seemed ta have the same properties as the materials described by Hilgard (16) and by Williams (39). METHODS OF DETERMINING QUANTITIES OF MALACHITE GREEN, WATER, AND AMMONIA ADSORBED, The adsorption of malachite green was determined as follows: Approximately 0.25 gram of colloid or 1 gram of soil was shaken over night with 25 cubic centimeters of water in an end-over-end shaker. Enough N/10 sodium oxalate was then added to precipitate any sol- uble calcium present. After shaking for 15 minutes, a 0.2 per cent solution of malachite green oxalate was added, with repeated shaking until the depth of color in the supernatant liquid was about the same as that of a check solution containing 0.0004 gram dye per cubic centimeter. Shaking was continued for 1 hour to insure complete adsorption. About 5 cubic centimeters of normal sodium chloride solution was then added to coagulate the colloid, and after centrifug- ing to throw down the coagulated material, the supernatant liquid was read colorimetrically against the check solution. The quantity of dye adsorbed was calculated from the amount added and the amount left unadsorbed. The determinations reported in Table 1 were all made on the moist colloid and on the air-dried soil. Several tests showed that the 18- hour shaking of the sample preliminary to determining the adsorption was needed to bring the material in the most adsorptive condition. This was particularly important in the case of soils. Duplicate _§ In subsequent work reported here the air-dried colloidal material was used for determining the adsorp- tion of malachite green. : 7 Of course, some aggregates of larger size were seen, but these were susceptible of resolution into particles of the size mentioned. Part of the material may well have been invisible. This refers not only to exceed- ingly small particles, but also to colorless particles of any size which had a refractive index sufficiently near that of water. 57580—24 2 10 BULLETIN 1193, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. determinations made by this method usually agreed well, variations between different determinations averaging about 5 per cent of the values obtained. In determining the adsorption of ammonia, 5 to 10 gram samples of soil or 2 to 5 gram samples of colloid which had previously been dried for 18 hours at 110° C. were used. The sample was placed in a U-tube which was evacuated for 15 minutes while immersed in boiling water. After replacing the boiling water about the U-tube by an ice-pack, ammonia gas was let into the U-tube through a dry- ing train for two to four hours. The pressure of ammonia gas during this time was maintained at 1 centimeter above that of the atmosphere by a mercury manometer. When the mercury level in the manometer remained without perceptible change for 30 minutes with the ammonia cut off, the adsorption was regarded as complete. Two bottles containing a saturated solution of boric acid were then attached to the U-tube, the ice-pack was removed, the pressure in the apparatus was kept reduced by about 10 centimeters of mercury in the manometer by means of a filter pump, air was let in through a soda-lime tower, and boiling water was again placed around the U-tube. In this way all the ammonia was swept out of the appara- tus within 30 to 40 minutes. The ammonia in the boric acid solu- tion was titrated, using methyl orange as an indicator. The quantity of ammonia thus obtained was corrected for the blank of unadsorbed ammonia in the apparatus. This method gave the amount of am- monia adsorbed at 0° C. which was driven off at 100° C. Variations in duplicate determinations by this method were usually not greater than 3 per cent of the values obtained. The adsorption of water vapor was determined as follows: About 2 grams of colloid or 2 to 4 grams of soil, previously air dried and passed through a 100-mesh sieve, were weighed into shallow weighing bot- tles. The uncovered weighing bottles were placed in a desiccator containing a large amount of 3.3 per cent sulphuric acid, and the desiccator was then evacuated to 50 millimeters or less of mercury. The desiccator was kept in a thermostat maintained at 30° C. for five days; at the end of which time the adsorption of water va- por was practically complete. The samples were then weighed moist and weighed again after drying for 18 hours at 110° C. The difference between the two weights represented the quantity of water adsorbed by the sample. A more detailed description of the procedure is given in a previous paper (Robinson, 26). The adsorption of the soil and of the corresponding colloid were determined in the same run. Under these conditions duplicate de- terminations usually agreed within 2 per cent of the values obtained. Duplicate determinations made in different runs might show con- siderably larger variations. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS. THE ADSORPTIVE CAPACITIES OF SOILS AND EXTRACTED COLLOIDAL MATERIAL, The adsorptive capacities of 32 soils and of samples of the colloidal matter extracted from these soils are given in Table 1. In each case the adsorptive capacity is expressed as the weight of dye, water, or ammonia adsorbed by 1 gram of the material. = a ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. ial : TaBLe 1.—Adsorption of malachite green, water, and ammonia by soils and soul colloids. Adsorbed per gram of soil. material. ' | { ' | | Adsorbed per gram of colloidal | Type of soil or colloidal material. Dye. | H:0. NH. | Dye. HO. NHs3. Carrington loam: Gram. Gram. Gram. | Gram. Gram. Gram. Se ee te ee ce re Lee ae ee / 0.0531 0. 1005 0. 0168 0.2744 | 0.3102 | 0. 0523 SUES ae te NS . 0504 | . 0978 - 0170 | . 3210 3327 | . 0665 Cecil clay loam: | Ror et | Sa@tpese perth it aCe rity eee eels . 0078 . 0341 | - 0034 | . 90770 | . 3359 . 023 0 SSS o Ga PS ae eles meee ose . 0402 . 0903 . 0050 . 1582 | . 2870 | . 0192 Chester loam: Oth Seto eseh se. LEGS 5 eh eas. . 0148 . 0203 . 0049 - 1348 | . 2398 . 0293 SSF TSTn ee ee eee eee ae ee | . 0239 . 0676 . 0087 . 1892 . 2723 . 0256 Clarksville silt loam: | SOL ee a ee ee ee . 0353 | . 0789 . 0077 1424 | . 3390 - 0359 SOE DSE 2 Seed bs Se ap il ee Sl he . 0506 . 0804 . 0106 - 2154 | . 3147 . 0408 Hagerstown loam: Sal 5 epee eer See penne | . 0213 | . 0434 . 0066 | . 1584 . 2592 . 0278 SOUS 10S See ES Pe FESR ERE ee ere eee . 0314 | . 0857 - 0089 | - 1704 | . 2675 . 0299 Huntington loam: | Rene, eee AS, CoA Se | . 0236 | . 0632 . 0104 | . 1750 | . 2739 . 0319 Smisoueren. 2.5258 seer stkew- -<.cd -- . 0182 | . 0504 . 0083 | .1538 ;° _ £2903 . 0274 Manor loam: bees es. 43. FROST AE ett . 9188 | - 0520 | . 0064 | . 1640 . 2822 . 0308 ‘SioT SS | Ae ene ares See PER, Sees | . 0223 | . 0632 . 0057 | . 1838 | . 3402 . 0264 Marshall silt loam: | | Me Py. Bexs tae fxsece 24: - -eprg- be wees 5 ft . 0782 - 0803 | - 9180 | - 2978 | . 2940 - 0536 SAFIN OT! aes Ree ere “== Vega Baja clay loam, soi:: Insp. iraction.or colloids. -2 03.2 5.2... 16.6 | .0584 |] .3125 | .0206 54.6 | 100] 100 100 Second fraction of colloid............... 12.7) .0463 | .2749 | .0165 41.7 79 88 80 Third fraction of colloid ................ Lol . 0494 . 3298 . 0182 3.6 85 106 88 Total quantity colloid extracted......| 30.4 | .0530 | .2974 | .0188 | 100 91 95 91 On the whole, the different colloidal fractions isolated from the same soil were very similar in adsorptive capacity to the first sample extracted. In only two or three cases did any of the fractions differ from the first fraction by more than 25 per cent. In the case of the Marshall soil and the Huntington subsoil there was a gradual decrease in the adsorptive capacities of the lots of colloid successively extracted ; but this does not hold for the other three soils. Chemical analyses made of the different colloidal fractions also showed that there was no marked variation between the first two or three fractions in ultimate chemical composition. The content of iron, aluminum, and silica was very constant in all fractions except the last; this in some cases was higher in silica and lower in iron and alumina than the | : t { | f ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. 19 preceding fractions. The chemical composition is discussed in detail in an unpublished report (Robison and Holmes, 27). So far as the adsorption method of determining the colloidal material in soils is concerned, the important comparison is between the adsorptive capacity of the first fraction of colloid and that of the total quantity extracted. It will be noted that all the fractions of colloid taken together (‘‘ total quantity colloid extracted’’) had prac- tically the same adsorptive capacity as the first fraction. The differ- ences are less than 10 per cent, except in the case of the Huntington subsoil. It is significant in connection with the cause of the disa- greement between the dye, water, and ammonia ratios given in Table 2, that the slight variations between the adsorptive capacities of the first fraction and the combined fractions were practically the same for malachite green as for water or ammonia. Although this comparison of the samples of colloid successively extracted from a soil was not undertaken with a view to determining quantitatively the total amount of colloidal material that it was possible to isolate by the procedure outlined, nevertheless the total quantity of colloidal material recovered is a matter of considerable interest. It will be noted that the quantity of colloidal material actually extracted from the different soils was 6.19 to 38.5 per cent of the weight of the whole soil. This is highly important in bearing on the opinion held by Schloesing 40 years ago, and still widely current, that soils contain less than 2 per cent of truly colloidal material. It is improbable that Schloesing was dealing with a prod- uct in a finer state of dispersion than that obtained in this separation inasmuch as he was obliged to rely on time of subsidence for grading his material. As mentioned on page 9, suspensions passing through the supercentrifuge in this work apparently contained very few particles larger than 0.3 micron in diameter. The quantities of colloidal material separated from the Sassafras subsoil and Marshall soil were doubtless considerably less than the quantities of this class of material actually present in the soil. As already pointed out, considerable losses of the fine material of these soils occurred in preparing the samples of colloidal material. In the eases of the Huntington subsoil, the Sharkey soil, and the Vega Baja soil the quantities of supercentrifuge colloid isolated represent prac- tically all this class of material that it was possible to separate by the means employed. To return to the question of the sample of colloidal material as a factor affecting the accuracy of colloid determinations by the adsorp- tion method, it appears that so far as adsorptive capacity is concerned a small sample of extractable colloidal material differs by approxi- mately 10 per cent from all the colloidal material which is isolatable by the methods described above. Of course the colloid which it was impossible to extract with the methods employed might have a different adsorptive capacity for dye, water, or ammonia than the colloid which was extracted. However, to account for the disa- greement in the ratios on the basis of an unfair sample of the colloid the degree of difference between the adsorptive capacities of the extractable and unextractable colloidal material would have to be different with respect to dye, water, and ammonia. Evidence on this point is given in the following section. Comparison of the extractable and unezxtractable colloidal material.— The adsorptive capacities of the extracted and the unextracted 20 BULLETIN 1193, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. colloidal material can not be directly compared, but an indirect comparison of the two kinds of colloid is possible. If the extractable colloidal material is completely separated from the soil as in the work just described, the unextracted colloidal material will all be present in the residual fractions of fine and coarse material, mixed, of course, with the mineral fragments above colloidal size. A comparison, then, of the adsorptive capacity of the fine or coarse fraction for dye, water, and ammonia with the adsorptive capacity of the extracted colloidal material for these three sub- stances will show whether the unextracted colloid differs from the extracted colloid more in its adsorption of dye than in its adsorption of water or ammonia. ‘This comparison would show only the rela- tion between the dye, water, and ammonia adsorptive capacities of the extracted and unextracted colloids. It would not show, for example, whether the unextracted colloid was 80 per cent or 40 per cent as adsorptive for all three substances as the extracted colloid. However, the adsorption ratios of the fine and coarse fractions, adsorption per gram of fraetion adsorption per gram of extracted colloid will, other things being equal, show the absolute quantities of colloid in the fractions in proportion as the adsorptive capacities of the extracted and unextracted colloids are alike. Now it is possible to determine the quantities of colloid in the fine and coarse fractions by microscopical observation with considerable accuracy (Fry, 13). Hence a comparison of the quantities of colloid found by microscopical observation with the quantities indicated by the adsorption ratios will show biaccimnately the relative adsorptive capacities oi the extracted and unextracted colloidal materials. If the adsorption ratio shows a smaller percentage of colloidal material than the microscopical determination, it indicates that the unextracted col- Joidal material has a lower adsorptive capacity than the sample of extracted colloid and vice versa. The soil fractions prepared in order to compare the successive fractions of extractable colloidal material were not well suited for a comparison of the extractable and unextractable colloid since considerable portions of the fine and coarse fractions were lost, except in the case of the Vega Baja soil. Accordingly new frac- tionations of soils were made, taking care to avoid losses of colloidal, fine, or coarse material. The methods of extracting and concentrating the colloidal material and of separating the fine and coarse residues were essentially the same as those described on pages 16 to 17... The important difference was that in this work a bottle centrifuge was used for separating the colloidal material from the noncolloidal particles instead of the supercentrifuge, the speed and time of centrifuging being so regulated as to leave in suspension all particles less than 1 micron in diameter. The centrifuge used had a diameter of 22 inches. When running at a speed of 850 revolutions per minute about 45 minutes were usually required for throwing out particles larger than 1 micron in diameter. This was checked by microscopic observation of the colloidal, fine, and coarse fractions. The colloidal material passing through the supercentrifuge in the extractions described on pages 16 and 17 ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. 21 contained, as near as could be judged by observation, very few particles larger than 0.3 micron. Hence the difference between the colloidal material obtained in previous extractions and that obtained in this separation consisted in the fact that in the first case the upper limit of size of particles was in the neighborhood of 0.3 micron while in the latter case the upper limit of size was 1 micron. The finer and coarser soil particles above colloidal size were col- lected in separate fractions as in the previous separation, but in this separation a quantitative recovery of these fractions was attempted. The samples of soil fractionated in this way consisted of 50 grams of Sharkey soil and 100 grams each of Cecil soil, Huntington soil, Huntington subsoil and Sassafras subsoil. Table 4 shows the quantities of colloidal, fine and coarse materials separated from each soil, together with the adsorptive capacities of these materials and of the unfractionated soils. Included in this table, also, are the results obtained with two samples of soil—the Vega Baja soil and a second sample of Sharkey soil—which were fractionated according to the method described on pages 16 to 17; that is, the colloidal material was graded by the supercentrifuge, so the upper limit of the particles was about 0.3 micron instead of 1 micron.*° TABLE 4.—Adsorptive capacities of soils and soil fractions. Adsorption per gram Part | of material. Description of soil fractions. of whole | soil. | | | | Dye. | H20 | NH. ~ i | | | Cecil clay loam, soil: Per cent.| Gram. | Gram. | Gram TL eRe RE 2) eee re eee 100.0 | 0,0078 0. 0442 © 0. 0034 0 er SE a DS ee 9.4 | . 0840 | . 2439 | . 0165 bare ee see a se Ce I EVE 7.6 | . 0154 | . 0714 | . 0076 ES Ss Ee ee 83.8 | . 0000 | 0028 | . 0010 Cecil clay loam, soil (duplicate determination): | CUTIES Ts a ee ee Ne ee 100.0 | . 0078 | 2 0442} 22522 22 pits: boon PLE gl Be ae EE ee A ee ee 9. 4 | . 0975 | F284" fh) 2th a wo i ee ee ee eel Ce 10. 4 | . 0007 | 205091 | sta. SPE E SPSS Vis ee es ed 2 ee ee ee er ae 78.3 | . 0000 | < OO420F SIE 3 LIES Huntington loam, soil: TL Bila oe Rd ea ee 100.0 | 0245 | . 0533 0104 ltl = Jobe SOR? ae Se eee 10.3 | 0949 | . 2221 0270 en eo oR Be ae es Be ae ae 21.9 0288 | . 0476 0098 (PURSE EAT pT? see = a a ee 64.0 | 0114 | 0215 0062 Huntington loam, subsoil: | ETE pes BN ol ee Die ee ee a ee ee 100.0 | 0182 | . 0792 0083 lL ee Dab. RR Ba ae 13.3 | 0918 | . 2996 0226 a Te a SE ens ae ee 19. 4 | 0143 | =. 0665 0072 SO SEt DDD SY SE ee - ee 63.3 | 0053 0292 0031 Sassafras silt loam, subsoil: | Ll: a bee eS ee ee ee ere 100. 0 . 0276 | 0568 . 0074 JOT eb! SE ee ee a ee ee 14.4 . 1398 . 2732 . 0293 WeRr SERRE Tee 2 ee SIS a, ee 20. 6 | . 0222 . 0546 0079 (SUE ED Pri Fe ge ee Be ae a ee ee ee 61.9 0053 0041 0004 Sharkey clay, soil: | tL Eh s SS ERIE BES cae See ee oy Eee Lot A 100.0 | 1997 1755 0345 SLT 2 es P Se = et 5 ee 42, 4 | 3790 | . 2956 0520 we i i ee ae 53.1 | 0657 | .0772 0172 Sharkey clay, soil (separation by supercentrifuge): 1 ah PUL ee ee ee ye ae ee eee 100. 0 | . 2128 . 1984 . 0358 Ele WE ee Be ee ee ae 31.5 | 3592 | . 3037 . 0514 permamreewee O6e. COLE rer ai, Ty AltoL ia ris: 38. 9 | . 1075 | . 1280 | . 0244 Coarse fraction..-.........- f JUSS eee? PY mer) eee ee 31.8 .0825 | .0834 . 0168 Vega Baja me loam, soil (separation by supercentrifuge): UC SUES UL 2 ae ee en ee ee 100.0 . 0369 | . 1805 . 0147 Ppemrapiger pe Oa hg re re ae ee hace oe coke 30. 5 | . 0530 . 2974 | . 0187 Reever cteegtemes Pee Ne Ey eT ee) oS ep PALE: 38.6 | . 0492 . 2332 . 0196 ETS Lz ed ee ee en ae 31.8 | . 0094 . 0260 . 0044 10 In the case of the Sharkey soil absolutely all the extractable colloidal material was not isolated, since the fractionation was undertaken chiefly for the study, to be described later, on the “‘alteration in adsorp- tive capacity of the colloid produced by extraction.’ 57580—24——+4 22 BULLETIN 1193, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. In the case of all soils, except the Sharkey (separation by super- centrifuge), the quantities of colloid isolated were all that could be obtained with the methods employed. The coarse and fine fractions of all soils except this one, therefore, contain only what we may term “‘unextractable” colloid. The fine and coarse fractions of the Sharkey soil (separation by supercentrifuge) on the other hand con- tain a small amount of colloid capable of isolation in addition to the unextractable. The quantity of colloidal material present in these fine and coarse fractions was estimated with the petrographic microscope. The details and accuracy of the method have been described by Fry in another publication (13). Microscopical determinations of the colloidal material present in the fine and coarse fractions of Table 4 are reported in Table 5. Table 5 also shows the quantities of colloidal material in the fine and coarse fractions which the dye, water, and ammonia adsorption ratios adsorption per gram of fraction adsorption per gram of extracted colloid indicate. The adsorption ratios were calculated from data given in Table 4. TaBLE 5.—Percentages of unextracted colloid in fine and coarse soil fractions. Percentage of colloidal material in the sample indicated by— Description of samples. ey Dye Water \Anmunionie eeooienl adsorp- | adsorp- | adsorp- C eee tion tion tion A ratio. ratio. ratio. Cecil clay loam, soil: | Per cent. | Per cent.| Per cent. | Per cent. GHTO MTA CHLOM Ae 2.0 Shek BAS 2 asta ae ee cian cB ee eee sce eee 74 18.3 29.3 46.1 Wosrselraetlon 5) ess. Psa AS- Se lsto ja. 5 =o oes a he aye Sei ee | 4 .0 ila Gu Cecil clay loam, soil (duplicate determination): | AMIGO MTACUIONE Fotis 25,2 2s Mee dating BANGS ots Sein ws URNS © Soe ee 55 oat TSAO a aoc pees COFTSOMFAGH ON 65 AP on Roe HES: «ook athe cle cae ce Sede 4 .6 1 Pst ya a pe em oh Huntington loam, soil: INI CMU CUEON - 2:2 = cde MS 2k 2 = oi Rtbore ciclateites cee © eile ee aaienas 48 30.3 21.4 36.3 WOATSCHTACHION -)-¢ ERE 2 =<. atten. oho s cea aeien aortic ercerece 8 12.0 9.7 23. 0 Huntington loam, subsoil: ir O CRACHHOM £2. 4 Se 5, 8 ooo eA. os coos oh oak Aare ee 25 foro) 22.2 31.9 (CoarsenractiOn <).'2 isis e% SoUs SYS AP mer oe cee ae ee 10 5.8 9.7 IB AV Sassafras silt loam, subsoil: ITM OMNACHTONS.\. co caltes. sc. Ds OM «nc cmos pac. ste Rees oot = 38 15.9 20.0 | 26.9 COSTSOMTACIION =o ge sc 21 LA eee ee a eS eee 7 ek aS 2 3.8 | aie 1.4 Sharkey clay, soil: | Wine fraction. =. : =. sks.) .2. 2 S252---- Se ee Bis, pols peed 42 LW MB) 26.1 | Son Sharkey clay, soil (separation by supercentrifuge): SEI TIOANAGHEGINs= He AereE So, to eee om oe eee cain cles ee aes coe eeee 52 29.9 42.1 | 47.5 COarTSONTACLLONM {050 <2. So Sach aes ice See ee ee dee eee eee eee 25 23. 0 27.5 OZ. d. Vega Baja clay loam, soil (separation by supercentrifuge): HINGMMAGHON=. = Bresso. ee bane JERE Deas ste san see ee = 97 92.8 78.4 | 104.3 WOATSOMTAC ELON! Coes cc's Sa Mo cic adie sree aise aotemee me ersys 14 MC 8.7 | 23. 4 Both microscopical determinations and adsorption ratios indicate that a considerable quantity of colloidal material is left in the frac- tions of finer soil residues in spite of the repeated washing and rubbing to which this material was subjected. In the coarser soil residues, however, very little colloidal material is present as a rule. One 11 Jt may well be that there is no reai distinction between the colloid which was extracted and that which was not. ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. a3 would expect this colloidal material to differ in adsorptive capacity - from the material which was isolated, from the mere fact that it was not brought into suspension by the same treatment. As already pointed out, evidence as to whether the unextracted colloid differs in adsorptive capacity from the extracted colloid can be obtained by comparing the quantities of colloid determined micro- scopically with the quantities indicated by the adsorption ratios. If the adsorption ratios indicate the same percentages of colloidal material as the microscopical observations the colloid in the residues presumably has the same adsorptive capacity as the extracted colloid. If the adsorption ratios are lower than the microscopical determina- tions, it is to be assumed that the unextracted colloid in the fractions has a lower adsorptive capacity per gram than the colloid extracted, and if the adsorption ratio is higher than the microscopical determin- ation the unextracted colloid doubtless is more adsorptive than the extracted colloid. Comparisons of the microscopical and adsorption determinations given in Table 5 indicate that the unextracted colloidal material usually has a considerably lower adsorptive capacity for dye and water than the extracted colloid, but the adsorptive capacities of the two kinds of colloid for ammonia is as a rule approximately alike. It should be borne in mind that these estimations of the relative adsorptive capacities of the extractable and unextractable colloids apply on the one hand to material in the condition in which it is after extraction and on the other hand to material in the unextracted condition. If it is true that the process of extraction does not alter the adsorptive capacity of either the extracted or unextracted col- loid, it would follow that the two kinds of colloidal material—if they are distinct kinds—have different adsorptive capacities as they exist in the untreated soil. However, data presented in the following ages indicate that the colloidal material after extraction probably as a somewhat different adsorptive capacity from what it had in the untreated soil. In Table 9 the adsorptive capacities of the extractable colloid before and after extraction are given, and the probable relation between the adsorptive capacities of the colloid in the two conditions is expressed in factors given in columns 8 to 10 of that table. For a comparison, then, of the adsorptive capacities of extractable and unextractable colloids as they exist in the untreated soil, it is necessary to correct the adsorption ratios given in Table 5 for pos- sible alteration produced in the extracted colloid, upon which the ratios are based. Factors given in Table 9 were used for this purpose. The corrected adsorption ratios and microscopical determinations on samples containing an appreciable amount of colloidal material are given in Table 6.’ Data in Table 6 show that even in the untreated soil the extractable and unextractable colloids usually differ considerably in adsorptive capacities. The difference in adsorptive capacities of the two kinds of colloid is not at all constant; it is large in the case of the Cecil soil and practically negligible in the case of the Vega Baja soil. In most 12 Samples containing a small quantity of colloidal material had such low adsorptive capacities that the adsorption ratios could not be determined accurately. The comparisons of the adsorption ratios and microscopical determinations of colloid were, therefore, not significant in the case of these samples (Table 5), and they were omitted from Table 6. 24 BULLETIN 1193, U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. cases the unextractable colloid is more nearly equal to the extractable colloid in adsorptive capacity for ammonia than in adsorptive capac- ity for water or dye. ‘This is apparent also on averaging the results of the ten samples. The adsorptive capacity of the unextracted colloid averages 64 per cent that of the extracted colloid for dye, 58 per cent for water and 83 per cent for ammonia. TABLE 6.—Relative adsorptive capacities of extractable and unextractable colloidal material, as indicated by the relative percentages of colloid shown by microscopical and by cor- rected adsorption ratio determinations. ] ] | _ Adsorptive capacity of | ' unextractable colloid for dye, HO, and Colloid present by corrected— NH, expressed rela- | Colloid | tive to adsorptive ca- | present | _ pacity of the extract- Soil fraction in which colloid present. | by micro- | able colloid taken as | scopical | 100 in each case. | count. | ns : | Dyead-{| Water lsucattontal sorption | adsorp- | adsorp- | Dye. | H.O. | NH. ratio. {tion ratio.|tion ratio. | 5 za | iz Cecil clay loam soil: | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | IN GnTAChlON. 2 xh.5 225255 .~ 465 74 | | 18 36 | 28 23 49 Fine fraction (duplicate).......... 55 | 1 | 14 [PE 2320523 2 2512 9.b 23 Huntington loam: | ; H Boll ane (rachidd cis. c oes oe 48 | 30 | 18 26 | 63 38 54 Subsoil, fine fraction:............. 25 | 17 |} 20 21 | 68 80 | 84 Sassafras silt loam: Subsoil, fine fraction.............. 38 17 | 19 22 45 50. 58 Sharkey clay soil: HINGMLACHLON ane ce cicc ce hee eet 42 18 | 26 31 | 43 62 71 Separation by supercentrifuge— | ' BRine frachione:. 222 occu saa2 | 52, 23 32 35 | ‘4 62 67 Coarse fraction................ 25a 17 21 24 | 68 84 96 Vega Baja clay loam, soil (separation } by supercentrifuge): Mine fraction. >. 22>. .02-L-tiesv34- 97 | 98 85 101, = 101 88 | 104 Coarse fractions £2 hose ec ccec soe 14 | 19 9 23 | 136 64 | 164 Conclusions regarding representativeness of a sample of colloidal material.—The data obtained on the adsorptive capacities of suc- cessive lots of colloidal material isolated from the same soil and on the relative adsorptive capacities of the extractable and unextract- able colloid show that a small sample of colloidal material is not exactly representative of all the colloid present in many soils. Part, therefore, of the disagreements between the quantities of colloid indicated by the dye, water, and ammonia adsorption ratios in Table 2, may be ascribed to failure to obtain an exactly representative sample of the colloidal material. Sampling of the colloidal material, however, does not appear to be the only cause of disagreement in the adsorption ratios. A small sample of the extractable colloidal material which is dispersable into particles less than 0.3 micron in size appears to be about 90 per cent representative of all this class of material. The chief error in sampling appears to be due to the unextractable collodial material in many, but not all, soils having a different adsorptive capacity from that of the extractable colloidal material. A small sample of the colloidal material seems to represent more nearly all the colloidal material in its adsorptive capacity for ammonia than in its adsorptive capacity for water or dye. Pr ge ae ESTIMATION OF COLLOIDAL MATERIAL IN SOILS. 25 The difference in the adsorptive capacities of the extracted and unextracted colloids may of course be due to a difference in the chemical composition of the two kinds of colloids or due merely to a difference in the physical state, as fineness of subdivision or degree of induration of the colloidal material. Certain indications point to the latter possibility. Pressure alone, however, does not appear to alter the adsorptive capacity of the air-dried colloid. , Dr. L. H. Adams, of the Geophysical Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution, very kindly subjected a sample of air-dried Sharkey colloid to pres- sures up to 15,000 atmospheres. The colloidal material, which con- tained 11 per cent of moisture when under pressure, was not changed in adsorptive capacity. This is evident from the results given in Table 7. TABLE 7.—Effect of pressure on adsorptive capacity of the Sharkey soil colloid. H:0 ad- Dye ad- sorbed per | sorbed per | gram of gram of material. | material. Treatment of sample. | Gram | Gram. sna IEEE Ut SOA RE a ho 8 = coo ae neces eneccaencess 0. 3103 | 0. 4365 aise 8 2 00 sams phenes pressure. - uss. a eo eee esc ews . 3082 | . 4395 Pease LO 7 HO atmospheres Pressure - -. . 2... a ne eo taaie snes ale bWslen'e seisent . 3078 | - 4395 epesee 1005, 000atmosphores pressure . .. 2255. -. =... 2-2 ese e nce eee ween ee == eee . 2932 . 4220 ALTERATION IN ADSORPTIVE CAPACITY OF THE COLLOID PRODUCED BY EXTRACTION, From data presented in Table 4, evidence can be obtained as to whether the adsorptive capacity of the colloidal material is affected by extraction. Table 4 gives the adsorptive capacity of the un- treated soil and the adsorptive capacities, as well as percentages, of the colloidal material and other fractions into which the soil was separated. If isolation of the colloidal material does not affect the adsorptive capacity of the colloidal material, the adsorptions of the separates into which the soil is divided (colloidal material, fine and coarse fractions) should amount to just what the untreated soil adsorbs. If, on the other hand, the quantity of dye, water, or ammonia adsorbed by the combined cottoidal: fine and coarse frac- tions amounts to more or less than the quantity of these substances adsorbed by the untreated soil, it is apparent that the adsorptive capacities of the colloidal material must be altered by the process of fractionation. Table 8 gives the quantities of dye, water, and ammonia adsorbed by one gram of the untreated soil and the quantities of these sub- stances that would be adsorbed by 1 gram of the soil separates combined according to the percentages of each isolated from the soil. It is apparent from the data in Table 4 that the quantities of colloidal material, fine and coarse fractions isolated from a soil, do not exactly equal the amount of soil taken for fractionation, the quantities of separates recovered ranging from 95.5 per cent to 102.2 per cent of the original samples. The losses of soil material were probably chiefly mechanical, although with the large volumes of water used there must have been some losses occasioned by solubility. re - 4 oe: 5 Ts ~ 08 % x Rs re. 7) f