ETHYLENE-INDUCED TISSUE BREAKDOWN IN FRUIT OF WATERMELON [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai] BY MOHAMED ELHAG ELKASHIF A DISSERTATION PRESENTED TO THE GRADUATE SCHOOL OF THE UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere gratitude to Dr. D. J. Huber, chairman of his supervisory committee, for his guidance, unlimited help, valuable suggestions, and encouragement throughout the course of this study. Much appreciation is extended to the members of the supervisory committee, Drs. D. D. Gull and Mark Sherman, for their help and advice with some experimental procedures, and Drs. C. B. Hall and R. C. Smith, for their assistance during the preparation of this manuscript. The help and cooperation of the faculty and staff of the Vegetable Crops Department, the staff of the Horticultural Unit, and the graduate student colleagues also are very much appreciated. The author is grateful to his wife, Asma B. Abdelrahman, for her patience, endurance, continuous help, and encouragement throughout the duration of this study. Indebtedness to the People of the Democratic Republic of the Sudan for financial support is also acknowledged. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii ABSTRACT v CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE 3 Respiration and Ethylene Production of Fruits in Response to Exogenous Ethylene or Propylene 3 Respiration and Ethylene Production of Fruit as Affected by Microorganisms 10 Membrane Permeability Changes During Ripening and Senescence 12 The Role of Calcium in Delaying Senescence 18 Activity of Hydrolytic Enzymes During Fruit Ripening 21 Ultrastructural Changes in Fruit Cells During Ripening 32 CHAPTER III RESPIRATION AND ETHYLENE PRODUCTION IN WATERMELON FRUIT EXPOSED TO ETHYLENE OR PROPYLENE 37 Introduction 37 Materials and Methods 39 Results 41 Discussion 45 CHAPTER IV ELECTROLYTE LEAKAGE, FIRMNESS, AND SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPIC STUDIES OF WATERMELON FRUIT TREATED WITH ETHYLENE 51 Introduction 51 Materials and Methods 53 Results 55 Discussion 64 CHAPTER V CELL WALL HYDROLASES AND ULTRASTRUCTURE OF WATERMELON FRUIT AS INFLUENCED BY ETHYLENE 75 Introduction 75 Materials and Methods 77 Results 81 Discussion 90 ili PAGE CHAPTER VI SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 103 LITERATURE CITED 106 BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH 117 » Abstract of Dissertation Presented to the Graduate School of the University of Florida in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy ETHYLENE-INDUCED TISSUE BREAKDO\VN IN FRUIT OF WATERMELON [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai] By MOHAMED ELHAG ELKASHIF August 1985 Chairman: Dr. D. J. Huber Major Department: Horticultural Science Although watermelon [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum and Nakai] fruit have been classified as climacteric, there are reports that they exhibit cellular breakdown when exposed to ethylene gas. This study comprises an investigation of the postharvest behavior of watermelon fruit under normal conditions and in response to ethylene or propylene. Parameters measured included the effects of ethylene on ripening and respiratory activity, electrolyte leakage, cell wall ultrastructure, and cell wall hydrolases. All experiments included a comparison of the changes which occurred during both ethylene-induced breakdown and natural ripening of fruit. Respiratory rates in harvested melons showed little change throughout ripening. Respiratory activity was enhanced in the presence of ethylene but returned to normal levels upon removal of the gas. Endogenous ethylene production was not initiated by exposure of fruit to propylene and was detected only in fruit exhibiting symptoms V of decay. The results supported the hypothesis that watermelon fruit was nonclimacteric. Ethylene-treated tissue exhibited extensive cell separation, high activity of D-galacturonase, and enhanced electrolyte leakage. These ethylene responses did not appear to represent merely an acceleration of normal ripening since they were not observed in fruit not exposed to ethylene. The sequence of events which resulted in watermelon tissue breakdown emphasized the predominant role of the cell wall. The increase in D-galacturonase activity observed after the first day of ethylene treatment coincided with the development of a distinct zone of separation in the middle lamella of the cell wall. Following longer periods of ethylene treatment, extensive pectin degradation was apparent from the increased quantities of polymers fractionating on Ultrogel AcA 34. Ultrastructural studies revealed that cell walls started to show signs of deterioration after the first day of ethylene treatment. The membrane system did not seem to play a major role in initiating watermelon tissue breakdown, since no change in electrolyte leakage was noted during the first 3 days of ethylene treatment. The increase in electrolyte leakage observed after the 3rd day of ethylene treatment was apparently due to cell wall degradation and weakening which led to the rupture of the membrane. vi CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Wat6rmelons [Citrullus lanatus (Thunb) Mats, and Nak.] ara among the most important vegetable crops grown in Florida. A total area of 64,000 acres was planted during the 1983-84 crop year. Production was placed at 10 million cwt., and the total value of the crop was estimated at $62.1 million (Florida Agric. Stat., 1984). Early in the season, watermelons were shipped in mixed loads with other commodities that produce ethylene or stored in warehouses near ethylene-producing products. Exposure of watermelons to ethylene emanations adversely affected their quality and rendered them unfit for consumption. This observation prompted Risse and Hatton (1982) to investigate the postharvest response of watermelons to ethylene. They found that exposure of watermelons to various ethylene concentrations for 3 or 7 days accelerated their deterioration. Ethylene-treated watermelons had thinner rinds and were softer than untreated fruit. The melons were spongy, watery, and had developed off-flavors. Ethylene treatment had a harmful effect on preripe watermelons as well. Earlier, Shimokawa (1973) observed that watermelon tissue exhibited maceration when exposed to ethylene emanations evolved by 'Prince' melons. Enzymic studies of macerated tissue revealed higher activities of cell wall hydrolytic enzymes as compared to healthy tissues. These results are seemingly contradictory to the data presented by Mizuno and Pratt (1973), who reported that watermelons 1 2 produced ethylene in a manner characteristic of climacteric fruits. It has been well established (McGlasson et al., 1978; Rhodes, 1980a; Biale and Young, 1981) that ethylene treatment of preripe climacteric fruits will shorten the time required for the induction of the climacteric. Ethylene treatment will also trigger autocatalytic ethylene production and enhance normal fruit ripening to aesthetically acceptable quality. On the other hand, a ripe climacteric fruit which is in the climacteric or postclimacteric phases is insensitive to further applications of ethylene (Biale and Young, 1981; Solomos, 1983). Hence, the fact that watermelons are deleteriously affected by ethylene treatment casts doubt on their climacteric categorization. The objectives of this research are 1) to study the effects of ethylene treatment on respiration and endogenous ethylene production in watermelon fruit at various stages of ripening; 2) to determine the nature of the ethylene-induced breakdown in watermelon tissue: is it due to cell wall breakdown, increased membrane permeability, or both? 3) to study the effect, if any, of ethylene on the structural polymers of the cell wall, and in particular the pectins, a) examining tissue for presence of D-galacturonase, and b) examining tissue for evidence of pectin degradation; 4) to carry out ultrastructural studies of ethylene-treated and control tissues. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Respiration and Ethylene Production of Fruits in Response to Exogenous Ethylene or Propylene Introduction Studies of the respiratory activity of fruits indicate that the climacteric pattern of respiration is not shown by all fruits. The respiration rate of some fruits was found to follow a slow downward drift after detachment. Hence, Biale (1960) classified fruits as climacteric or nonclimacteric on the basis of their respiratory patterns. Examples of climacteric fruits are tomatoes, mangoes, bananas, apples, and avocadoes. Nonclimacteric fruits are typically represented by citrus fruit, grapes, cherries and others (Biale, 1960). The ripening of climacteric fruits was found to be accompanied by rapid compositional changes that include hydrolysis of storage polysaccharides, breakdown of cell wall materials and softening, changes in organic acids, increases in aroma, increased ethylene production, loss of astringency, and changes in color. When climacteric fruits are picked at relatively immature stages, they will undergo the same physiological changes as mature fruits, but with an inferior quality (McGlasson et al., 1978). Nonclimacteric fruits, however, are characterized by a slow utilization of soluble sugars rather than the hydrolysis of polysaccharides. The capacity of many 3 4 nonclimacteric fruits to ripen after picking is very limited (Rhodes, 1980b). One of the most important criteria used to differentiate between climacteric and nonclimacteric fruits is their specific response to ethylene. Highly sensitive techniques have revealed that ethylene is produced throughout the growth and development of both climacteric and nonclimacteric fruits. Nonclimacteric fruits produce ethylene at a very low rate throughout their growth and maturation and the attainment of full maturity is not associated with increased ethylene production. However, the rate of ethylene production increases dramatically during the ripening of climacteric fruits (McGlasson et al., 1978; Rhodes, 1980a). Fruit Response to Applied Ethylene Climacteric and nonclimacteric fruits behave quite differently in their response to exogenously applied ethylene. A treatment of 0.1 to 1.0 ppm ethylene for one day is sufficient to initiate ripening in most climacteric fruit. The respiration rate of the fruit increases to a peak value, the magnitude of which is independent of the concentration of ethylene applied. Once ripening is initiated, removal of exogenous ethylene does not affect the progress of ripening and the fruit becomes insensitive to further applications of ethylene (Biale and Young, 1981; Solomos, 1983). Ethylene treatment shortens the period after harvest required for the induction of the climacteric rise without affecting the respiratory peak (Rhodes, 1980a). Treatment of climacteric fruits with ethylene at concentrations higher 5 than a threshold level of 0.1 ppm will, depending on fruit maturation, induce autocatalytic ethylene production (McGlasson et al., 1978). The stage of fruit maturity affects the time lag to the induction of the respiratory climacteric. Wang and Hansen (1970) treated immature pears with 500 ppm ethylene for 24 hrs and reported a decrease in flesh firmness, an increase in soluble pectins, and the fruits attained full ripeness without a concomitant change in the respiratory activity. However, in fully mature, ethylene-treated pears, the climacteric rise in respiration developed together with ripening. The induction of the climacteric rise in respiration of immature fruits required at least 48 hrs of exposure to ethylene. Kosiyachinda and Young (1975) reported that ethylene was not the single control factor in the induction of the climacteric. The effect of ethylene on respiration seemed to be independent from its effect on ripening. Wang et al. (1972) studied the effects of ethylene treatment on the respiratory rate and chemical composition of pears harvested at different stages of maturation. Respiration rate of immature fruits varied according to ethylene concentration. Ethylene production in response to exogenously applied ethylene occurred only in fully mature fruits during the development of the respiratory climacteric. Ethylene-induced softening started before the climacteric rise in respiration. It was suggested that ripening as measured by softening was not dependent on the development of the respiratory climacteric. Akamine and Goo (1979) studied respiration and ethylene production in fruits of species and cultivars of Psidium and Eugenia . Fruits of Psidium species exhibited typical climacteric 6 type respiration with the increase in ethylene production preceding the respiratory rise by one day. In contrast, the respiration rate of ethylene-treated fruits of Eugenia species increased and then decreased to the control level upon removal of the gas. Those fruits showed a response typical of nonclimacteric fruits to ethylene. The climacteric rise in respiration was shown to occur even when the fruits were still attached to the tree, except avocado fruits which do not ripen on the tree (Biale and Young, 1981). Gazit and Blumenfeld (1970) reported that unpicked avocado fruits did not respond to 50 ppm ethylene for 48 hrs. Ethylene treatments immediately after harvest also resulted in no response. Fruits responded to ethylene only when the treatment was initiated at least 25 hrs after harvest. The lack of response to ethylene was attributed to the presence of endogenous inhibitory substances (Gazit and Blumenfeld, 1970). Pauli (1982), working with soursop fruits, concluded that fruit response to ethylene was dependent upon the sensitivity of the tissue to the initiation of ripening brought about by an increase in ethylene receptor sites, a decrease in inhibitors, or an increase in activators. Treatment of nonclimacteric fruits with ethylene causes a respiratory rise, the peak value of which is proportional to the logarithm of the ethylene concentration applied (Rhodes, 1980b). Removal of the exogenous ethylene leads to a fall in the rate of respiration to its value before the onset of treatment. The enhanced respiration can be repeatedly stimulated by successive ethylene treatments (McGlasson et al., 1978; Rhodes, 1980b). Application of 7 ethylene to nonclimacteric fruits has no effect on the normal low rate of basal ethylene evolution. Burg and Burg (1962) earlier suggested that the essential difference between climacteric and nonclimacteric fruits lies in their relative abilities to produce ethylene autocatalytically in response to the accumulation of threshold levels of ethylene within their tissues. Ethylene has been used for many years for citrus degreening (Grierson and Newhall, 1960), and is known to increase respiration rate as well as stem end rot (Kusunose and Sawamura, 1980). Vines et al. (1965) reported that exposure of 'Valencia’ oranges to 50 ppm ethylene for 24 hrs caused a 400% increase in respiration rate. After withdrawal of ethylene, respiration rate declined but did not return to the control levels within 7 days. The relationship between climacteric and nonclimacteric fruits was further clarified by studies of mutant strains of tomato. Herner and Sink (1973) showed that rin tomato mutant fruits had low rates of respiration and ethylene production and showed very limited degree of ripening. Exogenous ethylene treatments caused a rise in respiration but without autocatalytic ethylene production or ripening. The continuous presence of ethylene was necessary for a sustained rise in respiration rate and the fruit was capable of repeated stimulation by successive ethylene treatments (Herner and Sink, 1973). Frenkel and Garrison (1976) reported on the initiation of lycopene synthesis in rin tomato mutant fruits. Detached rin fruits synthesized no lycopene in the absence of ethylene. However, lycopene synthesis was initiated at 10 ppm ethylene and elevated levels of oxygen. 8 Internal ethylene levels in nonclimacteric fruits usually range from 0.02 to 0.2 ppm (Burg and Burg, 1962). Studies on postharvest respiration and ethylene production in jujube fruits (Kader et al., 1982) showed that internal ethylene production rate ranged from 0.05 to 0.25 1/kg-hr. Their data indicated that Chinese jujube had a nonclimacteric pattern of respiration and did not exhibit accelerated ethylene production during ripening. Initiation of a respiratory rise in response to ethylene treatment is not restricted to fruits. Reid and Pratt (1972) compared the respiratory response of potato tubers to ethylene treatment with that of oranges. Ethylene treatment increased the respiration rate of potato tubers 5 to 10 times that of the control. Ethylene concentrations of 2, 20, and 90 ppm resulted in the same respiratory response. Tubers' response to applied ethylene was similar to that of nonclimacteric fruits such as oranges. Reid and Pratt (1972) proposed that the respiratory rise in climacteric fruits and that of wounded plant tissue was induced by a rise in endogenous ethylene concentration. Fruit Response to Applied Propylene Experiments demonstrating autocatalytic ethylene production by climacteric fruits in response to exogenously applied ethylene were made possible by the use of propylene (McMurchie et al . , 1972). Propylene is a biologically active analogue of ethylene and although it is not as active as ethylene, it also initiates fruit ripening. The equivalent concentration of propylene required to give a 9 comparable response was found to be 130 times that of ethylene (Burg and Burg, 1967). By applying propylene to fruits it is possible to measure endogenous ethylene evolution accurately, since propylene and ethylene are readily separable by gas chromatography. McMurchie et al. (1972) treated climacteric bananas and nonclimacteric oranges and lemons with 500 ppm propylene. In bananas, propylene initiated a typical climacteric pattern of respiration, ripening, and autocatalytic production of ethylene. Propylene-treated lemons and oranges had increased respiratory rates without being accompanied by autocatalytic ethylene production. The authors proposed that two systems were involved in the responses of fruits to ethylene. In system I, ethylene biogenesis was initiated by factors involved in the regulation of aging processes. This brought the concentration of ethylene to a sufficient level to induce system II which led to the respiratory climacteric, ripening changes, and further ethylene production. Hence, nonclimacteric fruits lacked system II but possessed system I. The effect of propylene treatment on the stage of fruit maturation was investigated by Sfakiotakis and Dilley (1973) in apples. The ability of propylene to stimulate ethylene production increased progressively with fruit maturation. The lag time to the onset of autocatalytic ethylene production decreased with increased maturation, thereby reflecting increased tissue sensitivity. McGlasson et al. (1975) found that continuous application of 300 to 1000 ppm propylene advanced ripening in normal tomato fruits of all maturation stages by at least 50%. Exposure to propylene stimulated respiration in non-ripening mutant fruits but without a change in 10 endogenous ethylene production. Eaks (1980) and Brecht and Kader (1984a, 1984b) also reported on the relationships between propylene concentration and stage of fruit maturation. Immature fruits usually responded by showing an increased respiration rate. Upon termination of the treatment, the respiration rate fell to the untreated control. Propylene did not induce ethylene production in immature fruits, but did so in mature ones. Propylene concentrations of 1250 to 12,500 ppm advanced the onset of ethylene production, stimulated ripening, and enhanced softening of slow-ripening nectarine fruits (Brecht and Kader, 1984b). Propylene-treated avocado fruits (Eaks, 1980) had a progressively shorter time to the climacteric and to softening as they matured . Respiration and Ethylene Production of Fruits as Affected by Microorganisms Few studies have been carried out on the contribution of microbial activity to respiration and ethylene production of fruits. In some cases, many fruits which have been classified as climacteric were found to be decayed and owed much of their high respiration rates and ethylene production to microorganisms (Oslund and Davenport, 1983). An increase in respiratory activity was found in lemons and oranges naturally infected with Penicillium digitatum. Diplodia natalensis, and Phomopsis citri (Vines et al., 1965), and in lemons artificially infected with Penicillium digitatum (Eaks, 1955). Studies on respiration and ethylene production of carambola fruits revealed that exogenously applied ethylene had no significant effects on either respiration or autocataly tic ethylene production (Oslund and 11 Davenport, 1983). Higher levels of CO2 and ethylene produced by fully ripe fruits were mainly attributed to microbial activity. The respiratory and ripening patterns of healthy fruits were typical of those for nonclimacteric fruits. Barkai-Golan and Kopeliovitch (1983) reported on ethylene evolution and respiration of Rhizopus-inf ected tin and nor tomato mutant fruits. Rhizopus stolonif er infection stimulated ethylene and CO2 production by fruits of the two non- ripening tomato mutants, and caused the climacteric-like patterns of respiration typical of normal fruits. The rates of respiration and ethylene production of uninfected mutant fruits remained low and constant. When normal fruits were inoculated in the postclimacteric (red) stage, new climacteric peaks with rates higher than those of uninfected fruits followed fungal infection. Similarly, Zauberman and Barkai-Golan (1975) studied changes in respiration and ethylene evolution induced by Diplodia natalensis in orange fruit. The respiration rate and ethylene evolution were higher in infected than in healthy fruits. In uninfected fruits, however, very low and constant levels of ethylene evolution were recorded. Accelerations in respiration and ethylene evolution were also induced in avocado fruits inoculated with Fusarium solani (Zauberman and Schif fmann-Nadel , 1974). Increases in respiration and ethylene production rates started earlier than in healthy fruits, but their pattern and intensity were the same. In vitro studies revealed that when the fungus was cultured on potato dextrose agar under optimal growth conditions, it evolved no ethylene during 14 days of growth. Early studies by Biale and Shepherd (1941) and Biale (1948) showed that citrus fruits inoculated 12 with P. digitatum evolved considerable amounts of ethylene and the authors suggested that the fungus, by producing ethylene, induced the increased fruit respiration. However, natalensis did not seem to produce ethylene (Zaubermann and Barkai-Golan , 1975) and therefore it appeared that ethylene evolution in infected fruits was a direct response of the fruit to fungal attack. Studies by Barkai-Golan and Kopeliovitch (1983) on tomato fruits revealed that the highest rates of ethylene production occurred in the healthy tissue at the margin of the rot and little ethylene was produced by rotted tissues with actively growing fungus. Hence, ethylene appeared to be a product of the host rather than the fungus. Membrane Permeability Changes During Ripening and Senescence The semipermeable nature of biological membranes is of crucial importance in maintaining compartmentation. Early investigators (Sacher, 1966; Simon, 1977a) have suggested that the respiratory rise during ripening of certain fruits was due to membrane permeability changes. They postulated that the loss of permeability barriers could lead to changes in protoplasmic compartmentation, leading to access between enzymes and substrates, and result in the metabolic changes associated with the climacteric. Effect of Ethylene on Membrane Permeability Ethylene has been shown by many workers (Hanson and Kende, 1975; Kende and Hanson, 1976; Suttle and Kende, 1978, 1980; Ferguson and Watkins, 1981; Borochov and Faragher, 1983) to be involved in the 13 regulation of senescence in a wide variety of plant organs. Senescence in plant tissues is known to be accompanied by changes in membrane permeability (Sacher, 1973). Leakage of electrolytes, sugars, or pigments is a commonly used method to assay membrane permeability in plant tissues. Ethylene treatment prematurely induced senescence and induced endogenous ethylene production in flowers of Ipomoea tricolor (Kende and Baumgartner, 1974). The authors proposed a model to explain the mechanism by which ethylene can induce ethylene synthesis or autocatalysis. They suggested that low, system I levels of ethylene caused loss of cellular compartmentation which caused intermixing of previously sequestered components of the ethylene- generating system. Hanson and Kende (1975) reported that exogenous ethylene treatment induced senescence and enhanced efflux of solutes from the cells of morning glory flower tissue. Electrolyte leakage was a consequence of increased permeability of either the tonoplast or the plasraalemma or both. The view that ethylene increases the permeability of the tonoplast is consistent with observations made by Suttle and Kende (1978, 1980). Working with isolated petals of Tradescantia , they showed that exogenous ethylene treatment hastened the onset as well as the increase in anthocyanin and electrolyte leakage from the petals. The sensitivity to applied ethylene increased as the petals matured. They supported the hypothesis put forward by Kende and Baumgartner (1974) to explain autocataly tic ethylene production. The loss of tonoplast integrity would allow the mixing of vacuolar hydrolases with their cytoplasmic substrates resulting in 14 autocatalytic ethylene production. It was concluded that ethylene regulated senescence by determining the rate of loss of compartmentation which played a central role in the deteriorative changes occurring during senescence. Ferguson and Watkins (1981) studied cation leakage from apple fruits during development and ripening. Leakage of K"*" exceeded that of Ca^'*' and Mg^"^ and was not affected by the external presence of divalent cations. Leakage of Ca ^ and Mg^^ was markedly increased by the external presence of either ion. Whereas K'*' and Mg^'*’ leakage increased with fruit senescence, Ca^"*” leakage decreased. Ion leakage was found to increase during the climacteric rise in apple fruit. A close relationship had been reported (Berard and Lougheed, 1982) between an increase in membrane permeability and a rising production of ethylene in apples. Apple fruits held under low pressure storage had reduced membrane permeability due to delayed ethylene production. Similar results were reported by Kobayashi et al. (1981) with water- stressed plum leaves. Changes in Membranes During Senescence Beutelmann and Kende (1977) correlated changes in membrane lipid content with aging symptoms in morning glory flowers. They found that the level of phospholipid had already started to decline before visible signs of senescence were evident. The rate of phospholipid loss accelerated sharply with ethylene production whereas synthesis of new phospholipids fell by 40%. Exogenously applied ethylene accelerated phospholipid loss and senescence of flower tissues whereas 15 benzyladenine retarded both of these processes. Likewise, Suttle and Kende (1980) found that the increase in membrane permeability of Tradescantia flowers was accompanied by a massive loss of phospholipids. Their results suggested that the observed increase in membrane permeability was a direct result of an increased phospholipid degradation presumably caused by an increase in the activity of pre- existing phospholipases. The compositional changes that take place in membranes during senescence play a significant role in their permeability. It has been shown that sterol to phospholipid ratio increased with senescence and this increase was proportional to the decrease in membrane fluidity (Borochov et al., 1978, 1982; Borochov and Faragher, 1983; Borochov and Weinberg, 1984; Thompson et al., 1982). Borochov et al. (1978) studied senescence in rose petals and reported that the microviscosity of the plasmalemma increased during senescence due to an increase in sterol to phospholipid ratio. The increased ratio was presumably brought about by a decrease in the amount of phospholipids caused by the action of endogenous phospholipases. Further studies (Thompson et al., 1982) indicated that lipid microviscosity of membranes from senescing carnation flowers increased with advancing senescence and coincided with the climacteric-like rise in ethylene production. Exogenous ethylene treatment of the flowers increased the microviscosity and accelerated rigidif ication of membranes. Membrane rigidif ication was accompanied by an increased sterol to phospholipid ratio that reflected selective phospholipid loss with senescence. Studies by Borochov et al. (1982) on rose petals revealed that there 16 was no quantitative change in the level of free sterols. The content of phospholipids decreased without any significant change in their composition. They concluded that the fluidity of rose petal membranes decreased with age as a result of a decrease in phospholipid content brought about by both reduced synthesis and enhanced degradation. Although it has been accepted that membrane lipid phases are dominated by the liquid crystalline phase, recent evidence (Legge et al., 1982a) indicates the presence of a gel phase at physiological temperatures in senescent tissues. The presence of lipids in the gel phase in biological membranes is known to induce an increase in membrane permeability (Borochov and Weinberg, 1984). Studies with rose flowers (Legge et al., 1982b) revealed that microsomal membranes from the tight bud stage contained liquid crystalline lipid and only traces of gel phase lipid. With advancing senescence, however, the proportion of gel phase lipid increased. It has also been observed that changes that occur in the fatty acid chain saturation of membrane phospholipids could affect membrane permeability (Wade and Bishop, 1978; Wade et al., 1980). Generally, an increase in saturation would make the lipids less fluid at any given temperature. Wade and Bishop (1978) studied changes in lipid composition of ripening banana fruits. They found that the relative proportions of the different lipids remained constant but the fatty acid composition changed during ripening. The change was confined to the phospholipid fraction in which there was an increase in total unsaturation of the fatty acids. In contrast to the information presented above, the authors suggested that increased lipid 17 unsaturation resulted in increased membrane fluidity which consequently resulted in increased membrane permeability. Further studies by Wade et al. (1980) suggested that increased passive permeability of ripening banana fruit was due to increased polyunsaturation of membranes. They concluded that the increased electrolyte leakage observed in banana fruit tissue treated with propylene could be correlated either with changes in membrane lipid composition or with changes in tissue water potential. Lipid peroxidation might also contribute to the modification processes in membranes, presumably through generation of a gel phase domain in membrane lipids. The presence of such domains might cause an increase in membrane permeability (Borochov and Weinberg, 1984). Data presented by Dhindsa et al. (1981) showed a close relationship between increased solute leakage and increased level of lipid peroxidation in senescent tobacco leaves. Electrolyte leakage from fruit tissues may, however, depend upon factors other than membrane permeability. Of particular importance, once other ripening changes such as soluble solids accumulation have begun, the gradient in water potential between fruit tissues and the bathing solution may result in measurement artifacts (Sacher, 1973; Simon, 1977a). Incubation of tissues in hypotonic media can lead to membrane damage particularly in the relatively fragile cells of ripening fruit (Wade et al . , 1980). Simon (1977b) studied electrolyte leakage from apple fruits and found that when the tissues were placed in water, 90% of their electrolytes and soluble carbohydrates leaked out in 2-3 hours. Leakage was greatly reduced when tissues were 18 placed in 1 M glycerol or 0.5 M KCl. It was suggested that apple fruit cells burst in water but not in isotonic media. Leakage from tissues of other soft fruits followed similar trends and became more extensive with advancing maturation. The Role of Calcium in Delaying Senescence Calcium has long been known to play a significant role in numerous physiological processes in plant tissues. The maintenance of relatively high calcium concentration in fruit tissues delayed ripening in tomatoes (Wills et al., 1977; Wills and Tirmazi, 1979; Buescher and Hobson, 1982), and avocados (Tingwa and Young, 1974); reduced CO^ and ethylene production (Tingwa and Young, 1974; Wills and Tirmazi, 1982); maintained firmness of apple fruits (Sams and Conway, 1984); and inhibited abscission (Poovaiah and Leopold, 1973a). Ripening of green tomatoes (Wills and Tirmazi, 1979) was inhibited when Ca content of the fruit was raised to greater than 40 mg/ 100 g fresh weight. The fruits showed no signs of ripening even after 6 weeks' storage at 20°C, and the application of 1000 ppm ethylene for 3 weeks had no effect. Inhibition of ripening was not restricted to Ca as other divalent ions such as Mn, Co, and Mg were also effective. Monovalent metal ions were less effective than Ca. The breakdown of pectic substances in the middle lamella and cell wall may result in loss of wall integrity in ripening fruits (Sams and Conway, 1984; Ferguson, 1984). Free carboxyl groups on D- galacturonase polymers play an important role in stabilizing and maintaining wall integrity through the cooperative binding of Ca ions 19 (Demarty et al., 1984). Sams and Conway (1984) reported a negative relationship between soluble polyuronide content and Ca concentration in apple fruits. The binding of Ca is crucial for strengthening fruit tissue and making it more resistant to hydrolytic enzyme attack (Buescher and Hobson, 1982). Sawamura et al. (1978) reported that the presence of Ca decreased hydrolytic enzyme activity in tomato fruits, and Ca was found to inhibit the natural decline in resistance to D- galacturonase activity in the cell wall. The nonenzymic mechanism of fruit softening has been explained on the basis of the important role played by Ca in pectin stabilization. Removal of Ca destabilizes the pectic matrix resulting in the weakening of the cell wall (Huber, 1983b). The role of Ca in membrane structure and function is well established (Rousseau et al., 1972; Poovaiah and Leopold, 1973b; Lieberman and Wang, 1982; Ferguson, 1984). The ability of Ca to delay senescence is a direct result of its role in maintaining membrane integrity and hence cellular compartmentation (Hecht-Buchholz , 1979; Poovaiah, 1979; Legge et al., 1982a). During senescence, the most obvious indication of membrane change is an increase in electrolyte leakage which indicates the loss of selective permeability. Poovaiah (1979) demonstrated that Ca decreased membrane permeability during tomato fruit senescence. Levels of bound Ca in mutant fruits were high at advanced stages of maturation whereas in normal fruits bound Ca decreased about 3-fold during maturation. Changes associated with senescence were suppressed by Ca as a consequence of its role in maintaining cell wall structure and membrane integrity. Lieberman and 20 Wang (1982) reported that protein leakage from apple tissue slices was significantly reduced when the incubation medium contained 100 mM Ca plus Mg. Their results indicated a membrane preservation effect of Ca, Mg, or Ca plus Mg during rapid aging of apple fruit tissues. Calcium reduces membrane permeability presumably through tighter packing of lipids which is brought about by binding of Ca to negatively charged phospholipids resulting in aggregation (Ferguson, 1984). Studies by Legge et al. (1982a) revealed that Ca rigidified and stabilized membranes mainly at their surfaces, whereas its effect was less pronounced deeper within the lipid bilayer. The ability of Ca to tightly pack lipid domains with a subsequent reduction in membrane permeability also results in reduced membrane fluidity. Borochov et al. (1978) showed that the presence of 5 to 25 mM Ca ions in the incubation medium of rose petals increased the microviscosity of the plasmalemma. The inhibition of senescence by Ca may also involve protection of membranes from free radical or peroxidative attack. It was found that apple fruit tissues incubated in 100 mM Ca or Mg showed considerably less lipid peroxidation as compared to the untreated control (Lieberman and VJang, 1982). One of the main evidences supporting the role of Ca in maintaining membrane integrity is made possible by the use of electron microscopy. Ultrastructural studies (Hecht-Buchholz , 1979) of Ca- deficient potato sprout cells revealed extensive disintegration of the plasmalemma and the tonoplast. 21 Activity of Hydrolytic Enzymes During Fruit Ripening Introduction The cell wall of fruits is basically composed of cellulose, hemicelluloses , polyuronides, and associated glycoproteins and enzymes. These major components are extensively associated to form strong yet flexible matrices. The cell wall also includes a morphologically distinct layer known as the middle lamella, which is located between the primary cell walls of adjoining cells and forms a continuous intercellular matrix. Since this layer is particularly rich in pectic polysaccharides, it is believed to be the region of the cell wall most affected during fruit softening (Huber, 1983b). Softening of many fruits during ripening has long been attributed to enzymic action that results in the solubilization of cell wall polysaccharides (Hobson, 1964, 1965; Pressey and Avants, 1971, 1973a, 1973b, 1975; Zauberman and Schiffmann-Nadel , 1972; Buescher and Tigchelaar, 1975; Pauli and Chen, 1983). Enzymes reported to be involved in fruit softening are the D-galacturonases, cellulases, and pectinmethylesterases (Rexova-Benkova and Markovic, 1976; Pressey, 1977; Huber, 1983b). In this context, discussion will focus on the D- galacturonases (the polygalacturonases) and cellulases only, since they are the major carbohydrases associated with fruit cell wall. D-Galacturonases Rexova-Benkova and Markovic (1976) suggested that pectolytic enzymes be referred to as D-galacturonases on the basis of their 22 preferred substrates — the D-galacturonans. D-Galacturonases were first detected in ripe tomato fruit (Hobson, 1964, 1965; Buescher and Tigchelaar, 1975). These enzymes were found in a wide range of fruits and are generally associated with fruit ripening and softening. Usually there is little or no D-galacturonase activity in immature fruits and activity increases during ripening (Hobson, 1964; Sawamura et al., 1978; Ahmed and Labavitch, 1980). Hobson (1964) studied blotchy ripening in tomato fruits and found low D-galacturonase activity in the apparently normal red area and a severe decrease in activity in the abnormal, non-red areas. He concluded that blotchy ripening was due to a failure in D-galacturonase synthesis. Buescher and Tigchelaar (1975) compared D-galacturonase activity in normal and mutant tomato fruits and found that D-galacturonase activity increased during ripening of normal fruits. However, in mutant fruits, D- galacturonase activity \ r-H •H Cd d CJ S-i d •H 4-4 •iH d 4H •H U 4-1 d d CU d o (U rH cu CO •H r\ ■u rO S U /<— s cd • Cd V4 o □ o CNJ 0) CO d i-H d ■U4 0> CJ CJ 0) Cd 'O *vD d cd 42 •H u 5 CO cd CO >> 0 CU £ d Cd d Cd u < CO UO o ■ CO CO • • •rH 04 CO d r> 4J d 0 + o u cu ® r> •rH CO d Nw-* PQ rH 4H 0) cu O Cd rH I-H o • #s 4J o u cd ^ X ■!-» u cu e 4-4 C4 o a. CD o ;3 m CO CO + •H ^ J-i •H i-H cd cd u u c: o o CO C XJ •H o •H 4-» cd u d o •H O d d ^ cd o g u u X CO CO cd Cd X r* u cu CU < cu 4-) cu rH u na 4J d 42 4-J d cd cu 4-4 CU cd • CO 4H CU CO cu u u CO T3 cu I-H cu iH Cd cu O T3 O :3 Cd 'd iH (U d U •H rH u d 4J 4J U *H O •H CU < 4-J CO 1— 1 (U d 4-4 CO iH rH u cd •H cd cd w pH 4-» CjC pE-i 800 59 r (OULurl) Ai-iAipnpuoo Fig. 4-1. — Continued. 60 Fig. 4-1. — Continued CD Cl in CO if) L_ JZ (D E f — CM O o o o O o o o O 00 CM (OLiLuri) A^iAi^Dnpuoo O Fig. 4-1. — Continued. 62 (OL|Lur1) A;iAi;3npuoD q; □ 3 c CO «H W rH •H T3 O > cu Q Fig. 5-1. Firmness of the placental tissue of 'Charleston Gray' watermelon fruit. Fruit were harvested and treated with air (o) or air + 50 ppm ethylene (•) as described in Materials and Methods. Vertical bars represent standard error of the mean of 83 Table 5-1. Cx-cellulase^activity in watermelon fruit exposed to 0 or 50 pi liter” ethylene. Treatment Change in viscosity (% change . mg protein”^ .hr”^ ) 0 days 7.5 c^ 1 day (treated) 16.2 ab 2 days (treated) 15.3 ab 3 days (treated) 18.4 a 3 days (control) 11.8 be 6 days (treated) 16.4 ab 6 days (control) 13.7 abc 9 days (treated) 12.1 abc Overripe melon 8.6 c F value^ ** 2 F values were significant at the 1% level. %ean separation by Duncan's multiple range test, 5% level. 8A Data for D-galacturonase activity are shown in Table 5-2. Activity increased with increased exposure to ethylene and peaked at 6 days. D-galacturonase activity in control or overripe fruit showed no change. Analysis of alcohol insoluble powders showed that total pectins content did not change in melons not exposed to ethylene, even in fruit stored for periods of up to 180 days (Table 5-3). In contrast, pectin levels decreased markedly in ethylene-treated fruit, showing a 20 and 33% decrease after 2 and 6 day exposure periods, respectively. Gel-Filtration Chromatography Gel-filtration profiles of pectins from ripe watermelon fruit exposed to 0 or 50 ppm ethylene are presented in Fig. 5-2. These profiles indicate a significant effect of ethylene on pectin molecular size. Pectins obtained from freshly harvested and untreated fruit [Fig. 5-2 (A); Fig. 5-3] were of apparent high molecular weight and did not fractionate on Ultrogel AcA 34. Even after 180 days of storage [Fig. 5-4 (B)], at which time the melons were by all accounts "overripe", pectin degradation was not nearly as extensive as in fruit treated with ethylene for short periods. Changes were first apparent in pectins as early as 1 day of exposure of fruit to ethylene [Fig. 5- 2 (B)], as indicated by the appearance of small quantities of polymers that fractionated on the gel. As time of exposure of fruit to ethylene increased, the molecular weight of pectins progressively decreased, and degradation was quite extensive after 6 and 9 days of ethylene treatment. 85 Table 5-2. Activity of D-galacturonase extracted from watermelon fruit exposed to 0 or 50 yl liter"'^ ethylene. Treatment Activity 0 days ( g galacturonic acid . mg protein"^ .hr"^ ) 27.5^ 1 day (treated) 35.5 2 days (treated) 70.2 3 days (treated) 68.6 3 days (control) 21.8 6 days (treated) 355.5 6 days (control) 22.7 9 days (treated) 257.9 Overripe melon 44.7 Values are means of three replications. 86 Table 5-3. Total 50 yl pectin^ liter content of watermelon fruit exposed ethylene. to 0 or Ethylene Days 0 ppm 50 ppm /o icCLxllfc> — — 0 30. 6^ — 1 28.3 30.0 2 30.6 24.7 3 29.1 22.5 6 27.2 20.0 9 30.3 20.3 20 30.3 — 180 31.3 — 2 Data expressed as percentage of alcohol-insoluble solids. ^Values are means of three replications. 520 nm Abs 520 nm Abs 520 nm 87 Fig. 5-2. Gel-filtration profiles of polyuronides from 'Charleston Gray' watermelon fruit. Approximately 3 mg of pectin in 2.5 ml of the elution buffer were applied to Ultrogel AcA 34 column and eluted with Na-acetate-EDTA buffer. Fractions were analyzed for acid (A^20^ sugars. Polyuronides were prepared from freshly harvested fruit (A) , ethylene-treated for 1 day (B) , 2 (C) , 3 (D) , 6 (E) , and 9 (F) . Arrows correspond to elution positions of (left to right) blue dextran 2,000,000, dextran 70,000, dextran 10,500, and glucose . Abs 520 nm Abs 520 88 Fig. 5-3. Gel-filtration profiles of polyuronides from ’Charleston Gray' watermelon fruit not exposed to ethylene. Details as described in Fig. 5-2. Polyuronides were prepared from fruit stored for 1 day (A), and 9 (B) . Arrows correspond to elution positions described in Fig. 5-2. Abs 520 nm Abs 520 nm 89 20 30 40 50 60 70 Fraction No. Fig- 5-4. Gel-filtration profiles of polyuronides from overripe 'Charleston Gray' watermelon fruit. Details of prepa- ration were described in Fig. 5-2. Polyuronides were prepared from field-overripe fruit (A) , and fruit stored for 180 days at 15°C (B) . Arrows correspond to elution positions described in Fig. 5-2. 90 Ultrastructural Changes in Watermelon Fruit Cell Wall The placental tissue of ripe watermelon fruit is composed of large, isodiametric , thin-walled parenchyma cells of approximately 500 m in diameter . The cells have a large central vacuole and the cytoplasm is confined to a thin region adjacent to the cell wall. Cell walls from freshly harvested and control fruit displayed darkly stained, tightly packed fibrillar material [Fig. 5-5 (A-D)]. The middle lamellar region in most cases was indistinguishable from the primary walls of adjacent cells. Even in overripe fruit [Fig. 5-5 (E)], the cell wall was composed of densely packed fibrils with no apparent evidence of disintegration. The first change in the appearance of the cell wall was noted 1 day after the onset of ethylene treatment [Fig. 5-5 (F)], and was represented by a thin zone of separation along the middle lamella. Progressive dissolution of the middle lamella continued to occur in tissues exposed to ethylene for 2 days [Fig. 5-5 (G)]. Essentially complete cell separation was observed in tissues exposed to ethylene for 3 days [Fig. 5-5 (H)]. At 6 and 9 days of ethylene treatment, the tissues were not able to withstand the fixation procedures. Discussion Watermelon fruit exposed to ethylene exhibited significant tissue damage and cellular breakdown. The data indicated that C^-cellulase activity was not significantly influenced by ethylene, since activity in freshly-harvested fruit was not significantly different from that in 9-day ethylene-treated fruit. The lack of a clear relationship Fig. 5-5. Transmission electron micrographs of placental tissue from ethylene-treated or untreated watermelon fruit. Fruit treated with air (A-E) or air + 50 ppm ethylene (F-H) were prepared for microscopy as described in Materials and Methods. Sections were prepared from freshly harvested fruit (A), stored for 1 day (B) , 2 (C) , 3 (D) , field overripe (E) , ethylene-treated for 1 day (F) , 2 (G) , and 3 (H) . All plates X40,000, except D (X32,000). 92 (A) 93 94 (C) Fig. 5-5. — Continued 95 (D) Fig. 5-5. — Continued. 96 (E) Fig. 5-5. — Continued 97 (F) Fig. 5-5. — Continued 98 (G) Fig. 5-5. — Continued 99 (H) Fig. 5-5. — Continued 100 between C^-cellulase activity and tissue degradation indicates that C^-cellulase is not directly involved in the ethylene-induced phenomenon. This is consistent with the view that C^-cellulase appears to play a minor role in fruit softening (Hobson, 1968; Hatfield and Nevins, 1985). D-galacturonase activity in placental tissue increased progressively with increased exposure to ethylene (Table 5-2). Increased activity was apparent after 24 hrs and had doubled after 48 hrs of ethylene treatment. This increase was accompanied by visual symptoms of watersoaking and loss of firmness (Fig. 5-1). Total pectin content did not change during the first 24 hrs of ethylene treatment but showed a 20% decrease after 48 hrs (Table 5-3). The decrease in total pectins possibly reflects their extensive depolymerization to products which remain soluble in 80% ethanol. These products would be lost during preparation of the powders. Clearly, the molecular weight of pectins from ethylene-treated fruit decreased progressively with increased duration of ethylene treatment (Fig. 5-2). The appearance of low molecular weight polymers and the decrease in total pectin content followed the increase in D- galacturonase activity. Pectins from untreated fruit showed no evidence of extensive depolymerization. Also, extensive hydrolysis of pectins was not observed in field overripe and in harvested fruit stored for as long as 180 days. These observations indicate that increased D-galacturonase activity is not a characteristic of normal ripening and senescence of watermelon fruit. Enhanced activity of D- galacturonase and extensive depoiymerization of pectins were observed only in fruit exposed to ethylene. Saltveit and McFeeters (1980) 101 showed that D-galacturonase activity in harvested mature or immature cucumber fruit could be induced by exogenously applied ethylene. Shimokawa (1973) observed that watermelon tissue was macerated by exposure to ethylene. He showed higher activity of pectinase in macerated as compared to untreated tissue. In vitro studies by the same author revealed that the maceration symptoms could be reproduced by pectinase but not cellulase. Our results are in agreement with these findings and suggest that watermelon tissue breakdown was attributed solely to the activity of D-galacturonase. Ultrastructural studies of fruit exposed to ethylene revealed an early disintegration of the middle lamella, followed by separation of the adjacent primary walls [Fig. 5-5 (F-H)]. Cell wall of untreated fruit did not show any sign of disintegration, even in overripe fruit [Fig. 5-5 (A-E)]. The development of a thin line of separation in the middle lamellar region after 24 hrs of ethylene treatment [Fig. 5-5 (F)] coincided with the first notable increase in D-galacturonase activity. The lack of change in total pectin as well as molecular size of pectins during the first 24 hrs of ethylene treatment indicates that extensive degradation of pectins, at least of a magnitude to produce products fractionating on Ultrogel, was not necessary for preliminary cell wall separation to occur. The decrease in total pectins and the appearance of low molecular size polymers were evident 2 and 3 days, respectively, after the first notable increase in D-galacturonase activity. Hence, the evident separation of the primary cell walls after 3 days of ethylene treatment was apparently due to the progressive depolymerization of pectins from the middle lamellar region as a result of D-galacturonase action. 102 Structural alterations in the cell wall of apple fruit (Ben-Arie et al., 1979) and tomatoes (Crookes and Grierson, 1983) involved the dissolution of the middle lamella which was attributed to increased D- galacturonase activity. The authors further demonstrated that the application of exogenous D-galacturonase to tissue discs from firm fruit led to a dissolution of the middle lamella similar to that occurring in naturally ripening fruit. In this context, it is necessary to differentiate between two systems: in avocado and tomato fruit, D-galacturonase is normally synthesized as an integral part of the ripening process. However, in watermelon fruit, increased D- galacturonase activity is observed only in fruit exposed to ethylene. Furthermore, activity was extremely low and showed no increase in ripe (or overripe) untreated fruit. These results thus indicate that initiation of D-galacturonase activity in fruit treated with ethylene is independent of the normal ripening process. CHAPTER VI SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The objectives of this research were to study the effects of ethylene or propyplene on respiration and endogenous ethylene production in watermelon fruit of different maturation stages; to determine effects of ethylene on electrolyte leakage, firmness, and ultrastructure; and to compare, ultrastructurally and biochemically, the changes occurring during both ethylene-induced breakdown and natural ripening in watermelon fruit. Ethylene-treated watermelon fruit became watersoaked and developed unpleasant odors and unacceptable flavor. Exposure of fruit to ethylene or propylene neither enhanced ripening in preripe fruit nor induced a respiratory climacteric. Propylene failed to trigger endogenous ethylene production in watermelon fruit. Increased production of CO2 or ethylene were observed only in fruit exhibiting obvious symptoms of decay. Respiration rates of untreated fruit followed trends characteristic of nonclimacteric fruit. Additionally, respiration rate of fruit could be repeatedly stimulated by successive ethylene treatments. These results collectively support the conclusion that watermelon fruit is nonclimacteric. Electrolyte leakage studies were conducted to investigate the influence of ethylene on the membrane system. The high leakage observed from tissues exposed to ethylene as compared to the controls indicated ethylene-induced changes in membrane permeability. Studies on the effect of incubation media showed that the highest leakage 103 l04 occurred when the tissues were incubated in distilled water due to the bursting of cells. Leakage was significantly reduced when tissues were incubated in isotonic media. Further reduction in leakage occurred when the incubation medium contained CaCl2, most likely due to the role of Ca^^ in maintaining cell wall and membrane integrity. Ultrastructural studies revealed that cell walls of fruit exposed to ethylene showed obvious signs of damage. The collapse in cell walls and the increase in electrolyte leakage were apparently the outcome of a deleterious effect of ethylene on both the cell wall and the membrane system. Further studies were conducted to determine the effects of ethylene on cell wall hydrolases, pectin degradation, and cell wall ultrastructure. Enzymic studies indicated that C^-cellulase was not involved in watermelon tissue maceration. D-galacturonase activity increased by’ 24 hrs and peaked after 6 days of ethylene treatment. The increase in D-galacturonase activity was followed by the appearance of low molecular weight polymers and a decrease in total pectins. Hence, it was apparent that watermelon tissue breakdown was attributed solely to D-galacturonase activity. Enhanced activity and extensive depolymerization of pectins were observed only in fruit exposed to ethylene. Ultrastructural studies of ethylene-treated fruit revealed an early disintegration of the middle lamella, followed by separation of the adjacent primary walls. Cell wall of untreated fruit did not show any sign of disintegration. The development of a thin line of separation along the middle lamella during the first day of ethylene treatment coincided with the first notable increase in D- 105 galacturonase activity. The results thus indicated that initiation of D-galacturonase activity in response to ethylene treatment was not a characteristic phenomenon of normal ripening and senescence in watermelon fruit. The data considered together permit a tentative mechanism to be proposed regarding the sequence of events resulting in watermelon tissue breakdown. Firstly, the data emphasize a predominant role of the cell wall, rather than the membrane, in this breakdown. Although the first notable increase in D-galacturonase activity was observed after the first 24 hrs of ethylene treatment, the appearance of low molecular weight pectic polymers was not observed until after the 3rd day of ethylene treatment. However, ultrastructural studies showed a distinct separation of the middle lamella after 24 hrs of ethylene treatment. Scanning electron microscopic studies revealed that cell walls of fruit exposed to ethylene for 3 days started to show signs of deterioration. ‘ Secondly, the membrane system did not seem to play a major role in watermelon fruit breakdown. No change in electrolyte leakage was noted during the first 3 days of ethylene treatment, but leakage significantly increased with extended exposure to ethylene. The fact that the increase in electrolyte leakage did not occur until after the 3rd day of ethylene treatment indicates that the increase in leakage was due to cell wall degradation and weakening and consequently the rupture of the membranes. LITERATURE CITED Ahmed, A. E., and J. M. Labavitch. 1977. A simplified method for accurate determination of cell wall uronic content. J. Food Biochem. 1:361-365. Ahmed, A. E. , and J. M. Labavitch. 1980. Cell wall metabolism in ripening fruit: II. Changes in carbohydrate-degrading enzymes in ripening 'Bartlett' pears. Plant Physiol. 65:1014-1016. Akamine, E. K., and T. Goo. 1979. Respiration and ethylene production in fruits of species and cultivars of Psidium and species of Eugenia. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 104:632-635. Albersheim, P., and M. Killias. 1963. Histochemical localization at the electron microscope level. Amer. J. Bot. 50:732-745. Awad, M. , and L. N. Lewis. 1980. Avocado cellulase: Extraction and purification. J. 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He graduated from the College of Agriculture, University of Khartoum, Sudan, with a B.Sc. Agric. (honours) in October, 1974. Upon graduation, he joined the Rahad Agricultural Corporation as a horticulturist. In December, 1978, he joined the University of Gezira as a teaching assistant in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences. This institution is sponsoring his graduate training in the Department of Vegetable Crops, University of Florida, where he earned the degree of Master of Science in May, 1982, and is currently a candidate for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Mr. Elkashif is married to Asma B. Abdelrahman and has a 2-year- old son, Omar. ‘ 117 I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. D. J.^uber, Chairman Associ^e Professor of Horticultural Science I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Associate Professor of Horticultural Science I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. M. Sherman Associate Professor of Horticultural Science I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. C. B. Hall Professor of Horticultural Science I certify that I have read this study and that in my opinion it conforms to acceptable standards of scholarly presentation and is fully adequate, in scope and quality, as a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This dissertation was submitted to the Graduate Faculty of the College of Agriculture and to the Graduate School and was accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Dj^ctor of Philosophy . August 1985 Dean, Collie of Agriculture Dean, Graduate School