EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE PREFATORY NOTE IN the present volume the writers have tried to give a lucid elementary account, in limited space, of the processes of evo- lution as they are so far understood. We have turned to ani- mals for illustrative purposes, nearly to the exclusion of refer- ences to plants, simply because both authors are zoologists and bave made use of the facts most familiar to them. The book is composed primarily of the substance of a univer- sity course of elementary lectures delivered jointly by the authors each year to students representing all lines of college work. This fact, and the desirable limiting of the book to a convenient size for the general reader and student, account for the extremely laconic treatment of various important moot points concerning the evolution mechanism, and for the omission of certain discussions which otherwise might well have been included. But on the whole the authors feel that the interested general reader will find this small volume a fairly comprehensive introduction to our present-day knowledge of the factors and phenomena of organic evolution. To the general reader we may perhaps with propriety ad- dress the following words, used to the students in the opening lecture of the course : We cannot talk long without saying something others do not believe. Others cannot talk long without saying something we do not believe. We wish you to accept no view of ours unless you reach it through your own investigation. What we hope for is to have you think of these things and find out for yourselves. D. S. J. V. L. K. LKLAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIVERSITY, March 30, 1907. TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I.— EVOLUTION DEFINED. Organic evolution and bionomics, 1; Meaning of evolution, 2; Encasement theory, 2; Theory of epigenesis, 3; Evolution of the species or transmutation, 3; Cosmic evolution, 4; Spencer's form- ula of evolution, 5; Biologic evolution and oosmic^yj2lujtioja.not the same, 6; Usefulness of the term bionomics, 7; The flux of na- ture, 7; Comprehensiveness of the science of organic evolution, 8; The immanence and permanence of law, 9; Evolution not neces- sarily progress, 10; Theory of descent, 10. CHAPTER II.— VARIETY AND UNITY IN LIFE. Range of variety, 12; Meaning of species, 13; Number of species, 14; Extinct species, 16; Changes of species with time and place, 18; Variety in life a factor in the history of the globe, 21; Unity in life, 22. - CHAPTER III. — LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRES- SION. Live things and lifeless things, 25 ; The basic distinction between life and non-life, 26; Protoplasm, 26; Chemical make-up of proto- plasm, 27; Physical make-up of protoplasm, 28; The cell, 30; The simplest animals, 32; Differentiation and animal types, 32; The genealogical tree, 36; Primary conditions of life, 38; Origin of life, 41: Spontaneous generation, 42; Where did life begin on the earth, 47. CHAPTER IV. — FACTORS AND MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION. The fact of descent, 48; Darwinism not synonymous with de- scent, 49; Factors in descent, 49; Variation, 50: Selection, 51; Prodigality of production, 52; Heredity, 53; Isolation, 53; Muta- tion, 54; Orthogenesis, 55; Lamarckisrn and inheritance of ac- quired characters, 55; Adaptation, 56. vii viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER V. — NATURAL SELECTION AND STRUGGLE FOR EXIST- ENCE: SEXUAL SELECTION. Natural selection the chief determining agent in adaptation, 57; Adaptation to conditions of life, 58; The crowd of animals, 59; Reproduction by multiplication, 59; Numbers of individuals al- most stationary, 60; Struggle for existence, 60; Discriminate death, 61; Natural selection, 62; Interdependence of species, 63; Animal and plant invasions, 64; Doctrine of Malthus, 67; Limits to the capacity of natural selection, 68; Survival of the existing, 69; Actual standing of Darwinism, 70; Secondary sexual dif- ferences, 71; Classification of secondary sexual characters, 72; Theory of sexual selection, 75; Criticisms of the theory, 77; The sexual selection theory largely discredited, 78. CHAPTER VI.— ARTIFICIAL SELECTION. Natural selection and artificial selection, 80; Steps in the pro- duction of new races, 81 ; Selected traits quantitative, 81 ; Race traits qualitative, 84; Hybridization, 88; Plant amelioration, 90; Work of Luther Burbank, 90; Panmixia, or cessation of selection, 104; Reversal of selection, 104; Transmission and heredity, 105; Artificial selection and natural selection, analogous processes, 106; Race-forming by sports, 107. CHAPTER VII. — VARIOUS THEORIES OF SPECIES-FORMING AND DESCENT CONTROL. Segregation of isolation, 108; Geographic and physiologic iso- lation, 109; Romanes's championship of physiologic isolation, 109; The Lamarckian theory of species-transformation, 111; Ortho- genetic evolution, 112; Species-forming by mutation, 114; The un- known factors of evolution, 115. CHAPTER VIII. — GEOGRAPHIC ISOLATION AND SPECIES-FORMING. Migration and faunal distribution, 117; Closely related species not found in the same region, but in contiguous regions, 120; The American warblers, 120; Barriers, 122; The Hawaiian Drepanidse, 124; Adaptive and non-adaptive characters, 127; The American orioles, 128; Species traits not necessarily useful, 129; The persist- ence of the sufficiently fitted, 130. • CHAPTER IX.— VARIATION AND MUTATION. Actuality and extent of individual variation, 131 ; Darwin's laws of variation, 137; Quetelet's determination that fluctuating variation follows the law of probabilities, 140; Discontinuous varia- TABLE OF CONTENTS IX tion, 141; Discontinuous and continuous variation, 141; Congeni- tal and acquired variation, 142; Determinate variation, 150; The causes of variation, 154, 156; Variation as related to amphimixis and parthenogenesis as mutations of de Vries, 154. ^CHAPTER X.— HEREDITY. Hereditary variancy defined, 163; Atavism or reversion, 166; Telogony, 166; Prenatal influences, 167; Not all transmission is heredity, 168; Determination of sex, 170; Homologies and analo- gies, 172; Vestigial organs, 174; Significance of vestigial organs, 181; Heredity and its "laws," 181; Galton's law of ancestral in- heritance, 184; Mendel's law of alternative inheritance, 187; Modification of Mendelism, 188. M^ CHAPTER XI. — INHERITANCE OF ACQUIRED CHARACTERS. The Lamarckian principles of evolution, 196; Neo-Lamarckism and Neo-Darwinism, 197; Acquired characters, 198; Effects of use and disuse, 199; Environmental modifications not inherited, 200; Examples of non-inheritance of acquired characters, 201 ; Heredity unproved, 203; Convergence of characters and parallelism, 204; Actual effects of environment, 205 ; Ontogenetic species, 206. CHAPTER XII. — GENERATION, SEX, AND ONTOGENY. Generation and ontogeny, 211 ; Spontaneous generation or abio- genesis, 212; Simplest modes of generation, 213; Parthenogenesis, 215; Differentiation of reproductive cells, 217; Simplest many- celled animals, 218; Effects of sex, 220; Sex dimorphism, 221; The life cycle, 223; The egg, 224; Numbers of young, 225; Em- bryonic and post-embryonic development, 227; Developmental stages, 229; Continuity of development, 231; Metamorphosis or apparent discontinuity, 234; Significance of facts -of develop- ment, 234; Divergence of development, 234; The duration of life, 240; Death, 241. CHAPTER XIII. — FACTORS IN ONTOGENY, AND EXPERIMENTAL DEVELOPMENT. Processes in ontogeny, 244 ; Extrinsic and intrinsic factors, 245 ; Mechanism versus vitalism, 246; Functions of protoplasm, 247; Ultimate structure of protoplasm, 248; Theories of organic units, 250; Cell division, 251 ; Mitosis, or karyokinesis, 252; Somatic and germ tissues, 257; Reproduction in protozoa, 260; Maturation, 264; Fertilization, 267; Cleavage, 269; Reduction of the chromo- somes, 269; Preformation versus epigenesis, 276; Examples giving X TABLE OF CONTENTS evidence for each, 278; Mechanism versus vitalism, 281 ; Artificial parthenogenesis, 283; Regeneration and regulation, 285. i CHAPTER XIV.— PALEONTOLOGY. Fossils and theL' significance, 289; Fossil-bearing rocks and their origin, 292; Geological epochs, 296; Conditions of extinct life, 297; Divergent types and synthetic types, 299; Parallelism between geologic and embryonic series, 300; Orthogenesis, 301; Significance in evolution of the facts of paleontology, 301 ; Dur- ation in time of species, 302; History of the vertebrates, 305; Man, 307. CHAPTER XV. — GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. Zoogeography, 309; Relation of species to geography, 311; Laws of distribution, 314 ; Species debarred by barriers, 315 ; Species debarred by inability to maintain their ground, 315; Species altered by adaptation to new conditions, 315; Effects of barriers, 316; Faunas and faunal areas, 316; Remains of animal life, 322; Subordinate remains of provinces, 323; Faunal areas of sea, 323 ; Analogies between language and fauna, 325 ; Geographic distribution and the theory of descent, 326. CHAPTER XVI.— ADAPTATIONS. The principle of fitness and general adaptations, 327^ Origin of adaptations, 327; Types and classification of species adapta- tions, 328; Adaptations for food-securing, 329; Adaptations for self-defense, 330; Adaptations brought about by rivalry, 331; Adaptations for defense of young, '338; Special adjustments to surroundings, 343. CHAPTER XVII. — PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION. Parasitism defined, 347; Kinds of parasitism, 348; Simple structure of parasites, 350; Gregarina, 351; Parasitic hemospor- idia: the cause of malarial fevers, 351 ; Tapeworm and other flat worms, 354 ; Trichina and other round worms, 355 ; Sacculina, 358 ; Parasitic insects, 359; Parasitic vertebrates, 361 ; Parasitic plants, 362; Degeneration through quiescence, 363; Degeneration through other causes, 363; Immediate causes of degeneration, 366; Ad- vantages and disadvantages of parasitism and degeneration, 367. CHAPTER XVIII. — MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANI- MALS. Man not the only special animal, 369; Animal societies, 369; Commensalism, 370; Symbiosis, 373; Symbiosis between animals TABLE OF CONTENTS xi and plants, 376; Social life, gregariousness, 380; Solitary and com- munal bees and wasps, 383; The honey-bee community, 387; Ants, 391; Termites, 3'.)4: Division of labor the basis of communal life, 395; Advantages of communal life, 397. CHAPTER XIX.— COLOR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS. Color among animals, 398; Protection by color, 400; Protection of color, 402; Significance of color and pattern, 404; Table of in- sect colors, 405; General protective resemblance, 406; Variable protective resemblance, 407; Special protective resemblance, 411; Warning colors, 416; Terrifying appearances, 418; Directive col- oration, 419; Recognition marks, 420; Mimicry, 421 ; Criticism and general considerations of the theory of protective and mimicking color pattern, 424. CHAPTER XX.— REFLEXES, INSTINCT, AND REASON. Irritability, 426; Nerve cells or fibers, 427; Brain or sensorium, 427; Mechanical reflexes, 428; The tropism theory, 429; The theories of the method of trial and error, 429; Instincts, 430; In- stincts of feeding, 432 ; Instincts of self-defense, 433 ; Instinct of play, 435; Climatic instincts, 436; Environmental instincts, 438; Instincts of courtship, 438; Instincts of reproduction, 439; In- stincts concerned with the care of the young, 439; Variability of instinct, 442; Reason, 443; Mind, 448. CHAPTER XXL— MAN'S PLACE IN NATURE. Post-Darwinian conception of humanity, 452; Man's place among the other animals, 453; Classification of the primates, 455; Evidences from comparative anatomy of man's relation to lower animals, 456; Special physiological evidence, 457; Evidence from embryology, 460; Evidence from paleontology, 461; Conclusions from ethnology, 462; The earliest man, 464- The genealogy of man, 466; Theology and Darwinism, 467. EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE CHAPTER I EVOLUTION DEFINED Grau, theurer Freund, 1st alle Theorie, Und grim des Lebens gold'ner Baum. — GOETHE. Men of science repudiate the opinion that natural laws are rulers and governors of nature, looking with suspicion on all " necessary " and universal laws. — BROOKS. THIS volume treats of the elements of the science of Organic Evolution. To this science belongs the consideration of the forces which govern the changes in organisms. It includes the influences which control development in the individual and in the species which is the succession of individuals, together with the laws or observed sequences of events which development exhibits. From another point of view, this is the science of life — adaptation. The term Bionomics (j&'os, life, vo/xos, order or custom), first suggested by Prof. Patrick Geddes, is essen- tially equivalent to the older term Organic Evolution, the science of the facts, processes, and laws involved in the mutation of organisms. For many reasons, this new name, Bionomics, with its technically exact meaning, should be preferred to the phrase Organic Evolution, as, unlike the latter, it involves no philosophic assumptions. That organs and organisms do change from day to day, and place to place, and from generation to generation is an observed fact, which now admits of no doubt. The orderly arrangement of our knowledge of this process constitutes a branch of science. To use the word evolution in regard to this process is to use a philosophic term in connection with a group of scientific facts. For the word evolution means unrolling. It carries the thought 1 2 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE that something which was previously hidden is now brought to light. This leads naturally to the philosophic suggestion that whatever is evolved must be previously involved. This may be true as a matter of words, but not necessarily so as a matter of fact, unless we reduce these words to the simple meaning that the actual now must have been the possible before; what- ever actually takes place was a possibility before it happened. The word evolution, then, belongs to philosophy rather than to science. In the philosophy of nature the idea that present conditions are brought about through unrolling or unveiling has had a long existence. The word evolution has been fre- quently applied to the process of growth and maturity of the individual animal or plant, and again to the process of deriva- tion of species from ancestral organisms, and again to the pro- gressive changes in the forms of inorganic bodies, as planets or mountains. Each one of these meanings is essentially dis- tinct from the others, and each is distinct from the theory of evolution which existed in the dawn of biological science. When men first began to notice the changes in the animal embryo, through which, from the formless egg, little by little, the individual was built up, becoming at each stage of the process larger, mora specialized, and more like the parent from which it sprang ,~ it was natural to regard this process as an unrolling. It wafe natural, too, to suppose that the egg was not really formless, but that the beginnings of each part of the final organism existed within it in fact, if we could see them. Hence evolution took the form of a theory of encasement. Men imagined that the egg of the chicken con- tained a minute chicken, and that within this chicken were the germs of the eggs the future hen would bear; and again, that encased within each of these eggs was an endless series of the eggs and chickens of all the future. In like fashion, -men conceived that in the small human egg were the bodies and gmbryos of countless future generations. In some theories, this idea of encasement was applied not to the egg, but to the male germ, the homunculus or minute man in whom the gener- ations of the future were enfolded and from which they un- rolled. The perfection of the microscope as an instrument of pre- cision did not verify these theories of encasement. The egg still appeared essentially formless, a mass of undifferentiated EVOLUTION DEFINED 3 protoplasm, or at least without traceable lineaments of the future embryo. It was a single cell, apparently essentially like any other cell, a single one of the units of structure of which living organisms are made. Thence arose the theory of upbuilding or epigenesis (eTri, upon, yeVeo-is, birth) of organisms, by the addition of cell upon cell, to the original germ or egg. Each egg cell by segmentation divides into two daughter cells, and these, through the influence of heredity, naturally arrange themselves so that a new organ- ism is formed similar to the parent organism. It was recognized that the form was predetermined by the ancestry, but no longer that the embryo was literally released from encasement within the structure of the egg. The evolution of the individual is thus conceived as the realization of an hereditary tendency. But "hereditary tendency" is again a metaphorical ex- pression. In biology, we know no "influence" or "tendency" which is not localized somewhere. Any act or modification of an act is a function of some particular organ. To account for the likeness involved in the facts of heredity, we must expect to find some form of organic mechanism. Such mechanism must exist within the germ cell itself, and its existence as the "physical basis of heredity" is now well established. In a later chapter we shall discuss the nature of this physical basis, the structures within the nucleus of the germ cell which control or preside over the development of the individual. From our knowledge of the operation of the cell in heredity we recognize the facts of epigenesis, and with these a theory of individual evolution, much more subtle than the old theory of encasement. We may therefore still imagine the maturing of the individ- ual organ as a process of evolution, or unrolling, of the hereditary plan as hidden in the structure of its cells. We may also speak of the same process as a development. To envelop is to make snug. Development is its opposite. To develop is to make free or independent. From the evolution of the individual it is natural to extend the use of the word evolution or the word development to the changes which characterize the history of a species or other group of animals or plants, a process which has also been called transformism or transmutation. This word transmutation de- scribes the process more literally than either evolution or 4 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE development. That species do change their structure with time or with space is a matter of common scientific observation. With the lapse of time, generation following generation, direct- ive influences combine to modify the line of descent. Witli the separation of individuals by barriers of land and water and varying climate, differing lines of descent are brought into existence. The fact of descent with modification large or small is a matter of common knowledge in the biology of to-day, veri- fied in the hundreds of thousands of species of organisms now known and classified. To call this transmutation of species is but to state the fact. To call it evolution is to suggest a theory that all these changes are but the unrolling of the plan — a move- ment toward some predetermined end. That this is true we have no means of knowing, and the results as they appear to us seem to be determined by proximate causes alone. Among these proximate causes are differences in structure and in degrees of adaptability among individuals, the operation of the rule of the survival of the best adapted, the inheritance by individuals of the traits of the immediate ancestry, and the effects of cli- matic changes, and of migrations hampered and unhampered by the presence of physical barriers. The effects of influ- ences like these are considered by most writers as the es- sential elements in "organic evolution." But a few writers give external influences a secondary place, confining the term evolution solely to the results of causes resident within the individual. Speaking broadly we find as a fact that transmutation of species through the geologic ages has been accompanied by increasing divergence of type, by the increased specialization of certain forms, and by the closer and closer adaptation to conditions of life on the part of the forms most highly special- ized, the more perfect adaptation and the more elaborate specialization being associated with the greatest variety or variation in environment. Accepting for this process the name of organic evolution, Herbert Spencer has deduced from it the general law that as life endures generation after generation, its character, as shown in structure and function, undergoes con- stant differentiation and specialization. In this view, the transmutation of species is not merely an observed process, but a primitive necessity involved in the very organization of life itself. EVOLUTION DEFINED 5 A process of orderly mutation is observed not only in living things but in inanimate objects as well. The features of the surface of the earth pass through a slow process of unrolling— from primitive chaos to the diversified earth of to-day. Mani- festly we cannot imagine a homogeneous earth which could forever retain its homogeneous condition. At least our universe and our earth have not done so. A cooling earth must lose its perfect rotundity, its surface must become diversified, its relation to the sun must cause its equator to differ from its poles. A single homogeneous form of life on this earth could not remain uniform because it would be thrown under varying conditions. It could not be the same under the tropical sun as under the arctic cold, and the individuals adapted to either would tend to reproduce individuals likewise adapted. There must, then, exist in all things a " tendency " to become special- ized and differentiated. In accordance with this tendency, it is conceived that nebulous masses have been concentrated into planets and the generalized creatures of geologic time have been succeeded by variant and specialized forms, their lineal de- scendants. The universal formula of the process of evolution is com- pactly stated by Herbert Spencer in these famous words: "Evolution is a continuous change from indefinite incoherent homogeneity to a definite coherent heterogeneity of structure and function, through successive differentiations and integrations. In its physical aspect evolution is further an integration of matter with concomitant dissipation of motion." This formula applies more or less to all forms of orderly change, that is, change due to a persistent cause, a continuous force. Thus solar systems are conceivably formed from nebulae. Thus continents and mountain chains, islands and river basins are shaped. Thus organisms are derived from parent organisms. Thus all the variant chemical elements may have been (hypo- thetically) derived through influences as yet not even imagined, from the unknown and probably unknowable primitive element, protyl. The general movement is from the simple to the complex, from the homogeneous to the heterogeneous, from the inexperienced to the experienced, from the undivided to the divided, from the inchoate to the integrated. Whatever 2 6 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE happens in time or is encountered in space promotes evolution. But the kind of evolution thus produced is very different in different kinds of objects. Biological evolution and cosmic evolution are not the same. From the biological side a certain objection must be made to this philosophical theory of universal or cosmic evolution. In organic and inorganic evolution there is much in common so far as conditions and results are concerned; but these likenesses belong to the realm of analogy, not of homology. They are not true identities because not arising from like causes. The evo- lution of the face of the earth forces parallel changes in organic life, but the causes of change in the two cases are in no respect the same. The forces or processes by which mountains are built or continents established have no homology with the forces or processes which transformed the progeny of reptiles into mammals or birds. Tendencies in organic development are not mystic purposes, but actual functions of actual organs. Tendencies in inorganic nature are due to the interrelations of mass and force, whatever may be the final meanings attached to these terms or to the terms matter and energy. It is not clear that science has been really advanced through the conception of the essential unity of organic evolution and cosmic evolution. The relatively little the two groups of processes have in common has been overemphasized as compared with their fundamental differences. The laws which govern living matter are in a large extent peculiar to the process of living. Processes which are functions of organs cannot exist where there are no organs. The traits of protoplasm are shown only in the presence of protoplasm. For this reason we may well separate the evolu- tion of astronomy, the evolution of dynamic geology and of physical geography, as well as the purely hypothetical evolu- tion of chemistry, from the observed phenomena of the evolution of life. To regard cosmic evolution and organic evolution as identical or as phases of one process is to obscure facts by verbiage. There are essential elements in each not shared by the other — or which are at least not identical when measured in terms of human experience. It is not clear that any force whatever or any sequence of events in the evolution of life is homologous with any force or sequence in the evolution of stars and planets. The unity of forces may be a philosophical necessity. A philosophical necessity or corner in logic is un- EVOLUTION DEFINED 7 known to science. We can recognize no logical necessity until we are in possession of all the facts. No ultimate fact is yet known to science. For reasons indicated above the term evolution is not wholly acceptable as the name of a branch of science. The term bionomics is a better designation of the changing of organisms influenced through unchanging laws. It is a name broader and more definite than the term organic evolution, it is more euphonious than any phrase meaning life adaptation, it involves and suggests no theory as to the origin of the phenom- ena it describes. It is a matter of common observation that organisms change from day to day, and that day by day some alteration in their environment is produced. It is a conclusion from scientific investigation that these changes are greater than they appear. Not only do they affect the individual animal or plant, but they affect all groups of living things, classes or races or species. No character is permanent, no trait of life without change; and as the living organism and groups of organisms are un- dergoing alteration, so does change take place in the objects of the physical world about them. "Nothing endures," says Huxley, "save the flow of energy and the rational order that pervades it." The structures and objects change their forms and relations, and to forms and relations once abandoned they never return; but the methods of change are, so far as we can see, immutable. The laws of life, the laws of death, and the laws of matter never change. If the invisible forces which rule all visible things are themselves subject to modification and evolution we have not detected it. If these vary, their aberrations are so fine as to defy human observation and com- putation. In the control of the universe we find no trace of "variableness nor shadow of turning." But the objects we know do not endure. Only the shortness of human life allows us to speak of species or even of individuals as permanent entities. The mountain chain is no more nearly eternal than the drift of sand. It endures beyond the period of human observation; it antedates and outlasts human history. So may the species of animal or plant outlast and antedate the lifetime of one man. Its changes are slight even in the lifetime of the race. Thus the species, through the persistence of its type among its changing individuals, has come to be regarded 8 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE as something which is beyond modification, unchanging so long as it exists. "I believe/7 said the rose to the lily in the parable, "that our gardener is immortal. I have watched him from day to day since I bloomed, and I see no change in him. The tulip who died yesterday told me the same thing." As a flash of lightning in the duration of the night, so is the life of man in the duration of nature. When one looks out on a storm at night he sees for an instant the landscape illumined by the lightning flash. All seems at rest. The branches in the wind, the flying clouds, the falling rain, are all motionless in this instantaneous view. The record on the retina takes no account of change, and to the eye the change does not exist. Brief as the lightning flash in the storm is the life of man com- pared with the great time record of life upon earth. To the untrained man who has not learned to read these records, species and types in life are enduring. From this illusion arose the theory of special creation and permanence of type, a theory which could not persist when the facts of change and the forces causing it came to be studied in detail. But when men came to investigate the facts of individual variation and to think of their significance, the current of life no longer seemed at rest. Like the flow of a mighty river, ever sweeping steadily on, never returning, is the movement of all life. The changes in human history are only typical of the changes that take place in all living creatures. In fact, human history is only a part of one great life current, the movement of which is everywhere governed by the same laws, depends on the same forces, and brings about like results. Organic evolution, or bionomics, is one of the most com- prehensive of all the sciences, including in its subject matter not only all natural history, not only processes like cell division and nutrition, not only the laws of heredity, variation, segre- gation, natural selection, and mutual help, but all matters of human history, and the most complicated relations of civics, economics, and ethics. In this enormous science no fact can be without a meaning, and no fact or its underlying forces can be separated from the great forces whose interaction from moment to moment writes the great story of life. And as the basis to the science of bionomics, as to all other science, must be taken the conception that nothing is due to EVOLUTION DKFTXKI) 9 chance or whim. Whatever occurs comes as the resultant of moving forces. Could we know and estimate these forces, we should have, so far as our estimate is accurate and our logic perfect, the gift of prophecy. Knowing the law, and knowing the facts, we should foretell the results. To be able in some degree to do this is the art of life. It is the ultimate end of science, which finds its final purpose in human conduct. "A law," according to Darwin, "is the ascertained sequence of events." The actual sequence of events it is, in fact, but man knows nothing of what is necessary, only of what has been ascertained to occur. Because human observation and logic can be only partial no law of life can be fully stated. Because the processes of human mind are human, with organic limita- tions, the study of the mind itself becomes a part of the science of bionomics. For it is itself an instrument or a combination of instruments by which we acquire such knowledge of the world outside of ourselves as may be needed in the art of living, in the degree in which we are able to practice that art. The necessary sequence of events exists, whether we are able to comprehend it or not. The fall of a leaf follows fixed laws as surely as the motion of a planet. It falls by chance because its short movement gives us no time for observation and calcu- lation. It falls by chance because, its results being unim- portant to us, we give no heed to the details of its motion. But as the hairs of our head are all numbered, so are numbered all the gyrations and undulations of every chance autumn leaf. All processes in the universe are alike natural. The creation of man or the growth of a state is as natural as the formation of an apple or the growth of a snowbank. All are alike super- natural, for they all rest on the huge unseen solidity of the universe, the imperishability of matter, the conservation of energy, and the immanence of law. We sometimes classify sciences as exact and inexact, in accordance with our ability exactly to weigh forces and results. The exact sciences deal with simple data accessible and capable of measurement. The results of their interactions can be reduced to mathematics. Because of their essential simplicity, the mathematical sciences have been carried to great com- parative perfection. It is easier to weigh an invisible planet than to measure the force of heredity in a grain of corn. The sciences of life are inexact because the human mind can never 10 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE grasp all their data. The combined effort of all men, the flower of the altruism of the ages, which we call science, has made only a beginning in such study. But, however incomplete our realization of the laws of life, we may be sure that they are never broken. Each law is the expression of the best possible way in which causes and results can be linked. It is the necessary sequence of events, therefore the best sequence, if we may imagine for a moment that the human words "good" and "bad" are applicable to world processes. The laws of nature are not executors of human justice. Each has its own operation and no other. Each represents its own tendency toward cosmic order. A law in this sense cannot be " broken." "If God should wink at a single act of injustice," says the Arab proverb, "the whole universe would shrivel up like a cast-off snake skin." The laws of nature have in themselves no necessary principle of progress. Their functions, each and all, may be denned as cosmic order. The law of gravitation brings order in rest or motion. The laws of chemical affinity bring about molecular stability. Heredity repeats strength or weakness, good or ill, with like indifference. The past will not let go of us; we cannot let go of the past. The law of mutual help brings the perpetua- tion of weakness as well as the strength of cooperation. Even the law of pity is pitiless, and the law of mercy merciless. The nerves carry sensations of pleasure or pain, themselves as indif- ferent as the telegraph wire, which is man's invention to serve similar purposes. Some men who call themselves pessimists because they cannot read good into the operations of nature forget that they cannot read evil. In morals the law of compe- tition no more justifies personal, official, or national selfishness or brutality than the law of gravitation justifies the shooting of a bird. The science of bionomics centers about the theory of descent, the belief that organs and species as we know them are derived from other and often simpler forms by processes of divergence and adaptation. According to this theory all forms of life now existing, or that have existed on the earth, have risen from other forms of life which have previously lived in turn. All characters and attributes of species and groups have developed with changing conditions of life. The homologies among animals are the results of common descent. The differences EVOLUTION DEFINED H arc due to various influences, one of the leading forces among these being competition in the struggle for existence between individuals and between species, whereby those best adapted to their surroundings live and reproduce their kind. This theory is now the central axis of all biological investi- gation in all its branches, from ethics to histology, from'anthro- pology to bacteriology. In the light of this theory every peculiarity of structure, every character or quality of individual or species, has a meaning and a cause. It is the work of the investigator to find this meaning as well as to record the fact. "One of the noblest lessons left to the world by Darwin," says Frank Cramer, "is this, which to him amounted to a profound, almost religious conviction, that every fact in nature, no matter how insignificant, every stripe of color, every tint of flowers, the length of an orchid's nectary, unusual height in a plant, all the infinite variety of apparently insignificant things, is full of significance. For him it was an historical record, the revelation of a cause, the lurking place of a principle." It is therefore a fundamental principle of the science of bionomics that every structure and every function of to-day finds its meaning in some condition or in some event of the past. CHAPTER II VARIETY AND UNITY IN LIFE "L'espece, c'est un etre qui dans ses generations successives presente toujours les memes caracteres d 'organisation; il faut ajouter dans les memes localites, et les memes circonstances exterieures."- RAMBUR, 1842. " THAT mystery of mysteries as it has been called by one of our greatest philosophers " — this is Darwin's phrase regarding the problem before us, the origin of species — the origin/ or cause of variety in the life of the globe. That variety exists, that there are many kinds and types, grades and grada tf^~M!M '"J tions in animal and vege- 11 Krai \ i table life is evident to a11- / jiMH$^n Birds and trees' beetles f f fHIJISw 71 v and butterflies> fishes and £ \ \JSlilrJ' / J ^ flowers, ferns and blades of grass, all these are objects of constant recognition. The green cloak which covers the brown earth is the shield under which myriads of organisms, brown and green, carry on I''IG. 1. — Long-horned boring beetle from Central America (one-half natural size).1 their life work, and still farther below the level of our ordinary notice exists a range of life scarcely less irThis figure and the others in this chapter are introduced simply to illustrate graphically the variety of animal form. 13 VARIETY AND UNITY IN LIFE 13 varied. Pasteur has defined fermentation as "life without air."^ A host of chemical changes in organic matter, fermentation, putrefaction, infection of disease — all these are the work of minute organisms none the less real because invisible and as varied in form and structure as in the differing effects their presence may produce. Each kind of animal or plant, that is, each set of forms ^ which in the changes of the ages has diverged tangibly from its neighbors, is called a species. There is no absolute definition for the word species. The word kind represents it exactly in common language, and is just as susceptible to exact definition. Fi<;. 2. — Kangaroo rat from the California-Mojave desert (one-half natural size). The scientific idea of species does not differ materially from the popular notion. A kind of tree or bird or squirrel is a species. Those individuals which agree very closely in structure and function belong to the same species. There is no absolute test, other than the common judgment of men competent to decide. Naturalists recognize certain formal rules as assisting in such a decision. A series of fully intergrading forms, however varied at the extremes, is usually regarded as forming a single species. There are certain recognized effects of climate, of climatic iso- lation, and of the isolation of domestication. These do not usually make it necessary to regard as distinct species the extreme forms of a series concerned. In the words of the entomologist Rambur, " A species is a group of beings which in successive generations show the same characters of organization, unchanged so long as the locality and external conditions remain unchanged.'' 14 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE The number of species actually existing is far beyond ordi- nary conception. The earliest serious attempt to catalogue the species of animals and plants was made by Linnaeus. In the tenth edition of his " Systema Naturae " in 1758, in the 823 pages FIG. 3. — Brittle or serpent stars — species undetermined. (Natural size.) devoted to animals, he describes and names some four thousand different kinds. Great as this number seemed, Linnaeus ven- tured to suggest that probably his pages did not include half of those kinds of animals actually existing. To-day our records contain descriptions of more than one hundred and fifty times as many kinds of animals as were known to Linnaeus and all his predecessors and all his associates of a century and a half ago. Each year, since 1864, there has been published in London a volume called the "Zoological Record." Each of the volumes — larger than the whole " Systema Naturae" — contains the names of the animals new to science which have been added to the system in the year of which it treats. In the VAKIKTV AM) UNITY IX LIFE 15 record of each year we find about twelve thousand species, about three times as many animals as in the whole " Systema Naturae." Yet the field shows no signs of exhaustion. As the volumes of the " Zoological Record " stand on the shelves, it is easy to see that the later volumes are the thickest; and those of the new century, with a general revival of interest in systematic zoology FIG. 4. — California quail, Lophortyx californicus. (Two-thirds natural size.) and the study of geographical distribution, are the thickest of all. The depths of the sea, the jungles of the tropics, the crev- ices of the coral reefs, the tundras of the north, the limbs of 16 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE trees, the hair of mammals, the feathers of birds, the body tissues of mosquitoes, all places where animal life is found, are being examined with an eagerness not less than that of the early explorers, while the investigators of to-day are armed with every appliance that science can devise. Yet now, as in Lin- nseus's time, it is certain that not half of the number of species of animal organisms is yet known. The 600,000, more or less, FIG. 5. — Diamond rattlesnake, Crotalus adamanteus. (Photograph by W. K. Fisher.) on our registers to-day are certainly far less than half of the millions which actually exist. In botany we find the same conditions. There are fewer known species of plants than animals by half, and they are more easily preserved and handled, while the work of collection and investigation proceeds on a scale even more extensive, yet it would be a bold statement to say that we know to-day half the species of plants that exist. All this refers to the forms now living, without reference to the host which composes their long ancestry, extending back- ward toward the dawn of creation. The species have come down through the geological ages, changing in form and func- tion to meet the varying needs of changing environment. This VARIETY AND UNITY IN LIFE 17 enumeration takes no account of the still vaster myriads of forms almost endlessly varied which have perished utterly in the pressure of environment, leaving no trace in the line of descent. Of these extinct forms of animals and plants we know a few, one here and another there: here a bone, there a tooth, here a 18 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE mass of shells, there a piece of petrified wood, an insect in the marl bed or a leaf preserved flat in the shale. Each of these fossils is a record of past life, true beyond impeachment, but the fragments are so few, so scattered, so broken, as to give only hints of the history they represent. Moreover, as we extend our studies of species we find that they change with space as well as with time. These changes FIG. 7. — Common lizard or swift, Sceloporus undulatus. (Photograph by W. K. Fisher.) are in large degree a response to external conditions. As conditions change, so do forms change to fit their surroundings. A movement over the surface of the earth, any movement in space, brings organisms in contact with barriers. A barrier means a change in conditions of life. As distance in space brings barriers, so does the passage of time bring events which are barriers also. Time brings new events; events mean changes in conditions, and change brings about divergence. Neither time nor space flows evenly. Variations in turn become greater with lapse of time and VARIETY AND UNITY IN LIFE 19 space, for these again bring other events and disclose other barriers. A closer observation will show us that the range of variety is far greater than is indicated by the number of species. There is not one blade of grass in the meadow exactly like any other blade. There is not a squirrel in the forest like any other squirrel, not a duck on the pond like any other duck in every detail of its structure. If we compare two rose leaves we shall find differences in size, in serration of the margin, in the length of the stalk, in the hairs on the surface, in the intensity of the green, in the number of breath- ing pores on the lower side. In every structure and function where difference is possible variation will appear. The squirrels or the ducks will differ in shade of color, in dis- tinctness of marking, in length of limb, in breadth of organ, in every way in which there is play for in- dividualism. Nor are these differences limited to matters of color or form. There are like variations in function, in tendency, in disposition, in endur- ance. No two men ever bore the same features, no two ever held the same character, no two ever lived the same life. The traits of the in- dividual, however small, appear on every hand. It is by little traits of emphasis that we recognize our friends. The same individu- alism is possessed by the lower animals and by plants, though the differences in stress and emphasis in color and figure are most marked in creatures of the most highly specialized organi- zation. In all animals and all plants like differences obtain. No two individuals of any species are ever quite the same. No two germ cells of the same parent are ever quite alike. No two cells in the body are ever exactly identical. Among plants of the same kind in the field, some are cut down by frost while others persist; some are destroyed by drought while others en- dure; some are immune to attacks of rust while others are ex- Fro. 8. — Sea cucumber, Cucu- maria, sp. (Natural size.) 20 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE FIG. 9. — Blunt-nosed salamander, Amblystoma opacum. (Photograph by W. K. Fisher.) FIG. 10. — White pelicans, Pelecanus erythrorhynchus, and whooping-crane, Grus ameri- cana. (Photograph by W. K. Fisher.) VARIETY AND UNITY IN LIFE 21 terminated by such parasites. Fill a bottle with flies. All in time will die of suffocation, but a certain few will outlast the many. Bring in a number of wolf cubs. Some will become relatively tame— some will remain wolves, and between the most fierce and the most docile we shall find all ranges of variation. "What is one man's food is another man's poison.'2- This proverb is a recognition of the principle of individuality which accompanies everywhere the formation of species, and being everywhere present, it must be an integral part of the FIG. 11. — Silver fox, Vulpes pennsylvanicus argentatus. (Photograph by W. K. Fisher.) process. Such differences are not matters of structure alone. Psychological differences, differences in instinct, in adapta- bility, in rate of nerve processes are just as marked as differ- ences in anatomy. They may separate one species from an- other. They may be just as decided within the limits of the species itself. Moreover, the beginning of variation is not with the individual organisms. No two cells are absolutely alike, and in the variance of the germ cells, from which individuals spring, all the elements of their future variation are involved. Without further discussion, it is evident that variety in life is a factor in the history of our globe, that it may be expressed in terms of number of species, but that the actual range of varia- tion is far greater than the number of species, and that if causes are to be judged by range of effects, we must find in the origin of 3 22 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE species the operation of world-wide forces, the cooperation of great influences, far-reaching in time and space, as broad as the surface of the globe and as enduring as its life. To consider these causes so far as known is the purpose of this work. Our problem is no longer the "mystery of mysteries/' for in a large way by the work of Darwin and his successors the influences promoting variety in life are already known. We know many of the different factors which produce divergence in form and adaptation to conditions. But the relative value of these factors is less certain, and from time to time other and more +J* 1 j \ J t V *J •^t t/51^ ^*- 1? «* % V y / ** * v M t V FIG. 12. — Lizard walking. (After Marey.) subtle factors are brought to light, or the great forces them- selves are analyzed into finer component elements. But with all that we may say of the universality of variation and the prevalence of individualism, we are equally impressed with the underlying unity. There are only a few types of structure among animals, and in these few the beginnings in development are the same. The plants show similarly a few modes of development, arid all the range of families and forms is based on the modification of a few simple types. Moreover all living forms, plants and animals alike, agree in the funda- mental elements. All are made of a framework of cells, each cell a source of energy, containing in all cases a semifluid net- work of protoplasm, which is found wherever the phenomena of life appear. In all the cells is the mysterious nuclear sub- stance which seems to direct the operations of heredity. The same laws or methods of heredity, variability, and response to VARIETY AND UNITY IN LIFE 23 outside stimulus hold in all the organic world. We call animals and plants "organic" because they are made up of organs, cells, and tissues so grouped that like structures perform like functions. We could not use a generic term like organic, were it not for the structural resemblances existing in each individual in great groups of organisms. All organisms have the impulse to repro- duction. All are forced to make concession after con- cession to their surroundings and in such concessions prog- ress in life consists. At last each organism or each alliance of organisms is dis- solved by the process of death. The unity in life is then not less a fact than the diversity. However great the emphasis we lay on in- dividuality or diversity, the essential unity of life must not be forgotten. Whatever solution we may find to the problem of the origin of species, must also explain why species and individuals may be so much alike in all large details of structure. To knowr the origin of species we must also know why species admit of natural classification. Why is variety in life based on essential unity? From the fundamental unity of the species of to-day, we may infer the similar unity of species in past time. From the knowledge of variety in unity comes the likening of species of FIG. 13. — Starfish walking. (After Marey.) 24 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE animals or plants to the separated twigs of a tree, of which the trunk is more or less concealed. "We can only predicate and define species at all/' says Dr. Elliott Cones, " from the mere circumstance of missing links. Our species are twigs of a tree separated from the parent stem. We name and arrange them arbitrarily, in default of a means of reconstructing the whole tree, in accordance with nature's ramifications." To continue FIG. 14. — Heron flying. (After Marey.) the figure, in our studies of the origin of the twigs of the tree, the existence of the trunk must not be forgotten. In the life of the earth variety in unity, unity in variety are nowhere separated. Another equally striking simile is this: A species is an island, a genus, an archipelago, in a sea of death. The species is clearly definable only as its ancestors and cousins have dis- appeared, only in the degree that the stages in its development are unrepresented in our records. The genus is a group of species, an archipelago of islands, and there may be every conceivable degree of width or breadth of channel which seems to separate one island or group of islands from another. CHAPTER III LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRESSION There can be little doubt that the further science advances the more extensively and consistently will the phenomena of nature be represented by mathematical formulae and symbols. But the man of science who, forgetting the limits of philosophical inquiry, slides from these formulae and symbols into what is commonly understood by materialism, seems to me to place himself on a level with the mathe- matician who should mistake the x's and y's with which he works his problems for real entities, and with this further disadvantage as compared with the mathematician, that the blunders of the latter are of no practical consequence, while the errors of systematic materi- alism may paralyze the energies and destroy the beauty of a life. — HUXLEY. IN practice the distinction between a live thing and a lifeless one is usually of the simplest, but to define this distinction in terms so precise that the definition may be used as an invariable criterion is a problem of considerable difficulty. The sheep grazing in the field and the soil under its feet; the grass and flowers on the one hand, and the stones on the other hand, in the same pasture; there are no difficulties in the distinction here. Nor, indeed, even when we come to consider the simplest kinds of organisms, the tiny one-celled plants and animals that teem in stagnant waters of the wayside puddle. As we examine a drop of this water under the microscope we know without question what in it is alive and what in it is dead. But let us attempt to put into words, into definite declaratory phrases, the characteristics of organisms and we find ourselves curiously impotent. When we come to study analytically organic nature and inorganic nature, things animate and 25 26 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE things inanimate, we find structures and behavior among inor- ganic things which cannot be readily distinguished in defining words from structures and behavior that are usually taken as characteristic of organisms. On the other hand we shall find in organic nature the very same chemical elements, and for the most part the same combinations of elements, that we find in the great mass of inorganic world substance. So that some biologists by a detailed and keen, if somewhat sophisticated, analysis of the alleged differences between animate and inani- mate matter show that these differences are not absolute, and leave you with a stone in one hand and a grasshopper in the other logically unable to define the fundamental difference between the two, and yet morally certain of this absolute difference. As a matter of fact there is one distinction between living matter and non-living matter which even the cleverest of the modern physicochemical school of biologists has as yet been unable to explain away. And that is the inevitable presence in living matter and the inevitable absence in non-living matter of certain highly complex chemical combinations of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur, called proteids OT- albuminous compounds. The actual presence of these chemical substances in living matter is made manifest to us by the physicochemical behavior of these substances: that is, by our observation or recognition of their peculiar attributes. This behavior or these peculiar attributes or activities are those fascinating ones which we are accustomed to call the essential life processes. What these activities are we indicate in a not very precise way by the words organization, assimilation, growth, reproduction, motion, irritability, and adaptation. These essential life processes we have come by constant experience to associate always and only with a substance called protoplasm. Huxley long ago called protoplasm, therefore, the physical basis of life. But protoplasm we have found to be a complex of substances or chemical compounds. Of these, a certain few are indispen- sable and fundamental, while others may be absent or present without affecting the particular capacities which make proto- plasm the physical basis of life. This protoplasm too must be organized in a particular way in order that life may persist in the organism. It must appear in two conditions, and proto- .LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SLMPLKST EXPRESSION 27 plasmic stuff representing these two conditions must be disposed in certain definite relations. Protoplasm must occur as a cell or cells to be capable of performing the necessary activities of life. Hence we must consider at the very beginning of any dis- cussion of life the two things, protoplasm and the cell. The elements that compose protoplasm are the familiar ones, carbon, nitrogen, hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, etc.; but these elements, or some of them, are found in protoplasmic cells in certain complex combinations which arc not found elsewhere in nature, and which therefore actually and absolutely distinguish chemically living proto- plasm from all lifeless matter. These particular combinations are certain albuminous compounds or proteids, composed of C, H, O, N, and S, and their complexity is extreme: the atoms in a single molecule often number more than a thousand. The molecules also are very large, which is probably the reason of their characteristic nondiffusibility through animal membranes or artificial parchment. In addition to these characteristic albuminous compounds and various derivatives, of them, protoplasm usually contains certain native albumins and certain other characteristic com- pounds known as carbohydrates and fats (which differ essen- tially from the albuminous substances in lacking nitrogen as a composing element). There are also various salts and gases and always water to be found in living substances. Water is absolutely necessary to the physical condition of half fluidity which gives to protoplasm its essential capacity for motion on itself. The commoner salts found in living substances are compounds of chlorine as well as the carbonates, sulphates, and phosphates of the alkalies and alkali earths, especially common salt (sodium chloride), potassium chloride, ammonium chloride, and the carbonates, sulphides, and sulphates of sodium, potas- sium, magnesium, ammonium, and calcium. The gases found in living matter are oxygen and carbon dioxide. These, when not in chemical combination, are almost always dissolved in water, although rarely they may be in the form of gas bubbles. To sum up the relation of living matter to chemistry we may say that life is always associated with protoplasm, and that this protoplasm is made up of a few familiar inorganic elements, particularly those of lowest atomic weight; that it does not include any special so-called vital or life element, that is, any 28 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE elementary substance other than occurs in the inorganic world. These elements are combined in protoplasm into certain most extremely complex compounds, which are always present where life is, and never elsewhere, and hence the essential chemical characteristic of living matter is the presence of these complex as yet unanalyzed, albuminous compounds. It is obvious that this chemical half-knowledge of proto- plasm makes no satisfying revelation to us explanatory of the qualities of this life stuff. How is it then with the physical structure of protoplasm? We know that many simple chemical substances put together in particular physical relationship to each other will give a capacity of performance or function quite different from and beyond that which they possess when simply brought together without definite order or arrangement. Is protoplasm a machine with a capacity for doing extraordi- nary things, with its powers due primarily to its physical make-up? Unfortunately we have no satisfying answer to this question. While chemists are balked in their analysis of the protoplasmic make-up by the complexity of the compounds they meet, a complexity too much for their present technic to resolve, physicists are similarly balked in their attempt to re- solve and expose the ultimate physical structure of protoplasm. This ultimate structure of protoplasm is ultramicroscopic, and its study is checked by the limitations of microscopes. When we examine protoplasm with the highest powers of the microscope we see plainly that it is not as it appears under lower powers, structureless and homogeneous. On the contrary it reveals an apparent granular or fibrillar or alveolar or reticu- lar structure. We find that protoplasm varies in its physical make-up at different times or in different cells. We also find that the difficulties of interpreting just what one sees when using the highest microscopic powers make it impossible to be really certain of understanding what is seen. But however various our interpretations of the finer structure of protoplasm, they agree that any bit of protoplasm is a viscous colloidal mass composed of at least two substances of somewhat different phys- ical make-up. One of these substances is evidently denser than the other and is arranged in the form of grains, rods, threads, or droplets scattered through a ground mass. Concerning this dimorphic condition of protoplasm practically all biologists are agreed. The names, hyaloplasm, paraplasm, or others of sim- LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRESSION 29 ilar significance are applied to the viscous hyaline ground substance, while the denser parts are variously called micro- somes, granules, fibrils, spongioplasm, etc. The important part of all this is the fact that all the biologists are not agreed on any certain kind of intimate structure of FIG. 15. — Different types of cells composing the body of the squirrel or other highly developed animal : A, liver cell; /, food materials; n, nucleus; B, complete cell; C, nerve cell, with small part of its fiber; D, muscle fiber; E, cells lining the body cavity; F, lining of the windpipe; G, section through the skin. (Highly magnified.) protoplasm as revealed by the highest powers of the microscope, but they all agree that there is a fine and real structural organ- ization of what at first glance appears to be homogeneous structureless life stuff. That is, as Delage expresses it, it is seen that protoplasm is not simply an organic chemical compound, but that it is an organized substance; that is, it possesses a structure of a higher order than the automatic structure of those chemical molecules which compose non-living so-called organic substances. But at the same time we are deceived if we expect 30 UTION AND ANIKAL LIFE to be able to find in this physical organization of protoplasm any satisfactory explanation of its wonderful properties. We have said that it should always be held dearly in mind that the full life capacity of protoplasm is realized only when it is in that differentiated and organized condition typical of the structural unit or celL The essential thing about the cell is not that it has a definite shape or sue or that it is truly cell- or saclike, but that it is a tiny mass of protoplasm with substances secreted by or held in it. The protoplasm itself is differentiated into at least two parts, an inner, denser, smaller part called the nucleus, and an outer surrounding, usually larger, portion called the cytoplasm. Such a differentiated or organized protoplasmic unit can perform all of the essential functions of life and persist in this performance indefinitely unless destroyed by extrinsic causes. The cell itself may not have any indefinite existence as a unit, but it will be the progenitor of an indefi- nitely prolonged series of cells. A single part of this cell, that is, a bit of protoplasm either of the nucleus or the cytoplasm, or the whole of either can perform for a while most of the activities of life; but such a part always lacks the capacity for reproduction, that is, for persistence as living matter. Thus it is obvious that , ,, i , pTS PHYSH u. BASE \\i' BIMP] i ft i KP1 31 llr.l i-liint. (Aflrr V. M i . • IS.— ioffu«ion. Thp.lnrkul. upol n, lh, ,, ., ,r ii th« nucleus. ( M"< ' < 32 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE if such protoplasmic cells, composed of nucleus and cytoplasm, exist singly they form living units. And we have actual ex- emplifications of this condition in the structure and life of the simplest organism. The simplest organisms are independently living, single proto- plasmic cells (Figs. 16-21). There are thousands of kinds of FIG. 19. — Plasmodium of a slime mold on wood, Trichia favaginea: A, plasmodium X 2; B, spores; C, spore with contents escaping; D, ciliated swarm spore, showing flagellum, f, and nucleus, n; E, two amoeboid swarm spores; F, part of plasmodium under glass slide; G, a part of F, more highly magnified. (After Campbell.) these single-celled organisms recognizably different by charac- teristics of shape and size, habit and habitat. We try to distin- guish them as single-celled animals (Protozoa) and single-celled plants (Protophy ta) , on the basis of alleged differences in their habit of food-taking and general nutrition. This distinction is often most arbitrarily made, and botanists and zoologists are constantly claiming the same organisms as belonging to their respective fields of study. Many naturalists, conspicuously Haeckel, have repeatedly suggested the convenience and even the necessity of grouping most of these unicellular organisms into a phylum or kingdom to be called the Protista, the members LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRESSION 33 of which shall not be recognized as sufficiently specialized to be called either plants or animals, but simply organisms. But this suggestion seems to meet with little practical favor from students of systematic biology. For a basis, therefore, of any study of the evolution of life, an acquaintanceship with the life and struc- ture of the simplest organisms is a necessity. As the authors have already tried in another book ("Animal Life") to present a simple account of this life together with an account of certain less simple or slightly complex or- ganisms (Figs. 22-26) whose physiology and structure reveal successive stages in organic complexity and specialization, and as the space in this book is limited, the authors must refer their present readers to chapters I, II, and III of "Animal Life " for an account of the life of the simplest and slightly com- plex organisms. The differentiation and growing com- plexity of the body of those many-celled animals which differ from and are, we may say, beyond and higher than the simple many- celled forms, are by no means always along the same line (Figs. 27-37). It is familiar knowledge that animals can be classified or grouped into a number of great divisions called branches or phyla. For example, the starfishes, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, etc., constitute one phylum, the Echinodermata ; the crustaceans, insects, spiders, etc., con- stitute another phylum, the Arthropoda, and all the animals with a backbone or with a notochord constitute another, the Chordata. of these phyla there is a fundamental or type structure (Fig. 27). All of the Echinodermata, for example, are built on the radiate plan. They recall the starfish with its five or more arms radiating from a central disk. The Arthropods are all animals with a body composed fundamentally of a series of successive segments, some or all of these segments bearing pairs of jointed appendages; and so on. We need not pursue FIG. 20. — Paramce- cium aurelia. At each end there is a contractile vac- uole, and in the center is one of the nuclei. (After Verworn.) Now for each 34 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE FIG. 21. — A group of stalked one-celled animals, Carchesium, sp. (Adapted from Davenport, from a photograph of the liv- ing animals.) grouped into two regions and the appendages limited to the anterior one of these two. The Myriapods, which are also Arthropods, have a structure more in conformity with what may be called the racial or typical plan for the whole phylum; that is, the body is made up of a se'ries of many successive similar segments, each segment bear- ing a pair of jointed ap- pendages. In -that general line of descent to which man belongs, and which is distinguished by the name of the phylum Chordata, there are of course various subordinate lines which we recognize under the names further the general classifi- cation of animals into phy- la. Nor need we explain in any detail the structural types or fundamental struc- tural plans which distin- guish the various principal lines of descent in the animal kingdom. Branching out from each of the principal lines are hosts of subordinate lines. Some of the Arthropods, as the insects, have their body segments grouped into three regions and their jointed appendages confined to the anterior two of these re- gions. Others, as the spiders, have the body segments B FIG. 22. — Gonium pectorale, a colonial pro- tozoon: A, seen from above; B, seen from the side. (After Stein.) LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRESSION 35 \ FIG. 23. — Pandorinn sp., a colonial protozoon. (Highly magnified.) of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals. In all the subdivisions of the main groups there are also to be recognized differentiated and di- vergent lesser lines of descent, and within these still lesser ones. While, as already noted, the main divisions of the animal kingdom are called phyla and the divisions of the phyla, classes, the subdi- visions of the classes are usually called orders. The next subdi- vision is that into families, each in. turn being a cluster of genera. The genera are composed of species and the species finally of sub-species, varieties, and individuals. Each one of these names refers pri- marily to a special line or mode of differentiation and at the same time refers to the fact that the members of each of these different! at ed groups are genet- ically related to each other, that is, related by blood, by actual ancestral descent. All these differ- entiated groups indicate diverging lines of evolution, some of them short, and but FIG. 24.— A fresh-water polyp, Hydra vulgaris: A, in ex- slightly divergent tended condition and in contracted condition; B, cross from the main section of body, showing the two layers of cells which make up the body wall. lme "OIIl Which 36 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE they arise; others, on the contrary, long, important, and widely divergent. The traditional tree which is drawn to explain animal classification illustrates at the same time the two fundamental facts upon which this classification is based, namely, differentiation of struc- ture, and corresponding divergence of descent. All the branches of this gene- alogical tree lead back, as they do in a real tree, to its trunk, and the trunk of this tree, springs from the simplest of the many-celled animals, namely, from those primitive forms which resemble in essential characters animals like the FIG. 25. — Longitudinal section through the body of a sea anemone: oe., oesophagus; m.f., mesen- terial filaments; r., reproductive organs. FIG. 26. — One of the sim- plest sponges, Calcolyn- thus primigenius. A part of the outer wall is cut away to show the inside. (After Haeckel.) simpler polyps. Indeed it seems certain that this tree trunk can be traced farther back; that it must spring in the begin- ning from forms essentially like the lowest organisms that we know to-day, namely, single, simple cells living independently. From the Amoeba to Man; that is the history of descent, or ascent if one prefers. The course has been a continuous one, both in point of time and in point of gradual transformation. LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRESSION 37 / FIG. 27. — Diagram showing fundamental structure of types of several animal phyla: 1, sea anemone; 2, starfish; 3, worm; 4, centipede; 5, clam; 6, honeybee; 7, sala- mander. In each figure the central nervous system is indicated by the black lines. (After Haeckel.) But great periods of this time are shut away from us without record of their duration, and long series of the gradually changing forms are lost to us without hope of discovery. And yet in its large outlines we know the history of all this time and the character of all these graded series. 38 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE We should give at least brief attention to what may be called the primary, or necessary, conditions of life. We know that fishes cannot live very long out of water and that birds cannot live in water. These, however, are conditions which depend on the special ecological habits of these two particular kinds of animals. The necessity of a constant and sufficient supply of oxygen is a necessity common to both. It is one of the primary conditions of their life. All animals must have air. Similarly both fishes and birds and all other animals must have food. This, then, is an- other of the pri- mary conditions of animal life. If water be held not to be included in the general con- ception of food, then special men- tion must be made of the necessity of water as one of the primary condi- tions of life. Proto- plasm, the basis of life, is a fluid, although thick and viscous. To be fluid its components must be dissolved or suspended in water. In fact, all of the really living substance in an animal's body contains water. This water, so necessary for the animal, may be derived from the general food, all of which contains water in greater or less quantity, or it may be taken apart from the other food by drinking or by absorption through the skin. We know, too, that if the temperature is below a certain minimum point or above a certain maximum, these points vary- ing for different animals, death takes the place of life. It is familiar knowledge that many animals can be frozen without being killed. Insects and other small animals may lie frozen through winter and resume active life again in the spring. An experimenter kept certain fishes frozen in blocks of ice at a tem- perature of — 15° C. for some time and then gradually thawed them out unhurt. There is no doubt that every part of the body, all of the living substance, of these fish was frozen, for specimens at this temperature could be broken and pounded up FIG. 28.— The fiddler crab, Gelasimus. Miss Mary Rathbun.) (Photograph by LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRESSION 39 into fine icy powder. But a temperature of —20° C. killed the fish. According to L. J. Turner, the Alaska mud-fish (Dallia), was fed frozen to Esquimaux dogs. One of these thawing in the stomach of the animal made its escape alive. Frogs lived after being kept at a temperature of —28° C., centipedes, at FIG. 29. — The piddock, Zirphoca crispata, a rock-boring mollusk. (Natural size, from life.) a temperature of —50° C., and certain snails endured a tempera- ture of — 120° C. without dying. At the other extreme, instances are known of animals living in water (hot springs or water gradually heated with the organ- isms in it) of a temperature as high as 50° C. Experiments with Amoebic show that these simplest animals contract and cease active motion at 35° C., but are not killed until a temperature of 40° to 50° C. is reached. Variations in pressure of the atmosphere also constitute 40 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE conditions which may determine the existence of life. The pressure or weight of the atmosphere on the surface of the earth is nearly fifteen pounds on each square inch. This pressure is exerted equally in all directions so that an object on the earth's surface sustains a pressure on each square inch of FIG. 30. — Cephalopods. Lower figure, the devil-fish or octopus, Octopus punctatus. The upper figure represents the squid, Loligo pealii, swimming backward by driving a stream of water through the small tube slightly beneath the eyes. (From life, one-third natural size.) its surface of fifteen pounds. That is, all animals living on the earth's surface or near it live under this pressure and under no other condition. The animals that live in water, however, sustain a much greater pressure, this pressure increasing with distance. Certain ocean fishes live habitually in great depths, at from two to nearly five miles, where the pressure is equivalent to that of many hundred atmospheres. If these fishes are brought to the surface their eyes bulge out, their scales fall off because of the great expanse of the skin, and the stomach is thrust wrong side out. Indeed the body itself sometimes bursts. On LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRESSION 41 the other hand if an animal which lives normally on the surface of the earth is taken up a very high mountain or is carried up in a balloon to a great altitude where the pressure of the atmos- phere is much less than at the earth's surface, serious conse- quences may ensue, and if too high an altitude is reached, death occurs. Some animals require certain organic salts or compounds of lime to form bones or shells, etc. These salts may be re- garded as necessary articles of nutrition, though their function is not that of ordinary food. These are peculiar demands of special kinds of animals. There might also be included among primary life conditions such necessities as the light and heat of the sun, the action of gravitation, and other physical conditions FIG. 31 .—Long-horned boring beetle, Ergates sp— larva, pupa and adult insect. without which existence of life of any kind would be impossible on this earth. Finally we may refer briefly to the "grand problem" of the origin of life itself. Any treatment of this question is bound to be wholly theoretical. We do not know a single positive thing about it. We have some negative evidence. That is, we have 42 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE no recorded instance — and men have searched diligently for examples — of spontaneous generation. No protoplasm has been seen, or otherwise proved, to come into existence except through the agency of already existing protoplasm. All life comes from life. All those former beliefs of spontaneous appearance of bees from the carcasses of oxen, flies from decaying flesh, hair worms from horse tail hairs in water troughs, and bacteria and infusoria in infusions of beef or hay have been shown on scientific investi- gation to be utterly with- out basis of fact. But if protoplasm and life do not appear, are not being generated spontane- ously in this earth epoch, may they not have been in earlier ages? Geologists and biologists attempt to explain most of the things that happened in earlier geologic ages by what they observe to be happening now. They would answer, on this basis, that what evidence we now have should lead us to believe that the generation of life has never occurred. But there must have been a beginning. Life has not always been. The ac- cepted geological theory of the making of our earth precludes the existence of life on it until the globe was cool enough for organisms to exist. We know that there is a maximum of temperature beyond which protoplasm inevitably coagulates. When and where was this beginning of life? The biologist can- not admit spontaneous generation in the face of the scientific evidence he has. On the other hand he has difficulty in under- standing how life could have originated in any other way than through some sort of transformation from inorganic matter. As a matter of curiosity we may glance at a few of the FIG. 32. — Ascidian or sea squirt. LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRKSSloX 43 FIG. 33. — Blacksnake, Bascanion constrictor. (Photograph by W. K. Fisher.) FIG. 34. — Hawkbill turtle, Eretmochelys imbricata. 44 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE speculations that biologists have allowed themselves concerning the origin of living substance on the earth. A speculation that is interesting only because it was suggested by a great scientific FIG. 35. — Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetus. man — a physicist, however, not a biologist — is Lord Kelvin's theory that living substance was brought to this earth from celestial regions by meteorites. A more acceptable theory is that at some earlier geologic age the conditions of earth, atmos- phere, temperature, etc., were at one time of such a favorable LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AND SIMPLEST EXPRESSION 45 nature that just that fortunate coincidence of all necessary con- ditions and elements occurred which allowed C, H, O, N, to unite in those great, almost infinitely complex, molecules which com- pose the albuminous compounds whose existence is the only real chemical characteristic peculiar to living matter. But we have FIG. 36.— African or two-toed ostrich, Struthio camelus. Graham.) (Photograph by William 46 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE already indicated that the production of such compounds would not necessarily be the production of protoplasm. What of the complex definitive physical organization of protoplasm on which we predicate so much of its capacity? The botanist Schaffhausen believes that water, air, and the necessary mineral substances have been directly combined under the influences of life and heat and have given birth to an FIG. 37. — Opossum, Didelphys virginiana. (One-tenth natural size; photograph by W. K. Fisher.) uncolored protococcus which next became Protococcus viridis. Delage asks: " If the thing is so simple why does not the author produce one of these protococci in his laboratory? On lid ferait grace de la chlorophylle ! " Nageli holds that when the albumi- nous compounds had their birth in an aqueous liquid, as they were not soluble in water, they were precipitated. This pre- cipitate was formed of minute particles, a sort of crystal which he calls micellae. These micellae are the materials from which organisms were formed. An inorganic crystal deposited in a saturated solution of the same nature determines a deposit on its surface in the form of tiny crystals, by which means it LIFE, ITS PHYSICAL BASIS AM) SIMPLEST EXPRESSION 47 increases in size. In the same way, when some of these albu- minous micellae are formed anywhere, they facilitate further precipitation within their sphere of influence in such a way that the formation of other micellae, instead of going on uniformly in the liquid mass, is localized at certain points. Thus are found aggregates of an albuminous nature which constitute the primitive protoplasm. This is Nageli's suggestion, and Nageli is one of the most thoughtful biologists who has ever lived ! Granting that protoplasm must have had a natural, spon- taneous beginning on this earth, being neither brought to it from other worlds nor created extranaturally on this world, biologists indulge in some speculations as to the probable whereabouts of this first appearance of life, and as to whether living substance was formed spontaneously but once only or several times, and perhaps in several places. It is not necessary here to follow up such speculations. The only one of them with any scientific evidence at all for it is the theory that life began at the poles or perhaps particularly at the north pole. The evidence for this is based, first, on the fact that in accordance with the cosmic theory of world evolution, the poles of the earth must have been first in a condition under which life might exist, and, second, on facts revealed by the study of the geo- graphical distribution of living and fossil organisms. There seems to be some slight scientific foundation for the claim that the first organisms lived in polar regions. CHAPTER IV FACTORS AND MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION Even in the latest and maturest formulations of scientific research, the dramatic tone is never lost. The causes at work are conceived in a highly impersonal way, but hitherto no science has been content to do its work in terms of inert magnitude alone. Activity continues to be imputed to the phenomena with which science deals, and activity is, of course, not a fact of observation but is imputed to the phenomena by the observer. Epistemologically speaking, activity is imputed to phenomena for the purpose of organizing them into a dramatically consistent system." — THORSTEIN VEBLEN. THERE is to-day no doubt in our minds of the truth, the actuality, of descent. It is not the theory of descent: it is the fact, the law, of descent, of which we talk and write. Organ- isms are blood-related: they are transformed, descended from one another. This, which is the common knowledge of present- day post-Darwinian science, was the belief of many naturalists even before the days of Darwin. " From the Greeks to Darwin " was not all darkness nor complete freedom from taint of the "pernicious evolution doctrine." Goethe, Erasmus Darwin, Lamarck, to mention only familiar names, were evolutionists: they believed in the transmutation of species, believed in descent. But it was Darwin who gave the waiting naturalists substantial and satisfactory reasons for the beliefs that were in them; who gave them strength to have the courage of their convictions. While Darwinism, in our present-day use of the name, is not synonymous with descent and evolution, but is the name of a causomechanical explanation of it, or a group of causal factors, yet it might justifiably be more broadly used, and held still to mean, what it certainly did to the world generally for a good many years after the "Origin of Species" appeared, the 48 FACTORS AND MECHANISM OF EVOLUTION 4a. If each egg of the con in ion house fly should develop and each of the larva- should find the food and temperature it needed, 60 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE with no loss and no destruction, the people of the city in which it happened would suffocate under the plague of flies. When- ever any species of insect develops a large percentage of the eggs laid, it becomes at once a plague. Thus originate plagues of locusts, grasshoppers, and caterpillars. But the crowd of life renders these plagues rare. Scavenger-beetles and bacteria destroy the decaying flesh where the fly would lay its eggs. Minute creatures, bacteria, protozoa, other insects, are parasitic within the larva itself. Millions of flies starve to death. Mil- lions more are eaten by birds and predaceous insects. The final result is that from year to year the number of flies does not increase. Linnaeus once said that " three flies will devour a dead horse as quickly as a lion." Quite as soon would three bacteria with their descendants reach the same result. "Even slow-breeding man," says Darwin, "has doubled in twenty-five years. At this rate in less than a thousand years there literally would not be standing room for his progeny. The elephant is reckoned the slowest breeder of all animals. It begins breeding when thirty years old and goes on breeding until ninety years old, bringing forth six young in the interval and surviving to be a hundred years old. If this be so, after about 800 years there should be 19,000,000 elephants alive descended from the first pair." A few years of still further multiplication without check, and every foot of the earth would be covered by elephants. Similar calculations may be made in regard to any species of animal or plant whatsoever. Each one increases at a rate which without checks would make it soon cover the earth. Yet the number of individuals in a state of nature in any species re- mains about stationary. With the interference of man, in many species the numbers slowly diminish; very few increase. There are about as many squirrels in the forest one year as another, as many butterflies in the field, as many frogs in the pond. Wolves, bears, deer, ducks, singing birds, fishes, all suf- fer from man's attacks or man's neglect and grow fewer year by year. It is manifest that the tendency to reproduce by geometric ratio meets everywhere with a corresponding check. This check is known as the Struggle for Existence. The struggle for existence is threefold: (a) Among individuals of one species, as wolf against wolf or sparrow against sparrow; (6) between individuals of different species, as rabbit with wolf or blue-bird with sparrow; (c) with the conditions in life — as NATURAL SKLECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 61 the necessity of the robin to find water in summer or to keep warm in winter. All three forms of the struggle for existence, intraspecific, interspecific, and environmental, are constantly operative and with every species. In some regions or under some conditions the one phase may be more destructive, in others another. Any one of these may be in various ways modified or ameliorated. When the conditions of life are most easy, as with most species in the tropics, there the conflict of individuals and the conflict of species is most severe. It is not possible to say that any one of these three forms of struggle and selection is more potent than the others. In fact, the first and the second are in a sense forms of the third. All struggle is, strictly speaking, with the conditions of life. Those individuals FIG. 38. — Praying mantis, eating a grasshopper. (Adapted from photograph from life by Slingerland.) which endure this struggle survive to reproduce themselves. The rest die and leave no progeny. Because of the destruction resulting from the struggle for existence, more individuals in each species are born than can mature. The majority fail to reach maturity because for one reason or another they cannot do so. All live that can. Each animal tries to feed itself : many try to take care of their young. But in self protection and in propagation of the species very few individuals succeed in comparison with the vast number which the process of reproduction calls into being. The destruction in nature is not indiscriminate. In the long run and for the most part, those creatures least fitted to resist are the first to perish. It is the slowest animal which is soonest overtaken by the pursuers. It is the weakest which is 62 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE crowded aside or trampled on by its associates. It is the least adaptable which suffers most from extremes of heat and cold. By the process of Artificial Selection the breeder improves his stock, destroying his weakest or least comely calves, reserving the strong and fit for parentage. In like fashion, on an in- conceivably large scale, the forces of nature are at work modify- ing and fitting to the demands of their surroundings the different species of animals. Because the processes and results of the struggle for existence seem parallel with those of artificial selection, Darwin suggested the name of Natural Selection for the sifting process as seen in nature. To the general re- sult of natural selection, Herbert Spencer has applied the term FIG. 39. — The Australian ladybird, Vedalia cardinalis, feeding on cottony cushion scale, Icerya purchasi. (From life.) Survival of the Fittest. By fitness in this sense is meant only adaptation to surrounding conditions, for the process of natural selection has no necessary moral element, nor does it necessarily work toward progress among organisms. With changing con- ditions species undergo change. Some individuals, by the possession of slight advantageous variations of structure or of instinct, meet these new demands better than others. These survive, the others die. The survivors produce young sharing in part, at least, their own advantages, and with renewed selec- tion the degree of adaptation increases with successive genera- tions. To the process of natural selection we must, in most cases, probably ascribe the adjustment of species to surroundings. NATURAL SELECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 63 Natural selection does not create species, it enforces adaptation. If a species or a group of individuals cannot fit itself to its environment, it will be crowded out by others which can do so. It will then either disappear entirely from the earth, or it will be limited to that region or to those conditions to which it is adapted. A partial adjustment tends to become more perfect, for the individuals least fitted are first destroyed in the struggle for existence. Very small variations may sometimes, therefore, lead to great changes. A side issue apparently unimportant may perhaps determine the fate of a species. Any advantage however small may possibly turn the scale of life. " Battle within battjes must be continually recurring, with varying suc- cess, yet in the long run the forces are so nicely balanced that the face of nature remains for a long time uniform, though assuredly the merest trifle would give the victory to one organic being over another." Darwin says: " I have found that the visits of bees are necessary for the fertili- zation of some kinds of clover; for instance, twenty heads of white clover (Trifolium repens) yielded two thousand two hundred and ninety seeds, but twenty other heads protected from the bees produced not one. Again, one hundred heads of red clover (Trifolium pratense) produced two thousand seven hundred seeds, but the same number of protected heads produced not a single seed. Humble-bees alone visit red clover, as other bees cannot reach the nectar. . . . Hence we may infer as highly probable that, if the whole genus of humble-bees became extinct or very rare in England, the heartsease and red clover would become very rare or wholly disappear. The number of humble-bees in any district depends in a great measure on the number of field mice, which destroy their combs and nests; and Colonel Newman, who has long attended to the habits of humble-bees, believes that more than two-thirds of them are thus destroyed all over England. Now the number of mice is largely dependent, as everyone knows, on the num- ber of cats; and Colonel Newman says: 'Near villages and small towns I have found the nests of humble- bees more numerous than else- where, which I attribute to the number of cats that destroy the mice.' Hence it is quite credible that the presence of feline animals in large numbers in a district might determine, through the intervention first of mice and then of bees, the frequency of certain flowers in that district." 64 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE Huxiey carries this calculation still further by showing that the number of cats depends on the number of unmarried women. On the other hand, clover produces beef, and beef strength. Thus in a degree the prowess of England is related to the number of spinsters in its rural districts! This statement would be true in all seriousness were it not that so many other elements come into the calculation. But whether true or not, it illustrates the way in which causes and effects in biology become intertangled. There was introduced into California from Australia, on young lemon trees, twenty-five years ago, an insect pest called the cottony cushion scale (Icerya purchasi). This pest in- creased in numbers with extraordinary rapidity, and in ten years threatened to destroy completely the great orange orchards of California. Artificial remedies were of little avail. Finally, an entomologist was sent to Australia to find out if this scale insect had not some special natural enemy in its native country. It was found that in Australia a certain species of ladybird beetle attacked and fed on the cottony cushion scales and kept them in check (Fig. 39). Some of these ladybirds (Vedalia cardi- nalis) were brought to California and released in a scale-infested orchard. The ladybirds, having plenty of food, thrived and produced many young. Soon they were in such numbers that many of them could be distributed to other orchards. In two or three years the Vedalias had become so numerous and widely distributed that the cottony cushion scales began to diminish perceptibly, and soon the pest was nearly wiped out. But with the disappearance of the scales came also a disappearance of the ladybirds, and it was then dis- covered that the Vedalias fed only on cottony cushion scales and could not live where the scales were not. So now, in order to have a stock of Vedalias on hand in California, it is necessary to keep protected some colonies of the cottony cushion scale to serve as food. Of course, with the disappearance of the pre- daceous ladybirds the scale began to increase again in various parts of the State, but with the sending of Vedalias to these localities the scale was again crushed. How close is the inter- dependence of these two species! There is little foundation for the current belief that each species of animal has originated in the area it now occupies, for in many cases our knowledge of palaeontology shows the reverse of this to be true. Even more incorrect is the belief that each NATURAL SELECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 65 species occupies the district or the surroundings best fitted for its habitation. This is manifested in the fact of the extraor- dinary fertility and persistence shown by many kinds of animals and plants in taking possession of new lands which have become, through the voluntary or involuntary interference of man, open to their invasion. Facts of this sort are the "enormous in- crease of rabbits and pigs in Australia and New Zealand, of horses and cattle in South America, and of the sparrows of North America, though in none of these cases are the animals natives of the countries in which they thrive so well " (Wal- lace). The persistent spreading of European weeds to the exclusion of our native plants is a fact too well known to every farmer in America. The constant moving westward of the white weed and the Canada thistle marks the steady deteriora- tion of our grass fields. The cockroaches in American kitch- ens represent invading species from Europe. The American cockroaches live in the woods. Perhaps a majority of the worst insect pests of the United States are of European or Asiatic origin. Especially noteworthy are cases of this type in Australia and New Zealand. In New Zealand the weeds of Europe, toughened by centuries of selection, have won an easy victory over the native plants. Dr. Hooker states that, in New Zealand " the cow grass has taken possession of the roadsides; dock and watercress choke the rivers; the sow thistle is spread all over the country, growing luxuriantly up to 6,000 feet; white clover in the mountain dis- tricts displaces the native grasses." The native Maori saying is: "As the white man's rat has driven away the native rat, as the European fly drives away our own, and the clover kills our fern, so will the Maoris disappear before the white man himself." Prof. Sidney Dickinson gives the following notes on the rabbit and other plagues of Australia: "The average annual cost to Australasia of the rabbit plague is £700,000, or nearly $3,500,000. The work which these enormous figures represent has a marked effect in reducing the number of rabbits in the better districts, although there is little to suppose that their extermina- tion will ever be more than partial. Most of the larger runs show very few at present, and rabbit-proof fencing, which has been set around thousands of square miles, has done much to check further inroads. Until this invention began to be utilized it was not uncommon to find 66 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE as many as a hundred rabbiters employed on a single property whose working average was from three hundred to four hundred rabbits per day. As they received five shillings a hundred from the station owner, and were also able to sell the skins at eight shillings a hundred, their profession was most lucrative. Seventy-five dollars a week was not an uncommon wage, and many an unfortunate squatter looked with envy upon the rabbiters, who were heaping up modest fortunes, while he himself was slowly being eaten out of house and home. "The fecundity of the rabbit is amazing, and his invasion of remote districts swift and mysterious. Careful estimates show that, under favorable conditions, a pair of Australian rabbits will produce six litters a year, averaging five individuals each. As the offspring them- selves begin breeding at the age of six months, it is shown that, at this rate, the original pair might be responsible in five years for a progeny of over twenty millions. That the original score that were brought to the country have propagated after some such ratio, no one can doubt who has seen the enormous hordes that now devastate the land in certain districts. In all but the remoter sections, the rabbits are now fairly under control; one rabbiter with a pack of dogs supervises stations where one hundred were employed ten years ago, and with ordinary vigilance the squatters have little to fear. Millions of the animals have been killed by fencing in the water holes and dams during a dry season, whereby they died of thirst, and lay in enormous piles against the obstructions they had frantically and vainly striven to climb, and poisoned grain and fruit have killed myriads more. A fortune of £25,000 offered by the New South Wales Government still awaits the man who can invent some means of general destruction, and the knowledge of this fact has brought to the notice of the various colonial governments some very original devices. "Another great pest to the squatters is developing in the foxes, two of which were imported from Cumberland some years ago by a wealthy station owner, who thought that they might breed, and give himself and friends an occasional day with the hounds. His modest desires were soon met in the development of a race of foxes far surpassing the English variety in strength and aggressiveness, which not only devour many sheep, but out of pure depravity worry and kill ten times as many as they can eat. When to these plagues is added the ruin of thousands of acres from the spread of the thistle, which a canny Scot brought from the Highlands to keep alive in his breast the memories of Wallace and Bruce; the well-nigh resistless inroads of furze; and, in New Zealand, the blocking up of rivers by NATURAL SELECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 67 the English watercress, which in its new home grows a dozen feet in length, and has to be dredged out to keep navigation open, it may be understood the colonials look with jaundiced eye upon suggestions of any further interference with Australian nature. "Not to be outdone by foreign importations, the country itself has shown in the humble locust a nuisance quite as potent as rabbit, fox, or thistle. This bane of all men who pasture sheep on grass has not been much in evidence until within the last few years, when the great destruction of indigenous birds by the gun and by poisoned grain strewn for rabbits has facilitated its increase. The devastation caused by these insects last year was enormous, and befell a district a thousand miles long and two thousand wide. For days they passed in clouds that darkened the earth with the gloomy hue of an eclipse, while the ground was covered with crawling millions, devouring every green thing and giving to the country the appearance of being carpeted with scales. It has been discovered, however, that before they attain their winged state they can easily be destroyed, and energetic measures will be taken against them throughout all the inhabited districts of Australia whenever they make another appearance." The conditions of the struggle for existence are not neces- sarily felt as an individual stress to the individuals which sur- vive. The life they lead is the one for which they are fitted. The struggle is painful or destructive only to those imperfectly adapted. Men in general are fitted to the struggle endured by their ancestors as they are adapted to the pressure of the air. They do not recognize the pressure itself but only its fluctua- tions. Hence many writers have supposed that the struggle for existence belongs to animals and plants and that man is or should be exempt from it. Competition has been identified with injustice, fraud, or trickery, and it has been supposed that it could be abolished by acts of benevolent legislation. But competition is inseparable from life. The struggle for existence may be hidden in social conventions or its effects more evenly distributed through processes of mutual aid, but its necessity is always present. Competition is the source of all progress. The first suggestion of the doctrine of natural selection came to Darwin through the law of population as stated by Thomas Malthus. The law of Malthus is in substance as fol- lows: Man tends to increase by geometrical ratio — that is, by multiplication. The increase of food supply is by arithmetical 68 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE ratio — that is, by addition; therefore, whatever may be the ratio of increase, a geometrical progression will sooner or later outrun an arithmetical one. Hence sooner or later the world must be overstocked, did not vice, misery, or prudence come in as checks, reducing the ratio of multiplication. This law has been criti- cised as a partial truth, so far as man is concerned. This means simply that there are factors also in evolution other than those recognized by Malthus. Nevertheless, Malthus's law is a sound statement of one great factor. And this law is simply the ex- pression of the struggle for existence as it appears among men. The doctrine of organic evolution was first placed on a firm basis by Darwin, because Darwin was the first who clearly defined the force of natural selection. Darwin, however, rec- ognized other factors, known or hypothetical, and was inter- ested more in showing the fact of descent and one cause of modification than in insisting on the all-sufficiency of the cause especially defined by himself. In later times, Weismann and his followers have laid more exclusive stress on natural selection and its Allmacht or ex- clusive power in bringing about organic evolution. This view is known as Neo-Darwinism and the school of workers who profess it as Neo-Darwinians. Few investigators question the far-reaching influence of natural selection, but there are many phases in organic evolution which cannot be ascribed to it. Hence the search for other factors has been assiduously prosecuted, and doubts of Darwinism have been widely ex- pressed; but this doubting has been thrown not so much on the Darwinism of Darwin, nor, as a rule, on the law of natural selection, but rather on the Allmacht claimed for it by Weis- mann and his associates. Without attempting any elaborate discussion of questions still far from settled we may venture these suggestions : 1. Given the facts of individual variation, of inheritance, and some check to freedom of migration, natural selection would accomplish some form of organic evolution; species would be formed by the survival of the adapted, adaptations would be perpetuated, and minor differences would develop in time into deep-seated differences. 2. With natural selection alone, however, the actual facts in organic evolution as we know them would apparently not be achieved. NATURAL SELECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 69 3. In other words, while natural selection furnishes the motive force of change, other influences, extrinsic and intrinsic, help to direct the channels in which life runs. It is necessary to consider other causes for the great body of indifferent characters or traits not produced by adaptation, and apparently not yield- ing either advantage or disadvantage in the struggle for life. 4. The formation of species of animals and plants through natural selection finds an analogy in the formation of rivers through gravitation. Gravitation is the motive power carrying the waters from the uplands to the sea. The courses of streams are determined by a number of minor influences acting in con- currence with gravitation, the final result far more complex than the single cause would produce. 5. In like fashion, while natural selection is the motive element in descent or evolution, the total result is due to a concurrence of causes, and is too complex to be explained by natural selection, by the principle of utility, or the survival of the fittest alone, and the varying effects must be ascribed to a variety of causes. Certain minor traits, as color patterns, relative proportions of parts, survive — apparently without special utility, but because these traits were borne by some ancestors or group of ancestors. This has been called the Survival of the Existing. In making up the fauna or flora of any region those organisms actually present when the region is first stocked must leave their qual- ities as an inheritance. If they cannot maintain themselves their breed disappears. If they maintain themselves in iso- lation their characters remain as those of a new species. In hosts of cases, the survival of characters rests not on any special usefulness or fitness, but on the fact that individuals possessing these characters have inhabited or invaded a certain area. The principle of utility explains survivals among com- peting structures. It rarely accounts for qualities associated with geographic distribution. The nature of the animals which first colonize a district must determine what the future fauna shall be. From their actual specific characters, largely traits neither useful nor harmful, will be derived for the most part the specific characters of their successors. It is not essential to the meadow lark that he should have a black blotch on the breast or the outer tail feathers white. Yet all meadow larks have these marks, as all shore larks possess G 70 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE the tiny plume behind the ear. Any character of the parent stock, which may prove harmful under new relations, will be eliminated by natural selection. Those especially helpful will be intensified and modified. But the great body of characters, the marks by which we know the species, will be neither helpful nor hurtful. These will be meaningless streaks and spots, variations in size of parts, peculiar relations of scales or hair or feathers, little matters which can neither help nor hurt, but which have all the persistence heredity can give. In regard to natural selection our knowledge seems positive. In regard to most other factors of organic evolution we have to deal so far not with clearly demonstrated facts but with "probabilities of a higher or lower order/' their value to be ultimately shown by experiment. In this connection the following words of Dr. Edwin Grant Conklin are very pertinent : "On the whole, then, I believe the facts which are at present at our disposal justify a return to the position of Darwin. Neither Weis- mannism nor Lamarckism alone can explain the causes of evolution. But Darwinism can explain those causes. Darwin endeavored to show that variations, perhaps even adaptations, were the result of extrinsic factors acting upon the organism, and that these variations or adap- tations were increased and improved by natural selection. This is, I believe, the only ground which is at present tenable, and it is but another testimony to the greatness of that man of men that, after exploring for a score of years all the ins and outs of pure selection and pure adaptation, men are now coming back to the position outlined and unswervingly maintained by him." Finally we ought not to suppose that we have already reached a satisfactory solution of the evolution problem, or are, indeed, near such a solution. "We must not conceal from ourselves the fact," says Roux, "that the causal investigation of organisms is one of the most difficult, if not the most difficult, problems which the human intellect has at- tempted to solve, and that this investigation, like every causal science, can never reach completeness, since every new cause ascer- tained only gives rise to fresh questions concerning the cause of this cause." NATURAL SELECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 71 In order to explain certain important phenomena outside the apparent range of natural selection, a theory of another sort of selective activity is recognized by many biologists. This is the theory of Sexual Selection first propounded by Darwin. FIG. 40. — Male and female humming bird; showing sex dimorphism. (After Gould.) Differences between male and female individuals of the same species are the rule rather than the exception (Fig. 40). Many of these differences are what might be called the necessary ones due to the particular functions assumed by each individual in this differentiation of sex. Of this nature are, besides those funda- mental ones of the primary reproductive ones, such others as 72 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE those specially connected with the care and rearing of the young; as the mamma? of female mammals, the brood pouches of the female kangaroos and opossums, etc. But a moment's reflection calls to mind the existence of a host of other differ- ences between males and females of the same species which plainly have no such immediate relation to the distinct functions or duties assumed by each in the business of production and care of young. For example, the long plume feathers of the male bird of paradise, the curious chitinous horns of the male leaf-chafer beetles (Fig. 41), the brilliant plumage of many male birds as contrasted with the sober dress of the females, and a host of other distinguishing characteristics of the sexes in many animal species. Now these differences are all conveniently named by the phrase " secondary sexual differences," and the explanation of their origin has come to be one of the most FIG. 41. — Male and female Scarabeid beetles, Phaneus mexicanus, showing sex dimor- phism; the male with prominent dorsal horn on head. (From specimens.) puzzling of biological problems. The most familiar and, for many years, a widely accepted solution of this problem, is that embraced in the theory of sexual selection proposed and fought for by Darwin and Wallace, but later discarded by the latter of these great naturalists. Before taking up the sexual selection explanation of dis- tinguishing sex characters, it is well to pay a little further attention to the characters themselves. And for this purpose a rough grouping or classification may be attempted. The characters may be of special use to the possessor (male or female) or for the benefit of the young, such as weapons of offense and defense (antlers of male deer, stings of female bee and wasp, tusks of male swine, etc.), or special organs for mat- ing (seizing and holding organs of certain male crabs, suckerlike holding pads on the feet of male water beetles (Fig. 42), or special locomotory organs (presence of wings in the male and their NATURAL SELECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 73 absence in the female in numer- ous insect species), or special sense organs "(the much more expanded antennae of male cecro- pia, promethea, polyphemus, and other bombycine moths, as com- pared with those of the female), or special structures for the care of the young (milk glands of female mammals, brood pouches of female marsupials, pits on the back of the male of the frog Pipa (Fig. 43), for carrying the eggs, etc.), or recognition marks (the eye spots, collars, wing bands, tail blotches, and such other con- spicuous color spots and mark- ings possessed by the males and wanting in the females of various bird species), or, finally, char- acters connected with special habits of one sex differing from those of the other (the pollen baskets and wax plates of the worker female honey bees, the winglessness of certain female parasitic insects, the males being nonparasitic and winged, etc.). The special characters may be apparently for the purpose of attract- ing or exciting the other sex, as the brilliant colors, markings, and other ornamentation of many male birds, some mammals, and some reptiles and very many fishes, and the cries and songs, special odors, and curious antics or dancing of the males of various animals (mammals, birds, spiders, insects, etc.). In many of these cases the special secondary sexual characters appear only during -A male frog Pipa ih breedmg season; in others they americana, carrying eggs in pits on its back. (After Darwin.) are persistent. FIG. 42. — Fore leg of male water beetle, Dyticus, showing special suckerlike expansion of the leg. (After Miall.) 74 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE The characters may also be of the type called reciprocal, that is, organs which exist in functional condition in one sex, but in the other appear in rudimentary and often nonfunctional forms, as the reduced horns of female antelopes and goats, the undeveloped stridulating organs of female crickets and katydids, small spurs on the female pheasant, reduced mammae of male mammals, undeveloped mimicry of male butterflies, etc. FIG. 44. — Male (A) and female (B) of the fly, Calotarsa insignia Aid., showing secondary sexual characteristics on the feet of the male. (After Aldrich.) Finally the characters may be indifferent, that is, without any apparent utility; as the reduced wings of numerous female insects, the rudimentary alimentary canal of the male Rota- toria, absence of antlers of female deer, loss of wings in insect females, small differences in size and markings between males and females, slight differences in wing form in hummingbirds, dragon flies, and butterflies, differences in number of tarsal and antennal segments in insects, etc. The explanation of these various differences between males and females plainly cannot be a single one. The extreme vari- ety of the secondary sexual differences of itself makes it neces- sary to find more than one explanation for their existence. To take the most obvious case, it is apparent that the useful characters, such as the fighting antlers of the male deer, can be explained probably by natural selection. At least these char- acters fall readily into line with precisely that type of useful •specialization for whose explanation we rely on natural selec- tion. So practically all those secondary sexual characters of our first category, namely, those obviously useful to the pos- sessor or to its young, such as organs of offense and defense, brood pouches, food-producing or gathering organs, special NATURAL SELECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 75 means of locomotion, etc., may be considered to offer no special problem. Although indeed the reason why these useful char- acteristics should be possessed by but one sex is by no means always, or perhaps even often, plain to us. But the real problem presented by secondary sexual char- acters is that thrust on us by the nonuseful and even appar- ently disadvantageous differences. Why the male bird of para- dise should be decked out in a plumage certain to make it a conspicuous object to every enemy it has, and of a weight and difficulty of manipulation that must mean a constant demand on the strength and attention of the bird, is a question that demands a special answer. In the same case with the bird of paradise are the peacock, the gorgeous male pheasant (Fig. 45) , FIG. 45. — Male and female argus pheasant; the male is shown in characteristic "courting attitude." (From Tegetmeier's " Pheasants.") many hummingbirds (Fig. 40), etc. Now to explain these ex- traordinary secondary sexual differences the theory of sexual selection has been devised. This theory, in few words, is that there is practically a competition or struggle for mating, and that those males are 76 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE successful in this struggle which are the strongest and best armed or equipped for battle among themselves, or which are most acceptable by reason of ornament or other attractiveness to the females. In the former case mating with a certain female depends upon overcoming in fight the other suitors, the female being the passive reward of the victor; in the second case the female is presumed to exercise a choice, this choice depend- ing upon the attractiveness of the male (due to color, pattern, plumes, processes, odor, song, etc.). The actual fighting among males, and the winning of the females by the victor is an ob- served fact in the life of numerous animal species. But a spe- cial sexual selection theory is hardly necessary to explain the development of the fighting equipment, antlers, spurs, claws, tusks, etc. This fighting array of the male is simply a special phase of the already recognized intraspecific struggle; it is not a fight for room or food, but for the chance to mate. But this chance often depends on the issue of a life and death struggle. Natural selection would thus account for the development of the weapons for this purpose. For the development, however, of such secondary equal char- acters as ornament, whether of special plumage, color, .pattern, or processes, and song, and special odors, and "love dancing," the natural selection theory can in no way account; the theory of sexual selection was the logical and necessary auxiliary theory, and when first proposed it met with quick and wide acceptance. Wallace in particular took up the theory and applied it to ex- plain many cases of remarkable plumage and pattern develop- ment among birds. Later, as he analyzed more carefully his cases, and those proposed by others, he became doubtful, and finally wholly skeptical as to the theory. The theory as proposed by Darwin was based on the follow- ing general assumptions, for the proof of each of which various illustrations were adduced. First, many secondary sexual characters are not explicable by natural selection; they are not useful in the struggle for life. Second, the males seek the females for the sake of pairing. Third, the males are more abundant than the females. Fourth, in many cases there is a struggle among the males for the possession of the females. Fifth, in many other cases the females choose, in general, those males specially distinguished by more brilliant colors, more conspicuous ornaments, or other attractive characters. Sixth, NATURAL SELECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 77 many males sing, or dance, or otherwise draw to themselves the attention bf the females. Seventh, the secondary sexual characters are especially variable. Darwin believed that he had observed certain other conditions to exist which helped make the sexual selection theory probable, but the conditions noted are sufficient if they are real. Exposed to careful scrutiny and criticism, the theory of sexual selection has been relieved of all necessity of explaining any but two categories of secondary sexual characters; namely, the special weapons borne by males, and special ornaments and excitatory organs of the males and females. For examination has disclosed the fact that males are not alone in the possession of special characters of attraction or excitation. Regarding these two categories Plate in his able recent defense of Darwinism, says "the first part of this theory, the origin of the special defensive and offensive weapons of males through sexual selec- tion, is nearly universally accepted. The second part of the theory, the origin of exciting organs, has given rise to much controversy. Undoubtedly the presumption that the females compare the males and then choose only those which have the most attractive colors, the finest song, or the most agreeable odor, presents great difficulties, but it is doubtful if it is possible to replace this explanation by a better." Some of these diffi- culties may be briefly enumerated. The theory can be applied only to species in which the males are markedly more numerous than the females, or in which the males are polygamous. In other cases there will be a female for each male whether he be ornamented or not; and the unor- namented males can leave as many progeny as the ornamented ones, which would prevent any accumulation of ornamental variations by selection. As a matter of fact, in a majority of animal species, especially of the higher vertebrates, males and females exist in approximately equal numbers. Observation shows that in most species the female is wholly passive in the matter of pairing, accepting the first male that offers. Note the cock and hens in the barnyard, or the fur seal in the rookeries. Ornamental colors are as often a characteristic of males of kinds of animals in which there is no real pairing, as among those which pair. How explain by sexual selection the remark- able colors in the breeding season of many fishes, in which the 78 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE female never, perhaps, sees the male which fertilizes her dropped eggs? In many fishes the spring ornamentation of the males is just as marked and just as brilliant as in the birds or other animals of much higher intelligence and corresponding power of choice. Witness the horned dace, chubs, and stone rollers in any brook in spring. Choice on a basis of ornament and attractiveness implies a high degree of aesthetic development on the part of the females of animals of whose development in this line we have no other proof. Indeed, this choice demands aesthetic recognition among animals to which we distinctly deny such a development, as the butterflies and other insects in which secondary sexual characters of color, etc., are abundant and conspicuous. Sim- ilarly with practically all invertebrate animals. Further, in those groups of higher animals where aesthetic choice may be presumed possible, we have repeated evidence that preferences vary with individuals. Certainly they do with men, the animal species in which such preferences certainly and most conspicu- ously exist. In some human races hair on the face is thought beautiful; in others, ugly. Besides even if we may attribute fairly a cer- tain amount of aesthetic feeling to such animals as mammals and birds, is this feeling so keen as to lead the female to have preference among only slightly differing patterns or songs? Yet this assumption is necessary if the development of ornament and other attracting and exciting organs is to be explained by the selection and gradual accumulation through generations of slight fortuitously appearing fluctuating variations in the males. There are actually very few recorded cases in which the ob- server believes that he has noted an actual choice by a female. Darwin records eight cases among birds. Since Darwin, not more than half a dozen other cases, all doubtful, have been noted. Also a few instances, all more illustrative of sexual excitation of females resulting from the perception of odor or actions, than any degree of choice on their part, have been listed. In numerous cases the so-called attractive characters of the males, described usually from preserved (museum) specimens, have been found, in actual life, to be of such a character that they cannot be noted by the female. For example, the brilliant colors and curious horns of the males of the dung beetles are, in NATURAL SELECTION; SEXUAL SELECTION 79 life, always so obscured by dirt and filth that there can be no question of display to the female eye about them. The dancing swarms of many kinds of insects are found to be composed of males alone with no females near enough to see; it is no case of an excitatory flitting and whirling of many males before the eyes of the impressionable females. Of many male katydids singing in the shrubbery will not for any female that particular song be loudest and most convincing that proceeds from the nearest male, not the most expert or the strongest stridulator? Simi- larly with the flitting male fireflies ; will not the strongest gleam be, for any female, that from the male which happens to fly nearest her, and riot from the distant male with ever so much better, stronger light? Even in the human species, propin- quity is recognized as the strongest factor in the choice of mates. Several other serious objections can also be urged against the sexual selection theory, but the most important one of them all is that all the evidence (though it is little in quantity as yet, although of good quality) based on actual experiment, is strongly opposed to the validity of the assumption that the females make a choice among the males based on the presence in the males of ornament or attractive colors, pattern, or special structures. Such experiments have been undertaken by Diiri- gen and Douglas with lizards, and by Mayer with moths. It must be said, however, in closing this brief discussion of the sexual selection theory, that no replacing or substitute theory of anything like the same plausibility has yet been offered to take its place. There is no question that, in many cases, brilliancy of breeding colors, development of processes, and the like, is often correlated with superior vigor. This is especially true among fishes and birds. This reason could, however, not at all account for such structures as the highly specialized stridu- lating organs of certain insects. The problem of the secondary sexual characters, especially of those which seem to stand in opposition to the natural selection theory, is one of the most pressing in present-day biology. CHAPTER VI ARTIFICIAL SELECTION We can command Nature only by obeying her laws. This prin- ciple is true even in regard to the astonishing changes which are super- induced in the qualities of certain animals and plants in domestication and in gardens. — LYELL. VARIETIES are the product of fixed laws, never of chance. With a knowledge of these laws we can improve the products of nature, by employing nature's forces in ameliorating old or producing new species and varieties better adapted to our necessities and tastes. Breeding to a fixed line will produce fixed results. There is no evidence of any limit in the production of variation through artificial selection; especially if preceded by crossing. — LUTHER BURBANK. THE name Selection has been long used for the process by which breeds or races of domestic animals or plants have been formed in the past, and for the process by which the skill- ful breeder can develop new forms at will. This latter proc- ess, called by Youatt "the magician's wand/7 by which the breeder can summon up any form of animal which may meet his needs or please his fancy, has been especially designated as Artificial Selection. By it we have derived all of our famil- iar hosts of varieties of domesticated animals and plants. The similar process in nature was accordingly designated by Darwin, Natural Selection. It refers to the development or increase of traits adaptive or advantageous in the life of a species, through the survival for reproduction of a greater proportion of individuals possessing the characters in question than of those which do not. In any race, it is the individual which succeeds in reaching maturity which determines the future of the race. The qualities of the multitude which die prematurely are naturally not repeated in heredity. In general, the forms pro- 80 ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 81 duced in artificial selection are not those which could arise or even exist in nature. In nature, hardiness or power of resistance in competition or the struggle for existence is all important. In artificial selection stress is laid chiefly on char- acters useful or attractive to man. From the standpoint of self dependence, the improvements due to artificial selection constitute a sort of retrogression. In general, the production of a new race of animals or plants in domestication is the outcome of the work of a number of factors, in which human or artificial selection plays a leading part, a part which in- creases in importance with the degree of intel- ligent choice concerned in it. In the formation of a new race of animals or plants, we may have the following stages or fact- ors: 1. Unconscious se- lection with more or less complete isolation. 2. Conscious selec- tion of the most desira- ble individuals. 3. Conscious selec- tion directed toward definite or special ends. 4. Crossing with other races or with other species (known as hybridizing), in order to increase the range of variation, or to add or combine certain specific desirable qualities or to elimi- nate those undesirable, this accompanied by conscious selection directed toward definite ends. On this series of processes breeding as a fine art must depend. Taking as an illustration some of the breeds of medium wool sheep found in Southern England: we have (1) the domes- tication of sheep in each of the different counties or natural FIG. 46.— White-crested black Polish cock. (After photograph.) 82 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE areas. In the beginning men are satisfied with sheep as sheep. Little attention is paid to the distinction among individuals. Those which are feeble, ill nourished, untamable, scant-fleeced, or otherwise unfit will be eliminated, a process which will tend to improve the stock, without giving the race distinctive quali- ties, except as compared with the wild original. To form dis- tinct races, the factor of isolation must enter. Those in one county, for example, will be, at the beginning, somewhat different from those in an- other. Each herd will show its own traits in time, these due primarily to differences in the original stock, secondarily to the pre- dominance of one form of variation over others. Ex- changes of sheep will, by cross-breeding, tend to unify the type of sheep in some one county, or on some side of a barrier across which sheep are not driven. With this, there will be also variations in the character of the unconscious selec- tion. One type of sheep will flourish in a meadow county, another on a moor, and still another on the rocky hills. At any rate, as the environment varies, so will the character of the selection. Thus as a final result, in Southern England, the Southdown sheep of Sussex have tawny faces and legs; the sheep of Hampshire have black faces, ears, and legs, with a black spot under the tail ; this black spot is lacking in the sheep of Devon. In the Cheviot sheep the face and ears are white, the head free from wool, while the ears, unlike those of most of the others, stand erect. In the dun-faced Shropshire sheep, the faces are more or less covered by wool. All these are hornless, while the more primitive Dorset sheep with white face and ears FIG. 47. — Silver-laced Wyandotte cockerel. (After photograph.) ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 83 have almost always small curved horns which are white, not black, as in the still more primitive Irish breed. Most of these distinctive traits offer neither advantages nor disadvantages either to the sheep or its owner. They are nonadaptive or FIG. 48.— Typical Dorset ewe, horned. (After Shaw.) FIG. 49.— Polled Welsh sheep, a primitive type, lean and scant wooled. (After Youatt.) indifferent characters. These characters are therefore asso- ciated with the hereditary traits of the original stock. They are preserved through segregation and they are lost when herds from different counties freely intermingle. Free interbreeding would give a new and relatively uniform race of sheep over the whole area occupied by these separate breeds. 84 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE At this point we may conceive that (2) conscious selection of the more desirable individuals appears. Through its agency, Hampshire, Shropshire, Cheviot, and Southdown sheep alike, and the others in their degree, tend toward larger size, more wool, plumper bodies, earlier maturity, greater docility, greater fertility, or whatever virtues the average shepherd may prize in a sheep. While in race traits, the breeds (uncrossed) tend to diverge from one another, in these adaptive qualities, their tendency is to run parallel — or even to converge toward greater resemblance. With conscious selection (3), there is first a tendency to emphasize the qualities of desirable breeds. If, for example, FIG. 50. — Typical Southdown ewe. (After Shaw.) the Hampshire is a favorite breed, the individuals showing most distinctly black ears, legs, and face will be preferred by breeders to those having these parts pale. Again, new points of special excellence will appear in the breed and these will be deliberately emphasized, and perhaps by continuous selection a new breed will be formed having one or more of these as a distinctive trait. According to Somerville, one may chalk out on a wall any form or type of sheep he may like, and then in time reproduce it through selective breeding. In Nova Scotia, Mr. A. Graham Bell has developed a new breed of sheep by selection, its distinctive character being in the increased milk flow, with an increased number of teats. - ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 85 At Chillenham, in England, is still preserved a herd of the original wild white English cattle, from which most or all of the British breeds are said to be descended. It is stated that Lord Cawdor has offered to reproduce this herd, by selection alone, in three or four generations, using the relatively primitive Welsh cattle as his base of operations. In general, those characters which are usually affected by selection, whether natural or artificial, are characters of degree. They are matters of more or less, a greater or less degree of strength, swiftness, size, endurance, fertility, capacity to lay FIG. 51. — Typical American merino ewe, a highly specialized breed with fine close-set wool. (After Shaw.) on fat, docility, intelligence, or of whatever it may be. Lender ordinary conditions these characters selected are not traits of quality. They do not represent a new thing, a new acquisition, but a different degree of development of an old one, or, at most, a change in their relative arrangement, an alteration of bio- logical perspective. The characters which distinguish true breeds as well as true species are not of this order. They are in their essence quali- tative and not quantitative. They are not, as a rule, adaptive. One set of species or race traits is as good as another, if the good qualities or adaptive qualities are represented in an equally FIG. 52. — Heads of various British breeds of domestic cattle, showing variations in shape of head and condition of horns. (After Romanes.) FIG. 53. — Various races of pigeons, all probably descended from the European rock dove, Columba livia. (After Haeckel.) 88 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE high degree. The Southdown sheep are valued — not for their Southdown traits, but for the excellence of their mutton, a trait with which middle length of wool, tawny legs, naked faces, drooping ears, and absence of horns have nothing necessarily to do. We value these race traits only for the other qualities FIG. 54. — Skulls (in longitudinal section) of two breeds of domestic fowl, showing the large modification in the cranium: upper figure, Polish cock; lower figure, Cochin cock. (After Darwin.) which have been in a high degree associated with them in the heredity of the race. Under crossing and selection, much bolder attempts are possible. When parents widely divergent are crossed, many very different results are attained. In general the progeny, at least after the first generation, diverge very widely from one another. Some will have the good traits of both parent stocks ; some will have the undesirable ones; some will show a mosaic of parental characters; some a more or less perfect blend of char- acters, this blend being definable as a finer type of mosaic. Some will diverge widely from either stock, often showing traits either remotely ancestral or wholly new. From desirable vari- ations of this sort new races may be developed, each succeeding generation tending to give greater fixity. In general, wide crosses or hybrids are more successful with plants than with animals, because the mutual adjustment ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 89 traits become more important in the more highly specialized organisms. Among animals, related species often cannot be crossed at all; the germ cells refuse to intermingle. Sometimes there is a very imperfect mingling and the resultant animal is divided within itself and does not live long. An example of this is seen in Dr. Moenkhaus's cross of the silverside (Menidia) with the killifish (Fundulus). The unmixed chromosomes of the germ-cell nucleus are seen unblended, through several segmen- tations of the egg. In the case of the mule, the cross of the horse with the ass, the hybridization is readily effected, but the resultant offspring is sterile. Presumably the hereditary difference in the repro- Fir,. 55. — Wild boar contrasted with modern domestic pig. (After Romanes.) ductive organs in the two parental strains is too great to allow the normal development of generative organs in the progeny. In general, crosses between closely related species are fertile, the degree of fertility being less as the parent species are more widely differentiated. Among animals, any great difference 90 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE between the parent stocks renders hybridization impossible. But among plants, when hybrids are actually formed, fertility rather than sterility may be taken as the rule. This is the case with Mr. Luther Burbank's Primus berry, a cross between the Siberian raspberry (Rubus cratcegifolius) and the Calif ornian dew- berry or blackberry (Rubus ursinus). In this form the fruit excels in size and abundance either parent, and the hybrid breeds true from the seed, and ripens before either parent begins to bloom. It was fixed in the first generation, being in this re- gard a rare exception to the general rule of the aberration of hybrids. In this and in other respects the Primus, known to be an intentional cross of two species, behaves as though it were a distinct species. In like fashion, the Logan berry, the product of an accidental cross at Santa Cruz, in California, of the European raspberry with the native dewberry, behaves also like a distinct species, and is also much superior in productive- ness to either parent. The fine art of the horticulturist is seen in the selection and fixing of the variations produced by crossing and hybridization. While most of the forms thus obtained are worthless, a few will show decided advances. Often as m.uch progress may be made in a single successful cross or hybridization as in a dozen or even a hundred generations of pure selection. By selection alone, however, important results may be obtained, with time and patience. Given a variation in a de- sired direction there is perhaps no actual limit bounding the possibilities of selection unless arising through external or me- chanical conditions. Thus selection for speed of horses is limited by the strength of the material of which a horse's leg is com- posed. The increase in the number of petals may be limited by the space on which petals can stand, and the number of leaflets in a leaf by the length of the rhachis. Still there are known cases in which a positive limit has been reached in at- tempting to modify organisms by selection alone. Accidental crossing within a species may form a useful basis for selection. Thus from the seeds in a single potato ball of the Early Rose variety, crossed by insects with an unknown parent, Mr. Luther Burbank reared potatoes of many different sorts: red potatoes, white potatoes, elongate potatoes, potatoes rela- tively smooth and potatoes all eyes and "eyebrows." Among all these, one form, long, white, smooth, and mealy, seemed far ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 91 superior to the others. From the subdivision of the tubers of this seedling arose the Burbank potato, the most valuable variety in its economic relations now cultivated in America. But with the choice of this form for preservation, selection ceased, as all plants of the Burbank potato in cultivation are FIG. 56. — Heads of timothy, showing improvement by selection. (After Hays.) subdivisions of a single original plant. New forms would come from further selection of the Burbank potato seed. As illustrations of the more complex art of hybridization and selection, we give in the following paragraphs a brief account of the work of Luther Burbank, the most ingenious and successful of all recent experimenters in plant breeding. 92 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE Burbank has originated and introduced a remarkable series of plums and prunes. No less than twenty varieties are included in his list of offerings, and some of them, notably the Gold, FIG. 57. — Four types of plumcot: colors, red and yellow of various shades. (Photo- graph by Burbank; about one-half diameter.) Wickson, Apple, October Purple, Chalco, American, and Climax plums and the Splendor and Sugar prunes, are among the best known and most successful kinds now grown. In addition, he is now perfecting a stoneless plum, and has created the inter- \ ^ FIG. 58. — Seedlings from one hybrid plum. (After photograph by Burbank.) esting plumcot by hybridizing the Japanese plum and the apricot. The plumcot, however, has not yet become a fixed variety and may never be, as it tends to revert to the plum. ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 93 The stoneless and seedless plum is being produced by selection from the crossing of the descendants of a single fruit in a small wild plum with only part of a stone with the French prune; the percentage of stoneless fruits is gradually increasing with succeeding generations. The sugar prune, which promises to supplant the French prune in California, is a selected product of a second or third generation variety of the Petit d'Agen, a very variable French prune. The Bartlett plum, cross of the bitter Chinese simoni and the Delaware, a Burbank hybrid, has a fragrance and flavor extraordinarily like that of the Bartlett pear. The Climax is a cross of the simoni and the Japanese Iriflora. The Chinese simoni produces almost no pollen, only a few grains of it ever having been obtained, but these few grains have en- abled Burbank to revolu- tionize the whole plum shipping industry. Most of Burbarik's plums and prunes are the result of multiple crossings, in which HIHIHHHH _J the Japanese Satsuma has Fl(! 59 _The larger plum is the dirert ,eefl_ played an important part. ling of the smaller, produced by crossing Hundreds of thousands of the trif°liaia (JaPan> n'um and the little „. . , maritima (Atlantic Coast) plum. (After seedlings have been grown photograph by Burbank.) and carefully worked over in the twenty years' experimenting with plums, and single trees have been made to carry as many as 600 varying seed- ling grafts. Burbank has originated and introduced the Van Deman, Santa Rosa, Alpha, Pineapple "No. 80," the flowering Dazzle, and other quinces; the Opulent peach, cross bred from the Muir and Wager; the Winterstein apple, a seedling variety of the Gravenstein; and has made interesting, although not profitable, crosses of the peach and nectarine, peach and almond, and plum and almond. Next in extent, probably, to his work with plums is his long and successful experimentation with berries. This work has extended through twenty-five years of constant attention, has involved the use of forty different species of Rubus, and has 94 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE resulted in the origination arid introduction of a score of new commercial varieties, mostly obtained through various hybridi- zations of dewberries, blackberries, and raspberries. PIG. 6(). — Seedlings of one kind of hybrid plum: colors almost black, deep crimson, light crimson, scarlet, deep yellow, and shades of orange and yellow, green striped, spotted and speckled; long and short stems; sweet, sour, bitter, good, bad, and indifferent, firm and soft; flesh, yellow, white, pink, red, crimson, striped, and shaded; stones of various shapes and sizes, large, small, oval, round, of different colors, some clingstones, some freestones; foliage varying as much as the rest, and growth from short arid stalky and dwarf to rampant exuberance. ^Photograph by Burbank; about one-quarter diameter.) ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 95 Among these may especially be mentioned besides the Primus already spoken of, the Iceberg, a cross-bred white blackberry derived from a hybridization of the Crystal White (pistillate parent) with the Lawton (staminate parent), with FIG. 61 .—Seedlings of the Japanese quince, Pyrus Japonica: colors, orange yellow, or almost white, with crimson dots and splashes. (From photograph by Burbank.) 96 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE beautiful snowy-white berries so nearly transparent that the small seeds may be seen in them; the Japanese Golden May- berry, a cross of the Japanese R. palmatus (with small, tasteless, dingy yellow, worthless berries) and the Cuthbert, the hybrid growing into treelike bushes, six to eight feet high, and bearing great, sweet, golden, semitranslucent berries which ripen before strawberries; the Paradox, an oval, light-red berry, obtained in the fourth generation from a cross of Crystal White Blackberry and Shaffer's Colossal Raspberry. While most of the plants from this cross are partly or wholly barren, this particular out- come is an unusually prolific fruit producer. An interesting feature of Mr. Burbank's brief account, in his r FIG. 62. — Three walnuts: at left Japanese walnut, at right English walnut, and in middle a hybrid of these two. (From photograph by Burbank.) "New Creations" catalogue of 1894, of the berry experimenta- tion is a reproduction of a photograph showing "a sample pile of brush 12 feet wide, 14 feet high, and 22 feet long, containing 65,000 two- and three-year old seedling berry bushes (40,000 Blackberry X Raspberry hybrids and 25,000 Shaffer X Gregg hybrids), all dug up with their crop of ripening berries." The photograph is introduced to give the reader some idea of the work necessary to produce a satisfactory new race of berries. "Of the 40,000 Blackberry-Raspberry hybrids of this kind 'Paradox' is the only one now in existence. From the other 25,000 hybrids two dozen bushes were reserved for further trial." ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 97 Leaving Burbank's other fruit and berry creations un- noticed, we may refer to his curious cross-bred walnut results (Fig. 63), the most astonishing of which is a hybrid between FIG. 63. — At left, leaf of English walnut, Juglans regia; at right California black walnut, Juglans californica; and in the middle a leaf of the hybrid Paradox, first generation. (From photograph by Burbank.) Juglans Californica (staminate parent) and J. niyra (pistillate parent), which grows with an amazing vigor and rapidity, the trees increasing in size at least twice as fast as the combined growth of both parents, and the clean-cut, glossy, bright green 98 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE leaves, from two to three feet long, having a sweet odor like that of apples. This hybrid produces no nuts, but curiously enough the result of the reverse hybridization (i. e., pollen from nigra on FIG. 64. — Hybrid seedling cactuses, Opuntia, after six months growth, showing num- erous varieties. (From photograph by Burbank.) pistils of Californica) produces in abundance large nuts of a quality superior to that possessed by either parent. Of new vegetables Burbank has introduced besides the Bur- bank and several other new potatoes, new tomatoes, squashes, asparagus, etc. Perhaps the most interesting of his experiments in this field is his attempt, apparently destined to be successful, to produce a spineless and spiculeless and unusually nutritious cactus (the spicules are the minute spines, much more danger- ous and harder to get rid of than the conspicuous long thornlike spines) edible for stock, and indeed for man. This work is chiefly one of pure selection, for the cross-bred forms seem to tend strongly to revert to the ancestral spiny condition. Among the many new flower varieties originated by Bur- bank may be mentioned the Peachblow, Burbank, Coquito, and Santa Rosa roses, the Splendor, Fragrance (a fragrant form), and Dwarf Snowflake callas, the enormous Shasta and Alaska ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 99 daisies, the Ostrich plume, Waverly, Snowdrift, and Double clematises, the Hybrid Wax Myrtle, the extraordinary Nico- tunia, a hybrid between a large, flowering Nicotiana and a Petunia, several hybrid Nicotianas, a dozen new gladioli and ampelopses, several amaryllids, various dahlias, the Fire poppy (Fig. 65), (a brilliant, flame- colored variety obtained from a cross of two white forms), striped and carnelian poppies, and a blue Shirley (obtained by selection from the Crimson field poppy of Europe), the Silver Line poppy (obtained by selection from an individual of Papaver umbrosum, showing a streak of silver FIG. 05. — At left, leaf and flower of the pale yellow poppy, Papaver pilosum; at right leaf and flower of the snow white poppy, Papaver somniferum; and in the middle, leaf and fire-crimson flower of the first generation hybrid of these two. (From photograph by Burbank.) inside) with silver interior and crimson exterior, and a Crimson California poppy (Eschscholtzia) , obtained by selection from the familiar golden form. Perhaps his most extensive experimenting with flowers has 100 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE been done in the hybridizing of lilies, a field in which many plant breeders have found great difficulties. Using over half a hun- dred varieties as basis of his work Burbank has produced a mar- velous variety of new forms (Fig. 66). "Can my thoughts be imagined/' he says, in his " New Creations " of 1893, "after so many years of patient care and labor [he had been working over sixteen years], as, walking among them [his new lilies] on a dewy morning, I look upon these new forms of beauty, on which FIG. 66. — An improved seedling lily with two petals. (From photograph by Burbank.) other eyes have never gazed? Here a plant six feet high with yellow flowers, beside it one only six inches high with dark red flowers, and further on one of pale straw, or snowy white, or with curious dots and shadings: some deliciously fragrant, ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 101 others faintly so; some with upright, others with nodding flowers; some with dark green, woolly leaves in whorls, or with polished light green, lancelike, scattered leaves." FIG. 67. — An extraordinary apple, one-half being bright red and sour, and the other half greenish yellow and sweet; note in photograph the sharp line of demarkation between the different halves. (From photograph by Burbank.) So far no special reference has been made to the more strictly scientific aspects of Burbank's work. Burbank has been primarily intent on the production of new and improved fruits, flowers, vegetables, and trees for the immediate benefit of mankind. But where biological experimentation is being carried on so extensively it is obvious that there must be a large accumulation of data of much scientific value in its rela- tion to the great problems of heredity, variation, and species- forming. Burbank's experimental gardens may be looked on, from the point of view of the biologist and evolutionist, as a great laboratory in which, at present, masses of valuable data are, for lack of time and means, being let go unrecorded. Of Burbank's own particular scientific beliefs touching the "grand problems" of heredity we have space to record but two: first, he is a thorough believer in the inheritance of ac- quired characters, thus differing strongly from the Weismann school of evolutionists; second, he believes in the constant 8 102 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE mutability of species, and the strong individuality of each plant organism, holding that the apparent fixity of characteristics is a phenomenon wholly dependent for its degree of reality on the FIG. 08. — Seedlings of the Williams early apple, showing all the colors ever found in apples. (From photograph by Burbank.) length of time this characteristic has been ontogenetically re- peated in the phylogeny of the race. In like fashion to this working with plants, breeds of animals have been established by crossing and selection with a ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 103 view to the preservation of the best traits of both. In estab- lishing the stock farm at Palo Alto, Leland Stanford had the FIG. 69. — Improvement in geranium: at left, the original wild form, and at right the latest improved form. (From photograph by Burbank.) conception of strengthening the trotting horse by a cross with the larger running horse or thoroughbred. The result was the formation of a peculiar type of horse, large, strong, supple, FIG. 70. — Sports found among crossed amaryllids, the size and form markedly changed; the flowers are three inches in diameter. (From photograph by Burbank.) and intelligent, very clean of limb and sleek of coat. This group of horses held for some years the world's records for 104 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE speed in their various classes and ages, and the experiment was in the highest degree successful. In one sense such at- tempts are not experiments. The skillful breeder knows that out of the many combinations possible in crossing, some few will fall in line with his plans. He has only to preserve these, and to clinch them by in-and-in or segregated breeding to bring about a result he may have deemed possible or desir- able. It is possible, by intentional selection, to turn a non- essential or race character into a selective or adaptive one. The Hampshire sheep have black ears, but by persistent se- lection the ears could probably be made white. Probably also the horns of the Dorsets could be bred on Hampshires by making use of possible occasional reversions to the horned stock. This result could be attained very rapidly by a cross- ing with Dorset stock, but this triumph of the breeder's art has rarely any homologue in the wild state or in the condition of unconscious selection. When selection ceases, the adaptive characters are likely to decline or disappear. Under cessation of selection, called by Weismann panmixia, no premium is placed on traits of excel- lence, from the human standpoint, such as long wool, plump- ness or symmetry of form; and only the purely vegetative ad- vantages of the individual count. But while the traits of excellence disappear, the race traits or nonadaptive characters persist unchanged. A herd of neglected Hampshire sheep is still a herd of Hampshires. The black face, ears, and legs remain black, with no tendency to fade. When the worst individuals are selected for breeding, we have the reversal of selection. A flock of Hampshire culls, feeble, loose-jointed, scant-wooled, unsymmetrical, could be used in breeding, and the adaptive characters usually sought for could be bred out of them. But they would still be Hamp- shires, for the hereditary characters which had persisted with- out the aid of selection would persist after selection ceases or even if it is reversed. When these same characters are made the object of selection, they are subject to the same laws as ordinary adaptive characters. What is true of a breed of sheep — a product of geographical isolation with segregative breeding — is true in a general way of any wild species of animals or plants. Its adaptive characters are due to natural selection. These change more rapidly than ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 105 the nonadaptive characters, and respond more readily to the conditions of panmixia or of reversal of selection. In matters of breeding we must distinguish between animals actually best and those potentially best. An animal is at its actual best when in prime condition, at the prime of its life. Another of far finer heredity, of far stronger ancestry, may be at any given time actually the inferior of the first. It may be too old, too young, in too poor condition to represent its own best status. It is generally recognized that, for all breeding purposes, the animal potentially best is superior to one which, otherwise inferior, may be actually best at the time. The tendency of heredity is to repeat the traits of the ideal individuals, which the parents ought to have been. More exactly, the tendency of heredity is to produce individuals which, under like conditions of food and environment, would develop as the parents have developed. But it is also recognized that the actual physical condition of the parent affects the offspring. A sick mother is likely to bear an enfeebled child. Immature or declining sires do not beget offspring as strong as those begotten by them when they are in perfect strength and health. In this matter, apparently, we have to deal with two different elements, as Weismann and others have pointed out. The first is true heredity, the quality of the germ cell, which is not affected by the condition of the parent. Weak or strong, the offspring is of the same kind or type as the parentage. The second element has been called Transmission. Its relations are with vegetative development. The embryo is ill nourished by the sick mother, and it enters on life with lowered vigor. The momentum, if we may use such a figure of speech, is reduced from the first, and the lost vitality may never be regained. The defects of the male parent are perhaps of less moment, but whatever their nature their results would be of the same kind. They would not enter into the heredity of the offspring, but they might play a large part in retarding its development. In the category of transmission, not of heredity, would belong the theme of Ibsen's " Ghosts" (Gjengdngere) , the development of softening of the brain in the son of a debauchee, the alleged cause being that the father's nervous system was vermoulu (worm-eaten), if we are to accept the ghastly drama as an exposition of possible facts. 106 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE . The role played by the phenomena of transmission as distin- guished from that of heredity has never been clearly ascertained. Many eminent writers ascribe to it a large importance. It is a central element in Mr. Casper RedfiekTs theory of heredity, and he brings together a considerable array of facts and statis- tics to justify his conclusions. But the value of statistics in such matters is easily exaggerated, because of the difficulty in ascertaining the real causes behind the phenomena we try to record. It is fair to say as a broad proposition that, as a sound mind requires a sound body, soundness both of mind and body are factors in giving to offspring the best possible start in life. The heredity unchanged, there is still a great value in vigor of early development. The relation of these matters to the theory of organic evo- lution is mainly here: artificial selection as a process is of the same general character as natural selection; both represent a form of isolation or segregation, which prevents indiscriminate mating, and which holds certain groups of individuals as the agents of reproduction of the species within a given time or in a special area. Artificial selection intensifies useful or adaptive characters, using these words in a broad sense. At the same time, it per- petuates a series of characters, in no wise useful, and in no fashion adaptive. The,3e characters remain unchanged for long periods, and hence have more value in race distinction or in classification than the strictly adaptive characters have. A Southdown sheep is plump and fat, on the whole perhaps more so than any other type of sheep. Nevertheless, it is not by its plumpness that we know a Southdown. It is rather by the character of its wool, the color of its face and feet, the form of its head. So it is with breeds and races generally. They are formed primarily by isolation in breeding, the separation of a few from the many by geographical or similar causes, by the perpetuation of the traits of these few (the "survival of the existing"), all this being modified by the new range of natural and artificial selection and the new reactions under the varying conditions of a new environment. It interests us to know that a similar process takes place in nature. Geographical and topographical barriers are crossed in migration. These isolate a portion of a species under new conditions, with new reactions to the environment, and a ARTIFICIAL SELECTION 107 new range of natural selection. Adaptive characters change rapidly, and in ways more or less parallel, with similar altera- tions in related species. Characters nonadaptive, often slight in appearance and bearing no relation to the life of the animal, become slowly but surely fixed as characters of the species. As two closely allied breeds of animals are never found in the same region unless purposely restrained from free interbreeding, so two closely related species never develop in the same breeding area. As the nearest relative of some given breed of domestic animals is found in a given region nearly related geographically, so is the nearest relative to any given wild species found, in most cases, not far away. It is to be looked for on the other side of some geographic, topographic, or climatic barrier. In other words, the interrelation of variation, heredity, geographic isolation and environmental features generally seems to be the same in the formation of domestic races as in that of the formation of natural species. The principal new element intro- duced in the art of selective breeding is that of purposeful crossing, the removal of the barriers which separate well- differentiated forms, for the purpose of beginning a new series to be selected toward a predetermined end. It has been recently repeatedly stated that most races of domesticated animals or plants find their origin in a mutation or saltation of some sort/ In our judgment, there is not suffi- cient evidence to prove this view. There are few cases of either races or species known to have originated in this way. That such is in fact the general law of race or species origin, we see little reason to believe. One of the few well-known illustrations of race-forming through saltation is that of the Ancon sheep. In 1791, in Massachusetts, a ram was born with unusually short legs. As this character was useful, preventing the sheep from leaping over stone walls, the owner of this sheep used the ram for breeding purposes, and succeeded in isolating a short-legged strain of sheep known as the Ancon sheep. So far as known to us, this type of sheep differed in this character alone from the common sheep of Connecticut. With the later advent of the more heavy- wooled, and therefore more profitable, Merino, the Ancon sheep disappeared. A recent similar case of race origin from a prepotent sport is that of the polled Here- fords arising in Kansas from a hornless Hereford bull. CHAPTER VII VARIOUS THEORIES OF SPECIES-FORMING AND DESCENT CONTROL The four factors named, variation, inheritance, selection, and sepa- ration, must work together in order to form different species. It is impossible to think that one of these should work by itself or that one could be left aside. — ORTMANN. As mentioned in the introductory chapter on the factors of evolution (Chapter IV) , and as referred to several times in the chapter on natural selection, the factor of the segregation or isolation of groups of individuals must be taken into account in any discussion of species-forming causes. This factor has long been recognized by biologists, that phase of it, and undoubtedly the most important of its several phases, called geographic or topographic isolation or segregation being very clearly stated and its importance emphasized by Moritz Wagner in 1868. Alfred Russel Wallace gave much attention, in his years of active investigation, to the general subject of geographical distribution, and was a pioneer in calling the attention of natu- ralists to the great significance, in the light of the evolution theory, of the facts of the geographical distribution of both animals and plants. To-day, especially among American biologists, the factor of topographic segregation is recognized as one of the most important of species-molding influences. Indeed it seems self-evident to many naturalists that natural selection is impotent as an actual cause of species-forming with- out some effective sort of isolation factor to assist it. Because of the importance in the eyes of present-day naturalists of the geographic isolation factor we have given (Chapter VIII), a brief special discussion of this factor. In addition, in Chapter XIV, will be found a discussion of the more general subject of geographical distribution. 108 VARIOUS THEORIES OF SPECIES-FORMING 109 But it is conceivable that isolation may be effected in other ways than by actual segregation or geographic separation of individuals. Anything that could lead to exclusive or dis- criminate breeding among certain individuals of a species would result in the isolation of these individuals from the rest of the species as effectively as their actual separation from others by a geographic or topographic barrier. Now there are various influences or conditions that might conceivably bring about such a state of affairs, and some of these have been actually observed to exist. It is of interest to note that this kind of isolation differs, in a rather important way, from purely geo- graphic isolation in that the latter is almost sure to be wholly indiscriminate as regards the individuals comprised in an isolated group, while the former, which has been called physiological isolation, will be discriminate. That is, there will be a struc- tural or physiological peculiarity common to all the " isolated " individuals, it being by virtue of this common peculiarity (something not common to other individuals of the same species) that the isolation actually exists. Romanes has been the chief champion of the physiological isolation factor. And we may advantageously refer directly to his writings for a specific statement of different forms or phases of this kind of isolation. In "Darwin and After Darwin/' III, p. 7 et seq., he writes: "Now the forms of discriminate isolation, or homogamy, are very numerous. When, for example, any section of a species adopts somewhat different habits of life, or occupies a somewhat different station in the economy of nature, homogamy arises within that section. There are forms of homogamy on which Darwin has laid great stress, as we shall presently find. Again, when for these or any other reasons a section of a species becomes in any small degree modified as to form or color, if the species happens to be one whe^e any psychological pref- erence in pairing can be exercised — as is very generally the case among the higher animals — exclusive breeding is apt to ensue as a result of such preference ; for there is abundant evidence to show that, both in birds and mammals, sexual selection is usually opposed to the intercrossing of dissimilar varieties. Once more, in the case of plants, intercrossing of dissimilar varieties may be prevented by any slight difference in their seasons of flowering, of topographical stations, or even, in the case of flowers which depend on insects for their ferti- 110 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE lization, by differences in the instincts and preferences of their visitors. "But, without at present going into detail with regard to these different forms of discriminate isolation, there are still two others, both of which are of much greater importance than any that I have hitherto named. Indeed, these two forms are of such immeasurable importance that were it not for their virtually ubiquitous operation, the process of organic evolution could never have begun, nor, having begun, continued. "The first of these two forms is sexual incompatibility — either partial or absolute — between different taxonomic groups. If all hares and rabbits, for example, were as fertile with one another as they are within their own respective species, there can be no doubt that sooner or later, and on common areas, the two types would fuse into one. And similarly, if the bar of sterility could be thrown down as between all the species of a genus, or all the genera of a family, not otherwise pre- vented from intercrossing, in time all such species, or all such genera, would become blended into a single type. As a matter of fact, com- plete fertility, both of first crosses and of their resulting hybrids, is rare, even as between species of the same genus; while as between genera of the same family complete fertility does not appear ever to occur, and, of course, the same applies to all the higher taxonomic divisions. On the other hand, some degree of infertility is not unusual as between different varieties of the same species; and, wherever this is the case, it must clearly aid the further differentiation of those varieties. It will be my endeavor to show that in thifc latter connection sexual incompatibility must be held to have taken an immensely important part in the differentiation of varieties into species. But meanwhile we have only to observe that wherever such incompatibility is concerned, it is to be regarded as an isolating agency of the very first importance. And as it is of a character purely physiological, I have assigned to it the name Physiological Isolation; while for the particular case where this general principle is concerned in the origination of specific types, I have reserved the name Physiological Selection." If the factors of variation, heredity, natural selection, and isolation are, in the minds of most naturalists, the chief factors in species-forming and descent control, and a combination of these factors is, in the belief of these same naturalists — the so- called selectionists or Neo-Darwinians — a sufficient causal ex- planation of organic evolution, there are many other natural- VARIOUS THEORIES OF SPECIES-FORMING 111 ists who have no such high esteem of the value of natural selection. These believe, variously, that (a) to the selection factors other auxiliary or helping ones are to be added, or (6) that various other factors are equally potent in species-forming, or (c) that these other factors are the more important ones, or finally (d) that the selection factors are of no importance at all, that is, have no reality. Before Darwin, the French naturalist Lamarck had clearly enunciated an explaining theory of species transformation, and there are to-day many naturalists who believe that the Lamarckian explanation, or its fundamental assumption, is true, or, at least, that it is based on the more important and effective factors in evolution. These natural- ists have been called Neo-Lamarckians. Some of these have formulated theories of their own based on Lamarckian funda- mentals, but developed in directions more or less obviously away from characteristic Lamarckism. Still other fundamental causal factors than the Darwinian ones of selection and the Lamarckian ones of accumulated effect of use, disuse, and functional stimulation are assumed in certain other theories of species change and general evolution. Nageli, a botanist and natural philosopher, believed in a special inherent vitalistic principle or force in living matter which tends to pro- duce progressive differentiation and evolution. Von Kolliker, Korschinsky, and de Vries believe that species-forming occurs by definite sudden small (or larger) fixed changes or mutations, so that for them a mutational or discontinuous variation is the fundamental causal factor in species transformation. Numerous paleontologists believe that variation follows determinate lines in its occurrence, so that evolution is orthogenetic, with its lines primarily fixed by determinate variation. We may then examine briefly some of the more important special theories or groups of theories put forward by biologists either as auxiliary and subordinate to the more generally known Darwinian theory, or as alternative with or substitutes for this theory. First to be mentioned should be the transmutation theory of Lamarck. In its simplest expression it is, that every individ- ual organism is, throughout its lifetime, reacting to environ- mental stimuli and conditions in such ways as to change its structure and its habits in greater or less degree from the structure and habits of its parents and ancestors, this change 112 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE coming about specifically from the varying effects of use or disuse of parts, and the functional stimulation of other parts in response to such extrinsic conditions as light, contact, tem- perature, pressure, color, etc., etc. The changes effected will, in the nature of things, be essentially adaptive. Now, these adaptive changes, these variations, or new characters acquired during the lifetime of the individual will be, in Lamarck's belief, inherited, if not in full, at least in partial degree, by the offspring. These in turn submitted to similar or to different environ- mental influences will continue the changes either cumulatively or diversely. By this steady direct change and adaptation to environment the species is ever modifying and transforming. Evolution marches, and marches adaptively and advanta- geously. But modern naturalists find a most unfortunate impediment to this simple, direct, and sufficient explanation of species- forming and evolution in the apparent untruth of the assumption that the characters acquired by an individual in its lifetime are transmitted by inheritance to its young. This question, fun- damental to the Lamarckian theory, of the inheritance or non- inheritance of acquired characters has long been one of the most hotly debated points in evolution biology. As we have devoted a number of pages to its particular discussion in our later chap- ter on heredity (Chapter X), we need not anticipate that discussion here. It is sufficient to say that as far as scientific proof, that is, evidence from actual observation and experiment, goes, those naturalists led by Weismann, who deny this inheri- tance, have at present distinctly the better of the argument. The orthogenetic evolution theories of various authors, based upon the assumed occurrence of variations in determinate lines or directions (a restricted and determinate variation as compared with the nearly infinite, fortuitous, and indeterminate variation assumed in the selection theory) , are of several types. The mention of twro will reveal pretty well the more important characters of all. Not a few biologists have always believed in the existence of a sort of mystic, special vitalistic force or prin- ciple by virtue of which determination and general progress of evolution is chiefly fixed. Such a capacity, inherent in living matter, seems to include at once possibility of specific adapta- tion and the possibility of progressive or truly evolutionary change. Not all evolution is in a single direct line, to be VARIOUS THEORIES OF SPECIES-FORMING 113 sure ; ascent is not up a single ladder or along a single genealogi- cal branch, but these branches are few (as indeed we actually know them to be, however the restriction may be brought about) and the evolution is always progressive, that is, toward what we, from an anthropocentric point of view, are constrained to call higher or more ideal life stages and conditions. Other naturalists also seeming to see this course of determin- ate or orthogenetic evolution, but not inclined to surrender their disbelief in vitalism, in forces over and beyond the familiar ones of the physicochemical world, have tried to adduce a definite causomechanical explanation of orthogenesis. The best and most comprehensible types of this explanation are those essentially Lamarckian in principle, in which the direct in- fluence on living matter of environmental conditions, the direct reactions of the life stuff to stimuli and influences from the world outside, are the causal factors in such an explanation. But while every naturalist will grant that such factors do change and control in considerable degree the life of the individual, most see no mechanism or means of extending this control directly to the species. The stumbling block of heredity, the means and mode of inheritance, as we so far know them, are directly in the way of any general acceptance of such a theory of evolution under the direct control of such "primary factors of life." Ontogenetic species, that is, conditions of structure and habit common to many individuals of one kind, the conditions due to sameness of intrinsic and extrinsic factors in development, constitute a category of organisms which at any given time and place seem very real, and are for the moment truly real. But their environment is remaining fairly constant. We speak easily of the flux of Nature: her everchangingness. And in the large we are speaking only of the truth. But during our brief period of observation of the few generations of this or that kind of animal or plant that come under our eyes and microscopes, the nature environing these generations may be nearly uniform. What are the changes in the desert in a score or a hundred or a thousand of years? What changes in life conditions on the barren storm-swept peaks of the mountain ranges? What in the waters of that brackish bay or sweet-water lake apart from the paths of man? Ontogenetic species have a seeming of reality, but so far as our present knowledge goes it is only a 114 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE seeming: reality vanishes with the death of the individual: their young can perpetuate their specific peculiarities only if the environmental conditions of their development are identical with those which attended the growing up of their parents. Variations in this environment will determine variations in them, and their father's kind will exist no more. The authors of this book believe that more characters of species than are commonly thought are of this shifty, ephemeral character; that not a few so-called true species are only onto- genetic species held for a number of generations true to a type simply because the environment, the extrinsic factors in the development of all the individuals in these successive genera- tions, are the same. But how these individual characteristics and changes can be put into the heredity of the race we do not understand. " There is no fixity in species other than that due to the long-repeated ontogenetic reiteration of this or that characteristic," says Luther Burbank. And he speaks from the conviction forced on him through thirty years of the closest sort of observation and personal experience of the life of plants. And yet, however strongly our own minds respond to a desire to believe this — it would be so clarifying— the obstinate "no mechanism" objection stands boldly up^to check our sympa- thetic reasoning. Finally we should refer to the theories of heterogenesis or species-forming by mutations or saltations, which have been proposed at various times as a substitute for the theory of species-forming by the gradual transformation through selec- tion. During the discussion in the first few years after the appearance of Darwin's "Origin of Species," the German zoolo- gist von Kolliker expressed the belief that the change from species to species would probably be found to be more sudden and more distinctive than Darwin's theory permitted one to assume. Later, the Russian botanist Korschinsky, on a basis of general observation and some not very extensive personal experimentation, definitely formulated a theory of species- forming by heterogenesis which he placed strongly in contrast with Darwin's theory of gradual transformation by selection, which later theory he claimed should be wholly given up. But not until the publication of de Vries's work, Die Mutations- theorie, in which are recorded the results of close personal observation and experimentation for twenty years on race and VARIOUS THEORIES OF SPECIES-FORMING 115 species-forming in plants has the theory of species-forming by mutations, or sudden fixed changes (lesser or greater) had any considerable adoption or even general attention. At the present moment, probably because of a strong re- action against the too blind acceptance and general over- emphasis of the selection doctrines, and because, too, of the unusually extensive character of de Vries's experimentation and observation, and his trenchant criticism of the weak places in the other theories, with the generally weighty character of his work and reputation, because of all this the theory of species- forming by mutations has at the present moment a fairly large body of adherents among reputable biologists. And yet the actual evidence of tested observation on which the theory rests is curiously meager. One hastens to admit, however, that similar evidence for the theory of direct species-forming by selection is also meager. While apparently no one has ever seen a case of species-making by the natural selection of slight fluctuating variations, de Vries seems to be almost the only one who has observed actual cases of species-making by hetero- genesis, and he has seen very few. And in the nature of things, the opportunities for this kind of evidence, that is, that of actual observation, ought to be much larger in the case of hetero- genesis than in that of general transformation by the selection of slight variations. An account of the exact character of the de Vriesian mutations is included in our later chapter on variation and mutation. Our readers should realize, that however much they may see of this theory in present-day popular scientific literature, and however strongly the case may be put in favor of the mutation theory of species origin, this theory is not accepted by the great body of biologists as entitled to replace the Darwinian theory. We may close this chapter with a reference to a pregnant sentence of the American paleontologist, Osborn, in a lecture entitled "The Unknown Factors of Evolution": "The general conclusion we reach from a survey of the whole field is that for Buffon's and Lamarck's factors we have no theory of heredity, while the original Darwinian factor, or Neo-Darwinism, offers an inadequate explanation of evolution. If acquired varia- tions are transmitted, there must be, therefore, some unknown principle in heredity; if they are not transmitted, there must be some unknown factor in evolution." Our present plight seems 116 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE to be exactly this: we cannot explain to any general satisfac- tion species-forming and evolution without the help of some Lamarckian or Eimerian factor; and on the other hand, we cannot assume the actuality of any such factor in the light of our present knowledge of heredity. The discovery of the "unknown factors of evolution" should be the chief goal of all present-day biologic investigation. CHAPTER VIII GEOGRAPHIC ISOLATION AND SPECIES- FORMING "For me, it is the chorology of organisms, the study of all the important phenomena embraced in the geography of animals and plants, which is the surest guide to the knowledge of the real phases in the process of the formation of species." — MORITZ WAGNER. A FLOOD of light may be thrown on the general problem of the origin of species by the study of certain evidence as to the 1 actual origin of species with which we may be familiar, or of which the actual history or the actual ramifications may in some degree be traced. In such cases, one of the first questions naturally asked is this: Where did the species come from? Migration forms a large part of -the history of any species or group of forms. The fauna of any given region is made up of the various species of animals living naturally within its borders. The flora of a region is made up of the plants which grow naturally within its limits. Of all these, animals and plants, the inhabitants of most regions are apparently largely migrants from some other region. Some have entered the region in question before acquiring their present specific characters; others come after having done so. Which of these conditions apply to any given case can sometimes be ascertained by the comparison of the individuals along the supposed route of migration. Thus, Dr. C. Hart Merriam has undertaken to show the actual origin of nine species of Californian chipmunks (Eutamias) by an elaborate study of their distribution, adaptations, and 1 nmsformations. He finds them closely related to one another, 1 A paper published in "Science," 1906, by the senior author, under the title "The Actual Origin of Species," has been freely quoted from in this chapter. 9 117 118 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE 71. — Some chipmunks of California, showing distinct species produced through isolation. (From nature, by William Sackston Atkinson.) GEOGRAPHIC ISOLATION AND SPECIES-FORMING 119 but not derived from one another by direct lines of descent. A closer study indicates that some of them " came from closely related forms in remote geographic areas, others from antece- dent forms now extinct, and not more than three or four from species still inhabiting the region." The nature of any fauna bears an immediate relation to the barriers, geographic, climatic, topographic, or bionomic, which may form its boundaries. By bionomic barriers we mean any condition of any sort which may check free inter- breeding, or which may tend to cause divergence within a species. A thickly peopled level area may be in this sense a barrier, because it prevents the animals on the one side of the area from interbreeding with those on the opposite side. If the two extremes have diverged to become different species, the individuals in the middle area, whose presence in a sense constitutes the bionomic barrier, are usually variously inter- mediate in the characters and habits which they possess. Whenever the individuals of a species move evenly over an area, its members freely interbreeding, the character of the species remains substantially uniform. Whenever freedom of movement and consequent freedom of interbreeding is checked, the character of the species is rapidly altered. It is changed even though external conditions seem to be absolutely identical on both sides of the barrier, and if there is no visible distinction in the original stock on the two sides. Presumably, there are subtle differences in the environment, producing changes in the process of selection and adaptation. Doubtless, there are differences equally subtle produced by the processes of varia- tion and their repetition by inheritance. The pregnant phrase of Dr. Cones applies in these cases: "Migration holds species true: localization lets them slip." In other words, free interbreeding swamps incipient lines of variation, and this in almost every case. On the other hand, a barrier or check of any sort brings a certain group of individuals together. These are subjected to a selection different from that which obtains with the species at large, and under these conditions new forms are developed. This takes place rapidly when the conditions of life are greatly changed, so that a new set of demands is made on the species, and those individuals not meeting it are at once destroyed. The process is a slow one, for the most part, when the barrier in question interrupts the 120 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE flow of life without materially changing its conditions. But this is practically a universal rule: A barrier which prevents the intermingling of members of a species will with time alter the relative characters of the groups of individuals thus separated. These groups of individuals are incipient species, and each may become in time an entirely distinct species if the barrier is really insurmountable. In the great water basin of the Mississippi, many families of fish occur and very many spe- cies are diffused throughout almost the whole area, occurring in all suitable waters. Once admitted to the water basin, each one ranges widely and each tributary brook has many species. In the streams of California, mostly small and isolated, the number of genera or families is much smaller. Each species, unless running to the sea, has a narrow range, and closely re- lated species are not found in the same river. The fact last mentioned has a very broad application and may be raised to the dignity of a general law of distribution. Given any species in any region, the nearest related species j is not likely to be found in the same region nor in a remote I region, but in a neighboring district separated from the first 1 by a barrier of some sort, or at least by a belt of country, the ^ breadth of which gives the effect of a barrier. Always the species nearest alike in structure are not found together nor yet far apart, and always a check to interbreeding lies between. Where two closely allied forms are not found to intergrade, they are called distinct species. If we find actual intergradation, the occurrence of specimens intermediate in structure, the term subspecies is commonly used for each of the recognizable groups thus connected. Widely distributed across the United States and from southern Canada to Arizona, we have the yellow warbler, Dendroica wstiva. This bird is chiefly yellow, olive on the back with chestnut streaks on the sides, the tail feathers colored like the body, and without the white spot on the outer feathers shown in most of the other wood warblers composing the genus Dendroica. The yellow warbler throughout its range is very uniform in size and color. Its nearest relative differs in having a shade less olive on the back and the brown streaks on the sides narrower. This form is found in the Sonoran region, and, as along the Rio Grande it intergrades with the first, it is called GEOGRAPHIC ISOLATION AND SPECIES-FORMING 121 a subspecies, Dendroica (estiva sonorana. Further south, in central Mexico, this form runs larger in size and is recorded as Dendroica ccstiva dugesi. Northward, through to Alaska, we have an ally of the parent bird, but smaller and still more greenish. This is Dendroica cestiva rubiginosa. In the West Indies, the golden warblers migrate not from north to south, but from the shore to the mountains, and, possibly in consequence of the less demand of flight, 'the wing is shorter and more rounded, while the tail is longer. As these forms do not clearly intergrade with those of the mainland, and, for the most part, not with each other, they are held to represent a number of distinct species, although doubtless derived from the parent stock of Dendroica (estiva. Some of these West Indian forms are relatively large, the wing more than five inches long, and the longest known of these, the type of the species for this reason, found in Jamaica, is called Dendro- ica petechia. On the island of Grand Cayman is a similar bird, a little smaller, Dendroica auricapilla. Of a deeper yellow than petechia, and equally large, is the golden warbler of the Lesser Antilles ranging from island to island, from Porto Rico to Antigua. This form, first known from St. Bartholomew, is Dendroica petechia bartholemica. A smaller bird, a little different in color, takes its place in the Bahamas. This is Dendroica petechia flaviceps. In Cuba, the golden warbler is darker and more olive, with other minor differences from the form called bartholemica, of which it may be the parent. This is Dendroica petechia gund- lachi. A similar bird, but with the crown distinctly chestnut, is Dendroica petechia aureola, the golden warbler of the Gala- pagos and Cocos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador and Peru. Scattered over other islands are smaller golden warblers with the wing less than five inches long, and with the crown tawny red, as in aureola. These are known collectively as Dendroica ruficapilla, the type being from Guadeloupe and Dominica. More heavily streaked, with the crown darker in color, is the golden warbler of Cozumel, Dendroica ruficapilla flavivertex, and with very similar but with darker crown is Dendroica ruficapilla flavida, of the island of St. Andrews. Always, the nearest form lies across the barrier, and among these island forms the chief barrier is the sea. With a darker chestnut crown is Dendroica ruficapilla rufopileata, of the island of 122 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE Curasao, and still darker bay is the crown of Dendroica ruficapilla capitalis, the golden warbler of the Barbadoes. Still other golden warblers exist, with the chin and throat chestnut as well as the crown. One of these, olive green on the back, is Dendroica rufigula, of Martinique. The others are more yellow. One of these, with the sides heavily streaked, inhabits the isthmus region, Dendroica ei^ythacoides, called a distinct species, because no intergradations have been made out. Another, more faintly streaked, replaces it on the Atlantic coast from Yucatan to Costa Rica, Dendroica bryanti, while the Pacific coast, from Sinaloa to Costa Rica, has another form, with still fainter markings, Dendroica bryanti castaniceps. An extreme of this form with the throat and breast tawny, but not the crown, is found in Jamaica again and is known as Dendioica eoa. In this case, which is one typical of most groups of small birds, the relation of the species to the barriers of geography is so plain as to admit of no doubt or question. Given the facts of individual fluctuation and of heredity, it is manifest that while natural selection may produce and enforce adaptation to conditions of life, the traits which dis- tinguish these species bear little relation to utility. The individuals which, separated from the n;ain flock, people an island, give their actual traits to their actual descendants, and the traits enforced by natural selection differ from island to island. If external conditions were alike in all the islands the progress of evolution would perhaps run parallel in all of them, and the only differences which would persist would be derived from differences in the parent stock. As some difference in environment exists, there is a corresponding difference in the species as a result of adaptation. If great differences in con- ditions exist, the change in the species may be greater, more rapidly accomplished, and the characters observed will bear a closer relation to the principle of utility. Doubtless, wide fluctuations or mutations in every species are more common than we suppose. With free access to the mass of the species, these are lost through interbreeding. Isolate them, as in a garden, or an enclosure or on an island, and these may be continued and intensified to form new species or races. Any breeder or any horticulturist will illustrate this. It is not claimed that species are occasionally associated with physical barriers, which determine their range, and which GEOGRAPHIC ISOLATION AND SPECIES-FORMING 123 have been factors in their formation. We claim that such conditions are virtually universal among species as they exist in nature. When the geographical relations of the origin of a species cannot be shown it is usually because the species has not IHVII critically studied, from absence of material or from absence of interest on the part of naturalists. In a few cases, a species ranges widely over the earth, showing little change in varying conditions and little susceptibility to the effects of isolation. In other cases, there is some possibility that saltations, or suddenly appearing characters, may give rise to a new species within the territory already occupied by the parent form. But these cases are so rare that in ornithology, mammalogy, herpetology, conchology, and entomology, they are treated as negligible quantities. One of the most successful workers in this field is Rev. John T. Oulick, whose studies of the localization of species and sub- species of land snails in Oahu Island (Hawaii) have become classical. According to Mr. Gulick, the land snails of the wooded portion of Oahu have become split up into about 175 species of land shells represented by 700 or SCO varieties. He frequently finds a genus represented in several successive valleys by allied species, sometimes feeding on the same and similar plants. In every case, the valleys that are nearest to each other furnish the most nearly allied forms, and a full set of the varieties of each species presents~a~lninute gradation between the more divergent types found in the more widely separated localities. Similar conditions are recorded among the land snails in Cuba and in other regions. In fact, on a smaller scale, the development of species of land and river mollusks has everywhere progressed on similar lines with that of birds and fishes. To recognize isolation as practically a necessary condition in the subdivision of species need not necessarily eliminate or belittle any other factor. Isolation is a condition, not a force. Of itself it can do nothing. Species clinnge or diverge with space and with time: with space, be- cause geographical extension divides the stock and brings new conditions to part of it; with time, because time brings always new events and changes in all environment. The beginning of each species must rest with its variability of individuals. One of the most remarkable cases of group evolution is 124 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE that of the song birds of Hawaii which constitute the family of Drepanidse. In this family are about forty species of birds, all much alike as to general structure, but diverging amazingly from each other in the form of the bill, with, also, striking differences in the color of the plumage. In almost all other families of birds the form of the bill is very uniform within the group. It is correlated with the feeding habits of the bird, and these in most groups of wide range become nearly uniform within the limits of the family. With a great range of com- petition, each type of bird is forced to adapt itself to the special line of life for which it is best fitted. But with many diverging possibilities and no competition, except among themselves, the conditions are changed, and we find Drepanidse in Hawaii fitted to almost every kind of life for which a song bird in the tropics may possibly become adapted. (Plate II.) In spite of the large differences to be noted there can be little doubt, as Dr. Hans Gadow, Mr. Henry W. Henshaw and others have shown, of the common origin of the Drepanidse. A strong peculiar goatlike odor exhaled in life by all of them affords one piece of evidence pointing in this direction. There is, moreover, not much doubt that the whole group is descended from some stock belonging to the family of honey creepers, Coerebidse, of the forests of Central America. Each of the Hawaiian Islands has its species of Drepanine birds, some olive green in color, some yellow, some black, some scarlet, and some variegated with black, white, and golden. The females in most cases, like the young, are olive green. On each island, most of the species are confined to a small district, to a single kind of thicket or a single species of tree, each species being especially fitted to these localized surroundings. With the destruction of the forests some of these species are already rare or extinct. With high specialization of the bill they lose their power of adaptation. In each of the several recognized genera there are numerous species, mostly thus specialized and local- ized, relatively few species being widely distributed throughout the islands. Most primitive of all, least specialized and most like the honey-creeper ancestry, is the olive green Oreomystis bairdi of the most ancient island, Kauai. This bird has a small straight bill, not unlike that of the slender-billed sparrows. It is said to be the most energetic and ubiquitous of the group, feeding PLATE II. — 1, Chloridops kona Wilson, Hawaii; 2, Pseudonestor xanthophrys Rothschild 3, H e.micjnathus procerus Cabanis, Kauai. (From specimens.) if )1 GEOGRAPHIC ISOLATION AM) SPECIES-VoKMING on insects on the trunks of trees. It we assume that Oreo- mystis, or some other of the genera with short and slender bills, represents the original type of Drepanidse, we have two lines of divergence, both of them in directions of adaptation to peculiar methods of feeding. Next to Oreomystis. on the one hand, we have Loxops and Himatione, with the bill pointed, a little longer than in Oreo- mystis, and slightly curved downward. The species, red or golden, of these two genera are distributed over the islands, each on its own mountain or in its own particular forest. \'(*tiaria, another genus, remarkable for its beautiful scarlet plumage, has the bill very much longer and strongly curved downward. Vestiaria coccinea, the iiwi of the islands, lives among the crimson flowers of the ohia tree (Metrosideros) and the giant lobelia, where it feeds chiefly on honey, which is said to drop from its bill when shot. According to Mr. S. B. Wilson, the scarlet sickle-shaped flowers of a tall climbing plant (Strongylodon lucidus) found in these forests " mimic in a most perfect manner both in color and in shape the bill of the iiwi " so that the plant is called nukuiiwi (bill of the iwii). The next genus, Drepanis, has the sickle bill still further prolonged, forming a segment of a circle, and covering nearly fifty degrees. Drepanis pacifica, one of the species, has the bill forming about one fourth of the total length. The species of this genus, black and golden in color, were very limited in range, and are now nearly or quite extinct. Still another group with sickle bills, Hemignathus, diverges from Vestiaria in having only the upper mandible very long and decurved, the lower one being straight and stiff. The numerous species are mostly golden yellow in color. The group contains long- billed forms like Hemignathus procerus of Kauai, and short- billed forms like H eterorhynchus olivaceus of Hawaii. In the short-billed forms the two mandibles are quite unlike: the upper very slender, much curved and about one fourth the length of the rest of the body, the lower mandible half as long and thick and stiff. These birds feed chiefly on insects in the dead limbs of the koa trees in the mountain forests. Some or all of them use the lower mandible for tapping the trees, after the fashion of woodpeckers, while with the long and flexible upper one they reach into cavities for insects or insect larvae or suck the honey of flowers. 126 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE Mr. S. B. Wilson remarks: "Nature has shown great sym- metry in regard to the species of this genus (Hemignathus including H eterorhynchus} to be found in the Sandwich Archi- pelago, three of the main islands having each a long-billed and a short-billed form." This, of course, is most natural. Both long-billed forms (Hemignathus) and short-billed forms (H eterorhynchus) have spread from the island where they were originally developed to "the other islands, each changing as it is isolated from the main body of the species and subjected to natural selection under new conditions. With the genus H eterorhynchus, the forms with slender bills reach their culmina- tion. Going back to the original stock, to which Oreomystis bairdi is perhaps the nearest living ally, we note first a divergence in another direction. In Rhodacanthis , the bill is stout like that of the large finch, not longer than the rest of the head, and curved downward a little at the tip. The species of this genus feed largely on the bean of the acacia and other similar trees, varying this with caterpillars and other insects. The stout bill serves to crush the seeds. In Chloridops, the bill is still heavier, very much like that of the grosbeak. 'Chloridops kona is, according to Mr. Robert Perkins, a dull, sluggish, solitary bird and very silent; its whole existence may be summed up in the words "to eat." Its food consists of the fruit of the aaka (bastard sandal tree), and as this is very minute, its whole time seems to be taken up in cracking the extremely hard shells of the fruit, for which its extraordinarily powerful bill and heavy head are well adapted. "The incessant cracking of the fruits, when one of these birds is feeding, the noise of which can be heard for a considerable distance, renders the bird much easier to get than it otherwise would be. Its beak is always very dirty with a brown substance adhering to it which must be derived from the sandal nuts." In Psittacirostra and Pseudonestor the bill suggests that of a parrot rather than that of a grosbeak. The mandibles are still very heavy, but the lower one, as in H eterorhynchus, is short and straight, while the much longer upper one is hooked over it. Pseudonestor feeds on the larvae of wood-boring beetles (Clytanus) found in the koa trees (Acacia falcata), while the PLATE III. — 1, Or corny stis bairdii Stejneger, Kauai; 2, H eterorhynchus oliva- ceus La Fresnaye, Hawaii, 3, Drepanis funerea Newton, Molokai. (From specimens.) GEOGRAPHIC ISOLATION AND SPECIES-FORMING 127 closely related Psittacirostra eats only fruits, that of the ieie (Freycinetia arbor ea) and the red mulberry (Morns sapyrifera) being especially chosen. In all these genera, there is prac- tically one species to each island, except that in some cases the species has not spread from the mountain or island in which we may suppose it to have been originally developed. There are a few other song birds in the Hawaiian Islands, not related to the Drepanida3. These are derived from the islands of Polynesia and have deviated from the original types in a degree corresponding to their isolation. In the case of the Drepanidae, it seems necessary to conclude that natural selection is responsible for the physiological adaptations characteristic of the different genera. Such changes may be relatively rapid, and for the same reason they count for little from the stand- point of phylogeny. On the other hand, the nonuseful traits, the petty traits of form and coloration which distinguish a species in Oahu from its homologue in Kauai or Hawaii, are results of isolation. These results may be analyzed as in part differences in selection with different competition, different food and different conditions, and in part to hereditary differ- ence due to the personal eccentricities in the parent stock from which the newer species was derived. In these as in all similar cases we may confidently affirm: the adaptive characters a species may present are due to natural selection or are developed in connection with the demands of competition. The characters nonadaptive which chiefly distinguish species do not result from natural selection, but are connected with some form of geographical isolation and the segregation of individuals resulting from it. The origin of races and breeds of domestic animals is in general of much the same nature. In traveling over Eng- hiiul one is struck by the fact that each county has its own breed of sheep, each of these having its type of excellence in mutton, wool, hardiness, or fertility, but the breeds distin- guished by characters having no utility either to sheep or to man. The breeds are formed primarily by isolation. The traits of the first individuals in each region are intensified by the inbreeding resulting from segregation. Natural selection preserves the hardiest, the most docile, and the most fertile: artificial selection those which yield the most wool, the best mutton and the like. The breed once established, artificial 128 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE selection also tends to intensify and to preserve its nonadaptive characteristic marks. The more pride the breeders take in their stock, the more certain is the preservation of the breed's useless peculiarities. Very few of the characters which usually distinguish a breed of domestic animals have the slightest phys- iological value to the species. Each of them would disappear in a few generations of crossing, and in each race prized by the breeder the actual virtues exist wholly independently of these race marks. Analogous to the race peculiarities of domestic animals are the minor traits among the men of different regions. Cer- tain gradual changes in speech are due to adaptation, the fitness of the word for its purpose, analogous to natural selection. The nonadaptive matters of dialect find their origin in the exigencies of isolation, while languages in general are ex- plainable by the combined facts of migration, isolation, and the adaptation of words for the direct uses of speech. In the animal kingdom generally we may say therefore: Whenever a barrier is to some extent traversable, the forms separated by it are likely to cross from one side to the other, thus producing intergradations, or forms more or less inter- mediate between the one and the other. For every subspecies, where the nature of the variation has been carefully studied, there is always a geographical basis. This basis is defined by the presence of some sort of physical barrier. It is ex- tremely rare to find two subspecies inhabiting or breeding in exactly the same region. When such appears to be the case, there is really some difference in habit or in habitat: the one form lives on the hills, the other in the valleys; the one feeds on one plant, the other on another; the one lives in deep water, the other along the shore. There can be no possible doubt that subspecies are nascent species, and that the accident of inter- gradation in the one case and not in the other implies no real difference in origins. For a final example, we may compare the species of Ameri- can orioles constituting the genus Icterus. We may omit from consideration the various subspecies, set off by the mountain chains, and the usual assemblage of insular forms, one in each of the West Indies, and confine our attention to the leading species as represented in the United States. (See frontispiece.) GEOGRAPHIC ISOLATION AND SPECIES-FORMING 129 The orchard oriole, Icterus spurius, has the head, back, and tail all black, the lower parts chestnut, and the body relatively small, as shown by the average measurements of different parts. In the hooded oriole, Icterus cucullatus, the head is all golden orange except the throat, which is black, the tail is black, and the wings are black and white. This species, with its subspecies, ranges through southern California and Arizona, and over much of Mexico. Our other orioles have the tail black and orange. In the common Baltimore oriole, Icterus galbida} of the east, the head is all black and the under parts orange. In the equally common Bullock oriole, Icterus bullocki, of the California region, the head is yellow on each side, the belly rather yellow than orange. The females of all the species are plain olivaceous, the color and proportions of parts varying with the different species, while in the males of each of the many species black, white, yellow, orange, and chestnut are variously and tastefully arranged. Each species again has a song of its own, and each its own way of weaving its hanging nest. That which interests us now is that not one of these varied traits is clearly related to any principle of utility. Adaptation is evident enough, but each species is as well fitted for its life as any other, and no transposition or change of the distinctive specific characters or any set of them would in any conceivable degree reduce this adaptation. No one can say that any one of the actual distinctive characters or any combination of them enables their possessors to survive in larger numbers than would otherwise be the case. One or two of these traits, as objects of sexual selection or as recognition marks, have a hypothetical value, but their utility in these regards is slight or uncertain. Naturalists now look with doubt on sexual selection as a factor in the evolution of ornamental structures, arid the psychological reality of recognition marks is yet un- proved, though not impossible. It may be noted in passing, that the prevalent dull yellowish and olivaceous hues of the female orioles of all species seem to be clearly of the nature of protective coloration. It has been shown statistically that certain specific charac- ters among insects have no relation to the process of selection. Among honey bees the variation in venation of the wings and in the number and character of the wing hooks is just as 130 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE great among the bees which first come from their cells as in a series of individuals long exposed to the struggle for existence. Among ladybird beetles of a certain species (Hippodamia convergens), eighty-four different easily describable "aberra- tions" or variations in the number and arrangement of the black spots on the wing covers have been traced. These variations are again just as numerous in individuals exposed to the struggle for life as in those just escaped from the pupal state. In these characters, there is, therefore, no rigorous choice due to natural selection. Such specific characters, without individual utility, may be classed as indifferent, so far as natural selection is concerned, and the great mass of specific characters actually used in systematic classification are thus indifferent. And what is true in the case of the orioles and the lady- birds is true as a broad proposition of the related species which constitute any one of the genera of animals or plants. All that survive are sufficiently fitted to live, each individual, and therefore, each species, matched to its surroundings as the dough is to the pan, or the river to its bed, but all adaptation lying ap- parently within a range of the greatest variety in nohessentials. Adaptation is presumably the work of natural selection; the division of forms into species is the result of existence under new and diverse conditions. CHAPTER IX VARIATION AND MUTATION It becomes imperative that we should carry out the most exact research possible by means of experiment and also wean ourselves of the convenient, but, as it seems to me, highly pernicious habit of theo- retical explanations from general propositions. Otherwise there is great danger that the bright expectation which Darwin has opened out to us by his theory may be baffled — the prospect of gradually bringing even organic Being within reach of that method of inquiry which seeks to discern mechanical efficient causes. — SEMPER. THUS far in our discussion of evolution factors and theories we have taken for granted the actuality of the two fundamental factors, variation and heredity. No one disputes their reality; nor does anyone deny their fundamental and indispensable character in relation to the origin of species and the evolution of organisms. All the theories to explain evolution build on these two basic factors or vital conditions. The subjects of doubt or denial are such postulated factors as selection, muta- tion, orthogenetic progress, etc.; variation and heredity never. But the character, the influence, the regularity or irregu- larity of variations, their behavior in heredity, whether trans- missible or not, whether acquired or congenital, whether deter- minate or indeterminate, etc. — these are the problems that the factor variation or variability presents to biologists. Heredity, too, has its problems. These we shall take up in another chapter. That variations exist is too obvious to everyone to need any discussion. Any litter of kittens or puppies, of mice or pigs, shows us the differences in pattern, shape, and physiology of in- dividuals born at one time and of the same parents. In wild nature the variations among brothers and sisters are no less real than among these domesticated animals. 131 132 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE Collect a few thousand individuals, at one time in one place, of a single species of insect, as a spotted ladybird beetle; then go over these carefully, looking for variation in some single characteristic, as the color pattern. What do you find? Let us FIG. 72. — Diagram showing variation in elytral pattern of the convergent ladybird, Hippodamia convergens : 1, Mode; 2-9, variations in size of spots; 10-17, variations by coalescence of spots; 18-40, variations by reduction in number of spots. (After Kellogg and Bell.) VARIATION AND MUTATION 133 answer by calling attention to Figs. 72, 73, and 74 and what these variations signify. Note also Fig. 75, showing the PIG. 73. — Diagram showing variations in elytral pattern of convergent ladybird, Hippodamia convergens: 1-5, Variations by different reduction in number of spots in the two elytra; 6-9, variations by conditions of spots. (After Kellogg and Bell.) variation in elytral blotching to be found in a series of individ- uals of the California flower beetle, Diabrotica soror; see also Fig. 76, showing the vari- ations in the black and yellow color pattern of the abdomen of the common yellow jacket (Vespa sp.); and Fig. 77 showing the variation in the pattern of the prothorax in a series of 178 individuals of a common Calif ornian flower bug, all these individuals collected at one time by sweeping a net over a few rods of alfalfa and Baccharis on the campus FlG 74._Diagram showing Variati0ns in Of Stanford University. prothoracic pattern of the convergent These are all Color and ladybird, Hippodamia convergens. (After Kellogg and Bell.) pattern variations; but in- sects show variations in structural parts as well. Fig. 78 shows a common red-legged locust and one of its hind tibiae enlarged 10 o 134 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE FIG. 75. — Diagram showing variations in elytral pattern of the California flower beetle, Diabrotica soror. (After Kellogg and Bell.) to show the spines. In eighty-nine individuals of this species of locust collected at Ithaca, N. Y., the number of spines in the outer row of the right tibiae varies from nine -to fifteen, in the inner row from eleven to sixteen. One not given to the systematic study of insects may think spines on the hind legs very trivial structures in- deed; but the entomologist, using exactly such character- istics as the number of these structures as a means in help- ing him to distinguish and define his species, knows how considerable this variation really is. The dog-days cicada (Fig. 79) also has spines on its hind tibiae, but only a few, usually, indeed, two. But in any series of individuals of this insect some individuals will be found with but a single spine, some with three, and a few with four even, although the very great majority will have two. For example, FIG. 76. — Diagram showing variation in pattern in the yellow jacket, Vespa ger- manica. (After Kellogg and Bell.) VARIATION AND MUTATION 135 in a series of 98 male individuals collected at Indianapolis, In- diana, at one time, 12 individuals had one spine in the outer row of the right tibiae, 83 had two spines, 2 had three spines, and one had four spines. In the outer row of the left tibiae of the same individuals, there were three spines in 6 individuals, two in 75, and one in 17. In the inner rows of tibial spines in these same FIG. 77. — Diagram showing variation in pattern of the prothorax of a flower bugt (After Kellogg and Bell.) individuals there were in the right tibiae, five spines in 5, four spines in 40, three spines in 43, two spines in 9, and one spine in 1 individual: in the left tibiae, five spines in 2 individuals, four spines in 48, three spines in 39, and two spines in 8. In the paper from which we have taken these illustrations of the actuality of variation, studied and statistically tabulated, are given the data showing the actual extent and frequency of variations in various characters, such as color patterns of head, thorax, and abdomen, character of antennal segments, number of tibial spines, character of elytral striation, character of vena- 136 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE tion, number of wing hooks, etc., in two dozen different insect species. Long ago Dr. J. A. Allen, of the American Museum of Natural History, gave similar data of the actual variation in FIG. 78. — Red-legged locust, Melanoplus FIG. 79. — The seventeen-year locust, Cicada femur-rubrum, and hind tibia, showing septendecim, and its hind tibia, showing inner and outer rows of spines. (After Kellogg and Bell.) inner and outer spines. and Bell.) (After Kellogg various familiar American bird species, his data referring chiefly to variations in dimensions; as length of whole body, length of tail, of wing, of bill, of tarsus and claw, etc. CARDINALIS VIRGIMANUS 58 specimens, Florida. 7a/V. : :*: • • ••••• ••••• •• ••••• »••••••••••• Length ofBird •V. Winy. ..v. v..v. .:. •. •V. » ••• • FIG. 80. — Diagram showing variation in length of tail, body, and wing in fifty-eight specimens of the cardinal, Cardinalis (formerly called virginiarius) , from Florida. (After Allen.) And anyone with means of collecting considerable series of individuals of single species can, if he but give the time and study to it, reveal similar variations in almost any part or characteristic of any species or kind of plant or animal. " What VARIATION AND MUTATION 137 parts vary?" some one asks. All parts vary, but some more than others. Darwin, in Chapter V of his "Origin of Species," postulated certain so-called laws of variability, which attempt to answer this question, "What parts vary?" These so-called "laws" which to-day would hardly be dignified with the name of law, are summed up by Darwin at the end of this chapter as follows: VARIATION OF ICTERUS BALTIMORE.20J Tail. • * •• • • •» •• Tarsus. • • •• Middle Toe. •••• f ••• Hind, Toe. Bill. Length. ::*!*:••:. "Our ignorance of the laws of variation is profound. Not in one case out of a hundred can we pretend to assign any reason why this or that part has varied. But whenever we have the means of instituting a comparison, the same laws appear to have acted in pro- ducing the lesser differences between varieties of the same species, and the greater differ- ences between species of the same genus. Changed condi- tions generally induce mere fluctuating variability, but sometimes they cause direct and definite effects; and these may become strongly marked in the course of time, though we have not sufficient evidence on this head. Habit in pro- ducing constitutional peculiarities, and use in strengthening, and disuse in weakening and diminishing organs, appear in many cases to have been potent in their effects. Homologous parts tend to vary in the same manneV, and homologous parts tend to cohere. Modifications in hard parts and in external parts sometimes affect softer and internal parts. When one part is largely developed, perhaps it tends to draw nourishment from the adjoining parts; and every part of the structure which can be saved without detriment will be saved. Width. Bill, Widl :::.::': Fro. 81. — Diagram showing variation in di- mensions in twenty male specimens of the Baltimore oriole, Icterus galbula (formerly called baltimare). (After Allen.) 138 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE Changes of structure at an early age may affect parts subsequently developed ; and many cases of correlated variation, the nature of which we are unable to understand, undoubtedly occur. Multiple parts are variable in number and in structure, perhaps arising from such parts not having been closely specialized for any particular function, so that their modifications have not been closely checked by natural selection. It follows, probably from this same cause, that organic beings low in the scale are more variable than those standing higher in the scale, and which have their whole organization more specialized. Rudimentary organs, from being useless, are not regulated by natural selection, and hence are variable. Specific characters — that is, the characters which have come to differ since the several species of the same genus branched off from a common parent — are more variable than generic characters, or those which have long been inherited, and have not differed within this same period. In these remarks we have referred to special parts or organs being still variable, because they have recently varied and thus come to differ ; but we have also seen . . . that the same prin- ciple applies to the whole individual; for in a district where many species of a genus are found — that is, where there has been much former variation and differentiation, or where the manufactory of new spe- cific forms has been actively at work — in that district and among these species we now find, on an average, most varieties. Secondary sexual characters are highly variable, and such characters differ much in the species of the same group. Variability in the same parts of the organization has generally been taken advantage of in giving secondary sexual differences to the two sexes of the same species, and specific differences to the several species of the same genus. Any part or organ developed to an extraordinary size or in an extraordinary manner, in comparison with the same part or organ in the allied species, must have gone through an extraordinary amount of modification since the genus arose ; and thus we can understand why it should often still be variable in a much higher degree than other parts; for variation is a long-con- tinued and slow process, and natural selection will in such cases not as yet have had time to overcome the tendency to further variability and to reversion to a less modified state. But when a species with an ex- traordinarily developed organ has become the parent of many modified descendants — which in our view must be a very slow process, requiring a long lapse of time — in this case, natural selection has succeeded in giving a fixed character to the organ, in however extraordinary a jnanner it may have been developed. Species inheriting nearly the same constitution from a common parent, and exposed to similar VARIATION AND MUTATION 139 J^ectt ..Body Lacerta ocellata -JfindLegs Neck Lacerta viridis N Hind Legs .Tail M Neck I— N Body Lacerta agilis M Hind Legs Tail — • Neck *•* JBody Lacerta muralis ^^^ Hind Legs Neck Lacerta velox ^^ Hind Legs Tail m- Neck •« £o T> -> -v -» v in the equatorial plate. a o c d e j In the Cyclops nucleus of Fig. A the filament has separated into the segments ab-cd-ef . . . n, each of which has split longi- tudinally into — > — ;> •*> etc., and its transverse division, sub- ab cd ef sequently becoming more apparent, gives to each tetrad the a b cd ef composition --T-J--V-V etc. By the first division in the ab cd ef longitudinal plane, each daughter cell receives a half of each chromosome; in the second, however, in the vertical plane, this is not the case, as can be readily seen. This is clearly a qualitative division, and the daughter cells receive unlike chromosomes. This forms the "reducing division" in Weis- mann's sense, and as such is a most beautiful demonstration of his postulated reduction of the ancestral plasm. In Ascaris, however, the evidence is just as clear that no reducing division in Weismann's sense takes place, though the actual number of the chromosomes is also reduced. Boveri has shown for the egg and -Brauer for the sperm that the tetrads arise by a double, longitudinal, splitting of the chromatin filament which later breaks into two segments. Thus abed would again represent the unsegmented filament, 274 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE a-b-c-d the individual chromosomes, and -> r> -> -. their splitting abed longitudinally in ordinary division. In the maturation of the egg and in spermatogenesis, however, the thread segments . , , , ,., , ., ,. „ abab cdcd into ab, cd, and splits twice longitudinally into — r-r» - — ;» ^^^^ ao ao ca cd the two tetrads of B in Fig. 155. The^B ^ion of chromatin here is only a reduction in mass and « Balitative one, in Weismann's sense, as in the Crustacea ^^^Piects. In Ascaris the actual reduction in number of chromosomes takes place in the nucleus previous to the maturation divisions of the ovocyte and spermatocyte ^pectively. In Cyclops the for- mation of the tetrads is merely a pseudo-reduction, the actual reduction taking place in the second division, which gives rise to the mature egg on the one hand, or the spermatids, which develop into the spermatozoa, on the other. One fundamental fact is clear in these divergent accounts. The number of chromosomes is reduced in both sorts of the germinal cells as a preliminary to their union. Whether there is likewise a qualitative distribution of the chromatin elements remains for future investigation to decide. From the facts of ordinary cell division we have seen that the chromatin of the nucleus is to be regarded as the bearer of hereditary qualities in the cell. The phenomena of fertilization greatly increase this probability. The offspring resembles both of its parents, and the paternal tendencies can be conveyed in the minute spermatozoan head alone, which is constituted almost entirely of chromatin. The scrupulous exactitude with which, in both germ cells, the chromosomes are reduced to one half the normal number preparatory to the union of the pronuclei in fertiliza- tion, and the distribution of the paternal and maternal chro- matin equally to the resulting cells of cleavage, lend added weight to the theory. The development of the fertilized germ cell into the com- plete organism is discussed in the preceding chapter as also is the significance of sex. This significance in the light of actual processes of germ-cell formation, maturation, and fertilization is seen to be very important in relation to the phenomenon of variation, a phenomenon or fact which we have already learned to recognize as the absolutely essential basis of all organic evolution. FACTO US IX OXTOUKXY 275 f\ B D FIG. 156. — A, Normal larva of Echinus microtuberculatua. front view; B, the same, side view; C. normal larva of Sphaerechinus granularis, front view; D, the same, side view. (After Boveri.) 276 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE Whether the new individual to be exists in the germ cell as a more or less nearly completely preformed embryo needing only to expand, unfold, and grow to be the fully developed new creature, or whether the fertilized egg cell is a bit of prac- tically undifferentiated protoplasm, endowed with a limited and specific potentiality, but depending for its marvelous out- come chiefly on extrinsic imposed influences — this question has been a matter of contention since the beginning of the study of generation and development. From our scrutiny of the phenomena of mitosis, it is ap- parent that, while the germ cell is certainly considerably differentiated as regards its fine structure, on the other hand it as certainly contains no preformed embryo of the individual into which it is to develop, as the old school of preformationists held. But the testimony from mitosis by no means settles the controversy between the modern preformationists and the modern epigenesists. This rages hotly, and furnishes a great incentive to the pushing on of the study of development. What is most interesting, perhaps, about this present-day embryological study is, perhaps, its method. Where hereto- fore the study of development has been almost purely descrip- tive and comparative, as, indeed, all biological study has, the modern embryologist is an experimenter. Experiment, the method of the study of inorganic nature, is being resorted to and relied on for the determination of biological problems, and in particular that one that has for its subject the seeking of the factors and actual causes of individual development. This has been aptly named preformation versus epigenesis. It might also pertinently be called intrinsic versus extrinsic factors or, more broadly, vitalism versus mechanism. The new phase or mode of the study of development has been variously called developmental mechanics, experimental development, or, more broadly, experimental morphology, because the experimental method has been extended to the study of phenomena not strictly, or at least not usually in- cluded in the immature, or developing stage of the animal's life; the study of regeneration, of reactions to stimuli, and of reflexes and movements in general, has all been illuminated by the decisive results of the substitution of experiment for haphazard observation in nature. And the further extension of experimental and statistical modes of investigation to the FACTORS IN ONTOGENY 277 FIG. 157. — A, Hybrid larva (Sphcerechinus $ and Echinus i), front view; B, the same from side view; C, hybrid larva, Sphcerechinus $ (nonnucleated egg formation; and Echinus £ , of the type; D, the same larva in side view. (After Boveri.) 19 278 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE "grand problems" of heredity and variation, already well entered upon, bids fair to produce the most rapid and real advance that has yet been made toward the goal of solving some of the mystery which has so far enwrapped these funda- mental phenomena of life. To return to our special problem of preformation or epi- genesis, it must be said at the outset that the evidence touching it, which has so far been derived from experiment, is distinctly conflicting. For example the frog's egg (which has been a classic V ersuchs object in this study), when treated after its first cleavage so that one of its two blastomeres (daughter cells of the original fertilized egg cell) is killed, develops half a frog, which would indicate that the embryo was preformed in the egg cell, or at least that each part of the egg cell had its fate predetermined, so that the loss of part of the egg would produce a loss of a definite part of the embryo. But in the hands of other investigators diametrically op- posed results were got. Hertwig managed to separate entirely the two first cleavage cells and got from each of these half eggs a complete embryo but of dwarfed size, which would indicate that any part of the egg stuff is able to produce any part of the embryo. Other investigators have succeeded in separating blastomeres of later cleavage stages, and have variously got either miniature but complete embryos from these fractional egg parts, or on the other hand parts of embryos representing apparently the predetermined developmental fate of the various parts of the egg. To list briefly a few of these cases, we may refer to the development of partial embryos from separated (2-16 cell stage) blastomeres of various Cten- ophora, and the similar results with the molluscs Patella, Den- talium, and Ilyanassa: to the production of defective larvae by the mutilated eggs of Beroe, also of ascidians and of Echinus: to Driesch's distinction between ectoderm and endoderm after FIG. 158. — Lithium larva of the sea urchin, Sphccrechinus granularis: A, Elongated blastula; B, evagi- nated gastrula. (After Herbst.) FACTORS IN ONTOGENY 279 the first cleavage of Synapta, and the cell lineage studies of zur Strassen on the eggs of Ascaris in which it was shown that a definite status of outcome for each blastomere was determined after successive early cleavages. All these results seem to be A B FIG. 159. — A, Normal gastrula of sea urchin, Echinus microtuberculatus; B, gastrula of sea urchin, Sphver echinus granularis, from a lithium culture. (After Herbst.) good evidence for preformation, that is, for a predetermination of the role each part of the egg cell is to play in development. Indeed, Wilson is convinced that an obvious structural differ- entiation (bands, zones, delimited regions) can be seen in the undeveloped eggs of numerous animals, a differentiation corre- sponding to structural di- vergence in development. On the other hand, nu- merous results of experi- ment speak just as loudly against preformation or pre- determination. Such are Herlitzka's half-sized Triton embryos from the two sepa- rated first cleavage cells, Driesch's two half-sized and four quarter-sized sea-urchin plutei from the cells of the first and second cleavages, respectively, his eight and sixteen small gastrulse, and thirty-two tiny blas- tulae from the separate blastomeres of the third, fourth, and fifth cleavages respectively; also Zoya's medusa embryos from FIG. 160. — Abnormal larval stages of the sea urchin, Sphcerechinus granularis, produced by heat. (After Driesch.) 280 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE FIG. 161. — A, Lateral view of pluteus larva of Echinus; B, lateral view of pluteus larva of Sphtcr -echinus; C, hybrid pluteus of the female Sphcerechinus and male Echinus. (After Boveri.) separated blastomeres of the two, four, eight, and even sixteen- cell stages of developing hydro-medusa eggs. Loeb was able to effect the bursting of n rl\ " _ c ^ the membrane of sea- urchin eggs and the con- sequent partial escape or protrusion of parts of the egg plasm forming so - called extra - ovates. Each of these extra- ovates began develop- ment as a distinct bias- tula, the remainder of the egg forming another blastula (Fig. 163). Thus we see that experimental work has, so far, not afforded a positive answer to the general query proposed by the pre- formation versus epigen- esis problem. But at the same time it is obvious that the results of the experimental method are of extraor- dinary interest and of brilliant promise. What seems to be revealed so far, is that the animal egg is certainly not rigidly preformed; that there is no absolute predetermination of the fate in development of each part of the egg stuff. But that nor- mally in most eggs a given part of the egg does have a prospective Fl?' '^.--Cleavage of Echinus eggs in water free 1 from calcium. Note that the cleavage cells tend definitive fate, SO that to separate entirely. (After Herbst.) one-half of the egg may be looked on as corresponding to one particular half of the future organism. However, the actual potentiality of any part FACTORS IN ONTOGENY 281 of the egg is not limited by its prospective fate. If accident in nature or ruthless handling in the experimenter's labora- tory destroy or remove part of the egg, the remainder has a power of regulation which is in some respects the highest and most important kind of organic adaptation that we know. The same data derived from the experimental study of development, to- gether with data got from the experi- mental study of mature and even senescent stages of various organisms, constitute our chief evidence touching the problem of mechanism versus vi- talism. This problem may be posed in question form as follows: In how far can so-called vital phenomena be ana- lyzed into physicochemical, or mechan- ical phenomena? Is life simply an in- teraction, very complex to be sure, and so far largely unanalyzed and hence not directly referable to specific physico- chemical causes, between substances of particular chemical and physical struc- ture and those familiar forms of energy known to us in the physicochemical world, or is it the result or manifestation of an extra physicochemical force and set of conditions? When the sunflower bends its face always toward the sun, we do not at- tribute this behavior either to the in- telligence or the instinct of the plant. But when young spiderlings or moth caterpillars or green aphids just from the egg move with one accord toward the light side of the glass jar, we do attribute this behavior to animal instinct or to the exercise of a preference or choice. When iron filings rush toward a magnet brought sufficiently near them, we have on our tongues' end the sufficient explana- tion of this behavior in the single word "magnetism." Now the biological mechanist, observing that in all these cases there is a certain apparent definite relation between a cause FIG. 163. — Extra - ovates from the eggs of the sea urchin, Arbacia. By di- luting the sea water the osmotic pressure bursts the egg membranes so that part of the egg plasm issues and forms an ex- tra-ovate. (After Loeb.) 282 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE and an effect, presumes to say that all these phenomena may be much more nearly of the same sort than we are accustomed to con- sider them to be. The biological mechanists believe, in a word, that all vital phenomena will in last analysis prove to be truly phys- icochemical phenom- ena; that organisms show in their reactions no new forces or prin- ciples, but that their behavior is only an im- mensely complex interplay of the same forces and activities already known to us in the inorganic world. And their belief is not wholly without some basis of observed or experimentally proved fact. Many of the simpler so-called vital phenomena, especially the movements of the simplest FIG. 164. — Regeneration in Hydra viridis: A, Nor- mal hydra (lines show where piece was cut out) ; B, 1-4, changes in a piece of A as seen from side ; C, 1-4, same as seen from end ; D, E, F, later changes in same piece. (After Morgan.) FIG. 165. — Regeneration of Stentor ccrruleus: A, Cut in three pieces; B, row showing regeneration of the anterior piece ; C, regeneration of middle piece ; D, that of posterior piece. (After Morgan.) FACTORS IN ONTOGENY 283 and even the more complex animals, have been shown to be suggestively like motion reactions in inorganic nature. The mechanists analyze many of the so-called instinctive perform- ances of animals into rigorous taxic and tropic reactions to specific external influences or stimuli. Chemotaxis, phototaxis, FIG. 166. — Regeneration in nature of starfish, Linckia. The regenerated specimens shown in the figure were collected as living animals on the coral reefs of Samoa. These specimens show the great capacity for regeneration possessed by this star- fish, a portion of an arm being capable of regenerating the disk and all the other arms. and oxygenotaxis, heliotropism, geotropism, thigmotropism, etc., are the names applied to the growth or motion reactions of organisms or their parts, conditioned by such external stimuli or control-influences as light, gravitation, contact, the presence of oxygen or of various other chemical substances. And an account of the ingenious experimentation which has 284 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE been done to test the truth of the mechanical assumptions is a fascinating chapter in the history of modern biological work. In sum we may say that there has been in recent years a real advance on a basis of experimental work, in the analysis of many vital phenomena long considered mysterious, or at least too complex for human understanding, into simpler components. And that these components are in many cases no other than reac- tions and motions familiar to us in in- organic nature. On the other hand it must be said that this advance, in the face of the immense problem presented by vital reactions — that is, the behavior of organisms — is very small. With all our heart we should wel- come all attempts to do away with ideas of mysticism in con- nection with biologi- cal phenomena ; the mechanists should have our strong sym- pathy and our willing support, but to join the more radical of them in their claim that the life mystery is already solved in terms of physics and chemistry, that there is no longer any vital problem, would be to surrender our judgment to our inclination. Any discussion, however brief, of experimental work in biology should include a reference, at least, to the striking and suggestive results that have been obtained by the application of the experimental method to the investigation of the problems w FIG. 167. — Regeneration of the earthworm : A, Nor- mal worm ; B-F, anterior ends of worms which, after the removal of one, two, three, four, and five seg- ments, have regenerated the same number ; G, an- terior third cut off, only five head segments regener- ated ; H, worm cut in two in middle, a head-end of five segments regenerated ; /, worm cut in two be- hind the middle, a hetoromorphic tail regenerated at anterior end. (After Morgan.) FACTORS IN ONTOGENY 285 . , V/ \J B D of fertilization and parthenogenesis. Jacques Loeb has been the most active worker in this line and his results are of ex- treme interest. He has, by various physical or chemical treat- ment of the unfertilized eggs of various animals, particularly certain Echinoderms, worms and fishes, stimulated these eggs to begin development, which development proceeds either nor- mally or in some degree abnormally along the usual path reg- ularly followed by the species. But in all cases this develop- ment falls short of completion and in many cases the death of the embryo occurs at a very early stage. Other investigators have similarly induced a de- velopment in parthenogenetic eggs of animal species in which parthenogenetic devel- opment does not occur nat- urally, or at least is very rare. The significance of these results is by no means wholly clear. Nor do the investiga- tors who have done the work agree among themselves as to the interpretation of the re- suits. Loeb first inclined to the belief that the stimuli which incited the unfertilized egg to development were physical, OSmotiC Changes be- ing looked On as perhaps the i- , ,. , A, immediate stimulus. At pres- ent he Seems inclined tO at- tribute the stimuli rather to the chemical character of the media which seem to incite the parthenogenetic development. In either case the physi- cochemical stimulus is considered to be a substitute for the spermatozoid. That it is a substitute in some degree, is obvi- ous; that it is a complete substitute for it, seems equally obviously not true. The embryos developed by artificial par- theogenesis lack at least two fundamentally important attri- butes which the young of bisexual parentage possess ; namely, vigor and the heredity of the father. The lack of vigor is shown by their death before maturity; and the chromosomes FIG 168._Regeneration of the flatworm, Planaria lugubris: A, shows by dotted line where the worm was cut in two length- wise ; B, C, D, show how a half that was fed regenerated. Et Fi G< show how au unfed half regenerated. (After Morgan.) 286 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE or other nuclear stuff that is the actual carrier of the paternal heredity are of course actually wanting. Another phenomenon or group of phenomena, also of much special interest and suggestiveness to students of develop- ment, to which the experimental method has been successfully applied, is that known as "regeneration." The familiar repro- duction or growth of new plants from cut- tings or buds is par- alleled in the animal world by numerous similar cases less fa- ff ur\ / miliar but neverthe- less long known by naturalists. In 1740, Abbe Trembley made a number of curious experiments with Hy- dra, whose publication in 1744 was the begin- ning of our knowledge of the phenomena of regeneration in ani- mals. If Hydra, the common little brown or green fresh-water polyp, be cut up into many pieces, each of these pieces has the power to grow into a new complete Hydra body (Fig. 164). We know now that numerous other animals have also this radical capacity for regeneration. Certain pro- tozoans, hydroids, planarian worms, starfishes, etc., can re- generate as freely or nearly so as Hydra (Figs. 165-172). And many other animals representing almost all the great groups of the animal kingdom possess in some degree, at least, the power of regeneration. Some can regenerate only lost or cut append- ages, others even less fundamental parts of the body; some can regenerate only in their immature stages ; others only in the earliest embryonic stages. But regeneration and "regula- FIG. 169. — Regeneration of the tail and limbs of the lizards, Lacerta agilis and Triton custatus : A, Lacerta, new tail arising at place where old tail was broken partly off; B, three-tailed form, two tails having a common covering, all these parts being regenerated after old tail was cut off; C, Triton, additional leg produced by wounding femur; D, double foot produced by tying thread over re- generating stump; E, F, G, regenerated feet of Triton after various mutilations. (After Tarnier. ) FACTORS IN ONTOGENY 287 tion," as certain phases of regeneration are called, are the property, in some degree probably, of most animals. The significance of this capacity has been long recognized as of much importance in our conceptions of the germ plasm character and dis- position, but no general agreement regarding it has even yet been reached by biologists. More and better under- stood facts about re- generation are needed. And this need it seems to be the province of experimental biology to supply. By the carry- ing on of ingeniously planned and carefully controlled series of experiments with re- generating animals, we are acquiring a great mass of important data, and the interpretation and generalization of these data is certain to be accomplished in the near future. We have space here to call attention to but one of the ways in which an understanding of the phenomena of regener- ation will throw light on FIG. 171. — Regeneration of the eye of Triton: One of the fundamental A, Edge of iris with beginning lens; B, C, D, -,-, . , , later stages of same ;#, whole eve with regener- Problems in develop- atinglens. (After Wolff and Fischel ) ment. To those biolo- FIG. 170. — Regeneration of the flatworm, Planaria: A, Specimen cut in two as far forward as eyes, regenerating two half-heads ; B, cut in two at one side of middle line, smaller piece having re- generated a head ; C, cut partly in two, having regenerated two heads in angle ; D, another that produced only a single head in the angle. (After Morgan.) 288 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE gists who believe with Weismann that there is a sharp distinc- tion between the germ plasm and the somatic or body plasm, and that this germ plasm is limited to the germ cells and germ-cell producing tracts, the regeneration of a nearly whole body or even a considerable part of a body from a region which does not include a germ cell presents a serious obstacle. But before this obstacle can be considered as one rendering the germ plasm theory absolutely untenable, it is necessary to prove what the re- generated parts are composed of. Are they composed sim- ply of repeated simi- lar cells, all of one tissue type, or do they include other kinds of cells or tis- sues than those par- ticular kinds from which the regener- ated part springs? It is, of course, ad- mitted that many, indeed most cells of the body, can repro- duce other cells like themselves. Now is it a fact that regen- erated parts are composed of different kinds of cells? As a matter of fact this has been proved to be so by observation and by experiment. Numerous instances are known in which body cells arising originally from one germ layer have pro- duced in the course of regeneration not only cells like them- selves, but others which in normal development could only arise from another germ layer. So it is plain that the study of regeneration has already done much to modify our former conceptions of the factors and conditions of development. FIG. 172. — Regeneration of the blastula and gastrulse of sea urchins; line indicates where the blastula or gastrula was cut in half; the smaller figures show re- sults of the regeneration of the two halves of each. CHAPTER XIV PALEONTOLOGY This much then we have gained, that we may assert without hesitation, that all the more perfect organic natures, such as fishes, amphibious animals, birds, mammals, and man at the head of the list were all formed upon one original type which varies only more or less in parts which are none the less permanent, and which still daily changes and modifies its form by propagation. — Goethe (1796). IN a suggestive sentence, Haeckel speaks of our knowledge of the line of descent in the history of any group of animals or plants as being derived from "three ancestral documents — morphology, embryology, and paleontology." Of these three, paleontology is at once the most certain and the most incomplete. Each fossil animal is a record, absolutely authentic, so far as it goes, admitting of no doubt or question, but for the most part yielding only a very little of the truth involved in its existence. For no animal whatever is preserved as a fossil except as the result of an unusual combination of circumstances. Only those parts which are themselves hard, calcareous, silicious, or horny, with rare exceptions, can retain their form in the rocks, and even these, shells, teeth, bones, and the like, are often crushed or distorted so that their actual form or nature may be open to question. In addition, only the minutest fraction of the sedimentary rocks of the earth has been laid bare by artificial excavation or by natural erosion, and thus opened to the inspection of man, and the number of fossils actually observed can be only the most trivial fraction of a fraction of the organisms actually existing and preserved. With all this, the human race has in the past shown a singular lack of insight in the interpretation of animal remains 289 290 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE found in the stone. As Lyell has graphically shown, it took one hundred and fifty years of dispute and argument to persuade even learned men that shells and teeth in the rocks were actual remains of actual animals, and another hundred and fifty years to demonstrate that the shell-bearing rocks were not masses of debris from Noah's flood. Nothing in the history of science is more tedious than the arguments directed against the first students of fossils, to show that these structures were mere sports of nature, whimsicalities of creation, or freaks developed in the fatty matter (matevia pinguis) of the earth by the en- tangling influence of the revolving stars. Notwithstanding all these defects in material, and this stupidity of theory, the study of fossils has still gone on, and by its means we are able to delineate with large certainty the line of evolution of most groups of animals, and the nature of faunal relations in the different periods of geological time. If we had notv already a theory of evolution by derivation of forms, we should be obliged to invent one in face of the facts of paleontology. In Huxley's words, "fossils are only animals and plants which have been dead rather longer than those which died yesterday." Fossils are either actual remains of bones or other parts preserved intact in soil or rocks, or else, and more commonly, parts of the animals which have been turned into stone, or of which stony casts have been made. All such remains buried by natural causes are called fossils. The process by which they are sometimes changed from animal substance into stone is called petrifaction. Fossils may be of three kinds. In the case of recently extinct animals, bones or other parts of the body may become buried in the soil and lie there for a long time without any change of organic into inorganic matter. Thus fossil insects are found with the bodies preserved intact in amber, a fossil resin from some ancient and extinct pine tree. Over eight hundred species of extinct insects are known from amber fossils. The bones of the earliest members of the elephant family, the teeth of extinct sharks, the shells of extinct mollusks and fragments of buried logs, are also often found intact, still composed of their original matter. In the second kind of fossils the original or organic matter is gone, the organic form and organic structure being preserved PALEONTOLOGY 291 FIG. 173. — Remains of Dimorphodon from the Lias of Lyme Rej?is. showing skull, neck, and back, and some of the bones of the skeleton, (After Seeley, from a slab in the British Museum.) 292 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE in mineral matter. That is, the organic matter has been slowly and exactly replaced by mineral. As each particle of organic substance passed away by decay, its place was taken by a particle of mineral matter. Such fossils are called petri- factions. This is beautifully shown in the case of petrified wood. We can cut and grind thin a bit of petrified wood, and see in it, with a microscope, the exact details of its original fine cellular structure. This substituted mineral matter may be one of several minerals, but usually it is silica (quartz) or carbonate of lime (limestone) or sulphide of iron (iron pyrites) . In the case of animal parts which were originally partly organic and partly inorganic, as bones and teeth and shells, often only the organic matter is replaced by the petrifying mineral, although sometimes the old inorganic matter is also replaced. Finally, sometimes the organic matter and organic structure are both lost, only the original outline of form of the whole part being retained. This occurs when the organic matter imbedded in mud and clay decays away, leaving a hollow which is filled up by some mineral different from the matrix. In this case the fossil is simply a cast of the original organic remains. Some traces even of the finest organisms occasionally appear. "Conditions have sometimes permitted even the most delicate structures, such as insects' wings and the impressions of jellyfishes to become retained in the soft mud, which afterwards became solidi- fied. Localities famous the world over for the beauty and delicacy of their fossil remains are the lithographic stone quarries of Bavaria and certain beds in France " (EASTMAN). These deposits were perhaps formed in the clear, quiet waters of a coral lagoon. Examination and study of the rocks of the earth reveal the fact that fossils, or the remains of animals and plants, are found in certain kinds of rocks only. They are not found in lava, because lava comes from volcanoes and rifts in the earth's crust, as a red-hot, viscous liquid, which cools to form a hard rock. No animal or plant caught in a lava stream will leave any trace. Furthermore, fossils are not found in granite, nor in ores of metals, nor in certain other of the common rocks. PALEONTOLOGY 293 Many rocks are, like lava, of igneous origin; others, like granite, although not originally in melted condition, have been so heated subsequent to their formation, that any traces of animal or plant remains in them have been obliterated. Fossils are found almost exclusively in rocks which have been formed by the slow deposition in water of sand, clay, mud, or lime. The sediment which is carried into a lake or ocean by the streams opening into it sinks slowly to the bottom of the lake or ocean and forms there a layer which gradually hardens under pressure to become rock. This is called sedimentary rock, or stratified rock, because it is composed of sediment, and sedi- ment always arranges itself in layers or strata. In sedimentary FIG. 174. — Restoration of the skeleton of Dimorphodon macronyx. (After Seeley.) or stratified rocks fossils are found. The commonest rocks of this sort are limestone, sandstone, and shales. Limestone is formed chiefly of carbonate of lime; sandstone is cemented sand; and shales, or slaty rocks, are formed chiefly of clay. The formation of sedimentary rocks has been going on since land first rose from the level of the sea; for water has always been wearing away rock and carrying it as sediment into rivers, and rivers have always been carrying the worn-off lime and sand and clay downward to lakes and oceans, at the bottoms of which the particles have been piled up in layers and have formed new rock strata. But geologists have shown that in the course of the earth's history there have been great changes in the position and extent of land and sea. Sea bottoms have been folded or upheaved to form dry lancl, while regions, once land, have sunk and been covered by lakes and seas. Again, through great foldings in the cooling crust of the earth, which 20 294 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE resulted in depression at one point and elevation at another, land has become ocean and ocean land. And, in the almost unimaginable period of time which has passed since the earth first shrank from its hypothetical condition of nebulous vapor to be a ball of land covered with water, such changes have occurred over and over again. .They have, however, mostly taken place slowly and gradually. The principal seat of great FIG. 175. — Restoration of the skeleton in probable normal position of Dimorphodon macronyx. (After Seeley.) change is in the regions of mountain chains, which, in most cases, are simply the remains of old folds or wrinkles in the crust of the earth. When an aquatic animal dies, it sinks to the bottom of the lake or ocean, unless, of course, its flesh is eaten by some other animal. Even then its hard parts will probably find their way to the bottom. There the remains will soon be covered by the always dropping sediment. They are on the way to become fossils. Some land animals also might, after death, get carried by a river to the lake or ocean, and find their way to the bottom, where they, too, will become fossils, or they may die on the banks of the lake or ocean and their bodies may get buried in the soft mud of the shores. Or, again, they are often trodden in the mire about salt springs or submerged in quicksands. It is obvious that aquatic animals are far more likely to be preserved as fossils than land animals. This PALEONTOLOGY 295 inference is strikingly proved by fossil remains. Of all the thousands and thousands of kinds of extinct insects, mostly land animals, comparatively few specimens are known as fossils. On the other hand, the shell-bearing mollusks and crustaceans are represented in almost all rock deposits which contain any kind of fossil remains. It is obvious that any portion of the earth's surface covered by stratified rocks must have been at some time under water, the bottom of a lake or ocean. If now this portion shows a series of layers or strata of different kinds of sedimentary rocks, it is evident that it must have been under water several times, or at least under different conditions. It is also evident that fossils found in this portion of the earth will contain remains of only those animals which were living at the various times this portion of the earth was under water. Of the animals which lived on it when it was land there will be no trace, except, possibly, a few land or fresh-water forms, which might be swept into the sea or might be preserved in the mud of ponds. FIG. 176. — Restoration of Dimorphodon macronyx. (After Seeley.) That is, instead of finding in the stratified rocks of any portion of the earth remains of all the animals which have lived on that portion since the earth began, we shall find, at best, only re- mains of a few kinds of those animals which have lived on this portion of the earth when it was covered by the ocean or by a great lake. Thus, the great body of fossil remains of animals reveal only a broken and incomplete history of the animal life of the past. But the record; so far as it goes, is an absolutely truthful one, 296 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE and when the many deposits of fossils in all parts of the different continents are examined and compared, it is possible to state numerous general truths in regard to past life and the suc- cession of animals in time. The science of extinct life is known as paleontology. The study of paleontology has revealed much of the history of the earth and its inhabitants from the first rise of the land from the sea till the present era. This whole stretch of time —how long no one can guess — is divided into eras or ages ; these ages usually into lesser divisions called periods, and the periods into shorter lengths of time called epochs. Each epoch is more or less sharply distinguished from every other by the different species of animals and plants which lived while its rocks were being deposited. In the earth's crust, where it has not been distorted by foldings and breaks, the oldest stratified rocks lie at the bottom of the series, and the newest at the top. The fossils found in the lowest or oldest rocks represent, there- fore, the oldest or earliest animals, those in the upper or newest rocks the newest or latest animals. An examination of a whole series of strata and -their fossils shows that what we call the most specialized or most highly organized animals did not exist in the earliest epochs of the earth's history, but that the animals of these epochs were all of the simpler or lower kinds. For example, in the earlier stratified rocks there are no fossil remains of the backboned or vertebrate animals. When the vertebrates do appear, through several geological epochs they are fishes only, members of the lowest group of backboned animals. More than this, they represent generalized types of fishes which lack many of the special adaptations to marine life that modern fishes show. For this reason they bear a greater resemblance to the earlier reptiles than do the fishes of to-day; in other words, they were a generalized type, showing the beginnings of characters of their own and other types. It is always through general- ized types that great classes of animals approach each other. In a later epoch the batrachians or amphibians appeared; in a still later period, the reptiles; and last of all, the birds and the mammals, the last being the highest of the backboned animals. The following table gives the names and succession of the various geological periods, and indicates briefly some of the kinds of animals living in each. In each of these di- PALEONTOLOGY 297 ERAS OR PERIODS. AGES OR SYSTEMS. ANIMALS ESPECIALLY CHARACTERISTIC OF THE ERA OR AGE. Cenozoic. Era of Mammals. Quaternary or Pleis- tocene (age of man and insects) Tertiary : Pliocene, Miocene, Eocene. . . . Man; mammals, mostly of spe- cies still living. Mammals abundant; belonging to numerous extinct families and orders. Mesozoic. Era of Reptiles. Cretaceous Birdlike reptiles; flying reptiles; toothed birds; first snakes; bony fishes abound; sharks again numerous. First birds; giant reptiles; ammo- nites; clams and snails abun- dant. First mammals (a marsupial); sharks reduced to few forms; bony fishes appear. Jurassic . . Triassic Paleozoic. Era of Invertebrates. Carboniferous (age of amphibians) Devonian (age of fishes) {Earliest of true reptiles. Am- phibians; lung fishes; fringe fins; first crayfishes; insects abundant; spiders; fresh-wa- ter mussels. {First amphibian (froglike ani- mals); sharks; ostracophores; first land shells (snails); mol- lusks abundant; first crabs. First truly terrestrial or air- breathing animals; first in- sects; corals abundant; mailed fishes, f First known fishes, ostraco- phores, mailed and with carti- laginous skeleton; brachio- l pods; trilobites, mollusks, etc. Invertebrates only. Silurian (age of inver- tebrates) Ordovician or Lower Silurian . Cambrian Archean. Algonkian. Lauren- tian Simple marine invertebrates. visions of geological time some one class of animals was espe- cially numerous in species, and was evidently the dominant group of animals through that period. The different ages are therefore spoken of in terms of the prevailing life. Thus, the "Silurian Age" is known as the age or era of invertebrates; the " Devonian/' as the age of fishes. In the same way we have the "Reptilian Age/' the "Mammalian Age/' according 298 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE to the great class of animals predominating at that time. Of course, in each of the later epochs there lived animals represent- ing the principal classes or groups in all of the preceding ones, as well as the animals of that particular group which may have first appeared in this epoch, or was its dominant group FIG. 177. — Restoration of Dimorphodon macronyx, showing probable wings. (After Seeley.) In the study of fossils not only is it necessary for us to consider the actual forms and structures and the s.pecies they represent, but we should so far as possible reconstruct the con- ditions under which the organisms were alive, and the threads of genealogy which connect those of one period with those which precede or follow them. By such studies as these we are brought close to a consideration of the method of creation, and to a knowledge not only of the origin of species but to the causes underlying the divergence of the great trunks of animal and plant life. "In youth," says Dr. A. S. Packard, "the older naturalists of the present generation were taught the doctrine of creation by sudden, cataclysmal, mechanical creative acts, and those to whose lot it fell to come into contact with the ultimate facts and principles of the new biology had to unlearn this view, and gradually to work out a larger, more profound, wider reaching and more philosophic conception of creation." An early paleontologist, Dr. A. Gaudry, utters these sug- gestive words: "We cannot refrain from looking with curious admiration upon the innumerable creatures that have become preserved to us from PALEONTOLOGY 299 the earth's early days and calling them to life again, and in our imagina- tion we ask these ancient inhabitants of the earth whence they were derived : 'Speak to us and say whether you are isolated remnants disseminated here and there throughout the immensity of the ages, without order more comprehensible to us than the scattering of flowers over the prairie? Or are you in verity linked one to another so that we may yet be able amid the diversity of nature to discover the in- dications of a plan wherein the Infinite has stamped the impression of His unity? ' The unraveling of the plan of creation — this is the goal to which our efforts now aspire. Whatever our theories as to it," Gaudry continues, "there is a plan. A day will come when the paleontologists will seize the plan which has presided over the de- velopment of life.'' This plan is found in the phenomena of organic evolution, the interrelation of the different factors or forces of heredity, variation, adaptation, fecundity, with the conditions of isola- tion of forms and the relations of environment. In the study of these details, we receive great light from the investigation of comparative structure, and the forces and processes of individual development. These are Haeckel's ancestral docu- ments of morphology and embryology, but all theory finds its final verification in its accord with the facts of paleontology, the recorded evidence of succession in time. Among the general deductions from paleontology are the following : The various primary groups or branches of the animal kingdom as well as the principal classes are all very old, most of them, the vertebrates excepted, appearing in the earliest known fossiliferous rocks. It is, however, evident that these rocks, Lower Silurian or Ordovician and Cambrian, are very far from the actual beginning of life. In each group the earliest forms arc relatively simple, unspecialized, and as a rule marine. Many of them are em- bryonic types, that is, forms morphologically comparable to the embryos of forms of later appearance. To such forms, the less appropriate term of "prophetic types" has been ap- plied. Many of the earlier forms are of synthetic types, that is, embracing characters distinctive of different diver- gent groups. Such synthetic types, where the resemblances are shown to be indicative .of real homology, are now re- 300 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE garded as indicative of the actual ancestry, from which the later types have diverged. The persistence of heredity is the basis of the parallelism between geological and embryonic series. By its influence ancestral traits are repeated in the embryo, even though the characters thus produced give way in later development to further specialization or growth along other lines. This great truth has been stated in these words: "The life history of the individual is an epitome of the life history of the group to which it belongs." This statement is only true when stated very broadly, for there are many exceptions or modifications. The embryonic or larval animal is subject to almost endless secondary changes and adaptations whenever these changes are for the advantage of the animal. In general, the simpler the structure of the animal and the less varied its relations in life, the more perfectly are these ancient phases of heredity preserved in the process of development. In such case, the more perfect is the parallelism between the development of the individual and the succession of forms in geologic time. It is not always true that the recent representatives of a group are higher in a morphological sense than some or all of the earlier members. They are, however, in all cases farther from the original or parent stock. In many groups there is a progress, seemingly rapid, toward a high degree of specializa- tion followed by the disappearance of the highly organized types, while forms of low development — sometimes even those of primitive character — may remain in abundance. The evolu- tion of the group of Brachiopods is an illustration of this. The group is represented in the Lower Silurian by numerous genera of simple structure, as Lingula, Terebratula and the like. It culminates in the Carboniferous age with complex genera as Spirifer, Products is, Orthis, while the modern representatives Lingulella, Terebratulina, Waldheimia,, etc., are little more ad- vanced than the primitive forms. Similar phases have charac- terized the appearance, culmination, and relative extinction of the trilobites, the crinoids, the ammonites, and other groups. The total extinction of any large group has not usually taken place. Usually a few species have remained, thus giving us a better clew to the life history and development of the group than we should otherwise possess. One feature shown in many groups of extinct animals has PALEONTOLOGY 301 never received accurate definition or interpretation. The group may appear in a series of relatively simple forms, showing affinities with some type from which it may have diverged. These early genera will be succeeded in the rocks by others, arranged progressively so as to form a series apparently mov- ing in a certain direction. Each genus successively following in time, will perhaps show a greater and greater emphasis on some one group of characters, a greater and greater specializa- tion in some one direction. Arranging the genera in series, it looks as if there were a definite line of variation shown in their gradual succession. These phenomena have been shown in various groups of reptiles and fishes, and especially well in the evolution of the extinct order of ammonites. These animals, allied to the living nautilus, lived in coiled chambered shells which gradually assumed great complication of form and orna- mentation. The extreme of this course of evolution was fol- lowed by corresponding progressive degeneration. In some cases, this condition continues to the present time. More frequently, the specialization along the original lines continues to a certain point, to be followed by the progressive degenera- tion and perhaps the ultimate loss of the very same structures in which the high degree of specialization has prevailed. To phenomena of this kind, the term determinate varia- tion or orthogenesis has been applied. This phrase seems to involve the theory that the evolution has gone forward toward some predetermined end, or that in some way only variations leading toward this end have existed or at least have been able to maintain themselves. It is possible, however, that the cause may be found in the influence of some phase of environ- ment, which directs the course of natural selection continuously along a certain line. A reversal of selection would be naturally followed by a degeneration of the structures developed to a point beyond the need of the animal. It is plain that much is to be learned, especially in regard to the relationships existing among living animals, by a study of those of the past. A comparison of certain of the ancient reptiles with the long-tailed Archccopteryx (Fig. 178) and other toothed birds shows that the birds and reptiles were once scarcely distinguishable, although now so very different. Birds have feathers, reptiles do not; but there is scarcely any other permanent difference. Fossils show a similar close relation 302 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE between amphibians and fishes. A study of these ancient forms also throws light on many conditions of structure in modern animals, otherwise difficult to understand. An exam- ple of this sort is found in the splint bones of the modern horse (see Fig. 179). It is a fact unquestionable that a species will change on its own grounds little by little with the lapse of time and the slow alteration of conditions of selection. Nations change, languages change, customs change, nothing is secure against the tooth of FIG. 178. — Ancient bird with jointed tail, claws on wings, and teeth in jaws, Archcrop- teryx lithographica, from the Jurassic rocks of Bavaria. (After Nicholson from Owen.) time. This is in general true, because with time, alteration of environment takes place, events happen, there is an alteration of the stress of life and with this alteration all life may be acted upon. That time-mutations in all forms of life do take place is beyond question, and some have regarded these slow changes as the chief agency in the formation of species. But the current of life does not flow in straight lines nor in an even current. Species are torn apart by obstacles, as streams are divided by rocks, and the rapidity of their formation is pro- portioned to the size of the obstacle and the alternations it produces in the flow of life. We have some basis for the estimate of the duration of a species. When the great glacial Lake Bonneville occupied PALEONTOLOGY 303 a the basin of the Great Salt Lake, the same species of fishes and insects were found in all its tributaries. Now that these streams flow separately into a lifeless lake, the same species of fishes occur in them for the most part without alteration. One species of sucker (Catostomus ardens) and one chub (Leucis- cus lineatus) are found unaltered throughout this region and in the Upper Snake River (above Shoshone Falls), into which Lake Bonneville was once drained. Other species are left locally isolated, but one species only (Agosia adobe), a small minnow of the clay bottoms, can be shown to have under- gone any alteration. But with the tiger beetles (Cicindelce) a large number of species have been produced by sepa- ration. From the Bay of Panama 374 species of fishes are re- corded in the recent mono- graph of Gilbert and Starks. Of these species, 204 are re- corded also from the Gulf of California, while perhaps fifty others are represented in the more northern bay by closely related forms. Comparing the fish faunas separated by the isthmus, we find the closest relation possible so far as families and genera are con- cerned. In this respect the resemblance is far closer than that between Panama and Chile, or Panama and Tahiti, or Panama and southern California. On the Atlantic side, simi- lar conditions obtain, although the number of genera and species is far greater (about 1,200 species) in the West Indies than at Panama. This fact accords with the much larger ex- tent of the West Indies, its varied groups of islands isolated by deep channels, and its near connection to the faunas of Brazil and the United States. But it is also noteworthy that while the families of fishes FIG. 179. — Diagrams showing the series of changes in geological time from a horse's foot of four separate toes (/) to one of one toe and a pair of splint bones (a); a-f represent the feet of dif- ferent horselike animals from modern time backward. 304 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE are almost identical on the two shores of the isthmus of Panama, and the great majority of the genera also, yet the species are almost wholly different. Taking the enumeration of Gilbert and Starks, we find that out of 374 species, 43 are found apparently unchanged on both sides of the isthmus ; 265 are represented on the Atlantic side by closely related species — in most cases the nearest known relative of the Pacific species — while 64 have no near analogue in the Atlantic. Of the latter group, some find their nearest relative to the northward or southward along the coast, and still others in the islands of Polynesia. The almost unanimous opinion of recent students of the isthmus faunas finds expression in the following words of Gilbert and Starks (" Fishes of Panama Bay," p. 205) : "The ichthyological evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of a former open communication between the two oceans, which must have become closed at a period sufficiently remote from the present to have permitted the specific differentiation of a very large majority of the forms involved. That this differentiation progressed at widely varying rates in different instances, becomes at once apparent. A small minority (43) of the species (11 per cent of the species found on the Pacific side; about 2.5 of the combined fauna) remain wholly unchanged so far as we have been able to determine that point. A larger number have become distinguished from their representatives of the opposite coast by minute, but not 'trivial' differences, which are wholly constant. From such representative forms we pass by imperceptible gradation to species much more widely separated, whose immediate relation in the past we cannot confidently affirm. . . . "It is obvious, however, that the striking resemblances between the two faunas are shown as well by slightly divergent as well as by identical species, and the evidence in favor of interoceanic connection is not weakened by an increase in the one list at the expense of the other. All evidence concurs in fixing the date of that connection at some time prior to the Pleistocene, probably in the early Miocene. When geological data shall be adequate definitely to determine that date, it will give us the best known measure of the rate of evolution in fishes." From this discussion, it is probable that even in isolation some species change very slowly, that with similar conditions PALEONTOLOGY 305 the changes within isolated groups of a species may be parallel, and that the specific changes in different groups may progress with very different degrees of velocity. The earliest known vertebrate remains are found in rocks of the Ordovician age, approximately of the epoch known as Trenton, at Canon City, in Colorado. These remains consist of broken bits of bony shields of mailed fishes or fishlike forms known as Ostracophores. With these are fragments of scales, which seem to belong to more specialized forms. It is evident that these remains, as well as the remains of sharks which FIG. 180. — An ostracoderm, Pterichyodes milleri, from the lower Devonian of Scotland. The jointed appendage on the head is not a limb. (After Traquair.) appear later in the Upper Silurian, by no means reveal the actual first existence of vertebrates. The sharks which appear in the Upper Silurian, although certainly primitive, even as compared with later sharks, are very far from the simplest even of known vertebrates. There seems to be good reason for the view that the vertebrate type of animal, with the nervous cord along the back and the alimentary canal marked by gill slits, was at first soft-bodied and worm- like, in fact, derived from a wormlike ancestry, and that, prior to the Ordovician and Silurian time, it was devoid of hard parts. The early sharks have teeth, and rough skin, fins, and sometimes fin spines, all susceptible of preservation in the rocks, even though the skeleton was soft and cartilaginous. The Ostracophores, some of which, at least, seem to be modified sharks, had no internal hard parts, but were protected by an external coat of mail, perhaps formed of coalescent prickles or scales. From the sharks were doubtless descended the group of Fringe-fins or Crossopterygians, which were more distinctly fishlike. From these, on the one hand by continuous speciali- 306 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE zation for aquatic life, the true fishes must have been derived. In the more primitive of these the air bladder retains the lung- like structure characteristic of the Fringe-fins. But in the more specialized forms this is reduced to a sac, at first with an open tube, then to a closed sac without tube in the adult, and finally in very many of the true fishes the air sac is altogether lost. On the other hand, in the Amphibia, which were prob- ably also derived from the Crossopterygia, the air bladder is more highly specialized, fitting these animals for life outside the water, and the fins give place to fingers and toes as befitting a terres- trial habit. The amphibians deposit their eggs in damp places, and the young are hatched while the external' gills are still functional. Among the rep- tiles, which mark the next stage of adaptation for terrestrial life, the gills are absorbed before the animal leaves the egg. The reptile is therefore no longer confined to the neighbor- hood of the water for purposes of reproduction. The bird, derived from the reptile, and at first distin- guishable solely by the possession of feathers, loses later various reptilian traits and the group becomes one inhabit- ing the air. From the reptiles again are derived the lowest mammals. The Monotremes of Australia lay eggs as reptiles do, these, like reptiles' eggs, being covered with a leathery skin. The higher mammals hatch the eggs within the body, nourish them with milk and, in general, care for them in a degree unknown within the class of reptiles. The traits of external hair, warm blood, double circulation of the blood from and to a two-chambered heart, and other characters of the mammals become fixed with time and the group diverges into a multitude of forms living and extinct, the last, and on the whole the most specialized of the series being Homo, the genus of man. FIG. 181.— The flying dragon (Draco). (After Seeley.) PALEONTOLOGY 307 The first traces of man appear in the later geologic times after the end of the Tertiary. Human bones have been found in caves together with those of the cave-lion, cave-bear, and other extinct animals. In certain lakes in Switzerland and Austria have been found remains of peculiar dwellings, to- gether with ancient fishing hooks and a variety of imple- ments of stone and bronze. These houses were built on piles in the lakes, and connected with the shore by piers or bridges. The extinct race of men who lived in them is known as Lake-dwellers. Relics of man, especially rough stone tools and flint arrow and axe heads, and skulls and other bones, FIG. 182. — Rough drawing of a mammoth on its own ivory, by a contemporary man. (After Le Conte.) have been found under circumstances which indicate with certainty that man has existed long on the earth. But with these relics very few bones are found. This has been ac- counted for by supposing that man existed in a few wander- ing tribes scattered widely over Europe. In Java are found some ancient bones of manlike animals (Pithecanthropus), dif- ferent, however, from any species or race of men living to-day, and showing traits which indicate a close relationship with the anthropoid apes. The time of historic man — i. e., the period which has elapsed since the history of man can be traced from carvings or buildings or writings made by himself — is short indeed compared with that of prehistoric man. Barbarous man writes no history and leaves no record save his tools and his bones. Iron and bronze rust, bones decay, wood disappears. Only stone im- 308 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE plements remain to tell the tale of primitive humanity. These give no exact record of chronology. So of the actual duration of man's prehistoric existence we can make no estimate. Speaking in terms of the earth's history, man is very recent, the latest of all the animals. In terms of the history of man, he is very ancient. The exact records of human history cover only the smallest fraction of the period of man's existence on earth. CHAPTER XV GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Is not the biological laboratory which leaves out the ocean and the mountains and meadows a monstrous absurdity? Was not the greatest scientific generalization of your times reached independently by two men who were eminent in their familiarity with living beings in their homes? — HUXLEY. UNDER the head of "Geographical Distribution" we con- sider the facts of the diffusion of organisms over the surface of the earth, and the laws by which this diffusion is governed. The geographical distribution of animals is often known as "zoogeography." In physical geography we may prepare maps of the earth which shall bring into prominence the physical features of its surface. Such maps would show here a sea, here a plateau, here a range of mountains, there a desert, a prairie, a peninsula, or an island. In political geography the maps show the physical features of the earth, as related to the states or powers which claim the allegiance of the people. In zoogeography the realms of the earth are considered in relation to the types or species of animals which inhabit them. Thus a series of maps of the United States could be drawn which would show the gradual disappearance of the buffalo before the attacks of man. Another might be drawn which would show the present or past distribution of the polar bear, black bear, and grizzly. Still another might show the original range of the wild -hares or rabbits of the United States, the white rabbit of the Northeast, the cottontail of the East and South, the jack rabbit of the plains, the snowshoe rabbit of the Columbia River, the tall jack rabbit of California, the marsh- hare of the South and the waterhare of the canebrakes, and that of all their relatives. Such a map is very instructive, and 21 309 210 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE FIG. 183. — Map showing the distribution of the Canadian Skipper butterfly, Erynnis manitoba, in the United States. The butterfly is found in that part of the country shown in the map. This butterfly is subarctic and subalpine in distribution being found only far north or on high mountains, the two southern projecting parts of its range being in the Rocky Mountains and in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. (After Scudder.) FTG. 184. — Map showing the distribution of the Clouded Skipper butterfly, Lerema accius, in the United States. The butterfly is found in those parts of the cpuntry shown in the map by the shading marks — the warm, moist Southern and Eastern parts. (After Scudder.) GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 311 it at once raises a series of questions as to the reasons for each of the facts in geographical distribution, for it is the duty of science to suppose that none of these facts is arbitrary or mean- ingless. Each fact has some good cause behind it. It was this phase of the subject, the relation of species to geography, which first attracted the attention of both Darwin and Wallace. Both these observers noticed that island life is neither strictly like nor unlike the life of the nearest land, and that the degree of difference varies with the degree of isolation. Both were led fromThis fact to the theory of deriva- tion, and to lay the greatest stress on the progressive modifica- tion resulting from tl\e_struggle for existence. In the voyage of the Beagle Darwin was brought in contact with the singular fauna of the Galapagos Islands, that cluster of volcanic rocks which lies in the open sea about six hundred miles west of the coasts of Ecuador and Peru. The sea birds of these islands are essentially the same as those of tne coast of Peru. So with most of the fishes. We can see how this might well be, for both sea birds and fishes can readily pass from the one region to the other. But the land birds, as well as the reptiles, insects, and plants, are largely peculiar to the islands. Many of these species are found nowhere else. But other species very much like them in all respects are found, and these live along the coast of Peru. In the Galapagos Islands, ac- cording to Darwin's notes, "there are twenty-six land birds; of these, twenty-one, or perhaps twenty-three, are ranked as distinct species, and would be commonly assumed to have been here created; yet the close affinity of the most of these birds to American species is manifest in every character, in their habits, gestures, and tones of voice. So it is with the other animals and with a large proportion of the plants. "... The naturalist, looking at the inhabitants of these vol- canic islands in the Pacific, feels that he is standing on American land." This question naturally arises: If these species have been created as we find them on the Galapagos, why is it that they should all be very similar in type to other animals, living under wholly different conditions, but on the coast not far away? And, again, why are the animals and plants of another cluster of volcanic islands — the Cape Verde Islands — similarly related 312 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE to those of the neighboring coast of Africa, and wholly unlike those of the Galapagos? If the animals were created to match their conditions of life, then those of the Galapagos should be like those of Cape Verde, the two archipelagoes being extremely alike in soil, climate, and physical surroundings. If the species on the islands are products of separate acts of creation, what is there in the nearness of the coasts of Africa or Peru to influence the act of creation so as to cause the island species to be, as it were, echoes of those on shore? If, on the other hand, we should adopt the obvious sug- gestion that both these clusters of islands have been colonized by immigrants from the mainland, the fact of uniformity of type is accounted for, but what of the difference of species? If the change of conditions from continent to island causes such great and permanent changes as to form new species from the old, why may not like changes take place on the mainlands as well as on the islands? And if possible on the mainland of South America, what evidence have we that species are perma- nent anywhere? May they not be constantly changing? May what we now consider as distinct species.be only -the present phase in the changing history of the series of forms which con- stitute the species? The studies of island life can lead but to one conclusion: These volcanic islands rose from the sea destitute of land life. They were settled by the waifs of wind and of storm, birds blown from the shore by trade winds, lizards and insects carried on drift logs and floating vegetation. Of these waifs few came perhaps in any one year, and few, perhaps, of those who came made the islands their home; yet, as the centuries passed on, suitable inhabitants were found. That this is not fancy we know, for we have the knowledge of specific examples of the very same sort. We know how many animals are carried from their natural homes. One example of this may be seen by those who have approached our eastern shores by sea in the face of a storm. Many land birds — sparrows, warblers, chick- adees, and even woodpeckers — are carried out by the wind, a few falling exhausted on the decks of ships, a few others fall- ing on offshore islands, like the Bermudas, the remainder drowning in the sea. Of the immigrants to the Galapagos the majority doubtless die and leave no sign. A few remain, multiply, and take GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 313 314 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE possession, and their descendants are thus native to the islands, f But, isolated from the great mass of their species and bred under new surroundings, these island birds come to differ from their parents, and still more from the great mass of the land species of which their ancestors were members. Separated from these, their individuality would manifest itself. They would assume with new environment new friends, new foes, new conditions. They would develop qualities peculiar to themselves — qualities intensified by isolation. Local pecu- liarities disappear "with wicTe" association7~ancl are intensified when individuals of similar peculiarities are kept together. Should later migrations of the original species come to the islands, the individuals surviving would in time form new species, or, more likely, mixing with the mass of those already arrived, their special characters would be lost in those of the majority. ^ The Galapagos, first studied by Darwin, serve to us only as an illustration. The same problems come up, in one guise or another, in all questions of geographical distribution, whether on continent or island. ( The relation of the fauna of one region to that of another depends on the ease with which barriers may be crossed. Distinctness is in direct proportion to isolation. What is true in this regard of the fauna of any region as a whole, is likewise true of any of its individual species. The degree of resemblance among individuals is in direct proportion to the freedom of their movements, and variations within what we call specific limits is again proportionate to the barriers which prevent equal and perfect diffusion. The laws governing the distribution of animals are reducible to three very simple propositions. Every species of animal is found in every part of the earth having conditions suitable for its maintenance unless: (a) Its individuals have been unable to reach this region, through barriers of some sort ; or, (b) Having reached it, the species is unable to maintain itself, through lack of capacity for adaptation, through severity of competition with other forms, or through destructive con- dition of environment ; or, (c) Having entered and maintained itself, it has become so altered in the process of adaptation as to become a species distinct from the original type. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 315 As examples of the first class we may take the absence of kingbirds or meadow larks or coyotes in Europe, the absence of the lion and tiger in South America, the absence of the civet cat in New York, and that of the bobolink or the Chinese fly- ing fox in California. In each of these cases there is no evident reason why the species in question should not maintain itself if once introduced. The fact that it does not exist is, in general, an evidence that it has never passed the barriers which separate the region in question from its original home. Local illustrations of the same kind may be found in moun- tainous regions. In the *i osemite Valley in California, for ex- ample, the trout ascend the Merced River to the base of the Vernal fall. They cannot rise above this and so the streams and lakes above this fall are destitute of fish. Examples of the second class are seen in animals that man has introduced from one country to another. The nightingale, the starling, and the skylark of Europe have been repeatedly set free in the United States. But none of these colonies has long endured; perhaps from lack of adaptation to the climate^ perhaps from severity of competition with other birds, most likely because the few individuals become so widely scattered that they do not find one another at mating time. In other cases the introduced species has been better fitted for the con- ditions of life than the native forms themselves, and so has gradually crowded out the latter. Both these cases are il- lustrated among the rats. The black rat (Mus rattus), first introduced into America from Europe about 1544, tended to crowd out the native wild rats (Sigmodori) , while the brown rat (Mus decumanus), brought in still later, about 1775, in turn practically exterminated the black rat, its fitness for the con- ditions of life here being greater than that of the other European species. Of the third class, or species altered in a new environment, examples are numerous, but in most cases the causes involved can only be inferred from their effects. One class of illustra- tions may be taken from island faunas. An island is set off from the mainland by barriers which species of land animals can very rarely cross. On an island a few waifs may maintain themselves, increasing in numbers so as to occupy the territory, but in so doing only those kinds will survive that can fit them- selves to the new conditions. Through this process new species 316 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE will be formed, like the parent species in general structure, but having gained new traits adjusted to the new environment. To processes of this kind, on a larger or smaller scale, the variety in the animal life of the globe must be largely due. (isolation and adaptation through selection probably give the clew to the formation of a very large proportion of the "new species " in any group.)1 It will be thus seen that geographical distribution is primar- ily dependent on barriers or checks to the movement of animals. The obstacles met in the spread of animals determine the limits of the species. Each species broadens its range as far as it can. It attempts, unwittingly, of course, through natural processes of increase, to overcome the obstacles of ocean and river, of mountain or plain, of woodland or prairie or desert, of cold or heat, of lack of food, or abundance of enemies — what- ever the barriers may be. (Were it not for these barriers, each type or species would become cosmopolitan or universal?) Man is preeminently a barrier-crossing animal; hence, in different races or species, man is found in all regions where human life is possible. The different races of men, however, find checks and barriers entirely similar in nature to those experienced by the lower animals, and the race peculiarities are wholly similar to characters acquired by new species under adaptation to changed conditions. The degree of hindrance offered by any barrier differs with the nature of the species trying to surmount it. That which constitutes an impassable obstacle to one form may be a great aid to another. The river which blocks the monkey or the cat is the highway of the fish or the turtle. The waterfall which limits the ascent of the fish is the chosen home of the ouzel. The mountain barrier which the bobolink or the prairie dog does not cross may be the center of distribution of the little chief hare or the Arctic bluebird. The term fauna is applied to the animals of, any region considered collectively. Thus the fauna of Illinois comprises the entire list of animals found naturally in that State. It includes the aboriginal man, the black bear, the fox, and all its animal life down to the Amoeba and the microbe of malaria. The relation of the fauna of one region to that of another de- pends on the ease with which barriers may be crossed. Thus the fauna of Illinois differs little from that of Indiana or Iowa, because the State contains no barriers that animals may not GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 317 readily pass. On the other hand, the fauna of California or Colorado differs materially from that of the adjoining regions, because the mountainous country is full of barriers which obstruct the diffusion of life. Distinctness is in direct propor- tion to isolation. What is true in this regard of the fauna of any region is likewise true of its individual species. The degree 318 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE of resemolance among individuals is in strict proportion to the freedom of their movements. Variation within the limits of a species is again proportionate to the barriers which prevent equal and free diffusion. The various divisions or realms into which the land surface of the earth may be divided, on the basis of the character of the animal life, have their boundary in the obstacles offered to the spread of the average animal. In spite of great inequalities in this regard, we may yet roughly divide the land of the globe into seven principal realms or areas of distribution, each limited by barriers, of which the chief are the presence of the sea and the occurrence of frost. There are the Arctic, North Tem- perate, South American, Indo-African, Patagonian, Lemurian, and Australian realms. Of these the Australian realm alone is sharply defined. Most of the others are surrounded by a broad fringe of debatable ground that forms a transition to some other zone. The Arctic realm includes all the land area north of the isotherm 32°. Its southern boundary corresponds closely with the northern limit of trees. The fauna of this region is very homogeneous. It is not rich in species, most of the common types of life of warmer regions being excluded by the cold. Among the large animals are the polar bear, the walrus, and certain species of "ice-riding" seals. There are a few species of fishes, mostly trout and sculpins, and a few insects; some of these, as the mosquito, are excessively numerous in individuals. Reptiles are absent from this region and many of its birds migrate southward in the winter, finding in the Arctic their breeding homes only. When we consider the distribution of insects and other small animals of wide diffusion we must add to the Arctic realm all high mountains of other realms whose summits rise above the timber line. The characteristic large animals of the Arctic, as the polar bear or the musk-ox or the reindeer, are not found on the mountain tops because barriers shut them off. But the Alpine flora, even under the equator, may be characteristically arctic, and with the flowers of the north may be found the northern insects on whose presence the flowers depend for their fertilization and which in turn depend on these for their food. So far as climate is concerned, high altitude is equivalent to high latitude. On certain mountains the different zones of altitude and the corresponding GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 319 zones of plant and animal life are very sharply defined. Ex- cellent illustrations are found in the San Francisco peaks of Arizona and Mt. Orizaba in Mexico. The North Temperate or holarctic realm comprises all the land between the northern limit of trees and the southern limit of forests. It includes, therefore, nearly the whole of Europe, most of Asia, and the most of North America. While there are large differences between the fauna of North America and that of Europe and Asia, these differences are of minor importance, and are scarcely greater in any case than the difference between the fauna of California and that of our Atlantic coast. The close union of Alaska with Siberia gives the Arctic region an almost continuous land area from Greenland to the westward around to Norway. To the south everywhere in the temperate zone realm, the species increase in number and variety, and the differences between the fauna of North America and that of Europe are due in part to the northward extension in the one and the other of types originating in the tropics. Especially is this true of certain of the dominant types of singing birds. The group of wood- war biers, tanagers, American orioles, vireos, mocking birds, with the fly-catchers and hum- ming birds so characteristic of our forests, are unrepresented in Europe. All of them are apparently immigrants from the neotropical realm where nearly all of them spend the winter. In the same way Central Asia has many immigrants from the Indian realm which lies to the southward. With all these variations there is an essential unity of life over this vast area, and the recognition of North America as a separate (nearctic) realm, which some writers have attempted, seems hardly necessary. Alfred Russell Wallace refers to this unity of northern life in these words: "When an Englishman travels on the nearest sea route from Great Britain to Northern Japan, he passes countries very unlike his own both in aspect and in natural productions. The sunny isles of the Mediterranean, the sands and date palms of Egypt, the arid rocks of Aden, the cocoa groves of Ceylon, the tiger-haunted jungles of Malacca and Singapore, the fertile plains and volcanic peaks of Luzon, the forest-clad mountains of Formosa, the bare hills of China pass suc- cessively in review, until after a circuitous journey of thirteen thousand 320 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE miles, he finds himself at Hakodate, in Japan. He is now separated from his starting point by an almost endless succession of plains and mountains, arid deserts or icy plateaus; yet, when he visits the interior FIG. 187. — Three species of jack rabbits differing in size, color, and markings, but be- lieved to be derived from one stock. The differences have arisen through isolation and adaptation. The upper figure shows the head and fore legs of the black jack rabbit, Lepus insulariis, of Espiritu Sanctu Island, Gulf of California; the lower right-hand figure the Arizona jack rabbit, Lepus aUeni, specimen from Fort Lowell, Arizona; and the lower left-hand figure the San Pedro Martin jack rabbit, Lepus martirensis, from San Pedro Martin, Baja California. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 321 of the country, he sees so many familiar natural objects that he can hardly help fancying he is close to his home. He finds the woods and fields tenanted by tits, hedge sparrows, wrens, wagtails, larks, red- breasts, thrushes, buntings, and house sparrows; some absolutely identical with our own feathered friends, others so closely resembling them that it requires a practised ornithologist to tell the difference. . . . There are also, of course, many birds and insects which are quite new and peculiar, but these are by no means so numerous or conspicuous as to remove the general impression of a wonderful resemblance between the productions of such remote islands as Britain and Yezo." (ISLAND LIFE.) A journey to the southward from Britain or Japan or Illinois, or any point within the holarctic realm, would show the successive changes in the character of life though gradual, to be still more rapid. The barrier of frost which keeps the fauna of the tropics from encroaching on the northern regions once crossed, we come to the multitude of animals whose life depends on sunshine, the characteristic forms of the neo- tropical realm. The neotropical, or South American realm, includes South America, the West Indies, the hot coast lands (Tierra Caliente) of Mexico, and those parts of Florida and Texas where frost does not occur. Its boundaries through Mexico are not sharply defined, and there is much overlapping of the north temperate realm along its northern limit. Its birds, especially, range widely through the United States in the summer migrations, and a large part of them find in the North their breeding home. Southward, the broad barrier of the two oceans keeps the South American fauna very distinct from that of Australia or Africa. The neotropical fauna is the richest of all in species. The great forests of the Amazon are the treasure houses of the naturalists. Characteristic types among the larger animals are the broad-nosed (platyrrhine) monkeys, which in many ways are distinct from the monkeys and apes of the Old World. In many of them the tip of the tail is highly specialized and is used as a hand. The Edentates (armadillos, ant-eaters, etc.) are characteristically South American, and there are many peculiar types of birds, reptiles, fishes, and insects. The Indo-African or paleotropical realm corresponds to the neotropical realm in position. It includes the great part 322 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE of Africa, merging gradually northward into the north temper- ate realm through the transition districts which border the Mediterranean. It includes also Arabia, India, and the neigh- boring islands, all that part of Asia south of the limit of frost. In monkeys, carnivora, ungulates, and reptiles this region is wonderfully rich. In variety of birds, fishes, and insects the neotropical realm exceeds it. The monkeys of this district are all of the narrow-nosed (catarrhine) type, various forms being much more nearly related to man than is the case with the peculiar monkeys of South America. Some of these (anthropoid apes) have much in common with man. To this region belong the elephant, the rhinoceros, and the hippopot- amus, as well as the tiger, lion, leopard, giraffe, the wild asses, and horses of various species, besides a large number of rumi- nant animals not found in other parts of the world. It is, in fact, in the lower mammals and reptiles that its most striking distinctive characters are found. In its fish fauna it has much in common with South America. The Lemurian realm comprises Madagascar alone. It is an isolated division of the Indo-African realm, but the presence of many species of lemurs — an unspecialized or primitive type of monkey — is held to justify its recognition as a distinct realm. In most other groups of animals the fauna of Madagascar is essentially that of neighboring parts of Africa. The Patagonian realm includes the south temperate zone of South America. It has much in common with the neo- tropical realm from which its fauna is mainly derived, but the presence of frost is a barrier which vast numbers of species can- not cross. Beyond the Patagonian realm lies the Antarctic continent. The scanty fauna of this region is little known, and it probably differs from the Patagonian fauna chiefly in the absence of all but the ice-riding species. The Australian realm comprises Australia and neighboring islands. It is more isolated than any of the others, having been protected by the sea from the invasions of the character- istic animals of the Indo-African and temperate realms. It shows a singular persistence of low or primitive types of ver- tebrate life, as though in the process of evolution the region had been left a whole geologic age behind. If the competing faunas of Africa and India could have been able to invade Australia, the dominant mammals and birds of that region GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 323 would not have been left as they are now — marsupials and parrots. It is only when barriers have shut out competition that simple or unspecialized types abound. The larger the land area and the more varied its surface, the greater is the stress of competition and the more specialized are the characteristic forms. As part of this specialization is in the direction of hardiness and power to persist, the species from the large areas, as a whole, are least easy of extermination. The rapid multi- plication of rabbits and foxes in Australia, when introduced by the hand of man, shows what might have taken place in this country had not impassable barriers of ocean shut them out. Each of these great realms may be indefinitely subdivided into provinces and sections, for there is no end to the possi- bility of analysis. No farm has exactly the same animals or plants as any other, as finally in ultimate analysis we find that no two animals or plants are exactly alike. Shut off one pair of animals from the others of its species, and its descendants will differ from the parent stock. The difference increases with time and with distance so long as the separation is main- tained. Hence new species and new fauna or aggregations of species are produced wherever free diffusion is checked by any kind of barrier. In like manner, we may divide the ocean into faunal areas or zones, according to the distribution of. its animals. For this purpose the fishes probably furnish the best indications, although results very similar are obtained when we consider the mollusks or the Crustacea. The pelagic fishes are those which inhabit the open sea, swimming near the surface, and often in great schools. Such forms are usually confined to the warmer waters. They are for the most part predatory fishes, strong swimmers, and many of the species are found in all warm seas. Most species have special homing waters, to which they repair in the spawning season. To the free-swimming forms of invertebrates and protozoa, found* in the open ocean, the name Plankton is ap- plied. The bassalian fauna, or deep-sea fauna, is composed of species inhabiting great depths (from 2,500 to 25,000 feet) in the sea. At a short distance below the surface the change in temperature from day to night is no longer felt. At a still 324 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE lower depth there is no difference between winter and summer, and still lower none between day and night. The bassalian fishes inhabit a region of great cold and inky darkness. Their bodies are subjected to great pressure, and the conditions of life are practically unvarying. There is, therefore, among them no migration, no seasonal change, no spawning season fixed by outside conditions, and no need of adaptation to varying environme&t. As a result, all are uniform indigo-black or purple in color, and all show more or less degeneration in those characters associated with ordinary environment. Their bodies are elongate, from the lack of specialization in the vertebra?. The flesh, being held in place by the great pressure of the water, is soft and fragile. The organs of touch are often highly developed. The eye is either excessively large, as if to catch the slightest ray of light, or else it is undeveloped, as if the fish had abandoned the effort to see. In many cases luminous spots or lanterns are developed by which the fish may see to guide its way, and in some forms these shining appendages are highly developed. In one form (dZthoprora) a luminous body coyers the end of the nose, like the headlight of an engine. Many of these species have excessively large teeth, and some have been known to swallow animals actually larger than themselves. Those which have lanternlike spots have always large eyes. The deep-sea fishes, however fantastic, have all near rela- tives among the shore forms. Most of them are degenerate representatives of well-known types — for example, of eels, cod, smelt, grenadiers, sculpin, and flounders. The deep-sea crus- taceans and mollusks are similarly related to shore forms. The third great subdivision of marine animals is the littoral or shore group, those living in water of moderate depth, never venturing far into the open sea either at the surface or in the depths. This group shades into both the preceding. The individuals of some of the species are excessively local, remain- ing their life long in tide pools or coral reefs or piles of rock. Others venture far from home, becoming more or less pelagic. Still others ascend rivers either to spawn (anadromous, as the salmon, shad, and striped bass), or for purposes of feeding, as the robalo, corvina, and other shore fishes of the tropics. Some live among rocks alone, some in seaweed, some on sandy shores, some in the surf, and some only in sheltered lagoons. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION" 325 In all seas there are fishes and other marine animals, and each creature haunts the places for which it is fitted. There is the closest possible analogy between the variations of species of animals or plants in different districts and that of words in different languages. The language of any people is not a unit. It is made up of words which have at various times and under various conditions come into it from the speech of other people. The grammar of a language is an expression of the mutual relations of these words. The word as it exists in any one language represents the species. Its cognate or its ancestor in any other language is a related species. The words used in a given district at any one time constitute its philo- logical fauna. There is a struggle for existence between words as among animals. For example the words begin and commence, shake and agitate, work and operate (Saxon and French) are in the English language constantly brought into competition. The fittest, the one that suits English purposes best, will at last survive. If both have elements of fitness, the field will be divided between them. The silent letters in words tell their past history, as rudimentary organs tell what an animal's ancestry has been. This analogy, of course, is not perfect in all regards, as the passing of the words from mouth to mouth is not rigidly comparable with the generation of animals. We may illustrate the formation of species of animals by following any widely used word across Europe. Thus the Greek aster becomes in Latin and Italian stella] whence the Spanish estrella and the French etoile. In Germany it becomes Stern, in Danish Stjern; whence the Scottish starn and English star. In like manner, the name cherry may be traced from country to country to which it has been taken in cultivation. Its Greek name, kerasos, becomes cerasus, ceresia, ceriso, cereso, cerise, among the Latin nations. This word is shortened to Kirsch and Kers with the people of the North. In England, cherys, cherry, are obviously derived from cerise. The study of a fauna or a flora as a whole is thus analogous to the study of a living language. The evolution of a language corresponds to the history of the life of some region. Philology, systematic zoology, and botany are alike intimately related to geography. The parallelism between speech districts and fauna! districts has been many times noted. The spread of a 22 326 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE language, like the spread of a fauna, is limited by natural barriers. It is the work of civilization to break down these barriers as limiting the distribution of civilized man. The dominant languages cross these barriers with the races of man who use them, and with them go the domesticated animals and plants and the weeds and vermin man has brought un- willingly into relations of domination. The profitable study of the problems of geographical dis- tribution is possible only on the theory of the derivation of species. If we view all animals and plants as the results of spe- cial creations in the regions assigned to them, we have instead of laws only a jumble of arbitrary and meaningless facts. In our experience with the facts of science we have learned that no fact is arbitrary or meaningless. We know no facts which lie beyond the realm of law. We may close with the language of Asa Gray: "When we gather into one line the several threads of evidence of this sort we find that they lead in the same direction with the views furnished by other lines of investigation. Slender indeed" each thread may be, but they are manifold, and together they bind us firmly to the doctrine of the derivation of species." CHAPTER XVI ADAPTATIONS It is a wise provision of nature that trees shall not grow up into the sky. — GOETHE. THE adaptation of every species of animal and plant to its environment is a matter of everyday observation. So perfect is this adaptation in its details that its main facts tend to escape our notice. The animal is fitted to the air it breathes, the water it drinks, the food it finds, the climate it endures, the region which it inhabits. All its organs are fitted to its functions : all its functions to its environment. Organs and functions are alike spoken of in a half-figurative way as con- cessions to environment. And all structures and powers are in this sense concessions, in another sense, adaptations. As the loaf is fitted to the pan, or the river to its bed, so is each species fitted to its surroundings. If it were not so fitted, it would not live. But such fitness on the vital side leaves large room for variety in characters not essential to the life of the animal. Thus we ascribe nonessential characters to variation, preserved by heredity and guarded by isolation. Vital or\ adaptive characters originate in the same way, but these are! preserved in heredity and guarded and intensified by selection./ The strife for place in the crowd of animals makes it neces- sary for each one to adjust itself to the place it holds. As the individual becomes fitted to its condition, so must the species as a whole. The species is therefore made up of individuals that are fitted or may become fitted for the conditions of life. As the stress of existence becomes more severe, the individuals fit to continue the species are chosen more closely. This choice is the automatic work of the conditions of life, but it is none the less effective in its operations, and in the course of centuries 327 328 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE it may be considered unerring. When conditions change, the perfection of adaptation in a species may be the cause of its extinction. If the need of a special fitness cannot be met, immediately the species will disappear. For example, the native sheep of England have developed a long wool fitted to protect them in a cool, damp climate. Such sheep, transferred to Cuba, died in a short time, leaving no descendants. The warm fleece, so useful in England, rendered them wholly unfit FIG. 188. — Nest of Vespa, a social wasp. (Photograph by A. C. T. Brues.) L. Melander and for survival in the tropics. It is one advantage of man, as compared with other forms of life, that so many of his adapta- tions are external to his structure, and can be cast aside when necessity arises. The great fact of nature is adaptation. But while general adaptation to widespread conditions is universal, there exist also a multitude and variety of special adaptations fitting organisms to special conditions. These special adaptations arrest our attention to a greater degree than general adaptations because they furnish the element of contrast. The various types of special adaptations may be roughly divided into five classes as follows: (a) Food-securing; (6) self- ADAPTATIONS 329 r defense; (c) defense of young; (d) rivalry; (e) adjustment to surroundings. For the purpose of capture of their prey, most carnivorous animals are provided with strong claws, sharp teeth, hooked beaks, and other structures familiar to us in the lion, tiger, dog, cat, owl, and eagle. Insect-eating mammals have con- trivances especially adapted for the catching of insects. The ant-eater, for example, has a long sticky tongue which it thrusts forth from its cylindrical snout deep into the recesses of the ant-hill, bringing it out with its surface covered with ants. Animals which feed on nuts are fitted with strong teeth or beaks for cracking them. Strong teeth are found in those fishes which feed on crabs, or sea urchins. Those mammals like the horse and cow, that feed on plants, have usually broad chisellike incisor teeth for cutting off the foliage, and teeth of very similar form are developed in dif- ferent groups of plant-eating fishes. Molar teeth are found when it is necessary that the food should be crushed or chewed, and the sharp canine teeth go with a flesh diet. The long neck of the giraffe enables it to browse on the foliage of trees in grassless regions. Insects like the leaf -beetles and the grasshoppers, that feed on the foliage of plants, have a pair of jaws, broad but sharply edged, for cutting off bits of leaves and stems. Those which take only liquid food, as the butterflies and sucking bugs, have their mouth parts modified to form a slender, hollow sucking beak or proboscis, which can be thrust into a flower nectary, or into the green tissue of plants or the flesh of animals, to suck up nectar or plant sap, or blood, according to the special food habits of the insect. The honey-bee has a very FIG. 189. — The brown pelican, showing gular sac which it uses in catching and holding fishes for its food. 330 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE complicated equipment of mouth parts fitted for taking either solid food like pollen, or liquid food Like the nectar of flowers. The mosquito has a "bill" composed of six sharp, slender needles for piercing and lacerating the flesh, and a long tubular under lip through which the blood can flow into the mouth. Some predaceous insects, as the praying horse (Fig. 38), -have their fore legs developed into formidable grasping organs for seizing and holding their prey. *••*>.." - »s*>St PIG. 190. — Ant-lion larva plowing its way through the sand (upper figure), while an- other is commencing the excavation of a funnel-shaped pit similar to one on right. (Photograph by A. L. Melander and C. T. Brues.) For self-protection the higher animals depend largely on the same organs and instincts as for the securing of food. Car- nivorous beasts use tooth and claw in their own defense as well as in securing their prey, but these as well as other animals may protect themselves in other fashions. Many of the higher animals are provided with horns, structures useless in procuring food, but effective as weapons of defense. Others defend themselves by blows with their strong hoofs. Among the reptiles and fishes and even among the mammals, the defensive coat of mail is found in great variety. The turtle, the armadillo, the sturgeon, and gar pike, all these show the value of defensive armature, and bony shields are developed to a still greater ADAPTATIONS 331 degree in various extinct types of fishes/ The crab and lobster with claws and carapace are well defended against their enemies, and the hermit crab, with its trick of thrusting its unprotected body within a cast-off shell of a sea snail, finds in this instinct a perfect defense. Insects also, especially beetles, are protected by their coats of mail. Scales and spines of many sorts serve to defend the bodies of rep- tiles and fishes, while feathers protect the bodies of birds and hair those of most mammals. The ways in which ani- mals make themselves dis- agreeable or dangerous to their captors are almost as varied as the animals them- selves. Besides the teeth, claws, and horns of ordinary attack and defense, we find among the mammals many special structures or con- trivances which serve for defense through making their possessors unpleasant. The scent glands of the skunk and its relatives serve as examples. The porcupine has the bristles in its fur special- ized as quills, barbed and detachable. These quills fill the mouth of an attacking wolf or fox, and serve well the purpose of defense, hedgehog of Europe, an animal of different nature, being re- lated rather to the mole than to the squirrel, has a similar armature of quills. The armadillo of the tropics has movable shields, and when it withdraws its head (also defended by a bony shield) it is as well protected as a turtle. The turtles are all protected by bony shields, and some of them, the box turtles, may close their shields almost hermet- ically. The snakes broaden their heads, swell their necks, or show their forked tongues to frighten their enemies. Some of FIG. 191. — Scorpion showing the special development of certain mouth parts (the maxillary palpi) as pincerlike organs for grasping. On the posterior tip of the body is the poison sting. The 332 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE them are further armed with fangs connected with a venom gland, so that to most animals their bite is deadly. Besides FIG. 192. — Cocoon enclosing a pupa of the great Ceanothus moth, Samia ceanothi, spun by the larva before pupation. its fangs the rattlesnake has a rattle on the tail made up of a succession of bony clappers, modified vertebrae, and scales, by which intruders are warned of its pre- sence. This sharp and insistent buzz is a warning to animals of other species and perhaps a recognition signal to those of its kind. Even the fishes have many modes of self-defense through giving pain or injury to animals who would swallow them. The catfish or horned pout when attacked sets immovably the sharp spine of the pectoral , fin, inflicting a jagged wound. Pelicans which have swallowed a catfish have been known to die of the wounds inflicted by the fish's spine. In the group of scorpion fishes and toad fishes are certain genera in which these spines are provided with poison glands. These may inflict very severe wounds to other fishes, or even to birds or man. One of this group of poison fishes is the nohi (Emmydrichthys) . A group of small fresh-water cat fishes, known as the mad torus, have also a poison gland attached to the pectoral spine, and the sting is most exasperating, like the sting FIG. 193.— Larva of swal- lowtail butterfly, Pa- pilio cresphontes, showing osmateria (eversible processes giving off an ill odor) projected. (After photograph by Slinger- land.) ADAPTATIONS 333 of the wasp. The sting-rays (Fig. 194), of which there are many species, have a strong jagged spine on the tail, covered with slime, and armed with broad sawlike teeth. This in- flicts a dangerous wround, not through the presence of spe- cific venom, but from the danger of blood poisoning aris- ing from the slime, and the ragged or unclean cut. The poisonous alkaloids within the flesh of some fishes (Tetraodon, Batistes, etc.) serve to destroy the enemies of the species while sacrific- ing the individual. These alkaloids, most developed in the spawning season, pro- duce a disease, known in mariasciguatera. This is rarely known outside of the tropics. Many fishes are defended by a coat of mail or a coat of sharp thorns. The globe fishes and porcupine fishes are for the most part de- fended by spines, but their instinct to swallow air gives them an additional safeguard. When one of these fishes is disturbed it rises to the sur- face, gulps air until its capa- cious stomach is filled, and then floats belly upward on the water. It is thus protected from other fishes, though easily taken by man. The torpedo, electric eel, electric catfish, and star-gazer, surprise and stagger their captors by means of electric shocks. In the torpedo or electric ray (Fig. 195), of which species are found on the sandy shores of all warm seas, on either side of the head is a large honeycomblike structure which yields a strong electric shock whenever the live fish is touched. This shock is felt severely if the fish be stabbed with a knife or metallic spear. The electric eel of the rivers of Paraguay and southern Brazil is said to give severe shocks to FIG. 194. — Sting-ray, Urolophus goodei, from Panama. 334 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE herds of wild horses driven through the streams, and similar accounts are given of the electric catfish of the Nile. In tropical seas, the tangs or surgeon fishes (Hepatus) are provided with a knifelike spine on the side of the tail, the sharp edge directed forward and slipping into a sheath. This is a formi- dable weapon when the fish is alive. Other fishes defend them- selves by spears (swordfish, spear fish, sailfish) or by saws (sawfish, sawshark) or by pad- dles, (paddlefish). Others still, make use of sucking disks of one sort or another (as in the snailfish, the clingfish, and the goby), to cling to the under side of rocks, or as in the Remora to the bodies of swift- moving sharks. Blind fishes in the caves are adapted to their condition, the eyes being obso- lete, while the skin is covered with rows of sensitive papillse. In similar circumstances sala- manders, crayfishes, and insects are also blind. There are also blind gobies which live in the crevices of rocks and still other blind fishes in the great depths of the sea. Some fishes, as the lancelet, lie buried in the sand all their lives. Others, as the sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida} and the hinalea (Julis gaimardi), bury themselves in the sand at intervals to escape from their enemies. Some live in the cavities of tunicates or sponges or holothurians or corals or oysters, often passing their whole lives inside the cavity of one animal. Many others hide themselves in the interstices of kelp or seaweeds. Some eels coil themselves in the crevices of rocks or coral masses, striking at their prey like snakes. Some sea-horses cling by their tails to gulf weed or sea- wrack. Many little fishes (Gobiomorus, Carangus, Psenes) cluster under FIG. 195. — Torpedo or electric ray, Narcine brasiliensis, showing elec- tric cells. ADAPTATIONS 335 the stinging tentacles of the Portuguese man-of-war or under ordinary jellyfishes. Some fishes called the flying fishes sail through the air with a grasshopperlike motion that closely imitates true flight. The long pectoral fins, winglike in form, cannot, however, be flapped by the fish, the muscles serving only to expand or fold them. These fishes live in the open sea or open channels, swimming in large schools. The small species fly for a few FIG. 196. — Flying fishes: The upper one, a species of Cypselurus; the lower, of Exocaetus. These fishes escape from their enemies by leaping into the air and sailing or "flying" long distances. feet only, the large ones for more than an eighth of a mile. These may rise five to twenty feet above the water. The flight of one of the largest flying fishes (Cypselurus cali- jornicus) has been carefully studied by Dr. Charles H. Gilbert and the senior author. The movements of the fish in the water are extremely rapid. The sole motive power is the action under the water of the strong tail. No force can be acquired while the fish is in the air. On rising from the water the move- ments of the tail are continuous until the whole body is out of the water. When the tail is in motion the pectorals seem in a state of rapid vibration. This is not produced by muscular action on the fins themselves. It is the body of the fish which vibrates, the pectorals projecting farthest having the greatest amplitude of movement. While the tail is in the water the 336 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE ventral fins are folded. When the action of the tail ceases the pectorals and ventrals are spread out wide and held at rest. They are not used as true wings, but are held out firmly, acting as parachutes, enabling the body to skim through the air. When the fish begins to fall the tail touches the water. As soon as it is in the water it begins its motion, and the body with the pectorals again begins to vibrate. The fish may, by skimming the water, regain motion once or twice, but it finally falls into the water with a splash. While in the air it suggests a large dragon fly. The motion is very swift, at first in a straight line, but is later deflected in a curve, the direction bearing little or no relation to that of the wind. When a vessel passes through a school of these fishes, they spring up before it, moving in all directions, as grasshoppers in a meadow. Among the insects, the possession of stings is not uncom- mon. The wasps and bees are familiar examples of stinging insects, but many otherTonds, less familiar, are similarly pro- tected. All insects have their bodies covered with a coat of armor, composed of a horny substance called chitin. In some cases, this chitinous coat is very thick ancT serves to protect them effectually. This is especially true of the beetles. Some insects are inedible, and are conspicuously colored so as to be readily recognized by insectivorous birds. The birds, knowing by experience that these insects are ill-tasting, avoid them. Others are effectively concealed from their enemies by their close resemblance in color and marking to their surroundings. These protective resemblances are discussed in Chapter XIX. To the category of structures which may be useful in self- defense belong the many peculiarities of coloration known as "recognition marks." These are marks, not otherwise helpful, which are supposed to enable members of any -one species to recognize its kind among the mass of animal life. To this category belongs the black tip 'of the weasel's tail, which re- mains the same whatever the changes in the outer fur. Another example is seen in the white outer feathers of the tail of the meadow lark as well as in certain sparrows and warblers. The white on the skunk's back and tail may serve the same purpose and also as a warning. It is apparently to the skunk's advantage not to be hidden, for to be seen in the crowd of ani- mals is to be avoided by them. That recognition is the actual ADAPTATIONS 337 function of such markings has never been clearly proved. The songs of birds and the calls of various creatures may serve also as recognition marks. Each species knows and heeds its own characteristic song or cry, and it is a source of mutual pro- tection. The fur-seal pup knows its mother's call, even though ten thousand other mothers are calling on the same rookery. In questions of attack and defense, the need of fighting animals of their own kind, as well as animals of other races, must be considered. To struggles of species with those of their own kind, the term rivalry may be ap- plied. Actual warfare is confined mainly to males in the breeding season, especially in polygamous species. Among those in which the male mates with many females, he must struggle with other males for their possession. In all the groups of vertebrates the sexes are about equal in numbers. Among monogamous animals, which mate for the season or for life, there is less occasion for destruc- tive rivalry. Among monogamous birds, or those which pair, the male courts the female of his choice by song and by display of his bright feathers. According to the theory of sexual selection, the female con- sents to be chosen by the one which pleases her. It is as- sumed that the handsomest, most vivacious, and most musi- cal males are the ones most successful in such courtship. With polygamous animals there is intense rivalry among the males in the mating season, which in almost all species is in the spring. The strongest males survive and reproduce their strength. The most notable adaptation is seen in the superior sizo of teeth, horns, mane, or spurs. Among the polygamous fur seals and sea lions the male is about four times the size of the female. In the polygamous family of deer, buffalo, and the domestic cattle and sheep, the male is larger and more . FIG. 197.— Egg case of the Cali- fornia barndoor skate, Raja binoculata, cut open to show young inside. Young issues naturally at one end of the skate. 338 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE powerfully armed than the female. In the polygamous group to which the hen, turkey, and peacock belong, the males pos- sess the display of plumage, and the structures adapted for fighting, with the will to use them. / The protection of the young is the source of many adaptive /structures as well as of the instincts by which such structures I are utilized. In general those animals are highest in develop- ment, with the best means of holding their own in the struggle for life, that take best care of their young. Those instincts which lead to home building are all adaptations for preserving FIG. 198. — The snake, Ichthyophis glutinosus, with egg case carried in coils of the body. (After Goebel and Selenka.) the young. Among the lower or more coarsely organized birds, such as the chicken, the duck, and the auk, as with the reptiles, the young animal is hatched with well-developed muscular system and sense organs, and is capable of running about, and, to some extent, of feeding itself. Birds of this type are known as prsecocial, while the name altricial is applied to the more highly organized forms, such as the thrushes, doves, and song birds generally. With these the young are hatched in a wholly helpless condition, with ineffective muscles, deficient senses, and dependent wholly upon the parent. The altricial condition demands the building of a nest, the establishment of a home, and the continued care of one or both of the parents. The very lowest mammals known, the duck bills (Mono- tremes) of Australia, lay large eggs in a strong shell like those of a turtle, and these they guard with great jealousy. But ADAPTATIONS 339 with almost all mammals the egg is very small and without much food yolk. The egg begins its development within the FIG. 199. — Kangaroo, Macropus rufus, with young in pouch. body. It is nourished by the blood of the mother, and after birth the young is cherished by her, and fed by milk secreted by specialized glands of the skin. All these features are 340 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE FIG. 200. — Egg case of the cockroach. adaptations tending toward the preservation of the young. / In the Marsupials, which stand next to the Monotremes — the kangaroo, opossum, etc. — the young are born in a very im- mature state and are at once seized by the mother and thrust into a pouch or fold of skin along the abdomen, where they are kept until they are able to take care of themselves (Fig. 199). This is a singular adaptation, but less special- ized and less perfect than the condi- tion found in ordinary mammals. Among the insects, the special pro- / visions for the protection and care of the eggs and the young are widespread and various. The eggs of the common cockroach are laid in small packets inclosed in a firm wall (Fig. 200). The eggs of the great water bugs are carried on the back of the male (Fig. 201): and the spiders lay their eggs in a silken sac or cocoon, and some of the ground or running spiders (Lycosidce) , drag this egg sac, attached to the tip of the abdomen, about with them. The young spiders when hatched live for some days inside this sac, feed- ing on each other. Many insects have long, sharp, piercing ovipositors, by means of which the eggs are thrust into the ground or into the leaves or stems of green plants, or even into the hard wood of tree trunks. Some of the scale insects secrete wax from their bodies and form a large, often beautiful egg case attached to and nearly covering the body in which eggs are deposited. The various gall insects lay their eggs in the soft tissue of plants, and on the hatching of the larva an abnormal growth of the plant occurs about the young insect, forming an inclosing gall that serves not only to protect the insect within, but to furnish it with an abundance of plant sap, its food. The young in- sect remains in the gall until it completes its development and growth, when it gnaws its way out. Such insect galls are especially abundant on oak trees (Figs. 2J2 and 203). The movements of migratory fishes are mainly controlled FIG. 201. — Giant waterbug, Serphus, male carrying eggs on its back. ADAPTATIONS 341 by the impulse of reproduction. Some pelagic fishes, especially those of the mackerel and flying fish families, swim long dis- tances to a region favorable for the deposition of spawn. Others pursue for equal distances the schools of herring, menhaden, or other fishes which serve as their prey. Some species are known mainly in the waters they make their breeding homes, as in FIG. 202. — Galls on the rose caused by the gall fly, Rhoditea rosce. (After Kieffer.) Cuba, southern California, Hawaii, or Japan, the individuals being scattered at other times through the wide seas. Many fresh-water fishes, as trout and suckers, forsake the large streams in the spring, ascending the small brooks where their young can be reared in greater safety. Still others, known as anadromous fishes, feed and mature in the sea, but ascend the rivers as the impulse of reproduction grows strong. Among such fishes are the salmon, shad, alewife, sturgeon, and striped bass in American waters. The most remarkable case 23 342 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE of the anadromous instinct is found in the king salmon or quinnat (Oncorhynchus tschawytscha) of the Pacific Coast. This great fish spawns in November, at the age of four years and with an average weight of twenty-two pounds. In the Columbia River it begins running with the spring freshets in March and April. It spends the whole summer without feeding in the ascent of the river. By the autumn, the individuals FIG. 203. — Giant gall of the white oak (California) made by the gall fly, Andricus cali- fornicus; the gall at the right cut open to show the tunnels made by the insects in escaping from the gall. (From photograph.) have reached the mountain streams of Idaho, greatly changed in appearance, discolored, worn, and distorted. The male is humpbacked, with sunken scales and greatly enlarged, hooked, bent, or twisted jaws, with enlarged doglike teeth. On reach- ing the spawning beds, which may be a thousand miles from the sea in the Columbia, over two thousand miles in the Yukon, the female deposits her eggs in the gravel of some shallow brook. The male covers them and scrapes the gravel over them. Then both male and female drift tail foremost helplessly down the stream: none, so far as certainly known, ever survives the reproductive act. The same habits are found in the four other species of salmon in the Pacific, but in most cases the individuals do not start so early nor run so far. The blueback salmon or redfish, however, does not fall far short in these regards. The salmon of the Atlantic has a similar habit, but the distance traveled is everywhere much less, and the hook-jawed males ADAPTATIONS 343 drop back down to the sea and survive to repeat the acts of reproduction. Catadromous fishes, as the true eel (Anguilla), reverse this order, feeding in the rivers and brackish estuaries, apparently finding their usual spawning ground in the sea. A large part of the life of the animal is a struggle with the environment itself: in this struggle only those that are adapted, live and leave descendants fitted like themselves. The fur of mammals fits them to their surroundings] As the fur differs so may the habits change. Some animals are active in winter: others, as the bear, and in Northern' Japan, the red-faced mon- key, hibernate, sleeping in caves or hollow trees or in burrows, until conditions are favorable for their activity. Most snakes and lizards hibernate in cold weather. In the swamps of Louisiana, in winter, the bottom may often be seen covered with water snakes lying as inert as dead twigs. Usually, however, hibernation is accompanied by concealment. Some FIG. 204. — Head of rainbow trout, Salmo irideus, with gill cover bent back to show gills, the breathing organs. animals in hibernation may be frozen alive without apparent injury. The blackfish of the Alaska swamps, fed to dogs when frozen solid, has been known to revive in the heat of the dog's stomach and to wriggle out and escape. As animals resist heat and cold by adaptations of structure and habits, so may they resist dryness. Certain fishes hold reservoirs of water above their gills, by means of which they can breathe during 344 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE FIG. 205. — Tree toad, Hyla regilla. short excursions from the water. Still others (mud fishes) retain the primitive lunglike structure of the swim bladder, and are able to breathe air when, in the dry season, the water of the pools is reduced to mud. Another series of I adaptations is con-l cerned with the places] thosen by animals for their homes. The fishes that live in the water have special organs for breathing under water (Fig. 204). Many of the South American monkeys have the tip of the tail adapted for clinging to limbs of trees or to the bodies of other monkeys of its own kind. The hooked claws of the bat hold on to rocks, the bricks of chimneys, or to the surface of hollow trees, where the bat sleeps through the day. The tree frogs or tree toads (Fig. 205) have the tips of the toes swollen, forming little pads by which they cling to the bark of trees. Among other adaptations relating to special surroundings or conditions of life are the great cheek pouches of the pocket gophers, which carry off the soil dug up by the large shovellike feet when the gopher excavates its burrow. Those insects which live underground, making burrows or tunnels in the soil, \ have their legs or other parts adapted for \ digging and burrowing. The mole cricket (Figs. 206 and 207) has its legs stout and short, with broad, shovellike feet. Some water beetles and water bugs have one or 'more of the pairs of legs flattened and broad to serve as oars or paddles for swim- ming. The grasshoppers or locusts, which leap, have their hind legs greatly enlarged and elongated, and provided with strong muscles so as to make of them "leaping legs/' The FIG. 206. — The mole cricket, Gryllotalpa, with fore legs modi- fied for digging. ADAPTATIONS 345 grubs or larvae of beetles which live as " borers " in tree trunks have mere rudiments of legs, or none at all. They have great, strong, biting jaws for cutting away the hard wood. They move simply by wriggling along in their burrows or tunnels. Insects that live in water either come up to the surface to breathe or take down air underneath their wings, or in some other way, or have gills for breathing the air which is mixed with the water. These gills are special adaptive structures which present a great variety of form and appearance. In the young of the May flies they are delicate platelike flaps projecting from the sides of the body. They are kept in constant motion, gently waving back and forth in the water so as to maintain currents to bring fresh water in contact with them. Young mosquitoes do not have gills, but come up to the surface to breathe. The larvae, or wrigglers, breathe through a special tube at the posterior tip of the body, while the pupae have a pair of hornlike tubes on the back of the head end of the body. Many fishes, chiefly of the deep seas, develop organs for producing light. These are known as luminous organs, phosphor- escent organs, or photophores. These are independently developed in four entirely unrelated groups of fishes. This difference in origin is accompanied by corresponding differences in structure. The best known type is found in the Iniomi, including the lantern fishes and their many relatives. They may have luminous spots, differentiated areas, round or oblong, which shine starlike in the dark. These are usually symmetrically placed on the sides of the body, f hey may have also luminous glands or diffuse areas which ar^iuminous, but which do not show the specialized structure of the phos- phorescent spots. These glands of similar nature to the spots are mostly on the head or tail. In one genus, jfithoprora, the luminous snout is compared to the headlight of an engine. FIG. 207.— Front leg of the mole cricket, showing at e open- ing of auditory or- gan. (After Sharp.) 346 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE Entirely different are the photophores in the midshipman or singing fish (Porwhthys) , a genus of the toad fishes or Batra- choididse. These species live near the shore and the lumi- nous spots are outgrowths from pores of the lateral line. In one of the anglers (Corynolophus reinhardti) the com- plex bait is said to be luminous, and luminous areas occur on the belly of a very small shark of the deep seas of Japan (Etmopterus ludfer). Dr. Peter Schmidt of St. Petersburg has a drawing of this shark made at night from its own light. While among the higher or vertebrate ani- mals, especially the fishes and reptiles, most remark- able cases of adaptations occur, yet the structural changes are for the most part external, usually not affecting fundamentally the development of the internal organs other than the skeleton. The organization of these higher animals is much less plastic than that of the invertebrates. In general, the higher the type the more persistent and unchangeable are those struc- tures not immediately exposed to the influence of the struggle for existence. It is thus the outside of an animal that tells where its ancestors have lived. The inside, suffering little change whatever the surroundings, tells the real nature of the animal. FIG. 208. — Nest of the trapdoor spider. CHAPTER XVII PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION Les causes de revolution regressive peuvent se ramener a une seule, la limitation des moyens de subsistance, de la, la lutte pour Texistence entre les organismes ou les societes, et entre leurs parties composantes. — DEMOOR, MASSART, and VANDERVELDE. A SPECIAL kind of adaptation is that shown by parasitic animals. The relations of parasitic animals to their hosts appear in many familiar examples, and the results of this para- sitic life, or at least the conditions that seem always to attend it, namely the degeneration, slight or extreme, of the parasites, is also familiar to all observers of animal life. The term para- sitism, as well as the term degeneration, cannot be very rigidly defined. To prey upon the bodies of other animals is the common habit of many creatures. If the animals which live in this way are free, chasing or lying in wait for or snaring their prey, we speak of them in general as predatory animals. But if they attach themselves to the body of their prey or burrow into it, and are carried about by it, live on or in it, then we call them parasites. And the difference in habit between a lion and an intestinal worm is large enough and marked enough to make very clear to us what is meant when we speak of one as predatory and the other as a parasite. But how shall we class the lamprey, that swims about until it finds a fish to which it clings, while sucking away its blood? It lives mostly free, hunting its prey, clinging to it for a while, and is carried about by it. Closely related to the lampreys are the hag fishes (Myxine) marine eellike fishes that attach themselves by a suckerlike mouth to living fishes and gradually _§£rape and eat their way into the abdominal cavity of the host. Th&se " hags " or " borers " approach more nearly to the con- 347 348 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE dition of an internal parasite than any other vertebrate. And what about the flea? In its immature life it lives as a white grub or larva in the dust of cracks and crevices, of floors and cellars and heaps of debris; here it pupates, and finally changes into the active leaping blood-sucking adult which finds its way to the body of some mammal and clings there sucking blood. But it can jump off and hunt other prey; it leaves the host body entirely to lay its eggs, and yet it feeds as a parasite, at least it conforms to the definition of parasite in the essential fact of FIG. 209. — At the left, the red-tailed trichina fly, Winthemia, U-pastulata, the parasite of the army worm, Leucania unipuncta ; at the right, the worms upon which the fly has laid eggs. (After Slingerland.) being carried about on or in the host body, while feeding at the host's expense. It is of course not particularly important that we distinguish sharply between parasitic and predaceous animals, but as we look on the degeneration of parasitic animals as the result of their special habit of life, we must attempt a sort of classifica- tion of the phases or degrees of parasitism, in order to asso- ciate with them corresponding categories of degeneration. The bird lice (Mallophaga), which infest the bodies of all kinds of birds and are found especially abundant on domestic fowls, live upon the outside of the bodies of their hosts, feeding upon the feathers and dermal scales. They are examples of ex- ternal parasites. Other examples are fleas and ticks, and the crustaceans called fish lice and whale lice, which are attached to marine animals. On the other hand, almost all animals are infested by certain parasitic worms which live in the ali- mentary canal, like the tapeworm, or imbedded in the muscles, like the trichina. These are examples of internal parasites. Such parasites belong mostly to the class of worms, and some PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 349 of them are very injurious, sucking the blood from the tissues of the host, while others feed solely on the partly digested food. There are also parasites that live partly within and partly on the outside of the body, like the Sacculina, which lives on various kinds of crabs. The body of the Sacculina consists of a soft sac which lies on the outside of the crab's body, and of a number of long, slender rootlike processes which penetrate deeply into the crab's body, and take up nourishment from within. The Sacculina is itself a crus- tacean or crablike creature. The classification of parasites as external and internal is purely arbitrary, but it is often a matter of convenience. Some parasites live for their whole lifetime on or in the body of the host, as is the case with the bird lice. Their eggs are laid on the feathers of the bird host ; the young when hatched remain on the bird during growth and development, and the adults only rarely leave the body, usually never. These may be called permanent parasites. On the other hand, fleas leap off or on a dog apparently as caprice dictates; or, as in other cases, the parasite may pass some definite part of its life as a free nonparasitic organism, attaching itself, after development, to some animal, and remaining there for the rest of its life. These parasites may be called temporary parasites. But this grouping or classification, like that of the external and internal parasites, is simply a matter of convenience, and does not indicate at all any blood relationship among the members of any one group. Some parasites are so specialized in habit and structure that they are wholly unable to go through their life history, or to maintain themselves, except in a single fixed way. They are dependent wholly on one particular kind of host, or on a par- ticular series of hosts, part of their life being passed in one and another part in one or more other so-called intermediate hosts. These parasitic species are called obligate parasites, while others with less definite, more flexible requirements in regard to their mode of development and life are called facultative parasites. These latter may indeed be able to go through life as free-living, nonparasitic animals, although, with oppor- tunity, they live parasitically. In nearly all cases the body of a parasite is simpler in structure than the body of other animals which are closely 350 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE related to the parasite — that is, animals that live parasitically have simpler bodies than animals that live free active lives, competing for food with the other animals about them. This simplicity is not primitive, but results from the loss or atrophy of the structures which the mode of life renders useless. Many parasites are attached firmly to their host, and do not move about. They have no need of the power of locomotion. They are carried by their host. Such parasites are usually without wings, legs, or other locomotory organs. Because they have given up locomotion they have no need of organs of orientation, those special sense organs like eyes and ears and feelers which serve to guide and direct the moving animal; and most non- locomotory parasites will be found to have no eyes, nor any of the organs of special sense which are accessory to locomotion and which serve for the detection of food or of enemies. Be- cause these important organs, which depend for their success- ful activity on a highly organized nervous system, are lacking, the nervous system of parasites is usually very simple and un- developed. Again, because the parasite usually has for its sustenance the already digested highly nutritious food elabo- rated by its host, most parasites have a very simple alimentary canal, or even no alimentary canal at all. Finally, as the fixed parasite leads a wholly sedentary and inactive life, the break- ing down and rebuilding of tissue in its body go on very slowly and in minimum degree, and there is no need of highly developed respiratory and circulatory organs, so that most fixed parasites have these systems of organs in simple condition. Altogether the body of a fixed, permanent parasite is so simplified and so wanting in all those special structures which characterize the higher, active, complex animals, that it often presents a very different appearance from those animals with which we know it to be nearly related. The simplicity of parasites does not indicate that they belong to the groups of primitive simple animals. Parasitism is found in the whole range of animal life, from primitive to highest, although the vertebrate animals include very few para- sites and these of little specialization of habit. But their simplicity is something that has resulted from their mode of life. It is the result of a change in the body structure which we can often trace in the development of the individual para- site. Many parasites in their young stages are free, active PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 351 animals with a better or more complex body than they possess in their fully developed or adult stage. The simplicity of parasites is the result of degeneration — a degeneration that has been brought about by their adoption of a sedentary, non- competitive parasitic life. And this simplicity of degenera- tion, and the simplicity of primitiveness should be sharply distinguished. Animals that are primitively simple have had only simple ancestors; animals that are simple by degeneration often have had highly organized, complex ancestors. And while in the life history or development of a primitively simple animal all the young stages are simpler than the adult, in a degenerate animal the young stages may be, and usually are, more complex and more highly organized than the adult stage. In the few examples of parasitism (selected from various animal groups) that are described in the following pages all these general statements are illus- trated. In the intestines of crayfishes, centi- pedes, and several kinds of insects may often be found certain one-celled animals FIG. 210.— The wingless (Protozoa) which are living as parasites. *??**' Nycter^bia- - . . J . (After Sharp; much en- Their food, which they take into their larged.) minute body by absorption, is the intes- tinal fluid in which they lie. These parasitic Protozoa belong to the genus Gregarina. Because the body of any protozoan is as simple as an animal's body can well be, being com- posed of but a single cell, degeneration cannot occur in the cases of these parasites. There are, besides Gregarina, many other parasitic one-celled animals, several kinds living inside the cells of their host's body. Several kinds of these have been proved to be the causal agents of serious human diseases. Conspicuous among these are the minute parasitic Sporozoa which are the actual cause of the malarial and similar fevers that rack the human body in nearly all parts of the world. In the class of Sporozoa (of the great branch Protozoa or one-celled animals) is an order called Hemosporidia (or Hemo- cytozoa) comprising numerous kinds of unicellular parasites which live in the blood of vertebrates (with certain inverte- 352 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE brates as intermediate or alternate hosts). Certain kinds are found in the cold blood of fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and certain others in the warm blood of birds and mammals. The genera Halteridium and Plasmodium contain certain species that live exclusively in the blood of birds or mammals for part of their life and in the bodies of certain arthropods for the other part of their life. They produce a series of asexual generations (reproduction by simple division or sporulation) in their vertebrate hosts, and a sexual generation (reproduction by the development of a zygote formed by the fusion of two cells, called gametes) in the arthropod host. This arthropod host for all the species so far known of these genera is exclusively the mosquito. Three species of the genus Plasmodium, namely, P. vivax, P. malarice, and P. fakiparum, are the specific causal agents of the distinct malarial fevers known as tertian, quartan, and tropical fever re- spectively. (In the literature of "mosquitoes and malaria," the name " Hcema- moeba" will be found to be used synonymously with Plas- modium.) Laveran, a French surgeon in Algiers, discovered the Plas- modium parasite in the red blood corpuscles of malarial fever patients in 1880, and determined that the disease was actually and solely due to the destructive and toxic effects of the growth and multiplication of the parasite in the blood. Every forty- eight hours in tertian fever (seventy-two hours in quartan) there is completed a whole (asexual) cycle in the life of one of these parasites, including its birth by the division of the body of the mother into several small merozoites, the penetration of FIG. 211. — The life cycle of Coccidium lithobii, Proto- zoan parasite of the centipede, Lithobius. (After Schaudin.) PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 353 a red blood corpuscle by each of these merozoites, the growth of the parasite in the blood corpuscle at the expense of the corpuscle, the maturing and sporulation (or division into new merozoites) of the parasite, and the final breakdown o'f the corpuscle and release into the blood plasma of the tiny active merozoite. Numerous generations of this type are produced in the blood of a patient, but finally a sort of senescence or degeneration of the parasite sets in, and unless there is a fresh infection of the patient from outside, the parasitic host dimin- ishes and finally nearly disappears. If the effects of the para- site have not been too severe during the height of its invasion the patient now recovers. For the continued multiplication and persistence of the parasitic species a new process or set of conditions is necessary. If a drop of blood drawn from a malarial patient is examined under the microscope the parasitic individuals abundantly in evidence in this blood will be seen to manifest a curious be- havior within a few minutes. Some of them will move and squirm about with great activity, and extend and retract pseudopodiumlike processes, until finally with great rapidity a few (usually four to six) delicate threadlike flagella or flagellalike processes will shoot out from the body mass and break away from it. These motile flagella are really gametes or sexual cells of one type (the male) while other large nearly immobile sub-spherical parasite individuals which do not be- have as these do are gametes or sexual cells of the other (or female) type. The flagella find and penetrate or fuse with the larger gametes and form a zygote or resting egg cell. While the processes just described have been taking place in the blood droplet under our microscope, as a matter of fact this normally takes place in the stomach of a mosquito. For when a mosquito (at least of a certain kind) sucks blood from a malarial patient the blood parasites are of course taken in also and deposited in the stomach where digestion of the blood begins. Now when the zygotes are formed in the mosquito's stomach they do not remain lying in the stomach cavity but move to the wall of the stomach and partially penetrate it. As many as five hundred zygotes have been found in the stomach walls of a single mosquito. The zygote now in- creases rapidly in size, becoming a perceptible nodule on the outer side of the stomach wall, but soon its nucleus and proto- 354 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE plasm begin to break up by repeated division (the parts all being held together, however, in the wall of the zygote), and by the end of the twelfth or fourteenth day the zygote 's proto- plasm may have become divided into ten thousand minute sporozoites. The zygote wall now breaks down, thus releasing the thousands of active little sporozoites into the general body cavity of the mosquito. This cavity is filled with flowing blood plasm — insects do not have a closed but an almost com- pletely open circulatory system — and swimming about in this plasm the sporozoites soon make their way forward and into the salivary glands of the mosquito. Now when the insect pierces a human being to suck blood, it injects a certain amount of salivary fluid into the wound (presumably to keep the blood from clotting at the puncture) and with this fluid go many of the sporozoites. Thus a new infection of malaria is made. The sporozoites may lie in the salivary glands for several weeks, and so for the whole time from twelve to fourteen days after the mosquito has become infected with the malarial parasite by sucking blood from a malarial patient until the sporozoites in the salivary glands finally die, it is a means of the dissemina- tion of the disease. There can be no malaria without mos- quitoes to propagate arid disseminate it, and yet no mosquitoes can propagate and disseminate malaria without having access to malarial patients. The only mosquito species in this country which has been proved to be a malaria disseminator is Anoph- eles maculipennis, a spot ted- winged form spread over the whole continent. In the great branch or phylum of flatworms (Platyhelmin- thes), that group of animals which of all the principal animal groups is widest in its distribution, perhaps a majority of the species are parasites. Instead of being the exception, the parasitic life is the rule among these worms. Of the three classes into which the flatworms are divided, almost all of the members of two of the classes are parasites. The common tapeworm (Tcenia) (Fig. 212), which lives parasitically in the intestine of man, is a good example of one of these classes. It has the form of a narrow ribbon, which may attain the length of several yards, attached at one end to. the wall of the intestine, the remainder hanging freely in the interior. Its body is composed of segments or serially arranged parts, of which there are about eight hundred and fifty altogether. It PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 355 lias no mouth nor alimentary canal. It feeds simply by ab- sorbing into its body, through the surface, the nutritious, already digested liquid food in the intestine. There are no eyes nor other special sense organs, nor any organs of locomo- tion. The body is very degenerate. The life history of the tapeworm is interesting, because of the necessity of two hosts for its completion. The eggs of the tapeworm pass from the intestine with the excreta, and must be taken into the body of some other animal in order to de- velop. In the case of one of the several species of tapeworms that infest man, this other host must be the pig. In the alimentary canal of the pig the young tapeworm develops and later bores its way through the walls of the canal and becomes imbedded in the muscles. There it lies, until it finds its way into the alimentary canal of man by his eating the flesh of the pig. In the intestine of man the tapeworm con- tinues to develop until it becomes full grown. In a lake in Yellowstone Park the suckers are infested by one of the flat- worms (Ligula) that attains a size of nearly one fourth the size of the fish in whose intestines it lives. If the tape- worm of man attained such a compara- tive size, a man of two hundred pounds' weight would be in- fested by a parasite of fifty pounds' weight. Another group of animals, many of whose members are parasites, are the round worms or threadworms (Nemathel- minthes). The free-living roundworms are active, well- organized animals, but the parasitic kinds all show a greater or less degree of degeneration. One of the most terrible para- sites of man is a round worm called Trichina spiralis (Fig. 213). It is a minute worm, from one to three millimeters long, which in its adult condition lives in the intestine of man or of the pig or other mammals. The young are born alive and bore through the walls of the intestine. They migrate to the voluntary muscles of the hosts, especially those of the limbs and back, FIG. 212. — Tapeworm, Tcenia solium. In the upper left-hand cor- ner is the much en- larged head. (After Leuckart.) 356 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE and here each worm coils itself up in a muscle fiber and becomes inclosed in a spindle-shaped cyst or cell (Fig. 213). A single muscle may be infested by hundreds of thousands of these minute worms. It has been estimated that fully one hundred million encysted worms may exist in the muscles of a " trichin- ized" human body. The muscles undergo more or less de- generation, and the death of the host may occur. It is necessary, for the further development of the worms, that the flesh of the host be eaten by another mammal, as the flesh of the pig by man, or the flesh of man by a pig or rat. The Trichina in the alimentary canal of the new host develop into active adult worms and produce new young. In the Yellowstone Lake the trout are infested by the larvae or young of a roundworm (Bothriocephalus cordi- ceps) which reach a length of twenty inches, and which are often found stitched, as it were, through the vis- cera and the muscles of the fish. The infested trout become feeble and die, or are eaten by the pelicans which fish in this lake. In the alimentary canal of the pelican the worms become adult, and parts of the worms con- taining eggs escape from the ali- mentary canal with the excreta. These portions of worms are eaten by the trout, and, the eggs give birth to new worms which develop in the bodies of the fish with disastrous effects. It is estimated that for each pelican in Yellowstone Lake over five million eggs of the parasitic worms are discharged into the lake. The young of various carnivorous animals are often infested by one of the species of roundworms called " pup worms " (Undnaria). Recent investigations show that thousands of the young or pup fur seals are destroyed each year by these parasites. The eggs of the worm lie through the winter in the sands of the breeding grounds of the fur seal. The young receive them from the fur of the mother and the worm de- FIG. 213. — Trichina spiralis, the terrible parasite of pork: a, Male; b, cyst; c, female. PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 357 velops in the upper intestine. It feeds on the blood of the you ni;- seal, which finally dies from anaemia. On the sand beaches of the seal islands in Bering Sea there are every year thousands of dead seal pups which have been killed by this parasite (Fig. 214). On the rocky rookeries, the young seals are not affected by this parasite. 24 358 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE Among the more highly organized animals the results of a parasitic life, in degree of structural degeneration, can be more readily seen. A well-known parasite, belonging to the Crus- tacea— the class of shrimps, crabs, lobsters, and crayfishes — is Sacculina. The young Sacculina (Fig. 215, A) is an active, free- swimming larva much like a young prawn or young crab. But the adult bears absolutely no resemblance to such a typical crustacean as a crayfish or crab. The Sacculina after a short B FIG. 215. — Development of the parasitic crustacean, Sacculina carcinus: A, Naplius stage; B, cypris stage; C, adult attached to its host, the crab, Carcinus mccnas. (After Hertwig.) period of independent existence attaches itself to the abdomen of a crab, and there completes its development while living as a parasite. In its adult condition (Fig. 215, C) it is simply a great tumorlike sac, bearing many delicate rootlike suckers which penetrate the body of the crab host and absorb nutriment. The Sacculina has no eyes, no mouth parts, no legs, or other appendages, and hardly any of the usual organs except re- productive organs. Degeneration here is carried very far. Other parasitic Crustacea, as the numerous kinds of fish lice (Fig. 216) which live attached to the gills or to other parts of fish, and derive all their nutriment from the body of the fish, show various degrees of degeneration. With some of these fish lice the female, which looks like a puffed-out worm, is attached to the fish or other aquatic animal, while the male, which is perhaps only a tenth of the size of the female, is per- manently attached to the female, living parasitically on her. PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 359 FIG. 216.— The fish louse, Lernaecera: a, Adult; b, larva. Among the insects there are many kinds that live para- sitically for part of their life, and not a few that live as parasites for their whole life. The true sucking lice and the bird lice live for their whole lives as external parasites on the bodies of their host, but they are not fixed — that is, they retain their legs and power of locomotion, although they have lost their wings through de- generation. The eggs of the lice are deposited on the hair of the mammal ? or bird that serves as host; the young hatch and immediately begin to live as parasites, either sucking the blood or feeding on the hair or feathers of the host. In the order Hymenoptera there are several families, all of whose mem- bers live during their larval stage as parasites. We may call all these hymenopterous parasites ichneumon flies. The ichneumon flies are parasites of other insects, especially of the larvae of beetles and moths and butter- flies. In fact, the ichneumon flies do more to keep in check the increase of in- jurious and destructive caterpillars than do all our artificial remedies for these in- sect pests. The adult ichneumon fly is four-winged and lives an active, indepen- dent life. It lays its eggs either in or on or near some caterpillar or beetle grub, and the young ichneumon, when hatched, burrows into the body of its host, feed- ing on its tissues, but not attacking such mon fly, Pimpia con- organs as the heart or nervous ganglia, guisitor, laying eggs ° . . . . . .. ' ' . ., in the cocoon of the whose injury might mean immediate death to the host. The caterpillar lives with the ichneumon grub within it, usually until nearly time for its pupation. In many instances, indeed, it pupates with the parasite still feeding within its body, but it never comes to maturity. The larval ichneumon fly pupates either within the body of its host (Fig. 218) or in a tiny silken cocoon outside FIG. 217. — The ichneu- American tent cater- pillar moth. (After Fiske; about natural size.) 360 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE of its body. From the cocoons the adult winged ichneumon flies emerge, and after mating find another host on whose body to lay their eggs. One of the most remarkable ichneumon flies is Thalessa (Fig. 219), which has a very long, slender, flexible ovi- positor, or egg-laying organ. An insect known as the pigeon horntail (Tremex columba) (Fig. 220) deposits its eggs, by means of a strong, piercing ovipositor, half an inch deep in the trunk wood of growing trees. The young or larval Tremex is a soft-bodied white grub, which bores deeply into the trunk of the tree, filling up the burrow behind it with small chips. The Thalessa is a parasite of the Tremex, and "when a female Thalessa finds a tree infested by Tremex, she selects a place FIG. 218. — Parasitized caterpillar from which the ichneumon fly parasites have issued, showing circular holes of escape in skin. which she judges is opposite a Tremex burrow, and, elevating her long ovipositor in a loop over her back, with its tip on the bark of the tree (Fig. 221), she makes a derrick out of her body and proceeds with great skill and precision to drill a hole into the tree. When the Tremex burrow is reached she deposits an egg in it. The larva that hatches from this egg creeps along this burrow until it reaches its victim, and then fastens itself to the horntail larva, which it destroys by sucking its blood. The larva of Thalessa, when full grown, changes to a pupa within the burrow of its host, and the adult gnaws a hole out through the bark if it does not find the hole already made by the Tremex. )} The beetles of the family Stylopidse present an interesting case of parasitism. The adult males are winged, but the adult females are wingless and grublike. The larval stylopid at- taches itself to a wasp or a bee, and bores into its abdomen. It pupates within the abdomen of the was]) or bee, and lies there with its head projecting slightly from a suture between two of the body rings of its host. PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 301 Almost all of the mites and ticks, animals allied to the spiders, livo parasitically. Most of them live as external para- sites, sucking the blood of their host, but some live under- neath the skin like the itch mites (Fig. 222), which cause, in man, the disease known as the itch. Among the vertebrate ani- mals there are not many ex- amples of true parasitism. The hagfishes or borers (Myxine, etc.) have been al- ready mentioned. These are long and cylindrical, eellike creatures, very slimy and very low in structure. The mouth is without jaws, but forms a sucking disk, by which the hagfish attaches itself to the body of some other fish. By means of the rasping teeth on its tongue, it makes a round hole through the skin, usually at the throat. It then devours all the muscular substance of the fish, leaving the vis- cera untouched. When the fish finally dies it is a mere hulk of skin, scales, bones, and viscera, nearly all the muscle being gone. Then the hagfish slips out and at- tacks another individual. The lamprey, another low fish, in similar fashion feeds leechlike on the blood of other fishes, which it obtains by lacerating the flesh with its rasp- like teeth, remaining attached by the round sucking disk of its mouth. Certain birds, as the cowbird and the European cuckoo, have a parasitic habit, laying their eggs in the nests of other FIG. 219. — The large ichneumon fly, Thalessa, with long ovipositor. 362 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE FIG. 220. — The pigeon horn-tail, Tremex columba, with strong bearing ovipositor. birds, leaving their young to be hatched and reared by their unwilling hosts. This is, however, not bodily parasitism, such as is seen among lower forms. We may also note that parasitism and consequent structural degeneration are not at all confined to ani- mals. Many plants are parasites and show marked degenerative characteristics. The dodder is a familiar example, clinging to living green plants and thrusting its haustoria or rootlike suckers into their tissue to draw from them already elaborated nutritive sap. Many fungi like the rusts of cereals, the mildew of roses, etc., are parasitic. Numerous plants, too, are parasites, not on other plants, but on animals. Among these are the hosts of bacteria (sim- plest of the one- celled plants) that swarm in the tis- sues of all animals, some of which are causal agents of some of the worst of human and ani- mal diseases (as typhoid fever, diph- theria, and cholera in man, anthrax in cattle). There are also many more highly organized fungi like the whole family of Entomophthorse, and the genus Sporotrichum that live in and on the bodies of insects, often killing them by myriads. One of the great checks to the ravages of the corn and wheat-infesting chinch bug (Blissus FIG. 221. — Thalessa lunator boring. (After Comstock.) PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 363 leucopterus) of the Mississippi Valley is a parasitic fungus (Sporo- trichum globuliferum) . In the autumn, house flies may often be seen dead against a windowpane surrounded by a delicate ring or halo of white. This ring is composed of spores of the fungus, Em- pusa aphidis, which has grown through all the tissues of the fly while alive, finally resulting in its death. The spores are thrown off from tiny fruit- ing hyphse of the fungus which have grown out through the body wall of the insect. And they serve to inocu- late other flies that may come near. Just as in animals, so in plants; parasitic kinds, especially among the higher groups as the flowering plants, often show marked degeneration. Leaves may be reduced to mere scales, roots are lost, and the water- conducting tissues greatly reduced. This degeneration in plants naturally affects primarily those parts which in the normal plant are devoted to the gathering and elaboration of inor- ganic food materials, namely, the leaves and stems and roots. FIG. 222. — The itch mite, Sarcoptes scabei. FIG. 223. — The fungus, Cordiceps, growing on a caterpillar. (Natural size.) The flowers or reproductive organs usually retain, in parasites, all of their high development. While parasitism is the principal cause of degeneration of animals, other causes may be also concerned. Fixed animals or animals leading inactive or sedentary lives, also become degenerate, even when no parasitism is concerned. The tuni- cata or s^a squirts (Fig. 224) are animals whose simplicity of structure is due to degeneration from the acquisition of a sedentary habit of life. The young or larval tunicate is a free-swimming active tad- polelike creature with organs much like those of the adult of 364 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE the simplest fishes or fishlike forms. That is, the sea squirt begins life as a primitively simple vertebrate. It possesses in its larval stage a notochord, the delicate structure which precedes the formation of a backbone, extending along the upper part of the body, below the spinal cord. It is found in all young vertebrates, and is characteristic of the branch. The other organs of the young tunicate are all of vertebral type. But the young sea squirt passes a period of active and free life as a little fish, after which it settles down and attaches itself to a stone or shell or wooden pier by means of suckers, and remains for the rest of its life fixed. Instead of go- ing on and developing into a fishlike creature, it loses its notochord, its special sense organs, and other organs; it loses its com- plexity and high organiza- tion, and becomes a "mere rooted bag with a double neck," a thoroughly de- generate animal. A barnacle is another example of degeneration through quiescence. The barnacles are crustaceans related most nearly to the crabs and shrimps. The young barnacle just from the egg (Fig. 225, /) is a six- legged, free-swimming nauplius, much like a young prawn or crab, with single eye. In its next larval stage it has six pairs of swimming feet, two compound eyes, and two large antennae or feelers, and still lives an independent, free-swim- ming life. When it makes its final change to the adult con- dition, it attaches itself to some stone or shell, or pile or ship's bottom, loses its compound eyes and feelers, develops a protecting shell, and gives up all power of locomotion. Its swimming feet become changed into grasping organs, and it FIG. 224. — The sea squirt or tunicate. PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 365 loses most of its outward resemblances to the other members of its class (Fig. 225, e). Certain insects live sedentary or fixed lives. All the mem- bers of the family of scale insects (Coccidae), in one sex at least, show degeneration that has been caused by quiescence. One of these coccids, called the red orange scale, is very FIG. 225. — Three crustaceans and then larvae : a. Prawn, Peneus; b, Peneus, larva; c, Sacculit:a, parasite; d, larva Sacculiiia; e, barnacle, Lepas, quiescent; /, larva of barnacle. (After Haeckel.) abundant in Florida and California and in other orange-grow- ing regions. The male is a beautiful, tiny, two-winged midge, but the female is a wingless, footless little sac without eyes or other organs of special sense, and lies motionless under a flat, thin, circular, reddish scale composed of wax and two or three cast skins of the insect itself. The insect has a long, slender, flexible, sucking beak, which is thrust into the leaf or stem or fruit of the orange on which the " scale bug " lives and through which the insect sucks the orange sap, which is its only food. It lays eggs or gives birth to young under its body, under 366 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE the protecting wax scale, and dies. From the eggs hatch active little larval scale bugs with eyes and feelers and six legs. They crawl from under the wax scale and roam about over the orange tree. Finally, they settle down, thrust their sucking beak into the plant tissues, and cast their skin. The females lose at this molt their legs and eyes and feelers. Each becomes a mere motionless sac capable only of sucking up sap and of laying eggs. The young males, however, lose their sucking beak and can no longer take food, but they gain a pair of wings and an additional pair of eyes. They fly about and fertilize the saclike females, which then molt again and secrete the thin wax scale over them. Throughout the animal kingdom loss of the need of movement is followed by the loss of the power to move, and of all struc- tures related to it. Loss of certain organs may occur through other causes than parasitism and FIG. 226.— The black scale, Lecanium olea; & £xe(J fifa Many insects and its parasite, the tiny chalcicl fly, Scu- . . tellista cyanea; and the ladybird beetle, llVC but a short time m Rhizobius ventralis. (After Isaacs.) their adult Stage. May flies live for but a few hours or, at most, a few days. They do not need to take food to sustain life for so short a time, and so their mouth parts have become rudimentary and functionless or are entirely lost. This is true of some moths and numerous other specially shprt- lived insects. Among the social insects the workers of the termites and of the true ants are wingless, although they are born of winged parents, and are descendants of winged ancestors. The modification of structure dependent upon the division of labor among the individuals of the community has taken the form, in the case of the workersj of a degeneration in the loss of PARASITISM AND DEGENERATION 367 the wings. Insects that live in caves are mostly blind; they have lost the eyes, whose function could not be exercised in the darkness of the cave. Certain island-inhabiting insects have lost their wings, flight being attended with too much danger. The strong sea breezes may at any time carry a flying insect off the small island to sea. Probably only those which do not fly much survive, and so by natural selection wingless breeds or species are produced. Finally, we may mention the great modifications of structure, often resulting in the loss of certain organs, which take place to produce protective resemblances (see Chapter XIX). In such cases the body may be modified in color and shape so as to resemble some part of the environ- ment, and thus the animal may be unperceived by its enemies. Many insects have lost their wings through this cause. When we say that a parasitic or quiescent mode of life leads to or causes degeneration, we have explained the stimulus or the ultimate reason for the degenerative changes, but we have not shown just how parasitism or quiescence actually produces these changes. Degeneration or the atrophy and disappear- ance of organs or parts of a body is often said to be due to dis- use. That is, the disuse of a part is believed by many natural- ists to be the sufficient cause for its gradual dwindling and final loss. That disuse can so afreet parts of a body during the life- time of an individual is true. A muscle unused becomes soft and flabby and small. Whether the effects of such disuse can be inherited, however, is open to serious doubt. Such in- heritance must be assumed if disuse is to account for the gradual growing less and final disappearance of an organ in the course of many generations. Some naturalists believe that the results of such disuse can be inherited, but as yet such belief rests on no certain knowledge. If characters acquired during the life- time of the individual are subject to inheritance, disuse alone may explain degeneration. If not, some other immediate cause, or some other cause along with disuse, must be found. We are accustomed, perhaps, to think of degeneration as necessarily implying a disadvantage in life. A degenerate animal is considered to be not the equal of a nondegenerate animal, and this would be true if both kinds of animals had to face the same conditions of life. The blind, footless, simple, degenerate animal could not cope with the active, keen-sighted, highly organized nondegenerate in free competition. But free 368 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE competition is exactly what the degenerate animal has nothing to do with. Certainly the Sacculina lives successfully; it is well adapted for its own peculiar kind of life. For the life of a scale insect, no better type of structure could be devised. A parasite enjoys certain obvious advantages in life, and even extreme degeneration is no drawback, but rather favors it in the advantageousness of its sheltered and easy life. As long as the host is successful in eluding its enemies and avoiding accident and injury, the parasite is safe. It needs to exercise no activity or vigilance of its own; its life is easy as long as its host lives. But the disadvantages of parasitism and degenera- tion are apparent also. The fate of the parasite is usually bound up with the fate of the host. When the enemy of the host crab prevails, the Sacculina goes down without a chance to struggle in its own defense. But far more important than the disadvantage in such particular or individual cases is the disadvantage of the fact that the parasite cannot adapt itself in any considerable degree to new conditions. It has become so specialized, so greatly modified and changed to adapt itself to the one set of conditions under which it now lives, it has gone so far in its giving up of organs and body parts, that if preseni^conditions should change and new ones^ome to exist, the parasite could not adapt itself to them. The independent, active animal with all its organs and all its functions intact, holds itself, one may say, ready and able to adapt itself to any new conditions of life which may gradually come into existence. The parasite has risked everything for the sake of a sure and easy life under the presently existing conditions. conditions means its extinction. CHAPTER XVIII MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS More ancient than competition is combination. The little feeble fluttering folk of God, the spinning insects, the little mice in the meadow, the rat in the cellar, the crane in the marshes or the booming bittern, all these have learned that God's greatest word is together and not alone. He who is striving to make God's blessing and bounty possible to most is stepping into line with nature. The selfish man is the isolated man. — OSCAR CARLTON McCuLLocn. MAN is not the only social animal, nor the only animal species whose individuals live in mutually advantageous rela- tions with each other, and in mutually advantageous relations with individuals of other animal kinds. Just as man lives communally and mutually helpfully with other men, so do the members of a great honeybee or ant community live together: and as we find various other animals as dogs, horses, and doves living under the care and protection of man and returning to him a measure of service in work, companionship, or other helpfulness for his care and feeding, so do we know of hundreds of kinds of other insects that live commensally with ants, each party to this commensal or symbiotic life gaining something from and giving something to the other party of this arrange- ment. Indeed, the communal life of such insects as the social bees, wasps, and ants is developed along true communistic lines far more specialized than the communism shown by man. Just as students of human society can trace a series of steps from a very primitive living together or communal life among men to the present highly specialized condition, so among vari- ous animals we can find a long series of gradatory conditions of social life from mere gregariousness like that of a band of wolves 369 370 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE or a herd of bison, to the extremely specialized, interdependent and unified community of the honeybee, or agricultural ant. Before taking up this series of stages in true social or communal development among the lower animals, however, we may profit- ably give some attention to the conditions of animal association commonly known as commensalism or symbiosis in which in- dividuals of one species are associated to their mutual advan- tage with individuals of different species. In the relations of parasite and host, discussed in the last chapter, all the advantages of the association lie with the para- site. The other animal involved; the host, suffers inconveni- ence, injury, often untimely death. But in commensalism and symbiosis both associating kinds of animals reap advantage, or FIG. 227. — Remora Echeneis remora, with dorsal fin modified to be the sucking plate by which the fish attaches itself to a shark. at least neither suffers in any serious way from the effects of the other's presence. The two kinds live together in harmony and usually to their actual mutual advantage. The term commensalism may be applied to denote a condition of loose and often not obviously equally mutual advantageous asso- ciation, while symbiosis is used to refer to a more intimate and persistent association with maybe marked cooperation and mutual advantage. A few examples of each are given in the following pages. Of course, no marked line of demarcation can be really drawn between the two conditions, any more than we can establish a sharp distinction between the preda- tory and parasitic modes of life. A curious example of commensalism is afforded by the different species of Remoras (Echenididse) which attach them- selves to sharks, barracudas, and other large fishes by means of a sucking disk on the top of the head (Fig. 227) . This disk is made by a modification of the dorsal fin. The Remora thus attached to a shark may be carried about for weeks, leaving its host only to secure food. This is done by a sudden dash MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 371 through the water. The Remora injures the shark in no way save, perhaps, by the slight check its presence gives to the shark's speed in swimming. In the mouth of the menhaden (Brevoortia tyrannus) a small crustacean (Cymothce prcegustator) is almost always present, always resting in the front of the lower jaw. This arrange- ment is of advantage to the crustacean, but is a matter of in- difference to the fish. Latrobe, who first described this fish, compares the crustacean to the prsegustator or foretaster of the Roman tyrants — a slave used in prevention of poisoning. Whales, similarly, often carry barnacles about with them. These barnacles are permanently attached to the skin of the whale just as they would be to a stone or wooden pile. Many small crustaceans, annelids, mollusks, and other invertebrates burrow into the substance of living sponges, not for the purpose of feeding on them, but for shelter. On the other hand, the little boring sponge (Cliona) burrows in the shells of oysters and other bivalves for protection. These are hardly true cases of even that lesser degree of mutually advantageous associa- tion which we are calling commensalism. But some species of sponge "are never found growing except on the backs or legs of certain crabs. " In these cases the sponge, with its many plantlike branches, protects the crab by concealing it from its enemies, while the sponge is benefited by being carried about by the crab to new food supplies. Certain sponges and polyps are always found growing in close association, though what the mutual advantage of this association is has not yet been found out. Among the coral reefs in the South Seas there lives an enormous kind of sea anemone or polyp. Individuals of this great polyp measure two feet across the disk when fully ex- panded. In the interior, the stomach cavity, which com- municates freely with the outside by means of the large mouth opening at the free end of the polyp, there may often be found a small fish (Amphiprion percula). That this fish is purposely in the gastral cavity of the polyp is proved by the fact that when it is dislodged it invariably returns to its singular lodging place. The fish is brightly colored, being of a brilliant vermilion hue with three broad white cross bands. The discoverer of this peculiar habit suggests that there are mutual benefits to fish and polyp from this habit. "The fish being conspicuous, 372 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE is liable to attacks, which it escapes by a rapid retreat into the sea anemone; its enemies in hot pursuit blunder against the outspread tentacles of the anemone and are at once narcotized by the 'thread cells' shot out in innumerable showers from the tentacles, and afterwards drawn into the stomach of the anemone and digested/' Small fish of the genus Nomeus may often be found accompany- ing the beautiful Portuguese man-of-war (Physalia) as it sails slowly about on the ocean's sur- face (Fig. 228). These little fish lurk underneath the float and among the various hanging threadlike parts of the Physalia, which are provided with sting- ing cells. The fish are protected from their enemies by their prox- imity to these stinging threads. Similarly, several kinds of me- dusae are known to harbor or to be accompanied by the young or small adult fishes (Caranx, Psenes) . In the nests of the various species of ants and termites many different kinds of other insects have been found. Some of these are harmful to their hosts, in that they feed on the food stores gathered by the in- dustrious and provident ant, but others appear to feed only on refuse or useless substances in the nest. Some appear to be of help to their hosts by clean- ing the nests and by secreting certain fluids much liked by the ants. Over one thousand species of these myrmecophilous (ant-loving) and termitophilous (termite-loving) insects have been recorded by collectors as living habitually in the nests of ants and termites. Many of them (they are mostly small FIG. 228. — The Portuguese man-of- war, Physalia, with men-of-war fishes, Nomeus gronovii, living in the shelter of the stinging feelers. (Specimens from off Tampa, Fla.) MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS ;}?: beetles and flies) have lost their wings and have had their bodies otherwise considerably modified, usually in such wise that they come greatly to resemble in external appearance the ants with which they live. The owls and rattlesnakes which live with the prairie dogs in their villages afford another familiar example of commensalism. Of a more intimate character, and of more obvious and certain mutual advantage, is the well-known case of the sym- biotic association of some of the numerous species of hermit crabs and certain species of sea anemones. The hermit crab always takes for its habitation the shell of another animal, often that of the common whelk. All of the hind part of the crab lies inside the shell, while its head with its great claws project from the opening of the shell. On the sur- face of the shell near the opening there is often to be found a sea anemone, or sea rose (Fig. 229). This sea anemone is fastened securely to the shell, and has its mouth opening and tentacles near the head of the crab. The sea anemone is carried from place to place by the hermit crab, and in this way is much aided in obtaining food. On the other hand, the crab is protected from its enemies by the well-armed and dangerous tentacles of the sea anemone. In the tentacles there are many thousand long, slender stinging threads, and the fish or octopus that would obtain the her- mit crab for food must first deal with the stinging anemone. There is no doubt here of the mutual advantage gained by these two widely different but intimately associated com- panions. If the sea anemone be torn away from the shell inhabited by one of these crabs, the crab will wander about, carefully seeking for another anemone. When it finds it, it 25 FIG. 229. — Hermit crab within a shell on which is growing a colony of Podocoryne cornea. This colony is composed of several different kinds of polyp individuals, the sting- ing ones being situated along the front margin of the shell. (After Weismann.) 374 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE .struggles to loosen it from its rock or from whatever it may be growing on, and does not rest until it has torn it loose and placed it on its shell. There are numerous small crabs called pea crabs (Pin- notheres) which live habitually inside the shells of living mussels. The mussels and the crabs live together in apparent harmon}^ and to their mutual benefit. The relations between ants and aphids (plant lice) are often referred to in popular natural histories and books about FIG. 230. — The hermit crab, Pagurus bernhardus, in snail shell covered with Hydractinia. insects as examples of symbiosis of unusual interest. Un- fortunately, however, not enough careful study has been given to many of these apparently true examples of symbiosis to enable us to be certain of the truth of the alleged care and guarding of the ant-cows, as Linnseus called these aphids, by their milkers, the ants. That ants do swarm about the aphids to lap up the "honey dew" excreted by them is wholly true, and the very presence of the sharp-jawed and pugnacious ants must keep away many enemies of the defenseless plant lice, toothsome morsels for the ladybird beetles, flower-fly larva? and other predatory insects. In the case of the interesting relations between the corn root aphid, Aphis maidisradici, of the Mississippi Valley States and the little brown ant, Lasius brunneus, however, we MlTl.'AL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 375 have the careful observations of Professor Forbes to rely on. In the Mississippi Valley, this aphid deposits in autumn its eggs in the ground in corn fields, often in the galleries of the little brown ant. The following spring before the corn is planted, these eggs hatch. Now, the little brown ant is es- pecially fond of the honey dew secreted by the corn root lice. So when the latter hatch in the spring, before there are corn roots for them to feed on, the ants carefully place them on the roots of certain kinds of grass and knot weed (Setaria, Polygonum) , and there protect them until the corn germinates. They are then removed to the roots of the corn. It is prob- able that the ants even collect the eggs of the aphids in the autumn and carry them into their nests for protection and care. The studies of Wheeler and others have revealed some interesting cases of the living together of different species of ants. In some cases one of the ant species may be living almost wholly at the expense of the other species, as does the little yellow thief-ant, Solenopsis molesta. Although this ant some- times lives in independent nests, more often it is to be found living in association with some large ant species — it consorts with many different hosts — feeding almost exclusively on the live larvae and pupae of the host. The thief-ant is so small and obscurely colored that it seems to live in the nests of its host practically unperceived. The Solenopsis nest may -be found by the side of the host nest, around it, or partly in it, the tiny Solenopsis galleries ramifying through the nest mass of the host, and often opening boldly into these large galleries. Through their narrower passages, too narrow to be traversed by the hosts, the tiny thief-ants thread their way through the host nest in their burglarious excursions (Fig. 245). But there are numerous cases of a less one-sided advantage in the association of different species. As an example the conditions exhibited by the red-brown ant, Myrmica brevi- nodes and the smaller Leptothorax emersoni (conditions made known by Wheeler's careful observations) may be briefly described (Fig. 246). The little Leptothorax ants live in the Myrmica nests, building one or more chambers with entrances from the Myrmica galleries, so narrow that the large Myrmi- cas cannot get through them. When needing food the Lepto- thorax workers come into the Myrmica galleries and chambers and, climbing on the backs of the Myrmica workers, proceed 376 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE to lick the face and the back of the head of each host. A Myrmica thus treated, says Wheeler, "paused, as if spellbound by this shampooing and occasionally folded its antennae as if in sensuous enjoyment. The Leptothorax after licking the Myrmica's pate, moved its head round to the side and began to lick the cheeks, mandibles, and labium of the Myrmica. Such ardent osculation was not bestowed in vain, for a minute drop of liquid — evidently some of the recently imbibed sugar-water — appeared on the Myrmica's lower lip and was promptly lapped up by the Leptothorax. The latter then dismounted, ran to another Myrmica, climbed on its back, and repeated the very same performance. Again it took toll and passed on to still another Myrmica. On looking about in the nest I observed that nearly all the Leptothorax workers were similarly employed." Wheeler believes that the Leptothorax get food only in this way. They feed their queen and larvae by regurgitation. The Myrmicas seem not to resent at all the presence of their Lepto- thorax guests, and indeed may derive some benefit from the constant cleansing licking of their bodies by the shampooers. But the Leptothorax workers are careful to keep their queen and young in a separate chamber, not accessible to their hosts. This is probably the part of wisdom, as the thoughtless habit of eating any conveniently accessible pupae of another species is widespread among ants. There are numerous interesting cases of symbiosis in which not different kinds of animals are concerned, but animals and plants. It has long been known that some sea anemones possess certain body cells which contain chlorophyll, that green substance characteristic of the green plants, and only in few cases possessed by animals. When these chlorophyll-bearing sea anemones were first found, it was believed that the chloro- phyll cells really belonged to the animal's body, and that this condition broke down one of the chiefest and most readily apparent distinctions between animals and plants. But it is now known that these chlorophyll-bearing cells are micro- scopic, one-celled plants, green algae, which live habitually in the bodies of the sea anemone. It is a case of true symbiosis. The algae, or plants, use as food the carbon dioxide which is given off in the respiratory processes of the sea anemone, and MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 377 the sea anemone breathes in the oxygen given off by the algae in the process of extracting the carbon for food from the car- bon dioxide. These algae, or one-celled plants, lie regularly only in the innermost of the three cell layers which compose the wall or body of the sea anemone (Fig. 231) . They penetrate into and lie in the interior of the cells of this layer, whose special function is that of digestion. They give this innermost layer of cells a distinct green color. Even certain amcebalike protozoans have been found to contain individuals of a one- celled alga, Chlordla, in their single-celled bodies, the tiny ani- mal and smaller plants living together truly symbiotically. Among the higher plants and animals, cases of symbiosis are not rare. There lives in the live-oak trees in the vicinity of Stan- ford University a CCr- FIG. 231.— Diagrammatic section of sea anemone: tain scale insect, Cero- coccus ehrhorni, which differs from the other two or three species of its genus in not having its body covered by a heavy, thick, protecting layer of secreted wax. But it gets the needed protection in another way. It is always covered by a thick feltlike fungus growth, which has been found by investiga- tion to germinate its spores and to find a constant food supply in the "honey dew" excreted by the scale insects. This feltlike covering of fungus, never found to be lacking in the scale insect, serves apparently as a sufficient sub- stitute for the heavy waxen mass common to the related species. The ants show particularly well instances of interesting symbiotic life with plants. Fig. 232, drawn from a specimen sent to us from the Philippine Islands by the botanist Cope- land, shows some details of one such instance. The Dis- chidias are milkweeds of the extreme Orient. They twine a, The inner cell layer contains alga cells, the two isolated cells at the right being cells of this layer with contained algae; 6, middle body wall layer; c, outer body wall layer. (After Hertwig.) 378 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE upon trees by means of their flexible stems and branches and are especially noted for possessing appendages in the form of pitchers. These pitcherlike appendages are modified leaves: the normal Dischidia leaf is orbicular, thick, and fleshy. Each pitcher is the blade of a leaf folded so that the lower surface forms the inner surface of the pitcher. Into these pitchers FIG. 232. — Leaves of Dischidia, which contain adventitious roots of the same plant and in which live colonies of small ants. (From specimens from Philippine Islands.) grow adventitious roots that spring from the leaf peduncle. Also in these pitchers live colonies of ants. As rent for furnish- ing these comfortable cozy little ant homes, the Dischidia gets, by means of the adventitious roots in the pitcher, food from the excreta and cadavers of the ants. Hundreds of ants with larvae and pupae can be found in these Dischidia leaves, and without doubt we have here a mutually advantageous sym- biotic adaptation. From Weismann's chapter on Symbiosis in his "Vortrage iiber Descendenztheorie," Vol. I, 1902, we translate the follow- MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 379 ing account of the symbiosis of the Aztec ants and the imbauba tree: "In the forests of South America grow the imbauba or so-called candelabra trees, species of the genus Cecropia, which well deserve their name, 'candelabra,' from the curious appearance given them by the outspringing bare branches, each bearing a tuft of leaves at the free end. These leaves are often attacked by the leaf-cutting ants of the genus (Ecodoma, which roam by tens of thousands over the various plants of the forest biting off the leaves, that they may fall to the ground, where they are again seized, bitten into pieces and the pieces carried into the nests of the ants. In the nests they serve as a medium on which grow cer- tain molds or fungi, much liked by the ants. The candelabra tree protects it- self from these leaf-robbing enemies by an association with another ant species, Azteca instabilis, which finds safe dwel- ling places in the hollow trunk of the tree and a special supply of food in a brownish fluid secreted by it. Along the tree trunk occur in regular order little pits through which the female Azteca can easily bore into the interior, where she lays her eggs and establishes colonies, so that soon the interior of the whole trunk swarms with ants which rush out whenever the tree is shaken. But this alone would not serve to protect the imbauba from the leaf cutters, for how could the Aztecs dwelling inside the tree know of the presence of the light-footed leaf-cutters without? But this is arranged for by the development on the outside of the tree, at the very points where the danger is greatest, namely, on the petioles of the younger leaves, of peculiar little hairy growths from which project small white grains which are very nutri- tious and not only eagerly eaten by ants, but garnered by them to carry into their nests, presumably as food for their larva?. Thus right where protection is most needed the plant has developed a special organ attractive to the fierce Aztec ants, so that their constant presence at FIG. 233. — Piece of a branch of the Imbauba tree, Cecropia, the leaves cut away, showing at the base of each petiole the small tuft on the food ; at the right some of this ant food en- larged. (After Schimper.) 380 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE these points is an effective protection against the encroachments of the leaf-cutters, as courage and eagerness to fight other ants is already characteristic of the Aztecs. Not all candelabra trees live in symbiosis with ants or possess this special protection against the ravages of the leaf-cutter species. Schimper found in the forests of Brazil several species of Cecropia which never shelter ants in the chambers of the hollow trunk. Now these species do not develop the curious special food-producing organs at the bases of the leaf petioles. These species lack the means of attracting and retaining the ant guests. Only one species of candelabra tree, Cecropia peltata, has developed this arrange- ment, and it is plainly of no direct use for the tree except through the bringing to it of the protecting ants." There are, of course, numerous other examples known of the symbiotic association of plants and animals; and if we were to follow the study of symbiosis into the plant kingdom we should find that in one of the large groups of plants, the familiar lichens which grow on rocks and tree trunks and old fences, every member lives symbiotically. A lichen is not a single plant, but is always composed of two plants, an alga (chloro- phyll-bearing) and a fungus (without chlorophyll) living together in a most intimate, mutually advantageous associa- tion. But. we must devote no more space to the consideration of this fascinating subject. The simplest form of social life, or the living together of several to many individuals of the same species, is shown among those kinds of animals in which many individuals of one species keep together, forming a great band or herd. In this case there is not much division of labor, and the safety of the individual is not wholly bound up in the fate of the herd. Such animals are said to be gregarious in habit. The habit undoubtedly is advantageous in the mutual protection and aid afforded the individuals of the band. This mutual help in the case of many gregarious animals is of a very positive and obvious character. In other cases this gregariousness is reduced to a matter of slight or temporary convenience, possessing but little of the element of mutual aid. The great herds of rein- deer in the north, and of the bison or buffalo which once ranged over the Western American plains, are examples of a gregari- ousness in which mutual protection from enemies, like wolves, seems to be the principal advantage gained. The bands of MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 381 wolves which hunted the buffalo show the advantage of mutual help in aggression as well as in protection. In this banding together of wolves there is active cooperation among individuals to obtain a common food supply. What one wolf cannot do — that is, tear down a buffalo from the edge of the herd — a dozen can do, and all are gainers by the operation. On the other hand, the vast assembling of sea birds on certain ocean islands and rocks is a condition probably brought about rather by the special suitableness of a few places for safe breeding than from any special mutual aid afforded; still, these sea birds undoubtedly combine to drive off attack- ing eagles and hawks. Eagles are usually considered to be strictly solitary in habit (the unit of solitariness being a pair, not an individual) ; but the description, by a Russian naturalist, of the hunting habits of the great white-tailed eagle (Hali- aetos albicilla) on the Russian steppes shows that this kind of eagle at least has adopted a gregarious habit, in which mutual help is plainly obvious. This naturalist once saw an eagle high in the air, circling slowly and widely in perfect silence. Suddenly the eagle screamed loudly. "Its cry was soon an- swered by another eagle, which approached it, and was followed by a third, a fourth, and so on, till nine or ten eagles came to- gether and soon disappeared." The naturalist, following them, soon discovered them gathered about the dead body of a horse. The food found by the first was being shared by all. The association of pelicans in fishing is a good example of the ad- vantage of a gregarious and mutually helpful habit. The pelicans sometimes go fishing in great bands, and, after having chosen an appropriate place near the shore, they form a wide half-circle facing the shore, and narrow it by paddling toward the land, catching the fish which they inclose in the ever- narrowing circle. The wary Rocky Mountain sheep (Fig. 234) live together in small bands, posting sentinels whenever they are feeding or resting, who watch for and give warning of the approach of enemies. The beavers furnish a well-known and very interest- ing example of mutual help, and they exhibit a truly com- munal life, although a simple one. They live in "villages" or communities, all helping to build the dam across the stream, which is necessary to form the broad marsh or pool in which the nests or houses are built. Prairie dogs live in great villages 382 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE FIG. 234. — Rocky Mountain, or bighorn, sheep. (By permission of the publishers of " Outing.") MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 383 or communities which spread over many acres. They tell each other by shrill cries of the approach of enemies, and they seem to visit each other and to enjoy each other's society a great deal, although that they afford each other much actual active help is not apparent. Birds in migration are grega- rious, although at other times they may live comparatively alone. In their long flights they keep together, often with definite leaders who seem to discover and decide on the course FIG. 235. — Prairie dogs. (Adapted from photo- graph by Merriam.) of flight for the whole great flock. The wedge-shaped flocks of wild geese flying high and uttering their sharp, metallic call in their south- ward migrations are well known in many parts of the United States. Indeed, the more one studies the habits of animals the more examples of social life and mutual help will be found. Probably most animals are in some degree gregarious in habit, and in all cases of gregariousness there is probably some de- gree of mutual aid. An interesting series of gradations from a strictly solitary through a gregarious to an elaborately specialized communal life is shown by the bees. Although the bumblebee and the honeybee are so much, more familiar to us than other bee kinds that the communal life exemplified by them may have come to seem the usual kind of bee life, yet, as a matter of fact, there are many more solitary bees than social ones. The general character of the domestic economy of the solitary bees is well shown by the interesting little green carpenter bee, Ceratina dupla. Each female of this species bores out the pith from five or six inches of an elder branch or raspberry cane, and 384 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE divides this space into a few cells by means of transverse partitions (Fig. 236). In each cell she lays an egg, and puts with it enough food — flower pollen — to last the grub or larva through its life. She then waits in an upper cell of the nest until the young bees issue from their cells, when she leads them off, and each begins active life on its own account. The mining bees Andrena, which make little burrows (Fig. 237) in a clay bank, live in large colonies — that is, they make their nest bur- rows close together in the same clay bank, but each female makes her own burrow, lays her own eggs in it, furnishes it with food — a kind of paste of nectar and pollen — and takes no further care of her young. Nor has she at any time any special in- terest in her neigh- bors. But with the smaller mining bees, belonging to the genus Halictus, several females unite in mak- ing a common burrow, after which each female makes side passages of her own, extending from the main or public entrance burrow. As a well- known entomologist has said, Andrena builds villages composed of individual homes, while Halictus makes cities composed of apartment houses. The bumblebee (Fig. 238), however, es- tablishes a real community with a truly communal life, although a very simple one. The few bumblebees which we see in winter time are queens; all other bumblebees die in the autumn. In the spring a queen selects some deserted nest of a field mouse, or a hole in the ground, FlG 237.-Nest of the A gathers pollen which she molds into the mining bee. FIG. 236.— Nest of carpenter bee, Ceratina dupla. MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 385 Q a rather large irregular mass and puts into the hole, and lays a few eggs on the pollen mass. The young grubs or larvae which soon hatch feed on the pollen, grow, pupate, and issue as workers — winged bees a little smaller than the queen. These workers bring more pollen, enlarge the nest, and make irregular cells in the pollen mass, in each of which the queen lays an egg. She gathers no more pollen, does no more work except that of egg-laying. From these new eggs are produced more workers, and so on until the com- munity may come to be pretty large. Later in the summer males and females are produced and mate. With the ap- proach of winter all the workers and males die, leaving only the fertilized females, the queens, to live through the winter and found new communities Fl°- 238-~~ Bumblebees: «. . , . Worker; o, queen or fer- in the Spring. tile female. The social wasps — as with the bees, there are many more kinds of solitary wasps than social ones — show a communal life like that of the bumblebees. The only yellow jackets and hornets that live through the winter are fertilized females or queens. When spring comes each queen builds a small nest sus- pended from a tree branch, or in a hole in the ground, which consists of a small comb inclosed in a covering or envelope open at the lower end. The nest is FIG. 239 -The yellow jacket, Vespa, a social Composed of " wasp paper," wasp: a. Worker; 6, queen. made by chewing bits of 386 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE weather-beaten wood taken from old fences or outbuildings. In each of the cells the queen lays an egg. She deposits in the cell a small mass of food, consisting of some chewed insects or spiders. From these eggs hatch grubs which eat the food prepared for them, grow, pupate, and issue as worker wasps, FIG. 240. — At the left, nest of Vespa, a social wasp; at the right, nest of Vespa opened to show combs within. (From photographs.) winged and slightly smaller than the queen (Fig. 239) . The workers enlarge the nest, adding more combs and making many cells, in each of which the queen lays an egg. The workers provision the cell with chewed insects, and other broods of workers are rapidly hatched. The community grows in num- bers and the nest grows in size until it comes to be the great ball-like oval mass which we know so well as a hornets ' nest (Fig. 240), a thing to be left untouched. When disturbed, the wasps swarm out of the nest and fiercely attack any invading foe in sight. After a number of broods of workers has been produced, broods of males and females appear and mating takes place. In the late fall the males and all of the many workers die, leaving only the new queens to live through the winter. Honeybees live together, as we know, in large communities. MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 387 We are accustomed to think of honeybees as the inhabitants of beehives, but there were bees before there were hives. The "bee tree" is familiar to many of us. The bees, in Nature, make their home in the hollow of some dead or decaying tree- trunk, and carry on there all the industries which characterize the busy communities in the hives. A honeybee community comprises three kinds of individuals (Fig. 241) — namely, a fertile female or queen, numerous males or drones, and many infertile females or workers. These three kinds of individuals differ in external appearance sufficiently to be readily recogniz- able. The workers are smaller than the queens and drones, and the last two differ in the shape of the abdomen, or hind body, the abdomen of the queen being longer and more slender than that of the male or drone. In a single community there is one queen, a few hundred drones, and ten to thirty thousand workers. The number of drones and workers varies at different times of the year, being smallest in winter. Each kind of individual has certain work or business to do for the whole community. The queen lays all the eggs from which new bees are born; that is, she is the mother of the entire community. The drones or males have simply to act as royal consorts ; upon them depends the fertilization of the eggs. The workers undertake all the food-getting, the care of the young bees, the FIG. 241. — Honeybee: o, Drone or male; 6, worker or female; c, queen or fertile female. comb-building, the honey-making — all the industries with which we are more or less familiar that are carried on in the hive. And all the work done by the workers is strictly work for the whole community; in no case does the worker bee work for itself alone ; it works for itself only in so far as it is a member of the community. How varied and elaborately perfected these industries are may be perceived from a brief account of the life history of a 388 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE bee community. The interior of the hollow in the bee tree or of the hive is filled with "comb" — that is, with wax molded into hexagonal cells and supports for these cells. The molding of these thousands of symmetrical cells is accomplished by the workers by means of their specially modified trowellike mandibles or jaws. The wax itself, of which the cells are made, comes from the bodies of the workers in the form of small liquid drops which exude from the skin on the under side of the abdomen or hinder body rings. These droplets run together, harden and become flattened, and are removed from the wax plates, as the peculiarly modified parts of the skin which produce the wax are called, by means of the hind legs, which are furnished with scissorlike contrivances for cutting off the wax (Fig. 242). In cer- tain of the cells are stored the pollen and honey, which serve as food for the com- munity. The pollen is gathered by the workers from certain favorite flowers and is carried by them from the flowers to the hive in the "pollen baskets/7 the slightly concave outer surfaces of one of the seg- ments of the broadened and flattened hind legs. This concave surface is lined on each leg of worker honey- margin with a row of incurved stiff hairs, bee. Concave sur- whjcn hold the pollen mass securely in place (Fig. 242). The "honey" is the nectar of flowers which has been sucked up by the workers by means of their elaborate lapping and sucking mouth parts and swallowed into a sort of honey sac or stomach, then brought to the hive and regurgitated into the cells. This nectar is at first too watery to be good honey, so the bees have to evaporate some of this water. Many of the workers gather above the cells contain- ing nectar, and buzz — that is, vibrate their wings violently. This creates currents of air which pass over the exposed nectar and increase the evaporation of the water. The violent buzz- FIG. 242. — Posterior face of the upper large joint with the marginal hairs is the pollen basket; the wax shears are "•the cutting surfaces of the angle be- tween the two large segments of the leg. MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 389 ing raises the temperature of the bees' bodies, and this warmth given off to the air, also helps make evaporation more rapid. In addition to bringing in food the workers also bring in, when necessary, "propolis," or the resinous gum of certain trees, which they use in repairing the hive, as closing up cracks and crevices in it. In many of the cells there will be found, not pollen or honey, but the eggs or the young bees in larval or pupal con- dition (Fig. 243). The queen moves about through the hive, laying eggs. She deposits only one egg in a cell. In three days the egg hatches, and the young bee ap- pears as a helpless soft, white, footless grub or larva. It is cared for by certain of the workers, that may be called nurses. These nurses do not differ structurally from the other workers, but they have the special duty of caring for the help- less young bees. They do not -go out for pol- len or honey, but stay in the hive. They are usually the new bees — i. e., the youngest or most recently added workers. After they act as nurses for a week or so they take their places with the food-gathering workers, and other new bees act as nurses. The nurses feed the young or larval bees at first with a highly nutritious food called bee jelly, which the nurses make in their stomach, and regurgitate for the larvae. After the larvae are two or three days old they are fed with pollen and honey. Finally, a small mass of food is put into the cell, and the cell is " capped " or covered with wax. Each larva, after eating all its food, in two or three days more changes into a pupa, which lies quiescent without eating for thirteen days, when it changes into a full-grown bee. The new bee breaks open the cap of the cell with its jaws, and comes out into the hive, ready to take up its share of the work for the community. In a few cases, however, the life history is different. The nurses 26 c^. 243. — Cells containing eggs, larvae, and pupse o»*he honeybee. The lower, large, irregular cells are the queen cells. (After Benton.) 390 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE will tear down several cells around some single one, and enlarge this inner one into a great irregular vase-shaped cell. When the egg hatches, the grub or larva is fed bee jelly as long as it remains a larva, never being given ordinary pollen and honey at all. This larva finally pupates, and there issues from the pupa not a worker or drone bee, but a new queen bee. The egg from which the queen is produced is the same as the other eggs, but the worker nurses by feeding the larva only the highly nutritious bee jelly make it certain that the new bee shall be- come a queen instead of a worker. It is also to be noted that the male bees or drones are hatched from eggs that are not fertilized, the queen having it in her power to lay either ferti- lized or unfertilized eggs. From the fertilized eggs hatch larvae which develop into queens or workers, depending on the manner of their nourishment; from the unfertilized eggs hatch the males. When several queens appear there is much excitement in the community. Each community has normally a single one, so that when additional queens appear some rearrange- ment is necessary. This rearrangement comes about first by fighting among the queens until only one of the new queens is left alive. Then the old or mother queen issues from the hive or tree followed by many of the workers. She and her followers fly away together, finally alighting on some tree branch and massing there in a dense swarm. This is the familiar phenome- non of "swarming." The swarm finally finds a new hollow tree, or in the case of the hive bee the swarm is put into a new hive, where the bees build cells, gather food, produce young, and thus found a new community. This swarming is simply an emigration, which results in the wider distribu- tion and in the increase of the number of the species. It is a peculiar but effective mode of distributing and perpetuating the species. There are many other interesting and suggestive things which might be told of the life in a bee community: how the community protects itself from the dangers of starvation when food is scarce or winter comes on by killing the useless drones and the immature bees in egg and larval stage; how the instinct of home-finding has been so highly developed that the worker bees go miles away for honey and nectar, flying with unerring accuracy back to the hive; of the extraor- MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 391 dinarily nice structural modifications which adapt the bee so perfectly for its complex and varied businesses; and of the tireless persistence of the workers until they fall exhausted and dying in the performance of their duties. The community, it is important to note, is a persistent or continuous one. The workers do not live long, the spring broods usually not over two or three months, and the fall broods not more than six or eight months; but new ones are hatching while the old ones are dying, and the community as a whole always persists. The a •^_^ ^~* FIG. 244. — Female (a), male (6) and worker (c) of an ant, Camponotus sp. queen may live several years, perhaps as many as five.1 She lays about one million eggs a year. There are many species of ants, two thousand or more, and all of them live in communities and show a truly communal life. There is much variety of habit in the lives of different kinds of ants, and the degree in which the communal or social life is specialized or elaborated varies much. But certain general conditions prevail in the life of all the different kinds of individuals — sexually developed males and females that possess wings, and sexually undeveloped workers that are wingless (Fig. 244). In some kinds the workers show structural differ- ences among themselves, being divided into small workers, large workers, and soldiers. The workers are, as with the 1 A queen bee has been kept alive for fifteen years. 392 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE bees, infertile females. Although the life of the ant communities is much lesG familiar and fully known than that of the bees, it is even more remarkable in its specializations and elaborate- ness. The ant home, or nest, or formicary, is, with most species, a very elaborate underground, many-storied labyrinth of galleries and chambers. Certain rooms are used for the storage of food ; certain C others as "nurseries" for the reception and care of the young; and others as " stables " for the ants' cattle, certain plant lice or scale in- sects which are some- times collected and cared for by the ants. The food of ants comprises many kinds of vegetable and ani- mal substances ; but the favorite food, or "national dish," as it has been called, is a sweet fluid which is produced by certain small insects, the plant lice (Aphididse) and scale insects (Coccidse). These insects live on the sap of plants; rose bushes are especially favored with their presence. The worker ants (and we rarely see any ants but the wingless workers, the winged males and females appearing out of the nest only at mating time) find these honey-secreting insects, and gently touch or stroke them with their feelers (antenna) , when the plant lice allow tiny drops of the honey to issue from the body, which are eagerly drunk by the ants. It is manifestly to the advantage of the ants that the plant lice should thrive; but they are soft-bodied, defenseless insects, and readily fall a prey to the wandering predaceous insects like the ladybirds and aphis lions. So the ants often guard small groups of plant lice, attacking, and driving away the would-be ravagers. When FIG. 245. — The ant, Solenopsis fugax: a, Male; b, dealated female; c, worker; d, portion of nest show- ing broad galleries of the host ant intersected by the tenuous galleries of Solenopsis, the thief ant. (After Wasmann. See account on page 375.) MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 393 the branch on which the plant lice are gets withered and dry, the ants have been observed to carry the plant lice carefully to a fresh, green branch. On page 374 is described how the little brown ant Lasius brunneus cares for the corn root plant louse. In the arid lands of New Mexico and Arizona the ants rear their scale insects on the roots of cactus. Other kinds of ants carry plant lice into their nests and provide them with food there. Because the aijts ob- tain food from the plant lice and take care of them, the plant lice are not inaptly called the ants' cattle. Like the honeybees, the young ants are helpless little grubs or larvse, and are cared for and fed by nurses. The so-called ants' eggs, little white, oval masses, which we often see being carried in the mouths of ants in and out of ants' nests, are not eggs, but are the pupa? which are being brought out to enjoy the warmth and light of the sun or being taken back into the nest after- wards. In addition to the workers that build the nest and collect food and care for the plant lice, there is in many species of ants a kind of individuals called soldiers. These are wingless, like the workers, and are also, like the workers, not capable of laying or of fertilizing eggs. It is the business of the soldiers, as their name suggests, to fight. They protect the community by attacking and driving away predaceous insects, especially other ants. The ants are among the most warlike of insects. The soldiers of a community of one species of ant often sally forth and attack a community of some other species. If suc- cessful in battle the workers of the victorious community take possession of the food stores of the conquered and carry them to their own nest. Indeed, they go even further; they may Fio. 246. — Nest of the ant, Leptothorax emer- soni, with the nest of another ant, Myrmica scabrinodes. (See account on page 375.) (After Wheeler.) 394 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE make slaves of the conquered ants. There are numerous species of the so-called slave-making ants. The slave-makers carry into their own nest the eggs and larvae and pupae of the conquered community, and when these come to maturity they act as slaves of the victors — that is, they collect food, build additions to the nests, and care for the young of the slave- makers. This specialization goes so far in the case of some kinds of ants, like the robber-ant of South America (Eciton), that all of the Eciton workers have become soldiers, which no longer do any work for themselves. The whole community lives, therefore, wholly by pillage or by making slaves of other kinds of ants. There are four kinds of individuals in a robber- ant community — winged males, winged females, and small and large wingless soldiers. There are many more of the small soldiers than of the large, and some naturalists believe that the few latter, which are distinguished by heads and jaws of great size, act as officers! On the march the small soldiers are ar- ranged in a long, narrow column, while the large soldiers are scattered along on either side of the column and appear to act as sentinels and directors of the army. The observations made by the European students of ants, Huber, Forel, Emery and Wasmann, and by McCook and Wheeler in America, read like fairy tales, and yet are the well-attested actual phenomena of the extremely specialized communal and social life of these animals. The bumblebees and social wasps show an intermediate condition between the simply gregarious or neighborly mining bees and the highly developed, permanent honeybee and ant communities. Naturalists believe that the highly organized communal life of the honeybees and the ants is a develop- ment from some simple condition like that of the bumblebees and social wasps, which in its turn has grown out of a still simpler, more gregarious assembly of the individuals of one species. It is not difficult to see how such a development could in the course of a long time take place. The termites or white ants (not true ants) are also communal insects. Some species of termites in Africa live in great mounds of earth, often fifteen feet high. The community comprises hundreds of thousands of individuals, which are of as many as eight kinds or castes (Fig. 247) viz., sexually active winged males, sexually active winged females, other fertile males and females MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 395 which are wingless, wingless workers of both sexes not capable of reproduction, and wingless soldiers of both sexes also in- capable of reproduction. The production of new individuals is the sole business of the fertile males and females ; the workers build the nest and collect food, and the soldiers protect the community from the attacks of marauding insects. The egg- laying queen grows to monstrous size in some species, being some- times four or five inches long, while the other individuals of the community are not more than half or three-quarters of an inch long. The great size of the queen is due to the enormous number of eggs in her body. We have pointed out elsewhere that the complexity of the bodies of the higher animals de- pends on a speciali- zation or differentia- tion of parts, due to the assumption of different functions or duties by different parts of the body; that the degree of structural differentiation depends on the degree or extent of division of labor shown in the economy of the animal. It is obvious that the same prin- ciple of division of labor with accompanying modification of structure is the basis of colonial and communal life. It is simply a manifestation of the principle among individuals in- stead of among organs. The division of the necessary labors of life among the different zooids of the colonial jellyfish is plainly the reason for the profound and striking, but always reasonable and explicable, modifications of the typical polyp or medusa body, which is shown by the swimming zooids, the feeding zooids, the sense zooids, and the others of the colony. And similarly in the case of the termite community, the sol- dier individuals are different structurally from the worker in- FIG. 247. — Termites: a, Queen ; 6, male ; c, worker ; d, soldier. 396 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE dividuals because of the different work they have to do. And the queen differs from all the others, because of the extraor- dinary prolificacy demanded of her to maintain the great com- munity. It is important to note, however, that among those animals that show the most highly organized or specialized communal or social life, the structural differences among the individuals are the least marked, or at least are not the most profound. The three kinds of honeybee individuals differ but little; in- deed, as two of the kinds, male and female, are to be found in the case of almost all kinds of animals, whether communal in habit or not, the only unusual structural specialization in the case of the honeybee, is the presence of the worker indi- vidual, which differs from the other individuals primarily in the rudimentary condition of the reproductive glands. Finally, in the case of man, with whom the communal or social habit is so all-important as to gain for him the name of "the social animal," there is no differentiation of individuals adapted only for certain kinds of work. Among these highest ex- amples of social animals, the presence of an advanced mental endowment, the specialization of the mental power, the power of reason, have taken the place of and made unnecessary the structural differentiation of individuals. The honeybee work- ers do different kinds of work: some gather food, some care for the young, and some make wax and build cells, but the in- dividuals are interchangeable; each one knows enough to do these various things. There is a structural differentiation in the matter of only one special work or function, that of re- production. With the ants there is, in some cases, a considerable struc- tural divergence among individuals, as in the genus Atta of South America with six kinds of individuals — namely, winged males, winged females, wingless soldiers, and wingless workers of three distinct sizes. In the case of other kinds with quite as highly organized a communal life, there are but three kinds of individuals; the winged males and females and the wingless workers. The workers gather food, build the nest, guard the "cattle" (aphids), make war, and care for the young. Each one knows enough to do all these various distinct things. Its body is not so modified that it is limited to doing but one kind of thing. MUTUAL AID AND COMMUNAL LIFE AMONG ANIMALS 397 The increase of intelligence, the development of the power of reasoning, is the most potent factor in the development of a highly specialized social life. Man is the example of the highest development of this sort in the animal kingdom, but the highest form of social development is not by any means the most perfectly communal. The advantages of communal or social life, of cooperation and mutual aid, are real. The animals that have adopted such a life are among the most successful of all animals in the struggle for existence. The termite individual is one of the most defenseless, and, for those animals that prey on insects, one of the most toothsome luxuries to be found in the insect world. But the termite is one of the most abundant and widespread and successfully living insect kinds in all the tropics. Where ants are not, few insects are. The honeybee is a popu- lar type of a successful life. The artificial protection afforded the honeybee by man may aid in its struggle for existence, but it gains this protection because of certain features of its com- munal life, and in Nature the honeybee takes care of itself well. The Little Bee People of Kipling's Jungle Book, who live in great communities in the rocks of Indian hills, can put to rout the largest and fiercest of the jungle animals. Coopera- tion and mutual aid are among the most important factors which help in the struggle for existence. Its great advantages are, however, in some degree balanced by the fact that mutual help brings mutual dependence. The community or society can accomplish greater things than the solitary individuals, but cooperation limits freedom, and often sacrifices the indi- vidual to the whole. CHAPTER XIX COLOR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS In spite of the fluency with which so many people talk of the meaning of color in organisms, the subject is as incomplete on the theoretical as on the physiological side. . . . The two deficiencies are related and a little more physiology will arm the theorists with better weapons. — NEWBIGIN. A CONSPICUOUS characteristic of the animal body is its color pattern. Not all kinds of animals attract our attention by their colors: there are even whole groups whose uniform mono- chrome color scheme is of a sort to relieve them completely from any imputation of flaunting showiness or of bizarre fancies in personal decoration. But consider such a class as the insects : the painted butterflies, the burnished beetles, the flashing dragon flies, the green katydids and brown locusts All attract attention first by the variety or intensity of their colors and the arrangement of these colors in simple or intricate symmetry of pattern. Even the small and at casual glance, obscure and monochrome insects often reveal, on careful examination, a large degree of color development and ofttimes amazing in- tricacy and beauty of pattern. So uniformly developed is color pattern among insects, that no thoughtful collector or observer of these animals escapes the self-put question: Why is there such a high degree of specialization of color throughout the insect class? If he be an observer who has taken seriously the teachings of Darwin and the utilitarian school of naturalists, his question becomes couched in this form: What is the use to the insects of all this color and pattern? For the attitude of any modern student of Nature, con- fronted by such a phenomenon, is that of the seeker for the significance of the phenomenon. And the key to significance 398 COLOR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS 399 in such a case is to be sought in utility. The usefulness of color in animate nature as an inspirer and satisfier of our own aesthetic needs and capacities, or of color patterns as means whereby we may distinguish and recognize various sorts of animals and plants, is a usefulness which may be answer enough to the passing poet on the one hand, and to the old-line Lin- nsean systematist on the other, but it is, of course, no answer to science. Science demands a usefulness to the color-bearing organisms themselves: and a usefulness large and serious enough to be the sufficient cause for so highly specialized and amazing a development. The explanations, of some of the color phenomena of animals are obvious: some uses we recognize quickly as certain, some as probable, some as possible. Some colors are obviously there simply because of the chemical make-up of parts of the insect body. That gold is yellow, cinnabar red, and certain copper ores green or blue, are facts which lead us to no special inquiry after significance: at least, not after significance based on utility. If an insect has part of its body composed of or con- taining a substance that is by its very chemical and physical constitution always red or blue or green, we may be content with knowing that, and not be too insistent in our demand to the insect to show cause, on a basis of utility, for being partly red or blue or green. And even if this red or blue be disposed with some symmetry, some regularity of repetition, either segmentally or bilaterally, this we may well attribute to the natural segmental and bilaterally symmetrical repetition of similar body parts. Some color and some color pattern, then, may be explicable on the same basis as the color of a mineral specimen or of a tier of bricks. But no such explanation will for a moment satisfy us as to the presence of and arrangement of colors in the wings of Kallima, the dead leaf butterfly, or in Phyllium, the green leaf phasmid, or in the butterfly fish, Chcetodon, or in the lichen spider, or in the chameleon with its changing tints, or in any one of a score of other more or less familiar forms whose color pattern makes, even on the casual observer, an insistent demand for rational explanation. Certain uses of color seem apparent: the colored eye flecks or pigment spots of many of the lower animals presumably serve their possessors as organs by which to distinguish the 400 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE presence or absence of light, by virtue of their capacity to absorb light and thus stimulate the specially sensitive cells composing them. And the pigment or absence of it (dark or light color) in the fur and plumage of certain mammals and birds may perhaps serve to absorb or to reflect the sun's rays so as to help keep warm or cool the animals thus colored. But such explanations of animal colors can obviously apply to but few cases. Very plainly color, and especially pattern, has its significance if anywhere in connection with certain special re- lations of animals to other animals and to the world generally. So, ever since the days of Darwin, two general categories of such significance or explanation of color and pattern have been in the minds of naturalists. One of these is the signifi- cance attributed to color pattern by the theory of sexual selection; the other is that attributed to it by the general theory or group of theories of protective resemblance, ^recognition, warning, directive, and mimetic coloration, etc. Of these two general explanations, one has steadily lost ground since Dar- winian and early post-Darwinian days, while the other has slowly but steadily gained adherents and has been extended to cover more and more cases of animal ornamentation. Of the theory of sexual selection it must be said that it certainly can- not explain the conditions of secondary sexual differences, including colors and patterns, in many groups of animals, and it has really not been proved to explain them in any single group, although in the case of birds and mammals it seems possible that the theory is applicable: at least no other ex- planation of equal validity has yet been presented. Of the specialization of color and pattern for the sake of protecting the animal by making it so harmonize or fuse with the usual environment as to be indistinguishable, or by making it simulate with sufficient fidelity some particular part of its surroundings as a green or dead leaf, a twig, the dropping of a bird, a bit of lichen or what not, or by making it mimic some other animal notoriously well defended by sting or fangs or ill-tasting body, so that the otherwise defenseless mimicker is mistaken by its enemies for the defended mimicked kind of animal — of this specialization and utility of color and pattern, evidence for its reality is gradually accumulating to convincing amount. And it is of this sort of color and pattern specialization that the brief discussion to follow will be devoted. COLOR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS 401 FIG. 248.— Katydid, Cyrtophyllis crepitans, from the West Indies, with green body and wings resembling the leaves among which it lives. (After Sharp.) The green katydid singing in the tree-top or shrubbery is readily known to be there by its music, but just which bit of green that we see is katydid, and which is leaf, is a matter to be decided only by unusually discriminating eyes. The clacking locust, beating its black wings in the air, is conspicuous enough; but after it has alighted on the ground it is invisible, or, rather, visible but indistinguishable : its gray and brown mottled color pat- tern is simply continuous with that of the soil. The green larvae of the Pierid butterflies lying longitudinally along green grasses simply merge into the color scheme of their environ- ment. The gray moths rest unperceived on the bark of the tree trunk. Hosts of insect kinds do really harmonize with the color pattern of their usual environ- ment, and by this correspondence in shade and marking, are difficult to perceive for what they are. Now if the eyes that survey the green foliage or run over the gray bark are those of a preying bird, lizard, or other enemy, it is quite certain — our reason tells us so in- sistently— that this possession by the insect of color and pattern tending to make it indistinguish- able from its immediate environ- FIG. 249.-Smaii locust of the Colo- ment is advantageous to it— ad- rado-Mohave desert on the sand. VantagCOUS to the degree often of saving its life. Now such a use of color and pattern is obviously one which can be widespread through the insect class, and may be, to many species which lead lives exposed to the attacks of insectivorous animals, of large — even of life and death — importance. And naturalists, 402 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE most of them at least, believe that this kind of usefulness is real, and that it is the principal clew to the chief significance of color and pattern — and this not alone in the case of in- sects, but of most other animals as well. From this point of view, namely, that color patterns may be of advantage in the struggle for existence, just as strength, swiftness, and other capacities and conditions are, the speciali- zation and refinement, all the wide modification and variety of colors and patterns are explicable by the hypothesis of their gradual development in time through the natural selec- tion of fortuitous advantageous variations. On this basis, such special instances of resemblance to particular parts of the environment, as that shown by Kallima in its likeness to a dead leaf, and Diapheromera in its simulation of a dry, leafless twig, are simply the logical extremes of such a line of specialization. But the nature observer may be inclined to ask how such brilliant and bizarre colors as those of the swallowtail butter- flies and the tiger-banded caterpillars of Anosia can be included in any category of "protective resemblance" patterns. They are not so included, but are explained ingeniously by an added hypothesis called that of "warning colors/' while for the strik- ing similarities of pattern often noted between two unrelated conspicuously colored species still another hypothesis is pro- posed. In these cases it is not concealment that the color pattern effects, but indeed just the opposite. Since the pioneer studies of Bates and Wallace and Belt, naturalists have been observing and experimenting and pondering these exposing, as well as these concealing, conditions of color and pattern, and they have proposed several theories or hypotheses ex- planatory of the various conditions. These hypotheses are plausible; but they are much more than that: they are each more or less well backed up by observation and experiment, and some of them have gained a large acceptance among naturalists. Both the reasoning and observed facts on which these hypotheses rest are based on the usefulness of the colors and patterns to the animals in their relation to the outside world. And the influence of advantage and natural selection is given the chief credit for determining the present-day conditions of these colors and patterns. Before, however, we take up these hypotheses, defining COLOR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS 403 them and looking over some of the evidence adduced for their support, as well as some of the criticism leveled at them, we may advisedly look to the actual physical causation of color in animals. Whatever the use or significance of color, our understanding of this use must be based on a knowledge of the method or modes of its actual production. Color in organisms is produced as color in inorganic nature is. Certain substances have the capacity of selective absorp- tion of light rays, so that when white light falls on them, certain colors (light waves of certain length) are absorbed, while certain others (light waves of certain other lengths) are re- flected. An object is red because the substance of which it is (superficially) composed, reflects the red rays and absorbs the others. Certain other objects or substances may produce color (be colored) because of their physical rather than their chemical constitution; their surface may be composed of superposed lamellae, or it may be so striated or scaled that the various component rays of white light are reflected, refracted, and diffracted in such varying manner (at different angles and from different depths) that complex interference effects are produced, resulting in the practical extinguishing of certain colors (waves of certain length) or the reflection of some at angles so as not to fall on the eye of the observer, and so on. Such colors will change with changes in the angle of observa- tion, and are the so-called metallic or iridescent colors. These two categories of color have been aptly called chemical and physical: chemical color depending on the chemical make-up of the body, physical on its structural or physical make-up. As a matter of fact we shall find that most animal colors are due to a combination of these two kinds. (Substances that produce color by virtue of their capacity to absorb certain colors, and reflect only certain others, we may call, in our discussion of color production, "pigments"; and " pigmental " may be used as practically synonymous with " chemical " in referring to colors thus produced, while " struc- tural" may be used as synonymous with "physical" in referring to colors dependent on superficial structural character of the insect body. For colors produced by the cooperation of both pigment and structure, "combination" or "chemico- physical " may be used as a defining name.) Now in all animals, color depends on the presence and ar- 404 EVOLUTION AND ANIMAL LIFE rangement of pigments or on the fine structure of superficial parts, as feathers, scales, skin, etc., or on a combination of the two color-producing conditions. In birds, for example, certain fat pigments called lipochromes (which are either actual reserve food products or are associated with such), are abundantly present in the feathers, bill, feet, etc., producing reds, yellows, browns, etc., and certain other dark melanin pigments are distributed as minute amorphous granules in the cuticular structures or epidermis, producing pjfain gray, brown, black, and related tints. In addition, the feathers are so constructed that they may, and do in some cases, produce the most brilliant iridescent and metallic colors, as familiarly shown to us by the humming birds, the grackles, etc. Most such metallic colors in birds, however, are produced by a combination of pigment and structure, and not by structure alone. The colors of mammals, of reptiles, of amphibians and of fishes might also be referred to, and as far as they have been studied or analyzed according to their causes, we should find that in mammals the pigmental colors are mostly produced by so-called melanins which seem to be waste products. In the fishes, amphibians and reptiles, the pigments are both lipochromes and melanins, while in all the vertebrate classes there occur cases in which vivid physical or optical colors are produced by cuticular structure. The most extended study of color in animals, however, has been devoted to insect colors. Here we have a pretty clear understanding of all the color-producing agents, and an analysis of all the colors more usually met with, into their proper classes, that is, whether exclusively pigmental, exclusively structural or mixed structural-pigmental. In a valuable paper by Tower, a table of insect colors showing the classification and mode of production of the various colors is given, as follows (see next page) : The only hypothesis that gives to colors and markings a value in the life of animals, at all comparable with the degree of specialization reached by these colors and markings and by the special structures developed to make them possible, is that already referred to as the theory of protective and aggressive resemblances, of warning and directive patterns, and of mimi- cry. These various uses of color patterns are all concerned with the relation of the animal to its environment: they are means of protecting the animal from its enemies, or of enabling COLOR AND PATTERN IN ANIMALS h 405 11 0 O _ff B O 2 Q S O 5QC«PS«l5'a«EHS "3 7 l"o c'o 23 2-3^So SgoSgo^'3 ,o ^^§^§ ^o teo