ih'^irji^^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation http://www.archive.org/details/evolutionbyatropOOdemorich INTEENATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SEEIES VOL. LXXXVII KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Ltd.'s NEW SCIENTIFIC WORKS. IMPORTANT ADDITIONS TO THE ''INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SERIES." ON BUDS AND STIPULES. By the Right Hon. Sir John Lubbock, Bart., M.P., F.R.S. "With 4 coloured plates and many cuts in the text. Crown 8vo. 68. EVOLUTION BY ATROPHY: IN BIOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY. By Jban Demook, Jean Massaet, and Emile Vandeeveldk. Translated by Mrs Chalmers Mitchell. With 84 figures. Crown Svo. 6s. SEISMOLOGY. By John Milne, F.R.S., F.G.S., Late Professor of Mining, Geology, and Seismology in the Imperial College of Engineering, Tokio, Japan ; Hon. Fellow of King's College, London. With 63 figures. Crown Svo. 6s. In one Volume Demy Svo, with many Illustrations from wood-blocks especially executed for this work. THE GEOGRAPHY OF MAMMALS. By W. L. ScLATER, Director of the South African Museum, and P. L. ScLATER, Secretary of the Zoological Society of London. With 8 maps. Demy Svo. LONDON : PATERNOSTER HOUSE, CHARING CROSS ROAD, W.C. EVOLUTION BY ATROPHY IN BIOLOGY AND SOCIOLOGY BY JEAN DEMOOR JEAN MASSART AQRilG^ OF THK FBEE UNIVER8ITT CHARG^ DE COUBS OF THK FREE OF BRUSSELS UNIVEESITT OF BRUSSELS Emile vandervelde PROFBSSOB AT THE IN8TITDTB OF HAUTES ilVDES OF BBDSSELS TRANSLATED BY Mrs CHALMERS MITCHELL LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., Ltd, PATKRNOSTER HOUSE, CHARING CROSS ROAD J899 H^ o(p :p^ K CONTENTS Prbface PAOB 5 INTRODUCTION 1. Societies and organisms. 2. Individuals, colonies and societies. 3. Communities and societies. 4. Distinc- tive characters of societies of which the members are imited by social contract . . . . BOOK I UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Part I. Degeneration in the development of institutions and organs ...... 21 Cfmpter I. In the evolution of organs all modification is necessarily attended by degeneration ... 22 § 1. Preliminary considerations .... 22 (1) Original formation of organs in ancestral forms . 23 (2) Development of organs in the individual . . 23 (3) Philogenetic evolution of function . . 25 (4) Individual adaptation •. . . . 26 Section I. Transformation of organs of animals . 30 § 2. Transformation of hemodynamic organs in the indivi- dual (metameric appendages) ... 30 The Cray -fish ...... 31 § 3. Transformation of homologous organs in individuals of different species (limbs) .... 41 Limbs adapted to an aquatic life {Ceratodus, Qrtha- canthus, Protoptervs amphibius, Protopterus annec- tens, Lepidosiren ..... 43 Limbs adapted to a terrestrial life ... 43 285662 CONTENTS 1. Adaptation to walking on two legs (man, birds). 2. Adaptation to leaping {Dlptis cegyp- tins, kangaroo, Tardus spectrum, Rana esculenta. 3. Adaptation to running (horse, ruminants). 4. Adaptation to flight (birds, Pterosaurians, bats). 5. Adaptation to arboreal life (Arctocebus cala- harensis, Chamceleo). 6. Adaptation to swimming (Cetaceans, Sirenia). 7. Adaptation to burrowing {Talpa curopcea, Heterocephalus) ... 46 Section II. Modification of the organs of plants § 4. Modification of hemodynamic organs in the indivi dual (basilar and apical leaves) ... 68 1. Rosa rugosa. 2. Serratula centauroides. Sagittaria sagittifolia. 4. Lathy ra Aphaca. Nymphaea dentata ..... 70 § 5. Modification of organs which are homologous in individuals of different species (foliage leaves) . 78 1. Adaptation to climbing {Cobaeca scandens, Vicia pyrenaica, Cucumis sativus). 2. Adaptation to carnivorous nutrition {Utricularia, Nepenthes, Drosera). 3. Adaptation to an aquatic life (Sagit- taria, Nymphaea, Vallisneria,, Poiamogeton, Ranun- culvs, Ouvirandra fenestralis). 4. Adaptation to defence against ants {Acacia sphaerocephala). 5. Adaptation to drought {Sempervivum). 6. Adapta- tion to defence against herbivorous animals {Caragarva, Ilex, Mamillaria, etc.) . . 78 Chapter 11. In the evolution of institutions all modificatioh is necessarily accompanied by degeneration . . 90 § 1. Modifications of similar institutions in the same society ...... 91 (1) The communal budgets of Belgium . . 92 (2) Budget of the States of the German Empire . 95 (3) The budgets of Germany, France, and England . 97 § 2. Modification of similar institutions in different so( J groups (the development of landed property) . 98 1. Family property (Montenegro). 2. Village pro- perty (Russia). 3. Feudal property (England). CONTENTS 4. Public or collective property (Switzerland). 5. Corporative property (Belgium). 6. Private property (Switzerland). 7. Summary . . 100 Pakt II. Degeneration in the evolution of organisms and societies . . . . . . . 115 Chanter 1. All organisms exhibit rudimentary organs . 115 Section I. Rudimentary organs of animals . . 117 § 1. Rudimentary organs in man .... 117 1. Integumentary system. 2. Skeleton. 3. Mus- cular system. 4. Nervous system. 5. Digestive system. 6. Vascular system. 7. Sense organs. 8. Genito-urinary system . , . 117 § 2. Rudimentary organs in various groups . . 121 1. Ccelenterates. 2. Worms. 3. Echinoderms. 4. Mollusca. 5. Artbropodes. 6. Vertebrates . 121 Section II. Rudimentary organs in plants . . 145 § 3. Rudimentary organs in various groups of plants . 145 1. Algae. 2. Mushrooms. 3. Bryophyta. 4. Pteri- dophyta. 5. Phanerogams . . . 145 § 4. Reduced organs in the vegetative apparatus of the Phanerogams , . . . . . 149 Chapter II. Survivals exist in all kinds of societies . . 151 § 1 . Instances of survival in various groups . . 153 (1) Instances of survival in the most modem social groups (the United States) .... 155 (2) Instances of survival in less civilized social groups (Veddahs, Fuegoes, Australian tribes . . 156 § 2. Survivals of ancient forms of marriage, and of the far lily in Modern Europe .... 161 1. Forms of mm-rmge. — (1) Marriage by capture. (2) Marriage by purchase. (3) Marriage by consent of both parties (marriage by simple consent, mar- " iage in fade Eccledoe) .... 161 2. ' The Family System. — (1) Matriarchy. (2) Patri- archy ....... 167 Pabt III. Simimary and conclusions .... 170 CONTENTS BOOK II THE PATH OP DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Part I. The supposed law that degeneration retraces the steps of progress ..... Chapter I. The path of degeneration in biology Section I. The path of degeneration in animals 1. Morphology and embryology ; the law of recapitu lation. 2. Degeneration of the third eye in lizards, 3. Degeneration of the organs of sight in deep-sea Crustacea. 4. Atrophy of the branchial vessels in man Section II. The path of degeneration in plants. 1. Rarity of cases of recapitulation in the organ ogeny of leaves (Vicia, Acacia with phyllodes) 2. Organogeny of flowers {Brassica oleracea var, Botri/tis). 3. Progressive degeneration of the pro thallus in phanerogams ... Chapter II. The path of degeneration in sociology . § 1. Investigation of facts .... 1. Tithings, hundreds and counties in England. 2, Order of elimination of various racial elements in a country. 3. The degenerative evolution of pol tical organizations. 4. Degeneration in monetary systems. 5. Degenerative adaptation in colonial legislation. 6. Degenerative evolution of the cor porations of Western Flanders § 2. A criticism of the supposed inverse path of degenera tion ...... Part II. The irreversibility of degenerative evolution. Chapter I. Do institutions or organs which have disappeared reappear? ..... Section I. Disappeared organs . 1. Plants ..... 2. Animals. Teratology of the horse, Hypertrichosis, etc. Swimming limbs in Stomatopoda and De capoda Macroura .... Section II. Disappeared institutions . 175 178 179 179 192 192 205 205 207 217 221 222 222 222 223 227 CONTENTS * PAGE (1) Apparent revival of bygone institutions . . 227 (2) Apparent disappearance of institutions . . 229 (3) Instances of convergence .... 230 Chapter II. Can rudimentary institutions or organs reassume their primitive functions ? . . . . 232 Section 1. Rudimentary organs . . . 232 1. Animals. (1) Muscles of the ear in man. (2) The abdomen and appendages in deep-sea hermit crabs 232 2. Plants. (1) Hermaphrodite flowers in Melaiidryum. (2) Branches of Colletia cruciaia, Crataegus, Vicia Faba, Sempervivum, Veronica, etc. . . . 233 Section II. Rudimentary institutions . . . 237 (1) Truck system and clearing-house. (2) Corpora- tions and syndicates. (3) Archaic collectivism and modern collectivism. (4) The survival of elective sovereignty in England .... 239 Chapter III. Can rudimentary organs or institutions re- develop and assume new functions ? . . . 242 Section I. Rudimentary organs . . . 243 1. Animals. Respiratory organs in Birgus latro; Mesonephric spaces in the higher vertebrates . 243 2. Plants. Staminodes of Pentstemon . . 244 Section II. Rudimentary institutions . . . 245 Levirat . . . . . . _ . 245 Part III, Summary and conclusions . . . 247 BOOK III CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Part I. Atrophy of organs and institutions . . . 251 Section 7. The factors of atrophy .... 251 (1) Biology (accidental, individual, normal and specific atrophy). (2) Sociology (accidental and normal atrophy) ...... 251 Section II. Causes producing atrophy . . . 260 Chapter I. Atrophy of organs ..... 260 § 1, Atrophy from lack of space .... 261 CONTENTS (1) Development of the teeth. (2) Atrophy of the superior ghime {Lolhivi). (3) Degeneration of Paleae (composite flowers) and of stamens (Scrophulariaceae) .... 261 § 2. Atrophy from lack of use . . . . 263 1. Functional inutility : (1) Etiolated plants and immobile limbs. (2) Epicotyl and primary leaf of Nyviphaea. (3) Eoots of Utricularia ; coty- ledons of parasitic plants {Guscuta, Orobanche) ; leaves transformed to spines in Phyllocactus a-eriatus. (4) Atrophy of the branchial arches in mammals. {5) Atro-phy of yentrsd^ns {Pediculati, Protopttims). (6) Atrophy of muscles {Cetacea, Sirenia). (7) Atrophy of the tail in man. (8) Degeneration of the hyoid apparatus in man and birds ...... 263 2. Transference of function : (1) Atrophy of the tail in Batrachia anura, and the larval gills in some insects. (2) Disappearance of limbs (Slow- worms, Amphisbsena, Snakes, Eels, and Saccu- lina). (3) Atrophy of the leaf (acacia with phyl- \odes, Xplophplla). (4) Atrophy of the pro tonema in mosses, and of the leaves in some xerophilus plants {MueMenhechia plafpclados, Genista, Spartium, Alhagi). (5) Disappearance of the calyx. (6) Atrophy of roots (Pine, Beech, Corallorhyza, Myrmechis, Tillandsia usneoides), or of leaves and stems (TcBniophyllum Zollin- geHy Podostemacece) .... 268 § 3. Atrophy from lack of nutrition . . . 274 1. Parasitic castration {Melandryum album). 2. Severe or prolonged compression of a limb. 3. Atrophy of the genitalia in neuter bees. 4. Atrophy of the superior flowers in Carex. 5. Atrophy of pistils and stamens {Fritillaria persica, Vibui-navi tomentomm, Viburnam Opulus) 274 § 4. Atrophy without apparent cause . . . 278 Atrophy of perianth (J rtemis/a, Poterium). Atrophy of the eyes (Myriopodes, C'ymotkoe). Correlative atrophy ...... 278 CONTENTS PAGE Chapter II. Atrophy of institutions . . ■ . . 281 § 1. Atrophy from lack of use .... 282 1. Functional inviility : (1) OflBces of the port of Bruges. (2) The forest-courts of England . 282 2. Transference of function : (1) Republican institu- tions under the Roman Empire. (2) Special jurisdiction in Eogland .... 284 § 2. Atrophy from lack of resource . , . 287 1. Local administration at the close of the Roman Empire. 2. Degeneration of societies in general 287 Part II. Causes of the persistence of organs or institutions without function ...... 292 Chjapter I. Survival of organs ..... 292 § 1. Unfunctional organs that are not rudimentary . 292 Absence of variation (flowers of Ficaria ranuncu- loides, Lysimachia Nummularia, Elodeaca)iadensis, stratiotes aloides, cleistogamous flowers, eyes in the male Machaerites .... 292 § 2. Unfunctional organs which persist as rudiments . 295 1. Absence of variation. Insignificance of the rudi- mentary organ (stipules of Tropaeolum majics, accessory rudiments of enamel organs in the development of teeth .... 295 Chapter 11 Survival of institutions .... 298 § 1. Integral persistence of an institution . . . 299 (1) Maintenance by compulsion (rotten boroughs in England ; the States of Normandy and the Dauphiny in France). (2) Indirect usefulness (English monarchy). (3) Respect for tradition (royal prerogatives exercised by the praetor; institution of sherififs in England) . . 299 § 2. Survival of institutions in a reduced condition . 306 1. Insignificance of the institution (jurisdiction at da Martinique ; summons fpio wairanto ; Diocese of Cambrai ; marsh-land in Artois ; tribute paid to Spain by France). Respect for traditions (survival of the old regime in England ; instances of survival in law and religion . . . 307 Part III. Summary and conclusions .... 317 General conclusions ...... 320 . » ». PREFACE This treatise, compiled in connection with a scheme for research work in general sociology, elaborated in June 1894, was presented to the Institute of Sociology at Brussels. In drawing up the pro- gramme of the Institute, the founder, M. Ernest Solvay, after having mentioned the questions which especially called for the investigation of his col- leagues, added the following statement : — " The Institute of Sociology will take part in the labours of the modern school of Sociology, the object of which is to ascertain the normal conditions under which societies exist, and the laws which govern their evolution. But the advances of Natural Science in this century have not yet been sufficiently assimilated by those Sciences most closely related to it, and it is from such assimilation that the most important additions to knowledge may be expected." In stating that the results of Natural Science have not been sufficiently assimilated by Sociology, M. Solvay is only apparently at variance with those who rightly protest against exaggerated and • ,«••• •6* ., * i S.J A ^.' PREFACE premature comparisons between social organizations and animal or vegetable organisms. The existence of such exaggerations, which have caused a reaction such as recently induced an emi- nent American economist to declare the bankruptcy of biological sociology, is perhaps due to the fact that, with a few distinguished exceptions, bio- sociological investigations have hitherto been con- ducted either by naturalists with a limited know- ledge of social questions, or by sociologists whose training in biology was incomplete and superficial. To prevent this danger, our researches in the same subject have been made separately from the social side, and from the biological side, and have now been co-ordinated and combined. This work was commenced in May 1893, with the collaboration of our friend M. Dollo, the curator of the Natural History Museum at Brussels. In June 1894, however, M. Dollo's many occupations no longer permitted of his collaboration. The zoo- logical part was therefore completed by M. Jean Demoor, to whom most of the facts quoted in the first book were given by M. Dollo, whose assistance we most gratefully acknowledge. INTKODUCTION Ever since the application of theories of evolution to social phenomena, there has been a constant inter- change in terminology between biology and sociology ; societies have been called organisms, and organisms societies of cells. There is an actual division of labour among the organs of a living body, while institutions have been called the organs, or parts of organs, of Society. The interchange of matter effected among the organs of an individual has been called a " physiological contract," while the circula- tion of money may be compared to the circulation of blood and lymph. , Questions arise as to what extent such comparisons are legitimate, if they should be taken in any other than a metaphorical sense, and if it is possible to set a precise boundary between the provinces of biology and sociology. Much has already been written on such problems as these, and no doubt much more will yet be written. We shall not attempt either to discuss or to solve them in these few introductory pages ; they are merely touched upon here, and will only be alluded to when absolutely necessary for the careful investigation of facts bearing upon our work, I. Societies and organisms. — The analogy exist- 8 EVOLUTION BY ATROPHY ing, from the point of view of evolution, between biology and sociology, arises from the fact that the evolution of societies as well as that of organisms, is the result of the co-operation of two factors — similarity and adaptation. In biology, the similarity between organisms springing from the same stock, is due to heredity, while adaptation is the result of individual variation. In sociology, societies are the descendants of former societies, in that the new are modelled upon the old. Similarity is the result of imita- tion, while adaptation is the result of invention — i.e. of all improvement and innovation tending to make a new society different from that which preceded it.^ These fundamental analogies suffice in themselves to justify our collaboration, whatever may be the solution of the question — which is really only a question of terms — as to whether societies should be regarded as organisms, or organisms as particular kinds of societies.^ 1 Invention is frequently a combination of several imitations. When a society is formed, its characters are not necessarily borrowed from those societies from which it more or less directly proceeds. It may be modelled upon other social structures with which it had no hereditary connection. — V. Tarde, Les Lois dc V imitation. ^See Les Soci4tds animaleSf p. 128 (Espinas). "Integration, or grouping together, is a universal law common to all organic or inorganic existence. Society, properly speaking, is only a complex and important instance of this universal law." See La Science Sociale, p. 97 (Fouillee). ** All purely physio- INTRODUCTION ^9 In either case, it is certain that organisms and societies — used in the sociological acceptation of the term — exhibit some characters in common, and some distinctive characters. The common characters may be accounted for by the co-operation which exists in both cases between the units of which they are composed (individuals, or cells). The dissimilar characters are probably connected with what . constitutes the essential difference be- tween social aggregates and organic aggregates. With the former there is a physiological continuity between the composing units, while with the latter co-operation is entirely due to mental relations. II. Individuals, colonies and societies. — Our view in this matter is considerably at variance with the current opinion. Many authors, and M. Espinas among them, regard colonies, whether animal or vege- table, as societies, even when the members of these colonies are connected by physiological bonds.^ logical characters of life, viz.: 1. Correlation of parts ; 2. Relation between structure and function ; 3. Division of all living parts into other living parts ; 4. Spontaneity of movement ; 5. Partic- ulate existence ; 6. Development and degeneration, 1 revolution, are to be found in a greater extent in animal and human societies." ^ See Les Societes animales, section 2, pp. 207 and foil. — (Espinas), Cours de philosophie positive, vol. iv. (A Comte). ** These strange societies are to be found among the lower animals, an involuntary co-operation being the result of an un- severable organic union, which is either a mere adherence or actual continuity." 10 EVOLUTION BY ATROPHY We shall justify the distinction we make by showing that colonies are entirely distinct from societies. The two are divergent branches which spring from the same source, a solitary indi- vidual. These divergent branches of organic life may be distinguished in the following manner : An individual may be either unicellular or mul- ticellular. Every cell capable of sustaining life and reproducing its own kind is an individual.^ In the case of multicellular individuals there is an unbroken physiological continuity, while life lasts, between the cells of which they are com- posed. All these units spring from one primary cell (i.e. a fertilized egg) which sprang itself from two cells (male and female), proceeding usually from two separate individuals. From the moment that this union is effected, the continuity remains unbroken.^ When such an individual reproduces ^ We regard the cell as the unit of life, although, according to Altmann, the unit of life is a still simpler structure — the bioblast. He maintains that the bioblast, or living granule, is the ultimate element of the cell ; it is born from a pre-existing granule ; it lives, feeds, reproduces, and is, in fact, an organism (see Die Elementarorganismcn und ihre Beziehungen zu den Zellen ; Leipzig, 1890. — Studien Uber die Zellen; Leipzig, 1886. — Zur Geschichte 'der Zelltheorien ; Leipzig, 1889 (Altmann). The existence, however, of the bioblast is a pure hypothesis, no definite proof having been established of its existence ; and to assume that it is the simplest unit of life is to abandon oneself to pure imagination. ^ Although this theory is in agreement with the observed facts of biology, it is necessary to point out the complexity of the ideas of individual and organism. Boveri {Uher die BefrucMungs INTRODUCTION ll- asexually, giving rise to offspring which remain attached to it, the whole forms a colony. All the cells of this colony spring then from one single cell (a fertilized egg cell), and an inter- change of nutriment goes on incessantly among these cells. This is what Spencer designates as a " physiological contract." Societies, on the other hand, consist of units springing from various sources, whose connection is merely mental. It is only in the communities which Tonnies calls " Gemein- schaften" in distinction from societies bound by mental agreement {Gesellscliaften), that all the in- dividuals spring from one and the same couple. From our point of view, a colony must not be regarded as an intermediate condition between an individual and a society. No known society has passed through a colonial stage, and the members of a colony could not, on separating, become a society. Among the simplest aggregates, all the units are und EntwicklungsfdhigkeU kernloser Seeigel-Eier, und iiher the Moglichkeit ihrer Bastardirung. Arch. /. Eiriwicklungsmechanik der Organismen, Bd. ii., pp. 394-443), for instance, has shown that it is possible to fertilize the eggs of Echiuoderms, from which the nuclei have been removed, by the spermatozoa of other species of Echinoderms. The egg is a typical cell, an organism, an individual. All its parts are essential to it, and arc incapable of separate existence, at any rate for any length of time ; close physiological bonds unite the component parts, yet it is possible to substitute for an essential part of one individual a part taken from another individual. It may there- fore be concluded that the idea of an organism no longer necessarily implies the idea of continuous functional unity Avhich one was formerly tempted to ascribe to it. 12 EVOLUTION BY ATROPHY equivalent, and each retains all the functions of life {Spirogyra, Choanoflagellates, Hydra). The colony may disintegrate, but the cells or indi- viduals set at liberty are capable of living alone, and do not form a society.^ As the organisation of a colony becomes more complicated, the units proceed to differentiate. Each one assumes certain functions in particular, and becomes less adapted to discharge others. If such a colony is dispersed, the individuals are incapable of maintaining a separate existence.^ ^ (a) A thread of Spirocpjra consists of cells placed eud to end, physiologically connected with one another. Under certain conditions, however, quite apart from the phenomenon of cellular reproduction, all these cells are capable of isolating themselves. The colony is thus transformed into a set of individuals capable of maintaining a separate existence, and no longer in connection with one another. [h) Among the Choanoflagellates, some consist of free individuals, while in others all the individuals are united by a common stalk, and intercommunicate by protoplasmic threads in the stalk. When, for some cause, these individuals separate, they never form them- selves into a society. (c) A colony of Hydra is formed by the budding of a single indi- vidual. While nourishment is abundant, all the individuals of the colony retain their connection with each other, and may themselves give rise to buds. On the other hand, when food is scarce, the colony disintegi-ates and each individual lives a free life without entering into social relations with its neighbours. ^ In some cases the terms individual and colony become ex- tremely involved. Although one accept our view, it is difficult to rigorously apply our generalizations to such, facts as the following : Certain male cephalopods, at the period of reproduction, separate from their bodies a specialized tentacle (hectocotyle) in which is stored the seminal fluid. This organ, set at liberty, swims in the INTRODUCTION 13 III. Communities and societies. — The bond ex- isting between all the constituent parts of a society- is not of the same nature as that which unites the members of a colony or the cells of an animal or plant. These physiological bonds are not compar- sea, and after living there a certain time, enters the female oepha- lopod, to effect impregnation. The individuality of this hectocotyle appears so obvious that for a long time it was regarded as a distinct species— some kind of worm. At first sight, then, the hectocotyle seems to be an individual. This, however, is not the case, as it reproduces, not a hectocotyle but a cephalopod. Many Echinoderms, by a spontaneous act of J)rotection, can separate their arms from their bodies. Such a separated arm may live, feed and slowly build up again a whole Echinoderm. Plainly, it would be impossible to indicate the precise point at which such an organ should be regarded as an individual. The vegetable kingdom abounds in analogous facts. A strawberry plant, for instance, gives off runners in the course of the Summer, which take root, and themselves become sti*awberry plants. So long as these young plants are insufficiently developed to main- tain themselves, the mother-plant continues to supply them with nourishment. As soon, however, as the young shoot can dispense with this support, the runner atrophies, and the little plant begins a separate existence. By prematurely cutting the runner, the new plant may be compelled to live alone sooner than it naturally would have done. With some other plants (Phalangium viviparum) the young shoots frequently retain their connection with the mother-plant, although quite capable of maintaining themselves. Under these circumstances it is obviously impossible to say if these plants represent colonies or free individuals. Speaking generally, it may be said that no precise line can be drawn between colonies and individuals. Many writers on the subject, and Perrier among the number, consider that every colony where there is a physical continuity among the members, should be regarded as an in- dividual, 14 EVOLUTION BY ATROPHY able, without forcing the analogy, although they have been so compared by some sociologists, to such means of communication between individuals and societies as exchange, traffic, roads, railways, telegrams and telephones. ' It is merely a matter of definition, and if societies are to be termed organisms, they should be distinguished as organisms by social contract, organismes contractuels (Fouill^e). This definition, however, only applies to those societies which owe their existence to a formal contract with definite objects in view, and not to ready-made communities consisting of individuals already united together without any preliminary contract. The latter is the case, for instance, in societies of ants or bees, and in human societies in those social groups in which the individuals are united by the bonds of consanguinity. The char- acters of such communities partly approach the characters of organic associations, but precisely as such natural communities approach societies by social contract, the differences between social groups and actual organisms become more marked. In the more complex forms of societies the results of the characters we have distinguished become most ac- centuated. IV. Distinctive characters of societies of which the memhers are united hy social contract. — (1) A cell cannot be part of two organisms or of two INTRODUCTION 15 organs at the same time.' On the other hand, there is no reason why the members of one social community should not belong to other communities at the same time. 2. Speaking generally, the biological conception of an organism denotes a definite thing — a plant or an animal in itself, quite distinct from similar organisms. In sociology, however, there is no precise line between co-existing social communities. Are we to regard, for instance, the families, com- munes and cantons of a state as distinct organisms, or merely as organs ? Does a free town such as Hamburg or Frankfort cease to be an organism when it loses its independence ? Take the various Swiss cantons, which are now mere organs of the Helvetic Confederation, like the Provinces of Belgium, or the Departments of France, would they become organisms on the rupture of the Federal bond ? On the other hand, with the growth of international treaties between the states of Eastern Europe, will their social indi- viduality disappear, and will they come to be regarded as are the United States of America, as the organs of an organism in process of formation ? These few examples suffice to show 1 When two organs are united into one whole, the cell exercises two totally different functions. The liver, as we now know, is a double organ consisting of a bile-forming liver, and the glycogen- producing liver, two organs which are embryologically distinct. The cells of which the liver is composed are both bile-secreting and glycogen-forming organs, 1 6 EVOLUTION BY ATROPHY that, SO far as social matters are concerned, the conception of organisms is a pure convention. In the course of this treatise, we may therefore regard families, societies and nations as distinct organisms, or, with regard to their connection with other and vaster organizations, as organs of the latter. 3. The structure of an animal or plant depends upon the physical arrangements of its parts, and on the physiological links between those parts. The structure of a society depends upon the links of social contract existing among its members. We regard these as two very different things, and we cannot follow Tarde in pressing the analogy between them in the following way : " The length, breadth, and height of an organism are never very much out of proportion. With snakes and poplars the height or length preponderates ; among flat fish the thick- ness is very small compared to the other dimensions, but in each instance the disproportion exhibited in extreme cases is not comparable to that shown by any social aggregate — such as China for instance, which is 3000 kilometres in length and breadth, and only one or two yards in average height, for the Chinese being a short race, build their edifices correspondingly low." ^ 4. Organic modifications are effected more slowly and with greater difficulty than are social modifica- ^ Lcs Monades et la Science sodale. (Tarde. Eemie de Sodologie, 1893, p. 169.) iNTKODUCTiON 1 7 tions.^ The result is an important one from the point of view of method. In biology, excepting in the case of individual adaptation of artificial selection, direct observation — the historical method, if we may so call it — is not available for the study of the origin and modification of organisms. Phylogeny, the science of organic kinship, resorts to other methods, and particularly to the comparative method in its various forms : — (a) Morphology, the science of determining the phylogeny of organs by comparing them with the organs of other creatures belonging to the same systematic group. (b) Palaeontology, which determines the direct ancestors of living creatures. (c) Embryology, which, so far as it is founded upon the principle of recapitulation, investigates the development of organs in the individual, and draws conclusions therefrom bearing upon its descent. * Among animals there is a special factor which gives a,stability to the specific characters not found elsewhere — this is reproduction. Specific characters being common to the whole line of descent, arc very deeply enrooted in the organism. They are not easily modi- fied by the influence of new environments, but maintain their likeness to one another in spite of external conditions. They are regulated by an internal force, notwithstanding the importunities to variation off'ered from outside. This force is heredity, and heredity accounts for the precise way in which specific characters may be defined. In society this internal force is wanting. {Lcs Regies de la metlwde sociologique. Durckheim, Paris, F. Alcan , 1 895 . ) B 18 EVOLUTION BY ATROPHY {d) Teratology, which compares normal with abnormal forms for the same purpose. In sociology these various systems of comparison are only of a secondary value, owing to the great variability of social forms, while the historical method of investigation assumes a greater impor- tance. In sociology, however, there are methods analogous to the comparative methods of biology : {a) Archaeology corresponds to palaeontology. (Jb) Social morphology, by comparison of series of institutions, makes up to a certain extent for the absence of direct observation of their origin and development. Thus, to use the phrase of Bagehot, by studying the customs and institu- tions of modern savages, the prehistoric living may be made to throw light upon the pre- historic dead. If an institution be found in full operation among savages, of which a vestige still exists among more civilized people, it may be assumed that the vestige was at some time fully functional among the latter. It must be borne in mind, however, that in many instances such vestiges are the result of imitation. Theodore Reinach has shown that this applies in the case of circumcision.^ This gravely weakens the conclusions drawn by Spencer from the survival of this custom among ^ De quelqucs fails relatifs d I'Mstoire de la circoncision cJiez Ics peuplcs dc la Syrie (Th. Reinach, V Anthropologies 1893, vol. iv., pp. 28 and following). INTKODUCTION 19 certain Australian tribes. Granting, he says, that circumcision, the removal of teeth, and other similar mutilations imply a condition of political or religious subjection — or both — no longer exist- ing among these tribes, the custom is obviously the vestige of a more complex social condition. This conclusion seems the less reliable, since, according to the Eev. J. Matthew, the rite of circumcision was probably introduced into Australia by natives of Sumatra, and this view is confirmed by the local distribution of the custom and by other evi- dences of the same origin, such as the paintings which have been discovered in certain caves.^ (c) Teratology and social embryology also play a part in sociology, but it is of less importance than the others. Certain customs among criminals show a re- semblance to the habits of primitive man. On the other hand, we find cases where the individual development of an institution or society is a mere repetition of the development through which similar institutions and societies of other epochs and places have passed. Thus, for instance, there still exists in some parts of modern Russia a voluntary agri- cultural commune, for the periodical division of the land, an institution which existed more universally in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries during ^ The Cave Paintings of Australia {Journal of the Anthropo- logical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, April 1893, pp. 51 and following). 20 EVOLUTION BY ATROPHY the existence and after the disappearance of family communities.^ In studying the development of these new com- munities, one can, in a measure, picture to oneself the development of laws of property, which were current in other countries at other times, and of which we possess little or no direct information. It is, however, hardly necessary to insist upon the hypothetical quality of such conclusions. Our methods show, then, that organisms and societies exhibit considerable differences as well as analogies, a necessary result of their different natures. These few remarks must suffice ; to add to them, we should have to overstep the limits we have set to this treatise, enter into well-worn con- troversies, and anticipate our own conclusions. Having merely explained our terminology, and indicated our general views, we will proceed to the subject of our investigations. 1 Tableau des orighus et dc revolution de la propridi et de la famille, p. 170 (Kowalevsky). BOOK I UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION PART I DEGENEKATION IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF INSTITUTIONS AND ORGANS The term " Evolution " does not in itself convey an idea of either progress or degeneration. It comprises all the changes undergone by an organism or society independently of the ques- tion as to whether these changes are favourable or otherwise. The evolution of an organ, or of the different parts of an organ, is degenerative if it tends to the ultimate decay of that organ or of its parts, and the facts are shewn by means of arranging series of fossils or living forms, and com- paring them. Evolution is progressive if it tends to the development of an organ or to the formation of a new organ. These definitions may be applied — mutatis mutandis — to the changes undergone by societies and institutions or their constituent parts. The ideas of progress and of degeneration seem at first sight to relate to diametrically opposite phenomena. The term " progressive evolution " 22 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION conveys the ideas of progress, development, im- provement, of increasing differentiation, and of the progressive co-ordination of the functions or organs thus dififerentiated. Degenerative evolution, on the other hand, con- veys the ideas of decline, of decay, and of de- generation, such as the atrophy of the organs of locomotion in Sacculina, the degeneration of the leaves of parasitic plants, or the dissolution of corporate bodies in a declining state. We propose to show, however, that these two ideas, which at first sight seem contradictory and mutually exclusive, are found, on a strict examina- tion of the facts, to interpenetrate and complete each other. Degeneration and progress will appear as the two sides of one whole, or as two aspects of the same evolution, and it will be seen that all progress must necessarily be attended by degenera- tion. CHAPTER I IN THE EVOLUTION OF ORGANS ALL MODIFICATION IS NECESSARILY ATTENDED BY DEGENERATION Section I. — Preliminary Considerations In order to effect the demonstration which is the object of this chapter, only the phylogenetic modifi- cations of organs will be discussed, setting aside EVOLUTION AND DEGENEEATION OF ORGANS 23 the original formation of these organs in their ancestral forms, their development in the indivi- dual, the phylogenetic evolution of function, and the great variation resulting from individual adaptation. Before entering upon our immediate subject, it would be as well to define its limits by saying a few words concerning the questions not under immediate consideration. 1. Original formation of orgatis in ancestral forms. — Little is known concerning the primary origin of organs, and their development before their assumption of the aspect and function by which we know them. What were the rudimentary leaves like in the ancestors of flowering plants? What were the eyes of the first vertebrates like ? Did these organs develop from existing organs ful- filling other functions, or were they formed inde- pendently ? However that may be, if they arose from other organs, we know nothing of the modifi- cations which they underwent ; and if they were formed independently, we need not discuss the fact here, for in that case the organ would not have developed by transformation. Having once been formed, it would develop and improve, and this process would not necessarily have been attended by partial degeneration. 2. Development of organs in the individual. — In the course of embryological development, organs do not exactly repeat the successive phases 24 UNIVEKSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION through which they passed during their ancestral evohition. Generally speaking, and especially in the case of plants, the development of organs in an individual is direct, and gives no clue to its ancestral history. Moreover, when there is a re- capitulation of ancestral stages, it often happens that evolution takes place without leaving traces of the various stages. This is especially the case in complex organs which have been pro- duced by many lines of evolu- tion converging in a single struc- ture— a struc- ture which thus becomes the seat Fig. 1.— DiaRiam showing the evolution of pyramidal ^f „ Qr»pf>iQl fnnp- cells in the animal series. "^ "^ bpecidl lUIlO The upper series of cells represents the psychic cell in tiou Or SCt of various vertebrates: A, the frog; 5, the lizard; C, the rat; D, man. Tlie lower series shows the fuUCtlOUS. progressive stages in the evolution of the pyramidal cell in the human brain : a, the neuroblast without lllC UCUrOn, protoplasmic processes; 6, the appearance of the . . nerve process and of the terminal ramifications ; for iustaUCC, the c, the nerve more fully developed ; d, appearance of t • lateral branches of the axis cylinder ; e, development ganojllOniC CCll of protoplasmic outgrowths of the protoplasm of ° nerve-cell and nerve. (Ramon y Cajal.) of the COrtCX 01 the human brain, passes successively through stages corresponding to those which are to be found in the adult fish, frog, bird, and mammal. In this case EVOLUTION AND DEGENERATION OF ORGANS 25 the development consists in an increasing com- plexity of the cell with no formation of unnecessary- rudimentary parts. 3. Phylogenetic evolution of function. — Evolution may be regarded from a physiological, as well as from an anatomical standpoint,^ but, in the former case, evolution is less a set of changes of function than an increasing specialization and division of labour, and under these circumstances it is often diffi- cult to recognize a degenerative element in the evolu- tion. A few examples will demonstrate this point : Self-mutilation is a very common phenomenon among Echinoderms. Among brittle star-fish this reaction is controlled by some region of the nervous system ; in some star-fish the reaction follows more quickly because the stimulus can act upon the ganglion at the root of each arm near the circum- oral nerve-collar. In Asteracanthum riihen^, there is a complete localization of this function, and self- mutilization only results when an exact region of the nervous system is stimulated.^ In the Medusa we find an equally interesting example of functional evolution (Romanes).-'^ With some of these (the * Evohdion fcmctionnelle du sysUme nerveux. J. Demoor, Revue universitaire, Bmxelles, 1892. 2 Contribution d la physiologie nerveuse des Echinodermes. J. Demoor and M. Chapeaux. Tijds. Ned. DierTc. Vereen. (2) III. 2 Nov. 1891. ^ Preliminary Observations an the Locomotor System of Medusa ; Jelly-fish, Star-fish, and Sea-urchins. Romanes, Int. Scient. Series, 1885, 26 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Acraspedotc, on the outside of the umbrella being separated from the central part, the two separate parts continue to lash the water, the outer part with even strokes, the central mass more slowly and feebly. With the Graspedote, on the other hand, the central part, under the same conditions seems quite paralyzed and immovable, while the outer part continues to move in a perfectly normal manner. The causative function of the movement, the spontaneity of the movement as it was formerly called in physiology, is incompletely specialized in the Acraspedote, whereas in the Crasrpedote it is entirely localized. Individual adaptation. — The individual is by no means a slave to heredity. It is capable of certain modifications under the influence of certain external conditions. These phenomena of individual adaptation may be arranged in three groups. (a) When an organism, either animal or vegetable, is placed under new conditions of existence, when for instance, it relinquishes a terrestrial for an aquatic life, light for darkness, or fresh water for salt or esturine water, its external aspect, and in- ternal structure, undergo variations of considerable importance if it succeeds in adapting itself to the new conditions.^ ^ Examples : {a) The leaves of the water Ranunculus with lacinated leaves (llaniLnculus aquatilis fluitans, etc.), are of normal structure when cultivated on dry land. The epidermis is furnished with stomata and the constituent cells contain no chlorophyll. EVOLUTION AND DEGENERATION OF ORGANS 27 The organ does not, however, lose its primitive and typical characters. Actual organic transforma- tion cannot, therefore, be said to take place in the case of individual adaptation. The same leaves of the same plant when grown in water are much longer than those of the terrestrial type ; the leaves have no stomata, and the epidermic cells are full of chlorophyll (Askenasy, Ueher den Einfiuss des Waclistumsmediums auf die Gcstalt der Pflanzen, Bot. Zeit., 1870, pp. 193 and following). Among the Stratiotes aloides it is not uncommon for the upper part of a leaf to rise above the surface of the water while the base is submerged ; the epidermis at the base contains chlorophyll, but has no stomata, while the part of the same leaf which rises out of the water is furnished with stomata, but has no chlorophyll in the epidermis. (6) A good example of this individual adaptation may be obtained by cultivating Cacti alternately in the light and in the dark. Goebel has shown that when a specimen of Phyllocactus is culti- vated in the dark, the stems are prismatic and thorny ; if the plant is afterwards placed in the light, the thorns disappear and the stems become quite smooth. (K. Goebel, Ueher die Einicirkung des Lichtes auf die GestaUung der Kacteen und anderer PJlanzen, Flora, vol. 80, p. 96, 1895.) (c) The animal kingdom furnishes numerous examples of indi- vidual adaptation. The gi-adual drying up of Lake Aral caused the formation of a number of basins containing water at various stages of concentration. The Cardium of this region exhibits a whole series of adaptive varia- tions. The shells become thinner and horny, their shape elongates, the openings contract, and their colour becomes duller {Bateson). Mytilus edidis (the edible mussel), exhibits three different kinds of shells. It lives either in salt water, deep water, or shallow water visited by the tide. In each of these three vicinities the shells exhibit typical aspects. The direction of boney lamellae is known to agi-ee with that in which the greatest strain is habitually applied, and the entire structure of a bone is dominated by the incidences of the forces applied to it. When, after a badly-mended fracture, the two broken 28 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION (h) Our second group comprises the cases of cellular adaptation which may be produced in the course of embryonic life and may result in the for- mation of an embryo from half or the quarter of an egg} Here again the formation of organs takes place under new and abnormal conditions, but there is no " transformation " of these organs into fresh structures exhibiting other characters than those of primitive and typical organs. pieces are joined by an oblique segment, the trabeculse in this seg- ment follow the direction from whence comes the greatest strain, a different direction to that which they would have taken had the inserted segment been placed parallel with the two broken pieces. Without entering upon explanatory theories concerning these facts, it is important to notice that the adaptations of plants exhibit different characters to those of animals. With plants it is only when a young organ is born under new conditions that it exhibits new characters. This is not necessarily the case with animals. In an animal organism the separation of the young tissues from the old is not so noticeable as with plants, as the organs undergo a continuous renewal and can always adapt themselves more or less to new conditions. 1 When the two cells resulting from the first division of a fertilized egg of Amphioxus are artificially separated, each cell may develop directly into a complete individual. The same happens even whea the first four cells are separated from each other artificially. When this is effected in the case of Echinus or of an Amphioxus embryo of eight cells, each cell developes as if it had remained a part of the whole ; but when the blastular stage is reached, that stage slowly completes itself. In the first case the cell adapts itself to the new conditions, in the second case it is the blastular which does so. (See Analytische Theorie der organischen Entioickelung. . Hans Driesch, Leipzig, 1894.) EVOLUTION AND DEGENERATION OF ORGANS 29 In an adult cell, adaptation may, in a more or less normal way, cause the formation of new organs. Even completely specialized cells of an organism may, when placed under certain conditions of life, adapt themselves to those new conditions and give rise to successive generations of different cells, thus generating other kinds of organs than those to which they would have given birth under normal conditions. This happens, for instance, with all the cells of Salix, which are capable of reproducing the whole organism by means of budding. This organic plasticity is shared with the Begonia Rex, but in that case it is only thoroughly developed in the epidermic cells. Analogous examples abound among animals, especially in the lower zoological groups.^ * Loeb has shown that in certain groups, when the organism, after having been wounded, is subjected to unusual light, position, or pressure, organs are formed at the wounded part, which are essentially different from those which would have been formed in a normal recovery. When this heteromorphosis occurs in Tubularia mesembri/anthenuim, Aglaophenia pluma, Anthennu- laria rosa, etc., the positions of tlie oral and apical poles may be transposed. When Antennularia is placed so that gravity acts upon it in a contrary direction to the ordinary one, there are formed oral and apical branches, where they would not have been formed had the organism been kept in a normal position. (Jacques Loeb, Unters. zur physiol. Morplwlogie der Thiere : L Ueher Heteroinorplwse, Wiirzburg, 1891 ; IL Organhildung und Wcvchstlmm, Wurzburg, 1892.) Similarly there is a true heteromorphosis when in a case of club-foot the faces and articular surfaces of the bones and cartilages assume characters adapted to the new work thrown on them as the abnormality of the joint increases. Another such case is in the false joints sometimes formed when the two 30 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION These various instances of cellular adaptation called " heteromorphosis " by Loeb, are outside the limits of our present researches, for reasons which we have already given. The law of universal degenerative evolution applies only to the transformations of organs, and not to their original formation in either individuals or species, under normal or abnormal conditions. Section I. Transformation of organs of animals. § 2. Transformation of homodynamic organs in the individual. In order to study the degenerative evolution exhibited in the specific modifications of the organs of an individual, it is necessary to choose homodynamic organs that are numerous, and conse- quently small enough to undergo different kinds of transformation fitted to the functions they may have to serve in the different parts of the body. The numerous appendages of the cray-fish form an extremely interesting study of this. kind. The parts of a bone do not unite after fracture. In that case a com- pleted joint with cartilage ligament and synovial membrane may be formed in the neighbouring tissues under the influence of the new stimuli. In extra uterine gestation the placenta is formed upon some abdominal organ. When this occurs, the unusual stimulus is sufficient to cause the cells of an abdominal organ to form a perfectly specialized organ of a nature foreign to their normal life. TRANSFORMATION OF ORGANS OF ANIMALS 31 appendages of the different metameres (the somites, or constituent segments of the body) of the cray- fish are constructed on the same plan. Tlie typical organ (fig. 2), when complete, consists of three parts — the protopodite (pr.), which is inserted into the body ^^^ _ and carries a gill (hr.) ; the endo- podite (en.) and the exopodite (ex.), each of which consists of a series of joints which are attached to the end of the protopodite — the endopodite to the inner side, the exopodite to the outer. ^ . Fig. 2.— Diagram of typical Let us now examine the and complete appendage of Astacus Jluviatilis : pr. twenty metameres of the animal protopodite; br, gui; "' ex, exopodite; en, endo- in succession. podite. In each segment of the body we find a pair of appendages, the structure of which is based upon that of a complete ap- pendage, but in which many different adaptations have brought about the conservation and increase of some of the typical parts, and the partial or Fig. 3. - Astacus total atrophy of other parts. ^peS^oMhe Take first the abdominal segments, segmenf'r'rhetliey Carry appendages (fig. 3) formed Ir™%topodite;of the three fundamental parts: the Tn] llTm^ protopodite (pr.), the exopodite (ex.), and (Huxley). ^^^ endopodite (en.). Each of these parts is itself divided into different joints, the en — , 32 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION description of which is not of immediate impor- tance. The portion of the appendage which has degenerated is the podobranch, which has completely disappeared. The reason is obvious ; these ap- pendages, having become a support for the eggs, have lost their respiratory function. The part specially adapted for that function has been allowed to atrophy, the more readily because the presence of gills on the ventral surface of the abdomen would be incompatible with free movement of that part of the body when the cray-fish is swimming. The appendages of the sixth abdominal segment are greatly modified into a caudal fin (fig. 4). This also exhibits the three fundamental parts of a ¥iG. 4.— Astacus Jluviatilis.— Left ap- pendage of the fith abdominal seg- COmpletC appCndaffC. ihc ment. Fins (1,5/1) : ^r, protopodite; ~, . i • i ex,exopodite; e»,endopodite(Huxley).^r0^02?Oat^e [pr.) IS thlCK and short and has no gill, degeneration being ex- hibited in the loss of the gill, and by the reduced length of the part. The exopodite (ex.), and the endopodite (en.) are modified into two large oval plates which serve as propellers. The actual de- velopment of these two parts is accompanied by degeneration. In a typical appendage, the exopodite and the endopodite terminate in slender parts divided into several rings by false joints ; in the propellers, which should offer the maximum resistance to the TRANTSFORMATION OF ORGANS OF ANIMALS 33 pressure of the water, the segmentation has dis- appeared, but across the part corresponding to the exopodite there still remains a transverse groove. The second abdominal segment of the female carries appendages similar to those which have just been described. In the male, " the organs of this segment, as also those of the segment in front of it, have become organs used in fertilization. We must consider what new structures have appeared here, and to what extent these new modifications have been attended by degeneration. The ap- pendage of the second segment (fig. 5) is longer than that of the other seg- f ^ ments ; pressed against the ventral surface of the back part of the thorax, it stretches out as tar as the space be- fluviatms. Left tween the second and third walking 2nd abdominal seg- _ - . 1 • 1 1 J ™6nt of the male legs, the part which corresponds to (front view)(i,6/i): ^1 ' ^ ^ £ ^x, £ 1 T4. ^' Protopodite; the oviduct of the female, it serves as ex, exopodite ; en, a channel to conduct the fluid from roiied piate of the _ 1 -o ^ ,^ D ±^^ p ^ endopodite; b, the male orince to that or tne lemale. the jointed ex- -r . (. J T, / \ tremity of the It consists 01 a protopoaite {pr.) same (Huxley). and an exopodite (ex.) similar to the corresponding parts of the appendages we have just described. The endopodite is profoundly modified. The inner border of its proximal region, which is not jointed, is extended into a thin plate rolled into a hollow horn (a) while the outer border is represented by an annulated part (h). The part in process of C 34 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION degeneration is the exopodite. On considering the development of the various parts of this appendage, it may be concluded that the exopodite has not undergone the same modification as the endopodite. It now remains to conclude this study of the . abdominal appendages by an ex- H' amination of the first segment. Q-pf Immense variation occurs in the female. Sometimes there are two Fig. 6. — Astacus fluvia- . . . tiiis. Left appendage appendages, somctimcs one or both of the 4th abdominal . . . , segment of the female are miSSlUff I lU aUV CaSC thC (3/1) : ^r, protopodite ; . . ^ '' c»,endopodite (Huxley), cxistiug orgaus are vcry small (tig. 6). The protopodite (pr.) is small, the exopodite is missing, and the endopodite (en.) is represented by an imperfectly jointed thread. The appendages of this first segment being no longer necessary, atrophy, and, as has just been pointed out, there is no regularity or uniformity in the order of their disappearance. In the male, the appendages of this segment (fig. 7) possess an unjointed rod (t) cor- responding to the endopodite of the fw 7 _ Astacus flwia- second segment, and this rod Xe K ffiS stretches out to a considerable aK" V "nJoJ^n'tedTod distance. The exopodite is missing, (^^u^iey)- and the articulations between the different parts have disappeared. This may reasonably be regarded as the result of degeneration, and confirms what has already been said concerning the appendage of the TRANSFORMATION OF ORGANS OF ANIMALS 35 second metamere, where degeneration was exhibited by the relatively small size of the exopodite. It may be concluded from this examination that in the abdominal appendages there is a degenera- tion common to all — this is the absence of the podohranch. In accordance with the particular adaptations of each pair of appendages, special degeneration accompanies special adaptive develop- ments as we have shown above. We now pass to the fourteen anterior metameres of the cray-tish. The first six of these constitute the head, and carry on the first segment the stalked eyes ; on the second, the antennules ; on the third, the antennae ; on the fourth, the mandibles ; on the fifth and sixth, the two pairs of maxillae. The eight metameres of the middle of the body form the thorax, and carry on the seventh, eighth, and ninth, the maxillipedes ; on the tenth, the claws ; and on the eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth, and four- teenth, the walking legs. The structure of all these appendages may be referred to that of the typical primitive appendage. First take the thoracic appendages, commencing with the third maxillipede (fig. 8) which is the most complete appendage. It consists of a proto- podite formed of two parts (coxopodite and basipodite) and carries a podohranch (br.), a well-developed endopodite (en.) consisting of five jointed parts, and of a small exopodite segmented like those of the abdominal appendages. c 2 36 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION The third maxillipede may be regarded as the mean type of the average thoracic appendages. Compared with it the other appendages exhibit a true alternative development of their parts. When the exopodite is large the endopodite is small, and vice versd. Besides these general modifications in which the degenerative evolution of the entire appendages is exhibited, each one of the segments undergoes certain modifications of its own. Fig. S^.—Astacus fluviatUis. Third left maxillipede (1,5/1): CO, coxopodite,and ba, basipodite, forming pr, protopodite ; br, gill ; ear, exopodite ; en, en- dopodite (Huxley). Fig. 9.— Astacus fluviatUis. Second left maxillipede (1,5/1) : co, coxo- podite, and 6a, basipodite, forming pr, protopodite ; en, endopodite, ex, exopodite ; br, gill (Huxley). In the second maxillipede (fig. 9), which much resembles the third, the eocopodite {ex) is large, and the endopodite {en) is small, the prodopodite (pr.) is better developed, and the podohranch {hr.) has begun to atrophy. The same evolution is exhibited by the first TRANSFORMATION OF ORGANS OF ANIMALS 37 maxillipede (fig. 10), but here it is more striking, and considerably modifies the general appearance of en the appendage. The exopo- , dite (ex.) is well developed, j especially at its base ; the "^ '' endopodite (en.) is small and consists of only two joints ; in the prodopodite ( pr.) the . . „ ^ ^ xx- / FiQ.lO.—AstacusJIuviatilis. First two component segments leftmaxillipede(l,5/l):co,coxo- ■^ " podite, and 6a, basipodite, foiin- p ing pr, protopodite ; en, endo- /' .ca podite; ex, exopodlte ; ep, epi- podite (Huxley). are transformed into two long thin plates, and the podohranch is replaced by a mem- braneous plate (the epipodite) (ep). Behind the maxillipedes are the claws and the four walking legs. In these five pairs of appen- dages the exopodite shows most signs of degeneration. We will Fio. 11. — Astacus fluviatilii. Second left walking lee (1,5/1) : co, coxopodite and nOW CXamilie the COm- ba, basipodite, forming pr, protopodite; 6r, gill; t«, ischiopodite; /7je,meropodite; pOUCIlt partS of thcSC ca, carpopodite; />, propodite; rfu, dacty- ^ -"^ lopodite (Huxley). appCudagCS (fig. 11). T\\Q protopodite (pr.) consists of two parts (ba. and CO.), and carries a gill (br.) except in the last walking 38 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION leg. The endopodite consists of five primitive joints, which are well developed and form the ordinary claw ; these five parts are the ischiopodite (is.), the mesopodite (me.), the carpopodite (ca.), the propodite (pr.), and the dactylopodite (da.). The exopodite is missing. No vestige or rudiment of it is to be found in any phase of the development of the cray- fish. In the lobster, however, which is closely allied to the cray-fish, the exopodite is still to be found during the larval period. The third funda- mental part of the primitive member persists also in prawns throughout the entire period of life, but the organ is very small. At the extremity of the first and second pairs of walking legs there is an apparatus consisting of a fixed part — an elongation of the protopodite — and of a moveable part — the dactylopodite. This furnishes the walking leg with a prehensile organ which is well developed in the first pair of walking legs, and which is enormously increased in the true claws. In this evolution degeneration is exhibited by the disappearance of a joint, for in these appendages the basipodite and the ischiopodite are immovably united. This morpho- logical degeneration corresponds to a functional change in the appendage. So long as the claw was used for locomotion a joint at this point was in- dispensable for progression. It is this joint which, in six or eight-footed beasts allows of the horizontal motion of the member necessary for locomotion, which in six-footed beasts results from the general TRANSFORMATION OF ORGANS OF ANIMALS 39 structure of the parts and their auricular combina- tions. On the claw becoming prehensile, the joint hinge consolidates, the lever thus becoming much stronger and permitting the claw to be sc Fio. 12. — Aslacus Jiuvialilis. Second left maxilla (1,5/1): CO, coxopodite, and 6a, basipo- dlte, forming pr, protopodite ; e», endopodite; sc, scaphog- nathlde (Huxley). used to greater advantage. It now remains to examine the appendages situated in front of the maxillipedes, i.e. the appendages of the head. In the second maxilla (fig. 12) a special transformation may be observed. The coxopodite (co.), and the basipodite (ha.), are flat plates ; the endopodite {en.), which is small and undivided, ex- hibits signs of degeneration in its size, and in the absence of all articulations. The exopodite, accord- ing to some authorities on the FiG.is.—Astacusfluvia- subicct, HO longcr cxists, while mis. First left max- "^ _ ^^ . . ilia (1,5/1): CO, coxo- accordinsj to others it constitutes podite, and ba, basi- , . 7 . / ^ i podite, forming pr. With the evipoditc (the aualogous protopodite; en, en- i i • i i dopodite (Huxley), part to that which wc regard as representing the gill in the maxillipede), a large peculiarly-shaped blade, the scaphognathide (sc.). In the first maxilla (fig. 13), a partial degenera- tion of the organ is very marked : the exopodite and ^ See J. Demoor, Recherches sur la Marche des Crustac6s (Arch, de Zool. exp. etgeii., 2° serie, t. iv. , 1891). T. List, Bewegungsapparat des Arthropoden, 1. Theil, Astacus Fluviatilis. Morphol. Jahrbuch., xxii. Bd. 3. Heft, 1895. 40 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION the epipodite are missing ; the endopodite is reduced to a mere unjointed stem, and only the protopodite retains its two normal component parts. The mandibles (fig. 14), the appendages of the fourth segment, are modified entirely for mastica- tion. They consist of a strong transverse piece (pr.) provided at the extremity with an inner surface (st) for grinding and sawing, and of a three-jointed piece (en.) with bristles which point outwards. The first piece is the result of the en r>p>^^ . J- • • 1 J ^ Transference, of recent 2. Persons owning adjoining lands. . . ' . , , 3. The other members of the village. J- f • iV • • ii 4. The other members of the pleme. I „ "f \ ^ ongma y con- ^ ^ fined to relatives. If none of those entitled to the first oflFer desire to purchase, the owner may then sell his property to any other Montenegiiii. ; , , , 102 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION not permitted to acquire landed property in Montenegro,^ and that the public are unrestricted in the right to hunt over any ground they choose.^ 2. Village 'property {Russia). — Village communes and the periodical division of land — the mer of Kussia or the dessah of Java, for instance — do not represent types of a primitive system, but are the outcome of a whole series of modifica- tions. Kowalevsky traces the evolution of the present system in Eussia through the following principal stages : — 1. The joint use of land by the members of one family group (pechische), corresponding to the zadruga of the Southern Servians, and sometimes comprised of more than forty persons. 2. The division of the mother-family into separate households, thus forming a village community, and the temporary allotment of the land of the community among the separate families. ^ The old Montenegrin law relating to landed property, which prescribes the purchase of land in Montenegro by any but Montenegrins, is still in full force. No transaction in violation of it is legally binding (Dickel, £ti(de sur le nouveau Code civil monUn^grin). ^ Throughout the Southern Slavonic countries, hunting is the free right of all. Anyone may hunt where and how they please, not only on public ground, among the mountains and forests, but ■upop private property, whether cultivated or not (Dickel, p. 36). EVOLUTION AND DEGENERATION OF INSTITUTIONS 103 3. The alienation of all or part of the allot- ments assigned to the families and the constitution of agricultural communes no longer necessarily consisting exclusively of persons akin. 4. The periodical division of land, which, as the population increased, was instituted with a view to re-establishing an equal distribu- tion. This system of division, which was established gradually, only dealt with the more valuable sort of land, such as meadows and arable land. The forest land and pas- turage, that at least which was not already annexed by the Lords of the Manor, was free to all. This transformation of family communities into village communities was not effected without accompanying degeneration. The administrative institutions of the family group disappeared, and the rights of pre-emption in favour of blood rela- tions were gradually replaced by village rights. The importance of the family, regarded as an economic group, decreased in proportion with the increase of the importance of the village. In some places, however, and especially among the Ossetes who inhabit the valleys of the Caucasus, the old system may still be found. There, at any rate up to within the last few years, the aouls (villages) are principally com- prised of families holding land in joint tenure, 104 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION frequently sharing all things in common. These aonls are very rarely met with nowadays.^ Besides these family communities, there yet remain among the Ossetes, as in Montenegro, numerous vestiges of the primitive system of clan property, i.e. the appropriation of certain portions of land by the members of the clan, the common use of pasturage and forest land, the enforced participation in certain public works, and the rights of heritage over unclaimed land, or un- appropriated property which had become so owing to the lapse of some " feu " or by the extinction of a family community.^ 3. Feudal property {EnglaTid). — The introduction of the feudal system into England resulted in the substitution of a new method of grouping, in place of the old agrarian communities. These new groups, like the townships of earlier times, con- sisted of a complete organization occupying definite boundaries. Instead, however, of being a family group administrated by a democratic organization and government, this new system, which Stimner- Maine calls a " manorial group," consisted of a tenantry autocratically grouped together and governed by a feudal chief — the Lord or Seignior.^ ^ See Kowalevsky, Coutume contemporaiiu ct hi a7icienne, p. 42. Paris, Larose, 1893. 2 See Kowalevsky, Coutume contemporaiiu et loi ancienne, pp. 68 and following. Paris, Larose, 1893. ^ See Sumner-Maine, Les Communaut4s de village; 1 Z>., Etudes 8ur VHistoire du Droit; 1 D., VAncien Droit et la coutume ancienne. EVOLUTION AND DEGENERATION OF INSTITUTIONS 105 Although it cannot definitely be asserted that each one of these manorial groups was developed from what had formerly been a village community, yet it is evident that such was frequently the case, and that the transformation was accompanied by partial degeneration. For instance : — 1. The assembly of the inhabitants of the town- ship, which formerly exercised complete con- trol over all legal and administrative affairs, disappeared, and in its place sprang up the Manorial Court which was comprised of a limited number of tenants and presided over by the Lord of the Manor or his representa- tive. 2. The collective property became absorbed, or was at least considerably reduced by the acquisitions of the Lord of the Manor, or by divisions effected by members of the com- munes. The old system of collective pro- perty held by townships did not, however, wholly disappear. (a) The " rights of usage " in regard to waste land, forest and moors (such as the use of unclaimed pasturage, the cutting of timber, etc.), were still enjoyed by the old inhabitants, and even in some instances by other persons upon whom these "rights" had been conferred. Emile Laveleye, Les Communautes de famille et de village {Remie d' ^oiwmie 'politique y 1888, pp. 350 and following). Vinogradoff, Villainage in EnglaTid, Oxford and London, 1892. 106 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION (h) With regard to meadow land, sometimes the Lord of the Manor put up enclosures for his own benefit from Candlemas till Midsummer, the rights of the community being established during the remainder of the year only ; sometimes it was the community who put up the enclosures, when the Lord of the Manor was only entitled to the use of the land during the intervals ; sometimes pasturage was held as the joint property of the old community, or rather of their descendants the tenants ; but as a rule it was regarded as more or less common pro- perty. The best meadow land was divided up into what were termed " deals " and apportioned by drawing lots. (c) With regard to arable land, the method of appropriating and cultivating the land occupied by the tenants retained many traces of the village system of collective property. For instance : the enforced rotation of crops ; the periodical division of land in certain parts of the country ; the division of land into three breaks in other places ; and the destruction after the harvest of the en- closures surrounding the crops, after which the land was used for the herding of cattle. These survivals may yet be found in some districts of modern England, in spite of all the great changes in the English system of property ; changes such as the disappearance of the serf and the appearance of yeomen in the course of the thirteenth to the six- teenth century, and the dispossession of the yeoman EVOLUTION AND DEGENERATION OF INSTITUTIONS 107 in favour of the growth of large properties in the course of the sixteenth to the eighteenth century. 4. Public or collective property (Switzerland). — It is easy in Switzerland to follow the course of the transformation into political communes of the old system of economic communes, whether village or manorial. In the mountainous parts of Switzerland this transformation is still incomplete, and side by side with the modern commune may be seen the old form of collective property, though in a more or less advanced stage of degeneration. The successive stages of this evolution may be enumerated as follows : — 1. The village communities (the Felcl-Walt-und- Weidegemeinschaft of von Maurer). 2. The collective property of the inhabitants, whether feudal, free, or partly both (Gemischte Gemeinde). The Feldgemeinschaft completely disappeared after the Eeformation, the collective land of the community, the joint use of which was the right of all the inhabitants, being restricted to mere waste land, forest land, and pasturage (Allmend)} ^ The Allmend, in the primitive sense of the word, meant that part of the old collective property held in joint tenancy by a community of inhabitants or any other public body, the use of which was limited to those who had a personal title to it. This primitive meaning has changed in Switzerland — excepting in the 108 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION 3. The institution of Bilrgergemeinde — public corporations — the members of which enjoyed the sole use of the Allmend, and upon whom fell the costs of local administration ; as the population increased, the conditions of admission into the Burger- gemeinde became more and more strict. 4, The creation of Mnwohnergemeinde, or political communes, established side by side with the old system, and in many localities eventu- ally taking its place. In these the responsi- bilities of the former system were assumed, and part or the whole of the collective property was appropriated. Where the old communities still survive, they have, as a rule, ceased to exercise the greater part of their original functions. In the Cantons of Berne and Saint-Gall, for instance, the old communities have de - livered up the greater part of their possessions to the political communes to provide for the expenses of general ad- ministration. Their only now remaining function is the administration of the small remainder of their patrimony and the main- tenance of the indigent members of the community. Canton of Schwyz — owing to the changes in the institution itself (see Miaskowski, Die Schweitzerische Allmend in ihrer geschicht- lichen Entwickelung, von xiii. Jalirhwndcrt his zum Gegenwart). EVOLUTION AND DEGENERATION OF INSTITUTIONS 109 Independently of this decay of the old system of communities, the formation of political com- munes was attended by other phenomena of degeneration : — 1. The suppression of all or part of the " rights of usage " enjoyed by the inhabitants. The Einwohnergemeinde, being called upon to dis- charge more and more onerous and complex func- tions, were obliged to either partially or wholly transform the communal possessions, to the per- sonal use of which the people were entitled, into property appropriated to the use of the public, either directly {i.e. into churches, teaching insti- tutions, etc.) or indirectly, as a means of obtaining a revenue {Erwerbsquelle). 2. The decrease in collective property. Many of the Bilrgergemeinde, although no longer discharging public functions, retained part of their estates, which were held by the members in joint tenancy. On the other hand, as the increased population necessitated the cultivation of the Allmend, the original " right of usage " re- sulted in many instances in a transformation of the land into private property. This transformation, however, was not always complete, and all the intermediate stages may be traced between the old collective tenure and the appropriation by individuals. 5. Corporative property (Belgium). — Here we will limit the sphere of our observations to Belgium, in 110 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION order to avoid repetition, similar examples being almost universally exhibited throughout Europe.-^ Our information is obtained from the work of Paul Errera, entitled Les Masuirs, recherches his- toriques et juridiques sur quelques vestiges des formes anciennes de la 'proprUU en Belgique. The masuirs (the amborgers of Flanders) were the mansuarii or maiisoarii of the Merovingian period, originally serfs, afterwards tenants and copy-holders, and finally freemen. Their history exhibits the following stages : — 1. The feudal epoch in which the masuirs — i.e. all the members of the manorial group — enjoyed "rights of usage" over all waste lands, forests and pasturage adjoining their holdings. These rights appear to have been conferred by the Lord of the Manor, but they really dated from a much earlier period. 2. As the increasing population necessitated the regulation and limitation of these rights, certain conditions of property and residence were stipulated for in those seeking admis- • sion to the rights of the masuirs, and these privileged persons organized themselves into corporations which were more or less ex- clusive and separate from the general community. * With regard to corporative property in Switzerland, see von Miaskowski, Die schweizerische Allmend, pp. 37 and following. EVOLUTION AND DEGENERATION OF INSTITUTIONS 111 3. By degrees — by means of cantonments, pur- chases, prescriptive claims, &c. — these cor- porations absorbed the best part of the land, and became almost independent of the Lord of the Manor; as a rule, the latter gave up half of the common territory to them, and freed the surplus from all rights of usage. In the corporations of masuirs, however, there were still a few remaining vestiges of some of the institutions of the old manorial group from which they had gradually developed. The Lord of the Manor, for instance, himself being an in- habitant and a masuir, had a right to a share in the property of the community, and further, in his seigniorial capacity, certain privileges accrued to him such as " la haute fleur des bois," i.e. tithes and pannage (crops of acorns). 4. The Ee volution put an end to all feudal rights, and removed the last remaining traces of the origin of the masuirs. Throughout this long series of transformations, it is evident that degeneration has followed in the track of progress. Besides the disappearance of the manorial group and its attendant institutions, the rights of the masuirs may be said to have become more restricted as they became more defined and secure. In the early days, all the inhabitants enjoyed joint rights over a vast common territory, 112 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION at the close of the old system this territory had become much reduced in extent, and had become the property of a more or less large group of privileged persons. 6. Private 'pro'perty {Switzerland). — After the Eevolution, the communities of masuirs and other similar corporations ceased to have any recognized legal existence. Those which still survived in spite of the irregularity of their legal position, owed their existence to their insignificance. The others dispersed themselves, or were dispersed, and the property which had belonged to them was either incorporated with the communal estate, or divided up among the members of the old com- munity. In each of these cases the transformation was attended by degeneration, for the archaic adminis- trative organization disappeared. We saw in the allmend of Switzerland, this same divergent evolution of public and private pro- perty, part of the common land being transformed into communal property, while the use of the sur- plus ended in some instances in the land becoming ultimately the private property of individuals. This frequently occurred where land was cultivated as orchards. In early times both fruit and fruit- trees belonged, like the land itself, to the community, and in certain parts of the Cantons of XJri and Schwyz this is still the case. By degrees, however, individual rights over fruit-trees planted on the EVOLUTION AND DEGENERATION OF INSTITUTIONS 113 allmend came to be recognized. These rights, whether temporary or held for a life-time, eventually became perpetual, and finally this right to the private acquisition of trees led to a right to acquire the land itself. This last transformation was not effected without a struggle and occasionally the land was reclaimed by the community, the pro- prietor of the trees receiving compensation. Now- a-days the possession of trees and land usually go together. Duality of this kind, however, is still to be met with in certain localities. In the Scrnfthal (in the Canton of Glaris) a still stranger custom prevails with regard to the maple forests. There, the soil, the trees, and the fallen leaves (the latter being used as litter for cattle) all belong to different persons.! With regard to house property there are more intermediary conditions between use and possession. In some villages, the chalets as well as the ground upon which they are built, belong to the whole community ; in other villages, both are part of the collective property. Sometimes private possession is restricted to the house or chalet, the right to the ground upon which it is built lapsing with the existence of the house. In order to limit the number and durability of these buildings, many restrictions are imposed, such as the prohibition to build houses of stones, or chalets of wood cut from trees not belonging to the builder himself or to the corporation to which he belongs, etc. ^ Miaskowski, Die schweizerische Allmendy pp. 18 and following. H / 114 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION 7. Summary, — This long series of modifications, the result of which was the transformation of primitive communities of goods into the modern forms of public and private property, was ac- companied throughout by degenerative changes. The establishment of family property entailed the curtailment of tribal and clan rights. Family property passed into property held by the village ; next the development of feudal tenure involved the degeneration of the old agrarian communities ; finally, the primitive organization' of property with the administrative and political institution depen- dent on it, disintegrated and disappeared as the primitive community of goods lapsed into the personal enjoyment of these by individuals, and as the primitive method of land tenure passed into the rights of private property. We see then that degeneration has always accompanied evolution : the destruction of old institutions is involved in the formation of new institutions. PART II DEGENERATION IN THE EVOLUTION OF ORGANISMS AND SOCIETIES We have seen that modification of organs and of institutions is always associated with partial de- generation. We have now to show that, similarly, when organisms and societies become modified, de- generation is shown in some of their organs or institutions. This shows again the universality of decjenerative evolution. CHAPTEK I ALL ORGANISMS EXHIBIT RUDIMENTARY ORGANS All existing organisms have lost some organs in the course of their phylogenetic development. This may be proved in two ways : either there are remaining vestiges of these organs, or else they are to be found in other creatures which may be regarded as ancestors. MS 116 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION 1. Rudimentary organs, signs of a degenerative transformation in the organism itself, are either organs which have ceased to be functional, or which have so diminished in importance that their total disappearance would be unattended by any appreciable loss to the organism. In the majority of cases this cessation of function is attended by a corresponding structural decay. 2. The system of comparing living organisms with their presumptive ancestors equally demonstrates the retrogression of certain organs. Among the Orobanchacete for instance, parasitic plants derived from normal green plants, no trace of cotyledons is observable from the period of germination.^ Among animals, .taking the horse as an example, several organs have wholly disappeared. In the genealogy of the horse, which is well known, the earliest ancestor Eohippus, possessed five functional fingers on the fore-feet, and four toes on the hind- feet. The horse still possesses one functional finger and one functional toe, two rudimentary fingers and two rudimentary toes. Two fingers and two toes have entirely disappeared. It is hardly necessary to point out that this system of comparison does not demonstrate the ^ L. Koch, Die Entwickeliingsgeschichtc der OrobancJien. Heidel- berg, C. Winter, 1887. RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 1 1 7 degenerative changes attending the phylogenetic development of an organisra with such incontestable certainty as does the existence of vestiges of rudi- mentary organs. It is our belief that all organisms contain vestiges of organs, either more or less apparent. In our present condition of knowledge, however, it is quite impossible — particularly as regards plants — to prove this theory universally. It is to be hoped, however, that future researches will ultimately succeed in establishing it. In the meantime, we will point out the most typical among the cases known to us. With animals, as with plants, our investigations have extended not only to every kind of group, but to the most varied systems of organs, thus giving our theory an extremely wide application. Section I. Budimentary Organs of Animals. § 1. Budimentary Organs in Man. Throughout the whole human organic systems signs of degeneration abound. 1. The Integumentary System. — In the ancestors of man, the entire surface of the skin was covered with hairs. Man's clothing of hair is far from perfect, the hairs of which it is composed being rudimentary. 118 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION According to Her twig, the teeth should be regarded as part of the tegumentary system, as they really represent the scales of the skate, situated within the buccal cavity. In man, the last molar, or wisdom tooth, is a rudimentary tooth. The small- sized shallow crown, the diminished number of tubercles, the fusion of the roots, the tardy appearance and occasional absence altogether, are all indications of a rudi- mentary condition. 2. The Skeleton. — With few exceptions, the articular surfaces of the bodies of mammalian vertebrates are covered in youth with bony plates. These sometimes become very thick, and are called terminal epiphyses. In some mammals — the Sirenians, for instance — the terminal epi- physes have disappeared. In man they still exist, but in an advanced stage of degeneration. In the lower vertebrates, sucli as the crocodile, many more ribs are functional than in man. In the crocodile all the ribs connected with the cervical vertebrae are functional, whereas in man they have degenerated. Of one entire section of the human vertebral column — the tail — so fully developed in the majority of other vertebrates, only a vestige now remains. Other rudimentary skeletal pieces are the lesser horn of the hyoid bone, the stylo-hyoidean liga- ment, the coracoid process, and the interclavicular ligament. KUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 119 3. The Muscular System. — The cutaneous muscles, those of the shell of the ear, and those that move the tail, which in most mammals are well developed, are still present in man, but have degenerated. Further, there is to be found in man the intra-acetabular part (the round ligament) of the deep flexor muscle of the toes which is functional in some animals — in young ostriches, for instance. In the adult ostrich the intra-acetabular part is separated from the rest of the muscle, which is attached to the pelvis. Traces remain in the horse of a connection between the intra- and the extra-acetabular parts ; the muscle itself is divided into two parts, the pectineal muscle in the thigh, and the deep flexor muscle of the toe situated in the leg. In the orang-outang, this degeneration has made further advances than in man, the intra- acetabular part of the muscle having entirely disappeared.^ 4. The Nervous System. — Here we find numerous signs of degeneration, of which the following are a few examples : In the brain the pineal gland, the last remaining vestige of what was formerly a functional eye, is present. In the spinal cord the filu^n terminale still exists. We know that the spinal cord in man does not retain its normal thickness to the extremity of ^ See Sutton, Ligaments, their mature and morphology. London, 1887, 120 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION the vertebral column but is arrested at the first lumbar vertebra. There a considerable number of special nerves leave it, forming a mass of branches like a horse's tail. Along the centre of these nerves, in the middle line, a slender filament represents the spinal cord to the extremity of the coccyx. This filament is the filum terminale, the spinal cord in a condition of degeneration. 5. The Digestive System. — The caecum and its vermiform appendage, are well known to be organs which have degenerated. 6. The Vascular System. — In quadrupeds the intercostal veins are vertical, the blood consequently flowing against gravity. These veins contain valves which indirectly facilitate the upward and onward flow of the blood by preventing it from running back. Man, being a biped with a vertical thorax, is provided with intercostal veins that are almost horizontal. The ancestral valves being no longer indispensable are in a condition of degeneration. 7. Sense Organs, — In the olfactory organ there remains a degenerate Jacohson's organ. In the organ of sight there is a third eyelid in a state of degeneration. In the organ of hearing there remains on the shell of the ear a kind of point (Darwin's point) which is the last remaining vestige of the ancestral elongated and pointed ear. 8. Genito-urinary System. — There is a whole series of rudimentary organs in the genito-urinary system of the higher animals. As is well known, RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 121 the Wolffian body plays a considerable part in the formation of the system. This body, the primitive kidney, loses its urinary function at a certain stage of embryonic development, and the permanent kidney which gradually develops alongside, assumes the urinary function. Later on, the Wolffian body assumes new functions, becoming an important part of the genital apparatus. In this transformation partial degeneration occurs, resulting in such reduced structures as the epi- didymis, the organ of Rosenmiiller, the vas aherrans, etc. (see fig. 57). § 2. Budimentary organs in various groups. 1. Ccdenterates. — The Coelenterates comprise three great groups.^ The Anthozoa, of which the coral is a type, the Hydrazoa, which include fresh water Hydra and the common jelly-fish of our seas, and the Ctenophora, of which the chief representative in our seas is Cydippe, a globular transparent animal frequently to be found floating in large numbers on the surface of the water. The colonies of Anthozoa are usually composed of individuals all exactly alike. In some species, however, in the Pennatulidoe and the Alcyonaria for instance, there is a distinct differentiation amongst the numerous individuals composing the colony. Side by side with sexual individuals ^ See C. Vogt and Emile Yung, Traits d'anatomie comparie, vol. i. 122 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION provided with tentacles and the eight mesenteric folds, are other far simpler individuals : the zooides, the function of which is respiratory and of which the greater part of the organs have degenerated ; the generative organs are lacking, the tentacles are very small, and the mesenteric folds only number two instead of eight. Degeneration, then, is exhibited side by side with specialization. Apiong the Hydromedusce similar examples abound. It is known that the polyp-like or medusa-like forms of this group which may live independently, frequently associate themselves together to form colonies, sometimes predominantly polypoid, sometimes completely medusoid, and occa- sionally a mixture of the two. In these cases a marked polymorphism is often apparent. The different individuals become adapted to definite functions, and the corresponding organs undergo special development ; the other parts of the body having become either unnecessary or merely accessory, begin to degenerate and finally disappear. Thus we see in Hydroid colonies, not only the hydra-like members, nutritive, fixed and sterile, and the medusa-like members which are reproductive and become free from the colony, but also certain individuals which are termed gono- phores. These gonophores are really medusa-like members which have lost their independent move- ment, and have consequently more or less lost both their tentacles and their umbrella-like discs, RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 123 i.e. their organs of locomotion. In some colonies of Hydroids, polymorphism has made such advances that there are tactile individuals of which the digestive tube lacks both mouth and tentacles, and other purely defensive individuals of which the internal organs are almost all in a state of atrophy. Opinions differ regarding the complicated question of the structure of the Siphon - ophora. The organism (fig. 52) may be regarded as a simple medusa of which the different appendages — the pneumatophore (pn.), the swimming bells (cL), the siphons (s.), the shield (b.), the tentacle (t), the palp (pa.), the gonophores (go.), etc. — constitute the organs, or as a colony each part of which is represented by an individual polypoid adapted to fulfil a special function. Whatever theory is accepted, it is clear that a whole series of parts of the creature must be regarded as organs in a condition of degeneration. We accept the second of these theories,^ and ' Haeckel, System der Medusen : Jena, 1880-1881. A. Lang, Traits d'aimtomie compar^e. Fig. 52.— Diagram of the structure of one of the Siphonophora. pn, pneumatophore or float ; cl, swimming bell; 6, protective polyp ; ^ tentacle; pa, palp; g, gonophore; p, peduncle bearing the mouth; «, iDdivlduals for nu- trition. 124 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION regard the whole creature as formed from a Craspedote Medusa which has become mother of a colony and of which the umbrella, developed into the pneumatophore {jpn.) has had its radial canals greatly simplified and its tentacles reduced to one during the growth of the colony. The stalk-like stomach (p.) of this medusa has increased in length, but this development is attended by corresponding degeneration, the buccal aperture, which is situated at the free end of the peduncle in normal Craspedote Medusae, having entirely disappeared. The stalk, formed in this way, serves as a support to the number of other individuals of which the colony is constituted, and which are remarkable for the great morphological variation they exhibit. Among these individuals, those at the top, i.e. those nearest to the air-sac, fulfil the function of locomotion. They become transformed into swim- ming bells (cl.) and contain no organs whatever. Below these locomotory organs are the sexual individuals, or gonophores {g), and the sterile individuals (s.). The former are of medusoid structure, the umbrella is more or less perfect, and they are sometimes provided with tentacles, and possess a peduncle or manubrium which some- times has a buccal aperture. The sterile individuals provide nutrition for the others. The organs no longer essential to them atrophy in a variable degree. In the case of some the umbrella is present, in others it is absent, and between these RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 125 two extreme types come intermediate types which exhibit every possible stage of degeneration. In the Ctenophore group development and de- generation are exhibited simultaneously in the organs of locomotion. The fundamental and typical shape of the Ctenophore is round or oval, and the eight sides are provided with swimming plates, originally uniform — as in Bero'e. The individuals belonging to this group exhibit important evidences of modification in their external morphology. The body being sometimes com- pressed in various directions, the shape is altered from the original, and assumes a more or less irregular appearance. The organs of locomotion undergo a corresponding change. Take for example an adult specimen of Bolina norvegica (fig. 53); the body is lobate, although it was round during the larval period ; the swimming plates are not uniform, four being long and reaching along the whole length of the body, the other four being only developed in the upper half of the body as far as where the lobes are inserted, where they end as degenerate hair-like processes. By referring to the Cestidge, which are ribbon-like in shape, it will be seen that by means of compression the body Fig. 53.— Bolina Norvegica, seen from the broad side. C, short rows of swimming plates; A, long rows; L, lobes. (After Vogt and Yung, Trait e dfanatomie comparie.) 126 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION of the animal is lengthened out into the shape of a narrow ribbon. Of the primitive lateral row of plates, four are represented by mere vestiges, and the other four, which continue to be functional, are situated, closely coupled together, on the two edges of the animal. 2. Worms. — We will next take in succession the Plathelminthes or fiat worms, the Eotifers, the Nemathelminthes, or round worms, the Annelids and the Gephyreans. Among the Plathelminthes, the group of Cestodes •contains the common tape- worm of man {Taenia solium). In the course of its parasitic existence this worm has undergone considerable morphological changes. The digestive tube is lacking, and the whole nervous system has become greatly simplified. The degeneration of the nervous system is not, however, complete, for important vestiges still per- sist. The degeneration of the digestive tube is much more thorough. In Tcenia solium it is alto- gether absent. In species closely allied to the Tcenia some slight vestiges of the digestive apparatus yet remain. The head or scolex of some species of Tetrarhynchus contain glandular cells which have been homologized with the salivary glands of other flat worms {Trematodcs). In other species of Tetra- rhynchus there is a rudimentary organ which repre- sents the oval sucker of the Treinatodcs, and in Anthrocephalus eloTigatus the orifices of the salivary glands are in the region of this vestige of the digestive tube. RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 127 Many facts in support of our argument may be drawn from a study of the excretory organs of the Cestodes. The condition of these organs in Caryophylleus mutabilis best represents the primitive condition. Within the body of this worm are a large number of narrow ducts with ciliated funnels communicating with the spaces in the parenchyma (Fraipont). These organs communicate with canals which gradually reunite and anastomose to find a vent in one single aperture, the foramen caudale, which is situated in the posterior part of the body where there is a bladder. In the Cestodes, however, where the body is very long, the action of the bladder is insufficient to secure a complete evacuation. Secondary apertures are therefore formed at in- tervals along the main ducts. This new structure entails the degeneration of the terminal bladder which has become superfluous. In Botryoce/phalus punctatus, which possesses a great number of excretory apertures, the primitive evacuatory appa- ratus— i.e. the contractile cavity — has completely disappeared. Rotifers are minute animals, usually living in fresh water, a few being marine. One of them, an inhabitant of damp earth or moss, has been supposed to possess the power of revivifying after complete dessication. At the anterior end of the body, a rotifer possesses a complicated ciliary apparatus which fulfils the function of locomotion, and from 128 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION the rotatory movements of which the name of the group have been given. This organ is well developed in those types which lead an independent existence, but in those where movement is more restricted or where the character of the organ has changed, it is considerably modified and reduced in size. In Philodinoe, (crawling Eotifers) the organ of rota- tion has lost the central part, and in its place is substituted a very complicated organ of prehension. In sessile forms such as Floscularia, the organ is modified and only the primitive character of the inner ring is retained, while the outer ring is segmented and becomes a series of arms or lobes, furnished with stiff bristles. In Apsilus, another sessile form, the organ of locomotion has disap- peared ; this is obviously an instance of true retro- gression, for in young specimens a vibratory crown still persists. The Nemathelminthes contain such round worms as these common intestinal parasites : Ascaris, Oxyuris, Strongylus, etc. These all belong to the Nematode group, and possess a complete digestive tube. Gordius, however, exhibits orgegis which are reduced in a marked degree ; in the adult animal the buccal orifice of the digestive tube is closed, and the posterior part of the intestine has disappeared, although in the young worm the alimentary canal is complete. This modification, though incomplete and appearing only in the adult life of Gordius, is complete EUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 129 and permanent in some other Nematodes. In Echinorhynclius, for instance, the digestive tube is absent, and nourishment is obtained by mean^ of osmotic soaking through the body walls. The Annelids comprise the annulated sea-worms and forms like the common earth-worm (Zumbricus terricola). In these creatures we will take, first, the development of the eyes. In Oligochcetes, which for the most part live in soil or mud, the organs of sight are greatly reduced. The Naidonwrphce alone have eyes. The Archiannelida — Histrior (a para- site), for instance — possess eyes when young, but in the adult state the eyes have greatly degener- ated. As a rule, the eyes of the Polychcetes are well developed, and in some of them quite re- markably so. In species, however, which do not move about much, the eyes are merely represented by small pigmented spots. We may mention, too, the Gephyreans, without pledging ourselves as to their exact relationship. Bon^llia viridis, the history of which is well known and of great interest, belongs to this group. The male Bonellia lives as a parasite on the proboscis, or in the gullet or the nephridium of the female. It is flat and small, and has neither mouth, arms, nor circulatory system. All the organs remain as in the larval condition, with the exception of the genital organs, which are fully developed. Bonellia and Dinophilus, a rotifer, of which the male is degenerate, exhibit a progressive degenera- I ; 130 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION tion of all the organs not connected with reproduc- tion. Degeneration has made furthest advances in Bonellia, which affords a striking example of retro- gression side by side with development. Investigations of animal series such as these might well be continued throughout the various classes and groups, showing the existence of rudi- mentary organs in all. We will restrict ourselves here, however, to mentioning the larger subdivisions only, taking one example from each group. 3. The EchiTwderms. — This order comprises star-fish or asterids, sea-urchins, Crinoids and Holothuria or trepangs. Of these we will take the star-fish, and proceed to examine its digestive tube. Under normal circumstances, the intestine terminates in a dorsal anus, centrally, or slightly excentrically placed, pre- ceded by a very short but well-developed rectum. Asteracanthion and- Solaster furnish good examples of this. In some kinds of Asterids — in Astropecten aurantiaeus, for instance — the anus no longer exists, and the rectum, having become useless, is greatly reduced, though still exhibiting signs of its original condition. 4. Mollusca. — Of the group of Mollusca we will take the Gastropods and the Cephalopods as examples. There are two kinds of Gastropods, straight and twisted, the former representing the primitive type. The straight types — such as Chiton, Patella^ RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 131 HalioteSj and Fissurella — are bilaterally symmetri- cal, while in other Gastropods the spiral twisting of the body causes a progressive diminution of the organs situated on the side towards which the twisting occurs ; the organs of the left side may therefore become smaller, and finally atrophy almost completely. The internal shell of the Cephalopods furnishes a striking example of a rudimentary organ.^ The Nautilus (fig. 54) has a shell, the spiral coils of which are pressed tightly against one another. The spiral is divided into a series of chambers by means of partitions, each par- tition being provided with an aperture for f.^. ^A.-Nautnu, pompuius. fhp flHmiQQinn nf f>iP ^ terminal chamber of the shell ; a, body Cne aamiSSlOn or tne of the anlmal; /.siphon; r,mantlefold. siphon (Z.). The shell «^«°) of Spirula (fig. 55 and 56, a), a creature still existing, is only partially curled round ; the last chamber of the shell is very small, and only encloses a part of the animal, most of which remains outside the shell, and partially covers it by the mantle (p.), the shell being therefore partly external and partly internal. On examining the fossil species ; Spiru- 1 W. Boas, Lehrhuch der Zoologie. Jena, 1894. 132 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION lirostra (fig. 56, B), Belemnites (fig. 56, c), and Conoteuthis (fig. 56, d), a progressive simplifi- cation of the shell may be observed, the latter becoming less and less coiled, until finally the original shell is transformed into a straight chambered portion surmounted by a stiliform process. Degeneration is principally exhibited in Fig. 55.—Spirula prototypos. , body of the animal; p, mantle fold ; c, shell, partly internal, partly external. (After Owen.) Fig. 66 —Shells of various Cephalopods A, Spirula; B, Spirvlirostra ; C, Belemnites; teuthis; E, Ommatostrephes ; F, Loligopsis Boas.) D, Cmo. . (After the segmented part, which becomes more and more reduced. In Ommatostrephes (fig. 56, e), and in all existing species (such as Loligopsis, fig. 56, f), with the exception of those just mentioned above, degeneration has become complete. The shell no longer contains a cavity for the reception of the animal, and the phenomenon already mentioned with regard to Spirula — the development of the RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 133 organism round about the shell — has become more marked in character. The shell has become internal instead of external, and forms the so-called cuttle-bone. This structure, being only the vestige of what was originally an external shell, must be regarded as a reduced organ. 5. Arthropoda. — The group of Arthropods com- prises the Myriopoda, the Crustacea, the Arachnida, and the Insecta. Instances of rudimentary organs are very common among the Crustacea, but our investigations with regard to the appendages of the cray-fish were so thorough that we will give examples from another group, that of the Insecta, instead. Insects are characterized by the possession of three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. The organs of flight exhibit a multitude of special adaptations, and numerous instances of degenera- tion are exhibited. In the Neuroptera (dragon flies), Hymenoptera (saw flies and bees), and Lepi- doptera (moths and butterflies), the four wings are generally all alike and fully developed. In the Diptera (flies), the posterior wings have atrophied and are represented by two reduced organs, the " balancers," these being absent in certain types. The Strepsiptera form a group of which compara- tively little is yet known; the larvae live in the nests of bees ; the females have no wings ; in the males the anterior wings are rudimentary and the pos- 134 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION terior wings are fully developed. In the group of Coleoptera (scarabs, cockchafers, longicorns, and beetles), the anterior wings ("wing covers") have become very resistant, and constitute a perfect cuirass covering and protecting the abdomen, and the posterior wings, the organs of flight, are folded beneath the wing covers when in repose. In the Scarabsei and the Calosoma the posterior wings are much reduced. In other Coleoptera the wing covers are united by their inner edges, thus render- ing all movement of the underlying wings ineffectual and useless. The result may, as in Gibbium, be the total atrophy of these under wings. In the Staphylinidse, the upper wall of the abdomen is so strong that the protection of wing covers is unnecessary; consequently the wing covers have degenerated into little lamella which cover only the anterior quarter of the body. In the female Lampyris (glow-worm), the wings have totally dis- appeared. The Orthoptera (cockroaches and ear- wigs) exhibit a great number of variations in the organs of flight. In cockroaches all four wings are usually fully developed ; in some specimens, however, and these principally female, a very pro- nounced degeneration of all the wings may be observed. The anterior wings of the Forficulides are reduced. In the group of Phasmidae we find side by side with species of the genus Bacillus, which have no wings and look like dried twigs, Phyllmm siccifolium to which the large green and RUDIMENTAKY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 135 yellow wings give the appearance of a leaf. The neuters of Termites have no wings. 6. Vertebrates. — Among Vertebrates the genito- urinary system contains a great number of rudi- mentary organs. In order to fully understand the nature of these organs, it will be necessary to glance through the ontogenetic and phylogenetic development of the system. The first stage in the formation of the kidney- system is the pronephros (fig. 57, a). This primitive organ consists of intricate canals (a, a, a), opening into the body cavity at the point where the glomeruli are formed on the sub-intestinal vein. All these canals originally had apertures to the exterior. Later on, however, these uriniferous tubules became connected with one single excretory canal (c.) opening into the cloaca (ce.). The primitive genital gland was situated close to the pronephros. In process of time the mesonephros replaced the pronephros (fig. 57, b); in origin it was quite distinct from the pronephros, its appearance being that of a secretory urinary gland (g.) and its secretory canal (c.) (segmental duct), was the same as that of the pronephros. The urinary system thus formed, became and . still continues to be, closely connected with the genital gland, the discharging canals of which passed through the mesonephric kidney in order to find a passage to the exterior through the segmental duct. During the mesonephric stage, another canal was formed which started from the cloaca and 136 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION opened out into the general body cavity, this was Mtiller's duct (m.). ce Fig. 57. — Development of the Urino-genital system in higher Vertebrates. A. Pronephric stage, a, tubules; c, excreting duct; ce, cloaca. B. Mesonephric stage. G, mesonephros; r, remains of pronephros ; c, excreting canal; w, neutral genital gland ; if, Mtiller's duct; ce, cloaca, C. Metanephric or adult stHge, in the male. R, permanent kidney; U, ureter; F, bladder; T, testis; e and r, epididymis and vas deferens ; s, vas deferens; hm, hydatid of Morgagni; h, hydatid ; p, paradidymis; urn, uterus masculinus. D. Metanephric or adult stage in the female. R, permanent kidney ; U, ureter ; F, bladder; 0> ovary; p and p\ parovarium and paraophorcn; w, Weber's organ ; F, vagina; «, uterus; t, aperture of Fallopian tube; h, hydatid. The mesonephros, however, was not the perma- nent kidney. In the course of time the metanephros, the permanent excretory gland, was developed (fig. KUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 137 57, c and d). This development was attended by important modifications, further instances of de- generation taking place, and fresh organic connec- tions being established. An examination of the male and female sexes is necessary in order to explain what really took place. In the male (fig. 57, c) the mesonephros began to atrophy ; that part which was connected with the testes was transformed into the epididymis and the vas deferens (e. and v.) of the true male genital organs ; the remaining part atrophied, and when the permanent organization was attained, only persisted in the form of a paradidymis (p.) and a hydatid (h.), organs which are quite without function in the adult state. The discharging canal which, during the mesone- phric stage was common to both urinary and genital glands, remained simply in connection with the testes, and then became the vas deferens (s.) of which the cloaca having disappeared, the terminal extremity became gradually individualized. The permanent kidney (R.) became connected with a freshv canal — the ureter (u.) which was formed by degrees at the expense of the primitive discharging canal, and subsequently became separated from the latter in order to empty itself into the bladder (v.). These changes were attended by a remarkable evolution of Muller's canal, which first increased in size, and then at a certain point proceeded to atrophy until all that remained were the distal and 138 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION proximal extremities in the shape of reduced organs, the hydatid of Morgagni (hm), and the uterus masculinus (um), neither of these being functional. The intervening part of the canal remained, and formed a canal which has been described by Gasser. We see then, that in the genito-urinary apparatus of an adult male there are : (1) Organs which have come into existence at different times, but which have retained their original functions, viz. : the testes, the kidney (metanephros), and the ureter; (2) Organs which are functional, but of which the ultimate function differs from the original, viz. : the epididymis and the vas deferens ; (3) Reduced organs, vestiges of what were formerly active organs, viz. : the hydatid and the paradidymis ; (4) Reduced organs, vestiges of Mlillerian canal which only became active in the female, viz. : the hydatid of Morgagni and the male uterus. In the female (fig. 57, d), the development of the renal part is similar to that we have just described in the male. Taking first that part of the mesonephros which became connected with the genital gland and the corresponding discharging canal, we find that the canal disappeared with but rare exceptions in which it formed Gartner's duct (^.), the lower part persisting in the form of a rudiment (Weber's organ {w)) ; the upper part became reduced to a small tissue which surrounded the paraovarium (29.), and the paraophoron (p.) vestiges of what was RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 139 formerly the mesonephros. Mliller's canal became considerably enlarged ; it formed the vagina, the uterus, and the Fallopian tubes ; at the upper end it was connected with the hydatid, a vestige of the mesonephros. It is plain then that the genital-urinary apparatus of the female comprises some organs of which the functions remain unchanged : the ovaries, the per- manent kidney, the Fallopian tubes, the uterus, the vagina, and the ureter, and some rudimentary organs, vestiges of what were once active organs ; the paraovarium, the paraophoron, hydatid and Weber's organ. The complicated development of this system becomes clear if a careful study is made of the history of the genito-urinary apparatus of the entire series of vertebrates. It appears that the various phases through which the embryos of the higher vertebrates pass are stages similar to those which may be observed in the adult lower vertebrates. The principle of recapitulation, that the embry- onic stages of higher animals recapitulate successive stages attained by the adults of lower animals, receives a full corroboration from the facts we have been displaying. AmpMoxus, for instance, remains still at the pronephric stage : fish as a rule have a mesonephric or permanent kidney. Some lizards (Lacerta) up to the age of two years make use of the mesone- 140 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION phros as the organ for eliminating urine, but, at the same time they make use of the metanephros which is also functional. In Chamceles the mesonephros remains partially active throughout life. Both birds and mammals completely lose the mesonephros, and in the adult stage the metanephros is the only active kidney. This is not the place in which to complete our study of the recapitulation theory, and we shall have to recur to it later on ; but it was impossible to describe the numerous rudimentary organs of this system without taking a comprehensive glance at the individual and specific development of the whole. This investigation, moreover, raises another question. It has just been shown that the epididymis is only a vestige of the mesonephros, but in this case it cannot be said that there has been degeneration ; what has happened is that an organ has been trans- formed, and that one function has been replaced by another. According to some authorities the supra- renal capsule, an organ of unknown, but doubtless essential function, is the result of the transformation of the pronephros. If this theory be ultimately established, it will furnish a second example of what we have stated above. The thyroid gland may and ought to be investigated from this standpoint. The various component parts of this organ had no original connection. In higher vertebrates only the central part of the organ appears to be similar RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OF ANIMALS 141 to the same organ in the whole series of vertebrates. In man the mesial part of the thyroid gland is reduced, but it cannot correctly be said that the organ itself is degenerating. The contrary may even be asserted, for all we know upon the subject goes to prove that in mammals the thyroid gland is formed and established at the expense of the primitive rudimentary organ of which all the morphological and embryological connections are changed. This secondary development, entailing the loss of a reduced ancestral organ, is attended by a functional modification of great importance. The primitive function probably discharged by the gland has given place to another and rather vague function, but one which is connected with the breaking down of toxic matter formed by living tissues. An examination of the vertebrae of vertebrates will show the existence of rudimentary organs throughout the whole group, each type and each individual among the vertebrates exhibiting special degeneration. In order to briefly demonstrate this point, take two quite different types of which all the vertebrae are well known and can therefore be examined without difficulty : man and the frog. We know that the construction of the primitive bony vertebra was as follows : — a centrum, carrying neurapophyses, an intercentrum, carrying haema- pophyses, and a pair of unforked ribs. / 142 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Each phase in the evolution of this primitive vertebra has been attended by degeneration. In man the vertebral column consists of : — (a) Seven cervical vertebrae. (b) Three dorsal vertebrae. (c) Five lumbar vertebrae. (d) Three sacral vertebrae. (e) Six coccygeal vertebrae. Each one of these vertebrae exhibits important modifications, and shows signs of degeneration. The proatlas is represented by its intercentrum only. The atlas consists of a centrum and neurapophyses, but there is no zygapophyses ; it possesses one pair of ribs and hsemapophyses in a reduced condition. The axis consists of the same elements but carries postzygapophyses. The four following cervical vertebrae consist of the same elements, but carry both zygapophyses and postzygapophyses. In man all the cervical vertebrae, with the exception of the first (the proatlas) have lost the intercentrum. The next vertebrae which is generally regarded as the seventh cervical vertebra, consists of the same elements, but it ought to be regarded as the first dorsal vertebra. The vertebral artery and the sympathetic nerve trunks accompanying it, do not pass through the vertebral canals ; in some cases these do not exist. The so-called seventh cervical vertebra has occasion- ally one fully developed rib which articulates with the sternum like the ribs of true dorsal vertebrae. RUDIMENTAKY OKGANS OF ANIMALS 143 There are thirteen dorsal vertebrae. With the exception of that which has just been described, they consist of : — a centrum, neurapophyses, and a pair of fully developed ribs ; the intercentra has completely disappeared, and the hsemapophyses, which form the head and neck of the rib, are in a reduced condition. In the five lumbar vertebrae which follow, the rib disappears, or to speak more accurately, the transverse processes are all that remain of what were the ribs, and have ossififed with the vertebra. The sacrum is a region profoundly modified to support the pelvic basin. It is formed by the fusion of five vertebrae, each consisting of a centrum, neurapophyses, and short bicipital ribs. The .first three vertebrae are the true sacrals, as these alone support the basin ; the two following are really caudal vertebrae in process of fusion with the sacrum. In monkeys other than anthropoids there are really only three sacral vertebrae and these are at once succeeded by the tail. In man, the taiP consists of six vertebrae of which the two first — which consist of a centrum and neurapophyses and of bicipital ribs — have fused with the sacrum, while the four remaining lower vertebrae, which consist of only the centra (the first still exhibits rudimentary neurapophyses) have fused, and form the coccyx. ^ See Albrecht, La queue chez Vhomme (Bull. soc. Anthrop. Briix., vol. iii., 1884-1885, 144 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION 2. The Frog. — The vertebral column in the frog consists of nine vertebrae and the coccyx (urostyle). The first vertebra (the proatlas), which is fully functional, retains a centrum and two well-developed neurapophyses, but the transverse processes, the intercentrum, the hsemapophyses and the ribs have all disappeared. The eight following vertebrae each have a centrum, neurapophyses and transverse processes which at least partially represent the ribs. The coccyx, whether it be formed by the lengthening out of the last caudal vertebra or by the fusion of several, is undoubtedly part of the vertebral column which has been transformed. The coccyx of the frog is equal in length to the whole of the remaining part of the vertebral column, and is fully functional ; it serves as a support to the pelvic region and fulfils the part of a sacrum from the physiological point of view. The coccyx, excepting at its commencement, con- sists of only one centrum, or of several fused centra, all other elements of the vertebrae have disappeared. Here then is an animal in which the modifications of the vertebral column have been attended by the following retrogressive phenomena : in the upper part of the vertebral column from three to five parts of the vertebrae have disappeared ; in the lower half, all the parts, excepting one, are gone. RUDIMENTARY ORGANS IN PLANTS 145 Section II. Rudimentary Orgatis in Plants. We have just glanced through a series of rudimentary organs in animals, and many more examples might easily have been furnished, but, when dealing with rudimentary organs in the vegetable world, much greater difficulty is met with. In plants, the elimination of non-functional organs is usually complete, and the vestiges left are insignificant and hard to recognize. We can find, however, amongst the various groups of the vege- table world, and especially among the Phanerogams, some instances of reduced organs. § 3. Budimentary organs in various groups of plants. 1. Algae. — On the surface of sea-wrack (Fucus) may be found, distributed in large numbers, little crypts (conceptacles) with hairs growing out of them. On certain parts of the plant, these crypts represent the organs of reproduction, producing eggs and spermatozoa ; in other parts they fulfil no known function and may be regarded as con- ceptacles arrested in the course of development. The fact that in other Fucacise {Splachnidium\ fertile conceptacles are distributed over the entire surface of the plant adds support to this theory. K 146 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION 2. Mushrooms. — Among the Peronospora and the Saprolegnese there originally existed, besides the various sexual means of propagation, a typical reproductive process, including eggs, and antheridia, consisting of male branches separated by a cell- wall from the rest of the organism. In PythiuDi, for instance, in wliich this primitive stage may be observed, an actual fecundation takes place, the protoplasmic contents of the antheridia being injected into the ova. In other species, the organs of reproduction have undergone a more or less complete degeneration. In Phytophthora, a small part only of the male protoplasm passes into the ova. In some species of Saprolegnia and Achlya, the male branch con- tinues to attach itself to the ova, but the membrane between them remains intact, and consequently protoplasmic communication is not established. In other species, the antheridia are very short, and do not even touch the female cells. In Leptomitios, which exhibits an advanced stage of atrophy, the female organs are not discernible, and reproduction is carried on completely asexu- ally.i 3. Bryophyta. — In the germination of a certain number of Hepaticse, belonging to such widely ^ For further details see A. de Bary, Vergleicheiulc Morpliologic tend Biologic der Pilzc, Leipzig, Engelraan, 1884, W. Zopf, Die Pilze. In Schenk's Handbuch der Botaniky 4. Bd., Breslau, Treweiidt. 1890. RUDIMENTARY ORGANS IN PLANTS 147 separated genera as Blasia, Radula, and Preissia, four cells of equal size are formed, arranged round a centre. One only of these cells proceeds to develop into a plant, and the others simply atrophy. In all probability the Hepaticse have sprung from some ancestor, in which each spore gave rise to four individuals. 4. Pteridophyta. — According to Farlow,^ in- stances of apogamy — the loss of sex — such as have just been described as existing among mushrooms, are also exhibited in certain ferns. In some species,^ the eggs are not fertilized, but the organs of reproduction still persist in a reduced condition ; in other species there are no spores, and the prothalli spring directly from the leaves (apospory). 5. Phanerogams. — Some of the Phanerogams — Bilene (fig. 58), Melandryum, (fig. 59), Aspara- gus, etc. — exhibit unisexual flowers, but have obviously sprung from species of which the flowers were hermaphrodite. In Silene maritima (fig. 58) there are herma- phrodite flowers (fig. 58, b), and also unisexual flowers. The female flowers (fig. 58, A) still possess some tiny stamens, each of which is provided with filaments and anthers in a state of degeneration. The male flowers have non - functional pistils, ^ W. Farlow, Ueher ungeschlecMliche Erzeugung von Keimpflanz- clien an FarnprotJiaUien. Bot. Zeit., 1874, p. 180. 2 A. de Bary, Ueber apogame Fame u.s.w. Bot. Zeit., 1878, p. 449. 148 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION consisting of an ovary stylus and stigma in reduced conditions. In Melandryum (fig. 59, a) Fig. 58. — Flowtrs of Sileiie mariiima. A, female flower with rudimentary stamens ; B, hennapluodite flower. the female flowers retain only vestiges of stamens, and the pistils of the male flowers are reduced to mere filaments. In Asparagus officinalis all the transition stages between herma- phrodite and unisexual flowers may be observed : in the unisexual flowers, the organs of the opposite sex still exist, though in various stages of degeneration. In many unisexual flowers which have sprung from herma- phrodite flowers — Valeriana dioica, for instance — no traces of the non- functional organs remain. Among the Phanerogams, rudimentary Fig. 59. — Flowe-'S of Melatidryttm album. A (to the left), a female flower; to the right, a male flower ; e, rudimentary stamens form- ing a circle at the base of the ovary. RUDIMENTARY ORGANS IN PLANTS 149 appear not only in the reproductive organs, but in the accessory organs of the flower — the calix and corolla. Many of the Umbelliferae exhibit a reduced calyx. The corolla persists, though in a very reduced state in cleistogamous flowers {i.e. flowers which never open, and which are self -fertilizing) — such as the Oxalis, Impatiens, Violet, etc. The corollas of the winter-opening flowers of Stellaria media are much reduced, and for a very obvious reason — the corolla exists only for the attraction of insects, and there are no insects at that time of the year. § 4. Reduced organs in the vegetative apparatus of the Phanerogams. We have seen that reduced sexual organs are exhibited among the various groups of plants, and we will now mention a few instances of reduced organs in the vegetative apparatus of the Phan- erogams. 1. The embryo within the ripe seed of Phanerogam's contains a rudimentary root which develops during germination. In certain Nympheacese — Nelumhiwm Euryale and Victoria — this root never properly develops. In other aquatic plants degeneration has gone further ; in the embryo of Utricularia, for instance, the root has entirely disappeared.^ ^ For further details relating to the roots of the Nympheaceae and the Utricularia see Goebel in Pflanzenhiologische Sohilderungen, vol. ii., Marburg, Elwert, 1891-1893. 150 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION 2. As a general rule, the cotyledons, which are the two first leaves to appear after germination, are formed within the embryo. The ripe seeds of some Anemones, however, contain no traces of cotyledons.^ These are formed, nevertheless, after germination, sometimes sprout- ing up out of the ground and becoming functional, and occasion- ally remaining underground, in which case they are quite small, without chlorophyll and non- functional {Anemone nemorosa); these underground leaves may fairly be regarded as rudimentary organs. 3. In Lathyrus Nissolia {^g. 60) there are some very small stipules of unimportant function, at the base of the simplified leaves ; these reduced stipules are occasionally absent altogether. 4. The foliage organs in the adult Oxalis bulpeurifolia are Fig. 60.— Seedling of i i i i Lathyrus Nissoiia. merely represented by enlarged leaflets. These phyllodes bear reduced leaflets which rapidly disappear. In an adult specimen of the Acacia which has phyllodes, these reduced leaves are absent. ^ E. de Janczewsky, ^titdes morphologiques sur le genre Anemone. {Revue g4n4raU de hotaniquey t. iv., p. 241.) SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 1 5 1 5. In several plants the assimilative function of the leaves is lost, either because the plant is parasitic or saprophytic, such as Corallorhiza, Rafflesia, Cuscuta and Orobanche, or because the assimilative function is relegated to the stem alone as in the Euphorhia of the desert, Busctos, Mamil- laria} Fhyllocachcs, Phyllanthus, and Miihlenbeckia, or to the roots as in Tceniophyllum} In each of these cases the leaves are greatly reduced, and only serve as a means of protection to the functional organs, principally to the flowers and buds, but though very minute they may often be discerned quite easily on the young shoots.^ CHAPTER II SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES It may be said as certainly of societies as of other organisms that certain modifications have taken place, and that no society actually represents a primitive social organization. All have been submitted to more or less important modifications and have lost some of their early institutions in 1 See fig. 51. 2 See further on the figs, of PhyllocactMS (fig. 78), Phyllanthus (fig. 84), Miihlenbeckia (fig. 80), and Tceniophyllum (fig. 81). ^ Goebel, Pflayizenhiologische Sehilderungenj Bd. i. 152 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION process of their development. In many cases this can be historically demonstrated. It may fairly be asserted that in all societies there are instances of survival, i.e. survival of customs, beliefs and institutions, the original character of which has so completely disappeared that they might well be dispensed with altogether. We shall deal only with such survivals as correspond — mutatis mutandis — to the rudimentary organs of animals and plants. These survivals are of two kinds, the institu- tion itself, such as the various corporations of the city of London, which may still persist, though in a modified condition, or there may remain only traces of the institution in forms, ceremonies, symbols, public games and fetes, customs and legislative formula. In order to demonstrate this point, it will not be necessary to make a complete enumeration, furnishing examples from all countries of the world, or to draw up a complete list of survivals in any given country. It will be enough to establish two points : 1. That instances of survival shall be shown to exist in all societies, even where they are least likely to be found. 2. That, in any institution — that of the family, for instance — survivals may be found of all the former stages through which it passed into its present condition. SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 153 These two points being established our conclu- sions drawn from them may be given a very wide application. § 1. Instances of survival in various groups. ** It is a well-known fact," says Kowalevsky, "that as the past gives place to the present it leaves traces which vary in number and impor- tance." ^ This is obviously the case with regard to most customs, but it is unnecessary to point out all the instances of survival which abound among the peoples of the countries round about us. They are naturally most common in barbarous societies where the servile imitation of the ancestor plays a much greater part than with us. This is strongly urged by Bagehot in the following passage ; — " Man," he says, " may be defined as a creature of habit. As he has done a thing once, so he will probably do it again, and the oftener he has done a thing the more likely he will be to repeat it in the same way, and, what is more, to insist upon others doing the same. " By means of counsel and example he transmits to his offspring the customs he himself originated. This is true of the human beings to-day and will doubtless hold good for all time. It is character- ^ Kowalevsky, Tableau des origines de la propriiti et de la familley p. 7. 154 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION istic of primitive societies that sooner or later most of these customs come to be regarded as having a supernatural sanction, and the whole community is impressed with the belief that if the old tribal customs are violated, incalculable misfortune will follow." 1 Social modifications are therefore effected very slowly and with great difficulty — stagnation is the rule, and progress but a rare exception, innovators being forced to retain the greater part of the old institutions, introducing only an inevitable minimum of change. A course of history, or a careful study of the conditions of social institutions at an earlier stage of development than our own, will furnish numerous instances of survivals. It now remains to be seen if there are no rudimentary social groups wherein all the primitive institutions have been retained, and which, having undergone no modifica- tions, exhibit no traces of degeneration. We shall further see if no form of society exists uninfluenced by the spirit of tradition, and where institutions which have come to be regarded as no longer useful, disappear suddenly and entirely either by voluntary dissolution or by legislative measures. Only in these two extreme cases can the existence of survivals be questioned. We have then to establish two points: (a) That all societies, even those to be regarded as ^ Bagehot, Lois scientifiques du developpement des natioris, p. 154, Bibl. scient. intern., Paris, F. Alcan, 1885. SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 155 primitive, have undergone certain modifica- tions. (h) That all societies, even the least conservative, exhibit instances of reduced institutions, and of vestiges of institutions which have disappeared. We will take the second point first, as it can be more briefly dealt with. 1. We know that imitation of the past and respect for tradition arid custom are reduced to a minimum in modern societies, especially in the countries of the New World. Even in these recently formed States, however, instance of sur- vival may be found. In the first place, there are legal and religious survivals of European origin. Jews settling in the United States kept up the practice of cir^imcision, while Christians introduced the Eucharist. Spencer ^ has shown that forms of greeting are vestiges of a primitive ceremonial demonstrating submission to the omnipotence of others. Then take the Calendar system which is universal ; we know that the names of months and days of the weeks are survivals from Polytheistic times, and it seems certain that both circumcision and the celebration of the Mass are true survivals which originated in religious sacrifices. Independently of these imitative survivals vestiges remain in the United States of reduced institutions which were fully functional in the last century. ^ Essays on Progress. '/ ' 156 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Take for instance the town meetings of Boston and Newhaven.-^ When the inhabitants of a town attained to a certain number, the town became a city, and the Assembly of inhabitants was transformed into a Common Council. In some instances, this old system persists though in a reduced condition. In Boston, which continued to be a town, governed by an Assembly of all the inhabitants up to 1821, the present Charter of the city authorizes the convocation of a town meeting wherever the Mayor and Aldermen consider it advisable; the latter, however, never make use of this privilege. In Newhaven (Connecticut), the old town meeting continues to exist side by side with the Common. Council which was established in 1784, but, Levermore says, " This ancient institution nowadays is a meeting together of a small number of citizens to conduct the business of several thousands. The few people connected with the affairs of the town (which is very poor), meet together to discuss matters in a friendly way, decide what money is required for current expenses, and then adjourn. Not one in seventy of the inhabitants attends these meetings. Few know when they take place, and the papers make brief, if any, mention of them." 2. We have now to show that the simplest societies have undergone modifications, and exhibit 1 Bryce, The American Commonwealth, i., pp. 598 and following. London, Macmillan, 1893. SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 157 instances of survival. We will take as examples those rudimentary types most nearly approaching to the primitive type,i i.e. the Yeddahs of Ceylon, the Fuegoes of Cape Horn, and the Australian tribes. (a) The Veddahs, who have lived in the jungles of Ceylon for centuries, either as separate families, or in groups of two or three families, appear to have formerly possessed a much more complicated social organization. According to Max Muller, they were not formerly so low in the scale of humanity ; he says that their language, if not their blood, betrays their " distant connection with Plato, Newton, and Goethe." In their language, folk-lore, and clothing, these retain characteristic vestiges of a former condition. Take for instance the carefully observed practice of piercing the ears of cliildren at the age of three or four years, although eventually only a small number of them could wear ornamenrs in them, others having to be content with small pieces of twig, coiled leaves, or bits of straw. " This custom," says Deschamps, " is extremely old, and we may suppose — as there is no other signification in it than the prospect of ultimately wearing jewels — that it dates back from a time when the people were not in so low and destitute 1 "Aggregates formed by a simple repetition of hordes or clans without any such interrelations between them as to form inter- mediate groups between the whole collection and the individual clans." Durckheim, les Regies de la m&lwde sociologique, Paris, F. Alcan, 1895. 158 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION a condition as they are now. Having in more civilized times worn jewels in their ears, the custom of piercing the ears in youth persists, though the jewels may be lacking." ^ (b) Bridges says that according to a tradition which is probably true, the Fuegoes, until quite recently, submitted their young men to a sort of initiatory trial when they attained to adolescence. They were taken into a hut (the Mna) set apart for the purpose, and there underwent certain tests, including a rigorous fast. Bridges adds that the Mna was also the theatre of mysterious and bizarre scenes of very ancient origin, the roles of which, now relegated to men only, were entirely performed by women. Contrary to Giraud-Teulon who cites these facts as evidence of the former existence of a matriarchy, the fetes of the kina seem to have quite disappeared from among the natives of Orange Bay. Dr Hyades, however, mentions a survival of the old custom. " The custom is still observed of submitting young girls to a fast at the time of puberty, but this fast is less severe than that already mentioned as undergone by the boys ; the same good advice is then given them by their parents, as was formerly bestowed upon the boys in the Kina." ^ ^ Emile Deschamps, V Anthropologic, 1891, t. ii., pp. 297 and following. 2 Mission scientifiquc du cap Horn, 1882-1883, t. vii. Anthro- pologic, Ethnographic, by P. Hyades and J. Deniker ; Paris, Gauthier-Villars, 1891, p. 377. SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 159 (c) Eecent researches into the family system among the Australian tribes has brought a number of survivals to light. This is especially the case with regard to the careful researches of Fison and Howitt^ who have shown that, independently of their tribal divisions — which are really territorial groups — the Australians are divided up into clans or sexual groups comprising all the individuals with the same Kobong.^ The members of these groups are regarded as members of the same family, and may never, under any circumstance, intermarry, under pain of being driven out of the clan and hunted like wild beasts. Sometimes individuals of antagonistic tribes living at several hundred miles' distance from one another and speaking different languages liave the same Koboruj. The law of classes remains active ; a captor may not violate a prisoner belong- ing to his group, but a stranger may enter into relations with the women of another tribe, so long as the tribe belongs to a class related to his own. This system of relationship can only be explained as being a survival from a former period in which all persons with the same Kohong belonged to the same group. This is a disputed point,^ however, ^ Fison and Howitt, Kurnai and Kamilaro'i {Journal of the Anthropological Institute, 1884). ^ '*The Kohong of a man is the animal or plant, the name of which he bears and reveres as a protecting spirit" (Starcke). * Starcke, la Famille primitive (Bibl. sciens. intern., Paris, F. Alcan, 1891, p. 22). 160 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION for besides this very likely hypothesis, undoubted survivals remain of intermarriage by groups or sexual groups. In the writings of Fison and Ho wit t, we find the two following instances of this in two tribes which, according to them, severally represent the highest and lowest in the scale of civilization, among those with which they came in contact.^ {d) The tribe called Kunandaburi was divided into two exogamous classes : Mattara and Yungo. Theoretically all the Yungos whether male or female were regarded as the males of the Mattaras, and vice versd. In point of fact, however, only one vestige of the primitive communal marriage remained — the jus primce noctis which was the prerogative of all the contemporaries of the husband belonging to the same group. (e) The tribe called Narrinyeri which repre- sented a more advanced stage of civilization, was equally divided into two sexual groups, but in reality, marriage was strictly individual. One survival remained, however, of the former system. When a man captured an alien bride, all the men of his own generation and belonging to the same group possessed the right of jus jprimm noctis. 3. We have seen that instances of survival are rare in some countries because modifications are only effected slowly, and in others because changes are effected very quickly and useless institutions ^ Fison and Howitt, Journal of the Anthropological Inatitutef 1882, p. 35. SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 1 6 1 are eliminated root and branch. It is in countries like England, where modifications are brought about with a due respect for old customs and traditions that ceremonies, institutions and customs exhibit the greatest number of survivals. § 2. Survivals of ancient forms of marriage and of the family in Modern Europe, We think we may regard it as proved that all societies exhibit instances of survival, but in order to further demonstrate the universal character of retrogressive evolution, we shall show, by means of a careful study of one particular institution, that vestiges of former institutions are neither rare nor exceptional, taking as examples the various forms of marriage and of the family throughout Modern Europe. 1. Forms of Marriage, — From archaic times up to our own, we find that among modern nations, marriage by capture, marriage by purchase, and marriage with the consent of the woman have been successively followed by marriage by simple consent, religious marriage {in facie Ecclesice) and civil marriage,^ and that survivals remain of all the forms of marriage anterior to civil marriage.^ ^ Paul Viollet, Histoire du droit civil Frangais, p. 424 and following. Paris, Larose & Forcel, 1893. 2 Westermarck, The History of Human Marriage, 1892, p. 418 (when the mode of contracting a marriage altered, the earlier mode, from having been a reality, survived as " ceremony "). L 162 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Marriage hy Capture. — Traces of this early form of marriage, which is still to be met with in certain parts of Bulgaria,^ are exhibited in the nuptial rites and customs of Ukraine, where the ceremonial is quite a museum of reduced institutions. Vestiges of what originally was marriage by capture occur too in France and Belgium, and other countries. The nuptial games of Lower Brittany and Chimay have obviously been derived from it.^ Marriage hy purchase. — The retrogressive evolu- tion of this form of marriage exhibits the following stages : ^ Th. Volvok, Rites et usuges nuptiaitx de V Ukraine [VAnthro- pologie, 1891, p. 169). " In certain parts of Bulgaria (Kustendil), the capture of young girls takes place even in the present day and constitutes a form of marriage {Vlatcheny monny)." 2 Monseur, Bulletin du Folklore^ January and March 1895, Coutumes, p. 1 ; les noces, p. 18. " In some villages of Chimay {Hainault)^ when a young man chooses a bride from a neighbouring village, the young people proceed in cavalcade to the home of the bride. The leader of them presents her with a whip and a large cake crowned with a bouquet. The bride then takes up her position on the door- steps Avhile the bridegroom and his friends pass and repass her at full gallop seeking to dispossess her of the whip with which she lashes at them. All this may be regarded as the last remain- ing phase of marriage by capture, the bridegroom arriving at the dwelling of the bride with a cortege, being more or less figurative of a marauding expedition." Baudrillard {in Stances et travaux de VAcaddmie des sciences morales, Jan. 1884, p. 36) connects the customary nuptial games of Lower Brittany with the primitive marriage by capture. In these games the bride hides before going to church, and the bridegroom has to search till he finds her. SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 163 1. The payment made was originally a pecu- niary compensation to the family of the captured bride. By degrees, actual capture gave place to mere symbolical capture and then the system of compensa- tion became transformed into the purchase system. 2. The price. paid for the bride which was origin- ally the property of the whole clan under the name of wergelt, became the perquisite of the bride's father. 3. It next became modified into a marriage dowry given to the wife by her husband and the ceremony of purchase became purely symbolical. In the Merovingian period, for instance, the future husband presented the father of the bride with a sou and a denier (marriage per solidum et denarium)} Other survivals still exist of these three stages in the evolution of marriage. (a) In Ukraine, where the signification of the purchase system was purely one of the vira or compensation (wergelt), the bridegroom has to give a present to each member of the bride's family ; this is the custom too in the valleys of the Caucasus where the ^ Vanderkindere, Condition de lafemme d 1^4-poque raerovvngienne, p. 12. A. Heussler, Inslitidionen des deutschen Privatreehts,n., p. 280. 164 UNIVEESALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION relations make a further demand of pay- ment in money. ^ {b) The custom of purchasing the bride from the father still exists — although with no legal recognition among the Ossetes and in certain Eussian villages, (c) Lastly, the marriage per solidum et denarium. Traces of this are left even in modern France. This particular purchase signified the payment of thirteen silver deniers according to a certain value of the sou. The introduction of these thirteen deniers into the ceremony of marriage can be traced through the middle ages up to the marriage of Louis XVI. when they still appeared. In some parts of France such as Dijon, Bordeaux and Barrois, they may still be met with even nowadays. With the excep- tion of this figurative number of thirteen, character- istic of the primitive origin of the ceremony, this form of marriage has undergone such changes as almost to entirely obliterate its primitive character. This is so, too, with other survivals of the system of marriage by purchase — they have come to be only intelligible by means of the comparative method, or by a knowledge of their historical antecedents.^ ^ Volvok, Journal V Anthropologic, 1892, p. 579. Kowalevsky, Droit coutumier ossitien, p. 176. 2 See Paul Viollet, Histoire du droit civil frarypis ; Paris, 1893, p. 403. SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 165 Marriage fairs — now transformed into kermesses, and still held at Lierre in Belgium and other places — appear to have been originally regular markets for the purchase of young women.^ The custom of offering the wrong young woman to the bridegroom as his future wife — a custom still in vogue in the department of Landes in France — formed part of the nuptial ceremonies among the ancient Hindoos, and is probably a vestige of the tricks which were played upon the bridegroom after the purchase of the bride. Several vestiges of this kind may be noticed among the customs of modern peasants. It is by no means infrequent for a wife to be sold by her husband, on the principle that what has been bought may fairly be sold, and the transaction rendered legally binding by being drawn up on stamped paper. This is merely a survival of the old system of marriage by purchase. ^ "The second Sunday of this fair, which commences on the Sunday after All Saint's Day, is called the veersensmarkt (Heifer- fair or market), and the third Sunday is called the hrullenmerkt, a name derived from the word hrul, and signifying a heifer lowing noisily. The veersensmerkt is the day especially set apart for the young girls who attend the fair to find husbands. The hrullen- merkt is the day dedicated to older women as a sort of forlorn hope for those who have hitherto failed to get married. No one seems to know when these "markets " first came to be held. I am more than sixty years old, and they were old when I was young, with this difference only, that in my youth, a young girl who respected herself would not have been seen at the hrullenmerkt^ which is not the case nowadays." (Taken from a letter from the Secretary of the Commune at Lierre.) 16() UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Marriage hy consent of both parties. — In French civil marriages of the present day, traces remain of the two other forms of marriage by common con- sent which preceded it. {a) The marriage hy simple agreement, which held good throughout Christian Europe until the Council of Trent, is still valid in Scotland. Gretna Green marriages (Gretna Green being a village situated on the Border, near Carlisle) were notorious. In ac- cordance with an old custom, the blacksmith of Gretna Green kept the register of these marriages, and the union was contracted in his presence.^ After the Council of Trent, marriages in facie Ecclesioi came to be alone recognized by the Church : all marriage to be valid must be sanc- tioned (if not actually celebrated) by the parish priest of one contracting party, in the presence of one or more witnesses. The legislation of the Council of Trent became French law after the Ordinance of Blois in 1574, until the law was revised in September 1792, when civil marriage was definitely established in France. ^ Viollet, Histoire du droit civil fran^ais, p. 428. "These marriages, about which everyone has heard, were not an invention of Scotch law. Like most legal curiosities, they find an explanation in survival from a former condition of things, persisting in a singularly original and peculiar form. "The blacksmith and his register were not necessary in them- selves to contract a marriage ; they merely constituted evidence that it had taken place. In 1804 a Scotch man and woman merely declared themselves man and wife in writing, and in 1811 they were recognized as legally married by Scotch law." SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 167 From that time forth, religious marriage may be regarded in the light of a survival, having lost all legal importance, while civil marriages are greatly on the increase. Priests, then, the " groomsmen " of Lower Brittany, and the blacksmith of Gretna Green may alike be regarded as plain evidences of an institution in process of decline. II. The family system. — Archaic forms of the family still exist, sometimes as mere vestiges, sometimes as exceptional cases, in countries where only separate families are legally recognized. 1. The Matriarchy. — Traces of the matriarchy, i.e. of the exogamous family of blood relations through the mother, abound among the customs of the inhabitants of the valleys of the Caucasus. Kowelevsky, in his book on the customs of the Ossetes, has dealt with this subject. The vestiges remaining even in France of marriage by capture and the prohibition of certain marriages in Monte- negro, derived doubtless from an exogamous period, are alike survivals of this primitive family system. Further, although both facts and their interpreta- tion are rather doubtful, some authorities regard the couvade, a custom which is still in practice among the Basques and also in the Isle of Mark (in Holland), as a vestige of the transition period between the matriarchy and paternal affiliation.^ ^ See Viollet, Pricis de Vhistoire clu droit francais, ii. 326, and Giraud-Teulon in Origines du marriage et de la famille primitive, Paris, 1884, p. 138 ; and Starcke, Famille primitive , p. 49. 168 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION 2. The Patriarchy. — The Patriarchy, which was a system of family community, is still exhibited in the farticvpanze of Italy, the companias de Galicia of Spain, the parsonneries of France, the Haus- genossenschaften of Germany, and the zadrugas of the Balkan peninsular. Besides these, the family system of to-day, according to Sumner-Maine, affords constant evidences of a patria protestas in process of decay and of declining male property rights. Survivals from the old patriarchal system abound in modern legislation. Take the following examples : (a) The limitations imposed on a testator with regard to leaving his property away from his family (Civ. Code, 213 and following). (b) The legal opposition to a woman's equality in succession. The more barbarous laws, if not actually excluding women from succession, at least excluded their succession to landed estate, in order to keep the family property intact. In France the privilege of sex was main- tained in some respects, even among the peasants, up to the close of the old regime, and it still exists in the present day in different degrees in Scandinavia, Russia, Servia, and some of the Swiss Cantons. c) The inequality of the sexes as regards con- jugal fidelity. SURVIVALS EXIST IN ALL KINDS OF SOCIETIES 169 The privileges of the husband over the wife in this matter are survivals from the time when these obligations were wholly on one side. {d) Affiliation folloiving on a double marriage. — In some countries, under the old system, a child could only succeed to the property of his parents if he resided with them (ex- cepting in quite exceptional cases). Hence there arose marriages by exchange. In order to compensate the children, the two families, if each had a son and daughter, exchanged them, and bestowed the rights of one upon the other. Under the new law these rights could not be legally claimed, and yet even in the present century they are not wholly unknown. The last mar- riage by exchange was probably that mentioned by Dupin^ which took place at Gacogne (Ni^vre) in 1889. In conclusion then, we have found that while the legislative systems of modern races tend to become more and more alike in main principle, we can yet find vestiges, more or less faint and dis- torted, but quite recognizable, of the different institutions which dominated the earlier conditions of the different races. ^ VioUet, Histoire du droit civil frangais, p. 491. PART III SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS The examples we have been able to give in the first part of this volume make it plain that de- generative evolution exists everywhere. It must be noticed, however, that biological investigation shows that in the evolution of organs certain parts may disappear completely, but also that in the evolution of organisms certain organs may also disappear. This last phenomenon is most common in embryo- logical development, when it is known as ontological abbreviation.^ Sometimes it is the adult stage that is suppressed, this being possible by what is called psedogenesis a precocious appearance and ripening of the sexual organs.^ ^ In Scalpellum Stroini, a deep sea Cirripede, the nauplius stage of the larval life is suppressed at least so far as tliat is a free swimming larva. Here is at least a physiologically complete sup- pression of a whole larval stage. ^ Axolotl. Most salamanders pass through a larval stage in which they are aquatic and perform their respiration by means of external gills. In this condition they are incapable of reproduc- tion, and must undergo metamorphosis to secure propagation of the species. In the case of Amblystoma, however, a Mexican salamander, the larval form of which is called the Axolotl, repro- duction is possible in the larval stage. Thus most individuals of 170 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS l7l Sometimes a degenerative transformation becomes still more complete and wonderful ; not only may a larval stage or an adult stage be completely suppressed, but a multicellular organism may even lose its power of dying. It is known that the simplest forms of life are practically immortal : when a microbe like micrococcics divides nothing dies, and throughout the whole series of successive divisions the primitive life is preserved. On the other hand, in the case of higher animals such as man there are both mortal somatic cells and reproductive cells which by means of conjugation become practically immortal. The mortality of the somatic cells is evidently an acquisition, an advant- age fixed by natural selection ; but there exist multicellular organisms evidently derived from creatures which had acquired the division into mortal somatic and immortal reproductive cells and which have lost it since. All the cells of their body are able to avoid death by conjugation. This occurs in many conjugate algae like spirogyra this species do not actually reach the adult stage. According to Boas writing on Neotenie in Gegenbaur's Festschrift, 1896, this probably happens in the case of all the perennibranchiate urodeles. Eanunculacece. On page 85 we showed that in Ranunculus aqvMLlis there are produced first submerged leaves, and afterwards floating lobed leaves, and that the flowers are produced in the axils of the floating leaves. Some forms of the plant living in deep water produce only lacinated leaves, in the axils of which by a kind of psedogenesis the flowers are produced. In other species {Ranunculus fluitans and R. divarkatus) the psedogenesis has become definitely established and no floating leaves are formed. 172 UNIVERSALITY OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION and in some of the Volvocinere (Stephanosphsera, Eudorina). Plainly then, the further one examines the facts, the more enlarged becomes the conception of de- generative evolution. It is not confined to unusual, abnormal or pathological cases. Degeneration is not an accident in evolution : it is the obverse of progressive evolution and the necessary complement of every transformation whether anatomical or social. Whatever transformation may be studied, it will be found that change is always accompanied by an elimination of some parts and that in the interests of the organism as a whole these useless parts gradually degenerate. When a whole organization begins to undergo retrogressive evolution and to decay, it is frequently in the interests of some still larger organization. Individuals or species out of harmony with their surroundings disappear to make room for others. August Comte has shown how death is a progressive agency in the social organi- zation removing the worn-out tissues and leaving room for new and more plastic intelligences. All progress implies necessary eliminations. In the domain of society, those who are victims and who from birth, education, or interests, attach themselves to the decaying institutions naturally see only the degenerative side of the change ; but those who regard the process as a whole and do not concentrate their attention upon the injured interests and SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 173 individual sufferings will see the other side of the movement. When a social organism is degenerating there is considerable opposition to its complete disappearance, and so as Houzeau has said (see the summary of Book III.) it is to be expected that living and superior civilizations drag behind them a trail of debris from dead civilizations. BOOK II THE PATPT OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION PART I THE SUPPOSED LAW THAT DEGENERATION RETRACES THE STEPS OF PROGRESS It is a common opinion, supported partly by the etymology of the word, that retrogression is a tracing backwards of progression. " In the degeneration of organizations fallen out of use,'* M. A. Lameere has said, " it is to be ob- served that the structures formed most recently and most specialized are the first to disappear, and that the most fundamental characters are those which persist longest : that in fact degenerative evolution retraces the steps made by progressive evolution. Peculiarities recently acquired, if they become disused, rapidly disappear, while dispositions of a more ancient kind have a persistence almost exactly proportioned to their age.^ This supposed biological law of retracement has 1 A. Lameere, Esquisse de la Zoologie, Bruxelles, Rosez, p. 184. 175 / 176 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION penetrated to psychology and sociology. In 1868 Hughlings Jackson, in the study of certain maladies of the nervous system, had arrived at the conclusion that, "In the degeneration of this system the higher functions, those more complex, specialized and volun- tary, disappear more quickly than the lower, simpler, less specialized and more automatic functions." ^ Starting from this point, and expressing it in terms of physiology, Eibot formulates as follows the law of degeneration of will and memory : " The dissolution of the will occurs in a retro- grade fashion, from the more voluntary and com- plex to the less voluntary and simpler — that is to say, towards automatism." ^ So also in progressive loss of memory, the degeneration proceeds from the less stable to the more stable. " It begins with recent acquisitions not firmly rooted in the brain, rarely repeated, and so not firmly associated with others, in fact with the least organized parts of memory. It ends with sensory memory which is instinctive, and is deeply rooted in the organism, or is indeed a part of the organism itself."^ These retrograde transformations of the nervous centres have their echoes in the modes in which ideas and feelings are expressed. Paul Heger, in ^ Ribot, Maladies de la Miinoire, p. 29. Dallemague {D6gen4r4s et D^4quilibr^)y p. 430. ^ Maladies de la Volonti, p. 150. Paris, F. Alcan. ^ Maladies de la M^noire, p. 94. DEGENERATION RETRACES STEPS OF PROGRESS 177 particular, has shown this in his investigations into the degeneration of writing and speech.^ In a lecture on the evolution of language, de- livered at the University of Brussels, he said as follows : " For several years I have studied the degenerative evolution of writing, and I have shown how the writing of the insane resembles that of children. All that I have said with regard to writing applies to speech, and just as drawing lasts longer than writing, so rhythm and music survive after the power of expressing ideas by words has been lost." " The gradual degenera- tion of speech may be traced in the case of old men who gradually pass down the incline into senility. Study of the speech of such persons shows that the degeneration of their faculty re- traces the steps by which it had been progressively acquired." The labours of Heger were in a field where the social element was important. It is a small step from them to social affairs themselves. A number of authors, including Ferrero, Colajanni and Degreef, base their ideas upon this law of retrogression, which they regard as established and applying to sociologi- cal phenomena.^ ^ Sur revolution aggressive de Vilcriture chez certains aliinis {Bull, de la Soei6t6 d' Anthropologic de Bruxelles, v., 1885-1886). Sur revolution du Langage {Eevue Universitaire, Bruxelles, 1892- 1893, p. 143). 2 Degi-eef, Le Transformisme Social, F. Alcan, Paris, 1895, p. 365. M ^ 1*78 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Before describing and discussing the special facts to which they apply their theory, it is necessary to examine its biological foundation. CHAPTEE I THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN BIOLOGY We have now to consider if the degeneration of organs retraces the steps taken in their progres- sive evolution. According to Hughlings Jackson and Eibot, in the cases mentioned in the preceding chapter, degeneration proceeds by successive atro- phies occurring in the order opposite to that of ontological formation. Is the same order to be found when we compare the degeneration of organs or of individuals with their phylogenetic development ? To answer this question, we must employ both morphology and embryology. Using the morphological method, we shall study the re- duction of a homologous organ in several species descended from the same type, and compare the different stages of reduction with the different stages of phylogenetic development of the organ.^ ^ In this investigation it will be necessary to compare absolutely identical organs — for instance, not to compare the pineal eye with the paired eyes. It will be necessary also to choose animals of common parentage — to avoid, for instance, comparing a Vertebrate eye with a Crustacean eye. THE PATH OF DEGENEKATION IN ANIMAL>S 179 Using the method of embryology and the prin- ciple, so far as it can be followed, that ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny, we shall investigate the mode of origin of some reduced structures. We shall thus learn if the organs in degenerating resume any of their ancestral stages. Reduced organs may appear in two different forms. They may be atrophied after having reached a more or less complete development, and in this case we shall have to compare the course of the atrophy with the course of the development. They may be rudimentary, that is to say., their development may have been arrested at a given point, the adult state never being attained. In this case, so far as ontogeny repeats phylogeny, the arrest of these organs at diflerent stages in different species should furnish a series with greater or smaller lacunae, but a series which will be the reversed series of the original stages in phylogeny. Section I. The path of degeneration in animals. 1. Morphology and Embryology. The law of re- capitulation. — It has been so often repeated that the individual development of an organ is a resume more or less compressed of its historical evolution, that people are apt to attempt too exact an application 180 THE PATH or DEGENEKATIYE EVOLUTION of this principle to every individual case. Such an exact application is, however, impossible. Every living organism is plastic, and in its development presents individual variations which serve as material for the operation of natural selection. In consequence, the recapitulation cannot be more than a repetition more or less vague of the essential phases of phylogeny.^ Moreover, there is nothing inevitable in the law of recapitulation, for most plants develop directly. With these limitations, however, we may state that among animals, the ontogeny usually repeats in a modified fashion the main ancestral stages. This is certainly the case when we compare the development of the brain of man with the probable ancestral stages as displayed in the series of verte- brates. ^ Lang, Anatomic comparee. As throughout the whole course of time, adaptation, that is to say, the preservation of wliat is most useful in the struggle for existence, is a force modifying heredity, it is plain that a species instead of resting stable must change. According to its circumstances, moreover, the successive stages in the ontogeny of a creature are under the influence of conditions different from those that affected the corresponding ancestral stages. We shall call the process of embryology palingenetic so far as it is based upon inherited legacies, and ccenogenetic so far as it is modi- fied by adaptation. Baldwin in his Treatise on Mental development in the child and in the race (London, 1895), also shows that the development of the individual is not an exact repetition of ancestral stages. The development of the child exhibits "short cuts" and phases of direct development due to adaptation and destroying the exactness of the parallel with phylogeny. THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN ANIMALS 1 8 1 In Fish The cerebral hemispheres and Batrachia. do not cover the region of the third ventricle from which the eyes arise (thalamencephalon). In the human Same embryo (fig. aspect. 61, A) of the seventh week. In Reptiles. The hemispheres cover the thalamenaphalon Init leave uncovered the region of the optic lobes (mesen- cephalon). In the human Same embryo (fig. aspect. 61, b) of the middle of the third month. In mammals. The hemispheres cover the thalamencephalon, the mesencephalon, some- times the metencephalon (cerebellum and medulla), and the olfactory lobes. In the human Same embryo (fig. aspect. 61, c) of the fifth month. In some mam- The hemispheres are mals even of smooth. higher orders (c. g. some Hapalidse). In the human Same embryo (fig. aspect. 61, d) of the midddle of the fifth month. Within such limits, the law of recapitulation may be applied, and the embryonic history of an individual may be considered roundly as a repeti- tion of the essential phases of its ancestral history. We have now to consider how far a reduction by atrophy or by arrest represents a retracing of steps in evolution (fig. 61). From this point of view, we may study the 182 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION degeneration of the pineal eye in the slow-worm, and in a series of lizards. The pineal or median eye in the slow worm and Fig. 61. — A, Brain of a human embryo of seven weeks ; h, cerebi-al hemispheres; ci, intei-mediate brain or thalairencpphalon; cm, raid-brain ; cp, hind-brain. B, Brain of a human embryo about the beginning of the third month; h, cere- bral hemisplieres; tg, region of the corpora quadrigemina ; cm, mid-brain. (7, Brain of a human embryo at tlie middle of the third month; h, cerebral liemispheres ; (q, coi'pora quadrigemina; ce, cerebellum, Z>, Human brain of the fifth embryonic month ; /i, cerebral hemispheres; ol/, olfactory lobes ; S, fissure of Sylvius; ce, cerebellum. (After Mihalkovics, Entwickelungs- gcschichte des Gehirns. Leipzig, 1877.) the lizard passes through the following stages in its individual development.^ (1) Formation of a hollow outgrowth from the roof of the third ventricle of the brain (fig. 62, D). ^ P. Francotte, Recherches sur le d4veloppement de V6pipliyse. {These preseyiUe d la Facidie de mMecine de Bruxelles.) Arch, de Biologie, 1888. THE PATH OF DEGENEKATION IN ANIMALS 183 (2) This little sac elongates, changes its direction, B 'C r C/f Fig. 62.— Diagram indicating the progressive evolution and the degeneration of the pineal eye. A. Perfect pineal eye, as found in the slow-worm before birth, or in the adult Sphenodon (Hatteria) ; c, lens; r, retina ; n, optic nerve ; rf, divertialum of the thalamencephalon. B. Pineal eye in first stage of degeneration as it exists in Chamceleo and as it was in the slow-worm before stage A. The lens (c), and the retina (r), are not differentiated. C. Pineal eye In the degenerate form found in Valotes and Leiodera; c, lens; r, retina; n, optic nerve in fatty de- generation. D. Very degenerate pineal eye as in Cyclodus and lilie the earliest stage in the slow-worm ; there is no differentiation of the divertialum from the thalamencephalon. E, F, G. Other modes of degeneration of the pineal eye. The eye lies within the skull and there is no parietal foramen ; cr, cranial membranes; E. Ceratophora. F. Birds; g, mammals. (After Baldwin Spencer.) and becomes divided into a proximal and distal portion. The cells lining the distal 184 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION part, that farthest from the brain, become differentiated into the cells which will form the lens, and the cells which will form the retina. (8) The distal part becomes specialized, the lens, the retina, and the stalk of the optic nerve are mapped out. (4) The lens, the retina, and the optic nerve become fully formed (fig. 62, a). At this stage the third eye has reached its limit of development. There is a well-formed retina connected with the brain by a special optic nerve. The organ projects strongly from the surface of the head, but from this point, owing to the development of the cerebral hemispheres, degeneration begins. The nerve (fig. 52, c), becomes broken and fatty, and pigmentary degeneration occurs in it. At the same time, the pineal eye having become useless or even harmful to the animal possessed of it, before the power of receiving perceptions of light has been lost, and before the organ has been far reduced by phylogenetic destruction, a veil of black pigment is formed over it, completely shut- ting it off from the outer light. The nerve disappears completely before birth, its degenerate cells becoming lost in the mesoblastic skeletal tissue of that region. At the time of birth the whole eye is enclosed in a thick membrane which isolates it. The deposition of pigment has THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN ANIMALS 185 destroyed any functional activity in the lens and the retina, but these parts none the less retain traces of a complicated structure recalling their condition when functional. In the Ehynchocephala and Lizards examined by W. B. Spencer,^ there is to be found a series of types representing the various stages of the degeneration of the eye in the slow-worm. In the type Sphenodon {Hatteria, fig. 62, a), the organ in the adult is in the complete form. The eye possesses a lens (c), a retina, (r), with com- plicated histological structure. A nerve {n) places the retina in communication with the brain. In Ghamceleo (fig. 62, b), the degradation of the organ has reached the following stage : the epi- physis has a distal portion corresponding to the eye, but the histological differentiation of this is incomplete, neither the retina nor the lens being distinct. Nervous fibres connect this with the proximal portion which is hollow and in coni- munication with the brain. It thus represents the second stage in the formation of the eye in the slow-worm. In the types Leiodera and Calotes (fig. 62, c), the chief degeneration is in the optic nerve, which has partially disappeared, and no longer connects the eye with the brain. The eye itself is not quite ^ W. B. Spencer, On the presence and structure of the pineal eye in Lacertilia (Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, 1886). 186 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION SO degenerate : the retina has not a complex structure, but both retina and lens are present. In the type Gyclodus (fig. 62, d), the degeneration is still greater : the epiphysis is a vesicle attached to the thalamencephalon. The walls of this vesicle show only the smallest symptom of primi- tive differentiation into lens and retina. The proximal part remains hollow, and shows no trace of differentiation at all. This, however, is not the only fashion in which degeneration of the pineal eye proceeds. In another series of creatures it retains its connec- tion with the thalamencephalon, but remains inside the skull. The parietal foramen closes, thus completely shutting off the eye from the light; the eye becomes useless, degenerates, and the optic nerve loses its function as a conducting channel, Ceratophora (fig. 62, E). The pineal organ then becomes a degenerate structure in which it is exceedingly difficult to see traces of its original condition, and which is usually marked by an abundance of blood-vessels : Birds (fig. 62, F), Mammals (fig. 62, g). Thus, the degeneration of the pineal eye shows that the optic nerve, the last organ to be completed, is the first to disappear.^ In studying the degeneration of the pineal eye, 1 The same happens in the case of the ordinary paired eyes. In the degenerate eyes of the mole, the optic nerve is more reduced than are the other structures. THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN ANIMALS 187 we have Seen the path of progressive evolution being retraced, at least in the case of these reptiles. The present state of knowledge does not permit an extension of the enquiry to the conditions found in higher animals. However, according to Flesch, traces of a sensory epithelium have been found in the pineal body of man, the horse, the sheep, and the bat : that is to say, that in these creatures too the oldest parts of the structure have resisted degeneration longest. We cannot refrain from the conclusion that in this series degeneration retraces to a large extent the steps of original advance. 2. Degeneration of the organs of sight in deep- sea Crustacea. — We cannot however establish the conclusion of the last paragraph as a general principle. The fauna of the deep sea includes a large number of Crustacea, and in these the eyes, which are relatively useless, are often degenerate. The course of the degeneration is generally definite, and of all the structural parts the most long-lived are the eye-stalks, although we know that these are a recent formation. A number of examples chosen from Decapod Crustaceans, which are specially abundant, will illustrate this point.^ Nephropsis, which lives in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans at moderate depths, is a relative of the Lobster. The optic stalk is short and carries * See Pelseneer, VExploration zoologique des mers profmides (Conferences Universitaire de Bruxelles). 2 Annee, 1890. 188 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION a rudimentary eye which has neither pigment nor cornea and is coloured like the general surface of the body. Eryonicus (fig. 63) belongs to the same group, and comes from the region of Saint-Thomas in the Antilles, where it lives at a depth of about 825 yards. This animal has a reduced optic stalk, but at the extremity of this, where in littoral J. forms the eye Y~ ^^-^A is borne, there "~^ is only a de- pression as if the eye had been carefully scooped out. Willemoesia (fig. 64), a re- lative of the marine cray- FiG. 63. Evyonicus coecus. Bate? (After W. Faxon, -fioVi qrifl qti in- The Stalk-eyed Crustacea, Mem. of Mus. of Comp., Zool. Harvard College, vol. xviii., 1895.) habitant of the Atlantic at a depth of about 3500 yards, is com- pletely devoid of eyes in the adult condition, although it possesses them in the larval stage. Scolophthalmus (fig. 65), which lives down to 4000 yards, is quite devoid of eyes, but possesses eye-stalks which terminate in spines. It seems, then, that different species of deep-sea Crustacea may present different degrees of degenet*a- tion of the eye. One species in itself exhibits all Fig. Gi. — WUlemcesia. (After Pelseneer.) 190 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION grades of degradation according to the depth at which it lives. This creature — Cymonomus — which, when near the surface, has fully formed eyes upon movable stalks, at a depth of a few hundred yards exhibits movable stalks without eyes; and at 1500 yards the stalks are fixed and end in spines. Isopod Crustacea, which live in the deep sea, present similarly degenerate eyes. Many are blind Fig. &i).—Scolophthalmus luci/ngus, Fax. a, optic peduncle li-ansformed to a spine. (After W. Faxon, TTie Stalk-eyed Crustacea, Mem. of Mus. of Comp. Zool. Harvard College, vol. xviii., 1895.) and display all kinds of optic degeneration. Nocsa, for instance, simply has eyes devoid of pigment. Thus, in abysmal Crustacea, the degeneration of the eyes is in no sense a retracing of developmental stages. Another instance chosen from examples of the atrophy of organs in individuals, shows that the supposed law of retracing cannot be made uni- versal. 4. Atrophy of the hranchial vessels in man. — Examination of a human embryo of about three THE PATH OF DEGENEBATION IN ANIMALS 191 if C G C C weeks old shows the presence of a series of slits on the sides of the neck, the slits not being parallel, but converging towards the ventral surface. Be- tween these slits are swellings, or pads, which- pass up towards the dorsal surface and appear like the beginnings of hoops or ribs enclosing the visceral cavity ; the elevations are the branchial arches, the slits are the gill-slits. In the human embryo (fig. 66, A), as in fish, these slits appear « from above downwards, and as they are formed, the cor- responding blood- vessels arise. These vessels, or aortic arches, arise from a ven- tral aorta (a.) which gives off six lateral branches (c.) at each side. These lateral branches run up between the gill- slits and form two main trunks on the dorsal side which converge to form the descending aorta (ad.). In man the branchial arches are transformed, parts of them entering into the structure of the face, and during the transformation parts of the aortic arches atrophy (fig. 66, b). But the order Fig. 66. — Diagram of branchial arches in mammals. A. Embryonic stage, a, aorta; c, aortic arches; AD, dorsal aorta. B. Adult stage. The parts represented by dotted lines have degenerated. A, aorta; v, carotid; ap, pulmonary artery. 192 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION of this atrophy does not correspond in any way to the order of the formation of the vessels. The median parts of the anterior two lateral branches (w} and m^) disappear, and the vertical parts remain as the internal and external carotid vessels. The vertical piece which joined the posterior parts of the third and fourth arches dis- appears : the internal and external carotids thus acquire a stem of their own. The parts of the fourth arch remain ; the fifth arch disappears at each side, and the sixth arch forms the pulmonary artery (ap.). Thus the degeneration of these vessels represents in no way whatever a retracing of their develop- mental history. AH that occurs is that the useless parts disappear and the useful parts persist. A comparative study of this example would only enforce our conclusion. In ontogeny the neurapophyses are more ancient than the vertebral centres. None the less, as we have already seen, the examination of any vertebral column from head toward tail shows a gradual disappearance of all parts except the centra, although the centra are the last to be formed. Section II. The path of degeneration in plants. ]. Rarity of cases of recapitulation in the organogeny of leaves. — We have already said that THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN PLANTS 193 recapitulation seldom occurs in plants, the develop- ment of the whole and of its organs being usually direct. When it does occur, it is generally limited to characters coming from comparatively recent ancestors and not even in the most transitory form entering into the formation of the fundamental parts of the plant.^ ^ The rarity of recapitulation among vegetables is the result partly of their fixed condition in the soil, and partly of the more rigid nature of their cells. The immobility of a plant forces the adult to live in the same place as the embryo. Among animals, on the other hand, it frequently happens that the young pursue a manner of life different from that of the adult and resembling that of the ancestor. Young Cirrepedes are vagrant and have the same needs and use the same organs as other vagrant Crustacea ; larval frogs inhabit the water like their fish-like ancestors. In plants there is nothing similar ; all the aquatic flowering plants are derived from terrestrial ancestors, but if at the beginning of their existence these aquatic plants were to bear leaves adapted to aerial life they would ensure their own destruction. The ex- ceedingly rare ancestral traits to be found in 'a few species are naturally of a kind not to incommode their possessors. It is improbable that these are a legacy from distant ancestors ; they would not have been spared by natural selection had they not come from ancestors of very much the same habit. The absence of locomotion in plants has also produced a greater adaptability than among animals. Animals, \vhen conditions are unfavourable can remove in search of more suitable localities, plants being fixed in the soil must become modified or perish. Plants, therefore, ofler numerous cases of individual adaptation. We do not know if these adaptations are transmitted by heredity, but natural selection has at least secured the widest range of plasticity. Thus plants rapidly rid themselves of ancestral legacies which have become useless. The transitory organs of animals arc employed for the service N / 194 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION In consequence, vegetable embryology is of little use for investigation of the supposed backward path of degeneration, for the rudimentary or reduced organs of plants do not generally represent ancestral stages. The seedling of Lathyrus tenuifolius (fig. 67), a vetch, possesses rudimentary organs which cannot be ancestral stages as their development is direct. In this plant a whole series of leaves are formed between those arising at germination and the adult leaves. This intermediate series displays many arrests of development. The adult leaf has a pair of stipules, foliage leaflets, and tendrils (fig. 67, j). The leaves just before these, have a pair of stipules (fig. 67, i), which are absent in the leaves next before (fig. 67, h). Still earlier leaves are produced with fewer leaflets and tendrils (fig. 67, d-g), leaves without leaflets and with a single tendril (fig. 67, c), and leaves entirely without tendrils (fig. 67, b). Lastly, at germination very rudimentary leaves are pro- of the whole body, the branchial arches of mammals are employed in the formation of important parts of the head and neck. The tail of the tadpole is reabsorbed by phagocytes and its substance used for the nutrition of the body. In the case of plants, such occurrences are rare and limited ; the cells are enclosed in a rigid wall which resists displacement or alteration ; the protoplasmic contents may be absorbed and used as nutritive material by another part, but the cellulose cell-wall remains. A useless organ can be eliminated only at the expense of loss of material. J. Massart, La Recapitulation et V Innovation en emhryologie v6gdtale {Bull. Soc. Boy. Bot. Belg., t. xxxiii., p. 150, 1894). Fig. 67.— Lathyrus tenuifolius. A, B,VeedUng8 in two stages of growth. C to J, diflferent forms of successive leaves. 196 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION duced, the sole function of which is to protect the axillary bud (fig. 67, B, 1, 2). We have now to show that this series is by no means a retracing of ancestral stages. All, or nearly all, the Papilionace- ous plants have stipulate leaves ; this shows that the exstipulate leaves of L. tenui- folius do not re- present an ances- tral stage. More- over, before the acquisition of tendrils, vetches had a terminal leaflet (see Vicia Pyrenaica, fig. 44) ; none of the reduced leaves in L. tenuifolius re- produce this Fig. 08. — SeeilmgVicia of TDonanthos. Sta<^e ' mOrCOVCr the simple leaves without leaflets do not represent an ancestral condition ; the winged petiole is not an ancestral character. The primary leaves of another vetch Vicia monanthos confirm our conclusion. In this case THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN PLANTS 197 the first few leaves formed in the seedling remain rudimentary, aud serve only to protect the axillary buds (iig. 68, leaves 1 and 2). Contrasted with the condition in L. tenuifolius, although all the vetches had probably a common ancestor, these primary leaves have three little projections, the two lateral of which are reduced stipules. We do not know of any vegetable example of recapitulation in the case of an organ reduced by arrest of development. Plants exist, however, which after having produced leaves of typical structure begin to produce leaves the development of which remains arrested. Such a plant is the Acacia which bears phyllodes. At first the leaves are like those of other Acacias ; next it bears leaves, the blades of which are rudimentary ; and finally leaves with normal stipules, but with no trace of lateral leaflets on the petiole. In this case the ancestral conditions are known and are quite different.^ 2. Organogeny of flowers. — What we have said about leaves applies to the organogeny of flowers. Here also in the cases of atrophy produced by arrest of development there is no indication of ^ Many other reduced plant organs might be instanced, such as the stipules of Sambucus or the teeth of the calyx, in many Com- positse and Umbelliferse. After their formation such organs grow very slowly and exhibit no trace of recapitulation. This happens with the leaves of Sempervivum (fig. 49). Without doubt these leaves are derived from leaves normally divided into hypopodium and epipodium, but they show no trace of this division. 198 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION ancestral stages, and thus there is no evidence that degeneration retraces the path of progressive evolu- tion. In the cauliflower (Brassica oleracea, var. Botry- tis), a cultivated A ^^N _ variety, the inflorescence branches ex- uberantly; most of the flowers produced on these branches are arrested in their develop- ment. Of the immense num- ber of flowers produced on each plant only a few attain sexual maturity and produce seeds; the others abort at differ- FiG. 69. — Development of flowers of Ihe Cauliflower. sa, anterior sepal; sp, posterior sepal; si, lateral sepal ; p, petal; e, long stamen ; ec, short stamen ; o, ovary. A, very young flower with only rudi- ments of two sepals; B, flower with rudiments of four sepals ; C, older flower with rudiments of petals; D, still older flower with rudiments of stamens and ovary. (The flowers A— D are seen from the f'ide. In' the figures C and D the lateral sepal has been removed.) E, flower seen from behind; the posterior sepal has been removed. ent stages. stage Most of these remain in a very primitive and do not develop sepals ; but, scattered among them, may be found more fully developed flowers, so that the same plant presents almost every possible stage of flower development. The orgaaogeny of these flowers is quite like THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN PLANTS 199 that of other Cruciferse. If in the cauliflower the arrested flowers corresponded to different ancestral stages the case would be striking ; but this does not occur. Primitively the flower contained only the stamens and pistils, the essential organs of reproduction. But we see that the cauliflower produces first the anterior and posterior sepals (fig. 69, a), then the lateral sepals (fig. 69, B), then successively the petals (fig. 69, c), the four larger stamens (fig. 69, d), and the two shorter stamens (fig. 69, e). Moreover, the flowers display a special readiness to the suppression of certain parts such as the petals, as in the flower d (fig. 69). 3. Progressive degeneratio7i of the prothallus in phanerogams. — Although embryology gives us few examples, morphology proves clearly enough that in plant degeneration there is no return to ancestral types. This appears clearly from a comparison of the progressive evolution of the prothallus in crypto- gams with its degeneration in phanerogams. Terrestrial vegetation has been derived entirely from aquatic life. The Bryophyta (mosses and liver-worts), the Vascular Cryptogams (ferns), and the flowering plants all have sprung from aquatic algae probably not very different from Coleochcete. Such aquatic forms are reproduced by means of true ova and spermatozoa. The terrestrial plants which were derived from them had also spermatozoa with vibratile locomotor hairs and impregnation 200 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION took place in a fluid. A special organ, the arche- gonium, was developed ; this contained the ovum and made the approach of the spermatozoa more easy. For the present purpose we may omit considera- tion of the mosses and liver-worts as it is improb- able that they are in the line of ancestry of the flowering plants. It is necessary only to say that in them, while a single egg is produced in the archegonium a large number of spermatozoa are produced in the antheridium. The same condition is found among the fern-like plants, but in their case, owing to the development of special channels for the passage of nutritive materials, it is possible for a much greater size to be reached. In these circumstances it would be unlikely that the spermatozoa should find at the summit of a comparatively lofty plant the drop of water necessary for the task of fertilization.-^ Accordingly the sexual cells are produced on prothalli, which hardly reach above the surface of the ground, and are in a favourable position for the necessary moisture. In the less specialized ferns (fig. 70) a single prothallus bears both male and female organs (antheridia and archegonia). In the Equisetums ^ The smaller forms like the Selaginellidse and the club-mosses were represented in the past by plants of much greater size, as is seen from fossil remains, and it is probable that the modern forms have descended from these giants. THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN PLANTS 201 the prothalli are unisexual, but the spores from which they are produced are alike. Finally, in the allies of Selaginella which are the Cryptogams most nearly approaching flowering plants, the prothalli which bear male organs are quite distinct from the prothalli which bear female organs ; more- over, the spores which give rise to the two kinds of prothalli are quite different. A small number of large spores arise in special sporangia, termed macrosporangia, and it is from these that the female prothalli arise. A larger number of smaller spores are pro- p,Q 70.— Seedllng of Fern {Asplmtum duced in micrOSpOr- The prothallusO>Tl)Siis"antheridiaat its prima onrl tliPCP miPrn edges and towards the centre an arche- angia ana tnese micro- gonium which has been fertUized. The Qnnrpcinrnrlnpp tliP nmlp 5"^""^ seedling developed from the spuitJb piUUUOe me Illdlt; fertilized ovum has already given rise ■nrnt'li a 111 ^^ ^^'^'''^ ^^^ **^ ^"^^ leaves. The spores of ferns are very small and contain only the nutritive matter required for germination ; the spores of Selaginella, even the microspores, are very much larger and contain a large supply of reserve material at the expense of which the development of the prothallus takes place. 202 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION We may give a brief account of the formation of the sexual cells in Selaginella. The first stages in the appearance of microsporangia and macro- sporangia are identical. Later on in the one case each of the spore mother-cells breaks up into four microspores, in the other case only one mother-cell breaks up into four macrospores, the others dis- appear. On germination the macrospore becomes a fairly large prothallus with several archegonia : the microspore forms only one cell as the representative of the prothallus, the rest of the structure becoming the antheridium. In Phanerogams (flowering plants) a drop of water is no longer necessary for fertilization. The spermatozoon reaches the ovum, not by swimming movements, but by a kind of growth. This difference has resulted in profound modifications. Fertilization may occur in the air, and it is no longer necessary for the macrospore to become detached : it remains fixed on the individual from which it arose and there proceeds to develop. In the Gymnosperms the archegonia are fully formed in a prothallus of considerable size, but the Angiosperms which are more specialized, retain only traces of these structures. The microspores (pollen grains) exactly as in Selaginella are pro- duced in great numbers, but when they leave the parent plant they develop only if they reach suit- able conditions. In germination there is shut off, as in Selaginella, a single cell to represent the THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN PLANTS 203 prothallns ; later on in a few Gymnosperms it undergoes a few divisions representing the forma- tion of the antheridium. In Angiosperms the reduction has proceeded further, and each pollen grain besides the prothallus cell produces only one or at most two reproductive nuclei. In all Phanerogams the reproductive nucleus reaches the ovum by being carried in a long tube which grows out from the pollen grain at the expense of nutriment derived from the female tissues. Thus, the prothallus may be traced through marked stages of reduction from the condition in ferns, through Selaginella to Gymnosperms and higher flowering plants. But these phases of reduction are by no means to be regarded as repetitions of ancestral conditions. In conclusion, it is plain that we cannot assert as a general law, that degeneration retraces the steps of evolution. In the vegetable kingdom no facts support such a conclusion. In certain special cases in the animal kingdom, the most recently developed structures are the first to disappear when atrophy sets in, but this proves no more than that these particular structures happened to be less stable, and to offer less resistance. It is quite impossible to make such facts support the generally held view, that degeneration is a kind of inverse of evolution. It is very seldom that a living apparatus with complex functions loses all of them, but usually 204 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION preserves one or other ; for instance, the leaves of parasitic flowering plants continue to serve as protectors of the buds, and degeneration does not affect the part that has remained functional. It is highly probable that the original function of leaves was assimilative rather than protective, and yet here it is the later function that is retained. Even when all function is lost, and the whole structure degenerates, there is no reason why the degeneration should retrace the evolution. In the case of the atrophy of an organ in an individual especially in such pathological instances as those mentioned by Ribot, it may be that the latest formed parts are the most fragile, and the most ready to disappear ; but the path of atrophy is quite different in the case of the gradual reduction of an organ in a species. When an organ becomes useless to a species, as in the case of the eyes of deep-sea Crustacea, the only thing that matters to the species is that it may be got rid of. Any individual variation tending towards reduction will be of advantage, and may be retained by natural selection. There is no reason to suppose that such individual variations appear in any inverse order ; in fact we do not know that the appearance of variations follows any law at all. Perhaps the apparent inverse order of the degeneration of the pineal eye in lizards may be explained from the fact that the most recently acquired characters are frequently the most variable. THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN SOCIOLOGY 206 However, even when the most recent organs disappear first, we cannot speak safely of a law of degeneration inverse to evolution. In the actual evolution of many organs, parts have appeared and then completely disappeared. If degeneration were a true inverse of evolution, it would be necessary that such lost parts should reappear only to disappear again. Such observa- tions apply both to ontogeny and phylogeny. CHAPTEE II THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN SOCIOLOGY § 1. Investigation of facts. We have now to see if degenerative evolution in social matters retraces the steps of progressive evolution. In the first place the question cannot be even entertained with regard to some cases, and this for a general reason which will be dealt with later on. When a complex institution — such as a com- mercial society or an administrative organization — becomes useless and ceases to be fimctional, it usually disappears either by voluntary dissolution or else it is legally suppressed. In either case there is no slow retrogressive degeneration retracing inversely the steps of progress, for all the parts cease to 206 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION exist simultaneously. If certain parts of the sup- pressed institution are allowed to persist, these are by no means necessarily the oldest parts, but quite the contrary. When, for instance, the Provincial States of Dauphiny and Normandy were suppressed by the French monarchy, only the titles with their cor- responding emoluments were allowed to remain, and they were obviously of more recent origin than the States themselves. It must be borne in mind that all the parts of an institution rarely become simultaneously useless and non-functional. Those which retain their utility longest are by no means always the most ancient in origin. English sheriffs have gradually become of less and less functional importance, and now fulfil no other role than that of presiding over elections and accompanying the judges when on circuit. Both of these functions have been acquired recently com- pared with all those which the sheriff discharged in the days when the care and protection of the whole county practically devolved upon him. The question then of the pathway of degeneration only arises in those cases where the same cause of dissolution simultaneously affects all parts of the institution, and where, without sudden inter- ruption, degeneration is effected slowly but surely through many successive stages. This, of course, happens in the degenerative evolution of individual THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN SOCIOLOGY 207 societies or institutions, and not in the disappearance of complete classes of institutions. These reservations being understood, we will mention a few more or less obvious cases in which degeneration does retrace the footsteps of progressive evolution. 1. Tithings, hundreds and counties in England. — In tbe chapter dealing with the pathway of degenera- tion in Transformisme social, G. Degreef mentions the following interesting facts : — " Mr Herbert Spencer, after describing the forma- tion of tithings, hundreds and counties in England under the Anglo-Saxon regime, observes that the tithings along with their courts of justice were the first to disappear, then the hundreds followed, though some vestiges of their old courts of justice remained, and only the counties and the county courts were left intact. Now we have historical proofs that English counties along with their courts of justice were created before the hundreds, and the hundreds before the tithings." ^ 2. Order of elimination of various racial elements in a country. — In his interesting work Civiliza- tion et d^'po'pulation,^ Dumont mentions certain facts which go to show that the inhabitants of poor districts, who are nevertheless of pure racial descent, have a birth-rate higher than that of the members of the population who are not aboriginal, and who 1 Degreef, Le transformisme social^ p. 450. •^ P. 156. 208 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION for the most part dwell in the towns and fertile plains. From this he concludes that the various racial elements of a nation are eliminated in inverse order to that in which they were introduced. In France, for instance, the Frank has been com- pletely absorbed in the Gaul. 8. The degenerative evolution of political organiza-^ tions. — The progressive and degenerative evolution of political organizations has been described by Herbert Spencer as follows ^ : — " Political integration, as it advances, obliterates the original divisions among the united parts. In the first there is the slow disappearance of those non-topographical divisions arising from relation- ship, as seen in separate gentes and tribes — gradual intermingling destroys them. In the second place, the smaller local societies united into a larger one, which at first retains their separate organizations, lose them by long co- operation ; a common organization begins to ramify through them. And, in the third place, there simultaneously results a fading of their topographical bounds, and a replacing of them by the new administrative bounds of the common organization. " Hence, naturally, results the converse truth that in the course of social dissolution the great groups separate first, and afterwards, if dissolution con- ^ Herbert Spencer, " Political Institutions," Part iv. of Principles of Sociology, p. 286. THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN SOCIOLOGY 209 tinues, these separate into their component smaller groups. Instance the ancient empires successively formed in the East, the united kingdoms of which severally resumed their autonomies when the coer- cion of keeping them together ceased. Instance again the Carlo vingian Empire which, first parting into its large divisions, became, in course of time, further disintegrated by subdivisions of these. And when, as in this last case, the process of dissolution goes very far, there is a return to something like the primitive condition, under which small preda- tory societies are engaged in continuous warfare with like small societies around them." We may conclude then that political integration is attended by degeneration ; primitive institutions disappear and make way for fresh institutions, and their disappearance is permanent. In the course of the dissolution of the Carlovingian Empire there was no reappearance either of the gentes or of the primitive tribal system ; but when this vast organization broke down, it was natural that the more recently formed social bonds, having had the least opportunity of becoming consolidated, should be the first to be sundered. 4. Degeneration in monetary systems. — The prin- ciple that degeneration retraces the steps of pro- gress applies equally to a very different range of ideas, — the evolution of monetary systems. Stanley Jevdns says that there is little doubt that every system of coinage was originally identical with a 0 210 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION system of weights. A survival of this primitive condition existed in Eoman law, and even when no use was made of them, the custom of bringing a pair of scales survived as a legal formality in the sale of slaves at Kome. After the time of the Punic wars, the aes, which originally equalled a Roman pound in weight, diminished rapidly, until it became re- duced to the weight of an ounce. The Eomans had naturally reverted to weighing the metal, and the oes grave was money reckoned by weight, and not by tale. Generally speaking, whatever be the inconveniences of the method, currency by weight is yet the natural and necessary system to which people revert whenever the abrasion of coins, the intermixture of currencies, the downfall of a State, or other causes, destroy the public confidence in a more highly organized system.-^ It is plain then that the more recent developments in the coinage system are the first to disappear.^ The disappearance of money altogether and the return to a system of exchange would represent a much farther advanced stage in degeneration. ^ See Stanley Jevons in Money, International Scientific Series. 2 There is no silver money and only a little copper in China. Nowadays, Mexican piastres, on reaching the country in payment of commercial transactions, are melted down into bars as 'soon as they fall into the hands of the merchants, and these bars are then imprinted with the Chinese stamp. This was the usual system employed amongst civilized peoples before the invention of money r See Thorold Rogers in ' ' The Economic Interpretation of History. " THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN SOCIOLOGY 211 5. Degenerative adaptation in*colonial legislation. — In his treatise (Annalisi delta proprieta capita- lista), Loria furnishes another striking example of the law of degeneration : " When English colonies were first formed in America, the colonists hesitated to establish any legislation other than that of the mother-country. They were habituated to it ; it was written in their own language, and therefore seemed best to correspond with their national characteristics. But, from the outset, the greatest difficulties were met with in the application of this legislation to the colonies. " In the first place the Statute law of England, the most recent addition to the legislation, was found to be quite unsuited to the economic condition of a colony, and so common law alone came to be established, which, being the more ancient, was better suited to the social organization of a newly- formed society. But even this form of legislation did not remain permanent under social conditions profoundly diflferent to those in which it had been originally established, and the construction of a special legislation was found to be necessary. In this way the common law of England came to be regarded as unsuited to her colonies, excepting in such cases as were unprovided for in the new colonial law." -^ Loria then proceeds to give numerous examples of how these colonial statutes — owing to the simi- ^ Loria, Annalisi delta proprieta capitalista, ii. 48. 212 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION larity of circumstances between those for whom they were severally fashioned — came to resemble the primitive law of England. 6. Degenerative evolution of the corporations of Western Flanders. — In a treatise published by one of our number in May 1892, entitled VEvohUion regressive des corporations de la West-Flandre} it was shown that among these associations, the insti- tutions the first to degenerate were those most recently established. The twelve corporations which still exist, though in more or less degenerate conditions in Bruges, Furnes, Eeghem, and Iseghem, were formerly con- structed on similar principles and fulfilled the following functions : — 1. The furtherance of sociability {i.e. the holding of banquets and fetes). 2. The encouragement of religious feeling {i.e. frequent celebrations of the mass and the building of new churches). 3. Mutual assistance {i.e. insurance against loss of work through illness, or against funeral expenses). 4. Mutual protection of professional interests. 5. The furtherance of certain political and mili- tary interests. These various functions were established not simultaneously but in succession. The Flemish corporation of the fourteenth or fifteenth century 1 La SocUt6 nouvelle, Mai 1892, Bruxelles, Monnom. THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN SOCIOLOGY 213 represents the last stage in a long series of corpora- tions of different kinds, and of increasing complexity. It will be as well to glance briefly through these various kinds of corporations in order to compare the different stages of dissolution through which the corporative system eventually passed with the pro- gressive evolution exhibited in the course of its establishment. {a) Associations formed for the holding of banquets and fetes (convivia) which were origin- ally distributed throughout Northern and Western Europe. (h) The convivia assumed a religious character when the Church, unable to suppress them, deter- mined to transform them. (c) Guilds (etymologically significant, according to Brentano, of repasts where all expenses were shared) where the original convivium was accom- panied by religious ceremonies, but a feature of which was the addition of institutions of mutual insurance. (d) Corporations (amhachten). — These embodied all the primitive institutions that had gone before : (1) the banquets; (2) religious ceremonies; (3) mutual assistance ; (4) fresh means for the protec- tion and development of professional interests. (e) Finally, at the commencement of the four- teenth century, these corporations assumed both political and military functions. The concession of ke^tre to the people in 1304 by Philip of Thiette 214 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION was the first act by which was recognized the right of the corporations of Bruges to take part in com- munal administration and to provide a miUtary contingent of their own. When these corporations began to decline mili- tary and political functions were the first to be eliminated, in other respects the corporation con- tinued to exist till the close of the eighteenth century in the form of economic groups, and groups for mutual aid and religious development. An investigation of such corporations as still survive shows that it is in the economic functions formerly discharged that degeneration has made furthest strides, while the religious character is maintained and banquets are still held. Of the twelve corporations of Western Flanders six preserve the old corporative institutions almost intact ; seven maintain a scale of charges and regulations con- nected with them ; ten provide organizations for assurance against illness ; eleven hold annual re- ligious ceremonies ; twelve, ix. all of them, continue to hold banquets. These figures alone show that the original and earlier functions have remained longest in force, but to further demonstrate this point it will be necessary to enter more fully into details and to study each group separately. The first group — consisting of associations con- tinuing to protect professional interests — consists of three branches : the four offices of Bruges (including THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN SOCIOLOGY 215 vendors of lime, coal, seeds and beer), the two offices of Furnes (street porters and vendors of beer), and the community of the bakers of Bruges. All the ancient statutes of the four offices have been preserved, including trade monopolies, the freedom of the city, and scales of charges, help in. times of illness, accident, or when out of work ; religious ceremonies and banquets. With the com- munity of bakers, however, this is not the case; here the economic functions discharged are reduced to a minimum. The association continues to exist in a triple capacity : as a syndicate to keep up a fair price in wheat and bread, as a mutual assur- ance association in times of distress among the members, and as a confraternity imposing religious obligations and holding an annual banquet and f^te. In the second group consisting of mutual aid associations such as the corporations of tailors, shoe- makers and weavers of Bruges, all trade interests have disappeared, and the corporations only exist in the capacities of confraternities and mutual aid societies. At this particular stage of degeneration these corporations resemble in a striking degree the old guilds which preceded the amhachten en neringen. It is interesting in connection with this, that the corporation of wool weavers (wollewevers) in Bruges has lost its orginal professional character, and quite heterogeneous elements have been introduced ; there are only twenty-five weavers in Bruges, and their society numbers nearly two hundred members. The 216 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION guild of weavers in Eegliem represents the third stage only — that of a religious confraternity. The office of mutual aid has disappeared, and only the Saints' Day Fete and the convivmm remain : " The first Sunday after the fete of the Trois-Eois, which is the annual fete day of the weavers, the guild proceeds to the parish church, headed by a banner, accompanied by a jester, and with drums beating, where mass is celebrated in honour of Saint Severin. The rest of the day is passed in diversions." The guilds of Saint Crispin at Iseghem, all that remains of the old corporation of shoemakers, are representative of the final stage of degeneration : the association has resumed its most primitive character, and is reduced to a mere dining society — the primitive convivium. There are from 1500 to 2000 shoemakers in Iseghem. At the time of the Ee volution their ambaclit, having resumed its archaic form, was divided up into six or seven guilds. Some years ago a vain attempt was made to reconstruct these guilds and adapt them to modern requirements. At a time when success in this project was still hoped for, one of the promoters of the reconstruction wrote as follows : — " The members of bhe guild still recognize Saint Crispin as their patron saint, but they no longer assemble in church to do him honour by the cele- bration of mass. They keep the anniversary instead by going from one public-house to another, with THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN SOCIOLOGY 21 7 flying banner and drums beating, and the day has become merely a day of copious libations, and serves as a pretext for poor workmen, the fathers of families, to spend all the week drinking in public-houses." In conclusion then the cycle is complete ; a corporation, unless suddenly dispersed, ends as it began ; in the last stage of decline it resembles the associations from which it originally developed, the most recently established functions having been the first to decay and disappear. §2.-4 criticism of the supposed inverse path of degeneration. These few examples suffice to show that in certain cases the more recently formed institu- tio'bs are the first to decline and disappear, while the older persist to the end. It must be remembered, however, that the con- trary is at least as frequently the case. AU changes of legislation, either juridical or religious, follow, but never precede, the economic transformations to which they relate, whether these be social or ethical, unless the transformations are ephemeral. " Imita- tion," says Tarde, " proceeds from the more obvious to the less obvious ; that is to say, ends and feel- ings are imitated sooner than their means and expressions." Title-deeds and armorial bearings survive no- bility ; houses continued to be held as personal or moveable property long after the disappearance 218 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION of nomadic tribes, which, living as they did in tents, originated the conception.^ Among peoples where the system of marriage by groups has existed, family nomenclatures continued to persist long after the disappearance of the family system to which they owed their origin. " The family," says Morgan, " is an active element, never stationary ; it keeps pace with the development of society in the march of progress. On the other hand, the reckoning of kinship changes very slowly ; only after long lapses of time does it register the progress actually made by the family in the course of ages, and does not undergo any radical transformation until long after the family itself has been completely changed." "And," adds Karl Marx, whose critical annotations on Morgan's book were carefully preserved by Engels, " this also applies to systems of politics, law, religion, or philosophy." These systems, formed after the completion of the social organization which they express, survive after the organization itself has disappeared. Their elimination is not of such importance to society as is that of the economic or family institutions themselves, as these, when they become useless and disadvantageous, are a drag on future development. ^ Viollet, Histoire du droit civil fr., p. 617. ' ' Although houses were for centuries treated as moveable pro- perty, they dbntinued to be legally treated as such for a still longer period of time ; it is characteristic of judicial ideas that they lag far behind economic progress." THE PATH OF DEGENERATION IN SOCIOLOGY 219 It cannot be established, however, as a general principle, that the pathway of degeneration as regards societies or institutions, is inverse to that pursued by their progressive evolution. In the first place, the mere explanation of this supposed law shows that it is quite untenable. What jeason is given for supposing the decline of memory or will power, the degeneration of writ- ing and speech, the decadence of societies and institutions, to be a retracing of the steps of progressive development ? The reason given is that, other things being equal, the more fragile, unsteady and complicated structures are the first to fall. Now, although the most fragile structures are frequently those most recently formed, and which have not had time to settle down and firmly estab- lish themselves, it is also true that in many cases the more recent acquisitions and structures attain a more solid basis than those which have preceded them. There is nothing invariable about the pathway of degeneration. It can no more be said to retrace the pathway of progress in an inverse direction than it could be said that in a country abandoned by its inhabitants the more recently formed paths of com- munication would be the first to become effaced. It is quite true that the broader roads, which would naturally last longer, are frequently the oldest paths of communication ; whereas the footpaths, 220 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION which are the first to disappear, are usually of more recent origin. Very frequently, however, the new roads follow a rather dififerent direction, and, although more recently constructed, are not the first to disappear. It is the same with great commercial crises. It is quite inexact to say with Ribot, who is respon- sible for the analogy : " Old houses ofifer the best resistance to the storm ; it is the new houses which, being less solid, crumble and fall." ^ After the time of the cotton famine, during the American war of Independence, the greater part of the old firms of Gand became bankrupt, whereas most of the large, newly-established joint-stock companies survived the crisis. Moreover, in those cases where the most recently formed structures are the first to decay, it cannot be deduced that evolution is reversed, and that the institution returns to its primitive condition, for there is no reappearance of the intermediate structures. ^ Ribot, Les Maladies de la Memoire, p. 99. PART II The irreversibility of degenerative evolution Most authorities on the subject are agreed that evolution is not reversible/ and that institutions or organs which have disappeared or been reduced to rudiments do not reappear and develop afresh. It would be a useless extension of this volume to cite many facts in favour of a view which is almost without supporters, but it will be useful to examine the exceptions, real or apparent, and to discuss — 1. If an institution or organ which has dis- appeared may reappear. 2. If an institution or organ which has been reduced may resume its primitive function. 3. If an institution or organ which has been reduced may redevelop and assume a func- tion other than its original function. * L. DoUo, Les his de VJ^voluti&ii {Soc. Belg. 04ol. Fal^ont. Hydr., t. vii., 1893, proces-verbaux, pp. 164-166. 222 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION CHAPTER I DO INSTITUTIONS OR ORGANS WHICH HAVE DIS- APPEARED REAPPEAR ? Section I Disappeared organs In biology we are almost unaware of indisputable examples of the normal reappearance of disappeared organs. 1. Plants. — As the embryonic development of plants is usually direct, it is impossible to decide whether an organ which forms a component part of the embryological history represents an ancestral organ. However, in a few rare cases, artificial selection causes an actual reversion of evolution. Typical geraniums possess two whorls of five stamens, as, for instance, in Geranium. In Erodium there is only one cycle of five. In Pelargonium one cycle of five is complete ; the other is represented by two stamens and three filaments which have lost their anthers. But in certain varieties with very large flowers the two complete cycles re- appear, five stamens having long, and five short, filaments. In this case there is no doubt as to the reappearance of the three stamens lost in typical Pelargonimns. DO INSTITUTIONS OK ORGANS REAPPEAR? 223 This reappearance is the result of artificial selection. The typical Pelargoniums have a bi- lateral symmetry, but horticulturists set a higher value on flowers with radial symmetry, and in consequence have produced flowers with such a symmetry. As a matter of fact, they have paid attention only to the symmetry of the petals, but in modifying that, they have also modified the symmetry of the stamens.^ The Privets (Ligustrum), like most of the Oleacese, possess only two stamens. Nevertheless, it is not uncommon to find among normal flowers of the common Privet specimens with three or four stamens. In this case, however, it is uncertain whether there is a real reappearance of lost organs, or if the loss has not actually become complete. Animals. — In the case of animals, teratology and embryology furnish a few exceptional cases of an apparent reversion of degenerative evolution. As an abnormality in the horse, the first, second, fourth, and fifth digits may reappear. Adult man has lost the complete covering of downy hair. According to Ecker, however, hyper- trichosis is an abnormality really due to the re- appearance of this ancestral condition, as may be seen from the mode of its distribution in whorls. Hypertrichosis is a trait frequently inherited, and in this connection the Mauchamp variety of Merino ^ The flowers upon which these observations were made were kindly provided by H. Cannell of Swanley. 224 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION sheep are interesting. This variety was obtained by breeding from a sport which appeared in a normal flock, and which transmitted its peculiarity to its descendants. From time to time, in normal flocks, variations occur which are similarly capable of giving rise to Mauchamp breeds. As recorded by Willett and Walsham, there have been found in human children cases of a bone stretching from the scapula to the sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae. According to these authors, the bone represents the suprascapula of the tailless amphibia, which the normal homologue in man is the merest edge of the scapula ossified from a separate centre. Such cases, as well as cases of polydactylism and of supernumerary mammae, are usually set down as atavistic. However, the attempt to explain by atavism such pathological and teratological peculi- arities must be made with caution. Such inherited anomalies occur very frequently in degenerate families — the neuropathic families of F^re^ — and are associated with other abnormalities equally heritable and certainly not due to atavism. Such are pigmented retinitis, congenital cataract, chro- matic asymmetry of the iris, asymmetry of the pupil, ichthyosis, pigmented erectile spots on the skin, and congenital disposition to bleeding. As in a degenerate line of heredity these abnormalities may replace one another iudiffer- ^ F^r^, La Famille ndvropathiqiie, 1894. Paris, F. Alcan. DO INSTITUTIONS OR ORGANS REAPPEAR ? 225 ently it is very doubtful if any of them ought to be regarded as the inheritance of ancestral traits. Teratology contains no undoubtful case of the reversion of evolution. On the other hand, it seems certain that in the individual development of some species there is a real reappearance of lost organs. The larval his- tory of certain Crustacea Malacostraca ^ (cray-fish, shrimps, etc.), seems to provide instances. In Stomatopoda, the youngest erychtheus larvae (fig. 71, a) are formed of three parts : the head, five anterior thoracic segments, each bearing a pair of biramous swimming limbs (i.-v.), the three last decreasing in size from before backwards (these five pairs of appendages represent the five pairs of buccal appendages of the adult) ; three terminal posterior segments (vi.-viii.), and a caudal fin, all without appendages. In older larva? the first and second pairs are profoundly modified, losing a joint and acquiring gills (fig. 71, b, i.-ii.) ; the third, fourth, and fifth pairs disappear completely, or at most occur as minute saccules (iii., iv., v.). New thoracic segments are formed, and later on in the third larval stage the thoracic appendages reappear in their final form. Similar facts occur in the development of the Decapoda Macroura, such as Palimterus and Scyllarus. While within the egg the creature passes successively through nauplius and phyllo- ^ Lang, Anatomie comparde, vol. i., p. 458. P 226 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION some stages, and possesses all its thoracic appen- dages (three pairs of jaws and five pairs of ambulatory appendages). In this larval life the exopodites of the second and third pairs of jaws Fig. 71. — Erychtheus larvce of Stomatopoda. A, The younjcest known Erychtheus larva : I — V, buccal appendages well developed.^ B, YounK Erychtheus larva : I and 11 modified buccal appendages ; III— V, depreneratinf; buccal appendages; VI— VIII, segments devoid of appendages.— C, Older Erychtheus larva: I — If, modified buccal appendages; III — V, reappearing buccal appendages; VI — VIII, ambulatory appendages in course of formation. (After Claus, in Lang's Traitl (Tanatomie comparee, vol. i.) atrophy. Shortly before hatching, the first pair of jaws atrophies completely ; the two pairs of antennae and the two posterior pairs of ambula- tory legs become very degenerate. In the young phyllosome stage these organs are rudimentary, but in the older phyllosome larvae the first pair DO INSTITUTIONS OR ORGANS REAPPEAR ? 227 of jaws and the two posterior pairs of ambulatory limbs are reformed ; the posterior two pairs of jaws reacquire exopodites, and gills are formed on the ambulatory limbs. As a matter of fact, in most Crustacea, the ambulatory appendages appear when they become necessary, that is to say at the end of larval life, but in the Stomatopoda and in the Decapoda Macroura, owing to inheritance, they appear much sooner. But when these appendages are useless during the larval life they disappear again to reappear at the end of larval life as in most Crustacea. This adaptation of the larva to special conditions is of great importance, as the larval life is most im- portant from the point of view of the species. Section II. Disappeared Institutions. The apparent revival of hygone institutions. — It seems, at first sight, as if there were many instances of the subsequent revival of bygone institutions. Those of ancient Rome and Greece, for instance, appear from time to time to have been recon- structed. In feudal Rome of the fourteenth century, Cola di Rienzi, by turns tribune and senator of the people, re-established the old republican constitu- tion. During the Renaissance period the ancient 228 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION schools of science were resuscitated, and during the French Revolution similar attempts at revival were made, especially in the department of politics. When Herault de S^chelle, being ordered to draw up a scheme of legislation, revived the laws of Minos, in the constitution of the year VIII., the Tribunal, Senate and Consuls reappeared. During the First Empire, Napoleon, in imitation of Augustus, affected a respect for republican institutions, and had the coinage stamped with his own effigy and that of the Republic. In Germany, the Holy Empire which nominally ceased to exist in 1806, reap- peared in 1871. In Greece, the Olympic games, suppressed in 1525, were re-established in 1896. It is hardly necessary to insist upon the essen- tially superficial nature of these revivals. It is always possible to bestow upon new social systems the ceremonial code of an institution long since abandoned, but it is quite impossible that the institution itself should be resuscitated in the midst of surroundings which have been completely transformed. The consuls of the year VIII. and the emperors of modern times do not resemble the consuls and imperatores of ancient Rome more than the Christian societies of the present day resemble those of the middle ages. With regard to outer form in the drawing up of statutes, in all which constitutes, so to speak, the decorative side of the institution, the organizers imitated minutely the keures of the old amhachtcn ; beneath this appar- DO INSTITUTIONS OR ORGANS REAPPEAR ? 229 ent similitude, however, were structures of an essentially different nature. Just as the new rail- way station at Bruges, in spite of its towers and its pointed arches, is far more like any other railway station than a Gothic cathedral, so the Christian societies of to-day, in spite of the archaic caprices of their founders, resemble more closely modern associations than ancient associations. We see then that it cannot be said in any of these cases that the actual revival of a decayed institution took place. The empty form reappeared, but the founda- tions and the essential parts had become completely transformed. 2. The apparent disappearance of institutions. — There are other instances, however, showing the opposite of this phenomenon. The essential parts remain unchanged, but the form itself is modified ; the institution persists, but its existence is dis- sembled. Sometimes even when the dissolution of an institution has been enforced, there has been a reconstruction on the first opportunity. An instance of this is the reappearance of jjoly- gamy among the Mormons, the last traces of polygamy having disappeared during the middle ages from the people of the West.^ 1 In Bigorre there was maintained up to the fifteenth century, a kind of system of concubinage called massipia, which, though not actually polygamy, was the contraction of an inferior union in conjunction with real marriage. In Marseilles, too, polygamy seems to have reappeared in the middle ages, owing to the frequent intercommunication between 230 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION In ceasing to be legal, however, polygamy has by no means ceased to exist, even in the present day, and the Mormons in instituting polygamy have only given official recognition to what had never really disappeared. In the process of social transformation, periods of transition are frequently characterized by reactions in favour of bygone institutions, which reappear although apparently permanently abolished. This has been the case with certain corporations, and with numerous other institutions of the old regime which reappeared after the revolutionary crisis. Some years ago a large landed proprietor in the domain of Peterhoff, in Eussia, attempted, in the interests of his serfs, to introduce the rural system of European countries. He divided up the land into independent allotments, and built at his own expense a separate house for each family ; but no sooner was the abolition of serfdom declared than the peasants proceeded to re-establish the primitive community, and to rebuild their houses on the old sites in spite of the considerable labour which this entailed.^ 3. InstaTices of convergence. — It sometimes happens that town and the East. It was never, however, established there officially as was the massipia in Bigorre. The municipality promptly suppressed it by issuing the following mandate : ' ' Quod (vir) non habeat duas uxores, vel mulier duos viros." (Viollet, Histoire du droit civil, fr. p. 388. ) ^ De Laveleye, De la Propri4U et ses Formes primitives. Paris, F. Alcan, 1882, p. 23. DO INSTITUTIONS OR ORGANS REAPPEAR ? 231 that after the lapse of several centuries, an institu- tion seems to reappear. An exact analogy to the primitive contuhernium (the community of the cabin) is exhibited in modern slavery. Only a few years ago, in the Spanish Antilles, marriage between slaves was recognized by neither church nor state. When a negro wished to become united to a particular negress he asked per- mission of his owner to share his cabin with her, and these unions could only be dissolved with the consent of the master. It is hardly likely that these slave marriages of the Spanish Antilles are survivals or rather resuscitations of the Roman contuhernium. They rather represent a case of convergence : identity in circumstance has been productive of identity in institution. In this case, as in all others of the same kind, it cannot be said that a bygone institution has reappeared, for the new institution has quite a different origin. Further, in the other instances which have been mentioned, an institution which has reappeared has never really ceased to exist ; a real dissolution has never been followed by a resuscitation. For this to happen, the whole social surroundings would have to be trans- formed into their former condition, which is obviously impossible. 232 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION CHAPTEE II CAN RUDIMENTARY INSTITUTIONS OR ORGANS RESUME THEIR PRIMITIVE FUNCTIONS ? There is no break of continuity between a rudi- mentary organ and the complete ancestral organ: the rudimentary organ is the ancestral organ trans- mitted by inheritance. It is the same organ not only because it has the same form, but because it is actually a part of it. For the reduced organ to return to its ancestral condition and resume its ancestral function, it must retrace the series of steps in degeneration along which it has passed. So also in sociology there are many instances of institutions which are rudimentary, but which retain their original form because of uninterrupted imitative transmission. In their case also resumption of the primitive functional activity would imply a retracing of the degenerate steps. This necessity of retracing shows at once that after a certain amount of degeneration resumption becomes impossible. We shall find in the few cases we are able to adduce, that when organs retrace their steps and resume their ancestral functions, degeneration had not gone very far in them. Section I. Rudimentary organs. I. Animals. — Among animals it is very unusual for a rudimentary organ to become active again. CAN ORGANS RESUME THEIR PRIMITIVE FUNCTIONS? 233 The only cases show that in them no great amount of degeneration had taken place. 1. Muscles of the ear in man. — It is known that the human ear possesses a number of intrinsic and extrinsic muscles reduced to delicate fibres, and incapable of producing movement of the whole ear or of one part of the ear on another part. In some abnormal persons, however, certain of these muscles may be well developed, making movements of the ear possible. 2. The abdomen and appendages in deep- sea hermit-crabs. — The hermit-crabs of the deep sea are another instance of reversion to an ancestral form. Littoral hermit-crabs inhabit the spiral shells of Gastropods, and to suit this mode of life the body is unsymmetrical, the appendages of one side being rudimentary. In the depths of the ocean such spiral shells are rare, and the crabs either abandon this mode of life or live in straighter shells. In consequence the limbs and the abdomen become nearly symmetrical again. It is plain, however, that in the littoral crabs these structures are not truly rudimentary. II. Plants. — In plants it is very difficult to distinguish between the reappearance of lost organs and the formation of new organs. 1. Hermaphrodite flowers in Melandryum. — The Hermaphrodite flowers of melandryum (fig. 59) may be flowers which after being unisexual have again become hermaphrodite, or they may have retained 234 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION the primitive type. We cannot decide between the alternatives. 2. Branches of Colletia cruciata, Crataegus, Vicia Faba, etc. — Some cases, however, point clearly to a renewed development of rudimentary organs. Here are some examples. (See also, further on, page 244 on hybrid individuals of Pentstemon.) Colletia cricciata (fig. 72) in the normal adult condition bears large flattened branches, which serve for assimilation and possess only very rudi- mentary leaves. Sometimes, however, the plant may give rise to more slender branches with normal assimilating leaves. These branches and leaves are probably the reappearance of the ancestral condition. Wild pear and apple trees produce small lateral branches which are transformed into spines. These thorns have evidently arisen from normal lateral branches which originally bore leaves. In the cultivated varieties these lateral branches have resumed the leaf-bearing habit. In the hawthorn (Crataegus) the lateral branches are similarly modified into spines. None the less, while these spines are still young they may be artificially stimulated to produce leaves by cutting the principal stem. The branches of Vicia fdba bear low down a set of rudimentary leaves. If the main stem be lopped while still quite young, the usually rudimentary leaves grow to the normal size.^ ^ Goebel, Beitrdge zur Morphologie und Physiologie des Blattes. Bot. Zeit., 1880. kC{M/^ FiQ. 72.— Colletia cruciata (after Goebel, Pflanzenhiologische Schilderungen, vol. I,, p. 17). A, normal branch. B, branch recurring to ancestral form ; (natural size). 236 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Many plants such as Semper vivum'^ (fig. 73) normally possess a very much shortened stem. However, if the plant be grown in a saturated atmosphere the internodes of the stem lengthen out. Fig. 73.—Sempervivum tectorum. A (left figure), normal branch; B (right figure), branch grawn for several months in a saturated atmosphere. Certain Veronicas (fig. 74) bear only small scaly leaves. Cultivation of these plants in an atmosphere saturated with water, results in the appearance of normal leaves. Lastly, we may quote again the instances given by Goebel of the production by Equisetuvi arvense of normal leaves under special conditions.^ ^ The branch jfigured here was gi-own bj'^ G. Clautriau, in the Brussels Botanical Institute. 2 Goebel, Ueber die Fruchtsprosse der Equiseten. {Ber. d. d. Bot. Ges.), vol. iv. p. 184, 1886. CAN ORGANS RESUME THEIR PRIMITIVE FUNCTIONS? 237 Section II. Rudimentary institutions. It seems, at first sight, as if some societies of the present day furnished instances of a return to primitive conditions. Modern developments in finance seemed to tend towards a return to the exchange system. Politi- cal institutions, after a period of absolutism, point anew towards de- mocratic equality. Corporations re- appear in the form of syndicates or religious societies. Landed property, formerly collective and now individual, seems to be again tending towards collectivism. The same phenomenon occurs in the evolution of matters relating to maritime rights. The sea, according to Eoman law, was equally open to all maritime nations. Later on it has been from time to time practically in the hands of a few nations, and we have now returned to a condition in which it is equally open to all.^ 1 Tarde, Transformation dii droit, pp. 161-162. Paris, F. Alcan, X890. Fig. 74. — Veronica cupressoides (after Goebel, Pflanzenbiologische Schilderungen, vol. i. p. 19). End of a branch grown under a bell-jar in a saturated atmosphere. In the oldfr parts (B), the leaves are small and applied to the stem ; in the younger parts (A), the leaves are larger and protiude from the stem. 238 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION These, however, are not cases of true revival. The resemblance goes little farther than the name. A comparison of modern institutions with such survivals of primitive institutions as continue to exist will demonstrate this point. The difference between them is so wide that it would be hardly possible to utilize the old as a basis upon which to form the new.^ ^ Cf. Durckheim, Les Regies de la mdhode sociologique. Paris, F. Alcan, 1895. In sociology, dealing as it does with things familiar to us all, such as the family, property, crime, etc., it is useless to attempt to adhere to exact definitions. The exact meaning of some words in common use in conversation cannot be defined with any pre- cision ; the common acceptation of these words cannot be avoided. Now this common acceptation is frequently very ambiguous, so that two totally diflFerent things are often referred to under the same name, causing hopeless confusion. There are, for instance, two diff'erent kinds of monogamous unions — those so only in point of fact, and those which are legally so. In the first case, a man has only one wife, though legally entitled to several ; in the second he is only legally entitled to one. These two kinds of conjugal conditions are quite different, and yet the same word serves to express both ; it is commonly said of some animals that they are monogamous, although there can be nothing approaching to a legal contract between them. Spencer, when dealing with the subject of marriage, makes use of the terra monogamy without defining it in its common and equivocal sense. The result of this is that the evolution of marriage seems to him to represent an incomprehensible anomaly. It seems, according to him, that the superior or monogamous form of union was prevalent during the primitive phases of historic development ; that it then dis- appeared during an intermediate period, to subsequently reappear. From this he concludes that there is no regular connection between CAN ORGANS RESUME THEIR PRIMITIVE FUNCTIONS? 239 It may be definitely asserted then that a re- duced, but still persistent, institution never again becomes actively functional. The following are a few examples which will serve to illustrate this point : — 1. The truck system and cleariTig-house. — Some forms of the primitive system of exchange sur- vive, not only in countries where money is unknown, but in certain industries where the workers continue to be paid in kind (the truck system). On the other hand, there seems to be a modern tendency towards the elimination of money as an instrument of exchange. The clearing-house system is singularly analogous to the old exchange system. "The truck system," says Stanley Jevons, "represents the first and the last stage ; but it appears for the second time in a very different form. Gold and silver money continue theoretically to be the instrument for buying and selling, but practically metal no longer constitutes the real medium of exchange, and has ceased to pass from the hands of the purchaser into those of the vendor." In this transformation there is obviously no return to primitive systems, the last vestiges of which, far from being revived, are rapidly dis- appearing. social development in general and a progressive advance towards an improved system of family life. A more exact definition would have prevented this erroneous conclusion. 240 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION The suppression of the truck system coincides with the development of the clearing-house system. 2. Corporations and syndicates. — The radical differences existing between the corporations of former days and the greater part of modern pro- fessional associations has already been pointed out. The ecclesiastical associations, however, of the present day are modelled as closely as possible upon mediaeval institutions. It does not follow that the last remaining vestiges of the latter have been revived. There seems to be evidence that quite the contrary has taken place. At Bruges no attempt was made by the founders of the guild of ambachten to resuscitate such mediaeval corporations as continue to exist in a state of decline. At Iseghem, a small town in the west of Flanders, we have already seen that the corpora- tion of shoemakers was divided up into six or seven guilds at the time of the Eevolution. An attempt was made a few years ago to reconstruct and modernize these guilds, but the scheme fell through. A new corporation — wholly disconnected with the guilds of Saint Crispin, and with no structural resemblance to them — was established instead.^ 3. Archaic collectivism and modern collectivism, — Societies of the present day exhibit numerous ^ Emile Vandervelde, EnquUe sur les Associations professionelles d'ouvriers el d' artisans en Belgique, i., p. 17, Bruxelles, 1891. CAN ORGANS EESUME THEIR PRIMITIVE FUNCTIONS? 241 vestiges of archaic collectivism. The question arises as to whether there is a tendency in the modern school of collectivism to resuscitate such vestiges as remain of the old archaic form of col- lectivism. Far from this being the case, collective property, as conceived by the modern socialist, implies the suppression of the few existing remnants of archaic collectivism. Inheritance, ah intestat, for instance, is a survival from the days of the family community, which itself arose, as we have already seen, from the primitive community. If the modern coUectivist school had any desire for a return to the old primitive community, it would make for the re- construction of the family community by re-estab- lishing the law of collateral succession. Now it is just the opposite with the collectivists. In order to establish a universal system of collective property they demand among other things, the suppression of inherited succession, ah intestat, at least as regards the collateral line of descent. 4. The survival of elective sovereignty in Eng- land.— The above examples apply to institutions which have degenerated without having completely ceased to be functional. It very rarely happens, however, that having arrived at that condition, they renew their vitality and all their former functions, and this still more rarely occurs in cases of genuine survival. In the English coronation -ceremony vestiges I 242 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION remain of the old democratic system in which the king was elected by the people.^ The English sovereignty of the present day is merely a decorative institution, the real head of the Government being the Prime Minister, who is nominated in fact if not in theory by the public. This system may almost be regarded as a return to bygone democracy. Nobody would wish, how- ever, to revive the old system of elective sovereignty, and to retrace in an inverse direction the various stages of its degeneration. CHAPTER III CAN RUDIMENTARY ORGANS OR INSTITUTIONS RE- DEVELOP AND ASSUME NEW FUNCTIONS ? The few facts which we are able to cite on this subject must be received with considerable caution. ^ The formality of an election disappeared during the Tudor period. The coronation of Henry VIII. was the last occasion on which the formula was read which set forth the national agree- ment with and recognition of, the succession. The king was, in fact, declared chosen and elected. This formula of election, which disappeared after the coronation of Henry VIII, , is recalled to mind by the conclusion of the coronation ceremony of the present day. The archbishop, walking in succession to all four corners of the platform upon which the throne is placed, addresses the people in the following terms : ' ' Gentlemen, I herewith present to you the undisputed sovereign of the realm. Come all who are present and offer homage to him. Are you prepared to offer it?" and the people signifying their assent by acclamation, cry, "God save the Queen " or "God save the King." (De Franqueville, Le gouverne- ment ct Ic parleinent Britanniques, i., p. 291.) CAN ORGANS REDEVELOP NEW FUNCTIONS ? 243 Section I. Bvdimentary organs, 1. Animals. — In Birgus latro (a land-crab of the Philippines), the gills are atrophied and the bronchial chamber is very richly supplied with blood vessels, while a kind of incipient lung is formed from the lining membrane of the reduced bronchial chamber.^ However, it is by no means certain that the atrophy of the bronchial apparatus has preceded this development of a pulmonary apparatus. In the following case it rather seems to be one in which a rudimentary structure has redeveloped in order to assume a new function. In the develop- ment of the urinary organs, it appears that the ducts of the mesonephros are quite independent of those of the pronephros, although these mesonephric ducts become functional later in the embryonic life than the pronephric ducts. They are, neverthe- less, formed at an earlier stage, and their rudiments have appeared before there is any trace of the others. From this fact it would appear that in some ancestors of existing vertebrates there existed simul- taneously mesonephric canaliculi and canals homo- logous with them, but exercising a different function. Such a condition actually exists in Amphioxus : in the branchial region of that animal there are pro- nephric urinary canals and genital chambers which ^ Semper, "The Natural Conditions of Existence as they affect Animal Life." (International Scientific Series.) 244 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION are homologous with mesonephric spaces ; but these latter do not exist as genital chambers in higher vertebrates/ It must be noted that the homology between mesonephric spaces and the genital spaces of Amjohioxus, as made by these writers, is not uni- versally accepted. 2. Plants. — The Scophulariaceae, which have usually four stamens, are derived from ancestors which possessed five. Usually the fifth stamen is only represented by a tiny process which rapidly atrophies. However, in Pentstemon the fifth or posterior stamen is developed, not as a functional stamen, but as a staminode, the" function of which is to stretch open the flower to make it accessible to hymenopterous insects with short probosces. Can it be said that in such cases a rudimentary organ has really become redeveloped to assume a new function? To establish this it would be necessary to show in the case we have just mentioned, that the stamen did not become trans- formed directly into a staminode, but that it first became rudimentary and then developed afresh into a staminode. An interesting fact is, that in some hybrid varieties of Pentstemon the staminode becomes fertile ^ Boveri, Die Nierencanalclien der Amphioxus. {Zool. Jdhrhuch. Ahth. Anat. und Ontogenie der Thiere, vol. v., 1892.) Wiedersheim, Grundziige der Vergleichenden Anatomie der Wir- helthiere. Jena, 1893. CAN ORGANS REDEVELOP NEW FUNCTIONS ? 245 again. In some flowers sent to us by Mr Cannell of Swanley, the number of petals was increased to six, seven, eight, or nine. In some of these the posterior stamen was sterile and like a staminode ; in others there were five fertile stamens. It is obvious that in this case the staminode had resumed its original function after having lost it. Section II. Rudimentary institutions. The Levirat. — In his work entitled Tableau des origines et de revolution de la famille et de la propriety, Kovalewsky mentions an instance of a reduced institution which, without having first ceased to be functional, became transformed into another institution. " The custom mentioned in the Bible of alloting a woman to the brother of her deceased husband, is explained by the primitive condition of things with regard to the relations between the sexes ; all the women were the common property of the men belonging to one group of relations. Under the name of levirat, this custom survived for several centuries, owing to the idea which arose later on that a wife was property. Consequently, on the death of the husband, the widow, along with his other belongings, was treated as the inheritance of the person whom the death promoted to the rank of chief or head of the family community." 246 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION The levirat, a family institution, thus derived from the old system of marriage by groups, was transformed by degrees into an economic institution. It is important to notice, however, that this trans- formation was effected without the institution having even been reduced to the condition of a mere survival. PART III SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS From all the facts that we have brought together, the general conclusion becomes plain that retrogres- sion, notwithstanding the etymology of the word, does not imply a return to the ancestral condition. Eudimentary organs and institutions resemble the primitive states of these, in so far as they no longer possess certain parts which the primitive stages did not yet possess. None the less, profound differences exist between the primitive and the reduced forms. In the primitive condition the institution or organ is capable of varying in the direction of new uses ; in the reduced form, after a certain degree of atrophy, there is no longer the possibility of redevelopment to resume old or to acquire new functions. These observations apply equally to biology and to sociology. Magnan and Legrain, in their work on de- generate persons, came to similar conclusions. They came to regard degenerate persons as abnormal, chiefly because they were devoid of the power to reacquire the normal condition and quite unlike their primitive ancestors, who, although 247 248 THE PATH OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION possibly brutal and unintelligent, were normal beings with the activity and stamina necessary for future progress. The following two diagrams, borrowed from these authors, represent clearly the differences between the initial and reduced condition of an organ or institu- tion : — In the diagrams the ascending lines represent the progressive evolution of an organ or institu- tion ; the descending lines represent the degenera- tive evolution. From the point a, representing the primitive condition progressive evolution passes towards o, an imaginary perfect condition of the organ. Along the upward line, however, the points a, b, c, d, etc., represent obstacles to further pro- gress— that is to say, factors tending towards degeneration. From these points lines of de- generation pass towards z, and the condition at z, although representing that at a, is not identical SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 249 with a, and is not reached by a sliding backwards down the line o, a. Thus, although the most recently acquired features may disappear first, degeneration is not an actual retracing of steps until the point of departure is reached. The degenerate condition is a new point, and really the term retrogressive evolution is misleading. BOOK III CAUSES OF DEGENEKATIVE EVOLUTION PART I ATROPHY OF ORGANS AND INSTITUTIONS The factors of atrophy The causes which are active in producing degenera- tion are various, but they may all be referred to the limited nature of the means of subsistence, that is to say, of nourishment in the case of organisms, and of capital and labour in the case of institu- tions. This limitation produces a struggle between the individuals (societies or organisms) and between their component parts. In the course of the perpetual struggle for existence among the different parts of an indivi- dual, the institutions or organs which have ceased to be functional tend to disappear, their nourish- ment being absorbed by the active parts. 1. Biology. — In biology the struggle for existence among component parts appears clearly as a factor of degeneration in the case of accidental atrophy. This is to be seen, for instance, in the atrophy of ass 252 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION the leaves of an etiolated plant ^ or of the muscles of a limb which has been immobile for long, or in the case of muscles which have become inactive from disease of the central nervous system. The results are similar in cases of normal atrophy. In frogs, toads, and other Batrachia Anura,^ the disappearance of the tail before the adult state is reached is the result of a struggle amongst the cells. The active protoplasm of the muscular fibres develops specially, and gives rise to many cells, which enter the contractile material and separate its elements. Gradually all the contrac- tile material is absorbed by these isolated cells. Many plants, especially Sempervivum (see fig. 73, A, p. 236) possess a reduced stem with the leaves closely massed upon it. This reduction of the stem, which is nearly constant in the ^ When a cutting from a potato or a seed (fig. 75) is allowed to sprout in the dark, the young stems assume characters different from those of plants grown in light. The absence of chlorophyll produces important modifications of growth. In light the stem is short, and the leaves are large and expanded ; in darkness the stem is very long, and the leaves are much reduced. This atrophy of the leaves is the result of the struggle for existence amongst the organs of the plant. Light increases the rate of transpiration, which is chiefly due to the presence of chlorophyll. As chloro- phyll is most abundant in the leaves, the transpiratory current sets strongly towards them, carrying in it the nutritive materials for the formation of new cells. On the other hand, in etiolated plants, transpiration is slower, and the nutritive materials delayed in the stem give that the opportunity for specially active growth, which takes place at the expense of the leaves. 2 Metchnikoff, Annates Inst. Fasteur, January 1892. THE FACTORS OF ATROPHY 253 species, is the result of a struggle amongst the organs produced by a scanty water supply. The leaves attract to themselves the greater part of the water absorbed by the roots, and thus retard the growth of the stem. But if the plant be cultivated in an atmosphere satur- ated with water, the struggle be- tween the leaves and stem is stopped, and the stem grows to a much greater extent (fig. 73, B, p. 236). Vicia Faba, like most vetches, produces at germination rudi- mentary leaves, and similar leaves are borne at the base of each branch. Goebel has shown that these rudimentary leaves may be made to grow by cutting away the terminal buds at a young stage. In this way the struggle between the first formed and later leaves is suppressed. In the case of the individual, atrophy results from the struggle for existence amongst the organs. In atrophy throughout a species it is the struggle for existence amongst individuals that plays the chief part. Clearly in this struggle, useless organs become impediments and burdens. If any organs Fig. 75. —Two seedlings of Cicer arietinum. The seeds were planted at the same time. A, seedling grown in light. B, seedling grown in darkness. 254 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION are useless they are harmful as they use nutrition without conferring any advantage upon the whole organism. Darwin pointed out that when through changed environment a structure became useless, its degeneration became certain, as it was a dis- advantage to the individual to squander nourish- ment upon a useless part. Weismann has shown that such a reduction or disappearance of a useless organ is the result of variation and natural selec- tion.-^ Variation results in the appearance of individuals with the useless organ in various stages of imperfect development ; natural selection perpetuates these advantageous stages by giving advantage to indi- viduals which tend to produce the organ in the most degenerate condition.^ ^ See, however, Herbert Spencer's Social atid Moral Problems, as he differs from Weismann on this point. 2 The following are good examples of the operation of variation and selection in producing atrophy in a species : — (1) Loss of constant colour ainong domesticated animals. — Wild animals, especially birds and mammals, have a colour which is constant for a whole species. Frequently the colour is protective in rendering the animal little distinguishable from the environ- ment in which it lives. As soon as such a species has been domesticated man becomes its protector, and protective colouration is no longer necessary, and soon disappears. In the wild state, the colour is quite as variable as in the domesticated state, but the abnormal individuals become the prey of enemies and are removed from the species. This applies not only to animals which are preyed on by others, but to predatory animals them- selves. The wild-cat, for instance, will have less difficulty in stalking its prey if its colour makes concealment easy. In the THE FACTORS OF ATROPHY 255 2. Sociology. — With societies this elimination of useless structures is effected much more easily than with organisms for several reasons : — In biology a special factor, heredity, gives to specific characters a force which does not exist in the same degree with social institutions. Now functional organs common to a whole line of descent are not easily effected by the influence of individual surroundings. Further, the trans- domesticated condition man provides food and the colour being unimportant all variations may survive. (2) Loss of spines in plants on oceanic islands. — It is well known that the presence of spines protects plants from the ravages of herbivorous animals, particularly mammals. But in oceanic islands bats are generally the only mammalian inhabitants, and so, accord- ing to "Wallace {Darwinism), there are no spiny plants in the indigenous flora of St Helena. The much richer flora of the Hawaian islands includes only a very few prickly plants. All the endemic genera are unarmed, as also are most of the endemic species of other genera ; even genera like Xanthoxi/lum, Acacia^ Xylosoma, Lycium, and Solanum, which are so frequently armed in other countries, are there represented by unarmed species. The two species of Ruhus bear prickles reduced to the merest points and the two palms are devoid of spines. How is the absence of spines to be explained in these plants ? The plants have been derived from the mainland, the seeds being brought by the wind, by currents, or by birds, and having found soil have germinated. In their new country they are not attacked by herbivorous animals, and it is immaterial to them whether or no they bear spines. The individuals badly armed are at no dis- advantage compared with those possessing the normal armature ; on the other hand, they have the advantage of being without useless organs to support. Spines, in consequence, gradually disappear. This struggle for existence may cause the disappearance of some organisms themselves, and not only the atrophy of parts of them. 256 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION mission of acquired characters is, to say the least, doubtful. There is no proof of individual atrophy- being hereditary, while with societies modification may be transmitted by imitation. Institutions which have fallen into disuse rarely recur in freshly- formed societies. Natural selection plays an all-important part in biology, but it is artificial selection which almost exclusively governs the social domain. Many vegetables, as for instance the carrot {Daucus Carota) are natives of France. The seeds of the cultivated carrot must fre- quently be carried to waste lands or uncultivated soil. The domesticated variety, however, is never found wild although the wild variety is abundant. This vegetable has lost the power of struggling against weeds ; it flourishes only when it is protected by man and when by repeated weedings its wild competitors are removed. When it is returned to its original wild haunts the plant dies out at once. Most cereals, although we may not know their wild ancestors, are in a similar condition. For instance, if man were to cease cultivating Wheat {Triticum sativum), or Rye {Secede cereale), there is no doubt but that these would completely disappear. Their fate would be shared in Belgium at least by many species which are reaped with them at harvest, such as Centaurea cyanus the Corn-flower, Agrostemma Githago the Rose-Campion, Specie- alaria speculum, and others. If a corn-field were left to the free operation of nature, weeds would soon intrude and cause the dis- appearance of the plants usually present in it. What would happen in Belgium would happen with other plants in other countries. Thus, near Bergen in Norway, some plants, such as Melandryum album, Silcne inflata, Vicia cracca, etc., occur only in cultivated fields. In Java, many aquatic plants such as Limno- charis Plumieri, LiLdwigia perennis, Jussiaea suffruticosa^ etc., live only in the rice-fields which are artificially watered and manured. The cessation of tillage would cause the disappearance of all these plants from those localities. THE FACTORS OF ATROPHY 257 An institution which has become useless and burdensome is generally suppressed before its- complete degenerative evolution is accomplished. This suppression may be either voluntary — as in the liquidation of a commercial company, for instance — or it may be enforced. By the terms of Article 73 of the Belgian Company's Act, " the dissolution must be declared upon the demand of all those interested at the termina- tion of six months from the time when the number of shareholders has been reduced to less than seven." The downfall is generally effected in this sudden way, either voluntarily by the interested parties, or by the intervention of legislative means.^ Sometimes, however, artificial selection does occur, ^ The occurrence of autotomy or self-mutilation in animals, as in crabs, has analogies with what we have been discussing. Similarly some plants brought into a new locality suddenly shed their leaves. Ranunculus aqucUilis, cultivated in water, produces long divided leaves without stomata and with chloro- phyll in the epidermic cells. If, from some chance, the water falls below the level of the plants, the adult leaves become dry and perish. The very young leaves growing unsubmerged are still divided, but to a lesser extent ; they have stomata, and the epidermis is devoid of chlorophyll. If the plants be again sub- merged, this form of leaf dies, and there is a new development from the youngest leaves of the normal aquatic type. Other plants show similar occurrences. Thus, when a Fuchsia that has been cultivated in a conservatory is exposed to the air, all its leaves are shed and are replaced by new leaves. These new leaves again fall at once if the plant be brought back into the conservatory. This is a real case of autotomy in plants. B ^ 258 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION and then the degenerative evolution of useless insti- tutions is brought about in a similar way as that of non-functional organs. Atrophy of this kind may be, as in biology, either accidental or normal.^ In a besieged town cut off from all outside com- munication, all train service is necessarily stopped and the railway staff rendered useless. On the other hand, the defence of the city requires both men and money. Under these circumstances the resources of the railway naturally come to be absorbed in the service of the defence. As a good example of normal atrophy may be mentioned the disappearance, at a certain point ^ See Durckheim on the difference between normal and acci- dental sociological phenomena in Les Regies de la m^thode sociologique. "All sociological phenomena, like biological phenomena, are liable, while remaining the same individuals, to revert to different forms. Now, of these forms, there are two kinds of reversion : — * * The one is common to the whole species, and is to be found, if not in each individual, at least in the greater part of them. The cases are not always identical, varying slightly with the individual, but individual variation is restricted to very narrow limits. "The other kind of reversion is exceptional, being of a nature rarely met with, and, when occurring, is seldom permanent throughout the life of the individual. Cases of this kind are excep- tional in point of duration as in other respects. "Here then are two distinct varieties of phenomena which should be distinguished from one another by different terms. Individuals exhibiting only common characters are called ' nor- mal, ' while those exhibiting exceptional characters are designated as ' morbid ' or ' pathological. ' " THE FACTORS OF ATROPHY 259 of social development, of the popular assemblies in which lay the origin of future societies, i.e. the comitia, assemblies at the market-place, the witenagemot, May Day games, rustic assemblies, the LaThdsgemeinde of the Swiss cantons, the parochial assemblies of the Andora Valley, and the town meetings of New England, etc. Some of these were suppressed, but some of them merely fell into disuse as other institutions arose which were better adapted to more modern conditions of society. This happened with regard to the comitia curiaia of the Eomans during the period of the Empire, which were gradually supplanted by the comitia centuriata and tribunal comitia. At the time when they are first mentioned in history, they fulfilled only one function : that of ridding the laws of all traces of extrinsic customs.^ To sum up then, it is plain that although social degeneration is brought about by the same general causes as organic degeneration, the comparative importance of the factors in degenerative evolution is far from being identical in the two cases. The autotomy of organs, a protective self-mutilation, exhibits only a far-fetched analogy with the conscious and voluntary suppression of social structures which have become either useless or prejudicial. Direct individual adaptation, which plays a part 1 Mommsen, Droit public romain. Le peuple et le Sdnat, vol. i. , p. 364. 260 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION of only secondary importance in the development of animals and plants, is a dominating element in sociology. Institutions are able to modify their structure by assimilating new inventions and im- provements, and by getting rid of the useless parts. On the other hand, indirect adaptation spread over a species plays no part whatever in sociology, for societies seldom reproduce the structures of the societies from which they sprang, when the latter have ceased to exist ; whereas, in animals, when a useless organ is reproduced by hereditary repetition, variability and natural selection become agents in its suppression. CHAPTER I ATROPHY OF ORGANS Part II Causes producitig atrophy The ultimate cause of the atrophy of organs is the limitation in the quantity of nourishment. We have shown that if there were an indefinite supply of food there would be no struggle, and, as a result, no degeneration. We have now to examine more minutely the course of atrophy and the nature of its immediate causes. The atrophy of an organ is a reduction in ATROPHY OF ORGANS FROM LACK OF SPACE 261 structure, in nutrition, and in functional activity, but the succession of these three events varies with the nature of the exciting cause. Eeduction begins with structure when the exciting cause is lack of space, due, for instance, to increase in another organ {atrophy from lack of space). Atrophy begins with function when an organ has become useless (atrophy from lack of utility). This uselessness may arise from two causes ; the function may be no longer useful to the individual or to the species, or it may be assumed by another organ. Lastly, atrophy may begin with a diminution in the supply of nutritive materials {atrophy from lack of nutrition). This defective nutrition may be the result of a general cause such as feebleness of the whole organism, or it may be due to the hypertrophy of another organ. § 1. Atrophy from lack of space. Cases of this kind are rare. 1. Development of the teeth. — Among animals, the development of the teeth furnishes an excellent example. The number of the teeth in human beings is reduced compared with the number present in Lemurs and in Platyrhine Monkeys. These have six grinding teeth while in man five is the maximum number. Our posterior molar, however, appears late in life ; it is smaller than the others, so that it may be useless for chewing ; I 262 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION frequently it is absent, in the lower nineteen per races cent. m of cases examined ; in the higher races in forty-two per cent. The reduction in num- ber and size of these teeth is due to a re- duction in size of the jaw-bones, a cause which also frequently produces a distortion in the arrangement of the other teeth. The rudiments of the wisdom teeth appear on the maxillary tuberosity and on the coronoid process ; it is only after eruption that they come into normal connection with the jaw- FiG. 76. — Tip of an car of Lolium perenne, , with two earlets, the superior bearing DOnCS. two glumes, the lateral earlet with ^ . , -, n ±i only the superior glume. In the I. AtVOpliy OJ t llC lateral earlet the lower flower is open . , . and has two glumules ; all the other SUperiOV gtumc. AUlOUg flowers are closed and exhibit only the i , , i c inferior giumuie. plauts thcrc are tew cases GI, inferior glume; GS, superior glume; p i i li. r gi, inferior glumule; gs, superior 01 atropliy aS a rCSUlt 01 glumule. 1 1 £ T lack of space, in grasses of the genus Lolium, the earlets are arranged in a spike, but in such a fashion that only the terminal earlet has space for both glumes (fig. 76). The ATROPHY OF ORGANS FROM LACK OF USE 263 superior glumes remain ; the inferior, pressed against the axis, disappear after the embryonic develop- ment of the flower. 3. Degeneration of jpalece and of stamens. — Lack of space is probably the immediate cause of the disappearance of palese in the receptacles of some composite flowers and of the posterior stamen in the flowers of some Scrophulariacese and Labiates. In normal racemose inflorescences each floret grows in the axil of a reduced leaf called a bract. When the axis of the inflorescence is shortened and the florets crowded, as in the capitula of composite flowers, it frequently hap- pens that the bracts of the florets (termed palese) disappear. This absence is most usual when the capitulum is small and the florets are large. In Labiates and most Scrophulariacese, although the ancestral number of stamens was five, there are not more than four present ; when only one is absent, it is the original posterior stamen which was pressed against the axis of the inflorescence. § 2. Atrophy from lack of use. 1. Functional Inutility. (1) Etiolated plants and immobile limhs. — We have already quoted as instances of accidental atrophy, cases of degeneration of leaves in etio- 264 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION lated plants, and of muscles in unused limbs (see fig. 75, p. 253). Fig .77. — Nymphaea alba sown on tlie mud and at different depths in it. 1, 2, 3, successive stages of the same seedling. Eau, water; limon, mud. • ATROPHY OF ORGANS FROM LACK OF USE 265 (2) Epicotyl and frimary leaf of Nymfhaea. — These structures in the water-lily are good examples of normal atrophy in individuals. Dur- ing germination (fig. 77) the cotyledons of the water-lily remain inside the seed, and a new organ (at right angles to them) grows vertically upwards. The lower part of this is the first internode of the stem (epicotyl), and the upper part is a primary acicular leaf. It grows up- wards through the mud until the summit of the leaf reaches light. The growth of the epicotyl is then much slower, and its terminal bud begins to shoot out horizontally. The use of this growth of the epicotyl and primary leaf is to carry the bud to the light. When that purpose is achieved, these structures atrophy. A similar occurrence may be found in Sagittaria sagittifolia (fig. 40, H, I, p. 72). In that case, however, it is the hypocotyl which elon- gates, until light is reached, and then degenerates. (3) Roots of Utricular ia, cotyledons of imrasitic plants, leaves transformed to spines in Phyllocactus crenatus. — As instances of atrophy throughout a species produced by inutility of the parts con- cerned, we have already mentioned the roots of Utricularia and the cotyledons of the parasitic plants Cuscuta, Orobanche, etc. The spines of Phyllocactus crenatus produced . from modified leaves are another example (fig. 78). Above the rounded base by which a branch of Phyllocactus is attached to older branches, there 266 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION \ / / \ // is an angular region, the sides of which are prominent, and bear leaves modified into spines to serve as protecting organs, as in the similar case of Cereiis. Higher up the branch the pro- minent sides become flat, and the spines are replaced by minute scales. This degeneration is the result of loss of utility. The Phyllocacti are epiphytes, and their situation consequently places them out of the reach of crop- ping animals. The spines near the basis of the branches are a survival from the terrestrial an- cestors of Phyllocdctus. The spines higher up have degenerated. Animals offer many instances of atrophy as a result of inutility, both in individuals and in species. (4) Atrophy of the h^anchial arches in mammals. — As they are no longer functional, most of the mammalian branchial arches atrophy. Three pairs alone persist, and of these it is only those parts which are useful. (5) Atrophy of ventral fins. — Instances of atrophy through uselessness in species are to be found in the ventral fins of fishes like the Pediculati, which live in the mud, or in Frotopterus, which for a part of the year is completely buried in mud (fig. 1 9, p. 44). Fig. 78.— Branch of Phyllocactus crenatus. ATROPHY OF ORGANS FROM LACK OF USE 267 (6) Atrophy of mvsclcs. — Cessation of use is also the cause of the degeneration of the flexor and extensor muscles of the fore-limb in Cetacea, and of the imperfection of the finger joint articulations in Cetacea and Sirenia (fig. 79). In the latter cases the surfaces of the articu- lation which make flexor and extensor movements easy dis- appear. When a limb becomes a paddle, it is necessary that it should be flexible, but that the articulations should be immobile. (7) Atrophy of the tail in man. — The caudal region of the human vertical column is com- posed of four or five very de- generate vertebrae. The whole of this organ is degenerate. When the tail is formed at an early stage of embryonic life, fig. 79— aioMocephaius ,1 J. 1 1 1 ' 1. £ melas. Right anterior the vertebral column consists 01 An showing absence of ,,., •!, ,1 ,1 1 articular facets for the thirty-eight vertebrae ; the lesser joints of the fingers. number of vertebrae in the adult is due to reduction of the tail, which in man is quite useless. Later on in life a further instance of atrophy may occur in individuals. In old men the caudal vertebrae are frequently fused, and the whole region is smaller. (8) Degeneration of the hyoid appear atus in man and birds. — This case shows a close correspon- / 268 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION dence between atrophy and loss of function. The second arch becomes connected with the third, the parts of which are, in the adult, the styloid pro- cess, the stylo-hyoidean ligament, and the lesser horn of the hyoid bone. According to the weight of the tongue, the parts of the second arch become more or less developed. In man the suspensory apparatus of the hyoid bone is extremely simple, and it is still more reduced in birds. " The tongue, reduced to a minute cartilage, no longer requires the support of a bony base so that the hyoidean apparatus might almost be removed from the anatomy of a bird. It is present, but in a rudimentary condition " (Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire). In the horse, which has a heavy tongue, the second arch is strong and completely bony. In fish the hyoidean system is still more im- portant, although in them this is associated not with any importance of the tongue, but with the branchial apparatus. The parts of the second arch are very strong, as they form a fulcrum against which the branchial system works, but its main parts are recognizable. " The hyoidean apparatus is the same in all vertebrates ; its functions are at a maximum in fish, and at a minimum in birds, while in mammals the condition is intermediate " (Geofifroy-Saint-Hilaire). II. Transference of function. — Among plants and animals there are many instances of organs well developed in younger stages of life, but which ATROPHY OF ORGANS FROM TRANSFERENCE 269 become rudimentary in later stages on account of their functions being assumed by other organs. (1) Atrophy of the tail in Batrachia Anura, and of the larval gills in some insects. — The tadpole of the frog has a well-developed tail which acts as the organ of locomotion ; the adult animal moves by its limbs, and the tail, useless in the adult, has been removed by phagocytosis. The aquatic larv£e of many terrestrial insects possess tracheal gills, that i^ to say, membranous expansions of the skin, within which tracheae ramify. In the adult insect respiration is con- ducted by normal tracheae communicating with the air, and the larval organs of respiration atrophy. In addition to such cases of atrophy occurring normally in the life-history of individuals, there are known many cases where the organs of a species have disappeared on account of the trans- ference of their functions. (2) Disappearance of limbs. — Vertebrates which move by general undulations of the body have lost their limbs for this reason. Such cases are Slow-worms, Amphisbaena, Snakes, Eels and Cse- cilians. Many parasitic creatures have similarly lost their organs of progression, as they depend upon their host for movement from place to place. Sacculina, a parasite on the carapace of crabs, has completely lost its organs of locomotion. More- over, as it takes its food by processes passing into 270 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION the tissues of the crab, its digestive canal has been lost. (3) Atrophy of the leaf. — In many plants the leaves have disappeared, their function having been assumed by some other part of the plant, as, for instance, by the phyllodes in Acacia and in Phyllanthus (fig. 84). (4) Atrophy of the protonema in mosses, and of the leaves in some xerophilous plants. — At germina- tion, mosses produce a much branched filamentous structure which serves as the organ of nutrition, and is termed the protonema. Later on this gives rise to buds which develop into the normal leafy shoots of the plants. As soon as the leaves are large enough to manufacture food for the plant, the protonema begins to degenerate, and disappears completely, except in a few rare forms (Ephe- meracese) where the leafy shoots remain very small. In Muehlenhechia platy dados (fig. 80), which has become adapted to arid regions, and in consequence has the surface from which evaporation may take place much reduced, the branches which do not bear assimilating leaves are rounded at their bases, but higher up flatten into broad blades. These blades contain chlorophyll and fulfil the functions of leaves, these latter being present only as minute scales. Similar phenomena occur in many Papilion- aceous plants belonging to the genera Genista ATROPHY OF ORGANS FROM TRANSFERENCE 271 (broom), Spartium, Alhagi, etc. The leaves dis- appear, and the stems assume their functions. (5) The reduction or disa/ppearance of the calyx. — The disappearance of the calyx in many com- posite flowers and of roots in epiphytes are instances of species losing organs because of the transference of function to other organs. In the simplest Compositse, the fruits (achenes) are dissemi- nated by the wind, the calyx usually being modified into a feathery tuft. In other Com- positse, although wind dispersal still occurs, the feathery calyx is lost, its purpose being fulfilled by wings on the sides of the fruit (Florestinia pedata), or it is united to a large membranous scale developed from the receptacle (Dahlia), or the sterile florets may be turned into wings (Lind- fig- heimeri/i texana). In other cases the fruits are dispersed, not by the animals which eat them (Clibadium they adhere to the fur of animals by on the achenes (Calendula), or by from the involucre of bracts (Zappa). cases, and the list might have been 80.— Branch oiMueh- nbeckia platyclados. wind, but by asperum), or hooks formed hooks formed In all these made longer, 272 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION the function of the calyx has been reduced, or has disappeared on account of the transference of its function. (6) Atrophy of roots. — Eoots in most plants per- form two functions : they fix the plant in the soil, and, chiefly by means of the delicate hairs on their youngest parts,- they absorb water and dissolved mineral substances. Sometimes, however, instead of having root-hairs, the rootlets enter into a kind of partnership with a fungus, which lives in their tissues, and absorbs by its processes the necessary food materials from the soil. The pine and beech are examples of this. In some orchids {Corallorhyza^ Myrmechis) the fungi lodge in the subterranean part of the plant, and the branches, having no function, disappear. In most of the epiphytic Bromeliacese the roots are useful only to anchor the plants ; the absorption of water takes place entirely through new organs developed from the leaves. The roots are few in number and small, and after the plant has obtained a firm position their growth almost ceases. In another species (Tillandsia icsneo'ides) of the same family the roots have completely disappeared.-^ This plant, called by the Brazilians, " the plant of the air," fixes itself to branches of trees by its leaves, and is easily transported by the wind. Its 1 For further details concerning the Bromeliacese see Schimper, Die epiphytische Vegetation Amerikas, in Schimper^ s Botanische MittheiluTigen aus den Tropen. Jena, 1891. ATKOPHY OF ORGANS FROM TRANSFERENCE 273 absorption takes place entirely through hairs de- veloped upon the leaves. In addition to such examples of plants which have lost their roots on account of the functions of the roots being assumed by other organs, there are also plants in which the roots represent the sole Fig. Sl.—Tceniophyllum Zollingeri with branches adhering to bark. The plant bears a flower and a bud. vegetative organs. In Tmniophyllium Zollingeri (fig. 81), an epiphytic orchid, the leaves are reduced to minute scales and are of no importance in the nutrition of the plant, that function being trans- ferred to the roots which in the form of flat green ribbons, apply themselves closely to the bark of trees. In this case the roots have assumed the s / 274 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION functions of leaves, while in Tillandsia usneoldes the leaves have taken on the functions of roots. . The Podostemaceae are aquatic plants which live in warm regions attached to rocks in cascades. The stems and leaves are completely absent, the flowers even being produced on the roots. Some of the roots become closely attached to the stones. Others which are green and ribbon-like, float in the stream, and serve for assimilation. § 3. Atrophy from lack of nutrition. In some cases of degeneration, the organs do not lose their functions, but become reduced, merely because adjacent parts rob them of their nourish- ment. This kind of lack of nutrition which results in local atrophy, must be distinguished from the general limitation of food-supply which is the ultimate cause of all degeneration. The possible amount of food within the reach of any organism is limited, but besides this, the share of the absorbed food obtained by any particular organ or part of an organ may be limited with a resulting atrophy of that organ or part. Atrophy of this kind may be accidental or normal. 1. Parasitic castration. — A good instance of acci- dental atrophy of this kind is found in Melandryum album where the ravages of a fungus Ustilago antheridarum may produce parasitic castration.^ ^ See Giard, La Castration parasitaire in the Bull, Sclent, de la France et de la Belgique. 1887, 1888, 1889. ATROPHY OF ORGANS FROM LACK OF NUTRITION 275 Under the influence of this parasitic fungus which makes its way to the anthers, the stamens of the female flowers assume the form of those in male flowers and in consequence the pistils of these flowers abort from defect in nutrition. 2. Severe or prolonged compression of a limh. — A long continued or forcible compression of a limb results in atrophy of its extremity on account of lack of nutrition from the compression of the blood- vessels. 3. Atrophy of the genitalia in neuter bees. — Lack of nutrition is also the cause of the arrested de- velopment of the genitalia normal in neuter bees. The neuters of bees and of some of their allies are females in a state of arrested development. In wasps, humble-bees, and hive-bees, it sometimes occurs that the genitalia of these forms develop sufficiently to be functional, thus resulting in the appearance of small females. In most honeycombs two kinds of cells are formed : in the smaller and more numerous cells are placed the larvae destined to become neuters, in the larger and less numerous those destined to become queens or perfect females. The food of the two sets of larvae is different ; those in the larger cells are given " royal food " a more nutritious substance. When some of the royal food by an accident gets into a worker cell the sexual organs of that larva are developed so that a small female is formed. In this way as many females as may be desired can be produced, 276 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION and when a hive has lost its queen, the worker bees produce another i (Lacordaire). Plants afford many instances of degeneration due to defect of nutrition. 4. Atrophy of tJie superior flowers in Car ex. — In the tall spikes of Carex, it frequently happens that the flowers towards the summit are rudimentary, and authorities are agreed in regarding this condi- tion as the result of defect in nutrition. 5. Atrophy of pistils and stamens. — Cases of atrophy of the stamens or pistils normal in species may be given. In Fritillaria persica the flowers are disposed in bunches. The lower flowers possess six perianth members, two cycles of three stamens each, and a pistil. In the median flowers the pistil is smaller, and rarely capable of being fertilized. In the superior flowers the degeneration is complete, the pistil hardly being formed. It might be shown ^ Tlie transference of a function is not invariably accompanied by degeneration. Thus, in the functional development of an individual's nervous system voluntary acts which have been re- peated frequently become reflex actions, and have their seat in a different region of the nervous system — as, for instance, walking and acquired professional dexterities. It has been sought to ex- plain the development of the instincts of species in this Avay by supposing that frequently repeated voluntary acts have become inherited reflexes. As pathological degeneration in man frequently affects the higher regions of the brain, reflexes and instincts may persist after loss of voluntary action. In the cases of transference of nervous functions to lower centres the higher centres do not degenerate but remain able to acquire new voluntary functions. ATROPHY OF ORGANS FROM LACK OF NUTRITION 277 that this degeneration is due to lack of nutrition, by removing the inferior flowers from a young bunch, but we are unaware that the experiment has been made. In Viburnum tomentosum (fig. 82) the flowers are arranged in a compound corymb and occur in two forms. The central flowers have a small corolla, five stamens, and a well-developed pistil Fig. 82.— Flowers from the same inflorescence of Viburnum tometitosum. A, sterile flower witli rudimentary pistil and no stamens. — B, sterile flower with very rudimentary pistil and stamens.— C, flower witli two fertile stamens; the other three stamens and the pistil are rudimentary. — D, fertile hermaphrodite flower. (fig. 82, d). The eight or nine peripheral flowers of each inflorescence have the corolla much larger, but the stamens are absent and the pistil is rudi- mentary (fig. 82, a). The petals turned towards the outer side are much the largest, and it is not rare for the petals turned towards the inner side to be hardly larger than those of the central flowers. What is important to notice, as it bears out the relation between degeneration and lack of nourish- 278 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION ment, is that a smaller petal is always associated with a larger stamen (fig. 82, b, c). In Vihurnitm o^pulus, the wild guelder-rose, there are also two kinds of flowers, the central flowers which are sexual and hermaphrodite, and the peripheral flowers which are sterile and possess a very large corolla. The five petals are, however, equal in size, and there are no forms transitional between the sterile and sexual flowers. The cultivated guelder-rose is a variety of the wild form in which all the flowers are sterile and possess a large corolla : the plant has completely lost the power of sexual reproduction. § 4. Atrophy without apparent cause. In many cases it is impossible to determine the cause of atrophy. Why, for instance, has half the inflorescence disappeared from a unilateral cyme ? Why have some composites like Artemisia or Eosaceae like Poterium lost their habit of being fertilized by the agency of insects, and become anemophilous without conspicuous perianth ? Nor can we explain why many Myriapods are blind, al- though they live in association with species possess- ing eyes and in conditions where vision apparently would be useful. Semper discovered, in brackish water in the Philippines, Crustacea (Gymothoe) which were completely blind, although they lived in light. The cause of such atrophies is unknown. ATKOPHY OF ORGANS WITHOUT APPARENT CAUSE 279 Moreover, we know that organs may atrophy- through correlation with other degenerating organs, or because the whole organism is degenerating although there are no obvious anatomical bonds present between the related parts. As instances of such atrophies we may mention degeneration of the brain resulting on degeneration of the supra-renal capsules ; or of the condition of myxodoema resulting from mechanical or functional disturbance of the thyroid gland. When the essential sexual organs of the male or female are congenitally or accidentally absent, the secondary sexual characters — the beard, voice, hair, and whole male or female aspect — of the body degenerate. When one eye becomes injured or diseased, a frequent consequence is sympathetic degeneration of the undamaged eye. To these cases of correlative atrophy we may add the cases of leaves on many plants with drooping or horizontal branches. On these, the leaves on the upper aspect are frequently rudi- mentary. The appearance is most striking where the leaves are opposite the pairs being at right angles to one another. In a branch of Acer campestre which is upright, all the leaves are of the same size. In a drooping branch the leaves turned towards the sky are small. In plants belonging to very different families (Acanthaceae, Melastomacese Urticacese, etc.) oblique branches exist, and the failure in development of the dorsal upper leaves is invariable. In Procris laevigata (fig. 83) the reduc^ I 280 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION tion of these leaves has gone very far, but in Klugia notoniana the leaves in the corresponding Fig. 83.— Branch of Procris laevigata. F'/', F"/") F'"/"'. Tlie successive pairs of leaves in the axil of a large leaf F' is a female inflorescence ; in the axil of a small leaf /" is a male inflorescence. (The original drawing was made at Buitenzorg in Java by Mas Kromohardjo, a Malay draughtsman.) position are absent. In another representative of the same family (Strejptocmym monophylleia), the degeneration has gone still further ; all the leaves ATROPHY OF INSTITUTIONS 281 are absent and a single greatly enlarged cotyledon is the sole assimilating organ/ It is evident that in these oblique and horizontal branches, the leaves directed vertically towards the sky are in the most unfavourable position for assi- milation, and that, in addition, their presence would shade the leaves lying under them. In these species the more or less complete reduction is an inherited fixation of a sacrifice of these particular leaves for the benefit of the whole organism. CHAPTEE II ATROPHY OF INSTITUTIONS The causes of atrophy in institutions are more or less analogous to those which bring about atrophy of organs. First, there is atrophy from ivant of use, when function either becomes useless or is transferred to another institution. Atrophy from lack of resources corresponds precisely with atrophy from lack of nutrition. There is no- thing, however, in the atrophy of institutions quite analogous to that which, in organisms, results from lack of space. But if the development of an institution cannot be actually impeded by the co- 1 See the figures of plants of this family in Fritsch, Gesneriacece. {Engler und PrantVs natiirliclien Pflanzenfamilie^i. Leipzig, 1891. ) 282 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION existence of another institution, certain instances of atrophy do occur which "cannot be said to arise from either want of use or lack of resources. The institution degenerates merely from hindrance offered to the exercise of its functions. Thus, for instance, the laws of exclusion voted in Germany against socialists brought about the decadence, and, ultimately, the downfall of a number of professional and trade associations which cannot be said to have been actually suppressed by law. It is the same with the corporations of Western Flanders ; these have survived the revolutionary laws, but are no longer legally recognized, a state of things leading to many difficulties ; the properties of several of them have been confiscated, as having no owners, and allotted to benevolent institutions. This want of legal recognition must inevitably lead in the near future to the entire disappearance of these vestiges of the corporative system. Cases such as these, however, must be regarded as exceptional, and it may be said that, on the broad average, institutions atrophy either from want of use, or from lack of resources. § 1 . Atrophy from want of use. I. Functional inutility. (1) Offices in connection with the Fort of BrugeSf — The disorganization of the train service in" a besieged city has already been alluded to as ATROPHY OF INSTITUTIONS FROM LACK OF USE 283 furnishing an example of degeneration by sus- pension of function. Another incidence of accidental degeneration is furnished by the office of wharf -porter, which was formerly exercised in the port of Bruges. When Bruges, consequent upon the blocking up of the Zwyn, ceased to be a sea-port town, the wharf- porters who were formerly employed to carry grain, lime, and coal, etc., were no longer required and so abandoned their calling. (2) The forest-courts of England. — As an instance of normal degeneration due to the transformation of an agricultural country into a commercial country, take the old English forest-courts. In the middle ages there still existed in England great tracts of forest land which were Crown property, and sub- jected to special legislation conducted by three separate courts of justice : (a) The Court of Attach- ment ^ which instituted proceedings ; (Jb) the Court of Swainmote ^ before which the culprits were tried, and the Judge's Court presided over by the Lord Chief Justice, who pronounced sentence, and from whose decision there was no appeal. These courts have lost all importance since the seventeenth century, and the forest laws are now only functional ^ When a forest law was infriuged, it was the duty of the forester to "attach" the culprit — i.e. constrain him to appear either by seizing his person or his goods. These attachments were then submitted to the Court of Attachment. '■^ The judges were called verderers ; the jury was composed of foresters of the reeve, and of four men out of each forest hundred. 284 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION with regard to the Forest of Dean and the New Forest. The office of Forest Judge has disappeared, and but few vestiges remain of the courts of attach- ment and Swainmote. Those persons who are con- nected with either the Forest of Dean or the New Forest, meet together still to transact business in connection with them, but these meetings are of no great importance. II. Teansference of function. Instances abound of the transference of a function from one institution to another ; but as a rule, when this change is effected, it is attended by the sup- pression of the old institution. Sometimes, how- ever, this is not the case, and the institution merely atrophies without having been suppressed. (1) BepuUican institutions under the Boman Empire. — As instances of this form of degenera- tion take the institutions of the Eoman Republic, after the establishment of the Empire — or the decadence of the functions formerly discharged by the Privy Council in England, the political functions of which have been transferred to Parlia- ment, and the judicial functions to the Court of Common Pleas and the Court of Exchequer.^ (2) Special jurisdiction in England. — It is the ^ De Franqueville, Le Gouvenument et le Parlement hrittanique, i., p. 431. ATROPHY OF INSTITUTIONS FROM LACK OF USE 285 same with special jurisdiction, such as the Eccle- siastical Court, and the University Courts ; they have completely degenerated, their functions having been transferred to the jurisdiction of the Common Law Courts. In England, however, special juris- diction has not wholly ceased to be functional, for there still exist, side by side with the modern Courts of Justice, a few local Courts and other exceptional forms of jurisdiction which are still maintained in support of certain ancient acquired rights and traditions.^ By far the greater part of these special jurisdictions have, however, fallen into disuse, owing to the creation of the modern Courts of Justice. This happened, for instance, with the following institutions : — {a) The Local Courts of Feudal origin. — These Courts have decreased both in number and impor- tance since the close of the thirteenth century ; the only vestiges now remaining of them are the Court- leets of certain manors. Sir James Stephen makes special mention of the Court-leet of the Manor of Savoy, which extended from near the old city gate of London (Temple Bar) up to Cecil Street. Some of the old functions of this Court are maintained in the present day. {b) Country Town Courts. — Twenty-seven local courts are mentioned in modern judicial statistics before six of which no case has been heard for twelve years. On the application of a litigant, ^ Idem, Le sysUme judiciaire de la Grande- Bretagne, i., p. 216. 286 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION however, any one of these would resume its functions.^ (c) The Court of Stannaries, the vice-warden of which is appointed by the Prince of Wales. This Court has greatly degenerated in importance, and only a few minor cases are now heard before it. {d) The Court of Piejpoivder. — This was a Court of summary jurisdiction, dealing promptly with disputes arising during fairs and markets. It has almost disappeared from having fallen into disuse. Practically only one example remains ; that is at Bristol, and is becoming merged in another local court called the Tolzey Court. {e) The Hunting's Court (or folkmote, scirmote, a kind of County Court of the city of London). — The old Husting's Court has completely lost all its former attributes, in favour of the Court of the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs. Up to 1860, however, it reserved to itself the right of jurisdiction with regard to matters relating to landed property in the city ; the only cases which come before this Court nowadays are those of replevy .^ Finally, there is the House of Lords which ^ According to jurisprudence, the fact that a Court still existing by virtue of Royal Charter, has ceased to be functional for two hundred years, is no reason against a citizen having his case tried before it, if he so chooses, even though the town authorities declare the funds to be insuificient for payment of the judge. {Case of Rex v. Mayor of Wells, Dowling Practise Cases, p. 562), mentioned by Franqueville. 2 Franqueville, Systeme jud. , i., pp. 235, and following. ATROPHY OF INSTITUTIONS FROM LACK OF USE 287 formerly held full powers of jurisdiction with regard to matters relating to members of the peerage ; this jurisdiction is now limited to cases of high treason or crimes committed by peers to the exclusion of mere acts of misdemeanour which are tried before the ordinary Courts. § 2. Atrophy from lack of resources. The instances we have mentioned are those of institutions decaying because they had become useless, and their resources were transferred to other objects. The lack of resources was the result of the lack of function. Sometimes, however, it is the cause and not the result, in which case atrophy may be due either to an abnormal development, such as the hypertrophy of another institution, or to poverty . ensuing on the general decline of society in general. Of course both factors may act simultaneously. 1. Local admhiistration at the close of the Roman Empire. — The decline of local government at the close of the Eoman Empire is an instance of atrophy ensuing from the ultra-development of another institution. As the demands of the central powers grew more and more excessive, the fiscal rates had to be augmented in order to meet them, and the curiales, which consisted of members of the City Council who were made responsible for the payment of 288 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION taxes, finally found it was quite impossible to meet their engagements, and made every effort to leave the curia.^ 2. The degeneration of Societies in all their parts. — A number of instances might be mentioned of general social degeneration bringing about tlie atrophy of some one or other institution in particular. Besides giving classical examples, such as the Konians, Peruvians and Astecs, V. Lilienfeld men- tions the decline of the Negro kingdoms which existed during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries in Southern and Western Africa, and which are merely represented nowadays by wretched little tribes.^ There are, according to Waitz, at some distance from Carimango (the equatorial Eepublic) some people of pure Spanish blood who have fallen back into absolute barbarism. Their language is de- formed pa'fet recognition, and their manners and customs exhibit no traces of their former condi- tion.^ Space precludes us from dwelling further upon the various causes — often complex and obscure — which bring about the downfall of societies, suffice it to say that they are connected with 1 Lavisse and Rambeaud, Histoire g6n4rale, I., ch. i., pp. 14 and folloAving. 2 Von Lilienfeld, Gedanke iiber de Soziahvissenscha/t der Zukimft, ii., p. 241. ^ Waitz, Anthropologie der Nahcrvolker, 1. B., p. 369. ATROPHY OF INSTITUTIONS FROM LA.CK OF USE 289 territory or with population, the two factors of social evolution. Either the physical surroundings of institutions undergo unfavourable transformations, or else the population itself degenerates. (1) The almost complete disappearance of the great family communities {zadrugas) of Montenegro is a characteristic instance of atrophy from lack of resources caused by the impoverishment of physical surroundings. The persistent cutting down of trees in the Black Mountain has had a disastrous effect on the water supply, and consequently upon the fertility of the ground. Most of the zadrugas ^ having found it impossible to continue their existence in common upon the same territory, have split up into small families (inoJcosnas). These latter represent, in a reduced state, the old family system from which they have sprung. Bogisic has shown that these in no way resemble our modern families, but are to be regarded, from the judicial point of view, as reduced family com- munities, each comprised of only a few persons. (2) Other cases occur where the atrophy of an institution — of an artistic or scientific society, for instance — is brought about by the degeneration of a population which ceases to be interested in the society and no longer contributes to its support. A large number of cases of this kind might easily be mentioned, especially as occurring during the period of the Byzantine Empire, but it is difficult T 290 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION to account for the sudden degeneration of a people where the physical surroundings had re- cently undergone no special modifications, and when there had been no sudden and violent check upon social development. According to Lapouge and other sociologists of the Darwinian school, this social degeneration was merely the outcome of hereditary influences. The destiny of a nation is dependent upon the quality of the elements of which it is composed and by which it is directed. If a nation is rich in energetic and intelligent qualities, the greatest of disasters can only have a transitory and limited influence. When the contrary is the case, the same circum- stances may produce an arrest in development or a complete decline and fall. Up to the present time, and especially in antiquity and the middle ages, these favourable qualities were gene- rally supplied by a dominating minority establish- ing itself in a conquered country. In the common course of evolution, these superior elements, which are indispensable to social progress, are eventually eliminated. The inferior elements regain greater power, and each step of their progress is attended by a backward step towards barbarism. Although, at first sight, this seems contrary to the Darwinian theory, it is strictly in accordance with it. The superior individuals are relatively inferior when their chances of success or of posterity diminish. The superior individuals may not only be swamped ATKOPHY OF INSTITUTIONS FROM LACK OF USE 291 by a diminution in their birth-rate, but in some cases there may be a direct elimination of them.^ The tendency of decadence is always towards the degenerative and eliminatory selection of superior elements. It may be said in conclusion that there are constant calls upon the capital and labour of a society from its various institutions, and the conse- quence is that, the resources not being unlimited, a regular struggle for existence goes on amongst the institutions. In the course of this struggle, the decline of an institution may be brought about in two different ways. It either begins to de- generate from lack of sufficient means of support, or degeneration sets in consequent upon the insti- tution having ceased to be functional by inutility, by transference of function to another institution, or by obstacles placed in the way of exercising that function. In either case the institution dis- appears. It is only in exceptional cases, which will be alluded to further on, that existence is still maintained. ^ G. de Lapouge, La Vie et la Mort des nations {Mvue int. de Sociologie, 1894, pp. 421 and following). Several terms used in this treatise were borrowed from the above article. See also Hovelaeque and Herve, Precis d' Anthropologie, p. 189 : ' ' War, in its double consequence of the elimination of the strong and the survival of the weak, is for the more civilized races a powerful factor in the cause of degeneration and downfall," PART II THE CAUSES OF THE PERSISTENCE OF ORGANS OR INSTITUTIONS WITHOUT FUNCTION CHAPTEK I SURVIVAL OF ORGANS We have shown how and why organs may become rudimentary and tend to disappear. In many cases the disappearance is complete ; and the organ may not even reappear temporarily in the course of the individual development. This disappearance is, however, by no means universal. Even apart from the phenomena of recapitulation, rudimentary organs may persist in the adult, and sometimes, even although organs have ceased to be functional, they persist without degenerating. We have now to con- sider why in such cases degenerative evolution does not result in complete obliteration of such organs. § 1 . UnfunctioTial orgaiis that are not rudimentary. Absence of Variations. — There are some plants such as Ficaria'^ ranunculo'ides and Zysimachia 1 Lysimachia Nummularia occasionally produce seeds in some valleys of the Pyrenees, and Errera has shown us specimens grown from^seeds coming from the shores of the lake of Quatre-Cantons, SURVIVAL OF ORGANS 293 Nummularia, the flowers of which hardly ever produce seeds. How is it that in such species flowers are still produced ? The probable ex- planation of this anomaly is, that for the disappear- ance of flowers there would have to be produced individuals with this advantageous variation. It is the case, however, that the Ficaria and the Lysimachia reproduce most actively by asexual methods, and variations are extremely rare in cases of these modes of reproduction. The result is that these species having begun to form sterile flowers continue to produce them through simple lack of variation. An analogous case is presented by Elodea Canadensis. This unisexual plant is represented in Europe by only female plants. These plants have multiplied asexual ly so luxuriantly that in Holland they began to choke up the canals, and it became necessary to make provision in the budget of that country for the extermination of the pest. The plants are, of course, able to multiply only asexually, as the female flowers cannot be fertilized, and these useless flowers have been maintained simply from the absence of variations. Stratiotes alo'ides, a plant belonging to the same family as Elodea, is practically only repre- sented by male individuals. Females are extremely rare, and none the less the male flowers are pro- duced, although in the vast majority of cases they must be useless. 294 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION W. Burck has called attention to, without endeavouring to explain, other instances of the persistence of functionless organs. A large number of Anonaceae bear flowers which do not open, and which are self -fertilizing (cleistogamous flowers). None the less, they have retained the corolla, the original purpose of which was to attract insects.^ Burck has called our attention to the circum- stance that several species belonging to the same genus produce cleistogamous flowers, and that it is improbable that this condition has been acquired independently by these species. One would thus have to admit that the original type must be very remote, as it has given rise to descendants of specific distinction, and yet the useless corolla has persisted through the long series. Parallel examples may be found among animals. Machaerites is an insect which inhabits caves in North America. The females are quite blind ; the males, on the other hand, have preserved, or seem to have preserved, well- developed eyes ; but are these eyes real? An abyssal fish, Ijnuyps,^ seems as if it had enormous eyes extending from the corner of the snout some distance along the neck, but these organs are not really eyes ; they ^ W. Burck, Ueber Kleistogamie im weileren Sinne und das Knight- DarwiTische Gesetz {Anii. Jard. Bot. Buitenzorg, viii., p. 122, 1889). 2 DoUo, La Vie au sein des mers, p. 242, Paris, Bailliere, 1891. SURVIVAL OF ORGANS 295 are light-producing organs, and the fish are in reality blind. This may be the case also in the males of Machaerites. It may also be the case that the male has an opportunity for using eyes absent in the case of the female, the males some- times leaving the caves, the females remaining within them. Something analogous to this occurs in the case of eels : the males remain always in the sea while the females rejoin them only for purposes of reproduction. Moreover, there is still a third hypothesis, that the male of Machaerites be- came an inhabitant of caves later than the female, and has not yet had time for the loss of its eyes. § 2. Unfunctional organs which persist as rudiments. It is outside our purpose to discuss here the numerous cases of organs reduced through adapta- tion, such as the leaves reduced to serve as protectors of young buds (Phyllocactus, fig. 78), or the wings of the ostrich which, although much reduced, are supposed to assist the bird in running. The utility of such organs explains their persist- ence ; we are concerned here with organs which, although useless, persist in a reduced form. 1. Absence of Variations. — In discussing organs which, although without function, have persisted in a complete state, we attributed the persistence to absence of variations. It is probable that the same cause operates in maintaining useless vestiges. 296 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION It is to be noticed, however, that the variability of vestiges is frequently considerable. The flowers of Asparagus officinalis are sometimes, although rarely, hermaphrodite. Usually they are uni- sexual and exhibit the organs of the other sex in every conceivable stage of degeneration. It is probable that the unisexual condition has been acquired recently, and that there has not yet been time for the operation of natural selection to cause the disappearance of the useless organs.^ ^ We have actual knowledge of the mode of disappearance of an organ in one case, and can see the part played by variability. In Phyllanthus speciosus (Xylophylla arhuscula) the adult plant has three kinds of branches : vertical branches, with rudimentary leaves ; oblique branches which spring from the axils of these leaves and themselves bear in two rows very rudimentary leaves ; and flat branches which are the chief organs of assimilation of the plant and which also bear rudimentary leaves in two rows. In the seedling, on the other hand, there are formed after the two coty- ledons, one or two completely developed assimilating leaves upon an upright stem (fig. 84, a). The flat branches grow from the axils of these, and bear, unlike the flat branches of the adult, assimilating leaves ; higher up the vertical stem bears only rudimentary leaves with flat branches in their axils. It may happen, however, that the seedlings bear, directly after their cotyledons, rudimentary leaves (fig. 84, b) and in this case the reduction of the leaves is present not only in the leaves borne upon the vertical stem but in those borne on the flat branches. These latter bear only a small number of assimilating leaves. Thus, we have in this plant a remarkable example of incomplete recapitulation : the seedling preserves in a functional condition organs that are rudimentary in the adult, but the species furnishes instances where these leaves cease to be functional even in the SURVIVAL OF ORGANS 297 2. Insignificance of the Rudimentary Organ. — It frequently happens that rudimentary organs are preserved simply on account of their insignificance : the absence of organs so small would not be an advantage to the plant sufficiently great to be laid hold of by natural selection. Many species of Tropaeolum bear leaves without Fig. 84. — Two seedlings of Phyllanthus speciosus. 1, 2, 3, 4, successive assimilating branches ; c, cotyledons. stipules. In Tropaeolum majus there are stipules only in the case of the first two leaves of the seedling, and the position of these stipules is very variable. Sometimes both stipules are at the base of the petiole; sometimes only one is present; sometimes both are several millimetres from the base — a position in which functional stipules never occur. 298 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION In the same way may be explained the persist- ence of accessory rudiments of enamel organs in ;the development of teeth. Besides the rudiments of the enamel organs for. the milk teeth and permanent teeth, there are additional organs present in a very variable condition and number, nearer the external surface. They are, however, very generally present, and are exceedingly similar to the youngest stages of the normal enamel organs. Kollmann and Gegenbaur believe that they are abortive rudiments surviving from an ancestral condition in which teeth were more numerous. CHAPTER II THE SURVIVAL OF INSTITUTIONS We have seen" that an institution which ceases to be functional without dissolution — either voluntary or enforced — ensuing, tends to atrophy and dis- appear, while its resources are appropriated by other institutions. It now remains to account for the fact that this atrophy does not generally end in total disappearance. The two following hypotheses may be made : — 1. The structure of a non-functional institution may remain intact. 2. The institution may survive, but in a rudi- mentary condition. SURVIVAL OF INSTITUTIONS 299 § 1. The integral persistence of an institution. A non-functional institution may survive and retain its structure and resources in the following cases : — 1. By the intervention of some superior authority to prevent its suppression. 2. When, while ceasing to be functional, it con- tinues to be useful, though indirectly so. 3. When its existence is maintained out of respect for old traditions. We will take these three hypotheses in succession, but it must be borne in mind that when a non- functional institution is maintained out of respect to tradition, or by virtue of an indirect usefulness, it is always by the intervention of legal authority. This legal authority, however, amounts to an ex- pression of the public will, whereas an institution may also be maintained by the exercise of personal influence on the part of some one person. It sometimes happens, too, that a non-functional institution continues to survive because its suppres- sion would entail important changes in other parts of the social organization. 1. Maintenance by compulsion. — A useless in- stitution is frequently maintained by compulsion, when its conservation is advantageous to those con- nected with it, or even to other persons.^ The following are a few examples of this : — ^ Spencer, Principles of Sociology, vol. iii. 300 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION {a) A long list might be made of all the sinecures, now quite useless, that some governments insist upon maintaining for the advantage of those occu- pying the posts. Such were certain offices in con- nection with the Court in former days or the avoueries of the end of the middle ages. " Like the Fief system," says Errera, when writing about the Massuirs, " The avouerie afforded an effec- tive protection — military as well as judicial — against the various dangers arising in a still barbaric age. But, in the course of the last centuries of the middle ages, the obligations of feudal chiefs and the condition of avouerie disappeared ; the reasons were that relative security was attained ; militia was established, and the army, under the command of the sovereign himself, became better disciplined ; and that there arose the organization of the justices scabinales, of bailiwicks, and of superior courts of justice. However, although the ancient offices dis- appeared, the emoluments attached to them con- tinued to be drawn.^ (h) It often happens that institutions which have ceased to be functional are yet maintained as being a source of profit not only to those in direct con- nection with them, but to a considerable number of other persons. Before the Keform Bill of 1832, when large towns like Leeds, Birmingham, and Manchester were unrepresented in Parliament, the House of * Errera, Les Massuirs, p. 75. Brussels, Weissenbruch, 1892. SUEVIVAL OF INSTITUTIONS 301 Commons contained seventy members, nominated by thirty-five rotten boroughs in which there were no electors, and ninety members nominated by forty-six boroughs, containing less than fifty electors. The borough of Old Sarum was a mere hillock belonging to Lord Canalford ; Gatton and S. Michael had only seven electors ; the borough of Dumwich had been long since submerged by the encroach- ment of the sea; Beeralston, belonging to Lord Beverley, consisted of one house, and Castlerising of two. In the county of Bute there were twenty- one electors, only one of whom was a resident and who nominated himself. The preservation of this system of representation which had long ceased to be adequate, was eminently favourable to the few persons who benefited by it, and they vigorously resisted the passing of the Reform Bill. (c) After the provincial states of Kormandy and the Dauphiny had been suppressed, the state func- tionaries retained their titles and emoluments. In the Dauphiny the representative institutions ceased to be functional in 1627, but at the close of the eighteenth century the Bishop of Grenoble con- tinued to receive 6000 livres per annum as primate of the dominion. Two barons, delegates of the nobility, shared a similar salary, and the Syndic of the province and two secretaries received lesser emoluments from the province which continued 302 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION to make these payments for services no longer rendered.^ In each of the above cases of survival it is plain that compulsion intervened — more or less directly — to secure the maintenance of non-functional institutions. In the first cases referred to, the privileged persons concerned, took advantage of their influ- ential positions to enforce the maintenance of their sinecures. In the second case — that of the rotten boroughs — the institution was not only advantageous to the member himself but to the whole of his party, so that naturally its maintenance met with the cordial support of the latter. In the third case, those in authority maintained part of the institution — that of the mere titles and emoluments — in order to suppress the remainder more easily. In this case it was not an institution which atrophied, but an institution which was caused to atrophy by compulsion. 2. Indirect usefulness. — It sometimes happens that an institution, although ceasing to be functional, yet retains a certain usefulness. This is so in England, with the office of the Privy Seal. All the functions formerly discharged by the holder of this office have long since disappeared, but the post is reserved as a sinecure for persons who have ^ Babeau, Les assemblies des pays d'Etat sous Vancien regime; Jl^forme sociale, 1893, p. 704, SURVIVAL OF INSTITUTIONS 303 distinguished themselves in poHtics, but who from advanced age are unable to take an active part in public afiairs. A great many sinecures are main- tained for a similar purpose — that of furnishing practical though not nominal pensions to distin- guished persons in art or science. " It may well be," says Viollet, " that an institution, which at first sight seems to be a mere useless wreck, is really of immense service to society. The deep roots of a dead tree may continue to furnish support to a new structure." It is by reason of this negative usefulness that — according to Bagehot — the English monarchy has been preserved, forming as it does a symbol of unity and coherence amidst the electoral changes of power. The English monarchy offers a char- acteristic instance of an institution which has lost nearly all its former functional importance, while nominally retaining its power. According to Bagehot, the Queen would now have to sign her own death warrant if condemned by both Houses of Parliament. The outer form, however, remains almost the same as in the days of absolute monarchy, when the sovereign took an active part in public affairs. At within the last few years, the Queen's signature was required to all official documents. It was only in 1862 that a law was passed deciding that for the future, promotions in the Army or Navy should be signed either by the Commander-in-Chief, or by the Secretary of 304 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION State. At that time, by dint of hard work, the Queen had signed all commissions up to 1858, and there remained 15,931 documents of this kind still unsigned.^ 3. Respect for Tradition. — The persistence of some institutions can only be accounted for by a lack of invention. Mommsen calls attention to a remarkable instance of this kind in the history of early Rome : When a government by praetors — as consuls were first called — was substituted for a govern- ment by kings, the new system remained the same in idea though nominally different. The old idea of royal authority survived for a long period, and the praetors enjoyed all the old kingly powers, even those in plain contradiction to the temporary character of their office : the king could not be deposed, but neither could the praetor be con- strained to depose himself ; the king, when dying, nominated his successor himself, and this power remained to the praetor — although the system of election by the comitia had been introduced — for the praetor had the right of excluding whoever he chose from the list of candidates, and also of annulling the votes given to those who displeased him. It was only at a later period that a logical * Bagehot, The, English Constitution, pp. 57 and following ; London, 1891. De Franqueville, Gouvemement et ParUment BritanniqueSj i., p. 251. SURVIVAL OF INSTITUTIONS 305 and consistent conception of the consular authority- came to be formed. 1 In the same way the maintenance of the insti- tution of sheriffs in modern England can only be attributed to an exaggerated respect for tradition. In the commission which sat in 1888 to inquire into judicial organization, one of the commissioners expressed himself as follows : " I cannot see that sheriffs are of any use whatever, unless it be for show ; there is not one single function attached to the post which a sheriff can fulfil himself. I am a sheriff, but I do not know what a sheriff's duties are." The institution, however, remains intact. The sheriff is credited with the discharge of several functions, which are executed in his name and on his responsibility. All he does is to receive the judges, accompany them on circuit, and preside over parliamentary elections.^ The mode of nominating the sheriffs has remained unchanged since 1340. The Queen, by means of a traditional gold pin, is supposed to prick by chance in the list of candidates which is presented to her, the name of him upon whom she confers " the 1 Ferrero, Simbolii, p. 53, Torino, 1893. 2 *' The two sheriffs of London, who are elected from among the liverymen of the various city companies, have not to go on circuit, but are supposed to attend at the Central Criminal Court. Their functions chiefly consist in escorting the Lord Mayor to all city ceremonies, and in attending numerous banquets, some of which are given at their expense." De Franqueville, Systeme judiciaire de la Grand- Br etagne, i., p. 611. U 306 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION charge and keeping of the county." This ceremony is known as the " Pricking of Sheriffs." § 2. The Survival of Institutions in a reduced STATE. It has been shown that a number of institutions in a state of decline continue to be maintained, because they are still useful in spite of their reduced condition. This is the case with the symbolic ceremonies which in former days accompanied the drawing up of solemn contracts.^ We now come to institutions which persist in a reduced condition, but which are not directly use- ful to any one. In this case their persistence may be attributed to one of two causes: either to respect for tradition or to the insignificance of the vestiges which remain. ^ According to Viollet in Histoire du droit civil fr.y p. 607, the primitive assembly of the people still survives, though in a reduced condition, in the Roman mancipation and in Scandinavia in a solemn form of sale called the scotatio, •* I believe," he says, " that it was the primitive sale of German law a sale concluded and ratified in a popular assembly, that gave rise, in the middle ages, to the Scandinavian scotatio. So also in the case of the Roman inancipatio there has long been believed to exist the remnants of a popular assembly. The dumb witnesses in the scotatio appear to me the petrified representatives of the German tribe or village ; and, in the opinion of good judges, the witnesses in mancipatio are no other than symbolic statues of the five classes of the Roman people. However, this is mere hypothesis. SURVIVAL OF INSTITUTIONS 307 It is difficult, however, to distinguish between these two causes, for insignificant vestiges of institutions are especially numerous in very con- servative environments, and, on the other hand, mere respect for tradition very rarely ensures the maintenance of either a harmful or an expensive institution. 1. Insignificance of the Institution. — Some of these insignificant institutions are reduced to mere vestiges, no longer functional, or of use to any one, others — representing traces of a former system — retain some local vitality, although not in keeping with the new conditions ; these are of such small importance that their very insignificance ensures their survival. (a) The two French laws passed in 1835 and 1849 relating to entail have never become func- tional at La Martinique. The old law of entail is still active there, and this state of things is allowed to continue without authoritative interference.^ (b) In England, the sovereign, up to the close of the sixteenth century, reserved to himself the right of presiding over the Courts of Justice, and of pronouncing sentence. Since the Ee volution, no sovereign has essayed to render justice personally, and any attempt of the kind would be regarded as unconstitutional nowadays. Vestiges of the old system remain, however, in the formula of certain legal proceedings, such as the serving of warrants, ^ Viollet, Hist, du dr. civ.fr., p. 883. / 308 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION in which an order is given to appear before the Queen herself, and it has never been suggested that the old formula should be altered.^ The following are a few examples of local sur- vivals which owe their existence to their insignifi- cance : — (a) Although Cambray has belonged to France since the close of the seventeenth century, its diocese includes a small part of Belgium; the ancient religious organization has in this instance survived political changes.^ (Jb) It is not generally known that with certain properties situated in Artois — consisting chiefly of marsh land — the law of primo- geniture still holds good.^ (c) Public attention has recently been directed to a very curious survival of the political connections which existed during the middle ages between Beam and Spain. Every year, on the 13 th of July, the inhabitants of the French valley of Baretous in the Pyrenees, solemnly pay a tribute — for the ^ De Franqueville, Systeme judiciaire de la Grande- Bretagne, p. 23. 2 Viollet, Hist. du. dr. civ. fr., p. 882. ^ Errera, Les Masuirs, p. 290. Decision of the Council of 25th February 1779, as regards the castle-wards of Lille, Douai, and Orchies. *' Those portions of land which fall or have fallen to each inhabitant as the result of division, shall be inalienable ; no person shall possess two portions. The eldest male of each family, or in default of the eldest male, the eldest female, shall alone inherit the said portions of land." SURVIVAL OF INSTITUTIONS 309 maintenance of peace — to the inhabitants of the Spanish valley of Eoncal.^ It is plain that this custom, which has gone on so long as to pass unnoticed, is too inconsistent with the present relations between France and 1 The ceremony commences at nine o'clock in accordance with instructions laid down in a document which, according to the mention made of it in the Proces-verbal, dates from 1375. First, the French mayors don their scarves of office ; next the Spanish mayors, advancing from a group of compatriots, proceed towards the frontier boundary line, accompanied by a peasant carrying a lance with a red flag tied to it — a symbol of justice — and draw up within six yards of the boundary. The French mayors follow suit, but the flag hoisted on the lance which precedes them, carried by a peasant, is white, as signifying their pacific intentions. The Mayor of Isaba then says to them, "Is it peace?" The French mayors reply in the affirma- tive, and, as a proof of their sincerity, couch their lance upon the mile-stone marking the boundary. The Spaniards then first plant their lance in French soil leaning against the stone, and after- wards place it so as to form a cross with the French lance. Next the Mayor of Arette places one hand upon the crossed lances, and the Mayor of Isaba does the same, and together they utter the formal declaration of peace, which all those present swear to observe. After the vow, the Mayor of Isaba cries three times, "Paz davans ! " which means, *' May peace con- tinue." Peace being thus declared, the Roncalais, in order to ratify their abandonment of hostilities, order the guards to remove their arms from the French side. The ceremony being over, it only remains to pay the blood-tax. This formerly consisted of three white mares, all exactly alike ; but, owing to the great difficulty of matching them, three unblemished heifers were sub- stituted, all of same colour and with the same markings. Tliese three heifers cost about 600 francs, which is a large sum for that part of the world. 310 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION Spain to be continued much longer. " It is to be expected," says the paper from which this information was obtained, " that the French Foreign Minister will in the near future come to an understanding with the Spanish authorities to put an end to this iniquitous custom, and it is to be hoped that this year is the last occasion upon which a blood-tax will be paid by the valley of Bare tons to the valley of Roncal." 2. Respect for tradition. — In his " Essays on Pro- gress, Manners and Customs " ( Westminster Review, 1854), Spencer points out the connection between respect for tradition and custom, and the con- servatism of those in authority. He says that certain customs, which have elsewhere died out, survive in some departments of the government. The Secretary of State in ratifying acts passed in Parliament uses old Norman French,^ and certain legal terms in old Norman French are still used. The wigs now worn by judges and barristers are identical with those seen in old portraits, while the " Beef -eaters " of the Tower of London wear the 1 *' For financial Acts the formula is : La Reyne remercie ses bons sujets, accepte leur benevolence et ainsi le veult ; for general Acts : La Reyne le veult ; for private bills : Soit fait comme il est desire ; for petitions : Soit droit fait comme il est desire. The veto is announced : La Reyne s'avisera. Cromwell had changed these old forms ; he gave his consent to Bills in English ; the old custom was resumed at the Restoration, and the House of Commons in 1706 rejected a Bill passed by the Lords to abolish the French phraseology." De Franqueville, Gmivernement et Parlement Britan- niques, vol. i., p. 279. SURVIVAL OF INSTITUTIONS 311 same costume as that once worn by the body-guard of Henry YIU Two similar examples may be added : — (a) At the coronation of English sovereigns two gentlemen of the Privy Council, chosen " on account of their appearance," and created knights for the occasion, are appointed by the Lord Chamberlain to represent the Dukes of Aquitaine and Normandy. (h) The First Officer of the Crown was formerly the Lord High Steward, which title having, in the course of time, become purely honorary, was hereditary in the family of the Earls of Leicester. The post is now in abeyance, but, on the coronation of a sovereign, or, on the occasion of a peer being placed upon his trial, this dignity is conferred upon some important person nominated solely for the occasion. It is not only in ceremonial — which, according to Viollet, is the museum of history — that reduced institutions, which are completely useless, are tenaciously maintained ; it is the same with judicial and religious institutions. A few examples will suffice to show that this is so : — (a) In its primitive form, the Assembly of the People included the whole army, and was necessarily held in some large open space. The custom survived the necessity of the choice of some such spot, and up to the sixteenth century, whenever a new Emperor was proclaimed in Germany, it was the ^ H. Spencer, Morals^ Science and Art^ 312 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION custom for the electors to proceed to some mountain for the purpose, probably because it was the custom in former days to hold a general meeting there, before the election. In Iceland, the althing — consisting of two chambers now — was formerly one large assembly held in the open air upon the Logberg (the Mountain of the Law) near to the Lake of Thingvellir. In the Eepublic of Andora, criminal sentences are still pronounced with great solemnity from the Market-Place.^ (b) Among the Ossetes, where the family com- munity still flourishes, the only inalienable and unsaleable property is not the real property, but certain personal possessions, such as the great cooking-pot with the chain by which it is hung over the fire. " At first," says Kowalewsky, " this may appear a strange custom, but it must be remembered that possessions of that kind were of equal importance to the Ossetic * family ' as were their tombs to the ancient Greeks and Eomans, which ex- plains how any infringement of the ^ In Montenegro, it was the custom, till recently, for the Prince himself to render justice, sitting under a tree in front of his palace at Cettigne. This mode of jurisdiction, which was probably a survival of the old system of which we have been speaking, has not completely disappeared. SUKVrVAL OF INSTITUTIONS 313 custom is regarded as an infamy by the Ossetes." ^ We now come to cases of purely religious survival, which offer the strongest resistance to the inroads of change. Spencer instances the custom of circumcising with a knife made of flint, and the vestiges remaining in Catholic worship of former primitive religions. The Eucharist, as we have already pointed out, is reminiscent of real sacrifices, and the symbolic representation by a dove of the Holy Ghost is only a rudimentary form of zoolatry.^ In Belgium there are still traces of the old custom of sacrificing an animal upon the com- pletion of a new building, with the idea that the animal's spirit will protect the edifice from harm,^ and if the observer of the following facts is correct in his interpretation of them, there also remain in Belgium traces of the ancient sacrifices to the genius of the earth : — " It is the custom, round about Florenville (in the Belgian Ardennes), to offer a sacrifice to the presiding genius of the road upon the con- struction of a new road or railway. It is usually a fowl, or a rabbit, or even a calf which is sacri- ficed. ... In some parts of Luxembourg animals ^ Kowalevsky, Droit coutumier Ossetien, p. 105. 2 Spencer, Principles of Sociology. 3 Folklore, Wallon, No. 1526, p. 115 {Bulletin de Folklore, ii., 177). 314 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION are also offered in sacrifice to the genius supposed to preside over a newly-purchased field, with a view to ensuring abundant crops.^ Eemains, either undoubted ^ or only probable,^ of phallic worship, are scattered throughout Europe. In Brittany* and in Belgium,^ for instance, strange old customs still exist showing that here, ^ Rivue des traditions pojnclaires, 1893, p. 394. ^ Th. Volkov, Eiies et usages nuptiaux en Ukraine {VAnthro- pologie, 1891, p. 167). Only a short time ago it was the custom in Tver, on the day dedicated to Yarilo (the phallic God of Spring), for the parents of young daughters to send them to join in games similar to those of the ancient Slavs, with a view to their getting married. ^ Note sur un vestige du culte de la terre mere (phallism) en Provence^ by Berenger-Feraud {Rdime d'Anthropologie, 1888, p. 563). "At Luc, in Provence, upon the 1st of May, which is a country holiday, the young girls proceeded to a place where two roads met. Hero they assembled around an olive tree, and after each dance they struck the olive tree three times with their backs. " This fete, a survival of the floral fetes of the month of May which are still celebrated in Provence and Italy, continued to be lield until quite recently, and appears to have been a lingering vestige of the ancient worship of creative Nature, Mother-earth — in short, of phallic worship. *' The three knocks given by the young girls to the tree trunk is a survival of the ancient virginal sacrifice to the phallic emblem. The original meaning was not quite lost, for the Pro- ven9als still realized, though vaguely, that the three knocks were somehow connected with the idea of marriage." ^ ' ' Les M^galithes de Locmariaquer et de Carnac, et les amours, by Bonnemere {R4tme des traditions populaires, 1894, p. 123). **In former days it was the custom for all the young women who wished to get maiTied to climb (on the night of May 1), to the top of the great menhir where they lifted up their clothing that their bodies SURVIVAL OF INSTITUTIONS 815 as elsewhere, a belief in the influence of fetiches once prevailed, and particularly in the form of megalithic monuments relating to the fecundity of women. The custom still prevalent in the African Congo, of driving a nail into a fetich, with the view of reminding it of a request, has not disappeared from Europe. The young men of Couvin (Namur) still stick pins into the wooden saints of the little chapels round about in order to draw a lucky number in the military lottery, and young girls in Brittany do the same with a view to getting might come in direct contact with the stone, and then slid from the top to the bottom." At Carnac, young girls wishing to marry undressed completely upon the same night, and proceeded to rub their abdomen against a special menhir. In that part of Brittany, where only French is spoken, similar customs have equally prevailed. ° Fete de Notre-Dame de liide-cul (Jules Lemoine, in the journal Le petit bleu, of October 18, 1896). Similar to the above Breton custom is that of sliding down the Rocher Ride-cul, which is situated near to Landelies, in the valley of the Sambre. Here, as in many other places, old customs have been Christianized, and a Christian chapel now stands close to the ancient shrine. Young people of both sexes used to seat them- selves upon the top of the stone upon little fagots of boxwood gathered in the neighbourhood, and then slide down to the bottom. According to the old saying an upset meant waiting ; an em- brace signified mutual affection ; a collision, indifference ; and an embrace followed by rolling over indicated matrimonial suitability. Similar customs prevailed at Trou-deux-Trous, situated near to the Rocher Ride-cul. These two megalithic temples disappeared about forty years ago, their materials have been used as fluxes in smelting works. 316 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION married,^ and in Belgium,^ as in Brittany,^ if the image prove too hard, the reminding pin is stuck instead into a fissure, or into the door of the niche containing the image. Besides these mere vestiges of pre-historic customs and belief, by referring to certain illustrated documents bearing upon the subject, it would be easy to work out the connec- tion between the worship of saints which is pre- valent in Belgium in the present day, and the pagan worship of the ancient Celts and Germans.* ^Bulletin de Folklore, i., 250-251. 2 Ibidem. ^ The menhir of the Pierre-Frite in the valley of Lunain. In nearly every hole or fissure of this monument, a nail or pin has been stuck by the young people of that part in the belief that it will ensure them a speedy marriage. {Revue des traditions popu- laires, 1893, p. 448.) ''See for Saint Eloi, Mdusine, viii., 122-132 ; for Saint Martin, Bulletin de Folklore, i,, 309-315 ; for Saint Hubert, Gaidez, La Bage et Saint Hubert. PAET III RESUME AND CONCLUSIONS When an institution or an organ ceases to be functional or in any way useful, it very soon disappears altogether. If, as happens in some exceptional cases, it persists, it is because neither of the chief factors in causing atrophy, variability or selection, have intervened. Sometimes the vestiges are of too insignificant a nature to call for their removal by either artificial or natural selection, and sometimes their existence is ensured by the lack of variability, as in the case of the persistence of flowers in plants which multiply asexually. This absence of varia- tion occurs equally in the social domain, especially in matters connected with religion, wherein ancient customs are credited with a divine origin. Eeligions may pass away, philosophies may be transformed, and old beliefs cease to prevail, but the remnants of old creeds, conveyed by popular tradition through the centuries, defy destruction by modern innovations. The ancient winter festival, on which day the 3*7 318 CAUSES OF DEGENERATIVE EVOLUTION dead were supposed to leave their graves and join the living in a feast around the family hearth, is still celebrated in the keeping of Christmas and in the various customary practices on the first two days of November. The May-Day festivals — pagan festivals held in honour of vegetable and human fecundity — are still held in their early form round about Locmariaquer and in the village of Campine. Traces also remain in the picking and wearing of flowers on the 1st of May, and the same day is selected by the socialists for the celebration of their near approach to a life under freer and happier conditions. This survival of festivals, customs and traditions, while the religions and civilizations which produced them have passed away, is the principal link which connects us with bygone generations. " Their value lies," says Houzeau in his Etude de la Nature, " in the establishment of a chain between successive generations. The memory of an indivi- dual may be regarded as constituting his personality. Take from him the memory of his past, and he is left at a point in time wherein there is no stability and complete isolation. To be himself, a man requires not only his recollections, but a knowledge of his past habits and traditions. When a savage is removed from his fellows and transported to new surround- ings in a distant country, he loses all knowledge of his former condition. Society itself, made up as it SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 319 is of customs and prejudices, constitutes history. The mirror of the past is exhibited in the conscious- ness of the collective individual which is called a nation. What link shall we have with former generations if not a heritage of their ideas — i.e. of their discoveries and their mistakes ? Nations, like individuals, are continually modifying this inherited legacy, but, like the individual, they cannot get away from it without breaking the thread which has made them themselves." GENERAL CONCLUSIONS All evolution is at once progressive and retro- gressive. All modifications of organs and institutions are attended by retrogression. This occurs equally in the modifications of organisms and of societies. All existing forms, whether organic or social, have undergone certain modifications, and, as a result, have lost some parts of their structure. This universality of degenerative evolution may be proved either by the comparative method, or by showing that all organisms contain rudimentary organs, and that all societies contain survivals. II Degenerative evolution follows no definite path, and can in no way be regarded as constituting a return to the primitive condition. In some cases — when one cause of dissolution equally and simultaneously affects all the parts of an institution or an organism — the most complicated and delicate structures are the first to disappear ; but it must not be taken as a general principle that the most complicated structures are necessarily 320 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 321 the most recent, and that consequently degeneration always retraces the path of progress. Evolution is irreversible, and accordingly, with a few more or less obvious exceptions, we draw the following conclusions : — 1. That an institution or an organ which has once disappeared never reappears. 2. That an institution or organ once reduced to the condition of a vestige cannot be re-established and resume its former func- tions. 3. Neither can they assume fresh functions. III Degenerative evolution is brought about by a limitation in means of subsistence — either in nutriment, capital or labour. In biology the prin- cipal if not the sole agents in its accomplishment are the struggle for existence between the various organs, and the struggle for existence between the various organisms. In sociology it is artificial selection which is the dominating agent, and natural selection plays only a secondary part. The occasional causes of degenerative evolution are inutility of function, insufficiency of nutri- ment or resource, and (in biology only) lack of space. X / 322 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS An institution or an organ which has ceased to be functional, and has also ceased to be useful either directly or indirectly, continues to exist if neither variability or selection intervene. TCRNBUI-L AND SPEARS, PRINTERS. EDIXBURGH. \;^^ THE International Scientific Series Edited by F. LEGGE. Each iBook complete in One X)ol. Crown 8vo. cloth, 5s., unless otherwise described. KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH. TRUBNER. AND CO. LTD. 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