UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES EVOLUTION BY MEANS OF HYBRIDIZATION EVOLUTION ~ BY MEANS OF HYBRIDIZATION BY J. P. LOTSY THE HAGUE MARTINUS NIJHOFF 1916 73183 To the Memory of Charles Darwin, this Sketch is dedicated by the Author as a Tribute to his Character and to his Work which lead to the general Recog- nition of the Principle of Evolution. PREFACE. As a Preface is in reality a Postscriptum, the author may be permitted to open it by mentioning omissions. The chief sin of omission he committed, is evidently the insufficient justice he did to the writings of Anton Kerner von Marilaun, who was — he wants to state this explicitly — the first to recognize fully the significance of crossing as the underlying cause of the origin of species. What else should a preface say? If the work is as condensed as the present one, it may perhaps suffise to repeat what Linnaeus said to Haller: Si quos in me vidisti errores, Tu sapientior haec ignoscas .... Quos plures apud me detegere potes, eo gratior ero, turn possum omnia corrigere vivus; post mortem non licet emendare propria opuscula. By which however the author does not consider himself bound to gratefulness for every kind of criticism. He is f . i. very little impressed by the kind of criticism which calls it , Inconceivable" ,,verging on the absurd" etc., to believe that crossing can ever have been the underlying cause of the origin of new species, from authors who firmly believe that the origin of new species should be ascribed to some kind of variability; because it seems to him ,,absurd" that those who advocate the origin of new species from a single ances- tral one, should reproach an author who defends such an origin from two ancestral species, of stating an ..inconceivable" opinion. To save another kind of critics unnecessary trouble, the author is fully prepared to admit unhesitatingly that his theory explains but part of the problem of evolution, so that there is ample room for them to ta- ke part in the exploration of this most interesting field of investigation; but he may be permitted to remark that the rest, left unexplained by theories based on variability, is not smaller than that left unexplained by his theory. VIII PREFACE. The advantage of the theory, here sketched out, seems to the author to be, that it is based on the experimentally proven fact that crossing gives rise to new forms, while, in as much as the real existence of here- ditary variability is not proven, all theories based on variability have a less solid basis. Unfortunately the final basis of evolution — the constitution of the germplasma — remains as yet an utter mystery, so that we know next to nothing of the final cause of evolution; the more reason to keep facts and mere surmises well separated. This the author has aimed at, and he flatters himself that, by so doing, he has cut a small peep-hole in the curtain which hides the stage on which evolution takes its course. Criticism within this contention, e. g. dealing with the part of evolution which is discussed in this sketch, will indeed be most welcome to him and will be considered in a careful manner and a grateful spirit. Du choc des opinions jaillit la verite! HAARLEM, February i6th 1916. PART I. INTRODUCTION. WHAT IS EVOLUTION? From the very moment that mankind began to re- flect, the desire was born to know how all those diffe- rent objects which man sees around him, came into being and many are the opinions, vague and detailed ones, which he has held and still holds on this momen- tous question. To the unexperienced, nature has the aspect of sta- bility, of being the same to day as yesterday and this conviction underlies all legends of deities, creating the earth in a few days, so as to have it ready for the crow- ning appearance of mankind. A little experience and a little reflection however, teaches us that the apparent stability of nature is de- ceptive, and that this impression is caused exclusively by the short time of observation, allowed to each single individual. A human life lasts but a moment of eternity and even the lives of many successive individuals are in- sufficient to observe slow changes in the aspect of nature. Even if a man could return to the earth every few centuries, he would yet be unable to see much change. A LUTHER, coming back to the Wartburg to day, could easily revisit all spots once familiar to Junker Jorg and believe that but a few days had passed since he last saw them. 4 INTRODUCTION. The stone which used to serve him as a resting place, is yet there, it is covered by the same species of mosses which grew there in the i6th century ; the same kinds of flowers adorn now as then, meadows and rocks, and Landgrafenschlucht, as well as Hohe-Sonne, would be familiar landmarks to him, while his feet would carry him, as in former ages, through Drachenschlucht and Annathal, back to the Marienthal from where he could ascend the Wartburg along familiar paths, and once there, even revisit his former abode. So it would appear, even to a returning Luther, as if the landscape of Thuringia — with the exception of minor alterations made bij man — were a permanent and unchangeable result of the working of a Creator. And yet this permanency of Nature is a delusion and a snare. We need not go very far back into the history of our globe, to find on the spot, now occupied by the Thu- ringian hills, a monotonous flat track of land, and if we recede a little further into tune, we see that this con- tinent was preceded by an Archipelago of small isles, while a little further back still, the spot now occupied by Thuringia, was covered by the waters of an ocean, on the bottom of which fragments of ancient rocks were interspersed by a few coral reefs, as a token of the power of the infinitely small, of the action of myriads of minute living beings. Gradually, slowly, ever so slowly, these fragments of rocks were kitted together by chalky and other sub- stances, a kit including the coral reefs also, and for- ming a new layer around that one, of the numberless INTRODUCTION. 5 celestial bodies which we call the globe, a layer des- tined to persist for countless ages as a horizontal crust. But below this crust, forces whose action never cea- ses continued their work of change. Under the influ- ence of the cold of celestial Space, our globe was forced to part with much of its heat and consequently had to contract. This caused the appearance of folds on her surface, of one of which the Thuringian hills are a rest. By such folding the fragments of rocks, as well as the coral reefs enclosed in the, up till then hori- zontal, ocean bottom underwent a considerable uphea- val. And of the fold, so formed, Thuringia is but a small rest; it has been lowered by the action of wind and water and the latter especially cut into it those deep valleys of Drachenschlucht and Mariathal which now delight our eyes, and isolated the Wartburgtop, enclo- sing in its conglomerate a coral-reef, destined to form in a distant future the foundation of the Castle which should serve Luther as a temporary abode. So it happened, that the translation of the Bible took place on the rests of small living beings, who countless ages ago, peopled an ocean, expanded hundreds of feet below the point where those corals are now found. What seemed so permanent, was thus but* short phase in the chain of changes which the earth and all it contains or supports, has to undergo. These changes of which there is no escape, neither for rocks nor for seas, nor for living beings, we call evolution. No wonder that man, once convinced of the exis- tence of so universal a change, wanted to know 6 INTRODUCTION. how evolution acted, and no wonder that numerous different opinions have been held on this fascinat- ing subject. Even yet, we are far from a communis opinio. We are best informed as to the non-living part of the universe. Ingeniously worked out methods have given us the certainty that all celestial bodies consist chiefly of the same kind of substances, and we have also ascertained that a comparatively small number of primary substances — the so called elements — suffise to compose alle those numerous substances which oc- cur in nature or can be made in our laboratories. The discovery of the existence of these elements led at first and had to lead, to the conception that elements were absolutely independent primary substances, but PROUT, a London physician (obiit 1850), called already in 1815, attention to the fact that the atomic weights of all elements are invariably integer multiples of the atomic weight of the element Hydrogen, and from this knowledge deducted the hypothesis that all elements might very well be derivatives, by a process of con- densation, of Hydrogen. It has later been shown that the integrity of these multiples is not perfect, but the ascertained deviations were not sufficiently great, to force us to discard Prout's supposition of the existence of some kind of connexion between the different elements. On the contrary, Mendelejeffs periodical system ga- ve new support to Prout's idea. This system arranges the elements in a series accor- ding to their atomic weights. Part of the elements so INTRODUCTION. 7 arranged, forms a series with pretty equal intervals between the successive atomic weights; at several points however considerable gaps occur. From this irregularity MENDELEJEFF concluded that there must exist other elements — till then unknown — and he ventured to predict that the gaps in his series would gradually be filled up by these missing links, of which he even predicted the atomic weights. In many cases the gaps have really been thus filled, and this of course gave strong support to the idea that elements are not such independent primary substances, as one had previously supposed them to be. Yet, decisive proof for a genetic connexion between the several elements lacked until the discovery of the radioactive elements by Monsieur et Madame CuRiE,de- monstrating the direct transformability of the elements. We now know that a number of elements, among which Ionium, Radium, Polonium and very probably lead also, can be directly derived from Uranium by a process of splitting off Helium, with the atomic weight 4, and electrons, whose apparent mass is but 'VMM part of a hydrogen-atom. Unfortunately, it is as yet impossible to excert even the slightest influence on the process of radioactivity, and it is especially unfortunate -that we cannot reverse the process and thus, by adding Helium and Electrons to lead f. i., build up Uranium. But the fact that other elements e. g. Potassium and Rubidium also, though in a much slighter degree, show signs of radioactivity, justifies the supposition that Helium takes part in the building up of all elements, 8 INTRODUCTION. and this is of so great an importance, because the ne- bulae which are considered to be the first stages in the evolution of the celestial bodies consist, if not ex- clusively, at least chiefly of Helium. This leads to the conception that during the deve- lopment of celestial bodies from nebulae, the elements were formed of Helium or of a similar substance, and that these elements, later on, united for the greater part with other elements, thus forming more complica- ted chemical bodies. Bij this process also, water and rocks were formed which, under the influence of the changes in the form of the earth's crust, caused by cooling off, changed places, so that where mountains once were, oceans now spread their waters and reversely. Of course, the time required to bring about all these changes has* been a long one ; its length can be deter- mined approximately by studying the behaviour of radioactive minerals. Radio-activity namely, proceeds with a velocity, independent of external circumstances such as heat etc., and this allows us to calculate, if the quantity of Helium present in a mineral is known, by determi- nation of the quantity of Helium yearly split off by this mineral, the minimum age of it. It was thus possi- ble to state positively, that Titanite or Grothitefrom the Archaic Period must, at the very least, be 710 mil- lion years of age, and this agrees quite well with the estimate of the earth's age at 1000 millions of years, derived from data, concerning the formation of the great saltbeds. INTRODUCTION. 9 This means, that if the complete history of the earth couldbe compressed intercourse of daily one-hour lectu- res lasting one and a half year, the life of a student — suppose he could begin attending them immediately after birth and continue to do so up to the comple- tion of his 8oth year — would be just sufficient to hear two seconds of these lectures. Once — or repeatedly — during this long, long pe- riod, living beings arose from much more complicated combinations of the elements also. Keen as this deduction may seem to be, in the face of the fact that generatio aequivoca has never yet been demonstrated., we are nevertheless forced to it. istly. because there has been a time in the history of the earth, during which life was impossible upon it. 2dly. because we know that no other elements occur in the living beings than in non-living nature, so that both are composed of the same substan- ces. 3 y = i> z = $> °f all- ,,Now, bij an analysis of the sort already given, it ,,will be found that at the next self-fertilization, x ,,remains x ; y breaks up, x/4 of these becoming x, j,1^ of these becoming z, and x/4 remaining y ; z breaks ,,up, 1/2 of these becoming x, 1/2 remaining z. ,,Now, when we recall that before the second ferti- ,,lization x was */4; y l/4, and z, J/2of all, we see from THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 73 ,,the above that after the second fertilization: ,,These are the formulae for % and y that were ob- tained by the other method (since here n and m ,,are each 2). This method however gives in addi- tion a direct formula for z. ,,It is easy to verify the formulae for three pairs ,,of characters, though of course the conditions be- ,,come here somewhat more complex. „ We may now summarize our formulae, and show ,,the results they give in certain examples. ,,Let % = the proportional number of organisms ,,that are pure homozygotes (with respect to all ,,the characters considered). ,,y = the proportion that'arelieterozygotic with respect to all the characters concerned, z = the proportion that are mixed, v = the proportion that have any hetero- zygotic characters. ,,Then,if« = the number of successive self-fertili- zations and m = the number of pairs of characters, * - fer, M y = («wre> (2) z = i — (x + y), (3) 2mn — (2n i)m v = i — x= • (4) 74 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. Examples : (i) Suppose that there have been 8 self- fertilizations, and that we are dealing with 10 pairs ,,of characters. ,,What proportion x of the organisms will be ho- ,,mozygotic with respect to all the 10 characters? ,,What proportion will be homozygotic with respect ,,to any given one character ? To any given two or ,,three? ,,Taking first the case for the entire 10 characters, by ,,formula (i) ,,Thus, out of 100 individuals, somewhat above 96 „ would be pure homozygotes; or by formula (4), but ,,one in 26 would be heterozygotic in any respect ,,(v = 0.038383). ,,With respect to any one character formula (i) gives : * = P?^ 25! = °'"609375' ,,so that all but 4 in 1000 would be homozygotes with ,,respect to that character" ,,In the same way we find that with respect to any ,,two characters the proportion of homozygotes ,,would be 0.9922 ; with respect to three, 0.9883 ; with ,,respect to four, 0.9845, etc. (2) Suppose that there are 20 pairs of characters, and that there have been 20 self fertilisations. Then : (2to I\w /i. 048575X2° . -0— I = I 0^5) =1°S 9-9999957 = 0.999998. ,,That is, of a million individuals, all but two would be ,,pure homozygotes. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 75 ,,It thus appears that if the number of separable ,,hereditable characters is not very great (say not „ above 100), while the organism has been self fer- tilized for many generations, it is to be expected ,,that practically all of the organisms will be homo- ,,zygotic with respect to all their characters, they ,,will be ,,pure homozygotes" In other words this calculation leads to a result re- sembling that of a Linneon, like Triticum vulgare, con- sisting of a large number of different pure lines. Now let us see what the calculation of what hap- pens in an intercrossing population of segregates from a cross, will teach us. Calculation of what is likely to happen, if free intercrossing follows an initial cros between organisms, diffe- ring in one or more respects. This has been calculated repeatedly, always with the same result f. i. by Baur ad edition p. 123 — 129. The simplest calculation I am acquainted with is by Reimers in a forthcoming article on ,,Die Bedeutung des Mende- lismus fur die landwirtschaftliche Tierzucht" which will soon be published by Martinus Nijhoff in the Ha- gue. He argues about in the following way: i. The parents differ in one factor only. If we call this factor A and its absence a, all Ft individuals must be Aa. In F2 we will find the same proportions as after selffertilisation, because it is of course indifferent, whether the eggcell A or a is fertilised by Pollen A or a, derived from the same, 76 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. or from any other plant. It is the constitution of the pollen, not its source which causes the effect. In the second generation the proportions of the differently constituted plants will therefore be i AA : 2 Aa : i aa. If each of these plants forms the same number of gametes, say four, we will get 4 A gametes from the A A plant, 4 A gametes and 4 a gametes from the two Aa plants and 4 a gametes from the aa plant so that we get 8 A 8 a 8 A 8 a 64 AA 64 Aa 64 Aa 64 aa which means the same proportion as in F2, viz i AA : 2 Aa : i aa. The proportional frequency of the different combina- tions consequently remains the same, in consecutive Ge- nerations, if promiscuous mating takes place. 2) The parents differ in several factors. In this case the proportions of course must remain the same also in subsequent generations, if the fac- tors are independent in respect to one another, because then, the same applies to each set of two factors, as was calculated above for the set Aa. We may therefore conclude: Promiscuous mating brings no change in the proporti- anal frequency of the different possible combinations in subsequent generations ; there is no loss of heterozygotes in THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 77 favour to homozygotes, as happens in the case of habitual self fertilisers. This agrees fully with Baurs results, calculated on the basis of promiscuous mating of white and black mice, about which he says: ,,Ueberlassen wir nun eine Population vain dieser Zu- ,,sammensetzung sich zur weiteren panmiktischen Ver- ,,mehrung, so werden alle folgenden Generationen das ,,gleiche Zahlenverhaltniss zwischen den weissen (aa) ,,und den beiden sorten (AA und Aa) von schwarzen ,,Tieren aufweisen." These calculations consequently lead to the result: Self fertilisation after a cross leads to a considerable proportional increase of the homozygotes in subsequent generations, random mating has no such effect : the pro- portion of homozygotes to heterozygotes remains the same in successive generations, Now all such calculations suffer from the impossible supposition that all individuals born, reach maturity, form an equal number of gametes, and that all these gametes mate and form viable zygotes, by which kind of calculation — as is well known — a human couple, in the possession of one cock and six hens, can look for- ward not only to a prosperous, but even to a wealthy life. Unfortunately, the ideal conditions on which such calculations are based are never realised, so that the calculated proportion of homozygotes to heterozygo- tes is valueless, also because strict selffertilisation ne- ver persists in nature, even not in such ,,typical" self- fertilizers as wheat. So NILSSON-EHLE showed that Pudelweizen can be 78 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. inadvertently crossed to the extent of I % by other forms, RIMPAU found similar numbers in the case of four-rowed barley, and MAYER-GMELIN even higher ones in beans. Yet, in a very general way, the difference in behaviour between self fertilizers and individuals, mating at ran- dom after a cross, is correct. Now it is a fact, fully worth our attention, that— in a general way also — what we find in nature, agrees with these calculations, as far as selffertilisers are concerned, but, as a rule, does not agree when random-mating occurs. Selffertilizing Linneons consist really of a great number of distinct forms — though generally not so astonishingly pure as the calculation would make us suppose — while Linneons, within which random-ma- ting occurs, usually have a rather uniform aspect. Of course there is no sharp limit between these two categories of Linneons, and this cannot be expected either because strict self fertilisation occurs as little as absolutely promiscuous mating, and what seems, at first sight to be uniform, proves sometimes to be mul- tiform on closer examination. So f. i. R. E. LLOYD (The Growth of Groups in the Animal Kingdom. Longman Green & C°. 1912. 185 pp.) fide American Naturalist 47. 1913, on studying rats in connexion with the plague problem in India, found that small groups of rats, differing in some res- pects from the forms regarded as typical, occur here and there. But even if we take full account of this lack of a sharp limit between self-fertilisers and random- THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 79 maters, the difference between the Linneons, consis- ting of self-fertilisers, and those consisting of freely intercrossing types, is too apparent to be explained away. Now what is the reason of this difference? If it is correct that mutation does not exist — and a sentence in Nillson-Ehle's article on: ,,Gibteserb- liche Weizenrassen mit mehr oder weniger vollstan- diger Selbstbefruchtung ? Ztschr. f . Pflanzenzuchtung 1915 p 5., gives additional support tot his conten- tion: ,,In der Nachkommenschaft recessiv-merkmaliger F2 individuen ,,von Weizenbastardirungen kommen nicht selten vereinzelte Indi- ,,viduen mit dem dominanten Merkmal vor und ihre Zuruckfuh- ,,rung auf Vicinismus (crossing with a neighbour of another form) ^ann, angesichts der bei diesem Versuch gefundendenen oben ,,mitgeteilten, Zahlen keineswegs als unbegriindet angesehen wer- ,,den", then the only way by which the number of homozy- gotes can increase in succeeding generations of a freely intercrossing community is: selection. So that, if it is correct, that a Linneon is the rest of what arose from a former cross, the fact that Linneons inside of which free inter- crossing occurs, obtain generally a more or less uniform aspect, is definite proof for Darwin's conten- tion that selection, at least intra- linneontic one, in nature, is a fact. It must, of course, be argued that selection will occur as well within self-fertilizing Linneons as within Lin- neons inside of which free-intercrossing occurs, but this must then lead to a different effect. 8o THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. Now let us look into this question. Inside of a community of different types, originated from a cross, which do not further intercross, we will get, as calculated above, after a number of generations a large number of species, and but comparatively few heterozygotes. The effect of selection can therefore be nothing else than a reduction of the number of species arisen, by elimination of the ones less well fitted to survive, than those which are not eliminated. Now this is exactly what happens. About the effect of cold as a selector Nilsson-Ehle says in the article quoted above: Besonders schnell degeneriren im Klima Schwedens wenig winterfeste Sorten (Linneons according to our nomenclature); die abweichenden Typen nehmen, wenn sie winterfester als die echten sind, nach stren- gen Wintern sehr rasch an Zahl zu und konnen bald vorherrschend werden. Die Sorte verliert dann zulezt ganzlich ihren urspriinglichen Charakter." Now what can be expected to happen in a freely intercrossing community, say if the dominant type is for some reason or other favored through extermination of the recessives in proportionally greater numbers than the dominants? Such a selection must necessarily also favor the hybrids with dominant appearance because, if f. i. a grey rabbit is favored, on account of its protective color, such a protection is not the outcome of its genotypical constitution but of its phenotypical as- pect, and as this does not differ from that of the pure THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 8l dominants, pure dominants and dominant-hybrids will profit equally by their protective coloring. Suppose we have an F2 generation consisting of i AA plant 2 Aa plants and i aa plant and of these aa Plants 50 % perish on account of their conspicuousness, then we will have i AA plant 2 Aa plants and \ aa plant left. If we assume now, as in the example on p 76 that each plant forms 4 gametes, we get 4 A gametes from the A A plant, 8 gametes from the two Aa plants of which 4 are A and 4 a, and 2 a gametes from the | aa plant, which will combine: 8 A 6 a 8 A 6 a X 36 aa 64 AA 48 Aa 48 Aa 64 AA 96 Aa 36 aa consequently in the proportion 16 AA : 24 Aa : 9 aa against the proportion 16 AA : 32 Aa : 16 aa in the preceding generation. Or, if we count AA and Aa together as phenotypi- cally indistinctible, we get the proportion 40 : 9 against 48 : 16 or 4^- : i against 3:1. But not only has the number of phenotypically dominant forms increa- sed considerably, as compared with the recessives, but also the number of pure dominants, as compared with the number of dominant-hybrids, this being in the preceding generation 16 : 32 or i : 2 and in this ge- neration 16 : 24 or 2 : 3 in other words an increase from \ to f . 82 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. Consequently : favoring of the domi- nants in a freely intercrossing community tends to cause an overwhelming majority of the dominant form, simulating uniformity pretty soon, because the dominant hybrids are indistinctible from the pure dominants. And this is exactly what we see in Linneons like wild rabbits, where free intercrossing reigns supreme, thus giving great support to Darwin's idea of the great influence of selection in nature. Furthermore, if it is true, that there are no strict selffertilizers in nature, we must find it easier to obtain, even in so called selffer- tilizers, the recessives pure than the dominants, because then, there must be among the phenotypically domi- nant forms some dominant-hybrids. Now this is exactly what does occur. About it Nils- son Ehle says in his article, quoted already: ,,Bei der praktischen Reinhaltung van Weizensor- ,,ten mittels Entfernung abweichender Aehrentypen ,,aus den Vermehrungen spielen ferner die Merkma- ,,le der Weizensorte ob dominant oder recessif eine ,,sehr wichtige Rolle. Eine Sorte mit kahlen oder ,,weissen Aehren (recessive Merkmale) ist leichter von ,,behaarten bezw. braunen Abweichungen rein zu ,,halten als eine behaarte oder braune Sorte (domini- ,,rende Merkmale) von Kahlen bezw. Weissen. Beider ,,Entfernung der Abweichungen werden namlich im ,,vorigenFalle auch eventuelleHeterozygotenmitausge- ,,zogen. Im letzten Falle bleiben aber die Heterozygo- ,,ten zuriick, wenigsten zum Teil, weil sie, ebensowie ,,die typischen Individuen, braun bezw. behaart sind ,,und spalten deshalb im nachsten Jahre wieder weisse THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 83 ,,bezw. kahle Individuen ab; auch nach sorgfaltig- ,,ster Reinpfliickung man somit das nachste Jahr ,,wieder dieselben Abweichungen, obwohl eventuell in ,,geringerer Zahl." In cases where crossing is entirely excluded, the only selection possible is through extermination of cer- tain species within the Linneon. That, although strict fertilizers may not exist, at least some forms cross much less frequently than others, results from Nilsson- Ehle's experience in a mixed planting of Pudelweizen and a wheat designated as n°. 0728, which showed that the first kind was spontaneously crossed by the latter, but the latter not by the first. Yet, so great a selfprotection against crossing is rare in nature. So that, if our contention is correct,that a Linneon is a group of individuals of dif ferentconstitutions, which is but a rest of many more different types which sprang from a cross, andif selection causes a freely intercrossing community in nature to become apparently uniform in aspect, we may expect to find that, especially among animals, the Linneons will, by their uniform aspect, tend to simulate species. This question is of such considerable importance, and touches so closely the question how one came to consider the appearance of individuals, deviating from the form, considered to be typical for a particular Linneon, as evidence of variability, that I may be permitted to enlarge a little upon it. Let us take as an example the wild rabbits, refer- red to the Linneon : Lepus cuniculus. 84 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. Every child will tell you : wild rabbits are grey, but people better acquainted with rabbits, gamekeepers f. i., know that occasionally black and orange-yellow rabbits occur in nature. As these are evidently much in the minority compared with the grey ones, they jump to the conclusion that the grey ones aretheorig- nal form, while the black and the yellow ones are the varieties derived from this original form. Systematists use to express this by saying that the most common form is the ,,species", while the rare ones are „ varieties". Now the cause of this conception really is nothing but the overwhelming majority of the greys. If */s of all wild rabbits were grey, x/a yellow and x/3 black, one would probably have made 3 species of them, and never have entertained the idea of variability or, if yet some systematist had united them to one species, one would anyhow, if the idea of a common descent had cropped up, been at a perfect loss to decide which form was the original one: the grey, the black or the yellow one, which had to be considered to be derived. So that, if it was not exclusively the fact that within most Linnean species, especially within animal ones, one form is in the overwhelming majority which cau- sed the conception of variability, it certainly was this fact which led to the conception of a single form being the ancestor of all others. Now as we calculated already, there is no reason what- ever for such a contention. By crossing the type in the majority with those in the minority, we find that the type in the majority is THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 85 the dominant one, the others prove to be recessives in regard to this type. And as we find always that the type in the majority in nature, is the dominant one, this dominant type has proved — on our contention that its frequency is due to selection of the most resistant type — to be stronger than the recessives. Now although ,,most resistant" and ,,strongest" are rather vague expressions, we all know that when we are dealing with organisms from the same region in which our experiment gardens are situated, — which is essential for comparison, because what is most resis- tant in our climate may prove to be least resistant say in the tropics — the recessives usually are by far the weaker forms. And this also supports Darwin's contention of con- siderable selection taking place in nature. But the effect of changed conditions may also be the survival of recessives. We saw that free intercrossing within the Linneon in nature, must finally cause an impression of unifor- mity, because the hybrids are indistinctible from the favored dominant form and thus are mistaken for the latter. The hybrids among the apparently pure dominants throw recessives only, if they pair with another hybrid, while if they pair with a pure domi- nant, all children have again the aspect of the domi- nants. Even without selection this causes, as we all know, already a considerable majority of the type exhibiting the dominant cahracters, compared to the frequency in which the recessive type occurs; this 86 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. majority being in F2 of a cross of two forms differing in one respect only, 3:1. If, as in rabbits, the domi- nant colour f. i. is selected for the protective effect it confers on the animals possessing it, this majority of course increases rapidly. We can imagine however easily, that a change of conditions f. i. a migration of the rabbits from the dunes to black earth, would divest the dominant color, grey, from its protective power, and thus cause an increase of the, now protectively colored, black reces- cives. This might even go so far that only one type, reces- sive in all characters, survives in which case the Lin- neon has been reduced to a pure species and conse- quently stops to ,,vary." As „ variation" by crossing is — by the plasticity it confers on the Linneon — a means and probably the chief one, to adapt such a Linneon to changing conditions the dying out of certain Linneons may have been caused by such a survival of pure recessi- ves only, putting a final stop to the possibility of such a species to adapt itself to changed conditions, unless a cross with an individual belonging to another Linneon, creates fresh opportunities to ,,vary." If no such cross occurs, if such a Linneon reduced to a pure species is doomed to remain single, it is — if conditions change — unable to form a progeny able to adapt itself to these changed conditions, and conse- quently must die out, exactly as human families whose members remain single; though it may remain in existence for a considerable time, if no untoward THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 87 change in the conditions to which it is itself adapted or, if one prefers, resistant, takes place. While thus extermination of dominants may lead, by the narrowing down of the Linneon to a single recessive species, to its extinction, elimination of the recessives never leads to their total extinction, because these recesives survive cryptomerously in the gametes of those hy- brids which are indistinctible from the dominants, and therefore share all protection which the latter may enjoy. The idea that the aberrant types — the recessives — are varieties of the most common type — the do- minant one — is consequently a mistake ; the aberrant forms never arose from the dominant one, but are se- gregates from the hybrids indistinctible from the do- minant type. Hereditable variability spells segregation. The Linneon: Lepus cuniculus, consequently is not a unit but a group of different types and their hybrids. That this is really the case would be difficult to pro- ve in the case of the wild rabbit, because we can get this proof only by mating two hybrid grey forms and, as these are indistinctible from the pure dominants, a very large number of matings would be required to find a pair of such hybrids. If we disposed of a sufficiently large number of pure black wild rabbits, it would however be compara- tively easy to get the impure grey males because a grey male mated with such a black, giving grey children only, would be pure ; a grey male mated with such a black (preferably with the same), giving a mixture of 88 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. black and grey children, on the other hand, would betray its hybrid nature. In the same manner mating grey females with a black male would reveal to us the purity or impurity of the grey female which, if pure, would get grey chil- dren only, if impure, grey and black ones. An impure grey male and an impure grey female, so found out, paired together, would give a certain percentage of black children and thus prove our contention that there must be hybrids among the apparently pure wild grey rabbits. The quickest way to obtain such impure greys would probably be to catch a pregnant black female, as such a one is very likely to owe its pregnancy to a grey male, pure or impure, and consequently will either throw a litter of exclusively impure greys or consisting of a mixture of impure greys and pure blacks. The fact that in Java frequently black and spotted panthers are found in the same litter, is conclusive proof that among either the black or the spotted panther in Java, there are hybrid individuals. All such kinds of impurity are much easier demonstra- ted in the case of plants which can be selffertilized, be- cause here isolation of a sufficiently large number of individuals of the phenotypically dominant type re- veals to us, by their several progenies, at once the pre- sence of hybrids. In this way, I was able to show that among our or- dinary brown wallflowers (Cheiranthus Cheiri) some are pure dominants, while others are hybrids, segrega- ting violets, golden-yellows and whites, thus showing that the wallflower is not a species but a Linneon, con- THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 89 sisting of four different species : brown — violet — gol- denyellow — and white-flowering ones and their hybrids. With this demonstration of course the real origin of these species is not explained. It probably lies, as experiments with Antirrhinums show, in a previous cross between two individuals belonging to different Linneons. Such a cross gives us — if the forms originally cros- sed were pure — a uniform Fx, each individual of which, after selfing, gives rise to a large number of differ- ently constituted individuals, some of which are hetero- zygotes while others are homozygotes or pure species. Every cross between two individuals, differing in many respects, consequently gives rise to the produc- tion of a mass of differently constituted types, far grea- ter than the number of separate types usually found within a wild Linneon. This is caused by the fact that of the number of different forms which were born from a cross, only a small number survives. The Linneon is consequently the vestige, consisting of a comparatively small num- ber of differently constituted types, of that very large number of types born as the result of a cross. The number of types born from crossing in nature, is usually even much larger than that resulting from a cross we effect purposely in our experimentgarden, because in nature crossing is not limited to a single ini- tial cross, but usually a large number of crosses occurs at the same time. This can be esasily demonstrated by QO THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. planting a single individual of Antirrhinum glutino- sum in an experimentgarden, in which a large number of different types of Antirrhinum are cultivated. As Antirrhinum glutinosum is selfsterile, we can observe the result at once in Fv Now the result , obtained in such a case in Bennebroek, was an enormunsly varied Fx which could be explained, either by the fact, that the individual of A. glutino- sum had been crossfertilized by a number of different Antirrhinum-types, the pollen of which had been car- ried by bumblebees to the different flowers of the glu- tinosum-individual, or by a single, but highly hetero- zygous, type. A priori, the former was the most probable but this single experiment was insufficient to settle what had really happened. To settle this point, several individuals of A-glutino- sum were planted out and seeds of one of them collected. The result was the same: a multiform Flf but this time there were pure glutinosum-forms among this Flf which failed to appear in the first one. It was thus proved that A. glutinosum was fertilised at least by two of the different types present in the garden viz by A. glutinosum and by at least one hetero- zygous type of A. majus, much more probably by several types, the pollen of which had been brought to the glutinosum plant by insects. This experiment is yet in progress with the overwin- tered Fj plants which of course will continue to cross with one another and with other types present in the garden, thus giving continuously rise to new types, THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 91 just as will happen in nature, and so continue to cre- ate yearly a number of new types which are able to fill a good many opportunities for existence, present in their neighbourhood or within a distance to which their seeds may be carried, thus offering in other words, splendid material for adaptation. What is born, consequently depends on what is crossed, what survives, on the local circumstances of the birth-place of the new forms and on those of its neighbourhood. If the same kind of cross takes place in Japan and in Holland, the same forms will be born at those two distant places. So I found f. i. a white Mus rattus with a brown head and brown shoulders caught in Leiden, hardly distinctible from a similar form from Japan in the Leiden Museum . As the Linneon Mus rattus ranges from Holland to Japan, it evidently gives rise to the same recessive forms, when two hybrids indistinctible from the black dominants pair, irrespective of the spot where this pairing takes place. Now it might very well happen, that the black form disappeared from Japan and survived in Holland, through local conditions favoring the survival of the recessive form in Japan, in which case these two forms would be considered as different ,,species", in support of which distinction, one would not fail to lay stress upon their occurence in very distant, not overlapping areas. Such a thing will happen especially frequently with Linneons of plants, containing forms of a different de- gree of resistancy against frost which leads to a diffe- rence in the composition of such Linneons in different 92 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. countries, causing them to be considered specifi- cally" different. That this is so, is shown by Nilsson- Ehle's experience that certain ,,species" of wheat, in- troduced into Sweden, and cultivated there for some time, become of quite another type by the weeding out of the but little frostresistant strains by the Swedish climate. In many cases, as we saw, freely intercrossing Jor- danons cause the Linneons to get, in nature, a uni- form aspect. Yet there are cases in which such Linneons show a bewildering multiformity either in several or in one respect, even at first sight. The most beautiful exemple of this, I ever saw, is fur- nished by a series of about 200 specimens of Buteo Buteo in the Leiden Museum, hardly two of which are alike, and which resemble very much, what one would expect to obtain, after segregation in F2 J). The reason, that this lot resembles an F2 generation probably is that here no selection has been at work, because this bird of prey is so strong that it has practically no ennemies in the regions in which it occurs. In cases, where the Linneon is more uniform in as- pect but yet shows great diversity in one respect, the explanation probably is, that as far as the „ variable" character is concerned, selection did not take place. So f. i. Symphytum officinale which, at least in the neighbour hood of Bennebroek is self-sterile and con- sequently forms an intercrossing community, like that *) I regret it greatly that it is not possible to publish a colored plate of this most important series. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 93 of Lepus or Buteo, shows all kinds of colors in its flo- wers, f . i. dark-violet, light violet, different shades of red, whites etc. The same is the case with the blue-eyed, grey-eyed, brown eyed and black eyed human individuals. The explanation is probably that none of these co- lors gives a special advantage in our region and conse- quently there is no elimination. That, notwithstanding these differences, we continue to consider such het erogenous groups as Linneons, is because we abstract from differences, considered to be unessential, such as color of flowers etc. and take so cal- led essential characters as criteria as explained on p. 50. That other self-sterile forms behave just the same among plants as among animals, e. g. tend to become uniform by selection of certain characteristics, is pro- ved by the behaviour of the strictly-self sterile Car- damine pratensis inside of which Linneon no such stri- king differences in the colors of the flowers occur. In other cases, in which we find great diversity of form, as f . i. within the Linneon : Taraxacum vulgare, the cause is very different from that which causes diver- sity in the case of Symphytum. Taraxacum vulgare is — with the exception of one form in Japan — , notwithstanding the fact that its flowers are perfect and produce quantities of pollen, never fertilized, but reproduces itself apogamously; consequently selection can have no other effect than to decrease the number of different forms, just as in the case of strict self-fertilizers. Other polymorphous Linneons, like some in the gene- 94 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. ra Hieracium and Antennaria, though occasionally able to reproduce themselves in the normal sexual way, and consequently open to an occasional cross, yet usually, behave like Taraxum which explains their high degree of polymorphism. Of course, if apogamy follows directly upon a cross, it perpetuates not only the homozygous forms but the heterozygous ones as well — just as cuttings do — so that the conclusion, drawn by EAST AND HAYES from the fact (if it be a fact) that such Hieracia occasionally ,,vary" and consequently crossing can not be the only cause of „ variability", is unwarranted because of course heterozygous apogamous forms can give rise to a num- ber of different forms, can ,,vary" as a result of vegeta- tive segregation, shown by East himself, to exist f. i. among potatoes. Summa Summarum, I think we may say that a Lin- neon is a vestigial group of a once much larger group of differently constituted types, born from a cross, which is apt to simulate a species by the overwhelming majority of the dominant types it contains, as a result of free-inter- crossing, combined with a favoring of the dominants by a process of selection, weeding out the weaker or more con- spicuous recessives; this uniformity being more apparent than real, because pure dominants are indistinctible, in most cases, from dominant-hybrids. A Linneon consequently is nothing but a group of morphologically similar individuals. It may consist of almost nothing but pure species and a few hybrids, as it does in habitual self-fertilizers ; it may consist of a mixture of homozygotes and heterozygotes, reprodu- THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 95 cing themselves apagomously as in the case of Tara- xum officinale, it may consist chiefly of pure domi- nants and hybrids, resembling these, with a slight ad- mixture of pure species (the recessives) as in the case of the wild rabbits or of the brown-flowered Cheiranthus Cheiri, or it may consist of almost nothing but hy- brids of different constitutions, as it does f . i. in the case of Symphytum officinale and of human beings. That, even in such cases as these last ones, we keep up the conception of a Linneon, is caused by the fact that we are impregnated, from infancy almost, with the con- viction that some characters are essential for a Linneon while others are not, so that we refuse to cut up a Lin- neon into smaller groups, as long as these ,,essential" characters e. g. those common to all the different types within the Linneon, are not brought into play, which of course they never can, as we ourselves did limit the Linneon by the criterium of the very presence of these characters in all its individuals. CHAPTER VIII. THE LIMITS OF LINNEONS. That Linneons are more or less distinctly limited, is apparent from the fact that in subdivising the living Kingdom, one made unconsciously halt at the border of each Linneon, and so was led to consider them as real species, such as Linnaeus believed them to be. In most cases the limits between the smaller units within the Linneon, are much less conspicuous, so that it lasted until the middle of the igth century before Jordan discovered even the mere existence of such smaller units within the Linneon. This difference in the distinctness of the limits between the Jordanons and the Linneons needs explaining. We must enquire into this question by asking: are there cases, in which the Jordanons within a Linneon are as distinct as the Linneons themselves and are there cases in which this is not the case? The answer is that there are, so that the question remains, what causes this difference? Investigation shows that poor distinctness of the Jor- danonswithin the Linneon, occurs in all cases where these Jordanons intercross freely and selection favors a certain type, and that this distinctness increases in the same ra- tio as intercrossing decreases, so that it reaches its maxi- mum when crossing does not occur at all, as in those cases THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 97 in which the different types are perpetuated apoga- mously. This gives us the clue as to the difference in distinctness of the units within the Linneon and between the different Linneons themselves', the units within each Linneon form an intercrossing community, while the Linneons them- selves usually do not intercross.' Why not? Because mostly, individuals belonging to different Linneons, have either an aversion to mating or are pre- vented from mating, by isolation either in space (occur- rence in different regions) or in tune (different time of flowering or different time of rutting) or by mechanic obstacles (differences in size of the male of the one and the female of the other Linneon, non-fitting copula- ting organs etc.) , all this accentuated by the fact that in many cases, even if mating occurs, no progeny or a sterile progeny only, results. The distinctness of the Linneons is consequently caused by the obstacles against mating of the individuals belon- ging to different Linneons, which obstacles may be rela- tive obstacles which can be overcome, such as aversion f. i. or final obstacles which cannot be overcome : innate steri- lity as f. i. between many Linneons of the genus Verbas- cum . Consequently it is nature itself which groups the indi- viduals to Linneons and Linneons are thus something more than mere conceptions of the human mind ; it are natural intercrossing communities of differently constitu- 98 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. ted types. As we have seen that constant intercrossing, such as takes place inside of many Linneons between the different types, by the selection of a certain type, which is the rule in nature, has finally a swamping effect, leading to an overwhelming majority of the dominant type — including both pure dominants and hybrids indistinctible from these at sight — there is no reason to suppose that what happens within the Linneon would not happen between the several Linneons them- selves, if they also intercrossed freely, so that it is reaso- nable to suppose that if there were no obstacles of any kind to a free intercrossing in nature between all the differently constituted types, which people the earth, this latter would be chiefly peopled by one type only. The cause of the possibility of a great diversity of types, living side by side in the same regions, is the exis- tence of obstacles to free intercrossing, isolating these apparently non-isolated types as effectively as if the different types were put into separate cages. Within each cage intercrossing freely occurs and leads, by the aid of selection, to a high degree of pheno- typical uniformity, while the numerous phenotypically different types so obtained — the Linneons — remain distinct because the walls of the cages — in nature the obstacles to crossing — keep them separate. Linneons consequently, though being themselves the vestiges of the result of a cross, are kept distinct in nature by obstacles against their freelycrossingwith other Linneons. If there existed no obstacles to unlimited intercros- sing in nature, we would be unable to distinguish Lin- neons; if no crossing took place at all, Linneons— being THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 99 themselves the result of a cross — would never have originated, so that Linneons owe their origin to the occa- sional possibility of a cross and their persistence to the bars which nature, as a rule, keeps closed to prevent inter- crossing, and but occasionally opens. The view, that distinctness of the Linneons is caused by bars to intercrossing with other Linneons, is greatly supported by the fact, that in cases as those of the Wil- lows where the Linneons are, as we all know, very badly limited, this bar against intercrosssing with other Linneons does not only not exist, but such intercros- sing is, on the contrary, favored (see Chapter XI). Whenever nature allows crossing, evolution sets in ; when- ever crossing is made impossible it stops as soon as the segregation initiated by the cross, is at an end. As the bars, separating the Jordanons within the Lin- neons, are usually open, evolution within the Linneon, the formation of so called new „ varieties" is a pheno- menon occuring daily, and it is stopped permanently only by the cropping up of apogamy. As on the contrary, the bars between the different Linneons are usually closed, the origin of anewLinnean species is a phenomenon of much rarer occurrence and very frequently stopped definitely by theinnate sterility of two Linneons. The production of new Linneons, usually called ,,spe- cies", is generally designated as progressive evolution, the production of new Jordanons, usually called va- rieties" is frequently called degressive evolution. CHAPTER IX. THE CAUSE OF THE INCREASE OF „ VARIABILITY" UNDER DOMESTICATION. It is almost generally believed that domestication causes variation by the influence of better food or of unusual food etc., giving rise to certain transmit- table tendencies in the domesticated animals or plants. So Darwin says: ,,When we see an animal highly kept, producing off- spring with an hereditary tendency to early maturity ,,and fatness, when we see the wild duck, and the austra- ,,lian dog, always becoming, when bred for one or a ,,few generations in confinement, mottled in their co- ,,lours we naturally attribute such changes to the ,,direct effect of known or unknown agencies acting for ,,one or more generations on the parents. It is possible ,,that a multitude of peculiarities may thus be caused ,,by unknown external agencies". Now we have seen that there is no proof for the existence of a transmittable influence of external agen- cies, so that we must look for another cause for the changes we find that frequently follow upon confine- ment of a wild animal. Darwin himself clearly recogni- zed that there must be other causes for the greater ,, variability" existing among domesticated animals and plants, than this direct effect of external agencies, so THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. IOI that he ascribes a much greater effect to what he calls indirect agencies: ,,I may add, judging from the vast number of new varieties of plants which have been produced in the ,,same districts and under nearly the same routine of ,,culture, that probably the indirect effects of domes- ,,tication hi making the organisation plastic is a much ,,more efficient source of variation than any direct ,,effect which external causes may have on the colour, „ texture or form of each part". Now what may this indirecteiiect of domestication be? To answer this we must first ask : is the fact that we s e e a larger number of different forms belonging to the same Linneon under domestication than in nature, proof that there exist more such forms under domestication than in nature ? This of course need not be the case, it is also pos- sible that forms are visible under domestication which, although existing in nature, remain there hidden to us. Suppose this were the case, what then would cause then: appearance under domestication? The answer is: isolation. We have seen that every heterozygote isolated, un- dergoes segregation by which the recessives it con- tains in a cryptomerous way, become visible. Now this is exactly what domestication does : it iso- lates individuals, and this simple fact explains how savages, of whom no great ,,breeding" qualities can be expected, yet succeed in raising different races of do- mesticated animals and plants. 102 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. In plants this succeeds, as we saw from the example of the wallflowers, easily. Suppose a savage takes home for adornment of his garden, a wild brown wallflower. Planted, this indivi- dual, if heterozygous, will, from the seeds it scathers around it, raise an offspring among which there will be some with white flowers. Now suppose the savage prefers this white-flowered race above the brown-flowered one, and consequently pulls out all brown-flowered plants which sprang up in his garden, he succeeds at once in obtaining this white flowered form — which happens to be the recessive — pure, and has thus, with very little trouble or insight, obtained a new constant race. In the same way, it is easy to obtain new races of rab- bits. Suppose a heterozygous pregnant wild rabbit has been caught by a savage and put into a cage, and let us suppose further — taking the most unfavorable exam- ple — that this heterozygote was pregnant from a pure grey male. The litter thrown, will then consist of pure greys only, but as some of the males in this litter will be heterozygotes, such a heterozygous male will, paired with its mother or with a heterozygous sister, give some aberrant offspring by segregation, which aber- rant forms, if bred together, will give easily rise to new races. Isolation and subsequent selection of the aberrant types consequently suffises to obtain the aberrant forms cryptomerously hidden in wild animals and plants, and to breed these true to type. This, in all probability, has THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 103 almost unconsciously been done in all efforts to tame wild animals or to cultivate wild plants. Domestication, even without in- troducing a new source for the pro- duction of new forms, consequently allows us to gain forms, not or but very rarely met with in nature, by the mere isolation of heterozygotes. But domestication has not acted in this way only ; it certainly has introduced new sources for the produc- tion of new forms by crossing. It is a very curious fact, that this evident source of „ variability" under domestication has always been explained away. Almost all writers on domestication of animals or plants had to acknowledge that much pointed towards a multiple origin of our domesticated races by crossing, and yet almost all have, notwithstanding this evi- dence, pleaded for a single origin by variation from one ancestral form. We all know, that Darwin ascribed the origin of the domesticated as well as of the wild new forms to some sort of heriditary variation. For this conception it is evidently necessary, to show or at least to make plau- sible, that the domestic races, as well as the wild varie- ties", can be considered to belong to one species. But if we examine the evidence for this contention, we at once perceive how meagre it is. In support of this, I will quote from Darwins ,,Varia- tion of animals and plants under domestication second edition revised. London John Murray 1893. 104 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. Domestic dogs. Vol. I, p. 26: ,,it is highly probable that the domes- tic dogs of the world are descended from two well- -defined species of wolf (viz C. lupus and C. latrans) ,,and from two or three doubtfull species (namely the -European, Indian and North African Wolves); Mfrom at least one or two South American canine spe- ,,cies; from several races or species of jackal, and per ,,haps from one or more extinct species". Domestic Cats. Vol. I, p. 49. ,,we have seen that distant countries -possess distinct domestic races of thecat.Thediffe- ,,rences may in part be due to descent from several -original species, or at least from crosses with them". Domestic Horses. Vol. I, p. 53. -Whether the whole amount of diffe- -rence between the various breeds has arisen under -domestication is doubtfull. From the fertility of the -most distinct breeds, when crossed, naturalists -have generally looked at all the breeds as having -descended from a single species. Few will agree with -Colonel H. Smith, who believes that they have des- -cended from no less than five primitive and diffe- -rently coloured stocks. But as several species and -varieties of the horse existed during the later ter- tiary periods and as Rutimeyer found differences in -the size and form of the skull in the earliest known -domesticated horses, we ought not to feel sure that -all our horses are descended from a single species". The ass. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. IO5 Vol. I, p. 65. ,,There is now little doubt that our ,,domesticated animal is descended from the Equus ,,taeniopus of Abyssinia. Pigs. Darwin supposes our Pigs to have arisen from cros- sing Sus indicus and Sus scrofa and says: Vol. I, p. 74. „ Seeing how different the Chinese pigs, ,,belonging to the Sus indicus type, are in their os- ,,teological characters and in external appearance ,,from the pigs of the S. scrofa type, so that they ,,must be considered specifically distinct,, it is a fact, ,,well deserving attention, that Chinese and common ,,pigs have repeatedly been crossed in various man- ,,ners with unimpaired fertility". Cattle. Vol. I, p. 82. ,,Domestic cattle are certainly descen- ,,dants of more than one wild form, hi the same man- ,,ner as has been shown to be the case with our dogs ,,and pigs." Sheep. Vol. I, p. 97. ,,Most authors look at our domestic ,,sheep as descended from several distinct species." p. 98. ,,Another ingenious observer though not a ,,naturalist, with a bold defiance of everything known ,,on geographical distribution, infers that the sheep ,,of Great Brittain alone are the descendants of eleven ,,endemic British forms ! Under such a hopeless state ,,of doubt it would be useless for my purpose to give ,,a detailed account of the several breeds." Goats. Vol. I, p. 105. From the recent researches of M. 106 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. ,,Brandt most naturalists now believe that all our ,,goats are descended from the Capra aegagrus of ,,the mountains of Asia, possibly mingled with the ,,allied species C. falconeri of India" Rabbits. Vol I p. 107 ,,A11 naturalists, with as far as I know ,,a single exception, believe that the several domestic ,,breeds of the rabbit are descended from the com- ,,mon wild species; I shall therefore describe them ,,more carefully than the previous cases." Pigeons. Vol. I, p. 137. ,,I have been lead to study domestic ,,pigeons with particular care .because the evidence ,,that all the domestic races are descended from one ,,known source is far clearer than with any other ,,anciently domesticated animal". Fowls. Vol. I, p. 251. ,,Finally we have not such good evi- dence with fowls as with pigeons, of all the breeds ,,having descended from a single primitive stock." Ducks. Vol. I, p. 295. ,,From these several facts, more espe- ,,cially from the drakes of all the breeds having cur- bed tail-feathers and from certain sub- varieties in ,,each breed occasionnally resembling in general ,,plumage the wild duck, we may conclude with ,,confidence that all the breeds are descended from ,,Anas boschas." The Goose. Vol. I, p. 302. ,,A large majority of capable judges ,,are convinced that our geese are descended from THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. IO/ ,,the wild Grey-leg goose (A. ferus) ; the young of ,,which can easily be tamed". The Peacock. Vol. I, p. 305. ,,This is another bird, which has hard- ,,ly varied under domestication, except in someti- ,,mes being white or piebald. Mr. Waterhouse care- fully compared, as he informs me, skins of the wild „ Indian and domestic bird and they were identical ,,in every respect, except that the plumage of the ,,latter was perhaps rather thicker." The Turkey. Vol. I, p. 308. ,,It seems fairly well established by ,,Mr. Gould, that the turkey, hi accordance with the ,,history of its first introduction is descended from ,,a wild Mexican form which had been domesticated ,,by the natives before the discovery of America, and ,,which is now generally ranked as a local race and ,,not as a distinct species." The Guinea-fowl. Vol. I, p. 310 ,,is now believed by some natura- ,,lists to be descended from the Numida ptilorhynca, ,,which inhabits very hot, and, in parts, extremely ,,arid districts in Eastern Africa. Consequently it has ,,been exposed in this country to extremely different ^conditions in life. Nevertheless it has hardly varied ,,at all except in the plumage being either paler or ,,darker colored" 1). The Canary-bird. Vol. J, p. 311. ,,It has been crossed with nine or ten l) Italics are mine. 108 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. ,,other species of Fringillidae, and some of the hy- ,,brids are almost completely fertile ; but we have no ,,evidence that any distinct breed has originated ,,from such crosses. Gold-Fishy Hive-bees and Silk-moths. No definite state- ments. Plants. Cereal plants. Vol. I, p. 338. ,,Finally, every one must judge for ,,himself whether it is more probable that the several ,,forms of wheat, barley, rye and oats are descended ,,from between ten and fifteen species, most of which ,,are now either unknown or extinct, or whether they ,,are descended from between four and eight species ,,which may have either closely resembled our pre- ,,sent cultivated forms, or have been so widely dif fe- ,,rent as to escape identification." Zea Mays. Vol. I, p. 338. ,,Botanists are nearly unanimous that all the cultivated kinds belong to the same species". Cabbage. Vol. I, p. 343. ,,Most authors believe that all the ra- ,,ces are descended from the wild cabbage found on ,,the Western shores of Europe, but Alph. de Can- ,,dolle forcibly argues, on historical and other grounds, ,,that it is more probable that two or three closely ,,allied forms, generally ranked as distinct species, still ,,living in the mediterranean region, are the parents, ,,now all mingled together, of the various cultivated ,,forms". p. 344. ,,The other cultivated forms of the genus THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. lOQ ,,Brassica are descended, according to the viewa- ,,dopted by Godron and Mezger, from two species, B. ,,napus and B. rapa; but according to other bota- ,,nists from three species, whilst others again strong- ,,ly suspect that all these forms, both wild and cul- ,,tivated ought to be ranked as a single species. ,,Brassica napus has given rise to two large groups, ,,namely Swedish turnips (believed to be of hybrid ,,origin) ; and Colzas the seeds of which yield oil. ,,Brassica rapa (of Koch) has also given rise to two ,,races, namely common turnips and the oil-giving ,,rape/' Peas. Vol. I, p. 349. ,,Whether many of the new varieties ,,which incessantly appear are due to such occasio- ,,nal and accidental crosses I do not know." Beans. Vol. I, p. 349. ,,With respect to beans (Faba vulgu- ,,ris), I will say but little As hi the case of the ,,pea, our existing varieties were preceded during ,,the Bronze age in Switzerland by a peculiar and ,,now extinct variety producing very small beans." Potato (Solanum tuberosum). Vol. I, p. 350. ,,There is little doubt about the paren- tage of this plant, for the cultivated varieties differ ,,extremely little in general appearance from the wild ,,species which can be recognized in its native land ,,at the first glance. The Vine (Vitis vinifera). Vol. I, p. 352. ,,The best authorities consider all our ,,grapes as the descendants of one species which 110 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. ,,now grows wild in Western Asia some authors ,,however, entertain much doubt about the single ,,parentage of our cultivated varieties". White Mulberry (Morus albus). Vol. I, p. 354. ,,In India the mulberry has also ,,given rise to many varieties. The Indian form is ,,thought bij many botanists to be a distinct spe- ,,cies, but as Royle remarks, so many varieties ,,have been produced by cultivation that it is dif- ,,ficult to ascertain whether they all belong to one ,,species. The orange group. Vol. I, p. 355. ,,We here meet with great confusion ,,in the specific distinction and parentage of the ,,several kinds." Peach and Nectarine (Amygdalus persica). Vol. I, p. 360. ,,Whether or not the peach has procee- ,,ded from the almond, it has certainly given rise to ,,nectarines." Apricot (Prunus armeniaca). Vol. I, p. 365. ,,It is commonly admitted that the ,,tree is descended from a single species, now found ,,wild in the Caucasion region." Plums (Prunus insititia). Vol. I, 366. ,,Formerly the sloe, P. spinosa, was ,,thought to be the parent of all our plums but now ,,this honour is very commonly accorded to P. in- ,,sititia or the bullace, which is found wild in the ,,Caucasus and N. Western India another sup- posed parent-form, the P. domestica is said to be Mfound wild in the region of the Caucasus." THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. Ill Cherries (Prunus cerasus, avium etc.). Vol. I, p. 368. ,,Botanists believe that our cultivated ,,cherries are descended from one, two, four or even ,,more wild stocks". Apple (Pyrus malus). Vol. I, p. 369. ,,The one source of doubt felt by bo- tanists with respect to the parentage of the apple, ,,is whether, besides P. malus, two or three other ,,closely allied wild forms, namely P. acerba and ,,praecox or paradisiaca, do not deserve to be ranked ,,as distinct species". Pears (Pyrus communis). Vol. I, p. 372. ,,I need say little on this fruit, which ,,varies much in the wild state, and to an extraor- ,,dinary degree, when cultivated, in its fruit, flowers ,,and foliage. One of the most celebrated botanists ,,in Europe, M. Decaisne has carefully studied the ,,many varieties; although he formerly believed that ,,they were derived from more than one species, he ,,now thinks that they all belong to one." Strawberries (Fragaria). Vol I, p. 374. ,,The blending together of two or more ,, aboriginal forms, which there is every reason to be- ,,lieve has occurred with some of our anciently cultiva- ,, ted productions, we see now actually occurring with ,,our strawberries," *) Gooseberry (Ribes grossularia). Vol. I, p. 376. ,,No one, I believe has hitherto doub- led that all the cultivated kinds are sprung from ,,the wild plant bearing the name, which is common *) Italics are mine. 112 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. ,,in central and Northern Europe." Walnut (Juglans regia). Vol. I, p. 379. Description of different „ varieties' 'only. Nuts (Corylus avellana). Vol. I, p. 379. Most botaniss rank all the varieties under the same species, the common wild nut. Cucurbitaceous plants. Vol. I, p. 384. ,,Finally M. Naudin remarks that the ,,extraordinary production of races and varieties by a single species and their permanence, when not interfered with by crossing, are phenomena well calculated to cause reflection. Trees. Vol. I, p. 384. ,,Deserve a passing notice on account ,,of the numerous varieties which they present." Flowers. Vol. I, p. 388. ,,Many of our favourite kinds in their present state are the descendants of two or more species crossed and commingled together and this circumstance alone would render it difficult to de- tect the difference due to variation." As we see, a single origin is proved in no case, while an origin from different sources by crossing, is made pro- bable on the other hand in many cases. Darwin himself resumes the question hi the follo- wung sentence on p. 12 of the Origin: ,,In the case of most of our anciently domesticated ,,animals and plants it is not possible to come to any ,,definite conclusion, whether they are descended from ,,one or several wild species" THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 113 In the face of this fact and of the knowledge, we have obtained, that a transmittable influence of external circumstances has never been proved to exist, as little as any other form of hereditable variability, it is safe to say that : Our domesticated plants and animals are the results of isolation of heterozygotes, caught in nature, followed by selection and isolation of the recessives, or the results of crossing, followed also by segregation and selection of the desirable segregates. Now is it possible to get definite proof for this con- tention? It seems to me that it is. If crossing is at the bottom of the origin of our do- mestic races, such races must have originated as he- terozygotes ; and as such heterozygotes frequently must have had desirable qualities already, it stands to rea- son, that in cases, in which such heterozygotes could be multiplied asexually, e. g. by budding, by grafting, by cuttings, by bulbs etc. one will have resorted to one of these means. If therefore, crossing is the final cause of the origin of new domestic races,it is reasonable to expect, that a great majority of the different kinds of trees and flowers, multiplied habitually in an asexual way, asf f. i. fruittrees and flower bulbs are, must be hete- rozygotes. Now this is doubtless the case. We know that nearly all kinds of apples, hyacinths, tulips etc. when sown, segregate into a great number of different types — frequently in a most astonishing number of them — thus proving their hybrid origin. 114 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. We are thus justified to conclude: Domestication spells segregation, followed by selec- tion and isolation of the desirable segregates. Crossing is always at the bottom of it, this may have taken place already before the animal or plant was domesticated in nature; in most cases however will have taken place after domesticion. All breeders of animals and plants know this and continuously obtain novelties by crossing. The introduction of new forms from distant coun- tries is therefore diligently resorted to, always with the view of crossing them with stock already in hand, in the hope to obtain novelties. On the other hand, there is not the slightest proof, that the mere change of conditions, following upon do- mestication, itself causes „ variability "; in all known cases such „ variability" was the result of a cross. That it seems occasionally, as if spontaneous varia- bility occurs in breeds, is caused by the fact that hard- ly any breed is homozygotic in all its individuals, so that aberrant types are born, whenever two hetero- zygotes happen to mate. This f. i. is the reason that from time to time red „ variants" occur in the dutch white and black cattle. CHAPTER X. PROGRESSION IN EVOLUTION. We saw in the eighth chapter, that the production of new Linneons, usually called ,,species", is generally designated as progressive evolution, and that this kind of evolution is considered by many the evolution par excellence. We must therefore devote a chapter to the question of Progression in Evolution. This question of progression is a vexed one; there is in the human mind a craving towards improve- ment in everything, which makes mankind believe, but all too readily, that things are better to day than they were yesterday, and wil be better still to morrow. Perhaps the only good, that will come of the dam- nable war which is reigning over the greater part of the „ civilised" world, will be the recognition that we did not progress as much as we thought we did, that man is little better or rather worse than he was f. i. in roman times. But man is such a curious animal, that he will forget in a few years how he behaved in these years as a beast, and pride himself again on his progression" ! There is no more conceited being in all nature than man, and this conceit is a snare, in which he is caught every time he looks at the universe from the stand- point, so tickling to his vanity, that he almost un- Il6 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. consciously dwells upon it, that all was made for his pleasure. This anthropocentric standpoint causes him to believe that the world could not possibly have been so good before he was pleased to make his appearance into it, than after this never-sufficiently-to-be-appre- ciated condescension of his, and so we have had, in all seriousness, a discussion on the supposed inadequacy of the adaptation of the plants of coal measure times. It is this same anthropocentric pedantry which leads man to consider himself the crown of the universe, and to arrange the different kinds of animals accor- ding to their degree of lesser or greater similarity to himself, claiming that those most differing from his Nibbs, are the lower ones, those resembling him most, the higher ones, thus creating the conception of progression. So a little chit of a monkey becomes ,,higher" than an elephant, a mouse higher than a Condor, (is not sucking the young, like a human mother, much ,,higher" than feeding them on carrion) a slow-worm higher than a shark, poor little Amphioxus higher than a giant cuttle-fish, a clam higher than the most beauti- ful of yelly-fishes and all such nonsense. Very rightly VICTOR FRANZ has maintained in the Biologisches Centralblatt 1911 p. I, that we possess no reliable measure whatever for the determination of which organisms are higher, which lower on the scale. The result depends entirely on which characters we choose for comparison. If we choose the brain and the urogenital system as our measure, one can indeed ar- gue that man is the highest animal, but if we choose THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 117 as criteria the protective measures against wet feet, a cow is an infinitely higher animal than man. The much met with criterium : higher differentiation indicates a higher, less differentiation a lower degree of development, is no good either; by this measure am- phibia, generally considered to be ,,higher" than fis- hes, would have to be placed lower than these on the progressive scale, because they lack a good deal of dif- fer entation in the skeleton, in the sense-organs of the skin, in the covering of it, in the brains, with the exception of the Pallium, and in the ovarium, which the Teleosts possess. Comparison of the characters consequently gives no criterium for progression, so that it is very possible that progression has as litte real existence in nature as genera have, but that progression is an abstraction of the human mind just as the genus is. But we are not yet justified to draw this con- slusion ; there is something, called the geological re- cord, the record — even if it be very incomplete — of the development in time which according to the opinion of many, proves that progression does exist ! It proves nothing of the kind; it proves, at the most, that the succession was: Coelenterata, Molluscs, Fis- hes, Reptils, Birds, Mammals, to mention only the groups referred to above, but this of course does not prove, that the forms which made their appearance the latest, are the highest ones (did not much ,,higher" reptils appear much earlier than the present, ,,lower" ones?). One might, with equal justice, claim mental superiority for the child which is last born ! Il8 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. Consequently the geological record gives no support to progression either, and we are perfectly justified to say that progression is a human conception and that progressive evolution does not exist. But the geological record does show — even if we take full account of its incompleteness — that man appeared very late on the globe, that fishes and amphi- bia preceded reptilia and mammalia etc. This has to be accounted for. But this is no accounting for progressive evolu- v tion, but for su_c_ce §^JLxL£ evolution, as opposed to simultaneous creation. Now this succession shows that the later types have arisen from gametes, produced by the immediately preceding types, and consequently that under the conditions existing and having existed on the earth — in the widest sense — no other way was possible. But this shows, by no means, that there is something innate to living matter which necessitated this parti- cular sequence ; we might very well have had an ear- lier appearance, say of man, than has taken place, if conditions — in the widest sense — had been different. This is clear, when we keep in mind that in our ex- periment gardens we have it in hand, to postpone to any desirable moment, the production of a new species, by not executing the cross, as a result of which, that species would arise, or to hasten its production by exe- cuting that particular cross at once. So it may be, that if the cross from which man has arisen, had been executed by nature earlier than it has been executed, man would have appeared earlier in THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. IIQ the history of the earth, than he has. His production may have been, what is usually, called the result of chance e. g. of the meeting and mating of two forms, at that particular moment and not at an earlier one, just as the moment of the birth of children depends, in the last instance, on the chance meeting of the man and woman who, after this meeting, decide to marry. In how far chance, in this sense, has played a role in successive evolution is an unanswerable question; could man f. i. have originated from gametes, pro- duced by two particular reptils, if these had happened to mate, or is a shortening of the sequence: reptils — ,,lower" mammals — man, impossible? We know not; and the so-called Biogenetisches Grundgesetz gives no solution either, although it ra- ther points towards the possibility of shortening. All this is speculation ; we have anyhow not to deal with the question in which other way evolution might have taken place, but how it has taken place and this we can deduce from the geological record only, which shows clearly that it took place successively. With such a successive evolution, our theory that new Linneons arise from a cross of preexisting ones, is in full accord, so that the moment has come to consider the evidence for the occurrence of crossing of different Linneons in nature. CHAPTER XI. THE EVIDENCE FOR THE OCCURENCE OF CROSSES BETWEEN INDIVIDUALS BELONGING TO DIFFERENT LINNEONS IN NATURE. Crossing of individuals belonging to different Linne- ons will be brought about by opportunity or by ne- cessity. Opportunity is offered f. i. whenever pollen gets on a foreign stigma and nothing prevents its subse- quent fertilizing action ; necessity is born by the sexu- al desire which no animals and few men can resist in the long run. So, while most white men in Europe would not think of mating with a negress, white men not infrequently do so in Africa, where no white women live, and while bantamcocks don't pair with pheasants in nature, they do so in captivity, if locked up with pheasant- hens, in the absence of hens of their own kind. While hare and rabbit don't pair in nature, a male hare doubtless would do so if sufficiently long isola- ted with female rabbits, in the absence of male rabbits on an island, as ressorts from the experiments of Mr. Houwink, showing that the hare looses its inborn aver- sion of a tame rabbit, if it is taken soon after birth from its mother, and sucked by a tame rabbit foster- mother. This secret for obtaining Leporids, Mr. Houwink ob- THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 121 tained from a poacher and it worked so splendidly that he is now in the possession of a fine fullgrown FA generation of Leporids, a male of which has already paired with one of its sisters. J) I would therefore not be a bit surprised if it were subsequently proved that our tame rabbits were evol- ved from an original cross between the wild rabbit and the hare, which cross Mr. Houwink is trying to obtain in a similar way. Perhaps this trick of having the individuals belon- ging to a foreign Linneon nurtured by an individual belonging to the Linneon, with which one desires to cross them, is very widely applicable and may lead to the obtention of many interesting hybrids. Dr. van Oort tells me that it is well known, that a bitch of our domestic dogs refuses nearly always to mate with a male wolf, but shows no aversion if she herself was raised by a female wolf. The aversion to mating between individuals belon- ging to different Linneons can consequently be overco- me, and that this happens in nature also, is proved by the fact that Linneons which intercross in nature are known from almost all groups of animals and plants. Of animals we will mention of the class of the Echino- dermata: Echinus esculentus and E. acutus in the neighbourhood of Plymouth (cf. Shearer, de Morgan and Fuchs Phil. Frans act. Royal Society B 204 pp.- 255 — 362), of the Class of the Vermes : hybrids between Ascaris univalens and A. bivalens with three chromoso- *) This copulation has since proved to be fertile, but the young ones died soon after birth. 122 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. mes by Herla and Zoja (cf. Biol. CB1. 1912 p. 718), of Arthropoda it is well known, that in the group of the insects such hybrids are common. Among Mollusca Helix hortensis and H. nemoralis frequently cross, while among Pisces it is well known that f . i. in the ri- ver I Jssel in Holland every hoal of the big nets called ,,blessings" (not from the fish's standpoint!) contains hybrids between the genera Leuciscus and Blicca, while hybrids between Blicca and Abramis and be- tween different Linneons of Leuciscus are common in many rivers. It appears that generally hybrids be- tween different Linneons of fishes are by no means rare (cf. Glaus). Among A mphibia natural hybrids be- tween different Linneons of Triton are known (cf. Poll. Biol. CB1. 1909 p. 30) and also between different Lin- neons of frogs (cf. Boulenger). Among Aves hybrids are especially common between different Linneons, yes even between different genera f. i. of ducks, even such between individuals belonging to different families viz between Penelope (fam. Cracidae) and Phasianus colchicus (cf. Haecker p. 211) but this one not in nature. In Sweden Birkhahn and Auerhenne cross frequently, probably because the Auerhahne are decimated by shooting (cf. Naumann Naturgesch. der Vogel Mitteleuropas. Vol. 6 p. 106 Anm. 13.108. Among Mammalia, Darwin says in the Origin p. 224, that he has reason to believe that the hybrids from Cervulus vaginalis and Reevisii are perfectly fertile. So are the Indian humped and common cattle when crossed. Among plants, hybrids between different Linneons THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 123 are quite common, and certain peculiarities in flower structure or behaviour f. i. dichogamy even favor such crossfertilisation among Linneons. An exemple of this is furnished by the willows. I will here quote what Kerner's Pflanzenleben says about this (Vol. II p. 311) ,,Auch die zweihausigen Pflanzen sind in der Mehr- zahl noch proterogyn. In den ausgedehnten Weiden- bestanden an den Ufern unserer Fliisse sieht manbis- weilen einzelne Arten durch Tausende von Strauchern vertreten. Ein Teil derselben tragt Pollenbliiten, der andere Fruchtbliiten. Sie wachsen auf demselben Bo- den, sind in gleicher Weise der Besonnung ausgesetzt and werden v§n denselben Luftstromungen bestrichen, und trotz dieser gleichen aiissern Einfliissen eilen die Stocke mit Fruchtbliiten ihren Nachbarn mit Pollen- bliiten deutlich voraus. Die Narben der Salix amyg- dalina sind schon 2 — 3 Tage hindurch belegungsfahig und dennoch hat sich weit und breit noch keine einzige Anthere dieser Weidenart geoffnet. Dasselbe giltv§n der Purpurweide, der Korbweide, der Bruchweide etc. Da das ungleichzeitige Eintreffen der Reife der zweierlei Geschlechter einer Art eine Einrichtung ist, welche bei den meisten, ja vielleicht bei alien Pflanzen vorkommt, so kann auch nicht angenommen werden, dassdieser Einrichtung gar keine Bedeutungzukomt. Ich will es nun versuchen die Bedeutung der Dichogamie zu erklaren, und lade den Leser ein mit mir zunachst eines der Weidengebiete zu betreten welches in vorher- gehendem kurz geschildert wurde. Die Purpurweide be- ginnt grade zu bliihen. Die Fruchtbliiten derselben 124 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. zeigen bereits belegungsfahige Narben, aber die Pollen- bliiten sind noch in der Entwicklung zuriick und es ist noch keine einzige Anthere derselben geoffnet. Dage- gen stehen die Pollenbliiten an der Korbweide (Salix viminalis) welche untermischt mit der Purperweide im selben Bestande wachst, auf dem Hohepunkt der Entwicklung. Pollen der Korbweide ist in Hiille und Fulle zu haben. Durch den Duft und die Farbe der Bliitenkatzchen angelockt, haben sich zahlreiche Bie- nen eingestellt, schwirren von Strauch zu Strauch, saugen Honig und sammeln Pollen. Sie sind bei dieser Arbeit nicht wahlerisch und beschranken sich nicht auf eine einzige Art, sondern fliegen ebenso gerne zur Pur- purweide wie zur Korbweide Indem aber die Nar- ben der Purpurweide mit dem Pollen der Korbweide belegt wurden, hat eine zweiartige Kreuzung stattge- funden. Erst zwei oder drei Tage spater kann eine ein- artige Kreuzung stattfinden, denn nun haben sich auch aus den Pollenbliiten der Purpurweide die Anthe- ren hervorgeschoben BeiBeginn desBluhens ist also bei der genannten Weide, infolge der Dichogamie nur eine zweiartige, spater erst eine einartige Kreuzung moglich! At the commencement of flowering, the Dichogamy of the willow mentioned above, allows only crossing with individuals of another Linneon, while later only fertili- sation by members of the same Linneon becomes possible. Of course it is indifferent in principle, whether the pollen is carried by the wind or by insects, but as the pollen, in order to be transferable by wind, must pos- sess certain properties and the flowers which produce THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 125 such pollen also (in the first place to cover the great loss of such pollen during transportation, they must pro- duce it in very large quantities) crossfertilisation between many Linneons of plants must have been al- most impossible before insects came into existence. / The birth of insects consequently offered new possi- bilities of crossing and consequently of the birth of new species. Darwin clearly perceived this, as results from a letter he wrote to HOOKER on Aug. 6th 1881 (Life and Letters III p. 248). ,,Nothing is more extraordinary in the history of the „ vegetable kingdom as it seems to me, than the appa- )yrently very sudden or abrupt development of the ,,higher plants Hence I was greatly interested by a ,,view which Saporta propounded to me a few years ,,ago viz, that as soon as flower-frequenting in- ,,sects mere developed, during the latter part of the ,,secondary period, an enormous impulse was given to ,,the development of the higher plants by crossfertili- ,,sation being thus suddenly formed." Of course the influence of dichogamy remains the same in favoring crossfertilisation of Linneons whe- ther the wind or insects are the transporters of the pollen, and so it is quite correct that Kerner makes the general statement, that dichogamy favours bi-specific crossing especially at the beginning and at the end of the flowering period of all plants possessing this peculi- arity (cf. 1. c. II p. 315). That this hybridization of Linneons is by no means of rare occurrence, KEENER, who was the first to recog- 126 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. nize the great importance of hybrids for evolution shows on p. 570, where he states that the number of such hybrids growing wild in Europe, which has beco- me known in the last 40 years preceding the writing of his book, can safely be estimated at 1000 and that the 41 Linneons of Coniferae growing in Europe have pro- duced no less than 7 hybrids. When we consider further, that not only different Linneons but also different genera intercross f. i. Secale and Triticum, Triticum and Aegilops etc. and that up to the present, we know with certainty of no other way of the formation of new species and new Lin- neons than as a result of crossing, we may, I think, ac- cept safely that the underlying cause of the diversity of the different types which people the earth, the under- lying cause of evolution, at least as far as diploid orga- nisms is concerned, is hybridization. It draws a more complete paralell between the ori- gin of individuals and that of species, on which Darwin insisted already, than his theory did, because according to his conception, species had but one parent, the vary- ing ancestral species, while individuals had two pa- rents ; while according to our view, species as well as in- dividuals have two parents, the first the two parental species from whose cross the new species arose, the lat- ter their father and mother. CHAPTER XII. THE EFFECT OF CROSSING LINNEONS. On talking with different scientific friends about the views which have gradually developped in my mind about crossing being the origin of species, I have fre- quently heard the objection — which is pretty gene- rally offered against all theories of evolution — that the effect is inconsiderable, compared with the changes wanted to explain the origin of such different groups, say as fishes, reptils and mammals. I will return to this question in the next chapter, li- miting myself in the present one, to show what the ef- fect of an actually executed cross between individuals belonging to different Linneons has been. It is impossible to treat here of all the numerous forms which result from such a cross ; for this I must refer the reader to a book by the author, on the hybrids between different Linneons of Antirrhinum which would have appeared long ago, if the war had not inferfered with the making of the plates. But as all that is necessary here, is to show the great diversity which can be the result of across, I can suffice by restating, what I said at the IVe Conference de G6netique in Paris in 1911 and by reproducing some photographs as illustration. In 1910 Professor BAUR of Berlin succeeded in cros- sing certain species of Antirrhinum, the hybrids of 128 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. which proved to be fully fertile. The seeds of two of these hybrid-combinations he very kindly gave tome for further investigation. One of these combinations was Antirrhinum glutino- sum crossfertilised with a peloric form of Antirrhinum majus. As Antirrhinum glutinosum contains several types, all of which are completely selfsterile, the Fx genera- tion obtained was somewhat polymorphous, though not to a considerable extent. On the whole, it was fairly intermediate between the two parent species. The F2 obtained from the Fl plants was exceedingly polymorphous ; one of the self-fertilised Fx plants gave 255 children, not two of which were alike. They dif- fered in a large number of characters, such as colour, form of flowers, habit of growth, leaf-characters, hoa- riness, self-fertility, resistance to draught and frost etc. Zygomorphous and peloric flowers were always present, and it appears that the segregation was a complicated mendelian one. The most interesting results perhaps were obtained from the cross A. glutinosum by a red zygomorphous form of A. majus. In the F2 of this cross, several remarkable forms oc- curred, in one f. i. the sepals were coloured and peta- loid, another showed several spur-like excressences at the lower lip of the flower and some had flowers asto- nishingly different from those of the parent-species, resembling more a Rhinanthusth&nan. Antirrhinum and of a type entirely unknown hitherto within this latter genus, as the photographs here reproduced show. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. I2Q The first photograph shows at the top, indicated as P1 and P2, the two parents crossed. P1 is the flower of Antirrhinum glutinosum, which is white, except that it has pink striae on the upperlip. The flower indicated by P2, is the dark red flower of An- tirrhinum majus with which the former was crossed. Of the two other flowers on this photograph, the one which appeared in the fourth selfed generation (F4), was pure ivory and characterized by the possession of spur-like 130 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. organs at the lower lip, while the one which appeared in F2 was light pink, and showed beautiful petaloid sepals of the same color but in a lighter shade. The second photograph shows one flower of a plant of the 2d generation, indicated by F2, which was flesh- colored and resembled the flower of a Rhinanthus, the other flowers, all belonging to the 4th generation (F4), were magenta and showed shapes very different indeed also, from the parent-species crossed. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 131 It seems to me, that this little suf fises to show that very unexpected results can arise from a cross, forms so different from the Linneons crossed, that no syste- matist could possibly say to which of these Linneons they belonged, yes so different, that if their origin were not known, they might easily be referred to different genera. CHAPTER XIII. THE ORIGIN OF THE GREAT CLASSES. The origin of the great classes of the vegetable and animal kingdom is a historical problem in which geo- logy has the first word. The most important facts geology teaches us are: istly. that the origin of the different classes lies very far back. 2dly. that a new class appears suddenly with a great many, mostly highly differentiated, different forms. 3dly. that the further we get away from the birth of the class, the more the number of different forms diminishes, and the more ,,reduced" these become. We will illustrate these important facts by some examples. SCOTT says (p. 6. of the Introduction to his study in fossil Botany 1908) about the very ancient origin of the great divisions: ,,There are probably no biologists left now who ,,oppose in toto the doctrine of evolution, but if there ,,were, they might draw a telling, though fallacious ,,argument from the high organization of the Devonian ,,flora". The sudden appearance in a large number of diffe- rent forms, of such groups as the Reptils, Cycadophytes THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 133 and Angiosperms is generally known ; also their gradu- al diminution in types (except in the latter group, which is yet flourishing) until but a few remain, or total extinction follows. If we compare the Cycadophytes of Mesozoic times, with their highly developed Bennettitales, with the few Cycadaceae of to day, or the Lycopodiales of the Coal- measures, with their giant Lepidodendrons, with the miserable Lycopods of to day, or the Equisetales of the Coal-measures, with their numerous giant Calamites, with the few horse-tails of the present time, or the fossil Reptils and Ammonites of the Jura with the recent ones, the exactness of the facts mentioned above, sub 2 and 3, is apparent. Now all this coincides splendidly with what we see happening after a cross between two differentLinneons,viz. istly. appearance, among the progeny of the hybrids, of a very large number of different forms. 2dly. gradual decrease of that large number of diffe- rent forms until but a few remain within each Linneon. Soon after the formation of a large number of diffe- rent forms from a cross, these continue to intercross, leading thus to a constant increase of new types, but gradually this intercrossing ceases, either by isolation, sterility or by any other obstacles among which aversion may play a considerable role, and so smaller groups, Lin- neons, find themselves together as communities to which intercrossing, if such continues, is limited. If it does not continue, mere segregation will rapidly cause an increa- se of the homozygotes in proportion to the heterozy- 134 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. gotes, and these homozygotes will be decimated in the struggle for life ; while if intercrossing continues, selec- tion of the dominant type which seems to be the rule, causes apparent uniformity within such Linneons, as in the case of the grey rabbits. The result is, that from the large number of types arisen from the cross, finally but a few survive. Exactly what we see en grand after the appearance of a new Class of organisms. Within each Linneon the number of smaller units, of Jordanons, decreases also by selection, — which spells: extermination (of the less fitted types) — until finally but a few or even but one survives. If one survives only within a self-fertilising Linneon, its „ variability" is at an end, and therefore it must soo- ner or later die out, and the same must happen if, wi- thin a Linneon, while intercrossing of the different types it contains continues, selection leads to the sur- vival of the recessive type, in stead of to that of the do- minant one, because then its „ variability" is at an end also, and extinction must follow. That exclusive survival of recessives is one of the chief-reasons of extinction, gains support from the fact that the recent forms of ancient groups are all weak \ ones, compared to the older ones, and experience goes I far to prove that the recessive types are usually the 1 weaker ones. Crossing therefore is the cause of the origin of new types, heredity perpetuates them, selection is the cause — not of their origin as was formerly supposed — but of their extinction. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 135 Selection, if not interfered with by crossing, inevitably ends with extinction because selection can act through extermination only, and by thus diminishing the num- ber of differently constituted types, decreases the possi- bility of crossing and thus the formation of new types, which formation not only means the origin of new species, but also the possibility of adaptation, as the only way in which a Linneon can adapt itself to new circumstances, is a putting into the world of new types. All this agrees perfectly with what we saw that hap- pens, in the appearance and gradual extinction of new classes of plants or animals, so that we are justified to conclude : Crossing was the origin of the new classes ; selection, the result of extermination by the struggle for life, the cause of their gradual extinction. Such extinction of classes must proceed continuously, until a happy meetingbetween two sufficientlydifferent- ly constituted gametes, causes the origin of a new class. We will therefore have periods of new-formations of classes and periods of gradual extinction of such classes. In the present time we live in a period, in which the extinction of many classes is almost completed, and hi which no new classes are formed. This is easily demonstrated for the vascular plants by a glance at Scott's system: Equisetales. Sphenopsida Pseudoborniales. Sphenophyllales. Psilotales. 136 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. Lycopsida Lycopodiales. Pteropsida Filicales. Pteridospermeae. Gymnospermeae. Angiospermeae . Of these three great divisions the two first are ex- tinct, with the exception of a few Equisetaceae, Psilo- taceae and Lycopadiaceae ; of the Pteropsida the Pte- ridospermeae are extinct, Gymnospermeae on the way to extinction, so that only the Filicales and the An- giosperms remain, of which the latter alone, are flou- rishing. A formation of new classes is not in action at the pre- sent moment, so that it is illegitimate to claim, that one who wants to explain evolution, must demonstrate how such a formation of new classes goes on. One can 't demonstrate something which does not happen, at the time one is living ; we must conclude to the way of the origin of new classes by analogy, and we have done so, by comparing it with what happens after crossing two Linneons. What happens there, is demon- strable and we have demonstrated it. Whether new classes will in future be formed again on our globe, or whether we assist at the last trial of life to maintain itself on our globe, in other words whether we are living at the beginning of the period of extinction of the latest born classes, we of course know not. CHAPTER XIV. THE QUESTION OF RELATIONSHIP. Relationship among different groups of animals and plants has generally been considered to be of the nature of bloodrelationship. So Scott says : ,,In these days most of us, when we speak of relationship among organisms, mean to imply ,,a real affinity, that is to say a bloodrelationship." And a little further on he specifies: ,,Existing organisms are related to each other more ,,or less as brothers or cousins are related." Now the question is: are brothers related? As all men are hybrids, the bloodrelationship be- ween members of the same family has been very much exagerated; as a matter of fact the constitu- tional similarity — which, though wrongly, is meant when one speaks of bloodrelationship — can be very slight between brothers and sisters, yes can be much less even, than between individuals of much more remote parentage. As similarity of the individuals depends — abstrac- tion made from external influences — on the constitu- tion of the gametes which formed these individuals, this similarity will reach its maximum, e. g. become identity, in case gametes of identical constitution mate, irrespective of the source of these gametes, while it is perfectly indifferent, whether such gametes of 138 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. identical constitution derive from hybrids or from spe- cifically pure individuals. Consequently, we may confidently expect to meet oc- casionally very similar human individuals, who are not al all related in the usual sense, and we all know that this happens so frequently, that it is even said that each man has his duplicate somewhere. What value then have we to ascribe to the blood- test of UHLENHUTH and NUTTALL? No other, than revealing, perhaps, similarity of con- stitution, which is quite another thing than relati- onship. As little as the result of testing for Ca in chemistry, revealing the presence of this element in the stalactites of a grotto and hi the substance of our bones, reveals the derivation of the calcium in the stalactites]and in our bones from the same source — much less the deriva- tion of the stalactites and of ourselves from the same source — as little the results of the bloodtest reveal relationship. Yet, in a sense, it is correct, that species are related to one another in a similar way as human bro- thers or cousins are, viz in as much, as this expresses the fact that both are segregates from a former cross. In the case of brothers and cousins, we can trace then: origin if there is a family register, if no such re- gister of births exists, we can not; so that, if species are really ,,related" in a similar way, it is, in the absence of species-birth registers, a priory improbable that we shall ever be able to reconstruct their phylogeny. CHAPTER XV. THE QUESTION OF PHYLOGENY. As long as one accepted an uninterrupted progression say from amoeba to man, it was justifiable to deduce from the degree of similarity of a given form to the amoeba, or to man, the place which this form ought to occupy on the ladder leading from the amoeba to man. Of course, the stronger the belief in orthogenetic evolution, the greater the degree of certainty with which the place of a given form in phylogeny could be determined. Some such degree of certainty could be attained in Lamarck's evolutionary scheme, because this supposed all progress to come about by response to necessity, so that, if it was for-ordained that the amoeba should better its constitution so as to reach that of man, there was reason to suppose a rectilinear succession of types also. NAGELI'S Vervollkommnungstrieb allows a similar degree of certainty. This idea of a rectilinear progression was given up by Darwin, who saw the cause of progres- sion in the selection of the best of a number of allsi- ded variations, comparing the road along which phylo- geny proceeded, to a branched tree, in which the posi- tion, to be assigned to a given individual, became very doubtfuU. Yet, as long as one believed similarity to be a measu- 140 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. re for the degree of relationship, optimistic natures could continue to believe that arrangement of the different types according to their degree of similarity, would give a picture — be it a blurred one — of phy- logeny. Now we know that similarity, neither phenotypical nor genotypical similarity, is a criterium for relation- ship. Sisters can be more dissimilar than two girls of quite different extraction, and consequently similarity gives us no measure whatever of relationship. And as we know furthermore, that crossing has oc- curred and does occur daily, that it produces many dif- ferent types, from which but a few survive, after having recrossed in alle directions, we know that evolution proceeds forwards, sidewards and backwards, along the meshes of a net, so that it is absolutely hopeless to choose out of the many ways, in which one can draw a broken line on such a netting, the one along which evolution has proceeded. Phytogeny e. g. reconstruction of what has happened in the past, is no science but a product of phantastic specu- lations which can be held but little in check by the geo- logical record, on account of the incompleteness of the lat- ter. Those, who know that I have spent a considerable part of my life in efforts to trace the phylogeny of the vegetable kingdom, will know, that this is not writ- ten down lightly; nobody cares to destroy his own efforts. Every author, who cares to be taken as a man of THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 141 science, has however to expose his own errors in the first place. Adhering to ideas venerable by age, irrespective of the possibility of proof, is the prerogative of reli- gious creeds ; science ruthlessly destroys what it no lon- ger recognizes as well established. There is something very dear to the human heart in sticking to venerable traditions; it is even questio- nable whether the upholding of illusions is not bet- ter worth our while than the restless pursuit of the truth, which forces us to destroy to day, what we built up yesterday, but. this is a philosophical question which does not concern us here, science demands the total eradication of convictions as soon as these are recognised to be ill-founded. Happily we but rarely err completely, and though Phylogeny is untraceable and consequently, as said above, a product of phantastic speculations, yet the basic truth of it remains unimpaired, which is so well expressed by Darwin in the conslusions to his origin : ,,As all the living forms of life are the lineal descen- dants of those which lived long before the Cambrian ,,epoch, we may feel certain that the ordinary succession ,,by generation has never once been broken." In this sense Phylogeny is a fact ; it are our recon- structions of the way in which it proceeds (which we use to call Phylogeny) only, which are phantastic. The recognition of this is, to my mind, a fact added to our stock of knowledge, be it, in a sense, a negative one. CHAPTER XVI. HOMOLOGOUS PARTS AND RUDIMENTARY ORGANS. What is meant by homology? Darwin expresses it as follows: ,,The members of thesame class,independently of their ,,habit of life resemble each other in the general plan ,,of their organisation. This resemblance is often ,,expressed by the term ,,unity of type" or by saying ,,that the several parts and organs in the different ,,species of the class are homologous" Hence Homologous parts are parts occupying cones- ponding positions in the general groundplan. Therefore one is tempted to consider the corollae of two flowers to be homologous, however different, while bracts, however corolla-like, are certainly not homologous with the petals which form the corolla, but only analoga of these. Now the determination of what is homologous and what is analogous, consequently depends on the cer- tainty with which we can determine the position of a part in the general groundplan, and as the name ,,general" groundplan already indicates some un- certainty in this respect, it is no wonder that one meets in the literature with endless discussions as to which parts are homologous and which analogous. It was to call attention to this fact, that I said above, that we are tempted to consider all corollae to be homolo- THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 143 gous, because we all know that it is exceedingly diffi- cult to say, in a particular case, whether the place, occu- pied by the corolla in the general groundplan, is the rightfull place of the stamens, that of the calyx or e- ven that between the outer whorl of stamens and the calyx. In the first case, such a corolla would be the homo- logon of the stamens, in the second that of the calyx, and in the third place, it would have no homologon at all, but be a new formation, an intercalation in the general groundplan. The trouble in questions, like those of a general groundplan, and of the character, the type, the essence (wesentliche charactere) of a Linnean species, is that we are unable to grasp all the characters of a group or even of an individual, and so are led, unconsciously, to consider the most conspicuous ones, as the essen- tial ones. Gradually we find out, that among these most conspicuous characters some are common to more members of the group than others and as men are great believers in the principle of majority (does not a superior minister when he finds himself unable to solve a difficult problem, appoint a commission of M. P's, probably each less capable than himself, and accept their majority-report as decisive?) we are led to take these characters in the majority to be the best, to be the most essential, to constitute in one word the groundplan. It ought to be plain to us, that this is nonsense, that we have thus succeeded in construc- ting a common groundplan only, by divesting the plans of the different individuals from all what made 144 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. them different, and that we can do this just as well with members of very different classes as with members of the same class, by trimming their differences a little more yet. It is easy, in this way, to construct a general ground- plan even between a sea-urchin and a hedgehog, by abstraction of all the differences they show, until we have nothing left than the one point they have in common: the covering with spines and then claim that the groundplan of Echinus and Erinaceus al- lows us, to unite them to the group of the Spiniferae, which is not very much worse than the group of the Chordata as defined in the Handworterbuch of the Naturwissenschaften II p. 623 as : ,,die durch den Be- sitz einer Riickensaite, Chorda dorsalis, ausgezeichne- ten Tiere: Tunicaten, Amphioxus und Vertebraten." Man's mind is a curious one, because, after having thus divested the different individuals he sees in na- ture, of all their differences, he assigns such immense importance to the shabby rest thus obtained, that he proceeds to explain the differences (he has just succeeded in explaining away) by speculations about the causes which could have changed this common rest to all the different structures which are actually presented by the different organisms, forgetting enti- rely, that there is not the slightest reason to consider this rest as ever having been transformed. It is always the same mistake: looking for the (non existing) single origin of different types. So one reaches all kinds of attractive, but quite un- founded, conclusions as f . i. that the flapper of a seal THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 145 is a metamorphosed hindleg of a landanimal, which conclusion is about as well founded as that the door of my house is a metamorphosis of the door of my neigh- bour's. This may have happened, but need not have hap- pened ; my door may have been made from that of my neighbour's, by taking off something here and adding perhaps something there, so as to fit my house, but it may just as well, and much more probably has been, constructed anew. So why should we accept the flapper of a seal to have been formed by the changing of the hindleg of a land-animal ? We know, that from a cross not one type, but several types arise, so that there is no reason whatever to consider all these different types to be derived from the one with the simplest constitution; we know on the contrary that it are just the compara- tively simplest types, the recessive ones, which are en- tirely unable to give rise directly to other ones. A type giving rise to a large number of forms must on the contrary be a complicated one, allowing segrega- tion. I hear it objected, that I am proceeding to do the same I reproach to those I criticise, viz that I am on the way to explain away the differences which do exist between different classes. This is not my purpose; I only claim that the ,,groundplan" is but a very general one, that we are not justified to consider the simplified ,,groundplan", obtained by cutting off all differences in structure existing between the different organisms, as primitive, 146 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. as the one possessed by the common ancestor of those organisms, and that consequently we have no reason to suppose that each of the parts of the different orga- nisms had already a position in that ancestral organism, through which we can spot the homologies of a given part of an organism, now existing. It remains perfectly true however, that the members of not too large a group resemble each other in their general plan of organization. Now this is stating a fact of the same kind as when we say that the different forms resulting from a cross between two Linneons resemble each other in the ge- neral groundplan of their organisation. The cause must lie — in the latter case at least, in the former we do not even know whether the members of the group belong genetically together — in the constitution of the gametes which united to form the hybrid, which initi- ated the group of new species, and as long as we know nothing of the constitution of these gametes, we can explain, as little how this comes about,as we can explain why one chemical substance cristallizes in the one, another in another form. Now one hears it often said, that there is a basic dif- ference between the structure of new Linneons, arising from the cross of two preexisting ones, and between the structure of a new class of organisms, supposedly also arisen from the cross of two individuals — be it from two more different ones — in as much as the general plan of the new Linneons is the same as that of the Linneons crossed, while the general plan of the new class must, on the contrary, be different from that of THE EVOLUTIONS OF LIVING BEINGS. 147 the class to which the crossed individuals belonged. But this statement is not correct. The difference is but one of degree. A cross between different Linneons also gives rise to differently constituted types and to consider these to be of the same general plan as the Linneons crossed, is again only possible by abstracting from the differences. If we cross f. i. two white Sweetpeas — even such belonging to the same Linneon — we may obtain colored types, some of which have exclusively colored descendants although they may segregate into many differently colored types. Now a group of such colored types has a different ,,groundplan" from the uncolored types from whose cross they arose ; we are even able to say in what these groundplans differ. They differ in so far as the color- less types crossed, possess only one substance of a certain class, either a chromogen or an oxydase, while the colored groups, resulting from their union possess both substances in their ,,ground- plan." Now, mutatis mutandis, the skelettal groundplan of the vertebrates may have arisen by the crossing of two invertebrates, each of which possessed some of the substances necessary to form a skeleton, but lacked some of the others, which combined by crossing these two types. And just as in the colored Sweetpeas mentioned above, the groundplan ,,color" remains, but is different in the different segregates from some of these colored types, so the groundplan of the skeleton may remain in 148 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. some of the descendants of the crossed invertebrates — which descendants we then unite to the class of the vertebrates — but be different in the segregates arisen from them. So the different forms of extremities we meet with, in different vertebrates, can be explained in a similar way as the different forms and colors of flowers, viz by segregation, and those existing now, are the rests of pro- bably many others which have existed formerly, as becomes evident upon comparison of the extremities of the now existing reptils with those of former geo- logical periods. The principle of selection holds good in as far as it shows the result of the extermination by the struggle for life; it shows us which forms could resist this, but it is no principle which explains the origin of certain types ; selection also spells extermination, the types last to be exterminated, obtaining the epitheton ornans : selected types. Consequently, we have to drop the idea of homology in the sense of parts, occupying corresponding posi- tions in the ancestral groundplan, but may continue to use it, for convenience sake, cum grano salis, as in- indicating corresponding positions in the general groundplan, if we only keep in mind that such map- ping outhasno other significance than asa^cws asinorum for our memory and never allows us, with certainty, to distinguish between analogous and homologous parts or between these and new formations, as is shown by the example of the corollae, mentioned at the beginning of this chapter. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 149 The question of rudimentary organs is of no special significance to us; it only states the fact of the exis- tence of organs which evidently lack something to be- come completely developed, just as the white flowe- red sweetpeas lack a substance, the presence of which would allow them to develop color, and can therefore be described as to be rudimentary colored. When we look back on what has been said, it results that it is very difficult to say in a given case whether a form is primitive in its class or reduced, in other words whether it is near to the original hybrid which initiated the group, or further removed from it, because as we have seen, a F2 generation already can contain types of very different constitution, so that the desig- nation primitive or derived, looses much of its mea- ning. In a very general way however, we can say that there is evidence of the non-primitiveness of most of the simpler types, in this sense that the sim- pler types usually are recessive segregates and consequently unable to give rise to new forms, unless crossed. It certainly speaks volumes for the genius of Char- les Darwin, that although differing completely from him in my opinion as to the way in which evolution takes place, I can nevertheless conclude this chapter with the very words with which he concluded his corresponding chapter: ,,Finally the several classes of facts which have been Considered in this chapter, seem to me to proclaim so ,,plainly, that the innumerable species, genera and 150 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS ,,families with which this world is peopled are all des- ,,cended, each within its own class or group from com- ,,mon parents, and have all been modified in the course ,,of descent, that I should without hesitation adopt ,,this view, even if it were unsupported by other facts ,,or arguments." CHAPTER XVII. MIGRATION. That the types put into the world by a cross, do not always remain at the spot of their birth, but migrate, is a generally known fact. That they can do so in an astonishingly extensive way is known also, and that it is done sometimes — fre- quently perhaps even — by the intermediancy of man, such as by travelling man himself, by his beasts of bur- den or by his trains or vessels, of course, abstracts not a iota from the fact of such migration existing, but only justifies the conclusion that this kind of transport can- not have existed in times before man appeared on our globe. It does not prove of course, that migration was less extensive in former periods than now, because other ways of migration then existed than now, f. i. land- connections allowing intercourse between continents now separated, more rainfall preventing the erection of such formidable bars against migration as the Sahara- desert, higher temperature of the sea, allowing ani- mals and plants of the aequator to migrate further to- wards the north and south, than is now possible, less interference of man, by non-extermination of types considered a nuisance by him etc. etc. So that we have no measure for the relative degree of migration going 152 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. on in different geological periods ; all we can say is that migration formerly existed as it does now. Yet migration has been exagerated in one respect, in as much, as here also, as in former theories of evolution, the dogma of the single origin reigned supreme. So, if Primula acaulis is found in England and in the Tirolese Alps, it is concluded that it must necessarily have originated either in England or in the Tirolese Alps or on a single third spot from where it has migra- ted to the different countries it new occupies. Now this creed was the consequence of the supposi- tion that species arose by selection of favorable varia- tions, and that, what was favorable at the one spot, could not be expected to be favorable — at least not to the same degree — at another spot, so that the result at different spots could not be the same e. g. that the pro- duction of identical species at different spots, was well nigh impossible. This objection — in itself not well tenable because during this selective process the ances- tral species itself does not remain stationary, but also migrates — of course falls away entirely if species are not the result of a selective accumulation of favorable variations, but are born, ready made, as a result of a cross and left to try to find a place fit to support them, or. . . perish. If we dwell a moment on the fact, that identical gametes, irrespective of their source, must give the sa- me kind of zygote, irrespective of the spot where the mating occured, it follows from the theory of the origin ofnewtypesbycrossing,thatidenticaltypescan originate at different spots, that species can arise polytopically. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 153 This has long been conceded for „ varieties" ; it was BRIQUET who first claimed its validity for species and he is in my opinion perfectly right. This way of a polytopic origin of identical types, ma- kes it possible to divest migration of many very un- certain attempts to explain the present occurrence of identical types in very far distant places, but does not tend to make the present geographical distribution of animals and plants more easy of explanation in detail than it formerly was. Geographical distribution is, just like evolution in the past, a historical problem which can never be reconstructed completely, but from which we can de- rive no more than the very general underlying prin- ciples. CHAPTER XVIII. GEOLOGY AND THE CONSTANCY OF SPECIES. The selection-theory, as well as the theories based on inheritance of acquired characters, must suppose that variability, will it have any effect, must occur more or less continuously, that in other words organisms can 't survive very long without showing variation. It is even inconceivable, on the ground of these theories, that the groups considered by them to be primitive, say like the Flagellates, should yet remain in existence, notwith- standing all the changes which the earth has under- gone must have been inductive to their varying. This applies even, though in a lesser degree, to the mutation theory, the only conception able to explain the unchan- ged continuation of a homozygotic type through long ages, is the conception that a species is constant, unless it happens to cross with another one. Now what does the geoloigcal record teach us to this effect ? Let us quote here what GRAND' EUEY than whom no one, has greater experience in this matter, says: »Unfait notoire domine tous les autres, la permanence ,,des especes durant la majorite ou la presque totaliU de leur , .existence" . Venu il y a 25 ans a St. Etienne avec I'id6e contraire que les especes ont vari6 d'une maniere continue, D. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 155 STUR me conseilla de m'en assurer sur le terrain. Au lieu de cela, dans des depots interrompus, qui auraient conserve les formes gradiees d'especes variables je n'ai rien rencontre que les debris d'especes const antes; a 1'appui de ce dire il me serait facile de citer plus de dix especes communes aux deux grands bassins houilliers frangais, plus de dix especes immuables de la base au sommet du bassin de la Loire et plus de dix autres trans- versant sans changer la moitie superieure de ce bassin" If we consider further that M. Grand' Eury's ex- perience shows that ,,les genres les plus naturelles com- mencent par d'especes peu distinctes et melangees et une fois fixees se separent et ne changent plus", we can only say that this agrees astonishingly well with what happens after a cross, and that thus geology gives strong support to the conception that crossing is the underlying cause of the origin of new types. CHAPTER XIX. CONCLUSIONS FROM THE BEHAVIOUR OF| DIPLOID ORGANISMS. New forms arise as the result of a cross; they can gradually become specifically pure by segregation if self-fertilization prevails. Once pure, they perpetuate themselves by heredity and constitute a species. Several of such species are united by systematists to Linneons. A Linneon of this kind e. g. a Linneon consist- ing of habitual self fertilizers, gradually looses species by extermination through the struggle for life, which pro- cess may result in the survival of one species within such a Linneon only, which species is then called selected. Selection therefore spells: extermination. Such a Linneon, reduced to one species, becomes sy- nonymous with species and can withstand changes of conditions only, by non-transmittable plasticity, which is frequently called adaptability. The usual idea that a species can survive by adapting itself to changed conditions by transmittable variabili- ty, is not only wrong, because such transmittable varia- bility does not exist, but also because the result of such a process would be the creation of new species and consequently not assure the survival of the old one, but its replacement by others. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 157 A Linneon of the class here treated, once having be- come monospecific, must sooner or later be extermina- ted without leaving any descendant, unless it crosses with a form belonging to another Linneon. Such a pro- geny of course is not identical with the parent-spe- cies, but gives rise to new species. The conclusion therefore is : species arise by crossing, perpetuate themselves by heredity and are gradually ex- terminated by the struggle for life, those last exterminated obtaining the epitheton ornans: selected ones. The result of a cross consequently can lead to the for- mation of new species but need not do so ; it always must lead to the production of new forms. If however such new forms continue to intercross, no new species will ever be formed; usually however crossing is not so promiscuous as all that, and new spe- cies do arise by segregation ; to such applies what has been said above. Among the other new forms, promiscuous crossing sooner or later is limited also to intercrossing within certain groups, between which bars against intercros- sing are erected by isolation, aversion or sterility. Such smaller intercrossing communities are also uni- ted by systematists to Linneons. They can resist untoward circumstances much bet- ter than Linneons, consisting of strict self fertilizers, because they have a far greater degree of plasticity through the fact, that the intercrossing of the forms wi- thin them, gives rise continually to the birth of new forms, offering new material, resistant to the extermi- nating effect of the struggle for life. 158 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. As long as the new forms, resulting from such inter- crossing, do not transgress the border of the Linneon, we can say, with justice, that such a Linneon maintains itself by adaptation, although of course the adapted Linneon is then internally changed e. g. is a group of types of other constitutions, than the ones it previously contained. In such a Linneon also, the struggle for life gradually plays havoc because, by extermination of certain types, it gradually reduces the scope of crossing and conse- quently of adaptability. The struggle for life usually results here, first in the selection of the dominant type which can never proceed so far that pure dominants only survive, because the hybrids with the dominant characters enjoy the same advantages as the constitu- tionally pure dominants in the struggle for life If therefore, the dominant form is selected, this is of great advantage to such a Linneon, because then it continues to contain the recessive forms — be it cry- ptomerously — and consequently can call on them in case of emergency. As however such a call is hampered by the fact, that such recessives can come into being only, if two impure dominants happen to mate, even the selection of the dominants must in the long run lead to extinction. Such extinction will however come about much quicker, if the struggle for life results in the selection of the recessives, because then the Linneon finally becomes really mono-specific and so must perish sooner or later, exactly like the self-fertilising Linneons treated off above. THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. 159 The conclusion therefore is : crossing of allogamous forms leads to the production of new forms, most of which sooner or later fall into separate non-intercrossing groups, each of which however consists of different intercrossing forms. Such groups are called Linneons. Such Linneons can adapt themselves to changed cir- cumstances by giving birth to new forms by crossing the different types they contain. These new forms do not transgress the limits of the Linneon and are gradually also exterminated by the struggle for life, which ends in the selection, either of a dominant hybrid type ill fitted to give rise to new-forms, or of a recessive type entirely unable to form new forms. Such Linneons consequently also, are gradually exter- minated by the struggle for life, and here also the forms within it, last exterminated, obtain the epitheton ornans : selected ones. We can express this shortly by saying: Linneons arise by crossing and are gradually extermi- nated by the struggle for life, the last surviving ones ob- taining the epitheton ornans: selected ones. All this is probably parallelled, en grand, in the appea- rance and extinction of the great classes. A cross between two greatly differing gametes gives rise to a great diversity of new forms which we group into families, genera and Linneons, to all of which applies what has been said above of the Linneons: gradual dimunition of the oppor- tunities of crossing and consequently of the birth of new types, able to withstand changed conditions. This must l6o THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. finally lead to extinction of the classes also. There is consequently periodicity in the production of new types, no matter whether these are so different that we put them into different classes, or so little different that we put them into different Linneons only. Such a period of production of new types is always immediately followed by the beginning of extinction through the struggle for life, which is withstood as long as crossing remains possible, and becomes complete sooner or later, after the last possibility of a cross has disappeared. Selection is only ,,une belle phrase" for extinction, the forms last exterminated, being called the selected ones. Adaptation has a double meaning: adaptation of Lin- neons to changed conditions by changing their internal composition through the production of new types as the result of crossing, which do not transgress the limits the Linneon and adaptation of individuals by the plasticity which every individual enjoys, within limits, to respond to the call of new necessities. The vera causa of the production of new types conse- quently is: crossing; the vera causa of their extinction: the struggle for life; the selection resulting from the latter, is by no means a revival, but is the sign of struggle of the doomed. ijj:i The production of new classes can evidently only be studied and demonstrated experimentally in a period of production of such classes; in a period, as the present one, we must be content with the demonstration of the origin of THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. l6l newLinneons, and must conclude by analogy to the way by which new classes originated. I should like to finish this chapter by calling once more attention to one of the chief modern mistakes, which, according to my view, has been made in the in- terpretation of evolutionary facts. This is : that one has looked for the cause of the origin of the different types within a Linneon exclusively within the limits of that Linneon, and so has been led to conclude, in most cases, that the most common wild form within that Linneon, was the ancestral one. So BATESON says, after crossing differently constitu- ted white flowered types of the Linneon, Lathyrus odoratus : „ When Fj was grown however, it was clear that here was ,,a remarkable opportunity of studyng a reversion ,,in colour, due to crossing, for these plants instead of ,,being white were purple, like the wild Sicilian plant ,,from which our cultivated sweet peas are descended." And in his presidential Australian address he says about this same point: ,,In spite of repeated trials no one has yet succeeded ,,in crossing the sweet Pea with other leguminous ,,species. We know that early in its cultivated history ,,it produced at least two marked varieties which I can ,,only conceive as spontaneously arising, though no ,,doubt, the profusion of forms we now have, was made ,,by the crossing of those original varieties". Now why accept another origin e. g. spontaneously arising for these two ,,original" varieties than for those arisen later? l62 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. My contention is that they were segregates from im- pure purples, indistinctible from pure purples, which grew intermixed with the pure purples in Sicily, and which revealed their impure nature after isolation in domestication, just as my impure brown-yellow wall- flowers segregate, if isolated and selfed : violets, golden- yellows and whites. The real origin of the different types which we unite to a Linneon lies not inside that Linneon — although part of them arose from secondary intra-linneontic segregation — but lies further back in the cross of two individuals, belonging to different other pre-existing Linneons. CHAPLER XX. HAPLOID ORGANISMS AND MUTATION. For the investigation of the existence or non-exis- tence of mutation, no group of plants offers better op- portunities than mosses. Bacteria are all too uncertain for such investiga- tions on account of the possibility of contamination, especially if great care is not taken to start with abso- lute certaintly from a single cell. The delution-method, so frequently ressorted to, never gives absolute cer- tainty in this respect. Organisms with multinucleate cells are never safe objects because BURGEFF has shown, in his most interes- ting investigations on the results of crossing different types of Phycomyces that such cells may be hetero- caryotic e. g. may contain nuclei of different constitu- tions, so that with such polyenergid organisms one can at best, obtain the same relative certainty for their specific purity, as is obtainable in the case of diploid organisms, but no greater certainty. But mosses offer very much better opportunities for the final settlement of the vexed mutation-question. As each mossplant arises from a single gamete, it can not be an inter-gametic hybrid as diploid organisms so frequently are. Leaving for the present the question of the possibility of intragametic hybrids aside, we 164 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. can therefore say that, if it could be proved that a moss plant were able to produce more than one kind of ga- metes, mutation would have been proved in so far at least, as we would be justified to conclude, from such a result, that a monogametic organism can become poly- gametic without the direct interference of a cross. Experiments with mosses, from which of course hybrid diploid generations can be obtained, viz hybrid capsules, are therefore highly advisable, also because they can throw light on the question of gametic purity, the nature of every separate gamete here becoming vi- sible in the mossplant, which arises from it, while hi diploid organisms we can see but the effect of the in- teraction of two gametes. CHAPTER XXI. DIPLOID ORGANISMS AND MUTATION. We have given our reasons for being sceptical as to the existence of mutations. This scepsis is partly based on fact, partly on cir- cumstantial evidence. The fact is, that we possess no means to establish complete specific purity experimen- tally, and consequently are never sure of the purity of our material. Certainty of purity however is a conditio sine qua non to obtain proof of the existence of mutation in living beings, just as chemical purity is a conditio sine qua non to obtain proof of the existence of mutability of the ele- ments. The circumstantial evidence is, that all so called mu- tants are recessives e. g. arise in material in which impure individuals are indistinctible at sight from pure ones, which makes it very probable that the aber- rant individuals were no mutants at all, but segregates from heterozygotes, indistinctible from the pure do- minants. Circumstantial evidence always contains an element of uncertainty and the evidence from the recessives is no exception to the rule. The fact that the ,,mutants" are always recessives is namely no proof that they are segregates. 166 THE EVOLUTION OF LIVING BEINGS. If the presence- and absence-hypothesis holds good, they may really be mutants, arisen by a loss of a gen A or factor, as a result of faulty inheritance e. g., / after our present conceptions, as a result of accidental irregularities in karyokinesis, but even if this were the case, such an occurence would not materially assist the \mutation theory because evolution by a process of re- peated losses is inconceivable. The mutation theory requires proof of the existence of progressive mutants e. g. proof that dominants can arise from recessives. As we have seen, there is not a particle of proof for such an occurence. It need hardly be added, that it is not sufficient to prove the occurence of a dominant in a bed of recessives, but that it is necessary to prove that the dominant arose from a recessive. The mere presence of a dominant in a bed of reces- sives, proves as little that it arose from a recessive as the presence of a cuckoo's egg in the nest of a sparrow proves that this egg arose from a sparrow's egg. FINIS. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY is DUE on fh<« !•»<•*• •»• • -•• '- - - • - University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. JOCI 16 B» IVERSITY of CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES LIBRARY