0; <=o o m EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH BIOLOGICAL STUDIES AND ADDRESSES. READY. I. EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH. JN PREPARATION. II. ADAPTIVE RADIATION OF MAMMALS. III. EVOLUTION OF THE VERTEBRATES. IV. RECTIGRADATIONS IN EVOLUTION. V. SOME GREAT NATURALISTS. VI. SEVEN FACTORS OF EDUCATION. fk, BIOLOGICAL STUDIES AND ADDRESSES. VOL I EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH TO AND FROM THE TRIANGULAR TYPE INCLUDING COLLECTED AND REVISED RESEARCHES ON TRITUBERCULY AND NEW SECTIONS ON THE FORMS AND HOMOLOGIES OF THE MOLAR TEETH IN THE DIFFERENT ORDERS OF MAMMALS BY HENRY FAIRFIELD OSBORN Sc.D., LL.D., D.Sc. DACOSTA PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY CURATOR OF VERTEBRATE PALAEONTOLOGY IN THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY EDITED BY W. K. GREGORY, M.A. LECTURER IN ZOOLOGY IN COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY JUtu llork THE MACMILLAN COMPANY LONDON: MACMILLAN AND CO. LTD. 1907 to GLASGOW: PRINTED AT THE UNIVKKS1TV PK1 -.s BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD. PREFACE THE older odontography or description of teeth treated each type as a distinct and perfect form in itself. Curler's Odontographie '/<•--.• Mammiferes, (licliel's Odontographie, Owen's Odontography are examples of more or less comprehensive treatises in the pre-evolutionary spirit. They antedate the discovery of what may be called the ' new odonto- graphy,' which is based upon the unity of dental type, upon the evolution of the teeth of mammals from a common reptilian prototype, and which treats of each form in relation to its origin, its descent, its gradual complication, and the laws of analogous evolution or independent production of similar forms. The new odontography centres around the ' tritubercular theory ' of Cope. This theory had wider acceptance ten years ago than it has to-day : there has been a strong reaction against certain features of it on the part of many of the most able anatomists. This is partly due to misunderstanding, partly to the fact that all the evidence has never been fully marshalled, partly to the discovery of new embryi (logical and palaeontological evidence which may disprove certain features of the theory : but chiefly to the fact that some of the most decisive and convincing palseontological evidence in support of the theory has not been clearly advanced. It is hoped that this collection of the contributions of the writer, with additional observations, illustrations, and data, and with a discussion of various other theories and criticisms will serve to convince the reader and student that the new odonto- graphy in its general principles rests upon an adequate basis of evidence and, while subject to modification in many details, marks a turning point in the science of the teeth. vi PREFACE » The present volume treats only the primary evolution of the molar and premolar teeth of mammals, and is thus more restricted in scope than the admirable ' Dental Anatomy ' of Tomes which covers the teeth of the vertebrates generally. The writer is especially indebted to his assistant Mr. W. K. Gregory for invaluable assistance not only in bringing together and rearranging the essays and figures, but for many original suggestions, and for the critical resmnt of the opposing views which is set forth in the last chapter. HENRY F AIRFIELD OSBORN. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY AND A M KRICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, September, 1907. CONTENTS PAGl INTRODUCTION, CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA ADOPTED IN THIS BOOK, n CHAPTER I. THE TRANSITION FROM THE REPTILIAN TO THE MOST PRIMITIVE MAMMALIAN TEETH. 1. The Upper Triassic Mammals Dromatherinm and Microconodon, - 18 2. A new classification of the Mesozoic Mammals, - 21 3. Illustrations of the chief Triconodonta and Trituberculata, 24 4. The origin of the tritubercular type sought in 1888 among the Mesozoic Mammalia, 31 CHAPTER II. FIRST OUTLINE OF TRITUBERCULAR EVOLUTION IN MAMMALS, 36 CHAPTER III. TRITUBERCULY IN RELATION TO THE HUMAN MOLAR TEETH AND THE PRIMATES. 1. Ontogenetic development of the teeth, 48 2. "The history of the cusps of the human molar teeth," p. 55. The concrescence theory, p. 57. Mechanical relations of the upper and lower teeth, p. 60. Evidence that the upper human molars were triangular, p. 62 viii CONTENTS PAGE CHAPTER IV. TRITUEERCULY IN ITS APPLICATION TO THE MOLAR TEETH OF THE UNGULATES OR HOOFED MAMMALS. COMPLETION OF THE NOMENCLATURE. 1. Disadvantages of previous systems of nomenclature of the molar cusps, 66 2. Methods of analysis of molar elements. Nomenclature of the molars of Ungulates, - 66 3. Application of the theory of trituberculy to the Perissodactyla, p. 72. The horse molar, p. 72. The rhinoceros molar, p. 72. CHAPTER V. TRITUBERCULY : A REVIEW DEDICATED TO THE LATE PROFESSOR COPE, 74 Polybuny, p. 74. Comparison of nomenclatures, p. 76. Tritubercular homologies, p. 77. The early stages of sexituberculy, p. 80. Lower molars, p. 80. The nomenclature of the molar cusps and crests, p. 82. The evolution of the Ungulate molar, p. 83. CHAPTER VI. CHRONOLOGICAL OR GEOLOGICAL SUCCESSION OF MOLAR TYPES. 1. Reptilian Ancestors of Mammals in the Trias, - 2. The Triassic Mammals, 94 3. Mammals of the Jurassic, 94 4. Upper Cretaceous Mammals, 95 5. Basal Eocene Mammals, 98 6. Lower Eocene Mammals, 98 Resume of Geological Succession of Types, 99 CHAPTER VII. THE ORIGINAL OR PRIMITIVE STRUCTURE OF THE MOLAR TEETH IN THE DIFFERENT ORDERS OF MAMMALS, 100 The major classification of the Mammalia, p. 100. Protodonta, p. 101. Allotheria or Multituberculata, p. 101. Monotremata, p. 105. Mar- supialia, p. 108. Molar teeth of Multituberculates, Marsupials (?), and Placentals in the Upper Cretaceous, p. 115. Insectivora, p. 117. Cheiroptera, p. 129. Carnivora, p. 131. Evolution of carnasial teeth in Creodonta and Fissipedia, p. 135. Convergence of upper carnassials in Creodonta and Fissipedia, p. 1 38. Fissipedia, p. 1 42. Rodentia, p. 1 44, and CONTEXTS ix PACK Simplicidentata, \>. 14."). Duplicidentata, ]». 148. Tillodontia, )>. 151. Superorder I'ngnlata, p. H>3. Aml>l\p<>da, p. Mil. Condylarthra, p. K!N. Artiodactyla, p. 171. Perissodaetyla, p. 171. Chalicotheroidea or An- rylopnda, ]>. 1S4. Hyracoidea, }>. IS."). Proboscidea ]>. isfi. Sirenia, p. 18S. South American Ungulates, p. 189. ( 'etacea, p. 19O. Zeug- . 191. CHAPTER VIII. EVOLUTION OF THE PREMOLAKS, 193 Premolars in primitive M annuals, p. 193. Adaptation <>f prenmlars, |i. 191. Various upper premolar types, p. 194. Cusp addition in the pre- inolars, p. 19"). Superior premolars, ]). 19"). Inferior premolars, p. 198. CHAPTEK IX. OBJECTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES, AND OTHER THEORIES. I. That the tritubercular type is not primitive : 1. The plexodbnt or progressive simplification theory of Ameghino, - 201 •2. Objections by Fleischmann and Malm answered by Scott, 204 3. The primitive polybuny theory, 205 II. That the Cope-Osborn theory of the origin of the superior molars is incorrect, 208 1. (Aisp homologies founded on embryogeny, p. 208. Order of em- bryonic cusp-development in Insectivora, p. 210. Summary of Woodward's conclusion, p. 212. Ontogenetic order according to Marett Tims, p. 213. The premolar analogy, theory, p. 215. Palseontological difficulties in the premolar analogy theory, p. 217. Gidley's restudy (1906) of Jurassic Mammals supports embryo- geny and the premolar analogy theory, p. 219. Addendum: the " trituberculy " of Zalambdodonts a secondary acquirement or u pseudo-trituberculy," p. 225. Conclusion, p. 227. CHAPTEK X. RECTIGRADATIONS IN THE TEETH, 229 Homoplasy as a law of latent or potential homology, p. 229. Homologv, p. 237. Lankester's reply to the preceding article, p. 238. BIBLIOGRAPHY, 240 INTRODUCTION. THE teeth are the hardest of the tissues, and, unlike other tissues, are not improved, but on the contrary constantly worn away and finally destroyed, by prolonged use. Yet they are also the most progressive of the tissues. For example, in the evolution of the horse, no other system of organs undergoes so profound a change as that of the teeth. The fitness which they present for every possible mode of capturing and eating fills volumes of the older works on descriptive anatomy and teleology, and is even now constantly disclosing new and fascinating subjects for the study of adaptations. Because of their hardness the teeth are the most generally and perfectly preserved of all fossilized organs ; hence they are the especial guides and friends of the palaeontologist in his peculiar field of work from imperfect evidence. Thus it happens also that the palaeontologist has been obliged to study the teetli in more detail even than has been done by the comparative anatomist or zoologist. All this use of the teeth for teleological, descriptive, and taxonornic purposes is, however, entirely aside from the main purpose of the present volume, which is, to set forth the mode of evolution cruelly of the complex crowns of the molar teeth of mammals, how the main types originated, and how they can be compared with each other and with those of reptiles. The evolution is not, however, traced to its final modifications in the elaborate hypsodont and tubercular types, but only so far as the formation of the fundamental patterns. That comparison can be made on a grand scale most attractive to the student, both of homologies and analogies, is a recent discovery. It dates back only to the year 1883, when what may be called the law of trituberculy was discovered by Cope.1 No harmony existed in our ideas and descriptions of the grinding teeth of mammals previous to that time, although Huxley in his discussion of the teeth of the Insec- tivora had anticipated the discovery of such a harmony. Many of the details and of the broader outlines of the law were either touched 1 American Xatwalist, April 1883, pp. 407-408. A EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH upon or fully discussed by the great comparative anatomist Cope, who dwelt, however, chiefly upon the basal Eocene stage. In 1887 the present writer took up the subject in the earlier Mesozoic stages of the evolution of the mammals, and in later years pursued it into the later Eocene and all subsequent Tertiary stages. The theory was everywhere welcomed as a decided advance on the old odontology and odontography, in which there was no unifying principle either of homologies or of nomenclature. It has been applied more or less throughout the whole class of mammalia, first in palseonto- logical, then in embryological and anatomical lines ; but thus far only to a rather limited extent by zoologists, or students of living mammals, and, so far as the writer knows, still less by anthropologists. It has been critically examined, discussed, and either partly or wholly adopted, or entirely rejected as unproven, by various authors. The chief contributors to the development and critical examination of the theory are the following : From the pakeontological standpoint, Cope, Osborn, Schlosser, Scott, Earle, Kutinieyer, Lydekker, v. Zittel, Ameghino, Goodrich, Wortman, Smith Woodward, Gidley. Among the zoologists who have either advocated or opposed the theory are Lankester, Newton Parker, Fleischmann, H. Allen, Forsyth Major, Dybowski, Winge, Sims, Beddard.1 Among anatomists, Schwalbe and Dwight have accepted the theory, while Howes failed to find sufficient evidence for it. The most influential opponents of certain features of the theory are those who have examined it embryologically, namely, Kiikenthal, Rose, Taeker, Leche, M. F. Woodward.1 Four distinct principles have been developed in connection with the general theory, as follows : I. FIRST PRINCIPLE. THE PRIMITIVE TRITUBERCULAR TYPE. The discovery of the oldest fauna of the age of mammals, or Tertiary period, near the Puerco Canon in Northwestern New Mexico, was announced by Professor Edward D. Cope in 1879. These small and strange fossil mammals exhibited a general similarity in all the molar or grinding teeth, even among animals which evidently had great diversity of feeding habits. This similarity consisted in the possession of three main tubercles on the crowns of loth upper and lower molars, disposed in tri- angles* This was evidently a primitive type of molar tooth, and in 1883 1 These names are placed in the general order in which the criticisms appeared. (See pp. 200-227.) *[In addition to the main tubercles there were often smaller cuspules, "styles "and " talons," but the upper molars of the Carnivores and Ungulates were all roughly speaking " tritubercular," the lower molars all " tuberculo-sectorial " or of plainly derived types.] INTRODUCTION Professor Cope 1 appropriately named it the tritubercular ////"'.- By com- parison with the teeth of more recent animals, the further conclusion was reached that the tritubercular f ///><• n-as ancestral to many if not to all of the higher types of molar teeth. This is one of the most important generalizations ever made in mammalian comparative anatomy ; it outranks in importance the proof of the primitive pentadactyl nature of the feet of hoofed animals. In the writer's opinion, the evidence in favour of it is so overwhelming that primitive trituberculy is no longer an hypothesis or a theory, but an established fact. In the accompany- ing table it will be seen that those orders in which generalized ancestral forms are positively known to possess tritubercular molar teeth (I) and those orders in which primitive tritubercular teeth or some of the immediately derivable types are occasionally observed, although the line of descent has not actually been traced (II), far outnumber those (III) in which we must reason by analogy, because we have as yet no positive light on the descent of the teeth. I. Mammalian orders in which ancestral forms are posi- tively known, which exhibit tritubei'cular or plainly de- rived types of molars. Edentata TYeniodonta (Ganodonta) (p. 151). Insectivora primitive (Mesozoic) (pp. 26-30). Insectivora (p. 117). Marsupialia Polyproto- dontia (cf. Oligocene Perat/ierium, p. 1U9). Carnivora Creodonta (p. 131). Oarnivora Fissipedia (p. 135). Tillodontia (p. 151). Primates (p. 157). Amblypoda (e.g. Panto- lambda p. 165). Condylarthra (e.g. Proto- gonodon, p. 169). Artiodactyla (e.g. Trigono- lestes, Homacodon, p. 171). Perissodactyla (e.g. Hyra- coth eriv.m, Systemodon^ p. 174). II. Orders in which tritubercular or plainly derived types of molars are occasionally observed although the line of descent has not actually been traced. Marsupialia Diproto- dontia (p. 109). Rodentia Duplicidentata (p. 148). Rodentia Simpliciden- tata (p. 146). Ancylopoda (cf. Schizo- tln'rium, Chalicotherium, (p. 184). Zeuglodontia (p. 191). Hyraeoidea (p. 185). Proboscidea (e.g. Mceri- therui.m, p. 186). Sirenia (cf. Halitherium veronense, p. 189). Toxodontia and other South American Ungu- lata (p. 189). Ill Orders in which we have as yet no positive light on the descent of the molars. All other Edentates (p. 152). Monotremata (p. 107). Multituberculata (p. 101). Cetacea3 (p. 190). Carnivora Pinnipedia (p. 143). 1 American Natural i*t, April, 1883, pp. 407-408. 2 N. B. The lower molars generally show also a talonid or heel. 3 Zeuyhdon not included. 4 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH This main principle of the tritubercular theory has been widely but by no means universally accepted. Able comparative anatomists, chiefly Ameghino, Rose, Forsyth-Major, have urged against it that a molar tooth with a number of tubercles is still more primitive. According to this rival view, commonly known as the polybuny theory (TroXvs, many, ftowos, a hillock), the tritubercular type, even in the Cretaceous period, was the result of a secondary suppression of some of the numerous original tubercles. This opposing view deserves fair consideration and a clear statement (see p. 205). This first generalization as to primitive trituberculy in the later Mesozoic and Tertiary periods must be clearly distinguished from the following second generalization as to the earlier Mesozoic origin of trituberculy. II. SECOND PRINCIPLE. THE ORIGIN OF THE TRITUBERCULAR TYPE FROM THE SINGLE REPTILIAN CONE. Professor Cope's active and inquiring mind did not, however, stop at this point. He asked himself, " If the oldest Tertiary mammals exhibited a common tritubercular type, what do the mammals which lived during the Mesozoic period, or age of reptiles, show as to the origin of the tritubercular type ? " He had neither the time nor the material to enter thoroughly into this inquiry ; but he looked into Owen's memoir on Mesozoic mammals far enough to clearly perceive that the tritubercular type developed during the long Mesozoic period, from an ancestral reptilian type of tooth consisting only of a single cone or cusp. Therefore he made a second generalization : that the tritubercular type sprang from a single conical type by the addition of lateral denticles. " I have already shown," he says,1 " that the greater number of the types of this series have derived the characters of their molar teeth from the stages of the following succession. First, a simple cone or reptilian crown, alternating with that of the other jaw. Second, a cone with lateral denticles. Third, the denticles to the inner side of the crown forming a three- sided prism, with tritubercular apex, which alternates with that of the opposite jaw." III. THIRD PRINCIPLE. CUSP ADDITION OR DIFFERENTIATION. In the second generalization is, however, involved a third, which has also been the subject of wide difference of opinion, namely, the successive addition of new denticles, cuspules or smaller cones on the sides of the original reptilian cone ; this may be simply known as the cusp addition 1 Oriyin of the Fittest, p. 347. INTRODUCTION 5 principle ; it is a process analogous to budding or outgrowth in other tissues. An opposed theory, advanced by Ameghino, Rose, and Kukenthal is that of concrescence, namely, that from an original large supply of conical reptilian teeth in the primitive longer jaws, and from the multiple succession or replacement of such teeth, the cones were clustered or grouped, by fours or more, and thus arose respectively the quadri- tubercular, and multitubercular or polybunic types, the tritubercular and triconodont stages being secondary (Ameghino). IV. FOURTH PRINCIPLE. EEVERSED UPPER AND LOWER TRIANGLES. Still another or fourth principle, entirely distinct from the fore- going, is involved in the sentence quoted above, " Third, the denticles to the inner side of the crown [in the lower jaw] forming a three-sided prism, with tritubercular apex, which alternates with that of the opposite [or upper'] jaw." This principle involves the theory which rests upon strong but perhaps not altogether conclusive pakeontological evidence (pp. 32, 43, 217) that in the lower molars the reptilian cone, is external and the two denticles internal, while in the upper molars the reverse is the case, namely, the reptilian cone is internal and the denticles are external. This principle, if a true one, enables us to establish a kind of serial homology between the main primary cones and secondary denticles or cusps of the upper and lower teeth respectively. Osborn expressed such an homology in a system of nomenclature (protocone, paracone, metacone, etc.), which Professor Cope welcomed and accepted. According to this principle, the evolution and relation of both the upper and lower molars are those of a pair of reversed triangles in every stage above the protodont and triconodont ; thus, it might be simply known as the trigonal theory ; but since it was based by Cope and the writer entirely upon the evidence afforded by the Mesozoic molar teeth, it may be more strictly termed the ' PAL/EONTOLOGICAL THEORY.' As applied to the upper molars, this theory and the homologies it involves with the lower molars have been far more vigorously and generally opposed than either of the other principles ; in fact, the chief weight of opinion has now gathered against it from three different classes of positive evidence, namely, embryological, anatomical, and palfeontological by comparison with premolar evolution, also from the negative argument that the evidence at hand among the Mesozoic mammals does not demonstrate the principle in the upper teeth. The theory opposing the pakeontological theory in morphological contrast first sprang from embryological evidence, and may, therefore, 6 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH be known as the ' EMBRYOLOGICAL THEORY.' It is another instance of the apparent conflict between palseontological and embryological evidence as witnesses of the ancient order of development. The final verdict, therefore, will be most interesting. Briefly, the embryologists, especially Eose, Taeker, Kiikenthal, M. F. Woodward, Marett Tims, have shown that in the upper molars the cusp which Cope and Osborn assert to be the oldest, is, on the contrary, later in development than the paracone, Order of Cusp Development Ja I a ontology FIG. 1. Order of cusp development as attested by Embryology (fide Rose) (left-band numerals) and by Paleontology (fide Osborn) (right-hand numerals). Typical (synthetic) dentition of Man, from Selenka. (The paraconid is not represented in human molars. See p. 59 and Fig. 38.) and therefore (?) not the oldest palseontologically. The oldest upper cusp, according to the ' embryological theory,' is the antero-external cusp (paracone), and this is homologous with the reptilian cone ; from this there is a slowly evolving triangle in the upper molars . according to the same authorities the reptilian cone is, however, central or apical in the lower teeth, embryology quite 'agreeing with palaeontology. From this it would follow that the only serial homologies which can properly be established are those between the lower and upper reptilian cones. The embryological theory, in brief, is to the effect that while in the lower molars the central reptilian cone remained external and the two INTRODUCTION t denticles arose internally, forming a triangle, in the upper molars the reptilian cone remained at the antero-cxternal angle and the two denticles arose on the inner and posterior sides. It will thus be seen that the difference between the palseontological and embryological theories is radical. The latter finds not only strong support but a beautiful illustration by analogy in the normal modes of evolution of the simple premolar teeth into the complex molai type (see pages 194-200). It is developed in what may be termed the ' PREMOLAR- ANALOGY ' theory. The accompanying figure clearly demonstrates the fundamental difference between these theories. There is no middle ground between them. If the premolar analogy be correct, the Osbornian cusp homo logics of the upper teeth are of less value, but the homological iimm -//r/W///v should be retained for convenience because it has found its way so largely into literature. Although the writer has devoted a vast amount of time and study to the development of the ' palseontological theory,' and is personally inclined to believe in its tenability, there is no denying the great force of the objections which have been urged against it and the need of substantial proof from the early Mesozoic mammals, even in addition to that which is freshly adduced in the present work. The arguments pro and con are, therefore, partly stated in course of these collected essays, and especially brought together in the new chapter IX. at the close. ORIGIN OF THE TRIANGLE. An important feature of the fourth principle is the position and mode of origin of the cusps of the triangle. Four different modes of origin have been suggested : The first suggestion is that the triangle originated as such, the denticles appearing from the outset on the inner and outer sides respectively of the lower and upper cones. The second suggestion is that the denticles first arose on the anterior and posterior sides of the reptilian cone, and were secondarily rotated inwards and outwards respectively ; the latter is known as the ' cusp rotation ' theory, or rather hypothesis. Osborn l set forth both the above modes guardedly in the following language : i£ There can be no doubt that the cusps seen upon the inner face of the inferior molars of this genus [Spcdacotherium] are homologous with the para- and ineta-cones, and there are several facts which 1 "The Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammalia," .l»>n\ A<-nd. X«t. Sci., Phila., Vol. IX., No. 2, July, 1888, p. 243. 8 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH support Cope's hypothesis 1 that they represent a stage of inward rotation of cusps which were at an earlier stage in the same fore and aft line with the main cusp. These are, that in Phascolotherium the lateral cones are seen to be slightly internal to the main cone, so that their median slopes descend upon the inner face ; in Tinodon, of a later geological period, this disposition is slightly more pronounced ; in Mcnacodon it is still more marked, but less so than in Spalacotherium. These genera, although evidently in two different lines of descent, afford the desired transition stages. The Spalacotherium [Peralestes] molar as seen from above ~ has a striking resemblance to the anterior sectorial triangle of the Stypolophus or Didymictis molar of the Puerco. It is, in fact, sub-triangular, the superior molars probably having the lateral cones rotated outwards, so that the upper molars form an alternating series, the ridges connecting the main and later cones acting as sectorial blades." Again, in the " Evolution of Mammalian Molars to and from the Tritubercular " type, Osborn pointed out (Amer. Naturalist, Dec., 1888, p. 1075) that "it has been assumed by Cope and the writer (op. cit., p. 243) that the para- and meta-conids were first formed upon the anterior and posterior slopes of the protoconid and then rotated inwards, but it is also possible that they were originally formed upon the inner slopes." There is thus evidence for cusp rotation, but it is not an essential part of the tritubercular theory, because, as above stated, the denticles may have arisen on the inner and outer sides of the cone from the outset (see p. 33). The third suggestion is that after the main cone had been estab- lished the lateral cusps or denticles arose as dngules on the broad external cingulum of the upper molars and from the broad internal cingulum of the lower molars. This hypothesis, suggested by Osborn (Mcsozoic Mamm., p. 245) from a study of the molar teeth of the Jurassic Amblotheriidiv, has been supported by the observations of Gregory. The comparison of the molar teeth of such forms as Amblotherium, Phascolestes, Dryolestes (see pp. 29, 30), lends support to this view, which is more fully discussed on page 33 (footnote). The fourth suggestion or hypothesis is the newest ; it springs from embryological evidence (Woodward, Tims) and from another interpreta- tion of the palseontological evidence (Gidley). It ends with the idea that the oldest cone in the upper molars is the paracone (of Osborn) on the outer side of the crown, from it extends inward a broad ledge like a heel which finally rises up and secondarily forms the prominent protocone (of Osborn). According to this hypothesis the paracone is the primary (or reptilian cone), the protocone is secondary or a deriva- 111 The Creodonta," American Naturalist, 1884, p. 259. 2 Owen, The Mesozoic Mammalia, Plate I., Fig. 32c. INTRODUCTION 9 tive cone. This hypothesis accords with the embryological theory and the premolar analogy theory. It is quite possible that the trikibercular or triangular stage arose independently in different groups of animals, by two or possibly three different modes of origin, as outlined in the four sugg* \stions above advanced, on the principle of convergence of similar forms from dis- similar beginnings. Tin's, however, does not invalidate the theory of the passage of the majority if not of all the higher mammalia through the tritubercular stage, however arrived at. SUMMARY. To sum up, it must be clearly re-stated that the four great principles of molar evolution do not stand or fall tocjctln-r. The first or primitive trituberculy principle is now almost undeniable for the majority of mammals ; entirely apart from the disputed question of the original homology of the cusps of the upper and lower teeth, there is no question whatever as to the beautiful and almost incredible homo- logies between the cusps of the molar teeth in the most diverse orders pa* FIG. 2. Two divergent derivatives of the tritubercular molar pattern. Right-hand figure, a grinding molar of the modern horse ; left-hand figure, a sectorial molar of a Flesh- eating mammal (Oxynena) of the Eocene Period. of mammals. The upper carnassial of the Carnivora and the upper molars of the Equida?, for example, are types adaptively so far apart, it is small wonder the older odontologists did not even suspect the existence of hornogeny or common derivation, through which we can now compare cusp for cusp. The reptilian cone origin theory is next in order of demonstration and acceptance : it has recently gained strength by the very general admission that the Theriodont reptiles are at least nearly ancestral to the mammals. The cusp addition theory also finds more advocates at present than the concrescence theory, and rests upon indisputable evidence. Finally, the greatest conflict of evidence exists between the Cope-Osborn palpeontological and the embryological plus premolar-analogy theories of the homologies of the upper and lower cusps (see pp. 208-227). 10 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH ARRANGEMENT OF THIS VOLUME. The writer became interested in trituberculy while attempting to monograph the Mesozoic mammals ; in course of this work many new ideas came out, and many other ideas arose, apparently new, which the writer subsequently found by more extensive reading had already occurred to Professor Cope, and had been expressed in out-of-the-way and unlooked-for places. The writer thus had the opportunity of fully developing the Mesozoic origin of trituberculy , a part which Professor Cope had been obliged to leave in the stage of suggestion. Subsequently the writer took up the molar teeth of the monkeys and lemurs, and then of the hoofed animals, which strangely enough form a perfect morphological succes- sion of types, and thus enjoyed the opportunity of working out \vhat might be called the secondary and tertiary addition, suppression, or modification of cusps as illustrated in the modern Carnivores and Ungulates. These papers are republished here in chronological order with editorial notes. All corrections and insertions by the Editor are indicated in [ ] brackets. All figure references are to figures as arranged and numbered in this volume. The original pagination of the reprinted essays is not given. Certain of the more purely philosophical and biological questions, as distinguished from the anatomical, that is, matters of causation and of evolution theory, are touched upon at one or two points in these pages, but are more fully treated in another volume of these collected papers, entitled Rectigradations in Evolution (cf. pp. 228-239). CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA ADOPTED IN THIS BOOK (See especially pages 91-192). CLASS MAMMALIA LINNJEUS Sub-class 1. PROTOTHERIA Gill (egg laying mammals) Infra-class. ORXITHODELPHIA De Blainville ? Order : *Protodonta Osborn (Of uncertain systematic position) (p. 18.) Dromatkerium ) ., ,,. 7 >(Tnassic) Microconot/oii } Order: Monotremata Geoffrey Saint Hilaire (p. 105.) Ornithorhynch t/.s Echidna ? Order : * Allotheria Marsh (Multituberculata Cope), of un- certain systematic position (p. 101.) Examples Playiaulax Poli/mastodon Tritylodon Microlcstes Sub-class 2. EUTHERIA Gill (Viviparous mammals) Infra-class 1. DIDELPHIA De Blainville (Metatheria Huxley) ? Order : *Triconodonta Osborn (Of uncertain systematic posi- tion, usually regarded as carnivorous Marsupials) (p. 21.) Examples Amphilestes Triconodon Order: Marsupialia Illiger (Pouched mammals) (p. 108.) Sub-order : Polyprotodontia Owen Examples Opossums (Didelphys) Dasyures Thylacynes, etc. The asterisk (*) denotes an entirely extinct order. 12 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH f. 05 03 £ 03 .s So t§ O Sub-order: Diprotodontia Owen (p. 109.) Examples Kangaroos Phalangers, etc. Infra-class 2. MOXODELPHIA De Blainville (Placentalia of authors, Eutheria Huxley) Order : * Pantotheria Marsh (Trituberculata Osborn, Insectivora Primitiva Os.) (p. 22.) Examples Amp hither ium Dryolestes Amblothcrium Order: Insectivora Cuvier (p. 117.) Examples Moles Shrews True Hedgehogs (Erinaceus) Tenrecs (Gentetes), etc. Order : Dermoptera Illiger " Flying-lemur " (G-alcopithecus) Order: Cheiroptera Blumenbach (p. 129.) Sub-order : Megacheiroptera Dobson Pteropodidse (fruit bats) Sub-order : Microeheiroptera Dobson Examples Vespertilios Vampires Nose-leafs, etc. Order: Ferse Linnaeus (Carnivora of authors) (p. 131.) * Sub-order : C r e o d o n t a Cope (p. 1 3 2.) Examples Patriofelis Hycenodon Mcsonyx Sub-order : F i s s i p e d i a Flower (Carnivora Vera Flower) (p. 135.) Examples Cats (Felidse) Civets (Viverridie) Hysenas (Hyamidae) * Extinct. CLASSIFICATION OF THE MAMMALIA 13 03 c3 f— ( a .2 — to -p rH O o Dogs (Canid;r) Eaccoons (Procyonida?) Bears (Ursidn-) Mustelines (Mustelid;e) Sub-order : Pinnipedia (p. 143.) Eared or Fur seals (Otariidae) Walruses (Odobsenidse) Earless seals (Phocida?) Order: *Proglires Osborn (of uncertain relationships) (p. 145.) Example Mixodectes Order: Rodentia Vicq d'Azyr (p. 144.) Examples Squirrels (Sciurid*) Beavers (Castoridae) Eats (Muridae) Porcupines, Cavies, etc. (Hystriconiorpha) Order: *Tillodontia Marsh (p. 151.) Examples Tillotherium Estlwnyx Order: *T3eniodonta Cope (Ganodonta Wortman, possibly related to the Edentates) (p. 151.) Examples Hcmiganus Psittacotherium Calamodon Order : Edentata (Vicq d'Azyr) (Xenarthra Gill) American Edentates (p. 151.) Examples Ant bears (Myrmecophagidai) Ground Sloths (Megatheriidte) Sloths (Bradypodidte) Armadillos (Dasypodida?) Glyptodonts (Glyptodontidae) Order : Pholidota Weber Manis (Scaly Anteater) Order: Tubulidentata Flower (p. 152.) Oryctcropus Aard-A"aark * Extinct. 14 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH S 13 CD o O O Super-order: NOTUNGULATA (Both) Scott (South American Ungulates) (p. 189.) Order I. *Toxodontia (Owen) Scott Sub-order 1. *Toxodontia Scott Examples Toxodon Nesodon Sub-order 2. *Typotheria Zittel Examples Pachyrucos Icochilns Typotherium Sub-order 3. * H o m a 1 o d o t h e r i a Scott Homcdodon totherium Order II. * Astrapotheria (Ameghino) Astrapotherium Order III. *Litopterna Ameghino (p. 189.) Proterotherium Macrauchenia Order: Pyrotheria Ameghino (short-footed South American Ungulates) Pyroiherium Order: * Zeuglodontia Van Beneden (p. 191.) Examples Protocetus Zeuglodon Order: Odontoceti Gray (toothed whales) (p. 190.) Squalodonts (Squalodontida?) Fluviatile dolphins (Platanistidse) Dolphins (Delphinid^e) Belugas ) /-rx -i i • • i \ &. . I (Delphmapteridae) Narwhals J Beaked whales (Ziphiidse) Sperm whales (Physeteridse) Order : Mystacoceti Gray Whalebone whales (Balsenidae) Plight whales (Balccna) Humpbacked whales (Megaptera) Finbacked whales (Balcenoptera) * Extinct. TERTIARY SECTIONS 17 GREAT PLAINS SECTION PLEISTOCENE PLIOCENE OREGON,, SECTION^ =. ^E»fmvs*_f=-b--^E MIOCENE ~ JMERYGQCHCERUS L EPTA UCTJ EN I AX- -_• v_ QREODCXEt: DICERATHERlUr* OLIGOCENE TITAMOTHERIUM- UTAH SECTION _ QlP-l> WYOMING SECTION OOOOQOOOOOOOO O O O O O OOOOO (joooooaoooooooo ooooooo OOOOOOOOOOOOOO O O OOOOO EOCENE trMAT6THERIUM ,r NEW MEXICO SECTION MONTANA SECTION'-': .• ....... . .. . CRETACEOUS Fio. 2d. — Diagram showing the chronological and stratigraphic succession of the Cretaceous, Tertiaiy and Pleistocene formations of the western states, in which fossil mammals are found. B CHAPTER I. THE TRANSITION FROM THE REPTILIAN TO THE MOST PRIMITIVE MAMMALIAN TEETH. BEGINNINGS OF THE NOMENCLATURE. 1. THE UPPER TRTASSIC MAMMALS, DROMATHERIUM AND MICROCONODON. [Reprinted.] (Read before the American Philowphical Society, April 15th, 1887. Published in the Proceedings, 1887, p. 109.) THE mammalian jaws : discovered by Professor Emmons in the Upper Triassic beds of North Carolina, and ascribed to a single genus. Droma- tlicrium, were recently examined by the writer and found to belong to separate genera. The type mandible of Dromathcrium is preserved in the Williams College Museum, and differs widely from the mandible preserved in the Museum of the Philadelphia Academy. These differences have already been pointed out,2 but require to be more fully stated, as both Professors Marsh and Cope have expressed doubts as to the distinct separation of these genera. The accompanying lithographic figures bring out the characteristic features of these mandibles much more fully than in the pen drawings which accompanied my earlier description. In many respects these genera agree with each other, and stand separate from the Jurassic mammals of both England and America. There is, first, a considerable diastema behind the canine, a very rare feature in the division of Mesozoic mammals to which these genera belong, although always present in the division to which Plagiaulax and its allies belong, viz., the sub-order Multituberculata Cope. J[The chief reason for considering these jaws mammalian is that they are composed of a single bone, there being no evidence of the separation into dentary, articular, and angular elements, as in the jaws of reptiles. H.F.O. November, 1904.] z Proreediiiij/j of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1886, p. 359. I find upon a second examination of Prof. Emmons' original figure, that I unintentionally criticised it too severely in the former article, p. 359. While far from accurate, the figure is not so misleading as I at first supposed. TEETH OF THE MESOZOIC MAMMALS 19 Dromaiherium has three premolars and seven molars, Imt the number in Microconodon is quite uncertain, as only four of the series are preserved. The molars agree in one particular, which separates them widely from other Mesozoic genera, viz., in the imperfect division of the fangs. This division is indicated merely l>y a depression at the base of the crown, as in the genus Dim<'troii. among the Theromorph * reptiles. p FIG. 3. No. 1. Microcoiwdoii tenuirogtris. The outer surface of the right mandibular rarnus, enlarged. The two premolars preserved are the first and third, with the fang of the second between. The space behind the third was occupied either by a fourth premolar and the first molar, or by the first and second molars. The molars preserved are, therefore, either the second and fourth, or the third and fifth. The dotted outlines are purely conjectural. la. The same, natural size. I/). The fonrthtor fifth molar, much enlarged. No. 2. Dromathcrium syli-cstrc. The inner surface of the left mandibular ramus. enlarged. 2a. The same, natural size. 26. The second molar, much enlarged. ABBREVIATION'S. — o. Angle ; c. canine : en. condyle ; cr. coronoid ; i. incisors ; m;i. mylohyoid groove t ; »i. molars ; p. premolars. Ill all other respects these mandibular raini differ widely. The Micro- conodon ramus is two-thirds the length of that of Di'mn/////, rum/ ; it is flattened and slender, with a nearly straight lower border beneath the molar alveoli, and a characteristic depression of the border which possibly represents the angle of the jaw, as in Prof. Chven's genus PC/V/////.S (Fig. 16.) The coronoid process is low and the vertical diameter of the jaw at this point is very narrow. This ramus offers a great contrast to that of *[Dimetrodon is now classified with the Sphenodon-like reptiles. — ED.] t[Now believed to be the groove for Meckel's cartilage. — ED.] 20 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH Dromathcrium, which is very stout and convex with a thick lower border, projecting widely from the matrix, an elevated coronoid process, while the curvature of the lower border is unbroken by any downward projection. If these differences may be given merely a specific value, and attributed in part to the fact that the Microconndmi jaw is seen upon the outer surface, and that of Dromathcrium upon the inner surface, let us compare closely the teeth in the two genera. Unfortunately the canine and incisors of the Microconodon ranius are wanting. We first observe that the premolars of Dromathcrium are styloid and procumbent ; if erect they would rise above the level of the molars ; they have no trace of a cingulum. In the other genus the premolars are subconical, and, although erect, they do not reach the level of the molar tips ; they show a faint posterior cingulum, and the third premolar has the same evidence of a division of the fang which is seen in the molars, while in Dromatlurium there is no trace of such a depression, but a distinct groove on the postero-internal face of the tooth reaching nearly to the summit. The molars of Dromathcrium are narrow and loft}-; the general pattern of the crown consists of a single main cone with a high anterior and lower posterior accessory cusp upon its slopes; but these cusps are very irregular in disposition. For example, in the second molar there are two anterior cusps ; in the third molar the posterior cusp is nearly as large as the main cusp : in the fifth molar there is a trace of a postero-external cusp ; in the last molar both the anterior and posterior cusps are distinctly bifid at the tip. In Microconodon, on the other hand, the molars are com- paratively low and broad, with a low anterior and higher posterior accessory cusp ; these cusps are regular and very prominent ; there is also a well-marked posterior cingulum, which cannot be distinguished in the corresponding molars of the other genus. Although the two posterior molars are wanting in Microconodon, the rise of the coronoid probably marks the position of the last molar ; taking this estimate of the posterior point of the molar-premolar series and comparing it with the length of the series in Dromathcrium, we find that while the ramus of one genus is only two-thirds the length of the other, the total space occupied by the molar-premolar series is very nearly the same. Estimated in another way, the molar-premolar series of Micro- conodon is a little less than one-half the entire length of the jaw (y6^), while that of the other genus is exactly one-third the length of the jaw. This discrepancy is due to the difference in the proportions of the molars; in one genus they are low and broad at the base, in the other they are unusually high and compressed. It is difficult at present to assign any systematic position to either of these genera. Dromatherium is entirely unlike any known mammal, fossil or recent. The form of the molars is extremely primitive both in TEETH OF THE MESOZOIC MAMMALS 21 respect to the incomplete separation of the fangs and the remarkable variations in the number and size of the accessory molar cusps. In fact the molars appear to be in what may lie called an experimental stage of structure. The accessory cusps are sometimes large and distinct, as in the third true molar ; sometimes minute as needle points, as in the second molar. The incomplete separation of the fangs is a reptilian character, which when correlated with the styloid prernolars and recurved canine-incisor series, places Dromafheriiim very remote from any of the known Mesozoic mammals. Microconodon, on the other hand, is of a somewhat more recent type, the premolars have the trace of a low posterior heel, and the molars have that regular tricuspicl division of the crown which is first observed in the genus Ainpliilestes (Fig. 5) of the English Lower Jurassic and characterizes a large number of the Jurassic mammals. 2. A NEW CLASSIFICATION OF THE MESOZOIC MAMMALS. [In order to make the following section clearer we insert here a brief classification of the Mesozoic (Lower and Upper Jurassic) mammals of the orders Triconodonta and Pantotheria (Trituberculata). — ED.] A. Infra-class Marsupialia. 1. ORDER: TRICONODONTA OSBORN. 1. FAMILY : TRICONODONTID.E MARSH. Probably carnivorous pro-Marsupials. Molars with three stout crest cusps, the anterior and posterior cusps derived from the crown, and a .strong internal cingulum, rising into anterior, median and posterior prominences. Opposition of upper and lower molars subtrenchant. Postcanine teeth 7 to 11, usually 7. Angle of jaw inflected. Coronoid broad, recurved. a. Subfamily Amphilestince Osborti. Lower Jurassic. Anterior and posterior cusps of molars much lower than middle cusps, all three cusps being in the same fore-and-aft line. Postcanine teeth 9-11. Angle distinct in outside view. Mandible rather slender. Genus Amphilestes. Lower Jurassic (Stonesfield Slate), England. Figs. 4 (No. 1), 5. 22 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH I. S'libfamily Triconoclontince Osborn. Upper Jurassic.* Anterior and posterior cusps of molars progressively increasing in size, finally equalling the middle cusps. All three cusps in line. Postcanine teeth 7. Angle not seen in outer, side view. Canines erect and piercing. Mandible stout. 1. Triconodon Upper Jurassic,* England (Middle Purbeck Beds). Figs. 11, 11 a. 2. Priacodon (probably a synonym of Triconodon), Upper Jurassic (Como Beds), Wyoming. Fig. 8. 3. Triacanthodon, Upper Jurassic * (Middle Purbeck Beds), England. Fig. 7. c. Subfamily Phascolotheriinm Osborn. Lower and Upper Jurassic. Anterior and posterior cusps of lower molars progressively shifting to inner slopes of central cusps. Postcanine teeth 7. Premolars and molars alike (or premolars greatly reduced in number). Angle not seen in outer side view. 1. Phascolotherium, Lower Jurassic (Stonesfield Slate), England. Figs. 4 (No. 3), 6. 2. Tinodon, Upper Jurassic * (Como Beds), Wyoming. Fig. 10. INCERT^E SEDIS. d. Subfamily Spcdacotheriince Osborn. Upper Jurassic. Molars with large central cusp and two smaller €usps somewhat internal to it. Premolars and molars unlike (or pre- molars not greatly reduced in number). Angle not seen in outer side view. Postcanine teeth 7-10. Mandible slender. Spalacotherium, Upper Jurassic """ (Middle Purbeck Beds), England. Fig. 11. Menacodon, Upper Jurassic (Como Beds), Wyoming. Fig. 9. Peralestes, Upper Jurassic * (Middle Purbeck Beds), England. B. Infra-class Placentalia. ORDER : PANTOTHERIA MARSH (TRITUBERCULATA OSBORN). Probably insectivorous pro-placentals, angle of mandible not inflected, lower molars primitively of the tuberculo-sectorial type, with a central external and three internal cusps, pad, med, hyd, the latter probably derived from the internal cingulum. Upper molars subtriangular, the * [Throughout this book the Purbeck Beds of England and the Como or Atlantosaurus Beds of Wyoming are called Upper Jurassic, but English and Continental geologists now regard them as Lower Cretaceous in age. — ED.] TEETH OF THE MESOZOIC MAMMALS 23 trigon reversing the pattern of lower molars, the accessory cusps being on the outer side of the main or internal cusp, probably also derived from the cingulum. Molars progressively styloid and piercing, often with recurved tips. Lower incisors typically procumbent, spatulate, p3 and especially p4 typically larger than m^ erect and piercing. Postcanine teeth usually 11 (p i, in 7). 1. Family Amphitheriidcc Owen. Lower and Upper Jurassic. Lower molars tuberculosectorial bifanged, incisors more erect. Condyle low, coronoid broad, angle well rounded below, sharply depressed. Postcanine teeth 9-12. Incisors more erect. Amphitherium, Lower Jurassic (Stonesfield Slate), England. Figs. 15, 17. Amphitylus, Lower Jurassic (Stonesfield Slate), England. Fig. 4 (No. 2). PeramiLs, Leptocladus, Upper Jurassic (Purbeck Beds), England. Figs. 18, 26. 2. Family Amblotheriidce Osborn or Stylacodontidce Marsh. Upper Jurassic. Molars progressively styloid and piercing, finally with single fang, canine with single fang. Coronoid more slender. Angle small, continuous with lower contour of mandible. Mandible graceful and slender. Incisors procumbent, spatulate. P3, p4 larger than m1. Postcanine teeth 11-12. 1. Amblotherium (Upper molars = ? Peralestes) Upper Jurassic (Pur- beck Beds), England. Figs. 11, 23. 2. Peraspalax, Upper Jurassic * (Purbeck Beds), England. Figs. 4 (No. 9), 22. 3. Achyrodon, LTpper Jurassic* (Purbeck Beds), England. Fig. 24. 4. Phascolestes, Upper Jurassic* (Como), Wyoming. Figs. 31-34. Dri/olestes (probably a synonym of Phascolestes). 5. Laodon, Upper Jurassic* (Como Beds), Wyoming. Fig. 30. 6. Stylodon (Upper molars = ? Kurtodoti). Fig. 29. Stylacodon, Upper Jurassic * (Como), Wyoming (a synonym of Stylodon?) 7. Asthenodon, Upper Jurassic* (Como), Wyoming. Fig. 35. 3. Family Paurodontidce Marsh. Upper Jurassic. Molars feebly tuberculo-sectorial, that is, with accessory cusps poorly developed. Molars bifanged. Postcanine teeth 6. Mandible very short and stout. *See note on page 22. 24 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH Paurodon Marsh. Upper Jurassic* (Como), Wyoming. Some approach toward these distinctive characters is made by Achyrodon of the Amblo- theriidie (Stylacodontidffi), from early members of which family Paurodon may have descended. Fig. 26. 4. Family Diplocynodontidw Marsh. Upper Jurassic. Upper molars with large crushing protocones ; lower molars with very broad basin-shaped talonids. Diplocynodon, Upper Jurassic* (Como Beds), Wyoming. Fig. 20. Docodon, Upper Jurassic* (Como Beds), Wyoming. Fig. 21. Enneodon, Upper Jurassic * (Como Beds) Wyoming. 3. ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE CHIEF TRICONODONTA AND TRITUBERCULATA. FIG. 4. The types of the British inesozoic mammals, representing the natural size. 1. Amphilestes. 2. Amphillterium. 3. Phascolothcrium. 4. Triconodon mordax. C. Peramus. 7. Spalacotherium. 8. Peralestcs. 9. Pcraspalax. 10. Leptocladus. 11. Amblotherium. 12. Phus- colestes. 13. Achyrodon. 14. Stylodon. 15. Athrodon. 10. Bolodon. IS. Plagiaulax minor. 10. Stereognathus. FIG. 5. Amphilestes. Lower Jurassic, England. Internal view, enlarged. Fia. 6. Phascolotherium. Lower Jurassic. England. Internal view, enlarged. Fro. 7. Iriconodon (Triiicanthodon). Upper Jurassic, England. External view, enlarged. * See note on page 22. TEETH OF THE MESOZOIC !MAMMALS Fir-. 8. Triconodon (Priacodon). Upper Jurassic, America. Internal view. x|. After Marsh. FIG. 9. Mena.coi.lon. External and internal views, xf. Upper Jurassic, America. After Marsh. FIG. 10. Tiiiodon. Upper Jurassic, America. Internal view. xf. After Marsh. FIG. 11. Spahtrntlicriiiiii. Upper Jurassic, England. Internal view, enlarged. FIG. 11«. Upper and lower teeth and lower jaw of Triconniln,! j\ /-us from the Purbeck Ueds. Upper Jurassic (Lower Cretaceous), England, x IT. Figs. 7-lla. Jurassic Triconodonta. Lower Teeth and Jaws. (All enlarged.) For the natural size of Figs. 5, 6, 7, 11 see Figure 4. 26 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH 5**sJI J ~ r • * V *«• ' .. *-./•• .; 772.3, FIG. 12. Superior molars of Ptralcstts Owen. Upper Jurassic, England. Right side. External, oblique and crown views. These upper molars were probably associated with lower molars of the type seen in Spalae^Hn.riiim (Fig. 11). /«(*, nietastyle; pr, pr, pr, main internal cusps believed to be protocones ; ?pa, ?iw., smaller external cusps believed to be para- and meta- cones. 'lit FIG. 13. a, Kurtodon. Superior molar series of the left maxilla, viewed upon the wearing surface, b, Amblotheriuni soriciwiui, inferior molar series, viewed from above. It1 A. (Peraspalax) talpoides. A lower molar viewed upon the internal face. c. The same. A lower molar viewed from above, d, Ac/iyrodon nanus. A lower molar viewed from above. Much enlarged. TEETH OF THE MESOZOIC MAMMALS 27 l';xtci'iia[ or maxillary licic. i.of. A 'fine 6C s r 4 c 3 c a i_s r r f f ' ^•4Ki= — - — '**"••&.•-"*— c ' £ i c ^r- '^•:^u| fi -mt z pr 3 4 fir 5 i / mr ->— -^ . , , ^ m * -,'^ ^ Painted or internal view . FIG. 14. Superior molai-s of Dryoh-stcs Marsh. Upper Jurassic, Wyoming. A. Series of the left side, external and crown views. B. Series of the right side, external, crown and internal views. Yale Museum, c, c, c, external and internal cingula. i. o. f. infraorbital foramen. Other abbreviations as in Fig. 12. (Cf. Fig. 2072 and p. 220.) Jurassic Triconodonta ? (Fig. 12) and Pantotheria (Trituberculata). Upper Teeth. and Jaws. For scale see Fig. 4. Fin. 1">. AmphitJierium prevostii. Lower Jurassic, England. Internal view, enlarged. After Goodrich. FIG. 16. Peramus. Upper Jurassic, England. External view, enlarged. Fir;. 17. Inferior molars of Amphitln i-ium /n; roxlii. A, inner view of a molar of the right side ; -B, outer view of a molar of the left side (restored), enlarged. After Goodrich. Figs. 15-17. Jurassic Pantotheria (Trituberculata). Lower Teeth and Jaws. For scale see Fig. 4. 28 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH FIG. IS. a. Peramus(Sp«,lacotherium) minus Owen. Internal view of left mandibular ramus. 6. P. (LeptocJadus) dubius Owen. External view of left mandibular ramus. c. P. tenuirostris Owen. Outer face of anterior portion of left ramus. Also, second molar of Amphitherium Prevostii Owen, internal view, and second molar of P. minus, enlarged from fig. 1 a above; internal view, pi-, protoconid ; pa, paraconid ; me, metaconid ; hy, hypoconid ; nig, Meckelian groove. Much enlarged. FIG. 19. Enneoilon, Family Diplocynodontidse. Upper Jurassic, America. External view. x-j. After Marsh. d- FIG. 20. Diplocynodon, Family Diplocynodontidse. Upper Jurassic, America. External view. xf. After Marsh. FIG. 21.— Ztocodow, Family Diplocynodontidse. Upper Jurassic, America. Internal view. xf. After Marsh. Jurassic Pantotheria or Trituberculata. Lower Jaws. Amphitheriidse (Fig. 18) and Diplocynodontidse (Figs. 19-21). For scale see Fig. 4. TEETH OF THE MESOZOIC MAMMALS 29 FIG. 22. Pcraspalax. Upper Jurassic, England. Internal view, enlarged. I \(t ^ .(/ C. 23. Amlloth<:rium. Upper Jurassic, England. Internal view, enlarged. Flo. '24. Achyrodon. Upper Jurassic, England. Internal view, enlarged. FIG. 25. Phn.'.< (Leptocladus). Upper Jurassic, England. Internal view, enlarged. FIG. 2S. Sti/lodoii. Upper Jurassic, England. External view, enlarged. FIG. 29. Stylodon (Stylacodori). Upper Jurassic, America. External view. Xy. After Marsh. FIG. 30. Laodon. Upper Jurassic, America. Internal view. XT. After Marsh. Jurassic Pantotheria or Trituberculata. Lower Jaws. AmblotheriidaB or Stj'la- codouticlae and Paurodontidae. For scale of Figs. 22, 25, 27, 28, see Fig. 4. Fi gs. 26, 29 are three times natural size. 30 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH PIG. 31. Phascolestes vorax. Upper Jurassic, N. America. Oblique crown view. xj. FIG. 32. Phascolestes (Dryolestcs) priscus. Upper Jurassic, America. Internal view. f[ x f-. After Marsh. FIG. 33. Phascolestes (Dryolestes) vorax. Upper Jurassic, America. Internal view. x-f-. After Marsh. FIG. 34. Phascolestes (D)'i/olestcs) vorax. Upper Jurassic, America. External view, xf-- After Marsh. FIG. 35. Asthcnodon. Upper Jui-assic, America. External view. ~ X f. After Marsh. Figs. 31-35. Jurassic Pantotheria or Trituberculata. Lower Jaws. Amblotheriidse. TEETH OF THE MESOZOIC MAMMALS 31 4. THE ORIGIN OF THE TKITUP-EI;CI:LAI; TYPE SOUGHT (1888) AMONG THE MESOZOIC MAMMALIA. [Extract from Memoir entitled "The Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammalia." Jonrn. Acad. Nat. S<->. Pfiifa., Vol. IX., No. 2, July, 1888.] («) If, as now seems probable, the derivation of the mammalian molar from the single reptilian cone can be demonstrated by the comparison of a series of transitional stages between the single cone and the three-cone type, and from the latter to the central tritubercular type, the separate history of each cone can certainly be traced throughout the series in its various degrees of modification, development, and degeneration. The remarkable part played by the tritubercular molar has been unfolded by the discoveries and writings of Cope. It is undoubtedly the ancestral molar type of the Primates, the Carnivora, the Ungulata, the Cheiroptera, the Insectivora, and of several, if not all, of the Marsupialia. For example, we can trace back the quadritubercular btmodont, or parent ungulate type, to the tritnlto'culai- ; this to the type with three cones in line, which we may call the triconnnt. type, and this in turn to the Tiaplodont l reptilian crown. A nomenclature may be suggested for these cones, with reference to their order of development and primitive position, to keep clearly before the mind their homologies during secondary changes of form and position. The primitive cone may be called the protoconc ; upon the anterior and posterior slopes of which appear, respectively, the paracone and iininrniir. After the tritubercular crown is produced, by the rotation of the lateral cones, inwards in the lower jaw and outwards in the upper jaw, the Jit/poconc, or heel, is developed, giving us the tubercular-sectorial molar. Exclusive of the MnHiliili-rcnlfita and of Stereognathm (Fig. 51, No. 5) this is the most advanced stage of molar development thus far found in the mesozoic period. The protocone of Dromatherium (Fig. 3, No. 2) is prominent and con- stant through the molar series while the para- and meta-cones are irregular in size and position, always close to the main cone and in several teeth either splitting into two needle-like cusplets or bifid at the tip. Alto- gether, they are in what appears to be an experimental stage of develop- ment. Microconodon (Fig. 3, No. 1), however, from the same strata, has well defined para- and meta-cones which are widely separated from the main cone, the crown presenting the pure triconodont type. This reoccurs in Amplii.l<'*t<'s (Figs. 4, 5), of the lower Jurassic, and Tricomxlnn (Figs. 4, 7) of the upper Jurassic. In this series we are struck by the 1 See Cope : "The homologies and origin of the types of molar teeth of the Mammalia Educabilia," Jour. Phila. Ami:/., 1874. 32 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH gradual increase of size and prominence of the lateral cones until they are upon the level of the main cone and sub-equal to it, this increase being accompanied by a marked elongation of the crown so that the three molars of Triconodon occupy a greater proportion of the jaw than is taken by the seven molars of Dromatherium. This unmodified triconodont type is very rare in the more recent mammalia. It persists in the lower jaw, at least, of Dissacus from the Puerco, and in the lower molars of Thylaciiin*, the upper molars presenting an internal heel.* (&) In his paper upon the Creodonta,1 Cope observed that the Spala- cotJierium molars (Figs. 4, 11) represents a stage of transition between the triconodont and tritubercular molars. There can be no doubt that the cusps seen upon the inner face of the inferior molars of this genus are homologous with the para- and meta-cones,t and there are several facts which support Cope's hypothesis that they represent a stage of inward rotation of cusps which were at an earlier stage in the same fore and aft line with the main cusp. These are, that in Phascolotherium (Figs. 4, 6) the lateral cones are seen to be slightly internal to the main cone so that their median slopes descend upon the inner face; in Tinodon (Fig. 10), of a later geological period, this position is slightly more pronounced ; in Menacodon (Fig. 9) it is still more marked, but less so than in Spalacothenum (Fig. 11). These genera, although evidently in two different lines of descent, afford the desired transition stages. The Spalacotlierium molar as seen from above 2 has a striking resemblance to the anterior sectorial triangle of the Stypolophus or Didymictis molar of the Puerco. It is in fact sub-triangular, the superior molars probably having the lateral cones rotated outwards, so that the upper and lower molars form an alternating series, the ridges connecting the main and lateral cones acting as sectorial blades. The question now arises whether the Stylacodon- (Fig. 29) molar represents the next higher stage of development, viz., the tubercular- sectorial molar in which the anterior triangle is followed by a low heel. And if so has the Stylacodon type passed through the stages of inward rotation of the lateral cusps ? The superior aspect of the Stylacodon molar presents an anterior triangle with the long styloid cone forming the apex and connected by divergent ridges with the anterior pair of cusps ; behind these is a third cusp not connected by a ridge with the styloid cone. In the upper jaw the three cusps are external and the single cone internal, these relations are reversed in the lower jaw. We cannot well * [This condition is now believed to be not primitive but secondary in both the genera mentioned. — Eu.] 1 " The Creodonta," American Naturalist, 1884, p. 259. t[But see page 33* where the homologies of these cusps with the paraconid and meta- conid of Trituberculates are doubted. — ED.] 2 Owen, The Mexozoic Mammalia, Plate I., Fig. 32c. TKKTH OF TUK MESOZnlC MAMMALS avoid the inference that the M,//l<-*ti'* (Figs. 31-34) was rognnlrd as the single summit of the crown, is the protocone while the anterior pair of internal cusps represent the paracone and metacone, followed by a third element, the hypocone or heel. This is further confirmed l>y the transition to the simpler Spalacotherium type seen in the molars of Asthcmnlnn (Fig. 35) in which the hypocone is entirely wanting while the remainder of the crown is closely similar to that of Stylacodon. The internal cusps present many degrees of development in different members of the Stylacodontidse ; in Lnae compared to the hypocone of the tubercular-sectorial crown. Further confirmation is seen in the fact that this heel is not above the level of the internal cingulum, as in the metacone of all the trieonodonts, but is continuous with the broad shelf-like projection of the internal cingulum, which is well represented in the internal aspect of the Dipliii-i/inxlnii (Fig. 20) molars. The concave internal slope of the protocone descends into this shelf and the cingulum rises at the margin into numerous crenations, which cannot properly be called cusps. The Diplocynodon (Fig. 20) molar presents a decided advance upon that of Emieoilon in the development of the paracone, which is much more prominent. In Amphitherium (Figs. 4, 15, 17), the paracone is subequal to the protocone in several of the molars, and the heel is on the level of the internal cingulum, from which, according to Owen, there arise one or two small cusps.1 Internal cusps which develop in this manner are from the first separated from the external cusps by a longitudinal valley instead of being united with it by divergent ridges, and cannot therefore at any stage possess a sectorial blade, such as is more or less distinctly developed in the Spalacotherium and Stt///t- codon molar. 5. It follows also that the triangle of cusps presented by the Pcraspalax molar (Fig. 22) cannot, with probability, be considered as representing a tritubercular stage, and that the Amphitheriidse furnish the key to the mode of derivation of the internal cusps of the molars of the Peralestida? (Fig. 12). The inferior molars of Pcraspnl«.' and Pan ri»l on (Fig. 26) are apparently very similar, consisting of a prominent external cone, and two internal cusps followed by a third cusp at the end of the crown. As pointed out in the synopsis of molar types, this internal surface strongly suggests the Dryolestcs pattern (Figs. 31-34), but may be clearly distinguished by the absence of trans- verse ridges and the presence of a longitudinal valley between the cusps instead of a transverse valley opening inwards. The internal cusps have probably, therefore, arisen from the internal cingulum,'2 but these molars do not seem to be a later development of the Amphitherium type (Fig. 1-5), because both the paracone and meta- cone are wanting, the main cone showing no trace of the lateral cusps 1 As previously stated the writer has not personally examined the internal surfaces of the molars of this genus. 2 Numerous instances of the origin of molar cusps from the cingulum might be cited. One of the most important is seen in the transition from a tritubercular to a quadritubercular superior molar by the addition of the postero-internal cusp which is primitively a cingule ; this was first demonstrated by Dr. Harrison Allen, op. cit. Mivart (Jour, of Anat. and Pht/fs., Vol. II., p. 138) shows how the four cusps of the Insectivore molars are frequently fortified by additional cusps from the cingulum. TEETH OF THE MESOZOIC MAMMALS 35 upon its slopes.* The superior molars of Peralestes,^ however, when viewed from above, present one large internal and two smaller external cusps disposed in a triangle opening outwards, and as this is the general disposition of superior cusps of the tritubercular type, we must admit the possibility that the smaller cusps do represent the para- and nieta- cones in a stage of inward rotation not accompanied by the production of the sectorial blades, for this is by no means an essential feature of the tritubercular molar. The history of the derivation of the molars of the Peralestida; must, therefore, be left in some doubt ; while the balance of evidence points to a line of development similar t«i that in progress in the Amphitheriidse, although the line of descent appears to be different. Eeviewirig this study of the molars the following are the principal deductions : (a) The molars of all the mesozoic mammals of this group present one main cusp which is either so central or so pro- minent that it may be considered homologous with the single reptilian cone or protocone. (6) In one line of genera two lateral cusps, the para- and meta-cones, appear upon the anterior and posterior slopes of the protocone. This is a central and frequently repeated stage of evolution. It gives rise to two lines of molar development ; in the first, the para- and meta-cones are retained in the same fore and aft line, as the persistent triconodont type, but increase greatly in size ; in the second, they are rotated inwards as the tritubercular type, which finally acquires a heel, (c) In a second line of genera the paracone appears upon the anterior slope of the protocone, but the metacone is not developed, being replaced by a basal talon or hypocone which extends inwards to form the internal cusp. (V) In a fourth line of genera neither the para- nor meta-cones are developed upon the sides of the protocone, but they are replaced by basal cusps derived from the cingulum. * [Per contra the conditions seen in Amphitherium may have been derived from those seen in PeraspaJax. — ED.] t [Supposed to correspond with the lower molars of the Spdlacotherium type, Fig. 11.— ED.] CHAPTKK II. FIRST OUTLINE (1888) OF TRITUBERCULAR EVOLUTION IN MAMMALS. [Reprinted directly from the paper entitled "The Evolution of Mammalian Molars to and from the Tritubercular Type,1'1 The American Xatiirali*t, December, 1888.] THE dentition in the recent Mammalia is so diverse that the most sanguine evolutionist of fifteen years ago could not have anticipated the discovery of a common type of molar, in both jaws, as universal among the Mammalia of an early period as the pentadactyle foot, and as central in its capacity for development into the widely specialized recent types. The tritubercular molar, discovered by Professor Cope in the Puerco, is exactly such a type, and may be considered with the pentadactyle foot as playing a somewhat analogous role in mammalian history, with this important difference — the unmodified pentadactyle foot was pro- bably inherited direct from the reptiles, and its subsequent evolution, with a few exceptions, has been in the direction of the greater or less reduction of primitive elements towards special adaptation, as, to borrow an extreme illustration, in the transition from Plicnacoclm with 26 elements in the manus to Eym* with only 12 such elements. On the other hand, the tritubercular tooth was not inherited, but in all probability developed within the mammalian stock, from a hypothetical form with almost, if not quite simple conical molars, implanted by single fangs, in a nearly homodont series.2 No such primitive type of mamma- lian dentition is actually known, although Dromatherium approximates it ; but the apparent reversion to this type among the Cctacca, and apparent JRead in the geological section of the British Association at Bath, September, 1888. Read in abstract by Professor Cope, National Academy of Sciences, at New Haven, Nov., 1888. 2 See Author, "Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammalia," Jour. Phila. Academy, 1888, p. 240. TRITUBERCULAR EVOLUTION IX MAMMALS 37 retention of it in the E-ifnl>< rcular (p. 259). The acquisition of the superior and inferior quadritubercular molar (p. 361). The prediction of the discovery of Carnivora with triconodont molars (p. 365), and of the simple tritubercular type in both jaws (p. 362). TK1TUBERCULAR EVOLUTION IN .MAMMALS :59 simple tritubercular molars, of earlier periods. It follows that tritu- berculy was an important factor in survival. (3) The definite homologies of the primary and to some decree of the secondary cusps in the upper and lower molars can be established. (4) The mode of succession of tooth forms favours the kinetogenesis theory advanced by Ryder and Cope. There are three general observations to be made : First. In attempting to complete the history of each of the cusps we naturally find that the paleeontological record is not sufficiently perfect to admit of our following a certain type along a single phylum back to the primitive type. We must at the outset proceed upon the principle of similar effects, similar causes. For example, since the history of the development of the intermediate tubercles- in the superior molars of the Lemumidea (Pseudolemuroidea, Schlosser) is perfectly clear during the Wasatch and Bridger epochs — it is safe to infer that the intermediate tubercles of the Ungulate molars, which are fully developed in the underlying I'uerco, had the same history. Second. There are in each period aberrant ////><>• which embrace either incomplete or degenerate tritubercular stages, i.e. a high specialization in which the past record is obliterated, or, finally, stages in non- tritubercular lines of development. Thin/. In the parallel evolution of trituberculy in different phyla we find that the progression is by no means uniform. In every geological period in which the fauna is well known we observe progressive genera which outstrip the others in reaching a certain stage of molar development, contrasted with jx-i-xixft'iif types which represent arrested lower stages of development, while between them are the central types which represent the degree of evolution attained by the majority of genera. The latter may be said to constitute the stage which is characteristic of the period. Tin xt(itjt-s of Irihini't'i-nli/ may now be defined as seen in different types in their order of succession : I. Haplodont Type (Cope).1 A simple conical crown. The fan^ usually single and not distinguished from the crown. This type has not as yet been discovered among the primitive Mammalia. A. Protodoni Sub-Type.2 The crown with one main cone, and lateral accessory cuspules ; the fang grooved. There is some cpiiestion as to the advantage of distinguishing this as a type, for it stands 1 " The Homologies and Origin of the types of Molar Teeth in the Mammalia Educabilia," Journ. Phila. Acad., 1874. The term Homodont was previously applinl to this type by Riitimeyer, " Odontographie der Hufthiere, etc," }'> rhr. d. Xalnrl'or--<-h. Gesellsch. in Basel, Band III., 1S63, p. 563. ]ii the writer's opinion this term has acquired a special significance as applied to a whole series of teeth, viz., the reverse of " heterodont," and may well be retained in this sense. 2 Osborn, op. tit. , p. 222. 40 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH intermediate between types I. and III. Example, Dromaiherium of the American Triassic (Fig. 3). II. TricoiHu/nitf Type (Osborn, «i>. cit., p. 242). The crown elongate, trificl, with one central cone and two distinct lateral cones. The fang double. Example, Tricoimdim (Fig. 8). III. Tritubercular Type (Cope). The crown triangular, surmounted by three main cusps, the central cone placed internally in the upper molars and externally in the lower molars. Example, the lower molars of Spalacot/K'i-ium (Fig. 11) and Asthenodon (Fig. 35). This type is rare in its primitive condition as above defined. The upper and lower molars are alike in types I. and II. : in type III. they have a similar pattern, but with the arrangement of the homologous cups reversed. These types are all primitive. In. the following sub-types, the primitive triangle forms the main portion of the crown, to which other " secondary " cusps are added, the homo- logies of which in the upper and lower molars are somewhat doubtful. Parallel and with an intimate relation to the addition of the secondary cusps, is the division of the tritubercular into a secodont and buno- dont series, according to the assumption of a purely cutting or crushing function. In departing from the primitive type, the upper and lower molars diverge in structure, and the homologies of the secondary cusps in each are somewhat doubtful. Lower Molars. A. Tiilinrnhi)' Scdorial, Sub-type (Cope). («) The primitive triangle elevated and its cusps connected by cutting crests ; a low posterior heel. (b) This type embraces a qmnquetubercular form in which 'the heel consists of two cusps, an internal and external.1 (c.) In the Bunodont series it develops into the quadritubercular form, by the loss of one of the primitive cusps, Upper Molars. B. Trilnln'iriIi listen (Fig. 5) and Phascolotlicrium (Fig. 6) of the lower Jurassic and persists in Triconodon (Figs. 7, 8) of the upper Jurassic. In this succession we observe especially the relative subsidence of the protoconid and upgrowth of the para- and meta-conids. Contemporary with Amphilcstcs is the classical genus Amphitherium (Fig. 15). A recent examination of the type specimen by the writer revealed the very interesting fact that the molars of this genus are probably of the primitive tubercular- sectorial type — the oldest known example. Only the paraconid, metaconid and hypoconid have been observed heretofore, but one can see the tip of the main external cusp between the internal pair. ^am much indebted to my colleagues Professors Macloskie and Winaus for assiM ance in the selection of these terms. 42 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH This pattern is repeated, with a considerable elevation of the heel, in Peramus (Fig. 18) of the upper Jurassic.1 Neither of the two foregoing are of the primitive heelless tritubercular type which is apparently found in Spalaeotherium (Figs. 11), also upper Jurassic, and in the nearly related if not synonymous Peralestcs (Fig. 12). Contemporary with the above, are numerous genera of the Stylodon order; among these, Astlteiioihn (Fig. 35) is of the primitive tri- tubercular type without the hypoconid, all the remainder present various modifications of the tubercular-sectorial. This covers our knowledge of trituberculy in the Mesozoic period. No bunodont forms are known — they were probably developed during the Cretaceous, for a few are found well developed in the Puerco. In the Secodont series many of the types do not widely depart from those seen in the Jurassic, but the Bunodont series are universally characterized by the initial or advanced development of the proto- and nieta-conules in the upper molars and the appearance of the cntocouid upon the inner side of the hypoconid below. The Principles govern in// Cusp Development. It is remarkable to note in how many particulars the actual succession of molar development in the Mesozoic period coincides with the theoretical scheme of origin of trituberculy proposed by Cope 2 and supported by Wortman 3 several years ago. At that time Spalaeotherium and the genera now embraced under the Triconodontidee were the only Mesozoic mammals whose molar structure was fully known, and the views of these authors were partly speculative and partly deductive from recent dental anatomy. Two hypotheses may be advanced to explain the evolution of the tritubercular type. The first is that the type has been acquired by the selection of accidental variations in the production of new cusps and modelling of old ones. The second is, that the interaction of the upper and lower molars in the movements of the jaws has resulted in local increase of growth at certain points, resulting first in new cusps, then in a change of position and of form in the cusps. Both hypotheses are open to numerous objections and are by no means mutually exclusive, but the whole subject is so complicated as to require a separate treatment. The balance of evidence in tritubercular evolution seems to favor the second or kinetogenesis theory — as apparently witnessed in two laws of cusp development : I. The primary cusps first appear as cuspules, or minute cones, at the 1 This genus includes also Leptocladus (Inhiiix Owen, and Spalaeotherium minus Oweii (Fig. 18). See Proc. Phila. Acad., Nov., 1888, p. 292. 2 " The Evolution of the Vertebrata Progressive and Retrogressive," American t, April, 1885, p. 350. 3 "The Comparative Anatomy of the Teeth of the Vertebrata," 1886, p. 418. TIIITUBERCULAR EVOLUTION IN MAMMALS 43 first points of contact between the upper and lower molars in the vertical motions of the jaws. II. The modelling of the cusps into new forms, and the acquisition of secondary position, is a concomitant of interference in the horizontal motions of the jaws. The second law applies especially to the evolution of the molars after the acquisition of the tritubercular stage, and has been ably proposed and supported by Ryder,1 principally in its application to recent types of teeth. The first, although not heretofore distinctly formulated, is partly founded upon facts and principles advanced by Cope, and applies chielly to the stages which have been discussed in this essay. GO? PIG. 36. Molars of opposite jaws in normal mutual relation. 1. Dclphinug. 2. Vromathcrium. 3. Triconotlon. 4. Spalacotkeriuin (lower), Pcralcstts (upper). 5. Vii;-,-,-tt cv.s. 6. Miodacnus. l V.s. During the homodont mammalian or sub-mammalian molar stage, the jaws were probably isognathous* and the simple cones alternated as in the Delphinidse (Fig. 36, No. 1). The first additions to the protocone appeared upon its anterior and posterior surfaces. The growth of the para- and meta-conids involved anisognathism,2 for we find in the later triconodonts that the lower molars closed inside of the upper (Triconodon, Fig. 36, No. 3). There are several transition forms, such as Tinodon (Fig. 10) and Menacodon (Fig. 9) between the primitive triconodont type and Spalacoth&rium (Fig. 11), and it has been assumed by Cope and the writer (<>p. cit., p. 243) that the para- and meta-conids were first formed upon the anterior and posterior slopes of the protoconid and then rotated inwards, but it is also possible that they were originally formed upon the inner slopes. In the complemental formation of the upper and lower 1 "On the Mechanical Genesis of Tooth Forms," Proc. Phila. Acad., 1878, p. 4.1. "[From recent discoveries among the South African Theriodonts it seems more probable that even in the ancestral reptile-mammals the upper jaws bit outside of the lower jaws and teeth, i.e. the jaws were anisognathous. The isognathism of the Dolphins is probably secondary. — ED.] 2 As employed by Ryder (op. cit., p. 45): "So as not only to indicate respectively parity and disparity in transverse diameter of the crowns of the upper and lower molars, but also the parity or disparity in width transversely, from outside to outside," etc. It is clear that in the homodont condition, with the teeth simply piercing the food, the greatest comminution (of the food) is effected by isoguathism ; in the triconodont stage, the jaws must be anisognathous to close upon each other, but the tritubercular stage admits a return to isognathism by the alternation of the triangles. 44 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH triangles the jaws remained nearly isognathous (Fig. 36, Xo. 4). There is no evidence as to the origin of the hypoconid, which as a rule preceded the hypocone, as it was developed very early. In the Stylacodontidse (Figs, 22-35), PJiascolestes, Amblotherium, etc., the crowns rapidly increased in transverse diameter, and, in some genera (Kurtodon, Fig. 13) they so i';ir lost the tritubercular aspect that, but for the connecting form Asthenodon (Fig. 35), we might hesitate to place them in this series. The key to the further evolution of the crown is seen in the bunodont series during the lower Eocene period. The superposition of the lower and upper molar patterns brings out many interesting facts. First, even in the complex crowns of the buno- dont molars the primitive triangles retain their primitive alternating arrangement. Second, the jaws are somewhat anisognathous. Third, in support of the first law of cusp development, we observe that the proto- comile and metaconule are developed at the points of contact with the PIG. 37. Diagram of quadritubercular molars of both jaws iu normal mutual relation ; the superior molars in double lines ; the inferior in black. ridges which extend from the hypoconid, and, secondly, that the hypocone appears at the point where the paraconid abuts against the hypocone. It follows from a comparison of numerous species of Pelycodus and Miocluenus that as the hypocone develops the paraconid recedes, as first observed by Cope ; a fact difficult to reconcile with the kinetogenesis theory. In this manner the inferior primitive triangle is broken, the upper molars develop into the sexitubercular, the lower into the quadritubercular type. The complemental development of the upper and lower molars in the known genera of successive horizons is approximately displayed in the subjoined table. The Eocene list of genera will be greatly reduced, especially in the tritubercular-sectorial type, when the upper and lower jaws are found associated, and it must be clearly understood that the sub- types o, b, c, in this table, are closely related by transition forms. In fact, in carnivorous forms, the extreme secodont and bunodont types are frequently seen side by side, as in the first and second inferior molars of Didymictis. The chief distinction between these two series is the greater development of the secondary cusps and the almost invariable loss of the paraconid in the latter; this is effected by the broader surfaces of contact in the bunodont crowns. In the secodont series, on the other hand, the TRITUBERCULAE KVOUTIOX IX MAMMALS 45 3 ^ . * J do | « S J. 0 p 1— 1 T)< be 3 9 < J ,.* Ari • ^ 3 ^ — ^ rf •d . 33 •£ 3 £) 1^ Jj ~ Q O5 — o S 'x s S O co O''2 •a OQ ^ 3 ^ W CO . c5 . d 0> S-. 0 £ £ O X D 3 > +3 H •_ D O Q •5 "^ -5 *° 00 O 5- c- ^ z 0 ffl i_§ _gjj EH x-^ [Q d 11 lp -* -M 3 ' 1 1* ci ft M O S •- ^ -3 « "^ <•; .S f> . ,= = ^T 73 3 05 O •4-3 a -*^ fM iO ^ CM § IO . EH EHJC .S -t-t a 3 H 05 . t-' i — ' ir " - " o - . K « ^ 'A = 11 |1 I CM 0 " I- O Q O o 1 £ Y1 bo '' P i .5 ° w r^ fl ^ M 2 -7? S * o "rH "tn x - a, c S i o ~ 3 o"3 r-t rc — 0 d « c «f^ 1 3 .3 .2 3 a w H H (D o O r^ bo-0 q 3 53 01 bo 3 -tj be ^J o 60 3 <- , -3 •r1 "*? " .2 •S-2 2 9 1 5 • ^^ 2 3 N S PH «^H ^ " CO l*ji • 1 ' i i i ^~* q5 -2 o ij'o -ffl "« 3 S g Sj 0 S P. 5 3 d o .™ c, 5 r; •*< ?! O *« 0 J oT ' N ' iT iT ' .S ° , — O> CC 'S "S o "S ? oT « a> g o" S I W^P rS" ^ ^ •S PH ^ ^ ^ *^ !H — i ^ "* a a a 0 00 «H S-l 1* £ iJ in S ^ &H fe fe Q ^^ ^^ Q? ^H C^ Q,» ^ ^ -, ^- " rs ^ 5- f j~- ^^ ^ ij^r^ ^ « 46 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH development of the secondary cusps is subordinated, and the metaconid is almost invariably suppressed.1 Ada-pis and Anaptomorphus are examples of sub-types a, c, associated; i'<>r it frequently happens that the paraconid atrophies without a complete enlargement of the hypocone. A study of the diagram demonstrates, however, that the association of sub-types & and c is impossible. The recent monkeys [Primates] Tarsius and Loris afford a good illustra- tion of the association of tritubercular, quinquetubercular, sexitubercular, and quadritubercular molars. The subsequent evolution of the molars in different orders was variously characterized, first, by loss of the primary cusps, e.g. the meta- conid in the Carnivora, the paraconid in the Ungulata. Second, by the loss of some of the secondary cusps, e.g. the proto- and meta-conules in the Artiodactyla.2 '' Third, by the metamorphosis in the form of the cusps. This subject has been fully treated by Kutimeyer, Kowalevsky, Cope, Schlosser, and others. The Relation of Trituberculy to the Persistence of Mammalian Phyla — The above table shows somewhat indefinitely, but none the less positively, the general progression of the Mammalia to and from the primitive tritubercular type. As already stated, even with our present very limited knowledge, certain stages appear to have been characteristic of certain periods, as follows : the triconodont in the lower Jurassic ; the primitive tritubercular and tubercular sectorial in the upper Jurassic : the secodont and bunodont sub-types of trituberculy, predominated in the Puerco ; in the Bridger, the Perissodactyl ungulates had mostly passed beyond into the lophodont.and symborodont types, and the Artiodactyls were approximately in the stage of sub- type c ; but the Lemuroidea, Creodonta, Insectivora, etc., were, almost without exception, tritubercular. There can be little doubt that, parallel with the tritubercular forms, in each period, there were aberrant or degenerate types, but it is difficult to determine which these are. Many Mesozoic types which the writer formerly considered aberrant, have now proven to be tritubercular.3 The upper Jurassic genera included under the Diplocynodontida? (see Marsh, Amer. Jutmi. Sc., April, 1887, p. 338) are apparently aberrant. There 1 See Cope, "Origin of the specialized Teeth of the Carnivora," Am. Naturalist, March, 1879. 2 Schlosser, " Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Stammgeschichte der Hufthiere," Morph. Jahrh., 1886, p. 123, has especially drawn attention to the probability that the Artiodactyla were derived from sexitubercular forms. *[Many Artiodactyl families, e.if. Trigonolestida?, Leptochoaridre, Dichobunidse, Anthraco- theriidaa, Elotheriida;, retain the protoconule. The loss of the metaconule is only apparent, for it is represented in the enlarged postero-internal cusp, analogous in position to a cingulum-hypocone, in the molars of most Artiodactyla. — ED.] 3 See "Additional Observations upon the Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammalia," Proc. Phila. Acad., Nov., 1888. TRITUBERCULAR EVOLUTION IN MAMMALS 47 are several degenerate types among the Puerco and Wasatch Creodonts. such' as Dissacus and J/c.s(* ////./. But there is a striking proof of the superiority of the tritubercular molar in the fact that, according to our present knowledge at least, the Jurassic mammals possessing aberrant or degenerate molar types did not persist into the Puerco, nor did such types in the Puerco persist into the Bridger. There is some doubt as to the persistence of the sub-tritubercular stages ; the writer formerly considered the T/t ///<«•//// ii* molars as triconodont ; but Mr. Lydekker has called attention to the probability that the metaconid has disappeared and been replaced by a heel as in the sectorial teeth of the Carnivora. The dis- appearance of the degenerate types may be attributed to the general principle that rapid ' specialization and loss of parts leads ultimately t<> extinction, by depriving the animal of the means of adaptation to new conditions or surroundings. The mechanical superiority of the trituber- cular type over every other has been repeatedly demonstrated in its plastic capacity of adaptation to the most extreme trenchant and crushing functions. CHAPTER III. TRITUBERCULY IN RELATION TO THE HUMAN MOLAR TEETH AND THE PRIMATES. 1. ONTOGENETIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEETH. [Reprinted from a paper in the Anatomisch.es Anzeiger, Jahrg. VII. (1892), 8vo, Jena, pp. 740-747, entitled "The History and Homologies of the Human Molar Cusps (a review of the contributions of Dr. A. Fleischmann, Dr. Julius Taeker, and Dr. Carl Rose)".] THE embryonic development of the cusps of the molar teeth in the Mammalia has lately been discussed in two very interesting papers by Taeker1 and Rose,2 and the homologies of the upper and lower cusps have been investigated by Fleischmann.3 The work of the latter is based upon the comparative study of recent types of molars, and the author reaches the conclusion that the system of homologies proposed by Cope4 and expanded by Osborn 5 between the upper and lower molars is erroneous. Taeker's paper is chiefly devoted to the study of the succession and embryonic form of the molar cusps in different Ungulates : he supports by ontogeny the view based upon palaeontology that the ancestral cusps were conical ; he shows that in the lower molars the ontogenetic order of development corresponds with the phylogenetic order as traced by Cope iimong the fossil forms, but that in the upper molars the ontogenetic order does not correspond with the primitive phylogenetic succession as traced 1 " Zur Kenutnis der Odontogenese bei Ungtilaten," Dorpat, 1892. 2 " Uber die Entstehung und Formabanderungen der menschlichen Molaren," Anat. Anz., 1892, Nr. 13 u. 14. 3 " Die Grundform der Backzahne bei Saugetieren und die Homologie der einzelnen Hocker," Berlin, 1891. 4"The mechanical Causes of the Development of the Hard Parts of the Mammalia," Journ. of Morphology, 1889. Also earlier papers. •""'The Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammalia," Journ. Acud. Nat. Sc. Phila., 1888, p. 240; also: "The Evolution of Mammalian Molars to and from the Tritubercular Type," American Naturalist, 1888. Ti;rrrr,Ki:.] D i (LI B R AR YJ3QJ • \ 50 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH oldest monkey or lemur known, Anaptomorphus, which illustrate the loss of the antero-internal cusp or paraconid, pa'1, — this is present as a rudiment in ml and m2, but has disappeared in ?/?3. This accounts for the history of all the cusps in the human lower molar. Thus in the rich series of Mesozoic l and lower Eocene Mammals we can observe the actual rise, succession, and decline of all the six cusps, and do not require any new hypothesis to explain their appearance. Dr. Rose supports his fusion hypothesis by a reference to the Multi- tuberculates (p. 101); he could hardly have made a more unfortunate me" en FIG. 38. Evolution of the cusps of the Human Lower Molar. [1. Simple conical, reptilian tooth. 2. Dromatherium. 3. Microconodon. 4. Spalacnthd-ii'tn. 5. Amphith<.riv.in. 6. Minds. 7. Anaptomorphus. 8. Homo.] choice, because between the little pauci-tubercular Microlfxtf* of the upper Triassic and the multi-tubercular Neoplayimdax of the lower Eocene we can follow the successive addition of tubercles with ease. I expect soon to demonstrate that the molars of this aberrant group were also of tritubercular, i.e. haplodont origin.* It is a striking fact that all t the molars of the Triassic and Jurassic periods are distinguished by one conic cusp much larger and more prominent than the others which are smaller and upon a lower level. What are the positions and homologies of this cusp in the upper and lower teeth '. 1 See the Memoirs of Owen and Osborn upon the Mesozoic Mammalia. *[See, however, the later views expressed on page 105, foot note. — ED.] t[Even in MirroleNtes one cusp is higher than the others. (See Fig. 48, p. 102.) But too much importance should not be attached to this fact. — ED.] TRITUBERCULY IX PRIMATES 51 -r .-. C oi O so' u OJ •o u, 0 Ungulatei Paracom -3 -3 a! P - £ OH hH « CJ '•n 0 _bb "S u ha ~CS 'ft 00 acone 3 ^ O PH \~r ^~t— o f-, o o> ^ Q_ -4-1 s s £ >" ^H p i f^ w' O s o O 03 CQ SERVED BY H Q Primates2. Paracone Protocol! e Metacone i o o W 03 O3 0 •o •.wp.iQ i— * CM C>7 -t 05 PH <1 >< K W W 0 Q a 0 > 03 | ; , ; GENETIC a cc pq 0 X < Human 03 Si < ^ 1 * bo Q O J >H PLH pa &3 P 03 0 u 0) T3 CP J O g Pi w " PH a o 6 -f£ cfi h a * 2 OJ 3 GENETI O t5 0) hfl c8 ft 1 o o O -)-3 0 £ Paracol Metaco 0 a, >> ^ 0 O v— — y ' o EH *>» «-. W -j-. z 0 £ uapio - s « 3 E ^ £J 9 H 'oD jj H OQ g "« • o -^ - o o 'bio's ,2'S ^ a k3 01^ O^ l- ( K, f- &^J O .B •§ Si = % a h • S a J u/ ) ^ Q) C 2 0 PH H O W o o o 5 M * >•. o o o i 6 i -*-i ~ ^ o '" - •*-" 2 *^"^ 2 01 >^ >-. £ S M r4 2 3 "S U ^ 15 g IS | g So | lc 'i ^ .2 C^S '^H r^ - ~ ' H i f- + ^H -— [t2 ll as a 63 E- IB — H j3 -^ ^"^ (— H CO h B pi a> (U << 4J be ^LJ ^ll 02 "~^ nj O ^ Ol ^ C <5 o PH ** •^ o> 50 cu J S -a 2 HI & — S3 *~^ X H H 1^3 _ ^3 ~ 0 ^ 0 otoconi raconid 0 0 ^ flj 0 o 0 toco n ic 'poconv 03 J hH a) «*! oa PH nd PH s. S K ^ w' r- =« 0 0) 5 o o .5 a o! o .H * 'T* .-^ 0 01 .5 H 1-3 O 52 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH 2. That the protocone is invar//// the nntd-ior lateral (antero-externai) citxji n/ tin' lower rmtliti's «nj>/',' molars. Is it at all probable, at this early period, when the protoconid is still the most conspicuous cusp in the lower molars that a corresponding cusp of the same form, but reversed position, invariably found in the upper molars is not homologous ? According to the Fleischmann-Rose view it is not, but the main lower cusp is homologous with one of the spurs of the main upper cusp. Fourth : There are other important grounds of a mechanical nature, Starting with the study of modern, instead of the oldest fossil forms, Fleischmann has, I believe, reached not only an erroneous conception of the homologies of the separate cusps, but of the equally important homologies in the functional regions of the upper and lower crowns. In each we may distinguish two regions : The elevated primitive triangle (trigon) with a primitive cutting, piercing or sectorial function. The depressed heel (talon), with a primitive crushing or grinding function. In the earliest stages the upper and lower molars were simple triangles of cusps, as in the modern Cape Mole, Chrysochloris. J The lower molar had the apex (protoconid) turned outwards and the base (para- * [Regarded as a synonym of Percdestes. (See p. 35 and Fig. 12.) — ED.] t [Represented by Kurtodon (Fig. 13, p. 26), Dryolestes (Fig. 14, p. 26).— ED.] J [According to the views expressed on pages 124, 126, 227, the form of the molars in Chrysochloris is entirely secondary. — En.] TKITri:KI!('lTLY IX PKI.MATKS 53 and meta-conids) turned inwards, wliile the upper molar had these relations reversed. As shown in the accompanying diagram (Figure 39), the opposition of these triangles makes a perfect cutting mechanism, and as (Jope has shown this is effective at every stage of development. If the protocone were at the outer angle of the upper molars, it is impossible to conceive of an effective series of intermediate stages.* The first step t towards the crushing function is the development of trig art- Lower Molar. Upper and Lower Molars opposed. Upper Molar. FIG. 39. Key to Plan of Upper and Lower Molars in trituberculate mammals. Each tooth consists of a triangle (triium) with the protocoue (pr) at the apex. The apex is on the inner side of the upper molars and on the outer side of the lower molars. [In C the upper molar is too far internal and posterior. The protocone of the upper molar should fit into the basin of the talonid of the IUWLT molar. See Figs. 60, 208, 20!>.— ED.] the hypoconid upon the incipient talonid which is later reinforced by two more cusps, the entoconid and hypoconulid. Tin/* f//c entire //a/ or talonid is complete upon the lower molars before it commences to develop upon tin- upper molars, as shown in Anaptomorphm (Fig. 36, No. 7, and Fig. 40, No. 9, Fig. 130) as well as in the ontogeny. Upon the upper molars the talon is only developed in bunodont types, such as the Primates and Ungulates, to still further increase the crushing area of the crowns; it always arises as seen in the Primates (Fig. 40), by a slow upward growth from the cingulum, opposite the protocone. In its early stages the hypocone, hi/, always resembles the early stages of the hypoconid and conclusive proof of its talon-like character is seen among the Condylarthra (Haploconus), in which it appears as a wide separate heel. So far, therefore, from the truth of Fleischmann's supposition that the upper molars have one more element (the " entomere ") than the lower, exactly the reverse is the case, for the lower molars early acquire much the greatest extension of the talon, while retaining all the elements of the trigon. * [In opposition to this, however, see the views of Gidley iu Fig. 208. — ED.] t[This paragraph appears misleading. See pp. 61*, 68*, 82*. — ED.] 54 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH A beautiful illustration of the fundamental pattern of trigon and talon in the upper human molars is shown in Hose's figure 4 of the molar of a six months' child (Fig. 42). The protocone makes the apex, and is con- nected by two spurs with the two external cusps, the space between which is comparatively open as in the primitive forms. Thus the homology of the antero-internal cusp of the upper molar with the protocone is well supported by palaeontology and by dental mechanics, but how shall we meet the embryological counter-evidence established by the agreement between the independent investigations of Rose and Taeker ? This is also, I believe, explained by a study of the fossil forms. As we have seen in the most primitive types the protocone was the most prominent cusp in both jaws, but in course of later development of the upper molars, during the Cretaceous and Eocene periods, the protocone was depressed to the level of the paracone and metacone (see the primitive Carnivora, Creodonta, and Insectivora). On the other hand, in the lower molars the protoconid retained its relatively prominent position and size. If the ontogenetic development of the lower molars corresponds with the ancestral order, it is probably because the relative primitive position of the cusps was conserved ; whereas in the upper molars, in which there is less correspondence, it was lost. I find in the lower Eocene Ungulates that the paracone and metacone are more important cusps than the protocone. So far as the fossil Primates of the lower Eocene are known, we find the protoconid is the most prominent cusp in the lower molars, while in the upper molars the protocone is less prominent than the external cusps. Rose's argument really turns therefore upon the expecta- tion that foetal development should repeat ancestral history of the Cretaceous period ! As the flattened form of the crown is from the start a Ca?nozoic type, we should hardly expect the order of cusp succession to invariably revert to a Mesozoic type. While not thoroughly convincing, there is a great deal of force in this way of meeting the embryological data. Nomenclature. Rose (p. 400) apparently mistakes the homologies of the lower molar cusps of man, for he has overlooked the fact that the primitive anterior lingual cusp, or paraconid, has degenerated in the Primates (excepting in a few Lemurs) while it persists in Diddphys, It is not seen in the human lower molar at all. Its declining stages mark the loss of sectorial function and can be readily followed in the lemurs, and fossil monkeys ; as shown by Cope and myself it degenerates while the hypocone in the upper molars develops. It follows that the anterior lingual in man is the metaconid, while in Didelpliys it is the paraconid and the mid-lingual is the metaconid. The posterior lateral cusp is undoubtedly the hypoconid. Rose proposes the term " pentaconid " for TUTUBERCULY IX I'll I MATKS 55 the distal or posterior intermediate cusp (///'', Fig. 38, No. 8). The term is inappropriate, because this is not the fifth but the sixth cusp when \\v reckon the paraconid. It is analogous to the intermediate; tulicivli-s of the upper molars — I have therefore suggested the term " hypoconulid " for it; this cusp is almost universal among lower Eocene Mammalia; in the last lower molar it forms the additional lobe ; it is found strongly developed in many of the higher Primates. Hose (p. 406) expresses the belief that the typical form of primate molar was quadritubercular as opposed to Cope's view that trituberculy in human dentition is a reversion to the Lemurine type. The study of the fossil forms as well as of any complete zoological series can leave no doubt that the quadritubercular form is a comparatively recent acquisition. In conclusion, I would refer both these authors to the types of molar teeth found among the Mesozoic Mammalia. It was while studying the rich collection in the British Museum that I became convinced of the force and universal application of the tritubercular theory proposed by Cope. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY, NEW YORK, July 18th, 1892. 2. THE HISTORY OF THE CUSPS OF THE HUMAN MOLAK TEETH. Address before the New York Institute of Stomatology, April 19th, 1895. [Reprinted, under the title given above, from the International Dental Journal. July, 1895.] I wish to congratulate the members present upon the formation of this Institute of Stomatology. It seems to me to mark one of the stages in the remarkable specialization of human knowledge when, at the present time, it is proposed to devote the work of an entire society to the scientific study of the mouth parts, as I understand your object to be ; and I also gather from the fact that you have asked me, as a comparative anatomist, to deliver an address this evening, that you look at the subject in two ways, — from the stand- point of applied or practical science and from the stand-point of theory. It is on the theoretical side that I should like to bring before you this evening the history or origin of the cusps of the human molar teeth. We take up this skull of an Eskimo, and you will observe that the teeth (Fig. 40, No. 11) are slightly worn, and that the molars 56 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEKTH have four cusps.1 Half a century ago this would have been con- sidered as something ultimate, simply as an adaptation to human diet ; but now that we have come to understand the doctrine of evolution, we ask ourselves, What is the meaning of these cusps ? what is their history ? what is their origin ? Now, these four cusps which are present on the four corners of the teeth might be explained by evolution in three ways. We might imagine that the crown of the tooth was originally a low rounded summit, and that on the summit these four cusps appeared at each angle ; no one has advocated this. Or we might imagine that they represent the coming together of a number of tips of pointed teeth, such as we see in the jaw of this member of the dolphin family ; this is the theory which has been recently advanced in Germany, and it has been called the " cusp concrescence " theory. Or, again, we might imagine that these me. me. me. Kii;. 40. Evolution of the Human Upper Molars, '.i. Aiiiiiito,iiii,-/i/nix. a lower Eocene monkey. 10. An upper Eocene monkey. 11 and 12. Human: 11, Esquimaux; 12, Negro. See addition of "talon," /i if, ti> ''trigon" composed of pit, jn-, i,n. cusps have originated by a gradual addition to the sides of a primitive single cone ; this we call the " cusp differentiation " theory, or the theory of cusp addition, in distinction from concrescence. The differentiation theory is supported by Cope, by myself, and others in this country. Now, suppose an evolutionist were to trace back the history of the monkeys and of other animals among their fossil ancestors, he would find that the further back his researches extended the more simple the types of the teeth would be ; he would find that the teeth of the oldest types of ancestral mammals have a simple conical form, the form that is preserved in the teeth of the whales and the dolphins of the present day (Fig. 42* A, p. 64), or in the Edentates as represented in the group to which the sloth and the armadillo of South America belong.* We have the same type of conical tooth preserved in the human canines, and if we turn from the teeth of man, in which the canine has almost entirely lost its original laniariform or flesh-tearing shape, to that of the lower monkeys, we see that the canine is really a 1 E. D. Cope, "On the Tritubercular Molar in Human Dentition," Jour, of Mor- phology, July, 1888, p. 7. *[Iii both groups the simple conical form is now believed to be secondary (pp. 79, 151, 191). — En.] TI-triTMKKCl'LY IX 1'KIM ATI-> •> < pointed tooth: so that we may draw a surest ion tVoni this fact that all the teeth of the series at one time were pointed. It is moreover true that wherever we tind these pointed teeth they are present in the jaw in large numbers, sometimes sixty or seventy on one side and usually running far back into the mouth, and it is this fact which led to the suggestion of the theory of " concrescence " in the formation of molar teeth. The You might at this stage be not inclined to take this " concrescence theory " seriously, but my address has been suggested largely by the fact that it lias been taken very seriously by some well-known anatomists in Germany : as seen in the position of Professor Schwalbe,1 in a recent article, in which he reviews the entire literature in regard to the formation of teeth published during the past fourteen or fifteen years, and concludes that in the concrescence theory and the differentiation or cusp addition theory the evidence is so evenly balanced that he cannot decide between them. It is, therefore, a question xnl judiu1, and worthy of the attention of odontologists. As to the source of this theory, it was proposed simultaneously by two Germans, both of whom claim the credit of originating it. One is Dr. Carl Rose, a physician of Freiburg, a man of fine powers of research and great energy, since he has, during the past few years, issued in rapid succession a series of valuable papers on the embryo- logical development of the teeth, which place him in the front rank of students of this subject in this decade. The other is Professor W. Klikenthal, of Jena, whose views sprang principally from the study of the teeth of whales. While these two writers are in doubt as to which should enjoy the precedence, I find, in correspondence with my friend Dr. Ameghino, of the Argentine Republic, also originally a physician and now a distinguished palaeontologist, that he promulgated this theory as far back as 1884. In a work which he published at that time, entitled Filogenia he says : ''' For the reasons we are about to give it is evident that all mammals which possess compound teeth have in past periods possessed a very much larger number of teeth, but of quite simple conical form, like those of the modern dolphin. The most primitive mammals must also have had a number of very elevated teeth, but it is dim- cult at the present time to determine how large this number was. Nevertheless, if we take as an example a mammal in which the dentition is complete, as in the Macrauchenia z or in the horse, and 1 " Ueber Theorien tier Dentition," Anatomischer Anzeiger Central-Mat t, 1894. 2 This is one of the peculiar extinct South American hoofed animals. 58 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH if we reduce the number of its compound teeth, we find that the most remote ancestors of these forms must have possessed more than one hundred and fifty teeth. This number is certainly not exaggerated, because Priodon, the giant tatusia (armadillo), a mammal in an already quite advanced stage of evolution, possesses nearly one hundred simple teeth, and in the dolphin this number rises from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and seventy." I read this to show that if there is any truth in the concrescence theory, Dr. Ameghino partly deserves the credit for it. Moreover, we learn from Schwalbe that the same theory was advanced by Professor Gaudry in 1878, and still earlier by Professor Magitot in 1877. Now let me illustrate, in a very simple manner, what is meant by the theory of concrescence and how we can imagine that the human molars have been built up by bringing together a number of isolated teeth. Placing a number of conical teeth in line, as they lie in the jaw of the whale, they would represent the primitive dentition. In the course of time a number of these teeth would become clustered together in such a manner as to form the four cusps of a human molar, each one of the whale-tooth points taking the place of one of the cusps of the mammalian tooth, — in other words, by a concrescence, four teeth would be brought into one so as to constitute the four cusps of the molar crown. Vertically succeeding teeth might also be grouped. Now, what evidence is there in favour of this theory, and what is there against it ? First, there is this, that all primitive types of reptiles from which the mammalians have descended and many existing mammals, as we have noted, have a large number of isolated teeth of a conical form ; secondly, we find that by a shortening of the jaw, the dental fold or embryonic fold, from which each of the numerous tooth-caps is budded off' in the course of development, may be supposed to have been brought together in such a manner that cusps which were originally stretched out in a line would be brought together so as to form groups of a variable number of cusps accord- ing to the more or less complex pattern of the crown. What may be advanced against this theory ? This, and it is conclusive to my mind : we find at the present time that cusps, quite similar in ail respects to each of the cusps which form the angles of the human molar, are even now being added to the teeth in certain types of animals, such as the elephant, whose molar teeth cusps are being complicated now or until very recent times. Then we find in the Mesozoic period certain animals with tricuspid teeth. Xow, according to the theory of concrescence these teeth ought not to show any increase of cusps in later geological periods ; but as TRI'lTDKRCULY IN I'll I. MATHS 59 we come through the ages nearer to the present time \ve find that the successors of those animals show a very much larger number of cusps. How is this increase of cusps to be accounted for? II;is there been a reserve store of conical teeth to increase the cluster? No. Must obviously, to every student of the fossil history of cusps there is no reserve store, but new cusps are constantly rising up on the original crown itself by cusp addition. However, do not let me give you the impression that these researches of Eose and Kukenthal are not of the greatest value and interest : we shall see later on how the very facts of embryology which are advanced by Dr. Carl IJose in support of his hypothesis can be turned against him and used to support the differentiation theory. I have no doubt many of you have observed, in the examination of human lower molars, that occasionally instead of having four cusps they have five. The fifth cusp always appears in the middle of the heel, does it not, or between the posterior lingual and the posterior buccal ? You find this in the monkeys and in many other mammals, but I know of no record of the ancient anterior lingual reappearing. So we see that the human lowrer molar tooth with its low, quadri- tubercular crown has evolved by addition of cusps and by gradual modelling from a high-crowned, simple-pointed tooth. Xow this, and I say it with great confidence, is what has actually taken place. It has not come about by bringing together single reptilian cones ; it has been simply by the addition of one cusp after another to an original single reptilian cone until there were six cusps, and then, in the adaptation and fitting of the lower teeth to the upper, one of the cusps has disappeared. This cusp was the primitive anterior lingual, or, in comparative anatomy, the paraconid (Fig. 38, No. 8). Now let us follow the history of the upper teeth and see why the " primitive anterior lingual," or paraconid, in the lower jaw has disappeared. You are constantly in your practice, observing that one tooth in the lower jaw gets into the way of another tooth and has to be pushed out of place in order to place its opponent in the upper jaw into its proper position. This is exactly what Nature has done ; Nature has abandoned that lower cusp simply because, in the simultaneous transformation of the upper teeth from a three-cusp to a four- cusp type, there was no room for it. 60 INVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TKKTH Mechanical Relations of tlic Upper an/I Loire r Teeth* Let us examine the upper teeth. \Ye must say, in the h'rst place, that our evidence here is not nearly so complete, because a lower jaw, from its thin nature, is more apt to be presented fossil than an upper jaw : so that in the older rocks we meet with ten lower jaws to one upper ja\v, and we cannot get the same evidence as to the history of the upper jaw that we have of the lower ; but although we are not able to trace the history of the upper teeth with the same accuracy or degree of certainty, we have every reason to think it was the same. We find the upper teeth shaped like a triangle, as in Figs. 12, 13, 14, so we may imagine that the same triangle which was formed in the lower jaw was formed in the upper jaw, with this important difference, that in the upper jaw the base of the triangle was turned outward, whereas in the lower jaw the base of the triangle was turned inward (Fig. 36, No. 4). What I mean by this is illustrated in the accompanying figure (Fig. 41, A — J), which is an epitome of the whole history. The upper teeth are represented solid, the lower teeth as hollow circles. In A we see a row of single cusps, the lower somewhat inside of the upper. In B the lateral cusps are added. In C they are enlarged. In I) the cusps are pushed outward and inward into triangles. In E a spur is added on the lower molar triangle, which in F and G grows out into a broad heel. In H and / a spin- appears upon the upper molar triangle, and in J this causes the lower molar triangle to lose its anterior cusp. Nature has corrected any possible interference between these triangles in a simple manner by turning the base of the triangle of the upper molars outward towards what you call the buccal side. In the lower jaw, on the other hand, the base of the triangle is turned inward to the lingual side, so that finally we have the two triangles alternating, coming together as in D and making a beautiful cutting mechanism ; because if any food gets in between these triangular shears the food tends to press these teeth forward and backward, therefore crowding the teeth more closely together and tending to tighten and improve the shear, whereas if the teeth were placed in line, as in C, and food were to get in between, the effect would be to crowd the two jaws apart and lessen the exact cutting power of the shear. Now we see that we can compare the lower and upper triangles to each other. How about the heels or spurs, and why were they developed ? They were developed because these animals required * [Other and more recent views as to the mechanical relations of the evolving tooth parts are presented on pp. 61*, 68*, 82*, Figs. 208, 209.— ED.] TKITri'.KlKTLY IN PRIMATES 61 crushers as well as cutters*: they required to break up their food, and consequently a crushing surface was developed in each heel. lu the course of time the animal gave up its cutting and tearing function, and in all the group of animals to which man belongs it A 000 B VAVAV E F \) ; H, I, upper and lower molars, with triangle and heel ; /, human type, upper molar*, with four cusps, triangle, and heel (Xos. 10, 11, 12); lower molars, with five cusps, antero-internal cusp having disappeared (No. 8). [Compare this diagram with that of Mr. Gidley on p. 20s. It is now regarded by Professor Osborn as erroneous in several particulars. — En. ] * Nutc that the upper teeth (Mack) bite outside the lower teeth (see Fig. 221). t Note that the protocont's bite inside uf and between the lower teeth (see Fig. 221). acquired a purely crushing function, as seen in the teeth of the baboon. As that became necessary, the next step was to transform the entire upper tooth into a crusher as well as the lower, and to * [While the anterior and posterior aides of the upper and lower triangles no doubt formed the principal cutting surfaces, yet the principal piercer and crusher in the upper molars is the internal tip of the triangle, namely, the protocone, which opposes the talonid below. The hypocone is an accessory crusher developed to oppose the trigonid and the space back of the preceding lower molar. — ED.] 62 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH till out all the spaces between them, so that a square lower tooth would abut against a square upper tooth, as in J, and this was done by simply adding a heel to this tooth. Now, what would that heel come against in /? It would come against the anterior cusp of the lower triangle ; therefore that cusp had to be removed, so when the upper heel was developed this lower cusp was removed and the lower molar, which had six cusps, presented only five ; then the second lingual cusp was pushed forward as in J, and the tooth was transformed into a quadritubercular molar. Evidence that the Upper Human Molars were Triangular. How do we know that is so i We have some conclusive evi- dence of it in other animals of the group to which man belongs. Beginning with the lemurs, the lowest type of monkeys, and entirely separate in many respects from the higher types, we find almost without exception that the upper teeth are triangular, there being no posterior cusp, so that Fig. 40, Xo. 9, accurately represents a tooth of the lemurs, and it also represents the tooth of the true monkeys which we find in the Eocene period ; in other words, all monkeys or all primates (the group to which man belongs) had at the outset this triangular upper molar. Then earlier or later in the Eocene or Miocene the spur began to be developed which transformed a three- cusp tooth or a triangular tooth into a quadritubercular tooth. That spur became enlarged and finally, in civilized races of men, we have a tooth of this form as the prevailing type of tooth. These stages are shown in Fig. 40. Xow, we might say that the evidence is not perfectly satisfactory, because we have no positive reason for believing that the human teeth were derived from such a type as this ; they may have come along another line of descent, and for that reason we have to show here, through the kindness of one of the members of the dental pro- fession in this city, the teeth of an Eskimo (Fig. 40, Xo. 11), which, as Professor Cope has pointed out, differ from the teeth of all negroes, all Indians, and all the lower races of men, in presenting in a much clearer manner the primitive triangular arrangement of the cusps that characterize the lemurs. A friend has just been telling us what very few of us knew, — that the Eskimos do not chew their food : they simply swallow7 it whole or gulp it down ; and their food consists largely of blubber. Blubber does not form much resistance to the teeth, and, whether as a mechanical or an inherited effect of the lack of resistance of soft food through many generations O v C? of blubber-eating Eskimos or not, the teeth of these Eskimos are Ti:rrrr,KKrriA i.\ PRIMATKS 63 exceptionally //•//////, rr//A//'. This fact was pointed out l>y Professor Cope in his article entitled. " Leniurine Reversion in Human Dentition." Up to a certain point in their evolution the molar teeth of all mammals followed exactly the same route.* It follows that if we once grasp the principles of cusp addition upon this triangular ground plan we can compare the cusps of the molars of man with those of any other mammal. In the teeth of the bear, for example, the homology is very obvious indeed. But in the teeth of the cat the homologies can only be determined when we procure the ancestral forms of cats, for in the evolution of the large sectorials many cusps have degenerated. Some years ago, when I had fully demon- strated the truth of Cope's theory by my own studies, I saw the importance of using a set of standard terms for the cusps. These have since been almost universally adopted by comparative anato- mists, but have not, as yet, I believe, made much headway among human odontologists. They are, as follows, as applied to the human teeth : UPPER MOLARS. Anterior palatal . . . Protocone ) Anterior buccal . . . Paracone , Primitive triangle, or " trigon." Posterior buccal .... Metacone ^ Posterior palatal .... Hypocone Primitive heel, or "talon." LOWER MOLARS. Anterior buccal Protoconid In- •,.• . , , . }- Primitive triangle, or " trigonid. Anterior lingual . . . Metaconid J Posterior buccal . . . Hypoconid ) Posterior lingual .... Entoconid > Primitive heel, or " talonid." Posterior mesial .... Hypoconulid j When we understand that all the teeth of all mammals have this key, this tritubercular key, we c'an unlock the comparisons through the series and point out the homologies. There is further evidence in support of the theory of cusp addition which I will now briefly mention. It is that brought forth by tin- very investigations of Dr. Carl Rose, which he has used to support the concrescence theory. We should expect, in the embryonic jaw that the calcification of the tooth-germ would be very significant, because we know that the embryonic structures in their development follow the order of addition or evolution. The order of evolution is, to a certain extent, repeated in embryonic development. How is it with the teeth ? Dr. Rose has given a most exact account of the mode of calcification of the tooth-germ within the jaw ; this is also now to be had in the form of wax models, prepared by Professor Zeigler, of Freiburg. 1 Journal of Morphology, Vol. II., 1888, pp. 1-24. * [At the present time this statement seems very doubtful. — -ED.] 64 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH To begin with the lower molars, the dental cap in the jaw forms a broad, saucer-like surface, and then at the corners of that cap Fi<;. 4-J. Developing Upper and Lower Molars of a four weeks old child. Note the resem- blance in the upper molar to the molar of the Eocene Primate in Fig. 40 No. 10. After Rose. A B C FIG. 42'. The three Primary Forms of Molar Teeth, secondarily attained in three modern forms. A, Haplodont, of the Dolphin. B, Triconodunt, of the Leopard Seal, Ogmorhinus l< /itvni/.i: C, Tritubercular, of the Cape Mole, Chrywhlorin (see p. 125). calcified points appear (Fig. 42*). In what order (Fig. 1) do they appear I The order is shown in the following table : COMPARISON OF EVOLUTION AND EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT. UPPER MOLARS . LOWER MOLARS . Order by "Cusp Addition' Theory." 1. Anterior palatal. / Anterior buccal. \ Posterior buccal. 4. Posterior palatal. 2. 1 . Anterior buccal. 2. Anterior lingual. 3. Posterior buccal. 4. Posterior lingual. 5. Posterior mesial. Order of Embryonic Development. 1. Anterior buccal. 2. Anterior palatal. 3. Posterior buccal. 4. Posterior palatal. 1. Anterior buccal. 2. Anterior lingual. 3. Posterior buccal. 4. Posterior lingual, 5. Posterior mesial. TRITUBKRCULY IX PRLMATKS (55 In the lower molar teeth the order of calcification is precisely the order of evolution, — in other words, the anterior buccal was the first to evolve, representing the reptilian cone ; it is also the first to calcify. The anterior lingual is the second in age, and also the second to calcify. The third and the fourth cusps calcify almost simultaneously. So we find that the order of embryonic development exactly repeats the order of historical development, and in every way presents the strongest kind of confirmation of the theory of cusp formation which we have been discussing. But this you see is not exactly the case in the upper molars. Nevertheless, out of eight cusps in the upper and lower molars considered together, six cusps calcify in the order in which they were successively added to the single reptilian cone. Gentlemen, I trust that I have not in this address taken you too far afield. I have reached a conclusion on this subject which could be elaborated in much greater detail. In closing, I would like to refer to the work of Dr. J. L. Wortman, who is here this evening, and who was for some years a collaborator with Professor Cope in Philadelphia, and who in association with Professor Cope had quite a share in the establishment of the " tritubercular or cusp addition " theory. This theory is now a rival to the " concrescence " theory ; and, while it may not seem a matter of great importance, if the concrescence theory may not seem one we ought to take seriously, still, iu view of the attention which it has gained in Germany, it is time that we produce and bring forward the unimpeachable evidence which we get of the history of these teeth from the rocks, the solid evidence from the geological formations, the evidence of comparative anatomy, which, as we have just seen, is so far supported by the evidence of embryonic development. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Works of reference in addition to those cited above : Rose, " Ueber die Entwickelung und Formabanderung der menschlichen Molaren," Anatomisch&r A»:<'i(/er, Band VII., 1892. Kukenthal, '' Ueber den Ursprung und die Entwickelung der Saugethier- /iihne," Jenaische Zeitschrift fiir Naturwissenschaft, Band 28, 1893. Osborn, "The Evolution of Mammalian Molars to and from the Tritubercular Type," American Naturalist, 1888, p. 1067. "The History and Homologies of the Human Molar Cusps," Anatomischer Anzeiyi-r, VII., 1892, pp. 740-747. Cope, " The Mechanical Causes of the Development of the Hard Parts of the Mammalia," Journal of Morphology, III., 1889. E CHAPTER IV. TRITUBERCULY IN ITS APPLICATION TO THE MOLAR TEETH OF THE UNGULATES OR HOOFED MAMMALS. COMPLETION <>K THE NOMENCLATURE. 1. DISADVANTAGES OF PREVIOUS SYSTEMS OF NOMENCLATURE OF TIIH MOLAR CUSPS. [Extract from article entitled "The Nomenclature of the Mammalian Molar Cusps,'' The American Naturalist, October 1888.] IN view of the evidence for the almost universal presence of the tri- tubercular stage in the present or past history of the upper and lower molars, I have already advocated a distinct nomenclature for the different cusps which compose this molar and its derivatives, up to the stage of the acquisition of six tubercles in the upper molars and five in the lower. This is the final stage in which the tubercles remain distinct. The nomenclature now in general use is based, for the most part, upon the secondary or acquired position, and in no instance, so far as I know, upon the demonstrable homologies of the cusps in the upper and lower jaws. Compare, for example, the molars of Miodcenus and Hyopsodus. By those familiar with Cope's writings upon this subject, it will be recognized at once that the antero-internal cusp of the lower molar of Miodcenus is not homologous with the antero-internal cusp of the upper molar of the same genus, nor is it homologous with the antero-internal cusp of ihe lower molar of Hyopsodus. •2. METHODS OF ANALYSIS OF MOLAR ELEMENTS, NOMENCLATURE OF THE MOLAIIS OF UNGULATES. [Extract from Osborn and Wortman, " Fossil Mammals of the Wahsatch and Wind River Beds Collection of 1891," Bull. Ame.r. Mm., Nat. Hist., Vol. IV., No. 1, Oct. 20th, 1892, pp. 84-93.] In October, 1888, a table of nomenclature for the cusps of the molar teeth of mammalia was published in the American Naturalist. } The 1 Osborn, " The Nomenclature of the Mammalian Molar Cusps," op. cit., p. 927. T]![Tr.BKl;(TIA IX UNGULATES 67 terms were carefully chosen with reference to the gradual rise of these cusps from the single cone of the reptilian type, through the tritubercular to the sexitubercular stages.1 They have since been wholly or in part adopted by Cope, Scott, Lydekker, Schlosser,2 Flower, and lately by liiitimeyer.3 The tritubercular stem form has been recognized by Doderlein and Fleischmann, but these authors have employed various Greek symbols for the cusps. The latter has opposed the adoption of similar terms for the main cusps of the upper and lower molars, upon the ground that Cope and myself have mistaken the homologies : this objection would be fatal to a uniform system of nomenclature for the upper and lower cusps if it could be sustained, but a compre- hensive survey of the Mesozoic trituberculates, especially of the Amblotheriidse and Spalacotheriidse, leaves no doubt that the. anivm- ciixji in fin /m/r/1 mo/a/-* «n/ ,'ncli <>flit:r ; these cusps are invariably the most prominent, and are always styliform in primitive types ; they always form the apices of the primitive crown ; they persist in almost all mammals, while one or all of the later cusps may disappear. This cardinal point established, it will be a great gain for palaeontology and comparative odontology when the further truth is recognized that fin jio^iliilitics of modification of ti/pc l/i tin* molars are limited, that essentially similar types of teeth are evolved independently over and over again, and that in course of what Schlosser has well termed ' modernization ' we find such diverse orders as Primates, Ungulates, Insectivores, Marsupials, Rodents, all exhibiting the same laws of dental modification, and the same or similar ' secondary ' cusps, crests and peripheral styles. Except in the Cetacea and Edentata, these modifications centre around the simple tritubercular crown, which seems to possess unlimited capacity of adaptation by the development of some parts and degeneration of others, by changes of form and position, and by the addition of secondary cusps. The first step is to distinguish and separate clearly the primary and secondary regions of the primitive crown, for originally they have absolutely different functions ; the part first developed in both upper and lower molars is the anterior primitive triangle or tri, b, Eiitimeyer) ; these may be termed respectively the metastylid and entostylid, while the pillar arising secondarily in the primitive position of the paraconid may be termed the parastylid. The principles upon which this terminology is based are therefore very simple. 1. The termination -cone is given to the main primary or central cusps, and -conule to all intermediate cusps. 2. The termination -style is proposed for the peripheral cusps arising mainly from the cingulum. 3. The termination -loph is applied to the crests. 4. The seven prefixes are based upon the succession and position of the elements in the primitive evolution of the crown, viz. : proto-,para-, meta-, hypo-, cnto-, ecto-, mcso-. The prefixes are first applied to the cones ; then to the styles, according to their proximity to the cones ; then to the crests, according to the cones which mainly compose them. 5. Homologous and analogous elements in the upper and lower jaws are given similar terms, but distinguished arbitrarily by the terminal -id. Upon the opposite page are given the terms formerly employed by French, German, and English authors for the teeth of the Ungulates before their common tritubercular origin had been discovered by Cope. In his ' Enchainements du Monde Animal ' Professor Gaudry, as far back- as 1878, worked out most clearly the homologies of the molar elements in the Ungulates from the sexitubercular-quadritubercular stage onwards ; the valuable earlier studies of Riitimeyer1 are well known. But now that the ungulate molar has been found to converge to the uuguiculate molar type, and both are found to contain the same elements, and to spring from 1 Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Pferde, Berlin, 1863. i\ r.\<;rL.\TKs 71 W % &9 H OJ H X H ~ W O O K - — X H fa ?H J -: O 05 W H 1 p s £_ . ^. -^ ~,"- •o CO /. L * •e 2 |lo •5" C- ft S ft C -S ft ft = — s — ft £ s "3 — a ^ _ s 0 Terms based \\}»<\i \tr\i\\\\\\' homolngius protocone paracone inetacone protoconule 0 0 V - — ~ ± ^ protocoled paraconid metaconid hypoconid entoconid 3 o §-_2 „§ "S ^rr- •f ">>">: •g "S w i ° * * 2 S a^-r « to -^ O flj A -= £ S itoconid, hypoc IXLKY, Fl.OWKIl, LYl'KKKER, lisli ami American authors. ^-internal, anterior pillar - 3-external, anterior crescent •o- ,, posterior ,, ^-intermediate tubercle ; c S 43 «. O "5 S 43 O O i-fxlcrnal cusp - internal, fifth cusp - ft M " r 0 — _ III — ' X — g CU .S - ? u ,0 Q r- W |1 = 13 o 11 " o S 5 o.2 CU _ CO 1 ' ' CD" CO CD 43 Z r "^ Ll 2 5-^ prominence, pillar lication of metaconid ,, entoconid •r Mul iirs. Talon (hypocone). r ,, Talonid (hypoconid, ei -> 50 tt S- CD ~ CD O •^ s CU C '<- -o ^ 7: , , ~ .2 a - ft S5, ^ — ,~ CO 0 43 CU -«-> i/3 43 — 43 CO CO CD - c » 43 CO j— ' — >y^ -£ 1o ^ a — .^> -*3 X tfj ~~. *z. 5^ o a cos 0 0 rj o o X = C £ C '£ C 2 0 Q3 ^ ~ S ft rt ~^ . ^ _ - ft co c« a rf ^— -^J -* — ft - 0 — '— = 02 ° "a ~ rS • ' '"T? rfl i i 1 1 1 1 i - . i i i i i i * 2 5 > •"t? _^ O o — o-2 O 7. Z^* m •r— a , i ^-C — CO o ,0^ ^ £ O s f-^l ^ ^ Q^ 00 C« S ~ *'-O i; £ t^ t- r^ ^^ "Q 2$ - - •° "? CO.& 4i ^" CD rW & ' ' 1 , . 1 , i , i • , c5 , . , s I'l ._ 13 C. Q '— a "ft * ^ -r i-g C i r — • i i Q (» C5 « £ £ 5 Is s S ,0^ 3 r^ ^ _rj ~CJ O -? ° CO g OQP4 5 ^i. i - £"1 , , -£ r r^-S , , , 1 1 1 § § .2, ^ .£, eg o . . . , . H a> 73 a S ^ GO O " »• o :B 3 ce 't? 0 i^~ O r« "^ a o :- a3 js , , s: j ~ K° * O c6 ^ CO 5 5 •"• o> >• s CO . , , . . . , . , . , , < jT 0 S P o ~~~ S | 5^ 2 o 05 2 " CU U 2 S .2 .2 '2 ' . , . , , , 1 ^ " O CU ^ 5 .2 s o o o t. — »-3^ 'j~ ~* oT -T / O '^ X — — !-* 3) *% ^ )_1 ^a yj )^i yi c o £ I 0 ft M § 5 r o ,£ 5 ft t« x s 6 Sft' £} QJ 1 1 1 i i i c 0 - a ' o 3 CD CD r- CO CU J CD CU r- -5 CD" - aT ^ J ^ .5 X rH .s CU ^ CU .S g . ^2 CO 0 -0 ^2 CU , o -a , , , , , , 'S )S 155 1-1 ^ — _o o £ -— .2-r , 1 . , , . _§ r 43 — S — t? "5 M CO o CO o JS •S , ftg ^ ^ »— tC i . , , , , , ^ *- , 1 , i CO , , ig1^ "f. tc — , — zfl •* b -<*- 1 i O 8 sf CC ^ »T o -N * **^ ^ "^ c -• || ' ~« tf O n "^ X |j O-i £ 5 V ^ > t. 5 S-gB a s« 0 !§" O K 1^ p | S" O .- -•- J-, fl P^ g 72 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH the same Mesozoic source, it is important to unify our methods of description by adopting a set of terms which refer back to the primitive form and position in place of those which were based upon the com- paratively modern form and position. o. The above discussion of the homologies of the molar elements of ungulates was followed in 1890 by a contribution which may be entitled : APPLICATION OF THE THEORY OF TRITUBEP.CULY TO THE PERISSODACTYLA. (Scott, W. B., and H. F. Osborn, "Preliminary Account of the Fossil Mammals from the White River and Loup Fork Formations contained in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. . . . The Perissodactyla," by Henry Fairfield Osborn. — Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. XX., No. 3,1890, pp. 88-91.) The Horse Molars. The upper molars of Mesohippus [Fig. 161rfJ clearly show the first step in the formation of the posterior pillar, pp., which is so conspicuous a feature in Anchitherium, in the posterior valley. This can also be observed in a still simpler stage in a specimen of Anckilophus, from the French Phosphorites. Step by step with the development of this cusp appears the posterior pillar, p, in the lower molars, behind the entoconid ; this accessory cusp can be traced back to the teeth of Epiliippus. When it finally unites with the entoconid, in Hipparion, it forms the posterior twin cusp (b, b, Elitimeyer), which is analogous to the anterior pair formed by the union of the metaconid and anterior pillar a (a, a, Eiitimeyer). Thus the transition from the Mesohippus to the Anchitherium molars is very gradual, as shown in the accompanying figures. By tracing back the rise of the eleven elements which compose the upper Equus molar, we find that six belong to the primitive sexitubercular bimodont crown. Two elements of the ectoloph, the anterior pillar and median pillar, rise from the simple primitive basal cingulum of the Hj/racotherium molar ; the same mode of development, we have just seen, is true of the posterior pillar. The eleventh element, the fold of the postero-external angle of the crown, p, is not prominent until we reach Equus. The term " posterior pillar " is taken from Lydekker ; the other terms, " median " and " anterior," are applied to parts which have an analogous origin from the basal cingulum. The remaining coronal cusps are readily identified with their homologues in the primitive tritubercular molar. TKITI:I:KI:< TLY ix rxci'LATKs Tin' Rhinoceros Molar. The peculiarities of the molars of A-phclop* [cf. Fig. 17-"., p. 181] will be made more clear by a few observations upon the molars of the rhin- oceroses in general. The three main crests of the lophodont crown may now be distinguished in part by terms which express their homologies with the elements of the sexitubercular superior and quadritubercular inferior molars of the primitive ungulate, PTienacoduus. In the upper molars, the outer crest is formed by the union of the primitive paracone and metacone, to which is joined the anterior pillar (see Mesohippus, p. 175); it may be called the cctoloph. As the anterior crest is formed by the union of the protocone, protoconule, and paracone, it may be termed the protolopli. The posterior crest, which unites the primitive metacone, the metaconule, and the hypocone, may be termed the metaloph. The outer surface of the ectoloph in the primitive molar of the rhinoceros is marked by three vertical ridges corresponding to its three primitive component elements, rn>', pa, ap [pas] ; one or all of these disappear in the flattening of the surface. It will be observed that nothing corre- sponding to the ' median pillar ' of the superior molar of the horse is developed. In the lower molars (the paraconid disappearing), the union of the metaconid and protocouid forms the anterior crest or metalophid, while the hypoconid and entoconid unite to form the hypol<>i>lii^ o CD HH •s. HH 3 K -f. » < _; O MS i sj;- •s » g 33 -H >^ 3 S Sc pa < o-Sd. , i o ^•3 ^, 3 i — CD ^ « K O C ^ F* iall "3os S o o M§ _o^^^-, S z 1 "o co to j2 •Illl t4 CD H OLARS. §g hB o fe I— ( P3 ^3 w ^^' — ' » .a o c is ior pillar ior crescen ior cresce ior pillar Ant Ant Pos Pos Vo Nac eile p interne clu pr. lub e externe, pr. lobe c externe, sec. lobe e interne, sec. lobe Dentic Dentic Dentic Dentic | W ^ ^ «" ^ •*-. s- _ -T5 ^P°P"cS pis I ence Anterior ridge Middle' ridge Posterior ridge Posterior prom Lake Cem 'Z ru - 58 O -t> o vi oj o ZCO Pericones, Randgipfeln te externe Aussenwa crete ou lohe anterieure - Vorjoch ine crete ou lobe posterieure Nachjoch cu ' ' * m • , , , £ s SB S "^ « ^ C 2 W S W > ^SW^ III -g "o -g i-' S-4 i» % M ^'o M i =§ "o a- — CO ^ •r -fJ r^ ^j .13 ° l§ 5 ^^ a ? O ^H 'SSo , ^ O ""^ (V) So PH S jgS CD w Praesinus Postsinus CD ^3 o -t> O ^ o * 1 -s.1 o ^5 CD CD gu bo 3 SECOND OUTLINE OF Tltl'IT I'.KIM ULY 77 found playing similar variations upon the primitive tritubercular type. There are surprisingly few distinct types, but an almost unlimited number of sub-types, or variations of form. As we descend among the older rocks and the various series begin to converge, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish the different orders by their teeth alone. Thus it came about that all the Eocene monkeys were at first referred to the ungulates, or to transition groups, as expressed in M. Filhol's composite term Pacii u- Umuriens. Tritubercular Homologie*. Embryological Evidence. — The progress which has been made in the embryology of the teeth is largely in the matter of the succession of double series, as indicated by vestiges of earlier and later sets of teeth, the so-called milk and permanent sets. Embryogenesis, however, has also led to a very minute study of the order of succession of the cones of the molar teeth, and without entering into the matter in detail, it may be briefly stated that all authors are unanimous in describing the cones of the lower molar teeth in different groups as developing in the same order in which they are supposed to have arisen in the past, according to the tritubercular theory, namely : Protoconid, Paraconid, Metaconid, Hypo- conid. In the upper teeth, on the other hand, embryogenesis has been found to contradict the conclusions reached by the tritubercular theory of palingenesis, for all authors have agreed that the order is Paracone, Metacone, Protocone, instead of Protocone, Paracone, Metacone. When these facts were first brought out by Taeker, Eose and others, the writer, with undiminished confidence in the force of paheontological evidence, advanced as an explana- tion the fact that the protocone had become secondarily reduced in the upper molars, and that the embryogeny no longer recapitulated the order of evolution. This explanation has received a measure of support in the latest researches by Woodward [M. F.], in which it is shown that in those Insectivora in which the protocone is still the most prominent cusp of the x/il>cn'or molars, this cusp also appears first in embryogeny, the paracone and metacone following. Woodward points out that this is not the case in other Insectivora, for they agree with the Primates, Ungulates and other types which have been carefully investigated, in the late appearance of the protocone. Woodward infers from these conflicting facts that there were two modes of cusp evolution within the order Insectivora, one in which the protocone appeared first, and another in which the protocone appeared third or last. Such a double genesis seems to the writer highly improbable.* It is, however, certainly important, as Woodward and many others have observed, to strengthen the palasontological evidence for the trituber- *[See, however, the opposing views on pages 123- 126, 227.] 78 INVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH cular theory. The writer has recently made strenuous efforts to secure additional evidence, which have not thus far been successful. In the meantime too great emphasis cannot be laid upon the fact that all the existing palcKontological evidence points in tl« xtt»ir
  • < '/•/<>/>. This would appear to support the generalization that all mammals passed through the third primary or tritubercular stage, yet it must be borne in mind that all our evidence is derived from inhabitants of fresh water basins,t and that the persistent haplodont and triconodont types may have been living contemporaneously in the seas. But the Multituberculates and Monotremes, were they tritubercular in origin ? The teeth of Ornithorhynchus are so degenerate and irregular * [This statement applies chiefly to the orders Insectivora, Carnivora, Primates, Ungulata, since the trituberculate derivation of the Monotremata, Multituberculata, Edentata, Rodentia, Cetacea, remains to be proven. — ED.] t [Or at least from epicontinental as opposed to marine deposits. — ED.] 80 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH that many features of primitive form may be lost ; they may quite as readily be interpreted as tritubercular as multitubercular, especially in the embryonic stage as described by Poulton. It is not difficult however to establish the principle that a true multi- tubercular tooth may spring from a tritubercular tooth. As pointed out elsewhere, my friend, Prof. J. A. Allen, directed my attention to the " multituberculate " rodents. A comparison of Mas, Dipodomys and Perognathus beautifully illustrates the stages between " trituberculy " and " multituberculy " in living types. The three rows containing twelve tubercles in the latter genus are derived respectively from the " external," " intermediate " and " internal " cusps of a sexitubercular bunodont type similar to the Hyracothcrium molar on a small scale. The additional cusps are successively added to each row. Thus the upper molar of Perog natlius is closely analogous to that of the Mesozoic Multituberculata, especially to such a type as Tritylodon. Passing also from the higher Multituberculata to the lower and more ancient, we find fewer and fewer cusps until we reach a " paucitubercular " parent form in the Upper Triassic Microlcstes. Microlestes itself was not tritubercular ; it had a basin-shaped crown surrounded by irregular tubercles ; this basin, however, was not dissimilar to that in molars of the Eocene rodent Plesiarctomys which is obviously of tritubercular origin.* This evidence has been recently reinforced in a most striking manner by the discoveries of Professor Seeley in the Karoo Beds of South Africa, from which two principal conclusions may be derived : First, that Tritylodon, formerly placed with the mammalia, contains a large number of reptilian characters. Since the fossil is closely related on the other hand to the remaining Multituberculata, it appears possible that we have in the Gomplwdontia the group from which the Multituberculates sprang. A study of the dentition of other Theriodonts in the Karoo Beds shows that while Tritylodon and Trirachodon are typically Multituberculates, others, such as Diademodon t have a trituberculate pattern, exactly such a pattern as we find in certain Lower Eocene mammals. Altogether there is certainly increasing support for the writer's hypothesis, that the multituberculate tooth is of tritubercular origin. The Early Stages of Sexituberculy. The Tr if/on. Kespect for Cope's priority should not prevent our ultimately adopting the late Professor Kutimeyer's term trigonodont for * [The derivation of some multituberculate types from trituberculate types does Dot prove that all multituberculate types have been derived from trituberculate types, and reasons are presented on p. 105*" for thinking that the ancestral multituberculate molar as represented in Mirrolestfis was not derived from a typical tuberculo-sectorial lower molar. — ED.] tfSee p. 92.] SKCON'I) ori'LINK OF TKlTrilKIK'l'LY 81 the third stage, retaining- the term " tritubercular " as descriptive of the whole transformation, and as peculiarly appropriate to certain types of teeth, such as the superior molars of the lemurs. " Trigonodont ' is most appropriate because the first step in molar morphology is to identify the "primitive triangle," and the term "tubercular" hardly applies to a lofty pointed cutting crown. Our studies among the Mesozoic mammals have left no doubt that the upper and lower triangles, or " trigon " and " trigonid," were derived from the reptilian protocone by the addition of lateral cusps. The mechanical perfection of this type consisted in the fact that the lateral cusps were developed upon or shifted to the outer side in the upper molars, and to the inner side in the lower molars, thus producing an interlocking " shear." The " trigon " was essentially a cutting apparatus, so perfect that many mammals retained it without further evolution. Thus Chrysoddoris, the little Insectivore of the Cape, presents a fine example of this type, persistent in its molars* (Fig 42*). The Talon. But in a great majority of tritnberculates the " talon " was added as a crushing apparatus. It invariably appeared first in the lower molars (where we may distinguish it as the " talonid ") and pressed into the basin of the superior " trigon." At first it was a mere spur (hypocone) as in Amphitherium or in the existing Calcochloris (allied to Chrysochloris), but between the Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous periods the talonid widened into a basin-like shelf supporting an outer cusp, the •' hypoconid " ; an intermediate cusp, the " hypoconulid," and an inner cusp, the " entoconid." Thus we find in the majority of the Upper Cretaceous (Laramie) and Puerco or lowest Eocene mammals that the lower molars bear six cusps ; the above-mentioned three on the talonid and three on the trigonid (protoconid, paraconid, metaconid). With these six cusps the equipment of the lower molar was complete, and it was ready for transformation into the molar of a primate, ungulate or carnivore, as the case might be. But why notice such a detail as the posterior intermediate cusp or hypoconulid ? Because, to give only two reasons, this cusp plays an important role in the ungulates; it is invariably present, t except perhaps in the Coryphodons, and forms the third lobe of the last lower molar, which is thus proved to be a primitive character ; again, it is found throughout all the Primates, and although seldom availed of, this cusp constitutes an important and distinctive character as between the different races of man. Its extreme antiquity is appreciated by few anthropologists, and at the present time it is degenerating. (See Fig. 40, Nos. 11, 12.) * [It should be borne in mind, however, that some authors (e.'/. Fovsyth Major) hold that the heelless condition of the Chn/ii,,-/,/,,, .-> below.— ED.] t[That is, in the more generalized forms. — Kn.] F EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH While these changes were taking place, the upper molars remained comparatively stationary in the persistence of the simple trigon, up to the close of the Cretaceous period, the main change being a depression of the level of the trigon. All three cusps in some groups were depressed from the high secodont to the low bunodont level. In the majority of the carnivorous types we find that only the protocone was depressed and that the pair of outer cusps, paracone and metacone, persisted in their high primitive level ; the crown being thus prepared for the transformation into the true " sectorial." But in the omnivorous and herbivorous types, all three cusps are depressed and the upper molars always increased their crushing area by the addition of a heel or " talon," exactly analogous to that previously developed upon the lower molars.* As is well known, this " hypocone " is an upgrowth from the cingulum and its typical mode of development is well shown in the Primates (Figs. 128-132). While this was going on the trigon was also supplementing its bunodont equipment by the addition of the little intermediate cusps "protoconule" and "meta- conule."t These always appeared where the " talonid " abuts against the " trigon." Thus, finally, the upper molar, like the lower, was provided with six cusps and both were ready to diverge into any ungulate form. All these foregoing stages persist and may be readily studied and verified among some of the living marsupials, insectivores, lemurs and monkeys, and can be seen in any well-equipped osteological museum almost as well as among the fossil series. The Nomenclature of the Molar Cusps and Crests. The system proposed by the writer some years ago has now been adopted by many of the American, English and German writers who are studying the fossil series. It is based upon simple principles : 1. The termination "-cone" is employed for all the primary central cusps derived from the crown of the tooth, while the diminutive -conulc is employed for the smaller " intermediates " or cuspules. 2. All peripheral cusps or elements developed mainly from the cingu- lum or external borders of the crown are distinguished as -styles (" pillar " or " buttress "). The only exception is the " hypocoue," which, while arising from the cingulum, soon takes its place upon the crown. * [The hypocone of the upper molars is analogous in position to the hypoconid of the lower molars, but in function it is more analogous to the paraconid which it replaces, since it fits into the space between the entoconid of one and the metaconid of the following lower molar. A closer functional analogy is with the protocone of the upper molars, since the protocone and hypocone of one upper molar fit into the talonid (hypoconid) and trigonid of two successive lower molars. — Eu.] t [In many, if not all, cases the protoconule and metaconule were developed long before the hypocone. Compare the Jurassic and Cretaceous Trituberculates (pp. 96, 218, 220), Pomtolambda (Fig. 140), and certain insectivores (p. 128).— ED.] SKCOX1) OUTLINE OF TRITUIJKRCULY 83 3. The crests, transverse and longitudinal, are always composed of two or more cusps and styles, and are distinguished by the termination -lopli. 4. The prefixes "proto-" "para-" •' meta-," "hypo-" " ento-," etc., refer back to the primitive position or order of development in the tricon- odont and tritubercular stages. 5. The suffix -id is employed arbitrarily to distinguish the elements of the lower molars from those of the upper. The use of the terms " trigon " and " talon " for the cutting and crush- ing regions of the crown, respectively, is especially advantageous among the upper Mesozoic and lower Cainozoic mammals, where it is necessary to refer constantly to the relations of the upper and lower crowns in apposition, as in the evolution of the sectorial and lophodout types. As to the form of the cusps, we pass from simple pointed cusps to three well- known modes of modification to which the adjective " bunoid," " lophoid," and " selenoid " may be applied. A combination of these terms gives us a permanent system of distinguishing the complex forms of ungulate molars from each other, by referring first to the form of the protocone ; second, to that of the outer paracone and metacone. Thus in Palceosi/ops, as the protocone is bunoid and the outer cusps are selenoid, the crown may be distinguished as " buno-selenodont." In Pcdceotherium the protocone is "lophoid," and it may be described as " lopho-selenodont." Rhinoceros is truly " lophodont," since all its six cusps are " lophoid." These are pre- ferable to the terms " tapirodont," " symborodont," " bathmodont," "loxolo- phodont," etc., proposed by Cope, because the latter are associated with generic types. The Evolution of the Ungulate Molar. The fact of derivation of all ungulate molars (excepting in the Ambly- poda) from sexitubercular upper and lower crowns, leads us to look sharply for traces of these six tubercles [as modified] from the primitive plan of Euprotogonia. These six cusps are almost invariably found in the upper molars of both perissodactyls and artiodactyls up to the middle of the Eocene period, as typified in Hyracotherium and Homacodon or Dicholune. In the lower molar the trigon loses the " paraconid " and the talon loses the " hypoconulid," the latter persisting only in the last molar as the " third lobe." This loss was accompanied by the complete transformation of the lower molars from the " secodont " to the comparative " bunodont " type, as effected in the lowering of the " trigonid " to the level of the " talonid." This is exemplified in the steps between the first and third molars of the creodont genus Miacis (Fig. 38, No. 6). In a side view of all early ungulate molars, such as Hyracotherium, we see that the " trigonid " is still the highest portion of the crown. In the ungulates, unlike the 84 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH carnivores, all three molars were affected simultaneously. An exactly similar levelling process can now be observed in a comparative series of recent Lemurs and Monkeys. To summarize the five steps toward the establishment of the ungulate primitive type : the addition of the lower talonid, the lowering of the cusps of the upper trigon, the addition of the upper talon and simultaneous lowering of the lower trigonid, the loss of the paraconid and hypoconulid. By these changes the cutting was trans- formed into the crushing type. The development of the talon necessitated the loss of the " paraconid," for they both occupy the same space when the jaws are closed ; the stages of this gain to the upper molar and loss to the lower are well shown in the species of JZuprotogonia. All these changes belonged to the constructive period and took place presumably before the great divergence of the ungulate orders began ; or it may have been partly due to parallelism or homoplasy, because we find that the molars of Triyonolestes, the earliest known artiodactyl, are tritu- bercular.* Some groups, such as those to which Coryphodon, Uintatherium and Periptyclms belong, built up their whole molar structure upon the tri- tubercular or trigonal basis. From this point onward dated the period of " modernization." An important legacy of the old triangular form was the obliqur arrniit/emnit of the outer and inner cusps parallel with the sides of the primitive triangles. Thus all the primitive crests developed upon these cusps were oblique and not directly transverse. The main features of modernization upon which we must now closely direct attention are : 1. The addition of one or more peripheral cusps or "styles" as up- growths from the cingulum. These reached their most extreme develop- ment in the EquicUe. (See Fig. 49.) 2. The persistence or degeneration of the cingulum at certain points, for all primitive molars are completely invested by a broad cingulum.''" 3. The modelling of the cusps into the " bunoid," " lophoid " or " selenoid " form. 4. The metatrophic or unequal growth of the cusps, especially as affecting the external pair, protocone and metacone, in the upper molars. 5. The shifting of the cusps from their primitive position upon the crowns. 6. The shifting point of union of these transverse crests with the external crest. The differential features of the development of ungulate molars all group around these six heads. If we were examining an isolated molar tooth from the lower Eocene, the first step would be to locate its primary cusps and then note its divergence as tested by the above differentia. We would then be in a position to make a conjecture as to the series in * [See pages 171, 172. — ED.] t [More or less. — ED.] SKCiiM) OUTLINK OF TUITriJKKCl'I.V 85 which this molar belonged — as no two series are modified similarly in all these respects. Yet the prevailing method among many pal;i-?tt,, Chalicotherium, Palceosyops, the palseotheres and horses. Look at an upper molar of Merych-ippus and see what an important role these styles play (Fig. 162). First, we observe the " parastyle " and " mesostyle," next most important is the " hypostyle," which develops near the hypocone upon the posterior cingulum of Mesohippus and Anchitherium and finally completes the border of the ''anterior fossette " or cement lake. The horse molar, by the way, furnishes the best illustration of the value of tracing back the various portions of the crown to their birth-place in the primitive crown of Hurocothi'iitim. Every turn in this labyrinth of folds is thus made perfectly clear.1 A corresponding set of styles grows ap on the lower molars, and it is very easy to locate them with reference to the reciprocal upper set if we simply keep in mind the fact that throughout the whole course of develop- ment the elements of each trigonid are placed just in front of those of the corresponding trigon, that is, the protoconid and uietaconid fit iust in front of the paracone and protocone, as shown in the diagram (Figs. 37, 396-). Thus the inferior entostylid is developed near the entoconid, while the superior hypostyle develops near the hypocone. The first of the inferior '"' [The para* and metastyles as well as the proto- and metaconules are very ancient elements of the molar crowns, since they appear in the Upper Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous trituberculates. The termination "style" as used in this book is applied (1) to all cusps originally external to the para- and metacones ; (2) to the " protostyle," "hypostyle," "entostylid," etc.— ED.] 1 Mr. Lydekker has courteously called attention to the fact that in the earlier study of this subject the writer misinterpreted the descriptive terms employed by Huxley. 86 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH styles to develop is the " metastyle," a reduplication of the metacone, the well known " a-a " of Ptiitimeyer. In all ungulates in which the " mesostyle " is developed the external cusps remain of the same size. In the tapirs no " mesostyle " appears, yet these cusps are symmetrical ; but in the rhinoceroses, which also lack the mesostyle, the first fact to note is the asymmetrical growth of these cusps ; the metacone is elongated while the paracone is reduced and crowded up against the parastyle. This point was observed by Cope in seeking for a definition of the Ehinocerotidas in 18*75. The rhinocerotine molar, whether of Hyrachyus, Amynodon or Acemthcrium, has the further distinction that it is the only type in which a complete ectoloph is formed, and second, as Cope has already observed, the asymmetry of the external cusps is emphasized by the flattened metacone and conic paracone. Figure 175 illustrates also the three projections from the ectoloph, protoloph and metaloph, namely, the "crista," "antecrochet" and "crochet." These, with the three " fossettes " formed by them, were noted and named by Cuvier, and, as shown by Falconer, Flower, Lydekker and others, are of great specific value.1 We have already seen that Cuvier's term "fossette" may be substituted for the " cement lakes " in the horse's molar. The terms formerly adopted, or proposed, by Lydekker,2 after English usage, and those in German and French usage, have already been given in the Table. There is another line of perissodactyls in which the metacone is flattened but not elongated, and no complete ectoloph is formed. I refer to the little Wasatch genus Heptodon (which Cope has erroneously placed in the ancestry of Hyrachyus), also Hdaldes of the Bridger, an undoubted successor of Heptodon, which Marsh was wrongly led to consider an ancestor of the Tapirs. The molars, studied by our six differentia, are found to differ from those of the rhinocerotine Hi/mclti/ns by the incom- plete ectoloph, also by the shifting inwards of the metacone and con- sequent shortening of the metaloph. In looking about for molars with similar differentia, we find those of the true Lopliiodon of Europe, L, isselensc, for example, stand nearest. Now, how shall we distinguish the early Tapirs ? First, there is no mesostyle ; second, the paracone and metacone (as observed by Cope) are both conic and symmetrical ; third, a feature of great importance, appar- ently unnoticed hitherto, is that the protoloph and metaloph spring from the anterior bases of the paracone and metacone, and not from near the apices of these external cusps as in all molars of rhinocerotine affinity. We find, as a general law, that where the external cusps are symmetrical 1 As pointed out by Lydekker, the writer mistakenly transposed these terms " crochet " and "antecrochet" in a former paper, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 1890, p. 81. 2 " Siwalik Rhinocerotida," Pal. Indica. SKCON'l) OUTLIXK OF TRITUBERCULY 87 as in Palreotheres, Horses and Tapirs, the transverse crests always arise in front ; where they tend to asymmetry as in Helaletes, Lophiodon and Rhinoceros, the crests tend to rise from or near the apices. Enough has been said to make clear the new method of procedure in the analysis and discrimination of early ungulate molars. Let us apply this form of statement and description to the aberrant lower Wasatch genus Meniscotherium as a resume : Upper Molars, buno-seleiiodont ; paracone, metacone and protoconule selenoid ; metaconule reduced, lophoid, united with hypocone ; a large parastyle and mesostyle. Lower Molars, seleno-lophodont ; metaconid re- duplicated by metastylid. We h'nd that a similar analysis may be given of Chalicotherium, excepting only " protoconule reduced." It is thus suggested that Me.n.ixcnfJt<'ri//in may be related to Chalicotherium* This method may be summarized as follows : Look for traces of />/•///> i fire ancestral structure in the form and position of the cusps. Second, determine the divergent form, position, proportions and relations of the cusps. Third, determine the secondary cusps, crests and foldings, their form and relations. Finally, let us turn to a wholly different molar type and examine the complex and aberrant molars of Cori/pJwdon. Can we establish any homologies between its elements and those of any of the ungulates we have been considering ? Fortunately we are partly guided by the molar of the Puerco genus Pantolambda Cope, which is even older than the Coryphodons. This is our key to the ancestral or primitive form, and by its aid Cope has, we think, rightly interpreted the homologies of the Coryphodon molar elements. We first note that nature has here evolved a lophodout crown from the tritubercular or trigonal basis, for there is no distinct talon or hypocone except in the unique form Manteodon. Pantolambda has no parastyle, t but a prominent mesostyle and a pair of selenoid external cusps, also a seleuoid protocone with a spur leading toward a protoconule and suggesting an incipient protoloph. The selenoid external cusps of this type suggest a comparison with the lopho-selenodont perissodactyls, and we are able to reach the following result. In a large series of Corijphodon molars we see first that the protoloph is formed of the protocone, protoconule and parastyle, exactly as in the horses. Unlike the horse (Anchitherium), the ectoloph is more or less detached from the protoloph, but the examination of a large series of specimens in the American Museum and Cope's collection convince us that it is composed of the same elements as in AnrJi/fJ/erium, namely, the paracone, which has almost lost its crescentic form, the mesostyle, which is much less prominent, and the metacone, which is still crescentic. This * [See however p. 184, where Chalicotherium is held to be more probably au aberrant Perissodactyl. — ED. ] t [This is obviously a lapxus calami, the parastyle being especially prominent. See Fig. 140. -ED.] 88 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH FIG. 43. Epitome of the stages leading up to the typical Eutherian Molars, according to the theory of trituberculy, chiefly illustrating the nomenclature. SKCOXD OUTLIXK OK TKI'IT I'.KIiCULY Ml enables us to describe this molar as follows : It is of buno-selenodont origin and has a complete protoloph and ectoloph, 1ml no ///Tnw and conical (p. 84). 12. Inferior molars of Anaptomorphus (primitive Primate) showing (in m:;) degeneration of paraconid, elongation of hypoconulid (pp. 50, 158). 13. A " quadritubercular " superior molar (Olbodotes, an Eocene Insectivore, or Rodent) showing three main cusps (pr, pa, me) with a fourth ("hypocone," postero-internal) growing up from the cingnlum, changing the crown con- tour from a triangular to a quadrate outline ; rudimentary "para," " meso," and "metastyles" are present on the external edge of the crown (Fig. 104). 14. Quadritubercular superior molar of an Eocene Primate Adapis (Fig. 132). I"). " Sexitubercular " superior molar of Notharctus (an Eocene Pi'imate) showing the four main cusps (pr, pa, me, hy) with the addition of two small inter- mediate conules "pi," "ml," also the well developed external parastylr. mesostyle, and metastyle (Fig. 77). 90 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH lobe " including our hypocone, metaconule and metacone. All subsequent authors in France follow this system, which indeed works well for one group. But what we need now is a system which will apply not only to all groups of ungulates, but to unguiculates as well, so that when we reach the upper Cretaceous borderland between unguiculates and ungulates we can employ the same set of terms and the same basis of description. 1 can only conclude by expressing the conviction that the tritubercular theory of Cope rests upon such conclusive evidence* that its universal adoption as the key to the interpretation of all molar teeth cannot be long deferred. It is one of the chief anatomical generalizations of the present century. [The Bibliography given in the foregoing article is here omitted. See Biblio- graphy at end of volume. — ED.] * See pp. 2-26, 227. CHAPTKE VI. CHRONOLOGICAL OR GEOLOGICAL SUCCESSION OK MOLAR TYPES. A REVIEW of the dental types as observed in the successive geological periods presents us with the ideas of successive stages belonging to these periods, of the enormously long era of time required for the transformation of the teeth, and of the very significant fact that only two fundamentally distinct dental types have thus far been discovered ; first, the (i) tubercular, and its derivative, the nmltitubercular, the origin of which is still a matter of hypothesis, and second the great (n) haplodont, protodont, triconodont, trityhercular sequence, among the manifold offsprings of which we find again arising secondarily the haplodont, triconodont, tubercular and mulci tubercular. 1. EEPTILIAX ANCESTORS OF MAMMALS IN THE TRIAS. It is now generally believed that the Theriodontia, an order of reptiles found chiefly in South Africa, are, as the name indicates, not far from the i. a. FIG. 44. Lateral view of the Skull of (.'/inoijnuthiis rrnti >-onotiis, showing the five simple pre- rnolars and triconodont (protodont) molars with grooved fangs. After Seeley. actual ancestors of the mammalia. It is true they exhibit a very large number of reptilian characters : but mingled with these are features of the 92 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TKKTH skeleton and characters of the teeth in which they closely resemble primitive mammals. There is moreover the negative evidence that they constitute the only known group from which the mammals could have descended. The teeth of Theriodonts exhibit four types as follows : The first or haplodoiit type consists of simple, recurved reptilian -li ke crowns, implanted with single fangs, as in the genus dSlurosaurus. Second, of the protortani type, with crowns implanted by partially divided or very slightly grooved fangs, consisting of a single main cone, with lateral denticles somewhat irregular in character. The best example of this type is Cynognatlius (Fig. 44). The third, or tt/ Wr.sYf.s, of the Upper Triassic or Ehsetic of (iermany (Fig. 48).* It will Vie observed that the opposite series of grinders converge towards each other anteriorly ; these teeth are therefore multicuspidate but not, strictly " multituberculate," because in the true Multituberculates the opposite tooth rows are parallel and the jaw motion palinal or from in front backward. These teeth, with irregularly disposed tubercles or basin-shaped crowns, are most closely analogous to those of certain squirrels. The fourth type is the multituberculate, seen in the genus Tritylodon^ (Figs. 46, 48), iu which the opposite series of teeth arc parallel: tin- ftlHX Kn;. 4'i. Ti-il"iijilni>. >,-,ix. anterior portion of the skull iiy,un the left face, two thirds natural size. After Owen. grinding teeth are covered with tubercles arranged in regular, parallel rows, with grooves between, adapted to a fore-and-aft motion of the jaw. Certain of these TheriodontsJ present the same dental formula as in the generalized dentition of the most primitive mammals. Their resemblances to the Protodonta and Multituberculata in tooth structure are so striking that since they belong practically to the same geological period the probability of actual affinity is to be considered. *[But these are upper not lower teeth; they are elongate transversely (as in upper molars generally) not antero-posteriorly as in the lower molars of M'« -r<>l, xte*. The lower molars (Fig. 45, Nos. 4, 5) were single-rooted, round teeth, with a depressed crown bearing a low transverse median ridge (Broom). — ED.] t [Broom has recently shown that Tritylodon is more probably a mammal. — Kr>.] J [Certain Theriodonts (e.g. Trinu-ltodon) had more or less lophodont molars with a low, irregular medium cross crest. Traces of such a crest are seen also in Ornithorynchus (1) Kurfodoit, Diplocynodon, Dryolextex, Sriiirn*, Lcpu*. Similarly in the lower molars a transverse crest connecting the protoconid and metaconid is seen in Diademodon, Trim- clwiloii, Paurodon, Amblotherium, C*, etc. This cross crest may possibly liave some bearing on the origin of the tritubercular type. — ED.] 94 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH 2. THE TPJASSIC MAMMALS. The supposed Triassic mammals again include the two grand divisions of tuberculate or grinding teeth, and of pointed or piercing teeth. They are distinguished as mammalian by the more or less complete division of the root into two fangs. Among the former is the genus Microlestes of the Upper Triassic or Rhsetic of Germany, known from a single molar (Fig. 48, No. 1). The so-called Microlestes teeth in the Rhretic of England (Fig. 48, Nos. 2, 3) are rounded or basin-shaped, with irregular tubercules on the sides ; they undoubtedly belong to a different species or even genus, as they are broader and more basin-shaped, resembling in fact the hinder molars of Plagiaulax. The other division is believed to be represented by the Protodouta, which we have already described in detail (pp. 18-21), with large single cones, more or less regularly developed lateral denticles, and partially divided fangs. Numerically, these molars have one fang and three cusps, namely, protocone, paracone, metacone. 3. MAMMALS OF THE JURASSIC. We now meet with the multituberculates, considerably specialized into different types. The other mammals present two great types of teeth : first, the triconodont with large main cones and lateral denticles both in the upper and lower molars, as exhibited in Ampliilcstcs (Fig. 5) and Pliascolotlicrinm. (Fig. 6) ; these animals are believed to be Marsupials. The second type is the tritubercular, or more strictly, tuberculosectorial, that is, with tubercular or crushing heel and sectorial trigon, as exhibited in Amphitherium (Figs. 15, 17). (See pp. 21-30.) The Upper Jurassic* exhibits the surviving triconodont types, among which are such teeth as those of Spalacothcrium (Fig. 11), which appear to exhibit a transition between the triconodont and tritubercular. In the same geological period the tritubercular types are diversified into two distinct kinds, both of which have their parallels among later Tnsec- tivora.t Numerically, these upper molars have three fangs and three main cusps, namely, protocone, paracone, metacone, also a parastyle, metaconule ; the lower molars have two fangs and from three to four cusps, namely, protoconid, paraconid, metaconid and hypoconid. * [As stated on p. 22, the Purbeck and Atlantosaurus Beds are by some regarded as of Lower Cretaceous age. — ED.] t[7. e. one type, represented by Peramus, Amphitherium, resembles the teeth of Microp- ternodus (Fig. 71) : a second type represented by Stylodon parallels the high piercing type of Chrysochloris. — ED. ] GEOLOGICAL SUCCESSION OF .MnLAi: TYI'KS 95 Mr. Gidley's observations upon American Jurassic mammals are given on pages 219-223. 4. UPPER CRETACEOUS MAMMALS. (See also pp. 105, 115, 11<>.) A very long geological interval, representing an enormous period of time, separates these mammals from those of the Upper Jurassic. With few exceptions our entire knowledge of the upper Cretaceous mammals is derived from collections made in the Laramie formation of the Kocky Mountain region. These collections again embrace the two great dental types of multituberculates (Fig. 55) and trituberculates. All the multi- tuberculate types of teeth and jaws are too far specialized to give origin to any of the modern divisions of mammalia, either placental or marsupial. The tf if /'!><' /'dilates (Fig. 47; see also pp. 115, 116) are represented in the American Museum collection by a series of isolated upper and lower molars, also by a number of fragmentary jaws ; and among the latter are some in which the angle is apparently inflected, indicating Marsupial relationship. It is possible that, besides Marsupials, we find here Insec- tivores, primitive Carnivores, and the ancestors of ancient types of Ungulates ; but it is obvious that the determination of relationships from such isolated material is a very difficult and hazardous matter. Nevertheless, the teeth of trituberculate type are of extraordinary interest, since they lend strong support to the theory of the unity of origin of the molar types of the higher mammals from a tritubercular stem, instead of from a multitubercular, as has been suggested. The upper molars so far as known, are of the simple, generally low- crowned tritubercular type as distinguished from the high sharp cusped crowns of the Jurassic molars. The main triangle of cones, or trigon, is of symmetrical form. In the majority of specimens, the largest cone is the main internal one, or protocone (Fig. 47, A, D), while the external cones, paracone and metacone, are symmetrical, invariably of smaller diameter, and as a rule less elevated. These proportions sustain the 'palseontological' theory that the reptilian cone is internal* rather than the embryological and premolar analogy theories, that the reptilian cone is antero-external in the true molars as in the prernolars. The outer wall of the crown is reinforced by a cingulum, on which secondary spurs or cuspules are developed, sometimes of very large size, more or less homo- logous with the 'styles' of the tertiary types of molars (e.g. Fig. 68). Another feature recently discovered among Jurassic mammal teeth is the presence of intermediate tubercles or conules on the trigon. A very * [This may be a non sequifnr, because the great elevation and size of the paraconid in HI, Al, Fig. 47, need not be interpreted as indicating its relative antiquity. — ED.] 96 KVOLUTION OF .MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH /< " in i y- \ /'" >' s ,.. p r '«' hi talcmd iff-. 7// — Al II me* triaomd Fii.. 47. Upper Cretiiceous (Zo/vniuV) Trituborculates. [All figuies three times natural size.] ABBREVIATIONS.— /);-. protocone ; v>a. paracone ; me. inetacone ; pi. protoconule; ml. meta- conule ; j>». parastyle ; nils, metastyle ; :n,i. entoconid; hi. hypoconulid. GEOLOGICAL SUCCESSION OF MOLAR TYPES 97 primitive feature is the entire absence of an internal cingulum and con- sequent absence of any cusp corresponding with the hypocone ; in fact, all these teeth are still strictly triangular in form, although the outer wall may be somewhat irregular. A prominent cutting metastyle, analogous to that seen in primitive Creodonts, is developed. In the lower molars we observe an elevated anterior triangle or trigonid. As a rule the protoconid or reptilian cone is the most prominent cusp, but in certain specimens (Fig. 47 HI} this cusp is some- what depressed. A progressive character is the reduction of the antero- internal cusp, or paraconid. But the most strikingly progressive feature, as compared with Jurassic molars, is the broadening out of the heel of the crown or talonid to support three cusps, the hypoconid, hypoconulid, and entoconid respectively.* Thus there are three main features, as compared with the Jurassic molars : (1) general depression of the crown of the upper molars, accompanied by a strong development of the external cint/t/lar cvxj>* and of conules, but not by an internal cingular development ; therefore there is (2) an entire absence of the postero-internal cusp or hypocone ; (3) there is a striking development of the heel or talonid of the lower molars with two or three cusps, and more or less depression of the trigonid. In general, these progressive features relate these teeth very much more closely to those of the Basal Eocene than to those of the Upper Jurassic. Numerically, the most progressive of these upper molars have from two to three fangs ; from three to five cusps, namely protocone, paracone, metacone, protoconule and metaconule ; and two to three cingules, parastyle, mesostyle, and metastyle ; the lower molars have two or more fangs and from five to six cusps, protoconid, paraconid, metaconid, hypoconid, hypoconulid and entoconid. * [This broadening of the talonid was probably con-elated with the depression and transverse broadening of the protocone. — ED.] In Figs. A, B, D, the long sectorial spur from the outer wall is more probably the metastyle than the parastyle, consequently this is probably the posterior side of the tooth ; although if the tooth happened to be in'>, the elongate spur would be anterior, ;., . parastyle. A, — Crown and side views of three superior molars, probably of the right side. Types of Pi'OtolnmW.a liatclu.ri Osborn. B. — Crown views of four superior molars of the left and right sides. Genus /)«?<'n/////.< Marsh. C. — A superior molar, and an inferior molar of the right side. Type of Sijiifunmloii sexicuspi ( isliorn. D. — Crown and anterior views of two superior molars of the left side. Genus not determined. E. — Crown view of a right superior molar. bi,i ti> t: rsoni Osborn. O. — Crown and side views of a superior premolar or molar (ef. Jiri/nlixtis, Iciojix). Genus not determined. El. — An inferior molar of the left side. ? Di. 102 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH \ 7n> t ]•'](:. 4s. 1. M',1-1 -ill: .sV. ,s ,i,>>i'ii'nx (Stuttgart .Collection), a lower molar viewed from above ; lc, posterior face; 16, external face, greatly enlarged. '2. .l/'V,Wr.\v. .-,• (FJliiliiin«st<«i' -/n'- -m- m- FIG. 55. Dentition of North American Upper Cretaceous Plagiaulacidse (Ptilodus) and PoljT- mastodontidse (Meniscoessus). 1. Ptilmlvs.— First and second inferior molars ; on left side in situ, 011 right side reversed. These teeth belong to two individuals. ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: MONOTl: KM ATA 107 cannot truly be said that they actually resemble those of any Multituber- culate in the strict sense, because all the higher Multituberculates exhibit an extremely regular mechanical disposition of the cusps, whereas in this living Monotreme the cusps are extremely irregular. Secondly, it does External Internal Inferior xio Internal External Superior Fig. to. Molar teeth of Oi~nithorhynchus /IC.-.K'O./'KS, before being shed and functionally re- placed by the horny epithelial plates. After Oldfield Thomas. Xos. 1, 2. Superior and inferior teeth and horny dental pads. X'o. 5. Crown view of a molar of " Microlestes" not appear that the Oniithorliynclius molars can be cited as evidence either for or against the tritubercular theory because of the evidently secondary and largely degenerative changes which they have undergone ; they bear evidence (Fig. 56) of descent from a more primitive regularly '2. Ptiloilus. — First and second inferior molars, worn considerably. These teeth belong to two individuals. 3. 1'tilvilim. — First superior molar of the left side. 4. Ptiloiltis. — Fourth superior prevuolar, first and second molars placed together and reversed in outline to show probable relations. The three shaded teeth on the left side of drawing belong to three individuals. .">. ii. Ptilmli's. — External and superior views of two lower jaws, showing proportions of the teeth. 7. -V. nixt-nfxsiix.— First and second inferior molars of two individuals placed tou,-tliri- ,'ind reversed to exhibit the natural position. 8. A/< /uV(.i/.>/• molar there are two high cusps on the external side connected by transverse ridges, with a series of crenulations on the internal side. It is especially noteworthy (1) that unlike the Multituberculates the lower molars reverse the pattern of the upper molars (as in tritubercular teeth generally) and (2) that the highest cusps are on the inner side of the upper molars and on the outer side of the lower molars. So far as these facts are of rulni' they would support fltc hypothesis that these are degenerate tritubercular teeth. MAESUPIALIA. It was early perceived by Cope that the molars of Didelphys (Figs. 57, 58 c) are of the tritubercular type, very similar, in fact, to those of the early Eocene Creodonts. We are indebted to Dr. B. Arthur Bensley- for a careful study of the molar teeth of Marsupials in general and an exposition of the very striking parallels which they present to the evolu- tion of the molar teeth in Placentals. In fact, on the supposition that FIG. 57. Skull and dentition of the common Opossum (Didilphys i-ii-i/iiiinint) ', a typical Poly- protodont Marsupial, with the dental formula Inc. f , Can. i, Pms. f, Ms. f or 50 teeth in all. x £. After Matthew. the Marsupials separated at a very early period from the Placentals and that subsequently the dental as well as the general evolution of the two groups was entirely separate and independent, the teeth exhibit some of the most convincing proofs of parallel or homoplastic evolution of which we know. 1 Thomas, O., ''On the Dentition of Ornithorhynckus," Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. XLVI. , 1889, pp. 126-131, PI. 2. - Amer. Naturalist, Vol. XXXV., 1001, p. 251; also Tran*.:-Linn. Sor.,- London, 2nd Ser., "Zool.," Vol. IX., Pt. 3, Dec. 1903. ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: MARSUPIALIA 109 Primitive Tuberculo-sectorial Types. Bensley shows that the Oligocene opossum (Pemtherium) molar may be taken as the theoretical starting point from which development took place along two main lines, namely (1) the carnivorous and (2) the omni- vorous and herbivorous. If we arrange the teeth of the Australian Marsupials according to the analogy with the Placentals, we obtain such a result as is shown diagram- matically in Figure 58, Nos. 1, 2. The primitive tritubercular, tuberculo- sectorial type is here represented by the teeth of Daxyurus vircrrinnx (58 r?), but would be still more strikingly illustrated by the teeth of one of the purely insectivorous forms of the Dasyurida? (Sminthopsis, Ante- chinomys, Phascologale}. All these Marsupials exhibit molar teeth which may be readily compared in pattern cusp for cusp with those of Didelphys. Carnivorous Marsupials. From this archetype, so to speak, the first line is the carnivorous line to be compared among the Placentals with the specialized Creodonta (Oxycena, etc.). Among Marsupials the carnivorous evolution is entirely confined to the single family Dasyuridae, and it culminates in the teeth of the Tasmanian wolf (Thylacynus cynocephalus). The teeth of this animal are represented in Figure 58, g\ they show all the essential characters of the teeth of Dasyurus except that in the lower teeth the metaconid is absent (this cusp also disappears in the lower cutting- teeth of the Felidse among Placentals). The progressive carnivorous adaptation is effected in the upper molars by a conversion of the paracone and metacone and metastyle into cutting blades and by a degeneration of the other styles, which become reduced to very incon- spicuous tubercles. In the lower molars the corresponding cutting blades are formed by the elevation and lateral compression of the paraconid, protoconid and hypoconid, while at the same time the cusps on the other side of the crown, the metaconid, hypoconulid and entoconid are either reduced or disappear (metaconid). Omnivorous and Herbivorous Marsupials, Turning to the second group, which leads to the omnivorous and herbivorous adaptations of the teeth, we find that the first stage is represented in the molars of the Bandicoots (Peramelidas) Fig. 58c, 59. Analogy with the evolution of these teeth is to be sought among the primitive insectivorous-omnivorous Placentals, c.nlt.l/>/i>/s ririiinianu. a, d, r/, Progressive carnivorous specialization. /nriix, and they show the addition of an incipient hypo- cone ; in the third molar the hypocone is not very pronounced and the tooth is still triangular ; but in the second molar the hypocone is well developed and the tooth is now quadrate. Thomas (1888, p. 220) describes the triangular and quadrate modifications as character- istic of this family (the Bandicoots). The lower molars of Perameles 1 The upper molars of Perameles macrura (Figs. 59, 60) closely resemble those of the Insectivore Myoyale, as shown in unworn teeth ; thus they exhibit the many sharp cusps and the double mesostyle characteristic of several insectivorous forms. ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: MARSUPIALIA 111 Pa' \ V<| \ -fc^*s ^m-^ End- Lower Molars of the Left Side. Flu. os, Xo. '2. Adaptive Radiation of the Tritubeivular Molar Type in the Marsupialia (continued). From Bensley. (Cf. Fig. 58, X». 1.) o, b, c, Insectivorous type. «, Oligocene Opossum (Peral/ni-inin .""""'); !l, Recent Opossum (Diilelphii.i a :i.i i-ii1); c, DiiU-l/ilii/x cu-'juiinnu . n , t1, ;/, Progressive carnivorous specialization. (', Daxyui-ux viverrinus \ /n,ix). It, Incipient lophodont, herbivorous type (Trichosurv.x I'ul/n'i'ulu). i, Perfected lophodout, herbivorous type (Macropits sp.). j, Selenodont herbivorous tj-pe (P/iascolarctos cinert i> .-•). nasi it a (Fig. 58, No. 2, c} persistently resemble still more closely those of Das//t>i"vv, the omnivorous modification being only developed in the posterior heel where the hypoconulid is reduced. Perfected Omnivorous Marsupials. The perfected omnivorous modification among Marsupials is met with in the Phalangeridse. The two examples of the Phalangers examined by Bensley were Tricliosurus rnlpecida, in which the molars are highly specialized, and Petanroides volans, the teeth of the latter being represented in Fig. 58, /. Although these teeth illustrate the completed quadritubercular condition, they are only approximately transi- tional ; as among the Placentals, the hypocone is completely formed in the upper molars and the paraconid is correspondingly reduced 112 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH in the lower molars. The anterior shelf in the lower molars (a.s.) which is prominent in the Peramelida? and Dasyuridae and very con- spicuous in the molars of the Macropodidae (Fig. 58, i.\ is here absent. There are also no vestiges of the external styles in the upper teeth. Crcscentic and Crested Herbivorous Marsupials. The crescentic or selenoid modification of the cusps, which is so characteristic of the Artiodactyl Ungulates among Placentals, appears to be developed only in Phascolarctos (Fig. 5 8 j.) among the Marsupials. The crested or lophoid modification of the cusps so common among the perissodactyl ungulate Placentals is widely represented in the Macropodidae (Fig. 58 i.}. The incipient stages leading up to this crested condition are seen in the teeth of the specialized Phalanger Trichosurus vulpecula (Fig. 58 k) and also in those of Hypsiprymnodon moschatus among the Macropodidie, or Kangaroos. A further parallel to the perissodactyl Ungulate placentals is witnessed in the develop- ment of a hypselodont modification of the crested crowns among certain Macropodidae. The derivation of all the molar types in the Marsupials from a tritubercular pattern is rendered still further probable by the existence of annectant forms which tend to unite the specialized, quadri-to sexitubercular Diprotodonts (Kangaroos, Phalangers, Wombats), with the generalized tritubercular Polyprotodonts (Dasyures and Opossums). Thus Ccenolestes, the only living American Diprotodont lacks the characteristic Diprotodont reduction and syndactyly of the second and third digits of the hind foot and is further allied to the Polyprotodonts by its close external resemblance to the Dasyurid genus Phascologale. On the other hand, the Polyprotodont Bandicoots (Peramelidas) exhibit the syndactyly of the Diprotodonts. Among fossil forms the gap between the two sub-orders is largely bridged over by the extraordinary genus Wynyardia of Baldwin Spencer,* which presents a perfect melange of characters seen elsewhere only in the Opossums and Daysures (Polyprotodonts), and in the Phalangers and Kangaroos (Diprotodonts). Aberrant and Specialized Tyrjcs. The apparently triconodont lower molars of Tki/laci/nus are thus shown to be secondary. The multicuspidate true molars of MyrmecoMus further support the view that an elongate or basin-shaped and polybunous crown may have arisen from a more tritubercular crown, because they still retain traces * [" A Description of Wynyardia bassiana, a Fossil Marsupial from the Tertiary Beds of Table Cape, Tasmania," Proc. Zoo/. Soc. Lond., Nov. 20, 1900, pp. 776-795, PI. XLIX.] ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: MARSUPIALIA of the tritubercular crown. The secondary development of a number of sharp piercing cuspules seems here as in the Insectivora (p. 117) to Notoryctes, the Marsupial Mole pas mt* rr?t* be correlated with insectivorous diet. (Figs. 61, 62) has tritubercular upper and lower molars ; in the upper molars the high pointed protocone is at the apex of a V, formed by two ridges diverging downward and outward to the basal external portion of the crown, ending in the para- and meta- cone respectively ; on the internal or lingual side, at the base of the crown, the V is surrounded by a deep U- like internal cingulum The lower molars reverse this pattern except that they lack the U-like cingulum.* According to Gidley the principal cusp (marked pi') is really the para- cone + metacone, the protocone ap- pears as an internal ledge (marked cing), but there is no evidence for this except analogy with the supposed case in Insectivora (see pp. 124, 22V). The molars of the Bandicoot (Pcra- mcles, Figs. 59, 60) show a general parallelism with those of Didclpli'us, G-aleopithecus, certain Moles and Shrews, and certain Eocene Artiodactyls (Ccenotherium, Tapirulus) in Fiu. 59. Molars of Perameles macri'j-n fivm a specimen in the Yale Museum, xf. ^4, Crown view left upper molars. B, Crown view left lower molars. C, Upper and lower molars in opposition, as seen obliquely from the outer side and below. 711 FIG. 60. Diagram showing spatial relations of the patterns of the upper and lower molars when in cont&ct of Perameles maerura, (Cf. Fig. &.>). Compare the somewhat similar pattern of the molars in the Mole, and in several respects. First the mesostyle is doubled (ws1, ///*") permitting the formation of two complete triangles from the paracone, metacone, and styles of the upper molars. Second, the lower molar pattern consists * [As in other mammals without a talonid in the lower molars, the protocone is much elevated. The internal ledge (tiny.) appears to correspond with that in CJvrysochloris (Fig. 68).— ED.] H 114 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH of two triangles, the hinder one being formed from the enlarged talonid, the apices of these triangles being external and fitting in the spaces between successive outer triangles of the upper molars.* rne. Fin. 61. Dentition of the Marsupial Mole, Notoryctes typlilops. XT. After E. C. Stirling. Thus, in conclusion, the various Marsupials afford the most con- vincing evidence of tritubercular origin. It is only necessary to understand the intermediate stages and to compare even the most highly specialized teeth with analogous types among the Pla- centals, to be convinced of the universal tritubercular derivation. Howes (Sept. -Brit. Assoc., Belfast, ]902) declared he could not conceive the derivation of the Diprotodon molar from the tritubercular type, but com- parison of these teeth with those of Macropus and the stages leading to the Macropus type, FIG. t;-2. First upper molar of together with the still stronger but more NotorycUs lHf>ld»p*, upper figure, m° crown view -, lower figure, anterior indirect evidence anoi'ded by the Jrlacentals1 view. XT- After E. C. Stirling. • T 7-, • 7 * -\ -n ij.' indicates that the Diprotodon molar will ulti- mately be found to be of tritubercular origin. SPECIAL REFERENCES. Dentition of Marsupials (figures and descriptions). Owen, Eichard, Odontography, 1840-1845. Tomes, C. S., A Manual of Dental Anatomy, 1898. Bronn, H. G., Klassen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs, Bd. I., pp. 169-177. Schlosser, M., Die Affen . . . Marsupialier . . . des Europaischen Tertitirs, etc., Wien, 1887-90. De Blainville, H. M. D., Osteographie des Mammiferes, Tome III., Paris, 1839-1864. Bensley, B. A., " Oh the Evolution of the Australian Marsupialia ; with Remarks on the Relationships of the Marsupials in general." Trans. Linn. Soc., 28 Ser., Vol. IX., Pt. 3, Dec. 1903, pp. 83-217. *[As in other mammals the protocone opposes the talonid of the preceding lower molar, the hypocone opposes the trigonid of the corresponding lower molar. —ED.] 1 Compare the similar lophodont molars of the Tapir with the lophodont to quadrituber- cular molars of Syxtemodon (Fig. 172). ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS 115 MOLAR TEETH OF MULTITUBERCULATES, MARSI.TIALS (?), AND PLACENTALS ^1 IN THE UPPER CRETACEOTS. Some years ago the interesting discovery was made of a great number and variety of teeth in fragmentary jaws of mammals in beds of Upper Cretaceous age in North America. The specimens are so fragmentary and isolated that it is difficult to classify them ; some probably represent Placentals, others probably represent Marsupials, whilst still others are possibly Prototheria (Multituberculata). As shown in Figs. 47 and 55, from Osborn, among these forms are two prevailing types of teeth, namely, the highly specialized mxltitt/lerculate teeth, which had reached almost their final extreme of evolution, and the less specialized trituberculate teeth which are in a comparatively early stage of evolution. The Multituberculates (see p. 95 and Fig. 55) prove that regularly succi'xxi r<- cn*i> ii'Iilifion had taken place since the earlier Jurassic stage, as a result of which the first upper and lower molars exhibit as many as 23 and 12 tubercles respectively in Ptilodus, or 21 cusps and 9 cusps respectively in Meniscoessn*. This law of successive cusp addition from the posterior basal cingulum is entirely analogous to that which occurs in the complicated molars of the Proboscidea. It demonstrates that cusp origin in the Multi- tuberculata at least is not by concrescence but by cusp addition. Trituberculates. — In this group (see also pp. 95-97, Fig. 47), all the upper molars known are of the simple, generally low- crowned, tritubercular type, that is, they consist of the trigon to which no trace of the hypocone or postero-internal tubercle has been added. About ten distinct kinds of upper molars have been found altogether. They are all much more recent in type than the few upper molars known of Jurassic mammals, which are invariably high-crowned or piercing ; on the other hand, they are some- what older in type than the prevailing molar teeth of the basal Eocene or Puerco, because they lack all traces of the hypocone, which is very common in Puerco teeth. These Cretaceous up^cr molars exhibit, how- ever, two other characters found also in the Jurassic, namely, (1) small comdi's or intermediate tubercles; (2) external sft/fcs, or extensions of the cingulum on the outer wall ; in some cases these styles are very prominent, forming distinct cusps (Fig. 47). The primitive features of the upper molars all point toward a tri- tubercular ancestry. We observe first the large size of the internal cusp or protocone, which certainly supports the theory that this cusp was earlier in evolution than either of the outer cusps.* Second, we observe the striking symmetry of the external cusps or paracone and metacone, giving a symmetrical form to the trigon or main triangle *[See criticism of the similar view expressed on p. 95. — ED.] 116 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH of cusps,* which also lends strong support to the theory that the large protocone was the original cusp of a trigon and that the para- and metacones were added as lateral or external cusps of equal size. The " premolar analogy " or " paracone theory," on the other hand, receives no support whatever from the study of these superior molar teeth. In general it may be said that the upper molars are intermediate between the Jurassic and the basal Eocene stages of evolution. They thus lend overwhelming proof, if any more were needed, of (1) the progressive evolution of trituberculy among the mammals, (2) of the law of adaptation of the crown by cusp addition. These principles are equally well illustrated in the lower molars. The lower molars (Fig. 47, Al, HI, etc.) are relatively more pro- gressive, because (1) not only is the broad heel or talonid well developed, but on this heel the three typical cusps, hypoconid, hypoconulid, and entoconid, are in some cases present. (2) Another progressive character is that the usually elevated trigonid has already been modified in one type (Fig. 47, II) by the degeneration of the antero-internal cusp or paraconid, although possibly the small size of the paraconid may be a primitive character. (3) These lower teeth are of two types ; first, the secodont or tuberculo-sectorial with elevated triangle or trigonid and a lower heel or talonid, as illustrated in Fig. 47, HI, Al, El; second, a slightly more bunodont type, in which the trigonid has become secondarily depressed although still above the talonid. This secondary depression is carried much further in certain Primates and Ungulates of the basal Eocene. All the other lower molars present unusual features. The one marked HI has an extremely high paraconid, a feature noticeable, though in a less degree, in the two marked Al. On the other hand in No. II. the paraconid is small and the metaconid is higher than the protoconid.t In the upper molars, No. 7 may be regarded either as a fourth premolar of the type seen in the Creodont, Pseudop- terodon minutus, or as a molar of the type seen in the Oligocene insectivore Ictops tJwmsoni (Fig. 66). A noticeable feature of all the upper molars is the indentation in the middle of the outer border of the crown, as in Peralcdes (Fig. 12), Kurtodon (Fig. 13), Dryolestes (Fig. 14), and many modern trituberculate insectivores (Figs. 65-80). SPECIAL REFERENCES. Osborn, H. F., "Fossil Mammals of the Upper Cretaceous Beds," Bull. Amer. Mm. Nat. Hist., Vol. V., 1893, pp. 311-330. *[A marked advance upon the condition seen in the Upper Jurassic Dryolestes, where the paracone was large and medio-external instead of at the anterior tip of the triangle. — ED.] t [The metaconid is almost directly internal to the protoconid and connected with it by a transverse cutting crest, as in Amblothermm and other Upper Jurassic genera. — ED.] ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: INSECT1VORA 117 [NSECTIVORA. The first statements to be made are : (1) while Insectivora show a persistent and prevailing tritubercnly or triangular arrangement of the upper and lower cusps, it is also true that (2) the mode or sequence of origin of these upper cusps, and the homologies of different cusps and of different portions of the upper molar crowns are uncertain. According to the evidence presented by Mivart (Proc. Zool. Soc., 1868) and Gidley (quoted below pp. 12:5-126) in the trigonal molars of Centetes, ChrysoMoris and other Zalambdodonta, the main cusp is homologous with the paracone or paracone + metacone of other animals, the protocone being represented by the internal ledge marked hij in our Figs. 68, 69, B, c. Among extinct and modern Insectivora, owing apparently to the persistence of very primitive feeding habits, we observe also the persistence of very primitive stages of tritubercular evolution in the molar teeth. The lower molars of certain Eocene and Oligocene FIG. 63. Skull and dentition of the Hedgehog (Erinaceus europcvus), a typical dilambdodout insectivore. Insectivores, such as Apternodus and Micropternodus, are practically identical in pattern with those of the Jurassic Amphitlierium, Amblo- therium, and Dryolestes, presenting an extraordinary instance of persistence of type. Insectivores retaining these primitive tritubercular molars have been distinguished by Gill as Zalambdodonta (with a single external lambda or crescent), whereas the more specialized Insectivores with quadrate or subquadrate molars, such as Erinaceus, have been termed Dilambdodonta (with two external lambdas or crescents). There is no doubt that the quadrate or dilambdodont condition is secondary because we have, first, analogy with other groups in which the quadrate is always found to succeed the tritubercular form ; second, there is the direct evidence in the unworn molars of JSrinaceus, and especially of G-ymnura, and some of their fossil predecessors, as shown 118 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH FIG. 64. A, top view of facial portion of skull and A' upper teeth and palate of Proterix loomisi, a primitive Erinaceid from the Upper Oreodon Beds, Lower Oligocene, showing molars of tritubercular origin. After Matthew. 77?' ' FIG. 65. Upper molars of a primitive recent member of the Erinaceidje (Gymnura sp), showing clear traces of the tritubercular pattern. Xote the upgrowth of the hypocone. From a specimen at Yale University, x ^. FIG 66. Upper jj-l- mS of letups thomsoni from the Titanotherium Beds, Lower Oligocene. These teeth somewhat resemble those of the Mesozoic genus Dryolestes (Figs. 14, 207, No. 2). xf. After Matthew. FIG. 67. Upper and lower teeth of Ictops acutiilens, from the Titanotherium Beds, Lower Oligocene. A member of the family Leptictidas, which family, according to Matthew, might "without serious straining of relationships be included as a primitive sub-family of Erinaceidw, with which they agree well enough in skeleton and in most skull characters." In accordance with their primitive condition they have tritubercular molars, with a rapidly developing hypocone. The molars of the modern Giriiinv.nt are of the same general type (cf. Fig. 65). x -2. After Matthew. ORDINAL TVI'KS OF MOLARS: IXSKCTIVORA 19 ms. pa. me. \ mis. pa- nic. mts. me. pa. pr. FIG. 68. Molars of tritubercular Insectivores : A, "Chrysochloris," ///-right; B. Potamormle, in'2 right (after Allman, Tmns. Zoo!. Hoc. , ISiitj, pp. 1 - t seq.) ; Centetes sp. (All enlarged.) According to Gidley the outer cusps marked ps, jm, mt , i»tx, are stylar cusps, the cusp marked ///• is really the paracone or paracone + metacone while the ledge-like internal projection marked //// in A and indicated by the anterior basal upgrowth in C is the so-called protocone, the pusterior IKISM! upgrowth being the hypocone ; in B the cusps marked pi, iiil are almost certainly the para- and metacones respectively. See Addendum. IP. 225. PS. mts. pa. ins. pa. ps. pa. me. >lts. pi-. pr. ins1 mts. nits. ps. nits. Fie. ti'.i. Possible but uncertain homologies (according to the tritubercular theory) of the true molar cusps in Zalambdodont (A-E) and Dilambdodont (/•'-//) Insectivora, and Cheiroptera (/). A. Centetes; B. Ictops thoumfini (after Matthew). C. "Chrysochloris"; D. Solenodon (after Dnl^son), lSsS'2. E. PotiniiO'jule (after Allman). F. .l/.i/"""'' ; G.Galeopithcct'x; H. Proscnlops (after Matthew). /. Suctinomus brasiliemis, a bat (after H. Allen, IM'H). P'or another interpretation of the cusps in A see the text. In E especially the homologies of the cusps are very uncertain. Postscript.— December, 1006. An apparent solution of this puzzling problem is given on page 225. The abbreviations in Figs. 68, 69 are incorrect and should be disregarded. The true interpretations are given in the text. 9 FIG. 69o. Cheek teeth of Zalambdodont Insectivores and certain bats. From Gidley. {All figures except No. 9 three times natural sizi.) No. 1. Potamor/alc— Left upper jaw (No. 124327, U.S.N.M.) ; habitat, Africa. •2. Solenotlon— Left upper jaw (No. 2230, U.S.N.M.) ; habitat, Cuba. 3. Centetcs — Left upper jaw (No. 03316, U.S.N.M.) ; habitat, Madagascar. 4. Ericulus — Left upper jaw (No. 1224S-*, U.S.N.M.); habitat, Madagascar. 5. Hi niir, ni, i, .< — Left upper jaw (No. 63310, U.S.N.M.) ; habitat, Africa. ii. Cli fi/sochloris — Left upper jaw (No. 61686, U.S.N.M.); habitat, Africa. 7. Vfspertilio fuscus— Left upper jaw (No. 62736. U.S.N.M.); habitat, Washington, D.C. 8. Scotophilus kiil/li — Left upper jaw (No. 113463, U.S.N.M.); habitat, Philippines. 9. Hai-jiirn-i'/ilidlux — Hight upper jaw. (Outline drawing taken from a plate prepared in 1880 by Wilhelm Peters for a monograph of the bats. This monograph was never published.) ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: INSKCTIVORA 121 FIG. 70. Lower jaw and teeth of Apternodus medicevus. From the Oligocene of Montana. Pro- visionally assigned to the Insectivora, but possibly allied to the Cheiroptera (Matthew). The talonid is represented by the minute posterior basal spur. A, upper, At, external and A- internal views. XT. After Matthew. The molars somewhat resemble those of certain Mesozoic trituber- culates (e.g. Permnus, Fig. 18, Peraspalar, Fig. 22). FIG. VI. FIG. 73. FIG. 71. Lower jaw and teeth of Micropternodus borealis. From the Middle Oligocene of Montana. Probably allied to the Zalarabdodont Insectivores. x J. After Matthew. FIG. 72. Upper molars of one of the Centetid;u (Ericulus setosus) viewed obliquely from the rear,, showing resemblances to the teeth of the Upper Jurassic genus Kurtodon (Fig. 13). Compare also Fig. 207, No. 2. x |.. From a specimen at Yale University (Peabody Museum). Fio. 73. Inferior view of skull and teeth of Proscalops mioccenus, a primitive Mole from the Upper Oligocene of Colorado, x r. After Matthew. 122 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH in Figs. 64-67, that the hypocone is secondarily developed. Moreover, even in the quadritubercular Hylomys, Necrogymnurus, and G-alerix, the third upper molar is trituhercular.1 The remote ancestors of the Zalambdodonta or more primitive division, with trigonal or triangular molars, have already been described under the " Insectivora Primitiva" (pp. 22-30). Under the modern repre- sentatives of this primitive type have usually been included such forms as Ccntctcs, Soleuodon, and Chrysochloris (Figs. 68, 69). More recently, on embryological grounds (pp. 209-213), this comparison has been seriously questioned, and there are a number of authorities who believe that the homologies proposed between the cusps in the recent Insectivores and in the Jurassic Insectivores are unfounded. Our most recent discoveries, however, seem to lend fresh support to the older view ; these discoveries include a lower Oligocene Insectivore fauna from Montana, fully described and figured by Matthew.2 Among these animals we especially note Apternodus (Fig. 70), in which the lower teeth strikingly resemble those of Amphitheriiim ; and Micro- pternodus, in which the lower molars resemble those of Solcnodon. Again the teeth of Ictops tJwmsoni (Fig. 66) remind us of the upper teeth of Pkascolestes (Uryolesfcs, Fig. 14). A higher stage of evolution is represented by the lower and upper teeth of Ictops acutidens pr^/yc* A D FIG. 74. Tuberculosectorial and cainassial lower molars in a Viverrid and Insectivores. A. Euptires govdoti, a very primitive Viverrid, resembling an Insectivore (crown view of /«,). x }. B. Cr,,t,tes ccaudaius (crown view of MJ), representing the ancestral form of C. xf. (', D. Carnassial modification of m2 in an Insectivore, Hemiccntetes mculago.scariensis. C. Crown view. XT. D. Inner side view. XT- Note the lateral compression of the tooth, enlargement of pt-'i, pud, reduction of med, tuld, as in the carnassial of Carnivora (Fig. 94, D). All from Forsyth Major, Philos. Trans., Vol. 185 (18<>4), B. p. 24. (Fig. 67). Moreover, the teeth of Ericulus setosiis (Fig. 72) suggest those of the Upper Jurassic (or Basal Cretaceous) genus Kvrtodovi •(Fig. 13). From another locality and from a more recent horizon in the American Oligocene is the form Proscalops mioca-mis3 (Fig. 73), a primitive mole with rather simple trigonal molars, in which, however, 1 Matthew, W. D., Bull. Amer. j)/«.v. Nat. Hist., Vol. XIX., 1903, p. 228. 2 " The Fauna of the Titanotherium Beds at Pipe stone Springs, Montana," Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat, Hist., Vol. XIX., 1903. 3 Matthew, W. D., Mtm. Amer. Mm. Nat. Hist., Vol. I., Pt. VII., 1901. ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: INSECTIVORA 123 the three external styles, parastyle, mesostyle, and metastyle, arc strongly developed, as in the molars of Paiitolamlda (Fig. 140). A very interesting fact is that the molar dentition of tin- ('entetidie has in one case followed the same line of carnassial ^-ftas 'W:7 /\^fa" Tne — -' FIG. 75. Tritubercular and carnassial upper molars in a Yiverrid and two Insectivores. A. Ettplcres gouiloti. Crown view, ;/// i" would have arisen in one direction by the reduction of the incisors, in another there would have followed some form like Ptcralopex, still retaining to a certain extent cuspidate teeth. Then the cusps would have more and more tended to disappear, the result being Pfi rn/n^ and its allied i 130 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH genus, of which some few species (e.;/. Ptcropus aneiteanus and leucopterus, and Cynoptcrus) retain remnants of the ancient cuspi- date structure, while others (e.g. Pteropus coronatus, . . .) have lost all trace of molar cusps." Oldfield Thomas, Proc. Zool. Soc., 1888, pp. 474-475. In the treatises especially of Harrison Allen1 and of Matschie1 we have examples of the teeth of Cheiroptera studied respectively FIG. 82. Superior view of the right half of the lower jaw of a Microcheiropter, ArtH* us pcrspicillatus, showing the progressive change in nij, r».2 of a cuspidate into a "basin-shaped" molar, x£. After H. Allen. from the trituhercular standpoint and from the older standpoint in which there was no especial attempt to establish tritubercular homo- logies. The very interesting and important work of Matschie on the Fruit Bats develops particularly the secondary formation from a A B hy. pr. Fid. 83. Progressive stages in the development of the hypocone in Microoheiroptera. A. Tri- tubercular stage (Atalnpha cinerea). x i. B. Transitional stage (Promops perotis californicus). X i. C. Quadritubercular stage with strongly-developed hypocone (Nyctinomus brasilicnsis). x |-. After H. Allen. Possibly the series may be reversed, and we may be witnessing in the stages C, B, A, the secondary loss of the hypocone, caused by the shortening of the skull and tooth row. tritubercular crown of a basin-shaped crown with a depressed centre and a rim surmounted with irregular cusps, analogous to that which we find among the most primitive Multituberculates. If all the 1 See titles under "Special References." ORDINAL TYI'KS OF MOLARS: CAKNIVORA 131 stages leading to this secondary basin-shaped formation arc c;ird'ully examined it will be found that they invariably point back to a more symmetrical tritubercular arrangement. A similar case occurs in the Microcheiroptera in the genus Arfil^ii* (Fig. 82), where the first and second inferior molars ' have become basin-shaped and irregularly cuspi- date remotely resembling the Microlestes molars (p. 102). The nearest relatives of this genus are plainly tritubercular. According to Mivart and Gidley certain bats show a secondary simplification of the molar pattern by fusion of the para- and metacones as in the supposed case of the Zalambdodont Insectivores. In general, therefore, the Cheiroptera definitely support the tri- tubercular theory, since the molar teeth are clearly derivable from simple tritubercular types such as we find among the Insectivora. SPECIAL REFERENCES. Bronn, Klassen u. Ord. d. T/tierreichs, Bd. I., pp. 211-2:23. Owen, R., Odontography, 1840-45. Giebel, C. G., Odontographie, 18.".."). Schlosser, M., Die Affen . . . Clriropteren . . . dex Europaischen Tertiurs, etc. Wieu, 1887-90. Allen, H., "A Monograph of the bats of North America," Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus., No. 43. Washington, 1893, p. 198, 38 pll. Matschie, P., Die Megacheiroptera des Berliner Museums fur Naturkunde. Berlin, 1899. (This monograph contains 14 fine lithographic plates on the skull and body-form of the Fruit-Bats, Pteropodidse.) CARNIVORA. The carnivorous quadrupedal placenta! mammals may be divided into three grand divisions, namely : The Creodonta, which were primitive Carnivores of Cretaceous and Lower Eocene age, the special peculiarity of which is that the carnassial or specialized cutting teeth in the upper and lower jaws are not the same as those in the true Carnivora. In the true Carnivora invariably the fourth upper premolar and first lower molar are transformed into carnassials ; whereas in the Creodonta one or more of their first, second, and third upper and lower true molars may transform into carnassials. The second great division is the Fissipedia, including the modern terrestrial Carnivora, which have been termed Carnassidentia by Wortman, in reference to the distinctive possession of sectorials formed out of the fourth upper premolar and first lower molar. The third great group is the Pinnipedia, the water living forms, in which the teeth have been JH. Allen, "A Monograph of the Bats of North America," Bull. U.S. Xat. Mus., No. 43, 1893, PI. V. 132 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH secondarily modified for effective prehension rather than for the fine cutting or mastication of the food, which consists principally of fishes. Here we find the haplodont and triconodont forms secondarily attained. Creodonta. In general the earliest or basal Eocene Creodont molars are very important because they present types of upper and lower teeth which are transitional between those of the Insectivora Primitiva, the trigonodont Insectivora, the upper Cretaceous mammals, P.! f.J /.# m.i m.z »:.J .j m.2 m.i p. 4 p. 3 p.2 p.i KM;. S4. Typical trituberculatc molars in very primitive Creodonts. Left upper figure, Tricuites eubtrigonus ', right upper figure, Chriucus bntdirini ', central figure, Chriacus truiico.tus ', all Oxyclsenids from the Torrejou Formation, Basal Eocene, Stage II, New Mexico. Lower figure, Triisodon keilprinianus, family Triisodontidrc ('? Mesonychidse), Puerco Formation. Basal Eocene, Stage I, New Mexico. All xi. and those of the higher or more specialized Creodonta and Fissipedia. Many early types of molars referred to the Creodonta closely resemble certain molars in the Upper Cretaceous, but the two distinctive features are that they almost invariably present (1) an internal cingulum (wanting in the Upper Cretaceous mammals) and (2) a more or less well developed hypocone rising from this cingulum. It was among these Lower Eocene Creodonts that Professor Cope discovered his great generalization as to primitive trituberculy, the upper molars being universally tritubercular, while the lower molars are universally tuberculo-sectorial. ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: CARNIVOUA 133 Molar evolution in the Creodonts follows three general lines : h'rst, development of carnassial teeth as an adaptation in the purely carnivorous forms (Figs. 90, (.-)l); second, the persistence of more hlunt trituber- cular teeth in the omnivorous forms (Figs. 84, 85) ; third, development of irregularly low-crowned teeth in certain very specialized omnivorous forms, as in Arctocyon and Anacodon (Fig. 86). The 1 i i P ,1 ,1 • -i cusp from the basal cingulum. low, irregular molars of the third type are so specialized in Anacodon that the primitive tritubercular pattern is vanishing; but in the less specialized Arctocyon and the still less specialized Clcenodon, the tritubercular origin of these teeth is perfectly apparent. FIG. 85. Upper teeth of Deltnthi rium fun- daminis, an < >xyel;enid Creodont from the Torrojon Formation, Basal Eocene, Stage III. x 1. The hypocone is developing as a small B FIG. 86. C, Crown view, p4.m3 of Anacodon ui-sii.li as, family Arctocyonidfe, of the Creodonta, from the Wasatch Formation, Lower Eocene, x%. Note the secondary obscurement of the tritubercular pattern by the upgrowth of the basal cingulum, especially in the region of the hypocone, the flattening of the crown (compare the side view B), the wrinkling of the surface. Analogous conditions are seen in the Gorilla and the Bears. 3 FIG. 87. Upper ami lower teeth of Dissacus sr.-iry Creodonts in the small size of the metueone, the ledge-like character of the protocone; the lower molars are laterally compressed, subtrenchant, with greatly reduced metaconid. They have bean cited by L»r. Wortman as favouring the premular analogy theory. (See j'a-e I'll''. ) FIG. 88. Inferior surface of the skull of Mcsonyx uintensis, family Mesouychidaj, of the Creodonta, from the Uinta Formation, Upper Eocene, xl. Note the bluntly tritubercular molars. A /r~ — ^i. ?~>w- - & te tn.2 m I p. 4 p.3 p.2 P ' FIG. 89. Upper and lower teeth of Sinopa o^ixtkutmna, family Hyaenodontidse, sub-order •Creodonta, from the Wasatch Formation, Lower Eocene, Wyoming, showing the sectorial modi- fication of ml, in- and 7H2, )»3. A, Superior view, upper teeth ; B, Outer side view, lower teeth ; ( ', Superior view, lower teeth, x ^. After Matthew. ORDINAL TYI'KS OF MOLARS: CARNIVO1IA 135 FIG. 90. Skull (partial) and dentition of Palaxmictis occidentalis, a, short-faced Creodont from the Wasatch Formation, Lower Eocene. 1. Side view (xp, showing enlargement and sectorial modification of p*, ml (x£). 2. Front view (xi). 3. Palatal view, upper jaw (x-i), showing tritubercular molars, sectorial modification of the posterior side of jj4, mi, reduction of //(-. 4. Internal view, upper and lower teeth, .showing sectorial modification of /<•», ml, and MI, m.,. •i. Superior view of lower teeth, showing tuberculosectorial character uf „/,, m%. Evolution of Carnassial Teeth in Creodonta and Fissipedia. 1. Lover Carnassials in Fix*ij>i-" opigtJwtoma, family Hyit-no- dontida'. Wasatch Formation Lower Eocene. Note: the shearing modification of the posterior side of the upper molar and of the anteruinternal side of the lower molar, the small si/.e of the taloiiid, the reduction of the metaconid. ('. O.fini.-im fordpata, familj- Oxy;i'nid:e, Wasatch Formation. Note the further accentuation of the characters mentioned under K. D. Ptir dasyuroides, family Hyasnodontida:, Upper Eocene and Oligocene, France. Xot<-: the con- crescence of the metacone with the paraeone, the loss of the metaconid, and (almost) of the talonid (hyl), the anterior shifting of the protocone, the lateral compnjssimi ,,f tin- ]..\vor to,.tli. E. Hi/itiiini'1,1 Iwrridus, family Hysenodontidse, White River Formation, Oligocene. Completed carnassial modification, resulting in long shearing blades, in the upper sectorial o imposed of the paracone, vestigial metacone and enlargi-l m.-tastyle ; iu the lower sectorial of the enlarged para- conid and protoconid. All the figures represent the first upper molar (./-1) and the second lower molar (nt.2). From Scott and Osborn. 138 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH - E - — D — C FIG. 95. Inferior teeth of various Creodoiits (A-h) and true Carnivores (F, G), showing tlu- homologies of the cusj'S of the specialized lower carnassial tooth. A. Pulaonictis gigantea, Lower Eocene, France, outer view, showing tuberculo-sectorial molars, with a small low talonid. B. Palcfonictis occidentcUis, Wasatch Formation. Lower Eocene, Wyoming, inner view. C. Ambloe- tonv.s xinosus, Wasatch Formation. Worn teeth, inner view, showing reduced talonid (?)• D. The same, outer view. E. Milk teeth of Pttti-io/ilis, family Oxysenida:, sub-order Creodonta, (inner view). Bridger Formation, Middle Eocene, Wyoming. Note the lateral compression of the teeth, the enlargement of the protocoiiid and paraconid, the reduction of the metaconid. F. Dinictis felina, mie of the Machserodont Felida;, sub-order Carnivora Vera (Fissijiedia), White River Formation, Oligocene. Inner view showing blade-like character of the tooth, enlargement and separation of the paraconid, reduction of the metaconid and talonid. G. Fclis concolor (Puma). Inner view. Note vestigial character of the talonid (me4), disappearance of the metaconid. i i 2. Convergence of Upper Carnassials in Creodonta and Fissipedia. The independent evolution of the carnassial teeth among Creodonta and Fissipedia affords the most distinctive and interesting example of con- vergent evolution, whereby similar adaptations arc reached from dissimilar ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLAKS: CARXIYOKA 139 In i / innings, so that if we did not know the intermediate history \\«- would be entirely misled. This results from the fact as noted above, that, in the Creodonta, teeth becoming upper sectorials are chiefly the molars, whereas in the Fissipeclia they are invariably the fourth upper premolars ; although the initial pattern of the upper molars and of the upper premolars is different, the crown being composed of cusps some of which at least are not homologous with each other, the result of adaptation is to make these two teeth appear to be entirely similar. (Series I., II., Fig. 96.) protocam liy/iocon? protocone e- - f^jf ^ V * protocone FIG. 96. Convergent Evolution of G'aruassials in Creodonta and Fis.sipedia. Arranged by Dr. W. D. Matthew from specimens in the American Museum of Natural History. These series represent morphological but not direct evolutionary sequences. I. (Upper row). Creodonta. First upper true molar of the right side evolving from the tri- tubercular into the carnassial type in the Hyienodontidse. A1. Deltutherium of the Basal Eocene. Generalized tritubercular molar with three primary cusps (pf., pa., i/ii.), a rudimentary hypocone, and two external styles (/«'-*., mts.). A'1. Sinopn optn,,,a of the Lower Eocene. Forward shifting of the protocone (/»'.), back- ward prolongation and cutting shape of the metastyle (nits.'), reduction of the parastyle (y<».<.). A3. Sinopa trhitice of the Middle Eocene. The progressive changes described under A- more strongly accentuated; also incipient reduction of the protocone (pr.), and its approach toward the paracone (pu.), but especially the approximation of the paracoue to the metacone. A*. Ptfi-oilon of the Lower Oligocene. Still further accentuation of the above tendencies, namely, approximation of the metacone to the paracone (me., pa.), reduction of metacone (/,« .), enlargement of metastyle (mtu.), reduction of parastyle (pas.), auteroversion of protocone (pr.) and its approximation to the paracone. A5, lliiif.niii,!,! of the Middle Oligocene, representing the final stage. Protocone (pr.) reduced to a mi- re- ciiisulum, paracone and metacone (pa.., me.) completely confluent, metastyle (;„?.<.) greatly elevated, laterally compressed, giving us a cutting blade laterally compressed, composed mainly of two elements, namely, jiiii-in'une+iiietaeoit.i:, and metastyle. II. (Lower row). Fissipedia. Superior fui'i-t/i premolnr evolving from tritubercular into carnassial form in Palseouictidif , Miacidse, Canidse. B1. Palaonicti*. A Creodont of the Lower Eocene. Generalized fourth premolar type, with protocone, deuterocone, and cusps corresponding to parastyle and metastyle. JS2. Did>/mictis of the Basal Eocene. We note the forward shifting of the deuterocone, the reduction of the parastyle, the enlargement of the inutastyle. £'•': Ditplictiiuis, a dog of the Lower Oligocene. Forward shifting of the deuterocone, still further reduction of the parastyle, elevation of the protocone and of the metastyle. B*. Cuiiis, a recent dog, showing the vestigial deuterocone and parastyle, and the subequal metastyle and protocone. 140 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH Na.- P.m Fin. 97. Skull and jaw of Diniclis syualidens, a primitive Machaerodont Felid from the Oligo- cene of Colorado. Note the position of the carnassials ( /i4, ntj) in relation to the areas of insertion of the muscles of mastication. The action of the lower teeth on the upper teeth is from behind forward and upward, x y. After Matthew. Fio. 98. Inferior view of the skull of Pl.' !• ucosh us, an ancestral Raccoon (Procyonid) from the (Upper) White River Formation, Oligocene Colorado, showing the subsectorial modifi- cation of j>4, the crushing character of -,/ji, ml, the absence of ntf. X {-. After Matthew. ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: CARNIV01IA 141 pa. m.l m.2 FIG. 90. Crown view of the worn upper cheek teeth of a gigantic Amphlcyonine Canid Borophagus (ii'H HI, from the Upper Miocene of Texas, showing tritubercular molars (ml, m%), and carnassial p4. the enlargement of the paraoonc (/>'(.) is apparently secondary, xj. After Matthew. Fie;. 100. Skull aud jaw of Mi'it'ln oinni'm, an extinct species of marten (family Mustelidw), from the Upper Miocene of Colorado. -Note especially the carnassial teeth, which as in the Felidas have been developed in the fourth upper premolar, and first lower molar. Note also the reduction of the first upper molar and the absence of the other post-carnassial teeth, another analogy with the Felidse. x 1. After Matthew. p.3 \~-V-* .f FIG. 101. Inferior view of the skull of Buncelwwt l/>li"t/i'i<, a primitive Musteline, from the Oligocene of Colorado. Note especially the carnassial modification of p\ the reduction of );ii, the practical disappearance of m~. x|. After Matthew (1902). 142 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH me. pa. m.2 m.l pr. de. Fig. 102. Crown view of the right upper cheek teeth of the Binturong (Aretictis binturong), showing the loss of the third molar, the great reduction of the second (»;-), the simplification of the first (/»i) by the loss of the metacone (mi), and the reduction of the protocone (pr), the con- vergence in form between i/(i and p4, the greater or less flattening down of the crowns of p^ — mz ; all this apparently in adaptation to frugivorous diet. The nearest allies of the Binturong, the Paradoxures, have more normal teeth, while the most primitive, more carnivorous members of the family Viverridre («. n< tta) have tritubercular upper and tuberculosectorial lower molars. FlSSIPEDIA. The tritubercular and tuberculo-sectorial teeth of primitive Procyon- iclse, Mustelidte, Viverridte, Ursida?, Canida3, Felidre, and Hysenidte are too well known to require special emphasis. In general the Procyonida? exhibit the bunodont, tritubercular type. The Ursidae exhibit a depressed and secondarily bunodont, quadri tubercular and tuberculo- sectorial dentition ; as seen by comparison of the more sectorial molars of the Polar Bear, Thalassarctos, with the more depressed molars of the relatively omnivorous Black Bear. The teeth of the bear were originally more elevated like those of the dog, then secondarily elongated, and finally depressed and irregularly tubercular. Degenerate Types. Adaptation to different habits has given rise to a great variety of secondary modifications. For example, (1) to the flat or even basin- shaped crown of Gercolcptcs, (2) to the degenerate tuberculate teeth of Aretictis (Fig. 102); the extreme similarity between p4 and m1 in this animal, the enlargement of the paracone and the reduction of the metacone, the ledge-like appearance of the protocone, make the resemblance which has arisen between these teeth analogous to that which has arisen in Mesony.r, — namely it is a case of convergence.1 In general answer to the analogy argument (p. 215) it has been shown in the case of the sectorials of Creodonta and Fissipedia above,. that (a) final similarity of form is no indication of derivation from homologous parts ; (b) the exact similarity of p* and m1 in Aretictis (Fig. 102) is another case of independent or convergent evolution, or the production of analogous crowns from non-homologous cusps (see pp. 138, 139); (c) fruit-eating habits (Aretictis is said to be frugivorous) frequently lead to the degeneration or aberrancy of the molar crowns l[But see also the indications in Figs. 14, 66. 67, 69a, 76, 84, 85, 105, 116, 117, 118, 131, 139, etc., that the similarity between p4 and m1 is not wholly due to convergent evolution. — ED. ] ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: PINNIPKDIA 143 (p. 10.')); 00 the enlargement of the paraeone and reduction of the metacone occurs also in Dinocyon (Fig. 99), in the Mesonychid Creodonts (Figs. 87, 88, and p. L'lO), and is probably secondary: (••) no fossil ancestral viverrines are known with such aberrant molars. M'KCIA L REFERENCES. Figures of Molars of ( 'arnivora. Bronu, H. G., Klass. u. Orel. >>'> Fio. 103. Secondary evolution of triconodont and baplodont types in Pinnipedia. Internal view. A. Phoc'a gichigensis (family Phocidae or Earless Seals). B. flioca ritulhia (Harbor Seal). C. Zalophus California us (California Sea Lion, family Otariidse or Eared Seals). Allx i. PtODENTIA. We naturally look among the brachyodont, short-crowned types of Rodents, such as the squirrels and mice, for the ancestral form of Eodent teeth. Matthew 1 and Osborn 2 have hypothetically traced the Kodents back to a lower Eocene ancestor in the family Mixodec- tidae ; Osborn has gone so far as to call these animals Proglires,8 whereas Wortman 4 has revived the view expressed by Cope that 1('A Revision of the Puerco Fauna," Bull. Amer. Mas. Nat. Hist., Vol. IX., 1897, pp. 259-323. 2 " American Eocene Primates and the Supposed LJodent Family Mixodectidfe," Bull. Amer. Mus. \at. Hist., Vol. XVI., 1902, pp. 203-213. 3 Recent studies by Matthew indicate the nearer affinity of these animals to the Insectivora, with possible relations to the Lemuroids. 4 " Studies of Eocene Mammalia in the Marsh Collection, Peabody Museum," Amer. Journ. Sci., Vol. XVI., Nov. 1903, pp. 345-352. ORDINAL TYPES OF Mnl.AKS: IIODKXTIA 145 these animals are not Rodents l»ut Lemurs related to the aberrant order represented by the living Cheirom//* or Aye-Aye. The evidence for either of these antagonistic hypotheses is by no means final. It' these animals are truly primitive Rodents or I'roglires, they settle the tritubercular question so far as Rodents are concerned, bemuse the teeth are typically tritubercular above and tuberculo-sectorial below (Fig. 104). Pending the positive discovery of the remote ancestor- of the Rodents, it may be said that the most primitive existing and fossil forms of brachyodont rodents, as the Eocene and Oligocene Ischy- romyidse, Sciuridse, exhibit apparent traces of the tritubercular pattern in the molar teeth. FIG. 104. Tritubercular molars in the " Proglires," possibly related to the Rodents. Upper figure, an upper molar of Olbodotfg copei from the Torrejon Formation, Stage II. Basal Eocene, showing a primitive tritubercular crown, with a hypocone growing up from the basal congulum. Lower figure, lower jaw and teeth of Mi.codectus pungcns also from the Torrejon Formation, showing enlarged incisor and tuberculo-sectorial molars. See note 3, page 144. x ?. SlMPLICIDEXTATA. The animals included within the sub-order Simplicidentata (i.e. with a single pair of incisors, as contrasted with the Duplicidentata, or Rabbits and Hares) are traced back by Tullberg in his great monograph,1 to an ancestral type in which the molars exhibit four cusps. Schlosser2 also has figured a morphological series of upper and lower molars, showing the probable stages of evolution from the bunodont tritubercular (?) molars of Ardomys to the hypsodont complex molars of Hystrix. Forsyth Major, on the contrary, who has made an exhaustive study of the teeth of Rodents, regards the teeth of primitive squirrels, which are apparently tritubercular, as secondarily derived from a polybunous form by the loss of certain cusps. It is more consistent 1 Ueler das System der ^"ayethiere. Upsala, 1S99. 2 "Die Differenzierung des Saugetiergebisses," Biol. Ctntrti/1,/., Bd. X., Nr. 8, 1890, S. 251. K 146 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH with the evolution of the mammalian molar teetli in general to suppose that the primitive Oligocene Sciurid of Fig. 105 actually exhibits a tritubercular crown above without the hypocone, and a (juadritubercular crown below, in which the paraconid is vestigial. (Compare Fig. 106.) Among the rats and mice we observe a secondary cusp addition O i/ j. and evolution, which has obscured the primitive tritubercular pattern it" such existed, closely parallel or analogous to that of the multi- tubercnlates in the development of three parallel rows of tubercles above and two parallel rows of tubercles below. (See pp. 102-104.) FIG. 105. Left upper cheek teeth of a primitive Squirrel, Sciurus (Prosciurus) rctustus from the Titanotherium Beds (Lower Oligocene) of Montana, the molars showing apparent derivation from the tritubercular pattern, x * After Matthew. Fio. 106. • Lower jaw and teeth of Gyiiin<>/ii.>iclnx, mix), x-3.. After Matthew. 148 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH Fin. 111. Side view of the skull and jaws of Eutypomys thomsoni (cf. Fig. 110) showing sub- hypsodont cheek teeth. FIG. 112. Skull of the Rat (Mus rattux), illustrating the type of dentition characteristic of the Myomorph Rodents. The motion of the jaw is proa], i.e. from in front upward and backward, x j-. After Matthew. DUPLICIDENTATA. In the Duplicidentate Koclents (or Eabbits, Hares, and Pikas), otherwise known as Lagomorpha, the crown has undergone a complete p. 2 3 4 m'.l 2 3 FIG. 113. Skull of Palaolagus intermedius, an ancestral Hare from the Oligocene of Colorado, illustrating the upper dentition of the Duplicidentate Rodents, x y. After Matthew. metamorphosis into hypselodoiit, columnar and rectangular form. These specialized adult crowns show no trace of separate tubercules or of anything but a strictly transverse pattern, yet where the permanent teeth are unworn, especially among certain fossil species, we find ORDINAL TYPKS OF MOLARS: RODENTIA 149 more or less evident traces of the primitive pattern. The milk teeth also still retain vestiges of a triangular pattern with three main tubercles, internal to which is a deep notch or internal folding. This notch in the adult teeth extends entirely across the crown, forming the double transverse ridge which so deeply divides the crown that the anterior and posterior moieties have been supposed by Marett Tims l to represent the fusion of two originally separate elements. This notch, however, is entirely secondary. The ancient pattern of the molars is bomologized by Forsyth Major 2 himself with that of the molars of Pdycodus, a primitive and strictly tritubercular primate ; it certainly suggests as the ancestral condition a triangular to quadrate, low-cusped, brachyodont, three- 7376 D pr. FIG. 114. —Apparent traces of trituberculy in Lagomorpha (Duplicidentata). After Forsyth Major. A. Upper molar of a primitive Oehotonid (Lagomyid) Tltanoiwis fontanitcsi from the Middle Miocene of Em-ope. Note : (1) the beginning of the groove on the internal side, which in the later Hares, etc., sinks inwards and divides the crown into two portions ; (2) apparent vestiges of the tritubercular pattern. B. Anterior view of the same tooth. Note the reduction of the external roots, the hyper- trophy of the internal root, the spreading of the enamel upon the anterior and inferior portions of the crown. C. Lcpus cuniculus, milk molar 1, showing retention of much less specialized condition than in the adult. D. Second upper molar of a Flying Squirrel (Ptertmvys i»,l whereas in the Ungulata, Carnivora, Insectivora, Primates, and probably other orders, the primi- tive tip or true protoconid is in the antero-external cusp. Hence, if the true molar cusps are homologous with similarly placed cusps in the premolars (see pp. 195-200) the so-called protoconid or antero- external cusp in the molars of brachyodont Rodents is not homologous with the similarly placed cusp of other orders. Dr. Wortman also 1 Amer. Jour. Sci., Vol. XV., June, 1903, pp. '216--218. ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: TI LLODOXTIA 151 points out that the hypsodont and folded molars of Stencojibcr, Palccocaxtm- and Castor, may have been derived from the more brachyodont teeth of Sciuranis, which in many respects is closely related to Paramys. ' In like manner Mysops and Sciu-mn/v afibrd the stem types from \vliich both the Hystricomorphs and Myomorphs were in all probability derived/' All of this, if proved, would show (1) the derivation of all Rodent molars from the brachyodont Sciuromorph type, and (2) that the nomenclature of Trituberculy could only lie applied to the molar cusps of Rodentia as a matter of convenience not as indicating homologies with similarly placed cusps in other orders. SPECL I /> REFERENCES. Owen, R., Odontography, 1840-45. Giebel, C'. G., Odontographie, 1855. Broim, H. G., Klas*. K. Ord. des Thierreidts, Bd. I., pp. 150-169. Tullberg, T., System der Nngethiere. Upsala, 1899. Schlosser, M., " Die Differeuzienmg des Saugetiergebisses," Biol. CentralbL, Bd. X., Nr. 8 u. 9, 1890 (especially pp. 250-251). TlLLODONTIA. Esthonyx from the Wasatch or Lower Eocene almost certainly represents an early stage of the Tillodontia.1 The pure trituberculy of its molars brings this group also in line with the great majority of early mammals. (Fig. 116.) mTs FIG. 11(3. Upper cheek teeth of Esthmu/.:- m, 2 m-3 FIG. 1:27. Jaws of American Eocene Primates, etc., natural sixo. A. Pelycodus tutus, family Notharctidae, order Primates. 13. Iliinii«i:l,ix /mulus, probably an Insectivore. ''. ATiaptomorphus » mulug, analogous to Tarsius. D. Microsyops sp., family Mixodectidae, one of the so-called " Proglircs." xi. radiate from trituberculy into quadrituberculy, and into crested forms. Osborn's recent revision1 of the American Eocene Primates proves that the molars exhibit a fundamentally triangular pattern in every one of the twenty-two or more known species. The various types exhibit a familiar succession of stages from a more triangular condition r? <_/ with an extremely rudimentary hypocone, to a quadrate, sexitubercular 1 null. Amtr. Mus. Nat. Hint., Vol. XVI., 1902, pp. 169-214. 158 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH condition, stages which have already been treated in the evolution of the human molar teeth (pp. 50, 55). The special characters of this evolution were brought out in the same paper. An interesting feature of some of these American Eocene monkeys 'is that some of them pass from a tritubercular into a quatlri- and finally into a sexitubercular condition, with a prominent ml:- ml:- Vic,. 128. Superior molars of (A) Adapis maynus, a lemuroid from the Eocene of France; (B) Hi/opsodus uintrnsis, an Insectivore (?) from the Eocene of North America ; and (C) Notharctvs sp., a Primate, from the Eocene of North America ; all three apparently derived from the same tritubercular ground plan, by the upgrowth of the hypocone. A and B, x^. hypocone and large intermediate tubercles, closely homoplastic with the grinding teeth of primitive Ungulates (Figs. 132, 149). Similarly the premolars progress by the addition of internal cusps. The normal dentition of man is beautifully illustrated in Figs. 1 and 134, p. 161, taken from Selenka's admirable monograph.1 In modifying his figure (Fig. 1) we have expressed the tritubercular homologies on one side of the jaw and the embryonic order of evolution of the cusps in numerals on the opposite side. In this connection reference may be FIG. 129. Skull and dentition of a Lower Eocene (Wasatch) Primate Anaptomorphv* homunculus, with tritubercular upper molars. Partially reconstructed. The premaxillary portion of the skull is wanting, x^-. made to the discussions of the relative value of embryological and palaeontological evidence on pp. 49, 214. Certain peculiar variations of the human molar teeth may be referred to here which are often described by anthropologists as anomalies, but which really are either homogenetic or homoplastic with cusps well known in the lower mammalia. Protostylc or tdbercvlus anomalus. On the anterior side of the protocone in the upper molars we have observed in many of the lower mammals, especially in the Periptychidse (Periptychus, Ectoconus, Menschenaffen, Wiesbaden, I'.Mio. ORDINAL TYl'KS OF MOLAKS : I'KIMATKS 159 Fig. 137), that a special cusp is developed, to which we have given the name protostyle, from its proximity to the prolix-one. From a recent paper by I*. Adloft'1 we learn that this was originally designated by Carabelli as occasionally occurring in the human molars, Fir,. 130. Upper (A) and lower (A1, A'-) teeth of Anaptomorphus homv.nculus. (Cf. Fig. 129.) The upper teeth are tritubercular, in the lower teeth the paraconid is seen to be much reduced, x£. and hence named by him tnltarnlus anomal/'s. Batujeff regarded this as a progressive structure, pointing out (1) that the tuberculus anomalus, while most frequently found on the first upper molar, is also occasionally found on the second and third molars ; (2) that it is more frequently FIG. 131. Origin of the hypocone from the basal cingulum, as shown in l,nl , w«,i >,, y. observed in higher races than in lower races, to which Adloff adds, (3) that among recent and extinct anthropoid apes the tuberculus anomalus is certainly not present. Adloff' in this connection calls attention to the anomalous detach- ment of cusp components of the human molar crown as evidence of 1 "Zur Frage nach der Entstehung der heutigen Saugethierzsahnformen," Ztitschrift ./'. Morphologic u. Anthropologie, Bd. V., pp. 357-384. 160 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH a process the reverse of concrescence. He concludes (p. 379), that as each tooth has primitively sprung by concrescence of cusps derived from successive dentitions, so in incipient retrogression these cusps break apart again into their original components. A m.2 m.3 FIG. 132. Evolution of the upper molars in the Notharctidae, a family of American Eocene Primates. A, Peli/iMlusj'sviiiroi-tis, Wasatch Formation (Lower Eocene), the teeth showing clear traces of trituberculy. B, Notharctus nunienus, Wasatch Formation, p* and nii-m3 more quadrate. C, Notharctus sp., Bridger Formation (Middle Eocene), p* quadrate, with two external cusps; vnl-m;5 large, with well-developed mesostyle (ms). x £. p.3 p. 4 m.l m.2 m.3 FIG. 133. Notharctus sp., Bridger Formation, Middle Eocene. Crown view, lower teeth, showing the loss of the paraconid in ni^m*, enlargement of the postero-internal cusp or entoconid. x ^. Apart from this new evidence for the concrescence theory, to which we do not feel able to attach much weight, the question of the existence of the progressive evolution of the ' tuberculus anomalus ' or protostyle in the human teeth is especially interesting, as another instance of homoplasy , or the independent evolution of an apparently homologous cusp in different orders (see p. 236). ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLAKS: I'RLMATKS K.I M. HKMIIKXCKS. Owen, R., Odontography, 1840-4"). Giebel, C. G., Odontographie, 1855. Bronn, H. G., AV,,.w. u. '>,-,/. d>.>* Tl,n ,•,•<•;, -Us, Bd I., pp. 223-23*!. Srhlosser, M., Die Affen Lemuren . . . dex Em-npiiischen 7V,v/V//-.<, etc. Wicii, lssT-90. Selenka, E., Menschena/en, Wiesbaden, 1900. Topinard, P., " De 1'Evolution des Molaires et Prcmolaires chez les Primates et <-u particulier chez 1'Homme," L' Anthropologie, No. 6, Nov.-Dec., 1892. Gaiuhy, A., "Sur la Similitude des Dents de I'Homme et de quelques Animaux," V Anthropologie, T. XII., 1901. Osborn, H. F., "Revision of the American Eocene Primates," Bull. Amer. .!/".•>•. Nat. Hist., Vol. XVII, 1902, pp. 159-184. Wortman, J. L. " Studies of Eocene Mammals, ..." Part II. Primates, J //«<•/•. Jour. Sc. [4], Vol. XV., Mar. 1903, May 1903, June 1903. FIG. 134. Xormal, ideal, human (Caucasian) dentition, based upon a photograph of a specimen, modified after several other specimens. From Selenka, after Rose. Traces of trituberculy are evident in the upper molars ; the lower molars have lost the paraconid. The crowns of the teeth are bluntly tuberculate, in adaptation to omnivorous diet. • ;. 162 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH pa. mts, P?. • me. •' crista A1 Jjosffosseffc ,, medifossette c r'tsta. pa* pa* •ochet crochet. pa. nits. c/ng. hi'' m£<* m$., 12, Taf. V., VI. (see especially the " Allegemeiner Theil. Das Gebiss der Perissodaetylen und Artiodactylen und seine Beziehungen zu dem der Condylarthra." pp. 97-112). "Die Differenzierung des Saugetiergebisses," BioL Centr
    L, Bd. X., Nr. 8, 1890 (especially pp. 247-250). Osborn, H. F., Antea, pp. FIGURE 135. No. 1. " Sexitubercular " superior and " quinquetubercular " inferior molar of Hyra- cotherium (Eocene ancestor of the Horse), showing in the upper molar six main cusps, a parastyle developing from the cingulum, and an encircling cingnlum, continuous in the lower molar with the hypoconulid. The para- conid of the lower molar is vestigial or wanting. The crown is low (" brachyodont ") with low, conic cusps (" bunodont "). •2. Superior molars of Pantolambda (Eocene Aniblypod). The triangular pattern of the crown has been retained, the protocone remaining central in posi- tion ; the outer cusps have become crescentic (" selenoid "), the parastyle (ps) is extremely large (Fig. 140). 3. Three stages in the degeneration of the paraconid seen in the lower molars of Amblypoda (Fig. 144). 4. Superior and inferior molars of A. Systemodon (Eocene tapiroid) and B. Tapirus. The parastyle is seen developing from the cingulum, the inter- mediates (pi., ml.) are conspiring with the outer and inner cusps to form the "ectoloph," "protoloph," and "metaloph" (cf. 8) of the modern Tapir (B). In the lower molars the paraconid is vestigial or absent. n. " Lophodont" type. Primitive Rhocerotoid molar (Hyrachyus) showing com- pleted "protoloph," "metaloph," "ectoloph." 6. " Lophodont " type. Modern Rhinoceros molar showing accessory folds, " antecrochet," " crista," " crochet." 7. " Bunoselenodont " type. Primitive Titanothere (Palizosyops) . Internal cusps "bunoid," external "selenoid." 8. " Lophoselenodont" type. Primitive (Eocene) Horse, Eohippus. Traces of the original triangular pattern of the crown are still discernible. 9. "Lophoselenodont type." Primitive Horse (Packynolophus). The "inter- mediate connles" (pi., ml.) will become crenulate and with the ectoloph, and the hypostyle, will produce the complex crown pattern of the modern Horse. 10. J. Upper molar of Ai«_-li />/"•/•//'//*, B. Lower molar of Merychippus, Miocene horses (cf. Fig. 160). 11. " Selenodont " Artiodactyl type (Protoceras). All cusps crescentic. 12. Ground plan of molars in various Ungulate sub-orders. A. Condylarthra (!) (Meniscot/terium), B. Amblypoda (Periptychus), C. Perissodat-tyla (Hyraco- therium), D. Condylarthra (Phenacodus). 164 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH AMBLYPODA. The indisputably triangular and tritubercular nature of the molars of the primitve Amblypoda is demonstrated in the accompanying figures (Figs 137-146) of several of the lower Eocene types.1 All of these teeth bear a close eneral resemblance to the tritubercular Fio. 136. Lower teeth of Ectoconus ditricionux, a Basal Eocene (Puerco), relative of Pcripti/chus. Compare the lower molars of Euprotogonia (Fig. 149) and Protoyonodon (Fig. 148) among the Condylarthra. j . molars of Creodonts. The peculiar and distinctive feature of the evolution of the upper molar teeth in the Amblypoda is that they do not pass into a quadri tubercular 01 quadrangular stage by the forward shifting of the protocone and upgrowth of the hypocone, like all the other Ungulates, but develop special types of bunodont, selenodont, and lophodont molars out of the primitive triangle. FIG. 137. Upper and lower teeth of a primitive Amblypod, l'n-ijili,,h«,l,,,', Fig. 141.) 166 INVOLUTION OF .MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH Out of this three-crescent type the crested or lophoid type of Cnrt/jihoi/an (Figs. 141, 143) and Uintatherium (Fig. 142) have evolved, as partially discussed on page S7. As shown in Figs. 140, 141, 144, 145, 146 the loicer molars of Uintatherium are closely linked to those of Coryphotlon and Pantolambda through the genus Bafhyopsis (Fig. 144-146), ps. me. m .2 m.3 FII;. 141. Left upper and right lower teeth of Corypliadon tmtis, a hornless Amblypod from the Wasatch Formation, Lower Eocene. As compared with the molars especially m'A, of Panto- /iniiiiilii (Pig. 140), observe the great developmentof the ridge from the protocone to the parastyle (protoloph), the posterior displacement of the paracone, the reduction of the mesostyle, the reduction of the posterior limb of the V formed by the metacone. In the lower molars observe the heightening of the anterior and posterior ridges, x £. Fi<;. 142. A. Second upper molar of Uintathrrnnn from the Bridger Formation, Middle Eocene. £. Diagram of same. As compared with the molars of Con/phoilon (Fig. 141) observe that the ectoloph has apparently been rotated posteriorly around the metacone as an axis, while the metacone itself has approached the protocone, with the final result that the protoloph and ectoloph diverge toward the external side of the tooth, x J. which is strictly intermediate in its mandible and inferior molars, and thus supports the view that the upper molars also of Uintatherium have passed through stages represented in a general way by Pantolambda and Coryphodon. The steps in this evolution are the most com- plicated and difficult to understand, especially the rotation of the ectoloph, a feature which is less positively demonstrated than the other features of this exceptional evolution. SPEC I A L R INFERENCES. Osborn, H. F., "Evolution of the Amblypoda, Pt. I., Taligrada and Pantodonta." Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. X., 1898, pp. 169-218. ORDINAL TYl'KS OF MOLARS: AMBLYPODA 167 paracone parasty/e'-t protocone protoconid B metacone hypocone hypoconid ^^^^^^^^^^ metaconid ^-— -^ entoconid FIG. 143. Scheme of upper and lower molars in Coryphodon. (Compare Fig. 141.) 'en* Uintatlierium. protoconid hypoconid paraconid- -entoconid metaconid , Entoconid* metasty/id me' Pantolambda. FIG. 144. Evolution of the lower molars in the Amblypoda. Crown view. 168 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH m.l Batliyopsis. Coryphodon. m 3 m .3 Pantolainbda. Firs. 145. Evolution of the lower molars of Arnblypoda. Internal view. A p. 2 p. 3 p. 4 m,/ m2 m, 3 FIG. 140. Lower teeth ( x \} and mandible ( x %) of Bi'tltyopsis tissidens, an Amblypod from the Wind River Formation, Stage II., Lower Eocene. In the structure of its lower molars this animal is more like Uintathcriwn than Coryphodon. (Of. Fig. 144.) -CONDYLAKTHKA. These Ungulates are contemporary with the Amblypoda, but unlike them their molar teeth evolve from trituberculy into quadri- tuberculy. The proof of the tritubercular ancestry of these oldest and most generalized hoofed animals is furnished by the oldest form Protogono- don (Fig. 148) and by the diminutive predecessor of Phenacodus, the species Euprotogonia minor (Fig, 151); in this species the crown is still triangular, but the hypocone is seen developing on the second c 2 $ It 1 3 Fro. 147. Upper and lower teeth of Mindu ,/,!../(^..< a very primitive Artiodactyl from the \Vasatch Forma- tion, Lower Eocene. A. Triiivnolestes c/tc.censis, paraconid small but distinct. X-3-. B. TI-'«J<>, «//<.l<.!ttis ttmt~,cul,-n ,;,1 ,l. ml.), especially the very large mctaconule which is preoccupying the position usually assumed by the hypocone, which here remains minute (//coj>otamus, Deer, Antelopes, Camels. In C'the cusp marked h;/ appears to be the enlarged metaconule. (Cf. Figs. 154, 155.) In the Eocene Helohyus the molars are fully bunodont, that is, with low, rounded cusps ; the paraconid is extremely minute. The series also shows the progressive molarization of the premolars and lends support to the theory that the molar pattern was originally triangular, and sharply differentiated from the premolar pattern, and that the premolars are becoming molariform by adding the cusps in a different order from that of the molars (see pp. 194, 195). OKD1XAL TYI'KS OF MOLAIIS: A I!TIO]>A< TV LA 173 g the Oligoeene Suilline or Pig-like Artiodactyls we tind in Leptochcerus (Fig. 157) persistent tritubercular molars which \vere mistakenly referred to the Primates. Thus we have the most direct evidence of trituliercular ancestry among the Artiodactyls, in which the bunoselenodont, and finally the purely selenodont types were evolved."* Fig. Io7. Upper check teeth of /,>/',„. upper. B. Mery- is, lower. The Primary cusps are indicated by abbreviations. origin of the primitive sexitubercular superior molars, from which the elaborate pattern of all these teeth were evolved, is to be found not only among the Condylarthra (pp. 168-170), but also in the study of the various types of teeth in the horses themselves. From this sexi- tubercular type the crown evolves by a bunoid, lophoid, or selenoid ORDINAL TVI'KS OF MOLARS: I'KKISSODAf 'TV I.A 175 modelling of the cusps. In the Titanotheres, fur example (Figs. 1G7- 171), the protocone and hvpocone remain Imnoid, the paracone and inetacone have become selenoid. and the small ridges tunned by th<- D E FIG. 161. Evolution of the upper molars in the Equida;. E. after Kowalevsky. The series figured is not a phylogenetic one, since animals belonging to several different lines of descent are represented ; but it is a morphological series and (with Figs. 1(32-1(54) shows thu principal successive stages of molar evolution in the F.quidse. All figures natural size. A. Hiiracothenum, Lower Eocene. R. Pachynolophus, Middle Eocene. Note ps, ms, and crescentie />c, me, C. Aitchilophus, Lower Oligocene. Note mts and hypostyle Its. D. Hfi.«>hi{itit'x, Middle Oligocene. E. Anchitherium, Lower Miocene. pro to- and metacomiles have become vestigial, the crown thus consisting of two outer crescents and two inner cones ; but even in this specialized crown traces of the primitive triangular arrangement of three primary cusps remain. In the little La mix kit her inm (Fig. 167) we have a postfosaette = c- crochet antecrochet Fiu. 102. Upper milk molar of M ,-i/r/,i/ilni.< sp. from the Upper Miocene, showing the completed ground plan of the molar pattern of the modern Horse. (Cf. Figs. liiO, lid.) x | perissodactyl (probably an ancestral Titauo there), in which the trituber- cular derivation of the molars is indisputable. In these teeth among the horses, the styles and intermediate conules d>1, ml) play an important role (p. 85). The key to the evolution of the teeth of the horses as compared with that of the Titanotheres is given in Figs. 135, 159, 160. The type attained is lopho-selenodont. 17G EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH mesostyle hypocone-—"^ —iantecrochet D i i FIG. 163. Cusps, Crests, Styles, Crochets, and Fossettes in the molar teeth of the Horse. The specimens figured belong to a North American Pleistocene species, Equus complicatus. A. Unworn crown. B-D. Successive stages of wear. All figures natural size. The Tapiridne, as shown in Figs. 172-174, develop a sub-lophodont dentition, the protoloph and nietaloph being well developed, while the ectoloph does not form a completely united crest. In the Khinocerotida? we have the extreme lophoid evolution, in which the crown consists of the completed proto-, meta-, and ectolophs (Figs. 175-182). ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLAKS : PKRISSODACTYLA 177 «* , ®' m't'ms" "' Fie;. 1(J4. Evolution of the lower molars in the Equida. Morphological not phylogenetic. (Cf. Fig. li \1.) A. Hi/i-'ii-nt/i' i-ium, Lower Eocene. B. Piichimolophus, Middle Eocene. Note appearance of metastylid (MI.V') by fissure of the metaconid. D. M' Koliiiipus, Middle Oligocene. Note appearance of entostylid. (Marked msd). E. Hipparlon, Pliocene. Note great expansion and posterior fold of the metaconid //<.<•'), protostylid (psfi), endostylid (i s'l). Worn tooth. F. Equus. All figures nitural size. Worn. FIG. 105. Premolar Terminnlogy, proposed by Scott and adoyited in this volume. Primitive Un- gulate Types. Fourth upper premolar and first molar of A. Euprotoyoiiia, and B. Hyracotherium. Through all these higher stages the homologies with the primitive tritubercular crowns can readily be traced. SPECIAL REFERENCES. Hatcher, J. B., "Recent and Fossil Tapirs," Amer. Jour. Sci. (4), Vol. L, 1896, pp. 161-180. Wortman, J. L., and Earle, Charles, "Ancestors of the Tapir from the Lower Miocene of Dakota," Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. V., 1893, pp. 159-180. "Species of Hyracotherium and allied Perissodactjls from the Wahsatcli and Wind River Beds of North America," Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Vol. VIII., 1896, pp. 82-110, pi. II. Osborn. H. F., "The Extinct Rhinoceroses,'' Mem. Amer. J/»x. Nut. Hist., Vol. I., 1898, pp. 75-164. Schlosser, M., " Beitrage znr Kenntniss der Stammesgeschichte der Hufthiere mid Versuch einer Systematik der Paar- und Uiipaarhufer," Morphol, •l. \~2. Especialljr pp. 97-112. M 178 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH de pi '. pi Pr de mca FIG. 166. Upper and lower cheek teeth of several Lower Eocene Equidse. All x 1. First or upper jiiiun . Upper cheek teeth of Eoltippvs (Protorohippus) venticolus, Wind River Formation, Lower Eocene, Stage II. Side view. Second figure. Crown view of the same. Third figure. Lower cheek teeth of Eohippus cristatus, Wasatch Formation, Lower Eocene, Stage I. Fourth (Join rfiiii'n ). Lower teeth of Ef.ihiiniv.it index, Wasatch Formation, Lower Eocene. All figures natural size. After Wortman. Observe: (1) The general similarity in the molar pattern to that of the Eocene Tapiridie, as shown in the development of two transverse ridges in the upper and lower teeth, a feature destined to be emphasized in the Tapiridre but highly modified in the Equidse. (Of. Figs. 100- 164, 172-174.) (2) The incipient character of the mesostyle (/<(.<.), and the appearance of the hypostyle (As.) in »ii-ms. (3) The complication of the fourth premolar pi, by the development of a protoloph from the protoconule and deuterocone, and of a small metaloph from the metacouule, whereas in p:i, the protoloph is developed from the protoconule only, the meta- loph from the deuterocone. (4) In the lower molars note (1) the molarization of p4, (2) the development of an oblique crest running from the hypoconid (/1 - >'/<-!, and first permanent molar of a primitive Middle Eocene Titanothere (Palceosyops major). The external cusps are becoming crescentic, producing a bunoselenodont type ; the primitively triangular arrangement of the three main cusps is still evident. The fourth milk molar is seen to be closely similar to the first permanent molar. The cusps of the milk molar are lettered in accordance with Scott's premolar nomenclature (see pages 195-200), but it is probable that the cusp marked te in rlp3 corresponds to the postero-internal cusp of dp2 and the aiitero -internal cusp (dc) of i!pl, as in the Equidte (cf. Fig. 166). Unlike the Equidse the Titanotheres have greatly reduced the proto- and metaconules of the molars, x ^-. FIG. 171. Upper dentition of a specialized Oligoceue Titanothere (Brontotherium tichoarus). The molars are now quadrate, the outer cusps sharply V-shaped, x J. FIG. 172. A. Upper and lower molar of a Lower Eocene (Wasatch) Tapiroid Systemodon .*' mt/tiaiix (.^) B. Upper molar of a recent Tapir Tiijiiri'* innericanv.s, showing the completed bilophodont pattern, x ^-. is FIG. 173. Bunolophodont teeth of a primitive Tapiroid (Systcmodon priinn rug), from the Wasatch Formation, Lower Eocene. Observe the general similarity in pattern to the teeth of contemporary Equidfe (Fig. 166) combined with a stronger development of the protoloph and metaloph, a greater obliquity of the tooth as a whole, and a somewhat more central position and larger size of the paracone. x i . After Wnrtman. FIG. 174. Evolution of the premolars in Protapims and Tnpirus. After Wortman and Earle. A. Protapirus simplex. Oreodon Beds, Middle Oligfocene. B. Protapirus obliquidena. Protoceras Beds, Upper Oligocene. C. Tupii'us a/inericanus. In A, premolars 1-4 are all comparatively simple and there is no metaloph. In B, the internal cusp (deuterocone) of p3, JD-I has split into two and there is an imperfect metaloph. InfC, p2-p* are fully molariform. x^. After Wortman and Earle. medifossetta postfossette prefossctti entecrochet crocfiet FIG. 17-x Typical Rhinoceros molar, showing terminology of the crests and folds. metacone- metaconule- / — -f hypocone- -protoconule protocone Fro. 176. Topographic relations of the parts of the typical Rhinoceros molar pattern to the sexitubercular ancestral ground plan. faraslytf faraccne mitatone parastylc paracone- mttacont ftroColoptt m:tatoph parastyle paracone ntttatone protohpk mttalopk prolobpk mclaiofk mctalophid hypolopkid ItypaanuliJ mclalophid hypoloplmt It? nielaloptuii liypolopkltt Tapiroiil. Lophiodout. Rhinocerotoid. (P rot «p! r >'.<). (L»ii/iic»lori). (Hi/rachyux). FIG. 177. Typical lophodont molars of Perissodactyls. In the Tapirnid type the paracone and metacone are subequal or symmetrical, strongly convex externally. In the Rhinocerotoid type, the paracone is more or less convex, the metacone elongate, externally flattened to concave. The Lophiodont type is intermediate. It is noteworthy that in the Middle Eocene or Bridsjer Stage, the molars of the various Perissodactyls are rather similar. Thus some molars of the Tapirid S;i./)/'.•.• type among Equidas, some molars of the Lophiodont H<.lnl' tea approach the lIiii-4 in Hyrttchyu^agrarius, family Hyracodoutidre, a Rhiuocerotoid from the Bridger Formation, Middle Eocene A Flo. 181. Four stages in the evolution of the molars in the Rhinoceroses. After Gaudry. A. Aco-ntherium Umaneiise, Upper Oligocene, Europe. B. Rhinoceros pachygnathus, Lower Pliocene, Europe. C. Rhinoceros antiquitatis, Pleistocene, Europe. D. Elaxinotfierium sibericum, Pleistocene, Europe. After Gaudry and Boule. We note (1) the progression from brachyodonty to hypselodonty, ('2) from roots to open-pulps, <3) the increasing verticality of the slopes of the crests, (4) the development of the cement, (5) the increasing plication of the enamel. Stage A parallels the Stegodonts among Proboscidea (pp. 180-188). Stage D parallels the elephants, and also many of the South American Ungulates, and even the rootless grinders of many Rodents. protocone -ff metalopMd h)lpolof)h i ri FIG. 182. Extreme specialization of the Rhinoceros molar type, in Elasmotherium sibericum, from the Pleistocene of Siberia. The plicatiun of the enamel has mere IM-.I the rutting surface, and the efficiency of the tooth for grinding hard dry grasses or shrubs. (Compare the enanu-l lakes in the Horse molar, Fig. 103). x +. After Gaudry and Boule. 184 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN . MOLAR TEETH CHALICOTHEKOIDEA OR ANCYLOPODA. The Ancylopoda are apparently a group of aberrant Perissodactyla in which the nails or generalized hoofs have become secondarily modified into large claws. The types of this order are the genera Macrotherium, Ckalicotherium, and Anci/lotherium, in which the superior molar teeth exhibit a strong general resemblance to those of FIG. 1S3. Bunoselenodont upper cheek teeth of Meniscotherium tcrrcerubrce, a Condylarth (?), from the Wasatch Formation, Lower Eocene. Note the large selenodont protoconule, the oblique metaconule-hypocone ; in the lower molars, the twinning of the metaconid (me\\ known to appertain to the Oreodont Artiodactyl Agriochcerus.] HYKACOIDEA. The Hyraces, including many existing African and West Asiatic species, also the fossil forms Pliohyrax Osborn, Saghatherium Andrews, M<'< i- fiijuri , Hiim.i- x/ir incus, upper clieek teeth, external view. x-g-. Lowa- X1"'1 ' • A, Hiii-n.i- capensis, third upper molar, unworn, x ". B, II. si/riacus, third lower molar, worn. lopho-selenodont ancestral type. The superior molar teeth (Figs. 1S.~>. 18G), consist of two short, transverse crests, the proto- and metalophs, and an elongate external crest, the ectoloph. The latter has been eomp;ireil with that of the rhinoceros, but actually resembles that of tbe 186 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH horses more closely, because it consists of two halves, a paracone and a metacone, divided by a faint vertical ridge, the mesostyle ; this ridge is much more strongly marked in the extinct genera, mentioned above. It proves that the ancestral types of teeth among the Hyracoidea were lopho-selenodont, like those of Palceoiherium perhaps, the more remote ancestors being sexitubercular and tritubercular. The lower molars exhibit the double crested pattern, similar to that seen in so many Perissodactyla. It is an interesting fact that the fossil Hyracoids retain the primitive double rooted canine, a tooth which undoubtedly (see p. 194) once belonged to the premolar series. SPECIAL REFERENCES. Osborn, H. F., "On Pliohyrax Krupii Osbovn, A Fossil Hyracoid from Sarnos, Lower Pliocene, in the Stuttgart Collection," Proc. Fourth International Congress of Zoology, Cambridge, 1898, pp. 173-174, PI. 2. Forsyth Major, C. J., "Pliohyrax grsecus from Samos,:) Geol. Mag., N.S., Dec., IV., Vol. XL, pp. 547-553, Dec. 1899. Andrews, C. W., "Notes on an Expedition to the FayAm, Egypt, with Descriptions of some New MammaJs," Geol. Mag., Dec., IV., Vol. X., No. 470, Aug. 1903, pp. 339. PROBOSCIDEA. The highly complex, plated tooth of Elcphas is so far remote from the molar crown of the general type seen in Protogonodon (Fig. 148) or ft or oc. a/ fit. FIG. 187. Side view of the skull of Pclaoumxtodon Icadnelli, from the Upper Eocene of Egypt. After Andrews. About ^ natural size. even in Hcmithlceus (Fig. 138) that it might seem hopeless to attempt to show derivation of the former from the latter ; but the palaeontology of the Proboscidea renders such a connection absolutely certain. LSI ORDINAL TYPES OK MOLARS: l'i;< >!',< )S( 'I I >KA The gradations leading- back from the plated tt-cth of through Sta/odon, with its numerous crests and short crowns, to Ma*ft>dnn, were long ago followed in Falconer and Cuutlry's Fauna A/i// Sivalensis and in Gaudrv's Enchaincmcnts du Monde Animal/' : but. the* nmz runs fcm+ mj. m.»- — =gj * -. -. -t-~ ^r*-~ -r— -»• — ;'" ^/ Fio. 188. Upper cheek teeth and basal view of skull of Puheomastoilon beadnelli, (cf. Fig. IN;>. After Andrews. Scale, about J_. recent researches of Andrews have carried the evolution back through Palceomastodon (Figs. 187, 188) to the quadritubercular molars of Mceritkerium, a middle Eocene stage representing the African atavus of the Proboscidea. By analogy with all the other groups we have ex.oc. Fio. ISO. Side view of the skull of M<> , itln /-//'//i Im [Scale, about 1. o xi. (Cf. Fig. 100.) After Andrews. been considering, there is no question that the quadritubercular molars of Mceritherium (Figs. 180, 190) sprang from an ultimately tritubercular type. The quadritubercular molar of the Mceritkerium type by (1) transverse connection of its pairs of cones, produced a bilophodont crown similar to the lower molars of the Tapirs; (2) by continuous 188 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH upgrowth of successive cingula (talons and talonids) it transformed a bilophodont into a trilophodont crown, a trilophodont into a tetralo- phodont, etc. Thus, the plates of the teeth of Elqihas owe their origin to upgrowths of the posterior basal cingulum. We have many analogies among other hoofed animals with Probos- cidean molar evolution. Among Suina, Perchcerus has plainly quadri- tubercular upper molars, and shows the origin of a double trefoil FKJ. UK). Inferior view of the skull and teeth of Mcerithenum lyonsi, from the Middle Eocene of Egypt. After Andrews. Scale, about i. analogous to that seen in Mastodon. The Hippopotamus also shows a double trefoil. Listriodon of the Middle Eocene of Europe exhibits lophodont teeth remarkably similar to those of Dinothcrium. The hindermost molar of the wart-hog (Phacochcerus) parallels the molars of the Proboscidea in the development of complex many-columned teeth from the constant upgrowth of the talon posteriori)'. SPECIAL REFERENCES. Falconer, H., and Cautlev, P. T., Fauna Antigua Sivalensis, Part I., pp. 1-64, 4to, 1846. Andrews, C. H., "On the Evolution of the Proboscidea," Fhilos. Trans. Roy. Soc. Ser. B, Vol. 196, pp. 99-118. London, 1903. Gau dry, A., Les Enchamements du monde animal dans les temps geologiques Mammiferes tertiaires, 8vo, 1878, pp. 172-191. SlKENIA. The bilophodont molars of the Sirenia (Fig. 191) do not offer any difficulty to the theory of trituberculy, because of the many other cases in which bilophodonty has evolved from sexi-, quadri-, and trituberculy. Considerable evidence has been adduced for the belief that the ORDINAL TYPES OK MOLARS: SIRENIA, KT< '. 1 89 •me- Sirenia are an aquatic offshoot from the Ungulata. I>e lUainville first made the bold suggestion that they were related to the Proboscidea, and in 1002 Andrews again directed attention to the numerous anatomical similarities of these two groups, reinforcing them by the new evidence offered by the ancestral Mcerithcriitui, which closely resembles Prorastoma not only in the teeth but in the humerus. Lydekker, on the other hand, in 1892, pointed out the likenesses between the third and fourth upper milk molars of Prorastoma vero/n'ti*' and those of the seleno- dont Artiodactyl Merycopotamus dissimilis. Of the affinities of the Sirenia and Ungulata in general, as expressed in the table on p. 75, there can be little doubt, but for their more specific relationships we must wait for additional evidence. Fie;. 191. Unworn molar of American Manatee (Ti-ichechus inmiiih'x), showing "masked selenodonty." x^. SPECIAL REFERENCES. Andrews, C. W., "On the Evolution of the Proboscidea," Phil. Trails. Roy. Lond., Ser. B, Vol. 196, 1903, pp. 99-118. Lydekker, K., "On a remarkable Sirenian Jaw from the Oligocene of Italy and its bearings on the Evolution of the Sirenia," Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., Febr. 2, 1892, pp. 77-83. SOUTH AMERICAN UNGULATES. The Ungulates of South America include the highly specialized Typotheria, Homalodotheria, Toxodontia, and Astrapotheria, in all of which the teeth present the extreme of lophodont modification and of elongation or hypselodontism. Close analogies are found among the ni.3 Fio. 192. Upper cheek teeth of Prottrothi rium sp., a primitive Litoptern from the Santa Crux Formation, Middle (?) Miocene, Patagonia. Compare the somewhat similar buno-lppho-selenodont molars of Palaotherium, Protorohippus (Fig. 100), Sairftu.tliei imn (Fig. l.v'O, Mi nim-ntln r'nun (Fig. 183), SchizotJicrium (Fig. 184) and C'cenotherium, familv Anplotheriidse, order Artiodactyla. teeth of the Equido_j and Ehinocerotidse, and especially of the Amyno- dontidfe. Naturally there is little trace left of the archaic and simpler constitution of the teeth in these highly specialized crowns. It is very suggestive, however, that the most primitive of the Litopterna, the fifth of these South American orders, retain unmis- takable indications of a primarily triangular crown pattern. In 190 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH Protcrothcrium (Fig. 192), for example, we see the trigonal disposition of three main cusps. The still more ancient Ungulates from the Notostylops beds of Patagonia, exhibit molar teeth of the type seen among the Amblypoda and Condylarthra, namely the tritubercular, bunodont type, and lend the strongest of all the recent evidence which has come forward in support of the tritubercular theory. Pyrotherium, believed by Ameghino to be ancestral to the Pro- boscidea, has simple, bilophodont molars. Doctor Ameghino, although rejecting Osborn's homologies of the molar cusps, and holding widely divergent views as to the ultimate « irigin of the molars, yet brings forward a great deal of evidence l to show the derivation of all the inferior molar types of South American orders from a Proteodidelphys (Fig. 202) type which has a typically tuberculosectorial lower dentition more primitive even than that of Diilclpliys (see pp. 202, 204). SPECIAL REFERENCES. Ameghino, F., Contribution cd Conocimiento de los Mamniiferos Fosiles de la Republica Argentina. Buenos Aiies, 1889. Numerous contributions to Anales del Museo National de Buenos Aires, Boletin del Instituto Geograjico Argentina, Boletin Acad. Nac. Ciencias Cordoba, Anales Soc. Cientifica, Argentina, etc. ; especially " Recherches de Morphologie Phylogunetique sur les Molaires Superieures des Ongules," An. d. Mus. Nac. des Buenos Aires, Tom. IX., 1904. Lydekker, R., Palaeontologia Argentina II. La Plata, 1893. Owen, R., The Zoology of H.M.S. Beagle, Pt. L, "Fossil Mammalia," London, 1840. CETACEA. Aquatic adaptation has gone to such an extreme in the teeth of the Cetacea that all traces of tritubercular ancestry, if such ever existed, have been entirely obliterated. It has been suggested that the Cetacea are so ancient that they branched oft' before the haplodont reptilian crown had begun the series of modifications leading to trituberculy (Fig. 43), but the presence of accessory cuspules in the posterior molars of certain recent and Miocene Platanistidse and of vestigial low cusped, two rooted teeth in embryos of Whale- bone Whales, the analogy with the secondary haplodont molar teeth of certain Pinnipedia (Fig. 103), and the fact that the placenta tion and reproductive organs of the Cetacea are of a very high Eutheriaii type, are all more in accordance with the hypothesis that the ancestors of the Cetacea possessed more complicated tooth crowns, and that the existing haplodont types are all secondary. 1 " On the Primitive Type of the Plexodont Molars of Mammals," Proc. Zoo!. Soc. Lond., May -2, 1899, pp. 555-571. ORDINAL TYPES OF MOLARS: CETACKA 191 ZEUGLODONTIA. The derivation of the serrated cutting molars of Zeuylodon from a more normal type retaining vestiges of the ancient inner portion of the crown, is demonstrated by recent discoveries in Egypt (Figs. 193, 194) FIG. 193. Inferior surface of the skull of Prolocttus atavus, from the Lower Middle Eocene of Mokattam, near Cairo, Egypt ; a very primitive Zeuglodont, thought by Prof. Fraas to represent an aquatic offshoot of the Creodonta. The cheek teeth while elongate anteroposteriorly retain vestiges of the internal protocone and of its root. Aquatic adaptation is also indicated in the elongation of the snout, the prehensile modification of the anterior teeth, the secondary bridging over of the posterior nares, the enlargement of the auditory bullaj. About i. After Fraas. • FIG. 194. Restoration of tha skull of Ziuglodon osiris, from the Middle Eocene of Egypt, showing a further advance of the specialization noted under Fig. 193. Much reduced. After Stromer von Reichenbach. 192 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH by which the Zeuglodontia are thought by Professor Fraas to have been connected with the Creodonta and especially the Hyfenodonti 3. Achyrodon. Nos. A, 4, 9, 11, 12 are seen upon the inner surface, the remainder upon the outer surface. belongs to a somewhat more recent type, the premolars have a faint posterior heel, and the last shows the trace of a double fang. In all the Jurassic genera the premolars, where fully functional, are bifanged, and possess a convex anterior face and concave posterior slope terminating frequently in a heel. As in the molars, the cingulum plays an important part in connection with the basal cusps. It is present upon the internal face of the premolars of all the Jurassic genera except Kurtodon [Fig. 195 15], and is observed upon the outer surface in Diplocynodon [Fig. '20]. It thus in many cases enables us to draw the line between premolars and molars, as in both the Peralestid;u J'< fn/rstes, Per<(xj>r//ii.<' [Figs. 12, 22, 195 9], and in the genera of the Insectivorous Sub-group the inner faces of the molars are smooth. 10sborn, H. F., "The Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammalia," Acad. Nat. ,SV«., Philadelphia, Vol. IX., No. '2, July, 1888, pp. iZo-^-'G and pp. •_':;'.i--_)4it. N 194 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH The cingulum generally embraces the entire inner face of the crown, forming anterior and posterior cingulum cusps or cingules, which are characteristic of the insectivorous forms, while in the supposed car- nivorous and omnivorous forms, distinct basal cusps rise posteriorly and sometimes anteriorly [Triconodon, Figs. 8, 195 4] above the cingulum. As in the latter genera the cingulum is present with the basal cusps, it probably precedes them in evolution, but there is no direct evidence (in the Triconodonta) of the conversion of ciiinulcx into true basal cusps, such as we find in the molars. A review of the premolars of all the genera shows that they are sharply distinguished from the incisors and from the molars, and less distinctly from the canines in many instances.1 In several genera they have undergone considerable specialization, as in the production into lofty cones of pm^ of Achyrodon [Fig. 195 1J], or the apparently incipient assumption of the molar pattern in Kurt od on [Figs. 195 15]" 2. ADAPTATION OF PREMOLARS. The premolar teeth in general are quite as adaptive and independent in evolution as the molars. While in many families of mammals the first, second, and third, and more rarely the fourth promolars retain more or less of this simple ancestral structure ; in other families the premolars become greatly complicated. They either (a) enter upon an especial adaptive evolution of their own, as for example in the upper sectorials of the Cats (Felicia-1), or the elaborate fourth premolars of the Plagiau- lacida? (pp. 102, 106), or (b) by a serial analogous development they more or less closely mimic the structure and supplement the exact functions and uses of the molar teeth : this mimicry reaches its highest extreme among the Perissodactyl or odd-toed Ungulates, such as the horses, where the premolars gradually metamorphose into the molar pattern and even become superior to the molars in size and complication. 3. VARIOUS UPPER PREMOLAR TYPES. 1. Persistence of a simple conical form throughout. Realized in the inferior premolars of Dromatlurium (Fig. 3). 2. The posterior or 4th superior premolar becomes sectorial, the anterior premolars remaining more or less simple and conical, e.g. most Carnivora. 3. The 4th, 3rd, and 2nd superior premolars become more or less uniformly bicuspid, <\y. most Primates. 1 There is strong support among the Jurassic mammals and the recent Insectivora for the opinion first expressed by E. Ray Lankester, that the canine is originally a bifanged tooth and represents a modified anterior premolar. EVOLUTION OF THE PREMOLARS 195 4. The 4th superior premolar more or less completely transforms into the molar pattern, the third, second, and first remaining simpler (e.g. some Artiodactyla, as Agriochcerus). 5. The 4th and 3rd superior premolars transform into the molar pattern, the first and second adopting an entirely different order of evolution (e.g. Galeopithecus). 6. The 4th, 3rd, and 2nd premolars successively partially transform in the molar pattern. Example, many Perissodactyla, such as the Titanotheres and lihinocerotidas. 7. The 4th, 3rd, and 2nd premolars completely transform into the molar pattern. Example, some Perissodactyla (Equiclee). I This premolar metamorphosis into the molar pattern observed in types 4, 5, 6, 7, above is a very gradual process, requiring hundreds of thousands if not millions of years, and from the biological standpoint most interesting as illustration of convergence, because form exactly similar to that of the molars is finally attained from somewhat dis- similar beginnings. 4. CUSP ADDITION IN THE PREMOLARS. The first broad and systematic treatment of the subject of premolar evolution was that by Professor W. B. Scott.1 It is somewhat too special to be cited in full here. We accept Scott's interpretation in full as regards the upper premolars, but have adopted a different interpretation of the evolution of the lower premolars. SUPERIOR PREMOLARS. It is important to note here that all of the following description is based on the older Cope-Osborn theory that the superior premolars have followed a different order of cusp addition from the molars ; this is now met by the newer theory (see Chapter IX.) that the premolars follow practically the same order of cusp addition as that originally followed by the molars. Pending the solution of this question the comparisons which follow are made on the basis of the older theory. We may take the progressive complication of the fourth superior premolar as a standard ; the order of succession of the cusps in this tooth is rather constant, while in the more anterior premolars there are more various modes of complication. First stage. As early as the Basal Eocene period the fourth upper premolar, in every known genus in which the premolars tend to imitate 1 " The Evolution of the Premolar Teeth in Mammals," Proc. Acad. N«t. Sci. Phila., 1892, pp. 40.1-444. 196 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH the molars, is complicated by the addition on the inner or lingual side of the protocone of a second cusp, which has appropriately been called the deuterocone [Sevrepo?, second ; KWI/O?, cone] by Scott. This bicuspid stage, which is retained in the ' bicuspids ' of man and other primates, is the starting point, and brings out clearly the important initial fact that in the premolars the protoconc remains upon the outer or buccal side pr FIG. 196. Fourth upper premolar of Creodonts and Carnivores in various stages of evolution. (Cf. Figs. 84-92.) After Scott, 1. DeltatkeTium fundaminis, family Oxycteuid*. 2. Sinopa tahitue, family Hyaenodontidae. (Cf. Fig. 89.) 3. Cynodictis gracilis, family Canidae. 4. Felis concolor, family Felidse. of. the crown, while in the molars (as 'we have tried to show above, pp. 35, 217) it shifts to the inner or lingual side. From this it follows that the deuterocone of the premolars has no exact serial homologue in any of the cusps of the molars, although it becomes functionally analogous to the protocone ; it follows, moreover, that all the cusps which are subsequently added to the premolars are analogous, but not serially homologous, to those in the molars (Fig. 196). The Second xtaae of premolar complication usually consists in the addition of a second outer cusp, posterior to the protocone, which, as the third in the series, Scott has called the fi'itocone [T^O/TO?, third] ; this in turn is analogous in position and function with the inetacone of the molars. This tri- FIG. 197. Second upper premolar of tubercular fn'raspid Or trigOllOCloilt pre- P>-otornh,pt>,4. 2. P3, pi of Phenaeodus ioortmn,ii with simpler p*. 3. P± of ilri'ta. After Scott. This stage is very widely exhibited in the Middle and Upper Eocene Ungulates and Creodonts and persists till the present time, with some modifications in the sectorial or carnassial fourth premolar of the Carnivora, in many Insectivora, and in some forms of the Artiodactyla. The third and final stayc in the metamorphosis of the premolar into the molar pattern is reached by the addition of a fourth main element, which Scott has called the tetartocone [Teraprof, fourth] ; it corresponds FIG. 199. Fourth upper and lower premolars of various Artiodactyla. After Scott. 1. Dicotyles torquatus, family Dicotylida?. Molarization nearly complete. 2. Tliinohyus lentus, family Dicotylida;. Molarization much less complete. 3. Perclin i-iix /1,-iiin's, family Dicotylidse. 4. TfiijfinoU ft> .-• iii-iH-lii/xtomus, family Trigonolestidre, showing simple upper and lower premolar. in position and is analogous with the hypocone of the molars. As observed by Scott, the tetartocone usually arises in the same manner as the hypocone of the molars, namely, by the addition of a cusp at the postero-internal angle of the crown immediately behind the deuterocone (Fig. 199, No. 1). In the normal or usual evolution of the tetartocone behind the deuterocone variations occur characteristic of different families of mammals. Sometimes (in some Perissodactyla, <•.//. Titanotheres) a ridge extends back from the deuterocone, which splits in two, forming the deuterocone anteriorly, the tetartocone posteriorly. This brief survey of the steps of premolar evolution proves that these teeth follow an order of differentiation quite at variance with that 198 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH attributed to the molars, even when the final results are the same. It is another remarkable instance of convergence in evolution, and proves that similarity in form and in position affords an unsafe guide to serial homology (see, however, Chapter XL). INFERIOR PREMOLARS. As shown in the foregoing comparison of the Jurassic mammals, and in other primitive mammals, the primitive form of the lower premolar is a simple, more or less recurved cone, obviously corresponding to the protocone of the molars, and implanted by a single fang. The metamorphosis of the inferior premolars also begins with the fourth premolar, and extends anteriorly. While the order of cusp development is less regular and constant than in the upper teeth, we find that the lower premolars may be more closely compared with the lower molars, that is, there is more evidence of serial homology between the cusps of the lower premolars and lower molars. This fact fortunately enables us to use the same terminology for the premolars as for the molars. Professor Scott was led to take a different view, and proposed several new homologues in the lower premolars, such as the paraconid, deuteroconid, metaconid, tetartoconid, which may be eliminated by a somewhat different interpretation of the development. Comparison of the lower premolars should be made, not with the molars of the Triconodonta, but with the molars of Trituberculates. Such comparison shows that the premolar evolution may be interpreted as substantially similar to the molar evolution. The initial stage is the simple, single-fanged, conical cusp, the protoconid of Dromatherium (Figs. 3, 195 A}. Even in the Jurassic mammals the second stage appears in the two- fanged crown with more or less developed posterior basal cusp, which corresponds in position and function with the talonid or hypoconid of the tritubercular molars of such a type as Amphithcrium (Fig. 15). In the subsequent evolution of the crown this hypoconid remains on the outer or buccal side of the crown as in the molars ; it is therefore practically homologous serially with the hypoconid of the tritubercular molars rather than with the metaconid of the triconodont molars. Most of the existing Unguiculates as well as some recent, and many extinct Ungulates, retain more or fewer premolar teeth which depart but little from this type. As a third *t«/tit/i<'riittH type, and subsequently develops into an exactly analogous form. (This is the deuteroconid of Scott's terminology.) As a fifth stage a cusp is sometimes added to the premolar crown on the internal or lingual side of the hypoconid, occupying- the position held by the entoconid in the true molars. (To this Scott gave the name of ' tetartoconid,' regarding it as serially comparable with the tetartocone of the upper premolars.) Kn;. -201. Premolar complication in C'nndylarthra (Phenacodontid;e). Fourth lower premolar nf right side, internal aspect. 1 and ~1. Pi- /" ,>f<"'tts, showing incipient metaconid and t:il. mid. o. Ev.protorjoni.n /ilicif' /•«, showing better developed metaconid and talonid, incipient parat-onid. The tuberculo-sectorial pattern is thus nearly attained. After Scott. On the completion of these four stages, the premolar readies a condition analogous to the ' tuberculo-sectorial ' stage of the molars, namely, with an elevated frili>/x (Fig. 202 and op. cit., 90, p. 556) has an anterior and a posterior lobe, each of them carrying three cusps, which are designated in the following terms, the names in parenthesis being those of Osborn's nomenclature (op. cit., p. 557). ma, median-anterior (paraconid). pe, postero-external (hypoconid). ae, autero-external (protoconid). />/, postero-internal (entoconidj. ai, antero-internal (metaconid). ///_/>, median -posterior (hypoconulid). 1 Filof/enia, Svo, 1884. 2"Sur 1'Evolution des Dents des Mammiferes," Hal. Aca. 6.V2. 3 " The Evolution of the Premolar Teetli in the Mammals,'' Proc. A Squirrels, with Jtfina,-/.-* on iln- Dentition a ml Classification oj the Sciuri/m (p. 179), Dr. C. J. Forsyth Major, after a very careful consideration of the simpler dental types in Rodents, concludes (pp. 196-215) with a full discussion entitled "On the Primitive Type of Sciurine Molar and of the Eutherian Molar in General." ' Trituberculism," he observes, "or, as we rather ought to call it, the reptilian-cone theory, is no more a theory, but has become a dogma. I am a heretic, and may say that I opposed the theory already in 1873, viz. before it was invented;1 since that time I have kept silent for various reasons. ... It would appear that the Allotheria, the Multi- tuberculata (p. 202), ought to have been a stumbling-block for the theory. But this is not the case ; they have been simply pushed aside on account of being an aberrant order. Nevertheless, I shall refer to them later on. . . . The adherents of trituberculism assert that they have proved the Mammalian molar to be traced back to a more and more simple form. I have tried to show that they have failed to do so, and in my turn assert that the molar of Placentalia can be traced to a polybunous form, and that the real tritubercular pattern is a more specialized secondary stage. So that, as a matter of course, the cardinal point to be estab- lished is to show, that the more complex forms, which in the Lower Eocene as well as in the recent period are found side by side with the simpler forms, trituberculate or otherwise, are indeed the primitive. the more generalized type." This point is supported by a detailed argument, of which we can present merely a brief summary. The starting point is that (1) brachy- odont teeth are more primitive than rootless or hy pselodont teeth ; ( 2 ) that the more brachyodont a molar is the more polybunous it is. The latter statement is illustrated by comparison of Eocene and recent squirrels, in which the author observes that the most bracliyodnnt molars exhibit flat, elongate crowns covered with small cusps which tend toward a longitudinal arrangement. An example of this (Type 1) is Sciuro* i adieu*. Type 2, Sciurus m It/a fix, which he believes represents a less brachyodont successive stage, shows four more or less transverse ridges with three intervening valleys. Type 3, AV/v.s getulus, a sub-hypsodont squirrel, exhibits a more distinctly lophodont or crested crown, approach- ing that of the more specialized Kodents. Again (p. 213), among the New Guinea mice (Chiruromys), we find multicuspidate teeth "of a 1 Forsyth Major, " Nageriiberreste aus Bohnerzen Siiddeutschlands uncl der Schweiz. Nebst Beitragen zu einer vergleichenden Odontographie von Ungulaten uiul Unguiculaten." 1873, Palceontographica, XXII. 206 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH very generalized type, precisely such as we anticipate to meet with in a refuge for old and little modified forms." The first conclusion drawn is that in the most lirachyodont Sciurine molars the crowns are quadrate, and the cusps tend toward longitudinal arrangement with two entire outer and inner ' marginal series ' of cusps in the lower molars, and with two ' marginal ' and a more or less complete ' intermediate series ' in the upper molars. From this it is inferred (p. 205) that the nmlticuspidate or polybunous condition is the most primitive, and that the triangular or tritubercular condition repre- sents an extreme of specialization. Analogous arguments are applied by this author to other mammals. The polybunous molar of ^-Elurus is regarded as one of the most primitive among the Carnivora, the polybunous Ardocyon is regarded as the most primitive among the Oreoclonts. By similar reasoning we should consider the polybunous tuberculate molars of the bear and of the orang as respectively more primitive than the high pointedly cusped molars of the typical Viverrines (cf. Fig. 102), or of the lower Primates (see pp. 158-160). The author concedes (p. 185), that in certain bats (see p. 129), and in Cheiromi/s the basin-shaped molar is retrogressive on account of the secondary assumption of fruit-eating habits ; but regards (p. 213) the basin-shaped polybunous molar of J/iV/Wr.sA'.s as primitive and ancestral both to the multituberculate and trituberculate types. By similar reasoning he finally reaches the conclusion that in the primitive molars of placentals the cusps were arranged in longitudinal rows, three rows with two intermediate grooves in the upper teeth, and two rows with one intermediate groove in the lower teeth ; in other words, that the ancestral type of Eutherian molar was multituberculate. Dr. A. Smith Woodward (Vert. Pal, p. 269) feels the force of this argument as well as that of the embryologists, and concludes. " Hence this — at first sight — brilliant generalization [of primitive trituberculy] can only be accepted at present as a convenient working hypothesis which remains on its trial." Mr. E. S. Goodrich1 in his discussion of the Lower Jurassic mammalia, after enumerating several gaps in the argument for the tritubercular theory, concludes: "The common ancestor of the tritubercular sectorial mammals and of the Multituberculates probably had teeth of an indefinite multituberculate pattern, which gave rise, on the one hand, to elaborate multituberculate teeth, and on the other to the tritubercular sectorial. Thus the development of two longitudinal rows of three cusps would give rise to the type of lower molar common amongst the Multituberculata ; the fusion of the two anterior of these cusps or the loss of one would 1 " On the Fossil Mammalia of the Stonesfield Slate," Quar. Jour. Mirr. Sci., Vol. XXXV., 1894, pp. 407-432. OBJECTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES AND OTHKl! THEORIES 207 yield the tri tubercular sectorial tooth common among the Marsupials and Placentals : while the loss of the inner cusps would result in the formation of a triconodont molar. The conclusion reached is, therefore, that the primitive mammalian molar bore a crown with several cusps." This seems to be a clear statement of the polybuny theory, although the reader must consult the authors themselves for the detailed argu- ments by which it is supported. According to the author last quoted. not onlv the tritubercular but the triconodont molar is of multitubercular origin. 4. SUMMARY OF OBJECTIONS TO THE POLYBUNY THEORY. Our own contrary view may be advanced with equal show of evidence that even the most prilnitive Multituberculates known had already passed tli rough previous fewer-cusped or even tritubercular stages (see p. 80). A third and perhaps preferable alternative is that the simple " multituberculate " lower molar of the Triassic Micro- lestes was derived from the triconodont type by the transverse broadening of the base of the tooth and the upgrowth of the internal basal border. Other possible modes of derivation are discussed in pages 103-105. The general answer to this line of reasoning is that which applies equally to many other generalizations which are founded chiefly upon anatomical and zoological comparison, namely : that there is a danger of inverting a series, of placing the most specialized teeth at the bottom of a theoretical scale of evolution, while the most primitive are placed at the top. This criticism certainly can be demonstrated as correct so far as the argument applies to Arctocyon (see p. 133) and blunts (see p. 142), as we feel reasonably certain that the presumed ancestors or oldest representatives of each of these types have elevated and distinct cusps, and in each case the low-crowned, tuberculate condition is secondary. Among the Rodents we have, it is true, not yet traced the phyletic succession as fully as in other series, but we have strong grounds for considering trituberculate upper molars such as those of Plcsiarctomys as the most primitive (see pp. 145-151). The chief difficulties in the ' polybuny theory ' may be summarized as follows : ( 1 ) The examples cited as primitive are tubercular low- cusped crushing teeth ; all zoological and palaeontological evidence goes to show that such crowns are secondary as compared with more pointedly cusped, piercing-cutting-crushing teeth such as those seen in Polyproto- dont Marsupials (p. 109), Insectivores (p. 117), Creodonts (p. 132). (2) Palaeontology offers strong negative evidence against it, for Microles1<-* very probably1 leads up through Plagiaulax and Ctenacodon into the 1 Osborn, H. F., "Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammals," Jew. Acad. Nat. So'., Fhila., 1888, pp. 214-216. 208 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH later Multituberculates which are the only known group of polybunous mammals in the Mesozoic period, and all of these have sharply defined and modeled cusps, elongate crowns, parallel grinding series, enlarged chisel like incisors, correlated with chiefly horizontal jaw motions and gnawing habits — conditions far too specialized to have given rise to any of the later fewer-cusped or tritubercular types. (3) Embryological evidence is against the polybuny theory, there being no trace of previous polybuny, but on the contrary quite generally in the true molars a triangular disposition of the cusps first developed. (4) According to the polybuny theory one cusp is as old as another, but if either the ' tritubercular ' or the ' embryological ' or the ' premolar-analogy ' theories be correct one of the cusps is older than the others. II. That the Cope-Osborn Theory of the Origin of the Superior Molars is Incorrect. This concerns the superior molars only. Strong evidence is brought forward from embryogeny, from the analogy of premolars, from palaeontology, that in the superior molars the protoconc (of Osborn) is not homologous with the primitive or original reptilian cusp of the crown. In previous pages of this volume we have stated and discussed the evidence against the Cope-Osborn theory of the origin of the upper molars. Let us now review this evidence. 1. CUSP HOMOLOGIES FOUNDED ON EMBRYOGENY. The most thorough presentation of the development of tooth cusps in its bearings upon the homologies of the upper cusps is that by M. F. Woodward,1 published in 1896. In course of this important article he refers to the deficiency of the palaeontological evidence among trituberculates, so far as the upper teeth are concerned, to establish the homology of the upper and lower protocones beyond question, concluding : " We consequently have no palseontological evidence to support the assumption that a tritubercular stage is passed through by the mammalian upper molar in its evolution from a protodont or possibly a triconodont tooth. ... If the triconodont tooth be a stage in the evolution of the mammalian molar, then I should believe that the anterior cone disappeared, the main cone becoming enlarged as the paracone and the posterior as the metacone. ... At this stage the upper teeth overhang and bite out- 1 "Contributions to the Study of Mammalian Dentition, Pt. II., On the Teeth of certain Insectivora," Proc. Zool. Soc. Land., 1896, pp. 557-594. OBJECTIONS AND DIFFICULT! KS AM) OTIIKI! THKnlilKS 209 side the lower molars, and the future antero-internal cone (protocone) was developed as an internal shelf acting as a mortar for the cusps of the lower teeth and at a much later period developed a cusp. The hypocone arose in a similar way with the elongation of the teeth. . . . In the Centetidce and Peralestes, the upper molars could not have over- hung the lower ones to the same extent, consequently no internal lobe bearing the protocone was developed and the external cingulum was very largely developed." Thus Woodward's position agrees in the main with the views recently put forward by Gidley mi pal;eontological grounds (p. 219). The author therefore accepts the tri tubercular theory from the Eocene period onwards, but endeavours to establish another theory as to the ».p/r-s.«a -'-'•;:•&'* Fio. 203. Transverse section of the germ of the first upper molar of a young Mole "showing the primitive dentine germ giving rise to the paracone (5)," the protocone appearing as an internal extension or talon from the base of the paracone, which is hence supposed by Woodward to be the most ancient portion of the crown. The dental lamina dl on the lingual side of the developing true molar may represent the vestiges of a post-penn-ment //i1. ,< ° •>-. After M. F. Woodward. origin of the superior tritubercular type; he excludes the triconodont and protodont stages, unless we suppose that the anterior cusp disappeared. As regards embryological testimony, he first refers to the papers of Rose on the human teeth. Tucker on the teeth of Ungulates, and Leche on the teeth of Marsupials, as concurring in the demonstration that ///> paracone (of Osborn) ?.s tin: jir»f <-nsp to i ,' nmlur fn-fii. He continues ((yy /•/'/.. p. .~>S,~>) from his own researches upon the relatively primitive Insectivora, " If the protocone represents the summit of the original protodont tooth of the ancestor of the Mammalia it must lie the direct continuation of the primitive dentinal germ, and as such should be found to develop in a line with the axis of that structure. That this is not the case is well seen in Fig. 32, PI. XXVI. [Fig. 203], where the paracone is found to be identical with the primitive dentinal germ, and o 210 EVOLUTION OP" MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH the protocol) e appears as a mere internal ledge growing out from the base of this structure, the metacone and subsequently the hypocone being similarly derived from a backward extension of the base of the primitive dentinal germ." Incidentally he adds, " I have failed to find any support for the concrescence theory, neither do I consider that any of the evidence put forward by Rose and Kukenthal is at all conclusive in its favor/' Order <>/' Embryonic Cusp- Development, according to WoodvarJ. GROUP I. GROUP II. (4 genera: Eriiiaceiis, Gymnura, Sorex, Talpd). (-2 genera: Centetes, Ericulus). With quadri- or quinque- With tritubercular upper tubercular upper molars. molars. 1. Paracone. 1. 'Protocone' ( = pa + me. Seep.24">). •2. Metacone. 2. 'Paracone' \ , , ., , ,T , , f< together. 3. Protocone. 3. ' Metacone J 4. Hypocone. (5. Metaconule.) 1. Protoconid. 1. Protocoled. 2. Metaconid. 2 or 3. Paraconid \ , . ,, rr< . . , ». , • -i i ( together. o TJ i f Entoconid. 3 or 2. MetacomdJ 3. Heel TT - , IHypocomd. 4. Paraconid. 4. Hypoconid. As regards the adult structure of the teeth and the embryonic order of development of the molar cusps, Woodward divides the Insectivora into two groups, as above. GROUP I. Quadritubercular Molars. The first of the quadritubercular types investigated is the Malayan Gymnnra, the adult molar teeth of which, according to Woodward, "resemble those of the hedgehog (Ennaccus) in pattern;1 like that genus, they exhibit five cusps which are strongly developed, and in the upper jaw there is a well-marked cingulum, with a small anterior and posterior cusp present in addition : in the lower jaw the paraconid is less developed than in Erin ace us." In the developing foetus (p. 567) the second superior molar "was less developed, and here the para- and metacones were the most strongly developed, while the protocone was present in the form of a large antero-internal shelf [italics ours], but hardly as yet developed into a distinct cusp, though the hypocone and metaconule had done so." In the Shrews of the genus Sorcx (op. cit., p. 570) the author also finds in a young stage that the plan of the dental germ is " roughly triangular, the main and only cone being situated at the anterior extremity and slightly nearer the external border." From the position of this cone, and from a comparison of the 1 [With the important exception at least in some specimens (Fig. 65, p. 118) that the hypocone is less developed, and the whole tooth strongly suggests that of the tritubercular to quadritubercular Eocene genus Leptictis (Figs. 60, 67). — ED.] OBJECTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES AND OTHER THF.niMKs I'll cusp ontogeny as seen in the molar of the Talp», with which it is identical in pattern, I think one may conclude thai ////'s N/////A r//.s// /* tin paracone [italics ours], the posterior extension representing the metacone, while the internal shelf indicates the position of the future proto- and hypocone." In the moles (genus Ta/jiti, p. 579) the adult upper molars are " mainly tritubercular, but a very small hypocone is present ; the protocone is small, whereas the paracone and metacone, especially the latter, are very large, and show a tendency to become crescentic or V-shaped, . . ." Even in the earliest foetal stages examined two slight prominences were already visible, corresponding to the para- and meta- cones ; these cusps were alone conspicuous in the younger stages, the antero-external or paracone being the largest, though in the adult Mole this is a smaller cusp than the metacone. This, the author thinks, shows that the paracone is the first to develop; " tin- i/ifu-nnl protocone appears late, as a low and inward extension of the base of the paracone [Fig. 203], and cannot possibly Ic regarded as the original axis of the tooth" The embryogenic succession of the upper and lower cusps is as follows : UPPER MOLARS. LOWER MOLARS. 1. Paracone. 1. Protocol) id. •2. Metacon^. 2. Metaconid. 3. Protocone. 3. Hypoconid. 4. Parastyle. 4. Entoconid. 5. Hypocone. 5. Paraconid. In all these three genera the order of cusp development in the loir<'r molars corresponds substantially with that given by the palreontological theory. Thus Woodward confirms Bose and Taeker's. results, and says (p. 584) that "the order of cusp ontogeny is in entire accord with the supposed order of cusp phylogeny as advanced by the supporters of the Cope-Osborn tritubercular theory." GROUP II. Tritubercular Molars. The most important form examined by Woodward is the Tenrec of Madagascar, the genus Cciitete*. In the adult the molars have usually been regarded as of columnar and typical trituberculate type, consisting of an elevated internal cusp (protocone) and more depressed external cusps (para- and meta-cone) ; as we shall see, Woodward interprets the homologies of these cusps in an entirely different manner. He observes (p. 573), in foetal development, that the first superior molar is composed of a prominent main cone slightly inclined inwards, this is undoubtedly the cusp determined as protocone of the adult tooth, according to the Cope-Osborn theory, while growing outwards low down from this main dental germ are two smaller ones, a slightly more pronounced anterior cone and a less developed postero-external 212 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH cone, corresponding respective!}7 to the para- and meta-cone as homologized by Cope and Osborn. The embryogenic sequence is as follows : 1. Protocone. 1. Protoconid. 2. Paracone. 2. Metaconid. 3. Metacone. 3. Paraconid. 4. Hypoconid. Similarly in the young jaws of Ericuhis (op. tit., p. 574) Woodward finds that in the foetal first superior molar the protocone (as homologized by Cope and Osborn) " forms the main mass of the tooth, while the para- and meta-cones (as homologized by Cope and Osborn) form two rounded external shelves, not at present conical " ; in the second superior molar " the protocone and the small antero-external paracone are alone visible." Summary of Woodward's Conclusions. Woodward (1) entirely confirms the conclusions of previous authors that in the lower teeth the evidence of embryology and palaeontology is identical. (2) In (I.) the quadrituberculate Insectivora he strongly reinforces the previous testimony of Rose, Kukenthal, Leche and Taeker, namely, that the paracone develops first and the protocone is a secondary shelf. (3) In (II.) the trituberculate Insectivora, on the contrary, he brings forward facts which seem to support the paheontological theory and honiologies ; it is in these animals, according to the Cope-Osborn theory, that the protocone is still the highest and chief cusp of the crown and thus should appear first in ontogeny, while in the quadri- tubercular types the protocone being more depressed and the para- and meta-cone being more elevated, the earlier appearance of the latter might be interpreted as due to adaptive acceleration or coenogenesis. In his discussion of these facts, however, Woodward does not admit this interpretation of adaptive acceleration or cienogenesis, but maintains that the Cope-Osborn honiologies are incorrect, and that the main internal cusp in the trituberculate group is homologous with the antero- external cusp in the quadrituberculate group, as shown in the accom- panying diagram (Fig. 204). More in detail, he observes: "With regard to the tritubercular upper molars of the C<'nt). 2. We do not posi- tively know the structure of the upper molars in Spalacotherium ; but the presumption that they were somewhat similar to the lower molars is strongly supported by the fact that in the closely related genus Tri- conodon the upper molars are exactly similar.* 3. The supposed upper molars of Spalacotherium, named Peralcstcs by Owen, although of some- what irregular form, present a pattern reversing that in the lower molars of Spalacotherium, namely, with a large internal cusp, with a closely connected antero-external crest surmounted by a cuspule, and with a freer and more detached postero-external cone. Figure 12 in Chapter I., not heretofore published, was directly taken from camera- lucida outlines of the upper molars of Peralcstcs shaded with pencil. It shows that the earlier figures of Osborn and Woodward were only partially correct, and it tends to demonstrate, apparently beyond a doubt, the existence of a large, prominent internal protocone, and of an antero- external paracone shelf as originally homologized by Osborn, a postero- external conical metacone, and an external cingulum embracing the outer side of the crown at the base corresponding with the internal cingulum of the lower molars of Spalacotherium.^ 4. The comparison of a series of zalambdodont (tritubercular) and dilambdodont (quadri- * [The presumed relationship between Triconodon and Spalacotherium is denied by some authors. — ED.] t [The supposed "protocone" of Peralestes might possibly be homologous with the pai'acone of later mammals. — ED.] OI'.JKCTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES AND OTHER THEOKIKS -J 1 "> to sexti-tubercular) Insectivora favors the view that the high internal cusp (protocone) in the former is homologous with the low antero- internal cus}) of the latter (Figs. 04-80).* 5. Since all the orders in which the paracone appears first (Dilambdodont Ensectivores, Carnivores, Primates, Perissodactyls and other Ungulates) are derived from Eocene forms in which the inner side of the crown is depressed, there has been l»li'nf;i of time for embryogeuy to have become adapted to this condition and for the main axis of the developing tooth germ to have become shifted to the outer side (p. 54). G. The high protocone of trituberculate Insectivores and the depressed ledge-like protocone of quadrituberculate Insectivores alike fit into the talonid of the lower molars, and thus both function like the protocone of mammals in general (Gregory).t The Cope-Osborn theory, however, has to meet three further sets of objections : First, those derived from the comparison of the premolars and molars clearly set forth by Wortman (see pp. 195, 142, 210). Second, those derived from a restudy of the teeth of Jurassic mammals themselves, developed by J. W. Gidley (p. 219). Third, further comparison of the teeth of Insectivores, Chiroptera, and other orders, developed by Gidley (see p. 124). 2. THE PREMULAI; ANALOGY THEOIIV. The theory that the superior molars originally acquired trituberculy in a manner similar to that which can be traced in tin: premolar meta- morphosis has been designated in the introduction as the ' premolar analogy theory ' (pp. 6, 7). Premolar evolution, as the key to molar evolution, was suggested in 1880 by Huxley, in the following passage:1 "The exact correspond- ence in plan of these teeth [of Otocyon~] is the more interesting, since, in Gentries, it is easy to trace the successive changes by which the simple and primitive character of the Mammalian cheek-tooth exhibited by the most anterior pnumolar passes into the complex structure of the crowns of the posterior teeth" (Huxley, Collected Papers, Vol. IV., p. 450). It was also advocated by Schlosser,2 but upon different grounds, namely : that in primitive jaws the upper overhangs the lower, and the upper teeth fit not simply between but also slightly outside of the lower •ones; accordingly it is more probable that the true protocone must be 1 " Review of the Cranial and Dental Characters of the Canidie,'' Coll tc ted Memoirs, Vol. IV., p. 450. 2 " Die Entwickelung der verschiedenen Saugethierzahnformen im Laut'e der geologisclien Perioden," Sonder-Alxli: au* den Verh. d. odontoloy. Get* //*<•/!., lid. 3, Heft 2 u. 3, 1S91. p. (.i *[But see pp. 126, 2-2-3 Addendum. — ED.] t [Erroneous. See p. 225. — ED,] 216 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH sought in one of the outer cusps, as it is in the premolars, which, indeed, begin their complication on the inner side. In so far as this observa- tion applies to the Creodonta, Condylarthra, Ungulata, there is indeed much force in it. Scott has also expressed the belief that premolar and molar cusps are in the main serially homologous ; in other words, that the molars origin- ally evolved as the premolars did subsequently. More recently Wortman l supports the premolar analogy theory on pakeontological grounds, and advises the total abandonment of the theory of trituberculy, asserting emphatically that the cusps in the molars were added in exactly the same manner and in precisely the same order as in the premolars (Fig. 205). FIG. 205. Upper figure, Upper cheek teeth of Dissacus saurognathus from the Torrejon Forma- tion, Stage II, Basal Eocene. Loicer figure, Upper cheek teeth of Mesonyx obtusidens from the Bridger Formation, Middle Eocene. Dr. Wortman regards the Dissacus teeth as representing the ancestral pattern of the Me&onyx teeth and believes the internal cusp or "protocone" of the molars to be a secondary upgrowth of the basal cingtilum like the corresponding cusps of the premolars.'2 After Wortman. The two great facts which apparently support this theory are : first, that we can actually follow the premolars passing by cusp addition from the haplodont into the sexitubercular condition exactly like the molars ; second, that according to the Cope-Osborn theory the protocones or reptilian cones are on the outer side of the upper premolars and on the inner side of the upper molars, certainly an anatomical paradox which has never yet been explained away ; third, when it is further considered that embryogeny or ontogeny supports this inference, that in the embryos of the majority of mammals the antero-external cusp (Osborn's paracone) of the true upper molars is the first to develop, do we not secure a concurrence of testimony which seems irresistible ? '["Origin of the Tritubercnlar Molar,"] Amur. Jour. Sri., Vol. XIII.. Jan. 1902, pp. 94-95; Vol. XVI., Nov 1903, pp. 365-368. 2 [Dr. Matthew's recent investigations on the Meponychiclffi do not substantiate the supposed facts on which this argument is based. — EL>.] OBJECTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES AND OTHER THEORIKs •JIT Osborn (1904) presents New Palcvontological Difficulties in the Prcmolar Analogy Theory. The crucial test of the premolar analogy theory is the hoinology of the protocone of the superior molar. If the protocone is the antero-external cusp in the upper pre- molars and the antero-internal cusp in the upper molars, the premolar analogy theory falls to the ground, and the Cope-Osborn theory remains thoroughly substantiated. From Osborn's latest contribution (1904) to the tritubercular theory 1 we make the following abstract : In addition to the evidence afforded by the upper teeth of Tri- conodon, in which the main cone is central, and that seen in the upper External or -maxillary / i.of. A Painted cr internal view , Fio. 20ii. Superior molars of Dryolextes Marsh. Upper Jurassic, Wyoming. A. Series of the ; side external and crown views. B. Series of the right side, external, crown and internal i. o. f. infraorbital foramen. Other left views. Yale Museum, c, c, c, external and internal cingula. abbreviations as in Fig. 12. (Cf. Fig. '207 (2) and p. 220.) teeth of Peralestes (in the British Museum), in which the main cone is internal (Fig. 12), and the upper teeth of Kurtodon (British Museum), in which the main cone is internal (Fig. 13), the original theory was sup- ported by Professor Marsh's statement that in the upper molars of Dnjolcstcs (Yale Museum) the main cone was internal ; in each case the main cone is believed to be the protocone or reptilian cone. The two specimens here referred to in the Yale Museum exhibit perfectly the structure of both crowns and fangs, of seven superior molar teeth, bringing out the following important points (Fig. 206): (1) The molars are sharply distinguished from the premolars, which are bifanged teeth with simple, laterally compressed crowns. Osborn, H. F., " Palteontological Evidence for the Original Tritubercular Theory.'" Amer. Jour. &•/., Vol. XVII., Apr. 1904. pp. 321-3-23. EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH / Ga 2a 4a 5a 51) > la ' 6c Fi CURE 207 OBJECTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES AND OTHER THEORIES I'll) (2) The molar crowns are broadly transverse or triangular, and upon the internal side of each is a large, conical, pointed cusp, j>r, supported by a large stout fang, Fig. 206 A, m-6, m7 ; around the inner side of each of these cusps is a delicate cingulum, Fig. 206 A, c. (o) The I'.i-ti'i'iinl portion of the broadly triangular crown is supported on two smaller fangs, Fig. 206 A, m6, m7. (4) The external portion of the crown is depressed, and bears one large antero-external cusp ? pa and one smaller postero-external cusp ?me which is either partly worn away or less pronounced in development. (5) Outside of this external wall there is also a faint basal cingulum, c, c, c. (6) Connecting these low external cusps with the elevated internal cusp are two transverse ridges ; the anterior transverse ridge is higher and stronger than the posterior. This palseontological evidence appears to lend no support to the evidence of embryogeny that the paracone (_£>«) or antero-external cusp is the oldest cusp. On the contrary, it appears to prove that the pointed, conical, internally placed cusp supported upon a single stout fang is the main cusp or protocone, serially homologous with the main cusp of the simple preceding premolar teeth. Gidley s Rest it dy (1906) of Jurassic Mammals Supports Embryogeny and the Premolar Analogy Theory. It will be seen that embryogeny and premolar analogy concur in evidence that the reptilian cone is represented in the antero-external cusps of the superior molars. Mr. J. W. Gidley * now brings palaeontology to the support of this position. His conclusions are based on a fresh study of unworn superior molars of Jurassic mammals in the U.S. National Museum, which were not accessible to Osborn. These teeth are represented in Fig. 207, which may be compared with the worn teeth of Fig. 206. 1 Gidley, J. W., "Evidence bearing on Tooth-Cusp Development," Proc. Washington Acad. ScL, Vol. VIII., 1906, p. 106. FIGURE 207. FROM GIDLEV. Xos. 1 and 1«. Tricnnotlon? bimlcus Marsh (Atlantosaurus beds), left upper molars, m- and m3 ; crown and external views. Six times natural size (Xo. -ii'.'s, I'.S.N.M.). 2, ~2/i, and 26. Dryohstes sp. (Atlantosaurus beds), left upper molars ; crown, external, and posterior views. Seven times natural size (No. 2s4">, U.S.X.M.). 3. Druolc&t'S, first right upper molar, in' ; crown view. Eight times natural size (Xu. •>::'.', U.S.X.M.). 4 and 4a. Dicrocynodon sp. (Atlantosaurus beds), left upper molars ; crown and external views. Six times natural size (Xo. 2715, U.S.X.M.). 5, 5a, 56, and 5c. Paurodon sp. (Atlantosaurus beds), right lower molar, m._. ; rr,i\vn, external, internal, and posterior views. Kight times natural size (Xo. 273M, L'.S.X.M.). 0, (3«, 06, and Gc. ? Pediomi/s sp. (Laramie beds), left upper molar ; ero\vn, external, posterior, and anterior views. Bight times natural size (Xo. 5Uti2, U.S.X.M.). 7, 7a, and 76. Gen. et. sp. indt. (Laramie beds), left upper molar ; crown, external, and anterior views. Eight times natural size (Xo. 507G, U.S.X.M.). 220 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH lief erring to Osborn's figures of Dryolestes (Fig. 206), Gidley * says: ' But there are two important cusps not noted by Osborn, one an external cusp placed anterior to the main external cusp, the other a small but well-defined intermediate cusp appearing on the posterior transverse ridge. Thus there are five distinct cusps instead of three, as stated by Osborn, and these do not form a trigon in the sense that this term has been used, for the main external cusp is in the middle of the base of the triangle instead of forming one of its angles. o O " Considering the outer portion of the Dryolestes molar as homologous to the three cones and two fangs of Triconodon, the derivation of this type of tooth is much simplified, it being not so far removed from the primitive reptilian condition, and though diverging on different lines, is no more specialized, as a whole, than the Triconodon type of tooth, the differentiation being carried on more rapidly in the latter in the special development of the anterior and posterior lateral cones and their accessory cusps, while in Dryolestes the specialization has apparently been centralized in the development of the high, narrow, heel-like cusp and its supporting fang on the inner side of the molar. ' This view is strongly supported by the evidence obtained from still another characteristic Atlantosaurus-beds type of molar represented by Dicrocynodon. In this form, PL V,t fig. 4, the same primitive arrangement of three cusps and two fangs is preserved in the outer portion of the tooth, while on the internal side a large secondary cusp has been developed differing widely in character from that of Dryolcstes. This cusp is a laterally compressed cone supported by two rudimentary fangs and is joined to the outer portion of the tooth by a high, wedge-shaped ridge. The base of the inner cone is greatly expanded antero-posteriorly, curving gently outward toward the external portion of the tooth. Thus the crown, as a whole, is greatly constricted medially with the inner and outer portions superficially resembling each other. " From these observations two important conclusions may be drawn : First, that, leaving out of consideration the multituberculates, there are among the mammals of the Atlantosaurus beds at least three distinct forms of upper molars representing three primitive types of about equal specialization apparently leading off' in entirely independent lines. Probably only one of these, Dryolcstes, represents an ancestral type from which the Upper Cretaceous and later forms possessing trigonodont molars may have been derived. Second, that the evidence *" Evidence bearing on Tooth-Cusp Development," Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., Vol. VIII., 190(i, p. 96. t[Fig. 207.] OBJECTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES AND OTHER THEORIES UlM derived from the Atlantosaurus-beds mammals entirely supports the evidence of embryology and agrees in general with the ' pre-molar 000 a ooo 3 E 4 Fio. 208. [Gidley's] Suggested Plujletic History of Two Types or Complex: Molars. [As in Osborn's diagram [see Fig. 41, p. 61], the solid black dots represent the cusps of the upper molars, the circles, those of the lower molars.] 1 to 6, Phyletic history of the "Trituber- cular " type ; a to d, Phyletic history of the " Triconodont " type ; < , /, From the brachyodont Triconodont stage to the bilobed hypsodont type of molar. A, B, C, E, and G compare witli A, B, /', K, and G in Osborn's diagram [see Fig. 41, p. 01] ; 4, Dryolestes type, Atlantosaurus beds ('? Upper Jurassic) ; 5 and 0, Protolambda or Pediomvs type, Laramie beds (Upper Cretaceous); d, Tricododon type, Atlantosaurus beds (? Upper Jurassic); /, Palwolagus type, White River beds (Oligocene). From Gidley. analogy ' theory. Thus, the evidence from all sources points over- whelmingly to the conclusion that the primary cone is to be found on the outer side in the upper molars of primitive trituberculate forms EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH and in all forms derived from a tri tubercular type of tooth as well, except where the main inner cone (protocone) has been reduced secondarily. The opposite view held by the tri tubercular theory now apparently stands on very insufficient evidence, and the proposition that the protocone, of Osborn, represents the primary cusp is entirely without support. ' The lower molars of the Atlantosaurus beds mammals furnish abundant additional evidence along the line of conclusions regarding the shifting of three cusps from a straight line to form the primitive triangle. In such forms as Dri/olcstes and Paurodon \\Q have trituber- culate molars in the primitive or forming stage, and, what is most significant, the cusps resemble very closely, both in position and relative proportions, those of the premolars of later types in their early stages of transition to the molariform pattern. In the lower molars of Paurodon the crown consists of a high, pointed cusp (protoconid), centrally placed, a low posterior heel, a small antero-internal cusp (paraconid), and a very small median internal cusp (metaconid). The last two form the base of the trigonid. In Dryolestes both the trigonid and the pimitive heel are somewhat more advanced in development. In still other forms, such as Mcnacodon and Tinodon, the two internal cusps are relatively large and the trigonid is fully developed, while the heel, or talonid, is very small or entirely wanting. In all the paraconid and metaconid are entirely on the internal side of the crown, and in these and all the material examined there is not the slightest evidence O of any shifting of the cusps, but they seem to have arisen in the positions they now occupy.1 In Paurodon the heel is apparently as much or more developed than either of the internal cusps and seems to have made its appearance even in advance of the metaconid. Also the metaconid is still very rudimentary and is just budding off near the base of the protoconid, but little posterior to its apex and midway of the entire length of the crown, while the place of origin assigned to it by the tritubercular hypothesis is already occupied by the comparatively large heel. ' From these observations it seems apparent that the trigonid of the lower molars is not the reverse of the trigon of the upper molars, as held by advocates of the tritubercular theory, and the homologues of the elements of the upper and lower -molars, as proposed by this theory, are far from being apparent. (This also accords with the conclusions of Winge.) ' The lower molars of Triconodon differ from any of the forms just 1 This is in accord with the general conclusions on tooth cusp development reached by Herluf Winge as early as 1882. Vidensk Meddelelscr fra den naturhist. Forening i Kjobenhavn, 1882, p. 18. OBJECTIONS AND DIFFICULTIES AND OTHER THKniMKS described. They are composed of three nearly equal cone-like cusp- arranged like those in the upper molars of this genus in an antero- posterior line. There is no cusp corresponding with the metacuni'l in Dryolestes. There is a continuous basal cingulum on the inner face of the crown, and the posterior cusp is in no way homologous, except in position, to the heel in the lower molars of Piun-mlon and Dryolestes. ' The mammals from the upper Cretaceous Laramie beds show a great advance in development. The molars of the trituberculate forms of this horizon have passed into a second well-defined stage of special- ization which, though varying greatly in detail in the various types, conforms in general to a distinctive pattern which may readily have been derived from some Atlantosaurus-beds form, such as Dryolestes. An upper molar of Pcdiomi/s Marsh, a typical example of the Laramie tritubercular molar, compared with the corresponding tooth of Dryolestes, presents the following differences and indicates the principal lines of progression : "(1) The main internal cusp (protoconc) is much broadened antero-posteriorly ; (2) a second small V-shaped intermediate cusp ( protocomde) has been added; (3) the postero-external cusp (metacone) has greatly increased, nearly equaling, both in size and importance, the median external, or primary, cone (paracone), while the antero-external cusp (parastyle) has remained small and undeveloped. A correspond- ingly progressive development marks the trigonid and heel of the lower molars." Summary ami Conclusions [G " Summing up the evidence derived from this preliminary study, the following conclusions are suggested : ' 1. That the evidence obtained from the Mesozoic mammal teeth furnishes no support to the tritubercular theory in so far as it involves the position of the protocone and the derivation of the trigonodont tooth from the triconodont stage through the shifting of the lateral cones outward in the upper molars and inward in the lower molars. " '2. That it supports entirely the embryological evidence that the primary cone is the main antero-external cusp, or paraconc, having retained its position on the o/'/s/W/ in most upper molars (see exceptions above, p. 124). "3. That it agrees in the main with Huxley's ' premolar analogy theory, as supported by Scott. " 4. That the molars of the Multituberculates, Triconod'on, Dryolestes, and Dicrocynodon, were apparently derived independently from the simple reptilian cone : hence the supposition follows that the trituberculate type 224 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH represents but one of several ways in which the complex molars of different groups may have been derived.1 " 5. That in the forms derived from the trituberculate type of molar the order of succession of the cusps is not the same in all groups, and apparently homologous elements are sometimes developed from different sources. Hence it follows that no theory involving an absolute uniformity of succession in the development of complex molars will hold true for all groups of mammals. ' In the foregoing pages I have restricted the use of Osborn's tooth-cusp nomenclature for the reason that, in this particular discussion, there are some cases in which it is not strictly applicable and might lead to confusion. " On similar grounds Dr. Wortman2 has expressed the opinion that all attempts to establish a tooth-cusp nomenclature founded on supposed homologies are ' foredoomed to failure ' and should be entirely abandoned as 'useless and confusing.' I agree with the general sentiment expressed (op. cit., p. 366) that, owing to the adoption of different plans in different groups of mammals for increasing the complexity of their molars, no terminology founded on the basis of cusp homologies can be made strictly applicable to all the mammalia. I do not, however, consider this sufficient ground for abandoning absolutely so convenient a system of nomenclature as that proposed by Osborn. Granting that many of the terms proposed are founded on mistaken homologies, it does not necessarily follow that they need be in the least confusing, as suggested by Wortman. For in any system used, in order to make that system of greatest convenience and highest utility, the names once adopted should be permanent and not subject to transfer or substitution on any ground of changed conceptions of homologies or history, for the same reason that generic and specific names are retained regardless of the fact that they may have been given to denote some supposed affinity or characteristic which may later have proved entirely erroneous. " Viewed from the nomenclature standpoint, therefore, the convenient names proposed by Osborn have come to assume an individuality which conveys a far more definite meaning than any purely descriptive terms, be they of relative position or supposed homologies. Moreover, they have the valuable advantages of clearness and brevity in description. On these grounds, in the opinion of the present writer, and for the added reason that great confusion would inevitably result from any change in a terminology that has found its way into so many publications, Osborn's nomenclature should be retained as originally proposed. Thus the term Somewhat similar conclusions have been reached from different reasoning by E. S. Goodrich, M. Tims and others. *Amer. Journ. Science (4), Vol. 16, 1903, 265-368. OIUKC'I'IOXS AM) DIKKHTLTIKS AND OTHKII THKOlII KS 225 'protocone' always means the main anterointernal cusp <>f u normal upper iiiitliirifonn tooth, whether that element is regarded as the original primary cusp or otherwise. 'The objection that the terms are not universally applicable is scarcely worthy of consideration since they are widely applicable to the p-eat majority of mammalian molar types, without in the least interfering with the use of terms descriptive of 'relative position only,' which may be used in any cases where Osborn's terms do not apply.'' Ailili ad ii in, December, 1000 (7 //v//n /•//;. A careful study of the excellent series of Insectivore skulls in the National Museum, while fully confirming Gidley's interpretation of the homologies of the molar cusps (p. 124), yet does not sustain his broader conclusion that the paracone in normal tritubercular molars is older than the protocone. (1) The upper molar pattern of I'utainoyale (Figs. 69, 69 «), is fundamentally similar to that of Mt/ogale (Fig. 69 F). Its high central cusp is evidently composed of an enlarged anterior and much reduced posterior cusp, and these cusps have the same spatial and functional relations with the cusps of the lower teeth as the para- and metacones of Myogale, while the low internal cusp functions like the protocone. Sotf, /»<>,-// ). It must not lie understood by the reader that the author of this volume is doggedly maintaining a theory of the origin of the upper molars, in which he has had a part, simply from personal reasons. On the contrary he believes the question to be still .s/'fr jiulice and will be the first to acknowledge his error — if error it prove to be. The author moreover feels the full force of the very strong evidence arrayed against the Cope-Osborn view. The evolution of the upper molars is certainly not so simple as it at first appeared. It was never maintained by Osborn, as is proven in his full series of papers here reproduced,1 that the molar of Triconodon (Fig. 11 a), gave rise to that of Dryolestcs (Figs. 206, 207, Nos. 2, 3), or even that all mammals passed fully into a triconodont stage, such as that of Ainphilestes (Fig. 5). The starting point of the superior molars was supposed to be an extremely primitive triconodont type either with the cusps in line or with the pattern of molars of the Spalacotherium (Fig. 11) type inverted as shown in Peralestes (Fig. 12). pp. 8, 33. CHAPTER X. RECTIGRADATIONS AS A RESULT OF LATENT OR POTENTIAL HOMOLOGIES IN THE TEETH. BY reotigradations I refer to the origin of new cusps or cuspules which appear determinately, definitely, orthogenetically in both the upper and lower teeth — quite independently in different orders of mammals, and separated perhaps by vast intervals of time. There is some law of predisposition operating here. If it were not for this law the cusps of the teeth of mammals would present an infinite variety of origin, whereas they actually present a singular uniformity of origin except in the multituberculates and other possible exceptions noted in the preceding chapters. It is the modelling of the cusps after they appear which gives the infinite variety. We do not know what conditions this " law of predisposition " : we only see evidence of the influence of community of origin or hereditary kinship. In 1902 I supposed this law was what E. Hay Lankester meant by Homoplasy, as shown below, but it appears from his letter cited below (p. 239) that I was mistaken — Lankester's homoplasy is equivalent to analogous evolution, to parallelism, or convergence. 1. HOMOPLASY AS A LAW OF LATENT oit POTENTIAL HOMOLOGY. (Reprinted under the title given above from The American Naturalist, Vol. XXXVL, April, 1902, No. 424, pp. 259-271.) My study of teeth in a great many phyla of Mammalia in past times has con- vinced me that there are fundamental predispositions to vary in certain directions ; that the evolution of the teeth is marked out beforehand by hereditary influences which extend back hundreds of thousands of years. These predispositions are arovised under certain exciting causes and the progress of tooth development takes a certain form converting into actuality what has hitherto been potentiality. Science, N.S., Vol. VI., No. 146 (Oct. 15, 1897), pp. 583-587. Ill previous communications, as shown in the above quotation, I have spoken of the " potential of similar variation," as covering cases CUSP RECTIGRADATIONS 229 • i the independent evolution of identical structures in the teeth of different families of mammals, especially in relation to the homologous " antecrochet " and "crochet' folds in the teeth of horses, rhinoceroses, and we may now add, of titanotheres (Oshorn, '94, p. i^OS . In tin- present communication I propose to treat somewhat more fully of the same phenomenon, as a special form of hoinology which has heen clearly defined hy Lankester in 1874 as homoplasy, hut into which paleontology has brought the idea of " potential." TlFK P.IJOAD SlGXlFK'ANCK OF ANAF.QCY. We are familiar with the classic distinction of analogous organs as having a similarity of function: ancdoyy (Owen, '43, p. 374), "a part or organ in one animal which has the same function as another part or organ in a different animal"; Lankester ('70): "Any two organs having the same function are analogous, whether closely resembling each other in their structure and relation to other parts or not : and it is well to retain the word in that wide sense." Analogous organs may or may not be homologous. " Analogy ' is therefore an extremely broad and comprehensive term, and it appears that we must include under it all cases of the similar evolution of organs either of common or of different origin due to similarity of function. For exam} tie, the " analogous variation " of Darwin, the " homoplasy ' of Flf, .m Fourth upper premolar and first 1 flnlcpsjfpv ill rnvf- it lpa«t flia "nnn molar of primitive ungulates. A, Ev.protogo;>i Hln.a<.otheriUM. y0t believed to be geneti- vpro-piw " of fipvniflii wvitprQ rlip call-v related, J'et exhibiting independent i.r W1 homoplastic evolution of homologous cusps. " homomorphy ' of Furbringer, the " heterology," "parallels," and "parallelism" of Hyatt, of Cope ('68, also Origin of the Fittest, p. 96), of Scott, and of most American writers, are all illustrations of analogy and may Vie very misleading as to hoinology. As Scott observed in 1896, "Parallelism1 and convergence of JThe term "parallelism'' was employed by Cope in his essay of 1868 on the "Origin of Genera" (reprinted in the Origin of the Fittest) in two quite different senses: first, in relation to recapitulation in ontogeny, — "Those which accomplish less [stages] are parallel with the young of those which accomplish more [stages] " ; second, quite in the modern sense (op. cit., pp. 96-104) of independently acquired resemblances in different O o 230 EVOLUTION or MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH development are much more general and important modes of evolution than is commonly supposed. By parallelism is meant the independent acquisition of similar structure in forms [i.e., animals] which are them selves nearly related, and by convergence such acquisition in forms [i.e., animals] which are not closely related, and thus in one or more respects come to be more nearly alike than were their ancestors." The term " homoplasy " (Lankester) has been long used by the writer and others in a somewhat similar sense, but it is not equivalent either to " parallelism " or " convergence." As will be seen below, the fundamental idea is different, because homoplasy always involves homology, while parallelism and convergence may or may not involve homology. ANALOGY IN EVOLUTION. Analogous Variation (Darwin). Similar congenital variation in more or less distantly related animals and plants. Parallelism. Independent similar development of related animals, plants, and organs. Convergence. Independent similar development of unrelated animals, bringing them apparently closer together. Homoplasy (Lankester) (1 Homomorphy, Fiirbringer). Independent similar development of homologous organs or regions giving rise to similar new parts. In brief, analogy embraces similar changes due to similar adaptation in function both in homologous and in non-homologous organs, both in related and in unrelated animals. THE LIMITED SIGNIFICANCE OF HOMOLOGY. Owen ('43, p. 379), Lankester ('70), and Fiirbringer have especially defined and elaborated the very ancient conception of homology, as employed by Oken, Geoffroy St. Hilaire, and Vicq d'Azyr : homology (Owen, '43), "the same organ in different animals under every variety of form and function"; homogeny (Lankester, '70): "Structures which are genetically related, in so far as they have a single representative in a common ancestor, may be called homogenous." E. B. Wilson ('95, pp. 101-124) has shown that the comparative anatomical test of homology is more reliable than the embryological. Gegenbaur ('98, pp. 23-25) has given a full presentation of the distinctions as the basis of comparative anatomy; in his recent great work ('98, p. 23) groups. As employed by Scott in his essay "On the Mode of Evolution in the Mam- malia" ('91, pp. 363-867), "parallelism" is used in a very broad sense as affecting the skeleton and teeth, on the principle "that identical modifications of structure, con- stituting evolution of types, have supervened on distinct lines of descent." as embracing not only single characters but whole series of them. crsi- I;KATIOXS 231 he presents the matter in terms which may lie briefly analyzed with the usages of other authors, as follows: I. HOMOLOGY, GENERAL : as of vertebrae and limits. 1. IJOMOTYPY : as of opposite limbs, eyes, kidneys, etc. 2. HOMODYNAMV : (in part the "general," in part the "serial," homology of Owen ; the " meristic " homology of Bateson). Corresponding limbs, parts, segments (e.g., the humerns and femur) on the same side of the body. ?,. HMMOXOMY : parts which are in the same transverse axis of the body, or on only one section of the longitudinal axis ; e.g., the rays of the fins of fishes, the single fingers and toes of the higher vertebrates are homouomous organs. II. HOMOLOGY, SPECIAL: (the "homogeny" of Lankester). 1. COMPLETE HOMOLOGY of elements which have retained their relations un- changed, as of single bones from the Amphibia to the Mammalia. •2. INCOMPLETE HOMOLOGY, as of organs which have either gained new parts or lost certain of their parts. «. (li'fective, as in comparison of fins of teleosts and of selachians. b. augmentative, as in the heart of cyclostomes and of the higher vertebrates. c. imitative, as where difFereut vertebrae connect with the ilium and become sacral. III. HOMOMORPHY (Fu'rbringer) : from these homologies certain structures are to be distinguished as homomorphic which are more or less similar to each other but stand in no phylogenetic connection.1 Homomorphy comes nearest, as we understand it, to the " homoplasy " of Lankester, but the latter term has the priority of definition. metacone- DlSTINCTION BETWEEN HOMOGENOUS AND HOMOPLASTIC ORGANS. Iii the strictest sense, special or genetic homology, the " homogeny of Lankester, is the only absolute homology. For example, in all four-limbed vertebrates, or Tetra- poda (Credner), the first and second phalanges of the tibial digit or hallux are homogenous; the earliest tetrapods had such phalanges, so far as we can judge from both paleontology and em- metaconule. bryology, and all others are deri- vatives. But suppose we should dis- cover that these tWO phalanges Km. ill. Ideal embryonic ground plan of rhinoceros ' molar, showing relation of primitive t-usps to the folds had originated independently in and crests, several different classes of verte- brates, and were not derivatives; should they then be considered analogous or homologous? "Again," says Lankester ('70), "it may perhaps be 1 Literally translated from Gegenbaur. hypocone- -protoconule protocone 232 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH admitted that the common ancestors of the Osseous Fishes and Mammalia had a skull of decidedly undifferentiated character, with a much less amount of differentiation than is observed in the skulls of either of these groups. It is only in so far as they have parts represented in the common ancestor that we can trace homog<:ny in these groups ; and yet the homology of a vast number of bones in the skull of the two is discussed and pointed out." Suppose, accordingly, that in the formation of dermal rooting paracone metacone crochet -postfossette prefossette -| antecrochet protocone- FIG. 212. Molar tooth of an Upper Miocene rhinoceros ( T< /' ocerns), showing origin of secondary folds. bones in different orders of tishes a pair of bones corre- sponding in position to the parietals should arise inde- pendently, or that in the evolution of the teeth cusps should arise independently having the same form and posi- tion,— what criterion should be applied ? All such struc- tures are habitually regarded as homologous, yet it is apparent that they are not derivatives of each other and therefore not homogenous or homologous in the strictest sense. Such cases of independent evolution of apparently homologous organs I recently proposed J to signify as potential, or latent homology, borrowing the term " latent " from Galtoii as indicative of a germinal rather than of a patent or adult character, and the physical term " potential " as expressing the innate power or capacity to develop a certain organ. But my colleague, Prof. Edmund B. Wilson, pointed out to me that such cases were almost exactly covered by the original definition of the word " homoplasy " by Lankester ("70, p. 42), as shown in the subjoined quotations from his essay : When identical or nearly similar forces, or environments, act on two or more parts of an organism which are exactly or nearly alike, the resulting modifications" of the various parts will be exactly or nearly alike. Further, if, instead of similar parts in the same organism, we suppose the same forces to act on parts in two organisms, which parts are exactly or nearly alike and sometimes homo- genetic, the resulting correspondences called forth in the several parts in the two organisms will be nearly or exactly alike. I propose to call this kind of agreement homoplastic or homoplasy.3 . . . What is put forward here is this : that under the term "homology," belonging to another philosophy, evolutionists have 1 In a communication before the National Academy of Science, Nov. 13, 1901. 2 Italics are mine. :i At this time Lankester accepted Herbert Spencer's Lamarckian views. Subsequently he abandoned the mechanical inheritance theory for the pure natural selection theory. rrsp KK(TH:i:.\i)ATK»xs described and do describe two kinds of agreement, — the one, now proposed to be called "homogeny," depending simply on the inheritance of a common part; the other, proposed to be called " homoplasy," depending on a common action of evoking causes or moulding environment on such homogenous parts, or on parts which for other reasons offer a likeness of material to begin with. Homologv thus includes - [ Homogeny. It follows that subsequent writers, including myself, have misused the term "homoplasy," confusing it with " parallelism " and "con- vergence," which, as we have seen, may affect absolutely non-homologous structures. Homoplasy should be confined to structures in which there is an element of homology. Independently of Lankester (that is, not familiar with his paper) I had therefore reached a similar conclusion thiough years of observation in paleontology. I would now like to expand an idea which he also lightly suggested in 1870 in the words, "or on parts which for other reasons show a likeness of material to begin with!' THE LAW OF HOMOPLASY AS ix PART IDENTICAL WITH DEFINITE OK DETERMINATE VARIATION. As observed in the evolution of the teeth especially, homoplasy appears to be of very great importance, not on the technical grounds of uniformity in nomenclature, but because it seems to coincide with the principle of definite or determinate evolution, a principle which me. or. me. pa. pr. Fin. -J13. Superior molars of primates, Anaptomorphus to Homo, showing independent or homoplastic origin of the hypocone, hv, from the cinguliiin. may be of wider application.1 From the time of the " < higin of Species" it has been admitted that evolution, so far as it depends upon variation, is not in every possible direction, but is limited to certain changes, the expression of certain hereditary or constitutional causes which we do not in the least understand. The evolution of the teeth of mammals enabled me in 1889 to give many concrete 1 See especially the correspondence of Darwin and Asa Gray ; also Osborn, The Palfeontological Evidence for the Transmission of Acquired Characters, Xafiire, Jan. 9, 1890; the Orthogenesis and Orthoplasy of Kimer, Lloyd Morgan and Baldwin; Baldwin's Dictionary of Philosophy and Pxyclioloyy, Vol. I., p. '243. 234 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH illustrations of this principle and to show that variation is hardly the proper term to apply to rudiments which do not arise in a variable but in a h'xed manner. It appears that von Waagen suggested the term " mutation " for immeasurable variations somewhat similar to these. Scott in 1891 ('91, p. 388) pursued the idea further in the following striking passage: " These facts at least suggest the possibility that individual variations are not incipient species, but that the causes of transformation lie deeper, and act with more or less uniformity upon large numbers of individuals. It may, perhaps, be the outcome of future investigations, that while variations are generally due to the union of changing hereditary tendencies, mutations are the effect of dynamical agencies operating Fie. '214. Superior molars of primates. A, Adapis; B, //yo/woc/us ; C, Xot/iarctus. Showing homoplastic cusps, hi/, ml, ps, ins, mtx. long in a uniform way, and the results controlled by natural selection. While this may be true, a great many facts must be gathered in its support, before it can be regarded as more than a suggestion." Scott subsequently, in his article " Variations and Mutations," expanded this idea : " Bateson's results, as compared with those of paleontology, confirm this distinction in many significant ways and emphasize strongly the difference between variation and that steady advance along definite lines which Waagen called mutation." This paper in turn is said to have influenced de Yries's recent work, Die Mutationstheorie. It is a singular coincidence that the human teeth were selected by both Empedocles and Aristotle to test the "survival of the fittest' versus the purposive or teleological theory of evolution. I pointed out in the papers above referred to (Osborn, '89, pp. 561-566; '90) the significant fact that new cusps of the molar teeth do not appear at random, but at certain definite points; that they are at first so minute that they can barely be perceived, so that it is difficult to theoretically assign them a survival value in the struggle for existence ; that the mechanical or Lamarckian explanation is the only one which can be offered:1 I laid the chief stress, however, not upon the mechanical explanation, but upon definite or determinate origin, and this has been confirmed by the subsequent study of thousands of 1 Ryder and Cope confidently advanced the mechanical explanation ; it is not without grave difficulties, owing to the lack of an heredity theory. RKCTIGRADATIONS 235 teeth in different families of iii;mnn;ils. The still more significant fact that this definite and determinate evolution was proceeding independently in a great many different families of mammals did not at the time impress itself so strongly upon my mind. If molar teeth are found independently evolving in exactly similar ways in such remote parts of the world as Switxerland, Wyoming, and Patagonia, it is obvious that the process is not go\enied by chance hut represents the operation of some similar or uniform law deduced from the four following considerations : Firstly, the teeth differ from all the other tissues and organs of the body in being preformed, beneath the gum.1 Unlike all other organs they are not modilied, improved, or rendered more adaptive by use ; on the contrary, after the first stage of wear, the longer they are used the more useless and less adaptive they become. Fii.. -2 10. Superior molar of JI/e'/v/c/(//>/"'---. showing styles ps, ms, ruts, and conules pi, ml, homoplastic with those of the wholly unrelated primate molar, Fig. u, C. Thus, new structures in the teeth do not first appear as modifications (as distinguished from congenital variations) in course of life, as is so often if not invariably the case with new structures in the skeleton. New cusps, folds, crests, and styles are invariably con- genital. Thus, of all organs of the body the teeth most exclusively and purely represent the current of stirp, germinal, or constitutional evolution. Secondly, the teeth are, nevertheless, among the most progressive organs in the body. Whereas the adaptation of the skeleton, among the mammals at least, is by a constant loss or numerical reduction of parts, the adaptation of the teeth -is by a constant addition and modelling of parts (Osborn, '88, pp. 1067-1079). Thin////, according to the present paleontological evidence many of the different families and orders of mammals diverged from each other at a time when they possessed three cusps on the upper molar teeth and from three to five cusps on the lower molar teeth. This being the case, only the cusps comparable in different orders of 1 The importance of this fact was first pointed out to me l>y Prof. 10. B. Poulton of Oxford. 236 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TKK'I'H mammals with these original three upper and five lower cusps are derivatives or homogenous. Fourthly, it follows that the new cusps of the teeth furnish an example of homoplasy independent of the individual modification. Thus, we may say that in the teeth at least homoplasy involves a law of latent or potential homoloyy, without professing to understand what is its significance. We should, a priori, expect that if additional cusps were added independently in different families and orders of mammals in different parts of the world, under highly different conditions, the teeth of the higher Mammalia would present very great diversity. As a matter of fact, the new cusps in different families are absolutely uniform up to a certain limit.1 In the twenty-three orders of placentals and in the seven marsupial families, many of which are adaptively equivalent to orders, the independently developed fourth to eleventh cusps of the upper molars, if so many are developed, are uniform and may be termed homologous ; the eight cusps and folds succeeding the original homogenous three arising, if at all, at similar points and presenting a latent homology or homoplasy. The record in the upper molar teeth stands thus : HOMOLOGY. HOMOGENY HOMOPLASY Primitive three cusps common to all Cusps or folds which are or may be mammals. independently developed in different orders. Protocone Hypocone Paracone Metaconule Metacone Protocol! ule Parastyle Mesostyle Metastyle Protostyle Hypostyle This expresses the comparison of mammals as a whole. Within many of the orders, such as the Perissodactyla, which arise from six cusped ancestors, the homology is different. HOMOLOGY. HOMOGENY HOMOPLASY Protocone Parastyle Paracone Mesostyle Metacone Crista Hypocone Crochet Protoconule Antecrochet, etc. Metaconule 1 The excess of this limit is in multitubercnlism, or polybunodouty, where cuspules are indefinitely multiplied. CUSP KKATin\S 237 The elements to which these terms are applied are lu-st exemplified in the molar teeth of some of the primitive horses ! Fig. LMTtj. The teeth are by no means the only structure* which evolve under this principle, the skull, vertebral column, and limbs also evolving under it more or less completely: but the teeth ;iltord a singularly beautiful illustration of it because they exclude individual modification. The chief object of this communication is to enforce the recognition of homoplasy as something which must be accounted for. These homoplastic cusps do not arise from selection out of fortuitous varia- tions, because they develop directly and are not picked from a number of alternates. Xeither does it appear that the mechanical- inheritance theory, if granted, would produce such a remarkable uniformity of result. We are forced to the conclusion that in the original trituber- cular constitution of the teeth there is some principle which unifies the subsequent variation and evolution up to a certain point. Herein lies the appropriateness of Lankester's phrase, "a likeness of material to begin with." Philosophically, predeterminate variation and evolution brings us upon dangerous ground. If all that is evolved in the Tertiary molar tooth is included in a latent or potential form, in the Cretaceous molar tooth we are Hearing the emboitement hypothesis of Bonnet or the archetype of Oken and Owen. Embryologists have recently gotten into the same dilemma, and my colleague, Wilson, has proposed to drop the idea " homology ' altogether and substitute the idea "equivalent." In the present case, however, I think we have to deal with homology, or, more strictly, with a principle intenin(!in/< I, firm/ limnology and analogy. In a paper recently read before the American Morphological Society (December, 1901), this author has urged the necessity of adhering as closely as possible to the historical standard in the embryological study of homology, and of avoiding the use of the term " homology ' when this standard is not available. He therefore suggests for descriptive purposes the use of the non-committal terms "equivalent" and " homoblastic," the former being applied to embryonic structures of like fate (i.e., giving rise to homologous parts), the latter to those of like embryonic origin. The only decisive test of the homology is historic community of derivation (i.e., homogeny). 238 INVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH BIBLIOGRAPHY. '68 COPE, E. D., u On the Origin of Genera," Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., October, 1868. '87 COPE, E. D., The Origin of the Fittest, 8vo, New Yurk. '98 GEGENBAUR, CARL, Vergleichende Anatomie Jer Wirlelthiere, 8vo, Leipzig, 1898. '70 LANKESTER, E. R., " On the Use of the Term ' Homology ' in Modern Zoology and tlie Distinction between Homogenetic and Homoplastic Agreements," Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., Ser. 4, Vol. IV., pp. 34-43. '89 NEUMAYR, M., Die Stiimme des Thierreiches, 4to, pp. 60-61, Vienna, 1889. '88 OSBORN, HENRY F., '' The Evolution of Mammalian Molars to and from the Tritubercular Type," Amer. Nat., Vol. XXII. (December, 1888), pp. 1067-1079. '89 OSBORN, HENRY F., "The Pahvontological Evidence for the Transmission of Acquired Characters," Amer. Nat., Vol. XXIII. (1889), pp. 561-566. '90 OSBORN, HENRY F., " Evolution and Heredity," Biological Lectures, 1890, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. ;94 OSBORN, HENRY F., " The Rise of the Mammalia in North America," Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Vol. XLII. (1893), pp. 187-227. '43 OWEN, RICHARD, Lectures on the Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of the Invertebrate Animals, delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons in 1843, 8vo, London, 1843. '91 SCOTT, W. B., "On Some of the Factors in the Evolution of the Mammalia. On the Osteology of Mesohippus and Leptomeryx, with Observations on the Modes and Factors of Evolution in the Mammalia," Journ. of Morph., Vol. V., No. 3 (1891), pp. 379-402. '94 SCOTT, W. B., "On Variations and Mutations," Amer. Journ. Sci., Vol. XLVIIL (November, 1894), pp. 355-374. '96 SCOTT, W. B., " Palaeontology as a Morphological Discipline," Biological Lectures, 1895, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, pp. 43-61, Boston, 1896. '01 DE VRIES, HUGO, Die Mutationstheorie. Yersuche und Beobachtungen iiber die Entstehung von Arten im Pflanzenreich, 8vo, Leipzig, 1902. '95 WILSON, E. B., " The Embryological Criterion of Homology," Biological Lectures, 1895, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, pp. 101-124, Boston, 1895. '2. LANKESTER'S REPLY TO THE PRECEDING ARTICLE. Dr. E. Kay Lankester demurred from Osborn's interpretation of his definition of " homoplasy " as shown in abstract in the following letter : " . . . . Homoplasy does not demand an element of homology. I expressly say ' homogenous parts or parts which for other reasons offer a likeness of material to begin with.' That alternative entirely destroys your contention. I recognized (as hitherto combined under one term ' homology ') only homogeny — or hereditary quality — and homoplasy or moulded non-heredity quality. The ' likeness ' due ' to other reasons ' than homogeny — above spoken of — cannot be homo- geny. The ' likeness ' which clearly enough is included and pointed to in the whole paragraph — as favouring the action of homoplasy — is either a likeness of true homogeny (that is of form and relation inherited), or a likeness of similarity in material, in position, or in initial form — not due to close homogeny — but possibly a likeness of CUSP RECTN; i!. \DATIO\S 239 such a general character as the 'likeness of material' (noi of elaborated form and parts) in two epidermal surfaces. Thus the beak nt' tin1 liinl and of the turtle might be developed homoplastically from a common ancestor's snout which had no beak — but in both the bird- line and the turtle-line horn-producing epidermis is tin- ehief material bi-ouglit into greater development. "So in the bi-chambered hearts of bird and mammal the -unit, rial is muscular tissue and the peculiar muscular tissue of the heart. " I should like to know what cases of ' convergence ' you can cite in which there is not some remote homogeny as to the tissues at work, which is a totally different thing from inherited community of the special form considered. You would not call a four-chambered seed-vessel and a four-chambered heart cases of convergence nor of homoplasy ! (except in the very remotest degree which if entertained makes all shape and structure in a minimal degree homoplastic with all other). Can you name cases of convergence or parallelism which are not covered by the definition I gave of homoplasy ? What organs are parallel in any two animals and yet have no likeness at all — even the most general — in their material. ' Yours sincerely, " E. HAY LANKESTKK. " P.S. — Every living thing owes its properties to homogeny, that is to say, its fundamental properties to a homogeny common to it with all other living things, and as you run down group within group there must be a more and more specialized homogeny affecting members of smaller and smaller groups. " But this factor can be detached in our consideration of structure from the homogeny of actual completed form and mechanism. The one is much more remote and less specific than the other ; and they need to be given each its due rank and place ; not to be confused." o. CONCLUSION (OSBORN), 1900. The newly and independently arising cusps, described above as ' homoplastic,' should be described as rcctigradations* *The term ' rectigradation ' was defined in Science, N.S., Vol. XXI., June 23, 1905, p. 961, as follows: "Fourth, rectigradation, a new term with which I propose to charac- terize what in the year 1889 I described as ' definite variations ' ; it embraces changes which many writers have described as ' orthogenetic,' under the supposed law of direct change, usually in an adaptive direction, which is described as Orthogenesis ; these probably are the 'mutations' of Waagen.'' BIBLIOGEAPHY. ADLOFF, P. "Zur Kenntniss des Zahnsystems von Hyrax," Zeitsch. f. Morph. n. Anthrop., Ed. V., Heft I., S. 181-200, Stuttgart, 1902. "Zur Frage nach der Entstehung tier heutigen Saugethierzahnformen," Zeitsi-hr. f. Morph. u. Anthrop., Bd. V., Heft II., S. 357-382, Stuttgart, 1902. AMEGHINO, FL. Flloi/cnia, 8vo. 1884. "Sur 1'Evolution des Dents des Mammiferes," Boll. A cad. Nac. Ctencios e/> Cordoba, T. XIV., 1896, pp. 381-517. " Eecherches de Morphologie phylogenetiqne snr les inolaires superieures des Ongules," Aii. d. Mus. Na<\ de Buenos Aires, T. IX. (Ser. 3^, T. III.), pp. 1-541, 631, fig. 9. "On the Primitive Type of the Plexodont Molars of Mammals," Proc. Zool. !*<>,-. London, May 2, 1899. BATESON, W. "On Numerical Variation in Teeth with a Discussion of the Conception of Homology," Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., 1892, pp. 102-11 H. M«ti?ri«t for the Stiuli/ of Variation, 8vo. London, 1894. (Great Variability of Mammalian Teeth.) BAUME. Odontologische Forschungen. Versuch einer Entuncklungsgeschichte des Gebisses. 1882. BEATI: KHARD. "Sur les Deux Dentitions des Mammiferes," Bull. So<\ de Biologie, 1888, Nos. 9, 10. COPE, E. D. "On the Homologies and Origin of the Types of Molar Teeth of Mammalia Educabilia," Jour. Acad. Nut. >'<•/. /'////*t, 8vo, L887. (See especially pp. 215. iMi;, 259, 347, :'.",'.), :S'il "On tin- Tritubereular Molar in Human Dentition," Ji»/,: .\/»,-/>/«i/., July, 1888, p. 7. "Synopsis of tin' Vertebrate Fauna of the Puerco Series," '/'/•. "The Mechanical Causes of the Development uf the Hard Parts of the .Mammalia,'' Jour. MorphoJ., Vol. IFF., 1889, pp. i:>,7-:27]. DEWOLETSKY, It "Neuere Forsclmn^en iiber das Gebiss der Sa'uger," S<>/>. aus ,l,ni .l.iln-i'xlierlrhti' '/'« /•./•. Staats-Obergymnasiums in Czernowitz, ]M)4-95, Czernowitz. DYHOWSKI. " Stiulien iiber Saugetierzahne," Verli. <1. /•./•. ZL, Iii>t. . /'. /'/Y'//.V.<. .I/--/-/. <1. II '/.«., "Berlin, 1891. " Mittheilung iiber die Zahnentwicklung von Hyrax," Ahld. Xntm-. li/->' naturelle d.-s Mammiftres, Paris, 1854. (Suggests concrescence idea.) GIDLEY, J. W. "Evidence bearing on Tooth-Cusp Development," Proc. Wml/i nijtni, Acad. Sci., Vol. VIII., 1906, pp. 91-110, pll. iv.-v. GOODRICH, E. S. "On tlie Fossil Mammalia of the Stonesfield Slate,"' (jmtr. Jour. Jfin: Sci., XXXV., 1894, pp. 407-432. (Supports "polybuny" theory.) HOFFMANX. " Ueber die Entwicklung des Kronencementes an den Backenzahnen der Wiederkauer mit Beriicksichtiguiig der Zahnentwicklung in Allgemeinen," Zeittchr. fiir wiss. Zool., Bd. LVIIL, 1894, j.p. r.66-617. HUXLEY, T. H. "On the Cranial and Dental Characters of the Canidae," Proc. Zoo!. Soc. LnirL, 1880, pp. 283-284. (Regards molar of Centetes as primitive for Carnivora. Interprets molar cusps by the " premolar analogy " theory.) KLEVER, E. " Zur Kemitniss der Morphogenese des Equidengebisses," Morpltu). Jahrb., Bd. XV., 1889, Leipzig. MAHN, R, " Bau und Entwicklung. d. Molaren, Ijei Mus und Arvicola," 3for/>hol. Jahrb., Bd. XVI., p. 652. (Criticises Tritubercnly.) MAJOR, C. J. FORSYTH. " Nageriiberreste aus Bohnerzen Siiddeutschlands und der Schweiz. Nebst Beitragen zu einer vergleichenden Odontographie von Ungulaten und Unguiculaten," Palaeontographica, 1873, XXII. (Opposes three-cusped origin of mammalian molars.) 242 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH MAJOR, C. J. FORSYTH. " On some Miocene Squirrels, with Remarks on the Dentition and Classification of the Sciuriiue," Proc. Zoo!. Soc., Feb. 28, 1893, pp. 17D-215. (See pp. 196-214 for polybuny theory.) " On Meg al adapts madagascariensis, an extin ;t gigantic Lemuroid from Madagascar. . . ." Philos. Trans. Roy. Soc., Vol. 185 (1894) B, pp. 15-38, especially pp. -22-24. (Discusses the so-called tritubercular type of molar in Viverridte, Centetid*, Lemuridse.) "On the Malagasy Rodent Genus Brachyuromys \ and on the Mutual Relations of some Groups of the Muridae (Hespi'roiHiiince, Microtiuce, Murince, and Spalaciil") with each other and with the Malagasy Nesomyime," Proc. Zool. 8m:, June 1, 1897, pp. 713 et seq. ("Polybuny " theory.) "On Fossil and Recent Lagomorpha," Trans. Linn. Soi: Loud. (2), VII., pp. 433-520. "On the Change and Form of the Teeth in the Centetidte a Malagasy Family of Insectivora," Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 6, Vol. XX., Dec. 1897, pp. 525-544. MIVART, ST. G. "On the Osteology of the Insectivora," Jour. Anat. and PhysioL, Vol. I. and IT., 1863, p. 117 et seq. (Adopts idea of "concrescence of cusps" in Chrysochloris.) KUKENTHAL, W. " Das Gebiss von Didelpki/s,n Ant. Am., Bd. VI., 1891, pp. 658-666. "Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Saugethierbezahnung," Anat. An:., 1891, Nr. 13. "Ueber den UrspiTing und die Entwickelung der Saugethierzahne," Jenuim-ln- Zcitschriftfiir Natiinn'ssenschaft, Bd. XXVIII., 1893. " Kntwickelungsgeschtliche Untersuchungen am Pinnipediergebisse," Jenaisclie Zeitschr.f. naturw., Bd. XXVIII., 1893, pp. 76-118. "Die Bezahnnng der Zahnwale," Denkschr. d. med.-natwrw. Gesellsch., Bd. III., 1893, pp. 387-448. KOWALEVSKY. " Monographic der Gattung Anthracotherium, Cuv.," Palceontographica, N.F. II., 3 (XXI F.), 1873, 1874, pp. 210, 263, 264. LATASTE, F. "Snr le Systeme dentaire du Genre Daman et FEtnde de la Dent canine,'' Zool. Am., 1887, p. 268. "Considerations sur les Deux Dentitions des Mammiferes," Jour, de PAnat. et de la I'/it/siol., 1888, p. 200. LKCHE, W. " Studien iiber die Entwicklung des Zahnsystems bei den Saugethieren," l. Jahrb., Bd. XIX., 1892, p. 502, XX., p. 113. OSBORN, H. F. "The Upper Triassic Mammals Dromatherium and Microconodon" extracted from Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. P/tila., Dec., 1886, and Proc. Amcr. Phil. Soc., April, 1887, antea, pp. 18-21. "The Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammalia," Jew. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., IX., No. 2, July, 1888, antea, pp. 31-35. "The Nomenclature of the Mammalian Molar Cusps," Amer. Naturalist, XXVI., Oct. 1888, pp. 436, 437, antea, p. 66. " Additional Observations upon the Structure and Classification of the Mesozoic Mammalia," 7'w. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Nov., 1888, pp. 292-301. "The Evolution of Mammalian Molars to and from the Tritubercular Type," Amer, Naturalist, XXII., Dec., 1888, pp. 1067-1079, antea, pp. 36-47. BIBLIOGRAPHY 243 OSBOR\, H. F., and \YOKTMAN, J. L. "Fossil Mammals of tin- \Yasatch and Wind River Beds," Collection of, 1891, P»iJL Amer. .!///,<. .\at. ///.>•/., Yol. IV., No. 1, Oct., 1892, pp. s !-'.»<>, -mtea, pp. 60-72. OSBORN, H. F. " Odontogenesis in the Ungulates,'' Amer. \t,ralist, XXVI., ISDi'. pp. 621-623. " The History and Homologies of the Human Molar < 'usps,'' .1 nut. .1 //:.. V 1 1., Jena, 1892, Nr. 23, 24, aitt<>a, pp. 48-55. "The Rise of the Mammalia in North America," Proc. Ann-r. .!.«'»•. .!>//•. Mn-r. M. XXIX., 1889, pp. 9-48. ROSE, C. " Ueber die Entwickeliing des Menschlichen Gebisses," Verh. d. Deutsch. <>,l- heilkunde, Bd. II., 1892. "Ueber die Zahnentwickelung der Beuteltiere," Anat. An:., Bd. VII., 1892, pp. 639-650, 693-707. "Ueber die Eiitstehung und Formabanderungen der Menschlichen Molaren," Anat. Anz., Bd. VII., 1892, Nr. 13, 14, pp. 392-421. " Zur Phylogenie des Saugetiergebisses," Biolog. Centralbl, Bd. XII.. Nr. 20, -2 1 . pp. 624-638, 1892. "Ueber die Zahnentwickelung der Bentelthiere," Anat. An.;., Bd. VIII., 1893, pp. 566-577. "Ueber die erste Anlage der Zahnleiste beim Menschen," Anat. Anz., Bd. VII., 1893, Nr. 1, pp. 29-32. " Das Zahnsystem der Wirbelthiere," Erueb/t d. Anat. it. Entw. Merkel u. Bonnet, IV.. 1894, pp. 542-591. ROST. Versuch einer Phylogenie des Saugethiergelnsses, Jena, 1884. RUTIMEYER, W. " Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Pferde und zur vergleichenden Odontographie der Hufthiere iiberhaupt," Verh. d. naturf. Ges. in Basel, III., 1863, pp. 558. RYDER, J. A. "On the Mechanical Genesis of Tooth Forms," Proc. Nat. Sci. Phil a. Acad., 1878, pp. 45-80. SCHLOSSER, M. "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Stammesgeschichte der Hufthiere und Versuch einer Systematik der Paar- und Unpaarhufer," Morpholog. .la XII., 1887, pp. 1-136. Q2 244 EVOLUTION OF MAMMALIAN MOLAR TEETH SCHLOSSER, M. " Ueber Beziehungen cler Ausgestorbenen Siiugethierfaunen und ihr Verhaltniss zur Saugethierfauna der Gegemvart," Biol. Centralbl. Bd., VIII., No. 19, Dec., 1888, pp. 582-631. "Die Affen, Lemuren, Chiropteren, Insectivoren, Marsupialier, Creodonten und Carnivoren des europaischen Tertiars und deren Beziehungen zu ihren lebenden und fossilen aussereuropaischen Verwandten, I-VIIL, Wien, 1887-1890 (Beitraye Palceontologie Oesterreich- Ungarns). "Die Differenzierung des Saugetiergebisses," Biol. Centralbl, Bd. X., 1890. "Die Entwickelung der verschiedenen Saugethierzahnformen im Laufe der geologischen Perioden," Verk. deutsch. odontol. Ges., Bd. 3, Heft 2, 3, 1891. " Ueber die systematise-he Stelhing der Gattungen, Plesiadapis, Protoadapis Pleuraspidotherium und Orthaspidotherium" Neues Jahrb. f. Mineralogie, Geologic, und Paliiontologie, Jahrgang, 1892, Bd. II., pp. 239, 240. SCHWALBE, G. "Ueber Theorien der Dentition," Verh. d. Anat. Gesell. Strassbwrg, 13-16, Mai, 1894. SCOTT, W. B. "The Evolution of the Premolar Teeth in the Mammals," Proa. A cad. Nat. Sci. Phila., 1892, pp. 405-444. SEELEV, H. G. "On the Nature and Limits of Eeptilian Characters in Mammalian Teeth," Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 44, 1888, pp. 129-141. STEHLIN, H. G. "Ueber die Geschichte des Suidengebisses," Abh. d. schiveiz. paliiontolog. Ges., Vol. XXVI., 1899, Vol. XXVII., 1900, Zurich, 1899-1900. TAEKKR, .1. " Zur Kenntniss der Odontogenese bei Ungulaten," Inaugural Dissertation, Dorpat, 1892. THOMAS, O. "On the Homologies and Succession of the Teeth in the Dasyuridpp, with an Attempt to trace the History of the Evolution of Mammalian Teeth in General," Philos. Trans., Vol. 1887, B., pp. 443-462. " A Milk Dentition in Orycteropm? Proc. Roy. Soc., Vol. 47, 1890, pp. 246-248. "On the Dentition of Ornithorkynchus," Proc. Rot/. Soc., Vol. 46, 1889, pp. 126-131. TIMS, H. W. MARETT. "Notes on the Dentition of the Dog," Anat. Anz., Bd. XI., 1896, pp. 537-546. "On the Tooth-genesis in the Canidte," Jour. (Zool.) Linn. Soc. Lond. XXV., 1896, pp. 445-480, XXVIII., 1901, pp. 261-290. " On the Succession and Homologies of the Molar and Premolar Teeth in the Mammalia," Jour. Anat. Phys., XXXVI., 1902, pp. 321-343. "The Evolution of the Teeth in the Mammalia/' Jour. Anat. and Physiol., Vol. XXXVII., 1903, pp. 131-149. TOMES, C. S. A Manual of Dental Anatomy, Human and Comparative, 8vo, Phila- delphia, 1898. TOPINARD, P. "De 1'Evolution des Molaires et Pi'emolaires chez les Primates et en particulier chez FHomme," L'Anthropologie, No. 6, Nov., Dec., 1892. WEBER, M. Die Saugetiere, Jena, 1904. WINGE, H. "Om Pattedyrenes Tandskifte, isrer med Hensyn til Ttendernes Former." Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren i Kjobenhavn, 1882. " Jordf undue og nulevende Pungdyr (Marsupialia) fra Lagoa Santa, Minas Geraes, Brasilien," Med. Udsigt over Pungdyrenes Slcegtskab. E Museo Lundii, Kjoben- havn, 1893. BIBLIOGRAPHY 245 WOODWARD, A. SMITH. "Outlines of Vertebrate Pah«outol«>.u\ t-.i Students of Zoology," University Press, < 'ambridge, 1898. WOODWARD, M. F. "Contributions to the Study of Mammalian Dentition, Part I., On the Development of the Teetli of the Macrojxulidie," 1'ror. %,,•>[. Soc. Lond., May 2, 1893, p. 449-473. "On the Succession and Genesis of the Mammalian Teeth," Science Progress, I., 1894, pp. 438-453. "On the Milk Dentition of the Rodentia, with a Description of a vestigial Milk Incisor in the Mouse (J7V.< musci/ltis)," An«/. Anz., Bd. LX., Nr. 19, 20, 1894. "Contributions to the Study of Mammalian Dentition, Pt. II., On the Teeth of certain Insectivora," Proa. Zool. Soc. Loud., 1896, pp. 557-594. "On the Teeth of the Marsupialia, with especial Reference to the PremilU Dentition," Anat. -I/':. XII., Bd. XII., Nr. 12, 13, 1896. WORTMAN, J. L. The Cornell i'n fir,- A,t">. Condylarthra, 14, 168. Concrescence theory, 57-59, 202. -cone, 82. Convergent evolution, 139. Cope, 1, 2, 4, 5, 38 l. Coryphodon, 166. Creodonta, 12, 132-139. Cretaceous (Laramie) mammals, 95, 219. Crochet, 73, 229. Ctenacodon, 102. Cusp development, 42. Cusp differentiation theory, 56. Cusps, nomenclature, 41. Cynognathus, 91. Dasyurid;v, 109. Dermoptera, 12. Determinate variation, 233. Diademodon, 92. Dicrocynodon (Diplocynodon), 219. Didelphia, 100. Didelphys, 108. Dilambdodout Insectivores, 117, 2K>. Diplocynodon, 28, 219. Diprotodon, 1 14. Diprotodontia, 12. Dissacus, 133, 216. Docodon, 28. Dog, 213- 248 INDKX Dromatherium, 18. 193. Dryolestes, '23, 27, .SO, 218, 220. Duplicidentata, 148. Ectoloph, 73. Edentata, 13, 151. Elephas, 188. Embryologioal order of cusp develop- ment, 54, <>4, 77. Embryology of molars, 77, 208. Embryological theory, 6, 54, 214. Enamel folds, 183. Enneodon, 28. Equidae, 175. Entoconid, 41, 89. Eocene Mammals, 98. Ericulus, 120, 121, 123. Erinaceus, 117, 118, 123*. Eskimo, teeth, 55, 62. Esthonyx, 151. Eupleres, 122, 123. Euprotogonia, 83, 169. Eutheria, 11, 100. Fissipedia, 12. Fleischmann, 204. Forsyth Major, 4, 145, 149, 205. Fossettes in molars, 73. Fruit-bats, 129. Galeopithecus, lli». Ganodonta (Tjeniodonta), 152, 154. Gidley, 123-126, 219. Gomphognathus, 92. Goodrich, E. S., 2llli. Grinding teeth, 9. Gymnura, 118, 21(1. Haplodont, 89. Haplodont type, 39. Hares, 148. Heel or talon, 67. Hemicentetes, 120, 122, 123. Homalodotheria, 16. Homodont teeth, 432. Homogeny, 231. Homologies, disputed, of cusps, 123-126, 209-213, 219, 224, 225. Homoplasy, 228, 232. Horses, 72, 174-178. Human molar teeth, 54, 55, 56-59, 62-65. Hyopsodus, 12S. Hypocone, 68*, 89. Hypoconid, 89. Hypoconulid, 41, 81, 89. Hypolophid, 73. Hypsodonty (hypselodonty), 183. Hyracoidea, 15, 185. Hyracotherium, 83. Ictops, 118. Insectivora, 1, 12, 117, 223. Insectivora primitiva, 12. Isognathism, 43*. Jaws, anisoguathous, 215 ; isogJiathous, 43. Jurassic mammals, 94, 219. Kangaroos (Macropus), 112, 114. Kukenthal, 6, 57. Kurtodon, 26. Laodon, 29. Lambdotherium, 175. Lankester, 232, 238. Laramie mammals, 96, 115. Lemuroidea, 14, 157. Leptocladus, 24, 29. Listriodon, 188. Litopterna, 16. -lo[jh (proto-, meta-, ecto-), 163. Lophiodonts, 86. Lophodont, 163, 181. Lophoselenodont, 163. Maim, 204. Major, Forsyth, 4, 145, 149, 205. Mammalia classification, 11. Mammals, Eocene, 37. Mammals, Jurassic, 94, 219. Mammals, Laramie, 96. Mammals, Mesozoic, 18-35, 37-44. Mammals, reptilian ancestors, 91, 100 Man, 6, 54-59, 62-65, 158. Marsupialia, 11, 94, 108. Mechanics of molars, 43, 44, 60, 61*, 82*, 113, 221. Menacodon, 25. Meniscoessus, 102, 106. Meniscotherium, 87, 184. Merychippus, 75. Mesonyx, 79, 134, 142, 216. Mesostyle, 85, 89. Metacone defined, 41. Metaconid defined, 41. IXDK.X 249 Metaconule, 82 1, 89 ('ml '). Metaconule, in Artiodaetyla. 46 , 17:!. Metalopb, 73. Metalophid, 73. Metastyle, 80, 86, 89. Microconodon, 18, 193. Microlestes, 80, 93, 102, 103. Mioclsenus, 109. Mivart, 123, 124. Mixodectes, 14."). Mceritheriuiu, 1S7. Molar cusps — < >rder of appearance in Ontogeny, 4S-.11 ; terminology, 41, 63, US, 71, 76, 82, 224. Mole, 209. Monotremata, 11, 10."). Multitubereulata, 11, 80, 101, 115. Mutation (von Waagen), 234. Mylagaulus, 147. Myogale, 119, 227. Myrmecobius, 112. Mystacoceti, l(i. Nomenclature of cusps, 41, 03, 08, 71, 76, 82, 224 ; of premolars, 1110 ; of trituberculy, 89, Notharctus, 89, 160. Notoryctes, 113, 114. Odontoceti, 16. Olbodotes, 89. Ontogeny of the teeth, 48, 49, 51-55, 63-65, 208-214. OrnithorhynchuSj 105, 107. Orthogenesis, 228, 239. Osborn, 1-9. Pachylemuriens, 77. Palftolagus, 148, 150. Palseomastodon, 187. Paheontological theory (of molar develop- ment), 5. Palaeotherium, 63. Pantolambda, 87, 165. Pantotheria, 12, 22. Paracone as oldest cusp, 8, 208-216, 221 ; defined, 41. Paraconid defined, 41 ; reduction of, 103. Parallel evolution, 171", 137, 139. Parallelism, 2291. Parastyle, 89. Paurodon, 29, 219. Peralestes, 26. IVrameles, 1 13. Peramus, 24, 27. 2S. IVraspalax, 29. Peratherium, lo'.i. Periptychus, Hi I. Perissodactyla, 1"), 72, 174; cusp noincii- elature, 76. Phalangerida', 111. 1'hascolestes, 24. 29, .SO. Phascologale, 1 12. Phenacodus, 17". 1'holidota, 13. Piiinipedia, 13, 131, 143. Placentalia, 100. Plagiaulacidae, loo. Plagiaulax, 24. Plexodoiit theory, 201. Polybuny theory, 4, 2U5. Poly mastodon, 103. Polyprotodontia, 111. Potamogale, 119-126. Potential homology, 236. Premolar analogy theory, 7, 215, 223. Premolars, 193 ; evolution, 172. Primates, 14, 48, 56, 101, 157. Proboscidea, 15, 1S6. Proglires, 13, 144, 14.'). Proscalops, 119, 121. Proteodidelphys, 202. Protocone, as oldest cusp, 49, 67, 217: as originally selenoid, 173 ; defined, 41. Protoconid defined, 41. Protoconule, 41, 82f, 89; defined, 41 ; (in Dryolestes), 223. Protodont, 39, 89. Protodonta, 11, 101. Protogonodon, 169. Protoloph, 69. Prototheria, 11, ion. Psittacotheriuin, 154. Pteralopex, 129. Ptilodus, 106. Puerco mammals, 2. Pyrotherium, 16, 190. Quad ritubercular, 89. Quinquetubercular, 1 63. Rectigradations, 228, 239. Rhinoceroses, 73, 76, 86, 176, 181-183. Kodentia, 13, 144. 250 INDEX Rose, 4, 49, 51, 57, 63. Rotation of pa., me., 7, 8, 31, 52 ; of pad., med., 222. Ryder, 43. Schlosser, 145. Sciurus, 146. Scott, 234. Sectorial (defined), 89. Selenoid, 112, 163. Selenodont, 163. Sexituberculy, 68, 80, 89, 163. Shrew, 210. Simplicidentata, 145. Sinopa, 134. Sirenia, 15, 188. South American Ungulates, 189. Spalacotherium, 22, 24, 25, 26 ; rotation of pa'1, and med. , 7. Squirrels, 146, 205. Stereognathus, 24, 103. Styles, 82, 84. Stylodon, 24, 29. Taeker on Odontogenesis, 48, 51. Taeniodonta, 151. Talon, 67, 68*, 81. Talonid, 53, 89. Talpa, 209. Tapirs, 86, 176, 180. Tertiary formations, diagram, 17. Therapsida, 100. Theriodontia, 91. Thylacynus, 109. Tillodontia, 13, 151. Tims, Marett, 149, 213. Titanotheres, 175. Toxodontia, 16, 189. Triassic mammals, 18, 94, 101, 105*. Triconodon, 25, 218, 222. Triconodont, 89, 227. Triconodonta, 11,21. Triconodont molars, 21, 33, 40, 60, 79, 88, 89, 144. Tricon odonty, secondary, 64. Trigon, 67, 80. Trigonid, 89. Trigonolestes, 171. Tritubercular nomenclature, 41. 54, 55, 66-73 ; teeth, stages in evolution of, 39 ; type (as ancestral), 2-4, 40, 89. Trituberculata, 12, 22. Trituberculates, 95, 115. Trituberculy, objections to, 201. Tritylodon, 93, 103. Tubercular, 89. Tuberculo-sectorial type, 89. Tuberculus anomalus, 158. Tubulidentata, 13. Tupaia, 109. Typotheria, 16, 189. Uintatherinm, 166. Unguiculata, 100. Ungulata, 101, 163; nomenclature of molar cusps, 67, 76, 83 ; South American, 189. Variation, determinate, 233. Vulpavus, 89. Wart-hog, 188. Whales, 16, 190. Wilson, E. B., 237. Woodward, A. S., 2oii. Woodward, M. F., 6, 77, 123. Wortman, 150, 224. Wynyardia, 112. Zalambdodont Insectivores, 117-126, 210- 213, 226, 227. Zeuglodon, 16, 191. GI.ASfiOW : HKIXTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS BY ROBERT MACLEHOSE AND CO. LTD. loL