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N0R™, CAROLINA STaTSersiTYUBRARIES S01 145991 U Bun »•*■ wniHfii ^H^HKSHsns " 'we1'.'- ■n ;ii3-'* -.--»'£ THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE D^ INDICATED BELOW AND IS SI JECT TO AN OVERDUE FINE POSTED AT THE CIRCULATI DESK. 19& % / ■^ m o 5 ■ *° THE EVOLUTION THEORY VOLUME I THE EVOLUTION THEORY BY Dr. AUGUST WEISMANN PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF FREIBURG IN BREISG.U TRANSLATED WITH THE AUTHOR'S CO-OPERATK >\ BY J. ARTHUR THOMSON REGIUS PROFESSOR OF NATURAL HISTORY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF ABERB l.l.N AND MARGARET R. THOMSON ILLUSTRATED IN TWO VOLUMES VOL. I LONDON EDWARD ARNOLD 41 & 43 MADDOX STREET, BOND STREET, W 1904 All rights reserved AUTHOR'S PREFACE When a life of pleasant labour is drawing towards a close, the wish naturally asserts itself to gather together the main results, and to combine them in a well-defined and harmonious picture which may be left as a legacy to succeeding generations. This wish has been my main motive in the publication of these lectures, which I delivered in the University of Freiburg in Breisgau. But there has been an additional motive in the fact that the theory of heredity published by me a decade ago has given rise not only to many in- vestigations prompted by it, but also to a whole literature of ' refutations,' and, what is much better, has brought to light a mass of new facts which, at first sight at least, seem to contradict my main theory. As I remain as convinced that the essential part of my theory is well grounded as I was when I first sketched it, I naturally wish to show how the new facts may be brought into harmony with it. It is by no means only with the theory of heredity by itself that I am concerned, for that has served, so to speak, as a means to a higher end, as a groundwork on which to base an interpretation of the transformations of life through the course of the ages. For the phenomena of heredity, like all the functions of individual life, stand in the closest association with the whole evolution of life upon our earth ; indeed, they form its roots, the nutritive basis from which all its innumerable branches and twigs are, in the long run, derived. Thus the phenomena of the individual life, and especially those of reproduction and inheritance, must be considered in connexion with the Theory of Descent, that the latter may be illumined by them, and so brought nearer our understanding. I make this attempt to sum up and present as a harmonious vi author's preface whole the theories which for forty years I have been gradually building up on the basis of the legacy of the great workers of the past, and on the results of my own investigations and those of many fellow workers, not because I regard the picture as complete or incapable of improvement, but because I believe its essential features to be correct, and because an eye-trouble which has hindered my work for many years makes it uncertain whether I shall have much more time and strength granted to me for its further elaboration. We are standing in the midst of a flood-tide of investigation, which is ceaselessly heaping up new facts bearing upon the problem of evolution. Every theory formulated at this time must be prepared shortly to find itself face to face with a mass of new facts which may necessitate its more or less complete reconstruction. How much or how little of it may remain, in face of the facts of the future, it is impossible to predict. But this will be so for a long time, and it seems to me we must not on that account refrain from following out our convictions to the best of our ability and presenting them sharply and definitely, for it is only well-defined arguments which can be satis- factorily criticized, and can be improved if they are imperfect, or rejected if they are erroneous. In both these processes progress lies. This book consists of ' Lectures ' which were given publicly at the university here. In my introductory lecture in 1867 I championed the Theory of Descent, which was then the subject of lively controversy, but it was not till seven years later that I gave, by way of experiment, a short summer course with a view to aiding in the dissemination of Darwin's views. Then very gradually my own studies and researches and those of others led me to add to the Darwinian edifice, and to attempt a further elaboration of it, and accordingly these ' Lectures,' which were delivered almost regularly every year from 1880 onwards, were gradually modified in accordance with the state of my knowledge at the time, so that they have been, I may say, a mirror of the course of my own intellectual evolution. author's preface In the last two decades of the nineteenth centu that is new has been introduced into biological Nageli's idea of ' idioplasm ' — the substance which de- form ; Eoux's Struggle of the Parts, the recognition of hereditary substance, ' the germ-plasm,' its analysis ii mosomes, and its continuity from generation to ger the potential immortality of unicellular organisms ar germ-cells in contrast to the natural death of higher f( ' bodies ' ; a deeper interpretation of mitotic nuclear the discovery of the centrosphere — the marvellous apparatus of the cell — which at once allowed us to \ a whole stratum deeper into the unfathomable microscopic vital structure ; then the clearing up of ( in regard to fertilization, and the analysis of this into processes combined in it, reproduction and the mil the germ-plasms (Amphimixis) ; in connexion with phenomena of maturation, first in the female and the male cell, and their significance as a reduction of the h( units : — all this and much more we have gained du period. Finally, there is the refutation of the Lan jDrinciple, and the consequent elaboration of the ] of selection by applying it to the hitherto closed r the ultimate vital elements of the germ-plasm. The actual form of these lectures has developed were transcribed. But although the form is thus extent new, I have followed in the main the sar of thought as in the lectures of recent years. The form has been adhered to in the book, not merely of the greater vividness of presentation which it but for many other reasons, of which the greater in the choice of material and the limiting of quot a minimum are not the least. That all polemics of a kind have thus been excluded will not injure the b it is by no means lacking in discussions of opinion, g therefore, I trust, contribute something towards the up of disputed points. I have endeavoured to introduce as much of the re viii author's preface and writings of others as possible without making the book heavy ; but my aim has been to write a book to be read, not merely one to be referred to. If it be asked, finally, for whom the book is intended, I can hardly answer otherwise than ' For him whom it interests.' The lectures were delivered to an audience con- sisting for the most part of students of medicine and natural science, but including some from other faculties, and some- times even some of my colleagues in other departments. In writing the book I have presupposed as little special knowledge as possible, and I venture to hope that any one who reads the book and does not merely skim it, will be able without difficulty to enter into the abstruse questions treated of in the later lectures. It would be a great satisfaction to me if this book were to be the means of introducing my theoretical views more freely among investigators, and to this end I have elaborated special sections more fully than in the lectures. Notwith- standing much controversy, I still regard its fundamental features as correct, especially the assumption of ' controlling ' vital units, the determinants, and their aggregation into 1 ids ' ; but the determinant theory also implies germinal selection, and without it the whole idea of the guiding of the course of transformation of the forms of life, through selection which rejects the unfit and favours the more fit, is, to my mind, a mere torso, or a tree without roots. I only know of two prominent workers of our day who have given thorough-going adherence to my views : Emery in Bologna and J. Arthur Thomson in Aberdeen. But I still hope to be able to convince many others when the consistency and the far-reachingness of these ideas are better understood. In many details I may have made mistakes which the investigations of the future will correct, but as far as the basis of my theory is concerned I am confident : the principle of selection does rule over all tlie categories of vital units. It does not, indeed, create primary variations, but it determines the paths of evolution which these are to AUTHORS PREFACE jx follow, and thus controls all differentiation, all ascent of organization, and ultimately the whole course of organic evolution on the earth, for everything about living beings depends upon adaptation, though not on adaptation in the sense in which Darwin used the word. The great prominence thus given to the idea of selection has been condemned as one-sided and exaggerated, but the physicist is quite as open to the same reproach when he thinks of gravity as operative not on our earth alone, but as dominating the whole cosmos, whether visible to us or not. If there is gravity at all it must prevail everywhere, that is, wherever material masses exist ; and in the same way the co-operation of certain conditions with certain primary vital forces must call forth the same process of selection wherever living beings exist ; thus not on]y are the vital units which we can perceive, such as individuals and cells, subject to selection, but those units the existence of which we can only deduce theoretically, because they are too minute for our microscopes, are subject to it likewise. This extension of the principle of selection to all grades of vital units is the characteristic feature of my theories ; it is to this idea that these lectures lead, and it is this — in my own opinion — which gives this book its importance. This idea will endure even if everything else in the book should prove transient. Many may wonder, perhaps, why in the earlier lectures much that has long been known should be presented afresh, but I regard it as indispensable that the student who wishes to make up his own mind in regard to the selection-idea should not only be clear as to what it means theoretically, but should also form for himself a conception of its sphere of influence. Many prejudiced utterances in regard to 'Natural Selection' would never have been published if those responsible for them had known more of the facts ; if they had had any idea of the inexhaustible wealth of phenomena which can only be interpreted in the light of this principle, in as far, that is, as we are able to give explanations author's preface of life at all. For this reason I have gone into the subject of colour-adaptations, and especially into that of mimicry, in great detail ; I wished to give the reader a firm foundation of fact from which he could select what suited him when he wished to test by the light of facts the more difficult problems discussed in the book. In conclusion, I wish to thank all those who have given me assistance in one way or other in this work : my former assistant and friend Professor V. Hacker in Stuttgart, my pupils and fellow workers Dr. Gunther and Dr. Petrunkewitsch, and the publisher, who has met my wishes in the most amiable manner. Freiburg-i-Br., February 20, 1902. PREFATORY NOTE TO ENGLISH EDITION Professor Weismann's Evolution Theory, here translated from the second German edition (1904), is a work of com- pelling interest, the fruit of a lifetime of observation and reflection, a veteran's judicial summing up of his results, and certainly one of the most important contributions to Evolution literature since Darwin's day. As the author's preface indicates, the salient features of his crowning work are (1) the illumination of the Evolution process with a wealth of fresh illustrations ; (2) the vindica- tion of the ' Germ-plasm ' concept as a valuable working hypothesis ; (3) the final abandonment of any assumption of transmissible acquired characters ; (4) a further analysis of the nature and origin of variations ; and (5), above all, an extension of the Selection principle of Darwin and Wallace, which finds its logical outcome in the suggestive theory of Germinal Selection. The translation will be welcomed, we believe, not only by biological experts who have followed the development of ' Weismannism ' during the last twenty years, and will here find its full expression for the time being, but also by those who, while acquainted with individual essays, have not hitherto realized the author's complete system. Apart from the theoretical conceptions which unify the book and mark it as an original contribution of great value, there is a lucid exposition of recent biological advances which will appeal to those who care more for facts than theories. To critics of evolutionism, who are still happily with us, the book ought to be indispensable ; it will afford them much material for argumentation, and should save them many tilts against Xll PREFATORY NOTE TO ENGLISH EDITION windmills. But, above all, the book will be valued by workers in many departments of Biology, who are trying to help in the evolution of Evolution Theory, for it is characteristic of the author, as the history of recent research shows, to be suggestive and stimulating, claiming no finality for his conclusions, but urging us to test them in a mood of ' thatige Skepsis.' The translation of this book — the burden of which has been borne by my wife — has been a pleasure, but it has also been a serious responsibility. We have had fine examples set us by previous translators of some of Weismann's works, Meldola, Poulton, Shipley, Parker, and others ; and if we have fallen short of their achievements, it has not been for lack of endeavour to follow the original with fidelity, nor for lack of encouragement on the part of the author, who revised every page and suggested many emendations. J. AETHUE THOMSON. University of Aberdeen, October, 1904. CONTENTS LECTURE I. Introductory .... II. The Darwinian Theory III. The Darwinian Theory (continued) IV. The Coloration of Animals and its relation to the Processes of Selection . V. True Mimicry .... VI. Protective Adaptations in Plants VII. Carnivorous Plants VIII. The Instincts of Animals . IX. Organic Partnerships or Symbiosis X. The Origin of Flowers XI. Sexual Selection XII. Intra-Selection or Selection among Tissues XIII. Reproduction in Unicellular Organisms . XIV. Reproduction by Germ-cells XV. The Process of Fertilization XVI. Fertilization in Plants and Unicellular Organisms AND ITS IMMEDIATE SIGNIFICANCE XVII. The Germ-plasm Theory XVIII. The Germ-plasm Theory (continued) XIX. The Germ-plasm Theory (continued) PAGE 1 25 42 57 91 119 132 141 161 179 210 240 253 266 286 312 345 373 392 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE 1. Group of various races of domestic pigeons 2. Longitudinally striped caterpillar of a Satyrid 3. Full-grown caterpillar of the Eyed Hawk-moth (Smerinthus ocellatus) 4. Full-grown caterpillar of the Elephant Hawk- moth (Chaerocampa elpenor) ........... 5. The Eyed Hawk-moth in its ' terrifying attitude ' 6. Under surface of the wings of Ccdigo 7. Caterpillar of a North American Darapsa 8. Caterpillar of the Buckthorn Hawk-moth (Deilephila hippophaes) 9. Hebomoja glaucippe, from India ; under surface .... 10. Xylina vetnsta, in flight and at rest ...... 11. Tropidoderus childreni, in flying pose ...... 12. Notodonta camelina, in flight and at rest ..... 13. Kallima paralecta, from India, right under side of the butterfly at rest ............ 14. Coenophlebia archidona, from Bolivia, in its resting attitude 15. Ccerois chorinceus, from the lower Amazon, in its resting attitude 16. Phyllodes omata, from Assam ..... 17. Caterpillar of Selenia tetralunaria, seated on a birch twig 18. Upper surfaces of Acrcea egina, Papilio ridleyanns, and Pseudacrcea boisdavalii ...... 19. Barbed bristles of Opuntia rafinesquii . 20. Vertical section through a piece of a leaf of ( Urtica dioica) ...... 21. A piece of a twig of Barberry (Berberis vulgaris) 22. Tragacanth {Astragalus tragacantha) . 23. Bladderwort (Utricularia grafiana) 24. Pitcher of Nepenthes villosa .... 25. Butterwort (Pingaicula vulgaris) . 26. The Sundew (Drosera rotundi folia) 27. A leaf of the Sundew 28. Leaf of Venus Fly-trap 29. Aldrovandia vesiculosa . . . . . 30. Aldrovandia, its trap apparatus . 31. Sea-cucumber (Cucumaria) .... 32. Metamorphosis of Sitaris humeralis, an oil-beetle 33. Cocoon of the Emperor Moth (Saturnia carpini) 34. Hermit-crab 35. Hydra viridis, the Green Freshwater Polyp . 36. Amoeba viridis ...... 37. Twig of an Imbauba-tree, showing hair cushions the Stinging-nettle PAGE 35 67 67 68 69 70 71 73 76 77 79 80 83, 357 85 86 87 90, 360 102 123 123 124 125 133 134 136 137 137 138 138 139 148 150 158 163 169 170 172 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS XV FIGURE 38. A fragment of a Lichen A fragment of a Silver Poplar root Potent ill 1 ( verna ..... Flower of Meadow Sage Alpine Louse wort (Pedicidaris asplenifolia) Flower of Birthwort (Aristolochia clematitis Alpine Butterwort (Pinguicula alpina) Daphne mezereum and Daphne striata Common Orchis (Orchis mascula) . Head of a Butterfly Mouth-parts of the Cockroach Head of the Bee .... Flowers of the Willow . The Yucca-moth (Pronuba yuccasella) The fertilization of the Yucca Scent- scales of diurnal Butterflies A portion of the upper surface of the wing of a male ' blue ' (Lyccena menalcas) .... Zeuxidia wallacei, male 56. Leptodora hyalina .... 57. Moina paradoxa, male . . Moina paradoxa, female An Amoeba : the process of division Stentor rceselii, trumpet-animalcule Holophrya multifiliis Pandorina morum .... Volvox aureus .... Fucks platycarpus, brown sea-wrack 65. Copulation in a Daphnid (Lyncand) 66. Spermatozoa of various Daphnids . Spermatozoa of various animals . Diagram of a spermatozoon . Ovum of the Sea-urchin Daphnella ..... Bythot replies lonyimanus Sida crystalline/,, a Daphnid . Diagrammatic longitudinal section of a hen's egg befo Diagram of nuclear division .... Process of fertilization in Ascaris megalocephala Diagram of the maturation divisions of the ovum Diagram of the maturation divisions of the sperm-cell Diagram of the maturation of a parthenogenetic ovum The two maturation divisions of the ' drone eggs ' of the Bee Fertilization of the ovum of a Gasteropod Formation of polar bodies in a Lichen . Fertilization in the Lily Conjugation of Noctiluca Conjugation and polar body formation in the Sun-animalcule 39- 40. 41. 42. 43- 44. 45- 46. 47- 48. 49. 50. Si- 52. 53- 54- 55- 58. 59- 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 67. 68. 69. 70. 7i. 72. 73- 74- 75- 76. 77- 78. 79- 80. 81. 82. S3- 84. re incubation PAGE 173 176 181 183 184 185 185 187 188 190 191 192 194 201 202 217 218 218 224 225 226 253 254 256 257 270 272 276 277 278 279, 338 281, 338 283 283 284 285 288 296 299 301 305 307, 337 310 313 314 317 319 XVI LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE 85. Diagram of the conjugation of an Infusorian 86. Conjugation of an Infusorian ..... 87. Diagram to illustrate the operation of amphimixis 88. Sperm-mother-cells (spermatocytes) of the Salamander 89. Anterior region of the larva of a Midge 90. The Common Shore-Crab, seen from below . 91. Hind leg of a Locustid . .... 92. Echinoderm-larva? ..... 93. Development of a limb in the pupa of a Fly 94. Diagram to illustrate the phylogenetic shifting back of the origins of the germ-cells in medusoids and hydroids . 95. Diagram to illustrate the migration of the germ-cells in Hydromedusse 364 PAGE 321 323 348 350 393 367 371 387 395 412 414 ( OLOXTRED PLATES SOME MTMET1C BUTTERFLIES AND THEIR IMMUNE MODELS Plate I . Plate II . Plate III to face page 112 „ „ 114 „ „ 116 LECTURE I INTRODUCTORY Eveby one knows in a general way what is meant by the doctrine of descent — that it is the theory which maintains that the forms of life, animals and plants, which we see on our earth to-day, have not been the same from all time, but have been developed, by a process of transformation, from others of an earlier age, and are in fact descended from ancestors specifically different. According to this doctrine of descent, the whole diversity of animals and plants owes its origin to a transformation process, in the course of which the earliest in- habitants of our earth, extremely simple forms of life, were in part evolved in the course of time into forms of continually increasing complexity of structure and efficiency of function, somewhat in the same way as we can see every day, when any higher animal is developed from a .single cell, the egg-cell, not suddenly or directly, but connected with its origin by a long series of ever more complex transformation stages, each of which is the preparation for, and leads on to the succeeding one. The theory of descent is thus a theory of development or evolution. It does not merely, as earlier science did, take for granted and describe existing forms of life, but regards them as having become what they are through a process of evolution, and it seeks to investigate the stages of this process, and to discover the impelling forces that lie behind it. Briefly, the theory of descent is an attempt at a scientific interpretation of the origin and diversity of the animate world. In these lectures, therefore, we have not merely to show on what grounds we make this postulate of an evolution process, and to marshall the facts which necessitate it ; we must also try to penetrate as far as possible towards the causes which bring about such trans- formations. For this reason we are forced to go beyond the limits of the theory of descent in the narrow sense, and to deal with the general processes of life itself, especially with reproduction and the closely associated problem of heredity. The transformation of species can only be interpreted in one of two ways ; either it depends on a peculiar internal force, which is usually only latent in the organism, but from time to time becomes active, and then, to a I. B 2 THE EVOLUTION THEORY certain extent, moulds it into new forms; or it depends on the continually operating forces which make up life, and on the way in which these are influenced by changing external conditions. Which of these alternatives is correct we can only undertake to determine when we know the phenomena of life, and as far as possible their causes, so that it is indispensable to make ourselves acquainted with these as far as we can. When we look at one of the lowest forms of life, such as an Amceba or a single-celled Alga, and reflect that, according to the theory of evolution, the whole realm of creation as we see it now, with Man at its head, has evolved from similar or perhaps even smaller and simpler organisms, it seems at first sight a monstrous assumption, and one which quite contradicts our simplest and most certain observa- tions. For what is more certain than that the animals and plants around us remain the same, as long as we can observe them, not through the lifetime of an individual only, but through centuries, and in the case of many species, for several thousand years ? This being so, it is intelligible enough that the doctrine of evolution, on its first emergence at the end of the eighteenth century, was received with violent opposition, not on the part of the laity only, but by the majority of scientific minds, and instead of being followed up, was at first opposed, then neglected, and finally totally forgotten, to spring up anew in our own day. But even then a host of antagonists ranged themselves against the doctrine, and, not content with loftily ignoring it, made it the subject of the most violent and varied attacks. This was the state of affairs when, in 1858, Darwin's book on The Origin of Species appeared, and hoisted the flag of evolution afresh. The struggle that ensued may now be regarded as at an end, at least as far as we are concerned — that is, in the domain of science. The doctrine of descent has gained the day, and we can confidently say that the Evolution theory has become a permanent possession of science that can never again be taken away. It forms the foundation of all our theories of the organic world, and all further progress must start from this basis. In the course of these lectures, we shall find at every step fresh evidence of the truth of this assertion, which may at first seem all too bold. It is not by any means to be supposed that the whole question in regard to the transformation of organisms and the succession of new forms of life has been answered in full, or that we have now been fortunate enough to solve the riddle of life itself. No ! whether we ever reach that goal or not, we are a long way from it as yet, and INTRODUCTORY 3 even the much easier problem, how and by what forces the evolution of the living world has proceeded from a given beginning, is far from being finally settled ; antagonistic views are still in conflict, and there is no arbitrator whose authoritative word can decide which is right. The Hoiv ? of evolution is still doubtful, but not the fact, and this is the secure foundation on which we stand to-day : The world of life, as we know it, has been evolved, and did not originate all at once. Were I to try to give, in advance, even an approximate idea of the confidence with which we can take our stand on this foundation, I should be almost embarrassed by the wealth of facts on which I might draw. It is hardly possible nowadays to open a book on the minute or general structural relations, or on the development of any animal whatever, without finding in it evidences in favour of the Evolution theory, that is to say, facts which can only be understood on the assumption of the evolution of the organic world. This, too, without taking into account at all the continually increasing number of facts Palaeontology is bringing to light, placing before our eyes the forms which the Evolution theory postulates as the ancestors of the organic world of to-day : birds with teeth in their bills, reptile-like forms clothed with feathers, and numerous other long-extinct forms of life, which, covered up by the mud of earlier waters, and preserved as f fossils ' in the later sedimentary rocks, tell us plainly how the earlier world of animals and plants was constituted. Later, we shall see that the geographical distribution of plant and animal species of the present day can only be understood in the light of the Evolution theory. But meantime, before we go into details, what may justify my assumption is the fact that the Evolution theory enables us to predict. Let us take only a few examples. The skeleton of the wrist in all vertebrate animals above Fishes consists of two rows of small bones, on the outer of which are placed the five bones of the palm, corresponding to the five fingers. The outer row is curved, and there is thus a space between the two rows, which, in Amphibians and Reptiles, is filled by a special small bone. This ' os centrale ' is absent in many Mammals, notably, for instance, in Man, and the space between the two rows is filled up by an enlargement of one of the other bones. Now if Mammals be descended from the lower vertebrates, as the theory of descent assumes, we should expect to find the ' os centrale ' even in Man in young stages, and, after many unsuccessful attempts, Rosenberg has at last been able to demonstrate it at a very early stage of embryonic development. B 2 4 THE EVOLUTION THEORY This prediction, with another to be explained later, is based upon the experience that the development of an individual animal follows, in a general way, the same course as the racial evolution of the species, so that structures of the ancestors of a species, even if they are not found in the fully developed animal, may occur in one of its earlier embryonic stages. Further on. we shall come to know this fact more intimately as a 'biogenetic law,' and it alone would be almost enough to justify the theory of evolution. Thus, for instance, the lowest vertebrates, the Fishes, breathe by means of gills, and these breathing organs are supported by four or more gill-arches, between which spaces, the gill-slits, remain open for the passage of water. Although Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals breathe by lungs, and at no time of their life by gills, yet, in their earliest youth, that is, during their early development in the egg, they possess these gill-arches and gill-slits, which subsequently disappear, or are transformed into other structures. On the strength of this ' biogenetic law ' it could also be predicted that Man, in whom, as is well known, there are twelve pairs of ribs, would, in his earliest youth, possess a thirteenth pair, for the lower Mammals have more numerous ribs, and even our nearest relatives, the anthropoid Apes, the gorilla and chimpanzee, have a thirteenth rib, though a very small one, and the siamang has even a fourteenth. This prediction also has been verified by the examination of young human embryos, in which a small thirteenth rib is present, though it rapidly disappears. During the seventies I was engaged in investigating the develop- ment of the curious marking which adorns the long body of many of our caterpillars. I studied in particular the caterpillars of our Sphingida3 or hawk-moths, and found, b}^ a comparison of the various stages of development from the emergence of the caterpillar from the egg on to its full growth, that there is a definite succession of different kinds of markings following each other, in a whole range of species, in a similar manner. From the standpoint of the Evolution theory, I concluded that the markings of the youngest caterpillars, simple longitudinal stripes, must have been those of the most remote ancestors of our present species, while those of the later stages, oblique stripes, were those of ancestors of a later date. If this were the case, then all the species of caterpillar which now exhibit oblique stripes in their full-grown stage must have had longitudinal stripes in their youngest stages, and because of this succession of markings in the individual development, I was able to predict that the then unknown young form of the caterpillar of our INTRODUCTORY 5 privet hawk-moth (Sphinx ligustri) must have a white line along each side of the back. Ten years later, the English zoologist, Poulton, succeeded in rearing the eggs of Sphinx ligustri, and it was then demonstrated that the young caterpillar actually possessed the postu- lated white lines. Such predictions undoubtedly give the hypothesis on which they are based, the Evolution theory, a high degree of certainty, and are almost comparable to the prediction of the discovery of the planet Neptune by Leverrier. As is well known, this, the most distant of all the planets, whose period of revolution round the sun is almost 165 of our years, would probably never have been recognized as a planet, had not Adams, an astronomer at the Greenwich Obser- vatory, and afterwards Leverrier, deduced its presence from slight disturbances in the path of Jupiter's moons, and indicated the spot where an unknown planet must be looked for. Immediately all telescopes were directed towards the spot indicated, and Galle, at the Berlin Observatory, found the sought-for planet. We might with justice regard as lacking in discernment those who, in the face of such experiences, still doubt that the earth revolves round the sun, and we might fairly say the same of any one who, in the face of the known facts, would dispute the truth of the Evolution theory. It is the only basis on which an understanding of these facts is possible, just as the Kant-Laplace theory of the solar system is the only basis on which an adequate interpretation of the facts of the heavens can be arrived at. To this comparison of the two theories it has been objected that the Evolution theory has far less validity than the other, first, because it can never be mathematically demonstrated, and secondly, because at the best it can only interpret the transformations of the animate world, and not its origin. Both objections are just : the phenomena of life are in their nature much too intricate for mathematics to deal with, except with extreme diffidence ; and the question of the origin of life is a problem which will probably have to wait long for solution. So, if it gives pleasure to any one to regard the one theory as having more validity than the other, no one can object : but there is no particular advantage to be gained by doing so. In any case, the Evolution theory shares the disadvantage of not being able to explain everything in its own province with the Kant-Laplace cosmogony, for that, too, must presuppose the first beginning, the rotating nebula. Although I regard the doctrine of descent as proved, and hold it to be one of the greatest acquisitions of human knowledge, 6 THE EVOLUTION THEORY I must repeat that I do not mean to say that everything is clear in regard to the evolution of the living world. On the contrary, I believe that we still stand merely on the threshold of investigation, and that our insight into the mighty process of evolution, which has brought about the endless diversity of life upon our earth, is still very incomplete in relation to what may yet be found out, and that, instead of being vainglorious, our attitude should be one of modesty. We may well rejoice over the great step forward which the dominant recognition of the Evolution theory implies, but we must confess that the beginnings of life are as little clear to us as those of the solar system. But we can do this at least : we can refer the innumerable and wonderful inter-relations of the organic cosmos to their causes — common descent and adaptation — and we can try to discover the ways and means which have co-operated to bring the organic world to the state in which we know it. When I say that the theory of descent is the most progressive step that has yet been taken in the development of human know- ledge, I am bound to give my reasons for this opinion. It is justified, it seems to me. even by this fact alone, that the Evolution idea is not merely a new light on the special region of biological science, zoology and botany, but is of quite general importance. The conception of an evolution of the world of life upon the earth reaches far beyond the bounds of any single science, and influences our whole realm of thought. It means nothing less than the elimination of the miracu- lous from our knowledge of nature, and the placing of the phenomena of life on the same plane as the other natural processes, that is, as having been brought about by the same forces, and being subject to the same laws. In the domain of the inorganic, no one now doubts that out of nothing nothing can come ; energy and matter are from everlasting to everlasting, they can neither be increased or decreased, they can only be transformed — heat into mechanical energy, into light, into electricity, and so on. For us moderns, the lightning is no longer hurled by the Thunderer Zeus on the head of the wicked, but, careless alike of merit or guilt, it strikes where the electric tension finds the easiest and shortest line of discharge. Thus to our mode of thought it now seems clear that no event in the world of the living depends upon caprice, that at no time have organisms been called forth out of nothing by the mighty word of a Creator, but they have been produced at all times by the co-operation of the existing forces of nature, and every species must have arisen just where, and when, and in the form in which it actually did arise, as the necessary outcome of the existing conditions of energy and INTRODUCTORY 7 matter, and of their interactions upon each other. It is this correlation of animate nature with natural forces and natural laws which gives to the doctrine of evolution its most general importance. For it thus supplies the keystone in the arch of our interpretation of nature and gives it unity ; for the first time it makes it possible to form a conception of a world-mechanism, in which each stage is the result of the one before it, and the cause of the succeeding one. How deeply all our earlier opinions are affected by this doctrine will become clear if we fix our attention on a single point, the derivation of the human understanding from that of animal ancestors. What of the reason of Man, of his morals, of his freedom of will ? may be asked, as it has been, and still is often asked. What has been regarded as absolutely distinct from the nature of animals is said to differ from their mental activities only in degree, and to have evolved from them. The mind of a Kant, of a Laplace, of a Darwin — or to ascend into the plane of the highest and finest emotional life, the genius of a Raphael or a Mozart — to have any real connexion, how- ever far back, with the lowly psychical life of an animal ! That is contrary to all our traditionary, we might say our inborn, ideas, and it is not to be wondered at that the laity, and especially the more cultured among them, should have opposed such a doctrine whose dominating power was unintelligible to them, because they were ignorant of the facts on which it rests. That a man should feel his dignity lowered by the idea of descent from animals is almost comical to the naturalist, for he knows that every one of us, in his first beginning, occupied a much lowlier position than that of our mammalian ancestors — was, in fact, as regards visible structure, on a level with the Amoeba, that microscopically minute unicellular animal, which can hardly be said to possess organs, and whose psychical activities are limited to recognizing and engulfing its food. Very gradually at first, and step by step, there develop from this single cell, the ovum, more and more numerous cells ; this mass of cells segregates into different groups, which differentiate further and further, until at last they form the perfect man. This occurs in the development of every human being, and we are merely unaccustomed to the thought that it means nothing else than an incredibly rapid ascent of the organism from a very low level of life to the highest. Still less is it to be wondered at that the Evolution doctrine met with violent opposition on the part of the representatives of religion, for it stood in open contradiction to that remarkable and venerable cosmogony, the Mosaic story of Creation, which people had been accustomed to regard, not as what it is — a conception of nature 8 THE EVOLUTION THEORY at an early stage of human culture — but as an inalienable part of our own religion. But investigation shows us that the doctrine of evolution is true, and it is only a weak religion which is incapable of adapting itself to the truth, retaining what is essential, and letting go what is unessential and subject to change with the development of the human mind. Even the heliocentric hypothesis was in its day declared false by the Church, and Galilei was forced to retract; but the earth continued to revolve round the sun, and nowadays any one who doubted it would be considered mentally weak or warped. So in all likelihood the time is not far distant when the champions of religion will abandon their profitless struggle against the new truth, and will see that the recognition of a law-governed evolution of the organic world is no more prejudicial to true religion than is the revolution of the earth round the sun. Having given this very general orientation of the Evolution problem, which is to engage our attention in detail, I shall approach the problem itself by the historical method, for I do not wish to bring the views of present-day science quite suddenly and directly into prominence. I would rather seek first to illustrate how earlier generations have tried to solve the question of the origin of the living world. We shall see that few attempts at solution were made until quite recently, that is, until the end of the eighteenth and the beginning of the nineteenth century. Only then there appeared a few gifted naturalists with evolutionist ideas, but these ideas did not penetrate far ; and it was not till after the middle of the nineteenth century that they found a new champion, who was to make them common property and a permanent possession of science. It was the teaching of Charles Darwin that brought about this thorough awakening, and laid the foundations of our present interpretations, and his work will therefore engross our attention for a number of lectures. Only after we have made ourselves acquainted with his teaching shall we try to test its foundations, and to see how far this splendid structure stands on a secure basis of fact, and how deeply its power of interpretation penetrates towards the roots of phenomena. We shall examine the forces by which organisms are dominated, and the phenomena produced, and thereby test Darwin's principles of interpretation, in part rejecting them, in part accepting them, though in a much extended form, and thus try to give the whole theoretic structure a more secure foundation. I hope to be able to show that we have made some real progress since Darwin's day, that INTRODUCTORY 9 deductions have been drawn from his theory which even he did not dream of, which have thrown fresh light on a vast range of pheno- mena, and, finalty, that through the more extended use of his own principles, the Evolution theory has gained a completeness, and an intrinsic harmony which it previously lacked. This at least is my own opinion, but I cannot ignore the fact that it is by no means shared by all living naturalists. The obvious gaps and insufficiencies of the Darwinian theory have in the last few decennia prompted all sorts of attempts at improving it. Some of these were lost sight of almost as soon as they were suggested, but others have held their own, and can still claim numerous supporters. It would only tend to bewilder if I gave an account of those of the former class, but those which still hold their own must be noticed in these lectures, though it is by no means my intention to expound the confused mass of opinions which has gathered round the doctrine of evolution, but rather to give a presentation of the theory as it has gradually grown up in my own mind in the course of the last four decades. Even this will not be the last of which science will take knowledge, but it will, I hope, at least be one which can be further built upon. Let us, then, begin at once with that earliest forerunner of the modern theory of descent, the gifted Greek philosopher Empedocles, who, equally important as a leader of the state of Agrigentum, and as a thinker in purely theoretical regions of thought, advanced very notable views regarding the origin of organisms. We must, however, be prepared to hear something that is hardly a theory in the modern scientific acceptation of that term ; and we must not be repelled by the unbridled poetical fancy of the speculative philosopher ; we have to recognize that there is a sound kernel contained in his amusing pictures — a thought which we meet with later, in much more concrete form, in the Darwinian theory, and which, if I mistake not, we shall keep firm hold of in all time to come. According to Empedocles the world was formed by the four elements of the ancients, Earth, Water, Fire, and Air, moved and guided by two fundamental forces, Hate and Love, or, as we should now say, Repulsion and Attraction. Through the chance play of these two forces with the elements, there arose first the plants, then the animals, in such a manner that at first only parts and organs of animals were formed: single eyes without faces, arms without bodies, and so on. Then, in wild play, Nature attempted to put together these separate parts, and so created all mariner of com- binations, for the most part inept monsters unfit for life, but in a few 10 THE EVOLUTION THEORY cases, where the parts fitted, there resulted a creature capable not only of life, but, if the juxtaposition was perfect, even of reproduction. This phantastic picture of creation seems to us mad enough, but there slumbers in it, all unsuspected though it may have been by the author, the true idea of selection, the idea that much that is unfit certainly arises, but that only the fit endures. The mechanical coming-to-be of the fit is the sound kernel in this wondersome doctrine. The natural science of the ancients, in regard to life and its forms, reached its climax in Aristotle (died 322 B. a). A true poly- historian, his writings comprehended all the knowledge of his time, but he also added much to it from his own observation. In his writings Ave find many good observations on the structure and habits of a number of organisms, and he also had the merit of being the first to attempt a systematic grouping of animals. With true insight, he grouped all the vertebrates together as Enaimata or animals with blood, and classed all the rest together as Anaimata or bloodless animals. That he denied to the latter group the possession of blood is not to be wondered at, when we take into account the extremely imperfect means of investigation available in his time, nor is it surprising that he should have ranked this motley company, in antithesis to the blood-possessing animals, as a unified and equivalent group. Two thousand years later, Lamarck did exactly the same thing, when he divided the animals into backboned and backboneless, and we reckon this nowadays as a merit only in so far that he was the first, after Aristotle, to re-express the solidarity of the classes of animals which we now call vertebrates. Aristotle was, however, not a s}^stematic zoologist in our sense of the term, as indeed was hardly possible, considering the very small number of animal forms that were known in his time. In our day we have before us descriptions of nearly 300.000 named species wherefrom to construct our classification, while Aristotle knew hardly more than 200. Of the whole world of microscopic animals he could, of course, have no idea, any more than of the remains of prehistoric animals, of which we now know about 40.000 named and adequately described species. One would have thought that it would have occurred to a quick-witted people like the Greeks to pause and ponder when they found mussel-shells and marine snail-shells on the hills far above the sea; but they explained these by the great flood in the time of Deucalion and Pyrrha, and they did not observe that the fossil molluscs were of different species from the similar animals living in the sea in their own day. INTRODUCTORY \\ Thus there was nothing to suggest to Aristotle and others of his time the idea that a transformation of species had been going on through the ages, and even the centuries after him evoked no such idea, nor did there arise new speculations, after the manner of Empedocles, in regard to the origin of the organic world. On the whole, the knowledge of the living world retrograded rather than advanced until the beginning of the Koman Empire. What Aristotle had known was forgotten, and Pliny's work on animals is a catalogue embellished with numerous fables, arranged according to a purely external principle of division. Pliny divided animals into those belonging to earth, water, and air, which is not very much more scientific than if he had arranged them according to the letters of the alphabet. During the time of the Roman Empire, as is well known, the knowledge of natural history sank lower and lower; there was no more investigation of nature, and even the physicians lost all scientific 1 iasis. and practised only in accordance with their traditional esoteric secrets. As the whole culture of the West gradually disappeared, the knowledge of nature possessed by earlier centuries was also completely lost, and in the first half of the Middle Ages Europeans revealed a depth of ignorance of the natural objects lying about them, which it is difficult for us now to form any conception of. Christianity was in part responsible for this, because it regarded natural science as a product of heathendom, and therefore felt bound to look coldly on it, if not even to oppose it. Later, however, even the Christian Church felt itself forced to give the people some mental nourishment in the form of natural history, and under its influence, perhaps actually composed by teachers of the Church, there appeared a little book, the so-called Physiologus, which was meant to instruct the people in regard to the animal world. This remarkable work, which has been preserved, must have had a very wide distribution in the earlier Middle Ages, for it was translated into no fewer than twelve languages, Greek, Armenian, Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic, and so on. The contents are very remarkable, and come from the most diverse sources, that is, from the most different writers of antiquity, from Herodotus, from the Bible, and so forth, but never from original observation. The compilation does not really give descriptions of animals or of their habits, but, of each of the forty-one animals which the Physiologas recognizes, something remarkable is briefly related in true lapidary style, sometimes a mere curiosity without further import, or sometimes a symbolical interpretation. Thus the book says of the panther : ' he is gaily coloured ; after satiating himself he 12 THE EVOLUTION THEORY sleeps three days, and awakes roaring, giving forth such an agreeable odour that all animals come to him.' Of the pelican the well-known legend is related, that it tears open its own breast to feed its young with its blood, thus standing as a symbol of mother-love. Fabulous creatures, too, appear in these pages. Of the Phoenix, that bird whose plumage glitters with gold and precious stones, which was known even to Herodotus, and which has survived through Eastern fairy-tales on to the time of our own romanticists (Tieck), we read: 'it lives a thousand years, because it lias not eaten of the tree of know- ledge ' ; then ' it sets fire to itself and arises anew from its own ashes,' a symbol of nature's infinite power of renewing its youth. But while among the peoples of Europe all the science of the ancients was lost, except a few barely recognizable fragments, the old lore was preserved, both as regards organic nature and other orders of facts, among the Arabs, through whom so many treasures of antiquity have eventually been handed down to us, coming in the track of the Arabian conquests across North Africa and Spain to the nations of Europe. It was in this way, too, that the writings of Aristotle again found recognition, after having been translated into Latin at Palermo at the order of that enthusiast for Science and Art, the Hohen- staufen Emperor, Frederick the Second. Our Emperor presented one copy of Aristotle's writings to the University of Bologna, and thus the wisdom of the ancient Greeks again became the common property of European culture. From the thirteenth century to the eighteenth, the study of natural science was limited to repeating and extending the work of Aristotle. Nothing new, depending upon personal observation, was added, and it does not even seem to have occurred to any one to subject the statements of the Stagirite to any test, even when they concerned the most familiar objects. No one noticed the error which ascribed to the fly eight legs instead of six ; there was in fact as yet no investigation, and all knowledge of natural history was purely scholastic, and gave absolute credence to the authority of the ancients. A revulsion, however, occurred in the century of the Reforma- tion, with the breaking down of the blind belief in authority which had till then prevailed in all provinces of human knowledge and thought. After a long and severe struggle, dry scholasticism was finally overcome, and natural science, with the rest, turned from a mere reliance on books to original thinking and personal observa- tion. Thenceforward interpretations of natural processes were sought for no longer in the writings of the ancients, but in Nature herself. INTRODUCTORY 13 Of the magnitude of this emancipation, and of the severity of the struggle against deep-rooted authority, one could form a faint idea from experience even in my own youth. Our young minds were so deeply imbued with the involuntary feeling that the ancients were superior to us moderns in each and every respect, that not only the hardly re-attainable plastic art of the Greeks and the immortal songs of Homer, but all the mental products of antiquity seemed to us models which could never be equalled ; the tragedies of Sophocles were for us the greatest tragedies that the world had ever seen, the odes of Horace the most beautiful poems of all time ! In the domain of natural science the new era began with the overthrow of the Ptolemaic cosmogony, which, for more than a thousand years, had served as a basis for astronomy. When the German canon, Nicolas Copernicus (born at Thorn. 1473, died 1543)> reversed the old theory, and showed that the sun did not revolve round the earth, but the earth round the sun, the ice was broken and the way paved for further progress. Galilei uttered his famous ' e pur si muove,' Kepler established his three laws of the movements of the planets, and Newton, a century later, interpreted their courses in terms of the law of gravitation. But we have not here to do with a history of physics or astronomy, and I only wish to recall these well-known facts, in order that we may see how increased knowledge in this domain was always accompanied by advances in that of biology. Here, however, we cannot yet chronicle airy such thoroughgoing revolution of general conceptions; the basis of detailed empirical knowledge was not nearly broad enough for that, and it was in the acquiring of such a foundation that the next three centuries, from the sixteenth to the end of the eighteenth, were eagerly occupied. The first step necessary was to collate the items of individual knowledge in regard to the various forms of life, and to bring the whole in unified form into general notice. This need was met for the first time by Conrad Gessner's Thierbuch, a handsome folio volume, printed at Zurich in 1551, and embellished with numerous woodcuts, some of them very good. This was followed, in j 600, by a great work in many volumes, written in Latin, by a professor of Bologna, Aldrovandi. Not native animals alone but foreign ones also were described in these works, for, after the discovery of America and the opening up of communication with the East Indies, many new animal and plant forms came to the knowledge of European nations by way of the sea. Thus Francesco Hernandez (died i6co), physician in ordinary to Philip II, described no fewer than forty new 14 THE EVOLUTION THEORY Mammals, more than two hundred Birds, and many other American animals. Again, in a quite different way, the naturalist's field of vision Was widened, namely, by the invention of the simple microscope, with which Leeuwenhoek first discovered the new world of Infnsorians, and Swammerdam made his notable observations on the structure and development of the very varied minute animal inhabitants of fresh water. In the same century, the seventeenth, anatomists like Tulpius, Malpighi, and many others extended the knowledge of the internal structure of the higher animals and of Man, and a foundation was laid for a deeper insight into the nature of vital functions by the discovery of the circulation of the blood in Man and the higher animals. In the following century, the eighteenth, this path of active research was eagerly followed, and we need only mention such names as Reaumur, Rosel von Rosenhof, De Geer, Bonnet, J. Chr. Schafer, and Ledermuller, to be immediately reminded of the wealth of facts about the structure, life, and especially the development of our indigenous animals, which we owe to the labours of these men. Al] these advances, great and many-sided as they were, did not at once lead to a renewal of the attempt of Empedocles to explain the origin of the organic world. This was as yet not even recognized as a problem requiring investigation, for men were content to take the world of life simply as a fact. The idea of getting beyond the naive, poetic standpoint of the Mosaic story of Creation was as yet remote from the minds of naturalists, partly because they were wholly fascinated by the observation of masses of details, but chiefly because, first by the English physician, John Ray (died 1678), then by the great Swede, Carl Linne, the conception of organic ' species ' had been formulated and sharply defined. It is true enough that before the works of these two men ' species ' had been spoken of, but without being connected with any definite idea ; the word was used rather in the same vague sense as the word 'genus,' to designate one of the smaller groups of organic forms, but without implying any clear ide^ of its scope or of its limitations. Kow, however, for the first time, the term 'species' came to be used strictly to mean the smallest homogeneous group of individual forms of life upon the earth. John Ray held that the surest indication of a ' species ' was that its members had been produced from the same seed ; that is, ' forms which are of different species maintain this specific nature constantly, and one species does not arise from the seed of another.' Here we have the germ of the doctrine of the absolute nature and the INTRODUCTORY 15 immutability of species which Linne briefly characterized in these words: 'Species tot sunt, quot fornix ab initio create sunt,' 'there are just so many species as there were forms created in the beginning.' It is here clearly implied, that species as we know them have been as they are from all time, that, therefore, they exist in nature as such and unchangeably, and have not been merely read into nature by man. This view, though we cannot now regard it as correct, was undoubtedly reasonable, and thoroughly in accordance with the spirit of the time ; it was congruent with the knowledge, and above all with the scientific endeavours of the age. In the eighteenth century there was danger that all outlook on nature as a whole would be lost — smothered under the enormous mass of isolated facts, and especially under the inundation of diverse animal and plant forms which were continually being recognized. It must therefore have been regarded as a real deliverance, when Linne reduced this chaos of forms to a clearly ordered system, and relegated each form to its proper place and value in relation to the whole. How, indeed, could the great systematist have performed his task at all, if he had not been able to work with definite and sharply circumscribed groups of forms, if he had not been able to regard at least the lowest elements of his system, the species, as fixed and definite types ? On the other hand, Linne was much too shrewd an observer not to entertain, in the course of his long life, and under the influence of the continually accumulating material, doubts as to the correctness of his assumption of the fixity and absoluteness of his species. He discovered from his own experience, what is fully borne out by ours, that it is easy enough to define a species when there are only a few specimens of a form to deal with, but that the difficulty increases in proportion to the number and to the diversity of habitat of those that are to be brought under one category. In the last edition of the Systema Naturae we find very noteworthy passages in which Linne wonders whether, after all, a species may not change, and in the course of time diverge into varieties, and so forth. Of these doubts no notice was taken at the time ; the accepted doctrine of the fixity of species was held to and even raised to the rank of a scientific dogma. Georges Cuvier, the great disciple of the Stuttgart ' Karlschule,' accentuated the doctrine still further by his establishment of animal-types, the largest groups of forms in the animal kingdom within which a definite and funda- mentally distinct plan of architecture prevails. His four types, Vertebrates, Molluscs, Articulate and Radiate animals, furnished a further corroboration of the absolute nature of species, since they 16 THE EVOLUTION THEORY seemed to show that even the highest and most comprehensive groups are sharply denned off from one another. Let me add that this doctrine of the absolute nature of species was not fully elaborated till our own day, when the Swiss (afterwards American) naturalist. Louis Agassiz, went so far as to maintain that not only the highest and the lowest categories, but all those coming between them, were categories established and sharply separated by Nature herself. But in spite of much ingenuity and his wide and compre- hensive outlook he exerted himself in vain to find satisfactory and really characteristic definitions of what was to be considered a class, an order, a family, or a genus. He did not succeed in finding a rational definition of these systematic concepts, and his endeavour may be regarded as the last important attempt to prop up an interpretation of nature already doomed to fall. But in referring to Louis Agassiz I have anticipated the historical course of scientific development, and must therefore go back to the last quarter of the eighteenth century. The first unmistakable pioneer of the theory of descent, which now emerged for the first time as a scientific doctrine, was our great poet Goethe. He has indeed been often named as the founder of the theory, but that seems to me saying too much. It is true, however, that the inquiring mind of the poet certainly recognized in the structure of ' related ' animals the marvellous general resemblances amid all the differences in detail, and he probed for the reason of these form -relations. Through the science of ' comparative anatomy,' as it was taught at the close of the century by Kielmeyer, Cuvier's teacher, and later by Cuvier himself, Blumenbach, and others, numerous facts had become known, which paved the way for such questions. It had, for instance, been recognized that the arm of man, the wing of the bird, the paddle of the seal, and even the foreleg of the horse, contain essentially the same chain of bones, and Goethe had already expressed these relations in his well-known verse, ' Alle Gestalten sind ahnlich, clocli keine gleichet der andern, Und so deutet der Chor auf ein geheimes Gesetz.' As to what this law was he did not at that time pronounce an opinion, though he may even then have thought of the transformation of species. At first he contented himself with seeking for an ideal archetype or ' Urtypus ' which was supposed to lie at the foundation of a larger or smaller group. He discovered the archetypal plant or ' Urpflanze/ when he rightly recognized that the parts of the flower are nothing more than modified leaves. He spoke plainly of the ' metamorphosis of plants,' meaning by that the transformation of his ' archetype ' into the INTRODUCTORY 17 endless diversity of actual plant forms. But at first he certainly thought of this transformation only in the ideal sense, and not as a factual evolutionary process. The first who definitely maintained the latter view was, remark- ably enough, the grandfather of the man who, in our own day, made the theory of descent finally triumphant, the English physician Erasmus Darwin, born 1731. This quiet thinker published, in 1794, a book entitled Zoonomia, and in it he takes the important step of substituting for Goethe's ' secret law ' a real relationship of species. He proclaims the gradual establishment and ennobling of the animal world, and bases his view mainly on the numerous obvious adapta- tions of the structure of an organ to its use. I have not been able to find any passage in the book in which he has expressly indicated that, because many of the conditions of life could not have existed from the beginning, these adaptations are therefore, as such, an argument for the gradual transformation of species. But he assumed that such exact adaptations to the functions of an organ could only arise through the exercise of that function, and in this he saw a proof of transformation. Goethe had expressed the same idea when he said, ' Thus the eagle has conformed itself through the air to the air, the mole through the earth to the earth, and the seal through the water to the water,' and this shows that he too at one time thought of an actual transformation. But neither he nor Erasmus Darwin were at all clear as to how the use of an organ could bring about its variation and transformation. The latter only says that, for instance, the snout of the pig has become hard through its constant grubbing in the ground ; the trunk of the elephant has acquired its great mobility through the perpetual use of it for all sorts of purposes ; the tongue of the herbivore owes its hard, grater-like condition to the rubbing to and fro of the hard grass in the mouth, and so on. How acute and thoughtful an observer Erasmus Darwin was, is shown by the fact that he had correctly appreciated the biological significance of many of the colour-adaptations of animals to their surroundings, though it was reserved for his grandson to make this fully clear at a much later date. Thus he regarded the varied colouring of the python, of the leopard, and of the wild cat as the best adapted for concealing them from their prey amid the play of light and shadow in a leafy thicket. The black spot in front of the eye of the swan he con- sidered an arrangement to prevent the bird from being dazzled, as would happen if that spot were as snow-white as the rest of the plumage. At the end of the book he sums up his views in the following 1. c 18 THE EVOLUTION THEORY sentences : ' The world has been evolved, not created ; it has arisen little by little from a small beginning, and has increased through the activity of the elemental forces embodied in itself, and so has rather grown than suddenly come into being at an almighty word.' ' What a sublime idea of the infinite might of the great Architect ! the Cause of all causes, the Father of all fathers, the Ens entium ! For if we could compare the Infinite it would surely require a greater Infinite to cause the causes of effects than to produce the effects them- selves.' In these words he sets forth his position in regard to religion, and does so in precisely the same terms as we may use to-day when we say : ' All that happens in the world depends on the forces that prevail in it, and results according to law ; but where these forces and their substratum, Matter, come from, we know not, and here we have room for faith.' I have not been able to discover whether the Zoonomia, with its revolutionary ideas, attracted much attention at the time when it appeared, but it would seem not. In any case, it was afterwards so absolutely forgotten, that in an otherwise very complete History of Zoology, published in 1872 by Victor Cams, it was not even mentioned. About a year after the appearance of Zoonomia, Isidore Geoffroy St.-Hilaire in Paris expounded the view that what are called species are really only ' degenerations,' deteriorations from one and the same type, which shows that he too had begun to have doubts as to the fixity of species. Yet it was not till the third decade of the nineteenth century that he clearly and definitely took up the position of the doctrine of transformation, and to this we shall have to return later on. But as early as the first decade of the century this position was taken up by two noteworthy naturalists, a German and a Frenchman, Treviranus and Lamarck. Gottfried Reinhold Treviranus, born at Bremen in 1776, an excellent observer and an ingenious investigator, published, in 1802, a book entitled Biologie, oder Philosophie der lebenden Natur [Biology, or Philosophy of Animate Nature], in which he expresses and elaborates the idea of the Evolution theory with perfect clearness. We read there, for instance : ' In every living being there exists a capacity for endless diversity of form ; each possesses the power of adapting its organization to the variations of the external world, and it is this power, called into activity by cosmic changes, which has enabled the simple zoophytes of the primitive world to climb to higher and higher stages of organization, and has brought endless INTRODUCTORY 19 variety into nature.' But where the motive power lies, which brings about these transformations from the lowliest to ever higher forms of life, was a question which Treviranus apparently did not venture to discuss. To do this, and thus to take the first step towards a causal explanation of the assumed transformations, was left for his successor. Jean Baptiste de Lamarck, born in 1744 in a village of Picardy, was first a soldier, then a botanist, and finally a zoologist. He won his scientific spurs first by his Flora of France, and zoology holds him in honour as the founder of the category of ' vertebrates.' Not that he occupied himself in particular detail with these, but he recognized the close alliance of the classes of animals in question — an alliance which was subsequently expressed by Cuvier by the systematic term ' type ' or ' embranchement.' In his Philosophie zoologique, published in 1809, Lamarck set forth a theory of evolution whose truth he attempted to . vindicate by showing — as Treviranus had done before him — that the conception of species, on the immutability of which the whole hypothesis of creation had been based, was an artificial one, read into nature by us ; that sharply circumscribed groups do not exist in nature at all ; and that it is often very difficult, and not infrequently quite impossible, to define one species precisely from allied forms, because it is con- nected with these on all sides by transition stages. Groups of forms which thus melted into one another indicated that the doctrine of the fixity of species could not be correct, any more than that of their absolute nature. Species, he maintained, are not immutable, and are not so old as nature; they are fixed only for a certain time. The shortness of our life prevents our directly recognizing this. ' If we lived a much shorter time, say about a second, the hour-hand of the clock would appear to us to stand still, and even the combined observations of thirty generations would afford no decisive evidence as to the hand's movement, and yet it had been moving.' The causes on which, according to Lamarck, the transformation of species, their modification into new species, depends, lie in the changes in the conditions of life which must have occurred ceaselessly from the earliest period of the earth's history till our own day, now here, now there, due in part to changes in climate and in food-supply, in part to changes in the earth's crust by the rising or sinking of land-masses, and so forth. These external changes have sometimes been the direct cause of changes in bodily structure, as in the case of heat or cold; but they have sometimes and much more effectively operated indirectly. Thus changed conditions may have C 2 20 THE EVOLUTION THEORY prompted an animal of a given species to use certain parts of its body in a new way, more vigorously, or less actively, or even not at all, and the more vigorous use, or, conversely, the disuse, has brought about variations in the organ in question. Thus the whales lost their teeth when they abandoned their fish diet, and acquired the habit of feeding on minute and delicate molluscs, which they swallowed whole without seizure or mastication. Thus, too, the eyes of the mole degenerated through its life in the dark, and a still greater degeneration of the eyes has taken place in animals, like the proteus-salamander, which always inhabit lightless caves. In mussels both head and eyes degenerated because the animals could no longer use them after they became enclosed in opaque mantles and shells. In the same way snakes lost their legs pari jmssu with the acquisition of the habit of moving along by wriggling their long bodies, and of creeping through narrow fissures and holes. On the other hand, Lamarck interpreted the evolution of the web-feet of swimming birds by supposing that some land-bird or other had formed the habit of going into the water to seek for food, and consequently of spreading out its toes as widely as possible so as to strike the water more vigorously. In this way the fold of skin between the toes was stretched, and as the extension of the toes was very frequent and was continued through many generations, the web expanded and grew larger, and thus formed the web-foot. In the same way the long legs of the wading birds have been, according to Lamarck, gradually evolved by the continual stretching of the limbs by wading in deeper and deeper water, and similarly for the long necks and bills of the waders, the herons and the storks. Finally we may mention the case of the giraffe, whose enormously long neck and tall forelegs are interpreted as due to the fact that the animal feeds on the foliage of trees, and was always stretching as far as possible, in order to reach the higher leaves. We shall see later in what a different way Charles Darwin explained this case of the giraffe. Lamarck's idea is at once clear; it is true that exercising an organ strengthens it, that disuse makes it weaker. Through much gymnastic exercise the muscles of the arm become thicker and more capable, and memory too may be improved, that is to say, even a definite part of the brain may be considerably strengthened by use. Indeed, we may now go so far as to admit that every organ is strengthened by use and weakened by disuse, and so far the foundations of Lamarck's interpretations are sound. But he presupposes something that cannot be admitted so readily, namely, that such ' functional ' improvement or diminution in the strength of INTRODUCTORY 21 an organ can be transmitted by inheritance to the succeeding generation. We shall have to discuss this question in detail at a later stage, and I shall only say now that opinions as to whether this is possible or not are very much divided. I myself doubt this possi- bility, and therefore cannot admit the validity of the Lamarckian evolutionary principle in so far as it implies the directly transforming effect of the functioning of an organ. But even if we recognize the Lamarckian factor as a vera causa, it is easy to show that there are a great many characters which it is not in a position to interpret. Many insects which live upon green leaves are green, and not a few of them possess exactly the shade of green which marks the plant on which they feed ; they are thus protected in a certain measure from injuries. But how could this green colour of the skin have been brought about by the activity of the skin, since the colour of the surroundings does not usually stimulate the skin to activity at all ? Or how should a grasshopper, which is in the habit of sitting on dry brandies of herbs, have thereby been incited to an activity which imparts to it the colour and shape of a dry twig ? Just as little, or perhaps still less, can the protective green colour of a bird's or insect's eggs be explained through the direct influence of their usually green surroundings, even if we disregard the fact that the eggs are green when they> are laid — that is, before the environment can have had any influence on them. The Lamarckian principle of modification through use does not, in any case, nearly suffice as an interpretation of the transformations of the organic world. It must be allowed that Lamarck's theory of transformation was well founded at the time when it was advanced ; it not only attacked the doctrine of the immutability of species, but sought for the first time to indicate the forces and influences which must be operative in the transformations of species ; it was therefore well worth careful testing. Nevertheless it did not divert science from its chosen path ; very little notice was taken of it, and in the great Cuvier's chronicle of scientific publications for 1809, not a syllable is devoted to Lamarck's book, so strong was the power of prejudice. But, although the new doctrine was thus ignored, it did not altogether fall to the ground ; it glimmered for a while in Germany, where it found its champions in the ' Naturphilosophie ' of the time, and especially in Lorenz Oken, a peasant's son, born at Ortenau, near Offenburg, in 1783. Oken professed views similar to those of Erasmus Darwin, Treviranus, and Lamarck, though they were not clothed in such 22 THE EVOLUTION THEORY purely scientific garb, being, in fact, bound up with the general philosophical speculations which came increasingly into favour at that time, chiefly through the writings of Schelling. In the same year, 1809, m which Lamarck published his Philosophie zoologiquc, Oken's Leltrhuch der Naturphilosophie appeared. This book is by no means simply a theory of descent ; its scope is much wider, including the phenomena of the whole cosmos; on the other hand, it goes too little into details and is too indefinite to deserve its title. Its way of playing with ideas, its conjectures and inferences from a fanciful basis, make it difficult for us now to think ourselves into its mode of speculation, but I should like to give some indication of it, for it was just these speculative encroachments of the ' categories ' of the so-called ' Naturphilosophie ' which played a fatal part in causing the temporary disappearance of the Evolution- theory from science, so that, later on, it had to be established anew. Oken defines natural science as ' the science of the everlasting transmutations of God (the Spirit) in the world ' : Every thing, considered in the light of the genetic process of the whole, includes, besides the idea of being, that of not-being, in that it is involved in a higher form. ' In these antitheses the category of polarity is included. The simpler elementary bodies unite into higher forms, which are thus merely repetitions at a potential higher than that of their causes. Thus the different genera of bodies form parallel and corresponding series, the reasonable arrangement of which results as an intrinsic necessity from their genetic connexion. In individuals these lowlier series make their appearance again during development. The con- trasts in the solar system between planets and sun are repeated in plants and animals, and, as light is the principle of movement, animals have the power of independent movement in advance of the plants which belong to the earth.' Obviously enough, this is no longer the study of nature ; it is nature-construction from a basis of guesses and analogies rather than of knowledge and facts. Light is the principle of motion, and as animals move, they correspond to the sun, and plants to the planets ! Here there is not even a hint of a deepening of knowledge, and all these deductions now seem to us quite worthless. On the other hand, it must be allowed that good ideas are by no means absent from this ' philosophy,' nor can we deny to this restlessly industrious man a great mind always bent on discovering what was general and essential. Much of what we now know he even then guessed at and taught, as, for instance, that the basis of all forms of life in this infinitely diverse world of organisms was one and the INTRODUCTORY 23 same substance—' primitive slime,' ' Urschleim ' as he called it, or, as we should now say, 'protoplasm.' We can therefore, mutatis mutandis, agree with Oken when he says, ' Everything organic has come from ■ slime, and is nothing but diversely organized slime.' Many naturalists of the present day would go further, and agree with Oken when he suggests that ' this primitive slime has arisen in the sea, in the course of the planet's (the earth's) evolution out of in- organic material.' Thus Oken postulated, as the specific vehicle of life, a primitive substance, in essence at least homogeneous. But he went further, and maintained that his ' Urschleim ' assumed the form of vesicles. of which the various organisms were composed. ' The organic world has as its basis an infinitude of such vesicles.' Who is not at once reminded of the now dominant Cell-theory 1 And, in fact, thirty years later, when the cell was discovered, Oken did claim priority for himself. In so doing, he obviously confused the formulating of a problem with the solving of it ; he had, quite rightly, divined that organisms must be built' up of very minute concentrations of the primitive substance, but he had never seen a cell, or proved the necessity for its existence, or even attempted to prove it. His vesicle- theory was a pure divination, a prevision of genius, but one which could not directly deepen knowledge ; it did not prompt, or even hasten, the discovery of the cell. Here, as throughout in his natural philosophy, Oken built, not from beneath upwards, by first establish- ing facts and then drawing conclusions from them, but, inversely, he invented ideas and principles, and out of them reconstructed the world. In this he differs essentially from his predecessors Erasmus Darwin, Treviranus, and Lamarck, who all reasoned inductively, that is, from observed data. Thus the whole evolutionary movement was lost in indefinite- ness; because men wanted to find a reason for everything, they missed even what might then have been explained. Moreover, the theory of evolution still lacked a sufficiently broad basis of facts: the ' Naturphilosophie,' by its want of moderation, robbed it of all credit ; and it is not to be wondered at that men soon ceased to occupy themselves with* the problem of the evolution of the living world. A few indeed held fast to the doctrine of evolution during the first third of the century, but then it disappeared completely from the realm of science. Its last flicker of life was seen in France, in 1 830, at the time of the July revolution, when the legitimate sovereignty of Charles X was overthrown. It is interesting to note the lively interest that 24 THE EVOLUTION THEORY Goethe, the first forerunner of the theory, and then aged eighty-one, had in the intellectual combat that took place in the French Academy between Cuvier and Isidore Geoffroy St.-Hilaire. A friend of Goethe's, Soret, relates that on August 2, 1830, he went into the poet's room, and was greeted with the words : ' Well, what do you think of this great event ? The volcano is in eruption, and all is in flames. There can no longer be discussion with closed doors.' Soret replied : ' It is a terrible business ! But what else was to be expected with things as they are, and with such a ministry, than that it should end in the expulsion of the reigning family 1 ' To which Goethe answered : * We don't seem to understand each other, my dear friend. I am not talking of these people at all ; I am thinking of quite different affairs. I refer to the open rupture in the Academy between Cuvier and Geoffroy St.-Hilaire ; it is of the utmost importance to science.' In this conflict of opinions, Cuvier opposed Geoffroy 's conception of the unity of the plan of structure in all animals, confronting him with the four Cuvierian types, in each of which the plan of structure was altogether different, and strongly insisting on the doctrine of the fixity of species, which he maintained to be the necessary postulate of a scientific natural history. The victory fell to Cuvier, and it cannot be denied that there was much justification for his opinions at the time, for the knowledge of facts at that stage was not nearly comprehensive enough to give security to the Evolution theory, and moreover the quiet progress of science might have been hindered rather than furthered by premature generalization and theorizing. It had now been seen how far the interpretation of general biological problems could be carried with the available material ; the ' Naturphilosophie ' had not merely exploited it as far as possible, but had burdened it much beyond its carrying power, and the world was weary of insecure speculations. The • Naturphilosophie ' was for the time quite worked out, and a long period set in, during which all energies were devoted to detailed research. LECTUEE II THE DARWINIAN THEORY Period of detailed research — Appearance of Darwin's Origin of Species — Darwin's life — Voyage round the world — His teaching — Domesticated animals, dog, horse — Pigeons — Artificial selection — Unconscious selection — Correlated variations. The period of wholly unphilosophical, purely detailed research may be reckoned as from about 1830 to i860, though, of course, many of the labours of the earlier part of the century must be counted among the investigations which were carried out without any reference to general questions, and even after i860 numerous such works appeared. Nor could it be otherwise, for the basis of all science must be found in facts, and the thorough working up of the fact-material will always remain the first and most indis- pensable condition of our scientific progress. During the period referred to, however, it had become the sole end to be striven for; and all energies were concentrated exclusively on the accumulation of facts. The previous century had added much to the knowledge of the inner structure of animals, the so-called ' comparative anatomy,' and in the nineteenth century this line of investigation was pursued even more extensively and energetically, so that the knowledge increased enormously. Up till this time it was chiefly the structure of the backboned animals and of a few ' backboneless ' animals, so called, that had been studied, but now all the lower groups of the animal kingdom were also investigated, and became known better and in more detail as the methods of research improved. Not content, however, with a knowledge of the adult animal, naturalists began to investigate its development. In the year 1 8 14 the first great work on development appeared, on the develop- ment of the chick, by Pander and Von Baer. It was there shown for the first time, how the chick begins as a little disk- shaped membrane on the surface of the yolk of the egg, at first simply as a pale streak, the ' primitive streak,' then as a groove, the ' primitive groove,' by the side of which arise two folds, the ' medullary folds,' and further how a system of blood-vessels is developed around this primitive rudiment on the upper surface of the yolk, how a heart *-4 ' 26 THE EVOLUTION THEORY arises before the rest of the body is complete, and how the blood begins to circulate ; in short, there was disclosed all the marvel of develop- ment to which we are now so much accustomed, that we can hardly understand the sensation it made at that time. Later on, attention was turned to the development of Fishes and Amphibians (Agassiz and Vogt, later Remak), then to that of the Worms (Bagge), of Insects (Kolliker), and gradually the development of all the groups of the animal-kingdom — from Sponges to Man — was so thoroughly investigated that it almost seems to-day as if there could not be much that is new to discover in this department. This impression may indeed be true as far as the less complex processes and the more obvious questions are concerned, but it is impossible to predict what new problems may confront us, whose solution will depend on a still more detailed study of development. As embryology is a science of the nineteenth century, so also is histology, the science of tissues. Its pioneer was Bichat, but its real foundations were not laid till Schwann and Schleiden formulated the conception of the ' cell,' and proved that all animals and plants were composed of cells. What Oken had only guessed at they now proved, that there are very minute form-elements of life which build up all the parts of animals and plants or produce them by processes of secretion. New light was thus shed on embryonic development, and this gradually led to the recognition of the fact that the egg, too, is a cell, and that development depends on a cell-division process in this egg-cell. This led further to the conception of many-celled and single-celled organisms, and so on to many items of knowledge to speak of which here would carry us too far. For it is not my intention to attempt a complete review of the development of biology in the nineteenth century, or even in the period which we have mentioned as devoted to detailed research ; it is rather my desire to convey a general impression of the enormous extent and many-sidedness of the progress that was made in this time. Let us therefore briefly recall the entirely new facts which were brought to light in this period with regard to the reproduction of animals. Asexual reproduction by budding and division was already known, but parthenogenesis is a discoveiy of this period, and so also is alternation of generations, so far-reaching in its bearing on general problems. It was first observed (18 19) by Chamisso in Salpa, then by Steenstrup in Medusaa and trematodes, and was later made fully clear in its most diverse forms and relations by the researches of Leuckart, Vogt, Kolliker, Gegenbaur, Agassiz, and other illustrious investigators. Reproduction by heterogony, too, THE DARWINIAN THEORY 27 which occurs in many crustaceans, and in aphides and certain worms. was recognized at that time, and in the sixties Carl Ernst von Baer added to the list precocious reproduction, or pedogenesis, which is illustrated in certain insects which reproduce in the larval state. This may suffice to convey some idea of the great mass of new, and in some cases startling facts previously unguessed at, which were then brought to light in the department of animal biology alone. To this must be added the vast increase in the number of known species and varieties, their distribution on the earth, and all this, mutatis mutandis, for plants also. Nor can we omit to mention the rapidly growing number of fossil species of animals and plants. Thus there gradually accumulated a new mass of material ; investigation became more and more specialized, and the danger became imminent that workers in the various departments would be unable to understand each other, so completely were they inde- pendent of one another in their specialist researches. There was lack of any unifying bond, for workers had lost sight of the general problem in which all branches of the science meet, and through which alone they can be united into a general science of biology. The time had come for again combining and correlating the details, lest they should grow into an unconnected chaos, through which it would be impossible to rind one's way, because no one could overlook it and grasp it as a whole. In a word, it was high time to return to general questions. Though I have called the period from 1830 to 1 860 that of purely detailed research, I do not mean to ignore the fact that, during that time, there were a few feeble attempts to return to the great questions which had been raised at the beginning of the century. But the point is, that all such attempts remained unnoticed. Thus there appeared, in 1844, a book entitled Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, the anonymous author of which revealed himself much later as Robert Chambers, an Edinburgh publisher. In this book the evolution of species was ascribed to two powers, a power of transformation and a power of adaptation. Two Frenchmen, Nauclin and Lecoq, also published a work in which the theory of evolution was set forth, and from 1852 to 1854 the well-known German anthropologist Schaafhausen was writing on similar lines. But all these calls sounded unheard, so deeply were naturalists plunged in detailed investigations, and it required a much mightier voice to command the ear of the scientific world. It is impossible to estimate the effect of Darwin's book on The 28 THE EVOLUTION THEORY Origin of Species, published in English in 1858, in German in 1859 unless we fully realize how completely the biologists of that time had turned away from general problems. I can only say that we, who were then the younger men, studying in the fifties, had no idea that a theory of evolution had ever been put forward, for no one spoke of it to us, and it was never mentioned in a lecture. It seemed as if all the teachers in our universities had drunk of the waters of Lethe, and had utterly forgotten that such a theory had ever been discussed, or as if they were ashamed of these philosophical flights on the part of natural science, and wished to guard their students from similar deviations. The over-speculation of the ' Naturphilosophie ' had left in their minds a deep antipathy to all far-reaching de- ductions, and, in their legitimate striving after purely inductive investigation, they forgot that the mere gathering of facts is not enough, that the drawing of conclusions is an essential part of the induction, and that a mass of bare facts, however enormous, does not constitute a science. One of my most stimulating teachers at that time, the gifted anatomist, Jacob Henle, had written as a motto under his picture, ' There is a virtue of renunciation, not in the province of morality alone, but in that of intellect as well,' a sentence which expressly indicated the desirability of refraining from all attempts to probe into the more general problems of life. Thus the young students of that time were nourished only on the results of detailed research, in part indeed interesting enough, but in part dry and, because uncorrelated, unintelligible in the higher sense, and only here and there awakening a deeper interest, when, as in physiology and in embryology, they formed a connected system in themselves. Without being fully clear as to what was lacking, we certainly missed the deeper correlation of the many separate disciplines. It is therefore not to be wondered that Darwin's book fell like a bolt from the blue ; it was eagerly devoured, and while it excited in the minds of the younger students delight and enthusiasm, it aroused among the older naturalists anything from cool aversion to violent opposition. The world was as though thunderstruck, as we can readily see from the preface with which the excellent zoologist of Heidelberg, Bronn, introduced his translation of Darwin's book, where he asks this question among others, ' How will it be with you, dear reader, after you have read this book ? ' and so forth. But before I enter on a detailed examination of the contents of this epoch-making book, I should like to say a few words about the man himself, who thus revolutionized our thinking. THE DARWINIAN THEORY 29 Charles Darwin was born in 1809, the year of the publication of Lamarck's Philosophie zoologique, and of Oken's Lehrbuch tier Naturpliilosoplde. There was thus a whole generation between the first emergence of the Evolution theory and its later revival. Darwin's father was a physician, and his education was not a regular one. In his youth he seems to have devoted much time and enthusiasm to hunting, and only very slowly to have taken up regular studies towards a definite end. In accordance with his father's wishes, he studied medicine for a time, but soon abandoned it to devote himself to botany and zoology. Before he had had time to distinguish himself in any special way in these subjects, he was offered, in his twenty-first year, the post of naturalist on an English war-ship which was to make a voyage round the world, and that at a leisurely rate. This was decisive not only for Darwin's immediate studies, but for the work of his life, for, as he tells us himself, it was during this voyage on the Beagle that the idea of the Evolution theory first came to him. While the vessel made a stay at the Galapagos Islands, west of South America, he noticed that quite a number of little land-birds occurred there which closely resembled those of the neighbouring mainland, but yet were different from them. Almost every little island had its own species, and so he concluded that all these might be descended from representatives of a few species which had long before drifted over from the mainland to these volcanic islands, become established there, and in the course of time taken on the character of new species. The problem of the transformation of species opened up before him, and he made up his mind to follow up the idea after his return, in the hope that by a patient collecting of facts, he would by and by arrive at some security with regard to this great question. I need not linger over any detailed account of his travels ; one can readily understand how a voyage round the world, lasting for five years, would offer to the inquiring mind of a Darwin rich opportunities for the most varied observations. That he did not fail to make use of these is evidenced not only by his book on The Origin of Species, but by several more special works, published shortly after his return — his natural history of those remarkable sessile crustaceans, the barnacles or Cirripedia, and his studies on the origin of coral reefs. The first-named book still holds its own as a classic monograph on this animal group, with its wealth of forms ; and the theory of the origin of coral reefs which Darwin elaborated has still many adherent,?, in spite of various rival interpretations. 30 THE EVOLUTION THEORY But Darwin would hardly have achieved what he did if he had been compelled to secure for himself a professional position in order to obtain bread and butter. Such great problems demand not only the whole of a man's mental energy,, they monopolize his time. Studies of detail may well be taken up in leisure hours, but big problems absorb all the thoughts and must always be present to the mind, lest the connexion between the many individual inquiries, which make up the whole task, be lost sight of. Darwin had the good fortune to be a free investigator, and to be able to retire, on his return from his travels, to a small property at Down in Kent, there to live for his family and his work. Here he followed up the idea of evolution which he had already formulated, and it has always seemed to me the most remarkable thing about him, that he was able to keep in mind and work up the hundreds of isolated inquiries that were eventually to be brought together to form the main fabric of his theory. When one studies his many later writings, one cannot but be surprised afresh by the number of different sets of facts he collected at the same time, partly from others, partly from personal observation, and continually also from his own experiments. He made experiments on plants and on animals, and the number of people with whom he carried on a scientific correspondence is simply astounding. In this way he brought together, in the course of twenty years, an extraordinarily rich material of facts, from the fullness of which he was able later to write his book on The Origin of species. Never before had a theory of evolution been so thoroughly nrepared for, and it is undoubtedly to this that it owed a great part of its success ; not to this alone, however, but still more, if not mainly, to the fact that it presented a principle of interpretation that had never before been thought of, but whose importance was apparent as soon as attention was called to it — the principle of selection. Charles Darwin championed, in the main, the same fundamental ideas as had been promulgated by his grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, by Treviranus, and by Lamarck : species only seem to us immutable ; in reality they can vary, and become transformed into other species, and the living world of our day has arisen through such transforma- tions, through a sublime process of evolution which began with the lowest forms of life, but by degrees, in the course of unthinkably long- ages, progressed to organisms more and more complex in structure, more and more effective in function. It is interesting to note at what point Darwin first put in his lever to attempt the solution of the problem of evolution. He started from quite a different point from the investigators of the early part THE DARWINIAN THEORY 31 of the century, for he began with forms of life which had previously been markedly neglected by science, the varieties of our domesticated animals and cultivated plants. Previously these had been in a sense mere step-children of biology, inconvenient existences which would not fit properly into the system, which were therefore as far as possible ignored or dis- missed as outside the scope of ' the natural/ because it was difficult to know what else to do with them. I can quite well remember that even as a boy, I was struck by the fact that one could find nothing in the systematic books about the many well-established garden forms of plants, or about our domestic animals, which seemed to be reo*arded as in a sense artificial products, and as such not worthy of scientific consideration. But it was in these that Darwin particularly inter- ested himself, making them virtually the basis of his theory, for he led up from them to the very principle of transformation, which was his most important addition to the earlier presentations of the Evolution theory. He started from the existence of varieties which may be observed in so many wild species. His line of thought was somewhat as follows : If species have really arisen through a gradual process of transformation, then varieties must be regarded as possible first steps towards new species ; if, therefore, we can only succed in finding out the causes which underlie the formation of any varieties what- ever, Ave shall have discovered the causes of the transformation of species. Now we find by far the greatest number of varieties, and the most marked ones, among our domesticated animals and plants, and unless we are to assume that each of these is descended from a special wild species, the reason why there has been such a wealth of variety-formation among them must lie in the conditions which influence the relevant species in the course of domestication ; and it remains for us to analyse these conditions till we come upon the track of the operative factors. With this conviction, Darwin devoted himself to the study of domesticated animals and plants. The first essential was to prove that every variety had not a separate wild species as ancestor, but that the whole wealth of our domesticated breeds originated, in each case, from one, or at least from a few wild species. Of course I cannot here recapitulate the multi- tudinous facts which were marshalled by Darwin, especially in his later works, notably his Animals and Plants under Domestica- tion, but this is not necessary to an understanding of his conclu- sions, and I shall therefore restrict myself to a few examples. Let us take first the domestic dog, Canis familiar is, Linne\ We 32 THE EVOLUTION THEORY have at the present day no fewer than seven main breeds, each of which has its sub-breeds, often numerous. Thus there are forty-eight sub-breeds which are used as guardians of our houses, ' house-dogs ' in the restricted sense, thirty sub-breeds of dogs with silk-like hair (King Charles dogs, Newfoundland dogs, &c), twelve of terriers, and thirty-five of sporting dogs, among them such different forms as the deerhound and the pointer. We have further nineteen sub- breeds of bulldogs, thirty-five of greyhounds, and six of naked or hair- less dogs. Not only the main breeds, but even the sub-breeds often differ as markedly from one another as wild species do, and the question must first be decided whether each of the very distinct breeds has not a special wild species as ancestor. Obviously, however, this cannot be maintained, for so many species of wild dog have never existed on the earth at any time. We know, too, that 4,000 or 5,000 years ago a large number of breeds of dogs were in existence in India and Egypt. There were Pariah dogs, coursers, greyhounds, mastiffs, house-dogs, lapdogs and terriers. It is not possible that the products of all lands could, at that time, have been gathered into one, and it is inconceivable that so many wild species could have existed in the one country of India. On the other hand, however, it cannot be maintained that all our present breeds have descended from a single wild species ; it is much more probable that several wild species were domesticated in different countries. It has often been supposed that the manifold diversity of our present breeds has been brought about by crossing the various tamed species. That cannot be the case, however, because crossing gives rise only to hybrid mongrel forms, not to distinct breeds with quite new characters. It is true that all breeds of dogs can be very readily crossed with each other, but the result is not new breeds, but those numberless and transient intermediate forms which the dog-breeder despises as worthless for his purpose. It must therefore have been through the influence of domestication, combined with crossing, that a few wild species gave rise to the various breeds of dogs. The pedigree of the horse is rather more clear than that of the dog. Even in this case, indeed, one cannot definitely name the ancestral wild form, but it is very probable that it was of a grey- brown colour, and similar to the wild horses of our own day. Darwin supposes that it must also have had the black stripe on the back which is exhibited by the domestic ass, and by several wild species of ass, basing his opinion on the fact that the spinal stripe often occurs in foals, especially in those of a grey-brown colour. THE DARWINIAN THEORY 33 But though there can be no doubt that this is to be interpreted as a reversion to a character of a remote ancestor, it by no means follows that the direct ancestral form must have had this stripe. I am more inclined to believe that the ancestor which bore this mark was considerably more remote, and lived before the differentiation of the horse from the ass. Darwin himself noted the remarkable fact that in rare cases, especially in foals, not only may the stripe on the back be present, but there may be more or less distinct zebra-striping on the legs and withers : this, however, must be interpreted as a reversion to the character of a very much more remote ancestor, to a common ancestor of all our present-day horses and asses, which must have been striped over its whole body, like the zebra living in Africa now. It cannot be proved of any of the wild horses of to-day that they are not descended from domesticated ancestors ; indeed, we can say with certainty that the thousands of wild horses which roam the plains of North and South America are descended from domestic horses, for there was no horse in America at the time it was dis- covered by the Europeans. In all probability our horse originated in Middle Asia, was there first domesticated, and has thence been gradually introduced into other countries. In Egypt it appears first on the monuments in the seventeenth century B.C., and it seems to have been introduced by the conquering Hyksos. On the ancient Assyrian monuments the chase after wild horses is depicted, and they were not caught, but killed with arrow and lance, like the lion and the gazelle. But even if two wild species of horse had been tamed in different parts of the great continent of Asia, these two domesticated animals would have varied much and in the most diverse manner, as we may infer from our different breeds of horses at the present day. There are a great many of these, and many of them differ very considerably from each other. If we think of the lightly built Arab horse, and place beside it the little pony, or the enormous Percheron, the powerful cart-horse from the old French province of La Perche, which easily draws a load of fifty kilograms, we are face to face with differences as great as those between natural species. And we may realize how many breeds of horses there are now upon the earth if we remember that nearly every oceanic island has its special breed of ponies. Not only in the cold Shetland Islands, England, Sardinia and Corsica, but in almost every one of the larger islands of the extensive Indian Archipelago there is one, and Borneo and Sumatra have several. I. D 34 THE EVOLUTION THEORY Bat the most conclusive proof of descent from a single wild species is afforded by the pigeons, and as the production of new breeds amoug them has been, and will continue to be, carried on with particular enthusiasm and deliberateness, I propose to deal with them somewhat more in detail. Darwin's work proves beyond a doubt that all our present-day breeds of pigeons are descended from a single wild species, the rock- dove, Columba livia. In appearance, this form, which still lives in a wild state, differs little from our half-wild blue-grey field-pigeon. It has the same metallic shimmer on the feathers of the neck, the same two black cross-bars on the wings as well as the band over the tail, and it has also the same slate-blue general colour. Now, all breeds of pigeons are without restriction fertile inter se, so that any breed can be crossed with any other, and it often happens that, in the products of such crossing, characters appear which the parents, that is, the two or more crossed breeds, did not possess, but which are among the characters of the rock-dove. Thus Darwin obtained, lyv crossing a pure white fan tail with a black barb, hybrids which were partly blackish brown, partly mixed with white, but when he crossed these hybrids with others from two breeds which were likewise not blue, and had no bars, he obtained a slate-blue rock- pigeon, with bars on the wings and tail. We shall inquire later on how far it is correct to regard such cases as reversions to remote ancestors, but if we take it for granted in the meantime, we have here a proof of the descent of our breeds from a single wild species. This is corroborated, too, by everything that we know about the distribution of the rock-pigeon and the place and time of its domestication. It still lives on the cliff-guarded shores of England, Brittany, Portugal, and Spain, and both in India and in Egypt there were tame pigeons at a very early period. Pigeons appear on the menu of a Pharaoh of the fourth dynasty (3000 b. a), and of India we know at least that in 1600 a.d. there were 20,000 pigeons belonging to the court of one of the princes. The beauty of this bird, and the ease with which it can be tamed, obviously called man's attention to it at a very early date, and it has been one of man's domestic companions for several thousands of years. Now we can distinguish at least twent}^ main races (Fig. 1), which differ from each other as markedly as, if not more markedly than, the most nearly allied of the 288 wild species of pigeons which inhabit the earth. We have carriers and tumblers, runts and barbs, pouters, turbits and Jacobins, trumpeters and laughers, fantails, swallows, Indian pigeons, &c. THE DARWINIAN THEORY 35 N r$ ;3 lO y Pn J— > 0> O l-1 ~H —1 o3 ^2 > . w !■*■ 1— 1 a J- ? o fH O -> r* ^ • a O D 2 36 THE EVOLUTION THEORY Each of these races falls into sub-races ; thus there is a German, an English, and a Dutch pouter-pigeon. The books on pigeons mention over 150 kinds which are quite distinct from one another, and breed true, that is, alwa}7s produce young similar to themselves. Without entering upon a detailed description of any of these, I should like to call attention to the way in which certain characters have varied among them. Colour is a subordinate race-character, in so far that colour alone does not constitute a race, yet the colouring within a particular sub-race is usually very sharply defined, and in every breed there are sub-races of different colours. Thus there are white, black, and blue fantails, there are white turbits with red-brown wings, but also red ones with white heads, and white tumblers with black heads, &c. Very unusual colours and colour- markings sometimes occur. Thus one sub- race of tumblers exhibits a peculiar clayey-yellow colour splashed with black markings, otherwise rare among pigeons, and almost suggestive of a prairie-hen ; there is also a copper-red spot-pigeon, a cherry-reel ' Gimpel '-pigeon, lark- coloured pigeons, &c. Then we find all possible juxtapositions of colours, limited to quite definite regions of the body ; thus we have white tumblers with a red head, red tail, and red wing- tips, or white tumblers with a black head, red turbits with white head, Indian pigeons quite black except for white wing-tips, and so on. The distribution of colour is often very complicated, but nevertheless, all the individuals of the breed show it in exactly the same manner. Thus there are the so-called blondinettes in which almost the whole body is copper- red, but the wings white, save that each quill bears at the rounded end of its vane a black and red fringe. I should never come to an end, if I were to try to give anything like a complete idea of the diversity of colouring among the various breeds of pigeons. Even such an important and, among wild species, unusually constant organ as the bill has varied among pigeons to an astonishing degree. Carrier-pigeons (Fig. 1, No. 6) have an enormously long and strong bill, which is moreover covered with a thick red growth of the cere, while in the turbits and owls (Fig. 1, Nos. 8 and 10) the bill is shorter than any we find among wild birds. In many breeds even the form of the bill deviates far from the normal, as in the bagadottes (No. 5) with crooked bill. Like the bill, the legs vary in regard to their length. The pouters (No. 1) stand on their long legs as on stilts, while the legs of the ' Nurnberger swallow ' are strikingly small. Remarkable, too, and very different from the wild species, is the thick growth of feathers on the feet and toes of the pouters and trumpeters (Fig. 1, No. 1), THE DARWINIAN THEOKY 37 as well as of some other breeds, which suggests the arrangement of feathers on a wing. Furthermore, the number and size of wing and tail-feathers in the different breeds often deviate considerably from the normal. The fantail (No. 7) in its most perfect form possesses forty tail- feathers, instead of the twelve usual in the wild rock-pigeon, and they are carried upright like a fan, while the head and neck of the bird are bent sharply backwards. In the hen-like pigeons the tail-feathers are few and short, so that they show an upright tail like that of a hen. I have already referred to the extraordinary carunculated skin-growth on the bill of many breeds : such folds also often surround the eye, and, as in the Indian barb (No. 2), are developed into well-formed thick circular ridges, while in the English carrier (No. 6) they lie about the bill as a formless mass of flesh. Even the skull has undergone many variations, as can be observed even in the living bird in many of the breeds with short forehead. Differences are to be found, too, in the number and breadth of the ribs, the length of the breast-bone, the number and size of the tail-vertebrse in different breeds. Of the internal organs, the crop in many breeds, but particularly in the pouters (No. 1 ), has attained an enormous size, and with this size is usually associated the habit of blowing it out with air, and assuming the characteristically upright position. That variations have taken place, too, in the most delicate structure of the brain, is shown by certain new instincts, such as the trumpeting of the trumpeters, the cooing of others, and the silence of yet other breeds, as well as by the curious habit of the tumblers of ascending quickly and vertically to a considerable height, and then turning over once, or even several times, in the course of their descent. In contrast to this, other breeds like the fantails have altogether given up the habit of flying high, and usually remain close to the dove-cot. Lastly, let me mention that the unusual development of individual feathers, or of groups of feathers, has become a race-character, upon which depend such remarkable structures as the feather-mantle turned over the head in the Jacobins (No. 9), the cap or plume on the head of various breeds, the white beard in the bearded tumbler, the collars which lie like a shirt-collar on the breast, or run down the sides of the neck (Nos. 8 and 10), and the circle of feathers which marks the root of the bill in the Bucharest trumpeter (No. 3). After what has been said, it is hardly necessary to add that the size of the whole body differs in different races. But the differences 38 THE EVOLUTION THEORY are very considerable, for, according to Darwin, one of the largest runt-pigeons weighed exactly five times as much as one of the smallest tumblers with short forehead, and in the illustration (Fig. i) the pouter looks a giant beside the little barb to its left. Thus we see that nearly every part of the body of the pigeon has varied under domestication in the most diverse ways, and to a high degree : and the same is true of several other domesticated animals, poultry, horses, sheep, cattle, pigs, and so on, though the matter is not altogether so clear in their case, since descent from a single wild species cannot be proved, and is in many cases improbable. But in the case of pigeons this common descent is certain, and we have now to inquire in what manner all these variations from the parent form have been brought about. The answering of this question is rendered easier by the fact that new breeds arise even now, and that, to some extent at least, they can be caused to arise, consciously and intentionally. In England, as well as in Germany and France, there are associations for the breeding of birds, and in England especially pigeon and poultry clubs are numerous and highly developed. These by no means confine themselves to simply preserving the purity of existing breeds, they are continually striving to improve them, by increasing and accentu- ating their characters, or even by introducing quite new qualities, and in many cases they succeed even in this last. Prizes are offered for particular new variations, and thus a spirit of rivalry is fostered among the breeders, and each strives to produce the desired character as quickly as possible. Darwin says : ' The English judges decided that the comb of the Spanish cock, which had previously hung limply down, should stand erect, and in five years this end was achieved ; they ordained that hens should have beards, and six years later fifty-seven of the groups of hens exhibited at the Crystal Palace in London were bearded.' The transformation does not always come about so quickly, however: thus, for instance, it required thirteen years before a certain breed of tumblers was furnished with a white head. But the breeders cause every visible part of the body to vary as seems good to them, and within the last fifty years they have really brought about very considerable changes in many breeds. Their method of procedure is carefully to select for breeding those birds which already possess a faint beginning of the desired character. Domesticated animals have on the whole a higher degree of variability than wild species, and the breeder takes advantage of this. Suppose it is a question of adding a crown of feathers to a smooth-headed breed, a bird is chosen which has the feathers on the back of the THE DARWINIAN THEORY 39 head a little longer than usual, and mated for breeding. Among its descendants there will probably be some which also exhibit these slightly prominent feathers, and possibly there may be one or other of them which has these feathers considerably lengthened. This one is then used for breeding, and by continually proceeding thus, and selecting for breeding, from generation to generation, only the individuals which approach most nearly to the desired end, the wished-for character is at last secured. Thus it is not by crossing of different breeds, but by a patient accumulating of insignificant little variations through many genera- tions, that the desired transformations are brought about. That is the magic wand by means of which the expert breeder produces his different breeds, we might almost say, as the sculptor moulds and remoulds his clay model according to his fancy. Quite according to his fancy the breeder has brought about all the fantastic forms we are familiar with among pigeons, mere variations which are of no use either to the bird itself or to man, which simply gratify man's whim without in many cases even satisfying his sense of beauty. For many of the existing breeds of pigeons, hens, and other domesti- cated animals, are anything but beautiful, the body being often unharmonious in structure and sometimes actually monstrous. Among pigeons, as well as among other domesticated animals, some changes have been brought about, which are not only of no use to their possessors, but would be actually disadvantageous if they were living under natural conditions. Some of the very short-billed breeds of pigeons have the bill so short and soft that the young can no longer use it to scratch and break the egg-shell, and would perish miserably if human aid were not at hand. The Yorkshire pig has become such a colossus of fat on weak, short legs, that if it were dependent on its own resources, it could not secure its food, much less' escape from a beast of prey ; and among horses the heavy cart-horse and the racer are alike unfit to cope with the dangers of a wild life, or the vicissitudes of weather. Breeding has done much to bring about variations useful to man. Thus we have breeds of cattle which excel in flesh, or in milk, or as draught animals, and sheep which excel in flesh or in wool, and to what a height the perfecting of a useful quality can be brought is shown, in regard to fineness of wool, by that finest breed of sheep, the merino, which instead of the 5,500 hairs borne by the old German sheep on a square inch, possesses 48,000. Not infrequently it is a particular stage of a species that has been bred by man, and the other stages have remained more or less 40 THE EVOLUTION THEORY unaltered. Thus it is with one of the few domesticated insects, the silk-moth. Only the cocoon is of use to man, and according to the cocoon different breeds are distinguished, differing in fineness, colour, &c. ; but no breeds can be distinguished in reference to the larvae, or the perfect insects. Among gooseberries there are about a hundred varieties distinguished according to the form, colour, size, thickness of skin, hairiness, &c, of the fruits, but the little, inconspicuous, green blossoms, of which the breeders take no account, are alike in them all. In the pansies (Viola tricolor), on the other hand, it is only by the flowers that the varieties are distinguished, while the seeds have remained alike in all. It may be asked how it could have occurred to any one, when pigeons, for instance, first began to be domesticated, to wish to produce fantails or pouters, since he could have no mental picture of them in advance. Darwin replies to this objection, that it was not always conscious and methodical artificial selection, such as is now practised, that brought about the origin of breeds, but that they have very often resulted, and at first perhaps always, from unconscious selection. When savages tamed a dog, they used the ' best ' of their dogs for breeding, that is, they chose those which had in the highest degree the qualities they valued, watchfulness, for instance, or if the dog were intended for the chase, keen scent and swiftness. In this way the body of the animal would be changed in a definite direction, especially if rivalry helped, and if it was the ambition of each to possess a dog as good as, or better than those of his tribal companions. That perfectly definite changes in bodily form can thus be brought about unconsciously is well illustrated by the case of a racehorse. This has arisen within the last two hundred years simply because the fleetest of the products of crossing between the Arab and the English horse were always chosen for breeding. It could not have been predicted that horses with thin neck, small head, long rump, and slender legs would necessarily be the swiftest runners; but this is the form which has resulted from the selection, — a very ugly, but very swift horse. This unconscious selection must undoubtedly have played a large part in the early stages of the evolution of the breeds of our domestic animals. But even in the fully conscious and methodical selective breeding of particular characters, the breeder rarely alters only the one his attention is fixed on ; generally quite a number of other characters alter apart from his intention as an inevitable accompaniment of the desired variation on which attention was riveted. There are breeds of rabbits whose ears hang limply down instead of standing erect, THE DARWINIAN THEORY 41 and in these so-called lop-eared rabbits the ear-muscles are partly degenerated, and as a consequence of this lack of muscular strain the skull has assumed another form. Thus the variation of one part may influence the development of a second and a third organ, and may even not stop there, for very often the influence has penetrated much deeper and affected quite remote parts of the body. If any one were to succeed in adding a heavy pair of horns to a breed of hornless sheep, there would run parallel with the course of this variation, which was directly aimed at, a long series of secon- dary changes which would affect at least the whole of the anterior half of the body ; the skull would become thicker and stronger to support the weight of the heavy horns ; the neck-tendon (ligamenhim nucTice) would have to become thicker to hold up the heavy head, and so also with the muscles of the neck ; the spinous processes of the cervical and dorsal vertebrae would become longer and stronger, and the fore- legs, too, would need to adapt themselves to the heavier burden. Every organism thus resembles, as it were, a mosaic, out of which no individual group of pieces can be taken and replaced by another without in some measure disturbing the correlation and harmony of the whole : in order to restore this, the pieces all round about the changed part must be moved or replaced by others. According to Darwin, it is to this correlation of parts that we must refer the variation of other parts besides the one intentionally altered in the course of breeding. It must be admitted that the mutual dependence of the parts plays a very important role in the economy and develop- ment of the animal body, as we shall see later, and these connexions still remain very mysterious to us. Especially is this the case with the connexion between the reproductive organs and the so-called secondary sexual characters. Removal of the reproductive organs or gonads induces, in Man, for instance, if it be effected in youth, the persistence of the childish voice and the non-development of the beard: in the stag the antlers do not appear, and in the cock the comb does not develop perfectly, &c, but we are not yet able to understand clearly why this should be so. LECTUEE III THE DARWINIAN THEORY (continued) Natural selection — Variation — Struggle for existence — Geometric ratio of rate of increase — Normal number and ratio of elimination in a species — Accidental causes of extinction — Dependence of the strength of a species on enemies — Struggle for existence between individuals of the same species — Natural selection affects all organs and stages — Summary. In artificial selection, through which, with or without conscious intention, our domesticated animals and cultivated plants have arisen, there must obviously be three kinds of co-operative factors : first, the variability of the species ; second, the capacity of the organism for transmitting its particular characters to its progeny; and third, the breeder who selects particular qualities for breeding. No one of the factors can be dispensed with ; the breeder could effect nothing, were there not presented to him the variations of parts in the particular direction in which he wishes them to vary; an indefi- nite variation, that is, a variation not guided by selection, would never lead to the formation of new breeds ; the species would probably become in time a motley mixture of all sorts of variations, but a breed with definite characters, transmissible in their purity to its descendants, could never be formed. Finally, every process of selec- tive breeding would be futile, if the variations which appeared could not be transmitted. Darwin assumes that processes of transformation quite similar to those which take place under the guidance of Man occur also in nature, and that it is mainly these which have brought about and guided the transformations of species which have taken place in the course of the earth's history. This process he calls natural selection. It will readily be admitted that two out of the three factors necessary to a process of selective breeding are present also in the natural conditions of the life of species. Variability in some degree or other is absent from no species of animal or plant, though it may be greater in one than in another, and it cannot be doubted that the inborn differences which distinguish one individual from another are capable of transmission. It is only to untrained observers that all the individuals of a species appear alike ; for instance, all garden whites, or all the individuals of the small tortoiseshell butterfly (Vanessa THE DARWINIAN THEORY 43 urticai), or all the chaffinches. If the individuals are carefully com- pared it will be recognized that, even in these relatively constant species, no individual exactly resembles another; that even among butterflies twenty black scales may go to form a particular spot on the wings in one individual and thirty or twenty-five in others ; that the length of the body, the legs, the antenna;, the proboscis exhibit minute differences ; and it is probable that the same combination of quite similar parts never occurs twice. In many animals this cannot, of course, be proved, because our power of diagnosis is not fine enough to be able to estimate the differences directly, and because a comparison of measurements of all the parts in detail is not practic- able. 80 we may here confine ourselves to the differences in the human race, which we can recognize with ease and certainty. Even as regards the face alone, all men differ from one another, and, numerous and complete as likenesses may be, it is impossible to find two human beings in which even the characters of the face are exactly similar. Even so-called ' identical twins ' can always be distinguished if they are directly compared either in person or in a photograph, and if the rest of the body be also taken into con- sideration we find numerous small, sometimes even measurable differences. The same is true of animals, and it is only our lack of practice that is at fault if we frequently fail to detect their individual differences. The Bohemian shepherds are said to know personally, and be able to distinguish from all the rest, every sheep in their herds of many thousands. Thus the factors of variability and transmissi- bility must be granted, and it remains only to ask : Who plays the part of selecting breeder in wild nature? The answer to this question forms the kernel to the whole Darwinian theory, which ascribes this role to the conditions of life, to definite relations of individuals to the external influences which they meet with during the course of their lives, and which together make up their ' struggle for existence.' To make this idea clear I must to some extent diverge. It is a generally observed fact that, in every species of animals or of plants, more germs and more individuals are produced than grow to maturity, or become capable of reproduction. Numerous young individuals perish at an early stage, often because of unfavour- able circumstances— cold, drought, damp, or through hunger, or at the hands of their enemies. When we ask which of the progeny perish early, and which survive to carry on the species, we are at first sight inclined to suppose that this is entirely a matter of chance ; but this is just what Darwin disputed. It is not chance alone, it is, above all, 44 THE EVOLUTION THEORY the differences between individuals, which enable them to withstand adverse circumstances better or worse, and thus decide, according to his view, which shall perish and which shall survive. If this be so, then we have a veritable process of selection, and one which secures that the ' best,' that is, the most capable of resistance, survive to breed, being thus, so to speak, • selected.' It may be asked, however, why so many individuals must perish in youth, and whether it could not have been arranged that all, or at least most, should survive till they had reproduced. But this is an impossibility, unrealizable for this among other reasons, that organ- isms multiply in geometrical progression, and that their progeny would very soon exceed the limits of computability. This does not occur, for there is a limit set which they can in no case overstep, — which, indeed, as we shall see, they never reach — I mean the limits of space and food-supply. Every species, by the natural requirements of its life, is restricted to a particular habitat, to land or to water, but most are still more strictly limited to a definite area of the earth's surface, which alone affords the climate suited to them, or where alone the still more specialized conditions of their existence can be realized. Thus, for instance, the occurrence of a particular species of plant determines that of the animal which is dependent on it for its food- supply. If they could multiply unchecked, that is, without the loss of many of their progeny, every species would fill up its area of occurrence and exhaust the whole of its food-supply, and thus bring about its own extermination. This seems to be prevented in some way, for as a matter of fact it does not happen. It may, perhaps, be imagined that this might be prevented by a regulation of the productivity of the species, and that those which have not a large area of distribution, or can only count on a relatively limited food-supply, have also a low rate of multiplication, but this is not the case ; even the lowest rate of multiplication would very soon suffice to make any species fill up its whole available space and com- pletely exhaust its food-supply. Darwin takes as an example the elephant, which only begins to breed at thirty years of age, and continues to do so till about ninety, but so slowly that in these sixty years only three pairs of young are produced. Nevertheless, in 500 years an elephant pair would be represented by fifteen millions of descendants, if all the young survived till they were capable of re- production. A species of bird with a duration of life of five years, during which it breeds four times, producing and rearing four young- each time, would in the course of fifteen years have 2,0c o millions of descendants. THE DARWINIAN THEORY 45 Thus, although the fertility of each species is, as a matter of fact, precisely regulated, a low rate of multiplication is not in itself sufficient to prevent the excessive increase of any species, nor is the quantity of the relevant food-supply. Whether this be very large or very small, we see that in reality it is never entirely used up, that, as a matter of fact, a much greater quantity is always left over than has been consumed. If increase depended only on food-supply, there would, for instance, be food enough in their tropical home for many thousand times more elephants than actually occur ; and among ourselves the cockchafers might appear in much greater numbers than they do even in the worst cockchafer year, for all the leaves of all the trees are never eaten up ; a great many leaves and a great many trees are left untouched even in the years when the voracious insects are the most numerous. Nor do the rose-aphides, notwith- standing their enormously rapid multiplication, ever destroy all the young shoots of a rose-bush, or all the rose-bushes of a garden, or of the whole area in which roses grow. At the same time it must be noted, that the number of individuals in a species undoubtedly does bear some relation to the amount of the food-supply available ; for instance, it is very low among the large carnivores, the lion, the eagle, and the like. In our Alps the eagles have become rarer with the decrease of game, and where one eagle pair make their eyrie they rule alone over a hunting territory of more than sixty miles, a preserve on which no others of the same species are allowed to intrude. If there were several pairs of eagles in such a preserve, they would soon have so decimated the food- supply that they would starve. On the other hand, numerous herbivores, e.g. chamois and marmots, live within the bounds of the pair of eagles' hunting grounds, since the food they require is present in enormously greater quantity. While it is true that the number of individuals of a given species which live in a particular area is not exactly the same year in year out, being subject to small, and sometimes, as in the case of the aphides and cockchafers, to very great fluctuations, nevertheless we may assume that the average number remains the same, that in the course of a century, or, let us say, of a thousand years, the number of mature individuals inhabiting the particular area remains the same. This, of course, only holds true on the supposition that there has been no great change in the external conditions of life during this period. But before Man began to interfere with nature, these external conditions would remain uniform for much longer periods than we have assumed. Let us call the average number of individuals 46 THE EVOLUTION THEORY occurring on such a uniform area, the normal number of the species; this number will be determined in the first instance by the number of offspring that are annually brought forth, and secondly by the number that annually perish before reaching maturity. As the fertility of a species is a definite quantity, so also will its elimination be definite, or, as we may say, when the normal number under uniform conditions of life remains constant, the ratio of elimination will also remain constant. Each species is therefore subject to a perfectly definite ratio of elimination which remains on the average constant, and this is the reason why a species does not multiply beyond its normal number notwithstanding the great excess of the food-supply, and notwithstanding the fertility which, in all species, is sufficient to lead to boundless multiplication. It is not difficult to calculate the ratio of elimination for a particular species, if one knows its rate of multiplication ; for if the normal number remains constant, it follows that only two of all the offspring which a pair brings forth in the course of its life can attain to reproductive maturity, and that all the rest must perish. Suppose, for instance, a pair of storks produced four young ones annually for twenty years, of these eighty young ones which are born within this period, on an average seventy- eight must perish, and only two can become mature animals. If more than two attained maturity the total number of storks would increase, and this is against the presupposition of constancy in the normal number. It is important, in reference to the fact on which we are now focusing our attention, that we should consider some other illustrations from the same point of view. The female trout yearly produces about 600 eggs; let us assume that it remains capable of reproduction for only ten years, then the elimination-number of the species will be 6,coo less two, that is, 5,99^, for of the 6,000 eggs only two can become mature animals. But in the majority of fishes the ratio of extermination is enormously greater than this. Thus a female herring brings forth 40,000 eggs annually, the duration of life is estimated at ten years, and this means an elimination number of 400,000 less two, that isr 399,998. The carp produces 200,000 eggs a year, and the sturgeon two millions, and both species live long, and remain capable of reproduction for at least fifty years. But of all the 100 million eggs which are produced by the sturgeon, only two reach their full development and reproduce : all others perish prematurely. But even with these examples we have not reached the highest elimination number, for many of the lower animals — not to speak of many plants — produce an even greater number of offspring. THE DARWINIAN THEORY 47 Leuwenhoek calculated the fertility of a thread-worm at sixty million eggs, and a tape-worm produces hardly less than ioo millions. There exists, therefore, a constant relation between fertility and the ratio of elimination ; the higher the latter is, the greater must the former be, if the species is to survive at all. The example of the tape-worm makes this very obvious, for here we can readily under- stand why the fertility must be so enormous, as we are aware of the long chain of chances on which the successful development of this animal depends. The common tape- worm of Man, Tcenia solh