The Families and Genera of North American Diptera By C. H. CURRAN, D. Sc, American JMuscum of Natural History, New York, N. Y. C. H. CURRAN 1934 Copyright, 1934, by C. H. Cup.itAN. Printed in the United States of America by The Ballou Press, New York, N. Y. 1934. CONTENTS PAGE Frontispiece. Portrait of Dr. S. W. Williston. Preface 7 Acknowledgements 9 Collection and Care of Diptera 10 Flies and Disease 12 Flies and Crops 13 Beneficial Flies 14 Anent the Insect War 14 Morphology of Diptera 15 Classification of Diptera 16 How to Use the Keys 20 Table of Families 21 Characteristics of Families and Keys to Genera 28 to 479 Glossary of Terms Used in Dipterology 480 Literature 494 Index 496 Errata p. 22. add the following:, line: Wings rounded at the ai)ex, almost always with crossveins 31. p. 76. Tsoecacta Garrett = AUuaudoviyia, and not Dnsyhclea. p. 82. third line, for Amopheles read Anopheles and for Algj/pti read cegypfi. p. 274. for '*29" in middle of page read 24. pp. 286, 288, 290, 292, 294 and 295. for Trypaneida read TrupaneidsE. p. 405. second line, for Saerophaga read Sarcophaga. Preface Twenty-five years ago Williston's ^lanual of North American Diptera (third edition), was offered to the public and in the interim it has held the esteem of students of Dipterology in every quarter of the globe. Williston's first synopses of families and genera appeared in 1884 and following years in the Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomo- logical Society and in 1S88 the first edition of the ''Manual" appeared. This "pamphlet", as it was modestly termed by its author, contained 88 pages, excluding as it did, the Nematocera and Muscoidea. The second edition appeared in 1896, and included the Nematocera but omitted the Tachinidaj and Dexiida^. The third edition contained all the families, fifty-eight in number. The present attempt at a classification of the genera of North American Diptera is the result of many years of study but it is incon- ceivable that this work should be uninfluenced by such a masterpiece as that of Williston. That a new synopsis is urgently needed Ijecomes obvious when one considers the enormous number of new genera de- scribed since the appearance of Williston's Manual, the realignment of genera, the application of newly discovered characters and the increased importance of the study of flies in relation to human welfare. Knowing, as I do, the excellent quality of Dr. Williston's work it is with temerity that I offer this contribution to a critical public. Even though great pains have been taken in its preparation and every effort has been made to make the keys as complete and simple as possible I fear that some few errors have crept in. That is inevitable. Where they occur I do not know, nor do I offer excuses for them other than to admit an utter ignorance in regard to the characters of thousands upon thousands of Diptera, even though I have had available for study the excellent collections of the Smithsonian Institution, Canadian National Collection and the American Museum of Natural History and the gen- erous assistance of various specialists. If mention is not made of those who have contributed to this work, either wittingly or unwittingly (through their synoptic revisions), it is only because the body of the paper has increased to such proportions that a complete acknowledg- ment must be omitted. A few innovations will be found. Where reasonably complete spe- cific keys occur these are referred to in footnotes and the same is true in' the case of family revisions. The synonymy has increased so greatly that some indication of it must be given, especially where old familiar names have been changed; this is indicated in the index and while it is far from complete it is hoped that some help may be derived from such an arrangement. e NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA It is my hope that those who may discover errors or omissions may be kind enough to call them to my attention, indicating the manner in which the corrections may be made. Owing to the numerous footnotes it has not been possible to indicate the genera which have been included from description only. Such genera naturally weaken a key as it is impossible to use characters which may be available for a more suitable arrangement. Any specimens representing genera improperly placed, or not common, would be most greatly valued by the author. Finally I wish to express my unbounded admiration for the late Samuel Wendell Williston. To him I owe, as do very many others, an everlasting gratitude for his kindly encouragement, while he lived, and real inspiration from his printed works. I know of no Dipterologist who has so clearly set forth the facts or who has been so great an inspiration to others. And as a slight token of my appreciation I re- spectfully dedicate this book to his memory. C. H. CURRAN, American Museum of Natural History, New York City, 1933. Introduction Acknowledgments It is impossible to express fully my appreciation of the generous cooperation of all those who have assisted in the preparation of this Avork. It is most fitting that I should mention first the generosity of Mrs. S. W. Williston for not only permitting me to use the illustrations from Williston 's "Manual of North American Diptera", but for her offer to furnish the cuts themselves. Needless to say this offer was ac- cepted and many of the illustrations are reproduced from cuts used in the ]\Ianual. Unfortunately, due to a rearrangement of many genera and their transfer to different families, it has not been possible to use all of the cuts. Further, in this connection, I owe much to ]\Irs. George Shor, a daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Williston, for her assistance in this matter, and for her sympathy in the work. It might not be out of place to mention here that, according to Mrs. Shor, her father, upon the com- pletion of the manuscript of the third edition of his Manual, dropped it upon his desk and remarked: "Well, that's finished. When it is re- vised again, it will be by someone else. ' ' Every request for the loan of specimens and for the review of keys met with a wholehearted response and as a result the value of this book has been greatly enhanced. Dr. C. P. Alexander is deserving of especial thanks for the preparation of the manuscript dealing with the Tipuloidea and the preparation of the illustrations for that superfamily. Drs. Jos. Bequaert, C. T. Brues, 0. A. Johannscn, Roljert IMatheson, F. ]\I. Root and ]\Ir. IMarston Bates liave assisted very materially in clieck- ing over keys and suggesting changes. Dr. E. P. Felt suggested the use of illustrations from his papers published in the Bulletins of the New York State Museum on the Ceeidomyid» (Itonidida^) and Dr. C. C. Adams very generouslj^ furnished the cuts. Drs. J. M. Aldrich, F. H. Benjamin and Mr. Marston Bates, and others have loaned specimens not found in the American I\Iuseum collection and Dr. ]\Iatheson has given permission to use illustrations from his "Handbook of the Mosquitoes". I wish also to express my a])preciation to all those Dipterologists of the past and present whose works have been so freely drawn upon. The preparation of a work of this kind entails a large amount of stenographic and routine work and for the careful typing of the manu- script I am indebted to ]\Iiss Ethel Olsen. j\Ir. Adolph Klein has con- tributed the excellent colored plate of several typical forms, while my wife has assisted with the illustrations and in many other ways. 10 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA For the encouragement he has given during the preparation of the manuscript I shall always feel a deep sense of gratitude to Dr. Frank E. Lutz. The American Museum of Natural History is deserving of particular mention, since the work has been done in this institution without any limitations as to time devoted to it. If the book should be found useful and helpful, full credit should be given to the ]\Iuseum as well as to all those who have so generously given of their time and knowledge. Collection and Care of Diptera So much has been written about the ease with which collections of insects may be cared for that I feel a word of warning to be not amiss. It is true the Lepidoptera and Odonata may be "papered", Hymenop- tera, Hemiptera and CoIeoiJtera may be packed between layers of cotton and Coleoptera may be collected in alcohol but most of the other Orders require more care. With the exception of Coleoptera and the small insects normally collected in alcohol and intended for study in this liquid, or for slide preparation, all insects are much better pinned while fresh. Packing Diptera between layers of cotton may result in recog- nizable si^ecimens and a small percentage of really good specimens may be secured but the majority can never be made to look attractive. With small flies pinning should take place within four or five hours of the time of capture and all specimens should be mounted within eight hours. In cold or damp weather a greater time may be allowed to elapse and the time should be shortened in hot, dry weather. Mounting Diptera should not be a slip-shod process and care should be taken to have the flies an even height on the pins. An excellent prac- tice is to have the mesonotum about one-third the distance from the top of the pin. This i)ermits of careful handling of the specimen and re- duces danger of damage to a minimum. Many Entomologists pin Diptera less than a fourth the distance from the head of the pin with the result that the specimens are quickly damaged and ultimately cease to have value. Double mounts should never be used for Diptera. If a specim'ni is too small to be pinned through the thorax it should be fastened to the side of the i)in by first circling it (the pin) with a narrow ring of white shellac and touching it to the side of the insect. In this way the specimen may be handled in the usual manner and all parts may be readily seen. If possible, the wings should be arranged so that they extend over the back of the insect in an upright position. Pins of suit- COLLECTION AND CARE OF DIPTERA 11 able size should be used and it will be found that good, steel No. 00 pins may be used for quite small insects for pinning through the thorax. Some collectors seem to have a craze for double mounts, not realizing that the value of their collection is greatly lessened due to the increased risk during shipping and many of them place the accessory mount much loo Iiigh on the ])in. Another practice, that of placing specimens (nicely spread, it is true) on a circular or oval mount of cardboard by use of minute pins, is to be condemned as the characters available on the under side of the specimen are concealed. LaheUing is an important detail and insufficiently labelled specimens are of little more value than none at all. The fact that a proud collector knows exactly when and where he captured a certain prize is of no value to the student who must needs study the specimen in the absence of the collector. Every si)ecimen should be labelled with the locality, date and name of the collector. Labels should be small and neat and should be I)laced on the pin along the long axis of the insect, the locality on the right hand side. Labels should never be placed crosswise as they are liable to damage adjacent specimens when the insect is being removed for examination. One guide to labelling all insects is to remember that the label should afford protection to the specimen and not be so large that the collection looks like a collection of locality labels rather than one of insects. The labels should be printed, either by machine or by hand and the month should always be in Roman numerals. In various places in the following pages will be found instructions for the care of those flies which require special attention. No doubt there are many people who will neglect to read the instructions here but to tliose who do I offer a few pertinent hints. Never place Diptera in vials or bottles with other insects. Never cram a vial full of flies. Shake them loose occasionally so that the wings will not become folded. Never place small flies in a vial with large ones and be careful not to place more than a few specimens of flies which rub easily in a vial. Always K'eep mating pairs together ; a good plan is to have a vial for this purpose and to put only different species in it. Collecting outfits need not be elaborate. I usually carry six to eight test tubes and a bottle about an inch across and four inches long. If the collecting is to be general a bottle Iavo inches across may be carried. Such an outfit will suffice for a half day of very good collecting and if the trip be an all-day one the catch may be transferred to a box and stored in a cool place. Enijity match boxes are convenient receptacles for the transference of fragile specimens and pairs. The making of the bottle is a simple affair. Oct .some fine sawdust, place in the vial or bottle a small amount of sodium or potassium cyanide 12 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA and add about half an inch of sawdust; wedge this in with a ball of cotton, place in the sun for half an hour and the bottle is ready for use. The cyanide should be broken into small lumps but need not be particu- larly fine. It must be remembered that c\janide is a deadly -poison and extreme care is necessary in handling it. Do not use it unless you arc properly instructed, and if you do, be sure to destroy by burning or burying all paper, pieces of wood, etc., which the cyanide might have touched and wash thoroughly in running tap water hammers, etc. used in crushing the material, as well as your hands. Never handle cyanide if there is an open sore upon the hands. A little extra care may be worth a lot. It might not be amiss to note here that the most efficient antidote for cyanide poison is the intra-venous injection of methelyne blue, one of the best known aniline dyes. Flies and Disease As agents in the spread of diseases of mammals the Diptera un- doubtedly rank first in importance among the insects. The chief carriers of diseases are, of course, the biting flies belonging to the families Psy- chodidae, Simuliida, Culicidae, Tabanidai, Glossinidae, Ceratopogonidge and Muscidae. Species of Flehotomus carry papataci fever, verruga or Oroya fever, kala-azar and oriental sore. Other names are applied to these diseases. The mosquitoes carry blackwater fever, yellow fever, dengue, filariasis and malaria. Onchocerciasis is carried by species of Eusi'imdium. A form of filariasis is believed to be carried by a species of Culicoides and species of Chrysops are known to transmit the disease. Tularemia, anthrax and trypanosomiasis are other diseases transmitted by Tabanids. The stable-fly, Stomoxys calcitrans, is known to carry a number of species of trypanosomes and may also be responsible for the spread of poliomyelitis (infantile paralysis), although no definite proof has been obtained. Sleeping sickness is carried by the Tse-tse flies. In addition to carrying diseases the biting flies themselves cause a great deal of irritation by their bites, especially in the vicinity of water. Life is often made miserable in northern regions by tlie hordes of mosquitoes and black fiJes while the sportsman is plagued by almost all the biting forms while in the woods and bathers come in for much undesired attention from no-see-unis, mosquitoes and Tabanids, par- ticularly the so-called "green-heads", along the coastal regions. The house fly carries on its body the germs causing typlioid fever, dysentery, cholera, anthrax and conjunctivitis, while a few other flies carry other diseases. Considerable has been written about myiasis caused by the larvae of flies living in the human body. If we except the FLIES AND DISEASE 13 bot-flies, I think tliat \vc may regard the occiirrence of fly larvtu in the body of man as entirely accidental and dismiss the matter as being a subject of academic interest rather than one calling for serious con- sideration. Tliere are, of course, the bot-flies, belonging to three dis- tinct families and they are serious pests. In the tropics one si)ccieR commonly attacks man, but the greatest damage is done to domestic animals. Hides are frequently so greatly riddled with "warble" holes as to be almost valueless. The bird and bat parasites, as well as the so-called bee-louse {BrauJa caeca), are probably not serious pests although the sheep tick, belonging to the Hippoboscidaj, is often sufficiently numerous to cause serious damage and some species of Hippohosca bite humans in addition to their attacks on horses, camels, etc. In many places the so-called blow-flies cause serious loss to sheep owners by "blowing" the wool. I have given just a very brief summary of some of the injury caused by flies to animal life, as it affects human welfare, and a very great deal that is of interest has been omitted. One frequently re- ceives inquiries as to the diseases carried by flies, and these few para- graphs may serve to answer the questions. In the following pages, under the families mentioned, additional information is given, particu- larly concerning diseases carried by flies in North America. If the student desires further information on this important subject he should secure a copy of one of the better books on IMedical Entomology. Flies and Crops It is impossible to enumerate all the flies attacking field, horti- cultural and garden crops, but mention might be made of the various root maggots, the leaf miners, gall makers, fruit flies, grass stem flies and the Hessian fly. The amount of damage done by the groups of insects mentioned must be enormous but it must be remembered that there can be no actual measure of crop damage from a financial ])oint of view. A large crop invariably means lower prices and a small crop higher prices. It is only when individuals or limited communities suffer serious loss in the volume of their produce that there is any real loss, and then it is of a local nature and not national for the producers of the crop affected. It so happens in such cases that one man's loss proves to be another man's gain. While flies undoubtedly do a great deal of damage to our crops and flowers, they are of less importance in this respect than some of the other orders of insects and the Dipt, are, in actual fact, much more beneficial than injurious. 14 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Beneficial Flies No group of insects, except, perhaps, the Hymenoptera, are so important to mankind as are the flies. In these two groups are man's best friends among the insects. It woukl be useless to argue about the relative merits of the two orders because we know so little about them that no one is in a position to make any authoritative statement. It is sufficient to say that flies play an extremely important part in the pollination of flowers, but they undoubtedly occupy second position to the bees. It is in the field of predaceous and parasitic members thai these two groups render the greatest service to mankind. If the world should suddenly find itself without flies and bees it would quickly revert to a sphere lacking animal and plant life, so important are these insects in maintaining the "balance of nature". I believe that the majority of flies, in relation to the number of known species, are either predaceous or parasitic on other insects. Such large families as the Asilida, Empidee and Dolichopida are all pre- daceous in the adult and probably in the larval stage, while the Bomby- liidi^, Nemestrinidse, Conopidaj and Tachinid^e are insect parasites. Other families or groups can be added to the list and we might also include forms which are predaceous in the larval stage. More about the habits of flies will be found in the following pages. Flies are also beneficial as scavengers and examples of their effec- tiveness may be found everywhere. They dispose of carcasses, decaying vegetation and waste animal products and in this way do much to keep the air pure and wholesome. Anent the Insect War I am aware that there has been some sensational propaganda about "the war against insects" and I cannot forego a few remarks. Insects are our best friends and we owe a great deal to them. They are also our worst enemies but this fact should not be proclaimed from the housetops without at the same time crying much louder of the benefits they give us — flowers, fruits, vegetable, clothes, food, pure air, beauty. The stressing of the danger of the "insect menace" may do entomology a great deal of harm and I think it has already done some. It has taught people to dislike all insects and the fact that the "menace" has not developed perceptably has resulted in some loss of faith in entomologists. The Diptera contain some of our worst enemies. The public should be made aware of this and steps taken to eliminate the pests in so far as possible. Every effort must be made to keep people suft'ering from ANENT THE INSECT WAR 15 insect-carried diseases out of the country, if such diseases do not occur here and if there are any known carriers of the disease among our insect population. Yellow fever is an excellent example. We have the yellow fever mosquito and if persons suffering from this disease should enter any part of the country where the mosquito occurs the disease might well become established. Every effort should be made to reduce the numbers of the house-fly, stable-fly, and other pests. On the other hand the introduction of parasites, particularly of imported pests, should be encouraged and people should learn to differentiate at least the more beneficial of their insect friends. Morphology of Diptera It is not my intention to go into detail concerning the structure or morphology of flies since I have appended a glossary of terms used in this and other works. However, a few remarks on the subject may not l)e amiss. In Williston's manual a simple system of nomenclature is used and I follow the same system. During recent years attempts have been made to homologize the parts of the various orders of insects and as a result many long and unfamiliar terms have been proposed. To my mind the homologies of the parts are much less important to the systematist than a simple, easily followed and long used termin- ology. Nevertheless it is important to know the origin of the various parts, especially so to a zoologist, if he deigns to study that group wliieli comprises three-fourths of the animal kingdom. In each order of in- sects a simple terminology has long been in use and such terms should he employed because the average student can understand them without difficulty. After all, some one has said that "Nature is an open book, and you have but to study nature to understand." Perhaps those are not the exact words, but they will do. The determination of genera is based upon structure and it is therefore necessary to be acquainted with these parts. The average student will find no difficulty on this score if he will follow the simple expedient of using the keys and consulting the glossary. In this way the terms used will soon be mastered and the student will find little difficulty in tracing out specimens. The student who desires to delve into the anatomy of Dipter;' should obtain a bibliography of the works on this subject, particularly those by Crampton and Snodgrass. ]Many references will be found in Imms' "Recent Advances in Entomology" and "Biological Abstracts" It will be found that autliorities differ as to the origin and homol- ogy of different organs. A comparison of the Oomstock-Needham sys- tem as used by Dr. Alexander in this work and that of Comstock will 16 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA show certain differences while others disaoree in the terminology as applied to the veins in other families of Diptera as well as in other orders of Insects. It must be pointed out that the Comstoek-Needham terminology of wing venation is very widely used, probably by more students of Diptera than any other system, and if American students desire to study exotic flies they must familiarize themselves with this system as well as the system used by many Europeans. Explanations of these systems will be found in the glossary. Classification of Diptera The classification of any .grou]) of animals is a complex problem having its basis in the morphology, histology, embryology and general biology of the phylum, and without a knowledge of these "ologies" no satisfactory classification can be obtained. In addition we must also turn our attention to paleontology, although it must be confessed that very little is known concerning the Diptera of the past ages. In the present work we deal almost entirely with morphology of the adult flies, not from any desire to ignore the other phases of study, nor from any lack of interest in them, but because our space is so limited and each field is so vast that a lifetime of study would leave any field almost untouched. The truth is that we know practically nothing about the biology of flies although we may say, in a general way, that we are acquainted with their mass biology and that we can usually place a species biologically by associating it with some related form. The taxonomist, however, is forced to deal with adult structures, to classify thf creatures by characters he may select and to leave to some one else the pleasure of working out the biology of the insects studied. If you are at heart a taxonomist and are informed that you know nothing of ])iology unless you study life histories, do not be dis couraged. Instead, feel rather strongly inclined to turn a deaf ear to your adviser, taking solace in the fact that even though you may spend all your available time at the systematic study of the adult insects, and gleaning what you may from the writings of others on biology and life history studies, you will never be able to fully master the field you have chosen. There are so many flies that no one can ever truly profess to know them all and their very numbers preclude a thorough survey of the orcTer tending to a complete classification. It is well, and necessary, to warn against too great specialization, and at the same time it is realized that many students with limited time are unable to study more than one or two families. The great trouble with the intensive specialist is that he loses his sense of proportion and relatively minor details are liable to assume the greatest importance in CLASSIFICATION OF DIPTERA 17 his mind. In order to overcome this intra-specialization the student should enlarge his outlook by collecting in other families and also in other orders, even though no time be available for a study of his com- plete catch. The collector who studies a single family may produce a monumental work providing he is painstaking and accurate while the general worker is less liable to accomplish lasting results. I hope I may be excused if I wander a little aside from a technical discussion of classification to discuss lighter but equally important mat- ters. The real object of this work is not the classification of the Diptera but the presentation of keys to enable the student to place his specimen in the proper genus — or, in short, the generic identification of flies. Nevertheless, we must glance below the generic classification and find out something about species, and it is about the description of species of which I wish to say a few words hei'c. There is nothing more ])leasing than a good description and nothing more aggravating than a ]ioor one. All of us, in our ignorance, may offer poor descriptions at times but we should always strive to make them clear and concise. We should try to step beyond ourselves and look at the description from the viewpoint of another student. If two animals are different, in our estimation, we should clearly express the differences, laying special stress upon tlie outstanding characters. A description should not be too long, nor sliould it be brief and stilted. I can do no better than recommend that every Dipterist read the descriptions contained in Williston's ''Synopsis of North American Syrphidti?" and pattern descriptions after those. The elimination of words and the excessive use of abbreviations is scarcely to be con- doned, even on the ground that it is "scientific". If "science" is to ])e measured liy a stilted language and a lack of consideration for others, it deserves little consideration from humanity as a whole and we should divorce "science" and study insects just for the fun of the thing. Today tlie student need not worry a great deal about some one ''stealing his thunder". ]\Iost eminent entomologists are only too glad to ])e of assistance to the young student and to leave to him the descrip- tion of new species. This does not mean that the specialist is willing to name large collections and return all the material. If he were he would be so swamped witli work that he would have no time for his other duties. ^lost specialists name material on the understanding that they may retain what they wish, and as a rule they desire very little. The beginner sliould 1)e only too glad to assist the specialist by filling in gaps in his collection, because every species added makes his work that much easier in future. It must also be remembered that many special- ists are employed by institutions having large collections of unworked 18 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA material and that every collection named means less time for institu- tional work and, to make a blunt statement, it is only fair to expect the institution to look for some return from the labor of its employees. However, I do not know of anyone who is not happy to verify a student's findings and to give opinions and suggestions concerning the distinctness of specimens, and, of course, in such cases they are re- turned if desired. I cannot condemn too strongly the professor who permits a student to work on a systematic or biological paper and to allow or even urge that the results be published unless the material has been examined by a specialist, or the species of which the biology is being studied has been identified by one in authority. Each year many students are given such problems and the results are frequently very unsatisfactory. Too much care can not be exercised in the preparation of scientific descrip- tions of either genera or species and it should be realized that a good collection must be available before any work can be faithfully under- taken. The preparation of keys is a very imi)ortant matter and their in- corporation in a contribution adds greatly to its value. Some authors attempt, in their keys, to portray what they term a ''natural classifica- tion ' ', but it should be borne in mind that this is impossible. We know too little about the insects with which we are dealing to produce any such result. In preparing keys we arbitrarily accept one or more characters for the separation of groups and, if the key is to be useful, the characters used for each se])aration must be clean-cut. In any large group it will be found to be very difficult to find clean-cut char- acters in every case, some forms apparently going into either group although the character used may serve for the vast majority. In cases of this kind the doubtful forms should be run through both categories. In the so-called "natural" grouping it is very frequently necessary to employ characters which are not conspicuous and such keys are liable to prove very difficult to use. Characters expressing a degree of varia- tion sliould be avoided wherever possible, i. e. front produced vs. frcMit less produced. These characters may be obvious to the maker of a key but are certainly not recognizable to other students whose collections may be limited. It is usually easy to use a key if you know most of the forms but often difficult or impossible otherwise. All keys should be dichotomous and the use of more than two alternatives should always be avoided. In a short key one may use the "a" and "aa" system but it is not to be recommended in any case. Keys so constructed are more time consuming than such as are used in the present work. In the present case an attempt has been made to CLASSIFICATION OF DIPTKRA 19 produce simple keys, amply illustrated. It must be remembered, how- ever, that the illustrations will not serve for all si)eeies in a genus but represent, as a rule, typical forms. No use has been made, in general, of subfamilies or subgenera. The use of such almost always calls for many exceptions and also un- necessarily encumbers the literature. A sub-family is supposedly a distinct entity within a family, a group separable upon certain char- acters, but that such classification is unnecessary is evidenced by the exceptions. As an example — the Tachinidse have been divided into many sub-families, or even families, upon such characters as the absence of abdominal bristles, shape of head, etc., etc., but there is not a single character, nor for that matter group of characters, upon w^hich any of these groupings may be retained. Many of the characters in this family are excellent up to a certain point, but every character falls down, not once, but in many instances throughout the family. It is entirely im- possible to separate the Tachinida? and Dcxiidff, just as it is to separate the Muscidffi, Anthomyida? and Scatophagida?. Subgenera are superfluous. They are proposed as a rule because the author hopes that some day some character may be found upon which a distinct genus may be based. It is well to remember that in nature there is no such thing as a subgenus, genus or family. Their use is a human creation made possible because links connecting the groups have either entirely disappeared or have not been discovered by man. Genera are therefore artificial and the answer to the question of ''what is a genus?" is that it is something limited in some way by some one. This may sound facetious but it is not meant to be so. The trutli is that certain arbitrary characters have been set up, all the species falling within the limits set forth constituting a genus (or a species or family). It is presumed, but by no means certain that connecting links do not exist. Many people describe sub-species, varieties, races, forms, etc., espe- cially in the Lepidoptera, but, fortunately, the fad has not become ex- tensive in Dipterology and it is to be hoped that it may never do so. In actual fact there is no difference in a sub-species, race or variety. A variety is something which differs from the typical or first described form in some definite way. Thoy are explained as potential species, ignoring the fact that no two specimens are exactly alike and that if two extremes of similar type should mate a new race would be formed. In each batch of eggs there are produced forms possessing characters some- what different from the par(-nts. But the species does not change be- cause the average is maintained by the resultant mating. It is only when forms become more or less isolated that a definite trend occurs and 20 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA so-called races (supposedly geographie forms) are developed. In such cases connecting or transition forms usually occur and it is almost always true that the races, say northern and southern, are connected in the intervening region by a perfect transition of the characters of the two races. Races are interesting but it is not necessary to give them names. Moreover, "variety" was used in the same sense long before people thought of "races" for biological classification and 1 think we may extend the law of priority and use it in this sense, thus eliminating "race" and "sub-species". The naming of aberrations, transition forms and sucli things should be beyond the pale in true science and such a practice must eventually result in ridicule of the science as a whole. It is, of course, verj^ neces- sary to call attention to tliese forms but to name them is utterly needless. Knowledge of them is essential in tracing out the relation- ship and development of species, and of great interest, too, but we should not lose our perspective and attach exaggerated importance to names. How to Use the Keys The use of keys is not a difficult matter l)ut there may be some who have not had experience with them. Some keys may not be altogether simple and may not run as smoothly as others. To find the genus to which your specimen belongs turn to the table of families (on the following page) and read over couplet 1. Two alternatives are given: the insect must go in either section. If it has large wings you go to couplet 2 and you repeat the process until it is found that your s])eci- men comes to a section where it agrees with the diagnosis ending in a family name. You have now found the "family", but to be sure read over the other alternative so that the characters in both may be checked. Now turn to the family indicated and continue in the same way until tlie genus is reached. It sliould be remembered that keys are merely guides and the fact that a species traces out to a certain ])lace in a key is no guarantee that it actually belongs there. If one is familiar with the genera of a family he may be reasonably certain either that tlie insect belongs where it traces or that it is quite different; in either case he should check with descriptions of genera not included in the key or with the genus in- cluded, either by means of determined specimens or with the generic description. If a specimen does not seem to agree with the genus to which it traces check back and try one of the other alternatives since there may have been an error in interpretation of the characters used or the specimen may be one that is somewhat aberrant. Sphecomyia rituitn Wied. (Syrphidae) Aloipha cingulata Schlner. (Stratiomyidae) Dejeania reiatrix O. S. (Tachinid;e) Hijperalnnia hela ICriclis (Bombyliidae) Mijdns clnrnlus Fabr. (Mydaidae) Tabanitx rinctiis: Drury. (Tabanid.-e) Richardia teJesropica Gerst. (Otitida>) M ichogasler niger Schm. (Otitidae) Diden fuscipes Macq. (Syrphidre) 21 TABLE OF FAMILIES 1. Wing-s absent or greatly reduced 91 Wings present, rarely reduced 2 2. Antennae composed of six or more freely articulated segments 3 Antenna composed of not more than five freely articulated segments, the third segment sometimes complex, usually bearing a style or arista 22 3. Mesonotum with an entire V-shaped suture 4 Mesonotal suture transverse, not V-shaped 7 4. Ocelli absent 5 Ocelli present (p. 31) TRICHOCERID^. 5. Only one anal vein reaches the wing margin 6 Two anal veins reach the wing margin (p. 33) TIPULID^ 6. Second and third veins each with two branches (radius 5-branched) (TipulidEe plate II, fig. 11) (p. 29) TANYDERID^ Second and third veins with only three branches reaching the wing margin (radius 4-branched) (Tipulidae plate II, fig. 12) (p. 30). PTYCHOPTERID.^ 7. Wings without a network of folds or creases 8 Wings with a network of fine folds or creases (p. 61) BLEPHARICERID^ 8. Ocelli present 9 Ocelli absent 14 9. Costa continuing around the wing, although weakened behind. (p. 101) CECIDOMYID^ Costa ending at or near the wing-tip 10 10. Discal cell present 21 Discal cell absent 11 11. Tibiae with apical spurs 12 Tibiae without apical spurs, though produced spur-like. (p. 131) SCATOPSID^ 12. Eyes more or less connected by a projection above the base of the antennse (p. 118) SCIARID^: Eyes separated 13 13. Antennae placed below the compound eyes, usually close to the oral margin " "(p. 128) BIBIONIDiE Antennae situated at most slightly below the middle of the compound eyes (p. 120) .MYCETOPHILIDiE 14. Costa continued around the margin of the wings, though weaker behind the apex 17 Costa ending at or near the apex of the wing 15 15. Wings very broad, the posterior veins weak and poorly developed. (p. 63) SIMULIID^ Wings narrow and long, the posterior veins stronger 16 22 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 16. Wings lying flat over the back when at rest; metanotum short and without a longitudinal groove; femora sometimes swollen. (p. 74) CERATOPOGONID^ Wings lying roof-like over the back when at rest; metanotum long and with a median longitudinal groove; legs long and slender. (p. 69) CHIRONOMID^ 17. Wings short and broad, folded roof-like over the body when at rest, usually pointed (p. 78) PSYCHODID^ Wings long, or if broad, the apex very broadly rounded, always lying flat over the back when at rest IS 18. Venation very much reduced, several of the veins lacking. (p. 101) CECIDOMYID.^ Venation not reduced, the veins strong 19 19. Basal cells long, extending to or beyond the middle of the wing 20 Basal cells, especially the second, short, not extending nearly to the middle of the wings (p. 67) THAUMALEID^ 20. Apical veins strongly arched (p. 80) DIXID^ Veins straight or nearly so (p. 83) CULICID^ 21. Fourth posterior cell widely open (p. 59) ANISOPODID^ Fourth posterior cell closed (p. 133) RACHICERIDifc] 22. Empodium developed pulvilliform, the three pads nearly equal 23 Empodium hair-like or absent 29 23. Third antennal segment compound, composed of annuli 24 Third antennal segment simple, usually beai'ing an elongated style or arista 27 24. Squamae large and conspicuous (p. 148) TABANIDiS^ Squamae small or vestigial 25 25. At least the middle tibiae with spurs (p. 146) CCENOMYID^ Tibial spurs absent 26 26. Posterior branch of the third vein ending before the wing-tip. (p. 134) STRATIOMYID^ Posterior branch of the third vein ending well behind the wing-tip. (p. 155) PANTOPHTHALMID^ 27. Squamae very large; head very small, placed low down, composed almost entirely of the eves, the face and front very narrow or obliterated. (p. 203) CYRTIDZE Squamae small; head larger, the face or front broad 28 28. Middle tibiae with spurs; venation not complex. . . (p. 157) RHAGIONID^ Tibiae without spurs; venation intricate, many veins ending before the wing-tip (p- 201) NEMESTRINID^ 29. Wings rounded apically, with strong veins antei'iorly and very weak, oblique ones; coxae not widely separated by the sternum. (p. 234) PHORID^ Wings with normal venation or pointed at the apex, or the coxae broadly separated by the sternum 30 30. Wings pointed at the apex, without crossveins. ... 0 t f^ (P- 2^2) LONCHOPTERID^ TABLE OF FAISIILIES 23 31. Two or more submarginal cells, the third vein furcate 32 Only one submarginal cell, the third vein simple 38 32. Front hollowed between the eyes, strongly concave from anterior view.. 33 Front scarcely or not at all concave from anterior view 34 33. At most one ocellus; at most two veins reach the wing margin behind the apex (p. 163) MYDAID^ Three ocelli; at least four veins reach the wing margin, or extend to- ward it, behind the apex (p. 167) ASILID^ 34. Costa continuing around the wing; fourth vein ending beyond the wing- tip 35 Costa not continued beyond the apex of the wing; fourth vein ending before the wing-tip (p. 161) SCENOPINID^ 35. Five posterior cells 36 At most four posterior cells 37 36. Fourth vein ending before the apex of the wing. .(p. 189) APIOCERIDiE Fourth vein ending behind the apex of the wing. . . (p. 185) THEREVID^ 37. Anal cell open or closed near the wing margin, the anal vein reaching the margin (p. 191) BOMBYLIID^ Anal cell closed far from the wing margin, the anal vein never extend- ing to the margin, sometimes absent (p. 205) EMPIDi35 38. Anal cell elongate, tapering and acute apically, closed near the border of the wing; basal cells usually elongate 39 Anal cell short, transverse, oblique, or convex apically, if somewhat pointed the apex partly transverse, partly di"awn ovit into a triangular point posteriorly 40 39. Anal cell closed very close to the wing margin; a spurious vein running obliquely between the third and fourth longitudinal veins. (p. 247) SYRPHIDJE Anal cell usually shorter; no spurious vein 40 40. Head extremelv large, hemispherical, the front and face very narrow; arista dorsal' (p. 245) PIPUNCULID^ Head not unusually large; face or front usually wide 41 41. Frontal lunule entirely absent, the parafacials not differentiated by a suture 42 Frontal lunule present; parafacials differentiated by a suture which ex- tends above the antennae and is indistinct only in some Conopidse. . . .44 42. Anterior crossvein situated at or before the basal fourth of the wing; second basal and discal cells always united... (p. 215) DOLICHOPID/E Anterior crossvein situated far beyond the basal fourth of the wing or the second basal cell complete 43 43. Anal cell pointed posteriorly; proboscis never rigid and adapted for piercing ' (p. 242) PLATYPEZID^ Anal cell not pointed posteriorly; proboscis usually rigid; never a single row of acrostical hairs (p. 205) ExMPID^ 44. Cox£e close together at the base, the legs attached ventrally 45 Coxas widely separated at the base, the legs attached toward the sides of the thorax; usually leathery or coriaceous flies; ectoparasites (Pupipara) 91 24 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 45. Second antennal segment with a longitudinal seam along the upper outer edge extending almost the whole length; posterior calli defi- nitely formed by a depression extending from behind the base of the wings to above the base of the scutellum (Calypteratse; Muscoidea) . .85 Second antennal segment rarely with a well developed dorsal seam, the posterior calli not differentiated (except in Gasterophilus) ; squamae small (Acalypteratse) 46 46. Mouth parts vestigial, sunken in a very small oral pit. (p. 400) GASTEROPHILID^ Mouth parts well developed, the oral opening large 47 47. Posterior spiracle with several hairs on the border in addition to the pubescence, (visible only with high magnification) 50 Posterior spiracle with pubescence only 48 48. Subcosta complete, free from the first vein and ending in the costa ( cf . Trypaneidae ) 64 Subcosta incomplete, or not ending in the costa or the apex curved forward beyond the bend 49 49. Subcosta curved forward at nearly a right angle and weakened beyond the bend, the costa fractured at the apex of the subcosta; wings almost always pictured (p. 285) TRUPANEID^ Subcosta not angularly curved and weakened 51 50. Head broad, flattened above; scutellum and thorax flattened, the former elongate; large flies (p. 299) ROPALOMERIDJE Head rather spherical; scutellum usually convex, not elongate; small, cylindrical flies (p. 313) SEPSID^ 51. First segment of the posterior tarsi shortened and incrassate. (p. 360) BORBORID^ First segment of the posterior tarsi normal, usually longer than the second 52 52. Anal cell absent 53 Anal cell present 55 53. Postocellar bristles divergent (345) EPHYDRID^ Postocellars convergent or absent 54 54. Ocellar triangle large; fifth vein with a distinct curvature near the middle of the discal cell (p. 339) CHLOROPID^ Ocellar triangle small; fifth vein straight or without a sharp curvature. (p. 325) DROSOPHILID^ 55. Costa broken at the humeral crossvein 56 Costa not broken at the humeral crossvein 58 56. Postocellars divergent, if absent the arista absent. (p. 332) AGROMYZID^ Postocellars convergent, parallel or absent, arista present 57 57. A pair of convergent frontal bristles anteriorlv; interfrontals often present (p. 334) PHYLLOMYZIDJE Anterior frontals not convergent (p. 325) DROSOPHILID^ 58. Postocellar bristles convergent (p. 329) OPOMYZID^ Postocellar bristles divergent or absent 59 tablp: of families 25 59. Ocellar triangle large and shining, reaching the anterior edge of the front (p. 356) CANACEID^ Ocellar triangle short 60 60. Second vein joining the costa just beyond the apex of the first. (p. 328) ASTEIID.^ Second vein joining the costa far beyond the apex of the first 61 61. Custa fractured or weakened at the apex of the auxiliary vein 62 Costa not at all weakened (p. 323) PERISCELLID^ 62. Oral vibrissse present (p. 332) AGR0MYZID7E Oral vibrissge absent 63 63. Sternopleural bristle present (p. 329) OPOMYZID^ Sternopleural bristle absent (p. 374) PSILID^ 64. Oral vibrissse present 65 Oral vibrissse absent 71 65. Mesonotum and scutellum convex, if rather flattened the abdomen and legs not bristly 68 Mesonotum and scutellum flattened; legs and abdomen conspicuously bristly (p. 376) CCELOPID^ 66. Postvertical bristles divergent 68 Postvertical bristles convergent 67 67. Orbital plates bearing the frontal bristles short and obliciue. (p. 378) HELOMYZID^ Orbital plates long, extending to the anterior margin of the front or almost so ^ (p. 371) CHYROMYID.^ 68. Second basal and discal cells separated 69 Second basal and discal cells confluent (p. 325) DROSOPHILID^ 69. Anterior half of the front with strong bristles, two to four pairs present on the front; third antennal segment short and rather orbicular, the arista subapical T (p. 362) CLUSIID^ At most two pairs of rather weak frontal bristles situated on the pos- terior half; arista sub -basal 70 70. Eyes round; occiput convex and prominent (p. 310) PIOPHILIDi33 Eyes, vertical, elongate; occiput concave; antennae long. (p. 298) LONCH^ID^ 71. Legs long and slender, stilt-like; apical cell narrowed 72 Legs shorter and more robust, if rather long the apical cell not strongly narrowed 75 72. Propleura haired 73 Propleura bare in the middle 74 73. Pteropleura haired on whole surface (p. 301) TANYPEZID^ Pteropleura bare on anterior half; second basal cell confluent witli the discal (p. 306) MICROPEZID^ 74. Arista apical (p. 308) NERIID^ Arista dorsal (p. 303) CALOBATID^ 75. Apical cell closed or almost so in the wing margin; abdomen cylindrical, the genitalia usually large (p. 265) CONOPID^ Apical cell not strongly narrowed or the abdomen short and broad 76 26 XOKTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 76. Some or all of the tibiae with preapical dorsal bristle 77 Tibiffi without preapical bristle 80 77. Postocellar bristles parallel, divergent or absent 78 Postocellar bristles convergent (p. 315) LAUXANIID.5: 78. Clypeus never prominent; femora with bristles 79 Clypeus very prominent; femora without bristles, (p. 382) DRYOMYZID^ 79. Ovipositor flat and wide; front long and moderately narrow; head short, hemispherical, the antennae never porrect; shining blackish flies. (p. 298) LONCH^ID^ Ovipositor not prominent; front wide; head more or less orbicular or the front produced; antennae usually porrect; very rarely shining black (p. 367) TETANOCERID^ 80. Antennae situated on the eye-stalks or at their base. (p. 358) DIOPSIDiSJ Antennae situated on the front, though widely separated, regardless of the presence of eye-stalks 81 81. Ocelli absent (p. 268) PYRGOTID^ Ocelli present 82 82. Postocellar bristles convergent or absent 83 Postocellar bristles divergent or parallel 84 83. Posterior femora swollen and spinose beneath; abdomen clavate; small, slender flies (p. 373) MEGAMERINID^ Posterior femora not swollen and spinose; abdomen short and rather broad, never clavate (p. 365) CHAM^MYID^ 84. Presutural dorsocentrals absent or the subcostal and first veins end far apart (p. 271) OTITID^ Presutural dorsocentrals present or the thorax bearing very long, fine pile (p. 296) PALLOPTERID^ 85. Metascutellum developed, appearing as a strong convexity below the scutellum; hypopleura with strong bristles (p. 415) TACHINIDiS] Metascutellum weak or absent, or if developed there is only hair on the hypopleura 86 86. Oral opening and mouth parts very small; hypopleura with abundant long hair 87 Oral opening normal; hypopleura with a row of bristles or only short, sparse hair 88 87. Scutellum extending far beyond the base of the metanotum; metascu- tellum never developed.." (p. 411) CUTEREBRID^ Scutellum very short; metascutellum usually strongly developed; palpi usually large (p. 413) CESTRID^ 88. Hypopleura with a row of bristles 89 Hypopleura with fine, short hair or bare 90 89. Apical cell strongly narrowed apically (p. 402) METOPIID^ Apical cell not at all narrowed apically (p. 384) MUSCIDjaC 90. Oral vibrissae absent; mesonotum without bristles except above the wings (p. 374) PSILID^ Oral vibrissae present; mesonotum with bristles (p. 384) MUSCIDi9i] 27 PUPIPARA AND FLIES WITHOUT OR WITH ABORTED WINGS 91. CoxEe widely separated by the sternum; usually parasitic on warm blooded animals 92 Coxae approximate basally; not parasitic on warm blooded animals (ex- cept Streblidae) 95 92. Mesonotum short, resembling the abdominal segments; antennae in- serted in lateral grooves (p. 472) BRAULID^ Mesonotum and abdomen differentiated 93 93. Head small and narrow, folding back into a groove on the mesonotum; prosteraum produced (p. 476) NYCTERIBIID^ Head not folding back in a special groove; prosternum not produced. . . .94 94. Palpi broader than long; wings uniformly veined., (p. 477) STREBLID/E Palpi elongate, forming a sheath for the proboscis; wing veins crowded anteriorly, weak or absent posteriorly (p. 473) HIPPOBOSCID^ 95. Antennae and mouth parts present 96 Antennje and mouth parts absent (p. 477) STREBLID^C 96. Antennae consisting of six or more freely articulated segments 97 Antennae consisting of at most three freely articulated segments 103 97. Mesonotum without a complete, V-shaped suture 98 Mesonotum with a complete V-shaped suture (p. 33) TIPULID^ 98. Eyes meeting over the antennae 99 Eyes widely separated above the antenna 101 99. Abdomen enormouslv swollen, the apical four segments slender; termite guests " (p. 101) CECIDOMYID^ Abdomen normal 100 100. Scutellum and halteres present (p. 131) SCATOPSID^ Scutellum and halteres absent (p. 118) SCIARID^. 101. Termite guests; ocelli absent; wings with several veins. (p. 78) PSYCHODID/E Not termite guests 102 102. Halteres present (p. 69) CHIRONOMID^ Halteres absent (p. 120) MYCETOPHILID^ 103. Antennae apparently consisting of one more or less globular segment; posterior femora robust and laterally compressed. . (p. 234) PHORIDiSI Antennae with two or three quite evident segments; posterior femora not laterally compressed 104 104. Frontal lunule present 105 Frontal lunule absent (p. 205) EMPID^ 105. First segment of the posterior tarsi short and swollen. (p. 360) BORBORID^ First segment of the posterior tarsi longer than the second segment and not swollen 106 106. Arista with long, sparse rays (p. 325) DROSOPHILID^ Arista pubescent or bare; third antennal segment orbicular; wings mutilated by the fly (p. 378) HELOMYZID^ 28 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Superfamily Tipuloidea These are the "Crane Flies" and include the families Tanyderidae, Ptychopteridaj, Trichoeerid«, Tipulidie and Anisopodidie. The first four mentioned families are characterized bv the presence of a V-shaped suture on the mesonotum, and have, until recent years constituted the family Tipulidte. In the Ptychopteridai this suture is more or less obsolete posteriorly where it extends into the prescutellar depression but its form is always very well marked. The inclusion of the Anisopo- didas with the Crane-Flies may be questioned by some students of the Order. I think the question is a debatable one : at any rate, the family seems to form more or less of a connecting link between the Tipulids and Mycetophilids. The manuscript for the Tipuloidea has been prepared by Dr. C. P. Alexander and this fact assures the student of thorough and accurate keys together with the latest views on generic limits and classification. The study of this group might almost be said to be a ''world apart" in the study of Diptera and I cannot fully express my gratitude to Dr. Alexander for the service he has rendered in preparing this jJ^irt of the work. 29 Family Tanyderidae — The Primitive Crane Flies Generalized flies of medium size, usually with a handsomely banded wing-pattern. iMouthparts often i)roduced. Antennge with from 15 to 25 segments; flagellar segments simple, cylindrical. Eyes with erect setJB between ommatidia; ocelli lacking. Latero-cervical sclerites some- times greatly elongated, short in the local species. Wings with five branches of Radius reaching the margin (*Fig. 11); most genera with one or two supernumerary crossveins in the outer radial or medial fields, these never exceeding two in any one genus, usually with a single such element. Male hypopygium with a single dististyle, usually simple, weakly bifid in the two regional genera. Aedeagus trifid. The immature stages occur in sandy soil at margins of major streams, the larva being aquatic or nearly so. There are 23 recent species of Tanyderida, distributed in 10 genera, chiefly Australasian in distribution. Two genera with three species occur in North America. KEY TO GENERA 1. A supernumerary crossvein in cell M3 of the wing- (*Fig. 11). Protoplasa Osten Sacken Wings without supernumerary crossveins Protanyderus Handlirsch The most important recent literature is as follows: Alexander, C. P. 1919. The crane-fhes of New York. Part I. Distribution and taxonomy of the adult flies. Cornell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta., Mem. 25: p. 883, 1 fig. 1927. Diptera. Fam. Tanyderidae. Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 189. 1930. Observations on the Dipterous family Tanyderidae. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, Iv, pp. 221-230,' 2 pis., 1 fig. (larva and pupa). Crampton, G. C. 1925. A phylogenetic study of the thoracic sclerites of the non-Tipuloid Nematocerous Diptera. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, xviii, pp. 49-74, 5 pis. 1926. The external anatomy of the primitive Tanyderid Dipteran Macrochile spectrum Lcew, preserved in Baltic Amber. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, xxi, pp. 1-14, 2 pis. 1930a. Some anatomical details of the pupa of the archaic Tanyderid Dipteron Protoplasa fitchii O. S. Proc. Ent. Soc. Washington, xxxii, pp. 83-98, 3 pis. 1930b. A comparison of the more important structural details of the larva of the archaic Tanyderid Dipteron Protoplasa fitchii, with other Holometabola, from the standpoint of phylogeny. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, xxv, pp. 239-258, 4 pis. Williams, Inez 1933. The external morphology of the primitive Tanyderid Dipteron Protoplasa fitchii O. S., with notes on the other Tanyderidae. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, xli, pp. 1-36, 7 pis. (anatomy of adult; comparative wing- figures of all genera of Tanyderidse). * Plate II. Tipuloidea. 30 NORTH AaiERICAN DIPTERA Family Ptychopteridae— The False Crane Flies Antenna elongate, with 16 (Ptychopterinie) to 20 segments (Bit- tacomorphinse) ; flagellar segments cylindrical. Suture between prae- sciitum and scutum obsolete — posteriorly. Wings with R, preserved as a distinct element, lying far distad, subequal in length to Ri+s; three branches of Radius reach margin; two or three branches of i\Iedia; a single Anal vein (*Fig. 12). The immature stages occur in saturated organic earth, the larvae with an elongate caudal breathing-tube, the pupie with a single greatly elongated pronotal breathing-horn. There are two subfamilies, with 3 genera, PtycJioptera with 24 spe- cies, BittacomorpheUa with 3 species, Bittacomorplia with 2 species. In the New World, the family is found only in the Nearctic region, all genera being found on the eastern and western coasts but rare or lacking in the plains region. KEY TO GENERA 1. Antennse 16-seffmented; wing:s with cell M,, present • (*Fiff. 12); (Ptychopterinae) Ptychoptera Meig:en Antennse 20-segmented; wings with cell Mi lacking; (Bittacomorphinae) . . 2 2. Wings with macrotrichia in distal ends of radial and medial cells; basi- tarsi of legs not dilated BittacomorpheUa Alexander Wings without macrotrichia in cells; basitarsi of legs conspicuously dilated Bittacomorpha Westwood The latest literature on the family: Alexander, C. P. 1919. The crane-flies of New York. Part I. Distribution and taxonomy of the adult flies. Cornell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta., Mem. 25, pp. 884-886, figs. 2-4. 1920. The same, Part II. Biology and Phylogeny. Ibid., Mem. 38, pp. 772-787, pis. 14-18, incl. (larva and pupa). 1927. Diptera. Fam. Ptychopteridae. Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 188, pp. 1-12, 1 pi. Plate II, Tipuloidea. 31 Family Trichoceridae — The Winter Crane Flies Small or medium-sized flies of slender build, the antennas elongate, setaceous. Three ocelli. Wings with m-cu lying far distad; two com- plete Anal veins, 2nd A very short, incurved to anal angle, slightly longer and more extended in Diazosyna. Male hypopygium with a single dististyle, this cylindrical or with a variously developed lobe on basal portion of mesal face. Ovipositor with cerci upcurved, the convexity being on the ventral surface. The so-called "winter crane flies" are most numerous in Spring and Fall, though sometimes abundant during mild days of Winter. They are usually found in large to small swarms in the open, but may be found in cellars, mines and similar places. The immature stages occur in decaying vegetable matter. There are 4 valid genera with about 45 described species. Tri- chocera is essentially a genus of the northern Hemisphere; Diazosma is represented only by 2 species, with a wide distribution in the Holarctic region. ParacJndura has several species in New Zealand and Chile, with a few others in eastern Asia; a single species (trichoptera O.S.) is found on our Pacific coast. KEY TO GENERA 1. Wings with vein 2nd A subsinuate, not short and curved abruptly into the anal angle; north temperate Diazosma Bergroth Wings with vein 2nd A short, curved abruptly into the anal angle 2 2. Tibial spurs present; tarsi with basitarsus longer than segments 2 and 3 taken together; (* fig. 13); north temperate to arctic. Trichocera Meigen Tibial spurs lacking; basitarsus very .short, only two or three times as long as wide, shorter than the third tarsal segment; western. Paracladura Brunetti The most important recent literature: Alexander, C. P. 1919. The crane-flies of New York. Part I. Distribution and taxonomy of the adult files. Cornell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta., Mem. 25, pp. 887-888, figs. 165, 166. 1920. The same. Part II. Biology and Phylogeny. Ibid. Mem. 38, pp. 789-791, pi. 19 (larva and pupa). 1926. The Trichoceridae of Australia (Diptera). Proc. Linnean Soc. New South Wales, 51, pp. 299-304, 11 figs, (key to genera). • Plate II, Tipuloidea. 32 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Edwards, F. W. 1928. Diptera. Fam. Protorhyphidae, Anisopodidas, Pachyneuridse, Tri- choceridas. Genera Insectorum, Fasc. 190, pp. 1-41, 2 pis. Rhynehart, J. G. 1925. The larva and pupa of Trichocera regelationis L. Proc. Belfast Nat. Hist, and Phil. Soc, sess. 1922-1923, pp. 3-14, pis. 1-3. 33 Family Tipulidse — The Crane Flies Tipula trivittata — adult, larva, pupa. The present family, commonly called "'crane flies", includes slen- der-bodied flies, having long to very long, imnsually brittle legs that break readily between the trochanter and femur. From allied families of Nematocera, they are readily told by the lack of ocelli, two Anal veins, and the presence of the so-called V-shaped suture between the mesonotal pra?scutum and scutum. In many species there is a closed discal (1st M^) cell. In size, the various species show a range almost as great as that found in the entire order, from tiny flics witli a wing- 34 . NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA length of about 2 millimeters (as DasymoJophilus) to gigantic forms with a wing-length in excess of 45 millimeters {Ctenarroscelis). Rostrum sometimes greatly elongated, in some {Elephantomyia: Toxorhina) produced by a great lengthening of the front, the reduced mouthparts being at the extreme tip; in others {Limonia: Geranomyia) the similarly greatly lengthened mouthparts consist chiefly of the labial palpi. In most Tipulidae the rostrum is short to very short. In many TipulinaB it is further tipped by a small nose-like point, the nasus. Max- illary palpi ranging in number of segments from 1 (some Limonia and Hexatoma: Conosia) to the normal number of 4. Antennae ranging in number of segments from 6 {Hexatoma) to 39 {Gynoplistia: Cero- zodia) ; sometimes very greatly lengthened in males, being one or more times the length of the entire body {Megistocera: Macromastix; Hexa- toma: Eriocera; Eliahdomastix) ; sometimes with branched flagellar segments (many Tipulina^; some Cylindrotominae; a few Limoniinge, as Limonia: Rhipidia and Gynoplistia) ; pedicel shorter than scape (except in some Eriopterine Claduraria) ; sometimes the basal flagellar segments united into a fusion-segment (Claduraria, Toxorhinaria). Eyes with ommatidia variable in size and coarseness; sometimes lioloptic (Li- monia), usually broadly dichoptic. Pediciini with short erect set^e between ommatidia. Pronotum sometimes lengthened (some Limonia, Toxorhina) . Prae- seutum sometimes produced cephalad over pronotum {Conosia, T rente - pohlia) . Paired doul)le dots, tlie tuherculate pits, often present, one on either side of midline on ee])halic half of pr^escutum. PseudosiituraJ foveae often present as shiny depressions on humeral portion of prip- scutum. Postnotal pleurotergite sometimes produced into a tubercle (some Tipulinje). Halteres long to very long. Legs with trochanters short, rarely lengthened {Atarha, Rliahdomastix) ; tibiae with or without terminal spurs; claws simple or variously toothed {Limonia, Tipula). Wings of various shapes, sometimes long and narrow, the anal angle correspondingly reduced (some Limonia), sometimes with the region squarely developed {Antocha) . In cases, a pale longitudinal fold in cell Cu of wings (DicranoptycJia) . The details of venation are not discussed here, having been thoroughly considered by the present writer in recent papers that are cited in the morphological bibliography at end of paper and which may be consulted for details. The chief premise of the interpretation of the radial field is that the so-called radial cross- vein, r, of the Comstock-Needham system, has never been developed in the Diptera, the vein that has been so interpreted in the few families where it is found being the transverse free portion of R.,- The anterior branch of the radial field is labelled P^o' except in tlie su])tri])e Limoni- PWMILY TIPULID.K THE CRANE FLIES 35 aria, where the free tip of vein Scg has migrated along vein R^ to occupy the extreme tip of the vein. A series of diagrams (Figs. 3 to 10) indi- cates this tendency, which involves many hundreds of species in the vast genus Limonia. The medial and cubital fields are interpreted ac- cording to the Tillyard modification of the Comstock-Needham system. Male hypopygium usually simple, the basistyles (coxites) bearing the dististyles (styles) at or near apex. Aedeagus and its subtending gonapophyses furnishing characters of paramount importance for spe- cific determination. A dorsal lobe of the basistyle, the interbasc, some- times present. Ovipositor with the tergal valves (cerci) lengthened, heavily sclerotized, usually gently to strongly upcurved, exceeding the short, straight sternal valves (hypovalva?) ; in a few cases (as some TipulinjE; Cylindrotomina?; Styringomyia and others), the valves of the ovipositor are short and fleshy. Tipulidae are great lovers of moist conditions, being chiefly re- stricted by humidity. Species have been taken within 600 miles of the North Pole, while others occur at altitudes of over 17,000 feet in Thibet. The majority of the species occupy the intermediate zone, the familj^ being very numerous in species in all temperate parts of the World and similarly numerous in the subtropical and temperate portions of the mountainous regions of the Tropics. Lowland tropical species are fewer in luiniber and are apt to have a very wide distribution. The lesser oceanic islands are practically devoid of the larger crane flies (TipulinaO while having numbers of species of the small fragile Li- moniina^ (as Limonia, s.l.; Stf/rinffomj/ia; Gononii/ia: Lipophleps; Tren- tepohlia). ITnder rigorous conditions, as the arctic, wind-swept coasts, high mountains and the like, species with reduced wings are frequently found, being most numerous in the female sex. The greatest reduction of wings is found in Chionea, wliich is virtually apterous in both sexes. The Tipulidtr of the World now include more than 6000 species, arranged in 2S3 genera and subgenera (Tipulinse, 76, Cylindrotominte, 9; Limoniina', 198, the latter further distributed in the following tribes: Lechriini, 4; Limoniini, 37; Pediciini, 12; Hexatomini, 70, and Eriop- terini, 75). Representatives of all tliree sulifamilics and of all tribes witli tlie exception of the Tjcchriini occur in tlie area under considera- tion. Keys availalile for tlie idi'utification of tlie adult flies are very few in number. The writer's preliminary study on the "Crane flies of New York", is now seriously out-of-date due to the great additions made in intervening years. The forthcoming volume on Diptera in the "In.sects of Connecticut'' series will largely supercede the earlier work. Both of these reports are restricted to the area embraced in northeastern 36 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA North America. No ke,ys are available for most of the groups in other regions of the continent, with the exception of the papers listed in the bibliography on certain groups of Tipulidae, which are lessened in value due to the great additions that liave been made in later years. KEYS TO SUBFAMILIES AND TRIBES, GENERA, ETC. 1. Terminal .segment of maxillary palpus elongate, whiplash-like; nasus usually distinct; antennae usually with 13 segments; wings with Sci usually atrophied; vein Cu, constricted at m-cu, the latter usually at or close to fork of M3+4 (1, 17 to 20); body-size usually large. (Tipulinas) ". " 2 Terminal seg-ment of maxillary palpus short; no distinct nasus; an- tennae usually with 14 or 16 segments; wings with Sci present, its extreme tip atrophied in some Cylindrotomin^; vein Cui straight, not constricted at m-cu, the latter placed far before the fork of M3+4, usually at or close to fork of M (21 to 44); body-size usually small or medium 19 2. Legs unusually long and filiform; wings with vein Ri+j atrophied and with Sci ending in Sc close to origin of Rs (Dolichopeza, 19), when Ri+! is preserved (Brachyprenina, 18; Tanypremna; Megis- tocera, 17), vein Sc is very long, Sci reaching C as a distinct element some distance beyond fork of Rs and with cell 2nd A usually very narrow (Dolichopezaria) 3 Legs of normal stoutness for the family; wings with vein Ri+j pre- served (20); when atrophied (a few species of Tipula) with Sc of moderate length, Sc, atrophied before fork of Rs and Scj ending at or near midlength of Rs (exception, some species of Longurio); cell 2nd A of noiTnal width 8 3. Wings with origin of vein Mi basad of that of M,+2; R2+3 angularly bent at near midlength (17); tropical, subtropical. Megistocera Wiedemann Wings with origin of vein Mt distad of that of Mi+;, usually far be- yond; R2+3 straight or nearly so, not angulated 4 4. Wings with R,+2 pale, perpendicular to R2+3; Rs strongly arcuated at origin (18) Brachypremna Osten Sacken Wings with R1+2, when present, oblique; Rs straight or gently arcuated throughout length, sometimes very short and transverse 5 5. Rs of moderate length, subequal to m-cu; Sc long, Sc, preserved, ending beyond fork of Rs; R,+2 pale but preserved; tropical. Tanypremna Osten Sacken Rs short, transverse, simulating a crossvein, about equal in length to one-half m-cu; Sc unusually short, Sc, atrophied, Sc2 entering Sc before to just beyond origin of Rs; R,+2 atrophied. (Dolichopeza) (I 6. Wings with cell 1st M2 open by atrophy of basal section of Ms, the outer medial field thus appearing pectinately branched (19); temperate Dolichopeza: Dolichopeza Curtis Wings with cell 1st M2 closed 7 7. Cells beyond cord with abundant macrotrichia; tropical. Dolichopeza: Megistomastix Alexander Cells beyond cord glabrous; temperate. . . .Dolichopeza: Oropeza Needham FAMILY TIPULID.E — THE CRANE FLIES 37 8. Antennal flag-ellum of male branched, of female branched or serrate; legs relatively short and stout. (Ctenophoraria) 9 Antennal flagellum simple (serrate in Prionocera, readily told by lack of antennal verticils); legs usually more slender. (Tipularia) 11 9. Antenna of both sexes with two short branches at extreme base of flagellar segments two to seven inclusive; tropical. Ozodicera: Dihexaclonus Enderlein Antennae of male with three or four branches on each of flagellar segments two to nine, of female merely serrate; north temperate. . 10 10. Antennas of male with three pectinations on flagellar segments two to nine, each segment with a single branch on apical half, in addition to the usual basal pair; ovipositor greatly elongated, sabre-like Tanyptera Latreille Antennae of male with two pairs of pectinations on flagellar segments two to nine, one pair being subbasal, the other subapical; ovipos- itor short and of normal Tipuline structure Ctenophora Meigen 11. Wings with vein R3 bent strongly caudad before end, thence angu- larly deflected cephalad, cell R3 thus being much constricted at near midlength; western and tropical Holorusia Loew Wings with vein R3 straight or only gently arcuated throughout its length, not constricting the cell (20) 12 12. Flagellar segments without verticils, the lower face of individual segments produced to give the organ a serrate appearance; terminal flagellar segment abruptly more slender, north temperate to arctic. Prionocera Loew Flagellar segments verticillate, simple or nearly so 13 13. Abdomen in both sexes greatly elongated, somewhat resembling that of a dragon-fly; verticils of outer flagellar segments very long and conspicuous; valves (cerci) of ovipositor with smooth margins; eastern. (Longurio) 14 Abdomen not so elongated (except in female of Tipula longiventris Lw., which has the cerci of ovipositor serrate on margins); anten- nal verticils of moderate length only 15 14. Wings with cell M, sessile Longurio: .^schnasoma Johnson Wings with cell M, petiolate Longurio: Longurio Loew 15. Wings with Rs short and oblique in position, shorter than m-cu; cell M, sessile or very short-petiolate; vein Mi arising opposite or basad of origin of M,+:.; body-coloration highly polished, often black and yellow Nephrotoma Meigen Wings with Rs elongate, exceeding m-cu; cell M, petiolate; vein M, arising distad of origin of M,«; body-coloration usually opaque, pruinose or pollinose (20). (Tipula) 16 16. Wings with cell M, lacking; arctic Tipula: Nesotipula Alexander Wings with cell Mi present 17 17. Size very small (wing not exceeding 9 mm.); vein Rn2 entirely atrophied; tropical Tipula: Microtipula Alexander Size larger (wing over 10 mm.; in species with R,.^ atrophied, wing over 12 mm.) ; R,+:. usually preserved 18 38 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Sc2*R, Sc, Cu, M^ r-ra i?3 10 Tipuloidea, Plate I. FAMILY TIPULID.E — THE CRANE FLIES 39 EXPLANATION OF PLATE 1. Tanyptera fumipennis, venation. 2. Dicranota (Plectromyia) modesta, venation. 3-10. A series of diagrams to illustrate the modification of the outer subcostal and radial fields of the wing-, as found in the Tipulinse, Cylindroto- minje, Lechriini and Limoniini. 3. The type found in the Orimargaria: Scs preserved, R1+2 complete, at- taining the wing-margin. 4. A further development of 3. . Sc'. has moved distad, shortening Ri; Ri^o still entire. 5. Condition as in 4 but with tip of Ri+2 atrophied. Found in several Ori- margaria, Limoniaria. 6. An accentuation of 5. The atrophy of R,+: is still greater, R, more shortened and more or less in transverse alignment with the fi'ee tip of Sc;. Condition found in numerous Limoniaria. 7. A still further modification of 5. The atrophy of R1+2 is now complete and Ri is in direct transverse alignment with R^, both in turn being in transverse alignment with the free tip of Sc;. This is the com- monest type in the Limoniaria, being found in most members of the following subgenera of Limonia, — Dicranomyia, Geranomyia and Rhipidia, as well as in some Limonia, s.s. 8. A type that reverts back to condition 5, with a long spur of R1+2 persist- ing, with the free tip of Sc2 migrated distad along this spur to lie beyond the level of R2. A condition found in several subgenera of Limonia, as Peripheroptera, Limonia and Libnotes. 9. A further modification of 8, where Sc2 has migrated to the extreme tip of the spur of Ri+i but still forms a rectangular bend. Limonia: Libnotes. 10. The culmination of the series, where the free tip of Sca has migrated to the extreme tip of the spur of Rn2 and then bends to the costal margin at a gently oblique angle. This condition is common in many Limonia of the subgenera Limonia and Discobola. EXPLANATION OF SYMBOLS Comstock-Needham system, as modified by Alexander and Tillyard C = Costa; Cu = Cubitus; 1st M2 = cell 1st M^; M = Media; m-cu = me- dial-cubital crossvein; R = Radius; r-m = radial-medial crossvein; Rs^ Radial sector; s =: supernumerary crossvein; Sc = Subcosta; A = Anal veins. 40 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA C Sc, R Co, Ml 1st A Cii ^5 16 Cii, IW, Cu, IH4 laiX 1st A M, ^' 2nd A 1st A 2adA- Cu, N, Tipuloidea. Plate 11. — 11. Protoplasa fitchii, venation: 12. Ptychoptera rufocincta, venation; 13. Trichocera colei, venation; 14. Anisopus alteinatus, venation; 15. Axymyia furcata, venation ; 16. Mycteboia divergens, venation ; IT. Megistocera longipennis. venation ; 18. Brachypremna dispellens, venation ; 19. Dolichopeza (Dolichopeza) ameiicana, venation ; 20. Tipula (Tipula) dorsomacula, venation. FAMILY TIPULID-E THE CRANTE FIJES 41 18. Wings with macrotrichia in apical cells. ..Tipula: Trichotipula Alexander Wing-s with cells glabrous Tipula: Tipula Linnaeus 19. Wings with tip of Ri+; atrophied, giving the appearance of a long fusion back from margin of veins R, and anterior branch of Rs; free tip of Sc.. preserved (21, 22, 23) (Cylindrotomin^) 20 Wings sometimes with tip of R,.; atrophied (some Limoniini) but not giving the appearance of a long fusion backward from margin of veins R, and anterior branch of Rs; free tip of Sc2 preserved in many species of tribe Limoniini, lacking in other tribes in this fauna (24 to 44) (Limoniinie) 24 CYLINDROTOMIN^: GENERA 20. Head and intervals of mesonotal praescutum with numerous deep punctures; a deep median groove on prtescutum. . . . Triogma Schiner Head and intervals of mesonotal praescutum smooth; no median praescutal groove 21 21. Three branches of Radius reach the margin, Ri« being presei'ved as a distinct element Phaiacrocera Schiner Two branches of Radius reach the margin, Ri^:: being entirely atrophied, giving the appearance of a long backward fusion of veins R, and anterior branch of Rs (21-23) 22 22. Four branches of Media reach the margin (21) . .Cylindrotoma Macquart Three branches of Media reach the margin 23 23. Wings with crossvein r-m present; outer end of cell 1st Mj almost always closed by a single transverse vein, cell M, being present, sessile to short-petiolate; cells 2nd M- and Ma confluent by atrophy 01' partial atrophy of distal section of vein M^; antennae nearly simple, the lower face of individual segments not produced (22, 23 ) Phalacrocera Schiner Wings with crossvein r-m usually shortened to quite obliterated by the approximation or fusion of veins R4+.-, and Mi+;.; outer end of cell 1st Ms closed by two transverse veins, these being M and the basal section of Ms; cell M, lacking, cells 2nd M^. and M3 distinct; antennae strongly nodulose, especially in male, the individual flagel- lar segments nearly cordate Liogma Osten Sacken TRIBES OF LLMONIIN^ 24. Eyes hairy; wings with vein Sci very long, Sc? lying basad of origin of Rs (2, 30). (Pediciini) ". . . 41 Eyes glabrous; wings with Sci short or of moderate length, when long (some Eriopterini), Sc2 lying distad of origin of Rs; where Sc2 lies basad of origin of Rs (some Limoniini, Eriopterini), the entire vein Sc is shortened 25 25. Wings with free tip of Sca often present; veins Rj and R-, fused to margin, only two branches of Rs being present; antennae usually with 14 (Limoniaria) or 16 segments; (4-10, 24-29) (Limoniini).. 27 Wings with free tip of Sc- atrophied; veins R4 and Rr, separate, the former usually transferred to the upper branch, R2+3, to form a distinct element R;+s.4; usually with three branches of Rs present (except in Atarba, Elephantomyia, Styringomyia, Teucholabis, Go- nomyia and Toxorhina, where Rj is captured by R^^s, as above); antenna; usually with 16 segments; (31-44) 26 42 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 2nd A 2adA 1st A ^"' 2nd k 1st A 2adA Co, M, 2nd A 2nd A 1st A 2nd A 1st A Cu,, 1st A Cn, 1st A Cu, Tipuloidea, Plate 111.-21. C.Undrot„„.a tarsal!, ^^ation: 22^ Pha^ro^ venation'; 2P,. Phalacocera ""'d-^*-^-; -^^Xepla) Kw^ 2-- D-ranoptycha (Hclius) flavipes, venation ; 26. ^"'"'''^^^J" °™ (Limonia) hnmatura, vena .on Sf^'-^^aiTHcSo^'Sotr'^atrf'^-Sexatcna ( .e.acera. venat.on . 32: Hexatoina (Eriocera) longicornis, venation. FAMILY TIPULID.E THE CRANE FLIES 43 26. Tibial spurs present. (Hexatomini) '. . . 51 Tibial spurs lacking. (Eriopterini) 78 LIMONIINI: SUBTRIBES, GENERA, SUBGENERA 27. Wings with vein R2 lacking (25) 28 Wings with vein Ra present (24, 26, 29) 29 28. Rostrum short and inconspicuous; Rs long and straight, running close to R, and in alignment with Rlvs) r-m distinct. (Ellipteraria). Elliptera Schiner Rosti'um of moderate length, about equal in length to remainder of head; Rs short, gently arcuated, not in alignment with R-..-3; r-m often shortened or obliterated by approximation of adjoining veins (25). (Heliaria) Helius St. Fargeau 29. Wings with m-cu more than three, (and usually much more), times its own length before the fork of M (26). (Orimargar"a, Orimarga) 30 Wings with m-cu close to or beyond the fork of M, if before, the distance not or scarcely exceeding the length of the vein itself (24, 27, 29 ) '. 31 30. Wings with three branches of Media reaching margin, cell M3 being present; m-cu beneath Rs Orimarga: Orimarga Osten Sacken Wings with two branches of Media reaching margin, cell M3 lacking; m-cu far before origin of Rs (26). .Orimarga: Diotrepha Osten Sacken 31. Wings with vein R2 lying far distad, beyond level of outer end of cell 1st M::; m-cu beyond fork of M (27) (Dicranoptycharia). Dicranoptycha Osten Sacken Wings with vein R2 in almost transverse alignment with r-m and basal half of cell 1st M^; m-cu at or slig-htly before fork of M (24, 28, 29) 32 32. Wings with Rs long and straight (24, 28); antennae IG-segmented. . . 33 Wings with Rs shorter and more arcuated (21); antennae 14- segmented. (Limoniaria, Limonia) 34 33. Anal angle of wing very prominent, almost square; Rs long, diverg- ing at an acute angle from R,, ending approximately between the branches of Rs or in alignment with R4.5 (28) (Antocharia). Antocha Osten Sacken Anal angle of wing normally rounded; Rs long, lying very close to Ri and nearly parallel to it, its end in alignment with R2+3; basal section of R-.^., short and arcuated, diverging from the end of Rs at nearly a right angle (24) (Ellipteraria) Elliptera Schiner 34. Wings with M and both sections of M3 lacking, cell Ms thus entirely obliterated Limonia : Alexandriaria Garrett Wings with at least the distal section of M3 preserved and usually with both sections, together with m, cell M3 thus usually present (29) 35 35. Supernumerary crossveins present in certain cells of wing 36 No supernumerary crossveins in cells of wing (excepting a weak element sometimes evident in cell Sc) (29) 37 44 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA TiiMjloidea, Plate IV. — 33. Elephantomyia westwoodi, venation ; 34. Atarba (Atarba) picticornis, venation ; 35. Polymera (Pol.vmera) rogcrsiana, venation : 36. Prolimnophila areolata, venation ; 37. Toxorhina (Toxoihina) niuliebris, venation ; 38. Teucholabis (Tcuchoiabis) complexa, venation; 39. Trentepohlia (Paiamongoma) bromeliadicola, venation; 40. Gonoinyia (Gonomyia) subcinerea, venation: 41. Molophilus nitidus, venation; 42. Helobia hybrida, venation; 43. Gnophomyia tristissima, venation; 44. Erioptera (Erioptera) sep- tointrionis, venation. FAMILY TIPULID.E THE CRANE FLIES 45 36. Wing's with Sc short, Sci ending opposite or before origin of Rs; a supernumerary crossvein in cell R3. .Limonia: Neolimnobia Alexander Wings with Sc long-, ending about opposite fork of Rs; a super- numerary crossvein in cell 1st A, connecting the Anal veins. Limonia: Discobola Osten Sacken 37. Mouthparts, and especially the labial palpi, lengthened, the rostrum much longer than remainder of head, and usually about as long as the combined head and thorax Limonia: Geranomyia Haliday Mouthparts, with the labial palpi, not notably lengthened, shorter than remainder of head 38 38. Antenuje of male more or less branched (bipectinate, unipectinate or subpectinate), of female simply serrate, sometimes very weakly so. Limonia: Rhipidia Meigen Antennge simple in both sexes 39 39. Wings of male with the prearcular region greatly developed, of female less markedly so; wing-apex very obtuse; Sc: ending ap- proximately opposite origin of Rs; tropical. Limonia: Peripheroptera Schiner Wings of both sexes with prearcular cells small and inconspicuous; wing-tip not so obtusely rounded (except in some Limonia, s.s., where Sc is elongate, ending beyond midlength of Rs) 40 40. Wings with Sc short, Sc, ending opposite or before origin of Rs. Limonia: Dicranomyia Stephens Wings with Sc long, Sc, ending beyond midlength of Rs (29). Limonia: Limonia Meigen PEDICIINI: SUBTRIBES, GENERA, SUBGENERA 41. Wings with numerous macrotrichia on membrane (Ularia) . .Ula Haliday Wings glabrous 42 42. Rostrum produced into a beak that is subequal in length to remainder of head; western Ornithodes Coquilletl Rostrum only inconspicuously developed 43 43. Antennae with usually 16 segments; size large, wing usually over 10 mm. (P'edicia) 44 Antennse with usually 13 or 15 segments; size small, wing usually under 8 mm 45 44. Size very large (wing, 20 mm. or more); wings with a dark pattern that is arranged as a triangle, including broad costal and cubital seams that are connected across the very oblique cord; maxillary palpus with terminal segment elongate Pedicia: Pedicia Latreille Size smaller (wing, under 18 mm.); wings without a dark pattern arranged as a triangle, as above described; cord of wing trans- verse or nearly so (30); maxillary palpus with terminal segment short Pedicia: Tricyphona Zetterstedt 45. Wings with four supernumerary crossveins, located in cells R,, R3, R4 and M; western Polyangaeus Doane Wings with at most a single supernumerary crossvein, this in cell Ri, basad of vein R2 (Dicranota) 46 46. A supernumerary crossvein in cell R, about opposite end of vein Sd. 47 No supernumerary crossveins in cells of wing- 49 46 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 47. Cell 1st M2 closed; eastern Dicranota: Eudicranota subg. n. Cell 1st M2 open by atrophy of m 48 48. Cell M, lacking Dicranota: Paradicranota subg. n. Cell Ml present Dicranota: Dicranota Zetterstedt 49. Cell 1st M2 closed; eastern Dicranota: Amalopina Brunetti Cell 1st M; open by atrophy of m 50 50. Cell Ml lacking (2) Dicranota: Plectromyia Osten Sacken Cell Ml present Dicranota: Rhaphidoiabis Osten Sacken HEXATOMINI: SUBTRIBES, GENERA, SUBGENERA 51. Antennas with not more than 12 segments (Hexatomaria, Hexatoma). 52 Antennae with more than 14 segments 54 52. Cell 1st M2 open; two branches of M reach the wing-margin (31); eastern Hexatoma: Hexatoma Latreille Cell 1st M2 closed; three or four branches of M reach the wing- margin (32) 53 53. Feet snowy- white; eastern and tropical. .Hexatoma: Penthoptera Schiner Feet not white (32) Hexatoma: Eriocera Macquart 54. Wings with only two branches of Rs present; vein R2 lacking 55 Wings with three branches of Rs present; vein R2 presei*ved (except in Phyllolabis) 5G 55. Rostrum elongate, exceeding one-half the length of the entire body (33) ; (Elephantomyaria) Elephantomyia Osten Sacken Rostrum short and inconspicuous, not exceeding the remainder of head (34); eastern and tropical (Atarbaria). Atarba: Atarba Osten Sacken 56. Apical cells of wing with macrotrichia 57 Cells of wing without macrotrichia (excepting in stigmal area) 61 57. A supernumerary crossvein in cell M; eastern (Limnophilaria). Limnophila: Trichephelia Alexander No supernumerary crossvein in cell M 58 58. Cell R3 of wings sessile, subsessile or short-petiolate; Rr+s+i lacking or much shorter than m-cu. (Limnophilaria) 59 Cell Rs of wings long-petiolate, R2+3+4 being as long as or longer than m-cu 60 59. Wings with macrotrichia abundant, involving the cells basad of cord. Ulomorpha Osten Sacken Wings with sparse macrotrichia in cells beyond cord only. Limnophila: Lasiomastix Osten Sacken 60. Small species (wing, 0", less than 5 mm.); cell Mi usually present; an- tennae short in both sexes (Adelphomyaria) . . . . Adelphomyia Bergroth Larger flies (wing, c^", over 6 mm.); cell Mi lacking; antennae of male very long; tropical (Limnophilaria) Shannonomyia Alexander 61. A supernumerary crossvein in cell C (Epiphragmaria). Epiphragma Osten Sacken No supernumerary crossvein in cell C (35) 62 FAMILY TIPULID.E — THE CRANE FLIES 47 62. Wing-s with vein R- lacking; m-cu at outer end of cell 1st M^; western. Phyllolabis Osten Sacken Wings with vein R.. present; m-cu at or before two-thirds the leng-th of cell 1st M;, when the latter is present (35, 36) 63 63. Wings with cell 1st M2 open by atrophy of m (3.j); male with elongate nodulose antennae; tropical and subtropical. Polymera: Polymera Wiedemann Wings with cell 1st M- closed; antennae of male not nodulose 64 64. Wings with Sc very long, Sc, R1+2 and R3 all ending close together at costal margin; tropical Psaronius Enderleiii Wings with Sc short, widely separated from either Ri+; or R3 (36) . . . 65 65. Wings with m-cu at or close to fork of M; anterior arculus lacking. (Dactylolabaria) Dactylolabis Osten Sacken Wings with m-cu beyond the fork of M, at from one-third to about one-half the length of cell 1st M^; where close to fork of M (some Pseudolimnophila) the arculus complete 66 66. Wings with the anterior arculus lacking (36) (Pseudolimnophilaria, in part) 67 Wings with the anterior arculus present 6S 67. Cell 1st M2 of wings very large, its inner end lying far proximad of the other elements of the cord (36) Prolimnophila Alexander Cell 1st M; of wings of normal size, its inner end straight and in ap- proximate alignment with the elements of the anterior cord. Archilimnophila, g. n. 68. Wings with Sc relatively short, Sci ending before the level of the fork of Rs; where slightly longer (Limnophila albipes Leonard) the pos- terior tarsi snowy-white. (Limnophilaria, in part) 69 Wings with Sc longei", Sc: ending opposite or beyond the fork of Rs; (compare some species of Pilaria, distinguished by having the an- tennal verticils of unusual length) 70 69. Antennae with long conspicuous verticils; tuberculate pits present, small, placed at extreme cephalic end of prsescutum; Rs elongate, exceeding vein R3; cell Mi present or lacking Pilaria Sintenis Antennge with short verticils; tuberculate pits lacking; Rs short and strongly arcuated or angulated at origin; cell M, lacking. Shannonomyia Alexander 70. Head strongly narrowed and prolonged behind; radial and medial veins beyond cord long and sinuous; vein R3 extending generally parallel to vein R4, not diverging markedly at tips; vein 2nd A strongly curved to margin (Pseudolinmnophilaria, in part). Pseudolimnophila Alexander Head broad, not conspicuously narrowed behind; radial and medial veins beyond cord more nearly straight; vein R3 diverging strongly from vein R4, cell R3 conspicuously widened at margin; vein 2nd A not curved strongly into margin (Limnophilaria, in part, Limno- phila). 71. Supernumerary crossveins in either cell R3 or cell M of wing 72 No supeimumerary crossveins in cells of wing 74 48 NORTPI AMERICAN DIPTERxV 72. A supernumerary crossvein in cell R3; eastern. Limnophila: Dicranophragma Osten Sacken A supernumerary crossvein in cell M 73 73. Rs long-spurred at origin; antennge of male elongate. Limnophila: Idioptera Macquart Rs slightly if at all spurred at origin; antennae short in both sexes. Limnophila: Elaeophila Rondani 74. Cell R3 sessile; cell M, lacking Limnophila: Idiolimnophila, subg. n. Cell R3 petiolate; cell Mi present 75 75. Very large species (wing over 16 mm.); wings with the branches of M leaving the main stem at a strong angle, cell 1st M2 thus being strongly hexagonal; eastern Limnophila: Eutonia Van der Wulp Smaller species (wing under 14 mm.); wings with the branches of M not strongly divergent, especially M3+4, cell 1st Mj being more nearly rectangular in outline 76 76. Wings with vein R2+3+4 short, subequal to the basal deflection of Rs; Rs elongate, exceeding four times R3+3+4; coloration polished black or gray, the latter group having the male hypopygium with a series of teeth on margin of outer dististyle, producing a comb-like ap- pearance Limnophila: Prionolabis Osten Sacken Wings with R2+3+4 longer, usually exceeding the basal deflection of Rr,; Rs shorter, not exceeding three times R2+3+4; where the above characters are doubtful, the species have a closely iri-orate brown wing-pattern; body coloration never polished black; when gray, male hypopygium without a comb of spines on outer dististyle .... 77 77. Rs short, weakly to more strongly angulated at origin, more rarely merely arcuated; R2+3+4 subequal to or shorter than m-cu; an- tennae short in both sexes Limnophila: Phylidorea Bigot Rs longer, more gently arcuated; in species with shorter Rs, antennae of male elongate and usually with R2+3+4 long, considerably exceed- ing m-cu Limnophila: aberrant species ERIOPTERINI: SUBTRIBES, GENERA, SUBGENERA 78. Nearly apterous, the wings reduced to microscopic structures that are smaller than the halteres; northern. (Claduraria) .Chionea Dalman Fully-winged species 79 79. Wings with cell Mi present SO Wings with cell Mi lacking (37-44) 84 80. Antennae with the basal two to four segments united into a fusion- segment; wings with R2+3+4 much longer than the short basal section of R:,; veins Sc, and R1+2 widely separated at margin, the distance on Costa between them approximately three times r-m; legs plainly colored; temperate. (Claduraria) 81 Antennae with all flagellar segments distinct; wings with basal sec- tion of R5 elongate, much exceeding R2+3+4; veins Sci and R1+2 closely approximated at margin, the distance on costa between them subequal to or shorter than r-m; legs conspicuously hairy, banded with black, rufous and white; tropical. (Lecteriaria). Lecferia Osten Sacken FAMILY TIPULID.E THE CRANE FLIES 49 81. Wings with R2+3t4 subequal to or longer than vein Ri, cell R3 thus being subequal to its petiole; vein R; at or before the fork of Riit4. Neolimnophila Alexander Wings with R-..+3+4 shorter than vein R3, cell R3 being much longer than its petiole; R; far beyond fork of R2+3t4 82 82. Wings with cell Mi very small, about one-third its petiole; fusion- segment of antenna very long, about equal to the succeeding four segments combined; western Pterochionea Alexander Wings with cell M, subequal to or longer than its petiole; fusion- segment of antennae shorter, about as long as the succeeding two or three segments combined. (Cladura) 83 83. Wings with Rit- elongate, exceeding R2+3+4; R2+3 subequal to m-cu; male hypopygium with two dististyles. .Cladura: Neocladura Alexander Wings with R,+; shorter than R2+3+4; R2+3 approximately twice m-cu; male hypopygium with a single powerful dististyle. Cladura: Cladura Osten Sacken 84. Rostrum very long and slender, approximately one-half the entire body or longer; setae of legs profoundly bifid (Toxorhinaria, Toxorhina ) 85 Rostrum short, not exceeding remainder of head; setas of legs simple. 86 85. Wings with Rs having a single branch (37); eastern and tropical. Toxorhina: Toxorhina Osten Sacken Wings with Rs having two branches; tropical. Toxorhina: Ceratocheilus Wescht§ 86. Two branches of Rs reach the wing-margin (38) 87 Three branches of Rs reach the wing-margin (39-44) 89 87. Wings with Ri ending before midlength; anterior branch of Rs diverging strongly from posterior branch, arising at or close to r-m, straight and oblique; tropical. (Styringomyaria) . .Styringomyia Lcew Wings with Ri ending about opposite two-thirds their length; branches of Rs subparallel on basal half. (Gonomyaria) 88 88. Wings with R,. present, close to fork of Rs; Sc usually long, Sc, ending beyond origin of Rs (38); some eastern, jjut chiefly tropical Teucholabis: Teucholabis Osten Sacken Wings with R- lacking; Sc short, Sc, ending opposite or before origin of Rs; chiefly tropical (Gonomyaria). . .Gonomyia: Lipophleps Bergroth 89. Wings with R,, fused with Mi+; to form the entire cephalic face of cell 1st M2, r-m thus obliterated; only two branches of M reach the margin; vein 2nd A very short (39); tropical. (Trentepohliaria). Trentepohlia: Paramongoma Brunetti Wings with R,-, entirely distinct from M1+2, being separated by the r-m crossvein (the veins fused only in a few species of Paratro- pesa, where the alternative characters hold); three branches of M reach the mai'gin; vein 2nd A of normal length (40-11) 90 90. Wings with cell R3 short, vein R3 shorter than the petiole of cell R3 (40) 91 Wings with cell R3 deep, vein Rj longer than the petiole of cell R3 (42-44); shortest in Progonomyia and Empedomorpha 99 50 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 91. Wings with vein R: present 92 Wings with vein R- lacking 95 92. Rs at end of Rs, in alignment with the other elements of the cord; r-ni obliterated by the long fusion of veins R4+5 and M,+2; tropical. (Gonomyaria) Teucholabis: Paratropesa Schiner R; its length or more beyond the fork of Rs, R2+3+4 subequal to or longer than R2; r-m distinct 93 93. Wings with Rs long and straight, exceeding the distal section of M1+2; tuberculate pits on cephalic portion of prsescutum; trochanters elongate; arctic and subarctic. (Rhabdomastix). Rhabdomastix: Sacandaga Alexander Wings with Rs shorter, less than the distal section of M,+2; tubercu- late pits removed from cephalic margin of prsescutum; ti'ochanters short. ( Erioptera ) 94 94. Wings with veins R3 and R4 strongly diverging, cell R3 having a Gonomyia-like shape Erioptera: Gonempeda Alexander Wings with veins Rs and Ri more generally parallel, cell R3 having the more normal Erioptera-shape, but shorter. Erioptera: Empeda Osten Sacken 95. Wings with Sc long, Sci extending to near opposite or beyond mid- length of Rs; m-cu at or beyond fork of M. (Eriopteraria, Rhab- domastix ) 96 Wings with Sc short, not extending to beyond midlength of Rs; if Sc is relatively long (Ptilostena), m-cu lies more than its own length before the fork of M. (Gonomyaria, Gonomyia) 97 96. Antennae of male longer than body; chiefly tropical Rhabdomastix: Rhabdomastix Skuse Antennae of male scarcely attaining wing-ioot; chiefly temperate. Rhabdomastix: Sacandaga Alexander 97. Wings with m-cu more than its own length before form of M. Gonomyia: Ptilostena Bergroth Wings with m-cu at or very close to fork of M (40) 98 98. Wings with cell R3 very small, at margin subequal in extent to cell R.>; antennal verticils long and conspicuous. Gonomyia: Lipophleps Bergroth Wings with cell R3 larger, at margin considerably exceeding in extent cell R.; antennal verticils not conspicuously elongated. Gonomyia: Gonomyia Meigen 99. Wings with distinct macrotrichia in outer cells 100 Wings with the outer cells glabrous 103 100. Wings with Rs shortened, its union with R2+3+4 forming an angle, so cell Ri is nearly equilateral in outline; chiefly tropical. (Eriop- teraria) Cryptolabis Osten Sacken Wings with Rs long, normal in position, cell Ri elongate 101 101. Size very small (wing, 3 mm. or less); Rs ending in cell R3, this cell thus being sessile, without element R-+3+4; temperate. (Eriop- teraria) Dasymolophilus Goetghebuer Size larger (wing over 4 mm.); Rs ending in cell R4, cell R3 being petiolate by the presence of a distinct element R;+3.4 102 FAMILY TIPULID.E THE CRANE FLEES 51 102. Wings with Sc? close to tip of Sc„ the two veins thus being subequal in length or nearly so. (Gonomyaria) Gnophomyia Osten Sacken "Wings with Sc2 far removed from tip of Sc, the latter vein long, sub- equal in length to Rs; temperate. (Eriopteraria) . . . .Ormosia Rondani 103. Wings with Rs ending in cell Rs, there being no element R2+3+4 (41) (Eriopteraria) Molophilus Curtis Wings with Rs ending in cell Rt, cell R3 being petiolate by a distinct element R=.3.4 (42-44) 104 104. Wings with a supernumerary crossvein in cell R3; vein 2nd A strongly bisinuate (42). (Eriopteraria) Helobia St. Fargeau Wings without a supernumerary crossvein in cell R3; vein 2nd A straight or simply sinuous (43, 44) 105 105. Wings with veins R3 and R4 divergent, unequal in length, R3 being less than two-thirds R^, cell R3 at margin much more extensive than cell R. IOC Wings with veins R3 and R4 nearly equal in length, or with R3 ex- ceeding three-fourths of the length of R4, the veins extending gener- ally parallel to one another to the margin; cell Rj at margin wider than cell R3 107 106. Wings with veins R3 and R, very unequal in length, widely divergent or sprawly, R3 being only about one-fourth R4 and ending in costa close to vein R1+2; cell R3 at margin some eight times as wide as cell R-; tropical Neognophomyia Alexander Wings with veins R3 and R4 less conspicuously unequal, R3 being about one-half R,; cell Rs at margin some three or four times as wide as cell R-; tropical and subtropical. (Gonomyia). Gonomyia: Progonomyia Alexander 107. Antennte of both sexes with the flagellar segments more or less kid- ney-shaped to give a nodulose appearance to the organ; large species (wing, 15 mm. or more); tropical. (Sigmatomeraria). Sigmatomera Osten Sacken Antennae of both sexes simple or nearly so, not nodulose; smaller (wing less than 12 mm., usually less than 10 mm.) 108 108. Cox« of middle and hind legs only slightly separated by the small meral region; wings with Sci relatively short, not exceeding one- third the length of Rs 109 Coxae of middle and hind legs widely separated by a large "pot- bellied" meral region; wings with Sci very long, exceeding one-half the length of Rs. (Eriopteraria) 110 109. Wings with Rs in alignment with R2+3+4; Sc short, Sc, ending opposite the fork of Rs and far before R-..; Sci and Sc2 subequal; male hypo- pygium with interbasal structures conspicuously developed as blackened spines; temperate Lipsothrix Loew Wings with Rs in approximate alignment with R.,; Sc long, Sc, ending opposite or shortly before R:, at or beyond midlength of R1.+S+4; Sc, much longer than Sc: (43); male hypopygium without evident interbases Gnophomyia Osten Sacken 110. Wings with R^ far before fork of R2+3+4, at or just beyond the fork of Rs; male with a very large hairy stigmal region that more or less distorts the adjoining veins; western plains.. Empedomorpha Alexander Wings with R- beyond the fork of R2+3+4; stigma nonnal Ill 52 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 111. Wings with vein Cui nearly straight, its distal section not swinging cephalad toward wing-tip; cell 1st M; small, less than one-half the distal section of M1+2; terminal three segments of antennae smaller than the remainder of flagellum Trimicra Osten Sacken Wings with vein Cui having its distal section slightly deflected at apex toward wing-tip; cell 1st M.., when present, elongate, subequal to or longer than the distal section of M1+2; flagellar segments becoming progressively smaller to outer end (44) (Erioptera) 112 112. Wings with vein 2nd A arcuated so cell 1st A at midlength is as broad as, or broader than it is at margin; cell 1st M: opening into cell 2nd M- by atrophy of m; (44); chiefly temperate. Erioptera: Erioptera Meigei' Wings with anal veins divergent, cell 1st A being widest at margin; cell 1st M2 generally closed 113 113. Wings with cell 1st M. open 114 Wings with cell 1st M2 closed, the basal section of M3 greatly ex- ceeding m in length 115 114. Wings with cell 1st Mj opening into cell M3 by atrophy of basal sec- tion of Ms; where closed, the elements closing outer end not greatly disproportionate in length, m being one-half or more of M3; chiefly tropical Erioptera: Mesocyphiona Osten Sacken Wings with cell 1st M2 opening into cell 2nd M2 by atrophy of m; northern and western Erioptera: Psiloconopa Zetterstedt 115. Wings with a spur from the basal section of vein M3, jutting basad into cell 1st M2 Erioptera: Hoplolabis Osten Sacken Wings with no such spur as described Erioptera: Ilisia Rondani SUPPLEMENTARY KEY TO THE SUBAPTEROUS TIPULID^ 1. Frontal prolongation of head with nasus (Tipulinse) Tipula Linnjeus Frontal prolongation of head (or rostrum) without nasus 2 2. Eyes with numerous short erect setai between ommatidia (Pediciini). Tricyphona Zetterstedt Eyes without setae 3 3. Tibial spurs present. (Hexatomini) Limnophila Macouart Tibial spurs lacking. (Eriopteriui) Chionea Dalman TYPE SPECIES OF THE NEW GENERA AND SUBGENERA PROPOSED Dicranota: Eudicranota; type, Dicranota notabilis Alexander. Dicranota: Paradicranota; type, Dicranota rivularis Osten Sacken. Archilimnophila; type, Limnophila unica Osten Sacken. Limnophila: Idiolimnophila; type, Limnophila emmelina Alexander. FAMILY TIPULID.E — THE CRANE FLIES 53 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF IMMATURE STAGES Alexander, C. P. 1920. The crane-Hies of New York. Part II. Biology and Phylogeny. Cornell Univ. Agric. Expt. Sta. Mem. 38; pp. 691-1133, 87 pis. (bibliography to 1920). 1931. Deutsche Limnologische Sunda-Expedition. The Crane-flies. Archiv fiir Hydrobiologie, Suppl. Bd. IX, Tropische Binnenge- wasser, 2; pp. 135-191, 51 figs., 1 pi. (bibliography of biology, 1920-30). Rogers, J. S. 1933. The ecological distribution of the crane flies of northern Florida. Ecological Men., 3, No. 1, pp. 1-74, figs. 1-25. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF KEYS TO SPECIES OF NORTH AMERICAN TIPULID^ The genera of which Keys are given follow the reference and the regions covered are indicated: Neo., Neotropical; Nea., Nearctic. Alexander, C. P. 1912a. On the tropical American Rhipidise. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, VIII, pp. 6-17, 1 pi. (Limonia: Rhipidia, Neo.). 1912b. A revision of the genus Brachypremna Osten Sacken. Journ. New York Ent. Soc, XX, pp. 225-236, 1 pi. ( Brachypremna ) . 1912c. New species of Furcomyia. Canadian Ent., XLIV, pp. 333-334. (Limonia: Dicranomyia, Neo., in part). 1913a. New Neotropical Antochini. Psyche, XX, pp. 40-54, 1 pi. (Orimarga; Toxorhina, Neo.). 1913b. A synopsis of part of the Neotropical crane-flies of the subfamilv Limnobinse. Proc. United States Nat. Mus., XLIV, pp. 481-549, 4 pis. (Epiphragma; Polymera; Lecteria; Trentepohlia; Gonomyia; Gnophomyia; Cryptolabis; Molophilus; Erioptera; 3Iesocy- phona, Neo.). 1913c. The Neotropical Tipulidae in the Hungarian National Museum. I, II. Ent. News, XXIV, pp. 404-412, 439-449. (Limonia: Peripheroptera; Teucholabis: Paratriopesa). 1914a. New or little-known Neotropical Hexatomini. Psyche, XXI, pp. 33-45, 1 pi. (Hexatoma: Eriocera, Penthoptera, Neo.). 1914b. A revision of the American species of Tanypremna Osten Sacken and Megistocera Wiedemann. Jouin. New York Ent. Soc, XXII, pp. 205-218, 1 pi. (Tanypremna). 1914c. On a collection of crane-flies from British Guiana. Trans. Ameri- can Ent. Soc, XL, pp. 223-255, 2 pis. (Psaronius; Trentepohlia, part; Sigmatomera; Teucholabis: Teuch- olabis; Gonomyia: Lipophleps, part, Neo.). 1915. Two new crane-flies from Porto Rico. Insec. inscit. Menst., Ill, pp. 104-107. (Hexatoma: Eriocera, part). 54 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Alexander, C. P. (Continued) 1916a. New Limnophiline Crane-flies from the United States and Canada. Journ. New York Ent. See, XXIV, pp. 118-125, 1 pi. (Limnophila: Prionolabis, part: Nea.) 1916b. New species of Crane-flies from the West Indies. Ent. News, XXVII, pp. 343-347, 6 fig-s. (Hexatoma: Eriocera). 1916c. New or little-known crane-flies from the United States and Can- ada. Part 3. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci, Philadelphia, 1916, pp. 486- 549, 7 pis. (Dicranota: Rhaphidolabis; Gonomyia, Nea.). 1917. New Nearctic crane-flies. Part 3. Canadian Ent., XLIX, pp. 199-211. (Erioptera: Empeda, Nea.). 1919a. Notes on the genus Dicranoptycha Osten Sacken. Ent. News, XXX, pp. 19-22. (Dicranoptycha). 1919b. Records and descriptions of Neotropical craneflies. Journ. New York Ent. Soc, XXVII, pp. 132-154, 1 pi. (Trentepohlia, part; Gnophomyia, s.L). 1919c. The crane-flies of New York. Part I. Distribution and taxonomy of the adult flies. Cornell Univ. Agr. Expt. Sta., Mem. 25; 765-993, 55 pis. (Tanyptera; Ctenophora; Nephrotoma; Tipula; Dolichopeza; Oro- peza; Phalacrocera; Cylindrotoma; Limonia: Dicranomyia, Rhi- pidia, Geranomyia, Limonia; Helius; Dicranoptycha; Pedicia: Pedicia, Tricyphona; Dicranota: Dicranota, Rhaphidolabis; Ula; Adelphomyia; Epiphragma; Limnophila, s.L; Eriocera; Chionea; Cladura; Gonomyia; Teucholabis; Rhabdomastix; Molophilus; Ormosia; Erioptera; Toxorhina). 1920a, Undescribed Tipulidae from western North America. Proc. Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., (4), X, pp. 35-46. (Ulomorpha). 1920b. New or little-known crane-flies from tropical America. Canad. Ent., LII, pp. 141-144. (Polymera, part, Neo.). 1926a. Studies on the crane-flies of Mexico. Part II. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, XIX, pp. 158-179, 2 pis. (Atarba; Nea., Neo.). 1926b. Undescribed species of crane-flies from Cuba ar.:l Jamaica. Journ. New York Ent. Soc, XXXIV, pp. 223-230. (Gonomyia, part, Neo.). 1927. Undescribed species of the genus Limnophila from eastern North America. Part II. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. XXII, pp. 56-64. (Limnophila: Elseophila) 1929. The crane-flies .of New York: Fourth Supplementary List. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, XXIV, pp. 295-302. (Pedicia, Nea.) 1930. The genus Sigmatomera Osten Sacken, — with observations on the biology by Raymond C. Shannon. Encycl. Entomol., Diptera, V, pp." 1-8, 8 figs. (Sigmatomera). FAMILY TIPULID.E THE CRANE FLIES 55 Dietz, W. G. 1913. A synopsis of the described North American species of the Dip- terous g-enus Tipula L. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, VI, pp. 461- 484. (Tipula, Nea.). 1914. The hebes group of the Dipterous genus Tipula Linnseus. Trans. American Ent. Soc, XL, pp. 345-363, 2 pis. (Tipula, part; Nea.) 19L6. Synoptical table of the North American species of Ormosia Rondani (Rhypholophus Kolenati), with descriptions of new species. Trans. American Ent. Soc, XLVII, pp. 135-146, 1 pi. (Ormosia, Nea.). 1917. Key to the North American species of the tricolor group of the Dipterous genus Tipula Linnaeus. Ent. News, XXVIII, pp. 145-151, 1 pi. (Tipula, part; Nea.). 1918. A revision of the North American species of the Tipulid genus Pachyrhina Macquart, with descriptions of new species. Trans. American Ent. Soc, XLIV, pp. 105-140, 4 pis. (Nephrotoma, Nea.). 1919. The streptocera group of the Dipterous genus Tipula Linnaeus. Ann. Ent. Soc. America, XII, pp. 85-94, 1 pi. (Tipula, part; Nea.). 1921a. The impudica group of the Dipterous genus Tipula Linnaeus. Ann. Ent. Soc America, XIV, pp. 1-15, 1 pi. (Tipula, part; Nea.). 1921b. Description of two new species of the angustipennis group of the Dipterous genus Tipula Linnaeus, with table of species. Ent. News, XXXII, pp. 299-302. (Tipula, part; Nea.). Doane, R. W. 1908a. Notes on the Tipulid genus Dicranomyia. Ent. News, XIX, pp. 5-9. (Limonia: Dicranomyia, Nea.). 1908b. New North American Pachyrhina, with a table for determining the species. Ent. News, XIX, pp. 173-179. (Nephrotoma, Nea.). 1908c. New species of the Tipulid genus Rhypholophus, with a table for determining the North American species. Ent. News, XIX, pp. 200-202. (Ormosia, Nea.). Garrett, C. B. D. 1922. New Tipulidae from British Columbia. Proc Ent. Soc. Wash- ington, XXIV, pp. 58-64, 13 figs. (Limonia: Alexandriaria, Nea.) Hine, J. S. 1903. The genus Peditia, with one new species. Ohio Nat., Ill, pp. 416-417. (Pedieia, Nea.) 56 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Johnson, C. W. 1909. New and little known Tipulidse. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., XXXIV, pp. 115-135, 2 pis. (Dolichopeza: Oropeza, Nea.) Osten Sacken, C. R. 1869. Diptera of North America, Part 4. Smithson. Miscel. Coll. 219, pp. 1-345, 4 pis., 7 figs. (Limonia: Geranomyia, Dicranomyia, Rhipidia, Limonia; Pedicia: Tricyphona; Limnophila; Eriocera; Gonomyia; Ormosia; Erioptera). 1886. Biologia Centrali-Americana. Iiisecta, Diptera, I, pp. 1-216, 3 pis. (Nephrotoma; Hexatoma: Eriocera, Neo.) GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MORPHOLOGICAL TERMS OF ESPECIAL VALUE IN A STUDY OF THE TIPULID^. Alexander, C. P. 1927. The interpretation of the radial field of the wing in the Nema- tocerous Diptera, with special reference to the Tipulidae. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, LII, pp. 42-72, 92 figs. 1929. A comparison of the systems of nomenclature that have been applied to the radial field of the wing in the Diptera. IVth Internat. Congress Ent., Trans., II, pp. 700-707, 3 pis. Cole, F. R. 1927. A study of the terminal abdominal structures of the male Dip- tera. Proc. California Acad. Sci., (4), XVI, pp. 397-499, 287 figs. Crampton, G. C. 1923a. The genitalia of male Diptera and Mecoptera compared with those of related insects, from the standpoint of phylogeny. Trans. American Ent. Soc, XLVIII, pp. 207-225, 3 pis. 1923b. Preliminary note on the terminology applied to the parts of an insect's leg. Canadian Ent., LV, pp. 126-132, 1 pi. 1925. Evidences of relationship indicated by the thoracic sclerites of certain Eriopterine Tipuloid Diptera. Insec. Inscit, Menst., XIII, pp. 197-213, 2 pis. 1926. The external anatomy of the primitive Tanyderid Dipteran Macro- chile spectrum Loew, preserved in Baltic Amber. Bull. Brook- lyn Ent. Soc, XXI, pp. 1-14, 2 pis. 1928. The eulabium, mentum, submentum and gular region of insects. Journ. Ent. and Zool., XX, pp. 1-18, 3 pis. 1931. A phylogenetic study of the posterior metathoracic and basal ab- dominal structures of insects, with particular reference to the Holometabola. Journ. New York Ent. Soc, XXXIX, pp. 323- 357, 4 pis. Snodgrass, R. E. 1903. The terminal abdominal segments of female Tipulidge. Journ. New York Ent. Soc, XI, pp. 177-183, 2 pis. 1904. The hypopygium of the Tipulitlse. Trans. American Ent. Soc, XXX, pp". 179-236, 11 pis. FAMILY TIPULID.E THE CRANE FLEES 57 SYSTEMATIC ARRANGEMENT OF GENERA AND SUBGENERA, WITH CITATIONS TO THE ABOVE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF KEYS TipulinsB Ctenophora (Alexander, 1919c) Tanyptera (Alexander, 1919c) Nephrotoma (Alexander, 1919c; Dietz, 1918; Doane, 1908b; Osten Sacken, 1886.) Tipula, s.l. (Alexander, 1919c; Dietz, 1913, 1914, 1917, 1919, 1921a, 1921b.) Brachypremna (Alexander, 1912b) Tanypremna (Alexander, 1914b) Dolichopeza: Oropeza (Alexander, 1919c; Johnson, 1909) Cylindrotominae Phalacrocera (Alexander, 1919c) Cylindrotoma (Alexander, 1919c) Limoniinse Limoniini Limonia: Limonia (Alexander, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Dicranomvia (Alexander, 1912c, 1919c; Doane, 1908a; Osten Sacken, 1869) Alexandriaria (Garrett, 1922) Peripheroptera (Alexander, 1913c) Rhipidia (Alexander, 1912a, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Geranomyia (Alexander, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Orimarga: Orimaroa (Alexander, 1913a) Dicranoptycha (Alexander, 1919a, 1919c) Helius (Alexander, 1919c) Pediciini Pedicia: Pedicia (Alexander, 1919c, 1929; Hine, 1903) Tricyphona (Alexander, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Dicranota: Dicranota (Alexander, 1919c) Rhaphidolabis (Alexander, 1916c, 1919c) Plectromyia (Alexander, 1919c) Ula (Alexander, 1919c) Hexatomini Adelphomyia (Alexander, 1919c) Epiphrasma (Alexander, 1913b, 1919c) Polymera (Alexander, 1913b, 1920b) Dactylolabis (Alexander, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Pseudolimnophila (Alexander, 1919c) Limnophila, s.l. (Alexander, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Prionolabis (Alexander, 1916a, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Eutonia (Alexander, 1919c) Lasiomastix (Alexander, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Phylidorea (Alexander, 1919c) Ela-ophila (Alexander, 1919c, 1927; Osten Sacken, 1869) Idioptera (Alexander, 1919c) Dicranophragma (Alexander, 1919c) Pilaria (Alexander, 1919c) Ulomorpha (Alexander, 1920a) 58 KORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Psaronius (Alexander, 1914c) Hexatoma: Eriocera (Alexander, 1914a, 1915, 1916b, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869, 1886) Penthoptera (Alexander, 1914a) Atarba: Atarba (Alexander, 1926a) Eriopterini Chionea (Alexander, 1919c) Cladura, s.l. (Alexander, 1919c) Lecteria (Alexander, 1913b) Sigmatomera (Alexander, 1914c, 1930) Trentepohlia: Paramongoma (Alexander, 1913b, 1914c, 1919b) Teucholabis: Teucholabis (Alexander, 1914c, 1919c) Paratropesa (Alexander, 1913c) Gonomyia, s.l. (Alexander, 1916c, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Progonomyia (Alexander, 1916c) Lipophleps (Alexander, 1914c, 1916c, 1919c) Gonomyia (Alexander, 1913b, 1916c, 1919c, 1926b; Osten Sacken, 1869) Ptilostena (Alexander, 1916c) Gnophomyia, s.l. (Alexander, 1913b, 1919b) Rhabdomastix: Sacandaga (Alexander, 1919c) Erioptera, s.l. (Alexander, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Erioptera (Alexander, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Mesocyphona (Alexander, 1913b, 1919c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Ilisia (Alexander, 1919c) Empeda (Alexander, 1917, 1919c) Cryptolabis (Alexander, 1913b) Ormosia (Alexander, 1919c; Dietz, 1916; Doane, 1908c; Osten Sacken, 1869) Molophilus (Alexander, 1913c, 1919c) Toxorhina: Toxorhina (Alexander, 1913a, 1919c) 59 Family Anisopodidse Moderately small, elongate flies with long legs and three ocelli. Head siibspherical or hemispherical, the eyes of the males holoptie or dichoptic, usually rounded. Proboscis moderately prominent, with small labella; palpi long, four segmented. Antennae usually about as long as the thorax, cylindrical, composed of twelve to sixteen segments. Thorax convex, without distinct transverse suture; scutellum semi- circular, short and broad, the metanotum well developed. Abdomen more or less cylindrical, flattened below, the genitalia small. Legs slender, without spines; anterior coxae and the basal segment of the tarsi elongated; tibiae with or without apical spurs; pulvilli absent, the empodia pad-like. Wings rather large, lying flat on the abdomen when at rest; auxiliary vein present; radius with 3 or 4 {Axymyia, Fig. 15*) branches; cell 1st M, closed or open (Figs. 14, 16*); a single anal vein reaches the margin. The adults are frequently common, particularly those belonging to the genus Anisoptis which sometimes occur in small swarms near the edges of woods in the vicinity of swamps and also on the trunks of trees. The other genera occur in moist places, particularly upon foliage. The members of this family, insofar as known, breed in wet or moist decaying organic matter, as fermenting sap, rotten wood and similar situations. There are about 80 described species, distributed in 6 genera and 3 subfamilies, all of the latter being found in the North American fauna. Plate n, Tipuloidea. Fig. 1, Anisopus species. Fig. 2. Olbiogaster species. 60 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA 1. Wings with cell 1st M2 present. (Anisopodinse) 2 Wings with cell 1st M; open by the atrophy of basal section of M3 3 2. Wing-membrane with macrotrichia (14*; also 1); posterior tibia with a comb of spinous setae Anisopus Meigen Wing-membrane without macrotrichia; posterior tibia without spinous comb; tropical (2) Olbiogaster Osten Sacken 3. Wings with vein R3 present as a nearly transverse element, connecting with vein R1+2 at margin (15*); eastern (Axymyiinse) . .Axymyia McAtee Wings with vein R3 lost by atrophy, there being only two branches of Rs (16*) ; north temperate (Mycetobiinje) Myeetobia Meigen The most important paper: Edwards, F. W. 1928. Diptera. Fam. Protorhyphidse, Anisopodidse, Pachyneurida;, Tri- choceridse. Genera Insectoruni, Fasc. 190, pp. 1-41, 2 pis. * Plate II, Tipuloidea. 61 Family Blephariceridse — The Net-Winged Midges Affathon elesantula. Moderate sized, elongate, nearly l:)are species with long legs and rather wide, delicate wings. Eyes sometimes lioloptic in one or both sexes and usnally bisected below the middle by a narrow, nnfaeeted line below which the facets are smaller; three ocelli present. Antenna slender, composed of nine to fifteen segments and clothed witli pnbescence. Month i)arts more or less elongate, the femak^s with slender, flattened elongate serrate man- dibles. Mosontum with distinct, broadly interrupted transverse suture. Legs rather slender, the posterior pair longer than the others; tibia) with or without spurs; pulvilli and empodium absent or nearly so. Wings broad, bare, the anal angle projecting, almost always with a net- work of delicate lines due to the creasing of the folded wings in the pupal case. The adults are not common in most col k'ct ions but are often found in large numbers near fast-flowing streams. I have found them chiefly on the foliage of evergreens or on the sides of cliffs or rocks. 62 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA The larvffi live in swift water, clinging to the rocks or stream bed by a series of ventral suckers, pupation taking place in the stream. The immature stages are even more easily identified than the adults. The latest revision of the family is contained in Williston's Manual of North American Diptcra, 3rd edition. KEY TO GENERA 1. An incomplete longitudinal vein between the fourth and fifth longi- tudinals (1) 3 No incomplete vein between these veins (2) 2 2. Proboscis long; palpi but little developed (2, 5) Paltostoma Schiner Proboscis not longer than the vertical diameter of the head; palpi well developed, four-segmented Kelloggina Williston 3. Second basal cell closed apically 4 Second basal cell open apically (1) Blepharicera Macquart 4. Second longitudinal vein branched, the branch either simulating a cross- vein near the base of the second vein, or elongate 5 Second vein not branched (3) Philorus Kellogg 5. Pleura pilose or haired (4) *Bibiocephala Osten Sacken Pleura bare Agathon Roder * Bibionus Curian is a synonym but the two species upon which the genera were based are distinct. Blephariceridai. — 1 . Blepharicera ; cephala; 5, Paltostoma argyrocincta. Paltostoma ; Philorus; 4, Bibio- 63 Family Simuliidae — The Black Flies Larva of Simulium venustum showing- the mouth fans (left) used for securing food. (After Metcalf and Sander- son). Small, usually dark colored flies, rarely over 5 mm. in length, wiili short, thick legs. Head rather hemispherical; face short, eyes round or reniform, holoptic in the males; ocelli absent. Proboscis rather short, with small, horny labella?, palpi incurved, four segmented, the basal segment short, tlie two following of etiual length, the fourth longer and more slender than the preceding. Thorax arched, without transverse suture; scutel- lum small. Abdomen rather cylindrical, tapering in the males, composed of seven or eight segments; genitalia concealed. Legs short and strong, the femora broad and flat; tibia? usually with terminal spurs; basal segment of the tarsi elongate, the apical segment small. Wings large and broad, Avith distinct allula", the anterior veins thickened, the others weak. Auxiliary vein ending in the costa near the middle of the wung, the second vein absent, the first and third approximate; anterior cross- vein very short; fourth vein curved, forked nearly opposite the anterior cross-vein, the branches terminating near the apex of the wnng. The Black-Flies, Buffalo Gnats, Turkey (Inats, to use some of the common names for these pests, need no introduction to the hunter or fisherman. To most people they are extremely annoying and as they frequently occur in enormous numbers in the neighborhood of streams fishermen are only too well acquainted with them. As a rule their bites do not attract immediate attention but after a short time they cause painful swellings and, if in sufficient numbers, may result in the serious illness of the sufferer and even death. The adults attack all warm blooded animals and are known from all parts of the world, being par- ticularly abundant in the north temperate and subarctic zones. 64 NORTFI AMERICAN DIPTERA In addition to the irritation caused by their bites some members of the family carry disease. In Africa OncJwcerciasis, a disease caused by a worm {Onchocerca volvulus Leuckart) of the family Filariida? is transmitted by EiisimuUum damnomm Theobald. In man the disease takes the form of small to rather large, subcutaneous swellings and may or may not be apparent without careful examination. From 40 to 50 per cent of the natives of Sierra Leone were said by Blacklock to be infected in 1926.* * Ann. Trop. Med. & Parasit., xx. pp. 1-48. 203-218. I I ^ I f W W b J (a) pupa of Simulium venustum in pupal cocoon and (b) pupa of S. bracteatum, with cocoon removed. (After Metcalf and Sanderson). • FAMILY SIMULIID.E THE BLACK FLIES 65 In Central America three species of Swiulium have been shown to carry a disease disphiying various symptoms and sometimes resulting in blindness. Tlie causative agent is related to the form described above and was named Onchocerca cmcutinis by Brumpt. In some cases of infection there are no clinical symptoms but in others there are erysipelas-like swellings, the name coastal erysipelas being applied to the disease in such cases. Nodular swellings may occur on the head, shoulder blades, ribs iliac crests, etc. In the eye the microfilariae may cause conjunctivitis, Jicratitis and iritis, blindness sometimes resulting. Both the fly and man are necessary for the development of the disease. After being ingested by the fly the microfilariae pass from the intestine to the muscles of the thorax where further development takes place. The infective stages occur in the proboscis of the fly and are transferred to man during feeding by the insect. Strong has discussed Onchocerciasis in Guatemala.* The larvffi live in streams w-here they attach themselves to stones, l)lants, etc. and collect their food from the flowing water. Pupation takes place wdthin the larval cocoon, the adults emerging under water and, quickly reaching the surface, fly away. Under favorable condi- tions many thousands of larvce may be found together, being so numer- ous as to entirely conceal the surface to which they are attached. The latest revision of the North American species is by Dyar and Shannon. t Unfortunately these authors apparently took greater pains to find fault with the work of others than to clarify their own con- clusions and only a study of their material and amplification of the descriptions will result in a clear understanding of the specific limits. In some cases the drawings were evidently made from freshly prepared slides and these show characters which gradually disappear, with the result that the same characters cannot be found in old slides and may not even be present in freshly prepared ones made from old specimens. Just what effect this will have on the validity of several of the forms recognized by the authors it is impossible to say. Malloch:}: has also revised the familv : the two contributions should l)e used together. * 1931, Science. N. S.. Ixxiii, pp. 593-594. t 1927, Dyar and Shannon, Proc. U. S. N. M., Ixix. Art. 10, pp. 1-54, 7 plates. t 1914, Malloch, Bull. U. S. Dept. of Agric. Bur. Ent., Tech. Ser., No. 26. 66 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA 1. Third vein forked 3 Third vein simple 2 2. Petiole of the second and third veins setulose above . . . Eusimulium Roubaud Petiole of the second and third veins bare (1) Simulium Latreille 3. Fifth vein not forked (3) Parasimulium Malloch Fifth vein forked (2) Prosimulium Roubaud Simuliidse. — 1, Simulium; 2, Prosimulium; 3, Parasimulium ()7 Family Thaumaleidae Thaumalea species. Small, bare, obscurely reddish yellow or brownish flies of peculiar appearance. Head small, round; eyes holoptic in both sexes; ocelli absent; proboscis short; palpi longer than the antenna?, composed of five seg- ments, the first short, the second thickest; antenna^ situated near the oral margin, comi)Osed of a scape, i)edicel and flagellum, the latter very comi)act and arista-like, but composed of ten distinct segments, the l)asal two rather large and globose. Thorax robust, strongly convex, without transverse suture, somewhat depressed before the rather large, ol)tusely triangular scutellum; metanotum arched. Abdomen narrower than the thorax, cylindrical, composed of seven segments; male genitalia large, the basal piece swollen, bladder-like; ovipositor with broad, rounded lamcllas. Legs simple, comparatively short; coxt^ short; tibiae without spurs; tarsi of moderate length, the anterior pair about as long as the tibicT, the penultimate segment short; empodia vestigial; claws small. Wings longer than the abdomen; auxiliary vein short, terminating in the costa; second longitudinal vein curved; the third and fourth veins simple; basal cell short; anal angle rounded. There are about three dozen described species belonging to this family, most of them occurring in the Old World. The adults are found along the edges of streams, particularly those with mossy banks, and are not common in collections. They are small flies, under 6 mm. in length, and the wings bend sharply near the base in death, folding downward as in the Psychodidffi. The larvffi, which resemble those of the Chironomidae, are found in small brooks and streams where the clear water flows very thinly over the rocks, so that the back of the larva is always exposed above the surface. They feed on detritus and diatomes. and move about in search 68 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA of food. The pupje are found in the bottom of the stream between stones, etc. The following key will separate the described genera, tw^o of which occur in America. The family has been revised by Edwards.* KEY TO GENERA 1. Subcostal vein ending in the costa or first vein 2 Subcostal vein obsolete apically, ending free. (North America, pluvialis Dyar & Shannon) Trichothaumalea Edwards 2. Subcostal vein ending in the first vein, very short (Australia, N. Zea- land, S. America) Austrothaumalea Tonnoir Subcoastal vein ending in the costa 3 3. Basal segment of c palpi greatly swollen, the second and third segments not much longer than broad; subcosta weak apically (Europe). Androprosopa Mile Palpi rather stout, alike in both sexes, somewhat longer than the an- tennas (N. America, Europe) Thaumalea Ruthe North American Species of Thaumalea 1. Thorax and abdomen brown or blackish 2 Thorax reddish yellow, the abdomen brown elnora Dyar & Shannon 2, Male clasper with two terminal claws americana Bezzi Male clasper with about six terminal claws johannis Dyar & Shannon * Edwards, 1929. Zool. Anzeiger, pp. 121-142. 69 Family Chironomidse — The Midges Small, slender flies, rai-ely over 10 mm. in length, thorax large, the legs slender, antennae of males plumose. Head small, more or less spherical, partly concealed from dorsal view by the projecting thorax. Antenna} slender, with five to fourteen segments, the basal segment enlarged and globular, plumose in the males, more or less haired in the females. Eyes reniform or oval, the ocelli al)sent or rudimentary. Proboscis short, not adapted for piercing; palpi with three or four segments. Thorax sub-ovate, or moderately long, more or less projecting in front, without a transverse suture l)ut with a wide, longitudinal impression in front of tlie scutellum; metanotum with a more or less distinct longitudinal groove in the middle; scutellum small and hemispherical. Legs slender and rather long, especially the front pair; the tarsi often very long; empodium and pulvilli present or absent. Wings bare or haired, long and narrow, usually with a strong anal angle; anterior veins strong; auxiliary vein complete though slender; second longitudinal vein weak or absent, the third vein often forked and connected with the first by a crossvein; fourth vein often Avith two branches which may or may not be petiolate basally, the fifth vein usually furcate; second basal cell open or closed apically; costa usually ending at the termination of the third vein, usually well before the tip of the wing. Abdomen narrow and long, especially in the males, shorter and more robust in the females, the hypopygium exposed; ovi- positor short. The Certatopogonidffi, formerly included in this family by most authors, have been recognized as a distinct family by JMalloch and Ed- wards, and are so treated here. They may be distinguished l3y the shape of the thorax and absence of the metanotal depression. The midges bear little resemblance to mosquitoes when viewed by a careful observer, but to the layman they show no differences and are not differentiated. Many people believe that they are "young" mos- cpiitoes and that they will "grow up", but there is, of course, no justifi- cation for such a belief. In mosquitoes the costa extends entirely around the wing and the wing veins and costa are usually scaled. The family is a very large one and comprises close to two thousand described species. Midges are found almost everywhere, but since the larvae are aquatic their distribution is limited to the vicinity of water, although they are frequently found in large numbers at a consideral^le distance from any visible water supply. While they are not strong 70 XORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA fliers tliev can remain in the air for long periods of time and they often occur in large numbers. Williston states that in the Eocky Mountains he has observed them dancing in the air in incredible numbers and pro- ducing a noise like a distant vvaterfall. As a rule they swarm in the evening, but swarms are not uncommon in sheltered places during the day. For the most part only the males swarm, although an occasional female may be found with them. While, as a rule, only one species will be found in a swarm it is not unusual to find other species among them. The females are found mostly on foliage, where they rest on the under surface during the day. Some forms occur commonly on tree trunks, logs, and in grass. They are attracted to light, frequently in very large numbers. Since many of the Chironomids are very small they must be han- dled with care. The larger ones may be pinned in the usual manner, provided fine pins are used; the smaller should be attached to the side of a pin by a ring of shellac, care being taken to leave one wdng and the tarsi free. Specimens without front tarsi are almost useless and, since the insects dry quickly, they must be mounted within an hour or two. The larvffi are elongate, cylindrical, slender and curved more or less downward, particularly when preserved. The head and legs are conspicuous and there may be one or more pairs of leg-like pads pos- teriorly. They arc scavengers and live in water everywhere, also in mud and have been dredged from a depth of nearly a thousand feet in Lake Superior. Some are also found in decaying vegetation, in moss, etc. ]\Iany of them are free-living while others make mud cases on stones, leaves and pieces of wood and I have found one undetermined species building almost colorless cases in Sinrofj]/r ia ; 7, Monohelea; 8, Ceratopogon ; '.t, Culicoides, thorax; 10, Culicoides cockcrelli ; 11, Bezzia; 12, Stenoxenus. 78 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Psychodidae — The Moth Flies Thickly haired, small iiies, rarely exceeding 5 mm. in length, the wings clothed with hairs or scales and folded roof-like over the back. Head small; ocelli absent. Antenna usually as long as the head and thorax together, the segments usually bead-like and sometimes so densely haired as to appear very thick; composed of from twelve to sixteen segments, the basal segments usually short and cylindrical. Proboscis usually short but more or less elongate and rigid in Flehoto- mus; palpi composed of four segments, hairy. Thorax without trans- verse suture, not very convex; scutellum rounded. Abdomen rather cylindrical, composed of six to eight segments; male genitalia prominent, the female ovipositor usually projecting. Wings large, ovate, often pointed, when at rest lying roof -like over the abdomen, the base being bent at more than a right angle, the veins and border densely haired, the integument often with hairs or scales; veins strong, usually con- cealed by the dense hair; crossveins restricted to the basal third of the wing; two or three of the veins furcate. Legs rather short, elongate in Flehotomus and usually thickly haired. The adults occur commonly in shady places in the vicinity of water and may often be found in large numbers on dense foliage in swamps, where they crawl about on the under surface of leaves, occa- sionally alighting on the upper surface after a short flight. I have seen them in thousands on tree-trunks after a heavy rain and they are not rare on logs and fallen trees where they walk about in a peculiar, jerky manner or remain perfectly still. One or more species of PsycJwda breeds in drain pipes and they often cause uneasiness by appearing in the bath room. Their presence should incite interest rather than fear as the larvae survive hot water and soap alike, and do no harm. The adults are not common in collections, chiefly because they are so easily damaged. The hairs brush off and they become useless unless unusual care is taken of the specimens. No recent revision of the family has appeared and the synonymy is badly mixed and is not to be trusted. The male genitalia offer excellent characters. There are dozens of species and the family offers an excellent opportiuiity for a thorougli, mono- graphic work. In America two diseases are known to he carried by species of Flehotoimis. The disease known as Verruga Peruviana, Oroi/a Fever or Carrion's Disease lias been found only in narrow valleys on the western slopes of the Peruvian Andes. Verruga is said not to be serious but Oroj/a Fever (Carrion's Disease), the malignant form, is re- sponsible for many deaths annually. Loeal Leishmaniasis or Fspundia FAMILY PSYCIIODID.E TPIE MOTH FLIES 79 occurs in South and Central America. The causative organism is Leishmania hrazilicnsis but it is not known definitely which species of Flehotomus carry the disease. It is possible that most of them are capable of doing so. The statement has been made that the adults of Flehotomus are nocturnal and that protection against disease may be obtained by remaining indoors at night. Most of the nocturnal blood- sucking flies may be found on the wing on dull cloudy days. The larvffi live in decaying vegetable matter, dung, or water and are peculiar in possessing ])oth open spiracles and tracheal gills; the head bears eye-spots; in the aquatic forms there are sucking discs on the segments behind the head, but no feet. KEY TO GENERA 1. Two longitudinal veins behind the posterior forked vein 2 Three longitudinal veins behind the posterior forked vein 3 2. Two forked veins in front of the middle of the wing.*Flebotomus Rondani One forked vein in front of the middle of the wing (3).. .Maruina Miiller 3. Wings with scales or scale-like hairs on the veins or membrane 4 Wings with hairs only 5 4. Wing membrane with broad scales over most of the surface. Parabrunettia Brunetti Wings with scales on the veins only Brunettia Annandale 5. Two longitudinal, unforked veins between the anterior and posterior furcate veins 6 Only one longitudinal vein between the anterior and posterior furcate veins (4) Trichomyia Haliday 6. The second simple vein behind the anterior furcate vein ends in the tip of the wing ( 1 ) Psychoda Latreille The second simple vein ends behind the tip of the wing (2). Pericoma Walker Phlebotomus of authors. Psychodidie. — 1, Psychoda; figures 2-4. Pericoma; 3, Maruina; 4, Trichomyia. Hairs omitted from 80 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Dixid^ Dixa species. Eather small, slender, nearly bare species occurring near running water. Proboscis somewhat projecting; palpi four-segmented; antennas long, the basal segments swollen, the flagellar segments hair-like and poorly separated; ocelli absent; eyes round. Thorax strongly convex, without transverse suture; metanotum arched; scutellum transverse. Abdomen long and slender, composed of seven or eight segments, thick- ened posteriorly in the male, pointed in the female. Legs long and slender, the coxaj somewhat elongated; tibiae without terminal spurs. Wings rather large; auxiliary vein present, ending in costa before the middle of the wing; two complete basal cells. This family may be readily recognized by the wing venation. The adults often dance in swarms at a height of a few inches to a few feet above the surface of small streams in swampy or wooded areas and occur also along the edges of ponds. The larvge are aquatic and resemble those of mosquitoes but the thorax is not broadened. They are cylindrical, somewhat flattened be- neath, and n-shaped. There are but two known genera, Ncodixa occurring only in New Zealand, and Dixa, which is cosmopolitan. I present a key, adapted from Edwards, to the genera and subgenera of the world. FAMILY DIXID.T: 81 KEY TO GENERA 1. Second vein branched Dixa Meigen Second vein simple (New Zealand) Neodixa Tonnoir Subgenera of Dixa 1. Hind margin of the wing evenly rounded 2 Hind margin of wing produced at end of fifth vein; all veins in apical part of wing parallel Dixapuella Dyar & Shannon 2. Crossvein connecting the fourth vein and anterior branch of the fifth vein strong 3 Crossvein connecting anterior branch of the fifth vein and the fourth vein faint Dixella Dyar & Shannon 3. First flagellar segment fusiform or oval 4 First flagellar segment cylindrical, five times as long as wide. Paradixa Tonnoir 4. First flagellar segment oval, about two and one-half times as long as wide Nothodixa Edwards First flagellar segment fusiform; at least three times as long as wide. Dixa Meigen 82 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA LIFE STAGES OF MOSQUITOES Culex Amopheles Aedes Algypti — tUESWSISSi'^i^ The life stages of three different genera of mosquitoes showing characteristic types of each and resting position of the adults (After Pieper and Beauchamp, from Metcalf and Sanderson). 83 Family Culicidae — The Mosquitoes m^^xmnw^ I I / ^i Aedes larv«. Note position at surface of water characteristic of the Culicini. (After Matheson, courtesy C. C. Thomas). Slender, delicate flies, with slender legs and usualh^ with scales upon the body and appendages. Head small, siibspherical; eyes reniform; ocelli absent. Antenna slender, elongate, composed of fourteen or fifteen segments, densely plumose in the males; first segment reduced to a narrow ring, second globose, the following elongated, nearly or quite cylindrical and with whorls of hairs, in the male the apical two segments elongated and nearly Ijare. Thorax ovate, arched but not projecting over the head, without transverse suture; scutellum short, evenly rounded or trilo- bate; metanotum ustially arched. Abdomen long and narrow, some- what arched, composed of nine or ten segments; male genitalia promi- nent but not large; ovipositor short. Legs long and slender, the coxas not elongate; tarsi long, the claws often denticulate. Wings long and narrow, at rest lying flat over the abdomen, with six fully developed longitudinal veins reaching the margin, the posterior margin fringed with hairs or scales, the costal vein extending around the wing; vena- tion as in figure; two basal cells, the veins usually clothed with scales. 84 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Anopheles larva. Compare position at surface of water with that of Aedes. (After Matheson, courtesy C. C. Thomas). .-n '•)-■»?, COMPOUND / EYE- MAXILLARY PALP ^~ ANTENNA < ^LABRUM - " EPIPHARYNX — FOOD CHANNEL -HYPOPHARYNX -MANDIBLE l-'MAXILU LABRUM- 7 EPIPHARYNX ^FOGO CHANNEL -HYPOPHARYNX — SALIVARY DUCT ^MANDIBLE —MAXILLA HYPOPHARYNX MANDIBLE LABELLA MAXILLA Head and mouth-parts of a mosquito. (After Metcalf and Sanderson). FAMILY CULICID.T: THE MOSQUITOES 85 The mosquitoes are too well known to require hints as to where they may be found although it may be well to remark that a "swatted" mosquito does not make a suitable study specimen. Despite the fact that these flies are not altogether fi'agile it is nevertheless true thai most specimens in collections are in poor condition because the pre- servation of the insects in good state depends upon care in handling immediately after capture. Few specimens should be placed in a killing bottle and they should be mounted while fresh. All but the very small species should be pinned on fine steel pins and not mounted on points; the small ones should be fastened on the sides of pins, using a ring of white shellac. With careful collecting, care in pinning and proper preservation, a collection of these insects may be very attractive. Many of the adults are extremely beautiful although it must be admitted that most of those in the Nearetie region do not go in for fine colors : in the tropics many of the species are clothed in nature's most beautiful colors. All mosquitoes are not injurious and many of them do not bite. Some are predaceous upon other mosquitoes in the larval stage and this is true of the Chaoboringe, which should, perhaps, be ranked as a dis- tinct family, since they almost entirely lack scales. Their larvJB are called ''Phantoms" because they are practically colorless. So much has been written about mosquitoes during the present century that it would be impossible to review the entire literature in the space available but mention may be made of two books which will furnish a basis for intensive study for anyone interested. ]\Iatheson's "Handbook of the Mosquitoes of North America" deals with most of the species occurring in the ITnited States and Canada and gives a thorough resume of the medical and control aspects of the subject. Dyar's "Tlie Mosquitoes of the Americas" deals entirely Avith the tax- onomy of the group, but the descriptions are too brief and often omit important details: nevertheless it is an indispensable work nnd Avitli careful study and use of the figures will be found fairly- satisfactory. I may say that the Culicida' are one of the most important fam- ilies of the Diptera insofar as human welfare is concerned. The diseases carried by them are not only lethal but cause extreme suffering and agony. Without doul:)t a much more extensive account of these insects might well be included in this work but space does not permit. The diseases known to be transmitted by mosquitoes are Malaria. Blacl'wafer Fever, Yellow Fever, Dcngv.c, Filariasis, Bird Malaria and Fowl-pox. Of these ]\Ialaria and Yellow Fever are the most widely dis- tributed and much has been written about them. In at least the first five both the mosquito and man are essential in the life cycle of the 86 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Culicidaj I. — Lateral view of thorax of: 1, Uranotaenia loewii; 2, Theobaldia morsitans; 3, Anopheles punctipennis; 4, Psorophora ciliata ; o, Megarhinus septentrionalis. (After Matheson, courtesy C. C. Thomas). l.m.e., lower mesepimeral bristles; pa., prealar bristles; pe., prothoracic bristles; pn., pronotal bristles; p.sp., postspiracular bristles; ps., prosternal or propleural bristles; sp., spiracular bristles; st.p., sternopleural bristles;, upper mesepimeral bristles. FAMILY CULICID.E — THE MOSQUITOES 87 Culicidae II. — Lateral view of thorax of: 6. Orthopodomyia signifer; 7, Deinocerites pseudes; 8, Wyeoinjia sinithii; 9, Culex pipiens ; Id, Mansonia perturbans; 11, Aedes vexans. (After Matheson, courtesy C. C. Thomas). 88 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA causative organism, although other warm blooded animals may take the place of man. If the mosquitoes essential for the development of the organisms causing the disease were destroyed the disease would dis- appear entirely and it is because of this that such vigorous steps have been taken to stamp out mosquitoes in various parts of the world. The complete destruction of all disease carrying mosquitoes is scarcely pos- sible but it has been demonstrated in the Panama Canal Zone that they can be kept under control to such an extent that the diseases they carry are no longer a serious menace to residents of the region. It is now so well known that the construction of the Panama Canal was made possible only by the control of mosquitoes that no more than mention of the fact need be made here. Malaria is still a common disease in many parts of the United States. ]\Iany of us think of it as a tropical or subtropical disease, but nothing could be further from the truth. Malaria has raged at one time or another over rather large areas of the northern states and may do so again if patients suffering from the disease in its active stage should be bitten by our native Anopheles mosquitoes and they have the opportunity of developing and injecting the ])rotozoan causing the fever into the blood stream of uninfected persons. The North American Anopheles known to transmit the disease are quadrimaculatus, maculipennis, punctipennis, crucians, and atropus in the United States, alhimanus, pseudopunctipennis and quadrimaculatus in Mexico, and alhimanus and tarsimaculatus in Central America and the West Indies. The last three species named for the United States are not considered important vectors of the disease. The causative organisms of Malaria are Plasmodium vivax for ter- tian, P. malarice for quartan, and P. falciparum for the pernicious type. Tertian is our commonest type, being approximately three times as prevalent as the other two combined, while the pernicious form is almost twice as prevalent as the quartan. An idea of the essential part played by insects which act as inter- mediary hosts for parasites causing human diseases, may be obtained from a brief outline of the life cycle of Plasmodium vivax. The organ- ism passes an asexual stage in man, developing and multiplying in the red corpuscles, causing them to enlarge. In a little less than two days the trophozoites are mature, having absorbed the contents of the cell and the term schizont is now applied to them. These divide into from 15 to 24 merozoites and are discharged into the blood stream by ruptur- ing of the cell wall. The cycle now begins over again and the same process is repeated, but after a time certain of the merozoites develop into male (microgametocytes) and female (macrogametocytes) which FxVMILY CULICID.E THE MOSQUITOES 89 remain in tlie red blood cells, no further development taking place. From this point on the mosquito becomes an essential factor since, unless they are ingested by a mosquito, the gamctocijtes are capable of no further development. When the gametocytes are taken into the mosquito further develop- ment occurs, commencing in the stomach of the host. The female {macrogametocytes) mature into what is called a macrogamete, corre- sponding to a ripened but unfertilized ovule, while the microgameto- cytes give off a number of thin, elongate, worm-like bodies, the male elements or microgametes. These travel about by a lashing motion until they come in contact with a macrogamete, when they penetrate the cell wall and fertilization takes place, producing a zygote, a round body which soon elongates into an ookinete which becomes active, penetrates the wall of the stomach and establishes itself between the epithelial and muscular layers. In this position it absorbs food from the surrounding tissue, becomes spherical and very large, and in this stage is termed an oocyst. In this stage the spores (corresponding to eggs) are de- veloped, and arc called sporozoites. They escape by the breaking of the oocyst and enter the body cavity, where they are carried to all parts of the body by the free-flowing blood, many of them finding their way to the salivary glands and into the blood streams of human beings where they penetrate the red blood cells and develop into schizonts. It will be seen from this that the sexual stage occurs in the mos- quito, occupying from eight to fourteen days, and probably results in no ill effects to its host, since it is a cold-blooded creature. In tertian malaria a chill is produced about every three days, fol- lowed by fever, while in quartan malaria the chill occurs every four days, due to the longer incubation period of the merozoites, while in pernicious malaria the chills and fever are irregular. Blackwater Fever is now believed to be the result of numerous attacks of malaria or a more or less continuous infection and derives its name from the fact that the patient's urine is of a dark mahogany color due to the presence of broken down red corpuscles. Yellow Fever may be carried by at least three species of mos(iuitos in America Acdes (Stegomyia) aegypti, Avdes fluvialtilis and Aedes scapularis. Possibly other species might carry the disease as well but we fortunately do not have it in the United States, even though A. aegypti is common in the south. With present facilities for rapid transportation there is danger of travellers from yellow fever areas entering the country and developing the disease after arrival. If we were sure that the disease would be quickly diagnosed and the patient isolated in a mosquito-proof room we misfht feel much more certain 90 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Culicidse III. — 1, Megarhinus; 2, Megarhinus, d head; 3, Aedes, wing vena- tion; 4, Haemagogus; 5, Haemagogus, front claws of d ; 6, Wyeomyia, $; 7, Chaoborus, posterior tarsus. 3^.ua 2""-" ,^st,,,„ Venation of Aedes. m-cu r-m J 2da cu. Venation of Anopheles, giving Comstock-Needham terminology and that of Schiner, etc. (in brackets). Veins. — C, costal; Sc, subcostal (auxiliary); R, (first longitudinal); R2, R3, (second longitudinal); R4+0, (third longitudinal); M,+2, M3 (fourth longitudinal); Cu„ Cus (fifth longitudinal); 2 da., (sixth longi- tudinal); r-m, radio-medial crossvein (anterior crossvein); ni-cu, medio-cubital crossvein (posterior crossvein). Cells. — a, Sc, (subcostal); b, Ri, (first marg- inal); c, Ri (second marginal); d, R3 (submarginal) ; e, R., (first posterior); f, M2, (second posterior); g, Ms (third posterior); h. Cu, (fourth posterior); i, Cu; (anal); j, 2a, (axiliary). (After Matheson, courtesy C. C. FAMILY CULICID/E THE MOSQUITOES 91 that the disease would not become established in this country, but, unfortunatel}', few doctors are familiar with the symptoms of yellow fever and there is grave danger of the disease remaining undiagnosed until it is too late to take precautionary measures. Even though steps have been taken to quarantine all persons coming from known yellow fever areas the danger of introduction of the disease is an ever present menace. Dengue or Break-hone Fever is another disease carried by the Yellow Fever mosquito (Aedes aegypti). It is a common tropical and subtropical disease and there are occasional out])reaks in the Southern States, corresponding to the distribution of the mosquito. After biting a patient it requires from eight to eleven days before the mosquito is capable of transmitting the disease. The microfilariae of Wuehereria hancrofti Cobbold are taken up (in America) by Culex fatigans Wiedemann and undergo development in the muscles of the mosquito, in much the same way as described for Malaria but there is no increase in numl^ers and they do not become sexually mature until they have been returned to the human body. The worms occur in the lymphatic system and may he responsil)le for a number of organic disturl)ances. The region about Charleston, South Carolina is the only area in the United Staates where Filariasis is preva- lent but it is common in the tropics of both liemispheres. Since wi-iting the foregoing and preparing the following key, Edwards' fascicle in the "Genera Insectorum" (194), has appeared. In this work the Dixida? are included as a subfamily of the Culicidse, a course I do not follow. An examination of this important fasicle of "Genera Insectorum*' will disclose the fact that Edwards makes free use of su])genera. i\Iy views on this question are expressed else- where in this work. With the author's view tliat genera should be limited to grouj^s readily characterized in both sexes I most heartily agree. The quality of the scientific work of this author is of too high a standard to warrant criticism except of a most favorable nature and one can disagree with him only on questions of minor importance. The question of subgenera is really one of likes and dislikes, and I prefer to keep as close as possible to a binomial system of nomenclature. Most of the cuts used to illustrate this family are from "A Hand- book of the Mosquitoes of North America" by Dr. Robert IMatheson and I wish to express my indebtedness to him and to Mr. C. C. Thomas, the publisher, for furnishing them, and also my appreciation of their wlioleliearted cooperation. 92 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA / ^IK -MxP f' -E •?^^i^ Aedes vexans. (After Matheson, courtesy C. C. Thomas). FAMILY CULICID.E THE JIOSQUITOES 93 KEY TO GENERA* 1. Proboscis not elongate, extending but little beyond the clypeus; wings with scales (when present) confined mostly to the fringe. (Chao- borinas ) 2 Proboscis elongate, extending far beyond the clypeus; wings with the veins and margins with scales (Culicin^) 5 2. Anal vein ends beyond the fork of the fifth vein 3 Anal vein ends before the fork of fifth vein Eucorethra Underwood 3. First tarsal segment longer than the second 4 First tarsal segment shoi'ter than the second Mochlonyx Lcew 4. First vein ending much closer to the tip of the anterior branch of sec- ond vein than to that of the auxiliary vein (III-7). Chaoborus Lichtenstein First vein ending nearer to tip of auxiliary vein than to anterior branch of second vein Corethrella Coquillett 5. Abdomen without scales, or at least with the sternites largely bare; scutellum with the margin convex, evenly setose; never a spurious vein behind fifth vein (1-3, and text figure of larva). .Anopheles Meigen Abdomen with both tergites and sternites completely clothed with scales; scutellum trilobed, the lobes alone setose; if scutellum evenly convex then a spurious vein behind fifth vein 6 6. Proboscis rigid, the outer half more slender and bent backwards; a spurious vein behind the fiftli vein (1-5, III-l, III-2). Megarhinus Desvoidy Proboscis more flexible, of uniform thickness (at times swollen at tip), outer half not bent back; never a spurious vein behind fifth vein. . . 7 7. Base of hind coxse in line with or above the upper margin of the meta- steiTial sclerite S Base of liind coxae below upper margin of metasternal sclerite 16 8. Pronotal setae absent; prothoracic lobes not widely separated 9 Pronotal setae present; prothoracic lobes widely separated 14 9. Prealar setae absent 10 Prealar setae present 1] 10. Propleural setae absent Sabethes Desvoidy Propleural setae present Sabethoides Theobald 11. Spiracular setae present 12 Spiracular setae absent Limatus Theobald 12. Lower sternopleurals distinctly below the upper margin of metasternal sclerite 13 Lower sternopleurals extending to or above the upper margin of the metasternal sclerite Dendromyia Theobald 13. Outstanding scales on at least the basal portion of the second and third veins broad Miamyia Dyar These scales usually narrow (II-8, III-6) Wyeomyia Theobald * Checked by Dr. R. Matheson. 94 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Culex pipiens. (After Matheson, courtesy C. C. Thomas). FAMILY CULICID.E THE MOSQUITOES 95 14. CI ypeus with setae Joblotia Blanchanl Clypeus without setas 15 15. Lower steinopleuial sets extending: above the upper margin of the metasternal sclerite Goeldia TheobaUl Lower sternopleural setse not extending above the upper margin of the metasternal sclerite (I-l) Isostomyia Coquillett 16. Anal vein ending opposite or before the fork of the fifth vein. Uranotaenia Arribalzaga Anal vein ending well beyond the fork of the fifth vein 17 17. Prescutellar sette and postspiracular setse absent (III-4, III-5). Haemagogus Williston Px-escutellar setae present IS IS. Postspiracular setaj present 19 Postspiracular sette absent 21 19. Spiracular setae absent 20 Spiracular setae present (1-4 and text figure) Psorophora Desvoidy 20. Wing scales narrow (rarely broad) or the base of first vein with setae posteriorly on the upper side (II-ll, III-3, and text figs.).Aedes Meigen Wing scales broad; base of first vein bare (11-10) . . . . Mansonia Blanchard 21. Spiracular setae present (1-2) Theobaldia Neveu-Lemaire Spiracular setae absent 22 22. First vein without sette basally on upper side; wing scales broad 23 First vein with setae basally on upper side; wide scales narrow 25 23. Fourth segment of front tarsi at least as broad as long (11-6). Orthopodorayia Theobald Fourth segment of front tarsi longer than wide 24 24. Antennal segments little longer than wide Aedeomyia Theobald Antennal segments much longer than wide (11-10).. . .Mansonia Blanchard 25. Antenna much longer than the length of the proboscis (II-7). Deinocerites Theobald Antennae not longer than the length of the proboscis 26 26. Wings yellowish, spotted with black Lutzia Theobald Wings never black-spotted (II-9 and text figure) Culex Linnaeus KEY TO THE GENERA OF THE WORLD 1. Scales almost confined to the wing-fringe; mouth-parts short, the palpi incurved (Chaoborinae) 2 Wing-veins and legs scaled; proboscis long; palpi not incurved (Culicinae) 7 2. Clypeus large and hairy; Ri ending close to tip of R- 3 Clypeus small and nearly bare; R, ending far from tip of R^. Corethrella Coquillett 3. First tarsal segment much shorter than the second 4 First tarsal segment longer than the second 6 4. Tibiae spurred 5 Tibiae not spurred; metapieural hairs absent Mochlonyx Loew 96 NORTH AINIERICAN DIPTERA Psorophora ciliata. FAMILY CULICID.T: THE MOSQUITOES 97 5. Tibial spurs 1-2-2*; metapleural hairs present Cryophila Edwards Tibial spurs 1-1-1; metapleura bare Promochlonyx Edwards 6. Clypeus as long as the head; claws larger and toothed. Euforethra Underwood Clypeus shorter than the head; claws small and simple. Chaoborus Lichtenstein 7. Abdomen without scales; or at least with the stemites largely bare (Anophelini) 8 Abdomen with both tergites and sternites completely clothed with scales 10 8. Scutellum slightly trilobed Chagasia Cruz Scutellum evenly rounded 9 9. Stem of median fork wavy Bironella Theobald Stem of median fork straight Anopheles Meigen 10. Proboscis not rigid, of uniform thickness (unless swollen at tip), outer half not bent backwards (Culiciiii) 11 Proboscis rigid, outer half slender and bent backwards (Megarhinini). Megarhinus Desvoidy 11. Squama fringed (fringe usually complete, rarely interrupted); vein An reaching well beyond base of cubital fork 12 Squama bare or rarely with 1-4 short hairs 30 12. Pulvilli present; pleural chaetotaxy well developed, but spiracular and post-spiracular bristles absent 13 Pulvilli absent or rudimentary 14 13. Second antennal (first flagellar) segment short in both sexes; antennae of c5" nearly always plumose Culex Linnaeus Second antennal (first flagellar) segment elongate in both sexes; an- tennae of o' not plumose Deinocerites Theobald 14. Post-spiracular bristles absent; claws of ? simple (except in Leices- teria, Haemagogus, and Heizmannia) 15 Post-spiracular bristles present, even if only one or two; claws of ? usually toothed; dorsocentral and upper sternopleural bristles nearly always well developed 25 15. Spiracular bristles present (sometimes only one or two) 16 Spiracular bristles absent 19 16. Several upper sternopleural bristles; stem-vein usually hairy beneath. Theobaldia Neveu-Lemaire At most one or two upper sternopleural bristles; stem-vein bare be- neath 17 17. Postnotum nearly always bare (Oriental and Australasian). Tripteroides Giles Postnotum with bristles (Neotropical) 18 18. Clypeus with setae Trichoprosopon Theobald Clypeus bare Gceldia Theobald * Posterior four tibia' each with two apical spurs. 98 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Corethra cinctipes. FAMILY CULICID.T2 THE MOSQUITOES 99 19. Dorsocentral and pre-scutellar bristles absent; pronotal lobes approxi- mated 20 Dorsocentral and pre-scutellar bristles well developed; pronotal lobes well separated 21 20. Postnotum usually bare (Neotropical) Ha^masogiis Williston Postnotum usually with bristles (Oriental) Heizmannia Ludlow 21. Post-spiracular area scaly; ? claws usually toothed; 9 palpi more than half as long as proboscis Armiseres Theobald Subg-en. Leicesteria Theobald Post-spiracular area bare; ? claws simple 22 22. All segments of 9 antenna, and last two of o antenna short and thick; middle femora with scale-tuft Aedeomyia Theobald Antennae normal, slender; middle femora without scale-tuft 23 23. First segment of front tarsi longer than the last four together; fourth very short in both sexes Orthopodomyia Theobald First segment of front tarsi not longer than last four together; fourth not shortened in ? 24 24. Proboscis of o' much swollen apically, of ? slightly so, or else cell R2 shorter than its stem Ficalbia Theobald Proboscis not swollen apically; cell R: at least as long as its stem. Mansonia Blanchard 25. Head with numerous short hairs on vertex in addition to the orbital row; antennae thick in both sexes, not plumose in o' Opifex Hutton Head without hairs on vertex apart from the orbital row; antennae slender in ?, nearly always plumose in cT 26 26. Spiracular bristles present, even if few (American). .Psorophora Desvoidy Spiracular bristles absent 27 27. Eyes widely separated, space between them clothed with metallic silvery scales (Ethiopian) Eretmopodites Theobald Eyes less widely separated (sometimes touching), space between them not covered with metallic silvery scales 28 28. Wing-scales generally mostly narrow (when, rarely, all are broad, the 9 claws are toothed); usually a few hairs on upper surface of stem- vein 29 Wing scales all very broad; 9 claws simple; stem-vein bare. Mansonia Blanchard 29. Proboscis more slender, not recurved at tip in repose; ornamentation various Aedes Meigen Proboscis rather stout, recurved at tip in repose; dark species with flat scales on vertex and scutellum Armigeres Theobald 30. Wing-membrane without microtrichia (or these only visible under a high magnification); cell R2 shorter than its stem; An ends about opposite base of cubital fork Uranotaenia Arribalzaga Wing-membrane with distinct microtrichia (visible under a magnifica- tion of 50) 31 31. Postnotum bare; An (except in some species of Topomyia) ending little if at all beyond base of cubital fork; two or more posterior pronotal bristles present (Palaeotropical) 32 100 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Postnotum with, bristles; An ending well beyond base of cubital fork; posterior pronotal bristles usually absent; spiracular bristles present (except in Limatus) (Neotropical) 35 32. Spiracular bristles absent; clypeus normal 33 Spiracular bristles present (one or more); clypeus rather small and narrow; cell R- longer than its stem 34 33. Cell R2 shorter than its stem; several posterior pronotal bristles; wing scales normal Zeugnomyia Leicester Cell R2 longer than its stem; two posterior pronotal bristles; wing- scales emarginate at tips Hodgesia Theobald 34. Proboscis very hairy, much enlarged at tip Harpagomyia de Meijere Proboscis not hairy, rarely enlarged at tip Topomyia Leicester 35. Middle legs with "paddles" formed of very long erect scales. Sabethes Desvoidy Middle legs without "paddles" 36 36. Clypeus with hairs; large species with long 0 palpi. Trichoprosopon Theobald Clypeus bare, or with scales only 37 37. Hind tarsi with long suberect scales; large species with long cT palpi. Goeldia Theobald Hind tarsi with appressed scales only; smaller species with short o' palpi 38 38. No bristles on subalar knob; pronotal lobes large and almost in con- tact; mesonotal scales all metallic Sabethoides Theobald Bristles present on sub-alar knob; pronotal lobes more widely sepa- rated; mesonotal scales rarely metallic 39 39. Spiracular area with scales only; hind tarsus with one claw. Limatus Theobald Spiracular area with 1-4 bristles, no scales; hind tarsus with two claws. Wyeomyia Theobald 101 Family Cecidomyidae— The Gall Midges Cecidomyida?— Thecodiplosis piniradiatae Snow and Mills. Eggs, pupa, laiA^a, "breast-bone" and imago. (Williston). Small, delicate flies with broad wings and long antennae and legs. Head small; eyes roinid or reniform, sometimes holoptic; ocelli usually absent; antennas long, cylindrical, the segments usually wath l)ead-like swellings, ten to thirty-six in number; proboscis short, rarely elongated; palpi with one to four segments. Thorax ovate, more or less convex, without transverse suture; abdomen composed of eight seg- ments; hypopygium small but projecting; ovipositor sometimes very long. Legs long and slender; coxiu rather short; tibia; without terminal spurs, Ijasal tarsal segment sometimes very short. Wings large, usually hairy, narrowed ])asally and without alula; three to five longitudinal veins, usually with only the first, third and fifth; humeral crossvein iudisfinct or absent; costal vein extending around the entire wing, the veins all weak, the fifth usually furcate; anterior crossvein situated v('r>- near the base of the wing, often appearing as the beginning of the third vein, the base of the third vein having the appearance of a cross- vein; only one liasal cell present. These small flies may be found everywhere but the most satisfac- tory means of collecting them is to rear them. The larva of most of the species live in living plants where they form galls, or deformities of various kinds, in the axils of the leaves, etc. Others live under bark, in decaying vegetation and in fungi while a few live upon plant lice, being found for the most part under the colony of ai)hi(ls or in axils of the leaves during the day. ]Many of the species are iii(|uiliiu's in the galls formed ]\v other members of the family or even by other orders of insects. The galls occur on all parts of plants, on the flowers, leaves, 102 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA '^"^ >-rjr-T)(irirT^ Cecidomyidas I. — 1, Lasioptera; 2, Porricondyla? ; 3, Cecidomyia; 4, Hor- momyia; 5, Trichopteromyia; 6, Lestremia; 7, Miastor; 8, Spaniocera?; 9, Catocha; 10, Colpodia; 11, Heteropeza; 12, Asynapta; 13, Winnertzia; 14, Lestodiplosis; 15, Winnertzia. FAMILY CECIDOiAIYID.E THE GALL MIDGES 103 stems and roots and are usually characteristic for each species. The larvae may be recognized by the presence of a "breast bone" or chitin- ized process lying witliin the thorax and terminating behind the head. The phenomenon of pedogenesis occurs in some species belonging to the genus Miastor, that is the larva? produce eggs from ovary-like organs, the eggs hatch within the body and the young larvas devour the parent, later escaping and completing their development externally; several generations may be produced in this way, before the development of adult insects occurs. The classification of the family is difficult and I have merely emended the key given by Dr. Felt.* For the most part little can be done without preparing slides of the adults, the whole insect being mounted. It is advisable to preserve dried specimens as well as the mounts, and the galls should always be kept along wuth the adults. Study of the group should not be attempted by anyone who is not pre- pared to spend years of painstaking work on his hobby. Such a study would prove of inestimable value and would fully repay the student for the time spent. Many of the species are serious pests, the chief among these being the Hessian fly. I may add tliat the study of the galls themselves constitutes a fascinating past-time and Dr. Felt has given us an excellent treatise on this subject t and is, I believe, preparing a new and enlarged edition. The series of papers published by Dr. Felt is copiously illustrated and I have made free use of these illustrations. In connection with their use I cannot help but call attention to the splendid cooperation of Dr. C. C. Adams, of the New York State iMuseum, in furnishing the cuts used for this family and of Dr. Felt for assistance and suggestions. Most of the illustrations of Cccidomyida are from cuts furnished by the New York State Museum. KEY TO GENERA 1. Circumfila present 23 Circumfila absent 2 2. Wings with four longitudinal veins 3 Wings with at most three longitudinal veins 17 3. Fourth vein forked 4 Fourth vein simple 10 4. Second antennal segment greatly enlarged 5 Second antennal segment normal 7 * 1925. Key to Gall Midges (A resume of Studies, i-vii. Itonidida?), N. Y. State Mus. Bull. No. 257. References to Parts i-vii will be found in this Bulletin. t 1918. Key to American Gall Insects. N. Y. State Mus. Bull. No. 200. 104 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Cecidomvida? II. 16. Catocha Americana. (Courtesy New York State Museum, Albany. N. Y.) FAMILY CECIDO-MYID.E — THE GALL MIDGES 105 5. Subcosta and third vein united as though by a very short crossvein. Microcerata Felt Subcosta and third vein separate and with no trace of a crossvein ... (> 6. Branches of the fork of the fourth vein even Konisomyia Felt Branches of the fork of the fourth vein irregular (22). . .Tritozyga Loew 7. Flagellate antennal segments sessile, with a length only a little greater than their diameter Neocatocha Felt Antennal segments not sessile, more elongate 8 8. Antennfe with not more than ten segments Neptunimyia Felt Antenna with at least eleven segments 9 9. Costa ending at or a little beyond the tip of the third vein (6, 26). Lestremia Meigen Costa extending beyond the apex of the wing (9, 16). . .Catocha Haliday 10. Third vein usually well separated from the costa and frequently uniting with it at or beyond the apex 11 Third vein rarely extending to the apex of the wing; flagellate anten- nal segments subsessile in female, ornamented with crenul ate whorls or structures more complex than irregular whorls of simple hairs . . 14 11. Flagellate antennal segments globose, stemmed in both sexes, or the second enlarged 12 Flagellate antennal segments cylindrical, sub-sessile, the second not enlarged (23) Mycophila Felt 12. Fourth vein absent 13 Fourth vein present (28) Joannisia Kieffer 13. Antennal segments stemmed (5) Trichopteromyia Williston Antennal segments sessile, the second enlarged Ceratomyia Felt 14. Flagellate antennal seg-ments with a more or less distinct subapical collar forming a more or less cup-shaped cavity; claws denticulate. Prionellus Kieffer Flagellate segments with subapical whorl of stemmed disks or spines. 15 15. Flagellate segments with subapical whorl of stemmed disks; claws with minute apical tooth Monardia Kieffer Flagellate segments with spines 16 16. Flagellate segments with short, stout, usually recurved spines (24, 27 ) Cordylomyia Felt Flagellate segments with short, stout, curved spines (32). Corinthomyia Felt 17. First segment of the tarsi shorter than the second 19 First segment of the tarsi longer than the second 18 18. Tarsi with four segments; three longitudinal veins (7, 18). Miastor Meinert Tarsi with three segments; two longitudinal veins (11). Heteropeza Winnertz 19. Tarsi with five segments 20 Tarsi with two segments Oligarces Meinert 20. Wing membrane finely haired 21 Wing membrane scaled Kronoinyia Felt 106 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA -^^ Cecidomyidse III. — 17, Asphondylia monacha ; 18, Miastor americana. (Courtesy New Yoi-k State Museum, Albany, N. Y.) FAMILY CECIDOMYID.E THE GALL MIDGES 107 21. Third vein extending to the apex of the wing 22 Third vein not extending to the apex of the wing Epimyia Felt 22. Palpi with four segments Johnsonomyia Felt Palpi with only one segment (29) Leptosyna Kieffer 23. No crossvein uniting the third and first veins 29 A distinct crossvein uniting the third and first veins 24 24. Crossvein parallel or nearly so with the costa and apparently form- ing a continuation of the third vein 27 Crossvein forming a well-marked angle with the costa 25 25. Four longitudinal veins 26 Three longitudinal veins (10) Colpodia Winnertz 26. Fifth vein absent Parawinnertzia Felt Fifth vein well developed (13, 15, 25) Winnertzia Rondani 27. Three or five longitudinal veins 28 Four longitudinal veins (12) Asynapta Loew 28. Three longitudinal veins Dirhiza Loew Five longitudinal veins Hormosomyia Felt 29. Costa thickly scaled; third vein usually very close to anterior margin of wings; antennal segments cylindrical, sessile, short, never pro- duced 30 Costa rarely thickly clothed with scales, the third vein well separated from it; antennal segments usually longer than wide 36 30. Third vein, lying very close to the costa and uniting with it at or before the middle of the wing, rarely at the distal third 32 Third vein well separated from the costa and uniting with it beyond the middle of the wing 31 31. Third vein and body thickly clothed with scales Trotteria Kieffer Third vein and body not thickly clothed with scales. Camptoneuromyia Felt 32. Mouth parts and thorax normal, not greatly prolonged 33 Mouth parts and thorax prolonged Clinorhyncha Loew 33. Palpi with one or two segments Asteromyia Felt Palpi with three or four segments 34 34. Third and foiirth antennal segments coalescent or closely fused 35 Third and fourth antennal segments at least separated by a distinct constriction Protaplonyx Felt 35. Three longitudinal veins, the fifth forked (1, 21) Lasioptera Meigen Four simple longitudinal veins Neolasioptera Felt 36. Flagellate antennal segments cylindrical, never binodose in the male. . 37 Flagellate antennal segments in the male greatly produced, binodose; circumfila usually forming long loops 60 37. Claws on at least one pair of legs toothed 38 Claws simple 50 38. Palpi with four segments 39 Palpi with not more than three segments 45 108 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA CecidomyidBe IV. — 19, Rhabdophaga sp. ; 20, Dasyneura gibsoni. (Courtesy New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y.) FAMILY CECIDOMYIIXE THE GALL MIDGES 109 39. Antennae with fourteen or more segments 40 Antennae with ten to thirteen, rarely with fourteen segments 43 40. Third vein uniting with the costa at or near the apex of the wing. ... 41 Third vein uniting with the co.sta well before the apex of the wing. . . 42 41. Ovipositor not chitinized apically; claws with one sti'ong tooth (19). Rhabdophaga Westwood Ovipositor chitinized apically, blade-like, the claws weakly toothed. Procystiphora Felt 42. Wing veins scaled, the membrane more or less brownish. Lasiopteryx Stephens Veins not distinctly scaled, the membrane hyaline (20). Dasyneura Rondani 43. Third vein uniting with the costa near the apex of the wing 44 Third vein uniting with the costa well before the apex of the wing. Neuromyia Felt 44. Antennfe with thirteen or fourteen segments Cystiphora Kieffer Antennae with twelve segments, genital harpes sickle-shaped, greatly produced Harpomyia Felt 45. Palpi with two or three segments 4^! Palpi with only one segment Ficiomyia Felt 46. Palpi with three segments 4S Palpi with two segments 47 47. Antenna; with twelve segments Coccidomyia Felt Antennae with fourteen to eighteen segments Diarthronomyia Felt 48. Claws with a single tooth 49 Claws pectinate Ctenodactylomyia Felt 49. Ovipositor with apica! spine; male clasper short, swollen. Cystiphora Kieffer Ovipositor without apical spine; pulvilli nearly three times as long as the claws Allomyia Felt 50. Flagellate antennal segments cylindrical, not greatly elongated, usu- ally stalked in the male; ovipositor not aciculate 51 Flagellate segments cylindrical, elongate, sessile; ovipositor usually aciculate 56 51. Palpi with one to three segments 53 Palpi with four segments 52 52. Third vein joining the costa at or near the apex of the wing (34). Phytophaga Rondani Third vein joining the costa well before the apex of the wing. Janetiella Kieffer 53. Ovipositor distinctly chitinized, aciculate or cultriform. Sackenomyia Felt Ovipositor not chitinized 54 54. Palpi with only one or two segments 55 Palpi with three segments Oligotrophus Latreille 55. Pulvilli nearly twice as long as the empodium Walshomyia Felt Pulvilli shorter than the empodium Rhopalomyia Riibsaamen 110 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Cecidomyida? V. — 21, Lasiopteia veroniae; 22. Tritozj ga sackeni ; 23. Mycophila fungi- cola; 24, Cordylomyia coloradensis. (Courtesy New York State Museum. Albany. N. Y.) FAINIILV CECIDOMVID.K THE GALL MIDGES 111 56. Ovipositor protractile, aciculate or nearly so; terminal clasper of male usually unidentate or bidentate 57 Ovipositor exserted, with lobes or triangular plates apically; terminal clasper of male usually serrate apically 58 57. Palpi with four segments (33) Schizomyia Kieflfev Palpi with two or three segments (17) Asphondylia Loew 58. Palpi with four segments 59 Palpi with three segments Feltomyia Kieffev 59. Flagellate antennal segments cylindrical, not strongly constricted; circumfila usually with many fine reticulations in the male; pulvilli usually shorter than the claws (31) Cincticornia Felt Flagellate segments cylindrical, sometimes rather strongly con- stricted; circumfila forming transverse series of low lines or loops; lobes of ovipositor subtriangular Caryomyia Felt 60. Nodes of the male flagellate antennal segments equal, only two cir- cumfila 61. Nodes of male flagellate segments plainly unequal, three circumfila. . 71 61. Palpi with three or four segments 62 Palpi with one segment Kronodiplosis Felt 62. Palpi with four segments 64 Palpi with three segments 63 63. Terminal clasp segment irregular, pectinate apically. Pectinodiplosis Felt Terminal clasp segment normal Dentifibula Felt 64. Claws on all the legs simple 67 Claws on at least the front legs toothed 65 65. Claws on all the legs toothed 66 Only the anterior claws toothed Toxomyia Felt 6G. Internal basal lobe of the basal clasp segment smooth, the dorsal and ventral plates broadly and slightly emarginate, the ovipositor with a length one-half that of the abdomen, protractile. . .Erosomyia Felt Internal basal lobe of the basal clasp segment rudimentary, smooth; dorsal plate truncate, ventral plate broadly and roundly emargi- nate; ovipositor moderately long Mangodiplosis Tavares 67. Wings of males with the posterior area greatly produced and broadly rounded Lobopteromyia Felt Wings normal, not unusually broad 68 68. Costa not clothed with .scales 69 Costa thickly clothed with scales Endaphis KiefFer 69. Third vein interrupting the costa at its union with the margin 70 Third vein not interrupting the costa at its union with the margin (See text fig.) Thecodiplosis Kieffer 70. Wings hyaline Contarinia Rondani Wings spotted Stictodiplosis Kieffer 71. Claws toothed on all the legs 72 Claws of at the posterior legs not toothed 84 112 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 25 Cecidomyida? VI.— 25, Winnertzia pectinata; 26, Lestremia pini. fifth antennal segment of d ; 27, Cordylomyia brevicornis, fourth and fifth antennal segments ofn". (Courtesy New York State Museum. Albany, N. Y.) FAMILY CECIDOMYID.E — THE GALL MIDGES 113 72. Palpi with four segments 75 Palpi with three segments 73 73. Basal clasp segment of male distinctly lobed Peridiplosis Feit Basal clasp segment of male not lobed 74 74. Flagellate antennal segments of female subcylindrical. Kalodiplosis Felt Flagellate antennal segments of female binodose (Brit. Guiana). Epihormomyia Felt 75. Circumfila with one or more greatly produced bows or loops having a length five to ten times that of the enlargement and extending at approximately right angles to it. '. 76 Circumfila all about equal, nearly regular 80 76. Three well-developed circumfila on each flagellate antennal segment. . 77 Two well-developed, irregular circumfila; basal circumfila on the distal enlargement forming a low band; pulvijli small .Bremia Rondani 77. All three circumfila irregular, the pulvilli i-udimentary. Tribremia KiefFer At most two circumfila irregular 7S 78. Pulvilli shorter than the claws; two circumfila irregular 79 Pulvilli as long as or longer than the claws; one circumfila irregular. Aphidolete.s Kieffer 79. Pulvilli slightly shorter than the claws, conspicuous. . .Isobremia Kieffer Pulvilli i-udimentary or wanting Cryptobremia Kieffer 80. Basal clasp segment of male genitalia with basal lobe; ovipositor short and with large, orbicular lobes Youngomyia Felt Basal clasp segment without basal lobe 81 81. Claws curved at neai'ly right angles 82 Claws curved but not at nearly right angles 83 82. Ventral plate moderately long, broadly emarginate; dorsal plate moderately long, broad, deeply triangularly emarginate, the lobes triangular; ovipositor short Cleodiplosis Felt Dorsal and ventral plates short, broad, deeply emarginate. Thomasia Eiibsaamen 83. Ovipositor slightly protractile, the lobes long, curved, and with two or three subventral rows of obtuse spines Dicrodiplosis Kieffer Ovipositor about half the length of the abdomen, the lobes with a length about six times the width; mouth parts prolonged (Brit. Guiana) Delphodiplosis Felt 84. Claws not toothed on any of the legs 92 Claws toothed on at least the front legs 85 85. Palpi with four segments 86 Palpi with three segments Diadiplosis Felt 86. Basal clasp segment lobed 87 Basal clasp segment not distinctly lobed 89 87. The lobe basal or sub-basal 88 The lobe apical, setose or spinose; terminal clasp segment subapical. Lobodiplosis Felt 114 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Cecidomyidae VII. FAMILY CECIDOMYID.E THE GALL MIDGES 315 88. Ventral plate or harpes strongly chitinized Coquillettomyia Felt Ventral plate or harpes not chitinized Feltiella Riibsaamen 89. Terminal clasp seg-ment sub-fusiform, distinctly dilated; harpes strongly chitinized and very complex (30) Karschomyia Felt Not as above 90 90. Claws curved at nearly right angles Clinodiplosis Kieffer Claws not curved at nearly right angles 91 91. Ventral plate almost linear, straight and much longer than the dorsal plate Acaroletes Kieffer Ventral plate not greatly produced Mycodiplosis Riibsaamen 92. Palpi with fewer than four segments 108 Palpi with four segments 93 93. Third vein uniting with the costa behind the apex of the wing 9i Third vein uniting with the costa before the apex of the wing. Arthrocnodax Riibsaamen 94. Circumfila with short bows or wanting 95 Circumfila well developed and not conspicuously irregular, the loops mostly as long as or longer than the diameter of the enlargement.. 97 95. Some of the flagellate antennal segments cylindrical 96 Flagellate antennal segments binodose in the male or presumably so. Caryomyia Felt 9G. Circumfila rudimentary or wanting; tenth to fourteenth segments cylindrical; harpes somewhat inflated Prodiplosis Felt Circumfila distinct though low, all the flagellate or only the distal segments cylindrical; ovipositor short Caryomyia Felt 97. Claws bent at nearly right angles 98 Claws not bent at right angles 99 98. Ventral plate long, slender, slightly expanded and roundly emarginate apically; dorsal plate short, triangularly emarginate. .Giardomyia Felt Ventral plate long, broad, very deeply and broadly emarginate; dor- sal plate deeply and roundly emarginate Hyperdiplosis Felt 99. Basal clasp segment lobed 100 Basal clasp segment not lobed 103 100. The lobe apical 101 The lobe basal 102 101. The lobe very long, cui'\'ed, setose; terminal clasp segment swollen basally Epidiplosis Felt The lobe triang-ular; terminal clasp segment short, greatly con- stricted near the middle and enormously swollen and recurved apically Metadiplosis Felt 102. Wings spotted Lestodiplosis Kieffer Wings not spotted Coprodiplosis Kieffer 103. Antennal segments plainly trinodose Obolodiplosis Felt Antennal segments not plainly trinodose 104 Ceeidomyidae VII. — 28, Joannisia phofophila, fifth and teith antennal segments of male • 29. Lcptosyna quercivora; ;{0. Karschoinjia viburni, fifth antennal sesment of d: 31. Cincti- cornia transversa, sixth antennal setrment of c ; 32, Corinthomyia cincinna, fourth antennal segment of d ; 33, Schizomyia macrolila, sixth antennal segment of d- (Courtesy New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y.) 116 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 34 Cecidomyidae VIII.— 34. Phytophaga destructor. (Courtesy New York State Museum, Albany, N. Y.) FAMILY CECIDOMYID.E THE GALL MIDGES 117 104, Antennal segments short, thick, the stems transverse, the enlarge- ments short and broad; circumfila fine, rather short, each with about twenty loops Retinodiplosis Kieffer Antennae of normal form 105 105. Ventral plate linear or long and spatulate 10^ Ventral plate broad and broadly or triangularly emarginate 107 lOG. Ventral plate linear, rounded apically; dorsal plate shorter than the ventral, the lobes truncate Parallelodiplosis Riibsaamen Ventral plate spatulate, the dorsal plate moderately long, deeply and triangularly emarginate, the lobes broad, obliquely and roundly emarginate Hypodiplosis Kieffer 107. Dorsal plate deeply incised, the lobes narrowly rounded; terminal clasp segment with serrate margin Paradiplosis Felt, Dorsal plate not incised or very narrowly emarginate; terminal clasp segment smooth (3) Cecidomyia Meigen 108. Palpi with three segments 100 Palpi with only one or two segments ll-» 109. Circumfila with short bows or loops, their length being one-half the diameter of the enlargement or less 110 Circumfila loops with a length equal to the diameter of the enlarge- ment or longer s H- 110. Thorax plainly extending over and concealing the head to a certain extent ....". Hi Thorax not produced over the head to a marked degree. .Caryomyia Felt 111. Males with fifteen to at least twenty-seven antennal segments; female with fourteen or more antennal segments; ovipositor short (4). Hormomyia Loew Male and female with fourteen or fifteen antennal segments, the fifteenth rudimentary; ovipositor moderately long. Trishormomyia Kieffer 112. Basal clasp segment lobed Odontodiplosis Felt Basal clasp segment simple Adiplosis Felt 113. Palpi with two segments Dishormomyia Kieffer Palpi with one segment 114 114. Wings hyaline 115 Wings marked with black and yellow Astrodiplosis Felt 115. Fourteen antennal segments in both sexes 11*3 Thirteen segments in female, the third and fourth fused, the basal and distal nodes in the male flagellate antennal segments globose and ovoid respectively; dorsal and ventral plates bilobed; ovipositor short, chitinous, aciculate Cystodiplosis Kieffer & Jorg 116. Both dorsal and ventral plates deeply emarginate; ovipositor short, chitinous, falcate Monarthropalpus Riibsaamen Ventral plate not deeply emarginate 117 117. Dorsal plate deeply and ventral plate broadly emarginate; ovipositor stout, half as long as the abdomen, the distal part thickly clothed with long, silky hairs Onodiplosis Felt Dorsal plate deeply, broadly and roundly emarginate, the lateral margin extended ventrally; ventral plate broadly emarginate; ovi- positor stout, about two-thirds as long as the abdomen. Horidiplosis Felt 118 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Sciaridae — The Dark Winged Fungus Gnats Sciara ci", Usually small, blackish, brownish or testaceous species, the abdomen cylindrical and tapering, especially in the females. The insects belonging to this family are related to the Myceto- philidffi, with which they have, until recently, been united. They differ in having the eyes produced toward each other above the antennae, instead of being regularly convex in outline, and in having shorter coxge. As a general rule the wing venation is typical although a very few genera of the Mycetophilidge have similar venation. The adults inhabit moist places or any place where fungus growth occurs, particularly manure. The larva frequently become pests in mushroom cellars, feeding upon the mycelium of the fungi. The females are difficult to determine, the classification being based mainly on the male genitalia although the ovipositors of the females also offer good characters. The larvae, like those of the Mycetophilidse, have some very interesting habits, some of them sometimes travelling over the ground in snake-like masses. The family is treated by Johannsen in the refer- ence given under the Mycetophilidae. FAMILY SCIARID.E — THE DARK WIXGED FUNGUS GNATS 119 KEY TO GENERA 1. Proboscis longer than the thorax (2) Eugnoriste Coquillett Pi'oboscis not greatly elongate 2 2. Wings conspicuously hairy; claws never denticulate. . .Trichosia Winiiertz Wings with microscopic setulse but not hairy 3 3. Claws toothed 4 Claws not toothed 5 4. Forks of the fourth vein arcuate Metangela RUbsaamen Forks of the fourth vein not arcuate Phorodonta Coquillett 5. Face strongly produced Rhynchosciara Riibsaamen Face not produced 6 6. Forks of the fourth vein arcuate; antennae of the male pedicellate and with whorls of hair (1) Zygoneura Meigen Forks of the fourth vein not arcuate; antennae never pedicellate (Neosciara) (6, 7, Mycetophilidae) Sciara Meigen Sciaridaj. — 1, Zygoneura; 2, Eugnoriste. 120 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Mycetophilidae — The Fungus Gnats I\Ioderately small, rather delicate, slender flies with elongated COXffi. Head small, rounded or somewhat elongate, usually closely applied to the thorax. Eyes round, rather prominent; ocelli three, two or none, the median one often small, the lateral ones frequently close to the orbits; front broad in both sexes. Antennae elongated, composed of twelve to seventeen segments, the two basal segments large or dif- ferentiated, the others cylindrical, flattened or petiolated. Proboscis usually short, rarely greatly lengthened; palpi rarely absent, composed of three or four segments, usually inflexed. Thorax distinctly to strongly arched, without transverse suture; scutellum small; metanotum large. Abdomen composed of six or seven segments, cylindrical or com- pressed either laterally or dorsoventrally, sometimes narrowed basally; male genitalia projecting; ovipositor pointed, usually with two terminal lamella?. Legs more or less elongated, the femora usually thickened; coxge elongated; tibia with spurs and usually with series of short or conspicuous bristles. Wings large; auxiliary vein present though some- times very short; second longitudinal vein absent, or simulating a crossvein; third vein arising from the first vein, usually at such an angle as to simulate a crossvein, the crossvein sometimes appearing to form the base of the third vein; fourth and fifth veins usually furcate, sometimes simple; sixth vein sometimes rudimentary, never furcate; the seventh usually short, often rudimentary or entirely absent; discal cell absent, the second basal cell often open apically. The adults are found in moist places, especially about decaying wood, on mossy rocks or moist humus, and prefer dark places. Many of the species are quite small only a few being large and conspicuous. They occur in a variety of habitats and some species are very restricted in habitat although occurring over a very wide geographical range. They may be collected throughout most of the year and when encoun- tered often occur in large numbers. The larva live in moist soil, wood, fungi, etc., and probably feed upon fungus growth. Pupation takes place outside the larval skin, some species spinning cocoons. The habits of the larva are particularly interesting and their investigation should provide an entertaining and profitable field of study to some one inter- ested in pure science for the fun of the thing. Johannsen* has mono- graphed the family and only a small number of North American species have been described since. Maine Agric. Exp. Sta. Bulls. 172, 180, 196. 200, 1909-12. FAMILY MYCETOPHILID.E — THE FUNGUS GNATS 121 KEY TO GENERA* 1. Second basal cell closed apically 2 Second basal cell open apically 12 2. Anterior branch of third vein at least half as long as posterior branch; auxiliary vein short, ending free; posterior divisions of pronotum with one or more long bristles (Ditomyiinge) 11 Anterior branch of third vein less than half as long as posterior branch, in some cases vestigial or absent; auxiliary vein in most cases long and ending in the costa; posterior divisions of pronotum without long bristles 3 3. The second basal cell much shorter than the first; first and second basal cells separated (Bolitophilinse) (18) Bolitophila Meigen The second basal cell almost as long as the first or the basal sections of the third and fourth veins fused for a short distance 4 4. Both crossveins closing the basal cells present, nearly in a straight line; basal section of fourth vein lacking (Diadocidinte) (19). Diadocidia Rutlie Basal sections of third and fourth veins fused for a short distance ex- cept in Palteoplatyura in which basal section of fourth vein is present o 5. Antennae long and slender, in most cases longer than the body (Macro- cerinjB) (4) Macrocera Meigen Antennce more robust, in some cases distinctly thickened and flatteried (Ceroplatinffi) G 6. Proboscis prolonged into a snout Asindulum Latreille Proboscis not prolonged into a snout 7 7. Antennae conspicuously flattened; palpi porrect (Heteropterna, Cerote- lion, Euceroplatus) (5) Ceroplatus Bosc Antennae not conspicuously flattened, palpi curved 8 8. The anterior crossvein not obliterated by the fusion of the bases of the third and fourth veins (20) Paheoplatyura Meunier The anterior crossvein not obliterated by the fusion of the base of the third and fourth veins 9 9. Basal section of fourth vein absent (Isoneuromyia, Neoplatyura, Proeero- platus, Lapyruta, Micrapemon) (9) Platyura Meigen Basal section of fourth vein present 10 10. Ocelli wanting; anterior branch of third vein ending in the costa. Hesperodes Coquillett Ocelli present, anterior branch of third vein ending in the first vein (21) Apemon Johannsen 11. Fork of fourth vein distal of fork of third vein (22) . . .Ditomyia Winnertz Fork of fourth vein basal of fork of third vein (14) . . .Symmerus Walker 12. First and third veins arising separately at base of wing; venation de- fective; proboscis elongate (Lygistorrhinae) (Probolaeus) (2, ,3). Lygistorrhina Skuse First and third veins arising from a common stem well beyond base of wing • 13 * Checked by Dr. O. A. Johannsen. 122 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 13. Eyes joined above the antennas by a narrow bridge; anterior crossvein long, appearing like the base of the third vein, the latter short and transverse, resembling a crossvein See Sciaridac Eyes not joined by a narrow band above the antennae; base of third vein and the anterior crossvein in most cases oblique 14 14. Prothorax without long bristles, antennae inserted above the middle of the head, occiput flat or concave, venation defective (Manotinae) (1). Manota Williston Prothorax with long bristles, occiput convex, antennae inserted at or belov/ the middle of the head 15 15. Microtrichia of wings irregularly arranged or absent; auxiliary vein usually long; lateral ocelli in most cases far from margin of com- pound eyes (Sciophilinae Edwards r= Sciophilinae Johannsen + Series I of Mycetophilinae Johannsen 1911 ) 16 Microtrichia in more or less definite longitudinal lines; auxiliary vein usually short; lateral ocelli touching compound eyes (Mycetophilinae Edwards, Mycetophilinae Johannsen 1911, Series II) 44 MycetophilidEe I.— 1, Manota defecta; 2, 3. Lygistorrhina singularis ; 4, Macrocera con- cinna; 5. Ceroplatus longiinana; 6, 7, 8, Sciara (Sciarida;) ; 9, Platyura ignobilis ; 10. Sciophila diluta; 11, Neoempheria maculipennis ; 12, Phthinia fraudulenta; 13, Leia nitens ; 14, Symmerus; 15, Mvcetophila insipiens ; 16, Tetragoneura sylvatica; 17, Dynatosoma fuscicornis. FAMILY MYCETOPHILID.T: THE FUNGUS GNATS 123 IG. Ocelli two, approximated; wings without macrotrichia (hairs) on mem- brane; auxiliary vein reaching at least the base of the thiixl vein; fine tibial sets in regular longitudinal rows 19 Ocelli three, if but two (in Eudicrana) they are close to the eye margin. 17 17. Wing with macrotrichia (hairs) on membrane 20 Wing without macrotrichia on membrane 18 18. Apical segment of first vein several times longer than the anterior crossvein; branches of fourth vein longer than the petiole 32 Apical segment of first vein short, in most cases not much longer than the crossvein, or if longer the branches of fourth vein scarcely longer than the petiole 38 19. Costa not produced beyond tip of third vein; no spurious vein between third and fourth veins; wing not banded (23) Mycomya Rondani Costa produced beyond tip of third vein; spurious vein usually present between third and fourth veins; wing banded or spotted (11). Neoempheria Osten Sacken 20. Ocelli two, contiguous to eye margin Eudicrana Lcew Ocelli three, remote from compound eyes 21 21. Fork of fifth vein situated nearer to wing base than is the fork of fourth vein 22 Fork of fifth vein, if present, situated beyond fork of fourth vein.... 27 22. Postnotum with hairs or bristles 23 Postnotum bare 26 23. Anterior branch of fourth vein complete or nearly so 24 Anterior branch of fouith vein faint or defective at base; third vein undulate (Odontopoda). (24) Neuratelia Rondani 24. Subcostal crossvein before middle of auxiliary vein (25). . Allocotocera Mik Subcostal crossvein beyond middle of auxiliaiy vein 25 25. Third vein straight; costa not produced beyond its tip (Diomonus) (2G). Leptomorphus Curtis Third vein undulate; costa produced beyond its tip (27). Polylepta Winnertx 26. Metapleura hairy; auxiliary vein ending in first vein; body stout (28). Syntemna Winnertz Metapleura bare; auxiliary vein ending in the costa; body long and slender (29) Paratinia Mik 27. Legs slender and extremely long; basal tarsal segment of anterior legs twice as long as the tibia; fourth vein forks broadly (12). Phthinia Winnertz Legs normal; fork of media pointed 28 28. Second branch of fourth vein complete 29 Second branch of fourth vein detached, present only as a short element on the wing margin (30 ) Azana Walker 124 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA =^^ 18 27 35 ^^:^ 19 28 36 \ 37 20 29 30 ~~^^ 38 39 31 40 32 23 24 25 43 26 Mvcetophilid.-e II.— IS, Bolitophiia; 19, Diadocidia ; 20, Paleoplatyuia : 21. Apeition; 22 Ditomva: 23 Mycomya; 24, Neuratelia; 25, Allocotocera; '^6 Leptomorphus ; 2 , Po ylepta : " Svntemna- ^9 Paratinia; 30, Azana; 31, Monoclona ; 32. Acnem.a; 3o, Coelosia , 34. Hadroneur^r35. Dziedzickia; 36, Gnoriste; 37. Synapha ; 3S. Boletina; 39. Rondan.ella; 40, Docosia; 41, Megophthalmidia ; 42, Anatella; 43. Exechia. FAMILY MYCETOPHILID/E — THE FUNGUS GNATS 125 29. Subcostal crossvein well beyond origin of third vein; mesopleura bare. Megalopelma Enderlein Subcostal crossvein just before, above or immediately beyond origin of third vein 30 30. Fifth vein forked; mesopleui'a with small hairs (10) . . .Sciophila Meigen Fifth vein simple; mesopleura bare 31 31. Macrotrichia (hair) reflexed toward base of wing (31) . . . Monoclona Mik Macrotrichia decumbent (32) Acnemia Winnertz 32. Seventh abdominal segment large in both sexes (for Polylepta lepto- gaster) Speolepta Edwards Seventh abdominal segment small and retracted, at least in the male. . 33 33. Fifth vein forks well beyond fork of fourth (33) Coelosia Winnertz Fifth vein forks before, below or just beyond fork of fourth 34 34. Auxiliary vein ends in the first vein 35 Auxiliary vein ends in the costa 36 35. Proboscis produced, about as long as the head (34) Hadroneura Lundstrom Proboscis not produced (35) Dziedzickia Johannsen 36. Proboscis very elongate (36) Gnoriste Meigen Proboscis not elongate 37 37. Subcostal crossvein well beyond middle of auxiliary vein (Empalia) ( 37 ) Synapha Meigen Subcostal crossvein absent or near middle of auxiliary vein (38, 55). Boletina Staeger 38. Auxiliary vein ends in the costa (extremity may be faint in species of Leia) ". 39 Auxiliary vein short, ending free or in the first vein 40 39. Last section of first vein over twice as long as anterior crossvein; anterior branch of fourth vein in most cases detached at base; sub- costal crossvein wanting (39) Rondaniella Johannsen Last section of first vein scarcely longer than the crossvein, in some cases shorter (13) Leia Meigen 40. Palpi minute, consisting of a single segment; female wingless; in the male the basal section of fourth and fifth veins are coalescent so that both branches of the fifth appear to arise from the basal sec- tion of the fourth vein (47) Pnyxia Johannsen Palpi well developed, female winged, venation various 41 41. Lateral ocelli contiguous with the margin of the compound eyes; last section of first vein long, petiole of fourth vein short; hypopleura hairy (40) Docosia Winnertz Lateral ocelli remote from eye margins; last section of first vein shorter 42 42. Hypopleura hairy; hind tibial comb present (41). Megophthalmidia Dziedzicki Hypopleura bare ; no tibial comb 43 43. Auxiliary vein rather long, ending in first vein; fifth vein forks near base of wing Ectrepesthoneura Enderlein Auxiliary vein very short, ending free; fifth vein forks near the middle of the wing (16) Tetragoneura Winnertz 126 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA =^==^ 44 48 52 45 49 53 Mycetophilidse III. — 44, Rhymosia ; 45, Brachypeza; 46, Allodia; 47, Pnyxia scabei; 48, Cordyla; 49, Phronia; 50, Trichonta; 51, Mycetophila dominicana; 52, Epicypta; 53, Zygomyia; 54, Sceptonia; 55; Boletina incompleta. FAMILY MYCETOPHILID.E THE FUNGUS GNATS 127 44. Mesopleural and hypopleural bristles absent; hind coxa with a fairly strong bristle at base 45 Mesopleural bristles present; hind coxa usually without basal bristle. . . 49 45. Costa produced beyond tip of third vein (42) Anatella Winnertz Costa ends at tip of third vein 46 46. Fifth vein forks beyond fork of fourth (43) Exechia Winnertz Fifth vein forks below or before fork of fourth 47 47. Second anal vein strong and distinct (44) Rhymosia Winnertz Second anal vein weak or absent 48 48. First anal vein very long and distinct, attaining the middle of the fork of the fifth vein (45) Brachypeza Winnertz Fii-st anal vein shorter and less distinct (46) Allodia Winnertz 49. Pteropleural bristles present; tibial bristles long and strong 53 Pteropleural bristles absent 50 50. Tibial bristles long and strong; auxiliary vein ends in first vein (=: Johannsenia) (17) Dynatosoma Winnertz Tibial bristles small, at most a little longer than the diameter of the tibia 51 51. Second palpal segment greatly thickened (48) Cordyla Meigen Second palpal segment normal 52 52. Fifth vein forks beyond fork of fourth; auxiliary vein ends free (including Telmaphilus) (49) Phronia Winnertz Fifth vein forks below or before fork of fourth; auxiliary vein ends normally in the first (50) Trichonta Winnertz 53. Fifth vein forked 54 Fifth vein simple 56 54. Anterior branch of fifth vein slightly divergent apically from second branch of fourth but parallel with or convergent towards .second branch of fifth; hypopleura and pteropleura generally quite large (including Mycothera ami Opistholoba) (15, 51) . . . .Mycetophila Meigen Anterior branch of fifth parallel with second branch of fourth but slightly divergent from second branch of fifth 55 55. Pronotal lobes with long bristles; fifth vein forks scarcely if any before the anterior crossvein (82) Epicypta Winnertz Pronotal lobes without long bristles; fifth vein forks well before the anterior crossvein Delopsis Skuse 56. Second branch of fourth and first branch of fifth vein slightly di- vergent; hypopleura and pteropleura large; middle tibia with ventral bristles (53) Zygomyia Winnertz Second branch of fourth and first branch of fifth vein parallel; hypo- pleura and pteropleura small; middle tibia without ventral bristles ( 54 ) Sceptonia Winnertz 128 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Bibionidse — The March Flies Slender flies of small to medium size, ranging from four to twelve millimeters in length. Head usually somewhat flattened; eyes of the males approximate or contiguous, of the females, broadly separated; face rather short, sometimes elongate in Dilophus; eyes round; ocelli large. Antennae composed of eight to twelve segments, cylindrical or somewhat flattened, the segments rather closely united. Proboscis short, with thickened, hairy labellae; palpi with two to five segments, usually short, some- times long. Thorax without transverse suture; scutellum hemicircular. Abdomen composed of seven to nine segments, more or less flattened, the male genitalia rather small. Legs moderately long, the anterior femora usually thickened, sometimes greatly swollen, the other femora usually somewhat swollen; anterior tibias usually modified, often greatly swollen in Bihio; legs slender in Plecia. Pulvilli and usually the empodium distinct. Wings large, the anterior veins stout, the others usually considerably weaker; costa ending at or before the wing-tip; second vein present or absent; fourth vein furcate; basal cells com- plete; anal cell rarely closed; posterior crossvein absent. The larvffi feed upon decaying vegetable matter, especially upon the roots of grass, and pupation takes place in the soil. The adults are frequently very common and may be found almost anywhere in the open. The name "March Flies" has been given the family in this country because of the frequent occurrence of Bihio aJhipennis Say in large numbers during this month. "Harlequin Flies" is used in Eng- land, while "March Flies" is applied to other flies in Australia. The family has been review^ed by MacAtee*. KEY TO GENERA 1. Third vein furcate (6, 7) 2 Third vein not furcate (5) 5 2. Fourth and fifth veins forked 3 These veins not forked Eupeitenus Macquart 3. Antennae with not more than 12 segments 4 Antennae with 16 segments (7) fCramptonomyia Alexander * 1921. Proc. U. S. N. M. Ix, Art. 11. t For a discussion of tlie position of this genus and its allies see Alexander, 1931, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. xxvi, pp. 7-11. FAIMILY BIBIOXID.K THE MARCH FLIES 129 4. Distance between the fork of the fourth vein and the anterior cross- vein more than twice the length of the crossvein (4). Hesperinus Walker Distance between fork of fourth vein and anterior crossvein much less than twice the length of the crossvein (6) Plecia Wiedemann 5. Anterior tibi33 produced apically to form two spurs (3) G Anterior tibite without such spurs but with two or three series of teeth (2) Dilophus Meigen 6. Third and fourth longitutUnal veins coalescent for a short distance ( 1 ) Bibiodes Coquillett Third and fourth veins not coalescent, joined by the anterior cross- vein (3, 5) Bible Latreille Bibionidae. — 1, Bibiodes; 2, Dilophus, front tibia; 3, Bibio, front tibia; 4, Hesperinus; 5, Bibio; 6, Plectia; 7, Cramptonomyia. Scatopsidsp I. 131 Family Scatopsidse — The Minute Black Scavengers Small black or brownish flies, the appendages and thorax often partly yellowish. Head more or less orbicular — subquadrate or elonp;ate oval; antcnnjB composed of seven to twelve seo-ments; iisnally sliglitly longer than the head; three ocelli; proboscis short and stont. Thorax gently convex, rarely flattened. Legs short, the femora robust. Wings with the veins thin, the first and third strong, the second simulating a crossvein, the fourth vein furcate or simple. Abdomen subcylindrical, composed of six or seven segments, the male genitalia large. The Scatoi^sida^ breed m decaying vegetable and animal matter and excrement. They often breed in sewers and privies and frer[uently become very numerous in houses, where they cause more anxiety than liarm. In the autumn tliey are frequently common on windows, when they are most easily collected. TJie species range in size from .75 to 3 mm. in length and the family may be readily recognized by the wing venation. Mclander* has revised the North American species. KEY TO GENERA 1. Wings of normal size 2 Wings about half normal size, the adults flightless (4). Cobaldia Melander 2. Front tibiae ending in a spur (.5) Aspistes Meigen Front tibiae without apical spur 3 3. Anterior branch of the fourth vein without appendage 4 Anterior branch of the fourth vein with an appendage near the base on the anterior side (12) Scatopse Geoffroy 4. Anterior branch of the fourth vein not disconnected at the base (10). . 5 Anterior branch of the fourth vein disconnected basally (7) V 5. Petiole of the fourth vein more than twice as long as the anterior branch (10) Swammerdaniella Enderlein Petiole of the fourth vein at most a little longer than the anterior branch G * 1916, Bull. 130, state Coll. Wash.. Agric. Exp. Station. Scatopsidse I. — 1, 2. 3. Rhegmoclema atrata, larva, pupa, adult; 4, Coboldia foritiicarum ; 5, Aspistes berolinensis ; 6, Pscctrosciara californica. 132 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 6. Third vein ending well beyond the middle of the wing (9). Reichertella Enderlein Tliird vein ending before or at the middle of the wing (1, 2, 3, 11). Rhegmoelema Enderlein 7. Third vein ending at or near the middle of the wing (7). Aldrovandiella Enderlein Third vein ending at the apical fourth of the wing (6, 8). Psectrosciara Kieffer Scatposidse II. — 7, Aldrovandiella; S, Psectrosciara; 9, Reichertella uncinata ; 10, Swam- merdamella brevicornis; 11, Rhegmoelema aterrima ; 12, Scatopse notata. (All fitrures after Melander. ) 133 Family Rachiceridae Flies of medium size, elongated, very thinly pilose, resembling saw- flies. Males diclioptic. Empodium developed pulvilliform, the piilvilli present. Antennae composed of twenty to thirty-eight segments, often strongly serrate. Squama? small or rudimentary. Veins strong; discal cell three times as long as wide; fourth posterior cell closed and petio- late; anal cell closed apieally. Legs moderately long. The only genus belonging to this family is Rachicerus Walker of which only about a score of species are known. Six species have been described from the Nearctic region, but one is unrecognizable. The lar\-£e are found in decaying wood and are presumed to be predaceous. Rachicerus has usually been placed in the Rhagionidce (s. 1.) but should no doubt be isolated since the large number of antennal seg- ments, all of which are freely articulate, indicates a more primitive condition than that accorded even the Coenomyiidffi of the present work. KEY TO NEARCTIC SPECIES OF RACHICERUS 1. AntenriEe reddish toward the base, pectinate below, the lower processes conspicuously long-er than the upper obscuripenis Lcew Antennae not reddish basally, the lower processes on the segments short, at most slightly longer than the upper 2 2. Mesonotum brownish yellow, sometimes with brown vitt^, never blackish -t Mesonotum black or brownish black 3 3. Halteres yellow; wings hyaline with a dark median cloud in front; mesonotum shining black nitidus Johnson Halteres brownish; wings tinged with brown; mesonotum shining dark brown niger Leonard 4. Mesonotum without brown vittae; ? antennte serrate, with 21 or 22 segments, d antennae sub-pectinate below, with 28 to 35 segments. fulvicollis Haliday Mesonotum with two broad brown vittae; antennae sub-pectinate be- low, with 22 or 23 segments honestus Osten Sacken Rachicerus, head and wing. 134 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Stratiomyidse — The Soldier Flies Small to moderately large, nearly bare or thinly pilose flies, without bristles. Head usually short, sometimes pro- duced either at or below the antenna, usually wider than the thorax; ocelli present; eyes dichoptic in the females, usually holoptic in the males; proboscis short, never longer than the headheight, palpi two segmented or rudimentary. Antennae with three to ten segments, the third always annulate and usually bear- ing an apical style or arista or a dorsal arista. Thorax never strongly convex, often elongate; scutellum often with spines, tubercles or projections on the margin. Abdomen composed of five to seven segments, variable in shape, some- times short and very broad or long and narrow, rarely petiolate. Legs thinly soft haired; pulvilli and empodium pad- like, the tibige without spurs. Costal vein not reaching Ijeyond the tip of the Cyphomyia species. wing, the veins crowded anteriorly, the posterior ones weak; discal cell present and of characteristic shape; four or five posterior cells and one or two sul)marginals; anterior branch of third vein short and often indistinct or wanting. The name "soldier flies" has been given to this family because of their conspicuous markings. Most of the species may be found on flowers, some of them hover, while others may be found on foliage and in long grass near water. The larva? are predaceous or live in decaying vegetation, under bark, in rotting fruit, etc. A few species are confined to the sea coast while others occur in fresh water or mud. I have adopted a number of changes in the nomenclature, and, as I do not use the names proposed in Meigen's "1800" paper EulaUa does not replace the well-known Odontomyia. The name Stratinnijiia is an emendation of the original si)elling, Stratiomijs, and not only FAMILY STRATIOMYID/E THE SOLDIER FLIES 135 changes the spelling but also the meaning. I suspect that Ceoffroy had in mind the mouse-like character of the tyiiical species of the family when he proposed the name, and that he was better aware of his inten- tions in this connection than those who have followed the spelling of Maecpiart. It is unfortunate that such a well known name as CliteUnria Mcigen must be replaced by Adoxomiiia for the American species previ- ously listed under CliteUnria. The other changes are mostly a return to the original spellings or the realignment of genera based upon structural characters. The family is a difficult one, the generic limits being, often, difficult to define if they actually exist. Unfortunately I lack representatives of a few of the genera and must rely upon descriptions, so that some char- acters which might be used have, of necessity, been omitted. There is great need of a monograph of the American species of this family : my synopsis of the Canadian species* may prove helpful but it contains only keys and these are incomplete for most of the genera. KEY TO GENERA 1. Abdomen with seven visible dorsal segments 2 Abdomen with five or six segments 9 2. Three posterior veins or stumps of veins, the third usually arising from the discal cell 4 Four posterior veins or vestiges of them, all arising from the discal cell 3 3. Posterior femora thickened Necexaireta Osten Sacken Posterior femora but little thickened, the posterior tibiae noticeably thickened ( 82 ) Actina Meigen 4. Scutellum with spines or denticulations 6 Scutellum without spines 5 5. Third vein branched (33) Allognosta Osten Sacken Third vein not branched (1, 87) Chiromyza Wiedemann 6. Scutellum with fewer than ten spines 7 Scutellum with ten or twelve spines or teeth 8 7. Head hemispherical; antennae situated near the middle of the head (2, 3) Beris Latreille Head not hemispherical; antennae situated well below the middle of the head Berismyia Giglio-Tos. 8. Scutellar spines long Heteracanthia Macquart Scutellum with about twelve short teeth Antissops Enderlein 9. Three posterior veins, all arising from the discal cell.. 10 Four posterior veins, the first and third sometimes vestigial but at least represented by angulations of the discal cell 22 * Curran, 1927, Tr. Roy. Soc. Can., Sec. v, 1927, pp. 191-228. 136 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Sti-ationiyid;e I.— 1, Chironiyza; 2, Beris ; 3, Beris. antenna; 4, Psephiocera, scutellum ; 5. Psephiocera, wing: 6, Acanthinomyia ; 7, 8, Solva ateirima (Coenomyidae) : 9, Hermetia; 10, Hernietia, antenna; 11, Odontomyia ; 12, Odontomyia, antenna; 13, Stratiomys. antenna; 14, Pedicella, antenna; 15, Ptecticus; 16, Ptecticus ; antenna; 17, Cyphomyia, antenna; 18. Mero- sargus, antenna; 19, Histiodroma: 20, Euparyphus; 21. Euparyphus, antenna; 22, Euryneura. head from in front; 23, Pelagomyia; 24, Neiuotelus ; 25. Aochletus, antenna. FAMILY STKATIOMYID-E THE SOLDIER FLIES 137 Stratiomyida; II. — 26, Analcoccrus, wini: : 27, Ncopachygaster ; 28, Scoliopelta; 29, Microchrysa; 30, Euclitellaria ; 31, Khaphiocera ; 32, Myxosargus ; 33, AUognosta; 34, Chrysochlora, antenna; 35, Rhingiopsis ; 3G, Dicranophora (Brazil). 138 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Stiatiomyida? III. — 37, Ox.vcera albovittata; 38, Rhingiopsis ros(rata; 39, Ptecticus testaceus ; 40, Neorondania chalybea ; 41, Gowdejana mirabilis; 42, Odontomyia (sp. Panama); 43, Cacosis ; 44, Euclitellaiia; 45, Chrysochronia nigricornis ; 46, Hennetia [n. sji. Panama): 47, Cyphomyia; 48, Microchrysa polita. FAMILY STRATIOMYID.T: THE SOLDIER FLIES 139 10. Antennas situated at most a little below the middle of the head in pro- file; scutellum never with two spines 13 Antennas situated far below the middle of the head, near the lower edge of the eyes; scutellum with at least a pair of spines 11 11. Third antennal segment not furcate; scutellum bispinose 12 Third antennal segment furcate, the upper branch with a terminal arista and a lateral process (72, 78) Neochauna Williston 12. Eyes bare Psegmomma Enderlein Eyes pilose (6, 86) Acanthinomyia Hunter 13. Third vein branched 15 Third vein simple l"! 14. Third antennal segment elongate (.55, 56) Berkshiria Johnson Third antennal segment short, as broad as long (54, 58). Zabrachia Coquillett 15. Third antennal segment elongate 1^ Third antennal segment as wide as long or nearly so 17 16. Scutellum prolonged and obtusely pointed, without conspicuous rim on lower edge Cynipimorpha Brauer Scutellum broadly rounded apically and with a strong rim on the lower margin (55, 56) Berkshiria Johnson 17. Scutellum prolonged, its sides more or less parallel apically or triangu- lar with a very broad preapical depression, the lower edge not mar- gined (4, 5, 60) Psephiocera Enderlein Scutellum rounded apically, its lower edge sometimes very strongly margined 18 18. Arista short plumose or with very long pubescence of isolated hairs ( 49 ) Lophoteles Lcew Arista short pubescent or bare 19 19. Antennse arising at most slightly below the middle of the head 20 Antennae arising conspicuously below the middle of the head (61). Pachygaster Meigen 20. Scutellum with a strong marginal rim below 21 Scutellum with at most a very weak rim below (27, 57). Neopachygaster Austen 21. Rim of scutellum strongly serrate (62) *Eupachygaster Kertesz Rim of scutellum so finely serrate as to appear smooth except under high magnification (41, 51) Gowdeyana Curran 22. All the posterior veins arise from the discal cell 23 The fourth posterior vein arises from the second basal cell 39 23. Scutellum with spines 24 Scutellum without spines, sometimes denticulate 32 * T have not seen the type of this European genus and it may be that the species described by Malloch as belonging here belongs to Vittiger Kertesz. 140 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Stiatiomyidffi IV.— 49, Lophoteles pallidipennis, after Williston : 50, Neurota tricolor; ol, Gowdeyana mirabilis; 52, Zabrachia polita $; 53, Berisinyia nigrofemorata; 54, Zabrachia polita cT; 55, Berkshiria, scutellum ; 56, Berkshiria; 57, Neopachygaster maculicornis; o8, Zabrachia polita; 59, Gyneuryparea lasiophthalmus ; 60, Psephioccra minuta, after Williston; 61, Brachy- gaster pulcher; 62, Eupachygaster punctifer; 63, Merosargus bulbifrons. FAMILY STRATIOMYID-E— THE SOLDIER FLIES 141 24. Antennae short, with a sub-terminal arista (37, 81) Oxycera Meigen Antennae more or less elongate 25 25. Antennae insei-ted near the middle of the head 27 Antennae inserted close to the oral margin 26 26. Eyes bare (22, 68) Euryneura Schiner Eyes pilose (30) Euclitellaria Kertesz 27. Antennal style not diflferentiated 28 Antennal style distinctly difrerentiated 30 28. Antennje with eight distinct segments 29 Antennae with three segments, the third annulate (28). Scoliopelta Williston 29. Second antennal segment twice as long as the first Claris Kertesz Second antennal segment not longer than the first (20, 21, 90). Euparyphus Gerstaeckef 30. Eyes bare (Clitellaria auct) Adoxomyia Kertesz Eyes pilose 31 31. Third vein branched (14, 6.")) Euclitellaria Kertesz Third vein simple (25) Aochletus Osten Sacken 32. Face conically produced 33 Face not conically produced 34 33. Males holoptic (24, 64) Nemotelus Geoffroy Males dichoptic Akronia Hine 34. Antennal style almost as long as the third antennal segment, quite flat and shining; the thin sides densely fringed M-ith long pubescence (9, 10, 46) Hermetia Latreille Antennal style different in structure or the antennae with an arista. . . .35 35. Eyes pilose on practically the whole surface 30 Eyes bare, or very thinly pubescent on the upper half only 38 36. Antennae with a bristle-like style (23) PelagomyJa Williston Antennal style not well differentiated 37 37. Face produced Lasiopa Brulle Face receding (50, 66) Neurota Curran 38. Arista apical and densely plumose on basal half or more (43, 81). Cacosis Walker Arista apical but bare (34, 91) *Chrysochlora Latreille 39. Third antennal segment without an arista, the style absent or but poorly differentiated, rarely short and bristly 40 Third antennal segment with an arista 51 40. Third vein with an anterior branch 41 Third vein without anterior branch 44 41. Head strongly produced anteriorly and with a porrect spine or pro- tuberance below the antennae (35, 38, 83) tRhingiopsis Roder Head not produced, the face sometimes produced conically downward. . .42 * Curran, 1929, Amer. Mus. Novitates No. 339. p. 2. t Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novitates No. 7>2&, p. 1. 142 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA StiatiomyidK V. — 64, Nemotelus arator; 65, Euclitellaiia subulata ; 66. Neurota tricolor; 67, Rhaphiocera ariuala; 6S. Euryneura panamensis, n. sp. : 69, Proineianisa nasuta; 70, Aiial- cooerus; 71, Histiodroma inermis; 72, Neochauna; 73, Chordonota; 74. Stratiomys mutabilis; 75, Nothoinyia calopus; 76, Gyneuryparea lasiophthalmus; 77, Aloipha cingulatus. FAMILY STRATIOMYID-E — THE SOLDIER FLIES 143 42. Eyes bare 43 Eyes thickly pilose in the c*", pilose on lower half in ? (59, 76). Gyneuryparia Enderlein 43. Antennae situated near the lowest level of the eyes (32). *Myxosargus Brauer Antennae situated near the middle of the eyes in profile (17, 47). Cyphomyia Wiedemann 44. Scutellum without spines 45 Scutellum with spines 46 45. Third antennal seg-ment with eight annuli (73, 80)..Chordonota Gerstsecker Third antennal segment with five or six annuli (11, 12, 42). Odontomyia Meigen 46. Costa not thickened distally 47 Costa strongly thickened distally (26, 70) Analcocerus Loew 47. Third antennal segment composed of seven or eight annuli 50 Third segment composed of not more than six annuli 48 48. Head very strongly produced forward, the face strongly receding (69, 85). Promeranisa Walker Head rarely produced forward, if so the antennal prominence not con- stricted 49 49. First antennal segment three limes as long as the second (13, 74, 79). fStratiomys Geoffroy First segment less than three times the length of the second (11, 12, 42). Odontomyia Meigen 50. First antennal segment two or three times as long as the second. Campeprosopa Macciuart First antennal segment but little longer than the second, the third ter- minating in a bristle (40) Neorondania Osten Sacken 51. Scutellum with spines 52 Scutellum without spines 53 52. Third vein not furcate (75) Nothomyia Loew Third vein furcate (31, 67) Raphiocera Macquart 53. Space between the second vein and the costa chitinized, the costa ex- panded on the apical half (19, 71) Histiodroma Schiner Wing normal 54 54. Arista terminal, thick and long pubescent on the basal fourth. Acrochaeta Wiedemann Arista terminal or dorsal, normal in shape and practically bare 55 55. Lower lobe of the siiuamje with a strap-like prolongation near the outer end 58 Lower lobe of squamae transverse apically 56 * Curran. 1929. Amcr. Mus. Novitates No. 37R. t In a forthcoming: contribution Mr. M. T. James will propose a new genus for S. constans, viutabilis, etc. 144 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Stratiomyida VI.— 78. Neochauna; 79. Stratiomys mulabilis; 80. Chordonota carbonaria; 81 Cacosis nigra; 82, Actina viridis; 83, Rhingiopsis rostrata; 84, Oxycera albovittata; 85, Proineranisa nasuta; 86. Acanthinomyia; 87. Chiromyza; 88, Pedicella hicens : 89, Chryso- chronia nigricoruis; 90, Euparyphus; 91, Chrysochlora. FAMILY STRATIOMYID.E THE SOLDIER FLIES 145 56. Third vein with a branch near the end of the first vein 57 Third vein without the basal branch (77) Aloipha Enderlein 57. Second antennal segment subtriangularly produced into the third on the inner side (15, 16, 39) Ptecticus Lcew Second antennal segment at most moderately convex on its inner end, never subtriangular (18, 63) *Merosargus Loew 58. Ocellar triangle situated far from the vertex and almost or quite twice as long as wide ( 14, 88 ) Pedicella Bigot Ocellar triangle not or but little longer than wide, in the female partly behind the upper angles of the eyes, in the male usually somewhat in front of this point 59 51). Ocellar triangle in female lying almost all in front of the posterior angle of the eyes, the males without the eyes divided into definite zones of differently sized facets; anal cell much narrower than the combined basal cells (45, 89) Chrysochroma Williston Ocellar triangle in female lying mostly behind the posterior angles of the eyes; males with the facets enlarged on the upper half; anal cell quite as wide as the combined basal cells (29, 48) . . . .Microchrysa Loew * Curran, 1932. Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 534. 146 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Coenomyiidae Flies of medium to large size, the antenna elongate, with the third segment annulate and more or less clearly subdivided. Males holoptic or dichoptie. Antennae never with a distinctly dif- ferentiated style although the terminal annulus may resemble one to a certain extent. Empodium developed pulvilliform, the pulvilli present. Squamae small. Wing venation w^ell developed, the discal cell always present, the fourth posterior cell sometimes closed. As here defined this family includes insects of diverse structure but there seems to be no good character for their separation. The genus Coe- nomyia has been placed in various families, including the Rhagionidas, Tabanidas and Stratiomyidse. It appears, however, because of the facial structure, to be best placed between the two last mentioned families. Upon general structure alone Cocnonujia might well be isolated from the remainder of the other included genera except tliat Ariliropms magnus Johnson is very similar in appearance, differing only in having bare eyes and in lacking the scutellar spines. The adults are found in woods, especially near moist places, while the larva? mostly occur in decaying wood, under the bark of trees or in the soil and are carnivorous and predaceous. The opinion has been expressed that the larvge of Canoynyia may live upon the immature stages of Cicadas. A revision of the North American species will be found in Leonard* "Revision of the Rhagionidte in the United States and Canada." I might add that I cannot agree that the genus Solva Walker belongs to the Stratiomyidae although there is no doubt that there is some relationship. Both the facial shape and wing venation exclude it from that family. KEY TO GENERA 1. Eyes bare 2 Eyes pilose (9, 11) Coenomyia Latreille 2. Anterior tibiae with one terminal spur 3 Anterior tibiae without terminal spur 4 3. Antennee acute at the tip, the apical annulus elongate (1, 8). Arthropeas Loew Antennae obtu.'^e at the tip, the apical annulus short and broad (3, 7). fXylophagus Meigen 4. Fourth posterior cell open 5 Fourth posterior cell closed (5, 12) Solva Walker 5. Face with a very large, prominent pilose swelling on either side (2, 10). Glutops Burgess Face not strongly swollen laterally, bare (4, 6) Arthroceras Williston * 1930. Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc, No. 7. t Cui-ran. 1933, Amer. Mus. Novitates No. 673, p. 1. FAMILY CCENOMYnO^ 147 Ca?nomyiiila'. — 1. Arthropeas magnus ; 2, Glutops singularis; 3, Xylophagus lareyi ; 4, Aithroceras leptis; o, Solva aterrima; 6, Arthroceras; 7, Xylophagus; S, Aithiopcas magnus; 9, Coenoinj ia pallida ; H). Glutops singularis; 11, Co-iiomyia pallida; 12, Solva. 148 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Tabanidae — The Horse Flies Chrysops species. Bristleless flies of medium to large size, the eyes usually bi-colored in life. Head large, the occiput flattened or concave. Eyes large, short pilose or bare, usually holoptic in the males and often with some of the facets much larger than the others; ocelli present or absent. Proboscis projecting, sometimes longer than the body; palpi with two segments, the second segment variable in different genera and sometimes in the two sexes. Antennae porrect, composed of three segments, the third com- posed of three to eight annuli. Thorax and abdomen clothed with fine hairs. Abdomen broad, composed of seven visible segments; genitalia never prominent. Legs moderately stout, the tibiee sometimes much dilated; middle tibiffi always with two spurs at the tips; empodium developed pulvilliform, the pulvilli alwaj's present. Wings with two submarginal and five posterior cells; basal cells large; anal cell usually closed near the wing margin; costa extending around the entire wing. Squamffi large. . The Tabanids are common in all parts of the world. They have been given various common names, such as Horse Flies, Deer Flies, Greenheads, Bullheads, etc. The adults of most species are serious pests of mammals and man is not excepted. One type of filariasis is trans- mitted by the adults and both the fly and host are essential in the life cycle of the parasite causing the disease. One of the best ways of collecting these insects is to capture those causing irritation during collecting trips. Since the larvae of many species are aquatic the adults may usually be found near water and in the case of some species the males are rare except adjacent to the breeding places, and, as this sex does not suck blood they must be looked for in places other than in the vicinity of warm blooded animals, the same being true for most of the genera of the Pangoniinse, although the genus Chrysops of this FAMILY TABAXIDJ-: — THE HORSE FLIES 149 subfamily contains some of the most serious pests of man. The males of some species feed upon pollen and nectar and may be found upon most melliferous flowers, hovering over streams or pools or even along paths. The sexes are frequently very diiferent in appearance and diffi- cult to associate. The transmittal of disease by Tabanids may be a purely mechanical operation or the flies may serve as intermediate hosts of the parasitic organisms causing disease. Tularemia is spread mechanically and is transmitted by CJirysops discaUs Williston. Normally it is a disease of rodents (particularly rabbits) but man sometimes develops the dis- ease after being bitten by the fly. It has also been demonstrated that Anthrax may be carried on the proboscis of Tabanids and cause infec- tion as a result of the bite of the fly and various species of trypanosomes are transmitted. In Africa a filarial disease caused by Loa loa Cobbald, and known by that name, is transmitted by two species of Chrijsops. The details have been worked out by A. and S. A. Connal (Trans. Roy. Soc. Trop. Med. Hyg., xv, pp. 131-134, 1913). The eggs are laid, as a rule, in large masses on leaves and stems of ])lants overhanging water and are usually brown or black in color. They show characteristic generic arrangement and sometimes specific characters but too little is known about them to permit of their identifi- cation. The larvae are predaceous. Larvse have been found in rotten wood, under stones, in mud, etc. Pu])ation takes places near the surface of the soil. There are many papers dealing with the biology of North American Tabanidip, l)ut most of them are quite short. Papers by Cameron* and ]\Iarchandt on the immature stages are the most com- l)rehensive. The numlxn- of species of TabanidiO is large, the genus I'ahann.-i alone containing about 1200 described species. The first (and only) North American monograph of the family was published by Osten Sacken in 1875 and 1878. Since that time the number of species has greatly increased and the difficulty of identifying specimens is relatively greater. Hine has published on the Tabanida? of Ohioi, while there are numerous short papers scattered through the literature. Fascicle 175 of "Genera Insectorum", by Dr. J. Surcouf, deals with this family but the treatment has been rather unfavorably criticized by other workers in the field. Several American students are now studying the family and excellent revisions of the nearctic species may be expected to appear in the near future. * Cameron. 1926, Bull. Ent. Res., xvii, pp. 1-42, 5 plates. t Marchand. 1920. Mon. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res., No. 13, w. 1-203, 15 plates. t Hine, 1903, Ohio State University Bulletin, Ser. 7, No. 19. 150 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tabanida? I. — 1, 2. 3, Goniops chrysochroma ; 4, Pityoccra, antenna; 5, Apafolcstes; 6, Lepiselaga crassipes; 7, Hamatopota punctulata ; S, Diachlorus; 9, Goniops chrysochroma, larva; 10, Chrysops; 11, 12, Tabanus, antenna; 13, Snowiellus. FAMILY TABANID.T: THE HORSE FLIES 151 KEY TO GENERA* 1. Himl tibiae with apical spurs, which may be quite small (Pangoniinae) 2 Hind tibite without apical spurs (Tabaninse) 15 2. Eyes with distinct pile 3 Eyes bare 9 3. First posterior cell open 4 First posterior cell closetl 5 4. Face not produced, at most slightly convex (Osca Walker) (22). Scaptia Walker Face much produced, snout-like Neopangonia Ad. Lutz 5. Fourth posterior cell closed (15, 20) Scione Walker Fourth posterior cell open 6 6. Third antennal segment furcate 7 Third antennal segment not branched 8 7. Third antennal segment branched. dorsally and ventrally (4). Pityocera Giglio-Tos Third antennal segment branched only dorsally Elaphella Bezzi 8. Cox« and femora slightly hairy Fidena Walker Coxae and femora densely covered with long pile (Erephopsis Rondani) (34, 35) Melpia Walker 9. First posterior cell closed; face merely convex, not snout-like; ocelli present; palpi long, sabre-shaped (25, 29) Esenbeckia Rondani First posterior cell open 10 10. Third antennal segment composed of at least seven annuli 11 Third antennal segment composed of not more than five annuli; pro- boscis short 13 11. Posterior border of eye acutely angulate in female; proboscis very short; fork of third longitudinal vein without appendix; wings brownish in front, hyaline behind (1, 2, 3, 9) Goniops Aldrich Eyes of female not acutely angulate above; wings not so marked.... 12 12. Proboscis but little longer than palpi; frons of female very wide below; fork of third longitudinal vein with appendix (5).. . . Apatolestes Williston Proboscis much longer than palpi; frons of female narrow and almost parallel-sided (31, 33) Buplex Austen 13. Second antennal segment only half as long as the first (16, 26). Silvius Meigen Second antennal segment much more than half as long as the first. ... 14 14. Abdomen inflated, much wider than thorax; fork of third longitudinal vein with long appendix Neochrysops Walton Abdomen normal, depressed, not much wider than thorax; fork of third longitudinal vein without appendix (10, 19) fChrysops Meigen * Checked by Dr. J. Bequaert. t Krober, li)26, Stett. Ent. Zeituns?, Ixxxvii, pp. 211-353, two plates; and, Neotropical. 1925, Konowia, iv, pp. 210-375, five plates. 152 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tabanida? 11.-14, Dichelacera analis; 15, Scione auiulans; 16, Silvius pollmosus : 17, Lepiselaga crassipes ; 18, Diachlorus ferrugatus : 19, Chrysops melsna ; 20, Scione aurulans; •>1 Lepisclaga crassipes; 22, Scaptia; 23. Stibasoma theotama panamensis ; 24 Dichelacera analis: 25, Esenbeckia prasiniventris ; 26, Silvius gigantulus ; 27, Tabanus albocirculus. FAMILY TABAXID.E THE HORSE FIJES 153 15. Third antennal segment with four annuli; frons of female wide; fork of third long-itudinal vein with appendix (7, 28) . . .Hjematopota Meigen Third antennal segment usually with five annuli; when with less the frons of female is narrow and the fork of third longitudinal vein bears no appendix 16 IG. Third antennal segment not at all or barely angulated above 17 Thiril antennal segment with distinct angle or process near the base above; ocelli rudimentary or absent 20 17. Ocelli present and of normal size; all tibige not or hardly swollen. Merycomyia Hine Ocelli absent; at least fore tibi« swollen 18 18. Fore tibiae swollen; mid and hind tibise normal; palpi swollen at base, pointed at apex (8, 18) Diachlorus Osten Sacken All tibite swollen, the fore pair most; palpi flat and broad 19 19. Third antennal segment broad and flat; subcallus divided by a median line Selasoma Macquart Third antennal segment narrow and slender; subcallus not divided medially (6, 17, 21 ) Lepiselaga Macquart Tabanidffi III. — 28, Haematopota punctulata; 29, Esenbeckia prasiniventris ; 30, Stibasoma fulvohirtuin ; 31, Buplex rasa; 32, Tabanus nervosus; 33, Biiplex rasa; 34, Melpia venosa; 3r>, Meipia. 154 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 20. Dorsal process of third antennal segment unusually long, extending to third annulus 21 Dorsal process moderately long or forming a tooth, sharp edge, or weak angle 22 21. Fore tibiae strongly swollen; hind tibias ciliate with long hairs (23, 30). Stibasoma Schiner Fore tibije not or hardly swollen; hind tibiae not ciliate (14, 24), Dichelacera Macquart 22. Subcallus strongly swollen; first antennal segment much enlarged.... 23 Subcallus normal; first antennal segment not or slightly enlarged (11, 12, 27, 32) Tabanus Linnsus 23. First antennal segment subglobular as well from above as from the sides; all tibiae strongly swollen Bolbodimyia Bigot First antennal segment much produced downward (in side view), but not widened seen from above; tibiae not or hardly swollen (13). Snowiellus Hine 155 Family Pantophthalmidse Pantophthalmus sp., natural size. Very large, usually broad, bristleless flies. Eyes large, contiguous above the antennae in the male; face rather short but often produced below into a distinct beak. Proboscis short, not adapted for piercing, with fleshy labella?; palpi three-segmented, the basal segment short; ocelli present. Antennae elongate, the third segment annulate and with a style-like apical section which may or may not be well differentiated. Squama? small. "VVings with two submarginal and five posterior cells, the fourth posterior cell and the anal cell closed. Tibia) without apical spurs; posterior femora usually with a strong spur on the under surface beyond the middle; empodia pad-like. The three genera placed in this family are closely related and there has always been much doubt concerning the validity of RJiapJiiorhjjn- cJius which is undoubtedly but poorly separated from Panfo})]if]i((]mus {AcantJiomera Wiedemann). The genus Atoponniia Austen contains one species which is readily recognized by its slender, Mydns-like form. Austen* has revised the family ])ut does not present keys to the species. Tlie Panto])hthalmida' occur only in the American trojucs. The larvjE bore in solid wood (often in living trees) and the rasping sound made bv them may be audible for a distance of several feet. * 1923, Proe. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 551-598. 156 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA Pantophthalmus species. 1. Abdomen not or scarcely more than twice as long as wide, short and broad 2 Abdomen three times as long as wide, long and narrow; Mydas-like species Atopomyia Austen 2, Third palpal segment almost always cylindrical, even when somewhat swollen and more or less pointed below, usually obtuse apically; facial beak, if present and fairly long, strongly tapering and the ventral spur on the posterior femora greatly reduced or almost absent. Pantophthalmus Thunberg Third palpal segment broadened and laterally compressed, especially in the female, pointed below; face with a long, narrow beak and the posterior femora with a strong ventral spur. Rhaphiorhynchus Wiedemann 157 Family Rhagionidee — The Snipe Flies Rhagio mystacea. Small to medium sized, nearly bare or thinly pilose flies. Face very strongly receding, the middle convex but lying much below the level of the eyes in profile; males holo])tic or the eyes very narrowly separated. AntennfB composed of three segments, the third bearing a terminal or dorsal arista or rather slender style. Scutel- luni unarmed. Legs long; empodium developed pulvilliform (but slightly developed in Ililarimorpha) . Wing venation strong; four or five posterior cells, tlie discal cell absent only in HiJarimorpha. Abdo- men long aiul usually tapering. Tiie Snipe Flies are common in woods, especially near moist places and may be found on foliage, in long grass and on tree trunks. They are predaceous in both the adult and larval stages. Leonard* has revised the Nearctic species. There has been much confusion in regard to the limits of this family, those genera which I have placed in the Coenomyiidge being in- cluded by Williston. Hxlarimorpha has been placed in the Empidsp, and Bombyliida^ but from its general structure I feel certain that it belongs here, despite the poorly developed empodium. The shape of the face excludes it from both families mentioned and the wing vena- tion cannot be considered of prime imi)ortance. * 1930. Mem. Amer. Ent. Soc. No. 7. 158 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA RhagionidiB I. — 1, Vermileo; 2. Rhagio punctipennis; 3. Vermileo; 4, Syinphoromyia pleuralis; 5, Ptiolina majuscula; 6, Chrysopilus cjuadratus; 7, Dialysis elongata. FAMILY RHAGIOXID.E THE SNIPE FLIES 159 KEY TO GENERA Anterior tibiae without terminal spur 4 Anterior tibiae with one or two terminal spurs 2 Antenna? with a long terminal arista or style which is very much longer than the antenna proper (1); alula present or absent.... 3 Antennae with a short, thick terminal style; alula present. Bolbomyia Lcew Alula present; scutellum haired; males holoptic (7, 14) (Triptotricha Lcew) Dialysis Walker Alula absent; scutellum bare; males dichoptic (1, 3) (Pheneus Walker). Vermileo Macquart Discal cell present; five posterior cells 5 Discal cell absent; four posterior cells (11) Hilarimorpha Schiner _ Rhagionidas II. — 8. Atherix variegatus ; 9,- Ptiolina majuscula; 10, Rhagrio incisus; 11, Hilarimorpha; 12, Symphoromyia; 18, Atherix variegtaus; 14, Dialysis elongata; 15, Chrysopilus. 160 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 5. Third antennal segment round, oval or conical 7 Third antennal segment kidney-shaped, with dorsal or subdorsal arista. 6 6. Posterior tibiae with two teiTninal spurs (8, 13) Atherix Meigea Posterior tibiae with one terminal spur (4, 12). .Symphoromyia Fi*auenfeld 7. Posterior tibiae with one terminal spur 8 Posterior tibiae with two terminal spurs (2, 10) Rhagio Fabricius 8. Antennae bearing a terminal style 9 Antennae with a long, slender terminal arista which is decidedly longer than the basal three segments combined (6, 15) . .*Chrysopilus Macquart 9. Style situated near the middle of the third antennal segment (5, 9). fPtiolina Zetterstedt Style situated at the lower end of the third antennal segment. Spania Meigen. * Curran, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 462 (Tropical). t Curran, 1931, Can. Ent., Ixiii, p. 249. 16] Family Scenopinidae — The Window Flies ^is^' Pseudatrichia lonsurio, dorsal and lateral view, and Scenopinus fenestrali;^ (right), dorsal view. Flies of moderate or small size, usually blackish in color. Front Jiot excavated; face bare, short and broad: ocelli present; males usually holoptic; proboscis concealed; palpi cylindrical, bristly at the apex. Antenna^ approximated at the base, the basal two seg- ments short, the third elongate, simple, without style or arista. Thorax rather long, moderately convex above, the liead situated low on the thorax; scutellum broad and short, convex apically and unarmed. Abdomen flattened or cylindrical, composed of seven segments. Legs sliort; empodia absent. Wing venation simple, the third vein branched; apical cell open or closed; basal cells long, the first much longer than the second. The adults, witli the exception of Scenopinus fcnestralis Linnaeus, are not common in collections. The larva^ liave lieen recorded as living in decaying fungi and wood and under carpets. S. fenestralis is some- times common on windows and is said to live upon carpet beetle larvtp, being predaceous. The common name of tlie family is derived from the W'indow-frequenting liabit. Some authors have used tlie name Omphvdlc ^Meigen instead of Scenopinus Tjatreille, 1iut T do not recognize IMeigen's "1800" names. The family has been treated liy Krober in (Jenera Insectorum* and keys to the species are given. » Fascicle 161, 1914. 162 NORTH AMERICAN* DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA 1. Antennas longer than the width of the head (Brazil) . .Cerocatus Rondani Antennae at most half as long as the width of the head 2 2. Apical cell closed and petiolate 3 Apical cell open (1, 2) Scenopinus Latreille 3. Body with metallic scales (3, 4) Metatrichia Coquillett Body without metallic scales (5) Pseudatrichia Osten Sacken Scenopinidae. — 1, 2, Scenopinus fencstralis; 3, 4, Metatrichia: 5, Pseudatrichia. 163 Family Mydaidse — The Mydas Flies Nemomydas pantherinus. Large to very large, thinly haired or nearly bare, elongated flies. Venation complieated, the basal cells long, the fourth vein always ending at or before the tip of the wing. Antenna? composed of four segments, the fourth always elongate. Both sexes dichoptic, the front excavated between the eyes; ocelli, except the anterior one, absent. Proboscis with fleshy labellte, or rudimentary; palpi usually absent or extremely small, rarely long and slender. Empodia not developed pulvilliform. The Mydas flies are easily recognized by the shape of the head, four-segmented antennae and peculiar venation. The majority of the species are tropical in distribution and it is probable that the larvae of all live in decaying w'ood. The generic limits in the family are but poorly understood and only an abundance of material will enable one to properly limit the genera. Johnson* has dealt with the Nearctic forms, while papers by Bezzif and Seguy| must receive attention in any attempt to deal with the family. * Johnson. 1926, Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., xxxviii, pp. 131-145. t Bezzi, 1924, Ann. S. Afr. Mus., xix, pp. 191-234. t Seguy, 1928, Encycl. Ent., Diptera, iv, pp. 129-156. 164 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Mydiadae. FAMILY IMYDAID.K — THE MVDAS FLIES 165 KEY TO GENERA 1. Posterior tibise ending in a spur (5, 8) 2 Posterior tibiae without spur (6) 5 2. Spur of the posterior tibise longer than the width of the first tarsal segment, giving the tibiae an arcuate appearance, the terminal bristle shorter than the spur; antennas (always?) similar in both sexes.... 3 Spur small and straight, shorter than the tarsal thickness or the ter- minal bristle; antenna? differing in the two sexes; palpi absent (1, 2, 3, 5. 7) Phyllomydas Bigot 3. Palpi wholly absent or represented by a bulbous swelling (8. 10; see colored plate) Mydas Fabricius Palpi well developed, slender and sometimes half as long as the proboscis 4 4. Posterior femora rather strongly swollen; posterior trochanters with- out bristles (13) *Lampromydas Seguy Posterior femora not swollen; posterior trochanters bearing short, stout bristles (4, 12) tOpomydas, n. g. 5. No vein reaching the posterior border between the anal cell and tip of the Vv'ing 6 A vein (the fifth) extends to the wing margin (4, 12). . . .tOpomydas, n. g. 6. Proboscis extending well beyond the oral opening (6, 11). JNomoneura Bezzi Proboscis small, not extending beyond the oral opening (9). tNemomydas, n. g. * Lampromydas was based on sjieciniens in which there if no vein extendinp to the wing margin oetween the anal vein and the tip of the wing but the character is not generic in this case. Of two specimens of (Mydas) luteipennis Loew. one has a vein in one wing while the other specimen has none. This species and maculivcntris Westwood, as well as two un- identified species before me, belong to Lampromydas unless the genotype of Lampromydas lacks palpi. T Ectyphus Gerst»cker is not known from North America but apparently occurs in South America. The three described North American species belong to Opomydas of which E. limbatus Williston is the genotype. J Leptomydas Gerstsecker is not known from America. The genus is distinguished by the hairy pleura, both the above genera having pile only on the pteropleura and supraspiracular convexities. The genotype of Nemomydas is Leptomydas pantherinns Gerstaecker. Mydaidje.— 1. Phyllomydas phyllocerus, $ ; 2, Phyllomydas phyllocerus, S genitalia from below; 3, Phyllomydas phyllocerus; r" : 4, Opomydas limbatus; ",, Phyllomydas phyllocerus, hind leg: 6. Nomoneura, hind leg: 7, Phyllomydas phyllocerus; N, Mydas clavatus, hind leg; 9, Nemomydas panthcrimus ; Ui, Mydas cl.Tvatus ; 11, Nomoneura pananiensis ; 12, Opomydas townsendi, hind leg; 13, Lampromydas maeuliventris. 166 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Asilidae I. — 1, Leptogaster ; 2, Leptogaster, antenna; 3, Leptogaster, end of tarsus: 4, Damalis, antenna; 5, Dicranus, claw; 6, Sclcropegon, antenna; 7, Micros tylum galactoides; 8, Psilocurus, antenna; 9, Laphystia, antenna; 10, Ceraturgus cruciatus; 11, Myelaphus mclas ; 12, Dioctria, antenna; 13, Blepharepiuni coarctatuin, claw; 14, Diogmites winthemia ; 15, Diogmites, antenna; 16, Lestomyia fraudigeia; 17. Taracticus, end of tibia: IS, Taracticus, antenna; 19, Buckellia, antenna; 20, Nieocles rufus; 21, Pseudorus, tibial spur; 22, Atomosia puella ; 23, Pogonosoma dorsata; 24, Dasylechia atiox; 25, Bombomima, antenna; 26, Laphria, Lampria; 27, Oniniatius, antenna; 28, Eecritosia ; 29, Mallophora, claw; 30. Promachus; 31, Promachus, claws ; 32, Promachus, antenna. 167 Family Asilidae — The Assassin Flies Species of moderate to large size, rarely small, usually rather elongate in form, often thickly hairy and always with bristles, entirely predaceous in habit. Head flattened, broad and short, separated from the thorax by a neck (the prothorax) and freely movable. Front excavated above, usually broad in both sexes, rarely narrow. Ocelli present, usually situated upon a rounded tubercle; front with bristles. Antenna! por- rect, usually composed of three simple segments, the third more or less elongate and with or without a terminal style or arista, the latter very rarely pectinate, the style rarely strongly thickened and forming one or two additional segments. Proboscis of moderate length, horny and adapted for piercing, directed downward or forward; labellse never fleshy; palpi composed of two segments, the basal one often small and not freely articulated with the second. Thorax variable in shape, con- vex, usually bearing bristles. Abdomen composed of eight segments, the liypopygium and ovipositor usually prominent. Legs strong, usually bristly, of moderate length, the femora often, the posterior tibire some- times thickened, the legs sometimes very long and rather slender; empodium present or absent; the puvilli rarely absent or greatly re- duced. Wings lying parallel over the abdomen when at rest; basal cells long; two or three submarginal cells, five posterior cells (four in a very few genera) ; first and fourth posterior cells and the anal cell either open or closed. The members of this family have usually been termed "Robber Flies'' but I adopt ''Assassin Flies" as much more suitable as a com- mon name. All the Asilidse are predaceous in the adult and probably in the larval stages. The adults are found everywhere but many groups of genera are restricted in habitat. Some will be found in clearings in and around tbe edges of woods, some on sand near water, others in open fields or on fallen trees or fenceposts. Some of the species are found almost entirely on tree trunks w'hile others sit on the tips of dead branches of trees or the tops of dead weeds. The species of Leptogaster prefer long grass, particularly in moist places. Sandy beaches will usually yield a few species. The species of Laphria and Bomhonmna will usually be found resting upon leaves in the sun in or at the edges of woods while the genera related to Asihia mostly frequent open fields. 168 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Asilidse II. — 31, Psilocurus caudatus; 35, Leptopteromyia gracilis (Brazil) : 36, Holco- cephala, head from in front, 37, Scleropogon tur(|uii; 38, Archilestris magnificus ; 39, Chry- soceria picitarsis; 40, Dizonias ; 41, Pseudoius bicolor; 42, Atonia mikii; 43, Atomosia mac- ((uartii, antenna ; 44, Cerotainia, antenna ; 4!), Lanipiia, hind leg ; 46, Andrenosoma. FAMILY ASILID.K — TIIK ASSASSIN FLIES 169 Many of the Asilids resemble bees and are quite powerful. Tliey devour insects of all kinds, catehinii' them (hiring flight, and bees form the princi])al article of diet of some species although the variety of food is usually limited only by the intended victim's ability to escape. The prey is pierced by the powerful proboscis and the juices sucked out, the digestion taking place by the injection into the victim of a powerful "enzyme" which breaks down the muscular tissue. The col- lector should be careful in handling the larger species as they not infrequently bite, resulting in a painful, if not serious, wound. The family is a large and popular one and includes many fine species. For the most part the classification is simple but in some genera it is difficult to separate the species by means of the available literature. There has been no monograph of the Nearetic species although Back* has dealt with about half the family. However, since the appearance of his contribution very many additional species have been described. Otherwise the literature is scattered although not diffi- cult to obtain. In tlie key will be found many references to keys to species which should ])rove very lielpful in tracing out the species. I have not fol- lowed the practice of recognizing subfamilies as the characters previ- ously used obviously separate related genera and some genera are difficult to place where the system is followed. For Cuban species see Bromley "The Asilicte of Cuba,'' (Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., xxii, pp. 272-294) ; also Texas AsilidtT by the same author. f KEY TO GENERA 1. Anterior tibiae with a terminal, sharply curved, ventral spur 2 Anterior tibiae with only straight or gently curving apical bristles. ... 17 2. Marginal cell closed and petiolate (121) 3 Marginal cell open 4 3. Face bare except for a very few hairs on the oral margin (121, 122). Doryclus Jaennicke Face with strong hairs and many on the oral margin (21, 41). Pseudorus Walker 4. Middle of mesonotum raised and bearing a crest of long, dense hairs (50, 86) JComantella Curran Mesonotum never with crest of dense hair 5 5. Antennae with distinct, two-segmented apical style 13 Antennae either with a short, broad, one-segmented style bearing a spine in the depression, without style, or excised and bearing a spine above 6 * 1909, Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc. xxxv, pp. 137-400, plates IT-XII. t Bromley, 1934, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., xxvii, pp. 74-114. J Curran, 1926. Can. Ent., Iviii, p. 311. 170 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Asilida; III. — 47, Pilica sp. (Panama); 4S, Atomosia tibialis, liead from in front; 49. Neopogon; 50, Coinantella fallei ; 51. Cerdistus dolichomerus ; 5:^ Callinicus calanus; 53, Senoprosopis (Panama); 54. Hodophylax aridiss ; 55, Panamasilus xylota; 56, Plesioma; 57, Heleiopogon macerinus; 58, Lastaurus. FAMILY ASILID/E THE ASSASSIN FLEES 171 6. Third antennal segment with an apical depression or style in which is inserted a small short spine 8 Third antennal segment excised above beyond the middle and bearing a short spine 7 7. Pulvilli present and large (17, 18, 71, 142) 'Taracticus La'W Pulvilli absent Parataracticus Cole 8. Posterior pulvilli not more than one-third as long as the claws, (13, 96, 123) Blepharepium Rondani Posterior pulvilli more than half as long as the claws 9 9. Abdomen thickly pilose, at least laterally 10 Abdomen almost bare 11 10. Face convex, pilose on lower two-thirds (Brazil) Lastaurina, n. g. Face flat above, pilose on less than lower half (58, 95) . . Lastaurus Loew 11. Fourth posterior cell closed and petiolate at apex 12 Fourth posterior cell open or closed in the wing margin (88, 102). tSaropogon Law 12. Abdomen clavate; scutellum without bristles (138, 153) Senobasis Macquart Abdomen not clavate; scutellum with bristles (14, 15, 150). Diogmites Lcew 13. Face gibbous in the middle, leaving a flattened space immediately below the antennje (16, 94) JLestomyia Williston Face evenly convex or prominent below 14 14. The dense mystax occupies the lower half of the face (81, 87). Aphamartania Schiner The dense mystax is limited to the lowest fourth 15 15. Scutellum without bristles or hair Cophura Osten Sacken Scutellum w-ith bristles or hair 16 16. Scutellum with fine hair on the disc (20, 97) Nicocles Jannicke Scutellum with bristles only (19, 83, 98) §BiickeIlia Curran 17. Marginal cell open or closed in the costa 18 Marginal cell closed and petiolate 59 18. Pulvilli vestigial or wanting 19 Pulvilli normal, the posterior pair sometimes shortened 25 19. Third antennal segment with a terminal arista or arista-like style, very slender species 22 Third antennal segment with or without terminal style, if stylate the abdomen robust 20 20. Claws very long and with an elongated tooth at the base of each claw ( 5 ) Dicranus Lcew Claws normal 21 * Curran, 193n. Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 425, p. 4. t Curran, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 487, p. 1. } Curran, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 487, p. 3. § Curran, 1931, (Cophura), Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 487, p. 5; Melander, 1923, (Cophura), Psyche, y.xx, p. 208 (includes Cophura). 172 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Asilida? IV.— 59, Neoitamus flavofemoratus; 60, Ommatius; fil, Lampiia inexicana; 62, Pogonosoina melanoptera; 63, Mallophorina clausicella ; 64, Negasilns belli; 6.'), Proctacanthus inicans; 66, Atractia dispar; 67. Mallophora orcina; 6S, Pachychoeta copulata; 69, Machitnus occidentalis; 70, Erax (Panama) : 71, Taracticus octopunctatus. FAMILY ASILID.E — THE ASSASSIN FLEES 173 21. Face wholly thickly pilose Ablautus Lcew Mystax limited to the lowest fourth of the face, the face sparsely "haired above (54, 100) Hodophylax James 22. Anal cell absent, the wings extremely narrow at the base (140). Eurhabdus Aldrich Anal, cell present 23 23. Mesonotum without dorsocentrals in front of the middle 24 Mesonotum with a pair of dorsocentrals in front of the middle. Schildia Aldrich 24. Empodia entirely absent (147) Psilonyx Aldrich Empodia present, about half as long as the claws (1, 2, 3, 148, 149). Leptogaster Meigen 25. Antennae with a slender terminal arista (4, 89) *Damalis Fabricius Antennse with or without a terminal style 26 26. Only four posterior cells (93) Townsendia Williston Five posterior cells 27 27. Head slightly higher than broad; face nai'row above, swollen and broadened below 28 Head obviously broader than high 30 28. Antennas with a terminal style 29 Antennae without visible style; fourth posterior cell closed before the border of the wing (118) Ospriocerus Lcew 29. Metapleura bare (6, 37, 130) fStenopogon Lcew Metapleura with hair or bristles (6, 37, 130) fScleropogon Loev/ 30. Antennas apparently five segmented, the segments of the style simu- lating antennal segments 31 Antennal style usually strongly differentiated from the third antennal segment, absent, or the fifth segment longer than the second 33 31. Third and fourth antennal segments very deeply emarginate apically (11) Myelaphus Bigot Third and fourth segments not concave apically 32 32. Fifth antennal segment not longer than the second (103). Ceraturgopsis Johnson Fifth antennal segment about as long as the third (10, 132). Ceraturgus Wiedemann 33. Fourth posterior cell closed 34 Fourth posterior cell open, rarely almost closed 40 34. Face haired above the mystax 36 Face bare except along the oral margin 3o 35. Metanotal callosities bare (38, 136) Archilestris Lcew Metanotal callosities with hair or short bristles (7, 101) Microstylum Macquart 36. First posterior cell closed and long petiolate (109) Triclis Lcew First posterior cell open or closed in the wing margin 37 * Curran, 1930. Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 425, p. 5. t Bromley, 1931, Amer. Ent. Soc. Amer., xxiv, pp. 427-4?8. 174 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA A.silid:e V. — 72, Eumecosoma shropshirei ; 73, Laphystia sexfasciata ; 74, Dioctria baum- haiieri ; 75, Dicolonus simplex; 76, Metapogon ; 77, Cerotainia propimiua ; 7S, Holopogon guttula; 79, Psilocurus birdi; SO, Boinbomima flavicollis; 81. Aphamartania; 82, Bathropsis basalis; 83, Buckellia stylosa; 84, Laisopogon opaculus ; 85, Echthodopa. FAMILY ASILID.i: THE ASSASSIN FLIES 175 37. Antennas without distinct style 38 Antennae with the style short and broad, two-segmented, easily dis- tinguishable (9, 73, 92) JLaphystia Lcew 38. Anterior femora on the basal half of the under side with a large patch of dense, very short bristles Sphageus Lcew Anterior femora without such bristles 39 39. Third antennal segment very much longer than the basal two combined (40, 124) Di/onias Lcew Third antennal segment not or scarcely longer than the basal two combined, elongate oval, swollen (8, 34, 79) *Psilocurus Lcew 40. Antennal style as broad as the third antennal segment and simulating a segment, sometimes closely appressed and not easily differentiated. 41 Antennal style narrower than the third segment or absent 44 41. Lateral slopes of the metanotum bare 42 Lateral slopes of the metanotum with pile (75, 91) Dicoloiius Lcew 42. Face bare except below 43 Face haired between mystax and antennae (103) . . . .Ceraturgopsis Johnson 43. Posterior femora with very short, stout bi'istles below on the apical half ( 85 ) Ecthodopa Lcew Posterior femora without short, stout bristles below, but with short, erect pile on the whole length (12, 74, 90) fDioctria Meigen 44. Front narrowed posteriorly 45 Front not narrowed posteriorly 46 45. Ocelli situated far forward on the front (56, 133) Plesioma Macquart Ocelli situated near the vertex Dolichodes Macquart 46. Face bare except on the oral margin (cf. Holcocephala) 47 Face with hair between the mystax and antennae, or evenly haired. ... 49 47. Third antennal segment swollen, about twice as wide as the second. Willistonina Back Third antennal segment elongate, more or less tapering from the base or only slightly wider than the second 48 48. Third antennal segment elongate, longer than the basal two combined (49) Neopogon Bezzi Third antennal segment oval, not as long as the basal two combined. Lissoteles Bezzi 49. Head very wide, the face with a deep, transverse groove above the oral margin and with only two to six hairs above the mystax (36, 141). Holcocephala Jaennicke Head narrower, the face without the transverse depression 50 50. Mesonotum with the dorsocentral bristles strong and extending in front of the suture, if rather weak anteriorly there are no acrostical hairs 51 Dorsocentrals absent or not strongly differentiated; mesonotum hairy, the acrostical hair always present 52 * Curran, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 487, p. 8. t Melander, 1923, Psyche, xxx, p. 212. 176 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Asilidas VI. — 86, Comantella fallei; 87. Aphainartania murina; 88, Saropogon luteus; 89, Damalis ; 90, Dioctria baumhaueri ; 91, Dicolonus simplex; 92, La.phystia sexfasciata; 93, Townsendia argyrata; 94, Lestomyia sabulonum ; 95, Lastauius; 96, Blepharepium secabilis; 97, Nicocles politus ; 98, Buckellia poliinoi-a ; 99, Lasiopogon tetragraminus; 100, Hodophylax aridus; 101, Microstyluin galactoides ; lOJ, Saropogon birdi; 103, Ceraturgopsis coinutus. FAMILY ASILID.E THE ASSASSIN FLIES 177 51. No acrostical hairs (76, 112) *Metapojton Coquillett Acrostical hairs present, usually abundant but short (84, 99). fLasioposon Lcew 52. Mesonotum with the hair appressed and usually with distinct, sub- appressed dorsocentral bristles posteriorly 53 Mesonotal hair erect, the bristles, if present, very fine and erect 5G 53. No trace of dorsocentral bristles (type Lasiopogon terricola Johnson) (84, 99) Alexiopogon, n. g. Distinct, though weak dorsocentrals posteriorly 54 54. Abdomen elongate, more or less narrowed basally in the males 55 Abdomen short and broad, rather strongly tapering in both sexes; hair rather abundant but short Pycnopogon Lcew 55. Disc of scutellum with hairs toward either side (52, 126). .Callinicus Lcew Scutellum with marginal bristles and hairs only (39). Chrysoceria Williston 56. Face decidedly gibbous, the swelling clearly limited above 57 Face flat or evenly, gently convex 58 57. The third vein branches before the apex of the discal cell; style long (129, 151) JEucyrtopogon Curran The third vein branches conspicuously beyond the apex of the discal cell; style short (128, 152) §Cyrtopogon Lcew 58. Posterior tibiae strongly swollen, about twice as large as the anterior ones (78, 143) Holopogon Lcew Posterior tibiag not enlarged (57. 127) Heteropogon Lcew 59. Antennae with a terminal arista 77 Antennae with or without a terminal style which is never bristle-like . . 60 60. Wing with only two submarginal cells 61 Wing with three submarginal cells (23, 62) Pogonosoma Rondani 61. Third antennal segment with an apical style, which is rarely difficult to discern 62 Third antennal segment without style 66 62. Third antennal segment excised and bearing a very short bristle be- yond the middle on the upper side, the style slender (66, 108). Atractia Macquart Third antennal segment not excised above 63 63. Face with strong, isolated bristles and short, fine hair 65 Face with soft hair, which may be long and contain some coarse ones. . 64 64. Face perpendicular, more prominent above or almost evenly convex; mesonotum not with dense, long yellow pile (9, 73, 92). ^Laphystia Lcew Face most prominent below the middle, strongly convex; mesonotum with dense, long yellow pile (24) Dasylechia Williston * Melander, 1923, Psyche, xxx, p. 210. t Melander, 1923, Psyche, xxx, p. 136. t Curran, 1923, Can. Ent. Iv, p. 95. § Curran, 1923, Can. Ent. Iv, p. 123 ; Melander, 1923, Psyche, xxx, p. 102. i Curran, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 487, p. 11. 178 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Asilidie VII —104, Proctacanthella cacopilogus ; 105, Mallophorina laphroides ; 106, Neeasilus belli: 107, Protichisma albibarbis ; lOS, Atractia dispar; 109. Triciis tagax; 110, Atonia (n sp. BraziH ; 111, Eccritosia barbata : 112, Metapogon ; 113. Hehgmoneura; 114, Philonicus albiceps; 115, Proctacanthella cacopilogus; 116, Asilus sericeus; 117, Proctacanthella cacopilogus: lis. Ospriocerus abdoininalis ; 119, Heligmoneura rubicunda; 120, fuscus: 121, Doryclus distendens. Philonicus FAMILY ASILID.E THE ASSASSIN FLIES 179 65. First antennal segment less than twice as long as the second; style strongly differentiated (42, 110) Atonia Williston First antennal segment more than three times as long as the second; style poorly differentiated (82, 145) Bathropsis Hermann 66. Third antennal segment at least three times as long as the basal two combined Aphestia Schiner Third antennal segment not more than twice as long as the first two combined 67 67. Metanotal slopes or callosities bearing pile or short, stout bristles.... 68 Metanotal callosities without pile or bristles 73 68. Mesonotum evenly clothed with dense pile, most of which is yellow, some erect and some appressed; no bare areas outside the dorso- central area; large species (25, 80) *Bombomima Entlerlein Mesonotum without dense hair concealing the ground color 69 69. Front at least slightly widening above, never narrowed 70 Front narrowed above (22, 43, 48) fAtomosia Macquart 70. First antennal segment at least three times as long as the second.... 71 First antennal segment not twice as long as the second 72 71. Seventh abdominal segment elongate (107) Protichisma Hermann Seventh abdominal segment short, three or four times as wide as long, or apparently absent (44, 77, 146) JCerotainia Schiner 72. Face strongly gibbous below and with i-ather abundant hair above (47) Pilica Curran Face weakly gibbous below and with only a row of hairs on either side (72, 144) §Eumecosoma Schiner 73. Face with a strong swelling occupying the lower half, most prominent in the middle 75 Face very gently convex or concave and most prominent just above the oral margin 74 74. Scutellum with long marginal bristles; large, elongate species (55). Panamasilus Curran Scutellum with extremely short, upturned marginal hair; smaller, robust species (135) Cerotainiops Curran 75. Proboscis laterally compressed 76 Proboscis dorsoventrally compressed (46) TIAndrenosoma Rondani 76. Metasternum with long hairs (26, 45, 61) Lampria Macquart Metasternum bare (26) |;Laphria Meigen 77. Ai'ista pectinate below (27, 60) °Ommatius Wiedemann Ai'ista not pectinate 78 * This name replaces Dasyllis, a strictly South American genus. Unless the presence of metanotal hairs is a valid character the genus does not differ from Laphria. For key see Banks, 1917 (Dasyllis) Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. xii, p. 52. t Curran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 425, p. 15. t Curran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 425, p. 11. § Curran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 425, p. 8. Ti Curran, 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 487, p. 19. !I McAtee, 1918. Ohio Journ. Sci., xix, p. i43. ° Curran, 1928, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 327. 180 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 129 AsilidJE VIII.— 122. Doryclus (n. sp.) ; 123. Blepharepiuni secabilis ; 124, Dizonias lucasi I'^S Erax aliomalus: 126. Callinicus calanus : 127. Heteropogon sp. ;Utah) : 12S. Cyitopogon crutistvlus- "°!r Eucyrtopogon: ISO. Scleropogon ; 131. Neopogon ; 132 Ce.aturgus m PlesToma lineatari34 Prom:.china nimius : 135, Ce.otainiops ; 136. Arch.lestns magn.ncus: 13?; Senoprosopis; 13S, Senobasis mendax ; 139, Proclacanlhus micans. FAMILY ASILID.^ — THE ASSASSIN FLIES 181 78. Third antennal segment long", with a bristle-bearing excision above (66, 108) Atractia Macquart Third antennal segment usually short, never with a bristle-bearing concavity above 79 79. Slopes or lateral swellings of the metanotum pilose 92 Slopes or lateral swellings of the metanotum bare 80 80. Third antennal segment very long and narrow, tapering, with a short, thick arista; face very narrow (53, 137) Senoprosopis Macquart Third antennal segment short, with long arista; face not unusually narrow 81 81. Claws acute apically 84 Claws obtuse apically, thick almost to the apex 82 82. Front and face wide; space between antennae and posterior ocelli strongly transverse 83 Front and face narrow; space between the antennse and posterior ocelli as great as the width or practically so (134) Promachina Bromley 83. Face evenly, gently convex, evenly pilose, the oral margin with bristles (63, 10.5) *Mallophorina, n. g. Face more or less strongly gibbous below, not uniformly pilose (29, 67). fMallophora Macquart 84. Third antennal segment strikingly haired above Anarmostus Lcew Third antennal segment bare or with only a few short hairs above. ... 85 85. Three submarginal cells 86 Two submarginal cells 87 86. The crossvein separating the second and third submarginal cells is situated well beyond the apex of the discal cell (30, 31, 32). Promachus Lcew This crossvein is situated well before the apex of the discal cell (70, 125) JErax Scopoli 87. The posterior branch of the third vein meets the costa before the apex of the wing 88 The posterior branch of the third vein reaches the wing margin behind the apex of the wing 90 88. The ? ovipositor ends in a circlet of spines; abdomen of males longer than the wings (65, 139) Proctacanthus Macquart The ? ovipositor is laterally compressed or bears many short spines above; wings reaching beyond the tip of the abdomen in males.... 89 89. Female ovipositor with many short, stout spines above; upper ocelli situated on the front slopes of the ocellar swelling (28, 111). Eccritosia Schiner Female ovipositor laterally compressed; upper ocelli on the top of the ocellar swelling (70, 125) JErax Scopoli * See page 183. Key, Cuiran, 1931, (Mallophora). Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 487, p. 21. t Curran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 415, p. 12. J Hine, 1919, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., xii. pp. 103-154. 182 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Asilida IX. — 140, Eurhabdus zephyrea; 141, Holcocephala calva ; 142 Taracticus octo- punetaliis; 143, Holopogon guttula; 114, Eumecosoina gibbus ; 145, Bathropsis basalis ; 146, Cerotainia propinqua; 147, Psilonyx, front tarsal claws; 148, Leptogaster, front tarsal claws; 149, Leptogaster; 150, Deromyia litoralis ; 151, Eucyrtopogon varipeniiis; 152, Cyrtopogon willistoni ; 153 Senobasis analis. FAMILY ASILID.E — THE ASSASSIN FLIES 183 90. Face with a strong- gibbosity occupying- the lower half or more (70, 125) *Erax Scopoli Face only weakly gibbous 91 91. Mystax dense, extending- to above the middle of the face (104, 115, 117). Proctacanthella Bromley Mystax sparse, composed of bristles (68) Pachychoeta Bigot 92. Abdomen without bristles 93 Abdomen with bristles laterally before the segmental apices 96 93. Facial gibbosity shining black Rhadiurgus Loew Facial gibbosity pollinose, weakly developed 94 94. Scutellum with at least two bristles 95 Scutellum without bristles (64, 106) Negasilus, n. g. 95. Mystax composed of bristles only (116) fAsilus Linnaeus Mystax composed mostly of very fine hair Antiphrisson Lcew 96. Occipital cilia abundant, rather long and curved at almost right angle at or near the apical third (59) fNeoitamus Osten Sacken Occipital cilia shorter and stouter, not strongly curved 97 97. Facial gibbosity strongly developed and reaching at least to slightly above the middle of the face (Tolmerus Lcew) (69) . . . .fMachimus Loew Facial gibbosity weakly developed, not extending above the lower third of the face 98 98. Dorsocentrals extending in front of the suture (51) ft'erdistus Lcew Dorsocentrals not extending in front of the suture 99 99. Female ovipositor armed at the apex with four or six stout, short bristles; forceps of male genitalia strongly curved and leaving a large open space on the apical half (114, 120) fPhilonicus Lcew Female ovipositor without bristles; male genitalia compact, never leaving a large open space from dorsal view (113, 119). fHeligmoneura Bigot Alexiopogon, new genus Distinguished from Lasiopofjon Loew by the absence of dorsoeentral bristles. The figures of Lasiopogon will serve also for this genus. Geno- type : — Lasiopogon terricoJa Johnson. Mallophorina, new genus Claws ro])ust, ol)tuse apieally; marginal cell closed and petiolate, the first posterior cell open or closed; antennjE with long, terminal arista- like style; face evenly gently convex or almost flat, and with almost uni- form hair; front and face wide; body rather thickly pilose. Genotype, * Mine, 1919, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. xii. pp. \0^-irA. t Hine, 1909, (Asilus), Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.. ii, pp. 136-170. 184 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA — Mallophora guildiana Williston. Species included : laphroides Wiedemann, clausicella Macquart, acra Curran, all previously placed in Mallophora. Negasllus, new genus Related to Asilus Linnaeus but at once distinguished by the absence of scutellar bristles. Artista short and style-like; face moderately con- vex on the lower half, the mystax composed of bristles only; occipital bristles straight; four pairs of dorsocentrals on the posterior half of the mesonotum; mesonotal hair all short and appressed; abdomen elongate and without bristles on the second and following segments. Genotype : — N. belli, n. sp. N. belli is black, cinerous-yellowish pollinose, the male genitalia, apices of the femora and the tibia reddish. 185 Family Therevidae— The Stilleto Flies Thereva species. Flies of moderate size, more or less bristly and often pilose, witli predaceous habits. Front not excavated, the eyes of the males usually holoptic or nearly so; proboscis projecting, the labellas broad; palpi two-seg- mented; ocelli present. Antenna? with three segments and usually a sharp terminal style. Abdomen elongate, the genitalia small but ex- posed, the ovipositor with a circlet of spines. Legs with bristles; empodia absent; pulvilli usually present. Third vein furcate; five posterior cells, the fourth sometimes closed; anal cell closed toward the margin of the wing or narrowly open. The adults are found in various places but are most al)undant in dry areas, such as meadows, pastures and along sandy beaches. They often occur in considerable numbers in burnt-over areas and arc always most abundant during hot weather. Cole* has revised the family and given keys to the North American species. A number of species have been described during recent years but most of the species will be found in Cole's paper. The larvae are not well known but are all believed to be predaceous and they may prove to be of considerable importance in the control of certain insects. 1923. Proc. U. S. N. M., Ixii, Art. 4. pp. 1-140. 186 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Therevidse I. — 1, Tabuda ; 2, Psilocephala ; 3, Psilocephala, antenna; 4, Chromolepida bella, antenna; 5, Chrmoinolepida bella, head from above: 6, Metaphragma planiceps; 7, Tabuda fulvipes; 8, Thereva melaneura; 9, Epomyia sumichrasti. FAMILY THEREVID.E THE STILLETO FLIES 187 Therevidse II. — 10, 11, 12. Pheroccra signatif rons ; 1.3, 14, Henicoinyia hubbardi ; In, 16, Nebritus pellucidus; 17, Nebritus pellucidus, d" genitalia. 188 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA 1. Body largely clothed with scales (4, 5) Chromolepida Cole Body with tomentum but never with irridescent scales 2 2. Third antennal segment appearing annulated; labrum narrow (Mexico). Ozodiceromyia Bigot Third antennal segment not annulated, usually with a terminal style or short spine 3 3. First antennal segment longer than the head and bristled (Mexico; cf. Metaphragma Coq.) Euphycus Krober First antennal segment rarely as long as the head 4 4. Five posterior cells 5 Four posterior cells (Bombyliidse) Caenotus Cole 5. Parafacials bare 8 Parafacials with pile 6 6. Basal antenna! segment long and greatly swollen, much larger than the second and third combined (1, 7) *Tabuda Walker Basal antennal segment not unusually large, never greatly swollen. . 7 7. Third and fourth veins connected by a crossvein beyond the furcation of the third vein (6) Metaphragma Coquilletc Wings without such crossvein (8) Thereva Zetterstedt 8. Third antennal segment not more than twice as long as the first. ... 9 Third antennal segment at least two and a half times as long as the first (Southern) (13, 14) Henicomyia Coquillett 9. Basal antennal segment large and shining (15, 16, 17). .Nebritis Coquillett Basal antennal segment pollinose 10 10. Basal antennal .segment swollen and hairy (1) 11 Basal antennal segment not strongly swollen 12 11. Males dichoptic; lower front pilose (1, 7) *Tabuda Walker Males holoptic or nearly so; lower front bare of pile. .Dialineura Kondani 12. Intercallary and fifth veins reaching the wing margin 13 Intercallary and fifth veins not reaching the wing margin (10, 11, 12). Pherocera Cole 13. Antennal style projecting from under the tip or from the apex of the third segment 14 Style arising from a hollow near the apex of the third segment (9). Epomyia Cole 14. Antennal style projecting from under the tip of the third segment. Furcifera Krober Antennal style apical (2, 3) Psilocephala Zetterstedt * Tabuda fulvipcs Walker, 1852, is a synonym of Thereva nervosa Walker, 1848. The latter becomes the genotype. 189 Family Apioceridae Apiocera species. Large, elongate flies, with three-segmented antennge and rather thinly pilose. Antenna? with or without a short, terminal style. Front not exca- vated, wider in the female; ocelli present; face short; proboscis longer than the length of the head, not adapted for piercing, the labellse not horny. Empodia wanting. Third vein usually furcate; basal cells long; five posterior cells, the fourth closed. Male forceps enlarged. These flies are apparently restricted to arid or semi-arid regions and are not at all common in collections. Like the Nemestrids they are great hoverers and make a loud noise Avhile in flight. The immature stages are unknown. 190 XORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA 1. Proboscis more than twice as long as the head-height 2 Proboscis not longer than the head-height (1, 2) . . . * Apiocera Westwood. 2. Anal cell closed before the wing margin (3, 4). Rhaphiomidas Osten Sacken Anal cell open Apomidas Coquillett * Painter, 1932, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., xxv, p. 351. Apioceridas. — 1, 2, Apiocera haruspex ; 3, 4, Rhaphiom.vdas acton. 191 Family Bombyliidse — The Bee Flies Small to moderately large flies, often with pictured wings and frequently clothed with abundant, delicate hairs or scales which are easily abraded, rarely with conspicuous bristles. Head narrower than or as broad as the thorax, more or less hemis- pherical in shape; usually closely applied to the thorax. Face variable, usually short, often prominent below. Eyes large, often contiguous in the male, rarel}' so in the female. Antennae three-segmented, porrect, rarely long, usually of moderate length, sometimes small; third segment simple; style usually small, never more than two-segmented, some- times absent. Ocelli present. Proboscis sometimes short and with broad labellse, usually more or less elongate and projecting from the oral cavit}'. Thorax convex above, sometimes strongly so, usually with bristles. Abdomen composed of six to eight segments, slender in a few genera, usually depressed but often cylindrical and more or less taper- ing. Legs moderately long and weak, usually with short, weak bristles or spines; pulvilli sometimes rudimentary, the empodia usually absent. SquamsB small. Wings often pictured; two to four submarginal cells (rarely with only one) discal cell almost always present (absent in some genera occurring outside North America) ; anal cell closed or narrowly open. The family comprises almost two thousand described species and occurs throughout the world, being most abundantly represented in the tropical and subtropical regions. They are found particularly in warm spots, a relatively small numl)er occurring in woods, and I have taken none in heavy shade. They like the warmest time of the day and most of them rest upon the dry soil, dried grass or upon grass in sandy places when not visiting flowers. Some species are found mostly at bloom, others but rarely. They are (mostly) great hoverers and gen- erallj^ very rapid fliers although they frequently fly but a short dis- tance when disturbed. In the tropics I found many species in sunny places near the trees at the edge of the beach and along the trails in the forest, and similar places are productive in the north. Many of the species buzz persistently when captured. Taxonomically the family is (in North America) in almost hope- less condition, the literature being extremely scattered. Only a few of the described species have been properly figured and without illus- trations and usable keys the student is greatly handicapped. In addi- tion to this unfortunate state of affairs the flies themselves present an obstacle, as the hairs are easily abraded and great care must be exer- cised in collecting them. Only a very few specimens should be placed 192 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Bombyliida. l.-l. Genus incerts : 2. Hyperalonia; 3. Litorhynchus; 4, Exoprosopa hmd claw; 5 A' antenna; 6. Villa, antenna; 7. 8. Exoprosopa. antenna; Bon^byhus majon 10. Pantarbes: 11. Pantarbes, antenna; 12. Systoechus ; 13 Lordotus; 14 Lordotus. antenna- 5 Phthiria ; 16. Phthiria, antenna; 17. antenna: 18. Geron, 19. 20. Geroa kntenna; 21. Toxophora; 22. Toxophora. antenna; 23. Systropus : 24. Systropus. antenna; 25. Mythicomyia. wing; 26, Mythicomyia, antenna. FAMILY BOMBYLIID.K THE BEE FLIES 193 in the killing bottle and they must never be placed with other insects else they be ruined for all practical purposes. Without the hairs they are of no value and cannot be properly identified. The larv« are parasitic upon bees, wasps, grasshoppers and certain Lepidoptera, but not a great deal is known about most of the genera. KEY TO GENERA 1. The second vein arises transversely opposite or almost opposite the anterior crossvein 2 The second vein arises at an angle at a considerable distance from the anterior crossvein 19 2. Antennal style separated from the third segment by a distinct suture, sometimes short 3 Antennal style not separated from the third segment 7 3. Antennal style terminating in a pencil of hairs (5, 54, 64). * Anthrax Scopoli Antennal style not terminating in a pencil cf hairs 4 4. Pulvilli vestigial or absent 5 Pulvilli large (49, 52) Aldrichia Coquillett 5. Four submarginal cells (2) Hyperalonia Rondani Three submarginal cells 6 6. Proboscis projecting more than the length of the labellse beyond the anterior oral margin (3) t Litorhynchus Macquart Proboscis projecting less than the length of the labellse (4, 7, 8, 57). t Exoprosopa Macquart 7. Anal cell open; eyes of d not contiguous 8 Anal ceil closed; eyes of o' contiguous at the vertex. Astrophanes Osten Sacken 8. Anal cell widest at the middle 9 Anal cell widest at the wing margin (36) Mancia Coquillett 9. Second vein strongly contorted and r ' shaped at the apex 10 Second vein not strongly contorted 11 10. Three submarginal cells Dipalta Osten Sacken Two submarginal cells Neodiplocampta, n. g. 11. Two submarginal cells 13 Three submarginal cells 12 12. Proboscis extending but little beyond the oral opening (6) ^'ilIa Lioy Proboscis extending far beyond the anterior oral margin (34, 51). Stonyx Osten Sacken J 3. Face wholly without scales; labellse long and narrow. Poecilanthrax Osten Sacken Face with scales 14 14. Anterior tibise with spicules in regular rows 16 Anterior tibiae with at most two or three very small spicules 15 * Curran. 1927, Can. Ert. lix, p. 84 (partial key). t Curran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 415, p. 2. 194 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA on Bombyliidffi II.— 27. Lepidanthiax proboscidea; 28. Thyridanthrax selene; 29. Geron • i'/'v*",, , f'»"ax, antenna; 31. Sphenoidoptera varipennis; 32. Metacos 3d. Glabellula crassicornis; 34. Stonyx clclia; 35. Ogcodocera ; 36. Mancia nana n. sp. : 38. Geminana canalis; 39, Eucessia. n. sp. : 40 Paiacosnius morrisoni selaphus sigrma. mus niancipennis ; 37, Eucessia, us morrisonia; 41 Rhabdo- FAMILY BOMBYLIID.E THE BEE FLEES 195 15. Face acute, strongly projecting Chrysanthrax Osten Sacken Face not strongly projecting, the oral margin rounded (28). Thyridanthrax Osten Sacken 16. Proboscis projecting far beyond the anterior oral margin 17 Proboscis projecting but little beyond the oral margin 18 17. Abdomen with broad scales on basal half (27). * Lepidanthrax Osten Sacken Abdomen without broad scales on basal half Rhynchanthrax Painter 18. Face conical, acute at oral margin Paravilla Painter Face obtuse below, the oral margin x-ounded Villa Lioy 1 9. With four posterior cells 24 With only three posterior cells 20 20. Slender, elongate species, with long, slender legs 21 Shorter, more thick-set species, the abdomen tapering apically 22 21. Abdomen enlarged apically; eyes holoptic (23, 24) . . .Systropus Wiedemann Abdomen not enlai-ged apically, cylindrical; males only holoptic. Dolichomyia Wiedemann 22. Three submarginal cells or the third antennal segment obtuse 23 But two submarginal cells; third antennal segment acute (18, 19, 20, 29). fGeron Meigen 23. Body clothed mostly with scales, the thorax with bristles; abdomen decumbent; antennae long (21, 22) Toxophora Meigen Body clothed chiefly with hair; abdomen not decumbent (41, 66). Rhabdopselaphus Bigot 24. Apical (first posterior) cell open or closed in the wing margin 31 Apical cell closed before the margin of the wing and petiolate 25 25. Two submarginal cells 27 Three submarginal cells 26 26. Head broader than the thorax; posterior orbits not excised (10, 11). Pantarbes Osten Sacken Head narrower than the thorax; posterior orbits excised. . .Triplasius Loew 27. Proboscis protruding far beyond the anterior oral margin 28 Proboscis not protruding beyond the oral margin. . . .Anisotamia Macquart 28. First basal cell much longer than the second 29 First basal cell not longer than the second 30 29. Posterior orbits of the eyes convex or only slightly emarginate in the middle; head small (9, 63) Bombylius Linnaeus Posterior orbits broadly and deeply emarginate; head as wide as the thorax JHeterostylum Macquart 30. Shape of the face concealed by dense hair; vein closing the discal cell anteriorly half as long as the ultimate section of the vein behind it. Anastoechus Osten Sacken Shape of the face plainly visible; vein closing the discal cell anteriorly not nearly half as long as the ultimate section of the vein behind it (12) Systoechus Lcew * Curran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 409. p. 1. t Painter, 1932, Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc, Iviii, pp. 139-167. t Painter, 1930, J. Kans. Ent. Soc, iii, p. 1. 196 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Bombyliidaj III. — 42, Prorates; 43, Desmatomyia ; 44, Ecliinus; 45, Lepidophora vetusta; 46. Mythicomyia ; 47, Desmatomyia; 4S, Lepidophora vetusta; 49. Aldrichia; 50, Amphicosmus cincturus; 51, Stonyx clelia ; 52, Aldrichia. FAMILY BOMBYLIID.K THE BEE FLIES 197 31. Two submargina] cells 36 Three submarginal cells 32 32. Abdomen very elongate, slender and almost bare; tibiae without spicules (50, 53) Amphicosmus Coquillett Abdomen robust and short; pilose species; tibiae with spicules 33 33. Antennae as long as the head, the third segment not longer than the basal two together 34 AntennEe shorter than the head, the third segment twice as long as the basal two combined Exepacmus Coquillett 34. Scutellum deeply sulcate longitudinally (38) Geminaria Coquillett Scutellum not sulcate 35 35. First antennal segment greatly swollen (Picas Latreille) (60). Conophorus Meigen First antennal segment not thickened (13, 14) Lordotus Lcew 36. Anal cell closed 37 Anal cell open 41 37. Proboscis projecting beyond the anterior oral margin 39 Proboscis short, not projecting beyond the anterior oral margin 38 38. Abdomen elongate and tapering Caenotus Cole Abdomen short and broad, thickly pilose (35) . . . .Ogcodocera Macquart 39. Tlie intercallary vein between the fourth and fifth vein arises from the discal cell 40 The intercallary vein arises from the fourth vein (42 Empidse 5, 10). Prorates Melander 40. Face bare or short pilose; third antennal segment bare or wdth short, bristly hairs above (15, 16) Phthiria Meigen Face with long hair; third antennal segment with long, bristly hairs. Neacreotrichus Cockerell 41. The second vein ends in the first vein 42 The second vein ends in the costa 43 42. Discal and second basal cells united (33) (Pachyneres Greene). Glabellula Bezzi Discal and second basal cells separated (25, 26, 46). Mythicomyia Coquillett 43. Body clothed chiefly with scales 43a Body clothed with hair or nearly bare, sometimes with some scales.. 44 43a. First antennal segment at least as long as the third, densely clothed with scales; abdomen elongate (45, 48) *Lepidophora Westw^ood First antennal segment not half as long as the third, without scales; abdorrlen short Neodischistus Painter 44. First basal cell much longer than the second 46 First basal cell only slightly longer than the second 45 45. First antennal segment greatly swollen, widest apically (30). Calopelta Green First antennal segment only a little swollen, widest in the middle. Sparnopolius Lcew * Painter. 1925. Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc, li. p. 120. 198 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Bombyliida; IV. — 53, Amphicosmus cinctiirus; 54, Anthrax; 55, Paiacosn:us nioiiTisoni ; 56, Metacosinus mancipennis ; 57, Exoprosopa; 58, Aphaebantus cervinus; 59, Epacmus modestus; 60, Conophoras ; 61, Neodiplocampta rcederi ; 62, Parabombylius; 63, Bombylius ; 64, Anthrax irroratus; 65, Dcsmatoneura argentif rons ; 66, Rhabdoselaphus sigma. FAMILY BOMBYI.IID/E THE BEE FLIES 199 Bombyliid» V.— 67, Anisotamia; 68, Dipalta ; 69, Geminaria canalis; 70, Ogcodocera ; 71. Asfrophanes; 72, Heterostylum ; 7,'?. Sparnopolius ; 74, Anastoechus; 7,5, Geron ; 76, Mancia nana; 77, Heterostylum; 78, Litoihynchus; 71), Conophorus; SO, Desinatoneura ; 81, Epacinus, Aphsbantus. 200 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 46. Proboscis projecting- strongly beyond the anterior oral margin, the labellae long and pointed 47 Proboscis not or scarcely projecting beyond the oral margin, the labellae short and broad 51 47. Face bare, the sides above, or the clypeus with hair 49 Face with hair in the middle at least below 48 48. Posterior border of the eyes emarginate, the facets bisected by a short bare line opposite the emargination 53 Posterior border of the eyes not emarginate, the eyes without a bare, bisecting line posteriorly (62) *Parabombylius Williston 49. Anterior crossvein situated beyond the basal third of the discal cell .... 50 Anterior crossvein situated at or before the basal fourth of the discal cell ( 17 ) Sparnopolius Loew 50. The anterior branch of the third vein arises only a little before the apex of the second vein (31) Sphenoidoptera Williston The anterior branch of the third vein originates only a little beyond the apex of the discal cell and far before the apex of the second vein ( 44 ) Eclimus Loew 51. Ocellar tubercle situated near the middle of the front (32, 56). Metacosmus Coquillett Ocellar tubercle situated near the vertex 52 52. Style of antennae broad and flattened, two segmented, simulating seg- ments (43, 47) Desmatomyia Williston Style not broad and flattened 53 53. Posterior border of the eyes at least weakly indented and with a short, unfacetted stripe 54 Posterior border of the eyes not at all indented and without any un- facetted stripe (40, 55) Paracosmus Osten Sacken 54. Third antennal segment bulbous basally and with a long, almost par- allel-sided apical part 55 Third antennal seg^ment sub-triangular, tapering 57 55. The second vein arises at an almost right angle beyond the base of the discal cell (65) Desmatoneura Williston The second vein arises at an acute angle before the base of the discal cell 56 56. Proboscis strongly projecting beyond the anterior oral margin, the labelliB long and narrow; face produced; pulvilli absent (59). Epacmus Osten Sacken Proboscis rarely strongly projecting, the labellae broad; face usually receding; pulvilli present if the face projects (58). Aphoebantus Loew 57. Anterior oral margin close to the base of the antennae. Anisotamia Macquart Anterior oral margin very far from the antennal base (37, 39). Eucessia Coquillett Neodiplocampta, new genus Proposed for Diplocampta raederi Curraii. The genus differs from Diplocampta Schiner in having the face produced, the third antennal segment rather long and conical, broad al^domen, different wing vena- tion, etc. Anthrax paradoxa Jiennicke also belongs to this genus. Painter, 1926. Ent. News, xxxvii. p. 74: Curran. 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 404, p. 7. 201 Family Nemestrinidae Neohirmoneura bradleyi Bequaert. Flies of moderate size, rather stout and compact in appearance, with many veins; thinly or densely pilose. Head moderate in size, narrower or slightly wider than the thorax; eyes holoptic or dichoptic in the males, females dichoptic except in Hyrmophlaha; proboscis long to rudimentary. Antennae short and small, three segmented, and with a stout, jointed terminal arista. Tibia? without spurs; empodia pulvilliform but the pulvilli often minute. Venation complicated, the fourth and fifth veins curving forward to terminate before the apex of the wing; anterior crossvein very oblicjue and simulating a longitudinal vein, the basal cells both long; five or six posterior cells and two or three submarginals. The Nemestrinids are not numerous in collections and are usually difficult to catch. I have found them only in open fields in which the vegetation is of considerable height and have observed them in con- siderable numbers. They hover persistently and dart cjuickly away at the least motion; when present in numbers their "buzz" is very obvious and they may be heard at a considerable distance. Those with long proboscis often visit flowers. In the American species the vena- tion is relatively simple but in some species of the genus Nemestrinus there are numerous crossveins in the wings, and some of them have the proboscis greatly elongated. The genus JJinnoncura is known to live upon root feeding beetle larva? in the larval stage and it is probable that all the species are parasitic. Three papers by Bequaert* cover the North American species, of which there are about a dozen. * Bequaert. 1919. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, xxvii, pp. 301-307; 1930, Psyche, pp. 286-297; 1934, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. xlii, pp. 163-184. 202 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA 1. Eyes bare 3 Eyes densely pilose; proboscis short and thick 2 2. Three submarginal cells, both sexes holoptic (3, 4) .Hyrmophloeba Rondani Two submarginal cells *Hirinoneura Meigen 3. Three submarginal cells 4 Two submarginal cells; proboscis short and thick (text figure). Neohirmoneura Bequaert 4. Proboscis very small, hardly visible, without fleshy labellae; alula rudimentary (1, 2) Parasymmictus Bigot Proboscis elongate and protruding; alula broad (5 6). Neorhynchocephalus Lichtwardt * No North American species are at present known. Nemestrinidie. — 1, 2, Parasymmyctus clausa O. S. : 3, 4, Hirmophloeba texana ; Neorhynchocephalus volaticus, a third submarginal cell, b-f posterior cells. 203 Family Cyrtidae Opsebius pterodontinus. Small to moderately large flies, never elonoate, pilose or nearly bai'e. Head small to very small, composed chiefly of the compound eyes which are usually contiguous in both sexes, the front, face or both obliterated; none, two or three ocelli present. Antenna? composed of two or three segments, with or without an apical arista, the third seg- ment sometimes with apical bristles. Proboscis rudimentary or long, sometimes greatly exceeding the length of the body. Thorax large and convex, the sciuamge and scutellum large. Abdomen inflated, convex, rather orbicular. Legs moderately stout, the empodia and pulvilli pad- like. Venation variable, the veins sometimes weak and indistinct; often a supernumerary crossvein between the third and fourth veins. This family contains a small number of species and may be recog- nized by the swollen thorax, inflated abdomen and small head. Ten genera are known to occur in North America. Cole* has revised the family. Insofar as known tlie members of the family are parasitic on spiders. KEY TO GENERA 1. Prothoracic lobes j2:reatly enlarp;e(l and meeting in front of the mesono- tum; proboscis elongate (3, 4) Philopota Wiedemann Prothoracic lobes not forming a shield in front of the mesonotum... 2 2. Proboscis small and aborted 4 Proboscis elongate 3 3. Palpi absent; usually two ocelli (13, 14) Lasia Wiedemann Palpi present; three ocelli situated on a moi-e or less prominent tubercle (11, 12) Eulonchus Gerstaecker * 1919. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, xlv. pp. 1-79, plates I-XV. • 204 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 4. Antennae elongate, the third segment large 5 Antennae short, the third segment small 7 5. Eyes pilose or pubescent 6 Eyes bare Apelleia Bellardi 6. Third antennal segment without terminal bristles (9, 10) *Ocnaea Erickson Third antennal segment with terminal bristly hairs . . Pialeoidea Westwood 7. Antennae inserted below the middle of the head 8 Antennae inserted above the middle of the head 9 8. Third antennal segment with three terminal setse (7, 8). Pterodontia Gray Third antennal segment with an apical arista (5, 6) Ogcodes Latreille 9. Eyes pilose (text figure) Opsebius Costa Eyes bare (1, 2) Acrocera Meigen » Aldrich. 1932, Pioc. U. S. N. M., Ixxxi, Ait. 9, p. 3. Ciytida?. — 1, 2. Acrocera; 3, 4. Philopota ; 5. 6. Ogcodes; 7, 8. Pterodontia; 9. 10, Ocnaea; 11, 12, Eulonchus; 13, 14, Lasia. 205 Family Empidse — The Dance Flies Flies of small to medium size, though rarely over 10 mm. in length. Head more or less spherical, loosely connected with the thorax; males holoptic or diehoptic, the face sometimes almost obliterated by the approximate eyes; ocelli present. Antenna porrect, composed of two or three segments, with or without an apical style or arista, or with dorsal arista; face receding or slightly prominent below, never with a strong mystax. Proboscis short or long, usually rigid. Thorax sometimes long and narrow, usually sliort, often strongly convex above. ]\Iale genitalia generally of complicated structure, often large or very large; ovipositor sometimes long and chitinized. Wing venation simple, the wings rarely absent or reduced in size; squamffi small; anal and second basal cell sometimes absent or incomplete. Legs usually slender, sometimes with structural peculiarities sucli as elongated coxai or femora, the femora or tibiii; often thickened and with spines or tubercles or with processes or fringes of scales; pulvilli distinct; empodia usually membninous and liiu'ai'. The adults are found almost everywhere but the Empids are rare in arid regions. They are most abundant in moist places, especially in woods, along streams and on the shores of ponds and lakes. All are predaceous, feeding upon smaller insects, mites, etc. As a general rule they are observed upon foliage and grass but many of them are confined to restricted habitats and others appear to he very local in distribution. Certain genera are found almost entirely on the trunks of trees and may be collected most easily by placing the mouth of the killing bottle over them, wliile others occur in large numbers on small flowers, notably Prunus virrjiniana. A few genera are found only along the seashore where they dart about among the pebbles, feeding upon small insects or upon freshly killed invertebrates. The mating habits of the Empida; are extremely interesting, but no more than mention of them can be made here. In some cases the males capture ])ivy and use this food as a lure to attract the females. Sometimes the females devour the offering or it may be discarded as soon as the mating is completed. In other cases the male provides a balloon like liulible to attract the female. In some cases it is l)elieved tliat copulation cannot be completed unless food is provided. Tlie immature stages are not well known but the larvae live in decaying vegetation, under bark, and in streams. 206 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Empidse I. — 1, Hybos ; 2, Toreus; 3, Hesperetnpis; 4, Oreogeton; 5, Prorates (Bomby- liidse) ; 6, Heleodromia ; 7, Ocydromia; 8, Coloboneura; 9, Toreus, antenna; 10, Prorates (Bombyliidse) ; 11, Hesperempis, 12; Mythicomyia (Bombyliidae). FAMILY EMPID.E THE DANCE FLIES 207 Molandor has covered this family in Genera Inseetornm* describ- ing many new North American genera and species and presenting keys. Unfortunately the price of this work is prohibitive to the average worker so the family will no doubt receive little attention until a more readily accessible work is available. KEY TO GENERA 1. Discal cell always united with the second basal, the anal cell always incomplete 55 Second basal closed apically or the anal cell complete 2 2. Mesopleura obliquely long:er than high 3 Mesopleura distinctly higher than long 4 3. Anterior pair of legs far from the middle pair, raptorial 52 Anterior legs not distant from the middle pair and not raptorial ... 43 4. Auxiliary vein distinct and separated from the first vein 5 Au.xiliary vein weak and lying close to the first vein 13 5. Anal cell very much longer anteriorly 22 Anal cell longest posteriorly, transverse apically or but little longer in front than at the middle 6 6. Costa ending at the third or fourth vein; two veins emitted by the discal cell 8 Costa continuing around the wing; three veins emitted by the discal cell 7 7. Third vein forked (14) Brachystoma Meigen Third vein simple (28) Anomalempis Melander 8. Fourth vein not forked 9 Fourth vein forked (30) Meghyperus Lcew 9. Pedicel of the second and third veins arising beyond the middle of the second basal cell 10 Pedicel arising near the basal fourth of the second basal cell (25). Syneches Walker 10. Vein between the first and second basal cells distinct, the first basal cell not much wider than the second 11 Vein between the first and second basal cells very weak, the first basal very much wider than the second (31) Syndyas Loew 11. Third and fourth veins convergent apically 12 Third and fourth veins parallel or diverging (1, 21) Hybos Meigen 12. Disc of mesonotum without pile; palpi elongate (35). Lactistomyia Melander Disc of mesonotum more or less densely pilose; palpi short. Eubybos Coquillett 13. Discal cell present 15 Discal cell absent 14 * Fascicle 1S5. 1921 208 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Empidse II. — 13, Oreothalia; 14, Brachystoma; 15, Hemerodromia ; 16, Tachypeza; 17, Lampremis; 18, Tachypeza, front leg; 19, Drapetis ; 20, Drapetis, antenna; 21, Hybos; 22, Empis; 23, Geron (Bombyliidse) ; 24, Empimorpha; 25, Syneches; 26, Chelifera; 27, Hilara. FAMILY EMPID.E THE DANCE FLIES 209 14. Posterior legs simple (41) Bicellaria Macquart Posterior femora much enlarged and spinose Hoplocyrtoma Melander 15. Discal cell emitting three veins apically or, if open, the fourth vein branched 1'7 Discal cell emitting two veins apically IG 16. Third antennal segment conical, the arista apical; middle tibiae with several sets of bristles Leptopeza Macquart Third antennal segment oval; the arista sub-dorsal; middle tibiae with only apical bristles (7) Ocydromia Meigen 17. Posterior femora enlarged and spinose beneath (53, 57)..CEdalia Meigen Posterior femora not swollen 18 18. Posthumeral bristles present; antennae apparently two segmented.... 19 Posthumeral bristles usually absent, the antennae with three segments. Euthyneura Macquart 19. Antennae ending in a style 20 Antennas without style or arista (51, 59) Allanthalia Melander 20. Antennae situated near the middle of the head, the third segment elongate 21 Antennee situated much below the middle of the head, the third seg- ment broad (60, 63) Anthalia Zetterstedt 21. Third antennal segment extremely long (45, 52) Axelempis Curran Third antennal segment normal Trichina Meigen 22. Basal and anal cells very small; third vein never forked; abdomen shorter than the robust thorax 23 Basal and anal cells not unusually short; third vein often furcate; abdomen as long or longer than the thorax 25 23. Eyes pubescent 24 Eyes bare ( 37 ) Microphorus Macquart 24. Face broadened below and more or less hairy; costa continuing around the wing (48, 55 ) Parathalassius Mik Face not broadened below and with only oral hairs. .Microphorella Becker 25. Antenns with three segments 26 Antennae apparently two-segmented Hormopeza Zetterstedt 26. Proboscis directed obliquely forward or horizontal, the face broad, convex and short 27 Proboscis normally vertical, if more or less oblique the face is long and narrow 31 27. Auxiliary vein entire, ending in the costa 28 Auxiliary vein obsolete apically Brochella Melander 28. Third vein furcate 29 Third vein simple Anthepiscopus Becker 29. Arista terminal, sometimes style-like 30 Arista dorsal (34) Gloma Meigen 30. Hypopleura bare (38) Iteaphila Macquart Hypopleura haired (4) .Oreogeton Schiner 210 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Empidfe III.— 2S, Anomalempis tacomse; 29. Philetus memorandus ; 30. Meghyperus occidens; 31. Syndyas polita; 32. Thinodiomia inchoata ; 33. Heleodromia pullata; 34. Oloma fuscipennis; 35, Lactistomyia insolita; 36, Neocota weedii. FAMILY EMPID-E — THE DAXCE FLIES 211 31. Metapleura with hairs or bristles in front of the halteres 35 Metapleura bare 32 32. Auxiliary vein ending- in the costa 33 Auxiliary vein obsolete apically (2, 9) Toreus Melander 33. Auxiliary vein bending apically to meet the costa; anal angle promi- nent (27, 39) Hilara Meigen Auxiliary vein almost straight, the anal angle broadly rounded 34 34. Thoracic bristles strong; antennae below the middle of the head (29). Philetus Melander Thoracic bristles almost absent; antennae at the midtlle of the head (3, 11) Hesperempis Melander 35. Style three times the length of the third antennal segment. Opeatocerata Melander Style not longer than the thii'd segment 36 36. First antennal segment nearly or quite as long as the third, the an- tennaj situated high upon the head 37 First segment much shorter than the third, situated at most a little above the middle of the head 38 Empida? IV. — 37, Microphorus vclutinus; 41, Bicellaria; 42, Proclinopyga aniplcctans. 1^, Iteaphila macquarti; 39, Hilara; 40, Erapis; 212 NORTH AMERICAX DIPTERA 37. Arista much shorter than the third antennal segment (17). Lamprempis Wheeler and Melander Arista much longer than the third segment Porphyrochroa Melander 38. Face hairy 39 Face bare 40 39. Third vein furcate (24) Empimorpha Coquillett Third vein simple (36) Neocota Coquillett 40. Third vein furcate (22, 40) Empis Linnaeus Third vein simple 41 41. Third antennal segment many times longer than wide (45, 52). Axelempis Curran Third antennal segment normal Rhamphomyia Meigen 43. Third antennal segment remarkably lengthened, strap-like, and without evident style 44 Third antennal segment not remarkably long 45 44. Antennse inserted above the middle of the head Niphogenia Melander Antennae inserted below the middle of the head Ceratempis Melander 45. Antennae situated at the middle of the head, the third segment with a short style which terminates in a bristle-like segment. Boreodroma Coquillett Antennas situated above the middle of the head, the third segment usually with a long arista 46 46. Third vein simple 47 Third vein branched 48 Empidffi V. — 43 Wiedemannia hamifeia; 44, Clinocera binotata; 45, Axelempis fulvithorax ; 46. Chersodromia hougrhi ; 47, Chelipoda elongata; 48, Parathallasius aldrichi ; 49, Platypalpus coquilletti. FAMILY EMPID.E THE DANCE FLIES 213 Empida? VI. — 30, Platypalpus co(|uilletti ; 51. Allanthalia pallida; 52. Axelempis fulvi- thorax; 53, OCdalia ohicensis ; 54. Tachydromia postica ; 55, Parathallasius aldrichi; 56 Chersodromia houghi ; 57, OJdalia ohioensis ; 5s, Stilpon pectiniger; 59, Allanthalia pallida; 60, Anthalia bulbosa ; 61, Tachydromia pusilla; 62, Wiedemannia hamifera; 6,3, Anthalia lacteipennis ; 64, Clinocera taos; 65, Tachyempis siniplicior; 66, Chelipoda elongata. 214 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 47. Costa with setulae (13) Oreothalia Melander Costa without setulae (6, 33) Heleodromia Haliday 48. Auxiliary vein obsolete apically (42) Proclinopyga Melander Auxiliary vein ending in the costa 49 49. Cheeks very wide Roederio/des Coquillett Cheeks narrow 50 50. Body shining or sub-shining Dolichocephala Macquart Body opaque 51 51. Face not prominent below; no acrostical setae (44, 64). . .Clinocera Meigen Face prominent below; acrosticals present or absent (43, 62) Wiedemannia Zetterstedt 52. Style shorter than the third antennal segment 53 Arista more than twice as long as the third antennal segment (47, 66). Chelipoda Macquart 53. Humeral crossvein absent 54 Humeral crossvein present (26) Chelifera Macquart 54. Discal cell closed apically Colabris Melander Discal cell open apically (15) Hemerodromia Meigen 55. Thorax very elongate, the humeri large; proboscis slender and not tapering 56 Thorax more robust, the humeri rarely large; proboscis thick basally and more or less strongly tapering 58 56. Anal crossvein completely absent 57 Anal crossvein present (16, 18) Tachypeza Meigen 57. Front narrow, its sides nearly parallel (54, 61) Tachydromia Meigen Front V-shaped, wide above (65) Tachyempis Melander 58. First basal cell equal to or longer than the second 59 First basal cell decidedly shorter than the second 64 59. Legs with strong bristles 60 Legs without conspicuous bristles 62 60. Wings about one-third noi^mal length (32) Thinodromia Melander Wings as long as the abdomen 61 61. Two pairs of presutural dorsocentrals (8) Coloboneura Melander One pair of presutural dorsocentrals (46, 56) Chersodromia Walker 62. Eyes bare 63 Eyes pubescent Megagrapha Melander 63. Arista apical Charadrodromia Melander Arista dorsal Micrempis Melander 64. Anal cell entirely absent 65 Anal cell partly formed (49, 50) Platypalpus Macquart 65. Arista dorsal (58) Stilpon Loew Arista apical or subapical (19, 20) Drapetis Meigen 215 Family Dolichopidse — The Long-headed Flies Small flies rarely exceeding 10 mm. in length, usually metallic green or blue, partly dusted with whitish, brownish or grayish, rarely yellow or blackish. Discal cell united with the second basal cell. Head about as wide as the thorax, sometimes a little wider, usually a little higher than wide; face variable in width, sometimes practically eliminated by the approximation of the eyes, generally wider in the females than in the males; front usually wide and widening above, rarely obliterated by the approximation of the eyes in the males; with bristles above. Posterior orbits usually with orbital cilia which may be replaced below by fine hair. Proboscis fleshy, short, usually re- tracted; palpi flat, usually reposing on the proboscis, sometimes modi- fied and highly ornamental. Antennaj composed of three segments, bearing a dorsal or apical arista; third segment usually more or less oval, sometimes elongated, especially in the males. Thorax convex above, sometimes with a conspicuous depression before the scutellum. Abdomen with five or six segments, conical, cylindrical, flattened, laterally compressed or more or less laterally compressed apically; hypopygium large, or small and concealed. Coxge usually short, rarely a little elongate, the legs of moderate length, the femora usually some- what enlarged, the tarsi of the males frequently beautifully modified, the tibias rarely so although sometimes brightly colored. Wings hyaline or with dark markings, sometimes ornamented with black and white or of peculiar shape. Second basal and discal cells united, the anal cell short, the sixth vein short or absent, the fourth vein usually straight or only gently curved forward, rarely forming a crossvein. The adults occur everywhere in the vicinity of water and are particularly abundant in swamps and along lightly shaded streams where they occur on mud or sand; on foliage, usually in the sun; on stones in streams; on the trunks of trees and on fallen logs. Species of Medeienis and Neurigona are normally found on tree trunks, especially those having smooth bark; Hydrophorus and Campsicnonus occur on the surface of small pools; most genera occur on mud along water, some only on sand; DiapJwrus, Chnjsofus and Hercostomus occur chiefly on foliage and the same is true of Condylostyhis, etc. ]Many of the si)ecies are extremely local in habitat, occurring only where conditions are perfectly suital)le. The adults are all predaceous, feeding ui)on smaller insects and mites. I have frequently ol)served them devouring midges and also small larva' occurring in the mud. 216 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Many of the adults have very unusual mating dances which may be observed without difficulty as the species are common and soon return to their "mud flats'' if disturbed. An excellent account of several of the species is given in the revision of Dolichopus by Van Duzee, Cole and Aldrich. Little is known about the immature stages which are passed, for the most part, in mud, although some species live in the stems of grass and those of Medeterus live under the bark of trees and are definitely predaceous. Some species are said to feed upon decaying vegetation but they are probably predaceous. The males are easily determined but the females are often difficult to name as they present less striking characters than the males. The American species were revised by Becker* but so many new forms have been described since that this work will furnish only a basis for the study of the family. The females present few structural characters and it is difficult to separate a few of the genera except by association and familiarity with the group. Several characters not previously used are employed in the key presented and most of the females are keyed out separately. With a little experience this sex should be as easily located in the correct genus as is the opposite sex and tlie males will trace out quite readily in this section of the key, although two or three genera are omitted as females are not available. KEY TO GENERAf 1. Fourth vein with a widely divergent fork beyond the posterior cross- vein and with an appendage at the bend (16); mesonotum scarcely longer than wide 2 Fourth vein without such fork though often with strong curvature; mesonotum usually conspicuously longer than wide 8 2. Front scarcely excavated above from anterior view 3 Front strongly excavated above f roin anterior view 4 3. Sixth (anal) vein present Psilopiella Van Duzee Sixth vein absent Leptorhethum Aldrich 4. Arista not differentiated from the third antennal segment which is produced style-like and extremely long Megistostylus Bigot Arista clearly differentiated 5 5. Arista apical Chrysosoma Guerin Arista dorsal, rarely sub-apical 6 6. Lower part of the face with hairs (83) Laxina, n. g. Lower part of the face without hair 7 7. Scutellum with four bristles (16, 85) Condylostylus Bigot Scutellum with a pair of strong bristles and sometimes a we:ik basal hair on either side (17, 71) Sciapus Zeller * 1922 (1921). Abh. Zool.-bot., Gesselsch., Wien, xiii, pp. 1-395. t Syntormon Loew appears to be distinct from Synarthrus to which our American species belong. FAMILY DOLICHOPID.T: THE LONG-HEADKD FLIES 217 8. Thorax almost as broad as long; head wider than hig-h; the front deeply excavated from anterior view; face wide (48, 51). * Mesorhaga Schiner Thorax and head different 9 9. Basal segment of the posterior tarsi with stout bristles above (24, 42, 57 ) t Dolichopus Latreille Basal segment of the posterior tarsi without bristles above 10 10. Mesopleura produced as a finger-like strip along the posterior edge of the anterior coxse (20) J Liancalus Loew Mesopleura normal, not produced as above 11 11. Males 12 Females 64 12. Hypopygium long, extending forward under the venter 13 Hypopygium short, only the lamellae sometimes extending foi'ward. . . 25 13. Arista long pubescent, sub-plumose 14 Arista quite short pubescent or bare 16 14. Third antennal segment very large, acuminate Leptocorypha Aldrich Third antennal segment normal, short and somewhat pointed 15 15. Face wide below, roof -like over the mouth, concave in the middle (22, 25, 46, 77) § Pelastoneurus Loew Face narrow, especially below (66, 79) Sarcionus Aldrich 16. About the posterior third of the mesonotum concave or flattened 17 Mesonotum flattened only immediately before the scutellum 20 17. Second antennal segment prolonged along the inner side of the third (67, 73) Coeloglutus Aldrich Second antennal segment not prolonged along the third 18 18. Hypopygium pedunculate, at least not sessile, reaching almost to the base of the abdomen 19 Hypopygium sessile, the basal part not reaching half way to the base of the abdomen although the lamellae may do so (45, 81). ^Paraphrosylus Becker 19. Third and fourth veins strongly converging apically, the distance between them at their apices not more than half as great as oppo- site the posterior crossvein; bristles rarely yellow (63, 86). I Medeterus Fischer Third and fourth veins separated apically by at least two-thirds the distance separating them opposite the anterior crossvein; hair and bristles yellow (31, 59) °Thrypticus Gerstsecker 20. The face hangs down apron-like below the eyes (15, 38). 0Polymedon Osten Sacken The face is not produced as a long, thin ribbon 21 * Van Duzee, 1917, Ent. News, xxviii, p. 123. t Van Duzee, Cole and Aldrich, 1921, Bull. 116, U. S. N. Mus. ; Van Duzee and Curran, 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit. Nos. 683, 684. i Van Duzee, 1917, Ent. News, xxviii, p. 126. § Van Duzee, 1923, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., xvi, p. 30. ^ Van Duzee. 1924, Pan-Pac. Ent., i, p. 73. II Van Duzee, 1928, Psyche, xxxv, p. 38. ° Van Duzee, 1921, Psyche, xxviii, p. 124. 0 Van Duzee, 1927, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., xx, p. 123. 218 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Dolichopida? I.— 1. Anepsiomyia linearis; 2, latipcs ; 3, Stolidosoma permu- tatum; 4, Xanthina nigromacula ; Wi, Diostracus prasinus ; 6. 7. Collinellula magistri; 8, Peloro- peodes bievis; 9, Svnarthrus tricoloripes ; in, Keirosoma albicinctum ; 11, Chrysotimus luteus; 12. Nematoproctus flavicauda; l:i. Chrysotus discolor; 14, Thinophilus ochreifacies; lo, l-oly- mcdon dilaticosta. fa:mily dolichupid.t: — the long-headed flies 219 21. Third and fourth veins parallel apically 22 Third and fourth veins strongly converging apically or the fourth strongly curved forward 23 22. First antennal segment bare above (8, 33) * Peloropeodes Wheeler First antennal segment haired above at apex (55, 70). fGymnopternus Lcew 23. Fourth vein with a rather sharply rounded curv^ature and parallel with the third at the tip (46) Paracleius Bigot Fourth vein straight beyond the crossvein or with a gentle curvature (44, 61) 24 24. Head conspicuously higher than wide, the face extending to the lower edge of the eyes; fourth vein curved beyond the posterior crossvein (29, 44 ) ' '. JTachytrechus Walker Head but little higher than wide, the face not reaching the lower edge of the eyes; fourth vein straight beyond the crossvein (61, 76). Hercostomus Lcew 25. Costa reaching to the fourth vein 26 Costa ending at the third vein (58) §Asyndetus Lcew 26. First antennal segment bare above 34 First antennal segment haired above, at least apically 27 27. Arista dorsal, rarely subapical 29 Arista apical or practically so 28 28. Third antennal segment bilobed or with a strong anuglar projection below on the basal third (30, 40) Hypocharassus Mik Third antennal segment triangular or subtriangular (18, 74). ^Argyra Macquart 29. Acrostical setae absent 31 Acrostical setae present, two-rowed 30 30. Fourth vein doubly bent at r.early right angles (68, 82). Syntomoneurum Becker Fourth vein not sharply curved (3, 37) Stolidosoma Becker 31. Arista long pubescent or plumose 32 Arista very short pubescent or bare 33 32. Third and fourth veins parallel or only a little convergent. Phylarchus Aldrich Fourth vein strongly curved forward, very close to the third at its apex; (Some species of Sarcionus and Pelastoneurus might come here as a few have short genitalia). 33. Palpi very small; face very narrow (1) Anepsiomyia Bezzi Palpi larger; lower section of face twice as wide as long (5, 34). Diostracus Loew 34. Mesonotum with an elongate, longitudinal depression on the nosterior third or slightly less 35 » Van Duzee, 1926, Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc. liii, i>p. 39-46 (Kophosoma). t Curran. 1933, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 682, p. 2. t Green, 1922, Proc. U. S. N. M., Ix, Article 17. § Van Duzee, 1919, Ent. News, xxx. p. 24S. H Van Duzee, 1925, Proc. U. S. N. M., Ixvi, .^rt. 23. 220 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Dolichopidffi II.— 16, Condylostylus sipho : 17. Sciapus unifasciatus; 18, Argyra; 19, Plagioneurus univittatus: 20, Liancalus similis; 21. Rhaphphium ; 22. ^t,'X:Toly.7rirkoni Diaphorus; 24, Dolichopus, d abdomen: 25. Pelastoneurus vagans ; 26. Hydrophorus, fiont femur; 27, Scellus, front femur; 28, Scellus vigil. FAiMILY DOLICHOPID.E — THE LONG-HEADED FLIES 221 Mesonotum without such depression, usually with a slight, transverse depression 42 35. Acrostical setulse present, at least at the anterior edge of the thorax. 36 Acrostical setulae absent Micromorphus Mik 36. Third and fourth veins almost parallel beyond the crossvein 37 Third and fourth veins converging before the apex (52). *NeuriRona Rondani 37. Acrostical setulae present only on the anterior margin of the meso- notum (60) Xanthochlorus Lcew Acrostical setulae extending at least to the suture 38 38. Sixth (anal) vein present 39 Sixth ( anal ) vein absent 40 39. Hair and bristles wholly yellow (11) Chrysotimus Lcew Hair and bristles not yellow (52) *Neurigona Rondani 40. Arista apical (36) 41 Arista sub-apical; third antennal segment pointed (62) . .jAchalcus Lcew 41. Pleura metallic (6, 7) Collinellula Aldrich Pleura yellow; third antennal segment rounded apically (4, 36). fXanthina Aldrich 42. Fourth vein ending well before the tip of the wing; posterior cross- vein very oblique ( 19 ) 43 Fourth vein ending but little before the tip of the wing, usually in or slightly behind it 44 43. Dorsocentral bristles strong (19) Plagioneurus Lcew Dorsocentral bristles hair-like CEdematopus Van Duzee 44. Posterior crossvein situated less than its own length from the wing margin along the fifth vein, the basal segment of the posterior tarsi longer than the second (43) 45 Posterior crossvein much shorter than the ultimate section of the fifth vein, or the first segment of the posterior tarsi decidedly shorter than the second (9) 49 45. Pteropleura haired in front of the posterior spiracle 46 Pteropleura bare 47 46. First antennal segment with stout setulae below (72)..MeIanderia Aldrich First antennal segment bare below (Hydrophorus pt) (80). Millardia, n. g. 47. Pteropleura produced to form a mammiform projection in front of the posterior spiracle (27, 28) JScellus Lcew Pteropleura plain 48 48. Middle of the propleura haii-ed; third antennal segment subrectangu- lar, the arista dorsal (26, 43, 56, 78) §Hydrophorus Fallen * Van Duzee, 1913, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vi. pp. 22-61. t The only difference in these two genera appears to be in the shape of the third antennal segment. They should probably be united. ± Greene, 1924, Proc. U. S. N. M., Ixv, Art. 16. § Van Duzee, 1926. Pan.-Pac. Ent., iii, p. o. 222 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Dolichopidae III. — 29, Tachytrechus; 30. Hypocharasus ; 31. Thrypticus; 32, Neosyntormon ; 33, Peloropeodes brevis ; 34, Diostracus prasinus ; 35, Parasyntormon asellus; 36, Xanthina subcurva; 37, Stolidosoma permutatum ; 38. Polymcdon dilaticosta; 39. Chrysotus discolor. FAMILY DOLIL'IIOPID.E THE LONG-HEADED FLIES 223 Middle of propleura bare; third antennal segment rather triangular, the arista apical (45, 81 ) *Paraphrosylus Becker 49. Acrostical setulae present, though weak 50 Acrostical setulas absent (14) fThinophilus Wahlberg 50. Arista apical or practically so, sometimes arising a little above the tip of the pointed third antennal segment 51 Arista dorsal 58 51. Propleura bare or with a single bristly hair in the middle 53 Propleura haired in the middle 52 52. Second antennal segment produced thumb-like into the third on the inner surface (9, 84) JSynarthrus Lcew Second antennal segment not strongly convex apically (21, 47, 49). §Rhaphium Meigen 53. Second longitudinal vein very strongly sinuous (65) (Eutarsus Aid- rich, Van Duzee, not Lcew) Diaphorus Meigen Second vein at most gently undulate 54 54. Second antennal segment produced thumb-like into the third; abdo- men elongate and not tapering apically (35, 54). Parasyntormon Wheeler Second antennal segment usually transverse, rarely strongly convex apically, if so the abdomen short, cylindrical and tapering from base to apex 55 55. Body silvery white pollinose; middle of propleura with a single bristle ( 64 ) Leucostola Lcew Bodj' rarely silvery pollinose; middle of propleura bare 56 56. Lower section of face not differentiated 57 Lower section of face strongly differentiated and large (45, 81). *Paraphrosylus Becker 57. Fi'ont narrow, if wide the apex of the abdomen with four bristles (23, 75) IJDiaphorus Meigen Front wide, the face usually very narrow, the apical abdominal seg- ment without strong bristles (13, 39) [[Chrysotus Meigen 58. Second antennal segment produced thumb-line into the third on the inner surface (32, 50, 69) Neosyntormon, n. g. Second antennal segment transverse or gently convex apically 59 59. Middle of propleura bare 60 Middle of propleura haired 63 60. Abdomen flattened dorsoventrally (2) °Campsicnemus Walker Abdomen not flattened dorsoventrailv 61 • Van Duzee, 1924, Pan.-Pac. Ent., i, p. 73. t Van Duzee, 1926, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. xix, p. 35. J Van Duzee, 1925. Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc. 1, pp. 257-287 (Syntormon). § Curran, 1926-1927. Tr. Roy. Can. Inst., xv, pt. 2, pp. 249-260; xvi, pt. 1, pp. 99-179. T Van Duzee, 1922, BuU. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., xi, pp. 161-194. li Van Duzee, 1924, Bull. Buff. Soc. Nat. Sci., xiii, pp. 1-53; 1931, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 483 (Neotropical) ° Van Duzee, 1917, Ent. News, p. 124 ; Curran, 1933, Amer. Mu.s. Novit. No. 682, p. 5. 224 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Dolichopidaj IV. — 40. Hypochaiassus; 41. Dolichopus ; 42. Sympjcnus; 43, Hydrophorus; 44, Tachytrechus sanus ; 45, Paraphrosylus; 46, Petastoneurus ; 47, Rhaphium ; 48, Mesorhaga, head from in front; 49, Rhaphium abdomen from side; 50, Neosyntormon ; 51, Mesorhaga; 52, Neurigona; 53, Sympycnus; 54, Parasyntormon; 55, Gymnopternus; 56, Hydrophorus; 57, Dolichopus, 1st segment of posterior tarsus; 58, Asyndetus syntormoidcs ; 59, Thrypticus; 60, Xanthochlorus; 61, Hcrcostomus ; 62, Achalcus; 63, Medeterus. FAMILY DOLICHOPID.K — TIIE LOXG-IIEADED FLIES 225 61. Abdomen long and slender, more or less cylindrical, the jjenitalia small (42, 53) *Sympycnus Lcew Abdomen either tapering or short with large, asymetrical hypopy- gium 62 62. Abdomen tapering; genitalia small; scutellum without secondary basal bristles 1 euchophorus Lcew Abdomen short and chunky, the genitalia large, asymetrical (Kopho- soma Van Duzee, Pachypyga Parent) (8, 33) . . .fPeloropeodes Wheeler 63. Third and fourth veins rather approximate apically (12). JNematoproctus Lcew Third and fourth veins almost parallel beyond the crossvein (10). Keirosoma Van Duzee Females 64. Costa continuing to the fourth vein 65 Costa ending at the third vein (58) §Asyndetus Lcew 65. Pteropleura produced to form a mammiform protuberance in front of the posterior spiracle (27, 28) Scellus Lcew Pteropleui'a not produced 66 66. First antennal segment haired above 67 First Antennal segment bare above 80 67. Arista plumose or very long pubescent 68 Arista short pubescent or bare 70 68. No acrostical setulae Phylarchus Aldrich With acrostical setulae 69 69. Face wide, bulging below (22, 25, 46, 77) Pelastoneurus Lcew Face narrower, never strongly bulging below the middle (66, 79). Sarcionus Aldrich ^Leptocorypha Aldrich 70. Arista dorsal 72 Arista apical 71 71. Third antennal segment subtriangular or triangular (18, 74). Argyra Macquart Third antennal segment either furcate or with a strong, angular pro- jection basally (30, 40) Hypocharassus Mik 72. Propleura with hair or a single bristly hair on the median portion ... 73 Propleura entirely bare on the median portion (5, 34) . . .Diostracus Lcew 73. Pteropleura with a small tuft of very fine short hairs in front of the posterior spiracle (these are sometimes difficult to discern in most views); fourth vein not curved forward near the apex (55, 70). Gymnopternus Loew Without such hairs, or the fourth vein strongly curved forward apically 74 * Van Duzee, 1930. Pan-Pac. Ent., vii, pp. 35-36. t Van Duzee, 1926, Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc, Hi, pp. 39-46 (Kophosoma). J Van Duzee, 1930, Psyche, xxxvii. p. 167. § Van Duzee, 1919, Ent. News, xxx, p. 248. H Female unknown. 226 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Dolichopidae V. — 64, Leucostola cingulata ; 65, Diaphorus nigripennis ; 66, Sarcionus pectinatus; 67, Coeloglutus bicoloripes ; 68, Syntomoneurutn alatum ; 60, Neosyntormon; 70, Gyinnopternus ; 71, Sciapiis tener; 72, Melanderia mandibulata; 73, Ceeloglutus bicoloripes; 74, Argyra; 75, Diaphorus; 76, Hercostomus ; 77, Pelastoneurus abbreviatus. FAMILY DOLICHOPID.E THE LOXG-HEADED FLIES 227 74. Third and fourth veins conspicuously converging apically or the fourth strongly curved 75 Third and fourth veins parallel beyond the posterior crossvein, or nearly so ( 1 ) Anepsiomyia Bezzi 75. Fourth vein approaching the third in a broad curve and running paral- lel with it at the apex Paracleius Bigot Fourth vein not so strongly approaching the third or not parallel with it apically (3) ' 76 76. A second pair of weak scutellar bristles or hairs; metapleura bare; fourth vein sometimes angularly curved 77 A single pair of scutellar bristles; metasternum with two or three minute hairs in front of the posterior spiracle, visible only in some lights; fourth vein with single curve (3, 37) Stolidosoma Becker 77. Fourth vein straight beyond the posterior crossvein, though approach- ing the third (61, 76) Hercostomus Lcew Fourth vein curved beyond the crossvein 78 78. Sixth (anal) vein extending close to the margin of the wing (68) .... 79 Sixth (anal) vein extending little more than half way to the margin of the wing beyond the anal cell (15, 38) Polymedon Osten Sacken 79. Fourth vein bent twice in middle of apical section (68, 82). Syntomoneurum Becker Fourth vein not bent at nearly right angles (29, 44). .Tachytrechus Lcew 80. A longitudinal flat or slightly concave area on the posterior third of the mesonotum 81 No such area although there is usually a more or less distinct trans- verse depression immediately before the scutellum 91 81. Third and fourth veins parallel or almost so beyond the posterior crossvein 82 Fourth vein converging toward the third 86 82. Hair and bristles wholly yellow 85 Hair and bristles pai'tly or wholly black or brown 83 83. Acrostical setulse in two row^s 88 Acrostical setul* distinct only on the anterior border of the mesono- tum, or absent 84 84. Yellowish species (60) Xanthochlorus Lcew Black or green species Micromorphus Mik 85. Sixth (anal) vein absent (31, 59) Thrypticus Gerstsecker Sixth vein present (11) Chrysotimus Loew 86. Fourth vein conspicuously doubly curved forward beyond the cross- vein; sixth (anal) vein reaching the wing margin or practically so, strong and curved backward at the tip; usually large species (52). " Neurigona Rondani Fourth vein straight beyond the posterior crossvein; sixth vein weak, sometimes represented by a fold and usually curving toward the apex of the wing before its end 87 * Van Duzee. 1913, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vi. pp. 22-61. 228 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Dolichopidje VI. — 78, Hydrophorus extrarius; 79, Sarcionus actutispina; 80, Millardia viridiflos; 81, Paraphrosylus praedator; 82, Syntomoneurum alatum ; 83, Laxina caudatus; 84, Synarthrus tricoloripes ; 85, Condylostylus sipho; 86, Medeterus nigrimana. FAMILY DULICIIOPID.E THE LONG-HEADED FLIES 229 87. Second antennal segment produced along the inner side of the third (67, 73) Coeloglutus Aldrich Second antennal segment not produced along the third (63, 86). Medeterus Fischer 88. Sixth (anal) vein absent 89 Sixth (anal) vein extending almost to the wing margin (52). * Neurigona Loew 89. Arista subapical (62) Achalcus Lcew Arista apical 90 90. Pleura yellowish (4, 36) Xanthina Aldrich Pleura metallic green (6, 7) t Collinellula Aldrich 91. Fourth vein ending well before the tip of the wing, its outer edge concave just beyond the bend 92 Fourth vein ending but little before the tip of the wing, if curved beyond the posterior crossvein there is no concavity on the outer side 93 92. Dorsocentral bristles strong (19) Plagioneurus Loew Dorsocentral bristles hair-like (Edematopus Van Duzee 93. Posterior crossvein as long or longer than the ultimate section of the fifth vein; basal segment of the posterior tarsi longer than the second 94 Posterior crossvein rarely as long as the ultimate section of the fifth vein, if so, the basal segment of the posterior tarsi shorter than the second 97 94. Pteropleura haired in front of the posterior spiracle 95 Pteropleura bare in front of the posterior spiracle 96 95. First antennal segment with stout setulte below (72) .Melanderia Aldrich First antennal segment bare below (Hydrophorus pt) (80). Millardia, n. g. 96. Middle of the propleura haired (26, 43, 56, 78) Hydrophorus Meigen Middle of the propleura bare (45, 81) Paraphrosylus Becker 97. Acrostical setulae present 98 Acrostical setulse absent (14) Thinophilus Wahlberg 98. Arista apical or practically so, sometimes arising a little above the tip of the pointed third antennal segment 99 Arista dorsal, rarely arising a little beyond the middle of the third segment 105 99. Propleura bare or with a single bristle in the middle 101 Propleura haired in the middle 100 100. Second antennal segment projecting thumb-like into the third on the inner side (9, 84 ) Synarthrus Loew Second antennal segment transverse or only gently convex apically (21, 47, 49) t Rhaphium Meigen * Van Duzee, 1913, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., vi, pp. 22-61. t I have not seen specimens of Collinellula but the genus is very riose to Xanthina and no struclui'al differences are mentioned in the description. t Curran, 1926-1927, Tr. Roy. Can. Inst., xv, pt. 2, rp. 249-260; xvi, pt. 1, pp. 99-179. 230 NORTH AMEKICAX DIPTERA 101. Second antennal segment produced thumb-like into the third on the inner side (35, 54) Parasyntormon Wheeler Second antennal segment transverse or only gently convex apically. . .102 102. Middle of propleura wholly bare 103 Middle of propleura with a single bristly hair (64) Leucostola Loew 103. Lower section of the face not differentiated, the face short 104 Lower section of the face strongly differentiated, the face reaching practically to the lower level of the eyes (45, 81). Paraphrosylus Becker 104. Diaphorus Meigen and Chrysotus Meigen come here but there are no good characters for the separation of the females. 105. Second antennal segment produced thumb-like into the third on the inner side (32, 50, 69) Neosyntormon, n. g. Second antennal segment with the apex at most a little convex on the inner side 106 106. Middle of propleura bare 107 Middle of propleura haired 109 107. Abdomen flattened dorsoventrally, rai-ely swollen; face narrowest in the middle (2>- Campsicnemus Walker Abdomen cylindrical or tapering 108 108. Abdomen short and tapering 110 Abdomen long and slender, usually cylindrical or laterally compressed (42, 53) Sympycnus Loew 109. Third and fourth veins parallel or nearly so beyond the posterior crossvein (10) Keirosoma Van Duzee Third and fourth veins rather approximate apically (12). Nematoproctus Loew 110. Scutellum with a secondary pair of weak marginal scutellars situated between the base and the strong pair; sixth vein strongly ileveloped; anal lobe distinct (8, 33) Peloropeodes Wheeler Scutellum without secondary basals, but with a pair of apical hairs; sixth vein weakly developed; anal lobe very weak. . .Teuchophorus Lcew Laxina, new genus This genus is erected for those species, formerly placed in Con- dylostylus, Sciapus and Psilopns, in which the lower section of the face is hairy. The arista is dorsal; mesonotiim rather square; scutellum with four bristles and the wings either hyaline or variegated with brown. Genotype: — DoUcJwpus patihulatus Say. Neosyntormon, new genus Differs from Parasijntonnon Wheeler in having the arista dorsal, even though situated toward the apex of the third antennal segment. The propleura is bare and the hypopleura lacks hair. Both these char- FAMILY DOLICHOriD.E — THE LONG-HEADED FLIES 231 acters arc true of Parasijntonnon also, but all the species of Synarthrus Loew have both the propleura and hypopleura haired, (lenitalia small. Genotype : — Parasifntonnon montivaguyn Wheeler. P. aselhis Wheeler is the onlj' species I have seen belonging to Parasijntormon. The genus Eutarsus Loew is close to Neosijntormon but both the propleura and pteroplcura bear fine hair, as in SipuirtJirus. Eutarsus does not occur in America. Peloropeodes Wheeler In his original descrii)tion of this genus one might infer that the arista is apical, but I believe this is erroneous and that the arista is inserted toward the end of the third segment in the male. The type males of sahtx Wheeler, the genotype, all lack the third antennal seg- ment so the point cannot be cleared up at present. Both females, however, are in excellent condition and since no type has been selected for the species, I now select one of the females. On general structure there can be no doubt that both Pachupyga Parent and Kophosoma Van Duzee are synonyms. Teuchophorus Loew Wlieeler has described a species from South Dakota which appears to have been correctly placed. The type is not in good condition, both wings being absent and part of the abdomen eaten away, but from what can be seen the specimen agrees well with European material taken near Leningrad. This genus is very to Peloropeodes differ- ing in having small genitalia, as in Sijmpycnus, less evident anal angle to the wings with less developed sixth vein, and the absence of a pair of small basal bristles on the scutellum in addition to the large pair. As a rule there is a i^air of small hairs on the apical i)ortion of the scutellum, absent in the species of Peloropeodes I have seen. Millardia, new genus This genus is proposed for the reception of species formerly placed in II ydropJwrus JMeigen in which the pteropleura bears conspicuous fine hairs and most, if not all of the species have several pairs of post- vertical bristles instead of a single pair. Genotype: — Ilydropliorus riridiffos Walker. 232 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Lonchopteridae — The Pointed-wing- Flies Lonchoptera sp. Small, slender brownish or yellowish flies, the length 2 to 5 mm. Head bristly; ocelli present; antenna? short, the third segment rounded, with a terminal arista. Legs moderately long, bristly, the pulvilli very small; empodia absent. Wings pointed apically, with only the basal crossveins, the anal cell closed; first vein very short, the fourth furcate. The adults are found in moist places and especially along shady brooks. The larva^ live under leaves and decaying vegetation; they are flat, with long bristles on the anterior two and apical segments; ten seg- ments, the head not differentiated; posterior apiracles l)roadly separated on the apical segment. The larva Lonchoptera, head transforms into a prepupa within the larval skin and later into a true i)upa. The family contains less than two dozen species, all belonging to the genus LoncJwptera jNIeigen. A key to the American species is given below. Descriptions of them are contained in American IMuseum Novitates No. 696. FAMILY LOXCHOPTERID.E THE POIXTED-WING FLIES 233 TABLE OF SPECIES 1. Bristles of the vertex and the orbital cilia wholly yellowish 4 At least several of the upper orbital cilia black 2 2. Bristles of the vertex black 3 Bristles of the vertex yellowish; about half the orbital cilia black.... 4 3. Wings very sharply pointed, very slightly concave posteriorly toward the apex, or at any rate not generally convex uniseta CuiTan Wings broader and much less sharply pointed, gently convex before the apex occidentalis Curran 4. Anal vein widely removed from the border of the wing; base of fifth vein with four or five long bristles borealis Curran Anal vein fused with the posterior border of the wing; base of fifth vein with numerous setulae dubia Curran Wings of Lonchoptera. — 1. uniseta Curran; 2, (Courtesy American Museum of Natural History.) occidentalis Curran ; 3, borealis Curran. 234 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Phoridse Megaselia species. Small or minute flies, often wingless, usually with a hunch-backed appearance. Head small, ratlier flattened; front wide, usually bristled; face short and concave; oral opening large, the proboscis usually fleshy; palpi large, usually bristled; eyes never large, the ocelli sometimes absent in the apterous forms. Antenna with three segments, the third large, the basal two small; arista dorsal or apical. Thorax usually arched, the scutellum absent in some wingless forms. Abdomen short, iLsually tapering posteriorly, sometimes partly membranous, especially in the wingless forms; male genitalia often large, in the female small and projecting, large and adapted for piercing in some genera. Legs short, well developed, the tibae with or without l)ristles; posterior femora usually more or less laterally compressed. Wings large, ])oorly de- veloped or absent, the fully developed wings with two strong longitudi- nal veins and four or five fine ones. The adults are readily recognized by their characteristic antennee and wing venation. They are found almost everywhere but are par- ticularly aliundant about decaying vegetation, on leaves and windows or in the nests of termites and ants, and following armies of ants. The alate adults move about on leaves with a quick, jerky movement which is quite characteristic of the family. FAMILY PHORID.E 235 The larval habits arc diverse. Some are parasitic while others are unquestionably scavengers. The larva of Apocephalus lives in the heads of ants, the head dropping off when the larva is mature, while that of Cataclinusa pachycliondijJcv lives curled about the necks of ant larvie and feeds upon the food proffered the latter by the ants. Some species live on decaying animal matter and at least one species has been reared from honey comb. The family is one of great interest and offers an excellent field of study for patient, careful students of animal behavior. Tlu' latest revision of the North American species is by Mallocli.* The following key is adapted from Schmitzf and may prove unsatis- factory in some respects, but as I lack very many of the genera I am unable to improve upon it. Some of the characters used appear to be of little value from a generic standpoint but the species included in the genera present differences in addition to those given. Despite the title, Schmitz' paper is little more than a generic revision insofar as the taxonomist is concerned but a complete bibliography is included. KEY TO GEXERAJ 1. Prothoiacic spiracle lateral 2 Prothoracic spiracle dorsal (18) ^nigmatias Meinert 2. Supra-antennal bristles proclinate, if absent the tibi« lack isolated strong- bristles 18 Supra-antennal bristles erect, divergent or reclinate, if absent the tibise bear strong bristles; never wingless 3 3. Third vein with very evident branch 4 Third vein not forked or only obscurely so 11 * 1912. Proc. U. S. N. M.. xliii, pp. 411-529. t 1929. Rev. der Phoriden, privately published (Diimmler, Berlin & Bonn). I Checked by Dr. C. T. Brues. Phoridae I. — 1. Pulicophora, $ ; 2, Megaselia; 3, Phora, antenna; 4, Coniccra, antenna; 5, Megraselia ; 6, Hypocera; 7, Apocephalus, antenna. 236 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA* II.-8. 9. Eeitom.via spinosa. dorsal and lateral views; 1'^. P'^^V'P'?"^', ^J' Triphleba; 12. Aneurina; 13. Pulicophora ; 14. Chonocephalus. head of ? : lo. Beckenna. head showing bristles. FAMILY PHORID.TS 237 4. At least the middle tibiae with strong bristles 5 Tibiae without conspicuous bristles (15, 21) Beckerina Malloch 5. Mesopleura haired, at least in front near the spiracle 6 Mesopleura bare 8 6. Mesopleura with very long bristle Chaetopleurophora Schmitz Mesopleura without long bristle 7 7. Posterior tibise with from one to three rows of closely placed short setulse dorsally (19) Dohrniphora Dahl Posterior tibise without such ciliate rows . . Chaetocnemistoptera Borgmeier 8. Third vein with closely placed setulse above (12) Aneurina Lioy Third vein bare or very sparsely setulose 9 9. Middle tibiae with a strong anterior bristle beyond the middle. Paraspiniphora Malloch Middle tibise with a very weak bristle beyond the middle, or bare 10 10. Posterior tibise with one to three rows of conspicuous, short setulse dorsally (25) Diploneura Lioy Posterior tibise without such setulse (11) Triphleba Rondani 11. Arista dorsal, at most sub-apical 12 Arista apical i 17 12. Middle tibise without dorsal bristles beyond the basal third 13 Middle tibiae with more than one pair of dorsal bristles 14 13. Eyes bare (3) Phora Latreille Eyes haired Chaetocnemistoptera Borgmeier 14. Supra-antennal bristles present (6) Hypocera Lioy Supra-antennal bristles absent 15 15. Ocelli widely separated, their triangle separated from the front an- teriorly by a three-ridged depression Stichillus Enderlein Ocelli normal, or the triangle forming a tubercle 16 16. Eyes very large; front very narrow (26) Trineurocephala Schmitz Eyes normal; front wide Borophaga Endei-lein 17. Posterior tibise with a pair of bristles on the basal half (4, 24). Conicera Meigen Posterior tibise otherwise (22) Coniceromyia Borgmeier 18. Wings entirely normal in size 19 Wings smaller than normal or absent 46 19. Third vein forked 20 Third vein simple 32 20. Posterior tibise with a dorsal row of contiguous hairs and a postero- dorsal row of short cilia or at least one or two short bristles 23 Posterior tibise without the dorsal row of setulse and the postero-dorsal cilia 21 238 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Phoridje III. — 16, Ecituncula setosa ; IT. Xanionotum ; IS. ^niginatias, d: 19. Dohrni- phora alleni ; 20, Acontistoptera nielanderi ; 21, Beckcrina neotropica. FAMILY PHORID.E 239 21. Anterior orbital bristle present Woodiphora Schmitz At least the anterior orbital bristle absent 22 22. All the bristles on the anterior half of the front missing (23). Gymnophora Macquart Median frontals present Metopina Macquart 23. Supra-antennals entirely missing 24 At least one pair of supra-antennals 26 24. Arista apical or subapical 25 Arista dorsal Cremersia Schmitz 25. Hypopygium large; anal segment laterally compressed, the outline lancet-shaped; fifth sternite with long apical hairs. Neodohrniphora Malloch Hypopygium small, the anal segment long and linear; ovipositor of female chitinized and projecting Apocephalus Coquillett 26. Front with four rows of bristles 27 Bristling of the front incomplete; arista apical. Acanthophorides Borgmeier 27. Upper pair of post-antennal bristles erect, directed more or less out- ward 28 Upper pair of post-antennals proclinate or reclinate, not directed out- ward 29 28. Upper post-antennals distinctly proclinate and directed a little out- ward Pseudohypocera Malloch Upper post-antennals directed outward (7) Apocephalus Coquillett 29. Weak vein beyond the third vein weak or absent Syneura Brues This vein distinct 30 30. Epistoma strongly produced, tube-like Trophithauma Schmitz Face normal, not produced 31 31. Proboscis very long and thin (o unknown) Rhyncophoromyia Malloch Proboscis normal (Phalocrotophora Enderlein) (2, 5). . .Megaselia Rondani 32. Bristling of the front complete (as in Megaselia) or with additional bristles 33 Bristling incomplete, the anterior orbital or other bristles absent 37 33. Front with additional bristles on the median area. Pseudacteon Coquillett Front with normal number of bristles 34 34. The weak vein lying parallel with the costa absent or indistinct 35 This vein distinct (2, 5) Megaselia Rondani 35. Costa short, widened and almost filling the costal cell. Parametopina Borgmeier Costa short but not abnormally widened 36 36. Apices of first and third veins approximate Syneura Brues Apices of first and third veins not approximated (10). Plastophora Brues 240 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 37. Bristles of the front normal except for the absence of the anterior pair of f rontals 38 Bristles of the front differing in other ways 44 38. A weak vein lies parallel with the costa beyond the third vein 39 This vein absent 41 39. First vein wholly bare 40 First vein with one or two small bristles basally (20). Acontistoptera Brues 40. Third and fourth weak veins very strongly cui-ved toward each other. Metopina Macquart Third and fourth veins normal (1, 13) Pulicophora Dahl 41. First vein present 42 First vein absent (8, 9) Ecitomyia Brues 42. Front with two pairs of post-antennal bristles 43 Front with one pair of post-antennal bristles (17) Xanionotum Brues 43. Post-antennal bristles of equal size Ecitophora Schmitz Post-antennal bristles of two sizes. . Ecitoptera Borgmeier and Schmitz PhoridjB IV. — 22. Coniceromyia vespertilio; 23, Gyinnophora verrucata; 24, Coniceraj 25, Diploneura; 26, Trineurocephala. FAMILY PHORID.E 241 44. Post-antennal bristles not distinguishable from others along the an- terior border of the front Cataclinusa Schmitz Post-antennals absent 45 45. Front bristled only at the vertex and along the upper, inner margins of the antennal grooves which are narrower than the space between them; wings without basal transverse vein (14). Chonocephalus Wandolleck Front narrow, only the post-antennal and pre-ocellar bristles absent. Melaloncha Brues 46. Wings wholly absent or microscopic 52 Wings distinctly developed though small 47 * 47. Ocelli present 48 Ocelli absent 50 48. Wings with trace of several veins 49 Wings with at most the costal vein visible; halteres absent. Ecitophora Schmitz 49. Proboscis geniculate or bent, distinctly elongate. Ecitoptera Borgmeier & Schmitz Proboscis normal Commoptera Brues 50. Wing rudiments with long bristles 51 Wing rudiments with hairs or cilia (8, 9) Ecitomyia Brues 51. Eyes situated well behind the front margin of the head in profile; halteres present, though small (17) Xanionotum Brues Eyes situated at the front margin of the head in profile; halteres absent (20) Acontistoptera Brues 52. Ocelli present (1, 13) Pulicophora Dahl Ocelli absent 53 53. Thorax without bristles (14) Chonocephalus Wandolleck Thorax with bristles (16) Ecituncula Schmitz 242 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Platypezidse — The Flat-footed Flies Platypeza species. Tliese are small flies with short hair and bristles, characterized by the wing" venation and peculiarly shaped posterior tarsi, the basal seg- ment being (usually) much flattened and sometimes strikingly orna- mented. Head hemispherical, as l)road or broader than the thorax and closely applied to it; face depressed, short and broad; eyes bare, holoptic in the males and in some females; ocelli present. Antennae porrect, the basal two segments short, the third more or less elongate-oval, pyri- form or conical, with a terminal arista. Thorax rather stout, the mesonotum and scutellum with bristles. Legs short and strong, the posterior pair more or less thickened and at least the basal segment of their tarsi thickened or variously ornamented. Wings rather large; third vein simple, tlie fourth sometimes forked; apical cell open; basal cells rather small; ])osterior crossvein rarely absent. Abdomen rather short, broad and tapering or laterally compressed; hypopygium gen- erally small. The larva? have been found in fungi and are flat, oval in outline, with jointed thread-like appendages on the sides of the segments. The puparia are rather similar to tlie larva? in appearance. For the most part the Platypczids are not common in collections nor are they often met with in the field. Williston states that they have been observed dancing in small swarms but they are usually found ujion the leaves of bushes and low trees where they move about in a characteristic, jerky but remarkably agile manner. Mr. Johnson has obtained most of his specimens of Af/athovijiia by sweeping foliage. The species of Calliniyia prefer moist woods. Fewer than thirty North American species are known. FAMILY PLATYPEZID/E THE FLAT-FOOTED 243 •^*^-t Platypezidae. — 1, Platycnema; 2, Callimyia; 3. Calliniyia, hind tarsus of cT ; 4-7, Platypeza, wings and posterior legs; 8, Agathomyia, antenna; 9. Microsania pectipennis ; 10, Platypezoides diversa; 11, 12, Agathomyia; 13, Callimyia. 244 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA 1. Fourth vein furcate "* Fourth vein not furcate 2 2. Discal cell closed apically 3 Discal cell open 5 3. First vein bare; third antennal segment elongate conical (8, 11, 12). *Agathomyia Verrall First vein setulose above; third antennal segment rather short (2, 3, 13 ) tCallimyia Meigen 4. The fourth vein branches close to the posterior crossvein, the posterior branch reaching the wing margin (10) Platypezoides Johnson The fourth vein branches nearer to the wing margin than to the pos- terior crossvein, the posterior branch not reaching the wing margin (4, 5, 6, 7) 'Tlatypeza Meigen 5. Third vein obsolete except apically (9) Microsania Zetterstedt Third vein complete; three closed cells (1) Platycnema Zetterstedt * Johnson, 1923, Occ. Pap. Best. Soc. Nat. Hist., v, pp. 51-58. t Johnson, 1916, Psyche, xxiii, pp. 27-33. 245 Family Pipunciilidae — The Big-headed Flies Tlii-s family is characterized by the very large head and thinly pilose or i)ractically bare body. Head broader than the thorax, nearly spherical, composed chiefly of tlie large eyes; eyes of the male contiguous above the antennae or" closely approximated, in the female separated by a narrow front; face narrow. Antennie small, three segmented, the third segment oval, reni- form or aculeate below; arista dorsal. Ocelli present; proboscis small, usually concealed. Abdomen composed of six or seven segments, small, cylindrical; hypopygium conspicuous, often large; ovipositor usually elongate and extending forward under the abdomen. Legs simple; tarsi broad, the basal segment elongate; pulvilli present. Wings much longer than the abdomen; ])asal cells elongate; anal cell reaching close to the wing margin, rarely incomplete; apical cell narrowed apically but always open; three posterior cells; venation incomplete in Chalaritft Walker. Squama? vestigial. The wings are held flat over the abdomen when the insect is at rest. The larva? are parasitic on bugs of the families CicadellidjB and ]\Iirida\ and perhaps on other Homoptera and Heteroptera. The larvae are elli])tical. thick, depressed and narrowed at either end, naked and small. The oval, shining black puparia are o])tuse at either end and somewhat smaller than the larvae. Pipunculida^ are found commonly wherever their hosts are to be found, but more especially near the edges of woods, in clearings and along shaded lanes. I have found tliem in large numbers in a small clearing in whicli tlie ground was kept constantly moist from a spring at one end and also along the edges of streams. Almost one hundred species are known from North America, most of which belong to the genus Pipunculus. Cresson* has monographed the family. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, xx.xvi, pp. 267-329. 246 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA 1. Discal cell closed 2 Discal cell open apically the venation incomplete (3) Chalarus Walker 2. Scutellar bristles present 3 Scutellar bristles absent (1, 2) Pipunculus Latreille 3. Ocellar bristles absent; occiput widely visible from the side (6, 7). Nephrocerus Zetterstedt Ocellar bristles present; occiput narrow (4, 5) Verrallia Mik Pipunculidse. — 1, 2, Pipunculus; 3, Chalarus; 4, 5, Verrallia; 6, 7, Nephrocerus. 247 Family Syrphidae — The Flower Flies Small to large flies, the wing with a "spurious vein"' lying between the third and fourth longitudinal veins. Head variable, ])ut never elongated, except rarely the produced epistoma. Face moderately wide to wide; eyes usually holoptie in the males, always dichoptic in the females. Oral opening large; proboscis usually short. Antenna? short or elongate, composed of three segments, usually with a dorsal arista, rarely with a terminal style. Ocelli pres- ent. Thorax rather large and robust, rarely with bristles. Abdomen composed of four to six visible segments; hypopygium rarely promi- nent, though often large. Legs variable but never elongate. Wings comparatively large; third vein never branched, straight or dipped into the apical cell, the apical cell closed; basal cells long; anal cell closed before the margin of the wing, always long; between the third and fourth veins a strong fold or ''spurious vein", rarely absent, which is characteristic of the family. The Syrphidae comprise one of the largest and most popular groups of Diptera. They may be found anywhere and many species are very common. IMost of them visit flowers but some occur only in woods, in moist places, in fields, or near ants' nests, depending upon their habits. The adults display great variation in habitus but may be recognized at once by their characteristic wing venation. Any locality with varied habitat should yield at least a hundred species and the general collector is certain to have many of them in his collection. Most of the common species are easily recognized by the use of " Williston 's Synopsis" but on the whole the family is a difficult one, many of the genera and species being difficult to separate by means of keys and descriptions. Unfortunately tliere is no recent revision of the North American forms of which less than half are included in Williston 's w'ork. The number of short papers dealing with the family is very large and the literature scattered through numerous periodicals. ]\Iany attempts have been made to divide the Syrphidge into subfamilies but with little success. Some of the groups may be well defined in one region but almost every character thus far used is found to lose its value when the study is extended to include the world fauna. Almost all of the Syrphids are beneficial and they are second in importance only to the bees as pollinators of plants. ]\Iany of them live upon aphids, (plant lice) and mealy bugs in the larval stages. A few are known to be definitely injurious. 248 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA SyrphidiE I. — 1, Microdon ; 2, Orthoneura nitida; 3, Orthoneura nitida, antenna; 4, Chrysogaster nigripes, antenna; 5, Paragus; 6, Pipizella, antenna; 7, Paragus, antenna; S, Cheilosia; 9, Syrphus laxus ; 10, Syrphus laxus, antenna; 11, Salpingogaster ; 12, Volucella; 13, Volucella, antenna; 14, Copestylum marginatum, antenna; 15, Arctophila flagrans ; 16, Seri- comyia militaris, antenna; 17, Eristalis; 18, Elophilus fasciatus ; 19, Tropidea quadrata, hind leg; 20, Milesia, hind leg; 21, Spilomyia longicornis; 22, Spilomyia longicornis, antenna; 23, Chrysotoxum, antenna; 24, Cerioides, antenna. FAMILY SYRPHID.i: THE FLOWER FLIES 249 The larvfe are variable in habits and form. Some live in the nests of ants, termites, bees, etc., but nothing is known regarding their rela- tionship to their hosts. JMost of them live in decaying vegetation, while a very few are injurious to growing plants and bulbs. Among the well-known larval forms are the rat-tailed maggots which may be found in licjuid media containing decaying vegetation and very rarely in carrion. The larva? may be divided into four types : the Microdon type, with an unusually hard, convex upper surface and flat, soft ventral surface; the Syrphus type, some of which approach the first group in ap])earance, living upon aphids, decaying vegetation and plants; the short-tailed maggots, living in decaying vegetation; and the rat-tailed maggots which live in liquid media. In the key to tlie genera several minute characters are used. These may prove difficult at first but once the student is familiar with them they will be found to l)e most useful. In some cases there may be difficulty in deciding the genus to which a species belongs but com- parison with specimens of known genera will aid in reaching a decision. The final recourse, after careful study, is to send the puzzle to a spe- cialist and receive his opinion. IMost of them will gladly tell you what it is and return the specimen. KEY TO GENERA 1. Antennse with a terminal style, the third antennal segment tapering.. 2 Antennse with a dorsal arista, if sub-apical the third segment is not tapering from the base 3 2. Eyes bare (24, 46. 51 ) * Cerioides Rondani Eyes pilose Callicera Panzer 3. Arista bare; antennae usually longer than the convex, pilose face; third vein usually with a stump of vein extending into the apical cell; anterior crossvein situated before the middle of the discal cell; apical crossvein often recurrent 4 Arista variable; antennae usually shorter, if elongate the humeri are bare, or the arista plumose; face concave, tuberculate or carinate, never rather evenly convex 6 4. Third vein with a stump of vein extending into the apical cell 5 Third vein without such stump but there may be one from the fourth vein and from the apical crossvein Mixogaster Macquart 5. Abdomen spatulate Rhopalosyrphus Arribalzaga Abdomen not spatulate (1, 53, 59) t Microdon Meigen 6. Humeri pilose 7 Humeri bare, often mostly concealed by the occiput 18 Curran, 1925, Kans. Univ. Soi. Bull., xv. p. 25. Curran, 1925, Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull., xv, p. 48. 250 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Syii)hida,' II. — 25, Ferdinandea ; 26, Volucella fasciata; 27, Eumyiolepta auricaudata; 28, Syritta pipiens; 29, Xylota pigra; 30, Pipizella ; 31, Platycheirus erraticus; 32, Syrphus wiede- manni; 33, Sericomyia militaiis ; 34, Polydontomyia curvipes ; 35, Scaeva pyrastri; 36, Tropidea quadrata; 37, Baccha lemur; 38, Trichopsomyia; 39, Baccha ; 40, Apophysophora (S. Amer.) ; 41, Chrysotoxum. FAMILY SYRPHID.T: THE FLOWER FLIES 251 7. Face perpendicular, with a swelling above; anterior crossvein at the basal fourth of the discal cell; antennae elongate and porrect; ab- domen strongly constricted basally Mixogaster Macquart Face more or less tuberculate or carinate or the oral margin at least slightly prominent 8 8. All the femora with a patch of black setulae on their bases anteriorly; third vein strongly curved into the apical cell 91 Posterior femora never with such setulae; third vein at most moder- ately curved 9 9. Arista plumose, rarely pectinate; legs never with bristles 10 Arista bare or pubescent, if short plumose the legs bear bristles 1^ 10. Apical crossvein recurrent 11 Apical crossvein not recurrent, the apical cell never longest at its middle 15 11. Face with three strong tubercles, one on either side of the median tubercle (76) *Ornidia St. Fargeau and Serville Face with only one tubercle or almost flat 12 12. Arista bushy plumose, appearing moi'e or less strap-like (14, 65, 75). t Copestylum Macquart Arista loosely plumose or pectinate 13 13. Arista pectinate, the upper rays long, the lower ones extremely short. Volucellosia Cun-an Arista plumose 14 14. Eyes of the male widely separated, the front much longer than the face Megametopon Giglio-Tos Eyes of male contiguous, the front at most slightly longer than the "face (12, 13, 26, 77) t Volucella Geofi^roy 15. Facial side margins very distinct and extending almost to the base of the antennae 43 Side margins not extending above the middle of the facial convexity. , 88 16. Apical crossvein strongly recurrent, the first posterior cell longest in the middle and usually with an appendage at this point (66, 78). Citibaena Walker First posterior cell not longest in the middle, the apical cell not strongly recurrent 17 17. Genitalia entirely concealed by the strongly convex abdomen when seen from the side; third antennal segment orbicular, very large; an- terior crossvein situated before the middle of the discal cell (67, 79). Nausigaster Williston Genitalia visible from lateral view; third antennal segment never orbicular and abnomially large 42 18. Antennae elongate and porrect; thorax and abdomen with bright yellow markings; wasp-like flies (23, 41, 82) §Chrysotoxum Meigen * Cuiran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 413, p. 2. t Curi-an, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 413, p. 3. t Curran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 413, p. 6. § Shannon. 1926, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixix, Art. 11, p. 3. 252 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Svrphida. Ill -42. Epistrophe submarginalis; 43. Syrphus aberrantis : 44. Melanostoma 52. Chrysogaster Ontario; 53, Microdon fulgens. FAMILY SYRPHID.E THE FLOWER FLIES 253 Antennje shorter, if somewhat elongate they are decumbent and the abdomen drooping or wholly black 19 19. Face and scutellum more or less yellowish or translucent (if the face is entirely black the abdomen is oval and little more than twice as long as wide ) 20 Face wholly black, the scutellum rarely with a yellow tip 38 20. Abdomen drooping, never with yellow fasciae in American species though often largely reddish; third antennal segment more than twice as long as broad; ?mall species (7, 80) Paragus Latreille Abdomen not normally drooping; antennae usually short, the third seg- ment rarely twice as long as wide, the abdomen usually with yellow spots or bands 21 21. Abdomen margined (the immediate latei"al margins raised and not cuiYing under ) ( 43 ) 22 Abdomen not margined, the thin side margins curving under 27 22. Species with long pile, the base of the abdomen broatUy pale yellowish, the abdomen moderately broad; eyes pilose (68, 81). Leucozona Species with shorter pile and usually with yellow markings beyond the second segment 23 23. Pleura with very bright, sharply limited yellow markings; front long and narrow Xanthogramma Schiner Pleura with diffuse yellowish markings or none; sides of mesonotum sometimes yellow 24 24. Third vein dipped into apical cell; third antennal segment long, robust, pointed; front not inflated; eyes bare; abdomen broad and flat, with wide fasciae Didea Macquart Third vein rarely dipped into apical cell, if so the eyes are pilose or the abdominal spots are arcuate and the front more or less inflated. 25 25. Male genitalia projecting, long and cylindrical; abdomen of female broadly oval, the fifth segment half as long as the fourth (84, 85). Eupeodes Osten Sacken Male genitalia normal; if the fifth segment of the female is about half as long as the fourth the abdomen has sub-parallel sides and the front is not whitish yellow immediately above the antennae.... 26 26. Wings practically without villi; front very much swollen; apical cell much broadened on the apical half (35, 86, 87) Scaeva Fabricius Wings largely villous; front seldom much swollen; apical cell witlened in only a few species (9, 10, 32, 43, 47) *Syrphus Fabricius 27. Pleura with sharply limited yellow markings; no yellow prescutellar spots; mesonotum without cinereous vitta; abdomen elliptical. Xanthogramma Schiner Pleura with or without sharply limited yellow markings, if present the abdomen is long and narrow or the mesonotum bears a cinerous median vitta 28 28. Abdomen dark except for a pair of large, basal yellowish spots; eyes pilose Ischyrosyrphus Bigot Abdomen differentlv marked; eves bare 29 * Curran, 1930, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Ixi, p. 56; Fluke, 1933, Trans. Wise. Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters, 28, pp. 63-126. 254 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Syrnhidse IV. — 54, Criorrhina caudata; 55, Brachjopa basilaris, head from in front; 56, Brachyopa basilaris; 57, Brachyopa nigricauda; 58, Clialcosyrphus depressus ; 59, Microdon fulgens; 60, Cynorhina nigripes; 61, Clialcosyrphus depressus; 62, Chalcomyia aerea ; 63, Cynorhina metcalfi ; 64, Cynorhina pictipcs. FAMILY SYRPHID.i: THE FLOWER FLIES 255 21). Pleura with sharply limited yellow markings or largely yellow, or the abdomen very long and often spatulate 31 Pleura blackish with at most diffuse yellow markings; rarely a pair of small yellow prescutellar spots; abdomen elliptical or with paral- lel sides 30 30. Abdomen very long, ihe face and front narrow, the former narrowed below (37, 39, 71 ) *Baccha Fabricius Abdomen not remarkably long, the face not narrowed below (42). fEpistrophe Walker 31. Abdomen very long, club-shaped, spatulate or with parallel sides; face strongly narrowed below; if the abdomen is rather short it is almost unicolorous 36 Abdomen of motlerate length; never spatulate, if rather short and with parallel sides it bears bright yellow markings 32 32. Large wasp-like species; a pair of small yellow prescutellar spots ( 83 ) Doros Meigen Smaller species, never over 10 mm. in length 33 33. Mesonotum with a median cinereous or metallic vitta; abdomen usu- ally short oval, always very much flattened 34 Mesonotum without such vitta; abdomen with parallel sides or pointed apically in female 35 34. Posterior femora strongly arcuate in male, the female abdomen taper- ing apically (89, 90) Toxomerus Macquart Posterior femora simple; female abdomen obtuse apically. JMesogramma Lcew 35. Male hypopygium globosely enlarged; fifth abdominal segment of the female with fasciae which may be broken into spots (72, 88). §Sphaerophoria St. Fargeau and Sei-ville Male genitalia small; fifth segment of female with four spots, the median pair longitudinally placed, the outer pair oblique. ^Allograpta Osten Sacken 36. Third vein rather deeply looped into the apical cell (Tropical) (11). jiSalpingogaster Schiner Third vein not deeply looped into the apical cell 37 37. Apical crossvein transverse Calostigma Shannon Apical crossvein oblique, usually curved (37, 39, 71)..°Baccha Fabricius 38. Abdomen cylindrical basally (37, 39, 71) °Baccha Fabricius Abdomen with parallel sides or elliptical 39 39. Wings shorter than the abdomen (69, 70, 73, 74) Pyrophaena Schiner Wings longer than the abdomen 40 * Curran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 403. p. 1. t Curran, 1925, (Stenosyri.hus). Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull., xv, p. 95. J cf. Calostigma Shannon ; Key. Curran, 1930, .\mer. Mus. Novit. No. <05, p. 1. § Curran, 1930, Bull. Amer Mus. Nat. Hist., iNi. p. 61. ^ Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 519. ii. 2. 11 Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 519. p. 5. ° Curran, 1930, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 403, p. 1. 256 XORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Syiphidae V. — 65, Copestylum marginatum; 66. Citibaena ; 67, Nausigaster punctulata; 68, Leucozona americanum ; 69. Pyrophaena granditarsis; TO, Pyrophsena granditarsis, abdomen; 71, Baccha fuscipennis ; 72, Sphrerophoria cylindrica, abdomen: 73, 74. Pyropha!na granditarsis, front and middle tibia? and tarsi; 75, Copestylum marginatum; 76. Ornidia obesa; 77. Volu- cella bombylans ; 78. Citibaena; 79, Nausigaster; 80. Paragus tibialis; 81, Leucozona ameri- canum; 82, Chrysotoxum; 83, Doros a^qualis; 84, 85, Eupeodes volucris, c abdomen and jieni- talia ; 86. 87, Scava pyrastri; 88, Sphserophoria cylindrica; 89. 90. Toxomerus geminatus, hind leg and head. FAMILY SYRPHID.E — THE FLOWER FLIES 257 40. Abdomen broad and flat; face narrowed below; tip of scutellum usu- ally yellow Xanthandrus Verrall Abdomen with parallel sides, less flattened; face at most parallel sided, usually widened below; scutellum wholly black 41 41. Male with the anterior tibiae or tarsi, or both, dilated (31, 100, 101). *Platycheirus St. Fargeau and Serville Legs simple (44, 48) fMelanostoma Schiner 42. Anterior crossvein situated well before the middle of the discal cell, or the mesonotum with bristles (91 ) 43 Anterior crossvein situated at or beyond the middle of the discal cell, thorax rarely with short spines (115) 65 43. Eyes bare 44 Eyes pilose 45 44. Facial grooves extending almost to the antennae; fourth vein joining the third well before the wing-tip; thorax often with bristles; an- terior crossvein near the basal third of the discal cell; arista often plumose (45, 91, 104) JCartosyrphus Bigot Facial grooves less distinct or the anterior crossvein near the middle of the discal cell 50 45. Facial grooves distinct and extending almost to the antennse (8, 49). §Cheilosia Meigen Facial grooves usually forming pits below^ and never extending dis- tinctly to near the antennse 46 46. Face evenly receding, the anterior oral margin pi'ojecting.Psilota Meigen Face tuberculate, or the oral margin not conspicuously projecting. . . 47 47. Face widening below TJPipiza Fallen Face not wider below than at the antennae 48 48. Middle tibiae slender, not convex anteriorly from dorsal view 49 Middle tibiae in male conspicuously broadened, in the female slightly broadened and gently convex anteriorly from dorsal view; middle coxae of male with small slender process near their inner end. j Cnemodon Egger 49. Fifth sternite only half as long as the fifth tergite in the male; antennas of female elongate oval "Heryngia Rondani Fifth sternite three-fourths as long as the tergite; antennae of female more than twice as long as wide; eyes usually with an indistinct, transverse, less thickly pilose stripe (6, 30) "Pipizella Rondani 50. Mesonotum with strong bristles, the legs never bristled; abdominal pile erect; face tuberculate (25, 99) Ferdinandea Scopoli Mesonotum without bristles or the legs also with bristles 51 * Cuiran, 1927. Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 247, p. 1. t Curran, 1930. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Ixi, p. 64. } Shannon, 1922, Ins. Ins. Mens., x. p. 131. § Shannon, 1922, Ins. Ins. Mens., x. p. 127. "1 Curran. 1921, Pr. Calif. Acad. Sci., xi, p. 374. II Curran, 1921, Pr. Calif. Acad. Sci., xi, p. 358. o Curran, 1921, Pr. Calif. Acad. Sci., xi. :„ 354. 0 Curran, 1924, Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc, xlix, p. 340. 258 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 111 114 Syrphidje V. — 91, Cartosyrphus ; 92, Chrysogaster nigrovittata; 93, Neoascia globosa ; 94, Sphegina infuscata ; 95, Khingia nasica ; 96, Hammerschmidtia ferruginea ; 97, Brachyopa notata; 9S, Merapioidus villosus ; 99, Ferdinandea croesus; 100, Platycheirus quadratus; 101, Platycheiius peltatus, front tibia and tarsus: 102, Chrysogaster; 103, Pelecocera pergandci; 104, Cartosyrphus; 105, Sphegina infuscata; 106, Neoascia globosa ; 107, Myiolepta nigra; 108, 109, Chalcomyia serea, ? c : HO, Merapioidus villosus; 111, Brachyopa notata; 112, Rhingia nasica; 113, Hammerschmidtia; 114, Criorrhina. FAMILY SYRPHID.E THE FLOWER FLIES 259 51. Third antennal segment elongate; apical crossvein more or less recur- rent (2, 3, 50) Orthoneura Macquart Third antennal segment never twice as long as wide 52 52. Disc of abdomen opaque black, the sides shining (4, 52, 92, 102). Chrysogaster Meigen Disc of abdomen either wholly shining or with shining spots or bands. 63 53. Abdomen constricted basally or the third antennal segment very large 54 Abdomen broad; third antennal segment of normal size 57 54. Antennse with a terminal arista on the produced upper angle (103). Pelecocera Meigen Antennae with dorsal arista, the third antennal segment not produced at point of its insertion 55 55. Abdomen not constricted basally Chamaesyrphus Mik Abdomen petiolate 56 56. Third antennal segment longer than wide; arista shorter than an- tennae (93, 106) *Neoascia Williston Third segment at most slightly longer than wide, the arista longer than antenna (94, 105) fSphegina Meigen 57. Face wholly black in ground color 58 Face partly yellow in ground color 61 58. Hair of the thorax and abdomen scale-like and appressed. Lepidostola Williston Pile not scale-like, much of it erect 59 59. Scutellum large, subquadrate; male dichoptic 60 Scutellum rounded apically; male holoptic (107) Myiolepta Newman 60. Mesonotum with a large, flattened rectangle posteriorly (58, 61). Chalcosyrphus Curran Mesonotum regularly convex (62, 108, 109) Chalcomyia Williston 61. Pile mostly scale-like and closely appressed (27, 124, 125). JEumyiolepta Shannon Pile normal 62 62. Legs bearing distinct bristles (96, 113) Hammerschmidtia Schummel Legs without bristles 63 63. Epistoma produced into a long, porrect snout (95, 112) . .Rhingia Scopoli Epistoma not produced snout-like 64 64. Tlie costal vein ends at the tip of the wing (55, 56, 57, 97, 111). §Brachyopa Meigen The costal vein ends before the tip of the wing (60, 63, 64). TJCynorhina Williston * Curran, 1925, Pr. Ent. Soc. Wash., xxvii, p. 51. t Shannon, 1923, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. xviii, p. 19. t Malloch, 1922, Ent. News, xxxiii, p. 267. § Curran, 1922, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., xv, p. 243. 1 Curran, 1924. Can. Ent., Ivi, p. 195. 260 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 122 135 Syiiihida» VII. — 115. Somula decora; 116. C> norhinella bella; 117, Criopiora cjanella; 118. Pocota grandis; 119, Chr.vsosomidia pulchei ; 120, Sphecomyia pattoni ; 121, Senogaster; 122, Milesia; 123, Somula decora; 124, 12.5, Eumyiolepta, ?, o\ head: 126, Cyniorhinella bella; 127, Pocota; 128, Chrysosomidia pulcher; 129. Sphecomyia pattoni; 130, Heliophilus pigra ; 131, Senogaster; 132, Temnostoma alternans; 133. 134, Syritta pipiens, head and hind leg; 135, Tropidia (luadrata ; 136, Teuchociiemis, hind les. FAMIIA" SVRPHID.i: THE FLOWER FLIES 261 65. Mesonotum with distinct yellow markings in addition to those on the humeri 78 Mesonotum without distinct yellow markings, although the humeri may be yellow, sometimes partly or wholly pollinose 6G 66. Third longitudinal vein moderately curved into the apical cell 83 Third longitudinal at most slightly curved into the apical cell 67 67. Face produced downward; usually an indication of facial tubercle. ... 68 Face produced well forward and somewhat downward or evenly con- cave and not produced downward 72 68. Pile long and furry; flies bumble-bee-like in appearance 69 Pile shorter; flies not bumble-bee-like 70 69. Arista placed at the tip of a conically produced third antennal seg- ment (98, 110) Merapioidus Bigot Arista dorsal, not situated on a prominence (.54, 114) . '''Criorrhina Meigen 70. Antennje inserted on a long, conical prominence; face retreating below (115, 123) Somula Macquart Antennas not situatetl on a strong prominence, inserted lower down on the head; abdomen shorter and broader 71 71. Posterior femora swollen and with an apical projection below; abdo- men of the male rather slender, wholly black (116, 126). Cynorhinella Curran Posterior femora simple (60, 63, 64) tCynorhina Williston 72. Epistoma produced forward and downward (117, 152). Crioprora Osten Sacken Epistoma not produced downward or forward beyond the antennal prominence 73 73. Bumble-bee-like flies, the pile very thick (118, 127). Pocota St. Fargeau and Serville Not bumble-bee-like, the pile rather thin 74 74. Face tuberculate $Calliprobola Rondani Face concave or carinate 75 75. Face carinate; posterior femora greatly swollen §Planes Rondani Face concave in profile 76 76. Pile of the scutellum thick and rather long but not concealing the ground color; head (juite flat or gently concave above from anterior view; posterior femora with small tubercles below. Brachypalpus Macquart Pile thinner and shorter, few of the hairs as long as the scutellum; head not quite flat above 77 77. Abdomen bright metallic feneous with opaque- black bands and brassy or golden yellow pile; posterior femora slender and with black setae beneath on almost the whole length; abdomen subcylindrical (Geno- type, Calliprobola crawfordi Shannon) (119, 128). TlChrysosomidia, n. g. * Curran, 1925, Kans. Univ. Sci. Bull., xv, p. 14L t Curran, 1924, Can. Ent., Ivi, p. 195. J No North American spicimcns I have seen belong to thi.s genus. § Shannon, 1926, Pr. U. S. N. M.. Ixix, Art. 9, p. 12. il Shannon, 1916, (Calliprobola), Fr. Ent. Soc. Wash., xviii, p. 309. 262 NORTH amf:ricax diptera Abdomen differently colored; posterior femora usually with low ridge on the apical fourth bearing stout, short, spinose setae; head gently convex above from anterior view; abdomen not wholly pale pilose (29, 130) *Hel*iophilus Meigen 78. Face produced downward, longer than the fi'ont; pale mesonotal markings poUinose (120, 129) fSphecomyia Latreille Face not conpicuously produced, shorter than the front; if doubtful the pale mesonotal markings are of the ground color 79 * Shannon, 1926, Proc. U. S. N. M., Ixix, Art. 9, pp. 16, 26 (Xylotoinima, Xylota). t Curi-an, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 519, p. 8. 149 150 151 152 Syrphidae VIII. — 137, Teuchocnemis lituratus; 138, Pterallastes thoracicus ; 139. Seri- comyia militaris; 140, Mecromacrus cinctus ; 141, Mallota sackeni ; 142, Mecroinacrus cinctus ; 143; Eristalis tiansversus; 144, Arctophila flagrans ; 145, Polydontomyia curvipes; 146, Par- helophilus Isetus ; 147, Mallota cimbiciformis ; 148, Polydontomyia, hind leg; 149, Lunoinyia ; 150, Asemosyrphus mexicanum ; 151, Lejops stipatus ; 152, Crioprora. FAMILY SYRPHID.K THE FLOWER FLIES 263 79. Face broadly carinate, convex in profile Ceriogaster Williston Face concave or more or less tuberculate SO 80. Face produced somewhat downward and weakly tuberculate (60, 63, 64 ) *Cynorhina Williston Face concave, not tuberculate 81 81. Abdomen with yellow pollinose fasciae 82 Abdomen brassy, with opaque black fasciae (119, 128). fChrysosomidia, n. g. 82. Posterior femora with a tooth-like projection below near the apical end Spilomyia Meigen Posterior femora simple (21, 22, 132). JTemnostoma St. Fargeau and Serville 83. Posterior femora with a bifid spur below; face concave, subcarinate (121, 131) Senogaster Macquart Posterior femora without such spur 84 84. Posterior femora very greatly swollen, never with a triangular preapical protuberance, though usually spinose; head almost cir- cular, the cheeks linear (28, 133, 134). .Syritta St. Fargeau and Serville Posterior femora much less swollen; head not globose 85 85. Posterior femora with a small, toothlike projection below toward the apex§ (20, 122) Milesia Latreille Posterior femora not toothed, sometimes with a triangular process apically 86 86. Posterior femora with a triangular projection apically (19, 36, 135). UTropidia Meigen Posterior femora without such process 87 87. Posterior femora strongly swollen and strongly arcuate, their tibiae with a median internal spur in the male (136, 137). Teuchocnemis Osten Sacken Posterior femora much less swollen and but little curved; tibiae simple; mesonotum ochraceous pollinose (138) Pterallastes Loew 88. Abdomen wdth pale spots or fasciae 89 Abdomen without pale spots or fasciae, rarely reddish in ground color beneath thick reddish pile on the second segment 90 89. Posterior calli with short, stout bristles; abdominal spots more or less orbicular Condidea Coquillett Posterior calli without bristles; abdomen with narrow pale fasciae at least beyond the second segment (16, 33, 139) . . ||Sericomyia Meigen 90. Face very broad and swollen; body pile almost unicolorous. Pyritis Hunter Face not unusually broad; pile bicolored (15, 144) Arctophila Schiner 91. Marginal cell closed and petiolate 92 Marginal cell open 95 * Curran. 1924, Can. Ent. Ivi, p. 195. t Shannon, 1916, (Calliiirobola) . Pr. Ent. Soc. Wash., xviii, v. 109. t Curran, 1930, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Ixi, p. 72. § Absent in some Oriental species. H Shannon, 1926, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixix, Art. 9, p. 9. !| Curran, 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 724, p. 6. 264 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 92. Epistoma produced into a long, porrect snout Lycastrirrhyncha Bigot Epistoma not pi'oduced 93 93. Eyes light brown with numerous small brown spots. Lathyrophthalmus Mik Eyes normally unicolorous 94 94. Thorax with yellow markings of short, squamose hairs (140, 142). Meromacrus Rondani Hair of the thorax never squamose or forming dense yellow patches (17, 143 ) *Eristalis Latreille 95. Posterior femora before the apex with a strongly raised, sub-triangular ridge, the base with a distinct spur Merodon Meigen Posterior femora variable, but never with a spur bearing triangular plate or strong ridge 96 96. Eyes pilose 97 Eyes bare 98 97. Third antennal segment not longer than wide (141, 147).tMallota Meigen Third antennal segment twice as long as wide Quicbuana Knab 98. Mesonotum densely and evenly yellow pollinose, the ground color con- cealed; face concave in female; with a tubercle bvit receding below in the male ( 138 ) Pterallastes Loew Mesonotum differently colored 99 99. Large robust species, the thorax thickly yellow or orange pilose, rarely whitish; posterior femora swollen and arcuate in both sexes; rather bumble-bee-like flies (141, 147) fMallota Meigen Usually smaller and always more slender; if the posterior femora are arcuate the tibise end in an apical spur 100 100. Posterior tibite ending in a spur or triangular production, never transverse on the ventral apex 101 Posterior tibise transverse or rounded apically, never produced 102 101. Large species, at least 12 mm. in length, the mesonotum at most obscurely vittate (34, 145, 148) Polydontomyia Williston Smaller, more slender species, the mesonotum usually with two or more cinereous or yellowish vitse (151) JLejops Rondani 102. Face entirely pollinose (146) JParhelophilus Girschner Face with a shining median vitta on at least the lower half 103 103. Stigma simulating a crossvein 104 Stigma at least twice as long as wide, although often paler apically, never simulating a crossvein (18) JElophilus Meigen 104. Ocellar triangle extremely large in both sexes, the outer ocelli lying very close to the eyes (150) JAsemosyrphus Bigot Ocellar triangle smaller (149) tLunomyia Curran and Fluke * Cui-i-an, 1930, Anier. Mus. Novit. No. 411, p. 3. t Curran, 1930. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Ixi. p. 74. t Curran and Fluke, 1926, Trans-Wisconsin Acad. Sci., Arts & Letters, xxii, pp. 207-2S1, 265 Family Conopidse — The Thick-headed flies Rather thinly pilose or nearly bare, elongate flics of moderate size. Head broad, the front broad in both sexes; ocelli present or absent. Antennae with three segments, the third bearing a dorsal arista or terminal style. Oral opening large, the proboscis long and slender, often geniculate. Abdomen often constricted basally, the genitalia of both sexes conspicuous, often large or greatly elongated in the females. Anal cell closed, the first basal cell always very long, the second moder- ately long; apical cell closed or much narrowed. Above the antennae an inflatable ptilinum. The Conopids are commonly found about flowers and are sluggish in flight. They occur from spring to autumn but are much more com- mon during the spring and early summer. The species of Stylogaster are rapid in flight, the flies being great hoverers. I have found them in the tropics in rather large numbers hovering over ant armies where they usually remain a few inches above the ground, suddenly disappear- ing, only to reappear in another patch of sunlight. In the north I have found them only about flowers of the Labiateae and have observed them hovering as they sucked the nectar. Many of the species resemble Hymenoptera. The members of this family are parasitic, mostly upon bees and wasps, oviposition usually occurring during flight. There are also records of parasitism on Orthoptera and the species of Stylogaster are in some way connected with ants but the exact relationship is unknown. The generic and specific limits in the family are, for the most part, not sharply drawn, and tliis is especially true in the case of Conops and PhysocepJuila. There have been a number of papers published deal- ing with the family in whole or in part; the most important of these is referred to in the footnote.* KEY TO GENERA 1. Antennae with a terminal style 2 Antennae with a dorsal or subdorsal arista 4 2. Face with deep lateral g'rooves 3 Face without lateral grooves, the median carina strong; ocelli vestigial (4) Tropidomyia Williston * Van Duzee. 1927, Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., xvi, pp. 573-604. 266 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 0% %) ConopidK.— 1, Conops xanthopaieus ; 2, Ph.vsocephala furcillata; 3. Zodion fulvifrons; 4. Tropidomyia bimaculata ; 5, Occemya modesta; 6. Myopa clausa; 7, Dalmannia picta; 8. Stylo- gaster neglecta. FAJIILY CONOPID.E — THE THICK-HEADED FLIES 267 3. Anterior crossvein situated at most a little beyond the middle of the discal cell ; femora regular in outline ^ Anterior crossvein situated well beyond the middle of the discal cell; femoi'a swollen basally, narrowed on the apical half or more (2). ' Physocephala Schiner 4. Proboscis geniculate 5 Proboscis straight, directed forward (3) Zodion Latreille 5. Vertex and tibiae without bristles; face grooved 6 Vertex and the apex of the tibiae with bristles; face not grooved (8). tStylogaster Mac()uart 6. Anal cell much longer than the second basal 7 Anal cell but little longer than the second basal (7). .Dalmannia Desvoidy 7. Cheeks narrower than the eye-height 8 Cheeks at least as wide as the eye-height (6) Myopa Fabricius 8. Antennae longer than the front; propleura haired (5). . .Occemya Desvoidy Antennae shorter than the front; propleura bare Sicus Scopoli 9. Third antennal segment much longer than either the first or second. Aconops Krceber Third antennal segment at most slightly longer than the first or second ( 1 ) JConops Linnaeus * Van Duzee. 1934, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer.. xxvii, p. 320. t Aldrich, 1930, Proc. U. S. N. M., Ixxviii. Art. 9, pp. 1-27. I Krober, 1927, Konowia, vi, p. 139. 268 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Pyrgotidae Elongate flies of moderate size, tlie ocelli absent in the North Amer- ican genera, present only in Teretnira Bigot of the American forms; wings long, the legs somewhat elongate. Head large, the front more or less produced, without frontal bris- tles; ocelli absent (present in only one American genus); checks wide; proboscis thick, the labella? well developed; pal])i large, flattened, or the proboscis narrow and short without labella? and the palpi narrow; antenna- short to moderately long-, the second segment without a dorsal excision, the third usually larger than the second, rarely minute. Legs moderately long. Wings long; auxiliary vein long, ending free or in the costa; apical cell widely open, not narrowed apically: anal cell usually triangular a])ically. Abdomen long, sometimes elavate in the males; female genitalia large, more or less cylindrical. Species of the genus Pijrgota are parasitic in the larval stage on June beetles (Scarabaeida') and the flies are sometimes common in the vicinity of badly infested fields. I suspect that PijrgoteJla chagnoni Johnson is parasitic on species of DicheJonyx but my suspicion is based merely upon the fact that I have observed this species commonly in an open woods where the adult beetles were very common. The flies apparently are most active on dark days, in the evening or at night and they frequently are attracted to light. They are nocturnal and P. undata Wiedemann has been observed ovipositing on adult June beetles during flight. The flies select the soft part of the abdomen beneath the opened elytra in order to lay their eggs and the beetles have been observed on the ground making a loud noise as they struggled to escape the fly. The exact limits of this family have not been definitely determined, and it is not certain that the species possessing ocelli should be retained in the family. Nothing of a definite nature is known of the immature stages of any of the American genera other than Pjirgota. There are two North American genera and three from South America that have been assigned to the familv. FAMILY PYRGOTID.E 269 Pyrgotidae. — Figures 1-4, Tauroscypson guiana ; 5, P> rgota undata. 270 NORTH amp:rican diptera KEY TO AMERICAN GENERA 1. Ocelli absent 2 Ocelli present (Chile) Teretrura Bigot 2. Third antennal segment as large as the second 3 Third antennal segment minute, the arista curved over the second seg- ment and with long rays on the free side (British Guiana) (1-4). Tauroscypson Curran 3. Alula very narrow 4 Alula large, convex behind (5) Pyrgota Wiedemann 4. Apex of anal cell transverse' (Type: Pyrgota chagnoni Johnson). Pyrgotella, n. g. Apex of anal cell with triangular production behind (Bolivia). Leptopyrgota Hendel 271 Family Otitidae— The Pictured-wing Flies Paneryma elongata. Rather small to moderately large flies, the wings usually marked with brown, black or yellowish. Eyes separated in both sexes; frontals usually limited to the ni)])er part; faee variable, the oral vibrissa always absent; elypeus usually well developed; proboscis short and stout; palpi large. Abdomen with five or six segments, the basal two more or less coalescent; male with long, curled penis, the female witli a flattened, three segmented ovi- positor. Legs short and stout or moderately long, the preapical tibial' bristle present or absent. Wing venation usually complete, the anal cell absent in one genus; auxiliary vein separated from the first vein though often approximated to it, second basal and anal cells of moderate size. The adults are usually found in moist places and many of the species are very common. This family is cosmopolitan but the species are most numerous in the tropics, particularly in South and Central America. Several of the species have the head strongly produced laterally and one fairly common species of Richardia has the eyes situ- ated on long stalks, Init this is a male character only. Little is known about the immature stages although the larvfe of Tritoxa are said to damage onions and others have been reared from decaying plant products. 272 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA "^i-.; i Otitidaj I— 1, Macrostenomyia; 2. Senopterina; 3, Delphinia picta; 4. Idana; o. Rivellia: 6, Tetanops; 7, Pseudotephritis ; 8. PsairoptercUa maciocephala : 9, Chatopsis; 10. Coilometopia; 11. Pterocalla; 12, Melieria; 13. Eumetopiclla ; 14. Richardia. FAMILY OTITID.E THE PICTURED-WING FLIES 273 In the followino- key I have not followed the usual practice of recog- nizing the subfamilies, which Hendel has raised to family rank, for the very good reason that I do not believe the characters used are of much importance. The subfamily ''Ortalina?" (the name Ortalis is pre- occupied in Ornithology and is not available) is distinguished by the presence of a propleural bristle, yet this is present, though less de- veloped, in the Pterocallinie, which is distinguished by its long stig- matal cell, a character which is also subject to variation. As in the Trupaneidag several of the genera in this family have been based upon wing ])attern. The characters at present in use are undoubtedly fairly stable but some of the generic characters are admittedly weak inasmuch as the differences in venation might easily be connected by the discovery of new forms. Hendel has published several papers dealing with the family and has treated all l)ut the '"Ortalinse" in Genera Insectorum (fascicles 96, 106, 113, 157). The genus Otites was established by Latreille in 1804 (Nouv. Diet. d'Hist. Nat., xxiv, p. 196) and not in 1805 as given in catalogues. The type named was viusca porcus, credited to Bosc, but this species is the same as formosa Panzer. Platystomida" cannot be used for the family name as Platystoma is preoccupied in IMollusca. KEY TO GENERA* 1. First vein bare 2 First vein with dorsal setulag at least on the apical third 34 2. Costa greatly weakened or broken at end of the auxiliary vein (Rich- ardinae ) 3 Costa not weakened or broken (Ulidinse) 17 3. Posterior femora with short spines below 5 Femora without spines below 4 4. Head about twice as long as high (56) Coniceps Lcew Head not as long as high (38, 92) Epiplatea Loew 5. Posterior femora swollen, much larger than the others; eyes sometimes stalked ( 14 ) Richardia Desvoidy Posterior femora not conspicuously swollen 6 6. Anal vein reaching the wing margin, at least as a fold 9 Anal vein not nearly reaching the wing margin 7 7. Occiput very strongly narrowed at the upper third (80, 97). Odontomera Macquart Occiput regular in outline 8 Pareuxesta CoQuillett is omitted. 274 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Otitidse 11. — 15, Ostracocoelia mirabilis; 16, Myimecothea; 17, Dyscrasis hendeli ; 18, Eumetopiella rufipes; 19, Acrosticta foveolata ; 20, Oidopa ; 21, Macrostenomyia; 22, Eumeco- somyia gracilis; 23, Paragforgopsis maculata ; 24, Sepsisoma sepsioides ; 25, Stcneretma; 26, Rivellia; 27, Chrysomyza; 28, Xanthacrona bipustulata; 29, Euphara; 30, Notogramma. FAMILY OTITID.E THE PICTURED-WIXG FLIES 275 8. Occiput, from lateral view, strongly convex above the neck (24). Sepsisoma Johnson Occiput flat or slightly concave above the neck (1, 21). Macrostenomyia Hendel 9. Anterior crossvein situated farther from the posterior crossvein than the length of the latter 10 Crossveins situated closer to each other than the length of the posterior crossvein (100) Hemixantha Lcew 10. Abdomen with almost parallel sides or coarctate basally 11 Abdomen tapering to the base 13 11. Anterior crossvein situated before the middle of the disca! cell (31, 68). Setellida Hendel Anterior crossvein situated beyond the middle of the discal cell 12 12. Anterior femora without spines beneath (78, 96) .Neoidiotypa Osten Sacken All the femora with spines beneath Paneryma Wulp 13. First antennal segment short 14 First antennal segment as long as the second (49, 93). . Poecilomyia Hendel 14. Anterior crossvein situated at or before the middle of the discal cell; front concave above from anterior view (10, 73) .Coilometopia Macquart Anterior crossvein situated well beyond the middle of the discal cell.. 15 15. Two pairs of scutellars IG Only one pair of scutellars (63, 76, 98, 107) Melanoloma Lrew 16. Front much wider than either eye (42, 10.5) Zetekomyia, n. g. Front narrower than either eye Melanolomina, n. g. 17. Antennae widely separated, situated in deep grooves, the face strongly convex in profile (50) Ulidia Meigen Antennae not situated in deep grooves or the face not strongly convex . . 18 18. Anal vein absent or not extending beyond the anal cell 19 Anal vein extending well beyond the anal cell 20 19. Anal cell absent, the wings very narrow (2.5, 36) Steneretma Lcew Anal cell present (22, 45) Eumecosomyia Hendel 20. Front with large rather deep pits or with strong transverse ridges or grooves 21 Front normal, sometimes with four longitudinal grooves above 22 21. Auxiliary vein forming a rather acute angle with the costa (19, 37). Acrosticta Lcew Auxiliary vein foiTning an obtuse angle with the costa (30, 89). Notogramma Lcew 22. Antennae as long as the head, the third segment four times as long as wide (51, 74) Stictomyia Bigot Antennae much shorter, the third segment never three times as long- as wide 23 23. Face convex in the middle in profile 24 Face concave in profile 25 276 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Otitidffi III. — 31, Setellida coerulescens; 32, Sefellia costalis; 33, Myennis ; 34, Automola automaria; 35, Parcedopa punctigera; 36, Steneretma; 37, Acrosticta foveolata; 38, Epiplatea arcuata; 39, Amphicnephes pullus ; 40, Pareuxesta latifasciata; 41, Xanthacrona bipustulata ; 42, Zetekomyia banksi ; 43, Stenomyia ; 44, Axiologina ferrum-equinum ; 45, Eumecosomyia gracilis; 46, Chrysomyza senea. FA.MILY OTITID.i: — THE PICTURED-WING FLIES 277 24. Eyes conspicuously higher than long, the face gently concave above (35, 67) Paroedopa Coquillett Eyes about as long as high, the face not concave above (20, 69). CEdopa Loew 25. Head not or scarcely longer than high 26 Head nearly twice as long as high (13, 18) Eumetopiella Hendel 2G. Third antennal segment with the apex rounded above 27 Third antennal segment with the apex angulate above 32 27. Anterior crossvein situated near or beyond the middle of the discal cell 28 Anterior crossvein situated near the basal sixth of the discal cell ( 44, 82 ) Axiologina Hendel 28. Mesopleura bare; two sternopleurals (84, 102) Seioptera Kirby Mesopleura haired; one sternopleural 29 29. Frontal vitta with hairs or bristles 30 Frontal vitta bare (27, 46) *Chrysomyza Fallen 30. Prescutellar acrosticals absent Zacompsia Coquillett Prescutellar acrosticals present 31 31. Bristles arising from black spots (29) Euphara Loew Frontals not arising from conspicuous black spots (64, 85).tEuxesta Loew 32. Frontal vitta with at most two pairs of cruciate bristles or the face strongly receding 33 Frontal vitta with hairs or several bristles (64, 85) Euxesta Loew 33. Face strongly receding (43, 104) Stenomyia Loew Face perpendicular below (9, 83) Chaetopsis Loew 34. Costa fractured or greatly weakened at the end of the auxiliary vein. . 35 Costa entire 36 35. Abdomen petiolate (32, 72) Setellia Desvoidy Abdomen oval, not narrowed sub-basally Epiplatea Loew 36. Propleural bristle weak or absent 37 Propleural bristle strong 59 37. Three supra-alar bristles 38 Four supra-alar bristles Family Tanypezidse 38. Subcostal (stigmatal) cell usually extremely large; antennal grooves absent (Pterocallinae) 39 Subcostal cell usually normal; antennal grooves well developed, often deep (Platystominse auct.) 48 39. Posterior crossvein more or less recurrent, never forming a sharp angle with the fourth vein 40 Posterior crossvein not recuri-ent, forming less than a right angle with the fourth vein 43 40. Anterior crossvein situated beyond the middle of the discal cell 41 Anterior crossvein situated before the middle of the discal cell (58). Megalaemyia Hendel ' Hendel, 1909, Zool. Anz.?iger, xxxiv, pp. 612-622. t Hendel, 1909, Ann. Mus. Nat. Hung., ix, p. 151. 278 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Otitidae IV. — 47, Tritoxa flexa ; 48, Himeroessa pretiosa; 49, Poecilomyia longicornis ; 50, Ulidia apicalis; 51, Stictomyia punctata; 52: Dasymetopa stigma; 53, Califortalis hirsutifrons; 54, Ortalimyia aldrichi; 55, Delphinia; 56, Coniceps niger; 57. Diacrita costatis ; 58, Mega- laemyia; 59, Melieria siinilis; 6(i, Califortalis iiirsutifrons; 61, Tetanops luridipennis. FAMILY OTITin.E THE PICTURED-WIXG FLIES 279 41. Tip of the anal cell extending beyond the apex of the second basal cell " 42 Tip of the anal cell not produced beyond the apex of the second basal cell (28, 41 ) Xanthacrona Wulp 42. Five pairs of dorsocentrals and acrosticals (17, 90) . . . .Dyscrasis Akh'ich Two pairs of dorsocentrals (33) Myennis Desvoidy 43. Triangle of the anal cell almost as long as the basal section 44 Triangle much shorter than the basal part 45 44. Wings with parallel sides (11, 108) Pterocalla Rondani Wings widest sub-basally (99, 106) Callopistromyia Hendel 45. Anal cell convex apically, sometimes ti'ansverse on the posterior third, but never with a produced angle (23, 101). . . .Paragorgopsis Giglio-Tos Anal cell at least somewhat protluced posteriorly 46 46. Second vein almost straight 47 Second vein strongly sinuous apically (91, 103) . .Pseudopterocalla Hendel 47. Anterior crossvein situated at or before the middle of the discal cell (52, 87) Dasymetopa Lcew Anterior crossvein situated beyond the middle of the discal cell (7, 109) Pseudotephritis Johnson 48. Occiput very broad and convex from lateral view 49 Occiput narrow, usually flattened 52 49. Without sternopleurals (16, 75) Myrmecothea Hendel With one sternopleural 50 50. Posterior ci'ossvein situated more than its own length beyond the anterior crossvein (62, 79) Myrmecomya Desvoidy Posterior crossvein situated less than its length beyond the anterior crossvein 51 51. Costal cell wide, convex anteriorly (3, 55) Delphinia Desvoidy Costal cell narrow, its anterior edge straight (47, 70) Tritoxa Lcew 52. Abdomen somewhat laterally compressed; one pair of weak frontal bristles above; third antennal segment elongate; arista bare (2). Senopterina Macquart Abdomen cylindrical or flattened, if slender the arista is plumose, the antennae are short or there are two pairs of frontals 53 53. Abdomen elongate, more or less cylindrical basally 55 Abdomen short and rather flattened 54 54. Costal cell widened, anal cell angled posteriorly (15). Ostracocoelia Giglio-Tos Costal cell normal; anal cell rounded posteriorly (39, 65). Amphicnephes Lcew 55. Sternopleural bristle absent 57 Sternopleural bristle present 56 56. Anal cell rounded apically (4, 71 ) Idana Lcew Anal cell angulate posteriorly (57, 66) Diacrita Gerstjecker 280 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Otitidae V. — 62, Myrmecomya ; 63, Melanoloma affinis; 64, Euxesta initis; 65, Amphic- nephes ; 66. Diacrita costalis ; 67, Paroedopa punctigera ; 68, Setellida coerulescens ; 69, CEdopa; 70, Tritoxa incurva; 71, Idana; 72, Setellia; 73, Coilometopia ; 74, Stictomyia; 75, Myrme- cothea. FAMILY 0TITID.1-: THE PICTURED-WING FLIES 281 57. Discal cell conspicuously widened before the anterior crossvein (5, 26). Rivellia Desvoidy Discal cell not conspicuously widened, rarely widest at the middle 58 58. Anterior crossvein obli(iue, at the middle of the discal cell (48, 86). Himeroessa Lcew Anterior crossvein transverse, well beyond the middle of the discal cell Acrostictella Hendel 59. Face sharply carinate 60 Face not sharply carinate 62 GO. Third antennal segment angulate above or elongate 6] Third antennal segment orbicular Tetropismenus Loew Gl. Third antennal segment angulate at upper apex Tephronota Loew Third segment elongate Hiatus Cresson 62. Mesonotum with presutural bristles (12, 59) Melieria Desvoidy Mesonotum without presutural bristles 63 63. Front widening anteriorly 64 Front narrowed anteriorly (34 ) Automola Lcew G4. Three or four pairs of scutellar bristles; postocellars long and fine; hair of front long and rather abundant (53, 60) Calif ortalis, n. g. Two pairs of scutellars; postocellars short; hair of front short, sparse and rather coarse 65 65. Verticals long and strong; cheeks much narrower than the eye-height ( Ortalis auct ) 66 Verticals short; cheeks almost or quite as wide as the eye-height (6, 61) Tetanops Fallen 66. Two pairs of well developed frontals; lunule haired (77, 95). Ceratoxys Rondani Only one pair of well developed frontals; lunule bare (54, 94). Ortalimyia, n. g. Melanolomina, new g-enus Differs from Melanoloma Loew in possessing two pairs of scutellar bristles. In the two species before me the mesonotum is more or less reddish and not metallic. Genotype: — Odontomera varians Schiner. Zetekomyia, new genus Differs from Melanolomina in having the front more than twice as wide as the eyes (from dorsal view) and a somewhat more elongate and more distinctly clavate abdomen. The head bears only four pairs of bristles : a pair of frontals, pair of ocellars, situated behind the anterior ocellus, and inner and outer verticals; hair very short; antennae sepa- 282 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Otitidse VI. — 76, Melanoloma affinis; 77, Ceratoxys latiuscula; 78, Neoidiotypa appendi- culata; 79, Myrmecomya ; 80, Odontomera nitens ; 81, Acrometopia (Chamremyidae) ; 82, Axiologina ferrum-equinum ; S3. Chfetopsis senea ; 84, Seioptera vibrans; 85, Euxesta annonse; 86, Himeroi'ssa pretiosa ; 87, Dasymetopa ; 88, Pareuxesta latifasciata ; 89, Notogramma stigma; 90, Dyscrasis; 91, Pseudopterocalla; 92, Epiplatca arcuata; 93, Poecilomyia longicornis. Family otitid.i: — the picturf:d-wixg flies 283 Otitida? Vir.— 94, Ortaliinyia ; 95, Ceratoxys latiuscula ; 96, Neoidiotypa appendiculata; 97, Odontomcra nitens ; 98, Melanoloma deciepita; 99, Callopistromyia annulipcs; 100, Hem- ixantha spinipes; 101, Paragorgopsis maculata ; 102, Seioptera vibrans; 103, Pseudopterocalla ; 104, Stenomyia; 105, Zctekomyia banks! ; 106, Callopistromyia annulipes; 107, Melanoloma de- crepita; 108, Pterocalla; 109, Pseudotephritis vau. 284 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA rated by a narrow carina, reaching to the oral margin, the third segment three times as long as wide; arista short plumose; facial grooves absent; two pairs of dorsocentrals ; proplenral and sternopleural bristles absent; scutelkim with two pairs of bristles; posterior femora with bristles beneath; first vein bare above; anal cell rounded apically. Genotype: — Z. hanksi, n. sp, Califortalis, new genus Related to Ceratoxys Rondani {Ayiacampta Lcew) but readily dis- tinguished by the presence of three or four pairs of marginal scutellars, a single, hair-like frontal and the very hairy front. The single species has somewhat the aspect of certain species of Tetanops Fallen but the bristles of the vertex are long and fine. Genotype: — C. hirsutifrons, n. sp., from California. Ortalimyia, new genus Related to Ceratoxys Rondani but the front bears only one pair of strong frontals and at most a very weak second pair, the head is longer, the facial carina higher, the face more retreating and the front nar- rower and less hairy. The bristles of the vertex are long and moder- ately strong. Genotype: — Ortalis .mowi Cresson. There has been much confusion concerning the identity of the genera mentioned in these notes. Ceratoxys diifcrs from the other genera in the group by its conspicuously haired lunule. This leaves Califor- talis, Tetanops and Ortalimyia and I think the characters in the key will serve to separate them. The front in Tetanops is ahvays wrinkled or pitted and frequently pollinose except for the pits. 285 Family Trupaneidse — The Fruit Flies ]\Iostly rather small flies, usually with pietured wini>s, the auxiliary vein curving forward at a right angle. Head hemispherical, usually short; oral vil)rissffi not distinct, the face vertical or somewhat retreating. Front broad, with bristles later- ally, the anterior orbitals situated close to the orbits. Antennae decum- bent, short, rarely elongated. Proboscis of moderate length, rarely elongate and with the labellte folding back, the hihellie usually broad and fleshy. Thorax with bristles although the anterior ones may be absent. Legs of moderate length, the tibia^ without i)reapical bristles. Wings large, usually with dark pattern, the auxiliary vein curving for- ward at right angles and sometimes evanescent at the tip; basal cells and anal cell always present, the latter often drawn out posteriorly into a long point or triangle. Al)domen composed of four or five segments; male genitalia small and only partly exposed; ovipositor segmented, usually exposed. The adults are found in various habitats, often upon flowers. The larva? live in the seeds and fruits of plants of various kinds or form galls. One of our commonest species lives in the heads of thistles, several make galls on golden rod, while others, like the fruit maggots, live in apples, cherries, citrus fruits, etc. Still others are leaf miners. The family is of consideral)lc economic importance and has received a great deal of attention during recent years. Among the papers essential to a study of the family are those listed ])elow.* Other references will be found given in the key. Unfortunately the cla.ssification of this family is extremely artificial, being based largely upon the type of wing markings. In the key I have, in places, ignored the classification based upon wing maculation and a num1)er of species must be shifted to genera in which they belong structurally, although differing to a certain degree, in wing pattern. Only the fact that I do not have access to all the North American genera prevents a more thorough revision of the genera. Kecognition of many of the described species is difficult because they are not illustrated. For many suggestions and the generous loan of material in this familv I am sreatlv indebted to Mr. jMarston Bates. * Loew, 1873. Mon. N. A. Dipt., iii, pi>. Phillips. 1P23, Rev. Tvypet. N. E. Amer.. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. xxxi, pp. 119-155. Hendel, 1927, Flies. Palsarkt. Reg.— Trypetida>. 28G NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tiypaneidse I.— 1, Xenochspfa; 2. Hexachseta ; 3, Anaslrepha; 4, Euribia rufipes; 5, Acidia versatilis ; 6, Neaspilota; 7, CEdicarena; 8, Straussia; 9. Anastrepha; 10. Rhagoletis indifferens; 11, Tephritis jonesi ; 12, Tephritis sp. ; 13, Poljinorphomyia basilica; 14, Toxotry- panea curvicauda; 15, Eutreta pacifica. FAMILY TRUPAXEID.T: — THE FRUIT FLIES 287 KEY TO GENERA* 1. Scutellum with six strong-, regularly placed bristles 2 Scutellum with not more than two pairs of bristles or they are weak and not regularly placed, the apical pair being very widely separated 4 2. Front more than half as wide as the head (1) Xenochaeta Snow Front decidedly less than half as wide as the head 3 3. Triangle of the anal cell longer than the petiole (46, 70). Blepharoneura Loew Ti'iangle of the anal cell shorter than the petiole (2, 69).. Hexachaeta Loew 4. Scutellum with two pairs of bristles, the apical pair strong 5 Scutellum with one pair of strong bristles or if with two pairs the apical pair is absent and there are two pairs on the basal half 36 5. Fourth vein not or scarcely curved forward at the apex 6 Fourth vein strongly curved forward at the apex (3, 9). Anastrepha Schiner 6. Anterior pair of dorsocentrals situated far in front of a line drawn between the anterior pair of supra-alars 24 Anterior dorsocentrals situated at most slightly in front of such a line, usually behind 7 7. Proboscis very long and slender, geniculate; (Asimoneura Czerny; Rhynencina Johnson; Aleomyia Phillips) (4, 42) Euribia Latreille Proboscis short and thick, not geniculate in the middle 8 8. Arista short plumose or bare 9 Arista long plumose Molynocoelia Giglio-Tos 9. Scutellum not mostly shining black or the apex yellow or sulcate 10 Scutellum mostly shining black, the base narrowly yellow, the apex never sulcate (29, 66) Ceratitis McLeay 10. Acrostical and dorsocentral bristles in an almost transverse row (5, 60). fAcidia Desvoidy Dorsocentrals placed far in front of the acrosticals so that there appear to be two pairs of dorsocentrals 11 11. Notopleura with several setulaj near the posterior bristle (24, 63). Epochra Loew Notopleura bare 12 12. Cheeks at most slightly more than one-fourth as wide as the eye- height, if doubtful the scutellum is sulcate 13 Cheeks at least two-fifths as wide as the eye-height; oral margin not strongly produced 22 13. Stigmatal cell long and narrow, four times as long as wide; wings reticulate (21, 36) Icterica Lcew Stigmatal cell shorter and broader, not over three times as long as wide; wings not reticulate 14 * Baryplcgma Wuli) is omitted. t Trypeta versatilis Curian is a true Acidia while Acidia fratria Loew is a true Trypeta. 288 XORTH AMERICAX DIPTERA Trypaneitho II.- 16, Eurosfina confusa ; 17, Tetieuaresta obscuriventris; IS, Xanthoinyia platyptera; 19, Zonosema; 20, Trypeta f ratria ; 21, Icterica circinata ; 22, Eucosmoptera tetra- spina; 23, Terellia floriscentije ; 24, Epochra canadensis; 25, Stenopa vulnerata; 26, Orellia; 27, 28, Myoleja caesio ; 29, Ceratitis capitata. FAMILY TKUPAXEID-E THE FRUIT FLIES 289 14. Notopleura densely poUinose 20 Notopleura not pollinose 15 15. Third antennal segment little longer than the basal two combined, never triangularly produced at the tip 18 Third antennal segment elongate, usually produced as a sharp triangle at the upper apex 16 16. Postcallar (postalar) bristle situated far in front of the posterior intra-alar Zonosemata Benjamin Postcallar, intra-alar and acrostical bristles in almost straight line. . . .16a 16a. Dorsocentral bristles situated well behind the supra-alar bristles (19, 31 ) Zonosema Lcew Dorsocentral bristles situated at most very slightly behind the supra- alars, usually slightly in front of them 17 17. Third longitudinal vein with at most two basal setulae, usually bare; anterior crossvein situated but little beyond the middle of the discal cell (10, 43) 'Rhagoletis Lcew Third vein with several strong setulae on basal part; anterior crossvein situated well beyond the middle of the discal cell (Euleia Walker) (27, 28) t^Iyoleja Rondani 18. Scutellum swollen, convex, more or less deeply longitudinally grooved apically (Tomoplagina Curran) (58, 65) Peronyma Lcew Scutellum flat dorsally, not at all grooved 19 19. Face more or less carinate, not concave in profile, the oral margin not produced (20, 49) JTrypeta Meigen Face concave in profile, the oral margin produced (23, 62). Terellia Desvoidy 20. Costal spine not longer than the thickness of the costa; wings narrow. 21 Costal spines more than twice as long as the costal thickness; wings very broad, reticulate (18, 37) Xanthomyia Phillips 21. Wings reticulate; abdomen with paired shining black spots; oral mar- gin not produced (47, 53) Acidogona Lcew Wings hyaline, rarely banded; abdomen without paired black spots; oral margin conspicuously produced (6, 34). . .§Neaspilota Osten Sacken 22. Scutellar bristles longer than the scutellum; antennal pits limited be- low% the head long 23 Scutellar bristles very short; antennal pits almost obsolete; third an- tennal segment with several hairs above; tibiae swollen (40, 57). ^Pyrgotoides, n. g. 23. Fourth vein ending at or near the tip of the wing (7, 30). CEdicarena Snow * Cresson, 1929, Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc. Iv, pp. 401-414, 1 plate. Cunan, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 526, p. 5. t Euleia Walker is the older name but there is considerable doubt about the identity of the genotype and I use Myoleja to avoid confusion. ± Acidia fratria Lcew belongs here. § Curran, 1032. Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 526, p. 3. 1 A large species resembling the sjiecies of Pyrgota but distinguished by wing venation, presence of strong ocelli, shape of the head. etc. The genotype is crassipes n.sp. from Panama. 290 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Trypaneida III. — 30, CEdicarena diffusa: 31. Zonosema electa: 32. Tomoplagia ; 33. Eutreta: 34. Neaspilota albidipennis: 35. Paracantha : 36, Icterica sericata: 37, Xanthomyia platyptera; 38, Stenopa vulnerata : 39, Eurostina confusa: 40, Pyrgotoides clavipes; 41, Polio- nota: 42, Euribia; 43, Rhagoletis cerasi: 44, Procecidochares. FAMILY TKITANEID.E THE FRUIT FLIES 291 Fourth vein ending behind the tip of the wing, the wing-apex near the third vein; wings rather pointed (8, 50, 51) Straussia Desvoidy 24. Anterior ami posterior crossveins separated from each other by much less than half the length of the anterior crossvein; posterior cross- vein very strongly recurrent (13) Polymorphomyia Snow Crossveins much less approximate; posterior crossvein not strongly recurrent 25 25. Scuttellum strongly shining black, swollen and hemispherical 26 Scutellum more or less dull, more or less flattened or at most motler- ately convex 27 26. Parafacials bare (44, 79) Procecidochares Hendel Parafacials with a row of rather long pale hairs (61). . .Callachna Aldrich 27. Notopleura cinereous pollinose 28 Notopleura bare or rather thinly brownish pollinose 31 28. Anal cell drawn out posteriorly into an elongate triangle 29 Anal cell not drawn out apically, or with a short, transverse triangle (Euaresta Loew; Urophora Loew) (11, 12, 64) Tephritis Latreille 29. Antennal pits not deep, not separated and strongly marked 30 Antennal pits deep, separated and strongly defined (41, 48). '^Polionota Wulp 30. Face and front rather strongly narrowed to the antennae; oral margin with hair only on the anterior half (17, 54) fTetreuaresta Hendel Face and front not strongly narrowed to the antennae; oral margin with bristles almost to the oral angles (45, 59) Acrotaenia Loew 31. Anterior crossvein situated not more than its own length from the posterior, both strongly oblique (32, 72) Tomoplagia Coquillett Anterior crossvein situated more than its length from the posterior, both never strongly oblique 32 32. Stigmal cell scarcely longer than wide (25, 38) Stenopa Loew Stigmal cell usually twice as long as wide, always much longer 33 33. Front with two pairs of black reclinate bristles, none converging (35, 73) Paracanfha Coquillett Front with three pairs of convergent f rentals 34 34. Costal spines short and not very conspicuous 35 Costal spines rather long and conspicuous (15, 33) JEutreta Loew 35. Wings with crossbands (26) Orellia Desvoidy Wings with a brown pattern containing hyaline indentations and spots (22) Eucosmoptera Phillips * The sinirle specimen I have before me is loaned by Dr. Aldrich and is determined as mucida Giplio-Tos. The fijrure by Giprlio-Tos shows the anterior crossvein in the hyaline costal trianjtle and much farther from the posterior crossvein than I find it. The species I have illustrated may not be mucida, and may even belong to a different genus, depending upon the shape of the head. Mr. Van der Wulp's drawing is poor in regard to the anal cell. t This genus is very doubtfully distinct from Acrotjenia. t Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 556. 292 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Trypaneidfe IV.~45, Acrotania; 46, Blepharoneura ; 47. Acidogona ; 48. Polionota; 49, Trypeta;"50. 51, Straussia longipennis ; 52, Xanthaciura insecta ; 53, Acidogona melaneura; 54, Tetreuaresta obscuriventris; 55. Eurosta comma; 56. Trypanea. FAMILY Tin'PAXEID.E THE FRUIT FLIES 293 36. Front bristles well developed; ocellars present 37 Frontals weak; ocellars absent; ovipositor very long and cylindrical ( 14 ) Toxotrypanea Gerstsecker 37. Head higher than long 38 Head longer than high (67) 44 38. Scutellum without a deep longitudinal furrow 39 Scutellum swollen and with a deep longitudinal furrow (58, 65). Peronyma Lcew 39. Front immediately above the antennas almost half as wide as the head and very much wider than either eye 40 Front much less than half as wide as the head and, anteriorly, little if any wider than one eye from anterior view 41 40. Anterior pair of dorsocentrals situated far in front of a line drawn between the anterior pair of supra-alar bristles (16, 39). *Eurostina Curran Anterior pair of dorsocentrals situated at most slightly in front of a line drawn between the anterior supra-alars or behind such a line (55, 71) Eurosta Lcew 41. Front twice as long as the width at vertex (52, 74). . .Xanthaciura Hendel Front much less than twice as long as the width at vertex 42 42. Front with at least three pairs of convergent frontal bristles 43 Front with two pairs of convergent frontals (76) Dyseuaresta Hendel 43. Head almost as long as high, the oral margin projecting; eyes oblique, broadly oval (56, 75) fTrupanea Schrank Head much higher than long, the oral margin but little projecting; eyes perpendicular, rather narrowly oval (68, 78) |Aciurina Curran 44. Third antennal segment short, the apex rounded (Europe) (67). Ensina Lcew Third antennal segment rather long, the upper apex angulate (77). Paroxyna Hendel The student will find it difficult to locate many species described in genera other than those to which they are now assigned. In the following list are given (1) the present genus and (2) in ( ) the genera in which species may be found. Acidia (Spilographa). Dyseuaresta (Euaresta, Tephritis). Ensina (Tephritis). Euribia (Aleomyia, Urophora, Tephritis Hendel, 1914). Myoleja (Aciura, Acidia, Eucosinoptera). Tephritis (Euaresta, Ensina, Trypanea, Urellia). Terellia (Trypeta. Orellia). Tetreuaresta (Euaresta, Tephritis). Trypanea (Urellia, Tephritis). Trypeta (Orellia, Terellia, etc.). Zonosema (Spilographa, Acidia). * Originally Eurosta latifrons Lww was named as type of this genus but the sjiecies is a true Eurosta and does not possess the j;eneric characters of Eurostina. The type of the genus should be known as Eurostina confusa, Slosson Collection, Delaware Water Gap. t Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. .556 (Trypanea). ± Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 556. In a letter to the author Dr. Hendel sug- gested the synonymy of this nenus with Tephrella Bezzi pnd this is (juite possible. However, I am retaining Aciurina on the suggestion of Mr. Bates, as a com]iarison of specimens with the genotype of Tephrella^ a little known species, may prove that two genera exist. 294 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Trypaneidaj V.— 57, Pyrgotoides clavipes; 58. Peronyma ; 59. Acrotaenia ; 60, Acidia Callachna: 62. Terellia; 63. Epoch.a canadensis; 64. Tephritis; 65. Peronyma maculata Ceratitis capitata; 67. Paroxyna ; 68. Aciurina; 69. Hexach^fa; 70. Blepharoneura Panama). : 61. 66, (sp. fa:\iily trupaxeid.e — the fruit flies 295 Mr. Bates has furnished the following' list of species giving- the correct generic position according to our present concepts: Acidia johnsoni Thomas = Aciurina. Aciura liinata Coquillett (Eucosinoptera Phillips) = Myoleja. Aciura nigricornis Doane (Eucosmoptera Phillips) = Myoleja. Rhagolctis formosa Coquillett = Euribia. Rhagoletis grindelise Co(iiiillett = Euribia. Rhynencina longirostris Johnson == Euribia. Trypeta baccharis Coiiuillett ^ jirobably Tephritis. Trypeta bigeloviae Cockerell (Eurosta Townsend) = Aciurina. Trypaneidas VI. — 71, Eurosta; 72. Tomoplagia ; 73, Paracantha; 74, Xanthaciura insecta; 75, Trypanea wlveeleri; 76, Dyseuarcsta plesia; 77, Ensina; 78, Aciurina trixa; 79, Procccidocharcs. 296 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Pallopteridae Flies of medium size, usually with pictured wings, the auxiliary vein entire. Head higher than long; oral vibrissa? absent; a single pair of frontal bristles; ocellars present; post-oeellars parallel; face slightly receding; antennae rather short, the third segment oval; arista short plumose or bare. ]\Iesonotum bristled in front of the suture (except in two species) ; propleural 1)ristle usually absent; one sternopleural bristle, l^egs of moderate length; tibiffi without preapical bristle. Wings rather large; anal cell short, the anal vein extending to the wing margin; auxiliary vein free but ending close to the first vein, the costa weakened or broken at the point of union; apical cell not narrowed apically. Abdomen elongate oval, sub-cylindrical, the ovipositor flattened and elongate. These flies are found in moist and shady places, usually upon foliage, and along the sea-shore. Pallopteridae. — 1, Palloptera arcuata; 2, 8, Omoinjia hirsuta: 4. Palloptera jucunda. FAMILY PALLOPTERID.E 297 Palloptern Fallen has been considered the only genus and has been reviewed by Malloeh.* The genus has been placed in the Lauxaniida? and Lonchaeidffi. It differs from the former in lacking preapical tibial bristles and from the latter in having the front transverse anteriorly, the lunule being concealed. In many respects it shows a relationship to the Helomyzidffi but is excluded from the group by its flattened ovi- positor and is, perhaps, more closely allied to the Otitidip. The genus Omomijia, placed in the Ccelopidae by Coquillett, belongs here. It shows a remarkable sexual dimorphism, the males bearing long, woolly pile while the females show little trace of it. KEY TO GENERA 1. Facial carina strong, the antenna! grooves deep; males densely pilose (2, 3) Omomyia Coquillett Facial carina quite weak; antennal grooves shallow; never densely pilose (1, 4) Palloptera Fallen 1924. Proc. U. S. N. M., Ixv, Article 12. pp. 6-7. 298 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Lonchseidse Small shining blackish flies, the auxiliary vein entire; the tibia; without preapical bristles. Head shorter than high; face and front moderately wide; oral vibrissa; absent; front with a single orbital, clothed with short hairs; ocellars present; postocellars divergent; antennte elongate, decumbent. Thorax bristled posteriorly; mesopleura with bristles behind; one or two sternopleurals; propleural present, the propleura without hair. Legs short; tibia? without preapical bristle. Wing venation complete; second basal and anal cells short, the anal vein reaching the wing margin faintly, and bisinuate. Abdomen oval, rather flat; ovipositor rather long and triangular. The adults occur almost everywhere but prefer moist or shady places. The larva- live in plants or decaying vegetation. They have been reared from under bark and may be predaceous. This family is readily distinguished from the Periscelida' by its entire auxiliary vein; from the Sa]n-omyzida^ by the absence of pre- apical tibial bristles on at least the anterior and posterior tibia^ and from the Pallopteridaj by the i)resence of a propleural bristle and the exposed frontal lunule. Lonchcea Fallen is the only genus recognized although Earomyia Zetterstedt may be distinguished by having the frontal lunule bare. Malloeh* has reviewed the species. A few have been described since the publication of his paper. * 1924. Pioc. U. S. N. M., Ixv, Art. 12, w. 3-6. Lonchsea, head, wins and abdomen. 299 Family Ropalomeridae Moderately large tropical flies of a brownish and grayish color. Front broad, excavated, with or wathout bristles; face broad, cari- nate, tuberculate or the oral margin prominent; cheeks broad, hairy; clypeus projecting; oral vibrisste absent; proboscis short, the palpi slender or dilated; antenna? short; arista dorsal, bare or plumose. Thorax elongate; mesonotum with but few bristles, usually more or less mottled w'ith gray and brown; scutellum often prominent and grooved. Abdomen shorter than the wings, flattened; hypopygium moderately large, largely concealed; ovipositor telescopic, projecting. Femora all Ropalomeiid». — 1, Willistoniella; J, S, Ropalomcra ; 4, Willistoniella ; 5, Apophorhynchus. 300 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA thickened; posterior tibiae often dilated. Apical cell narrowed apically; auxiliary vein absent or present; second basal and anal cells present. Only about a dozen species are known, all occurring in Central or South America. Evidently they are not uncommon at certain seasons of the year as ]\Ir. Banks secured a number of specimens in Panama during July and August although I saw only two from December to IMarch. They are evidently seashore inhabitants which extend their range up the rivers. The adults are fast in flight and are excellent hoverers. There is a recent revision of the family by Lindner.* KEY TO GENERA 1. Auxiliary vein present 2 Auxiliary vein absent Rhinotora Schiner 2. Scutellum oval 3 Scutellum pyramidal, directed obliquely upward; arista plumose or bare (2, 3) Ropalomera Wiedemann 3. Arista plumose 4 Arista bare Kroberia Lindner 4. Face tuberculate; frontal bristles absent (5) . . . . Apophorhynchus Williston Face carinate; frontals present (1, 4) Willistoniella Mik 1930. Deutsch. Ent. Zeitschr.. 1930-31. pp. 122-137. 301 Family Tanypezidae Tanypeza, head and wing. Medium sized flies, with rather long, slender legs. Head higher than long; face retreating below; two pairs of f rentals: ooellars proclinate; antenna pendulous, the third segment oval, moder- ately large; oral vibrissa absent; palpi broadened. Thorax with only one pair of dorsocentrals; one humeral; no sternopleurals, one or two bristles on the mesopleura above, the mesopleura and pteropleura haired. Legs long, slender, without bristles. Wings with the apical cell nar- rowed; anal cell rounded apically, about as long as the second basal; first vein setulose above; auxiliary vein entire, touching the first vein before its end. The adults occur in moist woods and are by no means numerous in collections. The immature stages are unknown. Tanypeza Fallen is the only known genus unless Tetradiscus Bigot is distinct. However, Tetraducus may not belong to this family and is too poorly described to ])e recognizable. There are fewer than a dozen known species belonging to the family, most of them occurriiig in the Neotropical region while one is known from Europe. 302 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Calobatidje I.—l. Parasphen ruficauda : 2, Ptilosphen ; 3, Rainieria; 4, Seipopus di versus; 5. Grallipeza; 6, Cardiacephala; 7. Grallomya; 8. Hoplocheiloma; 9. Seipopus; 10. Parasphen; 11, Calobata univittata; 12, Taeniapteia ; 13. Cardiacephala. 303 Family Calobatidse — The Stilt-legged Flies / Calobata univittata. Elongate flies with very long legs and dorsal, bare to plumose arista. Head higher than long, rather orbicular or elongate, the front wide in both sexes and usually with bristles; face usually receding, the oral margin more or less produced, the clypeus large and polished; palpi flat and broad; antenna? of moderate length, pendulous, with dorsal, bare to plumose arista. Thorax elongate, bi'istled posteriorly and on the sides; sternopleura with long bristly hair behind; true sternopleural bristles absent; ptcropleura bare. Legs very lono-, the anterior pair widely separated from the middle pair, femora rarely with small bris- tles, the posterior four tibia} usually with tiny bristles. Wings long, usually marked with l)rown or black, the anal cell rectangular or angu- late apically; apical cell usually narrowed apically; auxiliary vein lying very close to the first vein and usually partly touching it, rarely ending well before the first vein. Al)domen long and narrow, the ovipositor long. The adults are found near moist i)laces in the Neartic region Init seem to occur everywhere in the tropics, where they are scavengers, and evidently the larva? live in excrement. Some species have been reared from excrement and the adults are attracted to it in very large numbers. However, I have found a few of tlie tropical species only on foliage near streams and these may have a different habit. Enderlein* has reviewed the group and Cresson has described many species. 1922, Arch, fur NaturK.. Ixxxviii, Abt. 5. pp. 140-229. 304 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA As here understood this family comprises the genera Calohata, and Cardiac cphala of the old family JMicropezidte. They really have little in common with this latter group except a superficial resemblance. The classification of the family is poor and several of the genera are based upon what appear to l^e trivial characters. Several of the genera oc- curring in South America, as w-ell as a few included in the following key, are unknown to me so I am unable to do more than use the char- acters cited by tlieir describers althougli I think that most of the genera are well founded and could be readily recognized upon characters other than those used. The genus Cardiacephala Schiner, of whicli I consider both PlocosceJus Enderlein and Rhoecius Enderlein to be synonyms, merely displays a diversity in head shape not found in other groups, but no sharp lines can be drawn between the three proposed genera. Some insects show specialization along one line, others in other w^ays. Calobatidae II. — 14, Hoplocheiloma; 15. Grallomya annulata; 16. Taeniaptera ; 17, Gralli peza; 18, Rainieria; 19, Ptilosphen; 20, Calobata univittata; 21, Cardiacephala. FAMILY CALOBATID.T: THE STILT-LEGGED FLIES 305 KEY TO GENERA 1. Anal cell extending- two-thirds the distance to the wing margin, its anterior edge very oblique ( 16 ) 2 Anal cell much shorter, the crossvein much less oblique 5 2. Distance between the tips of the second and thii'd veins more than half as great as the length of the ultimate section of the fourth vein (16) 3 This distance less than half the length of the ultimate section of the foui'th vein (1, 10) Parasphen Enderlein 3. Arista bare 4 Arista plumose or long- pubescent (2, 19) Ptilosphen Enderlein 4. Apical cell closed and short petiolate (12, 16) Taeniaptera Macquart Apical cell open (7, 15 ) Grallomya Rondani 5. Arista bare G Arista plumose 9 6. Distance between the tips of the second and third veins equal to less than half the length of the ultimate section of the fourth vein (4, 9) Scipopus Enderlein This distance greater than half the length of the ultimate section of the fourth vein 7 7. Postocellar bristles absent (8, 14) Hoplocheiloma Cresson Postocellar bristles present, vertex with six bristles 8 8. Occiput strongly produced on either side of the vertex, concave in the middle from dorsal view Mitromyia Cresson Occiput at most weakly produced and very greatly concave from dorsal view (3, 18) *Rainieria Rondani 9. Posterior femora very conspicuously swollen on the apical third (6, 13, 21 ) tCardiacephala Schiner Posterior femora regular in outline 10 10. Postocellar bristles absent 11 Postocellar bristles long and strong (5, 17) Grallipeza Rondani 11. Stigmal cell long, the first vein ending in front of the anterior cross- vein Calobatina Enderlein Stig-mal cell short and not distinct, the first vein ending- well before the anterior crossvein (11, 20) Calobata Meigen * Tanypoda Rondani is a synonym and I do not believe that the characters cited by Cresson for his yrenus Meganeria are of sufficient value to constitute a genus. t The dorsal view of the head shows the extreme development of the lobe-like production of the posterior orbits which may not be produced beyond the vertex. Khoeciiis (Enderlein) has been proposed for this latter group but there is every gradation between the two extremes. 306 XORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Micropezidse Slender flies of moderate size, their legs Jong, the second basal cell united with the discal cell. Head orbicular or elongate and subtriangular; front without bris- tles; face receding, without oral vibrissas; antennas short, the arista dorsal. Thorax elongate, the front and middle coxae widely separated; posterior portion of the pteropleura with long hairs; one sternopleural bristle. Legs long and slender, the tibiae with bristles. Wings long, the second basal cell united with the discal cell; apical cell narrow^ed or closed and petiolate apically; auxiliary vein not distinctly separated from the first vein. Abdomen long and slender, the female ovipositor large, pendulous; male genitalia rather small, the fifth sternite usually with long pendulous lobes. The adults are found in marshes and moist places in woods. There are three or four Nearctic, one Pal^earctic and many species in the American tropics. I have seen only Micropeza from the United States and Canada. The immature stages are unknown. Enderlein* has re- viewed the family. I give the characters of his genery although I scarcely agree that there are four genera represented. The appendicu- late apical cell does not seem to me to be of generic importance and I am inclined to recognize only Micropeza and MetopohracJiia. Micropezidse. — 1, 2, Micropeza; 3, 4, Metopobrachia. FAMILY MICROI'EZID.T: 307 KEY TO GENERA 1. Head subtriangular, much longer than high 2 Head orbicular, but little longer than high 3 2. Apical cell open or closed in the wing margin (1, 2). . . .Micropeza Meigen Apical cell closed and petiolate Neriocephalus Enderlein 3. Apical cell open (3, 4) Metopobrachia Enderlein Apical cell closed and petiolate Cliopeza Enderlein * 1922, Arch, fur Naturg., Ixxxviii. Abt. 5, pp. 140-229. 308 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Neriidae Slender flies of moderate size, with long legs and an apical arista. Head longer than wide; two pairs of frontal bristles, the front wide in both sexes; face receding,* Avithont oral vibrissas; antenna por- rect, with a terminal bare or pubescent arista. Thorax long, the front and middle legs widely separated, the prosternum as long as the meso- sternnm; pteropleura bare; with or without a sternopleural bristle. Legs long and slender, the femora with short spines beneath. Wings long, the apical cell usually narrowed apically; anal and second basal cells short; auxiliary vein ending in the first vein. Abdomen long, rather flattened above; ovipositor long and pendulous, carried under the abdomen in life. The adults are found near water or moist places. The family is strictly tropical, four of the nineteen genera occurring in North Amer- ica group. The immature stages are not known. Enderleinf has reviewed the * In the old world Telostylinse the oral margin is prominent while in the Neriinse it is not consi^icuous. t 1922. Arch, fiir Naturg., Ixxxviii, Abt. 5. pp. 140-229. Neriid». — 1, 2, Nerius; 3, 4, Dictyonerius. FAMILY xeriid.t: 309 KEY TO GENERA 1. Wings with numerous crossveins (3, 4) Dictyonerius Enderlein Wings with normal venation 2 2. Third antennal segment pointed apically; scutellum with one pair of bristles Glyphidops Enderlein Third antennal segment rounded or obtuse apically 3 3. Ventral surface of the anterior femora with setigerous tubercles on the whole length Odontoloxozus Enderlein Anterior femora with bristles only apically (1, 2) Nerius Fabricius 310 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Piophilidae Piophila casei. The flies included in this family rarely exceed five millimeters in length, and are usually glistening black or slightly bluish metallic in lustre. Face not carinate, occiput more or less flattened; always two pairs of vertical bristles; postvertical bristles divergent; fronto-orbital bris- tles varying from two pairs to none; antennae decumbent, the third segment elongate oval, arista bare in the American species; cheeks rarely fringed with hairs, the oral vibrissa? usually prominent, para- facials not differentiated as a linear orbital boundary; palpi well de- veloped. i\Iesonotum almost always finely pubescent and ]iolished; stcrnopleura never pruinose; one pair of dorsocentral bristles, four scutellar bristles. Legs of the male never toothed or deformed, the front femora usually furnished with long but delicate bristles. Abdomen more or less polished, ])ubescent but without bristles, broad, depressed, not constricted at the base; genitalia of the male more or less hidden asymmetrical; ovipositor extensile. Auxiliary vein terminating close to the end of the first vein, the costa broken at or near the termination, third and fourth veins parallel or more or less diverging, anal vein usually curved and evanescent apically, discal cell usually large, with the posterior crossvein usually long. The larvffi are, in general, scavengers but some of them live in cheese and preserved meats. Piophila casei, the cheese-skipper, has a rather conical larva, pointed anteriorly and truncate posteriorly; body shining and smooth; antennae two segmented; mouth hooks separated and divergent; anterior spiracles whitish, the abdominal travelling FAMILY PIOPHIIJD.T: 311 Piophilida?. — 1, 2, Piophila; 3, Prochyliza. folds roughened, the posterior segment with four fleshy protuberances. The larva jumps by grasping the edge of the posterior truncature of the body with its mouth hooks and suddenly releasing it. The puparium is rugose and elliptic. The members of this family have been placed in the Sepsida? by most authors. The family differs from the Sepsidse in several char- acters, particularly in having the costa broken at the end of the aux- iliary' vein, setulose mesonotum and the absence of a hair or fine bristle arising on the posterior edge of the posterior spiracle of the thorax. i\Ielandcr* has reviewed the family. KEY TO GENERA 1. One or two pairs of frontal bristles 2 No frontal bristles; face strongly receding; antennae variable in length (3) Prochyliza WalTcer 2. Two pairs of dorsocentral bristles 3 One pair of dorsocentral bristles (1, 2 and text fig.) Piophila Fallen 3. One pair of frontal bristles (text fig.) Amphipogon Wahlberg Two pairs of frontal bristles Mycetaulus Lcew 1924, Psyche, xxxi, pp. 78-86. Amphipogon spectrum. 312 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Sepsidjp. — 1, 2, Themira minor; 3, Pandora; 4, Nemopoda minuta ; 5, Pandora; 6, Nemopoda minuta; 7, 8, 9, Sepsis. 313 Family Sepsidae Meroplius stercorarius. Small, shining black or reddish flies. Head more or less spherical, the occiput usually quite convex, face carinate; one or two pairs of vertical bristles, one or no orbitals, post- vertical bristles divergent; antennas decumbent, the third segment oval, the arista usually l^are; i)arafacials very narrow, reduced to an orljital line; palpi vestigial. Mesonotum usually aeiculate or pollinose and not pubescent, its setula? usually in three longitudinal rows; scutellar bristles usually two, rarely four in numljer; either One or two pairs of dorsocen- tral bristles; sternopleura usually in part or entirely pruinose. Auxili- ary vein curving so as to terminate obviously before the end of the first longitudinal vein, costa not broken, the third and fourth veins more or less converging; anal vein straight and abbreviated. Legs of the male usually deformed and armed with spines or thorn-like projections, usual- ly located on the front pair. Abdomen with l)ut sparse pubescence or fine setulffi, often constricted at the second segment and bearing a few bristles; male genitalia usually prominent, symmetrical, eomi)rising a hypopygium with paired lateral valves, each tipped by a prong or flat 314 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA blade of distinctive structure; ovipositor not extended, the female ab- domen with bluntly rounded termination. The adults are found about excrement, carrion and decaying vege- tation, in which the larvte live, and many of the species are very com- mon. There are between forty and fifty described species from North America. Melander and Spuler* and Dudat have dealt with the species. KEY TO GENERA 1. First and second basal cells separated 2 First and second basal cells united (3, 5) Pandora Haliday 2. Outer verticals present 3 Outer verticals absent 5 3. Anterior femora of both sexes with a close-set row of spinules ven- trally, never with stout spines or thorns (4, 6) Nemopoda Desvoidy Anterior femora never with such a row of spinules, often with coarse spines, sparse hairs or more or less deformed 4 4. No frontal bristles (7, 8, 9) JSepsis Fallen One frontal bristle; anterior femora never tuberculate. Meroplius Rondani 5. Postocellar bristles long and strong; one frontal (1, 2). .Themira Desvoidy Postocellars very weak; f rentals not developed Enicita Westwood * 1917, Wash. Agric. Exp. Sta.. Bull. No. 143. •(• 1925, Ann. Naturh. Mus. Wien, xxxix, pp. 1-153, and 1926, xl, pp. 1-110. t The genus Sepsidimorpha Frey I cannot separate from Sepsis and I do not consider the absence of tubercles on the anterior femora of generic importance. Those species of Sepsis which have a frontal bristle I would place in Meroplius even though the front femora are armed beneath. 315 Family Lauxaniidae Homoneura species. Rather small flies, rarely more than 6 mm. in length, the auxiliary vein entire and ending in the costa. Head variable, the face projecting or retreating, convex, flat or concave, without oral vibrissa although these are rarely poorly de- veloped. Front wide, with two pairs of frontals, the upper pair always reclinate, the lower pair sometimes decussate; ocellars present or minute. Antcnnffi variable, the arista plumose to bare. Thorax with bristles, at least behind the suture; scutellum usually bare except for the mar- ginal bristles; propleural bristle present or absent; one or two sterno- pleurals. Tibise all with preapical bristle. Wing venation complete, the second basal and anal cells short; apical cell usually widely open. Abdomen oval, rarely elongate. The adults may be found almost everywhere, but particularly in moist places where they may occur in large numbers. j\Iany of the species are more in evidence in the evening than during the rest of the day. They are not very active and are therefore easily captured. The larvffi of at least some of the species mine in plants and are economically important; others live upon decaying vegetation. Saprom^'zida; has been used for this family by most American authors but Lauxania is older and should be used. Hendel has pub- lished extensively on the family: many changes have been made since his contribution in Genera Insectorum* and he recognizes many addi- tional genera in his kev to genera. t * 1908, Fascicle No. 68. t 1925, Encycl. Ent., B. Dipt., pp. 103-142. 316 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Lauxaniidse I. — 1, Chwtocoelia sp. : 2, Physegenua vitfata ; 3, Chatominettia latelimbata ; 4, Homoneura philadelphica ; 5, Pseudogriphoneura ; 6, Neogriphoneura ; 7, Camptoprosopella vulgaris; 8, Lauxaniella opaca ; 9, Steganolauxania latipennis; 10, Dcutominettia bimaculata. FAMDA' LAUXAXIID.E 317 KEY TO GENERA 1. Antennae long and slender, the first segment two-thirds as long as the second and with apical hairs below 2 Antennse not unusually elongate, the third segment usually more or less oval, rarely twice as long as wide, the first short or without bristles below 7 2. Sternopleura with a single bristle 3 Two sternopleural bristles (17, 18) Lauxania Latreille 3. Propleural bristle present 4 Propleural bristle absent (23, 26) Asilostoma Hendel 4. Anterior pair of frontals decussate; face with transverse striae (9, 22). Steganolauxania Frey Anterior pair of frontals reclinate , 5 5. Submarginal cell but little wider than the marginal (8) 6 Submarginal cell more than twice as wide as the marginal. Steganopsis de Meijere 6. Face wdth a large, rounded convexity on either side. . . .Cephalella Malloch Face without such swellings (8, 21) Lauxaniella Malloch 7. Third vein setulose either above or below 8 Third vein bare 10 8. First vein setulose above Dryomyzothea Hendel First vein bare 0 Lauxaniidas II. — 11, Xenopterella ; 12, Pachycerina ; 13, Griphoncura; 14, Minettia evit- tata; 1,5, Sapromyza; 16, Physcgenua ; IT, Lauxania. 318 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Lauxaniidae III. — 18, Lauxaiiia cylindricornis; 19, Trigonometopus vittatus ; 20, Campto- prosopella vulgaris; 21, Lauxaniella opaca ; 22, Steganolauxania latipennis; 23, Asilostoma; 24, Griphoneura; 25, Freyia nigrita; 26, Asilostoma palpalis; 27. Neominettia contigua. FAMILY LAUXAXIID.E 319 9. Third vein setulose below to beyond the anterior crossvein (27). Neominettia Hendel Third vein setulose above and below before the anterior crossvein (3, 31 ) Chjetominettia Malloch 10. Second vein setulose before the origin of the third vein (30, 34). *Xenochjetina Mallocli Second vein bare 11 11. First vein setulose posteriorly before the humeral crossvein (28, 36). Setulina Malloch First vein bare 12 12. Wings with a crossvein dividing the apical .cell beyond the posterior crossvein (11) Xenopterella Malloch Wings with only the usual crossveins 13 13. Antei'ior frontal bristle directed inward; first antennal segment as long as the second 14 Anterior frontals reclinate; first antennal segment short 17 14. Ocellar bristles minute 15 Ocellars long and strong 16 15. Face concave in profile Freyia Malloch Face convex (2, 16) Physegenua Macquait 16. Face strongly convex; anterior frontals half way between the antennae and upper frontals (12) Pachycerina Macquart Face gently convex or plane; anterior frontals closer to upper frontals than to antennae (7, 20) Camptoprosopella Hendel 17. First antennal segment as long as the second (25) Freyia Malloch First antennal segment short 18 18. Presutural bristle present 19 Presutural bristle absent; face strongly retreating (19, 33). fTrigonometopus Macquart 19. Apical cell very strongly narrowed apically, almost closed (13, 24). Griphoneura Schiner Apical cell widely open 20 20. Sternopleura with one bristle 21 Sternopleura with two bristles, the anterior one w^eaker 22 21. Front much broader than long, concave in front from dorsal view (6, 35 ) Neogriphoneura Malloch Front rarely broader than long, not concave in front (5, 38). X Pseudogriphoneura Hendel 22. Face convex and glossy (29, 37) Pseudocalliope Malloch Face gently convex or flat, not polished 23 * Malloch. 1923. Pioc. Ent. Soc. Wash., xxv, p. 49. t Malloch, 1923, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash., xxv. p. 48. t Curran, 1934, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Ixvi. p. 445. 320 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Lauxaniidffi IV.— 28. Setulina geminala; 29. Pseudocalliope; 30. Xenochastina : 31, Chsetominettia ; 32. Chatocoelia ; 33, Trisonometopus; 34. Xenochsetina; 35. Neogriphoneura ; 36. Setulina: 37, Pseudocalliope; 38. Pseudogriphoneura; 39, Sapromyza. FAMILY LAUXANIID.E 321 23. Intra-alar bristle present 24 Intra-alar bristle absent 26 24. Scutellum bare above 2.5 Scutellum setulose above (10) Deutominettia Hendel 25. Frontal bristles arising from tubercles (1, 32) Chaetocoelia Giglio-Tos Frontal bristles not arising from tubercles (14) Minettia Desvoidy 26. Second vein undulated Trypetisoma Malloch Second vein not undulate 27 27. The tiny black costal setulaj continued to the apex of the third vein (4). Homoneura Wulp The black setulae extend to only a little beyond the apex of the second vein, never to the third (15, 39) ''Sapromyza Fallen * Hendel has recoRnized two SGRiegates of this fceiius. Lycia Desvoidy and Cneinacantha Macquait, both of which have four dorsocential bristles. The former has the acrostical hairs two or four rowed and rather long while the latter has them six rowed and very short. 322 NORTH AMERICAN DR^TERA I PeriscelidEe. — 1, Marbenia peculiaris; 2, Neoscutops rotundipennis ; 3, Scutops fascipcn- nis; 4, Neoscutops rotundipennis; 5, Scutops fascipennis ; 6, Panamenia chapmani ; 7, Marbenia peculiaris; «, Sphyroperiscelis sp. ; 9, Panamenia chapmani; 10, Sph> roperiscelis sp. 323 Family Periscelidae Small flies rcsomblino- the Laiixaniida', etc. Face wide, more or less produced below; front with a single pair of bristles; postocellars divergent; arista plumose. Wing venation com- plete, the auxiliary vein short. Abdomen oval, somewhat depressed. Members of this family are not numerous in collections and little is known about them. i\Ialloeh would retain the genera in the Sapromyzi- dm and IMelander included Scutops in his revision of the Geomyzidffi. The family contains seven genera, all occurring in America, PerisceUs also being found in Europe. KEY TO GENERA 1. Costa extending to the fourth vein 2 Costa ending at the third vein 5 2. Face very strongly protruding below; auxiliary vein not curved forward apically 3 Face somewhat protruding below; auxiliary vein with a distinct forward curve apically; oral vibrissie absent Periscelis Lcew 3. Face evenly convex 4 Face flattened and bare in the middle above (3, 5) Scutops Coquillett 4. Ocellars absent Cyamops Melander Ocellars long and strong (24 ) Neoseutops Malloch 5. Face most prominent below; veins strong (6, 9) Panamenia, n. g. Face not prominent below, more or less convex in the middle 6 6. Head almost or quite twice as wide as high; face very wide (8, 10). Sphyroperiscelis Sturtevant Head not nearly so wide; face and eyes of moderate width (1, 7). Marbenia Malloch Panamenia, new genus This genus is, perliaps, most closely related to SiyJujroiJenscelis Sturtevant but the shape of the head is distinctive. The face is shield- shaped, the point below, the sides sharply limited and haired. Abdomen as broad as long, tai)ering sharply from near tlie base. Scutellum flat, bearing two pairs of marginals. AVings as in figure. Genotype: — P. chapmani, n. sp. Head stramineous, the upper occiput and a broad frontal triangle black; thorax deep brown or l)lackish, the pleura yellowisli; humeri, a large rectangle on the posterior half of the mesonotum and the scutel- lum, except the sides, stramineous; legs reddish yellow, tlie tibia with two brown bands, the anterior femora brown basally; wings brownish, with a preapical hyaline band; abdomen blackish or dark brown. Male, Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, (Curran). 324 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Drosophilid» I. — 1. Cladochata nebulosa ; 2, Rhinoleucophenga obesa ; 3, Leucophenga maculosa; 4, Drosophila funebris; 5, Chyinoniyza ainoena ; 6. Zygothrica dispar; 7, Planinasus anibiguus; 8, Diastata ; 9. Zygothrica dispar; 10, Scaptcmyza gramineum ; 11, Mycodrosophila; 12, Rhinoleucophenga obesa; 13, Cladochaeta nebulosa. 325 Family Drosophilidse— The Small Fruit Flies Small flies, rarely exceeding a length of 5 mm. the head sometimes very broad, the wings often pictured. Face nearly vertical in profile, rarely prominent, oral vibrissse present, though sometimes weak; front with three pairs of bristles; post- ocellar bristles convergent, rarely absent. Third antennal segment oval or rounded, the basal two short; arista usually plumose, rarely pubescent or with a single long ray. Abdomen usually short, rather elongate and pendulous in Curtonotum. Auxiliary vein usually very short and end- ing in the first vein; costa broken twice; first vein short; second basal cell usually united with the discal cell; anal cell present, rarely in- complete. The adults are found around decaying vegetation, flowing sap, fungi and ripe fruit, the larvae being found in these substances. They are often pests to the housewife, since they apparently appear from no- where when fruit is brought into the house and some of the fungus inhabiting species have the habit of hovering around the eyes during warm weather, causing not only irritation by their antics but pain when they get into the eye. In the tropics they sometimes occur in such numbers as to completely cover large fungi. There have been frequent complaints about them in milk bottles, the puparia becoming attached to the bottles and requiring special treatment for their re- moval. One of the species, DrosopJtiJa melanogaster Meigen, has been used extensively for the study of inheritance, being exceedingly well suited for tliis purpose because of the very short life cycle and large chromo- somes. The general belief has been that the larva? live upon fruit but it has been shown that they actually live upon the yeasts developing in it. Sturtevant* has reviewed the North American species and Dudaf has dealt with the Neotropical forms. In addition there are numerous small i)apers scattered through the literature. In addition to the genera given in the key several others, as well as a number of subgenera, have been proposed but most of them appear to be too poorly differentiated to deserve recognition. Aldricht has discussed the occurrence in North America of the genus Lciom]jza ]\[acquart and described two species. As I have no specimens I am unable to place the genus in the key. Sturtevant* has referred this genus to the Asteiida^ but this disposition of it does not agree with my interpretation of that family. * 1921. The North American Species of Drosoiihila, Carneprie Inst, of Wash., pub. No. 301, 150 pp. tl927. Die Sudamerikanischen Drosoiihiliden, etc., Arch fiir Natursesichte, 1925, Hefts 11-12, pp. 1-229. t 1919. Ent. News, xxx, p. 137. 326 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Drosophilidffi II. — 14, Stegana; 15, Leucophcnga ; 16, Drosophila ; 17, Diastata vagans ; 18, Zyg-othrica dispar; 19, Mycodrosophila diinidiata ; 2i), Sinophthalmus pictus ; 21, Stegana; 22, Sinophthalmus pictus; 23, Curtonotuin ; 24, Curtonotum ; 25, Scaptomyza grainineuin; 26, Planinasus ambiguus ; 27. Chymoinyza amoeiia. FAMILY DROSOPHILID.E THE SMALL FRUIT FLIES 327 KEY TO GENERA 1. Discal and second basal cells united (18) 2 Discal and second basal cells separated (17) 14 2. Auxiliary vein ending in the first vein near its base 4 Auxiliary vein entire or nearly so 3 3. Arista plumose; prescutellar acrosticals strong; costa pectinate (23, 24 ) Curtonotum Macquart Arista pubescent; prescutellar acrosticals absent. . .Aulacigaster Macquart 4. Arista pubescent or bare with one long ray above 5 Arista plumose 6 5. Arista with one long ray above (1, 13) Cladochaeta Coquillett Arista pubescent Pseudiastata Coquillett 6. Proboscis longer than head-height; head broader than the thorax (6, 9, 18) Zygothrica Wiedemann Proboscis shorter than the head; head rarely broader than the thorax. 7 7. Lower reclinate frontal bristle as far from the proclinate as from the upper reclinate 8 Lower reclinate frontal situated nearer to the proclinate than to the upper reclinate 10 8. Prescutellar acrosticals strong; face not protuberant 9 Prescutellar acrosticals weak or absent; face produced. Pararhinoleucophenga Duda 9. Costa ending at the third vein (3, 15) Leucophenga Mik Costa extending to the fourth vein (2, 12) Rhinoleucophenga Hendel 10. Lower reclinate frontal situated in front of the proclinate (5, 27). Chymomyza Czerny Lower reclinate situated behind the proclinate 11 11. One large pair of dorsocentrals; mesonotum and scutellum usually convex; a single bristle at the second costal break (11, 19). Mycodrosophila Oldenberg Usually two pairs of dorsocentrals 12 12. Acrostical hairs moderately long and not very numerous, never in more than four rows anteriorly (10, 25) Scaptomyza Hardy Acrostical hairs short and appressed, always in six or more rows anteriorly 13 13. Prescutellars long and strong Clastopteromyia Malloch & McAtee Prescutellar acrosticals quite weak or absent (4, 16) . . . .Drosophila Fallen 14. Arista pubescent or bare 17 Arista plumose 15 15. Propleural bristle present but weak (8, 17) Diastata Meigen Propleural bristle absent 16 16. Face fiat on upper half, prominent in the middle (7, 26). Planinasus Cresson Face concave, the oral margin the most prominent (14, 21). Stegana Meigen 17. Antennae extending to the oral margin, the third segment twice as long as wide Tryptochaeta Rondani Antennae not reaching the oral margin (20, 22) . .Sinophthalmus Coquillett 328 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Asteiidae Small flies, with the second vein ending only slightly beyond the first. Head higher than long; face concave; oral viln'issse well developed; front wide, wath one or two pairs of bristles; thorax bristled posteriorly. Legs short. Wings long, with only one or two crossveins, before the basal third; auxiliary vein incomplete; costa entire, anal cell absent, the second basal sometimes open apically. Abdomen narrow. This family comprises but few genera, three of which are recorded from America. The family may be at once recognized by the peculiar wing venation. Williston placed the two genera known to him in both the Drosophilidie and Chloropidt^ and there has been much doubt as to where they belong. KEY TO GENERA 1, Posterior crossvein present 2 Posterior crossvein absent, only one crossvein (3) *Asteia Meigen 2. Front with two bristles near the middle, half way between the ocellar triangle and antennse Crepidohamma Enderlein Front with only weak bristles laterally (1, 2) . Sigaloessa Coquillett * Aldrich, 1915, Psyche, xxii, p. 96. Asteiidse. — 1, 2, Sigaloessa rica (insularis Curran, not Malloch) ; 3, Asteia sp. 329 Family Opomyzidae Small, rather elongate flies, sometimes with pictured wings. Head not longer than high, the face long, often narrow; one or more pairs of frontal bristles; postocellars divergent, convergent, or absent; oral vibri-ssa? absent or differentiated, never strong; palpi small. Presiitiiral dorsocentrals present or absent; mesopleura bare; scutellnm with or without hair in addition to the bristles; preapical tibial bris- tles absent. Subcosta incomplete or vestigial; anal and second basal cells complete, the first vein ending before the middle of the wing. Al)domen moderately long, the segments with marginal bristles; geni- talia small. Various authors have recognized three families for this group, the Anthomyzidffi and Tethinidaj in addition to the Opomyzida or Geomy- zidae. Despite the differences I believe that the genera should be grouped together, as otherwise there is sufficient grounds for the creation of a family for each of the genera. At any rate we may safely unite the Anthomyzidne and Tethinida? since both groups possess oral vibrissa. However the vibrissa are weak and the characters by w^hich these groups are separated from Opomyza do not appear to be important in this case. Tlie flies occur chiefly in moist places and along the seashore. Practically nothing is known about the life histories, but it is knowai that species of Opomi/Z(( live in grass. KEY TO GENERA 1. Oral vibrissfe differentiated; post ocellar bristles converging, though small - Oral vibrissse absent; post ocellars diverging or absent 9 2. Presutural dorsocentrals present 3 Presutural dorsocentrals absent 4 3. Cheeks haired only along the lateral oral margin 6 Cheeks with hairs over much of the surface or at least toward the eyes 7 4. One pair of strong frontals (4, 7) Mumetopia Melander Two pairs of strong frontals o 5. Posterior crossvein situated only about its length from the wing mar- gin (1, 12) Ischnomyia Loew Posterior crossvein situated almost twice its length from the wing margin (6, 11 ) Anthomyza Fallen 330 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Opomyzidaj I.-l. Ischnomyia vittata; 2, Tethina albula; 3. Pelomy.a coronata. 4. Mume- topia nigrimana; 5. Geomyza: 6. Anthoinyza; 7. Mumetopia occ.p.tahs: 8 Opomyza. 9. Mutilloptera apicalis ; 10: Opomyza; 11. Anthomyza; 12. Ischnomyia v.ttata; lo. lethma. 14, Pelomyia occidentalis ; 15. Pelomyia, chastotaxy. FAMILY OrOMYZID.E 331 6. Frontal vitta with bristles (2, 13) *Rhicnoessa Loew Frontal vitta without bristles (Chyromyidae) t^eossos Malloch 7. Acrostical hairs present 8 Acrostical hairs absent *Pelomyiella Hendel 8. Oral margin strongly produced forward; lower edge of head straight and long Neopelomyia Hendel Face not strongly produced below, the lower edge convex (3, 14, 15). *Pelomyia Williston 9. Scutellum with hair; wing with anal angle (8, 10) Opomyza Fallen Scutellum with bristles only; no trace of anal angle 10 10. Hind margin of the wing strongly concave (9) . . . . Mutiloptera Coquillett Hind margin of the wing at most very weakly concave (5). Geomyza Fallen * Hendel. 1934. Tijd. v. Ent., Ixxvii. pp. 35-54. t 1927, Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 332 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Agromyzidse — The Leaf Miners Small flies, blackish or yellowish in color, the postocellar bristles always present. Head usually higher than long-; front with at least three pairs of bristles; ocellars and postocellars present, the latter divergent; face receding or concave in profile; antennae decumbent, the third segment rarely much longer than wide; arista pubescent or bare; oral vibrissae present. Eyes large, the cheeks rarely half as wide as the eye-height. Legs short, the femora with bristles. Wings of moderate size, the ven- ation complete or with the posterior crossvein absent; auxiliary vein more or less fused with the first vein or incomplete. Abdomen more or less depressed. The adults occur everywhere and there are few deciduous plants which are not mined by their larva?. Owing to their small size they are easily overlooked although easily recognized. The larvae make characteristic mines in the leaves of plants and most of them may be identified by the mines. KEY TO GENERA 1. Arista absent (See Ochthiphilid^, 3 and 5) *Cryptochaetiim Rondani Arista present 2 2. Posterior crossvein present 3 Posterior crossvein absent 7 3. Posterior crossvein situated beyond the anterior crossvein 4 Posterior crossvein situated nearer to the base of the wing than the anterior crossvein (10) Napomyza Haliday 4. Mesopleura with one or more bristles 5 Mesopleura bare G 5. Third antennal segment with the upper apex acutely pointed (3, 5). Cerodontha Rondaiii Third segment not with an acute point, though sometimes angular (6, 7). Agromyza Fallen 6. Front strongly produced forward, the ocelli situated on the anterior part (1, 9) Traginops Coquillett Front regular in outline, the ocelli situated near the vertex 8 7. Fourth vein ending before the wing-tip Antineura Melander Fourth vein ending behind the wing-tip (8, 11) Phytomyza Fallen 8. Apical cell slightly narrowing apically Schildomyia Malloch Apical cell widening apically, the costa not extending to the fourth vein (2, 4 ) Odinia Desvoidy I have not seen this jjenus and its relationshiii is somewhat iloubtful. FAMILY AUKOMYZID.E THE LEAF MINERS 333 Agromyzidae. — 1, Traginops irrorata; Odinia williamsi ; o, Ccrodontha dorsalis ; ( Phytomyza flavicornis; 9, Traginops irrorata; Odinia williamsi ; 3. Cerodontha dorsalis ; 4, Agromyza kincaidi ; 7. Agroinyza waltoni ; 8, 0, Napomyza lateralis; 11, Phytomyza. 334 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Phyllomyzidae Small flies, usually black, sometimes silvery pollinose. Costa broken at the humeral crossvein and at the apex of the auxiliary vein; postoeellar bristles convergent or parallel; anterior frontals convergent, the others divergent, proclinate or reclinate; inter- frontals present or there are rows of hairs; oral vibrissee present though sometimes but poorly differentiated from the other bristles; proboscis long and geniculate, or short; antennse not elongate, often small. Meso- notum with one to four pairs of dorsocentrals; mesopleura Avith or without bristles; pteropleura sometimes with distinct bristles. Legs moderately short. First vein ending near the basal third of \\\e wing; second basal and anal cells small; posterior crossvein absent in Para- myia; costa usually bristly basally. Abdomen short and rather broad, the bristles weak or absent. These flies were included by Williston in the Agromyzidse while other authors have recognized the Milichiida^ and Carnidae. Phyllo- mijza is an older generic name than Milicliia and I do not consider the differences between the genera placed in the Carnida? and Phyllo- myzida? as of more than generic value. The adults are rather common and may frequently be found on fence posts, fences, logs, tree-trunks, etc. in the hot sun, or they may be taken by sweeping, on foliage or in grass. I have collected them only during dry weather and always in the bright sunlight. Keys to the species will be found in Melander's revision of the family,* and in a paper by Mallochf. KEY TO GENERA 1. Posterior crossvein present 2 Posterior crossvein absent (4, 26) Paramyia Williston 2. Costa extending to the fourth vein 5 Costa stopping at the third vein 3 3. Proboscis very elongate and geniculate (3, 20) Aldrichiella Hendel Proboscis short 4 4. Mesopleura bare (2, 9, 13) Euchlorops Malloch Mesopleura with two or three bristles (6, 21) Meoneura Rondani * 1913. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, xxi, pp. 234-246. t 1913, Pioc. U. S. N. M., xlvi, pp. 127-152. FAMILY PHVLLOMYZID.E 335 Phyllomyzida? I.— 1, Hypaspistomyia latipes; 2, Euchlnrops vittafa; 3, A)drichiella agrromyzina : 4. Paramyia nitens; :,, Eusiphona mira; 6. Meoncura vagans ; 7, Phyllomyza hirtipalpis; S, Hemeromyia iiitida; f). Euchlorops vittata; 10. Desinomctopa M-nigrum ; 11, Hypaspistomyia latipes; 12, Eusiphona mira; 13, Euchlorops vittata; 14, Desmomyza confusa. 336 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 5. Costa with a very deep excision at the apex of the auxiliary vein; cruciate interf rontals developed 6 Costa broken but the excision not extending into the cell; interf rontal hairs present 10 6. Mesopleura with strong bristles. Mesopleura bare 7. Proboscis very long, geniculate Paramilichia Malloch Proboscis geniculate, but not unusually long (19, 23). .Pholeomyia Bilimek 8. Posterior margin of the eye excised at the middle 9 Posterior margin of the eye not excised Milichia Meigen 9. Four pairs of dorsocentrals (18, 22) Eccoptomma Becker One or two pairs of dorsocentrals (17, 22) Milichiella Giglio-Tos 10. Apical cell very widely open, at most a little narrowed apically 11 Apical cell only narrowly open (5, 12) Eusiphona Coquillett 11. Bristles of the head and thorax strong; eyes at most short haired 12 Bristles of head and thorax not strongly diiferentiated from the hair; eyes rather long pilose Arctobiella Coquillett 12. Proboscis geniculate, long and chitinized; vibrissal angle usually dis- tinct 13 Proboscis shorter and more or less fleshy, the labellse not elongate though folding back; vibrissal angles not developed; face strongly carinate (8) Hemeromyia Coquillett 13. Posterior tibiae flattened and broadened 14 Posterior tibiae not unusually flat and wide 10 14. Pteropleura with one or more small bristles (Paramadiza Malloch; Mallochiella Melander) (1, 11) Hypaspistomyia Hendel Pteropleura without bristle 15 15. Glossy black; frontal bristles weak (14, 15) Desmomyza, n. g. Dull colored; frontals stronger; two pairs of divergent frontals; inter- f rontals in differentiated rows (16, 10) Desmometopa Lcew 16. Lower edge of the head horizontal and long (24, 25). Platophrymyia Williston Lower edge of the head rounded or short 17 17. Eyes hairy; palpi very large, projecting far beyond the oral margin (7) Phyllomyza Fallen Eyes bare or nearly so; palpi not projecting 18 18. Five or six pairs of orbitals 19 Three pairs of orbitals Cacoxenus Lcew 19. Apical scutellars converging Neophyllomyza Melander Apical scutellars diverging Stomosis Melander FAMILY PHYLLOMVZID.E 337 Phyllomyzidje II. — 15, Desinomyza confusa; 16, Desitiometopa ; 17, Milichiella; 18, Ec- coptomina; 19, Pholcoinyia indecora ; 20, Aldrichiclla agromyzina ; 21, Meoneura vagans ; 22, Milichiella lacteipennis; 2o, I'holeoniyia ind'Ccoia; 24, 25, Platophryniyia nigfia ; 26, Paramyia nitens. 338 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Desmomyza, new genus Related to Hijpaspistomijia Hendel but differing in having the pteropleiira entirely bare instead of having some setulae above. Geno- type: — D. confusa n. sp. (New York). The genotype is extremely like H. glabra Fallen, of which I believe Dcsmometopa haltemlis Coqiiillett to be a synonym. It is entirely shining black except the base of the tarsi, the wings are milky white with yellowish veins. The only difference between Desmomyza and H}fpaspisto7ui/ia, to which I refer glabra, lies in the presence in the latter of ptcropleural setules. The type of haUeraJis has these, as do European specimens of glabra examined by me, hence my belief that Coquillett's species is the same as glabra. The weaker frontals will separate Desmomyza from Desmomcfopa. 339 Family Chloropidae — The Frit Flies Crassiseta species. Small to very small, bare or nearly bare flics. Head usually rather hemispherical, sometimes more or less tri- angular or rectangular, the face usually nearly vertical or receding; oral vibrissa? weak or absent; front broad, sometimes with bristles, the vertical triangle very large, often extending to the anterior margin of the front. Antennae usually short, with rounded third segment, some- times elongate. Wings of moderate length or rather short, auxiliary vein vestigial; second basal cell united with the discal cell; anal cell absent; fifth vein almost always with a slight, characteristic irregu- larity near the middle of the discal cell. Legs short, the femora rarely greatly thickened. These flies are very common and representatives of the family may be collected almost anywhere. The family will be readily recognized as the large vertical or frontal triangle is characteristic and the peculiar gentle curve of the fourth vein is typical of the group. The larvag live in grass and other plants and some of them are economic pests of cereals. They are thick and cylindrical, with stout mouth hooks, two segmented antenna and fleshy abdominal ])rotuber- ances for locomotion. The generic limits in some cases are evidently weak and it is not always easy to place some species with certainty. I am not certain that the so-called horny geniculate proboscis of Madiza Fallen constitutes a generic character in this case since there is a gradual evolution to the normal type found in Oscinella Becker. The apical section of the pro- 340 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA ChloropidEe I.— 1, Dactylothyrea cuivinervis; 2, Chlorops sulphurea; 3. Chlorops; 4, Meromyza aineiicana; 5. Hippclates collusor; 6. Cetcma hypocera; 7, Madiza; S. Pseudogaurax ; 9, Dicrsus; 10, Pseudogaurax; 11. Diplotoxa pulchripcs; 12, Ectecephala ; 13, Madiza. FAMILY CHLOROPID.E THE FRIT FLIES 341 boscis is nothinj? more than the labellaj which are lengthened and narrowed and it is not always easy to decide whether the proboscis is geniculate or not. Trouble will also be experienced in connection with the pubescence of the arista and the presence of frontal bristles, both of which are characters which show gradual development in the pres- ence of extensive collections. The only revision of the North American species of this family is by Becker.* In a recent paper on the Neotropi- cal forms Diidat has proposed many new genera but his contril)ution has been so badly mangled by deletion necessitated in order to reduce its size to the absurd limits set by most publications that it is almost impossible to follow his keys. KEY TO GENERA 1. Costa extending to the fourth vein 11 Costa ending at the third vein or slightly beyond it 2 2. Posterior crossvein absent Elliponeura Lcew Posterior crossvein present 3 3. Posterior femora greatly thickened, their tibiae strongly arcuate (4, 17) Meromyza Meigen Posterior femora only moderately thickened, their tibiae but little curved 4 4. Middle tibiae with a strong, curved apical spur; male genitalia large, carried forward under the abdomen (6, 14, 21) Cetema Hendel Middle tibiae with normal terminal bristles 5 5. Posterior tibise with an oval, opaque "sensory organ" posterodorsally, the tibiae somewhat broadened (18, 23, 26) Chloropisca Lcew Posterior tibae without velvety sensory area 6 6. The distance between the crossveins along the fourth vein is not greater than the length of the posterior crossvein (11). . Diplotoxa Lcew The distance is equal to at least twice the length of the posterior crossvein 7 7. Mesonotum entirely black, coarsely punctured Ephichlorops Becker Mesonotum usually vittate, not wholly black nor coarsely punctured. . . 8 8. Third antennal segment conspicuously longer than broad 9 Third segment rather circular in outline, often broader than long, never conspicuously longer than broad (2, 3) Chlorops Meigen 9. Frontal triangle shining 10 Frontal triangle opaque (28) Anthracophaga Lcew 10. Frontal triangle very long and broad, ending in a broad, obtuse point a little before the base of the antennae, convex in cross-section (12, 24) Ectecephala Maccjuart Frontal triangle strongly narrowing anteriorly and ending in an acute point, flat in cross-section (16, 25) Parectecephala Becker « 1912. Ann. Mas. Nat. Hung., x. pp. 21—. t 1930. Fol. Zool. Hydrobiol.. ii. pp. 46-128. 342 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Chloropidce II.— 14, Cetema hypocera; 15, Oscinella varipalpus ; 16. Parectecephala ; 17, Meromyza americana, hind leg: 18, Chloropisca variceps, hind tibia; 19, Ceratobarys pulophus; 20, Oscinella tripunctata; 21, Cetema, middle tibia; 22, Oscinella magnipalpoides ; 23, Chloro- pisca. FAMILY CHLOKOPID.E THE FRIT FLIES 343 11. Posterior tibiae with a strong, curved ventral spur at or before the excavated apex (5 ) 12 Posterior tibiae normal 15 12. Arista flattened and strap-like (19) Ceratobarys Coquillett Arista of ordinary shape, practically bare 13 13. Scutellum elongated, with flattened disc Prohippelates Malloch Scutellum with convex disc and of normal length 14 14. Front with distii^ct bristles toward the orbits. .Pseudohippelates Malloch Front without bristles (5) Hippelates Loew 15. Distance between the tips of the second and third veins at least twice that between the first and second Siphunculina Rondani Distance between tips of second and third veins but little more than that between the first and second 16 16. Arista bare or quite short pubescent 20 Arista broadened or long pubescent 17 17. Arista appearing broadened and strap-like due to the arrangement of the dense pubescence Crassiseta Von Rossner Arista pubescent 18 18. Scutellum with strong marginal processes (1, 27) . . . . Dactylothyrea Duda Scutellum without marginal processes 19 Chloropidse 111.-24, Ectecephala; 25, Parectephala; 26. Chloropisca ; 27, Dactylothyrea curvinervis; 28, Anthracophaga sangruilenta. 344 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 19. Scutellum elongated, the disc flattened (8, 10) . . . .Pseudogaurax Malloch Scutellum normal, the disc gently convex Gaurax Lcew 20. Only two notopleural bristles on posterior part 22 At least four notopleural bristles 21 21. Notopleural bristles four in number; mesonotal setulae in rows. Eugaurax Malloch Notopleural bristles very numerous; mesonotum thickly setulose. Chaetochlorops Malloch 22. Distance between the tips of the first and second veins three or four times that between the second and third (9) Dicraeus Lcew Distance between tips of first and second veins not more than twice that between the second and third 23 23. Proboscis elongated and geniculate, the terminal section about as long as the preceding section (7, 13) Madiza Fallen Proboscis shorter, the apical section shorter and more fleshy 24 24. Mesonotum with three broad longitudinal punctured grooves. Tricimba Lioy Mesonotum with only two narrower grooves or they are weak or absent (15, 20, 22) Oscinella Becker 345 Family Ephydridae — The Shore Flies Ochthera humilis. Small to very small flies, the anal cell absent, the second basal and diseal cells united. Face more or less, often rc'marka])ly convex, the oral cavity rounded, sometimes very large; clypeus distinct but often retracted within the oral cavit.y; no distinct oral vibrissa but the sides of the face often with bristles or hairs. Antennae short; arista bare, pubescent or pectinate, always dorsal. Thorax gently convex, bristled. Legs short; tibioe without preapical bristle, the middle pair with apical spur. Wings rarely aborted; auxiliary vein united with the first vein except basally; costa broken before the tip of the first vein and weakened beyond the humeral crossvein; second basal and diseal cells united; anal cell absent or extremely small and incomplete. Abdomen com- posed of six segments in the males, seven in the females, the number sometimes apparently reduced to three, variable but never elongate, often quite wide; genitalia usually retracted; body usually with but few hairs. The adults are found in moist places, inhabiting marshes, SAvamps and the shores of lakes, ponds, and streams, along the edges of brooks and the sea shore. Many of the species are of local habitat but most of them are widely distributed. Some si)ecies occur in the flowers of water plants and have been found nowhere else. Water lilies arc usually frequented by several species while in bloom and many occur on the 346 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Eiihydridae I. — 1, Lytogastcr; 2, Hydrina; 3, Ochtheroidea atra; 4, Parydra; 5, Brachy- deutcra arg^ntata ; 6. Notiphila; 7, 8, Lipochaeta; 9, Allotrichoma ; 10, Discocerina; 11, Ephydra; 12, Gastrops ; 13, Brachydeutera; 14, Lytogastcr; 15, Athyroglossa ; 16, Ochtheroidea; 17, Lytogastcr; 18, Hydrina; 19, Atissiella. FAMILY EPHYDRID.T: THE SHORE FLIES 347 leaves. Some of the species are able to walk on the surface of water and many of them will alight upon it if disturbed but they usually quickly return to the shore. The larvae live in various habitats, many are aquatic or live in mud, others in the stems of aquatic or semi-aquatic plants, a few in flowing- sap. ]\Iany of them live in l)rackish, but may also occur in fresh, or even in alkaline water. One species, PsiJopa petrolci Coquillett, occurs in the pools of crude petroleum found in California, breathing by pro- jecting the posterior spiracles above the surface of tlic oil, but its food is unknown. Other species are found in the warm waters of geysers. IMany new genera have been described since the publication of AVilliston's IManual and some authors have recognized the NotiphilidsB as a separate family but there a])pcars to be no good basis for this. Jones* reviewed the family in 1906. Since then there has been no comprehensive publication although Cresson has published several large papers containing descriptions of new species and genera and some keys. KEY TO GENERA. 1. Scutellum normal 2 Scutellum as large as the mesonotum and almost concealing the ab- domen, from dorsal view (see text figure) Peltopsilopa Hendel 2. Costa extending to the fourth vein 3 Costa ending at the third vein 53 3. Antennae small, inserted very far apart in cavities, the arista atrophied, very short and blunt (7, 8, 71) Lipochaeta Coquillett Antennae normal; arista always long 4 4. Middle tibise with dorsal bristles (30, 57) tParalimna Loew Middle tibiae without bristles except at the apex 5 5. Second antennal segment with a spinous bristle at the upper apical corner 6 Second antennal segment without such bristle 31 6. First and fifth abdominal segments exceptionally short, the abdomen apparently composed of three long segments, the lateral margins revolute 7 Abdomen with five distinct segments, the lateral margins not margined . 8 7. Face with two pairs of bri?tles below Trimerinoides Cresson Face with one pair of bristles below (48) Trimerina Macquart 8. Arista pectinate 9 Arista bare (40, 53) Mosillus Latreille * Tech. Bull. Calif. Exp. Sta., i. No. 2. t Cresson, 191S. Trans-Amer. Ent. Soc, .xliv, p. 45 (Costa Rica). 348 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA EphydiidiB II.-20, Glenanthe: 21. Clanoneurum ; 22. Parydra; 23. Coenia ; 24. Pelma; _5. Dich^eta: 20. Hyadina . 27. Axysta; 28. Dichaeta; 29. Psilephydra; 30. Parahmna; 31, Hecamedoides ; 32, Lainproscatella; 33. (Edenops; 34. Ditiichophora valens; 35. Notiphila. FAMILY EPHYDRID.E THE SHORE FLIES 349 9. Wing-s with a strong fold extending the length of the discal cell near the mitldle antl another in the apical cell (21, 49) . .Clanoneurum Becker Wing-s without such folds 10 10. Arista without rays below '. 11 Arista with two or three rays below (38, 44) Ptilomyia Coquillett 11. Face with transverse ridges, at least laterally, which may be very bi-oad, or fine and numerous, usually limited to the lower half of the face 12 Face without such ridges 14 12. Facial ridges very fine, extending across the face, sometimes not con- tinuous on the lower part (58, 66) Leptopsilopa Cresson Facial ridges very broatl 13 13. Facial ridges strong, extending across the face (68) .Cerometopum Cresson Facial ridges resulting from sub-lateral pits and not extending over the middle of the face (37, .52) Discomyza Meigen 14. With only one pair of dorsocentral bristles 21 With two pairs cf dorsocentrals 15 15. Ocellar bristles widely separated, situated opposite the anterior ocellus. 16 Ocellars normal, situated above the anterior ocellus 19 16. Bristles on the sides of the face all convergent 17 Bristles on the sides of tl\e face partly tlivergent, partly convergent. Polytrichophora Cresson 17. Face with two rows of bristles on either side 18 Face with one row of bristles on either side (10, 56) .Discoceriaa Macquart 18. Posterior tibite with a strong, curved apical spine (31). Hecamedoides Hendel. Posterior tibise without apical spine Diclasiopa Hendel 19. Interfrontalia with two pairs of bristles (67, 72) Paratissa Coquillett Interfrontalia without bristles, the ordinary frontals present 20 20. Face rather strongly carinate above, the carina ending prominently at the middle of the face (41, 63) *Ilythea Haliday Face very gently convex longitudinally, not carinate (Typopsilopa Ciesson ) ( 54 ) Psilopina Becker 21. Oral opening large, the clypeus always prominent, the middle of the face usually strongly produced 22 Oral opening smaller, the face usually convex antl receding below, the face never strikingly produced in the middle 24 22. Third costal section longer than the second (19) Atissiella Cresson Third costal section shorter than the second 23 23. Ocellars inserted opposite the anterior ocellus (45) Atissa Haliday Ocellars inserted above the anterior ocellus (9) . . . . Allotrichoma Becker * Cresson. 1918, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, xliv, p. 50 (Costa Rica). 350 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Ephydrids III.-36, Nostima slossona; 37. Discomyza; 38. Ptiloinyia jenigma; 39 Psilopa; 40. Mosillus: 41. Ilythea; 42. Scatophila; 43. Scalella; 44. Ptilomyia »"7 ™« = f°' ^J'^^f/ tl' Plagiops; 47. Parydra ; 48. Trimerina ; 49. Discomyza; 53. Mosillus; 54, Psilopina. Clanone'urum ; 50, Glenanthe; 51. Pelina; .^2. FAMILY EPHYDRID.E — THE SHORE FLIES 351 24. Front shining 27 Front pollinose 25 25. Face with longitudinal ridges below (59, 73) Rhysophora Cresson Face without ridges below 26 26. Eyes longitudinally oval (34) Ditrichophora Cresson Eyes not regularly oval, widened below the middle and narrowing the face above (10, 56) ^Dis^cocerina Macquart 27. Face carinate above (15) Athyroglossa Loew Face very gently convex above, without a distinct ridge 28 28. Face and front on the same plane, flat, the face slightly convex be- low (46) Plagiops Cresson Face, front or both conspicuously convex 29 29. Second and third antennal segments pendulous, the third more than twice as long- as wide 30 Antennae not pendulous, the third segment not twice as long as wide (39, 61) Psilopa Fallen 30. Spine of second antennal segment long and strong (62). Clasiopella Cresson Spine of second antennal segment fine (77) Ceropsilopa Cresson 31. Oral opening small; eyes usually with distinct hair 32 Oral opening large; eyes usually bare 43 32. Anterior femora greatly enlarged, their tibiae ending in a spur 33 Anterior femora not remarkably enlarged, their tibiae not ending in a spur 34 33. Scutellum with four marginal bristles (see text figure). Ochthera Latreille Scutellum with two marginal bristles (64) Stenochthera Hendel 34. Arista pectinate 35 Arista bare or pubescent 38 35. Face and front polished 36 Face and front thickly pollinose 37 36. Sides of the face with deep punctures resulting in short, transverse ridges (3, 16, 65) ='Ochtheroidea Williston Sides of face without pits or wrinkles Ceropsilopa Cresson 37. Acrostical hairs absent (36) Nostima Coquillett Acrostical hairs present Hydrellia Desvoidy 38. Mesonotum with three pairs of dorsocentrals, a strong one near the inner end of the suture, another in front; four scutellars (2, 18). Hydrina Desvoidy Mesonotum with at most one pair of strong dorsocentrals, rarely an extremely weak second pair 39 * Cresson. 1918, Trans-Amer. Ent. Soc. xliv. i)i). r,G, 60 (Costa Rica). \ 352 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Ephydridae IV. — 55, Eph.vdra milbrae; 56, Discocerina obscurella; 57, Paralimna lexana; 58, Leptopsilopa nigra; 59, Rhysophora aspersa; 60, Parydra; 61, Psilopa; 62, Clasiopella; 63, Ilythea; 64, Stenochthera; 65, Ochtheroidea centralis; 66, Leptopsilopa nigrimana; 67, Para- tissa pollinosa; 68, Cerometopum mosilloides; 69, Notiphila erythrocera, middle leg. FAMILY KPllYDRID.E THE SHORE FLIKS 353 39. Scutellar bristles arising from very strong tubercles; two pairs of frontal bristles (12, 74) Gastrops Williston Scutellar bristles not arising from strong tubercles, if from weak tubercles there is but one pair of weak frontals 40 40. Third antenna! segment with the upper apex more or less elongate. ... 41 Third antennal segment with the apex rounded 42 41. Scutellum shining (1, 14, 17) Lytogaster Becker Scutellum opaque black or with an opaque black spot on either side (26) Hyadina Haliday 42. With one or two pairs of weak frontals (24, 51) Pelina Haliday With one pair of strong and two pairs of weak frontals (20, ,50). Glenanthe Haliday 43. Clypeus prominent 44 Clypeus concealed 45 44. Arista with long rays (33, 75) (Edenops Becker Arista bare or pubescent (Napaea Desvoidy, preoc) (4, 22, 47, 60) Parydra Stenhammer 45. Arista with long, well separated rays 46 Arista bare or with the rays short and numerous 47 46. Pulvilli absent Dimoccenia Cresson Pulvilli well developed (23) Coenia Desvoidy 47. Mesonotum with two or more pairs of dorsocentrals; middle of face without a cluster of bristles 48 Mesonotum with only one pair of dorsocentrals; middle of face with a cluster of bristles on either side; large species (Pogonephydra Hen- del) (70, 76) Cirrula Cresson 48. Arista minutely pubescent or pectinate on its whole length 50 Arista with long, abundant rays on the basal half above 49 49. Third antennal segment bearing a long hair on the outer surface. Setacera Cresson Third antennal segment without long hair (11, 55) 'Ephydra Fallen 50. Sternopleural bristle present; face with bristles 51 Sternopleural bristle absent; face without bristles (29). Psilephydra Hendel 51. Two pairs of divergent frontals 52 A single pair of divergent frontals Eustigoptera Cresson 52. A pair of strong acrosticals nearly opposite the inner ends of the suture (43, 78) Scatella Desvoidy No strong acrosticals, these all short and continuing in two rows to the scutellum (23) Lamproscatella Hendel 53. Second antennal segment with an apical spine above 54 Second antennal segment without apical spine above 55 * Curran, 1933. Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 682, p. 8. 354 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Ephydridce V. — TO. Cirrula gigantea ; 71, Lipochaeta; 72, Paratissa pollinosa; 73, Rhy- sophora aspersa; 74. Gastrops nebulosa ; 75, OJdenops nuda ; 76, Cirrula gigantea; 77, Ceropsilopa; 78, Scatella. FAMILY EPHYDKID.E — THE SHORE FLIES 355 54. Front with a conspicuous proclinate orbital on either side; bristles of the face situated close to the facial grooves and strong (25, 28). *Dichaeta Meigen Front with liair-like orbitals in front; bristles of the face situated twice the width of the parafacial from the facial groove, rarelv strong (6, 35, 69) *Notiphila Fallen 55. Oral opening small; face most prominent in the middle (27). Axysta Haliday Oral opening large 56 56. Clypeus prominent (5, 13) Brachydeutera Lcew Clypeus concealed (42) Scatophila Becker * Cresson, 1917, Trans. -Amer. Ent. Soc, xliii, pp. 27-66. Peltopsilopa species. 356 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Canaceidse Canace, head and wing. Very small flies, not more than 3.5 mm. in length, very similar to certain Ephydrida? but with the anal cell complete. Head large, the oral opening very large; clypeus prominent; pro- boscis large, with fleshy labellffi; palpi well developed; front wide in both sexes, wdth three or four pairs of divergent orl)itals, the ocellar triangle sometimes extending to the base of the antenna'; cheeks wide, bearing bristles; oral vibriss£e present; face gently convex in lu'ofile; antenna^ short, the arista bare or pubescent. Thorax short, bearing four pairs of dorsocentrals and a pair of prescutellar acrosticals; scutellum wath one or two pairs of bristles. Legs rather short. Auxiliary vein evanescent apically, the costa broken before the end of the first vein; basal and anal cells complete; anal vein short. Abdomen com- posed of seven segments, the first not strongly differentiated from the second which is elongate. The members of this family occur along the seashore, the larva* living in brackish water. I believe that there is but one genus in the Nearctic Region. In 1924 ]\Ialloeh described a species under the name Canacea macateei, and Johnson, in his "List of the Insects of New England" recognized the genus Canacea. However, I was informed by Mr. Malloch during a conversation several years ago that "Canacea'' was a slip of the pen, that he had no intention of establishing a new name, and that he was extremely doubtful that his species differed generically from Canace Haliday. I have not seen representatives of Canace but I can find nothing in the descriptions to warrant the recognition of Canacea. There are tliree species known from the United States, one from the FAMILY CANACEID.E 357 Hawaiian Islands {Procanace) and one from Panama (Neocanace) and at least two from South America (Cmuice and Neocanace) . The followin<>' key includes the described genera of which I have records. KEY TO GENERA 1. First vein haired above on the apical half Macrocanace Tonnoir and Malloch First vein bare above 2 2. Four pairs of dorsocentral bristles 3 Only two pairs of dorsocentral bristles Xanthocanace Hendel 3. Pleura bare 4 Pleura with bristles and bristly hairs 5 4. Frontal triang'le extending to about the middle of the front; antennae reaching to the oral margin (Dinoniyia Becker) Procanace Hendel Frontal triangle extending to the anterior margin of the front or almost so; one pair of scutellar bristles Chaetocanace Hendel 5. Face evenly convex . Canace Haliday Face concave below the middle, convex above (Procanace Curran, not Hendel ) Neocanace, n. n. 358 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Diopsidae — The Stalk-eyed Flies Sphyrocephala brevicornis Say. The members of this family are mostly rather small, with the eyes situated on the ends of long stalks, a character not developed in onr one genus. Weakly haired, almost bare, the head transverse, sliort, conspicu- ously produced toward either side so that the eyes are separated by about four times their width; antenna very widely separated, the basal segments short, the third roundish, with dorsal arista; front bare except at the vertex; oral vibrissas absent. Legs of moderate length, the anterior femora thickened and with short spines beneath. Auxiliary vein closely approximated to the first vein for most of its length but ending far before it; second basal cell united with the discal cell; apical cell somewhat narrowed apically; anal cell long, the anal vein short. The only American representative of this family is Sphjiracephala hrevicomis Say, a quite small and inconspicuous species. In tht- Nearctic region there are no flies which resemble it in the shape of its head but in the Neotropical region there are many Otitida- and Drosophilidae which have the eyes more or less stalked, one Otitid having much longer stalks than any true Diopsid I have seen. Our single species is found along the edges of streams, ponds and marshy lakes and occurs from early si)ring to late autumn and has been taken in numbers about a privy and on skunk-cabbage. The immature stages are unknown. This family has a particular fascination for most peo|)le owing to the peculiar structure of the head. Why the eyes are stalked we do not know and there may be no reason for it. FAMILY DIOPSID.E--THE STALK-EYED FLIES 359 KEY TO GENERA OF THE WORLD 1. Mesopleura not produced to form a strong spine 2 Mesopleura produced and fomiing a strong spine similar to that on the hypopleura Teleopsis Rondani 2. Mesonotum with a pair of long, black intra-alar bristles 3 Mesonotum without intra-alar bristles Diopsis Linnaeus 3. Scutellum longer than deep, without bristles except on the ends of the processes 4 Scutellum very short, as deep as long, with a pair of erect black bristles on the disc Diopsina Curran 4. Eye-stalks little longer than wide, with a strong bristle behind each antenna in addition to that behind the eye Sphyracephala Say Eye-stalks longer, usually very long, either with a bristle near the middle and far before the base of the antenna or without frontal bristles, only the one behind the eye being present 5 5. Eye-stalks short, not over three times as long as wide, without median bristle; steropleural spine short; bend of fifth vein without append- age; anal vein continued beyond the anal cell Microdiopsis, n. g. Eye-stalks very long, with a median bristle; pteropleural spine long and acute; bend of fifth vein with appendage; anal vein not continued beyond the anal cell Diasemopsis Rondani Microdiopsis, new genus Proposed for Syhyracephala cothuniata Bigot, from the East Indies. The genus differs from Sphyracephala in having longer eye- stalks, with the antennae close to the eyes, no bristle on the middle of the stalk, no appendage at the bend of the fifth vein. etc. Diopsis species. Diopsina ferruginea. 360 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Borboridae Rather small to very small, usually l)laek or brown flies. Head hemispherical, the face rather perpendicular, concave or somewhat retreating; oral vibrissce present; front broad, usually with l)ristles. Antennse short, rounded or oval, with dorsal, ])ubescent or bare arista. Wings rarely absent; auxiliary vein incomplete or prac- tically absent; second basal and anal cells often incomplete or absent. Legs of moderate length, the femora strong; basal segment of the posterior tarsi short and usually dilated. The Borborids are almost always found about decomposing organic matter, in swami)y places and about excrement. The larvie of Borhorus live in excrement and refuse and are cylindrical, their skin roughened by minute bristles; antenna two seg- mented; mouth hooks well developed; posterior segment with a conical protuberance and smaller tubercles about the spiracles. In Limosina the posterior spiracles are tube-like and the larvae are found in fungi, algffi, etc. / Borboridse. — 1, Sphserocera; 2, 3, 4, Leptocera; .", 6. 7, Borborus ; S, Scatophora. FAMILY BORBORID.E 361 The North American species have been monographed by Spiiler.* Here is one of the best examples of the short sighted policy of Entomo- logical publications in refusing to accept long papers and Spuler's woi'k lias lost much of its value. The work appeared in seven different journals (of various sized pages) and in nine parts and the entire sequence has been lost. KEY TO GENERA 1. Wings and halteres present 2 Wings and halteres absent Aptilotus Mik 2. Mesonotum and scutellum with bristles 3 Mesonotum and scutellum without bristles (1) Sphaerocera Latreille 3. Fourth vein reaching the margin of the wing 4 Fourth vein not nearly reaching the wing margin (2, 3, 4). Leptocera Olivier 4. Posterior tibise with an apical spur below (5, 6, 7) Borborus Meigen Posterior tibiae without apical spur (8) Scatophora Desvoidy * 1923, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Ixxv, pp. 369-378; 1924 (Leptocera, part). Psyche, xxxi, pp. 121-134; 1924, (Leptocera, part) .'Vnn. Ent. Soc. Amer., xvii, pp. 106-116; 1924, (Sph»rocera and Aptilotus), Pan. Pac. Ent., i, pp. 66-71 ; 192.5, (Leptocera, part). Can. Ent., Ivii, pp. 99-104, 116-124; 1925, (Leptocera, part), Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, xxxiii, pp. 70-84. 147- 162; 1925, (Borborus and Scatophora), Bull, Brooklyn Ent. Soc, xx, pp. 1-16. 362 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Clusiidae Rather small flies in which the wings are almost always marked with black or brown. Head broad, sub-hemispherical; face short, nearly vertical or gently receding below; front broad, with three or four pairs of frontals and often with a pair of cruciate interf rontals ; ocellars present or absent; postverticals divergent, rarely absent. Antennge porrect, the basal two segments short, the third rounded, with a terminal or subapical arista which may be bare, pubescent, or thickly long haired. Proboscis short, the palpi rather broad. Abdomen of moderate length, rather slender. Legs of moderate length, slender, the tibiie with or without a preapical bristle. Wing venation complete, the second basal and anal cells very small; first vein ending near the basal fourth of the wing, the auxiliary vein narrowly separated from it. The adults are found in moist places and about decaying wood, sometimes occurring in large numbers, although most of the species are not common. The larva? occur in decaying wood and under the bark of trees. They are white, slender, cylindrical and slightly thickened posteriorly. Mouth hooks small, the segments not distinctly separated but with trans- verse ventral swellings for locomotion. They have the power of leap- ing, accomplishing this by grasping the booklets on the apical segment Avith their mouth hooks and suddenly letting go. The puparia are yellowish, ellipsoidal and with horns on the a])ical segment as in the larvffi. ]\Ielander and Argo* have revised the American species of the family including many species from other regions. The vast majority of the species are tropical. Of the seventy known American species only a small number occur in the Nearctic region. KEY TO GENERA 1. Eyes with microscopic pubescence; costa broken near the humeral crossvein (8, 11) Acartophthalmus Czerny Eyes bare; costa weakened or broken near the end of the auxiliary vein. 2 2. Anterior pair of frontal bristles convergent or proclinate 4 All the frontal bristles reclinate S Proc. U. S. N. M.. 1924. Vol. xliv. Article 11, pp. 1-54. FAMILY CLUSIID-E 363 Clusiida?— 1 Clusioides; 2. Cha-toelusia; 3. Heteromeringia ; 4. Clusioidcs : 5. Clusia; 6 Chstoclusia; 7, Clusioides; s. Acartophthalinus ; St. Czcrnyola atra; 10. Clusia lateralis; n Acartophthalmus; li. Sobarocephala variegata; 13. Sobarocephala; 14, Czernyola. 364 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 3. Ciniciate interfrontals arising from the orbits (9, 14) . . . .Czernyola Bezzi Cruciate interfrontals arising on the fi'ontal vitta (1, 4, 7). Clusioides Coquillett 4. Cruciate interfrontals absent 5 Cruciate interfi'ontals present (5, 10) Clusia Haliday 5. First vein with dorsal setae; postverticals absent (2, 6). Chaetoclusia Coquillett First vein bare; postverticals pi'esent 6 6. Preapical bristles on middle tibise and prescutellar acrostical bristles present; presutural dorsocentrals absent (12, 13) . .Sobarocephala Czerny Preapicals and prescutellar acrosticals absent (3) . .Heteromeringia Czeray 36f Family Chamaemyidae Small flies, usually iiirayish in color. Front wide, with at most two pairs of bristles, often bare; face gently concave or strongly receding; oral vibrissse absent; postvertieals eonvei'oent or absent; ]iroboscis short: antennae short. ]\Iesonotum with or Avithoiit bristles; ])rothoracic bristle absent; one sternopleural; mesopleura usually liare, rarely setnlose. Front femora with bristles; tibia* Avithout preapical bristle. Wings with the auxiliary vein entire, sometimes touching the first vein before its end; anal vein not reaching nearly to the wing margin, the anal and second basal cells always complete; costa not broken. Abdomen short or slightly elongate. The larvae of Leucopis are predaeeous upon aphids and I have found them commonly on plant lice attacking thistle, Oenothera, bur- dock, etc. They are somewhat triangular in outline, the posterior spiracles being located at the posterior corners of the body and strongly projecting. All I have seen have been pale yellowish, with a darker median vitta. They usually conceal themselves under the aphids or in the axils of leaves. Pupation usually takes place in the axils, the head pointing upward on the stem, but the location is variable. KEY TO GENERA 1. Front without distinct bristles 2 Front with one or two pairs of strong bristles 4 2. Arista absent (Agromyzidae) (3, 5) Cryptochaetum Rondani Arista present 3 3. Shining black species Paraleucopis Malloch Densely cinereous pollinose species (2, 13) *Leucopis Meigen 4. Face very strongly receding, the head pointed (1, 10). Acrometopia Schiner Face only a little retreating 5 5. Three or four pairs of doi'socentrals 6 Two pairs of dorsocentrals (4, 8) fPseudodinia Coquillett 6. Three pairs of dorsocentrals (Ochthiphila Fallen) (6, 7, 12). Chamaemyia Meigen Foul' pairs of dorsocentrals (9. 11) $Plunomia, n. g. * Malloch, 1921. Bull. 111. Nat. Hist. Survey, xiii, p. 349. t A paratype of Pseudodinia polita Malloch lacks the two stronjr frontals and I would place it in Paraleucopis but it lacks the setula; on the underside of the costa. % For Chamaemyia elegans Malloch, 1921, not Panzer. 366 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA ^^-^ "^, ^ Chamjemyidfe. — 1, Acrometopia maculata ; 2, Leucopis major; 3. Cryptochsetum iceryae; 4, Pseudodinia polita chsetotaxy : 5. Cryptochietuin iceryae; 6, Ochthiphila polystigma; 7, Ochthiphila, chsetotaxy ; 8. Pseudodinia polita; 9. Plunomia elegans, chaftotaxy ; 10, Acrome- topia maculata; 11, Plunomia elegans; 12, Ochthiphila polystigma ; 13, Leucopis major. 367 Family Tetanoceridse — The Marsh Flies Head short, as broad or broader than the thorax; face retreating, more or less perpendicular below; oral vibrissa absent. Abdomen com- posed of six segments, rather long and narrow, snb-cylindrical. Wings longer than the abdomen; auxiliary vein entire, wholly separated from the first vein; posterior basal and anal cells complete, small. Legs of moderate length, the femora with bristles, the middle pair with a short bristle near the middle of the anterior surface; tibige with preapical bristle. The adults are found in moist places, along the banks of streams, ponds, etc. and most of them may be recognized on sight by the shape of tlie head. Tetanocerida' I. — 1, 2, 3, Sepedon, wing, hind leg and head; 4, Dictya sp. ; 5, Tetanocera; 6, Dyctia nana; 7, Djctia; !<, Thccomjia ( S. America) ; 9, Trigonometopus (Sapromyzidae) (Williston). 368 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA • Tetanoceiida; II.— 10. Trypetoptera pallida; 11. Limnia saratogeusis ; 12. Hoplydyctia setosa; 13. Euthvcera arcuata; 14. HeJroneura; 15. Limnia shannoni ; 16. Dictyomyia ainbigua; 17 Sepedon armipes. posterior femur and tibia of d" : 18. Sepedon tenuicoinis. FAMILY TETAXOCERIIXK THE MARSH FLIES 369 The larvffi are slender, cylindrical, thin anteriorly, the terminal segment with six or eight conical, fleshy tubercles. They are aquatic. The North American species have been reviewed by Cresson (1920, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, xlvi, pp. 27-89) and JMclander (1920, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. xiii, pp. 305-332), the former under the name Sciomy- zidffi. KEY TO GENERA 1. Propleural bristle present 2 Propleural bristle absent 5 2. Anterior tibiae with two approximate preapical bristles dorsally .3 Anterior tibiae with one dorsal preapical bristle 4 3. Arista densely short white haired (19) Oidematops Cresson Arista with long, bla^k rays (20) Sciomyza Fallen 4. Front polished black; cheeks narrow (21) Pteromicra Lioy Front dull; cheeks moderately broad (22) *Melina Desvoidy 5. Scutellum with two pairs of bristles 7 Scutellum with one pair of bristles 6 6. Second antennal segment longer than the third (1, 2, 3, 17, 18). Sepedon Latreille Second antennal segment shorter than the third . . . Hemitelopteryx Cresson 7. Third antennal segment oval, three times as long as the second; front distinctly narrowed anteriorly 8 Third antennal segment rarely oval, usually flattened or concave above, the second segment at least half as long as the third 9 8. Posterior tibiae with two preapical dorsal bristles (2, 3). fRenocera Hendel Posterior tibiae with one preapical dorsal bristle Antichaeta Haliday 9. Mesopleura and pteropleura with one or more bristles 10 Mesopleura and pteropleura at most with short hairs 11 10. One sternopleui'al bristle (12) Hoplodictya Cresson No stemopleural bristle (4, 6, 7) jDictya Meigen 11. Two or three pairs of dorsocentrals 12 One pair of dorsocentrals (14) Hedroneura Hendel 12. Two pairs of dorsocentrals 13 Three pairs of dorsocentrals (25) Poecilographa Melander 13. Mesopleura and pteropleura bare 14 Mesopleura and pteropleura with setulae 16 14. Frontal lunule exposed; wings brown with rounded clear spots 15 Frontal lunule mostly concealed; wings never with rounded, clear spots (5, 24, 26, 27) Tetanocera Dumeril Dyctia Desvoidy is an older name but its use conflicts with Dictya Meigen. Cuiran, 1933, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. C.S2, p. 9. Curran, 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 517. 370 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 15. Second antennal segment slender, much longer than the third (16). Dictyomyia Cresson Second antennal segment broad, slightly longer than the third (13). Euthycera Latreille 16. Arista practically bare; infrasquamal swellings with bristles. Elgiva Meigen Arista with long rays or long pubescent 17 17. Arista with long, black rays (10) Trypetoptera Hendel Arista white pubescent (11, 15) Limnia Desvoidy Tetanoceiidfe III. — 19, Oidematops ferruginea; 20. Sciomyza aristalis ; 21, Pteromicra; 22, Dyctia nana; 23, Renocera johnsoni ; 24, Tetanocera, middle femur and tibia; 25, Pcecilographa decora; 26, Tetanocera valida; 27, Tetanocera plebeja (10-27 after Cresson). 373 Family Chyromyidse Small flies, the wings sometimes i)ietured. Subcosta entire, free and ending in the costa, the costa weakened before its end; postocellar bristles convergent; plates of the orbital bristles extending almost to the anterior border of the front; head higher than long, more or less receding below, the oral margin never conspicuously produced; two pairs of frontal bristles; palpi not large; proboscis short and fleshy; antennae shorter than the face; arista pubescent. I\Iesonotum usually with five pairs of dorsocentrals, two pairs of scutellar bristles; mesopleura with one or more bristles; sterno- pleurals, two to four in a straight line along the upper edge; propleural bristle present. Tibiae usually with preapical bristles. Anal and second basal cells complete; costa with spines. Abdomen rather narrow, bearing bristles on the apices of the segments; genitalia small. The species of CJiyromna diifer from those of the other genera in having three pairs of frontal bristles, the anterior pair convergent, four pairs of dorsocentrals and no preapical tibial bristles. There are at least two North American species, flava Linnaeus, and another that is either minima Becker or an undescribed form since it bears only a single pair of dorsocentrals. Some species placed in the genus Aplinniosoma Becker have five pairs of dorsocentrals or tlie number may be reduced to one or two distinct pairs with a row of bristly hairs in front of the suture. These two genera have been placed in a sepa- rate family, based upon the absence of preapical bristles on the tibiae, but I do not see how the family can be maintained. I am not well acquainted with the habits of these insects but l^elieve that all are found on foliage near the sea coast and in moist places. The number of known species is not large and most of the American species are soutliern in distribution or occur along the coastal regions. ^Malloch would unite this family with the Helomyzidffi but the head cliaracters appear to indicate a very distinct difference and I fail to see any really close relationship. Melander included the genera in the Geomyzidae* and keys to the species will be found in liis work. 1913, Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, xxi. pp. 283-300. 372 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA KEY TO GENERA 1. All the tibiae with preapical bristles 2 Tibiae without preapical bristles 4 2. Cheeks half as wide as the third antennal segment 3 Cheeks not over one-third as wide as the third antennal segment. Spilochroa Williston 3. Cheeks not half as wide as the eye-height; bristles black 5 Cheeks almost as wide as the eye-height; bristles wholly yellow (3, 4). Zagonia Coquillett 4. Anterior pair of orbitals convergent (5, 6) Chyromya Desvoidy All the orbitals reclinate Aphaniosoma Becker 5. Mesopleura with hairs and a strong bristle (1, 2). . . .Trixoscelis Rondani Mesopleura bare Neossos Malloch 5 ■'•-- ..:: ■ 6 Chyiomyidae. — 1, 2, Trixoscelis; 3, 4, Zagonia flava; 5, 6, Chiromya flava. 373 Family Megamerinidse Small, e]oni>ate, slender flies with petiolate abdomen and incras- sate posterior femora. Head nearly spherieal, broader than high; front moderately broad in both sexes; frontal bristles absent, the ocellars and verticals strong; face very gently convex, without ^'ibrissfe; antenna? of moderate length, decumbent. Thorax elongate and narrow, with bristles posteriorly; mesosternum long, the posterior two pairs of legs approximate; sciitel- lum short and broad. Abdomen elongate and elavate, the basal segments slender and fused. Legs of moderate length, the posterior femora strongly swollen and with bristles below on the apical half. Wings nar- row; auxiliary vein absent; first vein ending- at basal third of the wing; first basal cell long, the anal cell as long as the second basal, more or less rounded apically. The single genus representing this family in America occurs in the tropics. I have seen only four specimens collected on Barro Colorado Island, Canal Zone, and Cresson had the same number from Costa Rica. I found the specimens among rather thick foliage in moist places. They resemble species of Sphegina (Syrphidae) although much smaller, but, of course, the resemblance is only superficial. Syringogaster Cresson is our only genus and is represented by two described species, both of which occur in Panama. I am not certain that this genus belongs to the I\legamerinid{B as the species show striking differences from a species of Megamerina (so named) in the American Mu.seum of Natural History. Syrinsogaster, wing, body, (Cresson) 374 NORTH A]\IERICAN DIPTERA Family Psilidae Somatia xanthomelas. Flies of medium or small size. Front broad, with bristles on the upper part; face perpendicular or receding in profile; oral vibrissa? absent; antennie decumbent, rather short to very long; arista pubescent, rarely long i)lumose. Abdomen slender or moderately slender; genitalia not prominent, the ovipositor usually elongate. Wings moderately large, the auxiliary vein absent or incomplete; apical cell not narrowed apically; second basal and anal cells large. Legs rather elongate; tibiae without preapieal bristles. The adults are usually found in moist places or shady woods. The Psilidas are not always easy to recognize but all the known species have a peculiar ridge or weakening across the basal third of the wing extend- ing from the end of the incomplete auxiliary vein. The character is not at all conspicuous but its presence is sufficient to place the insects. The larvae live in the roots or galls of plants and one of them is known as the carrot rust fly, often doing considerable damage to this crop. The larvae of Psila are slender, bare, cylindrical and of a pale yellowish color, the posterior spiracles forming small rounded or button- like processes. Melander* has published a synopsis of the known species. 1920, Psyche, xxvii, pp. 91-101. FAMILY PSILID.T: 375 KEY TO GENERA 1. Third antennal segment shorter than the arista 2 Third antennal segment longer than the arista (4, 5)..Loxocera Meigen 2. Pteropleura bare 3 Pteropleura with hairs Strongylophthalmyia Heller 3. A pair of dorsocentrals in front of the suture (1, 6). Pseudopsila Johnson Only the prescutellar dorsocentrals present 4 4. Cheeks almost half as wide as the eye-height (3, 7) Psila Meigen Cheeks at most one-sixth as wide as the eye-height 5 5. Arista pubescent (2. 8) Chyliza Fallen Arista long plumose (Tropical) (Text figure) Somatia Schiner Psilidae. — 1. Pseudopsila; 2, Chyliza; 3. Psila; 4, laevis; 8, Chyliza. Loxocera ; 6, Pseudopsila; 7, Psila 376 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Ccelopidae Coelopa, wing, head and front tibia and tarusus of ^. Flies of moderate size, living along the sea-shore. Thorax and abdomen flat, the former depressed, with bare, shining mesopleura, the scntellnm flat above. Front with bristles; cheeks with hairs and bristles, the face deeply concave; oral vibrissa absent or ex- tremely weak; antennt^ short, pendulous, the second segment as large as the first. Legs usually stout, with bristles and hairs, all the tibite with dorsal preapical bristles; basal tarsal segment long; apical tarsal segment broadened and with stout chiAvs. Wing venation complete, the second basal and anal cells of equal length; auxiliary vein entire, the first vein ending at the middle of the wing. The larvffi live in kelp washed up on the sea-shore and sometimes occur in countless numl^ers. The genus Omoiiviia Coquillett, placed in this family by its describer, belongs to the Pallopterida\ There is but one North American genus, Calopa IMeigen. Aldrich* has recently reviewed the American species. KEY TO AMERICAN SPECIES OF CCELOPA. 1. First vein with a few hair.s on apical section above (California, Ore- gon) vanduzeei Cresson First vein bare 2 2. Males 3 Females o Revision CcElopa, Proc. U. S. N. M., Ixxvi, Article 11, pp. 1-6. FAMILY CCELOPID.E 377 3. Legs with spines, bristles or bristly hairs 4 Legs with soft hair only stejnegeri Aklrich 4. Abdomen with bristles en the disc of the apical segments. nebularum Aldrich Abdomen with bristles only on the sides and apices of the segments (Atlantic Coast) frigida Fabricius 5. Legs usually blackish (western coast) 6 Legs reddish yellow frigida Fabricius 6. Cheeks with dense, soft, rather short hair; arista pubescent under high power stejnegeri Aldrich Checks with sparse hair which is coarse above; arista quite bare. nebularum Aldrich 378 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Helomyzidae Pseudoleria pectinata Loew. Flies of moderate size, with oral vibrissa?. Face vertical or retreating; front bristly on a little more than the posterior half; antennae short, the third segment more or less rounded. Abdomen composed of six segments, the male genitalia conspicuous. Wings moderately large, the costa usually with short bristles; second basal and anal cells small; first vein bare. Tibiae with preapical bristle. The so-called frontal plates, characteristic of this family and poorly developed in most other families are actually a differentiated, broad, pollinose strip on either side of the front. They are slightly oblique, diverging from the eyes anteriorly and the frontal bristles are situated on them. The presence of these "plates", in conjunction with the shape of the antennse serve as a ready means of identifying a Helomyzid. The flies are found in various habitats, generally in shady or damp places. Adults have been collected by burying a tin can with its open end flush with the ground and examining it early in the morning. The larvtE are scavengers and live upon decaying animal and vege- table substances, in fungi, excrement, etc. They are cylindrical, rather pointed anteriorly, obtuse behind; antennge situated upon long conical processes; mouth hooks large; abdominal segments widened in front laterally, with bristly pseudopods ventrally. Czerny* has monographed the family while Garrett and others have published papers dealing with the North American species since that time. * 1924, Abh. zool.-bot. Gesellsch.. Wien.. xv. pp. 1-166; also, 1926, Konowia, v. pp. 53-56; 1927, Konowia, vi, pp. 35-49; 1928, Konowia, vii, pp. 52-55. FAMILY helo:myzid.e 379 KEY TO GENERA 1. Propleural bristle absent; anal vein not reaching wing margin 2 Propleural bristle present; anal vein reaching wing margin 4 2. Humeral bristle absent 3 Humeral bristle present (12) Allophyla Lcew 3. Five pairs of dorsocentrals (15) Suillia Desvoidy One pair of dorsocentrals (14) Porsenus Darlington 4. Middle tibiae with several bristles on dorsal surface 5 Middle tibae with only the preapical bi'istle dorsally (] 5. Two pairs of fronto-orbitals; one pair of presutural dorsocentrals; wings usually mutilated (4, 16) Criddleria Curran One pair of fronto-orbitals; no presuturals; wings entire (10, 13). *ai!cothea Haliday 6. Pteropleura in part bristly or hairy 7 Pteropleui'a bare 9 7. Mesopleura hairy 8 Mesopleura bare (8, 11 ) Pseudoleria Garrett 8. Prosternum with one pair of bristles Scoliocentra Lcew Prosternum with several bristles Trichochlamys Czerny 9. Humeral bristle present 10 Humeral bristle absent; 3 pairs of scutellars Orbellia Desvoidy 10. Without prosternal bristles 13 With one or more pairs of prosternals 11 11. With one pair of prosternals 12 With two or more pairs of prosternals (2) Helomyza Fallen 12. Anterior orbital bristle as long as the posterior Anypotacta Czerny Anterior orbital bristle much shorter than the posterior (9). t Amcebaleria Garrett 13. Middle tibiae with several apical bristles on ventral surface 1-5 Middle tibiae with only one apical bristle on ventral surface 14 14. First vein ending opposite or before the small crossvein (1, 6). Tephrochlamys Lcew First vein elongate, ending distinctly beyond the anterior crossvein. Heteromyza Fallen 15. Second vein joining the costa far beyond the tip of the first IG Second vein joining the costa only a little beyond the tip of the first. Lutomyia Aldrich 16. Third antennal segment more or less angulate dorsally; middle femora with several partial rows of bristles anteriorly; middle tarsi with spines at apices of segments 17 Third antennal segment evenly rounded; otherwise different 18 • Czerny, 192S, Konowia, vii, p. 52. t Czerny, 1927, Konowia, vi, p. 38. 380 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Helomyzidae I. — 1, Tephrochlamys borealis ; 2, Helomyza sp. ; 3, Eccoptomera simplex; 4, Criddleria hemiptera ; 5. Acantholeiia sp. ; 6, Tephrochlamys canescens ; 7, Neoleria leu- costoma; 8, Pseudoleria pectinata; 9, Amoebaleria helvola; 10, fficothea fenestralis; 11, Pseu- doleria pectinata; 12, AUophyla sp. FAMILY HELOMYZID.E 381 17. One frontal bristle; eyes very small (3) Eccoptomera Loew Two frontals; eyes of moderate size Viatica Garrett 18. Anterior frontal bristle much shorter than the posterior 19 Anterior frontal bristle as long as the posterior (Postleria Garrett) (7) Neoleria Malloch 19. Mesopleura wholly bare 20 Mesopleura with some bristles posteriorly (17, 18) . . . .'^ Anorostoma Lcew 20. Antennal grooves distinct Schroederella Enderlein Antennal grooves not distinctly outlined 21 21. Antennas separated from each other by about half the width of the third antennal segment Morpholeria Garrett Antenna separated from each other by more than the width of the third antennal segment (.5) Acantholeria Garrett * Czerny, 1927, Konowia. vi, p. 36 ; Curran. 1933. Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 676, pp. 1-9. Helomyzidse II. — 13, CEcothea fenestralis; 14, Porsenus johnsoni; I.t, Suillia fuscicornis ; 16, Criddleria hemiptera; 17, 18, Anorostoina ciiicreum. 382 XORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Dryomyzidae Flies of moderate size, the femora without bristles. Head short, as broad or broader than the thorax, the face retreat- ing, more or less perpendicular below, without oral vibrissse. Abdomen composed of six segments, moderately long and narrow, more or less cjdindrical. Wings longer than the abdomen, the auxiliary vein sepa- rated from the first vein; posterior basal and anal cells complete. Legs of moderate leno'th, the tibiae witli a preapical bristle. The adults are found in moist places, along the edges of streams, ponds, etc. Swampy woods are excellent collecting spots. The larvffi are aquatic. They are slender, cylindrical, thin anteri- orly, the terminal segment with six or eight conical, fleshy tubercles. The flies placed in this family have been included in the Tetano- ceridffi and Helomyzidte. From the former they are separated by the absence of femoral bristles and from the latter by the absence of oral vibrissa. The latest revision of the family is by ]\Ielander* who included the genera in the Tetanoceridfe. Review of the Nearctic Tetanocerida?, 1916, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., xiii, pp. 305-322. Dryomyzidae. — 1, 2, Macromelanderia mirabilis; 3, 4, Neuroctena anilis; 5, 6, ffidoparena glauca. I FAMILY DRYOMYZID/E 383 KEY TO GENERA 1. First longitudinal vein bristled (3, 4) Neuroctena Rondani First vein wholly bare 2 2. Only two pairs of scutellar bristles 3 Three pairs of scutellars (O^doparea slauca Cot|uillett) (5, 6). QCdoparena, n. g. 3. Costa not bristled 4 Costa with conspicuous short bristles on the apical half (Helcomyza mirabilis Melander) (1, 2) Macromelanderia, n. g. 4. Two pairs of dorsocentrals; face concave Dryomyza Fallen At least seven pairs of dorsocentrals; face not concave in profile. Heterocheila Rondani 384 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Muscidse Lyperosia irritans L. Flies of medium to small size, usually dull colored, the squama; large or of medium size, hypopleural bristles absent, the second antennal segment grooved above. Arista plumose, pubescent, bare or pectinate, eyes approximate or widely separated in the males, the front rarely narrowed in both sexes; frontal bristles always present, intrafrontals frecpicntly present; orbitals developed but rarely in the males. Abdomen composed of four seg- ments in the male, five in the female. IMale genitalia usually not promi- nent but sometimes conspicuous; fifth sternal lobes sometimes promi- nent. As here understood this family includes the Scatophagidae, Antho- myidge and those Muscidse (of the Williston Manual) lacking hypopleural bristles. In some cases the hypopleura is haired but there need bo no question in connection with known North American genera about inter- gradation with the Metopiidge. There is no means by which the Scato- phagidffi can be separated from the Anthomyidae, unless tlie size of the lower lobe of the squama is used, in which case the genus Anthonii/ia must be associated with the Scatophagids while many of the other genera FAMILY MUSCID.E 385 would form a different family. Wing venation is not a character to be used in separating families in this group, nor can the character of the plumosity of the arista be used. The Muscida? are found everywhere and many of them are serious pests. The raddish maggot, cabbage maggot, onion maggot, seed corn maggot, and many others take annual toll of our crops. So much has been M'ritten about the house fly as a carrier of disease that only a brief review need be given here. Others are pests of domestic animals and also pay attention to man. The Tse-tse flies, formerly considered as belonging to this family, and not greatly distinct at best, are carriers of trypanosomes causing sleeping sickness. Many entomologists believe that the House Fly {Musca domestica) has been responsible for more human suffering than any other insect and the evidence in support of this is very strong. It is said that deaths due to diseases carried by flies have exceeded those caused by wounds during the wars preceding the world war (1914-1918), whereas during this latter conflict the mortality from such diseases was neg- ligible, due to efficient sanitary practices. The House Fly breeds in manure, garbage and almost any decaying matter and its control con- sists of the screening and disposal of such material at frequent intervals. Manure should he kept, as much as possible, either on such a maggot trap as recommended by Hutchison*, sprayed occasionally with a mix- ture of one pound of powdered helleliore to twenty gallons of water at' the rate of one gallon of the spray to one cubic foot of manure, or sprinkled with powdered borax at the rate of one pound to 16 cubic feet of manure. The borax treatment must not be repeated, the fresh manure being i)iled in such a way that it may be treated separately. All garbage should be destroyed at least twice a week. Because the House Fly feeds on filth of all kinds and visits our foodstuffs, alighting with impunity upon the things we w'ould eat, it is particularly loathsome. It is attracted to almost anything that is moist, such as sputum, feces, garbage, etc., and may fly directlj' from any of these to food used for human consumption. The diseases carried on its body (in the form of the causative organisms) are TypJwid Fever, Dysentery, Cholera, Yaics, Anthrax and some forms of Conjunctivitis. Many other bacteria, some of them undoubtedly capable of causing dis- ease, are also carried. In addition to destroying the breeding places of flies efforts should be made to i)revent them from coming in contact with foodstuffs by screening all buildings. Sickrooms sliould be particularly well screened in order to prevent flies from carrying the disease to other individuals. U. S. Dept. Agric. Bull. 200. 1915. 386 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA The Stable Fly {Stonioxys calcitrans) is a biting insect and is sometimes known as the Biting House Fly. It is not a general visitor in houses but may ])e common in yards and on porches near stables, and is most active in the hot sun. It is also a pest on beaches and along streams on bright, sunny days. It breeds in manure and decaying vege- tation so may be controlled by measures taken against the House Fly. Domestic animals suffer greatly from its bites and milk production may be greatly reduced when the fly is abundant. The flies enter the stable on cattle and horses and many of them remain there over night. Use of a fly spray in stables will greatly reduce their numl^ers. The view has been expressed that infantile paralysis is carried by this fly but the ac- cusation has not been proved. However, under certain conditions it may transmit sleeping sickness. The Horn Fly {Lyperosia irritans) so named because of its lial)it of feeding about the base of the horns of cattle, is also a biting fly. It rarely attacks man. The classification of this family is still in an unstable condition and it is seldom that two authors use tlie same generic limits and very fre- quently different names are used for the same generic concept. Un- fortunately several of the genera are not available for study and I have been forced to include about a score of them from descriptions only, while four of those recorded from North America are excluded. A half dozen genera occurring in South America and not yet recognized from our region are keyed out as it is likely that they occur in the tropics. In one or two cases the characters I have used will change the limits of genera, and I have recognized as genera groups sometimes con- sidered to be no more than subgenera. In order to facilitate the use of the Key I have prepared a synoptic key leading to the main subdivisions employed. SYNOPTIC TABLE A. With at most one sternopleural bristl? 1 With two or more sternopleurals B B. Anal vein extending to the wing-margin 39 Anal vein not extending to the wing-margin C C. Arista plumose, pubescent or bare D Arista pectinate, without rays below 144 D. First vein setulose on most of its length 77 First vein bare bevond the humeral crossvein E FAMILY MUSCID.E 387 E. Pteropleura haired 83 Pteiopleura bare F F. One pair of presutural dorsocentral bristles 98 More than one pair of presutural dorsocentrals 106 KEY TO GENERA. 1. With at most one sternopleural (c. f. Lispoides) 2 With two to four sternopleurals 38 2. Pteropleura bare 8 Pteropleura haired 3 3. Anterior tibiae without abundant venti-al setulffi 4 Anterior tibi« beneath with abundant black setulae . . *AlIomyelIa Malloch 4. First vein bare 5 First vein setulose apically; sixth vein not reaching wing margin. Dasypleuron Malloch 5. Sixth vein reaching wing margin 6 Sixth vein not reaching wing margin Eugenacephala Johnson 6. With distinct sternopleural bristle 7 Without sternopleural bristle; wings with several brown spots. Ernoneura Becker 7. Propleural bristle long and strong; arista short plumose on whole length tMegaphthalma Becker Propleural bristle very weak or absent; arista long plumose or bare ( 33 ) Scopeuma Latreille 8. Head at least as high as long; face at most moderately retreating. ... 11 Head decidedly longer than high, the face strongly retreating below. . 9 9. Stigmatal bristle absent 10 Stigmatal bristle strong Paratidia Malloch 10. Third antennal segment with a fine, long hair on the outer surface near the insertion of the arista (41 ) JAcicephala Coquillett Third antennal segment without such hair $Pseudacicephala Malloch 11. Hypopleura never with bristles 12 Hypopleura with a row of bristles; costa ending at third vein, the fourth vein incomplete; front half as wide as head (Eginiinae). (52, 59) §Lutzomyia, n. g. 12. Frontal bristles or hair long 13 Frontal bristles extremely short, the front nearly bare (40). Hydromyza Fallen » Curran, 1927, Can. Ent., lix, p. 260. t Curran, 1933. Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 682. p. 10. + Curran, 1927. Can. Ent.. lix. p. 259 ( Acicephala) . § Differs from Egriniella Malloch (China) in having the front of the male half as wide as the head and in lacking bristles on the legs, with the exception of the apical tibial bristles. Lutzomyia amcricana, n. sp. from Arizona. 388 XORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 13. Anterior tibiae without a short, rectangular apical spine below 14 Anterior tibiae with a short, stout, rectangular spine at apex of ventral surface *Acanthocnema Becker 14. Anteroventral surface of the anterior femora and tibiae without stout bristles, the front tibiae rarely with a single bristle on this surface. 15 Anteroventral surface of the anterior femora and tibiae with stout bristles Norellia Desvoidy 15. Prothoracic bristle always, the stigmatic usually, present 16 Prothoracic and stigmatic bristles absent 28 16. Palpi long and slender, armed at the apex with a long, outstanding bristle 17 Palpi more or less broadened, without an outstanding bristle 20 17. Third vein not sinuate 18 Third vein rather strongly sinuate Scoliaphleps Becker 18. Stigmatal bristle weak or hair-like, usually absent 19 Stigmatal bristle strong (46, 60) .Cordilura Fallen 19. Eyes round Neogymnomera Malloch Eyes with a slight emargination on the lower posterior half 36 * Curran, 1929, Can. Ent., Ixi. p. 132. Muscidse I. — 1, Helina lucoriim ; 2, Schcenomjza chcrysostoma ; 3, Limosia; 4. 5. Lasiops spiniger; 6, Phyllogaster cordjluroides ; 7, 8. Fannia ; 9, Ophyra jenescens; 10, Helina; 11, Spilaria; 12, Pseudoliinnophora ; 13, Pseudolimnophora, antenna: 14, 15, Lispe; 16. Limnophora. FAMILY MUSCID.E 389 20. Cheeks usually less than one-third the eye-height; face as long as the front or nearly so 21 Cheeks more than half as wide as the eye-height; face shorter than the front, slightly retreating below; intra-alar bristles absent; scutellum with four bristles Gimnomera Rondani 21. First vein bare 24 First vein setulose on apical portion 22 22. Scutellum with six bristles Bucephalina Malloch Scutellum with four bristles 23 23. Palpi strongly widened and spatulate *CordylurelIa Malloch Palpi but little widened Megaphthalma Becker 24. Anal vein extending to the wing margin 26 Anal vein not reaching the wing margin 25 25. Third antennal segment four times as long as wide. Micropselapha Becker Third antennal segment less than three times as long as wide. Cordylurella Malloch 26. With two or more rows of acrostical hairs 27 Without acrostical hairs Cordilura Fallen 27. With more than two rows of acrostical hairs (57) . . .Ceratinostoma Meade With only two rows of acrostical hairs Opsiomyia Coquillett 28. Third antennal segment angulate at upper apex 29 Third antennal segment rounded apically 33 29. Acrostical setae in two rows 30 Acrostical setse in several rows (34) Spaziphora Rondani 30. Anterior tibiae clothed beneath with dense, black setulae 31 Anterior tibiae not clothed beneath with dense, black setulje 32 31. Male wing broadly emarginate between the fourth and fifth veins. Pleurochaeta Becker Male wing normal in outline Pogonota Zetterstedt 32. Palpi spoon shaped, narrow basally Pseudopogonota Malloch Palpi broad, tapering basally but the base broad. . . .Trichopalpus Rondani 33. Mesopleura with an extensive bare area above the anterior coxae.... 34 Mesopleui-a haired on almost the whole surface (33). .Scopeuma Latreille 34. Fourth vein strongly approaching the third at the wing-tip. Lasioscelus Becker Fourth vein not strongly approaching the third apically 35 35. Anterior tibiae without dense, short setulae beneath 36 Anterior tibiae with dense, short setul« beneath. ... Microprosopa Becker 36. Anal vein almost reaching the wing margin (39) Achaetella Malloch Anal vein not nearly reaching the wing margin ; 37 37. Arista plumose or very long pubescent Parallelomma Becker Arista pubescent Americina Malloch * Curran, 1929, Can. Ent., Ixi, p. 133. 390 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 38. 39. 40. Anal vein extending to the margin of the wing, at least weakly 39 Anal vein never extending to the margin of the wing 75 Under surface of the scutellum with fine, soft, erect hairs 51 Under surface of the scutellum bare 40 Three sternopleurals 44 Two sternopleurals (cf. Fucellia) 41 41. Upper apex of third antennal segmint acute or angulate; scutellum with four bristles 42 Third antennal segment rounded apically; scutellum with one pair of marginals 43 42. Arista thickened on basal half, its penultimate segment much longer than wide (43) Pselaphephila Becker Arista thickened on basal fourth, its penultimate segment short. Chtetosa Coquillett 43. Three pairs of postsutural dorsocentral bristles. .. .Hexamitocera Becker Two pairs of postsutural dorsocentral bristles Cleigastra Macquart 44. Scutellum with one or two pairs of marginal bristles; palpi without long outstanding apical bristle 45 Scutellum with six marginals; palpi with strong apical bristle. Plethochaeta Coquillett 45. First vein bare 46 First vein setulose on apical third (38) Orthacheta Becker 46. Anterior femora without strong bristles on the anterior surface 47 Anterior femora with strong bristles on the anterior surface, propleura haired *Amaurosoma Becker * Cuiian. 1927, Can. Ent., lix, p. 293. MuscidsB II. — 17, Pentacricia aldrichi, cT abdomen; 18, Eremoniyia humeralis, H" abdomen; 19, Eremomyia humeralis; 20, Neodexiopsis ; 21, 22, Hammomja; 23, Coenosia, hind leg; 24, Hylemya, abdomen; 25, Tetrachaeta unica; 26, Hoplogaster; 27, Pegomya bicolor; 28, 29, Hydrophoria divisa; 30, Platycoenosia pokornyi ; 31, 32, Hylemya. FAMILY MUSCID.E 391 47. Palpi short, normal 48 Palpi very long; stigmatal bristle strong Pselaphephila Becker 48. Front with intrafrontal bristles in both sexes 50 Front without intrafiontal bristles 49 49. Third antennal segment sharply angulate at upper apex; arista dis- tinctly elbowed Gonatherus Rondani Third antennal segment obtusely angulate or rounded; arista never elbowed Mesamyia Malloch 50. Acrosticals strong but short, paired '■■Fucellia Desvoidy Acrosticals fine, short and irregular Myopina Desvoidy 51. Pteropleura baref 54 Pteropleura with hair or bristles 52 52. Pteropleura with a single bristle Emmesomyia Malloch Pteropleura with several hairs 53 53. Propleura bare Taeniomyia Stein Propleura haired on the median portion tEremomyioides Malloch 54. Eyes bare 55 Eyes haired Alliopsis Schnabl & Dziedzicki 55. Propleura bare in the middle 57 Propleura haired on the median portion 56 56. Arista bare ' Kingiella Malloch Arista distinctly plumose §Anthomyia Meigen 57. Arista plumose 58 Arista pubescent or bare 61 58. Scutellum cinerous, with an opacjue black spot on either side. Eustalomyia Kowarz Scutellum without opaque black spot on either side 59 59. Lower lobe of the squamas conspicuously longer than the upper (28, 29 ) ^Hydrophoria Desvoidy Lower lobe of the squamae not as large as the upper 60 60. Proboscis elongate and slender, as long as the thorax or nearly so. . . 61 Proboscis short and thick, not nearly as long as the thorax 62 61. Arista pubescent Proboscimyia Bigot Arista long plumose Neohylemyia Malloch 62. Hypopleura haii'ed in front of the posterior spiracle. Calythea Schnabl & Dziedzicki Hypopleura bare in front of the posterior spiracle 63 63. Antei"ior tibiae with an extremely long dorsal bristle at the apical fourth in the male and with two or three strong dorsal bristles at the apical fifth in the female Anthoniyella Malloch Anterior tibiae without such bristles 64 * Aldrich, 1918, Pioc.-Calif. Acad. Acad. Sci.. viii, p. 160. t The jreneia in couplets 51 to 74 comprise the Anthomyina;. Keys to the Eastern species will be found in Huckett, Cornell Uni. Agr. Exp. Sta. Mem. 77. 4 Malloch, 1920. Can. Ent. liii, p. 76. § Malloch, 1924, Ann. Map:. Nat. Hist., xiv, p. 267. II Malloch, 1920, Can. Ent. liii, i). 103. 392 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Muscida? III. — 33, Scopeuma; 34, Spaziphora; 35, Cyrtoneurina; 36, Cyrtoneuropsis rescita; 37, Myospila meditabunda; 38, Orthacheta; 39, Aehaetella varipes; 40, Hydromyza confluens; 41, Acicephala polita, hair on third antennal segment not shown; 42, Morellia; 43, Pselaphelphila; 44, Moreliia; 45, Graphoin>a maculata. FAMILY MrSCID.E 393 64. Facial depression witii almost parallel sides on more than the lower half or conspicuously narrower between the vibrissae than at the middle 65 Facial depression widening- below, wider at the vibri-^sse than at a point above the middle QG 65. No bristly hairs on posteroventral surface of posterior tibiae in male; ovipositor not terminating in two or more spines (27). *Pegomya Desvoidy A series of long hairs on posteroventral surface of hind tibiae; ovi- positor bearing two or more apical spines (21, 22), Hammomya Rondani 66. Antennfe separated from each other by a distinct elevation which continues onto the face jEgle Desvoidy Antennae not conspicuously separated from each other at the base. ... 67 67. Oral margin strongly produced, the hairs surrounding the vibrissae extending well onto the sides of the face Macateeia Malloch Oral margin not unusually produced, the hairs not extending onto the face 68 68. Middle tibiae with anteroventral bristle near the middle. Paregle Schnabl & Dziedzicki Middle tibiae without such bristle 69 69. Three pairs of postsutural dorsocentrals 70 Four pairs of postsutural dorsocentrals Macrophorbia Malloch 70. Proboscis unusually stout Pycnoglossa Coquillett Proboscis not unusually robust 71 71. Posterior tibiae v^ith two long bristles near the middle, on the upper surface, each at least half as long as the tibia. . .Prosalpia Pokorny Posterior tibiae without such bristles 72 72. Sides of the scutellum with more than a single row of hairs below the marginals; interfrontals absent in both sexes; posthumeral and anterior .sublateral bristles equally strong (18, 19) . .Eremomyia Stein Not with this combination of characters 73 73. Eyes of males broadly separated; acrosticals hair-like and short. Chirosia Rondani Eyes of males approximate, very rarely separated by much more than the distance between the posterior ocelli 74 74. Posterior tibiae without posterodorsal bristles, or with two (27). JPegomya Desvoidy Posterior tibije with one posterodorsal bristle or with more than two (24, 31, 32) §Hylemya Desvoidy 75. Arista plumose, pubescent or bare 76 Arista pectinate, with rays on the upper side 144 76. First vein setose, on most of its length 77 First vein bare, or with setulse only before the humeral crossvein. ... 82 * Malloch, 1920, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, xv, p. 121. t Malloch, 1920, Can. Ent., liii. )). 77. :i: Malloch, 1920, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, xv, p. 121. § Malloch, 1920, Ohio Journ. Sci., xx, p. 274. 394 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 77. Apex of posterior coxae haired behind ChaetoKenia Malloch Posterior coxae bare behind 78 78. Prosternum setose 80 Prosternum bare 79 79. Arista short plumose Steinella Malloch Arista long plumose (36) Cyrtoneuropsis Malloch 80. Fourth vein curved foi'ward apically 81 Fourth vein not curved forward apically Smithomyia Malloch 81. Posterior tibiae with a strong posterodorsal bristle near the apical third Poecilophaonia Malloch Posterior tibiae without calcar (35) Cyrtoneurina Giglio-Tos 82. Pteropleura haired 83 Pteropleura bare 97 83. Propleura haired in the middle 84 Propleura bare in the middle 85 / \ Musca domestica L. 84. Fourth vein ending well before the apex of the wing. . . .Musca Linnaeus Fourth vein ending well behind the apex of the wing.Mallocharia Curran 85. Proboscis tapering- from the base, long, adapted for biting (as in Stomoxys) Haematobosca Bezzi Proboscis short and stout, the labellae large 80 86. Ridge at inner edge of lower squamal lobe bare 88 Ridge at inner edge of lower squamal lobe with hairs 87 87. Fourth vein ending before the wing-tip Orthellia Desvoidy Fourth veing ending behind the wing-tip (51, 54). . .* Philornis Macquart 88. Fourth vein ending distinctly behind the wing-tip 90 Fourth vein ending distinctly before the wing-tip 89 89. Middle tibiae with a strong anteroventral bristle beyond the middle. Pyrellia Desvoidy Middle tibiae without anteroventral bristle beyond the middle (42, 44). tMorellia Desovidy * Aldrich, 1923. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amei., xvi, p. 308. t Malloch, 1923, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xii, pp. 520, 523. FAMILY MUSCID^ 395 90. Prosternum bare 93 Prosternum haired 91 91. First vein with setulee opposite the humeral ci'ossvein.. .Clinopera Wulp First vein bare above on the whole length 92 92. Facial depression extremely deep, with almost parallel sides; cheeks wide (49, 53) ". Charadrella Wulp Facial depression very shallow, widening below; cheeks narrow (55). Dichaetomyia Malloch 93. Palpi spatulate, flattened, always strongly widening apically (14, 15). *Lispe Latreille Palpi not unusually widened, not flattened apically 94 94. Calcar pi'esent 95 Posterior tibije without strong posterodorsal bristle beyond the middle. 104 95. Fourth vein very strongly curved forward at the apex 96 Fourth vein not cui-ved forward at the apex. . .Pseudophaonia Malloch 96. Third and fourth veins equidistant from the wing-tip. Hypodermodes Knab Fourth vein ending far behind the wing-tip Mesembrina Meigen 97. A single pair of presutural dorsocentral bristles 98 Two pairs of presutui'al dorsocentrals or they are absent lOG 98. Lower lobe of the squamae much longer than the upper 100 Lower lobe of the squamas scarcely longer than the upper 99 99. Front decidedly longer than wide (26) fHoplogaster Rondani Front wider than long, narrowing anteriorly (2) . .fSchoenomyza Haliday 100. Costa extending to the fourth vein 101 Costa ending at the third vein or a little beyond Allognota Pokorny 101. Three postsutural dorsocentrals 102 Two pairs of postsutural dorsocentrals Bithoracochaeta Stein 102. Posterior tibiae with three long median bristles, one on the postero- dorsal surface although this latter may be short 103 Posterior tibise without a single posterodorsal bristle at the middle, sometimes with two posterodorsals 104 103. Anterior tibiae with an anterodorsal beyond the middle. Macrocoenosia Malloch Anterior tibi« without an anterodorsal bristle (20) .JNeodexiopsis Malloch 104. Posterior tibiae with an anteroventral bristle 105 Posterior tibte without an anteroventral bristle. . . . JXenocoenosia Malloch 105. Posterior tibiae with a long anterodorsal and long anterior bristle situated very close to each other (23) §Coenosia Meigen Posterior tibiae with anterodorsal and anteroventral bristle, their bases not close together (3) ^Limosia Desvoidy * Aldrich, 1913. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc, xxi, p. 131. t Huckett, 1934, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, Ix, pp. 87. 106. t Huckett. 1934, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, Ix, p. 74 (Neodexiopsis). § Huckett, 1934, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, Ix, p. 83. U Huckett. 1934, Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, Ix, p. 135. 396 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 106. Sternopleural bristles situated in a nearly equilateral triangle, almost always three in number 107 Stemopleurals not forming a nearly equilateral triangle, if only three are present the lower one is decidedly farther from the anterior. . .111 107. Dorsocentrals very weak, poorly differentiated Atherigona Rondani Dorsocentrals strong 108 108. Anterior tibiae with a posterior bristle near or beyond the middle... 109 Anterior tibiae without posterior bristle except at apex. Lispocephala Pokorny 109. Four stemopleurals, the posterior three in a straight line. Macrorchis Rondani Three stei-nopleurals 110 110. Posterior bristle on front tibiae very long, situated before the middle. Dialyta Meigen Posterior bristle on front tibiae short, situated beyond the middle. Limnospila Schnabl 111. Sixth vein very short, the seventh cui'\'ed strongly forward so that it would bisect the sixth only a little beyond the end of the latter. . .112 Sixth vein not unusually short, the seventh never curved so that it would bisect the sixth 114 Muscidse IV. — 46, Cordilura; 47, Liinnophora; 48. Phaonia; 49, Charadrella niacrosoma; 50, Phaonia; 51, Philornis sperinophilse ; 52, Lutzomyia latifrons; 58, Charadrella inacrosoma. FAMILY MUSCID.^3 . 397 112. Posterior tibiae Mith dorsal bristle near or somewhat beyond the mid- dle, or with two posterodorsal bristles 11.3 Posterior tibiae without dorsal or posterodorsal bristles. .Azelia Desvoidy 113. Eyes of male very broadly separated; posterior tibiae sometimes with two posterodorsal bristles and without the dorsal. .. .Euryomma Stein Eyes of male approximate, the front at least narrowed; dorsal tibial bristle always present (7, 8) *Fannia Desvoidy 114. Proboscis long and narrow, widened basally, adapted for blood-suck- ing- Bdellolarynx Austen Proboscis short and thick, the labellae fleshy 115 115. Presternum bare 119 Prosternum haired laterally 116 116. Posterior thoracal spiracle long and narrow. Synthesiomyia Brauer & Bergenstamm Posterior thoracal spiracle little longer than wide 117 117. Hypopleura hairy in front of and below the spiracle. . .Ariciella Malloch Hypopleura bare 118 118. Basal abdominal sternite bare (16, 47) tLimnophora Desvoidy Basal abdominal steniite with several hairs (12, 13). tPseudoliranophora Schnabl 119. Third vein with setse basally on the upper margin or before the furca- tion ." 120 Third vein bare above 122 120. Lower lobe of the squamae large, its inner end reaching the base of the scutellum (45) Graphomya Desvoidy Lower squamal lobe narrow, not produced inwardly 121 121. Fourth vein ending in the wing tip or very close to it (37, 56). Myospila Rondani Fourth vein ending far behind the wing tip, not conspicuously curved forward apically JMydaea Desvoidy 122. Posterior coxse bare behind at apex 124 Posterior coxse \\'ith hairs behind at apex 123 123. Eyes pilose (4, 5) §Lasiops Meigen Eyes bare Alloeostylus Schnabl 124. Fourth vein strongly curved forward apically 125 Fourth vein not or very slightly curved foi-ward apically 127 125. Fourth vein ending well behind the tip of the wing 126 Fourth vein ending before the tip of the wing. Pararicia Brauer & Bergenstamm 126. Posterior spiracle twice as long as wide, with black hairs extending over the lower flap Muscina Desvoidy Posterior spiracle not nearly twice as long as wide. .Bigotomyia Malloch 127. Posterior tibiae, posterodorsally, bare or with two or more bristles. .129 Posterior tibiae with only the calcar, rarely with a very short postero- dorsal bristle near the base 128 128. Cheeks below with two to five upwardly curving bristles on the an- terior half Dendrophaonia Mallocli Cheeks with at most one upwardly curving bristle 133 * Malloch, 1924, Ann. Ma'-c. Nat. Hist., xiii, p. 416; xiv, p. 515. t Huckett, 1932, Jouin. N. Y. Ent. Soc, xi, pp. 25-76, 105-158, 279-325. J Malloch, 1923, Can. Ent., Ivi, p. 220. § Malloch, 1920, Can. Ent., liii, p. 272 (Trichopticus). 39S NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 129. Front with an outwardly directed orbital bristle, wide in both sexes (30) '. Platycoenosia Strobl Front without true orbital bristles, or they are not divergent; usually narrow in males 130 130. Parafrontals polished; frontal lunule shining white; thorax and abdo- men without pollen (9) *Ophyra Desvoidy Parafrontals pollinose on most of their length 131 131. Hypopleura haired below the spiracle (11). fSpilaria Schnabl & Dziedzicki Hypopleura bare below the spiracle 132 132. Hypopleura haired in front of the spiracle (1, 10) fHelina Desvoidy Hypopleura bare in front of the spiracle 136 133. Arista pubescent 131 Arista with long rays (48, 50) JPhaonia Desvoidy 134. Hypopleura bare in front of the spiracle 135 Hypopleura haired in front of the spiracle Achaetina Malloch 135. Prealar more than half as long as the following bristle. Neohydrotaea Malloch Prealar less than half as long as the following bristle. §Hydrotaea Desvoidy * Malloch. 1923, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., xi, r. 664. t Malloch, 1920, Can. Ent., liii. p. 103. $ Malloch, 1923, Tr. Amer. Ent. Soc, xlviii, pp. 239—. § Malloch, 1916, Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc, xi, p. 109. xiii. pp. 30-33. Muscidffi V. — 54, Philornis spermophilae ; 55, Dichsetomyia ; 56. Myospila meditabunda; 57, Ceiatinostoma ostiorum ; 58, Muscina stabulans; 59, Lutzoinyia latifrons; 60, Cordilura. FAMILY MUSCID.E 399 136. Avista plumose (short in Dendrophaonia) 137 Arista pubescent 139 137. Cheeks below with two or more strong, upcui-ved bristles on the an- terior half Dendrophaonia Malloch Cheeks without outstanding-, upcurved bristles below, though usually with upcurved hairs 138 138. Eyes of males with enlarged facets in front on the upper part and quite evidently flattened; posterior tibiae without posterodorsal bristles, the front tibiae bristleless; small species, the females shin- ing *Hebecnema Schiner Eyes of males not strikingly flattened; usually larger species (1, 10). fHelina Desvoidy 139. Cheeks half as wide as the eye-height, with bristles along the oral margin (6) JPhyllogaster Stein Cheeks narrower, with hair on lowest three-fourths or more 140 140. Fourth vein conspicuously curved forward apically. Neomuscina Townsend Fourth vein at most weakly curved forward apically 141 141. Prealar bristle absent 143 Prealar bristle present 142 142. Lower squamal lobe produced inwardly (51, 54) §PhiIornis Macquart Lower squamal lobe small and not produced inwardly. TiPogonomya Rondani 143. Two strong intra-alar bristles Lispoides Coquillett At most one weak intra-alar Pogonomyioides Malloch 144. Proboscis elongate and horny 145 Proboscis short and thick, the labellse fleshy Hemichlora Wulp 145. Palpi short Stomoxys Geoffroy Palpi very long and narrow Haematobia St. Fargeau & Sei-ville * This , Lower lobe of squamae pilose above 2 B. Middle of propleura bare C Middle of propleura with pile or hair 4 C. Infrasquamal setulae absent; abdomen with bristles E Infrasquamal setulae present or the abdomen without dorsal bristles. . D D. Eyes haired 55 Eyes bare or almost so 84 420 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA E. Eyes bare or with inconspicuous short hair G Eyes pilose ^ F. Parafacials with hairs or bristles extending- to the lower half 161 Parafacials bare at least on the low^er half 181 G. Parafacials with hairs or bristles 23'i Parafacials bare on at least the lower half H H. Thorax without plumose hairs I Thorax with plumose hairs Teleothyria I. Facial ridges bristled on less than the lower half J Facial ridges with strong bristles on lower half or more 293 J. Apical crossvein present ". Apical crossvein absent 342 K. Palpi present and well developed I' Palpi absent or very greatly reduced 348 L. Apical cell at most with an extremely short petiole M Apical cell long petiolate 355 M. Ultimate section of fifth vein less than half as long as the preceding section Ultimate section of fifth vein three-fourths as long as the preceding section Catalinovoria N. Penultimate aristal segment not over twice as long as wide O Penultimate aristal segment three times as long as wide 361 0. No appendage or strong fold at bend of fourth vein 385 A strong appendage or fold at bend of fourth vein 372 KEY TO GENERA 1. Lower lobe of squamae bare or pubescent above 3 Lower lobe of squamae with long, fine hairs above 2 2. Parafacials haired to below the middle (113) Bombyliopsis Townsend Parafacials with but a few hairs below the frontals (91). Hystricia Macquart 3. Middle of propleura bare 53 Middle of propleura with pile or hair 4 4. Eyes thickly hairy, the head almost as long below as at base of antennae '■ ^ Eyes bare, or, if pilose, the face retreating and the facial ridges usu- ally bristled on the lower half 8 5. Parafacials bare " Parafacials haired on lower half ' 6. Facial ridges bristled on lowest three-fourths; first vein setulose. Hypochaeta Brauer & Bergenstamm Facial ridges and first vein bare (100). Pseudohystricia Brauer & Bergenstamm FAMILY TACHINID.K — THE TACIIINIDS 421 7. Palpi well developed Arthrochaeta Brauer & Bergenstamm Palpi absent or extremely small; large, robust species. Tachinomima Brauer & Bergenstamm 8. Thorax without plumose hair 9 Thorax, at least on the pleura, clothed with plumose hairs (Genotype: Ptilomyia bequaerti Curran) Ptilomyioides, n. g. 9. Palpi present, strongly developed, at least as long as the second an- tennal segment 19 Palpi absent or very small 10 10. Arista plumose 11 Arista bare or pubescent 13 11. Posterior tibiae rather closely ciliate Opsotheresia Townsend Posterior tibias not ciliate 12 12. Palpi absent *Atelogossa Coquillett Palpi slender and short Phasiops Coquillett 13. Parafacials with hairs or bristles 14 Parafacials bare; ocellars strong (54) tCylindromyia Meigen 14. Ocellars strong 15 Ocellars weak or absent; parafacials without bristles 18 15. Parafacials with strong bristles below; apical cell petiolate. Antillicolla Curran Parafacials with hair 16 16. Apical cell ending very close to wing-tip; head short. Phosocephala Townsend Apical cell ending far before the wing-tip; head long 17 17. Abdomen with ordinary bristles below, rounded apically. Gymnomma Brauer & Bergenstamm Abdomen with spines ventraliy, emarginate apically. Juriniopsis Townsend 18. With ordinary bristles on the abdomen Epalpus Rondani With blunt spinose bristles on the dorsum of the abdomen. Rhachoepalpus Townsend 19. Parafacials hairy or bristly to well below the middle 20 Parafacials with at most a few hairs below the lowest frontals 33 20. Parafacials with ordinary hairs 22 Parafacials with bristles 21 21. Apical cell open (73, 74) Goniochaeta Townsend Apical cell petiolate Eutrichogena Townsend 22. Ocellar bristles sti'ongly developed 27 Ocellar bristles extremely weak or absent 23 23. Palpi but little longer than the length of the oral opening, enlarged apically 25 Palpi very much longer than the length of the oral opening, with par- allel sides or somewhat narrowed apically 24 * Curiiin. 1930, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Ixi. p. 92. t Aldrich, 1926, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixviii. Art. 23, pp. 1-27. 422 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tachinidje I. — 1, Lydella; 2, Aphria occidentalis ; 3, Spallanzania hebes; 4. Leschenaultia adusta ; 5, Acemya dentata, antenna; 6, Atacta ; 7. Peleteria; S, Voria riiralis; 9, Tachin- omyia robusta ; 10, Cistogaster; 11, Archytas; 12, 13, Gonia, head, dorsal and lateral views; 14, Epigrimyia? ; 15, Alophora; 16, Plectops; 17, Dejeania vexatrix. FAMILY TACHIXID.E THE TACHINIDS 423 24. Aciostical bristles absent Eudejeania Townsend Acrostical bristles present (17) Dejeania Brauer & Berj^enstamm 25. Abdomen convex, the apex rounded 26 Abdomen very large, unusually flat above, sub-rectangular, the apex sti'ongiy emargindte (60) Paradejeania Brauer & Bergenstamm 26. Second abdominal segment with at most four median marginals, if with discals they are arranged in pairs (11, 102) . . ."Archytas Jaennicke Second abdominal segment with many marginals, numerous discals or the pile very long and bristly (95) Jurinia Desvoidy 27. Ultimate section of fifth vein two-thirds as long as preceding section. Metaplagia Coquillett Ultimate section of fifth vein not one-third as long as preceding sec- tion 28 28. Abdomen without discals, or they are fine and hair-like 29 Second and third abdominal segments with strong discals. Protodejeania Townsend 29. Face not carinate on lower half of depression 31 Face carinate on whole length of depression 30 30. Hair of parafacials inconspicuous. .. .Myiomima Brauer & Bergenstamm Hair of parafacials strong Ursophyto Aldrich 31. Arista plumose Phalacrodexia Townsend Arista bare or pubescent 32 32. Posterior sublateral bristle present. fCnephaliodes Bi'auer & Bergenstamm Posterior sublateral bristle absent; proboscis long, the labellje small. Phytopsis Townsend 33. Frontal bristles not or scarcely extending below the base of the an- tennas; arista strongly pubescent or plumose 38 Frontal bristles usually extending to the base of the third antennal segment; arista not conspicuously pubescent 34 34. Ocellars present 35 Ocellars absent JBelvosia Desvoidy 35. Facial ridges with strong bristles on at least the lower half 37 Facial ridges with only a few hairs above the vibrissa 36 36. Eyes pilose (Zenillia submissa A. & W.) Collatia, n. g. Eyes bare Parademoticus Townsend 37. Infrasquamal setulje present Hypochaetopsis Townsend Infrasquamal setulae absent Chaetophlepsis Townsend 38. Arista with long rays 39 Arista with long rays §Arctophyto Townsend 39. Infrasquamal setulae absent 40 Infrasquamal setulae present (Metopiidse) Opsodexia Townsend * Cui-ran. 1928. Can. Ent., Ix, p. 202. t Rowe, 1931, Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer., xxiv, p. 647 (Fabriciella). t Aldrich. 1928. Pr. U. S. N. M.. Ixxiii, Art. 8, pp. 1-45. § Curran, 1924, Can. Ent.. Ivi, p. 302. 424 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Taohinidje II.— 18, 19, Acaulona costata; 20. Alophora fumosa; 21, 22, Alophora; 23, 24, Ceratomyi«lla: 25, Euscopolia dakotensis ; 26, 27, CEstrophasia calva; 2cS, 29, Euryceromyia robertsoni, bristles omitted from third vein of winK ; 30, 31, Neophyto setosa (Metopiida;) ; 32, 33, Rhinophora mexicana ; 31, Cryptomeigenia; 35, Myiophasia; 36, Binghamimyia ; 37, 38, Hemyda aiirata; 39, Cuphoceia; 40, 41, Wagneria, bristles omitted from veins. FAMILY TAClllMD.K TIIK TACIIIXIDS 425 40. Second abdominal segment with dorsal bristles 46 Second abdominal segment without dorsal bristles 41 41. Sides of face diverging below; cheeks wider than length of thiril an- tenna! segment 42 Sides of face slightly converging below; cheeks about as wide as width of third antennal segment Xanthodexia Wulp 42. Face strongly carinate 44 Face at most weakly carinate 43 43. Proboscis decidedly longer than the head-height. . . Prosenoides Townsend Proboscis shorter than the head-height (118, 122) Billsea Desvoidy 44. Antennae not nearly reaching the vibrissas 45 Antennae reaching almost to the vibrissa Theresiopsis Townsend 45. Facial carina not convex in profile 48 Facial carina convex in profile Opsotheresia Townsend 46. Facial carina strong and prominent 51 Facial carina weak, obsolete or nearly so 47 47. Apical cell ending in or near the wing-tip. Stomatodexia Brauer & Bergenstamni Apical cell ending far before the wing-tip 48 48. Antennae reaching about half way to the oral mSrgin. Phalacrophyto Townsend Antennae reaching more than half way to the oral margin 49 49. Abdomen broadly oval; larger, more or less castaneous species. Theresia Desvoidy Abdomen narrower; smaller, non-castaneous 50 50. Second abdominal segment without strong marginals. Paratheresia Townsend Second abdominal segment with a pair of strong marginals. *Eutheresia Towmsend 51. Second abdominal segment with only one pair of marginals, or they are not spine-like 52 Second abdominal segment with three or more pairs of marginal spines; lai'ge, robust species Chaefogyne Brauer & Bergenstamm 52. Claws short and thick basally, bent at almost a right angle at their middle; parafacials with inconspicuous hairs. Myiomima Brauer & Bergenstamm Claws normal, moderately curved apically (118, 122) . . .Billaea Desvoidy 53. Infrasquamal setulse absent, abdomen always with bristles, at least on the apical segments 159 Infrasquamal setul?e present or the abdomen without well-developed bristles 54 54. Eyes thickly haired 55 Eyes bare or with inconspicuous, short, sparse hair 84 55. Parafacials with hairs or bristles on at least the upper half 56 Parafacials bare or with only a few hairs below the f rentals 65 * Cuiran, 1929, Can. Ent., Ixi, p. 33. 426 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tachinida? III. — 42. Paradidyma braueri ; 43. Paradid> ma, apex of front tarsus of $ : 44. Vanderwulpia townsendi; 45, Paradidyma braueri, front tarsus of male: 46, Spallanzania ; 47, Beskia cornuta; 48, 49, Spathidexia dunningi ; 50, 51, Genera incert. ; 52, Paradidyma braueri; 33. Vanderwulpia townsendi; 54. Cylindromyia; 55. Catharosia nebulosa ; 56, Gym- nochiPta: 57. Zenillia 5S, 59. Penthosia satanica; 60. Paradejeania; 61. Cuphocera; 62. Taxigramma (Metopiida;) ; 63, 64, Icelia triquetra; 65, 66, Uramya halesidotae; 67, 68, Leucostoma. FAMILY TACHIXID.E — THE TACHIXIDS 427 56. Ultimate section of fifth vein not over one-third as long as the pie- ceding- section, or the parafacials without bristles 58 Ultimate section of fifth vein at least half as long as the preceding section; parafacials with one or more proclinate bristles 57 57. Inner end of posterior crossvein lying immediately behind the an- terior crossvein Plagia Meigen Discal crossvein lying well beyond the anterior crossvein. Cyrtophloeba Rondani 58. Fourth vein angulate or with sharp curve; abdomen with strong- bristles 59 Fourth vein approaching the third in a gentle curve; abdomen with only weak bristles apically Gymnophania Brauer & Bergenstamm 59. Parafacials without bristles along their inner edges, sometimes with bristly hairs along their middle (51 Parafacials with a row of bristles along their inner edges 60 60. Basal two aristal segments short; antennae simple in both sexes 60a Basal aristal segments very elongate; third antennal segment of male composed of two or three arms (103, 104) Dichocera Williston 60a. Third antennal segment but little longer than the second. Muscopteryx Townsend Third antennal segment several times as long as the second (42, 43, 45, 52, 96 ) Paradidyma Brauer & Bergenstamm 61. Parafacials without strikingly long hair, or it is irregularly spaced.. . . 62 Parafacials with the haiis arranged in a median series and increas- ingly long and strong below *Eulasiona Townsend 62. Bend of fourth vein with at most a distinct fold 63 Bend of fourth vein with a long appendage. Metopomuscopteryx Townsend 63. Three pairs of presutural acrostical bristles or three presutural dor- socentrals Lydina Desvoid}' At most two pairs of presutural acrostical bristles 64 64. Two pairs of presutural acrosticals and dorsocentrals (35, 139). Myiophasia Brauer & Bergenstamm A single pair of presutural acrosticals and two pairs of dorso- centrals. Townsendina, n. g. 65. Facial ridges without strong bristles 69 Facial lidges with strong bristles on lower half or more 66 66. Parafacials not wider than antennae 67 Parafacials much wider than antennae; oral margin scarcely produced. Myiopharus Brauer & Bergenstamm 67. Arista long plumose Comyops Wulp Arista at most very short plumose 68 68. Ocellars strong; face not strongly retreating below; female piercer as long as the abdomen Spathimyia Townsend Ocellars absent or hairlike; face strongly retreating. Paralispe Brauer & Bergenstamm * Cuiran, lO'iT, Bull. Biooklyn Ent. Sor., xxii, ii. 149. 428 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tachinidw IV. — 69, Plagiomima anomala; 70. Beskia cornuta; 71, Xanthomelana arcuata; 72, Pachyophthalmus floridensis (Metopiida?) ; 73, 74, Goniochseta plagioides; 75, Pachyophfhalinus floridensis (Metopiidaj) ; 76, Xanthomelana arcuata; 77, Linnaemya; 78, Siphona; 79, Plagioniima anomala; 80, 81, Euthera tentatrix ; 82, Epigrimyia; 83, Cha?toplagia; 84, 85, Euthyprosopa petiolata; 86, Chsetoplagia ; 87, Chatogsedia analis; 88, Metopia (Metopiidffi) ; 89, Melanophrys insolita; 90, Opsidia gonioidcs (Mefopiidae) ; 91, Hystricia; 92, Chryseria flava. FAMILY TACHIXID.i: THE TACHIXIDS 429 69. Not metallic green or blue 70 Metallic green or blue Chrysotachina Brauer & Bergenstamm 70. Parafrontals polliiiose, at most bare at the vertex 71 Paraf rentals shining black Polidaria n. g. 71. Oral margin not strongly obliciue in front nor carried strongly up- ward toward the base of the antennae; antennse situated at or above the middle of the eyes; oral margin produced or not 72 Oral margin and antennal base unusually approximated, the oral mar- gin strongly oblique in front; antennfe situated below the middle of the eyes; paraf acials always with many hairs below the frontals. Lydina Desvoidy 72. Ocellar bristles strong 75 Ocellars absent or very weak 73 73. Antennae inserted at upper fourth of eyes; bend of fourth vein with stump (141, 167) Xanthophyto Townsend Antennae inserted at middle of eyes; bend of fourth vein wathout stump 74 74. Arista plumose (188, 195) Zonalia, n. g. Arista short pubescent or bare (146, 161, 166, 187) Corozalia, n. g. 75. Head almost as long below as at the antennae, the oral margin pro- duced; vibrissfe usually situated above oral margin 77 Face retreating below; vibrissae level with oral margin 76 76. Fifth vein bristled Minthoplagia Townsend Fifth vein bare 78 77. Palpi of normal length, more or less swollen apically 78 Palpi not more than half the usual length, never widened apically; fourth vein with long appendage at bend (77) . . . .Linnaemya Desvoidy 78. Pteropleural bristle extending to the apex of the squamae 81 Pteropleural bristle normal 79 79. Face about as long below as at the antennse 80 Face strongly receding Thelairodoria Townsend 80. Abdomen long and slender Oxydexia Bigot Abdomen short, robust Mericia Desvoidy 81. Posterior pair of presutural acrosticals situated very close to the suture 82 Posterior pair of presutural acrosticals situated far before the suture; female ocellars reclinate; male with outer verticals. Trafoia Brauer & Bergenstamm 82. Pleura with fine, pale pile below; third antennal segment rounded apically Neoerigone Townsend Pleura wholly black haired 83 83. Front tarsi of female broadened; third antennal segment rectangular at upper apex (142) (Exoristoides Coquillett, Exoristopsis Town- send ) *Eversmannia Desvoidy Third antennal segment rounded at upper apex Mericina Curran * The tienera Neoerigone, Eversmannia and Mericina are so poorly distinguished that I think they should be united. For key to species see Aldrich, Proc. U. S. N. M., Ixxxi, Art. 9, p. 24 (Exoristoides). 430 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tachinidje V.— 93, Fischeria fla\a; y4, Zenillia; 95, Juriuia; 96, Paradidyma singularis: 97, 98, Stomatomya parvipalpis; 99, Miciophthalma disjuncta: 100, Pseudohystricia; lol, Microtrichoma?; 102, Arehytas calilornica; 103, Dichocera lyrata; 104, Dichocera lyrata, antenna: 105, Mascopteryx; 106, Hilarella (Metopiida;) ; 107. Neotractocera; lOS, Viviania; 109, Acha?toneura; 110, Senotainia (Metopiidw) ; 111, Gsediopsis ; 112, Genea analis : 113, Bombyliopsis; 114, Clisetoglossa, proboscis omitted. FAMILY TACHINID.E THE TACHINIDS 431 84. Arista pubescent or bare 100 Arista at least short plumose on basal half 85 85. Oral margin distinctly produced 9G Oral margin scarcely prominent, the face almost vertical 86 86. Width of clypeus much greater than width of third antennal segment. 87 Width of clypeus not greater than width of third antennal segment. Macrometopa Brauer & Bergenstamm 87. Parafacials with hair 92 Parafacials bare 88 88. Ocellars long and strong 91 Ocellars hairlike 89 89. First vein bare 90 First vein bristled Gymnopalpus Townsend 90. Arista short plumose on whole length; no di seals on intermediate seg- ments; first segment without marginals Pseudochaetona Townsend Arista short plumose on basal half only; abdomen with discals, the first segment with marginals (186, 190) Chaetonalia, n. g. 91. Aristal rays as long as the width of the third antennal segment. Ebenia Macquart Aristal rays about half as long as the width of the third antennal segment ( 169, 191 ) Canalia, n. g. 92. Antennae reaching more than half way to the oral margin 93 AntennjB reaching only half way to oral margin; prosternum with a pair of bristles Myoceropsis Townsend 93. Hair of parafacials coarse 94 Hair of parafacials very fine; first vein bare (121, 134) .Cholomyia Bigot 94. Apical cell ending near the wing-tip 95 Apical cell ending far before the wing-tip Microchaetina Wulp 95. First vein setose (154, 180) Schwarzalia, n. g. First vein bare Parazelia Townsend 96. Proboscis, measured from base of apical section, at most slightly longer than length of oral opening 97 Proboscis twice as long as length of oral opening. Mochlosoma Brauer & Bergenstamm 97. Apical cell closed and short petiol^ls 98 Apical cell broadlv open (Clinoneura, B.B.; Paramyocera Towns.) (119, 124, 125, 133) *Rhynchiodexia Bigot 98. Third vein setose less than half way to the anterior crossvein 99 Third vein setose to the anterior crossvein Megerlea Desvoidy 99. Bend of fourth vein with long appendage Hypenomyia Townsend Bend of fourth vein with at most a very short appendage. Dinera Desvoidy 100. Face without a very prominent carina appearing above the antennae in profile 101 * Curran, 1930, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Ixi, p. 93. 432 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 123 128 Tachinidse VI.— 115, Melanophora ; 116. Sophia; 117, Calodexia; 118. Bill<«a ; 119. Khyn- chiodexia; 120. Sootiptera; 121. Cholomyia; 122. Billaea ; 123. Thelaira ; 124. 125. Rhynchio- dexia; 126. Calodexia; 127. Hystrichodexia; 128. Zelia : 129, Scotiptera melaleuca; 130, Hystrichodexia; 131, Zelia; 132. Chaetona; 133, Rhynchiodexia; 134, Cholomyia, legs. FAMILY TACHIXID-12 — THE TACHIXIDS 433 Face short, with a strong facial carina, the antennal grooves deep; proboscis one-half longer than the head-height; abdomen without bristles, the apical segments with longish hairs; female genitalia with stout spines on the sides Imitomyia Townsend 101. Second abdominal segment with at least well developed median mar- ginals 123 Second abdominal segment without dorsal bristles 102 102. Posterior tibiae without flattened bristles 108 Posterior tibiae ciliate dorsally with scale-like bristles (163, 164). Trichiopoda Latreille 103. Facial depression shallow or somewhat carinate, if deep not sub-oval in outline; arista, if wholly thickened, reddish in color 104 Facial depression very deep and sub-oval; arista black, wholly thick- ened; shining black flies (89) Melanophrys Williston 104. Arista not wholly thickened; parafacials without transverse furrows. .105 Arista wholly thickened; parafacials shining black, with many trans- verse furrows (25 ) Euscopolia Townsend 105. Fourth vein strongly curved beyond the crossvein 106 Fourth vein gently curved, the apical cell open in the wing-tip. Gyninophania Brauer & Bergenstamm 106. Face not or but little retreating, the vibrissse situated well above the oral margin 109 Face strongly retreating, oral vibrissae strongly differentiated and on a level with the oral margin, or absent 107 107. Apical cell petiolate 108 Apical cell open near the wing-tip Pseudapinops Coquillett 108. Apical cell ending well before the wing-tip. .. .*Hesperophasia Townsend Apical cell ending in the wing-tip (55) Catharosia Rondani 109. Oral vibrissae, if strongly differentiated, situated almost level with the oral margin; abdomen short, oval, spherical or flattened, rarely elongate 110 Oral vibrissae sti'ongly developed, sometimes duplicated, situated well above the oral margin and without hairs above or below; abdomen long and narrow (71, 76) Xanthomelana Wulp 110. Abdomen short, or if elongate not flattened Ill Abdomen elongate and flattened; oral margin produced; apical cell petiolate; wing veins broadly bordered with black. Bibiomima Brauer & Bergenstamm 111. Sternites broad, the female genitalia not remarkably large; oral vibrissae usually strongly differentiated, their angle high above the oi'al margin; abdomen short, rather spherical in outline, strongly convex or flattened 113 Sternites linear, thread-like; second sternite large, produced down- ward and with very short, stout setulse on the lower part; female genitalia very large; vibrissae distinct, situated but little above the oral margin; palpi minute 112 * Curran, 1927, Can. Ent., lix, p. 300. 434 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tachinidffi VII.— 135, Blondelia; 136. 137. Doryphorophaga ; 138, Pelecotheca; 139, Myiophasia; 140. Compsilura; 141. Xanthophyto; 142. Eversmannia ; 143, Aridalia; 144. Eurycciomyia; 145. Wirthemia; 146. Coiozalia rufiventris; 147. Zuanalia. FAMILY TACHINID.^ THE TACHINIDS 435 112. Apical cell long petiolate or the apical crossvein absent. Besseria Desvoidy Apical cell open near the wing-tip Apinops Coquillett 113. Oral vibrissse situated high above the oral margin or not strongly differentiated; if the abdomen bears bristles the apical cell is open. 117 Oral vibrissse sti'ongly developed, level with the strongly produced oral margin 114 114. Apical cell long petiolate (55) Catharosia Rondani Apical cell open or closed in or near the wing-tip 115 115. Parafacials bare on lower half 116 Parafacials with bristly hairs Chiricahuia Townsend 116. Abdomen with bristles. . Erythromelana Townsend Abdomen with weak, bristly hairs apically; apical crossvein absent. Bezzimyia Townsend 117. Anterior femora with only the usual fine or bristly hairs beneath.. 118 Anterior femora on the apical half of the ventral edges with row of short stout, bristly setulse Gymnosoma Meigen 118. Abdomen flattened or twice as long as wide 119 Abdomen strongly convex, hemispherical (10) Cistogaster Latreille 119. Apical cell broadly open or closed in the costa near the wing-tip 120 Apical cell long petiolate 122 120. Abdomen without bristles 121 Abdomen with well developed bristles on the apical segments. Trichoclytia Townsend 121. A row of dorsocentrals, one situated in front of the suture (92). Chryseria Desvoidy At most two pairs of conspicuous dorsocentrals Phasia Latreille 122. Pleura with very dense pale hairs above (15, 20, 21, 22). Alophora Desvoidy Pleura with ordinary black hairs and bristles Hyalomya Desvoidy 123. Parafacials with one or more downwardly directed bristles below the frontal row or with hairs extending to or below the middle 124 Parafacials with at most a few hairs below the lowest f rentals 138 124. With one or more downwardly directed parafacial bristles 125 Without strong parafacial bristles, the hairs sometimes stout but always weaker than the lower frontals 129 125. Apical cell open; apical section of fifth vein over half as long as the preceding section 126 Apical cell long petiolate *Hesperophasia Townsend 126. Parafacials with several downwardly directed bristles 127 Parafacials with a single downwardly directed bristle (8). Voria Desvoidy * Cunan. 1927. Can. Ent., p. 300. 436 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tachinidffi VIII.— 148, Actia; 149, Elodia; 150, Epigrimyia; 151, Thelairalia; ir,2, Pele- cotheca; 153, Doryphorophaga ; 154, Schwarzalia ; 155, Ricosia; 156, Compsilura ; 157, The- lairalia; 158, Patillalia ; 159, Anacamptomjia aniericana; 160, Agrarialia ; 161, Corozalia; 162, Winthemia; 163, Trichiopoda. FAMILY TACHIXID.E THE TACHIXIDS 437 127. Pteropleural bristle normal 128 Pteropleural bristle reaching to the apex of the squamse. Meleterus Aldrich 128. Face retreating- below Paedarium Aldrich Face as long below as at the antennae Chaetovoria Villeneuve 129. Oral vibrissse situated level with the oral margin; posterior crossvein situated near the middle of the wing 180 Oral vibrissEe either situated well above the oral margin or the pos- terior crossvein near the apical third of the wing 133 130. Cheeks very much narrower than the eye-height 131 Cheeks almost or quite as wide as the eye-height... .*Uclesia Girschner 131. Facial depression broad and shallow, the edges rather flattened 132 Facial depression deep and narrow, the edges prominent. Menetus Aldrich 132. Parafacials rather narrow, with small hairs over a considerable part of the surface Metavoria Townsend Parafacials wide Metaplagia Coquillett 133. Apical cell at most extremely short petiolate 134 Apical cell long petiolate 137 134. Face strongly receding below; third antennal segment about three times as long as the second; three pairs of strong scutellars, the apical pair widely spaced and divergent 13G Face usually but little receding; third antennal segment less than twice as long as the second 135 135. Costal spine short; facial depression rather narrow (35, 139). Myiophasia Townsend Costal spine long and strong; facial depression wide Lasionalia, n. g. 136. First vein setulose on apical half Meigeniella Coquillett First vein bare (34) fCryptomeigenia Brauer & Bergenstamm 137. Third vein ending near the wing-tip (32, 33) Rhinophora Desvoidy Third vein ending far before the wing-tip Steveniopsis Townsend 138. Frontal vitta opaque 139 Frontal vitta shining black (37, 38) Hemyda Desvoidy 139. Posterior tibiae without scale-like bristles 140 Posterior tibiae ciliate above with scale-like bristles (102, 139). Trichiopoda Latreille 140. Anterior femora with a row of long bristles on at least the apical half of the posteroventral surface, appearing as widely spaced cilia. 141 Anterior femora with at most two or three posteroventral bristles apically; the hairs on the posterior sui-face wholly appressed (18, 19) Acaulona Wulp 141. Apical cell open, or if closed in the wing margin there are hairs about the base of the vibrissas 143 Apical cell closed and petiolate 142 * Curran, 1927, Can. Ent.. p. 299. t Curran, 1926, Tr. Roy. Soc. Canada, Sec. v, p. 156. 438 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 170 Tachinidae IX. — 164, Trichiopoda ; 165, Patillalia; 166, Corozalia pananiensis ; 167, Xan- thophyto; 168. Aridalia; 169, Canalia; 170, Oxynopsalia ; 171, Anadiscalia; 172, Prorhynchops? errans; 173, Elodia; 174. Epigriinyia; 175, Doryphorophaga; 176, Shermanalia ; 177, Zuanalia; 178, Pseudeuantha. FAMILY TACHINID.E THE TACflINID« - 439 142. No hairs surrounding the oral vibrissas which are situated high above the oral margin; abdomen long and slender (71, 76). Xanthomelana Wulp Vibrissas situated level witli the oral margin, or if somewhat above with a few hairs near their base; abdomen, from dorsal view, spher- ical in outline *Clistomorpha Townsend 143. Oral vibrissae differentiated; oral margin not rounded anteriorly in profile 144 Oral vibrissas not differentiated, or only very weakly so; head convex below in profile; clypeal region narrow and at least two-thirds as long as upper part of face Eutrixa Coquillett 144. Costal spine not greatly developed, never longer than the width of the costal cell and not conspicuous 145 Costal spine as long as width of costal and subcostal cells combined; vibrissae level with oral margin; parafacials gently convex in profile. Phrynofrontina Townsend 145. Face strongly retreating, vibrissae level with oral margin or situated moderately above; three or four pairs of marginal scutellars and sometimes a weak apical pair which may be cruciate; arista rarely thickened to beyond the middle, the penultimate segment never elongate 153 Face almost as long below as at base of antennae; arista often thick- ened to the apical fourth and with the penultimate segment elon- gate 146 146. Arista not thickened on its whole length; facial depression not oval and deeply sunken 147 Arista thickened on its whole length; facial depression oval and very deep (89) 3Ielanophrys Williston 147. Parafacials more or less yellowish in ground color; abdomen usually largely yellow and extensively pollinose 148 Parafacials silvery pollinose on a black ground; abdomen shining black, the sides sometimes broadly red; vibrissae level with oral margin Dionsa Desvoidy 148. Cheeks more than one-tenth as wide as the eye-height; female ab- domen not truncate at apex from lateral view 149 Cheeks at most one-fifteenth as wide as the eye-height; arista short plumose; ocellars absent or very weak (117) fCalodexia Wulp 149. Vibrissal angles not approximated, or if so the vibrissse situated level with the oral margin 150 Vibrissal angles conspicuously approximated, the vibrissae situated above the oral margin (92) Chryseria Desvoidy 150. Anterior crossvein situated half way between the tip of the auxiliary and first veins; posterior crossvein but little oblique 151 Anterior crossvein situated behind the tip of the first vein; posterior crossvein very oblique Catalinovoria Townsend 151. Vibrissae situated distinctly above the oral margin; oral margin not prominent ( 108 ) Viviania Rondani Vibrissae level with oral margin 152 * Curran, 1927, Can. Ent., lix, p. 297. t Curran, 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 685. 440 XORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tachinidffi X. — 179, Agrarialia; 180, Schwarzalia ; ISl, Microtownsendia ; 182, Anadiscalia; 183, Siphona; 184, Pseudeuantha ; 185, Sherinanalia; 186, Chaetonalia; 187, Corozalia; 188, Zonalia; 189, Actia ; 190. Chiptonalia; 191, Canalia ; 192, Blondelia: 193, Microtownsendia; 194, Oxynopsalia; 195, Zonalia. FAMILY TACHIXID.T: THE TACHIXIDS 44] 152. Proboscis very long and slender; ovipositor normal. Ginglimyia Townsend Proboscis short, the labell« fleshy; ovipositor as long- as abdomen. Xiphomyia Townsend 153. Ocellars distinct 155 Ocellars absent; three sternopleurals 154 154. Abdomen broad, oval as in Sturmia ProrogluU Townsend Abdomen rather narrow, tapering Lixinia Curran 155. Vibrissce situated above the oral margin, the oral margin not promi- nent (108) Viviania Rondani Vibrissse practically level with the oral margin, the oral margin slightly produced 156 156. Two or three pairs of presutural acrosticals, the middle pair always strong . 157 One or two pairs of weak presutural acrosticals. Ochromeigenia Townsend 157. First vein bare 15S First vein setulose Thelairochaetona Townsend 158. Anterior tibi£e with a single posterior bristle Erycioides Curran Anterior tibiae with two posterior bristles (Lydella auct.) (135, 192). *Blondelia Desvoidy 159. Eyes with long or dense hair 160 Eyes bare or with inconspicuous, short spai'se hair 235 160. Parafacials with hairs or bristles extending to the lower half 161 Parafacials with at most a few hairs below the frontals 181 161. Palpi normal in length, usually thickened apically 162 Palpi greatly reduced, slender, never much more than twice the length of the thickness of proboscis at point of attachment; bend of fourth vein with long appendage (77) Linnaemya Desvoidy 162. Frontal bristles not extending below the upper third of the face, nor- mally only one situated below the base of the third antennal seg- ment, the parafacials with other hairs or bristles at least above. . . .163 Frontals extending to the middle of the third antennal segment; pteropleural reaching to the apex of the squamse Lypha Desvoidy 163. Facial ridges not bristled on more than the lowest fourth or the ocellars proclinate 165 Facial ridges bristled on at least the lower half; ocellars absent or reclinate 164 164. Ocellars absent Tritaxys Macquart Ocellai-s reclinate Distichona Wulp 165. Penultimate aristal segment rarely twice as long as wide, the preced- ing segment always short 166 Basal two aristal segments greatly elongate Digonichaeta Rondani 166. Abdomen with strong discals 173 Abdomen without strong discals 167 167. Apical cell long petiolate 168 Apical cell open 169 * Curran, 1927, Can. Ent. lix, p. 12 (Lydella). 442 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 168. Penultimate aristal segment elongate Paradmontia Coquillett Penultimate aristal segment very short, the arista strongly thickened at the base Websteriana Walton 169. Posterior tibise evenly and closely ciliate with bristles; hair of para- facials fine 170 Posterior tibiae not ciliate or the parafacial hair coarse 171 170. Facial ridges bristled on almost the lower half. . . .Sturmiopsis Townsend Facial ridges bristled on net more than the lowest third (145, 162). * Winthemia Desvoidy 171. Parafacials with bristly hair or a row of bristles 172 Parafacials with two bristles below Chromatocera Townsend 172. Ocellars proclinate (42, 43, 45, 52, 96). Paradidyma Brauer & Bergenstamm Ocellars reclinate (155) Ricosia Curran 173. Third antennal segment not more than twice as long as the second. . .178 Third antennal segment more than twice as long as the second 174 174. Apical cell long petiolate 175 Apical cell not long petiolate 176 175. First vein setulose on basal half Paradmontia Coquillett First vein bare Mauromyia Townsend 176. Penultimate aristal segment short 177 Penultimate aristal segment elongate; pai-afacials with two bristles below Chromatocera Townsend 177. Two presutural acrosticals Ictericophyto Townsend Three presutural acrosticals (111) Gaediopsis Brauer & Bergenstamm 178. Second antennal segment, if elongate, clothed with sparse, fine bristly hairs on the upper surface 179 Second antennal segment as long as the third, very densely bristled above; cheeks one-third as wide as the eye-height (105). Muscopteryx Townsend 179. Vibrissse situated on a level with the oral margin 180 Vibrissge situated well above the oral margin; parafacials almost as wide as the third antennal segment Meriana Desvoidy 180. Ocellars absent; prosternum bare. .Bombyliomyia Brauer & Bergenstamm Ocellars long, though weak, prosternum pilose Tachinalia, n. g. 181. Palpi of normal length and shape, if apparently short, broadened apically ' 182 Palpi short and narrow, seldom twice as long as thickness of proboscis at point of attachment; bend of fourth vein with appendage (77). Linnaemya Desvoidy 182. Facial ridges with strong bristles on lower half or more 183 Facial ridges with bristly hairs decreasing in length upwardly, rarely extending almost half way 204 183. Ocellars long, readily distinguished 190 Ocellars absent or hair-like 184 * Reinhard, 1931, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixxix, Art. 20, pp. 1-54. FAMILY TACHINID.E THE TACHINIDS 443 184. Three sternopleurals; face strongly receding-, gently convex in profile; abdomen with discals 186 Sternopleurals 1-1; face receding, not convex 185 185. Front slightly longer than the face, the antennae arising near the mid- dle of the eyes in profile (138, 152) Pelecotheca Townsend Front much shorter than the face, the antennae arising near the upper fourth of the eyes in profile (140, 156) Compsilura Bouche 186. Face strongly receiling; basicosta black 187 Face gently receding; basicosta yellow (159). . . . Anacamptomyia BischofF 187. With only two pairs of orbitals in both sexes or the frontal vitta half as wide as either paraf rontal 188 With a row of orbitals in both sexes; frontal vitta narrow. Metopiops Townsend 188. Fourth abdominal segment with discals 189 Fourth abdominal segment without discals Phaenopsis Townsend 189. Frontal vitta two-thirds as wide as either parafrontal. Paralispe Brauer & Bergenstamm Frontal vitta not half as wide as either parafrontal. *ArgyrophyIax Brauer & Bergenstamm 190. Pteropleural bristle not nearly reaching the apex of the lower squamal lobe '. 191 Pteropleural bristle extending to the apex of the lower squamal lobe; posterior sublateral bristle absent Lypha Desvoidy 191. Penultimate segment of arista not over twice as long as wide 19.3 Penultimate segment of arista at least three times as long as wide. . .192 192. Front with a row of bristles outside of the f rontals . Madremyia Townsend Front without a row of bristles outside the frontals. Murdockiana Townsend 193. Third antennal segment never with more than three branches 194 Third antennal segment with a large number of branches on either side Cryptocladocera Bezzi 194. Head decidedly more than half as long as high; paraf acials wide or the face much wider than either eye, always wider than the front. .195 Head half as long as high; parafacials less than half as wide as the elongate third antennal segment; face but little wider than the front, scarcely retreating, its sides parallel on the lower three- fourths (159) Anacamptomyia BischofT 195. Frontal bristles not extending below the base of the arista 196 Frontal bristles extending to the middle of the third antennal seg- ment Thrycolyga Rondani 196. Two or more bristles below the base of the antennae 197 A single bristle below the base of the antennae Cyzenis Desvoidy 197. Abdomen of ordinary form, decidedly wider than deep, the genitalia usually exposed, at least not enclosed in a slit-like opening 198 * Curran, 1929, Supiil. to Gowdey's Catalogue Dipt. Jamaica, p. 28. 444 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Abdomen in both sexes wide and deep, the terminal segment large, normally concealing the genitalia within a slit-like opening. *Pateloa Townsend 198. Middle coxje of female with normal bristles; males without orbitals. .199 Middle coxse of female with closely placed, curved apical spines; males with two pairs of orbitals (136, 137, 153, 175). Doryphorophaga Townsend 199. Posterior sublateral bristle present 200 Posterior sublateral absent fPhorocera Desvoidy 200. Abdomen with discals 201 Abdomen without discals Euthelaira Townsend 201. Ocellars long and strong 202 Ocellars weak; posterior presutural acrostical absent. Eupelecotheca Townsend 202. Ocellars proclinate 203 Ocellars reclinate Coloradalia, n. g. 203. Anterior tibiae with two posterior bristles; apical cell ending far be- fore the wing- tip (Amphichaeta B. B.) tP^iorocera Desvoidy Anterior tibiae with a single posterior bristle; apical cell ending close to the wing-tip (170, 194) Oxynopsalia, n. g. 204. Not metallic green or blue 20G Metallic green or blue 205 205. Oral margin strongly produced Chlorotachina Townsend Oral margin scarcely produced (56) Gymnochaeta Desvoidy 206. Pteropleural bristle of normal length or weak, if long the para- frontal s are shining black or the frontal bristles do not extend below the base of the arista 209 Pteropleural very long and strong, extending to the apex of the squamae; frontals usually extending to the middle of the third antennal segment; parafrontals pollinose 207 207. Male without orbitals; parafacials almost or fully half as wide as third antennal segment 208 Male with orbitals; parafacials below not over one-foui'th as wide as the elongate third antennal segment; front wide in both sexes. Homalactia Townsend 208. Frontal bristles extending to the middle of the parafacials. Lypha Desvoidy Frontals not extending below the base of the arista. Hineomyia Townsend 209. Parafrontals pollinose 210 Parafrontals bare; pteropleural long; apical cell terminating near the wing-tip; abdomen shining black Polidaria n. g. 210. Fifth longitudinal vein bare 212 Fifth longitudinal vein setose 211 * Aldrich and Webber. 1924, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixiii, Art. 17, pp. 45, 51 (Phorocera). t Aldrich and Webber, 1924, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixiii, Art. 17, pp. 45, 51. FAMILY TACHIXID.E THE TACHIXIDS 445 211. Penultimate aristal segment nearly three times as long as wide. Acronaristopsis Townsend Penultimate aristal segment less than twice as long as wide. Minthoplagia Townsend 212. Posterior sublateral bristle present 225 Posterior sublateral bristle absent 213 213. Penultimate aristal segment not over twice as long as wide 214 Penultimate aristal segment and the preceding one more than twice as long as wide Ostracophyto Townsend 214. Oral margin strongly produced; face never carinate 215 Oral margin not or but little produced; face sometimes carinate 217 215. Abdomen broad and thick; robust species, usually with four post- sutural dorsocentrals; three or more sternopleurals 21G Abdomen elongate and narrow; three sternopleural and three pairs of postsutui-al dorsocentrals Eriothrix Meigen 216. Normally only three postsutural dorsocentrals; parafacials almost as wide as the length of the third antennal segment. Metaphyto Coquillett Four postsutural dorsocentrals; parafacials narrower than width of third antennal segment Ernestia Desvoidy 217. Posthumeral bristle present; bend of fourth vein sub-angulate 218 Posthumeral bristle absent 222 218. Two sternopleurals, rarely a very weak third 221 Three stei'nopleurals; male abdomen strongly produced apically 219 219. Apical cell ending very close to the wing-tip Cleonice Desvoidy Apical cell ending far before the wing-tip 220 220. Prosternum with bristly hairs 224 Prosternum bare (65, 66) *Uramya Desvoidy 221. Prostemiim bare (178, 184) fPseudeuantha Townsend Prosternum haired; lower squamal lobe haired above toward the outer edge; large, I'obust, tropical species Tropidopsis Townsend 222. Third abdominal segment with two or three arched rows of long discals Grisdalemyia Curran Third abdominal segment with one or two pairs of discals; pro- sternum bare 223 223. Three sternopleurals 224 Two sternopleurals JHyalurgus Brauer & Bergenstamm 224. Discals present on second to fourth abdominal segments. Xanthocera Townsend Discals absent Euthelairopsis Townsend 225. Second antennal segment usually less than half as long as the third. .227 Second antennal segment almost as long as the third 226 * Aldrich, 1921, Ins. Ins. Mens., ix, p. 85. t Aldrich, 1921, Ins. Ins. Mens., ix, p. 87. t Pseudeuantha may trace here but has white haired pleura. 446 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 226. Head as long below as at the antennae; antennae arising below the middle of the eyes Tricogena Rondani Head shorter below than at antennae; abdomen flattened. *Nemorilla Desvoidy 227. Vibrissae situated at most slightly above the oral margin 229 Vibrissae situated more than half the length of the second antennal segment above the oral margin 22S 228. Abdomen with strong discals. . .fMacromeigenia Brauer & Bergenstamm Abdomen without discals on the intermediate segments. Bolomyia Brauer & Bergenstamm 229. Apical abdominal segment closing slit-like, deeper than wide 230 Apical abdominal segment not closing slit-like, wider than deep at the base 231 230. Several coarse setulse below the frontals; facial depression very deep; parafacials as wide as the facial depression. . .Organomyia Townsend No hairs below the frontals; parafacials not over half as wide as the shallower facial depression Leptostylum Macquart 231. Anterior tibiae with at least two posterior bristles 232 Anterior tibiae with a single posterior bristle 233 232. Third antennal segment more than twice as long as wide (57, 94). JZenillia Desvoidy Third antennal segment subtriangular, almost as wide as long. Obolocera Townsend 233. Discals absent; abdomen broad; cheeks linear (171, 182). Anadiscalia, n. g. Discals present; cheeks at least one-fifth the eye-height 234 234. Frontal vitta of male very narrow; female with stout spines on the apex of the middle coxae; abdomen broad (136, 137, 153, 175). Doryphorophaga Townsend Frontal vitta not unusually narrow; female without spines on middle coxae Ptilodegeeria Brauer & Bergenstamm 235. Parafacials with hair or bristles on the lower half 236 Parafacials bare on the lower half 291 236. Ocellar bristles present, directed obliquely forward or divergent 248 Ocellar bristles directed obliquely backward, absent or hair-like 237 237. Ocellars directed obliquely backward 238 Ocellars hair-like or absent 240 238. Facial ridges with strong bristles on the lower half, or the penulti- mate aristal segment not over twice as long as wide; head not strongly inflated in appearance 239 Facial ridges bristled on less than the lowest fourth, the head inflated in appearance; penultimate aristal segment always more than three times as long as wide (12, 13) Gonia Meigen * Aldrich & Webber, 1924, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixiii, Art. 17, p. 5. t Reinhard, 1930, Ent. News, xli, p. 262. J Aldrich & Webber, 1924, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixiii, Art. 17. p. 11. FAMILY TACHIXID.B THE TACHINIDS 447 239. Apical cell open or closed in the wing margin (3, 46). Spallanzania Desvoidy Apical cell rather long petiolate Aravaipa Townsend 240. Arista plumose or strongly pubescent, the clypeal region as long as the distance from the upper pair of vibrissas to the antennal base. . .249 Arista bare or weakly pubescent; oral margin produced and not nar- rowed 241 241. Apical cell petiolate 242 Apical cell open 243 242. Prosternum bare Neometachaeta Townsend Prosternum with hair and a long bristle on the sides. .Epidexia Townsend 243. Palip absent or very slender on their whole length 244 Palpi normal, enlarged apically 247 244. Palpi extremely short or absent, never more than twice the length of the thickness of the proboscis at point of attachment 245 Palpi elongate and slender, very rarely short; parafacials always with two or more bristles below (7) *Peleteria Desvoidy 245. Parafacials with one or more bristles below (39, 61) .Cuphocera Macquart Parafacials without bristles below 246 246. Abdomen without discal bristles Euepalpus Townsend Abdomen with discal bristles on intermediate segments. Xanthozona Townsend 247. Parafacials with one or more bristles in addition to the hair. Chaetoprosopa Townsend Parafacials with fine hair only Chaetoprocta Brauer & Bergenstamm 248. Clypeal region not long and narrow, short and not conspicuous, cheeks rarely more than half as wide as the eye-height 251 Clypeal region long and narrow; cheeks two-thirds as wide as the eye- height 249 249. Posterior sublateral bristle absent 250 Posterior sublateral bristle present; sternites with at most weak bristles (99) tMicrophthalma Macquart 250. Sternites with long, very strong bristles Megaprosopus Macquart Sternites without strong bristles Megaparia Wulp 251. Palpi normal in shape and length 254 Palpi absent or reduced to about half the normal length, wholly slen- der and bearing only one or two apical bristles 252 252. Apical cell open 253 Apical cell long petiolate (115) Melanophora Meigen 253. Palpi absent or extremely small; large, robust, Archytas-like species, the apical cell ending far before the wing-tip. . Vibrossomyia Townsend Palpi about half the normal length; apical cell ending close to the wing-tip Atrophopalpus Townsend * Curran, 1925, Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, Section V, p. 226. t Aldrich. 1926, Pr. U. S. N. M.. Ixix, Art. 13, p. 2. 448 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 254. Ultimate section of fifth vein less than half as long as the pi'eceding section 261 Ultimate section of fifth vein or its fold more than half as long as the preceding section 255 255. Parafacials with one or more downwardly directed bristles 256 Parafacials with only short hairs 260 256. Pteropleural bristle extending to the apex of the squamae 257 Pteropleural bristle of normal length 258 257. Posterior crossvein lying wholly beyond the anterior crossvein. Blepharigena Rondani Posterior ci'ossvein situated partly before the anterior crossvein (73, 74 ) Goniochaeta Townsend 258. Arista short plumose Microchaetina Wulp Arista bare 259 259. Parafacials more than two-thirds as wide as the facial depression. Cockerelliana Townsend Parafacials narrow (type Voria neotropica Curran) Vorialia, n. g. 260. Proboscis long and slender; first vein setulose (69, 79). Plagiomima Brauer & Bergenstamm Proboscis short and stout; first vein bare Metaplagia Coquillett 261. Face strongly carinate, the arista plumose 262 Facial carina weak or absent; arista bare to plumose 263 262. Apical cell closed and petiolate Hesperodinera Townsend Apical cell open (119, 124, 125, 133) *Rhynchiodexia Bigot 263. Facial ridges never strongly bristled on the lower half, if almost so the bristles becoming weak above 271 Facial ridges strongly bristled on lower half or more 264 264. Third antennal segment usually less than three times the length of the second; face only moderately retreating below; usually over 9 mm. in length; posthumeral bristle always strong 26S Third antennal segment more than four times as long as the second, or if not the posthumeral bristle weak or absent; face very strongly receding 265 265. Apical cell long petiolate Eleodiphaga Walton Apical cell open or very short petiolate 266 266. Parafacials much narrower than the facial depression. fAdmontia Brauer & Bergenstamm Parafacials as wide as the facial depression 267 267. Fifth vein setulose Actinochaeta Brauer & Bergenstamm Fifth vein bare Baumhaueria Meigen 268. Penultimate aristal segment less than twice as long as wide 269 Penultimate aristal segment at least three times as long as wide (87). Chaetogaedia Brauer & Bergenstamm Curran, 1930, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., l.xi, p. 93. Curran, 1927, Can. Ent., lix, p. 294. FAMILY TACHIXID.K THE TACHIXIDS 449 269. Base of wings deep brown; abdomen piceous or largely castaneous (4 ) Leschenaultia Desvoidy Base of wings never brown; abdomen largely gray pollinose, more or less reddish laterally or apically 270 270. Apical cell ending far before the wing-tip; large species. .Gaedia Meigen Apical cell ending near the wing-tip; small species. *Admontia Brauer & Bergenstamm 271. Apical cell closed and rather long petiolate 286 Apical cell open, closed in the margin or extremely short petiolate. . .272 272. Penultimate aristal segment not over twice as long as wide 273 Basal two aristal segments each at least three times as long as wide. Digonichaeta Rondani 273. Posterior sublateral bristle very strong 284 Posterior sublateral bristle absent; face strongly retreating 274 274. Third abdominal segment with at most two pairs of discals 275 Third abdominal segment with a row of discals Gibsonomyia Curran 275. At least the third abdominal segment with discals 276 Intermediate segments without discals, the marginals rarely simulat- ing discals 279 276. Both the second and third abdominal segments with discals or the marginals not situated far forward 277 Second segment without discals but the marginals situated far for- ward Paralispidea Townsend 277. Second antennal segment almost or quite half as long as the third. . .278 Second antennal segment not nearly half as long as the third. Phyllomya Desvoidy 278. Cheeks about half as wide as the eye-height. . . .Eubrachymera Townsend Cheeks not one-third as wide as the eye-height Peteina Meigen 279. Apical cell petiolate 280 Apical cell open 281 280. Arista almost wholly thickened Hypertrophocera Townsend Arista thin on apical fourth or more (23, 24). . . Ceratomyiella Townsend 281. Presutural acrosticals present 282 Presutural acrosticals absent Peteina Meigen 282. Arista more or less distinctly plumose 283 Arista bare or practically so, thickened on almost its whole length. Hypertrophocera Townsend 283. First and fifth veins setose Actinochaeta Brauer & Bergenstamm First and fifth veins bare Phasiophyto Townsend 284. Parafacials with fine hairs only 285 Parafacials with three or more downwardly directed bristles (83, 86). Chaetoplagia Coquillett 285. Intermediate abdominal segments with discals; no orbitals in male. fSpathimeigenia Townsend * Curran. 1927. Can. Enl., lix. p. 294. t Aldrich, 1931, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixxx, Art. 11, p. 3. 450 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Intermediate abdominal segments without discals; a row of orbitals in male (Eupoi!;ona auct.) Eipoj>ona Rondani 286. Parafacials at least half as wide as median depression, with scattered bristly hairs; abdomen largely poUinose 288 Parafacials less than one-thii'd the width of the median depression, with a row of bristles; abdomen shining 287 287. Third antennal segment at least twice as long as the second; front of both sexes at least two-thirds as wide as either eye (40, 41). *Wagneria Desvoidy Third antennal segment but little longer than the second; front strongly narrowed in both sexes fHesperophasia Townsend 288. Two or three presutural acrosticals and dorsocentrals 289 No pi'esutural acrosticals and only two pairs of weak presutural dor- socentrals (58, 59) Penthosia Wulp 289. Proboscis not longer than length of head; parafacials about two- thirds as wide as median depression 290 Proboscis much longer than the head-height; parafacials as wide as the median depression Trochilodes Coquillett 290. Face receding, longer than the front (84, 85) . . . .Euthyprosopa TowTisend Oral margin prominent, the face shorter than the front. Steveniopsis Townsend 291. Thorax without plumose hairs 292 Thorax in part with plumose yellowish hairs Teleothyria Wulp 292. Facial ridges bristled on less than the lower half, the bristles almost always decreasing in length above; oral vibrissse always strongly developed 341 Facial ridges with strong bristles on the lower half or more or the vibrissse very weak or absent 293 293. Oral vibrissse strongly differentiated and long 297 Oral vibrissge not differentiated 294 294. Facial ridges with two or three rows of hairs on the lower half, the parafacials "rolled" over the ridges above 295 Facial ridges with a single row of bristles on the lower half, the ridges continuous to the base of the antennae, not hidden on the upper half by the parafacials; presutural acrosticals present 296 295. Arista pectinate Trixodes Coquillett Arista pubescent Trixa Meigen 296. Apical cell long petiolate; arista about half as long as the third an- tennal segment Paraphasmophaga Townsend Apical cell short petiolate; arista much longer than antenna (26, 27). O^strophasia Brauer & Bergenstamm 297. Ocellars well developed, directed obliquely forward, rarely almost divergent 304 Ocellars reclinate, absent or scarcely differentiated 298 298. Ocellars absent or extremely weak 300 Ocellars reclinate 299 * Cuiran, 1928, Can. Ent., Ix, p. 48. t Curian, 1927, Can. Ent., lix, ii. 300. FAMILY TACHIXID.E THE TACHIXIDS 451 299. Penultimate aiistal segment elongate Distichona Wulp Penultimate aiistal segment not over twice as long as wide. Vibrissovoria Townsend 300. Cheeks not wider than the thii'd antennal segment 302 Cheeks much wider than the third antennal segment 301 301. Posterior tibiae evenly, closely ciliate; parafacials narrow; smaller species Sturmia Desvoidy Posterior tibi?e not closely ciliate; parafacials wide; large species. '^Belvosia Desvoidy 302. Both sexes with reclinate orbital bristles 303 Neither sex with reclinate orbitals Prosopaea Rondani 303. Ocellars entirely absent Pseudocha;ta Townsend Ocellars very small but distinct and cruciate; male with two reclinate and one proclinate orbital Argyrochsetona Townsend 304. Apical crossvein present 306 Apical crossvein absent 305 305. Parafacials much wider than antennae Roeseliopsis Townsend Parafacials very narrow below Schizotachina Walker 306. Posterior tibiae not ciliate, or if so the bristles are rather widely separated with two or more of them longer or the parafacials are not hairy below the frontal bristles 308 Posterior tibi« evenly closely ciliate, at most one of the bristles con- spicuously longer than the rest; parafacials usually haired on the upper half 307 307. Cilia on posterior tibiae long, very dense and contiguous; parafacials usually with hairs below the f rentals (Thysanopsis Tns., Blephari- peza Macq.) (4) Leschenaultia Desvoidy Cilia less numeious, not quite contiguous; parafacials bare (109). fAchaetoneura Brauer & Bergenstamm 308. Frontal bristles extending but little below the base of the third anten- nal segment, usually a single bristle below the base; fourth vein without a fold or the facial ridges bristled on more than the lower half 309 Frontals extending to the middle of the third antennal segment, at least two bristles below the base of the arista; eyes sparsely short haired; bend of fourth vein with a long fold; facial ridges usually bristled on the lowest third Exorista Meigen 309. Middle coxse without stout apical spines 310 Middle coxae with short, stout curved spines on the apex (?) (136, 137, 153, 175) Doryphorophaga Townsend 310. First vein with at most two or three weak bristles 311 First vein bristled on at least the apical half . . . .Chaetophleps Coquillett 311. Appendage or fold of fifth vein less than one-third as long as the preceding section 313 Appendage or fold of fifth vein more than half as long as the preced- ing section 312 * Aldrifh, 1928, Proc. U. S. N. M.. Ixxiii, Article 8, pp. 1-45. t Webber. 1930. Proc. U. S. N. M.. Ixxviii, Art. 10, pp. 1-37. 452 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 312. Eyes quite bare; ultimate section of fifth vein only about half as long as the preceding section 315 Eyes with short, sparse hair; apical section of fifth vein two-thirds as long as preceding section (97, 98) Stomatomya Rondani 313. Apical cell open or closed in the wing margin 317 Apical cell closed and petiolate 314 314. Arista almost wholly thickened 315 Arista slender on apical fourth or more. Anacheetopsis Brauer & Bergenstamm 315. Arista slender on apical half or more Phceniceomyia Townsend Arista almost wholly thickened 316 316. Penultimate aristal segment four times as long as wide (114). Chaetoglossa Townsend Penultimate aristal segment not twice as long as wide. Archiclops Bischoff 317. Proboscis shorter than the head-height 318 Proboscis twice as long as the head-height; aristal segments of almost equal length Eucoronomyia Townsend 318. Males 319 Females 332 319. Orbital bristles present although sometimes situated almost in the frontal row 320 Orbitals absent 325 320. Abdomen with discals, not unusually deep 321 Abdomen without discals, elongate and deep; antennae arising below the middle of the eyes; two pairs of presutural acrosticals and dor- socentrals Chaetonodexodes Townsend 321. Anterior tibise with two or three strong posterior bristles 323 Anterior tibiae with a single posterior bristle 322 322. Third antennal segment divided into two lobes Schizotachina Walker Third antennal segment entire, not unusually wide. . .Celatoria Coquillett 323. Frontal vitta wider anteriorly than the least width of either para- frontal " 324 Frontal vitta nowhere wider than the least width of either para- frontal, not widening anteriorly Paralispe Brauer & Bergenstainm 324. Front almost or quite as wide as either eye Racodineura Rondani Front less than two-thirds as wide as either eye (Arrhinomyia B. B.) (149, 173) *Elodia Desvoidy 325. Second antennal segment not unusually bristly above but with some longer bristles apically 326 Second antennal segment densely bristled above; facial ridges with bristles on more than the lower half (9) fTachinomyia Townsend * Villeneuve and Aldiich (1929, 1933) recoprnize Arrhinomyia as distinct from Elodia but I see no reason for this. t Curran. 1926, Tr. Roy. Soc. Canada, Sec. V, p. 168. FAMILY TACHIXID.E — THE TACIIIXIDS 453 326. Anterior tibiae with at least two posterior bristles; species over 5 mm. in length 328 Anterior tibiae with a single posterior bristle; species about 4 mm. in length 327 327. Apical cell ending very close to the wing-tip Oxynops Townsend Apical cell ending far before the wing-tip Bessa Desvoidy 328. Abdomen tapering or not, often with discals; posterior forceps split on apical portion, nev^er laterally compressed 329 Abdomen elongate, tapering, rarely with discals; posterior forceps of male united into a long, compressed organ (9) .*Tachinomyia Townsend 329. Apical scutellars cruciate 330 Apical scutellars absent or divergent 331 330. Antennae reaching slightly beyond the oral margin, the third segment at least six times the length of the second (Europe). .Frontina Meigen Antenna not reaching the oral opening; third segment not over four times the length of the second Allophorocera Hendel 331. Parafacials wide, the cheeks two-thirds as wide as the eye-height, the parafacials setulose on the upper half Centeter Aldrich Parafacials narrower, the cheeks less than one-third the eye-height. Degeeria Meigen 332. Genital opening not slit-like; abdomen broader than deep 334 Genital opening slit-like; abdomen broad and deep 333 333. Orbitals scarcely divergent; abdomen rarely with discals (9). *Tachinomyia Townsend Orbitals conspicuously divergent; abdomen always with discals. Allophorocera Hendel 334. Third vein with a single strong basal bristle 339 Third vein with two or more basal bristles 335 335. Arista pubescent or bare; third vein with not more than five bristles basally 336 Arista short plumose; third vein bristled almost to the small crossvein. Paralispe Brauer & Bergenstamm 336. Parafacials almost as wide as the median depression, setulose on almost the upper half Centeter Aldrich Parafacials narrower, bare below the lowest f rontals 337 337. Penultimate aristal segment very elongate. Trichopareia Brauer & Bergenstamm Penultimate aristal segment short; abdomen with or without short discals; two sternopleurals 338 338. Middle tibiae with two strong anterodorsal bristles. Frontiniella Townsend Middle tibise with only one strong anterodorsal bristle. Oxynops Townsend 339. Lower margins of the second tergite strongly produced downward and with numerous spinose setulse; ovipositor long and slender, often hidden Celatoria Coquillett * Curran, 1926, Tr. Roy. Soc. Canada, Sec. V, p. 168. 454 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Tergites not produced downward, the edges rarely setulose; ovipositor not elongate 340 340. Face narrower than either eye; penultimate arista! segment short (149, 173) Elodia Desvoidy Face wider than either eye; penultimate aristal segment elongate. Schizotachina Walker 341. Apical crossvein present 347 Apical crossvein absent 342 342. Posterior crossvein present 343 Posterior crossvein absent Phytomyptera Rondani 343. Antennae reaching the lowest fifth of the face 344 Antennae not reaching below the lowest third of the face. Hemithrixion Brauer & Bergenstamm 344. A single bristle at the base of the third vein 345 Three or more bristles on the third vein 346 345. Parafacials narrower than the third antennal segment. Schizotachina Walker Pai'afacials twice as wide as the third antennal segment. Roeseliopsis Townsend 346. Antennae arising near upper edge of eyes, enormovis in size; head almost rectangular; bristles of thorax not unusually depressed (28, 29, 144 ) Euryceromyia Townsend Antennae arising lower down; head not nearly i-ectangular; bristles of thorax depressed (148, 189) Actia Desvoidy 347. Palpi present and well developed 354 Palpi absent or but little longer than the width of the proboscis at point of attachment 348 348. Arista bare or pubescent 349 Arista plumose; face strongly carinate Prosena Serville 349. Third antennal segment usually less than three times the length of the second, if long the abdomen pedunculate 350 Third antennal segment five times the length of the second, broadened apically, concave above (47, 70) Beskia Wulp 350. Apical cell open 351 Apical cell closed and petiolate (54) *Cylindromyia Latreille 351. Face not conspicuously receding, concave in profile, the oral margin produced; vibrissas situated well above the oral margin 352 Face receding; oral margin not produced; vibrissae level with oral margin (63, 64 ) Icelia Desvoidy 352. Second abdominal segment strongly narrowed Polistiopsis Tov^^nsend Second abdominal segment not narrowed, much bi-oader than deep. . . .353 353. Palpi entirely absent Paraphasiopsis Townsend Palpi narrow, four times as long as wide, or longer. .Phasiopsis Townsend Aldiich, 1926. Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixviii. Art 23, pp. 1-27. FAMILY TACHINID.E THE TACHIXIDS 455 354. Apical cell at most with an extremely short petiole 359 Apical cell with a petiole almost one-third the length of the apical crossvein 355 355. Antennge shorter than the face, the middle of the face depx'essed; vibrissje situated on a level with or above the anterior oral margin. 356 Antennae longer than the face; middle of face longitudinally convex, not depressed; vibrissae situated below the anterior oral margin; wings pictured (80, 81) Euthera Loew 356. Ocellar bristles proclinate 357 Ocellar bristles directed more or less backward (67, 68). Leucostoma Meigen 357. Third vein ending in the wing-tip; oral margin produced 358 Third vein ending well before the wing-tip (44, 53). Vanderwulpia Townsend 358. Front of female wide; four pairs of marginal scutellars. Psalidopteryx Townsend Front of both sexes strongly narrowed; three pairs of marginal scutellars *Clistomorpha Townsend 359. Ultimate section of the fifth vein less than half as long as the pre- ceding section 360 Ultimate section of the fifth vein three-fourths as long as the pre- ceding section Catalinovoria Townsend 360. Penultimate aristal segment not over twice as long as wide 371 Penultimate aristal segment three times as long as wide, or if some- what shorter, widened apically and the proboscis geniculate 361 361. Proboscis not geniculate 362 Proboscis long and geniculate, the labell« turned back, narrow and more or less fused (78, 183) fSiphona Meigen 362. Proboscis, beyond the basal articulation, not as long as the head- height 364 Apical section of the proboscis longer than the head-height 363 363. Antennas reaching almost or quite to the oral margin; face not reced- ing; parafacials at most one-third as wide as the third antennal segment (14, 82, 150, 174) Epigrimyia Townsend Antennte not reaching to the moderately produced oral margin; para- facials more than half as wide as third antennal segment; face re- ceding above (2) Aphria Desvoidy 364. Third antennal segment of the male not furcate 365 Third antennal segment of the male furcate Acronarista Townsend 365. Third vein with not more than three bristles basally 368 Third vein bristled more than half way to the small crossvein 366 366. Bristles of the thorax erect 367 Bristles of the thorax rather appressed (148, 189) JActia Desvoidy * Curran, 1927, Can. Ent., lix, p. 297. t Curran. 1932, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 534. p. 13 (Bucentes). i Curran, 1933, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 614. pp, 1-7. 456 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 367. Head about as long as high Masistylum Brauer & Bergenstamm Head much higher than long Phantasiomyia Townsend 368. Cheeks less than half the eye-height in width 369 Cheeks nearly as wide as the eye-height (28, 29, 144). Euryceromyia Townsend 369. Palpi normal 370 Palpi very greatly swollen, unusually large Lispidea Coquillett 370. Third antennal segment more than twice as long as wide. Clausicella Rondani Third antennal segment less than twice as long as wide (16). Plectops Coquillett 371. No appendage or fold at bend of fourth vein, if an adventitious ap- pendage is present it is not continued in the same line as the fourth vein 385 An appendage or distinct fold at the bend of the fourth vein, the appendage continued in almost the same line as the preceding sec- tion of the vein 372 372. Posterior pair of presutural acrostical bristles situated very close to the suture and much behind the posterior pair of presutural dorso- centrals 373 Posterior pair of presutural acrosticals almost in a line with the posterior presutural dorsocentrals or in front of them 374 373. Frontal bristles extending almost to the middle of the third antennal segment; genital opening not slit-like Exorista Meigen Frontals descending but little below the base of the third antennal segment; genital opening rather slit-like (9) . . *Tachinomyia Townsend 374. Arista with long rays 378 Arista pubescent or bare 375 375. Intermediate abdominal segments without discals 370 Intermediate abdominal segments with paired discals; fourth vein with very short appendage, or none; face never carinate. •fDexodes Brauer & Bergcmstamm 376. Cheeks not over one-third as wide as the eye-height 377 Cheeks about half as wide as the eye-height Ochrocera Townsend 377. Abdomen long and narrow; ultimate section of proboscis elongate. Catenophrys Townsend Abdomen oval; proboscis short and robust JNeophryxe Townsend 378. Face not strongly carinate, more or less carinate in the middle above. 381 Facial carina strongly developed and reaching to the clypeal region. .379 379. Prosternum bare 380 Presternum with two pairs of bristles Trichoduropsis Townsend * Curran, 1926, Tr. Roy. Soc. Canada, Sec. V. p. 168. t Curran, 1927, Can. Ent., lix, p. 20. :•: This genus was described from specimens reared in Massachusetts from material originat- ing in Japan. FAMILY TACHIXID.E THE TACHIXIDS 457 380. Pteropleural bristle extending to beyond the apex of the squamag; apical abdominal segment of the male very strongly produced. Trichodura Brauer & Bergenstamm Pteropleural bristle short as usual; abdomen not cylindrically pro- duced in male Dexia Meigen 381. Abdomen slender basally, spatulate 384 Abdomen not spatulate, even though cylindrical 382 382. Abdomen very slender and not tapering from near the base; costa with an extremely strong bristle near the base on the inner side (116) Sophia Desvoidy Abdomen broader and more tapering; costal bristles short and fine. . .383 383. Abdomen metallic blue (147, 177) Zuanalia, n. g. Abdomen black in ground color (128, 131) Zelia Desvoidy 384. Lower squamal lobe very small Eucordyligaster Townsend Lower squamal lobe large as usual *Cordyligaster Macquart 385. Vibrissal angles not unusually prominent, if situated high above the oral margin the facial depression is not deeply sunken below; head not twice as high as long, or if so the face strongly retreating. . . .386 Vibrissal angles high, the facial depression carried far below them at a much lower level; head twice as high as long; presternum swollen Ormia Desvoidy 386. Posterior pair of presutural acrostical bristles situated very close to the suture and much behind the posterior pair of presutural dorso- centrals; always three pairs of presutural dorsocentrals 387 Posterior pair of presutural acrosticals situated but little behind the posterior presutural dorsocentrals, or there are but two pairs of the latter; presutural acrosticals sometimes absent 422 387. VibrissEe at most half the length of the second antennal segment above the anterior oral margin 392 Vibrissse situated high above the oral margin 388 388. Antennae reaching at least to the lowest third of the face, the second segment not nearly as long as the third; vibrissas only moderately above the oral margin 389 Antennae unusually small, the second segment almost as long as the third; vibrissje situated very high above the oral margin (6). fAtacta Schiner 889. Abdomen without discals 390 Abdomen with discals Meigenia Desvoidy 390. Parafrontals with numerous hairs on the anterior half 391 Parafrontals with but few hairs on the anterior half. ^lasiphya Brauer & Bergenstamm 391. Oral margin carried rather strongly forward below the vibrissse. JSiphosturmiopsis Townsend Oral margin not conspicuously produced .Sturmia Desvoidy * Aldrich, 1927, Journ. Wash. Acad. Sci.. xvii, p. 85. t Aldrich, 1925, Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixvi, Art. IS, p. 29. t Reinhard. 1931. Pr. U. S. N. M., Ixix, Art. 11, p. 9. 458 NORTH A:Mi;RirAX diptera 392. Posterior tibiae evenly and closely ciliate above with fairly long bristles, only one of which may be longer and stronger 420 Posterior tibiae not evenly ciliate 393 393. Arista bare or pubescent 395 Arista plumose 394 394. Cheeks half as wide as eye-height (128, 131) Zelia Desvoidy Cheeks much narrower Minthozelia Townsend 395. Apical cell ending far before the wing-tip 409 Apical cell ending at or near the wing-tip 39G 396. Costal spine not strongly developed, never as long as the width of the costal cell and not outstanding, if somewhat long the parafacials are decidedly narrower than the witlth of the third antennal seg- ment 398 Costal spine longer than the width of the costal cell 397 397. Facial ridges convex in profile; tliscals present. Phrynofrontina Townsend Facials ridges concave below; discals absent (48, 49). Spathidexia Townsend 398. Female abdomen not strongly keeled 399 Female abdomen strongly keeled, the edges of the tergites spined. Jicaltepecia Townsend 399. First vein bare 400 First vein with strong bristles on the apical half; antennae arising above the midtlle of the eyes Clausicellana Curran 400. Lower margin of head not strongly oblique on anterior half; posterior sublateral present 401 Lower margin of the head strongly oblique on the anterior half; posterior sublatei'al absent; three pairs of scutellars. Pelatachina Meade 401. Apical abdominal segment horizontal, the genital opening visible from posterior view , 402 Apical abdominal segment vertical, the genital opening wholly ventral. Panacemyia Townsend 402. Male with orbitals (rarely with a single one in the frontal row); outer verticals of ? two-thirds as long as the verticals 40fi Male without orbitals; outer verticals of ? little more than half as long as verticals 403 403. Third antennal segment at least three times as long as wide, or not unusually large 404 Third antennal segment very large, long and almost half as wide as its length *Elephantocera Townsend 404. Palpi not unusually swollen; third vein with two or three basal setulae 403 Palpi greatly swollen; third vein setulose to small crossvein 406 * Curran, 1930, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., Ixi. p. 96. FAMILY TACHIXID.E THE TACIIIXIDS 451) 405. Terjiites of female produced downward and finely ppined. SchizocerophaRa Tow^nsend Termites of female normal 'Lixophasa Townsend 406. Third vein bristled to the .'^mall crossvein; facial ridg-es convex in profile Hypertrophomma Town.send Third vein with only two or three ba?al bristles; sublateral bristle present 407 407. Facial depression deep, the parafacials prominent in profile 408 Facial depression shallow, the parafacials very low in profile, the ridges flat; head short (158, 165) Patillalia, n. g. 408. Frontal vitta linear Argyrochaetona Townsentl Frontal vitta not remarkably narrow Microceromacia Villeneuve 409. Head receding below 413 Head as long below as at the oral margin 410 410. Abdomen with strong marginals on the intermediate segments 411 Abdomen without strong marginals on the intermediate segments; vibrissas situated far above the oral margin. Masiphya Brauer & Bergenstamm 411. First vein setulose except apically Microsillus Aldrich First vein bare 412 412. Ocellars present Myothyriopsis Townsend Ocellars absent Laximasicera Curran 413. First vein bare 414 First vein setulose Houghia Coquillett 414. Front scarcely longer than the face, more or less convex, not promi- nent anteriorly 415 Front longer than the face, not convex in profile, produced anteriorly; abdomen with discals; apical scutellars erect Meigenia Desvoidy 415. Ocellars absent or very weak 419 Ocellars present; discals present or absent 41() 416. Face unusually flat, the head short; parafacials vei*y narrow below (158) 417 Face not unusually flat, the head more elongate (1). . . .fLydella Desvoidy 417. Third vein bristled to small crossvein 418 Third vein with two or three very strong basal bristles (158, 165). Patillalia, n. g. 418. Ocellars very strong (160, 179) Agrarialia, n. g. Ocellars short and rather weak (143, 168) Aridalia, n. g. 419. Abdomen with discals Parathelaira Town.send Abdomen without discals 420 420. Parafrontals each much less than four times as wide as the frontal vitta; front not convex; ocellars present 421 Aldrich, 1025. Pr. Ent. Soc. Wash., Mxvii, p. 133. Curran, 1932. Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 526, p. 11 (Erycia). 460 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Parafrontals wide, the median vitta less than one-fourth as wide as the parafrontals at the middle; ocellars absent; front gently convex. Arsyrophylax Brauer & Bergenstamm 421. Oral margin rather strongly produced Siphosturmia Coquillett Oral margin but slightly produced Sturmia Desvoidy 422. Face at least moderately retreating 449 Face but little retreating, almost or quite as long below as at base of antennae 423 423. Apical section of the proboscis much shorter than the head-height or the apical cell ending far before the wing-tip 427 Apical section of the proboscis at least as long as the head-height; apical cell ending close to the wing-tip 424 424. First vein bare above 425 First vein setulose above Leskiomima Brauer & Bergenstamm 425. Arista bare or pubescent 420 Arista with very long rays (176, 185) Shermanalia, n. g. 426. Head decidedly higher than long (14, 82, 150, 174) .Epigrimyia Townsend Head as long below as its height Weberia Desvoidy 427. Parafacial decidedly less than half as wide as the facial depression; face not strongly carinate 432 Parafacial at the narrowest part almost or quite half as wide as the facial depression, or the face strongly carinate 428 428. Arista long plumose 429 Arista pubescent or bare Apachemyia Townsend 429. Facial carina weak (128, 131) Zelia Desvoidy Facial carina strong 430 430. Antennae reaching little more than half way to the oral margin 431 Antennae reaching three-fourths of the way to the oral margin (120, 129 ) Scotiptera Macquart 431. Third antennal segment three times as long as the second. Eudexia Brauer & Bergenstamm Third antennal segment not three times longer than wide, in the male only slightly longer than the second (127, 130) . .Hystrichodexia Roder 432. Apical cell ending in or near the wing-tip 435 Apical cell ending well before the wing-tip 433 433. Third vein with only a few basal bristles 434 First and fifth veins bristled above (123) Thelaira Desvoidy 434. Frontal vitta not wider than either parafrontal Demoticus Macquart Frontal vitta twice as wide as either parafrontal; a row of orbital s. Euhalidaya Walton 435. Third antennal segment near the base not wider than the second, or if so, the abdomen elongate and narrow 437 Third antennal segment conspicuously wider than the second; abdo- men short, oval 436 436. Presutural acrosticals scarcely developed. . . . Chaetostigmoptera Townsend Presutural acrosticals well developed (148, 189) *Actia Desvoidy * Curran. 1933, Amar. Mus. Movit. No. 614, pp. 1-7. FAMILY TACHIXID.E THE TACHIXIDS 461 437. Apical abdominal segiTient horizontal, the genital opening evident from posterior view 438 Apical abdominal segment vertical at apex, the genital opening- ventral (117, 126) ■Calodexia Wulp 438. Costal spine not strongly developed; oral margin prominent; wings not brown with pale spots 439 Costal spine long; oral margin and vibrissal angles scarcely raised; wings brown with hyaline spots Jamacaria Curran 439. Largely yellowish species 441 Wholly black species; wings partly brown 440 440. First vein bare; third with a single basal bristle (Plectops?). Nephopteropsis Townsend First vein setulose Slossonaemyia Townsend 441. Third antennal segment narrower than the second or the fifth vein bare 442 Third antennal segment wider than the second, the fifth vein setulose. Trichotopteryx Townsend 442. Head at most one and one-half times as high as long 443 Head almost twice as high as long Xanthodexia Wulp 443. Palpi variable, sometimes shortened, usually curved, never broad and flattened 444 Palpi long, broad antl flattened on the apical half or more, never curved (112) Genea Rondani 444. At most two presutural acrostical or dorsocentral bristles 44G Three presutural acrostical and dorsocentral bristles 445 445. Abdomen with discals (36) Binghamimyia Townsend Abdomen without discals Pyrrhosia Rondani 446. Abdomen cylindrical or wider than deep apically 447 Abdomen laterally compressed on the apical half; small, slender species Xanthomelanopsis Townsend 447. First abdominal segment with marginals 448 First abdominal segment without marginals (93) Fischeria Desvoidy 448. Three sternopleurals Solieria Desvoidy Two sternopleurals Opsoleskia Townsend 449. Arista bare or pubescent 456 Arista plumose, very long pubescent or short pectinate 450 450. Arista plumose or pectinate 451 Arista long pubescent; antenna arising at the lowest third of the eyes; clypeal region long Eumegaparea Townsend 451. Abdomen without discals 452 Abdomen with discals ( 132 ) Chaetona Wulp 452. No strong presutural acrosticals Phyllophilopsis Townsend At least one pair of strong presvitural acrosticals 453 453. Ocellars weak or absent 454 Ocellars well developed Pseudodexia Brauer & Bergenstamm * Curran, 1934, Amer. Mus. Novit. No. 685, pp. 1-21. 462 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 454. Fifth vein bristled Polygastropsis Townsend Fifth vein bare 455 455. Apical abdominal segment of the male very strongly produced pos- teriorly; ocellars small Urophillophila Townsend Apical abdominal segment not produced; ocellars absent. Opsoleskia Townsend 456. Third antennal segment never with the apical corner acutely pro- duced 458 Apex of the third antennal segment produced as a short, sharp spur (5) 457 457. Prosternum bare Acemya Desvoidy Prosternum haired (Myothyria Wulp) Ceracia Rondani 458. Apical cell ending at or near the wing-tip 458 Apical cell ending far before the wing-tip; cheeks usually twice as wide as third antennal segment; abdomen with discals; two pi'e- sutural acrosticals and three dorsocentrals. *Dexodes Brauer & Bergenstamm 459. Third antennal segment rarely unusually wide and long, if so the palpi yellow or the facial depression not unusually deep 460 Third antennal segment more than six times as long as the second, unusually wide; facial depression very deep; palpi white. ffidematocera Townsend 460. Over 9 mm. in length; apical cell narrowly opened or closed in the costa; discal crossvein joining the fourth vein three- fourths the dis- tance beyond the small crossvein; abdomen with discals. Pelatachina Meade Usually less than 8 mm. in length; not possessing the above combina- tion of characters 461 461. Cheeks not over one-third as wide as the eye-height 462 Cheeks two-thirds as wide as the eye-height Clista Meigen 462. Second abdominal segment with dorsal bristles 463 Second abdominal segment without dorsal bristles. Calpodomyia Townsend 463. Bristles of the thorax suberect; first and fifth veins never bristled. . . .464 Bristles of the thorax subappressed; first and fifth veins often bris- tled (148, 189) (cf.Spathidexia) fActia Desvoidy 464. Ventral margin of at least the second tergite in the female with stout, spinose setulas; knob of halteres brown in male 465 Tergites without such setulae in female; halteres yellow 466 465. Second antennal segment of male large, half as wide as long. Elephantocera Townsend Second antennal segment of male not large, three times as long as wide Celatoria Coquillett 466. Arista bare, short pubescent or extremely short plumose 468 Arista very conspicuously short plumose; genital opening apical 467 467. Three pairs of strong presutural acrosticals (151, 157). Thelairalia, n. g. * Cun-an, 1927, Can. Ent., lix, p. 23. t Ciuian, 1933, Amer. Mus. Kovit. No. 614. pp. 1-7. FAMILY TACHI.XID.E — THE TACHIXIDS 463 At most two pairs of strong: presutural acrosticals, the posterior pair not situated very close to the suture (132) Chjetona Wulp 468. Arista wholly thick, taperin<2: apically Phantasiomyia Townsend Arista slender apically 469 469. Genital opening: ventral, not visible from behind. . . Panacemyia Townsend Genital opening apical, visible from behind 470 470. Frontal vitta linear (very narrow in ? ?) Arsyrochaetona Townsend Frontal vitta wide 471 471. Anterior tibise with a single posterior bristle 473 Anterior tibiae with two posterior bristles 472 472. Small slender species, under 5 mm. (149, 173) Elodia Desvoidy Larger, robust species, over 6 mm • Calothelaira Townsend 473. Frontal vitta twice as wide as the parafrontals, not at all narrowed medianly; anterior tibiae without a conspicuous posterodorsal bristle (181, 193) Microtownsendia, n. g. Frontal vitta narrower than either parafrontal; anterior tibiae with a single conspicuous posterodorsal bristle situated near the middle. Tachinophyto Townsend Scotiptera melaleuca. 464 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Collatia, new genus Tliis genus is proposed for the reception of ZeniUia siihmissa Aldrieh and Webber. It possesses the characters of ZeniUia but has the propleura haired on the middle portion. Townsendina, new genus Differs from Myiophasia Brauer and Bergenstamm in having only one pair of presutural acrosticals and long, bristly hairs on the para- facials. Front narrow above, widening anteriorly; cheeks half as wide as the eye-height; antennse reaching four-fifths the distance to the oral margin, the second segment only one-third shorter than the third; arista thickened on basal fourth; proboscis short; eyes short pilose. Dorso- centrals 3-3; acrosticals 1-2; propleura bare; infrasquamal setula present. Apical cell ending moderately before the wing tip; third vein with two bristles basally. Abdomen with diseals and marginals. Thorax cinereous pollinose, weakly vittate; abdomen with broad, basal cinereous fasciae on segments two to four. Genotype : — T. fasciata, n. sp., (Colorado). Polidaria, new genus Proposed for Tacliina arcos Walker, a species placed in the genus Polidea by most authors. As it does not belong to Polidea, a new genus is proposed for its reception. Zonalia, new genus Female. — Head short, almost twice as high as long; two pairs of proclinate frontals; ocellars short; outer verticals absent; cheeks nar- row; face slightly retreating below; facial ridges with Aveak bristles on the lower half; antennae reaching to the oral margin; arista long plumose. Acrosticals 1-0; dorsocentrals 2-3; one sublateral; posthumeral absent; i)ropleura bare; infrasquamal setulas present; two sterno- pleurals; prosternum bare; three pairs of marginal scutellars. Anterior tibiae with one posterior bristle. Apical cell ending close to the wing- tip; third vein bristled more than half way to the anterior crossvein. Abdomen without diseals; first segment without marginals; ovipositor normal. Front, thorax and sides of abdomen with whitish pollen, al- though the whole insect appears shining black from most views. Length, 5 mm. Genotype: — Z. nitens, n. sp. (Panama). FAMILY TACHINID.^ — THE TACHINIDS 465 Corozalia, new genus j\Iale. — Eyes haired; front moderately narrow, without orbitals or oeellars; outer verticals absent; cheeks narrow; face moderately retreat- ing, the oral margin produced; facial ridges bare; antennse reaching lowest fifth of face, the second segment somewhat less than half as long as the third; arista practically bare; proboscis short; palpi clavate. Acrostieals and dorsocentrals 3-3, the posterior acrosticals close to the suture; posterior sublateral present; posthumeral absent; sternopleurals 2-1; infrasquamal setula? present. Anterior tibiae with one long posterior bristle. Apical cell ending moderately before the wing-tip ; third vein with two basal bristles. Abdomen elongate, tapering, with paired discals; first segment with marginals. Black, with cinereous pollen, the mesonotal pollen sometimes with yellowish tinge, with narrow, dis- tinct vittte; apical half of abdominal segments bare. Length, 8 to 10 mm. Genotype: — C. longula, n. sp. (Panama). Chaetonalia, new genus Male. — Head almost twice as high as long; cheeks very narrow; face and front narrow; no orbitals; oeellars very small and hair-like; outer verticals not developed; face slightly receding below% the ridges bare; antenna? long, the second segment short; arista short plumose on basal half; proboscis short; palpi slightly clavate. Acrosticals 1-1; dorso- centrals 2-3; posterior sublateral and posthumeral absent; two sterno- pleurals; infrasquamal setulre present. Apical cell ending a little before the apex of the wing; third vein with two basal bristles. Abdomen with paired discals; first segment with pair of marginals. Pollen cinere- ous yellow, yellow on the front; mesonotum strongly quadrivittate; abdominal segments with about the apical half bare. Jjength, 5.5 mm. Genotype: — C. lateralis, n. sp. (Panama). Canalia, new genus Female. — Front rather narrow; two pairs of orbitals; oeellars long; outer verticals .strong; cheeks very narrow; face gently receding, the oral margin slightly produced; ridges bare; proboscis short; palpi very slightly clavate; antennge reaching almost to the vibrissa, the second segment short; arista short plumose. Acrosticals 2-1; dorsocentrals 2-3; posterior sublateral and posthumeral bristle absent; two sternopleurals; infrasquamal setulie present; prosternum haired. Wings tinged with brown, especially toward the apex; apical cell ending a little in front of the wing-tip: third vein bristled to the anterior crossvein. Abdomen elongate oval, without discals, the first segment without marginals. 466 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Black, the antennae, coxae and base of the abdomen on the broad sides, yellow; apex of abdomen red; pollen of the head white, of the me- sonotum cinereous yellow, a broad brown fascia immediately behind the suture; abdominal segments narrowly white pollinose basally. Length, 7 mm. Genotype: — C fasciata, n. sp. (Panama). Schwarzalia, new genus Female. — Arista long plumose; parafaeials with short, fine hair; front of moderate width, with two pairs of orbitals; ocellars long; outer verticals weak; cheeks wide; face retreating, the oral margin produced; ridges bare; proboscis short; palpi scarcely clavate; antennae practically reaching the oral margin. Acrosticals weak, 3-1; dorsocentrals 2-3; posterior sublateral and posthumeral bristle absent; two sternopleurals; prosternum bare; infrasquamal setulae present. Apical cell ending a little before the wing-tip; third vein bristled half way to the anterior crossvein; first vein bristled on whole length. Abdomen elong- ate oval, without discals, the first segment without marginals. Black, the palpi, coxae, femora mostly, liumeri and basal half, or less, of the abdomen yellowish-red; head and the broad bases of the abdominal segments white pollinose; thorax cinereous pollinose, mesonotum . with a broad black band behind the suture. Length, 7.5 mm. Genotype: — S. luteipennis, n. sp. (Panama). Tachinalia, new genus Female. — Robust, the abdomen broader than the thorax and not much longer than wide. Eyes with long hair; parafaeials haired; front rather narrow, with two pairs of orbitals; ocellars long, outer verticals absent; cheeks wide; face retreating, the oral margin produced; ridges bare; proboscis short; palpi slightly clavate; antennae reaching the lowest fifth of the face; arista bare. Acrosticals 2-3; dorsocentrals 3-3; posterior sublateral absent; posthumeral present; sternopleurals 2-1; prosternum bare; scutellum with many spinose bristles. Apical cell ending moderately before the wing-tip; third vein bristled basally. Abdomen almost wholly covered with spinose bristles. Head with cinereous pollen, thorax thinly pollinose; scutellum reddish, abdomen castaneous. Length, 10 to 11 mm. Genotype: — T. hispida, n. sp. (California). FAMILY TACHINID.T: THE TACHINIDS 467 Coloradalia, new genus Male. — Front wide, the frontals not strong; ocellars long, reclinatc; checks one-third as wide as eye-height ; face strongly retreating, the ridges bristled on almost their whole length; middle of face deeply sunken, the oral margin not produced; antennae almost as long as the face, the second segment short; pro])oscis short, palpi clavate; eyes with short hair. Acrosticals and dorsocentrals 3-3, the acrosticals not strong; posterior sublateral weak, the posthumeral hair-like; two sterno- pleurals; presternum concealed. Apical cell ending a little before the wing-tip ; third vein with two basal l)ristles, one of them long; first vein bristled on its whole length. Abdomen elongate oval, very deep, the genitalia large, but normally mostly concealed; discals and mar- ginals on segments two to four. Black, cinereous poUinose; the meso- notum and front with yellowish tinge; apices of segments less thickly pollinose. • Length, 5 mm. (lenotype : — C. ocellaris, n. sp. (Colorado). Lasionalia, new genus Male. — Related to Townsendina, n. g., but the apical cell is closed, the i)osterior sublateral present, etc. Eyes bare; front narrow, widen- ing anteriorly; ocellars long; outer verticals not developed; cheeks almost half as wide as the eye-height; parafacials with a complete row of bristly hairs and a second partial row on the upper half; ridges bare; face strongly retreating, the oral margin scarcely produced; proboscis short, the palpi slightly clavate; antennae not reaching to the vibrissae, the second segment somewhat shorter than the third; arista bare. Acrosticals and dorsocentrals 2-3; posterior sublateral present, the posthumeral absent; two sternopleurals; prosternum bare. Apical cell ending a little before the wdng-tip, very short petiolate; third vein with one 07' two basal bristles. Abdomen elongate-oval, each segment with discals and marginals. Black, yellowish cinereous pollinose; palpi yel- low; tibia' rather reddish. Length, 5.5 mm. Genotype: — L. cinerea, n. sp. (Minnesota). Oxynopsalia, new genus Female. — Front of moderate width; two pairs of orbitals; ocellars long; outer verticals well developed; cheeks narrow; face strongly reced- ing, the oral margin not produced; ridges bristled on more than the lower half; proboscis short; palpi clavate; antenna; reaching to the oral margin, the second segment somewhat elongate; arista bare. Eyes short 468 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA pilose. Acrosticals and dorsoeentrals 3-3, the posterior presiitiiral acro- sticals situated close to the suture; posterior sublateral and posthumeral bristle present ; two sternopleurals; prosternum bare, narrow. Apical cell ending close to the wing-tip ; third vein with three bristles basally. Abdomen elongate oval, each segment with marginals, the second and third with discals; ovipositor simple. Black, the head and thorax ciner- eous pollinose, the mesonotum mostly brownish; bases of abdominal seg- ments very narrowly white pollinose. Length, 4.5 mm. Genotype: — 0. nitida, n. sp. (Panama). Anadiscalia, new genus Male and female. — Head twice as high as long; front narrow, female with two pairs of orbitals; ocellars long; outer verticals w^eak; cheeks and parafacials extremelj^ narrow; face retreating but slightly; oral margin not prominent, the ridges bare; proboscis short, the palpi clavate; antennae reaching almost to the oral margin, the second segment short; arista bare; eyes short haired. Acrosticals and dorsoeentrals 3-3; posthumeral and posterior sublateral present; two sternopleurals; prosternum haired. Apical cell ending moderately before the wing-tip; third vein with two bristles basally. Abdomen oval, not deep. Black, cinereous pollinose; palpi, humeri and abdomen reddish yellow, the ab- domen with a more or less distinct median vitta, the apices of the seg- ments more or less, and the fourth segment almost entirely black. All segments with marginals but without discals. Length, 6 to 7 mm. Geno- type:— A. hasalis, n. sp. (Panama). Zuanalia, new genus Female. — Arista long plumose; front wide, with two pairs of orbi- tals; ocellars long; outer verticals moderately strong; cheeks almost half as wide as eye-height; parafacials bare; face strongly retreating on upper part, the oral margin slightly produced; proboscis short; palpi clavate, antennffi reaching almost to the oral margin. Acrosticals 3-1, the presuturals very weak; dorsoeentrals 3-4; posterior sublateral absent; posthumeral present; sternopleurals 2-1; prosternum bare. Apical cell ending a little before the wing-tip; bend of fourth vein with appendage; base of third vein with about four bristles. Abdomen short oval, rather deep. Head, thorax and legs reddish in ground color; head yellow pollinose; mesonotum metallic blue, cinereous pollinose, trivittate; abdo- men wholly metallic blue, the bases of the segments cinereous pollinose. Length, 10 mm. Genotype: — Z. azurca, n. sp. (Panama). FAMILY TACHIXID.E THE TACHIXIDS 469 Patillalia, new genus Female. — Front of moderate width; two pairs of orl)itals; ocellars long; outer verticals strong; cheeks narrow; face receding, the oral margin not produced; proboscis short; palpi clavate; antenna reaching almost to the vibrissae; arista very short pubescent. Dorsocentrals and acrosticals 3-3; posthumeral and i)osterior sublateral present; two sternopleurals; prosternum haired. Apical cell ending a little before the wing-tip; third vein with two strong basal bristles. Abdomen oval; all segments Avith marginals, the fourth with discals. Black; head white pollinose; the front yellowish above; thorax with white pollen on the sides, yellowish above, distinctly vittate; abdomen with very broad cinereous bands on the bases of the segments. Length, 7 mm. Geno- type:—P. fasciata, n. sp. (Panama). Agrarialia, new genus Male. — Front wide, only a little narrower than the face; two pairs of strong orbitals; ocellars long; outer verticals strong; cheeks very narrow; face retreating, the oral margin scarcely produced; ridges bare; proboscis short; palpi clavate, hairy; antennse reaching practically to the oral margin, the second segment short, arista very short pube- scent. Acrosticals 3-3, dorsocentrals 3-4; posthumeral and posterior sublateral present; sternopleurals 2-1; prosternum haired. Apical cell ending well before the wing-tip; third vein bristled almost to the an- terior crossvein. Abdomen elongate oval, somewhat tapering; each segment with marginals, but no discals; third segment with large sexual patch below. Black, cinereous pollinose, the head largely silvery; mesonotum with yellowish tinge, strongly vittate; apical third of abdo- minal segments shining black. Length, 7.5 mm. Genotype : — A. sexualis, n. sp. (Panama). Aridalia, new genus Female. — Front about as wide as the face; two pairs of orbitals; ocellars rather short and weak; outer verticals well developed; cheeks very narrow; face receding, the ridges bare, the oral margin not pro- duced; proboscis short; palpi weakly clavate; antennas reaching to the oral margin; arista short pubescent. Acrosticals 3-3; dorsocentrals 3-4; posthumeral and posterior sublateral present; sternopleurals 2-1. Apical cell ending well before the wing-tip: third vein bristled to the anterior crossvein. Abdomen elongate oval, tapering apically; each 470 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA segment with marginals but without discals. Black with cinereous pollen; palpi yellow; sides of the abdomen broadly reddish on the basal half, the apex also reddish; pollen of front rather golden, of mesonotum more or less ochreous and strongly vittate; apices of abdo- minal segments broadly bare. Length 8 mm. Genotype : — A. lateralis, n. sp. (Panama). Shermanalia, new genus Male. — Arista long plumose; front moderately narrow; ocellars long; outer verticals absent; cheeks one-third as wide as eye-height; face scarcely retreating, the oral margin prominent, the ridges bare; apical section of the proboscis as long as the head-height; palpi somewhat clavate; antennge not reaching to the oral margin, the second segment short. Acrosticals 1-1, the anterior pair weak; dorsocentrals 2-3; posthumeral and posterior sublateral absent; sternopleurals 2-1; prosternum bare. Apical cell almost closed a little before the wing-tip; third vein with two weak bristles basally. Abdomen elongate, more than twice as long as wide, rather cylindrical, all the segments with marginals but without discals. Black, clothed with thick yellowish pollen; mesonotum with three black vittas, the median one wide; first ;ibdominal segment with an hourglass-shaped black spot, the base black, the following segments broadly black apically, the black expanding triangularly just below the sides. Length, 6 mm. Genotype : — S. pre- tiosa, n. sp. (Panama). Prorhynchops errans Curran (fig. 172) traces to this genus but the aristal rays arise from only the upper and lower surfaces. It is prob- ably not a Prorliynclwps as it lacks discal bristles. Thelairalia, new genus Male. — Front rather wide, with a single pair of strong orbitals ocellars short and hair-like; outer verticals distinct; cheeks narrow face receding, the oral margin not produced; proboscis short; palpi weakly clavate; antennas not reaching to the oral margin; arista very short plumose. Acrosticals 8-3; dorsocentrals 2-3; posterior sublateral poorly developed, the posthumeral absent; sternopleurals 1-1; pro- sternum haired. Apical cell ending moderately before the wing-tip; third vein bristled more than half way to the anterior crossvein. Abdo- men tapering, each segment with marginals, only the fourth with discals. Black, yellow pollinose: mesonotum with four vittee which unite to form FAMILY TACHINID.E — THE TACHINIDS 471 a broad postsvitural fascia; first abdominal segment wholly, the others on the apical half, shining. Length, 8 mm. Genotype: — T. fasciata, n. sp. (Panama). Microtownsendia, new genus Female. — Front as wide as the face; two pairs of orbitals; ocellars moderately strong; outer verticals strong; cheeks extremely narrow; face receding, the ridges bare; oral margin not produced; proboscis short; palpi clavate; antennge reaching the oral margin, the second seg- ment short; arista bare. Acrosticals and dorsocentrals 2-3; posthumeral and posterior sublateral present; two sternopleurals; prosternum haired. Apical cell ending a little before the wing-tip; third vein with two basal bristles. Abdomen oval, the fourth segment elongate; discals absent, each segment with marginals. Black, with cinereous white pollen; mesonotum thinly pollinose and Aveaklj' vittate; bases of abdominal segments narrowly pollinose; palpi yellow. Length, 3.75 mm. Geno- type:— M. nitens, n. sp. (Panama). 472 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Braulidse — The Honey-bee Parasite Braula ccEca. This family is comprised of a single species of BrauJa, parasitic upon honey bees. Seiitellum absent, the mesonotum not differentiated from the abdo- minal segments, the abdomen sessile; eyes minute; ocelli absent; antenna set in lateral grooves; vertex without bristles. Fifth tarsal segment broad and bearing an inflexed comb of many miscroscopic teeth. Wings entirely absent. The Braulidffi are not larviparous, but lay eggs. Braula coeca Nitzsch is a small convex insect found only in the hives of honey bees. It is said to be cosmopolitan in distribution but is rare in this country, at least in collections. 473 Family Hippoboscidge — The Bird Parasite Flies Olfersia sordida. Small, flat flies of leathery consistency, usually with wings, the posterior veins weaker. Head flattened, usually attached to an emargination of the thorax. Face short; palpi forming a sheath for the proboscis, projecting in front of the head; antennas inserted in pits or depressions near the border of the mouth, apparently with a single segment, with or without a terminal bristle or hairs. Eyes round or oval; ocelli present or absent. Thorax flattened; scutellum short and broad. Halteres present or rudimentary, rarely absent. Abdomen sac-like, the sutures indistinct, the basal segments usually fully chitinized. Legs short and strong, broadly separated by the sternum; tarsi short; claws strong and often wdth one or two teeth. Wings present or absent, the veins approximated to the anterior border, with weak ones running obliquely across the pos- terior two-thirds of the wing. Larviparous. 474 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA The adults occur on ])irds and mammals. They are most frequently found on birds, seldom flying. In the old world species of Hippohosca are found on horses, camels, etc. and often occur in large numbers, as is the case with the sheep tick, a wingless species occurring wherever sheep are raised. 4(ft- Trlrcrftijrjrr^,^ 4^i^ Hippoboscidae. — 1, Stilbometopa impressa; 2, Pseudolynchia maura; 3, Lynchia amer- ■cana; 4, Ornithoica; 5, 6, Ornithomyia; 7, Ornithoctona erythrocephala. FAMILY HIPPOBOSCID.T; THE BIRD PARASITE FLIES 475 Aldrich* has published a key to the genera but the species are very difficult to determine, there are no keys to the American species, and although most of them have been figured, the illustrations and descriptions are scattered. KEY TO GENERAf 1. With functional wings, longer than abdomen 2 Wings rudimentary, broken off or absent 12 2. Wing with five or six distinct veins behind the costa 3 Wing with only three distinct veins behind the costa, the first, third and fifth Lipoptena Nitzsch 3. Anal cell closed by a crossvein (4) 4 Anal cell open apically (2) 9 4. Ocelli present 6 Ocelli absent 5 5. Claws bidentate; head rounded behind and free from thorax (not naturalized in America) Hippobosca Linnaeus Claws tridentate; head truncate behind, in a deep emargination of the thorax ( 1 ) Stilbometopa Coquillett 6. Third vein joining the tip of the costal vein at a distinct angle; claws tridentate 7 Third vein confluent with the costal vein on the apical third; claws bidentate (4) Ornithoica Rondani 7. Antennal processes two-thirds as long as the head, straight and parallel with each other, broadly rounded at tip Ornithopertha Speiser Antennal processes much shorter, more or less pointed 8 8. Antennal processes broad, concave above, with projecting outer rim, curved inwardly so as to almost or quite touch each other (7). Ornithoctona Speiser Antennal processes narrow, without outer rim, divergent and curving downward (5, 6) Ornithomyia Latreille 9. Crossvein closing the second basal cell entirely absent (2) 11 Crossvein closing the second basal cell at least half present (3) 10 10. Lateral lobe of the metanotum swollen and bearing a mammiform process; fourth vein setulose (see text figure) Olfersia Wiedemann Lateral lobe of metanotum less swollen and without processes; fourth vein bare (3) Lynchia Weyenbergh 11. Ocelli entirely absent; scutellum angulate laterally (2). Pseudolynchia Bequaert Ocelli occasionally present but minute; scutellum convex posteriorly. Microlynchia Lutz, Neiva and Costa Lima 12. Halteres present 13 Halteres absent; wings aborted, reduced to short knobs. Melophagus Latreille 13. Ocelli present, claws bidentate; with basal stumps of broken wings. Lipoptena Nitsch Ocelli absent, claws tridentate; wings present, much shorter than the abdomen. (Brachypteromyia Williston) Myophthiria Rondani 1923. Ins. Ins. Menstr., xi, pp. Ched-ed by Dr. J. Bequaert. 476 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Family Nycteribiidse Basilia species. Small, spider-like, wingless flies. Head oval, folding back when at rest in a groove on the dorsum of the thorax. Antenna short, two segmented, the oval terminal segment with bristles, inserted in cavity; eyes and ocelli vestigial. Thorax depressed, laterally and anteriorly with comb-like bristles. Abdomen oval, with more or less distinct segmentation. Legs long, the knees at rest prominent above the thorax; femora broad; tibiae clubbed or shovel- shaped; basal tarsal segment very long. Halteres pendunculate or sessile, often indistinct. Larviparous. The members of this family are all parasitic upon bats and occur throughout the tropics and subtropics but are most numerous in the Old World. Ferris* considers that we have but one genus in North America and perhaps two genera in the western hemisphere. Nycterihia possibly occurs in Brazil but there are no positive records from other parts of the continent. The two genera are separable as follows: 1. Eyes absent Nycteribia Latreille Eyes present, two-facetted Basilia Ribeiro * 1924. Ent. News, xx.xv, pp. 191-199. 477 Family Streblidae— The Bat Flies Pterellipsis aranea. Head of moderate size, with a freely movable neck. Eyes, when present, small, without or with very few facets; ocelli absent. Antennae inserted in a pit, two segmented, the second segment with a bristle. Proboscis short, not protrusible, thickened basally; palpi broader than long, projecting leaf-like in front of the head, not forming a sheath for the proboscis. Abdomen with a distinct basal segment, the other segments rarely distinguishable, the basal segment with special bristles for the protection of the wings when at rest. Posterior coxfe always enlarged; fifth segment of the tarsi usually elongate and enlarged; pul- villi present, the claws never toothed. Wings sometimes vestigial or wanting, when present the veins stout and covered with hairs. Halteres present.- All but one species are parasitic upon bats but they are restricted to the tropics and the subtropico-temperate zones. Kessel* has reviewed the family. KEY TO GENERA f 1. With a ctenidium of black bri.^tles on the ventral surface of the head . . 2 Without a ctenidium on under surface of head 4 2. Eyes present; wings well-developed, with six veins (1) 3 Eyes absent; wings reduced to oval pads, much shorter than the thorax. Metelasmus Coquillett * 1925. Journ. N. Y. Ent. Soc. xxxiii, pp. 11-34, 4 plates. t Checked by Dr. J. Bequaert. 478 NORTH AMEUICAX DIPTERA Streblidse I. — 1. Strebla vespertilionis; 2, Euctenodes mirabilis. FAiMILV STKKBLID.E THE BAT FLIES 479 3. Ctenidium extending to the sides of the head and visible laterally from dorsal view 3a Ctenidium ending far before the sides of the head (E. breviceps, Panama) Eldunnia, n. g. 3a. Posterior femora about twice as long as the anterior ones; anterior cross-vein before the middle of the wing (1) Strebla Wiedemann Posterior femora decidedly less than twice as long as the anterior ones; anterior crossvein beyond the middle of the wing (2). Euctenodes Waterhouse 4. Wings entirely lacking 5 Wings present, though small 6 5. Posterior legs about twice as long as the anterior ones. Megistopoda Macquart Posterior legs not twice as long as the anterior ones. Paradyschiria Speiser 6. Wings of normal size 8 Wings small, narrow or short 7 7. Wings erect and narrow; posterior legs about twice as long as anterior ones (5, also text figure) Pterellipsis Coquillett Wings lying flat, short; posterior legs not twice as long as anterior ones (4) .> Aspidoptera Coquillett 8. Wings with a single crossvein and three longitudinal veins; thorax com- pressed (3) Nycterophilia Ferris Wings with at least two crossveins and six longitudinal veins; thorax depressed 9 9. Posterior legs at least twice as long as the anterior pair 10 Posterior legs obviously less than twice as long as the anterior pair ( 6 ) Trichobius Gervais 10. Posterior legs three times as long as the body. .Paratrichobius Costa Lima Posterior legs about twice as long as the front pair Speiseria Kessel Stieblidas II. — 3, Nycterophilia coxata; 4, Aspidoptera ininuta; 5, Pterellipsis aranea; 6, Trichobius sparsus. 480 NORTH A:\IERICAN DIPTERA GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN DIPTEROLOGY Abdomen — The hindermost of the three main body divisions. Acalypteratse — The Acalypterate Muscoidea — those with very small or linear squamae. Acrostical bristles — The rows of mesonotal bristles between the dorsocentrals — the two median rows of bristles of the thorax. Acrostical hairs — Hairs lying between the dorsocentral bristles. Acrostical setulse — Very shoi't hairs between the dorsocentral bristles. Adventitious veins — Veins occuiring in abnormal positions, sometimes rather regularly placed, and sometimes normally present, ^deagus — Part of the male negitalia: the penis and its sheath. Alate — Having wings. Alula — A lobe at the base of the wing posteriorly. Ceria. Ceriomydas. Conops. Examples of mimetic resemblances in flies. Anal cell — The cell lying between the fifth and sixth veins (Cu). Anal crossvein — The crossvein closing the anal cell apically — (Cui.) of Com- stock-Needham. Anal lobe — The basal part of the wing behind the anal vein. Anal vein — The sixth longitudinal vein. The second anal is usually absent or represented by a fold. Anepisternite — The mesopleura. Annulate — Having rings, but not completely segmented. Annulus — A ring or band. Antennae — The feelers, attached to the head and separating the face and the front. They are sensory organs and perhaps combine the senses of smell and hearing. Antennal fovea — See antenna! grooves. Antennal grooves — Definite depressions in the middle of the face in which the antennae may rest. They are limited laterally by the facial ridges and in the middle, unless they are united, by a carina. Anterior crossvein — The short crossvein connecting the third and fourth longi- tudinal veins on the basal half of the wing — (r-m). GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN DIPTEROLOGY 481 Apicad — Toward the apex. Apical cell — The first posterior cell — the space between the third and fourth longitudinal vein beyond the anterior crossvein (Rs). Apical scutellars — The apical pair of marginal bristles on the scutellum. The term is loosely applied and often means the sub-apical scutellars, in cases where the true apicals are absent. Apical spurs (of tibia) — Short, rather stout bristles often present on the under or ventral surface of the tibiae. The number varies, and may differ on different pairs of legs. Appendage (vein) — The presence of a short vein at the angle of a bend. Apterous — Wingless. Ai'cuate — Arched like a bow. Arista — A bristle-like portion of the third antennal segment which may be apical or dorsal and sub-basal. It is composed normally of three seg- ments; the first is usually minute and the second short, although all three may be elongate. Auxiliary vein — The subcostal vein; that vein lying between the costa and first vein, often absent. (Subcostal; mediastinal.) Axillary cell — The area behind the anal vein. Axillary lobe — The area behind the anal vein. See axillary cell. Axillary vein — The second anal vein when this is present (2nd A). Basad — Toward the base. Basicosta — The second distinct "scale" at the base of the wing in Muscoids. It is bare. The basal "scale" is the epaulet and is haired. Basitarsus (si) — A term applied to the basal segment of the tarsi. Bend of fourth vein — The curve of the fourth vein beyond the posterior cross- vein (Muscoids). Bilobed — Divided or split into two parts. Calcar — A single posterodorsal bristle usually strong, situated on the posterior tibiae at or beyond the middle (Muscidse). Calypter (Calypters, Calypterae) — See squamae. Calypterje — See Calypteratse. Calypteratae — The Calypterate Muscoidfe — Tachinidae, Metopiidae, Muscidae, OiJstridfe and Cuterebridae. Capitate — PJnlarged at the apex. Carinate — Ridged or bearing a raised line or keel. Caudad— Toward the posterior end of the abdomen or hind margin of the wing. Caudal — Pertaining to the apex of the abdomen. Cephalad — Toward the front of the head. Cell — A space in the wing bounded by veins. Cheeks — The space below the eyes. Sometimes termed the peristoma. Chitinized — Hardened or horn-like: not membranous. There has been a great deal of discussion as to the proper use of the term chitin. As generally, and I think properly, used it refers to the leather-like, or hard part of insects; now commonly written sclerotized. Clavate — Clubbed or enlarged at the apex. Claws — Tarsal claws, borne on the fifth (or apical) tarsal segment. Clypeus — A distinct sclerite at the base of the proboscis adjacent to the ante- rior oral opening. Some authors have contended that the clypeus is absent and that the middle of the face is the tnae clypeus. This seems very doubtful and I do not accept the contention. The term has been applied recently to the middle of the face, but epistoma is a much better term for that part. Coarctate — Narrowed between the base and apex at some point. Comb — A row of closely set, short bristles. (Often occurring on the femora or tarsi: Drosophilidae, etc.) 482 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA 5r R' /?.., Anisopus (Anisopodida) ff Thereva ( There vidse) Pantarbes (Bombyliidse) Conops (Conopidae) Scenopinus (Scenopinidae) Rhamphomyia (Empidse) /»/, + Ck. THE VEINS AND CELLS, COMSTOCK-NEEDHAM SYSTEM GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN DIPTl^ROLOGY 483 COMSTOCK-NEEDHAM SYSTEM OF WING VENATION. The comparison of the system here used is with that of Comstock-Needham. not as revised by Tillyard and others. Anal cell — Cu. Anal crossvein — Cu^.. Crossveins — h;r-m; m; M3; Cu-; Sc^. Discal cell — 1st M?. Discoidal crossvein — Ms. Fifth longitudinal — Cu 1, 2. First basal cell — R. First vein — R plus Ri. (the main stem of the vein, basad of Rs, is R, — beyond Rs, R,). Large crossvein — m and outer section of M3. Marginal cell — Ri. Posterior cells — R:. to Cu,. Posterior crossvein — m, and sometimes also outer section of M3. Prsefurca — Rs. Second vein — Rs, and its anterior branch, Rj*3. Small crossvein — r-m. Subcostal crossvein — Sd.. Submarginal cells — R3, R4. Third long, vein — Posterior branch of Rs, — R4+5. Compressed — Flattened from side to side — laterally compressed. Connate — Fused and immovable. Constricted — Narrowed. Corneous — Horn-like in texture or appearing so. Costa — See costal vein. Costal cell — The cell between the costa and subcostal or auxiliary vein. Costal vein — The vein extending along the front margin of the wing. Crossveins — There are five typical crossveins in the wings: humeral, anterior, posterior, discoidal and anal (The equivalents of these in the Comstock- Needham system are, in order, — h; r-m; m; M3 and Cu.). In addition to these there is the subcostal crossvein (Scj), and there may be one or more veins simulating crossveins. The apical crossvein is merely the anteriorly curved fourth longitudinal vein (Muscoids). The base of the third vein, base of posterior branch of the fourth vein and the base of the branches of the fifth vein may simulate crossveins. In some families there may be additional crossveins (see Nemestrinidae, Bombyliidse, etc.). Cruciate — Crossing each other. Ctenidium — A comb-like row of bristles. Cubitus — Fifth longitudinal vein. Decumbent — Depressed; hanging down. Decussate — Crossing or cruciate. Depressed — Flattened dorsoventrally, contrasting with compressed. Dichoptic — Eyes separated by the front. Digitate — Bearing a finger-like process. Discal cell — A (usually) closed cell (on the disc of the wing, lying between the fourth and fifth veins). It may be absent, open apically, or united with one of the basal cells, usually the second basal, abnormally with the first basal (1st M^). Discal crossvein — The vein separating the discal and second basal cells. (See discoidal crossvein.) (M3 of Comstock-Needham system). Discal scutellars — Bristles on the disc of the scutellum. Discoidal crossvein — The vein separating the discal and second basal cells. (See discal crossvein.) (Ms of Comstock-Needham system). Dorsad — Toward the upper surface. 484 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA eiv luixiliaryi vein ^ , —1—1 I ' ' rosiiif I WING OF TABANUS The terminology of the veins and parts shown on this figure is that used in the present work, except in the Tipuloidea. WING OF SILVIUS Comstock-Needham system. Veins. C — costa, Sc — subcosta, R — radius. M — media, Cu — cubitus, A — anal. Cells. C — costal, Sc — subcostal, R— radial, M — medial, Cu — cubital, A — anal. ib - Siihtost, 1 1 .sfi,7 y. WING OF PANGONIA Schiner's system. Cells. 1, costal; 2, mediastinal; 3, subcostal; 4, 5, cubital; 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, first to fifth posterior cells; 12, discoidal cell; 13, 14, 15, first to third basal cells; 16, axillary cell. GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN DIPTEROLOGY 485 Dorsal — Pertaining to the upper surface of the body. Dorsocentrals — Dorsocentral bristles of the thorax. Dorsopleural suture — See notopleural suture. Dorsum — Upper surface. Refers to thorax and abdomen. Epaulet — The first "scale" at the base of the costa. It is haired and is fol- lowed by a bare "scale", the basicosta. Empodium (ia) — A bristle, hair or pad borne on the apical tarsal segment between the pulvilli. Epiphysis — A lappet-like process or lobe. Epistoma — Correctly, the anterior oral margin. Frequently used to denote the facial depression or middle of the face from the oral margin to the antennje. Eyes — The compound eyes, composed of, usually, many facets. Face — The front of the head between the mouth and the antennae. Facets — The divisions comprising the compound eyes. Facial depression — The middle of the face. Facial plate. Facial plate — The central part of the face. Femur (femora) — The long part of the leg nearest the thorax, but separated from the thorax by the coxa and trochanter. The thigh. Fifth longitudinal vein — The vein running along the posterior side of the second basal cell, and of the discal cell, usually two-branched, the second branch separating the fourth and fifth posterior cells. (Cui,;; postical.) First basal cell — A cell lying between the first, second and third and the fourth longitudinal veins on the basal half of the wing. First vein — The vein lying immediately behind the auxiliary vein, or when that is absent, immediately behind the costa. (R and Ri.) Flagellum- — In flies having six br more antennal segments the portion beyond the scape. Fourth longitudinal vein — The vein, usually arising near the base of the wing, separating the two basal cells and bordering the discal cell anteriorly, often branched, the posterior branch often partly closing the discal cell. (Medial, M,,:, 3; discoidal.) Front — The space between the eyes lying above the antennae and limited by the vertex or top of the head. Frontalia — The central stripe of the front. Frontal vitta. Frontal lunule — The space between the bases of the antennte and the ptilinal or frontal suture, actually occurring only in Cyclorrhaphous Hies, but the term, or "lunula", is loosely applied to some other flies. Frontal orbits — The space contiguous to the eyes on the front. Frontals or frontal bristles — Bristles situated along the inner edge of the parafrontals. Frontal triangle — The triangle in holoptic flies bounded above by the eyes and below by the antennae. Frontal vitta — The softer area between the rows of frontal bristles or hairs extending from the antenna? to the ocelli. This allows the head to expand laterally in Cyclorrhaphous Diptera when the ptilinum is expanded. Fronto-orbital bristles — -The orbitals or orbital bristles. The term is variously used and is often applied to the frontals in the Acalypteratse. Gena (nae) — The cheek. Often refers to the parafacials. The term is best avoided. Geniculate — Abruptly bent or elbowed. Genitalia — The external sexual organs together with the adjacent parts. Gibbous — Pufl'ed out; hunch-backed. Glabrous — Without hairs; smooth. Halteres — Appendages arising on the posterior of the pleura, with a long stem» and apical knob. These occur in practically all Diptera, rarely being 486 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA reduced to slight swellings in some apterous forms. They are supposed to be the rudiments of the second pair of wings but I doubt this. The removal of the halteres renders the insects unable to fly. Holoptic — Eyes contiguous, dividing the front into an upper and lower part. Humeral crossvein — A crossvein situated near the base of the wing and ex- tending from the costa to the auxiliary or subcostal vein and continuing to the first vein. Humeri — The anterior corners of the mesonotum usually more or less well marked. Hyaline — Transparent. Hypopleura — The space below the posterior spiracle and above the posterior cox?e. Hypopleural bristles — Bristles on the hypopleura, usually in a vertical row. Hypopygium — The male genitalia together with the adjacent parts. It is composed of several of the apical abdominal segments and is variously modified. Infra-squamal setulae — Fine hairs below the point of attachment of the squamae. Intercalary vein — A term sometimes applied to the posterior branch of the fourth vein in cases where its base partly closes the discal cell (M2). Interfrontal (bristles or hairs) — Hairs or bristles on the frontal vitta. Interfrontalia — The frontal vitta. Intra-alar bristles — Bristles situated behind the suture and between the supra- alar and dorsocentral bristles. Jowls — The cheeks, behind the depressed anterior part. Sometimes termed the peristoma. LabellEe — The lips of the proboscis. Supposed to be the modified labial palpi. Sometimes broadly expanded, at other times much reduced or apparently lacking. Lamella (e) — A leaf-like plate. Lamellate — Broadened and flat: leaf -like; bearing lamellae. Large crossvein — The crossvein closing the discal cell; posterior crossvein (ni and M3). Lateral — At, toward, or pertaining to the sides of the body. Lunula — A term applied to the more or less crescentric area above the an- tennai in some flies, notably in the Syrphidaj. Also a lunulate marking. Lunule — See lunula. MOUTHPARTS OF FEMALE TABANUS. lb, labium; m, mandible; mp, maxillary palpus; mx, maxilla. GLOSSARY OF TP:RMS USED IN DIPTP^ROLOGY 487 Macrotrichia — The larger microscopic hairs on the surface of the wings. Marginal cell — The cell Iving between the first and second longitudinal veins (R,). Marginal scutellars — Bristles situated close to or on the margin of the scutel- lum. Media — The fourth longitudinal vein. Medial — Pertaining to the media or middle. Median — Along the middle. Mesad — Toward the middle. MESONOTAL BRISTLES a, acrosticals; as, apical scutellars; dc, dorsocentrals; hm, humeral; ia, intra-alar; Is, lateral or basal scutellars; ms, marginal scutellars; npl, noto- pleural; pa, postalars; pr, presutural; sa, supra-alars; sc, scutellars; si, sub- laterals. Mesonotum — The dorsum of the mesothorax or the main part of the back. Sometimes termed the mesoscutum. According to morphological usage the divisions of the mesonotum are, from front to rear, prescutum, scutum, scutellum and postscutellum.* Mesopleura — A so-called pleurite or sclerite of the pleura bounded above by the mesonotum, in front by the propleura, below by a move or less distinct suture and behind by a suture extending down from in front of the wings. The so-called suture separating the mesopleura and sternopleura is merely a fold leaving an exterior furrow. Mesoscutum — See mesonotum. Mesosternum — The under side of the mesothorax. Mesothorax — The second and largest segment of the thorax. The wings and second pair of legs arise from this segment. Metacephalon — The area behind the mouth extending up toward the neck. Metanotal slopes — Swellings on the sides of the metanotum or its sloping sides (pleurotergite). * While not jirofessinp any jrreat knowledge of morphology I am far from being con- vinced that the Metanotum, as used by taxonomists is actually part of the Mesonotum: there is a distinct, membranous suture between this part and the scutellum, such as one expects to find between true sclerites. 488 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Metanotum — The dorsum of the metathorax, lying behind the scutellum. ( '^Ac- cording to recent morphological usage this is the postnotum or post- scutellum and is part of the mesonotum: the true metanotum is found only in the lower Diptera, as Psychodidse.) See footnote, p. 487. Metapleura — The part of the metathorax above the hypopleura and outside of the metanotum. It is a poorly defined area and not really separable from the metanotum. Metasternum — The under side of the metathorax, situated behind the middle coxas and extending to behind the posterior coxae. Metatarsus (si) — A term applied to the basal segment of the tarsi. Metathorax — The third segment of the thorax. The posterior legs and hal- teres arise from this segment. Micropterous — With small or vestigial wings. Microtrichia — The smaller abundant hairs of the wing. When these are present the wing is said to be villous. Moniliform — Resembling a string of beads. Neuration — The arrangement of the veins of the wing. Node — A swelling or knot-like knob. Notopleura — A depression, more or less triangular, situated immediately be- fore the transverse suture and behind the humeri. Notopleural suture — The suture extending from the humeri to the base of the wungs. Notum — The dorsal surface; particularly of the thorax. Ocellar bristles — Bristles arising within the ocellar triangle or on either side of tlie anterior ocellus. Ocellar triangle — The triangle formed by the ocelli or the triangular, well marked area surrounding them. This triangle has sometimes been termed the frontal triangle in cases where it extends almost to the antennal base. Ocellar tubercle — A term applied to the swelling on which the ocelli are some- times situated, especially in the Asilidae. Ocelli — The simple eyes, located on the front, usually near the vertex. Occipital cilia — The row of bristly hairs behind the eyes. Occipital fringe — The fringe of fine hairs behind the eyes. Occiput — The back of the head. Morphologically the subtriangular area limited by the vertex between the eyes and the neck. Onychium (ia) — A pad between the tarsal claws. Orbit — The part of the head immediately surrounding the eyes. Orbital bristles — Bristles, usually proclinate or divergent, situated on the para- frontals between the frontals and orbits. Ordinary crossvein — Anterior or small crossvein, r-m (Schiner). Ovipositor — The female genitalia with the adjacent parts, composed of several segments and usually telescopic, but often variously modified. Palpi — The maxillary palpi. Parafacials, parafacialia — The part of the face between the facial ridges and the eyes. Parafrontals — The part of the front outside the frontal bristles. Pectinate — With branches like a comb. Pectus — The under side of the thorax. Pendulous— Hanging from one end. Peristoma — Correctly, the region surrounding the mouth, but used in various senses. The part of the cheeks nearest the oral opening. The anterior oral opening. The anterior part of the cheeks. The term should be avoided as being too confusing. Petiolate— Attached by a stalk or stem. Phytophagous — Feeding on plants. GLOSSARY OF TERMS USED IN DIPTEROLOGY 489 Pilose — Having long, fine hair, usually dense. The term is loosely applied to include any hair that is not coarse. Pleurites — A term applietl to the sclerites or sections of the pleura. Pleurotergite — The hypopleura; morphologically the lateral division of the metanotum (postscutellum), at least in Nematocera. PLEURAL DIVISIONS OF SYRPHUS Hypo, hypopleura; Meso, mesopleura; Meta, metapleura; Pro, propleura; Ptero, pteropleura; Sterno, sternopleura. Plumose — Having rays on both sides like a feather. Pollen — A fine, dust-like substance on the integument. Pollinose — Covered with "dust" or "bloom". Posterior calli — The swellings at the posterior coi'ners of the mesonotum, present in the Calypteratae, and other families, but absent in the Acalyp- teratse as a rule. (Posterior callosities). Posterior cells — The cells on the apical part of the wing lying between the third and fifth veins, exclusive of the discal cells (R.-; to Cu,). Some of these cells may be closed by the union of veins apically. Posterior crossvein — The vein or veins closing the discal cell apically (m and Ms) . According to Schiner the basal section of Cui of the Comstock- Needham System. Posterior orbits — The part of the head immediately behind the eyes. Posthumeral bristle — A bristle situated behind the humerus. Post ocellar(s) (bristles) — A pair (or more) of bristles arising just below the vertex on the occiput and behind the ocellar tubercle, sometimes termed post-verticals. Postscutellum — A convex, transverse swelling below the scutellum; actually the upper, posteriorly produced section of the metanotum. Postvertical(s) bristles — See post ocellars. Praefurca — See prefurca. Pra — Prealar bristle. Prasscutum — The part of the mesonotum in front of the transverse suture. Pi-ealar (bristle) — The anterior supra alar bristle. This is frequently absent or reduced. It is used particularly in Muscidae. Prefurca — The petiole of the second and third longitudinal veins. Base of R4.0 (The Radial sector Rs). Preapical bristle (of tibia) — A dorsal, short bristle situated before the end of the tibia. Prescutum — See prsescutum. Presutural bristle — A bristle situated in front of the inner end of the noto- pleui-a in front of the suture. The lateral bristle situated in front of but close to the suture. 490 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Proboscis — The mouthparts exclusive of the palpi; always more or less tube- like. They may be slender and adapted for piercing, or thick and adapted for lapping. Proclinate — Curving or directed forward. Pronotum — The dorsum of the prothorax. Propleura — The sides of the prothorax. This is usually a depressed area, but also includes the area above the front coxse. Propleural bristle — A bristle situated on the propleura immediately above the front coxae. Prosternum — The under side of the prothorax, between and in front of the anterior coxae. Prothoracic bristle — A bristle situated immediately above the anterior coxae (See propleural bristle). Prothorax — The first segment of the thorax. The first pair of legs arise from the prothorax. Pruinose — Covered with a hoary dvist. (See pollinose). Pseudosutural foveae — Impressed polished areas on the humeral portion of the mesonotum (humeral pits); in Tipulidae and elsewhere. Pteropleura — A sclerite lying below the base of the wings. Pteropleural bristle (s) — Bristle or bristles on the pteropleura. Pteropleurites — The upper and lower sections of the pteropleura. Ptilinum — An inflatable sac, occurring in Cyclorrhaphous flies and pushed out above the antennas by the insect in emerging from the pupa (or puparium). This sac is coarsely grained or pubescent and when forced out thrusts the face into a horizontal position and when retracted after emergence leaves the frontal lunule exposed and is concealed in part beneath the facial ridges. Pubescent — Having very short, fine hair. Foot of house-fly, showing claws, pulvilli and the hair-like empodium. Pulvilli — Pads borne on the apical segment of the tarsus between the claws. Pulvilliform — Shaped like the pulvilli. Punctate — Pitted; covered with small pits. Puparium — The pupa when formed within the hardened larval skin. Pupiparous — Giving birth to larvae ready to pupate. Radial — Pertaining to the radius. Radial cell — Any cell bordered in front by a branch of the radius. Radius — The first to third longitudinal veins. Ri to Rs of Comstock-Needham system. Raptorial — Fitted for grasping prey. Reclinate — Curving or directed backward. Recui'rent — The anterior end nearer the base of the wing than some other part. Reniform — Kidney-shaped. Reticulate — Having a network. GLOSSARY OF TP:RMS USED IN DIPTEROLOGY 491 Rostrum — The beak or snout. Rugose — Wrinkled. Rugulose — Finely wrinkled. Scape (of antennas) — The basal two segments in those flies having six or more antennal segments. These segments are differentiated from the remain- ing segments, although the first may be small and ring-like; the second segment is sometimes called the pedicel. Sclerite— Any piece of the body well surrounded by sutures. Scutellum — A (usually) convex sclerite attachetl to the back of the mesonotum. Sometimes termed the shield. Scutum — The part of the mesonotum behind the transverse suture. Second basal cell — A cell lying immediately behind the first basal, rarely united with it, more often open apically and united with the discal cell, but closed in most cases (Cell M). Second vein — The vein (frequently absent), lying immediately behind the first vein, its base always united with the base of the third vein (Rs and its anterior branch R.+s). Serrate — Toothed along the edge like a saw. Sessile — Broadly attached; incapable of movement. Seta — A bristle. Setaceous — Bristle-like. Setigerous tubercles — Tubercles, occurring on the scutellum or legs, each bearing a spine or bristle on its top. Setulse — Very short hairs, sometimes coarse. Setules — Setulae. Setulose — Bearing setulae. Sinuous — S-shaped, winding back and forth. Sixth longitudinal vein — The first anal vein. The second anal is usually absent or represented by a fold extending around the anterior apex of the alula. (Anal vein). Small crossvein — The anterior crossvein (r-m) . Spatulate — Broadened apically, narrow basally. Spiracles — The external openings of the tracheal system. Spurs — Either movable spines at the end of the tibiae or strong production of apex of tibiae or a tapering production of some part of the body, usually on the legs. Spurious vein — An extra, usually very weak vein crossing the anterior cross- vein. Squamae — The scales or connecting lobes connecting the wings basally with the thorax. There are two lobes, the upper and lower. The lower lobe is often greatly enlarged and is generally referred to as the squama. Squamose — Scale-like. Refers particularly to scale-like hairs. Sternites — Ventral sclerites or the under side of the segments. Sternopleural bristles — Bristles situated on the upper part of the sternopleura on the posterior half. Sternum — The under side of the thorax, comprising the pro-, meso- and meta- sternum. Stigma — A darkened and often thickened area lying immediately behind the costa, either beyond the tip of the first or second veins. Stylate — Bearing a style. Style — A thick, terminal portion of the antennae arising from the third seg- ment, sometimes simulating segments, but usually tapering. Stylose — Bearing a style. Subantennal groove — See facial grooves. Subcosta — The vein, usually present, between the costa and the first longitudi- nal vein. 492 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA Subcostal cell — The cell between the subcosta or auxiliary vein and the first vein or radius. Subcostal crossvein — A crossvein, sometimes present, connecting the subcosta or auxiliary vein and the first vein. This is used taxonomically in the Mycetophilidae and the Tipuloidea (Morphologically sc^). Subcostal vein — The vein lying between the costa and the first longitudinal vein. It is sometimes absent or greatly reduced. Sublateral bristles — Bristles situated in a line with the intra-alars but in front of the suture. The anterior two are sometimes included as posthumerals but the term is deceptive. Submarginal cell(s) — The cell or cells lying between the second and third longitudinal veins (R3 and R4). Sulcate — Grooved or furrowed. Supernumerary cells — Additional cells occurring in the wings due to the presence of extra crossveins (See Nemestrinidas, Bombyliidse, etc.). Supernumerary crossveins — Crossveins, other than those normally present. Supra-alar bristles — Bristles close to the edge of the thorax behind the suture. Suture — A line separating the parts of the body wall. Tarsus (si) — The feet, composed normally of five segments. The apical seg- ment bears the claws, pulvilli and empodium when these are not obsolete. In rare cases the number of tarsal segments is reduced to two. The tarsal segments are numbered fi'om the base, segments one to five, al- though the first segment is sometimes termed the basitarsus or meta- tarsus. Tegulse — See Squamae. Tergites — Dorsal sclerites or the upper side of the segment. Third longitudinal vein — The vein arising jointly with the second vein and branching from it, sometimes branched. Behind it is the first posterior cell and behind or before its base, the first basal cell (R4+:, ; Posterior branch of Rs. ; Cubital). Thorax — The middle part of the body bearing the wings and legs. Tibia(e) — The part of the leg beyond the femur. Transverse suture (of thorax) — The depressions extending inward from the sides of the mesonotum near the middle, but not true sutures. In the Muscoids this is said to be complete or extend entirely across, but this is not always the case. Usually the suture is obsolete in the middle. In the Tipulidse it is V-shaped. The suture divides the anterior series of bristles from the posterior dorsocentrals and acrosticals, whether it is complete or not. Trichostical bristles — Hypopleural bristles, used especially in the Asilidae. Trochanter — The small, ring-like portion connecting the coxae and femora. This often appears more or less triangular as only part of it is generally visible. Truncate — Ending transversely or with cut-off apex. Tubercle — A conspicuous, more or less rounded swelling, sometimes elongate as on the face of Syrphidse, etc. Tuberculate pits — Paired shiny dots at or near the anterior margin of the mesonotum, one on either side of the median line; in Tipulidae. Ungues — Claws. Venation — The arrangement of the veins of the wings. Venter — The under surface of the abdomen. Ventrad — Toward the venter. Ventral — Pertaining to the under side of the body. Vertex — The uppermost edge of the front; usually that part between the ocelli and the back of the head, or behind and between the upper angles of the eyes. Vertical triangle — The space, in holoptic flies, surrounding the ocelli. GLOSSARY OF TERMS USP:D IX DIPTEROLOGY 493 VibrissEe — The \avge bristles arising from the vibrissa! angles at the sides of the mouth in many Cyclorrhaphous Diptera. This term has been mis- applied to include the bristles sometimes found on the facial ridges. Vibrissal angles — The more or less rounded angles formed by the facial ridges just above the oral margin. Viviparous — Bringing forth living young. 494 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA LITERATURE For the convenience of those who may not be familiar with American litei'ature on Entomology lists of general works on Diptera and periodicals, etc., published in North America is given. This list is not complete but includes the more important publications. Occasionally descriptions are published in other journals but the number is small. Certain journals contain more papers dealing with flies than others, but there is a great deal of variation over a period of years. Monographic work on American insects is greatly handicapped because there is no medium of publication, most journals accepting only short papers. General Works for Students of Diptera Aldrich, J. M. — Catalogue of North American Diptera. Loew, H. — Diptera Americse Septentrionalis Indigena, I to X. (Latin). 1000 new species. The types are almost all in the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University. Loew, H. — Monographs of the Diptera of North America. Dolichopidae, Ephy- dridse, Otitid«, Tetanoceridse and Trypaneidse. Most oC the species have been elucidated in later work. Loew, H. — Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Dipteren. (German). Partly North American. Macquart, J. — Dipteres Exotiques, nouveaux ou peu connus. Vols. I, II and Supplements I to V. (French). Say, Thomas — The Complete Writings of Thomas Say on the Entomology of North America (Two volumes). Wiedemann, C. R. — Aussereuropaische Zweiflugelige Insecten. Vols. I, II (German). Current North American Periodicals Dealing Entirely With Entomology Annals of the Entomological Society of America. Bulletin of the Brooklyn Entomological Society. Canadian Entomologist. J Entomologica Americana (Published by Brooklyn Entomological Society). Entomological News. t Insecutor Inscitise Menstruus. Journal of Economic Entomology. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society. Journal of the New York Entomological Society. t Memoirs of the American Entomological Society. Pan Pacific Entomologist. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington (D. C). Psyche. JThomas Say Foundation of the Entomological Society of America, Transactions of the American Entomological Society. * No parts on Diptera published. t Publication discontinued. Mostly Diptera and Lepidoptera. + Irregular publications. GLOSSARY OF TERIMS USED IN DIPTEROLOGY 495 Scientific Publications Containing Entomological Papers American Journal of Hygiene. American Museum Novitates (American Museum of Natui'al History). Anales del Institute de Biologia (Mexico City). Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History. Bulletin of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences. Bulletin of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History. Journal of the Washington Academy of Sciences (D. C.) Kansas University Science Bulletin. Occasional Papers of the Boston Society of Natural History. Ohio Journal of Science. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences. Proceedings of the United States National Museum. Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada. Transactions of the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters. Zoological Record (London, England). Separate parts may be obtained. Lists all new species described each year. See also Government publications of the United States, Canada and the States and Provinces. CORRECTIONS Page 327. Leucophanga Mik. Most species of this genus will trace to couplet 10, where they may be distinguished by having the costa ending at the third vein. Page 359. For Microdiopsis, n. g. read Pseudodiopsis Hendel. The genotype is the same. 496 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA INDEX. PAGE Ablabesmyia Joh. = Pentaneura Phil. Ablaiitus 173 Acanthina Wied. = Acanthinomyia Acanthinomyia 1"3 Acanthocnema 388 Acantholeria 3P1 Acanthophorides 239 Acaroletes 115 Acartophthalmus S62 A caiilona 437 Acemya 462 Acemyiopsis Towns. = Ceracia Achfctella 3«9 Achsetina 39S .A.chjiptoneura 451 Achaitoneuropsis T = Achaetoneura Achalcus 221, 229 Arhiadocera Beck. = Chrysotus Acicephala 387 Acidia 287 Acidogona 289 Aciura 293 Aciurina 293 Acnemia 125 Aconops 267 Acontistoptera 240, 241 Acreotrichus Macq. = Neacreotrichus Acrocera 204 Aciochasta 143 Acronietopia 365 Acionaiista 455 Acionaristopsis 445 Acrosticta 275 Acrostictella 281 Acrotsenia 291 Actia 454, 455, 460, 462 Actina 135 Actinochseta 448, 449 Actinomintho T. = Polygaster Adelphomvia 46 Adiplosis 117 Adiscochata 407 Admontia 448,449 Adoxomyia 141 ACcdcta = Culicoides At'deomyia 95, 99 Aedes 95,99 ^nigmatias 235 Aeschnasoma 37 Agathomyia 244 Agathon 62 Agrarialia 459, 469 Agria 409 Agromyza 332 Agromyzidae 332 AUionia 141 Aldiichia 193 Aldrjchiella 334 Aldrovandiella 1 32 Aleomyia Phillips = Euribia Alexandriaria 43 Alexiopogon 177, 1 83 Allanthalia 209 Alliopsis 391 Allocotocera 123 Allodia 127 Alla-ostylus 397 Allognosta 135 Allognota 395 Allograpta 255 Allomyella 387 PACK Allomyia 109 Allophoioceia 453 Allophyla 379 Allotrichoma 349 AUuaudomyia 76 Aloipha 145 Alophora 435 Amalopina 46 Amaurosoma 390 Americina 389 .^miota = Stegana Amobia 407 Amwbaleria 379 Amphichffita = Phorocera Amphicnephes 279 Amphicosomus 197 Amphipogon 311 Anacampta L\v = Meckelia Anacamptomyia 443 Anachfetopsis ■. . . 452 Anadiscalia 446, 468 .'\nalcocerus 143 Anaimostu.s 181 Anastcechu.s 195 Anastrepha 287 Anatella 127 Anatopynia 71 Andrenosoma 179 Androprosopa 68 Anepsiomyia 219, 227 Aneuiina 237 Anisopodidae 59 A nisopus 60 Anisotamia 195, 200 Aiiomaleinpis 207 Anopheles 93, 97 Anorostoma 381 Anthalia 209 Anthepiscopus 209 Anthomyella 391 Anthomyia 391 Anthomyza 329 Anthiacophaga 341 Anthrax 193 Antichffita 369 Antillicola 421 Antineui-a 332 Antiphrisson 183 Antissops 135 Antocha 43 Anypotacta 379 Aochletus 141 Apachemyia 460 Apatolestes 151 Apelleia 204 Apemon 121 .'\phamartania 171 Aphaniosoma 372 Aphestia 179 Aphidoletes 113 Aphiochaata = Megaselia Aphoebantus 200 Aphria 455 Apinops 435 Apiocera 190 Apioceridae 189 Apocephalus 239 Apomidas 190 Apophorhynchus 300 Aptilotus 361 Aravaipa 447 Archiclop.s 452 IXDEX 497 PACE Archilestris 173 Archilimnophila 47 Archytas 423 Arctobiella 336 Arctophila 263 Aixtophyto 423 Argentoepalpus Tns. = Rhachoepalpus Argyra 219. 225 Argyreomyia Tns. = Leptostylum Argyrochsetona 451, 459. 463 Argy rophylax 443. 460 Ariciella 397 Aridalia 459, 469 Armigeres 99 Arrhinomyia B.B. = Elodia Arthroceras 146 Arthrochjeta 421 Arthrcci'-odax 115 Arthropeas 146 Asemosvrphus 264 Asilidse 167 Asilostoma 317 Asilus 183 Asimoneura Czerny = Euribia Asindulum 121 Asphondylia Ill Aspidoptera 479 Aspistes 131 Asteia 328 Asteiidae 328 Asteromyia 107 Astrodiplosis 117 Astrophanes 193 Asynapta 107 Asyndetus 219,225 Atacta 457 Atactomima Tns. = Atacta Atarba 46 Atelogossa 421 Atheiigona 396 Atherix 160 Athyioglossa 351 Atissa 349 Atissiella 349 Atomosia ;. 179 Atonia 179 Atopomyia 156 Atractia 177, 181 Atrichopogon 76 Ati-ophopalpus 447 Aulacigaster 327 Austrothaumalea 68 Automola 281 Axelempis 209, 212 Axiologina 277 Axymyia 60 Axysta 355 Azana 123 Azelia 397 Baceha 255 Baryplegma 287 Basilia 476 Bathiopsis 179 Baiimhaueiia 448 Bdellolarynx 307 Beckerina 237 Bel vosia 423,451 Belvosiomima Tns. = Belvosia Belvosiopsis Tns. = Belvosia Beris l?- Berismyia 13," Beikshiria 139 PAOE Beskia 454 Bessa 453 Resseria 4o."> Bezzia 77 Bezzimyia 435 Bibio 129 Bibiocephala 62 Bibiodes 129 Bibiomima 433 Bibionidse 128 Bicellaria 20*' Bigolomyia 397 Billa?a 425 Binghamimyia 461 Bironella 97 Bithoiacochseta 395 Bittacomorpha 3r Bittacomorphella 30 Blephaiei)ium 171 nienhaiicera 62 Blephariceridae 61 Blephaiigena 448 Blepharipeza Macq. = Leschenaultia Blepharoneui-a 287 Blondelia 441 Bogeria = Cuterebra Bolbodimyia 154 Bolbomyia 159 Boletina 125 Boletophila 121 Bolomyia 446 Bomboniima 179 Bombyliidse 191 Bombyliomyia 442 Bombyliopsis 420 Bombylius 195 Borborid Chrysosomopsis =-- Gymnochaeta Chrysosomidia 261, 263 Chrysotachina 429 ChrysGtimus 221, 227 Chrysotoxum 251 Chrysotus 223 Chymomyza 327 Chyliza 375 Chyromyidae 371 Chyroniya 372 Cincticornia Ill Cirrula 353 Cistogaster 435 Citibsena 251 Cladochasta 327 Cladura 49 INDEX 499 PAGE Claii'villia = Dionsea Clanontui-um 349 Clasiopclla 351 Clastopteromyia 327 Clausicella 456 Clausicellana 458 ClciKastra 390 Clelia Des. = Leucostoina Clcodiplosis 113 Cleonice 445 Clinoceia 214 Clinodiplosis 115 Clinohelea 76 Clinoneura ^= Rhynchiodcxia Clinopcra 395 Clinorhyncha 107 Clinotanypus 71 Cliopcza 307 Clista 462 Clistomorpha 439, 455 Clitellaria of authors = Adoxomyia Clitiomya Rond. = Chrystria Clusia 364 Clusiidse 362 Clusioides 364 Clythopsis Tns. = Ceracia Cnemacantha 321 Cnemodon 257 Cnephaliodes 423 Coboldia 131 Coccidomyia 109 Cochliomyia 408 CockL-ic41iana 448 Cceloglutus 217, 229 (^mlopa 376 Coelopidce 376 Ccclosia 125 Coplotanypus = Clinotanypus Coenia 353 Co?nomyia 346 Ccenoniyidae 146 Coenosia 395 Coilometopia 275 Colabris 214 Collatia 423, 464 Collintllula 221, 229 Coloboneura 214 Coloradalia . .444, 46"^ Colpodia 107 ComanlL'Ua 169 Comatacta Coq. = Telothyria Commoptera 241 Compsiluia 443 Comyops 427 Condidea 263 Condylostylus 216 Coniccps 273 Coniceia . 237 Coniceromyia 237 Oonophorus 197 Conopidse 265 Conops 'id' Contaiinia Ill Copc'stylum 251 Cophura 171 Copi-odiplosis 115 Coquillettina Walton = Hemithrixion Coquilk'ttomyia 115 Cordiluia 388, 389 Cordyla 127 Cordyligaster 457 Cordylomyia 105 Coi(lyl\iiilla 389 FACE Coicthra auct = Mochlonyx Corethra Meigen = Chaoborus Corethrella 93, 95 Coiinthomyia 105 Coiozalia 429. 465 Coiynoneura 73 Cramptonomyia 128 Ciassiseta 343 Cremersia 239 Crtpidohanima 328 Crictopus 73 Criddleria 379 Crioprora 261 Criorrhina 261 Ciyophila 9" Ciyptobremia 113 Cryptochaetum 332. 365 Cryptocladocera 443 Cryptolabis 50 CiyptomoiKenia 437 Ctenodactylomyia 109 Ctenophora 37 Culex 95, 97 Culicidse 83 Culicoides 76 Cuphocera 47 Curtonotuni 327 Cuteiebra 412 Cuterebridae 411 Cyamops 323 Cylindromyia 421. 454 Cylindrotoma 41 Cynipimorpha 139 Cynomva 407 Cynoihina 259. 261, 263 Cynorhinella 261 Cyphomvia 143 Cyrtidae 203 Cyrtomt'topa =^ Odontomera Cyrtoneurina 394 Cyrtonturopsis 394 Cyrtophloeba 427 Cyrtonotum = Curtonotuni Cyrtoposon 177 Cystiphora 109 Cystodiplosis 117 Cyzenis 443 Czernyola 364 Dactylocladius = Orthocladius Dactylolabis 47 Dactylothyrea 343 Dalmannia 267 Damalis 173 Dasyhelea 76 Dasykchia 177 Dasymetopa 279 Dasymolophilus 50 Dasyntura 109 Dasypleuron 387 Degperia 453 Dfinocerites 95, 97 Dcjeania 423 Delopsis 127 Dclphinia 279 Delphodiplosis 113 Demoticu.s 460 Dendromyia 93 Dendrophaonia 397, 399 Dentifibula Ill Derinatobia 412 Deroinyia = Diogmites Desmatomyia 200 Desmatoneura 200 Dfsmometopa 336 Desmomyza 336, 338 500 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA PAGE Deutominettia 321 Dexia 457 Dexiosoma = Microphthalmus Dexodes 456, 4fi2 Diachloi-us 153 Diacrita 279 Diadiplosis 113 Diadocidia 121 Dialineura 188 Dialysis 159 Dialyta 396 Diamesa 71 Diaphanomyia Tns. = Cuphocera Diaphorus 223 Diarthronomyia 109 Diasemopsis 359 DiaKtata 327 Diatomineura Rond. ^= Scaptia Diazosma 31 Dichata 355 Dichsetomyia 395 Dichaftoneuia Johns. ^ Phytomyptera Dichelacora 154 Dichoctia 427 Diclasiopa 349 Diclisa Sch. = Scione Dicolonus 175 Dicifeus 344 Dicranomyia 45 Dicianophragma 48 Dicranoptycha 43 Dicianota 46 Dicianus 171 Dicrodiplosis 113 Dictya 369 Dictyomyia 370 Dictyonerius 309 Didea 253 Di.s;onipha?ta 441, 449 Dihcxaclonus 37 Dilophus 129 Dimocn?nia 353 Dinomyia = Procanace Dinera 431 Dioctria 175 Dioctrodes Coq. = Taracticus Diogmites 171 Diomonus Walker = Leptomorphus Dionsea 439 Diopsidse 358 Diopsis 359 Diopsina 359 Diostracus 219, 225 Diotrepha 43 Dipalta 193 Diploneura 237 Diplopota = Imitomyia Diplocampta auct. not Schiner = Neo- diplocampta Diplotoxa 341 Dirhiza 107 Discobola 45 Discocerina 349, 351 Discomyza 349 Dishoi-momyia 117 Distichona 441,451 Ditomyia 121 Ditrichophora 351 Dixa 81 Dixapuella 81 Dixella 81 PAGE Dixids 80 Dizonias 175 Docosia 125 Dohrniphora 237 Dolichocc'phala 214 Dolichodes 175 Dolichomyia 195 Dolichopeza 36 Dolichopidae 215 Dolichopus 217 Domomyza Ron. = Agromyza Doros 255 Doryclus 169 Doryphorophaga 444, 446, 451 Drapetis 214 Diosophila 327 Drosophilidae 325 Dryomyza 383 Dryomyzidae 382 Dryomyzothea 317 Dynatosoma 127 Dyscrasis 279 Dyseuaresta 293 Dziedzickia 125 Ebenia 431 Eccoptomera 381 Eccoptomma 336 Ecciitosia 181 Echinomyia auct. = Cnephaliodes Echthodopa 175 Ecitomyia 240, 241 Ecitophora 240, 241 Ecitoptera 240. 241 Ecituncula 241 Eclimus 200 Ectecephala 341 Ectiepesthoneura 125 Ectyphus 165 Egle 393 Eipogona 450 Ela?ophila 48 Elaphella 151 Eldunnia 479 Elephantomyia 46 Eleodiphaga 448 Elephantocera 458, 462 Elgiva 370 Eliozeta = Chryseria Elliponeura 341 Ellijttera 43 Elodia 452. 454, 463 Elophilus 264 Emblamasoma 409 Emmesomyia 391 Empalia Winn. = Synapha Empeda 50 Ennpedomorpha 51 Emphanopteryx Tns. = Cryptomeigenia Empidae 205 Empimorpha 212 Empis 212 Endaphis Ill Enicita 314 Ensina 293 Epacmus 200 Epalpus 421 Ephydra 353 Ephydridse 345 Epichlorops 341 Epicypta 127 Epidexia 447 Epidiplosis 115 Epigrimyia 455, 460 INDEX 501 PACE Epihormomyia 113 Epimyia 107 Epiphragma ''6 Epiplatea 273, 277 Epistrophe 255 Epochra 287 Epomyia ' S8 El-ax 181. 1S3 Ei-emomyia 393 Eremomyoides 391 Erephopsis Ron. = Melpia Eretmopodites 99 Eietmoptera 71 Eriocera 46 Erioptera 52 Eriothrix 445 Eristalis 264 Ernestia 445 Ernoneura 387 Eiosomy ia Ill Ervia Desv. = Icelia Erycia auct. = Lydella Erycioides 441 Eiythromelana 425 Esenbeckia 151 Euantha Wulp = Sophia Desv. Euaraba 405 Euaresta Loew = Tephritis Eublephaiipeza Tns. = Bombyliomyia Eubrachymera 449 Euceromyia Coq. = Euryceromyia Tns. Euceroplatus = Ceroplatus Eucessia 200 EuchiEtophleps Tns. = Oxynops Tns. Euchlorops 334 Euclitellaria 141 Eucordyligaster 457 Eucoiethra 93, 97 Eucoronomyia 452 Eucosmoptera 291 Euctenodes 479 Eucynipimorpha Mall. = Psei)hiocera End. Eucyi'tophloeba =; Cyrtophloeba Eucyrtopogon 177 Eudejeania 423 Eudexia 460 Eudicrana 123 Eudicranota 46 Euepalpus 447 Eufabricia T. = Archytas Euforcipomyia ^Forcipomyia EuKaurax 344 EuKenacephala 387 EuKnoriste 119 Euhalidaya 460 Euhybos 207 Eulasiona 427 Eulimnophora Mai. = Gymnodia Eulonchus 203 Eumacronychia 407 Eumecosoma 179 Eumecosomyia 275 Eumetraparea 461 Eumeius = Heliophilus Eumetopia ^Eumetopielhi Eumetopiella 277 PAGE Eumogenia Tns. = Acaulona Eumyiolepta 259 Eumyobia T. = Neaphria Eumyothyria T. ^ CryptomeiKenia Eupachygaster 139 Euparyphus 141 Eupeitenus 128 Eupelecotheca 444 Eupeodes 253 Euphara 277 Euphycus 188 Eurhabdus 173 Euribia 287 Euiosta 293 Emostina 293 Euiycephala Roder = Tetanops Euiycephalomyia Hendel = Tetanops Euryceromyia 454, 456 Eurycnemus 73 Euryneura 141 Euryomma 397 Euscopolia 43,S Eusenotainia 407 Eusimulium 66 Eusiphona 336 Eustigoptera 353 Eutanypus Coq. = Diamesa Eutarsus 223 Euthelaira 444 Euthelairopsis 445 Euthera 455 Eutheresia 425 Euthycera 370 Euthyneura 209 Euthyprosopa 450 Eutonia 48 Eutreta 291 Eutrichogena 421 Eutrixa 439 Euxe<;ta 277 Euzelia Tns. = Zelia Euzanillia T. = Lixophaga Euzenilliopsis T. = Lixophaga Eversmannia 429 Exechia 127 Exepacmus 197 Exoprosopa 193 Exorista 451, 456 Exoristoides = Eversmannia Exoristopsis = Eversmannia Fabriciella = Cnephaliodes Fannia 397 Feltiella 115 Feltomyia Ill Ferdinandea 257 Ficalbia 99 Ficiomyia 109 Fidena 151 Fischeria 461 Flebotomus 79 Forcipomyia 76 Freyia 319 Frontina 453 Frontiniclla 453 Fucdlia 391 Furcifcra 188 Ga;dia 449 Ga>diophana B.tJ. = Tritaxys Giediopsis 442 Gasterophilidae 400 Gasterophilus 401 Gastrops 3C3 502 NORTH AIMERICAX DII'TERA PAGE Gaurax 344 Gcminaria 197 Genea 461 Geomyza 331 Geranomyia 45 G'ei'on 195 Giardomyia 115 Gibsonomyia 449 Gimnomera 389 Ginglichjeta Aid. = Chaatovoria Vill. Ginglimyia 441 Glabellula 197 Glaris 141 Glaurotricha Thomson = Volucella Glenanthe 353 Gloma 209 Glutops 146 Glyphidops 309 Gnophomyia 51 Gnoriste 125 Goeldia 95, 97. 100 Gonarcticoides Curran ■^= Myopina Gonathei-us 391 G'onempeda 50 Gonia 446 Goniochseta 421, 448 Goniomima Tns. = Belvosia Goniops 151 Gonomyia 50 Gowdeyana 139 Giallipeza 305 Grallomya 305 G'raphomya 397 Griphoneura 319 Grisdalemyia 445 Gyninochseta 444 Gymnodexia B.B. =-■ Billsea Desv. Gymnomma 421 Gymnopalpus 431 Gymnophania 427, 433 Gymnophora 239 G'ymnoprosopa 407 Gymnopternus 219, 225 GjTnnosoma 435 Gymnosturmia T. = Sturmia Gyneuryparia 143 Hadroneura 125 Hamagogus 95,99 Haeniatobia 399 Hiematobosca 394 Hfematopota 153 Hammerschmidtia , 259 Haminomyia 393 Harbeckia 409 Haipagomyia 100 Haipagoijyga 409 Harpomyia 109 Hax-risiopsis T. ^ Leschenaultia Hartomyia = Stilobezzia Hebecnema 399 Hecamcdoides 349 Hedroneura 369 Heizmannia 99 Heleodromia 212 Helicobia 409 Heligmoneuia 183 Helina 398, 399 Heliophilus 262 Helius 43 Helf.bia 51 Helomyza 379 Helomyzidsp 378 PACiE Helophilus auct. ^ Elophilus Hemeiodromia 214 Hemeromyia 336 Hemichloia 399 Hemilucilia 408 Hemitelopteryx 369 Hemithrixon 454 Hemixantha 275 Heinyda 437 Henicomyia 188 Heptagia 71 Hercostomus 219, 227 Hermetia 141 Heryngia 257 Hesperempis 211 Hesperinus 129 Hesperodes 121 Hesperodinera 448 Hesperophasia 433, 435, 450 Heteracanthia 135 Heterocheila 383 Heteromeringia 364 Heteromyia 76 Heteromyza 379 Heteropeza 105 Heteropogon 177 Heteropterna = Ceroplatus Heterostylum 195 Hexachajta 287 Hexamitocera 390 Hexatoma 46 Hiatus 281 Hilaia 211 Hilarella 405 Hilarinioipha 159 Himantostoma = Imitomyia Himei-oessa 281 Hineomyia 444 Hippolatfs 343 Hippobosca 475 Hippoboscidae 473 HirmoriL'Uia 202 Histiodroma 143 Hodgesia 100 Hodophylax 173 Holcocephala 175 Holopogon 177 Holorusia 37 Homalactia 444 Homogenia ^ Trichiopoda Homont'ura 321 Hoplocheiloma 305 Hoplocyrtoma 209 Hoplodictya 369 Hoplogaster 395 Hoplolabis 52 Horidiplosis 117 Hormomyia 117 Hormopc'za 209 Hoimosomyia 107 Houghia 459 Hyadina 353 Hyalomya 435 Hyalomyodes T. = Clistomorpha Hyalurgus 445 Hybos 207 Hydiellia 351 Hydrina 351 Hydromyza 387 Hvdrophoria 391 Hydiophorus 221, 229 Hydrotffia 398 Hylumya 393 Hypaspistomyia 336 Hypenomyia 431 Hyporalonia 193 INDEX 503 PAOE Hyperdiplosis 115 Hypertrophoccra 449 Hypertrophomma 4 .",9 Hypocera 237 Hyiiochaeta 42fi Hypochsetopsis 423 Hyi)ocharassus 219, 225 Hypodeima 414 Hypodeimodes 395 Hyiiodiplosis 117 Hypopelta 409 Hypostena Meis?. ^ Phyllomya Des. Hyimphloeba 202 Hystrichodexia 460 Hysti'icia 420 Icelhi 454 Iconomedina Tns. = Tiichopareia B.B. Icteiica 287 Ictericophyto 442 Idana 279 Idiolimnophila 48 Idioptera 48 Ili.sia 52 Ilythea 349 linitomyia 433 Ischnomyia 329 Ischyrophajja Tns. = Ebenia Ischy rosyrphus 253 Isobremia 113 Isoecacta = Dasyhelea Lsoneuromyia = Platyura Isostomyia 95 Iteaphila 209 Jamacaria 461 JanetifeUa 109 Jicaltepecia 45S Joanni.sia 1 05 Joblotia 95 Johannsenomyia 7G John.sonia 407 Johnsonomyia 107 Johnsonomyia Mai = Berkshiria Johnson Jurinella B.B. = Pseudohystricia Jurinia 423 Juriniopsis 421 Kalodiplosis 113 Kaischomyia 115 Keirosoma 225, 230 Kelloggina 62 Kingiella 391 Konisomyia 105 Kophosoma V.D. ^ Peloropeodes Wheeler Kioberia 300 Kronodiplosis Ill Kronomyia 105 Lachnommopsis T. = Paradidyma Lactistomyia 207 Lamprempis 212 Lampria 179 Lampromydas 165 Lamproscatella 353 Laphria 179 Laphystia 175, 177 Lapyruta = Platyura Lasia 203 Lasiomastix 46 PAr.E Lasionalia 437. 467 Lasiopa 141 Lasiopogon 177 Lasiops 397 Lasioptera 107 La.siopteryx 109 Lasiocelus 389 Lastaurina 171 Lastaurus 171 Lathyrophthalmus 264 Latreillia Desv. = Belvosia Latreillimyia T. = Belvosia Lauxania 317 Lauxaniella 317 Lauxaniidae 315 Laximasicera 459 Laxina 216, 230 Lecteria 48 Leia 125 Leicesteria 99 Lejoiis 264 Lepidanthrax 195 Leiiidophora 197 Lepidostola 259 Lepiselaga 153 Leptis = Rhagio Leptocera 361 Leptochffita B.B. = Phorocera Leptocorypha 217, 225 Leptoda Wulp = Zelia Leptogaster 173 Leptomorphus 123 Leptomydas auct. = Nomoneura Leptopeza 209 Leptopsilopa 349 Leptoiiyi-gota 270 Leptorhethum 216 Leptostylum 446 Leptosy na 107 Leschenaultia 449, 451 Leskia Desv. = Pyrrhosia Leskiomima 460 Leskiopalpus T. = Fischeria Leskiopsis Tns. = Telothyria Lestodiplosis 115 Lestomyia 171 Lestiemia 105 Leucoiihenga 327 Leucopis 365 Leucostola 223, 230 Leueostoma 455 Leucozona 253 Liancalus 217 Limatus 93, 100 Limnia 370 Limnophila 48, 52 Limnophora 397 Limosia 395 Limnospila 396 Limonia 45 Linacerus = Podonomus Linnsemya 429, 441, 442 Liogma 41 Lipochseta 347 Lipophleps 49, 50 Lipoptena 475 Lipsothiix 51 Li.spe 395 Lispidea 456 504 NORTH amp:rican diptera PAGE Lispocephala 396 Lissoteles 175 Litorhynchus 193 Lixinia 441 Lixophaga 459 Lobodiplosis 113 Lobopteiomyia Ill Lonchsea 29S Lonchaeidse 298 Lonchoptera 232 Lonchopteridae ... 232 Longuiio 37 Lophoteles 1?9 Lordotus 197 Loxocera 37 Fi Lucilia 40S Lunomyia 264 Lutomyia 379 Lutzia 95 Lutzomyia 387 Lycastrhi-hyncha 264 Lycia 321 Lydella auct. = Blondelia Desv. Lydella 459 Lydina 427. 429 Lygistorrhina 121 Lynchia auct. = Pseudolynchia Lynchia 475 Lyperosiops Tns. == Bdellolarynx Austen Lypha 441. 443. 444 Lytogastei- 353 Macateeia 393 Machimus 183 Macquartia = Lydina Maciocanace 357 Maciocera 121 Maciocoenosia 395 Macromeigenia 446 Macromelanderia 383 Macrometopa 431 Macrophorbia 393 Macrorchis 396 Macrostenomyia 275 Madiza . 344 Madiemyia 443 Mallocharia ' 394 Mallophora 181 Mallophorina 181, 183 Mallota 264 Mancia 193 Mangodiplosis Ill Manota 122 Mansonia 95.99 Marbenia 323 Marsillia Rond. = Thrycolyga Maruina 79 Masicera = Lydella Masiphya 457. 459 Masistylum 456 Mauiomyia 442 Meckelia = Ceratoxys Medeterus 217, 229 Megagrapha 214 MegalaBmyia 277 Megalopelma 125 Megamerinidee 373 Megametopon 251 Megapaiia 447 PAGE Megapariopsis T. = Megaparia Megaphthalma 387. 389 Megapro.sopu.s 447 Megaihinus 93, 97 Megaselia 239 Megaselida auct. = Megaselia Megeilea 431 Meghyperus 207 Megistocera 36 Megistomastix 36 Megistopoda 479 Megistostylus 216 Megophthalmidia 125 Mcigenia 457, 459 Meigcniella 437 Meigenielloides Tns. = Dexodes Melaleuca Wulp = Zelia Melaloncha 241 Melanderia 221, 229 Melanepalpus Tns. = Rhachoepalpus Melanoloma 275 Melanolomina 275. 281 Melanophora 447 Melanophi-ys 433, 439 Melanostoma 257 Meleterus 437 Melieria 281 Melina 369 Melophagus 475 Melpia 151 Menetus 437 Meoneura 334 Merapioidu.s 261 Meriana 442 Mericia 429 Mericina 429 Meiodon 264 Meromaerus 264 Meromyza 341 Meroplius 314 Meiosargus 145 Meiycomyia 153 Mesamyia 391 Mesembrina 395 Mesembrinella 408 Mesocyphona = Erioptera 52 Mesogramnia 255 Mesorhaga 217 Metachseta = Wagneria Metacosmus 200 Metadiplosis 115 Metallicomintho T. = Wagneria Metangela 119 Metaphragnia 188 Metaphyto 445 Metaplagia 423. 437, 448 Metapogon 177 Metatiichia 162 Metavoiia 437 Metelasmus 477 Metopia 405 Metopiidse 402 Metopiops 443 Metopina 239, 240 Metopobrachia 307 Metopomu.scoptei-yx 427 Metriocnemus 73 Miamyia 93 Mia.stor 105 INDEX 505 PAGE Michofraster Macq. = SctoUia Micrapemon = Platyura Micrempis 214 Microc'Jiata 105 Microceromacia 459 MicrochfBtina 431, 448 Microchiia B.B. = Paradidyma Microchrysa 1 15 Microdiopsis 359 Microdon 249 Microlynchia 475 Micromintho Tris. = Wajrnei'ia Micromorphus 221, 227 Micronychia B.B. = Eversmannia Micropt'za 307 Micropezidae 306 Microphoix'lla 209 Microphorus 209 Mici'ophthalma 447 Microprosopa 389 Micropselapha 389 MicioptL'ia Desv. ^ Dcxia Miciosania 244 Microsillus 459 Microtipula 37 Microtownsendia 463, 471 Miciostylum 173 Midas = Mydas Milesia 263 Milichia 336 Milichiella 336 Millardia 221, 229, 231 Minettia 321 Minthodexia B.B. = Xanthodexia Minthoplasia 429, 445 Minthozelia 458 Misgomyia = Bolbomyia Mitromyia 305 Mixoaraster 249, 251 Mochlonyx 93,95 Moohlosoma 431 Molophilus 51 Molynocn-Ma , 287 Monardia 105 Monarthiopalpus 115 MonochsEta B.B. = Cyzenis Monoclona 125 Monohelca 76 Morellia 394 Morpholeria 381 Mo.sillus 347 Mumetopia 329 Murdockiana 443 Musca 394 Mu.scina 397 Muscidse 384 Muscopteryx 427, 442 Mutiloptera 331 Mycetaulus 311 Mycctobia 60 Mycetophila 127 Mycetophilidae 120 Mycodiplosis 115 Mycodrosophila 327 Mycomya 123 Mycophila 105 Mycothcra = Mycctophila Mydaea 397 Mydaidae 163 Mydas , 165 Myelaphus 173 Myennis 279 PAGE Myioli^pta 259 Myiomima 423, 425 Myiopharus 427 Myiophasia 427, 437 Myoceia Ron. = Billsea Desv. Myoccrops T. = Billsea Desv. Myoceropsis 431 Myolcja 289 Myopa 267 Myophthyria 475 Myopina 391 Myospila 397 Myothyiia Wulp = Ceracia Myothyiiopsis 459 Myrmecomya 279 Myimecothea 279 Myrsina Desv. ^= Bessa Desv. Mythicomyia 197 Myxosargus 143 Napffia Desv. =-- Parydra Napomyza 332 Nausipraster 251 Ncacreotiichus 197 Neaspilota 289 Nebritis 188 Negasilus 183, 184 Ncmatoproctus 225, 230 Neinestrinidse 201 Nemomydas 165 Nemopoda 314 Nemorilla 446 Nemotelus 141 Neoascia 259 Neocanace 357 Neocatocha 105 Neocelatoria Walton = Chsetophleps Neoceiatopogon ^= Alluaudomyia Neochauna 139 Neochiysops 151 Neocladura 49 Neocota 212 Ncodexiopsis 395 Neodichoccra Walton = Dichocera Neodionnsea T. = Diona?a Neodiplocanipta 193, 200 NeodiKrhistus 197 Neodixa • 81 Neodohrniphora 239 Neoemphoria 123 Neoerijrone 429 Neoexaiieta 135 Neosnophomyia 51 Neosi'iphoneura 319 Neoorymnomera 388 Neohirmoneura 202 Neohydrotjea 398 Neohylemyia 391 Neoidiotypa 275 Neoitamus 183 Neolasioptera 107 Neoleria 381 Neolimnobia 45 Neolimnophila 49 Neometachseta 447 Neominottia 319 Neomochtherus O.S. = Heligmoneuia Big. Neomusca Mai. = Philornis Ncomupcina 399 Neopachygaster 139 Neopangonia 151 Neopelomyia 331 506 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA PAGE Neophryxe 456 Neophyllomyza 336 Ncophyto 405, 408 Neoplalyura = Platyura Neopogon 175 Neorhynchocephalus 202 Neoiondania 143 Neosciara = Sciara Neoscutops 323 Neo?sos 331. 372 Neosyntormon 223, 230 Neothelaira Tns. = Dexodes Neotrafoia Tns. = Trafoia Nephopteropsis 461 Nephrocerus 246 Nephrotoma 37 Nesotipula 37 Neptunimyia 105 Neriocephalus 307 Neriidse 30S Nerius 309 Neuratellia 123 Neurigona 221. 227, 220 Neuioctena '. 383 Neuromyia 109 Neurota 141 Nicocles 171 Niphogenia 212 Nonioneura 165 Nordlia 388 Nostima 351 Nothodixa 81 Nothomyia 143 Notiphila 355 Notochaeta 409 Notogramma 275 Nycteribia 476 Nycteribiidae 476 Nycterophilia 479 Obolocera 446 Obolodiplosis 115 Occemya 267 Ochroceia 456 Ochi-omeigenia 441 Ochthera 351 Ochtheroidea 351 Ochthiphila = Chamaemyia Ocnsea 204 Ocydromia 209 Ocyptera = Cylindromyia Ocypterosonia T. = Phyllomya Desv. Odinia 332 Odontodiplosis 117 Odontoloxozus 309 Odontomuia 273 Odontomyia 143 Odontopoda = Ncuratelia CEcothea 379 CEdalia 209 CEdamagena . 414 CEdemasonia T = Besseria ffidcmatocera 462 CEdematopu.- 221, 229 CEdenops 353 CEdicarena 289 CEdopa 277 CEdoparena 3?3 CEstrida 413 CEstrogastcr T. = Calodexia PAGE CEstrogastrodes T. = Calodexia CEstrogasti'opsis T. = Calodexia CEstrohilarella 405 ffistrophasia 450 CEstius 414 Ogcodes 204 Ogcodocera 197 Oidematops 369 Olbiogastei- 60 Olfersia 475 Oligarces 105 Oligoti-ophus 109 Ollachea T. = Cryptomeigenia Ommatius 179 Omomyia 297 Onodiplosis 117 Opeatocei'ata 211 Opelousia 405, 408 Ophyra 398 Opifex 99 Opistholoba = Mycetophila Opomydas 165 Opomyza 331 Opotnyzidse 329 Opscbius 204 Opsidea 405 Opsidiopsis 405 Opsiomyia 389 Opsodexia 408, 423 Opsoleskia 461, 462 Opsophagus =^ Cyrtophloeba Opsotheresia 421, 425 Orbellia 379 Orellia 291 Oreogeton 209 Oreolhalia 212 Organomyia 446 Orimaiga 43 Ormia 457 Orniosia 51 Ornidia 251 Ornithoctona 475 Ornithodes 45 Ornithoica 475 Ornithomyia ^ 475 Ornithopertha ' 475 Ornithoponus Aid. = Lynchia Oropeza 36 Orphnephila = Thaumalea Ortalidse = Otitidfe Ortalimyia 281, 284 Orthacheta 390 Orthollia 394 Orthocladius 73 Orthoneura 259 Orthopodomyia 95, 99 Osca Walker = Scaptia Oscinella 344 Ospiiocerus 173 Ostracoccelia 279 Ostracophjrto 445 Otitidae 271 Ouelletia 407, 410 Oxycera 141 Oxydexia 429 Oxynops 452 Oxynopsalia 444, 467 Ozodiceromyia 188 Paehycerina 319 Pachychseta 183 Pachygaster 139 INDEX 507 PAGE Pachyneres = Glabellula Pachynocera T. = Wagneria Pachyophthalmus 407 Pachypyga Par. = PeloropecKles Wh. Pacdariiim 437 Pala;oplatyura 121 Palloptera 297 Pallopteridae 296 Palpomyia 76 Paltostoma 62 Panacemyia 45S, 463 Panamasilus 179 Panamenia 323 Pandora 314 Paneryma 275 Pantaibes 195 Pantophthalmidce 155 Pantophthalmus 156 Paiabezzia 77 Parabombylius 200 Pai-abrunettia 79 Paracantha 291 Paiacladura 31 Paracleius 219, 227 Paraclunio 73 Paracosmus 200 Paradejeania 423 Parademoticus 423 Paradicianota 46 Paradidyma 427, 442 Paradiplosis 117 Paradixa 81 Paiadmontia 442 Paradrosojihila Duda = Clastopteromyia Paradyschiria 479 Paiafischeria T. = Fischeria Parageimaiia Tns. = Distichona Paragorgopsis 279 Paragus 253 Paraleucopis 365 Paialimna 347 Paialispe 427, 443, 452, 453 Paralisjiidea 449 Parallelodiplosis 117 Parallelomma 389 Paralucilia 407 Paiamadiza Mall. = Hypaspistomyia Paramadiza Mel., not Mai. = Hemeromyia Paiametopina 239 Paiamilichia 336 Paramongoma 49 Paramyia 334 Pai-amyocera ^ Rhynchiodexia Paraphasiopsis 454 Paiaphasmophaga 450 Paraphrosylus 217, 223, 229, 230 Paraihinoleucophenga 327 Paraiicia 397 Parasimulium 66 Parasphen 305 Paraspinophora 237 Parasymmictus 202 Paiasyntoimon 223, 230 Paratactopsis Tns. = Chsetoprosopa Paratanypus = Podonomus Parataracticus 171 Parathalassius 209 Parathelaira 459 Paratheresia 425 Paiatidia 387 Paratinia 123 Paratissa 349 Paratrichobius 479 Paiatropesa 50 Paravilla 195 Parawinnertzia 107 Parazelia 431 Parectecephala 341 Paregle 393 Parephydra Coq. = Atissa Paihelophilus 264 Parocdopa 277 Paroxyna 293 Parydra 353 Pateloa 444 Patillalia 459, 469 Pectinodiplosis Ill Pedicella 145 Pedicia 45 Pegomya 393 Pelagomyia 141 Pelastoneurus 217, 225 Pelatachina 458, 462 Pelecocera 259 Pelecotheca 443 Peleteiia 447 Pelina 353 Pelomyia 331 Pelomyiella 331 Peloropeodes 219, 225, 230, 231 Peltopsilopa 347 Pentaneuia 71 Pentapedilum 73 Penthoptera 46 Penthosia 450 Per.icoma 79 Peiidiplosis 113 Peripheroptera 45 P«riscelidae 323 Pei-iscelis 323 Peronyma 289, 293 Peteina 449 Phaanopsis 443 Phalacrocera 41 Phalaciodexia 423 Phalacrophyto 425 Phalacrotophora End. = Megaselia Phantasiomyia 456, 463 Phaonia 398 Phasia 435 Phasioclista Tns. = Myiophasia Phasiophyto 449 Phasiops 421 Phasiopsis 454 Phasiostoma T. = Clausicella Phasmophaga Tns. = Aichiclops Pheneus = Vermileo Phenicia 408 Pherocera 188 Philetus 211 Philonicus 183 Philoiwta 203 Philoinis 394, 399 Philorus 62 Phocniciomyia 452 Pholeomyla 336 Phora 237 Phorantha = Alophoia Phorellia Ron. = Tiypeta Phorichata = Wagneria Phoridae 234 508 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA PAGE Phormia 408 Phoiocera 444 Phoiodonta 119 Phoiostoma Desv. = Billaea Desv. Phosocephala 421 Phiissopodia 409 Phronia 127 Phiosinella 405 Phivnofrontina 439, 458 Phthinia 123 Phthiiia 197 Phylarchus 219,225 Phvlidoiea 4S Phyllogaster 399 Phyllolabis 47 Phyllomya 449 Phyllomydas 165 Phyllomyza 336 Phyllomyzidae 334 Phyllophila T. = Phyllophilopsis Phyllophilopsis 461 Phylygiia Sten. = Hydrina Physegenua 319 Physocephala 267 Phytoadmontia T. = Paradidyma Phytodes 405 Phytomyptera 454 Phytomyza 332 Phytophaga 109 Phytopsis 423 Pialeoidea 204 Pilaiia 47 Pilica 179 Piophila 311 Piophilid» 310 Pipiza 257 Pipizella 257 Pipunculida; 245 Pipunculus 246 Pityoceia 151 Plagia 427 Plagiomima 448 Plagioneurus 221, 229 Plagiops 351 Plagiotoma Loew = Tomoplagia Plagiprospherysa Tns. = Stomatomya Planes 261 Planinasus 327 Plastophora 239 Platophrymyia 336 Platycheirus 257 Platycnema 244 Platyca?nosia 39S Platypalpus 214 Platypeza 244 Platypezidaf 242 Platypezoides 244 Platyuia 121 Plecia 129 Plectops 456 Plectromyia 46 Plesioma 175 PlethochsBta 390 Pleurochaeta 389 Ploas Latr. = Conophorus Plocascelus = Cardiacephala Plunomia 365 Pnyxia 125 Pocota 261 Podonomus 71 PAGE Podotachina = Thrycolyga Poecilanthrax 193 Po^ciloiriapha 369 Pa>cilomyia 275 Poecilophaonia 394 Pogonephydra = Cirrula Pogonomya 399 Pogonomyioides 399 Pogonosoma 177 Pogonota 389 Polidaria 429, 444, 461 Polionota 291 Polistiopsis 454 Pollenia 408 Polyangseus 45 Polydontomyia 264 Polygastropsis 462 Polylepta 123 Polymedon 217. 227 Polymeia 47 Polymorphomyia 291 Polytrichophora 349 Porphyrochroa 212 Porsenus 379 Postleria = Neoleria Prionellus 105 Prionocera 37 Prionolabis 48 Piobezzia 77 Probolaeus Will. = Lygistorrhina Pioboscimyia 391 Procanace 357 Procecidochares 291 Proceioplatus ^Platyuia Piochyliza 311 Procladius 71 Proclinopyga 212 Pioctacanthella 183 Proctacanthus 181 Procystiphora 109 Prodiamesa 71 Piodiplosis 115 Proepalpus T. = Jurinia Progonomyia 51 Prohippelates 343 Piolimnophila 47 Promachina 181 Piomachus 181 Promeranisa 143 Promochlonyx 97 Prorates 197 Pioioglutea 441 Piosalpia 393 Prosena 454 Piosenoides 425 Prosimulium 66 Prosopaa 451 Protanyderus 29 Protaplonyx 107 Protenthes Joh. = Tanypus Protichisma 179 PiotQpalliphora 408 Protodejeania 423 Protoplasa 29 Psalidopteiyx 455 Psammoppia = Muscopteryx Psax'onius 47 Psectiocladius = Oithocladius Psectrosciara 132 Psegmomma 139 INDEX 509 PACE Pselaphephila 390, 391 Psephioceia '39 Pseiidacicephala p^^ Pseudacteon '-39 Pseudapinops 433 Pseudatrichia 1^2 Pseudeuantha '1^^ Pseudiastata 327 Pseudobezzia '^^ Pseudocallicpe 319 Pseudochafta '^^^ Pseudocha?tona •ISl Pseudochironomus "3 Pseudoculicoides = Dasyhelea Pseudodexia 461 Pseudcxiinia 365 Pseudogametes 412 Pseudopaurax 344 Pseudoprermaria B.B. = Distichona Pseudojriiphoneura 319 Pseudohippelates 343 Pseudohyiioceia 239 Pseudohystricia 420 Pseudoleria 379 Pseudolimnophila 47 Pseudolimnophora 397 Pseudolynchia 475 Pseudophaonia 395 Pseudophoitica ^ Rhinoleucophenga Pseudopogonota 389 Pseudopsila 375 Pseudopterocalla 279 Pseudoius Ifi9 Pseudotephritis 279 Pseudotractocera T. = Viviania Psila 375 Psilephydra 353 Psilidce 374 Psilocephala ISS Psiloconopa 52 Psilocurus l'i'5 Psilodiamesa "1 Psiloneura Aid. = Grisdalemyia Psilonyx 173 Psilopa 351 Psilopiella 216 Psilopina 349 Psilota 257 Psorophora 95, 99 Psychoda 79 Psychodidae 78 Ptfcticus 145 Pterallastes 263, 264 Pte)allipsis 479 Ptcrocalla 279 Pterochionea 49 Pterodontia 204 Pteromicra 369 PtilodtReeria 416 Ptilomyia 349 Ptilcmyioides 421 Ptilosphcn 305 Ptilostena 50 Ptiolina 160 Ptychoptera 30 Ptychopteridae 30 Pulicophora 240, 241 Pycnoglossa 393 Pycnopogon 177 Pyraustomyia = Eriothrix Pyrellia 394 Pyigota 270 PAGE Pvrgotclla 270 Pyrgotidae 268 Pyrgotoides 289 Pyritis 263 Pyrophajna 255 Pyrrhosia 461 Quirhuana 264 Rachiceridae 133 Rachicerus 133 Racodinuura 452 Rainicria 305 Raphioceia 143 Raviniopsis 409 Reichertella 132 Renocera 369 Ret i nodi plosis 117 Rhabdomastix 50 Rhabdophaga 1 09 Rhabdoselaphus 195 Rhacoepalpus 421 Rhadiurgus 183 Rhagio 160 Rhagrionidae 157 Rhagolctis 289 Rhamphomyia 212 Rhaphidolabis 46 Rhaphiomidas 188 Rhaphiorhynchus 156 Rhaphium 223, 229 Rhegmoclema 132 Rhicnoessa 331 Rhingia 259 Rhingiopsis 141 Rhinoleucophenga 327 Rhinophora 437 Rhinotoia 300 Rhipidia 45 Rhoecius End. = Cardiacephala Rhogenhofera 412 Rhopalomyia 109 Rhopalosyrphus 249 Rhymosia 127 Rhynchanthrax 195 Rhynchiodexia 431,448 Rhynchophoromyia 239 Rhynchoseiara 119 Rhynencina Johnson = Euribia Rhyphus Lat. = Anisopu.s Rhysophora 3.51 Richardia 273 Ricosia 442 Rivellia '. 281 Roederioides 214 Ropseliopf is 451,454 Rondaniella 125 Ropalomera 300 Ropalonieridae 299 Sabethus 93, 100 Sabtthoidcs 93, 100 Sacandaga 50 Sackenomyia 109 SalpingogastLT 255 Sapromyza 321 Sarcionus 217, 225 Sarcofahilia = Sarcophaga? Sarconcsia 408 Sarconcsiopsis 408 Sarcophaga 409 Sarcophagina Cuiran = Raviniopsis Tns. Sarcophagula 409 Saropogon 171 Sarothiomyia 409 510 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA PAGE Saskatchewania ^= Imitomyia Saundeisiops Tns. = Rhachoepalpus Scfeva 253 Scaptia 151 Scaptomyza 327 Scatella 353 Scatophila 355 Scatophora 361 Scatopse 131 Scatopsidae 131 Scellus 221, 225 Scenopinida; 161 Scenopinus 162 Sceptonia 127 Schildia 173 Schildoniyia 332 Schizaetia T. = Schizotachina Schizocerophaga 459 Schizomyia Ill Schizotachina 451, 452, 454 Schwnoniyza 395 Schrosderella 381 Schwarzaiia 431. 466 Sciapus 216 Sciara 119 Sciaridae 118 Sciasma ^ Catharosia Sciomyza 369 Scione 151 Sciophila 125 Sciapus 216 Scipopus 305 Scleiopoffon 173 Scoliaphleps 388 Scoliocentra 379 Scoliopelta 141 Scopeuma 387. 389 Scotipteia 460 Scutops 323 Seioptera 277 Selasoma 153 Senobasis 171 Senosaster 263 Senoprosopus 181 Senopteiina 279 Senotainia 407 Sepedon 369 Sepsidie 313 Sepsis 314 Sepsisoma 275 Sericomyia 263 Serromyia 76 Setacei-a 3.53 Setellia 277 Setellida 275 Setulina 319 Shannonomyia 46. 47 Shermanaiia 460, 470 Sicus ' 267 Sig-aloessa 328 Siffmatomeia 51 Siprnosomopsis T. = Rhachoepalpus Silvius 151 Simuliidae 63 Simulium . . fiC Sinophthalmus 397 Sijjhona 455 Siphosturmia 460 Siphosturmiopsis 457 Siphunculina [ 343 Sisyrosturmia T. = Blondelia Slossonsemyia 461 Smithomyia 394 Snowiellus 154 Sobarocephala 364 PAGE Solieria 461 Solva 146 Somatia 375 Somula 261 Sophia 457 Spallanzania 447 Spania 160 Spaniotoma Edw. = Oithocladius Sparnopolius 197, 200 Spathidexia 458 Spathimeigenia 449 Spathimyia 427 Spaziphora 389 Speiseria 479 Speolepta 125 Sphserocera 361 Spha>rophoria 255 Sphageus 175 Spht'comyia 262 Sphegina 259 Sphf noidoptera 200 Sphenometopa 405 Sphyracephala 359 Sphyroperiscelis 323 Spilaiia 398 Spilochroa 372 Spilographa Lw. = Trypeta Spilomyia 263 Squamatoides 407 Stegana 327 Steganolauxania 317 Steganopsis 317 Steinella 394 Steneretma 275 Stcnochthera 351 Stenomacia = Macrostenomyia .Stunomyia 277 Stonopa 291 Stenopogon 173 Stenoxenus 77 Steveniopsis 437, 450 Stcringomyia = Calliphora Sthenopyga 409 Stibasoma 154 Stichillus 237 Stictodiplosis Ill Stictomyia 275 Stilbometopa 475 Stilobezzia 76 Stilpon 214 Stolidosoma 219, 227 Stomatodexia 425 Stomatomya 452 Stomosis 336 Stomoxys 399 Stratiomyidse 131 Stratiomys 143 Stiaussia 291 Strebla 479 Streblidse 477 Stiongylogastcr auct. =■ Strongygaster Strongylophthalmyia 375 Sturmia 451, 457, 460 Sturmiopsis 442 Stylogaster 267 Styringomyia 49 Suillia 379 Sumichiastia T. = Eudexia Swammerdamella 131 Symbiocladius = Trissocladius Symmerus 121 Symphoromyia 160 Sympycnus 225, 230 Synapha 125 INDEX 511 PA (IE Synarthrus 223, 229 Syndiamc'sa 71 Syndyas 207 Syneches 207 Syneuia 239 Synosis Aid. = Dcxodes Syntemna 123 Synthesiomyia 397 Syntomoneuiiim 'U9, 227 Syntormon 216 Syringogaster 373 Syritta 263 Syraphidae 24" Syri>hus 253 Systellapha End. = Grallipeza Systocchus 19" Systropus 195 Tabanidse 148 Tabanus 154 Tabuda IfsS Tachlnalia 442,460 Tachinidae 415 Tachinomima 421 Tachinomyia 452, 453, 456 Tachinophyto 463 Tachydiomia 214 Tachyemiiis 214 Tarhypeza 214 lachytiechus 219, 227 Tseniapteia 305 Tieniomyia 391 Tanyderidse 29 Tanypeza 301 Tanypezidae 301 Tanypoda Ron. = Rainieria Tanyiiremna 36 Tanyptera 37 Tanypus 71 Tanytaisus 73 Taracticus 171 Tauroscypbon 270 Taxigramma 405 Teleopsis 359 Telmatogeton Coq. (not Schiner) = Paraclunio Telothyiia 450 Temnostoma 263 Tephrella 293 Tephiit's 291 Teiihrochlamys 379 Tephronota 281 Teiellia 289 Tersesthes = Leptoconops Teretrura 270 Tetanoceia 369 Tetanoceridae 367 Tetanops 281 Tetradiscus 301 Tetragoneura 125 Tetreuaresta 291 Tetropismenus 281 Teuchocnemis 263 Teucholabis 49 Teuchophorus 225, 230, 231 Thalassomyia Johan. (not Schiner) = Caidiocladius Thaumalea 68 Thaumaleidce 67 Thecodiplosis Ill Thelaira 460 Thelairalia 462,470 Thelairochsetona 441 Thelairodoiia 429 PAGE Thelodiscus = Sarcofahrtia Themiia 314 Theobaldia 95, 97 There.'sia 425 Theresiopsis 425 Theiuops B.B. = Telothyiia Thereva 188 Theievidae 185 Thinodiomia 2M Thinophilus 223, 229 Thomasia 113 Thiycolyga 443 Thrypticus 217, 227 Thyiidanthiax 195 Thysanopsis Tns. = Leschenaultia Desv. Tipula 41, 52 Tipulidae 32 Tolmerus Lw. ^ Machimus Lw. Tomoplagia 291 Tomoplagina = Peronyma Topomeigenia Tns. = Stuimia Topomyia lOi) Toieus 211 Townsendia 173 Tovvnsendina 427, 464 Toxomerus 255 Toxomyia Ill Toxophora 195 Toxoihina 49 Toxotrypanea 293 Tiafoia 429 Traginops 332 Triachoia Tns. = Belvosia Tribremia 113 Trichephelia 46 Trichina 209 Tiichiopoda 433, 437 Trichobius 479 Trichocera 31 Trichoccridae 31 Trichochlamys 379 Trichocladius = Orthocladius Tiichoclytia 435 Trichodura 457 Trichoduropsis 456 Trichogena 446 Tiichomyia 79 Tiichonta 127 Tiichopalus 389 Tfichopareia 453 Trichoprosopon 97, 100 Trichosaundersia Tns. = Rhachoepalpus Tiichopteroniyia 105 Trichopticus = Lasiops Trichoscelis = Trixoscelis Trichosia 119 Trichotanyiius 71 Trichothaumalea 68 Trichotipula 41 Tiichotopteiyx 461 Tricimba 344 Tiiclis 173 Tricyphona 45, 52 Trigonometopus 319 Tiimerina 347 Trimerinoides 347 Tiimicra 52 Trineurocephala 237 Triogma 41 512 NORTH AMERICAN DIPTERA PAGE Tiiphleba 237 Tiiplasius 195 Tripteroides 97 Triptoti-icha = Dialysis Trishormomyia 117 Tiissocladius 73 Tiitaxys 441 Tritoxa 279 Tritozyga 105 Trixa 450 Tiixodes 450 Trixoscelis 372 Trochilodes 450 Trochiloleskia T. = Neaphiia T. Trophitliauma 239 Tropidea 263 Tropidodexia T. = Eudexia Tropidomyia 265 Tropidopsis 445 Trotteiia 107 Trupanea 293 Trupaneidae 285 Trupheoneura = Triphleba Trypanea = Trupanea Trypeta 289 Trypetisoma 321 Trypetoptera 370 Tiyptochaeta 327 Typopsilopa Cress. = Psilopina Uclesia 437 Ula 45 Ulidia 275 Ulomorpha 4C Uramya 445 Uranotsenia 95,99 Urellia Lw. = Trupanea Uromacquartia Tns. = Uramya Desv. Urophilophilla 462 Urophora Lw. ^ Tephritis Ursophyto 423 Vanderwulpia 455 Vermileo 159 Verrallia 246 Viatica 381 Vibrissomyia 447 Vibrissovoria 451 Villa 193. 195 Viviania 439, 441 Volucella 251 Volucellosia 251 Voria 435 Vorialia 448 PAGE Wagneria 450 Walshomyia 109 Weberia 460 Websteriana 442 Wiedemannia 214 Willistonia B.B. = Belvosia Willisroniella 300 Willistonina 17r- Winnertzia 107 Winthemia 442 Wohlfahrtia 407 Woodiphora 23^) Wyeomyia 93, 100 Xanionotum 240, 241 Xanthaciura 29o Xanthacrona 279 Xanthandrus 257 Xanthina 221, 229 Xanthocanace 357 Xanthocera 445 Xanthochlorus 221, 227 Xanthodexia 425, 461 Xanthogramma 253 Xanthomelana 433, 439 Xanthomelanopsis 461 Xanthomyia 289 Xanthophyto 429 Xanthozona 447 Xanthozonella T. = Cuphocera Xenochasla 28" Xenochajtina 319 Xenoccenosia 395 Xenoiihorbia Mai. =-■ Egle Xenopterella 319 Xiphoniyia 441 Xylomyia = Solva Xylophagus 146 Xylota = Heliophilus Xylotomima = Heliophilus Xysta = Phasia Youngomyia 113 Zabrachia 139 Zacompsia 277 Zagonia 372 Zelia 457. 458, 460 Zenillia 446 Zetekomyia 275,281 Zeugnomyia 100 Zodion 267 Zonalia 429, 464 Zonosema 289 Zonosemata 289 Zuanalia 457, 468 Zygomyia 127 Zygoneura 119 Zygothrica 327 [Published, August 25, 1934]