9. VIII. 76 MUSEU DE ZOOLOGIA, UNIVERSIDADE DE SAO PAULO (Formely Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura, Sao Paulo) A CATALOGUE OF THE DIPTERA OF THE AMERICAS SOUTH OF THE UNITED STATES 46 FAMILY SYRPHIDAE F. CHRISTIAN THOMPSON The American Museum of Natural History, New York, New York, U.S.A. J. R. VOCKEROTH Entomology Research Institute, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada YALE S. SEDMAN Bepapunent of Biological Sciences, Western Illinois University Macomb, Illinois, U.S.A. Adult Syrphidae, commonly called “Flower or Hover Flies’, are rather conspicuous flies. Their size ranges from 4 mm to over 25 mm and their coloration from bright yellows and oranges to dull drab blacks and grays with a few iridescent forms. Many syrphid flies are Batesian mimics of stinging Hymenoptera and are highly beneficial as pollinators. The larvae of most syrphids are of little direct importance to man. A few are pests of Narcissus bulbs (Humerus and Merodon), others have occasionally been reported to cause intestinal myiasis in man (Hristalis), and some of the predaceous syrphines are of importance in the control of aphids and other Homoptera. Syrphid flies are wordwide in distribution, with their greatest diver- sity of forms in the New World tropics. Despite this interesting diversity and the critical zoogeographic importance of the Neotropical area, the South American forms are still poorly known. The higher classification of the Neotropical Syrphidae has been recently revised in large part by Vockeroth (1969, tribes of Syrphinae, genera of Syrphini) and Thompson (1969, Microdontinae; 1972, Milesiinae), but much still needs to be done on the specific level. The first catalog of Neotropical Syrphidae was written by Williston (1886; corrections, 1887a). Aldrich’s Catalogue of North American Dip- tera (1905) included many Neotropical species, since his coverage included Central America. Kertész (1910) provided a World catalog but his work on the New World was largely based on Williston and Aldrich. 46.1 Some local catalogs were published (Bréthes, 1907 — Argentina; Stuardo, 1946 — Chile), but Fluke (1956-57) provided the first modern catalog to the Neotropical Syrphidae. However, as is usual with any such first attempts, there were numerous errors of both omission and commission in it. \‘Goot (1946) reviewed Fluke’s catalog, corrected some of his omissions, but still missed about a dozen species and caused additional confusion by introducting a few unnecessary names. The present catalog is hopefully an improvement over Fluke’s work but the large part of the credit for this improvement is due to his pioneering work and Goot’s corrections. Besides the corrections of earlier errors, the other improvements in the present catalog stem from the use of a new higher classification of the family, as mentioned above. As a result our work, which tends to recognize distinct genera for the Neotropical species rather than to include them in worldwide genera as did earlier workers, contains many new combinations. This catalog contains about 1,000 new combinations and synonyms. Most of these new changes have been indicated but undoubtedly some have escaped our notice. Many of the synonymies and combinations involving species of the earlier workers are based on the work of Vockeroth, who studied types of their species during trips to Europe in 1969 and 1971. Some of the other changes resulted from a_ short visit to the British Museum (Natural History) by Thompson and the loan of selected types by various curators to him. For all the gracious cooperation we received during our studies, we are very grateful to those curators listed below by their respective museums. An attempt is made to list the depository of all the types of Neo- tropical species. These statements about type depositories start with an indication of the number of types, followed by the sex of the type or types and end with an abbreviation for the depository. The singular, type, is used when the species was described from a single specimen or a holotype or lectotype was or has been designated [in the case of lectotypes, reference to the designation is given]; the plural, types, when the species was described from a series and no lectotype has been designated; and “type(s)” when we are uncertain of the number of types incolved. The sex of the type or types is indicated by a sex symbol or query when the sex is unknown. The types are assumed to be where they were reported to be deposited either in the original publication or in other references (such as Horn & Kahle, 1935-37; Sacht- leben, 1961; Byers et al., 1962; and Zimsen, 1964). In cases of doubt about the depository of a type a quesy is added after the abbreviation for depository and when the depository is unknown only a query is used. All types seen by the authors are marked with an asterisk after the depository abbreviation. In a few cases where the type is missing, lost or destroyed this information is included in parentheses after the abbre- viation and with either a reference to the source of the information or initials, which indicates which one of us has noted it. AMNH The American Museum of Natural History, New York (P. Wygodzinsky*) ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia (D. Rentz*) BM(NH) British Museum (Natural History), London (K.G.V. Smith*) CAS California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco (P. H. Ar- naud, Jr.*) CM Carnegie Museum, Pittsburg (G. Wallace*) 46.2 Seabra SMF Thompson UCD UCSC UCVC Canadian National Collection, Ottawa (J. R. Vockeroth) Chicago National History Museum (Field Museum...), Chicago Cornell University, Ithaca (L. L. Pechuman*) Deutsches Entomologisches Institut, Eberswalde Escola Nacional de Agronomia, Rio de Janeiro Collection of F. M. Hull (now in the CNC). Zoologisches Staatsinstitut und Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg Instituto Miguel Lillo, Tucuman Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro (H. S. Lopes) Fabricius Collection of Kiel Museum, now housed at MC Linnean Society of London, Linnean Collection, now housed at BM(NH) Zoodlogisch Museum, Amsterdam (W. Ellis*) Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivada- via’, Buenos Aires Universitetets Zoologiske Museet, Copenhagen (L. Lyneborg*) Museu Civico di Storia Naturale “Giacomo Doria”, Genova (D. Guiglia*) Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Milan (C. Leonardi*) Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge (H. E. Evans*) . Staatliches Museum fiir Tierkunde, Dresden Museo dell’ Istituto di Zoologia dell’ Université di Napoli, Naples Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historie, Leiden (P. J. van Helsdingeén* ) Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris (L. Tsacas*) Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago (J. Moroni B.*) Musée Royal d’Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Brussels Museo, Universidad Nacional de La Plata, La Plata Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Museo Zoologico dell’Universita di Firenze, Florence (S. Car- fis) Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo (formely Departamento de Zoologia, Secretaria da Agricultura) (N. Papavero*) Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel (F. Keiser*) Narodni Muzeum v Praze — Prirodovéddecké Muzeum, Pra- gue (J. Jezék*) Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm (P. I. Persson*) Ohio State University, Columbus Hope Department of Entomology, Oxford University, Oxford (D. M. Ackland*) Collection of C. A. Campos Seabra, Rio de Janeiro Senckenbergisches Museum, Frankfurt (W. Tobias*) Collection of F. C. Thompson Uuniversity of California, Davis Centro de Estudios Entomolégicos, Santiago Instituto de Biologia, Departamento de Ciencias, Universidad de Chile, Valparaiso Universidad de Chile, 46.3 UK Snow Entomological Museum, University of Kansas, Lawrence (G. Byers*) UNMB Természettudomanyi Muzeum, Budapest USNM United States National Museum, Washington (L. Knutson, USDA, Systematic Entomology Laboratory*) UTOR Istituto e Museo di Zoologia di Torino, Turin UZMH ~~ _—Universitetets Zoologiska Museum, Helsinki (W. Hackman*) VMNH Naturhistorisches Museum, Vienna (A. Kaltenbach*, R. Li- chtenberg* ) ZMB Institut fiir Spezielle Zoologie und Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin, Berlin ZML Zoological Museum, Lund (H. Andersson*) ZSM Zoclogische Staatssammlung, Munich Geographical distribution is compiled only from Fluke’s catalog (1956-57) and material seen by us. Other published distribution records not in Fluke or verified by us are not included and where we question the distribution records in Fluke, we have tried to indicate the source of the record. We have attempted to list the states or provinces of the various contries when specific locality data was available except only when the northern and southernmost Chilean province is given. The arrangement of genera in the various subfamilies and tribes ig shown, with an indication of the number of species, and a summary of the total number of species included in the major divisions of the family. SYRPHINAE (682) Syrphini (445) Syrphus 7 Metasyrphus 1 Eupeodes 1 Scaeva a Notosyrphus 1 Dasysyrphus al Dideocmima 1 Megasyrphus 1 Pseudodoros 1 Ocyptamus 297 Salpingogaster 34. Salpingogaster (32) Eosalpingogaster (2) Allograpta 74 Sphaerophoria 3 Unrecognized 20 Chrysotoxini (2) Chrysotoxum 2 Paragini (1) Paragus 1 Melanostomatini (91) 46.4 Carposcalis 15 Melanostoma 5 Rhysops 31 Xanthandrus 12 Talaha 1 Tuberculanostoma 4 Leucopodella 18 Unrecognized 5 Toxomerini (143) Toxomerus 143 MICRODONTINAE (175) Paragodon 2 Paramicrodon 2 Argentinomyia 8 Argentinomyia (7) Eurypterosyrphus (1) Mixogaster 17 Microdon 145 Ceratophya (4) Rhopalosyrphus (2) Rhoga (5) Ceriomicrodon (1) Masarygus (5) Ubristes (25) Microdon (103) Nothomicrodon il MILESIINAE (774) Pipizini (17) Pipiza 6 Trichopsomyia alal Cheilosiini (8) Cheilosia 5 Cheilosia (3) Cartosyrphus (2) Rhingia 2 Chamaesyrphus 1 Volucellini (318) Ornidia 3 Tachinosyrphus 1 Copestylum 314 Callicerini (2) 46.5 Callicera 1 Notiocheilosia 1 Sericomyiini (1) Arctophila 1 Chrysogasterini (43) Lepidomyia 14 Myolepta 12 Myolepta (6) Protolepidostola (6) Chromocheilosia 3 Orthonevra 10 Cacoceria 2 Chamaesphegina 2 Eumerini (15) Eumerus 1 Alipumilio 4 Nausigaster 10 Cerioidini (48) Sphiximorpha 24 Monoceromyia 7 Polybiomyia 15 Unplaced 2 Eristalini . (222) Helophilus 2 Polydontomyia 1 Asemosyrphus 3 Dolichogyna 11 Dolichogyna (4) Nosodepus (7) Quichuana 25 Mallota 13 Habromyia 12 Eristalis 9 Eristalis (1) Eoseristalis (8) Lycastrirhyncha 5 Palpada 102 Meromacrus 39 Milesiini (100) Xylota 9 Neplas 2 Ceriogaster 11 46.6 Macrometopia 71 Sterphus wal Sterphus , (2) Crepidomyia (9) Odyneromyia Valdiviomyia Aneriophora Flukea Criorhina Philippimyia Blera Syritta Sencgaster Tropidea Milesia Spilomyia Stilbosoma Hemixylota WNOURDHPNMNHRHWHH Db unplaced species 1 Unrecognized syrphids 6 1,637 The initial manscript and literature survey for this catalog was completed by 15 May 1972, although some later references have been included in part. The last Zoological Record checked was 1968. New names proposed in this catalog Valdiviomyia Vockeroth Ocyptamus isthmus Thompson Ocyptamus octomaculatus Thompson Ocyptamus willistoni Thompson Allograpta rhina Thompson Toxomerus hulli Sedman Microdon anax Thompson Copestylum colombiense Thompson Copestylum dichopticum Thompson Copestylum neosplendens Thompson Copestylum neotropicum Thompson Copestylum rufitarse Thompson Copestylum shannoni Thompson Copestylum trituberculatum Thompson Copestylm vittatum Thompson Quichuana nigricans Thompson Palpada geniculosa Thompson _Palpada rufipedes Thompson Ceriogaster hinei Thompson 46.7 Subfamily SYRPHINAE Tribe SYRPHINI Ref. — Vockeroth, 1969 (generic rev.). Genus SyrRPHUS Fabricius SYRPHUS Fabricius, 1775:762. Type-species, Musca ribesii Linnaeus (see Wirth et al. 1965:558) to preserve established usage. Ref. — Fluke, 1942 (rev.). OCTOMACULATUS Walker, 1837:344. Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Chile (Curicé-Magallanes), Argentina. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:3, Fig. 1 (abdomen). gayi Macquart, 1842:150 (90), pl. 13, fig. 8 (head). Type-locality: “Chile”. Type ¢ MNHN*. testaceicornis Macquart, 1850:457 (153), pl. 14, fig. 12 (head). Type- locality: “Chile”. Type 2 MNHN* N. SYN. patagonus Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892a:115 (1892c:73). Type-locality: Argentina, Patagonia, Rio Gallegos. Type(s) ? MACN. PALLIPES Bigot, 1884b:93. Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Chile, Argen- tina. Types ¢ OXF*. flavipes Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:127, fig. 22a (abdomen), 22b (abdo- men) (Scaeva). Type-locality: “Chile”. Types ¢ OXF* N. SYN. PHAROSTIGMA Wiedemann, 1830:130. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — (Santa Catarina, Rio de Janeiro), Argentina (Tucuman). Types ¢ VMNH* Ref. — Fluke, 1942:2 (redescription), fig. 3 (abdomen) ; Fluke, 1950a:117, fig. 15 (male genitalia). POECILOGASTER Philippi, 1865:746. Type-locality: Chile, Valparaiso. Distr. — Chile (Malleco-Magallanes). Type(s) ? MNHNS. REEDI Shannon, 1927a:27. Type-locality: Chile, Valparaiso. Distr. — Chile, Brazil, Argentina. Type ¢ USNM*. similis Blanchard, 1852:410 (preoce. Fallén, 1817). Type-locality: Chile, Santa Rosa. Type 2? MNHM*. pseudoribesii: Vimmer & Soukup, 1938:30. Type-locality: Peru, Puno. Type 6 NMPP* N. SYN. SHORAE Fluke, 1950b:440 (nom. nov. for willistoni Fluke). Distr. — Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Chile, Argentina. Refs. — Fluke 1942:22, fig. 2 (abdomen); Fluke, 1950a:117, fig. 14 (male genitalia). bisinuatus Williston, 1891:17 (preoce. Palma, 1863). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8,000 ft.; Costa Rica, Volcan de Irazu, 6,000-7,006 ft., Rio Sucio. Types 2? BM(NH)* & AMNH*. willistoni Fluke, 1942:3 (nom. nov. for bisinuatus Williston; but preocc. Cockerell, 1909). ViTRIPENNIS Meigen, 1822:308. Type-locality: “Europe”. Distr. — Holarc- tic; ?Mexico, Mexico City (Fluke, 1942:3). Type(s) ? MNHN Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:117, fig. 11 (male genitalia). ribesiti Linnaeus of Williston, 1891:17 and Giglio-Tos, 1893:27. 46.8 Genus MertTasyrepHusS Matsumura METASYRPHUS Matsumura, in Matsumura & Adachi, 1917:147. Type-species, Syrphus corollae Fabricius (orig. des.). Posthosyrphus Enderlein, 1938:204. Type-species, Syrphus americanus Wiedemann (orig. des.). Ref. — Fluke, 1952 (rev.). AMERICANUS (Wiedemann), 1830:129 (Syrphus). Type-locality: ‘North America”. Distr. — North America; Middle America, Colombia. Type 2 VMNH (not found-JRV). Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:132, figs. 184-186 (male genitalia). wiedemanni Johnson, 1919:32 (Syrphus; unjunstified nom. nov. for americanus Wiedemann). var. FLAVIPES (Enderlein), 1938:205 (Posthosyrphus). Type-locality: Co- lombia, Bogota. Type 2 ZMB. Genus EupropEs Osten Sacken EUPEODES Osten Sacken, 1877:328. Type-species, volucris Osten Sacken (mon). Fosthonia Enderlein, 1938:203. Type-species, longipenis Enderlein (orig. des.). voLUCRIS Osten Sacken, 1877:329. Type-locality: U.S.A., California, Los Angeles, Marin County, Yosemite; Nevada; Utah; Colorado, Den- ver, Clear Creek, Spanish Peaks. Distr. — North America; Mexico (south to Chiapas), Colombia?. Types ¢ 2 MCZ* Ref. — Vocke- roth, 1969:150, fig. 34 (male genitalia). ?longipenis Enderlein, 1938:203 (Posthonia). Type-locality: Colombia, Bogota. Types ¢ 2 ZMB. Genus ScAEvA Fabricius £SCAEVA Fabricius, 1805:248. Type-species, Musca pyrastri Linnaeus (Cur- tis, 1834: pl. 509). Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933 (key). MELANOSTOMA (Macquart), 1842:147 (87) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Ecuador (Azuay), Peru (Puno), Chile (south to Ma- gallanes), Argentina (Tucuman, Santa Cruz). Type ? MNHN*. Ref. — Shannon, 1927:28 (redescription); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:130, fig. 23b (abdomen). latafascies Macquart, 1850:456 (152) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chi- le’. Types ¢ 2? MNHN*. latifacies, Fluke, 1956:213, misspelled. sexguttata Wulp, 1882:135 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Argentina”. Type o 2? ML? simillima Vimmer & Soukup, 1938:32 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Peru, Puno. Type ? NMPP* N. SYN. pyrastri Linnaeus of Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892:121 (1892c:78), misident. OCCIDENTALIS Shannon, 1927a:29. Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — Chile (Santiago-Aysén), Argentina (Tucuman, La Rioja, Mendoza, Neuquén, Rio Negro). Type ? USNM* Ref. — Vockeroth, 1969: 150, fig. 36 (male genitalia). sexmaculata Macquart, 1850:457 (153) (Syrphus; preocc. Palisot de Beauvois, 1819). Type-locality: Chile. Type ¢ MNHN* N. SYN. chilensis Goot, 1964:214 (Syrphus; unjustified nom. nov. for sexma- culata Macquart). N. SYN. 46.9 PUNCTATA Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:128, fig. 23a (abdomen). Type-locality: Argentina, Bariloche. Distr. — Argentina (Tucuman, Neuquén). Type ¢ USNM*. Genus NotosyrpHus Vockroth NOTOSYRPHUS Vockeroth, 1969:72. Type-species, Metasyrphus golbachi Fluke (orig. des.). GOLBACHI (Fluke), 1950b:447, fig. 9 (abdomen), 10 (head) & 11 (male genitalia) [Metasyrphus (Posthosyrphus)]. Type-locality: Argen- tina, Tucuman, Villa Padre Monti. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina, Parana), Argentina (Tucuman, La Rioja). Type 3s IML. Ref. — Vockeroth, 1969:151, fig. 38 (male genitalia). Genus DASYSYRPHUS Enderlein DASYSYRPHUS Enderlein, 1938:208. Type-species, Scaeva albostriata Fallen (orig. des.). LoTus (Williston), 1887:75 (Syrphus). Type-locality: U.S.A., Arizona. Distr. — Western U.S.A.; Mexico (Mexico City), Ecuador? (Fluke, 1942:3). Type ¢? USNM. Genus DipEomIMA Vockeroth DIDEOMIMA Vockeroth, 1969:107. Type-species, Didea coquilletti Williston (orig. des.). COQUILLETTI (Williston), 1891:19, pl. 1:9 (habitus), 9a (head) (Didea). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8,000 ft. Distr. — Mexico (Durango, Jalisco, Guerrero, Chiapas). Types ¢ 2? BM (NH)* & AMNH*. Refs. — Hull, 1925c:280, fig. 2 (abdomen), 6 (wing); Vockeroth, 1969:147, fig. 20 (wing tip), 161, fig. 67 (male genitalia). Genus MEGASYRPHUS Dusek & Laska MEGASYRPHUS Dusek & Laska, 1967:363. Type-species, Scaeva annulipes Zetterstedt (orig. des.). LAxUS (Osten Sacken), 1875:66 (Didea). Type-locality: U.S.A., Michigan, Lake Superior; Maine, Norway; New Hampshire, Mt. Washington, Alpine region. Distr. — Alaska to Newfoundland, south to U.S.A. (California & North Carolina), Mexico. Types ¢ 2 MCZ*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:126, figs. 111, 112 (male genitalia). Genus PSEuboDOROS Becker FSEUDODOROS Becker, 1903:92. Type-species, nigricollis Becker (mon.). Baccha, subg. Dioprosopa Hull, 1949e:99 (also, 1949d:296). Type-species, Syrphus clavatus Fabricius (mon.) N. SYN. CLAVATUS (Fabricius), 1794:298 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Americae me- ridionalis Insulis”. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Wisconsin and 46.10 New Jersey) south to Brazil. Types o 2? MC*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:192, fig. 7 (abdomen); Hull, 1949d:288, fig. 9a (head). N. COMB. scutellaris Walker, 1837:342 (Paragus?). Type-locality: “Brazil, St. Paul’. Type ? BM(NH). varia Walker, 1849:548 (Baccha). ‘Type-locality: ? Types ? BM (NH). facialis Thomson, 1869:504 (Baccha). Type-locality: Galapagos Islands. Types ¢ NRS*. scutellata Williston, 1886:322 (?Mixogaster), misspelling. Genus OcyptTamMus Macquart CCYPTAMUS Macquart, 1834:554. Type-species, fascipennis Macquart (Co- quillett, 1910a:577) = fuscipennis Say. Baccha, authors. Calostigma Shannon, 1927a:8. Type-species, elnora Shannon (orig. des.) N. SYN. Callostigma, Curran, 1930f:8, 1930e:15, 1941:257, misspelled. Callistigma, Hull, 1944j:41, misspelled. Baccha, subg. Pelecinobaccha Shannon, 1927a:10. Type-species, peruviana Shannon (orig. des.). N. SYN. Pipunculosyrphus Hull, 1937:29. Type-species, globiceps Hull (orig. des.). N. SYN. Baccha, subg. Styxia Hull, 1943j:46. Type-species, eblis Hull (orig. des.). N. SYN. Baccha, subg. Mimocalla Hull, 1943j:46. Type-species, Baccha capitata Loew (orig. des.). N. SYN. Buccha, subg. Therantha Hull, 1943j:47. Type-species, Baccha atypica Curran (orig. des.). N. SYN. Callisyrphus Frey, 1946:154. Type-species, Syrphus rubricosus Wiedemann (orig. des.) (1st reviser, Fluke, 1956:199). N. SYN. Calliscaeva Frey, 1946:171. Incorrect original spelling. Crphnabaccha Hull, 1949e:93. Type-species, Baccha coerulea Williston (orig. des.). N. SYN. Baccha, subg. Atylobaccha Hull, 1949e:94. Type-species, Baccha flukiella Curran (orig. des.). N. SYN. Buccha, subg. Aulacibaccha Hull, 1949e:96. Type-species, Baccha titan Hull (orig. des.). = arzx Fluke. N. SYN. Mercurymyia Fluke, 1950a:140. Type-species, Syrphus caldus Walker (orig. des.). N. SYN. Hermesomyia Vockeroth, 1969:121. Type-species, bacchiformis Vockeroth (orig. des.) = phobifer Hull. N. SYN. Pseudoscaeva, Vockeroth, 1969:123. Type-species, Syrphus diversifasciatus Knab (orig. des.). N. SYN. Ref. — Curran, 1941 (key); Hull, 1949e (rev., key). ABATA (Curran), 1938:1 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Cam- pos do Jorddo. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ? AMNH (missing)* Ref. — Hull, 1949e:222, fig. 143 (abdomen); 254, fig. 282 (wing). N. COMB. 46.11 apa (Curran), 1941:278 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:135 (redescription), 194, fig. 20 (abdomen); 216, fig. 116 (abdomen). N. COMB. ADSPERSUS (Fabricius), 1805:200 (Baccha). Type-locality: “America meri- dionali”. Distr. — Mexico (Chiapas), Colombia, Guyana, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia. Type ? MC*. Ref. — Hull, 1943j:65, fig. 2 (alula); 1949e:138 (redescription), 198, fig. 33 (abdomen). N. COMB. punctata Shannon, 1927a:11 (Baccha). Type-locality Bolivia, Beni, San Antonio. Type o0 USNM*. AENEUS (Williston), 1891:37, pl. 1:10 (habitus), 10a (head) (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 9500 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. AEOLUS (Hull), 1943j:69, fig. 40 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecua- dor, Machai, Rio Pastaza. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:198, fig. 40 (abdomen). N. COMB. AEQUILINEATUS (Hull), 1945b:71 (Hpistrophe). Type-locality: Cuba, Pico Turquino, 6000 ft., Summit. Distr. — same. Type 2 MCZ*. N. COMB. AGILIs (Bigot), 1884b:92 (Syrphus). Type-locality “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ? OXF? N. COMB. aLicta (Curran), 1941:278 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Brazil (SAo Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:140 (redescription), 214, fig. 112 (abdomen). N. COMB. AMABILIS (Hull), 1943k:39 (Baccha). Type-locality Peru, Loreto, Iquitos. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:192, fig. 4 (abdomen); 276, fig. 367 (wing). N. COMB. AMPLUS (Fluke), 1942:6, fig. 7 (abdomen) (Hpistrophe). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina), Paraguay, Argentina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:125, fig. 98 (male genitalia); Vockeroth, 1969:164, fig. 76 (male genitalia). N. COMB. ANERA (Curran), 1939d:5 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Ronddénia, Rio Madeira, Porto Velho. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:246, fig. 257 (abdomen); 266, fig. 332 (wing). N. COMB. ANNULATUS (Curran), 1941:258 (Callostigma). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucuman). Type «o AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:230, fig. 184 (abdomen); 260, fig. 310 (wing). N. COMB. ANONA (Hull), 1943j:91, fig. 2 (alula), 8 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type- locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Puyo. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:192, fig. 8 (abdomen). N. COMB. ANTHINONE (Hull), 1949e:179 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type o Hull. N. COMB. ANTHIPHATES (Walker), 1849:589 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Jamaica”. Distr. — same. Type 30 BM(NH). N. COMB. ARABELLA (Hull), 1947a:400 (Baccha). Type-locality: Costa Rica, La Suiza. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:222, fig. 144 (abdomen); 266, fig. 335 (wing). N. COMB. 46.12 ARETHUSA (Hull), 1949e:181 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. . ARGENTINUS (Curran), 1939d:6 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Argentina”. Distr. — Brazil (Sado Paulo, Santa Catarina), Argentina. Type o AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:248, fig. 265 (abdomen); 266, fig. 328 (wing). N. COMB. ARIELA (Hull), 1944i1:398 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type 2 VMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:142 (redescription), 200, fig. 49 (abdomen); 270, fig. 349 (wing). N. COMB. ARX (Fluke), 1936:60, fig. 2 (abdomen), 3 (wing) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, .“Cois Parma Cos”. Distr. — Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:248, figs. 259-261 (abdomens); 274, fig. 361 (wing). N. COMB. titan Hull, 1947a:395 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. ASTER (Curran), 1941:278 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type «6 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:200, fig. 41 (abdomen); 232, fig. 187 (abdomen); 238, fig. 216 (abdomen). N. COMB. ATTENUATUS (Williston), 1891:35 (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Guer- rero, Amula, 6000 ft.; Omiltemi, 8000 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 BM(NH)*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:252, fig. 277 (abdomen). N. COMB. ATYPICUS (Curran), 1930a:10 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Mexico, Surinam, Guyana, Brazil. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:204, fig. 68 (abdomen); Doesburg, 1966:69, fig. 58 (habitus). N. COMB. AURORA (Hull), 1943:73 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:208, fig. 79 (abdomen). N. COMB. BANKSI (Hull), 1941g:150 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Bella Vista. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:252, fig. 280 (abdomen). N. COMB. PASSLERI (Curran), 1939d:8 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Middle Rio Ucayali. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:238, fig. 219 (abdomen); 256, fig. 297 (wing). N. COMB. BEATRICEA (Hull), 1942c:73 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo (Hull, 1949e:144). Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ? Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:144 (redescription), 202, fig. 53 (abdomen 2); 220, fig. 1837 (abdomen ¢); 272, fig. 354 (wing ¢); 284, fig. 391 (wing 2). N. COMB. BIVITTATUS (Curran), 1941:276 (Baccha). 'Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:200, fig. 48 (abdomen); 278, fig. 372 (wing). N. COMB. BONARIENSIS (Bréthes), 1905:340 (Baccha). Type-locality: Argentina, Bue- nos Aires. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MACN. N. COMB. BRAZILIENSIS (Curran), 1939d:9 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Gros- so, Poxoréu, Coronel Ponce. Distr. — same. Type AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:212, fig. 101 (abdomen); 282, fig. 387 (wing). N. COMB. BREVIPENNIS (Schiner), 1868:341 (Baccha). ‘Type-locality: “South Ameri- ca”. Distr. — Peru. Types ¢ 2 VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 204, fig. 64 (abdomen); 268, fig. 343 (wing). N. COMB. 46.13 BROMLEYI (Curran), 1929:450 (Baccha). Type-locality: Cuba, Santiago, Las Vegas. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:218, fig. 123 (abdomen); 274, fig. 362 (wing). N. COMB. BRUNNIPENNIS (Hull), 1942c:73 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type co Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:206, fig. 76 (abdomen). N. COMB. CALDUS (Walker), 1852:232 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina), Paraguay, Argentina (Tu- cuman). Type «0 BM(NH)*. Ref. — Vockeroth, 1969:163, fig. 75 (male genitalia). N. COMB. biarcuatus Fluke, 1937:4, fig. 6 (abdomen) (Hpistropne). Type-loca- lity: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Type ¢ AMNH*. CALLA (Curran), 1941:268 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. CALLIDUS (Hine), 1914:335 (Baccha). Type-locality: Guatemala, Puerto Barrios. Distr. — same. Type SOhSU. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:250, fig. 270 (abdomen). N. COMB. CAPITATUS (Loew), 1863:14 (1864b:116) (Baccha). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Type o MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 22 (abdomen); 238, fig. 223 (abdomen); 240, fig. 227 (abdomen); 266, fig. 330 (wing). N. COMB. CARLOTA (Curran), 1929:491 (Baccha). Type-locality: Cuba, Trinidad Mts., Mina Carlota. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 19498e:238, fig. 224 (abdomen); 268, fig. 340 (wing). N. COMB. CECROPS (Hull), 1958:429 ‘Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. celia (Hull), 1949e:214, fig. 108 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: ? Distr. — ? Type(s) 2 ? Nomen nudum. CEREBERUS (Hull), 1943j:66 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Chicocha. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:234, fig. 203 (abdomen). N. COMB. CHAPADENSIS (Curran), 1930a:14 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Matc Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:240, fig. 226 (abdomen); 256, fig. 290 (wing). N. COMB. CLARAPEX (Wiedemann), 1830:124 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso, Santa Catarina), Argentina (Mi- siones, Tucuman, Salta). Type 2 VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 194, fig. 14 (abdomen. N. COMB. COCBBOLDIA (Hull), 1958:431 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type 2? Hull. N. COMB. COCHENILLIVORUS (Guérin-Méneville), 1848a:lxxxi (1848b:350) (Baccha). Type-locality: “lAntigua Guatemala”. Distr. — same. Type ? MNHN*. N. COMB. COERULEUS (Williston), 1891:38 (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Guer- rero; Omiltemi, 8000 ft.; Amula, 6000 ft.; Xucumanatlan, 7000 ft.; Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 9500 ft. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas), Mexico (Durango, Sinaloa, Morelos, Guerrero, Chiapas). Types o¢ 2 BM(NH)*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:224, fig. 159 (abdornen), 272, fig. 355 (wing); Vockeroth, 1969:163, fig. 74 (male genitalia). N. COMB. COLOMBIANUS (Curran), 1941:282 (Baccha). Type-locality: Colombia, Mag- dalena, Rio Frio, Cerre Patron. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. 46.14 Ref. — Hull, 1949e:214, fig. 109 (abdomen); 270, fig. 346 (wing). N. COMB. : CONCINNUS (Williston), 1891:38 (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Chil- pancingo, 4600 ft.; Guerrero, Venta de Zopilote, 2800 ft; Tabasco, Teapa. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? BM(NH). N. COMB. CONFORMIS Loew, 1866b:38 (1872b:98). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same... Type ? MCZ. CONFUSUS (Goot), 1964:213 (Baccha; nom. nov. for Baccha valdiviana Philippi). Distr. — Chile. N. COMB. valdiviana Philippi, 1865:750 (Baccha; preoce. Philippi, 1865:748). Type-locality: Chile, Corral. Type ? MNHNS. CONJUNCTUS (Wiedemann), 1830:116 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — Brazil. Type 3 MC*. N. COMB. cora (Curran), 1941:281 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type 6 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 144 (redescription); 194, fig. 16 (abdomen); 278, fig. 374 (wing); 284, fig. 390 (wing). N. COMB. CCRDELIA (Hull), 1949e:186 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type 2? Hull. N. COMB. COREOPSIS (Hull), 1944j:41 (Callistigma). Type-locality: Peru, Putumayo Distr., El Encanto. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CU. Ref. — Hull, 1945e:206, fig. 75 (abdomen). N. COMB. cosTtatus (Say), 1829:161 (Baccha). Type-locality: U.S.A., Indiana. Distr. — Canada (Ontario), to U.S.A. (New Hampshire, south to Lousiana); Cuba. Type 2 lost. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:147 (re- description); 224, fig. 152 (abdomen 2); 228, fig. 169 (abdomen 3); 280, fig. 376 (wing). N. COMB. ?cRASSUS (Walker), 1852:222 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil. Distr. — same. Type ¢6 BM(NH). N. COMB. crocaTtus (Austen), 1893:155, pl. 5:5 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Region of Amazon. Distr. — Mexico, Panama, Brazil. Type 2 BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:198, fig. 35 (abdomen) ; 202, fig. 57 (abdomen). N. COMB. cRocEUS (Austen), 1893:157, pl. 5:6 (habitus) (Baccha). ‘Type-locality: Brazil, Region of Amazon. Distr. — Panama, Brazil. Types ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:200, fig. 47 (abdomen <¢); 210, fig. 88 (abdomen 2?) N. COMB. cCRYPTICUS (Hull), 1942a:97 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — same. Type «6 MCZ*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:149 (redes- cription); 216, fig. 121 (abdomen). N. COMB. CUBANUS (Hull), 1949j:62, fig. 25 (abdomen) (also, 1944c:30) (Baccha). Type-locality: Cuba, Soledad. Distr. — U.S.A. (Georgia), south to Cuba. Type 2 MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 25 (abdo- men). N. COMB. CUBENSIS (Macquart), 1850:465 (161) (Baccha). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Type ? MNHN*. CULTRATUS (Austen), 1893:151, pl. 5:8-9 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Parad, Santarém. Distr. — Guatemala, Guyana, Brazil. Types 2 BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:210, fig. 91 (abdomen). N. COMB. var. INCISUS (Hull), 1949e:128 (Baccha). Type-locality: ?? Distr. — ?? Type(s) ? ? var. PICTULUS (Hull),. 1949¢:737 (Baccha) [also 1949e:242, fig. 235 (abdomen) ]. Type-locality: Guyana, Essequibo River, Moraballi Creek, Wallaba Forest. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). 46.15 CULTRINUS (Curran), 1939d:7 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:210, fig. 92 (abdomen); 242, figs 236 & 241 (abdomen). N. COMB currant Hull, 1941b:167 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Cana! Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Type ¢o Hull. CYBELE (Hull), 1947b:236 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:150 (redes- eription), 216, fig. 117 (abdomen). N. COMB. cycLops (Hull), 1947a:406 (Baccha). Type-locality: Colombia, Muzo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:234, fig. 196 (abdomen). N. COMB. CYLINDRICUS (Fabricius), 1781:429 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Americae meridionalis insulis”. Distr. — Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands. Type ? Kiel* (only wings). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:218, fig. 136 (abdomen); 252, fig. 279 (abdomen); 280, fig. 380 (wing). N. COMB. CYMBELLINA (Hull), 1944g:63 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Santo Domingo. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 218, fig. 128 (abdomen). N. COMB. DANAIDA (Hull), 19431:74 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Distr. — same. Type «9 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:218, fig. 122 (abdomen). N. COMB. DFEBASA (Curran), 1941:272 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Brazil (SAo Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:218, fig. 129 (abdomen), 280, fig. 378 (wing). N. COMB. DECEPTOR (Curran), 1930a:14 (Baccha). Type-locality: Virgin Islands, St. Croix Islands. Distr. — Puerto Rico; Virgin Islands. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:234, fig. 197 (abdomen), 254, fig. 287 (wing). N. COMB. DECIPIENS (Williston), 1891:18 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Mexico, Guer- rero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft. Distr. — Mexico (Durango, Guerrero, Chiapas), Brazil. Types ¢ BM(NH)* & AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:22, fig. 11 (abdomen); Vockeroth, 1969:164, fig. 77 (superior lobe). N. COMB. DELICATISSIMUS (Hull), 1943m:214 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Ca- tarina). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:202, fig. 52 (abdo- men); 252, fig. 278 (abdomen). N. COMB. DIANA (Hull), 1947a:408 (Baccha). Type-locality: Guyana, Georgetown. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:234, fig. 204 (abdomen). N. COMB. , DIFFUSUS (Curran), 1939d:4 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:242, fig. 238 (abdomen); 256, fig. 295 (wing). N. COMB. DiMIDIATUS (Fabricius), 1781:434 (Syrphus). Type-locality “Americae me- ridionalis insulis’”. Distr. — Mexico south to Brazil; Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Lesser Antilles. Type ? ? Ref. — Hull, 1949e:240, fig. 232 (abdomen). N. COMB. ; divisa Walker, 1857:156 (Pipiza). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz. Type ? BM(NH). dolosa Walker, 1857:156 (Pipiza). Type-locality: Brazil?, “Valley otf Amazon”. Type ¢ BM(NH). 46.16 var. RUFIFACIES (Doesburg), 1966:71 (Baccha). Type-locality: Suri- nam, Paramaribo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Doesburg. pisJuNcCTUS (Sack), 1921:132, fig. 3 (head), fig. 4 (mesonotum), fig. 5 (arva), fig. 6 (puparium) (Doros). Type-locality: Paraguay, St. Trinidad. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2? DEI. N. COMB. DIVERSIFACIATUS (Knab), 1914:151 (Syrphus). Type-locality: U.S.A., Cali- fornia, Walnut Creek. Distr. — Canada (British Columbia) to U.S.A. (Utah, south to California, Arizona); Mexico. Type ¢o USNM*. Ref. — Vockeroth, 1969:164, fig. 83 (male genitalia). N. COMB. var. MERIDIONALIS (Fluke), 1950b:446, fig. 7-8 (male genitalia) [Stenosyrphus (Episyrphus)]. Type-locality: Argentina, Tucuman, Villa Padre Monti. Distr. — Argentina (Tucuman, Salta). Type ¢ IML. DIVERSUS (Williston), 1891:16, pl. 1:6 (habitus), 6a (head) (Syrphus). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero; Omiltemi, 8000 ft., Xucuma- natlan, 7000 ft. Distr. — Mexico (Guerrero, Chiapas). Types ¢ ¢ BM(NH)*. N. COMB. pDOLOROSUS (Hull), 1950c:225 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type o Hull. N. COMB. DRACULA (Hull), 1943a:52 (Baccha). Type-locality: Honduras, Puerto Cas- tilla. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:152 (re- description), 232, fig. 205 (abdomen). N. COMB. DRUIDA (Hull), 1947a:398 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Peru, Brazil (Santa Catarina, Parana). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:248, fig. 258 (abdomen). N. COMB. DRYOPE (Hull), 1958:427 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type o Hull. N. COMB. DUIDA (Hull), 1947b:238 (Baccha). Type-locality: Venezuela, Mt. Duida. Distr. — Venezuela, Argentina (Tucuman, Salta). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:250, fig. 267 (abdomen); 268, fig. 341 (wing). N. COMB. EBLIS (Hull), 1943j:65, fig. 85 (abdomen) (Styxia). Type-locality: Ecua- dor, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:208, fig. 85 (abdomen). N. COMB. ELEGANS (Giglio-Tos), 1892d:2 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Mexico, Orizaba. Types ¢ ? UTOR*. Ref. — Giglio-Tos, 1893:fig. 21 (head). N. COMB. ELNORA (Shannon), 1927a:9, fig. 5 (wing tip) (Calostigma). Type-locality: Bolivia, Beni, Rurrenabaque. Distr. — Ecuador, Peru (Cuzco), Bolivia. Type 9? USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:232, fig. 193 (abdo- men); 260, fig. 308 (wing). N. COMB. EREBUS (Hull), 1943h:137 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Huli, 1949e:240, fig. 228 (abdomen). N. COMB. ERRATICUS (Williston), 1888:264 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Peru, Brazil (Mato Grosso). ‘Types 32 AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:22, fig. 10 (head); Vockeroth, 1969:164, fig. 7& (superior lobe). N. COMB. ERUPTOVA (Hull), 1943k:40 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Loreto, Iquitos. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:204, fig. 61 (abdomen); 276, fig. 365 (wing). N. COMB. 46.17 EXIGUUS (Williston), 1888:267 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Gros- so, Chapada. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:200, fig. 46 (abdomen); 230, fig. 186 (abdomen). N. COMB. FASCIATUS Roeder, 1885:342. Type-locality: Porto Rico. Distr. — same. Type & (Zool. Univ. Mus., Halle a. S.; Horn & Kahle, 1936:228). FERVIDUS (Austen), 1893:158, pl. 5:11 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Para, Santarém, R. Tapajés. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. FIAMETTA (Hull), 1943j:75, fig. 13 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:153 (redescription), 194, fig. 13 (abdo- men). N. COMB. FILII (Doesburg), 1966:73, fig. 59 (habitus, head, abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Surinam, Paramaribo, Marienburg. Distr. — same. Type so Doesburg. N. COMB. FiLIOLUS (Shannon), 1927a:30 (Baccha). Type-locality: Chile, Valparaiso. Distr. — Chile (Valparaiso, Santiago). Type ¢ USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:230, fig. 180 (abdomen). N. COMB. FILISSIMUS (Hull), 1943j:79, fig. 42 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Colombia, Muzo. Distr. — same. Type 2 Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:200, fig. 42 (abdomen). N. COMB. FLATUS (Hull), 1940b:433 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Petrépolis. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:202, fig. 56 (abdomen). N. COMB. lopesae Curran, 1941:269 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Tijuca. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. FLAVENS (Austen), 1893:153, pl. 5:10 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Region of Amazon. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. FLAVIPENNIS (Wiedemann), 1830:123 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (SAo Paulo, Mato Gros- so). Types ¢ ? ZMB. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:204, fig. 65 (abdomen). N. COMB. FLUKEI (Curran), 1941:284 (Salpingogaster). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tun- gurahua, Bafios. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:24C, fig. 229 (abdomen). N. COMB. phobia Hull, 1943¢:51 [Baccha (Mimocalla)]. Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Bahos, Chaupi. Type « AMNH*. FLUKIELLA (Curran), 1941:275 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:198, fig. 39 (abdomen). N. COMB. FRAGMENTARIUS (Hull), 1947a:405 (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Tapa- chula Mts. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:242, fig. 237 (abdomen); 274, fig. 259 (wing). N. COMB. FRATERNUS Bigot, 1883b:324. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2 BM(NH)? N. COMB. . FUNEBRIS Macquart, 1834:554. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr, — U.S.A. (Texas), south to Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type(s) ¢ MNHN (lost?)*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:276, figs. 160 & 162 (abdo- mens); 278, fig. 370 (wing). N. COMB. iridipennis Walker, 1837:345 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “South Ame- rica”. Type «¢ BM(NB). FuscIcoSTA Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891:255 (1892¢:52). Type-locality: Argen- tina, Buenos Aires, Chacabuco; La Plata. Distr. — same. Types ? MACN & MUNP. 46.18 FUSCIPENNIS (Say), 1823:100 (Baccha). Type-locality: U.S.A., Pennsyl- vania. Distr. — Canada (Quebec), west to U.S.A. (Wisconsin and Colorado), south to Mexico (Vera Cruz); Guadaloupe, Cuba. Type ? lost. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:222, fig. 145 (abdomen); 226, fig. 167 (abdomen); 232, fig. 192 (abdomen); 280, fig. 379 (wing). N. COMB. fenestratus Bigot, 1885a:251. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ¢ OXF. N. SYN. fenestratus Hull, 1949e:280, fig. 381 (wing) (Baccha; as a variety of fuscipennis; preoce. Bigot, 1885). Nomen nudum. GASTROSTACTUS (Wiedemann), 1830:123 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas & Florida), south to Brazil (Santa Ca- tarina). Types ¢ VMNH* & AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943j:65, fig. 2 (alula); 1949e:226, figs. 163-164 (abdomens); 258, figs. 299-300 (wings). N. COMB. trigonus Wiedemann, 1830:126 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Types ¢ ZMB & VMNH (missing)*. costalis Walker, 1837:342 (Pipiza, preocc. Wiedemann, 1830). Type- locality: South America. Type ? BM(NH). pica Walker, 1857:156 (Pipiza). Type-locality: “Valley of Amazon”. Type 2? BM(NB). notatus Coquillett, 1902:195 (preoce. Loew, 1866). Type-locality: Me- xico, Tabasco, Frontera. Types ¢ USNM. GEIJSKESI (Doesburg), 1966:75, fig. 60 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Surinam, Paramaribo, Botanical Garden (Cultuurtuin). Distr. — same. Type o¢ Doesburg. N. COMB. GIGANTEUS (Schiner), 1868:340 (Baccha). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 9? VMNH*. N. COMB. GILvuS (Austen), 1893:154, pl. 5:7 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Region of Amazon. Distr. — same. Type o BM(NH)*. N. COMB. GLOBICEPS (Hull), 1937b:30 (Pipunculosyrphus). Type-locality: Paraguay, San Bernardino. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Paraguay. Type ¢ VMNH. Ref. — Hull 1949e:192, fig. 3 (abdomen); 266, fig. 334 (wing). N. COMB. tiara Curran, 1941:271 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Type ? AMNH*. GOLBACHI (Fluke), 1950b:441, fig. 1 (abdomen) [Stenosyrphus (Hpisyrphus) |. Type-locality: Argentina, Tucuman, Villa Padre Monti. Distr. — same. Type ? IML. N. COMB. GRATUS (Curran), 1941:270 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 236, fig. 214 (abdomen), 276, fig. 366 (wing). N. COMB. HALCYONE (Hull), 1949b:244 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo, 1100 m. Distr. — same. Type o Hull. N. COMB. IARLEQUINUS (Hull), 1948a:10 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte, Natal. Distr. — Brazil (Natal), Argentina. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:250, fig. 268 (abdomen), 254, fig. 289 (wing). N. COMB. HIANTHA (Hull), 1943j:74 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:154 (redescription), 212, fig. 96 (abdomen), 272, fig. 356 (wing). N. COMB. HIPPOLYTE (Hull), 1957:187 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. 46.19 HRTUS (Shannon), 1927a:11 (Baccha). Type-locality: Bolivia, Beni, Ivon. Distr. — same. Type o USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:154 (redes- eription), 250, fig. 271 (abdomen). N. COMB. HIRUNDELLA (Hull), 1944g:59 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:155 (redescription), 212, fig. 99 (abdomen). N. COMB. HYACINTHIA (Hull), 1947a:409 (Baccha). Type-locality: Cuba, Soledad. Distr. — same. Type 2? Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:246, fig. 252 (abdomen). N. COMB. HYALIPENNIS (Curran), 1930e:15 (Callostigma). Type-locality: Honduras, Tegucigalpa. Distr. — Honduras, Argentina (Tucuman). Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:230, fig. 183 (abdomen), 260, fig. 311 (wing). N. COMB. IpA (Curran), 1941:279 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Paraguay, Argentina (Jujuy). Type ¢@ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:156 (redescription), 194, figs. 12, 18 (abdomen), 262, fig. 319 (wing), 274, fig. 358 (wing). N. COMB. var. IDELLA (Hull), 1949e:159, fig. 107 (abdomen) (Baccha). ‘Type- locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Type ¢ USNM. IDANUS (Curran), 1941:276 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Rio Putumayo. — Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:240, fig. 23V (abdomen), 278, fig. 373 (wing). N. COMB. IMMACULATUS (Macquart), 1842:158 (98), tab. 17, figs. 1 (head), la (wing) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chile or Brazil”, Distr. — same. Type 2? MNHN*. N. COMB. INCA (Curran), 1939d:4 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:200, fig. 50 (abdomen). N. COMB. INFANTA (Hull), 1943j:74 (Baccha). Type-locality: Colombia, Muzo. Distr. — same. Type o Hull, 1949e:159 (redescription), 224, fig. 151 (abdomen). N. COMB. ‘ INFUSCATUS Bigot, 1883b:324. Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — Mexico, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. Types 6 BM(NH). N. COMB. INORNATUS (Walker), 1837:342 (Baccha). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — same. Type o BM(NH). N. COMB. INSULARIS (Bigot), 1883b:330 (Doros). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH)* N. COMB. 10 (Hull), 1944g:61 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Campos do Jordao. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 236, fig. 208 (abdomen), 268, fig. 342 (wing). N. COMB. IONA (Curran), 1941:265 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type o AMNH*. Ref, — Hull, 1949e: 242, fig. 234 (abdomen), 278, fig. 371 (wing). Tris Austen, 1893:133, pl. 4:1 (habitus). Type-locality: Jamaica, Cinchona. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. ISTHMUS Thompson (for Callostigma panamensis Curran). Distr. — Pana- ma. Ref, — Hull, 1949e:212, fig. 103 (abdomen). NOM. NOV. panamensis Curran, 1930f:8 (Callostigma; preoce. Curran, 1930). Type- locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Type ¥ AMNH*. JACTATOR (Loew), 1861:40 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Cuba. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida), Cuba. Type ¢ MCZ*,. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:23, fig. 33 (abdomen); 1950a:127, fig. 133 (male genitalia). N. COMB. JOHNSONI (Curran), 1934b:392 (Baccha). Type-locality: Guyana, Bartica. 46.20 Distr. — same. Type @ MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:159 (redes- cription), 252, fig. 281 (abdomen). N. COMB. LANEI (Fluke), 1950b:444, fig. 4 (male genitalia) [Stenosyrphus (Episyr- phus)]. Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Campos do Jordao. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro). Type ¢ MZUSP. N. COMB. LATICAUDA (Curran), 1941:217 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:224, fig. 158 (abdomen), 266, fig. 333 (wing). N. COMB. LATIUSCULUS Loew, 1866b:39 (1872b:99). Type-locality: Cuba. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida); Cuba, Jamaica. Type ? MCZ. LATIVENTRIS (Curran), 1941:277 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:244, fig. 246 (abdomen). N. COMB. LAUDABILIS (Williston), 1891:36 (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 7000 ft. Distr. — same. Type BM(NH)*. N. COMB. LAUTUS (Giglio-Tos), 1892d:2 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Mexico, Tuxpango. Distr. — same. Type ¢ UTOR*. Ref. — Giglio-Tos, 1893:figs. 4 (abdomen), 4a (head). N. COMB. LEPIDUS (Macquart), 1842:169 (109), tab. 19, fig. 1 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: ??? Distr. — Mexico, Panama. Type(s) ¢ MNHN. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:192, fig. 5 (abdomen), 202, fig. 58 (abdomen). N. COMB. LEUCOPODUS (Hull), 1948a:5 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Goias. Distr. — Brazil (Goids, SAo Paulo). Type 2 Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 160 (redescription), 212, fig. 100 (abdomen). N. COMB. LEVISSIMUS (Austen), 1893:146, pl. 4:15 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Region of Amazon. Distr. — Peru, Brazil. Types ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:238, fig. 220 (abdomen), 268, fig. 337 (wing). N. COMB. LIMPIDAPEX (Curran), 1941:282 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. Hull, 1949e:212, fig. 104 (abdomen), 282, fig. 385 (wing). N. COMB. LINEATUS (Macquart), 1846:267 (139), tab. 20, fig. 5 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Yucatan. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida, ‘le- xas), Mexico (Yucatan). Type 2? MNHN? Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 236, fig. 206 (abdomen). N. COMB. var. connexus (Hull), 1949e:236, fig. 207 (abdomen) (Baccha). ‘Type- locality: ? Type ? ? Nomen nudum. LivipusS (Schiner), 1868:343 (Baccha). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — Mexico, Honduras, Panama, Colombia, Guyana, Trinidad, Peru, Brazil. Types do 2? VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 26 (abdomen), 281, fig. 124 (abdomen), 268, fig. 336 (wing). N. COMB. LUCRETIA (Hull), 19491:230 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. LUCTUOSUS (Bigot), 1883b:334 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — Mexico, ?Costa Rica (Fluke, 1956:252). Type ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:242, fig. 239 (abdomen). N. COMB. LUGUBRIS (Philippi), 1865:749 (Baccha). Type-locality: Chile, Corral. Distr. — Chile (Aysén). Type(s) ? MNHNS. N. COMB. nigrifrons Bigot, 1883b:335 (Baccha). Type-locality: Chile. Type ¢ BM(NH). 46.21 MACER (Curran), 1930a:13 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, San Ber- nadino. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:246, fig. 251, (abdomen), 260, fig. 309 (wing). N. COMB. MACROPYGA (Curran), 1941:267 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brasil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teutdénia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref, — Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 24 (abdomen), 244, figs. 242-243 (abdomens), 260, fig. 313 (wing). N. COMB. MARA (Curran), 1941:274 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucuman). Type «0 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:246, fig. 253 (abdomen), 256, fig. 293 (wing). MELANORRHINUS (Philippi), 1865:749 (Baccha). Type-locality: Chile, Val- divia. Distr. — Chile (Curicé-Aysén). Type? MNHNS. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:224, fig. 155 (abdomen), 258, fig. 301 (wing). N. COMB. felix Shannon, 1927a:30 (Baccha). Type-locality: Chile, Valparaiso. Type o USNM. MENTOR (Curran), 1930a:12 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, San Ber- nardino. Distr. — same. Type «6 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 194¥e: 248, fig. 263 (abdomen), 254, fig. 286 (wing). N. COMB. MEXICANUS (Curran), 1930a:6 (Baccha; nom. nov. for lugubris Williston). Distr. — Mexico (Vera Cruz, Guerrero, Tabasco). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:216, fig. 114 (abdomen); 274, fig. 360 (wing). N. COMB. lugubris Williston, 1891:37 (Baccha; preoce. Philippi, 1865). Type- locality: Mexico, Tabasco, Venta de Zopilote, 2800 ft., Teapa; Guerrero, Chilpancingo, 4600 ft., Vera Cruz, Atoyac. Types ¢ ¢ BM(NH) & AMNH*. batesi Curran, 1939d:10 (Baccha). Type-locality: Guatemala, San Sebastian, Reu. Type ? AMNH*. [See Hull, 1949e:220, fig. 136 (abdomen); 282, fig. 382 (wing) ]. MiCROPELECINUS (Shannon), 1927a:10 (Baccha). .Type-locality: Bolivia Tumupasa. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. Ref. — Hull, 194¥e. 250, fig. 269 (abdomen). N. COMB. MICROPYGA (Curran), 1941:271 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type «0 AMNH. N. COMB. var. iolanthe Hull, 1949e:252, fig. 276 (abdomen) (Baccha). Loca- lity: “Brazil”. Type ? ? Nomen Nudum. MIMUS (Hull), 1949e:188 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. MINIMUS (Hull), 1943m:214 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:208, fig. 78 (abdomen). N. COMB. mimima, Hull, 1949e:208, misspelled. MURINUS (Curran), 1930a:12 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 230, fig. 181 (abdomen); 268, fig. 338 (wing). N. COMB. MYRTELLA (Hull), 1960:70 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. NASUTUS (Williston), 1891:35 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Types od 2 BM(NH). Ref. — Giglio-Tos, 1893:fig. 8 (head). N. COMB. NECTARINUS (Hull), 1942a:94 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 30 (abdomen). N. COMB. NEPTUNUS (Hull), 1943h:138 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Ja- 46.22 neiro, Japuiba, Angra dos Reis. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:192, fig. 9 (abdomen). N. COMB. NERISSA (Hull), 1943m:215 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Pinas. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:162 (redes- cription), 212, fig. 97 (abdomen). N. COMB. NERO (Curran), 1939d:8 (Baccha). Type-locality: Guyana, Kaieteur. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. NEURALIS (Curran), 1934b:395 (Callostigma). Type-locality: Guyana, Kar- tabo. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:232, fig. 195 (abdomen); 260, fig. 312 (wing). N. COMB. NIGROCILIA (Hull), 1943m:215 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ilha Seca. Distr. — Brazil (S40 Paulo), Colombia. Type # AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:162 (redescription), 244, fig. 248 (abdomen). N. COMB. ; var. HIRTIPES (Hull), 1943m:215 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Type ? AMNH (missing — FCT). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:220, fig. 139 (abdomen). var. INCLUSA (Hull), 1943m:215 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Type ? AMNH (missing — FCT). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:224, tig. 156 (abdomen). NIOBE (Hull), 19431:73 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Palmar, Manabi 200 m. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:1¥2, fig. 37 (abdomen). N. COMB. NITIDULUS (Curran), 1930a:9 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — Panama, Brazil (Rondonia). Type ¢ AMNH*, Ref. — Hull, 1949e:214, fig. 105 (abdomen). N. COMB. Noposus (Hull), 1930:141, fig. 8 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Me- xico, Vera Cruz, Jalapa. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ANSP. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:192, fig. 6 (abdomen). N. COMB. NoRA (Curran), 1941:269 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. NORINA (Curran), 1941:267 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina), Bolivia, Argentina (Misiones, Formosa, Tucuman, Jujuy, Salta). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 23 (abdomen), 218, fig. 131 (abdomen), 270, fig. 347 (wing). N. COMB. NOTATUS (Loew), 1866b:37 (1872b:97) (Baccha). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ*, Ref. — Hull, 1949e:236, fig. 211 (abdomen), 240, fig. 233 (abdomen), 256, fig. 294 (wing). N. COMB. NYMPHAEA (Hull), 19438k:40 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Campinas. Distr. — same. Type o> USNM. Ref. — Hull, 194¥e: 238, fig. 221 (abdomen). N. COMB. OBLIQUUS (Curran), 1941:258 (Callostigma). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Chiva Chiva Trail. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:230, fig. 185 (abdomen), 260, fig. 307 (wing). N. COMB. OBLONGUS (Walker), 1852:221 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. OESOLETUS (Curran), 1941:266 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, San Bernadino. Distr. — same. Type @ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 222, fig. 150 (abdomen), 282, fig. 383 (wing). N. COMB. OCHREOLINEA (Hull), 1944¢:31 (Baccha) [also, 1943j:98, fig. 89 (abdomen) ]. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. 46.23 — same. Type § MCZ*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:210, fig. 89 (abdo- men). N. COMB. OCTOMACULATUS Thompson (nom. nov. for flukei Hull). Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:198, fig. 36 (abdomen). NOM. NOV. flukei Hull, 1943j:67, fig. 36 (abdomen) (Baccha; preoce. Curran, 1941). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Type * AMNH*. ; OENONE (Hull), 1949e:109, fig. 198 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: “Jamaica”. Distr. — same. Type °°? N. COMB. opacus (Fluke), 1950b:443, fig. 2 (abdomen), fig. 3 (male genitalia) [Stenosyrphus (Episyrphus) |. Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungu- rahua, Mt. Tungurahua, 2800 ft. Distr. — same. Type 9? AMNH*. Ref. Vockeroth, 1969:164, fig. 80 (superior lobe). N. COMB. ORIEL (Hull), 1942a:96 (Baccha). Type-locality: Dominican Republic, Lo- ma Rucilla and Mtsy N., 5000-8000 ft. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. Ret. — Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 29 (abdomen), 218, fig, 126 (abdomen). N. COMB. ORNATIPES (Curran), 1927b:3 (Baccha). Type-locality: Puerto Rico, Cayey. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:232, fig. 194 (abdomen), 260, fig. 306 (wing). N. COMB. OVIPHORUS (Hull), 1943j:73 (Baccha). Type-locality: Colombia, Muzo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:232, fig. 191 (abdomen). N. COMB. CVIPOSITORIUS (Hull), 1943j:76 (Baccha). Type-locality: Colombia. Distr. — same. Type 2? Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:230, fig. 178 (abdo- men). N. COMB. PANAMENSIS (Curran), 1930a:9 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:212, fig. 103 (abdomen). N. COMB. PANDORA (Hull), 1942i1:102 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Coclé prov., El Valle. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:193, fig. 38 (abdomen). N. COMB. PAPILIO (Hull), 1942d:45 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao José (?). Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:198, fig. 38 (abdomen). N. COMB. PAPILIONARIUS (Hull), 1943j:71 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teut6énia. Distr. — same. Type 2? AM(NH)*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:220, fig. 133 (abdomen). N. COMB. PARA (Curran), 1941:280 (Baccha). 'Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:163 (redescription), 194, fig. 11 (abdomen), 214, fig. 106 (abdomen), 216, fig. 115 (abdomen), 360, figs. 314 & 317 (wings). N. COMB. PARVICORNIS (Loew), 1861:41 (Baccha). Type-locality: Cuba. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida); Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico. Type ¢ MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:250, fig. 266 (abdomen). N. COMB. PENNATUS (Hull), 1943j]:75 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:246, figs. 255-256 (abdomens), 266, fig. 329 (wing). N. COMB. PERI (Hull), 1943j:75 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teut6énia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:228, fig. 168 (abdomen). N. COMB. PERSIMILIS (Curran), 1930a:2 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Gros- so, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso). 46.24 Type ° AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:210, fig. 93 (abdomen). N. COMB. : PERUVIANUS (Shannon), 1927a:10 [Baccha (Pelecinobaccha)]. ‘Type-loca- lity: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — Peru (Junin, Cuzco). Type ¢¥ USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:206, figs. 69-70 (abdomens). N. COMB. PIIAEOPTERUS (Schiner), 1868:342 (Baccha). Type-locality: “South Ame- rica”. Distr. — Mexico (Guerrero, Tabasco, Vera Cruz), Guate- mala, Peru, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Types ¢ ? VMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 28 (abdomen). N. COMB. PHILIPPIANUS (Enderlein), 1938:235 (Baccha; nom. noy. for flavicornis Philippi). Distr. — Chile (Curicé-Valdivia). N. COMB. flavicornis Philippi, 1865:749 (Baccha; preoc. Loew, 1863). Type- locality: Chile, Valdivia. Types ? MNHNS. PHILODICE (Hull), 1950¢c:227 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr — same, | byper 2 sulle Ne COMB: PHOBIFER (Hull), 19438¢:50 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Puyo, 1250 m. Distr. — Ecuador. Type ¢ AMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:208, fig. 83 (abdomen). N. COMB. bacchiformis Vockeroth, 1969:122, fig. 13 (wing), fig. 17 (abdomen) (Hermesomyia). Type-locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, Tandapi, 40 km SW Quito, 1300-1500 m. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CNC%*. N. SYN. PILIPES (Schiner), 1868:342 (Bacha). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso), Peru (Junin). Types 3 ? VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:210, fig. 94 (abdomen), 272, fig. 350 (wing). N. COMB. PINKuUSI (Curran), 1939d:5 (Baccha). Type-locality: Trinidad, Tabaquite. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:242, fig. 240 (abdomen), 284, fig. 388 (wing). N. COMB. PIRATA (Curran), 1939d:7 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:218, fig. 125 (abdomen), 284, fig. 364 (wing). N. COMB. PiACivus (Wlliston), 1888:269 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Gros- so, Chapada. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:210, fig. 90 (abdomen). N. COMB. PiUTONIA (Hull), 1948a:2 (Baccha). Type-locality: Bolivia, Covendo. Distr. — same. Type 2? USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:166 (redes- cription), 194, fig. 17 (abdomen). N. COMB. POLA (Curran), 1939d:11 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 194e: 244, fig. 249 (abdomen), 270, fig. 348 (wing). N. COMB. POLISTA (Hull), 1943¢:89 [Baccha (Mimocalla)]. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catari- na), Argentina (Buenos Aires, Tucuman). Type o¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943j:65, fig. 2 (alula); 1949e:238, fig. 222 (abdo- men); 236, fig. 212 (abdomen). N. COMB. nigriventris, Bruch, 1923:1 (Baccha), misidentification. POTENTILA (Hull), 1942a:100 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villa- rica. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:167 (redescription), 212, fig. 102 (abdomen). N. COMB. PRENES (Curran), 1930a:11 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Ja- neiro. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 21 (abdomen). N. COMB. 46.25 PRINCEPS (Hull), 1944¢:56 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Puyo 1000 m. Distr. — Ecuador, Peru. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:220, figs. 132, 134 (abdomen). N. COMB. PRISCILLA (Hull) 1943}]:78 (Baccha). Type-locality: Argentina, Mendoza, Potrerillos. Distr. — same. Type o CU. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:1638 (redescription), fig. 118 (abdomen). N. COMB. PRGVOCANS (Curran), 1939d:6 (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Yucatan, Chichén Itza. Distr. — same. Type 2 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1948e:246, 268; figs. 254 (wing), 339 (abdomen). N. COMB. PRUDENS (Curran), 1934b:394 (Baccha). Type-locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:236, 254, 280; figs. 209 & 210 (abdomen), 285 & 377 (wing). N. COMB. PRUNELLA (Hull), 1943j:72 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. PTERONIS (Fluke), 1942:5 (Hpistrophe). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungu- rahua, Volcan Tungurahua, Minza Chica. Distr. —— Ecuador. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:125, fig. 108 (male geni- talia); Vockeroth, 1969:164, fig. 79 (superior lobe). N. COMB. PULLUS (Sack), 1921:130, fig. 2 (head) (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Aregua & St. Trinidad. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 DEI & SMF*. N. COMB. PUMILUS (Austen), 1893:148, pl. 5:12 (habitus) (Baccha). ‘'Type-locality: Brazil, Region of Amazon. Distr. — Panama, Brazil. Types ¢ ¢¥ BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:206, fig. 74 (abdomen). N. COMB. PUNCTIFRONS (Williston), 1891:36 (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Guer- rero; Omiltemi, 8000 ft.; Amula, 6000 ft.; Xucumanatlan, 70UU ft.; Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 9500 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ °? BM(NH)* & AMNH*. N. COMB. PYXIA (Hull), 1943j:68, fig. 81 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:208, fig. 81 (abdomen). N. COMB. RIcuS (Curran), 1939d:6 (Baccha). Type-locality: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:244, 272; figs. 247 (abdomen), 351 (wing). N. COMB. RUBRICOSUS (Wiedemann), 1830:137 (Syrphus). Type-locality: ‘Brazil’. Distr. — same. Types ? ZMB & VMNH. N. COMB. RUFIVENTRIS Bigot, 1883:325. Type-locality: Cuba. Distr. — same. Type BM(NH) ?. RUGOSIFRONS (Schiner), 1868:341 (Baccha). Type-locality: “South Ame- rica”. Distr. — Brazil. Types 2 VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 2383, fig. 215 (abdomen). N. COMB. RYL (Hull), 1943j:73, fig. 34 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Para- guay, Villarica. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:198, fig. 34 (abdomen). N. COMB. SAFFRONA (Hull), 19431:74 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Manabi, Palmar. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 208, fig. 86 (abdomen). N. COMB. SAGITTIFERUS (Austen), 1893:144, pl 4:14 (habitus) (Baccha). ‘Type-loca- lity: Jamaica, Cinchona. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. SALPA (Hull), 1944j):40 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Campamiento. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CU. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:169 (redescrip- tion), 224, fig. 154 (abdomen). N. COMB. SAPPHO (Hull), 1943j:69 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teut6nia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 46.26 1949e:170 (redescription), 224, 262; figs. 157 (abdomen), 316 (wing). N. COMB. SARGOIDES (Macquart), 1850:455 (151), pl. 14, fig. 9 (habitus), 9a (head) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ OXH aN] COMB: SATIVUS (Curran), 1941:275 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — Colombia, Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:248, 254; figs. 264 (abdomen), 283 (wing). N. COMB. var. ARSINOE (Hull), 1949e:135, fig. 250 (abdomen) (Baccha). ‘Type- locality; “Colombia”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ? N. COMB. arsenoe, Fluke, 1956:262, misspelling. SATYRUS (Hull), 1943j:77, figs. 2 (alula), 84 (abdomen) (Baccha). ‘Type- locality: Ecuador, Manabi, Palmar. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:208, fig. 84 (abdomen). N. COMB. SCHWARZI (Curran), 1939d:9 (Baccha). Type-locality: Colombia, Western Cordillera, Cali Dist. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*, Ref. — Hull, 1949e:214, 278; figs. 111 (abdomen), 375 (wing). N. COMB. SCINTILLANS (Hull), 19438h:1386 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Morro Morro. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:208, fig. 87 (abdomen). N. COMB. SCUTELLATUS Loew, 1866:39 (1872b:99). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida), Cuba, Puerto Rico, Panama, Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina), Argentina (Misiones, Tucuman). Type 2? MCZ. proximus Schiner, 1868:346. Type-locality: “Brazil’. Type ¢ # VMNH*. N. SYN. anthracoides Bigot, 1884b:82 (?Melanostoma). Type-locality: “Pana- mara weby pe?) OCH AS INE SANE loewi Sedman, in Wirth, et al., 1965:573 (Baccha; nom. nov. for scutellatus Loew). N. SYN. SELENE (Hull), 1949e:183 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa, Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. SEPIA (Hull), 1941d:161 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, SAo Paulo. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:192, fig. 10 (abdomen). N. COMB. SERICEUS (Walker), 1837:343 (Pipiza). Type-locality: “South America’. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo). Type ¢@ BM(NH)*. N. COMB. SHROPSHIREI (Curran), 1930a:7 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Corozal. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ret. — Hull, 1949e:240, 282; figs. 231 (abdomen), 386 (wing). N. COMB. SIGNIFERUS (Austen), 1893:145, pl. 4:8 (habitus) (Baccha). 'Type-locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé (as Ega). Distr. — Guyana, Brazil. Type 0 BM(NH). N. COMB. SILACEUS (Austen), 1893:149, pl. 5:13 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Region of Amazon, Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). N. COMB. SIMULATUS (Curran), 1939d:10 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Lower Rio Tapiche. Distr. — same. Type ¢@ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 194¥e: 192, 272; figs. 2 (abdomen), 352 (wing). N. COMB. SMARTI (Curran), 1939d:10 (Baccha). Type-locality: Guyana, Mazaruni. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. SPATULATUS (Giglio-Tos), 1892d:4 (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Ori- zaba. Distr. — same. Type ? UTOR*. N. COMB. STENOGASTER (Williston), 1888:266 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Mexico (Guerrero), Brazil (Mato 46.27 Grosso), Argentina (Salta, Tucuman). Type o AMNH™*. Ref, — Hull, 1949e:232, 266, 272; figs. 189 & 190 (abdomen), 331 & 357 (wing). N. COMB. STIPA (Hull), 1949e:110 (Baccha) [also, 1948j:94, fig. 71 (abdomen) ]. Type-locality: “Colombia”. Distr. — same. Type ? ? N. COMB. STOLO (Walker), 1852:241 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. STRIATUS (Walker), 1852:221 (Ascia). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:198, fig. 32 (abdo- men). N. COMB. SUBCHALYBEUS (Walker), 1857:157 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Valley of Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. suMMUsS (Fluke), 1936:59, fig. I (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Guanabara, Rio de Janeiro, Jardim Botanico. Distr. — same. Type ¢6 AMNH™. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:214, fig. 13 (abdomen), 276, fig. 368 (wing). N. COMB. susio (Hull), 1941¢c:61 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, SAo Paulo, Ava- nhandava. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:171 (redescription), 220, fig. 1388 (abdomen). N. COMB. TARSALIS (Walker), 1837:345 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. meridionalis Goot, 1964:215 (Syrphus, unjustified nom. nov. for tar- salis Walker; preocc. Fluke, 1950). N. SYN. TELESCOPICUS (Curran), 1930a:4 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:204, 206, 276; figs. 60 & 71 (abdomen), 369 (wing); Hull, 1943j:44, fig. 1 (alula). N. COMB. TENUIS (Walker), 1852:222 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. THECLA (Hull), 1943j:67 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*, N. COMB. TIARELLA (Hull), 1944¢:57 [Baccha (Pipunculosyrphus) |. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Distr. — same. Type & AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:226, 256; figs. 165 & 166 (abdo- men), 296 (wing). N. COMB. TITANIA (Hull), 1943j:70, fig. 51 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teut6nia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Salta, Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:202, fig. 51 (abdomen). N. COMB. TRABIS (Fluke), 1942:5, fig. 6 (abdomen) (EHpistrophe). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Volean Tungurahua, Runtun. Distr. — Ecuador, Argentina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:125, fig. 109 (male genitalia); Vockeroth, 1969:165, fig. 81 (superior lobe). N. COMB. TRANSATLANTICUS (Schiner), 1868:343 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Brazil & Colombia”. Distr. — “Colombia”, Peru, Brazil. Types ¢ 2? VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:216, 284; figs. 119 & 120 (abdomen), 392 & 393 (wing). N. COMB. tricinctus (Bigot), 1883b:333 (Baccha). Not neotropical; Fluke, 1956: 265, error for tricinctus (Wulp). TRILOBUS (Hull), 1944b:11 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:172 (redescription), 244, 258; figs. 153 (abdomen), 198 (wing). N. COMB. TRINIDADENSIS (Curran), 1939d:11 (Baccha). Type-locality: Trinidad, Ta- 46.28 baquite. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:212, 254; figs. 98 (abdomen), 284 (wing). N. COMB. TRISTIS (Hull), 1930:140, fig. 7 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Me- xico, Vera Cruz, Jalapa, 4400 ft. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ANSP. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:173 (redescription), 194, fig. 19 (abdomen). N. COMB. ULRICA (Hull), 1957:188 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. URANIA (Hull), 1949e:185 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull, N.COMB. URSULA (Hull), 1947b:234 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:220, 226, 284; figs. 140 & 161 (abdomen), 389 (wing). N. COMB. VAMPYRUS (Hull), 1943j:98, fig. 95 (abdomen); 1948a:7 (Baccha). Type- locality: Brazil, SAo Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:210, fig. 95 (abdomen). N. COMB. VANDA (Hull), 1943h:136 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutdénia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:174 (redescription), 214, 222, 262; figs. 110 & 148 (abdo- men), 315 & 318 (wing). N. COMB. VANESSA (Hull), 1949e:190 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type o Hull. N. COMB. VARIEGATUS (Macquart), 1842:168 (108), pl. 18, fig. 4 (habitus) 4a (head) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Parana, Guaratuba. Distr. — Brazil (Rio de Janeiro. Type 29MNHN*. N. COMB. VERA (Hull), 1943j:50, fig. 43 (abdomen) (Baccha) [also, 1944b:10]. Type- locality: “Amazon” [1944b:10]. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:200, fig. 43 (abdomen), 272, fig. 353 (wing). N. COMB. VERONA (Curran), 1941:272 (Baccha). Type-locality: Colombia, Vista Nie- ve. Distr. — same. Type 2 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:240, 254; figs. 225 (abdomen), 288 (wing). N. COMB. vVESsPUCCIUS (Hull), 19431:73 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:192, fig. 1 (abdomen). N. COMB. VICTORIA (Hull), 1941j:181 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull, MZUSP. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:196, fig. 27 (abdomen). N. COMB. VIERECKI (Curran, 1930a:6 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — Panama, Colombia (Santa Ma- ria). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:236, fig. 213 (abdomen). N. COMB. VIOLACEUS (Hull), 1943}:71 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:220, fig. 135 (abdomen). N. COMB. viIrRGA (Fluke), 1942:7, fig. 9 (abdomen) (EHpistrophe). Type-locality: Ecuador, Imbabura, Cuicocha, 3200 m. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH#*. Ref: — Vockeroth, 1969:164, fig. 82 (superior lobe). N. COMB. VIRGILIO (Hull), 1942d:46 (Baccha). Type-locality Brazil, Parana. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:204, fig. 63 (abdomen). N. COMB. VIRGINIO (Hull), 1941j:182 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil Sao Paulo, Osasco. Distr. — Brazil. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:244, fig. 244 (abdomen). N. COMB. 46.29 VITTIGER (Hull), 1949¢:735 [also, 1949e:123, figs. 245 (abdomen), 384 (wing)] (Baccha). Type-locality: Guyana, Essequibo River, Mo- raballi Creek. Dark Forest. Distr. — Guyana, Brazil (Sao Paulo). Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. VOLCANUS (Fluke), 1942:6, fig. 8 (abdomen) (Hpistrophe). Type-locality: Panama, Chiriqui, El Volcan. Distr. — Panama, Ecuador. Type AMNH*. N. COMB. WIEDEMANNI Enderlein, 1938:234. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ° ZMB. Ref. — Wiedemann, 1830:124 [p.p. flavipennis Wiedemann]. WILLISTONI Thompson (nom. nov. for dolosa Williston). Distr. — “Mexico”. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:234, fig. 202 (abdomen). NOM. NOV. dolosa Williston, 1891:37, pl. 1:7 (habitus), 7a+b (head) (Baccha; preoce. Walker, 1857). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero: Omilte- mi, 8000 ft.; Xucumanatlan, 7000 ft.; Amula, 6000 ft.; Guatemala, Cerro Zunil, 4000-5000ft. Types ¢ ? (BM(NH) & AMNH*. WILHELMINA (Doesburg), 1963:27, fig. 5 (habitus), 5a+b (head) (Baccha). Type-locality: Surinam, Paramaribo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Doesburg. N. COMB. WULPIANUS (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1891:250 (1892c:47) (Baccha, nom. nov. for tricinctus Wulp). Distr. — Argentina. N. COMB. tricinctus Wulp, 1888: 376, pl. 10, fig. 8 (habitus) (Baccha; preocc. Bigot, 1883). Type-locality: Argentina, Prov.-Tucuman. Types ¢ lost?. XANTHOPTERUS (Wiedemann), 1830:120 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Brazil. Distr. — same. Type ¢ SMF*. N. COMB. XANTIPPE (Hull), 1949e:177 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. ZABULON (Hull), 1949b:244 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. ZENIA (Curran), 1941:266 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. Hull, 1949e: 250, fig. 273 (abdomen). N. COMB. ZENILLIA (Curran), 1941:274 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:250, 258; figs. 83, 272 (abdomen), 305 (wing). zinnia Hull, 1943j:78, fig. 2 (alula), 82 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type- locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Type ? AMNH*. N. SYN. ZEPHYREUS (Hull), 1947b:232 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — same. Type o USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 232, 274; figs. 188 (abdomen), 363 (wing). N. COMB. ZERENE (Hull), 1949b:245 (Baccha). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. ZETEKI (Curran), 1930a:8 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — Honduras, Panama, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Type 6 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:175 (redescription), 204, fig. 66 (abdomen). N. COMB. ZILLA (Hull), 1943m:214 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — Ecuador, Brazil (Santa Catarina). Type ° AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:248, fig. 262 (abdomen). N. COMB. zITa (Curran), 1941:273 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brasil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutdénia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina 46 .30 (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943]:65, fig. 2 (alula); Hull, 1949e:200, 252: figs. 45 (abdomen), 275 (wing). N. COMB. var. fuscus Hull, 1949e:252, fig. 274 (abdomen) (Baccha). Nomen nu- dum [2 AMNH*]. ZOREIDE (Hull), 19432:90 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Tyne « AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:230, fig. 182 (abdomen). N. COMB. ZOROASTER (Hull), 1943;:76, fig. 2 (alula), 80 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type- locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucuman). Tyne ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:208, fig. 80 (abdomen). N. COMB. Genus SALPINGOGASTER Schiner Amathia Walker, 1852:223 (preoce. Lamouroux, 1812; Roux, 1828; Du- ponchel, 1829; Rathke. 1837). Type-species, costalis Walker (mon.). SALPINGOGASTER Schiner, 1868:344. Type-species, pygophora Schiner (orig. des.). Flexineura Bezzi, 1908:294, nomen nudum. Ref. — Sack, 1920 (rev. key); Curran, 1941 (key); Knutson, 1971 (biol.). Subgenus SALPINGOGASTER Schiner ABDOMINALIS Sack, 1920:242, fig. D (tip of abdomen). Type-locality: “Bo- livia”. Distr. — same. Type &@ MD. BEQUAERTI Curran, 1933:2. Type-locality: Guatemala, Sa. Emilia, Pochuta. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. BICOLOR Sack, 1920:250, fig. m (abdomen). Type-locality: Bolivia, La Paz, Mapiri, 2000 m. Distr. — same. Type ? MD. BIPUNCTIFRONS Curran,, 1934b:397. Type-locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. BROWNI Curran, 1941:286. Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Volcan Tungurahua, Minza Chica. Distr. — Ecuador. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull.1949d:297, fig. 11L (wing). maculipennis Hull, 1944a:166. Type-locality: “?South America”. Type SVMNH*. N. SYN. BRUNERI Curran, 1932a:6. Type-locality: Cuba, Sierra Maestra. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. CORNUTA Hull, 1944a:168. Type-locality: “Venezuela”. Distr. — same. Tyne 2? VMNH. COSTALIS (Walker), 1852:223 (Amathia). Type-locality: Brazil. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Sack, 1920:253 (redescription). COTHURNATA Bigot, 1883:329. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH) ? Ref. — Sack, 1920:246 (redescription). DIANA Hull. 1943f:33. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. FRONTALIS Sack, 1920:243, fig. e (male abdominal tip), f (female abdomen). Type-locality: Bolivia, Coroico, 1000 m. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 MD. GRACILIS Sack, 1920:251, figs. n + o (head), p (mesonotum), q (tip of male abdomen). Type-locality: Peru, Vileanota. Distr. — Peru, Brazil (Santa Catarina). Types ¢ ? UNMB. HALCYON Hull, 1940b:434. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Co- lorado Island. Distr. — Panama, Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argen- tina (Formosa). Type ¢o Hull. 46.31 compressa Curran, 1941:284. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. IMPURA Curran, 1941:285. Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type «0 AMNH*. LIMBIPENNIS Williston, 1891:29. Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Amula, 6000 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Sack, 1920:256 (redescription). limbippennis, Sack, 1920:256, misspelling. LINEATA Sack, 1920:253, figs. r + s (male abdomen). Type-locality: Boli- via, La Paz, Mapiri. Distr. — same. Type o MD. MINOR Austen, 1893:161, pl. 5:4 (habitus). Type-locality: Brazil, Para. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). Ref. — Sack, 1920:247 (redes- cription). : NIGRA Schiner, 1868:344, pl. 4:4 (habitus), 4a (wing). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Brazil, Peru, Argentina (Jujuy, Tucuman). Types ¢ 2? VMNH*. Ref. Sack, 1920:254 (redescription), figs. a (wing), t, u, & v (abdomen). anchoratus Bigot, 1883:328. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type 3 BM(NH)? NIGRICAUDA Sack, 1920:248, fig. h (head). Type-locality: Bolivia. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2? UNMB. Nova Giglio-Tos, 1892c:7. Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — same. Type UTOR*. PANAMANA Hull, 1944¢c:33. Type-locality: Panama, Bella Vista. Distr. — same. Type &¢ MCZ. pannamanda, Fluke, 1957:6, misspelling. PESSULAGYNA Hull, 1941f:48. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. PETIOLATA Hull, 1944a:165. Type-locality: Bolivia, Rio Songo. Distr. — same. Type ° VMNH*. PUNCTIFRONS Curran, 1929:493. Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida). Type o Stanford Univ., Calif. PYGOPHORA Schiner, 1868:344. Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — Cuba, Panama, Mexico, Brazil. Types ¢ VMNH*. Ref. — Sack, 1920:239 (redescription), fig. b (tip of male abdomen); Hull, 1949d:264, fig. 3e (head). RELICTA Curran, 1941:285. Type-locality: Cuba, Vinales. Distr. — Cuba. Type ¢ AMNH*. STIGMATIPENNIS Hull, 1940a:250. Type-locality: “Venezuela”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ VMNH & Hull. é UNCINATA Hull, 1945a:216. Type-locality: Costa Rica, La Suiza. Distr. — same. Type & USNM. URANIA Hull, 1949i1:232. Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. VERA Hull, 1944a:169. Type-locality: Bolivia, Rio Songo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ VMNH. vIRGATA Austen, 1893:159, pl. 5:4 (habitus). Type-locality: Brazil, Region of Amazon. Distr. — Brazil, Bolivia. Types ¢ 9 BM(NH). Ref, — Sack, 1920:240 (redescription), fig. ec (head). Subgenus EOSALPINGOGASTER Hull EOSALPINGOGASTER Hull, 1949d:299 (as genus). Type-species, Baccha cono- pida Philippi (orig. des.). CONOPIDA (Philippi), 1865:750 (Baccha). Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — Brazil (S&0 Paulo), Chile, Argentina. Types MNHNS. Ref. — Sack, 1920:244 (redescription), fig. g (head) [as macula Schiner]; Knutson, 1971:34 (description of puparium), figs. 3 + 4 (puparium). ?nigriventris Bigot, 1883:329. Type-locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. Type ° BM(NH). Ref. — Sack, 1920:249 (redescription), figs. j (head), k (mesonotum); Sack, 1921:134, figs. 7 (mesonotum), 8 (puparium). macula Schiner, 1868:345. Tpe-locality: “Chile”. Types ¢ ? VMNH*. nigroventris, Williston, 1886:315, misspelling. mimetica Bréthes [not Lahille], 1907:292 (Baccha). Nomen nudum. DACTYLOPIANA Blanchard, 1938:348, figs. 2a (puparium), b (head), c (me- sonotum), d (abdomen). Type-locality: Argentina, Los Armadores, Catamarca & Entre Rios. Distr. — same. Types ¢ [author’s coll.]. LIPOSETA Fluke, 1937:10, figs. 12 (wing), 13 (thorax). Type-locality: Ecua- dor, Puerto Grande, Isla Puna. Distr. — Ecuador, Argentina (Tucuman, La Rioja, Rio Negro). Type ? AMNH*. Genus ALLOGRAPTA Osten Sacken ALLOGRAPTA Osten Sacken, 1875:49. Type-species, Scaeva obliqua Say (mon.). Claraplumula Shannon, 1927a:8. Type-species, latifacies Shannon orig. des.). 7 Fazia Shannon, 1927a:25. Type-species, bullaephora Shannon (orig. des.). Oligorhina Hull, 1937b:30 (preoce. Fairmaire & Germain, 1863). Type- species, aenea Hull (orig. des.). Chasmia Enderlein, 1938:213 (preoce. Enderlein, 1922). Type-species, hians Enderlein (orig. des.). Rhinoprosopa Hull, 1942f:24 (nom. nov. for Oligorhina Hull). Type-species, Oligorhina aenea Hull (aut.). N SYN. Microsphaerophoria Frey, 1946:168. Type-species, plawmanni Frey (orig. des.). Neoscaeva Frey, 1946:170. Type-species, Syrphus aeruginosifrons Schiner (orig. des.). N. SYN. Epistrophe, subg. Metallograpta Hull, 1949d:293. Type-species, Allograpta colombia Curran (orig. des.). Epistrophe, subg. Metepistrophe Hull, 1949d:293. Type-species, remigis Fluke (orig. des.) [see Fluke, 1951¢c:218; Vockeroth, 1969:126]. Antillus Vockeroth, 1969:130. Type-species, ascituws Vockeroth (orig. des.). N. SYN. AENEA (Hull), 1937b:31 (Oligorhina). Type-locality: Haiti, Mt. La Hotte, Desbarriére. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:222, figs. 142 & 147 (abdomen); Hull, 1949d:288, fig. 9d (head). N. COMB. AERUGINOSIFRONS (Schiner), 1868:352 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — Brazil. Types ¢ 9? VMNH*. N. COMB. ALTA Curran, 1936b:15. Type-locality: Colombia, Popayan. Distr. — Co- lombia; Ecuador. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:23, fig. 31 (abdomen); Fluke, 1950a:129, fig. 134 (male genitalia). flavomaculata Hull, 1937a:169. Type-locality: Colombia, Bogota. Type ¢ USNM. ALTISSIMA (Fluke), 1942:10, fig. 17 (abdomen) (Hpistrophe). Type-locality: Ecuador. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:127, figs. 124 & 130 (male genitalia, as remigis). ANNULIPES (Macquart), 1850:464 (160), pl. 14, fig. 18 (head) (Paragus). 46.33 Type-locality: Brazil, Bahia. Distr. — Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Bahia, Sao Paulo), Bolivia. Type 6 MNHN*. N. COMB. scutellata Sack, 1941:99 (1951:95). Type-locality: Peru, Pichis; Boli- via, Mapiri. Type ¢ ? MD?. N. SYN. geminata Fluke, 1942:16, fig. 34 (abdomen). Type-locality: Ecuador, Rio Pastaza, Santa Inés. Type ? AMNH*™. . APERTA Fluke, 1942:19, fig. 48 (abdomen). Type-locality: Guyana, Kaie- teur, Savannah. Distr. — Surinam, Guyana. Type ¢ AMNH*. var. NOTATA Doesburg, 1966:64. Type-locality: Surinam, Wilhelmina Mts., Camp 3. Distr. — same. Types ¢ Doesburg. ARGENTIPILA (Fluke), 1942:13, fig. 30 (abdomen) (Hpistrophe). Type- locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Puyo, 1000 m. Distr. — Ecuador, Peru, Argentina (La Rioja). Type « AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:127, fig. 131 (male genitalia). ARMILLATA (Fluke), 1942:12, fig. 23 (abdomen), 24 (head) (Hpistrophe). Type-locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:125, fig. 99 (male geni- talia). ASCITA (Vockeroth), 1969:130, fig. 18 (abdomen) (Antillus). Type-locality: Haiti, Desbarriére, Mt. La Hotte, nr. 4000 ft. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. N. COMB. BICINCTA (Bigot), 1884b:112 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — same. Type ¢ OXF*. N. COMB. BILINEATA Einderlein, 1938:220. Type-locality: Argentina, Prov. Buenos Aires. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ZMB? BILINEELLA Enderlein, 1938:219. Type-locality: Colombia, “Cordilliere, terra caliente”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ZMB. BISINTERRPTA (Enderlein), 1938:210 (Fazia). Type-locality: Colombia, “Cor- dilliere, terra fria”’. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ZMB. N. COMB. BROWNI Fluke, 1942:17, figs. 41 & 42 (head), 43 (abdomen). Type-locality: Ecuador, Imbabura, Cuicocha, 3200 m. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. BULLAEPHORA (Shannon), 1927a:25, figs. 8 (head), 10 (wing tip) (Fazia). Type-locality: Chile. Distr. — Ecuador, Chile (Coquimbo — Val- divia). Type 3 USNM*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:23, fig. 22 (abdomen). COLOMBIA Curran, 1925¢c:349. Type-locality: Colombia, Sierra Quemada. Distr. — Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina (Tucuman, Salta). Type ? CU*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:12 (redescription), figs. 25 (head), 26 (abdomen); 1950a:129, fig. 135 (male genitalia). CUBANA Curran, 1932a:3. Type-locality: “E.E.A. [Estacién Experimental Agricola] de Cuba”. Distr. U.S.A. (Florida); Bahamas, Cuba. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 39 (abdomen). DELIMBATA Enderlein, 1938:224. Type-locality: Colombia, Bogota. Distr. — same. Types 3 ZMB. DUPLOFASCIATA Enderlein, 1938:217. Type-locality: Mexico, Mexico State. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ZMB or DEI. EUPELTATA (Bigot), 1884b:91 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — Mexico (Chiapas). Types « OXF*. | EXOTICA (Wiedemann), 1830:136 (Srphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Oregon to Nebraska), south to Chile (Antofagasta) and Argentina (Catamarea). Types ¢ 2? VMNH* & ZMB. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 47 (abdomen); 1950a:129, figs. 136 & 188 (male genitalia). 46 .34 quadrigemina (Thomson), 1869:500 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Argen-~ tina, Buenos Aires. Type ? NRS*. fracta Osten Sacken, 1877:331. Type-locality: U.S.A., California, Santa Monica. Type ¢ MCZ. skottsbergi Enderlein, 1940:663. Type-locality: Chile, Juan Fernandez Islands, Masatierra & Masafuera. Types ¢ ? NRS. FALCATA Fluke, 1942:16, fig. 36 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Colombia (Putamayo River), Venezuela (Amazonas), Ecuador, Peru (Cuzco), Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. FASCIATA Curran, 1932a:4. Type-locality: “Peru”. Distr. — Ecuador, Peru. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:23, figs. 28 (head), 29 (abdo- men); 1950a:129, fig. 137 (male genitalia). FASCIFRONS (Macquart), 1846:265 (187), pl. 11, fig. 11 (wing) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Nouvelle Grenade”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ OXF™*. N. COMB. FLAVIBUCA Enderlein, 1938:216. Type-locality: “Paraguay”. Distr. — Co- lombia, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina (Buenos Aires, Salta). Types ¢ 2? ZMB. var. INTERRUPTA Enderlein, 1938:216. Type- JOGEMINTS Uruguay, Monte- video. Types o¢ ? ZMB. FLAVOPHYLLA (Hull), 1943h:319 (Rhinoprosopa). Type-locality: Peru, Pe- rené Valley. El Campamiento. Distr. — same. Type ? CU. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:269, fig. 6b (head); 1949e:222, fig. 146 (abdomen). N. COMB. FLUKEI Curran, 1936b:13. Type-locality: Cuba, Oriente, Sierra del Cobre, Loma de} Gato. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. FORRERI (Giglio-Tos), 1893:32 (Sphaerophoria). Type-locality: Mexico, Du- rango, La Ciudad; Soleo, Cuernavaca. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ULOR Nw COMBE FUNERALIA (Hull), 1944¢c:27 (Hpistrophe). Type-locality: Jamaica, New Castle. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. FUSCISQUAMA Curran, 1927b:4. Type-locality: Puerto Rico. Ensenada. Distr. — Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 35 (abdomen). HARLEQUINA Hull, 1949a:76. Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — same. Type ¢o Hull. HASTATA Fluke, 1942:17, fig. 37 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao. Paulo. Distr. — Peru (Cuzco), Brazil (Sao Paulo). Type ¢ AMNH*. HERMOSA (Hull), 1941£:48 (Fazia). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, SAo Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:8 (redescription), fig. 14 (abdomen); 1950a:125, fig. 110 (male geintalia). brunneola Frey, 1946:170 (Neoscaeva; as aeruginosifrons var.) Type- locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Niterdi. Type 9? UZMH*. N. SYN. HIANS (Enderlein), 1938:213 (Chasmia). Type-locality: Mexico, Guada- lajara. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ZMB. N. COMB. HORTENSIS (Philippi), 1865:746 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Chile, Santiago, Valdivia. Distr. — Peru, Chile (Coquimbo — Magallanes), Argen- tina (Neuquén). Type(s) ? MNHNS. Ref. — Shannon, 1927a:24 (redescription); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:131, figs. 24a & b (heads), 25a (abdomen); Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 50 (abdomen). 46.35 var. BIMACULATA Enderlein, 1938:223. Type-locality: Chile, Comudes. Type o ZMB. var. QUADRIMACULATA Enderlein, 1938:223. Type-locality: Chile, Comu- des. Types o° ZMB. IMITATOR (Curran), 1925¢c:351 (Hpistrophe). Type-locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve, San Lorenzo Mt. Distr. — Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia. Type & CU*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:23, figs. 20 (head), 21 (abdomen). LATIFACIES (Shannon), 1927a:8 (Claraplumula). Type-locality: Peru, Tin- cochaca, 7000 ft. Distr. — Ecuador, Peru. Type « USNM*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:22, figs. 4 (head), 5 (abdomen); 1950a:127, figs. 127 & 125 (male genitalia); Vockeroth, 1969:165, fig. 86 (male geni- talia). LIMBATA (Fabricius), 1805:251 (Scaeva). Type-locality: ‘“Americae Insulis”. Distr. — West Indies, Brazil (Sao Paulo, Parana). Type & MC. LUCIFERA (Hull), 1943m:216 (Rhinoprosopa). Type-locality: Ecuador, Pinas, 1600 ft. Distr. — same. Type «o AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:222, fig. 141 (abdomen). N. COMB. LUNA (Fluke), 1942:8, figs. 12 (abdomen), 13 (head) (Hpistrophe). Type- locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua,. Volcan Tungurahua, Minza Chica. Distr. — Ecuador. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:129, fig. 1389 (male genitalia). MACQUARTI (Blanchard), 1852:411 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Chile, Serena. Distr. — Chile (Santiago — Malleco), Argentina (Tucuman, La Rioja, Mendoza). Type(s) ? MNHN. australis Shannon, 1927a:26, fig. 7 (head) (Fazia). Type-locality: “Chile”, Type ¢ USNM. MEXICANA (Enderlein), 1938:212 (Fazia). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2? ZMB. MICRURA (Osten Sacken), 1877:330 (Sphaerophoria). Type-locality: U.S.A., California, The Geysers, Sonoma County; San Rafael; Brooklyn, near San Francisco. Distr. — U.S.A. (California, Washington, Texas); Mexico (Durango, Mexico City), Guatemala, Honduras, Ecuador. Types «0 MCZ. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:23, fig. 32 (abdomen) ; 1950a:129, fig. 140 (male genitalia). . picticauda Bigot, 1884b:102 (Sphaerophoria). Type-locality: Mexico. Types do 2? OXF*. MU (Bigot), 1884b:105 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2? OXF*, MUNOZI Enderlein, 1938:222. Type-locality: Colombia, Bogota. Distr. — same. Type ? ZMB. NASIGERA (Enderlein), 1938:212 (Fazia). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Distr. — Colombia. Types ¢ ? ZMB. N. COMB. NASUTA (Bigot), 1884b:103 (Sphaerophoria). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — Mexico (Durango, Chiapas). Type ¢ OXF*. N. COMB. nasuta Bigot, 1888:253 (Sphaerophoria; preocc. Bigot. 1884). Type- locality: “Mexico”. Type ¢ OXF*. N. SYN, NEOTROPICA Curran, 1936b:14. Type-locality: Colombia, Popayan. Distr. — Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil (SAo Paulo, Santa Catarina), Argen- tina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 49 (abdomen); 1950a:128, fig. 41 (male genitalia). OBLIQUA (Say), 1823:89 (Scaeva). Type-locality: “United States”. Distr. — Canada (Quebec) west to U.S.A. (Oregon), south to Brazil (San- ta Catarina). Type(s) ? lost. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 46 (abdo- men); Vockeroth, 1969:165, fig. 85 (male genitalia). 46.36 var. DEJONGI Doesburg, 1958:44. Type-locality: ‘“Curagao”. Distr. — same. Type ¢o Doesburg. : PIURANA Shannon, 1927a:9, fig. 4 (abdomen). Type-locality: Peru, Dept. Piura. Distr. — Peru, Chile. Type @ USNM™*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:129, fig. 143 (male genitalia). chilensis Sack, 1941:98 (1951:94), fig. 1 (abdomen). Type-localities: Peru, Ica, Laguna Victoria near Ica, Yaucatal near Ica, Huayuri; Chile. Types ¢ 2 MD? N. SYN. PLAUMANNI (Frey), 1946:168 (Microsphaerophoria). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ UZMH*. PULCHRA Shannon, 1927a:25. Type-locality: Chile, Angol. Distr. — Chile (Coquimbo — Malleco). Type ¢ USNM*. Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:132, figs. 24a’ & 24b’ (head), 25b (abdomen); Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 51 (abdomen). var. BIFASCIATA Enderlein, 1938:222. Type-locality: Chile, ‘“Rango-Tal in den Cordilleren, Parral-Tal”. Types ¢ ? ZMB. var. NIGRIBUCCA Enderlein, 1938:222. Type-locality: Chile, “Rango-Tal, Bader von Longavi, Parral, Cauquenes.” Types 2 ZMB. var. SHANNONI Enderlein, 1938:222. Type-locality: Chile, “Rango-Tal in den Cordilleren.” Type ?ZMB. QUADRICINCTA Enderlein, 1938:214. Type-locality: Colombia, Bogota. Distr. — same. Types @? ZMB. REMIGIS (Fluke), 1942:9, fig. 15 (abdomen) (Hpistrophe). Type-locality: Ecuador, Volcan Tungurahua, Minza Chica. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:124, fig. 97 (male genitalia as altissimus). RHINA Thompson (nom. nov. for nasuta Enderlein). Distr. — Paraguay. NOM. NOV. nasuta Enderlein, 1938:214 (Chasmia; preoce, Bigot, 1884, 1888). Type-locality: Paraguay. Type ? ZMB or DEI. ROBINSONIANA Enderlein, 1940:664. Type-locality: Chile, Juan Fernandez Islands, Masatierra. Distr. — same. Types o¢ 2? NRS. ROBURORIS (Fluke), 1942:11, figs. 18 (abdomen), 19 (head) [EHp‘strophe (Fazia)]. Type-locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua. Distr. — Ecuador, Argentina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. ROSTRATA (Bigot), 1884b:102 (Sphaerophoria). Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — same. Types 2? OXF*. N. COMB. SAUSSURII (Giglio-Tos), 1892d:2 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Mexico, Orizaba. Distr. — same. Type ¢0 UTOR*. N. COMB. SCHOENEMANNI Enderlein, 1938:225. Type-locality: Chile, Cauquenes. Distr. — same. Type ? ZMB. SIMILIS Curran, 1925¢c:350. Type-locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. Distr. — Colombia, Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucu- man). Type ? CU*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:23, fig. 27 (abdomen); 1950a:129, fig. 144 (male genitalia). SPLENDENS (Thomson), 1869:501 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Galapagos. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? NRS*. STRIGIFACIES (Enderlein), 1938:211 (Fazia). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? ZMB. N. COMB. SYCORAX (Hull), 1947b:239 (Rhinoprosopa). Type-locality: Costa Rica, La Suiza. Distr. — Costa Rica, Colombia, Venezuela. Type ? USNM. SYRPHICA (Giglio-Tos), 1892d:2 (Sphaerophoria). Type-locality: Mexico, Orizaba. Distr. — same. Type ¢ UTOR*. N. COMB. Ref. — Giglio- Tos, 1893:fig. 5 (abdomen), 5a (head). surphica, Fluke, 1956:216, misspelling. 46,37 Ref. — Hull 1949e:222, 270, figs. 149 (abdomen), 344 (wing). N. COMB. TECTIFORMA Fluke, 1942:18, fig. 45 (abdomen). Type-locality: Ecuador, Imbabura. Cuicocha, 3200 ft. Distr. — Ecuador. Type « AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950a:129, fig. 145 (male genitalia). TELIGERA Fluke, 1942:18, fig. 44 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nove .Teuténia. Distr. — Ecuador, Brazil (Santa Cata- rina). Type ? AMNH*. TRANSVERSA (Hull), 1943f:32 (Sphaerophoria). ‘Type-locality: U.S.A., Oregon, near Portland. Distr. — U.S.A. (Oregon south to Texas) ; Mexico... Type ¢ Hull. TRIBINICINCTA Enderlein, 1938:224. Type-locality: Paraguay, San Bernar- dino. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ZMB or DEI. TRIFASCIATA Enderlein, 1938:218. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2 ZMB. TRILIMBATA (Bigot), 1888:253 (Sphaerophoria). Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — same. Type ¢ OXF*. N. COMB. TUCUMANA Enderlein, 1938:220. Type-locality: Argentina, Prov. Tucuman. Distr. — same. Type co ZMB. VENuUSTA Curran, 1927b:5. Type-locality: Virgin Islands, St. Croix, Biccane Estate, near Krause Lagoon in south central part of island. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida); Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1942:24, fig. 38 (abdomen). WILLISTONI (Giglio-Tos), 1893:31, figs. 6 (head), 6a (abdomen) (Sphaero- phoria). Type-locality: Mexico, Orizaba. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 UTOR*. N. COMB. Genus SPHAEROPHORIA Lepeletier & Serville SPHAEROPHORIA Lepeletier & Serville, in Latreille et al., 1828:513. Type- species, Musca scripta Linnaeus (Rondani, 1844:458). Melithreptus Loew, 1840:577 (unjustified nom. nov.- for Sphaerophoria; preoce. Vieillot, 1816). Type-species, Musca scripta Linnaeus (aut.). Melitropus Haliday, 1856:xxi (nom. nov. for Melithreptus Loew). Type- species, Musca scripta Linnaeus (aut.). CONTIGUA Macquart, 1847:78 (62). Type-locality: U.S.A., Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Distr. — Canada (British Columbia to New Bruns- wick), south to U.S.A. (Florida) and Mexico. Type ¢ OXF*. cylindrica Say, 1824:pl. 11 (habitus) (Syrphus; preoce. Fabricius, 1781). Type-locality: U.S.A., Pennsilvania, Philadelphia, Type(s) ? lost. fulvicauda Bigot, 1884b:104. Type-locality: Mexico. Type ¢ OXF*. PYRRHINA Bigot, .1884b:101. Type-locality: U.S.A., California. Distr. — U.S.A. (Idaho, California, Utah); Mexico [Wirth et al., 1965:5701. Type o¢ OXF. guttulata Hull, 1942h:20. Type-locality: U.S.A., Idaho, Black Foot. Type ? Hull. SULPHURIPES (Thomson), 1869:500 (Syrphus). Type-locality: California. Distr. — U.S.A. (Alaska, southeast to Nebraska), south to Me- xico, Ecuador? (specimen in BM(NH)*. Type ¢? NRS*. pachypyga Bigot, 1884b:104. Type-locality: Mexico. Type ¢ OXF*. 46 , 38 UNRECOGNIZED SYRPHINI Genus ALLOGRAPTINA Enderlein ALLOGRAPTINA Enderlein, 1938:226. Type-species, octomaculata Enderlein (orig. des.). OCTOMACULATA Enderlein, 1938:226. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2 ZMB. Unplaced species AUROPULVERATUS Macquart, 1842:159 (99) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chi- le”. Type ¢ MNHN (lost?) [label but no specimen in Macquart Collection at Paris — JRVI]. BASALIS Walker, 1837:345 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Brazil, St. Paul Island. Type ? BM(NB). basilaris, Williston, 1886:328, misspelling. CHIQUITENSIS Macquart, 1850:458 (154) (Syrphus). Type-locality: Bolivia, Chiquitos. Type ° MNHN (lost?) [label but no specimen in Macquart Collection at Paris — JRV]. COLLUDENS Walker, 1860:293 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ? BM(NH). COLUMBIANUS Rondani, 1863:11 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Type 2? MIZUN? DECEMMACULATUS Rondani, 1863:12 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Type 2? MIZUN? DELINEATUS Macquart, 1846:267 (139) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type 2? MRHNB. DISPAR Fabricius, 1794:309 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “America meridiona- lis’. Types ¢ ? KIEL (Destroyed — Zimsen, 1964:481). EXCAVATUS Rondani, 1850:359 (Syrphus). Type-locality: South America, Rio Napo, [Ecuador]. Type 2 MCSNH? FASCIVENTRIS Rondani, 1850:360 (Syrphus). Type-locality: South America, Rio Napo, [Ecuador]. Type 2? MCSNM? FLAVIGASTER Hull, 1944d:51 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “South America, Amazons”. Type ? BM(NH). FUSCANIPENNIS Macquart, 1846:264 (136) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Bra- zil”. Type ¢ OXF? INANIS Fabricius, 1775:763 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “America”. Type ¢ KIEL. exinanita Gmelin, 1790:2867 (Musca; nom. nov. for inanis Fabricius). NIGRITUS Fabricius, 1781:427 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Jamaica”. Type ? ? jamaicensis Gmelin, 1790:2871 (Musca; nom. nov. for nigritus Fa- bricius). PLURIMACULATUS Rondani, 1863:12 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Amer. Me- ridion.”. Type ? MIZUN? . PUNCTATUS Macquart, 1842:152 (92) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Type 2 MNHN [not found — JRV]. RADIATUS Bigot, 1857:805 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Cuba. Type ? BM(NH)? [not at OXF — JRV]. RONDANIL Goot, 1964:215 (Syrphus; nom. nov. for albitarsis Rondani). Distr. — Brazil, Sio Paulo, Ilha de Sao Sebastiao. (S. Sebastiani Island). albitarsis Rondani, 1850a:166, fig. 3 (wing) (Syrphus,; preocc. Meigen, 46.39 1822). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ilha de Sao Sebastiao (S. Sebastiani Island). Type UTOR. VERTEBRATUS Rondani, 1863:10 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Type ¢ MIZUN? Tribe CHRYSOTOXINI Genus CHRYSOTOXUM Meigen Antiopa Meigen, 1800:32. Type-species, Musca bicincta Linnaeus (Coquillett, 1910a:508). Suppressed by I1.C.Z.N., 1963:339. CHRYSOTOXUM Meigen, 1803:275. Type-species, Musca bicincta Linnaeus (Latreille,, 1810:443). Ref. — Shannon, 1926b (rev.). Subgenus PRIMOCHRYSOTOXUM Shannon Chrysotoxum, subg. PRIMOCHRYSOTOXUM Shannon, 1926b:5. Type-species, Chrysotoxum ypsilon Williston (orig. des.). AZTEC Shannon, 1926b:8. Type-locality: Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre, 7360 ft. Distr. — same. Type o USNM. INTEGRE Williston, 1887:16. Type-locality: U.S.A., Arizona. Distr. — Ca- nada (British Columbia) to U.S.A. (idaho), south to Mexico (N. Sonora). Type ? USNM. Ref. — Shannon, 1926b:11 (des- criptive notes). Tribe PARAGINI Genus PArRAGUS Latreille PARAGUS Latreille, 1804:194. Type-species, Syrphus bicolor Fabricius (mon.). Subgenus PANDASYOPTHALMUS Stuckenberg PANDASYOPTHALMUS Stuckenberg, 1954:100. Type-species, Paragus longi- ventris Loew (orig. des.). ‘ TIBIALIS (Fallén), 1817:60 (Pipiza). Type-locality: “Vestrogothia; Scaniae”. Distr. — Holarctic, ?Africa, ?Australia, ?Oriental; Mexico. IOS fF Tribe MELANOSTOMATINI Ref. — Fluke, 1945 (rev., keys); Fluke, 1958 (male genitalia). Genus CARPOSCALIS Enderlein CARPOSCALIS Enderlein, 1938:199. Type-species, Syrphus stegnus Say (orig. des.). BERTRANDI (Austen), 1913:498 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: East Faikland Island. Distr. — Falkland Islands. Types ¢ 2 BM(NH)*. N. COMB. CHAETOPODA (Davidson), 1922:35 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: U.S.A., California, Alhambra. Distr. — U.S.A. (California, Colorado) ; Mexico (Mexico City). Type ¢ USNM. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:27, figs. 19 (head), 56 (front tibia of male); 1958:273, figs. 49 & 50 (male genitalia). CHALCONOTA (Philippi), 1865:747 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. 46.40 Distr. — Colombia (Bogota), Ecuador, Chile, Argentina (Rio Negro, Tierra del Fuego). Type(s) ? MNHNS. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:15 (redescription), figs. 22 (head), .23 (antenna), 38 (abdo- men); 1958:278, figs. 51 & 52 (male genitalia). ECUADORIENSIS (Fluke), 1945:16, figs. 25 (head), 59 (front tibia of male) [Melanostoma (Carposcalis)]. Type-locality: Ecuador, Imbabura, Cuicocha. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958: 273, figs. 59 & 60 (male genitalia); Hull, 1949d:289, fig. 10c (head). ENWARDSI (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933:133 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Argentina, Bariloche. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. N. COMB. FENESTRATA (Macquart), 1842:163 (103), tab. 17, fig. 6 (habitus), 6a (head) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Mexico (Durango, Guerrero), Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), Chile (Santiago to Magalla- nes), Paraguay, Argentina (Tucuman, Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Neuquén, Rio Negro, Chubut, Tierra del Fuego). Types ? MNHN*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:15 (descriptive notes), figs. 21 (head), 57 (male front tibia); Fluke, 1958:273, figs. 56 & 64 (male geni- talia). ?producta Macquart, 1850:458 (154), tab. 14, fig. 13 (head) (Syrphus). Type-locality: Chile. Types ¢ MNHN*. INFLATIFRONS (Fluke), 1945:21, fig. 31 (head) (Melanostoma). Type-loca- lity: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua. Distr. — same. Type AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:273, figs. 55 & 63 (male genitalia). LUNDBLADI Enderlein, 1940:665. Type-locality: Chile, Juan Fernandez Islands, Masatierra: Distr. — same. Type ? NRS. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:273, figs. 61 & 62 (male genitalia). MEYERI (Fluke), 1945:17, fig. 24 (head) (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Mexico, Mexico City. Distr. — same. Type 9? AMNH*. N. COMB. PUNCTULATA (Wulp), 1888:375 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Argentina, Cordoba. Distr. — Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (S&o0 Paulo), Bolivia, Chile, Argentina (Tucuman, Catamarca, La Rioja, Jujuy, Men- doza, Buenos Aires, Rio Negro, Neuquén). Types ¢ 2 lost? Ref. — Fluke, 1945:14 (redescription), figs. 20 (head), 58 (front tibia of male); 1958:275, figs. 67 & 68 (male genitalia). REYNOLDSI (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933:134 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Tierra del Fuego, Rio Grande, Estancia Viamonte. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? BM(NH)*. N. COMB. SALTANA Enderlein, 1938:200. Type-locality: Argentina, Salta, 2500 m. Distr. — Ecuador, Argentina (Salta, Buenos Aires, Rio Negro). Type o ZMB. SCUTIGERA (Fluke), 1945:20, fig. 30 (head) (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Pichincha, Uyumbicho. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. STEGNA (Say), 1829:163 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — Canada (British Columbia) to U.S.A. (Montana), south to Me- xico (Durango, Guerrero, Vera Cruz). Type ? lost. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:14, figs. 18 (head), 55 (front tibia of male); 1958:275, figs. 73 & 74 (male genitalia). WALKERI (Lynch Arribdlzaga), 1892b:117 (1892¢c:75) (Syrphus, nom. nov. for wnicolor Walker). N. COMB. unicolor Walker, 1837:344 (Syrphus; preoce. Macquart, 1829). Type- locality: Argentina, Port Famine, Straits of Magellan. Type ? BM(NH)*. N. COMB. 46.41 Genus MELANOSTOMA Schiner MELANOSTOMA Schiner, 1860:213. Type-species, Musca mellina Linnaeus orig. des.). BELLUM Giglio-Tos, 1892d:3. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Types ? UTOR*. Ref. — Giglio-Tos, 1893: fig. 7 (abdomen), 7a (head). 5 CRUCIATUM Bigot, 1884b:81. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 3 OXF*. DUBIUM (Zetterstedt), 1838:609 (Scaeva). Type-locality: Sweden, Torne Lappmark, Juckasjarvi. Distr. — Europe; U.S.A. (Utah, Colo- ~ rado); Mexico? (Wirth, e¢ al., 1965:575). Type ¢ ZML (Andersson, 1970:239, lectotype designation). MELLINUM (Linnaeus), 1758:594 (Musca). Type-locality: “Europe”. Distr. — Holarctic; Mexico? [Williston, 1891:11], Argentina? [Mac- quart, 1850:456 (152)]. Types 2 LSL*. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:49 (redescription), pl. 3, fig. 9 (head). PICTIPES Bigot, 1884b:78. Type-locality: U.S.A., California. Distr. — Ca- nada (British Columbia east to Nova Scotia), south to Mexico (Mexico City, Guerrera). Types « OXF*, pruinosa Bigot, 1884b:79. Type-locality: U.S.A., California. Type ? OXF. Genus RHysors Williston RHYSOPS Williston, 1907:2. Type-species, Melanostoma rugosonasus Willis- ton (Coquillett, 1910a:601, as rugonasus Williston). Braziliana Curran, 1925b:252. Type-species, Melanostoma longicornis Williston. (orig. des.) = longicornis Walker. AGONIS (Walker), 1849:588 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Galapagos Islands. Distr. — same. Type «0 BM(NH)*. N. COMB. ALTISSIMUS (Fluke), 1945:20, figs. 48 & 49 (abdomen) (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Imbabura, Cuicocha. Distr. — Ecuador, Colombia. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:277, figs. 95 & 96 (male genitalia). ; BERTHAE® Lima, 1946:155, figs. 1 (head), 2 (abdomen), 3 (wing). Type- locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ENA. BOLIVARIENSIS (Fluke), 1945:19, figs. 29 (head), 45 (abdomen) (Melanos- toma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:277, figs. 97 & 98 (male genitalia). BROWNI (Fluke), 1945:18, figs. 27 (antenna), 28 (head), 44 (abdomen) (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:277, figs. 107 & 108 (male genitalia). CATABOMBA (Williston), 1891:12 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft.; Amula, 6000 ft. Distr. — same. Types o¢ BM(NH)* & AMNH®*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:5 (redes- cription), fig. 2 (head). COLUMBIANUS (Enderlein), 1938:202 (Braziliana). Type-locality: Colombia, “Cordillera, tierra templada”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? ZMB. CRENULATUS (Williston), 1891:12, pl. 1:5 (habitus), 5a+b (head) (Mela- nostoma). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Xucumanatlan, 7000 ft.; Omiltemi, 8000 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 BM(NH)* & AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:5, fig. 3 (head). 46.42 CURRANI Fluke, 1937:8, fig. 10 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:9 (redescription), fig. 10 (head); 1958:277, figs. 101 & 102 (male genitalia). FASTIGATUS Fluke, 1945:4, figs. 4 (head), 37 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutodnia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:277, figs. 99 & 100 (male genitalia). FESTIVUS Fluke, 1945:10, figs. 13 (head), 42 (abdomen). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Bafios, 1800 ft. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. FUNEREUS Hull, 1949a:74. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. LANEL (Fluke), 1936:61, figs. 4 (abdomen), 5 (head) (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina), Argentina (Formosa, Salta, Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH#*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:26, fig. 14 (head); 1958:277, figs. 103 & 104 (male genitalia). lachrymellea Hull, 1942b:10. Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Type ¢ Hull. LINEATUS (Fluke), 1937:9, fig. 11 (abdomen) (Melanostoma). Type-loca- lity: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutdnia. Distr. — same. Type AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:7, fig. 7 (head); 1958:277, figs. 105 & 106 (male genitalia). LONGICORNIS (Walker), 1837:343 (Pipiza). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — Guatemala, Colombia, Ecuador, Brazil (Mato Grosso, Santa Catarina), Paraguay. Type ? BM(NH)*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:3, fig. 1 (head); 1958:269, 279, figs. 4, 14, 183 (male geni- talia). N. COMB. longicornis Williston, 1888:263 (Melanostoma; preocc. Walker, 1837). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Types ¢ 2 AMNH*. INIG SMINT vittithorax Hull, 1937a:176, fig. 9 (head) (Braziliana). Type-locality: Guatemala, Antigua. Type 2? USNM. LOPESI Fluke, 1945:6, fig. 5 (head). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Sao José dos Campos. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. LUCULENTUS (Fluke), 1945:17, figs. 26 (head), 46 (abdomen) (Melanos- toma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Bafios. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. MACULATUS (Walker), 1852:220 (Paragus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucuman). Type ? BM(NH)*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:279, figs. 109 & 110 (male genitalia). N. COMB. minuscula Fluke, 1945:11, figs. 16 (head), 17 (antenna), 47 (abdo- men). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. discretum Frey, 1946:157 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Type ¢ UZMH*. N. SYN. MELANOCERA (Williston), 1891:13 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Costa Rica, Rio Sucio. Distr. — same. Types ? BM(NH). NEOTROPICUS (Curran), 1937:4 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — Brazil (Sado Paulo, Santa Catarina), Argentina (Misiones). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:279, figs. 117 & 118 (male genitalia). columella Fluke, 1945:8, figs. 9 (head), 39 & 40 (abdomen). Type- locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Type ¢ AMNH*. 46.43 NIGRANS Fluke, 1945:8, fig. 8 (head). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr..— Brazil (SAo Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:279, figs. 111 & 112 (male genitalia). OPACUS Fluke, 1945:10, fig. 15 (head). Type-locality: Ecuador, Chimborazo, Urbina, Cerro Chimborazo. Distr. — same. Type o¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:279, figs. 115 & 116 (male genitalia). PERUVIANUS (Shannon), 1927a:7 (Braziliana). Type-locality: Peru, Rio Charape. Distr. — same. Type «0 USNM. POLLINOSUS Hull, 1942b:10. Type-locality: Brazil, Sa0 Paulo. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo), Argentina (Tucuman). Type ? Hull. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:26, fig. 11 (head); 1958:279, figs. 113 & 114 (male genitalia). PRAEUSTUS (Loew), 1866a:155 (1872b:29) (Syrphus). Type-locality: Cuba. Distr. — same. Type @? MCZ*. N. COMB. QUADRIMACULATUS Hull, 1944¢c:28. Type-locality: Cuba, Wright. Distr. — Cuba, Dominican Republic. Type ¢ MCZ*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:9 (redescription), figs. 12 (head), 41 (abdomen). REX (Fluke), 1945:21, figs. 32 (head), 50 (abdomen) (Melanostema). Type-locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:277, figs. 93 & 94 (male genitalia). RUGOSONASUS (Williston), 1891:18 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft. Distr. — Mexico (Mexico City, Guer- rero). Type ? BM(NH)*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:7 (redescription), fig. 6 (head); 1958:269, 279, figs. 6, 15 & 1380 (male genitalia). rugonasus, Aldrich, 1905:361; ‘Williston, 1907:2, Coquillett, 1910a:601, misspellings. SCITULUS (Williston), 1888:264 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Types ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1945:7 (redescription), figs. 43 (abdomen), 54 (wing). THIEME! (Enderlein), 1938:201 (Braziliana). Type-locality: Colombia. “Cordillera, tierra templada”. Types ¢ 2? ZMB. TROPICUS (Curran), 1937:3 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Pauio, Campos do Jordao. Distr. —- Ecuador, Brazil (Sao Paulo), Argen- tina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH. N. COMB. Genus XANTHANDRUS Verrall XANTHANDRUS Verrall, 1901:316. Type-species, Musca comptus Harris (Co- quillett, 1910a:620). Ref. — Fluke, 1937 (Key). BIGUTTATUS Hull, 1945b:73. Type-locality: Paraguay, Molino-Cué. Distr. — same. Type 2? MCZ*. BUCEPHALUS (Wiedemann), 1830:126 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Peru, Brazil (SAo Paulo). Type ¢ ZMB. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:279, figs. 119 & 120 (male genitalia). CUBANUS Fluke, 1936:63, figs. 6 (abdomen), 7 (head). Type-locality: Cuba, Sierra del Cobra, Loma del Gato, 2600-3325 ft. Distr. — Cuba, Puerto Rico. Type ¢ AMNH*. nigripes Loew, 1866a:155 (1872b:29). (Syrphus, preocc. Meigen, 1822). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Type ¢ MCZ*. N. SYN. loewi Gott, 1964:215 (Syrphus; unjustified nom. nov. for nigripes Loew). N. SYN. FLAVOMACULATUS Shannon, 1927a:6. Type-locality: Bolivia, Beni, Rurrena- 46.44 baque. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. Ref. — Fluke, 1937:5, fig. 7 (abdomen). MELLINOIDES (Macquart), 1846:265 (137) (Syrphus). .Type-locality: ‘“Co- lombia”. Distr. — Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela. Type ¢ OXF*. N. COMB. euceratus Bigot, 1884b:82 (Melanostoma?). Type-locality: Colombia, Bogota. Type ¢ OXF*. N. SYN. MEXICANUS Curran, 1930f:9. Type-locality: Mexico, Yucatan, Chichén Itza. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas); Mexico (Chiapas, Yucatan), Costa Rica. Type 2? AMNH*. NITIDULUS Fluke, 1937:7, fig. 8 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Ar- gentina (Jujuy, Salta). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:279, figs. 121 & 122 (male genitalia). PALLIATUS (Fluke), 1945:22, figs. 33 (head), 35 (antenna), 51 & 52 (abdo- men) (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Minza Chica. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. PLAUMANNI Fluke, 1937:8, fig. 4 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. QUADRINOTATUS (Bigot), 1884b:77 (Melanostoma?). Type-locailty: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2 OXF*. N. COMB. SIMPLEX (Loew), 1861:40 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Type 2 MCZ*. N. COMB. SMITHI (Goot), 1964:215 (Syrphus; nom. nov. for albomaculatus Smith). Distr. — Galapagos Islands. albomaculatus Smith, 1877:84 (Syrphus; preoce. Macquart, 1842). Type-locality: Ecuador, Galapagos Islands, Charles Island. Type ? BM(NH) [not found — JRV]. Genus TALAHUA Fluke Melanostoma, subg. TALAHUA Fluke, 1945:22. Type-species, fervidwm Fluke (orig. des.). FERVIDA (Fluke), 1945:23, figs. 34 (head), 35 (male genitalia), 53 (abdo- men) (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Ta- lahua. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:279, fig. 123 (male genitalia). Genus TUBERCULANOSTOMA Fluke TUBERCULANOSTOMA Fluke, 1943:425. Type-species, antennatum Fluke (orig. des.). Ref. — Fluke, 1943 (key). ANTENNATUM Fluke, 1943:426, figs. 1 & 2 (head), 3 (antenna). Type- locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua, 3100 ft. Distr. — Ecua- dor. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1958:279, figs. 124 & 125 (male genitalia). BROWNI Fluke, 1943:429, figs. 7 (head), 8 (front femur and tibia). Type- locality: Ecuador, Chimborazo, Cerro Chimborazo, Urbina, 3650 ft. Distr. — Ecuador. Type «0 AMNH*. CILIUM Fluke, 1943:428, figs. 4 & 5 (head). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tun- gurahua, Volcén Tungurahua, Minza Chica, 3200 ft. Distr. — same. | Type ¢ AMNH*. PECTINIS Fluke, 1943:430, figs. 6 (head), 9 (front femur). Type-locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua, 3100 ft. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. 46.45 Genus LEUCOPODELLA Hull LEUCOPODELLA Hull, 1949e:94. Typespecies, Baccha lanei Curran (orig. des.). Xestoprosopa Hull, 1949e:94. Type-species, Baccha delicatula Hull (orig. : des.). N. SYN. ASTHENIA (Hull), 1948a:4 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Ecuador, Brazil (SA0 Paulo, Santa Ca- tarina). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943j:65, fig. 2 (alula); 1949e:228, figs. 170 & 175 (abdomen). BALBOA (Hull), 1947b:230 (Baccha). Type-locality: Costa Rica, La Suiza. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:228, figs. 172 & 174 (abdomen). BELLA (Hull), 1947a:401 (Baccha). Type-locality: Costa Rica, La Suiza. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:228, fig. 173 (abdomen). BIGOTI (Austen), 1893:147 (Baccha; nom. nov. for apicalis Bigot). Distr. — Panama, Brazil. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:228, 264, figs. 171 (abdomen), 322 (wing). apicalis Bigot, 1883b:334 (Baccha; preocc. Loew, 1858). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type @ BM(NH). bigotii, Hull, 1949e:104, 287, misspelling. BIPUNCTIPENNIS (Hull), 1942a:99 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Bella Vista. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:204, 264, figs. 62 (abdomen), 324 (wing). BOABDILLA (Hull), 1947a:403 (Baccha). Type-locality: Paraguay, Alto Pa- rana, Hohenau. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:228 264, figs. 177 (abdomen), 320 (wing). BOCADICEA (Hull), 19431:72 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Pinas, 1506 m. Distr. — same. Type «> AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:202, fig. 55 (abdomen). CARMELITA (Hull), 1948a:9 (Baccha). Type-locality: Haiti, La Visite, vic. La Selle Range, 5-7000 ft. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. DELICATULA (Hull), 1943j:78, fig. 72 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Bafos. Distr. — same. Type c Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:206, 264, figs. 72 (abdomen), 327 (wing). N. COMB. ESTRELITA (Hull), 1948a:1 (Baccha). Type-locality: Cuba, Trinidad Mts., Buenos Aires. Distr. — Cuba; (Argentina record in Fluke, 1956: 245, is an error). Type ¢ MCZ. GOWDEYI (Curran), 1926c:102 (Baccha). Type-locality: Jamaica, Cinchona. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:206, 256, figs. 73 (abdomen), 292 (wing). GRACILIS (Williston), 1891:34 (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Orizaba; Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft. Distr. — Mexico (Sinaloa, Durango, Vera Cruz, Guerrero, Chiapas). Types 6 ? BM(NH)*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:228, fig. 176 (abdomen). INCOMPTA (Austen), 1893:147, pl. 4:13 (habitus) (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, Region of Amazon. Distr. — Puerto Rico, Honduras, Guyana, Argentina (Jujuy, Tucuman). Types ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949e:264, fig. 323 (wing). LANEI (Curran), 1936b:16 (Baccha). Type-locality: Brazil, SAo Paulo, Cam- pos do Jordao. Distr. — Trinidad, Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Cata- rina). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Carrera, 1940:66 (description of female), fig. 1 (habitus); Hull, 1949e:198, 264, figs. 31 (abdomen), 321 (wing); 1949d:289, fig. 10e (head). 46.46 MARMORATA (Bigot), 1883d:333 (Baccha). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona), Mexico (Durango). Type «@ BM(NH). Ref. — Giglio-Tos, 1893:fig. 19 (head). OLGA (Hull), 1942a:95 (Baccha). Type-locality: Panama, Chilibre. Distr. — same. Type 2 MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:204, 264, figs. 67 (abdo- men), 325 (wing). ; RUBIDA (Williston), 1891:34, pl. 1:8 (habitus), 8a+b (heads) (Baccha). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft.; Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 9500 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 BM(NH) & AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:200, 238, 264, figs. 44 (abdomen), 317 (abdomen), 326 (wing). ZENILLA (Hull), 1943]:77 (Baccha). Type-locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua, 3100 m. Distr. — same . Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e:238, 256, figs. 218 (abdomen), 291 (wing). Unplaced species of MELANOSTOMINI COLUMBIANUM Enderlein, 1938:198 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Colom- bia, “Cordilleren, tierra fria”. Type 2? ZMB? CRASSICALX Enderlein, 1938:197 (Pachysphyria). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Hochland. Type ¢ ? ZMB? CYANECCINCTA (Bigot), 1885a:251 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ¢ OXF? LIMBATUM Enderlein, 1938:198 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Argentina, Prov. Tucuman. Types ¢ 2 ZMB? LONGIGENA Enderlein, 1912:102 (Melanostoma). Type-locality: Tierra del Fuego, Ushuaia. Type ? ZMB? Tribe TOXOMERINI Genus ToxoMERUS Macquart TOXOMERUS Macquart, 1855:112 (1855:92). Type-species, notatus Macquart (orig. des.) = geminatus (Say). Mesogramma Loew, 1866a:157 (1872b:31) (preocc. Senate 1850). Type- species, parvula Loew (Williston, 1887b:98). Mesograpta Loew, 1872:114 (1872b:290) (nom. nov. for Mesogramma Loew). Type-species, parvula Loew (aut.). Mitrosphen Enderlein, 1938:227. Type-species, Syrphus tibicen Wiedemann (orig. des.). Antiops Enderlein, 1938:228. Type-species, Mesograpta ? saphiridiceps Bigot (orig. des.). Hybobathus Enderlein, 1938:233. Type-species, quadrilineatus Enderlein (orig. des.). Hypobathus, Fluke, 1956:217, misspelling. Ref. — Hull, 1943i (key). AEOLUS (Hull), 1942d:47 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Cuba, Soledad, Atkins Institute, Harvard Gardens. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. ALPHABETICUS (Hull), 1942a:105 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Jalapa. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:35, fig. 50 (abdomen). N. COMB. var. FLAYOPOCULA (Hull), 1948b:9 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ve- nezuela, San Esteban. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. 46.47 ANNULIFER. (Bigot), 1884b:84 (Melanostoma?). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ? OXF*. N. COMB. ANTHRAX (Schiner), 1868:35060 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: “South Ame- rica”. Distr. — Colombia, Guyana, Ecuador, Peru. Types ¢ 2 VMNH?*. var. FLAMMARIUS (Hull), 1943i:27 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Hon- duras, Puerto Castilla. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. ANTIOPA (Hull), 1951a:3 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Chim- borazo, Urbina. Distr. — Ecuador. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. AQUILINUS Sack, 1941:100 (1951:96), fig. 2 (abdomen). Type-locality: Peru, Bolivia. Distr. — Panama, Peru, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina.. Types ¢ 2 MD? Ref. — Hull, 1943i:35, fig. 41 (abdomen). anchoratus, auctorum. ‘ ARCIFER (Loew), 1866a:160 (1872b:34) (Mesograpta). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Dominica, Ecuador, Peru. Types ¢ 2 MCZ*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:33, figs. 67, 68 (abdo- men). ARCTURUS (Hull), 1943i1:18 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type so AMNH*. N. COMB. AURULENTUS (Williston), 1887b:102 (Mesograpta). Type-locality: Cuba, San Domingo. Distr. — Cuba, Costa Rica. Types «o ? USNM*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:29, fig. 12 (abdomen). AZURLINEUS (Hull), 19411:483 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: British Hon- duras, El Cayo. Distr. — British Honduras. Type 3° USNM*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:29, fig. 10 (abdomen). N. COMB. BARBULUS (Walker), 1852:238 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr — same. Types ? BMMH*. N. COMB. BASILARIS (Wiedemann), 1830:143 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas), West Indies, Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, south to Chile and Argentina. Type ¢ VMNH*. soror Schiner, 1868:350 (Mescgramma). Type-locality: “America”. Types ¢ o0 VMNH. variabilis Wulp, 1883:6, pl. 1, fig. 9 (abdomen) (Mesograpta). Type- locality: “Guadeloupe”. Types ¢ MRHNB* & MA*. flavocuneus Hull, 1940b:433 (Mesogramma,; as basilaris var.). Type- locality: Honduras, Salada, nr. Ceiba: Type ? Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1943:37, fig. 53 (abdomen). N. SYN. neotropicus Hull, 1943i:36, fig. 54 (abdomen) (also p. 14, as neotropica, in key) (Mesogramma). N. SYN. var. BIFIDUS (Hull), 1943i:26 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Banos. Distr. — same. Type oc Hull? N. COMB. BIDENTATUS (Giglio-Tos), 1893:49, pl. II, fig. 12 (abdomen) (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Mexico, Acaguizotla, Chilpancingo, Tepetlapa, Me- dellin nr. Vera Cruz, Teapa, Orizaba and Tampico. Distr. — Me- xico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama. Types ¢ 2? UTOR®*. BIPUNCTATUS (Hull), 1943i1:23 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type 2 AMNH*. N. COMB. BISTRIGA (Bigot), 1884b:110 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — Mexico, Guatemala, E} Salvador, Nicaragua, Panama. Type ? OXF*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:39, fig. 71 (abdomen). bistrigata Aldrich, 1905:370, Fluke, 1956:219; misspellings. 46.48 poscit (Macquart), 1842:160 (100), pl. 17, fig. 2 (Syrphus). Type-iocality: “Carolina”. Distr. — Southeastern U.S.A.; Mexico, Greater and Lesser Antilles. Type 2? MNHN*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:38, fig. 65 (abdomen). BREVIFACIES (Hull), 1943i1:20 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Banos, Runtum Trail. Distr. — Ecuador, Colombia (Popayan). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. brevifacia Hull, 1943i:14 (Mesogramma). Incorrect original spelling. CALCEOLATUS (Macquart), 1842:151 (91), pl. 16, fig. 1 (head) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Chile (Coquimbo — Malleco), Argentina (Neuquén). Types ¢ ? MNHIWN*. Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:138, fig. 26a (abdomen). N. COMB. CAMILLA (Hull), 1951a:20 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type so AMNH*. N. COMB. CENTAUREUS (Hull), 1951a:18 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Colombia, Cali Dist., W. Cordillera. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. CILIATUS (Giglio-Tos), 1892d:3 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Mexico, Tux- pango. Disir. — Mexico, Peru. Types ¢ ? UTOR*. Ref. — Giglio- Tos, 1893:60, pl. II, fig. 16 (abdomen), 16a (head), 16b (leg). CIRCUMDATUS (Bigot), 1884b:107 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2? OXF*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:41, fig. 74 (abdomen). CLARACUNEUS (Hull), 1942a:106 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Rio Margajitas, Rio Pastaza. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:37, fig. 49 (abdomen). N. COMB. CLARUS (Curran), 1930b:11 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, New Culebra, France Field, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — Panama (Canal Zone), Venezuela (San Esteban). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:39, fig. 62 (abdomen). N. COMB. COMMA (Giglio-Tos), 1892d:4 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ UTOR*. CONFUSUS (Schiner), 1868:349 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: “South Ame- rica” — Venezuela; Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — Mexico, Gua- temala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Trinidad, Tobago, Ecua- dor, Venezuela Brazil, Argentina. Types ¢ 2? VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:31, fig. 20 (abdomen). maculipes Bigot, 1884b:113 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Brazil”. ba’ 0) = of @D. @ sam COSTALIS (Wiedemann), 1830:140 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Surinam”. Distr. — Surinam. Type ¢ SMF*. N. COMB. CROCKERI (Curran), 1934¢c:154 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Galapagos Islands, Charles I. Distr. — Galapagos Islands. Type ¢ CAS*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:33, fig. 36 (abdomen). N. COMB. cocheri Fluke, 1956:220, misspelled. CROESUS (Hull), 1940a:248 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type @ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:31, fig. 14 (abdo- men). N. COMB. CYRILLUS (Hull), 1951a:9 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Macas, Rio Upano. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*, N. COMB. DIFFICILIS (Curran), 1930b:6, fig. 2 (male genitalia) (Mesogramma). Type- locality: Puerto Rico, Coamo Springs. Distr. — Puerto Rico, Guya- 46.49 na. Type «6 AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:28, fig. 11 (abdomen). N. COMB. 4 DIVERSUS (Giglio-Tos), 1892d:3 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: ‘Mexico’. Distr. — same. Types ? UTOR*. Ref. — Giglio-Tos, 1893:49, pl. II, fig. 13 (abdomen). DUPLICATUS (Wiedemann), 1830:142 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. Distr. — Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico, south to Chile and Argentina. Types ¢ ? VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:33, fig. 33 (abdomen). ochrogaster Thomson, 1869:494 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Type ¢ NRS*. . ECTYPUS (Say), 1829:165 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. ‘Types ? lost. ECUADOREUS (Hull), 1943i1:19 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Pi- chincha. Distr. — Ecuador. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. ELISA (Hull),.1951a:5 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. ~- same. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. ELONGATUS (Hull), 1941f:46 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Colombia, Muzo, Dept. Boyaca. Distr. — Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador. Types ¢ Hull, MCZ*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:35, fig. 42 (abdomen). N. COMB. interruptus Enderlein, 1938:227 (Mitrosphen; preoce. Philippi, 1865). -Type-locality: Colombia, Cordillera; Mexico, Jacuapam. Types o@ ZMB. N. SYN. EURYDICE (Hull), 1951a:17 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, San Francisco, Rio Pastaza. Distr. — same. Type od AMNH*. N. COMB. EXTRAPOLATUS (Hull), 1943i:22, fig. 24 (abdomen) (Mesogramma). Type- locality: Cuba, Soledad. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull*. N. COMB. FLAVIPLURUS (Hall), 1927:239, fig. (abdomen) (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Guatemala, Puerto Barrios. Distr. — Guatemala; Brazil (Belém); Trinidad. Type 2? OhSU. N. COMB. flavipleura Hull, 1943i:15, 28, misspelled. FLAVUS (Hull), 19411:432 (Mescgramma). Type-locality: Colombia, Res- - trepo. Distr. — Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia. Type ? USNM. Ref, — Hull, 19431:35, fig. 44 (abdomen). N. COMB. FLORALIS (Fabricius), 1798:563 (Scaeva). Type-locality: “Cajenne”. Distr. — U.S.A., Florida; Greater Antilles; Lesser Antilles; Mexico, south to Chile and Argentina. Type ? Kiel (lost=2? Zimsen, 1964:481). Ref. — Hull, 1943i:35, figs. 37-40 (abdomen). *N. COMB. flammineus Hull, 1941h:312 (Mescgramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Severinia. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:6, 34 (as var.). ‘ FUNESTUS (Doesburg), 1966:65, fig. 56 (habitus) (Mesograpta). Type- locality: Surinam, Zanderij. Distr. — Surinam, Brazil (Para). Type 2? Doesburg. N. COMB. GEMINI (Hull), 1941h:312 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull, MZUSP. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:33, fig. 25 (abdomen). N. COMB. GUTTIFER (Hull), 1943k:39 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Guatemala, Gua- temala City. Distr. — Guatemala, Guyana. Type 2 USNM*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:45, fig. 61 (abdomen). N. COMB. HARLEQUINUS (Hull), 1951b:69 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type 2 MZUSP. N. COMB. HERALDICUS (Bigot), 1884b:109 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Mexico”. 46 .50 Distr. — same. Types ? OXF*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:47, fig. 73 (abdomen). JIIEROGLYPHICUS (Schiner), 1868:348 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: “South America’. Distr. — Colombia (Magdalena, Valle del Cauca, Cauca), Ecuador. Type ¢ VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:31, fig. 19 (abdo- men). HULLI Sedman, (nom. nov. for ornatus Hull). Distr. — Paraguay. NOM. NOV. ornatus Hull, 1943f:36 (Mesogramma, preoce. Sack 1941). Type-loca- lity: Paraguay, Villarica. Type ¢ AM(NH). IDALIUS (Hull), 1951a:11 (Mesograma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Puyo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. subsp. LEDE Hull, 1951a:12 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Puyo. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. IMPERIALIS (Curran), 1926c:103 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Jamaica, Blue Castle. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1943i: 35, fig. 45 (abdomen). N. COMB. . tNcAICUS Sack, 1941:101 [1951:97, fig. 3 (abdomen)]. Type-locality: Peru, Querobamba, Lago Titicaca; Bolivia. Distr. — same. Types ¢o g MD? INSIGNIS (Schiner), 1868:347, fig. 7 (habitus), 7 a-b (head) (Mesogramma). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? VMNH*. INTERMEDIUS (Hull), 1949a:77 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Peru, Pu- eallpa. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. JAGUARINUS (Bigot), 1884b:112 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type so OXF*. LACINIOSUS (Loew), 1866a:159 (1872b:33) (Mesograpta). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, Mexico south to Brazil and Argentina. Type 2? MCZ*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:35, fig. 47 (abdomen). LACRYMOSUS (Bigot), 1884b:107 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Brazil; Mexico”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 OXF*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:31, fig. 23 (abdomen). lacrimosus Kertész, 1910:147, emendation. lachrymosus, many authors, emendation. LAENUS (Walker), 1852:241 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type « BMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:41, fig. 79 (abdomen). N. COMB. laenas Hull, 1943i:16, 40, misspelled. LANEI (Hull), 1942c:74 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Ja- neiro, Tingua. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. LIMAE (Bréthes), 1920:30 (1937:VII), (Mesograpta). Type-locality: Peru. Lima. Distr. — same. Type ? MACN. N. COMB. LIMBUS (Enderlein), 1938:229 (Antiops). Type-locality: Uruguay, Monte- video. Distr. — same. Type 2? ZMB. N. COMB. LINEARIS (Wulp), 1883:5 (Mesograpta). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ??. LUNUS (Hull), 1943i:21, fig. 80 (abdomen), (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Distr. — Puerto Rico, Guatemala. Type ¢ USNM*. N. COMB. LUTzZI (Curran), 1930b:7 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Panama, Canal 46.51 Zone, Grijoles, Ft. Davis. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Ref, — Hull, 1943i1:37, fig. 56 (abdomen). N. COMB. var. FASCIATUS (Hull), 1948b:8 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Vene- zuela, San Esteban. Distr. — same. Type 2 USNM*. N. COMB. LYRATUS (Hull), 1940b:4382 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 19431:33, fig. 26 (abdomen). N. COMB. MACQUARTI (Goot), 1964:214 (Mesograpta, nom. nov. for amoenus Macquart). Distr. — Venezuela, Peru, Paraguay, Bolivia. N. COMB. amoenus Macquart, 1846:266 (138), pl. 18, fig. 1 (abdomen) (Syrphus; preoce. Loew, 1840). Type-locality: “Venezuela”. Type 9 OXF*. MACULATUS (Bigot), 1884b:111 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Cuba, Me- xico, Brazil”. Distr. — Greater Antilles; Mexico south to Brazil and Argentina, Types 2? OXF*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:31, fig. 16 (abdomen). MARGINATUS (Say), 1823:92 (Scaeva). Type-locality: “U.S.A.” Distr. — Canada, U.S.A.; Grand Bahama Island, Mexico south to Peru. Type?? Ref. — Hull, 1943i:33, fig. 28 (abdomen). circumcinctus Enderlein, 1938:232 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Peru, Lima. Type ¢ ZMB. N. SYN. MELANOGASTER (Thomson), 1869:495 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — same. Type ? NRS*. N. COMB. MINUTUS (Wiedemann), 1830:146 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Cuba, Brazil. Type ? SMF*. MITIS (Curran), 1930b:13 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Jamaica, Mon- tego Bay. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:47, fig. 75 (abdomen). N. COMB. MULIO (Hull), 1941h:311 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Juquia. Distr. — Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Argentina. Type o Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:29, fig. 2 (abdomen). N. COMB. MULTIPUNCTATUS (Wulp), 1883:6, pl. I, fig. 7 (abdomen) (Mesograpta). Type-locality: “Guadeloupe”. Distr. — Guadeloupe, St. Vincent, Grenada. Type o ? Ref. — Hull, 1943i:38; fig. 66 (abdomen). ferroxida Hull, 1942f:21 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: St. Vincent, British West Indies. Type ¢ MCZ*., MuSIcuSs (Fabricius), 1805:253 (Scaeva). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — Cuba, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Trinidad; Mexico south to Brazil and Argentina. Types 9 MC*. Ref, — Hull, 1948i:31, fig. 21 (abdomen). MUTUUS (Say), 1829:164 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — Mexico (Durango, Michoacan, Mexico City, Morelos, Vera Cruz, Chiapas), Guatemala. Type ?? Ref. — Hull, 1943i:43, fig. 60 (abdomen). NASICUS (Hull), 19411:432 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Mexico, Oaxaca, Tuxtepec. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:29, fig. 6 (abdomen). N. COMB. NASUTUS Sack, 1941:102 (1951:98), fig. 4 (head), 5 (abdomen). Type-loca- lity: Peru, Paso de Lares. Distr. — Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia. Types 2 MD? Ref. — Hull, 1943i:40, fig. 81 (abdomen). sylphus Hull, 1948f£:35 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Bafios. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. NIGRIPUNCTUS (Enderlein), 1938:231 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Colom- bia, Cordillera. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ZMB. N. COMB. 46.52 NITIDIVENTRIS (Curran), 1930b:9 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, [?Espirito Santo], Vitéria. Distr. — Colombia, Venezuela, Ecua- dor, Brazil. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. - NITIDUS (Schiner), 1868:349 (Mesograma). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — Panama. Types ¢ VMNH*. NorMA (Curran), 1930b:10 (Mesogramma). Type-locality, Panama, Canal Zone, Corozal. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i1:29, fig. 7 (abdomen). N. COMB. NYMPHALIUS (Hull), 1942a:106 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Rio Margajitas, 1250 m. Distr. — Ecuador, Surinam. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:37, fig. 51 (abdomen). N. COMB. OCHRACEUS (Hull), 1942f:19 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Colombia, Bo- gota. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. N. COMB. OCTOGUTTATUS (Jaennicke), 1867:398 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Peru, Chile (Coquimbo-Chiloé), Argentina. Type ¢ SMF*. Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:138, fig. 26b (abdomen) ; Hull, 1943i:37, fig. 57 (abdomen). N. COMB. interruptus Philippi, 1865:747 (Syrphus; preoce. Gmelin, 1792). Type- locality: Chile, Valdivia, Illapel. Types ¢ ? MNHS. philippii Shannon, 1927a:24 (Mesogramma; nom. nov. for interruptus Philippi). OPHIOLINEA (Hull), 1943j:68, fig. 59 (abdomen) (Baccha). Type-locality: Colombia, Villavicencio. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull*. Ref. — Hull, 1949e: 202, fig. 59 (abdomen). N. COMB. ORNATUS Sack, 1941:103 (1951:99), fig. 6 (abdomen). Type-locality: Peru; Bolivia; Brazil, Espirito Santo. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 MD ? and UNMB. ORNITHOGLYPHUS (Hull), 1942f:17 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Domini- can Republic, Mount Diego de Ocampo, 3,000-4,000 ft. Distr. — Cuba, Dominican Republic. Type ¢ MCZ*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:39, fig. 69 (abdomen). N. COMB. ovatus (Hull), 1942f:19 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Panama, Yape, Tuirar. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ*. Ref. — Hull 1943i:29, fig. 5 (abdomen). N. COMB. PANAMENSIS (Curran), 1930b:12 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Panama, Panama City. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. PARAGRAMMUS (Schiner), 1868:349 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — same. Types ¢o ? VMNH*. PICTUS (Macquart), 1842:159 (99) pl. 16 fig. 11 (habitus) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Guyane”. Distr. — Greater Antilles, Lesser An- tilles, Mexico south to Argentina. Type ? MNHN*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:30, fig. 13 (abdomen). poecilogastrus Loew, 1865:158 (1872b:33) (Mesogramma). Type-loca- lity: “Cuba”. Type ? MCZ*. cuprinus Bigot, 1884b:114 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Type ¢ OXEF*. N. SYN. var. MELLEOGUTTATUS (Hull), 1941f£:45 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:31, fig. 15 (abdomen). N. COMB. POLITUS (Say), 1823:88 (Scaeva). Type-locality: “United States”. Distr. — Canada, U.S.A.; Mexico south to Peru and Brazil. Type ? (lost). Ref. — Hull, 1943i:29, fig. 3 (abdomen). 46.53 anchoratus Macquart, 1842:97 (132), pl. 16:8 (abdomen) (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Types 2 ¢ MNHN*. N. SYN. POLYGRAPHICUS (Hull), 1940a:249 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Batéia. Distr. — Peru and Brazil. Type ? Hull, 1943i:31, fig. 22 (abdomen). N. COMB. PORTICOLA (Thomson), 1869:495 (Syrphus). Type-locality: Peru, Callao; Ecuador, Puna. Distr. — same. Type «6 NRS*. N. COMB. PORTIUS (Walker), 1852:239 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo). Type o BMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:31, fig. 17 (abdomen). N. COMB. PRODUCTUS (Curran), 1930b:5 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador. Distr. — Ecuador south to Argentina. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:32, fig. 30 (abdomen). N. COMB. PUELLUS (Hull), 1942f:22 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Cuba, Santa Clara Province, Soledad. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:39, fig. 64 (abdomen). N. COMB. PULCHELLUS (Macquart), 1846:266 (138), pl. 11, fig. 12 (abdomen) (Syr- phus). Type-locality: Guadeloupe, San Domingo. Distr. — Gua- deloupe, Cuba. Types ? OXF*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i1:34, fig. 46 (abdomen). PUNCTATUS Sack, 1921:128, fig. la (abdomen). Type-locality: Paraguay, St. Trinidad. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2? MD? PuRUS (Curran), 1930b:10 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Panama, Corozal. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:39, fig. 63 (abdomen). N. COMB. QUADRILINEATUS (Enderlein), 1938:233 (Hybobathus). Type-locality: Co- lombia, “Cordillera, tierra templada”. Distr. — same. Types 2 ZMB. N. COMB. QUINQUECINCTUS (Bigot), 1888a:254 (Mesograpta). Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — same. Type 2? OXF*. QUINQUEMACULATUS (Bigot), 1888a:254 (Mesograpta). Type-locality: ‘“Me- xico”. Distr: — same. Types ¢ 2? OXF*. RHEA (Hull), 19491:228 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Types 6 AMNH*, MZUSP. N. COMB. REHODOPE (Hull), 1951a:13 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Jamaica, Dun- robin District, Mandeville, Manehester. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*, N. COMB. ROMBICUS (Giglio-Tos), 1892d:3 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Mexico, Orizaba. Distr. — same. Types « ? UTOR*. Ref. — Giglio-Tos, 1893:pl. 2, fig. 15 (abdomen); Hull, 1943i:40, fig. 78 (abdomen). rhombicus, various authors, emend. RUFICAUDATUS (Bigot), 1884a:541 (Paragus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type «¢ BM(NH)*. N. COMB. RUFOCINCTUS (Curran), 1927b:7 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:41, fig. 83 (abdomen). N. COMB. SAPHIRIDICEPS (Bigot), 1884b:105 (Mesograpta?). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru. Types 2? OXF‘. SELVA (Hull), 1943i:13 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: ? Distr. — ? Type ?? N. COMB. 46.54 SERPENTINUS (Hull), 1950¢c:228 (Calostigma). Type-locality: Peru, Chan- chamayo. Distr. — same. Type 2 Hull*. N. COMB. SINUATINERVIS (Macquart), 1850:455 (151), tab. 14, fig. 10 (wing) (Syr- phus). Type-locality: Brazil, “Minas Gerais”. Distr. — same. Type 2? MNHN. N. COMB. SLOSSONAE (Curran), 1930b:8 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: U.S.A., Flo- rida, Biscayne Bay. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida), Ecuador. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. STEATOGASTER (7iull), 1941¢:62 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Brazil, Ama- zonas, Rio Branco. Distr. — Ecuador, Brazil. Type ? Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1943i1:29, fig. 1 (abdomen). N. COMB. STEATORNIS (Hull), 1943i:20 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, San- tiago-Zamora, Sucua, Rio Blanco and Rio Upano, 950 m. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. SUBANNULATUS (Loew), 1865:157 (1872b:31) (Mesograpta). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica south to Brazil. Types 2? & MCZ*. Ref. — Hull, 19431:33, figs. 34, 35 (abdomen). SYLVATICUS (Hull), 1943f:34 (Mesogramma). Type-locality: Ecuador, Ba- fos. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1943i:41, fig. 81 (abdomen). N. COMB. TAENIUS (Curran), 1930b:7, fig. 3 (ventral view of USNM*. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:313, figs. 13a (habitus), 13b (hind leg), 18c (head). MICROMIDAS Shannon, 1925a:112. Type-locality: Panama, Taboga Island. Distr. — same. Type 2? USNM®. MIXTUS Curran, 1940:6. Type-locality: Guyana, Cuyuni River, Kamaria Landing. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). PROCEDENS Curran, 1941:251. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. PROCTERI Curran, 1941:251. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. PUERILIS (Doesburg), 1966:86 (Ubristes). Type-locality: Surinam, Zanderij. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Doesburg. N. COMB. ScoLOpuS Shannon, 1927a:20. Type-locality: “Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). SCUTELLARIS Shannon, 1927a:20. Type-locality: “Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949d:313, figs. 138d (head), 13i (scutellum), 13j (head), 13k (hind leg). SIMILLIMUS Hull, 1950:611. Type-locality: Guyana, Essequibo River, Mo- raballi Creek. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM (NH). TENUICAUDUS Curran, 1925c¢:339. Type-locality: Peru, El Campamiento. Distr. — Peru, Brazil. Type ? CU*. Ref. — Curran, 1934b:526, figs. 26 (abdomen), 27 (head). TRIANGULARIS Curran, 1940:6. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Doura- dos. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Mato Grosso). Type ¢ AMNH*. litoralis Papavero, 1964:21, figs. 1,2 (abdomen) (Ubristes). Type- locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Caraguatatuba, 40 m. Type ¢ MZUSP*. N. SYN. TRIGONIFORMIS Shannon, 1927a:19. Type-locality: Brazil, ?Vila Nova. Distr. — same. Type o BM(NH). TRIGONUS (Hull), 1937b:21, fig. 9 (head), 9a (scutellum) (Hypselosyrphus). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ*. N. COMB. ULOPODUS (Hull), 1944j:34 (Ubristes). Type-locality: Peru, Putumayo Dist., Lachoruria. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CU*. N. COMB. WHEELERI Mann, 1928:168. Tpe-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Red Tank. Distr. — same. Type 3 USNM®*. Subgenus MicropoN Meigen ABNORMIS Curran, 1925c:345. Type-locality: Venezuela, Caura Valley. Distr. — same. Type 2 MCZ*. AEOLIDIFORMIS Wheeler, 1924:239, fig. 1 (larva, puparium). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Frijoles. Distr. — same. Type (larva) USNM. 46.62 ANGUSTIVENTRIS (Macquart), 1855:105 (85) (Aphritis). Type-locality: “Amérique méridionale”. Distr. — Guyana. Type ¢ OXF*. ANGUSTUS (Macquart), 1846:250 (122) (Aphritis). Type-locality: “Cayen- ne”. Distr. — Colombia, Guyana. Type 30 MNHN? AQUILINUS Giglio-Tos, 1892c:2. Type-locality: Mexico, Tuxpango. Distr. — same. Type 2 UTOR. ARGENTINAE Hull, 1937b:18. Type-locality: Argentina, Cérdoba. Distr. — same. Type o MCZ*. AUREOSCUTUS Hull, 1943e:709. Type-locality: “Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). AUREUS Hull, 1944¢:35. Type-locality: Ecuador, Oriente, Rio Naxo, Jatun Yacu, Watershed, 700 m. Distr. — same. Type 2? MCZ*. AURICINCTUS (Sack), 1931:148, figs. 23a (head), 24 (habitus) (Rhopalo- syrphus). Type-locality: Paraguay, St. Trinidad. Distr. — same. Type 2? DEI. N. COMB. AURIFACIUS Hull, 1937a:169. Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Itaquaquece- tuba. Distr. — same. Type o USNM*. AURIFASCIA Hull, 1944e:245. Type-locality: Brazil, SAo Paulo, Alto da Serra (= Paranapiacaba). Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NB). AURIFEX "Wiedemann, 1830:85. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Mexico (Guerrero), Brazil. Type 2 VMNH*. Ref. — Williston, 1891:pl. 1, fig. 2 (habitus), 2a (head). trochilus Walker, 1852:216. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ? BM(NH). AURIGASTER Hull, 1941g:160. Type-locality: Bolivia, Prov. Sara. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ*. AURULENTUS (Fabricius), 1805:185 (Mulio). Type-locality: U.S.A., “Caro- lina”. Distr. — U.S.A. (New York to North Carolina); ?Mexico [Giglio-Tos, 1892e:35] (probably not neotropical). Type ? (lost?). Ref. — Curran, 1925a:80 (redescription), 196, fig. 41 (antenna). BALIOPTERUS Loew, 1872a:86 (1872b:262). Type-locality: U.S.A., Texas. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Verginia, south to Florida); Me- xico. Types ¢ 2 MCZ (lost)*. Ref. — Curran, 1925a:87 (redes- cription), pl. 5:47 (scutellum + antenna), 9:47 (male genitalia). var. BRUNNIPENNIS Hull, 1944i1:400. Type-locality: Guatemala, St. Thomas. Type ¢ VMNH*. BANKSI Hull, 1942a:91. Type-locality: Cuba, coast below Pico Turquino. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. BARBIELLINII Curran, 1936b:6. Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. BARBOURI Hull, 1942a:89. Type-locality: Brazil, Paranda, Paranagua. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. BASSLERI Curran, 1940:10. Type-locality: Peru, Rio Ucayali. Distr, — same. Type ? AMNH*. BATESI Shannon, 1927a:22. Type-locality: Brazil, Amazon. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NB). BEEBEI Curran, 1936b:4. Type-locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr. — Surinam, Guyana. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Doesburg, 1966:89, fig. 62 [not 61] (habitus). BELLULUS (Williston), 1891:1, pl. 1:1 (habitus), 1b (head) (Mixogaster). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, La Venta, 300 ft. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. BICOLOR (Walker), 1857:151 (Ceratophya). Type-locality: Brazil, Para. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. N. COMB. BIDENS (Fabricius), 1805:185 (Mulio). Type-locality: “America meridio- nali”. Distr. — Guyana, Argentina. Type ¢ MC*. 46.63 BILUMINIFERUS Hull, 19441:399. Type-locality: Brazil, Espirito Santo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ VMNH*. BISPINA Hull, 1943e:707. Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NB). BONARIENS!IS Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891:194 (1892c:35), fig. 1 (wing). Type- locality: Argentina, Prov. Buenos Aires. Distr. — same. Type ? MACN. BRUCHI Shannon, 1927d:38. Type-locality: Argentina, Cordoba, Alta Gracia. Distr. — same. Types 2? USNM & MACN?. BRUESI Hull, 1945b:77. Type-locality: Haiti, Port-au-Prince and vicinity. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. BRUTUS Hull, 1944j:37. Type-locality: Brazil, Bahia, Igrapiina. Distr. — — same. Type ¢ CU*. CAESAR Curran, 1940:10. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teu- tonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH®. CERIOIDES Hull, 1943e:716. Type-locality: Paraguay, San Bernardino. Distr. — same. Type «0 BM(NH). CHRYSIDIMIMUS (Hull), 1937¢:116 (Chysidimyia). Type-locality: Brazil, Santarém. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CM. Ref. — Hull, 1938:128, fig. 7 (head). chrysidiformis, Hull, 1944e:241, misspelling. CLARIPENNIS (Hine), 1914:334 (Mixogaster). Type-locality: Guatemala, Los Amates. Distr. — same. Type 3¢ OhSU. N. COMB. COARCTATUS Loew, 1864a:74 (1864b:236). Type-locality: U.S.A., District of Columbia. Distr. — U.S.A. (Nebraska to Maryland, south to Florida); Mexico. Types ¢ @ MCZ (lost — FCT). Ref. — Curran, 1925a:86 (redescription), pl. 5:46 (scutellum & antenna). CONOPS Curran, 1940:4. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Maracaju. Distr. — same. Type 0 AMNH*. CORONA Curran,. 1940:9. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teu- tonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. CRASSITARSIS (Macquart), 1848:198 (38) (Aphritis). Type-locality: “Rio Negro”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ OXF®. c CURRANI Goot, 1964:214 (nom. nov. for clavicornis Curran). Distr. — Guyana. clavicornis Curran, 1940:6 (preoce. Sack, 1926). Type-locality: Guya- na, Mazaruni, High Forest. Type ? BM(NH). CYANEIVENTRIS (Macquart), 1846:249 (121), pl. 16, fig. 14 (wing) (Aphri- tis). Type-locality: “Colombia’’. Distr. — same. Types 2 OXF*. cyanoventris, Williston, 1886:310, misspelling. CYANEUS Perty, 1930:186, pl. 37:4. Type-locality: Brazil, “Provincia Piauhiensis”. Distr. — same. Type(s) ? ZSM. DIAPHANUS Sack, 1921:146, figs. 21 (habitus), 22 (head). Type-locality: Paraguay, St. Trinidad. Distr. — Brazil, Paraguay. Type ¢ DEI. EMERALDA Hull, 1943e:719. Type-locality: “Guyana”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). EUTRISTIS Curran, 1925a:74, pl. 4:35 (head). Type-locality: Mexico, Yuca- tan. Distr. — same. Type o¢ UK. FALCATUS Williston, 1887b:9. Type-locality: Mexico, Isthmus of Tehuan- tepec. Distr. — same. Types 2? USNM. FENESTRATUS Hull, 1943e:712. Type-locality: “Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type o« BM(NBH). FLAVIPENNIS Curran, 1925¢:342. Type-locality: Guyana, Bartica. Distr. — same. Type 2? MCZ. 46.64 FLAVOFASCIUM Curran, 1925c:346. Type-locality: Brazil, Minas Gerais, Las- sance. Distr. — same. Type & CU*. FLAVOLUNA Hull, 1943e:718. Type-locality: Paraguay, San Bernardino. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). FLAVOMARGINATUS Curran, 1925b:245. Type-locality: Peru, Putamayo. Distr. — Brazil (Amapa), Peru. Type < CU*. FUCATISSIMUS (Hull), 1937¢:120 (Syrphipogon). Type-locality: “South America”. Distr. — same. Type so CM. Ref. — Hull, 1938:128, fig. 6 (head). . FULGENS Wiedemann, 1830:82. Type-locality: U.S.A., Georgia [as “New Georgia”]. Distr. — U.S.A. (New Jersey south to Florida); Guyana. Type ° ZMB. Ref. — Curran, 1925a:50 (redescription), pl. 3:17 (habitus). euglossoides Gray, 1832:779, pl. 125:2. Type-locality: ??? Type ? OXF? GAIGEI Steyskal, 1953:1, figs. la (wing tip), b (antenna), c (scutellum), d (head). Type-locality: Panama, Chiriqui Prov., Progreso. Distr. — Panama. Type 2? MZM. GEIJSKESI Doesburg, 1966:80. Type-locality: Surinam, near Paramaribo, Kwatta, parwa-wood. Distr. — Surinam. Type ¢ Doesburg. GRACILIS Bigot, 1883b:320. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. GRANULATUS Curran, 1940:9. Type-locality: Guyana, Mazaruni. Distr. — Guyana. Type ? BM(NH). HERMETIA Curran, 1936b:3. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Co- lorado Island. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. HERMETOIDES Curran, 1940:8. Type-locality: Guyana, Essequibo River, Moraballi Creek. Distr. — same. Type 3° BM(NH). HISTRIO Wiedemann, 1830:83, pl. 9, fig. 6 (abdmen). Type-locality: Uru- guay, Montevideo. Distr. — same. Type 2? ZMB. HONDURANIUS Hull, 1940a:247. Type-locality: ‘Honduras, Salada River, 15 miles inland from Ceiba”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. IGNOBILIS (Rondani), 1848:73 (Aphritis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2? MIZUN. IHERINGI Bezzi, 1910:320. Type-locality: Brazil, State of Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCSNM*. INAEQUALIS Loew, 1866b:40 (1872b:100). Type-locality: “Cuba”, Dist same. Type &¢ MCZ (lost)*. INSTABILIS Wiedemann, 1830:83. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Brazil, Argentina. Type 2 ZMB. dives Rondani, 1848:72 (Aphritis). Type-locality: ‘Brazil’. Type ¢ UTOR. LAETUS Loew, 1864a:74 (1864b:236). Type-locality “Cuba”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Maryland south to Texas, Florida); Antilles. Types MCZ (lost)*. LANGI Curran, 1925¢c:341. Type-locality: Guyana, Kamakusa. Distr. — Guyana, Brazil. Type ¢ CU*. LAZULI (Hull), 1944e:241 (Chrysidimyia). Type-locality: “Amazons, Vila Nova”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM (NH). LIMBATUS Wiedemann, 1830:85. Type-locality: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul, Cacapava do Sul. Distr. — same. Type ? ZMB. LURIDESCENS (Walker), 1857:151 (Ceratophya). Type-locality: “Valley of Amazon’. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH)*. N. COMB. MACQUARTII Lynch Arribdlzaga, 1891:126 (1892c:30) (nom. nov. for angus- tus Macquart, 1848). Distr. — Uruguay. angustus Macquart, 1848:198 (38) (Aphritis; preoce. Macquart, 1846). Type-locality: “Minas”. Types ¢ ? MNHN? angustatus, Fluke, 1957:29, misspelling. 46.65 MARCELI Curran, 1936b:7. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada Distr. — same. Type 3 AMNH*. MELLOGUTTA Hull, 1943e:704. Type-locality: “Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). MIRABILIS Williston, 1888:257. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso, Santa Catarina), Paraguay. Types o 2? AMNH*., bertonii Bezzi, 1910:319. Type-locality: Paraguay, Puerto Bertoni. Types o ¢? MCSNM. N. SYN. arcuata Curran, 1941:250. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. MITIS Curran, 1940:7. Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ AMNH*. Mus Curran, 1936b:5. TYype-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Juquia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. NERO Curran, 1936b:6. Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ AMNH*. NESTOR Curran, 1940:11. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teu- tonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. NIGER Williston, 1891:4, pl. 1:3 (habitus), 3a (head). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Paz, Panima. Distr. — Mexico, Bolivia. Type «> BM(NH). manni Shannon, 1923b:80. Type-locality: Bolivia, Ivon, Rio Beni. Type 2? USNM*. N. SYN. ? NIGRISPINOSUS Shannon, 1927a:21. Type-locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé (as Ega). Distr. — Panama, Brazil. Type «> BM(NH). NORMALIS Curran, 1925¢:343. Type-locality: Guyana, West bank of Deme- rara River. Distr. — Guyana. Type 2? AMNH*. OLIGONAX Hull, 1944]:35. Type-locality: Ecuador, Pto. America, Rio Pu- tumayo. Distr. — Ecuador, Brazil. Type 2? CU*. OPULENTUS Bigot, 1883b:319. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NBH). PAUPER (Rondani) 1848:74 (Aphritis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type &@ MIZUN. : PULCHER Williston, 1887b:5. Type-locality: Cuba, San Domingo. Distr. — Mexico (Durango), Cuba. Type 2? USNM*. REMOTUS Knab, 1917:142. Type-locality: Cuba. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM*. REMUS Curran, 1941:250. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teu- tonia. Distr. —, same. Type ? AMNH*, RHEOCHRYSSUS Hull, 1944j:38. Type-locality: Argentina, Jujuy, S. Juancito. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo), Argentina (Jujuy). Type ¢ CU*. RUBRIVENTRIS Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891:128 (1892c:32), fig. 2 (head). Type- locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Chacabuco. Distr. — same. type\? MACN I RUFIVENTRIS (Rondani), 1848:73 (Aphritis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type 2 MIZUN. SEABRAI (Papavero), 1962:317, fig. 1 (head) (Pseuwdomicrodon). Type-loca- lity: Brazil,-Guanabara, Sumaré. Type o Seabra. N. COMB. SHANNONI Curran, 1940:8. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Maracaju. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. SOLITARIUS Curran, 1930f:8. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. SPLENDENS Wiedemann, 1830:84. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ VMNH*. 46.66 STRAMINEUS Hull, 1943e:703. Type-locality: Brazil, Para. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). SUPERBUS Wiedemann, 1830:82. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ SMF*. TIGRINUS Curran, 1940:11. Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. TRILINEA Hull, 19438e:710. Type-locality: “Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type ¢& BM(NB). TRIVITTATUS Curran, 1925¢c:344. Type-locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr. — Guyana, Brazil (Amapa). Type ¢ AMNH*. VIOLACEUS (Macquart), 1842:73 (13), pl. 1, figs. 3 (habitus), 3a (head) (Aphritis). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Chile (Coquimbo — Malleco). Type ¢ MNHN*. VIOLENS Townsend, 1895a:34. Type-locality: “Jamaica”. Distr. — same. Type 2? UK. virco Curran, 1940:7. Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teu- tonia. Distr. — same. Type 0 AMNH*. vVIRIDIS Townsend, 1895b:610. Type-locality: Mexico, Baja California, San José del Cabo. Distr. — Canada (British Columbia), U.S.A. (California); Mexico. Type 2 CAS (destroyed). WILLISTONI Mik, 1899:143 (nom. nov. for inermis Williston). Distr. — Argentina. ; inermis Williston, 1888:258 (preoce. Loew, 1858). Type-locality: Ar- gentina, Entre Rios. Type ¢ AMNH*. Genus NOTHOMICRODON Wheeler NOTHOMICRODON Wheeler, 1924:243. Type-species, aztecarwm Wheeler (orig. des.). AZTECARUM Wheeler, 1924:243, fig. 2 (habitus), 3 (details of puparium). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Frijoles. Types (larvae) USNM*. Subfamily MILESIINAE Tribe PIPIZINI Genus Prpiza Fallén PIPIZA Fallén, 1810:11. Type-species, Musca noctiluca Linnaeus (Curtis, 1837:pl. 669). Penium Philippi, 1865:741. Type-species, triste Philippi (mon.). Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933 (key). AURANTIPES (Bigot), 1857a:297, pl. 7:8 (wing, head, antenna) (Cheilosia). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Chile. Type ¢ OXF™*. flavipes Philippi, 1865:738 (Sterphus; preocc. Philippi, 1865). Type- locality: “Chile”. Type(s) ? MNHNS. ?BELLULA Williston, 1891:6. Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Xucuma- natlan, 7000 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ BM(NH). CLARIPENNIS Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:144. Type-locality: Chile, Casa Pangue. Distr. — Chile, Argentina (Neuquén). Type ¢ BM(NH). FLAVIPES (Philippi), 1865:pl. 27, fig. 41 (Peniwm). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — same. Type(s) @ MNHNS [as ist revisers, we here recognize Peniuwm flavipes as senior to Sterphus flavipes Philippi]. 46.67 ?HIRSUTOPS Hull, 1949¢:744. Type-locality: Mexico, Oaxaca. Distr. — same. Type <¢ BM(NH). TRISTIS (Philippi), 1865:741 (Peniwm). Type-locality: Chile, Corral. Distr. — Chile. Type(s) ? MNHNS. dubium Bigot, 1884a:557 (Peniwm). Type-locality: “Chile”. Types ¢ ? BM(NH). Genus TRICHOPSOMYIA Williston TRICHOPSOMYIA Williston, 1888:259. Type-species, polita Williston (Hull, 1949d:330). Halictomyia Shannon, 1927a:13. Type-species, boliviensis Shannon (orig. des.). Ref. — Fluke, 1937 (key). BOLIVIENSIS (Shannon), 1927a:13, fig. 6 (wing) (Halictomyia). Type-loca- lity: Bolivia, Cavinas, Beni. Distr. — same. Type 2? USNM. CATHARINENSIS (Enderlein), 1938:195 (Pipiza). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Hochland. Type ? ZMB. N. COMB. CURRANI Fluke, 1937:2, fig. 1 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. GRANDITIBIALIS Fluke, 1937:3, figs. 4 (hind leg), 5 (antenna). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. LASIOTIBIALIS Fluke, 1937:2, figs. 2 (head), 3 (antenna). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. LONGICORNIS Williston, 1888:261. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Cha- pada. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. POLITA Williston, 1888:260. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2? AMNH*. PUELLA Williston, 1888:260. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Types o 2? AMNH*. TUBERCULATA Williston, 1888:260. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Cha- pada. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. ULEANA (Enderlein), 1938:195 (Pipiza). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Hochland. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ZMB. N. COMB. URANIA Hull, 1949a:73. Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ¢o Hull. Tribe CHEILOSIINI Genus CHEILOSIA Meigen CHEILOSIA Meigen, 1822:296. Type-species, Hristalis scutellatus Fallén (Rondani, 1856:51). Chilosia, auctorum, misspelling or emendation. Ref. — Hull & Fluke, 1950 (rev. of subgroups). Subgenus CHEILOSIA Meigen Ref. — Hull & Fluke, 1950 (rev., Key). ?AUROTECTA Giglio-Tos, 1892d:4. Type-locality: Mexico, Orizaba. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 9 UTOR. Ref. — Giglio-Tos, 1893: fig. 22 (head). auritecta, Fluke, 1957:44, misspelling. CHRYSOCHLAMYS Williston, 1891:8, pl. 1:4 (habitus), 4a (head) (Chilosia). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi; Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 9500 ft. Distr. — U.S.A. (California), Mexico. 46.68 Types ¢ ? BM(NH) & AMNH*. Ref. — Hull & Fluke, 1950:346 (redescription), fig. 35 (head). SORORIA Williston, 1891:8 (Chilosia). Type-locality: Mexico, Durango, Ciu- dad. Distr. — same. Types 2 BM(NH). Ref. — Hull & Fluke, 1950: 348 (redescription), fig. 24 (head). Subgenus CarTOSYRPHUS Bigot CARTOSYRPHUS Bigot, 1883b:230 (as genus). Type-species, Syrphus paganus Meigen (Coquillett, 1910b:376). Ref. — Fluke & Hull, 1947 (rev., key). FRONTOSA (Bigot), 1884a:553 (Cartosyrphus). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type «@ BM(NH). SORORCULA Williston, 1891:9 (Chilosia). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero: Omiltemi, 8000 ft., Xucumanatlan, 7000 ft.; Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 7000 ft. Distr. — U.S.A. (Oregon to Idaho), south to Mexico. Types ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Fluke & Hull, 1947:250, fig. 33 (head) (redescription). Genus RHINGIA Scopoli RHINGIA Scopoli, 1763:358. Type-species: Conops rostrata Linnaeus (mon.). LONGIROSTRIS Fluke, 1943:430, figs. 10 (wing tip), 11 (head). Type-locality: Ecuador, Bolivar, Hda. Talahua, 3100 ft. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. NIGRA Macquart, 1846:261 (133), tab. 11:10 (head). Type-locality: “Co- lombia”. Distr. — Mexico (Tabasco), Colombia, Brazil. Types ¢ OXF*. Ref. — Fluke, 1943:427, fig. 12 (head). harrisi Curran, 1925b:253. Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro, Pe- tropolis. Type ¢ CU. N. SYN. Genus CHAMAESYRPHUS Mik CHAMAESYRPHUS Mik, 1895:133. Type-species, Rhingia scaevoides Fallén (mon.). WILLISTONI (Snow), 1895a:187 (Pelecocera). Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico. Distr. — U.S.A. (New Mexico), Mexico. Type ° UK. skinneri Johnson, 1903:101 (Chilosia). Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico, Beulah. Type ? ANSP. N. SYN. Tribe VYVOLUCELLINI Genus OrnipIA Lepeletier & Serville ORNIDIA Lepeletier & Serville, in Latreille et al., 1828:786. Type-species, Syrphus obesus Fabricius (orig. des.). Refs. — Curran, 1930d (key); Val, 1972 (key, biometry, evolution). AEMULA (Willison), 1888:272 (Volucella). Type-locality: Bolivia, Santa Cruz, Piedra Blanca. [4 km West of Corumba, Mato Grosso, Bra- zil]. Distr. —- Venezuela, Bolivia, Colombia, Brazil. Types ? AMNH*. Magor Curran, 1930d:2. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. Type « AMNH*. OBESA (Fabricius), 1775:763 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “America”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Georgia, New Mexico, Texas, Florida); south to Peru 46.69 and Argentina (Entre Rios, Tucuman). Types ? Kiel [not found — JRV]. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:312 (redescription), pl. 5:9 (head); Sack, 1921:138 (description), figs. 12 (larva), lle (spiracular horn), 13 (anal organ of larva), 14 (puparium); Curran, 1925a: 206, pl. 10:141 (male genitalia). violacea Macquart, 1842:83 (23) (Volucella; preocc. Lepeletier & Ser- ville, 1828; Say, 1830). Type-locality: Brazil. Type ? MNHN. obesoides Giglio-Tos, 1892c:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico. Type o UTOR*. N. SYN. Genus TACHINOSYRPHUS Hull TACHINOSYRPHUS Hull, 1936b:167. Type-species, pseudotachina Hull (orig. des.). : PSEUDOTACHINA Hull, 1936b:167. Type-locality: Peru, Crucero, Moscardo- nes. Distr. — same. Type «6 USNM*. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:349, fig. 20f (head). Genus COPESTYLUM Macquart COPESTYLUM Macquart, 1846:252 (124). Type-species, flaviventris Mac- quart (mon.) = marginatum Say. Phalacromya Rondani, 1848:67. Type-species, swbometallica Rondani (Co- quillett, 1910a:587). é Phalacromyia, emendation. Glaurotricha Thomson, 1869:493. Type-species, muscaria Thomson (mon.). Haurotricha Thomson, 1869:493. Incorrect original spelling of Glauro- tricha Thomson (ist reviser, Bigot, 1883b:250). Atemnocera Bigot, 1882a:cxiv. Type-species, Volucella scutellata Macquart (mon.). Apophysophora Williston, 1888:276. Type-species, scutellata Williston (Curran, 1930d:5) = trituberculatum Thompson. Megametopon Giglio-Tos, 1891:5. Type-species, Ophromyia nasica Willis- ton (Williston, 1892:79 & Giglio-Tos, 1892e:44). Ophromyia Williston, 1891:55. Type-species, nasica Williston (mon.). Camerania Giglio-Tos, 1892a:3. Type-species, macrocephada Giglio-Tos (as Temnocera megacephala? Loew; orig. des.). Viereckomyia Curran, 1925b:246. Type-species, Temnocera gibbera Schiner (orig. des.). Lepidopsis Curran, 1925b:247. Type-species, compactus Curran (orig. des.). Lepidosis, Thompson, 1965, misspelling. Volucella, subg. Volosyrpha Shannon, 1929:575. Type-species, tibialis Shannon (orig. des.) = rufitarse Thompson. Volucellosia Curran, 1930d:5. Type-specie, Volucella fornax Townsend (orig. des.). Refs. — Curran, 1930d (keys); Curran, 1939a (key); Curran, 1947b (key to vesicularium group); Curran, 1953 (keys to abdominale and esuriens groups); Curran, 1935 (key to marginatwm group); Fluke, 1953 (key to scutellatum group). ABDOMINALE (Wiedemann) 1830:196 (Volwcella). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida); Bahamas (Grand Turk I.), Cuba. Types ¢ VMNH & ZMB. Ref. — Curran, 1926a: 64 (redescrip- tion). N. COMB. ABRUPTA (Curran), 1925b:251 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio Grande do Norte, Baixa Verde. Distr. — Venezuela, Brazil. 46.70 Type o CU. Ref. — Fluke, 1951b:!22 (redescription), figs. 10 (head), 19 (wing), 34 (scutellum). 44 (antenna). N. COMB. ACUTIFRONS (Curran), 1939b:12 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Tarapoto Region. Distr. — Peru..Type «3 AMNH*. N. COMB. ALBIFRONS (Curran), 1939b:16 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type o AMNH*. N. COMB. ALBIPILOSUM (Hull), 1937a:166 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, San Martin. Distr. — same. Type « USNM*. N. COMB. ALBITARSE (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892b:244 (1892c:145) (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Argentina, Altas Misiones. Distr. — same. Type 2? MACN. N. COMB. ALCEDO (Curran), 1926a:53; 1934b:388 (Volucella). Type-locality: ‘Vene- zuela”. Distr. — Guyana, Venezuela. Type ? MCZ*. N. COMB. ALCEDOIDES (Curran), 1939b:11 (Volucella). Type-locality: Trinidad, St. Ann’s. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. ALCHIMISTA (Rondani), 1848:64, fig. 2 (wing) (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type « MIZUN. N. COMB. AMBROSETTIL (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892d:179 (1892c:129) (Volucella). Type-locality: Argentina, Misiones, Mocona. Distr. — same. Types os @ MACN. N. COMB. AMETHYSTINUM (Bigot), 1875:479 (Volucella, as amethistina; emendation: Williston, 1891:52). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ OXF*. N. COMB. ANNA (Williston), 1887b:138, pl. 6:8 (head) (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., Arizona. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona, New Mexico); Me- xico (Chiapas). Type ¢ USNM*. Ref. — Curran, 1925a:206, pl. 10:142 (male genitalia). N. COMB. APERTUM (Walker), 1860:292 (Volucella). Type-locality: ‘Mexico’. Distr. — same. Type «6 BM(NH). N. COMB. APICALE (Loew), 1866a:151 (1872b:25) (Volucella). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Maryland [Wirth, et al., 1965:600]); Cuba. Type so MCZ. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:149 (redescription). N. COMB. APICIFERUM (Townsend), 1895a:40 (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico, Las Cruces. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Arizona); Mexico. Type ? UK. N. COMB. APICULA (Curran), 1939b:6 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Middle Rio Ucayali. Distr. — Panama, Brazil (Acre), Peru. Type ¢ AMNH*. ARICA (Fluke), 1950b:450, figs. 14 (head), 15 (antenna), 16 (male geni- talia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Chile, Arica, Putre, 3650 m. Distr. — Chile (Antofagasta, Tarapaca). Type ? UCSC. N. COMB. aRIcIA (Curran), 1930d:22 (Volucella). Type-locality: Argentina, foothills west of Mendoza. Distr. — Argentina (Tucuman to Rio Negro). Type 2? AMNH. N. COMB. diversum Fluke, 1951b:11, figs. 3 (head), 25 (secutellum), 38 (anten- na), 52 (male genitalia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Argentina, Rio Negro, Isla Choele Choel. Type 0 IML. N. SYN. ASTARTE (Hull, 1950a:70 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. ASTER (Curran), 1939b:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Piches and Perené Valleys, 2000-3000 ft. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. N. COMB. AUREUM (Fluke), 1951b:13, figs. 6 (head), 27 (scutellum) (Volucella). Type-locality: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Zipacoa. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. 46.71 AVIDUM (Osten-Sacken), 1877:333 (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., Ca- lifornia. Distr. — Canada (British Columbia) south to U.S.A. (California & Texas); Mexico (Guanajuato). Types o¢ MCZ*. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:139 (redescription). N. COMB. AZUREUM (Philippi), 1865:734 (Volucella). Type-locality: Chile, Colchagua, “Prope Llico”. Distr. — Chile (Aconcagua — Linares), Argentina. Type « MNHNS. N. COMB. AZURINUM (Hull), 1941h:314 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Bonito(?). Distr. — same. Type o Hull. N. COMB. BASSLERI (Curran), 1939b:9 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Iquitos. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. BEATRICEA (Hull), 1950¢:235 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Ecuador”. Distr. — Ecuador. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. ecuadorea Fluke, 1951b:14, figs. 7 (head), 28 (scutellum), 51 (male genitalia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Ecuador, Azuay, Cuenca, 2650 m. Type « AMNH*. BELINDA (Hull), 1949h:31 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. BELLULUM (Williston), 1891:42 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Mexico, North Yucatan, Temax. Distr. — same. Types ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. BEQUAERTI Curran, 1930f:2. Type-locality: Mexico, Yucatan, Chichén Itza. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. BIMACULATUM (Sack), 1941:110 (1951:106) (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Peru, Pichis and Pachitea. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 9? MD. N. COMB. BINCMINATUM (Goot), 1964:214 (Volucella; nom. nov. for fuscipenne Macquart). Distr. — Bolivia. N. COMB. fuscipenne Macquart, 1850:435 (131), pl. 12, fig. 14 (head) (Volucella; preoce. Macquart, 1842). Type-locality: Bolivia, Chiquitos. Type ? MNHN. N. COMB. BIPUNCTATUM (Hull), 1941¢g:157 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Paraguay, Pastorea. Distr. — same. Type «0 MCZ*. N. COMB. BOLIVIANUM (Hine), 1914:338 (Volucella). Type-locality: Bolivia, La Paz. Distr. — Bolivia, Peru. Type ? OhSU. N. COMB. BRADLEYI (Curran), 1925¢:348 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Matucana. Distr. — Chile (Tarapaca), Peru (Lima, Arequipa). Type 2 CU. Ref. — Fluke, 1951b:26 (redescription). N. COMB. BRAZILIANUM (Hull), 1938:124, fig. 4 (head) (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Purus, Huitanaa. Distr. — same. Type ? CM. N. COMB. BREVE (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Meztillan. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? UTOR. N. COMB. BREVIFACIES (Curran), 1926a:52; 1934b:386, fig. 29 (head) (Volucella). Type-locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr. — Guyana, Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucuman). Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. BREVIVITTATUM (Curran), 1930d:14 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso), Argentina (Misiones). Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. BRUNERI (Curran), 1939b:6 (Volucella). Type-locality: Cuba, Oriente, Sierra del Cobre, Loma del Gato. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. BRUNNICOLOR (Hull), 1938:123, figs. 8 (head), 9 (abdomen) (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Para, Santarém. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CM. N. COMB. BRUNNIGASTER (Hull), 1943k:41 (Volucella). Type-locality: Colombia, Meta District. Distr. — same. Type «3 USNM. N. COMB. 46.72 BULBOSUM (Fluke) 1951b:24, figs. 13 (head), 35 (scutellum), 45 (antenna), 63 (male genitalia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungu- rahua, Volcano Tungurahua, Minza Chica, 3750 m. Distr. — Ecua- dor, Argentina (Catamarca, Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. CAESARIATUM (Williston), 1891:49 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Ori- zaba. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona), Mexico. Type °? BM(NH). N. COMB. coesariata, Giglio-Tos, 1892, misspelling. hirsuta Giglio-Tos, 1892c:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Mez- tillan. Type &« UTOR. CALOCHAETUM (Hull), 1941h:313 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. CAMPosI (Curran), 1939b:8 (Volucella). Type-locality: Ecuador, Isla Puna, Puerto Grande. Distr. — Ecuador, Argentina (Tucuman). Type ¢° AMNH*. N. COMB. CHAETOGASTER (Hull), 1943d:22 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Amazon. Distr. — same. Type 2 BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949d:349, fig. 20h (antenna), 20i (head). N. COMB. CHAETOPHORUM (Williston), 1887b:149 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Distr. — Mexico. Types ¢ ? USNM. Ref. — Williston, 1892: pl. 1:15 (habitus), 15a (head), 15b (an- tenna). N. COMB. CHALYBESCENS (Wiedemann), 1830:204 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazile Distr. — Cuba, Trinidad, Colombia, Paraguay, Brazil. Type(s) ¢ VMNH [also 3¢, SMF*, syntypes?]. Ref. — Curran, 1926a:59 (redescription). N. COMB. CHAPADENSE (Curran), 1930d:13 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso), Peru, Argentina (Tucuman). Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. CHLOROSUM (Hull), 1930:148 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2 ANSP. N. COMB. CINCTIVENTRE (Curran), 1930d:16 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type 2 AMNH*. N. COMB. circe (Curran), 1939b:1 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. CIRCUMDATUM (Walker), 1857:154 (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Valley of Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. CIRCUMSCRIPTUM (Curran), 1939b:13 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Sado Paulo. Distr. — same. Type AMNH*. N. COMB. CLARIPENNE (Curran), 1925b:247 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Peru, Li- rane), IDigine, —= Keio, AAAS Cf (Cl, IN|, (COMMS. CLARUM (Hull), 1942h:22 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ipiranga. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. COCKERELLI (Curran), 1927¢c:85 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Tingo Maria. Distr. — Chile, Peru. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1951b:17 (description), figs. 46 (antenna), 60 (male genitalia). N. COMB. COLOMBIENSE Thompson (nom. nov. for bequaerti Curran, 1936). Distr. — Mexico, Guatemala. NOM. NOV. bequaerti Curran, 1936b:9 (Volucella; preoce. Curran, 1930). Type- locality: Guatemala, Guatalén, Moca, 3000 ft. Type ? AMNH*. compactuM (Curran), 1925b:247 (Lepidopsis). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ CU. N. COMB. 46.73 COMSTOCKI (Williston), 1887b:138, pl. 6:9 (head) (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., Arizona & New Mexico. Distr. — U.S.A. (Utah to Wyoming, south to Arizona & Texas); Mexico (Sonora). Types os 2 USNM. N. COMB. CONCINNUM (Philippi), 1865:733 (Volucella). Type-locality: Chile, Prov. Santiago & Prov. Aconcagua. Distr. — Chile (Coquimbo — San- tiago). Types ¢ MNHS. N. COMB. CONIFACIUM (Hull), 1943d:39 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Trinidad”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. CONTUMAX (Curran), 1939b:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. CORDIAE (Townsend), 1897a:27 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Rio Nautla, San Rafael. Distr. — same. Types 2 BM(NH). N. COMB. ; CORRECTUM (Curran), 1927c:87 (Volucella). Type-locality: Costa Rica, San José. Distr. — Panama, Trinidad. Type ¢ UK. N. COMB. CORUMBENSE (Curran), 1930d:18 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Corumba. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. N. COMB. CRAVERIL (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:2 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ UTOR. N. COMB. CREPUSCULARIUM (Hull), 1942¢:94 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Pa- rana, Paranagua. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ. N. COMB. CRUCIATUM (Hull), 1943d:37 (Volucella). Type-locality: Guatemala, Zapote. Distr. — same. Type 2 BM(NH). N. COMB. CUBOMACULATUM (Hull), 1937a:167, fig. 5 (abdomen) (Volucella). Type- locality: Peru, Iquitos. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. N. COMB. CUPRICOLOR (Hull), 1948b:6 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Venezuela”. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. N. COMB. CURIOSUM (Curran), 1939b:1 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. CURRANI (Fluke), 1951b:12, figs. 5 (head), 26 (scutellum), 48 (male geni- talia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Ecuador, Azuay, Cuenca, 2650 m. Distr. — Ecuador. Type 2? AMNH*. N. COMB. CYANESCENS (Macquart), 1842:84 (24), pl. 6, figs. 1 (habitus), la (head) (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Guyana, Brazil. Type ? MNHN? [not found — JRV]. N. COMB. CYANOPROCTUM (Curran), 1939b:11 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Peru”. Type ¢ AMNH. N. COMB. CYANOPRORA (Curran), 1939b:10 (Volucella). Type-locality: Venezuela, Caura Valley. Distr. — same. Type «> AMNH. N. COMB. DECEPTOR (Curran), 1925b:248 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Venezuela, Caura Valley. Distr. — Venezuela, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Type ¢ MCZ*. Ref. — Curran, 1930d:13, fig. 1 (head). N. COMB. fuscipennis, Williston, 1888:276, misidentification. DELILA (Hull), 1950¢c:230 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. DICHOPTICUM Thompson (nom. nov. for violacewm Curran). Distr. — Mexico (Yucatan), Panama. NOM. NOV. violaceum Curran, 1930f:1 (Megametopon; preoce. Say, 1830). Type- locality: Mexico, Yucatan, Chichén Itza. Type ¢ AMNH. DICHROICUM (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Huastec. Distr. — Mexico, Guatemala. Type 2 UTOR. N. COMB. DIMORPHIUM (Curran), 1939b:14 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Ar- gentina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. 46.74 DISCALE (Curran), 1926a:57 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Grenada”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. N. COMB. DISPAR (Macquart), 1846:251 (123), pl. 11, figs. 2 (wing), 2a (head) (Volucella). Type-locality: “New Grenada”. Distr. — Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela. Types ¢ ? OXF* & MNHN? N. COMB. ?metalliferum Walker p.p., 1849:636 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Ve- nezuela”. Type 2 BM(NH) [Curran, 1953:8 split the species without designation of lectotype; the specimen from Mexico was placed under mexicana Macquart and is considered here as valid, q.v.]. ?transatlanticum Rondani, 1863:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Ame- rica merid.’”. Types ¢ 2 MIZUN. DORSALE (Wiedemann), 1830:199 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ VMNH. Ref. — Curran, 1926a:61 (redescrip- tion). N. COMB. DRACAENA (Curran), 1947b:2 (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., Hawaii, Honolulu. Distr. — U.S.A. (Hawaii); Costa Rica (Wirth in Hardy, 1964:405). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. pumpa (Curran), 1930d:21 (Volucelia). Type-locality: Venezuela, Mt. Duida. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. EMERALDA (Hull), 1934d:20 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Amazon. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. EMILIA (Curran), 1939b:6 (Volucella). Type-locality: Guatemala, Pochuta, Sa. Emilia, 1000 m. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. ERNESTA (Curran), 1926a:55 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Tuipo. Distr. — Guatemala, Panama. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. ERNESTINA (Curran), 1930f:5 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Yucatan, Chichén Itza. Distr. — Mexico (Yucatan), Peru (Cuzco). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. ESCOMELI (Curran), 1929:489 (Volucella).. Type-locality: Peru, Arequipa. Distr. — Peru, Chile (Tarapacdé). Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1951b:16 (description), figs. 15 (head), 29 (scutellum), 40 (an- tenna), 55 (male genitalia). N. COMB. ESURIENS (Fabricius), 1794:281 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Americae In- sulis”. Distr. — Puerto Rico. Type ? Kiel*. Ref. — Curran, 1953:8 (redescription). N. COMB. rica Curran, 1939a:6 (Volucella). Type-locality: Puerto Rico, En- senada. Type ? AMNH*. EUGENIA (Williston), 1887b:139, pl. 6:10 (head) (Volucella). Type-locality: Bahamas; U.S.A., Florida. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida); Bahamas. Types ? USNM. N. COMB. ingenia Curran, 1930f:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: Bahamas, Andros Island, Mangrove Cay, Gibson Cay. Type ? AMNH*. EXEUGENIA (Curran), 1953:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: Jamaica, St. An- drew, Constant Spring. Distr. — Jamaica. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. EXTERNUM (Curran), 1939b:10 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Rio Ma- ranon. Distr. — Peru. Type «3 AMNH*. N. COMB. FLAVIPENNE (Wiedemann), 1830:203 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil” Distr. — same. Type ¢ ZMB. N. COMB. FLAVISSIMUM (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Ori: zaba. Distr. — same. Type ? UTOR. N. COMB. FLAVIVENTRE Macquat, 1846:253 (125), pl. 10, figs. 16 (habitus), 16a (head). Type-locality: “Colombia, Venezuela”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? OXF* [types not marginatum Say, either caudatum Curran or species near it — JRV]. N. STATUS. 46.75 FLORELLA (Hull), 1944j]:49 (Volucella). Type-locality: Guyana, Potaro River, Tumatumari. Distr. — same. Type ? CU. N. COMB. FLUKEI (Curran, 1936b:10 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Parana. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. N. COMB. FORNAX (Townsend), 1895b:613 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Baja California, El Taste. Distr. — U.S.A. (California, Arizona), Me- xico. Type &« CAS [destroyed]. N. COMB. FRACTUM (Curran), 1926a:58 (Volucella). Type-locality: French Guiana, Cayenne. Distr. — same. Type 2 AMNH*. N. COMB. FRAUDULENTUM (Williston), 1891:48, pl. 1:13 (habitus), 18a (head), 13b (antenna) (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Venta de Zopilote, 2800 ft.; North Yucatan, Temax. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Texas, south to Mexico (Guerrero, Yucatan). Types ¢ ? BM(NH) + AMNH*. N. COMB. FRAUENFELDI (Schiner), 1868:358 (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Chile, Argentina (Tucuman, La Rioja, Mendoza). Type 3o 9 VMNH. Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:170, fig. 35a (head) ; Fluke, 1915b:19 (redescription), fig. 32 (scutellum). N. COMB. FRONTALE (Sack), 1941:107 (1951:103) (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Tayapampa; Querobamba, 3520 m.; Lake Titicaca. Distr. — Peru. Types 0 MD. N. COMB. FULVICORNE (Bigot), 1883b:84 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Panama”. Distr. — same. Types o¢ 2? OXF*. N. COMB. FULVOLUCENS (Walker), 1852:252 (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type «6 BM(NH). N. COMB. fulvolucus Williston, 1887a:28 (Temnocera), misspelling. FULVONOTATUM (Bigot), 1875:476 (Volucella). Type-locality: Urugua”. Montevideo. Distr. — same. Type 2? OXF*. N. COMB. FUMIPENNE (Sack), 1941:104 (1951:108) (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Sivia; Peru; Costa Rica. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? MD & SMF. N. COMB. FUMOSUM (Hull), 1943d:32 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mt. Rorai- ma, 8600 ft. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. FURENS (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:2 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type o UTOR. N. COMB. FUSCIPENNE (Macquart), 1842:84 (24), pl. 4, fig. 2 (habitus) (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Brazil, Argenina (Tucuman). Type ? MNHN. Ref. — Sack, 1921:136 (description), figs. 9 (ar- va), 11b (spiracular horn). N. COMB. GERTSCHI (Curran), 1939b:15 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Chiriqui, El Volcan. Distr. — Guatemala, Panama. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. GIBBERUM (Schiner), 1868:358 (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Distr. — same, Type ? VMNH. Ref. — Curran, 1925b:246 (des- cription ~). N. COMB. GORGON (Hull), 1950¢c:233 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo, 1000 m. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. GRANULATUM (Hull), 1944j:50 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Rio Pichis, Puerto Bermudez. Distr. — same. Type @ CU. N. COMB. GUIANICUM (Hine), 1914:338 (Volucella). Type-locality: Guyana, Bartica. Distr. — same. Type ? OhSU. N. COMB. HAAGII (Jaennicke), 1867:397 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Texas), south to Mexico (Oaxaca). 46.76 Types 2? SMF? Ref. — Williston, 1887b:147 (description), pl. 5, fig. 8 (head). N. COMB. hagii, Williston, 1887b:147, misspelling. setigera Osten Sacken, 1877:334 (Temnocera). Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico, Vermejo River. Type 2? MCZ. HAMBLETONI (Fluke), 1951b:16, figs. 16 (head), 41 (antenna), 57 (male genitalia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Canete. Distr. — Ecuador, Peru. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. HIRTIPES (Macquart), 1850:434 (130), pl. 12, figs. 13 (scutellum), 13a (hind leg) (Volucella). Type-locality: Bolivia, Yungas. Distr. — Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia, Argentina (Misiones). Type ¢ MNHN. N. COMB. HORTICOLE (Hull), 1943d:21 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Amazon. Distr. — same. Type 2 BM(NH). N. COMB. HORVATHI (Szilady), 1926:610, fig. 18 (habitus) (Graptomyza). Type-loca- lity: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Type 2 DEI. N. COMB. HYALINIPENNE (Hull), 1944f:36 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type o Hull. N. COMB. HYALOPTERUM (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Tampico. Distr. — same. Type ? UTOR. N. COMB. HYDROFENESTRA (Hull), 1943n:513 (Volucella). Type-locality: Colombia, Muzo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. HYSTRIX (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Tux- pango. Distr. — same. Type ¢ UTOR. N. COMB. IMITANS (Curran), 1926a:63 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. {MPRESSUM (Hull), 1949f:30 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teut6nia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. INCOMMODUM (Knab), 1916a:93 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Ancon. Distr. — same. Types « ? USNM. N. COMB. INCONSISTENS (Curran), 1939b:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mt. Roraima, 5400 ft. Distr. —- Costa Rica, Brazil. Type 2 AMNH*. N. COMB. INQUISITOR (Hull), 1943d:26 (Volucella). Type-locality: Central America. Distr. — Mexico, Central America. Type 6 BM(NH). N. COMB. INTEGRUM (Walker), 1857:155 (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Valley of Amazon’. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. INTONA (Curran), 1928b:22 (Volucella). Type-locality: Jamaica, Gordon Town. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. ISABELLINA (Williston), 1887b:140 (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., Ari- zona. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Colorado), south to Mexico (Sonora). Type 2? USNM. N. COMB. JOHNSONI (Curran), 1925b:249 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Venezuela, Caura Valley. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. N. COMB. KAHLI (Hull), 1938:122, fig. 5 (abdomen) (Volucella). Type-locality: French Guiana, Mana River. Distr. — same. Type 2 CM. N. COMB. LACTICOERULEUM (Hull), 1944f:35 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Praia Grande do Rio Feio, Penapolis. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. LANEI (Curran), 1936b:11 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Juquia. Distr. — Brazil (SAo Paulo, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. LATEVITTATUM (Curran), 1939b:16 (Volucella). Type-locality: Colombia, between Queremal and Buenaventura. Distr. — Colombia, Peru, Bolivia. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. 46.77 LATUM (Wiedemann), 1830:195 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Oaxaca. Distr. — Mexico. Type ? ZMB. N. COMB. lacta, Bigot, 1883b:76, misspelling. LIMBIPENNE Williston, 1887b:152. Type-locality: Mexico, Isthmus of Te- huantepec. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas), Mexico. Type 2? USNM. Ref. — Williston, 1891:pl. 2:2 (habitus), 2a (head), 2b (antenna). N. COMB. lucasana Townsend, 1895b:615 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Baja California, El Taste. Type 2 CAS [destroyed]. lucana, Townsend, 1895a:44, misspelling. LIRIOPE (Hull), 1949f:28 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. LUCILIA (Hull), 1950a:65 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type o Hull. N. COMB. LUGENS (Wiedemann), 18380:206 (Volucella). Type-locality: ‘Brazil’. Distr. — Guatemala, Brazil. Type 9? VMNH. Ref. — Curran, 1926a:65 (redescription). N. COMB. LUMINA (Hull), 1937a:168, fig. 8 (abdomen) (Volucella). Type-locality: Bolivia, Ramupasa. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. N. COMB. LUNULIFERUM (Hull), 1937a:167 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Iquitos. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. N. COMB. MACQUARTI (Curran), 1926a:60 (Volucella). Type-locality: Honduras, Prieta. Distr. — Mexico, Honduras, Trinidad, Guyana, Brazil, Peru, Bo- livia. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. MACROCEPHALUM (Giglio-Tos), 1892e:45 (Camerania). Type-locality: “Me- xico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona), Mexico. Type s¢ UTOR. N. COMB. MACRORHINUM (Bigot), 1875:474 (Volucella). Type-locailty: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ OXF. N. COMB. MACULA (Wiedemann), 1830:200 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Mexico (Tabasco), Guyana, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Types 3? VMNH. N. COMB. MACULOIDES (Curran), 1939b:1C (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH. N. COMB. MARCELI (Curran), 1939b:7 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. —.same. Type ¢ AMNH. N. COMB. MARGINATUM. (Say), 1830:167 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Colorado), south to Mexico. Type ? Lost. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:151 (description), pl. 7:1 (wing), la (head), 1b (antenna); Curran, 1925a:206, pl. 10:146 (male genitalia). distinctum Giglio-Tos, 1892e:41, fig. 15 (abdomen). Type-locality: Mexico, Tehuacan. Types o« 2 UTOR. fax Townsend, 1895a:42 (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., Colorado, Fort Collins. Type ¢ ?. inops Townsend, 1895a:43 (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., Colo- rado, Fort Collins. Type ? UK. toltec Townsend, 1895a:45 (Volucelia). Type-locality: Mexico, Gua- najuato. Type ¢ ? tolteca, Townsend, 1895d:6, misspelling. estebana Townsend, 1895b:612 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Baja California, San Esteban. Types ¢ 2 CAS [destroyed]). sodomis Townsend, 1895b:616 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Baja California, El Taste. Types ¢ CAS [destroyed]. MEGACEPHALUM (Loew), 1863:305 (1864b:189) (Temnocera). Type-locality: U.S.A., California. Distr. — U.S.A. (California), Mexico. Type ? 46.78 MCZ. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:146 (description). N. COMB. MELLEUM (Jaennicke), 1867:396 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — Mexico (Guanajuato, Distrito Federal). Types ¢ ? SMF. N. COMB. MERETRICIAS (Williston), 1888:272 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada; Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Santa Catarina, Mato Grosso), Argentina (Misiones). Types ¢ ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. METALLIFERUM (Walker), p.p., 1849:636 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico [specimen from Venezuela under dispar Macquart(q.v.)]. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Texas), south to Mexico (Yucatan). Type 2 BM(NH). Ref. — Curran, 1925a:206, pl. 10:143 (male genitalia); Curran, 1953:7 (revision). N. COMB. violaceum Say, 1830:166 (Volucella; preocc. Lepeletier & Serville, 1825). Type-locality: ‘Mexico’. Type(s) ¢& lost. maxzimiliani Jaennicke, 1867:395 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Types 3? SMF. ; METALLORUM (Walker), 1852:252 (Temnocera). Type-locality: Brazil, Para. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. MEXICANUM (Macquart), 1842:85 (25), pl. 5, figs. 3 (habitus), 3a (head) (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Califor- nia to Georgia, south to Mexico (Yucatan). Type ? MNHN%. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:137 (redescription), pl. 6, figs. 5 (wing), 5a (head). N. COMB. nigrum Greene, 1923:165 (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., florida, Miami. Type ¢ USNM*. N. SYN. MINIMUM (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Ori- zaba. Distr. — same. Type ¢ UTOR. N. COMB. MISSIONERA (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892b:183 (1892c:134) (Volucella). Type- locality: Uruguay, Misiones. Distr. — same. Type ? MACN. N. COMB. MOCANUM (Curran), 1936b:11 (Volucella). Type-locality: Guatemala, Moca Guatalén. Distr. — Guatemala, Peru, Venezuela. Type 2 AMNH*. N. COMB. MORPHO (Curran), 1939b:2 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Pernam- buco. Distr. —- same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. Mus (Williston), 1888:274 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. Brazil (Mato Grosso), Peru, Argentina (Tu- cuman). Types ¢ 2 AMNH*. Ref. — Sack, 1921:137, figs. 10 (puparium), lic (spiracular horn). N. COMB. MUSANUM (Curran), 1930d:16 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. MUSCARIUM (Thomson), 1869:493 (Haurotricha). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. Distr. — Colombia, Argentina. Type ? NRS*. N. COMB. argentina Bigot, 1883b:83 (Phalachromyia). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. Type ¢ BM(NH). MUSICANUM (Curran), 1930d:15 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. MUSTOIDES (Curran), 1927¢c:84 (Volucella). Type-locality: Honduras, Prieta. Distr. — same. Type «> AMNH*. N. COMB. NASICUM (Williston), 1891:55, pl. 2:1 (habitus), la (head), 1b (antenna) (Ophromyia). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Acaguizotla. Distr. — Mexico. Types ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1949d:349, fig. 20e, 20g (head). N. COMB. 46.79 NAUTLANUM (Townsend), 1897b:28 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Rio Nautla, San Rafael. Distr. — same. Types ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. NEOSPLENDENS Thompson (nom nov. for splendens Hull). Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina). NOM. NOV. splendens Hull, 1949f:26 (Volucella; preoce. Townsend, 1897). Type- locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Type ¢ Hull. Ref. — Fluke, 1951b:27 (descriptive note). NEOTROPICUM Thompson (nom. nov. for vesiculoswm Fabricius, 1805). Distr. — South America. NOM. NOV. vesiculosum Fabricius, 1805:226 (Syrphus; preoce. Fabricius, 1794). Type-locality: “America meridionali”. Type ? MC. NIGRIFACIES (Bigot), 1875:479 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type «6 BM(NH). N. COMB. NIGRIFRONS (Hine), 1914:340 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Guyana, Bar- tica. Distr. — same. Type ? OhSU. N. COMB. NIGRIPES (Bigot), 1857a:296, pl. 7:9 (head) (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Peru, Chile. Type ¢ OXF*. N. COMB. concolor Philippi, 1865:735 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Chile, Prov. Santiago. Type(s) ? MNHNS. N. SYN. NIGROPODUM (Hull), 1949f:35 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. NIGROVIRIDE (Hull), 1949h:37 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type o& Hull. N. COMB. NITIDIGASTER (Hull), 1937a:165 (Volucella). Type-locality: Argentina, Tu- cuman, Villa Nogués. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. N. COMB. NOTATUM (Bigot), 1875:475 (Volucella). Type-locality: Uruguay, Monte- video. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 OXF*. N. COMB. OBLIQUICORNE (Curran), 1939b:12 (Volucella). Type-locality: Guyana, Tu- matumari. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. OBSCURIPENNE (Lynch Arribadlzaga), 1892b:180 (1892c:130 (Volucella). Type-locality: Argentina, Misiones, Monteagudo. Type ? MACN. N. COMB. OBSCURIUS (Curran), 1939b:5 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teut6nia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argen- tina (Tucuman, La Rioja). Type ¢ AMNH. N. COMB. OESTROIDES (Hull), 1943d:23 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. OMOCHROMA (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:2 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2 UTOR. N. COMB. OPALICOLOR (Hull), 1943d:36 (Volucella). Type-locality: Bolivia, Prov. Sara, Santa Cruz de la Sierra. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. OPECSTOMA (Hull), 1949h:32 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Chiriqui, Volcan, Bambito. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. OPINATOR (Williston), 1891:51, pl. 1:14 (habitus), 14a (head), 14b (an- tenna) (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Atoyac. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). N. COMB. ORNATUM (Williston), 1891:49 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Jalapa. Distr. — same. Types ¢ BM(NH) + AMNH*. N. COMB. hispida Giglio-Tos, 1892c:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Ori- zaba. Type <& UTOR. OSBURNI (Hull), 1942a:92 (Volucella). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — Paraguay, Argentina (Tucuman). Type os MCZ*. N. COMB. 46.80 PACHECOI (Curran), 1939b:13 (Volucella). Type-locality: Guatemala. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. N. COMB. PALLENS (Wiedemann), 1830:204 (Volwcella). Type-locality: ‘“Brazii’. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona to North Carolina), south to Argentina and Brazil. Types 2 VMNH + SMF*. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:147 (redescription), pl. 6:2 (wing); Sack, 1921:137, fig. 11a (spira- cular horn). N. COMB. sexmaculatum Palisot de Beauvois, 1819:224, pl. 3:8 (habitus) (Syr- phus). Type-locality: Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, South- ern U.S.A. Types ? ? N. SYN. [nomen oblitum]. testaceum Rondani, 1848:67 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil. Type MIZUN. sexpunctatum Loew, 1861:38 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Type 2 MCZ. var. QUADRIPUNCTATUM (Doesburg), 1963:17, 30. Type-locality: Surinam, Paramaribo. Distr. — same. Type & Doesburg. PALLIDITHORAX (Hull), 1941g:156, fig. 8 (mesonotum) (Volucella). Type- locality: Honduras, Rosario Mires. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. N. COMB. PALLIDUM (Macquart), 1842:86 (26) (Volucella). Type-locality: “Guyana”. Distr. — same. Type «> MNHN*. N. COMB. PALLISTERI (Curran), 1953:9 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Distrito Federal, Tlalpan. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. PALMYRA (Hull), 1949f:33 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teut6nia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. PANAMENSE (Curran), 1930d:17 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — Panama. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. PANAMENUM (Curran), 1939b:12 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — Panama, Peru. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. PARANA (Hull), 1942h:23 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Parana. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. PARINA (Fluke), 1951b:25, figs. 14 (head), 61 (male genitalia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Chile, Arica, Parinacota. Distr. — same. Type ¢ UCSC. N. COMB. PARVUM (Rondani), 1848:66 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type 2 MIZUN. N. COMB. PECTORALE (Rondani), 1863:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: “America meri- dion.”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 MIZUN. N. COMB. PERLATUM (Hine), 1914:339 (Volucella). Type-locality: Guatemala, Los Amates. Distr. — same. Type « OhSU. N. COMB. PERSIMILE (Williston), 1888:273 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Des- tares (?); Mato Grosso, Chapada; Rio de Janeiro. Distr. —_ same. Types ¢ 2? AMNH*. N. COMB. PERTINAX (Hull), 1950a:67 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. PERUVIANUM (Vimmer & Soukup), 1938:28 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Puno. Distr. — same. Type 3 NMPP*. N. COMB. PICA (Schiner), 1868:355 (Phalocromyia). Type-locality: Colombia. Distr. — Mexico (Veracruz), Colombia, Venezuela. Types ¢ 2 VMNH. N. COMB. pictum Schiner, 1868:pl. 4:6a + b (habitus) (Phalacromyia; preocc. Wiedemann, 1830), incorrect original spelling of pica. PICTOIDES (Hull), 1941e:280 (Volucella). Type-locality: Cuba, Havana. Distr. — same. Type 2? Hull. N. COMB. 46.81 PIcTUM (Wiedemann), 1830:201 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Mexico (Guerrero, Veracruz, Yucatan), Cuba, Panama, Brazil (Mato Grosso, Santa Catarina), Argentina (Tucuman). Types «2 VMNH. Ref. — Curran, 1925a:206, pl. 10:145 (male genitalia); Doesburg, 1966:96, fig. 66 (habitus). N. COMB. PICTURATUM (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892b:184 (1892¢c:135) (Volucella). Type- locality: Argentina, Misiones, Picada de Paggi. Distr. — same. Types ? MACN. N. COMB. PINKUSI (Curran), 1938:1 (Volucella). Type-locality: Trinidad, St. Anne. Distr. — same. Type o AMNH*. N. COMB. PLACIVUM (Hull), 1943d:30 (Volucella). Type-locality: Ecuador, Santa Inez. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. PLAUMANNI (Curran), 1939b:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Ar- gentina (Salta). Type ¢ AMNS*. N. COMB. PLORANS (Rondani), 1848:65 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type &° MIZUN. N. COMB. polorans, Williston, 1886:317, misspelling. POSTICUM (Say), 1830:166 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Colorado), south to Mexico. Type ¢ lost. N. COMB. castanea Bigot, 1875:476 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Oaxaca. Type o OXF*. var. PALLIDIUS (Giglio-Tos), 1892¢c:50 (Volucella). Type-locality: Me- xico, Tehuacan. Type ? UTOR. PRASINUS (Schiner), 1868:354 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: “South Ame- rica”. Distr. — same. Types ¢° 2? VMNH. N. COMB. PRESCUTELLARE (Williston), 1888:273 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso), Argentina (Misiones). Types ¢ 2 AMNH*. N. COMB. PROCTERI (Curran), 1939b:9 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type 2 AMNH*. N. COMB. PUBESCENS (Loew), 1861:38 (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Type 2 MCZ? Ref. — Williston, 1887b:148 (redescription). N. COMB. PULCHRAPUELLA (Hull), 1943d:33 (Volucella). Type-locality: Jamaica, Kingston. Distr. — same. Type ¢°-BM(NH). N. COMB. PULCHRIPES (Bigot), 1875:480 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type o OXF*. N. COMB. PULCHRUM (Williston), 1891:41 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Costa Rica, Rio Sucio. Distr. — same. Type ¢ 2 BM(NH). N. COMB. PUNCTIFERUM (Bigot), 1875:475 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Amazonia”. Distr. — Colombia. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. PUNCTIGENA (Hull), 1937a:165, fig. 6 (abdomen) (Volwcella). Type-loca- lity: Guatemala, Siquinola. Distr. — same. Type 2? USNM. N. COMB. PURPURASCENS (Loew), 1869:31 (1872b:145) (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Haiti”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ (lost). Ref. — Williston, 1887b:148 (redescription). N. COMB. watsoni Curran, 1930f:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Haiti, Port-au- Prince. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. PURPUREUM (Walker), 1849:637 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Para. Distr. — same. Type 3° BM(NH). Ref. — Sack, 1921:137 (des- cription), fig. 11d (spiracular horn), 15 (larva). N. COMB. PURPURIFERUM (Bigot), 1875:477 (Volucelia). Type-locality: BHESSISO) Oaxaca, Distr. — same. Type ¢ OXF*. N. COMB. 46.82 PUSILLUM (Macquart), 1842:81 (21), pl. 5, figs. 1 (habitus), la (head) (Volucella). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas to Florida); Cuba. Type @? [Lille?]. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:144 (redescription), pl. 6:3 (wing), 3a (head). N. COMB. QUADRATUM (Williston), 1891:46, pl. 1:12 (habitus), 12a (head), 12b (an- tenna) (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Chilpancingo. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona), Mexico (Guerrero). Type 2 BM(NH). N. COMB. RAFAELANUM (Townsend), 1897b:28 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Rio Nautla, San Rafael. Distr. — same. Type ? BM (NH). N. COMB. RECTUM (Wulp), 1882:125 (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Argentina”. Distr. — Argentina (Tucumdan, Salta). Types 3 ? lost?. Ref. — Fluke, 1951b:7 (description), figs. 1 (head), 49 (male genitalia). N. COMB. RHEA (Hull), 1950c:232 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Matucana. Distr. —-.same. Type o Hull. N. COMB. ROBUSTUM (Sack), 1941:109 (1951:105) (Temnocera). Type-locality: Peru, Ocana, 2600 m. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2? HZM. N. COMB. RORAIMA (Curran), 1939b:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mt. Rorai- ma, 6900 ft. Distr. — same. Type > AMNH*. N. COMB. ROSA (Curran), 1939b:7 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Middle Rio Ucayali. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. ROSPIGLIOSII (Bréthes), 1920:31 [also 1937:ii] (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo region. Type ? MACN. N. COMB. RUFITARSE Thompson (nom. nov. for tibiale Shannon). Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argentina (Misiones). NOM. NOV. tibiale Shannon, 1929:575 (Volucella; preocc. Macquart, 1846). Type- locality: Argentina, Misiones. Type 2 MACN. RUFOSCUTELLARE (Philippi), 1865:735 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Chile, prov. Santiago. Distr. — Chile (Aconcagua, Santiago). Type % MNHNS. N. COMB. ; RURALE (Curran), 1939b:2 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. SALTI Dobroscky, in Curran, 1930d:3. Type-locality: Colombia, Santa Maria. Distr. — same. Type o AMNH*. SAPHIRINUM (Bigot), 1883b:85 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Chile (Valparaiso — Curic6). Types ¢ ? BM(NH). N. COMB. sapphirina, Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:168, emend. SAPPHO (Hull), 1949h:34 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Summit. Distr. — Panama. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. SCHWARZI Curran, 1935:4. Type-locality: “Venezuela, Curacao”. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. SCINTILANS (Hull), 1949f£:39 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. SCUTELLATUM (Macquart), 1842:85 (25), pl. 6, figs. 2 (habitus), 2a (head), 2b (scutellum) (Volucella). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso), Peru (Lima), Chile (Tarapaca — Santiago). Type 2? MNHN*. Ref. — Fluke, 1951b:4 (redescription), figs. 18 (wing tip), 21 (scutellum), 36 (antenna), 47 (male genitalia). N. COMB. andicolum Bigot, 1884a:548 (Temnocera). Type-locality: ‘Chile’. Type ¢ BM(NH). SELECTUM (Curran), 1939b:15 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. 46.83 SEPIA (Hull), 19438d:25 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Central America’. Distr. — same. Type 6 BM(NH). N. COMB. SHANNONI Thompson (nom. nov. for salti Curran). Distr. — Colombia. NOM. NOV. salti Curran, 1930d:12 (Voluwcella; preoce. Dobroscky, 1930). Type- : locality: Colombia, Rio Frio, Magdalena. Type ¢ AMNH*. sicA (Curran), 1953:9 (Volucella). Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Banos. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. SIMILE (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:2. Type-locality: Mexico, Tehuacan & Meztillan. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona, New Mexico), Mexico. Types & 2? UTOR*. parvum Giglio-Tos, 1892c2 (preoce. Rondani, 1848). Type-locality: Mexico, Tehuacan. Types ¢ 2 UTOR [not found — JRV]. SMITHAE (Thompson), 1965:61 (Lepidosis). Type-locality: Argentina, La Rioja, Mascasin. Distr. — Argentina (La Rioja). Type ¢ Thomp- son*. N. COMB. soror (Bigot), 1883b:83 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. Distr. — same. Type 2? (BM(NH). N. COMB. SOUKUPII (Vimmer & Soukup), 1938:29 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Puno. Distr. — same. Type «3 NMPP*. N. COMB. SPECTRALE (Hull), 1942h:21 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. SPINIGERUM (Wiedemann), 1830:197 (Volucella). Type-locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. Distr. — Uruguay, Argentina (Tucuman, Buenos Aires, Santa Fé, Salta, Chaco, Formosa, Cérdoba). Types ¢& ? VMNH & AMNH*. Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:170, fig. 35b (head); Fluke, 1951b:18 (redescription), figs. 11 (head), 20 (wing tip), 31 (scutellum), 42 (antenna), 58 (male genitalia). N. COMB. fulvicorne Bigot, 1884a:547 (Temnocera?; preoce. Bigot, 1883). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. Types ¢ 2? BM(NH). SPINITHORAX (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892b:190 (1892c:141) (Temnocera). y Type-locality: Argentina, Chaco, Colonia Azara. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina, Parana), Paraguay, Argentina. Type 2 MACN. Ref. — Fluke, 1951b:20 (redescription), figs. 33 (scutellum), 59 (male genitalia). N. COMB. var. NOVUM (Fluke), 1951b:22 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, San- ta Catarina, Nova Teutoénia. Type ? AMNH. SPLENDENS (Townsend), 1897b:29 (Volucella; as var. of opalina). Type- locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Rio Nautla, San Rafael. Distr. — same. Types 2? BM(NH). N. COMB. var. TOWNSENDI (Goot), 1964:214 (nom. nov. for opalina Townsend). Distr. — Mexico (Vera Cruz). opalina Townsend, 1897b:29 (Volucella; preoce. Wiedemann, 1830). Type-locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Rio Nautla, San Rafael. Types oe BM(NB). SQUAMIGERUM (Curran), 1925c¢:348 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Rio Pichis, Puerto Bermudez. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CU. N. COMB. STERNALE (Curran), 1930d:20 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Baja California Sur, San José del Cabo. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona), Mexico (Baja California Sur). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. STIGMATUM (Hull), 1949f:37 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. SUBCOERULEUM (Rondani), 1863:3 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: “America meridionalis”. Distr. — same. Type « MIZUN. N. COMB. SUBLATUM (Fluke), 1950b:451, figs. 17 (head), 18 (male genitalia) (Volu- 46 . 84 cella). Type-locality: Chile, Arica, Putre, 3650 m. Distr. — Ar- gentina (Jujuy), Chile (Tarapaca). Type ¢ UCSC. N. COMB. SUBMETALLICUM (Rondani), 1848;67 (Phalacromya). Type-locality: “Bra- zil”. Distr. — same. Type ? MIZUN. N. COMB. SUBRCSTRATUM (Rondani), 1848:68 (Phalacromya). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Brazil, Mexico? Type ¢ MIZUN. N. COMB. ?triste Bigot, 1875:482 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ? OXF*. ?melanorhina Bigot, 1883b:86 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: ‘“Mexi- co”. Type 2 BM(NH). SULTzI (Curran), 1939b:7 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Alto da Serra (=Paranapiacaba). Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. TAMAULIPANUM (Townsend), 1898b:51 (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., Texas, near Brownsville. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas, Louisana), south to Mexico (Yucatan); Hawaii [immigrant]. Types ¢ ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. timberlakei Curran, 1926a:63 (Volucella). Type-locality: U.S.A., Texas. Type ¢ CNC*. -femina Curran, 1930f:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Yucatan, Chichén Itza. Type 2 AMNH*. TATEI (Curran), 1930d:21 (Volucella). Type-locality: Venezuela, Mt. Duida. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. TAU (Bigot), 1883b:84 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Oregon to Colorado), south to Mexico. Type ? BM(NH). Ref. — Williston, 1887b:143 (redescription), pl. 6:13 (antenna). N. COMB. TEFFERA (Curran), 1939b:9 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. N. COMB. TIBIALE (Macquart), 1846:251 (123) (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Yucatan, Merida. Distr. — same. Type 2? MNHN? [not found — JRV]. N. COMB. TRICINCTUM (Bigot), 1875:477 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Oaxaca. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas), Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Brazil, Argentina (Tucuman, Salta, Misiones); Hawaii [immigrant]. Type 2? OXF*. N. COMB. hoya Curran, 1947b:1 (Volucella). Type-locality: Hawaii, Oahu, Hono- lulu. Type ¢@ AMNH*. TRIFASCIUM (Walker), 1857:154 (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Valley of Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. TRIGONUM (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:3 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Ori- zaba. Distr. — same. Types ¢ UTOR. N. COMB. TRIPUNCTATUM (Hull), 1949f:31 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. N. COMB. TRITUBERCULATUM Thompson (nom, nov. for scutellatwm Williston). Distr. — Brazil, Argentina (Misiones). NOM. NOV. scutellatwm Williston, 1888:277 (Apophysophora; preoce. Macquart, 1842). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Types o ? AMNH*. TUMICEPHALUM (Hull), 1943d:35 (Volucella). Type-locality: ‘Peru’. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. TYMPANITIS (Fabricius), 1805:226 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “America meridionali”. Distr. — Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Panama, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil. Types ¢ ? MC*. N. COMB. ardua Wiedemann, 1830:204 (Volucella). Type-locality: Surinam. Types 2? ZMB & VMNH. 46.85 ULRICA (Hull), 1950a:68 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. UNICOLOR (Curran), 1925¢:347 (Volucella). Type-locality: Venezuela, C. Bolivar. Distr. — same. Type ¢@ MCZ. N. COMB. UNILECTUM (Walker), 1860:292 (Temnocera). Type-locality: ‘Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. UNIPUNTATUM (Curran), 1926a:63 (Volucella). Type-locality: West Indies, Desecheot| Island. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas? [Wirth et al., 1965: 602]); Puerto Rico. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. vVACUM (Fabricius), 1775:763 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “America”. Distr. — Jamaica. Type ? ?. Ref. — Townsend, 1895a:46 (redescription). N. COMB. VAGOIDES (Curran), 1927¢c:86 (Volucella). Type-locality: Costa Rica, San José. Distr. — Guatemala, Costa Rica. Type ? UK [Byers, et al., 1962]. N. COMB. VAGUM (Wiedemann), 1830:205 (Volucella). Type-locality: ‘Brazil’. Distr. — Mexico, Guyana, Peru, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Types 6 VMNH & SMF*,. N. COMB. viridula Bigot, 1875:481 (Volucella; preocec. Walker, 1860). Type- lgcality: “Mexico”. Type ? OXF*. musta Williston, 1888:274 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato _ Grosso, Chapada. Types *° AMNH*. VALERIA (Hull), 1944j:48 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, El Campamiento. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CU. N. COMB. VAMPYRUM (Hull), 1942g:96 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Parana, Paranagua. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. N. COMB. VARIANS (Bigot), 1875:481 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2? OXF*. N. COMB. VARICHAETUM (Curran), 1925b:250 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Peru, Rio Pichis, Puerto Bermtdez. Distr. — same. Type oc CU. N. COMB. VARIEGATUM (Bigot), 1875:478 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — Mexico, Guatemala. Types 3 2? OXF*. N. COMB. comastes Williston, 1891:52 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Ori- zaba. Types 2? BM(NH). VENTANA (Fluke), 1951b:9, figs. 4 (head), 23 (scutellum), 37 (antenna), 50 (male genitalia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Tornquist, Cerro de la Ventana. Distr. — same. Type ¢ IML. N. COMB. VERA (Hull), 1942g:95 (Volucella). Type-locality: Honduras, Lancetilla. Distr. — same. Type @ MCZ*. N. COMB. VERDIGASTER (Hull), 1943k:41 (Volucella). Type-locality: Colombia, Bo- gota. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. N. COMB. VICINUM (Bigot), 1883b:86 (Phalachromyia). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type °° BM(NH). N. COMB. VIERECKI (Curran), 1925b:250 (Volucella). Type-locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. Distr. — same. Type 2 AMNH*. N. COMB. VILLARICA (Fluke), 1851b:23, figs. 12 (head), 62 (male genitalia) (Volu- cella). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo), Paraguay. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. VIOLA (Hull), 1944k:514 (Volucella). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Brazil (SAo Paulo). Type 2 Hull. N. COMB. VIRESCENS (Williston), 1891:42 (Phalacromyia). Type-locality: Guatemala, El Tumbador, 2500 ft. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. VIRIDANA (Townsend), 1897b:30 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera- 46.86 eruz, Rio Nautla, San Rafael. Distr. — same. Type « BM(NH). N. COMB. VIRIDE (Williston), 1888:275 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Peru, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Types ¢ ? AMNH*. N. COMB. VIRIDIGASTER (Hull), 1943k:41 (Volucella). Type-locolity: Ecuador. Distr. — © same. Type « USNM. N. COMB. VIRIDULA (Walker), 1860:292 (Temnocera). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type «6 BM(NH). N. COMB. VIRTUOSA (Hull), 1942¢:95 (Volucella). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villa- rica. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. N. COMB. VITREA (Hull), 1949h:36 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. VITRIPENNE (Curran), 1930d:9, 1934b:387 (Volucella). Type-locality: Guya- na, Kartabo. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. VITTATUM Thompson (nom. nov. for americanum Goot). Distr. — Canada (Alberta), east to U.S.A. (New York); south to Mexico. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:145 (redescription), pl. 6:4 (wing); Curran, 1925a:206, pl. 10:140 (male genitalia). NOM. NOV. fasciatum Macquart, 1842:82 (22), pl. 5, fig. 2 (habitus) (Volucella; preoce. Herrich-Schaeffer, 1829). Type-locality: U.S.A., “Caro- lina”. Type ? MNHN*. americanum Goot, 1964:214 (Volucella; nom. nov. for fasciatwm Mac- quart, but preocce. Johnson, 1916). VITTIFACIUM (Hull), 1943d:18 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Amazon. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). N. COMB. VOLUCELLOIDES (Bigot), 1884a:548 (Glaurotricha). Type-locality: ‘Mexico’. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. VOLUCRE (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:4 (Volucella). Type-locality: Mexico, Orizaba. Distr. — Mexico (San Luis Potosi, Veracruz). Type s UTOR. N. COMB. VULCAN (Hull), 1942¢:93 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Joinville. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ. N. COMB. VULTA (Fluke), 1951b:6 figs. 17 (head), 22 (scutellum), 39 (antenna), 53 (male genitalia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Argentina, Salta, Cafayate. Distr. — Peru (Lima), Argentina (Tucuman, Salta). Type ¢ IML. N. COMB. WILLINKI (Fluke), 1951b:10, figs. 2 (head), 24 (scutellum), 54 (male gentialia) (Volucella). Type-locality: Argentina, Tucuman, Siam- bén. Distr. — Argentina (Tucuman, Buenos Aires). Type ¢ IML. N. COMB. WULPI (Goot), 1964:214 (Volucella; nom. nov. for testacewm Wulp). Distr. — Venezuela. N. COMB. testaceum Wulp, 1891:203 (Volucella; preoce. Rondani, 1848). Type- locality: “Venezuela, Curacao”. Types ¢ 2 ML? [not found — JRV]. XIPE (Hull), 1942¢:97 (Volucella). Type-locality: Panama, Chilibre. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. yuRA (Curran), 1930d:22 (Volucella). Type-locality: Peru, Yura. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. ZEPHYRA (Curran), 1939b:5 (Volucella). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. 46.87 Tribe CALLICERINI Genus CALLICERA Panzer CALLICERA Panzer, 1809:17. Type-species, Bibio aenea Fabricius (mon.). Ref. — Curran, 1935 (key). POULTONI Verrall, 1913:332. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). Genus NoTIOCHEILOSIA Thompson NOTIOCHEILOSIA Thompson, 1972:112. Type-species, Chilosia nitescens . Shannon & Aubertin (orig. des.). NITESCENS (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933:143 (Chilosia). Type-locality: Chile, Ensenada. Distr. — Chile (Santiago-Malleco), Argentina (Patagonia). Type 3 USNM*. Tribe SERYCOMYIINI Genus ARCTOPHILA Schiner ARCTOPHILA Schiner, 1860:215. Type-species, Syrphus bombiformis Fallén (Williston, 1887:158). Tapetomyia Fluke, 1939:370. Type-species, meyeri Fluke (orig. des.). N. SYN. MEYERI (Fluke), 1939:370, figs. 8 (head), 9 (wing tip), 10 (hind leg) (Tapetomyia). Type-locality: Mexico, Mexico City, 10,000 ft. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. Tribe CHRYSOGASTERINI Genus LEPIDOMYIA Loew LEPIDOMYIA Loew, 1864a:69 (1864b:231). Type-species, calopus Loew (mon.). Lepidostola Mik, 1886:278 (unjustified nom. nov. for Lepidomyia Loew). Lepromyia Williston, 1887:31 (unjustified nom. nov. for Lepidomyia Loew). Ref. — Hull, 1946b (rev., key). ABDOMINALLIS (Williston), 1888:262 (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil. Type ? AMNH*. BRETHESI (Shannon), 1928a:573 (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Bolivia, “Prov. Sara”. Distr. — Bolivia (El Beni). Type ¢« MACN. CALCPUS Loew, 1864a:69 (1864b:231). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Type ° MCZ [lost]*. Ref. — Hull, 1946b:9 (redescription), figs. 2 & 11 (head), 18 (wing), 27 (mesonotum), 37 (abdomen). COLOMBIA (Curran), 1929:495 (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Colombia, Rio Frio, Magdalena. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH. CREPUSCUSTELLATA (Hull) 1946b:4, figs. 3 (head), 16 (wing), 19 (meso- notum), 28 (abdomen) (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, San- ta Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type «5 AMNH*. DIONYSIANA (d’Andretta & Carrera), 1952:300, figs. 4 & 5 (middle & hind legs), 6 (wing), 7 (mesonotum), 8 (abdomen) (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, Acre. Distr. — same. Type 2 MZUSP*. JENNINGSI (Shannon), 1925a:108 (Lepidostola). Type-locality:. Panama, Canal Zone. Distr. — Panama, Brazil (Santa Catarina. Type ¢ 46.88 USNM*. Ref. — Hull, 1946b:12 (redescription), figs. 6, 10 (head), 21 (mesonotum), 35 (abdomen). ORTALINA Wulp, 1888:374. Type-locality: Argentina, Cordoba. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso), Argentina (Tucuman, Cordoba, Buenos Aires). Type ? lost?. Ref. — Hull, 1946b:8 (redescription), figs. 7 (head), 14 (wing), 25 (mesonotum), 30 (abdomen). var. LACTIVA (Hull), 1946b:9 (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Type ? AMNH*. PERPOLITA (Johnson), 1921:56 (Lepidostola). Type-locality: ‘Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type & MCZ. PULCHRA (Williston), 1888:261 (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso, Acre). Types o ? AMNH. SIMILIS (Williston), 1888:262 (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Peru (Madre de Dios), Brazil (Mato Grosso, Santa Catarina, SAo Paulo). Type 2? AMNH. Ref; — Hull, 1946b:5 (description of male), figs. 1 (head), 15 (wing), 26 (me- sonotum), 29 (abdomen). STELLATA (Hull), 1941a:1 (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1946b: 12, figs. 8 (head), 13 (wing), 24 (mesonotum), 33 (abdomen). TRILINEATA (Hull), 1941a:2 (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Poxoréu, Coronel Ponce. Distr. — Peru (Madre de Dios), Brazil (Mato Grosso). Type ¢@ AMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1946b:12, figs. 5 & 9 (head), 27 (mesonotum), 36 (abdomen). VULTURELLA (Hull), 1946b:7, figs. 4 (head), 17 (wing), 23 (mesonotum), 34 (abdomen) (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Argen- tina (Tucuman). Type ¢ AMNH. Genus Myo.tepta Newman MYOLEPTA Newman, 1838:373. Type-species, Musca luteola Gmelin (mon.). Myiolepta, emendation. Xylotaeja Rondani, 1845:457. Type-species, Syrphus vara Panzer (orig. des.). Eumyiolepta Shannon, 1921:71. Type-species, Myolepta strigilata Loew (orig. des.). Sarolepta Hull, 1941i1:436. Type-species, dolorosa Hull (orig. des.). Ref. — Fluke & Weems, 1956 (rev., keys). Subgenus MyoLtepTta Newman AURICAUDATA Williston, 1891:40, pl. 1:11 (habitus), 11a (head), 11b (hind leg). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Xucumanatlan; Morelos, Cuernavaca. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona); Mexico (Guerrero, Mo- relos). Type ¢ ? BM(NH). Ref. — Fluke & Weems, 1956:11 (redescription), figs. 6 (mesonotum), 15 (antenna). DOLOROSA (Hull), 19411:436 (Sarolepta). Type-locality: “Venezuela”. Distr. — same. Type ? VMNH. GREENI Hull, 1941i:435. Type-locality: Argentina, Tucumdan, Villa Nougés. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. Ref. — Fluke & Weems, 1956:10 (redescription), figs. 12 (antenna), 29 (male genitalia). schreiteri Blanchard, in Fluke & Weems, 1956:11. Nomen nudwm. 46.89 HAEMORRHOIDALIS (Philippi), 1865:740 (Priomerus?). Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — Chile, Argentina (Neuquén). Type ? MNHNS. Ref. — Fluke & Weems, 1956:8 (redescription), fig. 9 (antenna). LuCTUOSA (Bigot), 1857a:296, pl. 7:7 (wing, head, antenna) (Helophilus). Type-locality: ‘Chile’. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Fluke & Weems, 1956:7 (description), fig. 13 (antenna). luctuosa Philippi, 1865:739 (Priomerus?; preocc. Bigot, 1857). Type- locality: Chile. Type ? MNHNS. NAUSICAA (Hull), 1937a:172, fig. 3 (mesonotum) (Nausigaster). Type- locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. Distr. — Uruguay, Argentina (For- mosa), Chile (Santiago). Type 2? USNM*. N. COMB. apicalis Fluke, in Fluke & Weems, 1956:9, figs. 3 (head), 5 (thorax — & abdomen), 10 (antenna), 27 (male genitalia). Type-locality: Argentina, Formosa, Juarez, Ingenio. Type ¢ IML. N. SYN. Subgenus PROTOLEPIDOSTOLA Hull PROTOLEPIDOSTOLA Hull, 1949d:333 (as genus). Type-species, Lepidostola scintillans Hull (orig. des.) BRAZILIANA (Shannon), 1927a:14 (Humyiolepta). Type-locality: Brazil, Te- res6polis. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). ?CIRCULARIS (Hull), 19411:434 (Humyiolepta). Type-locality: Argentina, Tucuman, Villa Nougés. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. Ref. — Fluke & Weems, 1956:12 (description), figs. 11 (antenna), 30 (male genitalia). EVANSI Thompson, 1968:276. Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, 16 km east of Chilpancingo, 4700 ft. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. MINUTA Fluke, in Fluke & Weems, 1956:16, figs. 17 (wing tip), 32 (male genitalia). Type-locality: Argentina, Tucuman, Tafi, Locavera. Distr. — same. Type ¢ IML. PROBLEMATICA Thompson, 1968:275, figs. 2, 2a & 2b (head). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado. Distr. — same. Type ? MCZ*. SCINTILLANS (Hull), 1946b:3, figs. 12 (head), 20 (mesonotum), 31 (abdo- men) (Lepidostola). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Genus CHROMOCHEILOSIA Hull & Fluke Cheilosia, subg. CHROMOCHEILOSIA Hull & Fluke, 1950:306. Type-species, Chilosia bicolor Shannon & Aubertin (orig. des.). Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:141 (key). BICOLOR (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933:141, fig. 27a (head) (Chilosia). Type-locality: Chile, Casa Pangue. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). INCERTA (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933:142, fig. 27b (head) (Chilosia). Type-locality: Chile, Casa Pangue. Distr. — Chile. Type ? USNM*. PUBESCENS (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933:142 (Chilosia). Type-locality: Chile, Casa Pangue. Distr. — Chile, Argentina (Neuquén). Type ¢ BM(NH). Genus ORTHONEVRA Macquart ORTHONEVRA Macquart, 1829:188 (40). Type-species, Chrysogaster elegans Meigen (mon.). Orthoneura, emendation. 46.90 Cryptineura Bigot, 1859:308. Type-species, hieroglyphica Bigot (mon.) = nitida Wiedemann. Chrysogaster authors (part). Ref. — Sedman, 1964 & 1966 (rev., keys). ?ANNULIFERA Bigot, 1884a:556. Type-locality: ‘Brazil’. Distr... — same. Type 2 OXF. ARGENTINA (Bréthes), 1922:141 (Chrysogaster). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires, Sierra de la Ventana. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MACN. N. COMB. BELLULA (Williston), 1882:304 (Chrysogaster). Type-locality: U.S.A., Washington Territory, California. Distr. — Western U.S.A.; ?Mexico (Durango, Michoacan) [Williston, 1891:7]. Types ¢ 2 USNM*. Ref. — Sedman, 1964:170 (description), figs. 4 (eye markings), 11 (mesonotum), 16 (wing). N. COMB. FLUKEI (Sedman), 1964:173, figs. 3 (male genitalia), 8 (eye markings), 10 (mesonotum), 12 (wing) (Chysogaster). Type-locality: U.S.A., Arizona, Chochise Co., 17 mi. east of Douglas. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Nevada), south to Mexico (Baja California & Chia- pas). Type ¢ UCD*. N. COMB. GEWGAW (Hull), 1941g:152, fig. 11 (wing) (Chrysogaster). Type-locality: Cuba, Soledad, Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ*. N. COMB. LABYRINTHOPS (Hull), 1944j:44 (Chrysogaster). Type-locality: Argentina, Mendoza, Potrerillos, 4000 ft. Type ¢ CU. N. COMB. ?LUGUBRIS (Jaennicke), 1867:404 (Chrysogaster). Type-locality: Chile. Distr. — same. Type 2? SMF. N. COMB. NEOTROPICA (Shannon), 1925a:107 (Chrysogaster). Type-locality: Paraguay, San Bernardino. Distr. — same. Type 2? USNM. N. COMB. nitida (Wiedemann) not neotropical [Sedman, 1964:176]. QUADRISTRIATA (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933:140 (Chrysogaster). Type-loca- lity: Argentina, Neuquén). Type ¢ USNM. N. COMB. SHANNONI (Curran), 1925a:119 (Chrysogaster). Type-locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Huigito. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. N. COMB. Genus CacocerRIA Hull Cacomyia Hull, 1930:147 (preocc. Coquillett, 1906). Type-species, cressoni Hull (orig. des.). CACOCERIA Hull, 1936a:227 (nom. nov. for cacomyia Hull). CRESSONI (Hull), 1030:147, pl. 9:1 (mesonotum), 3 (hind leg), 4 (head) (Cacomyia). Type-locality: ‘“Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ? ANSP. WILLISTONI Hull, 1949i:225. Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — Peru, Argentina (Tucuman). Type ¢ Hull. Genus CHAMAESPHEGINA Shannon & Aubertin CHAMAESPHEGINA Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:145. Type-species, argenti- facies Shannon & Aubertin (orig. des.) Desmetrum Enderlein, 1938:193. Type-species, macrwm Enderlein (orig. des.). ARGENTIFACIES Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:145, figs. 28 (head), 29 (wing). Type-locality: Argentina, Ensenada. Distr. — Argentina, Chile (Arauco, Aysén, Curicé, Malleco). Type ? BM(NH). MACRA (Enderlein), 1938:194 (Desmetrum). Type-locality: Middle Chile, “Comudes”. Distr. — same. Type o& ZMB. 46.91 Genus BracHYoPpa Meigen BRACYOPA Meigen, 1822:260. Type-species, Musca conica Panzer (West- wood, 1840:137) = wpanzeri Goffe. Unnamed sp. — Mexico (Mexico). Tribe EUMERINI Genus EUMERUS Meigen EUMERUS Meigen, 1822:202. Type-species, Syrphu3 tricolor Fabricius (Cur- tis, 1839:pl. 749). Ref. — Latta & Cole, 1933 (rev., key). TUBERCULATUS Rondani, 1857:93. Type-locality: “Italy”. Distr. — Europe, Canada, U.S.A.; Colombia (Magdalena). Types ¢° 2? MZUF*. Ref. — Collin, 1920:103 (redescription), figs. 1 (4th sternum of male), 3 (hind leg), 4-6 (male genitalia). Genus ALIPUMILIO Shannon ALIPUMILIO Shannon, 1927a:12. Type-species, femoratus Shannon (orig. des.). Ref. — Vockeroth, 1964 (key). AVISPAS Vockeroth, 1964:924, fig. 3 (wing tip). Type-locality: Peru, Madre de Dios, Avispas, 400 m. Distr. — same. Type 2 CNC*. FEMORATUS Shannon, 1927a:12, figs. 1 (wing), 2 (head), 3 (head). Type- locality: “Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH)*. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:336, figs. 16a (habitus), 16b (hind leg), 16c,d (head). NIGROCOERULEUS Vockeroth, 1964:924, fig. 2 (wing tip). Type-locality: Me- xico, Morelos, Yautepec, Canyon de Lobos, - 4000 ft. Distr. — same. Type 2? CU*. PULLATUS Vockeroth, 1964:923, figs. 1 (wing tip), 4 (head). Type-locality: Peru, Madre de Dios, Avispas, 400 m. Distr. — same. Type ? CNC*. Genus NAUSIGASTER Williston NAUSIGASTER Williston, 1883:33. Type-species, punctulata Williston (mon.). Ref. — Curran, 1941 (key); Carrera, Lopes, & Lane, 1947b (biol., immature stages). BONARIENSIS Lynch Arribdlzaga, 1892d:254 (1892c:155). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. Distr. — Argentina, Brazil (north to Mato Grosso & Rio de Janeiro). Type 2? MACN. shannoni Carrera, Lopes & Lane, 1947b:481, figs. 28 (wing), 29-38 (male genitalia + abdomen), 39-49 (larva). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Type ¢ IOC. N. SYN. CHRYSIDIFORMIS Shannon, 1922b:39. Type-locality: Peru, Rio Charape. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. FLUKEI Curran, 1941:256. Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Parana), Paraguay. Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Carrera, et. al., 1947b:478 (description of male), figs. 20 (wing), 21-26 (male genitalia). GEMINATA Townsend, 1897d:25. Type-locality: U.S.A., Texas, Beeville & Kenedy. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas, Arizona), Mexico (Sonora, Durango, Hidalgo). Types ¢ ? BM(NH)* & VMNH*. MERIDIONALIS Townsend, 1897a:20. Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, San Rafael. Distr. — Mexico (Vera Cruz), ?Brazil (Curran, 1941: 255). Type ? BM(NH)*®. PERUVIENSIS Shannon, 1922a:40. Type-locality: Peru, Santa Eulalia. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM. 46 .92 PUNCTATA Williston, 1883:34, pl. 2, fig. 15 (habitus). Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Texas); Mexico (Durango), ?Brazil (Williston, 1888:259). Type ? USNM. TUBERCULATA Carrera, Lopes & Lane, 1947b:480, fig. 27 (wing). Type- locality: Brazil, Parana, Iguacu. Distr. — Brazil (Parana, Santa Catarina). Type ? IOC. UNIMACULATA ‘Townsend, 1897b:24. Type-locality: U.S.A., California. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Texas); Mexico (Sonora). Types ¢ BM(NH) & USNM. VANZOLINII d’Andretta & Carrera, 1952:298, figs. 2 (wing), 3 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Acre. Distr. — same. Type 2? MZUSP™*. Tribe CERIOIDINI Genus SPHIXIMORPHA Rondani SPHIXIMORPHA Rondani, 1850c:212. Type-species, Ceria swbsessilis Illiger (orig. des.) Sphyximorpha, emendation Cerioides Rondani, 1850c:211 (originally cited in synonymy; validated by Becker, et al., 1907:156). Type-species, Ceria subsessilis Illiger (aut.) Ceriodes, misspelling. Cerioides, subg. Polistoceria Hull, 1949d:380. Type-species, kerteszi Shan- non (orig. des.). Ref. — Curran, 1941 (key). BARBIPES (Loew), 1853:19 (Ceria). Type-locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso, Santa Catarina), Uruguay, Argentina. Type ¢ ZMB. N. COMB. acra Curran, 1941:246 (Cerioides), Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Cata- rina, Nova Teutonia. Type «0 AMNH*. N. SYN. BIGOTII (Williston), 1888:291 (Ceria). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (S80 Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso). Types ¢ ? AMNH*. N. COMB. BOLIVIANA (Kertész), 1903:434 (Ceria). Type-locality: Bolivia, Songo. Distr. — same. Type ? UNMB [destroyed]. N. COMB. BRAUERII (Williston), 1888:289 (Ceria). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada; Para, Santarém. Distr. — Peru, Brazil (Para, Mato Grosso), Bolivia. Types ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:267, fig. 4d (abdomen). N. COMB. var. PHILIPPI (Shannon), 1925c:63 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Bolivia, Ivon, Beni. Type 2? USNM. FACIALIS (Kertész), 1903:439 (Ceria). Type-locality: “Paraguay”. Distr. — Brazil (Paranda, Santa Catarina), Paraguay. Type ¢ UNMB [des- troyed]. N. COMB. FLAVOSIGNATA (Kertész), 1902:89 (Ceria). Type-locality: Bolivia, Songo; Peru, Maracapota, 1000 m. Distr. — same. Types « UNMB [destroyed]. N. COMB. KERTESZI (Shannon), 1925c:63 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Peru, Chancha- mayo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. N. COMB. MEADEL (Williston), 1892:76, pl. 2:12 (habitus), 12a+b (head) (Ceria). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Xucumanatlan, 7000 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. MIKII (Williston), 1888:288 (Ceria). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Types ? AMNH*. N. COMB. 46.93 NIGRIPENNIS (Williston), 1887:263 (Ceria). Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — same. Type @ MCZ*. N. COMB. PICTA (Kertész), 1902:87 (Ceria). Type-locality: Bolivia, Songo; Peru, Callanga. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? UNMB [destroyed] N. COMB. POLISTES (Curran), 1941:246 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina), Para- guay. Type ~« AMNH*. N. COMB. ?POLISTIFORMIS (Hull), 1944i1:404 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Bolivia, Cuesta de Sillunticara, 3000 m. Distr. — same. Type 2? VMNH. N. COMB. PYRRHOCERA (Kertész), 1903:435 (Ceria). Type-locality: Bolivia, S. Antonio. Distr. — same. Type ? UNMB [destroyed]. N. COMB. ROEDERII (Williston), 1888:289 (Ceria). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Peru, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. : ?RUBROBRUNNEA (Hull), 19441:403 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Colombia, Muzo. Distr. — same. Type 2? VMNH. N. COMB. SACKENII (Williston), 1888:287 (Ceria). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso), Argentina (Formosa, Tucuman). Types ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. SHANNONI (Lane & Carrera), 1943:169 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Juquia. Distr. — same. Type 2? MZUSP. N. COMB. SIGNIFERA (Loew), 1853:18 (Ceria). Type-locality: ‘Mexico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Minnesota to Massachusetts, south to Florida); Mexico. Type ? ZMB? N. COMB. SUPERBA (Williston), 1887:264 (Ceria). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type «0 MCZ*. N. COMB. TRICHOPODA (Kertész), 1903:438 (Ceria). Type-locality: Bolivia, Songo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ UNMB [destroyed]. N. COMB. VARIABILIS (Kertész), 1903:437 (Ceria). Type-locality: Bolivia, Songo. Distr. — Bolivia, Peru. Type ? UNMB [destroyed]. N. COMB. VICINA (Kertész), 1902:89 (Ceria). Type-locality: Peru, Cagon, 1000 m. Distr. — same. Type ¢ UNMB [destroyed]. N. COMB. WULPII (Williston), 1888:290 (Ceria). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada; Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Mato Grosso). Types ¢ ? AMNH*. Ref. — Sack, 1921:149, fig. 25 (puparium). N. COMB. Genus MoNocEeromyiA Shannon MONOCEROMYIA Shannon, 1922d:41. Type-species, Ceria tricolor Loew (mon.). BICOLOR (Kertész), 1902:86 (Ceria). Type-locality: Peru, Callanga. Distr. — Peru, Bolivia. Type ? UNMB [destroyed]. N. COMB. cacicA (Walker), 1860:288 (Ceria). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). N. COMB. PAPHNAEUS (Walker), 1849:537 (Ceria). Type-locality: “Jamaica”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. LYNCHII (Williston), 1888:287 (Ceria). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type AMNH*. N. COMB. TRICOLOR (Loew), 1861:37 (Ceria). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — Cuba. Types ¢ 2 MCZ. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:264, fig. 3b (head). VERRALLI (Williston), 1892:75 (Ceria). Type-locality: Panama, David. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. VITTIPES (Curran), 1941:246 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Peru, Puerto Ber- mudez. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. 46.94 Genus POLYBIOMYIA Shannon POLYBIOMYIA Shannon, 1925¢:56. Type-species, schwarzi Shannon (orig des.). Ref. — Shannon, 1925c (key), Curran, 1941 (key, in part). ARIETIS (Loew), 1853:17 (Ceria). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type o ZMB. BASSLERI (Curran), 1941:245 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Peru, Upper Rio Huallaga. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. BERGROTHI (Williston), 1892:77 (Ceria). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Atoyac. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). CAPITIS (Curran), 1925a:27, pl. 1:2 (head) (Cerioides). Type-locality: Me- xico, Mexico City. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas); Mexico (Distrito Federal). Type « USNM. LYNCHARRIBALZAGAI Shannon, 1927d:40. Type-locality: Argentina, Tucuman, Quebrada de Lules. Distr. — same. Type 2? MACN? MACQUARTI Shannon, 1925c:59 (nom. nov. for scutellata Williston). Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas); Mexico. scutellata Williston, 1887:265 (Ceria; preoce. Macquart, 1842). Type- locality: Mexico, Type 2? USNM. NIGRA (Bigot), 1883b:317 (Sphyximorpha). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Types o¢ ? BM(NH). ODONTOMERA (Curran), 1941:244 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Acre, Mato Grosso). Type ¢ AMNH. [lost-FCT]. N. COMB. PEDICELLATA (Williston), 1887:264 (Ceria). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona, Texas, Florida); Mexico (Guanajuato, Isth- mus of Tehuantepec). Type ¢ USNM. Ref. — Curran, 1925a:30 (redescription), pl. 2:3 (head). PLAUMANNI (Curran), 1941:245 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. RUFIBASIS (Bigot), 1883b:318 (Sphyximorpha). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type o BM(NH). SCHNABLEI (Williston), 1892:76 (Ceria). Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz, Atoyae. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas), Mexico (Vera Cruz). Types ¢& BM(NB). SCHWARZI Shannon, 1925¢c:57. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type 3 USNM. TOWNSENDI (Snow), 1895b:246 (Ceria). Type-locality: U.S.A., New Me- xico, Las Cruces. Distr. — U.S.A. (California to Texas); Mexico (Durango). Type ¢ UK. TRAVASSOSI (Lane & Carrera), 1943:172 (Cerioides). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Rio Parana, Porto Cabral. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MZUSP*. N. COMB. UNPLACED SPECIES OF CERIOIDINI NITIDA Sack, 1941:118 (1951:114) (Cerioides). Typellocality: Peru, Uma- chuan. Types 3? ? ROBUSTA Sack, 1941:119 (1951:115) (Cerioides). Type-locality: Peru, mouth of Pachitea River; Meshagua on Urubamba River. Types o ? 46.95 Tribe ERISTALINI Genus HELOPHILUS Meigen HELOPHILUS Meigen, 1822:368. Type-species, Musca pendula Linnaeus (Cur- tis, 1832:pl. 429). Ref. — Curran & Fluke, 1926:211-229 (key, rev.). FASCIATUS Walker, 1849:605. Type-locality: Canada, Ontario, Hudson’s Bay, Albany River, St. Martin’s Fall. Distr. — Canada (British Co- lumbia to Quebec), south to U.S.A. (Florida), Mexico; Haiti? [Walker, 1860]. Type BM(NH). Ref. — Curran & Fluke, 1926:220 (redescription), pl. 5:6 (head). similis Macquart, 1842:124 (64) (preoce. Curtis, 1832). Type-locality: Georgia. Type ¢° OXF*. impositus Walker, 1860:289 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Haiti (error?). Type ? BM(NH). LATIFRONS Loew, 1863:313 (1864b:197). Type-locality: U.S.A., Nebraska. Distr. — Alaska to Labrador, south to U.S.A. (Florida), Mexico. Types ¢ ? MCZ. Ref. — Curran & Fluke, 1926:216 (redescription), pl. 5:7, 8 (head). Genus POLYDONTOMYIA Williston Polydonta Macquart, 1850:448 (144) (preoce. Fischer, 1807). Type-species, bicolor Macquart (orig. des.) = albiceps (Macquart). Triodonta Williston, 1885:136 (nom. nov. for Polydonta Macquart; preoce. Bory, 1827). Type-species, Polydonta bicolor Macquart (aut.) = albiceps (Macquart). : POLYDONTOMYIA Williston, 1896:89. Type-species, Merodon curvipes Wiede- mann (Coquillett, 1910a:593) = albiceps (Macquart). ALBICEPS (Macquart), 1846:260 (132) (Helophilus). Type-locality: Canada, Nova Scotia. Distr. — Alaska, south to U.S.A. (California & Nebraska); also Canada (eastern Quebec to Nova Scotia), south to U.S.A. (New Jersey); Mexico? [Wirth, et al., 1965:621], Brazil? [Walker, 1852:243]. Type ? MNHN? N. STATUS. curvipes Wiedemann, 1830:149 (Merodon; preocc. Gmelin, 1790). Type- locality: “North America”. Type ? VMNH. N. STATUS. bicolor Walker, 1852:243 (Merodon; preocc.. Macquart, 1850). Type locality: Brazil (error?). Type 2 BM(NH)*. N. SYN. Genus ASEMOSYRPHUS Bigot ASEMOSYRPHUS Bigot, 1882a:cxxviii. Type-species, oculiferus Bigot (Aldrich, 1933:168) = mexicanus (Macquart). Dimorphomyia Bigot, 1885b:clxxiii. Type-species, calliphoroides Bigot (mon.) = mexicanus (Macquart) [see Aldrich, 1933: 168]. Ref. — Curran, 1939c (Key). ARQUATUS (Say), 1829:162 (Xylota). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ? lost. N. COMB. formalis Walker, 1849:603 (Helophilus). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ? BM(NH)®*. N. SYN. bicolor Bigot, 1882a:cxxix. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type 2 BM(NH). N. SYN. impurus Giglio-Tos, 1892c:6. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ? UTOR*. olivaceus Giglio-Tos, 1892c:6. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ? UTOR*. arcuata, Aldrich, 1905:398, emend. 46.96 MEXICANUS (Macquart), 1842:124 (64), pl. 11, fig. 2 (habitus), 2a (head) (Helophilus). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 OXF*. oculiferus Bigot, 1882a:cxxviii. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ? BM(N#). nigroscutatus Bigot, 1882a:cxxviii. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type BM(NH). flavocaudatus Bigot, 1882a:cxxviii. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Types ? BM(NB). calliphoroides Bigot, 1885b:clxxiii (Dimorphomyia). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type 7 OXF. griseus Giglio-Tos, 1892c:6. Type-locality: Mexico, Tehuacdan. Types oi @ \WAKOIN. POLYGRAMMUS (Loew), 1872a:85 (1872b:261) (Helophilus). Type-locality: U.S.A., California. Distr. — Canada (British Columbia) to U.S.A. (Montana, south to California & Colorado); Mexico? [Wirth, et al., 1965:620]. Type ? MCZ. Genus DOLICHOGYNA Macquart DOLICHOGYNA Macquart, 1842:125 (65). Type-species, fasciata Macquart (orig. des.) = chiliensis (Guérin-Méneville). Ref. — Fluke, 1951la (rev., key). Subgenus DOLICHOGYNA Macquart ABRUPTA Hine, 1914:342. Type-locality: Peru, Arequipa. Distr. — Chile, Peru. Type so OhSU. Ref. — Fluke, 1951a:472 (redescription), figs. 4, 5 (head), 23 (male genitalia). CHILIENSIS (Guérin-Méneville), 1835:545, tab. 99, fig. 2 (habitus), 2a (head). 2b (antenna), 2c (hind leg) (Helophilus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Chile, Argentina (Jujuy, Neuquén). Type ? MNHN l[lost? — not found, JRV]. Ref. — Fluke, 1951a:467 (redescription), figs. 1,2 (head), 11, 12 (abdomen), 19, 22 (male genitalia). chilensis, various authors, misspelling. chilensis Walker, 1837:344 (Helophilus; preoce. Guérin-Méneville, 1835). Type-locality: Chile, Chiloé. Types ¢ ? BM(NH). fasciata Macquart, 1842:126, (186), tab. 12:1 (habitus) (66). Type- locality: Chile. Types ? MNHN*. hahni Bigot, 1888b:24, tab. 3:6 (habitus) (Helophilus). Type-locality: ?Cap Horn? [no definite locality given]. Type ¢ ? BM(NH). MULLERI Fluke, 1951a:470, figs. 3 (head), 13 (abdomen), 15 (male geni- talia). Type-locality: Ecuador, Azuay, Giron. Distr. — Peru, Ecua- dor. Type ¢ AMNH*. PERUANA Sack, 1941:114 (1951:110). Type-locality: Peru, Ocana; Arequipa. Distr. — Peru, Chile. Types ¢ 2? SMF*. Subgenus NosopEPUS Speiser NOSODEPUS Speiser, 1914:131 (as genus). Type-species, minotawrus Speiser (orig. des.). Conocotamyia Fluke, 1951a:473. Type-species, Helophilus picta Philippi (orig. des.). HINEI Fluke, 1951a:476, figs. 6, 10 (head), 21 (cercus), 25 (middle tarsus). Type-locality: Peru, Puno. Distr. — Bolivia, Peru. Type ¢ OhSU. 46.97 MINOTAURUS (Speiser), 1914:132, figs. (head, leg) (Nosodepus). Type- locality: Peru, Guaqui. Distr. — same. Type ° [Wiesbaden?]. NIGRIPES Bigot, 1883b:346. Type-locality: ‘Chile’. Distr. — Argentina, Chile. Types ¢ 2 BM(NH). Ref. — Fluke, 1951a:477 (redescrip- tion), figs. 16 (male genitalia), 26 (middle tarsus). PESNNIPES (Sack), 1941:114 (1951:110), fig. 7 (middle tarsus) (Tubifera). Type-locality: “Peru”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 MD. N. COMB. PIcTA (Philippi), 1865:743 (Helophilus). Type-locality: ‘Chile’. Distr. — Peru, Argentina, Chile. Type 2 MNHNS. Ref. — Fluke, 1951a:474 (redescription), figs. 7 (head), 14 (abdomen), 20, 24 (male geni- talia), 27 (middle tarsus). REYNOLDSI Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:165. Type-locality: Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Rio Grande. Distr. — Chile, Argentina. Type ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Fluke, 1951a:475 (redescription), figs. 8, 9 (head), 17, 18 (male genitalia). : ROSTRATA (Macquart), 1846:259 (131) (Helophilus). Type-locality: “Nou- velle-Grenade”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. N. COMB. Genus QUICHUANA Knab QUICHUANA Knab, 1913:13. Type-species, sylvicola Knab (orig. des.). Quihuana, Hull, 1944k:510, misspelling. Ref. — Hull, 1946a (rev., key). ANGUSTRIVENTRIS (Macquart), 1855:110 (90), pl. 5, fig. 2 (head) (Mero- don). Type-locality: unknown. Distr. — South America? Type ¢ MNHN. AURATA (Walker), 1857:153 (Helophilus). Type-locality: “Valley of Ama- zon”. Distr. — Colombia, Peru. Type ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1946a:13 (redescription), fig. 2 (head). ; BEZZII Ceresa, 1934:387, figs. 3a+b (head), 3c (wing). Type-locality: Brazil, SAo Paulo, Sao Sebastiao. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo), Argentina (Tucuman). Types ? « MCSNM*. KORGMEIERI Lane & Carrera, 1944:206. Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Horto Florestal da Cantareira. Distr. — same. Type ? MZUSP%*. CALATHEA Shannon, 1925:111. Type-locality: Panama, Porto Bello. Distr. — Panama, Colombia. Types ¢ 2 USNM*. Ref. — Hull, 1946a:16, fig. 13 (head). CESTUS Hull, 1946a:4, figs. 4 & 14 (head), 16 (antenna). Type-locality: Venezuela, Mt. Duida. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. CHAMPIONI (Williston), 1892:69 (Mallota?). Type-locality: Mexico, Guer- rero, Amula, 6000 ft. Distr. — Mexico (Durango, Veracruz, Guer- rero). Type ¢ BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1946a:9 (redescription), figs. 19 (antenna), 27 (head). nigra Giglio-Tos, 1892c:6 (Platynochaetus). Type-locality: Mexico, Orizaba. Types 2? UTOR*. N. SYN. CINTA (Bigot), 1883b:345 (Lepidomyia). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. Ref. — Hull, 1946a:16, figs. 21 (an- tenna), 26 (head). DOLOROSA Hull, 1946a:6. Type-locality: Bolivia, Mapiri. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. FASCIATA (Sack), 1941:115 (1951:111) (Myiatropa). Type-locality: Peru, Paso de Lares. Distr. — same. Types 6 2 MD + SMF*. HERMOSA Hull, 1951b:67. Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. INCA Shannon, 1925a:111. Type-locality: Peru, Huascaray. Distr. — Co- 46.98 lombia, Peru. Type ¢ USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1946a:16, figs. 11 & 24 (head), 18 (antenna). var. BREVICERA Hull, 1946a:7. Type-locality: Colombia, Atrata Valley, Boca de Arquia. Types «6 BM(NH)*. KNABI Shannon, 1927a:15. Type-locality: Bolivia, Beni, Cavinas. Distr. — same. Type 2 USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1946a:16, figs. 9 & 22 (head), 15 (antenna). MONTANA Hull, 1951b:65. Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — Venezuela, Peru. Type ¢ Hull. NIGRICANS Thompson (nom. nov. for nigra Hull). Distr. — Peru. NOM. NOV. nigra Hull, 1949g:133 (preoce. Giglio-Tos, 1892). Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Type 2° Hull. PARISII Ceresa, 1934:389, figs. 4a+b (head), 4c (wing). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Sado Sebastido. Distr. — same. Types ¢% MCSNM*. PICADOI _Knab, 1913:14. Type-locality: “Costa Rica”. Distr. — Costa Rica, Colombia, Surinam. Type ? USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1946a:16, figs. 12 & 25 (head), 17 (antenna). POGONOSA Fluke, 1937:11, fig. 14 (head). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- tarina, Nova Teutonia: Distr. — Venezuela, Brazil. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1946a:15, fig. 8 (head). QUIXOTEA Hull, 1946a:14, fig. 6 (head). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ¢ Huli. RIESELI Shannon, 1927c:5. Type-locality: Argentina, Tucuman. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MACN? SEPIAPENNIS Hull, 1944k:510 (Qwihuana). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. Ref. — Hull, 1946a:15, figs. 1 & 5 (head). SIMONETTA Hull, 1946a:5, figs. 3 & 7 (head). Type-locality: Peru, Huan- cabamba. Distr. — same. Type ? VMNH. SUBCOSTALIS (Walker), 1860:291 (Xylota). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1946a:16, figs. 20 (antenna), 28 (head). SYLVICOLA Knab, 1913:14. Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type 2? USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1946a:16, figs. 10 & 23 (head). URSULA Hull, 1949g:136. Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ¢o Hull. F ¢ Genus MA.Lota Meigen MALLOTA Meigen, 1822:377. Type-species, Syrphus fuciformis Fabricius (Rondani, 1845:452). Imatisma Macquart, 1842:127 (67). Type-species, Hristalis posticatus Fa- bricius (orig. des.). Ref. — Curran, 1940:12 (key). ABERRANS Shannon, 1927a:17. Type-locality: Peru, Paltaybamba. Distr. — same. Typa ? USNM. ANALIS (Macquart), 1846:260 (138), pl. 11, fig. 8 (habitus) (Imatisma). Type-locality: “Nova Grenada”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). BEQUAERTI Hull, 1956:24. Type-locality: U.S.A., Texas, Chisos Mountains, Big Bend National Park. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas, Arizona)§ Mexico. Type ¢ MCZ. 46.99 COLOMBII Macquart, 1850:445 (141), tab. 13, fig. 3 (habitus), 3a (head), 3b (antenna), 3c (hind leg). Type-locality: Colombia. Distr. — Colombia, Venezuela, Peru. Type ? MNHN*. vulpina Sack, 1941:116 (1951:112). Type-locality: Peru, Pichis. Types 2 MIDS, ING SNIN apimima Hull, 1944i:402. Type-locality: “Venezuela”. Type ¢ VMNH*. INS SAN: INTERMEDIA Hull, 1949g:125. Type-locality: Peru, Huanuco, F. Sinchono District. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. INVERSA Shannon, 1927a:16. Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — Peru. Type 2? USNM. ° MARGARITA Williston, 1892:70, pl. 2:7 (habitus), 7a (head), 7b (hind leg). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft.; Xucuma- natlan, 7000 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 BM(NH) & AMNH%*. MYSTACIA Fluke, 1939:372, fig. 12 (head). Type-locality: Panama, Chiriqui, El Volcan. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. NIGRA Shannon, 1927a:16. Type-locality: Ecuador, Santa Inez. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NBH). RUBICUNDA Curran, 1940:13. Type-locality: Ecuador, Tungurahua, Mt. Tungurahua. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. SACKENI Williston, 1882b:324. Type-locality: U.S.A., Washington Terri- tory. Distr. — Western Canada & U.S.A.; Mexico. Types ¢ USNM. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:204 (redescription), pl. 8:14 (wing). SALTI Curran, 1929:499. Type-locality: Colombia, Santa Marta, Vista Nieve. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. SMITHI Williston, 1892:70, pl. 2:8 (habitus), 8a (head), 8b (antenna). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 BM(NH) & AMNH*. Genus HABROMYIA Williston HABROMYIA Williston, 1888:284. Type-species, coeruleithorax Williston (mon.). Edwardsietta Hull, 1941i1:437. Type-species, ochracea Hull (orig. des.). Lycopale Hull, 1944h:129. Type-species, Meromacrus vittata Hull (orig. des.) = lizeri (Bréthes). . Criorthrix Hull, 1949d:391. Type-species, Habromyia rectilinea Hull (orig. des.). BARBIELLINII (Ceresa), 1934:383, figs. 1 (habitus), 2a+b (head), 2c (wing) (Quichuana). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Sado Se- bastiao. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2? MCSNM*. CHRYSOTAENIA Fluke, 1937:12, fig. 15 (abdomen). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. COERULEITHORAX Williston, 1888:284. Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Peru, Brazil. Types ¢ ? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:390, figs. 24a (wing), 24j (head). FLAVIFACIES Shannon, 1927a:15. Type-locality: “Amazon”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. FLOCCULA Hull, 1944}:47. Type-locality: Peru, Matucana. Distr. — same. Type ? CU. LANGI Curran, 1934b:406. Type-locality: Guyana, Kamakusa. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. LIPOFLAVA Fluke, 1937:13. Type-locality: Peru, Yura. Distr. — Peru. Type ¢ AMNH*. 46.100 LIZERI (Bréthes), 1914:97 (Helophilus). Type-locality: Argentina, Cdrdoba. Distr. — Argentina. Type ¢ MACN. N. COMB. vittata Hull, 1937a:170 (Meromacrus). Type-locality: Argentina, Villa Nougés. Type 2? USNM*. N. SYN. MAGNIFICA (Bigot), 1880a:85 (Plagiocera). Type-locality: Colombia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ OXF*. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:390, fig. 24h (head). OCHRACEA (Hull), 1941i1:437 (Hdwardsietta). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM*. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:390, fig. 24f (head). RECTILINEA Hull, 1942h:19. Type-locality: Bolivia, Rio Songo, 800 m. Distr. — Bolivia. Types ? VMNH & Hull. XYLOTAEFORMIS (Schiner), 1868:360 (Mallota). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — same. Types o 2? VMNH. Genus ERISTALIS Latreille Tubifera Meigen, 1800:34. Type-species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (Coquil- lett, 1910a:618). Suppressed by I.C.Z.N., 1963:339. Elophilus Meigen, 1803:274. Type-species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (La- treille, 1810:443). ERISTALIS Latreille, 1804:194. Type-species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (Curtis, 1832:pl. 432). [In order to preserve established usage, we have followed Wirth, et al., 1965:622, in using Hristalis instead of its senior synonym, Hlophilus. ] Eristaloides Rondani, 1845:453. Type-species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (Co- quillett, 1910a:540). Eristalomya Rondani, 1857:38. Type-species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (orig. des.). FHriops Lioy, 1864:743 (preoce. Klug, 1808). Type-species, Musca tenax Linnaeus (Goffe, 1946:29). Ref. — Hull, 1925a, 1925b (rev., key); Curran, 1930c, 1934b:407 (keys); Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:159 (key to Chilean and South- ern Patagonian spp.); Bean, 1949 (male genitalia, key). Subgenus ERISTALIS Latreille TENAX (Linnaeus), 1758:591 (Musca). Type-locality: “Europe”. Distr. — cosmopolitan. Type ? ? Ref. — Williston, 1887b:160 (redescrip- tion), pl. 7:7 (wing), 7a (head), 7b (antenna), 7c (hind leg). Subgenus EOSERISTALIS Kanervo EOSERISTALIS Kanervo, 1938:12. Type-species, Hristalis cerealis Fabricius (orig. des.). AZTECUS Hull, 1935:326, figs. 5 (head), 7, 8 (hind femora). Type-locality: Mexico, Real del Monte. Distr. — same. Type 2? USNM*. BELLARDIL Jaennicke, 1867:400. Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona); Mexico (Durango). Type ¢ SMF. N. STATUS. rufoscutata Bigot, 1880b:221 (Hristalomyia). Type-locality: Mexico. Types ¢0 ? OXF*. N. SYN. BOGOTENSIS Macquart, 1842:112 (52). Type-locality: Colombia, Santa Fe de Bogota. Distr. — Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina (south to Tierra del Fuego). Types ? MNHN* & BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1925b:308 (redescription), pl. 11:7 (abdomen), 2:12 (head), 15 (mesonotum). 46.101 assimilis Macquart, 1846:257 (129). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Types 3? MNHN? (not found — JRV). N. SYN. CIRCE Williston, 1891:59, pl. 2:3 (habitus), 3a (head). Type-locality: Me- xico, Durango, Ciudad; Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft.; Jalapa. Distr. — Mexico (Durango-Chiapas). Types ¢ 2BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1935:327 (redescription), fig. 2 (head). bombusoides Giglio-Tos, 1892c:4. Type-locality: Mexico, Oaxaca. Types 3 2? UTOR*. GUADELUPENSIS Macquart, 1842:92 (32). Type-locality: “Guadeloupe” (Error?). Distr. — same. Type ¢ MNHN*. PERSA Williston, 1891:58. Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Sierra de las Aguas Escondidas, 9000 ft. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH)*. STIPATOR Osten-Sacken, 1877:336. Type-locality: U.S.A.: Colorado, Ma- nitous Park & Denver; New Mexico, Morino Valley; California. Distr. — Canada (British Colombia to Nova Scotia), south to U.S.A. (Florida), Mexico (Guerrero). Types ¢ @ MCZ. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:164 (redescription). latifrons Loew, 1866a:169 (1872b:43) (preocce. Fallén, 1817). Type- locality: Mexico, Matamoros. Types ¢ 2 MCZ. var. MACULIPENNIS Townsend, 1897d:93. Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico, Rio Gila, Head of East Fork. Types ¢ 2? BM(NH). TENUIFRONS Curran, 1930c:12. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Randolph. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. Genus LYCASTRIRHYNCHA Bigot LYCASTRIRHYNCHA Bigot, 1859:307. Type-species, nitens Bigot (mon.). Lycastrirrhyncha, various authors, misspelling. Ref. — Doesburg, 1962:31 (key). MEXICANA Curran, 1930e:15. Type-locality: Mexico, Vera Cruz. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. NITENS Bigot, 1859:307. Type-locality: “Amazonia”. Distr. — Mexico (Veracruz), “Amazons”. Type 2? OXF*. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:393, fig. 25b (habitus), 25m (head). QUINTA Doesburg, 1963:31. Type-locality: Surinam, Paramaribo. Distr. — same. Type ? Doesburg*. Ref. — Doesburg, 1966:103 (description of male), figs. 67 (head), 68 (habitus). TITILLANS Hull, 1944j:53. Type-locality: Guyana, Demerara River, Mac- kenzie. Distr. — same. Type o& CU. WILLISTONI Coquillett, 1902:196. Type-locality: Mexico, Tabasco, Frontera. Distr. — same. Types «> USNM. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:269, fig. 6a (head). Genus PALPADA Macquart PALPADA Macquart, 1834:512. Type-species, scuwtellata Macquart (mon.) = scutellaris (Fabricius). Doliosyrphus Bigot, 1882a:cxx. Type-species, scutellatus Bigot (Williston, 1887b:178) = scutellaris (Fabricius). Dolyosyrphus, Bigot, 1883b:228, misspelling. Ref. — Curran, 1930c, 1934b:407 (key, as part of Hritalis). AEMULA (Williston), 1891:64, pl. 2:5 (habitus) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero: Rio Papagaio, 1200 ft.; Chilpancingo, 4600 fits Rincon, 2800 ft.; Venta de Zopilote 2800 ft.; Guatemala, San Geronimo; Panama: Bugaba. Distr. — Mexico (Guerrero), Gua- 46.102 temala, Panama, Guyana, Colombia. Types oo ?% BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1925b:288 (redescription), pl. 1:1 (abdomen), 2:18 (hind leg). N. COMB. AGRORUM (Fabricius), 1787:335 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “America”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Louisiana, Florida), West Indies (Cuba, Puerto Rico), Honduras, Panama, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Argen- tina (Tucuman, Jujuy, Formosa, Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Cordoba). Types ¢ 2? MC*. Ref. — Hull, 1925a:38 (description), pl. 1:3 (abdomen), 2:14 (mesonotum); Bean, 1949:148, fig. 4 (male ge- nitalia). N. COMB. cubensis Macquart, 1842:102 (42) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Cuba, Havana. Type 2? OXF*. ?sallei Giglio-Tos, 1892c:5 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico. Type ? UOR= sallaei, various authors, misspelling. ALBIFRONS (Wiedemann), 1830:189 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Louisana to North Carolina & Florida); Cuba, Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Colombia, Venezuela, Surinam, Brazil. Type ¢ VMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1925a:35 (redescription), pl. 1:7 (abdomen); Bean, 1949:144, fig. 3 (male genitalia). N. COMB. senicula Loew, 1866a:168 (1872b:42) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Cuba, Type o MCZ. ALBIVENTRIS (Bigot), 1880b:228 (Hristalomyia). Type-locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. Distr. — same. Type 2 BM(NH). N. COMB. AMAZON (Curran), 1930¢c:23 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Rio Caiari-Uaupés. Distr. — Venezuela, Brazil (Amazonas). Type 2 AMNH*. N. COMB. ARGYROPILA (Hull), 1938:121, fig. 10 (head) (Hristalis). Type-locality: French Guiana, Mana River. Distr. — same. Type ? CM. N. COMB. ATRIMANA (Loew), 1866a:167 (1872b:41) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, Puerto Rico, ?Venezuela [AMNH]. Type 2 MCZ. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:173 (description); Curran, 1930¢:16 (redescription). N. COMB. ?willistoni Townsend, 1895a:47 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Jamaica, Bath; San Domingo. Types ¢ ? BM(NH) & USNM. [Williston, 1887b:173, refers to this species]. BEQUAERTI (Hull), 1942a:84 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ*. N. COMB. antiopa Hull, 1942a:87 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Type ? MCZ*. N. SYN. BISTELLATA (Hull), 1935:328 figs. 1 (head), 6 (hind tibiae) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Peru, Piches & Perené. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM*. N. COMB. BRAZILIENSIS (Goot), 1964:214 (Hristalis; nom. nov. for trifasciata Mac- quart). Distr. — Brazil. N. COMB. trifasciata Macquart, 1842:99 (39), pl. 10, fig. 1 (head) (Hristalis; preoce. Say, 1830). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type ? MNHN? (not found — JRV). BREVIVILLOSA (Hull), 1937a:173, figs. 2 (abdomen), 4 (hind leg) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Peru, Lima. Distr. — same. Type ? USNM*. N. COMB. CALIGINOSA (Walker), 1849:621 (Hristalis). Type-locality: ?. Distr. — ? (probably Neotropical). Type ? BM(NH)*.: N. COMB. 46.103 ?CALOMERA (Bigot), 1880b:229 (Hristalomyia?). Type-locality: “Amer. merid.’”. Distr. — same. Type ?’ BM(NH). N. COMB. ?cALoPS (Bigot), 1880b:227 (Hristalomyia). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). CHILENA (Rondani), 1863:5 (Hristalomyia). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Mexico?, Jamaica?, Guyana?, Brazil?, Chile (south to Aysén), Argentina (doubtful records all from Fluke, 1957:137). Type MIZUN. N. COMB. lateralis Walker, 1837:347 (Eristalis; preocc. Fallén, 1817). Type- locality: “Chile”. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. porteri Curran, 1935:8 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Chile, “probably . Valparaiso”. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. CHILENSIS (Philippi), 1865:743 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — same. Type ? MNHNS. N. COMB. CLARIPENNIS (Hull), 1949¢:123 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. —- Peru, Brazil (Santa Catarina). Type so Hull. N. COMB. CLARISSIMA (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:5 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Tux- pango. Distr. — same. Types s« UTOR*. N. COMB. CLAUDIA (Curran), 1930¢:18 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. ?COLUMBICA (Macquart), 1855:108 (88) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Colom- bia. Distr. — same . Type 2? BM(NH). N. COMB. CONCOLOR (Philippi), 1865:743 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Chile, Valparaiso. Distr. — same. Type ? MNHNS. N. COMB. CONGRUA (Wulp), 1888:371 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Argentina, Prov. Tucuman. Distr. — same. Type ¢ ML? (lost? — not found — JRV). N. COMB. CONICA (Fabricius), 1805:190 (Milesia). Type-locality: “America meridio- . nali”. Distr. — Guatemala, Colombia, Guyana, Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Mato Grosso). Type ¢ ? MC*. Ref. — Hull, 1925b:290 (redescription), pl. 1:6 (abdomen). N. COMB. cora (Hull), 1949g:121 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. cosmMIA (Schiner), 1868:362 (Hristalis). Type-locality: ‘“Venezuela’’). Distr. — Mexico (Veracruz), Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Argentina (Tucuman). Types ¢ ? VMNH*. N. COMB. CROCEIMACULATA (Jacobs), 1900:107 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isla de los Estados, “Golfe Saint-Jean”. Distr. — same. Type ? ? ?CROCEIPES (Bigot), 1880b:227 (Hristalomyia). Type-locality: “Amer. me- rid.”. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). N. COMB. DECORA (Perty), 1830:185, tab. 37, fig. 3 (habitus) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, “Provincia Piauhiensis”. Distr. — same. Type(s) ? ZSM. N. COMB. DIABILIS (Hull), 1935:330, figs. 3 (scutellum), 11 (hind leg) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Mexico City. Distr. — Mexico. Type ¢ USNM*. N. COMB. DIMINUTA (Walker), 1849:622 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. DISTINGUENDA (Wiedemann), 1830:191 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. Distr. — Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina. Type ¢ VMNH*. Ref. — Curran, 1930c:8 (descriptive note). N. COMB. 46.104 zanthaspis ‘Wiedemann, 1830:191 (Hristalis). Type-locality: ? (not given). Type 2 VMNH? (not found — JRV). porRIs (Curran), 1930c:20 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso, Rio de Janeiro). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. DOROTHEA (Hull), 1942a:88 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Paraguay, Villarica. Distr. — same. Type 2? MCZ*. N. COMB. ELEGANS (Blanchard), 1852:406 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Chile, Coquimbo. Distr. — Chile (Santiago — rauco), Argentina (Saeta, Neu- quén). Type(s) ? MNHN? (not found — JRV). Ref. — Hull, 1925a:26 (description), pl.2:13 (abdomen), 16 (mesonotum). N. COMB. ; philippii Schiner, 1868:363 (EHristalis). Type-locality: “Chile”. Types ° VMNH*. ERRATICA (Curran), 1930c:19 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — Panama, Colombia, Vene- zuela, Guyana, Trinidad, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. EXPICTA (Walker), 1860:290 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type o BM(NH)*. N. COMB. FAMILIARIS (Walker), 1860:290 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. N. COMB. FASCIATA (Wiedemann), 1819:51 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Mexico, Guatemala, Panama, Venezuela, Guyana, Trinidad, Ecuador, Brazil. Types ¢ ? VMNH* & ZMB. Ref. — Hull, 1925a:34 (description), pl. 1:6 (abdomen), 2:15 (mesonotum). N. COMB. podagra Macquart, 1842:98 (88) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Para. Type 2? MNHN*. : proxima Rondani, 1848:69 (Eristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type ? ? bifasciata Macquart, 1855:107 (87) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Types & OXF*. ?surinamensis Macquart, 1842:113 (53) (Hristalis; preoce. Degeer, 1776). Type-locality: “Surinam”. Types ¢ MNHN*. [probably not fasciata). FASCICULATA (Curran), 1938:2 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — Brazil, Argentina (Tucuman, Neuquén). Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. FLAVIPENNIS (Macquart), 1842:112 (52) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Quya- ne”. Distr. — same, Type ? MNHN*. N. COMB. FPLAVOSCUTELLATA (Hull), 1937a:173, figs. 1 (tip of abdomen), 7 (hind leg) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Costa Rica, Hiquito, San Mateo. Distr. — same, Type ? USNM*. N. COMB. FLOREA (Hull), 1925a:39, pl. 1:3 (abdomen) (#Hristalis). Type-locality: Guyana, Arakaba & Bartica, Kartabo. Distr. — Mexico (Tabasco), Panama, Guyana, Trinidad. Type « OhSU. N. COMB. FULIGINOSA (Hull), 1935:327, figs. 4 (scutellum), 9 (head), 10, 12 (hind femur) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Costa Rica, Atenas. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM*. N. COMB. FULVIPES (Bigot), 1880z:225 (Hristalomyia). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. FULVITARSIS (Rondani), 1863:6 (Hristalomyia; nom. nov. for rufitarsis Macquart, 1855). Distr. — Colombia. N. COMB. rufitarsis Macquart, 1855:109 (89) (Hristalis; preocc. Macquart, 1842). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Type ¢@ BM(NH). ° 46.105 FUNEREA (Rondani), 1850b:358 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “America aequa- toriali’ [Ecuador, Rio Napo]. Distr. — same. Type 2 MIZUN. N. COMB. funescens, Williston, 1886:219, misspelling. FURCATA (Wiedemann), 1819:51 (Hristalis). Type-locality “Brazil”. Distr. — Mexico (Durango), south to Peru and Argentina Type ¢ VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1925a:29 (description), pl. 2:11 (abdomen), 20 (mesonotum). N. COMB. femorata Macquart, 1842:100 (40), pl. 3, fig. 6 (head) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Type 9? MNHN*. tenebrica Walker, 1849:601 (Merodon). Type-locality: ? Type BM(NHB). florida Walker, 1852:245 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type ¢ BM(NH). : FUSCIPENNIS (Macquart), 1846:256 (128), pl. 11, fig. 5 (wing) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Surinam”. Distr. — same. Type 2 MRHNB. N. COMB. GENICULATA (Fabricius), 1805:237 (Hristalis). Type-ltocality: ‘““America me- ridionali”. Distr. — Surinam, Brazil. Type ¢ MC*. N. COMB. fumipennis Stephens, 1846:29, pl. 47:3 (habitus) (Hristalis). Type- locality: unknown. Type so BM(NH). Ref. Verrall, 1901:672. N. SYN. GENICULOSA Thompson (nom. nov. for geniculata Bigot). Distr. — Argen- tina (Buenos Aires). NOM. NOV. geniculata Bigot, 1883a:exx (Doliosyrphus; preoce. Fabricius, 1805). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. Types ¢? BM(NH). GLABELLA (Hull), 1942a:85 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Summit. Distr. — same. Type 2? MCZ*, N. COMB. GUNDLACHI (Loew), 1866a:166 (1872b:40) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? MCZ. N. COMB. GUYANENSIS (Goot), 1964:213 (Hristalis; nom. nov. for pygmaea Mac- quart). Distr. — Surinam. N. COMB. pygmaea Macquart, 1842:114 (54) (Hristalis; preoce. Zetterstedt, 1838). Type-locality: “Surinam”. Type 0 MNHN*. HORTORUM (Fabricius), 1775:764 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “America”. Distr. — West Indies, Cuba, Puerto Rico, St. Thomas. Type ? Kiel? (not found — JRV). Ref. — Williston, 1887b:173 (redes- cription), pl. 7:10 (wing); Hull, 1925a:41 (description), pl. 1:8 (abdomen). N. COMB. INCA (Bigot), 1880b:217 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Peru”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. INCERTA (Bigot), 1880b:220 (Hristalomyia). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type 2 OXF. N. COMB. INCUBUS (Hull), 1943f:29 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Parana, Curi- tiba. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. N. COMB. INTERRUPTA (Fabricius), 1805:239 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “America meridionali”. Distr. — same. Type « MC*. N. COMB. INVERSA (Wiedemann), 1830:161 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Surinam. Distr. — same. Typ? & SMF*. N. COMB. LANGI (Curran), 1934b:411 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Guyana, Kamakusa. Distr. — Guyana, Peru, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Type AMNH*. N. COMB. MACULA (Sack), 1941:112 (1951:108) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Peru, Pa- chitea River. Distr. — Ecuador, Colombia, Peru. Types ¢ 2? MD. N. COMB. 46.106 stigmatica Hull, 1944d:45 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Colombia, Atrato Valley. Type 2? BM(NH)*. N. COMB. MEIGENII (Wiedemann), 1830:177 (#Hristalis). Type-locality: Uruguay, Montevideo. Distr. — Uruguay, Argentina (Buenos Aires), Chile (Santiago — Malleco). Type 6 VMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1925a:29 (redescription), figs. 12 (abdomen), 18 (mesonotum), 22 (head). N. COMB. quadraticornis Macquart, 1842:111 (51), pl. 10, fig. 2 (head) (Hris- talis). Type-locality: “Chile”. Type 2? MNHN*. testaceiscutellata Macquart, 1850:442 (138) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Chile”. Types « MNHN*. joveifrons Thomson, 1869:491 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Argentina, Buenos Aires. Type 2? NRS*. MELANASPIS (Wiedemann), 1830:176 (Hristalis). Type-locality: ‘Brazil’. Distr. — Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay. Types ¢ VMNH & ZMB*. Ref. — Hull, 1925b:287 (redescription). N. COMB. nigriscutellata Macquart, 1848:201 (41) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type ¢ MNHN*. nigroscutellata, Williston, 1886:318, Fluke, 1957:138, misspelling. volatica Williston, 1888:280 (EHristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada; Corumba; Rio de Janeiro. Types ¢ AMNH*. MEXICANA (Macquart), 1847:75 (59). (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type «3 BM(NH). N. COMB. MINUTALIS (Williston), 1891:64, pl. 2:6 (habitus), 6a (head) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Tabasco, Teapa. Distr. — Mexico (Tabas- co), Honduras, Guatemala, Guyana, Colombia, Brazil. Types ¢ ? BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1925a: 42 (redescription). N. COMB. MIRABILIS (Hull), 1925b:305, pl. 2:11 (mesonotum) (£ristalis). Type- locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. Distr. — Colombia. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. MITIS (Curran), 1930c:11 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Corozal. Distr. — Mexico (Veracruz), Panama. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. MONTICOLA (RGder), 1892:9, fig. 1 (habitus) (Hristalis; nom. noy. for montana Roéder). Distr. — Colombia. N. COMB. montana Réder, 1886:263 (Hristalis; preoce. Williston, 1882). Type- locality: Colombia, Cordilleren, Paramo, 3600 m. Types ? (Halle). NIGRIPENNIS (Macquart), 1855:108 (88) (#Hristalis). Type-locality: ‘Co- lombia’”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ OXF. N. COMB. NIGRIPES (Wiedemann), 1830:165 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Surinam, Brazil, Argentina. Type 2 VMNH*. N. COMB. obLIGuA (Curran), 1940:14 (EHristalis). Type-locality: Guyana, Mazaruni. Distr. — Guyana, Peru. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. OBSOLETA (Wiedemann), 1830:175 (Hristalis).. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Guatemala, Venezuela, Brazil. Types ¢ 2 VMNH. Ref. — Hull, 1925b:306 (description); Bean, 1949:146, fig. 9 (male geni- talia). N. COMB. ?pachypoda Bigot, 1880b:224 (Hristalomyia). Type-locality: ‘‘Mexico”. Type 2? BM(NH). OCHRACEA (Williston), 1888:279 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Mexico (Tabasco), Colombia, Guyana, Brazil (Sao Paulo, Mato Grosso). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. alacris Curran, 1934b:413 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Guyana, Kama- kusa. Type ? AMNH*. 46.107 ORNATA (Townsend), 1897a:21 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Veracruz, Rio Nautla, San Rafael. Distr. — U.S.A. (California), Mexico (Veracruz). Tpes 6 BM(NH). N. COMB. PARVULA (Williston), 1888:282 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. PENALTIS (Curran), 1934b:412 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. N. COMB. PRECIPUA (Williston), 1888:280 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Swo Paulo; Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Mato Grosso, Santa Catarina); Argentina (Formosa). Types ¢ 2? AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1925b:286 (description), pl. 1:8 (mesonotum). N. COMB. PUSILLA (Macquart), 1842:114 (54) (Hristalis). Type-locality: French Guiana, Mana River. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas), Mexico, Cuba, Guatemala, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina (Tucuman, Formosa). Type ¢ MNHN*. Ref. — Hull, 1925a:36 (description), pl. ie (abdomen). 2:17 (mesonotum); Bean, 1949:144, fig. 2 (male genitalia). N. COMB. annulipes Macquart, 1842:109 (49) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Types ¢ ? MNHN*®. N. SYN. tricolor Jaennicke, 1867:400 (Hristalis; preoce. Meigen, 1803). Type- locality: “Mexico”. Type 2? SMF. PuSIO (Wiedemann), 1830:192 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Puerto Rico, Ecuador, Brazil, Argentina. Type 2? VMNH*. Ref. — Curran, 1930c:13 (redescription). N. COMB. PUSIOIDES (Hull), 1951b:6& (Hristalis). Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. ; Distr. — same. Typé o Hull. N. COMB. PYGOLAMPA (Wiedemann), 1830:161 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Guyana, Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina (Tucuman). Types ¢ VMNH & MC*. Ref. — Hull, 1925b:304 (redescription). N. COMB. QUITENSIS (Macquart), 1855:109 (89) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Ecuador, Quito. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH)*. N. COMB. RUFICEPS (Macquart), 1842:111 (51) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Colombia, Santa Fe de Bogota. Distr. — Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Vene- zuela, Bolivia. Type ¢ MNHN*. Ref. — .Hull, 1925b:307 (des- eription), pl. 2:10 (head). N. COMB. thoracica Jaennicke, 1867:399 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Types 0? SMF. RUFIPEDES Thompson (nom. nov. for rufipes Macquart). Distr. — Brazil. NOM. NOV. rufipes Macquart, 1842:102 (42) (Hristalis; preocc. Fabricius, 1805). Type-locality: Brazil, “parte meridionale des Campos Geraes”. Type ? MNHN*. RUFIVENTRIS (Macquart), 1846:257 (129) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Co- lombia’”’. Distr. — U.S.A. (Texas), Mexico, Guatemala, Hondu- ras, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, Argentina (Formosa, Tucu- man). Type ¢6 MNHN? (not found — JRV). Ref. — Hull, 1925a:33 (description), pl. 1:4 (abdomen). N. COMB. praeclarus Giglio-Tos, 1892c:5 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Tux- pango. Type &° UTOR*. RUFOSCUTELLATA (Sack), 1921:142, fig. 16 (head) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Paraguay, St. Trinidad. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo, Santa Cata- 46.108 rina, Parana), Paraguay, Argentina (Tucuman). Types ¢ 2? DEI & SMF*. N. COMB. cyatheus Hull, 1925b:287, pl. 1:9 (mesonotum), 2:13 (head) (Hris- talis). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo, Sao- Sebastiao. Type ? AMNH*. N. SYN. SCHISTACEA (Williston), 1888:282 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type 2 AMNH (lost — FCT). — N. COMB. SCOPANTHUS (Hull), 1944j:45 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Peru, Lima. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CU. N. COMB. SCUTELLARIS (Fabricius), 1805:190 (Milesia). Type-locality: “America me- ridionali”. Distr. — U.S.A. (New Mexico), south to Brazil. Type 2° MC*. Ref. — Hull, 1925b:291 (description), pl. 2:16, 19 (head); Doesburg, 1963: 23, fig. 1 (habitus), la (head), 1b (hind leg), 2, 4 (puparium), 3 (habitus). N. COMB. scutellata Macquart, 1834:513, pl. 11, fig. 19 (mouthparts). Type- locality: “Brazil”. Types ¢ ? MNHN*. N. SYN. ?angustata Rondani, 1848:70 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type 2? MIZUN. ?cognata Rondani, 1848:69 (Hristalis; preocc. Wiedemann, 1824). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type ¢ MIZUN. cyaneifera Walker, 1849:621 (Hristalis). Type-locality: ? Type ? BM(NB). limbatinevris Macquart, 1850:441 (137) (Hristalis). Type-locality: SBrazile.) by pes) GuiO he INES YIN ?fascithorax Macquart, 1850:443 (139) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Amérique”. Types 0 ? MNHN*. ?agnata Rondani, 1850b:358 (Hristaliss nom. nov. for cognata Ron- dani). ?scutellata Bigot, 1883a:cexx (Doliosyrphus; preoce. Macquart, 1834). Type-locality: “Panama”. Types ¢ 2 BM(NBH). bimaculata Bigot, 1883b:222 (Priomerus). Nomen nudum. rileyi Williston, 1887b:178 pl. 8:8 (head) (Doliosyrphus). Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico. Types ¢ USNM. SEMICIRCULUS (Walker), 1852:249 (Hristalis). Type-locality: ‘Honduras”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). M. COMB. SOLENNIS (Walker), 1852:245 (Hristalis). Type-locality: ? Distr. — Mexico (Yucatan), Brazil, Argentina (Formosa, Tucuman, Rio Negro). Type o¢ BM(NH)*. N. COMB. agrorum, Hull, 1925b:289, pl. 1:3 (abdomen), misidentification. mus Curran, 1930¢:21 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Corumba. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. SPECTABILIS (Hull), 1925b:289, pl. 1, fig. 2 (abdomen) (#Hristalis). Type- locality: Venezuela, Caura Valley. Distr. — Venezuela, Guyana, Peru. Type ? MCZ*. N. COMB. TAENIA (Wiedemann), 1830:174 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Uruguay, Mon- tevideo. Distr. — Colombia, Venezuela, Brazil (Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro), Uruguay, Argentina (Formosa, Tucuman, Santa Fe, Cérdoba). Types VMNH* & ZMB. Ref. — Hull, 1925a:38 (des- eription); Curran, 1930c:13 (descriptive notes). N. COMB. TATEI (Curran), 1930c:9 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Venezuela, Mt. Duida. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. TESTACEICORNIS (Macquart), 1850:442 (138) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Me- xico”. Distr. — U.S.A. (California, Arizona), Mexico, Panama, 46.109 Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Ecuador, Peru. Types 2 OXF*. N. COMB. sackenis Bigot, 1880b:224 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ? BM(NH)"™. N. SYN. sumischrasti Giglio-Tos, 1892d:1 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Tehuacan. Type ¢ UTOR*. N. SYN. sumichrasti, Giglio-Tos, 1893:6, Aldrich, 1905:389, Kertész, 1910:237, Fluke, 1957:143, emendation. THALIA (Hull), 1942a:86 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Colombia, Dept. Cun- dinamarca, Bogota, 2600 m. Distr. — same. Type ¢o MCZ*. N. COMB. TRIANGULARIS (Giglio-Tos), 1892c: (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Cuautla. Distr. — U.S.A. (California), Mexico, Cuba, Trinidad, Guatemala, Brazil. Type ? UTOR*. Ref. — Hull, 1925a:35 (des- cription), pl. 2:19 (mesonotum). N. COMB. TRIGONA (Williston), 1891:61, pl. 2:4 (habitus), 4a (head) (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Xucumanatlan, 7000 ft.; Omil- temi, 8000 ft. Distr. — Mexico (Durango, Guerrero). Types ¢ ? BM(NH). N. COMB. atropos Giglio-Tos, 1892d:1 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type lc WUMOR*. ING SYN: UROTAENIA (Curran), 1930c:15 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — Surinam, Ecuador, Peru, Brazil (Mato Grosso). Type ¢ AMNH*. N. COMB. VERA (Hull), 1949g:120 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutonia. Distr. — same. Type 2? Hull. N. COMB. VIERECKI (Curran), 1930c:10 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Colombia, Vista Nieve. Distr. — Colombia, Bolivia. Type ¢ AMNH. N. COMB. VINETORUM (Fabricius), 1798:562 (Syrphus; as vinctorum, emended by Fabricius, 1799:48). Type-locality: “America Insulis”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Wisconsin to Pennsylvania), south to Brazil and Argen- tina (Misiones, Formosa); Galapagos, Cuba, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Trinidad. Type Kiel (lost, Zimsen, 1964:478). Ref. — Williston, 1887b:171 (redescription), pl. 7:8a (hind leg); Hull, 1925a:40 (description), pl. 1:9 (abdomen); Bean, 1949:146, fig. 8 (male genitalia). N. COMB. ?surinamensis Degver, 1776:145, pl. 29, fig. 1 (habitus) (Musca). Type-locality: “Surinam”. Type ? NRS [lost, Persson, in litt.]. trifasciata Say, 1830:165 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type ? lost. uvarum Walker, 1849:623 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Jamaica”. Types ? BM(NH). soulouguensis Bigot, 1880b:228 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Haiti”. Type 2? BM(NH). hirtipes Bigot, 1883a:exxi ‘Doliosyrphus). Type-locality: Panama. Type 2? BM(NH)®*. N. SYN. trilimbata Giglio-Tos, 1892c:5 (Hristalis). Type-locality: Mexico, Tam- pico. Type 2? UTOR*. N. SYN. Genus Mrromacrus Rondani Plagiocera Macquart, 1842:119 (59) (preoce. Klug. 1834). Type-species, Milesia cruciger Wiedemann (orig. des.) = acutus (Fabricius). 46.110 MEROMACRUS Rondani, 1848:70. Type-species, ghilianii Rondani (mon.). Pteroptila Loew, 1866a:165 (1872b:39). Type-species, decorus Loew (Co- quillett, 1910a:598). Promilesia Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892a:241 (1892c:97). Fype-species, necta- rinoides Lynch Arribalzaga (mon.). N. SYN. Metameromacrus Hull, 1942e:1. no type-species designated. Nomen nudum. Thalamopales Hull, 1949d:401. Type-species, Helophilus scitus Walker (orig des.). Refs. — Sack, 1920 (rev., key); Hull, 1942e (rev., key). ABDOMINALIS Sack, 1920:261, fig. y (mesonotum). Type-locality: Peru. Distr. — same. Type 2? MD. acuTus (Fabricius), 1805:189 (Milesia). Type-locality: U.S.A., “Carolina”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Virginia to Florida & Texas), Mexico, Guate- mala, British Honduras, Cuba. Types ? lost [Zimsen, 1964:473]. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:180 (redescription), pl. 8:1 (wing), la (abdominal tip), 1b (hind leg), 1c (head); Sack, 1920:260 (des- eription); fig. ¢c’ (mesonotum); Hull, 1942e:11, figs. 9 & 10 antenna). cruciger Wiedemann, 1830:105 (Milesia). Type-locality: Georgia. Types ¢ 2? VMNH? crucifer, Bigot, 1857b:337, misspelling. millesiformis Macquart, 1834:500 (Mallota). Type-locality: Cuba. Type co (Lille?). milesiformis, Fluke, 1957:147, misspelling. maculatus Macquart, 1850:451 (147), pl. 14, fig. 2 (wing) (Wilesia). Type-locality: “Afrique” [error?] Type 2 MNHN. AEMULUS (Williston), 1888:283 (Pteroptila). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Types «0 AMNH*. Ref. — Sack, 1920:260 (description), figs. w (wing), x (mesonotum). ANNA Curran, 1936a:4. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Fort Randolph. Distr. — Panama, Guyana, Peru, Brazil. Type ¢ AMNH*. AURIFER Hull, 1942e:4, fig. 12 (mesonotum). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. —. same. Type ¢ AMNH*. BASIGER (Walker), 1860:290 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Amazon Region”. Distr. — Brazil, Argentina (Tucuman). Type 2? BM(NH). Ref. — Sack, 1920:270 (description), figs. d’ (head), f’ (mesonotum). milesioides Bigot, 1880b:226 (Hristalomyia). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type o BM(NH). BRUNERI Curran, 1936a:2. Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. BRUNNEUS Hull, 1942e:9, fig. 8 (antenna). Type-locality: Guyana, Wismar. , Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. CANUSIUM (Walker), 1849:566 (Milesia). Type-locality: “Cape of Good Hope” (error, Hull, 1942e:9). Distr. — Mexico (Nayarit). Type BM(NH). Ref. — Hull, 1942e:9 (description), fig. 1 (mesonotum). CERES Hull, 1942b:11. Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. CINCTUS (Drury), 1770:109, pl. 45, fig. 6; (index to vol. 1, p. [2]; 1773) (Musca). Type-locality: “Jamaica”. Distr. — West Indies. Type ?? Ref. — Williston, 1887b:182 (redescription); Sack, 1920:265 (des- cription). : pinguis Fabricius, 1775:763 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “America”™ Type ? ? [Zimsen, 1964:478]. ania Walker, 1849:564 (Milesia). Type-locality: “Jamaica”. Type ? BM (NH). 46.111 CIRCUMDATUS (Bigot), 1875:471 (Sphixea). Type-locality: “Colombia”. Distr. — Peru, Colombia. Type ? OXF. Ref. — Sack, 1920:263 (description), fig. b’ (mesonotum). CURRANI Hull, 1942e:5, fig. 7 (antenna). Type-locality: “British Hondu- ras”. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. DECORUS (Loew), 1866a:165 (1872b:39) (Pteroptila). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — same. Types « 2? MCZ. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:181 (redescription); Sack, 1920:270 (description). prAcc Hull, 1942e:6. Type-locality: Guatemala, Quirigua. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona, Texas); Guatemala, British Honduras, Costa Rica. Type ¢ USNM. FLAVOLINEA Hull, 1949g:131. Type-locality: Peru, Puccalpa. Distr. —- same.. Type o Hull. FLUKEI Curran, 1936a:3. Type-locality: West Indies, St. Vincent. Distr. — Virgin Islands. Type « AMNH™. FUCATUS Hull, 1930:143. Type-locality: Surinam, Paramaribo. Distr. — same. Type 2 ANSP. Ref. — Hull, 1942e:11, fig. 11 (mesonotum). GHILIANI Rondani, 1848:71, figs. 3-5 (head), 4 (antenna). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type o¢ MIZUN. AINEI Hull, 1942e:4. Type-locality: Peru, Middle Rio Maranon. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. LACCNICUS (Walker), 1852:227 (Milesia). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH). N. COMB. LINEASCRIPTA Hull, 1937a:170, fig. 10 (mesonotum & abdomen). Type-loca- lity: Bolivia, Beni, Ivon. Distr. — same. Type o USNM. MATILDA Hull, 1949¢:127. Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull: MELMOTH Hull, 1937b:12. Type-locality: Bolivia, Prov. of Sara. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. ! MILESIA Hull, 1942e:2. Type-locality: “French Guiana’. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull? NECTARINOIDES (Lynch Arribadlzaga), 1892Za:243 (1892c:99), fig. 10 (head) (Promilesia). Type-locality: Argentina, Chaco; Misiones, Santa Ana & Mocona. Distr. — Brazil (Santa Catarina); Paraguay, Argentina (Tucuman, Buenos Aires, Chaco, Misiones). Types ? MACN. N. COMB. cingulatus Sack, 1920:259. Type-locality: Brazil, Rio Grande do Sui, Santa Cruz. Types ¢? HZM & SMF*. N. SYN. NIGER Sack, 1920:264 [also, 1921:145]. Type-locality: Bolivia, Paraguay, St. Trinidad. Distr. — Guyana, Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay, Argen- tina (Tucuman, Misiones). Types MD, DEI & SMF*. ?funereus Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:163. Type-locality: Argentina, Misiones Terr., Posadas. Type ¢ BM(NH)*®. OBSCURUS Hine, 1924:21. Type-locality: Guatemala, Los Amates. Distr. — same. Type 3 OhSU. OPULENTUS (Bigot), 1883b:336 (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. -— same. Type ? BM(NH). Ref. — Sack, 1920:267 (description) ; Hull, 1942e:10, figs. 2 (abdomen), 3 (mesonotum). PACHYPUS (Wiedemann), 1836:171 (Hristalis; nom. nov. for crassipes Fa- bricius). Distr. — Brazil (SAo Paulo, Mato Grosso). Ref, — Sack, 1920:262 (descriptive note), figs. z (head), a’ (mesonotum); Hull, 1942¢:11, fig. 6 (mesonotum). N. COMB. crassipes Fabricius, 1805:196 (Merodon; preoce. Fabricius, 1805:237). Type-locality: “America meridionali”. Type 3 MC*. 46.112 simplex Schiner, 1868:365 (Plagiocera). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type o VMNH. N. SYN. PLUTO Hull, 1942e:7, fig. 13 (antenna). Type-locality: Peru, Middle Rio Ucayali. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. POTENS Curran, 1932a:8. Type-locality: Cuba, Sierra Maestra, B. de Joa- quin. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. Ref. — Hull, 1942e:11, fig. 4 (antenna). PRATORUM (Fabricius), 1775:765 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “America”. Distr. — Panama, Guyana, Ecuador, Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina. Type ? Kiel (not found — JRV). Refs. — Sack, 1920:268 (descrip- tion), fig. e’ (mesonotum); Sack, 1921:143 (description), figs. 17 (mesonotum), 18a (larva), 19 (puparium), 20 (anal organ). panamensis. Curran, 1930f:11. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado. Type ¢ AMNH*. RUFICRUS (Wiedemann), 1830:105 (Wilesia). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Florida); Cuba. Type 2? ZMB. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:181 (redescription); Sack, 1920:268 (redescription); Hull, 1942e:11, fig. 5 (antenna). scitus (Walker), 1857:152 (Helophilus). Type-locality: “Valley of Ama- zon”. Distr. — same. Type ? BM(NH)™*™. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:390, fig. 241 (head). STRIGULUS Hull, 1942e:8. Type-locality: Peru, Middle Rio Ucayali. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*., UNICOLOR (Wulp), 1883:131, figs. 11 (habitus), 12,12 (head) (Hristalis). Type-locality: “Guadeloupe”. Distr. — same. Type 2? ML? [not found — JRV]. VILLOsuS Hull, 1949g:129. Type-locality: Peru, Pucallpa. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. ZONATUS (Loew), 1866a:165 (1872b:39) (Pteroptila). Type-locality: “Me- xico”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:182 (redescription); Sack, 1920:266 (description). var, LOEWI (Williston), 1892:67 (Pteroptila). Type-locality: Panama, Volean de Chiriqui. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). Tribe MILESIINI Ref. — Shannon, 1926a (rev., keys) Genus XYLOTA Meigen Zelima Meigen, 1800:34. Type-species, Musca segnis Linnaeus (Coquillett, 1910a:621). Suppressed by I1.C.Z.N., 1963:339. Heliophilus Meigen, 1803:273. Type-species, Musca sylvarum Linnaeus (mon.). Eumeros Meigen, 1803:273. Type-species, Musca segnis Linnaeus (Coquil- lett, 1910a:541). XYLOTA Meigen, 1822:211 (nom. nov. for Heliophilus). Type-species, Musca sylvuarum Linnaeus (aut.) [In order to preserve established usage, we have followed Wirth, et al., 1965:604, in using Xylota instead of its senior synonyms, Heliophilus and Humeros.] ANALIS Williston, 1887b:226. Type-locality: U.S.A., California & New Mexico. Distr. — Canada (British Columbia) to U.S.A. (Colo- rado), south to Mexico (Durango). Types ¢ ? USNM. 46.113 AZUREA (Fluke), 1953a:126 (Heliophilus). Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico, Cloudcroft. Distr. — U.S.A. (New Mexico); Mexico (Durango). Type o¢ UK. BRACHYGASTER Williston, 1892:72. Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omil- temi, 8000 ft. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). FLAVIFRONS Walker, 1849:557. Type-locality: Canada, Ontario, Hudson’s Bay, Albany River, St. Martin’s Falls. Distr. — Alaska to Labra- dor, south to Canada (British Columbia) and U.S.A. (Pennsyl- vania); ?Mexico [Giglio-Tos, 1893:26, as communis Walker]. Types ¢ 2? BM(NH). communis Walker, 1849:557. Type-locality: Canada, Ontario, Hudson’s Bay, Albany River, St. Martin’s Falls. Types ¢ 2? BM(NH). NITIDULA (Fluke), 1939:368, fig. 8 (abdomen) (Heliophilus). Type-locality: Mexico, Mexico City, 10,000 ft. Distr. — same. Type « AMNH*. PIGRA (Fabricius), 1794:295 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Germany”. Distr. — Holarctic; Canada (British Columbia to Quebec), south to U.S.A. (California to Florida); ?Mexico [Wirth, et. al., 1965:607]. Type ? lost (Zimsen, 1964:473). PRETIOSA Loew, 1861:39. Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — sarne. Type ¢ MCZ. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:237 (redescription). STENOGASTER Williston, 1892:72. Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omil- temi, 8000 ft. Distr. — same. Types 3 ? BM(NH). WILLISTONI (Goot), 1964:214 (Heliophilus; nom. nov. for rufipes Williston). Distr. — Mexico. rufipes Williston, 1892:71 (preocc. Loew, 1873). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft. Types ¢ 2 BM(NH). Genus NeEpPLAS Porter Planes Rondani, 1863:9 (preoce. Bowditch, 1825; Saussure, 1862). Type- species, Xylota vagans Wiedemann (mon.). NEPLAS Porter, 1927b:96 (nom. nov. for Planes Rondani). Type-species, Xylota vagans Wiedmann (aut.). Ref. — Curran, 1941 (Key). ARIEL (Curran), 1941:302 (Planes). Type-locality: Brazil Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. ARMATIPES (Curran), 1941:300 (Planes). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Ca- ~ tarina, Nova Teuténia. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. AZTECA (Curran), 1941:303 (Planes). Type-locality: Honduras, Puerto Castilla. Distr. — same. Type 9? AMNH*. BIDENS (Curran), 1941:300 (Planes). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutdénia. Distr. — Brazil (Mato Grosso, Santa Catarina). Type ¢ AMNH*. BOLIVIENSIS (Shannon), 1926a:44 (Planes). Type-locailty: Bolivia, Huachi, Beni. Distr. — same. — Type so USNM. CHLOROPS (Hull), 1948b:7 (Planes). Type-locality: Venezuela, San Esteban. Distr. — same. Type so USNM. CHRYSOPRESSA (Hull), 1941d:158 (Planes). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. CUPRESCENS (Hull), 1941d:159 (Planes). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Bario Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. FRONTALIS (Curran), 1941:302 (Planes). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso, Chapada. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. GRANDIFEMORALIS (Curran), 19345:402, fig. 28 (hind femur) (Planes). Type-locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. 46.114 GRISEA (Hull), 1941e:281 (Planes). Type-locality: Brazil, SAo Paulo. Distr. — same. Type co Hull. LYRICA (Curran), 1941:301 (Planes). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Corozal. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. : MINOR (Shannon), 1926a:44 (Planes). Type-locality: Bolivia, Ivén, Beni. Distr. — same. Type 2 USNM. PACHYMERA (Loew), 1866a:162 (1872b:36) (Xylota). Type-locality: “Cuba”. Distr. — Cuba, Puerto Rico. Type 2 MCZ. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:237 (redescription). PALITARSIS (Curran), 1934b:404 (Planes). Type-locality: Guayana, Kartabo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*, PANAMENA (Curran), 1941:301 (Planes). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type 2? AMNH*. PAUXILLA (Williston), 1892:71, pl. 2:9 (habitus), 9a (head), 9b (hind leg) (Xylota). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft.; Xucumanatlan, 7000 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 BM(NH). PROXIMA (Hull), 1944¢:38 (Planes). Type-locality: “West Indies?’. Distr. — same. Type 2 MCZ. PUMA (Curran), 1941:303 (Planes). Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. RONDANII (Shannon), 1926a:14 (Planes). Type-locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. SAPPHIRINA Hull, 1951¢c:185. Type-locality: Peru, Chanchamayo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. SCHILDI (Shannon), 1926a:15 (Planes). Type-locality: Costa Rica, San Mateo, Higuito. Type ¢ USNM. SMARTI (Curran), 1941:302 (Planes). Type-locality: Guyana, Kaieteur. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. VAGABONDANS (Hull), 1941¢c:62 (Planes). Type-locality: Colombia, Restrepo. Distr. -— same. Type co Hull. VAGANS (Wiedemann), 1830:101 (Xylota). Type-locality: Brazil. Distr. — Panama, Guyana, Brazil (Para). Type ? VMNH. americana Schiner, 1868:367 (Syritta). Type-locality: “South Ame- rica”. Type ¢ VMNH*. mexicana Bigot, 1884a:539 (Syritta). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Type 3 BM(NH)*. VALERIA (Hull), 1941e:282 (Planes). Type-locality: Brazil, Sao Paulo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ Hull. WILLISTONI (Shannon), 1926a:14 (Planes). Type-locality: Mexico, Sierra Madre, Chihuahua, about 7300 ft. Distr. — same. Type «° USNM. Genus CERIOGASTER Williston CERIOGASTER Williston, 1888:285. Type-species, fascithorax Williston (mon.). Zonemyia Shannon, 1925a:109. Type-species, spinosa Shannon (orig. des.). ARETHUSA Hull, 1944j:42. Type-locality: Surinam, Paramaribo, Agricultural Station ‘Wolfenbuttel’. Distr. — same. Type & CU*. AUREOPILA Hull, 1941h:314. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ? Hull. FASCITHORAX Williston, 1888:286 (as foscithorax; emendation by Kertész, 1910:308; Curran, 1930f:10). Type-locality: Brazil, Mato Grosso: Corumba & Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? AMNH*. fuscithorax, Shannon, 1926a:50, misspelling. fosicithorax, Shannon, 1927a:6, misspelling. 46.115 FUNEBRIS Hull, 1944b:11. Type-locality: Guyana, Essequibo River, Mora- balli Creek. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). HINEI Thompson (nom. nov. for transversa Hine). Distr. — Honduras. NOM. NOV. transversa Hine, 1913:208 (Myiolepta; preocc. Walker, 1857). Type- locality: Honduras, Puerto Cortez. Type ¢ OhSU. LATITARSATA (Macquart), 1842:133 (73), pl. 14, fig. 1 (habitus), 1a (head) (Xylota). Type-locality: “?South America”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MNHN. N. COMB. PANAMENSIS Curran, 1930f:10. Type-locality: Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. RUDIS Hull, 1944j:43. Type-locality: Panama, Changuinola Dist. Distr. — same. Type os CU. SCUTELLATA Curran, 1934b:4065. Type-locality: Guyana, Kartabo. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. SPINOSA (Shannon), 1925a:109 (Zonemyia). Type-locality: Panama, Tri- nidad River. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. TRANSVERSA (Walker), 1857:153 (Syritta). Type-locality: “Valley of Ama- zon”, Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). Genus MacroMetopia Philippi MACROMETOPIA Philippi, 1865:740. Type-species, atra Philippi (mon.). ATRA Philippi, 1865:740. Type-locality: Chile, Corral. Distr. — Chile (San- tiago — Bio Bio), Argentina (Neuquén). Type(s) ? MNHNS. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:365, fig. 22i (head). Genus STERPHUS Philippi STERPHUS Philippi, 1865:737. Type-species, autumnalis Philippi (mon.) = coeruleus Rondani. Stherphus, Fluke, 1957:106, misspelling. Subgenus STERPHuUS Philippi AURIFRONS Shannon, 1926a:46. Type-locality: Chile, Juan Fernandez Islands. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NB). COERULEUS (Rondani), 1863:8 (Xylota). Type-locality: ‘Chile’. Distr. — Chile, Argentina (Neuquén). Type ¢ MIZUN. Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:155, fig. 33 (head). autumnalis Philippi, 1865:782. Type-locality: Chile, Prov. Valdivia. Type(s) ? MNHNS. antennalis Philippi, 1865:737, incorrect original spelling (1st revisor, Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892b:191). aurifacies Schiner, 1868:360 (Xylota). Type-locality: “Chile”. Types ? VMNH*. N. SYN. Subgenus CREPIDOMYIA Shannon CREPIDOMYIA Shannon, 1926a:47 (as genus). Type-species, tricrepis Shannon (orig. des.). 46.116 Tatuomyia Shannon, 1926a:48 (as genus). Type-species, batesi Shannon (orig. des.). Senoceria Hull, 1930:144 (as genus). Type-species, spinifemorata Hull (orig. des.) = coarctatus Wiedemann. ; Mutillimyia Hull, 1943b:139 (as genus). Type-species, Ceriogaster auri- caudata Williston (orig. des.). Willistonimyia Hull, 1943b:140, incorrect original spelling of Mutillimyia Hull. AURICAUDATUS (Williston), 1892:73, pl. 2:10 (habitus), 10a (head) (Cerio- gaster). Type-locality: Mexico, Guerrero, Omiltemi, 8000 ft. Distr. — same. Types o ? BM(NH)*. N. COMB. BATESI (Shannon), 1926a:48 (Tatuomyia). Type-locality: Brazil, Amazonas, Tefé (as Ega.) Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. CHLOROPYGA (Schiner), 1868:366 (Xylota). Type-locality: “Columbien”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2 VMNH*. N. COMB. COARCTATUS (Wiedemann), 1830:100 (Xylota). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Panama, Brazil. Type 2? SMF*. N. COMB. spinifemoratus Hull, 1930:146, figs. 2 (mesonotum), 5 (head), 6 (hind leg) (Senoceria). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type ¢ ANSP*. CYBELE (Hull), 1951¢c:184 (Crepidomyia). Type-locality: Peru, Chancha- mayo. Distr. — Colombia, Peru. Tyype ? Hull*. N. COMB. GENUINUS (Williston), 1888:284 (Xylota). Type-locality: Brazil, Rio de Janeiro. Distr. — Peru, Brazil, Argentina (Tucuman). Type ? AMNH*. Ref. — Fluke, 1950b:449, fig. (male genitalia). N. COMB. PLAGIATUS (Wiedemann), 1830:98 (Xylota). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Distr. — Guyana, Peru, Brazil (Amapaé, Amazonas). Type ? VMNH. N. COMB. ; TINCTUS (Fluke), 1950b:453, figs. 20 (head), 21 (wing) (Crepidomyia). Type-locality: Brazil, Santa Catarina, Nova Teutdénia. Distr. — same. Type ? AMNH*. N. COMB. TRICREPIS (Shannon), 1926a:47 (Crepidomyia). Type-locality: Peru, Rio Charape. Distr. — Cuba, Peru, Bolivia. Type ¢ USNM*. N. COMB. darlingtoni Hull, 1944c:40 (Crepidomyia). Type-locality: Cuba, Eastern Orierite, Mounts north of Imias, 3-4000 ft. Type ¢ MCZ*. N. SYN. ?dion Hull, 1951c:183 (Crepidomyia). Type-locality: Peru, Chancha- mayo. Type ? Hull*. N. SYN. Genus ODYNEROMYIA Shannon & Aubertin ODYNEROMYIA Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:156. Type-species, Doros odyne- roides Philippi (orig. des.). ODYNEROIDES (Philippi), 1865:747 (Doros?). Type-locality: Chile, Corral. Distr. — Chile, Argentina (Neuquén). Type(s) ? MNHNS. VALDIVIFORMIS Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:157. Type-locality: Argentina, Peulla. Type ¢ USNM. Genus VALDIVIOMYIA Vockeroth, nom, nov. Valdivia Shannon, 1927a:31 (preoce. White, 1847; Ragonot, 1888). Type- species, darwini Shannon (orig. des.). Voldivia, Shannon, 1927a:32, incerrect original spelling [in combination of Voldivia darwinil. 46.117 VALDIVIOMYIA Vockeroth, nom. nov. for Valdivia Shannon. Type-species, Valdivia darwini Shannon (aut.). Ref. — Sedman, 1965 (key). CAMRASI (Sedman), 1965:199, figs. 5 (head), 6-8 (male genitalia) (Valdi- via). Type-locality: Chile, Icalma. Distr. — same. Type ¢ USNM. N. COMB. DARWINI (Shannon), 1927a:32 (Voldivia). Type-locality: Chile, Valdivia. Distr. — Chile (Bio Bio — Chiloé). Tyne ¢@ BM(NH). Ref. — Sedman, 1965:197 (description of male), figs. 1-2 (head), 3-4 (male genitalia). N. COMB. EDWARDSI (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933:150 (Valdivia). Type-locality: Ar- gentina, Puerto Blest. Distr. — same. Type ¢ BM(NH). N. COMB. NIGRA (Shannon), 1927a:32 (Valdivia). Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — same. Type «> USNM. N. COMB. RUFICAUDA (Shannon), 1927a:32 (Valdivia). Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — same. Type 2? USNM. N. COMB. VALDIVIANA (Philippi), 1865:748 (Ocyptamus?). Type-locality: Chile, Val- divia. Distr. — Chile. Types ¢ 2? MNHNS. N. COMB. albimanus Bigot, 1883b:325 (Ocyptamus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Type 2? BM(NH)*. N. SYN. Genus ANERIOPHORA Stuardo & Cortés Eriophora Philippi, 1865:735 (preoce. Simon, 1864). Type-species, aureo- rufa Philippi (mon.). ANERIOPHORA Stuardo & Cortés, 1952:311 (nom nov. for Hriophora Phi- lippi). Type-species, Hriophora aureorufa (Philippi) (aut.). AUREORUFA (Philippi), 1865:736, fig. 36 (habitus) (Hriophora). Type-loca- lity: Chile, Valdivia Prov. Distr. — Chile (Malleco - Aysén). Types ¢ 2 MNHNS. Ref. — Hull, 1949d:365, figs. 22a (habitus, hind leg), 22b (antenna), 22c (head). Genus FLUKEA Etcheverry FLUKEA Etcheverry, 1966:2. Type-species, vockerothi Etcheverry (orig. des.). Fluckea Etcheverry, 1966:2, incorrect original spelling: of Flukea. VOCKEROTHI Etcheverry, 1966:3, figs. 1-35 (all aspects). Type-locality: Chile, Chillan. Distr. — Chile (Nuble — Ausén). Type s« UCSC. Genus CRIORHINA Meigen Penthesilea Meigen, 1800:35. Type-species, Musca ruficauda De Geer (sub. mon., Bezzi, in Hendel, 1908:67; misid.) = ranunculi Panzer. Suppressed by I.C.Z.N., 1963:339. CRIORHINA Meigen, 1822:236. Type-species, Syrphus asilicus Fallén (West- wood, 1840:1386). Eurhinomallota Bigot, 1882a:lxvii. Type-species, metallica Bigot (mon.). Romaleosyrphus Bigot, 1882a:cxxix. Type-species, villosus Bigot (mon.). N. SYN. ARCTOPHILOIDES (Giglio-Tos), 1892c:7 (Crioprora). Type-locality: Mexico, Angang[ueol]. Distr. — Mexico (Durango, Michoacan, Distrito Federal). Types ¢ ? UTOR*. 46.118 tapeta Fluke, 1939:369, fig. 7 (head). Type-locality: Mexico, Mexico City, 10,000 ft. Type ¢ AMNH*. N. SYN. METALLICA (Bigot), 1882a:lxvii (Hurhinomallota). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ? OXF*. VILLOSA (Bigot), 1882a:exxix (Romaleosyrphus). Type-locality: Mexico. Distr. — same. Type «¢ BM(NH)™*™. N. COMB. Genus PHILIPPIMYIA Shannon PHILIPPIMYIA Shannon, 1926a:47. Type-species, ?Sterphus cyanocephalus Philippi (orig. des.). CYANOCEPHALA (Philippi), 1865:738 (Sterphus?). Type-locality: Chile, San- tiago. Distr. — Chile (Valparaiso — Malleco). Type ? MNHNS. Genus B.ueErRA Billberg BLERA Billberg, 1820:118. Type-species, Musca fallax Linnaeus (Johnson, 1911:73). Ref. — Curran, 1953:12 (key). PALLIPES (Bigot), 1883b:352 (Spilomyia). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH)*. N. COMB. Genus SyritTa Lepeletier & Serville SYRITTA “epeletier & Serville, in Latreille, et al., 1828:808 (as a subgenus). Type-species, Musca pipiens Linnaeus (mon.). Austrosyritta Marnef, 1967:268. Type-species, cortesi Marnef (orig. des.) = flaviventris Macquart. FLAVIVENTRIS Macquart, 1842:135 (75). Type-locality: “Senegal”. Distr. — Africa, southern Europe; Chile, Argentina, Brazil. Type 6 MNHN*. cortesi Marnef, 1967:269, fig. b (4th sternum of male) (Austrosyritta). Type-locality: Chile, Valparaiso, Con-Con. Type & UCVC. PIPIENS (Linnaeus), 1758:594 (Musca). Type-locality: “Europe”. Distr. — Holarctic, Asia Minor, North Africa; Mexico (Durango, Chihua- hua). Type ? ? Ref. — Williston, 1887b:240 (description); pl. 12:1 (wing), 1a (hind leg), 1b + ec (head). Genus SENOGASTER Macquart SENOGASTER Macquart, 1834:519. Type-species, coerulescens Macquart (mon.) = dentipes Fabricius. Acrochordonodes Bigot, 1878:xcii. Type-species, vittatus Bigot (mon.) = dentipes Fabricius. Stenogaster, Agassiz, 1846:338, 351, emendation. DENTIPES (Fabricius), 1787:338 (Syrphus). Type-locality: “Cajennae”. Distr. — Surinam, Brazli. Type ? Kiel [destroyed, Zimsen, 1964:473]. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:239 (description), pl. 11:1 (habitus), la (wing), 1b (head); Hull, 1949d:366, figs. 23] (habitus), 23k (hind leg), 231 (abdomen), 23m (head). lineata Fabricius, 1805:194 (Milesia). Type2-locality: “America meri- dionali”. Type 2 MC*. coerulescens Macquart, 1834:519. Type-locality: “Exotique”’. Type ¢ OXF*, 46.119 vittata Bigot, 1878:xevii (Acrochordonodes). Type-locality: “Cayenne”. Type ¢ OXF*. comstocki Williston, 1882b:326. Type-locality: U.S.A., New York [error]. Type ¢ USNM. var. RUFOFEMORATA Doesburg, 1966:97. Type-locality: Surinam, Para- maribo & Houttuin. Distr. — same. Types o¢ 2 Doesburg. Genus TROPIDIA Meigen TROPIDIA Meigen, 1822:346. Type-species, Hristalis milesiformis Fallén | (Curtis, 1832:pl. 401) = scita Harris. Ortholophus Bigot, 1882a:cxxix. Type-species, notatus Bigot (mon.). Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:152 (key). FLAVIMANA Philippi, 1865:745. Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — Chile, Argentina (Mendoza). Type 3 MNHNS. INSULARIS Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892a:238 (1892c:94). Type-locality: Argen- tina, “Insula Antequera”. Distr. — same. Types ¢ ? MACN. NIGRICORNIS Philippi, 1865:745. Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — Chile. Type 6 MNHNS. bivittata Bigot, 1884a:547 (Xylota). Type-locality: “Chile”. Type ¢ BM(NH). NOTATA (Bigot), 1882a:cexxix (Ortholophus). Type-locality: “Chile”. Distr. — Chile, Argentina. Type ¢ BM(NH)*. PULCHRA Hull, 1944j:52. Type-locality: Argentina, Mendoza, Potrerillos. Distr. — same. Type ¢ CU. RUBRICORNIS Philippi, 1865:744. Type-locality: Chile, Colchagua Prov. Distr. — same. Type ¢6 MNHNS. Genus MILEs1a Latreille MILESIA Latreille, 1804:194. Type-species, Syrphus crabroniformis Fabricius (Williston, 1887b:254) to preserve established usage. [see Thomp- son, 1972:176]. Ref. — Hull, 1924 (key). BELLA Townsend, 1897e:142. Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico, Rio Rui- doso, 4 miles west of Dowling’s Mill, 6600 ft. Distr. — U.S.A. (Arizona, New Mexico); Mexico (Durango). Types ¢ ? BM(NH). NIGRA Fluke, 1939:371, fig. 11 (abdomen). Type-locality: Panama, Chiri- qui, El Volcan. Distr. — same. Type ¢ AMNH*. PULCHRA Williston, 1892:74, pl. 2:11 (habitus), 1la (head). Type-locality: Guatemala, Purula; Vera Paz, Senahu. Distr. — same. Types ¢ BM(NH). SCUTELLATA Hull, 1924:280. Type-locality: U.S.A., Mississippi, Mississippi Agricultural & Mechanical College. Distr. — U.S.A. (Louisana to North Carolina, south to Florida); Panama (Canal Zone). Type o Hull. VIRGINIENSIS (Drury), 1773:71, pl. 37, fig. 6 & index, p. 2 (Musca). Type- locality: U.S.A., Virginia. Distr. — U.S.A. (Minnesota) to Canada (Ontario), south to U.S.A. (Texas & Florida); Mexico (Nuevo Leon), ?Guadeloupe [Macquart, 1842:141 (81)]. Type ? ? 46.120 Genus SPILOMYIA Meigen SPILOMYIA Meigen, 1803:273. Type-species, Musca diophthalma Linnaeus (Coquillett, 1910b:617). Ref. — Curran, 1951 (key). EPHIPPIUM (Osten-Sacken), 1875:70 (Mixtemyia). Type-locality: “Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ*. Ref. — Williston, 1887b:249 (re- . description). GRATIOSA Wulp, 1888:372. Type-locality: Argentina, Tucuman Prov. Distr. — Brazil (Sao Paulo), Argentina (Tucuman). Type 2 lost? KAHLI Snow, 1895b:245. Type-locality: U.S.A., New Mexico, Magdalena Range, “near summit of ‘Little Baldy’”. Distr. — U.S.A. (Ari- zona, Texas, New Mexico); Mexico (Chihuahua). Type ¢ UK [Byers, et al., 1962:168]. LONGICORNIS Loew, 1872a:82 (1872b:258). Type-locality: U.S.A., Massa- chusetts, Pennsylvania, Texas. Distr. — Canada (Quebec) west to U.S.A. (Minnesota, south to Texas & Florida); Mexico [Wirth, et al., 1965:613]. Types ¢ 2? MCZ*. OBSCURA Coquillett, 1902:195. Type-locality: Mexico, Chihuahua, Sierra Madre, Head of Rio Piedras Verdes, 7300 ft. Distr. — same. Types ¢ 2? USNM. PLEURALIS Williston, 1887b:247. Type-locality: ‘“Mexico”. Distr. — same. Type ¢ MCZ*. Genus STILBOSOMA Philippi STILBOSOMA Philippi, 1865:736. Type-species, rubiceps Philippi (Shannon, 1926a:45). CYANEUM Philippi, 1865:736. Type-locality: Chile, Santiago & Valdivia Provs. Distr. — Chile (Santiago —- Aysén), Argentina (Neuquén). Types ? MNHNS. Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:154, figs. 31 (head), 32 (wing). nigrinervis Philippi, 1865:737. Type-locality: Chile, Valdivia Prov. Type ? MNHNS. nigricorne, Williston, 1886:322, misspelling. RUBICEPS Philippi, 1865:738. Type-locality: Chile, Santiago. Distr. — Chile (Santiago — Cautin). Type ? MNHNS. ruficeps, Williston, 1886:322, misspelling. Genus HemrxyLotTa Shannon & Aubertin HEMIXYLOTA Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:146. Type-species, varipes Shan- non & Aubertin (orig. des.). Ref. — Shannon & Aubertin, 1933: 146 (key). INCERTA Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:148. Type-locality: Argentina, Lake Nahuel Huapi, Puerto Blest. Distr. — same. Type 2? BM(NH). UNICOLOR Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:148. Type-locality: Argentina, En- senada. Distr. — Chile (Malleco), Argentina (Neuquén). Type BM(NH). VARIPES Shannon & Aubertin, 1933:146, fig. 30 (head). Type-locality: Ar- gentina, Puerto Blest. Distr. — Argentina (Neuquén). Type ¢ BM(NH) 46.121 Unplaced species of XYLOTINI MONTENSIS Hull, 1938:122, figs. 1 (head), 12 (antenna) (Nosodepus). Type-locality: Venezuela, Aragua, Colonia Tovar, 6000-7000 ft. Distr. — same. Type 2 CM. UNRECOGNIZED NEOTROPICAL SYRPIDAE Genus Pia Philippi PIA Philippi, 1865:742. Type-species, cyanea Philippi (mon.). CYANEA Philippi, 1865:742, fig. 40 (habitus), 40a (head). Type-locality: Chile, Illapel. Type ¢ MNHNS (lost?-FCT). UNRECOGNIZED SPECIES CHIRAGRA Fabricius, 1805:198 (Merodon). Type-locality: “America meridio- nali”’. Type ? lost (Zimsen, 1964:474). CYANESCENS Macquart, 1834:511 (Helophilus). Type-locality: “Brazil”. Type ? MNHN (not found — JRV). FLAVA Sack, 1941:117 (Ceratophya). Type-locality: Peru, Rosalina on Rio Urubamba. Type 2 MD. GAGATHINA Bigot, 1887: Ixxix (Priomerus). Type-locality: Ecuador, Loja. Type 2 ? (not found at either OXF or BM(NH) — JRV & FCT). NUBECULOSUS Wulp, 1888:372 (Pterallastes). Type-locality: Argentina, Prov. Tucuman. Type c lost? LITERATURE CITED AGASSIZ, L. 1846. Nomenclatoris zoologici Index Universalis, continens. nomina systematica classium, ordinum, familiarum et generum ani- malium omnium, tam viventium quam fossilium, secundum ordinem alphabeticum unicum disposita, adjectis homonymis plantarum, nec non variis adnotationibus et emendationibus, viii + 393 pp. Soloduri [= Solothurn, Switzerland]. ALDRICH, J. M. 1905. A catalogue of North American Diptera. Smithsn. Misc. Collect. 46(2): 1-686. 1933. Notes on Diptera, No. 6. Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 35: 165-170. ANDERSSON, H. 1970. Taxonomic Notes on the Genera Platycheirus and Melanos- toma (Dipt., Syrphidae) with lectotype designations. Hnt. scand. 1(3): 236-240. D’ANDRETTA, Maria A. V. & CARRERA, M. 1952. Resultados de uma expedicéo cientifica ao territério do Acre. — Diptera. Papéis Avulsos Zool. 10(17): 293-306. 46.122 ARNAUD, P. 1963. AUSTEN, E. 1893. 1913. lgle5 dlies Records of Diptera from Guadalupe Island, Mexico. Second Paper. Ent. 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W. 1900. Report on a collection of Dipterous insects from Puerto Rico. Proc. U. S. natn. Mus. 22: 249-270. (252-253). 1901. Papers from the Hopkins Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899. II. Entomological Results (2): Dipteria (sic). Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. 3: 371-379. 1902. New Cyclorhaphous Diptera from Mexico and New Mexico. Canad. Ent. 34: 195-202. 1910a. The type-species of the North American genera of Diptera. Proc. U. S. nat. Mus. 37: 499-647. 1910b. Corrections to my paper on the type-species of the North American genera of Diptera. Canad. Ent. 42: 375-379. 46.126 CurRRAN,, C. H. 1925a. 1925b. 1925c. 1925d. 1926a. 1926b. 1926c. 1927a. 1927b. 1927c. 19282. 1928b. 1929. 1930a. 1930b. 1930c. Contribution to a monograph of the American Syrphidae from North of Mexico. Kansas U. Sci. Bull. (1924) 15: 7-216. New American Diptera. I. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (8)16: 243-253. New American Diptera. II. Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9)16: 338-354. New Diptera in the American Museum of Natural History. Amer. Mus. Novit. 176: 1-10. Partial synopsis of American species of Volucella, with notes on Wiedemann’s types. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 19: 50-66. Notes on Wiedemann’s types of Syrphidae. Canad. Ent. 58: 111-115. Appendix. New Diptera from Jamaica. pp. 102-114. In Gow- dey, C. C. Catalogus insectorum jamaicensis. Ent. Bull., Jamaica Dept. Agr. 4 (1/2): 1-114. Synopsis of the syrphid genus Copestylum Macq. (Diptera). Ent. News 38: 43-46. New Neotropical and Oriental Diptera in the American Museum of Natural History. Amer. Mus. Novit. 245: 1-9. Four new species of Volucella (Syrphidae, Dipt.). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 22(2): 84-88. Insects of Porto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Diptera or two winged flies. Pt. 1, pp. 1-118. In New York Acad. of Sci., Scientific Survey of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. WIS Tak Records and descriptions of Diptera mostly from Jamaica. pp. 29-45. In Appendix of Gowdey, C. C., 1928, Catalogus Insectorum jamaicensis. Ent. Bull., Jamaica Dept. Agric. 4(3): 1-45 (q.v.). New Syrphidae and Tachinidae. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 22: 489-510. New Diptera belonging to the Genus Baccha Fabricius (Syr- phidae). Amer. Mus. Novit. 403: 1-16. New Diptera belonging to the Genus Mesogramma Loew (Syrphidae). Amer. Mus. Novit. 405: 1-14. New species of Eristalinae with notes (Syrphidae, Diptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 411: 1-27. 46.127 1930d. 1930e. 1930. 1932a. 1932b. 1933. 1934a. 1934b. 1934c. 1935. 1936a. 1936b. 1937. 1938. 1939a. 1939b. 1939c. 1939d. 1939e. 46.128 New species of Volucellinae from America (Syrphidae, Dip- tera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 413: 1-23. New Diptera from North and Central America. Amer. Mus. Novit. 415: 1-16. New Syrphidae from Central America and the West Indies. Amer. Mus. Novit. 416: 1-11. New American Syrphidae (Diptera), with notes. Amer. Mus. Novit. 519: 1-9. The Norwegian Zoological Expedition to the Galapagos Islands, 1925, conducted by Alf Wollebaek. IV. Diptera. Meddel. Zool. Mus., Oslo 30: 347-366. Two new Diptera from Guatemala. Amer. Mus. Novit. 643: 1-2. The families and genera of North American Diptera, 512 pp. INS: Diptera of Kartabo, Bartica District, British Guiana. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 66: 287-532. The Templeton Crocker Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932. No. 13. Diptera. Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 21: 147-172. New American Diptera. Amer. Mus. Novit. 812: 1-24. Three new species of Meromacrus (Diptera, Syrphidae). Amer. Mus. Novit. 834: 1-5. New Neotropical Syrphidae (Diptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 882: 1-17. The Neotropical species of Melanostoma and allies (Syrphi- dae: Diptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 926: 1-4. New American Diptera. Amer. Mus. Novit. 975: 1-7. Synopsis of the American species of Volucella (Syrphidae; Diptera). Part I. Table of Species. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1027: 1-7. Synopsis of the American species of Volucella (Syrphidae; Diptera). Part II. Descriptions of New Species. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1028: 1-17. Two new American Diptera with notes on Asemosyrphus Bigot. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1031: 1-3. New Neotropical Baccha Fabricius (Syrphidae: Diptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 1041: 1-12. Syrphidae (Diptera). In Résultats scientifiques des croisiéres du Navire-Ecole Belge “Mercator”, Vol. 2:173-175. Mem. Mus. R. Hist. nat. Belg. (2) 15. 1940. Some new Neotropical Syrphidae (Diptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 1086: 1-14. 1941. New American Syrphidae. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 78: 243-304. 1947a. A fissicorn syrphid fly from Brazil (Diptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 13847: 1-2. 1947. New species of Volucella from Hawaii and the United States (Syrphidae, Diptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 1361: 1-6. 195i". Synopsis of the North American species of Spilomyia. (Syr- phidae, Diptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 1492: 1-11. 1953. Notes and description of some Mydaidae and Syrphidae. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1645: 1-15. CurTIs, J. 1832-1839. British entomology: Being illustrations and descriptions of the genera of insects found in Great Britain and Ireland. Vol. 9, pls. 384-433, 1832; Vol. 13, pls. 626-673, 1837; Vol. 16, pls. 722-769, 1839. London. DAVIDSON, W. M. 1922. Notes on certain species of Melanostoma (Diptera: Syrphi- dae). Trans. Amer. ent. Soc. 48: 35-47. DEGEER, C. 1776. Mémoires pour servir a Vhistoire des Insectes. Vol. 6, 523 pp. Stockholm. DoESBURG, P. H. VAN 1958. Syrphiden-allerlei. Hnt. Ber., Amsterdan 18: 41-46. 1962. Preliminary list of Syrphidae known from Suriname and British and French Guiana, Stud. Fauna Suriname (Natuur- wet. Stud. Suriname) The Hague 5 (28): 1-33. 1966. Syrphidae from Suriname. Additional records and descriptions. Stud. Fauna Suriname (Natuurwet. Stud. Suriname), 9 (35): 61-107. 1970. Records of Syrphidae from the Lesser Antilles. Studies on the Fauna of Curacao and other Caribbean Islands 34 (126): 90-101. Drury, D. 1770.* Illustrations of natural. history. Wherein are exhibited up- wards of 240 figures of exotic insects, according to their different genera. Vol. 1, 130 pp., 4 fig., 60 pls. London. 1773.* Illustrations of natural history. Wherein are exhibited up- wards of 240 figures of exotic insects, according to their different genera. Vol. 2, 90 pp., 50 pls., and index to Vols 1-2. (4 unnumbered pages). London. 46.129 * the name of the insects figured are found only in the index; thus the names must date from 1773. See Stone et al., 1965 :1207. DUSEK, J. & P. LASKA 1967. Bersuch zum Aufbau eines natiirlichen Systems mitteleuro- paischer Arten der Unterfamilie Syrphinae (Diptera). Acta Sci. nat., Brno 1: 349-390. ENDERLEIN, G. 1912. Die Insekten des Antarkto-Archiplata-Gebietes (Feuerland, Falklands-Inseln, Stid-Georgien). 20. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der antarktischen Faune. Kungl. Svenka Vet.-Akad. Handl. 48(3), 170 pp., 4 tafeln. 1938. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Syrphiden. Sitzber. Gesell. Natur. Freunde, Berlin, 1987: 192-237. 1940. Die Dipterenfauna der Juan-Fernandez-Inseln und der Oster- Insel. In. Skottsberg, Natural History of Juan Fernandez and Easter Isiand. Zoology 3(5): 643-680. ETCHEVERRY, M. 1963. Descripciones originales, sinonimia y distribucion geografica de las especies de la familia Syrphidae (Diptera) en Chile. Publ. Centro Hstudios Ent. 5: 1-141. 1966. Flukea vockerothi nuevo genero y nueva especie de Syrphidae Chileno (Diptera). Publ. Centro Hstudios Ent. 8: 1-22. ETCHEVERRY, M. & R. D. SHENEFELT 1962. A preliminary study of the genitalia of Chilean Syphidae. Verhandl. XI. Internat. Kongr. Ent., 1960, 1:207-214, figs. FABRICIUS, J. C. 1775. Systema entomologiae, sistens insectoruwm classes, ordines, genera, species adiectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, observationibus. 832 pp. Flensburgi et Lipsiae [= Flensburg and Leipzig]. 1781. Species insectorum exhibentes eorum differentias specificas, synonyms, auctorum, loca natalia, metamorphosin. Vol. 2. 517 pp. Hamburgi et Kilonii [=Hamburg and Kiel]. 1787. Mantissa insectorum sistens species nuper detectas. Vol. 2. 3823 pp. Hafniae Ee Gopenina ent. 1794. Entomologia systematica emendata et aucta. Vol. 4. 472 pp. Hafniae [=Copenhagen]. 1798. Supplementum entomologiae systematicae. 572 pp. Hafniae [=Copenhagen]. 1799. Index alphabeticus in J. C. Fabricii Supplementum Entomo- logiae Systematicae. 53 pp. Hafniae [=Copenhagen]. 46.130 1805. FALLEN, C. F 1810. Systema antliatorum secundum ordines, genera, species. 373 p., + 30 pp. Brunsvigae [=Brunswick]. Specim. entomolog. novam Diptera disponendi methodum exhibens. 26 pp., 1 pl. Lund. 1816. Syrphici Sveciae. Pp. 1-22 (cont.). Lundae (=Lund). 1817. Syrphici Sveciae. (Concl.). Pp. 23-62. Lundae (=Lund). FLUKE, C. L. 1936. New Syrphidae (Diptera) from Brazil and Cuba. J. Kans. Hint. Soc. 9: 59-65. 1937. New South American Syrphidae (Diptera). Amer. Mus. Novit. 941: 1-14. 1939. New Syrphidae (Diptera) from Central and North America. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 32: 365-375. 1942. Revision of the Neotropical Syrphini related to Syrphus. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1202: 1-24. 1943. A new genus and new species of Syrphidae (Diptera) from Ecuador. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 36: 425-431. 1945. The Melanostomini of the Neotropical Region (Diptera, Syr- phidae). Amer. Mus. Novit. 1272: 1-29. 1950a. The male genitalia of Syrphus, Epistrophe and related genera (Diptera, Syrphidae). Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts Letters 40: 115-148. 1950b. Some new tropical syrphid flies with notes on others. Acta Zool. Lilloana 9: 439-454. 1951a. The genus “Dolichogyna” (Diptera, Syrphidae). Acta Zool. Lilloana 12: 465-478. 1951b. Syrphid flies related to Volucella scutellata Macquart. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1503: 1-33. 1951c. Corrections to the paper on “The male genitalia of Syrphus, Epistrophe and related genera” (Diptera: Syrphidae). Hnt. News 62: 217-218. 1953a. New Syrphidae from North America. J. Kans. Ent. Soc. 26: 125-129. 1953b. Some Syrphid Fly Synonomy (sic). Ent. News 64: 208-209. 1955. Los Insectos de las Islas Juan Fernandez, 18. Syrphidae (Diptera). Rev. Chilena Ent. 4: 39-43. 46.131 1956. Catalogue of the family Syrphidae in the Neotropical Region. Rev. Brasil Ent. 6: 193-268. 1957. Catalogue of the family Syrphidae in the Neotropical Region. Rev. Brasil Ent. 7: 1-181. 1958. A study of the male genitalia of the Melanostomini (Diptera- Syrphidae). Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts Letters (1957) 46: 261-279. 1960. Concerning the Catalogue of Neotropical Syrphidae. Rev. Bras. Ent. 9: 169. FLUKE, C. L., & HuLL, F. M. . 1947. The Cartosyrphus flies of North America (Syrphidae). Trans. Wis. Acad. Sci. Arts, Letters, (1945) 37: 221-263. FLUKE, C. L. & WEEMS, H. V., JR. 1956. The Myoleptini of the Americas (Diptera, Syrphidae). Amer. Mus. Novit. 1758: 1-23. Frey, R. 1946. Uber der Gattungen der Syrphiden-Unterfamilie Syrphinae (Syrphinae+Bacchinae). Notulae Hnt. (1945) 25: 152-172. GIGLIO-Tos, E. 1891. Diagnosi de quattro nuovi generi di Ditteri. Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp 6(108): 1-6. 1892a. Un nuovo genere di Sirfidi. Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. 7 (117): 1-3. i 1892b. Sui due generi di Sirfidi Rhopalosyrphus ed Omegasyrphus. Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. 7(118): 1-3. 1892c. Diagnosi di nuove specie di Ditteri. VI. Sirfidi del Messico. Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. 7(123): 1-7. 1892d. Diagnosi di nuove specie di Ditteri. VII. Sirfidi del Messico. Bol. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. 7(132): 1-5. 1892e. Ditteri del Messico. Pt. 1, 72 pp. ‘Torino. 1893. Ditteri del Messico. Pt. 2, 80 pp. Torino. GMELIN, J. F 1790. Caroli a Linné, Systema naturae per regna tria naturae,... Ed. 13. Vol. 1: Regnum Animale, Pt. 5, pp. 2225-3020. Lipsiae (=Leipzig). (see Stone et al., 1965:1245). GOFFE, E. R. 1946. The genera in Syrphidae of Lioy, 1864. J. Brit. Hnt. 3(1): 27-30. 46 .132 Goot, V. S. 1964. GOWDEY, C. 1926. 1928. VAN DER Fluke’s catalogue of neotropical Syrphidae (Insects, Diptera) a critical study with an appendix on new names in Syrphidae. Beaufortia 10(127): 212-221. ; & Catalogus insectorum jamaicensis. Ent. Bull., Jamaica Dept. Agric. 4(1): xiv+114 pp.; 4(2): ii+10 pp. (79-80). Catalogus insectorum jamaicensis. Hnt. Bull., Jamaica Dept. Agric. 4(3): iii+45 pp. Gray, G. (See Griffith & Pidgeon, 1832) GREENE, C. T. 1923. 1955. GRIFFITH, E 1832. A new species of Volucella (Diptera). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 25: 165-168. Larvae and pupae of the genera Microdon and Mixogaster (Diptera, Syrphidae). Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 81: 1-20. . & PIDGEON, E. The class insects arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with sup- plementary additions to each order, and notices of new genera and species by George Gray, Esq. Volume the second. Vol. 15, 793 pp. (see Stone, et al., 1965:1251). GUERIN-MENEVILLE, F. E. 1844. 1848a. 1848b. HALIDAY, A. 1856. lIs¥Nuit, ID), (ep 1927), Harpy, D. E 1964. Douziéme ordre. Les Diptéres. Pp. 531-559. Im his Iconographie du régne animal de G. Cuvier, Vol. 3: Texte explicatif, In- sectes, 576 pp. Paris (see Stone, et al., 1965:1253). (Une description provisoire). Ann. Soc. ent. France (2)6 (Bull. : Tex. Note sur deux Insectes parasites de la cochenille et qui font un grand tart a cette culture en Amérique. Rev. zool. 11: 349-350. Ee Addenda and corrigenda. Pp. xi-xv. In (Walker, F., H. T. Stainton, & S. J. Wilkinson), Insecta Britannica. (Vol. 4): Diptera Vol. 3 (by Walker), xxiv+352 pp., pls. 21-30. London (see Stone, et al., 1965:1254, 1462). A new Syrphid (Diptera) from Guatemala. Hnt. News 38: 239-240. Diptera: Brachycera II-Cyclorrhapha I. Volume 11, 458 pp. in Zimmerman, E. C., Insects of Hawaii, volume 11. 46.133 HARTLEY, J. 1961. 1963. C. - A taxonomic account of the larvae of some British Syrphidae. Proc. Zool Soc. London 136(4): 505-573. The cephalopharyngeal apparatus of syrphid larvae and its relationship to other Diptera. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 141 (2): 261-280. Haywarp, K. J. & GOLBACH, R. 1963. Lista de los Tipos de Diptera conservados en el Instituto Miguel Lillo. Acta Zool. Lilloana: 19: 391-406. HEIss, E. M. 1938. HENDEL, F. 1908. HINE, J. S. 1913. 1914. 1924. A classification of the larvae and puparia of the Syrphidae of Illinois exclusive of aquatic forms. Jll. Biol. Monog. 16 (4), 142 pp. in Univ. Ill. Bull. 36(1): 1-142. Nouvelle classification des mouches 4 deux ailes (Diptera L.), d’aprés un plan tout nouveau par J. G. Meigen, Paris, an VII (1800 v. s.). Mit einem Kommentar. Verhandl. k.-k. zool.-bot. Gesell., Wien 58: 43-69. The genus Myiolepla [sic]. Ohio Nat. 14: 205-210. Diptera of Middle America. Family Syrphidae. Ohio Nat. 14: 333-343. The North American species of the genus Meromacrus with one new species. (Diptera, Syrphidae). Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 19: 20-23. Horn, W. & KAHLE, I. 1935. 1936. 1937. Uber entomologische Sammlungen. (Ein Beitrag zur Geschi- chte der Entomo-Museologie). Teil 1. Hnt. Beih., Berlin- Dahlem 2: 1-160, taf. i-xvi. Uber entomologische Sammlungen. (Ein Beitrag zur Geschi- chte der Entomo-Museologie). Teil II. Hnt. Beih., Berlin- Dahlem 3:161-296, taf. xvii-xxvi. Uber entomologische Sammlungen, Entomologen & Entomo- Museologie. (Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der. Entomologie). Teil III. Hnt. Beih. 4: 297-536, taf. xxvii-xxxviii. HuLu, F. M. 1924. 1925a. 1925b. 46.134 Milesia in North America (Dipt.: Syrphidae). Hnt. News 35: 280-282. A review of the genus Hritalis, pt. 1. Ohio J. Sci. 15: 11-48. A review of the genus Fristalis, pt. 2. Ohio J. Sci. 15: 285-310. 1925c. 1930. 1935. 1936a. 1936b. 1937a. 1937b. 1937c. 1938. 1940a. 1940b. 1941a. 1941b. 1941c. 1941d. 1941e. 1941f. 1941¢g. 1941h. 1941i. Notes on the North American species of the genus Didea with description of a new species. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 18: 277-281. Some new species of Syrphidae from North and South Ame- rica. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 56: 139-148. Some undescribed species of Hristalis from North America in the United States National Museum. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 25: 326-331. Change of same. Hnt. News 47: 227. A curious new Syrphid fly from Peru. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 38: 167. Some Neotropical and Oriental Syrphid flies in the United States National Museum. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 27: 165-176. New species of exotic Syrphid flies. Psyche 44: 12-32. A megamorphic and two curious mimetic flies. Psyche 44: 116-121. : Exotic forms of Syrphid flies. Ann. Carnegie Mus. 27: 121-128. Some Neotropical Syrphid flies. Hnt. News 51: 247-250. Some new species of Syrphidae. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 30: 432-434. New American Syrphid flies. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1151: 1-3. Some new species of Syrphidae. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 36: 166-168. Some new species of Syrphidae. J. Kansas Ent. Soc. 14: 61-63. Some new Syrphid flies from North and South America. Ent. News 52: 157-163. Some new species of Syrphidae from Florida, Cuba and Brazil. Hnt. News 52: 278-283. Some flies of the Family Syrphidae, Mesogramma. Psyche 48: 45-49. Descriptions of some new species of Syrphidae. Psyche 48: 149-165. Some new species of Syrphidae from South America. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 31: 311-315. Some undescribed Syrphid flies from the Neotropical region. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 31: 432-440. 46.135 1941). 1942a. 1942b. 1942c. 1942d. 1942e. 1942f. 1942¢. 1942h. j943a. 1943b. 1943c. 1943d. 1943e. 1943f. 1943¢. 1943h. 1943). 1943). 46.136 Some species of the genus Baccha from the New World. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 43: 181-183. New species of Syrphidae from the Neotropical region. Psyche 49: 84-107. Some new species of Syrphidae. J. Kansas Ent. Soc. i5: 10-12. Some new species of Baccha and Mesogramma. Ohio J. Sci. 42: 13-74. Some new species of Baccha and Mesogramma. Rev. Ent., Rio de Janeiro 13: 44-49. The flies of the genus Meromacrus. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1200: 1-19. Some flies of the genus Mesogramma. Proc. New England Zool. Club. 30: 17-24. Some flies of the genus Volucella. Proc. New England Zool. Club. 19: 93-98. Some new species of Syrphidae. Psyche 49: 19-24. New species of American Syrphid flies. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 39: 48-53. The genus Ceriogaster Williston (Syrphidae). Rev. Soc. Hnt. Argentina 12: 138-140. Two new species of Baccha (Syrphidae). Proc. Hnt. Soc. Wash. 45: 50-51. Some flies of the genus Volucella in the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 10: 18-40. Some flies of the genus Microdon in the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (2) 10: 702-720. Some new American Syrphid flies (Diptera). Hunt. News 54: 29-37. New species of Syrphidae of the genus Baccha and Meso- grama. Hnt. News 54: 89-91. New species of Baccha and related flies. Hnt. News 54: 135-140. The genus Mesogramma. Hnt. Amer. 23: 1-41. The New World species of the genus Baccha. EHnt. Amer. 23: 42-99. 1943k. 19431. 1943m. 1943n. 1944a. 1944b. 1944c. 1944d. 1944e. 1944f. 1944¢. 1944h. 19441. 1944}. 1945a. 1945b. 1945c. 1946a. New species of Syrphid flies in the National Museum. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 33: 39-43. Some undescribed species of the genus Baccha (Syrphidae). J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 38: 72-74. New species of the genera Baccha and Rhinoprosopa (Syr- phidae). J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 33: 214-216. Some Neotropical Syrphids. Rev. Hnt., Rio de Janeiro 14: 510-515. New species of the genus Salpingogaster. Bol. Ent. Venezo- lana 3: 165-170. Three new species of Syrphid flies in the British Museum of Natural History. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 46: 10-12. Studies on Syrphid flies in the Museum of Comparative Zoology. Psyche 51: 22-45. Some flies of the family Syrphidae in the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (11) 11: 21-61. Additional species of Microdon in the British Museum (Na- tural History). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (11) 11: 241-261. New Syrphid flies from North and South America. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 39: 35-40. Additional species of the genus Baccha from the New World. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. Bull. 39: 56-64. Some genera of flies of the family Syrphidae. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 34: 129-134. Studies on flower flies (Syrphidae) in the Vienna Museum of Natural History. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 34: 398-404. A study of some Syrphid flies of South America. Rev. Ent., Rio de Janeiro 15: 34-54. New Syrphid flies. Hnt. News 56: 210-217 Some undescribed Syrphid flies. Proc. New England Zool. Club. 23: 71-78. A revisional study of the fossil Syrphidae. Bull. Mus. comp. Zool. 95: 251-355, pls. 1-13. The genus Quwichuana Knab. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1317: 1-17. 46.137 1946b. 1947a. 1947b. 1948a. 1948b. 1949a. 1949b. 1949c. 1949d. 1949e. 1949f. 1949¢. 1949h. 1949). 1950a. 1950b. 1950c. 195la. 1951b. 1951c. 46.138 The genus Lepidostola Mik. Amer. Mus. Novit. 1326: 1-15. More flies of the genus Baccha (Diptera, Syrphidae). Rev. Hnt., Rio de Janeiro 18: 395-410. Some American Syrphid flies. Psyche 54: 230-240. Some Neotropical species of Syrphids. Hnt. News 59: 1-12. Venezuelan Syrphid flies. Bol. Ent. Venezolana 7: 6-10. American Syrphid flies of the subfamilies Cheilosinae and Syrphinae. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 44: 73-79. New species of New World Baccha. Ohio J. Sci. 49: 244-246. Studies upon Diptera in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (12) 2: 727-746. The morphoolgy and inter-relationships of the genera of Syrphid flies, recent and fossil. Trans. Zool. Soc. London 26(4): 257-408. The genus Baccha from the New World. EHnt. Amer. 27: 89-291 (1947). Some flies of the genus Volucella from the New World. Psyche 56: 26-40. New American Syrphid flies of the subfamily Eristalinae. Psyche 56: 120-138. Some new species of the genus Volucella. Hnt. News 60: 31-38. Some unusual Syrphid flies. Hnt. News 60: 225-233. New species of New World Volucella. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 45: 65-71. Studies upon Syrphid flies in the British Museum (Natural History). Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (12) 3: 603-624. New South American Syrphid flies. Rev. Hnt., Rio de Janeiro 21: 225-236. New species of Mesogramma (Diptera: Syrphidae). Amer. Mus. Novit. 1480: 1-22. Some new species of Syrphid flies. J. New York Ent. Soc. 54: 65-70. Some New World Xylotinae (Diptrea: Syrphidae). Pan- Pacific Ent. 27: 183-186. 1954. The genus Mixogaster Macquart (Diptera: Syrphidae). Amer. Mus. Novit. 1652: 1-32. 1956. A new Southwestern species of Mallota Meigen (Diptera: Syrphidae). Psyche 63: 24-26. US BIT. Some undescribed species of the genus Baccha Fabricius (Diptera: Syrphidae). J. New York Ent. Soc. 65: 187-190. 1958. Three new species of the genus Baccha Fabricius (Diptera: Syrphidae). Studia Ent. 1: 427-432. 1960. New species of Syrphidae and Asilidae (Diptera). Pan-Pac. Ent. 36: 69-74. HUuLL, F. M. & FLUKE, C. L. 1950. The genus Cheilosia Meigen (Diptera, Syrphidae). The sub- genera Cheilosia and Hiatomyia. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 94: 299-402. INTERNATIONAL COMMISSION ON ZOOLOGICAL NOMENCLATURE. 1963. Opinisn 678. The suppression under the Plenary Powers of the pamphet published by Meigen, 1800. Bull. zool. Nomencl. 20: 339-342. JACOBS, J. CH. 1900. Diagnoses d’Insectes recueillis par l’expedition Antarctique Belge. An. Soc. Ent. Belgique 44: 107. JAENNICKE, F. 1867. Neue exotische Dipteren. Abhandl. Senckenb. Naturf. Gesell. 6: 311-408. JOHNSON, C. W. 1894. List of the Diptera of Jamaica with descriptions of new species. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, pp. 271-281. 1903. Diptera of Beulah, New Mexico. Pp. 101-106. Jn Skinner, H. ed., A list of the insects of Beulah, New Mexico. Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc. 29: 35-117. LOT Notes on the dipterous genera proposed by Billberg in his Enumeratio Insectorum. Psyche 18: 73-74. 1924. Diptera of the Williams Galapagos Expedition. Zoologica 5 (8): 85-92. ASE A revised list of the Diptera of Jamaica. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 41(8): 421-449. 1908. The Diptera of the Bahamas with notes and description of one new species. Psyche 15: 69-80. 1919. The North American Diptera described by Nils S. Swederus. Canad. Ent. 51: 32. 46.139 1921. New Diptera from Texas and Mexico. Psyche 28: 56-59. 1926. New species of Diptera from North Carolina and Florida. Psyche (1925) 32: 299-302. KAHL, P. H. I. 1897. New species of the syrphid genera Mixogaster Macq. and Ceria Fabr., with notes. Kans. Univ. Quart. (A) 6: 137-146. KERTESZ, K. 1902. Uebersicht der siidamerikanischen Ceria-Arten. Természetr. Fuzetek 25: 85-90. 1903. Einige neue stdamerikanische Ceria-Arten. Ann. Hist. Nat. Mus. hung. 1: 433-440. 1910. Catalogus dipterorum hucusque descriptorum Vol. 7, 470 pp. KNAB, F. 1913. Some Neotropical Syrphidae. Insec. Inscit. Menst. 1: 18-15. 1914. Two North American Syrphidae. Insec. Inscit. Menst. 2: 151-153. 1916a. Critical notes on Syrphidae. Insec. Inscit. Menst. 4: 91-95. 1916b. Further notes on Syrphidae. Insec. Inscit. Menst. 4: 133-135. 1917. On sme North American Species of Microdon (Diptera: Syrphidae). Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 30: 133-143. KNUTSON, L. V. 1971. Puparia of Salpingogaster conopida and S. texana, with notes on prey (Diptera: Syrphidae). Hnt. News, 82: 29-38. 1973. Taxonomic revision of the Aphid-killing flies of the genus Sphaerophoria in the Western Hemisphere (Syrphidae). Miscel. Publ. ent. Soc. Amer. 9: 1-50, 108 figs. 10 maps. LANE, J. 1962. Insecta Patagonica (Diptera: Syrphidae). Rev. Soc. ent. AYr- gentina 25: 17-19. LANE, J. & CARRERA, M. 1943. Sobre o género Cerioides (Diptera, Syrphidae, Cerioidini). Rev. Ent., Rio de Janeiro 14: 167-173. ‘ 1944. Duas espécies de Quichuwana que se criam em bambu. Fev. Ent., Rio de Janeiro 15: 205-208. LATREILLE, P. A., LEPELETIER, A. L. M., SERVILLE, J. G. A. & GUERIN-MENE- VILLE, F. E. 1825-[1828]. Entomologie, ou histoire naturelle des Crustacés, de Arachnides et des Insectes Vol. 10, pp. 1-344, 1825; pp. 345-833 (1828) In Société de Gens de Lettres, de Savans et d’Artistes, Encyclopedie méthodique. Histoire naturelle. 46.140 LATREILLE, P. A. 1804. Tableau méthodique des Insectes. Pp. 129-200. In Societé de Naturalistes et d’Agriculturs, Nowveau dictionnaire Whistoire naturelle, appliqué aux arts, principalement a Vagriculture et a Véconomie rurale et domestique. Vol. 24: Tableaux mé- thodiques @histoire naturelle, pp. 1-238. 1805. Histoire naturelle, générale et particuliére, des Crustacés et des Insectes, Tome quatorziéme. pp. 1-432. In Sonnini, C. S. ed., Histoire naturelle par Buffon. 1810. Considérations générales sur Vordre naturel des animauz. 444 pp. Paris. LATTA, R. & Coie, F. R. 1335 A comparative study of the species of Humerus known as the lesser bulb flies. Monthly Bull. Calif. Dept. Agric. 22: 142-152, 16 figs. Lima, A. DA COSTA 1946. Nova espécie do género Rhysops Williston (Diptera: Syrphi- dae). Bol. Soc. brasil. Agron. 9: 155-156. LINNAEUS, C. 1758. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae. Ed. 10, vol. 1, 1-824. Stockholm. LINSLEY, E. G. & R. L. USINGER 1966. Insects of the Galapagos Islands. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. (4) 83: 113-196 (168). Loew, H. 1840. Ueber die im Grosherzogthum Posen aufgefundenen Zwei- fliigler. Isis (Oken’s) 1840: 512-583. 1853. Neue Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Dipteren. EHrster Beitrag. K. Realschule Meseritz, Programme 1853 1-38. 1861. Diptera aliquot in insula Cuba collecta. Wien. Ent. Monatschr. 5: 33-43. 1863. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria tertia. Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr. 7: 1-55. 1864a. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria quinta. Berlin. Hint. Zeitschr. 8: 49-104. 1864b. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Vol. 1: (Centuriae 1-5), 266 pp. Berolini (=Berlin), “1861” (see Stone, et al., 1965:1325). 1866a. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria sexta. Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr. (1865) 9: 127-186. 1866b. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria septima. Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr. 10: 1-54. 1872a. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Centuria decima. Berlin. Ent. Zeitschr. 16: 49-115. 46.141 1872b. Lioy, P. 1864. Diptera Americae septentrionalis indigena. Vol. 2: (Centuria 6-10), 300 pp. Berolini (=Berlin), (see Stone, et al., 1965: 1326). I Ditteri distribuiti secondo un nuovo metodo di classifica- zione naturale. Atti R. Ist. veneto Sci. (3) 9: 738-760. LYNCH ARRIBALZAGA, F. 1891. 1892a. 1892b. 1892c. Dipterologia Argentina (Syrphidae). An. Soc. Cien. Argen- tina 32: 80-99; 118-131; 194-202; 247-256; 307-314. Dipterologia. Argentina (Syrphidae). An. Soc. Cien. Argen- tina 33: 51-58, 111-121; 189-199; 236-253. Dipterologia Argentina (Syrphidae). An. Soc. Cien. Argen- tina 34: 33-46; 173-192; 242-280. Dipterologia Argentina. Syrphidae. 181 pp., 1 pl. Buenos Aires. MALDONADO CAPRILES, J. & NAvaARRO, C. A. 1967. Additions and Corrections to Wolcott’s “Insects of Puerto Rico.” Carib. J. Sci. 7(1-2): 45-64 (59). MACQuaRT, J. 1829. 1834. 1842. 1846. 1847. 1848. 46.142 Insectes Diptéres du nord de la France. Syrphies. Mém. Soc. Sci. Agr. Lille, 1827/1828: 149-371, 4 pls. (also published separately as “Insectes Diptéres du nord de la France”, Vol. 4, 223 pp., 4 pls., Lille, 1829). Histoire naturelle des Insectes. — Diptéres, Tome premier. Diptera, Vol. 1, 578 pp., 12 pls. In [Roret, N. E., ed.1 (Col- lection des suites & Buffon) Paris (see Stone et al., 1965: 1399). Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Mém. Soc. Sci. Agric. Lille 1841(1): 65-200, 22 pls. (also published separately as “Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus”, Vol. 2, Pt. 2, pp. 5-140, 22 pls., Paris, 1842) (see Stone et al., 1965:1332). Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Supplément. Mém. Soc. Sci. Agric. Lille (1845) 1844: 133-364, 20 pls. (also published as “Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Supplément. pp. 5-238, 20 pls., Paris, 1846). Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. 2° supplément. Mém. Soc. Sci. Agric. Lille 1846: 21-120, 6 pls. (also published as “Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Supplément II”, pp. 5-104, 6 pls., Paris, ?1847 (1848). Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Suite de ame. Supplément [i.e., 3¢ supplément]. Mém. Soc. Sci. Agric. Lille 1847 (2): 161-237, 7 pls. (also published as “Diptéres exotiques nowveaux ou peu connus. Supplément III’, pp. 1-77, 7 pls., Paris, 1848). 1850. Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. 4@ supplément. Mém. Soc. Sci. Agric. Lille 1849: 309-479, pls. 1-14. (also published as “Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. Supplément IV”, pp. 5-161 (text only), Paris, 1850). 1855. Diptéres exotiques nouveaux ou peu connus. 5&® supplément. Mém. Soc. Sci. Agric. Lille 1854: 25-156, 7 pls. (also published as “Diptéres exotiques nowveaux ou peu connus. Supplément V”, pp. 5-136, 7 pls., Paris, 1855). MANN, W. M. 1928. A new Microdon from Panama. Psyche 35: 168-170. MaARNEF, L. 1967. Austrosyritta cortesi nov. gen., nov. sp. de sirfido de Chile. (Diptera Syrphidae). Bull. Ann. Soc. R. Ent. Belg. 103: 268-276. MARTORELL, L. F. 11939). Insects observed in the State of Aragua, Venezuela, South America. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico 23(4): 177-232 (215-216). MATSUMURA, S. & J. ADACHI Uealy(. Synopsis of the economic Syrphidae of Japan. Pt. II. Ent. Mag. (Kyoto) 2: 133-156, pl. 6. MEIGEN, J. W. 1800. Nouvelle classification des mouches a deux ailes (Diptera L.) @aprés un plan tout nowveau. 40 pp. Paris. 1803. Versuch einer neuen Gattungseintheilung der europdischen zweiflugeligen Insekten. Mag. Insektenkunde 2: 259-281. 1822. Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europdischen zweifligeligen Insekten. Vol. 3, pp. 1-416. Hamm. 1830. Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten europdischen zweifligeligen Insekten. Vol. 6, pp. 1-401. Hamm. MEIJERE, J. C. H. DE 1913. Dipteren I. Nova Guinea 9: 305-386, taf. x. METCALF, C. L. 1921" The genitalia of male Syrphidae: their morphology, with es- pecial reference to its taxonomic significance. Ann. Ent. Soc. Amer. 14(3): 169-214. Mik, J. L. 1886. Dipterologische Miscellen. Il. Wien. Ent. Ztg. 5: 276-279. 1895. Bemerkungen zu den Dipteren-Gattungen Pelecocera Meig. und Rhopalomera Wied. Wien. ent. Ztg. 14: 133-136. 46.143 1899. NEWMAN, E. 1838. Ueber die Dipterengattung Microdon. Wien. Hnt. Ztg. 18: 138-143. Entomological Notes. Hnt. Mag. (Newman) 5: 372-402. OSTEN SACKEN, C. R. 1875. 1878. 1877. A list of the North American Syrphidae. Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 3: 38-71. Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America. Smithsn. Misc. Collect. 16(2): 1-276. Western Diptera: Descriptions of new genera and species of Diptera from the region west of the Mississippi and espe- cially from California. Bull. U. S. Geol. Geog. Survey Ter., 8: 189-354. PALISOT DE BEAuvois, A. M. F. J. 1805-(1821). Insectes recueillis en Afrique et en Amérique dans les royaumes d’Oware et de Benin, a Saint-Domingue et dans les Etats-Unis, pendant les années 1786-1797. 276 pp. Paris. (see Stone, et al., 1965:1366). PANZER, G. W. F. 1809. Faunae insectorum germanicae initiae oder Deutschlands Insecten. H. 104, 24 pp., 24 pls. Nurnberg. (see Stone, et al., 1965 :1367). PAPAVERO, N. 1962. 1964. Quatro novas espécies de Microdontinae do Brasil. (Diptera, Syrphidae). Papéis Avulso Zool. 15: (25): 317-326. Descricaéo de uma nova espécie de Ubristes Walker, 1852 (Dip- tera, Syrphidae, Microdontinae). Papéis Avulsos Zool. 16(2): 21-25. PERTY, J. A. M. 1830-1833. Delectus animalium articulatorum, quae in itinere per Bra- PHILIPPI, R. 1865. PERSSON, P. icles 46.144 siliam annis MDCCCXVII-MDCCCXX jussu et auspiciis Maxi- miliani Josephi I. Bavariae regis augustissimi peracto colle- gerunt Dr. J. B. de Spix et Dr. C. F. Ph. de Martius, 44 + 224 pp., 40 pls. Monachii (=Munich). (Pp. 1-60, pls. 2-12, 1830; pp. 61-124, pls. 13-24, 1832; pp. 125-224, pls. 25-40, 1833). A, Aufzahlung der chilenischen Dipteren. Verhandl K.-k. Zool. Bot. Gesell. Wien 15 (Abhandl.): 595-782. ile “EKugenies resa”. Localities, dates and labels of the insects collected during the voyage around the world by the Swedish frigate “Eugenie” in the years 1851-1853. Hnt. Tidskr. 92: 164-172. PING, G. 1962. Estudio de algunos caracteres morfoldgicos de nueve especies de Syrphidae chilenos de diferentes géneros (Diptera). Publ. Centros Estudios Entomologicos 4: 45-58. PORTER, CARLOS, E. 1918. 1920. 1921. 1923. 1924. 1924. 1927a. 1927b. 1927c. 1928. 1932. 1934. 1937. 1938. RAFINESQUE, 1815. Artrépodos de Curacautin y Lonquimay. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 22: 178-182. Sobre algunos Artrdpodos colectados en diversas localidades del pais por los senores J. N. Thomas, José A. Campo, J. A. Wolffsohn, R. Barros V., etc. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 24: 153-160. Sobre algunos Sirfidos de Chile. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 25: 446-447. Lista de los Sirfidos colectados por don Hector E. Pinochet C. en la prov. Bio-Bio Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 27: 117. Algunos Insectos colectados en el sur del pais por el senor Flaminio Ruiz P. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 28: 81-82. Enumeracion de Sirfidos colectados en San José de Maipo en Octubre y Novbre. de 1923. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 28: 98. Sobre un Cerambycidae y un Syrphidae procedentes de Trai- guen. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 31: 83. Cambio de nombre genérico en la Fam. Sirfidos. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 31: 96. Algunos insectos de Mancera. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 31: 121-122. Entomologia Chilena. Primera lista de Insectos de Panimavida. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 32: 221-225. Acerea de algunos Insectos Chilenos. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 36: 190-193. Insectos colectados en Puente Alto (1). Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 38: 169-171. Acerca de la distribucion geografica de algunos Insectos Chi- lenos. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 41: 41-42. Entomologia Chilena. Localidades Nuevas de algunas especies. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat. 42: 166-169. GS: Analyse de la Nature ow tableau de VUnivers et des corps organisés. 224 pp. Palerme. 46.145 Ramos, J. A. 1946. RODER, V. VON 1885. 1886. 1892. RONDANI, C. 1844. 1845. 1848. 1850a. 1850b. 185Cc. 1857. 1863. 1868. The Insects of Mona Island (West Indies). J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico 30(1): 1-74 (57). Diptera von der Insel Portorico. Stettin. Hnt. Ztg. 46: 337-349. Dipteren von den Cordilleren Colombien. Gesammelt durch Herrn Dr. Alphons Sttibel. Stettin. Hnt. Ztg. 47: 257-270. Dipteren gesammelt in den Jahren 1868-1877 auf einer Reise durch Sid-Amerika von Alphons Stiibel. Berlin. 16 pp. Proposta della formazione di un genere nuovo per due specie di insetti ditteri. Memoria nona per servir alla ditterologia italiana. Nuovi Ann. Sci Nat., Bologna (2) 1 [sic; = 2]: 193-202, pl. 2. Ordinamento sistematico dei generi italiani degli insetti dit- teri. Nouvi Ann. Sci. nat. Bologna (2) 2: 256-270, 443-459. Esame di varie specie d’insetti ditteri brasiliani. Studi Hnt. (Turin) i: 63-112. Osservazioni sopra alquante specie di esapodi ditteri del Museo Torinese. Nuovi. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, (3) 2: 165-197. Dipterorum species aliquae in America Aequatoriali Collectae a Cajetano Osculati observatae et distinctae novis breviter descriptis. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna (3) 2: 355-378. Nota sexta pro dipterologia italica de nova specie generis Ceriae Fabricii. Ann. Soc. ent. France (2) 8: 211-214, pl. 7, fig. 1. Dipterologiae Italicae prodomus. Vol. 2: Species Italicae or- dinis dipterorum in genera characteribus definito, ordinatim collectae, methodo analitica .distinctae, et novis vel minus cognitis descriptis, Pars Prima: Oestridae, Syrpfhidae (sic), Conopidae. 264 pp. Parma. Diptera exotica revisa et annotata. 99,pp., 1 pl. Modena. (Also published as “Dipterorum species et genera aliqua exotica”, 1864, Arch. Zool. anat. Fis., Modena (1863) 3(1): 1-99, pl. 5). Diptera aliqua in America meridionali lecta a Prof. P. Strobel annis 1866-67. Annuar. Soc. Nat. Modena 3: 24-40, pl. 4. SACHTLEBEN, H. 1961. 46.146 Nachtrage zu “Walther Horn & Ilse Kahle: Uber entomo- logische Sammlungen”. Beitr. Ent. 11: 481-540. SACK, P. 1920. 1921. 1941. isieul. SAvenehe 1823. Die Gattungen Salpingogaster Schiner und Meromacrus Ron- dani. Zool. Jahrb., Abt. System., Geog. Biol. Tiere 43: 235-272. Dr. L. Zurchers Dipteren-Ausbeute aus Paraguay: Syrphiden. Archiv Naturgesch. (Abt. A), 87: 127-149. Syrphidae, pp. 97-120. In Titschack, E , Beitrig zur Fauna Perus. Band I, 344 pp. (most copies of this publication were destroyed during World War II. It was re-issued as Sack, 1951. see Zool. Rec. 1951, 88 (13): 1382 [#2537]). Syrphidae, pp. 93-116. In Titschack, E., Beitrdge zur Fauna Perus. Band II, 344 pp. Descriptions of dipterous insects of the United States. J. Acad, Nat. Sci. Phila. 3: 73-104. 1829-1830. Descriptions of North American dipterous insects. J. Acad. SCHINER, I. 1860. 1868. SCoPOLI, J. 1763. SEDMAN, Y. 1959. 1964. 1965. Nat. Sci Phila. 6: 149-178, 1829; 183-188, 1830. R. Vorlaufiger Commentar zum _ dipterologischen Theile der “Fauna Austriaca’. II. Wien. Ent. Monatschr. 4: 208-216. Diptera. In Reise der ésterreichischen Fregatte Novara Zool., Vol. 2, Abt. 1, B. Wien. 388 pp. (see Stone, et al., 1965:1480). A. Entomologia carniolica exhibens insecta carnioliae indigine et distributa in ordines, genera, species, varietates methodo Linnaeana. 421 pp. Vindobonae [=Vienna]. S. Male genitalia in the subfamily Cheilosinae. Genus Chryso- gaster s. 1. (Diptera, Syrphidae). Proc. ent. Soc. Wash. 61(2): 49-58. The Chrysogaster (Orthonevra) bellula group in North Ame- rica. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 66: 169-201. The Genus Valdivia Shannon. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 67: 197-201. SHANNON, R. C. 1921. 1922a. A reclassification of the subfamilies and genera of the North American Syrphidae. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 16: 65-72. A reclassification of the subfamilies and genera of the North American Syrphidae. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. (1921) 16: 120-128. 46.147 1922b. A reclassification of the subfamilies and genera of the North American Syrphidae. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 17: 30-43. 1923a. A reclassification of the subfamilies and genera of the North American Syrphidae (Diptera). Appendix. Bull. Brooklyn Ent. Soc. 18: 17-21. 1923b. A new Microdon from Bolivia. Insec. Inscit. Menst. 11:80-81. 1925a. Some American Syrphidae (Diptera). Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 27: 107-112. 1925b. An extraordinary adult myrmecophile from Panama. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 15: 211-213. 1925c. The syrphid-flies of the subfamily Ceriodinae in the U.S. National Museum Collection. Insec. Inscit. Menst. 13: 48-52, 53-65. 1926a. Review of the American xylotine syrphide-flies. Proc. U. S. nat. Mus. 69(9): 1-52. 1926b. The chrysotoxine syrphid-flies. Proc. U. S. nat. Mus. 69(11): 1-20. 1927a. A review of the South American two-winged flies of the family Syrphidae. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus 70(9): 1-33. 1927b. Notes on and descriptions of syrphid flies of the subfamily Cerioidinae. J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 17: 38-53. 1927c. Una nueva especie de Syrphidae: Quichuana Rieseli. Rev. Soc. Ent. Argentina 1: 5-6. 1927d. Some New Diptera from Argentina. Rev. Soc. Ent. Argen- tina 1: 31-42. 1928a. Two new and remarkable Syrphidae in the Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires. An. Mus. Nac. Hist. Nat., Buenos Aires 34: 573-576. 1928b. Apropos “Masarygus” Bréthes. Rev. Soc. Ent. Argentina 2: 37-38. SHANNON, R. C. & AUBERTIN, D. 1933. Syrphidae. Diptera of Patagonia and South Chile. Brit. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) part VI, fascicle 3: 120-170. (see Stone, et al., 1965:1163). SMITH, F. 1877. Account of the Zoological Collections made during the visit of H. M. S. “Petrel” to the Galapagos Islands. VIII. Hyme- noptera and Diptera. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 45: 82-84. Snow, W. A. 1895a. 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INDEX abata (Curran), 1938 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............ abdominale (Wiedemann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum apdominalis) Sacks 1920" Meromacnus [5..--..-..5060 505 © abdominalis Sack, 1920, Salpingogaster ................. abdominalis (Williston), 1888 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia aberransm shannon OD ViallOtae cn cieaicici enemies AIOAmMe (Guide, IPAS Wie RoClor sou oeeecocuebusccusoee abrupta (Curran), 1925 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum .... ADLUp ay Haine Olas Dolichogymaine «creer eek «ile acra (Curran), 1941 (Cerioides), Sphiximorpha ......... AVEROO MOCO Nola lehitexon, Is} Soaocoesaeaouoo oan cvonugbS acutifrons (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ..... acutus (Fabricius), 1805 (Milesia), Meromacrus ........ adacCurrcan)) 1940 CBaccha), Ocyptamusir jet utter adspersus (Fabricius), 1805 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ....... aemula (Williston), 1888 (Volucella), Ornidia ........... aemula (Williston), 1891 (Eristalis), Palpada ........... aemulus (Williston), 1888 (Pteroptila), Meromacrus ..... aenea (Hull), 1937 (Oligorhina), Allograpta aeneus (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............... aeolidiformis Wheeler, 1924, Microdon ....................... aeolus (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................... aeolus (Hull), 1924 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............... aequilineatus (Hull), 1945 (Epistrophe), Ocyptamus .......... aeruginosifrons (Schiner), 1868 (Syrphus), Allograpta ........ agilis (Bigot), 1884 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ................... ?agnata (Rondani), 1850 (Eristalis), Palpada ................. agonis (Walker), 1849 (Syrphus), Rhysops .............. ebay. agrorum (Fabricius), 1787 (Syrphus), Palpada ............... CORON, IsG0Ull, ISP IPRINEE Sooo ocscneocucepodoccccsuncdoooon alacris (Curran); 1934 (Eristalis), Palpada ................... albiceps (Macquart), 1846 (Helophilus), Polydontomyia ....... albifrons (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. albifrons (Wiedemann), 1830 (Eristalis), Palpada ............. albimanus (Bigot), 1883 (Ocyptamus), Valdiviomyia ......... albipilosum (Hull), 1937 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. albitarse (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892 (Phalacromya), Copestylum albitarsis Rondani, 1850 (Syrphus) .......................05.. albiventris (Bigot), 1880 (Eristalomyia), Palpada .|........... albomaculatus (Smith), 1877 (Syrphus), Xanthandrus ......... aleedo (Curran), 1934 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... aleedoides (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... alchimista (Rondani), 1848 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... alicia (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. Alipumilio Shannon, 1927 ....... Parana tatl niet tain Mma, Anat westiinl clita aly AllograptamOstens sacken eal SiDmean mee eee eee er ree Allograptina senderleinw 193895 4.5 es ers cee ee alphabeticus (Hull), 1942 (Mesograma), Toxomerus .......... alta. Curran’ 1936" “Allograpta. posdecn ara ci cule ae eee ee altissima (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Allograpta ............... altissimus (Fluke), 1945 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ............. amabilis (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........... ether AMOtThiIA® Walkers WB a2 a0 terranes acc aee can cere eles we aa nee eye eee ote amazon (Curran), 1930 (Eristalis), Palpada .................. ambrosettii (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum americana (Schiner), 1868 (Syritta), Neplas .................. americanum (Goot), 1964 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ americanus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Metasyrphus ...... amethystinum (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... amoenus (Macquart), 1846 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ............ amplus (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Ocyptamus ............... analis, Curran 194058 Miicrodon eae eee analis (Macquart), 1846 (Imatisma), Mallota ................. analish Williston VilSe7e) xy lotah ee sere ney nn oe e eet Hate anasxseLhompson se Microdons eee ee eee anchoratus, auctorum, Toxomerus ...................00e ee eee anchoratus Bigot, 1883, Salpingogaster .....................4. anchoratus (Macquart), 1842 (Syrphus), Toxomerus .......... andicolum (Bigot), 1884 (Temnocera), Copestylum ............ anera (Curran), 1939 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................... Aneriophora Stuardo. & Cortés, 1952 .......................05. angulatus Hull 943* sMicrodonans eee ae eee ee ?angustata (Rondani), 1848 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. angustatus, Fluke, 1957, Microdon ......................00008- 46.154 angustiventris (Macquart), 1855 (Aphritis), Microdon ........ 46.63 angustiventris (Macquart), 1855 (Merodon), Quichuana ...... 46.98 angustus (Macquart), 1846 (Aphritis), Microdon .............. 46.63 angustus (Macquart), 1848 (Aphritis), Microdon .............. 46.65 ania (Walker), 1849 (Milesia), Meromacrus .................. 46.111 annam Currants) O83 GieIVeLomacnustnenieiern ate ane inca eee 46.111 anna (Williston), 1887 (Volucella), Copestylumrr.- tee ee 46.71 annulatus (Curran), 1941 (Callostigma), Ocyptamus .......... 46.12 annulifer (Bigot), 1884 (Melanostoma), Toxomerus .......... 46.48 annulimtera wilco es4 sw Orthoneyrae aera see eee eee 46.91 annulipes (Macquart), 1850 (Paragus) Allograpta ............. 46.33 annulipes (Macquart), 1842 (Bristalis)eealpadamea sean 46.108 anonay CEU) pel O43 NB 2eccha)) s Ocyptanuste Lise ieee 46.12 OQNEChROLS mE hilip piel SGoyeSteLphusme aaneeeeeee eee nese cee 46.116 antennatum Fluke, 1943, Tuberculanostoma .................. 46.45 anthermus (Walker), 1849 (Ascia), Mixogaster .............. 46.58 anthinonen CEU) sl949 es (Baccha) a Ocyptamuss= eee oe eee ce 46.12 anthiphates (Walker), 1849 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ........... 46.12 anthracoides (Bigot), 1884 (Melanostoma), Ocyptamus ........ 46.27 anthrax (Schiner), 1868 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... 46.48 Annis: Vioeckeroth, B1969) Ves eek: oo ee cine Hm ctor tone terete te 46.33 ANTONE | NICIZen mel SOO Mme: mia cern Crictoce et eect mre eee ae eee 46.40 antiopamCEtul |) 1942 Goristalis)ssbalpadae = samc enone ete 46.103 antiopa (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. 46.48 ANAO DS: MENGACTICIN HOSS eee ete ek Torre telat seta ol ait asene emo lekewal stele 46.47 apertas bluke ho4 2 Allooraptay 2 ite t st aceon es Sateele siete Sele ccie ass 46 .34 apertum (Walker), 1860 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. 46.71 apicale (Loew), 1866 (Volucella), Copestylum ................ 46.71 apicalis (Bigot), 1883 (Baccha), Leucopodella ................. 46.46 GQpicohsPElukem nt O565. Viv oleptaln. saan n ee seis aioe re a 46.90 apiciferum (Townsend), 1895 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... 46.71 apicula (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.71 apleuluseeurccanh 19505 eViNeCrOdONE sees bpeeeie cecil © oreise « ena 46.61 THUG Ashi, -IGYAL IMINKONIAY, sols Soleo bapoeeedo codes cond dadeu oe 46.100 APO DTYSODLOLA NV LIStON al SS outa iciterariroelersia elke tiene tar 46.70 avc(ovilinins Crrediioaanosy alsisy4 Wabrerdtorekoyay Go cladosobdaeccaeeansuuadde 46.63 aquilinus Sack, 1941 (Syrphus), Toxomerus .................. 46.48 arapellay Gatull) 1947 \@Baccha)-) Ocyptamusye. -.eae- eee ee 46.12 arcifer (Loew), 1866 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ............... 46.48 MaNcioyoaiel. Syoeuiaere, AUK) scodoocecocoss0gsscdo s00ddceoDG0UdIOS 46.88 arctophiloides (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Crioprora), Criorhina ...... 46.118 arcturus (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............. 46.48 arcuata (Aldrich), 1905 (Xylota), Asemosyrphus .............. 46.96 UCLA CULrAnN Ole ViCLOGON) . on acm cratic cha halt votes 46.66 ardua (Wiedemann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... 46.85 aretnusay Lull 1944 iCeriogastery sitmicnion a> cel. teieblsiebenecs. Sedna 46.115 abernusae GE) 1949 a(Baccha) si OcyptamMus weenie ed. sees iaele 46.13 argentifacies Shannon & Aubertin, 1933, Chamaesphegina ..... 46.91 argentina (Bigot), 1883 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum .......... 46.79 argentina (Bréthes), 1922 (Chrysogaster), Orthonevra ........ 46.91 areentinacisHall a A937, WMICrOdONG miw.secisrelniy eh atecheisters oushatelenennetenar: 46.63 Argentinomyia Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891 ......................- 46.57 argentinus (Curran), 1939 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. 46.13 argentipila (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Allograpta ............ 46.34 argyropila (Hull), 1938 (Eristalis), Palpada ................... arica (Fluke), 1950 (Volucella), Copestylum .................. aricia (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum ................ ariel (Curran), 1941 (Planes), Neplas ........................ ariela (Hull), 1944 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ..................... arietis (Loew), 1853 (Ceria), Polybiomyia .................... AGISOSMOOMS Cuasein, Wot sooo cacboon0 ova 0b ob U so Gob O OK OOO CS armatipes (Curran), 1941 (Planes), Neplas ................... armillata (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Allograpta .............. arquatus (Say), 1829 (Xylota), Asemosyrphus ................. ansenoe, Mluke; 19565 Ocyptamus) saan ee oeeeeaaaeeor arsinoe (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................... arx (Fluke), 1936 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...’................... ascita (Vockeroth), 1969 (Antillus), Allograpta ............... ANSE MOSYGDhUSMmBICOty el SS2 sesame een Cen nioc noir cee ea assimilis Macquart, 1846, Eristalis ................-..-..05005. astarte (Hull), 1950 (Volucella), Copestylum .................. aster (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ................. aster (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................... asthenia (Hull), 1948 (Baccha), Leucopodella ................. ALCMNOCETA Bigot; wl SS2 iiss checeryessis gears aed tore eee ane Rete atramehilippi, 1865, Macrometopia sy... sae do ooe eerae atrimana (Loew), 1866 (Eristalis), Palpada ................... atropos (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Eristalis), Palpada ................ attenuatus (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............. ANOPODHGA UG) Vahl wee eee oaeoceoueeoe eo ob boa boa ob ousoco EDO OOO atypicus (Curran), 1930 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ Aigievehocreaivay iste, WIGAS) gecleccoousconocccdcucoxccocusvcanuoove aurantipes (Bigot), 1857 (Cheilosia), Pipiza ................... aurata (Walker), 1857 (Helophilus), Quichuana .............. aureopila Hull, 1941, Ceriogaster ...................-0.00.0055 aureorufa (Philippi), 1865 (Eriophora), Aneriophora .......... aureoscutus Hull, 1943, Microdon ...................2-02+20-- aureum (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... amass Itoi, Ugael. IMbeROCOI sgocsccoocdous od nod nodD OOO Oe OOS OE auricaudata ‘Williston, 1891, Myolepta ......................-. auricaudatus (Williston), 1892 (Ceriogaster), Sterphus ........ auricinctus (Sack), 1921 (Rhopalosyrphus), Microdon ......... aurifacies (Schiner), 1868 (Xylota), Sterphus ................. EIIAHGNOS JEON, ICKY, IMbiereOcloinl Gocoosedonve0gdddog od oddcbcagoe AOA ene, ISO, MGVYL IMG soococovooudooudadobddaded0sdve auriter Hull=-t9425 9 Vieromacrus ss aano saciid cocci cick ici aurifex ‘Wiedemann, 1830, Microdon .................+++++00:. aunitrons) Shannon, 1926) Sterphus) yoeee) ool ores cle acer: aunigaster Ell 194s ViaeCrodon) tase nee ior leecnreonior aqumtectas mMlukelsl9ain Cheillosiaw pean eae doco cee nen oor auropulveratus Macquart, 1842 (Syrphus) ..................-.. aurora (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................... aurotecta Giglio-Tos, 1892, Cheilosia ......................005: aurulentus (Fabricius), 1805 (Mulio), Microdon .............. aurulentus (Williston), 1887 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ........ australis (Shannon), 1927 (Fazia), Allograpta ................. AustnosynmttamMiarnet, OGT ian. arse eee en ie) te ee) eae autumnalis Philippi, 1865, Sterphus ...................-.2.00-- avidum (Oosten Sacken), 1877 (Volucella), Copestylum ....... 46.156 AVISDAS mVOGCKeCLOEh WL OG4e Ali puUmMillOy ae eee eee aie 46.92 AZLCCH Shannon 2649 ChrySOLOMUINE Here eeean ieee 46.40 aztecam (Curran) S94 CPlanes)maNeplasmare noe ie soe a eee. 46.114 aztecarum Wheeler, 1924, Nothomicrodon ..........:......... 46.67 AZTCCUS PH Ul] el935 AES ristalisteys meee Gr oe ce cymes ns SC ne 46.101 azunea s@oluke) ral 9>3Eehophilus)) <“ylotay poceeesss. sede oe. 46.114 azureum (Philippi), 1865 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ 46.72 azurinum (Hull), 1941 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.72 azurlineus (Hull), 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ........... 46.48 BOCCHO JAVIER OTS x. gypsy soe 7ekcnerchon Ta erent eas Sere IO ENE AS chee oo ee 46.11 bacchiformis (Vockeroth), 1969 (Hermesomyia), Ocyptamus ... 46.25 balboa Giull);, 1947, (Baccha);, leucopodellal\). 220). 0.320... -- 46.46 baliopterus boewswsi2, Microdon sane-oeee oe sone: dao on eee eee 46.63 banksigsbulls 9425s Vicrodonene ree ae een eee ee 46.63 banks Gein) 1941 GBaccha) = Ocyptamus! S422). chee eee one 46.13 barbiellinii (Ceresa), 1934 (Quichuana), Habromyia ........... 46.100 barbielliniig Currant 1956 Vuerodon aenneee tec ee econo oee 46.63 barbipes (Loew), 1853 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ................. 46.93 barbourieenall 1942 Vicrodoneeee reo ote cee eee 46.63 barbulus (Walker), 1852 (Syrphus), Toxomerus .............. 46.48 harrettoi (Carrera, Lopes & Lane), 1947 (Schizoceratomyia), IVE CLOG ON © ois ashen Cee oe ee oe ee Gee ee 46.61 pasalis ivvalkerss8s(e.(SyEphus) s meeemem on reo eo ole. 46.39 basiger (Walker), 1860 (Eristalis), Meromacrus .............. 46.111 basilaris (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ........... 46.48 como \Wwallbeyorn, EES CS\AsoNIS)) 4 docconacuoucccncos0ug0eu0c 46.39 bassleri (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.72 basslenigCurran el S405 VicLodonmerr saree oa eerciecce. 46.63 bassiem (Curran), 1939 5(Baccha); Ocyptamus 2.2... 400-7. 4: 46.13 bassleri (Curran), 1941 (Cerioides), Polybiomyia ............. 46.95 batesi (Curran), 1939 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. 46 . 22 nies Semin, isp IMybrerorclin cooccovocacdhosendoccecuva00s0¢ 46.63 batesi (Shannon), 1926 (Tatuomyia), Sterphus ................ 46.117 beatricea (Hull), 1950 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.72 beatricea (Hull), 1942 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. 46.13 beeches Currants! O36se\icrodonmeerte oor coer aeeeca 46.63 belinda (Hull), 1949 (Volucella), Copestylum ................. 46.72 pellan CE) 1047, Cebaccha) sluencopodelian foo... nie ee ae eer 46.46 pellawLownsend sel SI oVilleSiae mera amie ini aoe cel seisces selec 46.120 bellardimJacnnickems| Sora EGIStalisp ence cece momenee cal 46.101 bellula (Williston), 1882 (Chrysogaster), Orthonevra .......... 46.91 jocilivié: \Wwrilbciom Isthl. ISH jedoccccucds ous cen doo son Obd don 46.67 bellulum (Williston), 1891 (Phalacromyia), Copetylum ........ 46.72 bellulus (Williston), 1891 (Mixogaster), Microdon ............. 46.63 bellum Giplio-Tos, 1892" sMelanostoma =-.....00.+seonedes cna. 46.42 ECE Ayl (Comey, ISRO) 51942) (bristalis)> Palpadar ees s cet. leretrete s+! 46.103 bergrothi (Williston), 1892 (Ceria), Polybiomyia ............. 46.95 berthae™ imay 119465 RNY SOpS ieee ote he eee: alte etetetaiallere nen etna bat ie 46.42 onan, leteyeAL HOY IM bvefoysloyah) 2 8 Albino o coc. ecioGigioD Dido eloKdibed. of aii 46.66 bertrandi (Austen), 1913 (Melanostoma), Carposcalis ......... 46.40 bezziim@eresay 1934s Quichuana one ene eases biarcuatus (Fluke), 1937 (Epistrophe), Ocytamus ............. bicinecta (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Allograpta ............. bicolor Bigot, 1882, Asemosyrphus ................-.-0+eeeeeee bicolor (Kertész), 1902 (Ceria), Monoceromyia bicolor Sacks )1920))Salpingogasterwsne ean one re one: bicolor (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933 (Chilosia), Chromocheilosia bicolor (Walker), 1857 (Ceratophya), Microdon ............... bicolor (Walker), 1852 (Merodon), Polydontomyia bidens (Curran), 1941 (Planes), Neplas ...................... bidens (Fabricius), 1805 (Mulio), Microdon ................... bidentatus (Giglio-Tos), 1893 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus bifasciata Enderlein, 1938, Allograpta .....................0--- bifasciata (Macquart), 1855 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. bifidus (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus bigoti (Austen), 1893 (Baccha), Leucopodella ................. bigot, Hully1949 Seucopodella es aaaeneecenoe core Gomes bigotii (Williston), 1888 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha biguttatus Hull, 1945, Xanthadrus ........................2--- bilineata Enderlein, 1938, Allograpta bilineella Enderlein, 1938, Allograpta biluminiferus Hull, 1944, Microdon .......................005. bimaculata (Bigot), 1883 (Priomerus), Palpada bimaculata Enderlein, 1938, Allograpta ....................... bimaculatum (Sack), 1941 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum binominatum (Goot), 1964 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... bipunctatum (Hull), 1941 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum bipunctatus (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus bipunctifrons Curran, 1934, Salpingogaster .................... bipunctipennis (Hull), 1942 (Baccha), Leucopodella -bisinterrupta (Enderlein), 19388 (Fazia), Allograpta bisinuatus Williston, 1891, Syrphus bispinag Ehud 9O43 4. eVicrodontmign scarce niece ioe Oreo bistellata (Hull), 1935 (Eristalis), Palpada ................... bistriga (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Toxomerus bistrigata Aldrich, 1905, Toxomerus .................0000 cee eee bivittata (Bigot), 1884 (Xylota), Tropidia .................... bivittatus (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus Bleray Billberg::sAS20): % 8 ae Lami cere eB oO ice uc cy seein bei Benco opel boabdilla (Hull), 1947 (Baccha), Leucopodella boadicea (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Leucopodella bogotensis Macquart, 1842, Eristalis .....................00-5- bolivariensis (Fluke), 1945 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ........... boliviana (Kertész), 1903 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha .............. bolivianum (Hine), 1914 (Volucella), Copestylum boliviensis (Shannon), 1926 (Planes), Neplas ................. boliviensis (Shannon), 1927 (Halictomyia), Trichopsomyia bombusoides Giglio-Tos, 1892, Eristalis .....................000- bonariensis (Bréthes), 1905 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............ bonariensis Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891, Microdon ................ bonariensis Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892, Nausigaster ............. boraceiensis (Papavero), 1962 (Ceratophya), Argentinomyia borgmeieri Lane & Carrera, 1944, Quichuana .................. boscii (Macquart), 1842 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ................ brachygaster Williston, 1892, Xylota ...................-0 eee Ce Cn eC 46.158 iBrachyopa Meigen? 1822. oe eco: ce nie ehceon ees - ae ee ee ee bradleyi (Curran), 1925 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. brauerii (Williston), 1888 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ............. Braekanges Curran, 19252225. - JR OARR SAT SCPE Ie Th 2 PA AO eh braziliana (Shannon), 1927 (Eumyiolepta), Myolepta ......... braziliaanum (Hull), 1938 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ braziliensis (Curran), 1939 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. braziliensis (Goot), 1964 (Eristalis), Palpada ................. brethesi (Shannon), 1928 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia .......... breve (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. breviceray sully st O46. @uichianae eee oe te es Lee teens brevifacia (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ........... brevifacies (Curran), 1934 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... brevifacies (Hull), 19431 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... brevipennis (Schiner), 18G6SmCBaccha) Ocyptamusmneee see ieee brevivillosa (Eu) lo3si) Giristalis)es Palpadal sere osseenee ce. brevivittatum (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... bromileyime(Curran)> 1929 (Baccha)) @cyptamus™ eee eee brown Curran. S941 Salpineocasters sh. ssosee nee see oneue DLOWnIsnluUkes wm O42eeAllograptas {22 chasse seco e eo oe browni (Fluke), 1945 @Vielanostoma) = sRinySOpSm eee enter ent brown bluke 19435 Lubereulanostomaeees. toes. eee ees bruchi Shannon, 1927, WMicrodon (le ahet hc eee ee ee DEUCES ENTS 45 Sev CrOGONI Pate a Se et ee Se ee bruneri (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. bDRuTneriaCurranss19365 Vieromacrus seman seo oe ee eee aan bruneri Curran, 1932, brunneola Frey, 1946 Salpingovasterk (4s -sRe ahh pe chaabnes @Neoseaevia)h vAtlorrapta ane enicee: DEWNNeUS EU a1 O42 aVieromacrusm seen aes oe eee een brunnieolor (Hull), 1938 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. brunnigaster (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. Jorcwogvaujoyerouany Jakub) aeee Moke goricrl. stoooonacnnucocaanergacousd brunnipennis (Hull), 1942 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. beucusr El G44 Vn Crod On esas ee wresos Gee me nicto siecle totes Dette bucephalus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Xanthandrus ....... bulbosum (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. builaephora (Shannon), 1927 (Fazia), Allograpta .............. cacica (Walker), 1860 Cacoceria Hull, 1936 Cacomyia Hull, 1930 (Ceria)re Monoceromyiaw seer eer caesar Curran yel9405 VWiecrodoniae. saeco hae tee reaena el eos caesariatum (Williston), 1891 (Volucella), Copestylum GAlatheay Shannonyssl9259 IQuichwWanaeeece esis cneekdl tale eels ealeceolatus (Macquart), 1842 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ........... caldus (Walker), 1852 (Syrphils) Oey plalnllst errr i een pre: caliginosa (Walker), 1849 (Eristalis), Palpada ................ Callam(Curran)) 19415 (Baccha)) OCYPUAIAUs yey. eeete inten ete letras Callicera Panzer, 1809 Callicerini ate... «s ecallidus’ (Hine), a9i4 (Baceha), Ocyptamus |. is...) tetas ae cue calliphoroides (Bigot), Calliscaeva Frey, 1946 Callistigma Hull, 1944 1885 (Dimorphomyia), Asemosyrphus ... COURSOTODUS IWS, UGG ono ooaccacgdonccd ono b0e eRe Callostigma Curran, 1930, 1941 .................... ealochaetum (Hull), 1941 (Volucella), Copestylum calomera (Bigot), 1880 (Eristalomyia), Palpada ... calops (Bigot), 1880 (Eristalomyia), Palpada ...... calopus Loew, 1864, Lepidomyia .................. CalosHiomamShannon 92 (deat ete ee Camerania Giglio-Tos, 1891 ....................... camilla (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .. camposi (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .. camrasi (Sedman), 1965 (Valdivia), Valdiviomyia . canusium (Walker), 1849 (Milesia), Meromacrus .. capitatus (Loew), 1863 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...... capitis (Curran), 1925 (Cerioides), Polybiomyia ... carinifacies Curran, 1934, Microdon .............. carlota (Curran), 1929 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...... carmelita (Hull), 1948 (Baccha), Leucopodella .... earolae (Capelle), 1956 (Rhopalosyrphus), Microdon carpenteri (Hull), 1945 (Ceratophya), Argentinomyia ......... Carposcaliseunderleiny 9388) ase oe carrerai (Papavero), 1962 (Masarygus), Microdon . Carreramyia Doesburg, 1966 ...................... Cartosy.phusmEiZOt. USSom erro eee oe castanea (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ... catabomba (Williston), 1891 (Melanostoma), Rhysops.......... catharinensis (Enderlein), 1938 (Pipiza), Trichopsomyia ...... cecrops (Hull), 1958 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ....... celia (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........... centaureus (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... Cerathophya Wiedemann, 1830 .................... Ceratcphya Wiedemann, 1824 ................ OPER cereberus (Hull), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...... ceres Hull, 1942, Meromacrus .................... CeEnriodes AWeGlLOLUMY, .2 Poche ack he oe ee Ceriogaster ‘Williston, 1888 ....................... cericides Hull, 1943, Microdon .................... Cenoides Rondanig 1850 sen eee eee oer CST OLIN Se ENR eRe A eee aa Ceriomicrodony Hull Losi ete Cerioimicrodon. Hull O3(genn a ae ose: cestus Hulle19465 @uichuanaly 4. eee eae chaetogaster (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum chaetophorum (Williston), 1887 (Volucella), Copestylum ...... chaetopoda (Davidson), 1922 (Melanostoma), Carposcalis ..... chaleonota Philippi, 1865 (Syrphus), Carposcalis .. chalybescens (Wiedemann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum Ss Chamaesphegina Shannon & Aubertin, 1933 ....... Chamaesyrphus Mik, 1895 ........................ championi (Williston), 1892 (Mallota), Quichuana chapadense (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum chapadensis (Curran), 1930 (Baccha), Ocyptamus . Chasmia Enderlein, 1938) ......................... Cheilosiam eigen lS22 se re rane re ree GEM OSIM Ce A eee tee ed oes oR Re het paw pe aet iro? 46.160 chilena (Rondani), 1863 (Eritalomya), Palpada .............. AMUAISISy COKGIOTUHC., IDOMGRCEAANE, caotcascacconaomoncaonsaaace Chilensts a(Goot) L964 (SyEpHUS) aS CACVaNE anise ere chilensis (Philippi), 1865 (Hristalis), Palpada ................. GhilensisasackalOAIeeAllograptamemntss see eck Fat tea nti ateds ChALENSISM GVA KeD) peel Sola DOlGhOrynal Henmeriansniee aon ener chiliensis (Guérin-Méneville), 1835 (Helophilus), Dolichogyna ... CHATS. Ose AU CLOTUIN Gate taceseeces intl, 15 oie ea nia aye K Chemophila. Ostenssackeny 187 Gyl Socom ere eee aa one eens ehiquitensismMacquaniq ad S5Om(SycGpOUS) sae see ae eee chirapralebabriciisms! S05 mm @Vierodon) se aes seein see eens ehlorops . Gaul) 1948 miGPlanes)s sNeplas! eee cin oes: chloropyga (Schiner), 1868 (Xylota), Sterphus ................ chlorosum (Hull), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. Chromocheilosiam Ellice Biluiket 195i eee ares ee eer chrysidiformis (Hull), 1944 (Chrysidimyia), Microdon ........ chrysiditormism shannon ys! 9225 Nausigasten sees seein ene chrysidimimus (Hull), 1937 (Chrysidimyia), Microdon ........ GREYS NAYLOR EWU OS ere iP rn ares pe AUPE EA calesece tea el cWape fay ele ehrysochlamys) \Walilstonw89iliChellosiayem. nase ee eee eee QUVROCOSIGE, GUCCI (CENMDY deb eoecoooenobsuendcoopocnde. GhrySOlaSteriNis wesh cep cea sis Geese se ahve trnenars 6 eer Ss iehicoustel oaciae chrnysopressamscEull) sl 94 ee lanes) eNeplash sacar ase oer chrysopygus (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Ubristes), Microdon ......... chrysotacniay luke Osea Llabromylawseeee seca ocereee CUBA eC HOD ATAU | Py as Bao b.0'0 9 Oar OHO CHER OTe eect er oroiceotoacaemeaa ote Ola crorcs ChrysotoxumimpMieigenklSOS mei ae cid ie celina stone os. -eterlsh oe eel lielr= GhamopnilasMacquartilS3 taen ce seer eral ae cheeroreiae cicatrinem Ulli 1954 aalViixoO SASL Wepeercimin cri cei csi cla se rotate: ciliatus (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ....... ellinm ep hluke 1943 huberculanostomal 2asseee. scene oes sees eincta (Bigot), 1883 (Lepidomyia), Quichuana ............... cinctiventre (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... CMELUIS OD LUEYD lq Om IISCa) = VICLOMaAChISIN sence CINOULALUS (Sack 1920s Neromaccus saeco ane Aa eetesoe eireen (Curran). 1939) @volucella)) Copestyluml se. . scm ree CITCCMVVALISCON el Sole ristaliSig ace tisscinc oc mciascreites ckate ese leuetelt circularis (Hull), 1941 (Eumyiolepta), Myolepta ............. circumcinctus (Enderlein), 1938 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ... circumdatum (Walker), 1857 (Temnocera), Copestylum ...... circumdatus (Bigot), 1875 (Sphixea), Meromacrus ........... circumdatus (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Toxomerus ........ cireumscriptum (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ...... claracuneus (Hull), 1942 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ......... clarapex (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus .......... Chgcviogiol, ren, WO oasaocsdonusasvansuopecnuunanos claripenne (Curran), 1925 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum ........ claripennis (Hine), 1914 (Mixogaster), Microdon claripennis (Hull), 1949 (Eristalis), Palpada ................ clanipennis, shannom sz Aubertin, 1933) sPipizas....9-)- alee clarissima (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Eristalis), Palpada ............ earunm (hull), 1942) GVolucella), ‘(Copestylumly fi... «wise en elarus (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ........... claudia (Curran), 1930) Chxistalis) sa alpada iets s « clerhel «| cine clavatus (Fabricius), 1794 (Syrphus), Pseudodoros .......... clavicornis Curran, 1940, Microdon ................. coarctatus Loew, 1864, Microdon .................... coarctatus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Xylota), Sterphus .. cobboldia (Hull), 1958 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........ cochenillivorus (Guérin-Méneville), 1848 (Bacecha), Ocyptamus . cocheri Fluke, 1956, Toxomerus .................... cockerelli (Curran), 1927 (Volucella), Copestylum ... eoeruleus (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ... coeruleithorax Williston, 1888, Habromyia .......... coerulescens Macquart, 1834, Senogaster ............ coeruleus (Rondani), 1863 (Xylota), Sterphus ....... coesariata (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ?cognata (Rondani), 1848 (Eristalis), Palpada ...... colludens ‘Walker, 1860 (Syrphus) .................. ecoiombia Curran, 1925, Allograpta .................. colombia (Curran), 1929 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia .. columbianum Enderlein, 1938 (Melanostoma) ....... colombianus (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .. columbianus (Enderlein), 1938 (Braziliana), Rhysops cclumbianus Rondani, 1863 (Syrphus) .............. colombiense Thompson, Copestylum ......:.......... colombii Macquart, 1850, Mallota .................. columbica (Macquart), 1855 (Eristalis), Palpada .... columella Fluke, 1945, Rhysops .................... comastes (Williston), 1891 (Volucella), Copestylum .. comma (Giglio-Tos), 1892. (Mesogramma), Toxomerus compactum (Curran), 1925 (Lepidopsis), Copestylum compressa Curran, 1941, Salpingogaster ............ comstocki (Williston), 1887 (Volucella), Copestylum comstocki (Williston), 1882, Senogaster ............. communis Walker, 1849, Xylota .................... concinnum (Philippi), 1865 (Volucella), Copestylum . concinnus (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .. concolor (Philippi), 1865 (Phalacromya), Copestylum concolor (Philippi), 1865 (Eristalis), Palpada ...... conformis Loew, 1866, Ocyptamus .................. confusus (Goot), 1964 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ......... confusus (Schiner), 1868 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus -congrua (Wulp), 1888 (Eristalis), Palpada .......... conica (Fabricius), 1805 (Milesia), Palpada ......... conifacium (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum .... conjunctus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus connexus (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........ Conocormnpno INU, IGE .dsoconccotncchaccndaceen conopida (Philippi), 1865 (Baccha), Salpingogaster .. conopoides Kertész, 1910, Mixogaster ............... conops) Curran y 19405 Microdonwe. .ssoee eee oleae conopseus, Williston, 1886, Mixogaster .............. conopsoides Macquart, 1842, Mixogaster ............. contigua Macquart, 1847, Sphaerophoria ............ contumax (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .. CopestylumyMacquiartynl3S46) eee ai enn oe coquilletti (Williston), 1891 (Didea), Dideomima .... cora (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .......... cora (Hull), 1949 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. 46.162 ecrbiculipes (Papavero), 1962 (Hypselosyrphus), Microdon cordeliam Eu) PalO49 CB accha) ym © Cy Dual tSm ee ene cordiae (Townsend), 1897 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ coreopsis (Hull), 1944 (Callistigma), Ocyptamus .............: CORNUtOM EU O44 SS Salpin coasters nee enemies coronamCurrans 819495 VMicrodoOn ean ae acon Gee ee or eee correctum (Curran), 1927 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ cortesi (Marnef), 1967 (Austrosyritta), Syritta ................ corumbense (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... COSIMIamOSChINeD) hel SGSn CH TIStaliS) ss 2allpacdayee erie reeeieeneie costans) (Walkers 1837 (Pipiza); Ocyptamus) =. 54-0440) one costalis (Walker), 1852 (Amathia), Salpingogaster ............ ccstalis (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ........... Costatusm Csay)ra1 629 (Baccha) pOcyptamMusie ieee eee cothucnatay bigot! Ssom sal pingcOcaster mn wae eerie erassicalx iinderleiny) 1938) (eachysphynia)) joss. e sees oe eee: crassipes (Fabricius), 1805 (Merodon), Meromacrus ........... crassitarsis (Macquart), 1848 (Aphritis), Microdon ............. erassus (Walker), 1852 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ......-.......... eraverii (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... erenulatus (Williston), 1891 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ......... Crepidomyia Shannon, 1926 crepuscularium (Hull), 1942 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... crepuscustellata (Hull), 1946 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia ....... CEESSOnia GEL) al 930m (Cacomyia)» \Cacoceriaumno see eeaee Criorhina Meigen, 1822 Ciromdvrme Istolll ae .och0c- Olede/.e) ej) elela cells) olis)\s)\s)\e)\s) «).0 jee) oe efelawelle: eo) ejjeliviia) oly crocatus (Austen), 1893 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ croceimaculata (Jacobs), 1900 (Eristalis), Palpada ............ croceipes (Bigot), 1880 (Eristalomyia), Palpada................ eroceus (Austen), 1893 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................: (Curran), 1934 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... croesus (Hull), 1940 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. CLuciatumMmebic Opel Ss4.) IMielanostOmays acre eerie ies cruciatum (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... CRUE IRN IIL IMIGIROMNTEKGAOS 5 50s5encadacsuoudeyocbucsDone cruciger (Wiedemann), 1830 (Milesia), Meromacrus .......... erypticus (Hull), 1942 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. crockeri Cryptineura Bigot, 1859 .... CubanamCurranwalO32 ee Alloorap tam erica kerry tease) Inikokys, GR, Sern MENON Seocacadcucsandscanga dunes (Cut) e043 (Baceha) ps OcyptamMuUsmere aie iar re Caraga, USB IMGbeOEEISHEe conccuoneaoouedadcocavondeae cubensis (Macquart), 1850 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. (Macquart), 1842 (Eristalis), Palpada ............... cubomaculatum (Hull), 1937 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... cubanus cubanus cubensis cubensis cultratus (Austen), ieee) (CBee), OVNAEnIS oocoposogdeoo uk cultninus (Curran) pet 939m CBaccena)) (Ocyptamus! = - re ee cerns cuprescens, (Elull)). 1941) \@elanes)) INeplas fiecrece oe oe oe ol cupricolor (Hull), 1948 (Volucella), Copestylum .............- cuprinus (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Toxomerus ............ curiosum (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. currani (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella) Copestylum ................ currani currani currani Fluke, 1937, Rhysops IRC ACR ef ae aXoy afore Nale) heya rich 6 oO OOO OU 0 Unido HC Goot, 1964, Microdon 46.163 currani Hull) 1942; Meromacrus 2.5... 455..00505- CuLbraniy Eu ealO 54 Vio Caster os ernie ie currani (Hull), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...... opdnpng gD oOoDGOOCGO0 curvipes (Wiedemann), 1830 (Merodon), Polydontomyia ...... Qyeinee IPovililjoyoy, wy, IM Sooo cosooadcdocvdaue oon cyaneifera (Walker), 1849 (Eristalis), Palpada .. cyaneiventris (Macquart), 1846 (Aphritis), Microdon .......... cyaneocincta Bigot, 1885 (Melanostoma) ........ cyanescens Macquart, 1834 (Helophilus) ........ cyanescens (Macquart), 1842 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... cyaneum Philippi, 1865, Stilbosoma ............. Cyanecus PeGtys os3 0) MiCLOdOniE mine nie eyanocephala (Philippi), 1865 (Sterphus), Philippimyia ........ ecyanoproctum (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ie eyanoprora (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... cyanoventris, Williston, 1886, Microdon .......... cyatheus (Hull), 1925 (Eristalis), Palpada ...... eybele (Hull), 1947 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ....... cybele (Hull), 1951 (Crepidomyia), Sterphus ... cyclops (Hull), 1947 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...... cylindricus (Fabricius), 1781 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ........... cylindrica (Say), 1824 (Syrphus), Sphaerophoria cymbellina (Hull), 1944 (Baeccha), Ocyptamus .. eyrillus (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus dactylopiana Blanchard, 1938, Salpingogaster ... danaida (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ..... daphnaeus (Walker), 1849 (Ceria), Monoceromyia ............ darlingtoni (Hull), 1944 (Crepidomyia), Sterphus darwini (Shannon), 1927 (Valdivia), Valdiviomyia ............ DasysynphuswsrnderleinwM93SSi aes ieee debasa (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .... deceptor (Curran), 1925 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum ......... deceptor (Curran), 1930 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .. decemmaculatus Rondani, 1863 (Syrphus) ....... decipiens (Williston), 1891 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus decora (Perty), 1830 (Eristalis), Palpada ....... decorus (Loew), 1866 (Pteroptila), Meromacrus . dejongi Doesburg, 1958, Allograpta ............. delicatissimus (Hull), 1948 (Baccha), Ocyptamus delicatula (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Leucopodella .. delicatulus Hull, 1937, Paramicrodon ........... delila (Hull), 1950 (Volucella), Copestylum ..... delimbata Enderlein, 1938, Allograpta .......... delineatus Macquart, 1846 (Syrphus) .......... dentipes (Fabricius), 1787 (Syrphus), Senogaster Desmetniuinie nd er einiaeO3 Siete diabilis (Hull), 1935 (Eristalis), Palpada ........ dianaveiull, 1943 Salpingogaster essen caer ado diana (Hull), 1947 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........ diaphanus Sacks) 1921) Microdont ysseese acon se: dichopticum Thompson, Copestylum ............ dichroicum (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ........ DideomimayVockeroth) 969 gaeeaee nee eeoerne difficilis (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma) Toxomerus ............ diffusus (Curran), 19389 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ... 46.164 DODO oO OD OOD DOO dimidiatamGighio-ToswslS8925 Mixoraster sa--e ae oer oe een. dimidiatus (Fabricius), 1781 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus diminuta (Walker), 1849 (Eristalis), Palpada ................ OPH AMS, GSC IMT OAR ose nee cabo do don Sonagouduodea- dimorphium (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... BINOTN LOMA DIL Ob el SSoL see am ne eee ee ee eet. Mora CEU) plod (Crepidomyia) Sterphus) see see eee dionysianna (d’Andretta & Carrera), 1952 (Lepidostola), Lepi- GOMDYVTS Meiers « neactenercvew tiene ine eve een aan ee ee DiGUTOSODG @ELUIM GA eet ee ee eee discale. (Curran), 1926 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... discretum (Frey), 1946 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ............... disjunctusm Gack) 19 21e(Doros))) OcypiamuUs i. - eee eee ee dispar Fabricius, 1794 (Syrphus) ....... Bhepe enter aCenern eee dispar (Macquart), 1846 (Volucella), Copestylum~.............. siimnecnuiie Giclio- hos S925 Copesty lume see distinguenda (Wiedemann), 1830 (Eristalis), Palpada ......... diversifasciatus (Knab), 1914 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus .......... diversum (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. Giversus (Gigiio-Tos), 1892 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ....... diversus (Williston), 1891 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus .............. dives (Rondani), 1848 (Aphritis), Microdon ..................- ALDISA NOWaAlKeD) sel So CeEipiza) OCyptamUSs seen eee ae DolichosynamVacguant wel SA2 secre eee ne annette eon eer IDOKOSUT DIOS: IBIEO, ISD. sooetioseowse besee doceooconcneacecseee dolorosa (Hull), 1941 (Sarolepta), Myolepta .................. GolorosamElul a S465@ tichuanal yee ne re aati are een qolorosus (Elum) 1950 @saccha)> Ocyptamus. oe eee: Cholera (Nvellkere), Ilssi¢ (Pion), OxOmoueneIs jcccuoccacncoonues- dolosa (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ WOLVOSURDITUS SIC OLR OSOmeC noe he one oe Orbe Ce dorise (Curran) > 1930n (hiristalis) balpadaw soe 4. erie Gorothear CEimll) alO427 CE ristalis) > ealpadams scot eee cae dorsale (Wiedemann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... dracaena (Curran), 1947 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. Cho Jeiwilll WO IWMICONTEGIUS podaeocdosobdodoebodvonodceocaoss dracula Gini) 19435 ¢Baccha)) Ocyptamus) sees eee eee ae aruda CEul D947 GBaccha) > Ocypramus soos eerie see ie elAyojoe (akelll). Ise CeCGeney). CDRS osscasoonnsoseg00sg006 hyiloinuins (OBIE). alkste¥4k (etsvauovoa)), IEMA pooncoocacsccuccadcocn6 dubium (Zetterstedt), 1838 (Scaeva), Melanostoma ............ duida (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum ................. euida Cru) et O4 ens acca) OGY PLamUst eer eee ieee eee duplicatus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ......... duplofasciata Enderlein, 1938; Allograpta ...................-- Gols (sal), ayes (Sins, OCOporenG sagdncuccecasduuonooesn: ECtYDUSGSay) Lolo (SyEDOUS))) sLOXOMeCCUS Nae eeiriel cients & ecuadorea (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. ecuadoreus (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... ecuadoriensis (Fluke), 1945 (Melanostoma), Carposcalis ....... edwardsi (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933 (Melanostoma), Carposcalis edwardsi (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933 (Valdivia), Valdiviomyia FOMOROST CULO mEAUI et OAL ee ee nore ysis ne ean eee ae Mens out DE eeeaRCT® elegans (Blanchard), 1852 (Eritalis), Palpada ................. elegans (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Melanostoma), Ocyptamus ......... elisa (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), TFOXOMERUS) 443 Pets eae elnora (Shannon), 1927 (Calostigma), Ocyptamus ............. elongata (Hull), 1943 (Microdon) , Argentinomyia ............. elongatus (Hull), 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ Hlephilus Meigen, 1803 ......... emeralda (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... emeralda Hull, 1943, Microdon .. emilia (Curran), 1939 (Volucella) Ecsalpingogaster Hull, 1949 .... Eoseristalis Kanervo, 1938 ...... PC ODEStYAUIII Eee n naa ephippium (Osten Sacken), 1875 (Mixtemyia), Spilomyia ....... erebus (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ..................... Hriophora Philippi, 1865 ....... JAP OVOS MLO, USE Cabos eve 600 is ESGIS GAM Morenita teeter Eristalis Latreille, 1804 ......... Hristaloides Rondani, 1845 ..... Hristalomya Rondani, 1857 ..... ernesta (Curran), 1926 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... ernestina (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. erratica (Curran), 1930 (Eristalis), Palpada .................. erraticus (Williston), 1888 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ............. eruptova (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................... escomeli (Curran), 1929 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. estebana (Townsend), 1895 (Volucella), Copestylum Re | estrelita (Hull), 1948 (Baccha), Leucopodella ................. esuriens (Fabricius), 1794 (Syrphus), Copestylum ............. euceratus (Bigot), 1884 (Melanostoma), Xanthandrus ......... eugenia (Williston), 1887 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. euglossoides Gray, 1832, Microdon ...................0...0005. TED WoW EY a HoT ema gute a eh th Si nee Bt Humeros Meigen, 1803 .......... Eumerus Meigen, 1822 ......... Humicrodon Curran, 1925 ...... Eumyiolepta Shannon, 1921 ..... eupeltata (Bigot), 1884 (Syrphus) Eupeodes Osten Sacken, 1877 ... Hurhinomallota Bigot, 1882 ..... , Allograpta LynwA, sie weet eurydice (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............. Eurypterosyrphus Barretto & Lane, 1947 ...................%. eutristis Curran, 1925, Microdon evansi Thompson, 1968, Myolepta excavatus Rondani, 1850 (Syrphus) ..................+--0+-5) exeugenia (Curran), 1953 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ exiguus (Williston), 1888 (Baccha), Oecyptamus ............... exinanita (Gmelin), 1790 (Musca), Syrphus ................... exotica (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Allograpta ............ expicta (Walker), 1860 (Eristalis), Palpada .................. externum (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. extrapolatus (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ......... facialis (Thomson), 1869 (Baccha), Pseudodoros .............. facialis (Kertész), 1903 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ................ falcata Fluke, 1942, Allograpta . faleatus Williston, 1887, Microdon familiaris (Walker), 1860 (Eristalis), Palpada ................ 46.166 iaceia (Ceara, aE. /NUyerRN Soascacko>auss0cedoanscusoonc 46.35 (GSClotomMiacguart.. 1842 Dolichorynalsesaneeasae eee ener 46.97 fasciata (Sack), 1941 (Myiatropa), Quichuana ................ 46.98 fasciata (Wiedemann), 1819 (Eristalis), Palpada ............. 46.105 fasciatum (Macquart), 1842 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... 46.87 fasciatus (Hull), 1948 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ 46 .'52 CASCIALUSMELOCOCL al oso, aOCYpPtanllsi) 44 Ge eee eee eee: 46.18 lbenno WAvelllieere, aks) aieioyoloullhS 485 55cchccasconckucaddsacc 46.96 fasciculata (Curran), 1938 (Hristalis), Palpada ................ 46.105 fascifrons (Macquart), 1846 (Syrphus), Allograpta ............. 46.35 fascithorax (Macquart), 1850 (Eristalis), Palpada ............ 46.109 fascitnorass wVWVlliSton wl sssys Cenlopzaster (9. teaser seen 46.115 FASCIVCNETISMRONG ANI G5 OCS yLDHUS) =i rei nies aes ieinne 46.39 FASCIS ALIS pee Ue wal O45 kU nY SO DSi ar. coe prnaniecierinn oer aeiieiine ice: 46.43 fax (Townsend), 1895 (Volucella), Copestylum ................ 46.78 TMoeitan- Sh avetiah cay alt NS PAGS Mies flee aa oie 8 is Pc ae en) oon a ee AeA 46.33 jelace (Shannon) pe1927, (Baccha) Ocyptamuss saeee oes eee nee 46.22 jemina (Curran); 1930) (Volucella),, Copestylum! %545-.......-.. 46.85 jemorata “GViacquart), 1842 (iristalis), Palpada -......-...... 46.106 femoratuss shannon 1927, eAlipumilio) Seaenee aaa eon. 46.92 fenestrata (Macquart), 1842 (Syrphus), Carposcalis ........... 46.41 /CLESERTCUD. IBEO, ISS, CAO cocenocceacdccsecvecba0nuce 46.19 feneSirabus sel eel G43 Vi Crodon ase ae aaa 46.64 fenestratus (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ 46.19 ferroxida (Hull), 1942 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ 46.52 fervidus (Austen), 1893 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ 46.18 fervida (Fluke), 1945 (Melanostoma), Talahua ............... 46.45 Festivusmuluke ss 945. RNYSODSi ey seer os eee nee hoes rian 46.43 Hamettae Eu) 1943 @Baccha)yeOcyptamuss ss. 410. ee ae eee 46.18 fis DOeShUnS) el O66 mCBbaccha) se Ocy prams se eee eee 46.18 filiolus (Shannon), 1927 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ 46.18 Hlissimuse Gea) 9435 Baccha) as Ocyptamusie sass eee 46.18 flammarius (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... 46.48 flammineus (Hull), 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... 46.50 Watism Cru) pl O40 @saecha) a OcyptamUSieeeere ence rarer 46.18 HavamsackseO 4 (Ceratophya) meen oa eee iec este) neat state 46.122 flavens) (Austen), 1893) (Baccha); Ocyptamus”-- 2.03.2. 5-55-20." - 46.18 Havibucca Pnderleinya19SoeAllocraptauemre ccs ier cee ir 46.35 flavicornis (Philippi), 1865 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. 45.25 HavAtackesms Hannon 192A KOnlyi ame eee eer ieeiitiaiieeere cr 46.100 Hlavatronss walker a1849) pxvlotaia eee eee ee ne cle idee ee 46.114 iene Istioill swe (Sharoimit)) Soo oocabanuuaneobdunocouaootoe 46.39 menviboneho, Ioulljojyon, alfefes,, “AMoyorlE, Socncaonacooasoc0cbbnaoo boost 46.120 flavipenne (Wiedeinann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum ....... 46.75 HavipennissCunran: 1925. Vierodony acieeeseiia aaa cies cit re irerenen 46.64 flavipennis (Macquart), 1842 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. 46.105 flavipennis (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ......... 46.18 flavipes (Carrera, Lopes & Lane), 1947 (Schizoceratomyia), Mi- AROYOYOINY" Cy Ose BREED 4 ORO Re ER A CEMERE LO Oo O.o eC OMIA Oooo Omaprn bios 46.61 flavipes (Enderlein), 1938 (Posthosyrphus), Metasyrphus ....... 46.9 en hoes} (CG2anibyoyoyi)), Wexels) (ereavqbtan), IEMOVAL So 55 05ng0n0condn450000 46.67 fLODIpeEsS Cehiippi) ps1 S65s CSteLpnus) EIplzZaleect sie les elaine ae) ele 46.67 flavipes (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933 (Scaeva), Syrphus ....... 46.8 fOUIDICUNGe AU, 19435 VROXOMELUS: «5/5 serie ie aaiete kell eeeniee ete 46.50 flaviplurus (Hall), 1927 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... 46.50 flavissimum (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ....... 46.75 flavitibia (Walker), 1952 (Ubristes), Microdon flaviventre Macquart, 1846, Copestylum ....... flaviventris Macquart, 1842, Syritta ........... flavocaudatus Bigot, 1882, Asemostryphus ..... flavocuneus (Hull), 1940 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ......... flavofascium Curran, 1925, Microdon ......... flavolinea Hull, 1949, Meromacrus ............ favolunal Hull 9435 eVicrodonmren ene ecernor flavomaculata Hull, 1937, Allograpta ......... flavomaculatus Shannon, 1927, Xanthandrus .. flavomarginatus Curran, 1925, Microdon ...... flavophylla (Hull), 1943 (Rhinoprosopa), Allograpta .......... flavopocula (Hull), 1948 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... flavoscutellata (Hull), 1937 (Eristalis), Palpada flavosignata (Kertész), 1902 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ........... flavus Hull, 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus . Iwigagnugunas, IWerwaAl, WGC soscaacaceguaucccondnes floccula Hull, 1944, Habromyia ............... floralis (Fabricius), 1798 (Scaeva), Toxomerus florea (Hull), 1925 (Eristalis), Palpada ....... florella (Hull), 1944 (Volucella), Copestylum .. florida (Walker), 1852 (Eristalis), Palpada ... MLLCK EG EtCheyercyane 66m aCe eon ree Hlukeamh tcheviericyams!9 6 Ome enenn nnn iee nner flukei Curran, 1936, Allograpta .............. flukei Curran, 1936, Meromacrus ............. flukei (Curran), 1936 (Microdon), Paramicrodon flukei (Curran), 1936 (Volucella), Copestylum flukei (Curran), 1941 (Salpingogaster), Ocyptamus ........... flukei Curran, 1941, Nausigaster ............. flukei (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ..... flukei Hull, 1954, Mixogaster ................. flukei (Sedman), 1964 (Chrysogaster), Orthonevra ............ flukiella (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus fornax (Townsend), 1895 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. formalis (Walker), 1849 (Helophilus), Asemosyrphus .......... forreri (Giglio-Tos), 1893 (Sphaerophoria), Allograpta ......... fosicithorax Shannon, 1927, Ceriogaster ....... foveifrons (Thomson), 1869 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. fracta Osten Sacken, 1877, Allograpta ........ fractum (Curran), 1926 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. fragmentarius (Hull), 1947 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. fraternus Bigot, 1883, Ccyptamus ............. fraudator Shannon, 1927, Microdon ........... fraudulentum (Williston), 1891 (Volucella), Copestylum ....... frauenfeldi (Schiner), 1868 (Temnocera), Copestylum ......... frontale (Sack), 1941 (Volucella), Copestylum frontalis Sack, 1920, Salpingogaster ........... frontalis (Curran), 1941 (Planes), Neplas frontosa (Bigot), 1884 (Cartosyrphus), Cheilosia .............. fucatissimus (Hull), 1937 (Syrphipogon), Microdon ............ ICES ISH, IEO), IMIEKCMUAOAUS socopadceaccaes fulgens Wiedemann, 1830, Microdon .......... fuliginosa (Hull), 1935 (Eristalis), Palpada ... fulvicauda Bigot, 1884, Sphaerophoria ........ 46.168 fulvicorne (Bigot), 1883 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. fulvicorne (Bigot), 1884 (Temnocera), Copestylum ............ LULVIDCS CE I2OL) eel SSOM CEIrIStalis) alpaca mer aan fulvitarsis (Rondani), 1863 (Eristalis), Palpada ....:.......... fulvolucens (Walker), 1852 (Temnocera), Copestylum ......... HELVOLUGUS NVALLISTONNE 1 Sciam ODESEY LUT Nee enn fulvonotatum (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... fumipenne (Sack), 1941 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. fumipennis (Stephens), 1846 (Eristalis), Palpada ............. fumosum (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum ................ KIN ebwS we Viacguanies! G54. OCYPtaMUSm is aes ene nen LUNE DIS) ELL O44 Ceriopaster syns freee te ae ee eee funeralia (Hull), 1944 (Epistrophe), Allograpta ............... funereal (Rondant) > 11850) (Eiristalis)> Palpada |. ]os.5 40s ene LuNnereus, Hoully1949" Rhysops a s2 ee ste ee ee ee one funereus Shannon & Aubertin, 1933, Meromacrus .............. funescens (Williston), 1886 (Eristalis), Palpada ............... funestus (Doesburg), 1966 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus .......... furcata (Wiedemann), 1819 (EHristalis), Palpada ............... furens (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. LEScanipennis eViacduartwel S46 (Syrphus) eae eae enna fuscicosta Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891, Ocyptamus ............... fuscipenne (Macquart), 1842 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... fusc.pennis (Macquart), 1850 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... LUScIpennis (Say), 1823" (Baccha)s Ocyptamuss...4-- see eee ee fuscipennis (Macquart), 1846 (Eristalis), Palpada ............ LUSCUDCTIMS. eVVALLIStOny 1S55,.1COpeStylum! seemeee eee eee coer fUScISGuaMamCurranweO2(eAllooraptas sane ree cee aes jusciinoraceshannony19265 Cerniogasteree aie ieee (USCUS CELUI) pel O49 GB accha)y. Ocyptamusm aan eee eee erie cAapatninaySIcOteel som RCETIOMeLUS) san reee seen: garceieSteyskaleal95o. IMiCrodon™ 2 4a ner ee ee ae cee eee gastrostactus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ...... Jayyeviacguanrt—| S42 Syrnphus=eaaencce coe e nate alee eisai merece geijskesi (Doesburg), 1966 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. geljskesi Doeshunoy 19665 Microdon) sane so. cee ae een nee GenunaLa ealuke 9425 9Allograptaleeece cece teens cere geminata Townsend, 1897, Nausigaster ..............-.-+--.-- gemini (Hull), 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. geniculata (Fabricius), 1805 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. geniculata (Bigot), 1883 (Doliosyrphus), Eristalis ............. Feniculosa UNHOMpSOnwelalpadan sacs aac ee aie iron sickens ete genuinus (Williston), 1888 (Xylota), Sterphus ................. gertschi (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. gewgaw (Hull), 1941 (Chrysogaster), Orthonevra ............ phillani™ Rondant AlS485Meromacnusp se ene sascha mec ce erence gibberum (Schiner), 1868 (Temnocera), Copestylum ........... giganteus (Schiner), 1868 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............... gilvus (Austen), 1893' (Baccha); Ocyptamus” 7.2.3. ..2.0:-+-.-. >: glabellas (Hull) 1942 =\(Eristalis)) Palpada “secs ay eceteasct erect = GIT OI Ch OL DOMSON We S69R a: snes tee he vee ei cnsine coer etree ial globiceps (Hull), 1937 (Pipunculosyrphus), Ocyptamus ........ oRion reno TP Wo (SoYslo}al oy noon ohbnmoncanboodmn uogioo ob golbachi (Fluke), 1950 (Metasyrphus), Notosyrphus ........... golbachi (Fluke), 1950 (Stenosyrphus), Ocyptamus ........... gorgon (Hull), 1950 (Volucella), Copestylum .................. gowdeyi (Curran), 1926 (Baccha), Leucopodella ............... ELACIISHBICOtmE SSSuu Vl CLOdOnw een enor onein ae einoer gracilisysackse 192058 Salpingogastehananna ser seine aeons gracilis (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Leucopodella ............. grandifemoralis (Curran), 1934 (Planes), Neplas .............. grandis Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892, Argentinomyia .............. granditibialis Fluke, 1937, Trichopsomyia ..................... granulatum (Hull), 1944 (Volucella), Copestylum .......:..... granulatus Curran, 1940, Microdon ......................2.05. eratiosalwWiulpy 1888s. Spllomylay er erie ie en ieee neice gratus (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. ereenel! Hull alO4ie ENivoleptas susie een rien a acne eo cence grisea (Hull), 1941 (Planes), Neplas .......................... gniscus Giglio-os, 1892. Asemosyrphus «258 ase ee en ee guadelupensis Macquart, 1842, Eristalis ....................... guentherii (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1891 (Holmbergia), Microdon . guianicum (Hine), 1914 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. puiamicuss Currans 91925) sVicrodonw sen neaean rote a eecicmoenne gundlachi (Loew), 1866 (Eristalis), Palpada .................. guttifer (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............. guttulata Hull, 1942, Sphaerophoria .......................... guyanensis (Goot), 1964 (Eristalis), Palpada .................. haagii (Jaennicke), 1867 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. Habromyia® VWalliston) S88) ais son oeasns oes cd aeeeee Rey s haemorrhoidalis (Philippi), 1865 (Priomerus), Myolepta ....... hagiimWwalliston, 18874 Copestylume jee eee oe eee hahni (Bigot), 1888 (Helophilus), Dolichogyna ................ haleyon Hull, 1940, Salpingogaster ........................... halcyone (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. Holciomyiam Shannon sl92 (fan seen Een ee hambletoni (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ harlequina™ Hull, 19495 Allograptayyan.) anaes aeace eee meee harlequinus (Hull), 1948 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...... SOE one ece harlequinus (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ......... ocHirés, Curciahoy, sIGPa IRIE GoococorocccoccdowococdGbouooeenos hastatayehlukey 19475 Allocrap tame eae neon ein. Haurotricha Thomson, 1869 ........... OO ey I eel er ono orice Feliopnilusy vMelgen nl S03kene eee eee HelophilusMeigeny S22 ii ire. sshon so eee Meryem mie kilt) esgic Nye Hemixylota Shannon & Aubertin, 1933 SEBO A RO GRRE E ae eter ara OTarD heraldicus (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Toxomerus ........... EXERMESOMING MNO CKeroth) 1969 eee eee one enene hermetiay Currany 936. Microdonme eee eee e eee hermetoides Curran, 1940, Microdon ....................00e0e- hermosa Hull, 1941 (Fazia), Allograpta ....................+5. hermosa Hull tose @uichuanae eee eee hians (Enderlein), 1938 (Chasmia), Allograpta ................ hianthay (Hull) 94 3e(Baccha)aOcy ptamusmenaneeL een eee hieroglyphicus (Schiner), 1868 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus hinei Hull, 1942, Meromacrus Hidde Oa ee ERAT e core name tae ne eae aS hineiemlukeys 1951p olichosynaw eee aoe eee ree hineigeLhompsonksCeriogastcri-as een aete oe eee eee hippolyte (aul) e195 "en Csaccha)ry Ocyptamus shee nena eer: hirsuta (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum 46.170 [aubASoNIOyoS IEKoUUL TISMee ye NSA Goascnc co agdp Gao conIOGoDSUaOgD OO OCS 46.68 hirtipes (Bigot), 1883 (Doliosyrphus), Palpada ................ 46.110 hietipess Glull) yl9435 CBaccha)> \Ocyptamusi eae renee errs 46 . 23 hirtipes (Macquart), 1850 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. 46.77 hirtus (Shannon) 1927 (Baccha),, Ocyptamus) 24: o-s-4.c eee 46.20 hirundella (Hull), 1944 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................. 46.20 hispida (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ 46.80 HIistRiomvwiedemann.) 1ssOMViecrodonh panei eeee eer eter eieen 46.65 Ho imbergias lynch) -Arribalzacayel Ss lqmermcr eer eieile reir tieieiie 46.60 honduranius El 194 CS aVigerodony aoe eee eee ieicieee 46.65 hortensis (Philippi), 1865 (Syrphus), Allograpta .............. 46.35 horticole (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum ................ 46.77 horterume(habricius)paitia) (SyrEphus); sealpadagearretscieieiers 46.106 horvathi (Szilady), 1926 (Graptomyza), Copestylum ........... 46.77 noyomcCurran) el94 \(Volucella)y iCopesty lumen rriiirelalerir 46.85 lacy Serohanehal, “AMobovenNsAwS GoogacoosguconeocugccadnAnog0n7u000% 46.51 hyacinthia (Hull), 1947 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................. 46.20 hyalinipenne (Hull), 1944 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ 46.77 hyalipennis (Curran), 1930 (Callostigma), Ocyptamus ......... 46.20 hyalepterum (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ....... 46.77 fetloroloena owes layayolexcllemiay, IGE op goa da000odnaeqo Db Undoo0DIDOUdCN 46.47 hydrefenestra (Hull), 1944 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... 46.77 EOF OO CCR MIS BNO, IBIS ~ sSooccosccugoo0d940090000000000005 2008 46.47 laarclosinrfolwunrs letwilll, ae ssoaocc pen cd oc ba cos o00ddanOoK0GGDONS 46.61 hystrix (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ 46.77 ee (CCwoneein), isnt Beene), Oyeyoreyemlis soosacacconcnouaccone 46.20 idalius (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ...........--- 46.51 idanus (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...............-. 46.20 idella (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................-..-. 46.20 ignobilis (Rondani), 1948 (Aphritis), Microdon ...............: 46765 dngcmimen lexezzAl IIGIO, MMirerooloin 2 cogchedcesoccdnpdocascnansnn0Ke 46.65 ihaponnisines Wieveoiuieber, asvYy ooo ce 5 cc00gn dosnonOoDO G0 uG0GoD COS oe 446,98) imitans (Curran), 1926 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. 46.77 imitator (Curran), 1925 (Epistrophe), Allograpta ............ 46.36 immaculatus (Macquart), 1842 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ......... 46.20 imperialis (Curran), 1926 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ........-- 46.51 impositus (Walker), 1860 (Eristalis), Helophilus .............. 46.96 impressum (Hull), 1949 (Volucella), Copestylum ............-- 46.77 impura Curran, 1941, Salpingogaster .................+--++0::: 46.32 impurus Giglio-Tos, 1892, Asemosyrphus ..........+--++s+seee: 46.96 inaequalis Loew, 1866, Microdon .................+.++.++-+++s; 46.65 Mee IRA cis, Ile) CSNAAoaNwS)) Go0edcodansanvccc000n0G00no0 46.39 inaALinatusn Curran 1925. MiCLOG OMe racic ciesieltitcre iene er nian 46.62 rhage, (OBI=foFH)), Ikke) (CBI), IANO, sGonoosnansauoccuva5a0c 46.106 inea (Curran), 1939 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...................>- 46.20 ries) Soir, aepey (yore wehey sasnoadeosocdas odax0cpooogomcune 46.98 INCAICUSE SACK 1 941e ROXOMELUS: eae ciel pekekelakens deletes rei Rote nees> Beieielisialc 46.51 incerta (Bigot), 1880 (Eristalomyia), Palpada .............+:. 46.106 incerta (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933 (Chilosia), Chromocheilosia 46.90 incerta Shannon & Aubertin, 1933, Hemixylota ................ 46.121 incisus (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ..................+- 46.15 inelusa (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................+... 46.23 incommodum (Knab), 1916 (Volucella), Copestylum ..........- 46.77 incompta (Austen), 1893 (Baccha), Leucopodella ............+: 46.46 inconsistens (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... 46.77 mecubus) Gull), 1943" (bxristalis)) Palpaday >... san oeose eee. 46.106 INERIMISMNVALISTOM eal SSS Vl CrOdOn ase ence nee cienen 46.67 infanta (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................... 46.20 inflatifrons (Fluke), 1945 (Melanostoma), Carposcalis ......... 46.41 INntUSCAtLUSHBILOt el SsomOCY PD tamuUs meee Ese iee eer rete ae 46.20 imgenia (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.75 inornatus (Walker), 1837 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............... 46.20 inops (Townsend), 1895 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. 46.78 inquisitor (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.77 insignis (Schiner), 1868 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ........... 46.51 instabilis Wiedemann, 1830, Microdon .......................-: 46.65 insularis (Bigot), 1883 (Doros), Ocyptamus ................... 46.20: insularis byneh Arribalzagay 1892. \mropidial sss sone os aoe 46.120 integre: Williston, Ss 1ChrysotoxuimMiy nas orem men nee 46.40 integrum (Walker), 1857 (Temnocera), Copestylum ........... 46.77 interimediansEluUlli en 949s sVialilotanesn teste ania erie oe 46.100 intermedius (Hull), 1949 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... 46.51 intercupta Ynderleiny W938 sAllograptawan se eee cease 46.35 interrupta (Fabricius), 1805 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. 46.106 interruptus (Enderlein), 1938 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ...... 46.50 interruptus (Philippi), 1865 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ............ 46.53 intona (Curran), 1928 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.77 Inyenss Slaaiminom, WGA IMMA scooodcoocadebocsccdéuadcooudoud 46.100 inversa (Wiedemann), 18380 (Eristalis), Palpada ............... 46.106 LO CELUI) aos 4s (Baccha) Ocyptamusnenene wae enn 46.20 iolanthe (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................... 46.22 ionaw (Curran) loti @baccha) ys Ocyptamuse ese 46.20 iridipennis (Walker), 1837 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus .............. 46.18 aS ANSE, . USE, OYATONTNOS Gace docdonbooadevocbeodoodoonence 46.20 isabellina (Williston), 1887 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... 46.77 ISthIMUShhoOmMmpson ew Ocyptamnus a ae oe eee en cern eee 46.20 jactator (Loew), 1861 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ................. 46.20 jaguarinus (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Toxomerus’.......... 46.51 TOUOMOGISIS (Chaelia), ISO CWWSC) ssooccsvrocascdcoccdcesood 46.39 jenningsi (Shannon), 1925 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia ......... 46.88 johnsoni (Curran), 1934 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ 46.20 johnsoni (Curran), 1925 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum ......... 46.77 VOMSONNOCKICN,. Currin, IGE ssbcccconscbcodccepececovoenedovdec 46.61 kahli (Hull), 1938 (Volucella), Copestylum .................... 46.77. eel auht Srovoni eee Sjollomonie, .ooccecooccanesccoedocsoaceudocses 46.121 Longo Slagvaravern, IGA7, QUIEN, .ooccnccoeccecdcdcnscobbo05 be 46.99 kerteszi Shannon, 1925 (Cerioides), Sphiximorpha ............. 46.93 labyrinthops (Hull), 1944 (Chrysogaster), Orthonevra ......... 46.91 inchrumetied, Vsluubl, dG. IRIWSOS cooccosnooosncoucvaonsocnegos 46.43 lachryiosussmauctorun) hoxomeGuse lee eee eee eee 46.51 laciniosus (Loew), 1866 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ...... Desee 46.51 laconicus (Walker), 1852 (Milesia), Meromacrus .............. 46.112 lacrimosus, Kertész, 1910, Toxomerus ................-..+.00+: 46.51 lacrymosus (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Toxomerus ......... 46.51 lacta (Bigot), 1883 (Volucella), Copestylum ................... 46.78 lacteipenniss Shannon wl92 = Microdone ne jee acon ane 46.62 lacticoeruleum (Hull), 1944 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... 46.17 lactiva (Hull), 1946 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia ............... 46.89 46.172 MOGs lawl, “WSesy MNOpONNSebIS js cananabacconnogovobeanndoduoace 46.51 laenus (Walker), 1852 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ................. 46.51 laehus Woews pl S644 MMicrodons Amiens eine eae ee ee 46.65 lanei Carrera & Lenko, 1958, Mixogaster .......... Bee ee 46.58 lanems(Curran)), 1936) @Baccha)) Meucopodelila )) 4. 4.9eee 4 oes 46.46 lancimCurrant a936*) Microdonies nes. acne een abe = ee 46.62 lanei (Curran), 1936 (Volucella), Copestylum ................. 46.77 lanerisChluake), 11936) (Melanostoma),, RhySoOps. «as: 0h... s4.ce- 46.43 lanei (Fluke), 1950 (Stenosyrphus), Ocyptamus ............... 46.21 lanei (Hull), 1942 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ................ 46.51 lang urrantelO25—sViiCrodoneranta rece enn Noles 46.65 fan ie CC UTA) ps9 ten @ELIStalis) sus alloa cae eee eee 46.106 langue urrante934-—obiabromyias i aascee ke ne- See 46.100 LEGION ONENESS IONS, IIE, AMBKe Woy SOWA, oo 4a osnnnosoncoenennoe 46.68 latafascies (Macquart), 1850 (Syrphus), Scaeva ............... 46.9 lateralis (Walker) s S3, ((bristalis)s)ealpaday 4. .e-eeaeeeee 46.104 latevittatum (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... 46.77 laticauda (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............... 46.21 Latjaciess Whukew 3956; Scaevae .o-s.. ccs | eerie Seine: Sones 46.9 latifacies (Shannon), 1927 (Claraplumula), Allograpta ........ 46.36 IE TITONS, IUOE IG akstos}, Meloy, GosoonosonocbAooncedodccnconoc 46.96 LQCUORNS 0CWeY S664 EniStaliSi==s .04 sense iene oe eee or eee 46.102 latitarsata (Macquart), 1842 (Xylota), Ceriogaster ........... 46.116 LEVITICUS. ILO, IK, OY UENONS oo ooognbocdbonoocecocnsoss 46.21 lativentris (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............... 46.21 latum (Wiedemann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ 46.78 laudabilis (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............. 46.21 lautus Giglio-Tos, 1892 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ................. 46.21 laxus (Osten Sacken), 1875 (Didea), Megasyrphus ............ 46.10 lazuli Gaull) e944" (Chirysidimyia) svuerodon see: see oe eee 46.65 lede (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ................. 46.51 lepidus (Macquart), 1842 (Baeccha), Ocyptamus ............... 46.21 MepIAGIMNylaWOew? HISGAS cia eicastestes. s-oobushaen ct veiehes sons chat tor earn: 46.88 Heniaopsis Curran’. 1925 Ay gactareccister hid ea een Oeeae Othe ae Ee 46.70 MEptaosisy chLnOmMpsSon. OGD. saat mecrit: 3 1 orator seine otto: 46.70 ICD OSLO me NK NS SO eye ahs iee is cued loperGHET Oo SETAC. Sapte RSI 46.88 WEDLOMYTO = NVALESCON:, USSipe cersetty ) ctl ory ses each) tans sia ce te mi tesye 46.88 leucopodus -(Hull), 1948 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................. 46.21 MSTeOpOdella EU TOA EH. A sututy een ce eitersucienan «iterates, otoratchtaa Mine Gicks 46.46 levissimus (Austen), 1893 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............... 46.21 limae (Bréthes), 1920 (1937) (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ....... 46.51 limbata (Fabricius), 1805 (Scaeva), Allograpta ............... 46.36 limbatinevris (Macquart), 1850 (Eristalis), Palpada ........... 46.109 limbatus ‘Wiedemann, 1830, Microdon ....................-+:. 46.65 bmpipenne \Walliston) WSS .CoOpestylum | feta. -myqeveuriss). wena sie 46.78 limbipennis Williston, 1891, Salpingogaster .................... 46 .32 WINGCIDPENNIS: asack 1920) SalpingoOcaster acento cle ceee «eller 46 .32 limbus (Enderlein), 1938 (Antiops), Toxomerus ............... 46.51 limpidapex (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. 46.21 linearis (Wulp), 1883 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ............... 46.51 MBCASCLIP te ELL LOS (em VICLOMACLIS. 1. «a cuaseasicueetete sibel ie citioenen st 46.112 lineata (Fabricius), 1805 (Milesia), Senogaster ................. 46.119 Lin‘eatam. sack. 1920) Salpincogastere sy cttcis) try iho ita beaata aydiverea sos.» 46.32 lineatus (Fluke), 1937 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ............... 46.43 lineatus (Macquart), 1846 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. 46.21 Ibijovoxellenie IDWS, TI) IeleNopRONIONEY Caco uogdndcesdoudoodacoa00a0: liposeta Fluke, 1937, Salpingogaster ......................-05. liriope (Hull), 1949 (Volucella), Copestylum .................. litoralis (Papavero), 1964 (Ubristes), Microdon ................ lividus (Schiner), 1868 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. lizeri (Bréthes), 1914 (Helophilus), Habromyia ............... loewi (Goot), 1964 (Syrphus), Xanthandrus .................. lcewi (Sedman), 1965 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................... loewi (Williston), 1892 (Pteroptila), Meromacrus ............. longicornis Loew, 1872, Spilomyia ............................ longicornis (Walker), 1837 (Pipiza), Rhysops .................. longicornis (Wiedemann), 1824 (Ceratophya), Microdon ....... longicornis (Williston), 1888 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ......... longicornis Williston, 1888, Trichopsomyia .................... longipenis (Enderlein), 1938 (Posthonia), Eupeodes Wa lon cirostris luke 943" eRhinigiay ee ae eee eee lopesae (Curran), 1941 (Baeccha), Ocyptamus .................. lopesi Carrera & Lenko, 1958, Mixogaster ..................... leyoyessil INKS, USI, IRUONAOIOKS cocoogoecacncomoccoouomonebosvoede lotus (Williston), 1887 (Syrphus), Dasysyrphus ............... lucana (Townsend), 1895 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ lucasana (Townsend), 1895 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... lucifera (Hull), 1943 (Rhinoprosopa), Allograpta .............. lucilia (Hull), 1950 (Volucella), Copestylum .................. lucretia (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................... luctuosa (Bigot), 1857 (Helophilus), Myolepta ................ luctuosa (Philippi), 1865 (Priomerus), Myolepta .............. luctucsus (Bigot), 1883 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................. luculentus (Fluke), 1945 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ............ lugens (Wiedemann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... lugubri (Jaennicke), 1867 (Chrysogaster), Orthonevra ......... lugubris (Philippi), 1865 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ lugubris (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. lumina (Hull), 1937 (Volucella), Copestylum ......: Ad tes ee eer luna (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Allograpta .................. lundbladi Enderlein, 1940, Carposcalis ........................ lunuliferum (Hull), 19387 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... Pe lunus (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ................ luridescens (Walker), 1857 (Ceratophya), Microdon ........... lutescens (Walker), 1857 (Rhoga), Microdon .................. lutzi (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. lg ORI nego Adelag IE Eoyt, IU), soo acsedceddgoccccscurboc von doouen BY COSEMITERYUNCHG aAuUCtORUM ae nee ene ee iycopatle: Au. AOA 8 eee es a. Pei eeron sen Ghty termi lcaa eee Sine aemrnmtEN lyneharribalzagai Shannon, 1927, Polybiomyia ................. lynchii (Williston), 1888 (Ceria), Monoceromyia .............. lyratus (Hull), 1940 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. lyrica (Curran), 1941 (Planes), Neplas ....................05.. macer (Curran), 1930 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. mackiei Curran, 1940, Microdon ......................00 eee eeee macquarti (Blanchard), 1852 (Syrphus), Allograpta ........... macquarti (Curran), 1926 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... aa macquarti (Goot), 1964 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ............. macquarti Shannon, 1925, Polybiomyia ....................... 46.174 macquartii Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891, Microdon ................ macra (Enderlein), 1938 (Desmetrum), Chamaesphegina ...... macrocephalum (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Camerania), Copestylum ... Macrometoniagehilllip pine! S65 a eenen enero enna rier macroptera (Curran), 1941 (Ceratophya), Argentinomyia ....... macropyga (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............... macrorhinum (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... macwlaaGsack), 1941 (Eristalis); “Palpadaanate- cee asset ee ee macula Schiner, 1868; Salpingogaster .............:..0:...s-... macula (Wiedemann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... maculatus (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Toxomerus ........... maculatus (Macquart), 1850 (Milesia), Meromacrus ........... ICES, Siyreveravorn, WE WaeMoClN .cooosccacuvccvaoamnonacabdr maculatus (Walker), 1852 (Paragus), Rhysops ................ maculipennis Hull, 1944, Salpingogaster ...................... Macwlpennis: LOwnsenaw 1eoce HMiStalis we ses «i ae eee ee maculipes (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Toxomerus .......... maculoides (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ magnifica (Bigot), 1880 (Plagiocera), Habromyia .............. Taney ere (Currin, CEO, Ormanichien gy ats 6s oooc cebeg ad botobeaonelao ates malleri (Curran), 1947 (Johnsoniodon), Microdon ............ Wallotanivicigemhs HISD 2 Ree ci tc se sete mtn ot oa eltore ciisitee Mimic Meer atons nee SeemieGn, USPS IMNGGCWIA sooccacdeccan0s occu nooo ubONOUKE marae (Curran) odie (Baccha)y Ocyptamus senate aeoeeeeee. MmanrcchmCurcan e956 CrOoGOns seen erences marceli (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. IMAC PALICA VVALSTOMs Sol, eal otal Merce vege -cieietes iniie eines marginatum (Say), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. marginatus (Say), 1823 (Scaeva), Toxomerus ................. marmorata (Bigot), 1883 (Baccha), Leucopodella ............. NAAR AUIS MBIT ES, AIST i og mood oo ciobiGd Gd Do 0.0. 5.010 O16, o10.01010 010, oI map dame 949 Meromaccus ae eeane see ee oe ecient maximiliani (Jaennicke), 1867 (Volucella), Copestylum ........ meadei (Williston), 1892 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ............... megacephalum (Loew), 1863 (Tomnocera), Copestylum ........ megacephalus Shannon, 1925, Microdon ....................-. Wigconne orion, (Giesuorinos, alssal oosepoecooconn0cs000dKoD0eD0G0KC Megasyrphus) Dusek & aska, 1967 ~-.-5...2.02- 02.0802 -9- meigenii (Wiedemann), 1830 (Eristalis), Palpada ............. melanaspis (Wiedemann), 1830 (Hristalis), Palpada ........... melanocera (Williston), 1891 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ......... melanogaster (Thomson), 1869 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ....... . melanoptera (Barretto & Lane), 1947 (Eurypterosyrphus), Aris- UCEMATOMUS «.corccnovcddocenpadoou oon OUGCO UDO OOD OODUOUGO DN OK melanorhina (Bigot), 1883 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum ...... melanorrhinus (Philippi), 1865 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .........-. melanostoma (Macquart), 1842 (Syrphus), Scaeva ..........-.- MelanostomasSchiner, “S60 mri ote reletele cereal oleloeleen elo ielio fens MGBINER TENE pcagecondgonedladoco bbcncs couododgaDEDododoUodOD Melhthreptussloew) US400 rate iesiee «ie -\elele » clei ele elels) ele i-ke of eloren nn NWN ONS IRICEN WIIG: Gap onooiuno.uole Db b.onOM Oto Dol dlbbladn, cod oc melleum (Jaennicke), 1867 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... mellensnCurrans 940% IMicrocdomi ere. © altars clelelele ciclo cl ele oeieliellenetettel« melleoguttatus (Hull), 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ....... mellinoides Macquart, 1846 (Syrphus), Xanthandrus ........... mellinum (Linnaeus), 1758 (Musca), Melanostoma ............ melosutta wel | ye1943 SVhicCrodonan asec. nee ronor melimoth | Hully 1oS(aeiVieromacruss Senecnen aoe eee ota mentor (Curran), 1930 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................. VEER CULUINY LO) EUIKe Os Oar ee cae oe eee meretricias (Williston), 1888 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... meridionalis Fluke, 1950 (Sternosyrphus), Ocyptamus ......... meridionalis (Goot), 1964 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus .............. meridionalis Townsend, 1897, Nausigaster ..................... IMIeTROKOA GEIS IRopCleNaN, IIMS Gadde dob oacscbcdacooeos 46.110, MECSOOTOINTO NEO CWerael'S OO eerie non eGricie WVECSOONADEG 120 CW, CUSI(Z aaa el oR EEO Cie once metallica (Bigot), 1882 (Eurhinomallota), Criorhina .......... metalliferum (Walker), 1849 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... metalliferum (Walker), 1849 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... Metallograpta Hull, 1949 ..... eGR eters Hee or Ae RMN Ns Letter Oreo Sean oo 6 metallorum (Walker), 1852 (Temnocera), Copestylum .......... MgEoIGrRomCorus Ish WAY ,cocoseccbocscoasGodc0obvo oc UNO OE MEBs: MEMO, IGA sooccoe dood oo ccuccbo goer eesoa509 MigegoisEromnog Ise WAS) soc Sovododnoddoococ ous edccoudsoudmags mexicanay Macquant S46. Mixogaster {om 4. cnn acini eer: mexicana (Macquart), 1847 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. mexicana (Bigot), 1884 (Syxitta); Neplas ..2 22.5. 5-cees.. se 5 a0 mexicana Curran, 1930.) lLycastrirhynchaeaceeraceceeee een: mexicana (Enderlein), 1938 (Fazia), Allograpta .............. mexicanum (Macquart), 1842 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... mexicanus (Curran), 1930 (Baecha), Ocyptamus ............. TNS ICEINUS (Cureceian, WCEO), aN NACKAUS sooo cancccc0n00aD00a0000 mexicanus (Macquart), 1842 (Helophilus), Asemosyrphus ...... meyeri (Fluke), 1939 (Tapetomyia), Arctophila ............... meyeri (Fluke), 1945 (Melanostoma), Carposcalis ............. Microdonm Vieicens eS 03ers sera len ores er ee irae 46.59, IMCeTEO COMBI. soap eeacosmoeorebonoGonoogbc eee ooo oaddD OMe PODS micromidas Shannon, 1925, Microdon ....................-..-. micropelecinus (Shannon), 1927 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ......... micropyga (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............-. Microsphacrophoria Hrey) 1946) Raemeaeees eer © crisis err micrura (Osten Sacken), 1877 (Sphaerophoria), Allograpta .... mikii (Williston), 1888 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ................ IMilesiaiaatre ileum lS (45 eee ein ere rer ieee ic) erin at miulesiay enue) 19425 Meromacrusmar nor: eek rocier aren: milesiformis Fluke, 1957, Meromacrus .............-.-+-++-+-- IMMVESINEI © | Son oedodaocacgcauouocueueodoDUoD ono UDUOao CHO COG HOOD IN GU Vesnib owe ce cgi AWM ech han Wents ove UR sMinaT Re nepr ete Giaic.d era oe ae ocd oyortorare, ool milesioides (Bigot), 1880 (Eristalomyia), Meromacrus .......... millesiformis (Macquart), 1834 (Mallota), Meromacrus ........ mimetica Bréthes, 1907, Salpingogaster ................+.+++:: Munim LU el94 OR @cy ptanuSieeera ier tetera: eae hwenae nloroocorties Ietwill, Wee cobcosboocccod uno gogo onde donuoD DOD dHaGO00 mimus (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................+... minimum (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... minimus (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............-...-. minom Austen, 1893) Salpingogaster ern. aimee ceil icu- sien minor (Shannon), 1926 (Planes), Neplas -..............:.«-.--- minotaurus (Speiser), 1914 (Nosodepus), Dolichogyna ......... Toumuovitoy INKY ICI, 1RITSOIOS ooodooccsaccnrcoonnogd000000000 oubaunes, INK ICES, IMAVOIS NEL 5 oc cco obo ou d0o de no DN DDC UD GODNK 46.176 minutalis (Williston), 1891 (Eristalis), Palpada ............... minutulus (Doesburg), 1966 (Cerathophya), Paragodon ........ minutus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ........... mirabilis (Hull), 1925 (Eristalis), Palpada ......... ems eae ater mcs WvaUlbeoyey, akststs}, Inka Koele sacono0gananauouncabonbooue miussionera (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum . mutism (Cunran) wel OS Om CEnIStalis) al pa cee en ee eee mitis (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. Mitisacurnrans 1940) WVicrodons jasc oe ee eee Soe Matrospreneaenderleiny doOS8i snare cei eine enorme ckaien ier NMixorasterwMacquant; 842) see rerimacde « cieieie silent tactic WAS HOS (CUraeiny Oy TORO Goombopodcaocon aon ounedoonbooCs mocanum (Curran), 1936 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ RONOCCLOMYIOM SUANnnOn yl O22 eee ete oer rien aierl aateisiel= mMmontanaeen eel O Sie Qwiehwanae lyases ee errieie tea iii rieloletetterer ae montana (Roeder), 1886 (Eristalis), Palpada .................. moncensis; ELulls 1938 eGNasodepus)., . 2... eek eee rnonticola (Roeder), 1892 (Eristalis), Palpada ................. morpho (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. mu (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Allograpta .................. mulio (Hull), 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............... muller luke 19> DolCchorynane an eeor one aoe multipunctatus (Wulp), 1883 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ...... MUN OZiMENderleinyl ose Allopraptas as ee eee beeen: murinus (Curran), 1930 (Baccha)), ©cyptamus ..............-. MUSMCuUrraAn) sOSGweMiCLOGON) <.5. > ce ee ao oe eee ire eeiere Tis (Curran) 930 Gristalis) see alpadaere sie een: mus (Williston), 1888 (Volucella), Copestylum ................ musanum (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ muscarium (Thomson), 1869 (Haurotricha), Copestylum ...... musicanum (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... musicus (Fabricius), 1805 (Scaeva), Toxomerus ...........-.-. musta (Williston), 1888 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. mustoides (Curran), 1927 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. MUtUUS (Say) yt S29 A(Syrphus) LOxOMeLrusi ease nee eee OTR hea MOL AIRS a seas seal ait neice CG eEow 6.croetidiois Diba dio:opOc MASOLE DEO OMCTOTU IMU Ee rs ee Ae ete Rca PT EL Oa ales tees Myolepta Newman, 1838 ....... NER Fe Nia AOE Sted Sesh SA ay 5 PRY e miystaciay -Hlukeye | 9S 9M Viallotay aan acracsrmerecte ta ci ste cleierliei erence myrtella (Hull), 1960 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................... My LOGASCET A ISELtGSZ) tl Oil Oi aes oot eee arctic crete erst one) abe ton ete) eraleiene MiG MoM conmine Jetuill, dey) socnncooaodsoudoondooq00soo0008 nasicum (Williston), 1891 (Ophromyia), Copestylum .......... nasicus (Hull), 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. nasigera (Enderlein), 1938 (Fazia), Allograpta .............. nasuta (Bigot), 1884 (Sphaerophoria), Allograpta ............. nasuta (Bigot), 1888 (Sphaerophoria), Allograpta ............. nasuta (Enderlein), 1938 (Chasmia), Allograpta .............. NASULUSH SACK; =1941- -LOXOMErUSH Acne one ele rie. nasutus (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. hausicaa (Hull), 1937 (Nausigaster), Myolepta ............... INAUSIPAStCr MVVAMISLOM, 1885". gals cies cere nate ets nutes cw bracrma remit mee nautlanum (Townsend), 1897 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... nectarinoides (Lynch Arribélzaga), 1892 (Promilesia), Meromacrus nectarinus (Hull), 1942 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................. INECOSCOCUGI ESTE Yy," TOLG Ms ene ce aat ee echt on teeta + eben aarte ere neosplendens Thompson, Copestylum ......................... meotropica, Curran 1936) Allograptamancsenaeoenn eae cae neotropica (Shannon), 1925 (Chrysogaster), Orthonevra ....... neotropicum Thompson, Copestylum .......................00. neotropicus (Curran), 1937 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ....:...... neotropicus (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... Neplas' Porters: 1927) ci casndcn yaiedce se ochre ee ee ee reptunus (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. nerissa (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................... NeCLOm CuULEAN 93649 CLOd ONeiee rise nee ee nero (Curran), 1939 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................... nestor. Curran es! 940s ViCrodOneen eel eee eee neuralis (Curran), 1934 (Callostigma), Ocyptamus ............ nigers Sacks 192050 Meromacrusmie ea.) Geo ree een nee niger Williston, 1891, Microdon .............0.......00+00+00 nigra (Bigot), 1883 (Sphiximorpha), Polybiomyia ............. rapesetel IMAM), | IGE) MUU oo oo os doo a bocooodaoodocnuboceaudduos migra (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Platynochaetus), Quichuana ......... nignow Hull 9495 @ ui chuanawnneasn eee eee eee nigran Macquart. 18465 eR hingilaes ty yee aes rece eee nigra Schiner, 1868, Salpingogaster ................0 cee eee eeae nicras Shannon lO2(aeViallotaae ene eae nigra (Shannon), 1927 (Valdivia), Valdiviomyia ............... nigrans elukenl 945s RhySODSI see eee nee nigribucca Enderlein, 1938, Allograpta ...................0-00+ nigricans Thompson, Quichuana .................. Re nigricauda Sack, 1920, Salpingogaster ......................... nigricorne Williston, 1886, Stilbosoma ......................:. nigricornis Philippi, 1865, Tropidia ......................:000- nigrifacies (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. nigrifrons (Bigot), 1883 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ nigrifrons (Hine), 1914 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum........... nigrinervis Philippi, 1865, Stilbosoma ....................0.05. nigripennis (Macquart), 1885 (Eristaiis), Palpada ............. nigripennis (Williston), 1887 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ........... nigripes (Bigot), 1857 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum ............ nigripes (Bigot; 1883, Dolichogyna ..5-5-0045 eae | eee nigripes (Loew), 1866 (Syrphus), Xanthandrus ................ nigripes (Wiedemann), 1830 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. nigripunctus (Enderlein), 1938 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus nigriscutellata (Macquart), 1848 (Eristalis), Palpada .......... nignispinosus sShannonse1 927A Microdonts sen ee eee: Nigrituseabricius 1/94 i(Syrphus) ieee eee eee eerie nmigriventris Bigot, 1883, Salpingogaster ...................008- nigriventris (Bruch), 1923 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. nigrocilia (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................. nigrocoeruleus Vockeroth, 1964, Alipumilio .................... nigropodum (Hull), 1949 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. nigroscutatus Bigot, 1882, Asemosyrphus ...................-. nigroscutellata (auctorum), (Eristalis), Palpada .............. nigroventris, Williston, 1886, Salpingogaster :.................. nigroviride (Hull), 1949 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. nigrum (Greene), 1923 (Volucella, Copestylum ................ 46.178 niobe (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus MiLcnseebISOtmelsno, lsycastrirhnyneha, ss555oe-enes eee ee nitescens (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933 (Chilosia), Notiocheilosia nitida (Wiedemann), 1830 (Chrysogaster), Orthonevra mihi dag sacks? e194 in(Cerioidés)\ “pees: steed Va. cs SMe. ee nitidigaster (Hull), 1937 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. nitidiventris (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ...... bday ChuKe) p= 939 CHeliophilus)sexvlotayeneeeee een nee nitidulus (Curran), 1930 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ Tanne lUMRES) IMhwoe ARYL oeroudoeebobetey Sao nanaacunneonacaccocunoune nitidus (Schiner), 1868 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ modosusm(ELull) 930) sCBaccha) mOcyptamusme 4. nokam«Curran)yelO4 lee (Baccha) Ocypramus eee. -ee eee ore norinas(Curran),~1941 (Baccha),;, Oecyptamusween ee... nee. eee norma (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ NoOLMalism Curran sl925seIViicrodonhe jae eee Nosodepuse Speiser.. L914» tyeuscae hs ose tiaerenlects . Penmaes «Serene eres notatay (Bicot)) 11882) /(Oxrtholophus)s) Gropidial)- een. seer oe nNotatawDoesbune., 1966; Allopraptaye....24s5nee chee ieee notatum (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... NOLAUSMCoguillett. .1 902s O@cyptamuSieneare | aaa ieee notatus (Loew), 1866 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................... notatus (Wiedemann), 1824 (Ceratophya), Microdon .......... Nothomicrodonwavwheeler a il924) - Sci oekeeeened re lated eens Notiocheillosiaeebhompsoni 1S 2e rea ceese eee ] conte ei: Notcesyrphuse Vockeroth, 1969s epics tot Pa oe rake oe NOV GIllO=LOS~ 1892 Salpingozasteba were sae ober - novum (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum ................. MUpeCeUlOSUSM VU ps 188s aCeterallastes) ss -adarneeeieieel ener eee nymphaea (Hull), 1943 (Baecha), Ocyptamus ................. nymphalius (Hull), 1942 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... OMeSAm CHaAbpTLICIUS) elomCSyEphUS) i OLniGiawer.. ceri ere nck obesoides (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Ornidia .............. oblicua (Curram), 1940) (Eristalis)> Palpaday (eseene =: eer oer Gbliquals (Say) pals2au (Scaeva), Allograp tay...) i- ee iiiche ly ile obliquicorne (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... ebliquus (Curran), 1941 (Callostigma), Ocyptamus ............ oblongus (Walker), 1852 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ obseuras Coguillett. 19025 Spilomiyiayiy. cabelas t-rye a cbscuripenne (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum obscurius (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ ObSGUGUSHENINe e924 55 Weromacrusy s ci.eeisicie cs elie + enteric t obsoleta (Wiedemann), 1830 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. obsoletus (Curran), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ decidentalism Shannon’ D92TRISCACVAl anew eet «deleted. ool dete eee i ochracea (Hull), 1941 (Edwardsietta), Habromyia ............. ochracea (Williston), 1888 (Eristalis), Palpada ............... ochraceus (Hull), 1942 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ ochreolinea (Hull), 1944 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ ochrogaster (Thomson), 1869 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ........... octoguttatus (Jaennicke), 1867 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ......... octomaculata Enderlein, 1938, Allograptina .................... octomaculatus\Thompson;) Ocyptamus) semen ce... shetad « -) aeena ss) « octemaculatus Walker) a83itjiSyrphus siete = DOWinosuUsm EU OAZSRAYSOPS! see ee eee eee oe sc cis tees eae polorans (Williston), 1886 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ Polybiomyia Shannon, 1925 Polydonta Macquart, 1850 a felle;/n) (al'al ‘ee ‘e| ‘e| (ve) /e (0 (e)\e\/er ures \a/felu\ eee) 4.16).0) 610/61 ae) ms Polydontomyias wvallistony 1896 eae cece el cieeleieiatels oteiorerenere nets polygrammus (Loew), 1872 polygraphicus (Hull), 1940 (Helophilus), Asemosyrphus ....... (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ....... morcent (Curran), 1935 (Hristalis),, Palpada (7). Jace «rele cit porticola (Thomson), 1869 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ............. portius (Walker), 1852 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ................ Posthonia Enderlein, 1938 eo ate\ ie ie ei je '6) 0 (el vile) tel ate: of efele| (6) soushone: eueituvarenes onanese Ke Fosthosyrprus) yenderleiny A938 eco acs « « chelelcle clstel! + otellelie. «(atelier posticum (Say), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum .............+++: potens Curran 1932- MerOmMaCEUS) (eyes cikelolelstelonel ech imteoueieteleneliene onal potentila (Hull), 1942 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............+.-.- poultonimverrall p1913" Callicenayery. erie citets i telette ier: oka hel praeclarus (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Eristalis), Palpada ............- praeustus (Loew), 1866 (Syrphus), Rhysops ..........++-+.+++-- prasinus (Schiner), 1868 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum ......... pratorum (Fabricius), 1775 precipua (Williston), 1888 (Syrphus), Meromacrus .........-- Gapacteubls)), Veer) 7 o560ccc5 7000 3 prenes (Curran), 1930 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .......---.-+.+++:: prescutellare (Williston), 1888 (Volucella), Copestylumy = ne. 4. pretiosa Loew, 1861, Xylota prima (Curran), 1941 (Aristosyrphus), Argentinomyia ......... Primochrysotoxum Shannon, 1926 ........:..c0ss--seeseeerenss princeps (Hull), 1944 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........+..+.++s++5 priscilla (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .......--.++seseees problematica Thompson, 1968, Myolepta ........-.+:+eseeeeees procedens Curran, 1941, Microdon .............+ssseeeerereres procteri (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .........+..-- procteri) Curran, 1941, Microdon .........-.+sessssevesresrenes producta (Macquart), 1850 (Syrphus), Carposcalis (a. eaves productus (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ......... Promilesia Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892 ...........+eseeeeneerenees Protoceratophya Hull, 1949 Protolepidostala Hull, 1949 a ee ee. 0 6). 0 620 2.08 Chel OW We Old Oe wee a eae Ree provocans (Curran), 1939 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .............. pEoxima CEU) 1944) (Planes) INeplasiis mmpeimeria ee. eer proxima (Rondani), 1848 (Eristalis), Palpada ................. proximus Schiner, 1868, Ocyptamus ...................02 eee ae prudens (Curran), 1934 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................. pruinosa Bigot, 1884, Melanostoma ....................-.0+00- prunella (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. Pseudodoros Beckers S030 ae eee erica eee crn tieneoienen BSEUdOMIGCTOR Ore ENUIIRNELS 3 alee lepine air sne nrc ae ec ie pseudoribesii Vimmer & Soukup, 1938, Syrphus ............... Pseudoscacuas Nockeroth) 1969p yaar oo Con errr pseudotachina Hull, 1930, Tachinosyrphus .................... pteronis (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Ocyptamus Babeudravagh Bteroptila Toews S66) 2e,.. (anges ieee ise e- ee ee eetoeee ens © ere! oickamee pubescens (Loew), 1861 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. pubescens (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933 (Chilosia), Chromocheilosia puella Williston, 1888, Trichopsomyia ...................+..05. puellus (Hull), 1942 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............. puerilis (Doesburg), 1966 (Ubristes), Microdon ................ pulchellus (Macquart), 1846 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ............ pulcher Williston, 1887, Microdon ...................-..e0005- pulchray elu 19445 iro pidiay ae ammreceino oceans riaiiceen pulchra Shannon) 1927, “Allograpta 7.25 -. .aeen. ada eee pulchra (Williston), 1888 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia ........... pulchray Wallistony 1892 iMilesta an amare ace aeiicia isin ei ieee pulchrapuella (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... pulchripes (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... pulechrum (Williston), 1891 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum pullatus Vockeroth, 1964, Alipumilio .......................... pullus (Sack), 1921 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................... puma (Curran), 1941 (Planes), Neplas ....................06.4. pumilus (Austen), 1893 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ punctata (Shannon), 1927 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............... punctata Shannon & Aubertin, 1933, Scaeva .................-. punctata Williston, 1883, Nausigaster) )...........02.3.,..5... punctatus Macquart, 1842 (Syrphus) ......................-.. punctatus sacks S19 21e MoxoOmernus wanes sere oe weitere: punctiferum (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... punctifrons Curran, 1929, Salpingogaster ..................... punctifrons (Williston), 1891 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........... punctigena (Hull), 1937 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... punctulata (Wulp), 1888 (Melanostoma), Carposcalis .......... purpurascens (Loew), 1869 (Temnocera), Copestylum ......... purpureum (Walker), 1849 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... purpuriferum (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... purus (Curran), 19830 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............. pusilla (Macquart), 1842 (Eristalis), Palpada ................. pusilum (Macquart), 1842 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... pusio (Wiedemann), 1830 (Eristalis), Palpada ................. pusioides (Hull), 1951 (Eristalis), Palpada .................... pygmaea (Macquart), 1842 (Eristalis), Palpada ............... oygophora Schiner, 1868, Salpingogaster ....................-. pygolampa (Wiedemann), 1830 (Eristalis), Palpada ........... pyrastri Linnaeus, of Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892, Scaeva ......... 46.184 DyVEhinas bigot a18845 eSphaerophoriay - 2... osache eee eee ee pyrrhocera (Kertész), 1903 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ............ pyxia (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus Hess SES keer quadraticornis (Macquart), 1842 (Eristalis), Palpada ......... quadratum (Williston), 1891 (Volucella), Copestylum’ er. sac: quadricincta ~Enderlein, 1938; Allograpta... i. ses. «..e esses quadrigemina (Thomson), 1869 (Syrphus), Aillograptairsas serie quadrilineatus (Enderlein), 1938 (Hybobathus), Toxomerus quadrimaculata Enderlein, 1938, Allograpta .................. quadzimaculatus Hull, 1944.4 Rhysops).i...secenetcke See. . fanate quadrinotatus (Bigot), 1884 (Melanostoma), Xanthandrus ..... quadripunctatum (Doesburg), 1963 (Volucella), Copestylum quadristriata (Shannon & Aubestin), 1933 (Chrysogaster), Or- [DaVO) OVENS RENN | acer RMR ROL A Ce Se ee Tome Rees mete cite es ene aaa Ae; Quichtiana: ein abs 19'S) 2 ass 5 4 See kis est Re ORES QUT MONO ELUN ep GAA Ne i yay ofthe day ep Naka TE RS. Ye SO ee quinquecinctus (Bigot), 1888 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ........ quinquemaculatus (Bigot), 1888 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ..... quintamDocsburg-. 1963) sy castrirhynchas ec... scebeneeeee kee quitensis (Macquart), 1855 (Eristalis), Palpada ............... quixofeamsEiulls 94651 @ wichwana ger 9 paseo ee eee | ieee LAdiatuSm DIO el Shiau (Syrphus) ager. cciscicise aie lec rafaelanum (Townsend), 1897 (Volucella), Copestylum ........ ranions shannon 1925) Mixo Pastel aed qs) 20 cists | © cakes) ee Rarissimeamshannon,, 1925) sMixo raster. . ceva cava seks ck cin ie ReEcilineaws EU O42 sa bromylag qs) SobeaCiaceaeee ober nae rectum (Wulp), 1882 (Temnocera), Copestylum ............... ineGall Singin, USP Shed Qsccodroneurcaceacsocec soe onso ce rolietom Curran. | 94iesSalpingeogaster Seeccnecciccir erik remigis (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Allograpta ............... REINO Swe ena Oy el Oni Vid CLOG ON get as - eaey-daeteei ae ene eel) Sch eaaee reermos, Chunar, AGB Wiiermoreloin) Cocca gen dao soc oncoboupo ues aonor reynoldsi Shannon & Aubertin, 1933, Dolichogyna ............. reynoldsi (Shannon & Aubertin), 1933 (Melanostoma), Carposcalis rex (Fluke), 1945 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ..............-..-. rhea (Hull), 1949 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ..............-..-. rhea (Hull), 1950 (Volucella), Copestylum ..............-....-. rheochryssus Elull, 1944) Microdon . 2.25). ec. sere = rhinamebhompson, Allograptay, socom oc ee > oeeeeuerokdte ickieh keke [Planhovedts) ssyqoy Olean Muses cee ec CO Oe moto hme oD oc oa ae cloner RI MipopontoKtay neh ISK Prue Oy Ee cane odbucs, coonsccom ss omocondone. rhedope (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. ROP ABV AKER RE S85 ij. 2 acy: lok. eosisyanctonebetevadthe |<) Aeeiea titer aay rhombicus, auctorwm, ToOXOMELruS .~........-- 1s eee eee eee ees Mhopalosyrphus ‘Giglio-Mos, SOL, yi jja.. - ceeded siete « eketsyabene ESAVSODS “NVallastoms, | 1900 ae, wrevatayercuoisysypore: cremate se elec ainakeb etter ribesii, auctorus, Syrphus ........ wiciees Sey Sd i cet sabe IES «i ABER He e akoegs rica (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .................. ricus, (Curran), 1989 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ... 0.2... .-..-...%-- mesclimsnannons 1927, Quichvianasseraciyes . aha «+ 6.) oebaenare i: rileyi (Williston), 1887 (Doliosyrphus), Palpada ............... robinsoniana Enderlein, 1940, Allograpta ..................... roburoris (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Allograpta ............. robusta Sack, 1941 (Cerioides) ................ robustum (Sack), 1941 (Temnocera), Copestylum roederii (Williston), 1888 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha Romaloesyrphus Bigot, 1882 ................... rcmbicus (Giglio-Tos) 1892 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ...... rondanii Goot, 1964 (Syrphus) ................. rondanii (Shannon), 1926 (Pianes), Neplas .... reraima (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum rosa (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum .. respigliosii (Bréthes), 1920 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... rostrata (Bigot), 1884 (Sphaerophoria), Allograpta ............ costrata (Macquart), 1846 (Helophilus), Dolichogyna ......... rubiceps Philippi, 1865, Stilbosoma ............ rubicunda Curran, 1940, Mallota .............. rubida (Williston), 1891 (Baecha), Leucopodella rubricornis Philippi, 1865, Tropidia ............ rubricosus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ......... rubriventris Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891, Microdon rubrobrunnea (Hull), 1944 (Cerioides), Sphiximorpha ......... rudis Hull, 1944, Ceriogaster .................. rufibasis (Bigot), 1883 (Sphiximorpha), Polybiomyia .......... ruficauda (Shannon), 1927 (Valdivia), Valdiviomyia ........... ruficaudatus Bigot, 1884 (Paragus), Toxomerus ruficeps (Macquart), 1842 (Eristalis), Palpada . ruficeps Williston, 1886, Stilbosoma ............ ruficrus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Milesia), Meromacrus ........... rufifacies (Doesburg), 1966 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............. Lutipedesshhompsony Lalpaday saranda es rufipes (Macquart), 1842 (Eristalis), Palpada . rufipes, Walliston, W892) x: Similisse@urrank 9255 Allograptaiene wae crr metic ccnocn rater similis) Macquanti 18425 Elelophiluss secre see erat orice similis (Williston), 1888 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia ............ similima (Vimmer & Soukup), 1938 (Syrphus), Scaeva ........ Simlihimus Ena 5 OSV crodOnteee een ronnie eninecrer Simonetta Hullaelo4Gy ss @uichuanaeen seers cee eta simplex (Loew), 1861 (Syrphus), Xanthandrus ................ simplex (Schiner), 1868 (Plagiocera), Meromacrus ............ simulatus (Curran), 1939 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............... sinuatinervis (Macquart), 1850 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ........ : skinneri (Johnson), 1903 (Chilosia), Chamaesyrphus .......... skottsbergi Enderlein, 1940, Allograpta ...................++0-- slossonae (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... smarti- (Curran) 1939) ((Baccha)), ©cyptamus) 005-3 so ee smartin(Curran) e941 ¢Planes) »Neplasimaner as dee aan ieee: smithae (Thompson), 1965 (Lepidosis), Copestylum ............ smithi (Goot), 1964 (Syrphus), Xanthandrus .................. SmichigWallistonsals92senVlallll oO tage emer bree niente sodomis (Townsend), 1895 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... solennis (Walker), 1852 (Eristalis), Palpada .................. solitarius) (Currand93 O0SeMicrodonleeena anaes ae reer soror (Schiner), 1868 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............. soror (Bigot), 1883 (Phalacromyis), Copestylum .............. SOLOLCUlaMWallistony 1891s Cheillosiagins soe ena ee hoe rr SOLOGIAn WAlliston al S91 Cheillosia ues aaere (ore necie eat: soukupii (Vimmer & Soukup), 1938 (Volucella) ............... soulouguensis (Bigot), 1880 (Eristalis), Palpada ............... spatulatus (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............ 46.188 Spectapilis, Coiuil) 319255 Garistalis); Palpada 14. 1s eee spectrale (Hull), 1942 (Volucella), Copestylum ....:........... Sphaerophoria Lepeletier & Serville, 1928 ..................... Sphimorpha Rondani; 1S50\ee ese ccs benitioi aki be antici SPRPCUINOLD Ow all CLOLUI areas yh ceisb oe eee ee eee Ie ac SHLOmMyIawVieIzens, HSOS* sas. sess 5 onc. ine baa OGES SORE ACL eae spinifemoratus (Hull), 1930 (Senoceria), Sterphus ............. spinigerum (Wiedemann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum ...... spinithorax (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892 (Temnocera), Copestylum spinosa (Shannon), 1925 (Zonemyia), Ceriogaster ......... Ao splendens (Hull), 1949 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... splendens (Thomson), 1869 (Syrphus), Allograpta ............. splendens (Townsend), 1897 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... Splendens/ Wiedemann, 1830) IMicrodon! 22.5.0 444 ee eee squamigerum (Curran, 1925 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... steatogaster (Hull), 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ......... steatornis (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ Sleana(Say) 1529) (SYLphUS) ps Carposcalisiys cm + een ieee stellata (Hull), 1941 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia ............... SECMOGUSECT: PROASSI Zin TSA Gi yee cies cic iOInNs (e Atas SRC EONS eeaeRaey camel stenogaster (Williston), 1888 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............ Stenogaster= Wallistons 18925 SvlOta ee acres cee yelisiedee iste) telitenel= sternale (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. Shrereyay HIS JE oul li vou AK e ogo eo esd osc ab aoe sec En oo ono oodoUube SAVE O LU Asie DISET N es bese dvlade Gonsoogded co coos ode M Odd aD stigmatica (Hull), 1944 (Hristalis), Palpada ................-- stigmatipennis Hull, 1940, Salpingogaster .................+..- stigmatum (Hull), 1949 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. Shillaosorne, Inlay, wey Sooscacsseoocco0 dads vncocd dn pad oaGONe Stipa Cull), 1949 (Baccha); Ocyptamus .....-...........:-..- stipator Osten-Sacken, 1877, Eristalis ...............-+-.+++:-: SAL VOMLOTO Ua TEU et OA Sy ogo ate geal oc eter eae eae Porte art ae avene Rp SIOLOMGWialxer)-altea2) (Syrphus)-. Ocy patos) se enieiee iin SEATON WIS" IBC TG YE) AVhiCrmoYsONN A begoscsbenonboocoaneedeeudboe Seid wSm Gielen). 1s52)CASCIa)), OGY DtAMIUS | ielcieniti elearaereres SUGIGLOL MENU LO 41h Vi OPASLCRE err aaie rarer pen ieee ene ricns strigifacies (Enderlein), 1938 (Fazia), Allograpta ............ SAS CUKUS Dele, Us WMerON TE VOAUS MyAe se ble nos bob oo ulna wo eb alsidor ISTE GN Tine 18 GUT bs [ES San ape eet | Epona Con ie rat re ceietetl GRIe SY ECE subannulatus (Loew), 1865 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ......... subchalybeus (Walker), 1857 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ........... subcoeruleum (Rondani), 1863 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum subcostalis (Walker), 1860 (Xylota), Quichuana ............... sublatum (Fluke), 1950 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... submetallicum (Rondani), 1848 (Phalacromya), Copestylum subrostratum (Rondani), 1848 (Phalacromya), Copestylum ..... sulphuripes (Thomson), 1869 (Syrphus), Sphaerophoria ........ sultzi (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum) .......-5..::.-- sumichrasti (Giglio-Tos), 1893 (Eristalis), Palpada ............ sumischarasti (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Eristalis), Palpada .......... summus (Fluke), 1936 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ..............-+.+. superba (Williston), 1887 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ..............- superbus Wiedemann, 1830, Microdon .............++.eseeeeees surinamensis (Degeer), 1776 (Musca), Palpada ..........++.+:. surinamensis (Macquart), 1842 (Eristalis), Palpada ...........- SOMO, INNS, IES, JNU EAROUE, 5 ccccocccoccocbnd0cco noe nac susio (Hull), 1941 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ...................... sycorax (Hull), 1947 (Rhinoprosopa), Allograpta .............. sulphus (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............... sylvaticus (Hull), 1948 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ sylvicolasknabialoils@uichuanae sana oneal Syritta Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 .......................000-- syrphica (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Sphaerophoria), Allograpta ....... Sr OMuyoOCGOL Jeloull, - ASE) soacoavcconsdocdooesoeenuoooso0v ne 00 SyPphinager ys. ae eee oka AERA Are RWeele,, Sen eae Wie coats cual ale eee ree RSNVASIO) GUI) OY DE tral aaa Ie SD eee in aendat eC SIERNEY CERO buts MAR GL ld A gabe aes nll cna Sy pphus*Mabricivseag (5 nice tee ae hens ae eae coer. ater ar anaee eye Gachinesyrphus eEully LOS nee ae ae ena rae CO agw oo bo D.o0o taenia = (Wiedemann)),, 1830) (Eristalis); Palpada 255... -.4--.400-- taenius (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ........... TalahuayRlwkes MOA Sy ee send ck eee y ieee ic etc bs eas eet eyiee nl g sea eas tamaulipanum (Townsend), 1898 (Volucella), Copestylum ..... Koyngeg, ITN, aleis) Ciaord he, poohosoovccbcosooueeseooveoassces LOWDE GOMOD ITS, AGED) soscodeocscoudccconodcceyodoooesuonuc tursalis (Walker), 1837 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ................ tatel (Curran) 1930" @ixistalis)* Palpaday 2.5) 44 055 o06- tone ee tatei (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum ................. SOCOM. SwOEINC DN, NAG scsncccvoccaenoavcc oun cboboobdbouoDS tau Bigot) 1ssse @volucella). Copestylum) soo. oe tectiforman luke 9425 sAllograptal seme eens er ene teffera (Curran), 1939 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... telescopicus (Curran), 1930 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............. teligeramMlukes O42 Allograpta cmc. ese oe ieee tenax (Linnaeus), 1758 (Musca), Eristalis .................... tenebrica (Walker), 1849 (Merodon), Palpada ................ tenuicaudus Curran walO25eeNiicrodon i See eee ae ace GEMUREROINS Clune, IGE} IDA 566 vooedtecoscocbo sso oe boboes tenuis (Walker), 1852 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .................. testaceicornis (Macquart), 1850 (Eristalis), Palpada ........... testaceicornis, Macquant, 1850) SyGphust ..5.. 5. ese ee var tsetaceipes Lynch Arribalzaga, 1891, Argentinomyia ........... testaceiscutellata (Macquart), 1850 (Eristalis), Palpada ........ testaceum (Rondani), 1848 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... testaceum (Wulp), 1891 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. Cionnomwles stu, IVS) ..occnecosdadbouee poo do non ooonbeeooos wrelbie, Cahuilh), wea} Comics), JRC, ..scccaccoccboonne evo ve thecla /Giull)1943."(Baceha)), (cyptamusee) 2. rns eee UReEle, IShoubl, IGE Yl IMDb oye caboodgocredonsooon sooo duo oogoet TGLCRONCIOG (EMU GAS aN Veh eksn pont nmante: farsa mene testa nT er eI hi = teatean thiemei (Enderlein), 1938 (Braziliana), Rhysops ............... thoracica (Jaennicke), 1867 (Eristalis), Palpada ............°. qara (Curran) 94 @Baccha) ss Ocyptamus eames ee eee ne tiarellas @Eiull) pe 194457@accha) aOcyptamust ase eee eer: tibiale (Macquart), 1846 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. tibiale (Shannon), 1929 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... tibralism@jallen) asi @2ipiza) ae arcaculsms ae een eeree tibicen (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ............ BEATS . townsendi (Goot), 1964 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. townsendi (Snow), 1895 (Ceria), Polybiomyia ............... HO XOMOTUN IE Sy ts BROS RR OR eRe i EE EEE PoxomenusmVaequarty: WS55i,,..554 2.5 eee a an 3 See PE trabis (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Ocyptamus ................ transatlanticum (Rondani), 1863 (Volucella), Copestylum ..... transatlanticus (Schiner), 1868 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........ transversa (Walker), 1857 (Syritta), Ceriogaster ............. transversa (Hine), 1913 (Myiolepta), Ceriogaster ............ transversa (Hull), 1943 (Sphaerophoria), Allograpta ......... travassosi (Lane & Carrera), 1943 (Cerioides), Polybiomyia ... fmancularissCurrans 1940 \Viicrodonmnae as ae eee eee triangularis (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Eristalis), Palpada ........... triangulatus (Hull), 1942 (Mesograma), Toxomerus ......... EMIDINICINcta A nderleiny O38 Allocraptameeenee ne eee eee trichopoda (Kertész), 1903 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha ............ aT CHOPSONLYaee VVALLISTOM Sel SSS miei eee eee eae tricinctum (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. MULGIMNGELIS (BIZ0b) sso (Baccha) ss OcyptamuUs cere ce eee ee tricinctus (Wulp), 1888 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ tricolor (Loew), 1861 (Ceria), Monoceromyia ................ tricolor (Jaennicke), 1867 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. tricrepis (Shannon), 1926 (Crepidomyia), Sterphus .......... tridentatus (Rondani), 1868 (Syrphus), Toxomerus .......... trifasciata Enderlein, 1938, Allograpta .....................:- trifasciata (Macquart), 1842 (Eristalis), Palpada ............. MP ASCIALO (Say) a S30) GEristalis)») Palpadaewann eae eee trifascium (Walker), 1857 (Temnocera), Copestylum ......... trigona (Williston), 1891 (Eristalis), Palpada ................ fie oOmrormism Shannon O216) IVnCLOdOnts: = — renee eta trigonum (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ......... trigonus (Hull), 1937 (Hypselosyrphus), Microdon ............ trigonus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus .......... trilimbata (Bigot), 1888 (Sphaerophoria), Allograpta ......... triumbata (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Eristalis), Palpada ............ BEM AM EL Le OAS enVid CLOGON Macrae nee ier ieee eee ie trilineata (Hull), 1941 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia ............ trilineatus (Enderlein), 1938 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ..... trilobatus (Bigot), 1884 (Mesograpta?), Toxomerus .......... trilobus (Gtull)pe1944" (@Baccha)) Ocyptamusi ss .s... + sess trinidadesis (Curran), 1939 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............ MLOCONEA Williston (51885 0 ait eee ei ne cheer aleicieie Sake cteeeneias Ahdieme cirri trivittatus Curran, 1925, Microdon .................. trochilus ‘Walker, 1852, Microdon .................... tropicus (Curran), 1937 (Melanostoma), Rhysops ..... Mropiadia- Neicemy i aiS 22) ws steed Oe ere eee ach ner on a pvee an 3 Tuberculanostoma Fluke, 19438 ...................... tuberculata Carrera, Lopes & Lane, 1947, Nausigaster tuberculata Williston, 1888, Trichopsomyia ........... tuberculatus Rondani, 1857, Eumerus ................ ooo, Minera, U0 oa ooccoounobacnchobucceubsdouot tubularius (Hull), 1942 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .. tucumana Enderlein, 1938, Allograpta ................ tumicephalum (Hull), 1948 (Volucella), Copestylum .. tympanitis (Fabricius), 1805 (Syrphus), Copestylum .. Wibristes™ Walker sales 2: Va eae is esate ck ete geyser ccs peas eeriet uleana (Enderlein), 1938 (Pipiza), Trichopsomyia .... ulopodus (Hull), 1944 (Ubristes), Microdon .......... ulrica (Hull), 1957 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............ ulrica (Hull), 1950 (Volucella), Copestylum .......... ultimus (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .... una (Hull), 1943 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ........ uncinata Hull, 1945, Salpingogaster ................. ee PC rr ne ae cy undecimpunctatus (Enderlein), 1938 (Mitrosphen), Toxomerus .. unicolor (Curran), 1925 (Volucella), Copestylum .... unicolor Shannon & Aubertin, 1933, Hemixylota ...... unicolor (Walker), 1837 (Syrphus), Carposcalis ...... unicolor (Wulp), 1883 (Eristalis), Meromacrus ...... unilectum (Walker), 1860 (Temnocera), Copestylum . unimaculata Townsend, 1897, Nausigaster ............ unipunctatum (Curran), 1926 (Volucella), Copestylum urania (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........... urania Hull, 1949, Salpingogaster .................... urania Hull, 1949, Trichopsomyia ................... uranius (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ..... urotaenia (Curran), 1930 (Eristalis), Palpada ........ ursula (Hull), 1947 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........... unsula Ew 1949S @uiechwanal en sees nis ole uvarum (Walker), 1849 (Eristalis), Palpada ......... vacum (Fabricius), 1775 (Syrphus), Copestylum ..... vagabondans (Hull), 1941 (Planes), Neplas .......... vagans (Wiedemann), 1830 (Xylota), Neplas ........ vagoides (Curran), 1927 (Volucella), Copestylum ..... vegum (Wiedemann), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum . valdesi (Fluke), 1950 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ... Wovonoig Seino: IA socoosscucdocedcccugoodgod ous valdiviana (Philippi), 1865 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ..... valdiviana (Philippi), 1865 (Ocyptamus), Valdiviomyia valdiviformis Shannon & Aubertin, 1933, Odyneromyia Waldiviomyila Wiockerothiay neice nee ane veleria (Hull), 1941 (Planes), Neplas ............... valeria (Hull), 1944 (Volucella), Copestylum ........ vampyrum (Hull), 1942 (Volucellay), Copestylum ..... vampyrus (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ......... venda (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............ 46.192 VanessamCEnull) i 1949 a(Raccha)) mOcyptaimusn tn. ane ee eee 46 .29 vanessa (Hull), 1951 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. 46.56 vanzolinii d’Andretta & Carrera, 1952, Nausigaster ............ 46.93 varia (Walker), 1849 (Baccha), Pseudodoros ....... Ja eueeao ee oe 46.11 variabilis (Kertész), 1903 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha .............. 46.94 variabilis (Wulp), 1883 (Mesograpta), Toxomerus ............. 46.48 varians (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ................ 46.86 varichaetum (Curran), 1925 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum ...... 46.86 variegatum (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. 46.86 variegatus (Macquart), 1842 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ............ 46.29 varipes Shannon & Aubertin, 1933, Hemixylota ............... 46.121 Vets mGVValixer) le52 (Synphus)) MoOxOmMmerus: Seen ane eee 46.56 ventana (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.86 VenustamCcurran = 1927, lAlloprapta os tern. eee ee. cee le oe 46.38 Were (ELUM) e942) iVviolucelia)sCopestylum saa eee cree 46.86 eu (alwill)), Wes) (seen), Oana 556 odscnhuccannuscoeuer 46.29 VeromEnill atO44 Salpingvosasten inc sce eee oe oe ene 46.32 Wena (stall), Wes) (arereeiigns IeblloRGe 55 5c0ccocnnnosaccg.uuue 46.110 verdigaster (Hull), 1943 (Volucelia), Copestylum .............. 46.86 VieCrOnam(CuEran)haeLo4i es (Baccha) ss Ocyptamus! s.r eee eee 46.29 verralli (Williston), 1892 (Ceria), Monoceromyia .............. 46.94 WEIS OES Inyovarskeyonl als{ss} (Shane) jcaacogadncanndneodsog00: 46.40 verticalis (Curran), 1927 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ......... 46.56 CeINNGOUmsS, Jahulll, agus MMoponnaa soacacconcocebdn saudonconoces 46.56 vesiculosum (Fabricius), 1805 (Syrphus), Copestylum ......... 46.80 vespuccius (Hull), 1943 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................ 46.29 veve (Hull), 1942 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ................ 46.56 VWIGinad §(Kertesz)) 1 902m (Ceria) ss Sphiximorphal sas. se eae: 46.94 vicinum (Bigot), 1883 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum ........... 2 46.86 vicinus (Macquart), 1846 (Syrphus), Toxomerus .............. 46.56 VACtOLIaN CELUI) e194 3 (Baccha)sOcyptamus seein saree 46.29 wiereckinn (Curran). 1950) «@Baccha), ) Ocyptamus=see eee 46.29 vierecka (Curran): 930, (Eristalis)»sPalpada ys as04. sane 46.110 vierecki (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... 46.56 vierecki (Curran), 1925 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.86 VWCRECECHKOMANO CULT AT TODS i Sic ale ators eicos oe eee ae Sencar 46.70 villarica (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.86 villosa (Bigot), 1882 (Romaleosyrphus), Criorhina ............. 46.119 WALI SS TAHOUNS TSS) MMI ROMMBVOCUR shoo baccocdddubocanusccuoaadd. 46.113 vinetorum (Fabricius), 1798 (Syrphus), Palpada .............. 46.110 viola (Hull), 1944 (Volucella), Copestylum ..2.-:..3.2..-2..... 46.86 violacea (Macquart), 1842 (Volucella), Ornidia ................ 46.70 violaceum (Say), 1830 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... 46.79 violaceum (Curran), 1930 (Megametopon), Copestylum ....... 46.74 violaceus (Curran), 1926 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .......... 46.56 WIA CEUSM CHU) pe 1O4o aGSaccha),) OCYDtiamnUSs earner ie eis 46.29 violaceus (Macquart), 1842 (Aphritis), Microdon .............. 46.67 vimcol kein Aloninnereravel 7 kets lay, AMNsdels (orn. Aon oauoddcandobonteed pounds 46.67 virescens (Williston), 1891 (Phalacromyia), Copestylum ....... 46.86 virga (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Ocyptamus ................. 46.29 vingatay Austen: 1893; ‘Salpingogaster “2028. sa. wanes ae see eraee 46 .32 Vancpealivo: (Gahoilyy- alee) (eeKerdote), (OyexforrchoshG) Song hesasagcqndouue 46.29 VAGPIMENSIS. (Drury) Wiis CMiusca), Milesiar@eiin. | cereeene hs 46.120 VincInO CELUI), 1941 (Baccha) Ocyptanmius: saan. assesment. 46.29 VIE OMCULLAT lO4Oy MicrOdON ris + ices chen Mert beac tera ; 46.67 virgulatus (Macquart), 1850 (Syrphus), Toxomerus ........... viridana (Townsend), 1897 (Volucella), Copestylum ........... viride (Williston), 1888 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. viridigaster (Hull), 1948 (Volucella), Copestylum ............. ViTIdiS@enownsend aS95, Vicrodontie aaa eoen enone. wridula (Bigot), 1875 (Volucella), Copestylum ............... viridula (Walker), 1860 (Temnocera), Copestylum ............ virtuosa (Hull), 1942 (Volucella), Copestylum ................ vitrea (Huli), 1949 (Volucella), Copestylum .................. vitrescens (Hull), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ vitreus (Hull), 1941 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus .............. vitripenne (Curran), 1934 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ Vitripennis: Meigen Wis22.eSvrphulsime cise ener cies vittata (Bigot), 1878 (Acrochordonodes), Senogaster .......... vittata (Hull), 19837 (Meromacrus), Habromyia ............... vittatum thompson Copesty lumii eae Crit e vittifacium (Hull), 1943 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. vittiger (Hull), 1949 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ................... vittipes (Curran), 1941 (Cerioides), Monoceromyia ............ vittithorax (Hull), 1937 (Braziliana), Rhyops ................. vockerothi Hteheverry;, 1966; Mlukea - 2.25522. 4teee ] donee ee volatica (Williston), 1888 (Eristalis), Palpada ................ voleanus (Fluke), 1942 (Epistrophe), Ocyptamus ............. VWelacuiomShannon hl 92 (gan aeeninnie Gee ene ene crt Volosyr pron sShannonkel 929 ema ronnie mee ene enener neta AVECOUADKGXeN AU a lee Ree rama ee coe Me een rye Po, mn gency An ea cs a ae dain ak CAC) Bc osetia velucelloides (Bigot), 1884 (Glaurotricha), Copestylum ........ Wolueellosiogs Curnanses93 0 Gia aern met creer einer roles volucre (Giglio-Tos), 1892 (Volucella), Copestylum ............ voluecris, @sten Sacken, 1877, Hupeodes:...262 dessmes-- sso ee: vulean (Hull), 1942 (Volucella), Copestylum .................. UL DINGUSACK OAT a ViallOtamnnan aio ciara cielo chlor rar vulta (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum .................. vulturus (Hull), 1942 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ............ vulturella (Hull), 1947 (Lepidostola), Lepidomyia ............. walkeri (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892 (Syrphus), Carposcalis ...... watsoni (Curran), 1930 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus ........... watsoni (Curran), 1930 (Volucella), Copestylum .............. wheeleri Mann 9288s ViTCrodonie sane annonce Coenen wiedemanni Enderlein, 1938, Ocyptamus ...................... wiedemanni (Johnson), 1919 (Syrphus), Metasyrphus ......... wilhelmina (Dcesburg), 1963 (Baccha), Ocyptamus ........... willinki (Fluke), 1951 (Volucella), Copestylum................ willistoni willistoni willistoni willistoni willistoni willistoni willistoni willistoni willistoni willistoni willistonii 46.194 Coquillett, 1902, Lycastrirhyncha ................... Mluke,. 194252 Syaphiusiiretasrsssc ape rise. crane eae he errr (Giglio-Tos), 1893 (Sphaerophoria), Allograpta ...... (Goot), 1964 (Heliophilus), Xylota .................. Full, 1949 Cacocerial hiss me we eee a aoe ree Mike 899 Se Viierod Ong maeGe i. caren RE rien eae ren (Shannon) ye 926..(Planes)- es Neplasmien ie ieee neers (Snow), 1895 (Pelecocera), Chamaesyrphus ......... hompsonwOcyptamusmmee ere een nc C oie (Townsend), 1895 (Eristalis), Palpada .............. (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1892 (Mesogramma), Toxomerus Willistonimyia Hull, 1943 wulpi (Goot), 1964 (Volucella), Copestylum wulpii (Williston), 1888 (Ceria), Sphiximorpha Xanthandrus Verrall, 1901 vanthaspis (Wiedemann), 1830 (Eristalis), Palpada Xestoprosopa Hull, 1949 yurae (Curran) 930) (Volucella)kCopestylumiya- eee ZA DULOne CEU) pa LO49eCBaccha) ya Ocyptamusm ener AMHR MIEKA MOOT Seinen doco oudoc emo oeedcdlb oeccodbodod Zeniae (Curran) 4s Baccha), Ocyptamus Sane ZeomillamaGEtull) yal O43 CBaccha) ss lucucopodellae ene ree near Zena (Curran) a O4ien@saccha) mi OCyptalni Smee eet zephyra (Curran), 1939 (Volucella) Copestylum .............. zephyreus (Hull), 1947 (Baccha), Ocyptamus .....:.......... Zerenen CEU) 949 CSaccha) Ocyptamuss se eit Aaa (Cima), ise) Ceeieae)), OyAdyoenwS 55d .506d6en000005 valle, Cateil)), Wess CREE Ne), OW foeNeNES 5 oocooacscboccccccn0Ke apron, (Cehell)), yess (Cseveesey), (xYNAOEbOWS 5 o6b5cc0000a5cgs05050 Aue, ((Cmeeenm)), vol (eevee ay), (OYesoenels sosondaoccn0ccbnG00K6 mone Cail), W4s) CBee), OCGyorziedts gocsossouco000gond zonatus (Loew), 1866 (Pteroptila), Meromacrus ............. Longino Siero, UW sscoooocnsapnocsoneodcbdoopbudnoda cK raoinornmiyae (ahi). iWeviss (evecare), Oxywoushenu oo o65ccaconcosouc wulpianus (Lynch Arribalzaga), 1891 (Baccha - Ocyptamus : xanthoprosopus (Barretto & Lane), 1947 (Rhoga), Microdon .... xenthopterus (Wiedemann), 1830 (Syrphus), Ocyptamus ..... Xan hi pPpPem CEM) 949 iCBaccha)y Ocyptamus aoe eee safoe Ceol), alee (CVvolereaililey), (Coyesindliisn 2555c5n000cpne500ne VIO tA MICI REN S22. Mvk ae ve Neo ries rains ear eoretere ete tee oar ait enantiomer xylotaeformis (Schiner), 1868 (Mallota), Habromyia ......... EX LOLA CIO RONGANT WBA Wee eee chaccysee ey Sievers oe aeete Ne k ronientel aekenslot tedener 46.195 Edanee - Imprimiu Sado Paulo - Brasil