POWER S 675 I5b4 1915 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of British Columbia Library http://www.archive.org/details/farmpowerOOinte FARM Second Edition Copyrighted 1915 International Harvester Company of America (Incorporated) CHICAGO USA Complete Index •vs-ill be found on Pages 94 and 95 arr^ HERE is no truth until the facts are put in order." Although no farm has ever existed without power, either animal or mechanical, no systematic attempt has so far been made to collect and classify the facts about farm power so that any farmer could use the information intelligently in study- ing this very important point. Much farm power literature has recently been issued which has centered generally around the experiences of individual farmers. A great deal of tractor litera- ture also has been written from the point of view of the salesman rather than from the view of the man who would some day use the tractor. Both of these points of view are more or less mis- leading to the man who is looking for rehable information that will help him solve his power problems. The Government has done some very thorough work in the collection of facts concerning certain phases of the horse's useful- ness, and state experiment stations and agricultural colleges also have issued bulletins and figures on this same subject and on tractor use. These and the office and field records to which we have had access are the sources of information for the facts compiled and classified in this book. The result, we honestly believe, is an absolutely fair and impartial presentation of the truth concerning farm power as furnished on the one hand by horses and on the other hand by farm tractors. In a matter so important as the changing of farm power from horses to a tractor basis, no man should make a decision without having gone carefully and fully over all the available evidence on both sides. So much of the evidence that has thus far come to our attention has been misleading and incomplete that we have deemed it our duty to present in this book all the available facts in the case. We offer it in the hope that it will have some real value to the thousands of farmers who we know are deeply interested in this vital phase of agriculture. INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA (Incorporated) Farmers Must Meet Changing Conditions The proportion of food producers to food consumers grows smaller constantly. In 1880, according to the Government Census, 70.5 per cent of the population of the United States was on the farm, or in towns of less than 2,500. Ten years later, the rural population was 63.9 per cent, or not quite two- thirds of the whole. This decrease continued steadily until in 1910, when, according to the last available figures, the percent- age of people living in towns of 2,500 or less, was 53.7 per cent, or just a little more than half the total population. The figures just given are based on a total rural popula- tion of over 49,000,000. Of this number of people only about one-eighth, or 6,000,000, are classified as farmers. This means that six million farmers are now producing food for one hundred million people, the present total population of our country. Compare this to the condition about a century ago, when almost the entire population, scarcely larger than the present number of farmers, was engaged in the production of foodstuffs. Machine efficiency is largely responsible for this change. Machine efficiency, and that alone, has enabled a comparatively small percentage of the population to feed the remainder. With land doubling in value and the insistent call for food from the cities, horses at SI 50 to $300 apiece, and with farm labor securing from $40 to ?50 a month, the farmer must be on the job all the time. His land must produce crops, his stock must produce profits, his w^ork must be planned and handled on schedule. As we shall see, his most perplexing problem is that of power, for almost half his total production expense centers around his horses and their upkeep. The day has come when he must supplant horse power. He must substitute a highly organized, highly efficient form of motive and tractive power for that part of the horse form of energy which has grown too expensive to be profitable. The magnitude of this power problem is astonishing. When we think of the wonderful industrial growth of this country with its vast manufacturing enterprises, we but vaguely realize the enormous amount of power rccjuired; and yd, according to FARM POWLR Phillip S. Rose, editor of The American Threshcrman, the farms of this country require more power than that employed in all our vast manufacturing industries. Mr. Kose proves this statement in the following analysis: "The last Gov(Tnmcnt ccnniis of 1010 showod that there were a total of 24,042,882 horses and niul-s (Mi the farnis of the Uniied States. Estimates of the Department of Ati;riculiure, on January 1, 1914, placed the number at 25,411,000. If we assume that 80 per c(nt. of these animals are mature, there are now available for farm-work purposes 20,328,800 work-animals. On the basis that each animal will develop an average of seven-tenths of a horse-power, we find that the total available animal-power amounts to 14,230,000 horse-power expressed in mechanical units, or almost exactly three fourths as nmch power as was employed in all branches of manu- facturing as shown by the 1910 census." In addition to the power furnished by the horses and mules, the farmer has available mechanical power as supplied by steam engines, internal combustion tractors and engines, windmills, and water power. Very little water power is utilized, and wind- mill power is not large enough for most work. This leaves only steam engines and internal combustion engines using oil or gasoline, regarding which Mr. Rose says: "A careful canvass of the States west of the Mississippi made last winter by Mr. A. P. Yerkes, a Government ag(^nt connected with the Bureau of Farm Management of the United States Department of Agriculture, shows that there are something like thirteen thousand tractors in operation. There are probably not to exceed one-quarter as many east of the river, making some- thing less than 20,000 tractors in use in the entire country. These tractors vary greatly in size, but will doubtless average close to forty brake horse- power each." Steam engines have long been used as a threshing power, and there are not far from 100,000 in use today. There are also in use probably a million portable and stationary gas and oil engines averaging 5 horse-power. The summary, then, of all the power used on the farms, according to Mr. Rose, is* as follows: Total Kind of Power Number Power Horses and mules 25,411,000 14,230,000 Windmills 750,000 75,000 Steam-tractors 100,000 4,000,000 Gas-tractors 20,000 600,000 Gas-engines 1,000,000 5,000,000 23,905,000 "The total power used in all manufacturing enterprises, accord- ing to the 1910 census, was 18,755,286 horse-power. Even allowing a large margin for possible error, it is thus seen that the farmer's pow^er - problem is a big one and involves millions of dollars. Mechanical power, as yet, is much smaller in amount than animal- power, but it is rapidly increasing, and within a few years will doubtless assume first place." FARM POWER PART I PRICES OF LAND, LABOR AND POWER ARE THE DE- TERMINING FACTORS IN CROP PRODUCTION 1. Farm Land is so High in Value that only the Most Efficient Handling can make it Profitable From 1900 to 1910 the average value of farm land prac- tically doubled, according to the United States Census Reports. This is natural, for our constantly increasing popu- lation calls for more food; crop prices advance, and land be- comes more valuable. But it requires the most efficient men, methods, and machines to derive a satisfactory profit from land of even average value. 2. Farm Labor Increasing in Cost When farming was less complicated, manual labor was cheap. "$20.00 a month and keep" was formerly an accept- able wage. But today wages of from $40 to $50 a month and the use of a tenant house put the farm on practically the running basis of a factory. Though not overpaid, hired help is too big an expense in proportion to what it produces, especially on farms where the character of the operations are not arranged to keep help busy during the maximum time. December, January, Feb- ruary and March are inactive periods, with help more plenti- ful, because many farmers release their men at the end of the season. From April to October the demand is brisk, help scarce and wages high. The principal cause for the high wages asked is the fact that men are in demand in all industrial centers at good wages. The automobile industry which has developed in the past 15 years alone employs more than half a million men. Other industries have made additional calls FARM POWER for men, which has started a movement cityward at the expense of the farmer. To get men and keep them he must offer the same wages that these men could obtain in the cities. The State of lUinois paid out for hired help in the year 1909, according to the last census, more than S.36,300,000. This was an increase over the preceding decade of nearly 64 per cent. The sum which Michigan paid was an increase of 34 per cent, and for Ohio the increase was 77 per cent. Price of Horses for Farm Work Higher Each Year From 1895 to 1915 the increase in the number of horses in the United States was 33.3 per cent, while the increase in the value of these horses was 279.7 per cent. Prices advanced to such an extent that even with an increase of only 5,301,700 in the number of horses their value increased $1,613,372,000. We quote below the figures from the Census Bureau of the Department of Agriculture — ■ Year Horses Value (not including mules) 1915 21,195,000 $2,190,102,000 1895 15,893,300 576,730,000 Increase 5,301,700 $1,613,372,000 Per Cent Increase, 33 3^. The actual average price increase for all horses was from $36.20 in 1895 to $93.51 in 1906, and to $103.33 in 1915, a gain of 185 per cent. Horses suitable for farm work now average from $150 to $250 apiece, according to the Chicago Live Stock World. These figures correspond closely with reports received from farmers, shown in tabulated form on pages 26 and 27. The average of almost one hundred farm owners reporting shows that the average price of horses replaced by an 8-16 tractor was $158. In the majority of instances the reports indicated that farmers ahvays sold the poorer horses, keeping the better ones. This average price of $158 is what owners actually received for horses sold during the last six months of this year. FARM POWER PART II HORSES AS FARM MOTIVE POWER 4. Horse Labor is almost Half the Gross Operating Expense of the Ordinary Farm We have become so used to seeing horses, reading of them, and thinking of them as a motive power for farm work, that we are inclined to question the statement that they can be dispensed with to great advantage. Senti- ment, in a way, is responsible. The horse is an intelligent animal, and constant contact with him has prejudiced us against a cold blooded analysis of his usefulness, and yet the figures we shall give were prepared by unprejudiced men paid by the Government to help the man on the farm reduce his expenses and increase his production. The figures are startling. According to Extension Bulletin No. 15 issued by the Minnesota Farmers' Library, almost half of the gross cost of operating an ordinary diversified farm is made up of horse labor. In spite of this, many farmers seldom consider the main- tenance cost of their horses when they are attempting to arrive at some understanding of what it costs them to produce their crops. 5. Many Items Enter into the Cost of Horse Labor Fortunately the United States Government some years ago made very accurate investigations into the cost of horse labor on farms. Experts who knew their business kept accurate record of the various cost items with a result that the Government is able to tell us how much horse labor costs per hour. The items which the Government took into consideration are the following: Interest on Investment Depreciation of Horse Use and Depreciation of Harness Shoeing Feed Labor Shelter Miscellanious Expense « X, c *0 G FARM POWER 6. Interest Charges This is one item of cost which is not always considered but it rightfully belongs on the cost side. A horse at the average value of $150 costs his owner at least $7.50 or $9.00 a year on interest charges, depending on whether the interest is figured at 5 or 6 per cent. 7. Horse Depreciation It is difficult to state the average life of a farm work horse. We are safe in assuming it to be from 10 to 15 years. On this basis there will be an annual depreciation on $150 horses of from $12 to $15. Some farmers might not think it necessary to include this, especially those who decrease these charges by the use of young horses, selling them when they become more valuable. Good horse traders also keep this charge down. It doesn't in any way, however, affect the general fact that the horse depreciates as it gets older. Wayne Dinsmore, Secretary of the Percheron Society of America, says — ''Work horses increase in value until they are six years of age. Depreciation begins at that time. Rapidity of depreciation depends entirely upon the class of horses and the manner in which they are handled. Pure bred animals frequently increase in value until they are nine or ten years old, but depreciation usually begins at six years and amounts to about ten per cent a year.*' 8. Harness Use and Depreciation Horses cannot work without harness. Harness costs money and it wears out so that it is only natural to include a cost for its use and depreciation. This, together with repairs and interest, averages from $1.50 to $2.50 per horse annually. 9. Shoeing Cost Shoeing is another item that must be taken into account. It varies greatly in different parts of the country. In Minne- sota, for instance, where the Government made its investiga- tions, shoeing costs varied from $1.83 a horse in one section to 13 cents a horse in another. FARM POWER 10. Feed is the Heaviest Item in Horse Maintenance Practically two-thirds of the annual cost of maintaining a horse is the feed cost. The total feed cost figures for the country are stupendous. Our 25,000,000* horses and mules consume feed to the value of almost $2,000,000,000 annually, or more than the total operating cost of all the 200,000 miles of railroad of the United States; 73,000,000 tons of hay are grown, harvested and marketed to feed them. In determining the annual cost of maintaining a horse, as shown in the tables which follow, the feed prices w^ere figured by the Government experts on the basis of market prices less the cost of transportation from farm to market. 11. Labor Cost This includes the cost of labor in caring for and feeding the horse. There is no possible way of getting away from this charge or even reducing it, as it is an admitted fact that horses never receive any better care than they are entitled to; in fact, in the majority of cases they do not receive the care they should. In U. S. Bull. No. 73, to which we shall often refer, Table 1 indicates that this item during the period 1904 to 1907 amounted to $16.06 a horse. Since that time labor has increased 10 per cent. 12. Cost of Sheltering Horses Shelter is an item which should enter into the cost of maintaining a horse, but it varies so greatly on different farms that it has not been taken into consideration by the Govern- ment in computing its horse maintenance figures. This item depends entirely upon the capital invested in buildings. The accepted basis of figuring this is 10 per cent of the amount invested. This 10 per cent provides for an interest on the investment, depreciation and repairs. Thus a barn which cost $40 a head sheltered w^ould bring an annual cost of $4 against each horse. Some barns cost $100 a head sheltered. This would make the charge against each horse $10. *January 1, 1914, estimate Department of Agriculture is 25,411,000. 10 FARM POWER 13. Miscellaneous Expenses The miscellaneous expenses include veterinary services, medicines, liniments and many other small items that are required in the care of a horse. The Government found that during the years 1908 to 1912 these averaged 54 cents a year a horse. 14. Yearly Maintenance Cost of Horses from 1904 to 1907 was $79.80. (U. S. Dept. of Agr. Bull. No. 73.) Table I Interest on investment $ 4.90 Depreciation 4.84 Harness depreciation 1.55 Shoeing 68 Feed 51.39 Labor (Not inol. drivers' expense. See If 11.). 16.06 Miscellaneous 38 Total $79.80 15. From 1908 to 1912 the Yearly Maintenance Cost was $96.21. (Ext. Bull. Nc. 15, Minn. Farmers^ Lib.) Table II Interest on investment $ 6.73 Depreciation 2.54* Harness depreciation 2.30 Shoeing 80 Feed 65.72 Labor (Not incl. drivers' expense. See ^ 11.). 17.58 Miscellaneous 54 Total $96.21 ♦Note this item of depreciation is too low — due to abnormal conditions exist- ing in the horae market where tests were made. 16. The Maintenance Cost for 1914 was $129.23 The prices of horses, feed, labor, in fact, almost every- thing, has gone up since 1912. In order to determine what it cost to maintain a horse during 1914, figure first the difference in feed cost. From 1908 to 1912, as we have just shown, feed cost an average of $65.72 annually. Uncle Sam says that this was the cost of feeding 4,686 pounds of grain and 6,346 pounds of hay. What did this feed cost in FARM POWER 11 1914? (The ])ri('(' ii^urcs oi" luiy and grain (juotcd are taken from U. S. Farmers' Bulletin No. 045.) 3 tons of hav at $11.12 $33.30 53 bu. of oats at .43 22.79 53 bu. of corn at .03 33.39 Total Feed 1914 $89.54 The item of depreeiation, $2.54, in Ta])le 2 is not high enough. The depreciation in this case has been affected by abnormal conditions prevailing in the territory where the tests were made. In these horse markets the prices of horses have jumped rapidly enough to offset depreciation which has accrued. A fair figure for depreciation would be from $10.00 to $15.00 annually. Let us say the smaller figure — $10.00. Assume that interest, harness depreciation, shoeing and miscellaneous expenses are the same. Labor since 1912 has increased ten per cent, so that the labor cost now is $19.33. The yearly maintenance cost for 1914 will be as follows: Table III Interest on investment $ 0.72 Depreciation 10.00 Harness depreciation 2.30 Shoeing 80 Feed 89.54 Labor (Not incl. drivers' expense. See ^ 11.). 19.33 Miscellaneous .54 Total $129.23 The maintenance cost for 1914 therefore is $129.23. For the sake of easy figuring hereafter, we shall assume the expense to be $125.00 annually. This cost is verified by a test made by a Division of Farm IVlanagement during the past summer on thirty farms in Catawba County, West North Carolina. On these farms were ninety-two horses and forty-five mules and the average cost per animal for a year was $125.60. _ MISCELLANEOUS, SHOEING, ETC. 2% _ HARNESS 2% INTEREST 5% DEPRECIATION 8% LABOR 15% FEED 68^' c Chart 1. Hotse maintenence costs in percentages 12 FARM POWER 17. A Horse Works only Three Hours Per Day The average number of hours worked per day by each horse as determined by a six-year test — 1902 to 1907, inclusive, was 3.15 hours. Counting 313 days in the year, omitting Sundays, indicates that a horse averages 985 hours per year. Let us say 1,000. Very few men could make a living working so short a time — only 3 hours a day. 18. Horse Labor Now Costs 12.5 Cents Per Hour How much does horse labor cost an hour? This cost is determined by dividing the average annual cost of main- tenance by the average number of hours each horse works. Fortunately, the Government kept an accurate check on this when it made the tests referred to on the preceding pages with this result. From 1902 to 1907 the annual cost of maintenance was $80.00, so that horse labor an hour cost 8 cents. From 1908 to 1912 it was $96.00, or 9.6 cents an hour. For 1914 it was $125.00, or 12.5 cents an hour. (Table III, Page 11.) Mr. Fred R. Taylor of Warren County, 111., has kept accurate records during the past three years and he finds that the average cost an hour of horse labor during 1914 was 13.6 cents. 19. It Requires the Products of Five Average Acres to Feed a Horse Uncle Sam says that the horse eats annually three tons of hay. The U. S. Census Report for 1910 says that the average crop is 1.3 tons per acre, so that at this rate it will require 2.3 acres of hay. Uncle Sam also says 4,686 pounds of grain are fed annually, let us say half oats and half corn. This would be 53 bushels of oats and 53 bushels of corn. The average oat yield is 28.6 bushels and the corn yield 26 bushels per acre, so the horse requires 2 acres of corn land and 1.8 acres of oat land, or a total of 6.1 acres. To make these figures as favorable as possible to the horse, let us say that he eats annually the products of only 5 acres. FARM POWEF^ In 1914 there were 2"). 000, 000 horses and mules on our farms, and these require the products of at least 120,000,000 acres to feed them. 20. One-Fourth of all Tilled Land Farmed for Horse Feed Now, there are only 478,000,000 acres of improved land in the 6,361,000 farms in this country, therefore, to feed our horses and mules we use 25 per cent of all our productive land (U. S. Census Report 1910). Think of the waste! One acre out of every four under cultivation is farmed for the benefit of horses that give only three hours' work a day. We seldom realize how many acres we are cultivating for horse feed, but we even more seldom think of the fact that one-fourth of our entire investment in farm equipment, in buildings, and in land must be charged up against the cost of horse maintenance. Could we take this 120,000,000 acres of land now used to feed the horses and mules, and raise crops for the world's population, we might double our corn crop, the biggest money-maker we have, and also add 50 per cent to our wheat yield. 21. Every Farm has from One to Three Unnecessary Horses Uncle Sam in Bulletin No. 73 says this: **0n many farms from one to three unnecessary horses are kept mainly that they may be available during the few days when the crops are being harvested." Minnesota Farmers' Extension Bulletin No. 15 on page 10, says this: "UpK)n many farms more horses are kept than are necessary to perform the work. Frequently this is because the owner does not realize the annual cost of keeping them; or he retains them for sentimental reasons. If the working animals so kept were brood mares, raising a foal each year, this would not be objectionable, as they would bring in some income. Often they are geldings and there is little excuse for retaining the extra horses. It is essentially unbusinesslike. Often an extra horse or two is kept through the year, in comparative idleness, for possi- ble use in seed time and harvest. 14 FARM POWER F'^1 ■■ ^ — — ,.j 4. tf^ ''y'w ~f ^HBi ^ * '-'r.^'S ' ' ^HIl' ; ^ &< A nI; tflS'-'. 4atfiJHiS||. ri.lft- HPr^ Illustration 2. Good brood mares bring an income 22. Horse Feed Turned into Butter or Beef Makes a Big Profit If there are today from one to three horses more than necessary on each farm, every farmer could make from $50.00 to $150.00 more by feeding to cows the feed given the un- necessary horses. If, in addition, a cheaper power than horseflesh is used, so that additional horses could be disposed of, a farmer might make from $100.00 to $250.00 more profit without cultivating any greater acreage. For example, according to the Iowa Dairy Test Associa- tion, a test of 1,400,000 Test Association cows showed that feed for one cow cost $37.00 per year. Each cow returned 217 pounds of butter fat at $0.32, a total of $69.44, showing a profit of 85 per cent or $32.44. (The skimmed milk and calf pay for the labor charge.) The $89.54 it costs to feed a horse one year (Table III, Page 11) would feed two cows, and these could bring a net profit of $64.88. In the Pennsylvania State Experiment Station Bulletin No. 102, it shows that in feeding steers, 100 pounds of gain cost $9.75 for feed. Then the $89.54 worth of feed consumed annually by the horse would, if fed to steers, produce almost a thousand pounds of beef. The Indiana State Experiment Station in 1913 found that the cost of feed per hundred pounds gain varied from $7.74 to $9.34. It will be readily seen that horse crops if fed to cows or steers would bring a handsome profit every day, either in butter fat or beef, whereas, this same feed FARM POWER 15 given to the horse goes to keep up a head of steam that is never utilized more than 12 per cent of the time, and in the case of unnecessary horses is utterly wasted. 23. Four Good Reasons Why Horse Labor is Expensive. If horse labor is so expensive, we naturally ipquire the reasons. The principal ones are as follows: First, because of the horse's low efficiency as a motor. Second, because of the fact that he is a small power unit which cannot work in combination with more than three other units at the most. Third, because every unit requires man labor to operate and control it. Fourth, because the work for which he is adapted is seasonal, and then in volume far beyond his capacity. 24. The Horse is a Very Lowr Efficiency Motor The horse eats 10 pounds of feed for every hour that he works — 10,000 pounds a year. For all this feed he returns a surprisingly small amount of work at the traces. Seventy per cent of what he eats is lost somewhere in his mouth, stomach and intestines. This delivers 30 per cent to his muscles, which sounds promising until we learn that the greater part of this must be reserved for his own use — body maintenance, carrying his weight and propelling himself about the field. He has left, after he has taken care of himself, not more than 7 per cent efficiency for actual work. Edison says his efficiency is only 2 per cent. In comparison with other prime movers, the horse is the lowest of all — a triple expansion steam engine has an efficiency of from 8 to 10 per cent, and a kerosene engine from 15 to 18 per cent. At best, out of every five acres of feed, he turns not more than half an acre of it into use- ful work. What is worse, the most of this is feed that easily could be put in available form for human sustenance — - corn cakes, corn flakes, hominy, and rolled oats, or it could be turned readily into pork, mutton, milk, butter, or beef, and sold at good prices. 16 FARM POWER 25. Horse Labor Must Always be Used in Small Power Units In the daj's of the cradle, the sickle and the spade, the horse was big enough, but today he has been dwarfed by the big units on every side. This is the day of big things — big cars, big boats, big engines, big dynamos, big farms, big elevators, everything in fact is big. Agriculture alone has attempted to thrive and grow with a power that long ago proved entirely inadequate for other important work. Man muscle and horse muscle cannot possibly fill the bill. The horse at best cannot work with more than three or four other horses. This is the largest workable unit, so at the most a farmer does not have over three or four horse power of energy to put onto any one job. The rate of travel is slow — hardly over 1.6 miles per hour. When it is faster than this the horses tire out rapidly, in fact, at this rate they cannot put in more than ten hours of w^ork in twenty-four with rests and breathing spells in between. If eight horse power is required on a job, it means two units of four horses each, or more likely four two horse teams. 26. Horse Power Requires Expensive Man Labor It is hardly practical to use more than four horses in a team. For field work farmers frequently use four horses on harrows and plows and binders, but when it comes to road work, rather than use four horses on a load a man divides up the load and uses two teams, each team requiring a driver. This is one of the points that makes horse labor so expensive. Every team, whether it be two, three, or four horses, requires the service of a driver. On a farm where it is necessary to put a large number of teams into the field to do the work on time, this requires a great deal of hired help, more than it is sometimes possible to obtain. 27. Farm Field Work is Confined to Short, Active Periods There are practically two seasons on every farm — the active season and the inactive season. The Government made very careful investigations and found that during the FARM POWER 17 ttort ^A /»» jff Ar Ma^ June Ju/i/ ^k y / .' ^ s • / / s - - - / ' N / ' \ ,/ f \ s / , S ^ 1 <^ ft l» r^ /^^r ^ bcM ,,^t-^ vtir k i\tit. s ( /' '(, ^ - /9f^ iiiii ), s/ IK. IT '[S - — ^- - — h- ^ —4 u. _ _ 1 I— : ^ ^ 1 1 _ _ J lJ L U 1 1 1 1 L- _ I L_ 1 L_ \ I_ L. LJ Chart II — Showing the averago hours of labor per horse per day by months: (Ext. Bull. No. 15, Minn. Farmers' Lib.) inactive season, that is, the winter months, the horse seldom averages more than one hour of work a day. During the active season, the crop growing period, the work averages from three hours a day on some farms to as high as eight or ten on some others. Note that on grain farms the ''peak load" occurs during the three months culminating in October; spring work touches the high pomt in May. During November, December, Janu- ary and February the work is very light. The diversi- fied farm, on the other hand, gives steadier employment, although there are months of very little activity. The number of horses a farmer keeps are determined by just a few months' work. Sufficient horses must always be carried to take care of the work during the most pressing season with the result that most of the horses are idle the greater part of the time. 28. Horses Are Seldom at their Greatest Efficiency when They Should Be After a winter of idleness in a barn the horses are soft and not in a condition for the severe strain of spring work. Yet when spring opens up there is plowing, disking and drag- ing which must be done on time in o\\\vv to insure maturity of the crop. Rather than push the h()rs(\s to the limit, the 13 FARM POWER job, whatever it may be, is slighted or less acreage is put under cultivation. In either case, there is a direct loss to the farmer. At harvest time the work is again severe. The sun scorches and the flies bite. Nevertheless the crops must be harvested when they are ready. After a season's field work the horses cannot be in best condition to stand the hard drive and long hours sometimes necessary to save the crop. 29. How Much Power Does a Horse Deliver This is a point that is not always clearly understood. We rate all prime movers in horse power terms, assuming the power delivered by a horse in one hour to be a standard. As a matter of fact the power per hour delivered by a horse is a very uncertain quantity. It depends on its size, mus- cular development and speed. Experiments indicate that the horse exerts a pull on its traces equal to one-eighth to one-tenth of its weight for a working day of ten hours. The speed at which he is able to do this work for ten hours is from 1.6 to 2 miles per hour. 30. Definition of a Mechanical Horse Power Jas. Watt, inventor of the steam engine, concluded from experiments with heavy English dray horses, that the power of the average horse was equivalent to 33,000 pounds raised one foot in one minute. This was adopted as the standard for measuring power and is known as a me- chanical horse power. Figuring on this basis, a 1,500- pound horse traveling at 2J/2 miles per hour and pulHng one- tenth of its weight would be pulling exactly one mechanical horse power. A of 1500 = 150 lbs. 150 X 13200 ft. (2H milos) = 1,980,000 foot pounds in 60 min. 1,980,000^60 = 33,000 lbs. 1 ft. per minute=l Horse Power. If this horse traveled only 2 miles per hour, he would deliver four-fifths of a horse power; if he traveled 1.5 miles per hour, he would deliver three-fifths of a horse power. FARM POWER 19 Animal power, however, is an elastic power and the maximum effort which a horse may put forth for a short time may greatly exceed his own wei r '-y ■.. C:^^-'' '' J^im>^ 'M^^^M -->m?m-:. ■ ': mn ^^9^#v ^iSBFi.'ri.'iS^^HHl .J^ __ _L_- ^ ^?k '^m^:^^^ .' ^ Illustration 11 The popular one-man snnall-farnn kerosene-burning tractor 35. Oil Tractor Rating The terms **brake" or **belt** horse power are used to denote the total amount of power which the engine will develop and transmit to a belt for stationary work such as threshing. This amount of power may be com- puted or ascertained by actual measurement with proper apparatus. The **drawbar'* horse power is the belt power minus the amount of power required to propel the weight of the tractor. Most tractors require approximately 50 per cent FARM POWER 25 of the total power developed by the engine to move their own weight, leaving the remainder available for pulling other implements. The amount of power which is actually exerted on the drawbar varies, of course, with the weight and construc- tion of the tractor. Tractor ratings are ordinarily expressed by writing the ''brake" horse power after the "draw-bar'* horse power, thus 8-16 or 10-20 would indicate a tractor hav- ing a pull of either 8 or 10 horse power on the drawbar, and developing 16 or 20 horse power for belt, or stationary, work. 36. The Tractor does not Entirely Supplant the Horse With all its wonderful utility, we do not assume that the tractor will entirely supplant the horse. The horse is more mobile; it can go places a tractor cannot. Some horses will always have to be kept, especially on corn belt farms, but in most cases sufficient horses can be sold to pay for a tractor and still have enough horses on the farms to do the light jobs. The money that has been spent in horse feed can be turned into butter, mutton, or pork and the money invested in huge barns — "horse hotels" — can be turned into blooded stock, into productive machines, fences, better roads and more comforts for the home. 37. Good Horses will Always be in Demand This is what Chas. E. Snyder, Assistant Editor of the National Stockman and Farmer says: '' If every farmer owned an oil tractor, as he will some day just as he owns a binder now, we would still have room for more good horses. The general adoption of oil power is not going to drive the horse out of the country nor take the possibility for profit out of him. No one who under- stands agricultural conditions expects any such thing to happen. When steam power replaced the horses used to drive the old-time threshers many felt that the horse industry was going to be hurt badly. It was not. There is endless work for the horse that can do it well and always j will be. We have altogether too many of the kind of horses that fill no j market demand. They are the result of crossing, indiscriminate breeding i — the little pacing mare to the grade drafter, the chunky mare to the j crooked-legged spavined little trotter, etc. — the product a non-descript ; of the dunghill typo that nobody wants. If the oil tractor will put this i kind of horse out of business— and it will — we shall all be better off. I The misfit horse never made his grower any money, anyhow. Let us I breed straight and let us breed the best, sound, pure-bred or high-grade I mares to pure-bred stallions of their kind. The offspring will always be \ needed and bring good prices. But at the same time we need the cheap and efficient power that oil or kerosene will furnish us to supplement our good horses. It is the only money-winning, sensible, business-like plan to follow — more good horses, fewer bad horses, and more farm tractors." §>« 2 2 n vi-i •^ 0) ;£ 0) 00 o X £ .s c ^ 4) > (0 ^ (0 0. (0 0) u a c (d 4) pas "J BnoiiBQ 3E a to 5 £ CO g > (8.5 *^ Ei2 O M U " oH a »^ bo ^ Q U 00 CO sinaj — :^^ :^:^ ,^ M ^ -H ^ lO iC lO 00 OsiO 00 00 (N occiot^-'toccTtooiOkCiciooooooooor-'OXim^oox cot^r^oooooctri-'^ooct^C'OOCMrocci.'^i^iM :^ OOOOOOrOOOcCOOOOiOO .-li-li— ((Ml— li-H.-ll-(.-l.-li-l,-(r-ll-l(N 3uiA"ng J31JV "ON 3JOj9g 0^ non^AUinQ aiJB J ni sajoy ?: ooo •^■"^•lO -^D • -X ■ • ■'^ e^ cOiCC^TfiC T}<;0 Tf »C '-» CO X O O t^ ;C ^^ O — ic (N 1-ll-ll-H (N M ^ C^ (N^ — r-H — O O O O O X f •«»< X X oo oo 05 0 TfO •^:'*i-X>OT}j;CX'* 000 00»OOOOOOOOOiCr^OOOiOOOOiCOOO>nO OXC^rOOOt~»'^OrOCOiC'OiOt^OCOrtn(NC«C (N^t^'^OJCT>-(N — 1 rt (N ^ CO CO —KN tH C^ CO (N CO ^ V o a C 05 o £: o E c8 m " 4):i =J 4) «■«,•: 08 3 £ 03 c o rs ■ > t, OJ »3 - = s - =! 5 * C-- O oSX rau-uw-^sD — u — ^^ ^^ -^ topM ^-« ^ !:> '^ «— i ^^ 26 Tf O 'O »0 h- Tft M 05 (N lO O •^ O O <0 O lO O CO >0 iM 'O 'OOOOOOOiO CO ;0 ■»»< CO IM 0< «0 •t o >o 'O fo -f >c r- o fc I >o CO CO "f W CI PJ W C>» CO M 1 CO :^:?^ :i^ :<^:f: :s! ::.^ :^;,t::J::^ CO tOOOOl CI •* lO O -1 C^> O C^J t£)ino5Tio>ci-ictC!0 CCOCDCDOOiOtOt^OOOOfnoOiOOOiQ COiO CO CT>03 lO OcOCOt^OCO»OTtt050 lO O >0 r- (N O 05 O >C >0 (N >0 CO c< '-tClCJ(>)'H.-l.-((Nr-lrH,-(,-HrHt-l >0 O >0 O 00 lO >o O O C0 (^ O O O OiOCOOOOO>0 0000-^00 OOOOOOOOO'OOOOr^O lO (N CO iC CO 'O lO C^l 00 ^ 10 'O 00 lO O • O 00 O O O >0 C 'O O t^ O >C 'C CO in t-0 00(N I iC OOOOiO ^ I -H ^ CM !N >-< .-I e® ooooo ooooo CO t^ CO TjH •^ COCO OOOOOOOOOiOOO 0(MO'0 00'OOOt--iOO cDcocot^oai'OcocDTtir-ico OOOOOOOOO'OCO OcOOOOiOOiCOCMOO ■^COC)TjJ<-^ •OiO-OCOOOCOcO!MiOCOOCCiOOiO-*Ot^GCTfOOOOCOOOt^Tf I t^ OO'dOOOOOOOOOOCO lOcDC^cOO-^'OTfiOOOt^cOO ^^^^COClr-IO<-iCOCM'--i(M(Mr-i(Mi-i COCSl^r-i(M(M COr^CO oo^»cooO'-iooooocOrtC>oot^ooc>ooooooiooo-OOcDCOCOOt^iMCOO-*OOcOOO(M'OCD(NiOOOOOCO c^rHi-Hi-Heo'^ S — ■ ^ ;'^ ^ i^ 2 • £ — ' ^ =3 ^ o) oj •- ;- ^ cs cs o _; g •- ca •- • >-,»_, o o CC 28 FARM POWER 39. How Many Horses can be Sold from the Average Farm? This is always a perplexing question, and can only be answered in a general way. Substitute oil power for ani- mal power where the time saved and the increased amount of work done will result in a profit. Sell all but enough horses to do the light work. Keep preferably brood mares that will help pay for their keep in the colts they produce. Some farmers maintain that a tractor would pay for itself even if all the horses were retained. We do not think this is wise economy. Unnecessary horses should be sold, and in addition, others the tractor will replace also should be disposed of. A concrete illustration, with an average 160 acre farm as a basis, has been very carefully analyzed below. This analysis shows the number of days of field work the horses do, the amount it costs, the work the tractor can do, and the number of horses it w^ill replace. 40. Field Work with Horses on 160 Acre Farm According to the U. S. Census Report, an average Illinois diversified farm of 160 acres would be approximately as follows: 50 acres of corn, 30 acres of oats and wheat. 20 acres of hay, 60 acres of rough land, pasture, orchard, building and feed lots. This average farm supports six work horses or mules and one colt. Let us see how many days' work Avith horses are required to seed and harvest these crops. Illustration IZ 1 he average 160-acre tori, ti. ii Work horses and one colt upports SIX 29 30 FARM POWER 40. Field Work with Horses on a 160-Acre Farm (Continued) (Figures of work done per day are taken from reports submitted by Central States farmers.) TABLE V 50 Acres of Corn Land Plowing — 4 horscs-16" gang 4 acres per day 123^ days Disking — 4 horses-8' disk harrow 15 acres per day 3^4 days Harrowing — (3 times) 3 horses, 3 sec. bar . 30 acres per day 5 days PLanting — 2 horses-check row planter 12^ acres per day 4 days Cultivating— (4 times) 2 horses, 1 row cult. 10 acres per day 20 days Harvesting — 3 horses, corn binder 8 acres per day 6}4 days Total 51.08 days or 1450.5 H. P. hrs. 30 Acres of Wheat and Oats Disking twice — 4 horses, 8' harrow 15 acres per day 4 days Harrowing — 3 horses, 3 sec. harrow 30 acres per day 1 day Drilling — 3 horses 12 x 8 drill 15 acres per day 2 days Harvesting — 4 horses, 8' binder 15 acres per day 2 days Total 9 days or 330 H. P. hrs. 20 Acres of Hay Mowing — 2 horses, 5' mower 10 acres per day 2 days Raking — 2 horses, 8' side del. rake 15 acres per day 13^ days Loading — 2 horses, 6' loader 10 acres per day 2 days Total 5}/^ days or 110 H. P. hrs. The total horse power hours of field work required for these three crops is 1890.5 At 12.5 cents an hour the horse cost is $236.30. This does not include any expense for man labor. 41. Field Work with an Oil Tractor on a 160 Acre Farm Let us suppose that this farmer sold four horses at an average price of $150. (See paragraph 3 for prices of farm work horses.) These four horses should bring $600.00, almost enough to buy a kerosene-burning tractor rated at 16 horse power on the belt and 8 horse power on the drawbar. What would the same work cost when done by this tractor? In the first place, the tractor will do all of the operations mentioned above with the exception of planting and cul- tivating the corn, and perhaps operating the side dehvery rake, and for this work and other light horse jobs we have kept two horses and the colt. (Figures based on 10-hour day.) FIELD WORK WITH HORSES ON A 160-ACRE FARM Illustration 14 Plowing Disking Harrowing Seeding ^. - , _ _ ,-, — — [ ^.:#ill .^_^^j :^a P^.iiJlfe:'^-: wi 'Wtm ";X wmm -^.^IZ^ »--*^"- - -'^-"^mi^ ^7-^-y^^ ^SC^i J ■ .\-.;:'^fei->^>. J'::.^\:^.M Mowing Loading Harvesting grain Corn harvesting 31 32 FARM POWER TABLE VI 50 Acres of Corn Land Plowing — 8-16 tractor and two 14" plows, 5.6 acres per day. ... 9 days [If pulling three 14" inch plows, 8.4 acres per day, 6 days] Disking and harrowing in one operation: 8-16 tractor — S' disk harrow with 2-sec. peg, 20 acres per day 2)4. days Harrowing twice — 8-16 tractor with 3 sec. harrow, 35 acres per day 3 days Planting — Use the team and planter. Cultivating — Use the team and cultivator. Harvesting — 8-16 tractor and corn binder, 8 acres per dav .... 6J^ days Total " 203^ days 30 Acres of Oats and Wheat Double disking and harrowing in one operation: 8-16 tractor with 8' tandem harrow and 2-sec. peg, 20 acres per day 1 H days Drilling — 8-16 tractor with 12x8 drill, 20 acres per day \}/2 days Har^-esting — 8-16 tractor with 8' binder, 20 acres per day. ... 13^ davs Total 43^ days 20 Acres of Hay- Mowing — 8-16 tractor with two 5' mowers, 20 acres-per day. . 1 day Raking — With 2-horse team. Loading — 8-16 tractor with windrow loader, 13 acres per day. . 1 H <^ays Total 2y2 days Here is 27^/4 days^ work with a tractor which will require 15 to 20 gallons of low grade kerosene at 7.7 cents per gallon, and one gallon of lubricating oil at 35 cents — total fuel per day SI. 89. (See Note.) Adding to this a liberal amount for depreciation and repairs, interest at six per cent, and a day's operation (counting 100 daj's' work per year) will cost about S4.00, total for 27^ days is $111.00. The horse labor for planting, cultivating and raking amounts to $63.75, which added to $111.00 makes a total of $174.75— or— the tractor does for $111.00 work which, when done with horses, costs $172.55. There is a clear saving of $61.55, and the crops were put in in 123^3 days less time. This, however, does not indicate the difference in profit in handling the job with a tractor rather than w^ith horses. Selling four horses leaves the farmer with $375.00 worth of feed to put into butterfat or beef. This amount will keep ten cows, which can return a net profit of $324.00 (see paragraph 22). Take out of this $324.00 profit, the $111 .00 which it costs to operate the tractor, and there is still left Note: These are January, 1016, average prices — kerosene 7.7 centSj ga-ioline 16.0 cents. The cost in any particular territory may be oljtainecl by using local prices. FIELD WORK WITH AN OIL TRACTOR ON A 160-ACRE FARM Illustration 15 Plowing Disking and Smoothing Harrowing Seeding Mowing Loading hay Corn Harvesting Grain Harvesting 33 34 FARM POWER a not profit of $213.00 a year in cash, and a saving of 12} 3 days of man labor. Farm lai)or is worth at least $1.50 per day including l)oard. Here is a saving of $18.50, a total of $231.50 for the year not including the saving in belt work. Add to this the profit which can be made by having avail- able belt power at about 2 cents per horse power hour for all the miscellaneous work that comes about almost every day in the year, and it is a]:)parent that a good tractor burn- ing kerosene could pay for itself long before it is worn out. 42. With a Tractor the Work can be done in Season The saving of I23/3 days of labor which were fig- ured at $1.50 per day can be made far more profitable. On any farm, even with ample horses to take care of the work, seasons are sometimes against the farmer. Good spring plowing or seeding weather may be of short duration, with a result that not all the acreage planted is cultivated. Again, a day gained in the harvest is oftentimes of far greater importance than $1.50 in la])or saved. With a tractor on the job you can work twenty-four hours a day if necessary to take advantage of the weather. Besides this, the days gained may give the farmer an opportunity to do work for the neighbors at a good profit. A member of the United States Department of Agri- culture recently stated in a speech that he regarded this side of the tractor business the most important. In his opinion farmers lose millions of dollars annually because their plowing, tilling and threshing cannot be done just when it should. There is a right time for every work and a tractor enables the farmer to take up this work in its order, to complete it in a short time, and do everything in its proper season. BELT WORK WITH AN OIL TRACTOR ON A 160-ACRE FARM Illustration 16 Husking and Shredding Filling the silo Grinding feed Threshing Baling hay Pumping water 35 36 FARM POWER PART IV ADVANTAGES OF KEROSENE-BURNING TRACTORS 43. Tractor Horse Power versus Animal Horse Power In Bulletin ISo. 174, United States Department of Agriculture, issued April 15, 1915, appears this — "The term horse power denotes an amount of power equivalent to that developed by a 1,500 pound horse moving at the rate of 2H miles per hour, and exerting a pull equal to one-tenth of his own weight, or 150 pounds. This represents a power output capable of raising a weight of 33,000 pounds to a height of one foot in one minute, and these figures are commonly used in computing the power developed by an engine. A pull equal to one-tenth of his weight is considered a normal load for a horse. As most farm horses w^igh less than 1,500 pounds, it is apparent that they do not ordinarily furnish full horse power. Thus an engine delivering 20 horse power at the drawbar would be exerting a stronger pull than twenty horses (averaging less than 1,500 pounds in weight) normally do hour after hour. It should be borne in mind, however, that the engine is capable of delivering at the drawbar in an emergency but a fraction in excess of its rating of 20 horse power, while twenty average horses are able for a short time to pull several times their normal load, that is, the engine must be overloaded to deliver 25 horse power, while the twenty horses can be so urged as to deliver 30, 40, 60 or more horse power for very short periods of time." A tractor rated at 8-16, that is, 8 at the drawbar and 16 on the belt, will, according to the figures above, exert as strong a pull at the drawbar as eight average horses normally do hour after hour and week after week. A man who pur- chases a tractor of this size sometimes expects it to go out and do just as much work at a day's plowing as could eight horses. As a matter of fact, these eight horses may be doing 16 horse power work for a very short time. The real test is, how much work can these eight horses deliver day after day, week in and week out? In a test of this kind eight horses will not deliver more than 8 horse power, consequently a FARM POWER 37 t met or with a rating of 8 horse power at the drawbar should be considered the equal of eight average farm horses. 44. What is th6 Difference Between Kerosene and Gasoline? To the user or prospective user of an internal combustion engine, there is only one difference of any importance between kerosene and gasoline — the price. Gasoline and kerosene, with benzine, naphtha, distillate, and lubricating oils, are all obtained by distillation from one product — crude oil. Until recently, from 4 to 10 per cent of gasoline and from 44 to 50 per cent of kerosene were ob- tained. This small quantity of gasoline, compared with the large amount of kerosene, naturally made gasoline more expensive. Along came the automobile designed to utilize nothing but gasoline, and up went the price of this fuel. Oil refiners immediately turned their attention to getting larger quantities of gasoline, and today, by a new method of dis- tillation, they can obtain as high as 30 per cent of this fuel and 30 per cent of kerosene. This increase in the production of gasoline has not been nearly large enough to supply the 1,500,000 gallons used daily by stationary engines, and the 4,500,000 gallons required daily by the 2,225,000 automobiles now in use. As a consequence, there is still a big spread in price, with gasoline from 50 to 100 per cent higher.* 45. Oil Refiners are Facing a Shortage in the Production of Gasoline Every indication points to a continued shortage of gaso- line. The automobile industry is turning out hundreds of thousands of cars each year, and gasoline engine factories are adding other hundreds of thousands. Meanwhile, the oil wells are producing less. If the increase in the number of motor cars and engines and decrease in the oil supply con- tinues, there can be onh^ one result — a shortage of gaso- line which might prove serious. An unimpeachable authority states that the next five years will bring the oil refiners face to face with a crisis which they will find it difficult to meet — a demand for gasoline which cannot be furnished from the supply of crude oil. * Jauuary 1916 prices show gasoline 119% higher than kerosene 38 FARM POWER How about kerosene? It is being produced in larger quantities each year as the production of gasoline increases, but the demand shows no decided change. There is always an ample supply, with the result that gasoline averages 67 per cent higher in price, as shown by reports received from twenty points throughout the country. In a recent Government Bulletin it is stated that the price of gasoline is 50 to 100 per cent higher than kerosene. Reports from farmers themselves shown on pages 26 and 27 indicate a difference of about 5 cents a gallon between kerosene and gasoline — or gasoline 82 per cent higher than kerosene. 46. Does Gasoline Produce More Power than Kerosene? The fact that gasoline is more expensive and more easily evaporated and ignited than kerosene has led many to think that it produces more power. A gallon of gasoline weighs 6.18 pounds, while a gallon of kerosene weighs 6.8 pounds. They both contain the same number of heat units per pound, about 19,000, but as kerosene weighs more per gallon than gasoline, it contains more heat units. 47. Why Doesn't Every Engine Operate on Kerosene? There is one very good reason why every motor won't operate on kerosene— BECAUSE THE BUILDERS OF THE MOTOR HAVEN'T DISCOVERED THE SECRET OF HOW TO BURN KEROSENE SUCCESSFULLY. Years ago the designers of International Harvester tractors turned their attention to this problem. They saw the handwriting on the wall — gasoline going up and up. They realized that if the man on the farm was to have cheap power it must be kerosene power, not gasoline. These men — the keenest minds in the inventive field — had ample funds and equipment at thoir disposal and only one instruction — to design an engine that would burn kerosene economically and just as satisfactorily as any other engine will burn gasoline. AND THEY DID IT. EVERY INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER OIL TRACTOR WILL BURN KERO- SENE AND DELIVER THE SAME AMOUNT OF FARM POWER 39 POWER ON 20 GALLONS OF THIS FUEL TUXT ANY OTHER ENGINE WILL ON 18 GALLONS OF GASOLINE^ 48. A Kerosene-Burning Tractor Saves Money This difference in the price of kerosene and gasohne means a saving which is a whole lot greater than one would imagine. An engine burning 20 gallons of kerosene a day at 7.7 cents a gallon, would save its owner $1.50 a day over the same engine burning 16.9 cent gasoline, assuming that it burned two gallons more of kerosene than gaso- line. A hundred days' work on this basis would mean a saving for the kerosene engine of S150.00, which makes it very evident that there is no economy in buying a gasoline engine when a kerosene engine is available. A farmer contemplating the purchase of an engine or tractor should make it a point to investigate the kerosene-burning feature. There are many so-called kerosene-burning engines on the market. It is possible for these engines to run on kerosene, but when it comes to doing actual work, the fuel tank is usually filled with gasoline. 49. Kerosene is Safer to Handle and Store than Gasoline There is another point which it is well to consider. With a kerosene-burning engine on the farm, there is greater safety than in storing the gasoline needed for most other tractors. Farmers who use kerosene for lighting purposes will find it necessary to carry only one tank of oil. This can be filled very easily whenever the tank wagon comes around, and every time it is filled there is a saving of 4 cents or more in every gallon of fuel put into it. With kero- sene instead of gasoline on hand, there is less danger of violating many of the very strict rules of the insurance com- panies. Gasohne evaporates easily, while kerosene does not. Don't take anybody's word that the engine will burn kerosene satisfactorily, but see it do actual work with this fuel. 40 FARM POWER 50. What Uncle Sam's Experts Find in Favor of the Kerosene Tractor In a recent Bulletin of the Department of Agricul- ture, which is a very exhaustive treatise on farm experience with tlie tractor, we find that in all the tests made kerosene tractors made a better showing than gasoline tractors. To quote from the Government's own experts — 'Trom the comparison made it will be seen that the figures were slightly in favor of the kerosene tractor in almost every case, the most important difference being in the esti- mated life and the cost of repairs required annually, but the percentage of replies, days used annually, hours lost, horses replaced, and percentage finding custom work profitable, all of which are favorable to the kerosene tractor, are worthy of note. ***** The hours plowed per acre, the depth plowed, width of plow and width of harrow are all greater for the kerosene than for the gasoline tractor. The amount of fuel consumed is greater for the kerosene tractor, but the cost is less on account of the lower price per gallon.'^ According to the Government experts, any man who contemplates buying a tractor will do well to buy a kerosene rather than a gasoline tractor, because it will last longer, costs less to keep up, requires less fuel, and does more work. 51. First Cost of a Tractor is Less than Horses Assuming that an average farm horse is worth $150, the first cost of an oil tractor capable of delivering on a continuous j)ull, day after day, an equal amount of power is considerably less. For instance, a tractor capable of delivering 8 horse power at the drawbar will cost about $725, which is at the rate of about $90 a horse power, just a little over half of the cost of a horse capable of delivering the same power. 52. The Pulling Capacity of a Tractor is Greater than that of a Horse The best authorities agree that the horse is capable of pulling on a ('()ntinuous pull about one-tenth of his weight. FARM POWER 41 A 5,000 pound oil tractor, for instance, will pull from 1,500 to 2,000 pounds, which is from one-third to two-fifths of its weight. It is this greater pulling capacity, in other words, g ater efficiency, of the tractor which permits it to produce power at a much lower cost per unit. Illustration 17. The comparative pull of horses and a tractor 53. How Much does it Cost to Operate a Small Farm Tractor As an illustration, let us take an 8-16 oil-burning tractor, which delivers 16 horse power at the belt and 8 horse power at the drawbar. This engine, in a ten-hour day on a full load, will consume 15 to 20 gallons of low grade kerosene at 7.7 cents a gallon, worth $1.54. It will also require one gallon of lubricating oil at 35 cents, a total of $1.89 for fuel and oil only. (See note bottom of page 32.) Fuel consumption figures verified by farmers' reports shown in table IV on pages 26 and 27. 54. A Tractor Horse Power at the Drawbar Costs 3 to 4 Cents Per Hour At a fuel cost of $1.89 per day, the tractor delivers a horse power at the drawbar for about two cents per hour for fuel only, in striking contrast with 83^ cents, which is the feed cost for an animal horse power. If we add to this fuel cost a liberal amount for deprecia- tion and repairs, and interest at 6 per cent, the cost will be from 4 to 5 cents per hour. This is against 12)/^ cents per hour for an animal horse power. The greater number of days the tractor is used and the better care it gets the lower its total operating cost, because in the figures given above 42 FARM POWER there have been very hberal allowances made for depreciation, all of which have been charged up against the tractor on the basis that it works only 100 days a year. The longer the tractor lasts the less depreciation per year, and the more days it works the less to be charged up to each day. 55. A Horse Power at the Belt Costs About Two Cents Per Hour The tractor referred to in paragraphs 51 and 52 will deliver easily 16 horse power at the belt. At a total operating cost of $4.00 per day (page 32) the tractor will deliver 160 CHART III 8,000 Horse Power Hours are Delivered by 8 Horses in one year 8-16 oil tractor in 100 days MEM Cost with Horses Cost with Tractor 53.76 Interest on Investment $ 43.50 80.00 Depreciation 145.00 18.16 Harness Depreciation 6.32 Shoeing or Repairs 36.25 701.76 Feed or Fuel 154.00 Lubricating Oil 35.00 156.56 (Feeding and caring for) . . .Labor (Supplying oil and fuel) 25.00 4.24 Miscellaneous 1020.80. Total $438.75 $582.05 SAVED BY USING AN OIL TRACTOR FARM POWER 43 horse power hours in ten hours, so that the cost per horse power hour is about two cents. 56. Tractors Always Ready for a Hard Pull Quoting from The Country Gentleman of September 18, 1915, a prominent horse breeder recently said — '' 'I think too much of my good brood mares to work them during the heat of the summer on the binder or on that horse killer, the gang plow.' It is too much to ask of a brood mare to raise a big colt and perform heavy labor in summer and fall, but they can advantageously be used for cultivating and the lighter work about the farm." Another authority says: "Thus we find generally that mares have the preference and com- prise a majority of the horse stock on most farms, the gelding going to the cities, where they are preferred. "But not all is smooth saihng when brood mares comprise the major portion of the farm horse power. Too often mares heavy in foal must be employed in doing work that no brood mare in such condition should perform. Necessity and the absence of sufficient number of other horses to do the work at a critical time demand it. Particularly is this true in the spring near foahng time. The gravest danger follows pulling a mare to her limit, backing heavy loads or backing at all over rough ground, working on slippery ground or traveling far or working hard on a hot day either before foaling or too soon after foaling. Lost foals, dead mares or mares so weakened as to be long unfit for service are likely consequence. Also when mares have colts at side the spring rush of work often demands that they do too heavy work. They come in intensely hot, perhaps the rush has prevented stopping between meals to allow the colts to nurse, and too often the colts are found off feed, constipated or dysenteric — and all good horsemen know that every check in a colt's growth likely means many dollars off his market value when grown. So the man who breeds mares upon which he must depend for a lot of work has plenty of trouble on his hands unless he place the welfare of his mare and colts above his crops and it is not always possible to tell just what it is best to do in a critical time." Here is another phrase of the farm power question which again emphasizes the desirability of mechanical motive power. The tractor is alw^ays ready for a long, hard pull. It will work under full load for twenty-four hours just as easily as it does for an hour. It will work on the coldest day in ^^^nter and on the hottest day in summer. Flies cannot bite it, nor can the dust choke or blind it. It can be driven to the absolute limit — you can't tire its muscles nor break its heart. As long as it gets fuel, it gives power, and during 44 FARM POWER the stress of a busy season you know the feehng of security and preparedness which comes to the farmer who has ample power to take advantage of every favorable hour. Again, no time is lost in getting under way. In the morning you have full power available in a moment — no time is lost in feeding, watering, and hitching up. If you are doing field work, merely shut down your engine at night and leave it there. You can go out to it again in the morning knowing it is just where you left it and have it started under full load in a minute or two. This contrasts very strongly with what the horse can do. 57. The Oil Tractor is a One-Man Outfit The oil farm tractor is essentially a one-man outfit, and its utility to the farmer lies partly in the fact that with it one man controls a large amount of power. One man can hardly handle more than four horses in a team in the Corn Belt, but he can easily handle an oil tractor that delivers 30 horse power at the drawbar. It is ver}^ evident from this that the larger the tractor the greater the saving in man labor. One man and a small tractor may easily handle three plows. This work done with horses would require probably two teams and two drivers. One man and a large tractor can possil^ly handle eight or ten plows. In this instance the one man takes the place of the four or five drivers that would be needed for the teams. Whether the job be drilling or disking, harrowing or seeding, it is seldom necessary to have more than one man with the outfit. If the tractor for plowing is equipped ^vith a self- steering device, the operator has practically nothing to do except to watch his plows, and these require very little watch- ing. 58. Time Spent in Caring for a Tractor When compared with what a horse expects, the tractor surely does not ask much of its owner. It requires no valet service, does not have to be watered and fed three times a day, curried and rubbed, nor does it require its stable to be cleaned each morning. Its feed, in striking contrast to what FARM POWER 45 the horse eats, can be stored anywhere witliout attention. As for itself, when it stops all attc^ntion and care stops, while the horse, through the long winter months of idleness, re- quires feed, feed, feed, and care all the time. All the tractor asks is an occasional overhauling, and surely there is nothing disagreeable about this work when compared with the services which the horse requires. -^'x "MMt 59. Cost of Housing a Tractor A tractor needs only a shed for protection just large enough to permit the outfit to be run in. This is in striking contrast to the expense of barns required for horses. On the basis of 750 cubic lUusiration 18 Winter quarters for the tractor 2000 GALLON KEROSENE ?ponds on the amount of work it does and on the care taken of it. This life can be shortened by lack of proper care and by abuse in operation. The number of years a tractor will be available for work on a farm, therefore, depends only partly on the hours it will be required to work each year, but if the machine is given proi)er care, both when idle and when in use, the amount of work done per year will be the principal factor in determining its length of useful life. The life of a small tractor properly handled and properly taken care of when not in use should be sufficiently long to more than pay for itself and leave its owner a good profit in dollars and cents and in time saved. 62. Tractors have a Double Use The tractor will do practically everything on the farm for which horses or engines are used, that is, all drawbar and belt work. Of course, there are some exceptions, such as the planting and cultivating of corn. All the operations on the grain farm from plowing to hauling to market, all the operations in corn growing with the exception of those mentioned, and all the work of hay making with the exception of drawing sweep rakes and operating stackers are profitable jobs for the tractor to handle. It ^\ill also pull stumps, haul lumber, and work the roads. But the field work is only half the story. Everything that has a pulley attached to it can be operated by the tractor — feed grinder, pump, saw, silo filler, thresher, shredder, hay hoist, corn elevator, concrete mixer, dynamo, and so on. This work the horse cannot do at all. Due to this double use it is not necessary for tha tractor to supplant a great amount of horse power in order to pay for itself. 48 FARM POWER 63. Jobs for Which a Tractor can be Used Clearing the Land Pulling up trees Tearing out h(^dges Pulling stumps Grubbing Pulling stones Preparing Seed Bed and Seeding Plowing Listing Disking Crushing clods Smoothing Rolling Packing Drilling Harvesting Mowing Hay loading Hay hoisting PulHng grain binders Pulling corn biiulcT PuUing potato digger Belt Work Hay baling Corn Shelling Irrigating Pumping Grinding feed Sawing Threshing Husking and shredding Silo filling Clover hulling Stone crushing Road Work Grading Dragging Leveling Hauling crops House moving Miscellaneous Elevating corn Loading logs Stretching wire Ditch digging Spraying Spreading and many other jobs Clearing the Land Illustration 20 j&V. ■^>V\ ; '^^ — ' -■ • „-i ;_ Pulling up trees with a large oil tractor Pulling out a hedge with a small oil tractor Oil tractors are good stump pullers A 12-25 oil tractor pulling a grubbing plow Preparing the Seed Bed and Seeding Illustration 21 fe3 -^^^i^-i^-^-^^v 1 ^H The oil tractor makes easy work of a difficult plowing job A small.farm oil tractor pulling three disk harrows fT'- A tej*%^^'., iii 1 ^ IP „ ^-^^jf^^h * t I; i 1 J Jia^>ij>^aU-^ ^" Is ■up^^ ^#« 5 -J liM|§r '««- ^^ « iiMd mm M H I Ii:jH 1 1 1 Crushing clods and smoothing the field The small oil tractor handles the spring-tooth harrow in good shape Some farmers disk and smooth at one operation with a small tractor Pulling th^ee grain drills with a small tractor Harvesting Illustration 22 The small tractor easily pulls a potato digger This small tractor is pulling one hay loader, although some farmers hitch two loaders to the ma- chine 49 Harvesting (Continued) A 12-25 traclwi pulling four binders Pulling a corn picker Belt Work Illustration 23 ■ ; 'pm 1 t "W |t>!ft,i.S»a?) Mf^ ^i l#^s p*^ 1^1 ■ 1 ■1 The ideal threshing power Filling the silo Husking and shredding the corn crop Operating a rock crusher Furnishing power for the feed grinder located in the barn Pumping water 90 Belt Work (Continued) r f^ttmam ■ zh! 1 ^'^ i^JL^iH B 1 1 ■ A.ffl^'^. ^^t^^^feC^. ii 1 Operating a large corn shelter Baling Hay — The press is in the barn Ideal power for a concrete mixer Sawing the wood is part of the winter work Road Work Illustration 24 The small-farm tractor handles a grader with good results Plowing up an old roadway with an oil tractor A large oil tractor operating an ele* Leveling the roads with a tractor as vating grader the power 51 Miscellaneous Illustration 25 Hauling the crop to market Loading logs ^5*-V'?i:^ Pulling a spreader Drawing a lime sower Hauling trees on a country estate Pulling a hop sprayer HKftfili ■!^=ii ■' ' ''v ?■ |1 '■• " V '*? •' -M inli^i^*-^- ^' ' ''"■ " *^^^- ..-;.. • '■ .,H^"»^ '" .^ r *. B Moving a house Ideal power for a portable saw milj 52 FARM POWER 53 PART V PLOWING WITH AN OIL TRACTOR 64. Plowing is the Hardest of All Farm Work The first gasoline tractors built were intended primarily for belt work to take the place of steam tractors. Their work here was so entirely satisfactory that the farmers imme- diately attempted to put their outfits at work in the field, and the first work they tried to do was plowing. This is only Illustration 26. A striking picture of old time and present methods of plowing natural, because of all the jobs on the farm, plowing is the hardest on both man and beast. This is the basic operation of all farm work, and it should always be done at the right time. To plow one square mile, or 640 acres, a man and team must walk 5,280 miles. The gang plow has always been con- sidered a horse killer, and w^hen farmers discovered that they could put oil pow'er in the field and save their horses, many did not hesitate to make the change. 65. Cost of Horse Labor to Plow an Acre is $L25 It requires approximately 10 horse power hours to turn an acre of land. At a speed of two miles, a team with one plow in ten hours will turn two acres. To deliver the 2 horse powder required to do this wx)rk, they must travel 176 feet per minute and exert a continuous pull of 375 pounds or 187.5 pounds per horse. 1 horse powor = 33,000 pounds, 1 foot per miniito. 2 horse power = GO, 000 pounds, 1 foot per minute. 2 mile speed = t\vo times 5,2.5()() ft. (S.2.~) miles; U)U\i^^ I acre. Ma(;hin(; travels 2 miles per hour or 20 miles per day, with no time out for stops. At a different speed than this work will be greater or less as the speed is faster or slower. A horse traveling 1)^ miles per hour would do only three-quarters of the work. Disking Acres Disked per Day Size of Disk Harrow 1 Harrow 2 Harrows 3 Harrows 8- disk— 4-ft. 10-disk— 5-ft. 12-disk— 6-ft. 14-disk— 7-ft. 16-disk— 8-ft. 9.68 12.1 14.52 16.94 19.36 19.36 24.2 29.04 33.88 38.72 29.04 36.3 43.56 50.82 58.08 81. Harrowing "Width of Section Acres Harrowed per Day With 2 Sections With 3 Sections With 4 Sections 5 ft.' 24.2 36.3 48.4 82. Drilling A icres Seeded per Day Size of Drill With 1 Drill With 2 Drills With 3 Drilla 6x8— 4' 9.68 19.36 29.04 8x8— 5' 4" 12.91 25.82 38.73 12x6 or 9x8— 6' 14.52 29.04 43.56 10x8— 6' 8" 16.13 32.26 48.39 11x8— 7' V 17.75 35.50 53.25 16x6 or 12x8— 8' 19.36 38.72 58.08 14x8— 9' 4" 22.59 45.18 67.77 9x7— 5' 3" 12.7 25.4 38.1 10x7— 5'10" 14.12 28.24 42.36 11x7— 6' 5" 15.53 31.06 46.59 14x6 or 12x7— 1' 16.94 33.88 50.82 14x7— 8' 2" 19.76 39.52 59.28 16x7— 9' 4" 22.59 45.18 67.77 18x7—10' 6" 25.41 50.32 76.23 20x7—11' 8" 28.23 56.46 84.69 10x6— 5' 12.1 24.2 36.3 15x6— 7' 6" 18.15 36.30 54.45 18x6— 9' 21.78 43.56 65.34 20x6—10' 24.2 48.4 72.6 22x6—11' 26.62 53.24 79.86 83. Harvesting With Corn Binders Acres Harvested per Day Spacing of Rows With 1 Binder With 2 Binders With 3 Binders 40-in. rows 42-in. rows 44-in, rows 8.06 8.47 S.S6 16.12 16.94 17.72 24.18 25.41 26.58 68 FARM POWER (Basis for Figures on preceding Page — no allowance made for stops) 84. Harvesting With Grain Binders Size of Acres Harvested per Day Binder With 1 Binder With 2 Binders With 3 Binders With 4 Binders 5-ft. 6-ft. 7-ft. 8-ft. 12.1 14.52 16.94 19.36 24.2 29.04 33.88 38.72 36.3 43.56 50.82 58.08 48.4 58.08 67.76 77.44 85. Mowing Acres Cut per Day Size of Mower With 1 Mower With 2 Mowers With 3 Mowers sVo-h. 8.47 16.94 25.41 4 -ft. 9.68 19.36 29.04 4H-ft. 10.89 21.78 32.67 5 -ft. 12.10 24.2 36.3 6 -ft. 14.52 29.04 43.56 7 -ft. 16.94 33.88 50.82 86. Hay Loading Basis — Figuring IV^ tons (*) of hay per acre, it is necessary to travel 3^ of a mile with an 8-ft. loader to gather a ton load (8'3"xl mile = 1 acre). At the rate of 2 miles per hour (tractor speed) it will take 20 minutes to travel 3^ of a mile and pick up a ton load. Allow 10 minutes for changing wagons and start to gather another load. On this basis a tractor travels 40 minutes out of every 60, or 13/^ miles per hour, picking up 2 loads per hour — 10 hours =13 miles or 20 loads. Acres Raked per Day Width of Loader 1 '/2 Tons per Acre 1 14 Miles per Hour 2 Tons per Acre Travels 12 Miles per Day 2!/2 Tons per Acre Travels 10 Miles per Day Rake Loader 8-foot 13 H acres 20 ton loads 12 acres 24 ton loads 10 acres 27 ton loads Windrow Loader 6-foot Same as rake loader, because a side delivery rake is 7^2 or 8 ft. wide and puts hay covering a strip that wide into a windrow. ♦1910 Census says — Timothy averaged 1.22 tons per acre Clover averaged 1.29 tons per acre Clover and Timothy averaged 1.27 tons per acre Alfalfa averaged 2.50 tons per acre (Page 638. U. S. C. R. 1910. Vol. V) Also — Average acreage of forage of all kinds 21.2 in 1909 (Page (i43. U. S. C. R. 1910, Vol. V) FARM POWER 69 87. Planting Corn (With Horses —20 Miles Travel a Day) Spacing of Row.i Acres Planted Per Day With 1 Planter With 2 Planters 40-in. rows 42-in. rows 44-in. rows 16.12 16.94 17.72 32.24 33.88 35.44 88. Cultivating Corn (With Horses— 20 Miles Travel a Day) Acres Cultivated per Day Spacing of Rows With 1 Cultivator With 2 Cultivators or 1 Double Row Cultivator 40-in. rows 42-in. rows 44-in. rows 8.06 8.47 8.86 16.12 16.94 17.72 89. Draft of Wagons An average draft per ton of load, on a four-wheeled wagon, according to the best authorities (Kent, Gen. ]\Iorin, Rankine, Trautwnne, and Hasw^ell) is as follows: On macadam road — 50 lbs. per ton On gravel road — 140 lbs. per ton. On sand road — 240 lbs. per ton. An 8-16 tractor with a 1,400 lb. drawbar pull w^ould therefore haul, on level gravel road, 1,400^140=10 tons. The increase in the tractive power required per ton on various grades is as follows: TABLE X Grade Macadam Road Gravel Road Sand or Earth Road Level 1 per cent 2 per cent 5 per cent 10 per cent 15 per cent 50 lbs. 70 lbs. 90 lbs. 150 lbs. 250 lbs. 350 lbs. 140 lbs. 160 lbs. ISO lbs. 240 lbs. 340 lbs. 440 lbs. 240 lbs. 260 lbs. 280 lbs. 340 lbs. 440 lbs. 540 lbs. From the table above, it will be noted that the better the road the greater the increase in draft on up-grades, but on a level road, the better the road the lighter the draft. To illustrate this in terms of animal power, the maximum 70 FARM POWER load of a 1,200 pound horse [pulling l/lO of his weight or 120 pounds] on a gravel road in good condition is about 2,000 pounds; on a macadam road from 2,000 to 5,000 pounds. Assuming that a horse can draw 2,000 pounds on an improved level gravel road, with the same pull against the collar he can only draw 750 pounds on a ten per cent grade. Illustration 32 This shows the increase of power needed on a gravel road. The better the road the greater the increase of pow^er required on grades. On a good gravel road if one horse pulled the load on a level, two would be needed on a 5% grade, three on a lO'c and four on a 15% grade. 90. Cost of Hauling with Horses A two-horse team will haul 50 bushels of 60-pound grain on a good, hard gravel road (which will ro(|uire a draft of 210 pounds according to the table given) at the rate of two miles per hour and at a cost of 25 cents per hour for horse labor only. According to Farmers^ Bulletin No. 672, the Bureau of Crop Estimates finds an average distance from market of 6.5 mil(\s for the farms of the United States. It requires about one-half a day for the average farmer to make a round trip with w^agon from farm to market and back. This Bureau also finds that the average size of a wagon load of cotton in the United States is three bales or 1,500 pounds, while the average wagon load of wheat is 53.5 bushels or 3,200 pounds. On the basis of two trips per day, the farmer makes one trip to market and back, 13 miles, in about five hours. At 25 cents per hour for horse labor, this trip costs $1.25. An FARM POWER 71 approximate load of 3,000 pounds or a ton and a half for 6H miles is 9^4 ton miles. This makes the cost of hauling wheat about 13 cents per ton mile, not including labor. The Government estimated in 1906 the following as the cost of wagon hauling per day: Wheat $3.60 Corn 3.00 Cotton 2.80 Since 1906 wage, labor and feed have increased consider- ably, so that 1915 wheat hauling per day will cost about $4.35. If 9J^ ton miles are hauled each trip, or 193/2 ton miles per day, the cost is about 23 cents per ton mile including labor. This average cost varies. In some cases the Government finds it cost only 17 cents a ton mile on good roads, while on extremely bad roads the cost runs up to 35 cents a ton mile. TABLE XI Hauling crops from farms — distance — time and size of load. Synopsis of Table VI in Farmers' Bulletin 672 (These figures refer to wagon hauls from farms to aU points at which products are delivered by farmers) STATES5 Average for all Farms 1915 Average for the more Remote Farms 1915 Average Size of Wagon Load 1915 Estimated Time Spent in Haul- ing from Farms in an Average Year o a a; ° a v ■tj 1-1 "^ ■-^^ Miles 5.0 6.8 4.5 7.6 8.9 '^ Distance to z: Market one S way Round Trip per day rt o 11 ■^ a u3 Bales "2.4 3.5 c u 0 U a 0 a 0 0 0 No. Bush. Bush. 47.1 30.0 48.3 59.5 52.1 Days Days Days Eastern.. 6.7 8.8 6.2 10.1 11.6 1.7 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.5 49.8 25.8 44.8 45.6 36.6 433,700 1,547,800 1,564,000 1,288,600 1,524,100 489,100 744,500 465,100 2,475,500 2,683,200 Southern .... Central 2,128,100 Northwest... Southwest. . . States of very small prod... 402,700 1,500 6.5 8.7 1.6 40.5 47.4 3.0 6,358,203 6,857,400 United States 2,532,300 91. Cost of Hauling with an Oil Tractor An 8-16 tractor with a pull of 1,500 pounds on the draw- bar will haul, on a good gravel road, 10 tons of grain (335 72 FARM POWER bushels) at an average of about two miles an hour, at a total cost of 40 cents per hour, or 20 cents per mile, or 2 cents per ton mile. Adding cost of return trip, the total is about 4 cents per ton mile. The value of these figures is not so much that they give the actual hauling cost per mile with horses and tractors, but rather that they afford a comparison. We can safely say that under average conditions a tractor should be able to haul a ton a mile for one-fourth the cost of hauling with horses. 92. Time and Money the Tractor Might Save on Our Annual Hauling Cost Farmers' Bulletin No. 672 says — ''It would require about 6,358,000 days for one wagon to haul from farms the marketed portion of an average corn crop. The corresponding figure for wheat is about 6,857,000, and for cotton 2,532,000." An 8-16 oil tractor will haul from five to six times the load that a team will, so the total of more than 15,000,000 days for one w^agon with horses could be cut to about 3,000,000 days with a tractor, and on the total hauhng cost of more than S45,000,000 we could save almost $30,000,000 by using the tractor. 93. The Oil Tractor Can Be Used For Road Work Men familiar with country road conditions say that the main reasons why most American roads are so bad is that farm horses are already overworked and that therefore farmers will not put their horses to work on road improvement except under process of law. It is difficult for an amateur to see the difference between abusing horses by making them work on road improvements, or abusing them by making them haul loads over the fearful roads that result from such neglect. Both kinds of work are harder than horses should be asked to do. The oil tractor has time and energy after the farm work is done to improve the roads. There is no road machine made that cannot be handled as effectively and at less expense with the tractor than with horses. A few of the uses of the oil tractor in this work are shown on page 52. FARM POWER 73 94. Belt Power Required To Operate Machines TABLE X ft Approximate Horse Power Meadows Corn Mill No. 1 2 to 4 Meadows Corn Mill No. 2 4 to 6 Meadows Corn Mill No. 3 6 to 8 Meadows Corn Mill No. 4 10 to 15 Meadows Corn Mill No. 5 15 to 20 International Feed Grinder, Type B — 6" 2 to 5 International Feed Grinder, Type B — 8" 3 to 10 International Feed Grinder, Type B — 10" 6 to 15 International Feed Grinder, Type C — 6" (small grain) 2 to 5 International Feed Grinder, Type C — 8" (small grain) 4 to 10 International Feed Grinder, Type D — 8" (unhusked corn) 6 to 10 International Feed Grinder, Type D — 10" (unhusked corn) .... 8 to 15 Keystone XL Sheller 2 Keystone Sheller 2 Keystone 2-hole Sheller 4 Keystone 4-hole Sheller 8 Keystone 6-hole Sheller 12 Deering 2-roll Husker and Shredder 8 Deering 4-roll Husker and Shredder 10 to 12 Deering 6-roll Husker and Shredder 15 to 20 McCormick Little Giant 4-roll Husker and Shredder 10 to 12 McCormick Little Giant 6-roll Husker and Shredder 12 to 15 McCormick Improved 6-roll Husker and Shredder 15 to 20 McCormick Improved 8-roll Husker and Shredder 20 to 25 Sterhng Thresher No. 26 6 to 8 SterUng Thresher No. 30 6 to 8 Sterling Thresher No. 21 4 to 6 Sterling Thresher No. 21 >^ 4 to 6 New Racine Thresher 20 x 32 6 to 12 New Racine Thresher 24 x 40 (with attachments) 16 to 25 New Racine Thresher 28 x 48 (with attachments) 15 to 30 New Racine Thresher 32 x 52 (with attachments) 20 to 35 New Racine Thresher 36 x 56 35 to 45 Buffalo Pitts Thresher 28 x 48 (with attachments) 25 to 30 Buffalo Pitts Thresher 30 x 50 (with attachments) 30 to 35 Buffalo Pitts Thresher 32 x 50 (with attachments) 30 to 40 Buffalo Pitts Thresher 34 x 56 (with attachments) 35 to 45 Buffalo Pitts Thresher 38 x 62 (with attachments) 40 to 50 Buffalo Pitts Thresher 41 x 62 (with attachments) 40 to 50 International Power Press 14 x 18 6 to 12 International Power Press 16 x 18 6 to 12 International Power Press 17 x 22 6 to 12 International Ensilage Cutter Type F 4 to 6 International Ensilage Cutter Type E 10 to 15 International Ensilage Cutter Type B 15 to 20 International Ensilage Cutter Type A 20 to 25 Steel King Ensilage Cutter No. 14 15 to 20 Steel King Ensilage Cutter No. 12 12 to 15 Steel King Ensilage Cutter No. 10 6 to 8 Belle City Power Feed Cutter B-2 10 Belle City Power Feed Cutter A-2 8 Belle City Power Feed Cutter No. 1 6 Belle City Power Feed Cutter No. 3 4 74 FARM POWER 95. Tractor Hitches for Field Use When it is desired to pull a number of machines by the tractor, care must be exercised to properly hitch the machines. When plowing, this problem gives no trouble as only a clevis is necessary; but when a number of machines are combined to be used at the same time, trouble will be experienced if hitches are not properly made. On the following pages arc shown diagrams of practical hitches which can be made easily on any farm. It will be noted from the designs that most of these hitches require a supplementary drawbar made of 2 x 4 hard wood, one or two pieces bolted together and wude enough to accommodate the number of ma- chines being pulled. This supplementary drawbar is sometimes called a "spreader." In hitching this to the tractor, note that the chains mu3t cross. This is necessary in order to have an even pull and prevent twist- ing of the outfit. In pulhng wagons, grain drills, and all machines and implements with poles, a false pole of about 3 or 4 feet in length should be sub- stituted for the horse pole wherever the machine is to be carried close to the tractor or the supplementary drawbar. This short pole will allow the machines to get close to fence corners and other places, and will afford a rigid brace for backing if necessary. 96. Hitch for Plow and Disk Harrow iiiust. 33 97. Hitch for Plow and Peg Harrow iiiust. 34 A^ VJIRE CAflLE B 2x4"haRD wood C ^g" U BOlT A -^ W/«£ CABLE B 2' X 4 HARD WOOD C >'g (/ BOLT FARM POWER 75 98. Hitch for Two Disk Harrows lUu.t. 33 (\-y?, CHAIN B-a^4 HARD WOOD 99. Hitch for Three Disk Harrows niu«t. 36 A-4 C»A\N B-JX-f OR 2-£"x -»■' HARD WOOD BOLTED TOGETHER 76 FARM POWER 100. Hitch for Two Disk Harrows and Peg Harrows iiiust. 37 A— i/i " CHAIN B— 2 X 4 " HARD WOOD C— 2 X 4" HARD WOOD 101. Hitch for Disk Harrows and Drags iiiust. 38 DiSCJ AND SC«uBBEIIS ATTACHED WiTmV<' WlBe CAOt-C AN o c LEvi:iCs. CtSI^NlO ^« POjrj •o«fO THKo ctttTia »• mcpt oa casli kmot liTwitn iach post it roi.i.s thk. cloo^ imto i HAKIt AN Aia TI6HT BlANKtT OVCR SfkP »rp FARM POWER 79 105. Hitch for Disks, Drills and Drag Harrows iiiu.t. 42 1520 ViCTOWA MIC WITM MOOiriCAT.ONS 80 FARM POWER 106. Hitch for Smoothing Harrows and Roller iiiust. 43 A-^ CHAIN HARD WOOD 107. Hitch for Four Drills must. 44 D t S I C N EP BY THE DAKOTA \ Ti^H.^ E Ft ADERDEEN . 5 D. FARM POWER 61 108. Hitch for Three Drills iiiust. 45 109. Hitch for Two Drills iiiust. 46 ^- 2 A -^ " yYy^^^ ^aO£> 82 FARM POWER 110. Hitch for Two Mowers iiiust. 47 ^-^ Avy^jf ^>^^x^ a^^ ^/>r^^A*y^js^^73V /ce^/y^ ^^^^^/^ •'''^f)mUAAAAAW^ Illust. 48 Grader Hitch 111. Hitch for Road Grader We illustrate herewith an eas- ily made set-off hitch for use when working the roads if a regular set- off hitch is not available. Note that the rope is hitched from one side of the grader to one end of the tractor drawbar, then tied around the end of the grader pole through a hook on the other end of the tractor drawbar and back to the driver's seat. A special draw chain is attached from the tractor drawbar to the front axle of the grader. The operator on the grader seat holding one end of the rope can then manipulate the position of the grader to accommodate any width of road. By tying to the grader the end of the rope which the operator holds, the hitch becomes stationary, and the grader will always travel in the set-off position to which it is adjusted. FARM POWER 83 112. Tractor Binder Hitches In hitcliing more than one binder behind a tractor, a hitch must be designed to reheve the binder from the strains caused by the machines which follow, and at the same time provide a means of making the binder travel in the desired offset relation to the machines in front. The operator must also be a})le to guide his machine to cut a full vswath and in turning corners he must avoid running down standing grain. A home made hitch to accomplish this is impractical, besides, each make of binder requires a hitch suited to the construction of the binder. For this reason special binder tractor hitches have been designed which can be attached to the binders in the field without alterations to the machine, with np changes in the frames, or no necessity for boring extra holes. Herewith we show partial views of the special binder tractor hitches designed for Deering and McCormick grain binders. In ordering tractor hitches, it is necessary to state the make of binder for which the hitch is intended. Illust. 49 Rear View — Deering Binder Hitch Illust. 50 Front View — McCormick Binder Hitch 84 FARM POV/ER 113. Special Tractor-Wagon Hitch With this liitch it is possible to draw one or inorc ..asons with all the pull on the tractor drawbar instead of on the Koar of the first wagon. Hitch No. 114 is a home made hitch which is practical if only two wauons are to be drawn, because tho gear of the first wagon can probably carry the pull of the second, but if the loads are heavy and the roads rough and more than two wagons are being hauled, a hitch of this kind may cause some trouble. The special hitch herewith shown souH be a pan of every farm equipment where considerable haul- ing is done with the tractor. The first wagon carries a special tongue, and on the tractor drawbar is fas- tened the guide horn and bumper at- tachment (shown on end of reach in illustration 51). If a second wagon is to be carried, the reach and rear axle of the first wagon are also pro- vided with a guide horn and bumper attachment (similar to that on the tractor drawbar) to which is at- tached the trailer tongue of the second wagon. This guide horn and bumper attachment on the tractor drawbar and on the reach of all but the last wagon takes all the bumps and serves to hold in line and guide the wagons. The main draw chain (Illustration 52) is attached to the tractor drawbar, then passes through the chain carry link under the first wagon and is attached to the draw chain on the trailer tongue of the second wagon. Any number of wagons may be attached in this way by securing the special tongues and guide horn and bumper attachments. With these on the wagons the trac- tor can safely take over the road, without strain on any wagon, all the load the macliine will pull. Illust. 51. Right, guide horn and bumper attachment on end of reach Left, special tongue Illust. 52. Two wagons hitched with main draw chain in place FARM POWER 85 114. Hitch for Two Wagons iiiust. 53 115. Hitch for Two Hay Loaders niu«t. 54 m f w -i^ ^^. ^-:3-=:.}- ^- 2- 3'm.'^'X/^' S'^^t-^j^ ^-^^JTrVK^/^ 86 FARM POWER 116. Hitches for Leering and McCormick Headers and Header Binders Tractor hitches pull tractoRj instead of push. Hitches for both Dcering and McCormick push machint^s attach for a pull against the load rather than a push as when using horses. They are simple and easily attached, and by the use of tractor power make big cutting operations easier for all concerned. The tractor is easier handled on turns than the three horses on each side of the pole. In each instance the draw bar extending under the plat- form does not interfere with the position of the platform when set for either high or low cutting. Illust. 55. McCormick Hitch consists of steel pull- bars l:)olted rigidly together at one end and opens suf- ficiently at the other to attach to the axle on each side of dri\'o wheel. Sub- stantial bracing between the bars gi^•es ample strength to resist all strains. Illust. 56. Deering Hitch consists of steel reds linked together in a flexible c o n n e ct i o n . This attaches to tongue pipe near rear end of machine, also to main axle and frame inside the drive wheels, extends under platform to stubble side and to the tractor by means of a chain. MAIN WHEEL ATTACHE5 HERE POINT OF ATTACHMENT Illuat. 55. Hitch for McCormick Push Machines Illust. 56. Hitch for Deering Push Machines FARM POWER 87 HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER KEROSENE TRACTORS OFFICIAL AWARD RIBBON PANAMA PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION SAN FRANCISCO 1915 PRESIOENTOF THE SUPtHI OR JURY OIRECTORpf EXHIBITS SlCry OFTMtlNTtR.MAr^ONAL AWARD SYSTEM GRAND PRIZE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE iM^^ The Verdict of The Judges At The San Francisco and San Diego Expositions, 1915 In accordance with its well-known policy of many years' standing, the Harvester Com- pany arranged to exhil)it its machines at both the Panama-Pacific International Ex- position at San Francisco and the Panama- California Exposition at San Diego. At b'an Francisco these machines were placed on the floor of the agricultural building for the express purpose of permitting an un- biased jur}^ of international reputation to pass upon their fitness to do the work for which they were intended. At San Diego a better opportunity was afforded to show the tractors at work, for adjoining the Harvester Building was a large demonstration field where the tractors could be shown in actual work. At San Francisco the jury of awards, men well known to the farming fraternity and of long experience in the farm machine business, awarded International Harvester Oil Tractors the grand prize. At San Diego another jury also awarded these same ma- chines a grand prize. No other tractor re- ceived the distinction of winning the two highest prizes at two expositions of this magnitude. To the farmer who is thinking of replacing his expensive power equipment of horses by the cheaper oil power, this verdict is worth a great deal, for it points out to him the tractors in which he can place the most confidence. We firmly believe that the decision of the judges at both San Francisco and San Diego is a reliable guide. FARM POWER MOGUL 8-16.H. P. KEROSENE TRACTOR General Purpose Small-Farm Tractor This small-farm kerosene burning tractor will do the field and belt work on more than 80 per cent of the farms of this country. It is just the right size for the average farm — inexpensive to buy, to keep and to operate. Power Plant: A single cylinder, slow speed oil-burning engine of extremely simple construction. Crank case completely enclosed to keep out dust and grit. Governor: Fly-ball throtthng governor running in oil. Mixer: Identical with tb? mixer used on larger Mogul engines. Very simple, yet handles great variety of fuels — kerosene, distillate down to 39 de- grees Baume, gas oil, solar oil, motor spirits, naphtha and gasoline. Cooling: Water-cooled by large hopper holding 35 gallons. Ignition: Make-and-break, the current being furnished by high-grade oscillating type magneto. No batteries required. Lubrication. Main bearings and piston are lubricated by an automatic force feed oiler. Transmission: Planetary transmission, the simplest ever designed, is used on this tractor. The gears are always in mesh, and as they are tlirown in or out of action by means of brake bands there is no danger of strip- ping them. Gear case is dust-tight, and gears run in bath of oil. Chain Drive: Power is transmitted from transmission to the large drive wheels by chain on left side. Steering: Tractor is steered by a hand wheel convenient to the driver, operating a non-reversible worm and sector steering gear. Specifications Power — 8-H. P. drawbar — 16-H. P. brake Speed of Motor — 400 R. P. M. Number of Cylinders — One Fuel — Kerosene or gasoUne Speed — 2 miles per hour Total Length — Inches, 135 Total Width — Inches, 56 Total Height — Inches, 61 Weigh'p— 5,000 lbs. FARM POWER 89 TITAN 10-20 H. P. KEROSENE TRACTOR Lieneral Purpose, Light Farm Tractor This is a kerosene-burning light tractor, designed for all drawbar and belt work requirements on the average farm. Power Plant: T^in-cj'linder, valves in head, enclosed crank, oil-burning engine, built in units so that one section can be removed at a time, ex- posing a considerable part of the engine for examination without detach- ing numberless smaU parts. Governor: Fly-ball, throttUng governor, running in enclosed case. Ignition: Jump spark. The operating current is supplied b}' a built-in high-tension magneto, with accelerator for starting — no batteries re- quired. Mixer: Special design, handhng kerosene, distillate do^\Ti to 39 degrees Baume, as well as gas oil, solar oil, motor spirits, naptha, and gasohne. Cooling System: Water cooled, circulating from a tank holding 39 gallons. Lubrication: All working parts including rear truck bearings are oiled by force feed lubricators. Transmission: Two-speeds ahead and one reverse by sliding gear trans- mission, controlled by one lever. The gears run in oil and are entirely enclosed. Forward speeds, 1-85 miles, 2.50 miles per hour. Reverse, 2.50 miles per hour. Double Chain Drive: Chain drive to both rear wheels, ehminating gears, giving a more even and flexible distribution of power than by any other system. Steering: Automobile type with hand wheel and specially designed steering knuckle, making control positive and easy under all conditions. Brake: Foot power brake by contacting bands acting on both rear wheels. Equipped with ratchet lock for blocking. Specifications Power — 10 H. P. di'awbar Total Length (with seat)— 20 H. P. brake 147 inches Speed of Motor — 500 R. P. M. Total Width — 60 inches Number of Cylinders — 2 (Twin) Total Height — (16^4 inches Fuel — Kerosene or gasoline ^^'EIGHT — 5225 pounds Speeds — 1.85 and 2.50 miles per hour. Reverse 2.50 90 FARM POWER MOGUL 12-25.H. P. KEROSENE TRACTOR Medium Weight General Purpose Tractor This is a medium weight kerosene-burning tractor with ample horse power to do the work on all excepting the very largest farms. Power Plant: Two-cylinder opposed kerosene-burning engine of simple design, developing 25-H. P. on the brake. Ignition: Jump spark ignition is used, the current for which is furnished by the Wyco ignition system. No batteries are needed. Mixers: A mixer is furnished for each cyhnder. These are the famous Mogul oil mixers that operate successfully in kerosene and heavier fuels. Re- cent reports from twenty points in different states show a wide spread between the cost of gasoline and kerosene in favor of kerosene. From indications kerosene will remain much cheaper than gasoline. The kerosene-burning feature of these tractors enables you to use the fuel that is the cheapest. Cooling: Water-coolod by a special hea\'y duty tj-pe radiator, through which water is circulated by plunger type pump. Starting: A crank with friction wheel makes turning of the flywheel easy. Lubrication: Crankshaft, connecting rod bearings, and pistons lubricated by a 6-feed mechanical oiler. Transmission: Transmission is of the sUding gear type with two speeds for- ward and one reverse. Gears enclosed in dust-tight case and run in oil. Chain drive is used from engine crankshaft to countershaft. Steering: Steering mechanism is of the worm and sector type. Cab: The steel cab is removable, so that the tractor can be made low enough to go under the trees in the orchard. Tractor can be operated from cub, as all levers are within easy reach of the operator's seat. Specifications Power — 12-H. P. drawbar — 25-H. P. brake Speed of Motor — 500 R. P. M. Nu.MBER OF Cylinders — Two — opposed Fuel — Kerosene or gasoUne Speed — 2 and 3 miles per hour Total Length — Inches, 162 Total Width — Inches, 81 Total Height — Inches, 100 Weight— 10,000 lbs. FARM POWER Q| TITAN 15-30-H. P. KEROSENE TRACTOR A Medium Size All-Purpose Farm Motor This 15-30 Titan tractor is a light weight, powerful, kerosene tractor, that wiU do all the heavy work and belt work on most farms. Four-Cylinder Motor: The engine is of the four-cylinder type, set hori- zontal across the machine, so that power is delivered direct through spur gears without bevel gear. Four-cylinder design and low speed ehminate vibration. Completely enclosed in dust-tight crank case with remov- able cover. Mixer: One mixer with two fuel needle valves and a single water needle valve is used, which reduces adjustments to the minimum. This mixer will handle any of the cheap fuels, such as kerosene, distillate down to 39 de- grees Baume, gas oil, solar oil, motor spirits, gasohne, or naphtha. Governor: A fly-baU throttling type governor controls amount of fuel enter- ing cylinders in proportion to the load. Ignition: The ignition is jump spark, current being furnished by high-grade gear driven magneto — no battery equipment. Lubrication: Motor is lubricated by automatic force feed oiler with twelve feeds. Transmission is lubricated by another automatic force feed oiler with five feeds. Cooling: The motor is water-cooled, circulation through cylinders and a vertical tube radiator being secured by a belt-driven rotary pump. Transmission: Two speeds forward and one reverse, all controlled by a single lever. Gears run in oil. Double chain drive to rear wheels. Chains tightly encased. Steering: Automobile type. Specifications Power — 15-H. P. drawbar— 30-H. P. brake Speed of Motor — 575 R. P. M. Number of Cylinders — Four Fuel — Kerosene or gasoline Speeds — 1.8 and 2.4 miles per hour and reverse Weight— 9,500 lbs. 92 FARM POWER TITAN 30.60.H. P. KEROSENE TRACTOR The Most Powerful Titan Built Here is the machine for power, for endurance, long hours under a hea^^ load day after day. It's the tractor for plowing a large acreage, running big threshing outfits, and heavy road work. With all its im- mense power it is not clumsy or hard to handle. Power Plant: A twin cylinder 60-H. P., four-cycle engine, simple in con- struction, with all parts accessible, furnishes power. Engine enclosed by a sheet metal case. Cooling: The engine is water-cooled by means of radiator and a centrifugal type circulating pump. Ignition: Current for ignition is furnished by a magneto, gear driven from the cam shaft. Batteries are furnished for easy starting. Governor: Fly-ball, spring controlled throtthng type operating a butterfly valve in the intake manifold. Mixer: Specially designed for operation on low grade fuels. Will handle kerosene, distillate, solar oil, gas oil, gasohne, motor spirits, and naphtha equally well. Transmission: By gears from crankshaft to main axle. Reverse accom- plished by means of shding gears. Oiling: A 10-feed mechanical oiler lubricates all the engine bearings and cylinders. Another 4-feed mechanical oiler lubricates the gears only. Steering: Automobile type .steering device. Operating Levers: Only two operating levers, one for throwing the clutch in and one for reverse. Brake is operated by a foot pedal below the steer- ing wheel. Specifications Power — 30-H. P. drawbar — 60-H. P. brake Speed of Motor — 425 R. P. M Number of Cylinders — Two Fuel — Kerosene or gasoline Speed — 2.8 miles per hour Weight-— 20,300 lbs. ^^ INDEX PART I. Determining Factors of Crop Production ^*J ^^V Value of Farm Land 1 4 Value of Farm Labor 2 4 Price of Horses 3 5 PART II. Horses as Farm Motive Power Importance of Horse Labor 4 Items in Cost of Horse Labor 5 Interest Chart»-es 6 Depreciation Charg-es 7 Harness Use and Depreciation 8 Shoeing Cost 9 Feed 10 Labor 11 Cost of Shelter... 12 Miscellaneous Expenses 13 Maintenance Cost 1904-1907 14 Maintenance Cost 1908-1912 15 Maintenance Cost 1914 16 Number Hours Horse Works 17 Horse Labor Cost per Hour 18 Acreage to Feed One Horse 19 Acreage to Feed All Horses 20 Unnecessary Horses on Farms 21 Profit to be Made from Horse Feed 22 Why Horse Labor is Expensive ; 23 Horse a Low Efficiency Motor 24 Used in Small Power Units 25 Requires Expensive Man Labor 26 Number Horses Required on Farms 27 Efficiency of Horses 28 Power Delivered by a Horse 29 Definition Mechanical Horse Power 30 Summary of Farm Horse Labor 31 PART III. The Tractor as a Farm Motive Power Necessity for a Cheaper Power 32 Development of Big Tractors 33 Development of Small Tractors 34 Oil Tractor Rating 35 Supplanting Horses by a Tractor 36 Demand for Good Horses 37 Reports from Tractor Owners 38 Number of Horses Sold from Farms 39 Horses on 160-acre Farm 40 Tractor on 160-acre Farm 41 Doing Farm Work at Right Time 42 PART IV. Advantages of Kerosene -Burning Tractors Tractor Horse Power vs. Animal Horse Power 43 Difference between Kerosene and Gasoline 44 Production of GasoHne 45 "eat Units in Kerosene and Gasoline 46 Kerosene as Engine Fuel 47 Expense of Operating Kerosene Tractor 48 Safety of Kerosene and Gasoline 49 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 13 13 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 18 19 21 23 24 24 25 25 26 28 28 30 34 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 FARM POWER 95 INDEX — Cont. Results of Government Investigation First Cost of Tractor Pulling- Capacity of Tractor Cost of Operating Small Tractor Cost of Tractor Horse Power at Drawbar Cost of Tractor Horse Power at Belt Comparison between Horses and Tractor Tractor is Always Ready Tractor is One-Man Outlit Time Spent Looking After Tractor Cost of Housing Tractor Packing the Soil Life of Oil Tractor Tractors have Double L^se Work a Tractor Will Do Par. pHjre No. No. 50 40 51 40 52 40 53 41 54 41 55 4-2 42 5(5 43 57 44 58 45 59 45 60 46 61 47 62 47 63 48 PART V. Plowing With an Oil Tractor Plowing Cost of Horse Labor to Plow Tractor Cost to Plow Our Country's Annual Plowing Bill Saving by Plowing with Tractors Quality of Work Done by Tractor Draft of Plows To Determine Drawbar Pull of Tractor To Determine !Xumber of Bottoms Pulled Conditions Affecting Plowing Plowing Continuous Furrows Back Furrowing Plowing at Various Speeds 76- PART VI. Field and Road Work with Oil Tractor Harvesting with an Oil Tractor Cost of Harvesting Acreage Disked Acreage Harrowed Acreage Drilled Acreage Harvested with Corn Binders Acreage Harvested w ith Grain Binders Acreage Mowed Hay Acreage Loaded Corn Acreage Planted Corn Acreage Cultivated Draft of Wagons Cost of Hauling with Horses Cost of Hauling with Oil Tractor Farmers' Annual Hauling Bill Oil Tractor for Road Work Power Reciuired to Operate Machines Tractor Hitches for Field L^se ii5-116 Awards Received at Expositions Mogul 8-16 Titan 10-20 Mogul 12-25 Titan 15-30 Titan 30-60 64 53 65 53 66 54 67 54 68 64 69 56 70 56 71 58 72 58 73 59 74 59 to 60 -77 64 78 65 79 66 80 67 81 67 82 67 83 67 84 68 85 68 86 68 87 69 88 69 89 69 90 70 91 71 92 72 93 72 94 73 16 74 87 88 89 90 91 92 nllMMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIHIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIItllMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMMIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIir amiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiM aiiniiHiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiimmi nii! iiiiiiiiniiiiiiinii miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiiimii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii BRANCH HOUSES INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY OF AMERICA • W t • I c iniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiii^ f§ ■pilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMIMIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIinmillllllllllllllllHi ■ ABERDEEN. S D. FT WAYNE IND PARSONS. KAN. S ALBANY N Y GRAND FORKS. N D PEORIA. ILL. s ATLANTA. GA GRAND RAPIDS. MICH PHILADELPHIA. PA s AUBURN. N. Y GREEN BAY WIS PITTSBURGH. PA. S AURORA. ILL. HARRISBURG PA PORTLAND ORE S BALTIMORE. MD HELENA. MONT QUINCY ILL 1 BIRMINGHAM, ALA. HUTCHINSON KAN RICHMOND IND 1 BISMARCK. N. D. INDIANAPOLIS IND RICHMOND. VA. i BOSTON. MASS. JACKSON MICH ROCKFORD. ILL. 1 BUFFALO N Y JACKSONVILLE FLA SAGINAW MICH 1 CEDAR FALLS. lA KANKAKEE ILL. ST CLOUD MINN S ST JOSEPH MO a CHARLOTTE. N C KANSAS CITY MO CINCINNATI. OHIO KNOXVILLE. TENN ST LOUIS MO 1 SALINA. KAN 1 CLEVELAND OHIO LINCOLN NEB COLUMBIA. S C LITTLE ROCK ARK SALT LAKE CITY UTAH = COLUMBUS. OHIO MADISON, WIS s CONCORDIA. KAN MANKATO MINN SAN FRANCISCO CAL = COUNCIL BLUFFS lA MASON CITY lA SIOUX CITY lA. = CRAWFORD NEB MEMPHIS TENN. SIOUX FALLS. S D = DAVENPORT lA MILWAUKEE WIS. SOUTH BEND. IND S DENVER COLO MINNEAPOLIS. MINN SPOKANE. WASH s DES MOINES lA MINOT N D SPRINGFIELD ILL. 8 DETROIT MICH MASHVILLE. TENN SPRINGFIELD. MO 3 TERRE HAUTE IND | DUBUQUE. lA NEW ALBANY IND EAST ST LOUIS. ILL.. NEW ORLEANS LA TOLEDO OHIO = EAU CLAIRE. WIS. OCDENSSURG N Y TOPEKA. KAN | ELMIRA. N Y OKLAHOMA CITY OKLA. EVANSVILLE. INO OMAHA NEB WATERTOWN S D. 5 FARGO. N D PARKERSBURG. W VA WICHITA. KAN. S FT DODGE. lA WINONA. MINN S For calaJogue* or special information •«« 1 H C dealer or write nearest branch house E .T=l r^K alibiiiiiimiiHimnMniiiHuiii iiitiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiMiniiiniiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiniHiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitn""Ti[j HARVESTER PRE68 fMacMILUN fe LIBRARY miimilS!ii:r.?r bc. u IBRARY 3 9424 OOen 5688 r University of British Columbia Library DUE DATE iUN 2 0 «84/?^ ET-e BP 74-483 AMERICAN SOCIETY OF AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS 2950 Niles Road, Box 410