Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Clump of Iris, showing a wild or natural effect in planting BULBS FOR WILD GARDENS EAUTIFUL effects may be produced by planting many of the hardier kinds of Spring - flowering Bulbs in masses among trees and in front of clumps of shrubbery. Only such Bulbs as are perfectly hardy and which when _ once planted are likely to flourish and multiply from year to year without further care should be employed. The following sorts are among the hardiest and best for naturalizing in this way: Per 100 Per 1,000 SCILLA CAMPANULATA COERULEA(Blue Wood Hyacinth) . . . $1.00 $8.00 SCILLA CAMPANULATA ALBA (White Wood Hyacinth) ..... 2.50 18.00 SCILUASIBERICA: (Blues Squill) 25 ek ce ee eee eT 15.00 SINGLE-FLOWERING SNOWDROP ....- ......... 1.00 8.50 NARCISSUS HORSFIELDII (Giant Yellow Daffodil) ...... . 8.50 30.00 NARCISSUS EMPEROR® (i 9.0 3 tee te cee rs ROW 30.00 NARCISSUS SPURIUS (Large Trumpet, Very Large Yellow Daffodil). 2.00 16.00 NARCISSUS: POETICUS (Poet's, Dattodil) Va ~ eee ee 4.50 NARCISSUS DOUBLE VON SION (Double Yellow Daffodil) . . .. 8.00 22.00 LILIUM CANADENSE (Canadian Bell-Flower) .......... 9,00 LILIUM SUPERBUM (@Qiurk’s=Cap) Lily) Reese ee ee OO R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., PLEASE DO NOT WRITE IN THIS SPACE. =e Seedsmen, 6 & 7 South Market St., Boston, Mass. REGISTER'NO: | LENGER NO. DATE REC’D Forward to. Ps tS FILLED BY See | FOLIO Street and No.. : CHECKED BY | BILLED BY Town and State, ADVISED BY | Ordered by HOW SENT ee oe | NN | Tiey ides DATE SHIPPED : | - ———_— Shipping Directions: SAY ON ADVICE Amount Enclosed, $__ Date, a 1903 BULBS BY MAIL Bulbs securely packed will be sent by mail, POSTAGE PREPAID, to all parts of the United States at the single or dozen prices e quoted in the Catalogue, excepting a few heavy species for which the mail prices are given. SEEDS BY MATL We send by Mail, FREE, all seeds ordered at Ounce and Packet prices. When oraered in Larje Quantities, postage must be added at the Ld rate of 8 cts. per pound. Beans, Peas and Corn require 8 cents per Pint, 15 cents per Quart EXTRA to cover Postage. t, Chicago, for Seeds. i 6 Awarded a Grand Prize Medal at World’s Fa Our Firsi Consideratiocon—QUALITY. BAKER-VAWTER CO,, MANUFACTURERS, HOLYOKE, MASS. — ( 3LVLS 3914530 1S0d 3WVN SQN3I8d4 YNOA AO M34 VW AO SASS3YUCCYV GNYV S3SINVN 3HL MO13E S3A0VdS S3HL NI SN JAID ATGNIY TUM NOA Al YOAVA V LI WSSZLSA WHS 3M “ONINSGHVDS NI GADVONS 2AeV OHM QUALITY IS OUR FIRST CONSIDERATION. 6 and 7 South Market Street, Boston, Mass. Our Stock of Bulbs is not only the largest and finest in New England, but it is the most select and one of the largest in the United States. Buss By Matt. Bulbs securély packed will be sent by mail, PostaGe PReEpaID, to all parts of the United States, at the single or dozen prices quoted in the Catalogue, excepting a few heavy species, for which the mail prices are given. Prices of many articles herein mentioned are liable to fluctuation. We cannot agree to maintain them, and the prices are, therefore, subject to change without notice. Non—Warranty. We give no warranty, express or implied, as to description, quality, pro- ductiveness, or any other matter of any Seeds, Bulbs, or Plants we send out, and will not be in any way responsible for the crop. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are at once to be returned. September Ist, 1903. MINOX. PaGe PaGE. | PAGE Aconite, Winter . . . . . 24 | Galanthus . . . . . . . 34 | Rye, Fallor Winter. . . . 46 Adonai me ecmecOn |e Galtonial 95 . 2 . = 24) |\.Sashes, Hot Bed)... 2 —) aoq2 Agapanthusea-a-maces ei efee20) | Gladioli.. . dl concn Schizostyhs! "591-7 5.0). se aeneigO Alliamy ee ee eee 20) || Glory-of-the- Siow... . ray || SISEN VG da wiht? a eS Amaryliseemacee ems 20) Grasses, Lawn . . - ». = 43. |) Shrubs'for forcing ase pion Anemone phrenche apse asme2ian| Grasses, Mield/: 9.0 ; & 44-46) Smilax 20. 2 sage Anemones japonica sas.) 1225) Guinea Hen Flower. . - ~- 24 | Snowdrops.. ... .-. . . 35 Anomatheca . . . .. . 21 Hyacinths . . 5 5 fo G7 |) SOGIE Sor Se 6 io a) BS Anthericum (yy. J ea oe ey aa G2T Hyacinths, Grape ey tease 208 |e Soll Potting 4 < spa i 1 L-)4 oa eee FATAUCA Ane rn meso stlyacinths, Musk... » . .. = ‘7 |) Sparaxis --.. . 2. = «5 36 (AMT 95S bio akan 1b Sa Eiyaeinths, Roman j <5 = . © | spider Lily =. ~ . 3 2 933 AS para miismrn ie eet: uw Ail Hyacinthus Candicans . . . 8 | Spirea . oie =) re) SSO ASpLOGeLUS meen ans Benes 20 EVEN GbOKUS eaten s-) 9-8 Ps tee 208 |euulips, Single Early us) « LO—-12 Aspidistra = 2s 6 | | 38 || Hemerocallis . .'. . . . 26 tulips; Double™ . =. % 413g5 04 7 e as ete ilepatica 9 92. 5 «= 2. 26° |) Tulips; Darwin i. 2 2 2) fs abil ieee 2S sh. | 5 s . . 275,28 | Lulips; Late. 9 2 . 2 tg Begonia. . 5b) Gene By Sts | tase een: eee eee Ole LUlips,whatroty .) s eecias (15 Bleeding Heaiiieeh r-ee2se JOUGRIS Thiet. se) =o 9 1S) } Tulips;.Duc van Thol Ae easy Bulboccd tun mea ecntia se 3. as) eg 239) | sinillium |= 2 3... 2 37 Calla ee ee ree zen cachenalias, 5... = « 26 | UDritelela { . +; «1. « Gs 37 Calochortcs ee eee eee | beucojume 9 8 62° ee 636 yr Iritoma si. las ke B87, CanlASs | ee e227 eo iacse se fy os i.) = «634 ||) Lritonia, 2 2 02.15, 3 V7 @hionodoxay = ee 28 Lenliesyy ss) eee 20-3 |) Lropzcolumy., 8s a8 Wee mens 7, Christmas Rose . . . . . 26 | Lily-of-the-V alley eee -ne32) |W allotayecn 47 HermS)e ise; 3 43 = bah 405 41 | Balistemuein as ey 5) arias Wane 30 | Hyacinth Glasses." «. = 47 iets) yj) = =. 8 29-39) jf) Pancratium 33, |) Plant Sprinklers 2)<) = =) 21148 Freesia . . eee 25 |p eandanus 39m blante Stands. | eas Fritillaria Imperialis We Ga ers Phloxes . 34 | Plant Tubs. . ey el ey) Fritillaria Meleagris . . . . 24 | Ranunculus «. . . . . . 35 | Water Barrel Truck -li So ral ea Purine ies eo ones 2d | Copyright, 1903, by R. & J. FARQUHAR & Co. 2 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO”’S AUTUMN CATALOGUKH. JELYONGIUN I ebsy NOTES JON? DHEIR] CULTURE: HYACINTHS IN Pots, It is important in the pot culture of the Hyacinth to have rich, light soil; if possible, a compost, one-third decayed turf, one-third old, rotten cow manure, and the remainder equal parts sharp sand and leaf-mould. This compost should be made a few weeks before being used. If the bulbs are to be potted singly, pots five inches in diameter are the proper size, and the special Hyacinth pots, which are about two inches deeper than ordinary pots, are preferable. Cover the hole in the pot with a piece of broken pot, and over this place a layer of moss, which will keep the soil from clogging the drainage thus provided. Break off any offsets which appear at the base of the bulbs, and in potting place each bulb so that its top shall be half an inch below the surface of the soil and an inch below the rim of the pot. The soil should be of usual natural moisture, and should be pressed mod- erately firm. The filled pots may be placed in a cold frame where there is protection from frost, and well watered. An excellent plan is to place them on a bed of moist, sifted coal ashes, covering the pots to a depth of six inches with the same material. When well rooted, which will be in about six weeks, the bulbs may be brought indoors and forced. For the first two or three weeks they should be kept in a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Suc- cess in forcing depends much on their having strong roots before being brought to the light. The top grows rapidly, and unless the roots are started much in advance they are unable to nourish the plant, and failure results. Hyacinths for early use may be potted in September or October; late planting is not advisable, as the bulbs deteriorate; when desired for late use, it is better to pot them in October and keep them in a cold frame above freezing until it is desired to force them into bloom, To obtain dwarf foliage and fine flower spikes, Hyacinths when being forced should have plenty of manure- water, fresh air, and should be kept very near the glass, The blooms last much longer if shaded from the sun. HyAcINTHS IN GtLassEs. The single varieties are, with a few exceptions, best adapted to this mode of culture; they produce finer flower spikes than the double. Fill the glass with clear, soft water, so as nearly to touch the base of the bulb, putting a small piece of charcoal in each glass to keep the water pure and afford some nourishment. The filled glasses should be placed in a dry, cool, dark place, and kept there until the roots almost touch the bottom of the glass, when they may be exposed gradually to the light. If the water in the glasses becomes foul, or diminished, replace it with fresh water at about the same temperature as the atmosphere in which the bulbs are growing; otherwise it need not be changed. When well started, the bulbs should have plenty of light and air, without draughts, in order that the best devel- opment and brilliancy of color may be attained, HYACINTHS IN THE OPEN GARDEN. The ground should be dug to a depth of at least fifteen inches, and enriched with plenty of well-rotted cow manure. Hyacinths may be planted from September until winter sets in; although if the highest success is sought they should be in the ground by the end of October. Bulbs planted early develop roots in the autumn, and these, if protected from injury by freezing and thawing alternately during the winter, enable the bulbs to produce much larger flower spikes than if the roots are not devel- oped until spring. Frost reaching the bulbs raises them up, thus detaching them from their roots. Protection may be afforded by covering the beds with straw or leaves to a depth of six or eight inches, which should be re- moved early in the spring. Hyacinths should be set about six inches below the surface of the ground and about six inches apart. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. FARQUHAR’S HYACINTHS FOR BEDDING AND FORCING. THE MODERATE COST AT WHICH THESE HYACINTHS ARE OFFERED AGAIN THIS YEAR MAKES THEM ATTRACTIVE FOR OUT—DOOR BEDDING AND WINTER FORCING. EXTRA LARGE NAMED BEDDING AND FORCING HYACINTHS. Average circumference 7 to 8 inches, except Yellow, which produces smaller bulbs. This highly decorative class of Hyacinths is of un- surpassed excellence for producing the finest color effects Being of distinct and decided shades, of almost uniform height, and blooming at the same time, they admit of the most artis- in public parks and private grounds. tic grouping. They are also very desirable for forcing singly in pots or grouped in bulb pans. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED BRIGHT RED. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED CRIMSON. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED ROSE. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED PINK. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED DARK BLUE. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED LIGHT BLUE, FARQUHAR’S SELECTED PORCELAIN BLUE. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED PURE WHITE. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED BLUSH WHITE. FARQUHAR’S SELECTED YELLOW. Per dozen, $1.00; per 100, $7.00; per $60.00. postage. By mail, add at the rate of 20 cents per dozen for 1,000, LARGE UNNAMED HYACINTHS FOR BEDDING AND FORCING. These are well developed, sound flowering bulbs, superior in size and strength to the Mixed Hyacinths usually offered. Choice sorts only are included in these selections which are grown separately and put together in variety of shades of each color. Care is exercised to include only sorts which bloom at the same time and are of nearly uniform height. SINGLE VARIETIES. Per Doz. RosE AND PINK . . . . $0.75 RED: oy fet pei ee eae 75 White,” 3 oe ee a oe 3 oe 75 BLOE, Lica 7 =e"> i. “75 BLUE, DARK == =<) 75 WISE TOW) to erm aie c 75 Arr, COLORS, MIXED! <=”. “75 By mail, add at the rate of 15 cents per dozen for postage. | DOUBLE VARIETIES. Per 100. Per 1,000. $38.00 | ROSE AND PINK 38.00 | RED 38.00 | WHITE 38.00 | BLUE, LIGHT 38.00 | BLUE, DARK 38:00 | YELLOW =... = . 38.00 | ALL COLORS, MIXE MINIATURE HYACINTHS. These are most fascinating both for forcing in pans and for out-door bedding, and are gaining in popular favor each year. PURE WHITE BLUE RED pape a. so MIXED COLORs . By mail, add at the rate of 10 cents per dozen for postage. Per Doz. $0.50 -50 -50 -50 Per Doz. $o. 75 75 75 “75 75 *75 75 Per 100. $3.50 3-50 3-50 3-50 Per 100. Per 1,000. $4.50 $38.00 Per 1,000. $28.00 28.00 28.00 28.00 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT IOO RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES. 38.00 38-00 38.co 38.00 38.00 38.00 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. COPYRIGHT 1902 BY Rk. FARQUHAR & G0. i] FARQUHAR’S “ TOP- ROOT ”* HHNANCTINGEEIS: MONSTER BULBS. SELECTED AS THEY OCCASIONALLY APPEAR IN THE FIELDS DURING HARVESTING. SINGLE RED AND PINK. FasioL_a. Pink, striped with bright rose; large bells. GERTRUDE. Beautiful bright pink; large. Lorp MacauLay. Kose, striped carmine; very large. Morena. Beautiful blush; very large truss. Norma. Delicate waxy pink; large bells. RosEA MAXIMA. Delicate rose; fine truss. SINGLE WHITE AND BLUSH. BARONESS VAN TuyLi. White, primrose eye; large truss. GRANDEUR A MERVEILLE, Blush white; large spike. : La FRANCHISE. Waxy white; large bells. La GRANDESSE, Pure white; immense bells and truss, L’INNOCENCE. Pure white; extra large bells. Paix DE L’Europe. Pure white; long truss. SINGLE BLUE, PURPLE, AND VIOLET. CHARLES Dickens. Light violet;’ extra large truss. Czar Peter, Light porcelain blue; large bells. Granp Litas. Light blue; large bells. GRAND Maitre. Sky blue, shaded with violet. KiNG oF THE BLUEs. Clear, dark blue; large bells and superb spike. Marigz. Dark blue; magnificent spike. Each, $0.30; per dozen, $3.00; per 100, $20.00. 3y express only. Six OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT IOO RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. FARQUHAR’S EXHIBITION HYACINTHS. Bulbs intended for exhibition should be potted in September. We furnish selected bulbs of the finest sorts in cultivation, which for size, symmetry of form, fullness of their spikes, and excellence of their colors are unrivalled for exhibition purposes. SINGLE RED, ROSE, AND PINK Amy OR FIREBALL. Crimson; large truss; early BARON VAN TuyYLL. Pale rose; large spike . one CARDINAL WISEMAN, Light rose; large truss; very fine. . : CHARLES DICKENS. Salmon-rose, striped carmine; tall and Rendsome sae8 Cosmos. Deep rose with light eye; large bells FaBIoLA. Pink, striped with bright rose; large bells GARIBALDI. Rich crimson; magnificent truss GEANT DES Roses. Clear rose; large spike . GENERAL PELISSIER. Deep crimson : GERTRUDE. Beautiful bright pink; large . GIGANTEA. Light rose; large spike . LinN&us. Dark red; large “flowers; extra fine Lorp Macau.Lay. Rose, striped carmine; very large; one oe the est Lorp Percy. Lovely bright rose; truss large and handsome Maria CorNELIA. Bright rose; fine spike Mr. STANLEY. Dark red; splendid truss . : Mons. HopokeN. Soft carmine; extra large freee ; Morena. Beautiful blush; very large truss : NorMaA. Delicate waxy pink; large bells; a favorite; extra large bulbs 0 ORNAMENT Rose. Pale rose; large broad truss . PINK PERFECTION. Clear pink; magnificent spike . Princess HELENA. Rosy carmine with light eye F 5 QUEEN OF HYACINTHS. Rich rosy scarlet; very bright; rriost handsome spike s ROBERT STEIGER. Deep crimson; large truss a € Gc Ror pEs BELGEs. Dark red; very ane RosEA Maxima. Delicate rose; fine truss SARAH BERNHARDT. Deep rose; beautiful flower SULTAN’S FavoriTE. Delicate rose, striped with carmine; early Von SCHILLER. Deep salmon pink, striped with crimson; magnificent spike VuuRBAAK. Beautiful crimson; large compact truss DOUBLE RED, ROSE. AND PINK. BouqgueT Roya. Rose; red centre BouQguET TENDRE. Dark carmine Czar NICHOLAS. Delicate rose . . Grootvoorst. Rosy blush; large bells Kou-I-Noor. Dark rose; superb LE GRAND CONCURRENT. Pale rose; large bells : Lorp WELLINGTON. Blush; large bells and massive spike; ‘extra . NoBLE PAR MERITE. Deep rose; large bells; very double PRINCE OF ORANGE. Bright pink : Princess Louise. Rich carmine; ee double bells; extra . REGINA VICTORIA. Dark rose SINGLE. WHITE AND BLUSH. ALBA MAXIMA. Pure white; large bells and spike . ALBA SUPERBISSIMA. Snow white; large truss ALBERTINE. Pure white; very early. BARONESS VAN TuyLL. White, primrose eye; large truss; excellent for forcing BLANCHARD. Pure white; large spike . Gogh a Reka 5 6 >t ELFRIDE. Blush; large bells; strong spike GRANDEUR A MERVEILLE. - Blush white; large spikes one of the best. GRAND VAINQUEUR. Pure white; large & Mode GRAND VEDETTE. Pure white; early . LA BELLE BLANCHISSEUSE. Snowy white LA FRANCHISE. Waxy white; large La GRANDESSE. Pure white; immense bells aad ie one of the est parte Lapy CLINTON. Creamy white; very large Lapy PLIMSOLL. Large truss; very fine LEVIATHAN. Rosy white; fine truss L’INNOCENCE. Pure white; extra large bellss very ‘handsome MADAME VAN DER Hoop. White; extra Mina. Pure white; large bells : Mont BiLaNnc. Snow white; large bells; magnificent fruss PAIX DE L’EuROPE. Pure white; long truss . QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS. Pure white; of great ‘substance SNOWBALL. Pure white; large bells; grand truss of fine form VOLTAIRE. Pale waxy white; splendid $o. $o. Per Doz. $1.35 1.50 -25 75 50 .50 50 125 25 .50 .50 +50 .50 25 75 -OO 50 75 +35 +50 +25 +25 75 +35 +50 75 75 +50 ele) 50 NS NWN HR HN HWE N Se NN Se Oe Oe] NNR RNN NHR HHH b RHH He NHENNHRR HD [e) fe) ios) 9OMnN o00OMNO0 ameal oo HRWNHWHENNNN 3° om 3° On 2 “35 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES, Per 100. $8.50 9.00 15-00 II.00 10.00 10.00 16.00 15.00 7.50 10.00 10.GO0 18.00 10.00 24.00 12.00 15.00 9.00 12.00 8.00 18.00 20.00 15.00 II.00 8.00 10.00 12,00 12.00 9.00 13.00 18.00 $10.00 10.00 9.00 10.00 18.00 15.00 15.00 9.00 8.50 15.00 14.00 $18.00 10.00 12.00 10.00 13.00 13.00 7.50 20.00 9.00 10.00 9.00 14.00 23.00 15.00 16.50 13.00 13.00 II.00 18.00 10.00 15.00 20.00 8.50 6 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’"S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. FARQUHAR’S EXHIBITION HYACINTHS. DOUBLE WHITE AND BLUSH. ANNA Maria. White; violet eye do Bouquet RoyaL. Pure white; very double; fine FLavo. Pure white; late . An eas GRAND VAINQUEUR, White; large bells . GROOTVORSTIN. Pure white; fine Bote Rees IsABELLA. Blush white; large spike; immense bells Jenny Linp, White, with dark eye 5» <6.’ Ne: inci La Tour D’AUVERGNE. Pure white; early; one of the best. La ViRGINITE. Blush; violet eye : Miss NIGHTINGALE. Pure white; extra fine . Ne Pius UtTrRA. Blush white MES ee ee a PRINCE OF WATERLOO. Fine pure white; good truss; large beils . Sir Butwer-LytTron. White; large bells; fine truss; extra . . . aif SINGLE YELLOW. ALIDA Jacopa. Canary yellow . 4. joe ay DS eee - BIRD OF PARADISE. Beautiful clear yellow; magnificent spike; one of the best Duc DE MALakorr. Orange; striped red none Granp Duc DE LUXEMBOURG. Citron; large truss; extra . Pa toes. 2 Ipa. Clear primrose yellow; splendid spike; large and superb; bulb small . KING OF THE YELLOwS. Pure golden yellow; large bells; long symmetrical spike La CITRONIERE. Light citron; large . La PLuIE D’OR. Pale yellow RUN YER: P) ar os) ay a eee L’OR b’AusTRALIE. Pure deep yellow; long and very handsome truss OBELISQUE. Pure deep yellow; large truss Sonora. Salmon-buff; fine spike > a YELLOW HAMMER. Golden yellow; magnificent spike DOUBLE YELLOW; BouQuET D’ORANGE. Salmon color GOETHE. Light yellow We Sb JAUNE SUPREME.) (Darksyellow;p largess ns) =). = - « « su neineine MINERVA. Orange OPHIR D’OR. Pure yellow yer iG SUNELOWER= = wellow,stintedesalmonme ten welecwote: «1 ec cs) cena Each. $0.25 »20 -20 35 +25 25 +25 +15 aS, 45 -20 25 35 $0.25 .30 .20 +35 225 -25 m2 a6 BoE -30 +20 45 $0.25 .20 225 125 +25 225 Per Doz. $2.25 2.00 LoS 3.50 2.25 2.50 2.25 1.50 1.35 4.50 1.75 2.25 3-25 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT’ DOZEN RATES; 25 AT IO00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. Messrs. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.: than any others I get, grown under the same conditions. Yours very truly, ARTHUR GRIFFIN. Sea Verge, Newport, R.I., July 6, 1903. ‘DEAR SIRS: In growing large quantities of Bulbs, as I do every year at | Sea Verge, I find those furnished by you are always equal to and Often better Per 100. $14.00 13.Cc0 12.00 23.00 14.00 15.00 14.00 10.00 8.00 30.00 11.00 15-00 20.00 $15.00 17.00 11.00 20.00 16.00 15.00 14.00 10.00 15.00 18.00 13.00 28.00 $14.00 II.00 15.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. fi FARQUHAR’S EXHIBITION HYACINTHS. SINGLE BLUE, PURPLE, AND VIOLET. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. Arcus. Deep blue with white eye; fine . . . - . . - +. es ees $0.25 $2.50 $14.00 BARONS ANG LUVLD 3 eo Darke bMesmextlametce 1.) os) ies ais ss | SL; 1.50 9-00 BLONDIN. Light blue; fine spike; veryshowy . . -.- .-- .-... - =D 1.50 9.00 Captain Boyton. Deep porcelain; immense truss; splendid . . . .. . 30 2.75 17.00 CHARLES DICKENS. Light violet; extra large truss -20 1.75 10.00 Czar PETER. Light porcelain blue; large bells; miannificent pike 30 2.75 17.00 GENERAL HaveELock. Black; large truss a> 3: «35 3.50 23-00 GRAND Litas. Light blue; large bells; grand spike . +25 2.50 15-00 GRAND Maitre. Sky blue; shaded with violet; large and very benntiful -20 1.75 10.00 Haypn. Lilac-mauve; splendid spike . +25 2.50 14.00 KING OF THE Biacks. Nearly black; full truss 58 +30 3-00 20.00 KING OF THE BLUES. Clear dark blue; large bells and splendid spike euneth +15 1.50 8.50 Leonipas. Bright blue; large spike 15 1.50 9.00 La PeyrouseE. Light porcelain; fine 15 1.35 7-50 LeopoLp II. Dark blue; large . 5 WS th gio eee -20 2.00 II.00 Lorp BaLrour. Beautiful mauve; immense ells and spike; superb . 35 3-25 20.00 Lorp Derspy. Azure blue; large bells andtruss . . ..-.... . +25 2.50 15-00 orp Mavo® ‘Darlevioletiwith-whiteleye 2 . 1. . . s «2 . «= - 25 2.50 14.00 LORDURAUMERSTON. biliesmwhiteeye ssa 2 2 « =. & . + = : -20 1.75 10.50 Marie. Dark blue; magnificent spike . 15 1.35 7.50 MASTERPIECE! = burplishiblacksmveny Hue...) . 5 <=. ss - « © 2 «© « « 35 3-50 23-00 OronpatTus. Porcelain blue; extra 2 2.25 13-00 PIENEMAN. Clear blue; extra BG Wye 1.50 8.50 PORCEUAINE SGEPDRE BL alesblues aloe = 5 ee 8 ee te -20 200 12 00 PRIEST Veesiehteamiredblucsmlarce truss) -) 4. = % ‘- » =. -.2 = = « +30 3-00 18.00 PRINCEVOR SVVALES me Marg DlUes=whiteeye. «. « 219. os. a. fe so, 4s +25 2.50 14.00 QUEEN OF THE BLUES. Sky-blue; fine bells; statelyspike. . . . . . . 25 2.50 14.00 REGULUS bUEhtspolcelaims extras |<) 2 2. se ee) sw) ye ess sii 1.35 7.50 ScHOTEL. Light blue; splendid flower . . FA Coen eon a IE ok 35 3.25 20.00 Str H. Barcriay. Dark purple; splendid Se bees Lo ee OME ae Yon +25 2.50 15.00 Sir J. LAwRENcE. Darkblue; :whiteeye . ..-.-... +... .°* +25 2.50 14.00 DOUBLE BLUE, PURPLE. AND VIOLET. BLOKSBERG, Clear porcelain; large bells and handsometruss . . . . =. . $0.20 $1.75 $10.00 CHARLES Dickens. Darkblue; finespike . . . . . . .-. «ss. .15 1.50 9.00 Devicaras Miohtbluc;serand spike. . - . . . « = s «se fe us 325 2.50 14.00 GARRICK.) slalacibluesesplendidstruss| =. )2 22. = es ee es .20 E75 10.00 LauRENS KosTEer. Dark blue; large bells . . . . . . - . 2... 36 3-50 23 00 LORD? RAGEAN- Darkblue; splendid. . 3 : . <« . « « ws aos % ; 325 212k, 13.00 WORDEWELRINGTONe Ear Kablueriee en ee ase its ss es .20 175 10.00 MOUIS PHIIPeK ae Warkablucs full truss Gy kl ses <<) ce sw) ee cs fe bs .25 2.50 15.00 MIGNON, DERDRVRHOUMS Wilac blue, 5... wus 2 © «0G, enc wes -20 E.75 10,00 MURIDLO niche bDicmen nls years Wr cn es 1-8 et Shot as ls es +25 2.50 15.00 OTHEELO. | Darkblnesscompact/spike). J) S8sy-9 4.92 4°.) = "8 2 + =25 2.50 14.00 PRINCE OF SAX WEIMAR. Dark biue. . . Sh ek oe +15 1.35 8.50 VAN SPEYK. Pale blue; large bells and splendid ELUSS eRe) GE MaMy ce f- uy re 025 2.50 15.00 MUSK AND FEATHERED HYACINTHS. Beautiful, hardy, early-flowering bulbs, succeeding in almost any soil and situation. Per Doz. Per loo. Musk HyacinTH. Yellow and blue; delightfully fragrant . . . .. . =. .- =. =. =. $0.30 $1.50 FEATHERED HYACINTHS. Violet; long feathery plumes . . . . . . - - . . wee 35 2.00 SIX OF A KIND AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT IO0O RATES}; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. Our importations of Bulbs will be the largest and most select ever brought to Boston, and the finest that Holland has produced this year. 8 . R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. EARLY ROMAN HYACINTHS. These beautiful Hyacinths are indispensable to the florist in _his autumn and winter cut-flower work; while to the amateur they SS 7 CONFAIDY NS 5) are among the most easily culti- vated and most satisfactory of Y flowering bulbs. The white va- riety, if planted early in Septem- ber and gently forced, will bloom in November; the others require from two to three weeks longer. When grown in pots or pans they are most effective planted in groups of six or more bulbs in each, WHITE, LARGE, 434 to 6 in. circ., 75c. per doz.; $5.00 per 100; $40.00 per 1,000. WHITE, EXTRA LARGE, 5 to 6in. circ., $1.00 per doz.; $6.00 per 100; $48.00 per 1,000. WHITE, MAMMOTH, 514 to 61in. circ., $1.25 per doz.; $7.50 per 100; $60.00 per 1,000. RosE OR LIGHT PINK, 75c. per doz.; $4.00 per 100; $35.00 per 1,000. BLUE, 60c. per doz.; $3.50 per 100; $30.00 per 1,000. WHITE ITALIAN OR PaRISIAN. These are about a fortnight later than the Early White Roman Hyacinths and the blos- soms somewhat larger. They are very useful for forcing, being fragrant and decorative. 75c. per doz.; $4.00 per 1003; $35.00 per 1,000, By mat, add 10 cents per dozen to the above prices for 3 postage. White Roman Hyacinth. HYACINTHUS CANDICANS. A showy, hardy plant, blooming in July and August, and producing spikes about three feet long, crowned with numerous large pendent bell-shaped pure white blossoms. Large roots, per dozen, 30 cents; per 100, $2.00; per 1,000, $12.00. Ly mail, add at the rate of 15 cents per dozen for postage. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT IOO RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES. OFFICE OF THE PARK COMMISSIONERS, Room 5, City and County Hall, Buffalo, N.Y., July 27, 1903. MESSRS. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., Boston, Mass. : Gentlemen: I wish to express my appreciation of the high quality of the fall planting bulbs which during recent years you have supplied to the Park Department of the City of Buffalo, N.Y. The Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus, etc., have been the admiration of everyone. I may also add that with 35 years’ practical horticultural experience in America I have yet to see a better class of flower seeds than we are in the habit of receiving from your house. Respectfull ours, JAMES BRAIK, Asst. Supt., i hat Department of Parks, Butfalo, N.Y. | BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 9 wIROCUSES. The bulbs should be set three inches deep, and should be planted in October or early in November to insure success. They are very effective when combined with Snowdrops, Scilla Siberica, Daffodils, and other Spring flowers. The Crocus can also be grown indoors either in pots or bulb pans in loam, or in dishes filled with wet moss in which the bulbs are set closely, half an inch below the surface. MIXED CROCUSES. Per Doz Per Per 1,00 LARGE a Wirtiaacmmlyicxedsshadesmeem is peste.) sys, J) BR. Ae ee i cy, HO:1O) “ $o.40' ‘$3 00 TARGE EP BLUREANDELURPLECAMIVLIXeEGLY \2) else le, cis we) os ey) Soest Se we .10 -40 3-00 LARGE STRIPEDVAND VARIEGATED. |Mixed'sorts =. 2 9... ss ee -10 -40 3-00 LARGER GOLD ENMESONOWarrmmamees ss ae) keen oar Dees, Ge ee cs -10 .50 3.50 SUPERBsSMETURE PO SCcolOIsmaa a) 2 Mee Fae es eel ol eee e et w S .10 35 3-00 SUPERBUOMIXTURE IMIAMMODMEMSBUNBSS .66s8 6 5 al bw & tere 2 ss eeiss ws 15 75 6.00 LARGE NAMED WHITE. CROCUS. CAROUING | CHISHOUMA mV hitesmixee blooming yen © «= west) @ Se - oc. » POTS, Ho.75 S6.0c MAMMOTH WHITE. The largest pure white; fine for forcing sy, Oe Cay eee 5 75 6.00 MON ty BEANG ae SHO MmyaWiNte si VeLyalarce aera: «is. Bee oh 3 soe Je 15 75 6.00 LARGE NAMED STRIPED: CROCUS. ALBION. sw Darkewioletstiped white: large eae «6 eee: Efi Ms & Go fst ee) POsES {Sol75' $6.00 CLOTH OF SILVER. Silvery white, striped lilac “75 6.09 La MAJESTEUSE. Lilac striped, white; large ee) ee. ee 5 75 6.00 Str WALTER Scotr. White, striped with lilac; large and free blooming . ... . “15 -75 6.00 LARGE NAMED YELLOW - CROCUS. MAMMOTH GOLDEN YELLOW. Extra large bulbs, producing many blossoms; fine for pots $0.20 $1.00 $8.00 COLDENS VELVOWRMEIRGT so1ZE-9 Weep yellow Sa.” + en) ee sy aes ts. ais 75 5 CLOTH OF GOLD. Golden yellow, striped maroon; very free blooming . . . .. . .10 -60 5-00 LARGE NAMED BLUE AND PURPLE CROCUS. BaRON VON Brunow. Dark blue; large Ms) to) ean Be s+ re ties iP $0.15 $0.75 KING OF THE BLUES. Deep purple-blue; very large; forceswell. . . . . . . . -15 -75 6.00 PURPUREA GRANDIFLORA. Very large; rich purple . . . . . : Seis Aig ill A eos ALG 3-251 23-00 LuTea Major. Bright yellow, sometimes streaked red 35 2.00 14.00 MarRKGRAAF. Yellow, scarlet and green striped; large . . .65 4.00 28.00 MonsTRE Rovuce. Beautiful deep scarlet; ‘large flower; very handsome . ... . 2.50 15.00 PeRFECTA. Red and yellow Sie, Ne eee -35 2-00 14.00 Finest Mixture. All colors of Parrot Tulips> 2 - =. . <30:.1-75)) 12:00 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES. 25 AT 100 DARWIN LATE SINGLE TULIPS: A new and greatly improved race of the late-flowering, self-colored, Dutch Breeder Tulips. The colors range from the palest lilac to purplish black, including shades of rose, scarlet crimson, violet, brown, etc. They are exceedingly beautiful for beds and grouping about shrub- > bery, and are worthy of the popularity they have attained. SPLENDID MIXTURE, per doz., $0.50 per 1,000, $21.00. per’ 100, $3.00; DARWIN TULIPS, VARIETIES. NAMED Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. ALABAMA, Deep rosy lilac $1.25 $8.00 » $70.00 Gtory. Scarlet 3%. « | £-5O0) - 10.00% *90-00 Granp. DucHEss. Carmine TCCMMMCR (. 2 Re Ange? s Tears. ) Vv ery interesting and beautiful; small Daffodil with creamy white flowers. . . . . ..... -85 5,00 POET’S AND OTHER SHORT-CUPPED NARCISSUS. BIFLORUS. (Primrose Peerless Daffodil.) Pure white with yellow cup, bearing two flowers oneach stem . . $0.20 $1.00 $7.00 BuRBIDGEI. Perianth white with yellow cup edged with scarlet resembling Poeticus, but much earlier. 55 15 85 6.00 PoeEticus. (Pheasant’s Eye, 07 or Poet's Nar CUSSUS. ) “Pure 4 Ww ae ‘with red. crown; very fragrant; excellent for cutting . . 15 75 4-50 POETICUS GRANDIFLORUS. The largest of the type, pure “white perianth, cup suffused with crimson .. . 2.50 15.00 PoETICUS ORNATUS, Large symmetrical flow ers; broad white perianth with red crown, very early; beautiful and valuable for forcing and cutting . . +25 1.25 8.50 PoeTicus PoETARUM. Large, bold flower; perianth pure “white, with the entire crown chimsone vebystmking, and beautiful 0s = <9. )- . » = «= sa | « -60 3-50 25.00 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES. 18 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’"S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. A bed of Narcissus Horsfieldii. DOUBLE FLOWERING NARCISSUS. + Per Doz. Per too. Per1,o00. ALBA PLENA OpORATA. (Double Poet's or Gardenia-flowered Narcissus.) Large, double, pure white flowers, in sweetness and purity rivalling Gardenia blossoms; valuable for cutting. . Polo G Gd. @ ooo o> 9.0 Geel Gen pb Go 4) Hore) Enea f37.60 INCOMPARABILIS| PLENUS. (Butter and Eggs.) Large, double, yellow flowers, with orange centre; excellent for forcing, for winter cutting, and for spring flowering in the open SPOUNG. ht w Bhs ibe Deane ne byte Sere RRO 0% 8 Aye. dS me I 25 8.00 ORANGE PHa@nix. (Zges and Bacon.) Large, double, white flowers, with rich orange segments in the centre: very effective and desirable for both forcing and outdoor planting, 30 1.50 10.00 SULPHUR OR SILVER PHGNIX. (Coadlins and Cream.) One of the finest double sorts, with large, pale, creamy white, fragrant flowers; excellent for pot culture . 1.00 6.00 40.00 Von Sion. (Zelamonious Plenus.) The renowned “ Old Double Yellow Daffodil. »” Flow- ers deep golden yellow; large and very decorative; the most extensively grown of all Daffodils for florists’ use. Extra large Dutch grown “ Double Nosed” bulbs . . . . 65 4.00 30.00 Extra large Dutch grown “Single Nosed” bulbs... 5 pul tence 5 +50 3.00 22.00 MIXED NARCISSUS OR DAFFODILS. Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. MIXED LARGE TRUMPET NaRCISssuUS . . . ... - SP be se (suey ary see - bO-15O] 83s OOD 225CO. MIXED, DOUBLESINARGISSUS 2000.) 9 =. 2 = 9 cer) Ww 1) ceecgn ORM MRC Ma Ss ER SI SLU RCotum | Weems 25 1.25 10.00 CHINESE SACRED NARCISSUS JOSS FLOWER OR ORIENTAL NEW YEAR’S LILY. These may be grownin pots of earth, but are more interesting and very satisfactory in bowls partially filled with pebbles and water. As the roots develop they forma network about the pebbles, thus supporting the plant when in bloom. They should be started and grown in bright light, but carefully protected from draughts. The flowers are mostly white with yellow cups and are very fragrant. Extra LARGE BULBS, SELECTED, 10 cents each, $1.00 per dozen. Original Baskets, 30 bulbs, $1.75 per basket. Ly mail, add 5 cents per bulb for postage. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT 100 RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES, BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 19 POLYANTHUS NARCISSUS. A very decorative class of bulbous plants for greenhouse and window cul- livation, but not hardy out of doors in our climate. They produce enormous trusses of delicately fragrant flowers, varying in color from snowy white to deep yellow. Treat the bulbs in the same manner as noted for Hvacinths, except that the bulbs should be set half an inch deeper in the soil. They may be easily and quickly forced; our flo- rists frequently have them in bloom by Thanksgiving. EARLY LARGE-FLOWERING PAPER WHITE. The earliest, largest, and most vigorous form of the Paper White; the best of all for very early forcing; pure white. 4oc. per doz.; $2.00 per 100; $15.00 per I,000. EarLty LARGE-FLOWERING PAPER WHITE, MAMMOTH BULBs. 50c. per doz.; $2.50 per 100; $20.00 per 1,000. Earty DouBLE RoMAN. White, with deep yellow cup; large flower trusses; excellent for early forcing. 30c. per doz.; $1.50 per 100; $10.00 per 1,000. BAZELMAN Major. Large white flower, with yellow cup; fragrant; fine, com- pact truss. $2.00 per doz.; 312.00 per 100. Gioriosa. Pure white, with orange cup; large truss. 75c. per doz.; $4.50 per 100; $30.00 per 1,000, GRAND MONARQUE. Pure white, with lemon cup; large flower and truss. 75c. per doz.; $4.50 per 100; $30.00 per 1,000. GRAND PRIMO. Pure white; pale yel- low cup. 75c. per doz.; $4.50 per 100; $30.00 per 1,000. GRAND SOLEIL D’OR. Yellow, with orange cup. 85c. per doz.; $5.00 per 100; 334.00 per 1,000. WN Li ai WEE Zs Polyanthus Narcissus. Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. JAUNE SUPREME. Primrose, orange cup; large and fine truss . . SO ee ee bl PO.O5 fe 6 5,00)5 30:00 Mont CEnIs. Pure white, yellow cup; one of the finest forcing eo ee eo 6.50 Newron. Yellow, with orange cup; large ere eas ene sehr, oun 85 5.00 36.00 WHITE PEARL. Pure white .. . = 6 oc 6 Bono me 5 a of me 85 5.00 36.00 WHITE VARIETIES MIXED . .. . 35 2.00 15.00 YELLOW VARIETIES MIXED. . . 35 2.00 15.00 Double Jonquils. By mail, add 15 cents per dozen for postage. NARCISSUS JONQUILLA OR JONQUILS. The delicately graceful forms, delicious fragrance, and deep yellow color of their blossoms have made the Jonquils favorites of the amateur and necessities with the florist. They are easily forced, and if started early may be flowered by Christmas, or even earlier. Plant six or eight bulbs in a six-inch bulb-pan, cov- ering the crowns half an inch, and treat them in the same man- ner as suggested for Hyacinths. Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. DouBLE, SWEET SCENTED. Fine deep yellow - ae) ue © ie) . 20.30. | 2:00) BST 3.00 SINGLE, SWEET SCENTED. Deep yel- low; free blooming. 15 75 5.00 CAMPERNELLE. Large deep yellow flowers, excellent for cutting <7.) -20 1.00 6.00 RucuLosus. Rich yellow; very fra- grant flowers; the largest Jonquil . -20 1.15 7.50 SILVER JONQUIL. (Varcissus Ten- utor.) Pale primrose flowers on slender stems, very graceful. . . 1.25 7.00 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00O RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES. 20 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO”’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. AMARYLLIS. In order to obtain fine specimens of Amaryllis the following method should be followed: On receipt of the bulbs inthe autumn they should be placed where they will be always slightly moist and warm, under the benches of a greenhouse, for example; do not pot up the bulbs before the flowerbuds appear; when first potted give very little water, and promote growth by giving moder- ate bottom heat; increase the supply of water as the plants progress. Very often the mistake is made that bulbs are potted up too early: the consequence is that only leaf-growth is made. The proper soil for Ama- ryllis is turfy loam enriched with rotten manure. BELLADONNA Major. (Belladonna Lily.) Flowers white, flushed and tipped with deep rose; extra large bulbs. Each, 25c.; per doz., $2.00; per 100, $12.00. DEFIANCE. Rich carmine, striped and suffused with white. Each 75c.; per doz., $7.50. EQueEstris. Scarlet, with broad white stripes, extend- ing from the throat to half way up the segments. Each, 50c.; per doz., $4.00; per 100, $25.00. FoRMOSISSIMA. (Facobean Lily.) Dark crimson. Each, 20c.; per doz., $1.50; per 100, $8.00. HIPPEASTRUM, New Hyprips. (Vittata.) The finest race of the Amaryllis in cultivation; exceeding in the size and fine form of their flowers as well as in the diversity of colors and markings, all former hybrids. The segments are of nearly uniform size. giving the flowers a regular trumpet form. Each, $1.00; per doz., $9.00; per 100, $60.00. Jounsoni. (Barbadoes Spice Lily.) Enormous bright crimson flowers with a white stripe through each segment; magnificent. Each, 75c.; per doz., Amaryllis Hippeastrum. $7.50; per 100, $50.00. Each. Per Doz. Per 100, Lurea. (Mount Etna Lily.) Bright golden yellow; hardy if well covered during the winter $0.10 $0.75 $3.50 ERINCE OH (@RANGE. (Orange:scarlet .. aa) 7 omen ee a 2.00 20.00 RETICULATUM STRIATEFOLIUM. Lilac, striped white. . ...... +. .+:+- 2.50 25.00 VALLOTA PURPUREA. (Scarborough Lily.) Vivid scarlet; most effective for piazza pots and vases in summer and autumn Mae what, ge las a oR Aa Tes Se be OAS -50 4.50 30.00 ZEPHYRANTHES RoskEA. Beautiful rose-pink flowers, three to four inches across . . . +05 .40 2.00 ZEPHYRANTHES CANDIDA. (/azry Lily.) Pure white, delicately scented . . . . . 05 -40 2.00 ADONIS VERNALIS. Hardy perennial plant with beautiful cup-shaped yellow flowers and delicately divided leaves; height, six inches. Each, toc.; per doz., $1.00; per 100, $6.00. AGAPANTHUS. (4frican Lily.) Handsome summer and autumn flowering plants, throwing up large umbels of twenty to thirty blossoms. They should be grown in pots or tubs, in soil similar to that suggested for Hyacinths. They are particularly suitable for piazza or terrace decoration, and may also be forced in the greenhouse. UmBELLaTus. Fine blue. Each, 25c.; per doz., $2.00; by mail, 35 cents each. UmBELLaTus ALBus. White. Each, 20c.; per doz., $1.50; by mail, 30 cents each, ATLL: Per Doz. Per too. Per 1,000, AUREUM. (JMoly.) | lardy spring-flowering border plant with bright yellow flowers, very showy peas Geo be Baca Je eae eb edie, ee $0.15 $0.75 $6.00 AZUREUM. Deep azure-blue flowers in large umbels . . . . . . . «© = 5 m= © 75 4.50 NEAPOLITANUM. Large heads of pure white flowers, very hardy; extensively forced by iKoy tej CH Fo eelindareleg| Miigoioiy MM RUNNER NG 5 fo 0 6 8 6 4 o @ of 9 o © as 1.25 8.00 OsTROWSKIANUM. A_ beautiful new variety from Asia Minor, with large umbels of purplish-red flowerssshardy-and early) -: 7-1 sca ismh (nial Meet: otto Hite UC o 25 1.25 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES, PLANTS, BULBS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 21 ANEMONES. None of the spring flowers surpass the Anemone in brilliancy of color and profusion of bloom. They are very lasting, and have of recent years become very popular for cut-flower use and for table decorations. The florists now buy thousands of them to force. Plant in October or November, six roots ina six-inch pot or bulb pan, covering them oneinch. They may be keptin a cellar or frame protected from frost until spring, when they may be placed in the greenhouse or window to bloom. Per Doz. Per1o0. Per 1,000. SINGLE FINEST MIXED. Including RUA YyICOLOTS-/yisieee icin sc, cy - $0.20 $1.00 $7.50 SINGLE BLUE. Charming variety -25 1.50 10.00 SINGLE SCARLET. Very brilliant . -30 1.75 12.00 SINGLE WHITE. (The Bride.) Pure white, beautiful ae a ate 20 1.25 9.00 SINGLE APPENINA, (Blue Wood An- emoné.) Flowers large, beautiful sky-blue; very early .35 2.00 16.00 SINGLE FULGENS. (Scarlet Wind Flower.) Flowers dazzling scarlet; large and numerous; one of the bestalornforcinp| 5) 2 - .S 60 2% SINGLE DE CAEN. (Giant French Poppy-flowered.) These produce an abundance of very large flowers of brilliant and varied colors . . . 15 85 6.00 St. BrRIGID. (/rish Anemone.) Flowers mostly semi-double; in shades of scarlet, blue, and ed a wn ° ty or fo) 5 excellent for cutting . . 60 3-50 30.00 DousBLE MIXED. Including the best Sorts 2" - : 30) 41.75.) 14.00 DouBLE CERES. White, shaded with rose; very beautiful . . 45 3.00 25.cO DousLE KING OF SCARLETS. Brill- jant vermilion scarlet . -35 2.50 20.00 Douste Lorp NELSON. Violet. -35 2-50 20.00 DouBLeE Rosetre. Dark pink; eharmmge Mees 2 Ase 5) <= a3 2325, .00 ANOMATHECA CRUENTA. A very pretty, Freesia-like plant for pot culture, growing about nine inches high with scarlet flowers spotted crimson. Per dozen, 20 cents; per 100, $1.00. ‘i : ANTHERICUM. Desirable hardy plants with elegant lily-like flower spikes; excellent for cutting. Per Doz. Per 100. Liuiaco Major. (St. Bernards Lily.) White; heim hppa yiee tees sy te la a ose @e, Sek $0.60 $3. LILiASTRUM. (St. Bruno’s Tan) White; Reipnbmiewectas se cee ce ue ms at .60 3. ARUM. Ornamental plants with calla-shaped leaves and flowers; curious and interesting. : Each. Per Doz. Per 100. DRAcUNCULUS. (Dragon oe ee Large purple flowers, and curiously marbled stems . . ET ee Se a ao ce en 5 SORBO $1.75 $10.00 ITALICUM. Spotted yellow foliage ane Si heel Come, Pameer ae 05 -40 2.50 MACULATUM. Leaves spotted with w hite; flowe ers Ww hite; hardy with covering during winter . . . Ne ae es ee ee sh ee +15 85 5-00 SANCTUM. (Slack Calla.) Large purple flowers Cy Galen fd. “eeu nc: ic 35 2.50 15.00 By mail, add 5 cents each for postage. ASPHODELUS LUTEUS Ornamental hardy border plant growing about two feet in height; flowers yellow. Each, 10 cents; per doz., 85 cents; per 100, $5.00. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 at I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES- 22 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.”S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. ANEMONE JAPONICA. AUTUMN-—-FLOWERING JAPANESE ANEMONES. Very ornamental hardy plants, flowering early in Sep- tember and continuing into November. They grow about three feet in height, and the long-stalked, erect flowers are strikingly beautiful. The plants should be protected with pine boughs or coarse straw during winter. Each. Per Doz. Per too. ALBA, (Honorine Fobert.) Large, single pure white flowers, with yellow centre . $0.15 $1.50 $8.00 APPLEBLOSSOM. Blush, very pleasing shade . . +20 2.00 10.00 RosgaA. Rosy pink, large and free blooming . 15 1.50 8.00 WHIRLWIND. Large; aouble white flower, yellow centre . 15 1.50 9.00 BABIANA. Charming spring-flowering plants for the greenhouse, with dark green, hairy leaves; in habit resembling Sparaxis. The colors range from pale lavender and delicate pink to violet and crimson, and are very effective. Plant six or eight bulbs in a six-inch bulb pan. MIxED VARIETIES, many elegant colors. Per dozen, 30 cents; per 100, $1.50. BULBOCODIUM VERNUM. (Meadow Saffron.) One of the earliest-blooming, hardy spring flowers, with rosy purple crocus-like blossoms, four inches high. Plant the bulbs four inches deep. Each, 15 cents; per dozen, Anemone Japonica. $1.25; per 100, $7.50. CALOCHORTUS. (Mariposa Lily or Butterfly Tulips.) These Californian flowers somewhat resemble the Tulip in shape and erect habit of growth. The colors include shades of white, lilac, crimson, yellow, and blue, many of the flowers being veined, spotted, or edged with deep yellow. They may be forced in the greenhouse, planted in protected cold frames, or set out of doors in May or June, FrNesT VARIETIES MIXED. Each, 15 cents; per dozen, $1.25; per 100, $7.00. CALLA. (Richardia.) The temperature for Callas should be rather warm; the soil open and rich, and they should be liberally watered. Callas will bloom continually summer and winter if kept in growing condition, or they may be allowed to dry off and remain dormant a portion of the year. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. ZETHIOPICA. (White Calla Lily.) First SizzE. 1%to2in.diam. ..... . $0.20 $1.75 $12.00 Extra Larce. 15to2%in. diam. , , 30 2.50 16.00 Little Gem. Miniature White Calla, grows only about a | foot high and bears many flowers, half the size of those of the:ccommon White Calla . . . atts 1.50 ELLIOTTIANA. The best yellow Calla; deep canary; much superior to Salfaterre or ‘any of thesrecentshybridss#heichts.3eft. | s 5 see tune er ee es 1, 5OMLG OO IASTATA.. -Paleisulphursyellow, 9.) cr wens) 1p) 1:0 enn or 30 3.00 Biack CAaLLa. (See Arum Sanctum, ) By mail, add at the rate of 20 cents per dozen for postage, except otherwise noted. CAMASSIA VESCULENDA: A pretty, hardy spring-flowering plant, with dark blue flowers resembling those of the Scilla campanulata. Per dozen, 25 cents; per 100, $1.25. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT 100 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 23 CHIONODOXA. § (Glory-of-the- Snow.) The most beautiful of dwarf blue spring flowers, re- sembling those of Scilla Siberica, but larger, slightly taHer, and more handsome. The Chionodoxa is very hardy, thriv- ing in any ordinary garden soil and in almost any situa- tion. The bulbs continue to flower from year to year. It is also excellent for forcing. Per Per Per Doz. 100. 1,0CO. LuciLiz. Bright sky-blue flowers, with large white centres . a . $0.25 $1.50 $10.00 SARDENSIS. Rich deep-blue, with small white centre . Re Det. om neler GIGANTEA. Resembling C. Luciliz, but with much larger blooms of soft gray-blue . © 1.75 12.00 Ge O75) 3-00 CROWN IMPERIALS. (/7:tillaria Impertalts.) These are hardy border plants, of handsome appear- ance and stately growth, producing whorls of pendent, bell- shaped blossoms. Plant the bulbs nine inches deep. Each, Per Doz. Per 100. oe Aurora. Red . . . . . . «$0.35 $3.00 $20.00 CROWN-ON-CROWN. Several whorls OltareGsHOWETS 2s 5. oe 0 tl) 35 ou 20.00 GOLDEN STRIPED FOLIAGED. Flow- Z ers red; very beautiful 50 4.50 30.00 : COPYR:BHT 1302 LarGE SINGLE RED , See SO ie stl dageapiet nal E LARGEMDOCBLE,RED . ;-; =~ « « 1:00 "3-50 LARGE SINGLE YELLOW See 60 5-00 35.00 LARGE DOUBLE YELLOW .. ... I-00 8.50 MIXED VARIETIES . . .. . - 20 41.50 8.50 Chionodoxa Lucilic. r aa a COLCHICUM. (TZ%e Autumn- a Flowering Crocus.) These interesting bulbous plants produce their large Crocus-like blossoms in September, the leaves not ap- pearing till the following spring. They are quite hardy, and are particularly adapted for planting among shrubs, under trees, or other shady situations. Per Doz. Per 100. Per1,000. AUTUMNALE, (Meadow Saf- fron.) Large lilac blos- SOMS Amis) a) apy ek 0575)" 4-50) 35.00 AUTUMNALE ALBUM. Large pure white flowers; very joeririmbil ARG Ea eG IX AUTUMNALE MIXED, Many colors, including white, lilac, purple, and striped . -75 4-50 35.00 AGRIPPINUM. Large lilac flowers; very fine; free bloommge 7505 9. _- =) (175° | 12:00 “ on 2) CONVALLARIA. See Lily-of-the- Valley. DIBDYERA SPECTABIGIS: (Bleeding Heart.) A well-known hardy plant, bearing in spring long racemes of deep rose-pink, pendent flowers. Each, 15 cents; per dozen, $1.25; per 100, $7.50. By maz, Crown Imperial. add 5 cents each for postage. BY Ra. FARGUAAR S50 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT IOO RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES, 24 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. ERYTHRONIUM. (Dog’s Tooth Violet.) Interesting and beautiful, hardy plants; flowering early and having curiously spotted leaves. Per Doz. Perioo. Per 1,000. DENSACANISATBO.« (Whites: ae) rec ic etn ale ne SW) $1.25 $8.50 DENSIGANIS| /EUPUREO, | Purpley yom.) o-ten enn unica a ene ee 25 50 10.00 Dens Canis ROSEA ROL oy Boab OO Oulcub en oie Goda Oo. a aac 20 mele 25 8.50 DY ONEy (CUS EEN Ale) ONO N EG oo cl bo 16 G6 4 Oo gle 6 o b 6 oa © -25 1.50 10.00 BAS ON CHV UPON Sea oa Biro is. o 6 & 6G a0 a 600 G@ 6 oo @ 4 220) 100 7.00 ERANTHIS HYEMALIS. ( Winter Aconite.) The earliest spring flower, the large golden yellow Buttercup-like blossoms often expanding in the snow; height, six inches; a charm- ing plant. Per dozen, 20 cents; per 100, $1.25; per 1,000, $8.00. FRITILLARIA MELEAGRIS. GUINEA-HEN FLOWER. Exceedingly pretty, dwarf, spring-flowering plants, with large pendent, bell-shaped flowers of white, yellow, brown, and purple, usually striped or mottled. They are desirable for both house and garden cultivation. Out-of-doors the bulbs should be planted four inches deep; they are quite hardy. Per Doz. Per 100. FInesT MIXED. Narrow leaved . . . . . . $0.35 $2.00 PurE WHITE. Narrow leaved, very beautiful. -60 4.00 NEw, LARGE-LEAVED VARIETIES. . Mixed . . 1.00 7.CO Fritillaria Meleagris. FUNKIA. (Day Lily.) Each. Per Doz. Per 100. SUBCORDATA GRANDIEFLORA. ( White Day Lily.) This is a vigorous, hardy border plant, with large, roundish, heart-shaped leaves, and strong spikes of fragrant pure white trumpet-shaped flowers. . $0.25 $1.50 $8.00 UnDULATA MEDIO VARIEGATA. (Silver Variegated Day Lily.) This valuable variety is now in demand for forcing; it forms a large rosette of almost white leaves, which is valuable in decorations. It is also extensively used for borders, beingiextremelyshardye.) tonne ua By mail, add 5 cents each for postage. GALTONIA. (Ayacinthus Candicans.) A showy, hardy plant, blooming in July and August, and producing spikes about three feet long, crowned with numerous large pendent, bell-shaped, pure white blossoms. Large roots, per dozen, 30 cents; per 100, $2.00; per 1,000, $12.00. Ly mail, add at the rate of 15 cents per dozen for postage. EARLY FLOWERING GLADIOLI. These Gladioli are now extensively used by gardeners and Gladiolus Colvillei Alba. florists for winter forcing; the dwarf, branching, gracefully- formed flowers being excellent for cut flower use. Ifthe spikes are cut and placed in water when the first blossoms appear, they will keep expanding and remain beautiful for a week or two. Five or six bulbs planted in six-inch bulb- pans or pots make charming groups for conservatory or window decoration; the bulbs should be set an inch and a half deep. és : Per Doz. Perioo. Per 1,000. $0.50 $3.00 $20.00 SP PL SE y .30 2.00 12.00 BEANDUS. ‘Blusburosetverlyzearly, jig oot) ea temic cnete) cs) aero COLVILLE ALBA. (7he Bride.) Excellent forcing variety, producing compact spikes of pure white flowers of long duration. If planted in the open ground and protected fromifrost, they commenceto,bloompne) Ulva wumemee nie Ni ciiue) |e ee ne .20 1.25 8.50 COLVILLEI RosEA. /Vew. A most beautiful variety with delicate pink flowers; a great acquisition for cut-flower use 5 lh a oo G weg so 8 io +35 2.00 13.00 COLVILLED RuBRA. ‘Purples stripedililacs early... (ace a-t «ue em 25 1.50 10.00 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT 100 RATES; 250 AT I,000 RATES. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. FREESIA REFRACTA ALBA ODORATA. Of all South African flowering bulbs the Freesia is doubtless the best known and most esteemed. The grace- fully branched, fragrant flowers are of long duration, and being freely produced are profitable fur cOmmercial pur- poses, and satisfactory to amateurs. If planted early they may be had in bloom by Christmas. Plant eight or ten bulbs in a six-inch bulb-pan, covering them one inch. Per Doz. Per1oo. Per 1,000. REFRACTA ALBA ODORATA. Flowers pure white, with yellow throat; fragrant, and last- ing for two weeks in water when cut. Extra Large Bulbs 5 8 6 fo 6 9 yo Sense WammbotheDulbsog tout sane pee. apse e -40 FREESIA LEICHTLINI. Primrose yellow, with orange blotch on each petal iv 2) Nhe ws Ou $12.00 20.00 -35 14.00 26 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO”’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. = GRAPE ‘HYACINGHS? Very hardy, dwarf, spring-flowering bulbs, suc- ceeding in almost any situation and suitable for edgings and clumps in shrubbery and hardy perennial beds. They also produce a splendid effect and thrive planted in the grass in the same manner as Cro- cuses. Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. BLUE GraPe HYACINTHS . $0.15 $0.60 $4.00 WHITE GRAPE HYACINTHS, .20 1.00 7-CO HELLEBORUS NIGER. (Christmas Pose.) The Christmas Rose is almost hardy, and if grown in cold frames with protection from frost will produce its beautiful blossoms freely throughout the winter and spring. The flowers are about three inches in diameter, pure waxy white, shaded with crimson purple. Each, 50 cents; per dozen, $5.00; per 100, $35.00. By mail, add 5 cents each for postage. Grape Hyacinths. HEMEROCALLIS. (Day Lily.) Showy, hardy plants for herbaceous borders and grouping among shrubs, bearing a succession of large, fragrant, trumpet-shaped flowers, from midsummer till frost. Each. Per Doz, Per 1co. AURANTIACA Major. (Fapanese Giant Day Lily.) Magnificent trumpet-shaped blossoms, very broad petalled, and often six inches across; of riche orange color; very fragrant . . $0.50 $5.00 $35.00 DISTICHA FLORE PLENO. Flower double; rich orange. . O45 ood & G6 0 OG! Abo 15.00 FLavA. (Yellow Day Lily.) Clear yellow; sweet: scented flowers . ap 6 oh) Tier) 6.00 MippEnnorrFit. A Chinese variety of dwarf habit, with large, bright yellow Row SH 6 6 n ve) WOO 12.00 HEPATICA. Ready tn October. Pretty, dwarf spring flowers, very hardy and free bloom- ing. They succeed best in rather moist and shady situa- tions. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. BLUE. (Single) 7) Wee) cee. 7 m0. U5 ma 1450) s1O:0O eps WOM: 1 be & 6 Jo 6 “15 1.25 7.50 WHITE. Single . . F -20. 2.00 12.00 By mail, vadd 5 cents per “dozen for postage. IXIAS. Charming bulbs for winter-blooming, of easy culture and producing very brilliant flowers. The colors include many shades of yellow, pink, scarlet, and crimson. The centre of the flower is always distinct in color from the outer parts, the effect of which is very striking. Plant six or eight bulbs in a six-inch bulb-pan, covering them one inch. Per Fer Per Doz. 100, 1,000. NAMED) VARIETIES) 2) (7) ore O25 $1.50 $12.co HIDE MORO) Gu 5 Gg o.6 46 a 0 ol& -75 5.00 CRATEROIDES Major. Bright scarlet; very early; splendid for forcing. . .85 6.00 RosEA PLENA MULTIFLORA. New, soft rose; fragrant . . -60 4.00 30.00 VIRIDIFLORA. Flowers beautiful. green, Ixia, Mixed Varieties. with black centre; scarce . . . . 1.25 7.50 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS. AND SUNDRIES. 27 IRISES. (/eur-de-Lis.) Irises require rich soil and abundance of water. The finest blooms are obtained from established clumps; con- sequently when planted they should remain undisturbed. Set the roots in clumps of three or more, four inches deep, and protect with leaves or other mulch during winter. In planting groups of Irises it is possible to maintain a succession of bloom from May until late in the summer, by employing the four leading species, Spanish, English, German, and Japanese, which flower in the order they are named. GERMAN IRISES. (/ris Germanica. The True Fleur-de-Lis.) MorPuHEUus, F. white, heavily traced and tipped violet- purple, ht. 2 it. RETICULATA ALBA, F. violet-purple, edged and reticu- lated white, ht. 21 ft. VICTORINE, S. white, mottled blue, F, violet-blue, mottled white, beautiful and rare, ht. 27 in. BoccaGE, S. lavender, F. claret-purple, ht. 2 ft. Miss MaGGIE, S. silvery lavender, F. suffused soft rose, very pretty, ht. 2% ft. a ; NATIONALE, S. violet, F. rich dark violet-purple, tall “Ad (ae 7 },) and most effective, ht. 21% ft. HANNIBAL, S. lavender, F. dark purple, handsome, ht. 2 ft. Kittie KineGsBury, S. lavender, F. rich violet-purple, effective, showy, ht. 27 in. ALBERT VICTOR, S. soft blue, F. beautiful soft 1avender, large and handsome flowers, sweet-scented, ht. 4o in. MANDRALISCAE, rich lavender purple, large and hand- some, early, ht. 40 in. QUEEN OF May, a lovely soft rose-lilac, a very beautiful shade, almost pink, ht. 32 in. BRONZE BEAUTY, S. clouded yellow, F. ruby-lavender, crest golden, ht, 28 in. Dr, BERNICE, S. coppery bronze, F, velvety-crimson, very handsome, ht. 2 ft. Harrison WEIR, S. yellow-bronze, F. velvety-crimson, ht. 22 in. JACQUINIANA, S. bright coppery crimson, F. rich ma- roon, large and handsome, ht. 214 ft. VAN GEERTII, S. clouded lavender, F. purple-black, reticulated white, ht. 34 in. AuREA, rich chrome-yellow, beautiful, ht. 2 ft. ALBA (Innocenza), S. and F. ivory-white, crest rich Iris Germanica. golden, a chaste flower, ht. 26 in. Darius, F. lilac, margined white, beard rich orange, pretty, ht. 17in. First-Class Cert. R, H. S. COPYRIGHT 1905 BY Rh 4s. FARQUHAR SLO Per doz., $2.00; per 100, $12.00. We advise early autumn planting. - GraccuHus, F. crimson, reticulated white, extra fine, In the descriptions (S) is used to signify Standards, early, First-Class Cert., ht. 114 ft. or the erect petals; (F) Falls, or the drooping petals. Hector, S. soft clouded yellow, F. velvety crimson- black, showy, ht. 214 ft. FONTARABIE, S. violet-blue, F. rich violet-purple, ht. | REGINA, F. white, conspicuously veined lilac and edged 116 ft. primrose-yellow, ht. 20 in. KHARPUT (syn. asiatica), S. rich blue, F, violet purple, | ALBICANS PRINCESS OF WALES, pure white, very hand- First-Class Cert. R. H. S., large handsome flower, some, early, ht. 2 ft. twice the size of the type, ht. 21% ft. FLAVESCENS, a delicate shade of soft yellow, sweet- PurRPLE KING, full purple, very effective, ht. 2 ft. scented, a gem for massing, and valued for cutting in GAZELLE, white, heavily frilled rich mauve, ht. 28 in, May and early June, ht. 21% ft. MADAME CHEREAU, white, elegantly frilled azure blue, | CrENGIALTI, flowers clear blue, rare and beautiful, very beautiful, ht. 32 in. profuse bloomer, ht. 114 ft. Mrs. H. DARWIN (new), F. white, slightly reticulated | FLORENTINA, white, fragrant and early, flowers large and violet at base; very beautiful and free-flowering, valuable for cutting, ht. 2 ft. First-Class Certificate, ht. 2 ft. CYPRIANA, very handsome, with large pale blue stand- CoMTE DE ST. Cxair, F. deep violet, margined white, ards and rich purple-blue falls, late-flowering, ht. showy, ht. 2 ft. 214 ft. Duc DE Nemours, F. purple, edged white, showy, ht. | SaMBUCINA BEETHOVEN, S. rose-lilac, F. purple with 27 in. | orange crest, showy, ht. 2 ft. ENGLISH IRISES. (/rzs Anglica.) These follow the Spanish Irises in blooming, the flowers being larger, however, and of wider range of colors, which include white, lilac, lavender. crimson, blue, and purple in self colors and mottled. They are perfectly hardy out-of-doors, and are of great value for forcing. Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. SUPEREINE MME Dae AIM COIOTS Mr! Glee sme ss 26 1 fe 4 ts ce. ss «6050 $325 $22.00 Mont Biane. Large pure white flowers, excellent for cutting . . . . . . .60 4.00 30.00 28 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.”"S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. JAPANESE IRISES. In these we find combinations of form and beauty far excelling any other type. (lris Kempferz.) The stately flowers are often 8 or ro inches in diameter, and of wonderfully varied and beautiful colors. This class particularly requires a rich, moist soil, which should be kept saturated while the flower spikes are being developed and while the plants are in bloom. . SHISHI-ODORI. . KUMO-NO-OBI, . Ho-o-Jo. . GEISHO-UI. . SOFU-NO-KOI. . MANA-DSURU. . HANA-NO-NISHIKI. . YOMO-NO-UMI. . MEI-RAN. . KUMA-FUNJIN. . TAIHEI-RAKU. . HANA-AOI. . OSHOKUN. . SHIPPO, . YEZO-NISHIKI. . ONIGA-SHIMA. Double white, Light purple. Purple, shaded blue, centre white. Velvety crimson, centre white. Double crimson, White, shaded and blotched laven- GEKKA-—NO-NAMI. der, double. White, veined with blue, centre violet. Cerise, centre white. Lilac, centre violet, White, shaded and blotched pink. Rich, deep purple, double. Light magenta. White, veined and shaded light violet, centre dark violet, Dark purple, centre white, Light blue, shaded dark blue, cemtre red- dish purple. IXUMO-NO-ISHO. Velvety dark red, centre purple. KIMI-NO-MEGUMI. Porcelain blue, veins violet, violet and red centre. KuMO-NO-UYE. Deep purple, double. Light heliotrope, blotched dark heliotrope. SHISHI-IKARI. Light crimson, maroon centre. Deep purple, centre blue. shaded and SPANISH IRISES. | | No. |) ls | 25. 26. . SHIVA-TAKI. . SHIGA-NO-URA-NAMI. . KAGARIBI. . KOSsuUI-NO-IRO. . KOMOCHI-GUMA. . KAKU-JAKU-RO. . SUCHIU-KWA. - DaTe—Docu. Each, 30 cents; per dozen, $3.00; per 100, $18.00, Roots ready in September, SANO-WATASHI. Pure white. YEDO-JIMAN. Dark purple, shaded light purple. SENJO-NO-HORA. Pink, shaded and blotched with light red, bluish centre, Pure white. Light purple. Vermilion. White, shaded lilac. Rich purple. Light violet, centre light blue. White, edged with bright red. | 36, YEDO-KAGAMI. Red, shaded light purple. 37. Ujyt-No-Horaru. Light and dark blue, centre | purple, 38. SHIMO-YONO-TSUKI. Double white, shaded yellow. 39. TSURUGI-NO-MAI. Purple red, centredark maroon. 41. Oyopo. Rich deep purple. | 42. BANDAI-NO-NAMI. White, centre yellow. 43. WAKA-MURASAKI, Bright magenta, blotched white. 44. KyopaI-SAN. Navy blue, shaded bronze. . KIGAN-NO-MISAO. White, tinged lilac, centre yellow. 46. Koxi—No-1Ro. Bright purple. | 47. SAMIDARE. White, centre yellow. 48. Tora-oporI. White, blotched and shaded blue and lavender. | 49. TSURU-NO-KEGOROMO. White, yellow centre. Magenta red. By mail, add 5 cents each for postage, (Iris Hispanica.) These are extremely early and produce fragrant, Orchid-like flowers of rich and beautiful colors, including pure white, yellow, bronze, blue, and purple. They are a pp excellent for forcing either in pans or in boxes for cutting. They are quite hardy SF out-of-doors, requiring only slight mulching in winter. Doz. 100. 1,000. Ss =SUPERFINE MIXED. All colors , - $0.10 $0.50 $3.00 : BLANCHE SUPERBE. Pure white +10 35 5-00 ELEGANS ERECTUM. Orange, spotted with scarlet; erect flowers . . . » . | | 15 1.25 7:50 SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES; 25 AT I00 RATES; 250 AT 1,000 RATES. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 3k Lilium Batemanni. PHILADELPHICUM. Bright orange-red, with purple spots, Bia IGE so U6 — <— Scilla Siberica. Per Per Per Doz. 100. 1,000. SIBERICA. (Ameena or Precox.) Flowers charming bright blue, of compact growth, five to six inches high; beautiful in com- bination with Snowdrops or Crocuses, also excellent for forcing in pans; extra-large pel ss eee ee DO-SOtD 2.00) ) 15-00 CAMPANULATA C@RULEA. Bright blue; height, one foot . . . .20 1.00 8.00 CAMPANULATA ALBA. Pure white, waxy bells . . . . -45 2.50 18.00 CAMPANULATA ROsEA. Delicate LOSce a eeeen ere. 30). 175° TS-00 NuTans C@&RULEA. Blue, long SpikeSuuemens ec Eee | 4-20.) T25),, 8:00 NutTans AtBA. White . . . .40 2.50 18.00 Per Per Each. Doz. 100. 2 PERUVIANA CcERULEA. (Cudan Lily.) Large trusses of dark- blue flowers; handsome pot plant; half-hardy . . . . $0.1 PERUVIANA ALBA. White . . a2 SNOWDROPS. (Galanthus.) These well-known favorites are among the hardiest and earliest of spring flowers. The bulbs should be planted three inches deep; they thrive in almost any soil and situation. 5 $1.50 $10.00 5 2.25 12.00 Per Doz. Per 100. Per 1,000. SINGLE FLOWERING . - $0.15 $1.00 $7.50 DousBLE FLOWERING .. .40 2.00 15.00 ELWEs’ GIANT FLOWERING. Flowers white, tipped with green, of large size, the fin- est of all Snowdrops . “15 1,00 7-50 RANUNCULUS. Gorgeous dwarf flowers, easily grown in pots for winter blooming, or in cold frames for spring. Eight roots may be potted in a 6-inch bulb-pan; they should be covered one inch. The colors include shades of white, yellow, crimson, and purple, some being almost black. They are very effective for decoration, either as pot plants or cut. Per Per Per Doz. 100. 1,000. GIANT DOUBLE FRENCH, MIXED. In great variety of bri COlOTS peat eee Mey 6-11 i >, POsES5 posh 5-00 DOUBLE PERSIAN, MIXED. Rose- shaped flowers in gr 7ari o > ofrichcolors . .... . -I0 .60 4.00 DOUBLE PERSIAN, FIREBALL. Vivid scarlet . . . Ae ae .40 2.50 16.0 DouBLE PERSIAN, JAUNE Su- PREME. Goldenyellow . . -40 DOUBLE PERSIAN, MONT BLANC. ureswintevs ius) 2 3) -s -50 DOUBLE PERSIAN, QUEEN OF THE NETHERLANDS. Black DouBLE PERSIAN, SATURNUS. Deep cumison.: - . - = . .20 1.00 6.50 DouUBLE TURBAN, MIXED. Flow- ers of large size, like miniature Ponies; many bright colors . S05 85 6.00 SCILLA. Extremely hardy, early flowering bulbs, thriving in any situation and worthy of more general cultivation. The bulbs of S. Stberica should be planted three inches deep; those of Campanulata and Nutans four or five inches deep. Nv a] (e} = en 8 Oo 2) fe) to e) fe} (e) — ag : — ——— ee ee ae = GOPYRIGHT 1Soz SYRELFARGUMARA CO Single Snowdrops. oo for) R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO.’S AUTUMN CATALOGUE. SCHIZOSTYEIS: CoccinEA. (Kafir Lily or Crimson Flag.) An excellent half-hardy plant for winter forcing, with long slender Gladiolus-like spikes of deep-scarlet flowers. The bulbs are usually planted in the open ground in spring, taken up in autumn, potted, and placed in the greenhouse, where they will bloom for months. heady for delivery in November. Per dozen, 50 cents; per 100, $3.00. SNOWFLAKE. (Leucojum.) The Snowflakes produce flowers like monstrous Snowdrops on stems about a foot high. They are perfectly hardy and have the odor of Violets. Per Doz. Per 100. SPRING SNOWFLAKE. (L. Vernum.) White, Ghojoitmieey 6 G 6 6 0 0 6 6 0 6 SOAs $1.50 vee +30 1.75 SUMMER SNOWFLAKE. (L, 4stivum.) White . SPIRALA. (Astilbe.) READY FOR DELIVERY IN NOVEMBER, Lf ordered sent by mail, add ro cents for postage. Each. Per Doz. Per 100. JAPONICA, One of the best plants for winter and spring forcing. Its rich, dark-green, fern-like foliage is surmounted with a profusion of pure white flowers, rising in erect feathery panicles of long duration, _ It is equally valuable as a decorative pot plant and for cutting. Being perfectly hardy, it succeeds well in the open garden, blooming early in summer. Large clumps $0.10 $1.00 $5.00 ComPaAcTA MULTIFLORA. ( Grand- iflora,) A variety of Faponica of compact growth, and the flowers somewhat larger; ex- cellentifor forcing = esa ASTILBOIDES FLORIBUNDA. The habit of growth is dwarf, with erect, long flower sprays of pur- est white in delicately formed panicles; a very graceful plant .15 1.50 8.00 uw HYBRIDA GLADSTONE, Vew . . .25 2.50 15.00 Spirea Japonica. HyYBRIDA WASHINGTON, Vew . .25 2.50 15,00 .10 1.00 6,00 These new Spireeas, ‘‘ Gladstone ’’ and ‘* Washington,’’ were awarded the Silver Banksian Medal at the Temple Show, London, May, 1899. ‘They are vastly superior to all former sorts for forcing. They bloom profusely; the flowers are feathery and of snowy whiteness, borne on erect stems 18 inches in height, Each. Per Doz. Per 100. AUREA RETICULATA. The dark-green leaves are veined with golden yellow; flowers white; a charming plant for forcing and outdoor cultivation See 8 S.A es . $0.20 $1.50 $8.50 PatmaTa, A beautiful hardy variety, with large, rosy crimson, feathery flowers; very elegantiwhenforced@ iirc 82 a «spy ye. WARY UNI tafe bam hole ae ee me .10 1.00 6.00: SRA XS: Charming little bulbous plants for pot culture in the conservatory or window, closely resembling Ixias, but dwarfer and more compact, Eight to twelve bulbs may be planted in a six-inch bulb-pan, covering them one inch, Per Doz. Per 100. CHOICE NAMED) SORTS ;athemnost beautiful grown |<) Suge) se) ss ees es SCE ns $0.30 $2.00 CHOICE SORTS; MiIxeDyminyoreatvariety Gee cjilen eu? o's col) (ey comm noe atk ans R. & J. FARQUHAR & Co,: FAIRLAWN, Newport, R.I., Jan. 6. Gentlemen :— The bulbs you sent me were remarkably fine. The Lily-of-the-Valley was the best I have ever seen, producing 13 to 14 bells on a spike. Everything sent was highly satisfactory, Yours very truly, Harry J. WESTLEY, Gardener for I. T. Burden, Esq. BULBS, PLANTS, SEEDS, AND SUNDRIES. 37 RTE ve Wood Lily or Trinity Flower. Very beautiful, hardy, native plants, delighting in moist, J? > > hady situations. “a Per Doz. Per 10 LV, GRANDIFLORUM, (Giant American Wooa Lily.). Flowers pure white, changing to delicate rose; height, one foot. . . . $0.60 $4.00 ERYTHROCARPUM. (fainted Wood Lily.) Pure white, with bright purple stripes at the base; very beautiful. . . . . . 1.00 6.00 Trillium Grandifiorum. TRITELEIA. (Spring Star Flower.) Charming little tuberous plants either for forcing or out-door culture. For forcing, plant ten or twelve tubers in a six-inch bulb-pan, covering them one inch; in the open garden the tubers should be set 4 inches deep and pro- tected with litter during winter. 4 Per Doz. Per 100. UNIFLoRA. Porcelainblue . . . . $0.15 $0.75 “15 “75 MIOLAGCKEA..oNioletabine? ¢.. se % Ps /