Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. Bi i; SEEDS FOR SUMMER SOWING PANSIES CANTERBURY BELLS FOXGLOVES HOLLYHOCKS LARKSPURS AND ALL HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS BULBS FOR EARLY FORCING FERTILIZERS AND INSECTICIDES SPRAYING PUMPS AND GARDEN TOOLS PLANT STAKES AND OTHER GARDEN REQUISITES PUSTIC HOUSES, ARBORS AND PERGOLAS GREENHOUSE CONSTRUCTION HEATING AND VENTILATING EPPARATUS Marshall Strawberry PLANTS |R. & J. FARQUHAR G Co. POT-GROWN STRAWBERRIES | Seedsmen and Nurserymen READY JULY Ist Except where noted. ROSES, HARDY VINES and OLD- , FASHIONED FLOWERS W |© AND 7 SOUTH MARKET STREET \ POTS FOR SUMMER | BOSTON, MASS. PLANTING \ READY JUNE 15th Telephone, Richmond 1470 \ \ \ Ny R. & J. FARQUHAR &) CO., BOSTON. STRAWBERRY PLANTS. All the varieties offered are perfect-flowering (bisexual) except where marked P. The latter are pistillate and require a row of a_ perfect-flowering sort planted every 8 or 10 feet to pollen ize their blossom. These, if planted in July and August, produce a large crop the next summer. Being grown in pots they may be shipped to a distance and planted with almost no interruption to their growth. The plants may be set in beds of three rows one foot apart and one foot distant in the rows, with a space of two and one-half feet between the outside rows of adjoining beds left for a pathway. They may also be planted in single rows three feet apart and one foot apart in the rows. POT-GROWN PLANTS. From 2} in. pots, well rooted; delivery in July and August. Per 100, $3.00; 250, $6.50; 500, $12.50; 1000, $25.00; for all varieties, cacept where otherwise priced. FIRST EARLY. Exeelsior. This is decidedly the best early Strawberry and the earliest good strawberry. Che fruit is of round conical form, glossy, dark-red color, and of mildly acid flavor. Fairfield. Mr. Johnson, the introducer, says he has never seen any berry nearly its equal for earliness, large size, attractive color, quality and firmness. Sueeess. Large, round, bright searlet, flavor always fine. St. Louis. Duke of Edinburgh. Late. Fruit irregular, but otherwise similar to British Queen. Brandywine. Senator Dunlap. New York. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., BOSTON. BULBS FOR EARLY FORCING. ——— CALLA LILIES. White Calla. Mammoth Roots. $2.50 per doz.; $18.00 per 100. White Calla. Extra Size Roots. $1.75 per doz.; $12.00 per 100. POLYANTHUS NARCISSI. A very decorative class of bulbous plants for green- house and window cultivation, but not hardy out of doors in our climate. They produce enormous trusses of delicately fragrant flowers, varying in color from snowy white to deep yellow. Treat the bulbs in the same manner as noted for Hyacinths, except that the bulbs should be set half an inch deeper in the soil. They may be easily and quickly forced; our florists frequently have them in bloom by Thanksgiving. Early Large-Flowering Paper White. Mammoth Bulbs. ‘The earliest, largest, and most vigorous form of the Paper White; the best of all for very early forcing, pure white. $0.40 per doz.; $2.50 per 100; $20.00 per 1000. Extra Large Bulbs. $0.35 per doz.; $2.00 per 100; $16.00 per 1000. Early Double Roman. White, with deep yellow cup; large flower trusses; excellent for early forcing. 25c. per doz; $1.50 per 100; $12.00 per 1000. Early White Roman Hyacinth. EARLY ROMAN HYACINTHS. These beautiful Hyacinths are indispensable to the florist in his autumn and winter cut-flower work; while to the ama- teur they are among the most easily cultivated and most satis- factory of flowering bulbs. The white variety, if planted early in September and gently forced, will bloom in November; the others require from two to three weeks longer. When grown in pots or pans they are most effective planted in groups of six or more bulbs in each. White. Extra Large. 60c. per doz.; $4.50 per 100; $40.00 per 1000. White. Mammoth. 80c. per doz.; $6.00 per 100; $55.00 per 1000. Pink. 50c. per doz.; $4.00 per 100; $35.00 per 1000. Light Blue. 50c. per doz.; $4.00 per 100; $35.00 per 1000. White Italian or Parisian. These are about a fortnight later than the Early White Roman Hyacinthsand the blossoms some- what larger. They are very useful for forcing, being fragrant and decorative. 50c. per doz.; $4.00 per 100; $35.00 per 1000. ALLIUM. Neapolitanum. Large heads of pure white flowers, very hardy; extensively forced by florists for cutting purposes. $1.00 per 100; $8.00 per 1000. 4 Early Large-Flowering Paper White Polyanthus Narcissus. MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE. 1910. NARCISSI FROM SOUTHERN EUROPE. LARGE TRUMPET NARCISSI. These varieties we offer for the first time are grown in Southern Europe and mature much earlier than the Dutch-grown bulbs. They can be had in bloom several weeks earlier than bulbs grown in a colder climate, and are indispensable for early forcing. Last season we saw several pans of these bulbs in full bloom, the first week in December. The bulbs are smaller in size than the Dutch, but produce blooms of equal size. Early orders are requested, as our supply is limited. Golden Spur. Very large and fine flower, immense golden trumpet, reflexed at the lip; perianth, very broad. 50c. per doz.; $3.00 per 100; $28.00 per 1000. Prineeps Maximus. A large and greatly improved form of the popular N. Princeps, which has always been a favorite forcing sort. It is very early, of good substance, and keeps well when cut. The trumpet is of large size and deep yellow; perianth, pale primrose. 35ce. per doz.; $2.50 per 100; $20.00 per 1000. Emperor. Immense flower; trumpet, clear, golden yellow; perianth, deep primrose, often three and a half inches across; fine forcing sort. 50c. per doz.; $3.50 per 100; $30.00 per 1000. Trumpet Major. Trumpet and perianth, deep golden yellow, flower, large, very effective. 40c. per doz.; $2.50 per 100: $20.00 per 1000. DOUBLE FLOWERING NARCISSI. v Sion. (Telamonious Plenus.) The renowned “Old Double 22% ellow Dafiodil.”” Flowers deep golden yellow; large and very ~~ decorative; the most extensively grown of all Daffodils for florists’ use. 50c. per doz.; $3.00 per 100; $25.00 per 1000 Freesia refracta alba odorata. NARCISSUS JONQUILLA OR JONQUILS. The delicately graceful forms, delicious fragrance, and deep yellow color of their blossoms have made the Jonquils favorites of the amateur and necessities with the florist, They are easily forced, and if started early, may be flowered by Christmas or even earlier. Plant six or eight bulbs in a six-inch bulb pan, covering the crowns half an inch, and treat them in the same manner sug- gested for hyacinths. Double, Sweet Scented. Fine deep yellow, .35 per doz.; $2.50 per 100; $22.00 per 1000. Single, Sweet Scented. Deep yellow; free blooming, .15 per doz.; $1.00 per 100; $8.00 per 1000. Campernelle. Large deep yellow flowers, excellent for cutting, .20 per doz.; $1.25 per 100; $9.00 per 1000. Rugulosus. Rich yellow; very fragrant; the largest Jonquil, .25 per doz.; $1.50 per 100; $12.00 per 1000. FREESIA. Refracta Alba Odorata. Flowers pure white, with yellow throat; fragrant and lasting for two weeks in water when cut. Mammoth Bulbs. .40 perdoz.; $2.50 per 100; $20.00 per 1000. Extra Large Bulbs. .30 per doz.; $2.00 per 100; $16.00 per 1000. Fisher’s ‘‘ Purity.’’ Originator’s stock. A new variety, pro- ducing large sprays of snow white flowers of immense size. Mammoth Bulbs. .75 perdoz.; $4.50 per 100; $40.00 per 1000. First,Size Bulbs. .60 per doz.; $4.00 per 100; $35.00 per 1000. Leichtlini. Primrose yellow, with orange blotch on each petal. Narcissus Princeps Maximus. .30 per doz.; $1.75 per 100; $14.00 per 1000. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO, BOSTON. EARLY FORCING BULBS.—Continued. Lilium Candidum. LILIUM CANDIDUM. Ascension or Old Fashioned English Lent Lily.) (The Mammoth Northern Grown. These are grown for us in the north of France, and are the large thick petalled variety Pure white bell-shaped flowers, borne in erect spikes, excellent both for forcing and open garden cultivation. Bulbs from the Mar- seilles district have become degenerate and affected by disease. They should be avoided. $1.50 per doz.; $8.50 per 100; $80.00 per 1000. By mail, add 5 cents each for postage. OXALIS. Lovely little bulbous plants for hanging pots and baskets. The bulbs should be pl: ante an inch deep, six or eight in a 5-inch pot. They need a sunny situation. Bermuda Buttereup. Flowers .25 per doz.; $2.00 per 100. clear yellow; very beautiful. Boweii. Large rosy crimson flowers and handsome foliage..25 per doz. $1.75 per 100. Grand Duehess Oxalis. These Californian varieties are most desirable for window culture, blooming all winter. The plants are of dwarf habit, producing exquisite flowers on long stems. Grand Duehess White. .30 per doz.; $2.00 per 100. Grand Duchess Pink. .30 per doz.; $2.00 per 100. Grand Duehess Lavender. 25 per doz; $1.75 per COLD-STORAGE LILY OF THE VALLEY. Now Ready. We have a fine stock of Cold-storage Lily of the Valley of our Dresden grade, for summer and fall forcing. Put up in cases of 250 and 500. $6.50 per case of 250; $12.00 per case of 500. 100. LILIES FOR FORCING. The bulbs may be potted from August onward in a compost of equal parts turfy loam, leaf mold, rotted cow manure, and sand. It is best to start them in pots not exceeding twice their own diameter, in which they may remain until started eight inches or more. They should be transferred then to larger pots in which to bloom, exercising great care not to disturb the roots or break the soil from about them, and setting them considerably deeper in the larger pots. This method prevents the soil from becoming sour, and enables the roots forming at the base of the stem to be- come feeders, greatly increasing the number and size of the blossoms. I} Lilies are wanted by mail, add 5 cents each jor postage. LILIUM HARRISII Very choice, Bermuda. Fine Flowering Bulbs. 5 to 7 in. per 100; $26.00 per case of 400. Extra Large Bulbs. 7 to 9 in. 100; $24.00 per case of 200. Mammoth Size. 9to11 in. cire. LILIUM LONGIFLORUM. — Bermuda Grown. Fine Flowering Bulbs. $5.50 (The Bermuda Easter Lily) thoroughly ripened bulbs from the finest stock in cire. $1.00 per doz.; $7.00 eire. $2.00 per doz.; $15.00 per $3.25 per doz; $24.00 per 100. 3) to 7 in. cire. .85 per doz.; per 100; $22.00 per case of 400. Extra Large Bulbs. 7 to 9 in. cire. $1.75 per doz.; $13.00 per 100; 324.00 per case of 200. Mammoth Size. 9 to 11 in. cire. $3.25 per doz.: $24.00 per LOO. LILIUM LONGIFLORUM.—Japan Grown. Giganteum. ‘The flowers of this type are of a large size, perfect in form and of superior substance; stems marked black. 7 to 9 in. cire. $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100. 9 to 10 in. cire. $2.25 per doz.; $16.00 per 100. Formosa. An early flowering type blooming as early as the Harrisii. 7 to 9 in ecire. 9 to 10 in. cire. Bulbs ready for delivery in August. $1.50 per doz.; $10.00 per 100. $2.25 per doz.; $15.00 per 100. Lily of the Valley.” MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910. POT-GROWN HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS. We have adopted the system of growing a large selection of perennials in pots, which admits of their being safe transferred to the open ground at any time during the summer. We offer the following for immediate delivery: Per Doz. Achillea Millefolium Roseum. Pink Miljoil . . $1.90 Achillea Ptarmiea Fl. Pl. “The Pearl. . = 50 I Aehillea Tomentosa. Yellow Yarrow. . . . . 1.50 Agrostemma Coronaria. Wudllein PUK... : 1.50 Alyssum Saxatile Compactum. Gold Dust 1.50 Anthemis Tinetoria. Hardy Marguerite :S 1.50 Aquilegia, Farquhar’s Long-spurred Hybrids Aquilegia Coerulea. Rocky Mountain Blue Columbine Aquilegia, Mixed Sorts. ann: ae: 2.00 50 50 50 Arabis Alpina. Rock Cress 50 2) 2 I 1 I Aster Amethystinus . 1.5 Aster Novae Angliz = 1.50 Aster Novae Angliz Alba... Cote t 1.50 Aster Novae Angliz Rosea_. ie aa: 1.50 Baptisia Australis. False Indigo : 1..50 Boceonia Cordata. Plume Poppy - 1.50 Boltonia Asteroides >> ee 1.50 Boltonia Latisquama... 1.50 Campanula Alliarifwolia . ...- . 1.50 Campanula Carpatiea Carpathian Bells 50 Campanula Glomerata. Clustered Bell-jlower ae 50 Campanula Persicifolia Grandiflora Moerheimi 2.50 Campanula Persicifolia Grandiflora Coerulea . 1.50 Campanula Persiecifolia Grandiflora Alba 1.50 Carnation Her Majesty. Hardy Pink . . . . 2.00 Carnation Plumarius Cyelope .... . .- 1.50 Hardy Chrysanthemum. Aquilegia, Farquhar’s Long-Spurred Hybrids. Centaurea Maecrocephala Centaurea Montana ae at, e Chrysanthemums Hardy, in variety Clematis Recta. . . . cnr Coreopsis Grandiflora Coreopsis Laneeolata . Daphne Cneorum. . mes Each, .: Delphinium. Farquhar’s Hybrids. Larkspur Delphinium Chinensis, Blue Delphinium Chinensis Alba Delphinium Formosum hee Delphinium Formosum Celestinum Delphinium Sibirieum Pan ee Dianthus Diadematis. Diadem Pink Dietamnus Fraxinella. Gas Plant Dielytra Spectabilis. Bleeding heart Eupatorium Fraseri . eens ee Funkia Subeordata Grandiflora. Giant Day Lily Funkia Tenuifolia ere ee Funkia Undulata Media Variegata Gaillardia Grandiflora ane Galium Boreale. Bed Straw Gypsophila Aecutifolia. : ; Gypsophila Panieculata Baby's Breath Helenium Autumnale. Helen Flower Helenium Autumnale Rubra : Helenium Autumnale Superbum Helenium Pumilum Magnificum Helenium Grandicephalum Striatum Helianthus Rigidus Miss Mellish Sa Helianthus Multiflorus. Double Hardy Sunflower SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES ~ ‘ ly R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., BOSTON. POT-GROWN HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS.—Continwed. Per Doz. Per Doz. Hemeroeallis Aurantiaeca Major . . . Each, .50; 5.00 Phlox, F. G. von Lassburg. Pure white, very large .75 Hemeroeallis Disticha Flore Pleno ae .50 — Henry Murger. White with rose eye ri 75 Hemeroeallis Flava. Yellow Day L ‘ly .00 —La Cygne. Pure white; splendid spike 75 Hemeroeallis Middendorfii . .00 — Prof. Sehlieman. Bright lilac rose . 75 Hibiseus Crimson Eye . 50 —R. F. Struthers. Salmon- -pink, crimson eye 75 Hibiseus Moseheutos. Swamp Mallow .50 —Von Goethe. Rich salmon rose See 75 S i=) Hibiseus Moseheutos Albus . . Hypericum Moserianum. St. John's Wort Inearvillea Delavayi Iris Orientalis ; Iris Siberica 2 DOME Liatris Pyenostachia. Kansas Gay Feather Liatris Spicata ‘ oa pees Pid a eee Linum Perenne. Flax Lyehnis Chaleedoniea . Lyehnis Chaleedoniea Alba Lyehnis Haageana . : Lyehnis Visearia Fl. Pleas Lythrum Roseum Superbum. Rose Loose Str: te Monarda Didyma. Bergamot : Hesperis Matronalis Mixed SPR CACM a ate Gnothera Frutieosa Major. Evening Primrose Phlox, B. Comte. Intense purplish crimson — Champs Elysee. Fine rich purplish crimson —Coquelicot. A fine pure scarlet with deep carmine eye — Eelaireur. Glowing crimson, with light halo : — Esperance. Mauve with white centre: extra fine .50 Phlox Subulata Alba. Moss pink .00 Phlox Subulata Rosea ar? .00 Physostegia Virginiea , 200) EhiysosteciasVircinicaeAllb see ene .50 Platyeodon Grandiflora, Blue. Chinese Bell-flower 00). PlatycodonsGrandifiora ~Alba 2. - see .00 Platyeodon Grandiflora Mariesi .50 Platyeodon Grandiflora Mariesi Alba .50 Polemonium Coeruleum. Jacob’s Ladder .50 Polemonium Coeruleum Album .00 Polemonium Riehardsoni ... . .50 Rudbeekia Laneceolata. Golden Glow .50 Salvia Pratensis. Meadow Sage . .50 Saponaria Ocymoides Splendens .50 Stellaria Holostea. Stitchwort . ; .00 Sweet William, Mixed. Dianthus Barbatus 75 Sweet William, White ere Sweet William, Crimson . Tritoma Uvaria Grandiflora ‘Red Hot Poker Tritoma Hybrida Express a ae Si) T=) 00 3: 1- 1 SPs ee eee ae Rone Reale ae ee eradicate eae ie or =) ~I-J] ~]-+ } Over ord A complete list of Field-Grown Hardy Perennials, will be found in our Bulb Catalogue. Ready August 15th. MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910. GERMAN IRISES. Tris Germanica. Frve Fieur-de-Lis. Ready for Delivery in September. Irises require rich soil and abundance of water. The finest blooms are obtained from established clumps; consequently when planted they should remain undisturbed. Set the roots in clumps of three or more, four inches deep, and protect with leaves or other mulch during winter. In the descriptions (S) is used to signify standards or the erect petals; (F) falls or the drooping petals. Prices: Each, 15 cents; dozen, $1.50; 100, $10.00 (except where otherwise given). : Asiatieus. S. violet; F. purple; height 2 feet; early. Atropurpurea or Koehi. S. deep violet blue; F. rich claret purple; height 3 feet; early. Bacehus. S. and F. white; crest golden yellow; height 2 feet; very early. Boceage. S&S. porcelain blue; F. white heavily veined maroon; height 2 ft. Canary Bird. S. yellow; F. white, striped bronze; height 2} feet. Comte de St. Clair. 8S. pale blue; F. deep violet striped and margined white; height 2 feet. Darius. S. Canary yellow; F. striped crimson with white margin; height 24 feet. Dubois de Milan. S. lavender; F. blue veined purple; height 2 feet. Due de Nemours. S. pure white; F. white beautifully marked with rich maroon; height 2 feet. Edith. S porcelain blue; F. purple striped white; height 1} feet. Elizabeth. S. pale blue; F. blue shaded violet; height 2 feet. L’Esperanece. S. bronze; F. rich yellow veined crimson; very beautiful; height 24 feet. Garrick. S. lilac; F. dark violet blue; height 2} feet. Glory of Hillegom. S. and F. clear porcelain blue; height 3 feet. Graecehus. S. pure yellow; F. crimson reticulated white, most effective; height 2 feet. Hermione. S. and F. fine pale lilac; height 2} feet. Honorable. S. golden-yellow; F. striped maroon; height 23 feet. Innoecenza. S. ivory white; F. white striped maroon at base of each petal. crest rich golden; height 2% feet. Johan de Witt. S. light lilac blue; F. purple; height 2 feet. King Edward. S. light blue; F. crimson; height 3 feet; one of the best. Madame Chereau. White, frilled azure blue; height 3 feet. Miss Maggie. S.andF-. pale lavender reticulated violet; height 2 ft. Mrs. H. Darwin. S&S. pure white; F. white slightly reticulated violet; very beautiful and free-flowered, first-class certificate; height 2 feet. eas. Pallida Dalmatiea. Large, lovely lavender flowers, in stately : 5 5 spikes; 3 to 4 feet; each, 25 cents; doz., $2.00. Queen of May. S. lavender pink; F. shading to rose pink; height Panehrea. S. bronze; F. white, striped with intense crimson; 3 feet; very effective. : height 24 feet. Sambueina Beethoven. S. rosy-lilac; F. purple with orange President Carnot. S. light blue; F. deep violet; height 3 feet. crest; height 2 feet. ay Purple Prinee. Royal purple; very effective; height 2 feet; early. Viola. S. deep violet blue; F. rich crimson; height 2} feet. Queen Emma. Pure white; height 2 feet; early. Unnamed Varietes, Finest Mixed. Each, 15 cents; dozen, $1.25; 100, $6.00. JAPANESE IRISES. Iris Kempferi. Ready for Delivery in September. In these we find combinations of form and beauty far excelling any other type. The stately flowers are often 10 to 12 inches in diameter, and of wonderfully varied and beautiful colors. They require rich, moist soil. Our collection is our direct importation from Japan and is remarkably fine. Eaeh, 25 cents; Doz., $2.50; 100, $15.00. No. No. 1. GekKa-no-anami. Double, white. 26. Senjo-no-hora. Pink, shaded with light red, bluish centre. 2. Shishi-odori. Light purple. 27. O-Torige. Violet, maroon centre. ‘“ 3. Kumoma-no-sora. White, shaded light blue. 28. Shiva-Taki Pure white. 4. Kumo-no-obi. Purple, shaded blue, centre white. 29. Shiga-no-ura-nami Light purple. 5. Ho-o-jo. Velvety crimson, centre white. 30. Kagaribi. Vermillion. 6. Geisho-vi. Double, crimson. 31. Kosui-no-iro. White, shaded lilac. 7. So-fu-no-koi. White, shaded and blotched lavender, double. 32. Komoehi-guma_ Rich purple. 8. Mana-dsuru. White, veined with blue, centre yellow. 33. Kaku-jaku-ro. Violet, centre light blue. 9. Hana-no-nishiki. Cerise, centre white. 34. Momiji-no-taki. Pink, centre purple and maroon. 10. Yomo-no-umi. White, centre yellow. 39. Suehiu-kwa. White, edged with red. 11. Mei-ran. White, shaded and blotched pink. 36. Yedo-kKagami. Red, shaded light purple. 12. Kuma-funjin. Rich, deep purple, double. 37. Uji-no-hotaru. Light and dark blue, centre purple. 13. Taihei-raku. Light magenta. 38. Shimo-yono-tsuki. Double white. 14. Hana-aoi. White, shaded light violet, centre dark violet. 39. Tsurugi-no-mai. Purple red, centre dark maroon. 15. Ulehiu. Sky blue, centre white, double. 40. Iso-no-nami. Light blue, blotched dark blue. 16. Oshokun. Dark purple, centre white. 41. QOyodo. Bud pale blue, opens white. 17. Shippo. Light blue, shaded dark blue, centre reddish purple. 42. Bandai-no-nami. White, centre yellow. 18. Kumo-no-isho. Velvety dark red, centre purple. 43. Waka-murasaki. Bright magenta, blotched white. 19. Kimi-no-megumi. Porcelain blue, veins violet and red 44. Kyodai-san. Navy blue, shaded bronze centre. 45. Kigan-no-misao. White, tinged lilac. 20. Kumo-no-uye. Deep purple, double. 46. Koki-no-iro. Bright purple. 21. Yezo-nishiki. Heliotrope. 47. Samidare. White, centre yellow. 22. Shishi-ikari. Light crimson, maroon centre. 48. Tora-odori. White, blotched and shaded blue and lavender. 23. Oniga-shima. Deep purple, centre blue. 49. Tsupu-no-kegoromo. White. 24. Sano-watashi. Rich purple. 50. Date-dogu. Magenta red. 25. Yedo-jiman. Dark purple, shaded light purple. Unnamed Varieties Mixed. Very fine. Dozen, $1.50; 100, $10.00. Six of a Kind Sold at Dozen Rates; 25 at 100 Rates. 9 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., BOSTON. DOUBLE CHINESE PASONIES. Delivery early in September. Pzony Festiva Maxima. September is the best month in which to plant Ponies. Planted then the roots we offer, all grown in our own nurseries, are almost sure to flower next summer. Of many sorts we offer four-year clumps which are likely to yield from six to ten blooms the first season. RARE RICHARDSON PZONIES. The Richardson Ponies are considered among the finest in existence. Dorehester. Magnificent, large, broad, double flowers of deli- cate flesh-pink color; fragrant; late. Each, $1.50. Four-year clumps, each $5.00. Riehardson’s Perfection. Large rose-pink; fragrant;late. Each, $1.50. GENERAL COLLECTION. Alba Maxima. [Fine pink, changing to blush when fully open Each, 35¢.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each, $1.50; doz. $15.00. Amabilis Speciosa. Pink, fragrant. Each, 25c.; Four-year clumps, each, $1.00; doz., $10.00. globular flowers; clear Four-year clumps, $5.00 doz., $2.50. Anaeonda. Blush pink, guard petals, centre white; a charming flower. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Anthemis. Delicate rose pink; guard petals a deeper shade; very double; fragrant. Each, $1.50. Arriguir. Bright rosy-carmine; very large, fragrant. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Baron Rothsehild. Outside petals rose, centre salmon; large, fragrant flower. Each, 25c.; doz., $2.50. Four-year clumps, each, $1,00; doz., $10.00. Canari. Blush shaded with rosy-pink; early. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each, $1.00; doz., $10.00. Charles W. Parker. Brilliant crimson, large and full; splendid for masses. Each, $2.00; doz., $20.00. Couronne d’or. Pure while globular flowers with amber yellow stamens; inner petals sometimes tipped with crimson; fragrant. Each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Crimson Belle. Intense shining crimson semi-double flowers; very showy. Each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Delicatissima. A tall, bold flower, clear rosy-pink with deeper guard petals; fragrant. Each, 35c¢.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each, $1,50; doz., $15.00. Due de Cases. Deep pink, centre salmon; fragrant, blooms in clusters. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Duchess de Nemours. Calot. One of the very best pure white sorts, flowers large; fragrant; one of the best for cut flower use. Each, 75c.; doz., $7.50. Four-year clumps, each, $2.50; doz., $25.00. Duchesse de Nemours. Guerin. Deep rosy-pink, very large full flower, with large petals; very double. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Duchesse d’Orleans. Fine self-colored pink; very fragrant. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Duke of York. Guard petals rose, centre flesh-pink; very large. Each, 35¢.; doz., $3.50. Edulis Alba. Guard petals blush, very large; centre primrose yel- low. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each $1.50; doz., $15.00. Elegans. Guard petals pink; centre creamy-white. doz., $2.50. Eugene Verdier. Pure white, very large globular flowers; one of the finest white sort. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Festiva. Pure white; the inner petals usually tipped with car- mine. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each, $1.00. doz., $10.00. Festiva Maxima. One of the finest sorts with enormous flowers of the purest white; the inner petals of which are tipped with bright crimson. Each, 75c.; doz., $7.50. Four-year clumps, each, $3.00; doz., $30.00. Formosa Rosea. Bright rose, centre blush; fragrant. 35c.; doz., $3.50. Each, 25c.; Each, SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES. 10 MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910. PAZONIES.- -Continued. Fragrantissima. Bright crimson; large full flower; fragrant. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Francis Ortegal. Deep purplish crimson, anthers golden yellow; fragrant, free bloomer. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Humei. Brilliant rose; large, globular, full flowers; strong grower; one of the best late sorts. Each, 50c.;doz., $5.00. Four- year clumps, each, $2.00; doz., $20.00. Jeanne d’Are. A large and lovely flower, delicate pink shaded with sulphur yellow, some of the petals charmingly marked with car- mine; a pleasing and valuable sort. Each, 75c.; doz., $7.50. L’Eelatante. Brilliant crimson maroon; flowers semi-double; very fine. Each, 75c.; doz., $7.50. Four-year clumps, each, $3.00; doz., $30.00. Linne. Beautiful cherry-red, very double, fragrant; blooms in clusters. Each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Madame Calot. A very showy pure white with large guard petals; early. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $2.00; doz., $20.00. Madame Furtado. Deep rose guard petals, centre salmon; fra- grant; early. Each, 50c.; doz. $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $2.00; doz. $20.00. Madame San Jene. Deep pink, full double flowers, late. Each 50c.; doz., $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $2.00; doz., $20.00. Madame de Verneville. Pure white, inner petals occasionally flaked with carmine; early. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Marechal Vaillant. Fine deep crimson, large and very double flowers. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $2.00; doz., $20.00. Marie Lemoine. Very large pure white flowers of perfect form; blooms in clusters. Each, 75c.; doz., $7.50. Meissonier. Deep self-colored crimson with guard petals re- flexed clear to the stem, thus forming a regular ball; very double, late. Each, 75c.; doz., $7.50. Mont Blane. Pure white with creamy white centre; a fine large flower. Each, 75c.; doz., $7.50. Mr. Charles Leveque. Large full double flowers of delicate flesh 2 color the shade of a Daybreak Pink. A charming variety. Each, Peony Couronne d’Or. 50c.; doz., $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $2.00; doz., $20.00. Odorata. Deep rose, self-colored, fragrant. Each, 25c.;doz., $2.50. Perfection. (Dutch). Brilliant rose-pink flower with large guard petals, centre shaded with salmon. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each $1.50; doz., $15.00. Pottsii Alba. Guard petals pink, centre blush, almost white; very fragrant. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each $1.25; doz., $12.00. Princess Beatrice. Silvery pink with very large guard petais; blooms in clusters. Each, $2.00. Prolifera Tricolor. Flesh color, shaded yellow, centre primrose yellow. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Puleherrima. White shaded yellow and salmon pink; centre petals tipped carmine; very beautiful. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Four-year clumps, each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Queen Victoria. Large full flower with broad guard petals, opens blush white, changing to pure white, the centre petals frequently tipped with bright red. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50; Four-year clumps, each, $1.00; doz., $10.00. Queen Wilhelmina. Guard petals deep pink, centre cream chang- ing to white when fully expanded. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Reine Hortense. Deep rose-colored guards, centre salmon blotched with carmine; fragrant; blooms in clusters. Early. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $2.00; doz., $20.00. Reine des Roses. Beautiful shell pink, very large; blooms in clus- ters. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Solfaterre. Deep rose, centre creamy white. Each, 35c.; doz., $3.50. Triumph Gandavensis. I[vory-white, guard petals blush. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Triomphe du Paris. Buds deep rose, opening with large rosy-pink guard petals and cream color centre; early. Each, 50c.; doz., $5.00. Four-year clumps, each, $2.00; doz., $20.00. Vietor Lemoine. A large, superb clear pink of perfect form. Each, $2.00. CHOICE MIXED PAONIES. White Varieties Mixed. Each, 25c.; doz., $2.50. Pink Varieties Mixed. Each, 25c.; doz., $2.50. Red Varieties Mixed. Each, 25c.; doz., $2.50. oe . ne Four-year Clumps. Each, $1.00; doz., $10.00. Peony'VictorsLemoine. SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES. 4 ; 11 HARDY R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., BOSTON. VINES. Akebia quinata. A rapid climber of dense growth, with rich green, clover-like foliage and pendulous clusters of dark purple flowers. .50c. each. Ampelopsis quinquefolia (Virginia Creeper, or Woodbine). Well-known climber, with broad, deeply cut foliage. .50c. each. Quinquefolia, var. Englemannii. Choice variety, with small, glossy green foliage, and disk-like tendrils, which enable the vines to attach themselves to stone and woodwork. .50c. each. Veitechii (Japanese or Boston Ivy). A charming vine, with handsome, glossy green, deeply lobed foliage, assuming a most brilliant autumnal coloring, and with the habit of attaching itself firmly and closely to stonework. 50c. each; $5.00 doz. Aristolochia Sipho (Dutchman’s Pipe). A beautiful vine of strong growth, with showy, broad, and handsome heart-shaped, light green leaves. $1.25 each. Clematis. Henryi. Pure white; constant bloomer. .75 each. Jackmanni, var. alba. Pure white variety. .75 each. JacKmanni. Deep violet purple, broad-petalled flowers. $1.00 each. Mad. Edouard Andre. Rich, dark crimson. $1.00 each. Miss Bateman. Showy, large white flowers. $1.00 each. Heraclezfolia. Massive deep green foliage and clusters of pale blue flowers; July and August. $1.00 each. Paniculata. (Japanese). Rapid grower, quickly covering trel- lises with a dense mass of handsome compound, glossy, dark green foliage, and bearing in late summer an immense profusion of pure white, fragrant, starry flowers, quite hiding the foliage. 4-inch pots, 35c. each; 6-inch pots, $1.00 each. Euonymus Radieans. Japanese evergreen trailer, with dark, glossy green, dense foliage. A moderate climber, particularly de- rable for clothing the foundations of houses and rockwork. 35c. each. Wistaria Chinensis. 12 Euonymus Radiecans, variegata. gated with green, silver and pink. Hedera Helix Foliage handsomely varie- 50e. each. (English Ivy). This well-known climber is desir- able where an evergreen climber is required, but requires shel- tered, shady situations to succeed best. Foliage broad, thick, dark glossy green. 3 to 4 ft., $1.00 each; doz., $10.00. 4 to 5 ft., $1.50 each. Hop vine (Huwmulus lupulus). A very desirable hardy climber of rapid growth suitable for covering unsightly places. 35c. each. Lonicera Braehy, var. aurea reticulata (Golden Honey- suckle). A beautiful sort, foliage handsomely marbled with gold, often showing tinges of pink in its young growth. _50e. each. Braechypoda, var. Halleana (Hall’s Honeysuckle). A charm- ing climber, of rapid dense growth with oval, soft green, persistent foliage and a constant succession throughout the summer of ex- tremely fragrant white and yellow flowers borne in showy clusters. One of the finest for covering trellises and walls. 50c. each. Belgiea (Monthly Honeysuckle). Thick, oval, glossy, green foliage and a nearly continuous succession of clusters of showy, fragrant yellow flowers. 50c. each. Heekrothi. Deep red flowers with yellow throat; continuous bloomer. 75c. each. Periploea Greea. Of slender growth, with lanceolate, rich, dark shining green foliage and small clusters of purple flowers. 75c. each. Schizophragma Hydrangeoides (Climbing Hydrangea). Tp i: * 3 Aw SS , Lio Sis M D PWS IS = _ #5 Standard Bay Tree. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., BOSTON. Begonia Gloire de Lorraine. copynlée “ BEGONIA GLOIRE DE LORRAINE. _Of all Winter-Blooming Plants, Begonia Gloire de Lorraine is the most lavish in its production of flowers. From October until May the plants are so profusely covered with blossoms as to almost conceal the foliage. The flowers are of a bright salmon-rose color, growing in large gracefully drooping panicles. Ready August Ist. Plants from 2} inch pots, $2.00 per dozen; $4.00 per 25; $7.50 per 50; $15.00 per 100. Plants from 34-inch pots, $4.00 per dozen; $30.00 per 100. CYCLAMEN PLANTS. FARQUHAR’S GIANT STRAIN. Giant White. Giant Crimson. Giant Pink. Giant Excelsior, white with claret base. Plants from 4-inch pots, for July delivery, 30 cents each; $3.00 per dozen. PRIMULA CHINENSIS PLANTS. Chinese Primrose. Giant White, Giant Pink, Chiswiek Red. Plants from 24-inch pots, for July delivery, $1.25 per doz.; $10.00 per 100. PRIMULA OBCONICA PLANTS. FARQUHAR’S GIANT STRAIN. Giant Red, Giant White, Giant Pink. Plants from 2}-inch pots, for July delivery, $1.25 per doz.; $10.00 per 100. PRIMULA KEWENSIS PLANTS. A fine winter-flowering variety for the green- house with long trusses of bright yellow flowers; fragrant. Plants from 2}-inch pots, for July delivery, 30c. each; $3.00 per dozen. BAY TREES AND BOXWOOD TREES. STANDARD BAY TREES. Crowns. Each Height. 22 to 24 in. diam. panes ... 97.00 | 4 feet 24 to 26 in. diam. ee ah 8.00 | 5 feet 26 to 28 in. diam. aes ... 10.00} 6 feet 30 to 32 in. diam. te ea oONl” feet 36 to 38 in. diam. ea: ae alt O07 toro nteet 42 to 44 in. diam. Be ... 25.00| 8 feet Larger Sizes of Standard and Pyramidal Bay Trees from our stock or for importation can be supplied—prices on application. Half-Standard Bay Trees. 15 to 18 inches. Each, $4.00; per pair, $7.00. BOXWOOD TREES. These are trained in the form of Pyramidal Bay Trees and are used for They have been found to survive the winter out of doors on similar purposes. the Massachusetts coast, with slight protection. Pyramidal. 3 to 34 ft. Each, $3.50. $5.00 to $6.00. Standards. 15-inch diam. Each, $2.50. __ Notice. slight variations are unavoidable. 4 Diameter of Base. Each. 18 in. $7.00 24 in. 10.00 24 to 26 in. 15.00 30 in. 22.50 36 in. 25.00 42 in. 30.00 Stems 24 inches in height, diameter of heads (Buxus Arborea.) 34 to 4 ft. Each, $4.00. 18-inch diam. Ij box trees are wanted in heavy green painted tubs, add $1.50 for each plant. The measurements of the foregoing trees are approximately correct ; PYRAMIDAL BAY TREES. 4 to 5 ft. Each, $3.50. Pyramidal Bay Tree. MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910. HARDY CONIFERS. The following Evergreens are suitable for early fall planting: ABIES alba. White Spruce. Valuable for planting near the sea. 3 feet. Each, $1.00. Specimens, 443 to 5 feet. ‘ Balsamea. Balmoj Gilead Fir. Rich dark green foliage silvery underneath. 2 to 24 feet ae oe ae Canadensis. Hemlock Spruce. Dark green foliage, val- uable for partial shade. 3to4feet .. Coneolor. Colorado Silver Fir. One of the most beauti- ful and graceful evergreen trees, growing in symmetrical pyramid form, with long feathery foliage of silvery green color which curves upward. As a lawn specimen, it is one of the most decorative trees. 2 to 3 feet Coneolor violacea. Foliagesilveryblue. 2 feet Exeelsa. Norway Spruce. Serviceable for screens, shel- tersandclumps. 24to3feet. Perdoz., $6.00 33 to 4 feet. Per doz., $9.00 ecimen trees, 5 to 6 feet, $2.00 to $5.00 each. esis aurea. Golden Crested Spruce. The leaves on the upper sides of the shoots become golden yellow. 3 to 4 feet. Per doz., $25.00 See Eee ge ie Pungens Kosteriana. The finest form of Colorado Blue Spruce. One of the hardiest and choicest evergreens; foliage steel blue. 14 feet each, $2.50; 24 feet ... Larger specimens, each, $7.50 to $50.00. JUNIPERUS Suecieca. Swedish Juniper. Grows in the form of a neat, compact column; foliage golden green. 34 feet. Doz., $10.00 eee a ae ee Japonica aurea. Of erect conical habit; golden foli- age. 2 to 23 feet ius Sok Se Sie irginiea. Red Cedar. Well-formed, cultivated speci- mens of this native evergreen are highly ornamental. 2 to 3 feet. Doz., $5.00 PINUS Austriaca. Austrian Pine. A noble tree of rapid growth with massive horizontal branches covered with long, thick, dark green foliage; pyeey. hardy. 14 to 2 feet. Doz., $4.00; each, 50 cents. 2 to 24 feet. Doz., ae OU each, $1.00. 3 to 4 feet, bushy. Doz., $12.00 Strobus. White or Weymouth Pine. Useful for screens, windbreaks and backgrounds. 3 to 34feet. Doz., $10.00; Sylvestris. Scotch Pine. One of the best trees for ex- posed situations. 3to4feet. Doz., $10.00. 1 1 SIX OF A KIND .00 00 00 RETINOSPORA Filifera. Mugho.- Dwarj Mountain Pine. An Alpine species ex- tremely valuable for exposed situations, of dwarf, spread- ing habit, seldom over 4 feet in height. The foliage is of strong deep green color, and the branching growth of this beautiful bushy Pine makes it exceedingly desirable for lawn clumps, evergreen borders and terraces. It is one of the best evergreens for planting near the sea. 12 to 15 inches. Broadspecimens. Doz., 38.00 : ace Thread-like drooping, light green branches; pyramidal form; graceful and beautiful. 24to3tfeet. Doz., $20.00 Filifera aurea. New. A golden-leaved form of the pre- ceding. 14 feet F Obtusa. A compact, pyramid tree, dark green 1 foliage, tinted bronze. 3to34feet. Doz., $25.00 : Plumosa. Forms a handsome pyramid of dense, feathery y branches, fine light green foliage. 2 feet. Doz., 36. 00; each, © cents. 3feet. Doz., $15.00; each, $1.50. 4 feet. Doz., $25.00 Pianos aurea. One of the best Evergreens, forming a pyramid of rich golden foliage which holds its color the year round. It is one of the most brilliant and hardy coni- fers. 14 to 2 feet. Each, 75 cents. 24 to3 feet. Each, $1.50. Larger specimens, $2.00 to $10.00 each. THUJA Oceidentalis. American Aborvite. Extremely useful for screens, clumps or lawn specimens. 4 feet. Doz., $9.00 ae ae yas Se Fine specimens, 5 to 6 feet. Each, $2.50. 7 to 8 feet, each, $3.50. Occidentalis lutea. Nootka Sound Cypress. Yellow foliage. 2to 2} feet. Doz., $20.00 24 1 to 3 feet wr ‘ Elwangeriana. Yellowish. 2 to 3 feet ' ae George Peabody. Golden yellow, very h: urdy. Sita sor pyramidalis. Habit like the Italian Cypress. 2 to 3 feet, .75. 4 feet Ke ee Ke zn Siberica. Siberian Aborvite. Deep green; very hardy. 24 to 3 feet be Verveeneana. A gr: acefully drooping, yellow marked Arborvitze. 2 to 3 feet, $1.00; 3 to 4 feet SOLD AT DOZEN RATES. 15 Each. vA) pe 00 00 00 50 30 OO OO O00 oOo 50 OO R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO, BOSTON. HARDY CONIFERS.—Continued. A Block of Norway Spruce (Abies Excelsa) at our Sharon Heights Nursery. A Corner in our Sharon Heights Nursery. HEDGE PLANTS AND PLANTS FOR HEDGEROWS Doz. Arbor Vitz. Transplanted, 14 to 2 ft. $3.00 SS i tonout ie 5.00 ——|—— Sh top tte hs 8.00 Hemloek Spruce. 2 to 3 ft. 8.00 100. $25.00 40.00 60.00 60.00 16 Norway Spruce. Norway Spruce. 34 to 4 ft. Doz. 100. 1} to 2 ft $2.00 $15.00 24 to 3 6.00 40.00 9.00 65.00 MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910. RHODODENDRONS AND KALMIAS Delivery in September. HARDY HYBRIDS UNNAMED. Mixed Colors. We grow a large assortment of the best Eng- lish, large-flowering, hardy sorts. These are the most satisfactory of all Rhododendrons for gen- eral planting, for lawn groups and for borders near the residence. The colors are brilliant, running chiefly in white, pink, rose, scarlet and crimson. Plants, 18 inches high, 6 buds, each $1.00; doz., $10.00. 18 to 24 inches high, 10 buds, each $1.50; doz., $16.00. 24 to 30 inches high, 15 buds, each, $2.00; doz., $20.00. Specimen plants, each, $3.50 and upwards. NAMED VARIETIES. Caractaeus. Rich purplish crimson, 15 inches high, 6 to 10 buds, each, $1.50; doz., $16.00. 15 to 18 inches high, 10 to 15 buds, each, $2.50; doz., $28.00. 18 to 24 inches high, 15 to 20 buds, each, $3.50; doz., $40.00. 24 to 36 inches high, 20 to 25 buds, each, $5.00. Lady Clermont. Pale scarlet, 15 inches high, 6 to 10 buds, each, $1.50; doz., $16.00. 15 to 18 inches high, 10 to 15 buds, each, $2.50; doz., $28.00. 18 to 24 inches high, 15 to 20 buds, each, $3.50; doz., $40.00. Lady Armstrong. Crimson, 15 inches high, 6 to 10 buds, each, $1.50; doz., $16.00. 15 to 18 inches high, 10 to 15 buds, each, $2.50; doz., $28.00. 18 to 24 inches high, 24 to 30 buds, each $3.50; doz., $40.00. Everestianum. Rosy-lilac, very free, 15 inches high, 6 to 10 buds, each $1.50; doz $16.00. 15 to 18 inches high, 10 to 15 buds, each, $2.50; doz., $28.00. 18 to 24 inches high, 15 to 20 buds, each, $3.50; doz., $40.00. 24 to 30 inches high, 20 to 25 buds, each, $5.00. Old Port. Deep Crimson, 24 inches high, 10 to 15 buds, each, $3.50; doz., $40.00. 24 to 30 inches high, 15 to 20 buds, each, $5.00. Atrosanguineum. Deep blood red, 15 inches high, 6 to 10 buds, each, $1.50; doz., $16.00. 15 to 18 inches high, 10 to 15 buds, each, $2.50; doz., $28.00. 18 to 24 inches high, 15 to 20 buds, each, $3.50; doz., $40.00. Album Elegans. Blush changing to white; very free, 18 inches high, 6 to 10 buds, each, $1.50; doz., $16.00. 18 to 24 inches high, 10 to 15 buds, each, $2.50; doz., $28.00. 24 to 30 inches high, 15 to 20 buds, each, $3.50; doz., $40.00, 30 to 36 inches high, 20 to 25 buds, each, $5.00. Charles Diekens. Deep scarlet, 15 inches high, 6 to 10 buds, each, $1.50; doz., $16.00, 15 to 18 inches high, 10 to 15 buds, each, $2.50; doz., $28.00. 18 to 24 inches high, 15 to 20 buds, each, $3.50; doz., $40.00. RHODODENDRONS. NATIVE VARIETIES. Maximum. Suitable for clumps in shady or partially shady situations, also useful to form backgrounds for R. Catawbiense and the Hardy Hybrid sorts. Plants, 3 feet, bushy, each, $2.50; doz., $25.00. 4 to 5 feet, bushy, each, $4.00 to $5.00; doz., $40.00 to $50.00. Carload price on application. Catawbiense. Excellent for groups. Plants, 2 to 3 feet, 10 to 15 buds, each, $2.50; doz., $25.00. 3 to 4 feet, 15 to 20 buds, each, $3.50; doz., $35.00. KALMIA LATIFOLIA, Mountain Laurel. _ Flowering plants, each, .75; doz., $7.50. Large imported plants, each, $1.00; doz.,$10.00. Extra large imported plants, each, $1.50; doz., $15.00. Hardy Hybrid Rhododendron Kalmia Latifolia SIX OF A KIND SOLD AT DOZEN RATES. 1g R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO. BOSTON. PANSIES, GIANT OR TRI- MARDEAU.—Continued. 3165 White with Violet Pkt. Eye, OZe 250 Reto Ze onmeLo 3170 Rosy Lilae LOZ Zor e2o. 3175 Striped. Great va- riety of colors, Oz.,3.00; 40z.,1.00; .15 3180 Mixed. Fine assort- ment of colors, Oz., 1-505, +0z.,.50; .10 3185 Colleetion of 6 Varieties Separ- ate, our selection, BEDDING PANSIES., 3190 Azure Blue, Pkt. Oz., 2.00; }.0z.,.60; .10 3195 King of the Blacks, Oz., 2.00; $0z., .60 .10 3200 Bronze, (OVA WGCIE BOVE oR 10) 3205 Cardinal. B ea red ... 4$0z., 00; .10 3210 Emperor pbeden: ick. Deep purple edged with scarlet and yellow; centre golden bronze, Oz; La7ossti0z., 505) 10 3215 Emperor William. Deep blue, PANSIES. 3220 Golden Yellow. Wena oo ee ok ‘ Oz., 1.50: toz., .60; .10 Culture of Pansies. — Pansies thrive best ina cool, moist, but well drained 3995 [Lord Beaconsfield. Violet: upper petals a | ur soil, enriched with well rotted barnyard manure, or fine ground bone. Seeds shading to white, Oz.,2.00;40z., .60; .10 sown in spring in a partially shaded situation will produce fine plants for autumn 3930 Pupple. Rich deep shade, flowering. The finest blooms are to be obtained, however, by sowing in July or Oz.,1.50;407., .50; .10 August, giving the plants protection during winter, when they will bloom pro- 3935 Psyche. Velvety violet-blue, white mar- fusely in the spring and summer. gin, 1 oz., 1.00; .25 3085 Farquhar’s Finest Show Strain, Mixed. This is a superb mix- 3240 Silver- edged. Dark purple with white ture of the largest and best types in an immense variety of brilliant | _ edge Oz., 1.25; .10 colors. Oz., $12.00; 40z., $3.50; Ber eo packet of about 250 3249 Orchidaefiora, mixed. A new race em- seeds igh oe 50 bracing many interesting combinations of 3090 Farquhar’s Finest Show Strain, Mixed. color, not to be found in any other type h Second size packet of about 100 seeds, .250 | of pansy; very effective ... }$02.,1.25; .25 3095 Farquhar’s New Frame Giants. This isthe finest strain known;the 3200 White. Withdark eye, _ ie flowers being of perfect form and richest colors. For frame culture this | __ ; Oz., 1.50; $0z., .50; .10 variety is unexcelled, producing flowers of great size and perfection. It 3290 Pure White. Invaluable for large beds, is eque ally goodoutofdoors ... alae Pkt., $1.00 | : : Oz., 1.50; f0z., .50; .10 3100 Special Mixture. Embracing the Te: ading. strains, all grown by Spe- 3260 Choice Mixture. In splendid variety, cialists in Europe, and including the finest colors and markings inend- || ; Oz., 1.50; }0z.., 50; .10 less variety. This mixture is extensively used by florists. 3265 Colleetion of 12 Varieties ‘Separate, Oz., $5.00; + oz., $1.50; Pkt., .25 ie our selection .. . 1.00 3105 Cassier’s Giant Mixture. An excellent strain for outdoor or °%270 Collection of 6 Varieties Separate, greenhouse cultivation. The plants are of sturdy growth, producing our selection ... : . . 00 large round flowers, beautifully blotched. The colors ate nee and varied. Oz., $5.00; 4 0z., SOM Pkt.) (20 3110 Bugnot’s Large Blotehed. Hines formed flowers of a and brilliant TUFTED PANSIES. Viola Cornuta. colors : SOR eelOvA CPOs DeAttr 3 2) 3115 gma fe Perret Giant Hybrids. A meee and bean recone Elegant free-blooming plants for partially- giant flowers borne on long stems. The colors are mostly rich rec Sea aS es jes and wine shades. Oz., $6.00; 4 oz., $1.00; Pkt., Siete Ioecls evict lnonclon 3120 Masterpiece, Mixed. Filled Pansy. A large flowering type with 3275 Admiration. Rich dark blue, Pkt. beautifully curled or waved petals; very attractive, }.0z., $1.00; Pkt., .25 O75 2.50) tiozs, stor eLO 3125 Fine Mixed. Manycolors ... Oz., $1. 00: 4 oz., .30; Pkt., .05 3280 Blue Perfection. Mauve, yellow eye, Oz., 2.50; toz., ‘75; .10 > 3285 Grandiflora lutea. Golden yellow flowers, PANSIES, GIANT OR TRIMARDEAU. Pkt. EU Ae ie eIeOn | eee lan 3130 Emperor William. Ultramarine blue; the finest dark blue 3290 Mauve Queen. Light blue, variety : ae ay. Oz 250" 07. ao eno Oz., 2.00; toz., .60; .10 3135 Queen of the Blues. Lavender blue Pune .75; .15 3295 Pink. A new and pleasing shade, 3140 Golden Gem. Pure yellow BeOOR Soh. 0)s ois WF oze eZ 5r 5 3145 Snow Queen. Pure white ... DDO i .65; .15 3300 Papilio. A lovely violet-lilac; very free, 3150 Golden Yellow with Dark Eye, Dainge woe NS 4 oz., .50; .10 3155 King of the Blaeks. Coal black DY oR .75; .15 3305 White Perfection. Snowy white, 3160 Lord Beaconsfield. Violet; upper petals Oz., 2.00; toz., .60; .10 shading to white, ae aaa ie ela OO}neaes 60; 3310 Mixed. Allcolors, Oz., 1.50; +0z., .50; .10 iw) eS Or 18 MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910. FARQUHAR’S HARDY PERENNIAL FLOWER SEEDS. Mailed free at catalogue prices to any address in the United States. In ordering it is unnecessary to write the names—the numbers are sufficient. The minimum charge for seeds by weight is 10 cents. Fractions of an ounce where not quoted, will be charged at a slight advance over the ounce rates. Hardy perennials are easily raised from seeds; they may be sown during the early summer. The simplest method is to sow them in a frame, pro- tecting the seedlings as they appear above ground from the sun. ‘The soil should be kept evenly moist but not saturated. Transplant the seedlings once or twite if necessary to prevent crowding. 5910 ACANTHUS Latifolius. Stately hardy plant, with large Pkt. decorative leaves, and handsome, tall flower spikes; excellent.for lawn groups. 3 feet ath fm 1am ee Oz7750; .10 5915 ACANTHUS Mollis. The rich massive leaves of this variety are supposed to have suggested the Corinthian style of archi- tecture; flowers white. 2 feet sherk ae ae O7zei50; 10 5920 ACHILLEA Ageratum. Miljoil or Yarrow. A most desirable variety with bright golden-yellow flowers; sweetly scented. 13 feet ote Sane Pas ers Hee + oz., .30; .10 5925 ACHILLEA Ptarmiea, The Pearl. One of the finest per- ennials, blooming all summer; the flowers are borne in clusters on long stems, and are of purest white. 14 feet, 40z., 1.50; .25 5930 ACONITUM. Lyeoetonum. Monkshood. Very free-flowering, ale yellow. 3 feet eee ao oui 4 02Z.,:50; .15 5935 apellus. Large dark blue flowers. 3 feet, Oz., 1.00; 4 0z.,.35; .10 5945 Pyrenaicum. Flowers large, pure yellow. 3 feet, 4 0z., .75; .15 5955 ADONIS Vernalis. One of the best spring flowering perennials; large yellow blossoms. 1 foot See aoe 22. O78 .505 -05 5965 AGROSTEMMA. Coronaria Atrosanguinea. Muilein Pink. An old-fashioned perennial with silvery white foliage and dark crimson flowers. 2 feet ee Sint. wnt Ozee2o; 05 5970 Coronaria Alba. Similar to the preceding; with white flowers Pere sm oe aan ee O72 05 5975 Hybrida Walkeri. Large bright pink flowers, 4 oz., 1.25; .25 5985 ALYSSUM. Saxatile Compactum. Gold Dust. Valuable hardy perennial of spreading growth, producing masses of bright yellow flowers in spring. 9 in. nae Oz:, .60; #0z7,9:20: .10 5990 Saxatile Silver Queen. A new variety with lovely pale lemon-colored blossoms; flowers in great profusion, 9 inches .25 5995 Rostratum. Bright golden-yellow flowers bate 4 02.,.50; .15 6000 ANCHUSA Barrelieri. Free-blooming perennial with Forget- me-not-like flowers of rich deep blue; valuable for cutting. it sfeet, 9 a. tn ae ae ue 4 07z., .30; .15 6005 Italiea. A popular sort with dark blue flowers resembling Borage. Excellent for bees oe a: ee O7-607 = 05 6015 ANTHEMIS Tinetoria Kelwayi. A greatly improved strain of this handsome perennial with bright yellow daisy-like flowers. 14 feet, 55 er aes ac oe 4 0z., .25; .10 Aquilegia{Farquhar’s Long-Spurred Hybrids. Pkt. 6030 AQUILEGIA COLUMBINE. Farquhar’s Long-spurred Hybrids. Our Hybrids com- prise the best and brightest colors as well as many new and beautiful combinations of colors of charming and striking contrast in the same flower. The strain includes shades of blue, mauve, lavender, pink, searlet, orange, yellow and white, of the large- flowered and long-spurred forms. 14 to 3 feet, Oz., 3.50; + oz., 1.00; 4 oz., .60; .25 6035 Alpina. Deep blue, useful for rockeries. 1 ft. }0z.,.30; .10 6040 Californica hybrida. Petals golden yellow, sepals and spurs crimson magnificent. 2 feet, + oz., 1.00; .25 6045 Canadensis. The small scarlet and yellow native species facrd ‘Spe Qz., 1.00; 4 0z., .35; .05 6050 Chrysantha. Pale vellow long-spurred flowers. Alyssum Saxatile Compactum. 2 feet. Ae. 3 Ox) 2524 02, 40; -10 19 R. & J. FARQUHAR] & ‘CO BOSTON: PERENNIAL FLOWER SEEDS.—Continued. 6055 AQUILEGIA Chrysantha grandiflora alba. Beautiful pure white, Pkt. long spurs ae oe ee A Bid sae Ka +1075, OOS 20 6060 Coerulea. Rocky Mountain Columbine. Exquisite variety with pale Be blue and white flowers, long spurs. 3 feet aoe POz., 125. 25 6065 Corulea White. Rocky Mountain White Columbine. The best long-spurred white Ns sue 1 oz., 1.00; .20 6070 Glandulosa. Dark blue saith mainte corel Aon ers 3 Pehee across. A superb sort. 2 feet ... ; ark or ae aie Soe. 6075 Haylodgensis. Cerulea ones Large-flowered hybrids with fone spurs; {shades of blue, white and yellow. 3 feet ... ee) FOZ OOk 20 6080 Jaetsehaui. Large yellow blossoms with red spurs. 2 feet, 1 oz., 1.00; .15 6085 Nivea grandiflora. Pure white ae if en Oz., 40; 05 6090 Olympiea. Delicate mauve with white corolla; a lovely shade. 14 feet ... vay ene San eae Pore erie F (OVAny De (OS 6095 Skinneri. Mexican Columbine. Large scarlet and volley PONE long’spurs. 2 feet ase iy } 0z., 1.00; .25 6100 Stuarti. Enormous dark Gite Teas spurred Slower sails white ie 2 feet sents sa sisie 3 Samet 6 ae ste oO 6105 Truneata. Orange-scarlet with yellow. Te feeb 3 t 0z., .00; .10 6110 Double White. 2 feet iy Oz., 753 4 0z., 253 05 6115 Farquhar’s Double Hybrids Mixed (oursclennen coutiatins only the finest forms of the double Columbine ae sate zoe AZo 6120 Single Mixed. In great variety ... ist ve sah. AOE. 7003) 705 6125 Collection of 10 Pk. Varieties Separ- ate. Ourselection 1.50 6130 ARABIS Alpina. Rock Cress. Very early-flowering hardy perennial with erect spikes of pure white flowers} valwa- ble for edgings and rockeries. 6 to 9 in. Oz., .60; +0z., .20; .10 6145 ASCELPIAS tuberosa. Milkweed or Swallow Wort. One of the finest native perennials with compact umbels of brilliant orange-red flowers. Invaluable for border or shrubbery groups. 2 feet bf fs t OZ. «f0; sO 6155 ASPERULA odorata. Sweet Woodrujj. Pretty hardy plant, thriving in partial shade; flowers white. 9inches. The leaves and flowers when dried have an odor like new hay and when laid among clothes perfume them and keep away insects Sa km vor pee OZ eho O ASTERS. Michaelmas Da isy. These showy, hardy peren- nials are easily raised from seeds and if sown early in spring are likely to bloom the following autumn. They may also be sown from May Canterbury Bells, Farquhar’s Prize. to July. 6170 Alpinus. Purple, large yel- low centre ... +t0o0z., .380 .10 6175 Alpinus speciosus. Rich purple; very large. 2 feet, 4 oz., 1.00; 6180 Bessarabieus. Large pur- ple flowers. 2 ft., + OZ, alos. LO 6185 Nove Angliz. Bright violet-purple. 4 ft., 4 OZs elon fo 6190 Ptarmicoides. Distinet variety with pure white flowers; useful for cutting. 1} feet ... 4 02Z., 60; .10 6205 New Hybrids Mixed. Many beautiful shades, + OZ. leoo see 6220 BAPTISIA Australis. False Indigo. A strong growing plant, producing spikes of pea-shaped blue flowers six inches in length. 24 feet Campanula persicifolia grandiflora white. (OVA, FNS (0/5) Delphinium Farquhar’s Hybrid. 20 bo or bo Or MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE. 1910. PERENNIAL FLOWER SEEDS.—Continued. 6225 BOCCONIA Japonica. Plume Poppy, or Tree Celan- Pkt. dine. A noble, hardy perennial, with large glaucous leaves and tall flower stems with terminal panicles of white flowers. Useful for planting as a background in large beds. 6 to 8 feet . Oz.; -50; 200 30 BOLTONIA Asteroides. One of the showiest of our native perennials closely resembling and allied to the hardy Asters; flowers pure white. 6feet .. PSs elo 6235 BOLTONIA latisquama. Flowers pink, ’ slightly tinged with lavender; the finest of the section. 5 feet, .20 6245 CALLIRHOE vertieillata. Poppy Mallow. Elegant hardy Mallow of easy culture and spreading growth, with large crimson Linum-like flowers. 14 feet, OZa-507 ~ 10 CAMPANULA. — Bell-Flower. All the species of Cam- panula are elegant when in bloom and are worthy of being largely grown. They are chiefly hardy biennials and perennials and it is best to sow these two classes in June or July for plants to bloom the next summer. PERENNIAL VARIETIES. 6250 Carpatiea. Carpathian Blue Bell. Neat hardy peren- nial growing in compact tufts; flowers clear blue, splen- did for mixed borders. 8 in. Oz., .50; -10 6255 Carpatiea alba. White Carpathian, Bell White, .60; + oz., 20; .10 6260 Glomerata. Clustered Bell-jlower. ee clusters of funnel-shaped violet-blue flowers. 14 feet, $0z., .50; .10 6265 Grandis. Great Bell-jlower. Large saucer- -shaped violet- blue flowers. 14 feet 40Z.5.-405 old 6270 Hostii. A giant form of the Scotch ‘Blue Bell. Rich blue. 1 foot : ; 25 6275 Maerantha. Purplish-blue; large flowers. 9 feet, Oz., .40; .05 6280 Mirabilis. Very ornamental variety of branching habit. each branch tipped with numerous large, light blue flowers. 2 feet 50 6285 Nobilis. Long tubular light purplish flowers of medium size. 2 feet 25 6290 Persieifolia grandiflora. Blue. One of the finest Campanulas, with large bright blue geet flowers. 2 feet 10s Sp 6295 Persicifolia ‘grandiflora ‘White. Erect. spikes of snow-white flowers ... $+ 02., 1.50; .25 6300 Persicifolia Mixed. Shades of blue and white, $ 0z., 1.50; .25 6305 Punetata. Whitish spotted with red, 14 feet ey) 6310 Pyramidalis. The Chimney Campanula. Stately hardy perennial; very handsome as a border plant or grown in pots for conservatory decoration. 4 feet, Oz: 60; 2.0z., -205 10 6315 Pyramidalis Alba. White, Oz., .60; 4 0z., .20; .10 6320 Turbinata. Purple; 6 inches, eee OZ eee O CANTERBURY BELLS. — Campanula medium. Showy, hardy biennials, growing in pyramidal form and bearing many large, bell-shaped flowers; very effective in mixed borders and in shrubberies. 23 feet. Seedlings raised in June or July bloom the following summer. 6325 Farquhar’s Prize Mixed. A combination of the finest colors including single, double and cap-and= saucer varieties ae Oz:, 1.7553 ¢ 0z., .50; .10 SINGLE CANTERBURY BELLS. Campanula Sot. 6330 Pink. 6335 Mauve. 6340 Blue. 6345 White. 6350 Striped. 6355 Mixed. Each of the above varieties and mixture, Oz,-.50% 205 DOUBLE VARIETIES. 6360 Blue. 6365 White. ... Each, Oz., 1.00; 4 0z., .35; .10 6370 Pink. oe = ee OZ 1850: £ 02., 150; 7°. 15 6375 Mixed. ae oe O71: 00407., 30; . 10 CUP AND SAUCER VARIETIES. Cuneta medium Calycanthema. 6380 Pink. A charming color - =. 0z., 2.00; } oz., .60; .25 6385 Blue. 6390 Mauve. 6395 White. 6400 Mixed. Each of the above colors and Se, except pink, 1575514 02., .005 215 6405 Colleetion of 8 Varieties Canterbury Bells Separate. Our selection ‘ 50 21 6410 6415 6420 6425 6430 6435 6440 Farquhar’s Superb Foxgloves. CANDYTUFT. Free-flowering dwarf perennials, suit- pxt. able for rockwork and the edges of herbaceous bord- ers. 6 in. Gibraltarica. White, shaded with pink, }0z., 1.00; -: Sempervirens. A very hardy variety, with glossy, deep green foliage which is evergreen; flower white ... . Tenoreana. Pale purple; very early. 6 inches, QOz., .30; HARDY CARNATIONS. For the open garden. It is advisable to protect these with a light covering of pine boughs or coarse straw during winter. 1 to 2 feet. Grenadin Searlet. Double flowers, early. 2 feet, 1 9=. + 0Z., 1.25; Grenadin White : : * Farquhar’ s Prize Strain Mixed. Our Prize Strain is particularly adapted to garden planting and includes only the best types in a great v ariety of colors, : “Oz., 3.00; # oz., 1.00; Fine Mixed ee Je2 ee OO, ys). 60; 6475 Chater’s Double Hollyhock. HARDY CARNATIONS.—Continued. Plumarius Cyelope Double Mixed. A Pkt. charming race of double Pheasant-Eye pinks. Very fragrant and hardy : ei Plumarius Double Mixed. Pheasant- Eye Pink, oan : 4 oz., 1.00; Plumarius Seoticus. Paisley Pink. This race of Scotch pinks is quite as much in favor for winter forcing as for border cultivation. The flowers resemble the true Carnation and have the strongest spice fragrance CENTAUREA Babyloniea. A most desea . ble hardy perennial with showy yellow flowers. 3 feet eae sei) OZ Zor 10 6480 6485 6490 6495 6515 6520 6550 6555 6560 657( 657: 6586 © sta one 6585 6590 6595 6600 6605 6610 6620 6625 6655 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO,, BOSTON. PERENNIAL FLOWER SEEDS.—Continued. CENTAUREA Maerocephala. One of the finest hardy Centau- Pkt. reas, with large thistle-like heads of golden yellow flowers; useful for cutting. 3 feet Be aoe 4 0z., .30; .10 Montana. Large blossoms ‘of deep purple; very showy, OZ OOM lee CEPHALARIA alpina. An attractive perennial with pretty sulphur yellow flowers especially desirable for large herbaceous borders. 3 to 4 feet ; rae — 4 oz., .30; .10 CERASTIUM tomentosum. Snow in Summer. The foliage of this hardy perennial is perfectly white and its dense matted growth makes it valuable for edgings and rockeries. 4 inches .25 CHRYSANTHEMUM. King Edward VII. Flowers pure white, the handsomest of allthe Maximum varieties. 3 feet .. .25 Maximum. O2x-Eye Daisy. Hardy Daisy with large white flowers; excellent for cutting eee 3 feet, + 0z., .50; .10 COREOPSIS, or Calliopsis. Grandiflora. Bright golden yellow flowers, 3 to 4 inches in diameter, the broad petals overlapping and beautifully fringed. 3 feet Oz., 505 10 Eldorado. An improv ‘ed form from California with lowers 4 to 5 inches across : 4 0z., 2.00; .25 Laneeolata. Rich golden ‘yellow ‘flowers with ae stems /0z:, 005, . Lo DAISY.—Bellis perennis fl. pl. Farquhar’s Double White, aes f oz., 1.50; $ OZ Sonwalios Farquhar’s Double Pink, » +02, 1.50 4 02:.-85s lo Farquhar’s Double Mixed. Saved from the finest double flowers, . $ 0z., 1.25; 4 02., .75; .15 DELPHINIUM. Farquhar’ s Selected Hybrids Mixed. Larkspur. This strain ineludes the best of the new single and double varieties; the flower-spikes being large, varying in color from pearly white to lavender and from soft azure blue to rich indigo. 4 feet : ; Oz., 2.50; 4 02.. .75; .20 Cardinale. Bright scarlet w ‘ith yellow centre. 3 feet Sete ee, Cashmerianum. Pale blue flowers, 2 inches across. 14 feet .25 Caueasicum. A striking species; flowers violet. 14 feet 1 (OZ) oD LO Chinensis. Grandijflorum. Azure blue. 14 feet, Oz., .60; .05 Chinensis, White Be a ahs Aris Oz, 605.05 Chinensis, Mixed. Shades of blue and white, Oz, ).50205 Elatum. Bee Larkspur. Rich blue shades, with black centres. 4 feet Pee cee Liste 4 0Z., 00; .0o Formosum. Splendid dark blue ‘with white eye. 3 feet, Oz., 1.00; 40z., .35; .10 Formosum Celestinum. Very beautiful large pale blue flowers + 02., 1.25; .25 Sibiricum Hybridum. Shades of blue; blooms in August if sowninspring. 14feet ... ak ake 15 Speciosum. Magnificent bright blue. 3 feet : sls DICTAMNUS Fraxinella. Dittany. Fine hardy perenni: al with handsome spikes of purplish-crimson flowers. The leaves are fragrant, giving off an odor of balsam when rubbed. 3 feet, Oz.,.40; .05 Fraxinella Alba. Pure white a QOz., 1.50; 4 0z., .505 . 10; DIGITALIS. Farquhar’s Superb Mixed. "Foxglove. Includes all the finest colors in great variety Aas O77) 60; aLO Gloxineflora Mixed. Flowers spotted inthe throat, Oz., .50; .05 Gloxineeflora Rosea. Delicate pink ... ae Oz., .50; .05 Grandiflora. Showy flowers of pale yellow ... Ozs,.007) 205 Ivery’s Spotted. Beautiful spotted flowers of be ee colors Zi, 09 Monstrosa Mixed. ‘The tall spikes have a monstrous saucer- shaped terminal flower jg Oz:, 2100; 4 02z:, 60; 210 Purpurea. Common red Foxglove cari Oz 4005 Purpurea Alba. White Ad aie ae is ‘50: 05 Mixed. Various colors noe oe O58 05 ECHINOPS Exaltatus. Globe Thistle. Globular heads of blue flowers; very ornamental. 3 feet .. : 407, 20; -10' Ritro. Magnificent variety with white foliage and metallic blue, thistle-like flowers E OYA, AS (0) EDELWEISS. Gnaphalium Leontopodium. The interesting white-leaved plant, so eagerly sought by tourists in the Swiss Alps, easily grown in gardens; hardy perennial. 6 inches .25 ERIGERON. Grandiflorus Elatior. Very effective perennial with pale lilac star-shaped flowers; excellent for cutting. 14 feet .15 Speciosus. Pale mauve with bright golden centres, 14 feet .10: i w MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910. PERENNIAL FLOWER SEEDS.—Continued. 6760 ERYNGIUM Amethystinum. Ornamental plant of branching habit with round heads of metallic blue flowers which can be cut and dried for winter bouquets. 3 feet + oz., 1.00; 6765 ERYSIMUM Pulchellum. Dw arf perennial with pale yellow flowers; desirable for spring gardening. 6 in., + 02., -293 6775 EUPATORIUM Fraseri. Fine perennial, producing clusters of white flowers; fine for cutting. 2 feet, A r OZ, oUF & GAILLARDIA Grandiflora. Blanket Flower. These are handsome summer and autumn flowering plants, quite hardy and easily grown. It is advisable to mulch them with straw during winter. 3 feet. 6785 New Hybrids Mixed. Yellow and red, Oz., 1.00; 4 0z., .35; 6790 Maxima. Pure yellow; flowers very large, Oz., 1.00; 4 0z., .39; 6795 Superba. Crimson and yellow 1.00; 4 0z., .35; 6800 GALEGA Officinalis Alba. Hardy perennial with white pea-shaped flowers; very ornamental and useful for cutting + oz., .30; 6805 Purpurea. Blnes 4 ac 205 6835 GEUM Atrosanguineum. ‘Large’ double crimson flowers; valuable for cutting. 2 feet 6840 Coeeineum. Bright orange scarlet; single 6895 GYPSOPHILA repens. A pretty trailing plant, fairly smothered with tiny‘white flowers + 0z., .30; 6900 Panieulata. Smail white flowers in light panicles; ex- tensively used in bouquets. 2 feet ... Oz., 6905 HELENIUM autumnale superbum. Striking per- ennial with broad heads of golden-yellow flowers blooming late in the season. 5 feet ee 6910 Bigelowi. Rich yellow with brown disc. 4 feet, 6915 Eiepesie Early-flowering variety; ee orange yel- ow 6920 HELICHRYSUM angustifolium. — White. foliage; fine plant for edgings. 1foot ... ... + 0Z:, 2005 - Helianthus. See Sunflower. 6935 HESPERIS matronalis. Purple. Rocket. Spring- flowering herbaceous perennial, fragrant. 3 feet, ; Oz, 303 6940 White. Beautiful as a cut flower 2 S050 6945 Dwarf White. Veryearly. lfoot ... 4 30; 6950 HEUCHERA sanguinea. Compact hardy perenial producing erect spikes of vivid crimson flowers. 1 foot 6955 HIBISCUS. Crimson Eye. Mallow. An excellent plant for lawn groups and borders; blooming the first season from seed in the open ground. Flow ers pure white with crimson centre. 4 feet, Oz., 1.00; 4 0z., .35; 6965 Moseheutos Albus. White Swamp Mallow. None of the hardy Hibiscus are more useful and beautiful than our native Swamp Mallows. They begin to bloom in July and continue to September, producing flowers like Single Hollyhocks, but much larger. They are excel- lent for moist places, but succeed in any good soil. Flowers pure white. 4 feet... Oz., .75; 4.02., .25; 6970 Moseheutos Roseus. Pink Swamp Mallow. Large pink flowers QOz., .153 + 02.,..29; 6975 Palustris Roseus. Light pink flowers, ee O7, 2195 HOLLYHOCK. Chater’s Strain. Uollyhocks succeed best in rich, well-drained soil. ‘They should be lightly protected during winter with pine boughs, coarse straw, or other mulch not liable to rot. Seeds sown in June or July produce fine plants for blooming the following sum- mer. Hardy biennials. 6 to 8 feet. 6980 Double Special Mixture. A greatly improved strain of this popular plant x Oz., 2.00; 3 0z., .60; 6985 Double Crimson. 6990 Double Pink. 6995 Double Salmon. 7000 Double Purple. 7005 Double White. 7010 Double Yellow. Each of the above colors ae Oz., 2.00; 4 0z., .60; . ch Collection of 12 Varieties Separate, impor, 1.0 702 Sb SINGLE VARIETIES. 7055 Colleetion of 6 Single Reriotice cee aee , 7060 Single Mixed. k ; , 1.00; + oz., .35; ee Mixed. __ Single and semi-double fringed flowers - Se Oz., 1.50; 4 0z., .50; 10 .10 .10 - LO . 10 40; .05 -10 -10 -10 -10 -10 7090 7095 7100 7105 7110 7115 ny SC Myosotis, Alpestris Victoria. LATHYRUS latifolius. Perennial Pea. Magnificent hardy perennial climbers with white, pink and crimson pea-shaped flowers in clusters. They are excellent vines for covering old stumps and fences as they bloom allsummer. 6 feet. White. Charming as a cut flower. Oz., .75; } 0z., .25; . Giant White. A giant form of the preceding with flowers of the purest white ... me ace ae Pink Beauty. Bright rosy-pink -.. Oz:, .60; . Splendens. Rosy-carmine in large clusters, 50; Mixed. LAVENDER. Lavendula vera. Ornamental plant bear- ing long spikes of very fragrant blue flowers; should be extensively grown. 14 feet QOz., .30; Poppy, Iceland, Farquhar’s Superb Mixed. ‘40 .05 05 Pyrethrum Hybridum, Single and Double. LOBELIA Cardinalis. Cardinal Flower. species, succeeding best in rather moist situations; flowers intense scarlet. 2 feet 4$10Z., 1.25; Syphilitiea. Strong growing variety with pale- blue flowers; very effective in partially- shaded borders. 2 feet bye oe ie LUPINS. Rapin Beautiful spring-blooming plants with long spikes of pea-shaped flowers. 2 to 3 feet. Polyphyllus, Blue me Oz:,..30; White ; ; Be LS XO) Rose. New and beautiful shade 2: Mixed My, é Oz, Snow Queen. Magnificent variety with long spikes of pure white flowers. 3 to 4 feet ae = LYCHNIS. Profuse-blooming hardy perennials, re- markable for the brillianey of their flowers; excellent for massing in large beds and borders. Chaleedoniea. Jerusalem Cross. Large scarlet flower heads. 2 feet Rise Oza e302e Chaleedonieca Alba. Flowers white eos Flos Cueuli. Cuckoo Flower or Ragged Robin. Bright red, fringed flowers. 2 feet er FOZ OOS Fulgens. Brilliant scarlet. 14 feet 4 oz., 1.00; Haageana Hybrida, Mixed. Very large-flowered sort; colors varying from white to pink and deep red. 2 feet Oz., 1.253 +1028, .40: Sieboldi. flowers cream color. 1 foot 4 0z., .50; Visearia splendens. Scarlet; large flowers: 14 feet, 'Oz., Loose Strife. oa Erect Fine Japanese species; LYTHRUM roseum superbum. strong-growing plant, thriving in any good soil. spikes of bright rose-colored flowers. 4 feet, Oz., .50; MIMULUS. Monkey Flower. Very handsome, half- hardy perennials, blooming the first year from seed. They thrive best in rather moist ground. 1 foot. Cardinalis Grandiflorus. Large scarlet flowers ... Tigrinus grandiflorus. Flowers large and of various shades of yellow, elegantly spotted and marked with crimson and maroon. 1 foot PHYSOSTEGIA Virginiea. One of the most beautiful of our summer flowering border plants. The delicate pink flowers are carried on long stems which are eee esteemed for cutting. 3 feet «to$ Virginiea alba. ~ Large white flowers, 4 oa 1.00: ouco WO od 30; . A native Pkt. .25 bo Vt i) Or .10 5 1G) 24 R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., BOSTON. PERENNIAL FLOWER SEEDS .—Continued. 7300 7305 7430 7460 7470 MYOSOTIS. forget-me-not. nots will bloom the first year from seed if sown early. If sown in July or August in shaded frames fine plants will be obtained for spring blooming. They are beauti- ful planted in combination with spring bulbs, Daisies, Arabis, or Golden Alyssum. Alpestris Vietoria. The plants are of dwarf compact growth with long sprays of bright blue flowers, PAs duced i in dense umbels. 6 inches, Ox, 1.5054 107z,; White. Large white flowers, re 1.00: ee as : Pink. Fine bedding variety, CO EOS keene Royal Blue. Flowers deep indigo blue, borne on long sprays; fine for cutting Oz., it 25; 40z2., .40; Dissitiflora. Lar ee-flow ered variety; excellent for pot culture. Flowers rich blue. 6 inches, 4 oz., 1.25; Palustris semperflorens. nots. Large bright blue flowers; blooms from early spring until autumn Oz., 2.505 4 02., .79; Sylvatiea. Of spreading habit, valuable for spring bedding; flowers bright blue, Oz., 2.00; + 0z., .60; Mixed. Various eeadce of blue, white amd rose, On, 75; : CENOTHERA. Lvening Primrose. Beautiful hardy plants of easy cultivation, succeeding best in light soil. Fraseri. Attractive perennial with large yellow ‘flowers. 14 feet ie QOz., 1.50; } 0z., .50; Fruticosa Major. Flowers ‘golden-y ellow; very showy, Oz., Lamarekiana. Enormous yellow flowers, three to four inches in diameter. 3 feet i Oz., .30; PENTSTEMON. AXE ODURBD Reus: Dark red with white throat a Hic ek oar Hybrida Mixed. Chelone. The colors vary from flesh pink to deep red and violet; beautiful as cut flowers for vases. 2 feet “ 1 oz., .50; Hybrida Torreyi. ‘Extremely showy eae oe with brilliant scarlet flowers. 2 feet 50; Diffusus. Violet blue flower, free blooming : Bote Digitalis. Large spikes of pure white flowers; the throat spotted with violet : Spectabilis. Flowers blue and red, Vv very beautiful . PHILOX decussata New Hybrids Mixed. Splendid hardy herbaceous plants producing large trusses of showy flowers on tall stems; the colors range from pure white to deep crimson and purple. 3 feet 0z., PLATYCODON grandiflora. Japanese Balloon Flower. A most desirable perennial of erect bushy growth and bearing a profusion of large bell-shaped flowers, of oe blue. 2 feet : Oz., .753 + oz, Grandiflora alba. White form of the preceding “ "75; Mariesi. Dwarf variety of compact habit; flowers rich violet. 1 foot Ozer 00; + 02z., POLEMONIUM cceruleum grandiflorum. Fab? 8 Ladder, or Greek Valerian. Hardy perennial with deeply cut foliage and clusters of handsome blue flow os 2 feet Oz. -50; Grandiflorum album. Pure white .. < 35: Reptans. Compact sort with graceful foliage; Howers blue. 6 inches Ba 4 02., .75; POPPY. Papaver. All meron ‘Poppies may be sown from June to August, to bloom the following sum- mer. ALPINE POPPY. Papaver Alpinum. Charming dwarf Poppies with delicate flowers including yellow, white, scarlet and pink. 1 foot. White. 7465 Pink. Orange-yellow. 7475 Mixed. Each of the above colors and mixed . ICELAND POPPY. Papaver Pie: This beautital species will bloom the first season if sown early in spring. Its delicate form and bright colors render it desirable as a border plant and exquisite for cutting. 1 foot. Farquhar’s Superb Mixed. Shades of yellow, scarlet and white ne ; Oz., 1.25; $ oz., .40; Bright Yellow. 7490 Pure ‘White. Orange-searlet. 7500 Primrose Yellow. Each of the above colors 4 0z., .50; POPPY bracteatum. Very large orangegroct flowers; early flowering. 2 feet Oz., The true Water Forget-me- Cotes Most of the Forget-me- Pkt. none Ge Lhe) eit 10 10 10 10 5 Itto) 15 .10 .10 5 cdl(g) MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910. PERENNIAL FLOWER SEEDS.—Continued. ORIENTAL POPPIES. Papaver Orientale. 7510 Orientale. Brilliant orange-scarlet with black spots; very early, Pkt. Oz.; 1.50; 3 0z., .50; .10 7515 Hybrids. Immense flowers, many of them larger than Orientale, the colors varying from blush white to orange and deep red. 3 feet, 4 0z., .50; .10 7520 Blush Queen. Large pale pink oe “ie ¢.0Z.; 15; -1d 7525 Parkmani. Rich dark scarlet ee oe rac iam Le US Sil 7530 POPPY pilosum. Tall branching sort with salmony-red flowers of large sizes 2) fei oy... Aron aus oe ae Se 4 02Z.,.7d; .1d 7535 Colleetion 6 Perennial Varieties Separate 522 sae ee 50 7540 POTENTILLA Double Hybrids Mixed. Splendid hardy perennials with ornamental foliage and brilliant flowers, chiefly shades of yellow and red, borne in great profusion. 2 feet .25 7545 Single Mixed. Roe ae 225 PRIMULA, or Primrose. 7550. Aeaulis. Farquhar’s Hybrids Mixed. A greatly improved strain with flowers of large size and containing many bright and beautiful colors $0z.,1.25 .25 7555 Yellow. Yellow English Primrose. The best sort for forcing and bunching for corsage bouquets FP .25 7560 Blue. Color rich purple blue 25 POLYANTHUS. Primula elatior. 7565 Farquhar’s Giant Faney Mixed. The colors range from white to deep maroon; the yellow, rose and crimson shades being particularly fine. Sweet William’ Warquiiars/ Superb Maxed: These larger forms are desirable for winter flowering in the conservatory : as well as for bedding out in spring. Qinches ... ... §02.,1.50; .25 7570 Giant White, Pkt.,.25 7575 Giant Yellow Pkt. .25 a pee ee ey ae SWEET WILLIAM. Dianthus Barbatus. io Gold-laced. Flowers of brilliant colors with distinct yellow edges mihi as 4 0z., 1.50; .15 7595 Mixed. Se ave Be a ae Pe O00502 10 PYRETHRUM. Very handsome herbaceous peren- nials. The flowers are of brilliant colors and very lasting. 2 feet. ae Atrosanguineum. Crimson with yellow centre, single, 4 0z., .50; .10 Roseum Double Hybrids Mixed. Beautiful, aster- like flowers ranging in color from white to brilliant rose and crimson .. ane Soe Sons $02.,2.50; .25 Roseum Single Hybrids Mixed. Daisy-like flowers of brilliant colors with yellow centres .. 40z.,.75; .15 Uliginosum. Tall late-flowering sort, with large, single white flowers. 3 feet +073.) 21s) Lo REHMANNIA Angulata. Splendid new half-hardy biennial with Gloxinia-like flowers of rosy purple with yellow throat, suitable for pot culture or out-doors in a Sheltered place. 3 feet ... : . n2O RUDBECKIA Fulgida. Cone Flower. An effective variety producing in autumn, masses of orange-yellow flowers. 3 feet Bas By sae 4oz., .30; .10 Newmani. Magnificent golden yellow flowers with maroon centre. 3 feet ott: ae a eo Purpurea. Giant Purple Cone Flower. A striking plant with very large reddish-purple flowers. 3 feet, .: SAPONARIA Officinalis. Hardy perennial suitable for herbaceous borders; reddish purple. 2 feet Oz., .30; . Oecymoides splendens. Trailing hardy perennial with small deep red flowers Oz., .40; .05 SCABIOSA ecaueasiea. Magnificent perennial with beautiful large, light blue flowers. 2 feet, $oz., 1.00; .1 Caueasiea Alba. A pure white form of the preceding, - 2: Japoniea. A hardy variety from Japan of bushy growth; flowers lavender blue. A fine cut flower. 2 ft., .25 SILENE Orientalis. A rubust-growing hardy plant of fine branching habit, each branch carrying large 7885 globular heads of pink flowers, sweetly scented. 3 feet, O77 302. 0: STOKESIA eyanea. This splendid hardy perennial bears from July to October a number of large, light blue =990) flowers resembling semi-double Asters, £67.) 2005) .05 fos SUNFLOWER. Maximiliana. Flowers clear yellow with several rows of large ray petals and full centre; continues in bloom late in the autumn. 6 feet, + oz.,.50; .10 7930 Rigidus. Fine native variety, with rich golden-yellow flowers; valuable for cutting Soe stars Rey gal 14 feet. SINGLE VARIETIES. Farquhar’s Superb Mixed. A magnificent strain of this popular plant with very large flowers, and con- taining many attractive shades, Farquhar’s Pink Beauty. A new and distinct shade of this well-known flower : : OZ, 200%, Dark Crimson. Rich dark shade Oz 250 White. Excellent for cut flowers SUE colors with clearly Giant Auriecula-Eyed. Various as See Oz., defined eyes ... : Fine Mixed ... iba Double Fine Mixed TRITOMA Hybrida Express. The earliest of all the Tritomas, producing an abundance of elegant orange searlet flowers. 3 to 4 feet Uvaria Grandiflora. flowers. 4 feet TROLLIUS Europzeus. Globe Flower. A large flow- ered variety of the buttercup with bright yellow globular flowers. 2 feet ae ¢ 22 On, 12255 407:,:.40; Caueasicus Golden Globe. Very large, deep orange-colored flowers. 2 feet Haye , Japoniecus fl. pl. Fine globular golden-yellow flowers. 14 feet VALERIAN Red. Valeriana Rubra. Old-fashioned perennial, adapted to wild gardens or large rockeries. 2 feet Sibi ale ites. xe White. A white form of the preceding VERONICA. Speedwell. Elegant hardy perennials of easy culture and thriving in any good soil. Longifolia. Long spikes of rich blue flowers. Spieata. Showy spikes of bright blue flowers Scarlet and orange yellow 40z 4 02., WALLFLOWER SINGLE VARIETIES. Blood Red. Rich color ae ae Primrose Yellow. Fine light shade Mixed. Shades of yellow and red Ox -508 .40; WALLFLOWER DOUBLE VARIETIES. Collection of 8 Varieties Separate. Imported... Double Mixed. Splendid branching varieties, > Oz., 1.00; #0z., -30; - aT ae RAS Bide a Oz., 1.253 f0z:,, .403 - =f I 40z., 1.005 -: + OF, LE25> <2 Oz., .40; .0: a 1 eee 2 feet, . SOO = eon 200-4 Showy hardy biennials of easiest culture; admirable for clumps among shrubs or borders. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., BOSTON. VEGETABLE SEEDS AND PLANTS. BEANS, Dwarf Wax-Podded Varieties. _ Pkt) Oz on lb: Pt. Qt. PE ENDIVE. Green Curled. - $0.10 $0.25 $0.75 Farquhar’s Rustless Golden Wax . $0.30 $0.50 $3.00 French Moss-Curled “Qo -20 -60 5 ecsaecst= White Curled 05 15 50 Improved Golden Wax 20 40 2.25 Broaiel d Bat 10 By re Wardweil’s Kidney Wax 20 Say 5) 0 eaved Batavian : aPX5) 75 Round Pod Kidney Wax 20 sax) 25255 Pity Ozaelbsmbs KALE. Dwarf Green Curled . $0.05 $0.10 $0.30 $1.00 Dwarf Green-Podded Varieties. Winter, or German Greens 5 3110) D5 75 Bountiful ee 515) 30 1.50 LETTUCE. Boston Foreing Tennisball. Giant Stringless Valentine .20 DON 00 White Seeded -L0)5 520) WoO) 5200 The Hodson Green Pod a5 230) “200 Hittinger’s Belmont Forcing SHO G30) SSO} (00) Early Mohawk Ss 225) leo Crumpled Leaf LO 50) lo OmOnO0 Refugee. Thousand to One 5105} 20) 1.50 May King 10 30 sorts) 2,650) Dwarf Horticultural 20 spi) 25) Farquhar’s Long Standing MO 0) SO 00) Pkt. Oz. 1b. Wonderful ; Ome 760) 1550. BEET. Crosby’s Egyptian . $0.10 $0.15 $0.50 Black-Seeded Tennisball Oy .26 4600) 11.50) Farquhar’s Mid-Summer 10 15 50 Deacon Obsy Gy GO) LS) Detroit Dark Red Turnip 05 10 20 Boston Fine Curled. OMe 2> 16050 Swiss Chard .. 05 10 25 Grand Rapids Foreing Oss. cilSy G40) DS CABBAGE. Danish Round Head LO .35 1.00 PARSLEY. Farquhar’ a Tntpls Curlea LORS 20s eb Om SO) Warren’s Stone-Mason 10 25 75 Champion Moss. iia MO Oy FS Improved Pere USA YOY 10 a5 19 Be.) AGRE MB Dark Red Drumhea d 10 nO 15 ‘ DA SRY SYA INSY. 7A CAULIFLOWER. -Farquhar’s Earliest’ Pkt. oz, oz Fos, Hirst and Best See Se Ueeeoe sense. failn2 Witham Wonder hy 20) aris Dwarf Erfurt. Large pkt., .50 $0.25 $1.50 $5.00 F 5. > & pas : Notts Excelsior 520) 240250 Kronk’s Perfection 25) 1.00) 3200 American Wonder 30 35 9 50 Pkt. Oz. = Ib. McLean’s Little Gem 20 .35 2.00 CARROT. Farquhar’s Foreing $0.10 $0.25 $0.75 Senator... ay 3) 7S) Earliest Searlet Freneh Noreing: 10 20 50 MeLean’s Advancer SHO, se DW) Danver’s Half-Long ; 05 15 -o0 Pkt. Oz. 1b. Lb. CORN, SWEET. Pt Qt. Pk. RADISH. Farquhar’s Nonpareil $0.10 $0.20 $0.50 $1.50 Farquhar’s First GEOR -20 .30 2.00 Early Searlet Globe 105 a5 eS DeeAO0 Early Crosby i 15 $80 ers Non’ Plus! Ultra 922.7 .. she (05) IQ 615 35 Boston Pickling : 05 5 50 Prickly Seeded ... 405) ly YH TURNIP. Purple Top White Flat AO} 5 1) 8 2X0) 50 White Top Flat (0) il) 240) 50 Extra Early White Milan 10) by 35s L00 Purple Top Milan 05) sO) SPS) 575 White Egg OB) cil) GH) Purple Top White Globe s0)5; 5K) 0) XO) Early Snowball Bine sO) el) 2X0) 50 Yellow Aberdeen 059.10 20 50 Yellow Stone, or Globe HOY) 5 1K0) 20 50 Cowhorn, or Long White 05.10 DIS a) RUTA-BAGA, OR SWEDISH TURNIP. American Purple Top 4(0)5) , 11f0) 20) 60 Budlong’s White Swede 0) 10) oA) 50 Sweet German HO), (0) 20 50 White Freneh 10500 20 50 Shamroek the Ahi Boys oye) 5 1G} 20 50 FORAGE PLANTS. Bushel. Barley Two-Rowed. 48 lbs. per bush $2.00 Barley Six-Rowed. 4S8lbs. per bush. 2.00 Buckwheat Japanese. 48 lbs. per bush. 1.90 Cow Peas. _ 56 lbs. per bush. : — 3.50 MILLETS. Hungarian. 48 lbs. per bush. Qe Common. 50 lbs. per bush. 2.00 German, or Golden. 50lbs. per bush. 2.50 Japanese. 32 lbs. per bush. 2.90 — COPYRIGHT 1902 BY R.&J.FARQUNAR & CO. Celery , Boston Market. VEGETABLE PLANTS. Brussels Sprouts Cabbage. Warren’s Stone Mason Premium Flat Duteh ie Savoy, Improved American Cauliflower. Dwarf Erfurt Celery. Paris Golden Self r Blanehing Boston Market : White Plume Giant Paseal 26 Per 100 Per 1000 Sl. SS 00 $7. Se) 8s Moe nol BIOs Were 50 12. OO 7. OOM ie OO 7. OOP ve MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910 NEW EXCELSIOR HORSE LAWN MOWER. No Risk. Every mower fully warranted to give satisfac- tion. These Mowers are used exclusively by the government and on the largest public parks and lawns in the country. 30-inch cut, with seat, shafts, and side-draught attachment Ps $68.00 35-inch cut, with seat, shafts and side-draught at- tachment $5.00 40-inch cut, with seat, shafts and side -draught at- tachment : oe 105.00 New Excelsior Horse Lawn Mower. THOMPSON’S ‘‘STUDDED” HORSE BOOT. For use on Golf Links, Tennis Courts, and Fine Lawns. Where care is exercised in ordering by size to fit the horse’s feet, perfect satisfaction will be found. Price, $10.00 per set of four. NOTICE —How to Order by Size. No. 2 boot measures inside 54 inches, correct size for No. 2 Horse Shoe. No. 4 boot measures inside 64 inches, correct size for No. 4 Horse Shoe. No. 6 boot measures inside 7 inches, correct size for No. 6 Horse Shoe. THE VICTORY BALL-BEARING LAWN MOWER. 10-inch wheel, four-bladed reel, construction light; easily run and almost silent. One of the best mowers ever built. NNN NMNNYIN Nyy 14 in. 16 in. 18 in. 20 in. 22 in. $8.50 $9.50 $10.50 $11.50 $12.50 PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS. Style E. STYLE, EF. 4 Blades, 10-inch Wheel, 64-inch Cylinder, Train of 3 Gears, Double Wheel. One of the lightest draft mowers manufactured; made of iron and steel. It has one special point of excellence over other mowers, which consists in removing the box caps to the cylinder cutter, and removing the cutter without dis- turbing the frame of the mower. | 15-inch, $9.00; 17-inch, $10.00; 19-inch, $11.25; 21-inch, $12.50. STYLE C. 4 Blades, 84-ineh Wheel, 54-ineh Cylinder, Single Pinion Geared on both Sides. This is a medium High Wheel Mower which is very popular, for the reason that it has 84-inch driving wheels and is so geared that with the additional height in wheels it does good work and runs lighter. i 14-inch, $6.00; 16-inch, $6.75; 18-inch, $7.50; 20-inch, $8.25. STYLE K. 5 Blades, 10-ineh Wheel, 63-inch Cylinder, Single Pinion Geared on both Sides. For all-round general purposes this is one of the best 'style mowers on the market. With its high wheels it runs light, and five knives it cuts smooth and even, with the principles’of,construction so evenly balanced that it has the greatest amount of durability. 14-inch, $7.00; 16-inch, $7.75 20-inch, $9.2 9; 18-inch, $8.50; a UTICA LAWN TRIMMER. Invaluable for trimming the edges of lawns, flower-beds, shrubbery and places that cannot be Utica Lawn Trimmer. reached with the lawn mower. Price $5.00 each. Or -/ R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., BOSTON. HIGH WHEEL IMPERIAL LAWN MOWER. One of the most durable machines on the market. Ten-inch drive wheel; four blades in revolving cutter; indestructible triple ratchet and patent double edge bed knife. 14 in. 16 in. 18 in. $8.50. $9.50. $10.50. With 5 blades, add $1.00. COLDWELL ROLLER MOWER. Roller Mowers are especially adapted for cutting fine lawns, golf greens and borders; also for trimming around trees, shrubbery and flower beds. 12-inch, $10.00; 14-inch, $11.50. RUBBER HOSE. ; ; In 25 and 50 Feet Lengths. High Wheel Imperial Lawn rf : Mower. ‘““RELIABLE.’’ j-inch, 3-ply, at .16 per foot; 3-inch, 3-ply, at .15 per foot, couplings included. “EXTRA.’’ j-inch, 3-ply, at .14 per foot; 4-inch, 3-ply, at .12 per foot, couplings included. Chicago Eleetrie Hose. Strong and durable. Manufactured in continuous lengths of 500 feet. Jointless and seamless. -inch, .16 per foot; 25 and 50-foot lengths, .18 per foot; couplings, .25 per pair. Cotton Hose. Rubber lined, best quality, couplings included, j-inch, .12 per foot; 4-inch, .11 per foot. HOSE NOZZLES. Bordeaux Nozzle. Afine Nozzle for spraying liquid insecticides. $1.00 each; by mail, $1.10. Graduating Spray Hose Nozzle. For rose-bed, hot-bed, lawn, or garden, this sprinkler )) is superior to any. We have them specially made of heavy brass. .50 each; by mail, 60c. a Farquhar’s Spraying Nozzle. The most substantial and durable Rose Nozzle; made “ of very heavy brass. 3-inch, 60c; 4-inch, $1.00. aaa nerd =, , Shut-off connection for above, 75c. each. 2) ami dv 1 Nozzle. A standard nozzle for spraying liquid insecticides. Price - J mprove ermorel NOZZle. stanc ard nozzle tor spraying liquid insecticides. Price, =) FAS $1.00 each, with ?-inch reducer, $1.25. a a aA = Stott Nozzle. For greenhouse spraying, $1.25 each. - > le “‘Alright’’ Protection Tip Nozzle. Adapted for a wide range of uses. Contracted sprays and streams as operator desires. It insures a great saving of water and better re- sults. Instantly operated with one hand. $1.00 each. LAWN SPRINKLERS. THE FOUNTAIN LAWN SPRINKLER. Maver or Heavy Brass. Easily moved over the lawn without turning off the water. Price, $1.25 each; by mail, $1.40. CACTUS LAWN SPRINKLER. With centre spray; no revolving parts; can be moved about the lawn without turning off the water. 85c. each; by mail, $1.15. COLUMBIAN LAWN SPRINKLER. Three-arm; $1.25 each. ENTERPRISE LAWN SPRINKLER. Each machine is furnished with a cord so that the Sprinkler may be easily moved over the lawn without turning off the water. The water passes through a strainer before it enters the small per- forations, which are thereby prevented from filling up. Price, $3.50 each. JAPANESE LAWN SPRINKLER. Adjustable to suit any pressure. This Sprinkler has no revolving parts to leak or wear out. Price, 85c. each; by mail, $1.10. THE STEARNS REVERSIBLE LAWN SPRINKLER. This Sprinkler is suitable for use with either high or low water pressure; the cap is reversible, and a high or low spray covering a wide area of ground may be secured by simply reversing the cap. Price, 75c. each; by mail, $1.05. HOSE MENDERS. Eleetrie Tape for Mending Hose. If wound around a leaking or weak part it will adhere closely and make the hose as effective as before. Comes in the form of aribbon. Coil, 25c.; large coil, 50c. a Hose Menders, Metal. For } and 23-inch hose; 50c. per dozen. Columbian Lawn Sprinkler. The ‘Cooper’? Hose Menders. Menders are made in } and #-inch diameter and are three inches long. Your two hands are all the tools necessary to make hose perfect. 75c. per dozen; by mail, $1.00. Hose Menders, Hudson’s. This Menderis a metallic tube made to fit snuglyinto the end of the hose, where it is held firmly by the soft brass bands which fit closely around the hose and crooved tube. It is equally valuable for fastening on loose couplings. 4-inch hose, 35c. per doz. ; by mail, 10c. extra; ?-inch hose, 45e. per doz.; by mail, 10c. extra; plyers, 25c. each; by mail, 35c.; bands, 18ce. per doz. We put the ~ and 34-inch sizes in boxes containing 1 plyer, 6 menders, and 12 wires, at 75¢. per box; by mail, 90c. In ordering please state size desired. HOSE REELS. ‘“‘Auburn’’ Hose Reel. This reel has six arms with ratchet drum and will carry 100 feet of f-inch hose. Very strong and durable. Price, $2.50 each. Hose Reel, AllIron. A substantial hose reel for the garden and lawn. The reels are light = in weight with high wheels, are constructed entirely of wrought iron pipe and malleable iron, — SS and are almost indestructible. No. 10, capacity, 100 feet. Price, $2.75. No. 20, capacity, Enterprise Lawn Sprinkler. 150 feet. Price, $3.25. No. 30, capacity, 500 feet. Price, $5.00. 28 MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, 1910. THE ‘‘BOSS’’ HAND LAWN ROLLER. No. Diameter. Length. Sections. Weight. Price. 2 15-inch 22 inches 3 200 lbs. $11.25 4 20 * 20 2 250 lbs. 14.00 ae 20 24 3 3001lbs. 16.65 fh 24 ~ 24 3 450 lbs. 24.75 i525) 30 3 600 Ibs. 32.85 I. H. C. ROLLER. (Fig. A). This roller will be found very satisfactory where a heavy weight is required. It is made of concrete re-enforced with iron bands which makes it practically inde- structible. No. 1, 12 inches diameter, 22 inches long, weight 225 Ibs. Price $12.00. No. 2, 14 inches diameter, 22 inches long, weight 300 lbs. Price, $14.00. No. 3, 16 inches diameter, 22 inches long, weight 375 lbs. Price, $16.00. For larger sizes, prices on application. Stakes, Garden, Square, Green Painted, Tapering. Feet. Doz 100. Feet. Doz. 100. 4 $0.15 31.00 33 $0.70 $4.50 2° 25 1.50 4 80 5.50 24 30 2.00 5 1.10 7.50 3 .60 4.00 6 13D 9.00 Stakes, Square, Green Painted, Tapering, Extra Heavy Black Points. Feet. Doz. 100. Feet. Doz 100 4 $1.00 $7.50 6 $2.00 $15.00 5 STE: 3.00 Stakes, Round, Green Painted, Tapering, Light. Feet. Doz. 100 Feet Doz. 100. 134 $0.20 $1.20 34 $0.80 $5.90 2 Be 2.30 4 1.00 7.20 24 00 Bee U) 5 1.20 8.50 3 65 4.70 Stakes, Round, Green Painted, Heavy. Feet. Doz. 100. Feet. Doz. 100. 3 $1.00 $7.00 5 $1.75 $12.20 34 1.10 $.30 6 2.00 14.80 it iso 9.70 Stakes, Unpainted, Square, Hardwood. Feet. 100. 1000. Feet. 100. 1000. 2 $0.30 $2.50 4 $0.60 $5.00 3 -40 3.50 5 1.00 8.00 Japanese Bamboo Cane Stakes. Length 10 to 12 feet, and averaging 2 to ? inches at the butt. $5.00 per 100; 12 to 14 feet, $6.00 per 100. Stakes, Cane. These resemble the bamboo, and are strong and durable. Vary in length from six to ten feet. Bundle of about 250, $2.50: 100, $1.25. ARCH WIRE GARDEN. (Fig. D.) Green painted, 2-in. rods, 7 ft. high, 4 ft. wide Each, 6.00 No. 12 Double Wheel Hoe and Cultivator. TRELLIS, VERANDA, FORVINES. (fig & This is by far the most ornamental and substan- tial Trellis made, and is especially adapted to out- door use. Made of wood and rattan, and painted green. Height. Width. Doz Each. 5 feet 18 in. $9.00 $0.75 6, Re ike yee 11.00 1.00 6° = De 15.00 Te rh te 18 13.00 Teles Ss 18 15.00 ihe 545) S 28 24.00 2.00 w) 20 18.00 1.50 10 20 21.00 1.85 10 31 32.00 PAT Na 24 25.00 22D ee oe 24 28.00 PP AE 12. « 36 « 42 00 3.50 TRELLIS, FAN FOR VINES. (Fig. © Height. Width at top. Doz. Each. 3. feet 16 in. $4.50 3.40 33 “ PS 5.50 .d0 4 Bil © 6.50 60 5 By A 9.00 .80 6 Ste} ny 10.00 .85 7 AIMS 12.00 1.00 $ 7 46 “ 13.00 1.10 TRELLIS, ‘‘Handy’’ Tomatojand Vine. (Fiz. F.) Price, $2.00 per doz. TRELLIS, ‘‘Two Barrel Hoop’’ Tomato. Price, $1.00 per doz. TRELLIS, Wood Tomato. These are made of neatly finished hard ‘wood. Height, two and one-half feet. One and one-half feet square at top, one foot at bottom. Dozen, $1.85. No. 12 PLANET JR. DOUBLE WHEEL HOE. Price, with Attachments.as in eut, $7.00 Equipment: One pair of 6-inch hoes, two pairs of hollow steel cultivator teeth, one pair of plows, one pair of leaf lifters. No.17 PLANET JR.SINGLE WHEEL HOE. Price, $5.00. Equipment: One pair 6-inch hoes, three steel cultivator teeth, one large garden plow. ADJUSTABLE CART AND WATER BARREL TRUCK. (Figs. E & G.) By a simple arrangement of the axle the barrel can be detached at pleasure, whether full or empty. Useful for carrying water about the garden, for emptying cesspools, and for innumerable other pur- poses. Price, truck and barrel, complete: wheel 24-inch tire, $10.50, without barrel, $7.50; wheel, 34-inch tire, $12.75; without barrel, $9.75. The following extra attachments can be supplied for use on the same truck when the barrel is detached, viz.: Hand-cart box, $3.25; leaf rack, $5.50; extra barrel with trunions, $3.00; sprinkler attachment for bar- rel $3.50. POWDER DISTRIBUTORS. French Sulphur and Powder Bellows. The best of all powder distributors; excellent foreffect- ually and economically applying sulphur, helle- bore, ete., to plants. No. 1, $2.00; No. 2, $1.60; No. 3, with powder receiver in shank, $1.50. Powder Bellows. For applying hellebore, sul- phur, slug shot, ete. Small, .75; medium, $1.00; large, $1.25. Little Giant Powder Gun. For applying dry powder, such as Paris Green, Hellebore, ete. The powder is blown through the tube by a revolving fan and the quantity used can be regulated as desired. The outlet tube branches so that two rows can be covered at one operation. Price. complete, $6.50. 29 iD PVA Ap=AD=ADeAB yx WADE SZ barrel. with the cart. inches wide. Truck and Barrel Sprayer. Empire Queen Pump, Style ‘‘B.’’ feet of best 3-ply hose, Niagara spray nozzle and couplings, nicely mounted on50-gallon The whole .16 per foot; 5-foot extension pipe, bamboo, brass lined, $1.00 extra. Empire Queen Truck and Barrel Sprayer. Empire Queen Pump mounted on a barrel having a capacity of 32 gallons, together The cart has strong iron wheels, 34 inches in diameter, with tires 3 It is a very convenient machine for use in small orchards or gardens, where it is impracticable to drive a horse. The Aquapult Hand Foree Pump. order. The best bucket spraying pump for garden, greenhouse and orchard use. $4.50. AUTO SPRAY, No. 1. with a few strokes of the plunger will operate automatically for five to ten minutes. Consists of a four-gallon air and water tank, within which is contained a brass air pump and discharge connection, ending in a spray nozzle. Extra Heavy, $8.50. The Faultless Sprayer. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., BOSTON. SPRAYERS. This pump is complete with rotary agitator, 10 apparatus ready for use. Price, $15.00; additional hose, This machine consists of our Price, $23.50. Strong and durable; not liable to get out of A compressed air sprayer, which when properly charged No. 2 Price, $7.50. Throws a spray as fine as mist; all brass, $1.00 each. Cobb Park and Farm Sprayer. This machine consists of a 100 gallon 20-gauge galvanized iron tank, with non-corrosive dressing, supplied with a Cobb mechanical ratchet rotary agitator, connected to a two- cylinder Gould double-acting force pump. to two openings on the pump, with a brass ‘‘ Y’’ connection. which will hold for some time after the pumping ceases. Price, $100.00. , This pump is powerful enough to supply four leads of hose, of which three are connected An extra long lever and large air chamber gives a very high pressure, The pump generates a pressure of 100 pounds to the square inch. INSECTICIDES. Ant Destroyer. Price, } lb.-can, 50c.; by mail, 60c. Arsenate of Lead. A remedy for the Elm Tree Beetle, Gypsy Moth, Brown Tail Moth. ete. It adheres well to the foliage and does not readily wash off with the rain. Price, 1-lb. jar, 20c.; 5 lbs., 90e.; 10 Ibs., $1.60; 20 Ibs., $3.00; 50 Ibs., $6.50; 100 Ibs., $12.00. Bordeaux Mixture. ing water. g and scab on fruit trees and plants. >1.00. Bordeaux Mixture. Dry. Price, 1-lb., box, making 5 gallons spray, 30c.; 5 lbs. making 25 gallons, $1.25; 10 lbs., making 50 gallons, $2.25; 25 lbs., making 125 gallons, $3.00. Bowker’s Pyrox. A combined insecticide and fungicide for fruit trees, vegetables and flowers. JIXills all leaf-eating insects and prevents blights, mildews and rots. Price, 1 lb., 25e.; 5 lbs., $1.00; 10 lbs., $1.75; 50 Ibs., $7.50. Bowker’s Disparene. A remedy for the Elm beetle, caterpillars and other leat-eating insects. 25c.; 2 lbs., 40c.; 5.1bs., 90c.; 10,lbs., $1.70. Bug Death. A non-poisonous powder to be applied dry or mixed with water and sprayed on the plants. It is death to the potato, squash and cucumber bugs, currant and tomato worms. It is best applied dry with a duster or bellows at the rate of about 12 lbs. per acre. Price, 1 lb., 15c.; 3 lbs.; 35c.; 5 lbs., 50c.; 124 Ibs., $1.00; 100 Ibs., $7.50. Diekey Shaker, for applying above, 25c. each. Copper Solution Ammoniated. A highly concentrated liquid fungicide for plants affected with rot, bight, or seab, and is frequently used for late spraying when fruit is nearly mature. It can also be used for the blight on Asters, Hollyhocks and Lark- spurs. Price, per quart, $1.00. Fir Tree Oil. For destroying all insects that infest plants, such as mealy bug, seale, red spider, aphis (black and green), thrip, etc. It is also a valuable remedy for parasites and insects on animals. Price, 4 pint, 50c.; pint, 75c.; quart, $1.50; half gallon, $2.75; gallon, $5.00. Fir Tree Oil Soap. Stott’s. Destroys aphis, red spider, currant and grape worms, etc. ZC.) 2 bss oes Flowers of Sulphur. Price, 1 lb., 10c.; 5 lbs., 40c.; 10 Ibs., 70c. Grape Dust, Hammond’s. A preparation for destroying mil- dew on grape vines and other plants or trees. Price, 5-Ib. package, 35c. Imperial Soap Spray. The base of thisspray is a soap contain- ing vegetable poisons and particularly effective against red spider on fruit, the rhododendron fly, and all insects affecting the rose. Price, 1 quart, 50c.; 1 gallon, $1.50; 5 gallons, $6.00; 10 gallons, $10.00. Hellebore Powder White. Price, }]b., 15e.; 1 b., 30c. Kerosene Emulsion. (Liquid). Price, 1 quart, 40c.; 1 gallon, $1.00; 5 gallons, $4.50. Lemon Oil. Destroys scale, thrip, mealy bug, red spider, black and green fly. Price, 4 pint, 25c.; 1 pint, 40c.; 1 quart, 75c.; 4 gallon, $1.25; 1 gallon, $2.00; 5 gallons, $9.00. Liquid. Ready for use by simply add- An indispensable fungicide for black rot, mildew, rust Price, 1 quart, 40c¢.; 1 gallon, 3eetle, potato Price; 1 lb:, seale, mealy bug, Price, + lb. tin, Nikoteen. A highly concentrated extract of Tobacco for spraying or vaporizing. Price, pint bottle, $1.50. Paris Green. A poisonous insoluble power, extensively used for potato bugs, caterpillars, slugs, ete. Price, 4 lb., 25c.; 1 lb. 40. ; 3 Ibs., $1.75. Seal Oil Soap. One of the best insecticides for general use on plants. It is especially effective on green and black flies, red spider, scale, rose thrip and currant worms. Price, 1 lb., 30c.; 5 lbs., $1.25. Slug Shot. A non-poisonous popular powder, easily distributed by a duster, bellows or in water by spraying. An effectual remedy for potato bugs, slugs, worms, caterpillars, green and black flies infesting vegetables and other plants. Price, 5 lb. package, 30c.; 10 lbs., 60¢.; in kegs of 125 lbs. or barrels 235 to 250 lbs. each, 4c. per |b. x Sulphoeide. A soluble sulphur spray for rust, mildew, scab, canker, ete. Price, 1 pint, 50c.; 1 quart, 75c.; 1 gallon, $2.00. Sulpho-Tobaeeo Soap. A popular insecticide for the amateur, quickly exterminating all insect life on plants and flowers in and out of doors. Price, 3-0z. cake, 10c.; by mail, 13¢.; 8-oz. cake, 20c.; by mail, 28c. Tanglefoot. A perfect safeguard for trees and shrubs against gypsy and brown-tail moths and other creeping insects. Price, 1lb., 30e.; 3 lbs., 85e.; 10 1bs., $2.65; 20 lbs., $4.80. Tobaeceo Dust. lor green and black aphis, fleas, etc.; also pre- vents insects in the ground and around the roots. Price, 1 Ib., 10e.; 5 lbs., 25¢.; 10 lbs., 40c.; 100 Ibs., $3.50. Tobaeeo Extract. A powerful extract of tobacco combined with sulphur. Remarkably effective against plant lice, red spider, and insects of all kinds. Price, half pint, 30c.; pint, 50c.; quart, 75ce. ; gallon, $1.50; 5 gallons, $4.25. Tobaeeo Stems. Price, barrels, $1.00; bale or case, $3.00. Whale Oil Soap. An excellent wash for trees and plants; kills insects and their eggs. Price, in boxes, with fuli directions for use. I lb., 20c; 2 Ibs., 35c.; 5 Ibs., 75c.; 10 lbs., $1.25; 50 lbs., $5.00. Herbicide Weed Exterminator. Perfectly odorless. An oc- casional application will keep gutters, paths, and roadways clear of weeds, poison ivy, grasses, mosses, dandelions, burdocks, ete. In 1-gallon cans, $1.50; in 2-gallon kegs, sufficient to make 40 gallons of liquid, $2.75; in 5-gallon kegs, sufficient to make 100 gallons of liquid, $5.50; in 10-gallon kegs, sufficient to make 200 gallons of liquid, $10.00. Readeana, Rose Bug Exterminator. and other insects on plants. Directions with each package. in 50e., $1.00 and $2.00 bottles. Eleetrie Worm Eradicator. Perfectly odorless. For the in- stantaneous extermination of worms of every sort. The worms will immediately rise to the surface of the ground or flower-bed; or will fall off the trees, fruit, or flowers, and in a few minutes will die. It will be found exceedingly effective. It is highly concentrated, one gallon being sufficient to make 120 gallons of fluid for use, by the addition of water. Full directions for use with each package. 1-gallon keg, $4.00, makes 120 gallons. Also, 50c. and $1.00 bottles. Destroys Rose Bugs Sold NON-WARRANTY. R. & J. Farquhar & Company do not give as to description, quality, productiveness or any other matter, any warranty, express or im- plied, of any seeds, bulbs, plants, insecticides, fungicides, or fertilizers, which they send out. at once to be returned. If the purchaser does not accept the goods on these terms, they are MIDSUMMER CATALOGUE, !910. RUSTIC CONSTRUCTION. SUMMER HOUSES. PERGOLAS. ARBORS. BRIDGES. SEATS. FENCES. TRELLISES. VASES. HANGING BASKETS, ETC. ENGLISH AND JAPANESE GARDEN CONSTRUCTION. Rustic work is now regarded as an indispensable element in natural garden composition. Each situation calls for its own particular treatment, and we, therefore, aim to (== adapt our work to its environment. For this reason, we rarely build two Pergolas ir or Summer Houses alike. We are prepared to furnish estimates on contemplated work. In our con- |B struction we use red cedar, white cedar, black Canadian spruce and laurel. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO., 6 & 7 South Market St., B ; : Telephone, Richmond 1470 BOSTON, MASS. | Peole: 31 Landscape Gardening. We now make a specialty of this work, furnishing plans and estimates for the improvement and planting of private estates and public grounds. We have a large assortment (over 100 acres) of the best Hardy Nursery Stock, suitable for the Northern States, embracing trees, shrubs, vines and perennial plants. We have also competent gardeners in our permanent employ for the carrying out of such work. We invite correspondence from those contemplating improvement of their estates. R. & J. FARQUHAR & CO. €. W. DOYLE, PR., 185 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON.