anew a.. Library Materials. The Minimum Fee for NOTICE: Return ,or rene* all ry each Lost Booms $50.00. L161-O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign A ^/| B I [fe^^T! /f^<< /?■/ ^ Consumption and Weighfc v^ ^ Horses can eat about 2 to 2^ pounds of air-dry feeds 1 as grain in the bin and hay in the bale) daily per. 100 pounds (cwt.) of their body weight. £&yU^ 2M. *•«>** S-v*^ In average condition, a litrht-le^ed mature mare over 14.2 hands (58 inches) win weigh approximately 1.100 pounds while mature geld- ings and stallions will weigh about 1.200 pounds. Mature ponies under 46 inches will weigh from 400 to 600 pounds. Taller ponies up to 56 inches will average 700 to 900 pounds. Weanling horse foals will weigh from 400 to 600 pounds when _7_months old. Pony foals will weigh from 200 to 300 poundswKen 7 months old. ~J%^ 3 T^/^Y Well-fed foals will reach about 50 to 60 percent of their mature weight during the first year and abouT^^ercent at the end of the sec- ond year. Horses reach maturity between four and five years of age. -— * Formulating Horse Rations Water, protein, minerals, vitamins, and energy are essential nutrients in a horse ration. Observe the following points when formulating the ration. • Is the total quantity of the ration adequate? • Is the energy produced by the ration suitable for the work or the performance required? • Is the amount of crude protein (digestible protein) adequate? • Is the proper amount of minerals and of vitamins A and D in- cluded in the ration ? " • Is the ration economical but still nutritionally adequate ? Water The average mature light horse may drink about 10 to 12^gallons of water daily varying with the amount of work, the type of feed, and the weather. Horses should be watered regularly and frequently. After heavy exertion, very warm or very thirsty horses should be watered lightly until they are properly cooled. In very cold weather, water should be heated to 40 or 50° F. Protein for Horses 75 L V/UMiJ^U Horses need protein for muscle growth, for lactation, and for repro- duction. Protein needs are expressed as r^r^gnt mirfcj^rQtHnf^P ) or more precisely as percent digestible protein (D.P.) of the ration. Horse- men usually add supplemental protein such as linseed meal, soybean meal, or other purchased protein to grass hay and grain rations. Legume hays such as alfalfa and red clover are also good protein sources. The average ration should contain approximately 12 percent crude protein. Two good common oilmeal protein supplements that can be added to grass hay and grains are linseed meal (36 percent C.P.), and soybean meal (J4_percent C.P. with hulls; 50 percent C.Rwithout hulls). Soy- bean meal is more palatable and of higher quality~ToTToaTs and young horses. Other purchased protein supplements without urea can be used. In some cases peanut meal, cottonseed meal, and safflower meal are good substitutes if they are economical. Protein needs of various types of horses are summarized in Table 1. G?>r #.j^ w /. Table 1. — Summary of Protein Needs for Horses Lb. oilmeal or protein Tvne of horse Percent Percent equivalent - F crude protein digestible protein to add to grass (C.P.) (D.P.) hay or grain l>_ rations daily* UeVsn Llrt'x L-3 /r^ Mature idle . J 10 7.5 .5^ Dry mare in early pregnancy 11 8.5 .75 Yearling or 2-year old 12 9.0 1.0 Mare in last quarter of gestation. . 12 9.0 1.0 Lactating mare 14b 10.0 1.5 Stallion in heavy service 14c 10.0 2.0 y Foal under 6 months 14+d 10.0 + a Four pounds of quality legume hays (alfalfa or clover) furnish approximately the same amount of digestible protein as 1 pound of soybean, linseed, or cottonseed meal. b The highest amount of protein is needed during early lactation. Later the amount can be reduced. c The amount of protein needed depends on how heavy is the breeding service. The min- imum is 14 percent. (1 A very young foal may need up to 20 percent protein. At 6 months, 14 percent is sufficient. Minerals Common farm feeds provide minerals, but most horses need extra calcium, phosphorus, salt, and iodine. The daily salt requirement is about. 2, to 3 ounces. The calcium requirement is about Q.6 percent of the ration and the phosphorus requirement is about 0.5 percent. A good way to furnish supplemental minerals is to offer a free- choice mixture of equal parts of dicalcium phosphate^aria^trace-mineral- ized salt in a box protected from the weather. In formulating complete mixed hay and grain rations, about J__percent dicalcium phosphate and 0 ^ percent trnre-.mineralized saltshould be added. Vitamins Special attention should be given to a horse's needs for vitamins. Generally, ^reen grasses and hays furnish carotene that the horse con- verts to vitamin A. Vitamin A is important in maintaining the skin and epithelial linings of the digestive, respiratory, urinary, and reproductive tracts. Vitamin D is often called the sunshine vitamin because the sun's rays convert substances in the animal's skin and substances in sun-cured forages into vitamin D. Vitamin D is especially important in the absorp- tion and metabolism of calcium and phosphorus for normal bone growth and maintenance. "An average pleasure horse needs about 20,000^ to 30,000 International IJnitQ (TTT) of vir^mnW^andjdjout 3,000 \.{\ of vitamin D daily. Vitamin E is often associated with improved reproduction and muscle maintenance. Green feeds, wheat bran, and wheat germ oil arc U-* \o-^^L d^/Uf usually rich in vitamin E. Under conditions of barn confinement, drouthy pastures, or feeding poor-quality forage, horses may not receive adequate amounts of vitamins A, D, and E. In such cases, economical supplements of these vitamins can be mixed in the feed, injected intramuscularly, or furnished in stabilized mineral blocks. Vitamin K, necessary for blood clotting, is synthesized sufficiently in the body. The necessary B vitamins are synthesized in the horse's cecum. Small supplemental amounts may be beneficial under stress conditions of fast growth, intense training, heavy racing, or breeding. Spent brewers' yeast may be an economical supplemental source of B vita- mins. An economical premix of vitamins, as listed below, can be added to grain mixtures if desired at the rate of 0.5 percent (10 pounds) per ton of the grain mixture. Some horsemen prefer to add a small amount daily over the grain. Amount per lb. Vitamin of premix A 1,000,000 I.U. Bi (Thiamine) 1,000 mg. B2 (Riboflavin) 1,000 mg. B6 (Pyridoxine) 300 mg. B12 1,500 mg. C 10,000 I.U. D 100,000 I.U. E 10,000 I.U. Choline chloride 25,000 mg. Folic acid 300 mg. Niacin 2,000 mg. Pantothenic acid 1,500 mg. Energy Needs The basic ration for a horse is hay plus grain. The amount of grain a horse needs depends on the growth or performance expected. The amount of total ration is based on a consumption of 2)4 pounds of air- dry fed per cwt. Thus a 1,000-pound horse would receive a total daily ration of 221/2 pounds. The energy need is often expressed as total digestible nutrients (T.D.N.) . Generally grains provide more energy than hays because they analyze higher in T.D.N, and lower in crude fiber (C.F.). Table 2 gives grain requirements for several types of horses. The table suggests that an idle mature horse weighing 1,000 pounds should receive 22 V£ pounds nf hay with no grajn_whi1e a similar horse doing heavy work or a stallion in heavy service should receive about 10 pounds of hay and 12.5 pounds of grain daily. It is usually sound economically to feed and grow weanlings well the first and second years because young horses are more efficient and '\—*_-- Table 2. — Amount of Grain To Be Incl Per Cwt. of the Horse's C^ o\ in a Horse's Ration feht Grain per cwt., lb. r/\ .50 1.00 1.25 Work expected , Aj!^* from the horse Gain or growth Breeding stock Idle mature horse Maintenance Light (0 to 3 hours Light per day) Moderate (3 to 6 Average hours per day) Heavy (more than Faster growth 6 hours per day) or fattening Mare in drylot nursing foal Stallion in heavv service generally need less feed per pound of weight increase. Some horses can be safely fed more than 1J4 pounds of grain per hundredweight. How- ever, when fed heavily, care should be taken to see that horses get plenty of exercise and do not become^swollen or puffy in their legs. Grains for Horses Oats are the preferred grain because they analyze 12 percent crude protein and are more safely fed because of their fiber oF"Btrlk. Some- times they are crimped or crushed for cleaning and palatability. Horses like variety so mixed grains are often fed. Other grains can be sub- stituted for oats but shelled corn, milo, wheat, and rye are low in fiber or bulk. Occasionally these grains can cause impaction or colic if they are fed alone or if they are eaten too fast by greecry"horses. It may be safer to mix these grains with oats or place some baseball-size stones in the grain box to slow ravenous eating. Barley is similar to oats but is harder and needs to be rolled or crushed. Shelled corn is high in energy but low in crude protein and bulk. It is better utilized when coarse cracked Ear corn or ground ear corn can be fed and it will minimize gulp- ing the grain. Milo needs to be crushed or cracked; otherwise it may be voided as whole grain in the manure. Wheat is often expensive and needs cracking or crushing. Wheat and rye have a tendency to gum when chewed and should not make up over 50 percent of the grain mix. Rye is not very palatable and, like wheat, needs cracking or crushing. Wheat bran is good as bulk. One pound daily is enough. A warm soaked mash of 3 to 4 nounds alone or mixed with oats is an excellent idle-day feed.- DW-f- W^fl^"*?- a A#5W'P> - z^^~ uM^f \ u± -iL-~ /v, Roughage Hay is used in the ration for bulk and energy, and can be fed loose, pelleted, or chopped. While growth, work, and reproduction require that some of the ration consists of grain, nonlactating broodmares and idle mature horses can get along satisfactorily on havaione. Un the other hand, working horses can easily be fed too much roughage, resulting in labored breath- ing and lack of stamina. _ <— >i£ o-oU - Grass hays usually contain aboutj5j5ercent crude protein. However, this figure can be higher if grass haysTare harvested in early bloom. Bromegrass, is a perennial, productive, and palatable forage. Orchard grass is a perennial palatable forage often seeded with bromegrass. Timothy is highly regarded but it is a less-productive hay in Illinois. Prairie hay is a mixture of grasses usually of western or south- western origin. Legume hays usually contain about 16 percent/c^ude protein when cut at the one-third bloom stage, "while legume hays will not harm horses, it is suggested that not over one pound be fed per cwt. Very green legume hays may be a little laxative and may cause more frequent urination. Alfalfa, a perennial, is hardy and productive. Red clover, a biennial, will need reseeding after two years. Occa- sionally, second-cutting red clover may cause slobbering. Lespedeza is commonly grown in southern Illinois. Mixed hays include grass and legumes. They offer variety and more protein than straight grass hay. Straws are used primarily for bedding but clean oat and wheat straw can be used as a filler roughage. Oat straw is more palatable. Feeding Costs The cost of feeding a horse varies with the season and the avail- ability of feed. Some approximate on-farm costs of feedstuffs and supplements are given below. These costs will be higher in urban areas because of additional expenses for transportation and handling. Hay costs 20 to 30 dollars per ton or 1 to li/£ cents per pound. Oats cost 64 to 80 cents per bushel or 2 to 2|/2 cents per pound. Shelled corn costs about $1.12 per bushel or 2 cents per pound. Soybean meal (42 to 50 percent C.P.) costs about 100 dollars per ton or 5 cents per pound. Linseed meal (36 percent C.P.) costs about 100 dollars per ton or 5 cents per pound. Complete pelleted feed costs 85 to 100 dollars per ton or 4i/2 to 5 cents per pound. Diealcium phosphate costs about 5 dollars per 100 pounds or 5 cents per pound. Trace-mineralized salt costs about $2.50 per 100 pounds or 21/? cents per pound. Three examples of the cost of feeding a horse are given below. These figures are based on a horse consuming about 2 pounds of feed per 100 pounds of body weight per day. Example A: Horse weighing 1,100 pounds fed only mixed grass- legume hay. 1,100 lb. X 2 lb. per cwt. = 22 lb. daily; 22 lb. X 365 days = 8,030 lb. annually; 8,030 lb. X $0,015 = $120.85 annual cost. Example B: Horse weighing 1,100 pounds working about 3 to 6 hours per day. 11 lb. grain X $0,025 per lb. = $0,275; 13 lb. grass hay X $0,015 per lb. = $0,195; 1 lb. soybean meal or linseed meal X $0.05 per lb. = $0.05; Total daily cost = $0.52; $0.52 X 365 days = $189.80 annual cost. Example C: Horse weighing 1,100 pounds fed a complete pelleted ration. 1,100 lb. X 2 lb. per cwt. = 22 lb. daily; 221b. X $0.05 per lb. = $1.10; $1.10 X 365 days = $391.50 annual cost. Pastures Good pastures are an excellent source of nutrients. Pastures can supply the complete ration, but usually working horses and lactating mares are fed additional grain. Foals are often creep- fed on pasture. The pasture season in central Illinois begins about the first week in May and lasts until about the middle of October. It begins about a week earlier for each 100 miles south of central Illinois and a week later for each 100 miles north of central Illinois. Both temporary (one-season) and permanent pastures are used to provide feed for horses. An example of a temporary pasture schedule is given below. Season Forage Seeding time Gracing time Spring Summer Fall Oats and barley Pearl millet Wheat and rye Late March and April Late April and May Late August and September May and June June until frost October and No- vember; April Some horsemen use sudangrass during the summer, but an occa- sional case of urinary cystitis infection has been recorded from sudan- grass grazing. Sudangrass is not safe for grazing immediately after frost or when severely stunted by drouth. Cured sudangrass can be used as hay. Mixtures of legume and grasses in permanent pasture provide variety and more forage. Bromegrass or orchardgrass with alfalfa are_ suitable in most of Illinois. Fescue with lespedeza is often used in sotu^€«i_Iilino i s . Establishment of a permanent pasture involves a considerable invest- ment in money and labor. Good management is also required. The fol- lowing suggestions will help you establish and maintain a good perma- nent pasture. • Test the soil fertility and add necessary limestone, phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen. • Prepare a good seedbed. • Use recommended and adapted seeds and inoculate legumes. • L^se a grass-legume mixture. • Seed at the proper time, preferably in early spring or fall. • Seed with a nurse crop. Oats are good. Remove the nurse crop early when oats are in the dough stage. Pastures are an excellent source of nutrients for horses. In addition, horses on pasture have ample room to exercise. 10 • Cover the seed with 14 to }/£ inch of soil. • Firm the seedbed by rotting. • Qip weeds, setting the sickle bar high. • Do not pasture the first season because horses will trample the seedlings. ~~"~~ ' • Harrow established pastures^ in the early spring to spread dung piles. This~will KeTp to control parasites. • To improve forage growth, topdress pastures with nitrogen in early spring (where legumes are less than Zb percent) with 50 to 70 of actual N per acre. Permanent and rotation pasture mixtures per acre for central and northern Illinois: Alfalfa 8 lb. Alfalfa 8 lb. Bromegrass 12 lb. Bromegrass 6 lb. 2Q \u Orchardgrass 6 lb. 201b. These mixtures are very productive for both pasture and hay. The inclusion of orchardgrass with bromegrass will furnish more grazing in,j»*4sttmmer when bromegrass may be semidormant. Seed mixtures in late March or early April or in early fall, preferably before August 25. Horses can be given their rations at an outdoor feeder such as the one shown here. 1 1 Permanent pasture mixture per acre for southern Illinois where bromegrass and orchardgrass may not be as productive : K: it^ie 14 lb. iples | D . i 1 1 Rati ru :f:a::::'r: :: r.s ::r seven". ~es ::' hirsts ire _ ]'-rC'::£:i:::i: :zr. :e ::: zhese ::.:.? zezer.z:::z :r. :r.e z-X' — .e .-i: . Daily Daily _ _- '': rz: _ .D.N.. lb. D.P.. It 1200 : :- ?.z s ? : :■: I-'::- :s 6.4 .6 Ration 1: Horse: 20 to 24 pounds mixed hay (t§ alfalfa and % grass). Pony: 16 pounds mixed hay. Ration 2: Horse: 20 to 24 pounds grass hay and f 2 pound linseed meal or = : *: ----;_ zzez*. 1 - : : - - - .' " - Weigjit, Daily rz::zr_ ":. 2; ■:: 2- 16 to 18 Daily T D N lb Dailv ~ : r 5 e 1 _ ?::•;■ rh :: : :. ~ Ratio* 1: y. :rse . : : -; ^y.c'.i^ zr.z - zz:= Pony: 10;.; :=;ez hay li: 0 '•: zir.zs :z:i : ^. 2.- _ v. :::';• : J -;rse I: zzi-is -Lxtir-zy '*- 3 rez :*_: -. er zr z '-: grass z z :z:r. z = '2 Pony: 10 pounds mixed hay, 4 pounds oats, and 2 pounds cracked corn. Ration 3 : Horse: 15 pounds grass hay, 6 pounds oats, 3 pounds cracked corn, and 1/2 pound linseed meal or soybean meal. Pony: 10 pounds grass hay, 4 pounds oats. 2 pounds cracked corn. and 14 pound linseed meal or soybean meal. Example C: Weanling 6 months to 1 year old Nutrient requirements: Weight, Dailv Daily Daily lb. ration.' lb. T.D.X.'. lb. D.R.'lb. Weanling 600 12 to 14 10 to 11 1.3 Ration 1 : 8 pounds mixed hay (13 alfalfa and 2/3 grass), 6 pounds oats, and 1/2 pound linseed meal. Ration 2: 8 pounds grass hay, 3 pounds oats, 3 pounds cracked corn, and 1 pound soybean meal or linseed meal. Example D: Yearling to 2-year-old horses Nutrient requirements: Weight. Daily Daily Daily Yearlingto lb. ^tion,' lb. T.D.X.'. lb. P.P.. lb. 2-year-old 900 18 to 20 12 1.5 Ration 1 : 11 pounds mixed hay (1/3 red cloyer and 2 3 grass), 6 pounds oats. 3 pounds cracked corn, and i/? pound linseed meal or soybean meal. Ration 2: 11 pounds grass hay, 6 pounds oats, 3 pounds cracked corn, and 1 pound linseed meal or soybean meal. Example E: Mare nursing foal Nutrient requirements: Weight, Daily Daily Daily lb. ration,' lb. T.D.X.', lb. D.P., lb. Mare 1.100 20 to 22 18 1.9 13 Ration 1 : Pasture and 6 pounds grain. The grain might consist of 4 pounds oats, 1 pound cracked corn, and 1 pound bran. Ration 2: 11 pounds mixed hay (i/j alfalfa and 2/3 grass), 7 pounds oats, 3 pounds cracked corn, and 1 pound linseed meal or soybean meal. Ration 3 : 11 pounds grass hay, 7 pounds oats, 3 pounds cracked corn, and li/2 pounds linseed meal or soybean meal. Example F: Breeding stallion in moderate service Nutrient requirements : Weight, Daily lb. ration, lb. Stallion 1,300 22 to 26 Daily Daily T.D.N., lb. D.P., lb. 16 2.5 Many horses are housed in boxstalls and fed from individual mangers. 14 Ration 1 : 12 pounds mixed hay (1/3 alfalfa and y$ grass), 8 pounds oats, 4 pounds cracked corn, 1 pound wheat bran, and 1 pound linseed meal. Ration 2: 12 pounds grass hay, 8 pounds oats, 4 pounds cracked corn, 1 pound wheat bran, and U/2 pounds linseed meal or soybean meal. Example G: Creep rations for a nursing foal A creep ration is commonly fed free choice where only foals can eat it. Ration 1 : 5 parts crimped oats, 3 parts cracked corn, and 1 part linseed pellets. Ration 2: 8 parts crimped oats and 1 part linseed pellets. Foals are often offered grain in a creep in addition to pasture and the mare's milk. 15 Ration 3 : This is a formula for a highly palatable creep ration. It analyzes approximately 18 percent C.P. (13.5 percent D.P.), 70 percent T.D.N. , and 8 percent C.F. Ingredient Percent Crimped oats 40 Cracked corn 30 Soybean meal (50-percent) 20 Dehydrated alfalfa 4 Dried molasses 4 Dicalcium phosphate 1 Trace-mineralized salt .5 Vitamin mixa .5 ^-^ — Aurofac'3 + a To furnish 5,000 I.U. of vitamin A per pound of ration plus B vitamins. b To furnish 40 mg. of antibiotic per pound of ration. Example H: Complete pelleted ration This formula analyzes approximately 14 percent C.P. (9.8 percent D.P.) , 58 percent T.D.N., and 24 percent C.F. Ingredient Percent Alfalfa hay (chopped) 62 Oats 15 Cracked corn 15 Dried molasses 4 Soybean meal (50 percent C.P.) 2 Dicalcium phosphate 1 Trace-mineralized salt .5 Vitamin premixa .5 a To furnish 2,000 I.U. of vitamin A per pound of ration. Ration Calculations A knowledge of the composition of a ration along with feed analyses (Table 3) makes it possible to calculate the percent protein and percent energy of a ration. Research shows that the maintenance requirement N^^of a horse is about 0.8 pound of T.D.N, per cwt. and that a pound o£ . >gain above maintenance requires about 3.63 pounds of T3^^p*-§wtJ r The percent of crude protein (C.P.) and digestible protein (D.P.) in a typical ration for an 800-pound yearling can be calculated as in the following example. The C.P. figures are taken from Table 3. 16 Daily ration of: lb. X C.P. = lb. CP. Oats 6 .12 72 Corn 2 .08 .16 Alfalfa 5 .15 .75 Bromegrass 5 .05 .25 Soybean meal .75 .50 .375 Totals 18.75 2.255 Dividing the total C.P. in pounds by the total amount of the ration (2.255 -r- 18.75) gives a C.P. content of 12 percent. The average diges- tion coefficient for crude protein of grain is about 75 percent and about 65 percent for the crude protein of roughages. Taking an average of 70 percent and multiplying the C.P. figure by this amount (12 X .70), Table 3. — Average Analyses of Some Horse Feeds on an Air-Dry Basis Feed Total digestible nutrients (T.D.N.) Crude protein (C.P.) Digestible protein (D.P.) Crude fiber (C.F.) Grains Oats Shelled corn Barley Milo Ground ear corn Wheat Wheat bran .... Protein oil meals Linseed meal Soybean meal with hulls . . . Soybean meal without hulls. Cottonseed meal Peanut meal percent 72 . 80 - 79 79 75 82 70 75 79 80 80 80 Grass hays Bromegrass 45 to 50 Orchard grass 45 to 50 Timothy 45 to 50 Prairie hay (western) 45 to 50 Legume hays Alfalfa 50 to 55 Red clover 50 to 55 Mixed hays 3^3 alfalfa and 2/z grass . Straw Oats Wheat 50 percent 12 .8 to 9 12 9 7.5 12 17 36 .44 >0 44 50 5 to 6 5 to 6 5 to 6 5 to 6 8 to 9 &<*/- (q^) r^ percent 9.4 7 9 7 6 10 13 31 36 42 35 43 3 to 3.5 3 to 3 . 5 3 to 3 . 5 3 to 3 . 5 rvi /o /H9Cc.r a result of 8.4 percent for the digestible protein (D.P.) in the ration is obtained. The percent T.D.N, in the ration can be calculated in a similar manner. The figures for percent T.D.N, in various feeds in the follow- ing example are taken from Table 3. Daily ration of: lb. X T.D.N. = lb. T.D.N. Oats ~6 ~72 4.32 Corn 2 .80 1.60 Alfalfa 5 .50 2.50 Bromegrass 5 .50 2.50 Soybean meal .75 .80 .60 Totals 18.75 11.52 Dividing the total T.D.N, in pounds by the total amount of the ration ( 1 1.52 -f- 18.75) gives a T.D.N, content of 61.4 percent. The 800-pound yearling used in the examples requires 6.4 pounds T.D.N, for maintenance (800 lb. X 0.8 lb. per cwt). Subtracting 6.4 pounds from 11.52 (the T.D.N, in the ration) leaves 5.12 pounds T.D.N, available after maintenance. Dividing 5.12 pounds by 3.63 pounds (the amount of T.D.N, required for 1 pound of gain) gives a daily gain of 1.4 pounds for an 800-pound yearling fed the ration used in the above examples. Some Feeding Questions and Answers • Can ear corn be fed to horses? Ear corn is a satisfactory feed and is good for greedy horses that bolt their grain. • Are pelleted rations satisfactory? Yes. Pelleted rations have proven popular because they are convenient to handle, easily stored, and reduce dustiness. However, grinding and pelleting increase ration costs. • What causes wood chewing and how can it be minimized ? Wood chewing may be a result of boredom or of a deficiency in the diet. Bore- dom may be reduced by feeding three times daily, increasing exercise, or offering some additional straw or coarse hay to the horse when feed- ing pellets. • Can silage be fed to horses? The use of silage requires especially good management. However, good-quality silage free from mold and not frozen can be a good roughage during the winter. If silage is fed, it is a good idea to also use 3 to 4 pounds of dry hay daily. • How many pounds of silage are equivalent to a pound of hay? Corn silage is ensiled at 60 to 65 percent moisture. Ahnnt 2.5 wet pounds 18 of corn silage are equal to 1 pound of air-dry hay. Grasses and legumes are usually ensiled at 40 to jQpercent moisture and are called haylage. About 1.6 pnrrnHs of wet haylagp ig pgn-al tn 1 pound of air-dry hay. • Of what value is molasses? Wet or dry molasses are sometimes included in the ration to increase palatability and consumption. To keep the ration from being too laxative, it should not include more than 4 to 5 percent molasses. • If legume hays analyze higher in crude protein, why do horsemen often prefer grass hay? Grass hays often cure more easily and thus are considered to be cleaner and less apt to contain mold. • Is it advisable to limit feed hay? Hay is often limited for race horses to insure an ingestion of more energy from grain. Roughage is sometimes limited for show horses to avoid hay bellies. • Is it possible to feed rations that are too rich? Yes. Overfeeding, or bringing to a heavy feed of grain too quickly without sufficient exer- cise, can result in colic, storked lep-.s. and pnffv nr swollen hocks. • How can greedy horses be prevented from bolting or eating their grain too quickly? Put a few baseball-sized smooth stones in the grain box. Ear corn will also help. • What is founder ? Founder is a metabolic disorder resulting from overeating and sometimes from drinking cold water when overheated. It results in excessive growth of the hooves. Immediate cold packs on the horse's legs or standing the front legs in cold water are good first aid measures. Severe cases require the attention of a veterinarian. • What is colic ? Colic or bellyache results from gas accumulation. Drenching with a pint of mineral oil or several quarts of water contain- ing one-half cup of salt or epsom salt may offer relief. Can horses use urea or other nonprotein nitrogen sources for pro- tein? Not efficiently because the cecum (a pouch of the large intestine where nonprotein nitrogen would be converted to useful protein) is located too far down the digestive tract. Too much urea could be toxic to the horse so avoid using it. • Do antibiotics improve growth? The feeding of 85 milligrams of aureomycin daily to foals up to 1 year old improves growth rales slightly. When properly prescribed, antibiotics appear to be more desir- able for therapeutic uses for diseases. • What should one look for on a feedtag when buying commercial horse feed? Take special note of the percentages of total daily nutrients ( T.D.N. ), crude protein (C.P.), crude fiber (C.F.), and the teed in- gredients. Also be sure to read the feeding directions. 19 •What is meant by percent T.D.N. ? The percent T.D.N, (total digestible nutrients) is that part of the ratioia-riual wjlThe digested and ret^un^djnjhe horse's body as energy. • Of what significance is crude fiber (C.F.) in the ration? Generally, the higher the percent crude fiber, the lower the percent T.D.N, in the ration. Shelled corn analyzes about 3 percent crude fiber, oats 12 per- cent, and hays 24 to 30 percent. Rations analyzing more than 8 to 12 percent crude fiber probably contain considerable roughage. • Can an orphan foal be raised on cow's milk? Yes, but at the begin- ning it is desirable for the foal to receive some colostrum. There are also milk replacers available on the market. • How should cow's milk be modified for a foal? Mare's milk, as compared with cow's milk, is lower in protein and fat and higher in water and sugar. Therefore, add one tablespoon of sugar and four tablespoons of water to a pint of cow's milk. Warm to about 100° F. and feed Yz pint every two hours for the first few days. After four weeks the foal can be gradually switched to undiluted cow's milk or skimmed milk. • Why furnish extra vitamin A in the ration if green feeds are a good source of carotene that can be converted to vitamin A in the body? Research has shown that high intake, of nitrop-en in plants can interfere with carotene conversion to vitamin A, Vitamin A is especially impor- tant for breeding' horsesT Supplemental vitamin A is inexpensive and good insurance for the horse's health. • Should salt be fed loose or in the block? Salt can be fed either way, but consumption may be higher in the loose form. • Do mares need grain before foaling? Mares fed good hay and in thrifty condition (healthy and neither fat nor thin) may not need extra grain. Thin or old mares may need some grain. In late gestation, a light grain ration along with good roughage is acceptable, but the mare should not be overfed. Heavy feeding can cause foaling trouble because the mare may become too fat. • How should mares be fed after foaling? Feed only light grain with hay for 7 to 10 days after foaling. Lactation that is too heavy can cause scojiring- Increase grain slowly for the mare until the foal is old enough to take more milk. • Do horses need teeth care? Yes. Irregular wear may leave sharp jagged edges that can cause pain or poor mastication of feed. File with a float or guarded rasp. Occasionally milk teeth that remain in too long need to be pulled; otherwise they may cause crooked permanent teeth. 20 W^sr-*^