UMASS/AMHERST 3leDtDt,DD5ñ^Lbl3 » f LIBRARY OF THE MASSACHUSETTS AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE J¿ 633 SOURCE^ G43 v,4 CARD Jf. 7^-e^ . V. ,¿?tl-£-^ :88 Fertílizadon i^ Fertilización del Tabaco. PUBLICADO POR La GERMÁN KALI WORKS, Calle de Nassau, No. 95, NUEVA YORK, Estados Unidos. AVISO. El presente folleto se remitirá gratis á todo el que lo solicite así como los siguientes: "TROPICAL PLANTING," "FERTILIZING SUGAR GANE," "EXPERIMENTS WITH FERTILIZERS," "GUIA DEL AGRICULTOR," "TOBACCO CULTURE," "PLANT FOOD," y el "THE COW PEA." A cuyo efecto bastará dirigirse al GERMÁN KALl WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, Nueva York, Estados Unidos. Importancia de los Fertilizantes en las Vegas de Tabaco, y algunas observaciones respecto al modo más ventajoso de su aplicación al terreno» TODO cultivador de tabaco debe tener muy en cuenta que siendo dicha planta de crecimiento rápido y ex- uberante, demanda gran cantidad de aquellas sustancias que contiene el terreno y que son indispensables á su nu- trición. Si esas sustancias, que constituyen el alimento de la planta, y que esta ha quitado en cada cosecha, no se de- vuelven al terreno oportuna y acertadamente, no es posible esperar buenos resultados, ni en la calidad del producto, ni en el rendimiento promedio de las siembras." Respecto á esto, y como ilustración práctica, tenemos el gusto de ofrecer aquí el resultado de minuciosos experi- mentos llevados á cabo en la Estación Experimentadora del estado de Massachusetts, y en la de Florida (Estados Unidos). La primera Estación citada está bajo la acertada dirección del Dr. Goessman, y la de Florida está á cargo del Profesor Stockbridge. Ambos han realizado un trabajo de investigación de suma utilidad para los cultivadores de 4 FERTII.IZACION DEL TABACO. tabaco, y siendo competentes en la materia, la proporción que aconsejan para el empleo de los fertilizantes debe adop- tarse sin vacilar un momento. Según, pues, la citadas in- vestigaciones, el ácido fosfórico, el nitrógeno y la potasa, deben entrar en las proporciones siguientes, por caballería: Ácido Fosfórico Nitrógeno Potasa El Dr. Goessman aconseja, 1.980 Ibs. 3.300 Ibs. g.giolbs. El Prof . Stockbridge " 2.410 " 5.950 " 9.910 " Promedio por caballería, 2.215 Ibs. 4.630 Ibs. 9.910 Ibs. Es decir, que una mezcla que contuviese como unas 19.800 libras de sulfato de potasa superior (96^), unas 28.000 libras de nitrato de soda, y unas 18.000 libras de ácido fos- fato (12^) vendrían á formar las cantidades de ácido fosfó- rico, nitrógeno y potasa arriba indicados. Toda vez que el análisis químico nos revela la cantidad de alimento de la planta contenida en el tabaco, esta cir- cunstancia sirve de base para determinar, con relativa cer- teza, tanto la clase como la cuantía del fertilizante que debe emplearse. Y como es natural, al calcularse el alimento asimilado por la planta es necesario tener en cuenta, no solo la boj a, sino el tallo todo; pues si bien es cierto que en la hoja se cifra todo el interés, esta no puede crecer sin el tronco, raíces, etc. I,a planta, en conjunto, ha sido anali- zada por el Profesor Stockbridge, en la Estación Experi- mentadora de Florida, con el resultado promedio siguiente: Ácido fosfórico, 0.99 por ciento; Nitrógeno, 2.58 por ciento; Potasa, 4.34 por ciento, contenido en dicha planta. FERTILIZACIÓN DEL TABACO. 5 Esto nos indica que la siembra requiere para su nutri- ción, y que realmente se asimila, una proporción de 260 libras de nitrógeno y 440 de potasa por cada 100 de ácido fosfórico. Y como este último componente suele cambiarse en formas insolubles al incorporarse al terreno, bueno es tener eso presente y compensarlo al preparar ciertos ferti- lizantes especiales. En cambio, sucede á veces, que el cul- tivo alternado de las leguminosas acumula el nitrógeno en el suelo, en cuyo caso, si el empleo del nitrógeno en el fer- tilizante se prodigase algo, podría producir tal exuberancia en la hoja que más bien sería en detrimento de su calidad. Débese á esto el que muchos cultivadores de tabaco de reconocida experiencia empleen mayor proporción de ácido fosfórico, y menor de nitrógeno, que la que podría dedu- cirse como indicada por la composición química de la ci- tada siembra. Todo esto lo ha tenido en consideración el Profesor Stockbridge al recomendar su fórmula para el empleo de los fertilizantes, porque con dicha fórmula se reponen las sustancias nutritivas (según previos análisis) que una cose- cha normal de tabaco necesita asimilarse de cada caballería de tierra sembrada de tabaco. El resumen de autoridades reconocidas acerca de este asunto puede expresarse en la forma siguiente : Las sie7nbras de tabaco reclaTnan el ácido fosfórico en pequeTia proporción^ mayor la de 7iitrógeno, y en proporciÓ7i Tmtcho más grande la potasa: de esta última y en rigor ^ en ca?itidad mucho más crecida que ninguiia otra planta de cultivo. 6 FERTILIZACIÓN DEL TABACO. Una buena práctica en el cultivo inteligente del tabaco aconseja la proporción siguiente : Nitrógeno de 4 á 6 partes: Potasa de 8 á 15 y de I á 3 de Acido fosfórico. O para decirlo en forma más concisa : Amoniaco, de 4 á 5 por ciento. Potasa, de 8 á 9 " Acido fosfórico aprovechable, de 2 á 4 por ciento. Es muy importante recordar siempre que el valor de los fertilizantes del comercio es relativo, porque ha de ser en relación directa del nitrógeno, la potasa, y el ácido fosfórico aprovechable que contengan y siempre que se apliquen dichos ingredientes en su debida proporción . Y téngase pre- sente que si hay exceso en la cantidad que se aplique de uno de estos tres componentes del alimento de la planta, el daño que resulte no se subsana por la falta de cualquiera de los otros en el fertilizante : la proporción de los tres es esencialísima, como lo es también, para obtener el mejor resultado, el origen de dichos ingi'edientes. Por ejemplo ; Potasa: debe escogerse siempre el "sulfato de potasa," y aun mucho mejor si es de calidad conocida por "sulfato de potasa de 96^." Otras formas, tales como el muriato de potasa, y Kainit (que contienen gran cantidad de el orino ) no deben aplicarse nunca al tabaco, toda vez que su influen- cia es nociva para la hoja, resultando "mal ardedora." Para producir un fertilizante de la proporción antes in- dicada, es decir, que contenga 5^ de amoniaco, 9^ de potasa, y 4^ de ácido fosfórico aprovechable, los siguientes compo- nentes deben entrar en una tonelada : TABACO SIN FERTILIZAR. FINCA DE EXPERIMENTOS "SOUTHERN PINES,' CAROLINA DEL NORTE. TABACO, FERTILIZADO CON POTASA, ÁCIDO FOSFÓRICO Y NITRÓGENO (FERTILIZADOR COMPLETO) FINCA DE EXPERIMENTOS "SOUTHERN PINES," CAROLINA DEL NORTE. FKRTlIvIZACION DEIv TABACO. Pulpa de Semilla de algodón, iioo libras. Sulfato de potasa (96^) . 350 *' Ácido fosfato 550 *' Total, . 2000 libras. ¿ Y qué cantidad de la anterior composición debe apli- carse á una extensión dada de terreno ? No es posible prefijar dicha cantidad, que naturalmente varia según el país donde se aplique. No obstante, puede decirse que de 33 mil libras á 49 mil, por caballeria, aseguran un resultado ventajoso. Los cultivadores de tabaco del estado de Con- necticut, usan, por lo general, hasta 99 mil libras por caballeria. La cifra de Connecticut no debe seguirse escrupulosamente en un país como Cuba, por ejemplo, donde es proverbial la riqueza de sus vegas de tabaco; pero sí puede servir de base para los experimentos particulares de los cultivadores, que si se llevan á cabo con inteligencia, muy pronto podrán averiguar la cantidad de fertilizantes de la proporción indicada que ha de darles el mayor beneficio, tanto en el rendimiento de la cosecha, como en la calidad del producto. No hay inversión de dinero más acertada que aquella destinada á abonar la tierra, no solo porque asi recupera sus elementos de riqueza natural, empobrecidos por el cultivo, sino también porque siempre que la fertiliza- ción se haga en la debida forma y co7i los fertilizantes adecuados., el resultado superará con creces la loable ambi- ción del agricultor. :^KRTlIvlZ ACIÓN DKlv TABACO. Componentes de las sustancias fertilizantes que se emplean para obtener nitrógeno. También su proporción. Nitrato de soda Sulfato de amoniaco Sangre seca (Superior) Sangre seca (Inferior) Residuos concentrados de tanques (fondajes) Fondajes Fondajes Residuos de pescado seco. . . Pulpa de semilla de algodón Pulpa de castor Palillos de tabaco Nit. 15 á 16 19 á 22 12 á 14^ 10 á II 11 á I2| 5 á 6 7iá9 9i á II 5 á 6 2 á 3 Equiva- lente en Amoniaco. 18 á ig| 23 á 26 I4i á 17^ 12 á 14^ i3i á 15 6á 7i 9 á II ni á i3i 8 á 9 6 á 7 2^ á4 Potasa (K2O.) 5 á Acido fosfórico Total. 3 a 5 I á 2 II á 14 8| á io| 6 á 8 2% 2% Como 1% ídem ídem para obtener el ácido fosfórico. Roca fosfórica de Carolina del Sur. Fosfatos ácidos de ídem Fosfatos de guijarros de Florida. . . Fosfatos ácidos de ídem Fosfatos de Tenesí Fosfatos ácidos de ídem Hueso calcinado (vivo) Hueso calcinado (disuelto) Hueso calcinado (pulverizado) Guano del Perú Aprovechable. 12^ á 15 15 a 17 14 a 19 15 a i! 5 á 8 Insoluble. 26 á 27 I á 3 26 á 32 I á 3 34 á 39 I á 3 32 á 35 1 á 2 15 á 17 2 á 7 FERTILIZACIÓN DEI/ TABACO. Componentes de las sustancias fertilizantes que se emplean para obtener la potasa. Muriato de potasa Sulfato de potasa (Superior) Sulfato de potasa-magnesia. Carbonato de id. id. Kainit Sylivinit Cenizasdesemilladealgodón Nitrato de potasa ó salpetre. Cenizas de madera (vivas). . Cenizas de madera (lejias). . Palillos de tabaco Potasa para (K,0.) tantopor ciento. 50 50 á 55 27 á 30 16 á 20 20 á 30 43 á45 2 á 8 I á 2 5 á8 Cal, tanto por ciento. 0.85 I . 12 10, 30 a 35 35 á40 3-5 Amonia, t. p. c. 16 á 17 2i á3i Clorino, t. p. c. 45 á48 0.3 á 1.5 1.5 á 2.5 30 a 32 42 á 46 Tipos promedios de la composición de los abonos orgánicos, tales como de establo, etc. Nitrógeno. Equivalente en Amoniaco. Pota. Cal. Estiércol de vaca (fresco). . . 0.34 0 .41 0.40 0.31 Id. de caballo (fresco) 0.58 0.70 0.53 0.21 Id. de carnero ( id. ) 0.83 1 .00 0.67 0.33 Id. de cerdo ( id. ) 0.45 0.54 0.60 0.08 Id. de gallina ( id. ) 0.63 1.98 0.85 0.24 Abonos mezclados de esta- blo, (pen) abonos de corral etc 0.50 0,60 0.63 0.70 VN2 * 00., MIMTIM, 14 MOAPWAY, NSW V4N ORANGE CULTURE. {p Published by GERMÁN KALI WORKS, Neav York, X. Y. Baltimore, Md. Chicago, III. Havana, Cuba. Orange Culture will be sent free to Growers or Persons interested in Orange Growing, Some other important books on agricultural subjects: Principies of Pt'ofitahle Farjning, Potash in A griculture, Farniers' Ginde, Farmers' Note Book, Cottoii Culture, Tobacco Culture, Strawberry Culture, Tropical Planting, Stasafurt Tndustry, Fertilizing Tobacco ^ Sugar Cañe Culture^ Sugar Beet Culture, The Cow Pea, Plant Food, Truck Farming, Why the Fish Failed, Valué of Swamp Lands. If 3'ou wish any of these book, you can obtain the same free of charge b}^ writing to the Germán Kali WorKvS, 93 Nassau Street, New York, orto Baltimore, Md., Continental Building, or Chicago 111., 562 Monadnock Block, or Havana Cuba, West Indies. INTRODUCTION. THE orange is as staple as the apple. It is the standard dessert fruit of America. The demand for it is constant and always increasing. To meet this demand the business of orange growing has reached enormous proportions, and has become the leading industry of large sections. Califor- nia and Florida are, and doubtless will remain, the two most important centers of orange production. Other States and territories, however, are becoming rccognizedfactors in the production of this íruit. Alabama, Louisiana, Texas and Arizona possess commercial groves which are being increased. The present crop of California may be safely placed at 13,000,000 box-ís. The Florida crop for the season of 1903 was approximately 2,000,000 boxes. This is hardly one half of the estimated crop for the year 1894, when the Florida groves were so nearly ruined by the "great freeze." Groves are rapidly increasing in the State, so that the crop has almost reached its pristine importance. The annual crop of the country now represents about 18,000,000 of dollars to the growers. Entirely aside from the commercial importance of the industry and the profits offered by the business, orange growing possesses fascinations making the occupation well nigh irresistible to those once subjected to its magic in- fluence. Succeeding only in regions with climatic conditions nearly ideal for health and pleasure, with a harvest time when most other fruits and plants are in their unattractive period of rest, with the glistening dark green foliage con- trasted with golden fruit, with the mild warmth of winter sunshine, with bloom of flowers and song of birds to add to the enchantment, with long periods of comparative leisure between the seasons of chief activity, with a staple product and ever growing demand, the orange grovver is confronted by as few vicissitudes and as many pleasures as fall to the lot of the producers of any natural product. Although the business demands a high degree of skill, intelligence and professional ability of those engaged in it, any one who is able to give the study and care to a general business necessary to success, can successfully grow oranges. There is a constant accession of new growers, seeking the rewards and health offered by the orange grove. It is the object of this little work to place at the dis- posal of the experienced and inexperienced alike, the best and latest developments of successful practice. Its endeavor is to make available in simple form, the established facts and principies, on whose application the success of the business must depend. ADAPTATIONS. Climate. The climatic adaptations of the orange tree are more important, as they are more definitely defined than are its relations to soil or other conditions. In both Cali- fornia and Florida, it is found growing on soils widely different in compostion and properties. Being a semi-tropical product its climatic restrictions are chiefly those of temperature. Its degree of hardiness varies materially with varieties. Condition of he tree at the time it is subjected to cold exerts great inflaence on its resistant power. The mínimum normal temperature of any locality, is the first and most important point in determining its adaptation to orange culture. The tree whcn dormant, may be safely subjected to a temperature of 20 degrees. Under favorable conditions, particularly cloudy weather foUowing the cold, a temperature of 14 degrees above zero, for a few hours, results in no serious harm to trees. Either of these temperatures would inevitably be followed by de- foliation. Neither elevation ñor latitude controls these conditions, since temperature is often influenced by purely local conditions, especially those modifying or directing aii' currents. SuíRciency of water supply is the other important cli- matic consideration in locating orange groves. Being an evergreen, its demand for water is continuous, since exha- 6 WATER SUPPLY. lation from the leaves goes on even while the tree is dor- mant, though not to the same extent as during the growing season. Nature makes the important suggestion of placing her wild groves only on moist hammock soils. Though the orange was first found growing on low, moist soil, there is no tree that will grow and do wcU on a greater variety of soil. There are orange groves planted on land so low that it is necessary to place the trecs on a ridge to keep the roots from being in standing water and give ampie drain- age ; there are other groves located on high pine land where water in the wells stands at twenty feet from the sur- face and still others in sections where rains are practically unknown. The tap root of the orange tree enables it to seek and find water at a considerable depth, but where there is not an adequate rainfall, irrigation must be made to supply the natural deficiency. In California artificial watering is depended on exclu- sively. In Florida, where the rain-fall is seldom less than 50 inches, spray irrigation is sometimes provided as insurance against dam.age from drought, oftentimes serious just after the young fruit sets. 5oil. Though in most orange growing sections, the term "Orange Soil" is in common use, it will be found that in even limited localities the ñame is not applied to any particular soil, possessing distinct properties. Orange soils may be accepted as including any good arable soil free from standing water, and possessing responsiveness to cul- tivation and fertilizing. In Florida such soils include the SOILS. 7 great variation between the sandy pine ridges, the retentive " hammocks " and the nearly solid porous-limestones of tl.e East Coast. In California such extremes as the gray gravel of the foot hills and the alluvium of the river bottoms seem equally adapted to the orange, when the trees are provideá with the other requisites to normal development. The character of the root system of the orange gives an important suggestion as to its soil adaptations. This tap- root is of a very distinct character. It will not survive Standing water, ñor exist in either natural or artificial hard-pan. Soils possessing either of these conditions, should be excluded from consideration as sites for groves. PROPAGATIOR Seedlings. The orange is not indigenous to the Amer- ican continent. Wild trees of two distinct species, the Citrus aurentum and the C. vulgaris, respectively, the sweet and sour orange, have grown wild in Florida ever since the first English speaking settlers became familiar with the country. They were, ñowever, both introduceü by early Spanish explorers. Finding all their requirements supplied by nature, they throve for severa! centuries as wild occupants of the land. The sour orange is so nearly worthless, as to remain commercially unimportant. The sweet seedling constituted most of the early groves which gave Florida fame as an orange producer. Most of the groves of to-day are the 8 SEEDLINGS. result of perpetuating a distinct type or quality of seedling, by budding it on a root or stock of diíferent origin and unlike properties. The seedling orange, like the peach or other fruit, does not perpetúate its own qualities in the next generation. The fruit of a tree need not resemble the fruit producing the seed from which the tree grows. The planting of seed, therefore, merely assures a tree, but oífers no basis for fore- telling the character of its fruit. A few seedling trees produce fruit as good, or better, than that from which the seed carne. Desirable fruits originating in this way are perpetuated by budding or grafting. That is, by trans- ferring growing buds of the tree desired, to the growing wood of the tree whose product is to be thus changed. Stocks. These are the trees, usually the entire roots of young trees, to which the growing buds of the kind desired are transferred. The result is a tree producing fruit wilh the properties of the tree from which the bud was taken. AUhough the fruit foUows the character of the bud, the tree itself is very materially influenced by the nature of the stock on which it grows. This influence is particularly no- ticed in the matter of hardiness, and resistance to cold. The C. trifoliata stock greatly increases the cold-resisting power of the tree budded on it. The C. vulgaris used as stock for budded trees renders them comparatively immune to the mal de goma^ gi^"^ disease, so serious in some orange sections. It is particulariy worthy of note that the budded tree STOCKS-GRAFTING. 9 develops and retains the root system of the stock used. Stocks, or different species of orange trees, vary greatly in the nature of their root system. The sour orange is particularly deep rooted. The sweet orange is surface rooted and its feeding roots seem to develop at the expense of the tap-root. The pomelo furnishes a stock with some ol the advantages of the sweet orange, but with a root system closelyresembling that of the sour stock. The natural inference is, that for dry localities, or where the natural water supply is deep, the sour stock possesses advantages offered by neither of the others. The Florida rough lemon, with its early maturity and rank growth, furnishes a stock particularly adapted to frostless localities. Buddíng. This is a form of grafting in which a single bud is inserted in the cleft bark of the tree used as a stock, instead of a cion being inserted in the sap-wood of the tree, as with the regular graft. The character of the orange wood makes budding the nearly invariable practice. The fruit of the tree thus produced is true to the type from which the bud came. The other characteristics of the tree foUow the nature of the stock used. Budding is best per- formed when the sap is in fuU flow. The buds should be entirely dormant. Hybridizing. Several of the standard varieties of oranges doubtless originated by the natural cross-fertiliza- tion of quite distinct types, which have been preserved for commercial purposes by budding. The importance and ÍO HYBRIDIZING, possibilities of producing new orange types by the artificial fertilizing of che flowers of different species, resulting in true artificial hybrid trees, oossessing some of the desirable traits of both parents, has recently attractedgreat attentioo, Professors Webber and Swingie of the United States Depart- ment of Agriculcure have succeeded in crossing the svveet orange C. trifoliata, with the inedible deciduous orange of Japan, which is hardy as far north as Pennsylvania. The result his already been the production of severa! edible fruits with hardiness greatly exceeding that of any edible orange, One of these, the Tángelo, bids fair to achieve prominence as a substituto for lemons and limes, productive far north of any región of orange culture. The object in view in this line of effort, has been the development of an orange of commercial valué, with the pro- nounced hardiness of the deciduous parent. Results already achieved indícate that this object is quite within the range of possibility, and that hybridizing must hereafter be recog- nized as an accepted method of orange propagation. SATSUMA ORANGES FROM FLORIDA. RESULTS FROM GOOD CULTURE AND LIBERAL FERTILlZATlON. VARIETIES, Types, To the novice in orange culture, or to persons whose inierest in the fruit is confined to the specimens found in market, and whose knowledge of distinctions would be expressed in the terms good, better, best, it is surprising to learn that there are about as many varieties of the orange as there are of the apple. It is nevertheless true, that the number of described varieties reaches scores, and that nearly every well equipped nurseryman in orange growing sections, regularly propágales tvvo dozen or more diíferent varieties. These varieties diffcr in many of the most essential char- acteristics. Size, flavor, sweetness, beauty, number of seeds, hardiness, productiveness, period of bearing and season of fruiting and adaptation to localities are the cliief distinguish- ing features. It is impossiblehere to even ñame the diíferent accepted varieties. There are severa! recognized types, from which ene or more representative varieties may be selected as char- acteristic of the numerous oranges belonging to the type. as follows: Seedlings: Florida, Sweet Seedling, Tahiti, Homosassa. Modified Seedlings: Joppa, Wolfskill's Best, Navels: Washington, Rivers'. St. Michaels: Paper Rind, Hart's Tardif, Valentía Late. Blood Orange: St. Michaers Blood, Maltese, Ruby. Mandarín: Satsuma, Dancy, King. VARIETIES. 13 Among the more valuable of the characteristics of the different varieties, is the difference in season for ripening. By means of this distinction, it is possible to select varie- ties which will extend the orange season from September to June. Any good nursery catalogue gives the date of the ripening of standard varieties. KUMQUATS FROM FLORIDA. PREPARATION FOR PLANTING. Localities differ so greatly in their relations to tree development that the treatment of the site selected for the grove, previous to setting the trees, must be determined by local conditions. There are, however, certain general principies which apply to all localities. Thorough plowing and pulverizing of the land to be devoted to the grove should be insisted on. Even newly cleared hammock and the Sonth Florida rock land should not be exempt from this injunction. The habitat of the tree is never restricted by a small circle immediately around the trunk. It is eventually to occupy, and feed from the entire área. The entire soil must therefore eventually be worked, if the best results are to be secured. This can never be so effectually and economically accomplished as before the trees are in place. The charactcr of the soil must determine the depth of the breaking, but one foot is seldom too deep, This first working should be accomplished during the Fall or Winter preceding the planting. Vegetation "will thus have a chance to decompose and leave a mellow bcd for the roots of the young trees. Where irrigation is to be practiscd, the land should be carefuUy graded, so that all parts may be reached by the water, and the accumulation of pools be prevented. Should the soil be somewhat subject to excessive moist- ure, as is the case with some hammock and *'glade'* lands PLANTING. 15 iii Florida, the land should be thrown into beds as wide as the distante between the intended rows of trees, which should then be planted in the centre of the beds. The water-furrows will then be half way between the rows, which should run in the direction of the natural slope or drainage cf the land. The land should be susceptible to the thorough cultiva- tion of the hoed crop. AU obstacles to such treatment should be removed. There is no more excuse for stumps and rocks in a grove than in a garden. Not that clean cul- ture must always be followed, but that perfect control of conditions, and fuU protection of trees, are not possible when cbstaeles to perfect cuitivation exist. TRANSPLANTING. Time. The orange being an evergreen, may be trans- planted through a very much longer period than is the case with deciduous trees. Indeed it may be set out at any time without serious risk, but there are naturally certain seasons when transplanting may be performed with best results. Citrus trees have several periods of comparative dor- mancy. These vary in different sections. As a rule the time immediately preceding full activity, the natural bloom- ing season, is best for this purpose. Late winter and very early spring is the favorite planting time in Florida. Early summer is the preferred time in California. Age. This will be modified by variety and location. The stock used also has an important bearing on the ques- tion of age for transplanting. Seedlings grow more slowly than budded trees, and should have the advantage of a year at the time of setting out. The trifoliata stocks are usually transplanted as one year oíd buds. Other varieties should remain at least two years in the nursery row. Methods. The orange grower will, as a rule, find it best to depend on the professional nurseryman for his supply of young trees. Most trees brousfht considerable distances will l)e re- ceived with bare roots, the tap-root being cut about one foot long. At least one half of the foliage should be re- SELECTION OF SITE. 17 moved. The clipping off of a part of each leaf is preferable to removing one half of the entire number of leaves. Great care should be taken to prevent the roots of the trees from being exposed to the sun for any length of time during the transplanting process. Holes should be dug large enough to receive the roots without cramping. The hole should be partly fiUed with fine earth as a bed for the roots. In this bed a hule for rc- ceiving the tap-root should be made with shovel handle. The tree should be set a little higher than it grcw in the nursery, to allow of settling. The soil should be carefully settled around the roots by hand. When the hole is ncarly fiUed, the ground should be thoroughly soaked with water, that the roots may immediately find moisture, the suil be closely pressed to the roots, and all air hules fiUed. The hole should then be filled in, a little higher than the sur- rounding level. Sprinküng the foliage after the tree is set, is a great advantage, as evaporation from the leaves is thus checked and wilting and shock are proportionately reduced. A quicker start is thus secured. Laying ouí the grove, as well as distance of trecs apart, must depend largely on varieties. Location and character of soil will also have important bearing on this point. The most frequent system of planting is in squarcs. The quincunx system with a tree in the centcr of each square has its adaptations. This is usually followed when the permancnt grove consists of large and slow growing sorts, libe the sweet seedling, theíi the center of the square l8 SYSTEMS OF PLANTING. may profitably be occupied by a quick growing smallcr tree, like those of the Mandarín type, which may be re- moved when the large trees reach full size. The hexagonal and other systems allowing of more trees per acre, are not generally used. The distances at which trees should be placed, should be greater on hammock and very productive soils, ihan oa sandy and less fertile ones. The size of trees varíes so much with variety, that this must rcmain the controUing factor ín deciding the matter of distances. For common stocks 25 to 30 feeí each way are the stand- ard distances. TrifoUata and pomelo stocks should be set iS to 20 feet apirt. At 20 feet each way an acre accommo- dates 108 trees. The number required for the square system Í3 easíly calculated for any distance. The quinen nx system requires 15 per cent more trees than tlie square, for Úiq same distances. CULTIVATION, Time. No hard and fast rule can be laid down for the cultivation of the grove, except that experience in all coun- tries leads to the conclusión that orange trees should be treated as a cultivated crop, and be given careful thorough tillage during some part of each year. 1 M ^B ^^BB^^b '^ *■ P 1 1 ^ -^i^^Sfi P 1 .'■-^'*-'.^- - SHOWING CLEAN CULTURE IN GROVE —WELL EERTILIZED. Cultivation unquestionably sti:nulates root activity. It has, therefore become an accepted belief, that during the periods of dormancy of the tree, occurring in difíerent sections at somewhat different seasons, cultivation should cease, that the natural recuperative rest of the tree may not be interfered with. There is another reason why this period, existing chiefly in the vvinter, should not be disturbed, in sectiuns subject 20 CULTIVATION. to damage from cold. Cultivation starts root action. Root action brings the sap into flovv. The more near perfectly dormant the tree is, when subjected to cold, the less thc danger of injury. During the period of liability to serious cold, therefore, all working of the soil, with its stimulating cffect on the roots, shouldbe wholly abandoned. It may be accepted as a safe rule that cultivation should be confined to the interval, betvveen February and November. During this period, however, practice in different sections varies greatly. In California the accepted rule is — *' the soil must be kept mellow and free from weeds at all times." It is another accepted practice to cultívate after each irrigation. In Florida a quite radical diíference in practice has bc- come general, During the heat of summer cultivation ceascs. Por three months not only are the plow and cul- tivator kept from the grove, but the tendency of nature to cover thc unprotected soil from the burning heat of the sun, by means of protecting vegetation, is encouraged. The Florida orange grower is, year by year, going farther in this dircction and now even sows protective fo- rage crops, chiefly legumes, particularly desmodium and velvet beans, as a nitrogen-conserving method for prcvent ing the burning up of the organic matter of his soils by the heat of mid-summcr. These crops are either harvested or plowed under in the Autumn, thus increasing the fertility and tree-sustaining capacity of the soil. Clean Culture vs. Cover Crops, This comparison has been thoroughly made in both Florida and California* CULTIVATION. 21 The victory, and general practice is in favor of the cover crop, on all soils free from excess of organic nitrogenous matter and wlicre die-back has not manifested itself. Methods. The character of the soü will necessarily chiefly influence the nature of the cultivation followed, and the mcans by which it is effected. On the comparatively light soils of Florida cultivation from 4^to 6 inches deep is the common practice. The plow is used for this purpose usually at least once per year. The more frequent culti- vations are accomplished by use of the orchard cultivator, a cut-away, or the spading harrow. In dry seasons the more frequent and shallow cultivation is practiced. In California the subsoil plow was formerly believed indispensable, to break up the "irrigation hard-pan " re- siilting from constant plovving and watering to a fixed depth, The cffects of the root destruction inevitable to the use of the sub-soiler, became so apparent that the practice is no longer commendcd. Plowing to the depth of one foct in thrce furrows betvveen the rows, and plenty of water slowly and continuously used, effectually overeóme the hard-pan, or prevent its occurrence. Although not now needed as much as formerly the regular and deep use of the chisel- toothed cultivator, together with plenty of water used slowly are equally efifective. (*) (*) California Ex. Station Bulletin 138, FERTILIZING. The orange is more dependent on quality for liberal rcv turns to the grower than is any other fruit. This is neces- sarily so from the fact that it is almost exclusively a dessert fruit consumed in its natural condition. It is seldom con- verted into secondary products, is rarely cooked and there- fore its natural properties are neither supplementcd, changed ñor corrected by art or artífice. The orange is also extremely susceptible to modification through the influence of the food upon which it feeds. These facts make the matter of fertilizing the tree one of the most im- portant factors involvcd in orange culture. This is true wherever the business has reached a high State of development. Wherever an assemblage of orange growers begins discussing any phase of the business in which they are engaged, the problems of satisfactory fertil- izing are sure to come to the front. The groves may slope to tlie shores of the Mediterranean, bask in the sunshine of the Pacific or be kissed by the breezes of the Gulf of México, but the golden fruit they bear has resulted from the practice of the advanced science of plant fertilizing. lii Florida the larger proportion of the groves are located on pine land so deficient in general fertility, that whatever is taken from the soil in the form of crop, must have first been artificially given to it in the form of plant ORANGE EXPERIMENT OF MR. JOAQUÍN BERNAT, CATARROJA, SPAIN. TREE FEK.TÍL1ZED WITH POTASH, PlIOSPHORIC ACID AND NITROGEN. YIELD PER ACRE, 1 706. 7 l.P.S. » ¿, "■^ . ,í^fci"~ J^^^'- *^ ^^^i^S*R^ ^^^^5 ^^^^¿. '^ .^^|S^^^S^^S^^«CT^^^ Í^^^^^^^^^»ü^S^^ra^^^^ ^^ v|i|^S^^^^^^^^^^<^, w^^^z^^é^s^^SS^^ ^^^^r ' ' mm^^mt" Mí^& fci-t' ^i^ T^^^^^P|P ^bSo^^^^s^^s^^ í?^.>,l« &^1^ ^4 '^^Ph^^PmMi^jftw^ *' " ^ji \í3BKKUBSBB^^m^^S^S^i^ -^'^''•% 4!d«fKI' ^^^ i^-^^f^laMBÉBü^^fe ^^'««l ^m¿ ^4 ■: '¿■-^''-■^§tiM. mM- íl*- ]^^m^99k i'áf|s:siS "^^^P^^EMhi^ i > ■''"*' .■>::#t-s^y^ *J%-__*^- -',ll ii,:-^ .^^^p^PI <■; -w?^ ^'y^f.-'^. s/'f f'f'-^^^i^J ii^á l^g^ •^ ^ ■í ...«1^ . '-^ '$5r ^' ^**^ ''■■'¿'fc •■ V - tJ ^ -i ■' , •■ ■ -t- V -r, gL ^^^^^ Li^-j ^ 1%, •^ '^'V-^gl^a^WHEg ^^.j^-aBgUBCy^ ^^^ 'T^ IJi^^- ' " - TREE FERTILIZED WITH PHOSPHORIC ACID AND NITROGEN. NO POTASH. YIELD PER ACRE, 1330.5 LBS. 24 NEED FOR PLANT FOOD. food. In California many groves are planted on land shown by analysis to be strong in all the essentials of plant growth. Yet on these lands, with regular irrigation, successful growers "do not consider it priident to make too great de- ÜRANGE GROVE NEAR RIVERSIDE, CAL., SHOWING LACK OF FERTILIZATION. ORANGE GROVE NEAR RIVERSIDE, CAL., LIBERALLY FERTILIZED WITH COMPLETE FERTILIZER. mands upon the soil without giving back some equivalent in the form of plant food. " (*) This unity of opinión and similarity of practice, in sec- tions so far apart and different in natural conditions, is the strongest proof of the necessity and importance of orange grove fertilizing. (*) •' Citrus Culture in California " p. 134. BASIS FOR FERTILIZING. 25 The basis of practice. Whatever may be the local modi- fications, the acceptcd basis, the accepted starting point for the rational fertilizing of any crop, is the chemical compo- sition of that crop. The object of the intelligent cultivator is to apply to the soil the plant food required by the crop to be produced thereby, and which experience shows that the crop is unable to secure by natural means. A knowledge of the character and habits of growth of the crop in question, and of the composition and propcrties of the soil, are important modi- fying and accessory considerations. Each of these factors must be separately considered in reference to orange production. Composition of Oranges. The íriiit of California and Florida diffcrs each from the othcr so greati}" in character and composition, that analyscs of both are here presented. FERTILIZING CONSTITüENTS IN ÍOOO LBS. OF ORANGES. (*) Phosphoric Acid. Nitrogen. Potash. California 0.53 Ibs. i 83 Ibs. 2.iilbs. Florida 0.77 " 1.24 " 4.79* " The comparison of these figures shows a very noteworthy difference in the composition of the fruit of the two States, Jt is probable that this difference in the fertilizing consti- (*) Cal. & Fia. Sta. Bulletins, respectively Nos. SS and 17. 20 RELATION OF FLAVOR TO SOIL. tuents of the fruit of the two sections is in keeping witb. the well known differences in the character of the fruit itseJf. The most noticeable difference is in the potash content. The Florida fruit contains more than double the amount found in that of California. The well recognizcd influencc of potash on sweetncss and flavor would, with thcsc analyses in hand, seem to explain the pre-eminence of the Florida fruit in sweetness and flavor, Composition of Orange soil. The composition of any soil, as determined by analysis, has little bearing on mcthods of practical fertilizing. This must be true, from the impossibility of dctermining the amount of any soil constituent which may really become availablc, or possibly used by any crop during its period of grovvth. The cliem- ical composition of the soil is now generally bclieved to be of less importance to the plant than the physical con- dition of the soil and its constituents. The composition of the soil, however, does offer some indication of its crop adaptations and general productivness. The futility of soil analysis as a basis for fertilizer treat- ment is forcibly illustrated by experiments made in Cali- fornia on soil shown by analysis to contain available potash "sufficient for many consecutive crops, but on which the application of potash increased the yield of fruit, improved the growth of the trees and raised the sugar content of the juice over 37 per cent. " (*) (*j Prof. Woodbridg-e, Report Riverside Kort. Club., 1805. FOOD REQUIREMENTS. 27 The Food Requirements of the orange iifíer írom recognized requirements of other crops, only in amount and proportions. Potash, phosphoric acid and nitrogen are demanded by the tree, in excess of the ability of commcn GROVE OF A. M. SEELEY. — COVINA, CAL. SHOWING RESULTS OF COMPLETE FERTILIZER — POTASH, PHOSPHORIC ACID AND NITROGEN. soils to supply, and must therefore be provided by the grower. His concern is not what but how much and in what form to apply. It should be here noted that lime is known to possess special adaptations to the orange. Its action is to produce the desirabíe thinness of skin. Since all commercial form* zS PHOSPHORIC ACID AND NITROGEN. of phosphate supply available lime, its artificial providing is seldom rcquircd. The special properties and adaptations of each of tbe tbree plant food cssentials must be separately considered, so tbat tbe principies controlling their successful use may be iindcrstood. Phosphoríc Acid. Its direct effect is exerted more on tbetreetban on tbe fruit. The seed, bowever, makes con- siderable demands for it. Lack of sufficient supply of tbis material, is frequently manifested by a mottled or sligblly variegated appearance of tbe newly formed leaf. The disappearance of tbis condition, upon tbe liberal application of pbospbatic fertilizers, is probably in part due to tbe well knovvn action of pbospbates, whicb are always accompanied by sulpbate of lime, if acidulated, in liberating otbcrwise unavailable plant food. The demand of tbe orange for tbis material, is really considerably less than for eitber of tbe other two essentials. Tbere can be no doubt tbat most complete, ready mixed fertilizers, supply mucb larger quantities than are needed, or can be ecomonically applied, Nitrogen. The special offices of nitrogen in orange production, are to forcé vigorous, even rank, growtb. Tbis is manifested in wood, leaf and fruit. The effect on foliage is most noticeable. Absence of sufficient nitrogen mani- fests itself in paleness or yellowness of leaf, scanty foliage and apparentlack of vigor. Abundance of nitrogen results in luxuriant growtb. abundant, glossy and dark colored ieaves. Heavy juicy fruit is another result of abundant POTASH, 29 nitrogen suppiy. Dry, light, fruit, with superabundance of '*rag" is an indication of lack of nitrogen, Excess of nitrogen is followed by rankness of growth, succeeded by death of the ends of the twigs, recognized as the insipient stage of ''die-back" which is a sure indication of mal- nutrition. The fruit becomes thick and rough skinned. Potash. This exerts a very apparent influence on the general vigor of the tree, and its productiveness. Its most decisiva influence is on the character, color, sweetness and flavor of the fruit, and on the ripening, or hardening of the wood. Lack of potash is manifest in the preponderance of immature wood and the consequent susceptibility of the tree to injury from cold. Over one half of the total ash of the fruit consists of potash. Scientific experiments both in California and Florida as well as the consensus of opinión among the most observant growers, leave no room for doubting the direct influence of potash on the quality of fruit, especially on its sweetness. The influence of potash on wood development is, in some respects apparently greater with the orange than with other trees, and in this particular has a special significance so far as the health of the tree is concerned. The new growth of orange wood is normally not cylindrical; the young twigs are at first flattened on two or more sides to an angular form, usually approaching a distinctly three sided or triangular condition. Toward the end of the ñrst season this condition usually disappears^ if 30 POTASH AND TWIG GROWTH. normal developmeiit proceeds. It is observed, however, that in case of over ammoniatíng of the trees this angular condition is much more persisient, and the dcvelopment of round branches is delayed. In groves deficient in potash, or shovving excess of ammonia fertilizing, branches two SHÜWIiNG EFFiiCT OF POTASH ON TWIG DliVKLOFM KNT. .Vo Potash— Flat and sharply cornered. Potash -Round and well developed. years oíd shovving three, four or even five well defined fl \ttened sides are much in evidence. Where this condition exists the liberal use of mineral fertilizers, especially pot- ash conteracts this condition. Not only does this condition of the young growth of a tree, therefore, give good indication of its fertilizer re- EFFECTS OF POTASH ON GROWTH. 31 quirements, but the fact is of particular importance in its relation to tree health. Over ammoniation is recognized as one of the chief causes of die-back. Careful observation shows that, even with twigs of the same age, die-back is most prevalent where the proportion of angular twigs is greatest. The persistent presence of this condition of tlie young branches, after the first year, is a sign of more or less abnormal development, due to unnatural condiiions. The changes are among the pre-disposing causes of one of the most persistent orange tree diseases, die-back. Potash seems to be a corrective of these conditions, and its liberal use lessens the probability for disease and improves the condiiion of effected trecs. Relation of Habits of Qrowth. With the special relations of the different plant fuods of the orange in mind, the modi- fying effects of the character of the tree on the practical application of fertilizers, must be considered, before dis- cussing the important matter of the forms of supply. There are three facts relative to the habits of growth of the tree, which have direct bearing on the matter of practi- cal fertilizing First is the fact of the great longevity of the tree itself. This age and slow development means that any fertilizer applied to the tree, unless interfered with by other conditions, is subject not only to the action of the tree, but of the ele- ments, and soil changes for a long time. The resultis that material not used by the tree during the first season, may become available the next, or possibly remain for years 32 FACTORS EFFECTING FERTILIZATION. within reach, and eventually be used. The special signifi- cance of this fact, lies in its application to the phosphoric acid. The reverted acid is probably fully as valuable to the orange, as the soluble form, and doubtless in time be- comes available and is used by the tree. This accounts for the common preference of growers for bonemeal and similar forms of phosphates. The next important consideration in connection with the character of the tree or its habiis of grovvth, concerns its root system. Different types of oranges or different stocks, possess root systems quite different in their relations to the matter of the plant food supply adaptcd to their requirements. The sour stock is much more deeply rooted than is either of the others. Nitrification is a comparatively shallow soil process. The shallow rooted stocks are therefore more likely to derive fuU bcnefit from the fertilizers whose nilro- gen must undergo the nitrification process. On the olhcr hand, sour stocks are most likely to utilize nitrates, which often penétrate the soil below the depth of shallow roots. A third point worthy of consideration in this connec- tion, is the fact that the orange grower must fcrtilize for two distinct purposes, with quite unlike requirements. He must feed both tree and fruit. With bearing trees bolh these requirements must be supplicd at the same time. With trees which should be in fruit, but are for some reason unproductive, intelligent fertilizing is the most efficient porre^tive. The mo5t important practica! deduction is^that SOURCES OF PLANT FOOD. 3J the young grove, before it comes into bearing, necds treat- ment for trees alone and should be fertilized quite differ- ently from the grove, possibly of the same age, which has not yet reached the fruiting stage. Forms to apply. With all crops in which the special properties dependent on aroma and flavor control valué, the form in which the plant food is supplied, is of very great importance. This is particularly true of the orange, the appearance, quality and flavor of which so largely influence market returns. This importance is greatly in- creased by the well recognized fact that the health of the tree itself may be so effected by certain common forms of fertilizar. The source of the phosphoric acid supply, seems to be immaterial so far as results are concerned. Economy of cost of the actual plant food is the controlling factor witb this food. The less quickly available forms, bone-meal,, soft phosphate and Thomas slag may be used for perman- ent tree making materials. For regular feeding and quick-^ er results acid phosphate should be the standby The best form of Potash to supply the orange tree is the Sulphateof Potash or Sulphate of Potash-Magnesia. The former can be used where transportation enters largely inta the cost of getting the Potash to the grove and can be used on young trees to good advantage. The latter (commonly known as low grade Sulphate or Double Manure Salt) is con- sidered the best form for fruiting trees on account of the magnesia which it contains, which is not found in the other 34 SOURCES OF PLANT FOOD. forms of Potash Manures. A grove in Florida on which no other form of Potash has been used for a period of twelvx years, is noted for producing fruit of the finest flav- or, beautiful color and good keeping qualities. Hardwood ashes can also be used to good advantage occasionally, as the alkali in the ashes will neutralize any acid that may have accumulated in the soil, which will better enable the tree to take up the plant food which is placed within its reach. In selecting the form of nitrogen the greatest precaution is needed. Stable manure should as a rule not be permitted near orange trees. Although even cow and sheep manure has been used in connection with a supplementary applica- tion of potash and phosphoric acid, there is danger of a rank ^rowth, thick skinned fruit with excess of rag and inferior flavor, with even splitting and dropping, if stable manure is used alone. Still more to be guarded against is the "die-back" almost sure to follow the continued use of a fer- tilizer containing too much nitrogen. Other organic forms of nitrogen, such as cotton-seed meal, tankage and blood, possess much the same tendency as manure and should be used with great caution except on the soils noticeably deficient in organic matter, and prcferably for tree growth, before the fruit period. Nitrate of soda is the ideal source of nitrogen. §ulph- ate of ammonia stands next. Between these two the cost of actual nitrogen at the time of purchase, may safely be the basis of selection. Mineral forms of nitrogen should be used to the rigid exclusión of organic forms, except under the restrictions mentioned. INDIRECT ACTION OF MAXURES. 35 Secondary effects of fertilizers. Primarily fertilizers are the raw material from which nature is to produce trees and fruit. There are certain well recognized other effects which must not be overlooked, in any full consideration of orange fertilizers. Certain fertilizing materials, particularly kainit and nit- rate of soda, possess well recognized insecticidal properties, probably of some direct valué in the orange grove.(*) The most important secondary efíect of fertilizers is exerted on the water content of soils. To this the increased drought- resistant powers of soils fertilized with certain mineral salts is due. Nitrate of soda and kainit both materially increase cap- illary action in soils. More water moves upward from the lovver strata and thus comes within reach of the roots, when the soil has been fertilized with either of these materials, because the moving water has become a dilute solution of these salts. This fact is not only susceptible of scien- tific demonstration, but accords with practical experience. Growers frequently explain their observation on this point, by the supposition that these materials absorb atmospheric water, and thus increase the available supply. The real ex- planation lies in the well known power of certain salts of potash and soda, to increase surface tensión, and conse- quently the capillary movement of soil water. This action is so important that it may well exert a con- {*) Prof. H. J. Webber in "Citrus Culture in Cala." by State Brd. of Hort. 1900. 36 EFFECT OF POTASH ON QUALITY. trolling influence in determining tlie selection of the form of fertilizer, whcn no counteracting objection to the use of the material exists. Kainit is not a desirable plant food for bearing groves ; but nitrate of soda is one of the accept- ed forms of nitrogen. Its influence on the water content of dry sandy soils, particularly in Florida during the often occurring "May drought" is sometimes sufíicient to save a crop of fruit which might otherwise be lost. It is well here to mention the fact that organic manures have the opposite effect, and increase the dryness of soils during scarcity of moisture. Relatíons to quality of fruit. The variations in qual- ity of oranges are so great, and their valué is so influenced thereby, that the recognized relations between fertilizer used and fruit produced are worthy of careful consideration. Phosphoric acid possesses slight specific influence, after the demands of normal development have been supplied. Organic forms of nitrogen are detrimental to general qual- ity, result in coarse texture, thick rough skin, excess of rag and lack of good flavor. Nitrate of soda is sometimes claimed to increase the sourness of the fruit, but apparent cases may usually be traced to the comparative lack of pot- ash, resulting in a disproportionate amount of nitrogen. Of the three essentials, potash exerts by far the greatest influence on character of fruit. Thinner skin, larger pro- portion of pulp and sweeter juice are the acknowledged effects of potash. So marked is this influence that the experienced grower in Florida where the science and art of BLOOM, WOOD AND FRUIT FERTILIZING. 37 orange fertilizing is developed to the highest degree, will unhestitatingly pick out the fruit resulting from sufficient potash supply, frum that produced in the same grove with lack of this essential. Time and Method of application. The orange blooms in the Spring. The flower is produced on wood matured the previous season. It is thus apparent that the fertilizer or food which supports the bloom and young fruit, must have been consumad by the tree during the previous season. Fertilizer should be applied at least twice during the year. Bearing trees will do better with three or four appli- cations. February, June, September and November are the proper months and intervals. The first may be called the bloom, the second the fruit and the last two the wood fer- tilizing. The former two applications should therefore be comparatively strong in nitrogen; the final fertilizing of the season should be particularly a potash application. The phosphoric acid may remain constant. Proportions and quantities will be separately considered, All applications should be apportioned to the individual trees, the party applyingsame should walk with the right hand to the tree, throwing the fertilizer toward the center in the same manner that seed is sown, This will allow suíficient fertilizer to drop at the edge of the trees for all necessary purposes and put the bulk in the center, where the mass pf feeding roots are located. It should be either hoed or cultivated in. A commoñ íenciency to apply very cióse to the trunk of the tree shou|d b|í avoidecj^ except during the firgt two or 38 FERTILIZING SUGGESTIONS. three years. The circle of application should be gradually widened till the tree is eventually compelled to seek its food through all the intervening space between the rows. There is no danger of fertilizer needed by the tree, escaping its search. The larger the fertilized circle, tlie greater the área from which tlie tree will draw its supply of moisture and natural food. Quantity and proportions. As has already been shown, he amount, character and proportions of fertilizer which should be given to growing trees and to bearing groves are materially different, Each must, therefore, be considered separately in this connection. Six years may be accepted as the age at which the aver- age grove may be expected to come inio profitable bearing. Sweet seedling trees may require íour years longer for reaching this stage. Certain varieties, particulariy the Salsuma on trifoliata stock, are very early bearers, even producing fruit in the nursery row. The age limit, therefore, is only comparative and must be accepted with these mod- ifications. The quantities named are for each tree, since the number of trees per acre is so variable. Two different sets of for- mulas are suggested, one for sandy and one for heavy or hammock soils. GROWING TREE FERTILIZERS. The ability of the trce to use fertilizer during the season of its being transplanted is comparatively slight. After the first year the basis of plant-food supply for the tree should be about the foUowing amounts per year : (a) Light Soils. Phosphoric acid .6 Ibs. Nitrogen . . . .4 " Potash 6 '* (1)) Heavy Soils. Phosphoric acid 0.6 Ibs. Nitrogen . , . 0.2 '* Potash. . . .06'' These proponions of actual plant food must necessarily be suppiied to the grove by the application of mixed fertil- izers, or of the difíerent fertilizing chemicals required to furnish the quantities of the tree essentiais mentioned. The properly mixed fertilizer containing these quantities of actual plant food would have about the percentage com- position of, Phosphoric Acid, 6 per cent ; Nitrogen 4 per cent and Potash 6 per cent. One half of the nitrogen is to be omitted from the application to heavy soils. The foUowing materials may be advantageously applied for supplying the fertilizer requirements of 100 trees. Acid Phosphate, 500 ibs., Nitrate of Soda, 175 Ibs., Cotton-seed Meal, 200 Ibs., Sulphate of potash, 125 Ibs. On heavy soils the cotton-seed meal should be omitted, and the nitrate of soda be depended on as the entire source of nitrogen. 40 GROWING TREE FERTILIZER. Dissolved bone-black may be substituted for the acid phosphate, sulphate of ammonia for the nitrate of soda, and sulphate of potash-magnesia for the muríate of potash, when convenience or economy make these forms the pre- ferable source of suppíy. The substitution of either of these materials should be made on the basis of their per- centage composition, so that the quantity used shall contain the same quantity of actual plant food as called for in the above formula. As all fertilizer materials are sold on their analytical composition, the substitution is very simple. For instance : Suppose that sulphate of ammonia happens to be more economical or desirable, in some case, than the nitrate of soda mentioned, so that a substitution of the former for the latter is desired. Thequantity of nitrate of soda called for is 175 Ibs. This must not be replaced by an equal number of pounds of sulphate of ammonia, which is richer in nitrogen, but by the quantity of the latter necessary to give the same amount of nitrogen contained in the 175 Ibs. of nitrate. The latter contains approximately 15 per cent of nitrogen, while the sulphate contains 20 per cent. 130 Ibs. of the sulphate of ammonia, therefore, contains as much nitrogen, as 175 Ibs, of nitrate of soda, and is the proper quantity to be used in the substitution. With this principie in mind the grower may vary the ingredients of his fertilizer mixture at will, from the desirable materials at his command, and still not alter the suppl^ of actual plant íood made acce^sibl^ to the tree, FERTILTZING FOR THE TREÉ. 4! The quantities to be applied to the trees must necessarily depend on age, condition and previous treatment of the soil. The first year 2 to 3 Ibs. of the mixture recommended will meet the needs of the tree. One half of this quantity should be applied at the time of transplanting by putting it in the hele at lest ten days before the time the tree is put out and thoroughly mixing it into the soil, the more thoroughly it is mixed with the soil, the better it will be for the tree. The other half may be put on either in June or July. The annual application should be regularly increased as the tree grows. The rate of increase may be approximately one half each year, till the tree is from 4 to 6 years oíd, when it may be expected to be far enough advanced in crop producing to be placed in the list of bearing trees and be treated with the bearing tree fertilizer. As a guide to the proper individual application to trees, the fcllowing may be accepted as good practice : ist year, 3 los.; 2nd, 4 % Ibs.; 3rd, 6 Ibs.; 4th, 9 Ibs.; 5th, 12 Ibs.; 6th, 15 Ibs. The age at which the change from tree to fruit fertilizer may be made cannot be foretold. It varies greatly, even with the same varieties. The Satsuma is a particularly early bearer, and often makes a crop the third year. Even with such early productivity however, the tree will remain more important than the bearing of fruit, for a year or two longer, since tree-making is indispensable to future fruit making. BEARING-TREE FERTILIZERS* With oranges, as with any plant, the composition of the crop produced, must be the basis of rational food supply. This material is actnally removed from the soil, therefore the quantity of the crop, or fruit to be provided for, is the starling point for the rational íertilizing of the grovc. The average amounts of the three essential plant foods, shown by analysis to be present in the fruir, becomes the practical basis for the economical and satisfactory íertilizing of bear- ing orange trces. Fertilizing Ingredients in Oranges. 20,000 Ibs., 300 boxes. Phosphoric acid 0.06 per cent 12 Ibs. Nitrogen ... 0.14 " 28 *' Potash .... o 25 '^ 50 " Adopting 20,000 Ibs. of fruit, equivalentto 300 boxes, as a convenient crop basis, the abcjve amounts of each of the three actual plant food requiremenis would supply the de- mands of the crop for material for its growth. It must be remembered, however, that this materinl only representsthe fruit, and provides no supply for the needs of the tree on which the fruit is produced. The actual demands of the grove on which 300 boxes of oranges were to be made, there- fore, would be more nearly represented by combining the plant food requirements already specified for the growing tree with the material now shown as nccessary for produc- ing the fruit that tree is to bear. NITROGEN FROM THE AIR. 43 Experience, however, has shown that economical grove fertilizing necessitates certain modifications of this the- oretical basis. Less nitrogen and more phosphoric acid than indicated by the mere composition of the tree and its fruit, are found to best meet the continued wellfare of the Hí.Wüünun.Eso RESULTS OF EXl'ERI.MENT, BY H. E. WINDHAM, GOSPORT, N. S. W. WITHOUT FKRTILIZER 1 20 CASES PER ACRE COMPLETE FERTILIZER, WITH POTASH 570 CAgES PER ACRE FERTIDZED WITHOUT POTASH 220 CASES PER ACRE grove. Nitrogen is partly provided through the action of nitrifying bacteria on the nitrogen of the air, particularly when the intervention of a leguminous cover crop is 44 PHOSPHORIC ACID. secured. Phosphoric acid may profitably be used in some excess of the actual demands of the crop, because itis to an extent subject to leeching, and moreover, assists in liberating otherwise unavailable plant food of the soil. The applica- tion of potash in cióse conformity to the demands of the crop, as shown by analysis is found to best meet the re- quirements of the grove. A fertilizer which shall supply loo trees with 72 Ibs. of phosphoric acid, 40 Ibs. of nitrogen and 122 Ibs of actual potash will meet the plant food requirements of theaverage 300 box grove. This, therefore may advantageously be adopted as the basis, or normal application forthe rational fertilizing of the bearing grove. It will be noticed that the relation betvvcen these three different plant food consti- tuents in the normal fertilizer is approximately as follows : Nitrogen i ; Phosphoric acid 2 and potash 3. These pro- portions should be approximately preserved in the compo- sition of fertilizers on this basis. Taking nitrogen, the smallest constituent in quantity required, represented by i, the application of phosphoric acid should be about 2 times as much and the potash about 3 times as much as the amount of nitrogen applied. The percentage composition of a mixed fertilizer containing these quantities and pro- portions should be about as follows : Phosphoric Acid (available) 7 per cent. Nitrogen ... ... 3.5 " Potash 12 " CALCULATION OF FORMULAE 45 A mixture of fertilizing materials to give approximately the above number of pounds of plant food could be made of 255 Ibs. Sulphate of Potash, (48^ Potash,) 122.40 Ibs. 515 Ibs. Acid Phosphate. (14^ available,) 72.10 Ibs. 267 Ibs Nitrate of Soda. (15^ nitrogen,) 40.05 Ibs. 1037 Ibs. Worked out on the ton basis it would give the following formula: 492 Ibs. Sulphate Potash, (48^ Potash,) 11.85 Ibs. 994 Ibs. Acid Phosphate, (14^ available,) 6.95 Ibs. 5 14 Ibs. Nitrate Soda, (15^ nitrogen,) ^.S6 Ibs. 2000 Ibs. In calculating the above, the mínimum analysis of the material used is taken, to be sure that the analysis does not under-run. Nearly all materials over-run sufficienlly, how- ever so that a fertilizer made on above formula would be sure to analyze 12.00^ Potash. 'j.Go'/o available Phosphoric Acid, 3.90^ Nitrogen, The same plant food essentials may be supplied in dlfferent forms, the use of which must depend on con- venience, economy and their adaptability to the crop to be grown. The following materials will give a variety from which to select : 40 CALCULATION OF FORMULAE. Potash, 12 2 Ibs. Actual Potash Require Sulphate Potash, 48^ 255 Ibs. Double jManure Salt, 26fo . . . 470 " Available Phosphoric Acid 72 Ibs. require Acid Phosphate 14/0 515 Ibs. Acid Phosphate 16;^ . . . . . /150 *' Dissolved Bone Black iSfo . . . 400 *' Acid Phosphate 8'/o 900 " Nitrogcn, 40 Ibs. require. Nitrate of Soda, 15;:^ Nit. . . . 267 Ibs. Sulphate of Ammonia, 20;^ Nit. . 2co " Dried Blood, 16^ Nit 250 " These materials may be applied singly or mixed as complete fertilizers, tlie different ingredients to be varied accordingto the conditions of the market and convenience of the grower. Since only mineral materials more or less absorbent of moisture, are includcd, they should not be mixed cxcept for use in the near future. Thcy will cake and become hard or nubby, if allowed to remain several months before use. The proportions mentioned are intended to remain fixed. The total quantities to be applied, however, must vary with the age requirements of the trees and condition of the grove as well as general fertility of the soil. These quantities are suggestcd as a basis, and may be accepted as meeting the average requirements of the 300 box grove. THE DEMANDS OF THE TREE. 47 A grove, producing 300 boxes is, however, only at the begin- ning of its period of bearing. The quantity of fertilizer to be applied must be increased with the increasing growth and increased demands of the tree. The total application recommended for 100 trees and 300 boxes of fruit, was 1037 Ibs. of the above mentioncd mixture. Thisrate of 10.37 ^bs. per trce should be increased in proportion to the increased yield of fruit. Trees yielding 10 boxes each should receive this fertilizer at the rate of 35 to 45 Ibs. per tree. After the ten box stage is reached, the proporlional increase in the fertilizer mny be somewhat diminished, because at tliis stage of production the growth of the tree itself does not increase in proportion to the increase of fruit, and there- after makes less demand on the fertilizer. In mñxing orusing of the different materials recommen- ded, the actual percentage of ihe different essentials, potash, phosphoric acid and nitrogen in the mixture must necessarily vary, thougli the actual amount of each of them may remain the same. This matter is often the source of misundcrstanding. It therefore deserves special consideration. The percentage composition of any fertilizer must necessarily vary with the raw materials composing same, since the per cent does not refer to the actual quantity of plant food present, but is simply an expression of the fact that the amount of the specified article of the combination is so many per cents or hundredths of the whole mixture. By a comparison of the tvvo different fertilizers con- 48 PERCENTAGE AND COMPOSITION. taining the same quantities of each of the three essentials, but made up of diíferent raw materials, giving different percentages, this fact becomes clear. The per cent must depend on the total quantity of which it is a part. A half or tenth or hundredth, of per cent, of 1000 Ibs. is quite different from the same proportion of 1500 Ibs. Ten per cent of a fertilizer mixture consisling of a total of looo Ibs, must be quite different from ten per cent of a different mixture amounting to 1500 Ibs. though each may contain the same total amount of each kind of plant food present. COMPARISON OF PERCENTAGE AND COMPOSITION Pounds of Amount of Per cent of Material Plant Food. Plant Food. Sulphate Potash, 48^ 255 122.40 11.85 Acid Phosphale, 14^ 5^5 72.16 6-95 Nitrate Soda, 15^ 2Ó7 40.05 3.86 Total, 10.^7. Sulphate Ammonia, 200 Acid Phosphate, Sfo 900 Double Manure Salt, 26^ 470 40.00 2.55 72.00 458 122.22 7-77 Total, 1570. This comparison makes very evident the niistake of estimating the plant food contení of mixed fertilizers by "make weights." 49 their percentage composition. Instead of stipulating the per cent of each essential required in a mixture, the actual amount of each of the three plant foods desired should be specified. Another erroneous supposition of many users of fer- tilizers should be mentioned in this connection. Many well meaning advisers of growers, ignorant of all details of the actual business of making and selling fertilizers, constantly speak of "make weights" and "fillers" in connection with commercial fertilizers. These allusions have led to the common belief among uninformed persons, that mixed fer- tilizers often contain materials put in for the solé purpose of bringing the total quantity of material in mixture up to 2000 Ibs. as the ton is the unit of commercial transactions, and that in order to buy a small amount of plant food, they are obliged to pay not only for the so called filler, but high freight rates on a material which is useless. As a matter of fact there is little actual filler in fertilizers, (es- pecially those of high grade) as the reputable manufacturer prefers to have an overrun rather than resort to the use of "make weights." However when a specified percentage is insisted on (and at same time, the kind or source of the materials to be used is specified) it would be necessary for the manufacturer to use filler, providing the original material is concentrated and, the consumer insists on buying the goods by the ton. As a rule however, since the manufacturer decides on the percentage composition of the fertilizer and has at hi§ 50 FILLER — NOT A PLANT FOOD. disposal for compounding the same, desirable raw material varying greatly ia strcngth or concentration and can combine them to secure the desired percentage of each essential in each ton of mixture, he is able to make mosí any desired mixture without the use of "filler." AU fcrtilizers coníain actual plant food having a definite commercial valué, combincd chemically with material which has little or no commercial valué as plant fuod. This latter material is in no sense "filler" but is just as necessary as the plant food itself, being in mosteases essential in conserving the actual plant food until the plant or fruit can make use of it. Filler or "make weights" contain no plant foud. With thcse facts before him the orange grower is in possession of the Information which should enable him to economically supply his grove with the materials essential lo its continued productiveness. It must not be inferred that these fertilizer suggestions meet cvery case and condition, They are simply the bas'S for intelligent action. The formulas givcn will maintain the productiveness of the average grove under normal con- ditions. It does not follow, however, that the same end may not occasionally be advantageously attained by other means. When the grower is so skilled as to unerringly diagnose the indications of his grove, and thereby interpret its food re- quirements, he may vary, or even omit, one of the ingre- dients mentioned, or obtain the same by other means, Until he is thus skilled, however, he will usually do well to follow the route marked out by succecsful predecessors. SINGLE BRANCH OF GRAPE FRUIT. FRÜM TREE FERTILTZED WlTH COMPLETE FERTILIZER. IRRIGATION* The necessity, or desirability, for artificial water supply for the grove, must depend entirely on locality. In Cali- fornia it is absolutely indispensable, wherever orange grow- ing is a commercial industry. In Florida it is frequently provided as protection againstdamage from drought, which often occurs soon after the young fruit has set, and oc-= casionally results in serious dropping. Methods in the two states are wholly unlike, as conditions are unlike and direct objects are different, In California ditch irrigation is the solé form practiced. In Florida the general level of the country, and very porous nature of the soil, render ditches useless. Piping the grovesand the over- head spraying of the trees, in the guise of artificial rain is, usually resorted to where the natural supply of water is augmented. Artesian and pumped surface water are both utilized. The month of May is about the only time when an artificial water supply is evcr found desirable. Only a very small proportion of the groves are provided with f icilities for irrigation. California has generally adopted the furrow system. About four furrows are run between the rows of trees; down these the water is allowed to flow slowly. Care is exercised that the water does not come in direct contact with the trunks of the trees. Scalding and " foot rot " would be npt tofollow. Cultivation must be thorough íind follow the water as soon as the surface is dry enough to work, IRRIGATION HARD-PAN. 53 The so-called 'irrigation hard-pan '' formerly so serious a detriment to California groves, and for which sub-soiling was believed to be the only remedy, is now effectively overeóme or prevented. The immediate result of sub- soiling, was serious damage from the destruction of feeder roots. The present practice is to run three furrows a foot deep between the rows. Water is allowed to run slowly through these for several days, till the sub-soil is wet and softened. The surface still remains so dry that it may be worked. The furrows are cultivated full of dry soil. Evaporation is prevented and water conserved. The deep irrigation over-comes the hard-pan, which results from frequent and constant shallow watering and cultivation to a single depth. WIND PROTEGTION, Orange trces exposed to continuous high winds, es- pecially sea breezes, as is the case in southern California and on the east coast of Florida, are greatly benefited by intervening wind-breaks. These are best provided by plantations of rapid growing heavy foliaged trees. In California the eucalyptus and cyprcss are most satisfactory. In Florida the camphor and bamboo are successfully used for the same purpose. Since most Florida groves are set out on timbered lands, a belt of natural íimber, about fifty feet wide, is the more common wind-break. FROST PROTECTION. It must be remembered that the orange is distinctly sub- tropical in nature. Though it possesses considerable forced hardiness against cold, frost is entirely íoreign to its nature and its culture in both California and Florida has become extended far toward the line of serious menace. In both States protection against occasional disastrous cold, has be- come a regular practice with prudent growers. Conditions in the tvvo sections do not differ materially in the amount or frequency of the protection needed. Both possess large áreas where damaging cold is entirely un- known. Each has many orange groves in sections where preparation for protection is regarded as an advisable form FREEZE OF 1895. 55 of grove insurance. In both cases protection of early bloom, against the possibility of damage from late frosts is the most common expedient. The whole world is aware of the great devastation wrought in Florida by the freeze of February 1895 whereby property of the valué of $27,000,000 disappeared in a single night. So many people are ignorant of the real condiiions, VIEWING THE DEVASTATION OF THE FRKEZE OF 1S95. and consequently misinterpret resulls, that a brief pre- sentation of the actual facts is deemed advisable. The freeze which destroyed so large a part of the groves of Florida was without precedent. It was as much out of the range of human cxpectation, as was the destruction of Martinique by the eruption of Mt. Pelee. The climate of Florida has not changed. The lowest temperature ever ¿6 FREEZE OF 1895. iccorded in the State, was as long ago as 1835. The temp- cratare was within one degree of being as low in 1886 as at the time of the disaster of 1895. Yet the former resulted in little serious damage to groves, while the latter annihilated them. The reason for the difference was the unpreccden- ted conjunction of circumstances acting together. On December 29th, 1894, the thermometer at Jackson- "^T" 1 AFTER THE FREEZE OF 1895. — TREES TRIMMED BACK TO TRUNKS. ville, on the very northern edge of the orange section, fell to 14 degrees, the lowest point reached in 6o years. Trees, however, escapad serious harm, but they were naturally entirely defoliated. The severe cold was followed in a few days by three weeks of continued extremely warm weather. The defoliated trees began to grow, nature rushed to repair the damage. By the end of the first week in February they DORMANCY. 57 were covered with tender buds, fresh shoots and half formed leaves. Then on February 8th carne another ex- tremely cold snap ; the thermometer again dropped to 14 degrees, and the trees, full of sap, were killed to the ground. It is easily seen that it was not unusual cold, but phe- nominal conjunction of circumstances, which brought dis- aster to Florida. Protection against cold, naturally assumes two distinct phases. Namely influencing the resistance of the tree itself and actual protection against external conditions. Dormancy. AU horticulturists recognize the importance of this condition of the tree, as bearing on its susceptibility to cold. On this point Dr. H. E. Stockbridge, in perhaps the most complete presentation of the subject published, says : (*) " The tree must be kept as nearly dormant as possible, from the first of December till the first of March. AU means conducive toward this end are positively our best and most effective protection against the possibilities of damage from frost. " He recommends the following means toward this end : 1. Omit the working of all groves from September till February. 2. Exelude all nitrogenous or ammoniated fertilizers during this period. 3. Root-pruning, carefully practiced around one-quarter of the tree is conducive to dormancy. (*) Report Florida State Horticultura! Society 1S99. 58 ACTUAL PROTECTION. 4. Varieties, particularly of stocks, should be selected with special reference to dormancy, or late spring starting, in which particular they vary greatly. The hardiness oí varieties is chiefly a question of dormancy. Water and forest protection. Living trees and large bodies of water are invariably several degrees warmer than the surrounding air. They must therefore exert some warming influence on the atmosphere. If the prevailing wind is from the forest or water, toward the grove this effect may be sufficient to prevent frost, or to mitígate damage. Growing vegetation, hedges and fences, intcrvening between the water or forest and the grove, interfere with the free movement of the air, and are consequently harmful. This is particularly true of the growth often left bordering bodies of water, which prevents the warm air moving over them. Artificia! Shelter. Very many forms have been ex- tensively tried in bolh California and Florida, Tents of various designs, with and without hcat, are now practically discarded. In California artificial hcat is ncw depended upon and in Florida only one general form of shelter remains in real use. This is the slatted shcd, built per- manently over the grove. It gives about three quarters closed and one quarter open space. Woven lath and wire fencing material is the form of construction used. Wooden posts and frames, are strung with galvanized iron wire for sustaining the cover. The posts are usually left 12 to 16 feet out of the ground. The cost of such sheds is about $400.00 to $500.00 per acre. They are of course adapted ARTIFICIAL HEAT. 59 only to médium sized trees. They furnish protection to the extent of from 4 to 6 degrees, when closed on the windward side, They have some valué in shading the grove during the summer, and thus preventing loss of nitrogen and moisture from the soil. On the other hand, they harbor insects and other tree pests. Their general use is not probable. The Use of Heat. Dry heat and moist heat are both extensively used both in California and in Florida. Each has a different dh-ect object. The former is resorted to for materially raising the temperature of the atmosphere in the grove. The latter is simply a means for preventing the loss of the natural heat of the tree and soil, by evaporation. Its effect is neccssarily comparatively slight, a change of from 2 to 4 degrees, and consequent prevention of frost formation only is expected, and is readily attained. Slov/ fires or smudges, in California of wet straw, and in Florida of Spanish moss, are the practical methods em- ployed. The smoke produced, settles over the grove, pre- vents the heat from radiating, and also after the sun rises protects the trees from its heat. This is a most important fact, since it is really the thawing, rather than the freezing; which is the immediate cause of the damage. Dry heat, or actual fires in groves, are common in both California and Florida. Both use the coal basket of vv^oven wire. Twenty or fifty biskets per acre afford the protection sought. A rise of three to íive degrees with the smaller number of baskets, w^hen outside tempera- 6o COST OF "INSURANCE". ture fell to 24 degrees is entirely feasible. (*) These baskets cost only about 25 cents each, and only one quarter to one h'dlf ton of soft coal per acre per night is required for their use. Considering the valué of the property protected, this is as low a premium for insurance against damage from cold, as is usually paid for protection against fire. Two or three nights during a season will usually cover the period of danger. In Florida, where groves are often situated in the im- mediate vicinity of abundant supplies of seasoned pine wood, open fires of this fuel are resorted to instead of the coal basket. The heat produced is greater, and the actual protection is proportionately increased. (*) Report Riverside Hort. Club, Citrus in Cala. 1900 p. 155, fi^r ' Sp£ ^1£'j1i iiaí^i! EFFECTS OF IMPROPER FERTILIZATION RESULTING IN "DIE BACK." DISEASES AND PESTS. Though the orange is subject to a few serious pests, the number is not greater tiíaii with other standard fruits. These troubles are mostly well understood, and form the subject of sepárate specific works, particularly the BuUetins of the California and Florida Experiment Stations, to which the grower is referred for full discussion. Only a brief summary of the most important pests can be pre- sented here. Die=Back. This is the dying back of apparently healthy twigs and branchcs, iisually preceded by a rusty deposit on the bark, from which the ñame "redrust" is often given to the trouble. This is recognized as a condition of the tree, and not as a distinct disease. Cause. Error in nutrition, hard-pan, lack of proper drainage, and excessive feeding with manure and other organic fertilizers. Treatmení. Remove the canse. Spraying with Bordeaux mixture results in a tonic action on the leaves, greatly im- proving the condition. Foot-rot, Gum disease. This is believed to be due to a vegetable parasite. Its presence is recognized by an exudation of gum from the bark, usually near the ground. Cause. It is believed to be conveyed by spores or germs in the air. Cow-penning, lack of drainage, excessive use of organic manures, and accidental injury to the bark are believed to be the pre-disposing conditions. Treatment. Cut away all diseased parts down to healthy SCAB-MOLD-SCALE. 63 wood. Paint thc exposcd tissue with crude carbolic acid Burn all removed material. All tools used should Le disinfected with the carbolic acid wash before being used on healthy trees. The sour stock is less subject to attack than is other citrus wood. 5cab. This consists of warty cork-like elevations on twigs, leaves or fruit. Cause. It is thought to be the result of the action of a specific f ungus. Treatment. Spray with Bordeaux mixture, or with ammoniacal copper carbonate solution. Sooty Mold. This is a sooty black accumulation on leaf and fruit. Cause. It is due to the action of various insects which exude "honey dew. " The white fly is the most serious of these pests. Treatment. Destroy the white fly by fumigating with hydro-cyanic acid gas. Spray with resin wash or kerosene emulsión. Orange Scale. This is the scale insect most common ío citrus trees. It may accumulate to such an extent as to cause the death of branches, or even trees, through the loss of sap sucked out by the insects. Treatment. Spray with solution of whale-oil soap. PRUNING. Within a few years a radical change in the general praclice of pruning has taken place. Formerly trees were made to branch high, with olean tall trunks. The heads were thinned out to admit access of sunlight. Now low dense heads are the decided preference. Advantage of Low Heads. The shading of the ground around the tree, thus preventing the soil moisture from evaporating ; prcvention of sun baking of the soil ; ability to support heavier crops without propping ; and greater accessibility of fruit, resulting in easier picking, are the chief gains from low-headed trees. Protection of the trunk from damage from sun-scald, is also secured. Thinning out of what was formerly considered as superfluous growth is now practically abandoned for the same reason. Pro- tection of young fruit from hot winds is a further gain. Branches andsprouts which seriously mar the symmetry of the tree, may be removed, but the pruning knife is be- coming less and less in evidcnce in the bcst managed groves. All necessary pruning should of course be done while the trees are dormant. Wounds should be painted or otherwise protected from the air. HARVESTING AND PACKING. However successful the grower may be in producing fruit, the real success of his business will finally depend on the skill used in harvesting and marketing his crop. A few of the salient points influencing results will be presented. Picking. Clip, never pulí the fruit. The stem should be cut cióse up to the orange that danger of puncturing neighboring oranges may be avoided. Pick into hand or shoulder baskets and at every stage handle each orange with care. Only fully ripe fruit should be picked. Unlike many other fruits the ripening of oranges never continúes after they are removed from the tree. Grading. Two distinct classes are recognized, and should be strictly adhered to, namely, " Brights " and *' Russets. " The latter is a distinctly Florida product. At least two grades of each class should be made. The standard grades of California are : Fancy, Choice and Standard. Oranges should cure in the packing house from two to seven days before being packed, to allow toughening of the skin. Wrap in a good quality of tissue paper, preferabiy with design or trade-mark stamped thereon. Only oranges of a single size may be packed in a box together. They should be accurately sized by machine. The standard sizes, which refer to the number which a box will contain, are as foUows : 96 - 1 12 - 126 - 150 - 176 - 200 - 216-250-300. The standard box only should be used 66 SIZE OF BOX. Its dimensions are: ii/^¿ xii3^X26 inches, inside measure. Boxes should be filled solid with fruit in rows with broken spaces, and project from % to % oi an inch above the cdges, so that the top may exert pressure and keep the fruit in place. The outside of the box should always be correctly sten- cilled with grade, size, variety and address of grower. In this way it is possible to establish a reputation and demand which will have a distinct money valué to the produccr of good fruit. TABLE OF CONTENTS, PACE Introduction 3 Adaptations 5 Climate 5 Soil 6 Propagation , 1 Seedlings 7 Stocks 8 Budding 9 Hybridizing 9 Varieties 12 Types 12 Preparation for Planting i4 Localities 14 Transplanting ló Time 16 Age 16 Methods = 16 Laying out 17 Cultivation i9 Time. 19 Clean Culture vs. Cover Crops 20 Methods 21 Fertiüzing 22 Basis of Practice 25 Composition of Oranges • 25 Composition of Soils 26 Food Requirements 27 Phosphoric Acid 28 Nitrogen 28 TABLE OF CONTENTS— Continued. PAGE Potash , 29 Habits of Growth 31 Forms to Apply 33 Secondary Effects 35 Rélations to Quality 36 Time and Method of Application 37 Quality and Proportions 38 Growing-Tree Fertilizers 39 Bearing=Tree Fertilizers 42 Percentage and Composition 48 Irrigation 52 Mcthods 52 Wind Protection 54 Frost Protection 54 Dormancy 57 Water and Forest Protection 58 Artificial Shelter 58 Use of Heat 59 Diseases and Pests 62 Die-Back 62 Foot-Rot-Gum Disease 62 Scab 63 Sooty Mold 6^ Scale 63 Pruning 64 Low Heads 64 Harvesting and Packing 65 Picking 65 Grading 65 POTASH r POTASH PAYS Practical suggestions to farmers showing how to use fertilizers with profit T^ublished hy GERMÁN KALI WORKS (incorporated) 93 Nassau Street New York ¿7V:0 TICE Every farmer can obtain, fire of charge, a copy of the followmg agricultitral books: POTASH IN AGRI CULTURE FARMERS' GUIDE COTTON CULTURE (Revised) TOBACCO CULTURE TROPICAL PLANTING STASSFURT INDUSTRY SUGAR CAÑE CULTURE THE COW PEA PLANT FOOD TRUCK FARMING WHY THE FISH FAILED FARMERS' NOTE BOOK STRAWBERRY CULTURE ORANGE CULTURE VALUÉ OF SWAMP LANDS SUGAR BEET CULTURE State which of the above iiientio7ied publicatioiis you desire, and it will be mailed to yoíi free of charge. A D D R E S S: Germán Kali Works, 93 Nassau Street, New York BALTIMORE, MD. CHICAGO, ILL. Continental Bldg. Monadnock Block. POTAS H PAYS M MERICAN farmers and fruit growers are ríghtly regarded as the most intelligent, enterprising, and prosperous of their class. Our farmers make a suc- cess of their business, because they are up-to-date and ever ready and quick to adopt tlie latest improvements and the newest methods. They take advantage of the teachings of Science, and make practical use of recent discoveries, whereby they increase the fertility of their lands and gather large and profitable crops. It is no wonder, then, that our farmers in California and other States now pay so much attention to theimportant sub- ject of supplying plant food to their different lands. They not only know^ but they have found out that it is necessary to put back into the soil those substances which have been taken out year after year by their crops. Science has shown that potash, phosphoric acid and nitrogen are continually usedup from the soil by growing crops. Unless these sub- stances are returned in the form of fertilizers, the farmer's lands will surely and steadily lose their productiveness, and sooner or later his yields of grains, or fruits, or vege- tables, as the case may be, will become less and less. No matter how rich the soil may be, the result is the same, when crop after crop is gathered from the same land. And so when a farmer is asked: '* Why do you fertilize your land?" He at once replies "To feed my crops." Fertilizers 4 POTASH PAYS are crop foods. It is simply a question of feeding the crops, as it is i 11 feeding live stock on the farm. Just as different animáis require diíferent kinds and amounts of food, so the different soils and crops need certain substances, which are contained in a proper fertilizer, for their best developnient or condition. Some farmers and fruit growers in California and other States may cling to the oíd notion that, as the soil is still new, it does not need potash and the other elements which have been removed by the successive crops. But this is a mistake. If they did not need potash, California farmers would not buy the large quaiitities which they do at the present time. Those who are using potash on their farms and orchards in California are getting a good profit on their investment. Their opinión that "potash pays" is the best testimony to its valué. Such an opinión is based upon practical experience and upon the actual results from the increased crops which they obtain from the proper use of potash with the other necessary ingredients. While certain tests with certain soils in California have shown that they contained considerable potash, yet the important question is: ''How much of this potash is avail- able as plant food?" Or, the question may be asked: **Is this potash naturally in the soil in a soluble condition?" If the potash is in an insoluble condition it is useless to plant growth, and potash fertilizers must be used in order to obtain proper yields. The mere statement that a chemical analysis shows considerable potash in a soil is not sufíicient, for by present chemical methods it is impossible to determine the quantity of plant food which is available to the diíferent plants growing on the soil. How many of our readers ever carefully considered the large quantities of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen POTASH PAYS 6 which are lost, so to speak, each year? Vio you know the number of pounds of valuable potash taken per acre by any of the leading crops? If not, you should read and study this list r Table Showing the Amount of Potash Removed by Crops and Ouantity of Potash Salts Needed to Return Fertility to the Soil Crop Yield Actual Potash Removed Muríate or Sulfate of Potash Needed to Return Fertility Apples 15 tons 60 Ibs. 120 Ibs. Barley *30 bu. 51 Ibs. 102 Ibs. Beans *30 bu. 53 Ibs. 106 Ibs. Buckwheat *34 bu. 40 Ibs. 80 Ibs. Cabbage 30 tons 270. Ibs. 540 Ibs. Cío ver (dry) 2 tons 88 Ibs. 176 Ibs. Corn *70 bu. 55 Ibs. 110 Ibs. Grapes *2 tons 39 Ibs. . 78 Ibs. Hops *600 Ibs. 53 Ibs. 106 Ibs. Mixed Hay 2)4, tons 77 Ibs. 154 Ibs. Oats *60 bu. 62 Ibs. 124 Ibs. Onions 22K tons 72 Ibs. 144 Ibs. Pears 16 tons 26 Ibs. 52 Ibs. Peas *30 bu. 52 Ibs. 104 Ibs. Plums 8 tons 40 Ibs. 80 Ibs. Potatoes *200 bu. 74 Ibs. 148 Ibs. Rye *30 bu. 45 Ibs. 90 Ibs. Sugar Beets *15 tons 143 Ibs. 286 Ibs. Timothy Hay 2 tons 94 Ibs. 188 Ibs. Tomatoes 10 tons 54 Ibs. 108 Ibs. Wheat *35 tons 31 Ibs. 62 Ibs. * Note: Includes straw.stover, vines, pods, etc. in addition. 6 POTASH PAYS All of the foregoing crops also remove from the soil the otlier two essential elements of plant food, which are phos- phoric acid and nitrogen. Of course it is quite necessary that all three of these plant foods be present in the soil in order that the growing crops get suitable food or nourish- ment. Potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen each have their own valué and do their sepárate work; so that one can not take the place of the other. A proper mixture of these three ingredients makes what is known as a ' 'complete fertilizer." The average farmer can usually make his own mixtures. In fact, many farmers preíer to buy their potash and other plant foods and mix them to suit their soil and their different crops. The amounts of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen depend on the nature and condition of the soil, as well as on the kind of crop to be grown. Anotherimportant point to remember is, that the quanti- ties of plant food which each crop actually requires can not be measured by the exact number oí pounds of potash and the other plants foods removed by that crop from the soil. The reason is that plant roots can only reach a certain amount of plant food in the soil, while the rest is not taken up. Therefore, practical tests and experience have shown that larger quantities of potash, phosphoric acid, and nitrogen must be supplied than the actual number of pounds per acre removed by the yield. The practical farmer and fruit grower will ask: *"How can I find out just what kind and how much fertilizing material I should use for such— and — such a crop?" In reply, we would suggest that the farmer or fruit grower make a few simple tests of fertilizers for himself, and this each one can do at a very small amount of trouble and expense. The best way is to lay out "experimental plots." You POTASH PAYS n should take small plots of ground of the same size and give each one the same kind of treatment, except as to its fertilization. Three such plots may be laid out as f oUows : Plot No. 1 Check Plot No Fertilizer Applied Plot No. 2 Use a complete Fertilizer, containing Potash, Phosphoric Acid and Nitrogen Plot No. 3 Appl\; an ' ' Incomplete Fertilizer, ' ' containing onl^ Phosphoric Acid and Nitrogen Now compare the results. The diíference in yields on Plots Nos. 1 and 2 will show the gaiii from using a complete fertilizer on the land. The difference in the yields on Plots 2 and 3 will show the loss from not having Potash in the fertilizer. . ^ Just such experiments have been made by a number of practical farmers in California. They cover a wide range ofsoilsin that State and many different crops. The in- teresting results thus obtained are set forth in the following pages. POTASH PAYS EXPERIMENT ON PEACHES This experiment, made by Mr. H. E. Butler, for the Penryn Fruit Company, clearly demonstrates the valué of fértil izers for the orchard. Moreover, it clearly shows the valué of Potash in producing large yields of superior fruit. The Lovell peach was the subject of the test and the soil over the acre used for the experiment was a clay loam with a decomposed granite subsoil. The trees w^ere six years oíd at the time the experiment was started in 1906. There was a crop failure during that year but quite satis- factory crops were harvested in 1907 and 1908, as shown in the following table: Plot Fertilizer applied per acre in pounds Yields per acre in pounds Increase over unfertilized plot No fertilizer 120 Muriate Potash 600 Superphosphate 180 Nitrate Soda 600 Superphosphate 180 Nitrate Soda 1907 1908 7500 20000 12500 1907 6150 2460 1908 1 2 3 6150 12300 8610 12500 5000 In 1907 increase from 120 pounds of Muriate of Potash per acre, was 3690 pounds Peaches. In 1908 increase from 120 pounds of Muriate of Potash per acre, was 7500 pounds Peaches. Average increase from 120 pounds of Muriate of Potash per acre, was 5595 pounds Peaches. Comparatíve Yields, 1908. Experiment by H. E. Butler, Penryn, Cal. .*»'» ♦^^%. Incomplete Fertilizer ( NO POTASH ) Yield, 6M tons per acre Complete Fertilizer (WITH POTASH) Yield, 10 tons per acre j yiyjiiíiiEiiiMiikia raituijísaa^ ^ ^-.. . o h •0 <=> 5 T "* ü • u ,'-~^'^'^^—s -0 u < 10 u V k. _ X 0 F 0 JB 4) QQ «0 0 0 h O j: • - ;o cu z <-< • eo h (0 0) ^ QU — 4, -Oh en 3?:¡ í¿ ,£ V • h n-" o « O >- t^ a N •^ Ja « O Ja :« cu cu Z 00" o CU POTASH PAYS 11 EXPERIMENT ON BARTLETT PEARS This experiment, by Mr. C. E. Hustler, Cortland, Cal., was conducted on sandy loam, soil in an orchard 25 years oíd and on trees in good bearing condition. Although there was trouble from blight in some parts of the orchard, this did not affect the results of the experiment. The following is an account of the amount of fertilizer applied, the yields, and the increase due to the use of fertilizers: Plot Fertilizer per acre in pounds Yield per acre in pounds Increase per acre over unfertilized in pounds No fertilizer 180 Sulfate of Potash 600 Acid Phosphate 180 Dried Blood 600 Acid Phosphate 180 Dried Blood 56160 70720 62400 14560 6240 Increase from the use of the complete fertilizer was 280 "picking" boxea averaging 52 pounds each. The increase from the use of 180 pounds of Sulfate of Potash was 160 •'picking" boxes. tí u o. E QQ G O tí E •c V A X u •s (0 — 10 hí 1 rt '^ a JS -t-j «9 X (0 lU ■M c 0 o s (O O ce POTASH PAYS X6 EXPERIMENTS ON RAISIN GRAPES The experiment illustrated on the preceding page, conducted by Mr. A. J. Bump, Orosi, Cal., was made in a ten year oíd vineyard of Muscat Grapes. Owing to depletion of soil íertility the yields were not very satisfactory, but through the use oí fertilizers contain- ing potash a marked increase has been obtained as shown by the folio wing results below: Plot Amount of fertilizer material Yield per acre applied per acre in pounds in pounds Increase over unfertilized plot in pounds 1 1908 1909 2028 2522 2132 1908 1909 1 2 3 No fertilizer 120 Muríate Potash 600 Superphosphate 180 Nitrate Soda 600 Superphosphate 180 Nitrate Soda 1854 2624 2088 770 234 494 104 The test ou grapes described on the following page was made in the vineyard of F. C. Lewis, Fowler, Cal. •'Thompson's Seedless" was selected for this experiment, and the results, reported for two years show that potash was essential to the largest yields, a good profit being obtained from its use. Plot Amount of fertilizer material applied per acre in pounds Yield per acre in pounds Increase over unfertilized plot in pounds No fertihzer 120 Muríate Potash 600 Superphosphate 180 Nitrate Soda 600 Superphosphate 180 Nitrate Soda 1908 1909 3746 4950 4550 1908 1909 1 2 3 2391 5211 4640 2820 2249 1204 804 Experiment on Seedless Raisin Grapes, by F. C. Lewis, Fowler, Cal. Plot No. 2 Fertilized with High Grade POTASH Fertilizer Plot No. 3 Grapes F^rtiliz^d without POTA5H POTASH PAYS Í5 EXPERIMENT ON ORANGES The results of the following experiments made at four different farms, near Porterville and Riverside, should be carefully studied by the practical grower. These triáis show large increases produced by tising potash fertilizers in conjunction with nitrogen and phosphoric acid. Experiment by W. H. Grant, Porterville, Cal., Oranges on black adobe over clav subsoil. Plot Fertilizer applied per acre in pounds Yield per acre in pounds Increeise over unf ertilized plot in pounds No fertilizer 120 Sulfate Potash 600 Superphosphate 180 Nitrate Soda 600 Superphosphate 100 Nitrate Soda 1908 1909 11660 23328 17280 1908 1909 1 2 3 12285 17940 15765 5655 3480 11668 5620 Average increase from about $3.50 spent for Potash 4,112 pounds Oranges. See photo page 17. • 9 • Experiment by H. C. Carr, Porterville, Cal., Navel Oranges, on deep loam soil (clay subsoil). Plot Fertilizer applied per acre in pounds Yield per acre Picking boxes Increase per acre over unf ertilized plot 1 2 3 1- No fertilizer 600 Superphosphate 180 Sulfate Potash 150 Dried Blood 600 Superphosphate 150 Dried Blood 648 864 756 216 108 The increase from about $5.00 worth of Potash, was 108 boxes. See photo page 18, 16 POTASH PAYS Experiment by O. K. Kelsey, Riverside, Cal., on sandy loam soil. Plot Fertilizer applied per acre in pounds Yield per acre in packed boxes increase per acre due to potash 2 3 320 Sulfate Potash 1440 Superphosphate 640 Nitrate Soda 1440 Superphosphate 640 Nitrate Soda 391 330 61 Notwitlistanding tlie heavy application, Potash gave a good profit, 61 boxes of Oranges from about $9.00 worth of Potash. See photo page 19. Experiment by W. E. Sprott, Porterville, Cal., Nave! Oranges, sandy loam soil. Plot Fertilizer applied per acre in pounds Yield per acre picking boxes Increase per acre over unf ertilized plot (picking boxes • 1 2 3 No Fertilizer 180 Sulfate of Potash 180 Dried Blood 600 Superphosphate 180 Dried Blood 600 Superphosphate 335 507 381 172 46 Increase from abont |5.00 worth of Potash, 126 boxes, 3ee photo page 20. tí u > u 0) u O Cu G cS Ü 1 M ' v bc c (tí h O ; c ! 0 1 íM i c 9) B ^ 9i 1 & X u 00 o o CU o 4) 4-) en o E o 9) O O) > u V U O (ti U (O V c (ti 0) > (ti 2 (3 O c V o V 4J * !> 10 (4 V .t; o .S (1) := a o o M Z 00 (ti a M V X o M 00 o o > -fl (ti s en O 00 Experiment by Mr. O. K. Kelsey, Riverside, Cal. IPOTASH „^ Increase from 320 Ibs. Sulfate of Potash, — 61 boxes. ^^ Tí" ?lC7f' tí u o O. en J a to c „ < « 4) O ü ja Ou < ^ 5 -S M 8-T3 o. o a te O JS O. X < H O ou V a .2 ce o M z « POTASH PAYS 21 EXPERIMENTS ON LEMONS ON SANDY LOAM SOILS Here is a record of two experiments on a more elabórate plan made by Mr. J. C. Davidson, of Chula Vista, Cal., and J. R. Caldwell, of El Cajón, Cal. These tests, like those on oranges, show that citrus fruits in California respond readily to the use of fertilizers and particularly to potash. Plot Fertílizer applied per acre in pounds Yield per acre, boxes Increase over unfertilized plots per acre J. C. Davidson 9 pickings J.R. Caldwell 4 pickings 50 Davidson Caldwell 1 No fertilizer 592 2 240 Sulfate Potash 540 Acid Phosphate 708 112 116 62 3 240 Sulfate Potash 180 Nitrate Soda 675 93 83 43 4 180 Nitrate Soda 540 Acid Phosphate 633 104 41 54 5 240 Sulfate Potash 540 Acid Phosphate 180 Nitrate Soda 714 133 122 83 6 360 Sulfate Potash 270 Nitrate Soda • 810 Acid Phosphate 724 93 132 43 The increase from the use of 240 pounds Sulfate of Potash per acre, was 81 boxes in the case of Mr. Davidson 's test, and 29 boxes in the test made by Mr. Caldwell. It is well to note that Mr. Caldwell 's orchard was only six years oíd and that only four pickings are reportad. Experiment by Ji C. Davidson, Chula Vista, Cal. Increase from 240 Ibs. per acre, Sulfate of Potash,— 81 boxes. tí u o u tí 9) G O S d o 4-) fi V J o. 0) tí l2 o 3 53 <; "a S o U «as O CO J5 eo Qu •-< a: en <( H O Qu 2